
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:27 pm

The risky business ahead for an intellectual honesty in the new year 2019 is of battles looming against zones of ignorance.

This has been an endearing and enduring work of modern Republicans and a Republican movement since days New Yorker Donald Trump was a Clinton Democrat.

Though there are likely pockets of intellectualism in these zones of ignorance - of most political maps of 2018 as recorded blue - it is alarming the Antonin Scalia chair at Harvard isn’t bronze and worn bright.

The battles ahead go further and deeper than yet the second Tea Party tabled - of prudent stand for common sense and it a core in originalism.

The risky business may not be so much an if or when Puritanism as a Liberal renaissance.  A basic discourse is more primarily calling out these times forward firstly to eyes open anew and free minds conscious of at founding the constitution didn’t need to be a “living document” because scripture was still and now then of it with a first English copy/translation.

No, the risky business is the convergence of the Republican movement with Donald Trump as seems now established of he an also a modern Republican and cleared of still too much a “Clinton Democrat.”

The Liberal nightmare is not least of both are risking trouble by actually offering freedom - constituted freedoms basically cored of ‘rights from Creator’.

Apparently uniformly across the nation and as common to blue areas as zones of ignorance of our constitution freedom isn’t the risked - but is the feared and opposed.  And education of that each’s rights firstly basically figure before the redundancy of the “Bill of Rights” as of each soul has the right to defend against any violate of the “Ten Commandments” against them is to Liberals like blaspheme to Liberalism, and especially as amendments secure such “American” as rights also particularly applies against any governing/government that violates the “Ten Commandments” tenets of Lord’s Law each of freedom with.

There is already a lot of “blue noise” controposing to risked for original freedoms.

Of King James as establishment of an English edition “NEW” still of revolutionary days there is the constitution needn’t be a “living document” for it needeth principally be for fixed due process and civil procedures for when Lord’s Law broke down - where/when breaking down.

The Bible “nonsense” equals old “liberalism” - not immoral lies - especially not lies for political profits.  Practice Christianity comports with a suffice to “nonsense”.

The convergence of Donald Trump and enduring Republican movement is in history much akin to 1800 and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison worked efforts to keep the Union as ordered by the Peoples’ “Order” and as ratified by state conventions of their peoples - as not as ratified by legislators.  Freedom is the first order of Republicans.

That now the work of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren is risky for pockets in most of the blue areas zones of ignorance due they are incidentally being circular and to yet laser tag’n their own with crossfire.

Elizabeth Warren is the leading source of “blue noise”!

Democrats generally should be embarrassed for Elizabeth Warren due her Harvard tenure.

Her “blue noise” may be the politically tanged “death” tone of her incidentally tag’n Clintons and Obama with her proffered expertise academic record.

We will return to Professor Warren as like was Harvard’s expert of that “Clintonomics” and Clintons did more - much more - to cause housing collapse than George Bush.

President Trump doesn’t need to change to counter candidate Warren ideology or any Democrat still standing after natural course of her “blue noise” diatribes register.

President Trump is businessman “Trump” in so much as working politics for economic growth forward remains cornerstoned in art of management style of like locals should think locally - not try to do Trump’s global thinking for him - and so operate in self interest they do their managing as if even were a Trump franchise of best to do jobs so well that say New York needn’t ”manage”  - micromanage as if a distant lording yet needed as a babysitter/nanny.

Senator Warren’s “blue noise” is otherwise for a “Nanny State” and in keeping with Nancy Pelosi disregard for her oaths of office of her style as to try to operate the House as firstly a “Tear Factory” with parades of appeals to emotions in the idea of 70% taxation can thus be justified by rendered unto here before innocent citizens  as yet a prejudiced forward to presumed guilty mere subjects who need lording over “Nanny State”.

We may not have time here to brave broaching Nancy Pelosi as conclusively historically, but not yet litigated, bad political actor long derelict in past duties - at least of “Emoluments Clause” - per laws of Robert Mueller’s focus and yet as per so ignored regards Clintons’ violations it seems there now no “equal justice” and an air of that such laws only apply to Republican.

For now Mitt Romney, junior Senator for Utah, is an outlier and unknown per 2019 convergence.  Senator Romney still should be embarrassed of how lost to President Obama by his saying near “I will repeal and replace Obamacare with Romneycare” simply checked/countered in last month of race with Democrats retort near “Obamacare is a Romneycare!”.

But the risky business of 2019 as a year of convergence rests more in it as anti-Democratic Party working yet rooting of a President Trump working the Republican movement tilled for the budding seeded collaborative think to America deserves to feel and breath again the robust pathology of freedom of it has been the living in our freedoms behind our history established as a nation of peoples’ willing to voluntarily cosign to fighting and winning others’ wars.

Personally the Mitt Romney race wrap up was said embarrassing and so of that I so thought he had to see it such that my position taken was confident and/or prudent - to let it run of thinking if he didn’t see it he wasn’t ready or qualified to be President Romney. Today’s work is not on this an outlier to the risky business of the 2019 convergence looming.

Republicans trump Democrats with most issues tabled for 2019 politics.

For example:  For Republicans to further improve relations with Muslim peoples there must be a docketed and tabled full discussion on the “911 Report” as some a sham.  Democrats can be as beaten by this as by candidate Warren candidacy to ask for a judgement on her expertise as inconvenient to Clintons and Obama with truths on how Democrats more than Republicans actually caused the yuge problems Democrats worked lies on towards only Republicans got blamed.

The “911 Commission” “911 Report” as some a sham shall maybe be more damming to Nancy Pelosi as Republicans must work to expose sham of not looking back more than ten years and avoiding probative to 1993 to 2001 of Clintons’ feminism crusades and “American Abandonment” of at least two relevant historicals fodder to intellectually honest study of Clintons’ admin precipitated and incited attacks/response.

In the blue areas zones of ignorance it likely will b risky business to ask to participate in nation renewal to original pathology of freedom - to even hope to also. - Feel so free as to be willing to fight voluntarily for others to also win freedom.

E. Warren diatribes, however self defeating Democratic blue noise, are due retorts but sans engagement.

E. Warren is maybe, second only to if there “Speaker Pelosi” again, the greatest threat to Democratic enduring - any freedom on any campus.

The E. Warren communal blue noise is married to Nancy Pelosi political operations to justify a “Nanny State” of the House to be her “Tear Factory” to 70% taxation secured and citizens suppressed by taxation a prejudiced of subjects firstly presumed guilty. - Need’n “Nanny”!

Again, the convergence is risky business with attempts to counter Democratic as if only for tyrannical rule by distant entrenched elites - a Leftist ruling class.

Modern Republicans now know, it seems, that President Trump is tru’ to Republican movement and grown reformed from days a Clinton Democrat.

President Trump is taking the lead of 2019 a convergence year and to that ad hominem retorts energy against candidate E. Warren can be spared - of time not wasted?

President Trump is a natural leader to second Tea Party sentimental common sense prudence in that he is an old salt stuck in management ways of expecting even distant “TRUMP” destinations to be operated as independently and locally as possible (autonomously?) to that rule from afar to micromanagement disassociated by physical distance is yet minimized - not maximized as otherwise to justify a “Nanny State”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi was long derelict per laws Special Prosecutor Mueller pressing versus Republicans in all her years of duty yet per such regards the Clintons’ violations of the “Emoluments Clause” and especially the spirit of “none shall be titled”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi is antagonist #1, it seems, against Republicans to further improving relations with Muslim peoples with intellectual honesty freshly put to tabling how (her?) “911 Report” was some sham.

Oy!  Candidate E. Warren really!  Though Clintons have long - with each utterance of “post Constitution” posit - been publicly confessing to textbook treason it is likely risky business in blue areas to challenge “blue noise” of zones of ignorance.

Oy!  Candidate El Warren really!  Though it public knowledge Clintons tried to open Clintons’ global initiatives in suites nearest then Penthouse still available high above the “THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM” in Carnegie Hall Tower it is simply elementary academics that besides Bill Clinton asked big banks to comp he rent near $1 Million per year as THANKS for derivatives gambling push we have that Professor Elizabeth Warren Harvard tenure was as an expert more fully broadened on how it wasn’t George Bush’s or Republicans’ fault for it mostly concludes as naturally of slick violations of constitution for personal gain by Clintons - fundamentally - fit’n “Slick Willy” reputation - particularly causal.

It now may be too risky to be of intellectual honesty and to politically mature on campuses now more communes.

Please though try to be brave however such risky business to also able to feel the pathology of freedom.

My ask is complicated and maybe still yet leading.

The Clintons won in 1992 after unscheduled late entry much by learned to sound like me and my worked to an urban agenda focused of New Haven as way to put meat on the bones of “New World Order” - of my philosophizing long regards how America to adjust if became a sole superpower.

The Clintons disappointed by 1994 and as well before Monica Lewinski affair broken news by those also involved in the 1992 making of Clintons electable despite 1988 “never ending speech” convention moment of that which more truly the real Bill “Slick Willy” Clinton.  Study, please, coincident of people pressed them electable turned in disappointment whence with “MONICA” story from feeling President Clinton wasn’t attending to work elected for as regards Iraq and Al Qaeda and so then yet found in lieu of elected responsibility to been doing intern(s)!

To not ignore the inconvenient scandal per regards “Mr. Science” Al Gore let us post & promote questions not as deniers while anchored for pathology of freedom and representative “by the people” “for the people” renaissance with minds open to that cuts in solutions tyranny can be said “man made problems” by that European Union and also rushed United States of Americas “Green Agenda” cuts did flip greenhouse effect to Asian centric from decades as Atlantic centric and to that laws forward should be pressed of personal liability jeopardy just upon at least Al Gore for conduct unbecoming a former Vice President as engaged in a solutions tyranny that didn’t account for that cuts could and did some cause enough shift in Atlantic thermals to that he and others may have cause New York devastation by Super Storm Sandy.  Republicans trump Democrats on solutions side and if take evolving laws to practice on issues of dangers and liability of Democrats wrongful at trying to play GOD with weather.

To wrap this warning of risky business to also try to participate in 2019 looming convergence:

Yes, I too am philosopher basis for “Harry Potter” “Hogwarts” “The Philosopher’s Stone” (long story) and of that such mused and long supported with new energies found and developed for next books yuge success is particularly yet of my motive as towards protecting a next generation from those I already knew as crooked Clintons.  So much of thought good stuff from Democrats actually only extant from that I worked out a counter culture dominant parallel.

Yes I want to engage readers in the philosophical versus “blue noise” with intellectual honesty and broad scope.  “The Philosopher’s Stone” roots are in I/we could cloak my involvement and motives by shifting thoughts of my vehicle used to back to FORD F250 4X4 an as if I a Philosopher a driver of truck from Stoneham Motors in Massachusetts.  The cloak worked so well my family didn’t know it was so much from me - even as was for them - until after the last book and then later for they resisted believing it could have been of I fooled them and hid such much with such cloak and a legal professionalism of kept thoughts with JK Rowling of as if I was just a contractor and she a door supplier I connected with if client prospective for new doors or door rehabs.

While motive wasn’t material content it yet was philosophical towards stories to get readers to expect better than Clintons and to out think how underestimated and patronized by the Clintons’ premeditated machinations and selfish ambitions for Power more than purpose.

It is also true, but maybe less necessary work with convergence concurrent to Democratic self destruction, to diss of with Nancy Pelosi on trial for if just to be back to high office “Speaker Pelosi” while she long a derelict from duty to probe Clintons on emoluments, and, with of Candidate Elizabeth Warren whose scholarly expertise must now be questioned to value her even while it is textbook such to convict President Obama as of illegal cover ups of that Clintons and “Clintonomics” ruined banks and housing and of the “911 Report” a sham still protecting at least Clintons from tag’d of GROSS NEGLIGENCE!

This risky business is everyone’s forward - however more now in a commune in a “zone of ignorance”!

Democrats are piling on to unstable from Clintons and Obama worked long publicly & publicly confessed to textbook treason.  Now it is a wonder how party to violations Nancy Pelosi yet recently postured her Democrats will obey their oaths of offices to obey and defend the actual Constitution.

It simply actually fits simple surface and deeper intelligent pursuits for knowing realities that I am of such shared also did now long ago ask CNBC to have one of their broadcast near a stating “a new Tea Party may be needed” and did offer guidance to Washington Republicans to become a PARTY OF NO so clear lines would present of GOP originalism versus Dems wing’n it.

         *       *       *       FREEDOM’S SONG?       *       *       *

PS: Of course this also relates to how President Trump can honestly answer when asked about “THE APPRENTICE” of that such idea stemmed also from my connection and querious of if I would ask for a deal with a side to deal of also then to apprentice his builder side.  Such is also synchronistic to “Harry Potter” as my media ambitions and lead was idea was fit’n to concerns on how and where to offer guidance for readers through the books and to that I wouldn’t as it muse become party to them of an expectation that a job was owed them by their government.  My side is I was too busy then voluntarily helping President George W. Bush from across town in DC with post 9/11 attacks politics to handle how Donald Trump liked idea more than I could be party to as priorities had to govern.

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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:40 pm

President Donald J. Trump as now clearly articulated as among the few Presidents whom can be tallied of doing so much in as little time:

Our “mostest” President endures as endears as an administrator not just of a rose garden but as one of stand up for a ready bi-partisan vibe of a not to rush essence with “stop and smell the roses.”

As a career operator of destinations this President is well heeled in the art of being fully compliant.

Before General Assembly of The United Nations recent past lesser administrators have more uniquely confused more than assembled.

To fathom - twain a depth of understanding - let us mark various past occasions and set up particulars unique to each and forward establish an intellectual ranking.

We must be troubled concurrently as masses discover a reality of that more than just our united states of the Americas - but united nations too - even to a majority can now be conscious of having been saved from a President Mrs. Clinton.

These times that try men’s and women’s souls are beggard with Brett Kavanaugh nomination to The Supreme Court to know just how he born William Blythe III did earn a social reputation and moniker as “Slick Willy”.

