
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:26 am

Welcome aboard! - the new year 2020.

We have much to discuss to achieve a potential for parity - comity in polity - just among Democrats.

The Democrats general liberal progressive definition of success is part of how President Trump is succeeding where otherwise President Obama at least failed blacks.

We can progress hardly further with it a primary general consideration for Democrats’ qualities debates if we do not all - a bipartisan “all” - face facts and realize it is high time to discuss how many crimes the Clintons committed against the Obama threat.

A basic truth of President Obama, his definition of success, to the dynamics of his legacy becomes daily more apparently of a valuation to it easily said “he failed blacks”.  The real crime in this - American crime - is maybe more of that of the stories of the Clintons rivalry as phat with crimes against Barack H. Obama.

The Clintons & Obama have both at least failed blacks with their American crimes of a definition of success as shared some of so much as if life is about TRY TO GET TO HARVARD & then accept your station for life as failed if didn’t go to Harvard.

As Michelle Obama is of Princeton & Harvard, & Barack Obama of a starter college then Columbian & Harvard it is they were supposed to be safe from crimes by Clintons of Hillary Clinton of just Wellesley & Yale, & Bill Clinton of Georgetown & Yale. But alas the Clintons essentially punk’d President Obama all 8 years.

To get “Trump” one must ponder the conundrum of his degree is more of Hard Knocks U. of learned Hospitality from the ground up and quite to of leaned on Apostle Paul of Bible said of capitalism - win win economics of parties to each deal later should be able to tip hats to each other in passings - as near ‘to have growth (economics) people must be able to sing together’.

President Donald J. Trump victory over #CrookedHillary was firstly much as was of unknown Senator Barack H. Obama vs #InevitableHillary of there just was enough support for one a THE UN-CLINTON.

It is now for all those emotional intelligence mid day television shows to bring up the battles between that for a legacy for the Clintons as versus what then left to be a legacy for the Obamas. There is more than the criminal essence of vibe of blackmail truly in the deep story of Clintons somehow made the first black American President accept their insubordination and real rivalry to he had to share his was so, because of Clintons, a house divided and he stuck of a team of rivals.

It so seems since Obamas have Harvard degrees & Clintons merely Yale degrees that something of a subterfuge was active to that of it still seems criminal how Clintons were able to have “rivals” status by it seems blackmailing a first black President yet before of hardly but one speech, and, a one speech most still don’t know he was to plagiarizing in its oration.

2020 is the year to see clearly this opposition to Republican Donald J. Trump, as he tries to be enlightened as also a #ModernRepublican, is yet of his is more #MoralsTrumpHate than #LoveTrumpsHate by the regularity of historical significance of LOVE is a concept of MORALS and we must get past the Clintons crimes of long worked anti-Constitution to too much success at having moved nation too far towards a Natural State & more a government by man - from better secured & just for all of government by laws.

The mid day television shows especially for female audiences with triggers for emotional intelligence engagement must now field the contested between especially Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama on just the FEMINISM roots.

This must be some how to at least be beyond blue areas as zones of ignorance, still, and to how this must also be proffered through to an erudite rendition for institutional copacetic of that Michelle Obama of Harvard is supposed to have been thus established as higher & better than Hillary Clinton of Yale - despite it seems her victim - their victim.

This is no time to talk about the HOPE of #RepublicanMovement as brought back government by laws with Donald J. Trump a joined & accepted leader so more of #MoralsTrumpHate.

To be brief, and forward more brief in 2020, we must first look at the apparent true crimes by Clintons against Obamas, and nation, as American crimes as contrary in essence to constituted protections.

The Clintons seems to have so grossly violated spirit & law of the Emoluments Clause - Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - such to that there is logically real legal jeopardy - far beyond their uttered long much confessions of textbook treason of utterances of “post Constitution” - in that of emoluments laundering by ploy coy of chicanery of play their cards devilishly as if emolument to Clintons could just be called “charity” instead.

It figures since of a Constitution clause that the violation of such triggers that then therefore the Clintons did forfeit and nullify any immunity from prosecution due of emoluments violations - and even any diplomatic immunity.

Blacks still have to fit into Democrats view of success of for most of them they have to accept they failed to get to Harvard & thru Harvard or a lesser still top school and have such lock them to a status their fate for life?

But firstly this new year of 2020 we must see to that it is raised and worked through how Hillary Clinton rivalry of Obamas too was of crimes against Michelle Obama - at least to women and FEMINIST causes shared sister to sister?

Right!  Let us see economy is working from one more of a Hospitality Degree from Hard Knocks U. by he sees American polity in common sense parity from comity with #MoralsTrumpHate - with reset to government by laws?

 *     *     DARE WE ASK THE NEEDED QUESTIONS?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:56 am


Beware the charm offensive of Joe Biden!

To Bernie Sanders old “Joe” can principally only be the establishment Democrat cast for “Bernie Got Robbed II”!

To Democrats generally a Joe Biden #Biden2020 must be embraced to as Donald Trump considered the underdog candidate!

Like expected soon so from Speaker “Nancy” these establishment Democrats must soon patronizingly to #AOC… - and with a martialing - be near “GET IN LINE!” - you all are so young and inexperienced of our grandchildrens age group.

Can Senator “#TheHands2020″ Delaware beaches beach hound “Joe” rev back his Corvettes pin-up core dominant behavioral?

Vice President Joe Biden can now forward only be “THE ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE”.

Like Speaker “Nancy” candidate “Joe” has “Hillary” problems likewise but otherwise: They have to posture as the authoritarians the keepers of the establishment and so posture as if “FRONT RUNNER” - even to that also patronizingly treat Donald Trump as if an underdog Republican candidate.

Election 2020 is really much ado about President Barack Obama and the most pertinent of guidance in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech erudite orated performance.

So now we know despot “Nancy” and establishment “Joe” at least have a conundrum a historical and political pickle.

The mantra must be still dogmatic for these authoritarians the establishment elders of their party - regardless of truthfulness they must martial anew at “we are right - they are wrong”.

Speaker “Nancy” must not embrace President Trump but must continue still to embrace Vice President Joe Biden.

President Barack Obama’s erudite guidance so whence was wisely of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance”.

We can’t now expect candidate “Joe” to apologize for where “Hillary” still won’t come clean.

We can’t now expect Speaker “Nancy” to surrender establishment elder duty to posture still nationally as if still a Bolshevik and of the authoritarians.

President Obama recently opined of his party organizing as of in a “circular firing squad.”

President Obama erudite raised was non-partisan shade cast upon 1993 to 2001 at least of decidings by the Clinton power couple.

But alas we must see how they play it - play along.

Speaker “Nancy” is of a madness still of Democrats years at solutions tyranny while now needing to posture as if the establishment - an of “we are right - they are wrong” and still to while sans even a slight - say even 1% - admission of past fault - wrongfulness.

Consider - that is - and of a for example - their “Green New Deal” puzzler as a mine field for Democrats partisans.

President Obama GREEN AGENDA is known as of he was much forced into it by elders Al Gore and Clintons even though such at such time had become a near 10 years old plan really made out-dated when of Yale finished global counting of number of trees world wide and realized there are near 8 times the number than assumed/expected - scientifically allowed for.

Quiet be the authoritarians - can they actually still be Bolsheviks - and President Trump thus a minority candidate and the underdog?

If yet these Democrats do not nationally represent a majority of communities mustn’t it be they now are in the minority - them not Bolsheviks? - by definition?

“Joe” now must too be an authoritarian of his party did no wrong - isn’t even 1% at fault!

We’ve seen this specific type of madness now years past in Speaker “Nancy” while needing likewise to be despotic.

Old Bernie Sanders yet has a comfort zone as an independent voice a Democrat yet otherwise independently looking to be a voice for victims.

To Bernie Sanders Donald Trump as President must not be seen as an underdog but rather truthfully dramatized as if truth can be that “Trump” and Republicans are great and powerful bad oppressors.

President Trump is still of Tea Party originalism reset and Republican Movement progressed as of the party of liberators busily trying to re-secure the national to a pathology of freedom.

President Obama with his Nobel remarked prudence and more recent admission his party as organized is much already commenced as a working “circular firing squad” even with live practice rounds heaved with not a soul in between - in the middle.

President Trump has modern Republicans re-established on his side due in history he and his times have him most like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson with construction of our great constitution and their secured People’d method for ratification as the Peoples’ “Order” an order a constitution ordained and established by conventions of the peoples - not by signed off on by state legislatures.

The madness of despotic “Nancy” is similar but too quite different from similar psychopathy of Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” as “Hillary” though too had left she had to be despotic it for her that as intimate to mistakes of 1993 to 2001 she had for President Obama  - and nation - that truth was not an option for her State Department and policy due as a spouse she is not to incriminate her spouse and so had to work away from truths relating to how much was and is the fault of Bill Clinton and his 90s American abandonment of Iraqi and Afghani previously enough engaged with by Americans to that there were expectations for further engagements not being met - truth not an option for the Clintons’ eight years - those shaded by President Obama erudite - of inaction and avoidance - and to dangerous raised.

Establishment “Joe” must not convict his own party en masse?

Establishment “Joe” must to be to being a despot - ruling as if not representative of any souls - but to as being offensive as legally defensive and to protecting Clintons firstly by carrying the old postured still of cover-ups as if of Democrat establishment did not even a 1% of problems’ wrong - that too of “Hillary” as posture of if Bill Clinton was so innocent he was perfect.

This is all of the madness of despotic of “Nancy”!

But Democrats of her madness, soon - if reports true - is madness also to be necessary and inescapable of candidate ”Joe” there are already serious cracks in “Barack’s” old “new foundation.” - Establishment “Joe” must ignore what candidate “Joe” naturally cannot:

President Obama has already turned on his sworn rivals now past his “team of rivals” and is - maybe in self-preservation modal - to having outed Clintons at least so far as NOT as perfect as long postured, and, as also from protected with 2016 machinations of “Bernie Got Robbed I.”

It is a non-partisan conundrum that forward in election 2020 needs resolution in feminism of the political and historical reality of that Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” has truth as not an option due she’ld incriminate the years 1993 to 2001 - for starters - and specifically at least the inner circle - of FOB - of Bill Clinton admin days.

Candidate “Joe” must at least inherit this madness some for even if to now “Honest Joe” as also turning truths out of real Clintons his loyalty to President Obama will catch him like a real “Catch 22″ - of madness real.

You must engage - for sanity in election 2020 - to realize this - however free assorted via link http://UNBECOMING.US may help - for still once party admits beyond Obama’s “circular” opine a that Democrats - some - at least 1% at fault there is real legal jeopardy in thinking still Bolsheviks while actually minority by status and practically at risk of confessed to even textbook treason and gross negligence.

Dear old “Joe”:  DON’T DO IT!  ???

Old “Joe” please don’t voluntarily agree to assume the madness of Speaker “Nancy” of being so authoritarian to be a despot and madly at governing only to protect lies for benefit of a liberal elite too crooked to even be able to begin a bipartisanship restoration with a tabling of with a necessary practicable humility of actually able to admit they at least just of 1% fault.

Old “Joe” you should firstly be loyal to “Barack” due he liberated you from subjugated under his sworn rivals the Clintons?

Old “Joe” these rivals cannot survive Democrats already circular in how firing attacks at each other as once intelligent answers to how Clinton Dems differ from Obama Dems the party will in essence be to itself to publicly convicting Clintons at least of textbook treason and gross negligence.

Old “Joe” can you even resolve the as a feminism pickle how “Hillary” still has truth as not an option for it would incriminate at least her spouse of the 1990s - the Clintons’ administration?

Old “Joe” can you even fairly now even openly discuss the Clintons of their established “white pride” of also materially evident with their Emoluments Clause violations - enough emoluments abuse to have voided any immunity from prosecution - of how that Southern Bill Clinton needed to bill out with charity racket - even seems extortion - to be able to be globally measured as if actually worth/valued more per hour than our first black President as valued “per year”?

How the Clintons do value themselves is beyond inflated - it is purely more criminal - contrary to spirit of Constitution and Emoluments Clause - “no titles” especially - as by that of their “post Constitution” ploys it intelligently adds up to essentially the Peoples’ protections from tyranny are nullified and them clearly to unconstitutional powers more akin autocrats - totalitarians - new monarchists.

Old “Joe” is it of “Nancy” so a despot or does “Barack” have people? - or does “Barack” even have a sense of representation? - is it he too persists like of a despotic as more a despot due denies there is a real constitution?

President Donald Trump cannot truthfully be the underdog of election 2020 - he is established with a majority of communities as like of modern Republicans as new like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson of it is the Peoples’ “Order” as still ordained and established as our constitution and for it stands by principally ratified by conventions of peoples - not the then establishment legislatures leaning already towards despotic wants?

Remember the madness too now of seems all along that “Barack” and “Joe” green agenda science was used Gore’s over 10 years old strategies and of solutions tyranny while now known earth - our globe - has near 8 times the number of carbon filtering trees as thought/known/accounted for.

Can you - “Joe” - answer engagingly on architecture - even for #AOC #GreenNewDeal peeps - against #NYCMayor Bill de Blasio - he who ran #SenClinton campaign - of skyscrapers - to #AOC young set - is precursor architecture for near future facility for flying cars cosmopolitan main lined? And of madness of Clintons’ library as inartfully gray to like a Confederate d^*k by design?


Old “Joe”?

What you - we - read next will only confirm Democrats are now already organized as in a circular firing dynamic President Obama confessed to!

The madness of “Nancy” (Speaker Pelosi) is likewise politically terminal to her reputation and career and better quarantined by ”Barack” and “Joe” with them of best politics fall back position now as to continue to offer testimonies against the Clintons - those Clinton Dems short of being honestly Obama Dems?

          *     *     *     #realJoeBiden?     *     *     *

NOTE: My experience and witnessed have me knowing long Hillary Clinton represented a threat to national security by became to those in the know - even intelligent enemies -as too predictable by truth was not an option and her only options needed Bill Clinton postured as if perfect - 100% innocent - not even 1% wrong!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:49 am

The civility of the summer of 2018 needn’t be about beating up on women and blacks as election 2018 midterms should be more squared off on how Trump beats Bill Clinton.

As we try to move past these alarming betrayals by officers of the courts as Clinton libs of Justice and FBI brass the heart of our matters do toe in justly as much ado about an evil in Bill Clinton.

A crisis in our democracy extant is illustratable and graphically with a late but long due accounting of Bill Clinton as of actually bad and diabolical politics.

The beats are up - let us now drop this story - let our summer be viral for trued justice!

Correctly we can go deeper than cross and bitter at the revealed associated scandalous of Bill Clinton head to protégé Anthony Weiner and wing man and fixer Harvey Weinstein as such of today’s dropping but adds shade and coloring to how the Clintons so regularly crossed our lines.  The picture should be clear enough to convict Bill Clinton as quite diabolical and to therefore never quite the man he was sold and packaged as time and time again.

Let us not forget what President “Hollywood” Bill Clinton did to Baltimore!

For Justice, despite troubled Chicago of close accomplice in Mayor Rahm Emanuel, starting with a case study of Baltimore will deeply rap a fated to HELL, it seem still, for Bill Clinton and how he administered for real crime/true crime in such major city.

A moral conundrum persists in the souls stirring sad story as seems President Clinton was afraid of seeming “too good” a President (person generally) and to therefore was willing to sell out Baltimore for a Hollywood pal so to have a blockbuster hook-up for real crime and true crime homicide as wired and anchored television.

Oh YEH - you are starting to see a different Bill Clinton - a real Bill Clinton - and as to it self evident such trued Bill Clinton has a rap of corrupted ranks of Justice while promoting himself while afraid of being a leader “too good” a person.

This is the Bill Clinton I have sensed since of a bad first impression in the early 1970s while he and Hillary were just out walking in my neighborhood as coed cohorts of Yale Law School days.

These stories of criminal behaviors associated through many he promoted to be of his team, in domestic collusion at least, have much to answer for which they should not get immunity for as times call for them to also tell us of this real Bill Clinton.

The names Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok are hardly enough to fill out the rap sheets we yet should be dropping shade on today!

The sold Bill Clinton unexpected 1992 rise was ahead of schedule to the ambitions of Bill and Hillary and by so does expose their plots to now an easier prosecuting to at least clearly indicted as diabolical in the court of public opinion they voluntarily changed venue to by candidacies.

More simply:  The Clintons’ schemes, frauds, and cons have been slowed down enough from suffice of popular energy needed to keep their diabolical compromises cloaked.

Personally, of my bad first impressions dropped story, it is that I have known their engagement was cored around a collusion intimate to be together from Yale forward to become each of an own Presidency as firstly ambitious to like become the most powerful lawyers alumni of Yale.

How Bill Clinton sold out Baltimore as while afraid to seem “too good” yet for of “community policing” backed for those leaders locally effective proponents for New York City and New Haven, Connecticut, plus, is almost as revealing as how they tried as they were leaving the White House to get big banks and banker pals to fork out near a million a year for sought near penthouse suites for his “foundation” in another tower on 57th Street - Not Trump Tower but that above the Russian Tea Room of as Carnegie Hall Tower.

Despite ethics - Senate ethics - for Senator Hillary Clinton as the due concern for peoples of New York protection from banks Bill Clinton after failed to get G.A.O. okay to hook taxpayers did, as I recall, pressure banking pals to pay such rent as like thanks for all the money he made them by forcing/pushing them into derivates gambling as only way to deal with his irresponsible economics of diabolical politics of having his surpluses by cutting 2 Trillion dollars at the same time pimping hyper consumerism and tricking peoples to committing to risky mortgages and to spending more than they had and ability to afford.

A devilish Bill is the true Clinton - the real Bill Clinton!

Though Weiner, Weinstein and other loyalists provide shade and color to how they crossed the lines we have midterms ahead at much of the work of cleaning out the ranks of “officers” of our courts who partied to and with these moral compromises as the political partisan standard operating procedures of the kept cloaked said “good” Bill Clinton.

The President who became saved by Harlem after all this - after failed to hook the taxpayers, thanks to the G.A.O., and failed to further bend the banks to his diabolical power scheming is so illustratable as a devilish character, likely fated to HELLISH for eternity, with how he was willing to use his power as President with Justice and walls of separation, at least, at the Bureau - The Federal Bureau of Investigation - to let Hollywood television pals profit grossly off a willingness to deprive Baltimore the revolutions in policing and community improvements he otherwise inherited good will with for of at least New York City and New Haven, Connecticut. 

Bill Clinton’s worst is of stories to drop of how his avoidance and inaction can be tagged as quite criminal while severely morally compromised!

Sadly the foreign aspects of so much that went bad does too relate for there is a commonality to Bill Clinton likewise a common denominator by storying how principally he chose avoidance and inaction instead of moral leadership particularly as around Saddam Hussein and simmering unrest known of Al Qaeda.

It is of the diabolical - the devilish - of Bill Clinton that historians and students must consider and try to fathom the reason chain as regards.  Globally President Clinton was more as was compromised for pals to profit off selling Baltimore as of true crime than he was as loyal and of integrity with the bravery for community policing revolution.

Notable for Posterity is a common denominator of for studious to affirm that Bill Clinton policies towards Iraq showed he was not an intelligent believer in “community policing” and allowed his fattened ranks t cloak and bury leads and stories from dropping on the commonality to so much that went south as of his diabolical deplorable moral compromises is as is/was evident of that the mistakes he made showed that he was never a believer in the “community policing” where even it was allowed.

Bill Clinton did not act alone!  What did they know?  When did they know it?

The path to indictments by old adage of “follow the money” convicts this time around more as to criminal by studies and affirmation to that he - Bill Clinton - is crooked by where didn’t let money go and actively worked to stop money from going.

Such a deplorable and diabolical President we had never had before and pray never get near to having again.  There are women and blacks beaten likewise (Mrs. Clinton & Barack Obama, at least) and due also to be accepted and notable as fallen.  Bill Clinton is still though their king - the king pin we need drop truth & light upon.

So true, for starters, is the rap that “Harlem saved President Bill Clinton!” for if not for the Harlem zip code as the Clinton Foundation ‘hood awful stories would have been regular news of a horrible leader ensconced in offices high up in a tower on 57th Street in NYC.  Only because Bill Clinton was dragged almost in tears to having to call Harlem home is it that the Clintons have even survived to now! - remember he asked bankers to pay his downtown near penthouse suite rent as thanks for his forced/pushed them into derivates - the huge (#YUGE) profits gross before the fall - the crash - the crashes - the economics that prevented a recovery due too much consumer confidence lost.

  *     *     WHERE WERE WOODWARD & BERNSTEIN?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

Can it be as easy as to prescribe “just change the music!”?

Throughout our countdown to the judgement by the midterms our generational modern conflicts are sure to percolate, and spill over our attempts to comity.  We will surely be introduced to a new polity of partisan politics sketched/drafted by like of zones of ignorance.

As we settle in and brace for the looming battles to a common truth it may be ignorance that falls before souls.  Our partisan divides are to get resolved to repaired to bipartisanship with our work to find, from the partisan political lies, a workable communicable common truth.

Those faith leaders of these united states of the Americas are our go to shepherds drilled to stand up sanctuaries in “the truth shall set you free!”.  It is our/their work we are liberated by - not liberated from - as where peoples stop doing the work of being a moral people no government is affordable.  We have our constituted by our old Peoples’ “Order” in that freedom is a concept of religions of religiousness is firstly tools of self governance - self governing.

We must locate and identify those zones of ignorance and bring masses back to a general common truth so that our originalism of morals is still our primary and general preserved of self-governance.

The perversions, however selfish and firstly self-serving, of the Clintons now can hardly escape a judgement day as their old trump of postured lies of “post-Constitution” now must be of our next generation reared to the understanding of so much of all of such decades of stuff is categorically - to simple stupid - of tag just as “textbook treason.”

Capitalism has defeated the Socialism of Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s vast failures are of she repeated mistakes of Clintons’ of 1993 to 2001 and with Obama’s team only offered American perversions to Socialism while such methods were those of recent years un-American and globally those most rebelled against.

Our Constitution by the Peoples’ “Order” is perverted from a general “innocent until proven guilty.  Our enduring constitution endears as counter to Powers to lawyers in love to laws perverted for graft and emoluments abuse racket schemes as to empower to intimidate with a “presumed guilty” their gestalt - their S.O.P..

The nails in the case to closure of Clintons’ perversions to such un-American self-serving political control are in the public consumption of Robert Galbraith as such of “Strike” is fiction on truths of a modern day Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” ‘on strike’ as worked, and as to in reality - of seekers for common truth - being a historical experience paradigm of such fact does best explain how “Hillary for President” went from thought too powerful and the “inevitable” to defeated twice - two times by the same strike against corruption.

Alexander Hamilton is still great - to best - go to former of agency to our Union as constituted of compassionate originalism of freedom as a concept of religion, and of none therefore can be free “from” religion - as religiousness is firstly self-governance and none is of a separation right from expected to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff.  Hamilton as Publius to counter Governor Clinton’s imperial empire state postured did explain our Constitution in “The Federalist Papers” essay #1 of against ‘Socialism’  and to Federal entitlements to be unconstitutional by that morals are to be the kept voluntary work of free people as caveat “for inducements of philanthropy” with “preservation… of property” anchor the Federalists’ intellectual and genuine opposition to such Clinton - as was earlier the music/beat of revolutionary opposition to British General Clinton.

Alexander Hamilton must not be dismissed as steadfast and articulated against present day Clintons too.  By how our Peoples’ “Order” constitutes our scope of the republic of these united states of the Americas the liberal Left’s ploys to pass small regulations to trump how originalism is compassionate must be recognized as laws not laws for do not trump the Constituted by ratified and/or amended.  We have currently that we need to also articulate a particular likewise common opposition to old Clinton foes and recent perversions premeditated postures to set asunder the Constitution - the essential protections from tyranny, especially, of justice (innocence) as for sale by elite “lawyers”.

The comity of republic is secured by the polity of parity so that now our faith leaders are those expected to shoulder and carry forth the pressing need to find a common truth for bipartisanship restoration from the dissection of partisan lies to now our extant is more a house of cards of two ”histories” - rival historical tales - worked premeditatively to the Constitution some to much to set asunder by the Clintons’ machinations perversions, and too by the seeming naivete of President Barack Obama of seemingly proceeded for his “personality based Presidency” in his arrogance and mistaken postured of with his good looks and modern technology the past failures of Socialism (Communism?) could be transcended/overcome to yet now a victoriousness from his likeness.

Again we may need now just change the music back to such as sung and martialed against each adherence to how constituted actually.

We smith still “Adams” and “Eves” best with originalism of our first self-interests are in community in voluntary morals - of living the American Dream realism from natural law to of the wealth of nations is best from seeing and living first and second liberating self-interests are to choose safety in numbers, and then to be moral in network.

We, barely now, survived to endure as constituted for self governance of religiousness primarily is of for self governing in voluntary morality.

We must endear to endure of Peoples’ songs of innocence - innocent until proven guilty.

Though Alexander Hamilton Federalist essay #1 joined with the Emoluments Clause Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 does establish that entitlements cannot be nationally constituted by grammar and particular emphasis leave if none are to be ”titled” none then are to be entitled.

The music of originalism preserves to jams to as our best panacea.  Now though we may have to en masse change our music from become popular to be presumed guilty!  

Our work forward now should be of us liberated to repaired to the American Dream and cognizant that our founding fathers’ public oppositions to Clintons of their days are now sadly current and again necessarily of establishments ordained done in that Year of our Lord as our burdens present to again constitute our Union as not in blasphemy - nor an absence for forgiveness secured with “equal justice” for all of “innocent until proven guilty.”

By Hamilton erudite proffered, to mass appeal, we have that to be taxed for “Socialism” or redistribution is not the work of our Federal government by, again, none are to be entitled, and the Constitution is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property.”

Simply these Clintons and Barack Obama, however treasonous, are less showy as against originalism than now exposed as seeming ignorant of the actual plain meaning, - and consistent grammar imported.

To tax for redistribution then and now amounts to contrary - to it of us more of a “presumed guilty” upon haves.

A simple query of voluntary morality remains as if one has a short game - can go day or week not due public shaming.

Alexander Hamilton in our day deserves more credit than Democrats heralding yet amassed newly.

        *     *     *      RIGHT!  MY STRIKE!     *     *     *      

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

[As publicly shared on facebook.com/jpeterhogan wall & @jphoganorg linked.]











      *       *       *      BIG LIARS CLINTONS!       *       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

We are here - we are really here now!  Let us face it - let us begin to face our space time & Cartesian connective feminism.

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism - lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t the worst of the worst to connect the dots to attest a theorem - proofed hypothesis.

Nancy Pelosi due her protection has expired is now more than ever yet of an excommunication threat due Donald J. Trump has repealed the tyrannical anti-religious liberty Johnson Amendment that protected Catholic Pelosi from her own religion.

Nancy Pelosi is culpable and mashed by math of the real as yet caught too of that there isn’t enough water in the oceans to wash Hillary Clinton clean of “Crooked Hillary” prima facia as truly representative when graphically calculated.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminist until the math and comparative guilt is consummately laid out scientifically thoroughly.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminism icon until we discern her role as First Lady and the ends of the bad means of the years 1993 to 2001 of the Clintons’ administration.

Hillary Clinton greatest threat is Barack Obama due his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech spoke smack on Bill Clinton of the erudite orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world have the work called calling them each to see honestly that forward the religious froward to Hillary Clinton & her Judgement Day is now enough prefaced by facts & circumstantial persuading exposed to that we can now already begin planning the works of that she is fated to be at the gates of Hell due the blood on her hands than at the Gates of Heaven while of a band apropos as HILLARY AND HAREM FIDELITY.

The intellectual honesty challenge to a proper thorough accounting of the comparative guilt of the culpabilities of Mrs. William J. Clinton is daunting and testing even to Cartesian coordinated efforts science; - our space time is time sensitive as Hillary Clinton comparative guilt is shared ugly of Nancy Pelosi and much primarily mostly diabolical for the years as Speaker Pelosi.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi long partied to the partisan Democrat Party beat of it OK if Mrs. William J. Clinton is a “Manchurian Candidate” of our future as Hillary Clinton could be packaged and repackaged and attempted of pimp’n to the ENDS as “FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT” while minds of the world face a tyrannous suppression to bury awareness to the MEANS to such END by especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi were without the Johnson Amendment at near enough due crimes against our Lord as near enough for EXCOMMUNICATION.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world face a grand scope as of our task to probe the collective about “CROOKED HILLARY” as facts and supporting circumstantial knowns bolster the graphic Cartesian plotting.

The work of feminism is halted concurrently of especially Democrat Party leaders of tag “feminists” are negligent and remiss as obstructionists to prevent a due proper thorough accounting of how many dead buried at least in Arlington Cemetery are there as of the hands of the Clintons’ spousal husbandry of Mrs. William J. Clinton Shakespearean of her own hands deeply stained of “blood on her hands” collective culpability of the comparative guilt this broad scope is to scientifically call all able minds, however bodied, to.

A first broach of the swamped guilting of Mrs. William J. Clinton is of the “THE LONGEST WAR” & “FEMINISM” due we know Secretary of State John Kerry inherited the Obama war of choice on the Taliban in Afghanistan from Barack Obama first term & the “diplomacy” of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton; - Secretary Clinton has many to most of the dead in Afghanistan as blood on her hands of deep stains to at least responsible feminists think.

Secretary Clinton did leave Secretary Kerry the “THE LONGEST WAR” inheritance, and oddly of while tasked as chief Diplomat of President Barack H. Obama as supposed to find peace alternatives to war to that the situation of her final days had left Secretary Kerry one basic option yet not yet attempted shockingly.

Secretary John Kerry stands as evidence to “CROOKED HILLARY” as of how Democrat Party partied to her an ENDS justifying MEANS by simply that he inherited a war of which Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had not even tried that he then attempted of as a peace ploy - even diplomatic - of near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

Sadly FEMINISTS of the world have a comparative guilting to work through now to if I am wrong to of postured that Nancy Pelosi is a women of lesser guilt and a lower bodybags accounted culpability burden than Mrs. William J. Clinton.

Sadly FEMINISM must now face that as Speaker Nancy Pelosi did do more of the dirty work of the ENDS justify the MEANS of the diabolical Democrat Party set up for a President Hillary Rodham Clinton so it may be mature and considerable that Nancy Pelosi is more the BAD ACTOR and Mrs. William J. Clinton whom was then supposed to have the opportunity as a President then only to become worse and more guilty than America’s first female Speaker of the House of Representatives.

To know these women of their stories so complicated and historically diabolical is to be then of awakened of eyes open to that now forward a conscientious considerable froward is moral only if of asking and answering of the ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, as inherited from the Clintons’ administration by George W. Bush, of due President Obama erudite oration in receipt of NOBEL PEACE PRIZE of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”, to that therefore honesty of intelligence relates a comparative guilt amassed to be charted however Cartesian of that Mrs. William J. Clinton has all the dead of the 9/11/2001 attacks and resultant lost from collateral engagements for Justice as also blood on her hands and fittingly of her own personal guilt by an accounted real bodybags count for modern feminism in truth.

Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

No! REALLY!!!  Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

These years establish that forward Mrs. William J. Clinton, due accepting and intimate of being colluded long as END to justify Democrat Party shortcuts & negligence MEANS, is fated to meet the ferryman of HELL and without PURGATORY at all in play; - We have these days the modern INFERNO consideration to a dramatic to wake William Shakespeare ghost of that now there is needs akin LUCIFER finding DANTE reincarnate to be found and contracted for an EIGHTH LEVEL to be designed and constructed for at least BILL & HILLARY and likewise it seems near certain she whom sadly was ever honored as SPEAKER PELOSI.

These years can explain how much was never of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

These years equate the inequality and diabolical of SPEAKER PELOSI hellishly and fiendishly especially for such was always as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” RIDICULOUS and yet a cover-up illegal always and of its breadth of a scope so broad the size of the crimes equal TREASON of treasonous that the size of the cover-up suggests the size of the high crimes and misdemeanor - their full criminal gestalt.

These years present to bare just Mrs. William J. Clinton, for a parity necessary for any and all polity for comity of modern feminism, as calling all available intelligence still of an enlightenment potential to that we can get past these dark ages only by an intellectual honest and thorough rendition to effecting a deposed upon the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS as seemingly fitting as reservation to a new worse EIGHTH LEVEL INFERNO infernal.

We the People must be diligent and corrective now especially to adequately accounting of how many buried in at least Arlington Cemetary are firstly primarily of bodybags of blood on the hands of Mrs. William J. Clinton and back to 1993 as spirited of accepting corners cutting and even negligence as if she was ENDS that would (but didn’t) justify Demorat Party leadership MEANS.

We the People can hardly free or liberate William J. Clinton from a feminism culpability of a comparative guilt comparable for William J. Clinton did, as I recall, nearly undermine every foreign policy and domestic policy by sleeping on each with Mrs. William J. Clinton long enough to each consider how much of each had to be compromised so as not to inhibit their succession plan for setting up the “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” “HILLARY”.

We the People do now have at least enough public records and circumstantial amassed connective fibrous political historicals to render the GATES OF HEAVEN are outta the froward picture for how CLINTONS (AND PELOSI?) are now ominously fated; - The Clintons cannot escape SCIENCE of POLITICAL SCIENCE at least of future leaders of the world called to be studious to doctoral of mastering some to much of the evidence of that we have before us a greater truth now as at least corrective to near:  IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT!!!

