
January 2025
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1787 - PLAN B?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:53 pm

A smash up for “Swifties” – perhaps:

And the song goes on of “We the People…in Order to form” of our “more perfect Union” established by that the People have divine rights, each, and the union of states is sans a monarch of divine rights.

Our origins song is still revolutionary; the plain language of our founding is much of the essence of the English version in print of the KJV – King James Bible – to thus though Americans are under their Lord Creator before under government – especially liberated from as under a King’s “Order” (noun).

Authoritarians across the globe are torturing our poetic for constituted liberated, and it seems to bring back powers for tyrants to enslave. Our beautiful original plain language cannot be abided in the authoritarians’ marshalling machinations as it as for “a free state” as human condition in Liberty still threatens any dictator’s preference that any is a subject – not a free citizen.

Please, carefully & methodically, give deep consideration to “Plan A” as of your rights from your Creator this Constitution Day 2024, and to what it may mean to sing anew of “I AM AN AMERICAN” with an intellectual learned voice.

Our founding in 1787 was likewise of a high standard that dared not any blasphemy.

When you sing, please sing of the logic for the passions of by constituted “E PLURIBUS UNUM” by how united pluribus each is an unum an individual of responsibilities with rights from their Lord Creator.

George Washington was not a prude.

The Washingtons practiced prudence of their era of weekly most were responsible to be present in their family pews for hours of morals ministering – a truly “original” exercise in democracy of self-governing in religious freedoms.

Our founding THINK - BEAT - is that each is inalienable from the realm of Lord’s Laws.

“Swifties” shouldn’t need a “Plan B”?

Deep care and methods shouldn’t have been dissed?

There is no right in the CONSTITUTION to violate Lord’s Laws.

George Washington spoke of prudence in a general’s humor in his 1st Inaugural but with a humorist’s twist of metaphorically spoke of “impregnable fortitude” vigilance as a part of “vicissitudes incident to life” at the birth of a new nation.

Our nation so conceived was inaugurated by a first president speaking of he and his wife having been like “repaired from retired” by becoming the first first-couple like of the responsibilities abiding in a vigilance to maintain the prophylactics of those days to have chance of “Plan A” prevention of unexpected inseminations – to have “impregnable fortitude” by proper care and maintenance. George and Martha are said to did inherit her parents books on sex.

Care and methodologies are required. A swift reading of our plain language in our Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious) an order ordained the constituted is unwise.

The 14th Amendment re-established the 2/3rds usage as important governance rests at where any may fail a 60% PASS/FAIL bar on public morals. The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln stayed true to originalism – the plain language yet firstly a liberating ordered.

Can you fathom this Republican’s republican adherence to common sense? Lincoln won as of the original righteousness as a new champion of it was established for “a free state” as the human condition of Liberty in religious freedom.

There is no 100% abortion in the ending of a life – even a conceived incidentally of backslid to naturalism from due an individual conscience as each indivisible from created a child of the Lord.

We are still each, and all, of bodies electric and biological, with the spiritual duties around each the intended civic responsibility of each.

A successful seeding is from a sown was while connected yet to all – as indivisible from all.

An aborting of a successfully seeded doesn’t kill the HOPE that was shared for of the energies exercised towards “future leaders” may be what we need even if not for which we asked.

This Constitution Day it is more acceptable to read the intent as of the language and import/prudence of the revolution, and especially as the 250th anniversary of our independence approaches, as of the divine right is shouldered to upon each individual, and removed from being a “divine right” of a monarch.

Perhaps just not swiftly considering Jeremiah 1:5 of KJV will trigger a civic reboot:

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.”

Swift, or Swifties?

Isn’t this as WOKE as it can get? Isn’t originalism of “thee” – “thou” as each a child of the Lord?

Our democracy is so thus established fundamentally to be principally and firstly of self-governing with disciplines of religious practice locally. You are each a child of the Lord and in America to under your Creator before government.

Vice President Kamala Harris, sadly, seems yet another in a long line of said “Democrats” now over a hundred years towards trying to set asunder originalism of “a free state” for secular SOCIALISM of each more a subject, scored and graded – more a caste system than ordered a free citizen – if yet can score 60% on public morals in own community.

Our separation of church and state is more vertical – the old “wall of separation” is too confused - is too perverted to as if could stand equal status for secular SOCIALISM.

Vertically, and as rationally grammatically, the textualism has us ordered by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious inalienable) that form our “more perfect Union” as without a “divine right” of a monarch as the constituted is the established “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord”.

With Jeremiah 1:10 perhaps:

“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

A deep and learned oration should be erudite if as to still proffered as if learned during our revolutionary spirit to the dynamism of a dynamic where each if of their own divine rights.

Our constituted vein is for glory in the inalienable and indivisible of each from being a child fo the Lord.

Any potential conceived new life starts a universal sharing of a whom a future thou as if could be already a thee to be a new “Golden Child” – future good shepherd. An aborting doesn’t also kill the HOPE while will haunt a never-ending doubt if CREATION had been blessed of that the needed FUTURE LEADER so conceived was but washed away.

Any bloodline in America is of the “I AM AN AMERICAN” civil responsibilities for of each action has an equal and opposite reaction where if life can be it may yet have been that life created due a star was calling.

In 2024 on CONSTITUTION DAY what was in 1787 is still leading & prudent.

There is no separation right from each is to be a neighbor to their neighbors.

As it takes 2 to tango the creation of a new life we yet are constituted as in a Peoples’ religious “Order” of each of individual responsibility of each is of their rights from their Creator – each is of divine rights and to be presumed innocent, and firstly potentially a more Holy.

Our CONSTITUTION is still most WOKE; To properly, not too swiftly cursorily just scan, our founding ordering trust it as an EDUCATION standard in common sense of for Posterity it has prescriptions for when any may be less than 3/5ths moral – of a below 60% PASS score of grading for “MORAL AUTHORITY”.

As since the tablets of MOSES there have been the if then what thens for where any could be reverted to enslaved if and when they were too in a naturalism or otherwise too much a disturbance in the ordered of civility that is the liberation from enslavement in THE WORD.

“In the beginning was the WORD…”?

The WORD and our founding are of each is not an animal – each is a child of God – each forever may become confused on yet thou how respectful and prudent any can be when a son or a daughter is also but a child of the Lord’s as per also their parent, their parents.

As the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence nears it would be awful to lose all the seeded that could have been the gift from God of a needed future leader – yet not then asked for burden.

The forces of our nature are yet ordered for a Peoples’ “Order” sans a “national religion” to that each might be that new mutt – mixed blooded – a conceived in spirit – constituted for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a freedom “of” religion, not a freedom “from” religion.

There are no rights to violates the Lord’s establishments of religion in our ordered for each an unum an individual to be related with as “A FREE PERSON” so much as by if of walk and talk a truth as one of achieved a moral authority – a learned civic demeanor.

Do not get lost in a rash rushed quick take of the CONSTITUTION use of “A FREE PERSON”.

As an EDUCATION STANDARD it fits with the times for those who had a proven achieved level of practiced disciplined MORAL AUTHORITY.

The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln was of a civic correction was needed due peoples in states, some near 100 years later, wanted children of God to be prejudged of a FAIL grade – of a score at 3/5ths MORAL or lower – based on the color of their skin. The 14th Amendment keeps originalism as of shepherds and over-watchers likely needed where any about whom scores less than 60% moral.

A native American was also projected while not prejudged for being moral in originalism was of meeting people at whom they were. As Washington letter to the Jews of Newport served as notice of meaning it is basically essentially un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.

We are ordered of a Peoples’ Order of there is above our nation and the government that PERFECTION standard of what is religious.

George Washington did jest and joke around the birth of our nation and did reference safe-sex and the care & methods minding prophylactics required.

Our founding though was not in blasphemy, did preserved for local and community nearness our self-governing in religious liberty.

Vice President Kamala Harris is now just another in a long line of “DEMOCRATS” long attempting to set asunder the most WOKE liberating constituted order of mankind.

“We the People…in Order to form” puts the fear of God first – calls each to become free by becoming achieved to even scored as a thee can walk and talk of a MORAL AUTHORITY.

A “Plan B” shouldn’t be needed with “Plan A” not sub-human.

Having a “QUICKY” for a “SWIFTIE” - however of the “Hook-up Generation” – has a dominos effect even more dynamically now as many wake assaulting global consciences “on-line” just with rash memes, and imprudent posts.

By constituted with an established ordained for a Peoples’ “Order” the fraternity is familial to all in essence and the vibe on creation activities is there is no “OFF-LINE” from inalienable individual responsibility – from civil endowment as each a thee a child of God.

The responsibilities for any “PLAN B” are of thou a thee must try to un-ring the “we” “share” bell.

As many get 3/5ths clause wrong it also that the 14th Amendment erred using “male” where “A FREE PERSON” as an EDUCATION standard allowed the original plain language to be of achievement that could be reached by any a child of God.

Persons who FAIL are due at least more regular shepherding. Our 3/5ths a 60%, in grammar, is color-blind. Killing off seeded potential future leaders should not be race-based as we all sing the body electric and could not possibly out-smart God?

To Washington, thou, would thee in a quicky with a “Swiftie” be yet in a “Marriage Act”?

To Vice President Kamala Harris what is yet still just “fornication” and “pleasures of the flesh” for local house of worship to be facilities for tolerance and forgiveness as of the Christian calling per trespasses?

To “Swifties” what is “climate change” new versus “acts of God” old?

As in “the beginning” was “THE WORD” the definitions are the establishments of religion our Congress shall make no law respecting – our Congress shall not re-spectacle/change.

In the eyes of the Lord – whom each a thee the thou a child of God – is who is to be responsible and more free the more they achieved applicable MORAL AUTHORITY.


I know to each I meet they are to be encountered firstly as a child of the Lord, inalienable so also!

Your national government is not to be your neighbor of first resort – by “PLAN A” even “PLAN B”!

As a citizen a “Swiftie” in 2024 you could be a new “class” limited to 3/5th status if graded/scored on if are FREE by achieved 60% or better PASSABLE.practicable MORAL AUTHORITY.

Grouping by race - skin colors - were abolished while a reality is we kept constituted there are grounds for voters to have vote be adjusted from 5/5th down to 3/5ths.

More importantly this 3/5ths, an allowed scoring on public morals sans being a religious test on if of the right organization, yet shall need the 2/3rds ar of amending regular order to change.

More blacks in 2024 may score as “A FREE PERSON” than caucasians maybe more stepped out on faith.

As a class blacks may be due - may have earned - may quantitatively score more moral than “Swifties” and rate more free.

Our originalism plain language is dependent on public morals - on smaller bands of folk locally self-governing their universal world in the Laws of the Lord Creator.

God is in the CONSTITUTION as more not in the Peoples’ Order - due respected as above it - as a vertical separation sets the government also under God - as “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord” without a hint of blasphemy.

George and Martha were also “repaired from retired” by became the first couple birthing our Union - as of their greatest fear/worry if still stayed retired was there is no plan “B” for ups and downs - “vicissitudes incident” to life.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:59 pm

As history may repeat itself to effect equally bad or worse outcomes what tumblers of time may be ominously clicking into place?

Imagine yourself present in real-time in Washington DC as near the 250th anniversary of 13 states independence declared, and commenced.

Are you inclined towards Psalm 92:10 for a pressing praying for your horn/powers to be blessed?

Is your first visceral emote on the forming 2024 Presidential race an evoked thought of Edvard Munch for his “The Scream”?

As Munch’s was of post-Civil War arts and President Biden uttered thoughts on that these united states of America are in a new civil war who is Munchy now is alarming and scary.

The California homeless may be praying already for relief from change as now seems as if too de facto under the reigns of the Vice President – of Governor Newsom can’t be acting independently – with a war against the homeless.

Democrats now seem to be screaming alarms against Democrats.

A pop image for reality if caricatured of VP Kamala Harris seems of a scream a war cry as if yet a helmeted head sticking out of a tank in mobilizations across California, with her Governor, for a “California Miracle” more successfully marshalled than whence of Massachusetts by old Governor Dukakis.

Like: Tank Commander Harris routs out all homelessness – all homeless pop-up encampments!

Glimpses of examples of German arts have been available at the National Gallery of Art. – Artworks of the years of the rise of fascism.

Our arts and specifically artists may be failing civilization too much.

These are dark times of black arts – arts noir – needing new moralists.

It is ominous that Governor Newsom’s war to rout out pop-up homeless encampments seems was a first real political news of the self-subjugation by President Biden, with apparent due cause, effected to anoint Kamala Harris.

To what degree can “Howard” now, from inside the beltway, endear or endure as once Irish and Celtic as a tag in honors as “high guardian”?

A Kamala Harris candidacy as if firstly the new party “SCREAMER” Howard Dean is dramatically fraught.

Such a Kamala Harris would near have to thematically be like an antagonist to any protagonist black panther.

Sound effects too would be much inconvenienced as should evoke concerns of old beaten overtones stirring up consciences to now should be deeply known warning notes echoes of disasters stemmed from Bill Clinton staged to seem “dovish” so later Hillary Clinton could seem “hawkish”.

Howard and the unicorn are now inflection points two of our Union’s greatest concerns.

All hopes that a Howard could propagate to future leaders at the ready to triumph from a purity - innocence a power – S.O.P. – to a legacy of legends by many became “high guardians” seems washed out.

The “Dean Scream” of the 2004 Presidential campaign seems spiritually recurring.

To candidate Kamala Harris, however more Indian or black, seems anti-unicorns – except as if are rhinoceros.

Are there even enough black doctors in DC for a containment of seems old – art noir – dark arts newly recurrent?

Is there anywhere an innocent enough “Howard” as “high guardian” potential to be towards finding a virgin to catch a needed mythical being even if a black unicorn more a horse than a rhinoceros?

Can there be any Harris & Newsom “California Miracle”?

If too many even once Kennedy Democrats are now much also mere “Cafeteria Catholics” as Joseph R. Biden, Sr. was Holy tag’d isn’t primal screaming to be expected as coincident to crossroads for devolutions from civilized to more barbarian? – thresholds crossed?

Are the apparent “SCREAMS” like from candidate Harris evidence of devolution?

The mobilization against California homeless is suggestive of psyche bipolar? – a beast two headed? Kamala as a Jekyll and a Hyde?

“Howard and the Unicorn” seems can only fit a law-and-order narrative.

Albeit alas if not yet a wolf in sheep’s clothing horror dramatic.

Yes, German art during the rise of fascism still evokes a “TROUBLED”.

Democrats’ nominee reasonably cannot be the virgin thought needed to catch a unicorn?

Her “Dean Scream” as set with context may shift more from Kennedy Democrats?

I recall Dr. Howard Dean admitted apparently to he amidst his campaign did “run afoul” of the profession’s MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY LAWS. I recall he fessed up to admitting his loss some was from he missed the mark on especially his professional standards – of he did harm by lying.

Once A.C.A. – Obamacare – became law – however it much firstly from thinking from The Heritage Foundation focus for healthcare reforms – presidents and lawyers or candidates, as of administration duties forward, like doctors, should also not be knowingly lying to win.

Washington DC divisions and partisan gridlock now some figure as from changes did occur before the laws were modernized to a suffice. Politicians changed practices, as were a convenience by different, newness didn’t have enough a due deeper modernization of laws to keep up our constitutional protections from even tyranny by our government. Like even in “Climate Change” politics legal liability can be now asserted versus Al Gore, it seems, for global initiatives that set asunder regular order and due process that in old days kept a farmer or rancher from damming up a waterway about their property. Proud “Prosecutor” Harris can’t run from that our laws have not kept up with the changes of our times – from that Democrats abused democratic regular order while apparently seeking more authoritarian to fascist control.

As I write to alarm and share, hopefully in time, please process Bill and Hillary did not try to be “right for their times” over attempted selfish schemes, even with a deep state facility, to just try to make the times fit their ambitions.

In the late years of the Clintons’ administration I was a self-employed general contractor in Washington DC, some Maryland, and some also Virginia, - even of built out skateboard stores – and after of earlier at 2833 Georgia Ave NW of months with a DEMO permit working on a ground floor across Gresham Street from “The Buffalo’s” Howard University gymnasium for “THE BISON”. I much was a contractor by day and a independent politics writer by night.

Bill Clinton much won 1992, after a late entry after Carville and Begala tested messaging with Harris Wofford, as he learned to sound like me – my volunteered political thinking to turn the phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” into a call for urban agendas.

Bill Clinton also stole “I TRIED IT ONCE – BUT DIDN’T INHALE” from me.

Still others also lied – fibbed too much – as politicians.

Howard Dean, himself, stole from me, sadly likewise with gall, for his talks – townhalls? – with black – with black communities – to, can you believe it, politic a posture his message to that IT IS WRONG TO STEAL.

Kamala Harris and Joseph Biden likewise during just the 2020 election could both have been exposed of unbecoming for lies frauds also violate of MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY laws.

I am related, btw, in Cody family to he was “Buffalo Bill” Cody.

In 2004 Democrat Party convention break-out speech Barack Obama plagiarized me to yet sound like/own being of, while black, what Clintons stole from me since 1993 inauguration for much of their seen as popular. Much of the recession and economics problems near the end of the Persian Gulf War had the fixes begun before the Clintons even entered the 1992 race, and such likely were mostly locked in before November to even George H. W. Bush would have had a recovery with which to govern forward in a 2nd term.

Candidate Harris problems are old and complex. And, however a political chameleon, she seems lacking a necessary personality dynamism for any legendary or bare minimum democratic republic suffice.

Candidate Harris’ politics as long some to much Democrats have lost when fraudulently took credit for what another owns as intellectual property – deeper story of “FALL OF CLINTONS” due theft by fakes – far before a lost in a FEMINISM.
Hillary was much defeated as unworthy by a creative strike that shut her out from further misappropriations/uses of what long had been working essentially by them stealing a large part yet of a larger a grand scheme for innovation – which could be then blocked because they failed to know how they stole something vast was yet controllable to originator as really part of larger broader movements for maximizing positive change.

Likewise, even if not of kryptonite to Clark, Kamala Harris doth cannot possibly be of a legend of a virgin needed to catch a unicorn. She seems to long merely more a chameleon a climber willing to be the party enforcer even of Democrats “structural racism” in California. “Harris vs Homeless” now is unsettling as like too unpredictable change/news.

What though is her politics of the one horned rhinoceros?

Are Democrats seem long too beset to naturalism of a “unicorn” story as if just of the sexual prowess of the male rhino?

Decades ago David Quammen, in OUTSIDE magazine, storied the male rhino ejaculatory prowess as told of for an hour mounted upon mate was near at 56 produced ejections in 60 minutes.

The Clintons did since 1993 much wage war against God – as of the 9/11 Report published incidentally as causal to Al Qaeda – and for a politics of “The Natural State” too global for naturalism.

She, her candidate Kamala Harris, of new interview style suggesting a “co-president Walz” dependency, seems devolved to also beset to primal screaming – too akin the specious emoting whence of Dr. Howard “The Scream” Dean.

She, her an anointed fall back nominee, is already quite late and absent on providing an intelligent rendition for politics in context with history on Israel and Gaza – on Gaza War – to a reasonable position of it smartly opined in a joint session as a struggle between civilization and barbarism.

Again, sadly, there seems no “high guardian” in Democrats – a sober “Howard” not too just a SCREAMER.

Perhaps, other than I did DEMO on Gresham Street near Howard University years ago for what had been ground floor offices of neighborhood physicians’ practices, I will see even of such a HOWARD rise up in open-eyed realism to that especially the GREEN AGENDA has long been marshalled as of movements of the LEFT for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

We may have a SWAMP of no mythical unicorns – and now too long of perversions from CONSTITUTION originalism for inventive interpretations yet lacking a “reasonable” standing – and now hopefully not too long from ORIGINALISM in rational textualism – but maybe there are still some “high guardians” in our midst able to stop such by definition essentially a new FASCISM – beyond inflection points of beginner AUTHORITARIANISM.

The long near a new FASCISM – even ushered of “CLIMATE CHANGE” near a “TROJAN HORSE” for LEFT’S strong-armed over-marching of their actual authority – intellectual score – now haunts from seemed framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

Her party is of the real story is DEMOCRATS have been undermining DEMOCRACY.

However now near a de facto President, by Joseph R. Biden, Sr. especially self-cancelled by anointed his Vice President as a back-up candidate, Kamala Harris, who seems needs a co-president for interviews, is at least a packrat to how “CLIMATE CHANGE” was long framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers – and how such now greatly undermines “CIVILIZATION” and “DEMOCRACY” with postured uttered for “GREEN AGENDA” as if it a new religion – while secular and even devolutionary as too for naturalism – a natural state devoid even a suffice of natural law.

It is a SWAMP to many.

Haven’t these radicals too long been marching of old secular guidance to “GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE – AND KILL THEIR GOD!”?

Oddly, perhaps too obviously an inflection point, is it seems her pack is to natural and sans mythical – her she is too long of Munchies – of a new SCREAM of Howard – and to even a biblical unicorn shall forward only be but a rhino.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:29 pm

Pick up your sense of time and place.

We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.

It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.

In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.

In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.

Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.

We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?

We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.

Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?

To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.

A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.

His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.

Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”

A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.

In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.

Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.

A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.

Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.

A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.

I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.

One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.

The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.

By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.

President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.

Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.

The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.

The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.

To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.

Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.

Harvard, God is not dead!

We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.

Harvard, God is not dead!

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.

E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?

Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.

Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.

What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.

The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.

Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.

It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.

Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.

By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.

Harvard, God is not dead!

Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.

Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.

Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.

Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.

A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.

As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.

Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.

Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!

Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.

Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.

I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.

My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.

Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.

There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.

Harvard, God is not dead!

And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Now, especially, serial students:

A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.

Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.

I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.

Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.

Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?

We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!

The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!

And, of to score in present time:

The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?

By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?

And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?

What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?

Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!

Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?

Harvard? God is not dead?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:08 pm

Is it time to sweat the stones?

Working with the dead who were a part of Jack’s and Jackie’s celebrations, in district life, of Jesus, means raising the patron saint of stonemasons.

The Kennedys Catholic regularity was normative, in Washington DC, around one also the patron saint of deacons.

As a cornerstone setting is akin to Albert Einstein “Theory of Relativity”, applied to a “Trust the Science” logical origin, to that a spiritual life begins when particular matter of two bodies collide, and becometh in union conceived, to forward measurable in common time, to Saint Stephen likewise a building starts living spiritually as the first material seed is set?

In our Federal City our nation’s capital such church of the martyr Stephen is near eight blocks from the White House while an earlier earliest church for Catholics Saint Patrick’s is near just six blocks away. Saint Patrick’s Church was first founded for the flocking Irish Catholics laboring in the creation – the stone-by-stone erecting - of the structures for governing.

How far have we fallen since the chivalry and honor of Camelot? From King Arthur to King James to King George and now to the early times of a new King Charles?

America’s first state is religious liberty – “a free state” as the human condition of liberty ordered secured to a pluribus of each unum as respected as a child of the Lord Creator – as of their rights are from their Creator – as it inalienable each conceived as equal and destined to be scored to if, amongst community peers, hopefully as has achieved an enlightened moral authority above the 3/5th 6/10ths 60% FAIL grade threshold.

The Kennedy’s Saint Stephen respects a Catholic practice of that buildings built as conceived are not able to be renamed due of that all the souls and spirits sweated the development – especially from the first cornerstone, live on – may live on - to spiritually from first intent the life stays respected – it thus to an education “Trust the Science” degree therefore life begins at the big bang – the kick-off cornerstone engagement – or either wise the big conjoining of particles that is of knowing – as regards seeding sets sizeable - sequences spiritually significantly soulful.

Thomas Jefferson wasn’t present. Jefferson can’t save the Bidens?

Jefferson was living in Paris France as the Union of states became ordered more perfect by a vertical separation of church and state established by a Peoples’ “Order” an order ordained a constitution.

Doubting Thomases were too set by a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” for each unum allowed a constitution as by how pluribus each is under their Lord before under government as set also to a “more perfect” existentialism as there no divine right of monarch. As ordered doubters could question “God” while yet Lord’s Laws were set respected as establishments of religion Government was not allowed to change.

Thomas Jefferson though abroad, while founding ordering was to a Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution, seems was yet with the “Order” as not in blasphemy.

The principle core to fundamental individual liberty foundation is “a free state” is real woke of wokism truly each is equal by created each from moments of seeding to be spiritually equally conceived.

Washington – George Washington – forward instructed the world with his words put to paper in his historic letter to the Jews then concerned of Newport Rhode Island.

The first President respecting the true nature of the developments in the American northern continental since the first colonies of first pilgrims en masse, and settlers in Jamestown, inked an explanation on separation of church and state as vertical.

To the concerns of the Jews of Newport Rhode Island the States’ first Union leader wrote presidentially to the states are constituted ordered under Lord’s Laws – a perfection standard of establishments – where “a free state” to reign as akin an “A Promised Land” sans sanction of bigotry – due to a perfect God bigotry is not to be – as each is to be of the questioning - of it thus un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.

The ifs and whens to take up arms perchance versus troubled tides is for those common and neighbors – not of nobles – nobility – divine said superiority – nor a presumed uber authoritarian.

Now presently on public enemies: How Shakespearean the Education “Doctor”?

Where did the education of Hunter Biden FAIL – come up short – miss its mark?

Did he flub a First State comprehending of the Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” without titles, and sans any stacking assembling for structured order as to if a human leader is prescribed to be presumed infallible?

However Hamlet and Lady Macbeth predate Hunter Biden fallen existentialism raps a portrait of Hunter should abide “Dr. Jill” is the named First Lady as in education so Dr. Biden – and now to haunt, and haunt.

To artfully and critically now score Hunter Biden any must reach to some very basic elementary complexity – akin like: Do not pass over the simple facts.

Can Hunter Biden be now scored as fallen causally from ignorance?

Is that First Lady Biden is too “Dr. Jill” an albatross about President Biden’s neck?

Isn’t a Doctor in Education presumed to be sworn to telling/teaching the truths?

Where 42 & 44 had intimate allegiance with say Devil’s Advocates – whom were lawyers, some think, as in a profession of lies – Liberalism taken too far – 46 has self-selected First Lady to be a model of propriety towards charged to be to the truths, and as to not arrest development of youths.

And thus by our Peoples’ “Order” we are as conceived to by how pluribus each, to be scored and graded an unum on if achieve beyond a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% FAILING - on if earned a common moral authority, it therefore to yet now seems the Bidens are quite contrary – short of measuring up to PASSING scores on moral authority.

The story of the union of states respects that since King James the Biblical became available in the English generally accessible to masses, and to how constituted established liberty for religious freedom respecting frontiers pilgrims empowerment to have Democracy firstly in locally English speakers could self-govern in communities with own interpretated yet from English language editions of Lord’s establishments commandments scriptural.

Of due noting: The BILL OF RIGHTS is instructive especially to Article 6 of our Peoples’ “Order” as by amending it reiterates however Federal Laws to have “supreme” status such is of much ado about how limited a Federal Government is constituted as by 1st Amendment it spelled out Congress is not allowed to change Lord’s Laws. What is left to the states is far greater than what is allowed to be federal – the 10th Amendment resounds upon so much is not of Federal jurisdiction – is left to states and within scope of religious freedom.

Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden seems of a Kennedy “Camelot” and Catholic dilemma. And “Dr. Jill” and education conundrum an albatross about President “Joe” Biden’s neck.

An American “Camelot” as lived on since the murder of “Jack” – President Kennedy - is more contrary to “a free state” core and arguably unconstitutional.

The knightly of Kennedy’s was more Catholic than Lordly of titles? Since the passing due assassination of President “Jack” Kennedy even other Catholics have betrayed “JFK” – “Jack”?

The “albatross” is much ado about an education “Trust the Science” mantle of “Dr. Jill” “Joe” self-selected to be in union wholly with until death. Hunter Biden too is stuck to be scored by First Lady “Jill’s” profession – professionalism.

There is no real comparison in present time rational between a “Contempt of Congress” grade – score – measurement of Hunter Biden if opines for a parity to Representative “Jim” Jordan.

Rep. Jordan is innocent of “Contempt of Congress” structurally by when a newly sworn executive President Biden uttered official remarks asserting the Union is “in a new Civil War” - for thus by such Democrat did frame the issues to there thus are two sides, and one side is necessarily more the rebels anti-Constitution.

The House of Representatives is seated with swearing – sworn oaths – into regular order of limited government constituted. Again akin Article 6 is defined away from loose language of “supreme” by the BILL OF RIGHTS resounding upon how limited our federal government is yet supposed to be.

Republican Representatives – Representative Jordan, yes, - versus past Democrats’ issuances had basic rights to ignore subpoenas written in anti-Constitution rebellious tones by Democrats illegally much whom insurgents as those of the side (of Biden’s “Civil War”) particularly anti-Constitution.

Hunter Biden’s “Hamlet” is more of a rap vibe essence of real deep beats of CONTEMPT attitude viscerally self-evident due a public enemy #1 now caught, and stewing? Smartly, a Doctor of Education professionally must likewise concur?

While the Doctor of “Dr. Jill” indicts “Joe” in principle, with son, the SNARED existentialism roots of “Hunter” statements – theater in the defensive – miss also that past administrations, at least on oversight obligations to check for even incidental material support of terrorism, and past Congresses “Emoluments Clause” auditing duties, have essentially that Hunter’s father “Joe” – however “The Big Guy” – had a sworn duty to know the details of his son’s business just to clear it. Right! Hunter’s father was supposed to be all over his son’s business, and is more impeachable if yet proofed as was derelict in such “oversight” professional duties.

Oh Shakespeare? – Oh Shakespeare?

Tis it the House of Biden fell? Tisn’t it too many others knew – should have known too – and for far too long? And fallen likewise, after clearly in Ukraine “Hunter” (and pals) got in bed with the “a known most corrupt” Ukrainian oligarch? And by definitions of “collusion” & “emoluments” as regards with Chinese as more of selling out – than railroading with abuse of powers?

However Catholic “Camelot” may too have fallen due other Catholics ignored the protections from tyranny of the Emoluments Clause to as if more entitled – set titled – despite prudence ordered by scoring established to even family not titled and any “emoluments” “whatever” must be approved by Congress.

However Catholics Doctor Biden defeats President Biden as his self-selected metric with which to be scored/graded truthfully? As Catholics it even more so?

Past administrations too had duty to fully know Hunter Biden’s foreign entanglements/engagements down to the first penny.

“Jack” and “Jackie” worshipped at Saint Stephen’s Church.

“Hunter’s” practicing seems yet eons apart from moralism - moralistic – while yet first gray areas/realms materially.

By the Kennedy’s honors on whom can be Saint – saintly – Hunter Biden fallen is unfit for martyrdom claims?

From Camelot to presently seeing the tree from the trees of the forest where can rest the “PUBLIC ENEMY #1” to be sweated of honest prosecution due?

Perhaps due we are to rap first more dire that grades due the Clintons & Al Gore? - even eventually just Barack Obama’s own score?

As, again, Representative Jim Jordan was of “Contempt of Congress” slung by those real rebels to regular order – the actual constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” - he was quite politically cast stones upon unjustly as sweated the truths of partisan discord from Democrats oh so very very contrary.

Yet again: What are the roots of Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden’s fallen?
Any Doctor in Education should professionally fully consider how Shakespearean – uber dramatic – it is comparatively that it is simply teachable that the Clintons, in their proud anti-Constitution “Post-Constitution” schemes, have proofed themselves even DIABLOLICAL – even DEPLORABLES – for decades devilishly working to set asunder the CONSTITUTION – so busily that now compared to founding days of British General Clintons, and then New York Governor Clinton it is now that Bill and Hillary score as the most ANTI-CONSTITUTION of 3 Clintons of American History.

Al Gore, however indivisible from was of professional obligations to have turned in Bill and Hillary, is of he personally may have represented a greater threat to the ideas of America of our established constituted order. Al Gore as a private citizen has done tons and tons of material affecting towards forcing presidents’ hands on foreign, and domestic, policies. Al Gore may have taken violating the Logan Act to a level some still might consider due indictments with capital punishment – modern stoning a fair judgement – on the table.

Joe Biden failed his son?

Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden – however of education fails – failed his father?

The self-selected Education professional standard – as for TRUTH – convicts?

Any equal justice must yet rest on comparisons now particularly to Bill and Hillary for parity in judgements, however in lieu of sweating a stoning, and as it near self-evident their “Post-Constitution” schemes involved perverting the Emoluments Clause to, though becameth term-limited, they were facilitated to rake in emoluments as if just now called “charity” to be endowed to violate the Logan Act - as banked to be global power brokers – even play about as if autocrats – at least to Bill was supported, quite contrary to ORIGINALISM, to posture as like titled – to posture too as if a first unelected President of the World – to even hold court annually as if more a monarch to which other world leaders were obligated to prostrate.

Again, while Clintons can be convicted by prosecutions asserting that the Constitution never stopped being the law of the land, the house of Bidens is beset as snared by a real CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS – by their own self-selected, and elected to standards.

As Joe Biden ‘Catholic Guilt’ long seems triggered regular “Biden Gaffes” where is a moral score - a #TRUTH ESG - a Kennedy & post-Camelot Catholics judgement/grade?

Can ‘Bidens sold out some!’ be mitigated by perhaps ‘The Bidens sold out but a mere fraction of apparently what the Clintons did?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

Can you handle the truth?

If you think you can handle the truth where now do you think you have to read it to get it?

Many have walked a line - posed a colorful utterance, more for (Gray) impression than science.

Whether of ankle deep or knee high worries with roaring twenties yelping on agreeing on a bar - metric - histories do befit scrutiny.

Where can uniform standards, even, be ethical?

Twenty somethings’ fight may have to move from any sitting on the fence - twenty somethings may have to rave and march for pushing a broad conscience to resolve that our world has witnessed “Baby Boomers” rendered own a worst gen - a worst generation.

It seems safer to posit there has too long been no ethical fashion in mainstreamed said “ethical fashion” than to reboot thought examples.

Can you name the antagonists?

How can we scientifically measure whom protagonists - worthy and fitting an honorable tag?

To graphically Madden-ize these problem events of have been in a bad way -wrong direction for over thirty years:

Perhaps tweedy proffering is needed using historical methods on the Civil War - even Gettysburg - with maps of force locations, movements, failed charges, and real outcomes.

What is the where today of a field of battle - of this not just theater of war?

Though prudent and necessary to lay out a cast of characters of whom failed science - were bad actors emoting frauds while uttering to “trust the science” dramatically?

If we Madden-ize and repurpose Gettysburg perhaps we can show the raw gore of bad actors as of a “worst gen”.

Now: Imagine you are now reading on the mistakes long of the “Green” climate movement of battles over the past three decades. How it caused inflation will be everywhere.
Let us cast Barack Obama as if General Robert Lee, Bill Clinton as if General George Pickett, and Al Gore as if was President Jefferson Davis.

Imagine the troop positions, not just of these together in a yet common threat to the Union, and work to be of Speaker Kevin McCarthy as if atop Little Round Top as if was General Earl Warren.

This won’t be BGV George Custer’s last stand.

We suppose Barack Obama sought to get control of Cemetery Ridge - metaphorically high ground of defenders of the Union.

We suppose Bill Clinton is known of 1990s of too much moral bankruptcy across his leadership - particularly his worked up two trillions in cuts with a trillion for unneeded surplus affected in lieu of actually caring - in lieu of good leadership - and yet present trying to seem relevant.

It seems Al Gore twas most new Jefferson Davis, President of a confederacy, dictating marching authoritarian solutions tyranny.

To fashion for an ethical on climate we must too work figures on issuances hemmed for reparations.

It seems logical that Speaker Kevin McCarthy should triumph - win the battle.

A full cast of bad actors have long been knowingly or unwittingly dressing the parts needed to party on with such new old South ranks - old Southern attitudes.

Do please recall that “Black Lives Matter” began more as a protest against Barack Obama and on real vibe - essence of issues - that he was at least governing too white. And fathom it got altered serious sadly into firstly a mobile force used to protect a global millions to billions brand of “Obama”.

Why did Barack Obama want control of Cemetery Ridge? Weren’t many of recent historical failures due actually to substandard bad leading of Bill Clinton? - of 90’s and beyond? Clintons are recalled of punk’d Barack Obama all eight years, as from since he had to visit Harlem office of Bill Clinton and accept his would be a divided house of he to have the Clintons admittedly as rivals - to his a “Team of Rivals” by near blackmailed to Hillary as Secretary would be insubordinate & still a Clinton first?

In these trying times re-enacting women were involved - quite badly associated. During the battles of “Green” climate ushering women were also bad actors not merely dolled up to picnic at war overlooks. Some yet were still present and honorable towards doing as much as could for troops trying to save the Union.

Al Gore fits the suits of President Jefferson Davis? And, to find an ethical for contemporary fashion mustn’t we rehash the walk and talk twas his?

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

Historically the 90s moral bankruptcy of Clintons did set up the banking crisis that $4 gas price fixing by Al Gore, somehow needing collusion, then triggered. This was one of ways much said “done for blacks” by such Democrats was yet set up backdoored to fail. Worse may be if it was mere negligent leadership of such Dems avoided any consideration to how it all would set asunder blacks’ economics especially. It seems twas premeditated oppression while some it may have been incidental and more passive aggressive.

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

On a presidential level we have problems that relate too of “One China” now versus “One Humanity”! This is where we are and need be as corrective otherwise on other mistakes by Democrats back to 1993.

The Clinton library is skinned in Confederate Gray - as after Clinton cut and extra trillion in lieu of actually caring about “Green” or “Blacks” - in lieu of caring about climate change, even levees, black schools, and even new schoolbooks. His charges luckily mostly failed - and while sadly of great costs.

Where are they in our Madden-ized? What are their darkest aims?

To Madden-ize positions of Al Gore’s authoritarian tyrannical each needs see colors as classed.

Reparations are owed by old Southern plantations patriarchs, and heirs like Al Gore, principally, however the crops were like Gore Plantations long for addicting people to “cancer sticks” or labor intensive elsewhere of cotton for practical and fashionable. Our Constitution expects a case-by-case resolution - not a spreading of guilt nationally to guilty pass the buck to many much innocents.

Gore is heir of family’s business twas for gross profiting from peoples addicted to “cancer sticks” - tobacco nicotine addictive properties. Perhaps graphically it as if you could take Al Gore out of the old South but you can’t get the old Southern out of Gores?

Al Gore as a newly fashioned President Jefferson Davis has been more to strong arming, some jackbooted, for otherwise addicting new masses to his marketed fixes - “Green” solutions tyranny marketed.

By 2006 Al Gore strategies said on climate change - with tyrannical for a “Green” agenda were quite, especially in hindsight, to twas forcing a whitening across employment and newly grand class dividing mastered towards blacks of economics broadly newly set asunder.
Joe Biden - President Joe Biden, presently - was right as new administrator to remark U.S. near in a new civil war while he yet was politically horribly terribly wrong not coloring the new gray as it is Democrats whom are the “REBELS” - them working to set asunder “Liberty for all” values.

However cobbled together these new Southern forces - and coyly of Barack Obama messianic vibe more of a secular essence - and marshalled for Cemetery Ridge as an advantaged higher ground wanted the technical failures of Bill Clinton were decisive.

Females Democrats did more than pick out curtains and fuss over what to wear to picnic at the battles. Women too were bad actors also of blood on their hands working up these rebellions insurgent to constituted order for Liberty for all.

Beware how if Democrats Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Joe Biden may loudly posture walking a talk of reparations such seems defensive for past Southern offenses to akin attempts to spread the costs of South’s patriarchs’ guilt towards others across our nation more left to whom assuaged to what yet Southern liabilities to blacks.

Beware: Due the worked “Green” tyranny of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton around 2006 our regular gas prices skyrocketed from available near 95 cents per gallon - to somehow fixed through foreign collusion as inflated to near $4.00 per gallon - far more if per liter.

GBV George Custer did thwart Gen. J.E.B. Stuart at Gettysburg.

Today in hindsight, after Madden-izing, it seems most evident we only had bad climate models - Democrats were bad actors lacking any real ethical fashion - Dems were bad role-models.

Barack Obama model - in terms of he wanted a “personality presidency” - seems firstly labeled as was too of a narcissistic Stalinism. His economics was to nothing could be peoples doing Lord’s work as any project was to only fronted as done in his own name.

Over five thousand soldiers were killed in just one day of the battle at Gettysburg of the waring to save our more perfect Union - our constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” where none to be “titled” and there no divine rights of a monarch/authoritarian.

Bill Clinton model - in terms of Clintons postured a “post Constitution” for authoritarian powers - seems firstly twas long of moral bankruptcy. His politics was to there was no accepting blacks as evolved without political factoring to though yet white men of South also pronounced as evolved more simultaneously.

Again: The Clintons cut $2 Trillion with $1 Trillion really really cut in lieu of actually caring. And, thousands died from they, at least in 90s, reportedly waged war against God.

Whom fashionable as a new GBV G. A. Custer - of a cavalry did protect the good of North - good Northern - from being flanked?

Perhaps the good lore of Gen. Earl Warren is good essence of Speaker Kevin McCarthy - is a new vibe for threads on holding “more perfect Union” high ground to at least protect from ranks getting enfiladed.

Al Gore model - in terms of if he wanted masses to be less citizens and more subjects, as mobs, newly addicted to “Gore” retailing - wholesaling addictive fixes too - is of he led movements of the Left for authoritarian power, anti-Constitution like of President Jefferson Davis, and that by definitions today the revised “FASCISM” meaning accurately is as of Left Democrats Progressives are those who are clinically FASCISTS.

The cast of climate models have in common each were of AUTHORITARIAN wants with movements to such theirs as a new FASCISM.

Al Gore is whom is most globally FASCIST? - AUTHORITARIAN of his is only face of correct (trust his “science”) authority?

Bill Clinton is whom is most institutionally FASCIST? - As Clinton foundation is structured collusion and emoluments for reaping AUTHORITARIAN by it a soapbox for as if that his face is the only real AUTHORITY?

Barack Obama is whom offered a third FASCISM - to Democrats more tri-polar than bi-polar, and while “personality” proofed out as more narcissistic Stalinism. Obama, with his imperialism also a new FASCISM, did war against the Constitution to be more an AUTHORITARIAN - seen even as if SOCIALISM had failed in passed because it wasn’t of his “personality” as its guiding AUTHORITY?

Having some Madden-ized the politics this modeling shows across the ranks a lack of ethical fashion with them Democrats with “Tri-Polar Fascism” materials in gross supply.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Joe Biden, presently a President more a “REBEL” to “more perfect Union” as a Peoples’ “Order” … “done” in “Year of our Lord” essence, seems incapable of his own FASCISM and yet must choose a FAVORITE FASCIST, and either Gore, Obama, or Clinton as his ONE TRUE AUTHORITARIAN?

Joe Biden presently seems too contrary as Catholic of Catholics to yet be boxed in - labeled - tagged - decreed fashionable as a tool of THE HOLY SEE - and agent of Roman Catholic orders?

The Democrats are the REBELS!

Though term-limited Clinton still tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet rival to under President Obama - Obama/Biden - still presently under President Joe Biden. In many ways the whole lot of these REBELS have been trapped by 90s moral bankruptcy real histories of Clintons. More Madden-izing though to be needed to dissect and dramatize how we have been saved yet by 80% of their bad was much defeated without being generally known of - saved yet by we are only trying to reconstruct from all the bad in what may have only been near of 20% of charges attempted.

We are necessarily now in a era that must be CORRECTIVE to the 90s and much the Clintons did actually get wrong - especially as per they much globally got the end of the Cold War wrong as yet of how and now we are of a new “Civil War” event.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Who, we need ask, is President Joe Biden’s favorite FASCIST.

Again: The Democrats are the “REBELS”!

Though term limited Clinton tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet under Obama - like Pickett under Lee?

An Al Gore model can have no ethical fashion. Solutions tyranny by and AUTHORITARIAN is real FASCISM, - too a “Mao Chic”!

General Earl Warren held a little round top - a strategic high ground.

BGV George Custer held off flanking cavalry with volunteers for Liberty for all.

The North under command of General George Meade managed the unity and focus to save the “more perfect Union” for Liberty for all.

In hindsight the all Southern, all white, all male, Clinton-Gore ticket became apparently a greatest threat to the Union - the constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) … “to form” a “more perfect Union” as not AUTHORITARIAN - as without a divine right of monarch.

Clinton-Gore became a “greatest threat” in the history of our Union - Clinton & Gore rival now as who was greatest threat to our republic. And now too Obama & Biden.

There is no shortage of material though now available to also rank Nancy Pelosi.

Is McCarthy - isn’t Kevin McCarthy - a new model of HOPE?

In hindsight Barack Obama seems twas always punk’d by Al Gore, and the Clintons, and in ways Vice President Joe Biden didn’t muster a viable defense.

Graphically the truth is there is a “Tri-Polar Fascism” - three distinctive FASCISTS camps across the Democrats ranks, and existentially. Many of each’s inflection points provide evidence - reveal each pole as unworkable anti-Constitution campy fashioned, and now needing real efforts corrective across most domestic and foreign lines.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:54 am








OH SAM? - - - OH LORD? - - - MY COUNTRY?





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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:50 am

Enter Georgia!

Within our sphere - our global - our nation is being taken to tasks to moderate for post racism.

Locally jurisdictions are effecting prosecutorial discretion. From New York to the District, and again to Georgia we are beset to thoroughly debate what are just fruits - what can be for a parity equal in citizens minds and hearts.

Georgians do not have a monopoly on “created equal” while also of nation’s pledge is to, and for, allegiance to civil procedures and due process. Our pledge is to the ordained and established constituted a Peoples’ “Order”.

Morally we all start “CREATED EQUAL” conceived in Liberty from of religious freedom - as of a Kingdom (of Laws) of Lord Creator’s. Such is of an obligation to each to be active parties to local self-governing in public morals, and for facilities for sanctuaries - institutions for the moral work of tolerance and forgiveness - akin rights fit with Christian to be daily born again.

A first contact founding principle is none is of a separation right from to be a neighbor to your neighbor. We are constituted a republic by a Peoples’ “Order” of a brevity for otherwise it is public morals dependent for democracy is firstly local to self-governing under Lord’s Laws.

Our Peoples’ “Order” ratified as humbly “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” leaves intact a Creator jurisdiction - Orders U.S. for self-governing in Lord’s Laws - eyes of the Lord jurisdiction.

Georgians, though not alone, are now fated to have to judiciously consider much basically firstly mathematics.

The Georgia Senate seat run-off between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker must be dissected to objectively figure datum that is either wise in math of reparations jurisprudence.

A southern black male ran against another southern black male for a United States Senate seat.  Now: How many times has this happened before?

Solving a mathematics problem of these two black candidates is now essential for understanding an essence of originalism for post racism.

The Warnock vs Walker run-off can be contested numerically- and for corrections on data on characters.

The Georgia (Biden?) vs Trump is a different drama - yet mathematically associated across all bars - ways and means polity. We can carve up on Washington national variants later:

Though Trump vs Biden necessarily involves mathematics to whom of a 60% passing grade at least:

Though Trump vs Biden also is supposed to be about reparations:

Though Trump vs Biden firstly is to if actions exceeded Americans’ core rights to robust legal exhaustion of all species of defense:

For Georgians there is their state is fated to be to clarity for prudence - to a “trust the science” professionalism - to resolve around originalism of constitution has a grammar with plain language to use of “A FREE PERSON” is an education standard - not negating “CREATED EQUAL” an inalienable root.

What is to be done with any whom fails to present regular and ordered to with at least a 60% PASS grade as a metric on if achieved “FREE” by reached a moral high standard to is one with MORAL AUTHORITY?

There are bad peaches not to be left in general circulation - so to be pulled - culled out.

There are peanuts - nuts too just pieces, shells, or bads - not to be in a net weight.

Though emotions factors are stirred to peaked on Trump vs Biden on topics of reparations the constitution - our Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” - leaves, like scripture, that enslavement is legal for those of some math metric of do FAIL at achieving (learned?) moral authority.

Thus therefore, due founding principle for innocent until proven guilty, the matters of reparations are prudently due case by case proving of which whom(s) were bad actors - illegal enslavers.

As 60% in a public morals dependence jurisprudence is written to a PASS or FAIL - 60% = 3/5ths - there are mathematics yet too quality of character vibe variants.

Georgians Senator Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker have results fated to be disputed - publicly and judiciously mathematically resolved.

Georgians, now because of mug’d up Trump especially, must demonstrate an equitable prudence relative to BLACK vs BLACK polity. What is of Caesar’s? What is of Lord’s?

That originalism is of there is a color-blind plain language, with grammar of our Peoples’ “Order” as with “A FREE PERSON”, “NATIVE” and “3/5ths” as expressions of mathematics, to measurement on education after “CREATED EQUAL” is an of morals and of law prudence variable.

In vibe “the eyes of the Lord” it seems our nation is seeing an essence “Thug Joe” as more a spectacle of guilt - guilty - than accused suspect “Trump”?

The principles crossroads vibe though is the essence of parity - an equal measure score - for if Herschel Walker, in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction, corrects to whom morally was triumphant/victorious.


After CREATED EQUAL under your Lord Creator - to American as under God before under government - each becomes measurable to a PASS or FAIL quantity with local peer review. Founding era church times ran hours - to it near a day’s work of self-governing weekly endearing for enduring.

We are constituted of a Lordly - a perfection standard - none is of a separation right from.

We are constituted of a common sense as indivisible from existentialism of are a neighbor of neighbors - of inalienable rights by ordered “FREE” - of “A FREE STATE” by under our Lord Creator - a Kingdom of commandments and commanders - before of a government jurisdiction.

Our founding of ordering by a Peoples’ “Order” and order ordained a constitution established that now Georgians are supposed to know how to do the 3/5ths - 60% PASS / FAIL - scoring.

And albeit while with local +/- facilities for sanctuaries of tolerance & forgiveness - believing.

What laws are of your inalienable rights to of “A FREE STATE” as human condition of Liberty - in a religious freedom? How are courts and elections to correct with 3/5ths as polity standard a higher comity calling public morals metric written into constituted without otherwise racial grammar?

A correction of votes for Warnock vs a correction of those for Walker? - is due?

Which candidate was more moral?

Which of voters do PASS as moral?
As constituted matters of Lord’s Laws are not to be infringed - Congress is to make no law to change Lord’s commandments - scriptural.

Is each voter due an ESG score either wise to due counts as deficient? And is ESG “scoring” but a tool now of authoritarians marched niche issues coyly as a new “Trojan Horse” for a fascism of the left - for their elitest movements of Left for authoritarian power? And if ESG scoring is corrupt it yet if that constituted 3/5ths is prudent to that “CREATED” to if “EDUCATED” is, in our republic, of some metric of morally to be effected - amassed - locally scored week by week?

Governor Ron DeSantis, a Floridian, seems math crazy - but more so mindful to of reparations drumbeats lack class action mob power as some/most enslavement histories - shepherding? - must be taken case by case within principles (for tolerance and forgiveness) of each innocent until proven guilty.

To Georgians there is the new drama to if Trump exceeded rights to robust legal defense on election parity.

BLACK vs BLACK though is more biblical - while Shakespearean - yet less dark Shakespearean.

Georgians Democrats aroused and stirred/agitated to show up for Senator Warnock were publicly measurable by public association as openly anti-Constitution - some/much activists for power with yet a simple mob majority (towards “illegal” could be called “legal”?).

Senator Raphael Warnock organized for as if only commanders - those who obey and enforce Lord’s Laws - needed for as if there only 6/10ths - only 60% - 6 of 10 of Lord’s commandments to comply with daily, and weekly? 13/20ths? Only Nth of comity?

Relatively the math for vote correction starts near to a times 60% as moral for Dem.

Candidate Herschel Walker on the other side - as Republican - had self and his supporters firstly measurable as 100% with the as ordered Laws - maybe though +/- to more 9/10ths - 90%/

Herschel Walker, Republican, had past personal factors in public measurement for candidate qualifying moral character/authority.

We are constituted in an originalism of plain language grammar to words as colorblind.

We have dark history with stories of bad interpretations that empowered maliciousness.

Today though the Georgia character politics math is BLACK vs BLACK of yet Democrats were near confessing their side was only of 3/5ths 60% or less for what oath of office swears fidelity is to be ruled/measured PASS/FAIL.

Republican Herschel Walker, however within strictures for local tolerance and forgiveness endearing and enduring, with democracy firstly self-governing in religiousness, may thus therefore be due his total vote count to be adjusted by only times near 90% +/- a few/point.

Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?

As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?

As reiterated in the First Amendment Congress shall make no law to respectacle of scriptural establishments of the in the eyes of the Lord (religious) jurisdiction?

As God is the Light?

As God made us in his image?

As God made us of the “Light”?

The mathematics are of our inalienable rights from all created equal and called to rise to a passing moral authority measured in local essence vibe?

Is it that any whom doth obey the Lord’s Laws is then capable of the positive energy - the “Light” potential?

By how ordered - united PLURIBUS - each is established as an individual an UNUM firstly of their rights from their CREATOR.

Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?

As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?

Georgia’s jurisdiction is also as ordered with founding republic of small “r” baby steps so thus is all quite elementary/simple civics.

We are not of a state religion but hourly - daily - weekly … must abide we are under a perfection standard where it/U.S. root value is audible for celebration as it is un-Christian for Christians to be bigoted.
We are to cull and defend against fruits of poisoned trees - like too roots of old Southern Democrats in life of Bill Clinton and others still to if could fool another - even a race class - then thus them fooled mustn’t be worthy of a PASS grade? U.S. for good shepherds - polity by Laws - not immoral bad actors rising coy ploys bearing unjust fruits?

Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?

As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:37 pm

     The morning after the invasion, about one year ago, the President seemed happy to fatten up Russia.
     Vladimir Putin had started something - not seemingly a monster, as conceived.
     The President of Russia sought, it seems, an inflection point with “Little Russians” - Ukrainians.

