
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:26 am

Welcome aboard! - the new year 2020.

We have much to discuss to achieve a potential for parity - comity in polity - just among Democrats.

The Democrats general liberal progressive definition of success is part of how President Trump is succeeding where otherwise President Obama at least failed blacks.

We can progress hardly further with it a primary general consideration for Democrats’ qualities debates if we do not all - a bipartisan “all” - face facts and realize it is high time to discuss how many crimes the Clintons committed against the Obama threat.

A basic truth of President Obama, his definition of success, to the dynamics of his legacy becomes daily more apparently of a valuation to it easily said “he failed blacks”.  The real crime in this - American crime - is maybe more of that of the stories of the Clintons rivalry as phat with crimes against Barack H. Obama.

The Clintons & Obama have both at least failed blacks with their American crimes of a definition of success as shared some of so much as if life is about TRY TO GET TO HARVARD & then accept your station for life as failed if didn’t go to Harvard.

As Michelle Obama is of Princeton & Harvard, & Barack Obama of a starter college then Columbian & Harvard it is they were supposed to be safe from crimes by Clintons of Hillary Clinton of just Wellesley & Yale, & Bill Clinton of Georgetown & Yale. But alas the Clintons essentially punk’d President Obama all 8 years.

To get “Trump” one must ponder the conundrum of his degree is more of Hard Knocks U. of learned Hospitality from the ground up and quite to of leaned on Apostle Paul of Bible said of capitalism - win win economics of parties to each deal later should be able to tip hats to each other in passings - as near ‘to have growth (economics) people must be able to sing together’.

President Donald J. Trump victory over #CrookedHillary was firstly much as was of unknown Senator Barack H. Obama vs #InevitableHillary of there just was enough support for one a THE UN-CLINTON.

It is now for all those emotional intelligence mid day television shows to bring up the battles between that for a legacy for the Clintons as versus what then left to be a legacy for the Obamas. There is more than the criminal essence of vibe of blackmail truly in the deep story of Clintons somehow made the first black American President accept their insubordination and real rivalry to he had to share his was so, because of Clintons, a house divided and he stuck of a team of rivals.

It so seems since Obamas have Harvard degrees & Clintons merely Yale degrees that something of a subterfuge was active to that of it still seems criminal how Clintons were able to have “rivals” status by it seems blackmailing a first black President yet before of hardly but one speech, and, a one speech most still don’t know he was to plagiarizing in its oration.

2020 is the year to see clearly this opposition to Republican Donald J. Trump, as he tries to be enlightened as also a #ModernRepublican, is yet of his is more #MoralsTrumpHate than #LoveTrumpsHate by the regularity of historical significance of LOVE is a concept of MORALS and we must get past the Clintons crimes of long worked anti-Constitution to too much success at having moved nation too far towards a Natural State & more a government by man - from better secured & just for all of government by laws.

The mid day television shows especially for female audiences with triggers for emotional intelligence engagement must now field the contested between especially Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama on just the FEMINISM roots.

This must be some how to at least be beyond blue areas as zones of ignorance, still, and to how this must also be proffered through to an erudite rendition for institutional copacetic of that Michelle Obama of Harvard is supposed to have been thus established as higher & better than Hillary Clinton of Yale - despite it seems her victim - their victim.

This is no time to talk about the HOPE of #RepublicanMovement as brought back government by laws with Donald J. Trump a joined & accepted leader so more of #MoralsTrumpHate.

To be brief, and forward more brief in 2020, we must first look at the apparent true crimes by Clintons against Obamas, and nation, as American crimes as contrary in essence to constituted protections.

The Clintons seems to have so grossly violated spirit & law of the Emoluments Clause - Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - such to that there is logically real legal jeopardy - far beyond their uttered long much confessions of textbook treason of utterances of “post Constitution” - in that of emoluments laundering by ploy coy of chicanery of play their cards devilishly as if emolument to Clintons could just be called “charity” instead.

It figures since of a Constitution clause that the violation of such triggers that then therefore the Clintons did forfeit and nullify any immunity from prosecution due of emoluments violations - and even any diplomatic immunity.

Blacks still have to fit into Democrats view of success of for most of them they have to accept they failed to get to Harvard & thru Harvard or a lesser still top school and have such lock them to a status their fate for life?

But firstly this new year of 2020 we must see to that it is raised and worked through how Hillary Clinton rivalry of Obamas too was of crimes against Michelle Obama - at least to women and FEMINIST causes shared sister to sister?

Right!  Let us see economy is working from one more of a Hospitality Degree from Hard Knocks U. by he sees American polity in common sense parity from comity with #MoralsTrumpHate - with reset to government by laws?

 *     *     DARE WE ASK THE NEEDED QUESTIONS?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

This issuance is intended to be a global guilting, - none free from anywhere, - not an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett nor #WomanJaneDoe.

Women are having trouble with their messaging of the good news - their message, proper. Utterances, so past POTUS of eve, uttered of confusions.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Faith, not state, nor “citizen”, is all’s “global citizen” - - - religion is the state of the universal spirit - there no global citizen sans religious - ’tis a defined.

Women have trouble with Donald J. Trump that now must be explained - however troubling to easy.  As seems the ‘protests’ measure out coincidentally enduring as if endear as like a “FLOTUS” “Slovene Slumbered Parties’d” as it doth not register true that women of the world can actually be anti-Trump as anti-Freedom & anti-Liberation.

Women have trouble with “Women’s March” as is seems em doth hath protested “FREE AT LAST” and been gathered in a “solidarity” in protestation, to at least to Americans, of “America is yours again” in the attitude of ‘YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED’! Perhaps #FreeWithMilania!

An utterly comical precedent to the yin and yang of “Republican Movement” karma & balance is illuminated by listing Donald J. Trump business acumen of a daily regimen of timely accordance & attention to that fish and eggs - even Champagne - was, where ever of his properties scopes of arriving and time in the development for “grace” in service.

But utterly comical precedent in a historical is more of that Donald J. Trump is less a charming Benjamin Franklin than stout & steeled akin President George Washington & his general humor in his first inaugural.  Do you have any idea how prescient and froward our first President was with such erudite & common oration?  Do you accept even a President can have general humor akin a former General still besot to speak prophylactically to the moral of his troops?

So utterly literate and literary and more humorous that what is sold as comedy these Saturday nights live is that as imbued & imported by George and as of a prudence to recall to “wash & re-use” practiced while of a mores affirmed of that his spouse his bride his wife his Martha was the essence of all the pecuniary emoluments he hath need and want of froward.

Do yourselves all a favor and make time for citation studious of such Washington humor and now as laid out convenient with a bitly shortcut here: http://bit.ly/1stInaugural.  You cannot ignore our start as of “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…”! Nor word for “ups & downs”!

We together can celebrate the preparatory prudence in “wash & re-use” preface of that “impregnable fortitude” is like what “George” had to be “repaired from retired” as not then like what George’s & Martha’s biggest worry as homebodies froward was to be. 

George & Martha are biographied of having inherited from Martha’s parents their library of books on sex and sexuality. 

“George” as General Washington consummating the birth of the nation as the first President most certainly set condom precedence by implying worrying of skins prophylactics of such day were a common vein each beseeched to attend to diligently for maintenance of “impregnable fortitude” facility.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of ribbing:

Material of my unique kinship to your sisterhood, - bear with me I am no cum laude - is a coming clean on how J.K. Rowling has since our moments over the famous napkins somehow got to her literal spite due the platonic core of holding a double edge sword to me as a safety net.

At times she protesteth that I pushed her too hard - of that I hath over charged her to be to committing to perform to seven books - in that she had her heated moments at beseeched to if five books could suffice, - and yet after complaints heard of “you haven’t even given me enough for five books yet!”

Ladies and gentlemen the start of “HARRY POTTER” of coverage in “HOGWARTS” is her literal double edged sword a sharp safety net for though mission was to write so that core youths didn’t grow up from like wards to be yet like dirt under the skin and Hogan warts.

J.K. Rowling in performance on charge to seven books yet developed appropriate of task to write as like of a mother’s perspective for a character basis in my end as set of as a “Pete Rowe-ling”.  J.K. Rowling had her safety net for a chance I wasn’t right about such if to seven as charged would “make her very rich, - if she stuck to how outlined” as covered for if such by how “HOGWARTS” failed/bombed she had it bound as ready to import of like “OH IT FAILED NOT BECAUSE OF ME BUT FOR IT SO HOGAN’S WARTS!”.

Ladies and gentlemen readers of the known & unknown world let me share I have since barring further “HARRY POTTER” books and allowing my muse energy to yet still flow but around STRIKE and economics sadly less of John Kenneth Galbraith as times needing guarding from Bill & Hillary Clinton crooked were known more to as if of ROBBING ECONOMICS fit’n her cloaked productions and performance on Rob “Galbraith” release dictum from stitching together more bounded voluminous of “HOGWARTS” and specifically as pressed and sent of yet an idea for a trilogy to be also furthered of patron o’ US conscience but as to years apart as different school years era particularly then of 7 girl wonders and of one of each of each a top study from each of the seven continents, and, as these 7 girl wonders were also particularly studied to the specific important of Dante’s INFERNO.

J.K. Rowling such has seemed covered and worked to if not even near as specifically this time around as outlined.

Readers of the vast world of unknown fans it is from “but you have not even given me enough for five books” protest that “Harry Potter” became of a godfather figure a “SERIOUS BLACK” and of volts dangers prudence due national electrical standard yugely vary, and as of PATRONUS another play on spelling, - though righteous as “patron US” - in that my circle of friends and local athletic compatriots in ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues were of the architecture firms of the design, and construction management of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and, yes my own godfather, the late “Uncle Charlie” Hogan was serious about black wires as his career was as a union electrician knowingly prepared for volts of more dangers, and racially sensitive in diversity quite as a serious fan of serious black pugilist “Smokin’ Joe” Joe Frazier.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Of the old adage “knowledge is power” I grant thee access to http://bit.ly/BEAVERWARShttp://bit.ly/PetersRabbits for since “TITANIC” I was not an idle muse otherwise to Potterdom commitments and as Leonardo Di Caprio of REVENANT was a performance on suggestion he could help preface a HOGAN new “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” tv series as on “BEATRICE BOXER & THE BEAVER WARS” by developing silver screen prologue on the epic era of the THE BEAVER WARS. I regret the inconvenience of such series also a ready to go Poet JP Hogan children series for popular books mass appeal of that any now considerate enough to be curious will yet find these links are to what was written chronological to regular readers of “Citizen Rosebud” in series and so present as linked now but in reverse chronological order. {As is problematic with old series thou ripe & popular links to such may present now with this current squip as the leading in otherwise old scroll/thread, and, but #BeaverWars link takes many back to earlier days of http://myblog.jphogan.org art of archived of the month of November in the year 2010.}

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of scribed for TV & books, at least:

For the proper respect to divinity and coincidence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson of dying on the same Fourth of July there now is a “Potter World” likewise for my basis for “Harry Potter” godfather in my own of the Brotherhood of Electricians is of that the date November 7, 2011 likewise shall live in infamy as such is the day the New York Times published David Brooks hit piece op-ed “THE SERIOUS ONE” and too somehow the same day that Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier died and my own godfather “Uncle Charlie” Hogan of the brotherhood died suddenly about yard work in retirement though his union brethren were all call to duty as such day is of record as a “Greatest BlackOut in Connecticut History”.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of new media social media facebook media shares:

I.E.: E.G.: Yesterday’s of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan “PUBLIC” share comment:

JKRowling @JK_Rowling J.K. Rowling ~ I am not studied nor read in on specifics — an American take thou from long known me for our collaborative successes is yet to read #Hamilton as #Publius in #FederalistPapers #Federalist #1 for #AlexanderHamilton spells out that the #Constitution is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” & “PRESERVATION OF… PROPERTY” so it wrong for USG to be so monied while yet USA is expected to be of COMPASSION and engagement via #CHARITY & #PHILANTHROPY - even as by #ReligiousLiberty of the religions the institutions & bureaucracies expectant to such adherence.  #PoetJPHogan

Yes!  Quid ditch did stem from J.K. Rowling prudence to ask if our books on magic should have a flying broom, and to that my answered was “Yes! Go big! Make it a team sport!” and to that I put about her the energy then of my recreation & sport in area ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of old school broadcast sharing methods in of reading with openness to Lord & peeps (as “meek shall inherit” meaning those strong in the Lord who “wait upon the Lord” by being open and patient for the guidance by the Holy Spirit) by at least being cotton’d to Old Testament of the Bible of that to the “chief Musician” akin the connectivity & interconnected eco-system of religions of the PSLAMS.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay, or a good ribbing?

A Psalms conundrum is “meek” in Psalm 37 as meaneth not weak or feeble but those strong in the Lord as open to a “meek” as open & patient to receive the Holy Spirit hook-up?  (Divined import by reading of Barnes & Noble collectors classic printing bound of King James edition.)

                   *       *       *       GRACE?       *       *       *

[This squib/essay is currently a work in progress - what you see may be just today’s beginning - do come again until satisfied it is all done.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 pm

As any art of “Hilary” when there a “Hillary” in the “rabbits” seems at least subconsciously of a “puritanical” objection of one woman of too many “L”s?

Mustn’t a prima facia of #ItsMeHilary” be a caked to wild protestant of a Hillary of too many (political) positioned postured?  Aren’t there two Mrs. Dunhams in one a #Girls of a one “L” Hilary?  If we must talk about rabbits mustn’t we tussle a warren two as an Ann Dunham?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

As President Obama is near the age most fathers of even one daughter think to having a shotgun, and VP Biden still, we have that Sasha and Malia are of a black father who has no sons.  To be hip to Lena Dunham however as a “Princess Leah” or “Padme Amidala” we can flush out a posterity that she yet is like “Ja Ja Binks” as quite a “Gunga Din” and more the “grandmother” than Hillary.  As this will be of a brevity of a President without sons it to be of a je suis satirism of what American daughters have born witness to (too much) of a world of “rabbits”!

I know not if President Obama is a father who would allow a son to get even one tattoo.  This is not about his daughters - it though must be about President Obama’s mother figures during his administration wanton now as if tagged of too many too “rabbits”!

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

Before President George Washington letter to the Jews, now still living in infamy of America as a land not to seed or grow a bigotry of tolerance, there was how is so claimed to have been he “repaired from retired” to be then from concerns of “impregnable fortitude” of their prophylactics (skins) of the day in sexual at home (with the books on sex he and Martha got from her parents library when they passed*) (*Read in a recent book about Washington) to established for the nation as best ready for governance inaugurated as Constituted for “among the vicissitudes incident to life…”!* (*See George Washington First Inaugural Speech text)

I do not recall if among Martha Washington’s parents books on sex so read of there was an original copy of a KAMA SUTRA.  The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s yet seems the Dunham the younger though old enough still. The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s seems to have been to President Obama as the older white surrogate mother figure in an Oedipal!  Lena as to a “Hilary” of a modest of one “L” seeming now an of #Girls and #ItsMeHilary yet seems the younger the older as a Dunham more like of an Ann Dunham alive and/or living on as a body guard to her granddaughters.

Secretary Hillary Clinton did amass a public record of seeming at times too emotional and too “(sexually) frustrated”!

I know not if Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton has a tat - has been tattooed!  She seems of a record of envy!

Dunham - Lena Dunham - Has yet been so as if of Tatooine “star wars” as well as if a “Nubian”? How of India tao?

Lena Dunham on “puritanical” stirs the “rabbits” of Rome linqua franca respecting procreation pros #creation.  Dunham as a body guard of #Girls as if the living Ann Dunham yet now seems conflicted of #ItsMeHilary of a prudence of “L”!  Hillary - How say you (as Oedipal’d)?  Who is R. Kipling’s MUNICIPAL “Mr. Binks”?  “LL” Hillary of Tripoli been “G” hazy? “LL” Hillary of Behouins “bed o’ wins” tri-pol-i?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There have been binders of women!  Muamar Qadhafi found of a binder of Ms. Rice but not of “LL” “Hillary”?

Who can deny that Mrs. Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton hasn’t performed like a cloaked Sith Lord devilishly?

America of these United States of America Constituted have a sworn President who negated his swearing near as soon as it was orated lastly so in his Second Inaugural Speech and moments of recorded oral exposits.  In such he near as soon as swearing to be Constitutional he did posture that he wouldn’t feel “beholden” the the “oath” just taken.

I must leave it now for furtherance of any imports to the women of Ann Dunham however as if of Ann Dunham as a grandmother surrogate or as a missed older white mother figure - as a “L” or “LL” tat’d of #Eloise Dunham.  Or yet for he President so w/o sons, of an age of “guarded”!

The world is now the “bunny ranch” common to President Obama’s postured, and as well of Pope Francis’ frankness.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the Hillary we all must dissect metaphorically and theoretically smartly firstly!

How is Mrs. “LL” Clinton so everything of the early feminist heft? of envy? so emotional? very moody? historically (bitter)?


Is it tea time for puritanical #reset #resets?  What of the “envy” of Mrs. Clinton, however, as a public figure due dissection and however much “gutting” to delve the depths for “psycho babble” en familia of a je suis Bill “LL” Clinton committed union?  Mrs. Clinton feminism is in jeopardy for the politics reigns of her disexpected to be of truth an option for as a spouse she is like sworn of oath and vows to not betray or incriminate her spouse - she is like disallowed from truth for the history is so much was her husband’s fault and she even as President Obama’s Secretary of State had to like be President Clinton’s lawyer first and to finding lies for the truth wasn’t allowed by her to be expressed even if prudent.


Like President Barack Hussein Obama’s Vice President “Joe” Biden has spoken to as like “home” security need just a shotgun - a shotgun to just shoot off into the air - he too as stood up a parable like in “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT”!  Vice President Biden postured is however as also of leading from behind yet a good tat upon the failures now of his own administration.  It seems beyond where Secretary of State had to avoid the truth and try to find lies to now violate her spousal vows to the improper husbandry of President Clinton - of all his years, not just the too ignored/forgotten of 1993-2001.

The future is rabbits! There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There too is an observation that those of the right as so amassed too in the new “TEA PARTY” have not shown any of the signs of sexual frustration.  There is these days #forward are for #Repubs much of a new #Washingtonian more than a new “puritanical” “oppressive” too of them like liberated (but as bad #rabbits) to now beat the beats for like a Republican “Woodstock”!  Even as TEA PARTY too of some “repaired from retired” too? And, too as of “impregnable fortitude” positioned?

I must leave it now for furtherance of any political or global imports to the posturing and positioning of President Barack Hussein Obama, the 114th Congress, any now public as if to 2016 as a contender.  It does seem the record shows “LL” Hillary has been of a clean and present record of having been too emotional and publicly of envy.  It yet though is to be seen if Repubs now are actually to an American Kama Sutra to share how they have endured to still endear as Constitutional, and if such then will be just a re-printing of an original original of a copy that George and Martha begot from her parents private library.  “Vicissitudes…”?



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:45 pm


It may be better to leave the women out of this!

No assembling now required!

Je suis rabbit?  Je suis of B.C., & pagan of a golden calf?  Je suis of institutionalized ignorance bullish horn’d?  Je suis le matador?

It matters less if President Obama jumps to the left, or leaps to the right!

He so postures as if ready & daring, of just rabbits charging - seems.

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

How now begot of a new Congress to Slaughter the seeds of hope if by a “blackjack” at 21 or shy at 20?  If to be of our rights as independent to each as charged by their Creator a linqua franca need be refixed to repaired to common sense of a The Force magnetism of memory and stored energy. To be just kin et ick of slaughtering permissible of a sustaining soul is to speak to “pain” where codes and echoes are harmonizing to be of the possible Light!  It is ALIVE!  At 21 weeks she/he has “community”!

Je suis le enfant? I am but I have no “pa-a-in”! I have like “trauma” of “pressure” of in ma with no “Pa” “in” of pain before 20 by 7 of mine since thoughts of seeding fertile fertilized to seeded to Hope to of in the Light?

Je suis le enfant? I am not to be de cartean - of a cart as separated for of thoughts “ALIVE” but no original “THOUGHT”?

Je suis qui non Descartean?

Je suis “electric” of the The Force from whence seeded of a big bang polarity! Je suis to the Light of “live” wired!

What of all the charging as rabbits of President Barack Hussein Obama and he of a cape?  Bullish? Careless?  Don’t cry fo’ moi Argentina?

How co-lumbus by rabbits erred spans PBHO of a dividing think - of an eros and psyche erros prophylactical?  Vive le soldiers Christian ’tised?

Como se dice “rabbits” y “bullish”?  How by Barcelona structure so Gaudi for Posterity?  How run the rights of Spanish male/machismo passage?

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from “rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

How swimming the seeds of the Light of The Force “electric” from conception if conscious as more fertilized & warmed…. Too “soldiers”!

Beyond a “blackjack” unconscionable at 20 or 21 weeks there are still the future rights of passage for all Christian “soldiers”! To a man to “Amen!”!

For co-lumbus to discover when passing to past spooning there always the “shores” of “Tripoli” of bed oh wins beachy - - - a Coptic coded electric!

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from”rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

How now begot of a new Congress of the People’d peoples politics washing tonnage of the “business” separated from “of the Creator” divined fertiziled and warmed from “soldiers” to warmed of swimming humane of eggs and darts?  How structured the tao - a tao - a way - et tu como se dice a vive le French copacetic however too of Gaudi de Espana?  If to be of our rights as independent to each as charged by their Creator a linqua franca need be refixed to repaired to common sense of a The Force magnetism of memory and stored energy.  By 21 weeks at least a soul is extant - seems?  A rights of passage otherwise has commenced and inviolate of impropriety if to a slaughtering of a welcomed Christian “soldier”?

To be just kin et ick of slaughtering permissible of a sustaining soul is to speak to “pain” where codes and echoes are harmonizing to be of the possible Light!  It is ALIVE!  At 21 weeks she/he has “community”!

Je suis a “Serious Black”? a godfather? a leading citizen, at least?

“Religion” but everwas & evermore a human attempt to explain the “electric” universal of all things all so too of Jesus nor Muhammad above the other - of Jesus and Muhammad of their God equally above them?  Christian “soldiers” from unleashed devoid of “rabbits” “free” however by temperate to timed of rythms for “prophylactical” to separate from the Light while of vessels and reseviors of the charged of the The Force are like of the trespasses to discern for “bullish” check civilities in “immigration” “politics.”

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from “rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

No assembling required - - - this is more a matter of “faith” in “religion” as a indivisible “of the all of all” - - - of “think” & maybe “speech”!

Como se dice et tu je suis of Muhammad for a man should fig “the straw the broke the camels back” to a serial of God’s tested of desert trespassers and dwellers so so so a comsi comsa asi asi of the “oy” & “oys” of how temperate of deserst of the Tigris and Euphrates, as too of Arabia were at least lucky for Muhammad to how he dated for Posterity that Christianity was if regular to all so then inadequate to people so God’s more severely tested of the environs of his deserts, and which ever hills of lava rocks potential Tranquility.


Je suis rabbit? Je suis of B.C., & pagan of a golden calf?  Je suis of institutionalized ignorance bullish horn’d?  Je suis le matador?

It matters less if President Barack Hussein Obama jumps to the left, or leaps to the right?

He so postures as if ready & daring, of just rabbits charging - seems?

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

                                           *       *       *
As by a #SOTU #socialmedia http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan & @jphoganorg http://CitizenRosebud.mobi share:

‪#‎SOTU‬ • Doesn’t ‪#‎Obama‬ ‪#‎immigration‬ ‪#‎pen‬ undermine @Pontifex ‪#‎Pope‬ ‪#‎Francis‬ bridge building mission for ‪#‎SouthAmerica‬ ‪#‎LatinAmerica‬ by decreeing some their best souls otherwise ‪#‎Christian‬ ‪#‎soldiers‬ to be reassigned as ‪#‎Americans‬ as O’s official people?

Can Pope Francis give hope at least to such’s native sovereign parishes if they cannot be like not of ‪#‎deportations‬ but of exporting of ‪#‎freedom‬?

Can there be hope to rival the The Uunited States in the other nations of ‪#‎Americas‬ without so many as “illegals” to USA as ‘et their own people’s best hopes at home?”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

Women - yes, women most specifically - these times are different;  these are times now of #EqualPay with a new conundrum;  these are times of a paradigm for equal justice for all newly due an algorithm for feminism forward;  these are times for women to look at women as hard and long as any man should now judgementally;  these are times for all to look at women, however themselves a feminist or female lawyer of “professional” service, and frankly to discern that some women now should be so “accomplished” that it is fair for Posterity to decide them equal the worst men in history - due paying equally for being practicable as due the most severe penal!  Women, most specifically women, these times are different.

To preface the dire to follow, of straits most trespassed, and as to pay equal now as equal a worst man, let me suggest this link for a quick view of a YouTube entombed to help tune all to a solemn mood.  Here is a link to an old SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE #SNL skit;  http://bit.ly/PAXIL_SNL!

To be “in a Christian mood” let us see the beginning of life outside of Chelsea’s womb of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky as blessed in being of a good Christian name and the responsibility of communities and even villages therefore expectant;  To be “Christian” now, and yet judicial and prudent of a fair feminism forward, let us consider she a newest female of “Clinton” is named with premeditated Christian intent of a good Christian name - not just of a (secular) Power moniker;  To be “Christian” forward let us welcome #CCM “Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky” but recognize a Duty therefore may be to be to many, many, many prayers for her grandparents that they can yet be redeemed - let us, for Charlotte, accept a need, forward, of her grandparents of redemption beyond mere “political redemption”!

To be judicial this too is now prescribed by concurrence of women now so progressed in feminism gains that Attorney General Eric Holder as a first black of such high office may find it unwise to leave office without preceding legally against top women.

Not to do the work of Eric Holder, as the Attorney General of the Obama Justice Department, and however firstly black and so also of concerns like around Mrs. Clinton, of pitfalls in practice from racing to the top in affirmative action plus plus banding, it is that this is to be structural for Justice but more in a #TopTen or #DirtiestDozen befitting a comedic satirical of late night television, but not only for paid cable channel standards.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, as #FLOTUS - First Lady of The United States - is more now as if in a pickle barrel than merely “in a pickle” judicially.  Mrs. William J. Clinton, as #FLOTUS, did incite across the Middle East, at least, and as chided by President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech targeting of a foreign policy adage of there dangers from avoidance and inaction.  Mrs. Clinton, however, is now no longer of a staff position in an administration nor a seat in Congress;  Mrs. Clinton is now herself also removed from National Security buffers for personal liability in culpability;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite rather than act during her reigning with WJC in their Power intimacy;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite across the Middle East, at least, and when it was more dangerous even than the real dangers palpable from their (joined) decision to be more of avoidance and inaction and of the tag of “American abandonment”!

See, now, why it may help to have viewed the Paxil_SNL video?  See, now, how it may behoove all to review too President Barack H.Obama oratory as archived as his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech?  Or as conveniently bitly here with http://bit.ly/Nobel_Obama?

Though President BHO did admonish and chide the Clintons’ eight years he didn’t specify how his Secretary of State choice was too compromised for having a legacy already too much of marshaling greater dangers and more dangerous times by at least a collusion in intimate avoidance and inaction - of being of eight years of abandonment of just the women of Afghanistan and Iraq while it was simple “diplomacy” that the The United States of America for recent past of in country involvements was thus of a right to return and show timely care - timely caring!

We are now progressed with feminism so far that we must also look at there being problems in any Mrs. Clinton, candidate, of at least ten realities also necessary of a due querious too in lingua franca concurrence that are irreconcilable from all discussions of perils of too much affirmative action for any.  I do not, in my lay, see how the “First Black Attorney General” can leave his office with chin up and of pride if he isn’t to looking at Mrs. WJC, at least, as a woman now equal some of the worlds worst ever men and due to pay equally for being equally of guilt;  I do not, in my lay think, fathom any twaining for the last stretch of AG Eric Holder if it without marking off a comparable while others have jurisdictions to compete per rending justice upon Mrs. WJC, at least.

A child has been born - a new Clinton has begun its life/living outside of her womb - a child may now to be of the Hope in Christianity of people of the known world, where ever, of praying and prayers that her grandparents despite these #TopTen tags of culpability are yet enough of a potential for redemption however such beset in the reality of politics and Justice that Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC are soiled in a stink of their own historical at least as for being of a clear pathology of PBHO’s “dangers” from “avoidance” and “inaction” as if the parents of the terror attacks of 9/11 I & II.  It is inescapable, for any redeeming for Charlotte of her grandparents, how the logic Nobel of PBHO is that their historical avoidance and inaction was at least causal to catastrophes of them at least of negligence to gross negligence each in their own ways, however, manly or feminine.

RELIGION:  For Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky to have the potential of a great Christian life now and forever forward many many many prayers will be needed for redemption to be of Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC if and when they too join in a penitence practicable to being redeemed, however. 

FEDERAL ELECTIONS:  For parity and Justice there can be no candidate Clinton for a new HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, and as it is that there never was any for the first of 2008.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is undecided Constitutional writ it remains that a wife is a spouse and equal under the Constitution inseparable as a half an equal and so that until the Supreme Court renders some specifics to decide initially its import to elections it is fair and a People’s Duty to tag any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL, even TREASON.

AFGHANISTAN:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the women, of Afghanistan.

IRAQ:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the Shia women of Iraq.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT:  Mrs. WJC did by insisting on having a West Wing staffer job while the #FLOTUS did undermine feminism and workplace standards for equality.  It was a big mistake that Mrs. WJC was of a “staffer” position while the spouse to the Presidency indivisible.  It is a big mistake to not look at her so as of a bad “feminist” model for workplaces anywhere, however, for having asked to be officially subjugated under her husband while “officially” indivisible as an equal by the marriage laws of their union. As First Lady the President as a male spouse was yet of the Law of the lands that his practices political, however “executive” precisely, were so that marriage equality wasn’t allowed to be set asunder even as so in tasking his spouse as an “official” underling subjugated in Duty in an office hierarchy of the West Wing structures.

SECURITIES/SHARED WEALTH:  Whether for the FBI, SEC, FEC, or just Justice we have it now that all the finances of the “The Clinton” are fair game and of a Duty too of Congress in oversight in rights to preserve and protect the Union under Article One prescriptions.  These days post a QUID PRO QUO rendered upon one Virginian Governor now alights it too of the Clintons that another Virginia Governor has too long also been like too much of political QUID PRO QUO, however it more the Clintons in his pocket then him firstly in their pockets.  It is that was have the Clintons move to New York and as if the New York Senate seat of Senator Patrick Moynihan had been arranged to be next for Mrs. WJC - by political partisan dealing done, it seems, from within the Clintons’ White House.  It is that there is said a “DEAD BROKE” motivation behind all the potential servable as improper QUID PRO QUO how the Clintons to be in New York City, however as carpetbaggers charm, were to asking Big Bank friends (political associates merely?) to be to like gifting PWJC for Carnegie Hall Tower near penthouse rents as gratuities for the Clintons have like made them all so much money with their derivatives politics.  Mrs. WJC is inseparable for a bad feminism for being so to being Senator at least for having been too nearly so clearly and like permanently of an obvious QUID PRO QUO just of being party to the asking of banks to be to paying, again gratuitously, as much of the rent for a Time Square near penthouse suite for her spouse.

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS:  #ICC is now likely of a jurisdiction around and ready to be over Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as corporate global people of their meddling international “initiatives” of their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES.  It seems the ICC can rival even Attorney General Eric Holder now for prudence more judicial of the “The Clinton” as arrestable at least some for fraud, and more maybe for negligence of conduct(s) unbecoming a former First Couple of The United States of America.  It seems even if the Clintons do not step across newly the threshold of candidacy for President they are of such a fog of culpability that the ICC should at least be to considering an officially worked airing through “audits” to discern in a spirit of trust busting some being allowed to much trust internationally.

CONGRESS:  Per the Duty of the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE there is that beyond a cover-up having been enough found to proceed towards a “HOW CRIMINAL” such as a new criminal cover-up it is that the “feminist” in Mrs. WJC is long inconveniently proud of a hard line against President Richard Milhaus Nixon of it that people need go to jail when a President is determined even of such as a lesser and less tragic cover-up practices.  Mrs. WJC has much floated the boat that now is rightly of her to be beset upon as a prison ship however;  Mrs. WJC had vast motives to be so necessarily of a cover-up after the Benghazi attacks and so that the President now may be more protected than President Richard M. Nixon was whence priorly.  Though a cover-up was seemingly necessary, even though a worst case scenario always, especially, it is that it wouldn’t be fair to prosecute the President until his Secretary of State firstly is fully implicated beyond an already admitted sad culpability.  It may not be fair considering the fog of marriage of a joined culpability for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, due their political ambitions and on going selfish global machinations for Powers, to even ever maybe specifically dissect PBHO as much as PRMN was for it would be too complicated and unfair of all affirmative action standards to separate an clear Obama guilt from the already broached and confessed iceberg of Clinton culpability, at least also of an executive negligence.  It seems prescribed by the Clintons own history and campaigned on pride that the House is well within its rights and of a Duty to actually move that Mrs. WJC at least is due prison time;  Mrs. WJC had the mean, motives, and opportunity so of the already enough admitted improper (illegal) cover-up.  Mrs. WJC essentially had to lie from the start to hide how the Clintons had (trapped?) PBHO into lying for them from hour one of day one and so by a cover-up effected as initialized within his First Inaugural oratory.  She played, however if “feminist” as in feminine, yet with absolutes that makes Congress’ work at imprisoning simple and easy;  Mrs. WJC dangerous set up the “The Clinton” in an absolute as if “IT COULD BE NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” by being party to it as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as taggable as an illegal and imprudent actual “cover-up” where only a simple lie like now being investigated around any lies just of the Benghazi Cover-Up as a lie big enough in a contrary that was needed to repair and maintain newly the bigger cover-up of the Clintons then to fall apart if a new cover-up not affected.

BREAK:  So where were we?  So where are we?  Need I spell out a ten of a #TopTen or even be to a dozen of a #DirtiestDozen?

RACISM - EQUALITY:  Can we yet imagine that Attorney General Eric Holder, however or especially for being a “first black”, is possibly to leave his high office as said in December without moving ranks towards a servicing on the Clintons even maybe justly for charges of TREASON?  AGEH has competition and a clock running for legacy;  AGEH may not want to let even the Congress or the ICC steal the show now seeming staged and quite ready for a rending of justice, however lately, upon the “The Clinton” at least as on Mrs. WJC but as is seems inconscionable that Mr. & Mrs. Clinton aren’t enough from sharing, however - however a parity to be figured beyond comity in comedy of what would be equal paying for the man or woman?

ME / MINE:  And this now, all in the light concurrent that both Clintons are not of “official” executives, or of Congressional Duty, or offices but of the offices of Trust and Profit they are maintained in, with vast taxpayer allowances, there is that I must consider I have been two decades plus at defending my intellectual property from seemingly provable felonious premeditated property “theft” by the BOGO “two-fer” First Couple and since Clintons, and so that I may be now well in my rights to move to sue them and maybe for damages in lossed profits that could be fairly measurable as just even if over $100 Millions.  See Attorney General Eric Holder did support my rights so to such while initially with PBHO of a dictate to him that I was in my rights to stop him from use of my intellectual property.  This is a story now of the Clintons also more easily in my reach as the Government of the The United States of America is Constituted to be likely soon to rivaling what we could too be seeing to ragging on any righteous “feminism” of Mrs. WJC, as if such should trump - trump especially as due her in affirmative action.  This is now a story of 2008 of the struggles mine to protect me/mine from further uses and reuses, improper and unauthorized by the Clintons, specifically yet as it is that the Bush Administration, towards Justice Posterity, and too Attorney General Eric Holder, have stood up my rights such that the Clintons old uses and attempts, however successful, in reuses were of them now seemingly affirmed as necessarily then, however, of such that I can now pursue maybe too as if felonious premeditated thieving.

NOTE:  For now as it though seems I could seek #DAMAGES of $100 Million plus from any assets “CLINTON” it may too I have many other agencies who could get in line first and firstly lay claim to that much or actually all of the personal wealth of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  For how many can now maybe compete and to fines or compensation from the assets of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton it may not be rational for me myself to yet pursue for a mine in Justice due to how many official NEGLIGENCES may also need be proofed towards such to maximizing damages from exposing all aspects of cover-ups and negligence - at least all motives for a Benghazi cover-up to further hide too many lies also maybe righteously of fraud that SIMON & SCHUSTER could join against “HILLARY” just for false representations in her HARD CHOICES.

GUIDANCE:  PLEASE RESPECT - BE REPSECTFUL - RE: http://JPHogan.org!!!  Many also conveniently sourced by http://bit.ly/TheElephants could be just as easily ordered as a DIRTIEST DOZEN in object and satired yet - especially links of http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY; http://bit.ly/PettyTreason; http://bit.ly/TheEnabler; http://bit.ly/ReadyForHillary; http://bit.ly/LongestWarhttp://bit.ly/RUNFORCOVER; and, http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary all can yet be ranked at least for a fuller #TopTen causal to any praying now for any possible redemption metrics if right to be however meted for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  Note: It is now for these so linked that this new column presents on many of these links yet as the newest now sorted among such collections, however some are quite more damming and voluminous than others.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:11 am

Teach a child, a boy, how to be in service as a gilly and you’ve taught a boy how, also, to teach others to fish.

There are politics in it that Chris Christie is the Governor of the PORCELAIN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

There are scandalous in the Posterity Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, permitted in a clear phallic, as long as it may endure, for the Clintons’ legacy of Presidential so inartfully established, as figured by Polshek, to satisfy William Jefferson Clinton, and as so Southern clad in a Confederate Grey, as their “library.”  Mrs. Clinton, however, is culpable, in it established, in architecture, in the The Natural State, that there is a gross fulness for studying “Bill” forward, and as proudly of infidelity and as a ‘THE BLOW JOB PRESIDENT”!  It is hard to see Hillary Rodham Clinton, now however, if in politics, as in politics however merely intra-party and polarized, yet as being to asking Democrat women to think - to think freely - to think independent of a hierarchy of and for William Jefferson Clinton - to think freely from her Posterity legacy, however structural.

There is morals to speak to, and think about, before any to a blind faith forward in compliant Clinton partisanship.  There is a less civil “popular” to be restored to Posterity for Tranquility in general Welfare ordained and Ordered in popular governance in republican establishments.  There are amorals to tag - to reduce to outlet after-market branding as if of cut retail branding - to cut the tags of for more honest retail politics marketing.  The Clinton brand must be discernible not to enough as being DAMAGED - of too many damaged “goods”!

Teach a young adult, enough yet educated, and female, to be of consideration of service and now aware there is a warring commenced that must broach what civil is, and what civil was, and such young women may be able to be reason as now more free if able to use learning - to use learning for politics that one can be freer if now in “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” assimilation to Mrs. Clinton and her “politics” selfish for sustainable “legacy.”

I do not know whom now may be a modern Mark Felt to Director James Comey.

I do get that the legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi still rivals, in devotion to the “politics” of President William Jefferson Clinton, greatly all “loyalty” and “devotion” thought otherwise as rivaling the Power(s) by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

It seems that to President Clinton at least a drama persists that for though Hillary Rodham was of impeaching President Nixon for less deadly cover-ups the legacy of Deep Throat politics plays out with all expected to ask if George Stephanopoulus more a “Deep Throat” than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and if so how David Gergen may be more of a “Girl Friday” to Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton, even as she may yet have been for Posterity in legacy yet the most a “Deep Throat” to “Bill”!

It is true that I knew Mark Felt’s secret since before the Watergate break-in was a bungled Federally justified probe.  It is true that I was motivated to protecting a new next gen from the Clintons when I challenged JK. Rowling to write seven books for magic study with each book a next school year with more advanced evolved curriculum.  It is also true the THE GILMORE GIRLS show evolved as from creationism mine, for some my female cousins of Baltimore, Maryland, from that day I drove through and by the Gilman School for Boys and wondered what type of show could be sustained too of my guidance, some, to be yet entertaining specifically firstly for my female cousins, however one a Yale graduate, while of siblings who were of the Gilman School, and as it known of a legacy as an Ivy League feeder/preparatory school.  My oldest sister grew up, however otherwise partisan, to be now married as a Gillman and in cable media sales as a top female executive.

It seems though maybe sad to Democrat women, yet free to think “politically” that Governor Sarah Palin is, though of LIPSTICK ON A PIG adage, yet now a woman liberated politically and doing more to ask all women to think - and to think more.  It seems Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is an island among Democrat Women and actually to asking Democrat women to think more than Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton ever will ask men or women.

Senator Warren is nearly to be more insurgent against the “THE CLINTON” than blind partisan as now of fidelity to the idea that BANKERS SHOULD GO TO JAIL.  It seems better to think of Governor Palin and Senator Warren forward of an cause crossed for liberation;  It seems carroling Patriotism is yet joined La Femme Feminist at least for forward progress of among certain to life vicissitudes incident to daily local and global politics; it seems two women are asking at least all women to look beyond lipstick or however caked on merry Kay Clinton base pancake - and as if now pancake cover on donkies; it seems there are liberated women at least of Governor Palin and Senator Warren whom are asking women to think and to AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL yet of banking scandals for Democrats too of North Carolina - to till’d cleaning up for more, forward, bountiful more natural harvest seeded by better tilling forward of seeds, however for waves of grain, yet to endear and endure for purple mountains majestics.

Senator Kay Hagan, and Mrs. Clinton, however of politics so long, of politics so long it as if she is so for legacy, and Posterity, of HRC of oldest profession.  Where there now may be feminism as liberated and so that the old boys club of back rooms, and coed gyms, are now to “civility” at if and when Senator Kirten Gillibrand said pressured as if now “too porky” there yet still has to be the old boys on old boys humor whence “peer pressure” expected “peer pressure” if any of politics however partisan to any concern of a brethren yet become too much - become to engirthed as of pork as “porky”!  Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, like Senator Kay Hagan for both being of BIG BANKS banking states seem irreconcilable from the Clintons and of H. Rodham Clinton when Senator H. Rodham Clinton, herself, as now of a war between Democrat women where Massachusetts’ junior Senator, also Democrat woman Elizabeth Warren, is blazing a herding even as it may clearly brand at least Gillibrand, Hagan, & Clinton as too close to any BIG BAD BANK - any BIG BAD BANKERS.

Beyond how compromised Mrs. Clinton is, however of all the “CLINTON BOGO ‘TWO-FER’” irreconcilable culpabilities, it firstly is a concern that the Posterity for the “THE CLINTON” is yet supposed to endure as if even right that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library was worked and erected so phallic and gray and to endear and/or just endure for a popularity for Democrats, at least, of “Bill” a BLOW JOB PRESIDENT.

How are we to discuss or discern Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton of an ability to catch fish, fish, or guide and teach fishing?

It seems she a woman a Democrat now too close to BIG BAD BANKS and already hooked quite by Senator Warren and her terra firma for a new Eden (even for North Carolina)!

Maybe by investigating the partisan tills to catching any too much of such till’d to better seeding and harvests forwards with more honest “farming” and “fishing” cornucopias cultivated in better popular governance in republican banking?

Yet to till is IS - is establishments of the apples of Eden are ripe - ripe for a more civil popularity - carefully reset now firstly about Democrat women at least seeming too loyal to “Bill” to be forever forward as loyal as Mark Felt was thought in partisan attack politics as a man so of President Richard Milhaus Nixon he now is like a model for understanding the more “boy” George, George Stephanopoulus for Posterity for President William Jefferson Clinton.

As Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is at least now seemingly enough a peer to Governor Sarah Heath Palin for being a leader, an example for girls and women, engaged to seeding future harvests for AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL cornucopias stockable with banks cleaned out from politics of too many to much on Democrat fields not tilled to new and less caked prima facia governance:



Are things ever again to be possibly to “going swimmingly” if Democrats school as if schooled only for swimming together under a branding to branded yet first devotional to the Posterity of William Jefferson Clinton?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:49 pm

Let me be clear:  It seems a convenient truth, for a return of evolution to the known world, that Democrat woman Representative Nancy Pelosi, and also Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton, however, while busy as opposites, have yet both been critical of Republicans as against evolution, and while themselves effectively, to a measurable devolution, each differently causal of devolutions for their species;  It seems there need be something akin to a war on women - a warring at least on two women both “Democrat women” but so clearly differentiable.

It cannot now be all on President Barack H. Obama that a measurable onset of devolution can be registered as having occurred due to Democrat leadership - we must also war on women of his party, at least where there are clear and present differences that contrast or conflate reason.  It seems beyond just a matter of National security that we have to look at risks and dangers specifically of the political domains, however eminent, to be politically of specific ownership as of “Pelosi” or “Clinton” dirty hands.

I write not here to celebrate a coding for humanity in a shared body electric force fields in polarities assessing civil common humanity by rites and rituals around a poetry of creationism and morality.  It would be a luxury now to talk here only of humanity held together for peace Posterity by strung theories kept general and poetic as a programmed civil code yet maintainable.  We have clear and present dangers to cut away the fog towards if we are to reverse what is now advanced under Democrat women quite to a measurable, it seems, devolution at least of the Politics of Democrat President Barack H. Obama.

It is timely with the referendum for independence of the Scottish people, however, merely near of 4 million souls, that America alone isn’t now asked to consider even the prudence of John Jay as PUBLIUS in Federalist Papers 2-5, and as it pertains to Scotland independence whence as if concurrent and fresh now.  It may be we have a war on women due to carefully separate those of a domains of “Pelosi” from any of “Clinton” and for each has history of too much whimsy in their deciding.

Since this is really more of a concern for Justice and Truth let me defer from here to fore established as firstly a concern for being of Democrat women too much to devolutionary politics.  Let me get down to brass tacks specifics to a culpability for each so that it won’t be of “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” that any joins as if ordered to a certain offered opine.

But where to start?  Is it that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as a first female Speaker of The House of Representatives has caused greater devolution and economic collapses?  Or:  Is it Mrs. Hillary Clinton, however, since First Lady and towards being an inevitable first female President yet is even more a Democrat woman a most culpable human yet responsible for a devolution that has coincided, however, with economic collapses due to her specific “politics”?

Do you perchance doubt either has been devolutionary as first women so Political?  Have you yet considered how ridiculous it is strategically that Democrat Senators did offer up a Politics that the Senate should move forward an attempt to amend the Constitution by altering the Bill of Rights so to seemingly address inequality in campaign finance allowances?  But for the Democrat President may have needed such Senate activity against the Constitution to appear to have yet “Constitutional” legs for his White House declarations against ISIS there is that the Democrats, at least for their circa 2008 “campaign” “politics” have invited a general inquiry that should be more to arresting their own improprieties than just being like shooting themselves in their own feet.

Fight the onset of devolution now epidemic of the Congress!  Write the Republicans to ask them to entertain for a while the Democrat Senators suggestion that a Constitutional Amendment be thoroughly debated as regards at least a problematic “influencing” discernible over at least the past couple decades.  Write either Republicans and Democrats and actually ask that a thorough debate be commenced for it is essential that any Justice to such must first entail a resolute probing of the economic factors preceding the 2008 election and especially now all things money of the Clintons, and especially since their CGI seems to be being operated globally as if a PAC for the Clintons and facilitated not for “charity” but for “patronage”.

If we are not generally now witnessing a devolution of Americans we at least have clear examples of Democrat leadership seeming devolved for they are asking Republicans to open investigations into them even while President William J. Clinton has been with Maria Bartiromo on economics of explaining he knew, essentially, and knows, specifically, that his surpluses were wrong when effected.  Essentially we have been asked, as a People’d people to actually war on women - to war no at least separately and differently against Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi, and Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  It seems essentially devolved too much already - our National Politics - for essentially Democrats generally, not just President William J. Clinton, are of years of public statements that combine to be confessions for the very faults they yet persist of a “politics” as if properly of the work of their opponents - of Republicans to be specific.  (Right, “specifics”!  Yes Mrs. Clinton recently in Iowa parsed on Obamacare as a late Romneycare quite a confounding “our opponents are against …” for such didn’t declare that Republicans were so against any Romneycare for each state but just that any against it was then an “opponent” of “theirs” specifically.)

Brace yourselves “Americans”!  Beyond where it may be all “Bill Clinton’s” fault, and he now maybe of domestic abuse, of dragging his Mrs. across the country to try to return him to TOP DOG, or TOP GUN, National status, we may be quickly approaching a general understanding that two Democrat women are each near most responsible for so much that has gone wrong, and, we may soon have to agree to agree, to return to evolving, about which yet is actually more culpable even if by negligence.

Right essentially they or another Democrat now has enough public statements in the record books essentially confessing to being those most culpable for general collapses, however specifically also causal to a devolutionary.  I seems it behoove the civilized yet prescient enough to actually write to Republicans to ask them in the Senate to thoroughly entertain the Democrats wishes for a consideration even to amending the Bill of Rights as if for “campaign finance” purports.

Let me be clear, again:  We need to work to agree to agree now after careful investigation and forensics based debate as to whom is most responsible, and now firstly to if it Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi or Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  To get to such we much open two boxes, however if like Pandora’s, and yet around discerning how much Democrat male Bill Clinton is himself yet dominantly culpable.

As we should agree to proceed to finding agreement thus let me close for now with some details to how Speaker Nancy Pelosi was personally more responsible for the economic collapses that started befalling the Nation during the second term of the administration of President George W. Bush.  Yes, essentially President Clinton, has publicly left a record confessing to knowing his “economics” of “surpluses” at least were known to be risky and wrong when yet commenced, but for matters of real guilt of dirty “political” hands instrumental to such we have to look at one Democrat woman specifically - we firstly must rightly look primarily at the “leadership” of Speaker Nancy Pelosi - at the first female Speaker of The House of Representatives.

Some facts remembered are that Democrat Speaker Pelosi, regardless of her sex, was a greatest defender of the Clintons’ surpluses from the 2 Trillion cut so rashly during the 1990s.  How she specifically affected “Politics” so that President George W. Bush had to run wars on credit cards, like, as she prohibited him from declaring there was culpability for the Clintons for 9/11 and however their surpluses needed to be reversed to start rebuilding the economy.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush could only get votes for Operation Iraqi Freedom if he didn’t assuage any fault upon the Clintons’ Administration.  Right!  It seems the only way to have proceeded to the late and due prosecution of Saddam Hussein was to lie for to tell truths to such it would have been publicly necessary to discuss an at least “negligence” for the Clintons.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush had set up Operation Iraqi Freedom to be yet paid for otherwise than by condemming the Clintons’ surpluses, reversing them, and moving forward with Congress of the purse strings more appropriately - - - Right, Operation Iraqi Freedom, to be brief to a need now for such a war on women, was to be paid for otherwise than by specifically assessing guilty upon the Clintons by yet having a liberated Iraqi People compensate the coalition nations with their recovered and then available quite profitable National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, it is recalled that Democrat first female Speaker of The House of Representatives is most repsonsible for stopping how Operation Iraqi Freedom was to be paid for from compensation with National oil revenues of a liberated more free Iraqi consenting.  Right!!!  Oh MY!  Secretary of State Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton did try to have Libya, by her ODYSSEY DAWN, be of such a gall that it was she proceeded as if also at monsters, rightly, as if of her own “Bush’s Iraq” but then done right by a woman a Democrat and yet then rightly done with it OK! that such “liberation” was to be supposedly paid for with Libyan National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please write all the Senators and ask for them to proceed to a thorough debate however if seeming to amend the Bill of Rights for “campaign finance” purposes.  Democrat male President William J. Clinton is actually of sufficient public record at confessing to being wrong to what Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi prides herself yet in being still defensive of as if ever and always right - right of Clintonomics and Clintons’ foreign policies at least as per Iraq.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, but necessary now, and particularly after hearing Democrat woman Pelosi speak to New York Law School gathering as if more innocent than actually quite a she most the guilty.  For now as we wait for the Senators to take the initiative to digging deep at a greater guilt, however in negligence to gross negligence, for two women clearly of different specific culpabilities let me just remind you all of the conditions in the 2008 election reviewable as to “Democrat” “money” & “influence” smartly:





Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please yet us now just agree that it is necessary to now finally start this discussion!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:24 am

Friday may be too late.  As it may be an “IS” of jealousies of an us of New York guilty, of anti-federalist sentiment, and practices, it may be we should commence, this Thursday, respectful to how much it has been seeded of U.S. of a bad big apple.  A NOW concurrent must be as trapped of BABY KILLERS and too an “IT” of a “CASTLE’D CLINTON”!

IT may be most, or firstly, originally, an IS of an us of New York again too much not prefaced sufficient for Constitution.  Another Clinton may be now again an us of U.S. newly as a greatest threat to “federal” or “national.”  A NOW concurrent may not have the nation generally in a new war and trapped or imprisoned yet secured enough from a freedom born yet of the U.S. original Federalist bulwarks.  IT newly, of a NOW of New York, especially, an IS Political, so yet registers while supposed to have been fenced out by a more perfect Posterity by the order of the People’d in Union.  IT, an IS of a “VESSEL’D CLINTON” - begotten of a too be much storied rearing of consummated whence “CLINTON” - of the years 1993-2001 yet, befits deconstructive scrutiny.

The Politics of 2014, however so John Jay a PUBLIUS FEDERALIST of words set out as prophylactics to national sins seeding, are yet of the “THE CLINTON” and what too much has already gotten by - gotten by in their foreplay for a Posterity in Mrs. Clinton crowning.  IT begotten an IS beset so bosomed (however anti-federalist newly) is yet of an air of teasing for jealousies of Jay’s penned though addressed and de-styled where Mrs. C. is an enabler - if not champion - for President Of World status for Mr. C. and so as if a guard to BABY KILLERS priority FORWARD Politics yet too as a defense of the misogynistic, chauvinistic, impeachable conduct unbecoming a hallmark of her Union.  P.O.W. CLINTON cannot rightly now be on any stage without a reconciling - without a consideration of a HER PRIORITIES of conflicts with HIS PRIORITIES.

We may be able to readily dispense the BABY KILLERS (PILLS) of Democrats seeded national Politics - we may be able to readily now degrade any imprudence of an IS an IT to: Tranquility can endear or endure if just a new federalist less becoming, or more becoming, by edicts to at least the women People’d are asked or corralled to have to think less - think less wholly of consequences akin to a reliance on BABY KILLERS, and especially if teased in un-Jay jealousies under false flags as defensive not offensive Power.  Friday now be too late - Today we should seize any “apple” of the Constituted and try to be with New York to a new need to think beyond any Clinton an anti-federalist more towards multiple confederacies and playing or states’ particular jealousies.