It rests as calculable and to amass Cartesian how the Clintons cannot have their bodies separated of the mind and bodies separate for their souls did share intimately as a Power Couple to the spousal husbandry considerable tag’d by President Barack H. Obama in his erudite oration in receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize!

President Obama essentially undermined his whole party by alighting on an innocent by “inherited” for President Bush such as now leaves us of unfinished business of feminism of to be to assessing the comparative guilt especially as between Bill & Hillary - between POTUS & FLOTUS of 1993 to 2001 of the years to George W. Bush inheritance of DANGERS from the Clintons’ collective colluded of choices to be of inaction and avoidance especially as to where the what for the how of cutting corners was from putting the “MANCHURIAN” ahead of “PRUDENCE” by Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry so partisan and diabolically effecting by how much was set asunder due each political policy compromised was of a compromised to protect a succession planning for their to be by Clinton machine machination an inevitable PRESIDENT HILLARY!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for an INFERNO EIGHTH LEVEL rests in her story & roll in the THE LONGEST WAR due all the dead and injured are at least blood on her hands staining her/their soul due at least she did never even try that which Secretary Kerry found was a peace option still untried and available to President Obama - ya know! - that of that Mrs. William J. Clinton didn’t even try near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for DANTE reincarnate to be engaged in HELL ties their souls collectively for their solidarity of spousal husbandry likely is broadly to a 52 “FRIENDS OF BILL” snared to of a comparative guilt; - As they couldn’t have done it alone it does go past the BAD ACTORS females of leadership by NANCY PELOSI to also snare male Democrats.

So the TRUTH that attests a need grossly for a sustained new honesty for requisite honor for any modern feminism waits upon the accounting firstly of “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” Mrs. William J. Clinton and to that scientists of politics and history can make a case lawyers too can build out of that maybe all dead, - at least most nearly - died due to the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS was always (since 1993) #CROOKED!!!

“HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON” fit’n banding as “HILLARY & HAREM FIDELITY” begs now a starting point for #FEMINISM & #FEMINIST #FEMINISTSTUDIES of that the threshold to #TRUTH is of “HILLARY” - TRUTH BOMB of science is prudent and fair if to start with such overdue accounting by finding the number of dead since 1993 inauguration of First Couple Power Couple Bill & Hillary and then and only then subtracting from the tragic totals if there isn’t at least a 6th degree of separation from their “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” coy ploy chicanery quite simply TREASONOUS - OF PRIMA FACIA #TREASON!!!

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism!!!

Lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect!!!

                             *       *       *       *       *       *


                 *       *       *       BELIEVE!!!       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:17 am

There comes at least one time in a snookered person’s life where they ask if there may be somewhere a trump available to them to get over a “too stupid”!

A worst thing, at this moment, that seems able to be discussed about Donald Trump is that of he is repping that it takes one to know one and as like a reformed old Democrat now standing tall and shouldering a fight against tyranny over minds - standing tall for “law and order” as a one willing to be the new sheriff in town.

Let us discuss what he is willing to stand tall against, still; - let us do a reckoning to how diabolic the threat is.

Hillary R. Clinton is of great debates fails every time she lashes upon Barack Obama as if he should be ever of insulted by Donald J. Trump maneuvers to have him release legal documents detailing the time and place of how conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child of a pepper & salt vicissitudes incident of yet of what may have been his mother of prior consent to conceive him as a son as property to a tribal Kenyan Muslim father by a second “wife” acquired to his “house”.

Hillary R. Clinton misrepresent Barack H. Obama every time she assaults the Trump name as if such was effecting an insult upon him. The birth certificate - the legal document eventually released - did confirm he was conceived before his birthday of a mother it seems who consented to be his father’s Tribal Kenyan Muslim “wife” number two to his Kenyan “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA”.

Hillary R. Clinton misrepresents how Barack H. Obama so proudly represents himself with his memoir “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” as, to Donald J. Trump credit, he seems of posturing that he, however born in America, is to be thought of and supported as if firstly of his father and so firstly by his scribed memoir’s direction to be essentially Kenyan, tribal, and Muslim firstly - however also carried as some Christian.

Donald J. Trump was of the essence of the man as a lawyer - and so righteous - for as a lawyer of coy ploy chicanery by attempts to carry forward interest in his ‘uniqueness’ by keeping a deal in negotiation by delaying closure for closure of a deal requires, for any smart in arts of deals, to have those contrary clauses exposed and corrected.

Barack H. Obama has been a bad lawyer though in ways politicians may like to call being a clever and successfully duplicitous politician - in their “private” speech, not in their intentional “public” banter.

What has been of insulting to President Barack H. Obama isn’t as storied as if insulting by Hillary R. Clinton; - the insult upon Barack H. Obama is for having been a bad lawyer and to being likewise in such mold to being since 2008 trumping of Hillary R. Clinton yet to being likewise as bad a President as her promised was trapping to her only too able to be.

It has been the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that has brought Donald J. Trump from the Democrat Party folds to against their tyranny over minds as against the new fascism as now too of the Right as against his old Left and only by years and years of dedicated work at actually upholding the spirit of the oaths taken to defend the Constitution from “all enemies foreign and domestic.”

The dangers lay not in Barack H. Obama as self structured to requests to be considered as if more of Kenyan and tribal of his father’s patriarchy than that how he has been contrary to the Constitution and a domestic - right! NOT foreign - threat to the Constituted, and, as boldly so contrary for it is public knowledge in the public domain that he has loudly and quietly attested to not feeling “beholden” to defend the People’s Order as done in that “Year of our Lord” ordained and established.

The ‘DANGERS’ lay in Barack H. Obama is a “bad lawyer” and as confessed to of premeditated affecting as against the Constitution, however he is less threatening due the scandalous (, especially for the times) nature and details of his birthing, and beyond just as such certifies the timeline to that he was conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child maybe of his mother’s consent that he be forever firstly the property by the second wife in the “HOUSE OF OBAMA” of his father.

Because of the memoir by Barack H. Obama “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” Hillary R. Clinton is more insulting the intelligence of President Obama than Donald J. Trump has ever been by asking for contrary clauses to be removed from his “O” dealt by a lawyer Barack H. Obama of published notoriety and pride akin to asking to be thought to be more tribal, Kenyan, and Muslim by his like work - ‘dreamworks’!

What is in his perversion from regular order and originalism of these united states of the Americas as organized as a confederate republic for to be a liberal democracy is that which the “Law and Order” movement is standing against, and will with whomever next carries the standard if and when passed from as shouldered now by Donald J. Trump.

“Crooked Hillary” doesn’t do justice to their vast collusion and conspiring to set asunder the constituted to usher in more of an empire for AUTHORITARIAN control by a ruling class Liberal elite as yet essentially a the “THE NEW FASCISM” as a the “NEW TYRANNY” as over minds of men and women, and especially children - everywhere.

In 2016 the political lingua franca to best document the effecting politics of the combined efforts of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton, as of them since 2008 spun promised as trapped to be to to just be to keeping their promised, is that they have been to premeditated threats of the domestic nature as committed in mind and body to setting asunder the Constitution as if because inconvenient it can be trampled.

In 2016 the political lingua franca that best documents that actual common core of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton doth extend far beyond a simple rap as #TheBadPresident “THE BAD PRESIDENT” for in this year it must be reasoned to that “FASCISM” is now best defined as a movement of the Left as for AUTHORITARIAN Power for a ruling class Liberal elite to have Powers as the Authority of “FINAL SOLUTIONS” and as such is in public and private records to that they of the “Democrat Party” are now dedicated in a joined opposition to fundamentally against that these united states of the Americas were subscribed as ordained and established “done” to be for a “liberal democracy” of a loose federation of states by constituted as organized by the People’s Order (Yes! Preamble “Order” is a noun a synonym like as for “constitute”!) as to be a confederate republic.

It is indisputable that the legacy of “President Barack H. Obama” is firstly that he by definition has been as “THE BAD PRESIDENT” at least incidentally for the rap is true that he has been a “bad lawyer” by not practicing due process and regular order and to that he wasn’t even practicing the subscribed core of the constituted by the People’s Order that it be a protection from all “tyranny over the minds of men” and from that today especially as rappable as of “FASCISM” as currently a “movement of the Left” as purposefully anti-Constitution.

J. Peter Hogan’s, me, of mine posted just today, as confirming to such a history if of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan and of “WALL” mostly posted as “PUBLIC”, for example to that is:

#CSPAN  #cspanchat #Election2016 #TP2016 ~ When #GreenAgenda recognized as of ‘a tyranny over minds of men’ of #ClimateChange a new  #FASCISM as of elites effecting to be the authorities to #AUTHORITARIAN tyrannical isn’t it #Trump and #ThePeople who forward must be seen as them more right?  However climates are changing doesn’t change that the #politics of the day are of a #Democrats as #FASCISTS to saying ‘our way - or else’ and to that #Republicans are said to as have been en masse against protecting the environment even as but have been against forced marching to adherence to solutions as only as if #Dems can offer the FINAL SOLUTION.  CitizenRosebud.com #StrongForTruth #HOGAN”

                          *       *       *       *       *       *       *

[As I have posted and publicly shared via my social media platforms as publicly available to the internet eco-systems “THE BAD PRESIDENT” “#TheBadPresident” of TheBadPresident.com and http://bit.ly/TheBadPresident are now of holding usage to yet be for a pared down from over 6,000 pages in book form maybe as soon as early or mid 2017.  What is read here is some in response to a query to if such dot come was “up?” - up yet. Material here available is just part of the “BAD” story.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

The core dynamic setting up for November deciding of election 2016 is essentially that for all the books in say Princeton and Harvard the Donald Trump clear eyed common sense main stream American voters will get to the pivot - pivoting - for the change of direction, and as to back to basics - of American back towards plain truths & logic.

To expedite such civil process let us be of open eyes and ears, and clear minds while to dissecting the “Crooked Media” primary delusion akin to a bureaucratic sub-standard intelligence of a now infamous, some enough, “50 GOP former staffers”:

Generally Donald Trump is right - at least more right, simply - than a prima facia historical of most, to all, of tag’d of a “50 GOP”!

The “Crooked Media” is a complex conundrum needing to be pared and dissected from a dichotomy & duality also of “50 GOP”!

As we get to a simpler truer history may be a IS IS tag upon a “Bill’s domino effect” of culpability for “ISIS” and to “Al Qaeda” for inaction and avoidance of a general American abandonment in 1993 to 2001 of the peoples of Iraq & Afghanistan, - and as such guilt spoken to by President Barack H. Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance erudite oratory as the President specifically like anchored his beginning around “DANGERS from INACTION and AVOIDANCE” as could not be a rap on President George W. Bush - let us begin by exercising our openness by floating a:


President George W. Bush seems to have been vastly failed by these “50 GOP” former staffers, and especially in the years post 2001 to 2009 of ranked administering decidings.

Not now nor then should any of these leastly been to allowing even bureaucratically a dichotomy to be extant and all scandals not worked past a “house of cards” to reveal and expose the duality that intelligent shouldn’t abide of a co-existence of non-complementary rival “histories”! 

The tag’d “Crooked Media” only now survives and gets by as “Anti-Trump” by that a contrary “history” of “two histories” some how still suffices as if the whole truth and nothing but truth (all the news fit to print?) was quotable as if effected to reality news.


Firstly to the improper and quite ridiculous dualities as of “Crooked Media” rampant dichotomy as unprofessional aloofness:

The proper reading of the Constitution does not support the rival said “comprehension” of plain language to what is Law as “Constitutional” as writ large; - Simply hash it “#Its_O_not_o !!!

The proper reading of the People’s “Order” is that the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows harmonizes is to be pronounced and exclamated to capitalized for a noun!  The original plain complex text reads not as liberals wish for an alternate reality as if “in order to” but as STRONG and DEFINITIVE of such that follows is as ORDAINED and ESTABLISHED as “done”!  The People’s Order preamble is to be comprehended of “O” not “o” to “Order” as a strong NOUN to it written as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union”!

It is a “Crooked Media” that reads this contrarily for a standing for a “Democrats Constitution” versus a “Republican Constitution”!  We have one “People’s Order” and by “Order” as a strong NOUN it is not a “living document” (say like scripture - say like the Bible - say like just Puritan’s or King James’ preferred “Word of…” be ‘living’!)!

Secondly forward “TrumpPence16″ must somehow engage enough sarcasm and satire as “sharpest tools in the shed”!

To effect the paradigm shift from too too too many of the “Crooked Hillary” IS IS IS as if IS IS of what personal or classified as from now fixed to like of a granite state not living enough for a necessary and timely about face - a most direly necessary reset by a full stop and 180 degree pivot - the “Crooked Media” must be corrected from two halves of the story as non-complementary as if due “two halves” are being “reported” a ‘whole story’ is being told!

Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth” - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:




What we must stop and pivot away from if a common sense main stream politics can yet be restored is these very dualities extant of how “Crooked Hillary” is bloated by a half truth press’d as if a whole truth, and, these very dualities of a “Crooked Media” sans coverage of all that fits as historical facts and supporting evidence for that of a “Bill’s domino effect” continuum still effecting mostly for still yet too cloaked - un-covered - not covered!

There are not enough books in Princeton, Harvard, and Yale, now to stop the common sense patriotic freedom loving main stream learned compassionate supporters of #TrumpPence16 #NewGOP from getting US to the needed #StopAndPivot!

It is “DOOMSDAY” lurking upon #ClintonKaine of like soon the media will be turned on and tuned in to that the “dominoes” of the Clintons are not separate and isolated from history and that the fallen much covered as if of a politics gestalt have yet not explained a much covered of “dominoes” of Republicans - of George W. Bush - did fall and with vast tragedy and undermined economic standing as but having fallen in reaction to what Bill Clinton unsettled as to setting of such a cascade yet still press’d as but a “half truth”!

All votes matter!!! But may the smarter votes win!!! May the duality sustaining “Crooked” be now educated from!!!


As we must get to the gestalt and to from away from concurrent contradictory conflated “news” to back enough to a “reality news” we have two core premises to reset for needed #StopAndPivot as to enough forward wise to proper reading of #Its_O_not_o of the Constitution of the United States of America of “Order” capitalized because it is a strong NOUN, and, essentially required that the faux paradigm for “Crooked” be busted to enough arrested from accepting “half truths” as if “whole truths”!

All votes matter!!! And yet “50 GOP former staffers” to 75 disaffected and defecting amounts to a lot a small affected cadre of whom maybe more to blame than President Bush - yet still to wonder if say more to blame than either “Crooked Bill Clinton”, “Crooked Hillary Clinton”, and/or the tag’d fairly “Crooked Media”!  It has not been dutiful for their duty that they did abide near 16 years of them years of rationalizing an acceptance of “two halves” non complementary as if story wasn’t of “two wholes” further non complementary and as from performance of defense and intelligence core mission thought to be (of common sense) to finding “all the news fit to print” yet to a “reality news” for “reality politics” of governance in “truth” by dedicated dedicants in service to find the “gestalt” of each matter - to find more that which is to be each story’s “WHOLE TRUTH”!


GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!


Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth”? - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable? - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:





GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!  OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!



                                 *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

The Hillary Clinton spread with Bernie Sanders as by Southern blacks subjects of South Carolina, at least, says nothing good about America.

There is no bright side of this to look at.  Nothing good can explain such unbalanced support attached to Hillary Clinton. This is about Obama:

Let us believe forward that President Barack Hussein Obama is the greatest black man ever born in the known world, - work with me here:

President Obama has been such a great President we should accept Russian ships into our ports today to unload a redelivery of 1601 bronze “OBAMA” park grade statues as gifted said from “the Russian people.”  Such now fits to an old story of whence such may have before been of such so kindly of Russia as in US ports before but rejected by the President for the likeness as with a hammer in his hand just seemed too clumsy.  The plus one to the 1600 life-sized plus’d bronze Obamas must apparently be the one to be uniquely larger and particularly large enough to replace Lafayette in Lafayette Park across from the White House.  If such has been reforged by the Russians to better please President Obama it should be now accepted without question as it must be, if here and unloading, and if as rumored he is now of his grand “likeness” of but with a quill’d bronze large feather in his left hand, - and not a hammer to be noted.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax.  As we relate to how real this all should be to our minds’ eyes, and accepted as real, there is but that President Obama is hands higher, a for Posterity establishment, in bronze, even to Russians as historically a superior leader and man to President Clinton.  Can you even imagine William Jefferson Clinton as if ever so honorable by the People of Russia? - so from Russia, with love?

“THE GREAT EARTH FIRSTER”  All hail the fall of constitutional government & the rise of The Peopled Republic of Climate Fear!

Hillary Clinton can only be anticlimactic!  It has been written, - let it stay Executive ordered dictum!

Ask not your worth to another, we are EARTH FIRSTERS, our with is the arrogance, - the problem!


We should assume that any such gift to President Obama by “Russia” of life-sized plus bronze “OBAMAS” with large feather as a pen have been accepted as gifted, - now that the hammer was impossible as but “clumsy”, and as prescribed with locations across these united states of America forever now THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, is of the locations proscribed as “contract” to the acceptance of the 1601 bronze park grade “OBAMA” statues.  There likely is sure to be one somewhere near you soon, at least as within a 360 mile one way trip.

Our duty forward as EARTH FIRSTERS just mere subjects able to be corralled by dictum is to accept the priorities to that the saving of the planet is more important than our worth or even than any work at any worth.  Hillary Clinton has been inked to such, she can only be an anticlimax.  Most work is a waste of energy and any energy use threatens the climate!




It is wrong to say “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” for out here and now - our TODAY - is it UN-PATRIOTIC, measurably - by GOVERNMENT.

Our old legitimacy is lost, - gone, - unconstituted,- set asunder by mob rule devoid of regular order and due process!  The old U.S.A. could intervene abroad to liberate and not occupy, - could stand against NEO-COLONIALISM in the debate halls of old.  As a the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, though President Obama may become establish as a greatest black man ever born anywhere, anyhow, and, and as President Obama as the “MESSIAH” trumps Hillary Clinton anyways, every way, we are together of now that delegitimizes old intervention postures.  We are no longer a wild card of “HOPE”!

We may not have become Switzerland, - of a general neutrality, but we have rendered our engagements paradigms to contrary, - to disabled from timely interventions, however once arguable in a moral “MORALS” attitude.  We are now no longer the country that we were, our Constitution has been set asunder, - embrace our new us like as the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, now, - our “trump” hand has been ruled away by mobs, - our “trump” hand for liberation not occupation has been trumped!


Any peopled so affected to rendered subjects subjugated to fears is a PEOPLED contrary to “We the People… Order…”!

Yes, it may be that Russians may want to erect memorials to the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, but it doesn’t have to be that we accept such cowed and blind to old structural foundational strengths in how we were constituted before.  We have become delegitimized from foreign intervention, for starters. 

As so corralled under GOVERNMENT dictum in FEAR MONGERING we have become not a people who can offer liberation, we can only offer a spread of neo-colonialism of an also spread of a occupation of reasoning by tyranny over minds of “peopled” places also threatening the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

You/we now all have a right to want to believe ourselves are always worth at least $15 per hour, - but believing is free! We have no right to a job as work is bad as work uses energy and so wastes energy and so threatens the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax!  It has been written let it be done:  WORK IS BAD !!!


A President Hillary Clinton can at best be a foot soldier a doorman to the GREAT OBAMA rendered post-constitutional new American Ordered corralling.

Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton (obediently) marshaled these once “We the People…” to “PEOPLED” of the grand new world order, as reconstituted, by mob rule, to blindly for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY, for #GreenMinimalism of EARTH FIRSTERS, in a NEW NATIONALISM, of a new national harmony, for the new CONSERVATIONISM, that is anti jobs, and anti work, - as living constituted as in a material word is a bold new NEW EVIL!

The only trump now politically correct is more for a natural Latin lovers renaissance, if still possible, anyhow!  We must accept our old constituted justice that was so perfect it enabled foreign interventions, for liberation even, is now trumped by FEAR.  Our old glories of legitimate engagements as by free People is now longer to be marshaled of an “OLD GLORY” pride, - it cannot be now our “perfect justice” latitude for free attitudes is over lorded, - like trumped from prudence Christian, - Christian in an evolved sense.

We now as our constitution has been set asunder can no longer be bridge builders abroad, and much not at home any more either!

Our press, what is left of it, must now report from behind the leading from behind as also blind and bound from assuaging passions and regular say “vicissitudes incident to life”!

All must be prescribed from as proscribed, - forward !!!

Obama is here to stay? Ready at:  Long live Barack Hussein Obama!?

Hillary Clinton must comply?  She is cast to be whom she was, actually?

Kneel before TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - the politics saving the known world, - the planet, - the politics of #GreenMinimalism as the new politically correct lingua for old tiring “POVERTY LEVEL”!

Kneel before the death of our nearer “perfect justice” constitution.  We now have no NATIONALISM claim that isn’t jurisprudence of a jurisdiction of the global or intergalactic firstly.  We are now not “citizens” for we are now just “subjects”!

Kneel before it affected that these united states of America has lost its old legitimacy for foreign interventions, we now are so reconstituted we are proscribed from global bridge building as our posture now of our arranged succession for a RULING CLASS power ELITE is such that we, however admonished as better to a CLIMATE REDIRECT, are forward stuck as all prescribed EARTH FIRSTERS to the word, the words of their climate dictum to each word, as that we are 100% right with them and any other is 100% wrong - any other must comply and be assimilated, - not liberated.

Our old “OLD GLORY” has been set asunder; - our “perfect justice” is rendered impotent, - EARTH FIRSTERS preside and now to that we cannot be justified toward interventions because we are no longer perfect as constituted imperfect.

>>> #SuperTuesday 16.3.1. once as Constituted of in the “Year of our Lord” - so now just dated: 

>>> “Citizen Rosebud” signing off.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:53 pm


Lead with nonsense!  Lead of a preponderance of/for Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers!  New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!

Without morals - right! - right, without an establishment for morals - public morals - a righteousness as under God before under Government - an each free man/woman of a voluntarily extra-nation morals established practiced - can there be mercy? - can there be a “YEAR OF MERCY” affected?

                            *       *       *       *       *

[Commenced work in progress due completion by end of Iowa Caucuses]*
*[Do to tech diffs over 2 days when inspired to be pressed/written an unknown length of postponed extant now.]

Material ideas to be synthesized in these shared by social media bits/posts:

#‎Evangelists‬ per ‪#‎Cruz‬ ‪#‎NewYorkValues‬: As NEW ROMANTIC ERA ‪#‎economics‬ driver needing ‪#‎LOVEEconomics‬ is ‪#‎NOW‬ ‪#‎TheNEEDS‬ @ a vibrous copacetic can better be akin structural if ‪#‎CallToPrayers‬ now exercised more regularly by ‪#‎Christians‬?

‪#‎PoetJPHogan‬ asking also if ‪#‎AmericanMuslims‬ as ‪#‎PEACE‬ brethren can help ‪#‎Christianity‬ recover from ‪#‎LiberalDemocrats‬ secular ‪#‎Socialism‬ beatings by sharing an enlightened tao for ‪#‎ReligiousLiberty‬ security in it exercised even if more of ‪#‎Christ‬, in their extra-nation voluntary morality, do muscularly proscribe at least a Sundays call to prayers in assembly well prescribed?

‪#‎IowaValues‬ as ‪#‎SouthernValues‬ to how ‪#‎RepublicanValues‬ sync now to Northeast as the growth economics past NEW DEAL AUSTERITY for ‪#‎GREENMINIMALISM‬ have so many now freer yet beset together in a commenced (somehow) NEW ‪#‎ROMANTICERA‬.

‪#‎Catholics‬ this too is too for synthesized ‪#‎ClimateRedirect‬ & ‪#‎YearOfMercy‬, - seems.

>> PLEASE BE ‪#‎4College‬ & with JPHogan.org ‪#‎SAMPLER‬.

NEXT TO CITIZENROSEBUD.COM (when technical difficulties remedied):


“Lead with nonsense! Lead of a preponderance Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers! New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!”

{These are the words to how CitizenRosebud.com next commences}



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

The cracker Clinton is the most troubling Hillary Clinton, either of her of South or of Chicago, while white!

To talk New Year 2016 politics turkey it is critical we discuss the bad of “black” before any her good while “white.”

2016 can hardly be a new year to a happy year for blacks - but by progress of those of Black Lives Matter beats.

2016 is the year before us of the politics before us of a judgement year to how bad black leaders have been while firsts.

The beats of #BLM must now harness the vibrancy of and for next gen blacks while intellectually it behoove em to stand tall and strong against those “first blacks” so tagable as failed bad leaders at the top - Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch.

The first black leaders have failed blacks more than any other peoples of the world!  2016 must be now forward, however uncomfortably to some, in the parading of these failed and not for just having so failed blacks, - generally.  This is to be prefaced by the apparent disappointing aloofness of President Obama’s Justice Department as from a prudent marshaling by the Attorney General for rendering of jurisdiction for jurisprudence upon the unconscionable “extra-Constitutionals” akin to the Clintons’ spousal husbandry over-lording global patronage schemes.  If there is any up side for blacks of the world by an election of Mrs. Clinton, I am one, these years in considering, whom has yet to discern or believe such can actually exist.

If 2016 progresses with President Obama’s Justice as devoid an indicting of Mrs. Clinton, at least, then it is quite that three black “first blacks” “leaders” are to “Black Lives Matter” causal to protestations, and for being so self evidently of firstly being to so failing blacks most.  The philosophy of an associated guilt is to that Socialists so in such reigning must be the owners of what has been wrong by their local police officers, as like their national storm troopers, as political police officers whom due the “Socialism” dictum then must also preside to it the people whom err as their leader should not be postured as fallible.

This really brings out the nasty of the Clintons, too, - this is so revealing to the “cracker Clinton” essence somehow too as also too bad in the “intellectualized” “rationalized” to that the “first blacks” must be tokens but to the Liberal systematic to that for an obedience paradigm for bookish to reign in the “white” old model to that any can be oppressed in the spirit of like: If you didn’t get to a top institute of higher liberal education, or try to succeed in such as the defined establishment “success” model then you can be over-lorded by those who did, - and systematically (however in racism apparently.).

It is inescapable that those America’s “first blacks” now in 2016 are em to be tagged due em of a bad rap, - a “governance” so bad even “cracker Clinton” can seem now a better alternative.  If these tagged as #Obama #Holder #Lynch do not re-synchronize to a prosecution of the Clintons they will be failing not just blacks by avoiding protecting Americans, not least, from anti-Constitutionalists as threats domestic, and also organized of “foreign”, of politicians who have been long busy to trying to defeat the defeat of Socialism much to be credited as the success of the Reagan & Rehnquist revolutions.

The Clintons firstly, to the first blacks, are em more diabolical and profiting from anti-Constitutional exercised global schemes, - - - The Clintons, while enough “crackers” to be “crackers” for pundits, are yet em who did work hardest to postpone a rising of these blacks, however failures, and of failing blacks, - - - The Clintons can play with these 3 “first blacks” too as tokens whom attest to the old white model that any can be oppressed if they did not succeed enough at least in trying to get into the Liberal institutes of “higher education.”  Secondly these “first blacks” have a culpability as accomplices at least for 2016 and it seems sadly for failing blacks even more by avoiding a timely and necessary prosecution of the Clintons’ anti-Constitution global patronage schemes.  Secondly it seems these are bad “first blacks” for showing a willful subjugation in a voluntary subjugated as em firstly to bowing to a loyalty to the Clintons’ “standard” - the “flag” of a “flagship” of the “cracker Clintons”!

It may now be premature and prejudiced against President Obama and his Justice under Attorney General Loretta Lynch, but really it seems now that like “first black” Attorney General Eric Holder the die is cast to that these 3 will defend an associated with the Clintons before defending the systems for protecting blacks, and People’s freedoms, generally.

2016 is now the new year upon us.  The blacks seem to be planned to be left behind and left under by these “first blacks” at their legacies as yet too compromised by associated “Democrat Party” partisan politics for them to break free to a better tracking newly reset to consistent with the original protections for all (eventually) of the Constitution.

2016 is not a dire period upon civilizations of the world, while especially precarious to Americans now too long maybe along the road to serfdom by Liberal National Socialism.  The Blacks are right to protest as drum majors of beats for parading for Equal Justice by #BlackLivesMatter and especially as it seems “first black” President Obama is proofed fallible and to the philosophical to an intellectual honesty (of Socialism dogmatic) that the police as American forces are his “storm troopers” firstly to obedience to his calls for assimilation, or justly to oppression (under the white model (also of “cracker Clintons”)).

2016 is certainly foreshadowed in the bad “first blacks” compromised associated, - their too associated with the Clnitons!

May God bless America and help all peoples so People’d break free to the established protections of the Constitution as not biased from common sense by bad “Democrats” to that essence of civilized now long enduring that endears before the world as “American” by it as a French official decried recently smartly in his differentiating the French Socialism from the United States of America “LIBERTY” as by his retort that the government of France was set up to protect the Government from Religion while the People’s Republic of these united states of the Americas is of a government established to ordain a protection of Religion(s) from Government!

God is yet alive for all in America, while 2016 is for judgements upon not just “first blacks” for failing so many more than just the many blacks the failed as more as if just subjects, - right! not as if as “equals” “citizens”! It does seem too much as if carved in marble that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not disposed to prosecuting the Clintons!  It is uncertain if such is now being avoided, though seeming justified, by a street, for politics, as self evident of there extant scandal of too much #ClintonHankyPanky.

Blacks, forward, as Republicans ride as for the republic as to God alive for all, even (or especially all Americans) the whips must be out to coral the Constitutional “hanky panky” of not just the Clintons.

Blacks, forward, to yet reset as still secured to equal rights by the letter of the Law as actually of the United States of America “Order” “done” … “Year of our Lord” as the Constitution, and to finally safe from the Liberal attempts to a Socialism more akin to a ruling class able to render Powers more of “governance by man/woman” as not by written agreed to predetermined Laws, it may help to understand, as a year of rough riding seems ahead, the conundrum of a ‘Republicans Rough Ride Teddy Roosevelt” as different from the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt”.

To “cracker Clintons” (and “first blacks”) is seems intellectually honest to parlay the politics, for all, to there like a real “edge of the world” DANGER in the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” sell!  Sold by these Democrats is the “Teddy” who wanted a third term as President and whom by 1910 had been welcomed across Europe into the halls and dens of the new Fascism, - the Pre-Nazi Fascism.

The “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” is not the “Teddy” dear of the “Republicans Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt” as the 1910 “New Teddy” essentially was one willing to be a sell out to the new “Fascism” (if it would get him a third term as President)!

The “Teddy” sold by Democrats, too long has been too like a “Smeagol” just craven for a holding of the “ring” of Power (like Hillary Clinton seems now enough already self evidentially).

These “first blacks” cannot well serve blacks in 2016 if not to only the good “Teddy” as before 1910 and while still lore-able as a “Rough Rider”! Whom can blacks generally now trust as it seems Democrats are too like the (willing to be) “Fascist” “Bull Moose” Roosevelt? 

The First Amendment is all of ours, and best secured when all fig that the particular protections from a National Government to secular Socialism (as attempted by some “first blacks”) is in that low “e” for “establishment” as to be discerned to be grammatically as for “tenets” not the “Organized” that consistency in grammar of the body of the Constitution would need yet otherwise as if of a capital “E” as if yet “respecting an Establishment of religion.”

As 2016 seems set to be a year of rough rides for many:  God Bless America!  God Bless the “Order” to for equal Justice for All!

God help us turn back from Democrats domestic and foreign works to setting asunder civilizations not secular Socialist of ruling class elitism!

                                           *       *       *

Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @ http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here: http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=BLACKPROBLEM

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:44 am

If you are not a practicing American Catholic this Christmas season this rendition is not firstly about you (also), though principally you may have no way out, too.  As respectful of traditions for a structural reign for TRUTH & GRACE my perspective may be of calls to DUTY while my observance is more distant but of the tips of my fingers as the tip of my pen.  This is very much about an essential local in all (traffic) lines, and just pride of place in parish prudence in all jurisprudence.

When to where there always the whom of where’s of the of Rome when roaming in Rome;  a why to the whom is to a fixation of liability for (Catholic) guilting even for whenever at where’s evers another is the outside of the lines.  There is a brotherhood as much a sisterhood for those tasked of DUTY to be keepers of the local lines, even if of interstates, or parish to parish as intra-states;  there is the robed for the hooded of JD’s em doctorated for jurisdictional particularities of organized of (parish) communities.

Where ever you roam you are roaming of another’s home more than your own, and more of other’s poetry of live and history, and more of others struggles to keep a reign for TRUTH & GRACE, - however the rocky “horrors” shows of dreamlands’.

Secretary John Kerry and deposed from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are Catholics of postures for Church dictum.  As young (of even the Church) may be naive to borders and roam whence then careless and disrespectful to as them then nearer other’s parish homelands, others’ home communities, others’ more particular lines of nuanced for local jurisprudence to keep a reign for TRUTH & GRACE, it is more critically important at these days of Holidays to guilt to them of leadership them most contagious to others (more local) as to shoulder firstly the guilts of theirs as associable as guilts of all too silent from against.