     Years before as Russian patriarch otherwise moved in on Crimea I was stirred to use a search engine to query upon Ukrainian demographics.  As a poet I long ago wrote more to be one for to reason why - not to do or die before our times.  Such poetic was before William J. Clinton sworn in and proceeded to get the end of the Cold War figuring wrong.
     I printed out and read the report I believe I discovered as a public on the web CIA report on Ukraine demographics as tri-partial - of an eastern 1/3rd noted as Moscow Christian Orthodox, a middle 1/3rd irreligious, & western 1/3rd Greek Orthodox.
     What was President Vladimir Putin thinking?  Didn’t he spiritually commence with a backing from Orthodox leaders of the Moscow Holiness?  Didn’t he offer suppositions as pretext to that what he was starting, with or versus of at times tag’d “Little Russia” realms, was also a fight against the West Leftists as globally organized with movements for authoritarian powers much akin a new fascism?
     At the time otherwise to consumers of American media content Ukraine so teased with by President Barack H. Obama, in such terms, had seemed less about “DEMOCRACY” and more raw, even corrupt, for opportunism within Democrats upper ranks.  Initially it seemed Ukrainians were where Dems went to embed with known corrupt oligarchs at least to have some plausible deniability but while like unwritten episodes of “THE SOPRANOS” prima facia facility for organizing for windfalls.
     Weren’t President Obama and Vice President Obama, at least with Secretary of State John Kerry, teasing Ukraine towards being intimate in its corruption - even as news seemed of an American Vice President paid off prosecutors in such country for selfish defensive purposes?
     Intelligent discourse upon such times will dissect critical factors, and particularly with curiosity compartmentalized as facts support hypotheses raised around the politics of it likely President Obama got NATO and the European Union engagements wrong - particularly as regards Syria and Ukraine.
     To President Putin whom were the pawns maybe teased, and/or whom were the pimps?
     As long as one does not use the outdated definition of “fascism” still in many dictionaries to that it is defined more as if “movements of the right for authoritarian power” it should be near child’s play to articulate that “Climate Change” politics was of movements in international collusion to more than just bias elections in The United States of America.
     The Left martialed, inartfully, and force marched solutions tyranny much firstly as organized to be even maybe a “Trojan Horse” for a new “fascism” of only the Left allowed a mantle of authority on solving “Global Warming” postured big crises.
     In 2014 with the rebirth of Crimea to once again principally with Moscow there were issues of standing for a Russian patriarchy upon it seemed Ukraine was becoming not truly “woke” but too compromised - too corrupt.  But did the eastern 1/3rd of Ukraine historically of the Moscow Christian Orthodoxy prefer to go “home” to the “Mother Land” with “father” Vladimir Putin?
     President Barack H. Obama seemed, in his “personality presidency” live, to be more of the dreams of his mother while characteristically in governance too near to tag “narcissistic Stalinist”!
     America in Obama/Biden terms was less suffering than some foreign nations of that SOCIALIST nations seemed to be failing where incidentally too many had crossed a line to too irreligious.  As terms of Obama/Biden endured falling in SOCIALISM were only offered an arrogant SOCIALISM as if it had failed in past because it wasn’t Barack H. Obama who was its leader.
     I cannot name nor fix however much misinformation and disinformation became populated deeply globally around so much initiated as if President Obama was infallible - and a rock star POTUS.
     I cannot begin to estimate how much Russia, and Ukraine until a year ago, was firstly of only propaganda believed and to the existential reality was general ignorance of worldly reality.
     President Joseph R. Biden one year ago was the wrong leader needed as times needed a “Reagan”?
     President Joseph R. Biden today is categorically dramatically now ordered as if were Ronald Reagan?
     President Joseph R. Biden as a brother and a patriarch is still too compromised to be for republic?
     President Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to step foot on foreign soil as he did in Panama.
     The “Green Agenda” of “Solutions Tyranny” was built on movements for authoritarian power with “Global Warming” alarmism and as with foreign collusion that amount to a rise of new “fascism”!
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.  But what was this patriarch intending to seed?  Was it a small crusade to save the souls, where possible in “Little Russia” realms, with he some a Moscow Orthodox “Templar” riding into to circle the tanks around historically Holy in Moscow spirituality?
     One year later there now so much unanswered and vague it prudent to ask if oligarchs yet not driving the horrible news as yet per protecting Russian vodka spirits commerce and comity.
     As at least Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton wasted Afghanistan moments offering news fodder utterly of Dip Notes porn graphically using Helmand and Kandahar shapes as suggestive pressing images while problems with nation as of narco-terrorism more than Islamic terrorism.  I suggest there sad standing to attest Secretary Clinton had “The Longest War” yet as a war of choice and while no more justified than to have looked south from our borders at other narco-terrorism competition.
     Re:  CORRUPTION with Ukrainian oligarch supposedly engulfing Hunter Biden - John Kerry’s kin up to a point some lesser?
     Where is a Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II today?
     The scripted for the Ukraine visit for President Joseph R. Biden seems to have hoped to rewrite him from whom apparently a year ago into a new President Ronald W. Reagan.
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.
     But?  If President Obama failed SOCIALISTS by only offered them more failed SOCIALISM to that problems remained too many had crossed a line to “too irreligious” how must Ukraine forward “for democracy” address the scope of problems firstly of the European Union and NATO had been of agency towards being more authoritarian, and in reality less of “democracy”?
     One year later is not now just the morning after!  President Biden can be right, or President Obama can be right - both Biden & Obama cannot be right.  And back to 1993 it relates that President William J. Clinton quite got the end of the Cold War wrong.
     As the world may need a new President Ronald W. Reagan, for starters, are rival Presidents proofed to be posers?  Was nothing actually seeded befitting a Holy to Moscow Orthodoxy a year ago? - in 2014?
     “Ours’ is to reason why, not to do and die, least before our time.” - (Poet JP Hogan, “The Charge of New Federalism” circa 1991-92 - shared in 1992 politics - not published.)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:57 pm

     Imagine standing waist deep in the “Biblical”* floods of 2022 in Pakistan.  Imagine you are supposed to believe it is man-made climate change – caused by humans.
     Are you allowed to think?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi – Google it? -  There needs be no failure of words! – we must be open to discussing woman-made disasters!
     News should catch up with the truth?
     Americans also need to reimagine a future with Pakistani peoples and become up from the conduct unbecoming was of the reign of Nancy Pelosi. So much of that by the Democrats, for decades, is at best tag’d half-baked.  American & Pakistani relations must allow a scientific “Trust the Science” far superior to that portioned by her politics.
     In 2022 Pakistan became of near 30% of its lands flooded and near 1 in 7 people in nation effected by a series of back-to-back monsoons in one “Monsoon Season”.
     If one cottons to science the only spun & threaded tent for science must study how she was not righteous as a leader.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi, of the United States House of Representative, postured with “Solutions Tyranny”** (thinking only Americans to whom had to be lied).  A footnote upon such a troubling legacy also dates to 2006 when somehow a collusion with foreigners to influence a United States election had Democrats manage to get the $4 gas price fixed they had wanted – thought would be necessary – since the early 1990s.
     A small r republic baby steps for a fair & just discussion on causality is to first consider the effect the rushed change effected in just the northern hemisphere.
     If we now, for the Pakistani uber-science on “Climate Change” meta, break down the history of the “Global Warming” ushered alarmism & its martialed “Solutions Tyranny” to at least relate that since 2006 as the European Union nations & the United States started cutting CO2 levels – much also with economic suppression did set asunder economies globally – that one side of northern hemisphere suddenly reduced daily greenhouse effect as was Atlantic centric to the cuts in CO2 caused a flip to Asia centric for daily weather thermal metrics.
     Solutions were rushed and rank of bad science as there were no controls on dictated methods.
     What was the moral costs of Speaker Pelosi “Solutions Tyranny” – too like Blood Diamonds?
     There was man-made climate change caused by the collusion for CO2 cuts, as much as say by either the vast increase in CO2 levels by India or China in the same period.
     For now there is just cause for a truth in historical records to ask and answer upon how some or much of this is for Posterity as of “woman-made disasters”.
     Solutions were rushed and ranks of Democrats were half-baked deciders at best.
     As the European Union and United States cuts since 2006, however effected also by tyrannical economics suppression, did reduce the greenhouse effect daily from Atlantic centric it is that the increases in Asian industrialization did increase CO2 levels to that the northern hemisphere, in basic science, had daily thermal patterns some to much flip’d to the opposite side.
     As Americans and Pakistani peoples try to look forward in a new year our interaction needs a deep reboot.  Speaker Pelosi - however taggable as of “woman-made disaster” for Posterity – did not act alone.  As regards Pakistan the issues are deeper, older, more complicated.
     In 2023 we as global citizens, incidentally, due the “internet of things” new connectivity provides instant news/stories, also should help foreigners feel safe to now discuss critically even of a diabolical legacy of the first female Speaker of the House in the Congress of the United States.
     The moral costs of the “Green Agenda” are heavier than “Blood Diamonds” and are an albatross upon the shoulders of Representative Nancy Pelosi.
     As Pakistan now soon meets upon “CLIMATE CHANGE” we can help them not blame GOD for that made in a collusion global of bad science and tyrannical leadership.
     The “Biblical” (*Pakistan Foreign Minister’s word, at The Atlantic Council last month) is to be questioned.
     The “Solutions Tyranny” (**my phrase) is firstly for Posterity causal to also the 2022 major storms flooded Pakistan. A simple science is if some or much there is a decrease on one side of hemisphere and a comparable increase on the opposite side therefore new altitudinal thermal patterns will result.  Due the CO2 cuts alone even as one sided there was bad global politics that the United States originally wrote to need consideration towards approvals if could get 2/3rds plurality for treaty status.
     The “North Pole” weather is being set asunder – and also maybe for Posterity by what was “woman-made disaster” as the new thermal patterns that must have resulted from the CO2 cuts may have been of a suffice to cause more polar vortex occurrences of that warmer air was rising to the Artic and displacing the cooler air there.
     Whom together now need be able to address grievances with free speech, free assembly, and by the Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment, if necessary, of right to arms and militias if speaking and assembling was inadequate to check of Federal Government gone bad?
     As January 6th anniversary is near we have people now learning to accept the outcome of a recent election.  By the 2nd Amendment as a clause to the 1st Amendment as ends of “Government” and “grievances” the People do have a clearly articulated more elaborated right to revolt against their own government – but of “a free state” is a high moral standard – to those only of rights to bear arms who do so in spirit of the Revolution as of for “a free state” for all.
     The reign of California elected Nancy Pelosi also was diabolical for having led some to much the retreat from the Iraq War and with posturing as if the War on Terror could have mission creep to the “War on Women” – Secretary Clinton’s wanted war in feminism crusading since was First Lady - her wanted warring against the Taliban.
     Hillary’s “Longest War” the “Afghan War” was a “war of choice” only made possible with the corrupt influence and abuse of power by Speaker Pelosi – Nancy Pelosi.
     Americans and Pakistani now need a new forward candidness.
     The political science is that with the “Solutions Tyranny” of at least collusion in the northern hemisphere more people need be able to discuss the real moral costs – how green tech now like “blood diamonds” – as China at least added more coal mining while needed to add a lot of rare earth minerals mining to meet the Pelosi Agenda market for “Green Agenda” materialism.
     And, likewise, where can any ethical fashion be anywhere with so much blood on her hands for so many economies set asunder with her/their half-baked politics?  Do you know what “Blood Diamonds” you now own?  It was not righteous - was not “Biblical”?

     The extended “Monsoon Season” devastated so much of Pakistan may be more for to blame on China since Chinese were forced by their centralized government to learn through repeating at least many of Americans’ industrialization negatives.  The people under the CCP were not allowed to learn from Americans industrial “mistakes”.
     Maybe though for a science in proximity there also politics of if India too vastly increased CO2 pollution levels, and too quickly, as while Atlantic rim nations otherwise severely made cuts, to 2022 monsoons then just had even a needed 7 degrees shift from old weather & thermal patterns from pre-Pelosi norms.  A few degrees different trajectory can have been at least “woman-made disaster”?
     Hillary’s “Longest War” – our “Afghanistan War” – was a war of choice only made possible by the reign of Nancy Pelosi of California.
     Do you know which products now, however a minor accessory, are yet as immoral as “blood diamonds”?  Must everyone, and with concern for education and science in Pakistan, rethink “ethical fashion”?
                                   *     *     *     *     *

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BRIBERY - 2023?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:27 am
On January 1, 2024, when you look back on this now the new year 2023, will you be able to define or understand the standards - legal standards - for politicians on bribery - of the Emoluments Clause - of originalism?
2022 closes out now with standards more the issues of the 118th Congress Judiciary Committee than what investigations otherwise should be specifically targeted individual Democrat by individual Democrat.
We as a People can only see bipartisanship return if we can unify on what are at least the original standards as now corporate lawyers much to be near malpractice wherever they might forget to advice employees that the Constitution originalism is the actual law of the land our politicians and civil servants are to be dedicated to in their work.
Corporate lawyers’ guidance must forward advise company that the Supreme Court 6-3 majority establishes that originalism is what the “law” in the constituted of, and that which company policies should be compliant to. 
Our Peoples “Order” “to form” our “Union” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” lives as the structured established and ordained for limited government with many protections from tyranny.
Bipartisanship can only be effected where standards can be understood and agreed upon.  The Supreme Court docket for 2023 is expected to include ruling on defining bribery.  Our new 118th Congress should get ahead of such case load to do duty to legislate from Congress - to avert legislating from the bench.  2023 must be organized to be effectively to defining what are emoluments and what constitutes bribery.
Under the reign of Speaker Pelosi a convenient ceiling was set of a suspension of the constituted protections and prudence to allow a vast and deep bias for Democrats.  Democrats suspended the Constitution to at least protect with cover-ups the Clintons, and with regards to their ploys and chicanery of anti-Constitution “post-Constitution” machinations.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
The Clintons since taking office in 1993 have made themselves the example of how not to set the example.
There is nowhere now to go but public & thoroughly upon, for starters, the bent of prudent was of the Clintons’ deeply also always selfishly of the old, since law schooled coeds in New Haven, collaborations to become a first husband and wife to get their owned named presidencies.  There is deep and broad work to be done across decades of how for starters the Clintons put selfish gains ahead of governing to be of the people and right for the times.  The model the Clintons’ example endures as is of they firstly tried to make the times fit their selfish ambitions.
The world has suffered as Nancy Pelosi persisted in being derelict of the duties of Congress per the Emoluments Clause and for a partisan bias that allowed the Clintons to bend and bend and break the protections from tyranny that are of vast importance of regulating on emoluments, and collusion “whatever” the benefit.
Fellow Americans, please encourage and enable the new 118th Congress to thoroughly do the work needed to reassert & reaffirm where our protections from tyranny break down as bribery and collusion may trump policing emoluments and idea of the Union as “more perfect” due sans autocracy - is as of there to be “no titles” and each penny to be audited where foreign entanglements can amount to collusion.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
What may or may not now appear as interesting with the release of tax documents of Donald J. Trump, Sr related affairs must soon pale in comparison to the vast shenanigans our Congress near had partisan sanctioning of - allowance in spirit - wrongly to allow the chicanery of the Clintons - at least particular to matters of the global initiatives of a term limited former President posturing as if an autocrat and of holding court where emoluments expected but for then were hushed up as if just now “charity” while empowerment in gratuities from foreign agents.
Consider after President Obama had the Benghazi disaster in Libya of determined, in essence, that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to have any hot spot US Embassy backed up for a 9/11 anniversary September 11th.  In consideration now also think about how investigations got slow walked the vibe from Secretary Hillary too near to concern that Bill couldn’t be cleared due “emoluments” however called “charity” as maybe indirectly yet being of material support of terrorism.  As Obama’s Secretary of State the “Hillary” State Department was corrupted by at least Mrs. Clinton held the oversight responsibility upon if Bill Clinton’s global meddling, called “initiative” generally, were yet even negligently incidentally to material support of terrorism.
Are you one already aware of the history of the “Clinton Global Initiatives” founding of Bill Clinton, while seeking to be in Carnegie Hall Tower, with rent near a $1 Million/year paid by taxpayers, of also he had to promise the foundation wouldn’t be partisan or used for politics like towards making a rise for Mrs. Clinton to get her own presidency?  Do you also know that when the Government agency said no to such free rent Bill Clinton did ask Big Bank Bankers to pay his foundation rent as thanks for all the money he made them by pushed them into derivatives?  
Do you now get the bad example of the Clintons’ example?  Our country had New York state elect Mrs. Clinton for their business while Bill Clinton was compromising her asking for “charity” much on its face more bribery?
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
By originalism the Emoluments Clause specifies that Congress is to know about every emolument like such and is responsible for approving all “whatever” the miniscule pecuniary value or benefit essence.  Corporate counsel should be avoiding malpractice and offering guidance that it is originalism that is the law of the land - even to making examples of the Clintons for they publicly so confessed were of “post-Constitution” as anti-Constitution that they quite confessed to textbook treason - on how used bias to be allowed more autocratic and tyrannical power - even after President and playing global power broker under guise of “charity” with it some conspiratorial malfeasance with House Democrats.
The Clintons much apparently blackmailed Barack Obama into a “Team of Rivals” of his house divided by after election, and as with his visit to Harlem to the Clinton foundation fallback office location, to that he seemed folded before Clinton wishes to let Bill Clinton of the world as like first President of the World - with Mrs. Clinton set up in State Department to merely more be akin he of still a travel office.  Farfetched?  President Obama started in office with the Clintons fully meaning to rival him internationally and by cloaking illegal emoluments as if just “charity” despite personalities of Clintons more of they had an unnecessary $1 Trillion surplus in lieu of actually caring while in office.
Please, my fellow Americans, do now deeply read the Constitution for the originalism of how we are supposed to be protected from tyranny, and autocracy, and especially by the Emoluments Clause.
The new Congress - the 118th Congrees - should be in a race to clearly and broadly reestablish bars and standards on emolument, collusion, and incidentally bribery, before the Justices of the Supreme Court get to working through 2023 decisions upon even just bribery.  The 2023 jurisprudence schedule needs a deep and quantitative, and investigative, effort to correct the perversions across our protections that have been of the real legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as historically derelict of her duties of office as per sworn oaths.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
And quantitative now however upon former President Donald J. Trump, Sr. related taxes, and such, now must be paralleled with a standards metric that at least questions how it was #WhitePride of Clintons also as per first black President Barack H. Obama of Bill Clinton set his “charity” fees to foreigners especially as near worth more per day than the first black President was paid per year.  And to how this is complicated and much affirmed of the Clinton server “Hillary Email” scandal of by that Bill Clinton in possession of servers had admin privileges to President Obama’s State Department official materials - even more in real time that Mrs. Clinton as yet Obama’s Secretary abided him.
The Constitution never stopped being the Law of the land.
To prove the Clintons, for starters, are guilty any prosecutor near needs just that in the public record, then presented as of arguments with an assertion to such extent of that while they proudly were anti-Constitution such was quite textbook treason, and of for frauds with personal gain, with their “post-Constitution” ploys, to then conclude it is that such was never legal - that the originalism remained the Law.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill. We should hope!  We should help!
                                  *     *     *      *      *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:45 pm
     A historical John Kerry, however a President Joe Biden czar, is too much for basic civics.
     An example of John Kerry must be made, but, at which grade levels is it too much though it should not be?
     Abraham Lincoln can be taught. Lincoln for Posterity got graded “Honest Abe”!
     Our President suggests he is now of the business of bipartisanship. Must he sacrifice John Kerry?
     Our more perfect Union is constituted in a Peoples’ Order done not in blasphemy.  It is not as Democrats for near a hundred years have tried to read it contrarily to as if could have a SOCIALIST interpretation. It in plain language is far less than claimed “a living document” - for citizens self-governing in Lord’s Laws is depended upon - and to its core more for curriculums as leaves the power to the people of scripture the living document.
     Our 10th Amendment is of our Bill of Rights as in snarky grammar due should seem redundant to any who recognizes our Revolution as just & legal, and what is of the concepts in our rights are from our Creator. This amendment more reiterates that it is a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” and not in a loose future tense as a loophole for executive tyranny. To sacrifice John Kerry may be President Biden’s show of commitment needed to reboot bipartisanship.
     Does John Kerry fail any or all “Black Lives Matter” tests? Aren’t we at to judge President Biden we need also have to ask and answer near even “which John Kerry”?  Doesn’t the real John Kerry present too long of contradictions he bifurcates any White House manuevers to posture as if for real bipartisanship?  There is still the Senator John Kerry who threatened Americans that they would end up in Iraq War if they did not do their homework - as if the Iraq War was more for detention or hard labor re-education.
     Who more is a thorn in Republicans side than the real John Kerry who also worked to undermine the Iraq War as soon as President George W. Bush had boots on the ground and it commenced?  Senator John Kerry and Senator John Murtha are recalled as stoked and stoked anti-war vibe globally to instead of the Iraq War got the Iraqi citizens expected cooperation our allied forces faced a scared population so stoked and stoked to again fear a new CUT & RUN diabolical dynamic.
     To bring back - build back - have a bipartisanship reconstruction era in President Biden hand we have to move from politics partisan of trump cards and get back to process & baby steps of seeing what cards are yet in the hands.
     To sacrifice John Kerry could be a prudent act of good faith by President Biden.
     Whom in the Biden administration is more a barrier to a comity in parity for a new polity for bipartisanship reconstruction to be of building up basics newly?  A climate czar who still isn’t seeing the environment as so international an issue, for governance in our republic’s standards, as calls up treatious class to duly due a 2/3rds plurality surely is an obstacle to Unity for our Union?
     Already President Biden is stuck with others to contrary he cannot hardly make and example of them - especially rank them for middle school civics - without then self-incrimination and to ghastly accounts of near to “Obamagate” then explained or just exposed as far worse than “Watergate”.  President Biden cannot easily sacrifice the Clintons or Obamas but yet he can purge John Kerry for polity restoration for a bipartisanship reconstruction era. With John Kerry purged President Biden need not self-incriminate by officially explaining say “Obama was better than Clinton” where as party lies were “it is all Bush’s fault” and reality is Secretary Hillary Clinton much repeated her spouses 1990s mistakes while President Obama in many ways governed more like President Bush than President Clinton.
     President Biden for the good cause of a bipartisanship restoration beyond a common sense process basic baby steps of going word by word through our Peoples’ Order to find the actual different interpretations need  be bridge can purge John Kerry for not seeking 2/3rds plurality on climate & environment politics without self-incrimination to the apparent real crimes extant in history of party to illegal cover-ups for the Clintons far worse than of any President Richard Nixon ever even accused.
     The battle lines must be drawn! Where are the lessons for civics to reach but not reach too young to be too scary?
     With a purge of John Kerry a climate czar impossibly positioned to restore any bipartisanship President Biden can clear the table for honest playing on the cards actually in hands of the politics of our times.
     The climate - the oceans, the air, the atmosphere - is among those things so too much of international interactive issues for our republic to not require a treatious 2/3rds plurality. A simple majority is not prudent nor our regular order towards being the threshold towards forcing a better process and deeper understanding.
     In 2004 candidate John Kerry may have professed near “as Commander in Chief I will never mislead nation into a war” but isn’t that all double speak after the fact to how much he lied while Senator to mislead the nation into an “anti-war” emotional pique to where the Iraq War near as soon as commenced became set asunder by a bi-polar politics of Senator Kerry and Senator Murtha stoked and stoked to build up a fear across Iraq to that the USA & allied would just like CUT & RUN again?
     How can any have a reconciliation just on a “real John Kerry” of candidate in 2004 saying he would grow the armed forces and Senator Kerry who may have ruined the only chance America & allied had with the Iraq War? He is whom?  Firstly that “leader” wanted Iraq War to be staffed by those failed their classes or just didn’t to a suffice do their homework?  Senator Kerry who waited until after our armed forces were in country & boots on the ground committed to take up such an anti-war effort he did stoke and stoke it all until too many Iraqi feared hoped for cooperation as was palpable from anti-war politics of Senator Kerry that the USA & allies were soon just going to CUT & RUN again? The equally above it all on the global connected eco-system it is as he an authoritarian dictates and not an up for discussion in regular order of republic baby steps for advise and consent processes?
     Firstly though President Biden must still be a Democrat who avoids the overdue probative haunting his party and setting asunder bipartisanship likewise.
     President Biden will self-incriminate if he offers any honesty on 1990s & how the Clintons, beside forming “Deep State” to obligate bureaucratic loyalty to for job security to being in conspiring to put planning a succession & rise to FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT above the sworn duties of offices.
     The Clintons were of moral depravity in 1990s foreign & domestic decisions.  So much that went horribly wrong has deep roots to a pathology theirs & of means, motives, & opportunity in affected.  The Clintons earned “AMERICAN INFIDEL” tag & too as of “AMERICAN ABANDONMENT” in moral depravity of Bill Clinton didn’t do the right things because he didn’t want to do the right things.
     Our national security now has President Biden deciding represents an existential - even imminent threat.
     To have the right moral basis our Constitution is the best foundation - how President Biden postures is still to try to allow contrary intra-party positions even as Clintons’ 90s of “post-Constitution” so anti-Constitution they effectively proofed selves at their selfish ambitions to being more anti-Constitution even than Revolutions British General Henry Clinton, & too anti-Federalist New York Governor DeWitt Clinton.  The Clintons public proud remarks of records can be used as confessions to “textbook treason” with any indictment merely needing an assertion that the Constitution never stopped being the laws of the land.
     For education for our future leaders though President Biden owes the world explanations to his party’s oh so contrary.
     Beyond sacrificing John Kerry as a real obstacle to a bipartisanship reconstruction era President Biden for national security needs explain the dynamics of the real differences just in the sworn rivalry between the Clintons & Obamas.
     For example:  How did Hillary Clinton lose?  How did Hillary Clinton lose twice?  Firstly she repeated her spouse’s mistakes?
     For example:  The definition of FASCISM due update to read A MOVEMENT OF THE LEFT FOR AUTHORITARIAN POWER - as experienced with CLIMATE CHANGE solutions tyranny long of dictates devoid plurality building advise and consent regular order prudence?  It too of John Kerry it fits there this movement used like a TROJAN HORSE to bring authoritarian tyrannical ruling class to power in lieu of constituted as a republic?
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:25 am

These are matters of grave importance - a continuity for the fabric of Liberty is threatened.

There must be limiting principles in any system of government by laws.

Since the Rehnquist Revolution that followed on the common core of the Reagan Revolution for Main Street common sense to trump Ivy Tower elitist authoritarianism there has been the renewed American standard for laws and governance to have lay basis - laymen accessible lingua franca.

“Global Warming” politics have marched the world into lawless areas to where peoples belittled for elitists to play God - be at least terribly authoritarian.

There are new laws that must be written that should have been written before climate change.

America is supposed to be about the People first - about trusting in keeping citizens fully informed to don’t just fold in the whirlwinds to propaganda.

It has now been a long time since Democrats governed rightly - put fully informing citizens first. Our Liberty integrity depends on trusting informed citizens.

Al Gore is a problem for candidate Joe Biden:

Al Gore’s methods at climate change were of such an institutionalized global collusion of elites that such of what President Trump just accused of is relatively at best just ‘Petty Collusion’.

It is for debates to air discussions of which worse between Speaker Pelosi at Obamacare of voters “too stupid” to be rightly informed and engaged, and now how diabolical the lawlessness of Al Gore “Climate Change” authoritarian tyranny of global elites specifically trying to influence campaigns & elections.

There are laws now needed to counter and check Democrats un-American methods of years trying to play God - even “Weather Gods”.

Our civilizations have Joe Biden supposed to be arrested from such as such represents abuse of office - and with bold lying.

Whether running for Senate or Vice President - there are still supposed to be limits on Joe Biden akin a “ceiling”.

A longer fuller discussion to on we need to raise the concerns of it now seems obvious that truly Barack Obama left the White House still misreading the Constitution - while yet was a Constitutional Law Professor and a Harvard first black head of its Law Review.

President Obama somehow misreads a “Socialist” interpretation into our USC by firstly avoiding the grammar of preamble of “Order” use is as a noun to give each person a sense of owning their “Order” an ordained a constitution.

There is no legal “Socialism” interpretation - that of now called “Socialism” is set as illegal in plain language of originalism.

Candidate Joe Biden must admit such a ceiling exists lest he finds it the hard way like candidate Hillary Clinton.

Our “more perfect Union” is novel while subscribed “done” “in the Year of our Lord” by that a proper reading negates Democrats’ errant of “God is not in the constitution” coy ploy by by rights from one’s Creator it follows the “ceiling” is of separation of church and state as vertical - of that government is “more perfect” by Union’s constituted sets government as also under Lord’s Laws.

Al Gore was fully of wrongfulness playing God with our weather.

For Joe Biden to play with running for President it must be enforced he is to ordered to arrested from playing God - being elite authoritarian - he is supposed to walk and breath the constitution as the Peoples’ “Order” and of it and he barred from being theocratic.

New laws or prudence of old must be raised and discussed per climate change due there can be yuge liabilities from playing God.

With weather as like healthcare Americans are supposed to be of Liberty secured by general practices of firstly governing for and of having an informed and engaged electorate - citizen base.

For example by spirit of our history of jurisprudence there is standing for Al Gore, due his un-American methods so of solutions tyranny with authoritarianism quite simply a new fascism, to be personally liable for storm damages like at least of Super Storm Sandy.

Points of law of this an established supposed “ceiling” to Al Gore global methods of authoritarian tyrannies develop a case against “Weather God” Al Gore” at least for gross negligence at “science” without controls to study dangers from cuts - from man made changes like to 10%+ of CO2 reduction from EU & US cuts since 2006 (and due such of foreign agency towards manipulating a USA election through collusion at least?).

All this should have been of citizens informed - not just propagandized with biased solutions tyranny. But alas Al Gore worked more an institutionalized authoritarian collusion with foreign agency of collusion to interfere in present election cycle - the next elections.

Global warming science was to date marched as actually bad science due no controls on methods to discern what dangers there could be from playing “Weather Gods” by rushing CO2 cuts - of since 2006 as real man made climate change.

Can Joe Biden yet somehow now become a statistical anomaly as like an old dog that can learn even one new trick?

Our Joe Biden is as far as he can progress legally - as high as he can get due there is our “of laws” “ceiling”?

To preserve the fabric of Liberty the real Joe Biden should be arrested from being any further as willing accomplice to Al Gore cadre of elites and machinations for such authoritarian power it has already redefined “FASCISM” as essentially ‘a movement of the Left’.

The social media threads are our modern new ecosystem much now needing new laws - laws evolved.

To keep it simple for Democrats candidates let us lead with one primary issue lesser than “Played God treasonously”.

Due since 2006 the EU & US began rushing man made CO2 cuts as man made climate change without informed and derived consent of free people and that there no science controls set for safety Al Gore can be personally liable for costs from Super Storm Sandy - for starters.

It figures simply so, due that he lead rush to a 10% cut in CO2 levels, that he responsible for moved the there to fore greenhouse effect daily from firstly Atlantic centric to Asia centric.

By that by Al Gore firstly progressive with a new fascism of authoritarian solutions tyranny he can be liable personally, as of was of conduct unbecoming a former Vice President too, and as simply basically it figures the man made climate change by rushed CO2 cuts say enough caused a shift in altitudinal thermals to have by such made the very path of Sandy possible.

The shift from man made rushed cuts devoid of advise and consent American fabric of Liberty prudence is of daily greenhouse were effects flipped to the other side of globe - other side of the northern hemisphere and thus is prosecutable it seems civilly and criminally.

That such man made change caused greenhouse shift also now seeds the conditions for warm air rising now differently to displacing polar region colder air more regularly adds concern & jeopardy.

Al Gore, to candidate Joe Biden, must be accountable at least for gross negligence, and firstly though of Super Storm Sandy as his fault, while of yet it more alarming we have Al Gore also liable for polar warming of this about his rushed cuts by a global elite working authoritarian collusion seem simply to have changed daily thermal wind patterns enough, and altitudinally, to be causing more “Polar Vortex” events that threaten polar ice cap extant due warm air rising differently now on two sides of the northern hemisphere and displacing polar colder air then that dives south.

Old Joe?

Al Gore at least liable for negligence around old science of basic natural law of it known that heat rises!

Should we call this a “The Orange Ceiling” so apropos to #CrookedHillary short comings in past also fitting #LockHerUp?

Old Joe can you learn a new trick?

Can you only yet be the established crooked Socialism Joe Biden?

You are not allowed above our “advise and consent” constituted  by our Peoples’ “Order” secured rights - “ceiling”!

Americans can see the limits of like Hunter Biden story is of at least he didn’t, per Ukraine (emoluments?), have to become overcompensated by hired by the/a “most corrupt” Burisma?  Surely Ukrainian non-profits were seeking “experts” too?

It is now becoming obvious “Climate Change” had other political methods available and even better solutions.

Where is the “ceiling” - the prudence in old laws - the jurisprudence for new laws?

    *     *     *     OUR 1ST “STATE” IS OF LAWS?     *     *     *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

“This morning we’re asking you - who should get credit for the current state of the U.S. economy?”

>> CSPANWJ asked! Posted recent morning comments on credit for economic growth: February 18, 2020:

>I did advise George W. Bush by fax to not try to fix housing/banking due saw it as triggered to collapse as soon as a fix attempted.

Also Speaker Pelosi wasn’t to letting him at any fix that…

>#TuesdayThoughts #Election2020 #economics

… any fix that had any suggestion in it that Clintons 90s had anything wrong in Clintonomics - even that with $2Trillion cut for $1Trillion in unneeded surpluses - Bill Clinton politics burned the economic candle from both ends …

>#2020Culture #TuesdayMotivation #MAGA #DTS

… Clintons intentionally burned economy candles from both ends at once.

> for short term popularity while expected no negative outcomes expected to yet be expected until the next President’s terms, administration.

Like rigged it …

>#FallOfClintons #PoetJPHogan #HOGAN

… I was proved right of warned #Bush to just try to postpone collapse & crisis and not try at a fix I saw as set up to trigger near complete loss in consumer confidence & little chance then of recovery.

Clintons’ ploy…

>#DrainTheSwamp #Trump #DonaldJTrump #POTUS

… Clintons’ machinations from double burned us down was seen but is now more easily seen as of ploy of set up collapse believing they could then blame next President and be wanted/needed back with Hillary4Prez as seemingly only…

>#WashingtonJournal #Cspan #SouthCarolina #Nevada odds:

… then as those together who could yet fix the economy.

#ClimateChange $4 gas price fix for #GlobalWarming #GreenAgenda of by 2006 #Dems sabotaging #economics & yet blaming #Bush wrongly & …

>… and as #SpeakerPelosi to #Bush chances of recovery was far worse than of killed how #IraqWar was set up to be paid for liberation of #Iraqi as end of #Clintons #AmericanAbandonment by oil profits on #IraqiOil post liberation.

Bush was not allowed to imply Clintons wrong &…

>… yet now it quite noticeable how one thing said in #ImpeachmentHoax #Schiff narative fits so well and better yet to parts of these histories of crimes & maladministration by Clintons & meddling #TextbookTreason during #GeorgeWBush #Bush43 admin - even while of #911Attacks…

>#Economics credit can not go to #Obama - indictments though should and could easily.

Consider #BillClinton, even thou #SenClinton new #NYC #Senator w/ BANKS oversight, did ask Big Banks to pay sought #CarnegieHall twr near $1 Million/y rent as thanks for “all the money they …

>… made big banks with the #DERIVATIVES push with #ChrisDodd & #BillClinton cohorts in unconscionable governance quite judgeable as GROSS NEGLIGENCE at least.

Derivates were asked for to gamble away the known risks of risking lending pimp’n while also of cutting budgeted by…

>… so much in already set up future projects and spending, for that an unneeded surplus - for short term political popularity, to that #BillClinton & banks believed gambling new way needed due Clintons were cutting out the jobs & funding the risky spenders to need to survive…

>#Economics #TuesdayThoughts

…Clintons 90s of knew enough of cut for $1 Trillion unneeded surplus of that picked for cuts wouldn’t be missed until they were out of (& between Clintons presidencies) office.

And that it would take more money & far more years to restore needed…

>… Bill Clinton knew his cuts would only be trouble to the next admin & thought that could be managed to march a call for their return by #Hillary4Prez.

>To @MariaBartiromo years ago he admitted he knew he cut too much too quickly.

Of knew next Prez would have to explain his…

>… Clintons’ 90s selfish malfeasance & maladministration criminally effected just to be able to have a chance at restoring consummer confidence enough for even a slight recovery.

Again: Speaker Pelosi wouldn’t budge to help a recovery due wanted rise of #HillaryClinton by…

>… as if the Clintons were only who could run a growth economy.

Clintons almost only knew where in all the gears they stowed wrenches to created malfunctioning - only knew where the bodies were.

It did cost lots more to replace so much was actually necessary spending then cut!

>#TuesdayMotivation #Election2020 #StrongForTruth

The real questions on #economics is of Clintons burned #economy candles knowingly from both ends for personal selfish reasons.

And of that cuts took far more years at much greater expense to get back budgeted for future jobs.

>This morning: The Clintons did cut too much from necessary spending of already approved and budgeted to be of level of government spending at least needed than then had to be rushed back into budgets - well had to eventually get put back in at much higher costs - not including how missed much set up later housing and banking collapses.                                                                                  

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:52 am

Our first order of civic business these days before Halloween is to lately fully account proper number of filled body bags as should be shouldered by the Clintons wherever they go as the number of souls to try to rest as died due Clinton errs as didn’t die in vain.

Tragedies should be exclamated these days near all souls day with political expression in peaceful demonstrative to whenever and wherever Bill Clinton and/or Hillary Clinton appear piles of body bags as TRUTH art should amass towards souls lost in their errs can have peace forward.

Such established let us now move to sad dynamic of Al Gore and his master plan as relates to “black face” politics, and, as Barack Obama as indictable for cover ups worse than Watergate causal to Halloween costumes of BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks.

These days to respect the dead - lost souls - must speak artfully to their mettle and the miraculous.

Body bags as permitted TRUTH art should haunt Clintons as these indictable cover ups amount to Barack Obama as worse than Richard Nixon of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton too set secular and radical coldly of Alinski to as if methodology was shared as ordered to rule by getting control of healthcare and killing the free peoples’ God.

We cannot rightly ignore Al Gore and his master plan.

A primary mood - essence - vibe - of this essay is to generally stand up support forward for Kanye West new black beatings - beats - to bring/rise blacks outta this darkness.

Because of Al Gore at tricks to EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery Power to globally postured as an authoritarian America’s first black President’s legacy is left as Quixotic - Barack Obama for Posterity of legend now as a black Don Quixote, - some just for jousting of windmills.

Whites in “black face” this Halloween mostly would be to disrespecting the dead as politics involved of respectful to understand times in satire of living raising expression by BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks and as a black Don Quixote as justified.

We are not here with these artful to dodge the dark issues of Democrats established dark record nor to no say ’test their mettle’; these Democrats are bad actors with records to account down to each lost soul.

Our civic business in being guardians of our  galaxy forward asks us to now break apart the cons and coy of Democrats darkly at solutions tyranny.

We can NOT, at this moment, know the next Kanye West black beatings but the The Doors old beats of a last whiskey bar may have foretold with dub’s as if of singing of an Obama.

As we build the case for the legend of the first black President, much thanks to Al Gore’s master plan, as our first black Don Quixote we too should see and relate his own side kick Joe Biden on a donkey.

We must be artful to raise and respect all souls while to still working to battle outta past dark days/ages.

He becameth Quixotic also by his cover ups for the Clintons as with trapping absolute to as if Bill Clinton was 100% innocent.

It is Quixotic for of his permanent legacy as to like jousting of windmills his general tag/rap for such cover ups behoove most to little respect for that he just postured as if honorable.

Most lawyers and originalist judges can see the obvious legal trap of he indictable still for his Presidency of cover ups worse than Nixon and Watergate.

It is elementary - simply logical - of the reason chain of his story arrests him in its simple contradictions of that Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can claim 44 better than 42.

SCOTUS, as per such POTUS, has their records as two of short of miraculous mettle attesting their cover ups reset the bar on why cover ups are and should remain impeachable crimes and as treasonous treacheries.

It is elementary and dark for it raises if so many lost souls from Clinton errs did sadly die in vain.

Simply logical elementary political historical accounting exposes their trapped of neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can legally posture 44 was better than 42.

Mrs. Clinton trapped is of as spouse to Bill Clinton they are not to incriminate the other and so cannot, however an arguable truth, cast a posit to that the American first black President was a better Executive than her husband.

Barack H. Obama is likewise trapped from any real honor as if better than born William Blythe III William J. Clinton as his legal official position of indictable cover ups of an absolute of “all just Bush’s fault” to that any claim to as if Bill Clinton wasn’t 100% innocent effectively legally equates to 44 confessing to he indictable for impeachable cover ups.

As Al Gore the Clintons’ earlier side kick Joe Biden we must get to how Al Gore most settles Barack Obama legacy as a black Don Quixote.

President Donald J. Trump, Sr. with his pledged intent to bring back “Merry Christmas” is set against the old dark days/ages.

The darkest darkness of these dark politics raises with the lies;  it is diabolically dark that Democrats by cover ups of errs of Clintons nearly did greatly set asunder our Constitution to that they did have Power and could stay of Power by that they near first American autocrats by only who enough knew TRUTHS while masses subdued as kept mired from powers by their rule by lies as if real history.

So though People are justly to tricks of treats this Halloween of mired politics to fair to don BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks it behoove our humanity to speak to the deplorable addictive methodology Al Gore punk’d the first black President into as of solutions tyranny of master plan to restore Al Gore to old plantation legacy of masses addicted to Gore fixes sold whence of nicotine.

Side kick Joe Biden is hardly, as of Delaware, the Southern white male more of below the Mason Dixon Line also of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

Kanye West, hopefully, will not be a left alone black as tries to trumpet rising beats to raise brethren from such darkness.

Barack “Don Quixote” Obama is too, in legacy, of (secular?) in the The Doors last whiskey bar and President Donald Trump as successor is trying to raise “Merry Christmas” from Clintons’ and Obama secular radical as efforts to reset and reestablish room in the Federal Government for respect for miraculous - for Peoples and masses to mettle testing with scope of miracles of faith normal and regular civic.

As to the body count of souls lost due Clinton errs and new “worse than Watergate” accounting wisely to numerically and arithmetically face history of all dead from September 11 attacks on accounting tables our midterms post Halloween of election 2018 with politics best accepted of history suggests that as attacks were planned the world largely expected Al Gore to be President on the day of attacks.

It may be too cynical to ask history to show such and as a former war photojournalist had such been otherwise President Al Gore had Afghanistan set up as a manageable conflict a ‘you provide the pictures and I’ll provide the warring’ made for photojournalism (war?) staged.

But as we are in these days to respecting all souls we must be of moral and civic duty of at least asking whom died maybe in vain and firstly due Democrats dark machinations for Power.

Please rise in assisting to settling, as now allowed again, whom of the fallen died as of miraculous mettle yet otherwise, until now of a just cause corrective, thought to have died in vain.

Our black Don Quixote recent blurb’d of “none in my administration were indicted” comparative is below “Don Quixote” as his whole administration was indicted with the fall of Clinton and his policies as defeated regularly since.  His jousting at his own still indictable is no faux windmill.

Otherwise Al Gore is much, with his master plan (to remain a Southern Authoritarian while white?) of EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery of solutions tyranny greatly responsible to the legacy for America’s first black President as not much more significant than “QUIXOTIC”!

However Barack “Barry” Obama endears as rose of The Doors last whiskey bar Kanye West can dub worse tracks justly on selfish narcissistic secular radical President Obama as President Trump is now not alone at with efforts worked to reestablish respect for miraculous mettle.

Of these days annual with the living with the dead “black face” on any but Don Quixote should rile with disrespect as for now due deplorable cover ups so party broached there are many lost souls whose cause not carried yet as justice for their mettle and sacrifice likely to be damming to souls of more than a few living Democrats said “leaders”!

I do not know specifics on how President Trump is working a civic business to reestablish respect for miraculous - realm of miracles of faith - by these midterms and coming holidays but peaceful assistance can be yet with body bags yet art - traveling TRUTH art.

GLOBAL WARMING ALARMIST Southern Al Gore seems to have historical psychological cats to tag as it seems evident the SOLUTIONS TYRANNY politics in CLIMATE CHANGE that set President Obama as a black Don Quixote of roots in Gore past of tobacco plantations in his worked methodology as a tyranny towards newly addicting masses in nick of time vulnerability to Gore fix.

Whom else but Cervantes? - on drama and dilemma to our first black President legacy as left to be “Quixotic” at best by machinations of Southern white males Bill Clinton and Al Gore of master plans to be globally white authoritarians despite our ratified constituted protections from such of originalism of Peoples’ “Order”?

President Barack H. Obama is at least quixotic by that he inherited his lesser role to firstly servant to Democratic Party Powers deep stated - by that GREEN AGENDA was then an outdated plan over ten years old he, say, was handed - or inherited of hands forced to be so much much ado about windmills.

Forward we must yet be to questioning so other souls can rest how President Obama as so set against miraculous mettle did establish himself as less honorable than Cervantes “Don Quixote”!

SCARY are these days of so many lost souls not allowed by Democrats’ cover ups to rise from the indictable deplorable trapped as not to be understood or freed unless masses do account at least, for now, that diabolical and high number of who died due Clintons’ errs.

Of Al Gore as a DEPLORABLE there is at least his methods to ADDICTING masses and in his SOLUTIONS TYRANNY President Obama was more just a domestic servant to forward established “QUIXOTIC” of he didn’t build a real windmills legacy - of his RECORD attests a lack of mettle to protecting for miraculous - realm of holidays. And, his complicit in new worse WATERGATE?

         *       *       *       #MoralsTrumpHate?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:04 am

Your summer starts with the most important midterms still ahead.

Will your education amass or amount to success to earned statuesque recognition? Perchance a park?

Is our way forward bound too fated by errant and wrongful of our leaders, present, and past?

Shall we just tag it all TREASON and be done with it?

For all the reading and recreation ahead for our summer hours such would be perilous and elementary - too simple - dangerously simple.

To excel forward perhaps these days of summer call us to comparative studies to be best formed and steeled to have our midterms attest of mettle tested?

Whom shall be toppled? And, whom newly deserves to be honored - memorialized?

We can hope that generations are now getting along these years after Green Agenda Green Minimalism of needed $4 gasoline pricing, and its political heavy handed, trapped/forced grandparents to move in with children, and their grandchildren to move back in with dad and mom.

Let us progress by making it teachable by making Connecticut an example to bar erection or topple that which has been set to memorialize Clintons or Obamas with bronze honors.

For now we can pass on beating a Bush as currently it is becoming far better known of how long attacked Bush name was of undue and for unearned beatings.

With very important midterms ahead let us Cliff Notes the core issues now as we progress an attempt to become responsibly informed to the GOOD vs. EVIL and the RIGHT vs LEFT towards whom deserves a bronze them.

It is of TREASON we must become quite learned of and as how trapping such crimes are set to be to many top Democrat operators for categorize as simply of textbook TREASON.

The old favoring of the LEFT wrongfulness cannot now be long still enduring as endearing slippeth more and more as greater amassed s the understanding that their “proffered” interpretation of the Constitution is established as blatantly erroneous and simply of clear misreading of the original and lawful plain meaning - intent of the Peoples’ “Order.”

Generations of moralists, while some liberated and repaired to the American Dream, will long work over how immoral it was how economies were set asunder for the Green Minimalism for the Green Agenda and how such leadership was illegal to treasonous.  American generations are behooved to garner how wrong LEFTISTS (with Saul Alinski?) been in their premeditated collaborations to set asunder the Constitution of our republic in ways in excess to how they’ve been found to have failed to comprehend the ratified original plain language.

The LEFTISTS, however now set to honored by schools in their name or public bronzes, do now suffer a real jeopardy due ignorance of the Constitution plain meaning is not a defense to even their accidental but incidental treasonous colluded.

Cliff Notes simple:

In the prior year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven on that seventeenth of September they did subscribe as “done” the Peoples’ “Order” by signed as to did “ordain and establish” the Constitution as the Peoples’ “Order” (noun) that did form our “more perfect Union” to it therefore cannot rightly be claimed to be the LEFTISTS’ “living document” as just a yuge loophole for mob rule of anything goes if just do claim it and it “more perfect.”

The actual Constitution is still the Law of our lands and to that so much by LEFTISTS was at least accidental TREASON in ignorance - but yet of a contempt for originalism of yet a basis also in ignorance of beauty of originalism as compassionate originalism fixed by “more perfect Union” by set to government also under our Lord’s Laws and not above their peers - the citizens.

Connecticut, ironically, is “The Constitution State” while yet a state that most failed and suffered under Democratic rule of such likewise LEFTISTS.

Connecticut, economically, can be said to have met such an unnecessary tough phase by being colluding to cottoned to the treasonous of the Clintons while such of frauds of took credit to honors for so much they didn’t inspire or make.

Connecticut failures under recent Democratic Party adherence and partisan collusion happened with President Obama due he too didn’t/wouldn’t tackle the Clintons’ misrepresentations for undeserved honor to known for it of economic science dynamic that such doesn’t work the ways Clintons long postured of claimed as if so many successes were made by them.

Connecticut was stuck under President Obama due Governor Malloy (and Obama Jobs Czar Jeffrey Immelt of GE) couldn’t proceed honestly for had to continue the cover-ups for the Clintons to protect many in leadership from criminal exposure in admitting dishonorable divisive partisan chicanery and treachery if offered truth.

As midterms our mile marker to be for an accounting we should brace and inform ourselves with the lessons of Connecticut’s failures as poignant and fresh.  There could be no music - singing together - these years - for unity to economic growth - due the legend and key for progress music actually had far from the true nature and smaller truths of the Clintons as its melodious harmonious; there could be little music with Governor Malloy due he went with discordance by lying with the Clintons, and, towards running betrayal of a Connecticut native whom Clintons an associated were long persisting in stealing from - in misappropriation of the core key vibe’s who of the essence of the how of how 90s economics arose as synthesized and choreographed.

Generations of moralists have, as our midterms loom, time enough to learn of and from the failures of Connecticut as a story of couldn’t due couldn’t do honestly - with honor?

Cliff Notes simple:

President Donald Trump may soon deserve to be memorialized and publicly honored in bronze statue(s) and for righting our songs from broached treasonous old coursing and yet firstly of tests of November are to be of post “post-Constitution” and post “I will not feel beholden to the oath I just swore” (paraphrased) eye openers and to votes that must be forward mature of accepting it is established and proven ordained that the LEFTISTS’ “interpretations” are not lawful but as per scripts of TREASON.

Generations are called upon while being still liberated and repaired to the American Dream to take all the time necessary to discuss and fully digest that any schools I their names or public bronzes in their likeness should be prohibited from our public spaces.

Remember Connecticut!

Remember though Hillary Clinton lost Governor Malloy was still stuck with President Obama  of trying to sing lies of the Clintons!!!

Cliff Notes simple:

*  Jeffrey Immelt was a Connecticut CEO while failed nation as a Jobs Czar!  Go figure an air conditioner company head missed global warming supply and demand calling!

*  I know of what I satire as long the Clintons got on by particularly stealing a lot from me, - only got by like in 90s when of slipping by becometh too their old selves and deployed coy ploy “we need to get back to the center!” as chicanery to needed to steal a solution and synthesized balance from me again.

*  So: Also: Yet no bronzes for Democrats?  - nor silver! - nor gold! 

                               *      *      *      *      *                 


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:53 pm

Whom are our real enemies?

Internal domestic dynamics can now finally be fodder for our individualistic digestion - again of free expression.

Aren’t New York Presbyterian “crackers” now accepted universally as safer than Gorish addicted nicotines? And, shiek may be Catholic sensibilities for the olfactory essence more than chic to vape or regress to toke gorish smokeables?

To bind to hemp forward is considerable to even woven/spun patriotic - historically accurate. To lash to the mast, captains, to avoid Sirens’ calls wafted to set you to stuck on the rocks may be most prudent lashing. To be incensed to meditative on the worldly is to set one’s course from firstly Gorish.

A first postulate a fair historical political premise is that 9/11 hindsight is sans “intelligent” if skips the old adage “follow the money” and from to wrought wreckage from pathology of Clintons’ as was to stem the flow - obviously shut off the spigot of necessary funding especially of defense & intelligence.

Clintons’ miserly for surplus short-term “popularity” “political capital” led directly to latterly more than protestant vast yuge gorish worked outcomes.

Where there was a will there their’s was a selfish way premeditated (even Manchurian) calculated causal as set cast for a HIS’ and a HER’S by role playing “DOVE” for “HIS” to set up differential as to gorish “HAWKISH” “HAWK” HER’S.

Gorish followed!!!

Al Gore reposed to silent inaction all the while those now the greatest crimes against our confederate republic weren’t arrested by a non-co-conspirator - a Vice President but a lacky - from Gorish by VP Gore yet of his duty sworn by his oaths.

To stimulate your disciplines by regular New York Presbyterian “cookies” (”crackers”?) or more worldly incensed of your olfactory is the indivisible of our Union as free under “our Lord” before subjects of our government. - To swear oaths - as particularly sworn hand on scriptures edition - is to subject servitude to the righteous - universal truths?

Follow the money!!!

That since Yale coeds “Bill” and “Hillary” found polity around a greased watermelon is of the white pride as his new “legal” racism - intimated consecrated co-opted.

Oy! If I were Jewish and knew of their there for at the money and not as I am of yet knowing such as a since a young Catholic school boy (Public schools of New Haven) as encountered whence and to becometh forward in the loop as informed by them as if a naïve yet asked of “let’s ask the charming boy from the school yard” (talisman?). Oy, I know what I satire due more than that “Bill and Hillary” “checked-in through the years quite informative - of intent.


Much yuge Gorish was begot by that lacky Vice President Al Gore while sworn of oaths, shirked his oaths.

Like Samuel Jackson, post a conclave of sorts with nuns towards the Amsterdam ferry, digress in “THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD” we have the gorish conundrum diabolical of like:


Right!  Al Gore had due process a suffice of procedures to exercise to arrest the coy ploy chicanery of the unconstitutional “Bill and Hillary” so he seems more diabolical to infinity for secured protection despite his sworn oaths to People.

Tis a good day to be erudite upon a plethora of the substandard diabolical specific alliance Gore of the old tobacco South kept close with Southern William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and his intimate of the white pride evidenced with elementary “follow the money” journalism - even now still.

We can readily dispense with the coy ploy chicanery of “Bill and Hillary” as certainly of high crimes and misdemeanors but to arrest the Gorish and explain the Peace breaking out we have to brace ourselves for rougher rivers and dissecting the complicitry of Vice President to the Clintons Al Gore due the pathology of white pride tokes signal strength wafts - the very outputs of Gore family plantation lifestyle as to Power and Pride by knowingly addicting masses and masses to addictive qualities and dependence on the marketed fix/fixes.

A metaphor we have of that Green Agenda was facilitated it seems with old Tobacco standard operating procedures to create addictions - to amass addicted to a branded profitable fix incorporated.

To arrest and indict on Clintons’ coy ploy chicanery is simple stuff for prosecutors and engaged citizens of follow the shut-offs of monies to as high crimes and misdemeanors long regularly confessed to with each utterance of “post-Constitution” by “Bill” and/or “Hillary” - by Clintons.

To rap (wrap) them a reasonable judge must just assert that there is a simple truth that the Constitution is still the law of the land, and, that we as a People did not have our republic yet devolve its federalism to their (the Clintons’) extra-Constitution new Powers as yet but premeditated confessed to treason - treachery to set asunder the Peoples’ Order.

And so it is the Gorish from that Vice President Al Gore, lacky, shirked his oaths we have to figure a what can be worse than treason for such whom arguably is more diabolical by protected them in lieu of duty to People.

A great sin upon us the People of these united states of the Americas and conscious free souls beyond is that it was also conduct unbecoming a former Vice President with how Gore exercised authoritarian tyranny to like modern new fascism redefined to as “a movement of the Left…” by how alarmism “Global Warming” stratagems were akin old Southern plantation Pride of “business” to blindly addict masses to Gore family industry by nicotine dependence.

“Climate Change” to Donald J. Trump, Sr. seems need be like opioid crisis on setting peoples towards at least twelve steps programs to see was addicted to new Gore “fixes” and to forward beat how was so addicted to that sold yet at best half measures, and purposefully dictated by “authority” despite numerous other solutions were otherwise actually available and as for better policies with better ingenuity.

Such Vice President may go down in history as a most vile and diabolical  role-player politician who didn’t heed the sirens and unleashed masses of Gorish at least by complicitry to Clintons as devoid oath, - as thought to “follow the money.”

No “intelligence” still can now come outta of the top of the Central Intelligence Agency post 9/11 if sans hindsight figured of that there is a direct causal link to that Clintons cut a lot - cut too much - cut too much too quickly, and, diabolically as for self serving role-playing as needed to cast “Bill” as “DOVE” for a differentiation for “Hillary” thought necessary to be “President Hillary” - to become President by ignoring HAWKISH until “Hillary” could play the “HAWK”!

It lacks parity to prejudge President Barack H. Obama for like “smoked” too much with “Communists” Leftists of his “Higher Education” learning ecosystems all the while yuge vastly more diabolical gorish can be traced to that of Vice President Al Gore was complicit with the horrible outcomes that progressed causal by “the money” as self-evident (nearly) when any looks at how much spending the Clintons cut-off and how dastardly such cuts seem to fit their self-serving (script?) to that t have “President Hillary R. Clinton” “Bill” had to over-play “DOVE” and leave (to too late) HAWKISH for Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

     *       *       *       FAILED FIX? FIXES?       *       *       *



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

To get what they want they are willing to give up what?  Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!

Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.

The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.

It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.

Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.

It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)

This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.

To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.

This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.

This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!

NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign.  Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.

Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control

Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.

Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!

Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.

Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?

Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?



To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!

Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?


The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun!  Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?

     *    *    *     IT IS THE AGE OF MEA CULPA?    *    *    *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

It is empirical to our concurrent space-time that matter may weigh heavier on our existential.

The arc of humanity isn’t tangential to the pull of a planetary situational gravity.

Before any attempt to tag ‘imperial’ upon any of these united states of the Americas we have our republican standard re-established about the North Pole connective meta.

The republican of our national orbit fits within the Moscow of Russian Saint Basil spiritual communal and as a good counter to President Putin (a not inevitable next elected President of Russia)?

Aren’t we with President Trump and his effecting stand a posture against a new fascism and for a needed reset for spreading the copacetic of the holidays by refreshing a politics for the pathology of freedom?

A dictionary, any dictionary, can now confuse our celebrations & reaching for better understandings; with only a dictionary, even many an encyclopedia, masses can be wrought ignorant and misguided and unprepared to take on and take down the new fascism long now arising contrary to how long defined since the perversion of the old fascism the Hitler Nazism rode rising in concert whence.

Our discussions can now not suffice if sans a broaching of “imperial” vs “new nationalism”!

Our holidays guidance can be of a united front for Donald J. Trump inherited the march of the Republican Movement to restore “compassionate originalism” and to effectively anew draw the line in the sand as for republican, less of empire, due mass of intellectualism surrounding such is as to renaissance for the pathology of freedom.

I do not know which dictionary President Vladimir Putin uses and if now fitting a New American lexiconography to redefine FASCISM from old as “a movement of the Right” to so now apropos as yet clearly the threat - especially domestic threat - as the too long advanced ‘movement of the Left’ to effect to subordination of subjects to see world like the faces of the Authoritarians of a tyranny tyrannical of whom can be present authorities on political issues.

The republican of the Republicans is a celebration at least of the Christian conceptual to that the poor can become rich and the wealthy can become enslaved - slaves - due incarceration/enslavement.

