What is a Democrat today? I mean it seems established that President Obama nor President Clinton are or have ever been ‘Philosopher Kings’. And, today we are of a fallen Mrs. Clinton of having been allowed to fail - luckily in a lesser job than President - who failed. I do not know if I can be charitable to President Obama - now - now following his address in commencement at the West Point Military Academy.
Before we break bread for a old civility too around feminism we have it maybe that we need to avoid asking if ever there has been or yet could be any “philosopher queen(s)” - philosophically speaking. And so let it be written that we can here dispense with Mrs. Clinton at least for never yet having been a “queen” however.
It yet isn’t lucky for Mrs. Clinton that President Barack Hussein Obama’s Commander in Chief grandstanding as if of a new foreign policy also has to be considered as an inappropriate “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”. Mrs. Clinton’s pedestrian hands are dirty of the likes of it and with culpability in carbon dating that long precedes even Senator Obama’s getting his feet the least wet per.
As she has yet never been a “queen” however it is too that we cannot quite tag her even as a “philosopher queen.” No! No she is an embodiment of the “COMPROMISE” - she is yet, however not a queen, of the same tag of her former boss as one, though a male, whom has been said to have been evidently witnessed as not having a philosophy of governance.
I concur. I too have never seen enough premeditation of an intellectual beyond knee jerk defensive convenient compromising from at least President Obama for even a hypothesis at a “philosophy” of governance. Though attempted at “proffered” the former Constitution Law Professor President Obama waned globally while commencing at West Point as if of a shouldered pride full of personal doing/building as if of all the pomp and circumstance as his “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”.
Should we talk about the women? Need we talk about the women differently? Mustn’t we now at least talk about the women as differently and globally as Mrs. Clinton has in her practiced political & ‘diplomatic’? Is a life of the soul of an Afghani women so worth more than Mrs. Clinton, however, treated the value of Iraqi women? Mustn’t it be female Clinton’s fault that President Obama had a foreign policy that too allowed Iraqi women to be devalued relative to Afghani women?
So if she is all about the “COMPROMISE” where are all the compromises sold or pimped as greater goods as if intelligent?
To all the brave souls as of the The United States Armed Forces, however, and however if too much as collateral to the Democrats as family of the bravest: Right - philosophically speaking the Democrats have devalued Iraqi women while using an excuse for a war of choice against the Taliban as by lies about 9/11 deductions and so that the intelligent and any of common sense can discern that the argument for the Democrats said “necessary” war of choice against the Taliban does smartly work for Operation Iraqi Freedom justifying, but. When we now accept the Democrats lied and soldiers and diplomats, at least, died it is odd that their lie for a war of choice as if deduced from 9/11 “politics” is actually, however an “argument”, a better justification for the involvement, prior to the Obama Iraqi abortive, of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.
Right - best for now to leave it to the still much unconsidered intellectual contrasting as too how the Clintons, at least together in their 8 years of the Administration of the Clintons, were to likely then also of devaluing Iraqi women while of abandonment of both Afghani and Iraqi women & children. It is odd that Mrs. Clinton as “@HillaryClinton has her avatar of publicly stating she isn’t an advocate for men - that she is self bio’d as just an “advocate” of “women & kids”.
We should have asked the Clintons years ago for seeming lies about “PEACE” to justify their convenient compromised politics of “PEACE DIVIDENDS” while the women and “kids” of Afghanistan and Iraq suffered in the ABANDONMENT by the The United States of America. It seems, but seems as yet to be “officially” concluded, that the Clintons must have used the CIA to lie about “PEACE” so that they could sell abandoning so many souls in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Now, as the commenced MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (false) pride of President Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama falls even flatter, it has us called to march for freedom, and renewed honesty; Now, as the commenced extant in that Mrs. Clinton likes to tag as at “evidence based deciding”, we have the globally evident contrariness to discern. I am not now willing to assert that President George W. Bush was greater than working to a standard operating methodology, even such as he was to yet being of a “philosophy of governance”! Such may have to wait for the discussion of any woman if a woman yet a “philosopher queen.”
