
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:28 am

Not since brave souls of militias of our Northern states marched on the South for an end to slavery has one state more loudly proclaimed they want more free black babies - definitely not fewer - than Alabama has recently with respecting all souls legislation on fetuses.

Vice President Joseph Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

Governor Chris Christie has better a mantle of authority to manage passions of souls.

Vice President Joe Biden, like Bill Clinton and Al Gore, does hail much as from below the Mason-Dixon line.

“Scranton Joe” has bureaucratic problems with Pennsylvania Catholic hierarchy.

“Scranton Joe” as Vice President is sticky like fly paper to all the leadership scandals of President Barack H. Obama.

“Scranton Joe” as Catholic must carry an albatross of shared Catholic Guilt for the Pennsylvania sexual abuse hierarchy scandals to as far back as he first ran for the highest office in our land - of to when he asked for support and towards being a highest ranking Catholic.

Socialism “Joe” cannot be secular and Constitutional, - let us leave how if in collusion with Rome & Holy See for later discussions.

Socialism “Joe” is he culpable for eight year of not objecting to President Obama’s unjust orders - he could have already President by succession if he had kept his oaths to the actual Constitution and even asked for Congress to impeach the first black President.

Vice President “Joe” to this day - but for inconvenient Bidenisms - remains unjustly silent on President Obama’s unjust orders;  to this day “Joe” remains too silent on that President Obama lied more in just his first year than yet President Donald J. Trump, Sr. is even accused of for his entire Presidency.

Governor Chris Christie and “Bridgegate” present near parable for such Biden dilemmas:

As secular Socialist philosophy of governance goes as per the Obama administration the President was supposed to be revered as if an infallible secular Socialist Supreme Leader.

“Bridgegate” presents as a troubling problem of such as reveals his management style.

Our Constitution - need I remind you - is originally the Peoples’ “Order” and “in/Order/to form/a…done/…in/Year/of/our/Lord” is supposed to owned individually by articulation of “Order” as the noun it is of grammar to it is an order a constitution.

“Bridgegate” can yet be “Joe’s” Waterloo.

The untold story - a parable - of the lane closures of a New Jersey “Traffic Study” is the self apparent conclusion that since the opening of the Department of Homeland Security it became within 12 to 24 hours a failure found of our President and his DHS as asleep at the draw bridge board.

Governor Chris Christie can save the soul of America by telling this bureaucratic truth of how undermined President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are by that after they let a local Mayor play partisan politics out of order of used President Obama to pull rank on his Governor, - of that the Governor and a “Traffic Study” showed that after 12 hours of lane closures of study it was of to end blockage that it was becometh the infallible secular Socialist supreme leader Obama that failed - that failed bureaucratically of then called upon duty to investigate lane closures at least inconvenient to his pal Mayor of the insubordination to New Jersey Governor. - At such time then blockage and congestion was a Federal Emergency unresponded to issue as bottleneck was also near like biggest crisis as major metropolitan major artery blockage was days or weeks ahead of major NYC security event.

So “Joe” is most unqualified maybe due “low IQ” and doesn’t know better but yet more maybe due we are not supposed to ignore his record of at least inaction and avoidance of actions of higher callings of high office.

That the controversial “Bridgegate” “Traffic Study” was a real thing is supposed to be news of how & why President Obama’s Socialism failed by he failed in theory of practiced government supposed to be responsible for everything to have done his duty on a matter in such days lane closures on an interstate was nearly greatest security concern for his Homeland staff - his DHS.

Vice President Joe Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

Again we must consider if “Joe” is of low IQ and just is ignorant of originalism.

But then “Joe’s” record of inaction seems firstly indicative of ideology trumps IQ as passion seems to have been an also to and of the long worked treachery - textbook treason - of that story of Democrats worked to try to establish a progressive alternative Socialist interpretation actually contrary to Constitution - the ordained and established Constitution an individually owned as a Peoples’ “Order”.

Socialism was prescribed as unconstitutional long before there ever were modern Socialists.  By Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper #1 the Constitution is firstly for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”.

By the First Amendment to the body of Peoples’ “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” God isn’t just in our founding documents but Creator is set as also above the Government and so secular Socialism is illegal as especially healthcare set recognized as an establishment of religion Congress is to make no law respecting - changing from of the realm of spectacles of faith respectful of the jurisdiction of “in the eyes of the Lord.”

It is “low IQ” to otherwise try to offer an interpretation for secular Socialism for such would ascribe to the Founding Fathers’ work a judgement of it then was necessarily done in blasphemy.

