Sadly our President received a recent New York news agency headline as a poll of a “single digit” score. I am now writing from the Library of Congress Law Library Reading Room in the Madison Building.
This must be a Constitutional issue and a national crisis talking point.
This isn’t just a football game emoted judgement. Our President is not performing consistent to his oath of office, seems.
Let us usher in a fresh full discourse now on a partisan divide of Democrats have lost their near hundred years old battle to have the Peoples’ “Order” our constituted be said to say what it does not.
Comparatively now to illustrate the deep dynamics let us raise up a complicated question to if Middle East monarchies are better defending religious liberties for religiousness as self-governance in Lord’s Laws than President Biden while yet posturing for democracy as seems to for getting votes for more a secular authoritarian ruling class yet of voters from citizens to more counted as just subjects.
Have Democrats while misrepresenting our Constitution to as if “in order to” as not written “in/Order/to form” and setting up “more/perfect/Union” as our government also under our Lord, & not to be theocratic, play God, even attempt to posture as if there is no God, just failed to correctly understand the basic difference for our Union is dependent on citizens self-governing locally in public morals - of religiousness as self-governance?
Right! “Single Digit” Biden was it seems a New York moment of a citizen expressive with a middle finger as poll.
Firstly a fuller measure of the fundamental failures of our 46th President now must question his “Catholic Guilt” as seems spurs on his “Biden Gaffes” & as seems we all must now be considered called to help Democrats clean up Democrats party. President Biden has, however accidentally, admitted the worse areas in America are blue Democrats run major cities and incidentally on issues of racism & class divides.
Globally he is equally less than worldly while historically Catholic.
There are no limiting principles it seems in his dictum that sets asunder President Kennedy long ago postured: “Ask not what your country can do for you…”.
This President irresponsibly governs as if “in order to” sets up “more perfect Union” as if Constitution our Peoples’ “Order” yet is just a loophole for executive tyranny with a narcissism allowed any time a President, even just in personality, cottons to thinking their own idea is “more perfect”. Our constituted is a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord”! Each by how united pluribus is an unum an individual of their rights from their Creator.
The Democrats misread our plain language and pervert originalism of the ordained & established “Order” our “Order” a constitution. Our government is limited from trumping local religious liberty for prudence in self-governing in religiousness - of each of as a neighbor in a web an eco-system a community.
Likewise on say abortion there no right for Congress to make any law to trump by like a pronouncement as if “murder is not murder” for polity & comity respectful to none is of a separation right from being a “neighbor” & of caring for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff. Like each to thoughts of conception due share a moral responsibility of seeding a new soul as soon as intent is to actions of conception.
The morals are for individual liberties in inescapable individual spiritual responsibilities around cause & effect intents?
At this moment “Single Digit” poll seems expressive to President Biden foreign policies are set asunder and un-American by also attempt to allow the Federal Government to be perverted to as if founding in blasphemy and leaders need not consider themselves as also constituted as under Lord’s Laws.
Our Peoples’ “Order” is arguably better written than it may ever have been politically allowed to be interpreted.
If “a free person” is yet an education standard a moral standard and a higher calling to each only free, while yet created equal, when yet they achieve a moral authority, encompassing and understanding the concepts of freedom as of from “free” is a religious concept, then mention of “natives” & “3/5ths” relates of “natives” independent from Judeo-Christian concepts officially, and “3/5ths” a fraction for those need a shepherd, like, as do not know they are free or are not enough of a moral authority or education to fathom full concepts in “free”?
Our anti-slavery primary amendment is less specifically needed - but for how originalism not allowed its full grace?
Our anti-slavery amendment reads as a fundamentally Jewish clause to impart consequences on ignoring Lord’s Laws or breaking such of 10 Commandments for where such Laws broken each then less than 5/5ths & like initially of a Jew could be essentially returned to a slave stated - needing incarceration or reformation.
As there are partisan divides on human rights even globally on same sex marriages it too of our Supreme Court limited affairs to generally there are forward equal rights to people still of maybe 70 years left of life expectancy to contribute to society equally after developmental years passed & formative to whom they are.
Of a differentiation between “democracy” and “self-governing” there is Apostle Paul upon Lord’s Laws essentially to gaiety yet is recognized as temporary condition and at times unavoidable to many. In Lord’s Laws Apostle Paul only baptized Gaius & Crispus & set up an institutional network of sanctuaries to discern & manage on trespasses, at least.