Let me be clear: to keep it simple: to let us work at stupid simple: The Democrats lied worse as at a lying to the People for a war of choice not a war of necessity so such as Afghanistan now as a “longest war.” There is no argument for their war of choice that needed a clever misdirection deduction from the events of 9/11 that isn’t more real as so of how it so then was proper and justified more so for the Administration of the Clintons to have been in Afghanistan for such reasons even as early as their 1993-1997 term. We avoid talking “common sense” if we disavow ourselves from talking about how we were justified if so justified by such a justifying to have been there in Afghanistan before 9/11. Let me be clear, and to the “evidence based deciding” Mrs. Clinton is loosely posturing: Because the Clintons, however, so seemed at best to have been lying about “PEACE” and for political popularity in “PEACE DIVIDENDS” that they lied is that they lied worse than any of the Bush Administrations.
I leave you to accept that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has never yet been a “queen” however, and, to ask yourselves how bad the Democrats have been as their arguments as if of a justifying do “evidently” undermine their own (if an attempt at philosophy) “philosophy.” The lies told so the Democrats could have timely “operations” in Afghanistan for the “women & kids” do work as a better argument for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and yet though for how the said “lies” of the Adminstration of George W. Bush were evidently told in a “BLUFFING” to show a seriousness and towards avoiding any operation so better justifiable if justified by what was more lies by the Democrats as if “proffered” as able to justify a longest warring in Afghanistan and not though any operation even for the long abandoned “women & kids” of Iraq.
There now can hardly be any due “evidence” fairly at a justifying of sanction for any of the Clintons, and some of the Obama “Democrats”, for the failure to stand up a defense of the United Nations agreed sanctions in a timely manner in an enforcement of Saddam Hussein. I disagree with President Obama’s commenced remarks that there is “history” that can defend both sides’ sides, and I assert that “evidence based deciding” is not a civility nor weapon ready at his chest - ready to support any “philosophy.”
For more reading please visit http://JPHogan.org and at least attempt to juxtapose OBAMA’S RETREAT.
The said lies about “evidence” of/for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM are also more excusable as well for while of a due “enforcement” flexing of United Nations’ agreed sanctions such were preparatory for a worse case scenario state of mind that should be reasonable and acceptable before any commencing that could go as wrong as such could be considered wrong and then considered as if whom was yet of underestimating the risks. Those we now accept as “Democrats” told worser lies and so as if their lies could only work on a local “evidence” convenient and not generally at all the areas they had already equally been of unjust abandoment.
You’ld think you should call ‘em “charitable”? You’ld suppose if it is called “philanthropy” it should net out some greater good advantaged. These are rough days for philanthropy much due it “philanthropy” the Clintons proposition themselves as at.
There should be a jeopardy - a danger - in associating with the Clintons purported “charity”! It is confused and quite confusing how that what the primary purpose of the Clintons’ politics it that any of their Clintons’ Global Initiatives aren’t firstly by the IRS as if a PAC or a 501c(4) - or another. To host a Clinton under a guise of “charity” and “philanthropy” seems risky legally and to a dawning new appreciation that quid pro quo at least in creative arts is due a new accounting.
Any familiar with that supposed of a “good” of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, however charitable, is oddly firstly as of two so so so “Political” and “Partisan” of standing up in public relations of damage control and spin doctoring too seemingly of a need to appear to be doing “good” to cover - cover-up - a legacy of failing to net out in greater good accountancy.
It seems of a poisoned tree that any associate “philanthropically” around the so so so political and partisan Clintons. Such as any “charitable” association with the “The Clintons” seems too much “political” and “campaign” activities to be actually fit for charity registering.
The history of this supposed “charitable” of a foundation in Clintons began with a promise that such was not to be operated by William Jefferson Clinton in a political or partisan manner. The history has been that it is ridiculous, especially lately, to posit that the Clintons haven’t been specifically using these appearances of doing good for political and partisan personal gain.
There is a danger in the global philanthropic of a pair a power couple playing at “philanthropy” and “charity” in ways that allow them to act contrary to the Constitutional prudence as if a Congress bypass as an organized too autocratic totalitarianistic.
There is a danger in the message in their standard - their banner/flag - as the “C” so violated as if of a bosoming in Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton smarts artlessly as too like of “imperialism” and as an affront to the European Union yet with a circle of stars as grounded away from “imperialism.” By the masthead of the Clintons it seems inappropriate to conclude their CGI is for “philanthropy” or “charity” firstly and to any net profit in a “greater good” mission.