American Catholics seem DUTY bound this Holiday to be of these todays as expressant upon the specific and numerous personal culpas for, however haunting, and to rejecting SATAN especially as Secretary Kerry and Representative Pelosi preside of offices as “leaders” with personal professional histories in contrariness to their Catholic, - their postured of moral dictum.

For the maintenance of for TRUTH & GRACE to reign we must look at specific ticketable liability for Catholic John Kerry and Catholic Nancy Pelosi both for failures to maintain safety by keeping up the painting of clear lines for “traffic” and too for a failures, seeming of each, to also of a failure to post, - a liability in having failed to POST approaching “roadway” DANGERS, even, like just “narrow road ahead”!

Yes these as metaphors for two Catholics “leaders” is to that which yet supersedes parish and local liabilities.  The youth of (Catholic) hood’s keeps cannot even become “JEDI” if not respectful of the bars of JD’s especially to how it is American that there is legally that there are local laws by statutes and ordinances, at least;  like:  “IF YOU WON’T LEARN THE WAYS - DON’T EXPECT THE PAY!” - - - There are borders trespassers of must yet posture a respectful to, in spirit, and body.

To be curt, - to be brief, - to respect that youth may not understand their world enough, and not be able to in some cases, on some areas of Law, if not be becoming trained in Law, let us accept that these are more “dependents” whom cannot learn until by class, or by experience that won’t likely become theirs until they learn from being themselves parents, - or guardians.

The culpas of the fair share of guilt two Catholics now should be broadcast, even comically, even by cartooned satire, is vast and dark in the American Catholic GUILT that seems forensically uniquely of a clear pathology to a contrariness of John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi, as of an infidelity to their pledged allegiance to their republic, and too as a betrayal of their oaths of offices.

This is a new Holiday season of these todays again of days to let the youth of the hook, for so dependents, and to like cook, and cook, and cook, them firstly guilty as (Catholic) “leaders” as now we roast, to bake, the Catholic Guilt into the historic John Kerry, and Nancy Pelosi.  [You can search HOGAN too to such for justice by just keyword:  KERRY.]  [More telling though may be how as critical search of KERRY and also of PELOSI can then better condemn and isolate unique Catholic’s guilt if such accompanied by thorough reading through what scrolls by keywords searches on CITIZENROSEBUD DOT COM by:  First:  DICHOTOMY;  Second:  TRICHOTOMY.]

{As young to some may be youth as brother, or sister, so much younger to be of a different (music) generation it is notable for the elders of such siblings how siblings so less of age, and experience, can be baited to revealing naivete, and at times by offering a music choice the elder knows should “trigger” / “set off” the (independent) minded much younger one.}

{At this moment, I, as the blogger blogging political writer, however observant beyond pressing as Catholic, too, do hope you have taken time to do your due (Catholic) diligence by having stopped at this reading to perform the (suggested) searching by PELOSI, KERRY, DICHOTOMY, TRICHOTOMY.  For such would be prudent I will now continue upon an assumption that you will have done such (thoroughly?) before proceeding further with this tagging of (Catholic) guilting upon “leaders” John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi.}

To all whom desire to be a Jedi, or saved by a Jedi Believer, there is like for observant Catholics, this HOGAN adage:





To whom celebrate the saints of clauses for youth to be “off the hook” for (Catholic) Holidays, and as when prudence in a jurisprudence of faith’s needs short of Christ Jesus begot of “dying for your sins” Santa Claus is forever alive and real.  To keep Santa Claus alive, and so children and young adults the world abouts can be guarded as dependents while too ignorant in too many doctorated disciplines, it is for a reign of TRUTH & GRACE to endure that anew these todays of religious holidays it is a DUTY of all to assuage the guilt upon our leaders for Justice and fairness, only begets Happiness Posterity for Tranquility if the general Welfare is policed to how the leaders are them most flawed, them most the (Catholics’) guilty.


For the youth, young adults, and (Christian) adults to yet be of an “off the hook” short of Christ Jesus dedicated as an embodiment of dying for his peoples’ sins, Santa Claus is too haunt all the other days of these Years of our Lord so constituted as established and ordained for due process, and civil procedure.  Coal for naughty may not be “PC” - politically correct - anymore but the metaphor as if a gift can reset to refresh a “CO-ALL” must endure.

The greatest flaws as extant as enduring errors of Catholics John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi are it seems of leadership erring that is of rancor for the ranks as too when of hows of wheres and why that are stuck of inconvenient truth as of em whence, to present, as regards, as then firstly as contrary to their “religious” dictum.

John Kerry, Catholic, and Nancy Pelosi, Catholic, have been leaders both of negligence in not having “stayed between the lines” and too as for “leaders” em taggable and mashable for mash-up from collateral damages from them of failures to post “roadway” DANGERS signage, and too to have been culpable where jurisdiction relates to them for failures to maintain sufficient “roadway” marking, - where they did not manage to a sufficed, - where the did not “keep the lines” prudently maintained.

A shortcut to the dire of the “shortcuts” of from Massachussetts John Kerry, politician, firstly, is http://bit.ly/KerryByHogan!

{And, as usual for the convenience of political truths pressed for greater literacy and knowing of importance in learning the “ways” there is hopefully to you a “The Force” in HOGAN blogged as learned enough to rear you in time to DANGERS firstly in the contrariness of Catholics Kerry and Pelosi:  Where such a assorted (by “bitly”) the queued linked “shortcut” does show firstly this column for worked then likewise of the subject of the keywords so for organized.}

All Americans, however now still young and ignorant, and however naive, it is for the annual haunting that Santa Claus lives on and endures in spirit of a home of the copacetic earthly poled.  To carol for Justice short of “died for your sins” the “off the hook” is dependent firstly on assuaging, among the living, or dead, whom of these todays is a “the leader” most culpable (and to shoulder in real time the most (Catholic) guilt) for a still prudent practiced by public shame, - PUBLIC SHAMING.

Really!  Hasn’t Simon and Garfunkel like always sung of Santa Claus as of the essential essence in a “A BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATERS”?  The birth of Christ Jesus, as too the synchronized moons timed of the birth of Muhammad, yet is earthly for due process and for civility for all celebrants to know, or be judged to learn from, how there are “locals” beyond “neighbors” limitations in any considerations of copacetic “trespass”!  Before any to be judged as more of God’s there is yet that before under Government, it reigns for TRUTH & GRACE than all are firstly under God, - under God before under a governing by man. 

Of these we sing, - the global we of locals now tagged to judge the “leaders” and for erring most as contrary, to too of infidelity, to their republic, and their religion.  John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi can be said to have erred more than President George Bush (even as odd Governor Jeb Bush, brother has failed from himself explaining). 

How John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi have been (Catholic) “leaders” is controversial in it seems they have more erred on Muslims & Islamic relations than George W. Bush and as tagged so pathologically as if forensically noted as if particularly of the who, what, when, where, and how, as revealing em most culpable to “guilty” for when of infidelity to their republic, and to their Catholic dictum, the Catholic ways they thought sufficiently learned as regards (politics).

These todays of birthdays of great ones proofed long to have been real “leaders” it seems a condemnation is fitting to these em most bobbled “leadership” presently firstly.  Long live Santa Claus!!! May he haunt all the days of the year to if a clause can be a mere good enough for humans anywhere to be “off the hook” around the Holidays, and short from more dire in eternals of Christ Jesus to have from birth risen to ways learned to being a good shepherd a good teacher a bridge builder, who knew he died for others sins.

As I wish a Happiness and Joy for World Peace, forward, it yet behoove even our reindeers to hoof it for Justice in a timely tagging of the mashed vast culpas fitting a knowing of Catholic Guilt as at the proper apportionment of “coal” for John Kerry, leader, and Nancy Pelosi, leader, - for prudent by firstly to apropos assuaging of each’s spirited, - traceable historical, for what is of their galactic “trespassed”!

I wish a Happiness and Joy for World Peace, forward!  Please learn the ways of the lines, and stay between them, where firstly safest, - of greatest odds for “getting through” - getting over “troubled waters” too.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

Oh, right on cue, - Clinton talking points.  May sound good but that ain’t the real dynamic!!!

I did not support the Bush tax cuts but because I thought the Clintons’ surpluses were like a bomb ready to go off.

Bush had IRAQ O.I.F. war paid for until Speaker Pelosi killed the “HOW” by killing that freed Iraqi would reimburse coalition countries with the liberated’s state oil profits.

What Dem women worked to say was a bad way to cover until it became Secretary Clinton’s brilliant way, her way to pay for Libyan liberation.  “OBAMA’S RETREAT” at JPHogan.org can help with addition to/on Clinton negligence dynamic.

Bush wasn’t allowed to fix the economy or housing because to do so he would have had to explain Bill Clinton cut nearly a trillion too much while cutting two trillion at least too quickly.

There was no way for Bush to both fix the economy nor economically address the 911 attacks and to how Al Qaeda was a born bastard child of Saddam Hussein by his invasion of Kuwait, as like he thought he could keep Kuwait for the USA wouldn’t risk stirring the Middle East sentiments so to seeding such as Al Qaeda, - that ISIS is now living the original dreams of.

Bush was stuck as Al Gore would have been, too much so, for some spousal husbandry in coy ploys of Clintons to have a faster way to a President Hillary RETURN OF THE CLINTONS by them like holding the keys to the economy, of the administration after them.

Bush was stuck for couldn’t reverse the Clintons’ surpluses and too for he then couldn’t rightfully more truthfully prosecute sanctions against Saddam Hussein then without needing to establish the Clintons’ gross negligence as behind Al Qaeda attacks on the American homeland so of roots of his errs in policy that date to 1993 and anchor in 1993.

Obama used Clintons’ economics experts as early as 2008 post election towards 2009 inaugural, - with unprecedented cooperation though of Bush admin to hopefully improving transition.

Obama to this analysis yet of having pursued, knowingly, a green agenda jobs program where one new green job created was expected, due Spain’s example precedent, to then kill off 2-3 old industry less green, or politically correct in a “partisan” old jobs.

Clintons did inherit the said their recovery as it was started and stayed true to how started so as started before the Clintons even entered 1992 race.  Clintons’ jobs numbers are better seen in perspective satire COVERT CYPHER of bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of http://CitRB.net 33 #Economics.

Clintons did inherit a recovery that was then ready to be Bush’s 2nd term good wave on the optimism of victory of a patriotism post Cold War & Persian Gulf War.  Oy this of https://www.facebook.com/jpeterhogan/posts/10204628075597506 is a ridiculous metric to see numbers as if history and original ownership of time’d can mean what this suggests.

An earlier thought recovered to share anew on this is that it wise for all/any at a jobs number for Obama Admin to fig how Hollywood may have been counted on as a jobs creator.

We’ve heard the one so dire and diabolical to many of Obama’s jobs, not those from energy independence initiatives to a domestic energy boom as by Republicans, as are likely of fat of short term extras in counts as for a jobs created for each feature of they hired for background, by the hundreds, and thousands, of as one person then counted numerous times per year for a “job created” yet just for a short term part-time feature scene as like to be a stadium scene seat warmer or a member of a vast pretend army, or clan groupy in a large battle scene.

If today has you confused, as meant to be confused, but curable, as still between if a Donkey or an Elephant the vast centered sorted bitlys #JPHogan can help liberate you to greater truths more workable forward for economic and political decidings. 

‘Tis your pick if to use http://bit.ly/DonkeyGong or http://bit.ly/TheElephants, while once past that hurdle it strongly recommended you read through those in /911Commission, /LongestWar, /KerryByHogan, /MadamSecretary, /BLACKPROBLEM, … ~ ~ ~ Hmmm?

It best you read through all of the http://CitizenRosebud.org sorted bitlys on THE ELEPHANTS page, and too as it the eve of 14th 911 anniversary too the just after poem THE PEAR TREE so memorializing of the survivor tree at Ground Zero.

Do you believe you can grasp #IranDeal #politics if not read in & read thru, especially, http://bit.ly/TwoHistories many vast centered collated?  (Though link opens as if still here in most recent first queued chronologically it is yet an assorted by site search on subject keywords TWO HISTORIES.)
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:19 am

Girl, you got problems! Girl, there is no way your old man is perfect - - - even near PERFECT!

Straight outta common sense, street, — ain’t hip to jive so, - so mis-stressed.  He may be your beast of burden to your “Belle” - your evermore - ever since… - but outta the gutter’d his, - your old man’s as betwixt, and of so many to, between the donkey and the elephant, - http://bit.ly/DonkeyGonghttp://bit.ly/TheElephants - Politics!

Let us all beat the heck outta President Obama’s sandbox politik, - - -  We must! we must now! we must now smarten outta the “O ZONE” pedestrian of walking the mis-stressed of your old man, - The “Bill” - - - Your old man Clinton!  Girl, really, you got problems!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

Mrs. Bill Mrs. C “Hillary” - - - perchance too global already, not to be toyed with, the at http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubbyhttp://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY #HOGAN shared & tweeted - - - linked?  {* Linked here when to “hogan” here, but assorted not chronological, may at times open to first in scroll feed as the column from which found linked, - to like this one showing firstly though paired differently.}

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however titled, by now you must have tried to break free of a 3rd Clinton Presidency, Yes?  I don’t know how that can be possible for a “two-fer” and yet muse along with you, momentarily: 

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!

Toss out, - be done with - Mrs. Bill as if possibly ever to be a President Obama third’d - or repeat!  Let us limit the complexity to how we all are amongst a local and global conundrum set in a paradigm coy to your old man as a “PERFECT BILL”!

STREET! 4 ya old man:  Street! Bill Clinton cred is set asunder by presumptions, so ridiculous!

STREET! 4 ya postured quite dramatized #4real #OUTTA your thought buried by coy sandbox politik as assorted at http://JPHogan.org yet particularly as sampled by PUSSY RIOT? / THE AWAKENING / THE O ZONE / THE SUPPRESSION? / SURPLUS’D QUEEN / GUNS OF RODHAM, - - -  for starters.

Girl, more gonna read and to then outta stuck - OUTTA UNIFORMED VOTER - by of your contrary that just don’t jive complementary to each other or any lasting TRUTH - - - em sooner of later to be enough read in to a dichotomy at least some of Clinton triangulation, even to its coy by trichot’s, for Shakesperean in shared of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories - Oh yeh!!!

Girl, your days of postured playful as if it were intelligent play your sandbox elementary politik, are OVER!!!

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!

President William Jefferson Clinton was an American president from 1993 until 2001!  It is not possible nor plausible that President Clinton was PERFECT!  Mrs. C. has problems, - that Mrs. Bill Clinton has PROBLEMS!  “Hillary”, however titled, has PROBLEMS!

Mrs. C. is for the campaign trail supposed to be honored with intro’s of her most recent job, and especially for mentioning as the highest paying job;  Mrs. C. @ #Hillary2016 is then supposed to be introduced not as Secretary of State … but as, if STREET!, as “First Mate Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton of the William Jefferson Clinton (family) Foundation…”!

Feminists your feminism however associated with the Clintons, is undermined as associated with the Clinton Foundation!

Feminists, have you yet been to http://CitRB.com and through its #Cats (Categories) at least to through its: WAR ON WOMAN?

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful IGNORANCE!

Girl what have you got to say for your self re: 1993 - 2001, in defense of your old man, and in mea culpas for intellectual honest for #FEMINISM?  As First Lady Clinton you did crusade globally on women angst and some on women issues, - crusader you were and to inciting especially, STREET! - seems! - to Islamic marginal to radical.



                                          *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

Tainted by a too selfish the campaign of Hillary2016 to fall! - common sense to rise a new!  Eden to be restored!

Roger! Roger! Teamsters, to Bedouins, too desert rats of these times.  Bill Clinton is of the banana in the tailpipe.

How now exhausted, of Hillary Clinton hot air, the of Mrs. Clinton are beset, is definitely of her, - are combustibles.

These are the times of retreaded Clintonisms, on the road again, - the mileage is showing yet on the “Hillary”; she didn’t just take a “path less traveled” in America, — she embarked time and time again, outward, discordant, on routing, to American, that just are not for constitutionals; — they have tread too long contrary, - too long against/upon the tao of the Constitution.

It is broached her high fashioned, - to of misdemeanors in her “walks” un-Constitutionals, as high crimes, probated to criminal, as concurrent the death of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, are so broached to conspiracy deadly serious for where there is or is not #HillaryEmail there is that it is is of Bill Clinton as reconcilable as networked of President Bill Clinton’s server.

The Clinton “bloated” may not be now as self-evident, despite their selfish blockage, and yet for too many of unknown as to how much their known has been yet already aborted - - - blocked, and blocked, and blocked from brethren’d born, of their work’d at.

If you can recall so much of this started with the “America” car, “economic”, in the ditch! If you can imagine it now, as it just don’t jive forward, any longer, as if there due ALL BUSH’S FAULT, then imagine all that is jiving now is akin to a Clinton banana in the “American” tailpipe, and as so lately finally discovered; — If you can figure it: These times toll the Republic has been compromised by a Clinton “banana” and a pathology forensic can seemingly route to a too selfish Clintons!

The path, the route, the un-Constitutional treacherous to the original tao, of the yet now retreaded Clintons is fresh, while rooted, to a vice of selfishness, not apropos the heroine, however, of THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS.

Forward, justly, the path to Eden (, back to Eden?) is as to your Governor, — to a deep querious toe’d in, for honest, and realistic discussing, as to if your Governor is the worst Governor of all the Governors of these united states “American”!

#JustIN for Indians likely to a “just in” that their Governor must be better than yours’ — As Pensive to the new millennials as to #JustIN for a state’s own broadcast new media platform, it in a prima facia just seems he is further along with Indiana as restored to a growth Eden structural economics, — it seems however pensive you may be of your own we are of days of e-ecosystems where however, good, or, bad, your own domain is, and your “leader(s)” we are across the wire-less border to it sooner rather than later that there will be public shaming in public listings as public e-listed ratings, especially for your state’s state of “Eden” or “Hellish”!

Perchance, to juxtapose, V. Putin as a “governor” of gaggles of indigenous humanoids happy footed while of bitter cold eco-system environs, naturally?  How do we compare ye state, as if a republic, or of a republic, and to Russian pride(s), and as prophylactically from too delivered from Eden to Hellish?  How must V. Putin “RUSSIAN” statehood be of a greatest threat forward even to your state as a republic at least a a micro-Eden a new for growth economics?  How must V. Putin, of his pride, to their proud, not be an ultimate as your Governor’s challenger, to your republican keep as hopefully not merely a penultimate reality?  The frozen gaggles indigenous of Putin’s HAPPY FEAT pride have globally a RUSH to defend, in branding (wars), as to their vodka, as of their spirit, as ready for a best rush’d, to FASTER, HARDER, STRONGER deliverant?

The PROUD for Russian pride is illuminating to what battles for a global relevance you and your Governor are commenced engaged in, and even if your thing is more slow sipping Kentucky whiskey, - your own best attitude for different “latitudes”!

Our greater Republic has been too long beset by the vice of selfishness of the Clintons! our republic did become bloated under Clintonomics as trumpeted as “AMERICAN” to be too of a hyper-consummerism to not just spending near every penny you had but to, as encouraged by your President, to be betting with more than you had, or could have (due to how they were set out to burn our economic candle from both ends at once in their selfishness for popularity, not questioned)!

Teamsters are wrong, still if road warriors for that of Obama’s so as it was to be as if eitherwise to Hillary’s! teamsters are on the road in capitialism, but for these days of a wrongful nationalization for Socialized new trickle-down by GREEN AGENDA edicts, and compliance! teamsters, as troopers for “Eden’s” deliveries, are so that more states can have shining cities on their hills! teamsters are generally for delivering the dreams fodder, or shipping out from the sharable to profitable returns of little pieces of “heaven” well worked or more basically sown and reaped! teamsters are travelers whom must have predispositions in a disciplined to relate, and relate, and relate, where ever they are then to of other’s at work to their own Utopian Edens.

#FeelTheBern to Teamsters, Bedouins, deserts’ rats of these times, is yet to the micro- to local- for solidarity of workers united to each to an own “Eden”; — #PreparationH is yet that we harken contrary to the tolls of the vice of the Clintons selfishness of #Hillary2016, - motives!

You will soon be listed and rated, the new world order is nearly here! you will soon, with your town, and state, be ranked and publicly praised or shamed by your listed score! you all will have to dump the nationalized socialism of Obama Democrats, as was to have been yet if by Hillary’s Clinton Democrats (, as they did in 2007-2008 equate as equals in politics at least for having made nearly all the same exact promises to be so dedicated, and from constitutionals in the Constitution) and start trucking however your bed to beddings, your most ready to compete, with the PROUD in the RUSH of Russians - their spirited spirits, and others robust toe’d ins, to commenced competitives.

Let your state not be a Banana Republic, unless your business is of the virtue of bananas, not the vice of a keepers selfishness!

Before we ask if your Governor, at least, is the penultimate or worst Governor in our Republic let us hope you’ve been to asking and addressing such yourselves long already!

You, forward, need not #TRUMP to succeed, — trumping is yet bettered yet by equally say a relevance, say a quality, say a Ortho’d, even with Russia now quite simply constituted to be a greatest economic threat, - for their pride.

Your state needn’t be a BANANA REPUBLIC, nor a republic, to be established as a new “Eden” — it behoove ye be prudent to your Posterity for Tranquility to firstly consider your Republic may need not a TRUMP as a president but all Governors more Pensive to endowed to be of their own #JustIN, and budgeted yet to be a equal SHOWMAN, — or better at least than penultimate!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:27 am

Jeez Louise Mrs. Hillary Clinton! you have a Presidential Library designed (supposedly) for OFFICIAL RECORDS proper keep!

A great General is retiring today as the American flag is to be hoisted above Cuba! now General Ray Odierno deserves the defense in how Iraq engagement by Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and proper, albeit late, very late, - albeit as compromised by political activism of Senator John Kerry (for an anti-war revival #POP) from near as soon as President George W. Bush, with Congress support, had so many boots and equipment on the ground committed.

A great General is retiring today and so today is a great day to talk about how bad a Presidency the Clintons’ Administration was! now is a most appropriate moment to discuss the errs by “political” leadership as more long at fault than that at all of our Military decidings! today is a day to assess more than a prima facia due Clintons’ records hanky panky as per Cuba for today is like a fresh day we can all be cleaner with if to washing our thoughts and to ringing them out as of an if Camp Gitmo is where the Clintons deserve to be assigned! today is a day to wonder if there mustn’t be a #FOB52 - a full deck of 52 known accomplices - a “Friends Of Bill” too associated with that relates capitally to issues that go between “patriots” and if to “military tribunals” most apropos.

To how a great General is retiring, on the day that Secretary of State John Kerry is embattled for the #BadIranDeal, and to hoisting for the American Embassy in Cuba, - ceremonially, is good karma for freedom, due the juxtaposition(s).

Today is a good day to be here! today is a good day to use the #HOGAN #Cats (categories) for historical background (and to better reporting, and historicals)! today is a good day to start with bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/KerryByHogan ~ really! REALLY!

Our Generals, - Military Command Leaders - are admirable beyond an appreciated concurrent to these days of President Barack Obama compromised by Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry! generally it is lesser known, to unknown, how important the story of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories*  broaches, by the time you are washed over by enough of its particulars, of it of and related to Senator John Kerry undermining OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, that the tag line for Democrats #TRUTHS is quite simply they have been working to defeat the #USA defeat of #SOCIALISM since the end of the Cold War.

*[Yes, some #HOGAN links do open to sorted sets yet from a column newest, like now, as its opener/first, in scrollable.]

Generally it is so not admirable of a set of Democrats, at least Clinton Democrats, at least some to much a #FOB52 associated, by a conventional measure, as by of citizen review, how yet we can/must now clean ourselves up by cleaning out a that of the Clintons! these days are due an awakening superior to Hans Solo as encased justly, if, in carbonite, for his bad debt(s)! these days are capitol for a distinction between the political and military leadership, to the culpabilities at least rating “NEGLIGENCE” upon the decidings, political, by the Clintos’ Administration.

Rest in peace Robert Conquest! LONG LIVE Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice! long live! ~ LONG LIVE THE FREEDOM AGENDA, and however it still relates to #HOGAN #TCONF - “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM”!

Today is an especially apropos day, this August day, 14th solar, moon adjusted, in the Year of our Lord 2015, to be to and read through of the important of auto-bio’d as sorted of #CitRB by “Serbian” organized by bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary* — I can tell of having explained the FREEDOM AGENDA to Ambassador Ivan Vujacic, after I incidentally** ended up at the American Enterprise Institute for a lecture by Robert Conquest, and for the Serbian Ambassador sat down next to me — to that we sat through lunch talking for a half hour, - I do tell, — speak as a lay contributor of having shared so much originally his own strategery such that OFFICIAL RECORDS prudence has no gag order Power over my own historicals, - my so told, and still telling to deep background for so much.

**[I say so “incidentally” for my attending AEI even with Conquest was yet of me a day late for event I thought I was @!]

So President William Jefferson Clinton completely messed up the Middle East by too personal decisions in 1993 that then set up the rest of his term(s) as too compromised from a reasonable justice for all in a tradition akin our Constitution and Bill of Rights! today Secretary of State John Kerry is so to his hoisting as our hoisting above Cuba much yet as compromised for his personal politics to an anti-war revival that is rotten in his setting asunder OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, when in the Senate as Massachusetts’ Senator, in a treasonous for commenced really only after the brave of America and coalition countries had become boots on the ground committed! it is really important we at least now become behooved to beneficial truths now less a political mine field, of Clintons political machine defensives, to how smartly the warming with Irani, and Cuban, can be real - REAL!!!***







For today, I, John Peter Hogan, always just a private citizen, do offer too the shortcut bitly http://bit.ly/PettyTreason and as it behoove us all to consider TREASON of HIGH CRIMES, AND MISDEMEANORS, beggard to capital punishment debates!  today, now, is an apropos day of politics fit’n the fig’n forthwith of a #DEATHPENALTY good off the tables at least as long as CAMP GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Detention facilities - and freezing in carbonite are alternatives.

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, of @jphoganorg, of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan, do offer that it may only seem extreme to serve the Clintons and Kerry before President Obama, and yet that such is more better #BlackLivesMatter, and #feminism, - of for #equality!

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, globally know blogger of http://JPHogan.org, as my primary domain/homepage, suggest that we too as per #Iran, & #Cuba, must/can be considerate, newly, as regards any #DEATHPENALTY, that it may be just/justice for some to be condemned to death for their sins while yet improper, where alternatives extant, to ask any other to by premeditation do such as a killing.

For today, and forward, I, #PoetJPHogan, do stand by all my press’d words, albeit their may be typos, to it that we should consider an actual guilt of vast criminality, and long so by the Clintons machinations, and to it that it would be better to see them “Bill & Hillary” publicly shamed (for eternity?) by public display of them as by a sentenced:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:46 am

We must be about anthropology, now, far more than at a he of history.

The color of his skin is said to be “black” while brownish, more “scientifically” discussant. To judge him now by his characteristics there is the body concurrent to his example such that he should be feeling so small to be like largely just an “ant” man. As an “ant” he is yet like that Emperor so narcissistic to have even felt that his new suit was not a suit at all, in the least.

So to the anthropologic of this brown one an “ant” concurrent to our most “scientific” furtherance there is a general rising storm of an appreciation, so by a few clear eyed logicalists, that there is a species to the domain “human” of that a demos hath devolved in a genius measurably since 1993.

A genus for this President a brown “ant” man is of “mutt” humanely tagging ~ he is from the “ebony” & the “ivory” ~ he is from the “Kansas” and the “Kenyan” ~ he is of that of nature and that of nurture.  This really isn’t for the realm of historians, most presently.

A genius for the “ant” “man” is the conundrum before, let us be clear too, the logicalists perceived; he so “brown” thou from “black” and “white” is yet so small from a politik to #SandBox amidst #RealTime of deserts politics; he so demos but of so much for his unconstituted is for anthropology yet of if evolved enough for a “constituted” ~ for of a spine ~ for of backbone.

To some also to be duly tagged, yet now not, there is an air of a “no class” elementary yet of a harmonic of truable. This he, for anthropologists, most pressingly, for supposable to a tag “no class” is measurable yet for the specious of lacking enough to constitute. It seems, for those of “science” that any “pigment challenged” is not a pressing considerate; he seems to at a “he” indiscriminate as to be judge by the color of his reduced, analyzed constitution.

Seven, yes, at least seven years, into the he as a chosen “leader” of “demos” as “President” is time enough for markers to a perceived devolution across others’ genus or species how yet humanely differentiable. There is the he as “leader” at least to tag for having actually asked his “people” of his “demos” to much think less; there is too much to his reduction of constituted to much to a working for “blind faith” in to his minor works, his “ant hills” of machinations for “nationalized” subject species.

So it has legs that this he is concurrently ready for anthropologists dissection more apropos to “devolved” than “historical” to a perspective of “historians.”  It has legs that it is measurable that these years of a politik for blind faith in a new techno socialism experimental have considerably worked a devolution at least about his own genus.

This now bugs more than just the class of logicalists.  This is a “bug” an “ant” like bugging the subconscious of yet constituted of spines evolved in democratic upright politics.  This is a “bug” now much to be corralled by the Peoples’ Congress of the Republic of the North American continent, duly in an abouts, too of a introduction of a “bridge building” see’d morality, yet for general Welfare, about the generally shared (gig) eco-system morals so catholic (while we wait on the Church of England), as for a parity copacetic democratic in representative methodology evolved in the Constituted.

These are the times of the species to each genus most necessant to considerate for genius of a measurable “modern” devolution.

We among the living who know we are alive and to be, for we can think, can think to being better, are at this concurrence of a conscience called to dissect the subconscious to unconscious to negligent devolutionaries.

We among these united states of joined speciousness are now much in a catholic of a geo-theo-eco-gig-economics ~ we are together, however “known” in a “knowingly” evolved beyond mere “geo-politics”!

There is the she to the he an “ant” of questionable constituted in the paired like Cervantes too @ windmills of he of his old side kick as his first Diplomatic charged.  There is this a she too now “so small to like an ant” rotunda bodies naked of a “new suit” while like redressed to a old Socialist shoe’d.

There is, too for anthropologistics, this she “ant” his “Sancho Panza” to his first devolutionary period, evidently to the logicalists, a she too so smalled for having rendered a general Constituted too spineless, and to corralling by beckoning orders to be merely too smalled in a politik, misspent from evolved, (consciously) marched for “blind faith” in pop dictates in an “un-representative.”

Mustn’t we trust, we of a class of logicalists, — trust more to a science of anthropologists than further any worked “science” of historians without sufficed genus separation to have but a speciousness devoid of genius, — and perspective?

For now as we are asked to still trust it is yet dutifully charged of the Peoples’ Congress that these United States of America try to stand tall with an attmept to an intelligence furtherance of the Constituted “We the People…”!  For now as we are witness to a representative body gathered to gathering re: such storms devolutionary from “American” “tall” we have too much a smallness, said too of a “no class” measurable, for a he and she “ant” like and not suited “heroic”!

Mustn’t we trust, we of a class of logicalists, — trust more to a science of anthropologists than further any worked “science” of historians without sufficed genus separation to have but a speciousness devoid of genius, — and perspective?

What has been worked, however by “ant” armies as if a sweetness the rabbit to chase is now it seems too measurable, for anthropolicals as devolutionary, not “slick” but self evident (too to logicalists) as a clear and present danger!

Clearly, let us be clear: The she of his he an “ant” too demos-devolutionary is speicious rooted “ivory” and “ivory” Chicagoan genus!

The geo-theo-eco-gig-economics forward must now be detoothed from “bugs” so set trapped in “ant” sweetness.

We must look beyond any gaggle of “historians” for perspective if only to see where she “Sancho Panza” discerns windmills!

Our Peoples’ Congress is called to judge he so an “ant” smalled for the character & characteristics devolutionary!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t alone in a blasphemy to the Founding Fathers’ ordained Order;  Democrats generally have been afoul of “Constitutional” in all their attempts to a progressive when as if justified because thought to a more perfect Union.  The Constitution is the is that is the Order that forms the “the more perfect Union.”  It has been nearly arrested how Democrats since 2009 have been of erring for process and practices as if the mere thought that an initiative can be said  to a “more perfect” than the Constitution as if forward by “in order to…” as active forward as licensed as of a trumping of “Constitutional” yet.

I may be impossible to combat, or debate, an Islamic State, any IS too insurgent, if and when such as “American” is undermined and diminished from more prudent practice and proper established republican procedures original and foundational to national morality.  Blaspheme may be too strong but as allegorical but yet poetic for a brevity like of reduced instruction set computing coding.  Blaspheme may relate for it seems to have endured and endearing that the Founding Fathers’ thought themselves of apostolic work in convention so dedicated to it the Constitution as a SPECTACLE of faith set forward as a THE MORE PERFECT humbly subscribed as established as “done” so ordained that Year of US Lord.  If it is then that the Constitution as the “Order” “to form a” such “more perfect Union” is so a SPECTACLE apostolic in harmony to the Lord of the New Testament morality then it may be some but not too severely yet of a blaspheme - seems!

Though as seeming meant as a bar to any so now of a “Socialism” the “Order” so is for a Nation a Union under God and so that such as ‘in order to form a more perfect Union” is as so of “Order” originally and not a license as if a loophole for any new (progressive) idea to be as if Constitutional by being as if profferable as “more perfect”!