Though “Scranton Joe” has his shared Catholic Guilt problems for not asking or telling of Pennsylvania hierarchy scandals any of those years he sought or held highest offices while Catholic are of his is also a Pilgrims and Puritans learned from story as what is known today as Socialism is what Plymouth was supposed to experiment with to profits to pay their transit debts - of did try - of did fail - of learned from  - and to nation founded wise to how failed.

“Sleepy Joe” also has his party’s Anthony Weiner problem of that his fall began in New York City as soon as his local story went global of bragging that he helped rig ACA - Obamacare - to that the wealthy liberals of NYC could fix it so other state’s person’s taxes would yet be redistributed to cover 5% of Financial Capital’s healthcare costs; he also has the problem of Obamacare was admitted as rigged to that by spending other person’s of other states monies to 5% those liberals were saved from having to do the due real work of fixing all the problems on the cost side - and while moral has it that Financial Capital essentially had to prove it could cover all its own of major metropolitan area if nation yet could proof a national affordability.

“Sleepy Joe” is ill equipped to even try to save the soul of our nation.

Isn’t it a soul crusher to actually think about what secular Socialism is and means to while contrary to Peoples’ “Order” originalism of First Amendment redundant to established separation as vertical of that we are under our Lord - and it is a more perfect Union that we People hold that our Government too is “under” our Lord - and Lord’s Law?

It does seem low IQ to miss this;  “Sleepy Joe” does seem to miss his interpretation for a secular Socialist contrary treasonous interpretation ascribes to Constitution an idea it was done in blasphemy and while originalism respects religions are firstly tools and disciplines for self-governance.

President Trump is not also a “Tea Party Denier”  now trying to end run around how founders’ common sense was of Peoples’ “Order” owned individually by ratified by states conventions of peoples - it seems.

Simply isn’t Socialism disagreeable much before you get to how a President then is supposed to be protected by honored unquestioningly  as if yet an infallible secular Socialist supreme leader?

Simply one needn’t be a genius to see what wanna be future party leaders want you to overlook?

Simply Socialism fails where Obamacare fails of forgets what are “establishments of religion” and how wise founding fathers’ work was as constituted none of a separation right from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff.

Sins - even deadly sins - are of Lord’s Law realm tenets presented in Bill of Rights redundancy of “establishments of religion”.  You cannot have a healthcare right separated from as in of religious freedom and constituted protections from tyranny by such worked left to be kept as local as possible and of Peoples’ “Order” separation of church and state sets none mandated to be of one worship organization while yet none of a separation right to separated from also under Lord’s Law and that Government not federally allowed to be theocratic.

Isn’t it low IQ for Vice President Joe Biden to also miss his supported secular Socialism perverts Constitution as under Lord’s Law and, brief by that - brevity of Order, our governance is supposed to be limited to secular civil procedures for due process for when Lord’s Laws break down - are breaking down?

Democratic Socialism cannot save the soul of our nation due we are constituted to oppose and bristle at ideas of per neighbor and neighbor sovereignty undermined: - as we are not to firstly think council people or aldermen of next town know better how to rule our lives - nor the next town or city Mayor - nor the next county’s executive - nor next state’s Governor?

Vice President Joe Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

The real problem with ACA - Obamacare - even a one payer system of a Medicare is the fundamental truth that as soon as healthcare stops being an establishment of organized morals - religions - religiousness - religious liberty - as an “establishment of religion” it also stops being affordable of firstly neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods and becomes a racket for more people to profit off the illness and diseased of others (coldly).

“Scranton Joe” should never have let slide all the orders of President Barack Obama effected as unjust and treacherous unconstitutional orders affected to effect forward that ‘citizens’ now merely firstly ’subjects’ of Federal Power.

Can your soul survive not being any longer allowed the pathology of freedom of the American Dream of America is supposed to be great by that as per neighbors to neighbors none is supposed to be of a separation right to be then expected not to care about community and neighbors as to care would suppose you to believe your President isn’t an infallible secular Socialist supreme leader?

To be of souls habituated of to great again requires you to doubt your leaders - think of healthcare like “Northern Exposure” and to parishes should grow to raise own committed medical professionals as a part of community, or to import such divinely and justly?

To be of souls habituated of to great again requires one not use Socialism out of like you insult your supreme leader if to think your neighbor is not being perfectly cared for - so much so perfectly cared for so that it would be disloyal to perverted treason to think you as a neighbor have a right to know of any otherwise moral duty to care.

More personally “plagiarist” “Joe” has his fit to President Barack H. Obama administration “Joe” in that of past plagiarism since 2004 Barack H. Obama Democratic Party Convention break out speech was of speaker Obama did plagiarize as ordered of “put a black face on it!” … “make it your own!” of to witnessed with unauthorized use of another’s - mine - intellectual property.