By the very existence of the so false flag organizing of the Clintons as seemingly of an attempt to actually be like the first American global autocrats in an Autocracy of Clintons the process and prudence of the Washington based democratic lives as set asunder and undermined. The Clintons even as when so of “believable” in “charity” still are those so publicly know to be “Big Liars” that they lost near half of their old “Hollywood” “friends” and friends’ money to the Democrat Party alternative so junior and inexperienced - they lost half their thought “friends” to candidate Barack Hussein Obama.
We are to be behooved to a more prudent safe “philanthropy” if and when we become more saddled of the old Constitutional prudence which the “politics” and “partisan” of the Clintons so daily undermines. It seems so wrong if it called “philanthropy” as the Clintons are suspected of cover-ups and known of lies that undermine a reset in consumer confidence and confidence in politics all over the world.
The Clinton Global Initiative was inaugurated with a promise that it would not be operated of “politics” and “partisan politics” and yet that is largely all it has ever been convenient for William Jefferson Clinton, and so now too so Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. It seems impossible to now suggest there is any real legal separation between “political” and “campaign” and the appearance of the Clintons as in “charity” and “philanthropy” while the real politics are of it that they need good public relations like of appearing to be so actually engaged to balance a now fairly growing understanding of how much they already should have been doing political penance for - each, and personally.
It seems as good as philanthropy can be and should be we are of days where it generally is undermined by the existence of the Clinton of an extant as of doing more good then harm while them so at such defensive work to appear at doing good is poisoning the boughs of the trees of giving. There too is that a global economy with too much “philanthropic” can be to depressing much opportunity for economic growth — As by first post in thread at http://CitizenRosebud.net as WHITE COLLARED POSSE there is an economic dynamic expressed originally as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECNOMICS.
There is that any associating now with any familiar to the Clintons Global Initiatives, however “charitable” or “philanthropic” are themselves too much to enabling the “politics” of such an dangerous alliance for it does by how it is extant undermine the regular process and practices of the Constitutional Congress. The low public opinion now held of the Congress is interestingly related, it seems, to how the Clintons have by their appearance as “do gooders” been short of due accounting and as they persist and persist and with annual (mandatory) meetings so crossed in “import” as if of a right of King yet timed to the United Nations annual gaggle.
It seems by supporting the Clintons as if of “philanthropy” any so at least familiar to such is also working for personal gain towards a constituted Power extra-Constitutional and so actually quite so in a rivalry with the Congress and accountable mostly as if consecrated to be firstly for “Power” and as too like the early Clintons of the American unifying as more for empire than freedom in independence, and as too like it as of Clintons yet now having a power too nearly real though set in The United States while operating as if a Autocracy of Clintons & too much as if above the Laws.
Grab a seat - sit down - get comfortable; This may take a while!
As you settle in and down let us preface this of a consideration that Mr. William J. Clinton and Mrs. William J. Clinton, by the time we are done here, should seem not as if they do belong in prison but more so to that they have already long deserved to be “checked” & “balanced” and “policed” to such of justifying incarceration.
Any Atticus Finch now is beyond any “free at last” for the feminine lawyer Clinton “Hillary” even if she however of being off/other handed than her culpability defense yet has allowed, as affirming for something other than any “innocence.” It may be she is most “guilty” for beating our economies to these pulps but that such isn’t what is most egregious of her “guilts” - even her “guilty pleasures.”
She has no place in Ayn Rand’s literary accomplishment but as a worse & worst female antagonist as a feminine Peter Keating & yet as of a more trying and compromising older profession - older it seems than considerate “architecture.”
I do not know in any learnedness if she can be cast in any better light by Russian or Soviet literature - even if at all by WAR & PEACE or FATHERS & SONS. Her “RUSSIAN RESET” has us nearest her greatest infidelity and compromising of American traditions as yet still fashionable as Constitutional; She may now be dammed and ruined yet still we may not as a People generally know enough about her “hows” and “whys” to so much now publicly marketable as too if too as if like at least a “treasonous.” It may be that her “RUSSIAN RESET” may best explain the fall of the houses of Clinton and Obama, and yet today we need consider with open minds if and how her other ‘machinations’ might yet be more diabolical and appropriately more her “hanging offense.”