We must accept a conundrum now for deconstruction as it wouldn’t be fair to bypass the “THE CLINTON” and go straight to a the “THE OBAMA” as firstly or mostly the most culpable of begotten now.  We must recognize the fog of these times as in the way of yet finally seeing a shape and originality of the root problematic set terra firma in time so of a yet seeming lost decade - of a yet seeming missing years of 1993-2001.  We have been teased by an enabler a nester guardian of the “THE CLINTON” of the “THE BILL” vessel’d as castle’d Clinton to it prudent to pimp misgyinistic, chauvinistic, too much as if accepted of it right or good to have a harem, politics of BABY KILLERS as without any MEA CULPA conscience, and, yet now aren’t enough more the wiser.  IT a pressing IS so NOW forward is that P.O.W. (President Of World Clinton) is yet a worser Executive than now concurrent to the Constituted so sworn into high office Barack Hussein Obama

The “THE CLINTON” isn’t possibly better than or to besting yet the “THE OBAMA” as per governance!  A posit to check and recheck for Posterity that now must be commenced yet of a Politics prudent to a defensive for the current firstly over any of priors to be yet pressed.  We can foot this tipping off of proper Political plays - we can toe the line for Posterity forward - we can seek knowledge and smarts from John Jay and firstly by the preponderance of his writ 2-5 as PUBLIUS.

The “THE CLINTON”?  The “THE CLINTONS”?  “VESSEL’D CLINTON”?  “CASTLE’D CLINTONS”?  JAY birds not - NOT NOW! - BUT TWO TOO:  NOW not maybe for long either, anymore, forever more, evermore?  We have been unknowingly imprisoned by the P.O.W. CLINTON, of a long conspired spousally, of a global NOW newly anti-federalist, and much as a simple reading of JOHN JAY, as PUBLIUS,of a “THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” 2-5 bolstering, of a young national prudential for Providence best prescribed to Tranquility, in a general Welfare, by a more perfect Union, at least than the Articles of Confederation, and imprisoned so unawares of a fog and dangers in ignoring that rooted or at least seeded “CLINTON” in the predating causal years 1993-2001.

How we are ignorant of the threats risen of such “THE CLINTON” and these years of them of the tilling is also to be yet more conscionable as measured after a querious to how a near million per year in rents was thought a proper allowance by taxpayers forever forward for just those annuals of eight so quarted yet of a emoluments pecuniary to the personal of more just a fifth to the burdened masses.  The Clinton coy pimping of BABY KILLERS as more the proper “governance” than a prudent prophylactic befits a political need theirs, yet, to have it seem safe to even tease the “THE CLINTON” of a “VESSEL’D” too “CASTLE’D” Mrs. or Mr. C. as a celebratory in misogyny, chauvinism, and too acceptable for American “Presidential” harems.

John Jay, so of New York, and yet so contrary and worked up to help more than tease out a preventative to the general empirical anti-federalist bent of Governor Clinton, persists in Posterity for having warned us - and still of warning us of any IT like of the IS now quite coying covered by FOGS of Clintons and a superiority set for jealousies of “BILL” as a “P.O.W. CLINTON” - of the Clintons yet, however “castle’d” yet, as if royal in Providence of rites newly as if of rival confederacies with an extant of them of acceptance for PRESIDENT OF WORLD CLINTON… begetting.

Aren’t we all now too much imprisoned by any at a the for an IT an IS a THE of “THE CLINTON” of “THE BILL” as a “P.O.W. CLINTON” at least as we are asked to accept all the teasing suggestive to a “VESSEL’D HILLARY” a “VESSEL’D CLINTON” for a biased prejudiced intra-partisan, just, if too prescribed but not regulated in floating a PRESIDENT CLINTON WAS A BETTER PRESIDENT THAN PRESIDENT OBAMA, AND AS PRESIDENT OF WORLD SINCE?

Any now “P.O.W.” of PRESIDENT OF WORLD status globally can read of New York like immortal John Jay, or say of just the first five of the ‘THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” - either of a Cornell Clinton Rossiter or Columbia Robert Ferguson edition - to find a common sense meant to be yet a prophylactic at least to any newly at trying to seed old Clintonian anti-federalisms.  That of an essence of P.O.W. forward should yet stick of HELL on EARTH at least to any so Constituted in Prudentials of PUBLIUS originality.  It is wrong to have such as a “P.O.W.” as their #CGI for to at least the bulwarks of #JAY such is a rival confederacy to the Federal and National.

The extant of the ‘THE CLINTON” - however yet harvested - begotten of the too ignored causal years 1993-2001 - is not FOREIGN to the Federalist John Jay but too as it can be confused as writ and pressed into Constitutional about “foreign threats” and any disambiguous unsettled regarded of the “intitiatives” said of an IS an IT of the NOW of CGI as CLINTON(S) for it shouldn’t be acceptable as innocent or coincidental that there are perils in their rival POLITICS much of 2-5 as per dividing and conquering threats from hands at #RIVAL initiatives by playing at and off of state(s) jealousies.

The very IS of the IT of #CGI is about a construct that is of a P.O.W. CLINTON as if yet CONSTITUTIONAL. PUBLIUS did secure an anti-Clinton forward that was supposed to yet protect the People’d people for Posterity from any imprisonment, however now so otherwise GLOBAL, by an establishment as now ripe for a Government abortive prosecutionary.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

Despite be of Chicago and up from Chicago politics the histories must show, likely, how Bill & Hillary were too much yet for President Obama to handle, at least politically.  By now you should have heard, - heard of, or been asked if yet read of, a rivalry so great it can be packed and shipped as “BLOOD FEUD.”  This isn’t about such - such book - for I haven’t myself yet read such book;  this though is to be extant at least as pregnant with the same subject and similar tags.  Bill & Hillary have been quite villainous - I don’t need, myself, to read another’s reporting to share anew how villainous they were/are.

As President Obama seems now to be as “conveniently” towards finding a way to be about his refugees, but not, and as yet while they are long truly of his job - of his duty of the charges of the Office of the President pertaining to immigration, and as “conveniently” as like his Chicago political palling to a side yard “bought” from the Rezco holding as if 3/5, or a 1/6, could yet be equal to the whole - or at least the apparent whole benefit, we should be now to looking for more meat on the bone of the intra-party “blood feud” to see if yet there may be a way out - a Democrat Party way forward.  Perspectives on President’s history with borders pertaining to Chicago are some at http://jphogan.org where “Rezco” is in title, at least.

Despite it a shared history of President Obama and she known once as First Lady Hillary Clinton that they are both somehow from Chicago it seems that Chicago must be more full blood blooded or just nurtured into Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  We must be ready, though, to whip our horses yet to the industrious whence for southern tobacco and for an exposing more of what was smoked as of the Clintons yet than than of the old Gore tobacco plantations; we are saddled with HOPE while yet jostled by Chicago in at least half of the Clinton or all of the Obama.  As the sixties have passed so to has the MARLBORO MAN toking; we are yet of days to query and stoke if it not that even less good has come from of those of the sixties than rapped.

Despite the dangers now more pervasive since Chicagoan President Obama embraced (the too Chicago) of the Clintons as thought more of THE NATURAL STATE it to behoove any general Person that we should look more to where they have come from than yet with them - forward - to where they are tethered as if heading towards.  The reins of their reigns have rained long too plain as if what they drove messaging towards in defensive revisionist histories while the plane of their extant too low and rather diabolical.  That Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be his or our’s as a MY FAIR LADY is left to be only maybe articulable.  “HARD CHOICES” seems a bad title and especially for a wanna be female so undiplomatic to a first female Presidency, and while inseparable yet from a male a former President, and, especially while it inartful how the CLINTON legacy isn’t enshrined but is risen, by their library, in a skinned gray of the South, and base in a shape phallic as at least a “gun” in three dimensions - however “art” of a James Polshek.

Our MY FAIR LADY remixed & popularized beyond a First Lady’s potential and reality?  A she a she female of twitter yet of her avatar and its “organized” disorganized bio of a pride as a lawyer an esquire yet only of advocating for women and children?  Is Mrs. William Jefferson “@HillaryClinton” a man hater but of he her only man - of he President William Jefferson Clinton?  It is substantially pronounced and articulated specifically, albeit in her negatives, that she is to the twitterverse to be assumed and presumed to not be also a advocate for men.  Do you have any idea how, for a feminist, supposedly as Mrs. Clinton said, however said was/is packaged and distributed as if, yet does abide “HARD CHOICES” as if not too titled of her life but long dedicated and consecrated and consummated but of always seeing her man as her God given to be always on top of all things political and also hers?

It seems a rough stretch of she too muddied and trenchant of exclamations irregular and entrenched in the privacy and protections of the institution of marriage and especially as a loop-hole for so much too long, and of longest wars, of like getting away with murder, at least.  Bill and Hillary did have their public seduction (and vast corrupting to collusion) of the media of those “presidential” days and we now are suffering due a contrary prevalent also of problems as of less good having come from the sixties than yet rapped. We must get beyond the years too long of just selling her “Bill” her “husband” her “significant other” her “partner” as the GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN - AS HE TO BE LONG ADORED FOR HAVING BEEN THE MALE PRESIDENT WILLING TO USE HIS PRESIDENCY TO LIKE BUY A FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENCY FOR HIS LADY (HOWEVER FAIR) SO THAT HIS SPOUSE COULD THEN RETURN THE REINS OF REIGNING TO HIM FOR ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL TOP DOG (WHIPPING WAYS).

If the Congress has the power now to arrest Lois Lerner - really has the simple Power to arrest any so in contempt of Congress - we the People’d people of the The United States of America should applaud any Congress willing to be so effecting for Justice.  Right!  This is about Bill and Hillary - this is about us beyond their THE NATURAL STATE covers as if sheeps clothing for a Chicago wolf, and of times to wonder how much of the sixties isn’t yet fairly rapped out enough as badly as its due.  If Congress has such right to be so arresting for Justice in basic (common sense) established Powers we should be loud and accountable in applaud if such exercised firstly now upon the citizen servant Lois Lerner.

It is to be to an evening - a leveling of/for the extant, of the trail to a well trodden forward to prepare the People’d people together, for days approaching when Mrs. Clinton, however, is to be of us some chained to our (new & improved media) news feeds and stocks with the “Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton” likely herself as needing to be defensive and against hostile to Congress and to also taking the allowance from self incrimination of the Fifth Amendment rights.  If Congress has the Power to basically arrest Lois Lerner than it soon should too be to the crossroads with Mrs. Clinton, however, as also a prime suspect necessarily boxed in to needing to be in contempt, and finally accepting that a Presidency will never be theirs again.

What started as of intimidations to take Mrs. Clinton into the HOUSE OF OBAMA primarily whence, and publicly as tagged a qualified “rival” has unsurprisingly become - really become - REALLY BECOME - of so many bound up as binded otherwise to history of a blood feud intra-party of Mrs. Clinton yet of a guilt lately becoming long assuaged now so lately and quantified so that Congress is forward and fast approaching days when they too will have a seeming right and base Power to also arrest her as soon as she shows her now historic levels of contempt.  Her KATRINA is BUSH’S KATRINA and her IMMIGRATION is OBAMA’S REFUGEES AND ABSENT IMMIGRATION - - - Bill & Hillary by a trillion (or two trillion dollars) - by $1 TRILLION IN SURPLUSES AT LEAST - are of a trillion unit points per dollar of culpability and at least guilt in negligence re such, and more.

The days of Bill & Hillary of selling them as like a gift to the world of Bill forgivable for so much because he was/is willing to help his spouse help him get back the Powers of the Executive, even without Obama’s vast over-reaching also too imperialistic, are passed - passed like the to foggy of the sixties.  We seem already arrived at the prescient of it born and too of President Obama of times cover-up from being obviously of the Nation as too as if Chicago;  we seem arrived at it prescient that the Clintons are also in risk of going to jail and like Lois Lerner simply for contempt if so of a restored basic common sense exercising of Justice by Congress.  They have been too long in deep and in their “hard choices” together for Congress to be of any ability to separate the Mrs. from the Mr. however they have suggested they can be separated for Power and yet while irreconcilably for history of having intimately shared the Administration of the Clintons.

If you are not now saddled to such not yet stoked enough as from the days of the MARLBORO MAN and the SIXTIES as of the Clintons more smoked to an alternate chemically induced “architecture” grab your spurs and reins.  It isn’t if their are known rivals of a blood feud just - it is now not if the “Bill & Hillary” are a modern and global “Clyde & Bonnie” - it is yet not if they are of guilt and a guilt of $1 TRILLION to $2TRILLION unit points measurable at least to of GROSS NEGLIGENCE it is that they too may already be arrestable at least by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - right? 

Whether for their lacking Power to repeat is more for them of the sixties altered states think short of philosophical or because the “great lady” behind the supposed “great man” was too either naturally or nurtured of Chicago it is that at least as per IMMIGRATION as a KATRINA it is theirs, and mostly theirs as they didn’t just not fix it they negligently were grossly netting selfish politics to cutting $2 TRILLION in lieu of at least approving the budgeting for known needed repairs to N.O.’s M.R. G.O.!  Mrs. Clinton, however - however of “HARD CHOICES” - seems now self exposed of the HOUSE OF THE CLINTONS of houses yet so richly in her hemming that many are to “HOW RICH!” sarcasm.  It seems by the talk and walk of Mrs. Clinton isn’t booked in the right “booked” parlance yet;  it seems now she has incriminated herself, and, it seems her “Bill” has also at least incriminated her, and, it seems she has been short of fraud at least when championing how “ME ME ME” she has long been - politically, and privately (covertly?).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:00 am



Like a dog to a bone?  Like a cat to a mouse?  Like a anteater to ants?  Like a crocodile to pray?  Like a bluefish to bunker?

The political beast that is Bill Clinton is not separable from his “beast” now so eyes on Barack Obama.  How sweet it is - - -  WOOPS!!! - - - I mean:  How sweet is it?

How hasn’t Bill postured as the dominant even/ever since Barack so got over (politically) on his Mrs.?  Can it be L-O-V-E-?

The ring of his power is yet on Hillary’s finger - his ring is her - is her M-Y   P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S - - - her MY PRECIOUS!.  She has described her troubles at times of “careening” haphazardly in a like uncontrollable back and forth.  Her ring’s power may be explanatory as having been thought sufficient but determined time and again to be yet insufficient.  Is it really, or only, just the Power of the Presidency she wants back?

Can it be that Bill is just trying to stare down Barack - one too still as if a peer?  Mustn’t it be more personal than that - than if Bill can control his “beast”?  Its seems current events that there is incivility in the intra-party Democrat Party “politics” - - - that it is that Bill is strutting (too much) as if he, and he alone, now again, is the only titular head of the Democrats.

Really?  Isn’t he being so obvious?  Isn’t he being too proud and politically (at least) assertive at least while the traditions favor Barack as still the main man proper dictate of all things Democrat Party as its head for its pourage?

There are woman issues in these days so much of an apparent weakness of President Obama - of the “The Barack”!  Despite the aspirations of Bill and how it seems he is supposed to be an indispensable former President for the world to thank and praise for he willing to suffer the imperial of having a CGI and a CGI America - - - for women of the known world, and yes in Clintons’ America, these are of moons in their own times for a querious probative interogatory to at least this:

“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?

We are in a new world of new human potential for greater humanity and civility more due to mysteries of faith having been reduced to bits and bytes and rams - - - of faith’s mysteries being computable as just as real however the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller.  That the internet and social media was rising to the Arab Spring long before Operation Iraqi Freedom is CONTEXT & TEXTURE to how “GAY” Bill can be said to be seemingly now.

How querious now to so much trans-political in the “THE BILL”?  What is “THIS MEANS WAR” and/or “THIS IS WAR” and what is just Bill wanting to dominate Barack - the “THE BARACK” - at least?  Can this become more comely and civil or only (due to politics and human nature) just more comely and less civil?

Whatever his - the “THE BILL’S” - positions are, and of hopes to be, when is a FIRST ALERT supposed to alert the “THE BARACK” to it at least violate of a “frenemy” of a hostility while becoming, when firstly, a pain in his rear?  How and when is the President to be notified or conditioned to a violate and to stay clear eyed especially while his ranks had been fogged with a “spouse” of an aggressor rival in his “house”?

It seems however happy he may have been with her around it too can be confused as “gay” to be welcoming of her man?  “GAY” still seems in a legend of protest lingua - in protest language - and much these days when normalizing is of the pride and the other worldly of the CGI America provincial.  Is there now a greater normalized/normalization tone for a clearer less foggy civility in a post-protest lingua where what it is is what it is called more specifically and with pride as if “HEWS” for “HAPPY EVEN WHEN SODOMIZED” as like ‘HETEROSEXUAL” for “HETEROSEXUAL”?  “GAY” is a risky misnomer as the story of “BILL CLINTON IS GAY” lights - it seems a risky misnomer that can fade away as “protest language” no longer civilly most appropriate for any copacetics.

Just airing an intellectual proffer attempt can not now be sufficient or like equanimous if of dictates or bullying.  A question can be tabled now as just a question while the answers may prudently take some time.  But, really, how is the “THE BILL” now posturing despite his Mrs. “careening” confessed in her culpability of short comings as his Secretary - as the “THE BARACK’S” Secretary - to be dominant and now already the “TOP DOG” of the pack mentality of the Democrat Party?

If Bill isn’t actually of KICKING BUTT AND TAKING NAMES per an insurgency of the rivalry to Barack isn’t it that the “THE BARACK” should be daily waking cautious and defensive anew to worries of a party violate of his “See” and to flexing however a “BACK OFF” at least to the “THE BILL” however fronted as if of the bosom of his Mrs.?

There may be an out for Barack - for President Barack Hussein Obama.  Feminism and its pride may be an out for the “THE BARACK”.  Feminism shouldn’t miss the obvious and clear “POLITICAL” in how:

“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?

IF Bill isn’t a “HEWS” if acceptable as a post-protest normalized more proud and specific “GAY” than what and how is his “business” with his trying now again to so parade himself as if rightly taller - taller even in the saddle - than Barack?  Peer to peer as if Bill to Barack is still “POLITICAL” and “PERSONAL” as DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT to DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT and LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS to LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS.

Concurrently we are very publicly at Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is so bad besides her many admissions in ignorance and incompetence while of “accpeting” “responsibility” and come “culpability” she has yet attempted a proffer in a passing the buck to where the buck supposedly stops.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, while parading of a #HardChoices book pride, is yet of a false or improper “proud” when suggesting it was of a “getting the job done” by her of her (defensive) parries with her view voiced of that she like:  delegated the decisions to the experts since she wasn’t expert enough for her office and well the buck stops with the President so it was either his rear on the line or her experts - NOT HERS.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can make women proud for being so accomplished as if now a new WORST of the femmes of history.  But, so yet, where is Bill? and what are his feelings? what are his intentions? what would be his unbridaled?

If the buck is so?  If the buck is so to be for Posterity and Tranquility at least as stoppable in a resolute civil at the desk of the President of The United States of America when is a buck a buck and a buck firstly to be like stopped if frisky - too frisky for a proper and prudent greater civility?  How is it that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is so publicly of a pride just of her own being as a officer of the Cabinet of the “THE BARACK” yet as one so regularly of passing the bucks?

{readers:  I think I mean to find other earlier thoughts for this treatment and essay that now escape - I will break away now to consider and discern per this context what else I thought to embed here that yet is here as probative.  Please check back later, and then maybe later again to this as DAS FEMME SMEAGOL.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:03 pm

With an American in Poland old freshness now soured rises anew of the “among the vicissitudes incident to life” parity of President George Washington firstly speaking so in New York City - and so metaphorically for a new born nation.  We are forced to a consideration of Herman Melville if only of any “Moby Dick” as a “Great White…” - seems.

Let us get to some technicalities in a measurement of any said a “Longest War”!  Now:

When did this “Longest War” not a “longest war” start but under the “Diplomacy” (failed) of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton?  She seemed to start with a forced (political) surge as if “diplomatic” and postured and postured as if of a violate actually a declared (necessary) war.  She seemed to have left her office in a worsened “Diplomatic” state than she found it;  Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, must have failed at any and all “diplomatic solutions” for such as (”Hillary’s War) to be a “war” and a “longest war” however hardly actually a “longest” or “declared” war.

This “Longest War” didn’t start under/during the Presidential administering of President George W. Bush.  President Bush traded for trespass rights with the sovereign of Afghanistan to be “in country” investigatively and purposely looking for about 50 foreigners as “campers” and some to much “trespassers” themselves.  A fact of Afghanistan is how tribal it is so that it seems Al Qaeda “campers” didn’t need or have any cooperation or real authorization in shared purposes with a majority.

To get to the metric and an honesty of chronological measurement to a/the failure in “Diplomatic” by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton however not a “Longest War” it behoove any to frame and key their probatives around a postulating that it could only have been so if she was of failing and failing and failing and failing and failing years at finding (as like now) a “diplomatic” end/solution.  For purposes of ratio - it seems as now with “war” announced as like “over” that she herself just needed all those long years to herself just offer to declare “war is over” to have “reset” the Clinton PEACE.

We can hardly presume Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of a accepted “innocence” or “authority” in “rightness” for it is her State Department of the OBAMA RETREAT from Iraq - so injudiciously and prematurely.  What for the sake of measuring the body of Mrs. Clinton’s “Diplomacy” have been the costs of such a brutal abandonment of Iraq and so after so much was spent to build a new - a brand new and like most expensive newest and largest newest - Embassy in Iraq?  Her numbers of any metric so far seem far from actually flattering.

Perchance a parsing to it best to brine to thin the fats of any meat on the thighs of the leg work “diplomatic” of Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton before any roasting or exposing of her as if already too fried?  Right!!! It seems there are no “wings of Hillary”!  It seems she can be judged to for it having to be her and her alone and such to that now it “evidence based” deciding to discern there is not a flock at the ready as lifted to by her drafts as of a keep of a flock as a metaphor as of any if “under another’s wings”!  It seems the Clintons have buried any Democrat woman who could be a threat to Mrs. Clinton;  It seems there are bodies of women Democratic in Party to yet look for as subdued and like “buried” by the Clintons.

She walks in shadows of valleys of death of so many of suffrage and suffering from a darkness in the eclipse of President William Jefferson Clinton still at blocking so many from a clear “light”!  It is yet publicly clear how it is that it seems there are no Democrat Party women to “challenge” Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as if she is only the queen bee of Democrat female bees and of a power only possible if there are not any that haven’t like also compromised themselves from a bedding with he whom as also presumed to be a first President of the World.

So until recently Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was supposed to see President Barack Hussein Obama as her “BOSS” and however like either “Ahab” or a “Great White Whale” himself.  It was odd and awkward from the start of her submissiveness that she both as Mr. & Mrs. Clinton were of political & party pressure to have her boss tag her “two-fer” as “rivals” and how while so was of incredible insubordination to President Obama as her “Moby Dick” that she declared she was to be so of her declaration to be of “leadership” from taking her “inspiration” (seems) from the same place Dante found his (for his Inferno?).

Again her measurements for her body in “diplomatic” treading are not flattering.  Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, however now more “first lady” in all corporated appearances to Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, did neither have “Hard Choices” of a “war” nor “necessary war” nor of an operating actually a “longest war.”  Before there was a Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton however the “great woman” behind and success of her “BOSS” President Obama there was mostly just “operations” in Afghanistan of trespass rights from trading building roads and schools endeavors.

As it seems too measurable that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a Cabinet Officer and “executive” is of so many short comings “evidently” when an “evidence based” review is past even an initial probative it therefore is transparent that she (and more than President Barack Hussein Obama) is of having #FAILED!

But in the failures and failing of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however, aren’t we behooved to be to a:


Is it now the country is in a pickle for a divided Democrat “house” of a “party divided” and some for she having lived up to the “Hillary is too polarizing” tag so that her rap is judicious and a queriousness risen to how now Democrat female under her of “wings” as if all Democrat women have been corrupted by the Clintons and unable to rise without tagging themselves in a self-incrimination if at attempting to boldly step out to incriminate Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however?

Where are all the Democrat female leaders buried - where is Mrs. Clinton’s female “competition”?  Is it that only the Republicans have now grown new party boughs free of the tree of Clintons’ corruption where whence it was the GOP had near none whom could rise to incriminate the “The Clinton” without also self-incrimination?

O Democrats, O Democrats — Where for art thee a one you can smartly call a “Captain”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

What is a Democrat today?  I mean it seems established that President Obama nor President Clinton are or have ever been ‘Philosopher Kings’.  And, today we are of a fallen Mrs. Clinton of having been allowed to fail - luckily in a lesser job than President - who failed.  I do not know if I can be charitable to President Obama - now - now following his address in commencement at the West Point Military Academy.

Before we break bread for a old civility too around feminism we have it maybe that we need to avoid asking if ever there has been or yet could be any “philosopher queen(s)” - philosophically speaking.  And so let it be written that we can here dispense with Mrs. Clinton at least for never yet having been a “queen” however.

It yet isn’t lucky for Mrs. Clinton that President Barack Hussein Obama’s Commander in Chief grandstanding as if of a new foreign policy also has to be considered as an inappropriate “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”.  Mrs. Clinton’s pedestrian hands are dirty of the likes of it and with culpability in carbon dating that long precedes even Senator Obama’s getting his feet the least wet per.

As she has yet never been a “queen” however it is too that we cannot quite tag her even as a “philosopher queen.”  No!  No she is an embodiment of the “COMPROMISE” - she is yet, however not a queen, of the same tag of her former boss as one, though a male, whom has been said to have been evidently witnessed as not having a philosophy of governance.

I concur.  I too have never seen enough premeditation of an intellectual beyond knee jerk defensive convenient compromising from at least President Obama for even a hypothesis at a “philosophy” of governance.  Though attempted at “proffered” the former Constitution Law Professor President Obama waned globally while commencing at West Point as if of a shouldered pride full of personal doing/building as if of all the pomp and circumstance as his “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”.

Should we talk about the women?  Need we talk about the women differently?  Mustn’t we now at least talk about the women as differently and globally as Mrs. Clinton has in her practiced political & ‘diplomatic’?  Is a life of the soul of an Afghani women so worth more than Mrs. Clinton, however, treated the value of Iraqi women?  Mustn’t it be female Clinton’s fault that President Obama had a foreign policy that too allowed Iraqi women to be devalued relative to Afghani women?

So if she is all about the “COMPROMISE” where are all the compromises sold or pimped as greater goods as if intelligent?

To all the brave souls as of the The United States Armed Forces, however, and however if too much as collateral to the Democrats as family of the bravest:  Right - philosophically speaking the Democrats have devalued Iraqi women while using an excuse for a war of choice against the Taliban as by lies about 9/11 deductions and so that the intelligent and any of common sense can discern that the argument for the Democrats said “necessary” war of choice against the Taliban does smartly work for Operation Iraqi Freedom justifying, but.  When we now accept the Democrats lied and soldiers and diplomats, at least, died it is odd that their lie for a war of choice as if deduced from 9/11 “politics” is actually, however an “argument”, a better justification for the involvement, prior to the Obama Iraqi abortive, of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.

Right - best for now to leave it to the still much unconsidered intellectual contrasting as too how the Clintons, at least together in their 8 years of the Administration of the Clintons, were to likely then also of devaluing Iraqi women while of abandonment of both Afghani and Iraqi women & children.  It is odd that Mrs. Clinton as “@HillaryClinton has her avatar of publicly stating she isn’t an advocate for men - that she is self bio’d as just an “advocate” of “women & kids”.

We should have asked the Clintons years ago for seeming lies about “PEACE” to justify their convenient compromised politics of “PEACE DIVIDENDS” while the women and “kids” of Afghanistan and Iraq suffered in the ABANDONMENT by the The United States of America.  It seems, but seems as yet to be “officially” concluded, that the Clintons must have used the CIA to lie about “PEACE” so that they could sell abandoning so many souls in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now, as the commenced MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (false) pride of President Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama falls even flatter, it has us called to march for freedom, and renewed honesty;  Now, as the commenced extant in that Mrs. Clinton likes to tag as at “evidence based deciding”, we have the globally evident contrariness to discern.  I am not now willing to assert that President George W. Bush was greater than working to a standard operating methodology, even such as he was to yet being of a “philosophy of governance”!  Such may have to wait for the discussion of any woman if a woman yet a “philosopher queen.”

Let me be clear: to keep it simple: to let us work at stupid simple:  The Democrats lied worse as at a lying to the People for a war of choice not a war of necessity so such as Afghanistan now as a “longest war.”  There is no argument for their war of choice that needed a clever misdirection deduction from the events of 9/11 that isn’t more real as so of how it so then was proper and justified more so for the Administration of the Clintons to have been in Afghanistan for such reasons even as early as their 1993-1997 term.  We avoid talking “common sense” if we disavow ourselves from talking about how we were justified if so justified by such a justifying to have been there in Afghanistan before 9/11.  Let me be clear, and to the “evidence based deciding” Mrs. Clinton is loosely posturing:  Because the Clintons, however, so seemed at best to have been lying about “PEACE” and for political popularity in “PEACE DIVIDENDS” that they lied is that they lied worse than any of the Bush Administrations.

I leave you to accept that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has never yet been a “queen” however, and, to ask yourselves how bad the Democrats have been as their arguments as if of a justifying do “evidently” undermine their own (if an attempt at philosophy) “philosophy.”  The lies told so the Democrats could have timely “operations” in Afghanistan for the “women & kids” do work as a better argument for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and yet though for how the said “lies” of the Adminstration of George W. Bush were evidently told in a “BLUFFING” to show a seriousness and towards avoiding any operation so better justifiable if justified by what was more lies by the Democrats as if “proffered” as able to justify a longest warring in Afghanistan and not though any operation even for the long abandoned “women & kids” of Iraq.

There now can hardly be any due “evidence” fairly at a justifying of sanction for any of the Clintons, and some of the Obama “Democrats”, for the failure to stand up a defense of the United Nations agreed sanctions in a timely manner in an enforcement of Saddam Hussein.  I disagree with President Obama’s commenced remarks that there is “history” that can defend both sides’ sides, and I assert that “evidence based deciding” is not a civility nor weapon ready at his chest - ready to support any “philosophy.”

For more reading please visit http://JPHogan.org and at least attempt to juxtapose OBAMA’S RETREAT.

The said lies about “evidence” of/for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM are also more excusable as well for while of a due “enforcement” flexing of United Nations’ agreed sanctions such were preparatory for a worse case scenario state of mind that should be reasonable and acceptable before any commencing that could go as wrong as such could be considered wrong and then considered as if whom was yet of underestimating the risks.  Those we now accept as “Democrats” told worser lies and so as if their lies could only work on a local “evidence” convenient and not generally at all the areas they had already equally been of unjust abandoment.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

President George W. Bush and his henchmen are poor messengers of how the Afghanistan War has been an unnecessary, improper, and poorly run “war” however run these years on a credit card.

President Bush and his henchmen are not the guiltiest party;  The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open;  People’d of the world cannot long ignore a real history of the Clintons and their Clinton 8.

Though Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s - Hillary R. Clinton’s - “Jack” moment of herself like ‘not able to handle the truth’ while before Congress, as if of a “A Few Good Men” prosecution, still sits heavy as a telling outburst about war and wars by political leadership.

President Barack H. Obama’s first Secretary of State did run out the clock so as per learning of how poorly she operated regarding Benghazi & Libya and too Obama’s war of choice theirs differently from Bush’s as that changed in Afghanistan to a war against the Taliban.  She only got to a Congressional “review” when she could tick-tock a clocketh runneth outeth defense.

There is hardly a way to put a happy face on how its seems confirmed that Democrats do not know how to operate a war nor win a war, still.  There is comfort for Democrats now only if still it can be said that President Bush and his henchmen operated worsely.

The Clinton “two-fer” presence at the opening & dedication of The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is characteristic of them of willing to do (and say?) anything that will help them to appear later better as they should appear for that actually of their ‘before.”  The museum has a duty now to open each day to curate the querious of truth seekers, and, the museum cannot ignore the still too missing years 1993-2001.

It is a fair question causal about the attacks of 9/11/01 if it isn’t that had President William Jefferson Clinton not been at dalliances of the blue dress of Monica Lewinsky would he yet have put in the time to have prevented such diabolical expounding upon the United States of America homeland?  That there are near a trillion unit points per dollar to otherwise asses for a liability or gross negligence, at least as when accounting for the rash cuts to defense and intelligence, pairs with his dalliances.  Too, President Clinton, besides his unnecessary surpluses, if of his “walls of separation” affected at the F.B.I. between Enforcement & Intelligence, to abide a tagging that runneth to ‘accomplice.”

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open!  President Barack Hussein Obama with his Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton did expand/broaden the theater of war of the Bush’s operated GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM in Afghanistan from the original trespass to find and kill or capture about 50 thought “campers” of Al Qaeda.  President Obama with Secretary Clinton did alter operations in Afghanistan for a Democrats war of choice, too on a credit card, as a war without due process too much like as a genocide upon the Taliban women hating illiterate natives.

The ugly face of Obama’s war of choice against the Taliban is that he was operated too much devoid of civil procedure and too much as if of a “feminist envy” effected like exterminators of bugs.  The pretty face is supposedly that because it was a picturesque region for still shots of “war” unlike the slog of Iraq and its urban jungles the Democrats of Obama & Clinton(s) could sell they could run a like ‘cleaner’ war.

Still President Bush and his henchmen are not the best messengers for how bad and how long so bad the Democrats have been so ugly and base in their bad even as just as per the ‘theater’ of ‘war’ of Afghanistan.  The Republicans are poor messengers for the good and better they were at much for they themselves hardly found the words to explain how they were better or best - just more of a ‘good.’  That the Republicans were or are better is hard to believe for they have so far much failed to even sell that they were right while the flip flip of calendars has clocked them as more right.

The Obama AFGHANISTAN WAR has been from day one of the Democrats’ political management as a war of choice of the mission creep from Bush and his henchmen at the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR so within the sovereign lands of Afghanistan.  The Obama administration moved from trading the building of roads and schools for trespass rights to find the expected near about 50 of Al Qaeda, as foreigners literate among the mostly illiterate natives, to a SURGE for an a war not justified by the 911 attacks as a war generally against the Taliban.

President Obama and Secretary Clinton put a happy face on their plans to much be at exterminating the too misogynistic & too illiterate Taliban by selling that theirs was a ‘right’ war and Bush’s late policing of Saddam Hussein and Iraq was a ‘wrong’ war.

As the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open the Clintons, mostly, and primarily, now have no place to hide;  The “911 Museum” is a permanent “wrench in their gears” of political operations - forward;  The “911 Museum” has the blue dress controversy among its hauntings and curatory duty and all the while the trillion unit points ghost the years whence from trouble brewed and stirred much because President William Jefferson Clinton decided, it seems (still) that he would not prosecute Saddam Hussein because he didn’t want to, and, he wouldn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein because he already had Bosnia and Herzegovina undesirably on his desk.

President William J. Clinton may be most to blame for their being now the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum.  President George W. Bush may be most to blame for not being able to ’sell’ in real time and still how it was right that he was as he said of doing right.  President Barack H. Obama may be most to blame for having a war of choice so in Afghanistan now as a “Longest War” as it though seems maybe inherited from FLOTUS Clinton crusading as a meant AFGHANISTAN WAR to target and subdue the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban.

It figures when one looks more seriously at the history of Al Qaeda, than the 9/11 Commission so did in choosing to look only ten years back, that the 9/11 attacks may have been planned since 1993 and the very day President Clinton likely decided his didn’t want to do the messy work of prosecuting Saddam Hussein so he wouldn’t - wouldn’t for however long he was in office.

A queriousness due of every visit to the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is prudent upon the “good” of President Clinton still too much as a “mirage” of the cover-up of the Clintons President Obama was wrongly more at than President Bush had been yet at too long.  It is now improper to hide the Clintons’ vast culpabilities and as it is historic that there are a 9/11 I & 9/11 II with Clinton paw prints all over ‘em.  We are now beyond “if” to a but “how” expected - expected daily.

It figures most clearly, however revealing in real time whence could have compromised “mission”, that Iraq as by OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was not a “war of choice” for Al Qaeda seemed bent to prosecuting the United States of America on its homeland ever since the day President Clinton shrugged from doing right with his decision to do next to nothing towards prosecuting Saddam Hussein.  It seems in comparison President Obama & Secretary Clinton of their warring on the Taliban are those of a “war of choice” run unnecessarily and improperly and poorly run while diabolically run on a credit card.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is duty bound to curate for truth and honest forward.  Its doors however open or closed represent a thresholds of history and while it only a dangerous mirage that there are yet these two histories coexistent and with the Democrats affectings not yet known as mostly all a too political and partisan mirage.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is now ground zero to GROUND ZERO of it that each day by each visitor a queriousness should arise of:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S?

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and distorted by the Clintons, and now the Presidency of Obama.  If Al Qaeda so decided the American homeland deserved attacking so on that day that President William J. Clinton in 1993 decided he would evade and ignore the issues of rendering justice upon Saddam Hussein it becomes clearer finally that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war and the Democrats warring on the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban was just a political convenient coy war distraction as a unpaid for war of choice.

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and polarized by Democrats’ defensive partisan machinations in spin;  As the history of Al Qaeda supersedes the “report” of the 9/11 Commission since its “investigation” looked back only 10 years it becomes excusable that President George W. Bush couldn’t explain how right he was while the President more rightly at war. If we still ignore the history of the organizing of Al Qaeda of Osama Bin Laden’s hopes to change the Middle East by an allowance for himself to general the prosecution of Saddam Hussein as a justice of and by Muslims we will become in greater peril from a continuance in these mirages beset in ignorance.

The now “THE LONGEST WAR - THE AFGHANISTAN WAR” is outed as President Barack H. Obama’s war of choice.  It is now, as the “911 Museum” thresholds, that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war, even as contrary to the 9/11 Commission, for the pathology forensic of the causal rests forever in a simple consideration that the USA got “policed” on 9/11 because President William Jefferson Clinton had decided in 1993 that he wouldn’t “police” Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and as such decision then necessarily was to be for the remainder of his terms. 

The mirage is sad as the Democrats now can hardly justify the lack of jurisprudence and due process party to their party warring for politics in Afghanistan.  The Clintons have already shown themselves to fit in an episode of a THE SOPRANOS and yet where is the talk of “Politics” or “Diplomacy” of it that Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was responsible for the “diplomacy” of having such control over 80% of the world opium production during her “service” to President Barack Hussein Obama?  Secretary Clinton served President Obama more as if of BREAKING BAD in a drug trade to diabolically while she more as if a SECRETARY OF WAR than of “diplomacy.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:41 am

This cannot be good for William Jefferson Clinton.  A time for atonement should only be for those among the still living of statutes of limitations, and yet with death bed conversions.  Any he or she of these many years, such as of WJC & HRC politics, should have no way out until them of late atonement by death bed conversions!  At least when WTC initiates its curatory of the mission of the Ground Zero Museum it again will seem too late for the Clintons to come clean;  It seems just for the CRUSADING of FLOTUS HRC whence JIHAD will stick with her like BENGHAZI to her grave.  And, too, there is WJC.

The songs of the Clintons have coy misdirections and are simply of too much political escapism that can not resonate as of TRUTH.

The tone of the pre-Clinton early 1990s were of proportions of great storms and fears of a predicted end of the world by fire maybe ablaze initially near Mesopotamia, newly.  The heralding of a right and wrong and the alignments of parties and as States/Nations were of such time of a call to tables for proactive discourse as to common and/or general mores.

This cannot be good for Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Though it seems wrong that her admitted culpability about the BENGHAZI failures should be regrettable it seems there are more regrettable than such for her to regret more as of her duty and time as President Barack Hussein Obama’s Secretary of State.  Secretary Clinton seems to have failed the first black President quite as per the BENGHAZI attacks and so as such seems to have revealed that she didn’t understand before, during, or after much of the essence of the realm of Al Qaeda & JIHAD (still).

The songs of the Clintons are fraught with over-lays of discord hidden by beats set “POP” and yet still there in an inappropriate as their harmony is dishonesty in a tagging of others as at JIHAD without incriminating their own CRUSADING.

What can be honestly known?  How can the dishonesty of WJC & HRC now be more broadly known?  What is the still unknown about the hands Clinton that people everywhere should table of the unleaven and leaven dough to kneed for parity?

The tone and beat downs of the imperialist FLOTUS HRC were wrenched upon peoples consciousness as if by a trespasser of brash dictates while violate of sovereignty as a visitor on foreign turfs.  WJC & HRC are those of CRUSADES now far more concurrently, still of the unsettled, otherwise now oddly yet as if transference upon PM Tony Blair & President George W. Bush were warranted.

“It is broached…” is apropos to the CRUSADES of WJC & HRC as it seemed impolite and imperialistic (and of a CRUSADES BEAT) that so regularly broached Secretary Madeleine Albright of a tonage as if of the phonetics of the era as if the import was a dictate so of “WOMEN / MADAMS @ LINES TO ALL BRIGHT” missionary positions post warring on Christ-o-for Secretary Warren Christopher days preceding.  It was broached as if of a CRUSADES but without WJC or HRC of limiting principles even for any statute of limitations for a righteous prosecution of Saddam Hussein for United Nations sanctions violations nor his many known crimes.

What should be better said of Prime Minister Tony Blair as per CRUSADES?  Is it not more honest and truthful that President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair inherited a CRUSADES - is it not more so that they did not build a CRUSADES?

There seems no way out for WJC & HRC as atonement for JIHAD has passed a reasonable however a statute of limitations may concur.  It seems wrong and now dangerous to persist in a “POP” beat ignorance as the songs of WJC & HRC are base in a cacophony for all times.  It seems so wrong to allow the Clintons to yet posit triangulated transference, and especially per any CRUSADE, upon any others “leaders” and even, yes, too if upon President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair.

There is a guilt by association locked into the culpability of HRC as per BENGHAZI as too of a incrimination of WJC and all of the Clintons’ years of executive decidings. Now it would be as inappropriate as how they lifted a statute of limitations for the murders by Saddam Hussein for them to escape themselves from the foibles of their so evident CRUSADES.

To meter any innocence upon either WJC or HRC there is the atmosphere of the tune of their times (too Tony) as per the conduct unbecoming a President of the Monica Lewinsky scandals, and so as such became Nixonian as a scandal too as by cover-up and lies; there is that the message in the scandals also the times of the conduct unbecoming as those of concerns about our Middle East engagements as of times newly sensitive to grand and common holy mores.  The notation of WJC must be measured for it that his conduct unbecoming a President was even more dangerous as of a time when infidels/infidelities were the leading politics of tables international.

Right!!!  As HRC was violate of peoples’ sovereignty with her imperialistic crusades of feminist dictates towards respecting women more equally even so regionally in those Islamic domains so of known radicals it yet was that WJC was domestically beset begetting controversy about disrespecting mores and women, specifically.  But yet how flawed WJC was is minor to the current JIHAD expose, generally, and too personal, and too specific of subjective marital infidelity.

What incriminates them the most?  How are they most culpable yet?  Whom is implicated by JIHAD curation when the Ground Zero museum is open and of the mission in curatory but WJC & HRC and also a cadre of “Middle East Leaders” of their 8 years and an associated guilt?  As it seems any CRUSADE was not made by President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair it is yet tony how they have been of a triangulated transference of supposed guilt from WJC & HRC politically - generally.

The missionary positions of the CRUSADES of the Clinton 8 however more as of WJC or HRC begot terrorism and JIHAD.  It is their former National Security Counselor Philip Bobbitt whom with his TERRORISM OR CONSENT proffered from his experiences with the Clinton 8 that like a White House that works too closely with Hollywood begets terrorism.  But how tony now the pomp of the past triangulations in coy misdirections whence a mission in curation begins with an opening of WTC doors of the Ground Zero museum?  What can be said to be JIHAD?  Whatever JIHAD is to be said as of whom?  If it be JIHAD, however,  was it successful or yet was it that the attacks by Al Qaeda succeeded while there expectations of a general Justice in JIHAD did fail?  Is it that the JIHAD element of the attacks so now to fore as failed could yet succeed by improper fidelity to truth and mores if to a presentation of the coy and deceptive “history” notations of the Clintons yet endure?

President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair, though they inherited a time beset of unnecessary imperial crusading, did work in a general Welfare objective jurisprudence of engagements in prosecutorial and principles of statutes of limitations along the lines of offering a policing devoid of religiosity and sectarian bigotry.  Any “lies” these two “leaders” said supposedly of as if of coy misdirections yet otherwise metered to a more honest than those of WJC & HRC.  The Clintons’ 8 left fewer to no good options for objective and prudent enforcement of United Nations sanctions endeavorings;  The Clintons left these two hardly any way to execute a prosecution of Saddam Hussein even by his people as his peers but as if in a HOLY WAR JIHAD their own if not by heavy specifics at calling out SH by bluff.

After the CRUSADING of WJC and by FLOTUS HRC there was little if any way to civilly proceed with a albeit late enforcement of the United Nations sanctions left for President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair.

But for these days now necessary of a new predicating as per JIHAD and how any curator must proceed at the teaching of 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks we must look to whom is associated in a guilt as the Clintons CRUSADES are extant and justifying.  It seems that the Ground Zero museum must offer a querious to ‘HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S’ and be girded to an apropos associated implied guilt for “leaders” of the Middle East at least as from agreements and promises made to President William Jefferson Clinton in early 1993.

The songs of the Clintons howbeit by them coy and of misdirection are yet of over-laid tunes that set a more tony for President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair of a resonance in innocence.  As JIHAD a tag upon the house of Clinton rightly and without escape but maybe by death bed conversions it is that the museum of 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda do implicate WJC & HRC and some Middle East “leaders” of promises made circa 1993 that the Clintons then were unjustly to persistent dogging through their 8 until 2001 for a “contractual” keeping of promised to much like “lies.”

The United States may now endure the opening and curatory of the Ground Zero museum as per JIHAD and CRUSADES as it remains a general Justice consideration that as long as such (compromised) (former?) Middle East leaders of such past political and partisan pressures from the Presidency of the Clintons remain silent as to the culpability of the Clintons it follows that they are more guilty as per a knowing prior to 9/11 attacks than WJC & HRC.

The United States may now be of a safety even in Governor Sarah H. Palin as of “waterboarding” a “baptism of terrorists” and all the while it more historical and yes tony that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair are of less culpability and real guilt than at least those of the Presidency of the Clintons.  A curation of 9/11 as of JIHAD now will implicate both WJC & HRC and too any so whence held to their improper promises to like just blame Republicans and be in agreement to not attack The United States during the Clintons’ 8.*  (*This is as I recall when first viscerally to such concern circa 1993 as whence WJC first trespassed a general prudence with a like worst of used car salesmen convenient coy “politics”!)

There is that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair enforced the United Nations sanctions, however controversially, and yet as such would better to have been limited to a statutory period say of that of the first term Clintons’.

There is that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair are less culpable than either WJC or HRC as per JIHAD and as it seems too logical that if Al Qaeda was of 9/11 attacks as successful in effecting retribution it yet is considerable that Al Qaeda seems to have (for now) failed at JIHAD Justice.*  (*This still fits with my said first visceral as per missteps of the Presidency of the Clintons and so as I of my tale that on the eve of 9/11/2001 as September 10th so as so many years of concerns shared since 1993 I was yet to telling myself I must have been wrong all those years to have been preoccupied with concern and so that the next morning I should wake up and move on - and to maybe avoid personal bankruptcy. Yes, this is the same tale of mine as having been in DC and driving up 17th Street by the White House and Old Executive Office Building then unaware such was at the same moment that the first plane struck. Yes this is still the same tale mine that had me so likely the last thought of NSA C. Rice before her assistant notified her and so as such was as she a recent former client & I thinking to a professional referral and like a passing of the gut felt visceral of concerns from the Clintons political improprieties.)

A curation of Al Qaeda as at JIHAD by the Ground Zero museum will necessarily implicate WJC & HRC and as well those Middle East leaders so of the Clintons worked impropriety political at partisan blaming promising.  For now the USA can be of teaching Al Qaeda as at JIHAD and unsuccessfully as it seems highly set in reasoning Justice that Middle East leaders still too quiet as to implicating the Presidency of the Clintons will be to assumptions of greater guilt/culpability upon themselves and peoples of their own faith.

Right!!!  My tale is of years since hearing Clintons’ NSC counselor Philip Bobbitt speak to an open group at the venue Yale Law School in about 1997 having been to faxing the White Houses of the Clintons and George Bush of concerns that there were real threats we were not as a nation yet seeing.  When I heard, and then also joined some of such group for cocktails Philip Bobbitt whence I was so of publicly asking near “what about the threats we do not see?”.

For the tony of any tune for Justice by JIHAD must implicate WJC & HRC mostly and yet too a cadre of (past) Middle East leaders of their worked promise and held to promise keeping.  It was imprudent to have a Secretary of State so phonetically as “warring Christ of fors” and too one as if “madams to lines in all bright”!  Yet the mores of morality of Justice by JIHAD seems honestly only possible if an injustice lives in a spirit realm as unsettled and known to the like high priests as Imams too.

It seems for any and all museum curation as per JIHAD such has to give rise to the heights of culpability of the Presidency of the Clintons and too, if not specifically to those of said recalled Clinton partisan shenanigans as “leaders”, to those as the keepers of the faith of Islam.  It seems Al Qaeda cannot have been successful if at JIHAD if the keepers of their faith were not yet keepers of a sense of injustice for a Justice rendering yet.

How tony is it to be that a greater innocence and morality of purpose seems keyed for the legends of President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair and as the coy misdirection of political and partisan over-laid of WJC & HRC notations so implicate more than just themselves as per JIHAD & Justice?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Despite the fallen President Barack Hussein Obama it should live in an eternal that his election did say a lot good about the people People’d of The United States of America.  There seems no way out! for either he or Mrs. Clinton a trapped! though 2008 brought a rising around the Obama the Obama has brought a fall about The Obama! he can only blame Mrs. Clinton so much!

How it yet can be reasoned or intelligible that the first election of President Obama should forever speak well in its extant as a People’s act will so remain, if to accomplishments, to be pared and disputed - for accolade - for discernations - for judgements! at the core of “The Obama” will live a storied in contrast between a fallen messianic and a risen messiah! as an Obama by the color of his election rises a nation, a People, in voluminous said of them at a good! as a The Obama by the color of his administering Obama has let it be done and written - into the records - his Law is a lesser Law!

A starting point to any “making an example” of Mrs. Clinton, however, tis at the black & white - at the good & bad - at a fallen Obama at these times refreshed of a risen Lordly.  These are not the times to be at making the record in a praising or burying of “women” of “Mary.”  A brutality can be judiciously writ lay at the “man” of “Obama” - The Obama - a honest can be so scribed presumptuously at the feminisms.

To get to any common core of the fallen and risen apropos The Obama messianic (lost) needn’t these days, after the Sunday of Easter wrap of Lenten, be fore cast in a retro interpretive as if a new prophetic? apropos these days newly prudent to considerate interpretives of just the meanings of some of the Word of the words of 1Corinthians? apropos these days to yet mark a conscious twain of the depths of Corinthians and so Christianity in the risen? apropos these days to discern a smartly & rightly core understanding of peculiarities in speciality’s usage of just “fornicators” and “prophets”? apropos these days to decide a catholic v Catholic, however parochial, to a meant of “prophecy”?

We should not negatively judge or prejudge The Obama for the color of President Barack Hussein Obama but in the safe general Welfare as that the act of the People so as the act of the election of a first black will forever, despite any judgements to a lack of later sufficiency in character, forward forever as the save rule for the people of the People that such act will forever speak well of the People’d people secured so Constituted.  It would not be well predicated to reason forward if now any rash in prejudgement of The Obama as by a prima facia black while it remains still too much possibly of a great untold more reasoned about how Mrs. Clinton is just a white female Obama and his he so too like just a male black Mrs. Clinton.  It is too soon to proceed to any crucifying of the Black of The Obama as the fallen still may be for poorly shod footings of the wheeling and heeling of politics more of the legs of Mrs. Clinton - more of a culpability in the White - a negative and a feminine more Clinton!

There is still an “honor thy father” aspect “it’s complicated” about any The Obama and too here of myself in a discourse masculine and historical at the Hogan feminisms inter-yarned in any timely associating of a political example being made of just Mrs. Clinton.  To honor my father betwixt this attempt at a lasting parity I need to pine diamonds and averages of humanity pass-times of The Union of the U.S.C. constituted! to broached a feminisms I can honor my father by speaking of his shortcomings in “modern” albeit “inventive” feminisms with his oldest his first daughter born!

I can and should honor my father, too, and respect the honest truths of shortcomings witnessed his while he as of attempts to a good at bat average as a progressive Christian People’d person - and as a father of (liberated) eldest a daughter yet with his oldest son of the male of Corinthians writs as his oldest born also to be of the head of Christ!  There is an interesting trinity just in how since the late 70s due my own competitive in a Presidential oratory my father, my oldest sister, and myself have all three known of the Obama of Hawaii now know as The Obama of the Obama, and as nearer the age of my oldest sister than myself (though of my same birth date but four years precedently), and for too then as one of an interest in the airs about (Presidential?) oratory.

To make a due example of the flaws of Mrs. Clinton as of the “Mary” and “feminisms” I should avoid a discoursing here at any “honor thy father” of the The Obama The Obama per father and son - due a general ignorance - due too great a need to be if so at so such of assumptions and presumptions, too much.  But for myself these are the days to speak to honoring my father by assessing his at bat average of the “masculine” & “father” at feminisms and Mary! and for myself it seems associated to baseball as too about human expectations and too of Corinthians - its “fornicators” and “prophecy” suggestives preparatory for a scoring about the Risen!

And for myself, it is I am, as to honor my father, that I should celebrate his attempts to be good, modern, and of the Risen, albeit with an oldest a daughter! it is I am, and yet his oldest son, so named too of his name, as his father’s name - too! and for myself as per a study of The Obama and any “Mary” and/or “feminisms” of his he and his Mrs. Clinton I necessarily must parse a parity and relativity to honor my dad for his good average and yet with a discussion of mishits and fouls, at least! and to honor my father there is a duality here necessarily of me his son a writer duly at explainatives best not to be over-simplified - I best, it seems, need be to a personal attempt at erudity familial about the “Mary” and any “feminisms” while her prudently to timely airing of The Obama, irrespective of the color of his skin.

And so in a humility of the keep of the past-times of baseball it is I while prudently to a making an example of the flaws of the Clintons as evidence against a pure guilt for The Obama it is that I here tee-up a sport of honoring my father not to a “what he got wrong” for here I try at a uniformity apropos Christianity yet of a duality where I attempt to be at “what he didn’t also get right!” - and still so at the “Mary” the “feminisms” the “fornicators” the “prophet” the “prophecy” of at least Corinthians structured recipe writ for homing it of Risen.

When my oldest sister so was born President of The Obama was already born of his father and mother - of his black & white - of his good & bad - of his ebony & ivory yet of the romance as a Soviet Studies love child spice’d of his Kenyan’ patriarchal.  When my oldest sister was born President John F. Kennedy Jr. and his Attorney General brother Robert Kennedy were risen of the Catholic Risen and yet still alive as their pedestrian People’d office holdings.  When my oldest sister was born men still had Camelot and women had the Mary of The Jackie and chauvinisms were more alive than feminisms.  Things did change! things really did change, say since Barack Hussein Obama was born!  When my sister was born I yet, however appropriately, hadn’t also been born in the old fashioned as the Christian oldest son of the oldest son also of the name of the father of the father.