Globally same sex marriage may be too a rhetorical challenge than a biblical wrong? Where there is to be tolerance and each a meek believer and to worship services to be disciplined to be able to say “PEACE BE WITH YOU” there is Apostle Paul of set the rock of the faith in ‘gay’ not a noun and each to have Holy Spirit capacity to maintain sanctuaries from trespasses - cross wiring of bodies electric also biological for survival of the species.
Human rights are set asunder by President Biden now following in President Obama errant of ignoring for authoritarian powers the basics of religiousness is more the “originalism” self-governance than votes for “democracy” yet measured to seat a secular ruling class elite.
Each possibly just 3/5ths an original “free person” can be woman, child, man of any race? - as written and ratified? Some persons need shepherds - moral guidance and a fuller community of neighbors.
Slavery yet can be said, in a Jewish fundamentalism, to be legal and constitutional but only for those who have not achieved freedom in moral authority as a higher calling expecting moral authority as the bar?
The Democrats rhetorical problem is the same as “Biden Gaffes” to he has admitted the worst areas in America are blue Democrats party run cities - also college towns ruling more too much for a class system of winners and losers? There has long been systemic racism in Democrats governance quite effectively structural racism meant to stir blacks back to 3/5ths trap by lawlessness then allows slavery - incarceration & reformation.
It more worldly, I now hope, that Republicans are morally stirred with concerns of our worst areas are of Democrats vs Democrats more than black on black.
Sadly our President received a recent New York news agency headline as a poll of a “single digit” score.
Our constituted Peoples’ “Order” & too now the Iraq Iraqi newer constitution does establish individual liberty in a dependency of persons to be self-governing in Lord’s Laws of like Apostle Paul expressed of each under the one Lord before under any government.
We now have again a great public and global need to educate a teaching of originalism as to even President Biden, by oath to the constitution as written, is not allowed to contract with other nations in any agreement as if there is no God - as if his secular opines can amount to law - as if a president has the authority to make an agreement with any other government that betrays concepts of liberty in there is one Lord commanded.
Sadly our President received a recent New York news agency headline as a poll of a “single digit” score.
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It is now near 10am Wednesday morning the eve of Thanksgiving 2021. I am seated in the Jefferson Building main reading room of the Library of Congress.
President Joe Biden is an embattled executive with his leadership seriously questioned/doubted.
Our national traditions for this holiday do contravene the political messaging from the current White House.
Our national pastimes for level playing fields of law & order with referees & crowd emotions are inconvenient to current dictum prescribed too authoritarian & devoid regular order for advise & consent.
Enter President Donald Trump.
This man must be understood for parity in a real sense of history - real historicals - real context.
This man is a conundrum as to criticize him there that factor of most of years to be most critical he was yet in New York City resident as a Clinton Democrat. Which years were most formative & questionable for this man long a Democrats who changed parties it seems to be able to stay a winner?
To surmise he can only be judged as a Republican is off. This man, to President Biden especially, is of he changed party from Democrats to Republicans after there major national movement success in constitutional fundamentals of for modern Republicans of a Republican Movement & it also of a new Tea Party.
Neither old white man started these dynamics for a back to basics in keeping to the Constitution is better written than it may ever have been allowed to be interpreted. To parse & pare the different challenges it seems prudent all must see parameters like for Thanksgiving sports - football? - of settings for a level playing field & with referees sworn for rule by rules. The drama dynamic for broadcasting on challengers maybe fields best when both sides try to explain all the mistakes of the 1990s made by the Clintons.
Where was his politics in the 1990s?
President Biden now faces him as a Republican much did well after joining Republican Movement winning yet as his former self but too while Election 2020 had to be run with frauds perpetuated by the Democrats due the gestalt of the party is there otherwise eitherwise are too many contrary & contradictory in deeds & ranks.
President Biden has not been celebrating the values of Thanksgiving in his or the Obama administration; the Thanksgiving story is respected in Constitution plain language originalism of the colonies respected the Pilgrims experimented as contracted to for repayment of ocean transit costs then with that called Socialism today.
Our founders essentially rendered respectfully the learned from such experiment to the actual wording of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is to that we call Socialism is set as unconstitutional - but as under “Religious Liberty” focused & to as if religion.
This man is innocent compared the Democrats he fled from when he changed party?