So you’ve heard the one about the Cold War having ended without a like loss of life on any battlefield? So you’ve yet to fathom how ridiculous such a posit is even if so proffered to you whence and however ‘learnedly’? For the purposes of celebrating the USA victory over the old Soviet styled Russia as the victory of capitalism over expansionist socialism let us now tip our spirits, however, to swirling the body of HRC as best left for spittle. There is so much in her even just admitted “culpability” as per Benghazi’s tragic and unnecessary loss of people staffers of her “house” of State that has a relativity to undo her past any hypothetical to inconvenient theoreticals as it seems historical that she has made what seems the same intelligence mistakes her spouse did years earlier. Mrs. William J. Clinton as for just her years as President Obama’s Secretary of State has it damnable that her Benghazi culpability fits with the ignorant American pushed perspective that the Cold War ended without a shot fired, and yet it is that the Iran & Iraq years of war with the million plus lives lost is essential “Cold War” in all related “geopoliticals.”
Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is so “culpable” in other times such likely would have been such a “hanging offense” that heads would already have rolled and rolled with and among her own head.
The essential “Hillary” however now newly posited as firstly Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton conveniently of close and intimate global initiatives inclusive of domestic partisan political operations is of a incomparable “guilt” fitting her like better than any ball slipper ever otherwise yet opined a hopeful for a more real Cinderella. The ashes of the Mrs. C are see-able and seen as of tragic and, yes, unnecessary losses of lives of those truly America’s brave and courageous.
It is truly sad how much can now be properly eschewed upon the capacity of the Clintons’ shoulders and as such is truly inhumane in their heft to be so long so well past any risk of “a last straw”! I can only be, so seemingly, that any “rhetoric” of a the “Hillary Clinton” now is fore set as drivel too fit as spittle for a spittoon. She may yaw and knaw on a hopeful but she is of her years as FLOTUS Clinton too much of the “danger” President Barack Hussein Obama spoke to so Nobelly with his Nobel acceptance speech with it so of suggestive as extant and of “evident” from “inaction” and “avoidance” such as so much of the “politics” of the Administration of the Clintons.
Her (beloved) Saddam Hussein - as suggested from the Administration of the Clintons too embeddedness and seeming “forgiveness” - is a greater hand specific culpability a stain upon her hands yet now than Benghazi. It seems we are behooved to fathom her of dark depths that have it that she became like “lips locked” and “tongue tied” after the first moments of the dire set upon her “house” at the Libyan consulate there abouts in Benghazi, and so as for a concern that she couldn’t speak any truth without implicating her days as FLOTUS and worse so that she couldn’t without then being a spouse betraying the other spouse as with comments that would have too simply implicated and incriminated her spouse - at least.
We have that there was a Cold War and that it is dangerous now again if to tagging it as a war without any shots fired, and of any lives lost in “battle.” We have it that Mrs. Clinton, however, is of damnable years of culpability and with it now that only some of them are yet of admitted “dangers” and improprieties like “lies.” We have it that Mrs. Clinton, however, is of damnable admitted “culpability” and yet we so far haven’t seen any however a new grand Mr. Smith or Atticus Finch get to a bottom.
If when ever you heard of or yet hear of a “RUSSIAN RESET” beware yet however you can muster!
The escapism the Administration of the Clintons seemed to have prescribed for the too embedded with them Saddam Hussein is lost on most still as not being damnable now and always. There was no fair compromise for a letting Saddam Hussein go so “scott free” as the Administration of the Clintons was tolerating and seemingly facilitating. It seems Mrs. C as President Obama’s SoS couldn’t see straight for her “duty” for she stayed too loyal to her spouse. It seems by the Laws of the The United States even if Mrs. C. could and should incriminate the Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton, and any “initiatives” global since so of an inappropriate “meddling” she isn’t yet allowed to speak freely and/or to speak the truth as it is inappropriate at best for her to “incriminate” her spouse.
The “RUSSIAN RESET” was misguided and a big enough mistake; Mrs. William J. Clinton is of worser crimes against the Constitution so as it now seems - and seems possibly to be got at judiciously by the bi-partisan Benghazi Select Committee.
To discern and even get close to fathoming her real and true “culpability” for so much even if ever justifiable as a “sacrifice” like due a future new “Memorial Day” of its own as however of “climate change” economies decimation “sacrifice” we are fit to be postured to the over cushioned tales of a “marketable” “Hillary” and to advantages in a vantage point where we see and consider the sights as that of she as “culpable” even for losses of life of the Cold War as of the Iran and Iraq wars, and too so for it that she so however as the old “crusader” incendiary as inciting FLOTUS or later as an “obedient” “Secretary” or seeable of it that the Ba’athist Saddam Hussein and too some Bashar Assad are of the Power ambitions however of the idealic origins of the Ba’athist - but so personally perverted in a too secular - of ascendencies around the thought of a United Arab Socialist State.