This to me has some potential in a comedic extant though of years too Jobian - more Jobian of struggles - more of times at times needing 2x to 3x the energy and dedication of/with my “individual” “individuality” - my separate “purpose” - because!  It seems that “fornication” by Corinthians is meant more of an existential comparative in contrast to “prophecy” and so to a structure to built a complexity in the Risen of a pedestrian consciousness about “man” and “woman” and sex versus love - of sex versus love as of living of temptations or tricks of the moment of the flesh and that in a spiritual forward concerned shared contemplation between men and women - as of man and women equal but yet of the man thee of the head of Christ.

And, of the head of the woman the head of her man, married, as her head as the head of Christ we have to now too discuss the apropos of the fallen of Obama at The Obama as of his at a Mary and feminisms! he too would be of attempts to be prudent, seems, if to taking swings too at making an example of Mrs. Clinton by an attempt at reasoning her of any feminisms and however of her of a Mary! the Obama has a fallen The Obama it seems for of a partisan political selective secularism too akin to writs in socialisms contrary just to Corinthians structured of a neighbor wrong if to the police or Saints over a neighbor “neighborly” dispute if to them before firstly attempting a “neighborly” resolute with such neighbor so of conflict.

What is something my dad and sister may have not also gotten right in the decades since Camelot and chauvinism still reigned even for “Barry” of his father and too of Hawaii is some what may help explain his rise and his fall as of them of a trinity that conflicted the Trinity of the family of father and son!  How my dad tried to be modern of the at bats for the new feminisms for my sister - et al professionally in the plying of Law - is of the partisan of the Democrat Party divide between just the The Obama and the The Clinton!

It is of this that I am familiar to those also of a kept memory of the extant Hawaiian B.O. of oratory crossroads passions in speechifying as a father yet progressive in their politics as also of the Democrat Party as he of The Obama of the Obama all the while yet myself since the earlier 70s of having taken to the structured more reasonable problem solving potential yet of Republicans.  It was too late when I realized Senator Obama at 2008 was yet he kept welcome in the family intra-party hopes for a better Union so many decades and of a compromised strategy for protecting People’d people not from one of his color but from one of his Democrat Party “character”! it was too late into 2008 contest at the Presidential selective process before I properly associated the long known “B.O.” of Hawaii whence as he then as a convenient alternative to the known of the Clintons The Clinton of its experienced flaws.

Motion Picture Association head Christopher Dodd did for ten years rule as my sister’s, so, boss, while he a Connecticut Senator! this is historically of my politics and powers at contemplative politics as a “prophecy” as basically as in Corinthians - as it seems (now) - and of that of the 1992 & 1994 specificities about my guidance by poetic forward and backward renditions of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM pro-active attempts at national and local problem solving! as that I struck home uns with my #TCONF in its private and strategic limited sharing is of my average maybe an honor to my father and yet while at least for that decade as a better average than his at progressive feminisms - not just of the Mary! my sister is of a complex “it’s complicated” intermixed past politics tale of times of profiting with Senator Dodd from my marketing at bats in attempts to be good at needed “prophecy” - at pro-active political and language problem solving.

There is to be separated from my making the due example of the The Clinton when while at least to the due making an example historically of the experienced Mrs. Clinton! separate from the fall of Obama as from team work with the Clintons is yet a Mary of the feminisms I am familial of and original about while as a Rosebud Architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90s recovery! there is that I was (unnecessarily) of a need to be 2x to 3x of the effort to a better “average” in “prophecy” so akin too and so for the complexity of being progressive too for my sisters in a Mary and the People’d Union about feminisms while masculine and as it when told more fully, also of an honoring of my father, yet to be of discussing a political need like for Senator Dodd to let my sister be liberated from politics as like of a “Peter Principle” for such progressions in equality so that I could keep working greater improvements for her than she so was proving able to work while I had gotten to working them so well, and firstly, more broadly precedently!

To honor my father in the Risen and the Mary I will necessarily be to discussing the fall of The Obama still while the rising of the Obama eternally to speak well of the people of the People’d Ordered Union! it for now is premature for me to while making the due example of Mrs. Clinton in her negatives, and, while so in the spirit of judging The Obama not for the color of the inherited skin from his father but for explainables due his character and her character, and, while so in a historical still confused of a thought progressiveness in feminism as if it had become time for an oldest daughter to get to be the senior head of Christ in a family hierarchy and to a right to profits actually accruable from the (progressive) (general) (general Welfare) of the worked at prophecying only some in its whole as of the Politics of a younger brother - a brother still born named of the father of his father!

Of my Corinthians recent reading I am puzzled still and of the Risen even of these of their rising and falling! I am still he that has watched his sister be able to profit since liberated from a Peter Principle like time best to have parted from Senator Dodd’s politics respects yet however in accruing as so many too have profits from my original endeavors even so when more at timely worked “federalisms” more secular in yet a pro-active akin to what seems a “prophecy” common of Corinthians!

So it seems we are all now predicated some to a preparedness to discuss the fallen of the Obama of The Obama and objectively and even spiritually without confusing the Clinton WHITE with the Obama BLACK, and specifically as we are prudent to gird ourselves (in our faith) for the duration forward in making the due example of the The Clinton of Mrs. Clinton - the The Clinton endemic of the The Obama - of the The Obama now politically passed at bats remaining, effectively, and a political or historical save by righteous hails at Mary! it is apropos (and of a proper) actually such is far more complicated of the feminisms I am so akin yet while honoring my father, and in speaking to his averaging about Marys as of the Union and Law - progressive!


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

Some days you are asked to think - Yes, some days one is asked to think more than even the day before - even in days before.

As it has become re-established as a spectacle of faith like of the founders as new apostles as by 1Corinthians4, 9 of the body of the Constitution as beset to beget a morality in accompaniment with the New Testament we newly need be wary of thresholds however concordant and extant to dangers in generalized pontifications, however set “political.”  And, still, as of older whence, it best we be thorough of such concords with a pre-set and reset wariness in harvested of bearing of false witness, however set “political.”

Maybe we should start with Noah.  As “Ila” now the newest Biblical character, of it at least a morality play, we have that in play is the “fornication” of 1Corinthians5, yet moderated from a forced Oedipal. Seems!  (I have a new Bible app - I am not a theologian nor a Bible scholar.)  For Emzara not to be violate herself of such “fornication” “Ila” needed to be born?  Of Noah of three sons originally Emzara could hardly be a Susan B. without “Ila” in modernity so evolved, supposedly?  Let us be wary enough prophylactically in meditations to not generalize to a tri-poli - a three briefed - when a singularity enough to broach any “false witness” impropriety — let us not rush.

There are gray areas of concern, to be brief, that syllogisms of metaphoricals in visual graphic renditions can forewarn and inoculate as if by use of drawing out the Clintons by their “design” and “examples.”  For the purposes of morality it may now to proceed as if at lessons by way of making an example - making examples - of the Clintons.  Whether firstly to thinking of Susan B. Anthony or the Clintons’ protege Anthony Weiner it is most concerning that the Clintons’ permanence is set so in Polshek parlance so suggestive to be Rorschach-esque so of the racks of their library Freudian in a phallic too as ready “gun” shape too publicly banded as a public visage in a gray, a gray said too suggestive as if a Confederate Gray.

The apple of immorality seems to have been handed from mentor to protege - from “Bill” to “Anthony.”  To be brief, yet still to adequately cover, the chief courting of this treatment is to be to a rendition to concordance by making an example of the examples of the Clintons, courtly — Have you yet heard of Ohioan Steven Driehaus?  It’ld be prudent to not generalize, and precious to check the too generalized.  To cover yet the “feminine” & “morality” of Susan B. Anthony, perchance with/to success, by comparative scoping of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however, citizens may need not just an entire book but a movie - but movies.  There should be trepidation in presumptions at ‘”Hillary” a “Susan”‘ for “fornication” besets a uncovering of improper nepotism in her example — Wasn’t it wrong in a “feminist” & “human resource” propriety that Mrs. Clinton was so subjugated as a subordinate of the Clintons’ West Wing at least as per nepotism in a work place?

It is already established, and long self-evident by the tombs of history extant as of historical public documents, at least, that the Clintons are of the lies - are known to lie - are said to be even “Big Liars.”  We can move from the brevity of them of their lays of lies to snare their lairs like as monsters of complex duplicity in clever triangulated transference as well of trichotomy’s grays.  As it is largely a matter of established public record that the Clintons are known liars they are the tools best now to ply a morality discerning by ways of making an example by way of making an example of them. 

How wrong is it to bear false witness?  How wrong is it to be violate of civil truth firstly as if of “campaign rhetoric” and secondly when to lies yet spoken as if “official speech”?  Do you know how The Supreme Court of The United States of America should now rule upon the soon to be heard standing in relevance as by Susan B. Anthony list v Driehaus?  Aren’t lawyers trained supposedly to be forewarned and disciplined away from the dangers in generalizing, at least rhetorically?  What are the minimum standards even albeit as “double standards” like now a false flag bearing by the Clintons pols?

How wrong is it to bear false witness?  Minimally:  What is a lie?  How important be the lay of any lie?  How important be the general concern of a public lie if a “campaign” falsehood?  How important be the laid lies if whence from any “allowed” campaign falsehood to altered historical extant context as if a lie no longer a lie for it spoken as “official” speech?  Due the purview of S.C.O.T.U.S. as their duality conflict rises in standing soon with such pertinence of such so laid about Anthony it is like now impossible to separate President Barack Hussein Obama example from this ‘making example’ of his “rivals” President William Jefferson Clinton and his Mrs., however whence “officially” appropriated.

How wrong is it to have born false witness - how wrong is it if/when a known politician is known/unknown of a laid lie?

It is already established that the Clintons, however indivisible or divisible as a B.O.G.O. “two-fer” political power couple, are of the public record, at least, as known to be long of laid lies, and too as “Big Liars!!!” from ‘em thought to have been their friend(s).  So to be brief and prudently at the immorality embedded in the Anthony v Driehaus:  How and when is a generalization a premeditated with malice intentional itself a born false witness and improper lie?  When if to three when only two be moral is the spreading to an embedding in a tri-political not but a triangulated transference as if of smoke and mirrors allowances/arrangements?

The Clinton “Presidential” Library begets an interesting prima facia read - enough to make many really blush if caught unprepared for its net gross bottom line contextual.  Steven Polshek must be the go to expert in his rendered permanence of the Clinton public visage parlance - needn’t he be?  If at first blush one is exposed the a Rorschach of a gun shape phallic & Freudian, and secondly to a visceral disgust that it also be in gray - and especially in Confederate Gray - the remaining concern must be that it is laid already foundationally that the pac’ runneth with Mrs. Clinton, however, so that it behoove us to be already saddled up of a queried to if such is how we are supposed to see the “permanent” Bill Clinton, President how is the vessel of a Hillary Clinton, President, already figured to be a yet architecturally & yet paired also public visage and yet in a feminine?

To be respecting of Susan B. Anthony we need contrast with the nepotic example of, at least, the Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and her public examples.  To be respecting of the progress of women we should consider that the “example” of Mrs. Clinton has been devolutionary to Ms. Anthony.  How can women reason - how can any woman reason a appropriate “officially” for Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs, William Jefferson Clinton, however previously appropriated - for her submission as if apropos feminism and work place parity and reported insistence that she as a FLOTUS need be formally subjugated as a West Wing subordinate to her spouse and so of her example that staffers should be tolerated however they are sleeping with their “boss.”  To any Anthony legacy mustn’t women, at least, be to reason - be somehow to discerning for themselves that Hillary got her healthcare West Wing job at least through improper nepotism?

Bear with me, please, this is supposed to be simply reasoned for the standing of Anthony now set up for the orals duality soon upon the honorable Justices and across their thresholds, and too their tolerance(s) at least of the logic and syllogisms allowable of laid lies in “politics.”

Surely there is much to be relatively concerned hidden behind such effrontery by just the Clintons and in their not yet public enough permanent records of the stowage of the embedded that can wait, for now.  We have that Anthony v Driehaus ushers us past so much that may yet spill out from later of due course as per politics versus lying - we have simply, to be brief, that we can reach easily a concordance thoroughly of civil disobedience by examples of dangers from generalized rhetoricals.  Literally speaking we can be plain and simply at a conclusive dispositive however a lie is supposed by making an example of Presidents Obama & Clinton.

To keep a fidelity of and to Susan B. Anthony we can yet avoid too much, for now, the transgressions of Mrs. Clinton - women themselves can especially be so set and fashioned.  We - the all of us, of man & woman electric shared humanity extant, need not only the men to reason it — but too we needn’t reason Mrs. Clinton’s reasons as we can considered the core of even Corinthians as the common core of the founders as of bearing false witness enough to expose a bad of President Obama and as at a cover-up of the bad just of the lies of President Clinton.  It behoove us though to not fail to ask:  What is Mrs. Clinton’s figured inevitable presidential library supposed to be in a public visage & yet apropos supposedly as a Freudian “vessel” a vessel Clinton too graphically suggestive too as?

So to do justice to Susan B. Anthony and as well so if by a prudence (re-established) of Steven Driehaus as of the founders’ of bearing false witness establishments ordained to in their People’s Order as a more perfect Union “done” under God in the Christian calendar unanimously:  We can expect it simplest to make an example of dangers from civil disobedience in laid lies at least as per the example of President Obama by ways of cover-up perils from imprudent generalizations as falsehoods premeditated.

As a matter of soon newly courtly it is considerable the literal traditions of fallen from transgressions of disobedience.  President Barack Hussein Obama is necessarily also on trial for lies of campaigns as of exercised premeditated falsehoods and yet as one a Harvard Law trained disciplined to be forewarned from dangers in generalizing and too in cover-ups.  We can for now leave any reasoning of Mrs. Clinton out of this example that seems more fittingly of President Clinton and President Obama, and still be thorough enough for Justice.  We need be wary of generalizing and smoke and mirrors of fogs of triangulated transference political gray areas so it seems prudent to separate out any “false witness” of/by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for a clarity and parity in process - in civil and due process.  We need be wary of thresholds though between civil disobedience simply housed and such as would yet be mounted as of saddled whence sufficiently to be across the tolerable to criminal politics.

For process and a fidelity to prudent procedures we have that it for now behoove us to separate the men from the women and Ms. Anthony from Ms. Clinton.  Susan B. Anthony list v Driehaus standing for orals assuaging judiciously seems to rest on whether a morality can be a morality if not yet perceived as extant in a the moral forest — it seems the courtly of supposedly just “Bill Clinton” is pertinent as it seems as per a politics of laid lies besides a premeditation there is the existential that firstly need be discerned as to whether a “morality” is amorality if “morality” isn’t yet publicly contested as if not a “morality.”

There is an apparent jeopardy beset to be begot by the Justices though that should give real fright to President Clinton and President Obama.  They both, and their spouses, were supposedly judiciously disciplined away from bearing false witness - perjury, at least — and to the dangers in generalizing.  Simply to keep this as contextual as grossly briefed as for recourse by making just an example of the Clinton(s):  However corrupted by President Clinton President Obama was as the yet unsworn newly elected President so that he was willing to transgress from “campaign” rhetorical of convenient yet ridiculous generalization at his ‘IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT’ as if dictates truthful it is that such as a generalization is also a laid lie simply proven, however, the honorable Justices might find tolerable political falsehoods.

There is an apparent jeopardy beset to be begot by the Justices though that should give real fright to President Clinton and President Obama.  We for now are best to limit our process to procedures about the jeopardy of laid lies and the duplicity, however, yet of triangulated transference by grays of trichotomy’s doorways.  It is that how Senator Barack Hussein Obama may have thought it allowable to so ridiculously bear false witness upon the People with “campaign” assertions that an so involved “it” could be an “it” so as an “it” of their “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” he crossed what seems the clear and still present criminal trespass point of no return when he said like proffered the same as if then newly rendered “truthful” with it so orated and posited with his posturing in his first moments so sworn of the Constitution as the new President and so of his First Inaugural of he of carrying a “campaign” laid lie into the “official” realm jeopardy for impeachables whence he seemingly voluntarily spoke the impossible truth - the unreasonable proposition - the ridiculous assertion - the simply dumb syllogistic not ever capably beyond a hypothetical.

Right to be brief and yet of a fidelity to Anthony as of these mis-stressed ‘politics’ as to what can and will be of the forest of “morality” we can for now skip the contrasts between Susan B. Anthony and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Right to be brief:  But we cannot abide still not being beset to the begot amorality known of Clinton of the public records and generally already known.  President Barack Hussein Obama has gone farther than “campaign” falsehoods and seemingly imprudently as to attempt a historical rewrite to specifically benefit President William Jefferson Clinton  and Mrs. Clinton, however still appropriated.  As he generalized to the ridiculous President Obama is of a jeopardy from the Justice possibly expressly refreshed by the Justices as per any campaign falsehoods however yet they are standing alone and yet uncontested, otherwise.

If it criminal for a politics to be of premeditated laid lies in campaigns it must be criminal that once President President Barack Hussein Obama transgressed the People by his orations in inaugural literations with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as still an impossible truth — mustn’t it be of an amorality that at least just President Clintons asked President Obama to be of, and as if smartly to a needed cover-up?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:33 am

With the shadows of doubt seen so about President Obama a fable of he still shouldn’t be (yet) that he should have stayed home and say vacuumed/cleaned.  These are days that are darkened by Mrs. Clinton, however, as too long yet of insufficient common sense possibly from not having enough stayed home to bake even some cookies.

I do not advise Republicans or even GOP women to be now at a WAR ON WOMEN.  I may not advise them or any of them to be so at war politically yet, however, I do have a history of progressive feminism and effected political positive change specifically for women that allows me latitude for attitude myself as if of a WAR ON WOMEN political punditry.

This February 2014 as the second month of the Year of the founder’s Lord two thousand ten and four as a new BLACK HISTORY MONTH is economically historical of a politically long dark shadow about President Obama that much belongs to the girth of the effectings by Clinton - by the Clintons.  President Obama, it seems, is now mostly of a culpability by association with an inherited darkness now affecting like a black hole made by the inferior orbits much still too polarizing of the Clintons’ presidency.

I may even now be near to cherishing a natural role, myself, for a WAR ON WOMEN open discourse about feminism and a guilt due political feminine.  We all need an emotional empowering to the days before the Clintons’ unexpected 1992 showing and placing to yet find a sufficiently empowering as like finding the leverage - as like finding the spot to move the world by a simple lever.  I may be uniquely of a history to generally discuss a Welfare of feminism of the science medical and as well a socio-economic of the politics of change at least of the early 1990s.  I may cherish a timely WAR ON WOMEN if only to air out as dirty laundry some issues about any progressive feminism now of a darkened economic shadow as if of a incomplete grading as I should be able to recall in due time many ways at how it seems women have avoided finishing some of their movements.

But really this today is supposed to be satirical to how it may yet not be fair for President Obama to be so blackened and trapped in a long economic shadow vacuous primarily made of the baking of the Presidency, at least, of the Clintons. Though we should be (morally) concerned about President Obama as seemingly of his own pen and powers at apparently self darkened by a Presidency violate of the ten commandments but by nine - it seems yet he hasn’t proffered at adultery and so all ten.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd he proffered at all near that it could be Constitutional for Congress to make any Law respecting that there is no GOD.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd that he as a “messianic” was as it still appears of a attempt at a bright aura as if a messiah of more than one GOD - and yet now of a darkened shadow at least about Christianity.

This economic mess is much so of a vacuous morality nearest yet to a lacking morality as to be expected by a statist polity by polarized partisan politics so shared intra-party in a Socialism like New Deal Austerity.  How such is a blackened shadow of Democrats girth and casting is still to be parsed and metered — President Obama may be as a black shadow yet by an associated it may be us all so blackened by a darkness about a general Democratic Posterity.  Mrs. Clinton, however, need be looked for a culpable darkness of such girth and extent as like for not enough common sense from like enough time at home and baking cookies — it is palpable how unsavory these economics of the Democrat Party New Deal Austerity in an olfactory premonition for visuals have now too long shown that Mrs. Clinton doesn’t per intelligence at least know what things can or shouldn’t be mixed together.

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity. 

I have likewise a consideration for economics that I am one whom shouldn’t be expected to make a next move or even a request to others as per my history and vast successes I have a Posterity that need others to at least presuppose a political condition that I am one who should be reached out to and not waited upon.  There is that for what I know of my own past means, motives, and used opportunities for effecting economic growth and even a feminist progressive there is so much in such recollections that to see my affecting shadow and as truly relevant a capacity factor necessitates a protocol to waiting on others.  It seems that I must wait until approached by at least written email or phonography and a due protocol to preserve a capacity for sufficient detail remixing.

The politics or civility for a fair exposing of any long shadow as mine and made by me is of a necessity it seems for a sufficient capacity for Posterity because until others try to explain my story even to me I won’t yet be able to adequately discern a say leverage position towards rendering a new progressive bi-partisan affecting.  Until some others approach me either by at least written email or phonography it seems it would be self-defeating to public hopes even if I were to make efforts to ask to be more broadly read of my blogging yet so now of a brightness to expose Democrats of a darkness as their shadow economic and political. For now my blogging isn’t supposed to be of the answers but to a corralling or desperado range of miles and miles of fences to keep — for now my blogging is for justice and history as it seems a necessary politics that a justice for the darkened shadows by Democrats needs a public rendering firstly.

The Clintons can be said to mostly have affected a vacuous economics of the darkened or blackened shadow at least now economic of President Obama however if mostly yet of only an associated culpability.  How blackened is this vacuous now in an inescapable personal and political guilt for President Obama?  How now isn’t President Obama the THE ESTABLISHMENT and so of a liberating not occupying affecting for the Republicans?  How now isn’t President Obama mostly culpable by standards of leadership for even so much a trapping vacuous economics rendered primarily before the Presidency of George W. Bush by the too political and opportunist economics of the Clintons?

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity.

Speaking personally and yet politically to not get in the way of the first black President at his desires and attempts to have a personality based #OBAMA PERSONALITY presidency:  I speak personally of how I will not knowingly help even President Obama help the Clintons succeed in what has since their 1993 inauguration seemed too much to me as if of them of thieving knowingly in a clever (spousal) lawyering from me.  There is that for the vast past effected capacity and length of a shadow I cast economically and for a progressive feminism it is too that I am in a position that has me needing to wait on others to be firstly to attempting to assuage my past volunteered economically mused affecting generosity before I could have a chance yet to be to a restorative economics however with any reset using specifically that of the past successes.  There is that until I respect that President Obama wants to live or politically die by his “personality” and that for such too I am politically wise to avoid any reboot of my now off-line synchronicity for economic growth at least unless asked specifically by parties sufficient in a political girth for there to be any progress not too self defeating per any gross efforts.

I do have to some blame President Obama yet it really is the culpability of the Clintons for such a darkened economics and polarized partisan politics that I must most and most knowingly tag.  It is that however the Clintons may have thought justified in their unauthorized use and misuse of my past political and economic effectings - including some still quite empowering of progressive feminism - I personally have and still feel justified in tagging them of at least imprudent and unnecessary unwise thievery of that once more mostly my originally timely figured business plan an the greater ambition that still better explains it.

However Mrs. Clinton, however, now is of a history of failing at a proper intelligence before and after Benghazi it remains that such can be said as of her at least of not having enough time at home and baking — Mrs. Clinton, however, just seems for Posterity a public figure who hasn’t yet figured what can or shouldn’t be mixed together and/or cooked together.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:56 am

What is intelligence?  What might be the results of an IQ test today in Davos of those gathered of the World Economic Forum?

Are they smarter than an average white American Democrat woman?  Any American woman over the age of 50?

It seems multiple choice queries would complicate what can now be limited to point and counter point and as focused around one current public figure and even so as such representative of the sex of female.

These may be better to be presented as a bulleted list as if for essays on point and counter points:  Discuss:

  1. Hillary Clinton of 1992 race did how oddly help Governor Clinton so succeed yet while they can be said to have run against family values.
  2. Hillary Clinton is a conundrum in a postured “feminism” how was it wrong in a management methodology for a First Lady to be otherwise structured in a West Wing job of a bureaucratic submissive duty to a President as spouse?  Wasn’t she an equal in marriage as First Lady but by choice just an underling as of a “job” in the Clinton Administration?
  3. Hillary Clinton has seemingly made a career of putting her husband and his career first - discuss how this now can be seen as an “example” of feminism.
  4. Hillary Clinton as First Lady did crusade across the world quite imperialistically of dictates as to how people of different cultural regions yet should be treating their women as she said.  Did she think about “turf” and “turfs” and enough how she was rabidly being inciting and incendiary to those more orthodox or radicalized?  How but for a surge in Afghanistan could she have seen her crusading not just have been of talk say for about fifty years — how was her crusading as First Lady supposed to have any muscle to it if not by future military intervention by armed forces of The United States of America?
  5. Hillary Clinton seems set up by spousal husbandry in executive decisions biased for selfish political positioning to be arranged to be inevitable and yet in a worked dramatic to be to cast to be a HAWK to a DOVE/Lover Boy image for her Husband.  Now in hindsight how dangerous was it that the Clintons seem to have postponed prudent global engagements during their eight years too much just because they though it might be more fun if such saved for a Presidency for HAWKISH Hillary?
  6. Hillary Clinton talked tough as First Lady and tougher in ways that her spouse the President.  Was President Clinton of avoidance and inaction because he was yellow at the helm of the ship of State or was it a more dangerous politics of thinking time could wait upon their plans for his/their return via an election of them by a ticketing of his wife?
  7. Hillary Clinton did try to sell Hillarycare as if “universal” though just for a nation - but now how is it that the Democrats supposed leading authority/expert on healthcare asked to be Secretary of State and not the Secretary of Health and Human Services responsible for showing Obamacare could and would work?
  8. Hillary Clinton asked to be Secretary of State — How for feminism does this complicate a “feminist” tag for her?  Isn’t it that at State she seems to have been to being a facilitator for her husband and his global initiatives and like yet a travel office still for his priorities?  Isn’t it that at State she was supposed to be a “rival” to President Obama and that so there her loyalty has to be questioned as it seems reasonable that Clintons did want her at State to help them be together in global initiatives of a rivalry to President Obama?  How is it feminism for her to have been so compromised by CGI and especially as she was then the officer of the Obama cabinet most responsible for oversight duty to the People about Bill Clintons’ vast meddling by global initiatives?
  9. Hillary Clinton did not have any executive experience until she was President Obama’s Secretary of State, right?  Though she pledged if President she would be ready from day one and even at any 3am/crisis moment isn’t it that even with lesser and more focused duties just of State she did fail to live up to her promises? 
  10. Hillary Clinton did serve a few years as a Senator from New York state.  Isn’t her time as Senator really now historically her only resume stuffing as her as a politician?  How many years as a politician should we think necessary for any candidate for the Presidency?  Have we learned yet that as few as she and President Obama had really is too little and as it also so it seems devoid in executive instinct and experiences?
  11. Hillary Clinton didn’t insist on being HHS Secretary — could she have done at least as good a job as the executive in charge of launching a workable Obamacare?  She supposedly was the Democrats top expert due to her years attempting to bring a national Hillarycare said “universal” likewise to The United States proper — wasn’t President Obama best chance for healthcare reform to have been if Hillary Clinton had been at HHS and firstly to caring about the People and their healthcare?
  12. Hillary Clinton is of the plurality of “The Clintons” as per their former NSC member Philip Bobbitt and his book TERROR AND CONSENT.  She insisted on being part of the bureaucracy of the administration and not yet safely private and equal as just First Lady Hillary — any candidate Hillary now is of the title as TERROR AND CONSENT and not TERROR OR CONSENT and how he as a national security expert was to explaining that the Clintons lies do beget terrorism.  Philip Bobbitt’s words were known before half of her Hollywood thought friends publicly humilated her with tagging of the Clintons as BIG LIARS — but as per his warning per terror like that when a White House and Hollywood work too closely together (in posturing lies) such does dangerously beget terrorism.  It seems the Clintons in 2008 were defeated by themselves - by truths and warnings from their own circle of friends and national security experts - it seems still that Hillary Clinton lost in 2008 because enough new by Hollywood fractured friendships and TERROR AND CONSENT that the Clintons were BIG LIARS and that their lying was by at least one expert said to be of begetting terrorism.
  13. Hillary Clinton, however really a feminist or not, seems, however set up to be a HAWK to a DOVE earlier by her husband administering, too much still as of a yet unexplained “inevitable” as if she was best to be elected because she already had a working relationship with so many of those now deposed across the world that could last.  Right?  Hillary Clinton though of no executive experience and no personal experience as a politician but her few years as a Senator was in 2008 of suggesting she was the best candidate because the Clintons were still better friends around the world with socialists, tyrants, autocrats, and even specifically dictators more now of the deposed?

Ok, all can participate.  Please work up your 13 essays to at least develop your own critical thinking.  It seems we have to dissect Hillary Clinton at least and now as we can be said to of economies that haven’t been able to recover while of days newly where a dynamic of the economics is that more women are now in management and executive duties these days as recovery has been slow or barely existent.  Across all thirteen essay teased posits we have a consideration that maybe women are more to blame and as these days are of a new dynamic so of a record number of women now, however, running things.

Ok, with all this said it may be and should be polite to let the women go first.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

*As I start today’s satire/punditry on heavy issues about a/the real Hillary Clinton, and so live, here is a link to SUMMER FARE oldie as of SAMPLER of JPHogan.org @ http://jphogan.org/113201.html.


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There are times for comparative political literature and then there are TIMES for critical political literature.  If and/or how what now may transpire can be said (at all) to be literature is for you and others - not me - to wax upon, figuratively.

We all have our temptations.  Fewer of us of a global we though have equal freedoms.  Discretion and prudence may be a better part of democratic politics than Democrats like Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may care to admit.

Well WORLD today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s 50th Birthday, and today is the first day I have considered the it isn’t too timely a stretch to assuage a shared historical as now:  Michelle Obama and I spent near a year in Cambridge together. For now this is here as a memory trick — I had been lax in thinking President Obama had a thing for an earlier graduate of Harvard Law School as a thing for an older woman - I have now realized that like myself she was in the Boston and Cambridge area before her husband, as was I.  It may be that we were actually together even in Grendel’s Den a time or two and maybe even socially flirtive.

But more seriously, today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

It is more biographical if I can be objective or accurate in an auto’d bio’d to offer that the me/I of 1987-1988 year of Suffolk University Law School was like most of my years of a white guy just under 5′ 9″ whom though athletic still was generally not of a fear of black women (any more than women of other colors) while to a trepidation though (maybe of insecurity) albeit about tall/taller women.  Though First Lady Mrs. Obama and I can nearly be said to have spent a year in Cambridge together I cannot profess to know her politics, and nor will I presume to.  I did leave law school the spring before her husband started at Harvard and so the same spring she did graduate.  I did leave law school after confirming with one year that I was correct that I wanted to stay more creative and not barred at lawyering.  I did leave law school to creatively and originally be to setting myself up with experiences to be the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution that I could manage.

My story that supports my critical writing about even just Hillary Clinton is especially of such year and my reasons for leaving law school to be a marketing and politics caboose to Reagan’s Revolution freedom train.  I have know NYPD Commissioner/Chief William Bratton since such year in the Boston area.  Again, I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s, Sarah Palin since about 1982, and the Clintons since the early 70s.  I have not been able to support the politics of President Obama because of his choice of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for any spot in his cabinet, and especially for her selection to be his top diplomat.

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So more seriously:  Today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

I welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department per Secretary Hillary Clinton, her admitted culpability, and a general diligence due for the tragedy of Benghazi.  I welcome the new politics from such by the Senate that now should work as a better political check on President Obama as a Senate willing to rebuke the Clinton State Department is a Senate not to be presumed still as if unwilling to consider a possibility that an impeachment might be prudent.

For now while all of so much tragic is yet so fresh anew it behoove us to consider that at least First Lady Michelle Obama knows that her husband’s first Secretary of State can be blamed for most of his global failings.  You can say there is beauty - political beauty in this concept.  A historical Hillary Clinton is a dangerous political Clinton.  She doesn’t really come in many colors - her legacy is black with tragedies, and darkness.

All Americans of the northern continent Constituted in united states of a measured federalism prudence as a confederate republic have still (if Democrats) the Clintons firstly and mostly to blame for Vice President Al Gore 2000 loss.  A lesson for today is that the Clintons cannot likewise be trusted to not turn on the Obamas at least towards 2016.

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First Lady Michelle, it seems I still recall a flirtatious glance to a pretty black coed whence thence of a rendezvous at Grendel’s with other law school singles and yet until today had consider it as impossible that it could have been timely as of with you.  In any smile from me then at or near Harvard would have been that I was of inner city public schooling of New Haven, CT; that William Stringfellow whom recently likely had passed had been a client of mine; that when I was about five I shook hands with one whom still is likely both the tallest person I have shaken hands with and as well the tallest black person —and as Augustus A. White M.D. is most certainly the tallest doctor, however then when met quite still the renowned physician of the Black Panthers; and that I was thinking to be a great caboose to all and a outside facilitator for improvements in civility for law enforcement.  As it is I have known Dr. White since about age five and as socially introduced on the New Haven green in a happenstance reunion of he and my dad as “friends.”  Of my year so nearly spent about Cambridge with Michelle Obama of 1987-1988 it has been that I have recalled a casual flirtatious smile at Grendel’s thence whence with a black coed however of a different law school maybe that was abridged when such rose from seated to standing, and yet have until today never really considered that such could or might have been she.

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Dear readers this is becoming bulleted about Hillary Clinton even though originally meant to be more bulleted about Hillary Clinton critically — this is not supposed to be a beating about a bush of Mrs. Clinton but a beating at a/the real Mrs. Clinton.

Again:  I will not even now after five years of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama yet presume to know the politics of First Lady Michelle Obama.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama as per a rivaling First Lady Mrs. Clinton nor soon forget how the Clintons in politics even turned on the quite familial postured real friendship bosomed by the Bush clan and with dark back stabbing when politically convenient for the First Couple’d Clintons.  I don’t see how any Democrat can expect anything if a support of the Clintons towards 2016 as anything but severely guarded and restrained if by the First Couple’d Obamas.

To Mrs. Clinton, despite her spun propaganda for feminism, President Clinton is still too much her “Russian Bear” too over-coddled as if too meant to be like an American Putin of a return to the Power of the Presidency even as a Constitution seemed dead set writ against such.  It just seems a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is still of her personal and professional story of like always of having been to a predilection at wanting her “Bill” on top.

It is dark politics to delve into a depth of a/the real Hillary Clinton as one whom it seems has worked to undermine a Presidency for Al Gore and as well did work to undermine the Presidency of George Bush.  It seems simply clear that Secretary Hillary is supposed to reign as being a rival to the Presidency of Barack Obama and as yet still one whom politically can try to claim that those successes he did have were really of a pathology of her skill and not any really of his.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama or her ability to check an expected smack from Mrs. Clinton if she enters 2016 officially.

Giving such a confidence in a political and legal acumen for First Lady Michelle Obama I will now try to wrap this up albeit with less brevity than the brevity I did firstly intend.

Looking back to 1993 it is arguable that there hasn’t been a disaster or a tragedy that doesn’t have Hillary Clinton some at the heart of it.  There are too many political and historical layers caked upon Mrs. Clinton, however, for her to be to 2016 as a natural beauty.  A/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is to be discerned best maybe by understanding Vice President Al Gore’s failed 2000 campaign as principally due to the betrayal by the Clintons towards a selfish husbandry to protecting themselves over their own Party towards a securing of more terms as Hillary’s terms.  It is that only if you like tragedy can you possible see a visible historical darkness of a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton anyhow as beautious.

There is a beauty in the rivalry between the Clintons and the Obamas - but then you know by now today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s anniversary of her 29th birthday.  She shines bright today and as a darkness and doom lingers over Mrs. Clinton, however.  I do welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department, REALLY!  It helps it be crystal clear that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was no gem.  It seems she didn’t even master being a master of part of the house of Obama.  There seems an unflattering dirt and blood of many beneath the political nails of Obama’s first Secretary of State, and, yes, it seems some of it of stains she hasn’t been able to wash away from the first term hers of 1993-1997.

It seems Congress can do itself one better by First Lady Michelle Obama and now be of its Constitutional right and duty at checking more than just 2016 political smack by the Clintons - it seems Congress now by two houses bicameral can be to a very public investigating intrusion into the Clintons and their political machinations by ways of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives CGI, both by foreign and domestic jurisdiction.  The Clintons are in jeopardy by the Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the Constitution or by the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Courts — they are either now of the jurisdiction of one or both, and especially for a consideration of what could or can not be “legal” as per the months between their departure from the Executive plantation and that of September of 2001 of 9/11 I.  It is that the Clintons are likely still “legally” in reach of Congress, however bicameral, as by the Constitution bar of titling and checks on all whom can be said to be “agents” of The United States of America.

But to be brief it is a beauty how simply the Clintons can and should be now publicly dissected LIVE.

You do not need to be a lawyer to fathom that by the 22nd Amendment all People have a right and a duty to assert that the Clintons if to a Presidential campaign are in violation of the yet undecided Law of the term limits amendment and so taggable as criminal/un-Constitutional/treasonous.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is still undecided Law it is open to an original interpretation that its language of heralding in holding of office as if inseparable from a holding of a spouse is meant to be of an accounting prudence akin to petty cash safeties as also barred from an electing to the Presidency.  As a spouse has a right in marriage to hold their spouse the 22nd Amendment by the 80th Congress set with Richard Nixon an election of a spouse after a term limiting would simply in a logical be of a barred returning by election of the other to the barred holding.

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Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama.  It seems a simple truth quite beautiful that you have it in your power to easily check the threat of the Clintons to all the People and to defend your legacy - you and your husband’s yet still possibly net positive Presidential legacy.

People it is that the President and First Lady can still blame Iraq and Afghanistan failures most recently on a failure to measure up by First Lady Senator Secretary Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems as per our longest war that President Obama just had a top diplomat not capable of a diplomatic solution alternative to war, and likewise it is that it seems the President Obama’s early departure as a retreat from Iraq is likely historical as of a Secretary of State of having over estimated and under delivered on any promise that she with her “personality” could handle it all.

And simply there seems hope again as the Senate has proudly stood up dutifully and rendered a rebuke on the Clinton State Department - I mean at least for now the Clinton State Department of the Obama administration.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

A FEMIFEST DESTINY to excuse even the past twenty plus years of Democrat Party national politics is far more inexcusable than a charge up San Juan Hill as if a Roosevelt’s convenient wag the dog war of choice.

Is Hillary Rodham Clinton forgivable as a MASTER OF DISASTER if it is to be politically excusable as figured and affected as if a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY?  I think not!

How in a Constitutional jeopardy are the People of The United States of America now free and proper to asserting if to asserting such just about Hillary Rodham Clinton?  There must be considerable jeopardy hemming in the Clintons and remarkably for times they were not actually of the Executive in the months between their departure from The White House and the very moments of the first 9/11 attacks.  These times are maybe as critical to understanding the real Clintons as the those unread missing Faulkner chapters may be to understanding him.  There is a jeopardy for the Clintons much just in the public record theirs since 9/11 and especially about those remarks they shouldn’t have made at all unless they needed to cover-up a reality wrought of their own knowing and willful politics.  The most serious jeopardy possible for the “two-fer” Clintons likely has to be for these months between their exit and the commencement of the long planned Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I. 

It may be that a MASTER OF DISASTER may have been a best hope for a global war on women politics, and, yet it may be that it is that at least Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to master a mastery if so of any ends justifying the means disaster ‘politics.”  I believe there are enough public statements made by either President or Mrs. Clinton now that compromise a possible forgiveness for even inciting discord abroad theirs — it seems that the Clintons have already said too much and so enough that the months here broached of their firstly without Executive privileged are smoking gun days to a negligence for them and at least for their surpluses as per 9/11 attacks.  It seems the Clintons did not let go of executive power as expected and have since compromised a presumption of innocence defense for themselves for the months before 9/11.  If a MASTER OF DISASTER either or both of the Clinton “two-fer” would not have to still rate as if the smartest person in the room about such — this ship of superiority has sailed long ago without them.

The 9/11 Commission Report was seriously flawed and somehow maybe by a political defensiveness coy enough by the Clintons as by only looking back 10 years at Al Qaeda that was then at least 2-3 years older than 10 it became possible to look away from the Clintons when looking for negligence and/or gross negligence of/by any Presidency.  I still have no idea how Congress did abide or sanction a 9/11 Commission Report that would not at least look back far enough to be looking at it as it was born/conceived firstly.  If one looks back to the birth of Al Qaeda as so to be an Islamic response to Saddam Hussein and his invasion of Kuwait and so to at least more years than the Commission did then one likely has to then grapple with a conundrum about a negligence for the Clintons more specifically as of an idea that The United States of America did get attacked on 9/11 because the Clintons’ Administration had failed to sufficiently bring justice upon Saddam Hussein by a thinking of justice by Al Qaeda ideology.

Wars on women rights and for literacy if of a core scheme since the Clintons’ first days at the helm can only maybe offer a political forgiveness - can only go so far politically.  It seems that if their is a core like of a FEMIFEST DESTINY as like a Presidency set-up as Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riding coincidences there is now a problem that the Clintons seemed to have failed to be smart enough to pull off what might yet be also now of a means justifying the ends forgivable politics.  There are really a trillion reasons why the Clintons can be said to have come up short from being smart enough - say from being as smart as they needed to be and as smart as they may have thought that they were.  We can hardly now justify Afghanistan as a just war of choice in keeping with the too imperialist feminist crusading by First Lady Clinton whence — As convenient as such seemed for her if due a Presidency we all have to query how it can be right to have been at such and yet not right to have been as well firstly in Iraq for the majority of its women so of its majority Shia populace.

To really be condemnable as a MASTER OF DESTRUCTION we must look at Hillary Rodham Clinton as possibly or likely causal to 9/11 attacks by an incited Al Qaeda.  We have a trillion reasons to justly tag the administration by the Clintons as negligent due to their surplus at near a trillion cut that can be said to have been necessary spending cut that time has established  a Posterity about as best if yet it had not been cut.  Yet as per 9/11 attacks we have to consider that the Clintons were smart enough, albeit, to know they international crusading on women’s rights was also incendiary and inciting and especially for those times that First Lady Clinton when into the turf of the quite radicalized and dictated that they needed to learn to behave and treat women the way she said so.

It seems in light of public comments made by the Clintons and their old team that such were only justifiable or rational comments as per past disasters if they were that the Clintons knew they had at least a negligence about such.  The Clintons and their people have a trail of remarks that shouldn’t have been made unless they had to be defensive in/of a known guilt.  As for the months between the Presidency of the Clintons and 9/11 it seems due to later made comments that these are days they may have been enough in a know about threats and yet immoral in an acquiescence at least of a negligence for a silence — the Clintons seem to have done enough knowingly to have knowingly been about a premeditation at taunting radicals in the Middle East towards action by way of First Lady Clinton and her crusading for her idea of women’s rights.

If she is of a grand plan like a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY suggested, as coined by me, we have that though she maybe forgivable for noble ends her means can hardly now be forgiven.  She has been far from uniform or universal in a general Welfare application, however.  She is now of a history of remarks her own that can condemn her and seriously self incriminate however lately yet.  She it seems hasn’t been as smart as she thought herself to be nor smart enough for what at least became duties of her political charges.  Whether she had a master plan to expedite her universal feminist crusade we have to be doubters as now it seems however if so there yet never has been enough uniformity globally.

There is a problem now just because the Clintons have a record of saying things that no politician should have said rationally unless they had something very serious to hide.  We have that for all these years that President Barack Obama compromised his own Presidency with a cover-up like “all Bush’s fault” presumption of immunity and innocence for the Clintons there yet now is a public trail of remarks by the Clintons that stand as contrary and self incriminating.

I do not believe Hillary Rodham Clinton has it in her to sufficiently explain her political life of at least the past 20 plus years as if of an ends justifying the means and as if a FEMIFEST DESTINY dogmatic where intervention anywhere is to be justified for her if she asserts a political purposefulness as about a liberation in feminism.

To Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as taggable as a MASTER OF DISASTER we have 2014 & 2016 politics to work a discover about.  It seems that for her to be actually electable she herself has to present and sell herself as if a MASTER OF DISASTER for otherwise it seems she has failed her way to the top so far and otherwise of a tragedy of errors culpability that must be said to have bordered on incompetence.  And, since her she wrapped up her first Benghazi attacks remarks from outside the office of the Secretary of State with near “I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THIS COULD HAPPEN IN A COUNTRY THAT I LIBERATED” it may be that she has herself admitted to not have been a master of the many disasters or even the two 9/11s, and that she has basically since 9/11 II admitted an ignorance and incompetence as per the Middle East politics and especially all things relating to Al Qaeda.

But yet it behoove us all not to yet fully consider that the Clintons do have a incriminating past as per a negligence to gross negligence prior to the first 9/11 attacks.  As per any candidate Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton now it must be that we be thorough and diligent and to seriously considering how the administration of the Clintons does better explain how and why so much went wrong - does still better explain causals that the here to fore tagging of just the President Bush decidings.

It is hard to say the Clinton Presidency wasn’t knowingly to inciting Al Qaeda as if by cornering in trapping.  It may be that 9/11 did happen because of a crusading too imperialistic First Lady Clinton, and so that we should think that she must have been intelligent enough to know that at least while she was so crusading it was then negligent to grossly negligent for she to be back in the US then knowingly supporting President Clintons defunding of so many budget items that secure the USA from threats foreign and domestic.  It seems that a MASTER OF DISASTER wouldn’t have knowingly incited and as well partaken in such as it was the great defunding of intelligence and defense programs coincidentally, the coupled and compromised further with the real work of the Clintons to establish walls of separation at the FBI between intelligence and enforcement.

If she has felt justified as if of a FEMIFEST DESTINY to be as a steward of disasters it at least now for political purposes seems as if looking forward we can all say that looking back she has failed to be a master of many past disasters.  For forward or backwards if she/they didn’t understand that First Lady Clinton’s global feminist crusades were inciting and incendiary these disasters are likely it seems more to a gross incompetence and not mere at a gross negligence.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

This is likely going to take a while.

President Barack Hussein Obama has three years roughly to rain revenge and retribution upon New York City.

President Barack Hussein Obama, unless the Obama women are too weak, has to hit back against the punking of him by the brand new mayor of New York City at least for his ceremonial swearing in by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

President Barack Hussein Obama now should be drying up or dry docking as much or all the funding he has within his reach as federal that can be allotted to New York City.  It is a punking of the current Democrat President by a former Democrat President and such current President’s former Secretary of State and nothing less that transpired today.  President Barack Hussein Obama due to the persistent insubordinate politics of President William Jefferson Clinton should where ever and however he can be to blocking and stopping any or all federal funding for the new mayor Bill de Blasio.

I have long warned President Obama not to trust the Clintons and sometimes by making an example of how they turned on the too generous familial friendship the Bush clan offered the Clintons regularly and quite as if willing to ask to be treated like family and then forgiven as “family” after turning on the family and politically by like stabbing many of the clan in the back.

I have long tried to educate enough and have met a minimum moral standard by a public availability for all via my blogs towards a prepositioning alarming and at times dramatic alerting of danger in and of trusting either Bill or Hillary Clinton.  It is basically summable that Bill Clinton has Hillary Clinton loyal and supportive in he as an American Russian Bear like V. Putin and able even through her feminism, however, to again being President and even if it means that the First Black President of The United States of America is then more punked and while black than “President” Medvedev ever was actually.

It should be a new political reality for New York City that the current actual President is now cornered by his former Secretary of State and the former President Clinton to a new politics of being as cheap for New York City and maybe likewise New York State at least as the Clinton co-Administration was when of cutting an extra and unnecessary trillion from budgeted spending to have a thought impossible short term political popularity and while that of near all of their extra trillion cut for surpluses was later confirmed to have been cut from necessary spending that was needed to then actually support all the devilish hyper-consumerism of short term home economics thinking as specifically of the political leadership by the Clintons to so many off the financial cliffs from believing in the Clintons while they pimped them and pimped them into loans and spending however for mortgages that were known to be too risky at least to the Clintons.

President Barack Hussein Obama is politically now justified due to insubordination by the Clintons and their political machinations to create New York City as like a Federal “dry” zone free as much as yet possible from any funding he has yet control of.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

It should be fair, politically, and however progressively, to point out that the Clintons have given the First Black President good cause and reason to see how much New York City can and will be able to afford now more by its lonesome Clinton associated mass.

National politics still has to be about whom and from where they of their whom as to whom is in power in DC and now as President Barack Hussein Obama should have Republican bi-partisan support to even move money from New York City and state and at least to nearer to Chicago, and, as it is what politics is all about maybe seriously for the next three years.  Seems!!!

                                          *     *      *

          >>>  TO BE CONTINUED  <<<

{It should only get worse from here.  Please if you are brave enough check back to learn how much worse the Clintons have likely now made it for New York City than progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio was likely to have accomplished all by his lonesome.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads as President William Jefferson Clinton needing to reach for an appropriate Bill for the solemn and mournful of the passing of President Nelson Mandela.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads and as per white pride in American politics (the politics of the unified confederate republic of North America) and how we are much stopped here with too many alternate route options to choose from for President & Mrs. Clinton and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives, at least.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads for myself of my personal memories of the Clintons that date back to when I was near a first grader in New Haven, CT.  I know from our experiences that Bill Clinton as a Yale Law student was quick to lie and to as well then ask one as myself near first grade to lie - to lie about his lying about my God’s honest but inconvenient answer.  I still know this Bill Clinton as a real Bill Clinton.

“White Pride” is a good term to anchor a historical discussion on the person and politics of William Jefferson Clinton.  I know from our first encounter and the bad first impression that he was willing to lie to Hillary Rodham to her face and about what my answer had actually been.  That by marrying Bill it seems that William Jefferson Clinton was saved by Hillary Rodham from having to become a feminist himself — by getting Yale’s top feminist to marry him and put him first he was protected from feminism himself, quite.

“White Pride” is a good starting point perchance to see what seems as many different ways forward as if with the “Clinton Option” as really most of the routes best to be avoided.  As by getting Yale Law School’s top feminist of the Clintons’ years to be his bride Bill Clinton did escape having to let women be above him for Hillary Rodham had agreed to put him first and as it seems until he himself was no longer legally allowed to be elected President. 

“White Pride” is a terrible consideration to have in this day for any current or former President of the confederate republic of The United States of America.  But as per his trickery around feminism he has his story as well of a say “competitiveness” to be a white above blacks, and as it seems a real part of his modus operandi.  It seems we have that President Nelson Mandela was a friend to the Clintons while they had power — it seems he couldn’t run for Governor of Arkansas nor President of The United States of America, and that such is considerable.

I have more problems with the Clintons and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives than can fit here.  When I heard from Randi Weingarten via a broadcast of the Monitor’s breakfast minutes tour that their CGI is also being a shadow/parallel like government alternative for her teachers realm it became even more concerning how there really is too much concerning and as if a shadow government by the Clintons & associations by CGI to fit in a single column.

One President said of another President while so many were gathered at the dedication of the opening of the President George W. Bush Library that President Bush was willing to and did do more for Africa than the Clintons co-Administration had been willing to do during their 8 years.  It is telling that President Carter praised President Bush and so bashed both President & Mrs. Clinton so.  It is telling that it could be so and that as well that it can be partly explained as a “White Pride” and as of a seriousness of a trillion in surplus as reckless and unnecessary cuts.

After President Clinton’s embarrassing impeachment and disbarrments it seemed that his AFRICA focus was PR damage control as if a tour in penitence.  It is considerable that President Clinton to restore some honor to his family was oddly to focusing on AFRICA in ways though that were to population control of blacks.  How many blacks can we say were not born because President Clinton spread his ways via a message of dangers in extramarital coital and prescriptions political for prophylactics?  Really the Clinton shift to AFRICA focus also played into his autocratic (global autocratic) wants as he while so seemingly was so that he could be bowed to as the Condom King - even and AFRICAN CONDOM KING.

We must duly consider the permanent record of William Jefferson Clinton as much as we can by the architecture of the Clintons’ presidential library while for decades still that more specifically real remains secured and quite locked away from us.  By the name of their choice of architect it is undeniable that the design was meant by its “cantilever” to be washed for the ages as it is in a color of the Old South as considerable so as a Confederate Gray.  The Clintons did set their foundations in a permanent architecture that is what it appears to be as exposed phallic as a driving Sherman tank or a BIG Navy Gun.  The Clintons can get school children, anywhere, now in trouble for if any were to say bite or tear their sandwich into the erected design of their library they too would have rendered inappropriately a “gun” shape — children can get suspended in this day an age, yes, for trying to depict the made permanent face of the Clintons.

How much information is too much information — How much information is uncomfortable and yet too true to yet maintain the covers of their say “White Pride”?  Is it TMI already that we can be yet at a crossroads and so that we are still even talking well of either President or Mrs. Clinton?  Isn’t it that their story writes itself now even without their co-administration protected official records?  Isn’t it that their story has been stressed enough these years that beyond their obvious establishments the faults and flaws of their designs have been brought out and set out before us all?

Born William Blythe III he whom became William Jefferson Clinton stayed yet by name of the era of the US revolution and independence, yet so in ways he/they avoided teachable moments as teachable moments presented during their co-Presidency.  (I have to use “co-Presidency” as the Clintons’ game of politics and administering is too embedded and personal to separate to be more honestly other than a power-couple intimate collusion.)  Captain William Bligh was he so of the HMS Bounty as made legendary and as about mutiny — the Bounty so as of the record did set sail in the days soon after the British had to find ways then forward with its American colonies declared independent.  Governor Clinton of New York is a he of those days that may be most the model of “Clinton” for both of the Clintons and too too of a anti-federalism politics.

William Jefferson Clinton, however born Christian in name, did grow up a white man of the South.  It may be that he has had black friends and been willing to master as best he could over many politically, and, Nelson Mandela may have been a friend beyond the politics of the Clintons being white people with power he couldn’t ignore.  It is that whom Hillary Rodham is to this of Bill Clinton of a struggle in a “White Pride” must be left mostly for a later but not too late consideration.  She agreed to put him first though she then much the top feminist of Yale Law School of their years, and as it seems until he was no longer legally able to be elected President of The United States of America.  She, to be brief, must have been a collaborator in the choice of architect and design for the library for their co-Presidency and that it is permanently set in a phallic charging state in a Confederate Gray.

But as we are stuck at this a crossroads, it is that, beyond being so toppable by President George W. Bush, as by commendation by President Jimmy Carter, at the opening of the honorable and conservatively set 2nd Bush Library, President William Jefferson Clinton of his Presidency is/was as joined with another Southern white Albert Gore in the Vice Presidency - Al Gore the son of a Southern plantation - a Southern white son of a White owned and operated tobacco plantation whom is reported still to keep only blacks about the house for domestic services.  What really says politically a “we are of ‘White Pride’” but to men of the South as a President and Vice President?

As yet I haven’t said that William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, nor Albert Arnold Gore are actually racists.