A general primary probative question for the American Bar Association remains now long still re: COLLUSION of evidently it seems apparent that Bill Clinton with the The Clinton Foundation did operate contrary to our constitutional protections as akin to of INSTITUTIONALIZED COLLUSION.

President George W. Bush was beset and set asunder from the beginning to prevented from being as great as Trump claims; Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the antagonist of the stories to Bush kept from being a then great Republican like Trump.

Despite President Trump’s boasting we can pare and parse historicals to a correction for street cred and future proffering with a posit a hypothesis of his “mostest” is of success blooming not from a greatness philosophical or intellectual as perchance his “mostest” is yet from having undone more of inhibiting wrongs worked by his predecessor executives; perchance Trump “mostest” is yet more catholic of sticking to his guns and Bible guidance on economics of Paul’s with near to “to have a growth economy people must be able to sing together.”

Hillary Clinton’s run for President in 2016 was firstly of her most recent job as #2 - “First Mate” like? - of CGI - the The Clinton Foundation.

Mrs. Clinton therefore ran for high office with practiced institutionalized collusion and while founding of foundation was only okay’d as caveated as to not operate as political or partisan - to not be a vessel of for Hillary as political emoluments cloaked as charity.

As Speaker Nancy Pelosi may rate poorly in comparison to as an American of a “mostest” for how she obstructed President Bush of nature of blocking any and all initiatives if of any slight upon Bill Clinton and particularly his cuts of $2 Trillion to have their damaging and unnecessary surplus short term political partisan popularity with an imprudent $1 Trillion surplus.

President Trump’s “mostest” boasts may only have standing in the negative of his his is not from worked genius but generally primarily by deconstructing the mistakes of at least Clinton Democrats he once was one himself.

“Modern Republicans” are those now a decade plus at undoing the Clintons’ machine strategy of so much of Clinton 2nd term was spent corrupting old establishment Republicans to buffer a safe space for Hillary by compromising the opposition to they the a them that was fixed to couldn’t incriminate the Clintons without markedly twaining a self-incrimination upon themselves - and their ranks of the also corrupted.

President Trump as our liberator  may earn his “mostest” but for he joined to the Republican Movement long already committed on this path to recovery from outta the fogs and with intellectual engagement to acceptance - not denial - of so much wrong of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats of resolved to need stick to their guns and Bible economics worked purging - especially of Democrats’ worked suppression.

It is more deplorable than satire should/can parse how President Barack H. Obama standing at the The United Nations is so sub par to President Donald J. Trump, Sr..

If President Trump were to now have nominated Barack H. Obama to the The Supreme Court the Democrats feeding frenzy* likely would tag him of matricide; though there is “Bailey Wick(s)?” to illuminate as President Barack H. Obama essentially “played his fiddle as Rome burned” there is likewise the hunger for scandal in Democrats would find witnesses to “Barry’s” Harvard Law School days to assert and attest a conscious apriori to his mother’s death present and measurably ignored with each pen stroke for “Dreams From My Father” as of premeditated breaking of his mother’s heart.

It is cold how Democrats are now schooling and righteous of a bigger fish Trump to boasts, however, of vast yuge amounts of change effected and to suffice to rival and surpass but a few of his predecessors.

It seems safe to articulate/posit that Hillary R. Clinton must not, in comparison, like roses as too long just lubrication for William J. Clinton philandering. Mightn’t the The Rose Garden been set asunder with a President Hillary perchance more for lilacs

By how Nancy Pelosi as Speaker inhibited George Bush from then doing the necessary disassembling and purging of Clintons’ machinations we have united nations to feel lucky and grateful of saved from a new administration of the Clintons.

To credit the “The Candy Man” requires a real accounting and intellectual engaged ranking now of at least Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

No journalist worth his/her wrapper now can engage the public professionally without engagement towards a fully developed non partisan ranking.

Oh Yes, again, the very opening of the The Clinton Foundation - Clinton Global Initiatives - whence was considered maybe of their “post-Constitution” gambit a loosening of our Constitution too great; Oh Yes, again, it is an is an old is that Bill Clinton - born William Blythe III - did have to promise he wouldn’t operate with his “initiatives” as political or partisan.

Quite simply Trump is succeeding where Bush and Obama failed by dismantling the Clintons power machine of the Clintons’ working it with unchecked emoluments as a coy ploy yet simply institutionalized collusion; Trump has defeated - critical to his boast - how each President before him lost by allowing United Nations Week in New York to be simultaneously operated of high handed like mandatory meeting time to voluntarily attend the annual Clinton Global Initiatives meetings and to then be sure to have prostrated enough to staying on or for getting on the Clintons’ good side.

There are a lot of histories to be learned from towards seeing President Trump’s boast in perspective of his ‘few done more’ yet of his success as inherited of the long worked of the Republican Movement of modern Republicans at the toils towards liberating the people and economics at least from the intentional schemes to suppression worked with transference protection of keyed of “blame and go” partisan fabrications with stories contrary postured to assert wrongly yet a sold “truth” of “it is all just Republicans fault.”

The “The Candy Man” is a too long fully compliant operator and manager of destinations to now escape a righteous accepting of a core of his boast of “mostest” due history should work to an understanding that Republicans are showing - maybe - that every bit of Trump’s steeled managerial experience has been needed to achieve the arts of succeeding - especially however from knowing what to deconstruct.

And, forward now this “mostest” President beaten but by a few must also develop a legacy as a “An Education President”.

“Truth Bombs” will be mined forward to seen first women like Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Mrs. Clinton had to have many of their mistakes undone for “The Candy Man” to have his enduring and endearing successes to strut.

The American Bar Association may be saved from the inconvenient of if Barack H. Obama, former President, were now President former Clinton Democrat Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

The American Bar Association though now is joined to the pickle that is Bill Clinton did operate foundation both in political and partisan fashion and to such extent that when Mrs. Clinton ran with “Hillary 2016″ she firstly ran of institutionalized collusion cloaked as charity and as a like #2 - First Mate - to a term limited President nd of her highest paying job likewise as ran on as voluntarily subordinate.

President Obama was joined to but far less intimate to such Clintons’ politics for natural state with power to the lawyers like in time of Pharises?

President Obama had his 2008 win arguably as stolen from Senator John McCain; Barack H. Obama - of “Bailey Wick(s)?” - more fiddled as economies burned after 2008 election was meddled with by domestic dot edu endowment shorts of shorting done to a suffice for “IT’S THE ECONOMY - STUPID” to play against Senator John McCain and generally primarily all Republicans; how elite dot edu endowments were shorted did steal an election for Senator Obama and maybe with motive a fear of a one proud as near last in his academy class the rising. After elected President fiddled in lieu of then responsibly acting with a mea culpa to stop how shorts started a slide in lies then not stopping further burning of economies.

“The Candy Man” has standing of that it seems to be taking one trying to be a modern Republican as by trying to be a reformed Clinton Democrat to be what it takes to deconstruct just the Clintons’ mistakes.

President Trump universal education parameters now should be of an ordained and established awakening to how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did work to keep President George W. Bush from any economic success by that as long as she held purse strings as a Clinton loyalist President Bush was arrested from explaining or effecting of that for recovery to be real we all have to learn the Clintonomics and Clintons’ cuts of $2 Trillion for unneeded $1 Trillion surplus were wrong and needed trashing.

Cackles and laughs joined now join to for excellence in journalism engagements for professionalism of accepting a need to fathom and rank, for starters, at least Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

We must not consider a Beer Summit a suffice for there have been bipartisan days of old when the beers became more liable than the parents or guardians.

These times of “The Art Of The Deal” author sticking to his guns and at least catholic economics of the Bible are trying many souls less.

Journalists and historians can work out later, and too Russian Intelligence, how if Donald J. Trump, Sr. Presidential success was more inherited while lay liberated may rush a pride filled of opinions akin Reagan’s Revolution of that New York Presbyterian Queens’ Protestant Donald J. Trump, Sr. “candy” is proofing more of a Catholic Wave than a Protestant movement.

Election 2018 midterms can now be catholic (small “c” as worldly) too for universal education but this too busts Democrats before “The Candy Man” to the United Nations General Assembly as Liberal wants was for elitism in institutionalized education core motivation and a set modal as against LIBERATOR President Trump faith in the people of our republic - faith in our lays as generally good.

In time of Paul there too questionable rule by lawyers and Pharisees.

     *     *     *     TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE?     *     *     *

* NOTE:  As per serious allegations against a Supreme Court nominee we have a need for respect for statutes of limitations lest we impart an idea that lower courts can live with a lower standard.  Such claims in no way should surface in our system first only if a nominee to the The Supreme Court.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Journalists the correct answer is “YES”! - - - Yes, to press briefly, Hillary Clinton is boxed in!  Yes, to boxers, their bell has been rung - her clock has gotten cleaned - a TKO is pre-called!  Yes, forward, - let me be clear - the Clintons did do it! - It is more all the Clintons’ fault.

Though it is #GivingTuesday & #GivingNewsDay and I am again in #tweets of in world wide trending #hashtags it is pressing more now on the guilt and late guilting of the cons of the Clintons than of that as regards #giving I am a #giver as per #Forbes #Billionaires list #news akin to the inaction & avoidance of issue to pressing out how I by not (yet) objecting to JK Rowling generosity for TBD is holding of for now I have only stipulated a possibility that Jo is just giving from her share of our most successful long collaboration for 7 books on magic.

The Clintons are in a pickle - many pickles - for of mused mass successes is too how to posture forward as a new next safe place for “Harry Potter” readers I did posit & share a calling to (Old School usage: of: ”many are called - but few are chosen” “called”) of that I should pre-remedy #Hogwarts expectations to that fans/readers post matriculation would be neitherwise to an expectation of that society owed them - any of em - a job.  The pickles of the “crooked” Clintons so tag’d is of that the #TheApprentice show idea stemmed from my so postured next media idea advance planning consideration for a synchronicity for economic growth by people like of #Paulist as of economies to grow doth need people to be able to sing together.  The #Apprentice idea was born of thinking with Donald J. Trump, Sr. towards generating media to inoculate #Potterdom from a weakness by posturing their future is not prescribed - but apprenticeships may be available.  The #TRUMP #RealityShow followed as a prophylactic too to #CrookedTogether of in how J.K. Rowling was accepting and performing on 7 books challenged of from muse as - as cloaked intent - to be protection for a new generation from the #HOGAN already known crooked of the Clinton Machine intimate BOGO machinations complicitry.

It seems on the verge of unbelievable that any such as I could have done so much that yet the Clintons afforded a false belief in a believed of as if of their potential - of that what Clintons didn’t do they couldn’t do and yet another, I, could have done and done exceedingly more/better - more broadly.

E.G.:  That is (I.E.) for example I know of a TIME Magazine methodology of “calling” as imagined pre-calling due 2006 POY field had me fielding an early morning “called” sans phonography as to if I would be Person of the Year for being blogger “uc” in DC + media market of year spent pro-actively publicly blogging via NewsBusters.org to argue for of #IraqWar for a #SURGE & to then why and then to defending & supporting such through its effected & to that success much undermined by later President first black executive Commander in Chief Barack H. Obama.

It is that it all fits together that pickles the pickled quandary of the complicity of the crooked.

I, whom did work to make a Democrat electable to President in 1992 and to then forward of such being of teaching specifically Governor Bill Clinton, in old school spiritual spirited “calling” sans phonography methodology , is whom did more than Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton and of that I like did almost mirror how I lead the defeat of #Hillary2008 fall with how I guided with free social media pennies wise defeat of #Hillary2016.

Yes, the magic of Potterdom arose from me as to mass market a prophylactic media to help protect a new generation a next generation from the complicitry of the known & unknown crookedness of he Clintons’ machinations for Power and some of a guilt for having been more successful than I had planned when of Clinton/Gore won in 1992 by trusting how I said & guided along postured of like: IF YOU LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN.

Enough on the failure of these as prophylactics!

The Clintons did do it!  The Clintons did do it more than any other!  It is lingua facto that is it more the Clintons & all the Clintons’ fault than any #FakeNews #AlternativeFacts yet have sufficed to report.  My defense is it all got outta control due Ross Perot ego got triggered due the synchronicity of #IBM of also working off my choreography synchronized in cloaked methodology for maximizing positive change as the new world order offered maximization potential as of how these united states of the Americas should, by my think, effect forward a forward as sole superpower.  I did fail to account for all the collateral politics of #Perot and the Clintons won despite some postured to give #BUSH #41 someone to run against after Senator Al Gore left country in lurch when he bailed while Democrats heir apparent - A team go to; I did fail to dispense of the crooked Clintons as an exposed single use disposable option due how I wasn’t to also processing the ego of Ross Perot of reacting to changes synchronized of IBM changed to a need of his like to rally on an “I TOLD YOU SO!”.

It truly is amazing now how it really is unbecoming and so diabolical of that “it” of “it is all the Clintons’ fault” fits like a glove of #TREASON - treachery much already confessed to.

The right answer journalists is now much akin “IT WAS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” as by http://JPHogan.org one can still become learned of that though Barack H. Obama has a complicitry and for economic crimes - conduct unbecoming a President of these united states of the Americas - by “BAILEY WICK(S)?” as also available by links http://ArtOfRivals.com & especially http://LockHerUp.biz of prime as http://CitizenRosebud.org.

These are the days for the froward forward of politics for Justice & “Law and Order” to try how many ways and times as not to render of double jeopardy the known & unknown of the complicitry of the crookedness of which when I am uncloaked there can be an AH HAH! moments to epiphanies from seeing how the Clintons have like only survived by hiding their long bad with my good, - and by misappropriated as immoral & amoral by false witness for coveting mine and stealing mine - intellectual property of origins speciality particularly uniquely fit’n my story/bio.

Though all this may seem unbelievable there is much yet of that you’ve been long mislead to believe others could have done it while their own back stories are contrary to such potential and so are primed to learn another did it and more and to them more tools that disappointed on the truer scope more broadly more equally conceived to maximize positive change at the moments of space-time of these united states of the Americas to adjusting a copacetic to becometh the world’s sole superpower - to effect and affected fit’n the new world order new paradigm.