Again: Of “SOFT POWER - SOFT SELL” espoused priorly there is the conundrum in that to fathom President Trump we must consider what President Putin has done or afforded allowance of to the churches of Moscow as since the 1990s;  We are of the complication of faith in matters of fears of old Soviet methodologies as what was torn down to make way for a shrine to Joseph Stalin is now again a great Cathedral in Christianity in Moscow (- thanks to President Vladimir Putin?).

The real Santa Claus is the Kris Kringle of Russians if not of a lost in translation from apropos - appropriately named a one the accountant of the naughty list whose accounting can spirit forgiveness anywhere as we together of matter of weighing our orbits consequence around the winter equinox and holding to the pulled towards another tracking universal bound as gravity secures us again as subjects of our sun.

We republican of our holidays responsible celebratory must adhere to that fascists can be enslaved - even as by example leaders of Democrat Party past and present can be judged deficient and rightfully too of effected machinations akin empire by Authoritarian tyranny quite by definition as FASCISM - but of the new FASCISTS of the Left, not on right.

Our Republicans are in the right of our republican if now to posture, at least Christian of Christmas time, to that political leaders of the left are now of the “rich” of Christ who can become the “poor” and those of Moses who can by violate of the commandments towards being above slavable -slaves - be now secured to incarcerated as enslavable due violate of the pathology of freedom and quite by definition new FASCISTS of a new FASCISM evidenced.

How just Al Gore machinated for “GLOBAL WARMING” was ALARMISM and towards a base fascism by rendering citizens more just subjects expected to be assimilated to be of seeing the world as in his face - as his spected - a spectacle set by Gore-isms.  There is/was no apostolic spectacle in the fascism of the fascist methodology for “CLIMATE CHANGE” while there was a worked suppression and oppression to move people from their faith.

This far exceeds the evidence of Hillary R. Clinton as seemingly held to long supposed of “HILLARY DID AS HER GOOD BOOK SAYS (ALINSKI’S) - THEY GOT CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE, AND KILLED OFF THE MORAL PEOPLES’ GOD!”

We can be empirical on their NEW NATIONALISM as versus a defense of TRUMP against PUTIN “imperial”?

Our republican basis can continue to be reborn of the new Tea Party & otherwise long successful popular movement of the “Republican Movement” enduring and endearing.

Al Gore wasn’t alone since leaving Clinton White House & Clinton Administration of being a former of such then forward of froward misbehavior in-American as of to in-democratic conduct unbecoming a unseated former executive of the People’d; To understand concurrent fascism parties we must look honestly at the dishonesty of President Clinton and Vice President Gore backwards and forward as white men of the South who had means, motives, and opportunities of ulterior motives.

Our proper Christmas spirit for how the spirit an enunciation and articulation, even exclamatory, with “Merry Christmas” is that thanks to Moses, Crist, our republic’s founding fathers and the Peoples’ “Order” the constituted constitution ratified by the peoples we have that it is Christian that slavery is allowed in the Bible and our republican secured “Order” the peoples constitution.

However you consider breaking bread “with” Donald J. Trump, President, we yet have evidenced our concurrent political set of Republicans are republicans post Democrat Party “New Nationalism” advanced.

However you party these holidays it is still especially Christian that we accept and celebrate that those our “leaders” can become enslaved - incarcerated - slaved, and, in 2017 we have the situational paradigm of that we have that (former) leaders are evidenced to be now, particularly President Clinton, Vice President Gore (and first black President, Barack H. Obama) are with “Crooked Hillary” as a set - a variety of partisans - whom now should  be considered as due exercised democracy sans prejudgement within the scripture & constituted due process towards due to become slavish due in-American Authoritarian tyrannical methodology akin the new best definition of FASCISM.

We should be vigilant and consider of the Christian (sympathizer) Russian President Vladimir Putin “imperial” if it is proper & safe to tag American President Donald Trump as not ‘for empire’ but as one a new Republican firstly consequentially as a “republican”!

As we share our humanity connective & communal of the holidays of our existential & metaphysical as bodies electric we have that matter reasons to weigh heavier as gravity of the equinox pre-supposes since not tangential we yet are all pulled back to our core generally equally maybe with greater force as earth holds to a universal sun orbit.

As we weigh our politics we may find relief in the holidays of our weight may increase not due to family, community, political stress but due our terra firma of our celestial specific planetary is of we are more pulled together as we are sans tangential and our orbit gravitationally normal for a passing thru the nadir and towards recycling to the apex.

Our smallness is of our greatness as we celebrate the particulars of our universal and considerate of the march restorative for the Peoples’ “Order” did “form” our “Union” and while we face (honestly devoid assimilated to a Left “fascism”) that our progress is joined by MAGA amassed united forces of humanity in furtherance of the “Republican Movement” of which President Donald J. Trump is a more “republican” of than an “imperial”?

Let me be clear: By the way:  Are we all heavier at the holidays tangential to our consumption for due the gravity of the holidays if significant to that we are regular in our cyclical at the nadir equinox of the matter heavier consequentially of we to not be tangential bodies are yet bodies pulled closer harder to our common core - our local “home” planetary?

Let me be clear: Yes, by the way, again:  It is Christian & Constitutional that President Clinton, Vice President Gore, & President Obama have evidenced variant methodologies so contrary to our constituted protective prudence that they have been violate of the commanded through Moses and now considerably upturned & legally allowed to become slaved/slaves/enslaved and so the “poor” can be rich again to a restoration renaissance for the pathology of freedom!

  *       *       SAINTS’ CLAUSE - FORGIVENESS, BUT?       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:20 am

[As posted “public” on wall @ http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan sans edits (for now).]

#Marshall #Justice #FridayFeeling
#EvolveTheLaw #4College #FlashbackFriday #politics

#POTUS #TRUMP need assert objectivism structuralism originalism to counter how #BarackObama helped set asunder #ThurgoodMarshall considerate legacy?

The #SolutionsTyranny of #ClimateChange partisan politics was marched of #AUTHORITARIAN governance by men, not Laws, of that #Democrats held selves out as the INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY - AUTHORITIES.

#DonaldJTrump should reassert Government must have highest realm of able to look at authoritarian abominations objectively as still under Law/Laws/#SCOTUS. 

Legal liability should be assuaged at least upon Al Gore (#AlGore #Gore) for tyranny in a subjective marched marshalled inartfully to of a yuge culpable in GROSS NEGLIGENCE for how politics of #EarthFirsters did set asunder economies, and immorally by of a #BlameAndGo partisan martialed over-lorded subjective as if objective and of due diligence to check from too much collatoral damage.

#115thCongress has “evolve the law” tasks to seriously get at for we have now how eight years of #Obama did set asunder the professional standards at least of former Chief Justice Thurgood Marshall?

We together as a nation of “global citizen” anew as preset of what is the “under our Lord” natural scope and universal realm.  We needeth consider our structural originalism is undermined and needing shoring up to restore the standard at least of Justice Marshall.  Objectivism is calling to that there is the “under God” check on too authoritarian & tyrannous exercised politics power where now the People can expect and become exercised of #TRUTH #TRUTHS on the table & to legal jeopardy allowed a consideration to upon those actors in authoritarian solutions tyranny as yet of having been crooked of democratic treachery even if #TREASON.

Likewise for objective reset:

Was Al Gore “politics” of conduct unbecoming a former Vice President?

Was Al Gore “science” pure Authoritarian treachery as if infallible authority?

Was Al Gore “subjectivism” unconscionable to our “originalism” prudence and oh so contrary to even Thurgood Marshall defense of #CONSTITUTION?

Is Al Gore liable for Super Storm Sandy & other “Man Made” “Climate Change in a gross negligence for no CONTROLS in “scientific” method to check and moderate solutions of how carbon cuts could change altitudinal thermal currents and patterns so such to new (bigger) storms as to be expected due new wind & thermal patterns effected by man made cuts did flip #GREENHOUSE effect from primarily over #ATLANTIC of USA & #EuropeanUnion to yet then changed to Asia of China & India centered?

It is American and citizens duty to expect our Government to consider how to now “evolve the law” and of new areas of ‘playing God” with weather & climate as effected irresponsibly and coldly by Al Gore and his climate colluders who did put the People & economies second to the subjective, yes, solutions tyranny.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:36 am

Never has so little needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

What is the “is to” to Donald J. Trump as a “Law and Order” leader but maybe that Barack H. Obama was merely an “Orders and Dictum” presider?

Through his fault President Obama carried on fundamentally errant to the prudence in pedestrian “American”!

Through his fault President Obama postured and postured of fronting “American” in a misguided speak/think!

The abyss was to be crossed to if threshold broached in November in our Year two thousand ten and Six to ledes broadcast across old and new media of like “ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!”.

Though now we haven’t, as a nation, slid down this rabbit hole of an abyss, recently so near & ominous, we are precipitously close to the issues of the risks, still, and tasked for Posterity of a duty to understand and fathom what nearly was, - to the darkest elementals considered.

What is the “is is” of racism forward into the post-Obama era of unshackled and liberated awaiting?

A first “Law and Order” problem forward abides in the logic of Lord’s Law morality - in Moral Law basics:

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” in “#CrookedHillary” is a dangerous proposition - a most dangerous if effected!

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” will remain premature until Mrs. Clinton presents the essence honestly of how BAD the BAD is, to great enumerated accounting, of any which she may hope to have “forgiveness” as regards!

Racism must not be confused as the primary issue forward as we cotton to a new United States Attorney General!

Racism must not be confused with Moral Law standards and Constitutional especiality webbed out to well networked!

Due Secretary Hillary R. Clinton was of little lingua franca essence while tasked to be diplomatic a tag as a “worst ever” may visually stick to her forward quite dramatically as if responsibly cartooned a justly tarred & feathered?

The greatest failure and errant ways of the Obama Administration roots to a common rotten core of dictum of convenience yet lacking in consideration, and enumeration for mental health clarity and Posterity through truth & clarity connective fibrocity.

President Obama & Secretary Clinton are to be tagged and mashed forward for a vast and diabolical failure as due a historical rendition to of having been bad with language and loose with words!

Errant in their ways these two, though just part of the complicity party, have much to just try to atone for and attempt a accomplishment to being somehow to a suffice as penitent.  Firstly their biggest error was essentially, devoid of the political motives, dominant as of having governed as if God is not in the Constitution - even as the idea of a Lord above like the holding anchor.

To placate the random “HATE” “HATERS” momentarily let me posture that Donald J. Trump now too has an idea for “FREE COLLEGE” if he enumerates most “students” concurrently have cases against their institutions of “higher” education to sue for a refund even as they accept a diploma - to sue on grounds of having been grossly mislead and mistaught to believing what is now self-evident nearly of Democrats Liberals of having “governed” so devoid of a fibrous for “reason” they amount more to having been rascals, not teachers.  Whoops!!!  Well maybe showing “HATE” misplaced can placate some!!!

There is no where to run to - there is no where for such taggable as “rascals” to hide!  It is modern that their failures are now already mashable and to endure to a scandalous incontrovertible their rap.

To placate, or not:  Take how we must now, where ever, discuss how the Democrat(ic) Party has their rascality sticking to them as like all of birds of a feather to be tarred together:  Take now, for example, how on “Climate Change” as for a “Green Agenda” it is to haunt that after eight years there was never simple effected as an easiest of “shovel ready” opportunities that a boom of new pedestrian & bicyclist commuter bridges/tunnels and bike trails was not big news and regular news from day one.

Forward:  It seems already established and ready for mass consumption that Democrat Party leadership was so elitist of cabal motivation for authoritarian Power for a ruling class that they were blind to how better “Global Warming” solutions were available, yes since day one, and yet not allowed by President Barack H. Obama!  It should sting and pain for years, especially to loser Hillary R. Clinton, how it seems her party was firstly just for crooked crony “capitalism” that really fails the definition of “capitalism” as to “win win” civil agreements the primal core of its economics foundation.

The racism rub is a complicated rub forward, though now being simplified and to clarity for Law and Order resurgent:

The social sciences of logic of morality have a basic nature to now be enunciated and broadcast most pressingly as due voters who voted for “Crooked Hillary” were immoral and complicit to her “crooked” by such “expression” there is the resultant conclusive as regards morality and the Ten Commandments networked reasoned for conscience clarity and abiding for civility.

Common sense is that those who voted for “Crooked Hillary” became the “Crooked Voters” to then of a violation of the spirit of “American” and of morality as under our Lord as of self-governance firstly what religion is and the Ten Commandments our common core.

As the Ten Commandments do set up that slavery or imprisonment is the default allowance so prescribed short of Justice by death and therefore of a place & purpose in the “recipe” for “HEAVEN ON EARTH” so chiseled in stone we have the conundrum now of what happens as regards “crooked voters”.  To speak now of enslavement or imprisonment due violate of “Law and Order” by complicit to votage - suffrage - as ignorant or informed, and yet, by party to an “interpretation” that God can be said to not be in Constitution, and that all protections from (government) tyranny can be said as voided, and so to get away with popularity for a “Robin Hood” cabal Power, is just.

By voting again, and (more) knowingly than whence for Barack H. Obama, for a President as if an election could void and nullify the Constitution and Moral Law - especially of that set in stone of “THOU SHALT NOT STEAL” - a vast YUGE amount have morally condemned themselves as “crooked” too.  Any voted for “Crooked Hillary” of votage as expression of support for this discussed have set up the political dilemma in morality of by so to such by suffrage each has themselves rendered unto them a liberation problem of voters and candidates of the right now have become absolved of even Christian duty of compassion and caring in shared humanity towards any so a “crooked voter”!

By voting for Hillary R. Clinton any so knowingly of such suffrage votage has quite liberated peoples of the right from any moral obligation to care about them due the network fibrous connective of the Moral Law of Lord’s Law of the Ten Commandments endures to that any violate of such ten basic civil laws is then a problem individual that if still about as a “neighbor” but yet predisposed to “covet” others or be disposed to worse abuses of “neighborly” is then, if not judged to be of capital punishment remains, unless displaced, to be one needing keepers, - a soul needing watchers and masters to moderate their bad tendencies.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama has brought a diabolical existentialism now into the “American” and “political” that trumps racism for such amounts, since his support of Hillary R. Clinton, to establishments un-Constitutional as devilishly postured upon a popular majority as if by an expert their expert of thought of “governing” in their best interests.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama now still presides and to that the color of his skin may endure as the best thing to be said about him forward, and to of the color of his skin, not these discussed of a lacking of character, is a “that” of which Americans forward should still celebrate for that a black man was elected President of these united states of the Americas still, for its time, does say much great and wonderful about near half of the American people!

It will hopefully never be an issue of racism or the color of his skin that he like was a bad President whom had better solutions for so much available since day one and yet only progressed with his “politics” those that fit “crooked crony capitalism” tag!

Never has so little been needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

We are beyond a discussion of slavery as racism! - So many are now obviously (ignorantly) complicit, and yet it is established that a right to enslave as to imprison is essentially in the Constitution for it is what must be between the lines of the Ten Commandments, for all peoples - any individual due their character, - not race/color, sex or sexuality.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:10 am

A question for Democrats this 2016 election cycle, though not a first question, must yet be to if they can have an ego in 2016, and beyond, or if fated under a “Clinton-Kaine” to just of id(s), and dogged compliance.

A first question for Republicans will be more specifically economical and pragmatic to how if Donald Trump’s economic plan resets American & international economics to growth economics of a necessary core of “freedom of ego(s)” but in capitalism! - “moral capitalism” is supposed to be redundant, - always!

As “Clinton-Kaine” seems not to be even offering a believable plan for a back in black with economic and political unity a first question of all is like of the conundrum becoming primarily generally present of that by November there should be none surprised by October of most becoming learned more to the economic history as gone from incorrect of “all Bush’s fault” to then firstly as broadly known as truer as “half Clintons’ fault”!

A broad concern latent in the Hillary Clinton “campaigning” seems most assuredly of that Mrs. Clinton does not want Democrats egos apparently engaged! - Mrs. Clinton seems most depended on only id(s) accessed and to Democrats more as yet shepherded blind mice, to the lot!

What liberates Trump-Pence “New GOP” Republicans forward is much that which primarily and generally should dog dog dog Democrats forward, still forward, - likewise now as has since 2009 inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.

The overarching question for all - local to global ALL - is of the asking towards understanding around that generally it is the Democrats that have grossly failed at economics - not merely the “First Black President” alone!

We are on a “Clinton Trainwreck” as tracking unavoidably from “all Bush’s fault” becoming truly reset to “half Clintons’ fault”!

To dress down Mrs. Clinton until such pares out as a self-evident truth it is easier to firstly freshen up the “Bill Clinton” facts!

What may dog Mrs. Clinton the most is what now can be pressed and bound of at least President Clinton & Speaker Pelosi to that Representative Nancy Pelosi as some to much dramatically historically of economically of an “Axis Of Evil”!

Any vote for “Clinton-Kaine” logically must firstly to the knowing conscious be another Democrat Party compliant vote for more “New Deal Austerity” as otherwise Mrs. Clinton is abandoning the “Green Agenda” “Climate Change” ship of state to being so for a new industrialization that she primarily firstly is hard wired for work more akin to “Climate Deniers”!

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

A fair dramatization of errant President Obama said efforts at “compromise” is to ask all to try to visualize the politics worked and to see clearly how unlikely it is that how they postured as if for “bipartisanship” was so flawed their “ship” never floated when launched.  President Obama essentially locked up the Republicans as “others” again of a Democrats “We’re Right, They’re Wrong” divisiveness and as to then as like actually chained lead detestable efforts said for a “compromise” by like only offering Republicans the fixed singular option to like sign a false confession and to that such while a false confession also was forward of a contracted commitment to forward be to shouldering 100% of the blame for what ever had been 1% to 50% or more the errant under at least President Clinton and of the political blocking by Speaker Pelosi.

Contrary, much, there is that what ever the TRUMP-PENCE ECONOMIC PLAN is to be specifically it in keeping true to apparent lifetime standard operating procedures of the “TRUMP” operations must be firstly to a core for core strength as keyed around a “freedom of the ego(s)” and even before still respectful of “Religious Liberty” and “Religious Freedom”!

Mrs. Clinton seems not “short circuited” on this point but hard wired and truly for all more just dogged, and compliant!!!

Any though wanting to share in the fruits of the methodology of success likely to be shared by how an economic plan is structured and disciplined as for the “New GOP” under the colors and standard of “Trump-Pence” will have to believe firstly, and generally secondly be to probative to what and where key false histories and false narratives are yet obstacles as past Democrats lies yet forward as likely to surely, for thought historical - but not, be still obstacles to progress.

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

Are we yet stuck now even if a believing in “Trump-Pence” is well developing and due like because Democrats have some how rigged it - locked it up - stuck us to too like “Commies” at a “ONCE YOU GO RED YOU CAN’T GO BACK!”?

So firstly a question for Democrats is to what their actual guilt and culpability is more truly historically pathologically forensically to be now corrected from to that by November an “October Surprise” should be over and enough of the free People of these united states of the Americas then as still citizens exercised with knowing we have moved from “all Bush’s fault” to “half Clintons’ fault”!

There must be a cat fight for corrective historicals between a culpability generally for “Nancy Pelosi” and if and when firstly primarily for “Mrs. Clinton”!

A Republican prophylactic to what “Clinton-Kaine” seeded with #DemsInPhilly at #DemConvention of #Philadelphia is this here now by simple notation - noting - of that “HILLARY CLINTON” poll numbers should have tanked since Mrs. Clinton announced the new #Democrat #EconomicPlan - aka #100DaysJobs!

Mrs. Clinton is no “Teflon Democrat” as she has worn thin her scripted convention faux “Perfect Clinton” in just one week!

A general analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s #100DaysJobs must be of it so so so very very very contrary - radically divergent!

A simple cursory postured is that “Mrs.Clinton, of Clinton-Kaine, has tried to preempt Trump-Pence Republican economic solutions by trying to just steal what she fears the “NewGOP” is promising to present - stand up - soon and to long stand behind!

A cored to the historical rendition must though be for those more than “blind mice” merely of id(s) stirred, and em prone also to “short circuiting” of their exercised rights to have ego(s) and practiced to freedom with shouldering citizen’s responsibilities, and engaged upon forthwith to fathoming deeply that of which Mrs. Clinton has fronted as to “more jobs created than since WWII” there is the conflicted individual guilts of the actual historical politics of that essentially Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like firstly a stealing from “Builder Trump” is yet contradictory to the long partisan of that Bill Clinton, as President, cut $2 Trillion dollars in lieu of spending (for blacks especially?) on books, schools, road, bridges, tunnels, levies, or reparations, and, to complicate the truth fairly to more honestly set, there is too that Mrs. Clinton proposed also sets asunder how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did keep President George W. Bush from fixing the economy with similar measures by how partisan she was to standing up that no one would be allowed to undo that Bill Clinton cut $2 Trillion - and of just $1 Trillion as unnecessarily cut as cut just to have the popularity from having a YUGE surplus.

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!

To be brief now on this becoming most apparent contradicting conundrum let me simply broadly add to problems of Mrs. Clinton as admitting she “short circuits” by pressing out these simple political truths yet wearing clear as the convention efforts for a “Teflon Hillary” wear to frayed to the core at least too near true as “Crooked Hillary” so tag’d!

To be of a polite brevity for polity and comity to an economic plan parity near impossible let me here now close by posting the DANGERS of Mrs. Clinton if allowed at our economics of being that Mrs. Clinton has no road/path/passage forward to a bipartisanship to cooperation or compromise on matters of the economy/economies!  Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like stolen from what feared Trump to win with is diabolical as like an abandonment of President Obama’s “New Deal” while also diabolical for it proposes Mrs. Clinton can do (together) what Democrats Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have since like November 2000 - post election - been specifically to keeping Republicans from doing - of long since 2000 of specific partisan politics particularly worked to keep such “solutions” from being exercised by Republicans!!!

The most cynical but maybe also a most true “politics” is that such now seems as if Democrats have worked to keep the economy suppressed since Bill Clinton was President and until, as may still surprise President Obama, now yet until like Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be like the hero a hero as not since President Clinton was a last hero to be a President Clinton now the only hero since then to now also be an economic hero!!!

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!  And while specifically her proposal is much simply that which Republicans have tried and failed to get passed, thanks to Democrats’ obstructions, and like since before the Clintons unnecessarily cut a second trillion to $2 Trillion then cut after $1 Trillion of Republican cuts was sufficient to balance the federal budget.

Forward there is maybe no “back to black” unless we shake off or more effectively mechanically remove the shackles as if chained to a “ONCE YOU GO RED - YOU CAN’T GO BACK”!!!

#TP2016 roll out of #TrumpPence #TrumpJobsPlan may seem all “HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” but yet this now as “Clinton-Kaine” plan is out there can maybe be actually believed as of a new POSSIBLE. 

#TP2016 roll out now should seem so similar to “Clinton-Kaine” and as also maybe more honest on #ClimateChange such that the Congress convened of these United States should expedite much of the common cores and to forcing President Barack Hussein Obama to have to, if he dare, be then to VETO - to vetoing Mrs. Clinton’s abandonment of “Green Agenda”!

#TP2016 roll out now is prefaced!  Essentially soon most should understand the truth is more “half Clintons’ fault” and President George W. Bush, though not “liberated” can forward at least feel lighted from “all Bush’s fault”!

#TP2016 roll out now promises to be refreshing and softening however if a “freedom of the ego(s)” yet to a contrary to #ClintonKaine as for merely politics for a ruling class over blind mice but corralled to id(s), and dogged compliance!!!

#TP2016 roll out promises to right how the self-proclaimed “First Black President” is more guilty for more culpable and errant and to how the more “First Black President” now has to face a “First Woman President” maybe as if a scheme to be a first “Back In Black” Democrat by means maybe of a scheme with he just a self proclaimed white a said “First Black President” - right?

#TP2016 roll out seems entirely packaged of that Trump and Pence are of stock and traded - of truth in advertising - of a common core as Republicans - as an em them now clean and fresh and ready for ALL and on a reseating of the politics and economics to permit good times to now rock on newly again - to see us all ship shape back to back in the black!!!  Right?

#TP2016 roll out is more than just an “UN-HILLARY” a the “UN_CLINTON” for it more as if “OBAMA” has been the “NEW COKE” and now “TRUMP” is on the job to bring back “OLD COKE” - THE ORIGINAL RECIPE!!!

#TP2016 roll out is at least not the contradictory of #100DaysJobs of #ClintonKaine for it isn’t of them party to blocking such methods and strategies for a real recovery now such as the Democrats are guilty to “DARK” “EVIL” - even of an “AXIS OF EVIL” - for having firstly been to divisive most dividing partisan politics for social engineering and selfish intra-party soapy drama now as like dead set against such “economic policies” since 1999 when the Clintons’ administration became term limited, - kept away until maybe Bill Clinton could be a “Russian Bear” like Vladimir Putin and to back in the White House though thought technically legally barred from more time in the EXECUTIVE suite!!!

#TP2016 roll out however smooth and believable of being of a team for economic recovery - REALLY - is yet to be shadowed by these dark facts that must be probed and placed in textbooks forward to how much President Obama as such a more “First Black President” can yet rightly more blame he self proclaimed a “First Black President” at least for how the Obama Administration too may have been chained from such economic solutions no somehow as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s! Right?

#TP2016 roll out must abide We the People now to again more fully engaged past corralled id(s) of dogged to compliance!

#TP2016 roll out now will seem comparable to rolled out of #ClintonKaine but for the contrariness for Democrats as to how and why new industrialization can be good or copacetic and not anti-CLIMATE and a betrayal of President Obama! What DANGERS for back to BLACK?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

A first beat for a cementitious pedestrian cracking of the subject of civil rights and how hip if curb’d enthusiastically of Trump now may be sotto voce of better how from G - government to A - autonomous.

An attitude for a striking chord to harmonize a soul of the politics, national and local, might need be to be all about the base.

A first crack at the Dallas Police ambush, as of civil rights writing, should set up, tuned hopefully, to encompass eventually a gestalt devoid of a forced nationalism.

How has the first black President of these united states of the Americas, to his historical core, failed blacks, definitively?

Can we tune up our bands newly to beat a new direction - a change of music - a change of direction - near a one hundred and eighty degree about face sharp reset - to a hope of happy bottoms up with Donald Trump in front of a winning Republican movement?

How hasn’t Barack Obama failed blacks?  How isn’t it that he failed blacks just as Senator Hillary Clinton’s promises,  if likewise those the Democrats as “leaders” otherwise, promised to be to the structural same to the effected same institutionalized nationalized failing?

Blacks are not the only victims but how the Democrats as nationalist leaders moved in 2009 to keep those promises near identically promised of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton does account historically as that there was no plan to help blacks - from the bottom up.

A vote for Hillary Clinton now must be a vote for austerity!  Keeping an Obama or Clinton Democrat to the reigns of administering the ship of state means that “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” must endure to save the planet and to keep up a loyalty to the “GREEN AGENDA” party solutions for said extent of “CLIMATE CHANGE” as of dire “GLOBAL WARMING”!

A vote, even a local endorsement of an Obama or Clinton Liberal, likely must be for “GREEN MINIMALISM” as if the “EARTH FIRST” nationalism only economic option if a MORALITY to be considered and to that the Progressives politics are to have a soul - to have a common good structured morally!

A prejudice against police officers now as we morn the tragic loss of lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the honor call of fallen in public service for Dallas, is most inappropriate given how blues should still beat for Liberty and Justice as of an innocent until proven guilty!

As we progress to the plight of blacks due how President Obama politics set up failing blacks premeditatively and predictably structurally from day one we must see the “GREEN” as the problem forward, primarily, and as we can float a reasonable “just cause” of “extenuating circumstances” of Baton Rouge shooting a grand psychic SNAFU of Sterling at a convenience store of a reported threatening weapon and while it seemed gibberish or a nonresponse with his mother’s name like “win yetta McMillions” seeming insane nonsense of the scene’s spirit.  In Minnesota an officer was committed to a traffic stop for a broken taillight and soon found driver and passenger seeming not complying to produce license and registration while firstly being to saying, each, “he/I has/have a gun” and to instead of the driver moving to produce documents the passenger being said to have a weapon yet then, as one not asked for documents, was to reaching behind his back.  These incidents were escalated from reasonable coverage to that President Obama may have incited by inflaming the police involved shooting incidents to that President Obama must be said/considered to have begot the terror of the “DALLAS AMBUSH”!

The Democrat’s “GREEN AGENDA” was always firstly to secure anew an economic dominance for college graduates and to job security then firstly only for those able to get college degrees.  The rapid fire radical Left agenda, while for a new nationalism for a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” was from the start an elite ruling class program to move the economy to more college education dependent.  The hysteria worked to effect compliance and assimilation to the “GREEN AGENDA” was always sans benefits for a majority of blacks.

So firstly, let us accept that President Obama is black only helped sell the marching of this radical Progressive program that otherwise is what a President Clinton necessarily was always firstly to beating all into obedience with generally.

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” has enough soul to now echo of truth - forward!

“UP WITH RODHAM” would necessarily be yet of more forced compliance and assimilation sans benefits for a majority of blacks, - Hillary Clinton must continue structurally in methods of how and why Barack Obama failed blacks.

It is so wrong to blame George W. Bush that now to all he can be a cultural hero akin James Brown as his soul has never been as dark as President Obama has immorally mislead peoples of the world to believe.  It is wrong to rap “ALL BUSH FAULT” even though George W. Bush may still be yet of much fit’n a tag of “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT”!

There is enough truth and soul in how historically “IT WAS/IS HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” sucht that your vehicle too maybe should have a bumpers sticker to the left and another to the right to read like:

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

Born of the Southern plantation traditions Al Gore, raised of the tobacco plantation “Master Gore” pedigree, is now one even less to be considered an innocent.  There is too much in how he force marched obedient assimilation to American compliance as with a tyranny of limited solutions for Al Gore not to be a first named to have been to pulling one over on the majority of blacks.

The “Republican Movement” has been now years at advancing to winning battles after battles because it is true there were and are better “climate change” solutions available, - and were and are Republican solutions the radical Progressives as Left Liberals would not cotton to seeing free upon the tables of politics - of any opportunity for regular in order in advice and consent basis for open and free discussions, and debate.

What ever the mistakes President George W. Bush made - as if now he is fit’n tag of rap at least “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT” - there is yet that the radical agenda of President Obama was always premeditated to structurally disadvantaging the majority of blacks the most. 

As President Obama more innocent economics were more like copying President Bush there is then the conclusion that President Bush must be more innocent than President Clinton by developing the logic to that if Obama copied Bush it must be wrong to copy Clinton.

Here Mrs. Clinton has a contracted problem for she as a spouse is not supposed to incriminate her spouse, regardless of sex!

Here Mrs. Clinton has a big problem for if it was even a little bit contrary historically to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” however to at least the “IT WAS/IS HALF CLINTON’S FAULT” the truth is not an option and any political decision then, if made by her, must be to avoiding the facts and relevant history, as she would either be of “TREASON” or of contractually violating her marrital promise to not incriminate her spouse. 

Essentially Madam Secretary Clinton was never able to honestly and dutifully serve President Obama for so much in foreign policy was actually of a basis yet in what is/was due errors of President William J. Clinton.  No REALLY!!! We are looking at clear and present “SIMPLE” & “STUPID” developed with evidence!!!

So simply, primarily, the case of the black condition in 2016 for politics is that historically it is very accurate to tag that the first two “FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT” persons are of a record, each, that to its core if that they did fail the majority of blacks more than most Republicans can be asked to properly shoulder any guilt respectively.

Blacks now must think about the “GREEN” as the economics forward must now be that Democrats embrace a forced message to that President Barack H. Obama should be memorialized and immortal as if he a one fit’n “HE SAVED HIS ENTIRE PLANET SINGLE HANDEDLY!”!!!

The only real hope for the majority of blacks now is to see that the “SUPER HERO” theme is stripped from “BARACK OBAMA”!!!


Embrace “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” with new conservationism to sole’d for “MINIMALISM” soul!!!

President Barack Obama may not have been able to ruin so many - at least so completely and quickly - if not at least for the “leadership” of radical Progressive Al Gore!  We should consider if the former Vice President was so radical of Left and a Liberal that now his personal behavior of so much so forced it was of a “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” is fit’n tag to rap “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A FORMER VP”!!!

The Democrats after the rise of Illinois, of Chicago, Senator Barack H. Obama, to rising barely above the Clintons’ machine, did much force too many, not just the majority of blacks, to sing the blues, - to cry and cry much too.

The only theoretical possible explanation for the “GREEN AGENDA” as so forced and with its “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” seem now primarily to it only reasonable while prosecuting this issue to conclude that the program of these Progressives was always sans benefits for the majority of blacks.  All People without an elite degree from an ranked institute of higher education was to be more brainwashed away from seeing the foibles and nonsense while compliance and assimilation beat for all.

The Democrats’ economics was never truly “economics” for such was “social engineering” to forcing planned top down centralized prearranged “SOLUTIONS” down on the masses.  The was not “e-co” for “shared humanity” as it was always to a “trickle down” new austerity for a new conservationism to a smaller economy for “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” may now be a liberating soulful tune of believable chords and notation, with room to breath again structured in where discussion and debate is supposed to be a supported right for freedoms to endure, and endear.

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

The radical ’second black’ President never had helping the majority of blacks as part of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!!!

It seems impossible to see it otherwise, now as masses seem of eyes opened wide enough on “BLACK PROBLEM”!!!

The Democrats radical Progressive movement of Left Liberals is the new “FASCISM” as in 2016 “FASCISM” is best defined as a “movement of the left against the original founding principles for a constituted as a “liberal democracy” as for regular order in a structured of due process with advise and consent with honest and open debate.

I attest it should be easier to accept Al Gore as a “FASCIST” before such as the tru’d rap for Barack Obama, though by now not likely, or fairly should the same be said of/for Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

There goal must have been to force a “GREEN” - “GREEN MINIMALISM” - while their methods since Madam Senator Clinton threatened to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS” has been to their common core of AUTHORITARIAN beats for radical DEMOCRATS’ programs.

If now any try to walk a talk of “UP WITH RODHAM” please do consider that redistribution must be still not on her tables of politics as “social engineering” was to a a new “trickle down” faux economics as “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” for “GREEN AGENDA” always primarily sold “GREEN MINIMALISM” in a gestalt, and like never any thing of the radical Progressives as being to turning the economic spigot to a trickle until assimilation to obedience and compliance effected for a new conservationism to save the planet - from said “GLOBAL WARMING” said “CLIMATE CHANGE” dire straits stuck of heading to as if an about face one hundred and eighty degree change of course wasn’t actually possible.

President Barack H. Obama should own, as Madam Democrat Party Presumptive Nominee tag’d Mrs. Clinton also should, that their “GREEN MINIMALISM” must be complied to and even as it was always firstly primarily a program marched for brainwashing less educated so that the future economy was more dependent on “higher” education and “college degrees” and so that “WTF” (Winning The Future) was biased against the majority of blacks by how radical Progressives as Left Liberals did only effect a “GREEN AGENDA” that was structurally for an economic security for those who get a top liberal education by buying into the solidarity of elitism of ranking by top liberal institutions of (higher) learning.

A problem we all have now as regards real issues of #BlackLivesMatter is yet on that each waking by a President Donald Trump will need assuage for “HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” to be structurally re-established as possible by changing the direction and the music essentially to a full about face from Obama Democrats, and Clinton Democrats!!!

The “GREEN AGENDA” has simple ruined too many while sadly the majority of blacks were never given a chance!

The “OBAMA GREEN AGENDA” is your/our enemy!  Yet parity for equality now is of the “Republican Movement” winning on reseting the autonomy for all secured in the Constittution while yet forward any winning solutions for comity must pare to the core on the issue to be queried generally as to if “ARE SUCCESSFUL BLACKS NOT GIVEN BACK ENOUGH?”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, forward, one must be to thinking “GREEN” and to owning that the DEMOCRATS GREEN AGENDA was never set up for equality - or quality of think at “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, now, seems ridiculous for any for “EQUAL RIGHTS”!

To think “GREEN” now for compliance means one buys into “GREEN MINIMALISM” forward!!!

And, sadly, in a seeming informed historical perspective, as mine, as fit’n a tag as a “civil rights” “writer” still, and as since, for politics, as since at least 1990, - and as since of leading thinking and writing that predates the Clintons 1992 race late entrance, let me attest that another serious flaw with the radical Progressives, as Left Liberals against “liberal democracy” our common core by original intent, is much of that which I attest of their “GREEN” of that it was at least a ten year old plan they commenced with in 2009 despite fresher and better plans were than possible and plausible, - and those we can say yet not considered.

#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?

It may smart now how beyond “GROSS NEGLIGENT” as if too archaic to rap upon #HillaryClinton there yet is that #TREASON is being seemed as even more archaic to the #FBI to that #Congress may have to specifically ask #DirectorComey to proceed to develop charges now based on readily available evidence, - based at least on the developed evidence in the PUBLIC RECORD!!!

#WTF #FORWARD maybe smarted at not beating “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS” as the damage done is more premeditated and purposeful to be of “FAILED” as implying destruction by “NEGLIGENCE” and not as seems established of CRUSHING by DESIGN to for an assimilation to “GREEN” by a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” even for “BLACKS” as to needing to obey and comply to a LESS IS MORE essentially inescapable as for a “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!



#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:09 pm

There comes a time in a young man’s life when it is prudent to stand tall to try to save his planet. For myself that time may still be the here and now - a continuum of squibs in our space-time - and forward. For our planet let us all read thoroughly through the attitudes and political atmosphere as regards to what lurks as GOOD and EVIL relative to GLOBAL WARMING.

For now in continuum of our space-time let us commit to being thoroughly dedicated.  For now let us open our minds wider and begin to query to what lurks as of the GOOD and EVIL of GLOBAL WARMING.

These times are all relatively basically associated - to already cross pollinated - to full born - to blossoming - to too in the winds and some critically DANGEROUS.

We are all in this mess together!

We yet are of GOOD vs EVIL in CLIMATE CHANGE paradigm.

These times are beggard for a better politics; though said “the world as we know it is going to end” we all, brothers and sisters humanoids - so engaged in living - do seem to have more time than DOOM alarmists tolled.

Religions are the original global citizen construct - social contract - rising from barbarian natural law to civilization in common tracks of law.

The smart people of postured as GLOBAL WARMING EXPERTS may not be the most intelligent people on CLIMATE CHANGE politics.

Em heralded as if our new greatest minds may now be them, to a lot, whom have been most WRONG - MISINFORMED.

Ya’ll we by religions are supposed to be wired and coded to of open minds as global citizens.

The birds and the bees are but parochial to the worldly - say catholic - cat and mouse politics around standing now, as brothers and sisters, with individual commitment to try to save our planet.

We shouldn’t let ourselves get boxed  in parochially - to brainwashed to merely of a hive mentality.

A free exercise of our worldly, say catholic - shared conscientious - shared humanity - is prudent, and for all stands to be heard and seen - at least to ‘PRESENT’ and so “ACCOUNTED”!

Imagine, now, you are standing inside a greenhouse in summer and the windows are all steamy.

Understand, some primarily, basics in how temperate minded each must be to how and when of the bedding and seeding and to how bugs are (discordant) fertilizers for where planned, and wild,  his and her species are of habitats common enough.

A first presser to creationism versus and BIG BANG now can be staged with context:  Let us work the greenhouse metaphor for all space-time relativity.

A first presser now upon CREATION - or just BIG BANGS - however dependent on free neutrons - “neutron bombs” for a probative facilitation of understand protons and electrons - can gain perspective by visualizing yourselves as behind the steamy windows, and too somehow as outside the greenhouse.

Where your subset speciousness in our shared humanity is of your greenhouse is now vitally as important as when so about its tracks for bedding and seeding to bear fruit - or maybe just flowers.

Sadly we have a problem too much extant of GLOBAL WARMING in that our continuum is contaminated by less intelligent or less than ethical “EXPERTS” mislabeled as “EXPERTS” - as if “SMARTEST” - as if “INTELLIGENT”!

We must now stand tall against many now long held out as if the great front lines of intelligent beings - however “EARTH FIRSTERS” queued doubt - and designate em at best for compost - composting!

Our’s too long held out as wise or intelligent leaders “EXPERTS” are now, to the lot, much due trashing - relegated to our composting!

It helps, with hindsight, to have an INSIDE and OUTSIDE perspective; - it is even prudent to consider steamy windows from inside your greenhouse, and from outside your greenhouse!

Relative in the continuum of each’s parochial space-time thermal activities there is some basic science - some unimpeachable natural laws engaged with each trigger of thermal dynamics.

So now to protect intelligent life - our species - let us duly make an example of Al Gore, and his, at best, “MISLEADING” postured as LEADERSHIP.

So now, really, let us make due haste of dissecting Al Gore to forensically trash his SOLUTIONS.

Brothers and sisters it is imperative that we get with a new and better understanding and to haste is yet prudent now if to trashing Al Gore.

This, let me be clear, is not ad hominem - nor to a KING OF THE HILL politics; - we have been now for nearly twenty five years of too many being so led in a BAD way it is that they have been going too with a flow in the WRONG direction.

Let us make an example of Al Gore by using the conundrum of greenhouses!

To be brief to how for bedding so much needs some to be boxed  apropos to essence of hydration and thermal dynamics necessary for incubation - apropos designs to accomodate natural laws of thermal dynamics.

It has been CRIMINAL on a GLOBAL SCALE what is, at best, FRAUD of the fronted and carried on about by Al Gore on “GLOBAL WARMING”!

The metaphor of steamy windows can educate with the constructs of greenhouses to just how BAD - to EVIL - Al Gore has been!

We are at environmentalism at CLIMATE TRUTHS - as great DEFENDERS against “EARTH FIRST” Liberal RADICALS - like of NATURAL STATE FASCISM - - - as like of in 2016 FASCISM is a movement of the LEFT against LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES and for to have a RULING CLASS ELITE of AUTHORITARIAN Power more conveniently buttressed.

You/we should be all HOT - to STEAMED - to STEAMY under the collars - due how truly we have been for years MISLEAD and of heading in the WRONG direction.

We do not have Al Gore alone to blame!  We have, for MORAL lessons sake, that a making an example of Al Gore is primarily our BEST first step to a BETTER - more INTELLIGENT course - to our COURSE CORRECTION.

Let us break from how any set or pair is wrongly boxed with steam windows of GLOBAL WARMING greenhouse CLIMATE CHANGE politics metaphor to allowing an attitude to empower most now annotated some:





Basic science:  In conclusion:  Let us be clear:  PRIMARILY we must think of our “STEAMY” for WHERE and WHEN our greenhouses can be “STEAMED” is as much what we need be stoked and steamed about.  Forward we must BLAME the (FASCIST ELITE AUTHORITARIAN TYRANNY) of the LEFT for so much unchecked of METHOD in ONE DIRECTION to vastly ignoring principles of thermal dynamics while marching assimilated masses for reducing the “GREENHOUSE EFFECT” across the European Union and North America.  Before embracing CARBON CUTS as GOOD - or even NECESSARY - some now must face how the MAN MADE CUTS may be triggering, PRIMARILY, the POLAR VORTEX regularity and as now the GLASS CEILINGS for “STEAMY WINDOWS” are of higher altitudes to that warm air is more rising  - and before days warm air can be cooled by nights’ cooler air - and rising to displacing NORTH POLE habitats climate for colder air to stay in place for all that are legendary of POLE’D species inhabitants.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:18 pm

Her “I am not a crook” train should not be allowed to leave the station. 

You could look at just how she is being packaged but how stupid would that be considering how she a walking disaster when looked at on paper chronologically, by dates - even dates picked at random.

There is like no good news for blacks in America, maybe anywhere in the world, if it is that the real Hillary Clinton somehow gets elected, and past legal barriers of allowed challenges, to actually lawfully seeming sworn in.  There may yet be comfort in it tell tale now to that any Democrat now a Democrats nominee should be only running on a ticket of as of Joe Biden still to be Vice President, - and so not to be evicted at his age unnecessarily from his current, however comforting, only Washington DC option for public housing.

She has no natural story now to benefit blacks forward even as a Democrat Party nominee; Hillary Clinton is only now presented as if a prima Donna of platitudes as if each day a new day with a clean slate like a lawyer, as like a lawyer always but each day with a new case; Donald Trump may need a wall of women against such as if Mrs. Clinton gets free kicks on goal, just because she is a woman.

Blacks what ever “dancing days” there has been your dancing days are maybe now nearly over; to Mrs. Clinton you can have no soul and President Obama must go from never being even 4/5ths as good as Bill Clinton to soon never even 3/5th as good as President Clinton was.  Forward, if it the Clintons the masters of the Executive plantation, it is beyond that blacks will en masse be set about to but minor roles, relatively; - No dancing for blacks may be the new normal and as likely Mrs. Clinton never firstly will give, generally, blacks much to still dance about.

If a Trump “WALL OF WOMEN” is not enough to level the playing field, generally, there is yet before to seal the deal on #CrookedHillary there is still of Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee, said to that Secretary Clinton was near a worst Secretary of State of the history of these united states of the Americas; - there is that “The Donald” is near to rapping that Secretary Clinton was so bad a Diplomat that a chimp, - a chimpanzee - coulda done as well or better a job at finding alternatives to war - to finding opportunities for peace.

It is ridiculous that Mrs. Clinton is on the field so unharassed an to like expected of a polity to parity for feminist comity that she is like to be able to take free shots on goal, as befitting getting away with fronting as a “Prima Donna Of Platitudes”!

Besides that blacks may need Donald Trump to have a “WALL OF WOMEN” there is much that a prop-ism is due on the trail as if “The Donald” has a chimpanzee in a pastel pantsuit to battle with - and with him like always, as fitting as a political prophylactic drama device.

Blacks I am sorry to report, but that now may be in time to be not too late, that Mrs. Clinton must always put her spouse and their spousal husbandry as above the Obamas’ and superior, to satisfy her own spouse wants for legacy.

Blacks I am sorry the obvious is what should be trusted and not the slick props and attitudes of controlling drama/narrative that is of how Mrs. Clinton is now being doctored up and repackaged. 

Blacks President Obama for history can be shown to never have amounted to being any more than just a tool of the Clintons’ global schemes for Clinton Machine husbandry for intra-party rivalry and to effecting to as of superior international Power.

If you, blacks, feel this is something you can dance to, I am further worried and saddened.  If you are down with such I must concur you are like of without any soul.

The Clintons boxed the “first black President” in and to having forced - maybe blackmailed - him into accepting them as rivals and to then that his administration was of rivals, Clintons sworn, on his team as then set asunder from within to but a “TEAM OF RIVALS” - - - Right! Abraham Lincoln “team of rivals” wasn’t of staffed by them that forced him to fold to them as rivals, his was forward thinking, as I understand, of himself confident he hadn’t seated any with more global power than himself.

Harlem, sadly is what has saved the Clintons, to date, from themselves, to now able to be yet still standing up some kinda doctored repackaged Mrs. Clinton.  If Bill Clinton had had his way,after the government said taxpayers do not owe him a mid town New York City near penthouse in the new Carnegie Hall Towers rent, and to just if the Big Banks of ranks staffed with Clinton FOB (FRIENDS OF BILL) then had agreed to his request for gratuities in thanks for all the money the Clintons had made them (due friendly deregulation and asked for “gambling” on housing as to the derivatives mess) he then when the George W. Bush late in administration crashing occured been high up and obviously caught up in the scandal as to then so guilty he was of banks, had they agreed to his request for covering a million dollar a year lease, if Harlem hadn’t saved him from himself as to being then caught of being so tied to the corrupt banking that it was the banks were, as once then asked, to but paying his rent, gratuitously for the very problematic as backed and or initiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Oy!!! Oy!!! Right! - - - And that is of this woulda been as outta the obvious and too scandalous as but then of that a New York Senator had her spouse not to just asking constituent Big Banks for gratuities, but of maybe them of caught as to having asked for them as so in thanks for like making it legal for banks to operated without any consideration for business ethics or morality.

Blacks, we all got played, - but maybe none more than African Americans.  The Clintons encouraged the risky loaning and hyper-consumerism and while undermining the economy from being budgeted still to create or save enough jobs to give any lasting success any real possibility.  Too the Clintons beside such undermining of what was seeming a helping hand so then it is that later as #Hillary2008 geared up Al Gore and Mrs. Clinton were to like setting up the impossible economics that triggered the crashes more than President Bush ever coulda or woulda.  See http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net - - - such is to a #HillaryInTheFlesh a #LUCIFER dramatically like in “COVERT CYPHER” as like a “Louise Cypher” of a feminist #AngelHeart.

Blacks your dancing days are near over and as either way it seems set up that President Barack Hussein Obama will be forward like stuck to singing the Blues and much as if back in Langston Hughes poetic record.

Sad it is - for all of America, the legacy of President Obama, as necessarily constructed for an electable Mrs. Clinton must get past #ClimateChange problem of loyalty to Mrs. Clinton needing to sell austerity to keep moving the masses to saving the planet as loyal to yet “rival” and the “Obama Green Agenda” quite as: TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY FOR NEW CONSERVATIONISM IN A GREEN MINIMALISM.

The legacy of President Obama is so easy to spell out as if he was never above being just a tool to the Clintons and an inferior dependent on the global initiatives of President Clinton as if a needed international “power broker”. 

Heck, President Clinton, while secured in rights to act as a sworn rival to the President, was worth so much he was billing more per hour than President Barack H. Obama took home as a year’s salary.

The obvious “history” for the “first black President” seems to that he was always dependent on two old white Southern men to be global power brokers of over lording the world, - Al Gore and Bill Clinton seemed two Southern white men that black/mulatto President Obama never could get out from under, nor afford to.

It is arguable due the vast sums involved and to that Mrs. Clinton is running on that her husband it seems musta been always of President Obama never more than 3/5ths her man - at least as President, that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were so in over their heads as of inadequacies in leadership that Southern white Christian born William Blythe III just had to compensate globally for both of them, and conveniently of that such seems to have paid very well, considering he like was profiteering on public service while still trafficking as like of an “office of trust.”

Too much money has moved through the Clintons’ and Al Gore’s global initiatives for any history of President Barack Hussein Obama to be anything for blacks to like dance about, to find soul in. 

It seems at least the Clintons have beaten Obama badly to legacy and to that due how much Bill Clinton has been billed as worth it must firstly be, as he was accepted as a sworn rival, that such was only politically possible because President Obama himself like thought himself not even 4/5ths as good as William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

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YUGE “O” & …000s!
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:06 pm

Ok! - Here we go:  Donald Trump owns the property and is ready for the design phase!

Bernie Sanders doesn’t have the Clintons’ haunted basements, & attics, of “THE WORLD IS FLAT” & “NAFTA” erring, and/or just plain short sightedness.

Bernie Sanders isn’t as contrary a figure of the Democratic Party as Hillary Clinton need be to clinging to said “living constitution” - the socialism of 2016 is much ado about Alexander Hamilton on the Constitution in Federalist Paper #1 of establishing the People Order is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and while for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!

As the Republican unity develops as much the drama of Donald Trump from like having bought a new property, to now like in the design phase, it remains for the dramatic for prudence that the Republican leaders already established of these years of a new “movement” “New GOP” must still process these developments as if also of a permitting and approvals methodologies!

As the republican Bernie Sanders develops there is that he needn’t betray the Constitution, or originalism, thanks to Alexander Hamilton, and the founders.  Hillary Clinton most definitely has to continue betraying and undermining the Peoples’ Order that constitutes the Union; - Hillary Clinton cannot change her colors now as to do so would be akin to a confession of willful acts and conspiring of treasonous machinations against the Country constituted!

President Barack Obama has the very same problem Mrs. Hillary Clinton - of THE CLINTON FOUNDATION - has, and worse so as for it may be more embarrassing for one a former Con Law Prof.  Right as we discuss the dynamics of Trump & the “Republican Unity” we can and should discuss Sanders and the republican common core - the Union constituted!

Donald Trump as for the Republicans may help further the republican regular order reset, he has like asked to be a new leader forthwith of the mantel to so shoulder.  Donald Trump has decades of experience with bureaucracies of moving from buying - to design - to permitting - to building - to approvals - to certificates of occupancies - to “turn key” wrapped closed! - Donald Trump should be able to get to the end of the Republican Convention as being a closer!

Bernie Sanders, if not trapped by Clinton, Obama, or Clinton to a biased undermining of the constituted, can yet endure and endear as if a HAMILTONIAN upstart - to again carry the hearts and minds for constitution and a made country’s Union!

For Bernie Sanders “socialism” to be copacetic as Constitutional it must adhere to the big “O” in the preamble, and to that there is not now, and is no longer, a “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and a “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!  The preamble big “O” must endure as scribed to “done” & “subscribed” as a NOUN!  Dead must be the Clintons’ “living constitution” and “post Constitution” politics of willful attempts to undermine, betray, set asunder, & void the People’s “Order”!

Bernie Sanders must show power and grit!  Bernie Sanders must stand for office some by standing against the long wrongful interpretation of the Constitution seemingly always that stood up by Barack Obama, now President!  Bernie Sanders must embrace that big “O” of “Order” in “in Order to…” as a noun to that it is ordained and established by a constitution an order (N) so whence subscribed as set out clearly and prudently as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” and diss the “o” of “Obama” as if “order” of only a small “o” reading comprehension as if it then for “We the People…” as but a loophole to that any executive who thinks an idea is a “more perfect” idea then has “in order to” to permit a building on an Un-Constitution “living constitution” political construct!

Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton, should start running - running away - and not look back - not stop!  The Clintons are like as stuck running as they have been so contrary for so long running now is like their only defense - an only available cover!

Donald Trump can demolish the Clinton machinations and extra-Constitutional constructs said permitted for of a “post Constitution” convenient voiding of inconvenient articles, and amendments!  Donald Trump can take the constructs of the Clintons apart piece by piece - year by year - month by month - day by day - and maybe best as begun by aiming firstly at Bill Clinton as NOT an economic genius because of his commitment to “NAFTA”!

Together we are quite of days anew for an ALEXANDER HAMILTON revival, at least!  Separately we are yet wise to at least bristle at smack - to bristle at Clintons’ machinations contrary to originalism as for constructs for extra-Constitutional Powers!

As we bear witness to how Donald Trump can move adroitly through the permitting processes for “Republican Unity” there are all the “000s” for Donald Trump to lay bare of the real Clintons’ story of effecting most/much of the economic ruin they yet still abide escaping blame for by politics so partisan of lyin’ to a false narrative stick some sticking as if it could ever have been none of their fault - could have been, and be now - as if Bill Clinton was PERFECT - as if only President Bush could be blamed for all that was done wrong between 1993 and 2001 as well as 2001 to 2009!

Donald Trump can just swing a wrecking ball at all the “000s” of Clintons’ “legacy” to much effect a complete demolition of the CLINTONS’ MACHINE POLITICS & MACHINATIONS FOR SMALL “O” ONLY FOR THEIR “LIVING CONSTITUTION” AS THE “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”! Really!!!

Donald Trump just need swing like a wrecking ball!!!

Bernie Sanders must work with the big “O” however President Obama to have his legacy be firstly that it will endure the he just completely misread the People Order the Constitution by misreading a big “O” as small “o”!

And, well, these are YUGE!!!  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders together have us already of a movement succeeding long for a (full) restoration of regular order that should apply to the already constructed and what may yet be newly developed!

And, well, these are YUGE!!!  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are like both needing to be of the big “O” and the “New GOP” of the Congress as already progressing with Democrats of committees tasked as “CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY”!

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders will each have flexibility if elected that Hillary Clinton, due legal entanglements to conflicts of interests of years of past commitments/engagements, can never be graced to ever herself be clean to!

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, in these times are yet two of all the “000s” to settle and work through that relate to bad economic decisions of Bill Clinton that are worse than “NAFTA” and much of an untold story relating to “THE WORLD IS FLAT” dramatized era of global politics; - America as a republic can now have Republican or a Democrat, not a Clinton, potentially prove Donald Trump is HUGE to YUGE on economics of that jobs can be brought back to these united states of the Americas!

The flattening of the world had “social engineering” forsight to some of what Bill Clinton was party to while erring much in how he dealt US losing hands! - 2016 is about that “social engineering” as having balanced the global economics enough by spreading the new technology enough to that peoples of the world are not too some too much relatively, or actually, like living in a DARK AGES!

FORWARD: In the spirit of the CONGRESS as already engaged in the responsible economics processing by gathered together to design progress and see it permitted, where permitting needed, as of and by the domains of the LEGISLATURE at CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY!

Donald Trump can be more believable than Hillary Clinton accomplices would ever want to admit! - Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders can guide, with Congress, a new economics for America, now that the technology balance has been permeated across the globe and to that now with technology employment globally dynamic these times are now ripe to be times for these united states of the Americas to move to reconstituted vast levels of employment - forthwith!