As yet and forward I don’t expect that I will say what you should decide for yourselves - I am offering here what is of the permanent and customly set permanent records now yet available for the Clinton/Gore “politics.”

We should feel for Detroit - we should really feel for Detroit and as of a black & white politics one penny at a time of consideration of how unnecessary and irresponsible the Clintons’ trillion in cuts for the Clintons’ Surpluses actually was.  Detroit may now be the clearest road forward for those with open eyes as it may be the real Ground Zero of the “racism” that may be beyond yet now only as a worked “White Pride.”  It is to be yet fully considered that Detroit may be the best contrasting visible example of how the Clintons and their “economics” did hurt blacks the most.

It is an inconvenient truth that we are too many by the ways of Hillary Rodham Clinton - the Feminist that doesn’t cook/bake - kept from the real “kitchen” of the Clintons (and Gore?) “politics.”  We could not have had the housing collapse without Al Gore globally trotting politicized “science” in a most alarming “END OF THE WORLD” preponderance and nor if then Senator Mrs. Clinton wasn’t to a collusion in GREEN alarmism “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” polarizing partisan politics with he socialistic pledge to disrupt economies by a Government seizing of all the profits of all the oil companies.  The price of gas as it spiked with the campaigning crusading by Mr. Science Gore and President wanna be Senator Mrs. Clinton did trigger the housing collapse that was essentially set up by the Clintons surplus cuts and their pimp’n of the risky mortgages albeit with still their hyper-consumerism. 

It is a political point to be queried still if it were not the American blacks that have suffered the most financially and spiritually from the housing collapse.  It is an equally considerable concern that it may be that the blacks of the Clintons & Gore South were those that hurt the most personally and financially first though by the guidance of the Clinton/Gore co-Presidency of the Clintons as it was to those at least “poor” of their realms being those whom have lost the most while gaining the most - while gaining so much that the average personal weights for Americans is so noticeably higher as measurable just for the Clinton/Gore years.  It has been heard on TV years ago from one said a “doctor friend” of the Clintons that the USA could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just get back to the average personal body weight as it was before Bill and Hillary became the First Couple.

We are at a crossroads and yes there is too much information.  To be brief as per TMI here now:  It seems considerable that William Jefferson Clinton is still as he was that first time we met and as one whom is quick to lie and willing then to ask a child of near first grade to then lie with him as it was to Hillary Rodham about what he/I had given firstly as my God’s honest answer.  As per Detroit there are a trillion ways the Clintons are responsible and as it is that blacks may have been those most ill effected - and there are more than a trillion ways if we look more closely in a pecuniary smaller than per dollar.

We have to get the Clintons to own the housing collapse.  Such as the housing collapse may reveal them of a “White Pride” in more than a few ways and with that information already of a public purview.  Such as the housing collapse was only possible because of the spiking of gas prices that arose from the crusading of Vice President Al Gore and Senator Mrs. Clinton so as it was of them putting polar bears and the earth ahead of many or most humans.  The Clintons may be said to have helped fight the old banking practices of red lining but in the end it seems that they had obvious hands together in making sure that such couldn’t and wouldn’t last. 

Who really are the Clintons?  Are they more Governor Clinton whence of New York State and his objections to the proposed Constitution, and aren’t they so now as quite remarkably internationally with their too autocratic initiatives now globally as if as much anti-federalist opportunists?

To be brief as really these are days so trying as us all stopped at a crossroads with too much TMI before us just about the Clintons to know where safely yet we can head:  The Clintons are yet by floating “Hillary” for 2016 are firstly to positing that she can easily be better as a President than Barack Hussein Obama, was a better FLOTUS than First Lady Michelle Obama, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Colin Powell, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Condoleezza Rice, and too is to be “politically” an inevitable of more HOPE and potential even say than what seems a timely poetic possible 2016 teaming if by US towards our future otherwise with a “PATRICK - BOOKER in 2016 - LET US SHOW YOU HOW ROMNEYCARE CAN WORK FOR YOUR STATE TOO.”

We are stuck at a crossroads and yet as per the “information” considerable it is that the “cooking” of Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives is available for criticism by a sum of its parts - by a review of the proposed “ingredients” and as it is that times are showing that when combined they can only really congeal to this our current mess.


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Note:  Randi Weingarten - your remarks of the Monitor and its minutes tour so seen pass are very concerning.  For the sake of story and structure and brevity I have to now leave your dissection much for a later rendition.  It is that you too made it sound as if the Clintons are gainfully engaged in operating a rival and much shadow government, and, this yet is politically confusing for as they are “privatizing” more in a global autocratic President Barack Hussein Obama is yet embracing them “politically” as if friendly and while he though is working to centralize and socialize to Government only - to BIG GOVERNMENT knows best “governance.”  I could not follow your reasoning as it seemed to forget or ignore that the teachers supposedly were those of a lot whom were tasked to teaching so many or just enough how to avoid the very messes that their ignorance or biases did construct.  I have to leave your contrariness for later and likely find ways in my waiting to discuss too more fully how it is that William Jefferson Clinton, at least, felt it right to try to stay politically above blacks and for as long a possible and had at least Hillary Rodham originally embedded in such as a “White Pride” “politics.”  It is more for you to decide how to teach this “politics” of the Clintons and too how President George W. Bush seemed also to have a more racially balance and say “integrated” cabinet.  President of teachers association Randi Weingarten:  BEWARE OF THE AMERICAN BORN AUTOCRAT WANNA BEES!

Note:  The use of “CROSSROADS” in this piece is partly musical as a recollection of an old competitive musical silver screen dramatization and anchoring as it is that I was graduated in 1983 from Wilbur Cross High School (The Governors) and after also having been the Business Editor for our CROSSWORDS literary magazine and a staff photographer for our CROSSROADS yearbook.  My high school is an inner city public establishment of the now much revolutionized New Haven Public School system.  I was in high school, though it was then a block from my home in a mostly white and professional middle class neighborhood, considerable as a minority while white among its student body, though not as per the overall general city populace.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down?  It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right?  To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.

What are journalists now to do?  To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama.  The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty.  He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.

What are journalists now to do?  To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration?  Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama?  Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary?  The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home.  Right!  We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).

A Hillary Clinton expectant line:  “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”

Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama?  Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America?  Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?

A Hillary Clinton political ad starter:  You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …

The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader.  It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama.  Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?

The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you?  Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama?  Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking?   Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?

There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton.  It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton.  It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President.  There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.

Right!  That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him.  President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily.  Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling.  Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.

What is she thinking?  Really you all:  What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.

It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. 

Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush.  Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye;  Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest.  It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.”  It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.  It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.

There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.

President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems;  President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”

What are journalists now to do?  It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11.  It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts.  Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America.  Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics.  President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.

What are journalists now to do?  Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?

What are journalists now to do?  Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior? 

What are journalists now to do?  What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads?  I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?

It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.”  She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix;  She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World.  It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics.  It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths.  It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance. 

It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated.  Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom?  Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?

It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001. 

It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush. 

Really, this is crazy.  Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:03 am

Some how Speaker John Boehner has made the Virginia Governors race much ado about Elizabeth Taylor.  It seems he has established that in 2013 the Republicans are a Party less sexually uptight - less frustrated.  Speaker Boehner is standing tall as if the nation’s stout barkeep of a DC based BULL & FINCH tweaking, stirring and/or shaking.

It seems reported as of November 1st, 2013 that candidate Terry McAuliffe is paying near 25x the price for Virginia Lover voters than what seems yet liberating and “market” fair with teh offering of candidate Ken Cuccinelli.  But this is more about today as All Saints Day and to be of a feminist ideal comparative.

We can set the stage today recognizing that Speaker John Boehner has pinned up Elizabeth Taylor in good CHEER and as of these days where it seems the Republicans are a party of people less sexually frustrated and likewise its seems more “liberated” sexually.  Viewers of Fox News Channel five o’clock hour The FIVE are likely those already most hip to these days so politically stirred and with it more Republicans liberated in loose but socially acceptable speech.  It seems the Republicans are more “loose” as in relaxed and wholesome in a sexual “liberated” and considerate that in comparison the Democrats seem quite uptight and frustrated.

It isn’t I to prove the hypothesis about a feminist ideal as per Democrat Party politics and example.  For a theory to come from a hypothesis likewise Democrats will have to answer to an “objective” and “scientific” how say former Speaker Nancy Pelosi is better or worse than Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Again, viewers of the Fox News Channel five o’clock show The FIVE are already likely hip to a eased lexicon in Republican social dialogue and Party political discourse.  It seems confirming that a new romantic era has begun at least within those ranks more Republican.  It seems there is a more relaxed and socially stimulating and rewarding language now in apparent in a more easily speaking right of center politics. 

To get to the bottom of this to a proving of a comparative hypothesis it may behoove any to start with a consideration quite dramatic (in an anticlimactic?) that such if so likely means as well conclusively that Democrat women are now at least during 2013 of having faked more climax moments and while as of summations been possibly of fewer however heated engagements.  I don’t know how or why this may be a faith and community based problema in a hypothetical or yet theoretical proofed.

Former Speaker of The House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, this All Saints Day, is to be a politically sensitive but necessary person to opening discern and discuss in both a pro and con considerate.  There is a time sensitive nature to this headlining or spotlighting for her as today is a day that still has Obamacare debatable — in just a few days it may be preposterous to discuss a NANCY vs. HILLARY 2016 engagement political — in just a few days it may be quite preposterous to suggest Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as having President Barack H. Obama & Obamacare coattails to shuffle a waggle about to a President Nancy Pelosi - to “America’s First Female President Nancy Pelosi” - to “America’s First Female & Catholic Female President Nancy Pelosi.”

There is an easy and entertaining socially acceptable like new romantic era Republican guttural liberated speak now to be considered and acknowledged.  It may be some how down to earth Speaker John Boehner of Ohio is and as from such a large family and the old familiar bar keeping business;  it may otherwise be as exposed by Fox News Channel in the five o’clock spot with the personalities and characters of such Republicans that such a renaissance in easy speech as if Republicans more of a new romantic era and so more relaxed and satisfied in a new guttural suggesting them more “liberated” for now.

Yes, it seemed reported this morning by a MSNBC show that Terry McAuliffe is now at spending near twenty five times as much for Virginia lovers/voters.  But today we still have reason to discuss how it seems Minority Leader Pelosi must have something to hide or for some reason, this All Saints Day, too much Catholic guilt if she is not herself to entering the 2016 Presidential race and to so be of offering a vigorous primary challenge to the Clintons’ Political Machinery.  It is a question of feminist ideals - for feminists and feminism;  it is a serious political concern that a former Speaker with Obamacare as yet said a success and a Party’s President’s coattails expectantly her’s to grab if not now to being herself to a run at the Presidency likely must be uptight and frustrated about something very concerning and so that it should figure that she shouldn’t be trusted if she doesn’t think she should run for higher office.

I have to leave it to women regardless of their party and politics now to spread out the issues that should be at least discussed to a full “objective” and “scientific” settling of pros and cons ranking now as if a NANCY vs. HILLARY was real and to be a most expected evolution for the Democrat Party.

If you missed how Speaker John Boehner recently alighted upon his own romantic reset by pinning up Elizabeth Taylor in a “liberation” guttural maybe uniquely of his capacity then her I can paraphrase he of likening his brevity among the honoring in the tradition of Jack Kemp smartly by way of an reported Elizabeth Taylor (easing) remark to her third husband of like:  “Don’t worry dear you won’t be here long.”

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for today however All Saints Day, yet presents a most interesting and yet stressing and embattled political conundrum to beat out as she likely should be more an heir apparent to President Barack Hussein Obama for her Party of 2016 legacy considerations.  It is that she is even more interesting and accomplished it seems than Mrs. Clinton now as a ranking member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and, especially for such necessitates a Christian sectarian probative as to whom to be a better first female President a Catholic or a Methodist.

It is worrisome that Terry McAuliffe may need the Clintons to be the heir apparent for Democrats despite it for now that Obamacare coattails are mostly hemmed and stitched mostly by the political machinations and laboring of she whom should firstly be Mrs. Clinton’s greatest 2016 rival.  It is worrisome that one supposedly of Clinton and Obama coattails like Terry McAuliffe now though is seeming entrapped in a Virginia politics and exposed himself as too much it seems just in the gutter of politics for having to or being at twenty five times a “market” price for Virginia “Lovers.”

Maureen Down has already been quite pressing and leading in a forward discussion of how today rolls seem reversed and historically upside down.  I may have to defer to her lot as more integrally feminist to play out these issue of what at least can or should be reasonable now of a Democrat “Feminist Ideal.”  Seems!

Speaker John Boehner did seem quite comfortable with Elizabeth Taylor and his party the seeming more liberated and less frustrated and to a new romantic era, and even so as it now developing much with the The FIVE as its most public ambassadors of a new lexicon and Party guttural.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:44 pm

White picket fences abound in the modern American icon - still.  Never before may have they been so iconic and ironic.  Though you may think of them by ways of Tom Sawyer or WINESBURG, OHIO the irony comes in at the gates of today’s worldly crossways with Mrs. Hillary Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives of a political charm likewise yet somehow from her seemingly as successful while being a good Nixon, a good Reagan, and good Bushes - especially a goof 43.


It may be times for a Republican to pull a JOSEPH WELCH - to even push Mrs. Clinton as a successful Republican copy-cat.  Whom is it now endowed best to ask Democrats in a JOSEPH WELCH either:  HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?; HAVE YOU NO SENSE OFDECENCY?; or: “HAVE YOU LEFT NO SENSE OF DECENCY?

These are some most puzzling and riddled times.  It seems with President Obama of his declarations that his Obamacare is a Romneycare we have to wonder how much is the “messenger” and how much the “message.”  It seems with Mrs. Clinton of her most odd twitter avatar bio of @HillaryClinton her message is that she is a “cracker” and with her priorities amiss in the most peculiar order of her self assessment.  How is it “lawyer” is so important, and, how is it she is self assessed as only a women and kids advocate?  Why does she even have “dog owner” listed while most if to such would self congratulate more as if a passionate “dog lover”?  Why and how is she so out of order and so out of sorts as her own messenger of her “message”?

“I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to victory on the FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”  Is a comparative line spoken guardedly by Margaret Chase Smith of Maine - by the first female Senator of the Senate of the United States of America - by the first Republican female Senator.  (Her quote is found in AGE OF ANXIETY, author Haynes Johnson, page 81)

If you wonder how much we should be asking if it isn’t the Democrat “messengers” that need be poked & politically splayed aren’t you of seeing an obvious at least for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives in her odd prioritizing of a Political message by her Twitter avatar with it of her near declaratory that she does not consider herself to be an advocate for men, of any race or color?  She is self assessed as if it is a good that while a lawyer first she is only a women and kids advocate.

It seems conclusive in a comparative for two female Senators - for a Republican a first and that of the Mrs. Clinton cloudy message as a Democrat  - that Mrs. Clinton is no Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine.

But how is it that Obamacare as a Romneycare worked when its messenger was Governor Mitt Romney yet now as a Republican success story of a Republican success of Romneycare it as Obamacare with President Barack H. Obama as its messenger and steward is now so riddled and troublesome with it of his self made problems.  How is it that there is such a fog about something that had already been proven able to work - yet proven at a more reasoned more “local” level?  Is it that it is too much Politics and a politicizing of healthcare and that the adage made famous by a Democrat of Boston should apply too for this Obamacare message — that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”?

Politically we have to look at the message of the “messenger” President Obama as if he is saying he can and should catch fish with a net - as a metaphor for a nation wide scoop in conveniently riddled message as if humans are just his fish - his pawns - his subjects to be snared however he can yet manage.

There is Politics globally to diagnose for any possible philosophy of governance or any standard - standard operating methodology for Diplomacy.  It seems that as messaged of his Obamacare it is what Romneycare cannot be - it is precedent setting in a presumption of federal obligation such that any future (and past?) international obligation seems to have an unchecked “morality” triggering that if and when the Executive acts independently, at least, to “Big Brother” in a sovereign nation it is then exposed to the medical needs of all the people there abouts under the foreign control so and so also to be expectant in a full coverage however as if insurance or entitlement.  Seems!

It seems a national embarrassment that The Congress is allowed to and is so full of parading persons personal medical stories for Politics.  Healthcare still is more of the adage above drawn out to encompass the failing web launch of Obamacare as so more still just of neighbors helping neighbors mostly primarily exclusively in that which is still their own neighborhood/community.  It seems diabolical that a nation’s Congress and it politics can make, irregardless of the Establishment by way of the First Amendment, a communities business so their business and as if there can be no “local” politics anymore for every breath one takes and step they advance, even if in a retreat, is now firstly of a new Nationalist jurisdiction.  Now by these byways so National Socialist federalized that headache you got of a guilt for blowing your leaves carelessly onto your neighbors lawn is now of you a national subject of the State.  How has this new bread of Democrat “messenger” so killed GOD and “community”?

In the history of these united states, however Constituted, it had been long as “Tip” proffered that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL.”  In the history of these united states it has been the neighbors helping neighbor in their own communities and them to needing but to look for Jesus - for a place of Christian community and service as part of their holistic community based Capitalism.  Secure so in the old ways of community and peer guilty for a better and more whole conscience it was not a State by the numbers interlude but a tythed and maintained “local” community organizing. 

It still figures in the old “fisher of men” legacy that as by former Speaker Tip O’Neil, again, that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” — that healthcare of a neighbor was of the “work” and “community” of faith and Jesus, at least.  That a moral health was to be considerate in any otherwise to physical and by the objective science of health care concerns — that a community had the jurisdiction to be of the “community” healing of moral pressure to the good and right that could by ways of establishment of the seven deadly sins domain/web.

It still seems to figure that healthcare can only become more affordable if it is returned more to an engaged community basis, but how the smallest set in “community” to a still neighborly as by ways a COUNTY WIDE BASED CARE SYSTEM.  Most healthcare related costs are accurately accounted, it seems, as if it still has to be moral for a neighbor in need to be cared for by another neighbor at the ready in healthcare providing in a still quite local and neighborly care establishment. 

Almost all care beyond such as of doing unto one’s neighbor as… familiarity is more of a science of medicine due a national effort than a practice of medicine.  As for a practice of medicine and any caring web it is improper to believe in the State firstly as if mandated to a Nationalism as more a subject (snared).  It seems if to be affordable the legacy of the old faith based and community based has to be reset — it seems healthcare can never again be affordable if only so as now of adding out of area layers and layers of interloping bureaucracies to what ever local costs there are to be conscientiously approved or objected between a hopefully secured and some holistic county of “neighbors” relating copacetically with those as peers as “neighbors” too.

Even in the web of the messiah Jesus the “messiah” Barack Obama is snared as too objective and as an interloper.  It is fishy business that the State is about such national parading of county and community degradations as if a permanent new State order - an irreversible slide to the depths more of a Hell.  Unless the price of caring is kept to the conscience and practice of neighbors in community neighbors won’t be established to be unto their neighbors rightly as they would have it be if they were locally still yet accountable.  Seems.

It looks by the “message” of Obamacare as a Romneycare that President Obama is being “caring” and “compassionate” in keeping with his demagoguery when more of his proclamations as if speaking as one a messiah and endowed with a personality that would allow him to bridge all religiousness about the known world as no one before ever had.

It though seems that there is a clear Power aspect due a global guilting and appropriate with moral peer pressure however those so engaged may become ill at ease for their compromising of that realm of the legacy of neighborliness, at least.  It seems that the new State Health “web” isn’t holding a candle to the old legacy of community and faith Posterity and Tranquility however whence of a web more truly as about Jesus fish - fishing web.

In these matters of State politics as they are, and too National Socialist quite as Senator Joseph McCarthy at least feared, it does now seem more as if Democrats upon THE FOURHORSEMEN OF CALUMNY than has the first female Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine implied whence upon Republicans.  It doth seem Republicans secured in the Constitution and Democrats upon her FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — “Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”

As such seems conclusive in a dramatic conclusion afoot for them of hoofing long a contrary to adage “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” that keeps about it what seems a lost Establishment in common sense of doubting Thomas of colonial ways and its regular vicissitudes so incident also about the first inaugural by President George Washington.  Thomas Paine nailed a basis for common sense around a fig’n of prudence if around doubting any pain.

As such it remains yet established that it reasons that if a “community” anywhere within the purview of sovereignty under Constitution is yet as by a county wide basis unable to afford or maintain a caring in health services of all those resident of then the problem isn’t the urban and suburban county wide healthcare system but by such as a barometer of “community” then indicative to a different problem of the commerce and “community” capitalism its.  Agan, if a county in the USA is seeming unable to afford or maintain a health care system for all of its resident people the problem likely then need be diagnosed as first a problem of community and not the system of its healthcare providing.  Until now this hypothesis has yet ever been fully tested and established as a true or impossible theory.  We as a People have not yet been of these days of technological and scientific advances such that for these times such statement could well or properly relate - properly met all the meta about it as also a firstly of a “community” design diagnosis - non medical.

Again by ways of the legacy of once the keep of the Jesus venues of neighborliness and sanctuary it yet endears that it figs that if a county cannot afford a county wide full covering of its people its first problem is less its healthcare system and more primarily a general welfare of a Posterity in “community” - it figs firstly that there is lacking anywhere so a lacking in sufficient morality of its regions necessary Capitalism.  Some it must be are not being neighborly on their part as to their worth or true value as intra-established of an integrated part of a “whole” body in “community.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am

Fellow Democrats the party is in perilous trouble.  We have only days left until the world as we know it is gone - is passe/over.  2016 is an open field for Democrats - this is the good news.  #DemsAgainstHillary is assuredly of the proposition that any Democrat is better than a Clinton Democrat.  It is an open field for 2016 - we need to ward heel the party to tilling of clear demarcation from the spoils/spoiled of the Clintons and of Mrs. Clinton as if a burlap bag walking yet as full of rotten apples.

Oh Virginia our Dear Lovers’d how spoiled the lot if too bagged of her spoils?  Can there be no Bernoulli lift for all if she so the “rotten apple” in the barrel of politics?  Is it to scurvy for all if she is set out with what little is left as if the fruit of our harvests?  From Norfolk to Arlington, and from the Blue Ridge skylines of Appalachia to the mouth of the Anacostia, her reign as First Lady hasn’t gone away — her reign as First Lady is here to stay — she is compromised by her own baggage.

It isn’t as simple Dear Virginia of Democrats of a tale of two Hillarys.  She has one near for even it seems seven colors.

Fellow Democrats it pains me for how long I have known dear Hillary and that it was I who played hardball at her while she of 2008 basis was of asking to be treated like the men — I still remember the hardball pressure I put upon her that should have knocked the Clintons out together but for her answer in avoidance by her New Hampshire tears.  She was down and beaten though displayed and puffed up with fluffery as the ever ready “INEVITABLE HILLARY” and the pressure in my positioned distant question was then to be devastating if she had to answer it like all men before her had been expected to.  She was being beaten more by the goodness of her party yet then by the new comer peer of next to no experience, Senator Obama.  She was though cornered and wounded and fearing having to answer the pressure like a man — her tears conveniently kept her from having to tell the world:  Right!  Yes!  I do not have any hobbies - I am not well rounded, you know I don’t like to stay at home and cook - I am just a lawyer who is a workaholic.

Fellow Democrats the end of our Party as we have come to know it is near over.  Isn’t it a relief?

Dear Virginia is former Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton showing, however placed geo-politically, in your race - your heated Governors race, as like Terry McAuliffe’s “Madam”?  From her ODYSSEY DAWN of women can fight as male monsters presented defensiveness to her culpability too set as near the shores of Tripoli she seems spoiled of the lot of Clinton Democrats as a “Madam” to “Bill” and “Anthony” and so as permanently exposed in the transparent and grey architecture of her Clintons’ Library.

The end of the world as we know it seem perilously close and troubling.  As Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative it is sad how spoiled the lot seems with she a walking and talking burlap bag of rotten Democrat apples.  It is too much of a forced structure in her recent dogmatic political strikes at “scorched earth” politics for it was indiscriminate - it specifically was a tag to ask people to be prejudiced against President Obama and to be discriminating so to see that he is not a Clinton - a Bill Clinton Democrat.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons’ broad and reckless political jabs can only come from an arrogance of President Clinton thinking he is still in control of the whole Democratic Party.  The First Lady of the CGI (the Clintons Global Initiative PAC - not the Canadian “CGI” responsible for the #Obamacare failings) was clearly lashing out at President Obama with any or all imagery and import in her “scorched earth” rhetoric.

My fellow Democrats we do have alternatives to the rotten spoils of the spoiled Clintons.  Have you even begun to dream and imagine a Governor Deval Patrick teaming with inspirational Senator Cory Booker as a running team for 2016 from the first crack of the whip if too such a public stand?  It may be that such is necessary to save our Democrat Party as these are the days threatening as of Republicans likely able to stand and with belief that they can and will deliver with a Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz ascension right as proud and less black as LATIN IS THE NEW BLACK.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way;  President Obama is clearly now a lame duck about the Clinton resurgent political stewing.  I don’t know where all the women who could be Democratic and President have gone;  I don’t know how or when any that could be a rival to Mrs. Clinton have been buried by the Clintons - buried they must have been.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way;  President Obama near ruined everthing by entertaining Clintons’ wants with the Mrs’ Secretarial posting.  The Clintons have their eight years to be dissected by Democrats firstly in an attempt to stave off a party wide ruining;  The Clintons did not practice equal rights for all across the Middle East - this is still most troubling.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way:  President Obama quietly abided the soft and hard un-American “official” bigotry of the Clintons’ admin’s “Diplomacy.”  Before we can protect them further from their fair share of blame we have to recognize that the Clintons were of at least a un-Constitutional bigotry in their abandonment of the Iraqi people for their eight years.  Mrs. Clinton’s crusading for women’s right is most complicated in her complicit bigotry against the Shia people of Iraq.  She has yet to politically answer for how it is supposed to be right for her to war to save the women of Afghanistan while wrong to use at least as much political effort and reasoned political will to also have helped the women of Iraq.  It is that the Clintons lead with at least a political bigotry short of ideological bias as it was just more convenient to their “PEACE” lies if they stood officially of a religion based bias against the Shia of Iraq as justification for not bringing Saddam Hussein to Justice.  It, however political, is historically real that the Clinton compromised President Obama and the USA in the Middle East with their old collusion and its ripe bigotry of official “Diplomacy” as a tag on Iraq status quo with them regularly of their strong arming as of:  THE IRAQI SHIA PEOPLE ARE NOT CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

It has been a sad and compromising political game of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that it can be right to war in Afghanistan on women’s rights and literacy and to not as well have been as justified and more righteous by waring away the years of the abandonment by the Clintons as “America” in Iraq.  The Cold War changed everything.

Before the Clintons the engagement and disengagements as per Iraq and its religious make-up was kept to Cold War geo-politics and from the latent and blatant bigotry of the Clintons.  We had a new world order emerging with the most unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992;  We had a new world order emergent of the fogs of wars passed cleared about the geo-politics of at least the Iraq and Iran region.  The Clintons went bad early and bad, very bad when so.  They liked governed abroad as if they missed the whole logic of the times which accidentally justified them a rising. 

The simplest hypothesis to possibly suggest, fellow Democrats, is that Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary because the Cold War had ended and because Saddam Hussein didn’t want to change with the times.  There is little that can explain and justify the Clintons and their Iraq decisions;  Operation Iraqi Freedom was a necessary Constitutional and moral move however that by the time that it commenced it was nearly too late to be clearly constituted anywhere;  The clarity that was missing in a “morality” for OIF could only have present if it was marched out when due then about the third year of the Clintons’ first term.  It is a conundrum that she that helped put so little “bite” in Middle East based United Nations sanctions did become President Obama’s “bite” “officer” as his Secretary for Diplomacy.

My Fellow DEMOCRATIC People we need a third way;  President Obama embedded too many with his embrace of one more the root of all modern evils.  The hard truth is that we should have enforced the UN sanctions on Saddam Hussein fully within just 3-5 years — we didn’t during the Clintons’ administration because Bill and Hillary didn’t want to NOT because they/we shouldn’t have.

                                                      *   *   *

*{readers - my fellow Democrats - bare with me as I still have to get to the part that we all are wrong to judge Operation Iraqi Freedom was wrong if we haven’t first gone month by month and year by year through the administration of the Clintons and fully of a probative analysis to how their “administering” of Carpe Diem was of not seizing the moments and to so much inaction and avoidance to the “DANGERS OF INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” President Obama tagged the Clintons with rightly and smartly with his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE acceptance speech.} 


*** I did return.  I will leave the above  * & ** for Posterity though they were posted when I was writing as I went and was yet to even maybe four paragraphs.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It was Obama times, it was Clinton times, it is of tales of two - two #pity.  It isn’t the nation as seated in Washington DC that is now divided smartly, just - justly — there is the new “global citizen” game afoot — these are the trying times of international partisan “vote” buying to a voluminous politik of souls bent to Clinton propaganda

Was Hillary for Senate, as NY carpetbagger, as transported in pomp & ceremony of Bill’s Secret Service detail, outright political nepotism & affirmative action?


As unified as the Democrat Party machinations just of Washington DC are said to now be it is tortuous how shallow the cohesion of their romanced troika embeds.  There is a #WAR inherent in the richness of the stressed party drama as if the Clintons and President Obama can be merry bedfellows, actually — there is the #WAR for legacy that can have only one clan the victor.  The dirty laundry of the Democrats isn’t ready for airing - isn’t ready to be publicly hung to drip dry and be puffed & fluffed dry and ready for use.  There can only be “The Clintons Won” or “The First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama Ruled Successfully” - it is tortuous and scary that the public arena hasn’t yet suffered them fools as of the proffered possible quite the ridiculous that it can be that the Clintons and their vast cuts for their trillion in surplus can be just and right, and, have it be true to that the Obamas can be to a legacy that their out of control spending so contrary can also be right.

The greatest risk to First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama, and the nation (and world), is a resurgent Clintons.  The Clintons do have insurgents - the Clintons’ insurgents are not say, walled in to be restrained, and checked, as solely of the lands sovereign of The United States of America.

There is trouble in their “troika” as well as there is the dichotomy of the Clintons near of an obvious and forced structure in their demonstrative prosaic tales that have a plot dependent on “followers” blindly accepting it reasonable for President Clinton to be a “Clinton Dove” and “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker” @HillaryClinton to get to be the “Clinton Hawk.”


To wax Constitutional:  Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8:  “No title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States.  And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” 

Hmmm?  There wasn’t a United Nations at such time!  Hmmm?  Is the Clintons #CGI, though seeming improper as too much too, and of, attempts to be effectively global autocrats, as chartered quite as THE CLINTONS’ GLOBAL AUTOCRACY INITIATIVES engaged improperly and un-Constitutionally as they as a former First Couple are of honoraries and serious stipends to afford them livable wages while carrying the burden of evermore and forever being technically persons of holding of at least Trust under the Constitution of the United States?  It is as if the entire concept and chartering of and for the Clintons’ Global Initiatives are violate of the intent and secured protection of Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8.  It has to be it seems that the truth - a necessary “naked truth” - is that former Presidents and their First Partners are forevermore @ ‘Person holding Office of Profit & Trust under the Law of the Land’ of the Constitution of The United States of America.

It seems President Obama and the Kennedy clan did work @Hope for @Change that Senator Barack Hussein Obama could be a new John F. Kennedy and restorative of Camelot.  There is the rub.  The Clintons until their honorariums are humbled by Congress at least by its rights @Consent of all “gifted” monies at least of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives have a lock on the regal and royal American affectations to proffer that Nobility is not extra-Constitutional and barred from them.

President Obama is not alone in having a royal problem with resurgent and insurgent Clintons.  The entire world has been compromised and at these trying times where so many are trying to prove that they and their sovereign peoples are like Iraqi People able to affirm a new Constitution theirs as also better than the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Clintons are still benefiting as saved by the camouflage that Harlem has unexpectedly secure them covertly in.  The Clintons were have a prima facia #guilt as a #SHADOW long about them as too causal of too much but for.  The Politics of the Clintons so oddly for now still safely secured in Harlem is that they owed Harlem People after their Presidency more than all the people of such streets and curbs owed them.  It is that it would seem a condemning “NAKED TRUTH” the it - that much - was undeniably mostly all the fault of the Clintons.  There were always dangers in them while as if setting themselves each up for a Presidency with it so of considerations that they, even if to a forced structure of their too prosaic plotting, should divide themselves publicly as if possibly endearing in a contrary to have first blush be that Bill Clinton was the “lover boy” “Clinton Dove” and Hillary Clinton “charming” yet stern radical feminist inciter forever as the “The Clinton Hawk.”

Harlem is still covering up for the Clintons of them otherwise of efforts that should have raised eternal red flags of heated protests as while about securing Mrs. Clinton as a New York “carpetbagger” for Senate they were trenchant and desperate to begging their Big Bank pals for Emoluments so grand and thankful.  It is still much behind the curtains of their faux OZ and not to being a “naked truth” that President Clinton did ask the Big Banks to find their way to the derivative mess while asking them to find a way to gamble in their banks so that he could pursue his reckless surplus of cuts to a matching trillion and knowingly to such being to undermining the risky loaning his wanted to pimp while sustaining his Clintonomics as careless hyper-consumerism.  Right!  President Clinton wanted to cut a trillion that was not needed to be cut so that he & his spouse could save their plans to days where she could still get to appear to be the “The Clinton Hawk” President.

The real NAKED TRUTH is that of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution for The United States of America was ordained and subscribed under God in such Year of their Lord, specifically, and by design to protect all peoples so about from the very types of effort to “change” as a troika of Democrat souls have been entrenched and foolishly engaged during the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, their years of extra-Constitutional “Executive” meddling betwixted and between, and now during their odd years as all merry bedfellows during the Obamas’ Presidency.

The Clintons were, while supposedly to integrity for Senator Hillary Clinton, to asking the Big Bank pals for gratuitous rent payments to allow their Clintons’ Global Initiative to eventually become of Home high above the Russian Tea Room in that near Penthouse suite of the Carnegie Hall Office Tower.  When the economies around housing all started collapsing as “Hillary” too “hawkish” at GREEN ENERGY gas price spiking the Clintons should have been #Truth obvious as compromised better if their Big Bank pals had agreed to gratuitously pay the eventual CGI suite rents - as thanks for having made them all so much money with Bill’s request that they find a way to gamble away the risks they knew to be in his Clintonomics - as thanks for his pushing them into derivatives so recklessly.

The Southern White President born William Blythe III did end up in Harlem against his much royal designs.  He/they ended up in Harlem and so of a political camouflage protecting them from #Truth of their covert and overt affairs and plots much because some more representative of the Tax Payers as their guardians about such nixed that the Clintons asked the Government to so treat them as if still of Office holding for Profit and Trust by granting them just such a regal rent as asked for in the Carnegie Hall Office Tower that was a sum reported as in one year - in just the first year to be a sum greater than that from adding all the rents of all past Presidents together.

The danger is global and real.  We of America so Constituted actually are now arguably not safer than we were before the Clintons and Obamas tried to resuscitate a Nobility of Camelot.  There is a #WAR for legacy and real Power between the clans Clinton and Obama.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:41 am

Uncle Sam recruitment:
- - - VOLUNTEER NOW! - - -

The Armed Forces of the United States of America are battle worn, tired and depleted.  President Barack Hussein Obama has a case for flexing of moral authority at least now as per Syria as by its current leader Bashar al-Assad.  It wouldn’t be prudent for our Congress to authorize action along the lines of the moral persuasion of a President without seriously being to midnight oil burning at considerations about refreshing its forces.

A few good men and women are needed.  Those most ready but on the sidelines yet enlisted are much those as of the BOYZ N THE HOOD.  President Obama, just in his Chicago, has neighborhoods and neighborhoods full of those already conditioned to a home life - daily life - that would otherwise have to be drilled or trained into others.  Is Obama’s moral stand and red line on Chemical Weapons prosecutions their CALL TO GLORY?

There are “moral” and “legal” obstacles to “recruiting” based on such - of a ready and able set of already sensitized to turf sensitivities and of a gun culture while it also a selection based too much also on racial superiorities.

President Obama is at the threshold of a new frontier for American engagements in global policing.  He is at the doorstep of a need for a new type of Army - a new readiness for a urban attrition warfare secured by need in a morality his - to be justified by him, now, and forever. 

These are not the days to hear of a propaganda like as “O’S DIRTY 300″ but as of honor and a call to duty.

In America the already most ready for this new type of warfare by its President’s spoken to morality just happen to be conjested mostly already in urban areas of America’s largest cities as areas sometimes to often left to be stereotyped as “hoods.”  If the President cannot now refresh the Army and infantry of the United States with those of the already developed most needed skill sets by volunteerism it seems a new draft will be necessary in a cautious preparedness.

If the President moves on Assad for his violations of international norms he and we citizens won’t be able to skirt his red line and its (presumptive) standing of the United States as of a higher and greater morality.

The honor and calling of military service has long been a way up in ones community and nation’s eyes.  It would be better if the United States of American can continue and persist still now forward with an all volunteer armed forces. 

Chicagoan Barack Obama, as President, is a foot in a new march to establish a great moral authority and legacy for himself.

What our Armed Forces are now lacking or tired of is likely mostly that which exists habitually and homogeneously in at least the largest of the urban concentrations of loyal Democrat Party “hood” black neighborhoods.

To now be to grand headlines of great urban (attrition) warfare victories of a new BOYZ OF THE HOOD rendition is much where it seems President Obama is leading us.  A header of “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be prejudged henceforth not as if he emptied the prisons to fight his wars - to stand up his morals globally — it as well shouldn’t be a slight for the color of their skin.  A “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be of a glory and praise for volunteers of the Obama morality now forward for of a courage and endurance of a readiness and willingness to do the hard (dirty) work of peace making.

It may or may not help that today in these journeys of man it is truer that Jesus was a black man up from Africa too and as well of the original “Adam” of our stories of humanity of an “Eden” firstly of the African continent.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:53 am

With the rightly due honors and celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King presence with the March On Washington and his “I have a Dream” speech there is a considerate modern politics to be concerned about per President William Jefferson Clinton.

The early reports have that President Clinton is expected to participate in the 50th commemoration but without the honesty in the air of how it was quite that trillion dollar surplus and hyper consumerism of Clintonomics coupled with Al Gore’s GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM and HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT “economics” pledge to be Socialistic of a promise to seize all oil company profits that beat the drums and forced the march of so many to such now high unemployment and depreciated existence.  It is that President Clinton coupled with the Clintons’ machinations for HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT arrests the sensibilities as most taggable historically in many metrics for the depression level decimation of dreams of blacks across the states of the USA.

These are the days where if America is to move forward all blacks should be shouting out their own dreams and showing their colors spectrally critically from President Barack Obama.  These are the days for like skinned to stand and march to their own beat to show that they are not just “all the same” and all of a prescribed political as of Obama’s colors.

Though I am likely to be honoring and commemorating in my own way tomorrow - though I may likely be to being a carpenter more tomorrow of its mid hours as a paddle restorer and shellacker of Helmsman exterior Polyurethane of a still shared spirit of “dip dip and sing” unity — it is most troubling these waters still too much of the lies and false constructs of the Clintons.  I one way or another will still be “paddling” for women equality tomorrow and as well the Dream of Martin Luther King as I think I may find and prioritize time to be back ‘in the woodshed’ to protecting my original three legged stool and as well the vintage canoe paddle I picked from a neighbor’s bulk trash in the past year.  By tomorrow afternoon my epoxy and carpentry repairs should be done and sanded and ready for UV resistant Helmsman spray Polyurethane protection with my heart shape guitar styled ‘milking stool’ like three legged stool.  I have only ever paddled one way that I know of - as far as I can recall I have always done the dip dip and sing song of the drum beat more majored by Martin Luther King.

As Arnold was likely named for the Arnold’s Shoe Store I got my sneakers for good spirit and youth adventure willing from, it may haunt even Hathaways, for cats and Pumas how it was a spark of early teens mine gave cause and rising for the DIFFERENT STROKES TV show.  (Long story - some told already on or off of jphogan.org)  For now I still live the life of media consciousness about my story of being so young yet wise to such and with a participatory “it would/will be better and work better if show has two adopted black sons - not just one.  (You did catch the “willing” as like a “Willis” embodiment of good cause carrying/paddling - yes?)

Hearing just of Reince Prebus on his personal mixed blood American story I was swilled back to my Washington DC political toasting from the years 1998 -2007 of nearly ten years self employed in the District while living on Capitol Hill across from Eastern Market — I have been right of center to more than just right of center and of the Dream my whole life and especially as a DC resident for nearly 10 full years.  One third of my self employed gross receipts those years were from work generated by the dreams and needs of the kindly Ethiopian Americans I also called my landlords.  And, so as to the “toasting” “swilling” as I kept it while able to bill out as a self employed carpenter at $100 - $150 per hour to evening wraps with Milwaukee’s Best or maybe instead some Kentucky Bourbon.  Seems I thought the best balance for us all was to be found in my keeping it grassroots and ground level with the well kept spirits of at least Wisconsin.

On the dark side of all this of THE BLACK TRAP is much that the Clintons are due a serious rap for having been causally negligent at least for 9/11 I & 9/11 II — that it is that 9/11 was likely kept by Al Qaeda as a Holy Day of “Jihad” where it could only be for the original sense of “justice” that another attack on the US on such day could be authorized or commemorated.  It sits for all to see if looked for that it does fit that it figures that the Clintons choices, inactions and actions do best explain both 9/11 Al Qaeda related events.  It seems that in the first case it was that the USA had the “cops” called on us once the Clintons were gone, and called to relating the crimes of the Clintons whence they then could not cover them up defensively as causally of their negligence, or too low standards.  By the time of the second 9/11 Charlotte had happened and Bill Clinton seemed unleashed from justice and on the rise again without justice upon him rendered for inadequate and insufficient justice wrought upon Saddam Hussein.

If you know Bill Clinton well enough you likely have experienced the gleeful moments of him thinking knowingly that he is and is “getting away with it.”  It is more a “wired” “real time” “sharing” than a “Dream” for those who have such sad awareness of the corruptive power that has reigned nearly supreme across the Clintons’ union.

Today and tomorrow are much of “Black” and for “Blacks” post women equality conjunctiveness.  And so that all should expect some answers - expect some real answers to how these days calling President Barack Hussein Obama in a Christian morality necessitate a queriousness as to whom of “blacks” go wrong by wanting to be a Ramses more than a Moses.

This day is set to live in infamy itself as we seem yet of breaking news that President Obama has yet consulted with Pope Francis as per “morality” related to Syria and chemical weapons nor of he the President of yet at least having gathered at least eight white men in black robes/garb of actual lasting historical moral traditions for reflection upon such seriousness for all in his house of the people such that The White House yet remains.

To speak to “morality” and to a clarity of the tragic failings of the Clintons today hasn’t been here and via my http://www.facebook.com/jpeterhogan to saying that Al Qaeda was justified by the Clintons shortcomings in their 9/11 attacks - though such is out there as suggested about the brevity of the airing.  I have spoken with written words to how the Clintons’ union has been of the moral shortcomings that gave a sense of justice as due upon the USA for its decisions of its first year of 1993.  I, to be clear, though, while offering that Al Qaeda felt justified in its attacks of the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, must parse the “morality” as per what seems a general “Holy War” “morality” that the politics and political balance was not yet so overthrown by the Clintons’ selfish political machinations such that a more civil and considerate corrective dialogue and resting wasn’t still possible — I haven’t said the attacks of 9/11 were actually “morally” “justified” though it seems in my brevity I have stated such - It seems there were more civil and moral alternatives still available even for the radicalized of the Al Qaeda Islamist historicals such that their attacks when they were effected were premature to a right of “jihad.”  That is though much debatable - even more debatable as it recently was that it seemed the Clintons had effected a Party coup upon the Obama’s for practical control of Democratic Party “leadership” henceforth until at least 2016.

It may be blacks that you have been the greatest victims and those most trapped by the economics of Obama’s Green Energy priorities.  You have not though at all been alone as victims.  Tomorrow as the 50th comes and goes all need to be considering that they didn’t have to be treated as lab rats by a Pavlovian partisan politics of baiting and shocking to desired change responses.  Tomorrow is a good day for all not to still feel trapped by the dictates of “Change” by the Democrats under President Obama.  Tomorrow is a good day to realize that all were quite treated so as lab rats when times had become already more evolved such that a conscious confrontation to rational discourse was available and a better method/methodology to be beat out otherwise of a more civilly respective Green march. 

I accept that there were times of earlier days when it seemed that the only way to bring necessary change to the American consciousness was in a Pavlovian shocking by gas price spiking, however with that said I reiterate that by the time of the march of the beat of Obama’s priorities of earth first and humanity second or worse other more evolved and involved paths forward were available and ready.

There are great dangers about a first black President and much to there being an shorted plank as a danger as a BLACK TRAP.  On the 50th marker of Martin Luther King Jr. presence and oratory about his “I Have a Dream…” homogeneity is a great risk - the message in the messenger is at risk of being lost in calls for a unity by skin color and unquestioned loyalty to a first black President.

There is trap set about the sociological conundrums being beat for tomorrow as the 50th Anniversary of “I Have a Dream” harkening by Martin Luther King Jr. — there may be more than a few “traps” about of a blind call to ignorance or false history support as a loyalty requested by current and former leaders.  Again, it is that by the time of the economics and political priorities of President Obama and his administration a more conscious and free path was possible and as probably more plausible yet for the same change effect desired.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:22 pm

The news of the day is …


For starters this may be good new for First Lady Michelle Obama - even great news.  The brew ha ha of this summation is of the bosom of truth about how Hillary Clinton can not run as a former First Lady and former Secretary of State without every talking point needing a fem on fem dissection.  Hillary Clinton cannot run now without Michelle Obama being put on the defensive and called out to tell the world that Hillary as First Lady was inferior to herself as such and that her “successes” as her husband’s Secretary of State were only possible as a tool blessed by the Glory of the personable and charismatic First Lady Michelle Obama.


This started a long time ago when a wiser President started the United States of America off as its First President not with a Declaration of Codependency but so as a chesty new frontier of Independence and a government of and for a People of their necessary to life vicissitudes incident to life.  President Obama is no George Washington.  Michelle Obama is more a Martha Washington than Hillary Clinton.  It was economic nonsense in the gestalt of the recent exhibitionism of President Obama however confusing with himself already quite tarred as a Socialist.  It is quite confusing for sure!  Among the Washington embrace of inescapable rights of and for the vicissitudes incident to American (colonial) life is a better understanding of economics than that yet walked or talked by President Obama.  America as Constituted can not be programmed politically for a even keeled economy - for his socialistic dreams of an economy without ups and downs.  And by the way it was the ups of the Clintons irresponsible extra trillion cut for unnecessary surplus popularity that set up the unstable bubble and then was to the down times so triggered by the Democrats while just of the campaign politics leading into the 2008 race — the Democrats caused both the excessive up time and the deep and depressing fall to such long since seen lows.  Having an economy with ups and downs isn’t the problem - the politics of the Democrats as socialistic or selfish elitism if allowed is the problem.


BREAKING ECONOMIC NEWS >>> A fresh start is possible if we just accept that we are best to not listen to the economics of the White House of Obama.  Being against Fannie or Freddie is poetic fright much of the timid story of Barack Hussein Obama so a caricature in name as if a metaphor to one that if afraid of being hit (bammed - O bam’d) too hard.  He may be not doing unto others has he would like done not done to himself  - but such is from a latent timidity not a bravery or bold embrace of economic freedom.  I don’t know how he can be for national insuring of health concerns and yet now be against keeping up with an insuring of mortgage fears.  It is of the record of at least the Republicans that this recent collapse was made by the Government and not a bad market economics Capitalism.  It was the political partisan dreamy crony economics of the Democrats of effectings from whence Hillary for President commenced that triggered the impossible personal financials that led to the housing crash after if first over inflated gas prices and after such then over inflated most household prices with new energy and transportation costs added to the old lower retail prices.  President Bush did not cause the economic collapse - not even did his Bush Tax Cuts — The Clinton Surpluses justified the Bush Tax Cuts as they were pre-9/11 figured.  The Democrats caused the economic collapse and by that we have much that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quite herself specifically causal as she wouldn’t let President Bush spend the necessary apportionments to save the economy as the areas he would have needed to spend money if available were off the table as sacred successful cuts of the Clintons and their surpluses.  Right - even without the Bush Tax Cuts the Pelosi Congress would have still blocked the Republicans from the necessary spending to save the economy before election day 2008.


Hillary Clinton is now mostly self-reduced to being a sad footnote in American History.  She is forever caught now in an eternal struggle for legacy between the Presidency of the First Black President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton and the First Black President Barack Hussein Obama.  As a women she has a lot to answer for in this era of successful feminism by others - As a women she much has herself to blame for how she got trapped to being quite just a footnote to two said “black” Presidents. There has been this civil war ongoing among these rivals since at least the moment that Barack Obama too became a sworn in President.  There can be no near end to this civil war between these two Presidents as long engaged over a struggle for lasting legacy.  As Hillary has reduced herself to being more just a footnote it is remarkable how she complicates and confuses the legacies of both Clinton & Obama.  Because of Hillary these Presidents have to long suffer beyond the old more traditional controversies from comparing First Ladies - Because of Hillary only Clinton or Obama can be right - They cannot both be right. President Obama cannot now say it was Hillary that was responsible for his successes without saying then that it was Bill Clintons First Lady that was better than his First Lady.


The Commmander in Chief President Barack Hussein Obama went beyond the pale with his war nonsensicals orated too grandly from Camp Pendleton in California.  He is still stuck for being wrong about Iraq always - and confused by his former Secretary of State and her personal legacy of having been for OIF then against OIF then for OIF and then again against OIF… and with her as Obama’s “rival’ Secretary who by his control or not was to being more as if a Secretary of War than a secretary of diplomacy.  It was shameful what I saw and heard while watching the speechifying of the President in his colors as Commander in Chief while about the gathered pride of proud Marines of The United States of America. For more on this subject please find and consider OBAMA’S RETREAT at least as it is covered at http://www.jphogan.org.


*In the years of the biography of Hillary Clinton she is said to be allowing NBC to glorify in a four part miniseries we have the late exclamation of her twid bio of @HillaryClinton of her best as self tagged as “women & kids advocate” and as a “cracker” while The First Black President’s white Secretary of State her “glass ceiling.”  She so is self describes as not being or planning to be an advocate for men - she could have said more with less and room for a word other than “cracker” if she had been willing to profess with her twid (Twitter ID) to be otherwise promised as “an advocate for all.” 

*But to 2016 with any and all possible miniseries we have that it would be improper for NBC to celebrate First Lady Hillary Clinton in four parts without also grandly be at least so to at least a four part celebration of First Lady Michelle Obama. 

*For regular folk maybe more of entertaining options to NBC it is still to be considered that Vice President Joseph Biden as well should rank a four part miniseries before 2016. 

*For now though we can tease what it could all look like in a field of three to 2016 as if Hillary Clinton unwisely enters all should cry out for a re-election of Barack Hussein Obama by the accolades that can allow such with a celebration of their special example as a married black power couple as by a campaigning this time under Michelle for President 2016. 

*Most towns across America likely would hardly be able to handle just the traffic if candidates Michelle Obama, Joseph Biden & Mrs. Clinton were to arrive simultaneously — Poor “Joe” would have his large but thought much still too beat up motorcade while First Lady Michelle Obama would have the best and newest of the current full details that the Secret Service provides a President and Mrs. Secretary Senator FLOTUS Clinton would have what is left of the detail hers by marriage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:22 am

It is all about the repackaging!  It is all about the recovering - a new cover-up ing!

The stunt women for beating the canned “Hillary” now set for scene - now ready in fire proof pant suit in first color option - now ready to be captured/digitized forever as a “Hillary” as a ‘Phoenix Danger’ rising from the ashes of Benghazi Consulate hell fires of controversy.  Scenes to be shot in each color option as ‘Phoenix Danger’ makeover of “Hillary” still necessarily busy with extreme work to find a color that newly can work for a new “Hillary”.

We should take her at her word that she left office so such that she would be needing much time to find a way to humanize herself of have some find a way to re-humanize her.  It seems we are still months from a NEW Hillary, however a ‘Phoenix Danger’, being ready as for new covering and in a coloring that might have a chance to work/stick.

It may be hardest yet for Diane Lane as to a “Phoenix Danger” to handle the years 2007-2008.  These are the years where a former First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton wasn’t able to defeat in just a party primary a relatively unknown with no substantial experience but a 2004 Convention speech that wasn’t in his own style.  She never made it to a national contesting as a representative Democrat against the best the Republicans had still standing for such for them - for their side.  Hillary Clinton however to new packaging as covering must be to much near or certainly as cover-up-ing — 2016 is not going to be another 2008 where near all the other Democrats on the line but the near unknown black wonder couldn’t defeat the Clintons’ machinations and party machine without so defeating themselves by self incrimination.

We have gotten to this point and to “Hillary” a tweeting in every color option as if of a danger as too much to a political child propaganda as all the Teletubbies and as well as if all the Dancing Bears - in so many colors at once that is not a believable “Hillary” even if Diane Lane can become a needed ‘Phoenix Danger’ caricature as like a stunt woman able to go and do what “Hillary” has yet been able to yet.

To understand the great vast girth of the challenge Diane Lane has been asked to assume one may have to picture Dante’s Hell.  This is quite fitting for the former Secretary of State of President Barack Hussein Obama’s cabinet of rivals as she was from near day one of such quite devilish in a selfish Clinton politics of insubordination of the new President - of her new BOSS.  From day one, nearly, of Secretary Clinton, of the defeated but placed “Hillary”,  she was quite devilish with her proclamation that she would take her guidance from the same place like that Dante had - that in short she wasn’t planning to take her guidance from such an inexperienced Obama despite that he was now the winner to her the loser.

To understand the great vast girth of the challenge Diane Lane has been asked to assume one may have to picture Dante’s Hell.  And, to properly picture #Lane as #Clinton you may at least have to focus on her set knee deep in ashes or somehow and some where deep and low in Hell and its infernos.  And, with the grey of Hillary as this ‘Phoenix Danger’ much set around the too southern too Confederate Grey that she and “Bill” forever set their eternal image in with their “gun”/”"Weiner” shaped “Presidential” library in The Natural State of Arkansas.  Grey is mostly fittingly as newer news as the color of ashes that should be so about the blood stained hands of #Hillary and #Diane however yet to ‘Phoenix Danger.’

We are now early to days of consideration for a President Obama successor for 2016 as these days seem made for the movies and scandal sheets of stories of how if he were actually all white and so then he most likely already would have been impeached.

We are now early to days of consideration for a President Obama successor for 2016 as these days seem made for a long over due most critical and public litigation of all of the Clintons’ years from 1993-2001.  We are of days where we should see President Obama’s too generous attempt at covering up for the Clintons had him asking citizens of the United States not to “relitigate” what really had yet to be actually firstly litigated so of all the years and much quite negligent to grossly negligent of their personal entanglements of their decisions and decision points.