President Biden otherwise is by how objects to actual originalism “Religious Liberty” per Thanksgiving inconvenient truths of Pilgrims experimented with & then overcame the pitfalls of that we call Socialism today, to he also fundamentally is postured eitherwise to in objections to the Iraq constituted - the Iraqi Constitution. Biden with Democrats whom fundamentally try to set asunder the concept of each an unum an individual of rights from Creator - to of Union as united pluribus to by how constituted each of Liberty for Posterity by it a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord”. The Iraq people have constituted likewise, however more similar to United Kingdom particulars, that the are each under Islam before under Government & since their liberation to stipulations for women to be guaranteed power of offices too.
This man is whom tried to give the country back to the People & while martialing artfully for a return of “Merry Christmas” across our nation.
Why did the Biden campaign need “Black Lives Matter” to fundamentally shift from formed after Michael Brown police incident tragedy in Ferguson Missouri into that seems SOLD OUT to be activists & radicalized to firstly a partisan politics to attempt to PROTECT A BILLION DOLLAR GLOBAL BRAND FOR OBAMAS?
How was this man once a Clinton Democrat who joined the winning Republican Movement for constitutional law & order new buttressing so misunderstood?
Aren’t both these old white men more wrong than right? - on Iraq for how Iraqi liberated? & then constituted a republic? President Biden must be anti-Iraq as constituted like his politics are of party now long for citizens as if more just subjects & any religiousness to be suborned under an authoritarian tyranny of a Left ruling class? President Trump must be more wrong than right on his objections to the liberation of Iraq - the Iraq War?
This man who as our president represented an existential threat to the politician Joe Biden by moved as a Modern Republican in sync to the Republican Movement he joined to bring the nation to a refreshed polity of the Republicans more whom represented as the WORKING BLUE COLLAR CITIZENS party? He had old “Joe” on the ropes! He with the Republicans as his new party too demonstrated very professionally an economics with objectivism & social sciences data of our nation could creates more jobs than there seemed a suffice of workers to staff.
Candidate Joe Biden just lied & lied & perpetuated frauds for gain across the 2020 election to ran more against a construct of a #FakeDonald actually irrational & devoid of any objectivism in any science for real psyche profiling.
This man, besides becameth the new champion of the working people, did too trample on any ego of old “Joe” by too he was doing more than generally reported as doing of doing more for blacks - black Americans - than Democrats had been willing to do for the past 30 years, at least. Old “Joe” was being flattened by this man obviously a changed man as became a Republican politician & shed many past mistakes especially of the 1990s of the effected moral depravity in political decisions by President William Jefferson Clinton - born yet William Blythe III to need a name change seems to become electable. This man became a Republican President didn’t change his name; Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton did both choose to have “Jefferson” as of their legal names, even as for firstly of South for Jefferson Davis.
As candidate Joe Biden long in 2020 election he by his own party of New York state prosecutorial discretion standards, as precedent on FRAUD, was able to be deemed UNFIT FOR OFFICE for perpetuated FRAUDS for gain both of lies to inflate President Barack Hussein Obama legacy, & too to run against a construct a #FakeDonald.
Ours & Iraqi constitutions are likewise of our Thanksgiving roots for each an unum and individual of rights from Creator by how constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) - by how united pluribus to each says each other’s rights come from their Lord - not the Federal Government. President Biden is contrary to both. President Obama more than misread Constitution he administered false governance at home & abroad as if he could lead as if a secular Socialist.
This man may be hard to see as an innocent for he of so many years at least to quiet during the 1990s moral depravity of the executive decisions by the Clintons. He did rise to show with Republican Movement & Modern Republicans that the Right was better on job creation & too as experienced to also setting up to have done more for blacks than Democrats had been willing to do for over 30 years.
This man though a former Clinton Democrats was not so horrible as were the Clintons of it was apparent so much of what they yet staged for popularity as of DOING FOR BLACKS was much back doored also as SET UP TO FAIL.
This man may have failed to defend himself from the attacks from the Clintons & associated but due he was too long too quiet as maybe complicit as one of them?
Candidate Joe Biden had to be unbecoming to unfit for office, by more than this said of failed his own party’s legal standards for perpetuating fraud for gain; Candidate Joe Biden had this man of had him against the ropes by with Republicans of so improved/built a growing economics the economy nearly had too many jobs for the available number of workers, & to were actually moving forward to still be to helping blacks more than Democrats had long been willing to.
As also maybe firstly just the other “old white guy” is this man now of old “Joe” problem of may be reflexively towards regressing to errant old ways of at least the 1990s and Clintons poor judgement for Posterity to be taught of 8 years much in a moral depravity?