Capitalism did defeat the old expansionist Soviet styled socialism! Now it seems we have domestics culpable of a on-going domestic threat yet of “communists” or “socialists” of the The United States of tales yet understood as hardly yet told - told generally - of how it seemed some within our borders of actual “citizenship” “rights” seemed to have seen a way in their power to undermine the Constitution towards hoped for changes to socialisms at home. It seems we have that Mrs. Clinton - Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - is not excusable from a fuller culpability as one of a “RUSSIAN RESET” that seemed to have been meant to pary with a parlay for Saddam Hussein, at least, and towards acceptable greater socialist powers for he, and his kin, in the socialism ideologic of the origins of Ba’athism however he had yet had already perverted them.
It seems that the problem of any “Hillary” is that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is actually more civilly and judiciously taggable as more a “Socialist” than President Barack Hussein Obama, or his own wife, yet can be. It seems for perspective to a “culpability” for any “Obama” we should brace ourselves for a consideration that any “Hillary” seems at best a dominatrix and one now taggable as if always and forever maybe arranged as Obama’s handler in “Soviet” “Socialisms.”
There is a grimy - a real grimy - in the slow walk political of the Clintons. We are beyond, with the Clintons, any “greased pigs” mud as of an innocence, even an innocence lost; we are still at the greased water melons of the Clintons’ courting; we are now of the grime - the dirt - the mud - the controversy - the scandals under Mrs. Clinton’s nails, at least.
Mrs. Clinton has become the newest “Baghdad Bob” for the cliche politics of her’s and our’s defenses. She has now, as of this Monday morning, post the week of ‘Hillary Clinton has/had brain damage’ flushing, availed herself of her greatest defense forward while we all patiently await hearing whom of the Democrats will be joining the Benghazi Select Committee to investigate especially Mrs. Clinton quite towards concerns regarding a new low in political grime akin to Nixon’s tags. Mrs. Clinton has now availed herself of a medical excuse for her Benghazi defense in coming bipartisan criminal probatives.
Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with her first remarks after the second 9/11 was to admitting she lacked intelligence and so of an admission apparently of incompetence. As recalled she closed out her first remarks as from outside her office, at State on the seventh floor, so then hours before joining the President in the Rose Garden, with words surprisingly, considering just recent history, of near ‘I did not believe this could happen in a country I liberated.’
Mrs. Clinton cannot position herself as a “Great White Hope” to succeed the first black President. If she really didn’t believe “this” as “Benghazi” could happen in a country she had liberated President Obama still has her ignorance as a crutch to lean on to yet stand up a legacy for himself independent of any the Clintons may be losing. In the cases pertaining now to the culpability of Mrs. Clinton there, as evident this weekend, now is a new grimy in our politics more as if Mr. & Mrs. Clinton are as if a two headed “Baghdad Bob.”
The Clintons are so muddy and muddied by their own sloth and trophs and how they rolled and rolled that being each others character reference is now, however grimy in their old cliche, that they have to scamper around and around Senator Harry Reid and his penned up also dirtied by the Clintons that they cannot take the “medical excuse” path nor not enter 2016 without such either and however “exit” seeming too much a pleading of guilty to criminal cover-ups of the purview at least of the still forming bipartisan & maybe bicameral Benghazi Select Committee.
Though the timing of the supposed brain damage that afflicted Mrs. Clinton did time to the post 9/11 II pressures as conveniently of an incident that kept her away from personal scrutiny when the heat was on most heavily weighing on her to struggles at standing up an explanation at least how it was that when there was a second 9/11 she was so (necessarily) it seemed to denying and denying that it could be Al Qaeda again responsible.
It is remarkable for the Clintons that they have a “black problem” like no body would want as also their ‘business’! This goes beyond the rehashed of the dalliances in infidelity of her spouse in the offices of the highest office in our land as specifically of Monica Lewinsky; forward this also goes to now a dirtier tucking concern of the “The Clinton” of grimy infidelity yet to date not celebrated among the “Comeback Clinton” mud when trying to clean ‘em up for 2016 and yet now when black is in how it seems historical that President William J. Clinton has not yet had an affair with a black woman.