It is remarkable - quite remarkable - that a near unknown that was basically of one big speech, and that not even in his, until then published style, was able to devastatingly defeat the lore’d GROUND ZERO SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON.  It almost explains itself how only a Democrat that was able to offer a “Hillary” alternative and to stand without a corruption so that had him self incriminate while standing against the Clintons’ machine as it did the other Democrats.  It should be more remarkable how the new “style” of the Obama of the 2004 Convention Speech inappropriately had Barack Obama in a performance of my decade old political style and yet without it so as how corrupted by the Clintons since it was newer or new of 1992 era.  Personally I still smart at the unwelcomed visceral experience of the 2004 Convention as it was of me privy to an effort to have Barack Obama sound like my original writings enough to like take ownership of it and by a success in the desired effecting to affect it as of one as by one of a black face.

It is remarkable - quite remarkable - that a near unknown that was basically of one big speech, and that not even in his, until then published style, was able to devastatingly defeat the lore’d GROUND ZERO SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON.  Diane Lane, if not already to abandoning the cause of the Clintons’ political machinations, really now has her greatest acting challenge ahead of her to date — these are the years that preface firstly how the Clintons were negligent to both 9/11 I & 9/11 II and to the ashes and gray that still too much surrounds both.  These are the years and days where Daine as ‘Phoenix’ Clinton ‘Danger’ will have to portray the Clintons and their effecting and justifications of the walls of separation they dogged the Federal Bureau of Investigation in gray matter towards, and, as it was that their efforts to create obstacles to justice with walls at their FBI between enforcement and intelligence were causal to a guilt in a negligence at least to the otherwise maybe preventable affectings in “Holy War” by the 19 of 9/11 I.

The Clintons if in their party showdown for Democrat Party President wanna bees for 2016 critical review and parsing are quite to be on display, however, for a late litigation, in maybe only three shades of grey - in maybe the color of the ashes of 9/11 I & 9/11 II and the eternal telling grey of their BIG GUN shaped Clinton Presidential Library.

Of the Clintons and their folk - even their folk as the too many of Republican elephantine shadows of those late nineties co-corruptions hoofed along with them on their merry donkey trails - it will haunt most hellishly the grey of the Clintons of the ashes of their culpability of just 9/11 I.  For the folks of the Clintons like Janet Reno and Philip Bobbitt I have fond memories of at least #Reno of levity found in how I successfully did about the 2008 races use the words and positions of key Clinton officials to effect defeating deconstruction about their floated re-making spin.

I have now idea how humorous either Janet Reno nor Philip Bobbitt, nor Doug Sosnik, may now find the colors about the Obama administration as too also just “grey” of the Clintons’ “grey.”  It is Philip Bobbitt in his TERROR AND CONSENT dense read that specifies a problem of the Clintons’ style of political fabrication as of his tombed expression of concern that a White House that works too closely with the “Hollywood” begets terrorism.

Of the Clintons and their folk to any or all, however late, litigation for all the mostly like politically missing years of 1993-2001 we have it that Diane Lane is now to assume an near impossible role necessarily needing dramatic trickery as to a “Hillary” newly as if a “Phoenix Danger” of colors just of hope and potential and no rendering of accountability by her Dante and his Hell - his levels of Hell.

There is so much to this challenge for Hollywood and NBC for a new make-over again as extreme as that which led to Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton former First Lady to being the GROUND ZERO SENATOR as such internationally sympathetic NEW “Hillary”.  The ashes are still towards 2016 judiciously to cling to the Clintons and all the years 1993-2001 as if feathers to tar that NBC may be most honest and awardingly dramatic if such extreme makeover is produced in black and white so that all these three shades of Clintons’ grey show most accurately.

Again:  It is remarkable too that President Barack Hussein Obama as of the 2008 contests was a near nobody even more junior peer to the GROUND ZERO SENATOR FORMER FIRST LADY now as well tag’d forward as MADAM SECRETARY OF STATE MRS. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, and yet able to defeat the Clintons and their vast grey political Clintons’ Political Machine as no other in the field was able to.

Of this promised assumption by Lane as to a NEW Clinton in all her shades of grey NBC is set to have their intelligence challenged and their viewer loyalty threatened.  Such is only as if to a “PHOENIX DANGER” rising that will draw out more clearly how the grey(s) of the Clintons and all their years establish clear as a contrast between whites and blacks a traceable forensics to at least a negligence to gross negligence of even just the Clintons of the oddly limited Lane review and execution set forth now as if a good - as if possibly of the Clintons of a capability to offer Hope - any hope.

Of the rising from the ashes now promised as if of an innocence greater than a guilt we are still of the consideration that if President Barack Hussein Obama were still of 2008 challenge but all white he could still have defeated the Clintons then as the pimp’d NEW JFK.  2008 is a year of great concern both for these shades of Clintons in their grey and for history should demonstrate loudly with official future record how it was an election year that benefited the Democrats mostly for work theirs about having made and kept the electorate most ignorant of the depth and hellish breadth of the issues of such days.  In the election of 2008 more voters were voting more ignorant of the real truths of the real issues than maybe ever before in the history of the United States of America.

Of the rising from the ashes now promised as if of an innocence greater than a guilt we are still of the consideration that if President Barack Hussein Obama were still of 2008 challenge but all white he could still have defeated the Clintons then as the pimp’d NEW JFK.  Today we have much to fear in a “Hillary” and/or Diane Lane as “Hillary” as a “Phoenix Danger - 2016″!  Today we have much to remember and fret to a new harmonic less devilish yet!  Today we have much to remember and yet still fret as the base lines of the Clintons are all gray and still of the corruptions stories of the Democrat Party struggles of the 2008 primary field where all but the near unknown Senator Obama couldn’t defeat the Clintons’ and their years without also being to a rising in a dangerous self incrimination.

President Barack Hussein Obama could have defeated the “Hillary Clinton” of 2008 and all those constructs and spun yarns about her too if he were all white - so it figures.  And, yes if President Barack Hussein Obama so otherwise as all white had been so elected it does figure now that 2016 would be a Democrat Party in whole about needing to rise and rise from lows pressed finally more about accepted “greys” of guilt of so many scandals of the old and new infernos of the Clintons.  And, yes if President Barack Hussein Obama had been all while it figures he still could have and would have defeated the Clintons and the rest of that field which couldn’t incriminate the Clintons without incriminating themselves, and, that now if he were so an otherwise all white President he likely already would have been impeached.

How say you?  How say you all?  R U 4 “PHOENIX DANGER” in 2016?  Would you rather be away finally from the ash grey of the Clintons however of the South and William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton and their oddly telling permanent coloring of their Arkansas library so in Confederate Grey?  How do you fig the architecture of the Clintons’ body politics evermore now but for them of their Posterity set so finally in The Natural State as a “gun” shape so scandalous as the Clinton protege Weiner in his briefed grey exposure?  There is no mistaking the Clinton Library as other than meant as a gun shaped phallic symbol in a too proud horizontal and even though it was forced back from being of its tip so postured over the “eternal feminine” metaphorically when forced back from being too proud out over the flowing (feminine) waters of such river fem.
How say you?  How say you all?  R U 4 “PHOENIX DANGER” in 2016?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:37 pm

For some this may be put aside as political reading as of the Congress of August 2013, and, for reading during their five week summer break

For all though it is puzzling this supposed Hillary the Superwoman myth in the air that suggests that the Democrat Party is already all together as the lorded class of an agreement that the future representative of the “demos” ( the People) has already been picked and arranged for the 2016 change of crown - like.  It is quite puzzling that the party that is supposedly defined as “Democratic” as defined by “democratic” is as if so set with a new leader already hand picked and pre-selected by a elite set of Lord-ish Party leaders.

On the race angle though it is a problem as after the defeat of the vast “Clintons’ Political Machine” by an inexperience novice political junior peer of the Senate of First Lady Senator Clinton as well quite puzzling as if wondering if chum in the waters can attract sharks.  Whom that is black and an established politician actually of executive experience won’t or shouldn’t be in 2016 Presidential race at least if it seems it only Hillary Clinton that needs to be defeated again?

On reparations there is problematic politics too as per the suggestion that Hillary Clinton is an inevitable next President already picked by a few to be the new People’s leader not to actually need picking by the People - the “demos” of “democratic” and “Democratic.”  It seems suggested that Hillary Clinton deserves the office and should be an inevitable next President this time actually but so as if as a white woman deserving of reparations for time served as just the enslaved spouse of an earlier male President. 

On reparations too there is other race problems more black on black for it seems that President Obama did account to himself so much that as an executive he otherwise could have spread out to others more of slave descent than he — It is considerable how far to reparations for passed African American enslavement the vast millions President Obama didn’t have to have spent on himself as “perks” could have otherwise blessed others more of an American Slave legend. 

The Presidency if for a Democrat Party candidate again is towards 2016 now like cotton for the picking if just to prove a black again can out pick Hillary Clinton if she again enters such laboring - said laboring - refreshments of the “demos” Americana.

On reparations with myself as some of Irish descent I have to oppose reparations angle for the former First Lady Clinton and stick to summation above that Obama’s personal “perks” could have been sufficient for a blessing on most as a justified reparations for the Irish like labor abuses — I have to stick to summation so as if reparations by a refund of the last purchase price of a former slave relation was/is the only passable level of rendering late of old injustices.

Hillary Clinton has done much to demean former First Ladies and women in general with her of this similar false sense of personal entitlement.  It is diabolical to suggest she deserves to be President because as a woman while First Lady she was entitled to more that a spousal co-holding unabridged embrace of real power though of a third of every day with her husband privately much left alone to her mercy or lack of it.

Hillary Clinton set a ridiculous example that still diminishes all First Ladies of The United State of America - even our current FLOTUS Michelle Obama.  It was ridiculous that Hillary Clinton saw the office of First Lady - the Spousal Preserve of shared Power otherwise than all others have.  It was ridiculous that she insisted in a bureaucratic personal submission within the West Wing flow chart of obedience to her husband that undermined the historic traditions of real Power through intimacy.  She asked to be removed from the full protections and celebration of spousal rights as joined and united souls of our legacies and legends made by the women First Ladies.

More successful, than Hillary Clinton, even on healthcare for all is the black Democratic Party winner Governor Deval Patrick.  With President Obama’s ACA - Obamacare a general train wreck it just seems that the United States of America have a successful black executive to lean on towards 2016; it just seems that with Obamacare said of being so doomed 2016 has to be like a religious political calling for Governor Patrick of Massachusetts towards carrying the Democrat Party torch as no other could - towards carrying the torch of a promise that he could, if elected, help states learn how to make a Romneycare work for them.

This can only be some as a set up for Diane Lane and much because others more than Snipes have become snipy about the IRS and taxation.  This is about Joes more than - well this really could and should be more about Joes now than it is. Vice President of the United States is a First Stater and likely of cross party loyalties maintained across the isles of the Congress - across especially the isles of his old and familiar Senate haunts.  This is more about discounts at 1600 - and as “murder at 1600″ still a consideration of Congress as to a likely possible permanent tag on at least Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for gross negligence per Benghazi or even something near a “negligent homicide” rap.

Where is the buck to stop - the bucks to stop about all this that is supposed to not be at all of a “phony” until it has been established that something didn’t stop at rival Clinton’s State desk that was supposed to have gotten to the President’s desk yet didn’t.

There are interesting alternative political plot lines that could have been and still could be soon — there are interesting plot lines to at least entertain now as August break dramatic distractions/escapes.  We have that President Obama likely has shown that his Irishness is not dominant - not to obvious stereotypical dominant traits as his.

If President Barack Hussein Obama were more Irish in his salt and pepper - ebony and ivory - gene strings he likely would have as a visibly black Irish President have worked out a resolution for reparations at least to the last price paid for slaves of African descent of blood relations now settled as citizens of The United States of America.

How has Joe - How has Joe Biden, Vice President, not discounted black President Obama already enough so that he could himself be President now by some simple loyal reviews by his loyal peers in Congress?  How are we not now already with President Obama impeached or removed as by Political duty entrusted in our Vice Presidency?  How has Joe not moved on competence at least as it was possible (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to have move Congress and Country to a change on cause with a hope then in maybe two Joes? 

How are we not now already (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to a change from within and to a President Joe Biden and maybe so set anew with a Vice President Joe Lieberman?  Why hasn’t experience and seniority reset and saved our body politics from all this division that has been arising from novice and amateur “leadership”?

These are trying days with a President that still seems to be in office quite over his head at least per economics.  Vice President Joe Biden (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) could even have moved Congress in the first term of such upside down and divisive political condition and as a champion for reparations to cure a stinging lack of whipping by First Black President - by President Obama.  We could now have President Joe Biden and with he of success in an earlier removal of a rival politician of little or no real experience and as otherwise an actual and real champion for reparations if only as to a summation tilled justly around the last price paid for each slave of African descent identifiable as of the history of U.S.A. slavery Big Business.

I don’t know how President Obama didn’t make reparations a priority for his first term as the First Black President; it now seems too late for him, and so any or all others.  It seems reasonable that had he been more typically Irish while a politician he would have been, however also white, to having braved the reparations politics when prescient of his first term.

Hillary Clinton did not live up to the Diplomatic challenge it seems that President Obama had hoped to gain from with her as a politically picked rival for his cabinet.  It seems much either stopped at her desk that could have or should have been resolved/attended to there or that stuff got too discounted by her there and so that she was to political selfish reasoning of a practice of keeping it from getting to the President’s desk (in time).  Besides all the improvements that could have or should have been made to the President’s foreign policy speeches and how such should have been caught by the dutiful supporting teamwork expected of a State Department cabinet appointee - there is still Benghazi as of his political rival not having been able to do the lesser job well enough - without apparent tragic negligence.

Whom hasn’t been too discounted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.E. in Washington, D.C. since the First Black President firstly became so sworn in for his first term?  How has he not already been discounted enough from within so that we had an reset via Vice President Joe Biden and his loyal old Congressional peers, however of their seniority, and so that we otherwise could now be cruising back to American ways with two Joes - with President Joe & Vice President Joe?

It is historic that a first term of The First Black President passed with slaves of African descent seeming discounted more and as if he thought it was righteous for he to expend upon himself such vast sums as Presidential “perks” that symbolically at least could better have gone for reparations.

It may be too early to call him THE GREAT DIVIDER as it is still political that it looks like that we if Hillary Clinton had been elected would have been to having tagged her so THE GREAT DIVIDER more so.  He may be for history THE GREAT DIVIDER of the short history of legacies of past Presidents and irreversibly as The First Black President who avoided some great race based political issues at least during his first term, but, it is so that it was that Hillary Clinton made almost all the same Political partisan campaign promises and so that she as his rival may be a problem within that discounts his rap as a “divider” though without removing the sting from all their lack of whipping on issues that should have been of their first term.

It does seem with Obamacare such a said trainwreck that black Governor Deval Patrick is a nature and evolutionary next Democrat Party nominee for the office of the President.  He actually has political and executive experience and on a workable healthcare for all governance.  Deval Patrick could ask Mayor Cory Booker, if the Newark leader is actually to be old enough to be President by 2017 inauguration day, to join him for a 2016 ticket to take the Democrats away from the DANGER like warned of by a Doug Sosnik recent public comment to how his party is set to have big problems when President Obama is no longer its leader.

For now I can just hope that The First Black President has already read THE EMPEROR OF OCEAN PARK, and most at least of the SAMPLER set out of order at http://jphogan.org.  I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s when I was in the seventh grade at East Rock Community School in New Haven, Connecticut and was readying for my oratory competition with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY declaration of war against Japan speech.  I though didn’t know until the 2008 races that he and I share the same August day as our birth date each year - with he old so by four years to the date.

It seems too discounted so that it has been so discounted as to not even much considered that really the politics of these years of The United States of America with its First Black President likely could have been more interesting if President Obama were white or just more white - white enough such that Vice President Joe Biden could have moved Congress to removal of the President for “competency” or “lying under oath” if not worse and so that he could have proven to be a really smart and ambitious rival.

What have we now missed these few years that could have been otherwise if Obama had been white to us of an impeachment or removal, however, so that now we didn’t have Joe so discounted - so that now we had two “Joes” - so that now we of the United States of America had a President Joe Biden and a new Vice President Joe Lieberman?

This is the Barack Obama, President, that said before his 1st Inaugural that the United States could use a new and different Declaration of Independence as if he meant as from the start and so before there was Delaware as a First State.  This is of he that spoke campaign rhetoric in his 1st inaugural as if his win had rewritten history and made his spin the new FACTS of the nation - of he that lied in his 1st inaugural.  This is of he that in his 2nd inaugural breathed a whipping of progressive anti-Constitutionalisms with he so then of his expressiveness smarted but with a legal ignorance while he too of a discounting of the relevance of the founding writs with he then of his like;  THOUGH I JUST SWORE THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I WILL NOT NOW FEEL BEHOLDEN TO SUCH OATH - TO MY SWEARING JUST MOMENTS AGO AS AN OATH OF THE OFFICE.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Forensic historians have a disarmed mine field of political content to safely now work in to unearth new more realistic understandings of Bill and Hillary Clinton - without needing to be whistle blowers.

From Bunker Hill and our Constitution - USS “OLD IRONSIDES” - to Manassas the bull that has run - run long of the Clintons - can now be more civilly chocked.

As Massachusetts goes so the nation may not go - today.  In the eyes of the voters a justice for a Beer Federalism is brewing — If the President can have a nationalist brew - can’t and shouldn’t Governor Patrick at least have a hard cider state federalism spirit on tap?  The Clintons may both have gone all egg whites only after having had to check their ambitions to four co-presidencies of the old sold saw too British with its twine so tuned too totalitarian by plots strung to be of a reign too autocratic by political arrangement to bypass a more American standard general electoral refreshment/refreshing.

From the Pilgrims to the shores of Syria the Constitution as written stands of its ordaining and establishment in religion of the founders as so unanimously subscribed by all under God so then as “in the Year of our Lord…” clearly.

It is best to try to imagine a new board game of the Clintons if to success in seeing through them of a Bunker mentality and a bunker mentality clever coyness quite selfishly political.  It can be begun to be imagined but since recent Benghazi and IRS scandals have blown up on paper and tablets most can find from the first blush - first sighting - their board(s) are like TILTED as it seems impossible that all their operations and foundations and numerous “legal” or “tax” status can be LEGAL as besides being too Political their marching beats seems too irregular as if all of WILD CARD rules not rules.

It may not help to try to paint a picture of the Clintons up close as a portrait clearly showing the whites of their eyes - perspective may be better if from a distance to see all the trees (pieces) as of the forest (plots/strategies) theirs.

From up close the former enabler FLOTUS, of at least a fat food fad political fashion for POTUS, she, Hillary, served up rations as if it wouldn’t kill you to live as of her kitchen not a kitchen with a husband said of a preference for like two Big Mac Super-sized Value Meals per day cooking of others.  Surely there is more to look at than the eyes of the Clintons that should be considered and safely civilly revealed as it seems we have to still pound at Benghazi as of a cover-up some or much necessary to maintain old lies of at least the Administration of the Clintons.

It is haunting, maybe just for all the body bags that piled up as tributable to Madam Secretary of State Mrs William Jefferson Clinton, how she of the intimate bunkering as FLOTUS, with POTUS, whence of those midnight hours and such as so thence with a third of each day theirs together for spousal husbandry plotting, how she as Obama’s chief Diplomat left a legacy as if more a Secretary of War than a Stately Diplomat.

However you begin to bridge more safely the historical marching beats of the Clintons, and forensically, back to what they inherited as fundamentally already set to much peace while still less peace than they hoofed, her cooking may have been worse for Bill and us, and a mine field still best avoided at least per bad cholesterol.

It is that Massachusetts itself has a new contest about like a new Bunker Hill but for too little ammunition to guard against Clintons and their ilk now again.  Their pens should be mighty enough, and more set to scholarly unearthing safely of what is quite a once more dangerous mine field of the Clintons and their careful spousal selfish political plotting — Truths are marching on like whence of the first Tea Party to the revelations that the new Clintons are as bad as the old Clintons and as much against John Adams as that early New York Governor Clinton, must have been.

A lay of the embedded fielding of bull did depend on like flying buttresses of media support to their propositions (of the Clintons’ seduction of the main stream media) that they were of an opinion of race and affirmative action per all voting rights that Americans should be sold that a white women deserved to be President at least before a black man.

The Clintons did boldly seem to go about a mine field in our politics too much as if knowing of its bulwarks specific grid lay and even hardly civilly as if with at least New York City Democrat Party deep pockets as of a retailing of the BOGO Clinton “two-fer” as the best way to arrange a postponement in America of Black rule in Washington.  Just seems too hauntingly real that such bull of the Clintons did fly in the early 90s as if of a collusion and conspiracy to somehow arrange an un-American reign for them as if American NEW Camelot royalty able to be prescribed to contiguous supremacy in lieu of Constitutional standards more Jeffersonian for regular resets by refreshing democratically by Republican People.

As of Hillary hardly disciplined as if from the halls of or near Montezuma to the shore lines Google-able remotely of Tripoli yet we got images of Marines too - yet hardly enough as to whence Benghazi.  And, all the while non Marine rapid response teams hers to conjure timely duty forthwith in times of crisis of imminent need.

It was in the primary in Massachusetts in the year of the great defeat of THE INEVITABLE HILLARY 2008 that those Boston Brahmin to Berkshire’d Pillow’d and Tangled’ did but divide themselves state wide as the more socialist of the Commonwealth to that spread where as many divided on white women vs. black man as that was near the total number of US brave deployed to liberate but not occupy Iraq.  There is a wonder in the details that a forensics too can civilly record for Posterity about how magic a number 150,000 can be or might not be — it was only about 150,000 of the more socialist of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that haunt John Adams (still) since 2008 that divided the lot for “Hillary” and that for “Barack” and while it to was just that number tasked to stand with all Iraqi people in an overdue liberation so successful.  It is quite odd though that such a number then was what President Obama and Secretary Clinton thought wasn’t excessive to chase about 50 Al Qaeda though to be otherwise quietly camping in Afghanistan.

Amateur forensic historians hopefully won’t now beat the Boston forces too long bent to a cover-up bunker mentality for the not too long past administering of the Clinton “two-fer” - won’t be now to going more civilly into the past of the Clintons and their embedded seduced media fields of camouflaged intent and able to be to embarrassment for said more learned of said of a supremacy of and from a more elite degree benefactor cadre. 

Right?  We are to hope that those said to be our smartest are our smartest and most learned and that they won’t be late to the coverage now more safely and civilly possible and necessary (and proper) for such a still campaigning conundrum of “Bill and Hillary”?

{NOTE:  Seems I need, while having so much fun - too much fun - civilly writing this broadside, to take a break and revisit the Bunker and bunker histories fit for close and thorough historical forensic grid metric analysis at a later time today.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

There are three types of columns - Corinthian, Doric & Ionic.  What may be all Greek to you is that Hillary Clinton is not a pillar of Justice as fronted but more as if just a lazy arch in a non-structural facade.

Like all summers these are here much towards warm and friendly eggs and darts, hopefully, mostly.  I don’t know how male Presidents have survived their entombment as Presidents in the Oval Office all these decades.  As form follows function when to its best I cannot imagine that women when elected President won’t choose a different “office” from among all those available or possible on the grounds of The White House.  An oval shaped office with so much “egg & dart” adorning about has been but a reminder daily for occupants of such home office that they are but enslaved to the female - to their female. 

I do know of no… {Break}

If Hillary Clinton were to unwisely enter the 2016 Presidential Race the first next thing feminists, at least, should do is to organize to put FLOTUS Michelle Obama’s name also on every ballot.  If Hillary Clinton is for now to be considered an eligible and possible candidate then President Obama has the doors wide open to a third term as by a campaigning to be kept so yet by a mere inconvenience or convenience - but a simple run as a Obama “two-fer” on the proper name of his spouse.

I do know of no…  {Break}

Have you considered that there is likely no law that says that if say FLOTUS Michelle Obama were to be elected in 2016 as Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama that she would have to choose or accept The Oval Office as her official place of work - as her home office on the White House Plantation?  She could by our seeming lack of laws actually decide that architecturally speaking it would be symbolically inappropriate for a woman to govern from an oval office.

I do know of no…  {Break}

“Form & Function” do seem to be lost about Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of the Clinton Foundation patriarchal bureaucratic ranking structure and as well in a thorough telling of her “story.”  I am not speaking that on the face and at first blush she has just apparently slept her way to the top - or to that ceiling she prefers with her husband held superior over her, and still.  It was a blow to feminism that she insisted in diminishing the lore’d honor of our many esteemed past First Ladies when she insisted in being structurally under President Mr. Clinton while First Lady with a submissive ranking to less than equal in marriage officially with her and her West Wing “JOB.”

Oh Hillary!  Oh Hillary what a mess of so much you have made.

It is too arguable that Hillary Clinton has been a faux feminist, and, it is especially important to consider that as Secretary of State she needed Mr. Clinton, former President, to be seemingly free and superior globally with their Clintons’ global initiatives to smooth the way and fix the ways for her as if much a necessary “Sugar Daddy.”

I do know of no…  {Break}

Oh Michelle dear FLOTUS spouse of a seated current “two-fer” co-Presidency yourself — If Mrs. Clinton enters the 2016 Presidential race you should too.  If it is to be seen as legal for her to do so irrespective of the term limits on her husband than time isn’t of the essence and you too have a trail blazed to keep offices highly on the White House Plantation, however you may prefer.  Right, if elected in 2016 it does seem it would be inappropriate for a women to entomb herself as a first elected First Mother of the USA in an oval shaped and spirited architecture.  It seems by law you likely could if elected decide to let your husband keep to using the oval Office and even choose yourself a styling more if you please as if of the running of the whole shebang as from its hearth or kitchen(s).

Oh Michelle - his Michelle? 

It does just seem that a woman when elected the First properly named Female President, regardless of sex - sexual preference - she just would be ill advised to think that it would be of sound “Form & Function” to settle into The Oval Office as men have for centuries as if accepting they were slaves to their better half - the female - their female - and to be measured as a metric as if best to work while thinking and feeling at least subconsciously as if in her soul and womb.

I do know of no…  {Break}

Oh there are too many problems with Hillary Clinton aka Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton aka Hillary Rodham Clinton, FLOTUS aka Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to consider as but for an obvious career now so able to be mortared in as if of having slept her way to the top — It is at first blush that she has quite failed her way oddly so while to that we have long referenced as honorable “heights.”

I do know of no…  {Break}

Right!  She may now be able to Tweet her propaganda and dress as if all of the Dancing Bears and/or all of the Teletubbies and then some - but at which point to we dog her and call her a dog for base and demeaning CHILD PROPAGANDA?

As we are near now to the Summer of 2013 START - how nuclear their families and values?  If for “Hillary” how not also for “Michelle” unless racist?  If for “Hillary” how not also and better for “Michelle” as Princeton and Harvard seems to trump Wellesley and Yale?

I do know of no law that says a woman when elected by her proper name as the First Female First Mother of the United States of America as a First Female President will also have to entomb herself as if in the womb of her mate in The Oval Office.  I do also know of no law that says a First Mother has restraints on her that dictate that she must govern as if a man.  I do also know of no law that say a First Female President won’t be free to delegate to her spouse (regardless of sexual orientation) and even so however “symbolically” with a personal preference to entomb them still submissively as by making the Oval Office their “home office.”

Oh Hillary! 

Oh Michelle!!! ???

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

HONEST JOHN, of the Beaver Wars pride, stands tall of the felted beaver pelted topping of Abraham Lincoln as a bundle of flesh and bones quite more an embodiment of personality as to the HEDGER TYRANNICAL HILLARY now being processed as too institutionalized.

The hide of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is being metaphorically, at least, justly processed/peeled back not as if a quite dry autopsy of the Republican Party but as if of long due deep cutting for a not too political live dissection of so much of/from the Clintons inhibiting much as if a cancer on our politics and economy.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is Hillary Clinton more of a hedge fruitless global Diplomacy such that it has hardly been “Diplomacy” baring?

Is President Bill Clinton nearer to admitting it was more all his fault?  What of their foggy bottoms of Clinton two-fer?

{Enter President Barack Hussein Obama - as if newly present at Ohio State as if erudite about tyranny:   Puffed up.}

It is like a new kind of Beaver War that young Ohioans have been pulled into with their President of no tyranny claims while a tyranny of the Clintons reigns within his own Democrat Party for Party control and for rants of keeping whom they mean to as lower Democrats barred from higher Party status or institutional acclamation and rank.  It seems it is quite tyrannical how the Clinton have been trying to hold onto inappropriate executive power since leaving office in 2001.  It seems President Obama has a tyranny of his “team of rivals” and that this is some revealed in the live dissection of the Democrat’s cover-up pertaining to Benghazi.

If Americans are to find justice from the commenced live dissection of some rants of Mrs. Clinton and her keeps - of others less politically favored or protected while also her keeps - and a Shakespearean JUSTICE of a pound of flesh from around her heart it must now be set before that her blood may spill however while accruing the just full pound of flesh and no more — that her blood may now spill too if and when it a pound of flesh, a half pound or pounds of flesh judged fair.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  House Speaker John Boehner is both of these new Beaver Wars and of Ohio and the old Beaver Wars pride and tall honor much of Abraham Lincoln standing long so tall as a Republican in beaver felted pelted topping.  I do not know if Ohio can claim to have been the home of Lincoln’s own beavered tall standing.

Are the Benghazi hearing now as a live dissection of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton also about how the Clinton two-fer is now long as a tyrannical political power of a reigning about just Democrats as the keepers of the party gates for passage of young to Party places and classier ranks?  In Ohio President Barack Hussein Obama spoke as if there was no tryanny to worry about and not even that long now of the proximity of his “team of rivals” Clintons.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  There is a tyranny over at least the minds of Democrat Party women now just of and by the concerned “Diplomacy” of Hillary Clinton as fruitless in hedging it has been.  There is a more political and partisan tyranny as well over at least Democrat Party women of and by the reigning of the Clinton two-fer however concerning as of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “team of rivals.”

With Benghazi the first real surgical cutting of the now much late live dissection of the political and “Diplomacy” of just Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton we have peeled back the ribbing and spine of a Party tyranny, much - already.

I dug out this of 9/18/2012 called TREASON SELLS while looking for a specific different piece more about #Benghazi > http://bit.ly/10jc6kk
.  I still recommend stretching your mental muscles against tyrannies over minds of men, and women too, with a visit to http://CitRB.com and a reading of all that queues after a local site search by BENGHAZI.

“Of #Hillary #Benghazi “WHAT DIFF …” IF THIS OR THAT clever defense - Really if that or that not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR BIG DIFF.“*

#Hillary LIKE REALLY? BEST YOU HAD FOR #CONGRESS #BENGHAZI WAS LIKE “or maybe just some guy walking down the street” possibility?”*

#Benghazi is about same Clintons that had their Prez Library designed in a gun shape & skinned in Confederate Gray & who planted on Whitehaven?”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This in not just a literary technique!  There is a diabolical dichotomy nearer a trichotomy of the Clintons and their triangulations.

Re: #Benghazi much that GAME CHANGE book a vast lie about Hillary as she & Bill consummated their marriage towards both becoming President.”*

Re: #Benghazi “it’s for the video” - but isn’t it more insulting to Muslims to say brutality of video motives so more than insult video actually was?”*

[note: an “*” here denotes a quoting reposting of a recent #Benghazi related tweet of me with my twid (Twitter ID) @jphoganorg and as readable in bulleted of http://citizenrosebud.mobi]

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has been a hedger and arguably of a Diplomacy that hasn’t been baring fruits - at least as promised or as her rants and tying of rants bosoms yet of cold suggestions too institutionalized.

It is not fair to even just the young of Ohio State to let Hillary Clinton be as if of a new pride in a new Beaver Wars - it is safer and politically more prudent to still talk more of her as tyrannical in an imperialistic socialism as a Crusader with a history as FLOTUS as having been globally to much too inciting and too polarizing.


Seems an important day to remember Operation Iraqi Freedom as figured originally to be a new bold step for global relations with the liberation not to be an occupation and it to be of compensation after the fact by a freed Iraqi People with their profits from their oil output.  Odd how Dems say Iraq wasn’t paid for while it was Pelosi Congress that mostly killed how it was to be paid for by those liberated.  Even odder that we were supposed to believe that Hillary’s bold State move on Libya of her Odyssey Dawn was then set up and sold as if it were a brand new idea and a Democrat idea to have a liberation of a sovereign people and to have it set up supposedly to be as if a liberation compensated for by oil outputs of such country and its people. Hmmm?  Something not quite politically right about this as it seems at least Hillary can not hide she was playing politics with Libya & Benghazi.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

[Note: a “*” could as well be for a posted sharing longer than 140 characters and yet also a tweeted by me as with twid @jphoganorg as originally a Facebook status update that re-posted to Twitter.]

House Speaker John Boehner is an honorable man and maybe due a tag too as of “honest” like say HONEST JOHN.  We have that the known history and legacy of the Clintons’ two-fer is now of the commenced late live dissection inseparable from their personal reputations as known liars and “Big Liars.”

#SecClinton per #Benghazi may have been too busy trying to usurp legacy global powers of Treasury & Commerce to do Diplomatic Mission well!”*

Oh #SecClinton per #Benghazi I guess it just used to be AMERICAN to think that our SoS would take daily threat ass. in countries they invaded?”*

I think that like Economic Statecraft idea of Hillary’s Diplomatic nonsense & dangerous as necessarily a restructuring of Exec Branch.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is President Bill Clinton now nearer to admitting it is much really all his fault?  Would that be fair or accurate analysis of the diabolical dichotomy of the Clintons’ two-fer triangulating trichotomies?

President Barack Hussein Obama as now still as if of Ohio seems to have missed the very dangers of his own “team of rivals” as of an actual and affecting modern tyranny of and by the Clintons at least still within his own Democrat Party.

“It was a cover-up method of & tall tales > but so they could avoid an appropriate necessary measured RESPONSE?”*

“The hardest hitting tweets - tweets with background to stand on links - on now threaded at - “*

“Of lies that if TERROR or ACT OF WAR then they might have had to bomb Meca or all the Afghan opium stores/crops.”*

“1/2 million may have already read my THE BIG TENT here linked > REALLY speaks to & Clintons as haphazards > “*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

& foggy bottoms of two-fer intel > so wrong about it still hard for him to be right bout anything in region”*

“Per & best we’d prosecuted Saddam in Clintons’ 1st term with a bring of Community Policing then & not just when SURGED”*

“Of “WHAT DIFF” If THIS or THAT clever defense - Really if THAT or THAT not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR -BIG DIFF”*

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really it seems a tyranny over minds and bodies of Democrat women at least that we are of a President Obama embraced by a tyrannical rivalry he may not even recognized as such.  Really it seems a tyranny over at least minds and bodies of Democrat women how the rants of Clintons’ two-fer are of their attempts to keep a party keep by rants tying and lashing down to hopes of so many they institutionally need to keep as a keep beneath them

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of Benghazi we see cracks in the cover-up of the Clintons by President Obama as well as an actual “played politics” tyranny of a political election count-down fields of conflicts and competition.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of the modern sit rep of just Democrat Party politics, however of a tyranny while our President says to not worry yourselves about tyranny, it is ridiculous that with #Benghazi streaming, however now commenced as a late but due “pound of flesh” live dissection, of at least an arguable fruitless hedged “diplomacy” by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, that you are not alone in a time of tyrannies.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really!!!  And how can it not be so while Hillary Clinton is so INSTITUTIONALIZED!?  How now as maybe we have that President William Jefferson Clinton may be nearer to admitting it was much all his own fault?  And, how, now as we have a state of Democrat Party Politics such that a tyranny likely explains best how it seems there are no other women than Hillary Clinton now allowed to be see as capable of becoming President.  And, how, as it is prudent and important to ask if there is even another women that hasn’t slept with Bill Clinton whom can be said now to be at least as capable as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

For the sake of controversy and selling of truths it is that we are now here to read and discuss white chocolate politically, maybe.

As Mother’s Day is fast approaching and a big hat day of the year too we have that for Mrs. Clinton to run again she will have to hoof it all as either her racing against her own mothering or against First Lady Michelle Obama’s mothering.  It is not appropriate to be to stereotypically shoeing Mrs. Clinton as a “white chocolate” and our current wife of an also “the first black President” so as First Lady Michelle is as if she a “dark chocolate.”  It may be insensitive too, and while still it may be too confusing to compare them as equally of a milk chocolate.

Mrs. Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama do seem as different as night and day - as different as black and white - as per playing the woman cards in our politics.  With our current FLOTUS we have culinary greatness of grown at home healthiness and wholesomeness to consummate while Mrs. Clinton is still so served as our Fast Food Queen to super-sized McDonald’s Big Mac meals for her like “Mac Daddy” spouse.

It has been reported that if only we like could get back as a nation to before the influences of dietary corruption of once First Lady Mrs. Clinton our nation could be to saving a trillion dollars in healthcare costs by having been without the vast increase in obesity of the incredible national increase in personal body weight average of her mothering.

We will somehow have to discuss President Clinton as having been the “First Black President” and comparatively and contrastingly while it seems on its face that honestly President Obama has been the United States of America’s first black President, still going forward.

But really while it may be a confounding conundrum of politics to broach how Mrs. Clinton will have to either race against her own reputation or race against First Lady Michelle Obama’s example and mothering we have that there are economic consideration that are of President Obama’s governance and governing these years fundamentally so as absent a philosophy of governance.  It may be the fault of “Hillary” or “Michelle” somehow - somehow as we have to consider that Mrs. Clinton did make as many impossible campaign promises as “Obama” and was set to have had nearly the same Clintons’ alumni as her own economic advisers.

As you should decide whose mothering you think is better and how, however, you may prefer one personally more than the other there is a problem with the economics now that likely would have arrived by either the mothering of “Hillary” or as it has with the “fathering” of “Obama.”  We may now be necessarily to a second wave of economic shrinkage.

It is remarkable that a suggestion is about a candidacy for “Hillary” that there are no other Democrat women capable of such challenge - that there are none able to competently stand up to Mrs. Clinton.  I don’t know how yet to write sufficiently politically about the Democrat Party of such a paradigm where it seems that President Clinton with his recent politics is standing too much with powers he was supposed to have been limited from as of executive domains generally and so that it seems he is flexing muscle that it must be “Hillary” for she can be thought to have slept with him the most.

There is an intra-party war for political legacy between the Clintons and Obamas already commenced and with it now that President Obama is maybe trapped with the Clintons seeming possibly re-ascendant and so that he and his family will be then forward politically back under Democrat Party Leadership dominance of at least President Bill Clinton.

But speaking to the economy and the resultant down economy that started much with the announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT and she then with a promise to violate capitalism with a seizing of all oil company profits >> President Obama still seems to have until the end of a second term as at the helm of our economy as so that a President is such juiced.  And, oddly he has set up a new economic situation where if the Republicans do not decide to keep offering a rivaling economic method in capitalism personally then Obama’s socialism will bankrupt the United States of America.

See this isn’t about “Hillary” as white chocolate or “Michelle” as dark chocolate. 

This is black and white along the lines of economics and common sense.  President Obama (or President Clinton) now needs the Republicans and Independents to not do as he says but to do stupidly as they would if capitalism rules were still our economic rules.  For the Democrats socialism to work they need even just the Republicans to blindly still live their profitable capitalism American Dreams.

A candidacy for Mrs. Clinton cannot offer us a respite from this new economic way from the united Democrat Party game changing.  Simply from now until 2016 it makes more sense for at least Republicans to do as the President has said and to not do as he needs them to as of a idiotic staying the course in profitable capitalism.   To also help save the planet and gird us all for these years of climate change there is a moral and patriotic duty now much for at least the Republicans too to do as the President has said, however so with alarmism.

You may want to use this time of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY of these in governance with the current Democrat Party unity to yourself figure how much less you need others to do for you and how much less raw resources you really will quite need as these times of Democrat Eco Alarmism stay politically justified.  It may though be maddening to try to understand how Mrs. Clinton really will either have to race against her own reputation or specifically race against the mothering of/by First Lady Michelle Obama.  (I still assert all have the right as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law to protest that any campaign by Clintons whenever to returning to a co-holding of the Presidency can and should be called criminal, un-Constitutional, and/or treasonous.)

Our Federal Government’s revenue streams come mostly from income and profits - not wealth or property taxation. 

The worst economic reality for President Obama as he attempts to prove he can afford such “idealism” is that the Republicans, at least, will do as he says to a new flatter economy with a new greenness in conservationism their way too.  We as a nation cannot and likely will not be able to afford these new entitlements of the recent rush to a NEW NATIONALISM of socialism if at least Republican don’t idiotically keep to blindly being capitalists. 

We have to consider that First Lady Michelle Obama is a dominant women in the Obama marriage and maybe as responsible as her husband for this confounding new economics - as responsible as Mrs. Clinton for her mothering as if two super-sized Big Mac meals a day was good politics - even before it seems to have increased national medical costs with an increase in obesity to us of now having been able to save a trillion dollars if she hadn’t been such a ham for President Clinton’s dietary excesses.

I have to believe, whomever your political “Mother” preference is, and however you have been weened and reared by a real mother, you are ready to politically consider at least that Mrs. Clinton likely has to run against First Lady Michelle Obama’s legacy as it would be quite ridiculous for her to run against herself as if she is politically not defensible.

It may now be that Democrats have done more to bring “family values” back at least to realm of family and home economics.  It is that at least Republicans have been also asked to assimilate patriotically in a new austerity and conservationism and that now are times when they have less need to stand in defense of capitalism themselves.  It figures though quite confoundingly that President Obama and Democrats forward are stuck unable to see our nation afford their idealism if at least Republicans don’t blindly still pursue profits and income from capitalism.  It is that Republicans seem the more important class of economic taggables to be firstly and mostly to a full Obama conservationism, however it may also now be seen as socialism.

Mother’s Day is near - Please don’t ask me to decide for you whom you should respect more - whether your mother or First Lady Michelle Obama or even possibly Mrs. Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:35 pm

A time it is and what a times it is to round up now the usual subjects and predicates.  Oddly it seems no one knows enough about the scope and range of leading news even today.  I may be much of such a class - such a subject much ado about President Obama as a politician from Chicago.

I had hardly given it much though on Patriots Day, as I set out for a long ten plus mile walk about in one of my pairs of hardly used FootJoy golf shoes, that such day was as well the annual day of the Boston Marathon.  My dad did run in it once back in the 80s and I have been at or near the finish line because — I haven’t been in Boston since before the Big Dig got started but once maybe near its ground breaking.  It was Tax Day of April 15th and the day after a remarkable Masters finale — my dad just had his first ever knee replacement surgery recently - I wasn’t thinking of him running or not running.

These times seem times of old but how, and too political in some ways, however, maybe more fitting for Dirty Harry in a hunt for bombers in Clinton masks - maybe firstly Hillary Clinton masks and then secondly a paired Bill and Hillary covering.  Too little seems known of the suspects as per this subject and a class of “criminal” yet quite properly predicated, however.  As it was I must have been finishing my long walk about the time of the ________________ that happened on the Boston Marathon route.

“It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.” 

Right!  Interesting start.  Such a start fits with existing and potential “political” plot twists at least as too few or none know enough about such a tragic event, and, as so soon after she as Boston’s John Kerry’s predecessor was grilled about Benghazi culpability hers and to such pressured “Jack” moment as if of a Dirty Harry A COUPLE BAD WOMEN sequel to A FEW GOOD MEN with her of her outburst like “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE - NOW???”, and, to proffering a weakness on terror - a softness on crime investigating.

Are Bill and Hillary Clinton the (political) type to not go down alone?  And Hillary Rodham Clinton, like President Obama can be said to be from Chicago too - she was born there and maybe now still more naturally a “Chicago pol” of a greater likelihood to end up in prison.  I don’t know how shameful these subjects - this class of subjects of Mrs. Clinton and President Obama should now be as per gun control with them both “from” Chicago and not of having made Chicago as a gun-land danger zone not a 100 Days Priority.  It is twisted that President Obama as from Chicago more directly and as a recent “Chicago pol” tried to stand up a political show about gun control any time after his first 100 Days without having spent such time dedicated fully to such, and, then long still before he too was to proffering free healthcare coverage.

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  It is not believable that a Republican in Boston even on Patriots Day could have not been suspicious in a Mitt Romney even about the Boston Marathon.  It seems it might have had to have been a domestic about such cookery and caldrons of security and as if so in a Clinton mask, however, jolly as if off to a party.  I do not know myself if there were only two “potlucks” served up in-suspiciously or if more of of the subject for better predication now - or if there were actually two more cooked up that didn’t get served properly.

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  She reportedly doesn’t like to cook and doesn’t like exercise and is suffering politically at least some from her successor from Boston John Kerry’s Secretarial acumen being a beating on and of her as likely not much more than mediocre while of the charge previously.  It seems the Clintons are more like Will Farrell in THE CAMPAIGN than most in our recent history and not to lightly let a hit go un-responded to - it seems if the Clintons are now going down (finally) they are still of posturing to make sure that they won’t go down alone, right?  If the Clintons won’t go down alone by natural instinct how will they try to scare off truth seekers from exposing them too much on however many subjects with whichever class of predicates that could be peacefully employed?

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  It is not that she is a witch or ever practiced witchcraft at least in Salem.  It isn’t even much about Bill for having been judiciously sewn a SCARLET A upon their presidency.  It may be more like another Tripoli as if another convenient crisis like a WAG THE DOG and yet generously of a sisterhood of HILLARY WOMEN as with her first strike ODYSSEY DAWN it timed to have been as if a tail wagging a dog anew but as if for Anthony Weiner’s predilections as a devotee of his mentor Bill Clinton.  I don’t know how this tragedy of a “just something I cooked up” crockery that got past the caldron of Boston’s finest could have transpired but as if of a non-state sponsor at least like the Clintons’ CGI in range and scope — it seems they couldn’t have been set by conservatives on Patriots Day in Boston on any April the 15th Tax Day without being suspect from the outer rims/perimeters - it seems logical that the perp(s) must have like been covered as if in masks of either a jolly Bill Clinton or Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  I can with such limited knowledge of such even only surmise that a Democrat or non-Republican could have pulled off walking through such crowds and security as if with a “POT-LUCK” mantra however carried as if of a “JUST SOMETHING I COOKED UP”.  I don’t get this incident as for it being so late in the marathon unless somehow the “cooks” were not able to get through earlier with such a mantra seeming innocent enough.  It still seems days later that this tragedy could be nonsense of thrill seekers and/or an exercising of too radicalized Democrat expression towards justifying higher taxation.  If it has Mrs. Clinton’s finger prints all over it, or just a generous and defensive husband in Clintons’, I haven’t reasoned that out past such as these starts towards consideration of subjects and predicates.

I do fear the Clintons have to try to drive the news too much if they are to have any chance in surviving intra-party comparisons during the second term of President Obama and the seeming trumping Diplomacy of Bostonian Secretary John Kerry.  They can now only be considered non-state actors about such despite how much Bill may still be on our payroll as a past President. 

I did mean to use this title to start towards summer full of fun and light to amorous golf witticisms for sporting consumption.  I didn’t figure a pressure cooker as the news broke as but a heavy crock pot slow cooker, even though I have seen such oddly somehow in use on interesting cooking channel shows.  I was not aware that a “BOMB” could be tagged as if a POT-LUCK and carried into crowds anywhere, however, as if a jolly contribution as innocently “JUST SOMETHING I COOKED UP.”

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  She is the one that whined to Congress as if pleading that they tolerate her being light and/or soft on terror.  Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton must have been despite her dislike of staying at home and cooking preeminently aware that bad actors as even HILLARY’S WOMEN could be carrying off “BOMBING” as if of sympathetic and timely political cooking.

I do wish my quiet April 15th activities of a long walk near a half marathon hadn’t become so disturbed by more tragic news seemingly somehow (yet explained) of inheritances from Hillary diplomacy and politics.  It seems it could have been thrill seekers who just couldn’t resist trying to walk around with a “BOMB” as if a “POT-LUCK” - and that any conservative or Republican even if not in a Mitt Romney mask would have been naturally too suspect in such pressure caldron of Boston’s finest.

I too have not yet heard of a justification about these subjects and predications for a USUAL SUSPECTS that could explain how it is more likely of foreign elements or motives.  It was both Tax Day and Patriots Day and seemingly only of outcomes to justify more taxes as per Democrats agendas - and even so if to keep taxes justified to a new high so that funding will still be there to like go after terrorists that Boston’s John Kerry’s Diplomacy now won’t be as soft as Chicago’s Hillary Rodham Clinton had been.

“It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.”   And how really we shouldn’t treat this as just a teased perspective on another maybe “terror” related event that still has to be as well some of a “too political” consideration and judging - like RIGHT?

It is undeniable that Hillary Rodham Clinton was born to be a Chicago politician, such that she has become, however, and so that she among her peers, however less prone, is of a higher likelihood to be eventually imprisoned.  It was documented that she was both raised as a young girl to hit her peers and to hit first - I will have to look up whom documented that she was raised to hit boys and to hit them first.  It is now too much of a new record for the United States of America that she lacked in “diplomacy” while of such charge and to State based too “political” renderings as if a Secretary of War to a new way for the USA in a time of first strikes.

How have Obama’s days been of times more of a Hillary Doctrine to strike first and ask any questions later if someone disliked is still too alive to be conveniently handled?  Is it only President Obama’s fault that he ushered the USA to a first strike standing with far less due process or is this what he dealt away before first being sworn in as a political solution to keep the Clintons from sabotaging his administration from like day one?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

To tee up stories for this weeks coming challenges we have that grammatically there is a place for sport and for sports.  It may be that Tiger Woods and Hillary Clinton are most in the weeds or stuck deep in the woods for having hazarded the most so far.

It isn’t sporting now to beat up Hillary Clinton too much after she couldn’t keep a straight face while puffing up for Women in World audiences.  She couldn’t keep a straight face as she put her best leg forward knowing it doesn’t historically show well and as if a sad political war profiteerette seizing a chance to reinvent herself while apparently knowing she doesn’t deserve such.  That she while of her new puffing up leg work was to failing to keep a straight face is quite politically suggestive that she is not a viable candidate for higher office.

It is not quite sport though to speak of Condoleezza Rice as per the Masters though it can be sporting now more than ever before.  She is now professionally again sworn to defending her employer and its professional standards where ever she is as a Stanford University Professor.  I don’t think she can be loyal based on race this weekend without being concerned for her school colors officially — I can hazard a consideration that Tiger Woods in entering this Masters plantation having hazarded his standing however by winning.

It is sport in sports to consider how Tiger Woods may or may not be able to take the heat - all the heat this week whether weaker at Amen Corner or of great temptresses around the Magnolias and laurels and all the legends of hazards bounded by and about Hogan’s Bridge.

But with Hillary Clinton, as a successor to Condoleezza Rice, and to much dishonesty, with lies about new foundations being needed, and all the while she as she managed to stand and proceed, mostly on grounds actually gained by progressive efforts about a freedom agenda, of the Bush administration, it is interesting how it may be another Hogan bridging about a Freedom Agenda that is still to be established as a freedom agenda as of a manifesto like of a Hogan’s THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM a oddly foundational for both the Clintons’ and Bush Administration. {The Clintons present themselves as inseparable as a “two-fer” so “Clintons’” usage is appropriate and sporting for a political honesty in marketing their branding in a possessive plural sharing.}

The talk of the Masters may all be how though Michelle Obama may not herself be a golf enthusiast she could trump masters better than Hillary with 2016 Presidential race if it isn’t inconvenient to have a Michelle vs. Hillary Constitutional Crisis as per our 22nd Amendment constructs and its less than wordy establishments.  It is sporting now to suggest that the members of the Bush administration have not been setting themselves all free from the railroading still of and by the Clintons with learned erudity orally proffered in part for being themselves the more honorable of the administrations.  And, how this may be some for their Freedom Agenda by the timeline suggested recently by Elliot Abrams as so following a teed off sharing of a poetic manifesto like so whence thence committedly with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.

But to stand up as a Stanford University Professional golfer and one of two of the first women ever to be admitted as members of Augusta National seems now for Condoleezza Rice a sporting concern as per Tiger Woods.  I am not talking so here of a concern that another win by him so soon could caused him to need to return to therapy — I am talking here coincidentally about Hillary and Tiger of having contradictions to much in their branding as spring breaks anew in the Year of our founding fathers’ Lord two thousand Ten and three.  For Tiger it was of a retailing of him at Torrey Pines as if he was reconciling with his wife and starting the season off with a putting of fathering first in his fields.  For Hillary, well she couldn’t keep a straight face while trespassing upon good souls again with an attempt to an new unearned reinvention of herself.

I do find it sporting that I did once install new closet doors for Condoleezza Rice while President Bush’s NSA master, and, that as it may be her last thoughts on 9/11 morning before her aid walked in with news of a single plane crash into one of the World Trade Towers were of a professional referral airing for me as I then at that moment was coincidentally driving up 17th Street in Washington DC and right by the Old Executive Office Building of the White House plantation.  I didn’t though myself know of the timing of such or of the plane crashes until maybe an hour later and after I had arrived at a new clients home and already had been to unrepairable full removal of the old front door.

When I wrote to Representative Gephardt’s offices then that August in days and weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union George Stephanopoulus and a Koch son were peers and equals there.  When I wrote then I shared the first starts of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and as a way forward towards better freedom for more with such a started sporting attempt to give local American words and meaning in a rhyme and reason to Bush’s term NEW WORLD ORDER.  It is still sport and sporting that so much of what Clintons then braved learning to say and sound like was teed off primarily, at least, with the due focus on New Haven, Connecticut - as I had so based it poetically and as a global coding.

But for Tiger he hasn’t quite failed to keep a straight face with a new extreme makeover type improper leg work so as recently such a sad sight by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now too much of disordered personalities and contrary historicals.  But though branded for Torrey Pines as if to being this Year of our founders’ Lord two thousand Ten and three it seems by the Arnold Palmer Invitational that he was all about being iced tea and lemonade otherwise but likewise.  I don’t know how it won’t be sporting for even Condoleezza Rice if not called upon too officially about such to hazard a “beware of the hazards” to Tiger Woods as well of her Stanford University branding.

What can be par for the course this week for Tiger Woods at least near Hogan’s Bridge or Amen Corner?  Will the foliage be metaphorically at least too in bloom and as a HAZARD?  How won’t servants and service people be now most on black Tiger “Ice Tea” Woods mix about Augusta National for all of the Masters of this week in the Year of the founders’ of the United States of America Lord so such as it now is two thousand Ten and three? 

My sister did bring me back some paraphernalia from recent gathers of Masters - at least as a hostess executive for Time Warner Cable partying of the 75th Anniversary branding.  I do not know at the time of this pressing if she will be hosting as a corporate executive again there at some time this week - her last name is not now Hogan - she is a Democrat whom I believe still keeps a personally autographed mug of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on or near her desk.