The caveat to yet a failed likewise is neitherwise can the guilt of the first black President exonerate the crooked of the complicitry of the crooked together Clintons even as per old Bailey there is the diabolical rap just primarily assuaged to lock up #Obama of that as dramatized (Shakespearean old school) of the amoral & immorality of that as a new President he chose not to save the country from the still sliding economy for to effect such per the space-time economic & political reality he, President Obama, would have had to effectively martyr himself and didn’t.

“YES” is the right answer!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse than #RichardNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as a worst first couple EVER. 

#BlackLivesMatter sync’s now to a relativity for #EqualJustice of that it would be wrong - morally wrong - to assuage a complicitry criminal to beyond treason upon the first black President if not primed firstly to how punk’d he was by William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and of that the crimes prosecutable against Barack H. Obama are firstly of the criminal nature of the NIXON fall cover-ups of that to avoid an injustice we must gird from Bill Clinton as protected by being able to mount a defense firstly of “the black President did it” of the spousal husbandry distracted from while yet of getting away with it so far by holding back the tag’n of “it is all the fault of female leadership of at least woman Hillary doth failed BIG!”


Just say “YES”?

“YES” is the right answer journalists!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse the #DickNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as worst first couple EVER!

NO!  It is wrong and not safe if one ignores the cover-ups significance and paries on as if Barack Obama can be guilted while the first black President broadly firstly due his NIXONIAN of he made clearly criminal the questionable cover-up(s) of the Clintons he did inherit from #BUSH #43. 

YES?  - Or:  “NO! It is/was WRONG!”  Before we can prime the rap on woman Hillary or black President ”Barack” we must say “NO” - “NO MORE” - #ENOUGHALREADY #CROOKEDBILL!

Let the white man go first?  Try #SlickWilly for #CrookedHillary & #44 crimes first?

              *       *       *       JUST SAY YES?       *       *       *        


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

Onward together we have, quite, that it is time to cut the cheese - intelligently, at last.

As all the crap that is hitting the fans is sticking to President William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton as the least of the intelligent of the world should now be seeing and recognizing we have Emmanuel Macron French resistance to pare, too.

We cannot now much long endure or tolerate how much Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton is being postured in a vacuum - in and of a world only possible with alternative facts somehow trumping history & realities.

This man we judge as President Donald J. Trump is at least unfairly prosecuted as long as comparative literal historicals are not also related and by a political ruler measured to against the beginning days of that we’ve been of of a darkness as it is that it did much begin in President Clinton’s early days and as it was by President Barack H. Obama in his early days to have been set worse and more diabolically bad.

To relate to where the real world is now concurrent to the “RUSSIANS CHARADE” we must not ignore or fail to deeply consider that the President of France is by choice a Catholic and to now politically maybe less Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette than Saint Frances of Assisi, - or more Prussian and of a day a new era where British, Americans, Russians and likes of such as of Catholicism are forced to be allied of real alliance.

Before we get to how bad it is coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton let us embark on an overdue refresher on the dynamic of Senator Barack H. Obama becometh President.  If I recall correctly it was Hu Jintao, Leader of China, predecessor to Xi Jinping, who much concerned like Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest, nearly in unison, as reformers from past COMMUNISM & SOCIALISM to being new days’ CAPITALISTS. President Barack H. Obama did against such Leaders’ pleads move his administration away from their economics to more CAPITALISTIC & FUTURISTIC and to how we bore it out of having brought, with Secretary William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton, these united states of the Americas nearer & nearest ever to actually COMMUNISTIC.

With such re-established and to be broadcast forward as much as necessary we must also accept that while Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest he even harkened to a sticking to such old proved wrong pathology could result in the U.S.A. falling apart into 6 separate more regional smaller loose collaborations of states.  Historicals doom President Barack H. Obama if we the People can finally get enough good souls to hear and listen to more than the chattering propaganda of Democrats misdirection by alternative facts.

We will get eventually to how bad this is all coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton for Posterity sans Tranquilty.

For now responsible discourse is begging; - for now we, if we can manage a suffice, must also see the Democrats RIDICULOUS as spun so that we can appreciate sufficiently that at the times Democrats were posturing for a selling of a NEW GREAT DEPRESSION they misdirected attention spans so couldn’t bridge to TRUTH that they, not BUSH, were responsible and that most of their solutions of their sad SOLUTIONS TYRANNY were not necessary if Senator John McCain had won and been then to what now REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT Donald J. Trump, President, is reseting considerably.

Let me be clear:  By 2009 a recovery - a real recovery - was possible as by how Republicans were then set to be united with McCain/Palin and even without sacrificing the actual climate.

It is essential to be to understanding - seeing your way clear to appreciating - Senator John McCain is at least as good a man as President Donald J. Trump, and, we are of historicals to relate to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that a real recovery was very possible while inconvenient to Democrats for the first critical political step was to have then otherwise achieved a clarity of scope by telling the real history of that the Democrats caused the at least new great RECESSION by SUPPRESSION means for a convenient CRISIS around that CLIMATE CHANGE POLITICS needed at least $4 gasoline inflated to for to effect the BEHAVIORAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING in their then over 10 years old plan.

We needn’t here trouble ourselves with fully detailing how Senator John McCain coulda been as much a contender if not also of so many suppressed by so many alternative facts seeded sufficiently with a dumbed down upon masses of Democrats.

On William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton and spouse is also much of the shame and real history burdens President Barack H. Obama shall more and more find himself self-to-chains snared.  Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton due her repeated losing is a sub-character to these men to suffer Posterity with diminishing Tranquility.

Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is one to watch to see if intelligence of a suffice to see past the troubling and responsible of messes of the Democratic Party of these united states of the Americas at subterfuge to the CONSTITUTION at the objected to collusions that effected Americans to as now still too near that of becometh nearer and nearest ever to COMMUNISM.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did in his first months is fitting to his nickname as it was SLICK like rumored of bad used cars salesmen how he played the Gulf Countries Council Leaders by getting commitments from them to, as recalled, “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS” for all bad history COLD WAR regional problems prior to his ascension to Leader.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did as per the G.C.C. was dastardly and SLICK and of INTENT to scope out of amorality the tool to playing Leaders by on “on their honor” while he then made matters worse by more AMERICAN ABANDONMENT and the inaction and avoidance that festered and festered due he amorally chose on Saddam Hussein, as I recall, of doing near nothing due he didn’t want to - - - NOT by a worked through responsible moral Leadership as by the MORALS of SHOULD or SHOULDN’T.

We’ve all inherited the mess William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton stirred while festering and as SLICK too for calculated, as I recall, by trapping G.C.C. Leaders on their honor so that for his eight years their politics, despite his DEPLORABLE leadership, was of them kept on their HONOR and word promised to “TO JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS”!

Sadly the words on such matter that Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., as Nobel Peace Prize recipient at speechifying as orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” (paraphrased from memory) have like long been disavowed by the first black President of the united states of the Americas he swore the oath of office and pledged allegiance priorly.

William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton seeded with SLICK amoral first steps and kept martialed that Leaders across the Persian Gulf region as otherwise HONORABLE Leaders would then be during the CLINTONS’ YEARS be stuck to always needing to find alternative facts by which to govern and relate globally, especially with Americans of the U.S.A..

This is a building mess Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” “Hillary” Clinton is married to and indivisible from eventually.

It remains now a conundrum of how new Prussian Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is for region by choice Catholic as evolved also from Socialism to his more recent successes as an Independent.

We must now hope and pray globally with as many initiatives - even novenas - that Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is enough of the philosopher he studied and trained to amount to.

It behoove us all to be ready at the quips - even squibs - to render understanding forward of how Chinese & Russian Leaders did try to warn Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., from his chosen path of forward blind to the lessons already present and clearly some understood of failings and failures of SOCIALISM.

It doth behoove us to consider Catholics forward even as if seems selling Emmanuel Macron as more a new Prussian than Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette.

The European Union was conceived and progressed with at a time, philosophically stirring economics, when such a formative effort would undermine the readiness otherwise of a global economic growth period to to evolve as then was seeded and spouting til squashed and marshaled under Power hungry too SOCIALISTIC parties & individuals of selfish motives.

The conversions of Emmanuel Macron may be a thing of the past as to chose Catholicism and by a late baptism, & of to moving from SOCIALISM to his current state in INDEPENDENCE; - We all have the scope of the problems of the European Union and NATO slipping under Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., still threatening of that (as detailed throughout here in “#SOCIALISM SQUIBS” #HOGAN #CATS (categories)) of that by 2009 the cast was set of our concurrence not witness of Iraq, Ukraine, Syria of three more failed SOCIALIST states.

Donald J. Trump, Leader of the Free World?  Emmanuel Macron, Philosopher Convert, tasked to bring France from precipice of repeating Barack H. Obama, failed President, unfathomable mistakes of moving towards COMMUNISM while the dynamic of world bodies and economics was of cascading failures in secular SOCIALIST dogmatic methodologies?

And, now as we are waiting for Macron - Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, let us see our way clear to accepting that a Federal Bureau of Investigations, as witnessed of Director James Comey, if unable to see crooked INTENT in means of Mr. & Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton ends we are to amend concern for French as delays to be expected of efforts to progress as long as an FBI is effectually blind and at least then unable to see/discern Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, INTENT.  These may actually be days best for an alliance akin Waterloo winning.

           *       *       REMEMBER THE PRUSSIANS       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:15 am

#GroundZero #Pentagon #Sept11 #NeverForget ~ World Trade Center ceremonies nearest now to #911Truths of #BillClinton negligence - at least.

But still the significance of 1993 as the key year for understanding #AlQaeda #911Attacks.

And because of what is wrong & hinky about the #Clintons means, motives, opportunites as after #September11 they ran with CYA politics of blaming the American people & successfully blocking most discussion of their culpability.

After #WorldTradeCenter #Pentagon & #Fliight93 it was of moral depravity that the Clintons & their political machine moved to blaming Americans and to by near WE JUST DID WHAT AMERICANS ASKED US TO DO.

The real and contrary most relevant truth is in the vein of the Clintons and to how such is in how they made first Executive decisions in 1993.

The great mistakes of Bill Clinton as relate to the attacks does root and fix to 1993 - and of depravity by deciding what he wouldn’t do and to that they would try to use HOLLYWOOD magic to try to sell what they wanted to do and as to that there must be a global narrative that has the Bill Clinton years set up years for a President HIllary reign.

#911Families we have all too long suffered from an inability to understand these attacks because we have been railroaded to a false narrative for the Clintons that leaves out and covers-up how attacks fit to that such wasn’t because Clintons did what Americans asked them to do but because of their coy ploys for selfish power grabbing and as such was to using HOLLYWOOD to over-write TRUTH - TRUTHS.

We cannot abide any longer the moral depravity in that #MrsC is now running for President while the story of September 11, 2001 & September 11, 2012 are of Bill & Hillary of making the same mistakes on terror & terrorism.

We must as a nation now ask the questions about the Clintons and 1993 just to now find satisfactory and very late answers that can finally adequately explain the history and politics of such tragedy.

The Clinton administration was never firstly as said after 9/11 of “just doing what the people asked us to” for as it was they were of running and winning on the suggestion that they knew better and that they were the experts who knew better what to do than those that yet had elected them. The Clintons since winning in 1992 maintained daily they were always firstly about what was necessary to make the Bill Clinton Administration set up and make possible a presidency in Mrs. Clinton’s name.

The story of 9/11 is firstly that the errs/mistakes and negligence to gross negligence of the Clintons is where the meat - the beef - is! The mistakes they made were made in putting lining up a succession over the work of the people and quite as that their post attacks defense was all LIES - as they essentially were not of causing problems by just having been tools of the people to just doing what the peoples asked them to!

#Election2016 is about #CrookedHillary and to understand how diabolical and to how deep a moral depravity we must ask and answer now finally as to how and why 1993 is the most important year to now understand to just begin to finally understand.

The intelligent common sense figuring of the real Clintons is that their defense of 1993 to 2001 of “just did what people asked us to” defies that they sold themselves as the best and brightest of first in class on resume and to that they were to be presumed as smart enough to do what normal people are not capable of reasoning to.

The post attacks defense of like months at USA story of just “blue states said do this, and red states said do that” is hogwash ridiculous blarney and of depravity for if they “only did what people asked them to” then they though elected to be smart did yet govern without using what they were supposedly elected to use, - their very intelligence and smarts. It cannot be as their CYA proclaimed without it then the story as that then they must be admitting they didn’t serve as to be of the how and why they were elected as like smarter than normal people.

[See also #HOGAN #CATS (categories) for “SLICK WILLY” ~ #SLICKWILLY shortcut bitly: bit.ly/SLICKWILLY]

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[*  Here posted as shared on 911 Anniversary morning via http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan. #Hashtags & all.]
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

There can be no intelligent species to matriculate as long as institutions of higher learning do so keep people on the “The Clinton Stupid Train”!

What is desperately needed now is an objectivism - an objectivist - a new generation of objectivists - objectivity!

I.E.:  Hillary Clinton has a Bill Clinton problem - it is not her only problem - it may be her biggest problem - like shouldn’t we do the math and follow the history - should we at least talk about them? - shouldn’t we go “textbook” on em finally and pare em down to statistics - cold hard numbers - at least to a body count of how many can be said became lost souls due Bill’s negligence, as versus due Hillary’s crusades, lies, and also specifically due negligence or incompetence?

“The Clinton Stupid Train” must not leave the station yet now another year!  Boys and girls must do their math for objective standards are their magic wand.  Boys and girls must do their math and as history is now the quick sand of 2016 politics that should be twained by longitude and latitude location and marked posted for perilous if attitudes sans logic and enumeration from Clintons floating false HOPE while each has a record to be developed that, for feminism angle, now demands accounting to how specifically more dead are on Bill’s hands or if more dead are on Mrs. Clinton’s hands.

It has been political madness that has mushed the brains of new generations attempting intelligent matriculation these long years a faux “CLINTON” has been floated while the dark truth rest in at least Bill Clinton deserves “SLICK” tag and every bit of wit in satire sorted via http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY - http://CitizenRosebud.com #SLICKWILLY #Cat - which now of this as 1st work - the lead satire in “SLICK WILLY” series.