We must be unified, as a country, to the big “O” and now a careful and thorough deconstruction of all the “000s” the Clintons still effect machinations about as if for them of a legacy of GOOD, while as we are seeing the TRUTH is, by like a wrecking ball, becoming laid out - laid low - exposed to a that what the Clintons constructs actually politically affected was mostly BAD!

The TRUTH is, by like a wrecking ball, becoming laid out - laid low - exposed to a that what the Clintons constructs actually politically affected was mostly BAD!!! 

It is YUGE how Clintons’ common core, of spousal husbandry, to 1993, at least, should not be permitted nor tolerated any longer!  We must reset the paradigm of regular order to fix all the “000s” and by recommitting to the HUGE big “O”!!! - “O” YUGE!!! - “000s” HUGE!!!

Oy! It is YUGE how the Clintons’ legacy is near threadbare/shabby!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:10 am

Perhaps President Barack Hussein Obama, born on the fourth of August, in the Year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, sixty and One, will tonight, amidst the White House Correspondents Dinner esprit d’ corps, speak to a Constitutional issue of #Election2016, - speak to if the United States Department of Education is unconstitutional by the First Amendment.

What could be funnier tonight for all #WHCD than the #TRUTH - the #TRUTHS?  Can the people not handle the covered up too little known Clinton damming actual history?  Can the people not handle yet how President Obama, to this blogger, so historical, is likely to face a first published book form @jphoganorg in 2017 of a collection of columns to proof to “THE BAD PRESIDENT” and with cover jacket #ART of “BAD” printed superimposed over a photograph of President Obama?

This is more about raising alarms Donald Trump and Clinton voters, for the time being. President Obama is in jeopardy but before such can be “concluded” essentially the real Clintons must be attended to; - President Obama’s jeopardy is firstly in being too much of having worked a cover-up to protect a sense of innocence for Clinton Democrats. 

To attend to raising alarms let us “un-cover” the Clinton Democrats in a Socratic political:


















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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:47 am

I am a most qualified to speak to this paradigm and if a modern catastrophe akin a devolution of federalism, and, akin DOOM!

The good news of this year 2016 is that we seem improved as a nation to that near only Hillary Clinton voters, as the world spins, actually, are those, of these days of our lives, of still believing the Clintons’ lies.  We have much to celebrate, - but not nearly enough. May there be enough “political soap” to yet scrub & wash away these “sticky” layers of encumbering lies.

Settle in to this general bath discussant and accept the waters of the Clintons are to this Shakespearean of a #DramaQueen with it established these “waters” at least gray and with a dirt ring fully rounding the tub of politics so concurrent.

How Shakespearean is this querious to the campaign quarrelous of 2016 of now I must beg you to ask “HOW STUPID R U?” now - now I must, it seems, ask you to ask yourself?

You may be too much on your own for it seems the first conclusion to be drawn from that Hillary Clinton seems now even a viable nominee for the Democrat Party nomination is that the media, most generally speaking to near a condemnation of it wholly, has failed and is incapable of doing what was thought to still be its job, - its duty, - its purpose for civilization.


Let us now, necessarily, ourselves, work independently to play like the missing #MANCARD as the #BILLCARD!

There are many things that can now seem self evident to how much Bill Clinton will and must drag Mrs. Clinton down; - forward Mrs. Clinton cannot, I hope - oh do I hope, escape the self evident, if one looks, actual legacy of “man” Clinton for 1993 to 2001, at least; - still to not stop thinking about tomorrow mustn’t we see the politics scrubbed deep and rinsed thoroughly to see if a said faux innocence just washes away to general knowing then of a self evident “bad” “man” Clinton?

I will presume you want to start now with #ClimateChange:  Let us start therefore with “Climate Change & ‘Man’ Clinton 90s”:  Let us not be fooled by a over emphasized “history” of that “Man” Clinton played with being for “Climate Change” by played with Kyoto Accords!  Let us not be so stupid as to not consider that the economics of the Clintons’ politics of the 1990s is that of reckless hyper-consumerism much for an economics of waste and disposable few uses materialism “goods”!  The “Clintonomics” took us on a magical mysterious delusional tripping that wasn’t climate friendly, wise economics, or magical, actually!

Any now to offer a vote for Hillary Clinton mustn’t know how stupid such is if one believes in “Climate Change Science”!

Mrs. Clinton is already setting asunder the Obama Administration’s few actual good deeds for shared humanity by suggesting American should vote for her to bring us back to “Man” Clinton 1990s economics, as if there was any stewardship of responsible and moral capitalism in the partisan political affecting for the “THE CLINTON”!

#WomanCard “Woman” Clinton is compromised due “Man” Clinton and now for #FEMINISM & #FEMINISTS all, regardless of their sex, and politics, should be seeing to a paring through the layers of Clintons’ grimy legacy to hopefully let them and “THE CLINTON” be out with the bath water.  Clintonomics was faux economics of lies to establish short-term political popularity for holding of political Power by “Man” Clinton, at least while seeming it intimated “Woman” Clinton was intimately colluding.  The Clintons’ presiding from 1993 to 2001 saw vast rising in carbon wasting by their work for popularity by encouragement to hyper-consumerism and the more is more, - not less is more.

Too: “THE CLINTON” presided over a sad and vast increase across our lands of  the unhealthy increase in personal obesity - in a vast increase of the national obesity average.


I.E.:  Right!  “Woman” Clinton is campaigning away from liberal “Man” “Messiah” Obama by exercising a selfish defensive politics to suggest her “Man” Clinton must be thought still to be whom is the better President between half white Barack Obama or “First Black President” Bill Clinton.  “WomanCard” “Woman” Clinton is already too exercised to a selfish partisan divisive politics by her many positions to tease that you should be for her “moves” for such with bring back “Man” Clinton “reckless economics” drivers/driving.

As it now must be conclude that the media has near wholly failed modern civilization by getting the story - the real story - of the “THE CLINTONS” so wrong it is seeming I may have to further diss the said “press” to much operating as if bath attendants of the “Man” & “Woman” Clinton massaging and likely join forces with #TheDonald in hope the #TRUMP is that the #Constitution still stands and original recipes will yet again still endure, and as it that since the #Bible was in 1780s a known “living document” it seems the smart people get that People Order that constitutes the Union is not a “living document” for it doesn’t need to be a “living document” while “under God” as “done” “subscribed” of it in hierarchical association as under the #Bible as the “living document” easy enough to amend and revise for modern comity for community.

For now the “HOW STUPID” seems for at least fewer as yet for these a mass enough needing saving of maybe a twelve step program of which this squib can but be part of a first step toe in - toe’d in.

The intimate to the “Man” Clinton bad for the environment economics of #Clintonomics now seeming “Woman” Clinton - viable candidate for Hillary Clinton as if viable as a steward of the environment to Democrat Party nominee - is the Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, long of the “BOGO” “two-fer” embedded linked such that “Woman Card” is marked for bouncing, - right, metaphorically like to be “out with the bath water”!

You really are too stupid if you vote for Hillary Clinton and think that the Clintons legacy is that they were ever in the Clinton administration of being more good for the environment, and personal health individually speaking, than they were effectively as of the “THE CLINTON” “LEGACY” clear enough to see as dirty (CROOKED/CORRUPT) enough always, and as mostly BAD for the environment, and, again, for People’s obesity.

Thank you for at least trying to take a first step towards saving these united states of the Americas from #Too_STUPID!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am

This Earth Day 2016 as synchronized to the Paris Agreement & the United Nations gathered together for signings is an important day to still ask if the ends can justify the means.  Can there yet be a “Climate Redirect” to morals in “Climate Change” discussions or will the politics continue to out weigh morality?

This squib will speak to whom have been the bad actors now still too spotlighted as knights in shinning armor.  In appreciation for the First Lady of The United States of America, Michelle Obama, - for her #4College campaign with Chance The Rapper, and due we must for civilizations to endure be to a #EvolveTheLaw duty, - and vigilance, let us e-gather, however, today and celebrate that critical thinking must be taught as college educations encouraged and to that all aspirants for higher knowledge learn to look at both sides of issues, - at the right & wrong, at the good & bad, and in a considerate to an of the pros & cons.

The Paris Agreement cannot be about selling “STUPID”!  That would be most impractical and improper!  On this Earth Day let us remember to look for the bad actors and to prosecute, civilly, at least, their bad acts, - their effected of as if ends justify their means when time is tolling that their means should not be yet consider justified or ever prudent, - ever becoming of leaders.

This is an American perspective and will primarily stick to those whom have been American bad actors!

Though I am close to starting with Secretary of State John Kerry or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and also former Vice President Al Gore, let us come together so e-gathered for the common good as I now commence on President Bill Clinton as a primary bad actor.

There cannot yet become morals in climate change, especially an effecting by a Paris Agreement, if we do not settle some American politics issues of that the Republicans were never as bad as Democrat Party “leaders” postured them to be, and that really, for the history books, Bill Clinton can be said to be worse than many of the old GOP & especially the New GOP.

Thomas Friedman’s “THE WORLD IS FLAT” is a perfect case to assuaging a vast guilt, political, upon Bill Clinton.  There is it is quite contrary to cherish or celebrate a Clinton for being a good steward of the environment and also praise him for Clintonomics and the heaps of praise by Friedman by published storied of a world flat thanks to Clinton.  Yes, if Clinton is to be praised for his “economics” then he is more to most to be blamed for ruining the atmosphere by politics for carbon excess.

Clinton may have that he toyed with Kyoto but it is undeniable and inescapable that Clinton “economics” affected dangers greatly across our shared Mother Earth.  It is more realistic due Clinton “economics” to pare it that Clinton at best just toyed with Kyoto Accords.  (To George W. Bush, President, business sense, crediting there is that one of his biographers did note to it now later that he was right, - to that a movement to exercise the radical programs like of Kyoto were likely to cause an economic crash, quite as the campaigns of “HILLARY 2008″ & Al Gore at “INCONVENIENT TRUTH” do attest.)

For now this isn’t to be about President Bush or about the economic damage done by rash and rushed unbalanced climate campaigning by Democrats, Americans, of Clinton - or Clintons loyalty.  This for brevity is to mostly be about assuaging a need for #EvolveTheLaw to keep civilizations enduring and to how Bill Clinton, and at least Al Gore, are exposed and fit’n being sued on how they effected change, and as with the global Justice of jurisdictions for the International Criminal Courts, - the #ICC.

As Thomas Friedman penned/pressed out “THE WORLD IS FLAT” (though an incomplete story as other people not storied for leading to a “more level playing field” 1992 politics platform) to wrongly too much credit Clinton for vast industrialization and a new materialism (also of his politics for hyper-consumerism recklessness) let us just work with how the good sold by Friedman as good deeds done by Clinton are yet, very much, and vastly, the actual hands on personal of the mistakes worked into the expanding global free market system.  What Friedman sold as a “GOOD CLINTON” is necessarily now very importantly and critically much that the world, to evolve on climate change, and to effect a “Climate Redirect” to morals in environmental politics (of American politicians), is vitally essentially now what we should be gathered together for progress around as taggable and mashable more as a the “BAD CLINTON” affected.

To be brief:  to leave to later:  to let time settle some of this obvious more to some than others:  How Clinton was complicit in how the vast industrialization ‘flattened the world’ is prosecutable at least in for a morality - a worked at historical understanding (of the bad actors) - for how Clinton “economics” and “leadership” help let it all get started really is morally reprehensible as it is that so much so bad is due how Clinton let it all get started.


                                   *       *       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This is not hyperbole!  Voters of New York City & Long Island, largely, who voted for Hillary Clinton are now affected as stamped “STUPID”!  Trust the science!  We will get to the science!  For now top out realizing where at is not top shelf.

That Mrs. Clinton as a former First Lady and Senator and Secretary of State did only amass such an anemic number of Empire State votes foretells a HOPE for the Big Apple, yet, - still.  1.1 Million votes should have Mrs. Clinton embarrassed!

We should be able to peel and pare a “NEW YORK STATE OF MIND” from such a voting block as now stamped “STUPID”!

If you can remember the anti-tobacco ads that used to run while dedicants to evolutionary civility moved piles and piles of stuffing filled body bags to near building entrances of “Big Tobacco” corporate locations you can now more easily visualize that #Hillary2016 should have “TRUTH” bags likewise moved around the country to greet her every appearance of an asking to how many dead is Mrs. Clinton responsible to - as back to 1993 as claimed the “better half” of the Clinton “two-fer”!  Feminists should insist on a public demonstration of a respectable number of dead that are dead all around the world either due Clinton inaction & avoidance, or and specifically due her disastrous actions officially furthered; - it can’t be fair to men, or women, if feminism cause doesn’t separate the dead due Mrs. Clinton from the dead more dead due President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama.

Hillary Clinton is not TOP SHELF!  Bill Clinton never was TOP SHELF!  Mrs. Clinton attempts to break a “glass ceiling” is still of her not hot enough, - not competently pertinent sufficiently - not of a elevated level enough - at the ceiling like now falling down upon her.  It is a constituted constitutional thing:  Bill Clinton’s constitution is no longer (if ever truly) American! -  the constitution of Mrs. Clinton “glass ceiling” hyperbole is also not American! - Truth is constituted to reign over the United States by set in the People’s “Order” to that as ordained “done” in the “Year of our Lord” all are expected to be moral under God of a nation under Faith and always as before “under” Government.  It is still “STUPID” and now more visibly self evident that the Clintons’ machination have been un-American as for them of posturing that Mrs. Clinton can break the FAITH ceiling and become as above the reign of and for TRUTH.

Yes, to go back to 1993, in a moral way to morals accounting, there is that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton street cred should be of a truly vast number of dead now fit to be showcased and highlighted across the nation with masses and masses of dramatically stuffed body bags to greet the “real” “Hillary” a #DramaQueen #DroneQueen #SurplusdQueen with “#TRUTH” in bold unyielding font printed graphically, - printed LOUDLY.

Trust the science!  We are getting to the science!  We are getting to how voters who voted for Mrs. Clinton are now forward as affected as if stamped “STUPID” - as goes how goes that New York City & Long Island went.

It is like CLIMATE CHANGE “science” said!  The numbers and claims of and for Mrs. Clinton are damming, - conclusively! -  let there be no “STUPID” deniers!

People (devolved) of New York & Long Island who voted for Mrs. Clinton:  You’ve been stamped! You are affected as stamped “STUPID”!  It is too some as of #MIT #GRUBER confessed whence #GRUBERGATE was politics news, and more specifically now, that those who are “Hillary Clinton” voters are thought by Democrat Party leadership to be so “TOO STUPID” for their opinions to be actually considered.  Professor Gruber revealed akin to Mrs. Clinton, on OBAMACARE sell, that such setting asunder of regular order and generally Constitutional process was a claimed as “necessary” because their voters were too stupid to be politically engaged, educated, re-educated, updated, consulted, re-consulted, worked with for amending, and considered as relevant to their “leaders” dictum/decisions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren can proffer a teaching of how responsible Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton are, as in support of the science you should trust, but I fear that may have to be only for you if you can afford Harvard University prices for knowledge.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, if she will educate the People for free, can very professionally posture in a scientific accountable, even a lay & clear prosecution, of the culpability fit’n “STUPID” stamped upon followers of the Clintons.  Senator Warren can further her past tagging of bad economics by the Clintons to it generally and primarily mashable for #Election2016 to it of “science” forward that it is to be known that the Clintons rap is more TRUTH @ “ALL CLINTONS’ FAULT” than yet postured in their politik of bearing false witness and falsely accusing with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Perhaps a story, personal, involving Vice President Joseph Biden:  On constitutionality, - or not:  When Senator Biden in the mid to late 1990s the Senator was witnessed by myself as a member of the local public in attendance at a Yale Law School symposium on the CONSTITUTION - on FEDERALISM - as to be to concluding, if I recall correctly, “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”  This relates specifically now to how affected a stamped “STUPID” is fit’n on any who voted for Mrs. Clinton in New York, - who voted for Mrs. Clinton in her adopted home state.  When you get to an understanding of Vice President’s conclusion to that “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” you won’t/can’t be to deniers of the science of such so mashable as of a bad rap for Mrs. & President William Jefferson Clinton.

The “JOE” of “Joe Biden, Vice President” is also useful for though it was (innocently) a smack upon his boss President Barack Obama (accidently), when heard, over a live, or late rebroadcast tv spot, it is/was as like near “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BROKEN!” or “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”!

Mrs. Clinton, scientifically posturing for a lay, doesn’t get it that she is more the problem than the solution.  Mrs. Clinton is blind to her own limits and potential, as her record can show more scientifically, - more fully.  Mrs. Clinton is of the problem now much still too long upon the United States of that a “CLINTON PLAN” is still being furthered and while so flawed there is an evidence trail to be processed to that the Clintons both were never as smart as they thought themselves to be since bonding in law school, and, that the Clintons have not ever been smart enough for there thought “GRAND STRATEGY” to succeed.

Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren can still save you!  They have exposed themselves of wits of erudite roots than can more than just entangle the CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS - #BIDEN & #WARREN with more leadership from #SANDERS can more than entangle the CLINTONS’ & expose their vast accountability!  these can arrest the duo’p'd triangulations of cold calculators for global autocratic domination!  these can arrest the CLINTON FOUNDATION as too much a “RIVAL” and/or “SHADOW GOVERNMENT”!

Of those of Mrs. Clinton’s “home state” - adopted from whence she married into the “NATURAL STATE” it is much no self afflicted to you being en masse affected as stamped “STUPID” - scientifically in a lay posturing.

Like “JOE” has (innocently) declared (as remembered):  “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”

You are dedicated now with Mrs. Clinton for Democrat Party unity to the science! - the science must rule! - you are not alone now in being stuck also with President Obama’s #CLIMATECHANGE #SCIENCE to that because the planet is getting worse you now must still accept their tyranny of solutions, - you must accept their politics of their #GREENAGENDA for #AUSTERITY as for more sacrifice (so claims your “MESSIAH” figure(s)) to a greater saturation of #GREENMINIMALISM.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

For now you can try common sense to fathom that Mrs. Clinton’s “glass ceiling” is competency! - and that the office of the President is too above her at least because the Clintons’ duo’p'd constitution is quite not American in its hierarchy to that God & truth are supposed to be by politics of convenience as under them, - as under Democrats at least Yale or Harvard Law Schools Alums.

For now there is still time to save Senator “candidate” Bernie Sanders!  Vice President “Joe” Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren, if true to their oaths of offices to the actually Constituted, can help now save #Bernie2016 and maybe even by being morally effecting to an arresting of the CLINTONS FOUNDATION as so irregular as to much too much like a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! - or at least a vast #YUGE (#HUGE?) perversion of campaign finance good practices as operating much like a grand new TAMMANY of an organized for campaign like “CLINTON” branding as by a scheme of global patronage claimed, it seems, yet to be just conveniently otherwise as if just #CHARITY.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

It is not too late to save the DEMOCRAT PARTY! - - - it is not too late to save BERNIE SANDERS! 

TRUST THE SCIENCE!  Senator Elizabeth Warren can explain the economic science to rap Mrs. Clinton, too!

I must leave it to you, each of you, yourselves, to actually discern if #BIDEN #SANDERS #WARREN are fit to help you appreciate the American spirit(s) of TOP SHELF politics.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:12 am

Welcome to our bleak future.  There is no intellectual honesty in believing Hillary Clinton is not the austerity candidate of the 2016 election for President; - Mrs. Clinton is needing be as much an “Earth Firster” as Democrat President Barack Obama.

President Hillary must be of austerity or as against the climate to much mashable otherwise as a “climate denier”!  President Mrs. Clinton must shake off any weakness to be to a return of the gross excesses of the nineties - of the Bill Clinton styled (hyper consumerism) - and accept forward a responsibility to be a third term of the “Green Agenda” of President Obama.

New York by giving Hillary Clinton a win has lined up as having voted for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.  New Yorkers have spoken by giving a win to President Obama’s first Secretary of State, primarily, and to that their message is to be “Earth Firsters” forward of politics of “Global Warming” “Climate Change” furtherance necessarily by more New Nationalism New Deal Austerity for Green Agenda of “Green Minimalism” to even more jobs killing - industries killing - new conservations/conservationism.

As Bernie Sanders stood tall and came out “still standing” after the New York Democrat Party primary there is that his “democratic socialism” isn’t Mrs. Clinton “New Nationalism” - Candidate Sanders is being a moralist a socializer - not a structuralist,, - so it seems, primarily.

It is now an inescapable political reality that Hillary Clinton’s New York voters have very much so just voted for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.  A minimum wage of Mrs. Clinton $12 per hour or Senator Bernie Sanders’ walked and talked for $15 per hour yet must now figure as yet of within a continuation of “Earth Firsters” economics for conservationisms as of austerity and so yet as but for more part time work, - even more an economy from full time employment to masses forced by the “Green Agenda” to be yet but generally only employable part-time.

President Barack Obama has yet to announce that he has succeeded at become the “The Man Who Saved The Planet” and so the “warming” “ALARMISM” is still the Democrat Party politics driver.  The planet must still be in as much danger as in 2009 or now even in worse danger and so needing even more consumerism and capitalism squashing of materialism and waste.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton must not vacate President Obama’s rendition of science to that austerity isn’t now even needed more!

New York has voted! - - - New York State has voted, by giving a win to Mrs. Clinton, quite loudly for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.

As this was a killer economics policy of President Obama it should be still for President Clinton; - None should expect an economic “recovery” and now should settle in for less is more and to that Congress is now organized of committees, it seems, of “Climate Change & The New Economy” duty. 

As this was a killer economics politics of President Obama the Republicans now with a President Clinton will be morally right again in doing as their Democrat Leader prioritizes and to themselves to living more responsibly - more green - more too of “less is more” - forward.

As this was the killer “economics” of the Democrat Party since 2009, while begun with affected campaign Powers since 2007, it behoove the nation and world accept that New York has just voted for the “Austerity Candidate” of “Eleciton 2016″!

As this was the killer “economics” of the “Economics Experts” of Obama - as were set to then otherwise have been much President Hillary’s “economic team” please understand that much of Democrats promised was not able to be because the Republicans did act responsibly on the “global warming” “alarmism” and did do as the President said - very much so to a unexpected, seems, new level of “less is more” conservation - a GOP embrace for “green minimalism” to save the planet.

President Hillary Clinton, - God HELP us! - cannot be President and not be for austerity and yet now we know the Republicans did surprise the Democrats politics plans by on the climate to have been to doing as Democrat President said to do, and not as President Obama expected/sold them to be to doing as to doing BAD & not cooperative lifestyle changes.

Note:  It was essentially a grand great flaw in the Democrats green agenda, however for New Nationalism New Deal Austerity of “Green Minimalism” for their “Green Agenda” that they didn’t expect their selling of alarmism would shrink the economies so vastly and so thoroughly by people complying and to being “Super Compliers” to that supply & demand economics stopped functioning scientifically as school children, of rich and poor, connected and unconnected, did work so much to saving the planet by maybe cutting their materialism easily by twice that which Democrat “economics experts” ever considered/allowed for/predicted!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

The Hillary Clinton spread with Bernie Sanders as by Southern blacks subjects of South Carolina, at least, says nothing good about America.

There is no bright side of this to look at.  Nothing good can explain such unbalanced support attached to Hillary Clinton. This is about Obama:

Let us believe forward that President Barack Hussein Obama is the greatest black man ever born in the known world, - work with me here:

President Obama has been such a great President we should accept Russian ships into our ports today to unload a redelivery of 1601 bronze “OBAMA” park grade statues as gifted said from “the Russian people.”  Such now fits to an old story of whence such may have before been of such so kindly of Russia as in US ports before but rejected by the President for the likeness as with a hammer in his hand just seemed too clumsy.  The plus one to the 1600 life-sized plus’d bronze Obamas must apparently be the one to be uniquely larger and particularly large enough to replace Lafayette in Lafayette Park across from the White House.  If such has been reforged by the Russians to better please President Obama it should be now accepted without question as it must be, if here and unloading, and if as rumored he is now of his grand “likeness” of but with a quill’d bronze large feather in his left hand, - and not a hammer to be noted.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax.  As we relate to how real this all should be to our minds’ eyes, and accepted as real, there is but that President Obama is hands higher, a for Posterity establishment, in bronze, even to Russians as historically a superior leader and man to President Clinton.  Can you even imagine William Jefferson Clinton as if ever so honorable by the People of Russia? - so from Russia, with love?

“THE GREAT EARTH FIRSTER”  All hail the fall of constitutional government & the rise of The Peopled Republic of Climate Fear!

Hillary Clinton can only be anticlimactic!  It has been written, - let it stay Executive ordered dictum!

Ask not your worth to another, we are EARTH FIRSTERS, our with is the arrogance, - the problem!


We should assume that any such gift to President Obama by “Russia” of life-sized plus bronze “OBAMAS” with large feather as a pen have been accepted as gifted, - now that the hammer was impossible as but “clumsy”, and as prescribed with locations across these united states of America forever now THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, is of the locations proscribed as “contract” to the acceptance of the 1601 bronze park grade “OBAMA” statues.  There likely is sure to be one somewhere near you soon, at least as within a 360 mile one way trip.

Our duty forward as EARTH FIRSTERS just mere subjects able to be corralled by dictum is to accept the priorities to that the saving of the planet is more important than our worth or even than any work at any worth.  Hillary Clinton has been inked to such, she can only be an anticlimax.  Most work is a waste of energy and any energy use threatens the climate!




It is wrong to say “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” for out here and now - our TODAY - is it UN-PATRIOTIC, measurably - by GOVERNMENT.

Our old legitimacy is lost, - gone, - unconstituted,- set asunder by mob rule devoid of regular order and due process!  The old U.S.A. could intervene abroad to liberate and not occupy, - could stand against NEO-COLONIALISM in the debate halls of old.  As a the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, though President Obama may become establish as a greatest black man ever born anywhere, anyhow, and, and as President Obama as the “MESSIAH” trumps Hillary Clinton anyways, every way, we are together of now that delegitimizes old intervention postures.  We are no longer a wild card of “HOPE”!

We may not have become Switzerland, - of a general neutrality, but we have rendered our engagements paradigms to contrary, - to disabled from timely interventions, however once arguable in a moral “MORALS” attitude.  We are now no longer the country that we were, our Constitution has been set asunder, - embrace our new us like as the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, now, - our “trump” hand has been ruled away by mobs, - our “trump” hand for liberation not occupation has been trumped!


Any peopled so affected to rendered subjects subjugated to fears is a PEOPLED contrary to “We the People… Order…”!

Yes, it may be that Russians may want to erect memorials to the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, but it doesn’t have to be that we accept such cowed and blind to old structural foundational strengths in how we were constituted before.  We have become delegitimized from foreign intervention, for starters. 

As so corralled under GOVERNMENT dictum in FEAR MONGERING we have become not a people who can offer liberation, we can only offer a spread of neo-colonialism of an also spread of a occupation of reasoning by tyranny over minds of “peopled” places also threatening the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

You/we now all have a right to want to believe ourselves are always worth at least $15 per hour, - but believing is free! We have no right to a job as work is bad as work uses energy and so wastes energy and so threatens the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax!  It has been written let it be done:  WORK IS BAD !!!


A President Hillary Clinton can at best be a foot soldier a doorman to the GREAT OBAMA rendered post-constitutional new American Ordered corralling.

Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton (obediently) marshaled these once “We the People…” to “PEOPLED” of the grand new world order, as reconstituted, by mob rule, to blindly for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY, for #GreenMinimalism of EARTH FIRSTERS, in a NEW NATIONALISM, of a new national harmony, for the new CONSERVATIONISM, that is anti jobs, and anti work, - as living constituted as in a material word is a bold new NEW EVIL!

The only trump now politically correct is more for a natural Latin lovers renaissance, if still possible, anyhow!  We must accept our old constituted justice that was so perfect it enabled foreign interventions, for liberation even, is now trumped by FEAR.  Our old glories of legitimate engagements as by free People is now longer to be marshaled of an “OLD GLORY” pride, - it cannot be now our “perfect justice” latitude for free attitudes is over lorded, - like trumped from prudence Christian, - Christian in an evolved sense.

We now as our constitution has been set asunder can no longer be bridge builders abroad, and much not at home any more either!

Our press, what is left of it, must now report from behind the leading from behind as also blind and bound from assuaging passions and regular say “vicissitudes incident to life”!

All must be prescribed from as proscribed, - forward !!!

Obama is here to stay? Ready at:  Long live Barack Hussein Obama!?

Hillary Clinton must comply?  She is cast to be whom she was, actually?

Kneel before TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - the politics saving the known world, - the planet, - the politics of #GreenMinimalism as the new politically correct lingua for old tiring “POVERTY LEVEL”!

Kneel before the death of our nearer “perfect justice” constitution.  We now have no NATIONALISM claim that isn’t jurisprudence of a jurisdiction of the global or intergalactic firstly.  We are now not “citizens” for we are now just “subjects”!

Kneel before it affected that these united states of America has lost its old legitimacy for foreign interventions, we now are so reconstituted we are proscribed from global bridge building as our posture now of our arranged succession for a RULING CLASS power ELITE is such that we, however admonished as better to a CLIMATE REDIRECT, are forward stuck as all prescribed EARTH FIRSTERS to the word, the words of their climate dictum to each word, as that we are 100% right with them and any other is 100% wrong - any other must comply and be assimilated, - not liberated.

Our old “OLD GLORY” has been set asunder; - our “perfect justice” is rendered impotent, - EARTH FIRSTERS preside and now to that we cannot be justified toward interventions because we are no longer perfect as constituted imperfect.

>>> #SuperTuesday 16.3.1. once as Constituted of in the “Year of our Lord” - so now just dated: 

>>> “Citizen Rosebud” signing off.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:30 am

Two Corinthians walk into a South Carolina Democrats Town Hall set for the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton battle, - one man wins!  Who is _______________?

Too Galatians is most set relevant for there to be Christian sanctuaries of/from gaiety, - where there is “homosexual perversion” as in the Bible there then is the derivative logic of grammar there then must also be “homosexual” and “holy homosexual”!  Why is alarmist Al Gore alarmism bad for Global Warming politics?

To Paul, there is credit due for letters, - words to word play to allow for liberal democracies, there is credit due Paulists for keeping the metaphors of place as metaphors of faith!  Why shouldn’t you go/trip to Galatia for what Corinth is governed for in their “local”?

Why did so much go so wrong?  How did the hope of the 1992 solutions to President George H. W. Bush get past said “NEW WORLD ORDER” as yet without a “new” “order” parsed/defined?  How does the real story of the Clintons’ Presidency now still not truthfully or accurately explain that the answer cannot be good for their Posterity, - a their legacy?  How is it the spun woven tales of the “THE CLINTON” is only Holy like Swiss Cheese wholly?

Are Bill and Hillary Clinton like two on the road to Corinthians, but yet politically after having laid low, - laid siege upon it, it the lay of land the lay of souls of Galatians, after two wrecked a practical deconstruction to devastation of how Christians’ liberalism is for how governed under God?

In the book of Bill Clinton there is that he cannot have wrecked all this havoc all alone, - the Clintons alone could not have set so much asunder by their lonesome “two-fer” as their united souls to one shared soul is historically of a cohorting of collaborations!  This is far more dire than now just asking:  Who is Al _____?

Generally the Clintons, necessarily with their sidekick, - their Sancho Panza, - their accomplice in their Quixotic, are contrary to democratic liberalism as Paulist for their work has been too secular as if purely for Power grabbing by undermining the constitutions of those of these united states of the Americas by spin to numb to even wreck a devolutionary for a convenient “Too Stupid”!  Who is Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gruber?  Why is “GruberGate” so not a political matter for laughs?

The general “THE CLINTON” is forward to be known for bad strategies, and even maybe soon enough a tag mashable on their Quixotic of former President William J. Clinton and former Vice President Albert A. Gore as worldly pressed of a fit’n rap of charges akin to CONDUCT UNBECOMING FORMER EXECUTIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. 

Generally, they did, & do, hoof it with dramatic covers, much ado about windmills, while such cloaks how much they ride to set asunder the constitutions of the union of Americans as Constituted under God as Paulists as not allowed to be to secular socialism by that the Order that formed the “more perfect Union” did secure to the citizens that they are always to be under their Creator before ever under a Government of man, - they are to be of government by laws that are ordained as inviolate to God’s Law, - by though a structural and pledged to allegiance to and for due process for religious liberty to be workable of civility.  Why is “Order” only readable as a word a noun in the preamble?

Specifically we must yet work to evolve the law, - we must work to be evolutionary, even progressive, to amending our laws forward to keep up with progress, and especially a innovative for the contrary to criminal!  As this bad “Quixotic” has done more bad than harm by a tyranny in alarmist parlance to lingua divisive to comity and civility we must consider the “international” to the “global” now and to that both President Clinton, and Vice President Gore have exposed themselves to the International Criminal Courts jurisdictionally speaking and too while their activities raise if their post-office politics have to put them in real jeopardy!  Can you even claim Al Gore didn’t commit fraud globally by a Climate Change solutions tyranny, - a politics unbecoming to former holders of U.S. high office?

Forward as any steps out, -emerges for a walk, - steps ahead for a daily constitutional, there is we all must look back to see how “THE CLINTON” set out to set asunder the Constitution, - our Constitutionals!  With “Order” a noun and subscribed founding fathers as under God, so “done” in the “Year of our Lord”, and then President Washington’s letter to Newport, Rhode Island Jews, it is critical to antidote-ish that we shoulder the methodology (yes of the Clintons less “progressive” than revolutionary for monarchical powers to a new American way by a Autocracy of Clintons) and walk the talk of the word “establishment” in our first rights in our Bill Of Rights! Who is William Blythe III to such willful storied insurrections?

Why is “establishment” to mean “tenets of religion” & not “Establishment” as if of an organized in interpreted?

Why does “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” set asunder the “THE CLINTON” attempts to set asunder to a “post-Constitution” “extra-Constitution” new way of new Powers for an autocratic of them? 

How by “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” are the Clintons beaten by it written that Congress shall make no Law respecting the tenets of religion for that is juri-loco prudently left for regionalism not a centralized Socialist Nationalism?

And, how is it the “THE CLINTON” and alarmist Al Gore, were of conduct unbecoming prosecutable, maybe as of fraud, by the I.C.C. by how they structured their “business” - technically speaking to the legal ifs?

And lastly: HOW?:  Whom are the the worst of the lot of Democrats akin to such efforts to set asunder the Constitutional for extra-Constitution new Powers for a ruling class as set up by a jousting to “we are in a post-Constitutional world”?

And lastly newly:  WHY?  Whom to blame that you can’t get past the Constitution Article 1 without finding Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8, as seemingly written to yet have worked prophylactically to have protected an impregnable fortitude from perversions to our Constituted by giving to Congress a DUTY to treat any “work” like of the Clintons’ global initiatives as so the work of the People’s Legislature that the Government is set upon to basically do any such if such extant a second time thoroughly just to then perform its due diligence to “whatever” high standard of by auditing and maybe approving essentially any “global initiatives” of even a former executive?

Has Bernie Sanders, and coincidentally the leading of a #NewGOP been to casting rightly the first stones at Clintons, and Gore?  Are enough past Gruber’s reveal of slight on Democrat voters as if specifically “Hillary Clinton voters are too stupid to be consulted with per…”?

Can we get yet past how Hillary Clinton is only present in these races today by machinations like from the Socialist playbook, as like of it written to have Machiavellian Power a little princess too must first get hold of healthcare, and too much set asunder religion, - a faith in shared humanity Unity?

Can you at least trip up Hillary Clinton by asking her to explain the First Amendment as of “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” so, and so that then Congress is prohibited from making laws to take over an oldest establishment of religion, that which is the healthcare of the people and their souls? 

Can Hillary Clinton ever, due her resume and known espoused condemnations for extra-Constitutional Power, yet ever herself dare to explain how the First Amendment is intended to sync to the body of the Constitution as of an Establishment under God’s Law by it “done” “subscribed” humbly under God so in the “Year of our Lord”?

Can candidate Clinton explain her part is these dramatizations “Quixotic”?  If you dare explain “establishment” as for the “tenets of religion” she will self incriminate, and incriminate likely both President Clinton, and too Vice President Al Gore!!!

Whom can cast (a stone?) a second?  Whom can believe the Clinton methodologies so machinations can abide the for sagacious of that the states are left the law making as pertains to at least the matters of the Ten Commandments?


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Political Constitutional conundrum:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:53 pm


Lead with nonsense!  Lead of a preponderance of/for Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers!  New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!

Without morals - right! - right, without an establishment for morals - public morals - a righteousness as under God before under Government - an each free man/woman of a voluntarily extra-nation morals established practiced - can there be mercy? - can there be a “YEAR OF MERCY” affected?

                            *       *       *       *       *

[Commenced work in progress due completion by end of Iowa Caucuses]*
*[Do to tech diffs over 2 days when inspired to be pressed/written an unknown length of postponed extant now.]

Material ideas to be synthesized in these shared by social media bits/posts:

#‎Evangelists‬ per ‪#‎Cruz‬ ‪#‎NewYorkValues‬: As NEW ROMANTIC ERA ‪#‎economics‬ driver needing ‪#‎LOVEEconomics‬ is ‪#‎NOW‬ ‪#‎TheNEEDS‬ @ a vibrous copacetic can better be akin structural if ‪#‎CallToPrayers‬ now exercised more regularly by ‪#‎Christians‬?

‪#‎PoetJPHogan‬ asking also if ‪#‎AmericanMuslims‬ as ‪#‎PEACE‬ brethren can help ‪#‎Christianity‬ recover from ‪#‎LiberalDemocrats‬ secular ‪#‎Socialism‬ beatings by sharing an enlightened tao for ‪#‎ReligiousLiberty‬ security in it exercised even if more of ‪#‎Christ‬, in their extra-nation voluntary morality, do muscularly proscribe at least a Sundays call to prayers in assembly well prescribed?

‪#‎IowaValues‬ as ‪#‎SouthernValues‬ to how ‪#‎RepublicanValues‬ sync now to Northeast as the growth economics past NEW DEAL AUSTERITY for ‪#‎GREENMINIMALISM‬ have so many now freer yet beset together in a commenced (somehow) NEW ‪#‎ROMANTICERA‬.

‪#‎Catholics‬ this too is too for synthesized ‪#‎ClimateRedirect‬ & ‪#‎YearOfMercy‬, - seems.

>> PLEASE BE ‪#‎4College‬ & with JPHogan.org ‪#‎SAMPLER‬.

NEXT TO CITIZENROSEBUD.COM (when technical difficulties remedied):


“Lead with nonsense! Lead of a preponderance Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers! New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!”

{These are the words to how CitizenRosebud.com next commences}



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

And, in conclusion the Clintons become imprisoned for heinous acts in treason.  Too Democrats, 16.1.21, we are read it may be life sentences upon each of their souls, for acts of collusion of their shared soul.

Too, of the collective opines of Davos, albeit as said as for world economics, 2nd Corinthians may be “Messiah” President Barack H. Obama’s best defense.  2016 is the year the “Messiah” must lock in his proffered NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as if to GREEN MINIMALISM as the new copacetic tao - the new POLITICAL CORRECT lingua, forward, as in lieu of POVERTY LEVEL. The messianic of this whom saved the world from the too “machinations” of the CLINTONS’ MACHINE now lives another day to days for responsibility for the forced austerity into retirement.

The world economics of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY have been established and ordained, like, - though wrongly for Americans in a secular SOCIALISM!  These days are to try souls, - in synchronicity with the devilish of the Clintons machinations for MACHIAVELLIAN Power for a ruling class.  President Obama may have been an accidental WIZARD towards CONGRESS convened and committed to CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY, and it may be accidental that the messianic too has brought peoples of the world closer to their “under God” and wiser from as if first “under Government”!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  To understand these, as AMERICAN, readings must be transgress morally of the old of PUBLIUS as the explainer of CONSTITUTIONAL as synchronized to ADAM SMITH for the then fresh WEALTH OF NATIONS.  Too, of the global, and of the collective opines wafting of Davos of #WEF, deference is due to a reading of holy scriptures for the People Order done was ordained and established “done” under God by subscribed “done” so respectfully of “Year of our Lord”!

Do you reject Satan?  Now in 2016:  Together: Yes! I reject Hillary Clinton (for her machinations devoid of prudent sagacious beingness)!  Together:  The “little princess” shall be no “Queen” despite her life’s shared work as of wants for autocratic global Power.  Together:  We the People, now 16.1.21, are wise enough to “BAD MAGIC” the proper tag for CLINTONOMICS!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  Too DEMOCRATS, 16.1.21, - SAVED DEMOCRATS!  Can you yet be #4College #READY if not intellectual to PROS & CONS, GOOD V. EVIL, RIGHT & WRONG by comparing and contrasting of the PILGRIMS era pride their works as then global - world economics, like - joined as an epoch or era, too of the core of Rene Descartes writing as a CATHOLIC from where they left from, and, too of the core, albeit martial to brutal of ENGLISH times, of OLIVER CROMWELL?

There is no securing the progress, however “accidental” of an “accidental wizard” President at a political spun as if “messianic”, forward, now, without people everywhere voluntarily committed and participant to their chose extra-nation morality and likely to the voluntary emoluments to financially buttress their home community as duly with celebrant structures as SANCTUARY. 

NEW DEAL AUSTERITY has begot GREEN MINIMALISM!  “An Accidental Messiah” may be a premature #TAG an not prudent to be bestowed as it seems un-Saintly how lies were worked by political machinations to falsely accuse more innocent political operatives to a BLAME & GO opportunism, - a politics, however to GOOD begot to a lesser materialism, as a Political too much of selfish ends for a RULING CLASS, particularly.  “LONG LIVE GREEN MINIMALISM!!!” ?

Forward:  Together:  For the social good to endure, however now a GOOD from bad magic of an “accidental wizard”, all, - all across these united states of the Americas, must fairly engage for discoursing upon an existential problema, concurrent to our votal decidings. 

Forward:  Together:  GREEN MINIMALISM, as a GOOD to less gauche or gaudy MATERIALISM for materialism’s sake, to be newly of the “right hand of GOD”, to be a lasting GOOD to endure (to save the shared planet from CLIMATE CHANGE, at least) must be embraced for world economics, - due local economies are of the People immediately pressed to the social problema of shared existence in this new year still kept of the Christian Calendar as a “Year of our Lord” Constituted!










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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

{At any time this may seem too much for you - to honest yet contrary to your believed - please use site search pane to take a break with warren’s spun, however they present in backwards order, - please take a break from #PoetJPHogan “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” to read of fare to be sorted by a search here by just:  RABBITS.}

[NOTE: Please cover the childrens’ ears! - send them out to play! - or send them to their rooms!  This is for mature readers, - responsible audiences!  It is best for these todays that we keep from the children how important they are, and how true such has been sung especially with “THE CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” of “THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL”.]

How can the Islamic State be yet a recognized organized like a Muslim Tea Party as justly to a Muslim Trinity by an effecting successful to sovereignty contrary to Levant boundaries extant as mapped for seriousness?

We must be to the incorruptible in “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” but to open minds beyond a partisan “political correctness” so to hashing out all the smoking “guns” of the Clintons’ corruptions, foreign and domestic, - global, - galactic.

“IT TAKES A VILLAGE” is a horrendous title as it is like a cancer as a bad corrupted metaphor!  “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” is no “IT TAKES A VILLAGE”! - For the children we must maturely press out PROS and CONS!

NOW!  We must press forward (for the children) a better pressing of GOOD vs EVIL, - noted, - sourced, - posted, - shared “PUBLIC”!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” isn’t fit to be the needed good carbons for composting kitchen waste, - isn’t fit to be of the 2/3rds said of good carbons needed for the table and counter scraps to metamorph with a catalyst to compost, - to black gold, - to then be fertilizer, for real!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” should be broadcast globally, even galactically, as dangerous propaganda, as a tool to brainwash masses by a lot sized preyed upon to become, as unawares unknowing, to then like mental half mindeds goosed, somehow, to railroaded for Posterity beset to for the “THE CLINTONS” and to em owed tributes, and heralding by name, yes galactically, with loyalty supposed to a fidelity to their imperial standard, - their own “flag” for partisanship in the “CLINTON” name!

Don’t stop the presses!  Run for the PROS and CONS - a fresh POINT - COUNTER POINT, - detailed GOOD vs EVIL!  An Islamic State, if ever to be successful to an Muslim Trinity of a third way to a sovereignty pillared and bosomed in an Orthodox Islamic, must first proof it is as of Muslims, from the beginning, as for the children, too.  Right?

We should press on:  Discuss:  The Clintons’ surpluses were of a moral depravity! The Clintons cut too much too quickly!  The Clintons’ politics put unfunding/defunding ahead of helping others (in good times) (in times of plenty)! The Clintons’ politics is EVIL!

We must press on:  Discuss:  Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is personally responsible for more dead, - more killed, than any organized responsibles of either Al Qaeda or for an Islamic State can yet today claim excesses for, or confess to!  H.R. Clinton is culpable for the years as sold as W.J. Clinton’s “better half” as FLOTUS during the years 1993 to 2001; Mrs. W.J. Clinton must be pressed beyond cartooned to being of shoulders & hips forever evermore of carrying such a load of culpas, however she postures the “THE CLINTONS’” “greater GOOD”, - and as yet ever ever for Posterity as of any “lesser EVIL” than say Da’esh!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:





To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

The first Secretary of State to “serve” “under” President B.H. Obama inherited a warming with Middle East peoples, she did not herself figure nor affect a better relationship (potential) with the Government of Iran, nor its general population!  The President grossly erred in trying to govern with a “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” so highly placed!  President B.H. Obama is culpable but to understand how a lesser “EVIL” we should first press thoroughly at how “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” have not actually been in their machinations as for a greater “GOOD”!  President B.H. Obama inherited, like Secretary Mrs. H.R. Clinton a warming potential for with Iran from the hard choices and the sacrifices of the leadership by preceding administration of a FREEDOM AGENDA!  President B.H. Obama cannot not, it seems, ever consciously or righteously assuage an inherited ‘SUCCESS’ as to Mrs. W.J. Clinton as per Iran, as logically born from the avoidance and inaction of President W.J. Clinton and all associated as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  There is no TRUTH in a supposition, for preposterous, if such supposed is of posturing Mrs. W.J. Clinton, as Secretary of State, could have been successful “against” Iran with sanctions if President G.W. Bush had not rendered “TEETH” for sanctions after near a decade of President W.J. Clinton as toothless, - all gums, - soft!, - naive (at best)!

The first strategery to consider for any deciding about todays of for an Islamic State is how to those Constitutional of these united states of the Americas they are some a natural ally, - a group a mass not to be prejudiced as of an axis of “EVIL” (devoid of concern for the “small” - devoid a concern for the children forward!  President B.H. Obama should give “Joe” his chance now to prove he too isn’t too associated with the greater “EVIL” of H.R. Clinton and to giving the Vice President now a chance to be President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden!  President B.H. Obama should be too embarrassed now for how proofed so wrong and as so long so wrong to have been proven wrong longer that even his endured days as President so as to be noble and RESIGN!  There is arguably now CAMELOT chivalry to save the day from the TRUTHS dire of the “governance” by B.H. Obama, and so specifically for flawed by the too associated hands of CLINTON DEMOCRATS!  It is now small fig to date these todays how the numbers are against B.H. Obama and H.R. Clinton and because it is mashable, with logic, and statistics to that Mrs. W.J. Clinton is yet still of a guilt of culpas greater (still) than of for an Islamic State by a metric of paring the responsibility to “leadership” of the full quantification of how many are dead, due to Mrs. W.J. Clinton husbandry!

Before you profess you are all about a base as politically set as against a Muslim Tea Party for a new nation in the Levant, as against for a Muslim Trinity by against Socialism and Monarchies extant of these todays, it may be considerate that the past Pope was expressant to that American Catholics were to believe they as of the galactic Catholic familial were not “called” to go into a Muslim lands to save Muslims from Muslims, and especially, it seemed, as Catholics improper to be called in, or to, as to be in the middle of a rift between of Islam, however now of a new Muslim Trinity, or to be between uncivilly the battles historic for if Shia truth was superior to Sunni truth!  We all must walk and talk a core to no child to be presumed to be left behind, or down, as it is galactically civil when all live and breath for “SMALL” is “BEAUTIFUL”!  It is that these todays are of it dastardly how now pressed sufficiently that “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” fig dated to 1993 as yet an enemy of Al Qaeda and now of for an Islamic State even by Christian rules for Justice!  The railed against abandonment in the years 1993 to 2001 by NOBEL PRIZE recipient B.H. Obama is the mantle of the woman H.R. Clinton, but not as divisible from W.J. Clinton and a sad legacy for all still siding (naively) as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  President B.H. Obama was actually right with his public shaming of the Clintons with his acceptance speech as structured for a moral to a morality (only possible) in mashing from “dangers” of “inaction” and “avoidance” if to be of “leadership”!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

President Barack Hussein Obama, and since his day one, could not have proceeded, it seems, yet as more wrongly as he did and now still defensively does!  America is at risk, - a greater risk - now, because H.R. Clinton at least was a lone “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” to times served again in high office.  H.R. Clinton must be an “enemy” of an of for an Islamic State, even maybe of beyond the Levant to a global massed as “all MUSLIMS”!

Again:  The President should now RESIGN, - B.H. Obama should now give J.R. Biden his (last) chance to prove he can be a better President than at least his boss!  President “Joe” Biden! - - - I presume!

Again:  Those organized as if a “NEW HOPE” for SUNNI governance inspired and as if of an Orthodox Islamic, as now organized as if a MUSLIM TEA PARTY can, due how militantly against SOCIALISM, and monarchies extant of these todays as yet “just” as “justified” by earlier CALIPHATE(s?), now can present as a natural ally to those of allegiance to the Constituted of these united states of the Americas.

Again:  These United States of America have been going the wrong way with “OBAMA DEMOCRATS” and “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  No children are not, it seems, actually safer as “THANKS” to the “THE CLINTONS”!  The U.S.A. should not have gone down this path of the Democrat Party as long to decidings towards trying to defeat the defeat of SOCIALISM that was not alone the VICTORY of Americans.

UNRESOLVED:  If those organized to overlook the man made boundaries in the Levant, of the areas of failed Ba’athism, as of perversions of Socialism by Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad, as too long too secular SOCIALIST, as if in SOCIALISM there is a greater “GOOD”, and as was to be as towards the IDEAL “BA’ATHIST” as for an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE, it extant now em prove they can civilly govern those believers willing to associate as a general populace, as for the children, as for the “small”, it is remarkable how a new mass of SUNNI might succeed like AMERICAN PILGRIMS years before and but as if to an ORTHODOX ISLAMIC like a PURITANS MUSLIMS, - to a MUSLIM TRINITY?

UNRESOLVED:  As set against SOCIALISM and MONARCHIES of earlier CALIPHATES, it yet remains to be seen if these for a new sovereignty, while these todays may justify new “national” boundaries, these “BELIEVERS” still need to proof as for HUMAN RIGHTS as capable of management of at least a sizable metropolis like Raqqa - as for all?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:55 pm

I know not if there is any man or woman now still alive strong enough or brave enough to stand against President B.H. Obama and/or his groomed successor H.R. Clinton and risk a public out-cried of:


It has long been said these are bad times, and now seeming settled to us of worse times, yet.  President B.H. Obama has not been alone in declaration of doom of his/their “THE END OF THE WORLD…” exclamated in pronouncements official of the “State.”

The President has hung our lanterns, - the lanterns have alarmed us, - his lanterns have beckoned all to ditch their faiths for a doomsday pragmatism firstly in following him in a blind faith argued, if, as not sub-religious.

We have been long now worked, and even drilled, to our lathers that this is no close shave to be of disrespecting.

He has called for civil obedience and a concordant for assimilation to a “Green Agenda” (and its latent green minimalism)!

An edict must be coming as assuaged seem the dire of doom arriving, - as seems how his lanterns hung, - are best logically inferred!

It seems clear as if reflected to be revered of sterling silver polished and yet ready - let me be clear: It seems so clear that the President now in a next move to only but do the new worse said dire of doom near to be further to “green minimalism” and to the Address To The Nation as necessarily to be a call to a new patriotism for nationalism yet not sub-religious, as constituted, as it seems his first next move must be to raise concord to:


Whether night lights, or by reading lights in days’ time, the heralding for a new conformity have long trespassed our pathways to all now prefaced for said an “END OF THE WORLD…” call to believe in the President as a supreme leader, and too his “science” of his oft defended as if he rifled through all the options, in the greatest possible due diligence.

These years now since his rise as “messianic” it may have confused too few how he can pare a “intellectual” of “messianic” and the witnessed so as if nearly purely of “national socialism” words.  Under his “Green Agenda” it has also been while oddly not sub-religious, that it was long these years always of an un-Christmas core as self evident in it so beat out that it was to be bad to give coal even to naughty.

As “CHRISTMAS IS CANCELLED” seems the spirit (sic) of the political season of the shortest days of the year let there be no civil disobedience.  It seems the Paris Climate Change Conference is in chorus with the Catholics as of in sync with Pope Francis to peoples of “climate suicide” - quite presently.  President B.H. Obama and his groomed successor H.R. Clinton seem to have the back up to be expected by a secular imperial Power.

It behoove you to comply now to maximize a minimalization of material world wants to a patriotism of maxed compliance to the “Green Agenda” to a thorough stoic of “green minimalism”!  We seem beyond a “less is more” to it just unpatriotic and even murderous to want after or ask after anything materialistic, so that we can be to a new concord.


These too seem edicts now justified globally by President B.H. Obama, and at least his groomed to succeed H.R. Clinton, and COMING SOON!

If logic can be used for these days of the shortest bouts of daylight then I fear the only moves President B.H. Obama, himself has left is that no to as officially of:


For any politician of these days so dire and of doom long the base note of the Democrats Climate Change Politics it seems now that any even passing, say cursory, mention of a peoples movement for religious liberty, as a rendition of a profile of a union proclaimed to be an Islamic State, then too echoes the likelihood that President B.H. Obama now must cancel Christmas.  It seems inescapable that these of an ISIL are hunkering down in a belief also that an apocalypse is near.

If logic can be used for these days of the shortest bouts of daylight then I fear the only moves President B.H. Obama, himself, has left himself, are to ask for all Americans to abstain from any commercialization with “SANTA CLAUS” and to dig deeper for compliance to a greater concord of vastly enhanced assimilation to even more stoic plain living for “green minimalism” - and however still his “science” oft defended as oddly un-Constitutional as not also sub-religious.

Pray tell what really is left, if of an intellectual honesty, for the President to now declare tonight?  Stuck be he, by his?

Seems it wouldn’t be prudent to take the President lightly, or comically, - his drum beat is for green minimalism NOW!



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There seems no logical route now to interpret the “politics” of B.H. Obama but as SANTA CLAUS is not to be, - nevermore!!!  HAPPY?

There seems no logical route now to assuage H.R. Clinton hasn’t long been lathered to groomed as the inevitable next sucha!!! BAH HUMBUG?

There seems no logical route now for B.H. Obama, nor H.R. Clinton, to a “State” a “Union” not above God, & as not under them!!!  SCROOGED?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:59 am

This is bigger than for any mall Santa! As a joyous season is now of Advent upon a shared humanity global anew, we must be bigger than commercialized and to a change of venue for a duly just discourse to philosophy of religiosity, & Awakenings galactic.

Brethren of the deserts severe of the what of the where and how known to Muhammad this is our season still a season hopeful for joyous upon your home fires. As the bells toll for JOY we hope all hearts can be lifted without insults from ignorance, ignorant.

Brethren of the galactic of the Force for a copacetic shared humanity, as long established, ordained, and maintained by the realm of religious adherents, a Happy Holidays in a Merry Christmas as for all now anew is for understanding and discerning where consciousness is in Faith and especially for Christians where it is for Islam that for Muslims of a Muslim trinity now onset to Shia, Sunni, and ISIL as if to Islamic State as a Union of Orthodox Islamic.

As it seems the lands of the Levant, and those populated by faithful of Islam globally, however sectarian, and now to a seeming trinity of an option to be for a puritanical Orthodoxy welcoming pilgrims “home” in towards an Islamic State, are awakening this season of JOY in Christ Jesus isn’t exclusive, nor of Jesus as an INFIDEL.

There can now be a parity to a comity in a JOYOUS season a Holiday Season around the birth of Christ Jesus that isn’t opposing to Islamic of any sectarian or rift, - it seems.  There is for this to be copacetic, though, that a consciousness needs to be articulated as to the consciousness minimum in Islam before any act can be deemed to be warranted, where can be legally warranted, as to being an act of sufficient consciousness to be representative of a collective conscience for Justice for Muslims.

From my limited understandings, I offer that Muhammad does not decree a “kill first” as an “order to kill” that is to be a “license to kill” devoid of a contemplative measure of conscience and for humanity and society.  From my limited history and understanding it seems that, and now as it much relates to millions of refugees (, and due climate change?), faithful of Islam are allowed to celebrate Santa Claus as the birth of Christ Jesus does not insult Islam nor Muhammad.