A Michelle vs. Hillary is a Constitutional Crisis waiting to be fluffed and folded for all the world to see.  Michelle has as much right to let her husband run for re-election on her name now as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to run as if not a criminal enterprise, again.  If it is not fair for President Obama to trump our 22nd Amendment protections and seeming established intent by running now on his Princeton and Harvard degreed lady’s name than it likely is so criminal for there to have been one HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT such that we should now find our Masters in Treason and learn of their learnedness at least as to whether there are any statutory limits that run with treasonous activities if not merely somehow established as criminal.

{note:  At this moment on Sunday I am breaking from this pressing of a new column - not knowing if it is done or due furtherences however farther or further may be grammatically the appropriate metric for such meters and footings.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Her footprints are huge…

It seems a great naivete to believe Secretary Clinton was just a tool of President Obama.

It seems dangerous to risk an escapism for the rule of Clintons now as if not of the rule of Obama, however confusing and confounding her first steps about such are dramatized.

I do not want to tire my readers here by ruining a great title as if Hillary Clinton deserves it all to herself.  Others may be deserving of any higher orderings about any new Manifest Destiny as set as a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” as a discussion of whom women have a right to conquer as if to “liberate” them.  Hillary Clinton has a history to suggest she is a fem like the three me most of Evan Thomas’ THE WAR LOVERS - as a “war lover” herself.

Many body bags have been piled, however, up full from failures and sacrifices about a crusading of and by Hillary Clinton though more as if by remote control coddled distant safety.  In her huge footprints are many lost souls - and as these some of her still as if walking in Bill Clinton’s shoes, spousally.

She seems not to have even “ducked and ran for cover” let alone had a charge up a San Juan Hill all her own.

Yesterday on the Thirteenth day of the Third month of the Year of our Lord two thousand Ten and three our Constitution stood ratified and witness to a first Jesuit become Pope.  America of the North of The United States of America did become subscribed unanimously as preambled to be ‘ordained’ and ‘established’ as of “…the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”  The U.S.A. was so Constituted by its ratification so as a Union under one Lord as a Christian Lord of a Christian calender.  These American states, though, were not Constituted to be allowed to be by laws of Congress established along sectarian lines even to being a Catholic State by establishments of religion.

The Church so now of Peter of Francis has its pastoral charities loopholes for acceptance of a contrariness.  The United States of America though may actually be written such that our First Amendment is meant to follow the stoicism of George Washington’s First Inaugural orations and such that ACA - Obamacare - is not allowed as by our Bill of Rights for it imbues an “establishment of religion” barred even for Christian Charity from acts of The Congress.  Obamacare can be Un-Constitutional if it exists to be an establishment by Law that there, like, is no God and so a secular socialist Government program is needed.  The Congress by our First Amendment seems to be not allowed to pass any Law as if an establishment that there is no God.

Again, it is naive to believe Hillary Clinton.  Again, it is dangerous to accept blindly on a faith in the speak of President Obama that Hillary was just his tool about His foreign policies.  His as her’s of his is exceptional as a conundrum confounding of these times - and maybe as of a comparative ranking for all times.  Her of his (thought His of Obama’s) is a she of fem past of like a missing 8 years - a missing 1993 - 2001.  Her years of those year more of the big footprints, literally, comparatively, of Bill Clinton of His about such foreign realms do exist actually as in a real contrariness to a proposition that President Obama’s claims can be truthful.

The House of Obama has the House of the Clintons to rival it and battle it now for “LEGACY” and more or their regular lots of transference and projection strategics.  Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by letting it be used here as if forever only about Hillary Clinton.

It is hard not to tag Hillary Clinton as a “lover of war” and one as if of a “lover of war bar none.”  We have that it gets complicated with Bill Clinton’s footprints so huge and causal to the vast numbers of filled and piled, however, body bags with Hillary Clinton’s name due on them, officially for Posterity of Records — it is complicated that Hillary’s love of war may too much be of the “school” of “politics” of the “Wag the Dog” “convenient” “crisis” “escapists” set.

As First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton FLOTUS Hillary did crusade as a fem imperialist - not as an anti-imperialist.

It is naive, again, to accept blindly or on the word of President Obama that Hillary Clinton was just his tool in a Foreign Policies all His (his as Obama, President).  By offering in his first hours and by his orations of his inaugural that “it” could be of a ‘none of the fault of the Clintons’ as with his then official Presidential speak as of “it is all Bush’s fault” he trapped himself and us all into a realm for foreign policies for whomever might be his Top Diplomat then limited by half a potential hope or possible range of diplomatic flexibility/nuance.

Hillary Clinton cannot have been just a tool of a superior President and his orderings by his figurings, logically, for it follows that he was a prisoner to the Clintons since his inauguration so of such a ridiculous posturing as if “it” could be of a “none of the fault of the Clintons.”  Hillary cannot have been a bit player and just a tool as President Obama was trapped and so as if a tool of the Clintons for having proceeded from day one with a cover-up for the Clintons as a Governance PRIORITY.

Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by making it all about Hillary, just yet, just now before the whole story can be told.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:10 am

As we rise with the end of BLACK HISTORY MONTH upon us we have to consider now that it is not racist to be about casual banter about how and why Americans were, however, to have been having had better sex during the Bush/GOP administering.

We have to today deal with real currents of events and ebbs and flows of societal proprieties and maybe not too economically.

There seems to be no little blue pill for President Barack H. Obama in his second term to straighten out his government over-reaching and subjectivized “economic” rendings.  A serving of vitual comity not now so comedic with President Obama’s renderings so contrary and rended/set asunder per our p’s and q’s.  A time warp to election day 2000 and the air of an old battling between two southern white men can be moderated with a literal consumption of an economic factoid that DC bartenders prefer Republican reigns in our Washington for Republicans are better tippers than Democrats. 

But this is more about our here and now and less about the election day of 2000 and how then it was a choice between two southern white men.  It is from as reliable a bartender source as one can probably find anywhere that I learned then on such momentous yet “undecided” day of Republicans historically as better tippers.  I believe Restauranter James Carville’s chief bartender’s name was Norm - James and Mary co-operated WEST 23RD establishment whence - Norm is he whom is recalled for this “tipping” factoid.

Bill Clinton is also a southern white male.  If he wanted you to remember him as otherwise he likely would not have had his Arkansas based Presidential Library design too Freudian as if a BIG GUN as so most half bridges naturally appear and covered it in architectural “skin” in Confederate Gray tones.  For the sake of a discussion now about how Americans had better sex during the Bush administration than for the past four years under President Obama it is best to remember the 8 years of the Clintons, and, to remember that you can have it both ways since then it was that rare era of bi-partisanship.

We do need to look at all of President Clinton’s political and economic postures though since you may have picked up bad ways from him while so many were distracted by the unnatural highs of a careless bi-partisanship.

President Clinton is like a third wheel these days and as an ineligible player that just won’t leave the “bedrooms” of politics, and, especially won’t leave the politics of our economy.  There is a concern about “Bill” being allowed to hang around and in a patronizing air of improper historicals;  Bill Clinton still likes to think he was promoted out of the Office of the President and so that he doesn’t have to think he was at all “defeated.”  This is troublesome for Hillary as his Mrs., however, - however engaged improperly in an administration of another man; Hillary Clinton is still by “Bill” as if not as honorable as he as it was he that was forever promoted above her when they were forced to leave the White House by our 22nd Amendment.

The mentioned era of “unnatural highs of a careless bi-partisanship” of at least the second term of the Administration of the Clintons is a troublesome political black hole for economics and social justice streaming now, historically.  For the sake of this airing of a topical perusal comparative between the GOP and the Obama Dems it is better we keep the Clintons out of today’s bedroom banter — too many are likely to just lose sleep if we bring the Clintons back, now - ever.

Bill Clinton is not now, however, our Patronizer in Chief — Nor is his Mrs. our former Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so consecrated and of a consummated holding such that she while married seems never to be out from under “Bill” her “Mr.” at least as long as he continues to interject himself as if he reigns above after having been permanently promoted out of and above America’s office of the President “holding.”  It is arguable that President Obama had an illegal Secretary of State and that “Hillary for President” was an Un-Constitutional endeavor undermining to the logic of the 80th Congress and its carrying of our 22 Amendment through to its ratification. 

(Nixon was a member of the Eightieth Congress - women and wives by those “standards” were even more subjects of a “set asunder” “holding” trigger writ to render spouses of either sex as an indivisible “two-fer” with our term limit amending to be not just a loophole as with a spousal exception.)

To keep Bill and Hillary now out of our bedrooms of such currents of discourse to proprieties proper and civilly considerated is wise and necessary, much.  She as a spouse of a term limited First Couple rightly is arguably of having been barred by the undecided law of our 22nd amendment and even from any posting however an intimate engagement in another man’s administration if such so bedded down into our constituted line of succession. 

The eightieth Congress waxed sexual and without being of Posterity for perpetuity in a sex descrimination;  the eightieth Congress scribed so such writ and carried it through its ratification to be an enduring bar and not a weak regulatory arbitrary maleable bit piece of lower law;  the eightieth Congress construction of our 22nd Amendment as a Term Limit Constitutional bar is remarkably poetic though of undecided license yet as intimately varied to be sensitive to engagements of unions indivisible and vow not to be set asunder in marriage - of marriage vows standard writs.  To be otherwise is to have our marriage laws set asunder by other laws and specifically primarily superiorly by the Constituted 22nd Amendment.

Bill Clinton was not promoted out of our office of the President — Mrs. Hillary Clinton is not now nor will she ever be First Lady of the World to an unelected superior, and yet by self-decreeing, President of the World Bill Clinton.  There are prudent reflections to peruse about the inseparability of the Clintons and all First Couples, regardless of their sex.  Today we are set about to consider at least that most Americans did have better sex before even the first inaugural of President Barack H. Obama — along Partisan lines - not personal particulars.

Bill Clinton is trying to be in the room again and as superior still to his Mrs.  Bill Clinton with the arguable economic failures of President Obama, though all the while of his own former “experts” and with his wife quite too complicit, is yet still trying to climb to a workable high ground of an air of superiority that can only mostly now be “patronizing” at least much to President Obama, and, even on this last day of BLACK HISTORY MONTH.

If you have not yet even considered the improper design of the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON can you even be prudently considerate enough to broach naval matters more now of a union divided along partisan lines and with it not too patronizing if Republicans were to buy full pages and see published a simple progression that explains how the Democrats while oddly united were to the cause and effects that have brought us so about a new Depression like era of a worked Government biased economic suppression long of this most long recession.

It is a misplaced patronizing by the wants seemingly of President William Jefferson Clinton to ask you to bed now still with a ridiculous belief in him (and Hillary - his Mrs.) that all you/we need now is just to have “Bill” back.  As we slide to sequestration it is with President Barack H. Obama conflicted and compromised by both spouses of the Clintons’ “two-fer” - it is that he has been stuck and uninspiring for having dragged out the Clintons as if innocent and free to partronize, however, though these economics as well attest that “IT” can not have been none of the Clintons’ fault.

Is it patronizing at least to President Obama that with a “not sexy” sequestration set upon our otherwise privately workable economics that President Clinton still wants you to believe that you/we just need him back?  Is it at least sexist that such seems in the air now and even patronizing to Mrs. Clinton whom is not now nor ever to be an unelected First Lady of the World to self proclaimed President of the World Bill Clinton - that you/we need “Bill” back so much we should see an entire Constitutional Amendment as just a loophole to use “Hillary” (his Mrs.) now to get him back?

And, yes it seems that from that day in 2000 when two southern white men were battling our electoral rhetoricals and historicals LIVE in the present that at least by James’ and Mary’s Norm as chief bartender it became establish factoid that Republicans are preferred in DC by restaurant staffs as better for their personal economics as said thence as “better tippers.”

While handling your new serving of Bob Woodward of “if a President says it is legal” Constitutional echoes it does complement the Confederate Grey “personalized” “architecture of the William Jefferson Clinton southern phalic “BIG GUN” allegoricals historical for not just the Clintons such that his Arkansas based Presidential Library is, quite, that the Clintons are host and hostesses about DC as residers former in Chief at their personally selected private residence for nesting and Posterity on Whitehaven Road.

It does seem that regardless of how effective Bill Clinton may still think his patronizing is we are of a new day dawning tomorrow all #sequestration irregular.  It does seem that tomorrow dawns a day for a simple global strategy by Republicans and Bob Woodward types even so if kept to historically basic media of full page buys to publish globally a time line of the cause and effect who, what, where, when, why and how that can explain elementarily that the Democrats did cause these long years of an economic new Depression like long recession by Goverment over-reaching effectively of economic suppression.

Cheers!  Happy #sequestration so much as you have a right to manage - have earned a right to have.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:15 am

The Governors are my mascot.  I was publicly educated through the twelfth grade to my graduation from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross High School.  We were/are THE GOVERNORS.


What is too low a standard morally or ethically speaking for a former US Executive to be at without it “charming” while lower than we should expect?  When is a former Executive of our United States exposed to personal suits for having been of conduct unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

What is a TERRORIST?

Whom are our referees for all this that is of an air of our protections secured for JUSTICE more than a willy nilly of our POLITICS?  Where are the flags from our referees however where ever they are for LIES unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

Before I graduated as a GOVERNOR from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross Public High School I already knew of “B.O.” of Hawaii of interests in presidential oratory and as well already knew there was a Sarah Heath of a Bush, Conn & Heath title IX basketball passion in Alaska.  I have cousins related to Connecticut’s second Governor after the Great Independence & Revolution & original Constituting.  While a high schooler if I was to asking someone to pick up my down winter coat I had to ask them to like grab the “Jerry Brown” coat - for it is I had/have a Gerry brown down winter coat.

By 1971 I had picked a good career path for myself that was much in my mind in 1983 while near to HS graduation.  My grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was to mandatory retirement as a top “Mad Man” of his day (show’s era) as the primary account chieftain for the consolidated work for Johnson & Johnson then at Young & Rubicam.  In 1971 I asked him to take me under his wing and teach me to become like him - with an agreement of “but without your vice of smoking.”

I am John Peter Hogan as named “John” of the oldest son of my paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. and oldest son of his oldest son - my dad named more for his father as John W. Hogan Jr. Esq.  I wanted by 1983 to grow up to be like both of my grandfathers as a merger of their uniquenesses as responsible contributing honorable citizens.

Today is also my dad’s 74th birthday.  The “B.O.” of Hawaii I have known since the late seventies of when I was to the middle school school wide East Rock Community School New Haven Public School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY Declaration of War Speech did become known only more recently for having my same birthday of August 4 though I have all along known him to be four years ahead of me.

I did grow up wanting or needing to be ambitious at least because of my family and our neighborhood and its neighbors and legacy.  While growing up Richard Hegel was of hosting of Holiday Parties we were invited to and while he was New Haven’s official Historian.  It was my old classmate Steve who started dating another old friend who lived across the street from another of BO a “Bo” — Steve Brennen is still a professional artist and now as well a Hamden Fireman, last I knew.  Steve Brennen is the old seventh grade pal whom is responsible for he of “Are you ready for the Oratory Contest? and Are you ready as well to compete in any school wide competition with it also in Hawaii?” queriousness with a like Operator for Hawaii broadcast to all whom might want to compete in presidential oratory against me.

I get it is funny that I have known so many characters for so long and while of interests to a career like both of my grandfathers somehow to a touch as an international marketer of the highest ordering.  I am not sure though it is funny that if you change two “e”s to two “a”s you get “Hagel” from “Hegel” and “Brennan” from “Brennen.”

It is still relevant that I have know Bill and Hillary since 1971 or 1972 and for them of days as students not yet engaged to each other and both to walking my neighborhood with wondering and querying about whether they both might be able to become President someday.  They asked me about such and effectively, to make a long story short and while this is more about Governors today, I like said “NO - if you marry each other be careful who goes first in attempt as the 22nd Amendment should keep you if married to each other from both becoming elected.”  I still don’t know how as a near 1st Grader I was to such a comment - but do get that I was wised up enough to realize I should never let myself forget two people who would ask such a question of anyone.

Is Al Gore a WEATHER TERRORIST?  Was Hillary Clinton with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, from near day one, also effectively acting as if a WEATHER TERRORIST?

As our Diplomacy standing rule is like - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERMANENT ENEMIES OR PERMANENT FRIENDS - JUST PERMANENT INTERESTS - Secretary Kerry with “we have now permanent enemies” is maybe more of the “rule” than a practicable reality.

The Clintons were wrong not to proceed against Saddam Hussein in their first term to a full compliance with all United Nations sanctions.  We have that President Bush was wise not to proceed immediately into Baghdad with THE PERSIAN GULF WAR as until the United States of America started saving its own cities like New York City and its Time Square and as well Las Vegas Saddam Hussein had a way to win.  Saddam Hussein had enough cards up his sleeve to turn the world to his side if we had proceeded immediately at him and Baghdad and with sympathetic marketing to ask peoples of his region and the broader world about whether he wasn’t able to better manage Baghdad than Americans were able to manage their own big cities.

Within the first term of the Clintons we were ready to stand up our cities as at least as well run as his and able to defeat his PR advantage and then move at him for a WWII like post world war RECONSTRUCTION with trials like Nuremberg’s but then for him.  In hindsight we can see many troublesome “official” acts by the Clintons different from this and contributive to so many problems that we have had since that were otherwise able to have been checked and addressed better sooner.

John Kerry, Secretary of State, was smart to remark about how well Japan and Germany are after we defeated their earlier constitutednesses and then worked post world war RECONSTRUCTIONS about.  It is remarkable though that his location was a slap at the Clintons of them more like William Blygh or Bov. George Clinton as well as his mention of RECONSTRUCTION good will of at least the Japanese and Germans as proven to not be “permanent enemies.”  Such begets the late query as to how or why the Clintons didn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein for war crimes in a timely manor nor proceed ASAP to a POST WWWIII RECONSTRUCTION for Iraq once we had started our COMMUNITY POLICING & LIVEABLE CITIES INITIATIVES. 

We have our Governors may now want and get their own drones.  We have that President Obama’s foreign policies with Secretary Clinton are suspect and with Mrs. Clinton of acceptance of a “culpability” for her intelligence and leadership failures as per the BENGHAZI FOUR and our 9/11 II. 

If they cannot explain whom is a terrorist as per BENGHAZI acts of war on like a Holy Day for Al Qaeda how can they or we be sure they know a “terrorist” when tasking a “kill” off their “Kill List” by drone(s)?

If we cannot be clear yet about what a “TERRORIST” is or isn’t still - is it because a defiinition of such will tag both Al  Gore and former candidate for President Hillary Clinton of then HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT while Senator Clinton as well as ‘TERRORIST” - but more as WEATHER TERRORISTS?

What is a TERRORIST?


What is “MATERIAL SUPPORT OF TERRORISTS” and how isn’t Bill Clinton’s CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE while so modeled for “support” like Al Qaeda’s purported “banking system” maybe incidentally or accidentally to casual or real “material support of terrorists”?

Who are our referees?  Where are our referees?  Where are the flags for conduct unbecoming a former Executive Branch Officer of The United States of America?  Where are the penalty flags for all the LIES?

Did I tell you already that today is also my dad’s birthday?

Brennen is a friend - he married the Geller friend once a co-tri Governors swim-team captain with myself and another swimmer David.  This female Geller and other swimmer David were the basis for my musing FRIENDS show into existence as bulwark for friends and a guards against foes.  Bo was and is likely still big into pick-up urban B-ball games though a Professor of Marketing now - as I recall. 

Yes we needed to start fixing New York City, Time Square and some Las Vegas before we proceeded to a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and an attempt to run his Baghdad.  Yes we could have and should have moved to a full enforcement of all United Nations sanctions on Iraq within the Administration of the Clintons’ first term and to a RECONSTRUCTION like that for Japan and Germany after the earlier last world war. 

Secretary Kerry as opened up a can of political worms now with such as in his inaugural speech and with it from the University of Virginia.

What is “material support of terrorists”? 


What is a TERRORIST?

How much has it cost us since the Clintons acted official with an infidelity to our own Justice standards abroad for their eight years as regards Iraq and Saddam Hussein?  How can it be right to have these years be to helping Afghani women and girls and not right for President Bush to have tried to help Iraqi women and girls?  How wrong was it for the Clintons’s official “State” speak to have been religiously bases with a bias against Shia peoples and especially the Shia majority of Iraq oppressed and suppressed by Saddam Hussein and as official speech of “Iraqi Shia are not capable of governing themselves”?


Their foreign policy now also in hindsight is horrendous for a religious basis with sectarian bias contrary to our own established Justice and rights.  It is scary that we let them sell PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS while such morally questionable with Middle East region realities quite different. 

It seems we have that Bill Clinton was at least an AMERICAN INFIDEL to our own Justice standards - and that too many are at risk of a guilt by association now as he thinks we and others have permanently forgotten.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:06 pm

Call me J.P. Hogan!

I did not just give my first inaugural address as a new Secretary of State today.  I do not think that I am an Imperialist.

We can all be empirical forwards and backwards now comparatively on some whales of issues paddled by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton versus those now postured for a new rowing by John Kerry - Secretary of State.

We have an obligation as Americans and/or global citizens to figure out what are the important questions that need to be asked if we are to try to get the answers that are not just random talking points.

If you are not yet away of how a new journey has already started today and how from the inland historical helm of considerations of and by Thomas Jefferson - you can accept as a known fact that John Kerry gave his first speech as President Barack H. Obama’s new Secretary of State from the University of Virginia today. 

He as an inheritor of the questionable years of his predecessor’s over-reaching is now of an inaugural addressing of a Jeffersonian quality not measured just by a sextant’s metrics — President Obama’s new Secretary of State (#SecKerry) broached issues quite modern and old and foggy still while Obama’s.

I do not take him to be a maddening Captain William Blygh of a Bounty helmsmanship nor a mad whale hunter for a great white ways.  Sec Clinton could have been as by William Jefferson Clinton otherwise still much the same but how as Mrs. Hillary Rodham Blythe III - as William Blythe III is President Clinton’s original Christian name.  The HMS Bounty however fated to a mutiny as it was did set sail historically so before the embers of our Tea Party styled independence started struggle burned out to an effected Independence of once mere colonies.

I like Thomas Jefferson for many reasons - I as J.P. Hogan one not an imperialist to the best of his knowledge.  He was inventive besides being an erudite and practical scribe of writs that could endure in a Posterity.  He did as I recall invent a coat hanger and as well a way for French double doors to simultaneously open with a push on just one of them for his Monticello manse.  Thomas Jefferson as well that I remember is credited for the architectural credit about having brought sky lights to America.

But did Secretary of State John Kerry with his inaugural address bury Caesar or praise him with “Hillary” a “Caesar” put to fade away?  What are the whales of the issues in his inheritance from her that will most unsettle his own crews, and, while however once hers?

I am on board some with #SecKerry as I couldn’t be with President Obama’s 1st Secretary of State for she arguably too imperialist at least while of her crusading days as FLOTUS Clinton of her global dictates and trespassing on women’s rights.  Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as she could have been Senator Hillary Rodham Blythe III otherwise, maybe, did bring too much baggage with her to our ship of State.

Call me maybe “the narrator”?

There is a whale of an elephant still about the china shop of Diplomacy of State as long as the Clintons’ Global Initiative is still operational as if a shadow government or at least a shadow Department of State.  I am not sure if Mrs. Clinton is yet allowed to start lobbying for their CGI for at least a year or if she will immediately put on airs as if the First Lady of the Clintons’ Global Initiative.

I may not be ready to narrate on all of this empirically enough yet - call be a “blogger” for now, maybe?

Did you hear about #SecClintons “JOBS DIPLOMACY” yet?  Mustn’t #SecKerry disband this merry mutinous over-reaching immediately if his helmsmanship didn’t first commence effectively already so?

John Kerry, Secretary of State, the newly “foggy” as of Tea Party common sense sympathies old and now new, has inherited a bunch of new blubber energy snags and turbulence.  I as a “narrator” or just a “blogger” appreciate his freshness as believable, unlike his predecessor, with his ordering and posits of his State of he as no longer “political.”  Legends will be made on all the  ways that the Clintons fogged up our State and Diplomacy spousally in ways that “not in politics” effectively sounded no more believable that “it depends what the definition of is is.” 

I cannot myself abide that there was not a running conflict of interest with Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State while her Husband as if “President of the World” and reigning still “executively” with their CGI.

Today’s inaugural address from the University of Virginia by John Kerry, Secretary of State wafts over those already exposed as a breath of fresh air yet not explainable as part of a continuous philosophy of governance by President Barack H. Obama.  There is a whale of an elephant in the china shop of our State — Has President Obama been liberated by John Kerry and from a tyranny of and by the Clintons and such that now he is free to be his better self?

Did the Clintons have President Barack H. Obama essentially chained to them and their global plots set too much in motion too imperialistically too long ago?

How can President Obama’s NEW #State Top Diplomat now seem so different and already so much more intelligent?

It is now that you can nearly call President Obama’s new Top Diplomat a Tea Partier or a great Jeffersonian sympathizer, and, while the Clintons together seems set adrift to fade away as too autocratic and of too great over-reaching extra-Constitutional plotting and scheming as if they were HMS keeled and “majesties” in their own minds.  So much of the era of William Blygh and his HMS Bounty with sympathies more akin to George Clinton then about as in opposition to the ideas of America as the Governor of New York.

But of the whale of the elephant as if in a china shop about our foreign services left over of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons bureaucratic and imperialistic over-reaching such as her JOBS DIPLOMACY empirically heels:

Was #SecClinton mutinous for all of her four years as President Barack H. Obama’s Top Diplomat?  Was her JOBS DIPLOMACY bad economics and not of the spirit of our Constitution - at least as figured by Thomas Jefferson?

You can call me stirred and shaken by her and her JOBS DIPLOMACY and yet consider me less informed than I do desire as we all seem too much of random talking points while back room plots were being hatched and maybe after a special spousal setting keeled by and of the “two-fer” of Clintons as whence thence our reigning First Couple.

I do answer to “J. P. Hogan” and am most easily Googleable so.  But now what of the over-reaching of “Hillary’s” JOBS DIPLOMACY of it empirically it seems of an attempt to usurp legacy global powers of two other cabinet level departments? 

Secretary Kerry can you assure me that you will not continue the imperialistic scheming to bring Commerce and Treasury legacy global yet separated Powers under the “Diplomatic” seat of duty and obedience as however you now find it with as the inheritor of dangerous over-reaching ambitions long of the Clintons’ politics to a new dawn of Powers for them if they could just effect a “Post-Constitutional Era” acceptance as a “new necessary” way?

I will have to bed down tonight believing that John Kerry has liberated President Obama from the shackles of the Clintons politics and decades of plotting as a “two-fer” never not “Political.”  I know not what else there is to believe tonight after Secretary John Kerry spoke intelligently and eruditely as if of Tea Party sympathies old and new.

As a blogger I gander empirically a sense about much of this as if a sea change about President Obama. 

I am more an observer seeing them prepare anew to cast off to foreign ports of call Diplomatically, however.  But as per “Hillary’s” JOBS DIPLOMACY danger lurks deep beneath our keel of State — while it of a too imperialistic heeling and not yet already or soon righted or arrested.

We know “Hillary” wanted the BIG job in the BIG house — and that it figures it would be as logical to close down our Department of Education as to let a Secretary of State be about usurping however enumerated Powers of Commerce and Treasury while of wants hungover to the REAL power of the BIG house.

He is now at the helm of State - he is now the captain of our Diplomacy - he is John Kerry, Secretary of State.

A new day has dawned! - but? - and, yet:  Does President Barack H. Obama have a philosophy of governance?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:12 am

Our hopes are upon him now as another set soon so out to pasture and reflection; these days soon to dawn for hopes not too bogged down.  And, by the embers of his peats a shared stoking for the she fires before now but out to pastures, soon.

If Governor Andrew Cuomo is to run for President in 2016 there isn’t much he now need to do about Hillary Clinton.

This is not to be a “metrosexual” new age piece like a vagina diatribe by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton;  President Obama after nearly four years had only one “foreign policy” success to run on - right?  Mrs. Clinton is today to be covered as a woman and following on the Governor of New York State being of his State of the State about sexual equality and pay as if equals.

Yes, that is right — after four years President Obama only had the overseas military success of having done more than catch Osama Bin Ladin to run on despite Madam Secretary Clinton as his top “DIPLOMAT.”  We can off blog get down to discussing how she has been heralded as a success despite such and yet with such usually of commentary with metrics as that only maybe related professionally since the measure it seems for her has oddly been to whether “Bill and Hillary” have become “more popular” globally.

Has she been more a “terrorist” than a “peacemaker”?  Has she been the “moody” and “irrational” decider thought now only of past chauvenistic bygone era - actually?  Has she been all of a personal vendetta and vengence - as it can be reasoned with the co-Administration of the Clintons so fresh still and yet so incredibly contrary?

How can there be a bucolic reign for Senator John Kerry turned Statesman with the irregularity left of the long era of his predecessor?  Can Madam Secretary be just considered as “put out to pasture” if not also penned that way with “Bill” and their CGI?  Where are the ‘happy places’ - ‘happy fields’ - for a Secretary Kerry and his Boss Obama?

Governor Cuomo, while recently of having to unlearn most of what was his “expertise” while in the Clintons’ administration and to finding workable ways otherwise so as a new governor, is of his prudent political posture that there sould be sexual equality and equal pay regardless of ones sex.  But Hillary stands as a failed Secretary of State to enough and yet while still oddly championed as a better “next President” than now Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Can there be a bucolic political landscape - can there be one at least until some of the wounds of the hawkish “Hillary” have had care and time to heal?

It seems we all should be of real concern about our “Hillary” and now look back at her irregularity and contrariness as at least of her being a woman - a woman though specific to her past and its “emotions” political not because of her and menopause.

She did show in these four years a “Hillary Before” and a “Hillary After” that is still hard to explain but by discussing deeply a need for Clinton CYA and for it seeming that such now so as “different” or “moody” stuck like vengence around the world on those still standing as if standing was an embarrassment personally to “Bill and Hillary” of their eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

It does seem just wrong to suggest Madam Secretary Clinton has been a success because the “CLINTONS” global brand stock is up around the world.  It seems unfair to President Barack Hussein Obama that she otherwise has left him hardly a campaignable success but for whatever “hands on” roll she might have diplomatically or undiplomatically played towards the assassination of Osama Bin Ladin.

There is all the “moodiness” that cannot now be like a tool in the shed of diplomacy for Senator John Kerry if and when Secretary of State - he will be expected not to change his hair style willy nilly per his personal whimsy and nor will he be seen as stable if he dons even a small fraction of the irregular and inconsistent wardrobe stylings of his predecessor.

It is arguable that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has despite clearing up the “Saddam Hussein” specifics been to targeting foreign leaders that make she and her husband look bad for having been so cozy and like ‘in bed’ with during the eight years of the co-administration of the Clintons.

But can a bucolic now be possible if we are just of a letting of our “Hillary” be to as if just put out to pasture?  Isn’t the Clintons’ BRAND now globally a conflict of interest whether she is Secretary of State or just like afterwards the “FIRST LADY” of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE?

We have that many can hope so many now won’t just be like “lambs” to a Secretary Kerry as if “lambs” as “pawns” these years - long years - of Secretary Clinton.

It may be suggestive of a possible political bucolic to see “Hillary” as a peaceable lamb tucked away in some fields of Ireland’s Kerry — But, we are talking about the Clintons and should be talking about Hillary as a woman - and as one that had too many “POLITICAL” emotions to carry after having been FLOTUS Mrs. Clinton for eight.

Governor Cuomo has prudently spoken to an agenda for sexual equality and equal pay regardless of sex, and, he knows better than most that he had to learn a new “expertise” to Govern after that of the era of the co-Administration of the Clintons and his charges about such couldn’t carry water.

It seems Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be tagged and/or branded to near historic chauvenistic stereotypes for and of women.  I don’t know which of our politicians now has the greatest ambitions against more favoritism for her at their own expense - Senator John Kerry if her successor will have her “womanness” hard to avoid, and difficult politically to fix.

Though the timing of her baby as it was “ODYSSEY DAWN” did broadcast like simultaneously with the Twitter scandal of her top Middle East Advisor’s husbands “tri - pol - I” pixilated infidelity it may not be another WAG THE DOG Clintons CYA for the French needed to take the lead on Tripoli.  Much more has been to getting more hazy.

She needed the French as did President Obama it seems; they needed the French to take the lead because they didn’t have the necessary leadership skills and experience themselves to have taken the lead so. 

So it seems, still. 

But as per our “Hillary” as not a too emotional (woman) politician prone to hot spots/flashes and irregularities we have that she leaves to the likely nominee Senator John Kerry a fog of Diplomacy and international politics much ado about how if we were right to proceed towards the killing of Osama Bin Ladin and Qadhaffi and to the stand-offishness about Egypt than we must have been justified earlier towards a similar pursuit, however, against Saddam Hussein, and, as he to many was considered worse.

As per our “Hillary” this may all about her just a vengence seeking hawk and as a former First Spouse scorned, and, not otherwise specifically about her as an irregular female and too moody a woman.  There is the “HILLARY BEFORE” and the “HILLARY AFTER” and still so much worrisome as to how she can be so different now than she was while First Lady.

So it seems, still.  

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:26 pm


These are days, again, it seems, difficult to be kind to Hillary Clinton.  These are not days of a happy “swan song” of Mrs. Clinton nor her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  Much is afoot and now exposed though long presented as if a good gift of gentile art.

These are not days (again) for hailing her a good “chief” or “teacher.”   She “Hillary”  - daughter of “Rodhams” - the daughter of a “Hugh” and a “Dorothy” and raised a first striker - raised to strike first.  It is an odd immunity she as “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton” is being afforded with so much costs and so much blood upon her hands as if more long a “Secretary of War” than of “Diplomacy.”

A dichotomy of our “Hillary” that has legs so long that these days her stride steps all of “All Bush’s Fault” false titling and clearly back to walks and talks of her crusading 90s’s as “FLOTUS.”

With Ambassadors like her “children” she is now suffering us all too much as freshly wounded of her as a bad “mother.”  Where wasn’t she?  How long wasn’t she there?  How did she miss all the cries of her Ambassadors as she had as First Lady “Mother” Clinton once those eight years deaf to or avoiding the cries of the women of Afghanistan and Iraq, at least?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP of her Boss and his other department(s) we seem at least safe from also having been hers, as once feared as sold and as “inevitable” yet however taint her too as of a removal of GOD from classrooms?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality with a like “catch of day” Politics with fidelity to our President as never written or intended? 

Does the RACE TO THE TOP as of its dictates these four years have a dangerous dichotomy quite diabolical too — Does it  oddly preach a greed and competitiveness for a TOP while though also oddly dictating that any where above the “middle” is evil?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality more though with peer pressure “corporate ladder” like daily status boxing based just on video game aggressive cultures?

It seems that Hillary has been exposed at least for lying for over four years and as a bearing of false witness knowingly and politically in a partisan and very polarizing methodology.  We should consider that since she was once packaged as “inevitable” as a new first “Mother” of our federal provinces now are the days to ask if we weren’t saved from her much - if she wouldn’t have been a worse President than Barack Hussein Obama.

Valerie Plame had her husband as an outer quite like Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton had her “husband” trap her by boldly stepping into Charlotte as the charlatan with economic voo doo and/or snake oil as he did.  And, Hillary Clinton has been so bold to as well have been being as if a Joe(sephine) Wilson of national warring of a personal agenda.

Our “Hillary” - however - is a reigning Constitutional conundrum of management and/or accounting best practices.  She is as not taught to be for safeguards even for petty cash in corporate endeavors.  She reigns as if a CEO were allowed to have a private residence off his Corporate Offices and with their spouse free to come and go with shared power and an expectancy to succeed just because they were able to mix business and pleasure with a office based home.

It seems to confusing to try to explain Mrs. Clinton as other than a faux feminist - for with her husband she put the glass ceiling over herself for most of her adult life, and, while her husband by marrying her was able to avoid becoming an actual feminist.

We are gathered about these issues now as a year end and term ending consideration and much of a Madam Secretary of State that could have been worse and worse with much more of our “governance.”   She was not born “Adam” son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and then to schools where the story of your self is declared regularly, by a Government, to be nonsense.

“Hillary” was only promised a Rose Garden by her husband and yet conditional upon her being diminutive as if of a self elected “glass ceiling” of a necessary faux feminism for her until such time as he were to Constitutionally not being able to have it as his firstly.  That she tolerated a reigning of her “Bill” with his CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE and while it made her look smaller as if just a bureaucrat of a travel office secretarial “job” is a puzzle not too dangerous as if a TROJAN HORSE before the first TROJAN HORSE.

We have that as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR, whom we also should never forget, we also have that we have a 22nd Amendment and the legacy of prudence of “George” and “Martha” of a togetherness where eight years set to be enough.  We have that by trying to have more than eight years between them “Bill” and “Hillary” may have quite seriously, and to great costs to us all, have hidden for a long time how much was “all their fault”. 

For “Adam” - son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” - it may be that when God was taken from our classrooms his life went to Hell.  For “Hillary” - Secretary of State - she now only has to answer for THE BENGHAZI FOUR and how that she by so wrong about such now is of an exposing of her years of having beared false witness at our expense. 

The whole Truth of our “Hillary” now seems that THE BENGHAZI FOUR exposes her and her “Bill” (and President Obama) as having been very wrong about Al Qaeda since back to the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.

Our classrooms now with or without God have to consider a revisionist “history” of the Administration of the Clintons and our entire era of “the 90s” - it seems.  Poor “Adam” son of a “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and all joined to his Hellishness.  May he not have been long of a tag of the slang for “Nancy” as well as rapped upon by Government busy at taking “Adam” out of classrooms.  Our classrooms are fraught with troubles to last a while for the ill considered race of RACE TO THE TOP.

And, though where can our “Hillary” now sit in our classrooms with our without God? 

She has long beared false witness against many of the Administrations of the Bushes and while her husband kept up a like “ceiling” above her of a reign extra-Constitutional in many ways much as if he alone had been “promoted” out of our Office of the President and to where he is globally as if an unchecked and unelected President of the World.

At least if RACE TO THE TOP has any redeeming qualities all our schools should now be mandated to ask and discuss how if “Hillary” as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR could be so wrong now then mustn’t she also have been so wrong about Al Qaeda while First Lady “Mother” Hillary Clinton too?  And, to a scholarly crediting if as well of asking if she mustn’t have been so causally wrong as a crusading FLOTUS to have been more wrong then than presently?


President Bill Clinton should not have participated in the Dem Convention in Charlotte both because of his conflict of interest with his wife sworn to “not be in politics” while Secretary and he of his Clintons’ Global Initiative of a promised mission to not be partisan nor political with such.  His presence and proffering much worse for of new fuzzy math and economic constructs quite farcical as bold brassy lies. 

Bill Clinton did maybe lie President Obama to a victory. And, he as well to assuring a new and more polarized grid lock as their cover-up of themselves as if just a beautiful and innocent wooden horse of a “none of the Clintons’ fault” now becomes exposed as now a danger and for long having been a danger we should have seen from the start.

With or without God in our classrooms may we at least now to having the lies of the Clintons in there as “lies.”

And, again:  Bill Clinton should not have even without his being a Charlotte charlatan have spoken at the Democrat Convention for to speak was inappropriate while his spouse was/is our sworn Secretary of State, and, because he stood up and told more economic lies. 

That it was proffered as “All Bush’s fault” stands logically as such a preposterous impossibility that on its face it has been confessional by Dems - and yet supposed to work as a “cover-up.” 

Oddly when you accept that Bush did it seems take the easy way to Operation Iraqi Freedom with “lies” offered to a willing Congress and enough to get the desired vote we have that it is the Clintons that both end up looking worse that President Bush.

It is teachable that President Bush chose the easy path of lying for a vote from Congress for a necessary and quite complicated “operation” for a very late prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and, that such was while he could have sold it more honestly and necessary if he needed to. 

But by “lying” President Bush didn’t otherwise have to mess with the politics of calling out the Clintons for their failures as earlier “Father” and “Mother” of our Country - nor for them of a TROJAN HORSE dimensional as like a bearing of false witness.

                                                *       *

*[This prefaced piece while a public work in progress Sunday before Christmas.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:33 am

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Leader Nancy Pelosi?  Have you come up with an explanation for so much that roots in your time as Speaker?  Can this be mostly that of the global influence of a stale Clinton - at least one Clinton too long in power?  Mustn’t it be more all just your fault?

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?  Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

Speaker Nancy Pelosi it part of a triumverate of circa 2007 effectors whom can be considered a dark “charmed” troika to an economic slide for all.  For Leader Pelosi her necessary role was to keep President George W. Bush from being able to do the spending he would need to if to being able to fix the economy in time.

Two others, at least, had to play equally diabolical roles yet more to subjectifying our economics and at least the price of vehicle fuels.  We can get to them later - they can run, but can they hide now?

We are here now with a threat for a new recession or depression quite possible.  I don’t know if technically such would be now a quadruple dip if since the day of Senator Clinton and her announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT - or just a triple or double dipping.

2012 was a big WIN for Republicans - it isn’t hard to figure it so, already.  President Barack Hussein Obama may not yet provide us copies of his ideological college or law papers but to go forward PC he should avoid being PG (Politically gouche) and work us all away from insensitive discussions of a “POVERTY LEVEL” as he creeps forward with his dream NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and to a new patriotic Obama “GREEN MINIMALISM”!

Yes, while Speaker, Nancy Pelosi did carry on as a devotee to the Clintons and a dark celebrant of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES and to such an extent that she governed to keep President George W. Bush from being able to reverse enough of the spending cuts of two trillion in eight years in time to fix our economy in time.  Yes, Speaker Pelosi was part of a triumverate as a purposeful dark “charmed” troika of sorts hell bent to keep a down economy so that Dems could win again on:  IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPIDS!!!.

This is like a period made more for a political enlightenment than expected new renaissance.  Republican have at least their 41 votes in the Senate to hold back any new reconciliation moves however already impossible with their holding of our House so this 2012.  Democrats now to move forward must establish a base line more PC than “POVERTY LEVEL” as their mandate seems to be of from a youth movement willing to have less if it will save our planet.  Democrats now to move forward must first be from the desk of newly elected President Obama be to establishing a baseline for their GREEN MINIMALISM PC.

Let me be clear:  There is no way this black FDR wanna be didn’t want an excuse to bring in anew the white FDR’s social programs and socialistic powers.  He even is obvious for the name of the Chicago area he chose to live in.

The con is up!!!  Let me be clear:  President Obama is now re-elected with a mandate to save the planet with any or all austerity he thinks needed.  He now logically needs his first step to be to a most public dictate as to a minimalism for all, a GREEN MINIMALISM at least for those that stood up for such to be his mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The attempt at a RUSSIAN “RESET” may have been doomed from the start for there were already three as a dark “charmed” troika in America.  Clinton and Powers may have had no real chance to bring Russia in as a forth.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

For the Honorable President George W. Bush to have fixed the economy while President he would have had to have very publicly reversed much or most of the unnecessary extra trillion in spending cuts by the Clintons for their SURPLUSES.

We are now of a day(s) with President Obama with an election mandate near solely for a new GREEN MINIMALISM as if a black FDR to a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We have that the like “GREEN REVOLUTION” he just rode to re-election is of a mandate loudly that his people are ready to have less if it will save the planet.

We are now, so it should be, of just a brief waiting upon newly elected President Obama for his dictates on minimalism levels so spoken and voted in as a mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The planet must still be in serious, even most serious, peril since the Obama campaign didn’t back down or away from any earlier claims of dangers of an “end of the world…” coming.  It now must not be PC to speak of “POVERTY LEVEL” as a NEW DEAL shared sacrifice era has been run on and voted in enough so for us now to learn to become of a new speak of GREEN MINIMALISM PATRIOTISM.

And the other two of the dark “charmed” troika or triumverate about Speaker Pelosi 2008 economic hobblings are simply then just Senator Hillary Clinton and new “Mr. Science” and “ALARMIST” Al Gore.

We are not talking “conspiracy theories” here - awaken to GRAND STRATEGIES possibilities, please.  Become enlightened as much as you might now, please.


But how?

It is quite simple when you have opened your mind to how bad the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were together with what else they passed off as good economics, and, it is quite simple when you understand that Speaker Pelosi did keep President Bush from being able to do the spending necessary to fix the very fundamentally troubled economy in time for 2008 elections.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?


Can President Barack Hussein Obama now govern with his con up?  Can he carry just his believers forward to his new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as many find out it is now only necessary because the Democrats worked it to be necessary?  Will they accept a timely austerity and it’s necessary new PC of patriotism to a GREEN MINIMALISM?

Can President Barack Hussein Obama even convince his own to suffer and figure ways to get by on less - if only to save the planet?  Can he govern with his con up and it obvious that it was Dems fault and from a trying and it no longer a “inheritance” inconveniently left just magically for a black FDR wanna be by a Republican predecessor?

Sure much good can come from a new austerity now regardless of how wrought actually by hands of leading Democrats.  It may be inconvenient that they now have to move forward not as convenient “inheritors” of a perfect set of crisi, but, still we are reportedly able to save a trillion dollars in new healthcare costs if we can just get our nation’s average for personal body weights back down to or below the pre-Clintons’ presidency levels.


But how?

Simply it was all about oil or “carbon fuels” for the Democrats.  (Yes not as thought so as simply all Republicans were only about.)

What Paul Krugman has seemingly refused to tell you is that HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT dictates and the alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING by Al Gore did cause a serious spike in gas prices. 

What figures out forward is that the housing crisis though fundamentally set up flawed by the Administration of the Clintons was triggered to collapse by the spike in gas prices.  First came the higher gas prices and then came the collapse of the Clintons’ worked hyper-consumerism that kept the economy bloated.  First came the higher gas prices and then that so many on fixed incomes that had bought into Clintonomics and their hyper-consumerism were then no longer able to pay for the gas to get to work and their mortgages.

Second came that once the housing bubble economics of the Administration of the Clintons and the pimped out hyper-consumerism met the spike in gas prices caused by the dictates and subjective partisan political rhetoric of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM people first couldn’t pay for gas and their mortgages on their fixed incomes and then couldn’t afford the continued hyper-consumerism needed to keep the bloated economy bloated.

Third came that with the dictates of Candidate Hillary Clinton toward seizing all oil company profits, coupled with Al Gore’s ALARMISM and the partisan politics of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a devotee to the spending levels of the the Clintons’ SURPLUSES even more then were stuck - WERE STUCK!!!

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

President Clinton did ask bankers to delve into derivatives for the purpose of allowing him to run his risky loan housing bubble economics as an unfunded federal social program.  President Bush could only have fixed the economy and saved us from a recession or new GREAT DEPRESSION if he could have publicly have explained how bad the spending cuts of that extra trillion cut for the Clintons to have a thought impossible political popularity were.

We do now seem to need a new AUSTERITY if only because that is the mandate President Obama just secured with his re-election.  It may now be too late for us not to have a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY. 

It may be very difficult now though for President Barack Hussein Obama as outed as a black FDR wanna be for it seems most will soon realize that Democrats caused this mess and that it wasn’t Republicans or Bush - but as of those corrupted in the nineties by the Clintons while about setting up this mess.

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?   Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

First the Administration had to set up fundamentally flawed economics and pimp them out and then only three of a dark “charmed” troika or triumverate were needed to spike the price of gasoline while as well being devotees to that unnecessary extra trillion cut for the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.  After that 2008 was a lock since so many were trapped in the Dems’ hyper-consumerism with fixed incomes unable to afford new higher gas prices.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Are we here now because too many became loyal to Bill Clinton and stayed such for too long?

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!


*{new columns now should be looked for via http://citizenrosebud.us or directly at http://jphoganorg.jphogan.org}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:56 pm

We should accept that President Obama would have liked to have used his middle name and maybe for a HUSSEIN COMPACT.

To be brief this could have been just another Obamaism if he actually used “compact” while himself too often prone to too much droning.  The issues of the Monroe Presidency do relate, and, so that it may be best to think instead of a new Monroe Doctrine.

Is President Obama in a tight race and desperate with attempts to be seen of using FEMA to recolonize some of the original American colonial plats?  Is the author Obama, who has long tagged himself as of concerns for a neo-colonialism, and a penchant too great to centralize too much, now over-reaching at home as if citizens are actually subjects?

A HUSSEIN COMPACT is beyond a comprehension for the current President - President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t compacted or cleared up any of the great issues of our day much past a seventh grade level opaque use of a global “we” and a confused centralized “our” with a spillage so over most breastworks and waters’ edges with inappropriated and deeds uncertain usages of “they” as a similar “they” and then not if a different “they” can be redistributed as a confirming posit tangential to his starting premises.

Ok, I am a blogger and thought I might find an earlier column to re-post for you all for Election Day 2012 — Ok, I realized I have likely over 1,500 past blogged compositions to have chosen from and that it should now be easier and better to try to produce an entirely fresh new work.

There seems to be no uniting thread or worked through “compact” of a workable set of interactive principles of this administration now facing a JUDGEMENT DAY this Election Day 2012.

There seems to be a vacuum here among all this a JUDGEMENT DAY of the Obama Presidency as we know it.  And, there seems to be much we don’t actually know about it or him that we have long thought we should be, and already.

We seem for 2012 to be of a President without FIRST CONTACT principles so a HUSSEIN COMPACT must default more to our timely MONROE DOCTRINE.  He did expand the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR deeper into Afghanistan and as well Pakistan but as like an accident of unplanned mission creep.  His war of choice that is our long Vietnam like Afghanistan War was not a war Bush was in “on a credit card” - the current long battling in Afghanistan is of Obama’s making as a war of choice against the Taliban.

It is still clear enough that 9/11 to the Administration of President Bush was an inconvenience to his prudent purposefulness to see that Saddam Hussein put up or shut up as regards all the United Nations sanctions and his past.  It is still clear that from day one the Democrats seems mostly to want to use 9/11 as an excuse to go to war against the Taliban and so as if an imperialistic war on literacy and women’s rights. 

I still do not understand the Democrats of the Hillary Clinton set for having a heart some for a war against the Taliban as a war on literacy and women’s rights while so about such as if all of Iraqi women should be left to suffer further after a similar abandonment by America.

A CRISIS like Sandy has unearthed much and torn asunder and decimated much.  But still this is the very type of CRISIS that this administration has cherished as a political opportunity not to be wasted on their march to secure a socialistic power to a Democrat Party elite few.  I don’t know how President Clinton hasn’t been pushed out by now - almost seems he must have some card files of dirt on his rivals and even his chief rival President Barack Hussein Obama.

Now President Bush is another issue.  He actually had a globally based standard operating procedure that was of his FREEDOM AGENDA and progressive in how compassionate it was while considerable to spreading equal rights more equally.

Now President Bush is particularly of interest about this with a JUDGEMENT DAY about for the Administration of President Obama.  He actually had a harder time making a case for helping those abandoned in Iraq by the Clintons for all of their eight years, and especially all the oppressed Iraqi women because of 9/11/2001.

The Clintons are now more easily drawn out about all this and with it like a:  WE JUST FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993-2001! 

Though Newt Gingrich seemed to want to take some to the dark side of the moon in 2012 we know that John F. Kennedy was secretly taping long before Richard M. Nixon.

And well again:  Don’t ask Vice President Joe Biden if Afghanistan is a new Vietnam — He might answer:  Afghanistan is a trillion dollars the Democrats wanted to spend to have a new Vietnam.

And so we have that President Bush had essentially a FREEDOM AGENDA that was standardized and progressive in how compassionate it was, and, that so he nearly had a BUSH DOCTRINE to rival President Monroe’s MONROE DOCTRINE.

And still it seems that neither President Obama nor his Secretary of State have a working first contact plan.  And yet we are just supposed to believe and hope that one of them can have enough personality to make something up that may or may not work - whenever.  I think this may be some of Clint Eastwood’s problem also with Presidents as also lawyers.

And with a JUDGEMENT DAY here for our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT and so with the alternative other AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CANDIDATE now his Secretary of State it seems time to grade his editorial recently published with one by Governor Willard Mitt Romney in the Wall Street Journal.  I have to conclude that it lacked any sense of a limiting principle, a waters’ edge or any of our many jurisdictions and so that it didn’t even rate as considerable as a work of a first year law student.  That said it seemed for all the different “we” and “ours” and “yours” or “theys” to be so confused a composition that it could have been the work of a virgin seventh grader unknowing about politics and global affairs.

And election of the America’s Comeback Team now could start a post Obama economic recovery really within a day or two.  But as per Monroes and the Republicans we have that he can rock out a post “Deep Throat” new way with it socialized properly that it has not been that Nixon was guilty but really that the Democrats are at least as guilty.

Willard Mitt Romney may be no Bush - Can he be a Monroe - Need he be?  Need Mitt try?

It seems Clinton’s Blue Dress is the new “Deep Throat” and that the Dems now live as the party that embraced irregularities more.  I have written already with OBAMA’S BLUE DRESS that he didn’t inherit it but that he chose to embrace it.

Tomorrow is a JUDGEMENT DAY for our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT — was it too much affirmative action that left him in over his head - if that is how it falls?  Was he innately prepared, actually, but too inclined to be a new like Marie Antoinette?

One after tomorrow will be more on their knees as the loser.  In 2012 only one is likely to be a defeated loser while the other may suffer a loss but not be defeated or moved from their shared goals.

Is home where the heart is?  Or is it as you have been nearly evangelized socialistically these past four years where ever your President can reach you all e like - and in your face NEW NATIONALISTIC like?

Saddam Hussein did reportedly pervert the founding ideology of the original Ba’athist conceptions to be to a ideal United Arab Socialistic State and to grab and hold power for himself and his purposes and with a homage to socialist ideals of the birth of Ba’athism if such was the readiest weapon in his political arsenal.

I don’t know how President Barack Hussein Obama could have embraced either of the Clintons after they were of 8 years of abandonment of Iraqi Shia majority, at least, and many of the lands of Afghanistan.  I do get he has been too clever by half at times with socialistic global “we” or “they” or “our” propaganda.

And with this JUDGEMENT DAY now for him I ask you to help me transition however you all have decided to be more towards a time to reflect and compose about the 90s as THE TERRIBLE 90s and while so about such to be redoubling concerns and efforts to see our Forth Estate is renewed and rebuilt. 

Though I may have suggested much of the strategy to a real challenge to President Obama these many years - I am less of having a horse in this race but my fight to have actual history be taught and preached. 

I get that such is a judgement against President Obama - I though am waiting to discern how you all have spoken and to wondering then to a what next.

And yes I think it is about:  $16,000,000,000,000.00 ++++++ & for the unborn a WELCOME with and UOUS near already a $40,000 per new born as a personal debt theirs.

It seems even if there had been a HUSSEIN COMPACT there still hasn’t been found a way to pay for its costs.