Plagiarism is a soul crusher too and yet a binder between Vice President Joseph Biden and President Barack Obama.

Plagiarism is how 2004 “Obama” sounded too much like me and to remarkably different from his own style evident in his first early memoir.

“Joe” cannot save the soul of our nation?

He has albatrosses of at least Catholic Guilt about his neck?

The Democrats generally all have Anthony Weiner’s problem!

Haven’t you already had enough of ‘your democratic leader can’t be wrong!’?

                   *     *     *     Soul Crusher?     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:55 am

The future is black Republicans!

The good news in old divine right of kings was a supposition of that kings were to be nearer to our Lord - divined not to be abusers of Powers akin Powers of our Lord.

To fathom the scope of the imminent decline and fall of “Obamacare” it may help to relate a planet of apes.

Where Donald J. Trump comes from may be much ado about Queens’ Protestants, Queens’ Presbyterians, Utopian Parkway.

We must not look, as long mislead, as that health insurance costs need a larger pool - risk pool - for to be of us all happier to lower costs of insurance on risks of becoming ill - diseased.

We must not look, as long mislead, as if an understanding can be had - gotten to - by just accepting the old propaganda of the Democrat Party Left Liberals.

To be progressive - truly progressive - mustn’t we now get to reconsidering respecting healthcare costs that as morals are liberated, return, grow/rise anew the opportunity for medical costs to become more reasonable is far more possible?

To be progressive mustn’t we re-embrace morality for values as where morals risen and raise costs of neighbors caring for neighbors as still mostly community work of caring for neighbors in own neighborhood then and only then can costs be balanced and moderate/moderated?

A morality as of where Donald J. Trump comes from is yet Biblical of that a married man is supposed to live for their wife, - as comparable to unmarried are written as to under such condition being supposed to live for our Lord.

President Donald J. Trump therefore has no choice but to govern in “soft power” and “soft sell” operating procedures for he cannot abide compromising the First Lady at her campaign against cyber bullying. 

President Donald J. Trump doesn’t need a “TRUMP DOCTRINE” for his habit is of that he has a philosophy of business of a keenly developed standard operating procedure at least of that his left hand shouldn’t be coincidentally being at undermining the concurrent work of his right hand.

Let us now go back to the planet of apes and jury rig a late discourse on healthcare and “the meek shall inherit the earth”!

Of apes and their genius and speciousness we have that they are also creatures of our Lord’s creation but primate boxed of considerations in that they lack any awareness of such of their kingdom.  Of apes vs “Obamacare” we must now lately pull back the draped cloaking covers from divining greater apparent and relevant truths and ponder the dark and Trinity relative to the theories of morality and as healthcare is wisely and originally an oldest of the establishments of religions.  Of apes and Donald J. Trump operating we have a calling to comparative logistics and to assuage from fake news for faux medicine a paradigm for caring of if apes too like humans are of variant blood types of bodies electric and blood types of varying compatibility to dire incompatibility of a humans range of “Universal Receiver” to “Universal Donor” typed certain.

Of “the future is black Republicans” we can plank a platform for comity in polity for parity in healthcare by liberating, returning, growing morals of that Lord’s word on “the meek shall inherit the earth” is not a redistribution nor free care SOP dictum but a wise riddle to that those humble and patient on the Holy Spirit - Lordly guidance - are “meek” for of guts to be prone and vulnerable by being compliant and obedient to the prudence of that there are deadly sins.

Donald J. Trump strong suit is that he has a philosophy of business that translates to politics of that he has a unified vision by that his service duty - even to his wife - works best when worked in keeping to his standard operating procedures.

Donald J. Trump got off through his youth in Queens’ Presbyterian dogma by Saint John’s exit of use of Utopian Parkway facilitated on ramps and off ramps while how as a “Don Trump” of Queens he must have puzzled long and hard on American firsters versus otherwise English of Queen’s Protestants.

As white Republicans bask in the glory concurrent to the liberation of the souls of Religious leaders to fresh facility in Religious Liberty their open hearts and clean efforts seem to be winning - even winning blacks forward to be en masse also to own forwards even if tag’d “black Republicans”!

The plights of the A.I.D.S. medical history is of a politics that hasn’t fielded a moral philosophically thorough public referendum on the issuance of considerate moderation correctly in keeping to the “the meek shall inherit the earth”!  The politicians and politics are to blame firstly for such considerate for compassion as perverted and subverted from a thorough resolution that endures the morality and prudence long around an acceptance that some sins are deadly sins for risk of death may occur from physically or mentally (trespassed by cyber e-connectedness) crossing the lines as being boldly sinful in stead of prudent and meekly moral.