The battle line of feminism in 2016 are definining but hardly drawn as too drawn out is a faux “CLINTON” that yet much is keeping “STUPID” training of young minds kept mush by political railroading away from looking for discernible truth - accountable and vast differentiation by objective enumeration.

It has been political madness! - Ours’ as if of legacy educations by said esteemed bastions of mental activity of a said highest order has been set asunder and corrupted by like old smokey back room deals to teach a convenient story however a false narrative whose math - objective enumeration - if ever endeavored committedly to check would suffice to bare as fictional.

Poor Hillary Clinton with Anthony Weiner story much akin to Bill Clinton sees potential in box of office cigars like Antony Weiner sees Twitter.

Perhaps now any need go to a Catholic University to still be asked to seek and find truth! That though is not what this new satire squib is digging at - digging to hopefully in time; - surely there is at least one building at Harvard University still somehow also dedicated.

We must pare the visuals from drama and staged with costuming down to the core Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton figures - we must dedicate ourselves newly to measuring and remeasuring to see that we get Mrs. Clinton’s numbers down & correctly.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must break the bubble from the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and like find for erudity what seems for “learning” as like “the missing years” of like for “learning” 1993 to 2001 are still like missing years!  BILL CLINTON WAS NOT AND IS NOT PERFECT!  There! I said it!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of “HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 TO 2001 YET?”!!!

No proper measure of Mrs. Clinton can yet fit the real Mrs. Clinton if we remain sans a discerning of their particular devilishness from 1992 to 2001 and beyond!!!  To get to the “LUCIFER CLINTON” for the Mrs. we must look more now to proffering of ‘THEY WERE RIGHT -WE WERE WRONG’ and to “WE’RE RIGHT -THEY’RE WRONG” put out everywhere for public shaming for essentially setting up a faux smartness devoid of morals of truths - truth actually.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask if we are to learn of the late night pillow talks of President Clinton & First Lady Clinton as to how irreconcilable our history remains due their legacy now is so much floating by lies of long worked false narratives.  Likewise it behoove all to understand that Al Qaeda and the September 11, 2001 attacks didn’t come “outta nowhere” as like as been the institutional taught!  Likewise it behoove all to fathom Al Qaeda of 2001 did much come from and out of the Clintons’ years of ‘AMERICAN ABANDONMENT’ & as President Barack Obama orated eruditely as from of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”. (See:  Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech!)

So again:  Surely there must still be one building at HARVARD UNIVERSITY still engaged in seeking and finding truth! Right?

Simply we must get people off the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and to masses - lots - whole schools of people still “intelligent” - the very person next to each right now - brought to acceptance at least of an extant to “THE MADNESS OF KING BILL”! - and as real feminism is begging around the candidacy of MRS. CLINTON to know now if it can be true that the CLINTON FOUNDATION was yet established so that BILL CLINTON had the facilitation to be a “puppet master” and to that his spouse was yet never more than “organized” and “operated” as a “CLINTON PUPPET”!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must now, however so very very lately, ask, and yet also answer, to discern the accurate body count for BILL CLINTON and for MRS. CLINTON and to back to January of 1993 - and - - - WARNING - - - and to so encompass all that died on September 11, 2001 and later due injuries on September 11, 2001 and too all that perished later due on September 10, 2001 all President George W. Bush had was still much that which he had inherited from the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION, - and quite to that maybe as never before a new President was saddled for a tough ride a rough ride due the previous President had worked from having numerous options and opportunities to settle more peace to having left the next President maybe fewer than a single option for timely resolutions!!!

As we commence to if intelligent and matriculated yet ponderances forward this times beg us to ask and answer to that reason can triumph as to a suffice of truth even if it means the faux “THE PERFECT CLINTON” falls and enough now “learn” it was ridiculous to ever teach or believe you learned “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for when you get to the devilish - the Devil in the details - the REAL HILLARY CLINTON - you must accept the evidentiary to that both Clintons now like have a reservation with HELL and to the lowest rings of the INFERNO - to as DANTE stars of the worst magnitude and lowest rank; - you must accept that forward the truth lieth nearer “IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” and - - - WARNING - - - such encompasses and specifically means also a fault of and for the Al Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of:



                 *       *       *       BEWARE !!!      *       *       *

[Considerable yet still a diagnosis in progress - do check regularly for further development of accountability for pathology - the work of persuading that masses are due to be to gettin’ past the smoke and to the math - an objectivity - doth endure - a ‘rap due within hours - stay tuned in.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:31 am

The Jeb Bush problem is his brother let the Clintons drag the Bushes into the gutters where Bill & Hillary have the home court advantage. As this becomes more apparent it becomes extant of 2016 such too a scandal keeping Hillary2016 from say a “clean sweep”!  Are we possibly at that Bernie Sanders may be the best janitor King?

Though Star Wars Ja Ja Binks was quite a Gunga Din 2016, and the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, are so very much ado about Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘MUNICIPAL” to how important it is that the sewers be kept unclogged.  As we awaken forward mustn’t we question a fidelity of Constitutionalism and any fidelity, if any, of Bill & Hillary, to the established and ordained?

Which is the real William Jefferson Clinton?  Mustn’t he endure as more a gutter snipe than Binks to the Gunga Din?

What is the real Mrs. William J. “Hillary” Clinton?  From Rodham to Clinton there is critiques of her fashion that lay contrary to her worked as if homespun. Let us consider the Clintons, how fashioned, on the day the George Walker Bush Presidential Library was officially and of ceremony opened.

To preface this scandalous of the fashion of Mrs. Clinton, it behoove us to be joined to clarity in recalling how after brought low by impeachment proceedings President Clinton worked to clean up his image, - worked penance - worked across Africa as if a “Condom King”!

Enter President Jimmy Carter, and his most public remarks in celebration of President George W. Bush in the ceremonial of opening the Bush Library.  Enter the remarked of Democrat President Carter as they juxtaposed a “Bad Clintons” vs a much better “Good Bush”!  President Carter cannot be taken lightly - there should be a global fidelity to the honesty and import of his remarked to like “BUSH WAS WILLING TO DO MORE FOR AFRICA IN HIS FIRST DAYS AS PRESIDENT (THAN THE CLINTONS HAD BEEN WILLING TO DO IN ALL THEIR EIGHT YEARS)”!

Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has a greater credibility as to promised to committed to clean up a gross lack of parity across banking practices, as like a soldier on the front lines willing to charge at the years of the Clintons too of a “CLASS FASCISM”?  Whom Bernie Sanders is is what this is all about, - what 2016 is for you - for us - to decide.

“President Sanders” can be of a rings of truth to a committed forward politics as against the banking status quo.  He may not be able (as a Democrat candidate) to sell enough the truths around what gutter-all is endemic of Mrs. Clinton is compromised to of plain and simple conflicts of interest though of promising she could yet be strong against banks corruptions.  “President Sanders” can have rings of truth that Clintons reaches for “rings of Power” cannot cleanly abide. 

Candidate Sanders has latitude for his attitude that banks need a reformation for equal justice for all to endure.  To endear the country to his revolution against corruption there is that “criminal” tags may be harder to see rendered while “rehab” and court ordered “rehab” - “rehabilitation” - may be perfectly workable, like in the model of repentant fallen President William J. Clinton as to across Africa as if a “Condom King” to “community service” for “rehabilitation” by showing a commitment to moral messaging much ado about dangers at least from extracurricular say extramarital coital physical engagements.

How Mrs. William J. Clinton was fashioned on this day that Democrat President Jimmy Carter raked praise highly upon Republican President George W. Bush is for wax museums to curate on/for feminism, - on infidelity of women to other women.

Plainly speaking to press how Mrs. Clinton was styled/fashioned for the Bush Presidential Library inaugurating ceremonial there is little latitude for forgiveness or excuses.  Mrs. Clinton dressed as if President Clinton’s “China Doll” and carried herself demure to almost submissive yet geisha in how like postured the chic as a subordinate spouse with shuffling befitting a styled obedient.

Bernie Sanders is no Hillary Clinton.  He doesn’t have spousal baggage of a husband as remade by penance as if though yet still “Bill” as yet a “Condom King” across Africa - the continent Democrat President Carter so clearly remarked praise upon Republican President Bush as for having in just his first few days of actions that proof he was willing to do more for Africans than the Clintons had been in their eight years of 1993 to 2001.

Hillary Clinton can hardly offer a fidelity to her own promises to like “rein in the banks” for the historical forensics is complicated beyond if as while Senator there were peer ethics of an institution to have been address as to if how the opening of the Clintons’ foundations as to “Clinton Global Initiatives” as for Bill Clinton to play at being “President of the World” is conflicted as it is recalled that the Banks who made so much during the Clintons’ reigning were some approached specifically in requests to in gratuity yet cover the near million dollars a year rent WJC wanted to afford as for the near penthouse suites of the Carnegie Hall Tower on 57th Street (just blocks from TRUMP TOWER).

Can it have ever been that their foundation opened or operated morally or ethically as it is so of the recalled that “Bill” wanted banks to thank him by gratuitously paying his rent as to publicly thanking the Clintons for their pushes of bankers into the very “gambling” practices of derivatives?

However much President Carter did praise President Bush there is it may take 30 years still to separate the Clintons errs and infidelity to regular order and original intent as from how the Bushes did long embrace a cozy upon Bill & Hillary as like so close and clean enough that they were held out as like “family” too.

Bernie Sanders can go where Hillary Clinton cannot!  Bernie Sanders, like some still in the Republican field, can go at the banks at also at the Clintons and to that at least bad bankers can be assign to “rehab” to “rehabilitate” with community service in third world regions and or at least with the indigent across these united states of the Americas.

Bernie Sanders, is no Jeb Bush, and like for the other Republican candidates that is a good thing, even a lucky thing we are like blessed to be allowed to be free of and party to.  “Slick Willy” beset Bill & Hillary are those who should be expected to turn on President Barack H. Obama much so very much as they did like stab the Bush family in the backs as soon as was seeming (to them) as if there was short-term political gain to be had in being back stabbers of those who very much (until now) did surround them with caring and protection as from their selves and a still very pressing rap of negligence theirs for at least the attacks of September 11, 2001.

What ever model can be made of “Slick Willy” President Clinton as reformed from impeachment by years at (penitent?) public (good) deeds across the African continent as like a “Condom King” it is yet to be cleaned up from how the Clintons’ rap is mashable of them “too in the gutter”!  Any candidate now but Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush seems enough of clean hands to move a revolution forward against the still status quo of bankers as not allowed to be tagged officially as “crooks” by at least some building on a model for reformation by rehabilitation by court assignments to that “rehab” is prudent.

As we awaken forward, let our forces be united and cleaned up from a too “vote for Hillary” as if lured of bling from the ravenous prophetic of Poe, and think more of Finn as to how it actually progressive to be equals on a raft of state with African Americans, however “enlightened” when enslaved as if having been outta Africa without a book or a faith?

Oh San Louis Rey, what bridge of blues - blue notes - can you raise to a new HOPE?  Are we anew of THE BRIDGE OF SAN LOUIS REY?  And, yet still cosmopolitan to metrosexual of Nubia - Nubians and Indian - Indians so loyal of service as like of Ja Ja Binks as like a Gunga Din while best to how murder rates can be kept low if the sewers are kept clean?

President Bill Clinton is of a fidelity to Mrs. Clinton, as long known and recalled, as to keeping like it as a pre-nuptial promised that he would assure her her own Presidency if she helped him have his own, and did let him work to being a President first. “Slick Willy” is akin to this as his legacy is too complicated now for Mrs. Clinton herself to be sold as “clean enough”!

President Bill Clinton is of infidelity to the Constitution that is the what that made Justice Antonin Scalia timely of a greatness;  “Slick Willy” essence as been so of an infidelity to the Peoples “Order” that it can by that the 22nd Amendment is undecided Law as freely to pronounced to have been willful treason;  “Slick Willy” is seemingly now copacetic to “saved” for having been a “Condom King” and as if that suffice as penitence!

“Slick Willy” was so to work regular to set asunder not just Justice Scalia’s defense of the work of the “Founding Fathers” that none now should be enough ignorant of that “treason” may stick to properly label and file the years the Clintons joined to work to a claim for “extra-Constitutional” Power by politics partisan to projecting an attempt to as if strong enough to affect to that the Constitution wasn’t and “living document” but that it was is so dead that “King Clinton” could be heralded by postured politics with foreign influences to a convenient “POST CONSTITUTIONAL”!

“Hillary2016″ is permanently undermined by past regular fashioned styled of Mrs. Clinton, - not just for so as like a “China Doll” in a demure obedient of a shuffles (like a geisha) as the accompaniment to President William J. Clinton at the opening ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Library.  “Hillary” Clinton is forever controversial (especially to feminists (patriots)) for so regularly of be dress as if owned by Chinese as to when pantsuits were yet so hemmed and cut to fashion her of “Mao Chic” foreign spun. 

As to her “Slick Willy” our “Condom King” (penitent) across Africa there yet is that question to of the impeachable lie to how it seems the big lie was such as only Mrs. Clinton herself could have proposed/counseled. 

As, however “Slick Willy”, her spouse fidelity remained most to his promise recalled a pre-nuptial witness in early 1970s there is the sticky wicket of politics for #Election2016 of how there could not have been even a “Hillary2008″ if “Bill” had called what he inappropriately dallianced intimated was yet to his spouse his “First Lady” had been tagged in the cliche of “sex” of “see X” as exercised of her of such acts as to the nation as the “X” and more inadequate than “enabler”!

To that Justice Antonin Scalia was of embattled terms it is apropos his interpretations were legitimate to it that the Liberals agenda has been postured as if God is not in the Constitution.  There is that the Tea Party progressed enough to that it is reconsecrated that the Constitution is originally the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “in the Year of our Lord”! 

As such every free man is free to rap that the Clintons have been long so willfully working to set asunder and undermine regular order that #TREASON may endure, and to that Justice Antonin Scalia may long endear, forward.