Well maybe I do think it would be insane if President Barack Hussein Obama were to be re-elected.  But that is more for you all to decide and me to consider after the fact as objectively as I might to the highest standards our Forth Estate may yet hold - hold forward.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:54 am

Maybe this is all something we should be talking with Elizabeth Warren about.  You are hardly to see any one more “corporate” than Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  “Hillary” knows “limited liability” - “Hillary” is a lawyer.

She may want to play with a “WHOPPER” (spelled WOPR) but she may want to play “JOSHUA” more and not with a game of Tic Tac Toe.

But what about “Bill”?  If she cannot handle “Bill” can she even handle “JOSHUA” in a game of Tic Tac Toe?

Is Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so so so “corporate” that it is better to describe her coldness and aloofness in “limited liability” structured protection as more a more modern day “Joe Wilson”?

And, what about “Bill”?  If he so wants to be a real “Al Haig” in control when not Constitutionally writ for control how can she be doing an “Al Haig” at the same time upon President Obama’s plausible deniability or naivete in trusting either “Bill” or “Hillary”?

Is this all really, too really, just “Bill” and “Hillary” being diabolical trying to have more years to play “political” Bridge?

Whether “Hillary” is a modern day ‘Josephine’ or ‘Joe’ it is simply plausible that she is being a second coming of Joe Wilson.

Poor President Obama?  Poor President Obama? - you ask.  How did he miss her tells - his tells?

We could hardly have had a more inciting First Lady than Hillary Clinton ‘THE CRUSADER’.  She went to some of the most radicalized areas with the least “Hillary” like philosophy for treatment of (their) women and trash talked and trash talk until most or all were without a doubt riled - didn’t she?

Where was “Bill”?  Why weren’t are Armed Forces all put on alert and readied with his wife “Hillary” so institutionalized to be “corporate” to Elizabeth Warren with a coldness from a structure for “plausible deniability” and “limited liability” for those otherwise thought about as “people.”

And, today if yesterday long before would “Hillary” have been of the Pharisees or the Sadducees?  And “Obama”?  And “Bill”?

And, today if today of “FORWARD” might she too be a Pharoah Ramses (Ramesses II?) or an all powerful Nefertari?

But for “Bill” of his moment at the convention at President Barack Hussein Obama’s backward looking “FORWARD” podium wrought however to resemble a chariot of Ramses would he have been more stripped down and simple as a Nubian, however?

There is a “tell” in the air still that harkens to the days thought expectant for a President Al Gore — What was then did seem in the air oddly again though less whence hence of a “plausible deniability” if checked.  Whence thence “FORWARD” to backwards, however garbed and/or adorned, we have that the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama did step forward more like a “WHOPPER” (spelled WOPR) stuck in a corporate game not a corporate game.

Are the Clintons, as if now, but really not as now as if of a simile or so rather a false taggable as just as of a metaphor, engaged in an unauthorized intimate play of “political” Bridge?

Bill Clinton did seem to revel in his own “BRASS” maybe more that that tactic as of “BRASS” could have been meant to praise any other.  When it comes to “BRASS” for trying to project and transfer your badness upon another even this performance by Clinton had him most maybe of greatest attempt at going after another for what you were actually doing and bad for.  And if it were now Hillary as President how wouldn’t too much of Bill already have been too Al Haig and even just when she maybe whined about a headache and went shopping instead or off to a spa or nap — AND HE TO:  DON’T WORRY, I AM IN CHARGE!?

But really - WHAT ABOUT THE REASONING OF AND FOR THE 22 AMENDMENT?  Is a spouse of a President, regardless of their sex, as a ‘partner’ however, the one Americans are wise to be to considering most as wise to be term limiting?

And really - I don’t know how for all the psycho babble of and from the Clintons they haven’t yet waxed on or off about such - while seemingly so confident as “politicians” like “corporate” “people” to the maxed “plausible deniability” and liability limiting for themselves however a modern day Bonnie and Clyde or Joe Wilson.

Did you sense or actually see a tell of the hold outs Clintons or Gore?  Did you see new President Obama seemingly with his cards set and his hands forced about Afghanistan?   Afghanistan was the Gettysburg of the Cold War, however - it was the turning point for a global spread of at least Soviet Socialism. 

That said:  

The new frontier for American Socialist Society however now may have to be smaller venues than our Federal stage,

Now there may be a necessity to regroup almost like Federalists and move towards our state house instead.  I don’t imagine they will get the need for re-socialization right and the most appropriate “class size” — it just seems they will miss that the best and fastest way to heal our “communities” and our economy while of a new need to have towns and cities publicly covered as in competition with each other - spirited competition - it just seems they will miss that regardless of how much like faith based re-socializing it may be it can be said that we just need communities to come together more at least one non-work day a week and sing and re-socialize together around a common message and which due new community message due to cover developing concerns over weakness or breaches in “the force.”

It seems we may need to see something like “socialism” at its maybe best proven level - a parish level or neighborhood level - it seems a re-socialization every week where many can fill a hall and sing as a united sect can help, can help restore a healthy free market capitalist spirit and what “socialism” might be workable.

That said:

Are “Bill” and “Hillary” now inappropriately engaged in an intimate play beyond our “CHECKS AND BALANCE” of ‘WAR BRIDGE’?

That said:

Was it a “tell” however as whomever when new President Obama seemed to have his hands limited and his cards fixed as per Afghanistan as if it was always supposed to have been a grand necessary war against all Taliban?

That said:

What about Al Gore - what about 9/11? Seems it is reasonable to believe that a President Al Gore would have moved to commit maybe as many as 300,000 troops in response and all to Afghanistan and also that he likely would have re-instituted a draft.  Right?  Close enough?

That said: 

Strategically speaking:  If one was to wanting to spread Soviet Socialism finally to the USA and all Americans at home or abroad wouldn’t it first be critical to securing it as a winning ideology for governance by a few elite that Afghanistan be re-invaded for such purposes to show that “socialism” could be spread to even the Taliban?

Despite all this however it can be ignored or over-looked:  It seems Elizabeth Warren should have a BIG PROBLEM - a BIG PROBLEM with Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton the former First Lady Hillary Clinton as really like a too “protected” corporate person.

It just seems the ‘PLAUSIBLE DENIABILTY’ and her ‘limited liability’ now should be checked and severely LIMITED!

That said:

“Hillary” as a new “Joe Wilson” has legs if you can call such that — Ever has there been yet whence or hence to now a more globally inciting and crusading radical than Mrs. President Clinton?  And, well about “Joe(sephine)” and “Bill” — however did he decide it was wise to under fund and unfund our intelligence and defense departments while “Hillary” was off all wild on her own personal CRUSADES?

That said:

Hmmm?  By the way:  WHERE IS AL GORE?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:31 am

ORIGINAL TO 11/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 9:52 am

Well, it now seems obvious that Democrats of today would have been able to keep “Ronnie” from a Hollywood style to actual real roles in politics, whence.  Having “character” or “getting into character” would have been admissible and confusable.

These are the early days of a week of opening up WOOP (SEE: DONKEYS) with some kick back and color.

Women everywhere are at risk, and in the “hot seat” especially this week, these early days of November’s first week, 2011.  There can be no real claim to equality - the barriers are dimensional - Women everywhere have a corporateness  unequaled and yet unrivaled by them - by women enough.   “Rosie the Riveter” may have hammered out a song - and long and proud and tough song, but today women have a can of worms their own to open before them for all to see.

There hasn’t been enough feminism yet for them to claim equality - they haven’t gone the distance nearly yet.  Where Herman Cain may be lucky not to have been a bad actor of Hollywood set or another Reagan stamped out with cookie cutter now women have the runways.  Can they claim equality and call for more corporate ratings for themselves without calling all women to at least a decade of hard times to prove they can socially handle chase?  Can women ever be “equal” to societies historical expectations for men as hunter gatherer providers of the long slog willing to come home week after week even when so of such social burdens during depressing times even just recessionary?

When will women be able to call themselves equal - can it only be after a decade allowed to be sole proprietor of a family unit in tough times and willing to week after week come home to husbands that spent a day shoe shopping again - say for climbing shoes one day and new golf shoes another and well new flip-flops or water socks another?

What are our current social and societal expectations - is the recession a once in a century opportunity for women and more specifically feminists to step forward and test their mettle, as equally?

There is much color about all this now in early November 2011 - Condoleezza Rice with her memoir NO HIGHER HONOR is out with her version and edition of “black power” either of shelving “WOOP” upon Colin Powell or of holding back or showing “compassion” and/or “empathy.”  This week we could actually say you can have your news any color you want as long as you want it black.

Mr. Herman Cain is in battle of his life yet not so much reported as sparring against feather weight (?) President Barack Hussein Obama.  (note to self:  Find out if Herman Cain has a middle name and if news worthy or column/punditry fodder.)

Without a decade just to themselves women may never be able to prove themselves as a full set or class as equals at least in the world of games and contests once called “men’s work” that just started for societal and home pressures for men to find something to do to get them out of the house so not to bother or contest their women from their things (work?).

As of now it doesn’t look like this will get to be too graphic with daily bar charts or fun raising graphs to side by side compare life of Bill with life of Herman, even just year by year.  It as of now isn’t even looking like a story of black power in Washington of keeping an illegitimate white bastard child hidden away off on some family plantation.  It is a week with many expected cans to be opened of worms or “WOOP.”

The nineties was an easy time for women into men’s work world - a bubble economy was about that created entry opportunities the belied more historical and competitive modeling for showing a leg through the doors of man’s world - into corporateness to equal opportunities in what had been the man’s side of surviving home life.

Sure Colin Powell was part of the BUSH FREEDOM AGENDA but he was also much of the CLINTONS’ laxity about global equality more of words and rants than walk or steps.  Will NO HIGHER HONOR now offer up enough color and “WOOP” - Do female black scholars make better secretaries than retired generals?  Did she?

We are now to the competitive corporate equality that Clintons’ bubbles of teased and unscientific economic policies basically ignore - we are too a bubble that let women more into man’s word of work and to breaching old societal expectations for men to find something to do to get out of wife’s way and so out of the home.  (R.I.P.  Mrs. Rodham, mother of Hillary Clinton - I just now heard the news.)  I tend to be a workaholic and have many hobbies and much professionalism, much of this cannot apply to me - I can “work” most anywhere - I have been meaning to find time to learn rules of golf better and develop my first scoring “handicap” - still have to find and arrange a home course eligible when time allows, though.

I know, this just isn’t seeming fair.  I am really wondering though on size of “WOOP” (again see:  DONKEYS) scholar Condoleezza Rice may have writ upon Secretary Powell.  That said,  Herman Cain is a rare racial window now into corporateness of at least the past twenty years - not sure whom has gotten a leg through his doors or for what or why, or how, where, or as whom or for whom.  Why didn’t a woman, at least a white women get his jobs when he got them or had them - are some jobs just better for men than for women and other corporated ranks better in places for women than men?

Yes, it seems Ronald Reagan could never have been elected today - bad actors in character now would have played out his “getting into character” likely as the real thing - as the Godfather to his “pie” - the Cain to his Abel.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:31 pm

As billed we are to expect to hear or read of a week of Dems convening some how all about women and all about population controls.

But what about some simple governance sense - some not too old fashion common sense? 

What about the labors of Hillary Rodham Clinton?  Did she sleep her way to the top?  Did the Clintons blackmail topping candidate Senator Obama with “or elses” and “or elses” if he didn’t leave the world to them and settle himself in more as a domestic?

We have to consider that in home improvement contracting a husband and wife are treated with great powers under consumer protection as about their “homes” and “nesting” and so much so that such suggests a sharing of our White House must necessarily not undermine those laws with them treated any less as one and both term limited as of January 2001.

It is scandalous in a clearly Freudian consideration that President and First Lady of Clinton did visualize in permanent architecture for a Presidential Library an ice breaker for psycho babblers - that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library could be phallic like a gun or a half a bridge, and gray for a white male of the south adorned as if Confederate gray.

This raises an interesting artistic and legal consideration.  For this convention week the prime question might be if Hillary has “female intuition” - or if she has any how little must she have?   And, did she sleep her way to the top?

If she has “female intuition” did she have it while First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and refuse to offer any possible benefit from such to her husband?  Does she have a soul?  How did she get her first staff job in the west wing?

If she has “female intuition” how can the Presidency of the Clintons in hindsight, just, look so devoid of any?

Is she as a lawyer of a “not in marriage” professional right to withhold from her husband while of a Clintons’ Presidency?

If she has “female intuition” and the nineties that left us 9/11 are a result of such - how did she get another White House job?

How do we understand Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?  If she had “female intuition” and did sleep her way into a west wing staff job is that RIGHT or WRONG - GOOD or BAD?  Just UGLY?

How has she while first lady most demeaning to the contribution in just female intuition of all our past strong and powerful and involved first ladies with her (sleeping her way) into west wing staff job - while FIRST LADY of her own higher office?

Clearly but for that “Bill” of the Presidency of the Clintons did adorn his official library in color quite a Confederate Gray we can look back and see that what he could have used more of in the 90s was a strong maternal caring and considerate counsel - a more aware female intuition?  

So, was it arranged for a “performance” for “Bill” to be all male and leave “Hillary” to be all female when she got to be the “inevitable” President Hillary they thought they had coldly and mechanically arranged?  Did she deny “Bill” female counsel by an arrangement to have a marriage not a marriage?  An is not an is?

I don’t know that President Clinton should or could fairly speak to much of this at what seems a CHOCOLATE POPULATION SUMMIT set for Charlotte exclusively for Democrat Party members.

How are “Bill” and “Hillary” not two of same Confederate Gray of the library of the Clintons’ Presidency?  How are they not each a shade of gray themselves as “married” and one?  Do they think that since they are each others lawyers and their own that they have no conflicts of interest personally or politically?

How are we to letting he have trashed so many great former First Ladies by thinking she should and needed to take a staff job in the west wing and be professionally then inferior to one an equal otherwise in our highest office of one of our three equal branches.  How much intellectual has been lost and how much common sense perverted?   As married by marriage the Presidency respects a wife as a equal half that with traditions up to FLOTUS Clinton had stood cherished and upheld.  To ask for an take a staff job while FLOTUS demeans the office of First Lady and all before her for by “office” “politics” it was Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that thought it “female” power to submit herself as an inferior staffer officially per protocols.

Can Hillary be said to have been ever an actual “feminist” with this having happened and so?  Can she have any “female intuition” - really?  And then if so and we haven’t had it admitted as of her “resume” for employment  was is ever recognized as good enough by her husband “Bill”?

His library is architectually maybe a “half a bridge” that just looks phallic and yet still Confederate Gray more than Union Blue or a color of a chocolate?  And, he is without doubt may too insensitive a white man of the south.  How did Hillary get her jobs?

Did Hillary sleep her way to the top - dear feminists still feminists and Bolsheviks - how did she get her jobs - what type of law did she practice at the Rose Law Firm - mustn’t it mostly have been that to empower “Bill” in all his ways until he couldn’t legally be elected President again?

If she has a soul and “female intuition” how as married wasn’t she and all spouses to be firmly to be considered also term limited?  If the lived intimately and worked as one - how are they not then wisely limited as one?

Could “Bill” have decided to adorn his “Library” so nearly Confederate Gray without “Hillary” of a veto power and opinion?

And when the bought their house in DC on Whitehaven Road?  Shouldn’t one of two have vetoed the other too?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:45 am

We have heard from the wonderful and dynamic Condoleezza Rice, Professor of Political Science(s). 

I have acted for two days as an extra from a cattle call screening with Morgan Freeman for Steven Spielberg’s production of court room scenes in AMISTAD.  If you go to imdb.com and AMISTAD credits page I am in the photo on the left about five people away from seated Cecil B. DeMille award winner Freeman - just up the isle in the middle of the isle at the end of the isle next to a lady in a bonnet.

But when it comes to fertility and Oscars and forgiveness I have to think more of Freeman’s side kick Clint Eastwood.

To be as dramatic as the moment was now years after the actual experience may seem to be too dramatic — As Condoleezza Rice spoke last night at the 2012 Republican Convention and to the very moments of her aid walking in and telling her of a plane and then another plane I have the memory of her that may have been her morning thought from just before such.  On the morning of September 11, 2001 I woke thinking I must have been wrong to think our government was missing a threat and since the first term of the Clintons and decided to drive up 17th Street by the Old Executive Office building on my way to Georgetown area to install new doors - new front door and storm door for another client.  I had already installed new closet doors for NSA Rice in her Watergate condo months before.  This was months after I had started faxing the NSC under the Clinton admin and to the attention of Philip Bobbitt whom I had met in New Haven and with some of above concerns spoken to whence.

It may be too dramatic to dramatize that I remember that as I drove up 17th Street by the White House on the morning of 9/11 I had my former client NSA Rice on line in my thoughts of professional relationship as if a reference for today’s client with “you took the heat” and as it turns out very nearly at the very moment the first plane struck first.

Yes I guess I am lucky the first strike wasn’t first on the White House and at that hour or moment.

By 9/12/2001 it seemed I had faxed most of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM newly to the National Security Council and via the number given as a fax number whence for Philip Bobbitt of the Clinton Administrations National Security Council.  And, to then thoughts from Secretary Donald Rumsfeld seemingly in a Cabinet gathering of concern of:  “is he trying to pull rank on me?”  My and there answer appropriately was “NO.”  I had faxed over such as TCONF with thoughts penned somewhere of nearly:  ‘It worked in the early nineties to balance political thoughts - it should now be ready to work again.’

By the time I left DC after nearly 10 full years a resident there I had also by then been to building a doll shelf for Secretary Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff Da Rita and as well to installing a new bathroom door and some cabinet doors for shelves which I made from scratch to be raised panel cabinet doors.  But, really it was his wife our then former Ambassador to Taiwan that was most affecting the “client.”

So yesterday I via Facebook.com/jpeterhogan and Twitter did share a:  Nixon lives — “DEEP THROAT” explained truthfully NOTE with notes.

But as to fertility and MILLION DOLLAR BABY and as well the dramatization of the only other film Clint Eastwood in such a category has an Oscar for >> I do remember having concern and reasoning as cause to have asked him to make those movies by not asking for those movies but by asking him to make movies to handle such issues.  UNFORGIVEN was asked for more as I realized in 90s that I should need help holding to a position more responsible and safe of a consideration that IBM and its former CFO Metz were to be kept in thoughts as “unforgiven.”   Unforgiving due as a state of “forward” proceeded still each day as it shouldn’t have by my thinking and fuller knowledge of facts related to such worked to be kept from being too dramatic or out of place and/or out of times.  This Metz did host me as the member for the only dinner I have had at his exclusive dining club that Nixon was also among membership of - President Richard M. Nixon, and as well as far as I recall Anne Hearst and members of her larger family.

I have already blogged about Akin controversies and 2012 as for women the year of Republicans of a TAMPA X  FACTOR maybe more dramatic if titled a TAMPA XX  FACTOR.   But I haven’t yet summed the cause for MILLION DOLLAR BABY movie making for silver screen dramatized magic as it was to and for my sister who may have while climbing professionally as a somewhat liberated woman was witness at times more viscerally than others of moments of like cursing away her fertility as too inconvenient for her “professional” soul.  Something happened of my sister when finally in her mid forties of her late efforts to have the children she always wanted, and, from such I realized I should be pulling strings or asking favors for stuff she usually didn’t see as necessary - I realized I should ask someone to make a movie to help her “get her fight back.”

Her “Hillary ’swank’” had to be reset and reworked by Hillary Swank and not by Democrat Party regular think or preparedness.  I did so as when I usually would attempt magic or wizardry be to following on to assure a proper and fit mood fully communicated in the spirit(s) to which it should be received.   There are times though when I might say something and then let go and let it live or die on the merits of itself as picked up by others however.

While viewing CNN hour plus on the life of Governor Mitt Romney it dawned on me I haven’t yet figured out just how long we were moving together sympathetic and united in care and concerns political for Republicans.  I did realize it much predates my having considered many times asking him for a job with the 2002 Olympics - to build some on my earlier years with games organizing in New Haven and otherwise about Connecticut with Connecticut Special Olympic Games events but yet I have not yet figured out the bain of all that of Bain days and how I was about Boston some during his Bain days.

Yes, I remember being sympathetic and purposeful in my thinking when of news of someone running as a Republican against Senator Edward Kennedy.  That may be where and when it started. 

Though it seems from the above I could be tagged as an elitist - that would be incorrect.  If you are aware that I did muse the challenge for seven books for seven years of magic curriculum to JK Rowling than you likely have enough to realize I was usually considering good for good sake and working to market to the masses, to global citizens everywhere.

RIP Robert Urich of SPENCER FOR HIRE >>> Where is “HAWK” today - would he be a better “surprise” speaker for tonight at the GOP Convention?  Would the late actor Robert Urich have been?  Gotta wonder - what a wonder that Boston based cop & private detecting show was.

I have to make this some about my sister Joan Hogan Gillman now a President of Media Sales at least at Time Warner Cable.  For of my story is that I was in a family much “locally” of  party loyal Democrats while me a dedicated Nixon Republican however so closeted as a Reagan Democrat or Connecticut Independent.  I would tire of trying to explain better ways to my sister especially during her near ten years working for Senator Dodd and be then to spiriting at times in the maintained auro of Title IX to Sarah Palin of Alaska whom I had since she was just another Sarah Heath known to be conservative been to tagging only as nick-named “Title IX.” 

You see I have known of Barack Obama since the late seventies and since a classmate asked me if my “readiness” to compete in school oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech was also a “readiness” to compete against any or all oratory challengers so asked of Hawaii?  You see I buffered the query and catching of a named older challenger with initials “B.O.” of Hawaii and parlayed the “Hi” from him as an older classman to my older sister who was more his age and had two years earlier competed as well in such schools oratory contests.  You see I didn’t mean for my sister to then like her new distant friend and to give him safe harbor from her brother who meant to get to that challenge another day - another year.  My sister did more ally (wrongly) with this distant friend those years she would rather work with someone older that admit to having needed her younger brother’s help.  I did in the mid nineties warn Senator Joseph Biden when we met at the Joseph Slifka center as he participated in the Yale Law hosted symposium on an evolution or devolution of federalism to be aware and wary of sisters - meaning my sister Joan. 

Some have already been witness to my recent comments that Democrats were left by me to be as good as they thought they were while prohibited from using my works as theirs again - again as if a gravy train they could own and ride on but yet so still without an understanding of how or why it was actually working.  My sister isn’t as much a part of this political machine that failed to understand the “machine” so of their “gravy train.”

I believe my sister Joan Gillman keeps her personally autographed copy of a picture of Condoleezza Rice, my former client and my first client known to be a member of standing with Augusta upon her desk at Time Warner Cable.  I don’t know if my sister Joan is now a Republican or considering finally changing parties.

I did ask Clint Eastwood for a movie to be produced and directed with enough energy in production at least to help my sister, this sister, get her fight back to try again to become the mother of the children she wanted, and so so late in life.  I am the proud uncle of her two children - my only niece and her son my fifth or sixth nephew.

And, well if you like MAD MEN - that has a conception from another family in cable company tax ID status.  I have an old friend also a “TAD” like my brother otherwise is also named “TAD” and was to this friend upon our last reunion on Block Island was to our future and best feet forward to consideration the best way to celebrate our friendship forward would be to base it more on my grandfather’s era at Young & Rubicam but not on accounts for Madison Avenue men quite as serious has his were.  This Tad is family to the Dolan family of Cablevision - we started out more humbly together, much so and as old volleyball and mountain biking pals summers on Block Island of Rhode Island.   I don’t know how or when he met his bride Dolan, specifically.  I did suggest a retro show for Madison Avenue ad business as that was still most where I was heading or professionally focused though wrapped up in so much more of political crisi of our days.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

Whether she is a Helen a Penelope or and Isabella she might still be your Helen of today, or your Penelope, or, your Isabella.

In this year of the women of our politics and our political battles over them quite (unnecessarily?) partisan and polarizing we have some sensitivity to women to talk about with all the convening about to convene. 

Regardless of whom you hold out HOPE most with and with whom it may be that Mitt Romney is a Mormon that has him now predisposed as per this election season as more sensitive to women.

Even when of his inherited Mexican machismo he may be more of Columbus than of Odysseus.

Some of all this polarizing political partisan politics may be of pols too much beating around the bushes as per all the women issues in 2012 that may have President Barack Hussein Obama as clearly “sensitive” but all the while Mitt Romney as a Mormon and Mormons of a polygamist history as more sensitive because of such to women today.

President Barack Hussein Obama may have been more to selling or pushing elixirs and snake oil as if a Greek God more than a Gypsy peddler - he may have been wanting use to see him of vast left wing supplies of nectar and ambrosia but still it may be the fare of Romney’s Mormon rites and sanctuary that has Mitt Romney of a Church of polygamy history now as more sensitive to women and their maternal powers.

If Obama - President Barack Hussein Obama - were actually a Muslim he might be able to claim from multiple wives as well an understanding good and maybe better for 2012 discourse and deciding.   There is though in the Mormon side of Mitt Romney a wisdom from his Church related maybe to polygamy that there are times Christians shouldn’t believe first in a father, son & Holy Ghost.

I don’t know why President Barack Hussein Obama decided as Senator candidate for President Obama to go all Greek and then to march - attempt to march - all forward to a new Greek-ness for Americans.  I don’t as well yet understand why he bowed and apologized for Americans around the world and when at home could be heard telling Americans that they needed to become more like the French - even all the women.

We have that though Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has been more like a Secretary of War devoid of “diplomacy” and first concerns for human rights - she hasn’t been the “Helen”,  “Penelope” or “Queen Isabelle” she thought wrongly highly of herself maybe as.  She may have been a good Hun though - it seems.

If President Barack Hussein Obama were actually a Muslim and of a sect still strongly in living support of families of man with multiple wives could he now be as writ sensitive to women in 2012 as Mitt Romney seems like baptized?

That he seems to have inherited some Mexican machismo may suggest he hankers to be chiefly more Catholic?

Can you only find answers you are seeking if you first find the questions?

If in a Jeopardy round you see “OEDIPAL” - You answer with a question “What is President Obama’s affinity/relationship with Secretary Hillary Clinton?” - LIKE?  I mean like really how could he have tried to live on Mount Olympus without her - doesn’t he have a “mother complex” specific to strong white mother figures?

I don’t know which “religion” today may have the best arguments and writs and rites for a lasting polygamy way - if any. 

But enough about Bill and Hillary - LIKE?   No, seriously, is the polygamy of Mormons the reason they spiritually have dwelled more sensitive to women (, and still,) since otherwise a FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT not living with sanctuaries akin for a “Holy Trinity”?   Well maybe:  But enough about Bill and Hillary.

For the record I believe I recall that Hillary Rodham grew up essentially quite a Chicagoan raised since a little girl not just to hit the neighborhood boys but to be the one that hit first.  I believe she is still a Methodist and still married to a Baptist, maybe a Southern Baptist.  (You can check them and balance this yourselves - and should.)

I am not suggesting that Mormons because of a tradition are more sensitive to women than President Obama or his Secretary of State of his Catholic Vice President. 

I am not suggestion at all that the once new President Obama who wanted to hold courtly weekly large banquets in the White House for 2-3 hundred “political” power figures on Wednesdays was trying to be “God-ish” in a Greek way.  I do remember that he did start out to have weekly grand political banquets on Wednesdays and maybe held two before the heat was on.

What can we learn from Sidney Poitier - especially from the IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT?  Or/and THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER?  Is there a lesson in race relations and about “rape” in one more than another of these reflections on earlier souls of America and Americans?

The grand weekly Wednesday banquets that started off with Kobe steaks near a hundred dollars an once or pound, if I recall correctly, were set to bankrupt probably at least three of DC’s top power eateries if allowed to continue.

The grand weekly Wednesday banquets that started off as a way for President Barack Hussein Obama to reign over so many with expectations of dangers from refusals to show and be seen were quite insensitive considering as well that we were nearer a new GREAT DEPRESSION as we know it from him to have been declared so.

The heat was on for those nights by the second of his thought inaugural banquet reigning new ways to rule delights.  I remember dishing out some heat about such my self - and maybe writ far more sensitive to a new depression era so than his orations or/and dictates of his (at least) early days.

No - Yes >> I mean as per Mitt Romney - MORMON:   a FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT “trinity” was not a callous way of a Church of polygamy whence.  We can hold out hope for a sensitivity from polygamy pasts wherever as of a greater sensitivity to women at least in some ways spiritual. 

Yes, with polygamy and families of multiple wives and children of other mothers so, as sanctioned and of an “under one roof” we have that that there was no embrace of a “HOLY TRINITY” there is a suggestion that a sensitivity was and may still be there for and from and of an awareness that with polygamy essentially it is more a:  FATHER, SON(S) & “POLITICAL” WIVES LIVES.

Even when of his inherited Mexican machismo he may be more of Columbus than of Odysseus?  Even so he still is less of Troy or Achilles?  And less of heights of Olympus and nectar and ambrosia?  He is a Christian and not a polygamist as a Mormon - LIKE?

With five wives of five sons and ten in-laws, as well, he likely has to be more “sensitive” to women than at least Bill Clinton or President Obama - right?

If in a Jeopardy round you see “OEDIPAL” - You answer with a question “What is President Obama’s affinity/relationship with Secretary Hillary Clinton?” - LIKE?

Can you say “HEY ZEUS DAYS” ten times fast with a Mexican accent?  President Obama or candidate Romney?  Can you supporters all say it as well at least ten times fast?

Do you see a problem anywhere with “hey zeus days - hey zeus days - he-sus days - je-us days - Jesus Days?

Yes, with polygamy and families of multiple wives and children of other mothers so, as sanctioned and of an “under one roof” we have that that there was no embrace of a “HOLY TRINITY” there is a suggestion that a sensitivity was and may still be there for and from and of an awareness that with polygamy essentially it is more a:  FATHER, SON(S) & “POLITICAL” WIVES LIVES.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:09 am

It was a time of less than great expectations and a time of
great expectations. 

George Benson nearly said it seems that the children are our future to equip them well for school and let them be made agile and free - the children are our future teach them well - and keep them free from tyranny over their minds - the minds of children whom are best when free.

As a halo around the embronzed Thomas Jefferson as per his memorializing in DC we have his BPF (best phrase forever):  “Upon the alter of God I pledge eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”

I don’t know yet if “GRUNGE” is a new refreshed due styling for American youths post a HOPE & CHANGE reset to a President Mitt Romney.  For every action there is usually by law - by natural laws - and equal and opposite reaction.  And, yes I do wonder if young Republicans are those best to embrace a new “GRUNGE.”

These times of less than great expectations have been times with great expectations not completely lost or forgotten.

The times of the late 40s that became our early 50s was a similar time of too much similarly courtly change.

We all should be rightly alarmed as it seems these times have the hounds out and the Dems half baked towards their Convention convening — We all might be best to be prepped and readied in fullest of our “metachlorian” potential in defense of the least tyrannical force we can yet hold and defend.   These are the days it seems our American ways are threatened and visibly like Dems’ key noter is Bill Clinton as Sith Lord Bill Clinton.  And, that we should be alarmed that his young apprentice in the dark arts and politcal ways Apprentice Obama has asked his Sith Lord to introduce him so publicly.

These may be new days for a rage with bow ties for more - a day for many to walk more Constitutionally and visibly against tyranny all over the minds of men and women, and children everywhere.  Our SCOTUS has spoken for and against and stirred a new consciousness even greater than the prudence of our 41s. 

How can a Benson be governed newly for the mash up civil, however, and its results past November decidings?  Are we too, all now to “GRUNGE” and Constitutional Hip Hop for even young Republicans and as well a Benson reset of more bow ties form more, and with narrower ties and thinner collars?

Where can our music now go?

It is a time of less than great expectations and a time of
great expectations.

Our your “troops” trained all now for a public grandstanding of one as if a Sith Lord Bill Clinton?  Are even your local truant officers ready for all the soon maybe do round up charges?  Have your truant officers all passed what recertifications writ?

We had days of less than great expectations like these when original New Deal idealists had and held power - and held it as well for too long.  By 1951 we even had Young and Rubicam publicly buying huge ad space to speak up against a too corrupted Washington politics, maybe then too tyrannical too.  As per McCullough’s TRUMAN you can learn that Y&R in 1951 put out copy with a united front to say this specifically:

     “With staggering impact, the telecasts of the Kefauver investigation have brought a shocked awakening to millions of Americans.
     Across their television tubes have paraded the honest and dishonest, the frank and the furtive, the public servant and the public thief.  Out of many pictures has come a broader picture of the sordid  intermingling of crime and politics, of dishonor in public life.
     And suddenly millions of Americans are asking:
     What’s happened to our ideals of right and wrong?
     What’s happened to our principles of honesty in government?
     What’s happened to public and private standards of morality.?”

{I don’t know which year in my to be admired Mad. man (Madison Avenue ad man for short) career of my maternal grandfather Arthur Munroe Menadier he joined Young and Rubicam specifically.  I know it was likely of the time this was their public face but not whether he helped write it or maybe helped move more of Johnson & Johnson accounts all together more under him to Y&R then in part because of such.}

George Benson nearly said it seems that the children are our future to equip them well for school and let them be made agile and free - the children are our future teach them well - and keep them free from tyranny over their minds - the minds of children whom are best when free.

As a halo around the embronzed Thomas Jefferson as per his memorializing in DC we have his BPF (best phrase forever):  ”Upon the alter of God I pledge eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”

And can soon all Jedi about us however be seen either out in robes of old or in a new “GRUNGE” sheik to rival or complement those all stirred more Constitutionally and towards leadership otherwise of a new bow tie set at least for our youths stirred all by our SCOTUS and liberating Republicans, Independents and Tea Partiers?

And properly and necessarily also due when then about our 40s we had a domestic tyranny on the rise our 80th Congress was a sweep like ours recently of 2010 and maybe 2012 too.  It was our 80th Congress that may have been stirred much too by Young and Rubicam however consciously or unconsciously — It was our 80th Congress unlike our first Obama Congress that followed proper procedure as per “rights” and worked out and for a new Constitutional Amendment - for our term limiting 22nd Amendment.

With Sith Lord Bill Clintons set to so publicly be seen introducing his apprentice in the once earlier checked FDR dark arts as he is set to introduce his Apprentice Barack Hussein Obama are any or enough girded and educated enough yet to see this as like an earlier unwelcomed and balanced “socialism” too tyrannical of our 40s?

Like again:

“And suddenly millions of Americans are asking:
     What’s happened to our ideals of right and wrong?
     What’s happened to our principles of honesty in government?
     What’s happened to public and private standards of morality.?”

And as a halo around the embronzed Thomas Jefferson as per his memorializing in DC we have his BPF (best phrase forever):  ”Upon the alter of God I pledge eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”

What is “GRUNGE” to you - can a President Mitt Romney be a Hip Hop King?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:00 am

George Washington was from Virginia, one of America’s - the United States of America’s - first states.  When he married at some point after that his in-laws library some became his - his in-law’s sex books became his/theirs.*

Lower on the river earlier in his youth it is told of “George” and cherries not that he was cheatin’ with eating of cherries that were not his nor a tree he had full rights to but that he somehow was not able to lie about having “cut down” or “not cut down” a cherry tree however possessed.

I am not sure where Mitt Romney is actually from.  There are stories near enough of his origins of acceptance and localities that it seems at time he was born in Mexico.  Do we have to celebrate his machismo like as if a Mexican?

There is construction and dramatic writing of good and better grammatical construction - and deconstruction and abortive writing.

The politics of the moment are now prefaced for the Democrat Party Convention beggarly in reality but for now rank without clear “rank.”  It seems out of order and sans chains that President Clinton can or should key-note for President Obama.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Period!

Since it seems the Party of Obama has surrendered to a Clinton we should be vigilant not to presume or prejudge that he as prostrated himself to both Clintons. 

Though President Clinton as key-noter politically can be carved into history books for a coup and a successful playing to get President Obama essentially at least “on his knees” it seems if so we have the “machismo” and chauvinism of President Clinton most to also celebrate.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Is it “Bill” more than “Barack” - though?

Period!  This is not the old story of George Washington not being able to lie.  Period!

Our 22nd Amendment is not the Women Suffrage Amendment.  Our 22nd is supposed to chain President Clinton.

An akin comment now may be more stressing - even after the fact - even long after the facts.  It can be a matter of kin and a killing of family as soon as one moral moment has passed with a life accepted as a life and so as kin to the kin but how.

The Democrats are heavy booted now even though of imagery of bare footed and in chains.  The Democrats are like all:  IT’S ALL JUST EVOLUTION BABE OR DUDE!  The Democrats seem devoid of lobby or belief that there is still potential at least - at least unexplainable in “miracles of faith.”

I am not saying the Democrats have now prefaced their 2012 convention with a suggestion that they would also have crucified the Virgin Mary.   I have heard there can be droughts and deluges - hot and cold “seasons.”  I figure you can say of “rape” or “rape” grade “assaults” that such may be one of few times one can be completely alone though not really alone.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Period!

As EVOLUTIONISTS first and “just take a government pill” second we bare witness to the Democrats quite out of sorts at least on chains of commands as per their convention.  Is it President Clinton on his knees beggarly for his wife to be able to keep her job?  Is it a visual aid that Obama has been a victim of a coup by the Clintons and essentially and “legitimately” raped of his “higher” power?

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  Where is Hillary Rodham Clinton - really, politically?

I don’t know how if when - I don’t know why if how so - I don’t understand Democrats embracing just being “subjects” as “#s” either.  But, can they actually legally and legitimately legislate away miracle of faith?  Can they remove the BUDDHIST FROM BUDDHA and the “golden” from “GOLDEN BOY”?  Can they treat us all as if needing union cards as papers to travel and exist?

Akin to all this is still that miracles are not always on time and faith may be better than socialistic obedience to a distant and cold government too nationalistic.  Also a kin to this again is that though a “legitimate” rape may or may not cause pregnancy the power talked of intelligently some though of mysteries of life mostly is still of an Evolutionist and Creationist purview.

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  They more than most seem subjects more than citizens.

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - a physical triangulation can be Government with just a pill.

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - “There is no God” by Congress violates our First Amendment as being clearly if a law or in a law an attempt at “establishment respecting religion.”

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - Women regardless of your parties - this year is for you.

Akin, again to all this is that a “rape” however might just as well increase the chance of pregnancy as it might self abort - so I would think.  And, again as per “rape” or “rape” grade assault one may never be alone but not alone but when.

And still akin to all this timely as 2012 for both parties seems a year made for women or at least their issues:  The power to prevent a fertilization however if only a magical power of higher human development in faith and seeking may also be evolutionary as a concern that women who curse that they can become pregnant and again and again have been evolving to be less able to become pregnant if they actually curse in ways they would better be not too as they may put cold or trying work above a holistic faithful attitude about whatever they may be employed about doing.  If there is a “power” not even “super” or “magical” and like as if a human internal “over-cooking” or “drought” then women have the power to curse themselves to being less fertile - so it figures. 

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  Period!

And akin to all this raised up unexpectedly by Senate candidate Akin, besides the trying decisions about abortion after even just one moment of carriage morally as if kin however, is that some remains that if this “selectivity” exists for women it may be the norm more than a new normal and be a general attitude for some when entwined but not in rape - when with their husbands in the usual course of affairs. 

Period!  2012 is a year at least for women’s issues - Democrats have at least political problems convened for Hillary.  Period!

Was/is George Washington parable about lying or laying - about cheatin’ and cuttin’ and running?

Seems we have at least now to figure is it towards the Democrat Convention that President Obama is on his knees and not term limited President Clinton even as he should be billed for being there on his knees to beg for Hillary to keep her job - like?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:45 pm

A sign that a country may be in decline might be evidence - evidence that even after eleven years from a major moment a preceding administration still has a bubble about it so that it seems even 99% of the country hasn’t even asked themselves or been asked to consider that such “preceding” could have had a culpability.

It does seem that there is a 99% of America that just hasn’t asked themselves or others if the Clintons could have been behind 9/11 specifically with at least some serious gross negligence.

It seems either that most Americans keep walking into closed glass sliding doors or that there is a cancer about America because there exists such a mass of 99% that just hasn’t processed such a natural consideration. 

And, yes, it is remarkable how prepared and ready Michael Moore was to lead a charge to blame everyone but the Clintons.

Might it be Hillary’s siren call?  Was it a distraction of her as held out for idol worship or fearing as a First Female President that kept off the quiet queries due after such a disaster and towards a consideration of all that might be masters of disaster?

There are complications to this condition that might explain a depressed economy and a loss in consumer confidence.

There seems to be clearly too much corruption at the top and such that immediately has both Clintons snared as well.

How has it been nearly 11 years with so few even considering that the Clintons’ administration must have at least been seriously negligent?   Was Hillary’s songs so alluring all captain journalists and sworn officers crashed hard and became dissuaded?

It is such a more simple consideration that I won’t even bother now explaining how ridiculously simple it is.  I will, though, add that it may have been so simple a consideration that some thought the most obvious answers couldn’t actually be the right conclusion.

For the sake of this piece and for it to be more an awakening in thought provocation please read on just with a consideration that at least 99% so have still hardly been to a reasonable consideration that “it” must have been at least just half the fault of the Clintons.  Please allow that this piece will posit that it may still have been half Bush’s fault and without offering any substantiation for such.

What can come of the next Democrat Party Convention?   Isn’t the booking of Bill Clinton suggestive that Hillary is submissive and dutiful and that Dem men have to stand up strong in front of Dem women however titled?

President Barack Hussein Obama now has afoot that he either was ridiculous to think he could trust the Clintons as “rivals” or that he was naive to think he was smarter than them and able to manage them.

Maybe this Convention isn’t now set up to appease Muslim men around the world with “Barack” and “Bill” to show up all the women and submit them all to their lower political places - hard to say.   Maybe this just escaped a due consideration of prudent messaging.


Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?  Really - have you?  Have they lost their innocence yet?

Have you heard of the brass ring?   Have you seen enough TV or read enough books to be wise to a condition about many crooks that they like to return to the scene of their crimes?

That President William Jefferson Clinton was born William Blythe III is maybe relevant to a split personality or suggestive of a conflicted persona.   But that he has returned and been seen to be reaching for “a brass ring” is suggestive of an innocence for the Bush administration than maybe less than 1% has yet considered during all of the past nearly eleven years.

There is so much more to look at and consider.  So much of it should be so simple that I needn’t mention any of such here.

It seems President William Jefferson Clinton is showing a confidence that he is getting away with at least something he shouldn’t have.  He has “returned” and “reached” for a power grab that in most countries would be seen as mutinous by their leader - yet it seems President Barack Hussein Obama at least has been caught with his hands tied.


Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?  Really - have you?  Have they lost their innocence yet?

I should be clearer about President Clinton’s “return” and not leave it to chance that you will think I am speaking strictly of the approaching Democrat Party Convention.   No, in the past months BC has made the come back thinking confidently but testingly it seems that he was getting away with a plan - THE PLAN - the Convention is just another bold move that doesn’t really make sense.

It may be necessary to suggest a plan is “THE PLAN” and with a prodding to all to even think to consider that “THE PLAN” is a plan of both Clintons and one hatched and developed towards a reach to rare power grabbing that dates back to when they were just dating law students.


Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?  Really - have you?  Have they lost their innocence yet?

It seems either that most Americans keep walking into closed glass  sliding doors or that there is a cancer about America because there  exists such a mass of 99% that just hasn’t processed such a natural consideration. 

And, yes, it is remarkable how prepared and ready Michael Moore was to lead a charge to blame everyone but the Clintons.

If you haven’t considered that the Clinton “two-fer” consummated their “PLAN” and maintained it for decades towards dreams of great power - of power so great they might even become extra-Constitutional global autocrats should you even be reading any mysteries?  

After eleven years of not looking at them - can any corners be cut to try to cure this that seems a cancer upon America and especially a confidence in its economy?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:21 am

What is it said about “plans” and “war” - about “a plan” as soon as an actual war starts?

President Obama as Candidate Barack Hussein Obama - BHO - planned to be a new JFK, right?

And now how while BHO is seeming more pasty and unprepared for prime time You Tube video streams?

Looking at 2012 complexity:

> Are we to define “working class” as those of class as per governance that have work that pays taxes - and so “working class” is those busy as the reported less than fifty percent that pay taxes into a …? When President Obama says - “get back to work” is he speaking to the “rich” as his “working class” as it is they he needs working to afford his own “work”?

> So bike and pedestrian projects are “local” - pedestrian bridges and bike paths are best kept or made “local” projects and as near to “public/private” partnerships as economically reasonable as alternative and “better” commuting routes to businesses - businesses especially local fitness centers and eating establishments?

> More on the survival of our Constitution: #SCOTUS today with Arizona case set up ACA ruling seriously well >> from today’s decision and especially siding by Chief Justice Roberts we have established practically that if you can’t use race or “legal” status in Arizona then it cannot then be used by doctors under any Obamacare even for “family” or “genetic” factors and that Obama wants our borders open so that any can have American care since well after today they don’t have to carry proof of legal presence.

> Query: Re: Arizona dec - Conservative Justices could so support such for by supporting such they reinforce deciding against Obamacare - ACA - for having no limiting principles like with Arizona an example since of no power to establish whom therefore is “legal” and limited to Obamacare???

> Anyone have the numbers for this yet?: Is Obama running for re-election hoping for votes from recently unemployed or is he running for votes for millions grateful for a near three year paid vacation?  Are women for Obama grateful and willing to vote for him for having thinned down the jobs market so much they have him as an excuse to stay at home with more “me time” - or are they considering re-electing him thinking he knows what work they are better to be doing and believable with promises of finding non “me time” work for women?

> If I were moderating a Presidential Debate tonight I would have or hope for a question about immigration and self deportation of these economic times as it seems since immigration wasn’t worked out and fixed before ACA - Obamacare hysterics our economy may not start growing the new jobs in a new growth economy than some that haven’t self deported are maybe still waiting for, and so that we are to ask and get an answer about whether it is possible that until immigration is fixed the jobs won’t come back and that if a new immigration or re-immigrate legally system can be worked out it may be smarter and more self serving to self deport just so so much that Dems did backwards can be fixed and to unleash a new attractive growth economy.

Hmmm? Anyone - anyone with the last name Romney or Obama?

> Related to “SOVEREIGN STATE” powers and rights we have actually inseparable and relative philosophically at least - as least socially speaking comparatively - that therefore when a state is sovereign whom is “legal” is a particular particular - say for if Obamacare isn’t overturned if the United States of America is to have enough armed forces in another country another “sovereign state” and enough force to “OCCUPY” such state regardless of the stated state of such forces as if not combat though combat ready - hmmm?  It follows whom is “legal” or a “subject” critical for by the very lack of a complete philosophy of governance with sufficient checks and balances of limiting principles then therefore it stands that if the United States or another state is to have enough armed forces in another sovereign state but so that then morally all the people of that sovereign state have a right to expect for the duration of effective “OCCUPATION” the same full rights to medical coverage and American medical care.  So it seems #SCOTUS - how can it not be so based on the inadequate limits herefore so far writ?

> The easiest way I have of remembering the troop size considered by some to have been an Iraq OCCUPATION force of United States of American stand up citizens is to remember than during the primary race between junior Senator Clinton and junior Senator Obama in just Massachusetts’ primary the gap between them that primary election day was about 150,000 - about the same number of US troops at highest level of deployed whence.

> With efforts to ACA - Obamacare was much about a federal IMAC clearinghouse of all legal citizens and their personal medical files and medical histories and maybe as well to required annual or semi-annual check-ups #SCOTUS to the Thursday a wonder where we may be to hearing as well how IMAC so conceived as a Big Brother centralized computer database system to cost efficiencies isn’t to our Government to illegal search and seizure of incriminating personal information like urine - stool - and blood tests for all the substances legal and illegal then most a political and/or health concern. I mean didn’t Obamacare get set up to allow the new Big Brother Centralized Main Frame IMAC concept to be to comparing and contrasting details of individual citizen’s current and past medical facts without warrants otherwise to such and so to cost analysis maybe not just down to zip code but maybe per street to an objectivity not based on name that would at least be allowed to legally publish sharable analytics with “detail” down to at least a side of a particular street within a particular zip code or subset per zip-code?

> So as per #SCOTUS is it Thursday we may be reading lines about how in America and these United States you cannot claim “Under God” that an individual citizen’s soul or sexuality is free and locally set asunder in rights and yet have their body and its “jurisdiction” as per “their” body be to “their” body being of a soulless national body physically of national jurisdiction and Supreme Powers and even to a control of its arms via dictates adapted may as well to limit control of arms as per our thought preserved Second Amendment rights? #commonsense It is Thursday we may have to wonder how our nation can separate our body from our freedoms and our soul?

> Wow - aren’t we to the Clintons are suspect as towards all this and much of their 8 now vacuous of waste - time lost on a wrong path - to a post Constitutional era that isn’t?

> There is a big diff between how CGI was set up and how it is being run - Mr C claimed he would not use it to partisan or political powers - and yet really he is and is regularly - most regularly to an irregular especially when of his annual mandatory meeting of world leaders then able to be in town also for the meeting of the over-shadowed so United

> With this (Major Lawsuit Claims Dodd-Frank Is Unconstitutional) as long as some of ACA - Obamacare Unconstitutional - we have that Clinton Global Initiative as operating can also be challenge and separation of powers concerns and especially since it is operating while Mrs C is Madam Sec Mrs. C. — they thought they had the Constitution beat as no longer relevant and tried to do how much???  And Mrs. C our top officer responsible for saying whether Mr. C is operating completely within the intent of our protections and for saying whether anyone should be even looking at Mr. C so?

> And so yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was needed and with us in the right to be about it so.  Yes Bush admin though of a good feeling that it was right was not all that great at selling us on it as right - that said, the time to sell it rightly and timely was the first term of the Clintons’ admin thought maybe easiest if actually the second term of President George H. W. Bush.  Don’t know if I have written this all out fully yet but I have addressed it much now many places for a long while and in some of columns of just past few years.

Hmmm?  Yes it was right but not sold well - and I had confidence that Bush 43 had a feeling that it was right though he maybe could have sold it better even though the best time to sell it and only easy time was likely during what was the Clintons’ first term.

> And so still yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and necessary and yet not to cause a peoples movement across the Middle East but so that we didn’t get trapped morally and hypocritically on the wrong side of it - and maybe as Saddam Hussein had considered or hoped he could trap us and as of a thinking that he had a way to keep Kuwait after invading it.  Hmmm?  Yeh a re-election of the Clintons would have been maybe America’s biggest ever mistake too - a return of the Clintons with suggestions that they were wise of a Grand Strategy needing continuity even though there was an actual ‘GRAND’ strategy - and nor a left entrance or exit plan for dealing with Iraq to leave to their successor whom ever - and so no real alternative by the Clintons and only a weak supposition of “bite” by Clintons for sanctions even just for human rights violations.

> Well, that was an interesting line in Foreign Affairs by Brooking xprts to find today about how Arab Spring was an unexpected curve ball to Pres O and therefore necessarily also former FLOTUS Madam Sec Mrs. C.  I thought they had been trying to take credit for it and not have their favorite institute of xprts say it was a ‘CURVE BALL’ unexpected.  See this is where it gets very interesting - if you have been to un-hid {maybe again “hidden”}commentary/blog page at jphogan.org as enticed you likely saw a composition mentioning a 2007ish conversation I had with Serbian Ambassador Ivan Vujacic about Hillary and Operation Iraqi Freedom - about why even though if AEI had “top Republicans” seeming already defeated that they were so early saying he should expect Hillary to be the next US President - - about Operation Iraqi Freedom while I told him Hillary shouldn’t or couldn’t win while then adapting for the only time anyone asked me to explain and defend Operation Iraqi Freedom and Bush admin as per Serbia and me to telling him my personal thoughts and how such was with needing that Clintons were not elected and to that way a way that Serbia would be able to be best positioned for the type of peoples movement I had a hunch had to be allowed for - sort of like the Arab Spring.  Seems my advice is admitable now as right then for how we did the necessary thing with Operation Iraqi Freedom even if it wasn’t sold as well as it could have been.

Hmmm? I guess Obama’s favorite xprts aren’t also going with:  Neither Obama nor Clinton were prepared for such.

Hmmm?  Did you hear the one about Obama policies expert Vladimir Putin and how he suggested that if President Obama didn’t beat his addiction to Soviet socialism he could cause the United States to fall apart into six separate regional realms?  @jphoganorg of http://jphogan.org/ & …

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:57 am


We are at a deja view “all over again.” 

Though it is very concerning that between now and November 2012 decidings our nation is to familiar battles between generations old and new and old and unborn, it is also very concerning as candidate and party choices for this fall decidings are to the oldest generations to be reviewed familiarly by their own of younger generations and as to their needs and spending habits and if it might actually be fair to abide by the absence of limiting principles in Obamanomics and Obama’s policies so that the youngest and the unborn even if not eighteen are being asked if it should be fair that they are to shoulder near $40,000 in national debt as “per capita” and soon as from birth.

Besides this challenge mult-generational to all American families to be to judging whether the oldest in their clan deserves the youngest and even unborn to be conceived to a near $40,000 personal national share of debt just because of an “unlimited” lifestyle and nationalism without limiting principles doctrinated though ordained to be.

We have at least two cases already under review by our highest court concerning the Obama administrations efforts to work legislatively to presumptions to new Constitutional Powers lacking in limiting principles so much that like the “Executive Privilege” claim today we are again some how just to looking at Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen/henchwomen as of airs Un-Constitutional of wants and actual practice seemingly to an:  If the President says it is legal then it is legal!!!

President Obama is likenable to a circus Ring Master more than a Captain of a cruise ship ship shape and in order in a wheelhouse.  As “slow and patient” now for so much seems afoot though of riling with much about “Fast and Furious”!  We have that we have President Obama so of a gone carney taggable even suggested with Mr. Carney as his official press mouthpiece.  As a circus Ring Master and known attempts to razzle and dazzle and distract with CRISIS and ALARMISM we still have the problem that he wanted to run and operate as President with a “PERSONALITY BASED PRESIDENCY”.

President Obama has become taggable and mashable and tweetable as if of clear and certain wants to dictatorial Powers so that if he says it is legal then it is legal.  I don’t know why he has proceeded so since his very first day with cover-up attempts so partisan and polarizing only Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton has yet maybe been already so greatly tagged for being so “polarizing.”

I don’t know how the Democrats now of the federal based calls for New Nationalism can work through all their own muck raking yet to even November decidings now with a forced familiar for so many to decide if the oldest about them just in their family are all being also too reckless and irresponsible with their spending and wants and while Obama as a New Deal Austerity President an allowance to at least disruptive whispers.

These are days to call us to remember - these are days of echoes of FROST - NIXON and others once wrong for lesser “if a President says it is legal then it is legal” politics.  These are days of a “deja view all over again” and yet just as per limiting principles missing grandly from policies already under review as that of Obama’s Administration and their sense of Justice now before our Honorable of our Highest Court - our Supreme Court of the United States.

I don’t know why President Obama and his henchmen/henchwomen have insisted on taking so many low percentage shots and to expectations of Powers Constitutional and NEW though still questionable and under review as merely legislated. 