Isn’t it that Muslims of the world, however sectarian or of rifts to a Muslim trinity to now a rising an awakening with force to an attempt to establish a Orthodox Islamic as a home faith to an Islamic State, are free to celebrate Santa Claus?  Are free as of Muhammad and faith in Islam to celebrate the birth of a great one not an infidel, by any prejudice or prejudgement writ? 

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season now levered to reset for all in shared humanity, however galactic, to that Christians are only to be accused to be INFIDELS where there is an ignorance of the essence of Islam and as INVOLVED too much from just an expressed opine conversationally posited?

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season yet for Christians to remember on their own not to be ignorant nor insulting with ignorance the beliefs of others, and especially when critical and vital to their own struggles to find and keep open paths to a FORCE as a realm for the HOLY?

Islamic activists may now be trying the souls of Christians the world over, however galactic, by actions insufficient of words while heavy in acts seeming devoid of the adequate writ called for consciousness to be premeditated. Islamic activists yet still seem free to celebrate Santa Claus in it that JESUS is not an infidel while some Christians may be found to be too ignorant to have any insults taken as INFIDELITY.

Should faithful of Muhammad and Islam, however now as pilgrims for a puritan Islamic State to an Orthodox Islamic, rush to a cursing of Christians, while it is to be raised how conscious your oppositions should be expected to be if one of a luxury of time, and in of a safe enough place, to process if a teaching from an ignorance is acceptable for parties constitutions/beliefs? 

How much thought is enough thought?  If teaching is the better weapon, are words the chosen best defense?

Who should explain if it writ for all of Islam to that even besides of Sharia there is that each in Muslim celebrations are but “licensed to kill” not “Ordered to kill” and as then as well as in faith as knowing they are “licensed to be killed” (if so weak a link to shared humanity they then represent a threat to society - to a basic survival of a communal in a “society” endurance.

Whom among those free to also celebrate Santa Claus can best answer to a minimum level of consciousness to a conscience of these days for JOY and JOYOUS everywhere? 

Whom can ascribe, by example, themselves as experts for shared humanity, and triggers from copacetic, to pare or peel like the lemons, or onions to fig’n the dates of these days tragic of terrorism, seeming of insufficient premeditated THINK to be to having affected “HOLY WAR”?

Are you one whom can help bridge an teach to a JOY for JOYOUS for all harmony for Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas, and as to that even refugees Muslims are free to celebrate Santa Claus as free to respect the birth of Christ Jesus?

Whom now are our teachers our shepherds for travelers and homely flocks so to keep ignorance corralled and at bay?

As all seem “licensed” for JOY and to be JOYOUS with faith and religiosity whom now can work it, - can work it to it sufficed from ignorance and to spread an understanding related to tragedies of recent seeming just “terrorist” actions more “criminal” to how a metric is extant from such too a scandal, to any galactic force in shared humanity, as it seems the outcomes from these “terrorists” have been to the as Muslims as then more licensed to be killed, then represented fairly of their writ Islam of a “license to kill” where befitting a dire or severe in an exposed struggle of realities of time, and place?

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{Developing today: “Licensed To Kill” - an essay to pair and pare Obamacare can only be Constitutional if of an unconstitutional “Muslim Exception” - as a right to kill, and right to be killed of Sharia, must supersede a “right” to healthcare.  We have been going the wrong way so long by the end of this essay you should believe President Obama should resign in of an embarrassment for having so misunderstood the Constituted for so long, and how for so long so wrongly.  As healthcare is an oldest establishment of religion there cannot in these united states of the Americas be a separate “right to healthcare” as a discussion of Islam cursorily can illuminate due faithful of even like of a writ license to kill, - even as it not mostly to be an Order to kill.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:13 am

It’s The Clintons - STUPID !!!

This republic, of which it stands in People’s Order done established, is to this day as articulated by President Washington letter to the Jews of Newport as to that there is to be no “bigotry of tolerance” in American.

The most important years to understanding when these united states of the Americas may have been most of leaders, and leader wanna bees, short to George Washington enumerated standards for republican civility are the days from Saddam Hussein to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait (as the start of WWIII) to the first term of President Clinton, - yet mostly 1993.

There can now hardly be any fair comprehension of our days, of tragic conflicts, due to so much feigned by machinations of the “THE CLINTONS” since to hide how devoid they are of prudence in sagacity.  The “THE CLINTON” has since 1993 been firstly to an ends justifying the means as for overwriting inconvenient honest and truth to that a political tyranny to totalitarianism as justified means for the ends sold as ends worthy, however compromising sagacity, as the end being to a President Mrs. Clinton.

Of the truth “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” is yet the still seeming worse case scenario for 1992 I much considered while working to make a Democrat enough electable so that President Bush would have a real “challenger” in that a too proud and blinded by pride Republican Christian right was to rising for a Republican President, however a Bush, to yet sway from giving rise to greater global danger do them too proud, and to national Christian in their excesses misplaced for Christian pride.

Of the truths in “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” there is that how the Clintons’ administration governed has proven to be what seems more wrongful on matters of inter-faith balance and understanding than that then the worst feared in the seeming likelihood if to a second Bush term.  How the spousal husbandry of the “THE CLINTONS” did put means justified contrary to writs ordered for prudence as superior to honest and truth of religiosity and so to the proposition that a President Mrs Clinton were ends justifying  is much now today a splintered variable of the whole, not a tangential less then critical as fractional.

Of the republic in the “Republic” we as Americans are of allegiance sworn daily there is that the “THE CLINTONS” ends are not justified by their means.  We need see back above the feigned innocence worked by machinations in make-overs and cover-ups for Mrs. Clinton to how they have a history of bigotry that relates as well to how they by their secular selfish partisan machinations how created room for guilty before innocent affecting within this Republic - of the homeland of these united states of the Americas.

San Bernardino is seeming to categorically fall into that category of 9/11/2001 attacks as though terrorizing and premeditated they yet fail to a “JIHAD” standard.  The French may have a different problem than with Charlie Hebdo as the Paris Attacks may fall into “ACTS OF WAR” if it is that the France posture in the Middle East is firstly to of the Socialism so as then to be distasteful to the Islamic State as an organized seemingly against secularism,and especially secular socialism.

San Bernardino though seems of a FAILED if of a JIHAD attempt, it too seems yet failed as the Paris Attacks seemed failed as there seems no up side for any Muslims due actions diabolical where words as the better weapons were still to be preferred as better tools of righteousness.  San Bernardino seems preposterous if thought just JIHAD for any “HOLY WAR” as for the “target” for “justice” such as it was so charitable to all, so constituted for republican of Ordered for due process.

The attacks of 9/11/2001 failed in “JIHAD” as it seems San Bernardino terror to fail from “HOLY WAR” though fitting “terrorism”!  On September 11, 2001 the Al Qaeda (soldiers? guerrillas?) in terrorism by suicide acts horrific yet were of premature mobilization to action while words were still the better weapon, and for civil engagement was still an available path to a resolution of the seeming thought injustices supposed to be of justifying action, not wordplay for remedial consummations.

For San Bernardino tragic shootings to not also be said a FAILURE as like September 11, 2001 as a failed “JIHAD” there is that it may have been half brained only, at least as if wanting of that held as so whole brained of Muhammad.  What ever thought “WRONGS” so were so of a California feeling sensed to a global insult to Islam yet, in this republic so as civilly set for due process in an innocent until proven guilty, do settle forward as so repairable still by words and even in-office procedures.

Of the vast errs in “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” is a culpability for San Bernardino yet for the shouldering of guilt on each Clinton in the “THE CLINTONS”!  By their politics to their selfish secular spousal husbandry to their ends of to a President Mrs. Clinton,  they have set asunder by their compromised means, so very much, a faith though in due process and civil procedures for even office place religiosity paring.  The Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001 have seemingly settled as FAILED at “JIHAD” for though it seemed the Clinton Administration legacy forward was that civil repairs to injusticed were a bygone option, forever, forever for Muslims with the Republican of pledged allegiance, such was not on September 11, 2001 a general, global, or local American reality.

As San Bernardino shootings show a premeditation to that they were also of a HE & SHE compromised, somehow, there is yet a hint to what injusticed they may have thought too general or global, as let loose to waft insults and retarding of Islam.  Words and procedures were/are enough extant for even an office place scandalous on religiosity where a bigotry of tolerance counter to prudence for Republic as enumerated by President George Washington did somehow, - some ways maybe rise to an insulting.

Of the #TRUTH in “ItsTheClintons_STUPIDS now for a resolution of the tragic of terrorizing in San Bernardino there  is that Al Qaeda too erred at “JIHAD” as to of acting while words were still the better weapons for corrective civility and repairing from injusticed.  Due to what the affected so as if for “HOLY WAR” did “target” it seems abominable that such a site wasn’t too charitable for all to have ever justified a work place attack as if fitting terrorizing as a tool for civility.

However the self proclaimed organized for an Islamic State of the Levant, as ISIS or ISIL or Da’esh, constitute themselves for justice it seems if to ever proof they can govern or manage a sizable metropolitan area it seems that for procedures and processes were still available both on September 11, 2001 and most recently on the day of the San Bernardino shootings it seems befallen upon their consciousness to now avail themselves of explanatory Islamic words to establishments for “society”!

However the global reaction to these, whom any rightfully associated as if, of an Islamic State is now to a declarative of many now embattled of a World War III  there is that for today’s struggles to be of WWIII and not WWIV is in that this all basically started (as a dedication to justice by war if necessary) by those of Islam themselves then aghast at Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.  There is cause to rate today’s as a WWIII and as better politics as more clear than if otherwise said a WWIV!

To the specifics of (”FAILED”?) for “coverage” of San Bernardino shootings there is besides the attacks more than against a still defensible as of innocents it seems unconscionable for any claims to justiced as rightful to terrorize in “JIHAD” due to the vast charitable for all nature of the offices and staffed victimized, - victimized by actions where and while words remained the better weapons for an affecting for justice.

Can it be “HOLY WAR” by “terror” however shootings were premeditated terrorism if a sensed justiced spiritual (but maybe half brained to the wholly of Muhammad’s) as of a insult to Islam by a dining a party in celebration of Christ Jesus, as yet a dining still fresh in Pilgrims pride of a Thanksgiving to the Christian God of the landed of the Mayflower of Plymouth?

Can it ever be that for Californians to have been celebrating Christianity to recognizing a birth of a great one Christ Jesus specifically that they could have been insulting enough to another great one long ago born, - he Muhammad?  Americans of this Republic do pledge allegiance to it Constituted for religious liberty that it is of the People’s Order that the Union is established and ordained in “the Year of our Lord” but so as amended to clearly articulate the writ of words to that Theocracy is barred from National governing. 

A work place perception of a religious’d insulted seems to be the news of the day, and yet as where the American is that there are and were processes to become global with words as the best weapons so very much still available.

The San Bernardino shooting pair seem to have failed at “HOLY WAR” quite as Al Qaeda did on September 11, 2001 as by acting as if civil apparatus were not still available as the better for justiced as a calling - as still available it is that words and established civil procedures were very much still available even to though of the shared humanity extant in the global.

For San Bernardino to be acceptable as “JIHAD” mustn’t there have been an insult to Muhammad far greater than the allowed celebration of the Christ Child and that Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were all born to be great ones, and of the same one God?  Isn’t it most true that Jesus nor Muhammad are above the other, - that their God is equally above them, - that Jesus was not an infidel, - and yet that Islam is of the wholly of Muhammad to the “HOLY” for Muslims of a whole brained brilliance so to establishment of how Christianity is explainable as having been and still as is a religiosity inadequate for God’s deserts and His most severely tested of His deserts’ severe?

It seems, for now, that San Bernardino shooting pair of “FAILED” - their weapons for terror as if to justice were inadequate, and as WORDS and processes were vastly very of variable for variations for justiced victory, as to repaired from insulted!

Of the tragedies in “It’s The Clintons, STUPIDS!” there still is a too vast problem in we are still to much of the 1993 errs of their shared ambition as a pair to how too many are still trapped in it too real that the “THE CLINTONS” have as leaders too much, and too grandly, set asunder a faith in due process as to be of a politics more for their selfish secular spousal husbandry in a divisive partisan more to ends justifying the means, and as to that their ends can trump to a superiority over honesty and truth.

We seems asked to presume that San Bernardino shooting pair affected “HOLY WAR” as for having been too insulted by a celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus.  It seems so soon upon after Thanksgiving too that the insult may have seemed a running work place insulting, and yet as still it generally that words were still the still available as better weapons to repair to justice for all.

As long taught that Jesus nor Muhammad were above the other there is yet the complicated for Christians, especially in these called trying times, if to thinking Christianity is adequate for God’s severely tested of His deserts’ severe.

Christians are not to be “forgiven” for seeming “insults” as if as “infidels” to Islam by Muslims, they are better to be educated and taught, where not in a dire of any moment of a carpe diem justiced writ to allowed in deserts to save oneself before any other more primarily and generally than eitherwise in lands of bounty and working civility in processes allowable for climates offer procedures civil of civility by WORDS as a luxury, seemingly - seemingly as compared to of Muhammad’s days of the wholly to be Godly as to an establishment to how prudence must be real, and really speaking to those whom try to find way to Allah in deserts where such may disappear as like Mark Twain posited like of New England weather, as like by “just wait five minutes”!

There was, as on September 11, 2001 still time for Muslims of Islam to teaching with words as the better weapons.

There is as now due San Bernardino that this pair however of feeling maybe that Muhammad was too “insulted” still that such if present in a “Christmas Party” so soon after the dinings of “Thanksgiving” of they missing the “Pilgrims” and that enumerated of President George Washington, - - - Mustn’t it be however thought “insulted” those of this charitable work place were then more of a repairable ignorance not of a exercised hatred akin to being infidels to the daily struggles of those like orthodox Islamic to protecting the heavens for those living in the deserts’ more severe?

Due to Paris Attacks as premeditated and yet devoid of just words, I am likely not alone to assuaging such FAILED if “JIHAD”!  French have no business to bending the USA to Article V associated mission if it is yet that these attacks can be said as “acts of war” as retaliatory strikes against a French tyrannical to a Levant official politics to a disposition to bring secular socialism to Arabs of any self proclaimed Islamic State realm.  Paris seems unjustly terrorized, at least for the actions spoke to fewer words of understanding than words otherwise might have.  I cannot say, and do not know, as can hardly fairly consider enough to as informed, how if the “Paris Attacks” can be claimed to have been a success.

Let me be clear: In a premeditated enumeration pronouncement: Hopefully in time: It’s the Clintons, STUPIDS! - ye Americans must appreciate, if caring of a HOGAN metric, that I cannot respect any, even titled as accomplished women, if the now of an any endorsement of HILLARY2016 for so then of an endorsing of a Hillary Clinton of a flawed the ‘THE CLINTONS” I long have known too well to myself ever be one to selling forward any on any embrace of high office for any of the political pair CLINTON. 

>> To any new here to #HOGAN so published: It is that these Clintons so long known as these Clintons are of my knowing them true as so erred and flawed, and as in of my having known them since the early 1970s when they were yet engaged coeds of Yale Law School, as out and about in my neighborhood, together on a walk.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:08 am

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old!’

‘How old is he? - how old is Bill J. Clinton?’

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old - blah, blah, blah, blah.’ BORING!

You have the wars all wrong, - you really do, - yes most of you really do!

On the road of the Afghanistan poppy fields, as Mrs. C’s - drone queen’s - killing fields, her old man “Bill” of these ages yet he most of ages posts, as mile markers of strife’s roots, as an elder, so of such a shoddy past so long that he is as her old man yet a the most present in the concerts of conscience so many times, in retrospect, as the he/she present so consistently that such the he/she all should first see meted through to accurately measured for the depths of ownership of a proprietary in culpability for so many “strifes” of record so tragic, and linkable to one more than any other.

It is not preposterous, even in hindsight, to posture the years 1993 to 2001 are too ‘missing’ from the measured of these times, - that Bill J. Clinton & Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton ‘leadership’ is most clearly seen forevermore in the negative, - their measured for history as accurate for the eternal records is negative as there greatest burden of guilt is for what they didn’t do, and whom they abandoned, or left feeling abandoned.

It may, for Posterity, help to to think Bill J. Clinton so old that he now if of so much negative in his lifetime he is as if of ages posted statistically of enough average years lived to be as old as the Barbary Pirates.  As so much of the reality of the culpables of the Clinton are still much cloaked by politically worked domestic (and foreign?) cover-ups any Tranquility may be yet as safe and for enduring as quicksand.  To bare the politics of the Clintons to them naked before the world - un-cloaked to their interior domestic homespuns - would be to frighten the world with honesty and truth, - the dire to diabolical of the ages in their ‘works’ for what they didn’t work.

You do have the wars mostly to all wrong!  It firstly essential to ask if these wars today are so bad due the wars the Clintons didn’t commence, - the ‘warring’ they shoulda even if as then as timely ‘peace keeping’ avoided.

To discern a “REAL CLINTON” a fact based “HONEST CLINTON ASSUAGED” essentially all must much look at them in the negative, to whom they are most errantly truthfully for history due that which they didn’t do, and why they wouldn’t do suches.  It may too help to think Afghanistan was a Gettysburg of the Cold War, - in a pre-Clinton all seriousness.

The affectedness of the vast partisan and selfish brand maintenance of the machinations of the Clintons’ machine politics is to it still too much so that most people by not looking closely enough at their them are to missing how the Iraq War - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM - musta been the right thing to do for to Shia of Iraq and Iran, Al Qaeda of Sunni of Arabia, and the Islamic State, ISIL, ISIS, it is as it was right for Americans to effect.  The war that Al Qaeda (and ISIL) to stand still in objection to would be THE PERSIAN GULF WAR, not OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. 

ISIL, Shia, and Al Qaeda should object less to the later war & coalition than the former; the former war is the war they wanted to fight or not need others to fight for them that yet after fought by others to a point, was then left not finished by Bill J. Clinton.  It figures that the Shia of Iran and the majority populace of Iraq must have been, and remain as for, the “Iraq War” so many Americans now wrongly posture as having been wrong to have commenced.

Oh it gets worse!  Let us liken her “old man” to as her “pop” to better sync the mashable of “Drone Queen” & “killing fields” - the of  Mrs C.!

So, it seems perfectly clear, let me be clear, so that right OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM despite common perceptions must now and forevermore be seen and heard as right!  We then are left with minor issues as to though right it may have been done wrong and commenced inconveniently in a time of politics too phat of lies hiding the negatives of the Clintons.  We then, say now, have it must be seen as a good war however a badly done war, and too as it was nearly wrong to do just because it was commenced so long after it should have been done - not avoided - as in the Clintons’ terms as ripe to have been affected by 1996 and still beyond.

What must be her body count? - how many dead were lost due just to Hillary R. Clinton and her hand in the politics of avoidance and inaction so phat, as with her pop, during 1003 to 2001? - what is the most accurate body count, a truthful number of bodybags filled, that should be first accounted from present to 1993 as most on the conscience due culpability of the Clintons, and then to how must such, and as seeming a vast tragic number of lost souls, is best to be divided statistically fairly between a HIS & HERS accounted for?  First Lady Mrs. Clinton was intimately engaged in the foreign and domestic decidings of Bill J. Clinton, and so much so that her whence ‘global initiatives’ were quite as a feminist crusading intentionally at inciting those already radical and other able to be radicalized across the regions now battlegrounds abroad.

Feminists owe the world an accounting - an if to at the years back to 1993 for accurate historical placement of burdens of guilt that actually must rest even tragically first upon First Lady Mrs. Clinton even before on the Presidency of the Clintons together.  Women owe the world a shedding of the ridiculous long postured to that it could be ever “ALL BUSH FAULT” because their pride in their sex should have Mrs. Clinton owning up to how much today is lost and bad due to her own personal participation in both the positive negative as actions bad acts, and the negatives most negative as from avoidance and inaction their her worked.

The poppies fields as Hillary R. Clinton as “Drone Queen” to as “killing fields” is complicated and to needs that it needs be for a full accounting parsed and pared by the ages by fitting postings as well to the days of the era of her “old man” so old to many he is like the “pops” of the country for those seeming so distant years 1993 to 2001. 

As First Lady Mrs. Clinton the poppies fields can too be “killing fields” on the Clintons’ conscience for those were years post Afghanistan as the Gettysburg of the Cold War of the where the battle against the spread of Soviet expansionism in Communism Socialism was turned back or stopped, and to those were the years on them of ignoring the cries coming from Afghanistan and of the United States of a culpability for an “abandonment” by of having left too early and to it simmering to festering during 1993 to 2001 as to how Americans, at least didn’t return when the Taliban was overwhelming such a heroic history as a people of a new Gettysburg.

It is frightful to think that the record of the Clintons when finally honestly set of truths not worked false narratives (to hopefully from culpable tales, to a purgatory while two histories extant, to whence then their lies from cover-up to accepted as truth, - though lies) will fully need be perceived and accepted.  It is scary that there can be so much guilt to be shouldered as a burden for two while for so many ages so posted others have been smeared innocently (at least innocently enough) while the dark side is an evil that really is seeded in the Clintons spousal husbandry of affectedness to effect for Power firstly, - first personal.

Case in point in beggard for truth at what to make of Vice President Al Gore and the Democrats after the attacks of 9/11/2001 as it seems ridiculous to not look cynically at the Democrats as to what they gained and seemed ready, oddly, to reap from such as a convenient crisis while so tragic to others. 

It may be better to think that President Barack H. Obama mission creep in Afghanistan from the War On Terror of safe passage for foreign troops to trespass Afghanistan, as traded for with agreements to build roads and schools, to the war of choice as if a dream come true of First Lady Clinton, as effecting to a WAR ON THE TALIBAN as a war on women finally commenced, is yet too congested a mass of Bill J. Clinton culpas akin to that guilt that if spread out over ‘average’ ages postings, and so to it so complicated as if a “convenient crisis” for, right, Vice President Al Gore was expected (globally) to be the next American President, at the time of September 11, 2001.

A most cynical of also that Afghanistan is of a “wrong war” is yet that Al Gore if then President woulda had outta Afghanistan a war so naturally blessed for a former war photo journalist like himself of it like perfectly set to sell convenient crisises forward as akin, too, to the old slight of a pop to as “YOU PROVIDE THE PICTURES & I’LL PROVIDE THE WAR.”

You do very much have the wars all wrong if thinking the Obama & Clinton war of choice as the war on women as their WAR ON TALIBAN was a more right war than OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  See it also figures that the justification used to sell the affectedness for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR (seemingly just the type Vice President Al Gore was oddly ready for) is yet a better workable SELL for the IRAQ WAR than that used by the George W. Bush. 

The Iraq War is justifiable as also due as a war on women as a liberation, as a liberating at least of the majority Shia under Saddam Hussein as a liberating for at least Shia women, and girls. 

Al Gore seems as if only was ready for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR.

To Al Qaeda (and ISIL) it seems George W. Bush did much with his wars (not any of choice) save America and some coalition countries by affecting OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and as more important in the WAR ON TERROR than a greater WAR in Afghanistan, as yet not justified by September 11, 2001 attacks, as the WAR ON TALIBAN figures as necessary do the objections to the Clintons’ years of abandonment to the poppy fields their shared “killing fields” for concerts of conscience evermore, as rightly in the negative they ignored the cries, and tears as they chose inaction and avoidance, while unconscionable to so many others.

It is frightful too to consider how morally depraved it seems it arguable as a past and present danger exposed of a moral depravity that befits a like burdened of balls and chains for the likes of Bill J. Clinton, Al Gore, & at least also Hillary R. Clinton.  The dire and tragic of our here and now is very much seeded in their then whence of decidings to it as if right to ignore the cries and tears, and global guilty about their worked abandonments.

To see the Clintons for their negatives, for them of their not done, is to see them maybe too much as frightful due negatives.

The vast extant of a mass of gall is so enumerable it is perilous to many to have to consider so much frightful and true.  Thee is so much taggable as bad at least in a negative that it is that the is a galore in a HIS & HERS culpability that forward must be paired for a fair feminism in an actually truthful accounting of what affected and not affected for Hillary R. Clinton “feminism”!

Not can it be separated!  How can the frightful culpability of Mrs. Clinton be separated from her “old man” her “pop” driver “Bill’s”?

Maybe now you can give thanks more truthfully for better to understanding how so many have too long had the wars all wrong?

RESOLVED?  Isn’t it time to give thanks, not still wrongly to either Clinton, or Al Gore, or President Obama, as to those you can see your way towards as more of a heroic and necessary engagement and especially if you have been fooled for ages by postings of actual lies and willful acts to cover-up inconvenient truths to the climates of the attitudes for Democrats political machinations for a holding by a Power of a ruling class?

CONCLUDED, - FOR NOW:  It may be Bill J. Clinton is respectively of enough guilt to be so old as older than the Barbary Pirates of Thomas Jefferson’s effectings against, to so old he is more of the time of the Pilgrims but more akin to the power grabbing of Oliver Cromwell, and too less for a contemplative of such times that date Rene Descartes to having begun writing for his times only after he so relocated to where the Pilgrims did depart from.  As old say this trued Bill J. Clinton the lesson now is that it is served that his “old lady” must near be so said at least as meted as old.

THANKSGIVING SHARE:  It seems the gall of the Clintons is phat to their turkey is contrary - oh so contrary as practiced to be as if of works to have negated the prudential of the Pilgrims and Puritans, and much to that evolved from as of the founding fathers for the Clintons’ seems as but of a spousal husbandry coyly to affectedness luckily short of their goals, as seeming to frightful that their goals must have been to be to being to a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional Powers, as willfully worked to and as to premeditated work to set asunder the Constitution, so to that they could be more successful than Clintons before them and to reaping yet an autocratic, maybe actually global, for a regaling “pop” of a CLINTON AUTOCRACY effectedly enough “crowned” upon them, - each.

NEVER FORGET:  It is complicated, - even more so!  What was the United States “poppies” politics under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?

                                   *     *     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:38 pm

The fatal flaw in the American liberal (progressive?) agenda is apparent in Secretary of State John Kerry struggles with legitimacy.

There is much guilt for any American Democrat in the unprincipled disengagement of the policies of Clinton Administration, and very much for arrogance at climate change, with a solutions tyranny, of a partisan politics, of that chided by Pope Francis with the Catholic “Climate Redirect”, of any agenda prescribed in a “WE’RE 100% RIGHT” and will claim you of an absolute to and “ALL YOUR FAULT.” Democrats have guilt to bare!

Many moons have passed to also attest long shadows of Democrats, in their affected while flawed, to a darkness to haunt.

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly so dark due to climate change tyrannical of social engineering.

Yes, children of the world, yes! It is true as Paris young father said: “There are bad people everywhere…”

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly economical in that statistics of jobs killed for GREEN AGENDA.

Senator Bernie Sanders may enough be not a true Democrat. He speaks of Islamic State of rising of climate change realities.

Senator Bernie Sanders may be less a Democratic Socialist than a Brooklyn Jew seeking a moral Judaic to exercised in like a Christian to Catholic social ethos. When Mayor Sanders, of Burlington, Vermont, he was not, it seems, of an errant attitude that his residents needed DC as a distant, too taxing, big brother / big sister depended upon to run their own town.

There is a legitimacy however now a twisted politics in candidate Sanders equating Islamic State issues tie to climate change (politics?).

Catholic Secretary Kerry struggles with a general to global to existential legitimacy is some rooted in how seeded in President Barack H. Obama known (& unknown) lies affected as lying to cover-up for Clintons transgressions from Constitutionals, - especially from due process.

Without the Iraq War, however the politics of how commenced & operated are complicated and erred, Saddam Hussein would be as if still in bed with the Clintons and as if of daily flowers, and forgiveness, and yet because he wasn’t yet prosecuted Iran would be justified to a legitimacy for a nuclear arms race against Iraq. Without the so late it was nearly too late prosecution of Saddam Hussein the logic to a pathological, some to a ready evident, seems that an allowance for forcing a still in bed with Saddam Hussein to be to forcing a geo-topo-theo-politics progression from the end of the Cold War to Iraq then allowed, due necessity to be then in an arms race with Iran. By the Democrats errs there would be no Justice for all exported.

The Democrats shadow is of the solutions tyranny in their GREEN AGENDA said due due climate change ALARMISM to being a major jobs and economies killer across the Middle East, so for now their is enough truth in candidate Sanders postt to move on back to the issues in Secretary Kerry’s own “legitimacy”! We cannot turn the clock back on the economic decimation affected as seeded by the Clinton Administration (in unprincipled disengagement) and then so decimated with the GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM tyranny of arrogance, - that we very much do need a prudence in a CLIMATE REDIRECT from.

Secretary Kerry, I presume, is of a plausible deniability (, like Mrs. Clinton before him,) for firstly just a tool of President Obama, however himself exercised for an actual National Socialism where the leader is to be thought not fallible. Issues of Secretary of State “legitimacy” are of the President’s.

There is issues of “legitimacy” for these horrendous acts said of affectedness in an obedience stately of the Islamic State, that do also test this pared of Secretary Kerry’s struggles as President Obama’s due Democrats fatal flaws, - for legitimacy.

America shares the French “we have flowers” - it is the common core less taught of a civics potential in a Republic for civility established as Ordered by the People of and for due process.  Any “free exercise of religion” within the domains of the Republic of these united states of the Americas is firstly secured contrary to the Democrats fatal errs, as secured it is even for, and especially of matters of refugees, especially if of Islam, in there duty for all to commit to the Pledge Of Allegiance to that of innocence until guilt can be proven, - of a constituted for a practiced even for religious in a specified republican due process, of enumerated civil procedures and processes.

Muslims have received many amazing gifts from Allah since the days of the vibrancy of Muhammad’s dedications to Islam. The acts said of “terror” in Paris beg for intelligence in the affected, - there is a clarity of “holy message” like missing in the tragic affected. There is plausible concern as to actual legitimacy that begs if any actors to such barbarism could have half a brain among them to the fullness of laid forward by Muhammad’s own.

There is that Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, - that their God is equally above them, - that Muhammad of Arabia was of deserts so severe he was fully aware to the difficulties of finding the Holy in the deserts and hills of lava rocks, even daily.

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad seems at least halved by the attacks of Paris so that their is that “legitimacy” issue Secretary Kerry’s own legitimacy is hampered by?

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad was before the days after gifts from Allah should have generally changed the civil landscapes everywhere, whatever a places religiosity or particular struggles locate of to practiced Holiness, - before the invention at least of air conditioning, and personal portable gps mapping and locating guidance equipment affordable as common accessories for most?

There is that Jesus and Muhammad as one not above the other yet have a geo-topo-theo-politics as of their sufficed, if, for practiced, to affecting religiosity.

Muhammad whole brain affected has a legitimacy that the Paris Attacks, said by ISIS seems less than half respecting.

Muhammad, with his God equally above him, did attest to a inadequacy of Christianity for God’s deserts so of a severity.

Muhammad, now after so many gifts from God, too gifts from Allah, seems more wholly reasoned and accountable than if ISIS is of legitimacy of a justification for Islamic action affected as if Jihad by Paris fatal blows, and mass affected vast injurious.

To Secretary Kerry and the pickle he is in of “legitimacy” there is the problem that the air of affectedness seems as easily more likely to if such was an duped to for a convenient crisis by a criminal mastermind of motives that now seem to affect an unreasonable amount of angst and counter action against any however seekers of actual justice joined of an Islamic State peoples movement yet for religious liberty, where Islam is yet adequate for Arabian deserts finding of paths to Allah as seems Muhammad realized and exercised to Christianity was inadequate even while Christ Jesus himself not an infidel. Before the inventions at least of air conditioning and affordable portable gps the practiced for core Islamic desert existential yet stayed true of a first prudence for a unity of brethren to be practiced to desert survival, and of cutting free weak links when too weak to so known weak to be a threat to any other, or a camel train of many.

It boggles a learned conscience on legitimacy even as Democrats fatal flaws of darkness in their long dark shadows of guilt.

It boggles how civil procedures were not exercised by any if actually true to an Islamic State as a peoples movement for religious liberty.

It boggles juxtaposed to the due process committed to by Pledge Of Allegiance of the Republic the French helped seed & grow.

It boggles to Secretary of State John Kerry’s opined confused on legitimacy, also, as it seems the outcomes from these Paris Attacks leave one thing self evident:


Besides all the gifts from Allah, as from God, this One equally above the flowers and deserts of Christ Jesus and Muhammad, it is yet that there is confusion in America for for too long the Democrats have undermined the Constitution as actually the People by Order to it Established in Christianity but disallowed from theocracy and to that Congress is to make now law respecting an “establishment” of religion. Any and all refugees must at least ask themselves if they can live in this Republic dedicated, in committed pledge to, of any free exercise of religion yet to be constituted in civil procedures for democratic civility established and ordained for due process, for of an innocence until proven guilty - by prescribed practiced ways kept.

The flowers are also everywhere, children of the world! Any practiced of Islam for desert survival too of paths to Allah is yet reasoned as reasoned wholly as for when in deserts do as Muhammad affected as allowable for survival of a holiest.

The “bad guys of everywhere” that boggles to confuses the legitimacy of the Democrats (of Obama administrations) is confused for it plausible to intelligent that the outcomes of these horrendous acts seem more to benefit entrenched leaders, not checked by democratic processes, firstly and mostly as if a convenient crisis to allow them more unthinkable acts as if justifiable.

The Islamic of Muhammad seems set forward for all Muslims to amended civil procedures themselves if gifts from Allah facilitate or enable respectfully.

The Islamic of Muhammad is so pared of Christianity as but inadequate for deserts severe of His severely tested for survival as with paths to Holy available and equitably, considering the complicated vicissitudes more incident to all from heat stroke, and suddenly upon sand storms, paired regularly to facts of life that alcohol under such temperate tested conditions is most recognizable as a threat to life to most, or all, - at least before the gifts from Allah of air conditioning, affordable portable gps, and at least satellite phones.

There is the legitimacy that there seems to be no apparent “flowers” for the Islamic State in if this was a reasoned and affected truly by ISIS committed souls. Unless depopulation of Muslims was the end game as the practiced and affected of believed.

There seems just to much plausible deniability for any of Islam even as if of a peoples movement for religious freedom as of the Levant as in an Islamic State.  The legitimacy if Islamic seems a message to Muslims refugees that they can be thinned out even if they leave the Levant.

The Obama struggles with legitimacy is of the fatal flaws of Democrats to an attempt to a post-Constitutional Union as if GOD was dead and any Pledge Of Allegiance could disrespect the common sense that “religion” is that which is of all things together as indivisible of a force conjoined as even the human species is like electric eels as themselves of a force that awakens in the bodies of religious as of embodied as bodies electric.

Secretary of State John Kerry, however errant or a rogue to President Obama, on legitimacy, yet is more, himself, than seeming half brained at best, for its seems contrary to Muhammad wholly exercised for prudence in desert survival of a keeping of paths to Allah. It just seems misdirected angst as it seems too likely “bad guys” may have been duped for (an)others’ machinations for (re)securing of their Power.

It seems seeded by “bad guys” that the sowing in Paris Attacks are yet no flowers for Muslims reaped! This is a legitimacy issue to concern all.

As Muslims seem free to celebrate Santa Claus as Christ Jesus nor Muhammad were neither above the other, while Christianity if practiced in deserts severe had inadequacies, as Christ Jesus was not an infidel while Christianity had geo-topo-theo-politics regional limitations that Islam has survived without, it begs, while refugees to too be to commitment by Pledge Of Allegiance to Republican civil procedures for due process, even as the Democrats of years against such to a post-Constitutional as a fatal flaw, - now hopefully fully repaired from forward, what legitimacy can there be of Muhammad laid for Holiness in such acts affected by seemingly likely duped “bad guys”?

There now can seemingly become a legitimacy legacy for these attacks of “Jihad” if by civil practiced by written or spoken articulations to a pathology to “flowers” also for any of Islam by seeming senseless acts of indiscriminate violence.

It now just seems that the Islamic State if truly guilty yet as justifiable now must at least affect poetry or rap to attest a Justice! It seems the violence wasn’t mighty to any clarity for legitimacy and now they if of affectedness must resort to the Power of words.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:05 am

I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, must keep the public, the American subjects, from considering my motives, and, from common sense.

I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, must keep them seeing me as playing checkers and to not thinking of complicated chess.

Can I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, yet firstly politically survive Labor Day Weekend 2015?  I gave a confounding interview on Friday, - can I survive even the weekend, now?

These days are quite different from before!  It is almost clear, dawning, that President Barack Hussein Obama has been, to date due full employment, peace in Middle East, and climate fixed enough to he willing to order ice breakers, established for intra-party Democrats consumption that he has been a better President than William Jefferson Clinton.

How can I like put enough cake on for a prima facia tabled to at least tease a suggestion to not look deep to the details, or for high definition, of facts of errs by Clintons in especially 1993?  With it near established that President Obama must now be the talk of the Democrats sides of towns as a better president than President Clinton I must set up for some blushed “Hillary” somehow as if of a lack of sufficient innocence.

My man has fallen!  What can I do now still to firstly defend my man!  What can I do as his fallen is breaking him politically wide open to the Clintons’ administration innards spilling of miles, and miles, of years, and years, of pipelines for monetization for personal emoluments for pecuniary amassing as if by convenience of power by possessing THE keyword & subject searchable data base, - right THE server, of President Barack Hussein Obama’s top Diplomatic Notes / #DipNotes?  What can I do, beyond friendly “media” puffery pieces to try to emote my subjects from intelligent consideration that the Clinton family foundation, as reported as able to command $1/2 Million per performance payments for #Bill, and $1/4 Million per hour for #Hillary, was seemingly only able to command such exorbitant emoluments pecuniary for President Clinton controlled President Obama’s TOP DIP NOTES?

What can I say, or lay on, to now try to hide that President Obama now is standing taller than President Clinton, and for bringing us to FULL EMPLOYMENT, PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND CLIMATE FIXED ENOUGH HE WILLING TO ORDER ICE BREAKERS?

My man has fallen!  How can I now, as I must, keep the world from looking at Mrs. Clinton as more symbolically at chess than still a pleasant distraction just of games of checkers?  Oy, the hell to pay, especially for President Clinton, if and when #MrsC chatted about across all know inhabitable lands as of rooks as the houses of Clinton, knights but energizers of infidelity trans-trollops, Bishops as the unlistened to but somewhere in my conscience, my King as a betrayer yet beside my side, and oh my pawns, my pawns, of an “how coldly she has sacrificed her pawns!”?

My man has fallen!  And now I seem beyond cake, however tabled vastly, and blush for a prima facia defense!  My man has fallen to be forevermore a worser President than President Barack Hussein Obama!  Dear subjects, how about a game of checkers? Oy!!! Dear subjects, I, we, seem beyond playing to the black other to our white pieced out and boarded not too public. Oh feet, my feet, haven’t I fallen too?

Your man Barack Obama, President is now, relatively, standing so tall.  You’ve heard the one of FULL EMPLOYMENT, - yes?

Your man Barack Obama, President is now, par to Supreme Leader tall!  You’ve yet heard he recant from MESSIAH?

My facade has fallen, - my bust to be of my face etched and chiseled for times of I never managed to shoulder the lesser job of State though I doth proclaimed and proclaimed I was to be ready on day one for the bigger job. Can I find a defense I can speak with, - are there words I can yet emote of some innocence that can stick to my styling long enough, - to escape unforgiving ravages of a chess like fall of the houses Clinton?

On day one I didn’t have to be stressed by setting up one device for Bill & Hillary private shares, and hoarding of Obama TOP #DipNotes.  There was an easy out of regular order already established; - I could have just used my work provided standard operation procedures.  There is now no defense, - if otherwise - WHERE? - - - !!!  I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, played checkers, at best, while my job was to think as if playing chess, seems clear, - let me be clear: SEEMS CLEAR!!!

I have fallen, it may be yet in a matter of one move or a few moves, - - -  but, I am doomed, - I am fallen!

I have fallen, it may be yet in a matter of one move or a few moves, - - -  but, I am DOOMED, - I AM FALLEN !!

Cannot I, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. C., however, yet hide enough away with teased puffery, for game to last the weekend?  Our 1993 is where most of our pawns sacrificed have the pathology for forensics to find of errs made by Clintons’ diplomacy.  Our 1993-2001 is now like entirely contrary to the Obamas’ 2009 to Present as now two administrations have long suffered for the Clintons reckless pop chase for surplus popularity while needing to reverse the Clintons’ vast excessive cuts to generally to reverse near holy all or most of the extra trillion in cuts past the Republicans trillion cut to BALANCED.

Cannot I, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. C., however, yet hide enough away with teased puffery, for game to last the weekend?  My Benghazi is here to stay and haunt and haunt and haunt, — My Benghazi is here and out to how I so very much did like (oddly) make all or most of the same errs as President Clinton to 1993 on Al Qaeda, and especially Iraq.  But post my Friday puffery with friendly media I still seem SOOO DOOOOMED !!! 

I, Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton, wasn’t even ready from day one for the lesser job as a go to Secretary of Obama for President Obama to have diplomatic solutions as alternatives to war; I, as Secretary of State did carry on to just like a Secretary of War at checkers!  There is no chess defense for the “The Hillary” evermore, - It is out that I even left the Obamas’ second Secretary of State such a simple, and yet to be tried, alternative - diplomatic solution to try! - - -




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:14 am

It is my goal today to press out a timely corralling of President William Jefferson Clinton as probed, speared, and finally slowed.

Today, as high noon an eve of destruction looming in an EMPEROR OBAMA OF IMMIGRATION PARK, at least for new wordage by the hour in tonnage, it is iffy how metaphorical apropos the moment while the concurrent of such a dire. It may be iffy to risk at metaphors to assuage a sufficient discernation from a pack mentality by use of literary echoes of the TEAM OF RIVALS of TEAM CLINTON persisting as declaratory as living “rivals.”

To speak to species and genius differential, as necessary, in a pre-meditory pre-coverage of a too stepping out “Emperor” President Barack Hussein Obama:  Let us stick to WJC as a “BULL” and moderate the risks with a showing of BHO now preen and puffed but as a coiffed poodle.  To just I presume you share an opinion in the on point EXCLAMATORY that was Election 2014 of the We the People spoke with votes protestant of our politics as too gone to the dogs.

As the poodle at PRESIDENTIAL is the issue the query of the metaphor the obvious is the history in his wordage by the hour in tonnage, and too specifically the Second Inaugural Speech of President BHO for it of a proclaiming that he just after having sworn the oath of office was of posture and teeth forward but of an intent to not see himself as “beholden” to the oath he had just put his paw/hand to.  Yes, to this it is apropos to speak to the bigger problem of a sad state of America in that a former President has too much been free and about as if a “BULL” globally.

As I work out this new for CitRB.com: FYI:  For I want 88, 89, 90 in The Freedom Tower - One WTC:  Clintons obvious 9/11 negligence at least has to be pressed and pressed until lies cloaking TRUTH arrested, at least to Clinton years of negligence in justifying training years for I won’t act towards such desire until politics & press natural tone is clearly suspicious of the Clintons at least for their obvious culpable HISTORIES.

Granted….Let me be clear:  Though it seems maybe unfair to ascribed PBHO as to be tonight a puffed coiffed poodle the point is perspective to WJC so of “BULL” - - -  If not EMPEROR OBAMA OF IMMIGRATION PARK a poodle to HOMELAND then for fair perspective and a measured metaphor mustn’t PBHO then be more a STUART LITTLE, merely? 


So he is shown to be today of a BULL & POODLE show?  Fair enough due the obvious in the on point EXCLAMATORY across these lands in the recent secured INVITATION BY ELECTIONS TO EXPRESSION BY VOTING just days ago this same November in the Year of the founders’ “our Lord” writ & signed ordained, established, done that early year in this Christian Calendar Ordered?

Righteo, as a poodle, however to be puffed and coiffed, such here is minor to the major - minimal to the grandiosity - tree to the forest - bit to the whole of it more to most concerning that we have a former President, however now slowed and if to also soon fall, whom has been to much of “BULL” as Un-Constutionally a former President term limited who yet won’t fade away or step from attempts at still exercising a Presidential “BULLY PULPIT” dominance.

Of the “BULL” too and issue: As “shared” and “tweeted”:  As seems #‎BillClinton‬ races #‎HillaryClinton‬ out of bed to puff chest as if Presidential still, & HRC again to failing:  Race from same or separate beds?

Of the spousal and Clinton husbandry:  Let me be clear:  I leave it to you to now or later to associate Hillary Rodham Clinton of an apropos metaphorical about this “BULL & POODLE” treatment.  It seems as recently just colloquially a “bitch” of the President of submission, however ever a “rival” of “BULL” “Bill”, and now again as if just a ordered first “mate” of global initiatives she must somehow be both maybe a female poodle and yet a mate to “BULL” of consummated spousal (equality) maybe as a heifer, just.

I leave it - a metaphorical “it” and “is” and “is” to fit Mrs. WJC to you, and much as it seems at least Democrat Clinton Feminists have also stopped here without dealing, and too as it complicated per impeachment Justice that President Clinton seemed spousally advised not to alight on his spouse as if an “X” to Miss Monica as ever by them of “see X” “SEX” definitionally basically.

An inconvenient truth of such “BULL” how per perspective to “POODLE PRESIDENT” at IMMIGRATION WJC more, and with Mrs. Clinton, an elephant in the building.  It is so bad a truth the Clinton an “elephant” the building so must be quite a China Shop with narrow isles.  How the Clintons are an “elephant” so an ELEPHANT IN A CHINA SHOP to the “POODLE PRESIDENT” on IMMIGRATION is by the full measure of the Clinton administration of $2 Trillion in cuts in lieu of an immigration fix, in lieu of newer school books for public schools, in lieu of schools repairing or rebuilding, in lieu of infrastructure funds, however just for jobs, for list of known condemned and nearly condemned roads and bridges, …, in lieu to per a culpability for KATRINA also as in lieu too of funds to rebuild MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet) known since 1983, if I recall finding of GROSS NEGLIGENCE, to be substandard.

*** Oh MY! MR GO is on the Clintons most in the courts finding of the Federal Government of a gross negligence back as I recall to 1983 - - - The Clinton have the greatest guilt for KATRINA for they cut $2 Trillion in lieu of doing the right thing by the needed levy dependent people of New Orleans.  The Clintons are the most taggable of GROSS NEGLIGENCE an also beyond them of $2 Trillion cut in lieu of doing the right thing(s) while money was available - very available, and with such of $1 Trillion of $2 Trillion cut just also so in lieu of doing the right thing by “bullying” Congress into an unnecessary surplus by cutting $2 Trillion instead of just the $1 Trillion the Republicans found to cut to merely “balance” the budget.


Back to being clear of the “BULL” less the “elephant” to immigration, now, it behoove all to refresh themselves to a reset to the obvious - to TRUST THE OBVIOUS - to see it as too obvious that the Clintons have a pathology forensically political that rents a culpability to at least a “legal” “negligence” - seems - for the obvious at least of the 9/11 attacks justifying and training years were their years of doing the deciding and bullying globally.

Let me be clear:  It may behoove all to corral the “THE CLINTON” of the “BULL” forevermore, presently ASAP!

Let me be clear:  It may behoove all to corral the “THE CLINTON” of the “BULL” forevermore, presently and as comparisons beget PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA as now, however personally responsible, yet incidentally a “POODLE” to such “BULL” of all such an inconvenient truth at least mostly to TEAM CLINTON of the (OBAMA) TEAM OF RIVALS.

Let me be clear:  It may behoove all to corral the “THE CLINTON” of the “BULL” forevermore, presently and righteously, if I can, as also fallen - as also fallen now like Mrs. Clinton - as also fallen like former Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama has problems and now may becoming a late living martyr for his causes by forcing the Republican Congress to check and balance his un-Constitutional with Constitutional hearing to slowly and thoroughly proceed towards impeachment even if insufficient time now is extant for such to conclude before the 2016 elections or a Constitutional swearing in of a new President in 2017.

But let me be clear:  A greatest DANGER to America, however more “welcoming” “sold” persists as of “BULL” of Clinton while though some probed and speared and slowed, and likely definitively also fallen, where such “BULL” seems too prized and with an ignorance or avoidance of so much of the “THE CLINTON” so present and obvious to them of a negligence, at least, for the justifying and training years of the Al Qaeda 9/11 attacks were their years of “BULLYING” “GLOBALLY” firstly.

I mean, really, isn’t it clear William Jefferson Clinton and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton must now be both too obviously too culpable for too much that has gone bad to very bad and while just wrong and so obviously just of their obvious initiatives?

Doth a bell toll too far beyond a war nurse copacetic of a “BULL” Clinton too a “BULLGRUBER” regular order politics “legacy” now to it only needed to believe the worse to know that WJC has priors as a CHEATER?

Who isn’t like a Clinton “gruber” as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Gruber proffers so STUPID AMERICAN?  How isn’t the story of Professor Gruber also of “BULL” a BULL GRUBER?  How isn’t America as stupid as Jonathan Gruber, teacher, professes so STUPID?

To this however metaphorical in an apropos remains:  Is there just one “BULL” or a party at least a gaggle as a warren of “BULLS” of a herd mentality as a BULL GRUBER PARTY?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:00 am

So it really happened!  So across the nation states, not Connecticut, amassed a new balanced political to these days forward differently.  Why is/was Connecticut different - why didn’t the Nutmeg State the Constitution State also seemingly adjust to a “more mature”?  What explains my Connecticut - what explains a state that should be now much aligned with the Republican Congress for the economics of the state?

This is not personal nor judgemental of senior Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal nor junior Senator Christopher Murphy;  This is hardly even to be specifically associated with Governor Daniel Malloy governance;  what follows in the brevity here is more to how embarrassing, for starters, that Connecticut hasn’t/didn’t have a ROMNEYCARE as long as Massachusetts, and too for Hartford the “INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD” wasn’t as the capitol of the state also yet the leader more than Massachusetts and Governor Mitt Romney in seeing all its citizen residents covered somehow.

The problems concurrent of Connecticut are bigger and more historical than those its top politicians currently.

My state should expect these though to be to voting less to defend or support any #VANITY of President Obama.

My state should expect these though to be considerate that it is also embarrassing for #LABOR that President Obama’s JOB CZAR whom found “shovel ready” not as easy as expected is that CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt an executive of a Connecticut headquartered corporation.

My state should expect these though to consider, even if unavoidable, that had they been up for re-election they likely would have lost to Republicans and some for more Independents and Republicans likely would have voted so that the state could be better positioned for copacetic votes to support its defense contractors, insurance industry, and yet still somehow its institutions of liberal education.


It too must be of people watching in my state that any seeing some likely of OBAMACARE are to feeling guilty and to pondering politics for the querious should be shamed to asking:  WHY DID THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAVE TO INTRUDE SO THAT MY NEIGHBOR COULD GET HELP FROM THEIR NEIGHBORS IN THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNITY?

For now I do hope my Senators are the first to reboot bipartisanship in Washington in the Republican Congress and without being asked by representatives of competing states firstly to do what is best or just right for their own constituents.

I do not know how this state, I did help much in the early 1990s, and coincidentally by also helping Democrats be protected from themselves, by pulling or pushing them to get Governor Clinton to enter 1992 races, as a talking head political to express a popular logic for victory, as I had pressed, for a anchoring of the NEW WORLD ORDER, as set with sufficient rode, in the “local” of NEW HAVEN, fell so far from mark.  This is what my fellow Connecticut peeps little know of as of the Clintons so of me as of New Haven and as yet so some only learned to the imports useful of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM postures.  Yeh, run-on wordy!  I must feel some betrayed by my state in how 2014 races could be of CLINTON showboating and yet without the state generally learning more of one of its own, me - of learning of me from those its “leaders”.

The real problem with WASHINGTON and OBAMACARE is that it is affected as if it is/was necessary because all the local and state “leaders” across the nation were and are incompetents and failures - that communities are incapable of community organizing like of old parish basis of tithing the “insurance” for such catastrophes.  Connecticut based General Electric Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey R. Immelt hasn’t provided a civil leadership to much of the imports of economics essays at http://CitizenRosebud.net, and to it that corporations likely are better if back to promoting only those whom somehow are still of giving back near 10% voluntarily to their communities, however in religious freedoms for diversity in pluralism rights.

It is embarrassing that it was a Connecticut CEO who so failed as a JOBS CZAR and too as reported while such Connecticut headquartered company supposedly nearly paid zero taxes.  I don’t know the story to how GE paid so few taxes - - - I get General Electric showed a lack of imagination while its CEO was JOB CZAR and as it is I have explained how it was a company that should have been lobbying for growth industries with its expertise in “cooling” & “energy” product lines to these years of the Obama Administration as better if to other directions for CLIMATE CHANGE solutions.

Right - Immelt should have been able to find like a ton of GREEN & SHOVEL READY jobs just for AMERICANS with his own company’s selfish corporate interests.  But how did CONNECTICUT let it get to OBAMACARE while it of its capitol as THE INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD?  More to these embarrassments try trusting bitly links http://bit.ly/PeoplesClimate & http://bit.ly/CapToPeace of assorted available on and off of http://JPHogan.org!

Right - Clinton caught a wave for 1992 after entering the races late, after first testing of my messaging firstly with Pennsylvania race of Harris Wofford as with James Carville and Paul Begala.  George Stephanopoulus was too party to such #HOGAN strategizing for New Haven to anchor a urban agenda in NEW WORLD ORDER balanced politics as set up in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM figuring of local & global - while seemingly more/only “local”.  Stephanopoulus was in Representative Richard Gephardt’s office with Charles Koch’s son as a peer equal when I first wrote to such to prode Democrats to get someone to enter races that Democrats otherwise were like of Senator Al Gore from running away from.




Right - I do expect the Connecticut Senators Blumenthal and Murphy must be figuring for Pratt & Whitney, GE, Sikorsky, Groton Electric Boat, … Hartford Insurance companies … that they should be like the first to be crossing the lines to a new bipartisanship in the Republican Congress.

Seems it is in Connecticut best interests to vote less for the #VANITY of President Obama and too to be joined forward to a prosecution of the Clintons as seeming of a fraud long in not being able to repeat past successes long sold to the nation as if of their genius and made by them.

If Connecticut had Senators also up for election in 2014 wouldn’t this state have been again to expressive politics of a better balance of interests in its home economics and to also having found a clear vote for Republicans - one to at least caucus with Republicans even if newly another a Connecticut Independent?

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MUY MAL? - - - RATS???
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:57 am

However the Democrats now proceed as desperados, of red lines a new fence line, we have it united in Clinton as gringos as improper messengers. We are joined today of a common struggle, yet so of a “We” of North America, of the totem of Obama as three headed and so of confused my-antics.  So “capped” as basic as if in totemed Mrs. Clinton too is the beast of burden a burrow a donkey at the gate and neither a Clinton nor an Obama atop of deliverance in prophecies.

William Howard Taft would likely see it as self-evident that such a troika of an Obama totem is of a body to be trust busted. Taft, as President, would have seen desperados as rats and too as gringos even if of a black sheep prima facia totem politics.

As we are now long - too long - of a President, however singular or unique, of his leading from behind it is of an essence of journalism that I too now should follow from behind. It is confused enough that the “THE OBAMA” is so three headed and contrary of irreconcilable differences in any legacy of William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, and Barack Hussein Obama.  There is a blooded in the supposed joined fences where there must yet be corralled a differentiation for each now a desperado however “gringo” or “black sheep” as rats each with their own tales.

It behoove us to transit prudent and open eyed to the humanity in the forces so united as if an American troika of one body Democrat;  Prudent it be to see the wolves as wolves - coyotes as coyotes - donkeys as donkeys - rats as rats!  However pedestrian and catholic, any discussion of trespassing must now be at what is of a “GOOD” in the Americas.

The worst nightmare for and Democrat of such systemic contrary ways is that there is now set up, however accidentally, a stage global where contrast and differentiation is otherwise conveniently scripted as of a threshold seen but maybe as of a point of no return not to be trespassed.  These are trying times where the worse possible “totem” for the The United States of America is to be confused as of a troika yet of one body where there can be a rival, a rival, and another rival all yet as rats;  There are great dangers in any “American” face as if prima facia of three heads concurrent to “National” initiative deciding, and especially with three so as differentiable as Mr. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, and President Obama.

We as of the “We” of “American” yet colloquial of the USA continental biased pride are called out to each a People’d to rationalized through an irrational even as it presents that it may be reasonable to think it now doesn’t matter how bad the Republicans in mass, or specifically, are for it is borrowed and trespassed of Democrats as desperados now too established as the worser - more the worst.  The Democrats, as establishment, are now too much cooked up of rats.  However Catholic the Democrats, so, have much transited a new-coding to over-write or supplicate the old codes - the original coded for shared humanity.