So the most alarming Democrat Party posture is now that with their any Islamic State however Islamic there is the is that if she is, as Mrs. Clinton, posited as a desirable for again of high office that she then is an is to the is the ISIS that is an embodiment political and historic to amount to the worst thing the The United States of America could yet proceed to in their interests to becoming yet safer, if safer by Democrat Party leadership can amass more security.  Yes, if there were not the 22nd Amendment and so the affected term limits to William J. Clinton being a “TOP DOG” or “TOP GUN” political newly to the offices at the The White House it would be considerable as a task to yet discern if a return of Mr. Clinton wouldn’t increase the risks to safety yet more than the return of Mrs. Clinton.

For some perspective to such, and by way of historical coincidences, please first consider there are now two 9/11 events to anniversary of a common enemy.  And, that due to the rise of the “THE CLINTON” in Charlotte, North Carolina at the last Democrat Party Convention, and such rise as of a “RETURNED” President Clinton (however to introduce President Obama) it is too coincidental that the attacks on the “STATE” “HOUSE OF CLINTON” as the “STATE” “BENGHAZI COMPOUND” seem to relate 9/11 II to 9/11 I and as if of a vigilantism and response to it then global of too much of a return (of unrepentant) President Clinton.  For perspective:  If ISIS is an is at all an is like Al Qaeda was/is and is then the worst thing any of such “American” can now do is to promote that there should be a return of either Clinton and any resurrection of either while at least the Democrat Party Convention speech by President William J. Clinton showed him as unrepentant and RETURNED.

There is that if we are at all “more safer” now it may only be an is and is because the Clintons seem enough arrested from renewed insufficient global executive decidings for the People’d people Constituted by the Order that formed the “more perfect Union” so.  9/11 II was the first anniversary after that Charlotte convened that promoted the too charlatan “Bill” as RETURNED and UNREPENTANT.  It stands to be at least long queried that 9/11 may have been kept in a (vigilante) pride as of “Jihad” so “Holy” it was to be a (Terrorist) Holy Day forever where any of Allah then could only proceed if of proceeding in the same Holy cry for Justice original to the (thought) injustices motivating the first. 

We at least have a problem for “TRUTH ROLLING ON” #TRUTHS for a National Posterity so Constituted “more perfect” in how there now is a politics so divided and necessarily for there are two rival histories now operational concurrently to all governance deciding.  It is that there are two histories now concurrent and incompatible that go beyond a “freedom of opinion” and straight to why and how any administration cover-up could and should be considered illegal.

We can hardly actually be now a Nation a Constituted an is an is now safer, however as if an is an enemy actually of an ISIS.  As we are of two histories and one quite workable of TRUTH yet politically workable for governance forward, and then the other “history” of the false narratives long postured Democrat as if TRUTH and as evidenced, yet, of the impropriety in cover-ups, we cannot be of one face, however United, or broadly of a coalition of 9, for the lies of the Democrats are not matters of opinion but of long worked false narratives constructed in attempts to succeed in cover-ups at least for all the ways the Clintons were wrong and are culpable at least of some negligence for at least the days from their first inauguration to the eve of the first - the eve of 9/11 I.  Not in their cover-up rival “history” is that it makes simple sense that 9/11 I & 9/11 II are related and that it makes sense in a most common sense that Mr. and/or Mrs. Clinton are a common denominator a motivation to a vigilantism as if justifiable as “Jihad.”

I do find it far easier to find, however, that President Obama is likable - more likable than either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Clinton.

But to the issues of ISIS as an is an IS and even if actually religious and Islamic as if more or most firstly an enemy to the The United States of America as it can endear and endure as originally ordained and established so Ordered:  To be or become - to become as if more “safer” conscionably - there are some interest thoughts to posit as hypotheses to test to see if they can yet surmount doubts as workable theorems.

It seemed reported just the other day that the Islamic State stood on Islam as of a religiosity that constitutes terrorism as a methodology for greater civility in community for Posterity.  It seems though then that if such is so then they are of an think that then presumes upon even the Constituted United States not just a right to act as if with terrorism themselves but to be expected as a Nation of such secured People that such of “terrorism” is an acceptable not first objectionable methodology for such.

It seems for there to be an US an us more safer it has to be structural in a moral footing of the People of the United States not associated as also of any guilt or culpability yet motivational to any Islamic in an is an is ISIS as an Islamic State.  It seems if we are safer it can only be for our thought enemy sees our current or former “LEADERS” as more personally wrong if wrong at all and not any a People’d person just generally.  If we support a resurrection of either Mrs. or Mr. Clinton anewly to a Constitutional high office - such hypothesis cannot endure as a workable theorem in practice for so then forward the People’d people will have become also first culpable for having decided by votaries sufficient to put two wrongs ahead of a thought necessary right.

It shouldn’t just be a mistake to allow a rise to resurrection of either Clinton - - - IT LIKELY WOULD BE A HUGE DISASTER OF A MISTAKE - logically speaking.

There is some interesting history in the first history of TRUTHS that rival for safety the false narratives of the cover-up lies so constructed and too long enduring as if believable for it is that unless US an us to being become so compromised, abroad, and broadly, by a mashable hashable taggable, associated with, it reigns a truth that President William Jefferson Clinton was and is still rappable as an AMERICAN INFIDEL for his own unique insurrections against Constitutional.

Without a resurrection for either Clinton we can yet be safer for that which could justify further “attacks” as if justified in “terrorism” by a motivated vigilantism for though the Clintons may have a personal fault and guilt it isn’t generally yet transferable to the People generally, and much because leaders of the Middle East for the duration of the Clintons’ years and hence forward are to be firstly morally associated with a guilt superior for having remained silent at least to their own peoples as to the specific problems unique of the Clintons hands.

So there is that the People’d people, of the The United States of America, at least as enduring, as endearing, as originally Constituted to moral people, as by reasoning, structured also of Adam Smith philosophy, and economics, where the first selfish interest of an individual is to decide it best to be of a community, and of a morality hence with forward in any industriousness, or even, maybe, merchantile work.  It seems prescribed that there can be a blaspheme to the Founding Fathers as if too it wouldn’t be necessary and proper for any wealth of nations if any and all individuals not just nomads tribal or an island unto themselves not to be whenever possible of weekly community gathering at least to commune of a common market place to sing together and at least say once “PEACE BE WITH YOU.”

It seems fraught with peril to even publicly entertain a resurrection, even just political, for any too of the BOGO “two-fer” of the union (not as perfect) of Mrs. & Mr. Clinton.  For now the us in US to a person may be safer and with it that to the is as ISIS, however if truly Islamic and religious, we so are not firstly or yet philosophically primarily an “enemy.”

For now it is more any a “TOP DIPLOMAT” of the Obama diplomacy by distants hands at any questionable droning “morality” whom are to be firstly dressed down with specific words for it is that the People’d people have a safe harbor from too associated guilt as long as it endears that the Saudi Arabian Powers did ask the Christian Constituted so “AMERICAN” whence to become so enmeshed forward from a necessary push-back as the Persian Gulf War to correct the wrongs unleashed by Secular Socialist Ba’athist (Sunni?) Saddam Hussein.

And again:  Yes we can now be safer as long as we prohibit ourselves from promoting the Clintons as clean politicians.  Yes we can be safer for in the convenience that TRUTH can endure as more workable than yet the still concurrent rival history of the failures to affect a permanent false narrative just in the complicated of the Clintons years of having asked Middle East leaders generally for promises to like just blame Republicans, and then more truly for how the Clintons seemed to ever since hold these so of assuaged promises to lines more lies than truths due to the hows and whats of the Clintons post the intitial promises securing.  We are safer now from an associated guilt for there seem to be some Middle East leaders whom should have long ago or more recently exposed the Clintons even as the Clintons persisted seemingly of selfish promises in holding such honorable on their honor for a promise made even as the promise became corrupted by those who asked for the promise as an is as if an is forever to be the is despite however Islam may have suggested morals trump selfish politics.

As John Jay warned like of alarming when of totalitarian rule whimsy it behoove all to realize if America so foolish to promote even just Mrs. Clinton newly it to it then moral to any so argued an “enemy” that then President Mrs. Clinton, however Un-Constitutional, would yet have 300 Million plus souls beholden to (fight and) die as if for her “HONOR.”  Any promotion now however of either Clinton, Mrs. or Mr., does yet risk peril so to it maybe a dream for any so arguably to “our enemy” that we by such “politics” allow all of the People’d to each personal soul to be called to defend the Clinton honor however even if HONORABLE.

It really is most important that the 1-5 of PUBLIUS of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS are to be considered important and forever warning and critical.  A promotion of the Clintons, yes, could really be more in our possible (just foreign?) enemies interests than at all actually to any “American” individual’s self interest.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

Despite be of Chicago and up from Chicago politics the histories must show, likely, how Bill & Hillary were too much yet for President Obama to handle, at least politically.  By now you should have heard, - heard of, or been asked if yet read of, a rivalry so great it can be packed and shipped as “BLOOD FEUD.”  This isn’t about such - such book - for I haven’t myself yet read such book;  this though is to be extant at least as pregnant with the same subject and similar tags.  Bill & Hillary have been quite villainous - I don’t need, myself, to read another’s reporting to share anew how villainous they were/are.

As President Obama seems now to be as “conveniently” towards finding a way to be about his refugees, but not, and as yet while they are long truly of his job - of his duty of the charges of the Office of the President pertaining to immigration, and as “conveniently” as like his Chicago political palling to a side yard “bought” from the Rezco holding as if 3/5, or a 1/6, could yet be equal to the whole - or at least the apparent whole benefit, we should be now to looking for more meat on the bone of the intra-party “blood feud” to see if yet there may be a way out - a Democrat Party way forward.  Perspectives on President’s history with borders pertaining to Chicago are some at http://jphogan.org where “Rezco” is in title, at least.

Despite it a shared history of President Obama and she known once as First Lady Hillary Clinton that they are both somehow from Chicago it seems that Chicago must be more full blood blooded or just nurtured into Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  We must be ready, though, to whip our horses yet to the industrious whence for southern tobacco and for an exposing more of what was smoked as of the Clintons yet than than of the old Gore tobacco plantations; we are saddled with HOPE while yet jostled by Chicago in at least half of the Clinton or all of the Obama.  As the sixties have passed so to has the MARLBORO MAN toking; we are yet of days to query and stoke if it not that even less good has come from of those of the sixties than rapped.

Despite the dangers now more pervasive since Chicagoan President Obama embraced (the too Chicago) of the Clintons as thought more of THE NATURAL STATE it to behoove any general Person that we should look more to where they have come from than yet with them - forward - to where they are tethered as if heading towards.  The reins of their reigns have rained long too plain as if what they drove messaging towards in defensive revisionist histories while the plane of their extant too low and rather diabolical.  That Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be his or our’s as a MY FAIR LADY is left to be only maybe articulable.  “HARD CHOICES” seems a bad title and especially for a wanna be female so undiplomatic to a first female Presidency, and while inseparable yet from a male a former President, and, especially while it inartful how the CLINTON legacy isn’t enshrined but is risen, by their library, in a skinned gray of the South, and base in a shape phallic as at least a “gun” in three dimensions - however “art” of a James Polshek.

Our MY FAIR LADY remixed & popularized beyond a First Lady’s potential and reality?  A she a she female of twitter yet of her avatar and its “organized” disorganized bio of a pride as a lawyer an esquire yet only of advocating for women and children?  Is Mrs. William Jefferson “@HillaryClinton” a man hater but of he her only man - of he President William Jefferson Clinton?  It is substantially pronounced and articulated specifically, albeit in her negatives, that she is to the twitterverse to be assumed and presumed to not be also a advocate for men.  Do you have any idea how, for a feminist, supposedly as Mrs. Clinton said, however said was/is packaged and distributed as if, yet does abide “HARD CHOICES” as if not too titled of her life but long dedicated and consecrated and consummated but of always seeing her man as her God given to be always on top of all things political and also hers?

It seems a rough stretch of she too muddied and trenchant of exclamations irregular and entrenched in the privacy and protections of the institution of marriage and especially as a loop-hole for so much too long, and of longest wars, of like getting away with murder, at least.  Bill and Hillary did have their public seduction (and vast corrupting to collusion) of the media of those “presidential” days and we now are suffering due a contrary prevalent also of problems as of less good having come from the sixties than yet rapped. We must get beyond the years too long of just selling her “Bill” her “husband” her “significant other” her “partner” as the GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN - AS HE TO BE LONG ADORED FOR HAVING BEEN THE MALE PRESIDENT WILLING TO USE HIS PRESIDENCY TO LIKE BUY A FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENCY FOR HIS LADY (HOWEVER FAIR) SO THAT HIS SPOUSE COULD THEN RETURN THE REINS OF REIGNING TO HIM FOR ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL TOP DOG (WHIPPING WAYS).

If the Congress has the power now to arrest Lois Lerner - really has the simple Power to arrest any so in contempt of Congress - we the People’d people of the The United States of America should applaud any Congress willing to be so effecting for Justice.  Right!  This is about Bill and Hillary - this is about us beyond their THE NATURAL STATE covers as if sheeps clothing for a Chicago wolf, and of times to wonder how much of the sixties isn’t yet fairly rapped out enough as badly as its due.  If Congress has such right to be so arresting for Justice in basic (common sense) established Powers we should be loud and accountable in applaud if such exercised firstly now upon the citizen servant Lois Lerner.

It is to be to an evening - a leveling of/for the extant, of the trail to a well trodden forward to prepare the People’d people together, for days approaching when Mrs. Clinton, however, is to be of us some chained to our (new & improved media) news feeds and stocks with the “Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton” likely herself as needing to be defensive and against hostile to Congress and to also taking the allowance from self incrimination of the Fifth Amendment rights.  If Congress has the Power to basically arrest Lois Lerner than it soon should too be to the crossroads with Mrs. Clinton, however, as also a prime suspect necessarily boxed in to needing to be in contempt, and finally accepting that a Presidency will never be theirs again.

What started as of intimidations to take Mrs. Clinton into the HOUSE OF OBAMA primarily whence, and publicly as tagged a qualified “rival” has unsurprisingly become - really become - REALLY BECOME - of so many bound up as binded otherwise to history of a blood feud intra-party of Mrs. Clinton yet of a guilt lately becoming long assuaged now so lately and quantified so that Congress is forward and fast approaching days when they too will have a seeming right and base Power to also arrest her as soon as she shows her now historic levels of contempt.  Her KATRINA is BUSH’S KATRINA and her IMMIGRATION is OBAMA’S REFUGEES AND ABSENT IMMIGRATION - - - Bill & Hillary by a trillion (or two trillion dollars) - by $1 TRILLION IN SURPLUSES AT LEAST - are of a trillion unit points per dollar of culpability and at least guilt in negligence re such, and more.

The days of Bill & Hillary of selling them as like a gift to the world of Bill forgivable for so much because he was/is willing to help his spouse help him get back the Powers of the Executive, even without Obama’s vast over-reaching also too imperialistic, are passed - passed like the to foggy of the sixties.  We seem already arrived at the prescient of it born and too of President Obama of times cover-up from being obviously of the Nation as too as if Chicago;  we seem arrived at it prescient that the Clintons are also in risk of going to jail and like Lois Lerner simply for contempt if so of a restored basic common sense exercising of Justice by Congress.  They have been too long in deep and in their “hard choices” together for Congress to be of any ability to separate the Mrs. from the Mr. however they have suggested they can be separated for Power and yet while irreconcilably for history of having intimately shared the Administration of the Clintons.

If you are not now saddled to such not yet stoked enough as from the days of the MARLBORO MAN and the SIXTIES as of the Clintons more smoked to an alternate chemically induced “architecture” grab your spurs and reins.  It isn’t if their are known rivals of a blood feud just - it is now not if the “Bill & Hillary” are a modern and global “Clyde & Bonnie” - it is yet not if they are of guilt and a guilt of $1 TRILLION to $2TRILLION unit points measurable at least to of GROSS NEGLIGENCE it is that they too may already be arrestable at least by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - right? 

Whether for their lacking Power to repeat is more for them of the sixties altered states think short of philosophical or because the “great lady” behind the supposed “great man” was too either naturally or nurtured of Chicago it is that at least as per IMMIGRATION as a KATRINA it is theirs, and mostly theirs as they didn’t just not fix it they negligently were grossly netting selfish politics to cutting $2 TRILLION in lieu of at least approving the budgeting for known needed repairs to N.O.’s M.R. G.O.!  Mrs. Clinton, however - however of “HARD CHOICES” - seems now self exposed of the HOUSE OF THE CLINTONS of houses yet so richly in her hemming that many are to “HOW RICH!” sarcasm.  It seems by the talk and walk of Mrs. Clinton isn’t booked in the right “booked” parlance yet;  it seems now she has incriminated herself, and, it seems her “Bill” has also at least incriminated her, and, it seems she has been short of fraud at least when championing how “ME ME ME” she has long been - politically, and privately (covertly?).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

President George W. Bush and his henchmen are poor messengers of how the Afghanistan War has been an unnecessary, improper, and poorly run “war” however run these years on a credit card.

President Bush and his henchmen are not the guiltiest party;  The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open;  People’d of the world cannot long ignore a real history of the Clintons and their Clinton 8.

Though Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s - Hillary R. Clinton’s - “Jack” moment of herself like ‘not able to handle the truth’ while before Congress, as if of a “A Few Good Men” prosecution, still sits heavy as a telling outburst about war and wars by political leadership.

President Barack H. Obama’s first Secretary of State did run out the clock so as per learning of how poorly she operated regarding Benghazi & Libya and too Obama’s war of choice theirs differently from Bush’s as that changed in Afghanistan to a war against the Taliban.  She only got to a Congressional “review” when she could tick-tock a clocketh runneth outeth defense.

There is hardly a way to put a happy face on how its seems confirmed that Democrats do not know how to operate a war nor win a war, still.  There is comfort for Democrats now only if still it can be said that President Bush and his henchmen operated worsely.

The Clinton “two-fer” presence at the opening & dedication of The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is characteristic of them of willing to do (and say?) anything that will help them to appear later better as they should appear for that actually of their ‘before.”  The museum has a duty now to open each day to curate the querious of truth seekers, and, the museum cannot ignore the still too missing years 1993-2001.

It is a fair question causal about the attacks of 9/11/01 if it isn’t that had President William Jefferson Clinton not been at dalliances of the blue dress of Monica Lewinsky would he yet have put in the time to have prevented such diabolical expounding upon the United States of America homeland?  That there are near a trillion unit points per dollar to otherwise asses for a liability or gross negligence, at least as when accounting for the rash cuts to defense and intelligence, pairs with his dalliances.  Too, President Clinton, besides his unnecessary surpluses, if of his “walls of separation” affected at the F.B.I. between Enforcement & Intelligence, to abide a tagging that runneth to ‘accomplice.”

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open!  President Barack Hussein Obama with his Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton did expand/broaden the theater of war of the Bush’s operated GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM in Afghanistan from the original trespass to find and kill or capture about 50 thought “campers” of Al Qaeda.  President Obama with Secretary Clinton did alter operations in Afghanistan for a Democrats war of choice, too on a credit card, as a war without due process too much like as a genocide upon the Taliban women hating illiterate natives.

The ugly face of Obama’s war of choice against the Taliban is that he was operated too much devoid of civil procedure and too much as if of a “feminist envy” effected like exterminators of bugs.  The pretty face is supposedly that because it was a picturesque region for still shots of “war” unlike the slog of Iraq and its urban jungles the Democrats of Obama & Clinton(s) could sell they could run a like ‘cleaner’ war.

Still President Bush and his henchmen are not the best messengers for how bad and how long so bad the Democrats have been so ugly and base in their bad even as just as per the ‘theater’ of ‘war’ of Afghanistan.  The Republicans are poor messengers for the good and better they were at much for they themselves hardly found the words to explain how they were better or best - just more of a ‘good.’  That the Republicans were or are better is hard to believe for they have so far much failed to even sell that they were right while the flip flip of calendars has clocked them as more right.

The Obama AFGHANISTAN WAR has been from day one of the Democrats’ political management as a war of choice of the mission creep from Bush and his henchmen at the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR so within the sovereign lands of Afghanistan.  The Obama administration moved from trading the building of roads and schools for trespass rights to find the expected near about 50 of Al Qaeda, as foreigners literate among the mostly illiterate natives, to a SURGE for an a war not justified by the 911 attacks as a war generally against the Taliban.

President Obama and Secretary Clinton put a happy face on their plans to much be at exterminating the too misogynistic & too illiterate Taliban by selling that theirs was a ‘right’ war and Bush’s late policing of Saddam Hussein and Iraq was a ‘wrong’ war.

As the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open the Clintons, mostly, and primarily, now have no place to hide;  The “911 Museum” is a permanent “wrench in their gears” of political operations - forward;  The “911 Museum” has the blue dress controversy among its hauntings and curatory duty and all the while the trillion unit points ghost the years whence from trouble brewed and stirred much because President William Jefferson Clinton decided, it seems (still) that he would not prosecute Saddam Hussein because he didn’t want to, and, he wouldn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein because he already had Bosnia and Herzegovina undesirably on his desk.

President William J. Clinton may be most to blame for their being now the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum.  President George W. Bush may be most to blame for not being able to ’sell’ in real time and still how it was right that he was as he said of doing right.  President Barack H. Obama may be most to blame for having a war of choice so in Afghanistan now as a “Longest War” as it though seems maybe inherited from FLOTUS Clinton crusading as a meant AFGHANISTAN WAR to target and subdue the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban.

It figures when one looks more seriously at the history of Al Qaeda, than the 9/11 Commission so did in choosing to look only ten years back, that the 9/11 attacks may have been planned since 1993 and the very day President Clinton likely decided his didn’t want to do the messy work of prosecuting Saddam Hussein so he wouldn’t - wouldn’t for however long he was in office.

A queriousness due of every visit to the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is prudent upon the “good” of President Clinton still too much as a “mirage” of the cover-up of the Clintons President Obama was wrongly more at than President Bush had been yet at too long.  It is now improper to hide the Clintons’ vast culpabilities and as it is historic that there are a 9/11 I & 9/11 II with Clinton paw prints all over ‘em.  We are now beyond “if” to a but “how” expected - expected daily.

It figures most clearly, however revealing in real time whence could have compromised “mission”, that Iraq as by OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was not a “war of choice” for Al Qaeda seemed bent to prosecuting the United States of America on its homeland ever since the day President Clinton shrugged from doing right with his decision to do next to nothing towards prosecuting Saddam Hussein.  It seems in comparison President Obama & Secretary Clinton of their warring on the Taliban are those of a “war of choice” run unnecessarily and improperly and poorly run while diabolically run on a credit card.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is duty bound to curate for truth and honest forward.  Its doors however open or closed represent a thresholds of history and while it only a dangerous mirage that there are yet these two histories coexistent and with the Democrats affectings not yet known as mostly all a too political and partisan mirage.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is now ground zero to GROUND ZERO of it that each day by each visitor a queriousness should arise of:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S?

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and distorted by the Clintons, and now the Presidency of Obama.  If Al Qaeda so decided the American homeland deserved attacking so on that day that President William J. Clinton in 1993 decided he would evade and ignore the issues of rendering justice upon Saddam Hussein it becomes clearer finally that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war and the Democrats warring on the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban was just a political convenient coy war distraction as a unpaid for war of choice.

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and polarized by Democrats’ defensive partisan machinations in spin;  As the history of Al Qaeda supersedes the “report” of the 9/11 Commission since its “investigation” looked back only 10 years it becomes excusable that President George W. Bush couldn’t explain how right he was while the President more rightly at war. If we still ignore the history of the organizing of Al Qaeda of Osama Bin Laden’s hopes to change the Middle East by an allowance for himself to general the prosecution of Saddam Hussein as a justice of and by Muslims we will become in greater peril from a continuance in these mirages beset in ignorance.

The now “THE LONGEST WAR - THE AFGHANISTAN WAR” is outed as President Barack H. Obama’s war of choice.  It is now, as the “911 Museum” thresholds, that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war, even as contrary to the 9/11 Commission, for the pathology forensic of the causal rests forever in a simple consideration that the USA got “policed” on 9/11 because President William Jefferson Clinton had decided in 1993 that he wouldn’t “police” Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and as such decision then necessarily was to be for the remainder of his terms. 

The mirage is sad as the Democrats now can hardly justify the lack of jurisprudence and due process party to their party warring for politics in Afghanistan.  The Clintons have already shown themselves to fit in an episode of a THE SOPRANOS and yet where is the talk of “Politics” or “Diplomacy” of it that Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was responsible for the “diplomacy” of having such control over 80% of the world opium production during her “service” to President Barack Hussein Obama?  Secretary Clinton served President Obama more as if of BREAKING BAD in a drug trade to diabolically while she more as if a SECRETARY OF WAR than of “diplomacy.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:15 am

What, perchance, is the recipe for disaster?  How is it we are now cast so adrift newly as if in the old times of NOAH of bodies electric signing safely to discern if forsaken?  If it is that we are of forces of good and even in our domestic politics mustn’t it be that we yet are of fields of danger from excess catalytics?

For now it seems safe to particulate that Russell Crowe seems to have chosen wisely, and yet that George Clooney, for his own deciding, erred for going out too much as if all entertainment and all for one only with the Clintons.

We are not just in Kansas when risking the forces of the People in politics and campaigns.  But May of 2007 should be remembered with prudence trepidations of Greensburgs and Greenbergs, seems.  As Walt Whitman penned of the Civil War era: “We sing the body electric…”  As Alfred Lord Tennyson scribed for all to fret of fate and powers of ‘God’ when sons so seem to be so humbled to be so tinny and of the Crimean War:  Some things are past reasoning - Some things are of ‘charges’ of ‘Light’ too of wars.

Can any storm be a Perfect Storm?  How poorly did George Clooney choose for himself when siding with the loose wires and fields of the Clintons?  The Charge Of New Federalism is actually historically about such storm and its foreign and domestic energies - George Clooney may have been fated to a metaphor as a captain of such storm but doomed only for having chosen a siding to the negative grounding of the Clintons.  The Perfect Storm was cheered in the Middle East by some nearly as much as 9/11 - The Perfect Storm took like dead aim at Kennebunkport as by a polarity serious upon the Bush dynastic shored.

In The Charge Of New Federalism as per the reasoning it too harkens to the Crimean valleys of death however covered as by Balaclava yet to a greater freedom potential resolute energy as with OUR’S IS TO REASON WHY, NOT, TO DO AND DIE, LEAST, BEFORE OUR TIMES.  (Pardon the absence of quotes — these are my own words, however poetic.)

From a quicky search via Wikipedia to confirm the year of energy and trepidations of The Perfect Storm I offer you, however eruditely, that such was also appropriately, it seems, tagged as THE HALLOWEEN NOR’EASTER OF 1991.  What complicates the The Charge Of New Federalism more currently than the Crimean War of those made “tenny sons” of the “valley” of “death” is that it is also more towards a lay Freudian as its “charge” to is a concern for the capacitors and capacity of the neurons and electrons of the mind of President George H. W. Bush as vesseled in his body of Kennebunkport seriousness.

Global Warming as fronted in the CRISIS DOOM ALARMISM by Al Gore is yet but more as if a lark - a worked fraud to addict people newly to a Gore “product” of nick of time tricks quite like the legend of the Gore Plantation & its capitalism in Tabacco.  It seems his “END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT)” alarmism should have him now personally liable for storms and damages from a gross negligence and leadership unbecoming a former Vice President as lacking in a proper grounding in democratic debate.  It seems man made carbon reductions too cause climate change - shouldn’t be carelessly rushed.

The Charge Of New Federalism has moderated, and however when of forecasting much of the global political change since the stirrings of those three storms, that infamously joined to be such a dire and focused THE PERFECT STORM, quite accurately though Democrats and persons of the Clintons’ junctions have remained hell bent to positing that like “no one saw such coming” and while what explains their 1992 “coming” is that such still well explains both, however if in a “moral” context.  As you can read of a “Bush on fire” in LOS ANGELES poem of The Charge Of New Federalism it is otherwise than homage to Moses or Noah as of attempt cerebral to be considerate of the angels gathered about the mind of man of President Bush to be forewarned and temperant to the possibly excesses of the day and how such could quickly become of energy too excessive for the electrical fields as the battle fields of the wiring he only has of his one mind, under God.

However, now The Charge Of New Federalism may be presenting as a trap for the Clintons it can only be by them of deceit and envious coveting of goods not their own, and politically, and as a running con of cover-ups of their years of impropriety.  The Clintons seem to sense themselves now as if of walking into a trap, politically, and now as set almost with sufficient field strength and wattage and voltage however years covertly more on low voltage systematics.  The Clintons now are likely in a real jeopardy but of a civility in a “managed storm” of People’s Governance of prudence of jurisprudence kept Constitutional and honest.  The Clintons if now “trapped” (as they seem to fear) can only be trapped from years of misappropriations and of a political whimsy truly at only thinking “bush on fire” could only be about sex - sexual energy, and at times about a ‘the wrong woman.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe.  He may have been fated to be a captain in THE PERFECT STORM but how he let himself get played as if cast in a partisan to be firstly polar for the junction boxes of entertainment of the Clintons has to be on him as Noah now is on Crowe.  Write my old neighbors, yes, of the times I attempted an in time energy management by grounding serious series in poetry by The Charge Of New Federalism, in the early 1990s, are the Greenbergs of the front lines too for of the Clintons newly in 2007.  I was of the Mad Man attitude since the early 1970s as for having asking a great one to be my guide and mentor as my soon to retire grandfather.  The coincidental is that from about that same day I also became knowing of Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham though quite still a First Grader of Hooker School.  Stanley Greenberg’s daughters were behind me in school but friends and also of my Wilbur Cross Governors High School swim team when I was one of three of the Co-Tri-Captains of the 1982-1983 season.

My grandfather who kept his promise to teach me how to become a “Mad Man” (colloquially) like himself actually grew up in or near Gloucester. Some one of my heritage did die early by slipping on the ice near his boat an to have a watery winter fate/end.  My grandfather wired me into the standards and standard bearers of his legacy and so to higher standards than I yet have witness the Clintons ever consistently of - of an extant.

That I did set up the FRIENDS show request as around the friendship of the other two of my Governor’s HS swim team - a female Geller, and another swimmer, David - was of the respect for the standards and authority of Madison Avenue as I still managed to walk among while outside gracefully as guided from lessons from my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier.  By setting up shows that would succeed around my (moral?) anchoring of feeding plot lines for known casts I was able to maintain good energy around me and my associations as though neutrally as about a great good, like.

I know the Clintons to be beneath their skin “bad apples” at least as of a compromised Constitutional common core.  I have known them to be presidential in a bad way since we first met in the early 70s when I was but a First Grader as they asked me point on seriousness if they could each become President someday.  I know them of being so more goal driven ambitious than naturally set to surf their times and ride their times as their times dictated most - I know Bill Clinton as of a willingness and core rotten of a easy baugh broken from morality - I know Bill Clinton was willing to ask a First Grader like myself to lie and to lie about what his revised “God’s honest answer” had actually been rendered truthfully as.

Religion is inescapable.  The THE PERFECT STORM maybe was more “biblical” to those who walk in Islam and cheered on as much by some as the later storms of the 9/11 I & 9/11 II - as yet still to be discerned and timed of the Clintons too of a gross negligence and a more civil jeopardy than that which lifted all those, however, of the flood but not of the ark.

Right, the The Charge Of New Federalism is poetic of the valley of death akin to the neurons and electrons of the field of the mind of man, and specifically one President Bush pushing and pushing the grounding of a greater morality - in war’s time.

“We sing the body electric” and we now are like in a new civil war energetic domestically in the bushels of Mrs. Clinton, however, and her American pie(s).  The Clintons may be justly trapped and for them of walking themselves into their own jeopardy.  The Clintons deserve (each, and together) their days in court.  We should be more prudent than them or ourselves lately when of thinking them of good fruit while quite dangerous more of poison fruit of hedges and bush rows.

Does Hillary Clinton - Mrs. Clinton, however - yet know of any ‘recipe’ not a recipe for disaster?  Isn’t the “storm” of the Clintons already experienced by too many, and disastrously?  It wasn’t only for those of May 2007 of Greensburg of the Clintons of the Greenberg familiarity of wrought political endangermeants about the imprudent resurrection of their global initiatives of wants to being more like a “First American Autocratic Clan” rooted too much in (morals) hedging.

It seems the story of the Clintons and storms has already by experienced yet not yet told, however, lesser than Biblical.  It seems, as I recall, that the seasons of the insurrections, political, to the process, and prudence, of the common righteous more perfect core of the Constitution, such as that of their “social welfare” socialism chargings, were to a popular power, albeit, yet, a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional ‘electric’ ‘power’, and of the Clintons, as of Mrs. Clinton more than 3/5th as person, though just half of President Clinton - and it seems not the better half - as I recall - it seems:  There was devastation and destruction of The Natural State of the Clintons as if they were of forces of an axis polar to them of evil as “God” it seems to at least rain heavily down in tormentuousness upon each of the many places they did rise from and abide in. 

It seems as I recall, as per “biblical” storms that the Clintons as like of a complicity for a doom upon Greensburg, if the charges of the Bible, Tennyson & at least Whitman are factual, was of a too polarized excess of the energy electric but not (morally) grounded of the ambitions and wants to more “pie” of the Clintons.  Little of this is new to me for much of the above history here shared is that once I crossed the threshold of from “marketing ambition” to “poetry” and “poet” I was at least knowing of the fields of politics if but as like a non contact volt meter potential.