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s greatest infidelity may have been to the first black President - to her duty to serve fully and wholly he and the People’d. She can not now be a “Great White Hope” unless she has been holding back all these years since the Clintons’ presidency ended and was especially holding back and holding out on President Barack Hussein Obama. Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton should not have anything to offer now that is new and possibly better than that of he whom she supposed served (though a “rival”) wholly and without reservations.
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton would have us believe, as now it is that she isn’t admitting herself a ‘medical excuse’, that she can run, though white, in 2016 with a tagging as if she is expected to be told of near and broadly as if of a potential and a legacy where she can be better that the first black president, and was a better Secretary of State than the first female black Secretary of State and to as if at least she should be politically considered to have been a better First Lady than the first black First Lady Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama.
We are of days of a new grimy and too cliche Clinton politics where a criminality is likely to be proffered as a due tag on at least Mrs. Clinton for her days, however of health and full capacity, regarding cover-ups that go to a not seen criminal basis like since she helped impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon. Mrs. Clinton has her own legacy as of a partisan politics at setting the very standards that now apply to herself as the Benghazi Select Committee, however yet not clearly bipartisan or bicameral, and to be publicly discerned in all the grime of the post 9/11 II Benghazi cover-ups. In the case of Mrs. Clinton as per real culpability she is now hardly expected to be as hard to grasp as a muddy and grimy greased pig.
Essentially Mrs. Clinton has availed herself of her best defense as a defense in limited mental capacity. Now as it seems we are of a politics, where she too must avail herself of any “not running” so to avoid seemingly to preface the due full probative, of the Select Committee to investigate her, at least for criminal cover-ups, she is shadowed with a prima facia like a pleading in GUILTY, however of “NOT.” It is now that the Clintons are persisting as if a two headed new “Baghdad Bob” extant in a new grime and muddy that the “BLACK” in the house is also that her spouse supposedly hasn’t (yet) had any of his celebrated infidelities with a black woman.
Her biggest “Black Problem” must though be Benghazi as at least since her own first remarks spoken were of such ignorance and incompetence when of closing with quips of her speaking to she couldn’t believe such could happen in a country she had liberated — She made the first black President look innocent at least in comparison to her.
President Barack Hussein Obama may now be saved the worst fate from any Benghazi Select Committee because Mrs. Clinton helped set the very standards for “criminality” and “jail time” for politicians of any cover-up at least as bad as that figured as Nixon’s. It will likely be years before the fully established Benghazi Select Committee, whence established as bipartisan and bicameral, can yet proceed to any case or issues of grime and mud specifically fitting President Barack Hussein Obama — Mr. & Mrs. Clinton have themselves kinda penned in and center ring for this committee’s duty and so that it could be years of just looking at them and even the CGI as Clintons’ Global Initiatives for dirty prints in a criminality of what now seems confirmed to have been at least an improper political cover-up.
By the standards for “criminality” long of the legacy celebrated of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton due her professional work at impeaching President Richard Milhous Nixon over a “cover-up” just relating to botching a Federal Investigation into the Democrat Party as botched while probing their Watergate Headquarters it is that she a lady will go first and that her man too will need be looked at long before the first black President becomes personally also so penned and processed.
As any Benghazi probe of Mrs. Clinton, however as the first black President’s “rival” is of her duty such is grimy in a new muddy for she had a spouse globally of initiatives that seem still to have inhibited her professionalism as Secretary of State. As Secretary of State, I seem to understand, she was the Obama cabinet officer whom had the People’s duty to oversee all the activities of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives and even as it seemed their CGI was being run as a rival executive branch by a rival like still First Couple and as if President William Jefferson Clinton was to be heralded as the first President of the World.
It seems as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is of her legacy of celebrating that President Richard Milhous Nixon deserved to be impeached for a cover-up of an event that was less political than her Benghazi cover-up and too was without the loss of life of her Benghazi cover-up we must consider that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is a criminal suspect - the primary suspect - suspect of offenses that can lead to imprisonment. It seems that President William Jefferson Clinton has to also be long ahead of President Barack Hussein Obama on any march to being orange suited too; President Clinton seemed to have so meddled in foreign affairs since leaving office in 2001 that he is of “initiatives” his spouse should have investigated while the People’s Secretary as President Obama’s Secretary of official duty to “oversee” such of her spouse, now even more concerning as newly her repose as also of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.