Where is there Thanksgiving of level playing fields for this contesting of the politics?
Democrats perpetuated FRAUDS to flip his LAW & ORDER on him as set as vs THE SWAMP & their leadership to as if he was, not they by CYA necessity, whom militarizing POLICING issues & baiting racism?
Whom can be the referees for LAW & ORDER this Thanksgiving and beyond to maybe #Trump2024?
President Biden has a moral duty to be an EDUCATION PRESIDENT to youths can study the mistakes of President Barack Hussein Obama - learn of and from the Obama mistakes - which to means we must now removed the like BLACKED OUT for all of 1990s on President William Jefferson Clinton real administering so too young & old all around the world can finally study so much firstly best tag’d “moral depravity” extant in the Clintons governance.
It seems this day in 2021 near eve of Thanksgiving that to judge this man - beyond was President Donald John Trump, Sr. for a term - we must reconsider the 1990s & firstly work up a full dramatization of a Bill Clinton vs Donald Trump historical.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi did steal election 2020 as promised she would as Democrats went after this man constantly by stealing the successful movement developments of the Republican Movement & Tea Party - which too historically explains the current ORIGINALISM Supreme Court plurality - & projecting & transferring to build presumption of guilt by momentum, not proofing, the landed hits that felled #CrookedHillary.
This man was of a stolen election but oddly his defenses so far have not explained how it actually was stolen as promised it would be.
This man hasn’t defended himself well enough?
This man was too long a Clinton Democrat now too old to stay a changed man?
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A historical John Kerry, however a President Joe Biden czar, is too much for basic civics.
An example of John Kerry must be made, but, at which grade levels is it too much though it should not be?
Abraham Lincoln can be taught. Lincoln for Posterity got graded “Honest Abe”!
Our President suggests he is now of the business of bipartisanship. Must he sacrifice John Kerry?
Our more perfect Union is constituted in a Peoples’ Order done not in blasphemy. It is not as Democrats for near a hundred years have tried to read it contrarily to as if could have a SOCIALIST interpretation. It in plain language is far less than claimed “a living document” - for citizens self-governing in Lord’s Laws is depended upon - and to its core more for curriculums as leaves the power to the people of scripture the living document.
Our 10th Amendment is of our Bill of Rights as in snarky grammar due should seem redundant to any who recognizes our Revolution as just & legal, and what is of the concepts in our rights are from our Creator. This amendment more reiterates that it is a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” and not in a loose future tense as a loophole for executive tyranny. To sacrifice John Kerry may be President Biden’s show of commitment needed to reboot bipartisanship.
Does John Kerry fail any or all “Black Lives Matter” tests? Aren’t we at to judge President Biden we need also have to ask and answer near even “which John Kerry”? Doesn’t the real John Kerry present too long of contradictions he bifurcates any White House manuevers to posture as if for real bipartisanship? There is still the Senator John Kerry who threatened Americans that they would end up in Iraq War if they did not do their homework - as if the Iraq War was more for detention or hard labor re-education.
Who more is a thorn in Republicans side than the real John Kerry who also worked to undermine the Iraq War as soon as President George W. Bush had boots on the ground and it commenced? Senator John Kerry and Senator John Murtha are recalled as stoked and stoked anti-war vibe globally to instead of the Iraq War got the Iraqi citizens expected cooperation our allied forces faced a scared population so stoked and stoked to again fear a new CUT & RUN diabolical dynamic.
To bring back - build back - have a bipartisanship reconstruction era in President Biden hand we have to move from politics partisan of trump cards and get back to process & baby steps of seeing what cards are yet in the hands.
To sacrifice John Kerry could be a prudent act of good faith by President Biden.
Whom in the Biden administration is more a barrier to a comity in parity for a new polity for bipartisanship reconstruction to be of building up basics newly? A climate czar who still isn’t seeing the environment as so international an issue, for governance in our republic’s standards, as calls up treatious class to duly due a 2/3rds plurality surely is an obstacle to Unity for our Union?
Already President Biden is stuck with others to contrary he cannot hardly make and example of them - especially rank them for middle school civics - without then self-incrimination and to ghastly accounts of near to “Obamagate” then explained or just exposed as far worse than “Watergate”. President Biden cannot easily sacrifice the Clintons or Obamas but yet he can purge John Kerry for polity restoration for a bipartisanship reconstruction era. With John Kerry purged President Biden need not self-incriminate by officially explaining say “Obama was better than Clinton” where as party lies were “it is all Bush’s fault” and reality is Secretary Hillary Clinton much repeated her spouses 1990s mistakes while President Obama in many ways governed more like President Bush than President Clinton.