                                          *       *       *

Note: See also sorted set of http://bit.ly/WHITEPRIDE

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

At this rate the Islamic State may proof it can manage a sizable city before Mayor Rahm Emanuel might, if when, if ever.

I know what you are hungry for, especially for this holiday season upon us of the dreaded shortest days of the year.

Does Chicago have the problems of Detroit of an unemployable lot due too many not an employable moral lot? Is it but Chicago future haunting of a populace not of their own free will and exercised prudence to still enough of a voluntary “community” in a chosen of an extra-nation established morality? Is Chicago as hungry for leadership, for shepherds teachers with hopeful flocks?

Mustn’t it be street to the global that Chicago can become Detroit due too much centralized top down national socialism politics for less “representation” with more “taxation” the essence of the Democrats to a less democratic cabal of a ruling class of elite liberals?

Chicago must be very hungry for morals - for the core of the Constitution as established and ordained a “done” People’s “Order” to be for a consummation of all of their metropolitan to however yet a diversity in their cosmopolitans - to be of their served to lock up a copacetic morality with a regular faith from regular practice, - RIGHT?

Bill Clinton and his lot, too a H.O.B. as well as a F.O.B., must be seen as a greatest enemy to a manageable Chicago. As a Senate sisterhood (of the traveling pantsuits) is cornered in “Friends Of Bill” it but is disgraceful as of a defiling of their oaths of office to defend the Constitution, - from foreign and domestic threats, while, out so early to seem too easy as if firstly but a gaggle as a Harem Of Bill, and to have falling inline under his “QueenBee”!

Bill Clinton and his sidekick of old Mayor Rahm Emanuel are not equals to that mashable for the rap of Chicago to palpable culpable diabolical assuaging of essential guilt. It should be already street to the curbed and open public trafficking of Chicago that Bill Clinton is more a Great Betrayer than any today, even President Bush, could amass TRUTH for parading.

Bill Clinton H.O.B. extant seems pregnant of scandal with the Senate sisterhood as loyal to labors for Mrs. Clinton as now pledged by endorsements to be with Mrs. Clinton even as she must by marriage contract be loyal to her (old) man. It is unconscionable that a posse of Democrat women “leaders” such as this nearly unanimous lot did come out now so early and while it for Chicago is still a big question as to if it is more that President Obama failed Chicago or that due the Clintonomics and spousal husbandry in partisan politics if it still is more that Bill Clinton and his lots did set up with surpluses and risky loaning the very collapsing of economies across the global, and the local of Illinois, - that Bill Clinton in party with his Mrs. C did set up and trigger the extent of problems to that even an Emanuel was beyond HOPE.

To Chicago, as hungry, hopefully, to now not soon be a Detroit of yesterdays of its vacuums of light lowest days, we must consider that the national socialism may not be the greatest evil befallen upon Chicagoans, and that it is more of roots undermined from HOPE of a diabolical in the “THE CLINTON” and a misplaced pride of a wrongful arrogance of a inflated self worth and spousal assessment to that it could be so that the Clintons were/are smarter than the founding fathers of these united states of the Americas.

The Clintons should be served for whom and what they think themselves as as is is that many have suffered in them fronting to many lots to an obedience to compliance contrary to smart citizen informed engagement as to fixed the variables around smarting from knowing that their theirs of them they to politics for governance as contrary to the Constitution, and as paraded as if good that it sweet to have them then justified in a “post-Constitution” extra-Constitution new way for new days forward then to superior to the Constituted and to chosen to allowed to be nearer to autocrats.

http://bit.ly/WHITEPRIDE *
http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM *
http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY *

Much recommended is “USUAL SUSPECTS” in sampler of sorted of http://JPHogan.org aka http://CitizenRosebud.org of @jphoganorg!

(* Site will open with this most recent though of different sorted queued otherwise.)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:19 am

Girl, you got problems! Girl, there is no way your old man is perfect - - - even near PERFECT!

Straight outta common sense, street, — ain’t hip to jive so, - so mis-stressed.  He may be your beast of burden to your “Belle” - your evermore - ever since… - but outta the gutter’d his, - your old man’s as betwixt, and of so many to, between the donkey and the elephant, - http://bit.ly/DonkeyGonghttp://bit.ly/TheElephants - Politics!

Let us all beat the heck outta President Obama’s sandbox politik, - - -  We must! we must now! we must now smarten outta the “O ZONE” pedestrian of walking the mis-stressed of your old man, - The “Bill” - - - Your old man Clinton!  Girl, really, you got problems!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

Mrs. Bill Mrs. C “Hillary” - - - perchance too global already, not to be toyed with, the at http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubbyhttp://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY #HOGAN shared & tweeted - - - linked?  {* Linked here when to “hogan” here, but assorted not chronological, may at times open to first in scroll feed as the column from which found linked, - to like this one showing firstly though paired differently.}

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however titled, by now you must have tried to break free of a 3rd Clinton Presidency, Yes?  I don’t know how that can be possible for a “two-fer” and yet muse along with you, momentarily: 

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!

Toss out, - be done with - Mrs. Bill as if possibly ever to be a President Obama third’d - or repeat!  Let us limit the complexity to how we all are amongst a local and global conundrum set in a paradigm coy to your old man as a “PERFECT BILL”!

STREET! 4 ya old man:  Street! Bill Clinton cred is set asunder by presumptions, so ridiculous!

STREET! 4 ya postured quite dramatized #4real #OUTTA your thought buried by coy sandbox politik as assorted at http://JPHogan.org yet particularly as sampled by PUSSY RIOT? / THE AWAKENING / THE O ZONE / THE SUPPRESSION? / SURPLUS’D QUEEN / GUNS OF RODHAM, - - -  for starters.

Girl, more gonna read and to then outta stuck - OUTTA UNIFORMED VOTER - by of your contrary that just don’t jive complementary to each other or any lasting TRUTH - - - em sooner of later to be enough read in to a dichotomy at least some of Clinton triangulation, even to its coy by trichot’s, for Shakesperean in shared of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories - Oh yeh!!!

Girl, your days of postured playful as if it were intelligent play your sandbox elementary politik, are OVER!!!

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!

President William Jefferson Clinton was an American president from 1993 until 2001!  It is not possible nor plausible that President Clinton was PERFECT!  Mrs. C. has problems, - that Mrs. Bill Clinton has PROBLEMS!  “Hillary”, however titled, has PROBLEMS!

Mrs. C. is for the campaign trail supposed to be honored with intro’s of her most recent job, and especially for mentioning as the highest paying job;  Mrs. C. @ #Hillary2016 is then supposed to be introduced not as Secretary of State … but as, if STREET!, as “First Mate Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton of the William Jefferson Clinton (family) Foundation…”!

Feminists your feminism however associated with the Clintons, is undermined as associated with the Clinton Foundation!

Feminists, have you yet been to http://CitRB.com and through its #Cats (Categories) at least to through its: WAR ON WOMAN?

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful IGNORANCE!

Girl what have you got to say for your self re: 1993 - 2001, in defense of your old man, and in mea culpas for intellectual honest for #FEMINISM?  As First Lady Clinton you did crusade globally on women angst and some on women issues, - crusader you were and to inciting especially, STREET! - seems! - to Islamic marginal to radical.



                                          *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:05 am

This is not about Donald Trump.

These days try conscience as much as souls; — These morns beset of her delusions of innocence & future usefulness.

If the world were her of #ShutterIsland she to “reign” as #Patient86 aka #RedCoatHRC; — … Truth is marching on.

Ms. Rodham to Master Dunham ~ ~ ~ What does Kennedy’s medical bag say to District legal for marijuana/pot/weed?

The “beef” is in the sandwich most - betwixt her the buns? The “beef” is so between the buns - #HillaryClinton?  The “hams” are behooved political for their pork too of the “…stans” as their convenient “wars of choice”?  The “hams” are befallen from united, — it must be forward that there is no real “union” in Clinton - Obama staged “unity”; — there is a lot of “beef” between these born “hams.”

On this Day 20, July, in this Year of our Lord, as still of our Nation, as the more perfect formed Union, by the Constitution as the People’s “Order” under God so whence then as subscribed “done” in that “Year of our Lord” we have “hams” so contrary! — Our National soap opera is now again pertinent to the philosophical of the days of our founders’ lives.  As the world turns we have to be hospitable to the general Hospitality staged, and, yet, — we must not trust, — we must gird to verify! verify! verify!

By this morning our President Obama should have been of intra-party strife and more foaming at the mouth over #MrsC due her staged Clinton superior bias in Dover.  It was just our few days ago when there seemed a repaired harmony between the House of Obama and the House of Clinton with Mrs. W. J. Clinton of pronouncements from thought as to running to proof she will be the better Executive than he that the Clinton “two-fer” long interjected to yet being pared to fared from to her said only to supposed suppositions forward as #Hillary2016 as if to be for Master Dunham to President Obama’s glory as if to be lived firstly to carry his legacy.

This is not about Donald Trump, but, yet; — Some to see now if - FORWARD.

By now to that President George W. Bush brother #Jeb is yet not of having decidedly defeated the Clinton “machine” there is that #JebBush is wounded and #TheDonald #Trump is in the fray for having smelled Bush blood, - seems.  Donald Trump seems to be serving appetizers to the cards being dealt #Hillary2016 & #Bush2016 as not possibly fortuitous forward, — at least to the learned of card counting acumen.  Can there now be a viable Trump if not if #Clinton & #Bush of stuck to losing hands?

You may have heard richie richie Donald Trump is very very smart, — that he went to Wharton for business rearing/schooling.  So be it that he must know it better not to start a battle you don’t think is winnable at least for your mission, cause, self defined “success”!  How beat must the hands of the House of Clinton and the House of Bush be for one so smart to have actually entered such a contestation of Power and for protestants to proof if not superior to at least “cleaner”?

This is not about Donald Trump, but, yet, — Some to see now how associated - concurrently, - yet!

Bill Clinton?  William Jefferson Clinton?  President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton? Mr. Hillary Rodham-Clinton?

Right!  Here is the “beef” beset of the behooved “Houses” as per the “hams” of Democrats’ intra-party civil war begun:  Mrs. ____ did go back to New Hampshire after her showing of just rope in their Fourth of July celebration, by parade, where a banner at least of “Vote For Hillary” should have been (if it the Clinton machine were not so too cheap)!  Mrs. ____, to the Dover staged, yet did doth forthwith betray, O from whence Master Dunham, to now President Obama, as if FORWARD she would be a dedicant, as quite a disciple to the House of Obama, if embraced to succeed to a House of Clinton recapture of the White House.  Mrs. ____ did affect a Clintons are superior extant in a politick at least for Dover based, — the of New Hampshire.  Mrs. ____ did “ham” it though agreed yet to just be to “bettering” the Obama “better” “if” - like; she broke out yet to crowd arousal in her spousal husbandry pride to it to toll through eve to dawn of the echoes of her Mr. a superior President and as if one we need now again because President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t been at least as good as her man.

Uh Ohh! Uh Ohh?  There must go House of Obama support for the House of Clinton / House of Rodham-Clinton?

Uh Ohh! Uh Ohh?  Here must be set up the how “The Donald” associated with the Clintons’ of years 1993-2001?

Uh Ohh! Uh Ohh?  Ever here now a “HOW IF” to if #Trump can become business related unwed yet from “THE CLINTON”!

The “beef” is of a divide now so an intra-party wedge between factions Democratic Party card carrying beset.  Mrs. ____ has, by Dover all about the base “THE CLINTON” staged, worked an indivisible husbandry to the Democrats’ “house” as divided.  It must be clear, — let us be clear:  Mrs. ____ did posture her spouse as superior to President Obama and to it that her hide seems up for repurposing by new allegiances to alliances intra-party to Clintons fairly to be locked out to preserve and protect an actually better party legacy than that whence walked to by the “THE CLINTON” of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS”!

To the “The Donald” of the Trump of 1990s pre “#Trump” eco-systems of HOUSE OF CLINTON politick it seems yet Donald Trump didn’t make the economy - didn’t make the economy grow while yet as if of civil battalions in success whence at growing a private business on the waves of the growth President Obama now would be behooved to differentiate in a clear politick to how, as http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT trick’d out, the Clintons themselves so to be rapped “THEY DIDN’T BUILD IT”!

The “beef” is so between the buns; — The “beef” is in the sandwich “TheClinton” ~~~ “THE CLINTON” of the falling the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS”!  Between these once born “…hams” there is the “…stans” too of the said of Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Hussein Obama as to the American abandonment of the years 1993-2001 of the selfish “slick” avoidance and inaction as per the majorities hopes in Afghanistan, — and yes: IN IRAQ - OF THE SHIA MAJORITY.  There now is the Iran Deal fitting as an #IranDealGate for it cannot be #4Real concurrent least we firstly primarily accept it couldn’t be without their having been OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of the FREEDOM AGENDA.  There now is it is inconceivable that there could be sandwiched to such deal a way for the years of 1993-2001, of Clintons’ bias against Shia, of Clintons’ bias for Sunni, to us not now of trumped for the Bush administration that the buns/breads of these “…hams” to “HOUSES” Democratic Party card carrying do proof the long said “beef” mustn’t be the “Bush” between the “Clinton” and the “Obama” reigns.

This is not about Donald Trump;  This yet begs if such a smartie so richie richie would have trespassed to Politick’d but if it wasn’t pre-certain as if pre-set to - predetermined - that yet there is a tri’ tru’s to tru’d that now forward the legends of Clintons, Bush, Obama have it self evident, at least, that his battle was won per these dynastic before it began.

This is not about Donald Trump;  The Republican field may not fit in any “clown car” but still it is laughable how “The Donald” may be yet too bedded if not wedded to the “economics” so “slick” and condemnable of disq’d at http://JPHogan.org for Posterity in at least “THE AWAKENING” / “THE O ZONE” / “OBAMA’S RETREAT” / “THE SUPRESSION?” / “HER FAIR SHARE” / “FAIR FALL” / “SWADDLED TOGAS” / “GUNS OF RODHAM.”

This is not about Donald Trump!  It though should, for the general Welfare, suppose to propose that the Tea Party should only be in this battle for he seems already too needing to apprentice at least Senator John McCain (R), Arizona, and Senator Lindsey Graham (R), South Carolina.