Christian compassion isn’t alone among compassionate religious practiced morality in how a presumption of innocence shall be proffered presumed firstly by those erudite enough to learned to a suffice to be to proffering as regards medicine and relative morality.

It remains to be seen if Donald J. Trump Presidency if of enough depth in character and bench of aids for Republicans, however colored presently and forward, for a guidance to take now morals are liberated, rising, growing anew!

The sticky wicket of the close quarters drilling down of the issues as a prophylactic to public consumption in town halls and tea rooms now remains of what belongs to the apes and what of deadly sins and to that the “meek” as of those of the Lord isn’t a black check for offering free curative services to those who should be first healing their souls. 

I write these words not as an indiscriminate prejudiced or bigoted; - I doth not scribe such thoughts prejudging any as an enemy - even if by actions in ignorance of that there are “deadly sins” for death can biologically or electrically result from non-compliance.

The Psalms of the Bible seem as primary tool in the bag of tricks of Donald J. Trump of his S.O.P. and as Psalms by the book are largely a critical element fundamental to any and all anti-BULLY - anti-BULLYING - cyber-bullying countering campaign.

By knowing of the prudence in art of enlightened to the moderation to healing potential of music and songs any is then equipped to fathom a scope of humanity in moral and compliance of music can heal - heal a village - even heal the world.

To be above apes yet, Republicans, of whatever color, now must be braced and prepared to be professionals on politics of pathology so that “meek” is duly and properly respected of the establishments of religion of which healthcare is an oldest prescribed bound.  To be above apes, all must tie on their smocks for an artful polity to a potential for parity and comity of that as per at least A.I.D.S forward the backwards to primates must be reconditioned around public service and P.S.A. ascribed moderating as broadcast professionalism is pertinent to advisories that still recall and remind of old morality and deadly sins that it is considerable and perilous of apes and humans (both?) that some blood types if crossed/shared by careless to temporary insanity of passions exercised inconsiderate of consequence are incompatible and detrimental to others if crossed/shared?

President Donald J. Trump now akin his commitment to be in living to in service to his wife is yet postured politically well for his foreign policy, domestic policies, and the coming of the anti-cyber-bullying campaign of his wife all have in common a best use methodology forward of keeping to his honed and kept “soft power” of his standard operating procedures through his years and decades as a properties operator in compliance with public space use and philosophies.

Costs of healthcare can only it seems be truly moderated by the liberation, rising, growing of the politics now commenced to a divination matrix re-secured to all whom are aware they are creatures of our Lord and indivisible from Lord’s kingdom?

A presumption of innocence can relate in healthcare industries for cost control and quality care where such is not a “pre-existing condition” of known diagnosis then inappropriate to compassion for risks of unknowns for insuring from unknowns.

It seems good news and quite welcome postured of “the future is black Republicans”!

Temptations must be guarded from for being against a developed knowing wise prudence can be physically costly and to of expenses then determined as yet not for others to morally be burdened also to carrying.

Illnesses, where not of pre-existing conditions, are of the paradigm of “innocent until proven guilty” so any systematic facilitation for neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods, primarily, must dig in first and then and only then determine the morality and if a self induced from careless reversion as akin to back to being ape-ish, and ignorant.

The Psalms as the COUNTER CYBER-BULLYING BOOK of scriptures is now a primary tool forward for everything Donald J. Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, for if we know how to sing of and to the Lordly we are then pre-conditioned to see and feel right and wrong across humanity of bodies electric and to sins of trespass as now also of e-enabled sins of subcategory of “cyber-bullying” - internet of thing bullying.

America rests now in the grace in the scriptures for Donald J. Trump must be to “soft power” to stay moral and in compliance to dictum of Lord’s laid to be living, for married, to of living for his wife, - for countering cyber-bullying - cyber bullies - any even old school of to e-internet of things of that of “trespass” sinning/sinful!

America rests now in a potential for grace being still reset and restored of morals have been liberated, returned, growing!

America rests now nightly of the separation of church and state as now repaired from retired to of “under our Lord” as set upon and set asunder as long suppressed to of Government as above morals; - Forward our Government is also not supposed to violate the moral laws of the Laws of our Lord by even being to covetous, steeling, bearing false witness!

America can only be great again once we politically have thorough discerning and open public expression to understanding, and, as that our Government is vertically separated to as under our Lord and each individual a created by our Creator!

Likewise to the preconditions ripe for success now in a course reversal back to prudence and morality from the wreckage to establishments long otherwise but secured we have our current conditions of that as our Government is to be moral as also under our Lord and Lord’s law winning by intimidation is illegal, generally, and of that a “knife in the back” as “thorn in one’s side” is where not a condition of correction is but illegal of a trespass and of cyber-bullying much of being a cyber-crime!