We as of the “We” of the Americas, however sympathetic to the “THE ITALIAN” of the HOLY SEE OF ROME, must maybe now settle back as more Randian yet not as “isolationists” technically.  Where the USC of the USA may prohibit a specific declaration of war as for such would be maybe a declaration of to “HOLY WAR” as set up by an adversarial of Sunni sectarian faith in Islamic writs it may be that the Constitution is better than any Democrat totem, however.  We are near, but not yet it seems, at Saudi Arabia of declaring war or open hostility for enforcement upon/against ISIS;  We are near at it that we must be cautious and to a belief that Saudi Sunni and ISIS are to brethren and uniformly “nationalistic.”

Rats!!!  As the President, however a desperado a rat of a totem of an improper and confused apparent troika, persists of a “leading from behind” it for journalism much that parsing particulars have to be some constructed to a following from behind.  Rats!!!  This could be very bad for many!!!

Already breached seems to be a fact that President Obama, however the “leader” of a rat pack, of desperados, gringos but as of a black sheep, is that the politics of the The United States of America are without yet a strategy for countering the faith based “Justice” uniformed marching that for now seems maybe to be actually too nearly of Saudi Sunni “nationalism” to be maybe not “terrorism” but warring by “uniformed armed forces of a nation.”

To cover from behind we now are left to talk about the vacuous - the absence of leadership - the failures from avoidance and inaction.  For starters we are prudent to rap this so of rats as of a pack of desperados now to desperate to police their partisan fence lines than to perform on Constitutional coded prescribed duties.  As a pack of rats so too much at CYA generally, and specifically, much always globally, it is yet modern that “MS” is abreviated in “MSNBC” and that we have already too long experienced, if not consciously witnessed, that Democrats have been at an attempts to be nearly of conquests of “Un-American” as if new and more coded and newly otherwise nationally programmed (in a secular) as acceptable as new of extra-Constitutionals in a Post-Constitutional as NEW “AMERICAN”!

Are the Sunni of ISIS (and Saudi Arabia) now ready to speak Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish (of Argentina) firstly?  If we now are behind the President as behind in leading aren’t we yet of a concern about Saudi Arabian “official” speak of a warning to Europe and the USA of threats from ISIS without themselves firstly at a clear differentiation to establish that ISIS is not actually merely as more a unified uniformed force yet of the “national” bulwarks theirs?  Have the Saudis now put to the perceptiveness of President Obama an apparent extant that their horses are ahead of any ISIS carts?

The “Greatest Generation” had their “Rat Patrols” - now like so much else of USA so far progressed as if the originality and original pragmatic so coded as the “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” “American” were passe we have it a conundrum that Democrats have us embroiled and in dire straits from too many cookies or wrenches like now in the gears of our original coding of it now more self-evident that there has been an attempt too generally (and of a conspiring) to be effectual to a re-coding re-programing from the prudent balanced think still writ workable of the USA USC so “done” as established and ordained “code.”

It is the Democrats worst nightmare that there is now globally and locally set up a staged demonstrable in contrariness to air out and discern the differences at least of the “BLOOD FEUD” where it desperate for each at least as Mr. Clinton, and Mr. President Obama, that they become remember of a different legacy and one superior somehow to the others.  It is so great a problem that this week commenced as if Mr. Clinton had Mrs. Clinton held by a tail and so safely yet guarded from an onslaught of intra-party assaults by President Obama - or his henchpeople squad/pack.

Further yet in following from behind the behind leading of the Democrats, so of a dangerous extant as if us of the US as a three headed troika, we may be freer now to be a nation like in isolation but globally to Republicans offering a best peace in international leadership to saving the planet, otherwise more reasoned to better climate change solutions, and quite while we as “American” of the our “We” are if to be targeted yet likely to be targeted less or even lastly per the “faith” or “Holy” of ISIS even if not now more to be assumed to be yet armed and uniformed forces of Saudi Arabia.

There is a serious lack of leadership from this troika a dangerous three headed “national” in the leading from behind of President Barack Hussein Obama.  There is that now I am trying to figure myself how to follow from behind of journalistic standards and to not be too much to a Corp Speak like too many of the Democrat CYA propaganda however of a failing attempt long at reprogramming the “American” by new pop media “governance” too much of an infidelity to the Constitution and as of re-coding from a still workable and superior original “recipe” coded.  To “report” but not be of too much Corp Speak devoid of defense of a “FORCE” and of Corporate forces (too partisan) aren’t we now left to follow by branding too much of the Democrats as “very bad” and of a troika a rat pack yet otherwise as of irreconcilable feuding for differentiated “legacies”?

From behind, and as it may be that Russia should be more firstly a targeted by ISIS as idyllic of a shared Sunni mission to yet be “officially” differentiated from “Saudi” and “Uniformed” as “National” and that Europe as been warned seemingly by Saudi Arabian “posts” we of the USA USC have it that it gets Constitutionally concerning that we may have to sit any “Holy War” so out for our Congress though of the Power of declaring War is yet barred firstly by the First Amendment from any Law making however “respecting” and “establishment” of “religion.”

We may as a Nation be best now to accept we are less and enemy of ISIS and Saudi Arabia and to it better for us all now to busy ourselves as earth firsters to trying to save the planet while humanity is yet struggling as if devolving or evolving “religions” elsewhere.

We may, however ISIS now seeming too much as if “uniformly” of a brethren of “National” of that of Saudi Arabia, now be safely too remotely a reasonable “enemy” and to be busy at our own “nationalism” where it seems only by a Presidential decree could USA armed forces get deployed in disrespect to the “religious” protections Constituted in the First Amendment prudence.

So:  RIGHT!!!  Are the Sunni however of ISIS and Saudi Arabia now willing to risk less certainty as of a “HOLY WAR” more pedestrian and catholic of spurring Catholics to a defense of Europe - of Catholics where ever to a co-defense of Italy - of Spanish speaking at least of Argentina to be mobilized with the Italians in a defense of the American Pope?

To November, however we now are to get there safely, it seems despite the suggestion of sweetness the Democrat Party is to evidenced of most biased towards harvests of too empty cornucopias.  To November and beyond it seems irreversible that Democrats however totemed of ranks are now dangerously a threat to national security as of a confused prima facia in a conundrum as a three headed but of one National “body.”

To November it is precious that a ghost of William Howard Taft is pre-staged and ready with a big stick to trust bust the “Corporate” of any to all reprogramming initiatives of at least the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES corporate and too now necessarily at least a complicity in “Corporate Speak” “Corporate Power” of at least the brand “MSNBC” as not “Media” but “Public Relations” and too much collaborative in propaganda differentiable from “free speech.”

RATS???  And, now ironic that if CITIZENS UNITED is to overturned it may be for exercised “speech” too contrary to “American” and by the “corporate” however most clearly or specifically of a CLINTONS’ “MACHINE”?  And, now as Governor Terry McAuliffe seems by any QUID PRO QUO standards to be profiting politically in office now since having like having bailed out the “dead broke” Clintons by at least guaranteeing them one or two houses - or more lay as if of “buying” them such as “improper gifts”?

                                           *     *     *

Note:  This seems all that may be appropriate now to yet “report” rightly from behind the leading from behind of these so confused and yet packed “DEMOCRATIC” also remarkable as a troika in totemed intra-party feuding as rats as desperados too busy at attempts to a new sweetness by brainwashing hoards reprogrammed to a Post-Constitutional new Democrat Corporate Speak Power, and yet as it seems the original recipe is already proofed better and ready to be rebooted (reset) by Republicans or at least a “New Democrat”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:00 am

So you are back at school, or soon back in school, and get the reference!

What now?

If the The United States of America can yet restore itself to a moral economics of growth what must you now be reared in for a reset to moral capitalism?  What should they, I, or you now be asking “teachers” to be instructive of for the new year 2014-2015?  Whom now but Mrs. Clinton needs to be dissected in a forensics as if of a cold case of old bones yet pathological from a so late autopsy on the economics (of so many crushed by Mrs. Clinton)?

Is it that we witnessed not a squeak - but a ROAR - by those campy of the OCCUPY civil disobedience?

We are of a new media eco-systematic where the lead much went to the HUFF-PO and Arianna Huffington for a mediacratic dissemination of a pressing of evils of banks and banking. Well, where I for sake of time management, however of flex time flexibility, left it organizationally more to AH to carry on in capitalizing on improper capitalism by BIG BANKS.  The TARP of the BANKS gave moral rise to camps of the tarps of OCCUPY - can any “work” now be done in a reset for “business ethics” and per how the Obama TARP was an unjust and unfair bailout of the BIG BANKS that suffered many a commoner indiscriminately?

In a modern linguistic, a lingua franca of hip hop, the rap of such, much come of the sixties, is not yet so good as has been twained and rapped about.  There are people in power now whom can be peeled back like say an onion and shown to be of the seeds of the sixties and corrupted at least in altered think or illogic since fertilized of such epochal.  The “grip” of Mrs. Clinton may yet be less deadly than her hands at “diplomacy.”  The tail of Mrs. Clinton is too the WAG THE DOG tales of a corruption akin to “Bill” Clinton.  What President Obama was able to do with the Clintons’ economic experts as his, however, since becoming effectual while still only “President-elect” is true to a forensics where logic can dictate that since Mrs. Clinton so of priors in such primarily contested was of such same extensive promises she today would have necessarily been of all or most of the same perils in economics as we have suffered since 2008.

That decidedly exposed, per the economic culpability, of Mrs. Clinton, however, still leaves us to it, even if rapped, that Mrs. Clinton, if of a VMAs, would be of a sound track for “HARD CHOICES” of a cacophony of discordance loud as war however yet measured in beatings in a bombastic percussionary irregularity most ironic if in sotto voce.  Any soundtrack for “diplomacy” of Mrs. Clinton, however since Secretary Clinton, is let of discord in war of stories to be told of her fallen below a capacity for “diplomatic solutions” - at least for a new “longest war.”

An allegorical is somehow at least that Mrs. Clinton does not have a soft touch.  It is said, and arguably logically, that she is (at least) postured as a “WAR HAWK”!

As Mrs. Clinton, however unlikely ever to have become President Clinton also in a Clinton proper name while of a marriage union of its whole of the 22nd Amendment term limits post Roosevelt National prudence, was yet set up to be postured economically as President Barack Hussein Obama was with the hold-over “Clintons’ EXPERTS” it seems fair to assuage a GUILTY as much upon HRC now as ever on PBO for the trials and tribulations long suffered as of “Obamanomics”!

A little known - too little known - truth of the economic recovery of the said Clintons’ 1990s is that such wasn’t a “Clintons’” worked recovery but a wave of economic resets they inherited as otherwise already secured and tracking to be for a second term of President George H.W. Bush.  I know of what I press out here in new media of this modern e-eco-system.

There is a vast, and yet central - centrist - problema to any posturing that Mrs. Clinton could yet fix what President Barack Hussein Obama has failed to fix - to even “reset.”  There is that essential to the recovery of the early 1990s is that it wasn’t the Clintons responsible - that they were wrong to treat being blessed with such inherited as if such was deeded to them as theirs forever as only their success for perpetuity in any political Posterity.

A problem of the tales of the Clintons yet is how tall they are at times of false constructs to be to burying a truth of how much came from one not of any PhD and yet successful to such, in its originality, and while yet so of his early twenties and boxed as of Generation X.  It is a complicated tale of economic and marketing truths of old worked synchronistically in integrated marketing where he that was most creative in originality to its engineered workable constructs in a choreographed economic growth potential didn’t need to be credited with it while it was happening - but yet — but yet, however, was carefully balanced in a Poseterity of nuancing so that if any not its say “godfather” or “father” were to claim it as of a false paternity the very “music” of such would be corrupted and effective to it to falling apart due to unethical burdens upon as too much weigh to yet stand.

The grip of Mrs. Clinton is for the record of deadly consequences.  It is now too for this new year 2014-2015 that future leaders of the known world are to asking at least themselves if and how it is that Mrs. Clinton isn’t yet aware or enough conscious of the dangers of her hands at our business.

For starters for all this new year 2014-2015 we are at it that the banks haven’t seen to or lead the remedying of the injustices and unfairness of the effected Obama TARP favorings.  Yet too it is that such is likely as for of the tale that they as Senator Clinton & Senator Obama did make all to nearly all the same very promises to be so engaged politically we must consider that Mrs. Clinton is no more than a female white “Obama.”  Yet too it seems prudent and necessary to right how wrong it has been to however have been carrying on to letting the Clintons take credit by like burying the truths much of a recovery from before they even entered the 1992 race as it that they inherited much that was secured and tracking to be otherwise for President George H.W. Bush in a second term. 

Again, I know of what I press here in speaking to a reset for business ethics as it is that I know quite personally that when in my early twenties I didn’t need to be given credit for that orchestrated to recovery originally from me, and of already at least a decade while yet so young in consideration, and so yet that though I didn’t need to be given credit whence it was so complicated that any false paternity or false claims to authority would necessarily undermine the strength of such and any further potential for it.

Mrs. Clinton if of a sound track to “HARD CHOICES” is but of noise - loud noise - VERY LOUD NOISES OF WAR!  Her hands at our Diplomacy have been too deadly for too many.

His hands at economics yet prove as if real as arguably as her hands if also at the general economics too as if like a strangle hold upon any mice of such a woman.  Whomever, however, we yet today are forward towards a commenced new year 2014-2015 of it unsettled and still a torch for justice how the TARP of President Barack Hussein Obama was not equitable to the People’d people generally.

I know of what I share/press here in new e-eco-mediatic-systematics of it that though I didn’t need to get the credit for that of my architecture of recovery that pre-dates the 1992 relevance of the Clintons it is that they cannot be stewards forward to any new recovery much for their reigned ruinous on the earlier recovery by taking onto themselves as if theirs what wasn’t theirs ever properly or pathologically.  Any autopsy of the economic collapses should find clearly that at least Mrs. Clinton’s hands were culpable to such as if a knowing or unknowing improper gripping.

The Clintons are those most culpable, especially if to scholastic causals, for they by their selfish politics falsely hoisted themselves of a flag for recovery not originally theirs, and yet as if theirs, and, and as it is that their selfish and too spousal politics worked it so that the designed and once secured greater and broader range of the early 1990s recovery was yet politicized so that it did work for fewer people and more selfishly just for them.

Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post, do you concur that this new year besides anewly set up of #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #ALARMISM is yet still morally begot to be necessarily to a review of parity and fairness of the Obama TARP as yet begotten in inequitable politics?

Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post, do you yet, perchance, share the ethics and generally esposed morality in those of the collective by ‘MILEAGE’ at http://bit.ly/MILEAGE - Too: That crime shouldn’t pay, and, too that Mrs. Clinton to have trouble at least with any state’s “clean hands” jurisdictions?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:31 am

The great and powerful climate change guru President “Barack” seems clearly of a plan - a plan maybe a twelve steps recovery process.

It behoove us now to consider which step we each are at and how early in the new discipline such has us each.  Without experience with other twelve steps processes, you, like I, may be worried the only the easy first steps are yet commenced and progressed from - from to permanent personal change.

How low can we go?  When the great and powerful climate change guru President Obama says “CUT! CUT!” anew how much lower now can we get?  What is your real potential to MODEL GREEN CITIZEN (SUBJECT?) to a new “step” and “steps” to further obedience patriotic to even more austere conservationism?  How much lower can you go?


Can we as a People yet be of a majority enough past even a third step of any process a plan of the great and powerful climate change guru President “Barack”?  Of the mileage we all have to go mustn’t the mileage we have yet gone be just cursory to a plan to save the earth - to his recovery plan?  We have seen and heard of higher mileage vehicles as quite quickly available soon after the prior administration with technological advances they must have long been fully supporting;  We have “NEW” & “IMPROVED” but are not quite of a majority to personally benefit in these higher mileage standards for lower carbon pollution CO2 emission levels.

Can we as a People yet be soon to a majority for higher mileage while to being MODEL GREEN CITIZENS (SUBJECTS?) to new lows for a greener economy?  We must be to being again stirred by dictates by the great and powerful climate change guru President “Barack” to an new CASH FOR CLUNKERS.  It figures if our fearless leader of such patriotism to austerity calling is talking highways and infrastructure again he must be also ready to reboot CASH FOR CLUNKERS - RIGHT?

The great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” did, when of so much vast left wing approved stimulus dollars, seem to abstain from highways, bridges, and tunnel projects for the good of the nation.  It seemed self evident that he was better to offer cash for old combustion based carbon monsters on the roads instead of funding fixing roads to let those “clunkers” seem repaired and sufficient incidentally by just improving the infrastructure they trespassed.  It seems it was pure genius, even as ridiculous as it seemed that it took near $250,000.00 in stimulus dollars for a creation of each job near a $25,000.00 annual salary, that the fearless (too) powerful climate change guru President realized that though infrastructure jobs are always “shovel ready” he would have to abstain some how from such being “shovel ready.”

“Shovel Ready” is a title like “addict” to “addicted” yet as for politics to politicians as such as supposedly of “shovel ready” is of that presumed to be the threshold of basic skills that define any person as qualified to be certifiable as a “politician.”  Any “politician” incapable of providing “shovel ready” jobs by definition is hardly certifiable as actually being a “politician”!

Our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” has yet not lifted or lower the DANGER!!! DANGER!!! levels of that which must be of a master plan to save the entire planet.  We are left as citizens (subjects?) now to surmise that the risks of the end of the world as near are still as prescient and real as first set as most alarming and dangerous.  We must now presume that we are only just at the first steps in a recovery and consider that the next steps to greater austerity in new conservationisms are our patriotic duty however to be easier or harder next steps.

We must accept how is seems fated to refresh the remarks/quips of Admiral David Farragut of the Hartford about the battles of Mobile Bay when of declarations, nearly, to be of: “Damn the torpedoes - Full speed ahead!”

Our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” must be actually meaning to be progressing with his leading from behind now anewly of a:  Damn the economies - Full speed ahead (at least to even lower mileage)!

Right Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has admitted she has a lot of mileage on her just from her days riding with our great guru.  But to understand the politics of Clinton’s “mileage” you might seek the new progressive language in sordid sorted of http://bit.ly/MILEAGE

From the experience with the first parlay as if of a real intent to be of infrastructure “shovel ready” jobs we have it that better roads, bridges and tunnels would have undermined the processes for corrective twelve steps to a People more austere in necessary conservationisms.  He our great (too) powerful climate change guru had a predicament in the first steps for his “CHANGE” that now likely is present still so that a CASH FOR CLUNKERS II would be a better next step than any real “politics” to “shovel ready” jobs.  Better infrastructure basically would set back progress as better roads will make those our guru thinks “clunkers” yet seem again charming enough - even if daily reminders how most are yet priced out of his new green bling automotive.

We seem to be now most surely still at the original proffered alarming dangers of a world as we know it soon to end.  Due to it that our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” hasn’t had reports of progress to share, or just as avoided further alarm by sharing a true dire earth status, we must see his grains of salt as grains of truth to it that we are only quite just begun and of only the first steps to a necessary patriotism in a greater yet austerity in even greater conservationism.

We are still of the level as:  DANGER!!! DANGER!!! THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT IS NEAR!!! CUT! CUT! CUT! CUT!!!

To now self asses our progress to the person we must look to fully consider how irresponsible we each are still if mobile forward of wants to jobs from infrastructure work while such would yet be to tempting and disruptive to the green agenda recovery generally.  We should be wise that “shovel ready” is a qualifier to “politician” and that any politician incapable of creating “shovel ready” jobs, especially when of so vast stimulus funds made available, must be either duplicitous or incapable.

Our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President must be of higher political ends for it isn’t (yet) generally accepted that he has just been incapable, and intentionally duplicitous while so incapable.  There is a “CATCH 22″ to his economics of recovery for recovery with his green agenda economics is most improbable.  We have that most are priced out of their homes/mortgages since the insurgency of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH joined to the marching to seize all oil company profits of the first steps with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.  We have that most while priced out of their old homes due to having been on fixed incomes budgets unable then to afford the (necessary and proper) new green agenda much higher gas & energy prices are now so still priced out of new and improved automotive options.  So it seems.

As infrastructure jobs would improve the ride of those so ordinary, and obviously so, as if of an underclass to the enabled rich of the green agenda political officer class, there is still the sacrifice and efficiencies expected however of a twelve step recovery to consider if to be a MODEL GREEN CITIZEN (SUBJECT?).  It seems only fair now that a CASH FOR CLUNKERS II be commenced for still it seems that so many - the majority - are priced out of the new improved OBAMA NEW ECONOMY for though a new car may be greener and helpful towards cushioning the politics of sacrifice and efficiencies and yet of much higher mileage per gallon performance it is still “detail” “detail” “details” that the price of gas is so high that the price of the car is still too high.

We must believe!  We must believe!  There must be a new CASH FOR CLUNKERS due if another “politics” rising while so many asked to yet be just of the first steps to even more austerity and new conservationism of a grand plan to save EARTH with like a twelve step recovery.  There must be a new CASH FOR CLUNKERS due for most - a majority - while still priced out of their homes since the DANGER!!! DAMN THE ECONOMIES!!! began with Democrat Party politics commenced with “AN INCOVENIENT TRUTH” & “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” and how now such lot is now mostly still priced out of comparable status new greener vehicles.

It was simple political analysis that “shovel ready” was only so hard for if to actual new jobs as so “shovel ready” the whole green agenda would have been undermined.  Better roads, bridges, and tunnels now would still be like better roads, bridges, and tunnels then - - - if they allow the nation to be to such then they are caught in an economic and political “CATCH 22″ of now way out or no way forward to the next (necessary) steps to further austerity for lower and lower carbon CO2 levels of from patriots to MODEL GREEN SUBJECTS (CITIZENS?) to however much newer conserving they can be brought to.

Can it yet be fair that the great and too powerful climate change guru President “Barack” yet now fund infrastructure without also funding a more massive new CASH FOR CLUNKERS as maybe a CASH FOR CLUNKERS II so that so many asked so long to sacrifice for EARTH saving efficiencies can yet not persist in suffering economics of still so priced out of their homes and new and improved automotive options?

As it was reported that with so much of vast liberal left stimulus dollars made available it is yet a wonder that as simple as definitive to “politics” as “shovel ready” jobs are that somehow these years have passed with so many so austere already and with a math, at least whence, of national solutions, so only of managing near one $25,000.00 per year job for each $250,000.00 spent in President “Barack” dollars.

It may seem crazy crazy but yet it seems we are all politically still called in a new patriotism and with the DANGER!!! DANGER!!! guidance still set to the maximum MOST ALARMING level.  MOST ALARMING!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

It started as an interesting enough morning after I realized, after the fact, that my social media commentary was, unusually for me, on a Media Matters link.  I ended up so in a defensiveness to having to explain the separation of church and state of the First Amendment - because.

Recently we all should have been shocked to our senses with the new Pope, as yet Francis, of the olive tree planting in an interfaith shoveling of new hope.  To understand the politics of the Democrat Party leadership in the The United States of America one should be guarded in their faith and gullibility?  To understand the first thing about the Democrat Party today maybe one should ask how the Pope like slapped Climate Change in the face by not having Al Gore also at the interfaith summit for his preaching of an alternative way by “caps” & “trades” as also “guilt” based and to superstitious and to blind obedience?

Let us discuss a how and why to it that Al Gore didn’t make the list.  Mustn’t we conclude that Al Gore is inconveniently so not to be (globally) perceived to be enough a “global figure” nor successful in his attempt to become like the new leader of a new religiosity?

Again, it is economically too true for even evidence based deciding that the Republicans are better on the economy and jobs for they sell SIN, SEX, SANCTUARIES, JUSTICE, & FORGIVENESS while “modern” Democrats otherwise are of their attempts still to a new too hyper and “pop” dogmatic based mostly in just selling SIN & ESCAPISM.  We are of times when George Orwell’s “1984″ like meets Ayn Rand’s “ATLAS SHRUGGED” and the Democrats to rightly slide from grace.

Besides my BA in economics studies I have my extra-curricular of reading all of Ayn Rand’s books coincidentally, mostly.  From such I can posture that Ayn Rand was/is GREEN in a good way and in “capitalism” still.  Ayn Rand was for efficiencies, yes, and truly liked those “progressive” as to better ways pursued smartly.  Ayn Rand likely if alive in these days would be also otherwise to selling a “climate change” prudence and yet by a celebration of economics also around the wisdom at decidings related to scarcity of resources.

How is it that Al Gore as the “godfather” of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM new dogmatic where he was to be set up as if above all others as the most high “official” didn’t get invited also to ROME?  We have it already that he wasn’t earlier invited to proffer at his alma mater Harvard University - but?  Is it Al Gore is too fallen and passe a human figure today?

“WORD SOUP” to stew on here verbatim from my sharing on Media Matters Facebook status update:

“There is the First Amendment concern with Immigration as per Obamacare where the Democrats are insisting that what has been of the “establishments” of “religion” is now theirs to make any Law in Congress regarding and so that though Obamacare defended as necessary due to “spill-over” interstate problems they left the spill-over of international of illegal immigration so too open to being healthcare “universally” if you can get here.  There never should have been such a vast healthcare reform such as the barely legal as a war powers tax Obamacare until there was a securing of all borders as the spill-over international is a bigger issue at healthcare costs than that of state to state spill-over used to pass it.  Essentially the Democrats have it so violate of the First Amendment as by making what was the realm of religion is now the Congress’ to establishments however violate also of federalism and states’ rights prudence.”

The separation is that there is a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion for religion is the poetry electric of the electric of shared humanity.  The separation is that the Congress is barred from assuming a more “Godly” than the People and that it is barred from establishments affecting as if it more than the People have a divine right and any greater superiority in interpreting the “establishments” of “religion” as set in the New Testament - at least.”

To associate all this with the times Al Gore is actually living in let us consider Virginia’s new representative elect for their 7th district Dave Brat.  He speaks with word “GOD” in traditional literary context of the founders and yet not in the new “religious” as by “GOD” replaced by “Cap N Trade”.  Many many books and songs are literally based on the a textual and the texture of the Bible - He speaks in a traditional “progressive” of humanity under GOD of a depth of thousands of years.  In these times that Al Gore is actually living it is DANGEROUS that Democrats of the The United States have postured and presumed a right to govern as if GOD were dead.  Democrats GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM & ACA aka OBAMACARE seem enduring in their suffraged as if made Law to replace any establishments of religion.

Yet!!! No the First Amendment is a clever affirmation despite Jefferson’s criticism to how as the first in amending the body of the Constitution it affirms that the Articles were/are the People’s “Order” to establish and ordain in the Year of the founders’ Lord that such was in an establishment in the New Testament as in the Christian Calendar and as said so “done” before the unanimous subscribing then affirmed by the 1st to how it especially important that Congress was to be seen as barred from changing that such is and should be the “establishment of religion” that it then is to have no superior right in interpretation of “religiousness” than the “People.” {I am realizing I have commented on a Media Matters thread.}”

There is a common thread in the “progressive” of the Democrats now trying to govern ideologically actually in their own times.  The Democrats are trying to give Congress and themselves the Power of religion which the Constitution by the founding fathers, and all the years in consecrating and affirming by whomever, is specifically barred from by the establishment ordained in the People’s Order and so affirmed by the First Amendment.  Again, Obamacare never should have been passed at least for it passed before an immigration solution was first passed to handle the too “universal” risks from too open borders.

So much of the Democrats’ agenda is so to a new dogmatic as if to a new religion it is a wonderment they otherwise seem less religious and acquiescent to the attempts to be just to an economics as if by a new “pop” governance with Clinton allowed, at least, to be too autocratic as too important in just a selling of SIN & ESCAPISM of creative artists too co-opted and too to a dangerous quid pro quo to hyper-pop media-conglomerate based “governance.”

How the Democrats have destroyed an economy, that despite the housing collapsing chaos while they were spiking the gas prices, and to their long desired much hire GREEN AGENDA pricing, and as it was we were to it by their forced inflation, remains an elephant in the donkeys’ pens.  There are a trillion unit points per dollar of the unnecessary Clintons’ surpluses to also look at with any discussion of either Clintons or Gore as per a culpability for destruction by GREEN TERRORISM.  For each dollar of their surpluses of the two trillion in cuts during the Administration of the Clintons there is a question mark as to how it could have been right to cut and cut and cut and cut while the climate, at least, was known to be in such jeopardy.  Particularly too as for they profess a prior knowledge that bigger storms were coming and yet didn’t even afford the peoples of New Orleans some of such funds so to do the recommended repairs to MR GO.

So I leave you as it seems Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton aka Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton seems stuck with her defeat already written and too as it seems while the words of her defeat in 2008, and such as I should have a Guinness Record Book record for, are also now ready again to defeat her as well.  We have work ahead of ourselves yet for the economy and governance seems stuck in the same old ditch much due to a real drop in voter and consumer confidence much for the music of the Constitution as keyed in the Christian Calendar now too aborted.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:59 pm

Grab a seat - sit down - get comfortable; This may take a while!

As you settle in and down let us preface this of a consideration that Mr. William J. Clinton and Mrs. William J. Clinton, by the time we are done here, should seem not as if they do belong in prison but more so to that they have already long deserved to be “checked” & “balanced” and “policed” to such of justifying incarceration.

Any Atticus Finch now is beyond any “free at last” for the feminine lawyer Clinton “Hillary” even if she however of being off/other handed than her culpability defense yet has allowed, as affirming for something other than any “innocence.”  It may be she is most “guilty” for beating our economies to these pulps but that such isn’t what is most egregious of her “guilts” - even her “guilty pleasures.”

She has no place in Ayn Rand’s literary accomplishment but as a worse & worst female antagonist as a feminine Peter Keating & yet as of a more trying and compromising older profession - older it seems than considerate “architecture.”

I do not know in any learnedness if she can be cast in any better light by Russian or Soviet literature - even if at all by WAR & PEACE or FATHERS & SONS.  Her “RUSSIAN RESET” has us nearest her greatest infidelity and compromising of American traditions as yet still fashionable as Constitutional; She may now be dammed and ruined yet still we may not as a People generally know enough about her “hows” and “whys” to so much now publicly marketable as too if too as if like at least a “treasonous.”  It may be that her “RUSSIAN RESET” may best explain the fall of the houses of Clinton and Obama, and yet today we need consider with open minds if and how her other ‘machinations’ might yet be more diabolical and appropriately more her “hanging offense.”

So you’ve heard the one about the Cold War having ended without a like loss of life on any battlefield?  So you’ve yet to fathom how ridiculous such a posit is even if so proffered to you whence and however ‘learnedly’?  For the purposes of celebrating the USA victory over the old Soviet styled Russia as the victory of capitalism over expansionist socialism let us now tip our spirits, however, to swirling the body of HRC as best left for spittle.  There is so much in her even just admitted “culpability” as per Benghazi’s tragic and unnecessary loss of people staffers of her “house” of State that has a relativity to undo her past any hypothetical to inconvenient theoreticals as it seems historical that she has made what seems the same intelligence mistakes her spouse did years earlier.  Mrs. William J. Clinton as for just her years as President Obama’s Secretary of State has it damnable that her Benghazi culpability fits with the ignorant American pushed perspective that the Cold War ended without a shot fired, and yet it is that the Iran & Iraq years of war with the million plus lives lost is essential “Cold War” in all related “geopoliticals.”

Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is so “culpable” in other times such likely would have been such a “hanging offense” that heads would already have rolled and rolled with and among her own head.

The essential “Hillary” however now newly posited as firstly Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton conveniently of close and intimate global initiatives inclusive of domestic partisan political operations is of a incomparable “guilt” fitting her like better than any ball slipper ever otherwise yet opined a hopeful for a more real Cinderella.  The ashes of the Mrs. C are see-able and seen as of tragic and, yes, unnecessary losses of lives of those truly America’s brave and courageous.

It is truly sad how much can now be properly eschewed upon the capacity of the Clintons’ shoulders and as such is truly inhumane in their heft to be so long so well past any risk of “a last straw”!  I can only be, so seemingly, that any “rhetoric” of a the “Hillary Clinton” now is fore set as drivel too fit as spittle for a spittoon.  She may yaw and knaw on a hopeful but she is of her years as FLOTUS Clinton too much of the “danger” President Barack Hussein Obama spoke to so Nobelly with his Nobel acceptance speech with it so of suggestive as extant and of “evident” from “inaction” and “avoidance” such as so much of the “politics” of the Administration of the Clintons.

Her (beloved) Saddam Hussein - as suggested from the Administration of the Clintons too embeddedness and seeming “forgiveness” - is a greater hand specific culpability a stain upon her hands yet now than Benghazi.  It seems we are behooved to fathom her of dark depths that have it that she became like “lips locked” and “tongue tied” after the first moments of the dire set upon her “house” at the Libyan consulate there abouts in Benghazi, and so as for a concern that she couldn’t speak any truth without implicating her days as FLOTUS and worse so that she couldn’t without then being a spouse betraying the other spouse as with comments that would have too simply implicated and incriminated her spouse - at least.

We have that there was a Cold War and that it is dangerous now again if to tagging it as a war without any shots fired, and of any lives lost in “battle.”  We have it that Mrs. Clinton, however, is of damnable years of culpability and with it now that only some of them are yet of admitted “dangers” and improprieties like “lies.”  We have it that Mrs. Clinton, however, is of damnable admitted “culpability” and yet we so far haven’t seen any however a new grand Mr. Smith or Atticus Finch get to a bottom.

If when ever you heard of or yet hear of a “RUSSIAN RESET” beware yet however you can muster!

The escapism the Administration of the Clintons seemed to have prescribed for the too embedded with them Saddam Hussein is lost on most still as not being damnable now and always. There was no fair compromise for a letting Saddam Hussein go so “scott free” as the Administration of the Clintons was tolerating and seemingly facilitating.  It seems Mrs. C as President Obama’s SoS couldn’t see straight for her “duty” for she stayed too loyal to her spouse.  It seems by the Laws of the The United States even if Mrs. C. could and should incriminate the Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton, and any “initiatives” global since so of an inappropriate “meddling” she isn’t yet allowed to speak freely and/or to speak the truth as it is inappropriate at best for her to “incriminate” her spouse.

The “RUSSIAN RESET” was misguided and a big enough mistake;  Mrs. William J. Clinton is of worser crimes against the Constitution so as it now seems - and seems possibly to be got at judiciously by the bi-partisan Benghazi Select Committee.

To discern and even get close to fathoming her real and true “culpability” for so much even if ever justifiable as a “sacrifice” like due a future new “Memorial Day” of its own as however of “climate change” economies decimation “sacrifice” we are fit to be postured to the over cushioned tales of a “marketable” “Hillary” and to advantages in a vantage point where we see and consider the sights as that of she as “culpable” even for losses of life of the Cold War as of the Iran and Iraq wars, and too so for it that she so however as the old “crusader” incendiary as inciting FLOTUS or later as an “obedient” “Secretary” or seeable of it that the Ba’athist Saddam Hussein and too some Bashar Assad are of the Power ambitions however of the idealic origins of the Ba’athist - but so personally perverted in a too secular - of ascendencies around the thought of a United Arab Socialist State.

Capitalism did defeat the old expansionist Soviet styled socialism!  Now it seems we have domestics culpable of a on-going domestic threat yet of “communists” or “socialists” of the The United States of tales yet understood as hardly yet told - told generally - of how it seemed some within our borders of actual “citizenship” “rights” seemed to have seen a way in their power to undermine the Constitution towards hoped for changes to socialisms at home.  It seems we have that Mrs. Clinton - Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - is not excusable from a fuller culpability as one of a “RUSSIAN RESET” that seemed to have been meant to pary with a parlay for Saddam Hussein, at least, and towards acceptable greater socialist powers for he, and his kin, in the socialism ideologic of the origins of Ba’athism however he had yet had already perverted them.

It seems that the problem of any “Hillary” is that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is actually more civilly and judiciously taggable as more a “Socialist” than President Barack Hussein Obama, or his own wife, yet can be.  It seems for perspective to a “culpability” for any “Obama” we should brace ourselves for a consideration that any “Hillary” seems at best a dominatrix and one now taggable as if always and forever maybe arranged as Obama’s handler in “Soviet” “Socialisms.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

If one is a lawyer, and still yet to a consideration of supporting Hillary Clinton to a new ‘inevitability’, one must now be worried more than ever before, and, one must be worried for Clinton BOGO of so many double standards long of the Clintons’ skirting.

One may say they can only heel the reaping of a boatwright sown coursing of vessels against a double jeopardy inconvenient jurisprudence and politics;  there can not be a ship-shape of the Clintons as of a multi-tasking harried if their politics need their vessel keeled to be in two places, or two directions, simultaneously.

However:  The house of Clintons is not in Order, nor order.  Rather:  Things be much amiss in the possible of the Clintons sheeting and questionable tacks;  Their planks are too short to be seen as obviously too long of knots or too thin of rings of Power established for their is as the is our is;  There is a double jeopardy in the double standards as already navigated and journaled of the trip tix of the spousal’d set husbandry of the Clintons as two-headed.

As plebes of a harried it may be the rookies of the seas and/or the cadets of the air and land can spot an infractious Constitutional viscerally when uniformly to patriotic posturing of the keep in constitutional vicissitudes civil procedures. The Clintons ‘windward’ and/or ‘high ground’ supposed ‘advantage’ may be neither, and never, as of a natural set in Bernoulli’s principle.  There is a problem, incidental to the lives of the Clintons, that there ups & downs of multi-tasking that undermines their own sheeting, however of tack and a ship shape helmsmanship.

What is the shape of the Clintons’ breastworks, political, so seen only yet as of an above the surface #GotGame?

How threatened are the common defenses of the Constitution and its bulwarks against nefarious broadsides however campaigned?

Aren’t now the greatest threats to the People’s order, and Order so ordained and established, now of these times, in the Year of founders’ Lord two thousand ten and Four, but coy, and coitered in banded threats, as more probable of the domestic girth politically electric than a gathered massing hemmed in a foreign engirthed?

These are times anew to consider the evolutions and devolutions of civil society and its procedures;  These are times anew like those of whence thence of the Pilgrims as born from the rising to Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes ponderances writ from the netherland shores from which the American Mayflower literally departs. The #GotGame of our days newly fitting the philosophical extant of the Founding Fathers’ and to a prefaced predicated posture to the #THINK of federalism and if evolving or devolving, and, how if threatened now is threatened either by a domestic or foreign machinations, and, how if threatened is specifically (still) threatened by Clintons and their empirical too autocratic wants.

They cannot hide from Obamacare as politically like the most costly way of every state being to having their own Romneycare.

They cannot hide from climate change tacks as it common sense that if man made increases in carbon pollution can cause global warming there is that reductions made (at least too quickly) in greenhouse CO2 levels in the United States of America can too cause weather disturbances and climate change logically by the cooling to be expected whenever a greenhouse is removed.

They cannot hide from the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage struggles for equality in “marriage” and be not assaulted per their own marriage seeming posited and predicated as if for politics and Power as a marriage not a marriage (Union) of two inseparable under Law.

They cannot hide from their own double standard of fronting Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a feminist and as if able to stand on her own (though irreconcilably of one soul in marriage) and independent while they together sheet their vessel tack duplicitously contrary to trichotomy of Constitutional Law and as they bosom her in the maximus of the said too chauvinistic institution of First Ladies protection.  It is long the double standard of the Clintons’ politics that Mrs. Clinton supposed to be an independent feminist and yet too fully protected by the traditions and institution for the First Couple as that the spouse is supposed to be a political untouchable.

They cannot hide how they the Clintons have long been of attempts in such a skirting of parity with their maximus to her like of a Commodus right to ascension to be of the glory of the pomp and circumstance protectorate of Presidential spouses, and yet while such broaches a jeopardy of nepotism.

>>> LEGAL LOGIC PUZZLER:  Two logic circles over lap some to much but not none at all as united Lawfully in marriage Union.  Two logic circles so as one, even so looking phat like an eight, still be as one, though of two.  Bill Clinton is one circle and Hillary Clinton is the other circle - they are by Law inseparable as Married in Union.  As one in ‘housed’ as at ‘home’ the other is always there of shared assets in residence, Legally in a unit-ified lingua.  This is much like ‘nesting’ environmental humanity protections and quite apropos the consumer protection laws around home improvement contracting, and especially such contracts voidance if three days not respected post signing(s).  By home improvement laws around consumer protection prudence and evolved jurisprudence in many ways spouses are and are not interchangeable halves.  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment of term limits marriage Unions may not be set asunder by a more convenient ‘interpretation’ of ‘united’ in ‘marriage.’  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment it is arguably criminal for Hillary Clinton as logic circle to be “elected” to any holding of office of the Office of the President; Hillary Clinton is one with Bill Clinton — as when he was “elected” she was to a holding of office by election as they are inseparable over lapping logic circles.  So legally the Clinton Union is not now again able to have any part of it for infinity past their eight by election able to have Bill Clinton returned to any holding of the Office of the home office of The White House of the Office of the President.  The puzzle is in the Clintons’ trichotomy of a double standard for their own marriage and Union — Hillary Clinton as a logic circle is not allow Constitutionally to run for a holding of the Office of the President on her own as she is inseparable from Bill Clinton and such would by an election of her (if possible) be to a return to some holding of office by election of President William Jefferson Clinton.  But is this Legally more concernedly of a TREASON than just a wonton indiscriminate double standard like only convenient to the Clinton Union?  It is that simply it would violate the language and seeming original intent of the Eightieth Congress to not see a First Couple as inseparable and that an election of one isn’t an election of the other as a half but a ‘by election’ effecting to a holding by a conjoined one, of soul, in coitered & consummated marriage.


How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING…

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like against a Constitution state as if too Descartian but of an ability to render a duplicity of course to the constituted writ large language as Law.  The ship of states is different from the ship of State — there should be no double jeopardy nor double standard convenient to an autocratic helmsmanship as the Clinton seem heeled and tacked.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a roused rabble of political nonsense yet convenient to a campaign duplicity.  The greatest threat now from any man made climate change is it seems clearly that a continued rush in rash partisan politics of limited solutions cozy capitalism to ’solutions’ as proffered by too false naratives over even New York Times data points is from the dangers in new atmospheric hemispherical altitudinal thermals resultant naturally from a politics to poorly and negligently affected irregardless of it common sense that if man removes some or much “greenhouse” effect from one place the thermodynamics and atmospheric winds will likewise re-route at least as long as a “greenhouse” effect stays constant or grows elsewhere, at least in a shared hemisphere.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a Montesuma’s Revenge of marines not timely even to Tripoli at least as Mrs. Clinton still Constitutionally compromising as Secretary of State too nearly a new Commodus as the import of the original intent language of the 22nd Amendment seems flushed as mis-stressed, itself.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like to for federalism and new state ‘new normal’ adaptive evolutions in budgeting locally for said more predictable unpredictable, however Acts of God, storm costs.  If climate change is more than of man made damage from increasing pollution levels and too as common sense supports as from any lowering of carbon levels we at least are at Senator Barbara Boxer’s “evidentiary” of like:  “97 percent of scientists agree that carbon pollution is “pollution”"!

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like remembering that the Senate is supposedly a ‘club’ of the 100 most ambitious people of the Union by the People’s Order so ordained, established and subscribed as “done” more perfect Union — it is just as confused to posit that:  “Only 2 percent of Senator Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s peers didn’t vote her out of their own political way - out of their club — only 2 percent of her peers didn’t vote her out of their Senate.”

How the Democrats mis-stress POLITICS OF #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets confusion!  It seems by throwing the campaign foul flag of “DOUBLE STANDARD” Mrs. Clinton, however, has called for a review of all times Hillary Rodham and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton from days shared as FLOAR, FLOTUS, SENATOR, SECRETARY OF STATE, & now like First Lady of the #CGI CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES.

How the #CLINTONS mis-stress #POLITICS of #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets #CONSTITUTIONAL confusion!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:30 am

It is not a simple political task to establish conclusively that President Clinton had a role in the Benghazi scandalous;  President Bill Clinton has been, as like a proud nail since the rise of President Barack Obama, as one that has had the President fumbling or stumbling causally much since day one.

Bill Clinton has been ever present in an unprecedented as a former President whom just won’t recede - that won’t stand down;  President Barack Obama has been, you can say, of a recidivism to a politics unexpectedly too much of returning to what were the bad and avoidable of the Clintons.

At least Bill Clinton as the spouse of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while of a his global initiatives and United Nations stature has been too proud and as if he was effectively operating a private Diplomacy while his wife was supposedly loyally operating the Obama Diplomacy;  President Bill Clinton is inseparable from the still unsettled realm of issues as per Benghazi and as a former President of the same Party of the current President as well as for the complicatedness spousal of the State husbandry of Mrs. Clinton as President Obama’s Secretary.

R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR & best wishes for a full recovery to all whom may have been injured on the 9/11 II.  Mrs. Clinton as now more a First Mate as a First Lady of The Clintons’ Global Initiative is yet compromised for her days as their days of global meddling while spousally embedded with many lines quite or too blurred.  The Clintons’ silence after the 9/11 II attacks are quite suggestive of them of a defensive posture, and, the Clintons’ tend to be a “two-fer” that likes to talk their walk and yet as per 9/11 II really seemed quite in a defensiveness.  Really it has to be an open committee item that Obama’s Secretary may have been hesitant or fearing of open dialogue much because she is President Clinton’s wife.  Benghazi is just one example of a problem of a former administration being tasked at being so intimately involved in a new administration.

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while however now more as if First Lady Clinton again and yet as a non government organized meddler seemed unable to speak freely after Benghazi in some for it so was an event that opened minds to how if President Obama could be this wrong about Al Qaeda wasn’t it / isn’t it that then he must have been that wrong and incidentally then wrong about Iraq nearly all along?  It is simpler to establish to a conclusiveness that 9/11 I attacks were an inheritance left for either a President Al Gore or so as witnessed and suffered to President George Bush, and as an inheritance that was of knowing hands on manipulations by the co-Administering of global initiatives by the Clintons while of their co-Presidency.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been stumbling and fumbling since near day one and much for having to navigate even just in his own Party platforms about the Clintons with President Clinton too much a still present proud nail.

It is quite unprecedented how President Clinton has been a former President that just has refused to recede and/or fade away.  It is considerable how he so as a proud nail was of the first days of the first black President of The United States of America to a politics with such of that seen on TV of having it seemed demanded that however elected Barack Obama must prostrate himself with a visit to former President Bill Clinton’s Harlem offices and be to a permanent record made at least digitally of bowing to a superiority in Clinton and as if he wouldn’t have a chance to pass him (safely).  I hope I am not alone both in remembering that as elected President he so a first black President did it seems have to visit President Clinton of his own Party in his offices in Harlem and be to calling President Clinton quite “The President.”  However this is for Posterity it is remembered as politically odd and as if President Clinton was saying he was expecting the first black President Barack Hussein Obama to consider him superior and still of enough global political power to be bowed to and brown nosed.

As per the Clintons and Benghazi it seemed that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton however of a husbandry of the tragedy maybe more of the mind and hands of her boss President Obama was afterwards and since unable to speak freely for the mistakes made did open up the politics beyond a State diabolical to a strictly partisan posterity then too tilted of an apparent compromised complexity of a guilt rooted in the diplomacy and foreign policies of President Clinton.  It seemed that after 9/11 II it became considerable that it seemed simply suggestible that the Clintons seemed together to have made the same types of proud mistakes before 9/11 I & 9/11 II.

President Barack Hussein Obama was stirring for many as if a new Messiah and as well a new President John F. Kennedy.  It is considerable how much President Obama has been doing incidentally and accidentally to reset a renaissance or restoration in family values, and it seems a refreshing Catholicism for even Americans.  It is considerable and quite concludable that President Obama has been being good for religion in The United States of America and the old standards of family values of the Republican (other) party and mostly accidentally by his politics of having an opposite outcome than he and his experts seemed to proffer and attempt to effect.  It may be that President Obama is currently on a path to do more for American Catholics than President Kennedy ever was able to during his life on earth.

Historically speaking President Barack Hussein Obama is remembered for having been of early days in his earliest first months of a government/leadership opportunity to stem or stop the economy sliding to full depressionary collapse.  It was that much of the down economy was of market meddling as campaign expression like as by liberal institutions of shorting endowments when it seemed their success at spiking gas prices wasn’t yet maybe enough to tag all Republicans as bad Bush Oil Republicans as per electoral November Democrat Party favoring.  If President Obama is now actually though accidentally responsible for doing more for Christians and faith across The United States of America than President Kennedy was able to it is still considerable that when he as the new President of The United States of America and of those days or weeks of an ability to stem or stop the economic sliding he didn’t for he would have had to martyr himself politically with self incriminating admittances as to how he and his party had actually intentionally set up the collapse, mostly, as for November 2008 electoral advantage, and be to explaining that they had arrogantly thought anything that was that easy to start would be just as easy to stop.

There is enough blame and fault to go around between President Barack H. Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” like a now First Couple anew yet more just globally as by the CGI of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.  It is considerable that President Obama has regularly been to barely avoiding the unprecedented global meddling of President Clinton or to visibly fumbling or stumbling over a still too present and too proud politics of at least President William Jefferson Clinton.

Right!  As per the whole like PRESIDENT OBAMA COULD HAVE STOPPED THE RECESSION IN HIS FIRST MONTHS “MARTYR ISSUE” it is considerable that such was it seems originally the plot and coy plans of the Clinton political machine as a winning strategy to have gotten Mrs. Clinton elected from a most junior Senator seat lacking in seniority like suddenly to the highest office in the land.

It isn’t now that we have to ask whom of the Democrat Party to blame - but quite more now of whom to blame first and blame mostly and if it isn’t now during the Presidency of the first black President that we have the white Clintons whom let people tag them as if Bill Clinton were the first black President now conclusively to blame the most.  It is considerable that firstly we may have even among just Democrats a need to new ordering politically of President Clinton firstly at fault, Mrs. Clinton of CGI (as First Mate or newly First Lady) secondly in guilt, and then and only then to a parity and fair assessment of guilt even just for Benghazi as the 9/11 II for President Barack H. Obama.

President Barack H. Obama may have been long of a shared ideological with at least Mrs. Clinton now of CGI yet it is irreconcilable that spousally there is a husbandry of the Clintons that has been causally and historically so of being in an unprecedented for The United States of America of President William J. Clinton as a proud nail - a too proud still politically meddling former President.

It is no joke or gift of the American People that the Clinton First Couple arranged a post-office support allowance that nearly suggests that they both become American TITLED and as if they were to be forever the first First Couple promoted from the highest office of The United States of America to a yet higher political position even as too autocratic and not democratic as of President Clinton more than an Ambassador to the World as at least a self proclaimed first President of the World.

At least as per the Constitution and Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 it seems Constitutionally that at least President William Jefferson Clinton is un-Constitutionally set up too much as if titled and of emoluments and pecuniary quite selfishly rendered and quite in a Posterity that has been dangerous to American Tranquility as with him a too proud nail like and quite unprecedentally and especially by the Clintons as transgressors of the example of President George & First Lady Martha Washington.

R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR - toward 2016 Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton of the CGI seems to have a “roadkill” smell of death politically about her.  It may be soon concluded that 9/11 I & 9/11 II happened by a causal both times as of faulting to a guilt for at least a similar negligence or gross negligence upon the shoulders of the Clintons.

But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it seems that they did manage to get a substantial enough post-office tax payers allotted “allowance” so that he can keep himself convinced that he by the dollars so cumulative must have been promoted from the office of the president of The United States of America to be freely (yet still an “agent” as per the Constitution Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8) of international meddling, however of accounted for pecuniary and “political.”

But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it is still that Harlem has been saving him and that he firstly hoped to now be otherwise high above Time Square in the media hub as well regally set high above The Russian Tea Room in a penthouse near leasehold in the luxurious Carnegie Hall Tower.  It is considerable that before he was dragged up to the Harlem zippiness that has endeared him politically as an unearned camouflage he/they did try to get the Big Bank Friends of Bill to provide annual pecuniaries in emoluments to cover gratuitously the higher and too high rents for such nearly a penthouse suite high above Time Square.  Harlem was owed more by the Clintons than Harlem owed the Clintons and yet Harlem now has been covering and/or saving the Clintons’ public image, at least.

                                                    *    *     *

[Somewhere there is video of that fateful Harlem office too prostrated newly elected President Barack Hussein Obama as of a politics of having it seemed been required to visit President William Jefferson Clinton on his “turf” and be so to such posturing of like calling Bill Clinton then “The President.”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:28 pm

For any modern discussion of economics we must in a bi-partisan/non-partisan/cross-partisan be to spinning beyond TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS.  We are stuck now as commenced to a new #MoralCapitalism of a rejoined humanity in #MoralMan historicals much and quite mostly for #UrbanMoralisms.  Thanks to Martin Luther, however of a BE BOLD IN YOUR SINS, some may have taken past liberties in cruelty expectant that the day was then that even so so they could and would be forgiven.

It is that a morality is what has stewed better progress for Secretary Kerry than for Secretary Clinton.  Since Madam Secretary is inseparable from Bill Clinton’s commitment to her, as recalled, that preceded a fidelity in marriage arrangement with their prior necessary condition to marriage of that he would promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his, there is a forgivable possible and a forgivable not appropriate for a candidate or just historical Hillary Rodham Clinton;  Mrs. Clinton cannot run yet for 2016 as if of a Christian forgiveness granted daily so that each day she can be like just a lawyer with new cases — the Clintons do have a running con - a decades long operable plan for the election of her that as a still kept plan greater than each of her/our days is such of a aura than should not and cannot be overlooked or of a forgiveness sponsoring.  She is white - she is white collar - she may deserved being a white collared even if by an establishment morality separate from a State as a white collared posse.

President Barack Hussein Obama is a conundrum for historicals in economics.  It is hard to say he has a philosophy of governance nor any “economics” his own but that of spend, spend, spend & tax & tax reset of old “tax & spend” that if Mrs. Clinton otherwise had been electable too would have been of a politically necessary to render herself of at too as Senators Obama & Clinton did make nearly all the same campaign promises.  It is here ridiculous to try to relate to any TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS and especially if to be of a political spin doctoring attempt to show them in a possibly more moral light.  It is ridiculous otherwise too now to much discuss TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS just because the marketing and pop culture of these days are not of the era of such economics and are not sustainable or supportive to a harmonics or synthesis currently.  I propose that we now are to a new economics paradigm of at least a soft science discerning that can be responsibly tagged as a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

A discussion of a SUPPOSITORY ECONOMICS vs. a DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is seemingly apropos for these current social dynamics of the micro or macro and the local or global.  A discussion and development of a general understanding and furtherance of quantifiable and applicable discourse though may be good for setting us forward back to at least a decade of growth economics yet while it seems that such cannot fare well for President Obama nor other so yet set other leading Democrats.  It seems that we can focus how the Democrats in mass basically have been failing economically much because they have been lacking the understanding that should be generally solidified if and when to a full and detailed expose of that to do justice to it as a better and new economics as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

It can be said to be generally acceptable that President Obama did not rightly place the blame for the said “economics” he “inherited.”  It can be said that politically President Obama trapped himself from a better economics by being from day one of a politics of covering up how much of the collapsing of economies was rooted and nurtured essentially of Clintonomics and the general political administering of the co-Presidency of the Clintons.  The entire time since President Obama started off his first term with lies to the economics in play embedded and orated in his First Inaugural he has been of arresting any potential he may have had otherwise than has yet been demonstrable.  The Democrats in mass have been of an immorality in their governance by ways of lies about the causals most significant to the problemas.  They have only succeeded in pushing a “morality” agenda by a politics immoral as of them of falsely accusing and wrongly tagging the actual historical politics and economics.

Whom of white collars can be a posse?  We if again to a growth economics need be not of a said old and tired SUPPLY SIDE and/or TRICKLE DOWN now.  To be anew to a #MoralCapitalism we need to recognize we are not limited to the old Cold War Era prudent obedience to a TOP down guidance of/with assurities by Government that ones commerce wouldn’t be accidentally treasonous.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a charge of liberatings in new federalism have become a global normative.  We of America are of establishments that do quite require that an establishment morality exists separate from the State just so that the State can have a chance at operating morally.

It of us to a new economics as by ways of discerning as SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is also necessarily of a historical setting to an affecting that Democrats have not understood the socio - nor economics of their days so charge in its administering.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a new economics need not be of SUPPLY SIDE nor TRICKLE DOWN old Cold War era prudence that did much synch with the marketing and advertising harmonics whence.  A new establishment economics can be of how the Democrats missed there were two economics to govern about while proffering their irresponsible climate and economic sciences — we have long been of a complex economics that is said of people playing games in the economies, however justified as if a hobby in doing God’s work, as by supposing things as possible and potential, and, we have long been to while so of such in our economics of the core of the “moral” in the “humanity” of commerce and governance of the more permanent socio-economic of people living only by what they did deposit as of the economics of subsistence more nearly.