Mrs. ____ has ruled herself too of for a CLINTON LEGACY at the expense of TRUTH as to a better legacy in a the THE OBAMA LEGACY, - seems?

Mrs. ____ seems at least trumped, like Governor Jeb Bush.

Where is William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton, past President?

#Hillary2016 now to all this of Mrs. ____ “ham’d” to “beef” #4Real #TRUTH and marching on, however still seemingly too cheap: You of your’s of New Hampshire rope line where a banner least should have been? ~

… you too cheap? you too “slick” too?  you forever of “Union” contrary ham’d always HOUSE OF CLINTON primarily? Generally beat?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

Women - yes, women most specifically - these times are different;  these are times now of #EqualPay with a new conundrum;  these are times of a paradigm for equal justice for all newly due an algorithm for feminism forward;  these are times for women to look at women as hard and long as any man should now judgementally;  these are times for all to look at women, however themselves a feminist or female lawyer of “professional” service, and frankly to discern that some women now should be so “accomplished” that it is fair for Posterity to decide them equal the worst men in history - due paying equally for being practicable as due the most severe penal!  Women, most specifically women, these times are different.

To preface the dire to follow, of straits most trespassed, and as to pay equal now as equal a worst man, let me suggest this link for a quick view of a YouTube entombed to help tune all to a solemn mood.  Here is a link to an old SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE #SNL skit;  http://bit.ly/PAXIL_SNL!

To be “in a Christian mood” let us see the beginning of life outside of Chelsea’s womb of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky as blessed in being of a good Christian name and the responsibility of communities and even villages therefore expectant;  To be “Christian” now, and yet judicial and prudent of a fair feminism forward, let us consider she a newest female of “Clinton” is named with premeditated Christian intent of a good Christian name - not just of a (secular) Power moniker;  To be “Christian” forward let us welcome #CCM “Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky” but recognize a Duty therefore may be to be to many, many, many prayers for her grandparents that they can yet be redeemed - let us, for Charlotte, accept a need, forward, of her grandparents of redemption beyond mere “political redemption”!

To be judicial this too is now prescribed by concurrence of women now so progressed in feminism gains that Attorney General Eric Holder as a first black of such high office may find it unwise to leave office without preceding legally against top women.

Not to do the work of Eric Holder, as the Attorney General of the Obama Justice Department, and however firstly black and so also of concerns like around Mrs. Clinton, of pitfalls in practice from racing to the top in affirmative action plus plus banding, it is that this is to be structural for Justice but more in a #TopTen or #DirtiestDozen befitting a comedic satirical of late night television, but not only for paid cable channel standards.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, as #FLOTUS - First Lady of The United States - is more now as if in a pickle barrel than merely “in a pickle” judicially.  Mrs. William J. Clinton, as #FLOTUS, did incite across the Middle East, at least, and as chided by President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech targeting of a foreign policy adage of there dangers from avoidance and inaction.  Mrs. Clinton, however, is now no longer of a staff position in an administration nor a seat in Congress;  Mrs. Clinton is now herself also removed from National Security buffers for personal liability in culpability;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite rather than act during her reigning with WJC in their Power intimacy;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite across the Middle East, at least, and when it was more dangerous even than the real dangers palpable from their (joined) decision to be more of avoidance and inaction and of the tag of “American abandonment”!

See, now, why it may help to have viewed the Paxil_SNL video?  See, now, how it may behoove all to review too President Barack H.Obama oratory as archived as his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech?  Or as conveniently bitly here with http://bit.ly/Nobel_Obama?

Though President BHO did admonish and chide the Clintons’ eight years he didn’t specify how his Secretary of State choice was too compromised for having a legacy already too much of marshaling greater dangers and more dangerous times by at least a collusion in intimate avoidance and inaction - of being of eight years of abandonment of just the women of Afghanistan and Iraq while it was simple “diplomacy” that the The United States of America for recent past of in country involvements was thus of a right to return and show timely care - timely caring!

We are now progressed with feminism so far that we must also look at there being problems in any Mrs. Clinton, candidate, of at least ten realities also necessary of a due querious too in lingua franca concurrence that are irreconcilable from all discussions of perils of too much affirmative action for any.  I do not, in my lay, see how the “First Black Attorney General” can leave his office with chin up and of pride if he isn’t to looking at Mrs. WJC, at least, as a woman now equal some of the worlds worst ever men and due to pay equally for being equally of guilt;  I do not, in my lay think, fathom any twaining for the last stretch of AG Eric Holder if it without marking off a comparable while others have jurisdictions to compete per rending justice upon Mrs. WJC, at least.

A child has been born - a new Clinton has begun its life/living outside of her womb - a child may now to be of the Hope in Christianity of people of the known world, where ever, of praying and prayers that her grandparents despite these #TopTen tags of culpability are yet enough of a potential for redemption however such beset in the reality of politics and Justice that Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC are soiled in a stink of their own historical at least as for being of a clear pathology of PBHO’s “dangers” from “avoidance” and “inaction” as if the parents of the terror attacks of 9/11 I & II.  It is inescapable, for any redeeming for Charlotte of her grandparents, how the logic Nobel of PBHO is that their historical avoidance and inaction was at least causal to catastrophes of them at least of negligence to gross negligence each in their own ways, however, manly or feminine.

RELIGION:  For Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky to have the potential of a great Christian life now and forever forward many many many prayers will be needed for redemption to be of Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC if and when they too join in a penitence practicable to being redeemed, however. 

FEDERAL ELECTIONS:  For parity and Justice there can be no candidate Clinton for a new HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, and as it is that there never was any for the first of 2008.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is undecided Constitutional writ it remains that a wife is a spouse and equal under the Constitution inseparable as a half an equal and so that until the Supreme Court renders some specifics to decide initially its import to elections it is fair and a People’s Duty to tag any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL, even TREASON.

AFGHANISTAN:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the women, of Afghanistan.

IRAQ:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the Shia women of Iraq.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT:  Mrs. WJC did by insisting on having a West Wing staffer job while the #FLOTUS did undermine feminism and workplace standards for equality.  It was a big mistake that Mrs. WJC was of a “staffer” position while the spouse to the Presidency indivisible.  It is a big mistake to not look at her so as of a bad “feminist” model for workplaces anywhere, however, for having asked to be officially subjugated under her husband while “officially” indivisible as an equal by the marriage laws of their union. As First Lady the President as a male spouse was yet of the Law of the lands that his practices political, however “executive” precisely, were so that marriage equality wasn’t allowed to be set asunder even as so in tasking his spouse as an “official” underling subjugated in Duty in an office hierarchy of the West Wing structures.

SECURITIES/SHARED WEALTH:  Whether for the FBI, SEC, FEC, or just Justice we have it now that all the finances of the “The Clinton” are fair game and of a Duty too of Congress in oversight in rights to preserve and protect the Union under Article One prescriptions.  These days post a QUID PRO QUO rendered upon one Virginian Governor now alights it too of the Clintons that another Virginia Governor has too long also been like too much of political QUID PRO QUO, however it more the Clintons in his pocket then him firstly in their pockets.  It is that was have the Clintons move to New York and as if the New York Senate seat of Senator Patrick Moynihan had been arranged to be next for Mrs. WJC - by political partisan dealing done, it seems, from within the Clintons’ White House.  It is that there is said a “DEAD BROKE” motivation behind all the potential servable as improper QUID PRO QUO how the Clintons to be in New York City, however as carpetbaggers charm, were to asking Big Bank friends (political associates merely?) to be to like gifting PWJC for Carnegie Hall Tower near penthouse rents as gratuities for the Clintons have like made them all so much money with their derivatives politics.  Mrs. WJC is inseparable for a bad feminism for being so to being Senator at least for having been too nearly so clearly and like permanently of an obvious QUID PRO QUO just of being party to the asking of banks to be to paying, again gratuitously, as much of the rent for a Time Square near penthouse suite for her spouse.

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS:  #ICC is now likely of a jurisdiction around and ready to be over Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as corporate global people of their meddling international “initiatives” of their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES.  It seems the ICC can rival even Attorney General Eric Holder now for prudence more judicial of the “The Clinton” as arrestable at least some for fraud, and more maybe for negligence of conduct(s) unbecoming a former First Couple of The United States of America.  It seems even if the Clintons do not step across newly the threshold of candidacy for President they are of such a fog of culpability that the ICC should at least be to considering an officially worked airing through “audits” to discern in a spirit of trust busting some being allowed to much trust internationally.

CONGRESS:  Per the Duty of the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE there is that beyond a cover-up having been enough found to proceed towards a “HOW CRIMINAL” such as a new criminal cover-up it is that the “feminist” in Mrs. WJC is long inconveniently proud of a hard line against President Richard Milhaus Nixon of it that people need go to jail when a President is determined even of such as a lesser and less tragic cover-up practices.  Mrs. WJC has much floated the boat that now is rightly of her to be beset upon as a prison ship however;  Mrs. WJC had vast motives to be so necessarily of a cover-up after the Benghazi attacks and so that the President now may be more protected than President Richard M. Nixon was whence priorly.  Though a cover-up was seemingly necessary, even though a worst case scenario always, especially, it is that it wouldn’t be fair to prosecute the President until his Secretary of State firstly is fully implicated beyond an already admitted sad culpability.  It may not be fair considering the fog of marriage of a joined culpability for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, due their political ambitions and on going selfish global machinations for Powers, to even ever maybe specifically dissect PBHO as much as PRMN was for it would be too complicated and unfair of all affirmative action standards to separate an clear Obama guilt from the already broached and confessed iceberg of Clinton culpability, at least also of an executive negligence.  It seems prescribed by the Clintons own history and campaigned on pride that the House is well within its rights and of a Duty to actually move that Mrs. WJC at least is due prison time;  Mrs. WJC had the mean, motives, and opportunity so of the already enough admitted improper (illegal) cover-up.  Mrs. WJC essentially had to lie from the start to hide how the Clintons had (trapped?) PBHO into lying for them from hour one of day one and so by a cover-up effected as initialized within his First Inaugural oratory.  She played, however if “feminist” as in feminine, yet with absolutes that makes Congress’ work at imprisoning simple and easy;  Mrs. WJC dangerous set up the “The Clinton” in an absolute as if “IT COULD BE NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” by being party to it as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as taggable as an illegal and imprudent actual “cover-up” where only a simple lie like now being investigated around any lies just of the Benghazi Cover-Up as a lie big enough in a contrary that was needed to repair and maintain newly the bigger cover-up of the Clintons then to fall apart if a new cover-up not affected.

BREAK:  So where were we?  So where are we?  Need I spell out a ten of a #TopTen or even be to a dozen of a #DirtiestDozen?

RACISM - EQUALITY:  Can we yet imagine that Attorney General Eric Holder, however or especially for being a “first black”, is possibly to leave his high office as said in December without moving ranks towards a servicing on the Clintons even maybe justly for charges of TREASON?  AGEH has competition and a clock running for legacy;  AGEH may not want to let even the Congress or the ICC steal the show now seeming staged and quite ready for a rending of justice, however lately, upon the “The Clinton” at least as on Mrs. WJC but as is seems inconscionable that Mr. & Mrs. Clinton aren’t enough from sharing, however - however a parity to be figured beyond comity in comedy of what would be equal paying for the man or woman?

ME / MINE:  And this now, all in the light concurrent that both Clintons are not of “official” executives, or of Congressional Duty, or offices but of the offices of Trust and Profit they are maintained in, with vast taxpayer allowances, there is that I must consider I have been two decades plus at defending my intellectual property from seemingly provable felonious premeditated property “theft” by the BOGO “two-fer” First Couple and since Clintons, and so that I may be now well in my rights to move to sue them and maybe for damages in lossed profits that could be fairly measurable as just even if over $100 Millions.  See Attorney General Eric Holder did support my rights so to such while initially with PBHO of a dictate to him that I was in my rights to stop him from use of my intellectual property.  This is a story now of the Clintons also more easily in my reach as the Government of the The United States of America is Constituted to be likely soon to rivaling what we could too be seeing to ragging on any righteous “feminism” of Mrs. WJC, as if such should trump - trump especially as due her in affirmative action.  This is now a story of 2008 of the struggles mine to protect me/mine from further uses and reuses, improper and unauthorized by the Clintons, specifically yet as it is that the Bush Administration, towards Justice Posterity, and too Attorney General Eric Holder, have stood up my rights such that the Clintons old uses and attempts, however successful, in reuses were of them now seemingly affirmed as necessarily then, however, of such that I can now pursue maybe too as if felonious premeditated thieving.

NOTE:  For now as it though seems I could seek #DAMAGES of $100 Million plus from any assets “CLINTON” it may too I have many other agencies who could get in line first and firstly lay claim to that much or actually all of the personal wealth of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  For how many can now maybe compete and to fines or compensation from the assets of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton it may not be rational for me myself to yet pursue for a mine in Justice due to how many official NEGLIGENCES may also need be proofed towards such to maximizing damages from exposing all aspects of cover-ups and negligence - at least all motives for a Benghazi cover-up to further hide too many lies also maybe righteously of fraud that SIMON & SCHUSTER could join against “HILLARY” just for false representations in her HARD CHOICES.

GUIDANCE:  PLEASE RESPECT - BE REPSECTFUL - RE: http://JPHogan.org!!!  Many also conveniently sourced by http://bit.ly/TheElephants could be just as easily ordered as a DIRTIEST DOZEN in object and satired yet - especially links of http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY; http://bit.ly/PettyTreason; http://bit.ly/TheEnabler; http://bit.ly/ReadyForHillary; http://bit.ly/LongestWarhttp://bit.ly/RUNFORCOVER; and, http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary all can yet be ranked at least for a fuller #TopTen causal to any praying now for any possible redemption metrics if right to be however meted for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  Note: It is now for these so linked that this new column presents on many of these links yet as the newest now sorted among such collections, however some are quite more damming and voluminous than others.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:09 am

Remember the Pilgrims!!!  This Fourth of July is nearly the most prescient to the Pilgrims, and their pride, since those so whence near of  the Constitutional Convention - or maybe the first Independence Day struck up in colonial defiance

Have you heard the one about the Constitution how if a Messiah is elected President then it figures the Constitution is held violate duly in an apropos righteousness for it and U.S. Under God and so a President “Messiah” must therefore be above the Country and the Law?