Of thee I scribe to sing?  Perhaps Donald J. Trump is suited now of/to Ecclesiastes 3:1… through all the familiar meted however colored?

             *       *       *       MERCY - TRUTH       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:01 am

We need to see the dead people!

As case can be made to that Donald J. Trump is attempting to finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Luther - but as a Presbyterian: - It seems we must key seeing two that died on July 4th in 1826.

We need to see beyond just seeing Alexander Hamilton as hip!

Though the metropolis heeled/curbed set are 2016 cosmopolitan of class struggles we have to accept these may be among the last to step out and rock the politics of that we have been heading in the wrong direction for too long.

Akin to the metropolis cosmopolitan 2016 conundrum would be that essentially we must now change the music!

To right ourselves from too long off course and at least near broached it is imperative that we tag the drum beats of Barack H. Obama of too majored in steering us off course!  To parlay the politics of music perchance we accept such has been too long cliche and cliche Socialist - too “Old Stalinistic” marched! - too sans the hip of at least Alexander Hamilton as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #1 as keyed that the People’s Order a constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP” is the life long business struggle dynamic still core to TRUMP now as a candidate.

A “LIBERATION” is cored to such dynamism even indivisible from the “PRESIDENT TRUMP” promise.

The “LIBERATION” is in that the life long human story now can only bear fruit if the new “music” rises bottom up - and ’street’ cool/hip.

I posture that all should prepare themselves for TRUMP delays akin to working an engagement and sagacity SOP of disciplined patience to wait for the new good music to rise bottom up.

What may be the chord or beat apropos a restoration to righteousness and practiced common morality?

What can be the hook - how for beat tragic and dire Barack H. Obama rap - to cover the wrecked havoc of so many years wasted with cacophonies discordant as forced measures clamors stacked for “Obama Comrades” of beatings to a crony elite ruling class solidarity effected tonage?

I posture newly we need to see the dead people!

The trump in the “THE TRUMP” is as restorative of “again” for “America” as constituted by the People’s Order done in the “Year of our Lord” whence so soundly and definitively as a formed “more perfect Union”!

For your liberation which beat is your own best tool? which dead person’s harmony can fit your melodic patriotism?

Pitty the fool who knoweth not their “A” game now best to also reconnoiter the triptick souls’d of our Pilgrims & Mayflower, to the Plymouth Plantation, but of score’d to a commonality as also of the times but different conditions to the risen works of Oliver Cromwell, and also Rene Descartes.  Yes! a “Cartesian” gestalt might help any calculable scoring.

There yet is the one soul common to “Dana” and “Kimberly” to synchronize forward with progressing beats of the Republican Movement; - Dana Plato as “Kimberly Drummond” - may she rest in peace - fits to if to doubt Donald J. Trump Republicans as the success of Donald J. Trump up from like a Queens’ Presbyterian orchestration now is yet for cites of precedence set but that Donald J. Trump here to fore has been “succeeded” near only a the scale and scope of Plato’s “REPUBLIC”; - Donald J. Trump has been a builder of buildings and communities - even neighborhoods - but yet is he proven as a keeper of a nation.  Donald J. Trump will need a “Willis” and an “Arnold” for his winded, beaten, & stroke’d new improved “different” for these ways to have the will’d.

For Donald J. Trump to amount to more than the limited of Plato’s worked he must be keenly seen as for “movin’ on up” for any who think they can survive the itches of responsibility in trying to find if able to take the heat of riches.  The “New GOP” may hoot and holler also with “TRADING PLACES” while not em must prove themselves for “LIBERATION ECONOMICS”.

Actually most voters, if they have heard of Jack Johnson or read enough of F. Scott Fitzgerald, should be sympathetic for TRUMP business dynamic of that every morning as a properties operator as souls stir newly of “bottoms up” there may yet be alarms and sirens harkening at least of a too demonstrable “Eloise” roaming the halls mischieviously or a “Dennis The Menace” too proudly loudly apparently in violation of the Mann Act.

America, to be great again, now essentially must learn to come to terms with a great embarrassment for Harvard & Harvard Law School as it seems self evident now that the “first black President of Harvard Law Review” to this very day is still somehow, by nature or corrupted nurture/guidance/teaching, of having, it seems, NEVER read the Constitution correctly.

“O” Barack H. Obama will be haunted by #Its_O_not_o for the rest of his life!  The Constitution only makes sense as with preamble “Order” a noun and for that reason as capitalized.  The proper reading of the Constitution is akin to how the Republicans have protested for decades as to that it cannot be the “living document” as Democrats protestant for as because “Order” is of “O” and not “o” it reads as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…/done/…/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Essentially it has been necessary, while technically treasonous, for the Clintons to posture as if in a “post Constitution” new “order” and for President Obama to proclaim, even during his 2nd inaugural, that he “wouldn’t feel beholden to the oath of office” he just swore to be!  The Democrats have failed for by not knowing the proper reading of the Constitution they have thought it necessary to try to reinvent the wheel and now obviously have greatly failed!