As it is our new President has “GONE CARNEY” we are all best to be wised up to this visibly a cover to cover as to “cover-up”!  It is not entertaining that a President would attempt to Govern as if the Harlem Globetrotters with all low percentage shots and the Washington Generals left almost daily to suffer the visible defeats. 

It is worse still that basketball player young President Barack Hussein Obama with his Hero Complex if so is of wants to not just be successful as if the Harlem Globetrotters with only low percentage shots but to be a one man team with “executive privilege” now “Frosty” suggestive that families and all their generations should consider his “play” believable and of his superior skill evidenced by daily suffered defeatism by say the Washington Generals and all their “players”!

This hasn’t been at all entertaining for me - this “Frost -Holder” or “Gone Carney”!

It is not a circus to me - but that this administration has “gone carney” since day one — I can call the President a liar and since his day one first moments post swearing his oath, however, for his speechifying with his inaugural orations lacking in erudity or class and with such an absence of bi-partisan spirit for his marked words and diction about accusations to “it is all Bush’s fault”!

This is a lie!  This is a lie that I can proclaim such for my two decades of involvements, however, and those so, however, to having been involved and useful to both the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration.   “It is all Bush’s fault” was and stands as a diabolical political lie of new low standard for polarizing partisan politics - and one that I can attest is a lie just because of what I know about my own story of assistance and involvements, however, to both parties and both preceding administrations. 

And besides now with “Executive Privilege” claim that stinks of a guilt and a need to plead the fifth it now echoes of still under review other policies with similar Constitutional problems for us due to absence of Constitutional principles of checks and balances with “limiting principles”!

There is a lot more somehow of these concerns on my facebook.com/jpeterhogan “timeline” and so with tweeting links via my “twid” (twitter ID) @jphoganorg.

I don’t know how to offer objective punditry myself for what has to be so many familial political decisions and with discussions about an austerity of a New Deal Austerity or a new conservationism of their CRISIS GOVERNANCE and its ALARMISM with GLOBAL WARMING - END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT SCARING. 

Shock and awe?  -  Razzle Dazzle?  -  Fast and Furious?  Slow and Patient? 

With them so now of “Executive Privilege” assertion - where are we wisest now to start looking - where were we supposed to have successfully been distracted from looking that now we all are wisest to start looking first?

Yes,  I can assert that President Obama is a liar.  I do remember that the Clintons lost their machinations then with an over confidence of a underestimation while of mantle of “inevitable” a while ago to opponent Obama and after half their Hollywood “friends” seemed all to echo that far above whispers heard of “THE CLINTONS ARE BIG LIARS!”!

I know that for President Obama to have officially asserted the actual quite impossible propositon “It is all Bush’s fault!” was an official lying from day one.  I know this personally to be so - I have much just at http://jphogan.org also available via http://citizenrosebud.us that speaks to such maybe as well as just more of a want of grandeur with success with a fascination of tales of making low percentage shots as if high percentage and prudent, actually.

We are at a deja view “all over again.”  And we don’t even have to look back more than three years to have a very visible history now as it becomes even more concerning and less comedic or entertaining.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:16 am

May Day has passed.

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

A long view towards a fresh self-helping all about our confederated republic is now a view towards November.

It may be more telling to a new HOPE - a NEW HOPEFUL - that Ann Romney has two Cadillacs than that First Lady Michelle Obama is farming out austerity - tilling a new agri-state for all with shovel fulls from our White House.

We should have expected trouble - troubling leadership from an American born William Blythe III - especially after learning of such having sought English lessons.  We should have been forewarned by one taken to the last name Clinton as well for history we could have learned from of the time of Governor Clinton of New York State that necessitated Hamilton Madison and Jay to works as Publius.

Independence Day is coming.  Long live Independence Day!  Was Oxford the best place for a new Clinton to learn to be more directed to Autocracy or totalitarianism?  For a Clinton born a Blythe there must have been a predominant penchant for our revolutionary days yet so for one then less of a special relationship but a relationship non the less.  If he wanted to keep control of the BOUNTY shall we say he had better been wise to ways early American of such as other Governor Clinton above mentioned - he had better learn to appear different and differentiated from his command wants - so it seems.

It is clear as day that our summer is started with our fresh faces of our Executive much ado about austerity and home grown.

Pie may spoil President Obama’s diet - but weren’t we led to believe in Clinton as a two Big Mac & two packaged McDonald’s apple pie a day Executive?  We can warm to Michelle Obama, First Lady of our United States of America, actually of a maternal rule with kitchen and baking time as still we can’t really for Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

We have not heard though of a REZCO PLANTATION or a REZCO VICTORY GARDEN in Hyde Park or that the four car garage of the Obama Chicago Estate largely dedicated to field and garden passions or dedicated self-help American self reliant particular tilling.  We do have that Ann Romney by having two Cadillacs stands in Americana as an American Women who wouldn’t have let her husband, if means were present, to let her standards fall to disgrace of an industrial and conceptual failing.

May Day has passed and only some of our Memorial Day echoes now to a long view forward with left-overs.

May Day has passed and we have that “homegrown” for our Obama’s seems maybe a very new thing.

May Day has passed and you too can consider a women with two Cadillacs knows a private save of General Motors might have been a new chivalrous for her husband and/or his ilk and not of a new necessary hailing towards totalitarianism or a “Big Government” take-over.  It does seem clear we are of a 2012 long view now with two very distinctly different economic theory views and so too a public - private governance workings.  We do seem to be much of an age essentially called to a buffet Americana or less so much newly to a serving or service to a new federalism.

I do not know if you know your state’s Governor’s name - the name of your neighboring state’s Governor or your neighboring town or cities mayor.  You may be in too limited a minority if you actually do.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.

We can say that we wouldn’t have had THE FEDERALIST PAPERS without Governor Clinton, and, we can say that we would be now to this essential NEW FEDERALISM but for Governor Clinton (President Clinton - of a Presidential wants too much as Gov. Clinton earlier kept to New York empire wants).

President William Jefferson Clinton was born William Blythe III & and earlier Governor Clinton of New York that gave rise to a mediated need for such as was of Publius moniker for Hamilton Madison and Jay was of the era too post our Revolution as was Fletcher Christian of THE BOUNTY and the questionable leadership and commanding nature of Captain William Blygh.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.  Clearly there are many actual now expert in the liberal feminism model and as well in the conservative feminism model.  I am likely (hopefully) still a man of the middle - but you too may now be puzzling as to this for 2012:


Two Cadillacs suggests a women that wouldn’t have let her car company of shared standards actually fail - and how.

A gardening by First Lady Michelle Obama does till austerity and how - but did she ever have a garden before?


We do still much have the leadership of President Clinton to worry ourselves about - even more so than Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William J. Clinton - why have they created as much a need for THE FEDERALIST PAPERS now as an earlier Governor - Governor Clinton once of New York State did himself? 

Is it just the misses Clinton of serving up such a need for a NEW FEDERALISM - reactively against her philosophy and practices in governance?   And, how have we gotten here, so far dangerously along to here now, for one once so of a Rose Law Firm while her husband was Governor that even that job for her seemed of political nepotism and affirmative action?

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:29 am

On today Friday this May in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and two we have that our personal lives have become too commercialized.  We could now see a counter cultural demonstrative with new bumper stickers like with “WHO THE BBD NEEDS FACEBOOK?” (with “BBD” short for Biden’s “… Big Deal”).

More concerning is the “LEAN FORWARD” - “LEAD FROM BEHIND” - Anti-Christ factor.

Once upon a time in America - yes, in America - morals were taught as well as discretion. 

Once upon a time in America - yes, in America - people didn’t need to be so taxed to create jobs - they did just buy more magazines - glossy pictures and all with post men and women and subscriptions with people paid for their goodness or whatever they had subscribers to that was their worthiness so.

How have we come to this year 2012 as yet another since our original ordaining and subscriptions to our Constitution whence so in that early “Year of our Lord” not too far back now, maybe, from this Year of same Lord two thousand ten and two?

We have with the Facebook IPO today a commercialization and valuation of our personal lives - we have that with a valuation for them of such machine domination we should now be expected to have a “value” key and duty for each of our “friends” - we should have our own “FRIENDS TICKER” with a dollar sign or symbol of appropriate currency to show a monetary value for each friend listed and with ranking options - highest first - lowest first - most depreciated - most appreciated in past week - friend of the day - friend of the week - friend of the month - friend of the year - like…


Are we at all Democrats essentially running as Anti-Christ commercialists still asking for an over reached loyalty for Clintons too near to a global Autocracy secular for them - their “friend” confused “two-fer”?

Oh, what to do with the free loading friends, now?

Oh, what to do with the free loading family, now?

Oh MY!  Oh MINE?

Once upon a time - yes in earlier days of America - people were raised and trained in a morality so that they could judge right and wrong to “good” or “evil” and “iffy” as equally intrusive interactive socialness did stream through their Christian existential.



Now in a time and year where glitz and glitter to requests to follow and like or friend out of a pop less circumstanced with a due moral consideration - now to a time too near an Anti-Christ sloth and crass immediacy?


With the commercialization of Facebook and to a daily ticker of valuation of all ours and our personal sociated media aren’t we now better to join the band and hope aboard with a time line ticker for all our friends as well with a monetized valuation?

On today Friday this May in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and two we have that our personal lives have become too commercialized.  We  could now see a counter cultural demonstrative with new bumper stickers like with “WHO THE BBD NEEDS FACEBOOK?” (with “BBD” short for Biden’s  ”… Big Deal”).

Once upon a time in America - yes, in America - morals were taught as well as discretion.

Are you sure you are not now being lead from behind to a pop leaning forward  inconsiderate of essential social morality?

Better to be a Facebook wise user and not a schmuck giving free content at least more than getting free useful content?  I mean it has now been commercialized - shouldn’t all be able to see at least a paper valuation for each click or share?

How many are just free loading?  Are you giving away too much free content?  Are you too well informing your competitors, and for free?  Are the Clintons the leaders to this soft morality now far nearer a Dem Party about Anti-Christ factor celebration?

Say it isn’t so?

Once upon a time in America - yes, in America - people didn’t need to be so taxed to create jobs - they did just buy more magazines - glossy pictures and all with post men and women and subscriptions with people paid for their goodness or whatever they had subscribers to that was their worthiness so.  I mean has it taken a day like today to realize how many fewer have jobs now because you are buying and reading fewer magazines - how many just once more in sustainable forestry and paper and pulp fabrication that if done now at night could be using lower energy rates for energy that is just being made and wasted for “capacity”?

I don’t know about you - I don’t what nice there is to say about the Clintons - I don’t get “LEADING FROM BEHIND” but as well if too much to such as an Anti-Christ factor.  Would the absence of a mind already bent to leaning forward have once had more morality infused with purpose and community be yours if not for all this now valued and commercialized social media - all this mechanization of what was of a religious acceptance and community spirit maintained by careful leadership to a moral consciousness existential?

It is more evident now,yet hardly enough via social media - even just Facebook - that the Clintons seem to definitely have been to schemes and decades of plotting to political over-reaching like socialism but more towards a secular autocracy for them in their odd “two-fer”.  This may be enough to tolerate such commercialization and valuation of so many Peoples’ personal lives, for now.  You do get that Bill Clinton keeps moving back into the political picture to take credit - and much he doesn’t deserve but thought he could wrangle control of as if his for fewer we likely to be immune from being fooled all of the time.
I am not a student of Islam nor Judaism - I am not trying to leave Hammurabi out or suggest Muslims are more forgiving.  It is more that it seems the personal story of President Obama and as well the Clintons would be only to this as a Anti-Christ factor rendering/rendition.

Have you figured out how to value and monetize your wall - your friends list?

Is it time to present quanlity over quantity again for your conscious existentiality?

Are you now if not to monetizing your social media to soon “unfriending” freeloading friends, family and competitors?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:46 pm

If you are drinking a beer with Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary, or especially if to toasting her your beer likely should be tasting like suds - like soap.

We can not help but think to look for manufactured crisis.

We are lucky and can count ourselves as quite fortunate that President Obama saved us from President Clinton.

That said Governor Mitt Romney may be more right on General Motors than President Obama.

We have first to allow ourselves that there was another option to thought inevitable next President as a Clinton.

We have second, or as an alternate first, to appreciate that climate change didn’t have to rise to the ALAMISM of Gore’s GLOBAL WARMING END OF THE WORLD CRISIS crusades.

As well maybe first we could look at the corporate speak like that was the institutional shorting of endowment funds as political speech towards a down economy for political benefit of Democrat candidate, whomever.

As per Mitt Romney and past ideas for saving General Motors - we have that if Democrats hadn’t won in 2008 GM would have needed a whole lot less effort if any about a saving of GM.

I still have a hard time seeing Mrs. Clinton as other than having failed to the top - I am not sure you should be toasting her or thinking of drinking with her.

An election of the Republican alternative to either the “inevitable Hillary” or her most junior also most junior Senate peer Barack was of platforms and positions arguing to the very direction now there seems to be a general consensus towards as where we should now go and would best have been to have gone earlier.

We can easily suggest that without the threats to seize all oil company profits by Senator Clinton her current position still might only look progressive and a success in promotion - promotion of socialism, only.

General Motors might not have needed any saving if only Al Gore had moderate views or moderated his alarmism from the super subjective “end of the world as we know it” DOOM and GUILT and taught about climate change without attacking the industry of General Motors and people for owning and using their evil products.

I guess it is that we are supposed to just accept how Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is bottled.

I am still confident that if McCain and Palin had been elected the move to retraining and encouraging for our states as a higher priority than a political soft RESET with Russia would have sufficiently rebooted our economy and warded off the simplicities complicating our economy of the Democrat propaganda enough that saving General Motors wouldn’t have needed an young unproven czar or even a political hack to drive a new unnecessary nationalism.

More than once in the past couple decades I have heard after a column or comment or opinionated stance voices from Detroit industries saying I did save them.  I remember most the early days of Clintons’ 8 and how frustrated Detroit was with what seemed capitalist ignorance by the new Democrat admin as there efforts in asking for a sense of direction and theme to work to even if to green energy or fuel efficiency was missing - missing until I offered a direction independently and privately to usher in interesting smaller cars maybe to look like smaller 50s & 60s American made headliners.

No, I don’t see how you can be wanting to celebrate or toast Hillary R. Clinton, Secretary, unless you think her rise and progressing with socialism a success and not as I do a failing to the top.

There are many ways I can go back an confidently reconsider that an election of McCain might have been all the save Mitt Romney might have needed too for General Motors but for the marketing of a superiority and elitism still over lobbied to benefit foreign brands, by some of our politicians.

Yes there have been more than a few times where Detroit either said from afar that I had saved them or was to saying they wanted to hire me.  If you do like the break out of small fun cars during the Clintons’ years don’t look to them for a toast worthiness but look to me - It was I not them, and as implied seeming with them ignorant of an important domestic essence of marketing for free markets and non-socialistic capitalism based job saving and/or creating.

We can not help but think to look for manufactured crisis.  And especially with Democrats and manufacturing and jobs crisis pomp and toasted circumstancings.

This said, again, Governor Mitt Romney may be more right on General Motors than President Obama — but a President McCain likely would have incidentally reset our economy with his spoken to preference to govern to a restoration of states and a restrengthening of state economic sovereignty and so made a save of General Motors at most a remarketing challenge for Mad Men/Women.

We have that there was not a vacuum in progress and inventiveness during the Bush years - we have seen that new products were very nearly ready for marketing and some that Democrats just rushed to a CRISIS so to be able to grandstand with a partisan credit taking.

We didn’t need this economic downturn - or at least quite so.  We didn’t need to see then or now that Hillary all sudsy with a progressing rise as a success if only “socialism” was her goal.  It still seems to generally be about things more our traditionals that she has failed to the top.

A bottling plant for Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton since now we seem to be seeing other than how she has been being bottled herself?

Like a “BOTTOMS UP RODHAM” we should have seen you so earlier more even when to First Lady Clinton?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:18 am

There comes a time in a political afterlife, after too long proffered and maintained dishonestly that the public and even Hollywood will usually and finally get around to covering such in spirit of show business.

We have that the final season of “24″ did seem to suggest that a President Hillary Clinton was on track already to a likely future, if ever actually elected so. too “in bed” and “criminally” as per our Constitution’s “criminality” and “limiting principles” with Russians.  I don’t know how there were not more shows to such important import, already as well by then.

Have you heard the one about the Clintons having been term limited effectively by our 22 Amendment? 

This morning dawning past the eve of the George Clooney Hollywood Goes Obama downer scheduled for tonight is breaking with a new honesty in the air maybe not as politically relevant as say when I and others seemed to be asking from afar, at least, if David Geffen needed help with a legal defense fund after telling the whole world “The Clintons Are Big Liars.”

Don’t worry!  There is very little likelihood that this “EVENT” tonight can be confused as a meeting of modern communists.

Yes, George, it is true that I was in AMISTAD - that I was in a room with Steven Spielberg for two days and even made it into Entertainment Weekly as the extra that I was in background of courtroom scene with Matthew McC and Cecil B. DeMille “real gun” later celebrant (celebratee?) Morgan F. in foreground.  Yes, your original role in ER was most of all of such characters the one written most to be the fictional alter me after Jamie Tarses for NBC was back in my head asking near:  “can we have one more show idea and for Thursdays at ten?”

Years later when I was in DC and would happen to find Hollywood in town filming I did get to meeting Leonardo D C and Russell Crowe and such some years after finding ARLINGTON ROAD with Jeff Bridges and he to wondering why I wasn’t asking for an autograph and his producer almost to acting on our thoughts that I could help if hired with editing.  I did appreciate meeting Livingston and McPherson when they were filming pilot episode for SEVEN DAYS and that they let me hang around their sets I first found after wondering why Don Franklin was sitting against a wall on a DC side walk in fatigues (away from anything yet noticed as a set and of a Hollywood production.).  I did later meet Sir Ridley S. and quite almost unavoidably since he set up his directors tent with that other world famous producer/director working on BODY OF LIES directly across the street from my then DC apartment on Capitol Hill.  Oh, yeh, that spot was part of MERCURY RISING, if I recall from film correctly, and for the scene to finding an actual old typewriter that could type in triplicate with carbon film.  I don’t know how I missed catching any of filming of MERCURY RISING since some of it too was so actually produced across the street from my apartment.

But this George is meant to be about you talking to donkeys, and how it may be a due time to explain how the Democrats, but for President Obama specifically, did set up and cause much if not all of this economic down turn.  We have it as an unavoidable truth that President Obama a man also of a Hyde Park was of wants to be to a new era of New Deal Austerity and a grand economy crushing rush to GREEN politics - but you have him as a guest tonight so let us first focus just on Hillary for President that starred Bill and Hillary and as well on GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM with Al Gore attempting to play a new Mr. Science.

Have you heard the one about the Clintons having been term limited effectively by our 22 Amendment?

I know, like really, that is dangerously too close to old joke line “Army Intelligence” much like my suggested use of “modern communists” today respective of your arrangements and planned gathering tonight.  Seems, yes, that “modern communists” would apply more to Chinese having been more to capitalism than your Obama in these long past few years - seems that you might be of a crowd tonight sympathetic to “communism” but not “modern” with such, right - reads well this way?

For starters it still makes no political or economic sense that George Bush and Republicans of 2008 challenges would have created the economic down turn if they could have created such an economic down turn.

Oh, you get it now?  You get that the Clintons were meant to be effectively term limited but have proven still to be too slippery yet?

I know, like really, when we retire a President after eight years because of our term limit Amendment the money we give him though never to such excess and ridiculousness as effected for President Clinton ever before is for what ever the amount arranged to help “retire” or “sever” such from the powers of the office of our President.  Can you believe the gall of President Clinton for asking just for a NYC rent a sum greater then for a year that that of a sum for all our past presidents annual post office “rents” combined, and, that he was busy then and now still to using our taxpayer benefits otherwise than expected or budgeted to actually work to hold and gain power, and as much or more of “executive” power as he and his spouse can yet work?

It does seem just bad scripting and too dramatic a writing that our 22 Amendment hasn’t been more effective in keeping Clintons as limited as thought wise.  It really has gotten past how much they did to set up and later cause this economic down turn to also us to asking Hollywood to dramatize their corruptions and crass gross ambition in all its colors.  It seems dangerous that “retirement” funds could be used politically so domestically and globally however now so mixed by Clintons and the Clintons’ Global Initiative to effect campaigns and our 2012 elections.  It seems dangerous that “retirement” funds not even of the excess sought and gotten by President Clinton could ever have been approved and so now for such inseparable near irreconcilable very political power grabbing and efforts to influence, partisan.

It does seem an unacceptable story line that President Bush or Republicans could have intentionally caused this economic down turn.

I can and have explained how it was the Clintons’ administering of PEACE DIVIDENDS before their time and an unnecessary and so unjustifiable SURPLUS of cutting a second trillion out of spending for jobs and economic growth when we actually had the funds available and set aside that are hallmarks of CLINTONOMICS.  We have long before Hillary For President attempted a repackaged sloppy BOGO “two-fer” and launched such like a spoiled “inevitable” Hun with a declaration to “socialistic” plans to “seize all oil company profits” that the Clintons of the now mostly missing years of 1993- 2001 were to cutting the very spending of funds actually available that had been left alone by Republicans as too much to cut and seemingly rightly of fears that such might to greatly reduce our budgets and its spending for jobs and growth for years following such out 2- even 8 years after Clintons were to be expected gone and in retirement.

President Obama may be guilty for of the “be careful what you wish for…” & now us to why did you wish for a CRISIS to justify a new New Deal Austerity!

Yes President Obama may be guilty for having wanted to be a new FDR of a similar social programming that pushed Constitutional limits to or past our limits - but it is the Clintons that look and smell dirty and guilty for the general and great economic collapse.

Simply it is still ridiculous to think that the Republicans could have or would have intentionally caused such - and still wise to consider that President Bush “fault” may be limited to a failure political to reverse the Clintons’ SURPLUS enough in time.

See, to be clear - let me be clear - let me be real clear:  In 2008 it look like a near certainty that Republicans would lose just because no one yet understood that actual complexity of the struggles in the Middle East as so many now seem to fathom - in 2008 it looked most likely that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton had enough reason to think she might be an “inevitable” next President by election though as a repackaged and spoiled dangerous democratic produce BOGO - in 2008 it looked like Republicans only chance for wins that November would be to have gas prices go down, not up, up, and up.

See, to be really clear:  It looked as if we were supposed to think that the suddenly rising gas prices were supposed to be good for the Republicans as of the “its all about oil party politics” and yet that just doesn’t make sense since it was of those days that Hillary looked quite “inevitable” and with a proffered declaration of plans to seize all oil company profits.  See???  See that under such conditions the last thing we should conclude is that Republicans would have wanted gas prices to go up for that would be to more profits for Hillary to seize so, as she was promising.

And now as it looks like George will be hosting and talking to Donkeys so tonight we have that there is little likelihood that such will be a gathering of modern communists.  And that it is still odd that Clintons can be collecting and spending benefits, excessive newly vast amounts of “retirement” benefits, towards actual and current meddling in partisan politics and power grabbing schemes.  But really it is that Hillary For President even though a spoiled repackaging we should have united to a “pulling from our shelves” wisdom that had a directly observable benefit in seeing oil prices spike, however, for not only then would it look bad for all Republicans as bad for economy it would also look like her promise of seizing all oil company profits was going to be a huge vast bottomless amount suddenly available for excesses of a left still controlled by Clintons’ political machinery.

But really this is about Hollywood and George’s party plans - let us try to keep this to civil and polite small talk.

So it was the Clintons that had the clearest means, motive and opportunity and a crass hunger to get back real POWER for themselves, however, right?  And now so with such we should see President Bush and his Republican Presidents’ Women/Men now as sympathetic figures long of a fight thought prevented by our 80th Congress and their work to keep others ever from so much extra-Constitutional over reaching as the real New Deal and otherwise austere Franklin Delano Roosevelt was while staring in his POWER show all the while with Eleanor and his quite involved daughter, right?

I mean our 22 Amendment has to be there for a purpose - but what could that be?  How is it the Clintons have made it look impotent and irrelevant and so all the work by our 80th Congress and our nation back whence to the actual proper process for big government concerns of protecting rights that is our Amending processes?  It does now even more clearly seem that our term limit laws were written to protect us from another First Couple like Franklin and Eleanor and their spoiled past attempts to stay in power past their own freshness and Hollywood marketability.

Oh, yeh, the Clintons, at least Bill, did ask banker friends to find a way to gamble away the expected risks of the housing bubble economics he wanted to play with like a candle burning from two ends at once.  Yes he with their SURPLUS did cut out a trillion that the Republicans had otherwise decided not to touch and did chose those budgeted items for a political save for his First Couple since after Republicans did the thought impossible and found a trillion to cut to BALANCED he had little choice but to resign himself to their greatness or double down irresponsibly and grandstand about he too being able to find a thought impossible trillion to cut.  But really it is debatable though Hillary Clinton for her First Couple BOGO “two-fer” with all the clear means, motive and opportunity, could be more responsible for the spike in gas prices than Al Gore subjective economic alarmism about his playing a MR. SCIENCE with our lives with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM.

It is difficult to say whether it was the scare of Hillary a Hun in a new socialism could have been more responsible for gas price spike than Al Gore.  It still is quite ridiculous to think that Bush or the Republicans could have or would have intentionally caused this economic down turn that got going when the price of gas became too much for all those pimped by Bill Clinton into his housing bubble economics and its hyper consumerism. 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:19 am

Paul Krugman continued pack mentality suggests he too may have too long eaten of the dog. 

You have heard of THE BUSH TAX CUTS and yet maybe not wondered why feminists haven’t rallied around such just for its name and suggestion of a life less taxing, men too.

You have heard of Keynian Economics — oh, ha, ha, ha - that’s a funny one.

You have heard of Reagonomics and Trickle Down Economics. 

Clintonomics may have had little to do with “economics” if “science” has to be in “science” of “economics”!

President Barack Hussein Obama is still trying to deny ownership and culpability for “economics” of his charge — with his disowning of his own visible hands afoot we seem to still need a “title”/”headliner” for this era of deconstruction to his “new foundation” and “new nationalism” and “new deal austerity” and near: You are too fat, using too much gas, not saving enough, and beyond that actually spending too much and generally wasteful and slothful Americans.

Should we be looking for an Obama “Cultural Revolution” and a strategy and science or are we better to now label and tag his “economics” a new economics and now JOBIAN ECONOMICS?

I can speak from a couple decades of involvement to stimulating demand various ways and even so as to defend freedom — I even can remark that President Bush seemed to like most my old:  He came into office neck deep in the wrenches in the gears of government the Clintons jammed about and looks to be leaving office after only enough time to get to being only knee deep.

I shouldn’t be laughing, this isn’t very funny — but if you are me and of the Clintons starting off back whence treating what was mine and “economic” as if theirs and their State gravy you might as well see the sad humor now if also of a BA at least in economics for now it seems that no known past economic school or science can be right for our times.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS seems maybe of the most transparent poetic suggestive tagging possible for these works from the charge to “economics” by the hands of President Barack Hussein Obama that for his pattern of coy and crass denials are best not more greatly confused with a suggestion that “Obamanomics” might have to their being “strategy” or “science” in such unless maybe his purpose was austerity and to mass unemployment for an American Cultural Revolution.

We can’t go back to CLINTONOMICS for the world they were proffered for never really existed - and the Clintons corrupted its the working invisibility of hands about growth economics and machinations fluid and smooth yet without too many wrenches jammed, selfishly in a political partisan, crassly.  The Clintons may not have started then admin off on wrong path as early as President Barack Hussein Obama did with partisan lying in his inaugural speech  - but then it may have been within their first few days that they went astray and started our economics and national security off to the dogs, shall we say.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS would need to be scientific with a recording and consideration that THE BUSH TAX CUTS were right for their time and justified as CLINTONOMICS could only justify.  THE BUSH TAX CUTS were justified by the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES of near a trillion extra found to be cut so that spending that could have been done if their was not THE BUSH TAX CUTS was already moved and decided as wrong and unnecessary and strongly defended by Democrats.  Since the spending side of the two trillion the Clintons cut, while the world was dangerously warming, and our schools, and bridges were falling apart, and duly noted as nearly ready to fall apart or down so already, was the pride of the Dems for it was it is questionable that CLINTONOMICS should or can be tagged of “economic science”.

This is where as we discuss that we need now to discuss an economic solution around JOBIAN ECONOMICS in order to spirit enough of a shared perspective to facilitate a common cause new middle ground I have to remind you that I am not writing to be PARTISAN though I do often seem partisan - that I am writing to defend my own intellectual property and past economics workings that date back to before days of the Clintons deciding to brave and entry onto such field as the 1992 national race.  Again, I am writing not to specifically be Partisan - am writing to share that the Clintons were wrong to misappropriate my work of original thinking/strategizing, and wrong in ways I may be uniquely be able to explain, and for so much for how they misused what they were misappropriating.

I should get going on a bumper sticker for 2012 >>> HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

If I otherwise was “in politics” or intentionally “partisan” I would likely be a candidate somewhere against all my ambitions and media plans and be maybe now:  HOGAN - ENOUGH OF STUPID!

Keynesian Economics is out — A CULTURAL REVOLUTION may be in — Adam Smith is out - since crass “new foundation” and “new nationalism” worked with austerity of other man from a Hyde Park President Barack Hussein Obama of wants to a new New Deal Austerity has deconstructed most of the magic structure so that “invisible hand” economics may be where we should get back to but not a workable how towards such. 

As per JOBIAN ECONOMICS we have that so many are now in struggles too like Job and while another Jobs responsible much of new tablets and a mass effect on volumes and volumes of economic considerations that those of the administering of our economy about an Obama team and a general denial of ownership of fault have just been getting wrong, wrong, wrong.

As I still ponder that old puzzlement that women, especially feminists, hadn’t jumped all over tagging “BUSH TAX CUTS” lovingly with dedication of the hopefulness in its poetic I am certainly left remembering that the Clintons’ unnecessary and crassly irresponsible cutting of an extra trillion when revenues were available to their too popular SURPLUS just for the pride in its worked spending side did and still intellectually does justify THE BUSH TAX CUTS.

If it can be as simple that our economy isn’t improving because we don’t have the words for it - I now freely offer we are now of a new science era for economics and so that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” has an air of hope that we can get to and past the corruptions by the Clintons and these years of naive denials by President Barack Hussein Obama necessarily so unless of course his purpose was this and strategized invisibly to be to so many now so like Job in their struggles and he to be praised for his leadership specifically designed and worked to bring the USA as near a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as he could and as only a new “nearest a Great Depression” could effect.

I don’t know what President Obama can or should take credit for - I do personally have a story to tell of how the Clintons from their very first days did set up much of this mess and not just for misappropriations or misuse of works not theirs or our State’s - I do still in a non-partisan economic expression stand on a simple truth that as bad as THE BUSH TAX CUTS are made out to be the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were worse and factually to politically and naively justifying a reduction in taxes about those days - those days when the inheritance from such by the Clintons was still uncertain yet gutterly felt enough to be expected.

There may be something to working with a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as a best way forward to a new “invisible hand” working economic again of Adam Smith - we have that it might be better to call it JOBIAN ECONOMICS for now what may seem socialism may actually be a restoration of capitalism and a return to grass roots community based economics and banking much so that Obamacare would naturally become ridiculous intellectually speaking and so would foreign policies that pushed expansive socialism over community spirit raising and community organizing.

We have again that it better to think of me as acting as an individual trying to protect my intellectual property and pursue the bad actors common now to later bad acts more generally of the People of at least our nation.  We have that it may seem I am acting and writing in a Partisan while I am more acting knowing whom I should be disappointed in more factually and personally.  We have that it wasn’t Partisan that I advised Republicans and conservatives early to be to what got tagged “the party of no” and from a independent perspective and analysis shared that the fastest way to defeat these Democrats would be to letting them have all the room “no” in a “partisan” would allow so that them defeating themselves would be transparently clear.

If you did read or view Paul Krugman yesterday - I do hope this may help restore your sanity and work as an antidote to his ridiculous “economic” commentary.  Yes, I did suggest after Dems won in 2008 that they would be defeating themselves and that Republicans would be wasting energy if they tried to expedite the failure of the Dems political strategies - for it seemed that the fastest way for Republicans to win would be to let the Democrats defeat themselves all by their lonesome.

Unless we with these modern struggles are to hearing Dems fully explain how we are all now right where they meant to bring us and to such austere times of real struggles for so many all around the world - then we actually are at a time of a clear and certain failure in Dem Liberal “economic” “science”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:51 pm

Please don’t be so vain to think this blog is about you - only about you.

Well - about you, unless you maybe were just voting “Present” while others were actually present and less so to just racing to the top.

American Republicans could learn a lot from the French these days, they may have heard of the French, seen of the French, even drank of the French, and yet now they may not be seeing enough of the “French” from which ever era now out of place as if modern and appropriate.

To better discuss the French today seems a day to top off with a comparison between the American Journey of Colin Powell and the unsettling racing to the top of far less critical presence of present President Barack Hussein Obama.  One was actually in our history and ready and actually present, yes - true, and, another one did just vote “present” from a safe distance or maybe actually have read about it whence - “it” as actually history in real time and really during “CRISIS” moments.

Recently we have forgotten that General Colin Powell seemed to face real opposition from even or mostly the Clintons’ vast political machine while thinking that he could contest them to be the first black president and so before Mrs. Clinton first got a chance to be a first female (white female) president.  Recently we have been forgetting still that Secretary of State (black) Colin Powell did inherit quite a mess from the Clintons’ 8 years of “two-fer” governance.

Bill and Hillary have much been party to a new extravagance and to suggestions themselves that our United States of America needs to become more like France - more socialist and so susceptible to a few elite locking up near autocratic power for themselves irrespective of thought effective term limits.  Bill and Hillary may have punked President Barack O. into some of his parading about embracing a selective French story for thought shared political purposes.

President Barack Hussein Obama may have been onto a truth with his blurb, nervous self consciousness, during the recent White House Correspondents Dinner when suggesting he was starting to actually look like Morgan Freeman — yes it is seeming that the Clintons have been succeeding to putting him in the drivers seat for them anew as a Mr. & Mrs Daisy.

For former General Colin Powell, long of being present, and actually effective, while duty bound, in a still representative system, was to being former first black Secretary of State Colin Powell, and, of a spoken concern for his and his family’s safety if he were to seek high offices the Clintons had their designs upon, to have been so must it strategically have had a basis in fear that must track back to the vast Clinton political machine?  We in 2012 are really to finally being asked to consider that the Clintons really left a horrible inheritance for our first black Secretary of State.

We have been distracted - we have been easily distracted.  We have been asked to let Democrats say we should be more like the French but without them fitting their personal ambitions to a perfect match with a specific time and place in French History - not even where most appropriate to a Napoleonic era.

Before we rush to becoming more French in the “socialism” an elite Democrat Party few see best towards keeping them to power and in power as easily as practicable, maybe, shouldn’t we first work on a quantitative perspective say by suggestion to be more like France we need only let New York State become run by the Governor of Vermont, right?

What a nightmare it would have been if our first black Secretary of State with his long history of actual presence and effectiveness it would have been for the Clintons if he had run and so run with the story of the Clintons’ inheritance left their successor in 2001.  Really!!!

We do have at least one speech by President Obama to praise - yes, it is odd that it is a Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech of record.  In that speech more than any other he respected the story of our first black Secretary of State and chided the Clintons with his warning of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance” as it seemed to be related to even he then being stuck with too few global options after the eight years of the Clintons’ “two-fer” governance specifically related to Afghanistan and Iraq of Saddam Hussein.

How could Gen Sec Powell have been so concerned about his and his family’s safety with a record of effective presence for his country bravely and patriotically?  Who was he considering challenging for power - how far were they willing to go to keep the power to themselves?

In the past weeks some developments have come to light about President Obama as if actually moved to the driver’s seat as if Morgan Freeman to a Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton Daisy.

Let me be clear:  Presidents Clinton of the intimate power sharing BOGO “two-fer” with its international crusading and inciting of radicals were to excess and extravagances.  Presidents Clinton did act after being forced out of the grand palace theirs in public housing that is our White House did work a “benefits package” for Bill Clinton so that it seemed he was being compensated as if being promoted out of an above our more minor office of the Presidency.  He did attempt to get clearly more in first year rent in NYC and so as to rent for life an amount then more than all past Presidents’ post office first year rents combined.  And, with his Harlem suites he still ended up with near the same amount, and amount still too grand and regal and to also seeming a violation of our Constitution and its bar for America from “titling” Americans as if to a nobility.

President Barack Hussein Obama has many faults just his own for an extravagance and detachment and so that it would be more obvious if he hadn’t been stopped after two or three Wednesday Court Dinners at the White House by a free and active new media based pressing so to help DC economy by fighting a start too Marie Antoinettish to courtly over rational or common that looked on path to be bankrupting numerous high end privately operated public fine dining establishments.

Strategically as if a war for socialism it might make sense to let the Governor of Vermont first prove he can also run New York state as if his to a Frenchness spoken to as right for all of us in our USA.

All that may have been missing for these Dem “boobs” may be the hats of Marie Antoinette as dramatized for having preceded her fall.  It seems to have recently been real “boobs” calling others more innocent and experienced “boobs.”

But what about Gen Sec Colin Powell our first black Secretary of State?

When it comes to “inheritance” his then presently was far worse and yet related to “inheritance” still naively spoken about by President who once gave a speech after years of having just voted “Present” just a few years after some community organizing he wrote of such a distaste for that he published a line in his DREAMS OF HIS FATHER near “I have to get out of this place, I have to get out of this place…”

President Obama may have a “mother complex” he may even have an Oedipal Complex - such could explain his keeping Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so close.  How this works with his efforts to bring us more into the bosoms of a Frenchness such as a over-coddling by a few elite Dems has been sold as if a good remains a puzzle - remains puzzling, seems our economy hasn’t even figured it out.

But about Gen Sec Colin Powell and his actual American Journey and how it should be updated — Wow, what an inheritance!!! Like?  Can you even remember the years 1993 - 2001 as they actually were of so much dangerous inaction and avoidance by the Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” such that no Secretary of State ever before and especially no black Secretary of State nor his boss our President was ever quite to having been left so few options for so many troubling areas, to actually nearly no alternatives but one?

Really, what?  Really, whom?  Really, how could a man so present and effective in a braveness so long have been scared for his own safety and his family’s just with thoughts of being up against the vast Clinton political machine?

We had been in Afghanistan before the Clintons and during the Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” 8 years they knew our absence was letting the state of Afghanistan dangerously deteriorate - they were not without a moral argument to return our United States presence to an “in country” status with Afghanistan - yet avoided such. 

We had been in Iraq and accused already of an abandonment as well of Iraqi people as of Afghani people already by Clintons’ first year and especially as related to known issues of violence against women and people supporting freedom and equality as they liked to speak about but for them so that they could proceed with more of a domestic extravagance anchored in an actual lack of presence much of chided dangers of mentioned erudite oration once of President Barack Hussein Obama with Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech and accentuation on a past with too much avoidance and inaction.

The Clintons even though of eight years supposedly dealing just with Saddam Hussein was it still seems as settled history to leaving their successor no entrance or exit plans worked through in order to back up any fronting by them to a “bite” in sanctions, in sanctions just upon Saddam Hussein.  We seem to have had the inheritance left our first black Secretary of State a general condition quite dangerous of a lack of preparedness.  We seem to have actually had the Clintons not have a plan to actually have “bite” in sanctions by the United Nations upon Saddam Hussein.

Secretary Colin Powell clearly may have a story to tell that should rock the world of an innocence kept for the Clintons and their fronting as a still innocent “two-fer” - Really!

Sec Gen Powell, unlike President Obama, is of a history for many of these years still of concern and relevance not of him just having stood and voted “Present” but actually of being a stalwart bravely present and actually effective.

Please don’t be so vain and think this blog is all about you - just you - unless maybe you were a Clinton or one of their henchmen or female gutter snipes that was party to leaving their successor in 2001 so few options that nearly only one option was left and that truly without there even having been a plan for “bite” for sanctions with an entrance or exit strategy fully developed and psyched through for Iraq.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:38 am

Oh neat, I get to play Pontius Pilot.  Hmmm, what should I say belongs to Caesar, like?

Dear gathered I don’t know what to make of the three crosses present but still empty - have you heard anything?

I heard whispers that Vice President Joseph is safe from prosecution for as of a history like time already served - from beating himself up regularly - laugh!  –  Laugh!!  –  LAUGH!!!

The crowd stirs though worried about the three crosses present but empty - even though a “Pontius” seems to claim he knows not what or whom they are for.

From the crowd a rumble can still be heard - chuckles really.  Chuckles still rolling through crowd after mention of Vice President Joseph free for time already served beating himself up - with echoes of “did you see his speech from NYU Law the other day?” and, like “and that the audience thought his claim that the President has a backbone - ‘a backbone like a ramrod’ was meant as a laugh line?”

Is there an innocent among us tonight?  If this “Pontius” doesn’t know the cross may toll for him might it be tolling for him?

When since whenever has another Governor been more a divider than a uniter and so actually bad for Rome? 

When has one been so worthy to be crucified along side Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton on a more minor cross if so to a decision that they were criminal enough to be crucified or at least the first found in a town - a liberated progressive town?

I don’t know where Da Vinci is - funny I can remember Dan Brown asking me for rights of a story in about two stanzas in my old code/poem about Leonardo titled DRUMS ROLL — If the to be a “V” between President Obama due a minor cross compared to the Clintons at a “Last Supper” it likely would be with Lady Michelle of a visceral aversion, right?  See:  http://jphogan.org for DRUMS ROLL poem sharing.

Pitty the Middle East Leaders of the first steps of First Couple “power two-fer” Clintons if they are actually still alive or in power - it seems with President Clintons recent most political and partisan stepping out he is near criminal but worse for it seems besides playing the Bush family for fools he is also high streaming a playing of them too as fools.  Beware US for again even with Bush leagues we have the old adage “fool me once shame on me - fool me twice shame on you.” (Hmmm?  Is that how is goes?)

President Clinton new high streaming could land him in the Supreme Court as another “over-reaching” current event to discuss an Un-Constitutional basis and designs, and yet as per the Mrs. Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton it could rate her a rare honor near a modern crucifixion - an impeachment to match her husbands.  Really there seems to be no way with “limiting principles” our standard and cave core that one or both of Clintons are not due a very public shaming and review.

Dear gathered we are not here to be so petty to just discussing the gauche and private uncouthiness of President William Jefferson Clinton born William Blythe the third.  Dear gathered we have bigger matters as well of Presidents as dividers more than uniters our charge and worriness tonight.  Dear gathered we have to look at the betrayal, personal, and petty so uncouth and gauche that is the back stabbing of the Bush clan by the Clinton patriarch, yes, but as per a crucifixion and mysterious three crosses we seemed all charged to look past the simple turning of patriarch Clinton on the years of offered unearned kindness and friendship by the Bush clan and look more globally for him being “criminal” and as well a dangerous partisan politically dividing and more devilishly meddling past domestic whispers of current sovereigns as fools, too.

Yes gathered we are all supposed to still be charged with an honor and pursuit of truthiness and to news that may fit our times however.  Yes gathered if there are three crosses and this “Pontius” is honest with a claim of ignorance might he still be criminal - as criminal as say Mrs. & President Clinton - yet as in a minor complexity - a lesser guilt or devilishness?  We are charged still with at least looking at their issues from one other angle - aren’t we?

Rumbles are still rolling through the crowd — “I know how funny was it when Vice President Joseph got laughs with his meant as serious line claiming his boss had a backbone like a ramrod?”

It is clear that the Clinton patriarch has started streaming a high line that puts all that has been of the Clinton Global Initiative into the long arms of the law, like for being now a seeming on its face Un-Constitutional operation at partisan and political unlimited cross purposes. 

It is clear that the Clinton matriarch should recuse herself if there is still time - her husband shouldn’t be mixing a selfish and personal dividing partisan politics while she of charges due a cabinet member with jurisdiction over his operations of CGI chartered with an understanding that it and they would not be to partisan or political domestic or foreign designs and reaching/operatings.

Three crosses?  REALLY???  And two maybe due for a seeming recent grand scheme to global criminality revealing itself for Clinton patriarch couldn’t help himself but to be this very public returning to an scene of crimes of an economy like a crime scene and his reaching for THE BRASS RING as so can only be interpreted to be to a playing of the Bush clan at least as fools and his reaching clearly to a ring of power grabbing that would be to near solely benefit just the Clintons.

We cannot walk back from this inappropriate RETURN by Clinton patriarch our term limited past President and how it crosses lines regarding checks and balances and limiting principle precedence.  We cannot walk back from this daring by former and term limited President for it puts us all to actually questioning and finally to looking at President Obama’s efforts from more perspectives than the one he offers - the one he has long offered as if it were a cover-up for the Clintons we were not supposed to see or discuss.  We cannot walk back from this inappropriate and dangerous new gaming by Clinton Patriarch born William Blythe the Third.  We cannot walk back from this supper without wondering if in another day these three “Pontius” all would deserve themselves to be crucified under Roman laws.

Let me be clear!  I do not know whom or what these three mysterious crosses are seemingly here present for or to suggest — Neat, I get to be a Pontius - cool!

The crowd stirs anew - do wonder - hearing whispers and cajoling - seems there are queries about asking if Justice Kagan like Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton are both now women best to recuse themselves “for life.”

There seems to be a consensus among the charged - among those present of the Fourth Estate as guardians of as much truth and rightness as we can arrest in our times.  There seems to be at least a growing consensus that at least one of two Clintons have now gone too far - are of yet another public Un-Constitutional “over-reaching” - are of yet another due call for Justice and Constitutional rendering.

A hush falls over the hall.

In chorus an air of puzzlement - an awakened spirit to look at more than the “angle” or “perspective” President Obama has suggested - an awakening to look again at due process and that President Clinton the most term limited of the Clinton clan for being now of high streaming with another baseless request to see the Bush clans treated with a bias to guilt and with no presumption of innocence. 

A hush falls heavy with its loud import - if patriarch Clinton this diabolical mustn’t he have been this devilish a very long time?

A discomfort is settling among the gathered - brows are furrowed and yet it seems of a furloughed ponderence - how did we so long let Clintons and Dems just ask us all to run with “please just blame the Republicans” as if a truth or established fact? 

What were we thinking - this is diabolical - could a cross be for me?

But really whom is worse - can one of three be more minor than the others?  Where has the due process gone - how have we let them all assert a guilt as a presumption instead of an innocence - why have they in concert been to asking us not to “relitigate” something that really has yet to be litigated?

Really!!!  Has anyone yet found the missing years 1993 - 2001?

Hmmm, what might they say belongs to Caesar, like?

Dear gathered I don’t know what to make of the three crosses present but still empty - have you heard anything?

I heard whispers that Vice President Joseph is safe from prosecution for as of a history like time already served - from beating himself up regularly - laugh!  –  Laugh!!  –  LAUGH!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:36 pm

Despite whether you’ve got game - a season upon a season now planted.

As Newsweek turns an “Amen Corner” itself golfers, professional, amidst glories past and present, are soon to commence a struggle to break grounds past snippets of “didn’t make the cut”.  Whom are you to call your Yankees or your 2012 TEAM?

We have that we are all somehow now forthwith to American pastimes for a new year of boys of spring to boys of summer.

Where are all the women going in 2012?

President Obama’s “game” has gotten gamey - his “CONSTITUTIONALS” near “Un-Constitutional”.  We have now our 2012 much about mornings after - and while we have yet to try a “think locally, act locally” for healthcare reform.

Where are all the women going in 2012 - are they sporting new game and “in training” more or less?

Are we now more than ever to a summer of soccer moms more than ever as “cougar” moms once soccer players?

Where are some of the women going primarily - where are others going contrarily?

Despite whether you’ve got game - as season upon a season now planted.

Who will have true grit this year - how many of our boys of spring will be missed after missing the cut?

Will the swingers of our Masters be to moderated “birdie fest”?

Will adult tricycles make a come back?  At what price for a gallon of gas but for?

We have that we are all somehow now forthwith to American pastimes for a new year of boys of spring to boys of summer.

Up and down through eighteen - get me to the nineteenth?

Where are all the women going in 2012?

How are we now all not better to a more conservative “THINK LOCALLY - ACT LOCALLY” if you can?

Can we have a new county based sportsman like challenge to a county not country based Healthcare Reforms?

Can we have a new county based sportsman like localism RESET of a “THINK LOCALLY - ACT LOCALLY”?

Soon a new set of rosters will be set - soon a spring to summer fandom to commence - however & locally.

Where are some of the women to be in 2012 primarily - and where contrarily - and with true grit anew?

Up and down through eighteen - get me to the nineteenth?

If a sailor than maybe “rail meat”.  If a soccer mom now likely maybe more once a soccer player.  If a cyclist in tandem then sharing the load and maybe as preparatory to a tour even the Tour D’ France. 

Yet what of those professionally, now this week, that are to have made the cuts?

“Bottoms Up!” for Mitt Romney?

Cut and Run!  Cut and Run as if ACA aka Obamacare shut down over turning “recoverable”?

“No fate but what you make!” Practice! Practice! Practice!  However - for which ever?

I mean can Jesus have been a “Hipster”?  And like:  How many Jets now to Hail Marys? - and all their fandom?

Would vindicated Secretary of State Colin Powell make a better VP than Governor Chris Christie?

Are Bench is warming up! - Our benches are warming up!

Who was Dudley Do Right - who has our Constitution right? 

How will true grit be to an is true grit this year?  How will true grits be to a team - a local team - of true grits this year?

If “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” how did we get to ACA aka “Obamacare”?

We have that we are all somehow now forthwith to American pastimes for a new year of boys of spring to boys of summer.

Where are all the women going in 2012?

President Obama’s “game” has gotten gamey - his “CONSTITUTIONALS” near
“Un-Constitutional”.  We have now our 2012 much about mornings after -
and while we have yet to try a “think locally, act locally” for
healthcare reform.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:20 pm

Recently I asked:  How did we get from the Six Million Dollar Man to the 16 Trillion Dollar Women?

To read Maureen Dowd today one seems to be asked to forget President Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech and its admonition of the “avoidance” and “inaction” of the Clintons’ Presidency as it seemed about women’s rights and their talking it but not walking it at least as per Afghanistan. 

We have now just to see Ground Zero and even with all the beautiful restoration about it and the splendor planned to be to an instinctive reaction to a pronouncement thought at least that our 90s must have been a mess - that the Clintons’ 90 were really a mess.

President Obama now persists with his attempt to cover-up for the Clintons inaction and avoidance yet when he actually did seem to so admonish them so.  We have historically that Obama’s Iraq position though oddly unchanged as history more revealed begets a contrariness as per Madam Sec Mrs. Clinton and feminism.  As per Clintons’ 90s and feminism we have that now by President Obama’s own edicts that we should have helped women of Afghanistan but ignored the women of Iraq.

We have that the Clintons’ “globalism” now is to spreading the big “D” not the small “d” and with their big “D” for Democrats and all the while President Bush’s Operation Iraqi Freedom was about spreading small “d” democracy, and as well his trading of school and road construction for permission in Afghanistan to trespass their sovereignty in our chase of about 50 Al Qaeda members thought to be camping in their country.

We have, looking to Tampa Convening, that even Candidate Mitt Romney is running to be a better democrat than the Obama administration has been and the Clintons’ administration actually was.

There was not majority representation in Iraq until after President Bush stayed the course, and, stayed the course some more.  President Obama still today held to his cobbled “foundation” on his own otherwise shifting sands that is his dedication to an elementary premise his, about Saddam Hussein and the regional geo-politics involving Iraq.

As per Thomas Friedman and his waxing about capitalism and communism it is still plausible that we are now engaged in the last battles of the “Capitalism v. Communism” entanglements as those at “home” have been teased/drawn out as Obamacrats too socialistic.  We seem amidst the battle between the “Communists” sympathies thought about our sixties and seventies at “home” and the survival of the “capitalist” free market traditions now still kickin’ it quite well.

The Clintons’ 90s must have actually have been a mess!  By Tampa their “X” factor likely to be on parade as much as the for being of an entirely separate school of thinking as Obamanomics is from economic direction Republicans are of a new promise.

We have a simple allegorical to suggest Obama has problems with Saddam Hussein still:  If Saddam Hussein were a Chicago crack lord as much a tyrant to his turf he too then under Obama likely would be as deserving to escape justice.

We are now to a Democrat suggestion that the Clintons were right to avoid Iraq and Afghanistan even though their intelligence estimates likely defied their public messaging suggestive that we of America were to a moral right to have PEACE DIVIDENDS.  We have by the suggestion that Iraq was a war of choice that Obama’s choice to war on Afghanistan more than just in Afghanistan belies the Clintons’ avoidance and inaction and raises queries as to how or why we should be fighting for the women under the Taliban and not have for the women under Saddam Hussein?

And we have the “feminism” example of “rouge” Sarah H. Palin too as Tampa X  Factors rear near.  We don’t have an all or nothing hit the roads with “Hillary” or just hit the road - we have striking comparisons just between “Sarah” and “Hillary” as per feminism and action, family values and politics, Title IX & Title X, and, two parties with different foreign policies and economic options separable as two remarkably different schools of thinking.

It may help that so many men are still contesting for the Republican nomination since it seems the Tampa 2012 Convention could be much or mostly about women.  And, why President Obama was willing to try to cover-up for the Clintons with his elementary white paper speak suggestive that Saddam Hussein was to be allowed to fully escape justice from his subjects.

As I recall, this now may be part of “rogue” Sarah H. Palin’s Southern Strategy.  And WOW I really still cannot believe that we have Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton our first or last line of defense and over-sight over Mr. Clinton, former President, and his global initiatives and mass money moving efforts that to some at least somewhere are likely considered “material support of terrorism” and all the while it seems the Bush administration pushed small “d” democracy and the Clintons both more to pushing a global partisan spread even with US tax dollars of big “D” Democrat machinations to global partisan political support and development of Clinton power.

Separating Saddam Hussein from crimes against his people and war crimes is like separating either Clinton from PARTISAN politics.  I still hold to my complex thinking about Operation Iraqi Freedom and that where it was a Bush Freedom Agenda that such was to spreading equal rights more equally and without it being “religious” or “partisan” as per American Republicans or Democrats.

 I was though back in 2007 maybe that I did explain it best and as that Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary like because the Middle East could be having a democratic awakening that if we were not to first having attempted to remedy our past entanglements with Saddam Hussein could have US forever on the wrong side of Middle East peoples wanting as much freedom as we claimed for ourselves.  But this memory is of my conversation with Ivan Vujacic, Serbian Ambassador to the US after he sat down next to me at an American Enterprise Institute lecture and we got talking over lunch and with me to offering this as applicable for Serbian interests too.

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (born William Blythe III) was to official first days as President Obama’s Cabinet ranked official for diplomacy to saying near:  “We won’t be making human rights a priority.”

I don’t know where this “Hillary” has come from - and I have been wondering if she were dressing herself.

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