“The genesis of this coverage should enlighten the Court’s resolution of these cases.” (Of Hobby Lobby dissent writ large in the hand of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg)  To read the Supreme Court decision is to be of also asked to report any typographical errors or possible errs in type.  It seems to the Pilgrims this would more purely only be interpretive as “The Genesis of this…”.

To the Pilgrims President Barack H. Obama is likely either one too much a modern day Oliver Cromwell or thee of the socialistic experiment they were all papered to be set about contract to, and, President William J. Clinton, yet for his (convenient) dichotomies, at least can be said one too much a modern day Rene Descartes.  (Descartes philosophized to his legend as a transplant like the Pilgrims but as European still as of having moved to where they all moved from when of seeking peaceables more pure in a netherlands.)

To if President Obama has turned Oliver Cromwells swords into his pen:  What are his powers if in the “Messiah” trump Power, what are they to be and worshiped as if yet he can prove that he is a “messiah”?  Can it really be that he can too be Cromwellian an to a Congress, as a Parliament but a Legislative equal branch, rendered suspended and disbanded?

The real threat to the American Independence and Pilgrims pride in a renaissance to more pure scriptural imports has to be that however too slick too that is President William J. Clinton - he now so dichotomous and tripartite in trichotomies’ fogs that he can be proffered as yet of a new Descartean.  It is that in this Year of our Lord, as set Constitutional by the founding fathers in that “Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven, of the USC subscribed as the People’d peoples’ “Order…done” still, this year two thousand Ten and four, the greatest threat may be domestic, however of global initiatives, and from the realm of over thinkers - thinkers to too secular totalitarian separations.

The Genesis of this coverage should still be of the colonies as enlightened to Independence as broached by the Pilgrims while of there primary and primal existential too to, so as it was, a shedding of chains of a socialism.  The Genesis of this coverage if of the genesis of the The United States of America as secured under God and so in a beginning in Genesis.  The Genesis should still be of the People’d people secure in the language of the Bible as the referenced textual of the Constitution  for usage and meaning for the creations of it writ so well, and for Posterity and Tranquility - Forward.  Even the dissent in the Hobby Lobby case is also of a prescience for Biblical sourcing however it may be of modern intent as set only metaphorically.  What is MAN and what is WOMAN seems properly and better sourced by the dissenting of the highest Court of the The United States of America.

It cannot help one too too slick as too like Rene Descartes to “separations” also of body, mind and souls, such as President William J. Clinton, that President Barack H. Obama can trump so many, as like a new Oliver Cromwell, and yet a high priest but of truer Power as a “Messiah” if he or we can just come together to a HOW - TO HOW HE CAN BE PROVEN, HOWEVER TO BE A “THE MESSIAH.”  It may newly be to if he can float he must be otherwise than Holy but there is much first to float before we move en masse to any such “Float Test.”

When one realizes how James Madison set up the language of the Constitution, however assisted, it is yet also of a prescient of the Pilgrims pride new originalisms, and freedoms.  The Pilgrims did shake the shackles from papered as if too owned, and now it so that to them as just an earlier experiment on the continent to people more as subjects in a socialistic experimental (science - social science).  For now, as a new Independence Day approaches there is by the Hobby Lobby ruling a safe place for the People’d people to feel resecured as God’s people of a governance of and by the people with the people writ large as citizens more than mere subjects for social experimentation by its Government.

It is inconvenient to the too too slick that is the fog of think to separations of President William J. Clinton as if a new Rene Descartes yet progressing towards “Philosopher King” that President Barack H. Obama is himself, however, and that he is black, really - really however half blooded as a free American mutt too.  It is most inconvenient to the too slick President William J. Clinton that the Hobby Lobby majority and dissent both do reaffirm the Constitution as set as an accompaniment at least to a secular morals of Jesus of Jefferson’s secret Bible rendition and how since the “Order” use in the preamble is as a noun it is that such is so.

The Clinton slick interpretives to a justification for liberalism was and is based in a need that the Constitution as so written be set asunder and publicly accepted as put asunder as inferior to them and their attempts quite to putting God under Government and quite really under them and their standing towards totalitarian autocratic powers globally as put down and under them.  With “Order” of the Constitution as accepted as of it that the preamble is the “key” or “legend” to understand all that follows agreed as subscribed under God in that Year of their Lord our Lord still to be a noun as of it of all so “done” as the “People” forming a more perfect Union than the United Kingdom union and such the formative “Order” the “liberals’” interpretations get set shredded.

Again to the dissent as most informative in Hobby Lobby opinion:  Agreed:  “The genesis of this coverage should enlighten the Court’s resolution of these cases”!  It too should reinform the People of their rights secured in the Constitution as set respecting the Pilgrims’ struggles and pride.  Our flag does still wave!  The Constitution as set “subscribed” as “Order” “done” in the Christian calendar, whichever the year so, endures as it set with the Bible and the Pilgrims to their new more pure freedoms in interpretations to be to freedoms of speech and of religion that cannot be of freedom from religion.  There poetically (and scientifically?) can be no freedom from religion as it is the category of life for the humanity and its electric as the realm for the poetry electric - electric of/in shared humanity. 

Agreed?  The Clintons’ separations cannot work - do not yet stand for waves in fanning newly?  It that is the Clintons is too slick?

Agreed?  We are newly to days for a new Martin Luther?  We are today of a “Messiah” who most likely cannot prove himself to be a “The Messiah” - we so still have our Country? our Freedoms? our Independence? our Constitution?  And by the majority and dissent of the most recent writ large Courtly decidings we have that while these days call the people to the Bibles, and many different versions/editions as if to a need for a possible new rendition, not for any of Rene Descartes “too slick” but to an again timely of that of considerations for forgiveness as of Martin Luther?

Agreed?  We too so are of a time for that which was proffered to so many scholarly at Martin Luther over forgiveness of sins and are yet to these days more colorful and too respecting that Martin Luther King Jr. would be better honored, at least across the lands Constituted United, with, and however where ever, more displays were publicly set of the Ten Commandments.

                                         *       *       *

For to fathom the true twained marking of President William J. Clinton, as abeam too slick, one should review and review, and consider, and reconsider, how it is these days, as days I have long suggested are of the “BLOOD FEUD” set by another, best I can so far tell, one needs to consider how his slickness became viral and destructive to the economies of the world, and domestically most devastating to blacks who bought into his hyper-consumerism maxing out in materialism - how it became a cancer like the diabetes posited in ECONOMICS AND POLITICS TREATMENTS SAMPLER at http://CitizenRosebud.net as soon as HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT commenced too Socialistic with promises to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS.”

I hope this enlightens you to the Genesis, and genesis, in/of/for coverage of the Country’s resolute - resecured original Resolute.  May I suggest you can be humored and still in a guidance by President George Washington by ways of his First Inaugural and General humor of it firstly to “vicissitudes incident to life” to words personal to “pecuniary” and “emoluments” less slick standards?  May I suggest you use link http://bit.ly/1stInaugural or another to read/reread the First Inaugural address of the still young United States of America, and as it is that he cleverly suggests contraception isn’t a Government duty while heralding all generally to be considerate and to washing their skins of the day of a rinse and reuse thrift?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:35 am

How is it in these troubled times that all roads seem to lead to William J. Clinton?  How cowed now, so it seems, have been tread upon long and hard while WJC a head of a snake of Hillary R. Clinton so convincingly as a new Marie Antoinette - even without her hats?  How can it be that in these of the banner “Clinton Democrats” there lay no real standard in old glory?  How, in these troubled times, is it that as the head of such snake, on all these roads long suffered, WJC, yet, is more a dog than so far accepted?

She wears her houses like Marie wore her hats - she strutted herself so doggedly it dogs them how they raised themselves to such a self evident “out of touch.”  She/they destroyed the middle class and lower eschewed social ranks.  She/they had Albert A. Gore as either just a Don Quixote or a side-kick like a Sancho Panza. She/they as the titular of the “Clinton Democrats” have how they are at windmills, with gas pumps the antagonists, in how they poor out to the People of the suffrage so much to suffer for their GREEN insurgency of forced inflation across the carbon monsters.  She/they did spear and poke and spear and poke at oiled profits while the more common known of fixed income Americana had no place to yet go when so much about them became so inflated.

Her chivalry and chauvinism is beyond Camelot and hardly, in a good way, yet of Penelope or of Penelope’s monster slayer hero protagonist Odysseus.  She is, it seems, while of such jousting at the carbon monsters, yet of a house devoid of the old glory of the old Ironsides original Constitutional intents and logic/rationality.  She has been both the bad actor and a Penelope not a Helen nor a Penelope while quite a new Marie Antoinette so out of touch, or worse to diabolical of callous intents, as evidentially in how her/their coat-tails hemmed the pathological to how their tagging for GREEN insurgency GREEN AGENDA wanton GREEN ENERGY price inflation were of direct and premeditated strikes at the middle class and lower eschewed social ranks.  It is she whom most led, albeit with AAG along side however, the near quadrupling inflation about the carbon monsters for a gross vanity in greeness partisan politics - she/they spiked the valuations through too subjective campaigning so that all those on fixed incomes, despite their ranks, were caught up in her hardly thoroughly considered - unless her intents were always just diabolical.

She persists and persists in an oddity so devoid of old glory and with theatrics too dramatic, fallen, and falling. She persists and persists in oddities as her standard so devoid is evidently too imperialistic - too new nationalistic - too globally anti-Constitution.  WJC seems more the more a dog and as embedded in the HRC new Marie Antoinette separations that show her/them rivaling the old for how out of touch they are in their own times.  WJC does dog the issues concurrently, and yet as it seems, even of HRC prima facia at booked parading, as if of a new too vanglorious campaign, as the real head of the snake to which the forensic pathologies seem logically free highways barely still for a common defense.

She/they of the House of Clinton Democrats, so evidently devoid of old glory, have to answer for if intently callous in a diabolical cold calculus it was when they were firstly at HILLARY 4 PRESIDENT, and as such times Barack H. Obama was so a nobody to her/them his SURPRISE was a SURPRISE too to them, and, were then so firstly to their forced inflation vast and radical left partisan politics trodding by ways at a realm of “carbon monsters”.  Their force inflation wasn’t alone in their saddled bags of tricks as it was as 2008 November neared fear was in their ranks so soundly rabble roused to market shorting in a common insurgency too on high.  What did she know?  When did she know it?

What did she/they know?  When did she/they know it?  Was it with pure innocence of a deluded greater good fog of vanity with which the Clinton Democrats with the titular HRC so raised the costs of living too radically and rashly across any ranks of those stuck over-extended on fixed incomes?  Wasn’t it otherwise and really diabolical?  Mustn’t she/they of the House of Clinton Democrats partisan polarizing politicking have been aware that they would trap and ruin so many by forcing the inflation by tales of carbon monsters so that People’d peoples and peoples everywhere of the known world wouldn’t be able forward to afford the new GREEN prices, even just their inflated prices for gasoline, and still afford their keeps?

How criminal were/are these so seemingly rightly taggable as of a “criminal intent” by at least the standard of Old Glory as actually Constituted?

How can it really matter now whom between WJC and HRC is more the more the dog, politically speaking, as so compromised while as if thee the head of the snake of betrayals?

How can’t it be now exposed, debated, countered, debated, probed again, and prosecuted yet, and by Congress too, how the Clinton Democrats however of collusions of others too embedded in a carbon insurgency (too imperialistic) that the Clintons are titular to the collapses so global. 

How can’t it be now so rendered by the People’d peoples and worldly where ever, and with the Congress of The United States of America, that the Clinton Democrats most had the means, motive, and opportunity and most clearly have a pathology evidently that affirms it was they, however, at their purported “monsters” most now and forward primarily culpable?

She/they now drone on, and drone on.  The glory of the U.S.A. Bill of Rights has been more than poked at by them at their House of Clinton Democrats’ too imperialistic ideological escapades parading.  WJC is in jeopardy as a head of a snake so of such dogging in his dogged “Top Dog” rivalry for he has expressed enough to affirm he has long known it was mostly his&her fault while yet believing, it seems still, that he had, was, and would keep be GETTING AWAY WITH IT(S).

And, yet it is his first lady HRC now of her battling at carbon monsters still whom may best rest the cases when justice looms nearer.  It is his first lady HRC now whom is firstly of the poking at the troubled suffraged sufferings.  It is he first lady HRC so now showing herself more clearly as too really a historical rival to Marie Antoinette and her own legend as out of touch.

Whom is she but the she of the sordid sorted set collated by “ENABLER” at Citizen Rosebud dot com gallery of artful exposes to catch and/or tag the artful and inartful dodgers?  Whom is she but the she of the legends in http://bit.ly/TheEnabler?  There is the common tale of a union of two so intimate in them self-proclaimed a “two-fer” also so as exposed and metered by the sordid sorted set yet of http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubby.  And too much to see more clearly in the shared economics realities of those treatments a SAMPLER at http://CitizenRosebud.net and too so as anchored for news parying at http://JPHogan.org.

“IT A SIMPLE & APPROPRIATE CATEGORY FOR SO MUCH NOW AWRY:   “THINGS BILL CLINTON @: THOUGHT I GOT AWAY WITH THAT!” // #USA“  {See;  http://Facebook.com/jpeterhogan and http://CitizenRosebud.mobi for social media context of quote.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:36 am

As a (political) platypus we should be looking for her stinger.  As a (political) Draculette we should be carrying wooden stakes and not surprised she is not apprised of her self as she wouldn’t be seen near mirrors.  As a new Marie Antoinette it would behoove all to consider her and that which is her’s in historical collateral damage.

Got spit?  She might be splashy and a whale at the tables of the gambles of politics, and, she may most fear the Constitution of the Founders’ original bite, for it seems, though unexpected, to still have its original teeth.