The Constitution cannot be read for a “living document” as attempted, and yet progressed to ill effect now so long, in part because to the founders the work for the People’s Order to constitute the new better Union was like a apostolic spectacle - and so of humbly respecting that the scripture of “our Lord” set was at least by the King James Bible the “living word”!  It seems critical that to join in “Make America Great Again” we too must be so respectful and to that the People’s Order was constituted to be harder to amend or void than it was/is to edit and revise an edition of the Bible.

Sadly so much has gone so wrong by that the Democrats Left Liberals seems to have read to read what they wanted to read and missed reading truly to the only way the entire document can make sense.  It was/is lazy reading and “interpretation” to posture as if the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows must be measured is ever as if just as “in order to…” and weak as like a loophole for Executive tyranny by Executive Orders as if “legal” if something just seems “more perfect”!

E.G.:  Take healthcare - for example:  Democrats if read the Constitution correctly would have avoided all these years of trying to create a “right to healthcare” for such is in the Republic already as constituted “under God” and to that what Democrats have come up with actually violates the First Amendment.  By the accurate Republican traditional reading of original intent everyone already with religion then already has a right to healthcare as health of souls is one of the oldest establishments of religion. Hence Republicans have been logical and faithful to the genius of the founders by working contrary to Liberals’ efforts for centralized secular Socialism by insisting that faith based solutions are affordable for existing structures, if now too dust covered, are yet already available. It is at least Christian and for crisis redistribution among communities how every religious American already is constituted of a equal right to that of healthcare of that of yet society together at discerning understanding of how God or the Devil is yet in the relative details.

I.E.: Consider the Obamacare irony:  By the powers vested in “ACA” the confederate republic of these unites states of the Americas has mere laws boldly contrary to Constituted prudence with Religious Freedom & separation of church & state.  By the powers vested in “ACA” if the Federal Government goals was actually “affordable care” it would/must mandate all citizen subjects voluntarily commune weekly, at least, for lite calisthenics of sit, stand, kneel, prostrate, sit, kneel, prostrate… and with aerobic work out of song with community harmony, however that day able to achieve heavenly harmony, by singing mixed in with meditations by readings and tough “medicine” with guilting & public shaming.  For healthcare to be ever affordable it must be likewise of all spokes in helm’s wheel of state of each part of community in services together as equals - as of rights to their work as individually as critical a spoke to keeping the wheel of community true - trued.  Essentially “Obamacare” must be UnConstitutional for that it gives the Federal Government the Power to mandate that subjects must (voluntarily) commune as to believe in each other that together in faiths they can yet be upstanding and moral (compliant assimilated subjects) citizens.

A simple Constitution teachable note:  It is easier to find GOD in the Constitution than that the Clintons, nor any other, have a right to be of an imperial authoritarian shadow government (such as Clinton Global Initiatives apparently has proceeded since organized)! It is ridiculous pure fiction any interpretation likewise effecting for there in Article 1 is the prohibition from titles of nobility and as well by Section 9 Paragraph 8 powers vested in Congress to highest standard low bar of “whatever” to audit and approve even the least seeming just personal emoluments for any banking on offices of trust.  To see the prima facia of “Clinton Shadow Government” think of Clinton Foundation annual meetings as synchronized to United Nations gatherings and to that it like mandatory to also attend presiding by “King Clinton” of “CGI” holding court even if just firstly primarily generally posturing as if President of the World promoted from having earlier been just President of the United States.

Sadly Mrs. Clinton’s foible related can be summed out as like Mrs. Clinton did as her good book said (Alinski’s) and with false “messiah” Obama did effectively get control of healthcare, and killed off their God.

Donald J. Trump may not have a past as one who has created rising tides yet he does relate as one who has like built sound vessels to be party to “rising tides” and has shared methods via books to others keen to building “boats”.

Even concurrently Donald J. Trump is more building a vessel for a ship of state on the “rising tide” now building long of that real and concrete as the “Republican Movement” as encompassing restorative by Tea Party sweated!

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to know how to create an economics rising tide for how America is constituted sets up a natural dynamic for such to occur! - - - if not actively impeded!

As we individually should ponder which dead people we need see and respect newly the core common to all is “freedom” is “of” religion for religiosity is what amounts an any as above barbarian or animalistic barely.

Every core to the great American is of that of sans borders (spirit) is of religion while that which is of property rights and of borders then is that which is of government!