The poem of the The Charge Of New Federalism as timed and regulated as LOS ANGELES has a happier ending than that of Tennyson’s THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE.  As it closes as a ponderance in morality of a realm of earthly angels with WITH A BUSH - ON FIRE - WHAT DID WE SEE?  It closes with President George H. W. Bush still alive though of times like a new more global civil war of Walt Whitman’s Captain Lincoln carpe diem bodies so “electric” and to live on to tell the tale contrary to the Clintons and President Barack Hussein Obama of old storms at least ‘biblical’ like to people of Islam more about the real risks that Saddam Hussein presented and as like the father of a bastards brotherhood of Al Qaeda.

It seems the Clintons were those who, however dimly, yet alighted to the coincidences like of Greensburg storms such as it was of their historicals like laid low all across their old “arks” as “homes” of Arkansas.  It seems it was either the better half as Bill Clinton or the better half as Hillary Rodham Clinton that opined a ’storm’ reflective, short of an admission of guilt, to how it seemed that like every place they had earlier lived had been “targeted” by “God.”

For now there may be a recipe to avoid disaster - there may be more than a few long set and kept long in a “HOLY” however particular and specifically somewhat “regional” or of “regional” “success” to be metered still and when sifting through in an a priori.  It seems inescapable that the Clintons seem in a real political and civil jeopardy and for how they ‘chose’ to walk and talk.  It seems that there have been many storms about the Clintons as “bad apples” in just American politics of the northern continent of The United States so still Constituted in ‘prudence’ a portioned.  All that may now be missing is like the guillotine of Marie Antoinette and/or the hangmen of a new ‘apocalypse’ and as for a common core of trees of civilly rendered jurisprudence.

LOS ANGELES, poem, however, is otherwise also poetic and news as it parallels its self in multiple interpretive threads as firstly structured to ‘journalism’ of covering the beats of Rodney King and so of also the streets of the angels “on fire.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe - they both may have been fated to ‘valleys’ of ’storms.’  The Clintons have paths of past destructiveness still to bear witness to them too much in some fields as of forces electric too ungrounded - it seems hands of fate have leveled them by a lighting their auras as if as them as “bad apples” of having reigned ruinousness in rains, at least, in the temperments of shared morality by recipes about pies, some, of bodily charges, however neuronic.

The Clintons seem to have been those most at fault of a said foulness by ruining bushels of so many now so long.  It seems Mrs. Clinton, herself, knows but recipes for disaster and still just can’t bring herself to judiciously being grounded in the common core of the Constitutional constitution.  To all of The United States we are set “ordained and established” by the “People” “Order” as one nation under God, and so then however industrious or hobbied/crafty, as formed with all corporations under the “Union” but so by the First Amendment that all corporations must therefore be “religious” as under the nation under God and yet with the Congress of the “Union” barred from any Law to discern how a corporation is respecting an establishment of religion.

Personally, it seems, still too “biblical” how the energy of truths worked also poetic of the THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM beget an understanding of the times that otherwise show to strongly as misbegotten and misunderstood by President Barack Hussein Obama  — it still reads, to me, that President Obama has been so wrong about Iraq he has hardly had even a chance to be right about anything ‘political’ and ‘historical’ across the Middle East.

Personally, it seems served that Mrs. Clinton, however Bill Clinton maybe the better half of their “apple” BOGO, and as Secretary Clinton, however imprudently and Constitutionally improperly ((long story for later too)), did electrify the People and debates by her exposure on Benghazi while Libya was her baby expected to be carried more prudently to term.  It seems undeniable that her Benghazi has rendered her of no “recipe” but for disaster as it seems her “baking” “diplomatic” can only fall and collapse upon itself.  It seems by her “fruit” President Obama “politics” became poisoned and it like “biblical” how her baby Libya by the abortive about Benghazi stands extant and evidential that she before, during, and after was deficient, unknowing, and, yes, even grossly negligent - by the bushels.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:57 am

It is not a neither neither now nor an either either for a reset to a preponderance for HOPE. These days forward are days to not stop thinking about yesterdays - about real history - about alternatives to told stories that can pronounce yet as establishment truths.  These days now soon of 2014 are days for both - even for a MOOC to educate.

The only real thing to fear about a resurgent GOP is a court packing that could enervate a civil obedience too.

The Court of Supreme Justice John Roberts has allowed a like war power IT’S A TAX right where a PENALTY could not and should not be construed as Constitutional. What, however, are the primary - the first - priorities for those of suffrage about the kitchen tables of The United States of America?  Justice Sonia Sotomayor is not expecting to be controversial tonight.  SCOTUS of 2014 is docketed to address how, it seems, at least by First Amendment relevance, it has undermined a longevity for OBAMACARE as ACA by an undermining logic of interpretation as rendered in the later D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been given many PINOCCHIOS and has been tagged as of the biggest lie of the Year 2013.  It seems a fact of his Presidency that he has not been on the level.  As per OBAMACARE yet:  when it may be squared away enough to be functioning as per the original Republican idealism as from the Heritage Foundation years ago people are likely to be to discerning a simple truth like:  Oh, when it finally started working it did so as more like ROMNEYCARE than yet had been writ or told of — BUT WHY?  Why when it did finally start working was it so that it seemed so much more like the Republican ROMNEYCARE and yet have cost so so so much more?

It is the Supreme Court all may have to fear the most between 2014 and at least 2016.

The SCOTUS of Roberts rendered an as if it an allowed short term taxing power than an Executive must have a right to even if so more a war power right to raise revenues for waging a battle against health.  This is of they of a majority barely that granted ACA some power without guaranteeing it a longevity as of a Peoples’ right to healthcare insurance.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been given only a temporary taxing power and now is in jeopardy with his OBAMACARE ACA as the later rulings as per D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage did, at least as per the First Amendment and religious juridiction, undermine a lasting Power for a permanent establishment by way of a national program to run a healthcare “commerce” federally.

What is there to fear in a greater Republican majority for governance in Washington, DC looking forward?  Isn’t it nearly that what there is to fear the most is that a reset to a greater GOP majority will pack the Court and that that is to be a they of them to fear?

Personally:  I am not sure our Supreme Court, however, can be that fickle as long as we have not devolved or slipped yet away to a practiced extra-Constitutionalism of a accepted new world in a post-Constitutional Law.

Any possible or inevitable path for a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT seems essentially still to need enough they being of a mass of them willing to allow the Clintons extra-Constitutional power as if the Constitution is dead and that they have been long right to plot and scheme and govern too much as if The United States of America was already in a post-Constitutional new world Law.

It seems that President Barack Hussein Obama and his OBAMACARE ACA are on a railed set path to a Courtly train wreck by allowances of greater rights of the People as set and policed by the First Amendment. It may not be that OBAMACARE as ACA will yet be say “dead” as it seems a default is endearing that OBAMACARE can fail to becoming a yet states workable system of ROMNEYCARES.  Beware the politics of such as though the SUPREME COURT seems of a rendezvous with destiny and to further supporting writs of D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage principles as per the People and they a them of the security and assurity of the First Amendment;  beware the politics is different from any decision SCOTUS may yet render as per OBAMACARE as ACA by religiousness and further that the states do have the jurisdiction of the seven deadly sins;  beware the politics for however OBAMACARE may fail into being a yet system of workable state based ROMNEYCARES it seems historical that a President Mitt Romney himself wouldn’t have succeeded nationally in making it say as ROMNEYCARE work out so.

But isn’t the greatest fear to now fear itself to 2014 and beyond to and further than 2016 that a SCOTUS could become packed by right wing zealots and radicalized idealists whom might be a more dangerous they as them yet of the OBAMACARE as ACA crowd of corner cutting BIGGEST LIE set? 

Oh my!  We cannot now stop thinking about yesterday and real histories now of especially the earliest days of governance by the Clintons of their prodding to be at not stopping thinking about tomorrow(s).  There are MOOCs that can be organized to teach of the problem as mostly truly and originally rooted in even the first steps of the administering (for the People) by the “two-fer” power couple Clintons whence thence as timed as the early 90s. 

Oh my!  We mustn’t fear the SCOTUS firstly as at risk of a radicalized Court packing as a forgone assumption conclusive if yet a Republican majority has an energetic new civil renaissance or new romancing. Our politics are already now too much of an enervated civil obedience too much of a fear of a GOP resurgence as postulated as if a too real forgone conclusion if Democrats are not allowed to stay of a them in a majority.

Oh my!  We are looking at a docketed 2014 where the SCOTUS of Roberts has tied its hands via its renditions per writs relative to the First Amendment by way of the journalized subscribing as of the Constitution’s signers as preset now to bias a permanence non existent for OBAMACARE as ACA unless somehow the states’ rights jurisprudence interpretations of the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage cases are rewritten from their posits legal that are undermining to any permanence or secured “right” for healthcare pertaining to the Affordable Care Act.

It is too soon to stop thinking about yesterdays and to ignore real still knowable history however if by partisan stirrings to a majority romance to just not stop thinking about tomorrows and as of beats used to blind too many a they a them yet whipped and stirred to a SCOTUS packing fear, at least.

We are of a time and places where the world can be educated by MOOC(s) of a syllabus to opening the eyes of the world to a negligence of the Clintons and missteps of a negligence at least that date us all back to them and their first days both as both about a Constitution still inviolate.

We are nearly of a national state of mind, it seems, where the People will have epiphanies about OBAMACARE as ACA as yet only finally workable when it has been of failing to being only workable as state based systems as if ROMNEYCARE and yet not a ROMNEYCARE that a President Mitt Romney himself likely would have been too if yet successful in his most confusing promise to replace the OBAMACARE that President Barack Obama said was a ROMNEYCARE with his OBAMACARE as repealed and replaced with his ROMNEYCARE.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

I do believe I myself could put out rather in an expedited summation for a mass audience if by publishing or by MOOC(s) a treatment of the words spoken and written of and by President Barack Hussein Obama that if in book form should amass to at least 300 pages of nearly 80% his own exact words and then with 20% dedicated to explaining how such each as parsed was as an intentional lie and to a dissection of each real lie so that each could be tagged for history as to how a lie, why a lie, and some how it was politically supposed to mesh with other lies.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

Oh my!  But first we may have to primarily fear the Clintons.  OBAMACARE as ACA may be yet a train wreck that has it fall apart to nearly 50 state pieces and eventually only workable and yet recognizable so as more a Republican ROMNEYCARE than it has been as a calamity as OBAMACARE.  When any SCOTUS addresses the ACA as by First Amendment protections it should be to explaining that its D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings of Law do undermine the Obama healthcare “commerce” monstrosity as it was set as Law that the states not the State do have the jurisdiction over the health of the bodies of its residents, and as per sexual orientation logistics specifically.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

However, we are of days to fear a Republican packing of the Supreme Court mostly it is behoven your them to not be blind to how it is still the past of the Clintons as telling of the real Clintons that all should fear the most.  No matter how many PINOCCHIOS or BIGGEST LIE tags get pinned upon the back side of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama it is still that a MOOC even if taught by me can and should be generally courtly enough to establish at least as if in lessons on critical thinking how there is at least a “two-fer” of negligence or even gross negligence both for either Clinton.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

Oh my!  Happy New Year whomever and however you may be to fearing politics or the Court the most.  Please be at least now teased to yesterdays as for tomorrows more clearly of a guilt of they a them as both the Clintons.  Please be at least preparatory for a new SCOTUS schooling rendering as per that which is writ Consitutional, and please be at least now of an open mind to how at least for a lesson in critical thinking as a MOOC it can be proffered that the Clintons or at least President William Jefferson Clinton is maybe of a clear and certain negligence in administering and politics for and of the 9/11 attacks.

Oh my!  Happy New Year. 

But is the only thing to fear now a fear that a new Republican majority reset would violate a prudence Constitutional for the Supreme Court and too be to enervating civil obedience?

                                          *     *     *

[NOTE:  For further OBAMACARE vs. ROMNEYCARE economics and political fathoming for intelligence I can recommend the satire of MARXISM? & C.C.C.P.? as queued in e-sampler of http://JPHogan.org.  It may be too much to ask that you now take time this New Years Eve to otherwise search and search and scroll and scroll and read and read through all that may sort out if by local site searching by keywords like ‘OBAMACARE’ or even ‘ROMNEYCARE.’  It is beyond mere satire that it may be that OBAMACARE when yet workable will look more like ROMNEYCARE and yet have cost taxpayers hundreds fold more arithmetically than any ROMNEYCARE ever needed to be costing.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:11 pm

A cardinal rule, for an Arab Spring political era, may be in the MTA taxing tune of the Kingston Trio.

Who yet can even afford, under President Barack Obama’s SCORCHED EARTH GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM and his New Deal Austerity, even a nickel in fare increase.  At two rides a day in old Boston times that could be a nickle times five hundred or a dimed calculus by an average annum of 250 rides if only of a ride to a job a day and a return fare.  In today’s money that even may have proven to be an obstacle and unfair a fare.

The Clintons may have put themselves legally in the reach and mission of the International Criminal Courts - its jurisdiction.  They now either with their Clintons’ Global Initiatives have to be of their “progressiveness” to being within the reach of the international long arms of a more global Law or be firmly of just the House of a jurisdiction to at least annually fully audit all monies and emoluments however flowing of or through the Clintons and their foundations.

How much DANGER! - ECONOMIC DANGER! - is afoot in local and state Democrats running on raising taxes on the “rich”?  What is a moral “work” and how are Democrats politically self immolating publicly this October by igniting propaganda that tags Republicans, and to being stuck now as if only in amoral “work”?

It is not a SURPRISE that Democrats did cause the housing collapse and have been long instrumental in a suppression by Government of heavy hands.  It shouldn’t be a political or economic surprise if economies contract or just slow again if local and state Democrat Party candidates run on higher taxes, win, and then effect higher taxation.

The ECONOMIC SURPRISE  is that local and state Republican candidates should be running on higher taxes on the “rich”, and, Republicans could win and be to raising taxes without an amoral “work” economic suppression paradigm affected.   It is a conundrum similar to the contra-indicative histories of the Clintons.  Former Senator George J. Mitchell proved a man and statesman of his times with his Northern Ireland tuned empathy and Diplomacy.  President William J. Clinton however showed such a lack of understanding about conflicts, it seems, like in Northern Ireland between religious sects of Christianity, in his general political practice — President Clinton’s Iraq and Middle East histories demonstrate no core to discern as of a prudent common core or common standard as a universal operating methodology for even similar conflicts.

We cannot now this late in October of the Year of the Founder’s Lord two thousand Ten and three be to ignoring a relevance for GUILT in politics and economics, and we shouldn’t forget to account for risks if and to a persistence in falsity and improper historical tagging.

We may need to broach a political psycho-babble to excuse the Clintons for their histories so contradicting and lacking in a standard.  The Clintons’ Iraq policies show them naturally more of a politics to spark sectarian unrest - not to mitigate & ease peoples from such.

President William J. Clinton is no Senatory George J. Mitchell — Time that has passed has seemed to etch this forever to still a ponderous querious for those about and considerate for all ages to come.  It may now be that many are being asked to consider that Mrs. William J. Clinton isn’t now even quite a measurable talent as Governor Jerry Brown.  Politics is supposed to always mostly be local — The Clintons seem to long have found this inconvenient and to be avoided.  But this is less about the Clintons per say than about TAXES by whomever, and how different they can and might be if so eitherwise.

There is in the down economies a Clinton PATHOLOGY of FORENSIC NEGLIGENCE that will rear and ghost if Democrats  now raise taxes under a banner in a HISTORY of the Clintons, otherwise.  Again this is supposed to be more now of clear and maybe certain dangers lurking in any local or state based hiking of taxes.

President Barack H. Obama has proceeded much as if the Clintons would have if Mrs. William J. Clinton had won and been allowed to take the oath of office of the President of The United States of America.  A win whence or ever for the Clintons has to be contested and ruled upon by the Supreme Court for the 22nd Amendment is still yet undecided but relevant Law.  And with that said back to the more taxing side of this as more about President Obama and local and state Democrats though as economically related to a psycho-babble of the Clintons, forever.  President Obama has basically proceeded enough just as the Clintons would have and quite with the very same people as supposed “experts” as they would have, and but with himself without it all personally necessary in a defensive politics.

President Obama has made it economically as DANGEROUS as just a nickle fare increase was sung  as for Boston.  The economy may not be able to return.

A cardinal rule is much that what should be is what is — that the still propagandized GREATNESS for Clintons and for a presumption of innocence, is, by far, amassed with too many irreversible LIES.

Whether Republican or Democrat it may now only be economically SAFE for Republicans to campaign for and then to effect due higher local and state taxes on the RICH. 

Republicans can be of an oddly CAPITALISTIC MORALITY with new and higher TAXES as necessary to fix the too SOCIALISTIC mess caused by President Obama quite exactly as the Clintons too eitherwise.  If Democrats promise to locally now raise taxes on the rich they will do great DAMAGE to any economic growth potential.  President Obama made what had been BOOMS from RICH at God’s “work” of an industriousness in believing themselves morally engaged otherwise to Republicans if working then only at amoral “work.”  Seems!

The only way to raise taxes now at local and state levels seems to be if only such is justified in a correctional for all the DAMAGE done by the Clintons and Democrats generally GLOBALLY and LOCALLY.  And as of an HOWEVER rather to a not so - NOT IF BY THE REPUBLICANS.  In such is also the simple economics and psycho-babble of these down times more of RICH as having done what Democrats told them to do as of the Obama Administration and generally too the too NATIONALISTIC Democrats with their SCORCHED EARTH GLOBAL WARMING ALARMIST POLITICS.  It is that these economic times have been of the Republican much of having done the NEW MORAL with all the Democrats calls and dictates to personal sacrifice inherent in President Barack H. Obama’s NEW DEAL AUSTERITY era.

New taxes are likely now necessary and justified if local and state bases on wealth and/or property assessment - not though if now so further on the industriousness and nationally exposed income and profits of the People of the Constituted by the Constitution of The United States of America.

Republicans can be MORAL and CAPITALISTIC now with such for an increase in local and state revenues for such may be correctional to the troubles from CLINTONOMICS and OBAMANOMICS and the long to be debated and criticized bailing out of the BIG BANKS without at least an issuance of cash stipends directly to the too many stuck on fixed incomes as the Democrats marched and marched to their ill reasoned and too little considered new much higher GREEN ENERGY gas prices and so as of them to a new era of a too POLITICAL ECONOMICS.  The People were trampled and tread upon unjustly and now it seems only the Republicans are capable of unifying enough to a workable solve to move all forward to growth again.  New higher taxes on the RICH can be MORAL and CAPITALISTIC now if by Republicans in a CORRECTIONAL for as all the 2012 GOP Presidential field declared:  The Government cause this economic slide.  It seems it only now time for the Democrats to be guarded from tax increasing and Republican necessarily to such if at local and state levels to correct for the TARP and such as too HEAVY for the BANKS while the People were due at least cost of living increases in the form of cash stipends to be able to afford while on their known fixed incomes all the new and higher costs of the Democrats politicized GREEN economics.

Republicans can be MORAL and CAPITALISTIC now with such and while they should be sufficiently able to explain clearly in common lay and more legal terminologies how it is that the Democrats caused this MESS and its SHRINKAGE in the “MIDDLE CLASS” and, and some too with their being as so NOT BEING REALISTIC.  The Democrats seemed to not have calculated that the RICH would do as the President said.  The Democrats seemed to not have calculated that the Republicans would do as the President dictated and not be as otherwise still of an immoral and in a persistence expected at being so IMMORAL. It seems the Democrats expected the Republicans to keep doing all that he said was bad and to not be to doing as he said and be of such as if it were actually a NEW MORAL.

I really don’t know if all this can be a “CARDINAL RULE” as an “OCTOBER SURPRISE” even for “BOSTON” and the lessons of the taxing tune of THE KINGSTON TRIO as to what could be too much an obstruction as per any fare.

President Obama and his band of merry too nationalistic Democrats have proven their tunes to be of them synchronized, however, as dividers more than uniters.  The Democrats should avoid raising new taxes, at least alone, as they are viscerally too much to Republicans as of a pathology as DIVIDERS - NOT UNITERS.  Local and state Democrats if so of taxing will it seems only increase the DIVIDE - not UNIFY.

This OCTOBER is should not be any surprise that the Clintons are HEAVY and quite politically at risk, and even now for possibly having put themselves and their “global” “initiatives” in the reach of the “progressive” long arms even of the International criminal courts.  The Clintons have put themselves in JEOPARDY globally and locally - long live their “progressiveness” as per JUSTICE?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

Where are the Governors?  As the contrast was set so loudly and transparently this week, with President Bill Clinton of regaling, again as if of the authority to so hold court, as if the Clintons’ Global Initiatives a seat of power already established, and such that he can Lordly be about, as if the Clinton Global Autocrat crowned, and titled, as if he (and his wife) were both promoted from the office of the President of The United States of America:  Where are the Governors?

In stark contrast to the too Lordly holding of Global Court by President William Jefferson Clinton was one who stood up for transparency, process, logic, and democratic patience whom if he had a colonial era powdered wig on likely would have firstly have been judged as if a George Washington impersonator.  It was in stark contrast that Senator Edward (”TED”) Cruz stood up so long and democratically as one more of the people and as a clear defender of the People all the while the Clintons were of putting on Lordish airs and taken to hosting as if of an established Power to hold Global Court under than banner as Clintons’ Global …

Where are the Governors?  What has happened to the common sense and governance theories of Hamilton, Madison & Jay?  How can the Clintons be succeeded as if in agreement with the “leadership” of President Obama all the while their recent documented history as of the Clintons’ Administration have so many official records of these two Democrat Party families of such different ideas of prudence?  How is it really, though, just that the Clintons are trying to be to the togetherness of the sovereigns of the world as Governor George Clinton tried to have set and secured otherwise than by the Constitution of The United States of America and its bolstering so as by Publius to educate and stir with that which is now of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS?  Where are the Governors?

It is the Governors of the loosely confederated states whom are put down most by the nationalist presumptions of the Affordable Care Act.  I has to be considered that the politics of Obamacare “justification” is that the federal government has to do all this because too many of our Governors are failures - are not capable of caring for their own resident peoples - but for.  In the federalist scheme of Constitutional prudence it is that an establishment like that for the Federal Government so far as set about the Affordable Care Act & its amending by regulations does much put the Governors out of the business of being governors.  By the ideals of Obamacare it is that the national governance of the Executive Branch is at least now supposed to have eminent domain over peoples bodies and their privacy rights to their personal medical histories.  The body politics of the states now soon will be Law as set not of the protections of a more nearly elected governor but to being of the purview and establishment of the domain of the nations executive.  In the spirit of Obamacare as necessary to work and establish and “affordability” somehow for healthcare (and oddly by adding new layers of management) the national government is set to be of an authority and duty to order the People to have full medical exams and with a right to say when and how often so that data as for costly Power from information can be adequately assessed for efficiencies.

Where are the Governors?  Is your Governor really such a failure and boob unable to see to a more neighborly caring and securing of health regulations?  Is it just that your neighboring state’s Governor is a bad boob who would avoid doing a right and just thing caringly for his/her state’s People as long as he could corral his sickly and herd them out over his state’s borders into the too neighborly and naive neighbor state for their more compassionate & neighborly community caring?  Where are the Governors? 

To understand the anti-Constitutionalism of the “BOGO” “two-fer” former First Couple Clintons you may actually have to have also, like the new Tea Party, have read THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.  Too how autocratic and Lordish the Clintons now appear all may need otherwise to check their doubting of economic pains as if for common sense & as by (doubting) Thomas Paine and his COMMON SENSE.  Too how courtly and complicit the Clintons are to their now being able, albeit less so now than their plans and strategizing had intended, to so like be to annually holding of a Clinton Global Court all may need to consider that they together have like always, since Law School, been of pillow talk spousally to figuring out how to get each of them elected President, despite Constitutional prudence being set in their way, and to figuring how one would or could be staged and established still with powers if and when delays and obstacles slowed them down.  It behoove all to consider the Clintons have always been united towards a possibility of becoming America’s first global (autocratic) leaders and too some of considerations that they would best be more like Governor George Clinton and as modern anti-Constitutionalists.

Where are the Governors?  With the ideals of the Affordable Care Act set so as a (too) temporary Law status far short of a more permanent Constitutional right, it is still critical for it as  a Nationalistic tool for power (and affordability) for it to remove the peoples’ rights from their state’s and governors’ more neighborly compassion and sense of community to the agenda(s) of a seated (& sworn) Executive as President.  For the meta data to be useful and sufficient to achieve the desired political efficiency or inefficiency by way of establishments authorized by the mere law of the Affordable Care Act there must be sufficient input for a calculus for any political prioritizing.  The Presidents will, it seems, be of the Power and Duty to decide how many times a year they should order the residents otherwise still of their state’s jurisdiction and Governor to show up at a doctors office for a new and however full medical exam so to update the national capacity to data mine for new efficiencies and more targeted political (partisan) platforms.  Where are the Governors?

Reading this it should become apparent to readers of the HARRY POTTER series that grew from my challenge to JK Rowling for seven books for seven separate years in schooling curriculum in magic that HARRY POTTER must be on the side so now established as of Senator Ted Cruz.  The courtly selfish spousal Power plotting and polarizing too courtly and lording too global partisan political reigning attempts by the Clintons just are not of the charm of that intended to be of a suggested good or necessary or proper in the worlds of Hogwarts.  Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz with their most public teaching by standing however long however of a filibuster democracy posturing are quite of the freedoms that allow local charm and community good will to be nourished more as if by neighbors and villages.

Where are your Governors?  It is more as if they are the SERIOUS BLACKS of your world and the Clintons too dangerously of regaling as if Lordish and Powered as Voldemort.  The godfather for HARRY POTTER as one a SERIOUS BLACK did come from me after JK Rowling while starting off on the challenge got back to me like complaining that I hadn’t yet given her enough to work with for even five books.  It was natural to me to suggest she give her lead character a godfather like mine who had to be serious about Volts and all wires as a lifelong union electrician - and, most serious always about the black wires and the primary “hot” wires to carry whichever volts.  R.I.P. my now late uncle godfather.  Like other characters of Hogwarts worlds there is that some came from playing with the spelling of iconic I channeled to JK.  Voldemort is a cautionary for young of the world and of days when my neighbors and friends were unknowingly of JK’s patron US so while as the firm of architects of design and construction management then of the Petronas Towers - Voldemort is of a concern of that which electricians have to be knowing of and guarded about while serious mostly about black as carrying volts - volts more than maybe even yet expected - volts d’ mor teed up like doubly in Europe than by USA standards.

Where are the Governors?  Hillary Rodham Clinton - most recently - but for being again as Bill Clinton’s First Lady for spousal global initiatives - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is still of dominant personality traits to firstly being to professionally protecting her husband regardless of how the USA Constitution might otherwise be set.  Where are the Governors? 

It seems implausible that Mrs. Clinton can yet learn any new tricks - it seems they are stuck for after all their years of plotting as if always and consistently with spousal pillow talk that they just never trained themselves or the other for the possibilities of a serious black like President Barack Hussein Obama.  It seems the Clintons do not have an answer to counter them as exposed as too courtly and too globally now of a hunger for a wishful autocratic Power - it seems quite implausible that they now can hide - that they can escape years of corner cutting and official negligence culpability or that “Hillary” is of a dominant personality trait of putting “Bill” first even it it to others may also appear to King-ish.

Whether as HillaryCare - Obamacare - or resurgence as if “UniversalCare” as ClintonCare it is that if the mere law of ACA allowed to be fully implemented the good in it will no longer be of the power or jurisdiction of the Governors.  By eminent domain of a too socialistic political power written and secured by ACA it is that future Presidents now have the power to tell all the People as if more subjects than citizens when & where to show up for a most revealing medical examination and so that they can mine all subjects personal medical records as meta data to know how to more efficiently politically prescribe or program (partisan) Nationalistic permanent solutions.  They won’t just want the medical histories of all as of their domain - they will insist they have the power to tell us all how often and fully all personal parts need to be probed for their “politics”.

Where is your Governor?  The charm of the French resistance as of the dramatic “round up the usual suspect” akin to “Play it again Sam” of CASA BLANCA has the Obama casa blanca “white house” is much of these too regal concerns.  To better work out a copacetic per dangers of Obama’s health posturing I for brevity direct you if so of a free will inclination to http://CitizenRosebud.org so that you can also find THE USUAL SUSPECTS.  For now as to the Lordly of the Clinton dangers it may behoove President Obama to use his ACA (”StormTroopers”) of his #IRS to leak Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons medical history as per at least her analytics that can attest to drug use or abuse and as well those however regular of her personal health papers to attest from full required mental examinations as to what is irreversibly of “dominant” personality traits. 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit to protect the Presidency from institutional corruption as from a power and mere law authority to as well have like eminent domain over People as subjects and to as per even dictates to ascertain and secure each person’s full mental work-up? 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit as even President Obama may now know each of his subjects per there meta data better than any might ever know themselves, and, as politically so empowered to call over members of the House of Representatives to go over their ward’s medical statistics by sex, race, personality, contrary meds in systems reports as checked against legal prescription levels so of the “data” now a keystroke away by keyword search targetable down to wards and streets and even by street numbers?

Where are you?  Do you have any power and freedom left if such violations of old privacy rights so set in however by the thinking of the Supreme Court as by a temporary mere law of taxing authority classifiable as a type of law that in America is always for a TAX most at risk of being politically reversed and removed, and even if not yet an established cancer on the economies of the USA or the world?  Where are you?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:22 am

What is missing is a chance for Harvard Law Review Latin Ted Cruz to be in a matched most public head to head debate with Harvard Law Review Black Barry Obama.  They have a century worth of changes to the legal world to discuss just for the few years of change between the older Obama’s graduation year and Cruz’s.  These are the days that need a fuller and more general understanding of the Rehnquist Revolution as for it critical to the economic growth of the nineties.  President Obama may have been of the last class year of Harvard fully of indoctrination and fidelity to the age old ways that then got upturned for progress. There is a world of difference not just in “legalese” standards to be pulled out for a good telling of “history” of President Barack Hussein Obama.

It is that blacks generally are now more at risk heading to post-Obama days of being judged more just by the color of their skin.  It seems that as we march forward a stereotyping by skin color will be unavoidable as long as blacks are too clumped politically as Obama’s blacks.  There are many more complications for blacks in future years if left to be so boxed and politically predictable.  There are days ahead that should be fearsome in a socio-political existentialism for blacks in the United States of America for a beat seems set for a new modern styling of a: LATIN IS THE NEW BLACK.

Beyond the color of any of the “melting pot” American Dream and protections we have actual economic history to worry about and such that is a much untold story of the early 1990s and how Democrats needed to be saved from themselves and many of the Corporate leaders also then in the USA jurisdictions too needed saving from themselves.  For President Obama and any or all of his followers or opponents it isn’t that I write from a dislike of his economics and high ideals as to social good but that since before these earlier days of such and until now I just have never figured a way that what has been his economics could or would actually work.  We are not beyond the economics of the 1990s and especially the truth that if the Clintons had been left to their ways - their desired political hopes to much have done to the politics and economics what has been done by President Obama - the economic mess would have been triggered sooner and with more serious damage and destruction.  The Clintons if they had been left to their ways would have caused this same mess much earlier.

Many top Corporate leaders were saved from themselves in the early 1990s and then the Clintons after much encouragement did have their late entry into the 1992 race and unexpected win.  The Clintons did then also need to be saved from themselves - David Gergen’s hiring is just a small bit of that story.  These as a set then didn’t finish the work of the saving of them and the US economy as by want of Clintons’ politics it became too much of a group think to just ride the wave as if the heroes and not the saved.  We are in an economy now that won’t reset to growth - hasn’t yet - much because there is too much false witness about the real histories and so that these in power now are not possibly or probably good stewards to the necessary restoration of consumer confidence.  Senator Harry Reid has power now quite only because this is so - as much of the untold story of these years of saving the economy of the United States of America also was defensively and of national security consideration about how the Persian Gulf War had to be wrapped up short of Baghdad and a prosecution of Saddam Hussein because Vegas and Time Square were so bad.

The Clintons were pawns in much of this in the first half of the 1990s - The Clintons were just the “do nothing” couple though we may have needed as otherwise the United States of America was at risk of seeming to dominant or arrogant as it struggled with its first steps as a sole superpower.  It likely would have been to politically difficult for President Bush if re-elected to be himself more a “do-nothing” President though those times were better for delay - for a wait and see not too patronizing posture.  Much, if not all, that worked for the Clintons in their first term was inherited by them from the work before they even entered the 1992 race.  Much is considerate politically of such days of a pickle that the USA was in as per Saddam Hussein and “justice” as the Persian Gulf War seemed set of a trap if we moved on Baghdad too soon.  Much is still relevant that with the saving of USA Corporate Leaders from themselves and then instincts to fold to new “management” styles as if too dominant and only option available - as if that they were quite already beaten by the Japanese and Germans and nearly to telling Americans that they all needed to learn to become more like the Japanese - at least.  Much is still relevant, and especially per Senator Harry Reid, that for national security purposes related to Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda the United States of America had to first prove it could fix its own cities - fix Time Square and Vegas especially - before it even attempted to assert that it could be right to over-turn Saddam Hussein and offer a hope that Baghdad could be better after Saddam.