Got spit?  She, however a mammal, and evolved however, has gummed up the body politic about vicissitudes neglected as like of viscosities degraded of essential lubricants of critical mechanisms in the push and pull of governance engineered.

Got spit?  She, regardless, however a woman, has mileage on her, as trumpeted - much heavy baggage and a cacophony in discord, strongly drummed, too - She has eight years on her of consummated parity in Presidency still too lacking a fitting right sized comity homespun.

For scores and for her eight years not too long ago there is that many have been buried and wounded as her consummated powers so intimate and intimated were consecrated and metered.  Her’s is and is a union the Union cannot divide — she is set as protected as an equal partner of indivisible stature due marriage unions, however, this Union is not allowed to set asunder, by Laws.  What feminist angst and envy is tolerable by Law after first so expressed as intimated as Executive heft by a kept equal in marriage First Spouse?  Mustn’t the plates so served upon as of politics of the Executive stay in the Executive - stay to the proper side of the thresholds of democracy as preserved in the Executive’s walls?  Where a team of rivals worked for President Lincoln it now already endures that for President Obama his gamble with an embrace of the Clintons as rivals has been much to the frays causal to his unraveling.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is the proper politician to tag about the past hashable as a said “Messiah” it is that he, not she, has played out more as if a SON OF GOD, and too with an EXODUS - an exodus in Hollywood of at least half of those thought to have been loyal to the Clinton marital union accordance as a set so poised as those their most dramatic friends.  It must rank with President Obama that however possibly as a female gladiator the people of the known world is behooved too to consider that she is more as if a Joaquin Phoenix - a Commodus. She seems to already have failed with, and in, too many “fight scenes.”

Her envy - oh her envy?  But for being like born and bread of Chicago, Illinois, true so through, she otherwise claimed The Natural State as hers.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But as for having been reared and trained to a juris doctorate she as a J.D. seems still too dramatic and lacking in a believable as it is she too seems to want “ORDER” pre ambled to be a verb and not the noun of its writ large People Order original intent.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But how to accommodate - how to moderate - how to justify - how to arrest her insensibilities and properly grid her out graphically and chronologically to meter in digits her past footing, of her beaten, to within inches so more American?  How are any now to properly weigh the existent legacy of she as the equal to her he and of shared intimate and intimated Executive Power - how she a Commodus or a modern day Marie Antoinette?

Among the vicissitudes very publicly incident to her reign is much of personal emoluments and marital entanglements.  The faux she is to be the is she soon of the record for curation for all those fallen and of risings indivisible from the real she of the his her of the Clintons’ Presidency “two-fer” Union - when the Ground Zero Museum opens it will have a curatorial duty to the realm of truth and probative curiousity which she should have trouble long enduring.  When the Ground Zero Museum opens the Ground Zero Memorial will become more a living tribute to truth and towards honoring the memorial as a memorial, however constructed, as a construct to display the real she and he Clinton as the ticker ticks that the priors are for President Bush but eight plus months, and for the Clintons’ Presidency eight years plus eight months plus.

Our Constitution has been shaken.  Her constitution is set to be permanently shaken and likely exposed as truly culpable at least in a shared executive negligence, at least.  The Ground Zero Museum may not be prudent or charged to exposing a “The Real Hillary Rodham Clinton” or at all the she of her of feminine “envy” but it will at least have the justification to undermine a too dramatized she with a timeline chronology showing the attacks of the first 9/11 had plans commenced while she reigned as (a too imperialist) First Spouse.  It should shake her to the ashes, at least to the bones of her “legacy” - it should be an open and shut to a irreconcilable coincidental to shake her truly about a due consideration of a museum curative charge for the people - all people - that there are at least a couple per the Clintons’ administering of a public record that can and can more still incriminate them, and much for the dangers of inaction and avoidance specific to the Middle East and more so Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our truths?  God is in the Constitution as ordained and established as the People’s Order in their forming the more perfect Union so as “done” that Year of the founders’ Lord whence.  God isn’t just established by the Constitution as the God of the New Testament — the founders established the government of the People as so humbly under God and their order to it so as a more perfect Union as “done” so before subscriptions unanimous so effectingly.

Our truths?  God has been bearing witness to the bare she as honestly politically of the indivisible union in marriage with her he the Platypus stinger of her of her consummated and consecrated intimate intimations of the Clintons’ Executive and to as the said rival of a team about President Obama that is of a legacy now of dividing a nation more than unifying one.

Our truths?  God is not alone - God so Constituted is empowering freedoms and too soon by a curated memorialized to it a inconvenient truth that the Ground Zero Museum will have its charges to a duty to float the whale of she - the whale of her issues - as it that such is consecrated as hallowed ground to be forever considerate and a sanctuary for honesty about how such is of an ashes of sacrifice not to be seen at all as acceptable collateral damage for the politics and policies of the Administration by the Clintons will long cascade visuals to truths about them of a culpability.

However madly hatted in a public spectacle, it is sad - not spectacular - that Hillary Clinton has been, and is, a person of interest for so much that has gone wrong.  However madly hatted the Ground Zero Museum will make the sanctuary of the Ground Zero Memorial a living testament to a due queriousness near to and regular as:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG (IN THE MIDDLE EAST)?

However:  Now of a refreshing of the scares of SON OF GOD and the Biblical EXODUS we have to too consider anew the civility and prudence, at least of economics, if to a returned growth paradigm, in how it can still be said that the Republicans are naturally better for a JOB for you for they sell sin, sex, sanctuaries, and justice and/or forgiveness, and, in a simplicity for Democrats they apparently have been too much too slick in just a pedestrian selling of sin and escapism.  The original he and she we are asked to be to seeing is an Adam and Eve as Bill and Hillary of their inescapable intimately consummated soon to be more lively consecrated by their intimations and political intimidations by the duties curatorial expected with all those of charges about the soon to be open Ground Zero Museum.

Perhaps, we can reduce for reader digesting the whale of Platypus, Draculette, Antoinette and Commodus Clinton by using a quote by paraphrasing one whom was of the Clintons’ National Security Council.  Perhaps this thought too should be boldly set and illuminated sharply at least in the new museum when it is open:  Perhaps so:  As written in TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt nearly:  WHEN THE WHITE HOUSE SETS ABOUT WORKING TOO CLOSELY WITH HOLLYWOOD SUCH BEGETS TERRORISM.

Perhaps, we just need to question her wardrobe as if it was ever even magical?  Perhaps the threshold of a “honest” “Hillary” is at just remembering how President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did tag the Administration of the Clintons’ smartly for having begotten problems by ignoring too much that dangers arise from avoidance and inaction?  It is that President Obama should maybe too be memorialized at such museum and for the wisdom and prudence however 20/20 of hindsight about even 9/11 I of the attacks on 9/11 of the Year of our Lord two thousand and One — Perhaps an @BarackObama quote should too endure by public displays of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance heedence of credence in proffered his as there are DANGERS from AVOIDANCE and INACTION?

                                        *     *     *

[If Hillary Rodham had married William Jefferson Clinton by his Christian name firstly given she’ld, however becoming she may have become, would have been so too as more just Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:17 am

Because of Bill Clinton - President William Jefferson Clinton - it is most improbable now that any national Democrat can offer a bi-partisan road forward.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton oddly, for her purported “feminism”, is secured it seems as FLOTUS Hillary of the Clinton Foundation - as First Lady of the Clintons’ global initiatives.

Because of the partisan political first steps of the Clinton administration per the Middle East as it dates to the Year of the Founders’ Lord one thousand nine hundred and Ninety three the politics of the People of the United States of America are undermined.  President Clinton is remembered for a lawyer trickery like a used car salesman of the lower ranks of strategery for pushing lemons as sound vehicles. 

The threat reports of the United States as per the Middle East and our long history of Cold War involvements are yet corrected or properly of sufficient factoring for the variables related to the first move of the Clinton administration with a group of Middle East leaders so of he requesting that they contractually agree to just blame all ‘anti-American’ sentiment and justifications on Republicans.  It was a cheap trick to akin to the low ranks of thought stereotypes for used car salesmen.  It is a wrench still in the gears of the foreign affairs of the United States and as well all “intelligence” derived within.  It is that President Clinton is remembered for locking in a group of Middle East leaders to not blame him or Democrats for any or all of the Cold War years, at least, and to give him a clean slate - and that such to him was for a way to then avoid the action and commitment for the US relationships that better would have been with him to working to resolve in lieu of just blaming.

A slippery slope or an impossible oil slick for even a pedestrian navigation of current US relations across the Middle East is much the crash lawyering trickery of President Clinton akin to his reputation as “Slick Willy” for it seems having a slippery fork tongued (disbarred) esquired willingness to stand and present himself of an innocence while more of a guilt.

The people of the Middle East are of an honor and pride themselves in being honorable for their sense of honor.  The leaders of the Middle East seem foremost among those that pride themselves on being honorable for their sense of honor. 

President Clinton’s crass cheap tricks in politics to bias history of his first year and first steps developed to be much lacking in honor.  President Clinton’s “diplomacy” haunts now our foreign relations and ability to properly interpret intelligence — He as remembered so was to trapping a people of their sense of honor in a contract he then enforced to his selfish purposes and in ways that then held other “leaders” to a performance to keep up their end of his “bargain” to just blame Republicans. 

This is remembered while remembering also that such fits with my first bad first impression of Bill and Hillary from the early 1970s in the year or two before Watergate.  I have known Bill and Hillary since their law school days for it was that they polled my as a young youth to whether they could both become President of the United States of America some day.  It is remembered that from my first meeting of Bill Clinton I found him willing to lie and as well to ask a near first grader to lie to and in support of his lying as to what such’s God’s honest answer was to his querying.

There is a much longer story in the how and why of their rise in the 1992 election cycle for me to tell in coming years as of how for all the leading help they got from me after my initial guidance to Democrats as to how they could win in 1992 it was that much that came from me that has long benefited the Clintons after getting on such a wagon of mine was long firstly figured otherwise to be to protecting people from them specifically.  For now let me just say that though I did tell them that if they entered and learned how to sound like me they could win, and, that I wasn’t intending my help and guidance for Democrats to be enough to get them elected.  I was meaning to make sure President Bush had an actual credible opponent in the 1992 race and hadn’t figured the entrance of Ross Perot.  I was of my original opinion of the Clintons then and yet helping them to seem more electable than even I thought they were as a matter in my mind about national security.  I was of such opinions and a hope to flush these two out for a single use as disposable politicians.

On the honor of the code of honor honorable among the people and leaders whence and now of the Middle East it is that our systems are still corrupted by the first steps and the performance President Clinton insisted upon as per the improper “contract” he worked so of a promise that only Republicans would be blamed for the past problems and that too he would have it interpreted that such promise was to avoid blaming him as long as he was still in office.

There is very little honor in this as how President Clinton (the Clintons) can be remembered.

As for our story and how it was of years and decades of Bill and Hillary checking in while of their political plotting at times of wondering if ‘that charming boy from the school yard’ was of thinking they then were trying to go too far - we have a special relationship - and especially special relationship since so much good I worked was actually firstly figured in parts to be bulwarks against them and their shared plotting.  It is ridiculous how they are still too well considered for “successes” that only came to be from work long as prophylactics against them.  It is ridiculous but how when I stopped protecting us and them from themselves they weren’t even then able to defeat the near unknown junior peer of Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race.  I have comfort in my knowledge of the decades about such conflicted politics of how I did help and then not help in order to asses and know how when I helped them they looked good or great and when I withheld pro-active voluntary efforts they mostly stumbled and bumbled.

There is an honor I hope in my years of work after my efforts at knowingly helping the Clintons seem better and more electable than even I thought they were for it of voluntary and proactive work to many years and trying times at then a business too “proactive” and “voluntary” to mediate and reduce the risks of and from the Clintons if and when left to be themselves politically.  There is that after they were unexpectedly elected (for the lack of a factoring of Ross Perot) I thought I had a responsibility to keep trying to save Democrats from themselves to then save what could be saved of the People more generally.

Essentially it may be the worst of Bill Clinton as “Slick Willy” that he proceeded as President in foreign policy that not only asked the Middle East to bias history with sole blaming of Republicans for all that was wrong but to then put them on their honor to continue just blaming the Republicans for all those years that the Clinton Administration’s avoidance and inaction was diabolical “politics” actually of his hands not Republicans. 

It is so also remembered and due finally a dealing with that while holding such some remembered Middle East leaders to he secured promise to not blame him or Democrats he was then firstly of his work to have such be a contract also of a promise that with such would be a promise to not attack America - The homeland of the United States of America - about such as they were to just blame Republicans about - as long as he was still in office.

Syria now presents and opportunity for the known world and all of the United States of America to get the history and politics of their times all wrong anew.  These days are the days we need to open a dialogue about what did and has gone wrong because President Clinton thought his “lawyering” trickery of his reputation of short of honor as “Slick Willy” could provide a foundations for lasting understanding and lasting growth.

It is that I just hope that how the 911 Commission work has been flawed from their start and so about a “prudence” proffered, however, as if looking back just ten years to understand Al Qaeda would be intelligent or telling isn’t of a politics of the Clintons at a lobbying about such to keep the Government of the United States of America from looking far enough back - to looking just back 12 -14 years - to looking just back to the conception/birth of Al Qaeda - to looking far enough back to clearly unearth a (legally) buried “contracted” culpability or just gross negligence.

It is that it seems while near another anniversary of the attacks of 9/11 by Al Qaeda it figures most simply that we got attacked because President Clinton had failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein even just for his invasion of Kuwait.  It is slippery more though and still how our paths for an understanding as it now is needed most with Syria conflicts stirring are of risks for a lack of understanding that President Clinton actually spent his eight years trapping Middle East leaders, as remembered, on their honor of his worked promise to just blame Republicans and to not be to any attacks on the homeland of the US while he was still President.

It is simply now also important to consider and debate how it seems the attacks of 9/11/2001 were planned and prepared for for years before those first months of the Administration of  George W. Bush and as it was that globally those times were of an expectation that the next President of the United States was most likely to be Al Gore.

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