A ripe fruit as a conundrum a problema as a prolegomena for prima facia for SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is the unforgivable socio per the Clintons of the commitment keeping by Bill Clinton of his promise that Mrs. Clinton if she agreed to become his bride would have his fidelity at least to keeping his promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his.  [This is of a historical of my own experience and knowledge of the Clintons which dates to the early 1970s.]  The plans and plots of the Clinton “two-fer” is mostly a running con that asks that they be of a Christian forgiveness fresh start each day from so many without any consideration that such is dominant and unforgivable.  It is bad enough for any economics that the Clintons are both lawyered/esquired (still?) and of a politics of playing at governance as if even in the charges they are the lawyers and of the adage “the client goes to jail” not the lawyer, and as they are each other’s lawyer firstly and protected spousally from incriminating the other and all the while they like to ask the People to let them forget their own hands/culpability each day as if by being lawyers each day is just a new case and a blank slate in “professional” plausible deniability for them.

But this needn’t be so personal while the historical record still needs to be settled more correctly for the Clintons and President Obama’s year of administering as self arrested from a greater HOPE and POTENTIAL by his handcuffing of his presidency so with his most affecting cover-up cons for the Clintons on a presumption that their party needed the same protection for an associated guilt with the much unknown seeming husbandry of a most selfish and spousally set Clinton political machinations.  The economics of these years of administering by the Obama administration are and have been corrupted.  It is more considerable for any now beholden towards a morality reset for a renewed #MoralCapitalism though that the economics of the Clintons and Obama administration have missed the complexity of the real world economics as of a gaming and subsistence - a supposing and deposits limited - a SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY.

For now I have broached a discourse on a better and new economics science tagging — I will apply now some empathy receptors towards a further consideration and to an end that a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS can now mesh with the Laffer Curve logistics and yet be a different from and more time and place responsive adjusted socio-economic lingua.

In future elaborations we can discuss the old vs. new as the Cold War and current geo-politics respective of the Russian Federation and Iran.  There is a necessary consideration to be worked through of President Putin as a Russian Orthodox Christian and of his engagements now in Syria and Iran affairs.  Russia has rebuilt the grand Cathedral that Stalin tore asunder to make a permanent like monument to himself for the ages and his “governance.”  Iran has cause to, however long of alliances with Russian powers, be firstly if to nuclear weapons to be of a morality that is considerate that “Russians” are due a targeting firstly and much before Americans or whomever otherwise of past opposing coalitions.

For any tagging of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS to hold up and as if learned such much be applicable to a considerate historical at least as per Afghanistan and too how if the United States had not helped defeat the moves of expansionist communism/socialism by the old U.S.S.R. whence today Iran could too be just a satellite Soviet subject region.

{I wasn’t going to be expansive or historical to the early 90s recession recovery considerations but then today in 11:30 to Noon slot on The History Channel a short on Nelson Mandela confirmed an upside down of the politics and economics of the early 90s I had been considering but not meaning to also diss.  Of that of my economic thought and efforts of said pre-Clinton Clinton 90s recovery architecture is much that I was essentially to musing and synching a counter culture marking that was of an empathy for the more real economics as upside down as it was that the people at the thought bottom were then more relaxed and having more fun than the said “rich” of the top.  As per the Mandela documentary short they aired how he saw that the whites could be saved from themselves as a ticket forward his/theirs.  There is though I was annoyed by the Nobel Prize for Economics circa near 1992 and then later also annoyed that my architecture that was meant to be played with a complexity of at least a first part and then a needed second moderated differently second part had those like of he of the Nobel prize whence also apprised from earlier of my “marketing” for “economics” then stuck and ignorant of the second part and so that I was never able to also influence such via the remainder of my considerations in economics and positive change politics.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:31 pm

There is a future for Detroit.  Beyond the pauled of the collapse and exodus of just the urban flight it is that all should be thankful that the Clintons did not get their way in their first term. 

President Ronald Reagan and President George H. W. Bush had a process and structure even as per Apartheid and Nelson Mandela that was prudent to global harmonic composition of what needed sectionally to be build or rebuilt firstly.  Detroit, any recovery, or renaissance, need, its seems, must recognize that urban revitalization and success is as dependent as satire and music on process and structure.

It is terrible what has happened to Detroit.  Detroit has a future as from a THE MOTOR CITY to a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  Yet first there is what is in the air too political and yet lacking in sufficient historical that has to be cleaned up.  If you wonder on me and if of a street cred due respect to any Detroit please consider that I after I had helped the Clintons become more electable towards 1992 voting than I had fully meant to it was I, not them, who answered the motor industry with an offering of direction that could mesh and harmonize — it was I that offered something President Clinton wouldn’t have and that of smaller back seated cars yet styled to look like scaled down 50’s & 60’s automobiles.  With such volunteered guidance I accepted airs of appreciation only from even Detroit and stayed of a responsibility in a synchronistic integration then forward in a marketing solidarity.  To look back at Detroit it is easier to see that the world could be better off now if the Clintons had not been of their co-Presidency whence.

It is terrible what did happen to Detroit.  What happened can be rolled out as only having been possible if years of avoidance and inaction was the rule; President Obama would better to have been to fixing the mess that largely arose from the Clintons’ years and the Clintonomics of cake eating while still cake selling.  President Obama would better to have been to fixing the collapse irregardless of all the politics of how and why it happened by approaching it more fairly and equitably and with a recognition that the fastest way to have stopped the housing collapse and the collateral damage to the US auto industry was to have worked to lower the price of gas and/or moved to distributions in a #MoralCapitalism of cash stipends to the People as the Government then was so busy increasing the costs of energy and living.  President Obama if as of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech had been more local than global his admonition and slaps at the Clintons about the dangers real that arose from their years of inaction and avoidance would have it as that he too could have tagged the Clintons for eight years causal by negligence to the plight of Detroit.

Right!  It is musical that during the Clintons’ 8 years, in an ironic, that success was wheeled out to help sell smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles, as I had considered, by suggesting a modeling type with smaller back seats, at least, that the attitude of William Jefferson Clinton likely himself couldn’t abide.  Detroit we all would have been worse off if the Clintons had gotten their way earlier than the first term of the Obama administration for so much of this mess - this economic mess - would then have happened earlier and when far more dire consequences then likely secured as real and present (dangers).  It was you could say an idea beyond a paul that compact cars could be other than humble and small and be ever ripe and musical.

The structure of the musical satire of Peter, Paul and Mary seems to have worked like a production line and also with sufficient originality and harmony;  it seems that their process had three parts - a interest at the beginning - a troubled or concerning in the middle - and a happy or just copacetic in the third place as the wrap.  On this here site you can locally search just by DETROIT and find I have earlier explained a workable future for THE MOTOR CITY as of it as able to be reborn poetically and justly instead as now and forward as a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  It seems Detroit has a place in history to fill out for its legacy of making so many mobile and freed;  it seems DESTINATION is in your future now as unlike most other metropolitan areas you have the area and mass available to create a realm of distant realms of #ClimateChange #MODERN #URBAN by way of earth domes of DESTINATION domes of interiors as theme parks and recreation DESTINATIONS.

If you only already knew that what Senator Rand Paul is now saying is what you likely could already have been living if at least but for the Clintons and so many dangers that did arise from their inaction and avoidances globally and locally.  You can diss on Reagan and Bushes for some of the humanities afforded the Clinton street cred for of a time and space shared with the story of Nelson Mandela as he then a President during the co-Presidency of the Clintons.  But to look at structure and process for any good musical or industrious roll out and not just hype and propaganda it is that many got stuck by the politics of the Clintons of deciding not to do stuff because, well, it seemed their “two-fer” had decided it could wait for a President Hillary Clinton, whenever.  There is a big difference in the history and politics that has to be considered as part of the Detroit story in how what Reagan and Bushes may not have done was done as part of a prudent process and structure as if assembling a workable betterment universally.  For the Clintons it is too considerable that their inaction and avoidances can be yet otherwise too parked as excusable supposedly because the Clintons seemed to think it would be more fun and for their own legacy if it were instead President Hillary not President Bill whom was at such disembarking politically.

Yes DETROIT you can become a DESTINATION — you can become a renaissanced international DESTINATION!!!  We of The United States of America if and when we can get past the many poor economic choices and establishments of the too nationalistic Democrats however Obamanaughts or Clintonites can be celebratory to a THE MOTOR CITY re-tuned and spun timed well as a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  Detroit is like custom made and yet ripe to become an American DESTINATION for climate controlled custom designed modeled on global hot spots environs as a city as a theme park as a city of EARTH DOMES of distant lands.  Detroit can be and should be a tropical destination as well as a place for year round albeit indoor down hill skiing.  Too by way of celebrating humanity and a shared environs mustn’t there be at least a couple places on each continent at least that could be of a reconstituted variety place of well structured and appropriate “local” customs now and forward in Detroit even if an a distant hot spring or a desert oasis with camels?

It is actually scary to look back and think back at how much more damage would have resulted if these too nationalistic ways about that of the Obama administration had been effectable then as the ways of the wants of the Clintons whence.  There was far more potential for just economic damage and dire straights not so humble or small.  Rand Paul seems tuned to helping Detroit rise anew from a humble and small - from say a paul that really wasn’t as necessary yet so of the Obama Administration and its CRISIS bailout ways “success” as too many still are thinking.

A big problem for Detroit has been also the excessive and untimely NEW NATIONALISM of the wants of Roosevelt liberal Democrats for a NEW DEAL however it parked austerity and severely as rolled out with an economic suppression from a related necessary green minimalism mantra.

A future for Detroit and other major metropolitan economies is complicated - too complicated - as long as local fixes are supposed to bow to a nationalism in Federal superiority.  It is better to think that President Obama has bankrupted the Federal Government and that cities like Detroit at least need pull together even to a celebration of SANCTUARY NODES @ http://bit.ly/1a0BAKo moral capitalism basis in community and competition.  There is more economic and political history sorted in a e-sampler at http://JPHogan.org and as well four renditions in original rap of: BOY WONDER - STATE O STATE - FUZZY MATH - O FOOTNOTES ODE.

A future for Detroit may now depend on its residents being in the present and of a beat that President Obama has been driving too hard and too long in the wrong direction - too much in a direction away from “community” and “competition” - too much in a socialist direction to a nationalized big government centralizing around and of his “personality.”

President Obama and the too Rooseveltean New Deal GREEN MINIMALISM attempts to a post-Constitution revolutionary politics have been more causal of “the problem” than helpful of “the solution.”  In Senator Rand Paul’s defense it is that even as per unemployment benefits it is better to hunker down and think the economics of the too nationalist Democrats have been and remain a clunker;  in defense of the GOP posits for Detroit I reckon that it is now necessary to find local and community based unemployment solidarity and be together as long as such Democrats still reign in DC to an even greater austerity and compliant green minimalism.  The first to accept that the United States of America is now more bankrupt than not may be those whom can be fleetest to rolling out new and improved rock’n urban beats.

Detroit, at least, please do realize that the “music” that has been missing while you, it seems, played along with Democrats entitlement discordance, has been the Republican beats and structures.  Detroit, isn’t it reasonable that you need now to find a way to help GOP bring back the “music” of growth and success that actually did, from the middle, do most to build a middle class?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:09 am

One thing we now near all should be able to agree on is that we have been heading in the wrong direction for at least the past five years.  Well, maybe what we can all agree on is that after near five years it is just odd the the car of the economy is still in the same ditch.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There must be something for consumption in all of this as Vice President Joseph Biden himself has been seen and heard of proclamations by adages that do backfire upon himself and his boss The President.  There must be something in it however much it also an adage of the ages that VP Biden has proclaimed that “you cannot fix something if you do not understand what caused it to be broken in the first place.” {paraphrasing - thought full enough though words variant}

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

With us all still so in the ditch it seems and #OnStar or #411 response could be of advice to ditch the Clintons and Obama and as they are huddled as in a gaggle of czars in solidarity yet poor performance.  It seems after five years we have to be ready to accept that the Clintons’ economic experts however the same lot of czarish for President Obama are the problem - not the solution.  It seems whomever the car belongs to it is that the “economics” of the Clintons’ economics experts were those driving via campaign routes and not accidentally at fault due to any highway hypnosis.  The facts are clear, it seems, that President Barack Obama used the very “economic experts” that the Clintons’ would have if the Clinton “two-fer” hadn’t been so easily defeated, and, it seems President Obama with such “team” of “czars” was necessarily to an “economics” so politicized by having a responsibility to try to keep all the same campaign promises that he made though while it may be that the Clintons’ had been first to broaching them publicly.

There is a case to be made that President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State should go down in history as one of the worst TOP Diplomats in all of the years of the Constituted United States of America.  It is like being to better understanding the Co-Presidency of the Clintons when one wraps their mind around just the possibility of this as a truth.  For their Presidency and her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton it behoove all to consider a review otherwise than yet encouraged as by a retrospective hindsight considerate that for what they had to work with it can be that they did much in the 90s and while of collusion, as it seems global, with State & CGI they squandered too much.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton of CGI can be tagged and mashed as a worst Secretary of State much because for what she had to work with she basically squandered a new record amount of the possible.

I/we should get to later an informed review and judging of much of all that is Mrs. Clinton of CGI and 2016 teasing.  I/we should prepare ourselves for a possible truth that the said global fix needed after the foreign relations of the administering of the Presidency of George W. Bush now long hyped as if the “American” “reputation” abroad had been ruined is a mirage of falsity and in propaganda.  It seems that those that had stopped liking America under the years between a Clinton as an Executive Branch head may be categorically really a lot of states that we better to have been years longer of a working tough love “diplomacy.”  It may be that we will discover that a majority of those that complained about America were disappointed dictators and tyrants and/or of a socialism set.  It seems with the Democrat run economy still stuck in the same ditch as from their campaign route & “expert” driving we have to wise up to it that the said “glory” of “Hillary” for the “American” “reputation” hasn’t been good economically for anyone - it seems the science should confirm that those we are now closer to and better “friends” globally are a lot of a State calculus as variables which could better have been exponential if the FREEDOM AGENDA S.O.P. of by “tough love” had stayed the course.

The new frontier now is a variation of the old new world order new problema prolegomena about a Socialism vs. Capitalism federalism conundrum.  It seems that President Obama is out and Mayor Bill de Blasio is in.  Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio is inheriting a city that had to be fixed before President George H. W. Bush could advance a due prosecution on Saddam Hussein with a rap to the Persian Gulf War by a taking of Baghdad.  Basically the USA would have been trapped and likely globally ambushed by a more informed public relations army of Saddam and Islam sympathetics if it had, however, with the grand coalition, been to moving on to Baghdad before it first moved to set a better “possible” and “potential” example in #UrbanMorals by way of prefacing a prosecution of Saddam Hussein firstly with a saving of Time Square & the Greater New York City Metropolitan as well as Las Vegas.

You have found my blogs.  But yet have you realized that such is what I was saying whence with what authority I could muster before it was that maybe the USA & coalition had moved beyond a point of return and into what may have been a turning of tides in Saddam Hussein’s favor by way of a trap set for a global ambush meant to flush out so much that was then a real concern of American ignorance and overconfidence?  But yet have you considered that so much of what I did that the Clintons so benefited from was of my dedicated focus, however a hobby but towards an international success in at least marketing skills eventually, and firstly figured some to protect people from the thinking of the Clintons that I knew and yet more firstly as an honoring and progressing from President Ronald Reagan and strategically so that it was meant to then be to such working as it was for the Clintons but as developed and strategized intentionally but as for a second term for President George H. W. Bush?  Right!  The Clintons have benefited too much and now obviously unknowingly or too much of a corruption from what I figured for decades and work at effecting actually to be more as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and so as a wonderment as possible yet though for a second term for President Bush.

To escape from the ranks and bondage of the Obama Democrat long arms of Socialism and their years too much of a economic killing nationalism marketing Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio may have to explain that he can stand separate and even more equal and some for a simple political truth that President Obama is basically bankrupt - out of money.  To be an #UrbanMoralist under President Obama, however, Mayor de Blasio should be coincidentally charged in a responsibility to demonstrate how much and how well his five boroughs can and will stand alone and of the “green minimalism” as a new “poverty level” propaganda of a #ClimateChange localism.  It is a poignant variable for such political calculus of the urban the new frontier and anew so of the old of the federalism debates;  it is poignant that per Obamacare aka The Affordable Care Act that if New York City cannot afford to fully cover all of its county basis than it must be concluded that it can figure that then Obama’s healthcare reforms are of a design and methodology that can not be afford nationally.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There is such a thing as #MoralCapitalism.  In the markets of the economics of the capitalism about The United States of America there is that there is set a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion and that for commerce to be sanctionable it must be some of adherence to an established morality separate from the State.

No REALLY there is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton was so bad a Secretary of State that it is comparable in a political history heft as if Thomas Jefferson had not made the Louisiana purchase.  She squandered a rare opportunity in the history of mankind to take a first step herself with the incredible potential in tough love furtherance that was developed by (but not intentionally with?) the Bush Administration’s FREEDOM AGENDA global standard operating procedures.

But to get to Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as the actual “WORST SECRETARY IN US HISTORY” it is considerable in its complexity that first we have to look at her days as First Lady Mrs. Clinton in the Co-Presidency of the Clintons some for her “guidance” but more to rule out that Secretary Warren Christopher and/or Secretary Madeleine Albright were not indeed worser at such job.

For first consideration it behoove us all so oddly still entrenched in the ditch of the trenchant “Clinton economic experts” of the Obama economic team, however too czarish, to refresh and reset our discourse political as New York city and other urban realms stir as a new frontier so that too we are wised up to a reality that as inherited by the Co-Presidency of the Clintons by the hard and long trying work of Presidents Reagan and Bush it is that the United States could have and should have been to a full prosecution of the United Nations sanctions on Iraq and an already overdue prosecution of Saddam Hussein within that which was the Clintons’ first term, however it would better have been the second term of President Bush.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:17 am

It is an interesting NEW WORLD ORDER grand strategy consideration to now be tee’d off with a shot of Russian Vodka RESET versus a stout or lager beer stein, however, as if to a time for a new ISRAEL construct.

It seems we are of times to avoid too much nationalism.

America has rightly been sunk some or much by depth charges of at least Hillary Clinton of a shot in her steins, like.  Hillary Clinton is no longer Secretary of State; Hillary Clinton has retreated into lower ranking now with a reset patriarchy Clinton about a made-over face to a Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clintons Foundation.  The Clintons global initiatives are still too concerning and while practiced much as they had pledged them to not be.

Speaker John Boehner has much experience with slippery footing of realms most stereotypically of the type of “Depth Charges” Mrs. Clinton has been known of a preference for;  Speaker Boehner comes from a large family of bar keeps.

If Syria can now be a better Palestine solution due to GLOBAL WARMING than Israel should it be still toasted regular as if more by Russian vodka than Aryan suds?  It seems there is a new way forward in a post Clinton era where their too historic inaction and avoidance no longer dominate as nothings where some things needed;  It is quite plausible to posit that Secretary of State John Kerry is amidst a simple rendering of the performance of Secretary Clinton as mediocre.

I am not ready to suggest a metaphor that we can all go stout with Irish America Kerry.  There are places in this known world on the globe of earth that are best of people while of such climates to be in an absentia from alcohol however still’d or bake’d.

At this point as an American private content blogger I am of consideration that I should revisit the year 2006 and my public commentary mostly via threads of newsbusters.org as “uc” for both that Vladimir Putin did become the 2007 TIME Person of the Year after I had said “NO” in matching spirit to TIME as “uc” to their request for a picture of me for their cover as if for a story about “uc” for the nearly full year of arguing clearly for the Iraq Surge and then long in defense of it, also.

We have that a new charge of Federalism is actually now long been about globally without specifically being American.

I did say no to TIME in 2006 per their most spirited request but not without adding that a NO was appropriate because I wasn’t yet half through and they wouldn’t have sufficient space for the whole story if aired mid stream. I did consider that I liked the idea and quickly figured that if they could put a mirror on their cover instead I could though be to helping them with their intent while to thinking such the best story of that year, as per their “politics.”

At the time of this roughed out broadside for considerations seemingly fit or again anew fit today I do have no idea about Syria and Syrians as per a culture of consumption allowing and/or disfavoring alcoholic beverages.

Aryans are back in the news.  But not for German beers, however lager’d or stout, as it is now more of a fresh democratic suds of the washing news of Iranian Aryans of a new and more moderated elected leader.  Iran as well is of my current unchecked consideration as to a culture of consumption particular also to at least Russian vodka or maybe cheep American suds like say Milwaukee’s Best.

It does seem too early to “report” on consequences of so much no left an inheritance to Secretary Kerry on arguably simple and mediocre “diplomacy” of his most recent predecessor Secretary.

There is with my vast thinking and blogging just in 2006 as “uc” with newsbusters.org exposes on modern media and Operation Iraqi Freedom complications that I have a history of considering that we needed to get to prosecuting Saddam Hussein before the USA might get caught on the wrong side of the freedoms spreading technology revolutions (in social media) interconnectedness and so to as a wrong side as a global trending nation that avoided with too much inaction, for too long, and in an abandonment, near an infidelity, to its own Constitutional, and national values.

America may now be most threatened by thinking that either Clinton deserves to be floated as more possibly of offering solutions while it seems inescapable that we are of a time that needs more to discuss how they are mostly just (still) only part of the problems.

Yes, I do have years of personal history of American private content shared freely and independently much to these points.

I see though that Syria of today presents a problem that has been existent for a long time - for at least as long as it was that Americans were wise to consider how the US Constitution deserved more fidelity from President Bill Clinton than what can be recorded for posterity historically as rather a Clinton with American Infidelity to his own standards.

We have that people of the Middle East were given cause to call at least President Bill Clinton and “AMERICAN INFIDEL” for his years of abandonment in Iraq and Afghanistan with that long tagged and hashed of his inaction and avoidance.  It is that we’ld be wiser as Americans to not let us, however, become associated with Clinton as an “AMERICAN INFIDEL” so and to a mashable guilt by association as if of a knowing accomplice status.

So how to toast or not to toast as per Syria now as a opportunity for a new grand strategy that Palestinian people of the wisdom they are capable might support — If the United States of America has to involve itself and a new global multi-national coalition of states in Syria it again would be best to avoid OCCUPIER status and reach towards only a LIBERATOR rap.

So what about Palestine and Palestinians?  Does GLOBAL WARMING offer a Middle East ice breaker as per the wisdom Palestinian peoples are capable of?  If the USA has to become involved it must likely be so to nation building with a new coalition and to such a scale as that which once led to the post WWII remapping of the Middle East for an Israel so of today.

Besides that if from a Russian Syria to a more Palestinian new Syria as a new Palestine there could be a shift from a predilection for vodka to a searching for Aryan suds of equanimous cultural consumption how now might a nation building for a new Syria as a NEW “Palestine” at least as per climate change wisdom be the only real alternative now to Assad?

Yes, I do think it still a good toast to lift up your socially acceptable local beverage in good cheer that the USA and coalition states did manage a prosecution of Saddam Hussein assisting standing with (in LIBERATION) before the rising conditions of the technology revolution (in social media) had at least American caught on the wrong side, and injustly as if also AMERICAN INFIDELS to their values so Constituted as standards as President William Jefferson Clinton is taggable.

* #Hashtags #tag ISLAM, #Islam, MUHAMMAD, #Muhammad
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

For the sake of controversy and selling of truths it is that we are now here to read and discuss white chocolate politically, maybe.

As Mother’s Day is fast approaching and a big hat day of the year too we have that for Mrs. Clinton to run again she will have to hoof it all as either her racing against her own mothering or against First Lady Michelle Obama’s mothering.  It is not appropriate to be to stereotypically shoeing Mrs. Clinton as a “white chocolate” and our current wife of an also “the first black President” so as First Lady Michelle is as if she a “dark chocolate.”  It may be insensitive too, and while still it may be too confusing to compare them as equally of a milk chocolate.

Mrs. Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama do seem as different as night and day - as different as black and white - as per playing the woman cards in our politics.  With our current FLOTUS we have culinary greatness of grown at home healthiness and wholesomeness to consummate while Mrs. Clinton is still so served as our Fast Food Queen to super-sized McDonald’s Big Mac meals for her like “Mac Daddy” spouse.

It has been reported that if only we like could get back as a nation to before the influences of dietary corruption of once First Lady Mrs. Clinton our nation could be to saving a trillion dollars in healthcare costs by having been without the vast increase in obesity of the incredible national increase in personal body weight average of her mothering.

We will somehow have to discuss President Clinton as having been the “First Black President” and comparatively and contrastingly while it seems on its face that honestly President Obama has been the United States of America’s first black President, still going forward.

But really while it may be a confounding conundrum of politics to broach how Mrs. Clinton will have to either race against her own reputation or race against First Lady Michelle Obama’s example and mothering we have that there are economic consideration that are of President Obama’s governance and governing these years fundamentally so as absent a philosophy of governance.  It may be the fault of “Hillary” or “Michelle” somehow - somehow as we have to consider that Mrs. Clinton did make as many impossible campaign promises as “Obama” and was set to have had nearly the same Clintons’ alumni as her own economic advisers.

As you should decide whose mothering you think is better and how, however, you may prefer one personally more than the other there is a problem with the economics now that likely would have arrived by either the mothering of “Hillary” or as it has with the “fathering” of “Obama.”  We may now be necessarily to a second wave of economic shrinkage.

It is remarkable that a suggestion is about a candidacy for “Hillary” that there are no other Democrat women capable of such challenge - that there are none able to competently stand up to Mrs. Clinton.  I don’t know how yet to write sufficiently politically about the Democrat Party of such a paradigm where it seems that President Clinton with his recent politics is standing too much with powers he was supposed to have been limited from as of executive domains generally and so that it seems he is flexing muscle that it must be “Hillary” for she can be thought to have slept with him the most.

There is an intra-party war for political legacy between the Clintons and Obamas already commenced and with it now that President Obama is maybe trapped with the Clintons seeming possibly re-ascendant and so that he and his family will be then forward politically back under Democrat Party Leadership dominance of at least President Bill Clinton.

But speaking to the economy and the resultant down economy that started much with the announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT and she then with a promise to violate capitalism with a seizing of all oil company profits >> President Obama still seems to have until the end of a second term as at the helm of our economy as so that a President is such juiced.  And, oddly he has set up a new economic situation where if the Republicans do not decide to keep offering a rivaling economic method in capitalism personally then Obama’s socialism will bankrupt the United States of America.

See this isn’t about “Hillary” as white chocolate or “Michelle” as dark chocolate. 

This is black and white along the lines of economics and common sense.  President Obama (or President Clinton) now needs the Republicans and Independents to not do as he says but to do stupidly as they would if capitalism rules were still our economic rules.  For the Democrats socialism to work they need even just the Republicans to blindly still live their profitable capitalism American Dreams.

A candidacy for Mrs. Clinton cannot offer us a respite from this new economic way from the united Democrat Party game changing.  Simply from now until 2016 it makes more sense for at least Republicans to do as the President has said and to not do as he needs them to as of a idiotic staying the course in profitable capitalism.   To also help save the planet and gird us all for these years of climate change there is a moral and patriotic duty now much for at least the Republicans too to do as the President has said, however so with alarmism.

You may want to use this time of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY of these in governance with the current Democrat Party unity to yourself figure how much less you need others to do for you and how much less raw resources you really will quite need as these times of Democrat Eco Alarmism stay politically justified.  It may though be maddening to try to understand how Mrs. Clinton really will either have to race against her own reputation or specifically race against the mothering of/by First Lady Michelle Obama.  (I still assert all have the right as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law to protest that any campaign by Clintons whenever to returning to a co-holding of the Presidency can and should be called criminal, un-Constitutional, and/or treasonous.)

Our Federal Government’s revenue streams come mostly from income and profits - not wealth or property taxation. 

The worst economic reality for President Obama as he attempts to prove he can afford such “idealism” is that the Republicans, at least, will do as he says to a new flatter economy with a new greenness in conservationism their way too.  We as a nation cannot and likely will not be able to afford these new entitlements of the recent rush to a NEW NATIONALISM of socialism if at least Republican don’t idiotically keep to blindly being capitalists. 

We have to consider that First Lady Michelle Obama is a dominant women in the Obama marriage and maybe as responsible as her husband for this confounding new economics - as responsible as Mrs. Clinton for her mothering as if two super-sized Big Mac meals a day was good politics - even before it seems to have increased national medical costs with an increase in obesity to us of now having been able to save a trillion dollars if she hadn’t been such a ham for President Clinton’s dietary excesses.

I have to believe, whomever your political “Mother” preference is, and however you have been weened and reared by a real mother, you are ready to politically consider at least that Mrs. Clinton likely has to run against First Lady Michelle Obama’s legacy as it would be quite ridiculous for her to run against herself as if she is politically not defensible.

It may now be that Democrats have done more to bring “family values” back at least to realm of family and home economics.  It is that at least Republicans have been also asked to assimilate patriotically in a new austerity and conservationism and that now are times when they have less need to stand in defense of capitalism themselves.  It figures though quite confoundingly that President Obama and Democrats forward are stuck unable to see our nation afford their idealism if at least Republicans don’t blindly still pursue profits and income from capitalism.  It is that Republicans seem the more important class of economic taggables to be firstly and mostly to a full Obama conservationism, however it may also now be seen as socialism.

Mother’s Day is near - Please don’t ask me to decide for you whom you should respect more - whether your mother or First Lady Michelle Obama or even possibly Mrs. Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:03 pm

In the Potterville of President Obama’s Sequestration how might we consider many different jurisdiction issues? 

In the bailiwick of banking and our housing crisis how can we now be better bankers ourselves.  This administration sided with the Big Banks and not those more of the Savings and Loan of Bailey’s.  There were better stewards of our public trusts available to step out otherwise and to help home owners and main streets more if we hadn’t been so stuck upon TOO BIG TO FAIL full embrace by the then new administration of President Obama.

As Rand Paul and others his peers stand up to educate and involve many about threats real to their freedoms we have that our Sequester is more of a Jimmie Stewart of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE than as Mr. Smith in MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON.  I did read all of Ayn Rand’s books by the mid 1980s, and, I do not know if or by how much Rand Paul may be older than I am old/young.

So about Obama and his “Potterville” administering of TOO BIG TO FAIL and alarmism about a politically convenient new Great Depression:  There were other ways to fix our economy, and, there were other ways also to have attempted to address “solutions” for any pressing climate change or global warming.

How now to be better teachers and educators with an involving of our too huddled in recessionary times masses?

This is for a BAILEY WICKING about bailiwicks of our sequestration, while of the time and duties of the institution of this seeming real new day of a “Mr. Smith.”  

How now should we consider that President Obama could otherwise have from his official first days have been to governing more like Mr. Bailey of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE?

Was/is President Obama trapped by his own party from having been anything but Big Potters of Bedford Falls?  Was the alternative of being more of Mr. Bailey out because they would have had to incriminate themselves as causally responsible for the housing collapse near wholly as a party?  Was/is TOO BIG TO FAIL the only defense the Democrat Party had other than stirring up too much curiosity by a public pleading of the Fifth, like?

Was/is it simply better to have written checks to most Americans as cost of living stipends directly to them while of trouble paying their mortgages due to the new higher energy politics of the Democrat Party GREEN ENERGY policies?

All the Republican candidates for President in the 2012 Republican primaries stood up to the person and declared that our Government caused the housing crisis, and without incriminating themselves more than they were incriminating Democrats.

It would still have been a capitalism for our Government to have issued many handouts to those with tight finances and troubled mortgages, oddly - yet truly.  It would not have been “socialism” specifically or necessary hypothetically or theoretically since it would have been of stipends for cost of living increases due specifically to the Democrat Party leadership meddling with energy “scarcity” and “demand” and as well with weather politics.  Had such been done as Mr. Bailey might have as soon as President Obama had otherwise taken to being more just a Big Potter of Bedford Falls we might have had our Government have to spend less than it did by bailing out all the banks.

It would have been self incriminating though for the Democrats rivaling President Obama and he himself to have argued that we should copy China’s economics and just write some checks to the people — President Obama couldn’t be as free as the Chinese to be capitalistic for he would have had to incriminate himself and his party in order to properly justify that it would have cost less and have been more efficient to have issued cost of living stipends to the people directly.

It was all supposed to be sold as of a polarizing partisan political #rap against at least President Bush - with the message and dictates all to TOO BIG TO FAIL let us be Potters of Bedford Falls based on the impossible of “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT.”

Though the housing crisis started during the administration of President Bush it was of new faulty foundations of the plotting of Democrat President Clinton.  The housing crisis did get triggered under President Bush mostly by the campaigning to an energy revolution by Democrats of Al Gore, Senator Clinton & Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  The housing crisis was triggered by the higher gas prices triggered by the new and too subjective supply and demand possibilities about the Democrat Party’s energy idealism and revolutionary methods.

If the Democrats could have just martyred themselves and instead have written checks to Americans caught on fixed incomes and then overextended in credits not only might the bank bailout have not been necessary but our economy might have been able to bounce back within a couple years like it likely would have if McCain/Palin had been elected.

To have justified otherwise proceeding to stop the economic slide to a convenient era for NEW DEAL politics and a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY we either had to get the price of gas lower than it was before HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT commenced or before Al Gore started with his AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH crusading.  We either had to get the price of gas as low as it was then as then possible because the Bush administration had actually gotten to stabilizing global markets for oil or we had to send checks out as capitalistic cost of living stipends to cover the additional costs of and from the GREEN ENERGY REVOLUTION politics of the Democrats — We had to do one or the other to have stopped the housing crisis in time and to have avoided needing to bail out all the banks.

It seems Senator Rand Paul as Mr. Smith is still going - Stand with Rand - your freedoms are being threatened domestically.

Like we have it a historical consideration that President Bush could maybe have only argued his case for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM more clearly and with more honesty and transparency if he had been otherwise from lying for such to the harder and most political truer route of needing to argue for such necessarily with a parallel discourse about the Clintons’ Administration of a GROSS NEGLIGENCE.

The Democrats would have had to martyr themselves for their energy idealism for us to have avoided bailiwicks for so many about bailing out so many that would have been better served by a President Obama as a Mr. Bailey of Bedford Falls than a Mr. Potter.

That said:  It would have been “capitalistic” to have cut checks to the American People as cost of living stipends to supplement their finances so like of fixed incomes already maxed out and it likely would have saved most banks better and faster than the TARP and TOO BIG TO FAIL politics did.  The Republican candidates during their primary did all stand up and speak to how it was the Government not the people that caused the housing crisis.  The same Republicans though might have had a hard time seeing a way to writing checks even though the Chinese Government was then being that capitalistic and prudent even if actually just “cost of living stipends.”

We had many stories of these early trouble days of convenient crisi for new NEW DEALERS of how in Spain a similar energy idealism had cost at least two existing jobs (regular jobs) for every one new green job that their politics managed to create.

The Democrats have a history with me of my having been party to old concerns that we needed as a nation to get our energy prices higher to change the nation to a better frame of mind about efficiencies and environmental concerns.  When they once asked me “Could it work?” they only wanted to hear the start of my answer that started like:  It could work — But it likely won’t work or wouldn’t work!  I remember them being dismissive (naively) and with “we just want to know if it could work!”

Again, the Democrats would have had to martyr themselves politically to have prevented the housing crisis and stopped the very global economic slide to such now their much (it seems) unexpected not easily reversed convenient “recession” like a “depression” down time from their mathy suppression.  I was of a shared mind that we needed to find a way to educate and involve the American people to real concerns that a higher price of gas could be a variable about — I didn’t think “could work” would work because of the economies and politics of the time and that Democrats mostly were seeming to be being counterproductive by trying to do too much too quickly.

We have seen since this all really got rolling that other things were already quite happening to have fixed the problem without needing higher gas prices and general energy costs.  We have that our natural gas finds and other innovative developments may have been doing more for climate change concerns these past few years and yet while hardly if at all of the Democrat Party plotting as too much all more Mr. Potters of Bedford Falls.

To be brief as this is all now of real bailiwicks of so many new and former members of our Congress:  A Mr. Bailey solution would have been better and especially capitalistic though oddly for too many if so of our Federal Government otherwise to have written checks out (like the Chinese economics) as “COST OF LIVING STIPENDS.”  President Obama has taken to being much more a Mr. Potter and hardly a fan of Mr. Smiths;  he would have had to martyr himself contrary to his own Fifth Amendment rights though to have been so more “capitalistic” and yet as well like the Chinese.

Note:  Had McCain/Palin been elected we likely would have seen the economy recover in just a couple years.  There is that he was set to let a renaissance in state’s rights happen fluidly and naturally and not have been of like a New Nationalist heavy hand too like a Mr. Potter.  And, they would have needed to stand up a bailiwick PRIORITY for regulators to necessary and speedy bank reformation.  By my own considerations it was as far back as 2006 that I had become concerned that the Big Banks had become too corrupt on their collections side and to try out of necessity and desperation to try to cover the corrupted lending side so much a bastard banking child of Clintonomics.

It is all our bailiwicks that Democrats should have admitted that they wanted or thought they needed higher energy prices, and that we would have been better off if they had told us and sold us and decided to educate and involve more like a Mr. Bailey.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:53 am

It is inescapable that Bill Clinton is at heart the very politician that gave the filibuster like Democratic Party Convention Speech for the nomination of Governor Michael Dukakis.  1988 was a different time for Americans of the United States of America still in the longest of warring such as our Cold War.  Governor Clinton of Arkansas in 1988 in Atlanta, Georgia, droned on and on, and on, by many reports.

By 1991 we were in a new global state of affairs heralded as a NEW WORLD ORDER.  Many may have been dreading seeing Governor Clinton return to any national dais for another oration.  There is a long story to tell that now fits with a Democrat Party in need of branding help.  Today’s order as per intra-party Democrat worlds has a is segmented to a split about three identities;  Today there are different biases about the brand as of a trichotomy between Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - Barack Hussein Obama Dems.

Some are grateful much more than others that Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected in 1988 and that Governor Michael Dukakis was not.  As many may be grateful some about a retrospective that Governor Clinton may have cost Governor Dukakis the election with his convention speech still reported as of an air of a “Will it ever end?”

Students of the politics of the United States of America can hardly be to erudite posits and papers today in these times without having an understanding of the years 1988-1993.  To some it was just the years that the U.S.A. became the sole superpower in the world, and, to others it was the years of a concern that a third world war would break out and be the foretold end - the end of the world as by fire.

Of at least an intra-party Democrat world set about with a dichotomy just between Bill Clinton Dems & Hillary Clinton Dems we have that the First Couple Clintons did leave after their eight years without having left, so it seems, any alternative plan for “bite” as per Saddam Hussein.  We still have a vacuum about our political logic quite dangerously of roll outs of new policies and defense spending concerns endemic to the Administration of the Clintons and how they left President George W. Bush no entrance and/or exit strategy for Iraq and the considerable dust ups about a prosecution due for Saddam Hussein.

There is much hubris about so much over too many of these many years since Governor Clinton showed his true self with the nominating speech for Governor Dukakis that is of reports of some fearing it might never end, like.  From this we have that students of American history of the politics of the United States of America have a dichotomy to consider and scrutinize too much just within that which is just singularly of the known history of Bill Clinton.

Iraq and Iran, logically speaking, now would likely be engaged in a mini cold war of their own with non U.S. global support of quite a different “new world order” than President George H. W. Bush managed us towards.  Without the PERSIAN GULF WAR of President George H. W. Bush and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of President George W. Bush it is logical and supportable by known global sympathies that Saddam if still in power would now be in a cold war nuclear power and nuclear weapon race with Iran.  It helps to understand the years between 1988 & 1993 and how so then about a major adjustment for the world to a NEW WORLD ORDER with the U.S.A. emerged from such long dust up with the U.S.S.R. as a sole global super power.

About so much of this is still that Hillary Clinton Dems of the above concerning trichotomy and or dichotomy is that which did the most flip flopping.  She is also the Clinton, and Democrat, most culpable and mashable around a hashable #Iraq for she voted for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, logically, as one that as Mrs. Clinton the former FLOTUS of the most recent prior administration was of intimate enough “intelligence” to have known if “WMD” was or was not a lie.  She is remembered for being of reports that she was so confident with “WMD” intelligence as former FLOTUS, it seems, that she didn’t even take it upon herself to read the provided “NEW” intelligence estimates.

In light of the recent vast democratic reset that happened when the U.S.A became the victor of the longest of wars - of the COLD WAR - and became in the years 1988 -1993 effectively the only super power it is quite relevant and concerning that logic can help us be to better understandings of our here and now if we dig into the old dust ups of a couple decades ago.  Afghanistan can be said to have been the GETTYSBURG of the COLD WAR - the “turning point.”

In the mashable of our current problema challenging any now “Democrat” as of an “Intelligentsia” we have that we should consider that “WMD” may have been a genius stroke however a “LIE” for still we have that any entrance or exit about Iraq for a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and/or “bite” for United Nations’ sanctions was best to be booted as somehow definitively not of the U.S.A. or Coalition as to a HOLY WAR footing.

Hillary Clinton Dems are now quite past a reasonable deadline for proffering posits positively purposeful politically per prudent possible and probable prosecution of her past sworn officialdoms.  It is logical that Hillary Clinton has been making the same mistakes over and over since she first flip flopped about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  When one accepts “Bush lied” it logically becomes both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton whom appear to look worse - worser even that President George W. Bush.

There is a dichotomy taggable as of a Bill Clinton’s Dems and Hillary Clinton’s Dems even from their Administration as the first stirrings of a dust up in Afghanistan had one more a dove and the other more hawkish.  Together they abandoned Afghanistan for their eight years and such that once was manageable as of a too early exit by the United States of American became years of insult added to injury, like, such that now we may be there and for so long because they wanted to sell PEACE before its time and be coyly of an inaction and avoidance in Afghanistan and Iraq so that they could justify, somehow, PEACE DIVIDENDS during known unsettled times.

Yes there is a dichotomy at least just in Bill Clinton that is now still very relevant for it is not logical that he was himself truly while of his 1988 Democrat Party Convention speechifying and that he had been naturally as himself while of much of the exposure since their late entry into the 1992 Presidential race.

OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM would better to have been of ACTION by the Clintons in the first term of the Administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and then as well somehow clearly and definitively as of a “war” like posture not footed or booted as confusable as a HOLY WAR. 

Saddam Hussein was like a father or godfather figure about Al Qaeda.  How much this was strategic and purposefully politicked by Saddam Hussein to a consideration that he would be able to keep Kuwait despite the U.S.A. of treaties because Americans wouldn’t risk stirring up radicals known to be of geopolitical sensitivity and pride - like Al Qaeda.  We have that we are still deciding politics with still too little consideration about how our 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT is flawed for having looked back only ten years at Al Qaeda all the while it was nearer 12 years old and formed specifically to be a response/reaction to politics and warring by Saddam Hussein.  Saddam Hussein may have well like rocked the cradles of Al Qaeda against the United States of America towards gains like of his efforts in seizing Kuwait.

And today there is at least about Iraq and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM an intra-party trichotomy among Democrats as of either Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems.  These three still have different histories related to so much of what is now too effecting to our politics and these years of gridlock.

Logically there wouldn’t have been a 9/11 I or 9/11 II if Saddam Hussein hadn’t invaded Kuwait.  Logically it seems 9/11 may have been kept like as a HOLY DAY for Jihadists of Al Qaeda 2001 sense of justice and so if as well an attack by them to being only then interpretable of an “intelligence” of a motive nearly identical to 9/11 I.  There is more in just the broached “dichotomy” concern about Bill Clinton that relates to some of his earliest moral short comings of his first steps in the Middle East of his first year of his first term;  it is actually mashable and logical that Al Qaeda attacked us on both 9/11 days as acts of war in a HOLY WAR or Jihad for a sense of justice related still to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

And today there is still a concern about “LIES” of “WMD” and yet hardly enough discussion as to the religious and geopolitics variables that were better worked around to assure that any due prosecution of Saddam Hussein wouldn’t and couldn’t be seen as of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of a wagging of HOLY WAR.

Again, there is a dichotomy just about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton for their years of the Administration of the Clintons as per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Again, most reports still are of us as having had power shift from the Clintons to President George W. Bush without there having been a plan of the Clintons’ eight years left for entering and exiting Iraq. 

It seems that “BITE” for United Nations’ sanctions on Saddam Hussein, as an issue, as our history, does divide the house of Clintons still.

And, still we had the clock running.   We were some to a new way of “liberation” for the United States of America, as of a new world order, and expectation to “police’” as a sole super power, as it became an expected way for Americans that had risks of the U.S.A. becoming punk’d by other nations to such while to such.  We the People of the United States of America were uniquely fortified to a new way to “liberation” of other peoples where we had been compromised/engaged before much some just because we had (still had) an all volunteer force.

And now though with two acts of war by Al Qaeda on 9/11s are we to measure and consider the current intra-party trichotomy existant about a logical and historical divide between the politics of Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems?

And, again:  It is remarkable that as the discussion goes from “Bush lied” to an acceptance that “Bush lied” it is the Clintons however similar and intimate and different are two that each are to politically looking worse that President George W. Bush!

So:  Did we get attacked on both 9/11 because Bill Clinton failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein per the sense of justice reasoning of Al Qaeda?  Was the second act of war on such that may have been kept as a terrorist HOLY DAY then for Bill Clinton returned and not penitent so when again in a Democrat Party Convention - when at Charlotte as the charlatan yet of a history of having been of an Administration of the Clintons now proven to have been too much of an avoidance and inaction as per Afghanistan and Iraq? 

We can accept that it is logical that Saddam Hussein fathered Al Qaeda by his violation of Kuwait - Right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:33 am

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Leader Nancy Pelosi?  Have you come up with an explanation for so much that roots in your time as Speaker?  Can this be mostly that of the global influence of a stale Clinton - at least one Clinton too long in power?  Mustn’t it be more all just your fault?

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?  Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

Speaker Nancy Pelosi it part of a triumverate of circa 2007 effectors whom can be considered a dark “charmed” troika to an economic slide for all.  For Leader Pelosi her necessary role was to keep President George W. Bush from being able to do the spending he would need to if to being able to fix the economy in time.

Two others, at least, had to play equally diabolical roles yet more to subjectifying our economics and at least the price of vehicle fuels.  We can get to them later - they can run, but can they hide now?

We are here now with a threat for a new recession or depression quite possible.  I don’t know if technically such would be now a quadruple dip if since the day of Senator Clinton and her announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT - or just a triple or double dipping.

2012 was a big WIN for Republicans - it isn’t hard to figure it so, already.  President Barack Hussein Obama may not yet provide us copies of his ideological college or law papers but to go forward PC he should avoid being PG (Politically gouche) and work us all away from insensitive discussions of a “POVERTY LEVEL” as he creeps forward with his dream NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and to a new patriotic Obama “GREEN MINIMALISM”!

Yes, while Speaker, Nancy Pelosi did carry on as a devotee to the Clintons and a dark celebrant of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES and to such an extent that she governed to keep President George W. Bush from being able to reverse enough of the spending cuts of two trillion in eight years in time to fix our economy in time.  Yes, Speaker Pelosi was part of a triumverate as a purposeful dark “charmed” troika of sorts hell bent to keep a down economy so that Dems could win again on:  IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPIDS!!!.

This is like a period made more for a political enlightenment than expected new renaissance.  Republican have at least their 41 votes in the Senate to hold back any new reconciliation moves however already impossible with their holding of our House so this 2012.  Democrats now to move forward must establish a base line more PC than “POVERTY LEVEL” as their mandate seems to be of from a youth movement willing to have less if it will save our planet.  Democrats now to move forward must first be from the desk of newly elected President Obama be to establishing a baseline for their GREEN MINIMALISM PC.

Let me be clear:  There is no way this black FDR wanna be didn’t want an excuse to bring in anew the white FDR’s social programs and socialistic powers.  He even is obvious for the name of the Chicago area he chose to live in.

The con is up!!!  Let me be clear:  President Obama is now re-elected with a mandate to save the planet with any or all austerity he thinks needed.  He now logically needs his first step to be to a most public dictate as to a minimalism for all, a GREEN MINIMALISM at least for those that stood up for such to be his mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The attempt at a RUSSIAN “RESET” may have been doomed from the start for there were already three as a dark “charmed” troika in America.  Clinton and Powers may have had no real chance to bring Russia in as a forth.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

For the Honorable President George W. Bush to have fixed the economy while President he would have had to have very publicly reversed much or most of the unnecessary extra trillion in spending cuts by the Clintons for their SURPLUSES.

We are now of a day(s) with President Obama with an election mandate near solely for a new GREEN MINIMALISM as if a black FDR to a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We have that the like “GREEN REVOLUTION” he just rode to re-election is of a mandate loudly that his people are ready to have less if it will save the planet.

We are now, so it should be, of just a brief waiting upon newly elected President Obama for his dictates on minimalism levels so spoken and voted in as a mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The planet must still be in serious, even most serious, peril since the Obama campaign didn’t back down or away from any earlier claims of dangers of an “end of the world…” coming.  It now must not be PC to speak of “POVERTY LEVEL” as a NEW DEAL shared sacrifice era has been run on and voted in enough so for us now to learn to become of a new speak of GREEN MINIMALISM PATRIOTISM.

And the other two of the dark “charmed” troika or triumverate about Speaker Pelosi 2008 economic hobblings are simply then just Senator Hillary Clinton and new “Mr. Science” and “ALARMIST” Al Gore.

We are not talking “conspiracy theories” here - awaken to GRAND STRATEGIES possibilities, please.  Become enlightened as much as you might now, please.


But how?

It is quite simple when you have opened your mind to how bad the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were together with what else they passed off as good economics, and, it is quite simple when you understand that Speaker Pelosi did keep President Bush from being able to do the spending necessary to fix the very fundamentally troubled economy in time for 2008 elections.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?


Can President Barack Hussein Obama now govern with his con up?  Can he carry just his believers forward to his new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as many find out it is now only necessary because the Democrats worked it to be necessary?  Will they accept a timely austerity and it’s necessary new PC of patriotism to a GREEN MINIMALISM?

Can President Barack Hussein Obama even convince his own to suffer and figure ways to get by on less - if only to save the planet?  Can he govern with his con up and it obvious that it was Dems fault and from a trying and it no longer a “inheritance” inconveniently left just magically for a black FDR wanna be by a Republican predecessor?

Sure much good can come from a new austerity now regardless of how wrought actually by hands of leading Democrats.  It may be inconvenient that they now have to move forward not as convenient “inheritors” of a perfect set of crisi, but, still we are reportedly able to save a trillion dollars in new healthcare costs if we can just get our nation’s average for personal body weights back down to or below the pre-Clintons’ presidency levels.


But how?

Simply it was all about oil or “carbon fuels” for the Democrats.  (Yes not as thought so as simply all Republicans were only about.)

What Paul Krugman has seemingly refused to tell you is that HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT dictates and the alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING by Al Gore did cause a serious spike in gas prices. 

What figures out forward is that the housing crisis though fundamentally set up flawed by the Administration of the Clintons was triggered to collapse by the spike in gas prices.  First came the higher gas prices and then came the collapse of the Clintons’ worked hyper-consumerism that kept the economy bloated.  First came the higher gas prices and then that so many on fixed incomes that had bought into Clintonomics and their hyper-consumerism were then no longer able to pay for the gas to get to work and their mortgages.

Second came that once the housing bubble economics of the Administration of the Clintons and the pimped out hyper-consumerism met the spike in gas prices caused by the dictates and subjective partisan political rhetoric of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM people first couldn’t pay for gas and their mortgages on their fixed incomes and then couldn’t afford the continued hyper-consumerism needed to keep the bloated economy bloated.

Third came that with the dictates of Candidate Hillary Clinton toward seizing all oil company profits, coupled with Al Gore’s ALARMISM and the partisan politics of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a devotee to the spending levels of the the Clintons’ SURPLUSES even more then were stuck - WERE STUCK!!!

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

President Clinton did ask bankers to delve into derivatives for the purpose of allowing him to run his risky loan housing bubble economics as an unfunded federal social program.  President Bush could only have fixed the economy and saved us from a recession or new GREAT DEPRESSION if he could have publicly have explained how bad the spending cuts of that extra trillion cut for the Clintons to have a thought impossible political popularity were.

We do now seem to need a new AUSTERITY if only because that is the mandate President Obama just secured with his re-election.  It may now be too late for us not to have a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY. 

It may be very difficult now though for President Barack Hussein Obama as outed as a black FDR wanna be for it seems most will soon realize that Democrats caused this mess and that it wasn’t Republicans or Bush - but as of those corrupted in the nineties by the Clintons while about setting up this mess.

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?   Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

First the Administration had to set up fundamentally flawed economics and pimp them out and then only three of a dark “charmed” troika or triumverate were needed to spike the price of gasoline while as well being devotees to that unnecessary extra trillion cut for the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.  After that 2008 was a lock since so many were trapped in the Dems’ hyper-consumerism with fixed incomes unable to afford new higher gas prices.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Are we here now because too many became loyal to Bill Clinton and stayed such for too long?

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!


*{new columns now should be looked for via http://citizenrosebud.us or directly at http://jphoganorg.jphogan.org}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:05 am



Some times it is as simple as finding the right type of shoes for your day.  Today if you aren’t wondering about all the manufacturers and specific brands for work boots are you considering if you started your day on the wrong side of the bed?

Sands of times such as like of these days metrics may be of time kept accurate enough and finally more locally and celestial.  An hour glass shape is more beautiful than a Sandy cyclonic nimbustic mass, however.

With some now to tea parties by candles light necessarily an election day approaches with Sandy having sunken the HMS BOUNTY.  A quick game of Go Fish or Cribbage maybe with your tea - or yet some Bridge, maybe?  A quick flight of nimbus 2012 might still harken on sight too many too near to concerns about weather as beautiful - a puffy cumulus sky set 2012 may yet not.

Many either will be shopping for new boots for November and with some buying the nearest brand available even if not as steel toed as they should eventually have.  Some will have time to shop for a more lasting fit and more specific use specific branding considerate so.  Others may be shopping for waders more than they had ever thought.

Waterproofing and breathability to be considered as for toe and ankle protection and support.

Tread patterns and arch support and a good fit may not be of the first available options for those most in need of new boots due to Sandy and her nimbustic cyclonic.

The captain of the original HMS Bounty did become a matter of dispute though it did set off as the United Kingdom started to find hope and change for themselves after having lost the American colonies to struggles and independence assertions risen from earlier American Tea Party taxation issues.  Captain William Blygh was the Captain of Commissioning for the mission of THE BOUNTY and William Jefferson Blythe III is the Christian name Bill Clinton was born to.

There is much afoot politically now arguably because the Democrats of the 2008 sweep to so much power that they decided to try to go it alone without working at much of any bi-partisanship.  There is much afoot that they ideologically rushed too many towards that now can be said to have helped Sandy more than hurt her chances — they may have completely marched ideologically with exactly all the “solutions” for any climate change the wrong and most dangerous directions.

Atlantic City may turn out the better for this visit from Sandy that may have been advanced by Dems ideological blind rush to what seems a crony capitalism to a one sided and inadequately considered messing with mother nature.  It is still historically a wonder that we had the eight years of the Clintons with an alarmism about bigger storms and yet no help for New Orleans or its outdated and in disrepair levies and the MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet).

There were many ways for America to have lead a real economic recovery otherwise than how the Dems did while liking a politics of avoiding work for bi-partisanship.  There were ways for America if it could have avoided the Dems’ ideological GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM political agenda even if a science of a condition was unavoidable.  There were better ways to have addressed the weather threats from any actual global warming - by far.  There were ways to have celebrated not a CRISIS to justify a nationalism or new nationalism that would have helped other options work with other economic growth possibilities to have likely allowed a real economic recovery already, and, even maybe within just a couple years.

The only obstacle, for the other options that could have been with a bi-partisan patience about real issues of our time, and less of just the ideological rush of a Dem Agenda march, is that still we have that the Clintons’ years, of burning our economic candle from both ends at once, with that “captain” born William Blythe III, of having asked the banks to be to a mass gambling with derivatives, that would have made a real recovery possible already is that we still have that the Clintons’ economics did embed too much corruption into our big banks banking systems.

We have that the Clintons set up the economic down turn both with President Clinton’s desire to push a risky loaning to a housing bubble as an unfunded federal social program and with his stirring of Americans to a hyper consumerism that couldn’t hold when gas prices spiked with announcement of Hillary for President and Al Gore’s INCONVENIENT TRUTHS.  The Clintons needed to be removed from a sense of good captaining for the economy to have recovered already - and as it had possibilities whence to have recovered even within a couple of years.

Atlantic City now for post Sandy cyclonic nimbostratus darkness days and recovering may consider an old job growth economic idea of mine to remake all of Atlantic City into an American Venice with many canals and with boats in canals instead of cars on roads.

Detroit was of old days of job creation ideas fitting with our economic options for actually possible more speedy recovering.  For Detroit - for the Motor City - I though I had a turning of the tables of its own story for it to become less a facilitator of travel and more a destination to celebrate travel — For Detroit still I can imagine theme parks of GEO DOMES with year round down hill skiing in one with restaurants and spas and a desert oasis in another with camels and cultural specialities, and as well even great and large out of place tropical forests with sunny and warm indoor beach and swimming transporting experiences.