As we pick through the dead people and decide which has kept best we are all together wise to respect a conundrum of the founders at an apostolic spectacle by constructing the People’s Order as respectful of that economics of Adam Smith amount to a reinterpretation of two Corinthians - 1 & 2 Corinthians, and the jist of all of Paul’s letters!

Donald J. Trump is shouldering the cross of responsibility all free people must!

Corinthians, however “re-interpreted” economics of “Invisible Hand” economic theory, speaks as the founders established and ordained of that to be for growth economics a underlying foundation of community must exist of people able to sing together!

Simply Donald J. Trump needn’t try to reinvent the economics wheel!

He can helm a steadying of the ship of state if America can be America again!

That what is of sans borders (of spirit) is then of “religion” is yet the common core of Paul’s letters and also the economic theory as a “re-interpretation” of such - that by Adam Smith.  Liberation is still possible as naturally constituted if we can sing together at a sustaining community level and practice of that the first ruling “self interest” of a humanoid in economical moral capitalism (redundant! - Capitalism in theory is moral!) is to firstly choose “community” (safety in numbers) a secondly choose to be moral within “network” (not to shooting oneself in one’s own foot or wallet)!

                 *       *       *        BELIEVE!       *       *       *

[This is a work in progress I feel no pressure to finish before Friday evening.  I hope to get enough down now to establish the core spine for the economics politics dynamic - and yet as now the weather presents as a rare last day to get out on my 1982 road bike and spin the shoreline of Milford for a few hours of sweating out last nights like carbo loading.  Please check back regularly, and opine via social media if you think you can help the revolution - the Republican Movement even.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:05 pm

Sweat it!  There is no where to hide! - there is no where to run to!  Sweating it is what we all must now honestly facilitate!

We have reached a crossroads in the American story! - We are at the crossroads still of options to turn from “GOING TO HELL”!

These are no times to sit back and avoid the Musk as maybe to an unchallenged facilitation by ComSats for a “Big Brother” new paradigm akin to Hillary Clinton of long doing as her good book says (Alinski’s) - long doing the leg work of: GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE & KILL THEIR GOD! 

I.E.:  Not that “SPACE X” isn’t copacetic to also under our “Lord” - But that the loose lingua enables too much “mush brains” devoid of disciplines to still be able to discern moral nuance/nuances between sectarian Christian dictums - at least!

E.G.:  As that Donald Trump proposals are for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” as a Protestant a Presbyterian Catholics too must be readying their moral game for us if to “Liberation Economics” and to stirring ghosts around of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as ghosts’ stories of succeeding President Lyndon Baines Johnson may have specifically gotten such anti-religious freedom amendment passed as a check on “Kennedy Catholics” - against “American Catholics” - against “Catholic” heat!

And, in conclusion…! - - - Oh Right! - As if it can now be that easy to come up with “GOOD” or “RIGHT” answers!

Donald Trump on immigration, for starters, has so abraded the Hillary Clinton control lines we have that em have been flushed out as new “Manchurian” puppeteers now also need be on stage to re-tie Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s knot.

Forthwith let us pare the “MUGGLE” for a shame of “Democrat men” with such to showcase the “White Bill Clinton” as in opposition to any superior legacy for the “Black Barack Obama”!  Let us play the cards their shame has on the table as it seems Donald Trump immigration plan has exposed two Democrat men as necessarily firstly “MUGGLES” complicating Mrs. Clinton’s “performances” by being historically two whom can be said to have never had a real “IMMIGRATION PLAN”!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward now needs be all the necessary pairing to separate the “White man Bill Clinton” from the “Black man Barack Obama” for any parity essential to comity!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward is a critically important pressing need to face the failures of BLACK Barack Obama! - to assuage the politics of her “captain” must go down with her ship, - like!

President Barack Obama’s face does not fit on President Bill Clinton’s!  That is what all this now is firstly primarily generally much about!  Forward this is much ado about how Mrs. Clinton was torn between her “White Bill” & “Black Obama” her “Boss” and dramatically to show how her performance was of the low “Hillary Standard” but too much of her new “Manchurian” puppet strings of being over worked and to abrading all the way through!

Vice President Joseph “Joe” Biden is a walking conundrum of a complicated “politics” between the “WorkingJoe” and the “CatholicJoe”!  VP Biden today as with Union organized in Ohio was firstly the political partisan lesser “WorkingJoe”!  It isn’t convenient for VP Biden to have to speak on the auto industry as the unraveling truth is becoming most worn and visibly to that the “Auto Bailout” wouldn’t have been needed if Left Democrats with Al Gore “ALARMISM” hadn’t had the $4 gas long since the 1990s as though essentially necessary to effect the Green Agenda Authoritarian social engineering.