The Benghazi Select Committee has the white people to look at first - such is a real problem for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least. Unlike Watergate people died! Like Watergate politicians are known to have been of a cover-up! Unlike Watergate it is that there seems to have also have been official obstruction of justice as part of the cover-up and so sadly of a new grime and muddy politics worse than any of Nixon’s supposed as of it now that Obama’s white Secretary of State has to face her own lower standards now when her cover-up impeded the due Federal investigation of murdered/killed of her “house” of State.
President George W. Bush and his henchmen are poor messengers of how the Afghanistan War has been an unnecessary, improper, and poorly run “war” however run these years on a credit card.
President Bush and his henchmen are not the guiltiest party; The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open; People’d of the world cannot long ignore a real history of the Clintons and their Clinton 8.
Though Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s - Hillary R. Clinton’s - “Jack” moment of herself like ‘not able to handle the truth’ while before Congress, as if of a “A Few Good Men” prosecution, still sits heavy as a telling outburst about war and wars by political leadership.
President Barack H. Obama’s first Secretary of State did run out the clock so as per learning of how poorly she operated regarding Benghazi & Libya and too Obama’s war of choice theirs differently from Bush’s as that changed in Afghanistan to a war against the Taliban. She only got to a Congressional “review” when she could tick-tock a clocketh runneth outeth defense.
There is hardly a way to put a happy face on how its seems confirmed that Democrats do not know how to operate a war nor win a war, still. There is comfort for Democrats now only if still it can be said that President Bush and his henchmen operated worsely.
The Clinton “two-fer” presence at the opening & dedication of The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is characteristic of them of willing to do (and say?) anything that will help them to appear later better as they should appear for that actually of their ‘before.” The museum has a duty now to open each day to curate the querious of truth seekers, and, the museum cannot ignore the still too missing years 1993-2001.
It is a fair question causal about the attacks of 9/11/01 if it isn’t that had President William Jefferson Clinton not been at dalliances of the blue dress of Monica Lewinsky would he yet have put in the time to have prevented such diabolical expounding upon the United States of America homeland? That there are near a trillion unit points per dollar to otherwise asses for a liability or gross negligence, at least as when accounting for the rash cuts to defense and intelligence, pairs with his dalliances. Too, President Clinton, besides his unnecessary surpluses, if of his “walls of separation” affected at the F.B.I. between Enforcement & Intelligence, to abide a tagging that runneth to ‘accomplice.”
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open! President Barack Hussein Obama with his Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton did expand/broaden the theater of war of the Bush’s operated GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM in Afghanistan from the original trespass to find and kill or capture about 50 thought “campers” of Al Qaeda. President Obama with Secretary Clinton did alter operations in Afghanistan for a Democrats war of choice, too on a credit card, as a war without due process too much like as a genocide upon the Taliban women hating illiterate natives.
The ugly face of Obama’s war of choice against the Taliban is that he was operated too much devoid of civil procedure and too much as if of a “feminist envy” effected like exterminators of bugs. The pretty face is supposedly that because it was a picturesque region for still shots of “war” unlike the slog of Iraq and its urban jungles the Democrats of Obama & Clinton(s) could sell they could run a like ‘cleaner’ war.
Still President Bush and his henchmen are not the best messengers for how bad and how long so bad the Democrats have been so ugly and base in their bad even as just as per the ‘theater’ of ‘war’ of Afghanistan. The Republicans are poor messengers for the good and better they were at much for they themselves hardly found the words to explain how they were better or best - just more of a ‘good.’ That the Republicans were or are better is hard to believe for they have so far much failed to even sell that they were right while the flip flip of calendars has clocked them as more right.
The Obama AFGHANISTAN WAR has been from day one of the Democrats’ political management as a war of choice of the mission creep from Bush and his henchmen at the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR so within the sovereign lands of Afghanistan. The Obama administration moved from trading the building of roads and schools for trespass rights to find the expected near about 50 of Al Qaeda, as foreigners literate among the mostly illiterate natives, to a SURGE for an a war not justified by the 911 attacks as a war generally against the Taliban.
President Obama and Secretary Clinton put a happy face on their plans to much be at exterminating the too misogynistic & too illiterate Taliban by selling that theirs was a ‘right’ war and Bush’s late policing of Saddam Hussein and Iraq was a ‘wrong’ war.