Atlantic City could become a wonderful new destination more of an international cultural experience maybe some ways other than becoming a working and large NEW Venice.

Detroit still seems a great Heart Land are aready to have some tables set better for them and even so maybe as I suggested years ago they could have us help them turn our tables for them to a destination economy.

Sandy at least you only visited as a lady booting a Category 1 responding.  I don’t know where you are now and how you may have many looking more for snow boots than work boots.

Oh Sandy - you could just as well be of party politics too much of a party having played politics too much near four years ago.  Oh, Sandy - there may be climate change and global warming and yet you may have been born of too much meddling effected too quickly and not itself be conceived from an actual as sold global warming.  Oh, Sandy - There were better ways to have addressed concerns about Global Warming however specious and ways that could have otherwise likely have turned the global economy around within two years years ago.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:57 am

A real:  ‘Who is he and why is he here?’ new low for politics in America is still loitering about.

This all may be about MONKEY BUSINESS or MONKEY POLITICS of said new “BANANA REPUBLIC” governance “from behind.”  This though too is of a long overdue fuller consideration of the political pathology of “MACACA” that is likely to show Bill Clinton more of monkey business than George Allen ever was.

There are busts of all types about still of this era not an accidental NEW DEPRESSION.  These are times, it can be said, of an economic suppression by Democrats for CRISIS governance excused by convenient CRISIS - CRISIS - CRISIS busts to excuse and permit a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.

There are busts of all types about still maybe much specifically now more due a consideration of economic and monkey business of Bill Clinton - of his “two-fer” in its first sale, and, now as repackaged and sold as if new while not.

Our Senate starts off every roll call with Mr. Akaka - with “A” - with “A”s but for our political business not purposefully for monkey business.  Nearly every day our Senate convenes it does start with our Senator from Hawaii and sometimes so quickly it sounds as if they are starting off with “M… AKAKA”.

Before we offer up an overdue defense of George Allen and apology that he wasn’t able to be Reagan as much as Reagan could have been Reagan at that “MACACA” moment it seems we should talk about Bill Clinton - President Clinton - and his new and old monkey business and swinging fore and before much of the “now” as well of our new BANANA REPUBLIC.

Though the pathology of that George Allen “MACACA” moment got tagged as “monkey” slurring or demeaning it was quite a story of our Senators and how each roll call is commence with nearly a “M…AKAKA.”  Before George Allen was thought to say “MACACA” like a swear or slur to be as thought demeaning he had asked the opposition researcher to tell everyone his name.  What happened next was George Allen thinking he could be more Reagan than he was capable, it seems — it still seems that what happened next was he proceed to think he could use Senators and the Senate roll call to try to divine the young Hawaiian looking young man’s name if he could figure out whom his Senator was and if his Senator knew his name.

That President William Jefferson Clinton who was born William Blythe III and was never to knowing his dad is set to keynote at a political convention is quite democratically and Constitutionally concerning and a mess for all chance of political and diplomatic clarity for our governance all around our known world.

Yes, George Allen though of a thought “MACACA” moment is not of the party of monkey business and a NEW BANANA REPUBLIC with success in creating the necessary CRISIS moments to effect and affect a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as a torrent from the top down far from balanced as a trickle down approach better would have effected.

George Allen wasn’t, it seems, of “MACACA” but of “M…Akaka” starting with “A” and considering his spot-lighted opposition plant there had dark skin enough to maybe be racially Hawaiian.  Reagan probably could have pulled this off, though - pulled off trying to publicly guess a political operatives name by figuring out whom his Senator was - that is if his Senator knew his constituent then so about politically.

But as for William Jefferson Clinton, former and term limited President as well of a promise to operate the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE in a non-partisan and non-political way:  THIS IS MONKEY BUSINESS - MUCH OF THE RECENT TAGGING OF US NOW OF A BANANA REPUBLIC.

That President William Jefferson Clinton just as a former President with a wife now barred from “politics” as per the constraints on our Secretary of State is set to keynote is quite concerning and so much so politically regardless of how bad or good his past administering was or wasn’t — it is so concerning that it opens up a can of MONKEY BUSINESS really as if we should see and be worried of treachery even treachery near treasonous.

It seems there are no “chains” of “commands” in the Democrat Party anymore.  Really, however you consider such - there seems to be a mess about any “chain of command” in the Democrat Party.

The real pathology of our “BANANA REPUBLIC” is really about the monkey business of the Clintons and their “two-fer since their law school days - even more so than the monkeying around by President Barack Hussein Obama.  Their monkey business has already too long been our “MONKEY BUSINESS” as little known is that for them it has since they became engaged, it seems, have been:  BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST.

That the Clintons’ marriage was conceived as I recall from a first impression to a “BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST” may best explain now why so many “busts” are about our economy and failed governance and politics.  That they were conceive and consummated to all those years of plotting to put for them a “both” can be “President” above other more prudent interests may explain only partly how much they put the “infidelity” into “Infidels”.

But this isn’t about that type of “busts” nor about how for them as Christians what has been or thought to have been and for so long was not and is not polygamy but adultery.  That type of political “monkey business” is not what this is about though - except as you may get to considering it may have inhibited their governance, both.  We seem to have more tolerance these days about such - this is more about how their was treachery from their governance maybe mostly for now of a gross “negligence.”

This is how I know the Clintons and so with my knowing of them rooted with a first impression of each of them from when they were both Yale Law Students not yet engaged, legally.  I know they conceived of a political future to put their both becoming President some day ahead of most that others may more prudently have prioritized.

But for more on what to some more than others is them of a ‘treachery’ or ‘treasonousness’ here are some thoughts I shared as with Facebook as http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan morning updates:

BILL AND BUST(S) ??? next column - now under consideration.  Seems Bill Clinton with it as Constitutionally and politically wrong for him to revive himself with Putin dreamin’ by accepting key note speaking is due a fair consideration that if he uses it to finally apologize to the nation and the world some healing and bipartisanship might result.  Yes it seems he wanted as much as a come back as Putin and as more Hillary’s “Russian Bear” Bill but still his speech if allowable can be used to finally apologize for all that is actually mostly his fault.  We have all the soldiers who died because the Clintons didn’t fund body and truck armor in their times of new types of conflicts on the known horizon.  We have that bridge that just fell down and killed people that should have had some of his extra trillion of available funds cut to chase surplus popularity.  We have the failure of MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet) during Katrina much so for he had the money to finally be the first President since 1983 to attend to it as necessary work and especially since he was a climate change guru supposedly already aware of dangers of more and larger storms.  We have as well all the school children with schools falling down and books beyond otherwise national top standards.  Yes, Bill can maybe actually do some good with his speech if he steps up and frees President Obama from these years of trying to cover up for the Clintons and so that he by apologizing for his own gross negligence in governance and maybe as well with a nod of apology for it seems his underfunding to the tune of an extra trillion might be deemed of a causal negligence that stirred or caused 9/11 at least more than Saddam did.  Bill shouldn’t speak but if he does maybe some good can come from it and an apology to the entire Bush family for false accusations and cheap politics for so many years of lies.

> More on the “loveable” Bill
>More maybe for BILL AND BUST(S) >>
Well we have he could apologize for pimping America into the hyper consumerism of maxed out spending that caused the housing crash as once Al Gore started trumpeting inconvenient “truths” with global alarmism and the price of gas spiked those that trusted the Clintonomics found they no longer had enough in their all American fixed middle class incomes and lowe
r class wages to pay both for gas and for the mortgage.  And, that Bill did ask Bankers to “find a way to gamble away the risks” he wanted unwisely for his ‘Housing Bubble’ economics - he asked them to come up with the new grand scheming that grew out from what ever had been before to be too too too big just to try to gamble away the risks of Clintonomics of willful attempts to be popular by burning our economic candle from both ends at once. He didn’t have to run the risky loaning as he did essentially as threatened and doomed from the outset as most it was set up as an unfunded federal social program.  And, then of course there is Iraq >> I guess the Clintons never had “Bite” in sanctions on Saddam > It figures for by all reports to date that I know of there have been no reports that the Clintons’ left Bush any “enter and exit” strategy ready and worked out as should have been expected.  No it seems the Clintons never bothered with a “what if?” as per Saddam Hussein and just kept passing the bucks — it is hard to believe that for all their 8 years they never figured out at least how to enter and liberate Iraqi to enforce the UN sanctions or even better figured out how to enter and then exit so to be prepared to keep America and coalition states drilled as liberators and not occupiers.  That and this is really how the Clintons should be now already in our history books, right?  At least how they now should be in all our news for the next week?

Please do help figure out all the MONKEY BUSINESS about 2012 and our future before it is too late.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:05 am

Developing now:  We have ourselves within a hundred days to discern and judge as citizens still or now as more just “subjects” the dangers of the hot air emitted since the 2008 races commenced and with Speaker Pelosi hot for SURPLUSES.

The simplest way to preface in a more scientific way the post 2009 “I inherited this …” is to maybe look at what happened to the price of gasoline due to Al Gore as Mr. Alarming Science of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM.  We should look carefully at such subjective politicing not so much with a debate about the “warming” so much as we should reconsider and look at how many other options were actually available then, economically speaking, to address or fix such if so.

It would be too simple to be stupid, quite, though to speak of this now as all Al Gore’s fault with he responsible most for a over-simplified dramatization devoid of objectivism that was far too alarming to our economics and markets - even to the very fabric of our sociologicals.  We shouldn’t look at this forced austerity of us so nearly of a new depression as just the fault of Al Gore. 

We have it as well to be measured reasonably that when Senator Hillary Clinton announced “Hillary for President” she did tear asunder much about our national sense - its historic prudence and modesty.   For now it is more important though just to focus on how besides the subjective alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING over dramatization we have quite that “Hillary for President” and her revolutionary pronouncement to be to seizing all oil company profits after elected still as a quite evident causal factor too.

These are the hundred days, give or take, that try our souls anew.  There may be no Holy Trinity in candidate Mitt Romney’s understanding of the original sins that brought us necessarily to this forced New Deal Austerity.  It may be some a putting of the chicken before the egg now to have already punctuated this analysis as a “forced New Deal Austerity.”

There is mystery about the politics of our time - yet less about how there were more ways to address an actual GLOBAL WARMING or CLIMATE CHANGE than the few partisan and quite political offerings yet embraced by Democrats.

There is a mystery, sure, about how Candidate Mitt Romney may not be to seeing a Holy Trinity in this, but then really how mysterious that it seems to have been a conspiracy or just mess of four - of the four we know of as Al Gore, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Former candidate of “Hillary for President”, and, as well candidate and now President - Barack Hussein Obama?

For the sake of simplicity it might be more dramatic and yet easier to fathom as per these trying days of our O’s zone to consider the about four as of a collusion and conspiracy as if an un-Holy trinity meant to be kept mysterious if only by always allowing a deniability for one of its primary bad actors.

We didn’t have to embrace the over dramatized subjective alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM as the end all be all of political solutions to scientific problems.  We have engineers - we had other ways to build a solution, already available and quite well funded.  We didn’t need the socialistic pronouncement of “Hillary for President” by candidate Senator Clinton to hawkish bend orated to us of a time where Americans should have their Government seize “all oil company profits.”

As to this “un-Holy trinity” we can see the workings of their hands towards a crisis upon a crisis to a much higher price for gasoline so that their idealism could have a chance to have political feet if only for a brief early atmosphere of acquiescence while stuck in a fog of the partisan polarizing storm fronts - we can see a simple mashable “taggable” for them as of a responsibility specifically for the spike in gas prices that then set off the collapse of the housing bubble once the hyper consumerism that Speaker Pelosi long defended with her hard to explain belief in the Clintons’ SURPLUSES did have people not able to also afford their mortgages if the did afford the new gas prices needed to get to the very job that they had only because the “hyper-consumerism” of Clintonomics wasn’t yet quite of people actually of spending too much more than they actually had an ability to afford.

Thanks to Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, Speaker Pelosi and their alarmist idealist Al Gore and his preaching of at least bad and limited political solutions amidst his questionable “science” and moral priorities, for his people, where so many seemed  meant to see themselves as less important than the terra firma about them, we now have them much more clearly as culpable for politics as of an un-Holy trinity that did cause the price of gas to spike and therefor were mostly those of the original political sins that caused the economy to go belly up once the funds needed for gas had become the same funds also available for mortgage payments or maintenance of the risky hyper-consumerism ushered in knowingly by President Bill Clinton.

We certainly had numerous other ways for a new doctrine political for climate concerns.  We didn’t need to blindly rush to a unfounded faith in the over-dramatized preaching by Al Gore and while it so devoid of objectivism.  We had ways to add new industries as for a prudent mobilization maybe still too nationalistic that wouldn’t have been so as under a faith in this un-Holy trinity to the same mistakes (?) so to a mass austerity as was already undisputed evident truth in Spain with it known not unknown that such if spread to America so would as well cost two regular jobs for each new “green” politically figured job.

We may all now be so globally of a New Deal Austerity specifically because of this “O” zone or bad science and polarizing idealistic partisan politics where we were told to accept the few offered Democrat Party solutions and not at all stray to consider so many other options that were then also available and even so that we could have been to addressing “CLIMATE CHANGE” by adding jobs in new industries without killing off existing jobs. 

What we know now is that we actually had time to consider other options and to better arrange a new believable economic path forward.  We see now there are many holes in the very thinking of the Democrat Party un-Holy trinity however amassed and yet too few are yet to the very simple causal fact based awakening that could even be enlightening since it seems straight talk sharable that the Democrats caused the spike in gas prices that set off the otherwise forced NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.

It seems an “Ah!” or “O - Oh!” “MOMENT” now with us all within a hundred days to save our nation. 

Please consider this alarmism - and fully.  Please reconsider all recent “CRISIS” based “alarmism” and especially as well the indefensible faith Speaker Pelosi kept and keeps, it seems, in the Clintons’ SURPLUSES and especially towards a personal enlightenment from a new way of thinking economically and not too subjectively that acknowledges at least three so of a un-Holy trinity, politically speaking, too long, now, for sure, where too many were asked to accept blindly that if she said the extra trillion of cuts by the Clinton First Couple “two-fer” political machinations were good then they must be good.

I don’t know what with all the “devil in the details” about all this politics whom of this Democrat Party trinity to deniability we might or should redraw and toss from quarters first in at least our thoughts.  It seems they let it be written and let it be so that we now all be so much to a forced NEW DEAL AUSTERITY even though we can all fairly still question how sinful such may be for it seemingly long of a designed machination and effort worked while such were thinking they could just blame some one or more else.

Yes, we know how to make ice - for starters.  Yes, some entrepreneurs were quickly innovative upon the above alarmism however unfounded to inventions of collectors that could be made cheaply and located discretely at congestion points to capture and store the bad carbon based exhausts. 

It seems we had ways to pace our nation without such politics about a CLIMATE CHANGE forward without killing off old carbon based jobs so aggressively.  It seems we had others with whom we could have kept faith, and sounder economics.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

{WARNING:  This is written with a style that is supposed to have been worked well to be as taxing as the subject “taxing”}

At least after Pres’ comments towards CLINTONS’ TAX RATES yesterday the people should not be the “oversight” committee to finally lead us to the long needed and much seemingly avoided discussion of how the 90s were a mess with the CLINTONS’ SURPLUS more to a financial GROSS NEGLIGENCE and the budgeting to balance and then to surpluses an eight year bi-partisan story of too much cut too quickly.

If we don’t go after methodology of Clintons as per their tax rates and with a discussion of whether their spending cuts were irresponsible we will be moving forward reinforcing the very behavior we now need to get over and past.  We shouldn’t reinforce the behavior of the politicians in Washington of the 90s regardless of their party - yet especially if the Clintons.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

It is bad enough the THE BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE tried to upstage elegant new Democratic Party “mother” the still FLOTUS MICHELLE OBAMA back when she first announced a new compassionate program to help curb the laxity and sloth encouraged and supported by the Clintons - so with her diet and “move” commands. 

Yet, however, as per that day that was supposed to be the Democratic Party’s successor to FLOTUS CLINTON “BIG DAY” it still seems reported that President Clinton scheduled a duel for press dominance by electing to schedule elective surgery for his clogged arteries or veins. 

Maybe it was a “biblical” day where he felt the guilt pangs for his irresponsible guidance to great advances in obesity - yet still it seems reported that Bill Clinton elected an elective emoting with elective surgery to steal the show from the Obama’s and Mrs. Clinton’s successor.

It seems yesterday is a cry for help from President Obama - It seems as if he has figured that he and his Mrs. cannot handle their rivals the Clintons, and is now trying to stir up allegiances against them by drawing their years out and finally into a current political mash up.

As it is possible that Bill Clinton, former President, may have had a “biblical” moment with guilt pangs either at the four points of max emphasis for all those years he promised his Mrs. with an “I cross my heart and hope to die…” pledging as maybe with a X-ray overlay possible to attest with some physical traits observations if we were to get Bill to “cross his heart” again for his Mrs. with a pledge of honesty.

And, so the recent heat wave reported more as a “HEAT RELATED” storming maybe as well “biblical” for its timing and pathology across the Obama White House netherlands might have been more “HEAT RELATED” than of a “CLIMATE CHANGE” and “GLOBAL WARMING. 

I don’t know if we have any experts in such area in America anymore.  I do get that ministry studies of all faiths and foreign language studies have the greatest potential now each as growth industries - as areas of and for job creation in and about a growth economy hoping.

Federalists v Republicans is now as if Democrats as Republicans or Federalists or maybe if Republicans aren’t now yet enough Republicans and still too much the new Federalists that Democrats would rather most not see them as.

As it is possible that Bill Clinton, former President, may have had a “biblical” moment with guilt pangs that day that was meant to be FLOTUS MICHELLE OBAMA’S big day to step out and above Mrs. Clinton and with a better diet and physical example for all the world as us expanded to “GLOBAL CITIZENS” — It still seems reported that President Clinton elected that day to try to upstage his Mrs. successor to Democratic Party “motherhood” with his dueling scheduling of a stirring of emotions “Oh, SURGERY” and “HOSPITAL” trip for PRESIDENT CLINTON.

Yes, it does fit that story could have been reported that THE BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE PATRIARCH CLINTON and his health concern could be ’supportive’ of his Mrs.’ successor to Democratic Party “motherhood” as an example to learn from - as an example of costs of walking President Clinton’s walk and talk.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

As we consider how much of Obamacare has to go as per a due reflection upon Federalists and Republicans of our original quite fully considered condition and wisdoms we do have that the greatest danger of the Party control duel by the term limited FIRST COUPLE CLINTONS even so was that the message from the BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE was that free healthcare and free healthcare coverage was their solution for the American people and that Michelle’s dieting just shouldn’t be seen as COOL.

Federalists v Republicans is now as if Democrats as Republicans or Federalists or maybe if Republicans aren’t now yet enough Republicans and still too much the new Federalists that Democrats would rather most not see them as.

At the time of THE PERFECT STORM - the actual storm that took out the first floor of Kennebunkport that storm could have been reported as a HOLY mess maybe not “biblical” enough.  Those were the days of fears and storification of a possible end of the world by fire third world war originating out of the Middle East and with George Bush, President, the target of angst “biblical” (also) as the BIG tribal leader of an arrogant suddenly “sole” superpower of the world.  That storm was so upon Bush’s Maine manse as that of three storms converging - as I recall.

And for these trying days with President Obama braving a “re-litigation” or “first litigation” of the Clintons’ 8 and the tax rates of such years, however:  If we are asked to look at the tax rates then we are smartly it seems heralded to a querying as well as to the conditions of the budgeting then and all the spending cuts that did or did not justify such past tax rates.

We have as a starting point for this likely bi-partisan attack line at the terrible 90s that the BUSH TAX CUTS were justified by the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES and passed in pre-9/11 budgeting parameters.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

It is amazing now in the same calender as our Constitution was ordained within yet now to us at the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and Two that Americans and maybe most “GLOBAL CITIZENS” are actually now fit thinkers already stirred enough to be maybe the most informed set if voters for 2012 than maybe since the days of Publius.

It is amazing now in 2012 that Americans can intelligently discuss so much that the Pelosi Congress tried to ram rod through without respect to a Jeffersonian Republican grounding or a respect actually of the peoples intelligence as per such.

2008 may go down in history as an election year for the record books where it was a whence with the electorate the most uninformed and misinformed ever in America’s still short story.  Senator John Kerry may have to carry the cross about such the most for he seemed more interested in having an ANTI-WAR REVIVAL than an intelligent discussion of issues nearly ten times more complex and pressing.

America we seem to be oddly smart enough this year to handle the over due litigation of the Clintons’ 8 as per their TAX RATES and all their SPENDING CUTS and to the crucial points we have been being distracted and redirected from that may turn to be more a problem of Dems’ spending cuts than GOPer’s cuts and so to a new dawn where we can see that the 90s were a mess and much a bi-partisan mess with GOPers’ nearly as corrupted as Clintons’ Dems and the BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE.

It is amazing that we seem informed enough and intelligent enough for this stirred and overdue scrutinizing of the Clintons and the budgeting of the 90s and to us all thoroughly to a litigation even to consideration of whether that decade wasn’t dangerously of careless budgeting too political (even if bi-partisan) of a cutting of too much too quickly.

But is it actually too much for you now - do you need likes of Speaker Pelosi to make all your decisions for you?

And yet you/we at least seem to understand this paragraph by Ron Chernow in his biography of George Washington from WASHINGTON and page 671 of hard bound edition in its time:

     “Before long the two factions took on revealing names.  The Hamiltonian party called itself Federalists, implying that it alone supported the Constitution and national unity.  It took a robust view of federal power and a strong executive branch, and it favored banks and manufacturing as well as agriculture.  Elitist in its politics, it tended to doubt the wisdom of the common people, but it also included a large number of northerners opposed to slavery.  The Jeffersonians called themselves Republicans to suggest that they alone could save the Constitution from monarchical encroachments.  They believed in limited federal power, a dominant Congress, states’ rights, and an agrarian nation free of the corrupting influence of banks, federal debt, and manufacturing.  While led by slaveholders such as Jefferson and Madison, the Republicans credited the wisdom of the common people.  Washington and Hamilton believed wholeheartedly in an energetic federal government, whereas Jefferson and Madison feared concentrated power.”

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?  

Did the Clintons’ corrupt both parties so much in our actually terrible 90s such that our labels and party tags are now more part of the problem than the solution?

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:38 pm

There is a missing moral fiber in this diet of compassionate conservatism.  We have that a rascal - a young rascal of a President has had his hands slapped by better lawyers - all served up - aired out - debated & affirmed with strong dissent.

To some this is like a CADDY SHACK “X” or another GROUNDHOG DAY for gophers.

For membership in this buffet of over coddling especially Warren Buffett you don’t have to also get served - like maybe.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you may be sitting pretty and above all this.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you have been reported at least by foreign press to be of a conclave locally as the largest class of world’s richest - as like:  The city with the most number of billionaires is Moscow.

The rascal that is “boy wonder” Barack Hussein Obama, President, has a dog of a barked ruling to live down while trying to now live up to it and it so much of an era known for compassionate conservatism.  What this dog needs is more fiber - some moral bits of fiber.

What is likely to really set its teeth with bite now upon Presidency of Obama and his moral stature is really that besides his complexity with his fog of religiousness he sits as President as a man born a Muslim boy who chose Christianity as a better religion - while of his right mind.

We have that this rascal does want to be a hero for saving the entire world as we know it from a sudden end and doom due to supposedly unchecked global warming and/or climate change.   In some ways his is a JETSON - a rascal as a still young “Barry Jetson” - yet a “Jetson” getting affirmative action to talk about.  He is futuristic, even too futuristic, but in the compassionate conservatism of his embrace of tenets of Romneycare.

I don’t know if you can say the recent opinions and ruling from the ACA - Obamacare, as a BACK TO SCHOOL like embarrassment for young rascal of a President the “boy wonder” who chose Christianity over Islam - the “Barry Jetson” of a futurism in his own time - the one and only Barack Hussein Obama, are not now a dog about him for what was ruled Un-Constitutional yet of these efforts rascalish yet of a compassionate conservatism his to own forever as work of an inadequate legal professionalism.

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as implied by Warren Buffett no less as much because Democrats had been over coddling him and for too long.  So it took a Republican to get us here - but how.

Obamacare is a dog of a work of inadequate legal professionalism with bite yes and big teeth - is it the young rascal of a President that wants to be a planetary hero for saving the earth able to run fleetly enough from its likeliness to catch him from behind?

Yes I do believe it has been confirmed that Moscow is home to the “most number of billionaires” for one of our world as we know it per one city - one greater metropolitan area.  They do seem protected from and above all this - but how?  But why?  Where is a reasoned and cohesive moral fiber as a visible intelligent strand through all this American politics about ACA - Obamacare?

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as some know it isn’t President Obama’s explanations or excuses you should be believing - some know better - some to many have better legal professionalism too.   It is a more simple and so believable truth that the Dems with excessive liberalism and the already some admonished or scolded “over-reaching” are actually already sized up as those that caused the down economy and all their convenient CRISIS moments.

Do you like this rascal of a young Presidency as fleet enough to outrun this dog now to daily alarms as if each new day was just yesterday all over again?  Do you like him as a futuristic “Barry Jetson” “boy wonder” that managed to save and entire planet single handedly and in time for his next election?  Do you get that he is the uncontested self proclaimed new New Deal Austerity inheritor of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt social state madness?

How big a dog is Obamacare?  Romneycare didn’t tank the Massachusetts’ economy but it seems you cannot quite say the same about Obamacare for his pronounced Un-Constitutional over-reaching of embarrassing inadequate professional legal erudity - can you?

So its a TAX - a morally as it stands as a Federal Tax power that cannot really be denied as long as Presidents are willy nilly allowed taxing powers to revenues to wars of choice and/or unnecessary wars.  There can be a war on health - like - but there is not a Constitutional RIGHT to healthcare - right?   And yet we have President Obama also rascalish each day he wakes and leans on the kept closer to the citizen people compassionate conservatism that is historically Romneycare.

Obamacare is a dog with teeth and now bite!  Obamanomics is still a dog - is a dog as well he may not be able to shake.

Until November each new day will seem an awakening alarmed as if it was yesterday all over again - and again - Right?

It is a TAX - and one he cannot outrun now for it morally as a tax is one that all - everyone is of a duty to pay - EVERYONE.

IT IS A TAX ON EVERYONE!  It has to be morally speaking - speaking though with compassion - Right?

I know he our President that chose Christianity over the religion of his birth may dog him in more than one way too.

I know he our President does seem to have needed every dollar the Bush Administration expended to research and development of new technologies more efficient and even say “green”.

I know if he tries to be a “Barry Jetson” as a “wonder boy” that saved the entire planet he too may be to running from another dog after at bite at his “moralisms” for it seems to have done gone and save the entire planet in just that year or two he must know something that we don’t - he must know that President Bush must have prudently been actually a “green” President, right?

Mr. President - about Moscow - about so many billionaires seeming safely above and beyond this - how could you?  Can you explain the global moral inconsistencies? 

Why are you running Mr. President? 

But for your golfing - we see you can “dress” like a Compassionate Conservative - but can you out run your dogs? 

Should you be able to outrun these dogs - your dogs?  

And while BACK TO SCHOOL on the Constitution so embarrassingly at least for your Dem legislators and their lawyers?  

How is it this is legal more if a state does it than if the State so attempts such over-reaching?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:36 am

We have the one BILL and the other BILL -
A good BILL - A bad BILL -
A right BILL and a wrong BILL.



We have the one BILL and the other BILL -
A good BILL - A bad BILL -
A right BILL and a wrong BILL.



Heard about IMMIGRATION?

Heard of MR GO?

And BILL and his 1 Trillion?

We have the one BILL and the other BILL -
A good BILL - A bad BILL -
A right BILL and a wrong BILL.



Heard about IMMIGRATION?

Heard of MR GO?

And BILL and his 1 Trillion?

We have the one BILL and the other BILL -



We have the one BILL and the other BILL -
A good BILL - A bad BILL -
A right BILL and a wrong BILL.



Heard about IMMIGRATION?

Heard of MR GO?

And BILL and his 1 Trillion?

Without BILL’S TRILLION all’ld be fine?

And BILL and his 1 Trillion?

Or:  With BILL’S TRILLION all’ld be fine?

Heard about IMMIGRATION?

Heard of MR GO?

And BILL and his 1 Trillion?



And BILL and his 1 Trillion?

We have the one BILL and the other BILL -
A good BILL - A bad BILL -
A right BILL and a wrong BILL.

If I had a TRILLION I’ld hammer in the morning - like?

If I had a TRILLION I’ld write for $s & heart’s delight?





Oh, me darling - where did that TRILLION go? -
Long time suffering - long time still -
Where did that TRILLION go?

We have the one BILL and the other BILL -
A good BILL - A bad BILL -
A right BILL and a wrong BILL.

If I had a TRILLION I’ld hammer in the morning - like?

If I had a TRILLION I’ld write for $s & heart’s delight?


Oh, me darling - where did that TRILLION go? -
Long time suffering - long time still -
Where did that TRILLION go?






OH ???  BILL ???

Did you just plum forget about the schools -
the bridges -
the roads -
global warming and climate change -
the levies & and the levies -
Why - why still?
Why your surplus - WHY YOUR SURPLUS?

OH ???  BILL ???

              *  *  *

{Budget note:  as per our records as per Presidents and President’s budgeting back as far as 1983 we have that for from the Honorable judge and his decision regarding the flooding of New Orleans as per the failure of already maybe condemned Mississippi River Gulf Outlet - aka MR GO - that for his finding of “gross negligence” against our Government we have that a simple truth is existent that President Clinton of all the pre Katrina Presidents is the one most immoral as per budgets and because his TRILLION of four years of “SURPLUS” clearly of such “gross negligence” and loudly since he had the money - he was a President since 1983 that had the money - had determined it was available - was concerned some about climate change and so we should expect aware of increased dangers to inadequate and aged levy systems like MR GO even without his having been so “LOCAL” as a past Arkansas Governor “neighbor” - really had the money available to avoid “gross negligence” in his budgeting — such that because of the Clintons’ four years of “SURPLUS” and their TRILLION in many small and large cuts we therefore have in the finding of Katrina failure of MR GO of a “GROSS NEGLIGENCE” an essential simple deduction that then the Clintons as per “since 1983″ stipulation are our MOST NEGLIGENT FCOTUS since 1983 and specifically because of their SURPLUSES OF A TRILLION UNNECESSARY CUTS.  *** They had the money and they chose not to spend it despite all the warning and bureaucratically shared “dangers” of “condemned” lists or those nearly so.  And while they of all politicians warning most then of DANGERS of greater storms due to GLOBAL WARMING. ***}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:35 am

It is a wonder these economic times we are in.   For starters we have that George Stephanopoulus appeared liberated last week.

George, shall I report, was very much early to and long a part of “it’s the economy, Stupid!”  This dates him back to the early 1990s and so to a party participation before there was a candidate Clintons.

About the ECONOMY:  About the Clintons et al:  George, shall I report, did seem liberated last week.

As Mrs. Merkel may be to scuttling tankers, I have long been to an economy with NUCLEAR CHILLER SUBMARINES and an international fleet justified by climate threats.   George did seem liberated by his former boss last week stumbling and back stepping so much he tried to float as if an “expert” about the economy, now and before.

Last Sunday’s ABC Sunday political talk with George Stephanopoulus where he felt he no longer dared to offer or feel obliged to a loyalty to either Clinton of the Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” - he seemed quite different - quite liberated - less of the “economic” “stupid.”

We have had a serious CRISIS OF VALUATION - for sure - both parties have due still “mea culpa’s” for the workings bi-partisan of the Clintons’ second term.

You can decide yourselves if you have or can get past the facts that in 2008 more Americans went to the pols and voted with opinions driven by false and misleading information and propositions.

I don’t know that I have changed my views on economics since I was to offering at least allusions to such in letters to Representative Gephardt’s offices when this George was there hardly a “national” figure, yet.  The “we need a more level playing field” internationally and my call for a “back to basics” survive to me as well reasoned but corrupted by more than a few at least of the Clinton set of new Democrats.

As per this “stupid” and general economics I do alert that George Stephanopoulus seems liberated and now maybe unpredictable.  For the record this past Sunday due to the French Open broadcasts I did switch to viewing Stephanopoulus’ renditions and not a quick channel channel with disgust and intellectual caution those so many past moments where for years I managed to turn the channel within seconds of realizing I had even risked a few seconds of hearing the George still stuck under Clintons and seemingly working too much to a loyalty than a reasoned economic science.

Though our economy is in part down just because the Clintons either shouldn’t have worked politically to a trillion dollars of surplus crass cutting to “survive” politically after the Republicans during first term had worked a miracle and proven that a balanced budget was actually possible and that a trillion could safely be found for cuts in spending, or, because they shouldn’t have worked to the HOUSING BUBBLE RISKY LOAN HYPER CONSUMERISM pimping with their specific and personal politics, or, shouldn’t have worked so politically thinking the new dot com boom meant that the seated pols of those days regardless of party had best to get with the tech that could finally be used to fool all of the people most of the time unless it would be used to work them out and down.

George did seem tolerable and liberated this past Sunday - necessarily, since I still would have changed channels if he had seems a new and freer “journalist” aboard with anti-Clinton “analysis.

I stand still with my opinion that the Clintons and their meddling and economics with their contrary politics did set up most of this economic mess and maybe with diabolical purposes a part of such and to a discussable premeditation selfish in scheming, personal for and between Clinton spouses.

We also besides all this have that banks may have been to what corruption we have now long been reading about without the Clintons and maybe as a bad era generally of a national cross party glee.  We have that George’s boss did ask banks to “find a way to gamble away risks” expected from a housing bubble push he/they thought they better shouldn’t have been to, and, that so still we have that they shouldn’t have been so stupid to such economics while also being to rashly and crassly cutting a trillion more from budgets to have a partisan  political balance to save Mrs. Clinton’s ambitions in a SURPLUS to look as much the heroes as Republicans after Republicans had miraculously found a safe trillion to cut to “BALANCED.”

We have had a CRISIS OF VALUATION because of the Clintons.   Sure maybe only because Hillary the Mrs. announced she would run to return “two-fer” back to our White House, and, sure maybe only because former VP Al Gore worked so hard at an ALARMISM he spiked the gas prices so high that the Clintonomics’ dependence on hyper-consumerism became undermined - but still because of the Clintons - because of the Clintons maybe as best explained with former President Clinton’s economic “expert” remarks this past week or so.

We have, economically speaking, that companies and businesses and especially lenders can become too focused and impersonal to an inhumane business practice if they look at receivables and “contracts” too objectively and fail to go gestalt and whole business bodies with inside - outside vigilance to never forget while looking at an single receivable by contract somehow to also consider still a cost - benefit analysis related to the air of their accounts and a customer that may have a debit not as great as the “benefit” debit not of a contract that may be otherwise too great a “cost” to an inhumane consideration of just “costs.”

Our banks may have been on the way to being too corrupt without the corrupting selfish politics of the Clintons but after last week with former President Clinton insubordinate to party politics and a united partisan front for President Obama on the economy and possible solutions shouldn’t we also be considering that with the dot com boom the Clintons were able to corrupt too many Republicans during their second term?

I don’t know what George knew or when he knew it.  I know more than most about some that he knew that others still don’t.  I don’t know though with him seeming so liberated this past Sunday how he now will proceed towards covering better claims of economic “expertise” by his former boss and the suggestions by President Clinton to his “expertise” about his knowing now supposedly so much better and with a suggestion that he knew such earlier - such back in his “two-fer’s” second term.

There are at times economic benefits to companies that are bold and generous and volunteered but more as if of an Amateur with a hobby.   There are times that a company may have a simple contract with a person, an individual, with balances and due dates that is otherwise in the air of such a single entity having far greater benefit voluntarily to their profits and the general economy such that a step back and consider and a reconsider may be best before pushing for collection on a simple contract against such person who was greatly helping just voluntarily and with no obligation to continue helping if annoyed or angered by those he/she knows to be to millions and millions related to a general economic good will and integration of a united branding.

When a simple debt of contract may not be so simple how is it a business now can be so insensitive to push back made to help them remember to look newly and freshly at bigger picture of costs versus benefits analysis.  When a simple debt become impolitic how can a company not see it may be “shooting itself in at least one of its feet”?  How can a body politic but for a past corruption not yet publicly analyzed as well be to such a desensitized “stupid”?  

As we learn now that J P Morgan Chase has also been to lower standards and yet unthought of practices aren’t we all best to be now asking not just ourselves to ponder how long such may really have been going on?  Are we wise now to fight off another “stupid” and even consider that Chase may as far back as 2006 been to collections corrupted or too insensitive because they had been corrupted by the Clinton administration request by President Clinton to find ways to gamble away the risks in the economics he politically and selfishly wanted political popularity and a political save with?

I don’t know if it isn’t too early to call George now better educated - but he was seeming liberated last week.

Where there has been good will efforts and past huntings and of economic growth worked as an unrecognized individual’s personal efforts more as an amateur and independent we have that business should be always sensitive more to cost versus benefit feelings than a persistence to a cold simple contracts domination and objective stupidity.

If we are also to become as liberated we too may want to become, finally, as wised to what President Clinton claimed recently as of an economic “expertise” and as well to a pondering regarding what he knew and when he knew it.  For it seems even George may now get that it looks that if President Clinton knew this that then then that this now means then that this then had him knowingly setting up a general and at least national economic condition that should or would by his “expertise” be to a construct for our markets such that an election of Al Gore or George Bush both would have been to 7-8 years with an economy that was stuck not able to “recover” for that “five to ten years” with the emphasis on “ten” seeming more of such a supposition.

Educating George?  What did he know?  When did he know it?

If President Clinton is right and the “expert” he claims then it looks like this down economy was premeditated and meant politically to position the Mrs. for a take over of the national politics to a return of Clintons to our White House, on schedule, and so with timing such that they could look like economic experts for fixing their own “mistakes” or catching them just as the wave of recovering from them set.

What do they know?  When did they know it?  Really, based on President Clintons recent economic claims it does look like Clitnons would have had a President Al Gore just as stuck with a down economic inheritance so.

I don’t know what to say about GE or Mr. Jobs Czar or the others now titled un-Constitutionally as czars since our Constitution dis-allowes “titling”  per class - Jeffrey Immelt seems to have missed fortunes of opportunities to environmental cooling and even my idea for and international fleet for a WEATHER CORPS - with NUCLEAR CHILLER SUBMARINES - like actually submersible inside out refrigerators.

Just seems as well that GE could have been to so many more profits these past few years at least and maybe even to actually paying some fair taxes.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:11 am

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

This is one of the first weekends - at least it seems a first full weekend - since New York City has been generally and civilly a new kind of Eden.  Yes, dare I say it is still a place where snakes do play.

You may not be able to park in a park or smoke in a garden - it may even be illegal for excessive PDA in any parked vehicle anywhere public within this new Eden’s city limits.  If you have got salt may it be literately as a metaphor for sea-worthiness and grit.

If your apples are in a barrel still beware of bad apples and Bernoulli.  It is better to avoid flight - lift offs with bad apples, anywhere.  Note to self:  Hmmm?  Again, how was it you once heard Bernoulli Principle as also about economics and determinings for bad apples?  Hmmm?  How was that again?

We have it self evident that Memorial Day was created equal to Independence Day as a day goes except that it more often can partake to a three day weekend pressing.  How are the Cider Rules - how goes our Declaration of Independence still?

We have it a concern though that President Barack Hussein Obama on his special inaugural day did commence from our historical Philadelphia full of brotherly love but for our Declaration of Independence.  It was clear on that day that he might as well not like Memorial Day as too much like Independence Day and also of a celebration of our Declaration which he declared we could do without now when of his own declaring that we needed a new “Declaration.”

Enough about New Jersey!  I don’t know how New York City has beaten it to being a new Eden - a new more civil “apple.”

Enough about New Jersey!  Can’t yet figure why President Obama passed on credit for spending that saved the world from a new Great Depression on to President Bush, and especially to so publicly preface our Memorial Day Weekend 2012.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

You have figured that since inaugural day Obama declaration that we needed a new Declaration he is figurable to dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day - as for it so long a monumental holiday to struggles to defend and protect what our Independence Day more just about a conception for - for all more equally.

The New York City Council has counciled all to new ways of counseling.  The where of such new abouts may be more a concern, civilly, than the habits natural otherwise on display or in the air publicly as of displays of affection. 

I don’t know what this says about Chicago or NATO of Chicago and President Obama about Afghanistan.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Long live our Declaration of Independence!  It does figure President Obama must dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day.  I don’t know why his Cairo speech as SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD had him a Civil War denier of our American Civil War except as maybe an import to progressive movement liberal theology speechifying to avoid speaking of great losses of mostly white men in struggles for freedoms for others.

In President Barack Hussein Obama’s SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD from Cairo as approved with all desired edits of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s political capability we still have that he told the world that American slaves got out of their bondage “peacefully and without violence.”

This Memorial Day Weekend as per our new globally reset economy of such New Deal Austerity we have that President Obama with his recent “spending” thrift claims has missed the boat of Laffer’s titillating curve civility all the while seeming to pass credit for the actual spending for “save” from new Great Depression to President Bush and his too generous and unprecedented cooperation during transition months of 2008. 

Off the gang plank he went - off the short plank he took too long steps - however he seems all wet now on his own “economics” - his own governing without a budget his.

Emboldened and secured in our Declaration of Independence whether liked or not is the pride and story of our first capitalists of Plymouth Plantation.  We have that they learned some basic taxation civility and all the while then too of too much expected to be earned and just passed along to others thousands of miles away and distant.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

This Memorial Day Weekend we all would do better to discuss the current global warming climate change crisis and the vast deposits of rare earth minerals discovered in Afghanistan just as a global need for such to maintain or save our green tech businesses rolls in the hay of our politics and economies.

President Barack Hussein Obama - who is maybe our first President to have publicly denied the efforts not peaceful or non-violent that is our shared history of at least our Buffalo Soldiers and the entirety of our Civil War is now more critically a spokesperson with thought economic impact who has left the recent staged battlegrounds of a G8 Summit and NATO Chicago gathering without a declaration of the current progress mostly his in saving the entire planet from the professed end of the world as we know it for the world as he proffered it as our actual world and the DOOM about our climate due to warming.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

I mean if you get the Laffer titillating curves as per maximizing public benefit and performance than you may be more economically agile and adept than President Barack Hussein Obama. 

As he shifts his pride from having saved the world from a new Great Depression onto President Bush for actually having figured and done most of such spending during those months of unprecedented and civil cooperation during a transition we have that he has missed how taxing he has been and how discouraging his otherwise preening public has been.

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

As President Obama traipses too State’s rights to over-lord we have that you all can celebrate Laffer and his more civil and titillating curves still adrift to sail with free markets in the spirit of Adam Smith and selfish pursuits best.  I don’t know if a apple of creationism is depressing for some and now as the apple of New York City more civil otherwise for all.

As per some simple truths evident expectant or pregnant in all economics each may see JOBIAN ECONOMICS more selfishly or specifically robust of a more individualistic supply and demand public display.

This is a brave new day in a new world order for those of the apple that is manicured and fertilized as an Eden of NYC.

Not all apples maybe be as bitter as a granny - your granny smith - and some may not at all be depressing.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for Afghanistan as a new great frontier with new world orders for rare earth minerals needed to sustain and celebrate energy independence.

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for any of G8 specific to a current DEFCON concern status for the fate of the world as per the long proffered DOOM to the professed end of the world as we know it declarations so taxing to our economies.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression? 

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean we have a President that on a global stage acted as if a Civil War denier and before that of his proffered professing as a former Constitutional Law Professor that we needed a new declaration.  I mean we have that this law studies hare of a racer isn’t looking to finish well and as we have he as “most taxing” so contrary to Laffer and his public displays.

We still have Adam Smith - at least in our text books - but what are our minimum standards for a President at least as per “economics” or “budgets”?  How will Texas text book boards be allowed to tell the tale of President Barack Hussein Obama?

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced both as a “messiah” shouldering a call to a different Declaration and such and with his Big Brother seeming secular daily interruptions of regular scheduled broadcasting to near an hour of evangelizing sermonizing spewed out globally to not being of violating our 1st Amendment for his tense timing was to new laws to religiousness and establishments as per religion but in a future tense not seemingly literally forbidden.

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced what would he have called it - how would we now be addressing him?  It is clever in a Constitutional Law kindly way that our 1st Amendment seems to allow a messiah to rise to a new religion and a new evangelizing governance with laws then allowed to respect such as an establishment for until or unless such revolution seeming secular otherwise were to succeed it couldn’t be a “religion” nor of existing “establishment” as per “religion” - quite.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Especially if this finds you in New Jersey - in its politics of this week - Happy Memorial Day Weekend where ever you are and this column may have found you still celebrant but monumental in memorials to our fallen and our long struggles for freedom for us and for others.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:01 pm

Sure Cory Booker has potential to a INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY - even a LAST INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY.

He may be being too modest.  He may be the world of economist dream boy at least - a real GO TO GUY - man’s man.

By now you all should be versed in JOBIAN ECONOMICS some how - some way.  You should have already had the inkling that Mayor Booker a leading man - leading political figure in our new economics.  He may be both the anti-Clinton and an anti-Obama.

Mayor Cory Booker may know his city well enough to be successful but not know yours well enough to be a cookie cutter one size fits all obamanation for you and yours of your community.

In contrast to President Bill Clinton who worked to be an international play boy we still have Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary President wanna be, almost like clockwork to be playing a bad cop to his old jolly good cop in otherwise bad times.

Yes we have President Clinton in contrast to Secretary Clinton — both are in contrast to Democrat Mayor Booker in many ways and maybe more than now Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo.

Like in the realm of international play boys we have many contrary ideals seemingly able to exist as only drugs allowed so much of pop America 60s ideologies to.

Unlike Governor Cuomo Mayor Cory Booker to a miracle doesn’t personally have to unlearn so much from days of the Clintons 8 and now learn new ways that can actually work long term for New York.  Mayor Booker was schooled and of an era of LIVEABLE CITIES and moves to decentralize policing to COMMUNITY POLICING but I should leave to he now how it is that Governor Cuomo to a New York Cuomo miracle has to find ways contrary to ways of Clintons and their 8.

(I have not met Mayor Booker but one of his past Deputy Mayors (title?) and I did meet back in 90s when he was working in New Haven about Community Policing and Liveable Cities Initiatives and to hosting a road trip to Richmond, Virginia for volunteers like myself interested in putting in some time helping rebuild a black neighborhoods church that had been a victim of arson.  I do believe they were law classmates.  I, again, have been thinking some of Community Policing since late 80s when I learned of William Bratton and became wired with him to positive change shared ambitions, and then my days back actually living and working in New Haven as such was new policies to new practices.  Yes, last I checked his former Deputy is still a Facebook friend.)

President Obama is more a dud than a dude as a believable International player - he today ran into problems that even fifth graders wouldn’t likely - even some Sesame Streeters skilled at seeing which thing doesn’t belong with the others.  President Obama now has historical troubles as per Afghanistan as of today with his NATO grandstanding.  He has presented our involvement and his strategizing as if it couldn’t have been any or much at all Bush’s fault but that which he just inherited from the Clintons’ 8.  As per “Sesame Street” it does seem inappropriate with these truths now slipping from Democrat Party cover-up that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary, has any logical or appropriate “calling” to any involvement now regarding at least Afghanistan.

With Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton involved at all we are so “tilted” and so irregular that our Central Intelligence Agency is better to be retitled at most our CENTRAL INFORMATION AGENCY.  We with Clintons so preposterously proffered still as reasonably innocent are not of an “intelligence” as per our discussions at least about Afghanistan.

We need a Cory Booker in every city for JOBIAN ECONOMICS to be to the long awaited return to growing economy.

We don’t need Cory Booker in every city and town - we need a Cory Booker also of actual community sensitivities and global awareness for each.  Each and all need someone who can also hear or see those of struggles too great that their faith shouldn’t be that tested alone and work magically at least to help one neighbor find another neighbor and maybe a way to earn and even profit, each, with one or more then to seeing a struggle that if helped with could be to economic gains for all.

I have said before that we may want to get back to Adam Smith economics of “Invisible Hand Theoreticals” and that we are now of a time and economic condition where we cannot use Adam Smith to get back to Adam Smith.  We seem to be of a new time now and because grandstanding national Democrat leaders did work too hard to be international global play boys.

If you have ever heard of or spoken the creed of the Jaycees - Junior Chamber of Commerce - you may be near a creed that Mayor Cory Booker has specifically developed and worked out in practice - past the theoretical.  I don’t know if Mayor Cory Booker has ever been a Jaycee himself.  I did in late 80s and early 90s consider that the Jaycee creed did seem similar to Adam Smith economics.  But now we may need to call it all something new to balance how for too long some that raced to the top like hares of O’Hare have been beaten by themselves so that tortoises are out pacing them.  We could all be to calling it a JOBIAN ECONOMICS and in part for it also seems to raise Steven Jobs and our new Jobian tablets and some of the many ways some could and should suggest this Obama administration has been of obamanations with their picked economics and politics as so wrong for a new economy with so many with so many tablets.

Our President is not being intelligent suggesting with NATO at all to an “it is all Bush’s fault” and with the history of the matter that he so has positioned himself to focusing on the very problems that the Clintons left as an inheritance to President Bush.

It seems if we are to find a way back to a growth economy we are better to be listening to Mayor Cory Booker than Governor Andrew Cuomo or either of the Clintons or President Obama.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” but that again is a problem theirs as per “intelligence” and from their use of central information dissemination e-works to have been of hopes to a Big Brother evangelizing to Obama Zombies with their pad connections.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” when the intelligent know to remember this started to a new conservationism to help save the planet from an end of the world as we know it due to global warming or climate change. 

We are, as many fifth graders now eighth or ninth graders can recall, of days remembered, where they were all patriots, even more than Democrats hearts could imagine, with the evangelized e-messaging by hopeful President Obama so their new godly calling, and the school worked new conservationism revolutionizing to an actual effective austerity otherwise a globally patriotic new conservationism that obviously was more important a priority of our President and his visible hands of governance than a policy actually not to austerity - a policy actually towards the future and growth with confidence that our colleges at least were already well along on working on necessary engineering solutions.

It is more just an odd centralized information servicing this admin has been to and as concerning today as on any day due to NATO gathering to decide the fates of so many others.  It is necessarily just a centralized informing contrary to a historical intelligence that we have all been now at least three years victims to.

A remembered part of the Jaycees Creed is “service to humanity is the best work of life.”  I cannot myself separate such from a consideration of Mayor Cory Booker nor from my suggestion that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” is what we are now unfortunately of struggles with.  I can with some confidence suggest that we have been of Democrat Party nationalistic centralizations more of misinformation than intelligence and that they have worked us to a separation from Adam Smith’s economics and as well from much long of our junior chamber of commerce such as the Jaycees still carry torches for humanity with.

It does seem there can be no Cuomo miracle for New York State that doesn’t necessarily repudiate the Clintons and separate Cuomo politics from Clinton politics. 

It does seem that every city, town or hamlet now needs their own Cory Booker in ways that only Newark can be an incubator for Mayor Cory Booker success otherwise.  They need their own Cory Booker for a clone won’t relocate well - they need one willing to do “the best work of life” and be of “service to humanity” in what could be a JOBIAN ECONOMICS at least as a descriptive theoretical for these times of struggles.

It is not “intelligent” that we are letting this un-elected political appointee Clinton have so much power and sway as her “two-fer” also may be effecting quietly over our young and inexperienced President.  We are not being “intelligent” for letting this obamanation of a “diplomacy” ours so about NATO and Afghanistan be so of either Clinton involved since it was the inheritance they left President Bush with their eight years of abandonment with avoidance and inaction that was of the heart and sole of the mission President Obama was grandstanding to today, just today with NATO and globe watching.

Yes it seems they have been misinforming us - it seems the INTELLIGENT understanding is that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons played too much back whence - that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons didn’t do it earlier - we need to be doing this now because the Clintons let it get so bad that it is quite horrible still what the “inheritance” they left us and President Bush actually was.

President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did at least play at chiding the Clintons and their eight years while speaking of “dangers” of “avoidance” and “inaction” but now again he seems to be back to playing with cover-ups for the Clintons and misinformation than intelligence.

Can you find your own Cory Booker?  Do you have one sensitive and intelligent enough to help those with great struggles find others about them able to help them and work with them without compromising their story and seeking and to a benefit commercial for each together?

We can not expect to use Adam Smith economic theory to get back to a workable Adam Smith economics, can we?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:46 pm

If you are drinking a beer with Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary, or especially if to toasting her your beer likely should be tasting like suds - like soap.

We can not help but think to look for manufactured crisis.

We are lucky and can count ourselves as quite fortunate that President Obama saved us from President Clinton.

That said Governor Mitt Romney may be more right on General Motors than President Obama.

We have first to allow ourselves that there was another option to thought inevitable next President as a Clinton.

We have second, or as an alternate first, to appreciate that climate change didn’t have to rise to the ALAMISM of Gore’s GLOBAL WARMING END OF THE WORLD CRISIS crusades.

As well maybe first we could look at the corporate speak like that was the institutional shorting of endowment funds as political speech towards a down economy for political benefit of Democrat candidate, whomever.

As per Mitt Romney and past ideas for saving General Motors - we have that if Democrats hadn’t won in 2008 GM would have needed a whole lot less effort if any about a saving of GM.

I still have a hard time seeing Mrs. Clinton as other than having failed to the top - I am not sure you should be toasting her or thinking of drinking with her.

An election of the Republican alternative to either the “inevitable Hillary” or her most junior also most junior Senate peer Barack was of platforms and positions arguing to the very direction now there seems to be a general consensus towards as where we should now go and would best have been to have gone earlier.

We can easily suggest that without the threats to seize all oil company profits by Senator Clinton her current position still might only look progressive and a success in promotion - promotion of socialism, only.

General Motors might not have needed any saving if only Al Gore had moderate views or moderated his alarmism from the super subjective “end of the world as we know it” DOOM and GUILT and taught about climate change without attacking the industry of General Motors and people for owning and using their evil products.

I guess it is that we are supposed to just accept how Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is bottled.

I am still confident that if McCain and Palin had been elected the move to retraining and encouraging for our states as a higher priority than a political soft RESET with Russia would have sufficiently rebooted our economy and warded off the simplicities complicating our economy of the Democrat propaganda enough that saving General Motors wouldn’t have needed an young unproven czar or even a political hack to drive a new unnecessary nationalism.

More than once in the past couple decades I have heard after a column or comment or opinionated stance voices from Detroit industries saying I did save them.  I remember most the early days of Clintons’ 8 and how frustrated Detroit was with what seemed capitalist ignorance by the new Democrat admin as there efforts in asking for a sense of direction and theme to work to even if to green energy or fuel efficiency was missing - missing until I offered a direction independently and privately to usher in interesting smaller cars maybe to look like smaller 50s & 60s American made headliners.

No, I don’t see how you can be wanting to celebrate or toast Hillary R. Clinton, Secretary, unless you think her rise and progressing with socialism a success and not as I do a failing to the top.

There are many ways I can go back an confidently reconsider that an election of McCain might have been all the save Mitt Romney might have needed too for General Motors but for the marketing of a superiority and elitism still over lobbied to benefit foreign brands, by some of our politicians.

Yes there have been more than a few times where Detroit either said from afar that I had saved them or was to saying they wanted to hire me.  If you do like the break out of small fun cars during the Clintons’ years don’t look to them for a toast worthiness but look to me - It was I not them, and as implied seeming with them ignorant of an important domestic essence of marketing for free markets and non-socialistic capitalism based job saving and/or creating.

We can not help but think to look for manufactured crisis.  And especially with Democrats and manufacturing and jobs crisis pomp and toasted circumstancings.

This said, again, Governor Mitt Romney may be more right on General Motors than President Obama — but a President McCain likely would have incidentally reset our economy with his spoken to preference to govern to a restoration of states and a restrengthening of state economic sovereignty and so made a save of General Motors at most a remarketing challenge for Mad Men/Women.

We have that there was not a vacuum in progress and inventiveness during the Bush years - we have seen that new products were very nearly ready for marketing and some that Democrats just rushed to a CRISIS so to be able to grandstand with a partisan credit taking.

We didn’t need this economic downturn - or at least quite so.  We didn’t need to see then or now that Hillary all sudsy with a progressing rise as a success if only “socialism” was her goal.  It still seems to generally be about things more our traditionals that she has failed to the top.

A bottling plant for Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton since now we seem to be seeing other than how she has been being bottled herself?

Like a “BOTTOMS UP RODHAM” we should have seen you so earlier more even when to First Lady Clinton?

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