Too many Americans and others of the world have been just cruising along too unaware of the history of the politics of the past two plus decades.  The Clintons have been surviving much just because so many of these that are of the “Corporate leaders” of these concerns too decided to just ride the waves too carelessly with the Clintons.  In the untold story is the basis of a back to basics new federalism marketing push much that needed or justified the Rehnquist Revolution as too quite a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.  What may be said to be keeping the economy from working again as it did without that which was just of the Clintons of phattening the growth the inherited to have positions to be able to show as if they caused the growth and weren’t just adding dangerous fat to it and with a risk of economic diabetes.  We may all be stuck now because the economics of the Obamanomics cannot work, and, that the economics of the Clintons years that did work were actually of what they inherited and then damaged and put in jeopardy with their effectings by Clintonomics and the hyper-consumerism and irresponsible and unnecessary extra trillion cut for surplus popularity.

To park these thoughts for now let me just add that since 2007, if not 2006, I was aware of where it seemed the Democrat party wanted to stake a national political and economic platform.  I have not yet been able to curb my original analysis that such if pursued so would drive the economy into a ditch - that they would drive the economies exactly to such a down and depressed course change from where we were actually routed better.  I have stayed confident in my original balancing of their spinning as to believing it was so likely that such a road/path/march/beat would lead to such a down & depressed economics.  I have yet though figured out if they have gotten here intentionally or accidentally — it seems that though I saw their “ideals” as only possibly leading to such a crash it may yet be that they had rosy glasses on and saw it as to a coming spectacle that just never took off.  It seems the Dem have been cruising along not yet properly tagged for having caused the crashes.  It is a wonder, for how confident I was that they were doomed to such, from the very start with the primarying party contesting roll-outs, that they either have been ignorant of it or of political shenanigans of a belief that they could only have their change if they could blame others/the other party.  To curb your enthusiasm if still cruising with Obama Democrats you too may want to park your GREENNESS and look in the rear view mirror - you may want to consider that it isn’t that the Democrats caused the economic mess that is most worrisome but that they yet may be in so much denial that they haven’t yet to accept that they did cause the crashes.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:54 am

As we are near into the breach again - however “morally” now indeterminate - it is appreciable that President Barack Hussein Obama would now be a better servant of the peoples if he had forgone his Harvard Law degree but for a Harvard Divinity doctorate.

We can see him of his youthful Hawaiian “surf’s up” random whimsy as if of having grown up with a surf board shackled 24-7 to his ankle however branded by his Sex Wax — as if a pod racer named DARTH HUSSEIN.

He seems post occidental as a bigger Kahuna these days that try so many souls with the suffrage and suffering about his (inconvenient) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We are of tides and ebbs cycling with the youthful idealism of @BarackObama where his ends are supposed to be able to justify (eventually) his means.

As of the estranged racism of his pacific black man rights of passage “Barry” was maybe more a greaser than establishment and yet while accepted by the color of his skin as if more a native local just with funny hair.  Seems.  I can attest that he by near 11th grade had a competitive interest in oratory of at least President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and that for a declaration of war infamy related to some of the surprised history of the Hawaiian islands.

His “sled” his “pod racer” however named for he as a  DARTH HUSSEIN dark force “surf’s up” idealist may have had him less of time warps and warp speed as still of the era of pedestrian raciness less “back in the saddle” and more “doggy paddle” beach bum.  He may have howled at the moons and danced hung by leis with time in between to honor the fallen of Pearl Harbor and the Pacific campaigns of World War II - at least — he was/is still though of the “ebony and ivory” the “salt and pepper” of his parents stories as so conceived a Russian Studies LOVE CHILD “Barry Obama” - American.

He hasn’t purported a “morality” of a modern struggle against an axis of evil - he hasn’t recused himself from his personal story of a divided home that for his youthful reflections likely had him pining for a Socialist Soviet styled America as if it were the only way to bring his parents - his “ebony and ivory” - his “salt and pepper” - his “black and white” - back together. 

We are at the yet unwritten chapters of his memoirs, oddly, that should have most much concerned as to who Barack “Barry” Hussein Obama really is.  It really seems that at least we all could feel safer and believe he has a plan better if he had a Harvard Divinity Doctorate and not his Harvard Law JD.  He up to now has seems lacking in a philosophy of governance or a call to a general “morality” but to a politically rendered pop New Nationalism evangelizing towards secular Socialism.

Who is “Barry” the wave rider racer likely accepted in Hawaii as if a native just with funny hair?  How long did he paddle - paddle necessarily doggy styled to try to be a big Kahuna?  Did he yet catch enough wave before he was Senator Obama to be said to have HUNG TEN?  Is he from his troubled youth of his split family of a pining to be again firstly of the love as a SOVIET STUDIES LOVE CHILD of such “ebony and ivory” - “salt and pepper” - “black and white”?

For the sake of political simplicity it behoove many to broach the waxing of President Barack Hussein Obama as per Syria as SPLASH than a STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK.  We have that the Middle East used to have been subjected to a over-lording some as the United States of America fought many places and many ways to stem the attempts by the U.S.S.R. to reign an expansionist State Socialism across the seven seas.  Syria of today can be said to be one of those places that has lost its global cache with the end of the Cold War and the retreat of Obama’s endearing Soviet Socialism.

There are histories now contrary to histories and oddly yet coexistent as if both or all could be true and accurate.

President Obama didn’t catch the waves of the defeat of his endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.

There are stories to be told of how President Barack Hussein Obama and the lot of the Clintons’ “two-fer” BOGO political machinations bet the boards and tides too much to the very crashes of the years of suffering under the idealism effected with the Democrats of the Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  He may be “successful” for having whipped enough - for having whipped so many so long and severely such that he has affected a new leaner “American” that is of the worked for conditioned response to be to eating less - spending less - saving more of his Green Energy Agenda of a “Vader” quality some too much for having put the earth and its environment above the people and their humanity.

He must have been a young dandy of a youth.  How did he paddle - how often did he paddle?  How keen and/or bright were his stands at trying to stay upright and moral while young “Barry” Obama?

As he nears us to a breach anew it is that he seems nearer to accepting that expansionist State Socialism was defeated by Capitalism and Reagan Revolution political activism and endurance.  He nearly seems a new man - not quite “born again” but now more cautious and suspicious of that of his old most endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.  He has to be torn internally with such a American story — but it is that Al Qaeda may have felt justified in attacking the United States of America because of the abandonment (of principles) and inaction and avoidance of the Clintons’ administering for it of having provided an insufficient prosecution of Saddam Hussein (as like an earlier Assad - as a new Hitler (lite)).

Assad is like a Saddam Hussein as a Middle East secular dictator who couldn’t or wouldn’t change with the world when the world reset to a new order after the end of the Cold War as it was with Afghanistan a Gettysburg turning point of it.  They are like of the history of Ba’athism some together - they both seemed to some have “perverted” the original idealism of the Ba’athist ideologicals to be towards a beautiful unity of all Arabs into a United Arab Socialist State.  (I still lean on the book by Alan Hart - ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER — when speaking to the history of the Ba’athist Party and to suggestions that its Socialistic ideology would and could be perverted by ‘politicians’ for more selfish and tyrannical ends.)

We are decades from the days “Barry” Obama however torn and challenged as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD waxed his days away on the tides of the then news and issues of the days.  He seems now of days to paddle anew a dandy of a freer way for the tides are lifting with federalism debates and new Constitutions in the winds. 

Today who is President Barack Hussein Obama - is he a fresh American dandy or too much a DARTH HUSSEIN?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

And you thought you were off the hook. 

2016 IS COMING!!!  

We are set now in too untried times and yet to a political dimension of depth and probity never yet before so for our frontiers;  these are the waking dawns of a race of tickets in lieu of a battle of individuals rising us towards betterment from democracy of engagements alarmingly set for November 2016.

2016 as the judgement year with so much dirty laundry like blowing in the winds, political, seems rolled up and ready to unfurl for people’s struggles regardless of their stripes.  The patterns suggestive for a political Constitutional RESET have to stay local like Catholic parishes;  President Obama will be out and hopefully also gone will be his too singular too new theocratic JUMBO TRON centralization so contrary to all religions that don’t even have just one global mass on their sabbath with just one teacher for such a “class” size.

I.E.:  2016 is of such a dynamic at least for citizens of the United States that teamwork may be the golden child towards 2016. 

E.G.:  2016 should maybe start with four tickets as a race from the start of say Paul and West, Rubio and Cruz, Patrick and Booker, and, Biden and Clinton.

Historically it seems the world is due a RESET to PRE-CLINTON politics.  There is much to be learned in what the Clintons didn’t know, and as well what they worked to keep you from knowing specifically about what they knew too little about.  It may help to key an early broaching of such by reminding all that though the Clintons were from Arkansas and so late to the 1992 contestations it oddly was that they were running as if from New Haven, Connecticut.

Bill Clinton has basically ruined it for Hillary Clinton - a sequel though now most unlikely still has to be aired out as if Mrs. Clinton can offer nothing now but more sloppy seconds;  she has a record of psycho “baggage” that is inappropriate to the legacy and example of George and Martha, even however with the First Inaugural of “vicissitudes incident to life” and poetic suggestions of Washington of a general use of prophylactic “skins” of their day that can be washed and reused and even spoken of in Presidential speeches.

I am not sure that the Clintons didn’t too sex up the intercoursing of political parlay too much such that Republicans towards 2016 will have to publish an American rival to Kama Sutra, or at least be better to selling “Presidential knee-pads” than even just Roll Call classified ads.  America will rock on — America does need a RESET to PRE-CLINTON for diplomatic, economic and political reasons separate from their pop idolatry/propaganda.

I, as I harken all to consider the Clintons in 1992 and then with their administering (so questionable), am of an understanding about the unanswered dimension that is of the open files per the Clintons from Arkansas of running as if of and from New Haven more so.  It is that as per such I know so much that I may still be (sadly) the only expert in such field.

President Barack Obama did with his oddly early life story personal memoir of DREAMS FROM MY FATHER (if I recall source correctly) was confessional uniquely to a personal dislike for “community organizing.”  We have that teams in lieu of heavy hands marching a beat in a hope for individuals towards 2016 may now be our most practicable and prudent future political.  It was telling that “Barry” of his most early memoir spoke of a quest for Power and a specific dislike for community organizing.  It was telling even more so that his second Berlin speech naively proffered that the American concept/experiment was for “the Power of the Individual.”

It seems “Barry” the “community organizer” told his autobiographical tales as of a dislike for being embedded in communities as nearly like:  I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE - I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE — IF I ONLY HAD REAL POWER…  I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE.

It most seems his and the Clintons’ “dirty laundry” have too much uncovered such that prudence needn’t be of US citizens to being Republican prudes but is smartly of a psycho F.U.B.A.R. that a RESET to PRE-CLINTON is pragmatically alluring.

Yes, I do (at times) think it is sad that I may as regards so much now still of vast import to the American tales be still nearly or just too much the only expert in my field.  I may be, but for the Clintons, though white, quite of a minority as per the breaking of racial divides in the early 1990s knowledge and specifically as per an original understanding of how and why it was set so about New Haven and that the Clintons needed to learn it some in order to become electable in 1992.

There was, shall I say, a too little known contestation to push and tease a new political correctness that I based in and on New Haven as a poetic example for global lessons of practicable new federalism charges with specific defining and balancing of loose talk of a NEW WORLD ORDER.  New Haven became ground zero for a political thought as to what a NEW WORLD ORDER should mean for free peoples at least of the United States of America as it by accident more than design did become a sole superpower.

It is fit to consider that the Clintons have too much to lose by telling you enough truths.  It is still that President Obama can be said to have been failing as the Executive of the USA because the lack of Power in his community organizing wasn’t of a Power he would or could have even if and when elected President.

President Obama can be said to have been trapped wanting and seeking a type of Power that doesn’t fairly exist for any man or woman in the United States of America and that it has been that he has disliked the work of the Presidency likely as much as he seemed to have dreaded community organizing.   The Clintons are though more of wanting the times to have to fit their spousal husbandry to Power grabbing when of the times that needed them otherwise to have been right for the times.

It was a lot of work helping President George W. Bush after 9/11 try to fix so much that the Clintons with their selfish political spousal plotting had set asunder.  This again is a broaching of an area of US history at least some again of me at times of feeling that I am too much a lone expert about such field.  I do like how McCain/Palin ticket promised to strengthen subset of governors the Governors, and, I like now how it seems the Council on Foreign Relations with Richard Haas is to speaking of a need to broaden our range more locally (as if training a larger orchestra for democracy).

There are problems in the type of theocracy that President Barack Hussein Obama tried to usher in.  It is that with such as quite of a prima facie tone from the White House as “Pulpit” more than “Bully Pulpit” Big Brother Governance was broken out — President Obama should have while set so more as if to work a secular socialism of global apologisms at least have ordered that that seventh day for rest had to be given up too as he asked for people to essentially give up their God(s) to follow his daily evangelisms.  There is no escaping that new President Obama did break into regular broadcasts and so that he could give hour long mind numbing evangelizing renditions fit to the type of Power he thought he could have as President that he couldn’t as one not willing to do the actual parochial hard work of compassionate community organizing.

Yes we do need, it seems, to have teams of tickets from the earliest of a start for 2016 contestations.  Yes, we do need, it seems, to really have a RESET to PRE-CLINTON governance.  Yes, we do need, it seems to learn that President George W. Bush did largely have to fix most of the problems of the inheritances from the governance of the co-Presidency of the Clintons and while giving them a like GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD in the interests of keeping the nation together after 9/11 and to speeding a vibrant and robust recovery.

These are issues tarred to the Clintons that histories past would not now be considering as lightly. 

President Obama is basically to being President as if again of his days of disliking how much work was needed in community organizing and of too lately discovering his own dirty laundry much of it for not getting cleaned by itself without some one actually to doing the hard work about such.

There likely will be Catholics in the 2016 and as more than engaged as a team of one.  President Obama has shown himself to be less of a teacher and contrary to his own “education” messaging of the importance of smaller class sizes — if smaller class sizes are right for his education politics than his politics, however to an evangelizing to a new theocratic Big Brother justification, should have been more Catholic and less JUMBO TRON in a singularity as if he unlike a Pope should be globally followed for one one hour mass each day and maybe two on the sabbath — it seems that Catholics are kept to a peace by a local stirring of community voices and that President Obama wanted only his sermons to be heard as the Word and only in his voice.

There likely will be Catholics in the 2016 marches for a washing of past wrongs and of a hope for a future more alluring and workable.  To get back to NORMAL the whole world really likely needs a RESET to PRE-CLINTON and not an offering of just Hillary Clinton as only now presentable as like SLOPPY SECONDS - OR THIRDS.

Let me be clear:  President Barack Hussein Obama’s second Berlin speech and his history of irregularity as per The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution is quite visible as a stain on the American concept — American is for the “power of individuals” firstly and not as he offered as “for the Power of the Individual”. 

Let me be clear:  These are times where such is quite concerning that he was to speaking in Berlin and to that the United States is consecrated for Power to whichever (mad) individual might then be able to seize and hold power as of a megalomania.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Forensic historians have a disarmed mine field of political content to safely now work in to unearth new more realistic understandings of Bill and Hillary Clinton - without needing to be whistle blowers.

From Bunker Hill and our Constitution - USS “OLD IRONSIDES” - to Manassas the bull that has run - run long of the Clintons - can now be more civilly chocked.

As Massachusetts goes so the nation may not go - today.  In the eyes of the voters a justice for a Beer Federalism is brewing — If the President can have a nationalist brew - can’t and shouldn’t Governor Patrick at least have a hard cider state federalism spirit on tap?  The Clintons may both have gone all egg whites only after having had to check their ambitions to four co-presidencies of the old sold saw too British with its twine so tuned too totalitarian by plots strung to be of a reign too autocratic by political arrangement to bypass a more American standard general electoral refreshment/refreshing.

From the Pilgrims to the shores of Syria the Constitution as written stands of its ordaining and establishment in religion of the founders as so unanimously subscribed by all under God so then as “in the Year of our Lord…” clearly.

It is best to try to imagine a new board game of the Clintons if to success in seeing through them of a Bunker mentality and a bunker mentality clever coyness quite selfishly political.  It can be begun to be imagined but since recent Benghazi and IRS scandals have blown up on paper and tablets most can find from the first blush - first sighting - their board(s) are like TILTED as it seems impossible that all their operations and foundations and numerous “legal” or “tax” status can be LEGAL as besides being too Political their marching beats seems too irregular as if all of WILD CARD rules not rules.

It may not help to try to paint a picture of the Clintons up close as a portrait clearly showing the whites of their eyes - perspective may be better if from a distance to see all the trees (pieces) as of the forest (plots/strategies) theirs.

From up close the former enabler FLOTUS, of at least a fat food fad political fashion for POTUS, she, Hillary, served up rations as if it wouldn’t kill you to live as of her kitchen not a kitchen with a husband said of a preference for like two Big Mac Super-sized Value Meals per day cooking of others.  Surely there is more to look at than the eyes of the Clintons that should be considered and safely civilly revealed as it seems we have to still pound at Benghazi as of a cover-up some or much necessary to maintain old lies of at least the Administration of the Clintons.

It is haunting, maybe just for all the body bags that piled up as tributable to Madam Secretary of State Mrs William Jefferson Clinton, how she of the intimate bunkering as FLOTUS, with POTUS, whence of those midnight hours and such as so thence with a third of each day theirs together for spousal husbandry plotting, how she as Obama’s chief Diplomat left a legacy as if more a Secretary of War than a Stately Diplomat.

However you begin to bridge more safely the historical marching beats of the Clintons, and forensically, back to what they inherited as fundamentally already set to much peace while still less peace than they hoofed, her cooking may have been worse for Bill and us, and a mine field still best avoided at least per bad cholesterol.

It is that Massachusetts itself has a new contest about like a new Bunker Hill but for too little ammunition to guard against Clintons and their ilk now again.  Their pens should be mighty enough, and more set to scholarly unearthing safely of what is quite a once more dangerous mine field of the Clintons and their careful spousal selfish political plotting — Truths are marching on like whence of the first Tea Party to the revelations that the new Clintons are as bad as the old Clintons and as much against John Adams as that early New York Governor Clinton, must have been.

A lay of the embedded fielding of bull did depend on like flying buttresses of media support to their propositions (of the Clintons’ seduction of the main stream media) that they were of an opinion of race and affirmative action per all voting rights that Americans should be sold that a white women deserved to be President at least before a black man.

The Clintons did boldly seem to go about a mine field in our politics too much as if knowing of its bulwarks specific grid lay and even hardly civilly as if with at least New York City Democrat Party deep pockets as of a retailing of the BOGO Clinton “two-fer” as the best way to arrange a postponement in America of Black rule in Washington.  Just seems too hauntingly real that such bull of the Clintons did fly in the early 90s as if of a collusion and conspiracy to somehow arrange an un-American reign for them as if American NEW Camelot royalty able to be prescribed to contiguous supremacy in lieu of Constitutional standards more Jeffersonian for regular resets by refreshing democratically by Republican People.

As of Hillary hardly disciplined as if from the halls of or near Montezuma to the shore lines Google-able remotely of Tripoli yet we got images of Marines too - yet hardly enough as to whence Benghazi.  And, all the while non Marine rapid response teams hers to conjure timely duty forthwith in times of crisis of imminent need.

It was in the primary in Massachusetts in the year of the great defeat of THE INEVITABLE HILLARY 2008 that those Boston Brahmin to Berkshire’d Pillow’d and Tangled’ did but divide themselves state wide as the more socialist of the Commonwealth to that spread where as many divided on white women vs. black man as that was near the total number of US brave deployed to liberate but not occupy Iraq.  There is a wonder in the details that a forensics too can civilly record for Posterity about how magic a number 150,000 can be or might not be — it was only about 150,000 of the more socialist of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that haunt John Adams (still) since 2008 that divided the lot for “Hillary” and that for “Barack” and while it to was just that number tasked to stand with all Iraqi people in an overdue liberation so successful.  It is quite odd though that such a number then was what President Obama and Secretary Clinton thought wasn’t excessive to chase about 50 Al Qaeda though to be otherwise quietly camping in Afghanistan.

Amateur forensic historians hopefully won’t now beat the Boston forces too long bent to a cover-up bunker mentality for the not too long past administering of the Clinton “two-fer” - won’t be now to going more civilly into the past of the Clintons and their embedded seduced media fields of camouflaged intent and able to be to embarrassment for said more learned of said of a supremacy of and from a more elite degree benefactor cadre. 

Right?  We are to hope that those said to be our smartest are our smartest and most learned and that they won’t be late to the coverage now more safely and civilly possible and necessary (and proper) for such a still campaigning conundrum of “Bill and Hillary”?

{NOTE:  Seems I need, while having so much fun - too much fun - civilly writing this broadside, to take a break and revisit the Bunker and bunker histories fit for close and thorough historical forensic grid metric analysis at a later time today.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:17 am

Are you willing to risk going to prison for a support of the selfish political ambition of the Clinton “two-fer”?

This is not as simple as a Senate race say in Massachusetts in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Three as it is that the Clinton “two-fer” is setting up a running operatic touring too globally and too much of a trichotomy of two.

It seems we have that the United States Tax authority of the IRS has a 501(c)(4) tax exempt status that many if not all can well use to educate against such a soapy operatic Clintonesque (sedition) without it technically being “political” to organize against the politics of the Clinton “two-fer.”

Though it seems it may be a Moulin Rouge tease the Clinton “two-fer” is working to paste on and billboard out they may be obviously trite yet too operatic and Chicago!

Massachusetts may now be especially set to be wary long before it chimes a time of being able to see the whites of the Clinton “two-fer” eyes.  I am not sure little #Mass has the ammo yet to stand a long (seditious) assault from an already too globally (seditious) modern political Bonnie and Clyde - the Clinton “two-fer.”

There are some simple Constitutional lessons to be whispered, chatted up and generally broadcast for a social welfare timely pamphleting new era of civic engagement likely all the way until 2016 even if the Clinton “two-fer” doesn’t survive public scrutiny past 2013.

To speak to a too soap opera shallowness of just one of the Clinton “two-fer” trichotomy of two it helps to compare Democrat past Presidents;  It is helpful and instructive (even for Massachusetts) to now compare and contrast President Carter and President Clinton.  I am not suggesting there is any comparison to make between these two as to variants in and of a sedition by each;  Jimmy Carter, Former President, spoke eloquently recently at the opening of the Presidential Library for President George W. Bush.

Democrats and Republicans of at least Massachusetts can all be patriots in a fair and simple political consideration of President Carter’s special remarks orated honorably at the dedication of the Bush Library. 

It is remarkable for its historical significance and its political illumination how President Carter stood up proudly as a Democrat and with dignity told the world how he was able in just the first days of the administration of President George W. Bush to get the new President to do more for Africa than the Clinton “two-fer” had been willing to do in all of their eight years.

There are trying character traits established in the entrenched personality of “Bill Clinton” quite now again at least arguably as near of a sedition as when the Clinton “two-fer” in the early months of the administration of “43″ seemed to have been of effectings too much of efforts arguably as if they were trying to hold onto executive Power though no longer the First Couple and regardless of their status as “term limited.”

Yes we have a special right in America as per our Constitution and especially specifically per our 22nd Amendment to warn people that there is a chance still that they may be at risk of prosecution for sedition at least for any past or future support of the Clintons.  It may be legally mostly limited to any support of any past organizing for a “Hillary for President” “movement” but then it may be beyond “sedition” and to a Constitutional allowance that such may be “criminal” or “Un-Constitutional” if not “treasonous.”

The technicalities that now allow for a 501(c)(4) Tax Status to be 90% to 100% engaged in Social Welfare mass messaging to confront the plots of the Clinton “two-fer” with education and public discourse it of such as a Constitutional right to say all of the above specifically of the Clinton “two-fer” as long at least as the 22nd Amendment remains undecided law.

As long as the 22nd Amendment sits in our Constitution as yet undecided law as written and ratified by efforts of the Eightieth Congress so fresh with concerns and lesson of the Power sharing of Franklin and Eleanor every citizen of the United States of America has a Constitutional right and maybe duty to proffer an oration or quiet discoursing that all are free still to tag the Clinton “two-fer” of the already existent record of “Hillary for President” and now for any continuation or refreshing so as it as chargeable as “criminal” for “Un-Constitutional” and maybe actually of a treasonous politics quite now too soapy and operatic in a seditiousness.

What few in the United States of America and fewer even in Boston or Cambridge have yet discussed is how it was maybe a worked and effecting sedition by the Clinton “two-fer” as of premature vocalizations and postures to a planned “Hillary for President” that had new President Bush “43″ in his first year of a government seeming unresponsive as if oddly responsive to extra-Constitutional influencing of and by Clinton “two-fer” while no longer legally of executive Powers then yet were meddling globally like with.

If they succeed in selling their (seditious) selfish political ambitions now as they seem to be proceeding as if a clever soap opera chimed to be like a Moulin Rouge looseness more may be technically legally at risk and prostrate to our allowances for Supreme rending of justice as a now late establishment of meaning of our 22nd Amendment can permit.

It is something the Supreme Court can now preface while about the Same Sex Marriage and DOMA cases as it is those are asking the SCOTUS honorable to render and broad and general understanding that marriage should be inseparable legally and not divisible from any set per their sexual preferences.  This might be a precedence to allow polygamy by such logic but it as per the Clinton “two-fer” and the 22nd Amendment would be inconvenient as it would be to rendering their “separability” toward four co-Presidencies as Un-Consitutional while establishing a respect for equality and indivisibility of a soul of a marriage union as paramount and equal for all regardless, again, as per a couples’ sexual preferences.

Now there are problems with the current cases so before the Supreme Court as there are assertions that a class of people arguably a social set while some a natural set can have rights for all established as if all of such set were of it as a set as a legal and established natural set.

The Clintons do want their marriage union to be divisible and their law degrees and “professional” status (however now or again of disbarment) to allow the laws of union of souls to one in marriage to have like a Descartean separability to conveniently allow a legal trichotomy of two towards four co-Presidencies of the Clinton “two-fer.”

Be forewarned!  You may already be at risk of a Constitutional prosecution for past naive following and associating with the Clinton “two-fer” at least as per “Hillary For President” as already of our many carefully kept and secured records.  You may be in further jeopardy if you now step out with them and their (seditious) plotting even maybe if you add a follow to either @BillClinton or @HillaryClinton;  the laws yet concerning any jeopardy are quite now still TBD.

Massachusetts I am concerned for you all and your general welfare now at risk again with a Senate seat contest and especially since you last elected a bankruptcy law professor who (as loyal to the Clinton “two-fer”) was amiss in judgement and practice for not herself educating you all (in a Social Welfare) to the histories of how the Democrats did set up and then trigger the economic collapse long so spun as like a new convenient Great Depression.  I don’t know that I have time now to help you with Social Welfare messaging specifically as per your current predicaments;  I proffer it may be wise to remember that President Carter so as he spoke in dedication of the Bush Library was to admonishing the Clinton “two-fer” with his rendering of history as to how President George W. Bush was willing to do more for Africa in his first days than the Clintons had been for their eight years. 

Hard to say;  It is that as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law and seems clearly of a time and an import of original intent to have barred President Franklin Delano Roosevelt from keeping any iron grip on executive power even if by a loophole logic practiced as if coyly and soapily by an appearance of running to return again but as by a “two-fer” electing by that of the spouses proper name.  It actually seems ridiculous to consider that we have an Amendment than can be judged to be a non-law Amending if it allows a return of a spouse to some or much “holding” of “office” by the election of a spouse that marriage laws allow a full holding of to a holding that then again would be another “co-holding.”

A 501(c)(4) status may be right now for everyone whom feels a Constitutional defense is necessary and as that as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law every citizen is at least allowed to charge the Clinton “two-fer” at least for any or all “Hillary For President” organizing as if “criminal” in an “Un-Constitutional” treasonousness maybe as well of years of inappropriate to extra-Constitutional global (seditious) meddling.

I can not legally speak to what jeopardy any may now actually be considerate of already for any prosecution as per these rights and seeming prima facia violations.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:50 am

With a corn cob pipe*, and a good community not too bent to a new nationalism unnecessary for these days, many churn as much philosophically and/or theologically as those whence thence as of trying days that shackled many while however of colonial English of the Mayflower, Oliver Cromwell and yes, Rene Descartes.

This should be a hard, very hard, summer for nationalist Democrats however Clinton loyalists or Obama loyalists.  These are days of intra-party battles like of a war for legacy now necessary between the clan of Bill and Hillary and that of @BarackObama.  They cannot both be right - it doesn’t figure and/or fit intelligently with histories of the past couple decades.

I don’t know what you would think of a member of your own working community if they needed a philosophy of governance for their job and yet proceeded to till only as if their personality and all its emotional whimsy should be sufficient for prudent organizing.

Rene Descartes either made the warped keel’d ship of states of the Clintons or the made it plain that their “separations” have many now born witness of a time attitudinal for a new separatist philosopher of philosophical reckoning nearer to Descartes than justified since at least the first Tea Party by freedom loving people of American shores.

These sands of time so set whence, how then thence so newly by the Founding Fathers of the Constitution of the United States, as their ramblings set by preamble “do ordain and establish” so under God as by their God of the New Testament are coincidentally again of times of concern for excess taxation from sees too distant to be proper and prudent for their reworked sense of community, secured and long protected as set constituted in the “Year of our Lord” of the unanimously scribed set specially officially.

Politically speaking it may be strategically simpler to dissect and deconstruct the co-Presidency of the Clinton “two-fer” philosophically than to find philosophy and logic a reasonable tool to unshackle President Obama now from a time of arresting politics his.  President Obama is too much as if subjective than objective while holding so loosely to a governance styled more as if of man than laws while stubbornly trenchant of his will to be a PERSONALITY BASED PRESIDENT.  The Clitntons at least have an elaborate political con of decades of selfish spousal ambition to thrash here and there to unearth as many buried stores they spirit where ever however.  The Clintons and their institutional “two-fer” is set to be objective and separate from subjective;  The Clintons are ripe for a long overdue harvest of critical pickings and mashing.

Politically speaking it is remarkable that President Barack Hussein Obama, with his Harvard Law Degree, is due to be stripped down bare to the bones, politically, and sold newly in these times newly fit for community based raising for concerns for excess taxation and with the distance to sees of power again a intellectual condition.  It is remarkable too that President Obama while only able to carry himself so in these times while so exposed is of his hootin’ and hollerin’ better to have been prepared for with a Harvard Divinity School degree than his taken law degree.

A walking talking dandy of a socialist interpretation of the US Constitution he has turned out to be.  And a conundrum about our First Amendment more emotional and subjective than logically or philosophically - he is.  It is this summer we are to pull ourselves up by the proverbial bootstraps of a necessary intellectualism and political criticism of Rene Descartes and the Clintons, and President Obama and a subjective governance evidently lacking a philosophy of governance - seems.

It may be that it is easier to judge President B. O. as like a book by its cover than to reckon President Clinton and the co-Presidency of the Clinton “two-fer’ for a popularity that can be dissected live and slowly, now, now because of so much Clinton propaganda too viewed already.  It does seem President B. H. Obama was of a personality that needed he to have the highest of possible theological disciplinary training say from Harvard Divinity School and that his law degree has just been causing him perspective problems.  It was odd to see a President regardless of our said separations for Church and State as a conundrum about religiousity as a lawyer so long in those first broadcast interruptions for hour long evangelizing so.  It may have been more odd for him to have been a minister and to such attempts to evangelize as still as if a new messiah - but he likely would have had the training prerequisite for a selling of himself and his worth thence - and maybe still.

If he were a Pilgrim, or just of those days and times, however kept in time by sands - Hmmm?

Would he have refused to plant and harvest - would he have avoided labors even of collecting fuel/firewood?

President Barack Hussein Obama - if you were of the days of those that were of the Mayflower and the Pilgrims would you have been too much an outsider to be yourself Oliver Cromwell?  Mr. President, as it is easier to dissect either and both Clintons most critically logically, and philosophically, it remains that you may be too much a subjective conundrum consideration as if you would have yourself if of day whence thence to have been more a recluse separatist elite like Rene Descartes. 

We are Americans of the Northern continent, to be frank, we are, and the President, so asserted, are together citizens of the Constitution of the United States as respective of Pilgrims here and forever as a home for freedoms prudently set to stay for Posterity.  What the Founders harvested from that sown by the Pilgrims is still the Law of the Presidency however its distant holder now may be bent of labors to reconstruct so much as if always meant to be otherwise nearer quite Marxist or nationalist socialist. 

What is philosophy, and how can President Obama have been better served to have been of a keep of Pilgrim and Puritan harvests spiritually had he taken a divinity degree and not his law degree?  Is it because he could have been a black Rene Descartes newly or whence thence if so that I stoke these colonial sparks around issues of he as seems sold without being of a philosophy of governance?

One who professes to be to a PERSONALITY BASED PRESIDENCY as whether up worthingly as a new messianic should have had a Pilgrim sense at least a priori that such would be likely to him as of a governance too subjective and threateningly too near a government of man while a Constituted Government of Laws still of these Pilgrims’ seeds and lands.