As the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open the Clintons, mostly, and primarily, now have no place to hide; The “911 Museum” is a permanent “wrench in their gears” of political operations - forward; The “911 Museum” has the blue dress controversy among its hauntings and curatory duty and all the while the trillion unit points ghost the years whence from trouble brewed and stirred much because President William Jefferson Clinton decided, it seems (still) that he would not prosecute Saddam Hussein because he didn’t want to, and, he wouldn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein because he already had Bosnia and Herzegovina undesirably on his desk.
President William J. Clinton may be most to blame for their being now the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum. President George W. Bush may be most to blame for not being able to ’sell’ in real time and still how it was right that he was as he said of doing right. President Barack H. Obama may be most to blame for having a war of choice so in Afghanistan now as a “Longest War” as it though seems maybe inherited from FLOTUS Clinton crusading as a meant AFGHANISTAN WAR to target and subdue the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban.
It figures when one looks more seriously at the history of Al Qaeda, than the 9/11 Commission so did in choosing to look only ten years back, that the 9/11 attacks may have been planned since 1993 and the very day President Clinton likely decided his didn’t want to do the messy work of prosecuting Saddam Hussein so he wouldn’t - wouldn’t for however long he was in office.
A queriousness due of every visit to the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is prudent upon the “good” of President Clinton still too much as a “mirage” of the cover-up of the Clintons President Obama was wrongly more at than President Bush had been yet at too long. It is now improper to hide the Clintons’ vast culpabilities and as it is historic that there are a 9/11 I & 9/11 II with Clinton paw prints all over ‘em. We are now beyond “if” to a but “how” expected - expected daily.
It figures most clearly, however revealing in real time whence could have compromised “mission”, that Iraq as by OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was not a “war of choice” for Al Qaeda seemed bent to prosecuting the United States of America on its homeland ever since the day President Clinton shrugged from doing right with his decision to do next to nothing towards prosecuting Saddam Hussein. It seems in comparison President Obama & Secretary Clinton of their warring on the Taliban are those of a “war of choice” run unnecessarily and improperly and poorly run while diabolically run on a credit card.
The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is duty bound to curate for truth and honest forward. Its doors however open or closed represent a thresholds of history and while it only a dangerous mirage that there are yet these two histories coexistent and with the Democrats affectings not yet known as mostly all a too political and partisan mirage.
The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is now ground zero to GROUND ZERO of it that each day by each visitor a queriousness should arise of: HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S?
There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and distorted by the Clintons, and now the Presidency of Obama. If Al Qaeda so decided the American homeland deserved attacking so on that day that President William J. Clinton in 1993 decided he would evade and ignore the issues of rendering justice upon Saddam Hussein it becomes clearer finally that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war and the Democrats warring on the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban was just a political convenient coy war distraction as a unpaid for war of choice.
There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and polarized by Democrats’ defensive partisan machinations in spin; As the history of Al Qaeda supersedes the “report” of the 9/11 Commission since its “investigation” looked back only 10 years it becomes excusable that President George W. Bush couldn’t explain how right he was while the President more rightly at war. If we still ignore the history of the organizing of Al Qaeda of Osama Bin Laden’s hopes to change the Middle East by an allowance for himself to general the prosecution of Saddam Hussein as a justice of and by Muslims we will become in greater peril from a continuance in these mirages beset in ignorance.
The now “THE LONGEST WAR - THE AFGHANISTAN WAR” is outed as President Barack H. Obama’s war of choice. It is now, as the “911 Museum” thresholds, that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war, even as contrary to the 9/11 Commission, for the pathology forensic of the causal rests forever in a simple consideration that the USA got “policed” on 9/11 because President William Jefferson Clinton had decided in 1993 that he wouldn’t “police” Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and as such decision then necessarily was to be for the remainder of his terms.
The mirage is sad as the Democrats now can hardly justify the lack of jurisprudence and due process party to their party warring for politics in Afghanistan. The Clintons have already shown themselves to fit in an episode of a THE SOPRANOS and yet where is the talk of “Politics” or “Diplomacy” of it that Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was responsible for the “diplomacy” of having such control over 80% of the world opium production during her “service” to President Barack Hussein Obama? Secretary Clinton served President Obama more as if of BREAKING BAD in a drug trade to diabolically while she more as if a SECRETARY OF WAR than of “diplomacy.”