President Biden for the good cause of a bipartisanship restoration beyond a common sense process basic baby steps of going word by word through our Peoples’ Order to find the actual different interpretations need be bridge can purge John Kerry for not seeking 2/3rds plurality on climate & environment politics without self-incrimination to the apparent real crimes extant in history of party to illegal cover-ups for the Clintons far worse than of any President Richard Nixon ever even accused.
The battle lines must be drawn! Where are the lessons for civics to reach but not reach too young to be too scary?
With a purge of John Kerry a climate czar impossibly positioned to restore any bipartisanship President Biden can clear the table for honest playing on the cards actually in hands of the politics of our times.
The climate - the oceans, the air, the atmosphere - is among those things so too much of international interactive issues for our republic to not require a treatious 2/3rds plurality. A simple majority is not prudent nor our regular order towards being the threshold towards forcing a better process and deeper understanding.
In 2004 candidate John Kerry may have professed near “as Commander in Chief I will never mislead nation into a war” but isn’t that all double speak after the fact to how much he lied while Senator to mislead the nation into an “anti-war” emotional pique to where the Iraq War near as soon as commenced became set asunder by a bi-polar politics of Senator Kerry and Senator Murtha stoked and stoked to build up a fear across Iraq to that the USA & allied would just like CUT & RUN again?
How can any have a reconciliation just on a “real John Kerry” of candidate in 2004 saying he would grow the armed forces and Senator Kerry who may have ruined the only chance America & allied had with the Iraq War? He is whom? Firstly that “leader” wanted Iraq War to be staffed by those failed their classes or just didn’t to a suffice do their homework? Senator Kerry who waited until after our armed forces were in country & boots on the ground committed to take up such an anti-war effort he did stoke and stoke it all until too many Iraqi feared hoped for cooperation as was palpable from anti-war politics of Senator Kerry that the USA & allies were soon just going to CUT & RUN again? The equally above it all on the global connected eco-system it is as he an authoritarian dictates and not an up for discussion in regular order of republic baby steps for advise and consent processes?
Firstly though President Biden must still be a Democrat who avoids the overdue probative haunting his party and setting asunder bipartisanship likewise.
President Biden will self-incriminate if he offers any honesty on 1990s & how the Clintons, beside forming “Deep State” to obligate bureaucratic loyalty to for job security to being in conspiring to put planning a succession & rise to FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT above the sworn duties of offices.
The Clintons were of moral depravity in 1990s foreign & domestic decisions. So much that went horribly wrong has deep roots to a pathology theirs & of means, motives, & opportunity in affected. The Clintons earned “AMERICAN INFIDEL” tag & too as of “AMERICAN ABANDONMENT” in moral depravity of Bill Clinton didn’t do the right things because he didn’t want to do the right things.
Our national security now has President Biden deciding represents an existential - even imminent threat.
To have the right moral basis our Constitution is the best foundation - how President Biden postures is still to try to allow contrary intra-party positions even as Clintons’ 90s of “post-Constitution” so anti-Constitution they effectively proofed selves at their selfish ambitions to being more anti-Constitution even than Revolutions British General Henry Clinton, & too anti-Federalist New York Governor DeWitt Clinton. The Clintons public proud remarks of records can be used as confessions to “textbook treason” with any indictment merely needing an assertion that the Constitution never stopped being the laws of the land.
For education for our future leaders though President Biden owes the world explanations to his party’s oh so contrary.
Beyond sacrificing John Kerry as a real obstacle to a bipartisanship reconstruction era President Biden for national security needs explain the dynamics of the real differences just in the sworn rivalry between the Clintons & Obamas.
For example: How did Hillary Clinton lose? How did Hillary Clinton lose twice? Firstly she repeated her spouse’s mistakes?
For example: The definition of FASCISM due update to read A MOVEMENT OF THE LEFT FOR AUTHORITARIAN POWER - as experienced with CLIMATE CHANGE solutions tyranny long of dictates devoid plurality building advise and consent regular order prudence? It too of John Kerry it fits there this movement used like a TROJAN HORSE to bring authoritarian tyrannical ruling class to power in lieu of constituted as a republic?
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