These are days for a hard summer for Democrats.  A live dissection of the Clintons has some already commenced, and, so at a pace to be most thorough and slow.  Did you know that the Pilgrims are of a time like these and that such a time did thence produce Oliver Cromwell legacy and the limited separatist philosophical and/or theological writings of Rene Descartes?

Mr. President wasn’t our Constitution unanimously subsribed under God in the Year of the Founders’ Lord so as a protection for existent and future Pilgrims however within a sovereignty of the United States of North America?

*{corn cob pipe mention is as prop/propism - it is not meant to be or not be an endorsement for/of tobacco}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:16 am

Frankly it is diabolical how much we have now to cut through as a fog/smoke of the histories of the past twenty plus years.

To preface a late treatment of such dangers here are a few of my recent Facebook status posts:

“#Obama let me be clear (of) #BushLibrary > US Constitution has God in it & is a Christian establishment > Founders did ordain & establish it all in the Year of their Lord with that “Year of our Lord” for Posterity and Tranquility of “We the People…” with it People not people and “Year of our Lord…” not “Year of Our Lord…” Don’t know how to interpret now that it seems re-established that the USA is of a Christian Constitution of a 1st Amendment barring of Congress such that it is barred from making any laws to set itself above the equal right of the people though in “interpretation” of God and God’s will.

“What is written of/for Islam as to facing East 5 times a day in shared prayer as at least as important as a sextant to a sailor of at least two dedicated uses per day and with one always early enough in each morning so of/for Islam about observations so as to keep faithful from losing their ways with God as a dedicated sextant use is necessary to a sailor to avoid becoming lost at sea?”

“Was #SecClinton #Hillary too busy trying to usurp legacy global powers of Treas & Commerce Dptmnts to do Diplomatic Mission right?

“Is it of Islam that the paths to God disappear most days though still there while for most Christians their paths just become more worn and beaten and especially if just temporarily covered/hidden by some fresh snow? And that for Irish there of Ireland maybe their drinking paths are also same paths to Church? Where for Islam and the sands of times theirs there as paths to God’s places do most days seem to have disappeared?

I figure it may be far safer to be a stoner in the regions dominantly and historically of Islam and desserts than to be of such regions with heat stroke risks and regular dangers from disorientation particular to wide open desserts and sand storms.  I figure it may be safer to be stoner and even one lightly stoned than to be there and inebriated as of intoxication with alcohol.

President George W. Bush’s recently rebroadcast remarks as to how suicide bombers must have been “hopeless” speak to an alarmism due about the actual already passed years of Clintons’ administering - as still quite haunting.

President Barack Hussein Obama recently with his incriminating #BUZZFEED two am #WHCD stoking did give rise to the questioning now as to whether his illegal drug use that had him with early morning munchies was of usage criminal to break GOOD or break BAD haunting establishments or if it was just recreational mind numbing chemical doping of no points or counterpoints specificities.

President William Jefferson Clinton has left Jihadists and the established moral leaders of their religion less hope than they likely ever imagined possible as from one of the highest office of the United States of America.

It is as per Jihad it seems to rest that hope must have been dashed for a path to civil and peaceful Justice for their to be a Holy War causal.  Even as per 9/11 I & II if “Jihad” mustn’t there have been, however, no civil or peaceful path for Justice left available as per the issues of an associated guilt?

I don’t know if President Obama would have to get half baked or fully cooked to be of a mental capacity to fathom the full diabolical of the Clintons’ legacy that left radicals of Islam of no hope for Justice but as by Jihad.

Attorney General Eric Holder has his hands full if he is to rend Justice back into Democrat Party executive execution exactly as per reducing a sense of Justice by Jihad only for those of Islam where ever.  He may have to offer those remaining “Middle East Leaders” once of an 1993 era Clinton political con a specific amnesty and exactly as associated with moral justifications left to realm of suicide bombers at least as concerns 9/11 I.

If the 9/11 highjacker “terrorists” are so “Jihadists” and so of having seen no hope for Justice but as then through a Holy Warring sacrificial Jihad then such is of the moral realm of the faith and faithful of Islam and of a knowing about the right and wrong in the charges of the supreme leaders of the establishments moral of such faith.  For us to be to finally litigating a guilt of the Clintons at least to a GROSS NEGLIGENCE for their eight years as our highest office holders our Attorney General Eric Holder may have to offer said of “Middle East Leaders” circa 1993 corruption of President Clinton amnesty from prosecution so that we can morally discuss how the Clintons had left Justice as not possible by any other means more civil or peaceful.

It was half baked that President Barack Hussein Obama did pressure all to not “re-litigate” a past that hardly had been yet litigated specifically once at least to a necessary moral understanding.  The Clintons have not yet been effectively litigated for so much that can have been causal to faithful of Islam thinking there was no civil or peaceful path for a Justice as per the issues that are discussed as the motivation of the 9/11 I suicide bombers.

There is a political trap still effectively set for said “Middle East Leaders” however associated honorably with a corruption of the Clintons dated back as far as 1993.  Without an offer of specific and full amnesty for such high class of people where ever they may be now as survivors of the Arab Spring they cannot share their perspective on the Clintons however “corrupting” it might be honorably.  It is as if the Clintons are still surviving politically as if Redford in the STING and them of the conning globally.

We are stuck all sort of in a half baked no-mans land that now will beget more terrorism as of a Jihad just because said “Middle East Leaders” cannot speak morally and free about the cons and crash politics of the Clintons without damning themselves in a too on its face to people of the United States self incriminating telling.

It remains that President Barack Hussein Obama may be more dangerous as one of our highest office as not still a faithful of Islam.  It is that to some of such faith he may be an apostate and to us of greater dangers as he governs as an adult who shed his religion of birth as if by choosing Christianity as a better religion.  We have that for such to be resolved we may need a more serious BOOK OF BARACK than my column @ jphogan.org to detail how he lives not as if Christianity is a better religion than Islam is but just that it is a better religion for him.

It is the Congress of the United States that is barred by the First Amendment from making any law respecting an establishment of religion and religious tenets as if it has a superior right in moral interpretation than the people of the People.   Our President is allowed like our Courts to be though of wearing their morality and faithfulness on their sleeves and in their talk and walk.

Our Clintons are not loveable for how diabolical their conning was and still is.  They do seem to be fooling too many still too long as if of a STING set up for personal and political profits for their spousal husbandry however of private and public domains.  It does figure that the supreme moral leaders of Islam and likely leaders of sovereign Muslim countries had to have an awareness of some “knowing” as predictive to 9/11 I & II.  It figures that this may be a matter of our Clintons of having left no sense that a civil and peaceful path for a Justice on such issues was possible, and, that said “Middle East Leaders” could bare witness against the Clintons still if only maybe our Attorney General Eric Holder could secure them a just amnesty from prosecution.

It is that I oddly remember new President William Jefferson Clinton as to haunting me while about such in its earliest days in the White House.  I was haunted then by such as inappropriate and corrupt and then for those years long until 9/11/01 - as it happened to have turned out. 

Can we get the Clintons’ recipe for Jihad disasters revealed yet and as if of a first litigation?

Is President Barack Hussein Obama more dangerous as an apostate to his religion of birth than if he actually were a faithful of Islam? 

Is this really not about religion but of a GROSS NEGLIGENCE at least of the Clintons’ 8 as at least politically half baked?

It seems it can only have been the administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” that left no hope for Justice by any means more civil and peaceful than that of the said Jihad of “terrorism” of 9/11 I.  It seems we are all at least have cooked still as long as the Clintons’ con is allowed to keep running. It seems we should find a way to peacefully invite said supposed “Middle East Leaders” long ago of the Clinton request hauntingly and oddly remembered of he of asking them to “just blame Republicans” and as well like “to not attack the USA until after he was no longer President.”

TILT!!! ???

Have the Clintons rigged the global politics such as if they are successfully like a Robert Redford with a STING for personal political gain?  How can we free the honorable faithful however of a predictive knowing that preceded events to a thought Justice on 9/11/01 - how can we loosen the tongues honorably of those as “Middle East Leaders” that the Clintons did seemingly trap and keep since 1993 “blaming” ploys?

We are now still unjustly suffering because so much of the politics of the Clintons was half baked.

Ours and those faithful of Islam may only have a better hope for peace and Justice now if we can clear whomever were knowing faithful as leaders whence to feel safe to bare witness against the Clintons - or just Bill Clinton.

As long as it seems at home or abroad that Bill Clinton is rising again to such highness however so corrupted and diabolical we all will be such that Jihad will have justifications still as per issues at least dated back as far as the Clintons’ first term.  As long as Bill Clinton continues to think he can get away with this there will be no hope possible for an effective Justice as per what might have been until his first term actually much just the fault of Republicans.

Please Attorney General Eric Holder do offer any appropriate said as “Middle East Leaders” a proper amnesty from prosecution so that we can get those that actually know this to come forward to pave a better way to Justice anew away from a sense that no Justice is possible by more civil and peaceful means than Jihad.

It actually figures that unless we embrace those of “Middle East Leaders” and in a sharing of how the USA may have asked for it we cannot restore our Constitution and Government to working and respectable order free from what is diabolical as of a con half baked of and by the Clintons - such as I can tell.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 pm

No really we have to now sweat detail about Mrs. Hillary Clinton - private citizen.  Good stories about her or for her just don’t write themselves well or naturally - you can say - you could say - anymore.

This whole North Korea sit rep so soon after her Congressional “JACK” outburst is most concerning.  As you may recall she was like “you can’t handle the truth” but as more a ‘I can’t handle the truth’ in her “what’s the difference now?”  And, quite so especially if she really is all the rival she and President Clinton rode an independent world wide popularity for. 

What to make of Hillary Clinton now as private citizen with DPRK maybe an “official” reaction to her time as Secretary of State and with too imperialistic a Diplomacy?  Surely we now as stories aren’t writing themselves (well) about her have to look at real details about her reign as President Obama’s Secretary of State.  It is too much a “rival” story that wants to be written now as if she of a pride that she and Bill were able to keep or make peace with North Korea and yet her “rivals” of President Obama, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry seem otherwise less capable.

On the heels of her “culpability” and questions quite to wondering if she saw an Ambassador as a martyr for her cause and expendable by her own thinking, about herself of a self importance greater, it seems the DPRK raises more issues that go to competence about her service while of duties as President Obama’s Secretary.

It is very confusing thinking about how we now should be covering Hillary Clinton as a private citizen still as a public figure and out as if of her USA should go gay decree too much as if speaking as a First Lady of the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE while it still of offering of political cover as if President Clinton is an unelected President of the World.

It seems a good story now for Hillary Clinton just doen’t want to write itself.  It is confusing how many ways it seems details matter that are being willingly overlooked.  It is confusing especially now as well with DPRK nuclear posturing that we have to wonder rightly if it can be in part due to Secretary Clinton time of a too imperialistic Diplomacy now then moderated globally with her of her decree like that the USA should go gay.  Aren’t we at wondering if she either was dictating a strong suggestion at least to all foreign nationals she had relations with that they now were to presume she was also talking to them and about them?  And about DPRK people too?

What we have for starters as “details” about Hillary is that she seems not to have a single hobby other than a once mentioned and infrequent use of a said home kept elliptical stationary “exercise” machine.  She isn’t a concert pianist or musician of any said capability or interest and nor is she a real golfer or even a bad golfer.  She by her New Hampshire tears was revealing of real electoral pressures then put to her to answer for some details - I remember such as stirred by queries as to whether she was at all well rounded and with a hobby or two or any extracurricular personal interests.  It seemed she had to cry for political cover as now she has to run for new political cover.  It seems she really isn’t well rounded or even nearly as personally engaged in non work activities as we long have expected from male “candidates” at least.

As per her being out as public figure still and with a globally stirring decree that at least the USA should go gay we have as well that it seems as if she is lobbying for CGI and as if now a First Lady again to President Clinton as he rides high still too much as if an unelected and unchecked President of the World.

We have to remember that President Clinton got the high drama like of a new BAY OF PIGS stand off as it was awhile ago with an earlier DPRK CRISIS that seemed fit to be called a BAY OF BABES for Bill Clinton as called into a public relevance to be of a grand escort service to collect and babysit Al Gore’s private spies after they had been caught without enough training illegally in the DPRK.  We have now that President Obama may have no choice but to call in Bill Clinton as a private citizen to negotiate a peace and as if it is needed for details that tell of more than Benghazi failures for Mrs. Clinton.

It seems Hillary Clinton was supposed to be an inevitable first female President much of a thought that stories would just write themselves well.  It seems now that she has to run just to have cover and that it is hard to find a way around so many concerning “details” to cover competently.

It seems we have to consider that her recent decree as though acceptable as a rival while in a no woman’s land as a public private citizen still seems out of order so soon as of a meddling in foreign policy while a new successor still so new.  As Hillary Clinton however now a lobbyist at all or too soon by our standards with efforts of or the mission of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE we have her as Hillary of any domestic comment as a decree as well meant to be a foreign dictate or STRONG SUGGESTION.

I don’t know how yet to write about the tough spots she has her former boss now in.  I don’t yet know how to cover President Obama so soon after losing Mrs. Clinton as of whatever allegiance she as a rival so whence.  I don’t yet know how to cover much of this but to try to think about all the details of Hillary’s story so far and as of her as if a typical wife of a cheating spouse who coped by busying herself with work - only with work.  It seems we have to explain away that she doesn’t seem to have a single hobby of record and is yet celebrated as being a workaholic.

Right, at least we know, it seems, that she doesn’t hit the players or throw balls at them with a foul mouth.  Right we know, it seems, that she isn’t a concert pianist or musician of any note and nor an athlete even in golf sport.

What we seem to have as a concerning detail is that she may need to run as if running for cover.  And, that now like after 9/11 we may have our Democrats saying they just did what the people asked them to do, and, even while it seemed that they had asked to be elected as if smarter and smart enough to know not to do just what the people were asking them to do.  After 9/11 the Democrats did meddle in foreign affairs while such the matters of State of a new administration of a different party - they even did shed any claims of blame upon them by casting it carelessly on Americans quite innocent in comparison.

I am confused - I don’t know how we as Americans have gotten so to a time like now with it so complicated as per a now public private citizen such specifically as Hillary Rodham Clinton.  It seems she is running much just to run for cover and yet that seems the story that writes itself and yet oddly the story that isn’t being told.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:53 am

It is inescapable that Bill Clinton is at heart the very politician that gave the filibuster like Democratic Party Convention Speech for the nomination of Governor Michael Dukakis.  1988 was a different time for Americans of the United States of America still in the longest of warring such as our Cold War.  Governor Clinton of Arkansas in 1988 in Atlanta, Georgia, droned on and on, and on, by many reports.

By 1991 we were in a new global state of affairs heralded as a NEW WORLD ORDER.  Many may have been dreading seeing Governor Clinton return to any national dais for another oration.  There is a long story to tell that now fits with a Democrat Party in need of branding help.  Today’s order as per intra-party Democrat worlds has a is segmented to a split about three identities;  Today there are different biases about the brand as of a trichotomy between Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - Barack Hussein Obama Dems.

Some are grateful much more than others that Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected in 1988 and that Governor Michael Dukakis was not.  As many may be grateful some about a retrospective that Governor Clinton may have cost Governor Dukakis the election with his convention speech still reported as of an air of a “Will it ever end?”

Students of the politics of the United States of America can hardly be to erudite posits and papers today in these times without having an understanding of the years 1988-1993.  To some it was just the years that the U.S.A. became the sole superpower in the world, and, to others it was the years of a concern that a third world war would break out and be the foretold end - the end of the world as by fire.

Of at least an intra-party Democrat world set about with a dichotomy just between Bill Clinton Dems & Hillary Clinton Dems we have that the First Couple Clintons did leave after their eight years without having left, so it seems, any alternative plan for “bite” as per Saddam Hussein.  We still have a vacuum about our political logic quite dangerously of roll outs of new policies and defense spending concerns endemic to the Administration of the Clintons and how they left President George W. Bush no entrance and/or exit strategy for Iraq and the considerable dust ups about a prosecution due for Saddam Hussein.

There is much hubris about so much over too many of these many years since Governor Clinton showed his true self with the nominating speech for Governor Dukakis that is of reports of some fearing it might never end, like.  From this we have that students of American history of the politics of the United States of America have a dichotomy to consider and scrutinize too much just within that which is just singularly of the known history of Bill Clinton.

Iraq and Iran, logically speaking, now would likely be engaged in a mini cold war of their own with non U.S. global support of quite a different “new world order” than President George H. W. Bush managed us towards.  Without the PERSIAN GULF WAR of President George H. W. Bush and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of President George W. Bush it is logical and supportable by known global sympathies that Saddam if still in power would now be in a cold war nuclear power and nuclear weapon race with Iran.  It helps to understand the years between 1988 & 1993 and how so then about a major adjustment for the world to a NEW WORLD ORDER with the U.S.A. emerged from such long dust up with the U.S.S.R. as a sole global super power.

About so much of this is still that Hillary Clinton Dems of the above concerning trichotomy and or dichotomy is that which did the most flip flopping.  She is also the Clinton, and Democrat, most culpable and mashable around a hashable #Iraq for she voted for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, logically, as one that as Mrs. Clinton the former FLOTUS of the most recent prior administration was of intimate enough “intelligence” to have known if “WMD” was or was not a lie.  She is remembered for being of reports that she was so confident with “WMD” intelligence as former FLOTUS, it seems, that she didn’t even take it upon herself to read the provided “NEW” intelligence estimates.

In light of the recent vast democratic reset that happened when the U.S.A became the victor of the longest of wars - of the COLD WAR - and became in the years 1988 -1993 effectively the only super power it is quite relevant and concerning that logic can help us be to better understandings of our here and now if we dig into the old dust ups of a couple decades ago.  Afghanistan can be said to have been the GETTYSBURG of the COLD WAR - the “turning point.”

In the mashable of our current problema challenging any now “Democrat” as of an “Intelligentsia” we have that we should consider that “WMD” may have been a genius stroke however a “LIE” for still we have that any entrance or exit about Iraq for a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and/or “bite” for United Nations’ sanctions was best to be booted as somehow definitively not of the U.S.A. or Coalition as to a HOLY WAR footing.

Hillary Clinton Dems are now quite past a reasonable deadline for proffering posits positively purposeful politically per prudent possible and probable prosecution of her past sworn officialdoms.  It is logical that Hillary Clinton has been making the same mistakes over and over since she first flip flopped about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  When one accepts “Bush lied” it logically becomes both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton whom appear to look worse - worser even that President George W. Bush.

There is a dichotomy taggable as of a Bill Clinton’s Dems and Hillary Clinton’s Dems even from their Administration as the first stirrings of a dust up in Afghanistan had one more a dove and the other more hawkish.  Together they abandoned Afghanistan for their eight years and such that once was manageable as of a too early exit by the United States of American became years of insult added to injury, like, such that now we may be there and for so long because they wanted to sell PEACE before its time and be coyly of an inaction and avoidance in Afghanistan and Iraq so that they could justify, somehow, PEACE DIVIDENDS during known unsettled times.

Yes there is a dichotomy at least just in Bill Clinton that is now still very relevant for it is not logical that he was himself truly while of his 1988 Democrat Party Convention speechifying and that he had been naturally as himself while of much of the exposure since their late entry into the 1992 Presidential race.

OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM would better to have been of ACTION by the Clintons in the first term of the Administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and then as well somehow clearly and definitively as of a “war” like posture not footed or booted as confusable as a HOLY WAR. 

Saddam Hussein was like a father or godfather figure about Al Qaeda.  How much this was strategic and purposefully politicked by Saddam Hussein to a consideration that he would be able to keep Kuwait despite the U.S.A. of treaties because Americans wouldn’t risk stirring up radicals known to be of geopolitical sensitivity and pride - like Al Qaeda.  We have that we are still deciding politics with still too little consideration about how our 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT is flawed for having looked back only ten years at Al Qaeda all the while it was nearer 12 years old and formed specifically to be a response/reaction to politics and warring by Saddam Hussein.  Saddam Hussein may have well like rocked the cradles of Al Qaeda against the United States of America towards gains like of his efforts in seizing Kuwait.

And today there is at least about Iraq and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM an intra-party trichotomy among Democrats as of either Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems.  These three still have different histories related to so much of what is now too effecting to our politics and these years of gridlock.

Logically there wouldn’t have been a 9/11 I or 9/11 II if Saddam Hussein hadn’t invaded Kuwait.  Logically it seems 9/11 may have been kept like as a HOLY DAY for Jihadists of Al Qaeda 2001 sense of justice and so if as well an attack by them to being only then interpretable of an “intelligence” of a motive nearly identical to 9/11 I.  There is more in just the broached “dichotomy” concern about Bill Clinton that relates to some of his earliest moral short comings of his first steps in the Middle East of his first year of his first term;  it is actually mashable and logical that Al Qaeda attacked us on both 9/11 days as acts of war in a HOLY WAR or Jihad for a sense of justice related still to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

And today there is still a concern about “LIES” of “WMD” and yet hardly enough discussion as to the religious and geopolitics variables that were better worked around to assure that any due prosecution of Saddam Hussein wouldn’t and couldn’t be seen as of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of a wagging of HOLY WAR.

Again, there is a dichotomy just about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton for their years of the Administration of the Clintons as per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Again, most reports still are of us as having had power shift from the Clintons to President George W. Bush without there having been a plan of the Clintons’ eight years left for entering and exiting Iraq. 

It seems that “BITE” for United Nations’ sanctions on Saddam Hussein, as an issue, as our history, does divide the house of Clintons still.

And, still we had the clock running.   We were some to a new way of “liberation” for the United States of America, as of a new world order, and expectation to “police’” as a sole super power, as it became an expected way for Americans that had risks of the U.S.A. becoming punk’d by other nations to such while to such.  We the People of the United States of America were uniquely fortified to a new way to “liberation” of other peoples where we had been compromised/engaged before much some just because we had (still had) an all volunteer force.

And now though with two acts of war by Al Qaeda on 9/11s are we to measure and consider the current intra-party trichotomy existant about a logical and historical divide between the politics of Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems?

And, again:  It is remarkable that as the discussion goes from “Bush lied” to an acceptance that “Bush lied” it is the Clintons however similar and intimate and different are two that each are to politically looking worse that President George W. Bush!

So:  Did we get attacked on both 9/11 because Bill Clinton failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein per the sense of justice reasoning of Al Qaeda?  Was the second act of war on such that may have been kept as a terrorist HOLY DAY then for Bill Clinton returned and not penitent so when again in a Democrat Party Convention - when at Charlotte as the charlatan yet of a history of having been of an Administration of the Clintons now proven to have been too much of an avoidance and inaction as per Afghanistan and Iraq? 

We can accept that it is logical that Saddam Hussein fathered Al Qaeda by his violation of Kuwait - Right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:42 am

Perhaps you have heard of the long day ride of the nominee of President Obama Chuck Hagel!  Two lanterns may be needed, or just one, for that guardian charge many are being asked to allow as a trusted duty his.

How many candles can he light - need he of Nebraska light at least metaphorically - how wicked or enlightened be he in old lights for Posterity as a candle otherwise maybe lit as our beacon of defense?  William Golding of Brasenose College - a perhaps idyllic or iconic in life and death for Chuck Hagel and his comraderies?

We were nearly all the boobs of the threat considerations of the 2006 SURGE dates — Senator Chuck Hagel, whence pressed, and probed, those moments lingering on, still as “complicated” relationships hung over much, with fogs of ignorance and naivete horned yet not seen, was figuratively a Paul Revere of Nebraska biased to measures scaled to relations foremost considerate of natural law erudity flames or sparks.

“Among the vicissitudes incident to life”* start stands as a prophylactic of earlier days governance commencements quite so whence Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska was charged of considerations of personal emoluments of official duties and which ever pecuniary costs for skins or pounds of flesh, however Solomesque, the peace of the dates or the spark of threats had embedded particularly.

It is considerate to not relate or report yesterday’s pounding of President Barack H. Obama’s first choice to succeed Sec Def Panetta as Republican on Republican hate.  He may have been a silversmith to only a second place though for himself, now.

When Senator, he, Chuck Hagel,  may have wanted to see a Clinton PEACE as not a “PEACE!” before its time and been too much to a bosomed embrace of our Houses as united while still divided by actual wars and their political costs and histories.

There were ways to buffet such dates of so much warring thought not to have been to becoming our fate or destiny but not to run from the light of the actual candles/beacons of truths of the ages in which all was bedded.

The pounding and pressing of President Barack H. Obama’s first choice even if it leaves nominee Hagel now of a silver of his own wraught - is good for the President and for us since it was an airing of shared SURGE naivete still long over-coddled by the Administration of Obama.  What was lit yesterday for all to be forewarned from is that his shared pinings and sympatheties on review as also those long fronted by our current President are now no longer “historical” or defensible - that they are not now “reasoned” nor “reasonable” as most now shed their innocence and naivete of the “it’s complicated” old dated relationships as per threats not as simple as such that a warm embrace could fix or settle.

Among the vicissitudes incident to the SURGE Senator John McCain and myself and maybe all that I wrote publicly in 2006 as “uc” has been much confirmed and affirmed as our actual histories for and about the SURGE for Posterity now as a candle/beacon of and for fact based governance (and defense budgeting).

Strategically speaking so much of such past dates were really always political then of “it’s complicated” near to a maximus, and, still of a more reasoned understanding for motivations as justifications by the seats of Al Qaeda to 9/11 I quite that more should be considerate that our Senators at least had their judgement compromised by our 9/11 Commission Report as it was/is a flawed bedded and binded mess for having only looked back ten years all the while Al Qaeda was known to have been born nearer twelve years thence earlier.

Of nominee for Secretary of Defense beaconship we can be considerate that Senator Chuck Hagel when given the right histories or facts is likely of a capacity and accomplishment in governance to make a good or right decision.  It is arguable that his hot seat flaming is lit by embers of ignorance and naivete official bound by our 9/11 Commission findings.

The incident vicissitudes particular to the erring by nominee Hagel now so historical as lacking in “historical” correctness are of days and threats against America that had long passed Nebraska thresholds as of a bosom and soothing or settling by coddling, it seems.

We have too long been blinded by the worked ignorance upon the minds of just Americans by politicking with our histories such as two Clintons have too long done.  It is considerate not to report yesterday’s ups and downs so incident as Republican on Republican HATE.  The bound bedding now long pertinent to the bad dates so rehashed with discussions of earlier Republican possible partisan betrayal is buttress’d covertly too much in a false narrative not a rap enough of the false yet convenient rap of two of the Clintons. 

As per such as the important and incident actual histories of the relative past twenty plus years of ups and downs foreign and domestic it behoove all to remember the Clintons’ are by their “friends” still fresh of taggings as “BIG LIARS”! 

By the lies of the Clintons - the known and the unknown lies of the Clintons many leaders have fallen or slipped as BOOBS!

William Golding was of erudition by way of Brasenose College and Senator Chuck Hagel to politics of vicissitudes of incidents domestic and foreign by way of Nebraska. 

His hesitancy whence to be of Republican Party loyalty as to the proven sound reasoning of and for a SURGE is not quite as bad a faux pas as that which have made Clinton loyalists and the Clintons themselves now nearer to a record as of a actual historical global naivete - of an embrace to much of “PEACE” before its time.

But of his Congressional Senatorial review - it is good news that the President’s seemingly intimately shared naivete about histories now better understood than whence thence to political hesitancy and dangerous inaction and avoidance posturing have been aired by his first choice for Secretary of Defense charge.  We now may all be able to GET SMART and start moving forward with intellectual honesty and a reset to US Governance along fact based actual histories.

We may all be at risk if we don’t check nominee Chuck Hagel’s rendition of SURGE political bedding/binding.  Whether by across the seas or by lands American of the United States all are now still too at risk of also becoming BOOBS of the Clintons at least if failing to consider that Saddam Hussein gave birth incidentally to Al Qaeda by his invasion of our Ally Kuwait, and, that Al Qaeda likely attacked us on both 9/11 as a political or thought just act of “Jihad” against first the failures of President Clinton to sufficiently have prosecuted Saddam Hussein, by their radically so sense of justice, and, then with the second 9/11 maybe so for the same reasoning then of an abhorance visceral to their ideological theocratic group think as President Clinton of Charlotte charlatan posturing like a pouring of salts into their wounds, the wounds by their conception kept open and sore and misunderstood at least by those that trust our 9/11 Commission findings.

It may be that Nebraskan nominee Chuck Hagel came across as a BOOB of Obama’s preference from a trust in the history as bound by his old Congress’ consdiration of Al Qaeda by way of their 9/11 Commission and its ______________ for having only looked back ten years when the group know to have actually attacked of their own wills and sense of justice was yet then nearer twelve years old.

A better embrace of history is now available for many - for many more than whence thence now of old wounds reopened:

Al Qaeda was formed to be a Muslim answer to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of neighbor Nation State of Kuwait and was so chided and long abraded by the USA and coalition states having been otherwise chosen to be the just warriors.  It can be said that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 but likely only by way of having incidentally having been the father of Al Qaeda by way of his inappropriate violation of Kuwait. 

There is real and historical “cause and effect” now more publicly consumable such that fewer need be BOOBS still about our own trying times that followed on so much of the Clintons’ “PEACE DIVIDENDS” of ups and downs like of lies of a “PEACE” “officially” before its times.

Nominee Chuck Hagel might be a candle of naivete too much - I hope our Senators figure out such in time.  As more than a time of natural law biased “PEACE” where coddling too long thought a way to bedding for Posterity Nominee Hagel is still at risk of not being embraced if he rests with President Obama like of a innocence from ignorance and naivete disrespective of incidental histories that relate to Saddam Hussein legacy and motivations seemingly of a confidence that he thought he had a way to defeat the United States of America - globally, and, specifically with traps set about an assault figurable against Americans of the United States by way of cyber or global public relations warring spin.

These hearings now are for Posterity with us now to trust that our charged Congress will be to greater good discourse to be a prophylactic for endemic naivete imprudence.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:18 pm

I personally am not versed enough in particularities in scholarly discussions of “FREE WILL” as per a polarizing of global relations between different people of varied histories and levels of living under tyranny.  Appearances by Secretary Clinton do stir wonderment as to what meats may go into her sausage making - and to how kosher or FDA certifiable as if a policy approval of and by the people for that which is less read about such as her of global work to divide the world along polarized partisan political lines firstly much to assimilations to “Clintonites.”  This is a mess we are witnessing.

I do not know enough about Senator John Kerry to know of his views to an importance of “FREE WILL” and nor how he may be different and maybe better at State leadership than Hillary Rodham Clinton specifically because of his religiousness as Roman Catholic.  As Secretary of State if his kited appointment sails through he will inherit a duty global of much seized opportunities by the Clintons together to establish loyalties to Clintons and the Clintons Global Initiative and intimately also shared political operations of just their Foundation.  I am not even sure, in light of the recent Congressional hearings on Clinton failures, that he as a new Secretary of State will have half the global “FREE WILL” our office of State Diplomacy harbored prior to the over-reaching post office international political meddling of just President Bill Clinton.

Seldom is discussed, so that I am yet aware, how we are of these years of conflicts and a new “Longest War” much as a related due discourse to consider that our Bush Administration and its standardized FREEDOM AGENDA was at least of a visible method of building with foreign peoples from the ground up.  The years of Clintons’ “diplomacy” strike more as a call to hold on high and herald politicians as lawyers as ready compromisers - not steady and considered builders.  We could use more public discussion as oddly as it may sound to a chit chat where ever about how the chase of “POPULARITY” as the end all for a Clinton be all of the Obama 1st term was actually a “WRONG” way to proceed “DIPLOMATICALLY” after the hard work and years of the Bush Administration nurturing of freedom with bottom up “standing with” boots on the ground developmental compassionate progressive conservativism.

The Compassionate Conservative George W. Bush as President was quite progressive internationally.  But now as per the rap on Hillary Clinton of a SLAUGHTERHOUSE STATE it is time we peel back some truths and look at lies for what they were.  Against the better judgement of Secretary Clinton however prejudiced still from her days “international” as FLOTUS Clinton we have to contrast how we are now of permanent truths contrary enough to ask about said “lying into war” by President George W. Bush.  Like:  So if President Bush lied us into OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and now it looks like such was a necessary but late due prosecution of Saddam Hussein - why did he think it necessary to “lie” us into a proven to have been necessary execution of American sense of fairness?  What were the politics he had to fight and/or the ignorance in our Washington or general Peopleness that he for some reason needed to proceed with lies duly because of in order to be so progressive and to doing what has it seems been proven to have been necessary?

Besides that it can be put upon Senator John Kerry much for his/a disloyalty to our President whence then after our President had committed us all albeit with lying us into OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM for having started his very disruptive ANTI-WAR REVIVAL with questions of voracity marched at President Bush only after the USA and coalition states had become actually committed into OIF with boots on the ground — we have that so from such it may be ANTI-WAR ACTIVIST KERRY that so undermined confidence at home and abroad that he on his shoulders most should carry our weight of OIF taking so much longer and costing so much more.  He seems to have it as his culpability that he so spread fear across Iraq that liberated people we expected ready cooperation from with their liberation tucked away rightly with stirred fears by Kerry’s ANTI-WAR proffering that they best lay low as long as it looked like he, Senator John Kerry, would succeed at  a quick CUTTING AND RUNNING again by the seeming there to see it through of a global coalition.

A most strategically puzzling of today’s partisan softball cordial queriousness is that line of support taken nobly by Senator form Illinois Dick Durbin when of a sparring softly supportively with his own Pandora’s Box mine field of Operation Iraqi Freedom being of lies about still unfound WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction).  Since Senator Hillary Clinton didn’t offer a diplomatic honesty intellectually in defense of truths of the circumstances of her having voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom:  It is most puzzling today amidst all this that WMD issue can be raised at all to help free Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton from her Senate vote as Senator Clinton of New York while such vote then was proffered by her with so much confidence in her own understanding of the issue that she cast a vote for a war by such reasoning and without thinking she needed to read the intelligence reports for such voting whence.  WMD as per Iraq should be a weight to sink her in any “intelligence” queriousness now at all about worsening sit reps for the Middle East, at least. Right?  Hillary voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom confident in her own political understanding and without feeling beholden to question herself by reading a fresh post Administration of the Clintons new intelligence report - Right?

In Hillary’s tears more the guilt of the Clintons’ avoidance & inaction of the 90s as causal following on from her speaking of dangers from avoidance and inaction - that still follow on from President Obama’s Nobel Acceptance Speech as a slap at the Clintons for their avoidance and inaction on Afghanistan and Iraq while of his charge earlier in our 90s.  President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Acceptance Speech spoke pointedly but coyly of “dangers of inaction and avoidance” much as Hillary today did while prefacing her tears for those affected by loses from her negligence years after such path towards such became trodden by the dangers that grew from the Administration of the Clintons inaction and avoidance as just per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Her use of word “husbandry” is quite a clever way to like hide that the Clintons for four years may have been overtly getting away with serious and dangerous like official conflicts of interests - at least.  She did bristle when her tears fell flat and she had to go on the defensive - quite so!  As one who remembers her New Hampshire tears as those triggered by her sliding in pols and with then a hit about if she was at all well rounded with even at least one hobby so stressing her so whence - as I recall from having been one of pressuring her before her New Hampshire tears for not at least having a hobby - but not to expecting she could shed tears for not having time for her stationary walker machine to avoid her inaction and lack of well roundedness - a less well roundedness than such campaigns long had insisted for its male entrants.

Those of the Administration of George W. Bush demonstrated a very different social norm globally and expandingly with their FREEDOM AGENDA respective of ‘FREE WILL’ as if at least the majority of Iraqi should and could be endowed by their creator as Americans free by theirs - a very different and even more progressive but yet not “socialist” than the heavy hands of change of Obama/Clinton FP with fear and pressure kept more distantly centralized, and, quite of the same governance sense that Government (by them) knows best.  Surprisingly these hearings may help peoples all around the world better see now that American Republicans are better protectors of individuals and their God given “FREE WILL” than at least President Barack Hussein Obama while of such rivalrous Clintons pulling him down.

I do not know if with Secretary of State as seems now inevitable of a turnover to the charge and such duty boundedness for John Kerry we can see HOPE return to the Administration of President Barack H. Obama.  I do not know if the assault on due process and developmental threats to “FREE WILL” as perpetrated by the Clintons’ “two-fer” are now bound to keep em shackled even so.

[I think that wraps up SLAUGHTERHOUSE STATE composition. {Well I’ve gotten this new column started.  Please check back throughout rest of day and evening and tomorrow as I work out the necessary bulwarks to ideas so broached already.}]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:11 pm

These are momentous days of truths rolling on beyond the control and wishful messaging of President Barack Hussein Obama The Re-Elected.  Firstly we should primarily concern ourselves much already to 2016 to the preservation of U.S. of at least two parties.  Secondly we should firstly also be to a present queriousness as to whether these past four years have been of the United States of America of a governance and politics actually more polarizing politically than was thought beyond “expected” to of an “inevitable” new partisan dividing quite on the way and yet of a President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

There are greater truths rolling on above this now ancillary historical still concerning problem more pressing now judicially as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is set to be paraded for problems inescapably hers and some much more than of others about her as failures at least in “leadership” messaging and tone hers.

Whether President Clinton would have been more polarizing if the resultant victor of the 2008 challenges - more polarizing than he that has now been sworn in again for having hung himself higher successfully than she in our public eyes/galleries is somewhat a something that both our House and our Senate by tomorrow should also consider at least as per “motive” and “means” while working to see if she can or will incriminate her boss without delay.

If it is to a real concern that a capital punishment is deserved at least for Madam Secretary Clinton it shouldn’t be a high hanging of a well worked rendition in oil on canvas for her but harkenings chorused on high as if the United States of America had French guillotines.  These are moments like past lore’d histories where at least a threat of “off to the guillotine” or water-boarding would be in the pressing and generally in the civil airs.

Whom to hang higher tomorrow?  To at least consider hanging higher tomorrow and now on the eve with political palpitations in flux anticipatory to a high drama possible if “rival” Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may or may not be prone to an outburst or worked plotting to effectively throw her boss under a bus — Whom to hang higher or lower soon?

The state of our nation is at stake and our last vestiges of HOPE maybe in our institution of Congress.  His team of “rivals” has truths their own rolling on contrary and maybe superior to a better and higher legacy than he may yet be able to lift or peg as his own.  There has been much change but now with scholarly called hopefully to an intellectual honesty professionally rended towards future editions reared to consider his successes may actually already now be more her “successes” and not much at all anything he actually built.

How much is at stake?  Is the entire reputation of our state of a nation at stake and threatened by what should be heard and discoursed fully through with his “Hillary” to hot seats with a “the buck stops here” out of passing the buck up to her boss to help set her up, however, towards 2016?

How threatened is the state of our nation vis a vis our view of our representatives and our institutions of Congress as our House and Senate now with a “Hillary” disposition maximus or again too minimus due news of this week?  Can she be hung high now despite whether or not politically an “how high” or if “higher than” her boss without our Congress being again too complicit in a vast lowering of standards of our State?

This is more for echoes of our Statuary Hall and galleries, where ever, though in centuries earlier more dramatic events would likely have already unfolded for at least our Madam Secretary of State for having doned pompous capping in preposterous hats as figuratively as if too much a modern day Marie Antoinette - nearer to “off to the guillotine with her” or for her boss.

No, we can wait to see if President Barack Hussein Obama can stand the never ending campaign of the Clintons in battles for legacies greater for themselves than they have earned, and now with he too set to have a institutionalized never ending campaign for himself.  For our Statuary Halls and galleries, where ever, it may be that the Clintons will succeed in still out foxing President Obama and maybe by some clever transference or projection again in coming days of State disposing hearings into renditions of Hillary’s questionable understanding of history.

Today on the eve of a scheduled challenge to seated power such as times before celebrated eons and eons prior like with a sharpening of guillotines or a building of a hanging stand we behold a great institutional threat to our House and our Senate and so our Tranquility and Posterity. 

Must our Congress find that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to be effectively somehow and very publicly set out tomorrow and in coming days for perpetuity as if always now to be hung lower than President Barack Hussein Obama?  Can his “Hillary” effect a coup as a still too celebrated “rival” and yet not be so to a corrupting of our institution of Congress of the People quite sworn? 

Can they go light - can they as our Congress’s sworn go as light on her as she and our now re-sworn President have in mind as of a “fairness”?

Our we at a weakness for firsts primarily now too much like of a too high affirmative action for those held out as of our highest or presumed finest?  Are we of these as “her” and “she” of “Hillary” as our to be most scrutinized highest yet for all the State failures at least in Presidential messaging and “leadership” “tone” such to as of a “he” and “his” of “Obama” as our still unreached maybe too to be faulted as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and so that they are hoping that our institution of Congress can only be to a review of them as nearly our First Female President and he as historied already as a First Black Man so by reasoning as of a low standard for each of them firstly to be primarily no higher than the worst of the white men that have preceded either of them?

Our Congress has before it the ability to destroy itself if it proceeds towards a hanging of a prettier portrait of our Secretary of State than she has earned or merited.  There is that maybe she can make a deal to throw her boss under the bus to get herself hung higher for perpetuity but still with that we have the risk that our Congress could be to being of acts too low and basic to be only to devastating affectings upon themselves.

Can our Congress now proceed at all “lightly” against our currently seated Secretary of State without incriminating themselves to publicly of a set and cast to standards now too low for our people of our We the People…?

It may be too dramatic a judicial pondering to be believing that either our Secretary of State Clinton as an almost First Female President Clinton or our re-elected and re-sworn President Obama are self-possessed to an escapist rendition of justice such that they and their failures as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and the related contrary suggestive that their Al Qaeda intelligence must all or nearly all be fundamentally flawed intelligence at our highest of political review levels are now or ever can be judged by our institution of Congress now only by comparison to the worst white men that have preceded them in their current offices.

Some truths are rolling on now greater in an honesty and breadth of permanent details now such that President Obama seems to think it necessary to now also be of running a permanent campaign at least to defend himself defensively from machinations by the most political and proven polarizing Clintons and their never ending campaigning.

And, some truths are now more self evident and still rolling on that stand up Republicans as more correct and of having been of a more honest telling than yet broadly known specifically as pertains to renditions of Dems histories as preached or posited by “Hillary’s” boss.

We have that just though for all the State failures in crisis prioritizing and “leadership” tone it looks like we are set now to just see our institution of Congress seize these moments to RESET their “standards” be to effecting that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has now done too much too poorly to ever be hung as high as now re-elected and re-sworn President Barack Hussein Obama.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:04 pm

With so many tee’d up and tee’d off these days we really shouldn’t let a Tea Party go to waste.  The long and short of our predicaments Constitutional have hardly been broached yet.  No matter how steeped you are in our Constitutional brews it is likely you have only by now seen a half full cup.

This Sunday of January in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three reached high noon with laurels rested some by former General Colin Powell while more of his captaining of Diplomacy colors.  For the sake of civility and comity I will try to keep this sociable as small talk for an afternoon as if our former Secretary of State Colin Powell did out himself as if a Tea Partier.

We can leave aside the patronizing education he proffered about Iraq towards hopeful President Barack H. Obama - for now.  What we cannot ignore are the seeming missing years of official records of the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons have already spilled too much of our tea as autocrat wanna bees.  We can please find ways now to move to a revolution in Tea Party solidarity around our founders like Samuel Adams, and please while considering, for the sake of being smarter and safer, that our Clintons are Constitutional enigmas more of wants towards reigning as our Fourth Vice President did while at least then still Governor of New York George Clinton.

Yes, as you can see your cup however about our Tea Parties seems until now as while of considerations of recent election debates been like only a half full cup of Constitutional concerns, however steeped.

I can honestly claim to have not ever have been a Tea Party member nor to ever having been knowingly at a Tea Party rally - I have kept Tea Party leaders as facebook friends and otherwise of relations per social media.  I can though tell an honest tale though of days before there was a new Tea Party that date to moments while I was considering if I could or should go to work for CNBC and that such had me considering what I might then not be able to do;  I can honestly report that I did about then ask current employed personalities of CNBC to have one of theirs publicly state that “America could use a new Tea Party.”

For the sake of Constitutional rendition success I do have to add peacefully that as of yet a Tea Party as I may have imagined can not yet be seen quite as a cup over-runneth.

We can now understand as “fact” that President Obama has been overwhelmed by actual histories to a situation report about he having been at least ignorant or naive as per Saddam Hussein and the Iraq that President George W. Bush inherited from peacenik Clintons.

I have afraid that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has shown herself not to have been as claimed either to “be ready at 3am” or “ready from day one.”  We have that this is about how still now she isn’t likely ready for 3pm tea time civil rendition reflections on either of our Tea Parties.

We have for other less quiet times of discourse like heated happy hours that the Clintons may be due a full dissection of their decades of spousal political plotting at least as pertains to federalism issues Constitutional by ways foreign and domestic.  We have the Clintons around to dissect ad nauseum for years more;  We have for starters that they may have worked official department lying for a PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS before their time.

As per you cups of tea however now tee’d up or still tee’d off and if half full or still half empty — We have the federalism debate to refresh civilly with non-violence at least to discuss threats from undermining our Constitution as per foreign and domestic politics or “governance.”  We have a still here and concerning “FLASHING RED” sit rep to discourse upon even just to threats from within to our Constitutional safeties and checks and balance prudence.

In many ways former top Bush Administration cabinet officer Secretary Colin Powell seemed to have outed himself as if a Tea Party idealist.  For this hopefully quiet nearer 3 pm “Tea” you can ponder as you might how steeped as a Tea Party originalist and how just sympathetic to foreign Constitutional concerns from threats from within he may be as of this Sunday in January as Constituted by our Christian Constitution “ordained” by preamble set to its fully affected subscriptions then with the Christian Calender so that specific Year of their (our) Lord whence.

It seems the Clintons can be more clearly to be of debatable Constitutional threats as plotters long from inside;  The Clintons have themselves argued to a convenient mostly for them acceptance that our United States of America is now in a Post-Constitutional era, and, so that it practically authorized them each contrarily to be extra-Constitutional - at least.

We can spend some time on Obamacare as ACA as being found passable with low Constitutional grading as if a War Power would have been compromised if a President and Congress weren’t allowed to wage war at home on its people’s general Welfare.  Hmmm?  There is a can of worms - the specific seeming random use of capitalization in our Constitution’s preamble has to be purposeful and instructive as like a legend/key to the tune of all then to follow and be subscribed there within - right?

It is inescapable that we are now necessarily back to having a Tea Party - and now more globally yet then ever before.  Our former TOP DIPLOMAT has spoken simply to a naivete of President Obama and his hopefully still not kept views on Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

However you try to take your Constitution and American tea times we have that Iraq issues and our Clintons are here to stay as yet fully and appropriately discussed “federalism” issues.  We cannot escape a full considerations now of the dangers of the Clintons wants and practices to lesser Constitutionality and how such was argued to be convenient for them to together share more autocratic powers to foreign and domestic concerns as justified new extra-C powers in a necessary Post-Constitutional era.

This Sunday in January the issue has been broached that we have been but of half full or half empty tea cups so far.

Whom now will be next?  With former Secretary of State proffering wisdom and humility and with his rendition relating to Iraq and President Obama we now have to like find what has seemed too long to have been as missing records of missing years of those that are supposed to be there as the eight of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

We have our hands full enough to broach a discussion just of the Clintons and as per Constitutionality and “federalism” such that it would be unnecessary and maybe rude to even mention President George W. Bush and his administration at least until some base line notes are settled upon as to how the Clintons seem to be acting globally as if towards a global Constituting newly around themselves while opportunities exist specially for such to assign to them Powers nearly as if Autocrats.

For today’s Tea Party reviving comity we should brace ourselves away from thoughts comedic for it is still quite serious that we can greatly discuss that our modern day Clintons do not deserve a rap as “modern moralists” but maybe so as Karl Marx seems to have.  It is better to be more sociable to more localized small talk to how steamed many are now due to problems from how steeped the Clintons have been to leading and governance attempts as if they were former Governor George Clinton of New York in the days of our first Tea Party and to getting his way over that of our Federalist Papers and the troika such as Publius was set.

Are the Clinton effecting an anti-Constitutional global and domestic effrontery — Are they purposefully to attempts to make changes globally before any can figure out they are are trying to seize powers more of the mind set of former Governor of New York George Clinton than that which has survived long as subscribed whence thence in that “Year of our Lord…”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:37 pm

The Greeks may want to all get on board with this.

We have a psychopathy of at least one individual to render separated and parsed thoroughly towards an understanding of this.

The Greeks may not be alone in wanting to look at one American meddler and his psychopathy for real culpability in an extra-treasonous way.

How now to be real and down and dirty truthful about such that for some is treasonous and for others more as if overseas foreign transgressions enough that a foreigner might be due more blame than a countryman?

Well the new season of TV shows is near about started for Americans, at least.  And, we have to be sensitive and forgiving with allowances that though a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY is still our President’s strongest message.  And while to some it ad buys may seem allowed strictly to others it might seem treasonous if they sell or push anything other than austerity.

Here we are of a day long overdue for considerations to parse “disloyalty” from “treason” and “citizen” from “subject.”

If there is one foreigner - foreign meddler - that the people of Greece might be able to blame their economic problems with more than any other isn’t that person William Jefferson Clinton?   And, I mean to a level related to the severity of effects economic wrought so such that a general desire may exist and be due of feelings that one if so should have to ‘face the music’ like - have to face some type of prosecution.  And, yes this would hardly be of a “loyalty” or “treason” to them.

What is a popularity for a “post-Constitutional” era pushed in lieu of proper procedures with amending process but dare say a push for a popularity for “treason.”  Justice John Roberts could have had a field day with the subject - he quite nearly did decide it seems that the reported “Pelosi Congress” had willfully acted to violate and betray our system of government with ACA.

As we now consider there may be some new shows worth watching we should be wise to how little they should be being allowed to sell - what with NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and a new nationalism in conservationism the strongest Government messaging.

Well “Bill” is back and yet he shouldn’t be.

Well “Hillary” is still clinging around though now of fresh wounds fatal for some giving rise again to “gross negligence” of a Clinton.

“Bill” is back with his old sticht still hardly comical of rallying all as much as he can to a convenient “post-Constiutionalism”!

Hmmm?  Where did you just hear that phrase “post-Constitutionalism”?  Hmmm?  Were you asked to compare and contrast how “post-Constiutionalism” is or can be other than “treason”?

Should we only expect a dangerous and broad reaching treacherous economic times if a GREAT BETRAYER is about pushing BETRAYAL as a new better norm?

Could William Jefferson Clinton actually be primarily a foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the Greek economy?

So maybe WJC is just a serial person of a psychopathy to disloyalty.  But, really his “economics” and BHO’s “economics” do not and cannot mix.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be realizing this all himself now, finally.   He now cannot likely escape it nor how long he asked and dictated that none should be looking back and trying to “re-litigate the past” a past not hardly even litigated yet.

It is hard to say where such a word of such a heavy sentence fits in our times other than that is cannot abide any now as if it depends if treason is treason.  How little adherence to rules and procedures would offer a “disloyalty to our Constitution” in lieu of heavy sentences with “betrayal of our system of government and our Constitution”?

Well we have that treason must sell for it seems that WJC is still able to be popular with public performances now as a charlatan from Charlotte with his old jive to popularity of a “post-Constitutional” era.   I mean it is that WJC is selling treason as if it isn’t treason that makes him still so adorable in an ignorant way - right?

So what about at least the Greeks?   Would they or do they have a hankering for all this with their own concerns now so real that may actually have the reckless popularity and politics of Clintons’ “post-Constitutionalism” to blame for our economy now so quite undermined?   Where can “long arms of the law” actually reach these days - like REALLY?

If a politician say like WJC were to campaign as if too a “Post-Constitutional” era but then when elected let one or two years pass without moving to make any of such affecting legal and within proper procedures where would the line between “disloyal” and “betrayal” be?   We can be of campaigns to amend and change to a new Constitution - right!  But if a “Post-Constitutionalism” is attempted only in convenient extra-Constitutional ways when is such so much a disloyalty to our systems and Constitution to be a treacherous and treasonous betrayal - and willfully?

We are a young country - so young a country that we cannot have already buried the crime of “treason” from our systems - right?   I suggest we could ask the Greeks if “treason” as a crime is out dated or at least if the sentence of “death” is antiquated.

This psychopathy though is of WJC popular for selling “treason” as if not “treason” and now we have nearly twenty years of proof that rules and procedures and that of our due processes were meant all along to have been mostly ignored as he chased popularity over merit based standard government accolades more humble and of harder work, usually.

But really Justice John Roberts came very near to ruling as per ACA - Obamacare that the whole lot of Democrats signees upon such attempt at a new “Right” were willfully acting treasonously as per the content and the method of theirs all in its movement publicly contrary to expressed and measured representative will.  I mean can we really not say this is so?

This is America - to avoid a betrayal of our system of government a wanted new “Right” must have an amending process pursued.  To move to effect a new “Right” by trickery, covert and overt, as if a law equal to an Amendment is not a legal way ours.  To move as so many did as a partisan lot is highly questionable as if actually more serious than a convenient disloyalty and too near a betrayal that a President’s (mature) veto pen could still absolve them of guilt about.

I mean how can you consider it treachery to “treasonous” if a President can just issue waivers like with a pardon for the whole lot? 

So how is it that William Jefferson Clinton might be said to be the foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the global economy and that of Greece specifically?  I mean besides the psychopathy on parade again as if the rules are not suppose to apply to him? 

And:  Now:   A:  That he shouldn’t have had any of a Clintons’ Economics so as it was to chasing popularity by burning the ECONOMIC CANDLE from both ends at once.

Is “treason” not prosecuted today just because it is too heavy with an expectation of punishment by death - so writ?

But where does the “disloyalty” of WJC stop?   Where hasn’t it already and for too long been actually effected near “betrayal” willful and purposeful, selfishly?

And:  Well,  WHAT DID SHE KNOW - WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?   It might figure if truly diabolical as it may seem that WJC might have acted alone and so that HRC could effectively have plausible deniability but dangerously so for if any were to exist it would truly undermine her ability to function intelligently in any high office without being of too much ignorance.

I mean if TREASON SELLS - how can all media and entertainment not now be blushing with potential about “treason”?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am

In these trying times that torture our souls with wars, necessary, or of choice, we still have that Afghanistan is a Gettysburg of the Cold War.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be then more clearly of a war zone of mission creep, and politicizing, by this current administration, of our executive branch in our Constituted loose federation of states.   And, it would be easier to see that it logically is still a battle some between expansionist socialism of a Cold War global geopolitics and America’s shared free market principles and freedoms for all from birth, equal as an American working concept.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be able to look beyond the Clintons getting away with one of two-fer saying the other didn’t do it and the other as well testifying, however as well that the other of two-fer didn’t do it, and, we could be beyond taking one Clintons’ defense as innocence just because they say the other is innocent.

Our 1990s were actually a mess.  Afghanistan can be said to be a Gettysburg of the Cold War, and, now we can say that Syria seems to be in a Civil War.  We have from just last night that President Clinton of our 90s and his PEACE DIVIDENDS now feels so guilty about having let a million die in Rwanda while President that he has returned to try to ease his guilt.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

It seems incontrovertible that the Cold War was about at least the United States of America motivated and actively to a guardianship about the globe to hinder and prevent a global spread of socialism or communism.  With Afghanistan as a Gettysburg of the Cold War we have that we most now should avoid a mission creep to an involvement as if now to also being to an attempt to socialize Afghan peoples even short of a neo-colonialism.

It does seem we are through the breached breastworks of the Clintons’ defensiveness and finally to an open field now in 2012 to look back and critically at the Clintons and at least their PEACE DIVIDENDS.  Today we seem bolstered and well enough informed to see that our 1990s were actually a mess and not an era officially able to be in hindsight to justifying peace dividends so.  We have at least Rwanda and Afghanistan to look at - for starters.

There is a conundrum about the Clintons from the early nineties that as well rates as a paradigm at least of those times.

It may have been safer to elect the Clintons in 1992 than to re-elect President George H. W. Bush.  It looked possible that if President George H. W. Bush were re-elected he might not have been able to continue to moderate the more conservative Christians of his Republican Party.  It may have been too dangerous to have re-elected President George H. W, Bush because of Christian Conservatives nearly then in 1992 overcome with pride and excessive to a national expression about such excessive pride.

It is hard to say that a country such as ours with its Constitution of a preamble of an “ordained” and then all those subscriptions by its signers so “in the Year of our Lord …” is not a Christian country from its conception.  What President Bush likely would have faced instead of our long story of a wonderful melting pot of diverse peoples was it seems an overwhelming push by Christian Conservatives to claim credit for a “WINNING” of the Cold War too much for and as of just American Christian values.

The alternative that was the Clintons, now, is arguably with hindsight, maybe the worser of the choices though it seemed more reasonable maybe back whence.  How whether the Clintons were actually a worser choice in 1992 is now quite a consideration for 2012 - at least as per a prudence for future budgeting.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of  THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

It should seem harder to make any sense of the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS, at least.  We have just last night the contrary positing of President Obama’s Ambassador Susan Rice trying to make hay at the United Nations with 17,000 casualties as if a high bar, and, we have at the same time former President Bill Clinton in casual clothes on CNN seeming that the little he is now doing in Rwanda is enough to ease his categorically expressed guilt for having let one million be killed in Rwanda. 

We have it seems that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the one even more contradictory to global histories just with Afghanistan.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan? 

Should you know of Friedrich Nietzsche and more about BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL than I — should you consider his sister worked him offer posthumously and it seems his “ubermensch” and reportedly had Adolph Hitler at her wedding — Then: Nietzsche may not have been the monster his sister and Hitler can be said to have made him out to be after his death?

Are you already educated enough to know that supposedly Pakistan was organized as a sovereign nation with a new National identity for its people with the poetry of Iqbal and his attempts to create a “Pakistani ubermensch” more likely on the ideals of Friedrich than the perversion by his sister after his death?

I am not a scholar in these areas - but then I only worked to be a top student much to a BA in Economics and an undeclared minor in Philosophy.  I may hear from the Iqbal family some though since part of above may be remembered from near my sophomore year at Villanova University while a grandson of Founding Poet of Pakistan shared some of his family history as a classmate palling around in same clicks/circles.  I did find suggestion of that wrought by Nietzsche’s sister elsewhere.

We have that the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS are now more suspect than due a celebration.

We have though that it may have been safer to have elected them in 1992 just because of tendencies to excess by a Conservative Christian pride too proud and so that it seemed it was possibly amassed enough to overwhelm any further moderation by President George H. W. Bush if re-elected.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

As per the Clintons now it is high time we stop letting them be their own character references and great proclaimers of innocence - That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan?

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:29 am

Perhaps I should try to work on my humor.

I am fresh off catching my old Facebook friend Don Wildman’s CITIES OF THE UNDERWORLD episode on Vlad the Impaler; - Don, if you see this please pass on greetings to your wife, - an even older friend. 

As the annual White House Correspondents Dinner approaches we are at a conundrum of collusion or coup.

It seems we have an open political season now authorized upon President Clinton by President Clinton.

Why should France no longer of President Mitterrand nor Chirac allow Americans to suppose they accept Bill Clinton as the undisputed President Of The World and so of France at least to the America now of the world as we know it now?  It seems it should be unnecessary and disloyal for France now to be having a provincial election with America so still led to believe that the world and Europe accepts that Bill Clinton is the undisputed leader of the world as Americans have been told to know it.

2012 is quite different from 2008 - the years 1993-2001 actually exist in 2012 campaign and political discussions.  And so with that said I am at a loss trying to remember whom it was as the chosen leader of France - whether Mitterrand or Chirac, or both - that was Saddam’s ticket to freedom from the United States and quite nearly due to inaction and avoidance by Clintons nearly to hooking him up as if a supplier anew for a nuclear race between Iran and Iraq.

We and Afghanistan are fortunate that the global and domestic threats known and unknown still of the over reaching by just the Clintons, yet more as well by President Obama by crediting standards, are of the necessary build up to Socialism that first when working from such a condition it is better to first tease peoples with supposed freedoms in a federalism and individuality before as well working them over to a governance by an elite few in a new global socialism.

We don’t seem to be out of time.

What was meant with the suggestions in “three legs” of “stool” as of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton a chosen and confirmed vessel to a furtherance of all legs of President Clinton’s global initiatives?  How was it that President Obama seemed to be to saying we all needed the “three legs” of President Clinton, and yet be to ignoring the years 1993-2001 as if they didn’t really exist?

We don’t seem to be out of time?

Are we all back to a due consideration of “THE CLINTONS” as political blood suckers and so that the very mention of more years for either does put in question a “sovereignty” even for French people no longer governed by one or another once more willing to seemingly give Saddam Hussein absolution and safe harbor and as if to a strategy to side line the USA whence it was new to being the world’s sole superpower and to an aim to work with Saddam Hussein to a hope and change to a new Euro-centric new world order?

Much of this seems to be of years President Obama has documented with early autobiography as those years he was a young idealist with his head stuck in the works of Marx.   I don’t know even how to jest this week with President Obama being a Harvard Law grad and yet so regularly to “generalizations” when I thought lawyers are taught early and often to not generalize - it must have all started after he graduated from Harvard Law and as if a regressing or devolving, right?

There are reasons we may not like or trust the French - but none it seems actually elected since of terms coincident with the missing chapters of 1993 - 2001 of the Clintons’ intimate and inciting global “two-fer” power sharing and collusion.

If  you are a foreigner have you actually yet measured quite how much the Clintons are being presented to Americans in the world as they are told to know it as if you are all fully in support of at least President Clinton as an undisputed and unelected President Of The World and over your sovereignty too?  And, to their establishments that they are the chosen who know better how to make decisions for you?  And, to their implications that we need them because you can’t do without them?

I know where are the racists - where are the feminists?  President Clinton has declared political open season on himself and so compromised the very chartered “goodness” of a fronted “non-partisan” and “non-political” for his political and global initiative to maintaining and increasing personal power.  President Clinton has opened season on himself politically speaking as a political public figure - where at least are the racist analysts or feminists as his efforts on their face suggest he sees himself near 2/5th more a person (man) than President Obama and Madam Secretary Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

Bill Clinton is in the room - is it a coup?  It is a conundrum that his feathers so fanned suggest that both President Obama and his wife needed him to step in and save them and as if they have proven themselves to be worth no more than as if they were each only 3/5th the person he is and was.

We have that President Obama did only maybe mention the years 1993 - 2001 critically when of accepting his Nobel Peace Prize and with his acceptance speech for “peace” — We have that at least in such speech he spoke of dangers of “inaction” and “avoidance” but not in the context of the Clintons’ 8 nor as of a pressing danger for Arizona re: immigration.  We have that at least in such speech he spoke of dangers of “inaction” and “avoidance” specifically as a warning or condemnation of the Clintons’ 8 and how their left “inheritance” to successor administration was fraught with sit reps of too few options left especially for Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.

If the Clintons had been Vlad The Impaler and not just the political blood suckers they were/are it figures they at least would have left either President Gore or President Bush and variety of plans fully psyched through as of entrance and exit plans for dealing with Saddam Hussein so that at least future sanctions could be said or thought to actually have “BITE!”

Is it now just silly that Mrs. Clinton still waxes submissive and while fronting President Obama as needing the “three legs” of President Clinton and not just as the ottoman for her favorite Ottoman?

This is no time to relitigate the past - we can get to that later, first we must just try to remember it - we must try, try, try and try even if feet up and rings on.  This is a time to wonder as well about the Clintons and as of a conundrum as well of a complicity or naivete once of days of greater risks in French peoples choices of French leaders.  We still have that our 9/11 Commission erred simply from an avoidance to an inaction dangerous for having worked a judging of complicated histories and geo-politics for a region that plans by decades as if a selective amnesia worked (accidentally) so with a committee think to “fullness” as possible with them to metrics and data reduced to small window of “just ten years” like.

Mr. President, I may have to work on my humor — however, do you happen to have an explanation for our 9/11 Commission as of a Muslim past for it thinking that it was at all proper or wise to have just looked back ten years?

I know, it retrospect it doesn’t seem funny.

Mr. President, it does seem you, not Governor Cuomo, is the one actually in a political and partisan contest with the Clintons and as if just against Hillary Clinton aka Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It does seem that while it seems a boon that President Clinton has set himself up as a “public figure” anew for 2012 and so to a new political “open season” upon himself it is almost sad. 

Mr. President by appearing with President Clinton so that he could look like a caped crusader (superhero) you have let it look like you and your Secretary of State are feet up and rings on to President Clinton as if 2/5th more a person and still of the “three legs” of your vessel(s) of State.  Was it a coup or did you freely and fully admit and accept you needed President Clinton to fill in for your inadequacy as if you were and are only 3/5th of what is needed?

Mr. President now that 2012 is set to be unlike 2008 as for it seems impossible that the years 1993 - 2001 can just disappear from our consideration again — Do you yet realize or have you yet remembered that First Lady Hillary Clinton did travel the turfs of Islamic radical and crusade with inciting rhetoric and imperialistic directives, and, did then return home and collude with her husband to the most irresponsible and illogical governance of undercutting and unfunding our intelligence and defense budgets and with most political and dangerous new walls of separation between enforcement and intelligence efforts at least as per our Federal Bureau of Investigations?

Mr. President can you make a joke of the Clintons’ 8 of the years from 1993 - 2001?   I can not.  Can you responsibly put your feet up on Hillary’s “stool” any longer with any confidence or sense of sovereignty?  Can you even joke how a leader could go around the world inciting radicalism against America and then be simply to returning home to lobbying intimately for a reduction in our preparedness, safety, and securedness?

When I hear of Dracula these days I do still think of both the Clintons.  That is an old story shared first of a realization that both Clintons were when contesting your un-inevitableness, mine, from when I still a resident of our District of Columbia, and to an opened minded reading of tales of Transylvania by Bram Stoker.  It was then I read such of DRACULA and from an open minded consideration to a realization of a parallel to “Vlad” (?) as the Clintons were presenting as political blood (money) suckers - Vampires upon our naive body politic - upon our dumbed down nation of People not meant to be just “subjects.”

Yes I went to an inner city public school system kindergarten through twelfth grade - Yes, my American story is at times of an education as a white man near a minority among his classmates.  Go Governors!  Wilbur Cross Governors ROCK still.

Mr. President, yeh, what about our Governors - seems you are running against them defending their peoples powers and rights from their Creator more than you are running against a “lesser evil” megolomaniac Republican singularity.

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