Donald J. Trump is no George W. Bush! - The Clinton Machine is not able to stage “Hillary Clinton” as against the “Old Republicans” - The Democrats forward must pare too the battle extant already but still a developing greater scandal now toed in here as between the “White Bill Clinton” versus the “Black Barack Obama”!  And, as it is becoming certainly known of that President Barack H. Obama wouldn’t have needed the “Auto Bailout” if Republicans had yet gotten the lower gas prices by 2008 that they were fighting for!

As to that President Obama’s face cannot fit on President Clinton’s there is we are much gathered now to discern what ranks between these two Democrat “MUGGLES” and necessarily along “BLACK & WHITE” lines!  This is much because Mrs. Clinton candidacy begs to demands we all now take a fresh look at 1993 to 2001 years!

What must at least separate these two very different politicians goes beyond that one is supposedly GREAT for having cut $2 Trillion dollars - and much arguable actually from “necessary spending” already budgeted even for 4 to 8 years forward - while the other the “BLACK” must be faced as contrary to “WHITE” greatness specifically because the contrariness of Democrats is that the “Black Barack H. Obama” is supposedly now also GREAT but yet for having vastly increased spending by TRILLIONS!

Firstly primarily we should generally accept that since Mrs. Clinton was President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State she must rank as a/the top expert in all the particulars of how the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2001 did err and grossly set asunder so much by imprudence to infidelity - infidelity at least to the Constitution and expressly the First Amendment!

Donald Trump is running on much that cores to President Barack H. Obama was a failure - is a failed President!

Hillary Clinton isn’t yet being forced to run responsibly on facts indisputable of now established history of that President William J. Clinton really erred a lot and vastly set asunder so much of the foreign, and the domestic realms!

“WorkingJoe” will still persist to have the “ClassicJoe” problem with “CatholicJoe” as long as the said “Crooked Media” is compliant to the new “Manchurian” of co-producing only the “show” times of “The Hillary Show” and not the prop-isms and malfunctions regularly seeming not news!  The real story must fit the history that the “Auto Bailout” was only needed due “Clintonomics” for “hyper-consummerism” - the Clinton “Housing Bubble” - the Clinton too much cut by $2 Trillion cut too quickly and carelessly, and the later - for 2008 politics - contrary to global conditions spiking of oil & gas prices!

The guilt, it seems, must rest now forward more on “White Bill Clinton” and now the face of “White Hillary Clinton”!  It just seems unfair to let any Clinton Machine machinations succeed (further) to tagging the mashable as if “IT WAS THE BLACK MAN THAT DID IT!” - “IT IS ALL BLACK OBAMA’S FAULT!”!

Though this gets to very complicated past history we can suffice for now with some commuting pro-actively for Barack H. Obama as it the simple economics once enough “Do the math! - - Follow the history!” the greater culpability should rest more lightly on the face of President Obama than on the shoulders of either Clinton due what we now must face to “faced”!

President Barack H. Obama was still too young in his britches to be nearly enough culpable for us to allow the Clinton machinations to stereotype President Barack H. Obama - also!  It now is more true to say:


“RED FACED” is the problem now for the Clintons generally!  How “red faced” to “RED FACED” is of the evidence being still developed at least by vigilant for freedom - data miners vigilantes!

As we sweat now the perils of at such crossroads and it evident the “HILLARY CLINTON” is so abraded and not wearing well we must press ourselves to become disciplined to seeking and finding deeper greater truths!

As we sweat a “PERILOUS” in an if ever there were a “President Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton” we abide that the current issuance begs us to ponder deep and thorough a vast divide between Republicans and Democrats dating at least to the days of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as relevant to of the end of the Cold War and to how lines of separation can be detailed that of an ever since there has been Democrat Party unity to like try to defeat the defeat of expansionist Socialism by that worked strategically by President Ronald “Ronnie” Reagan with Capitalism the winning tool/way!

It seems though, to be brief, however wrong Mrs. Clinton is about “BLACK FACED” we must accept we are on a path a road to seeing that we must face to “faced” that President Barack H. Obama legacy amounts to he too should be “RED FACED”!

Keeping sweating it!!!  The legacy of Barack H. Obama has been already must set asunder by Clinton machinations to protect a legacy for William J. Clinton!  We may shortly be all more united by an understanding of just how much all three of these have been wrong for being more for foreign’s than citizen’s and as for years of some attempting to defeat the defeat of Socialism (by Capitalism) (and Constitutional regularity in originalism)!

Keep sweating it !!!  After all as long as Donald J. Trump stands up for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” he is some to “Liberation Politics” - and like to “Liberation Economics” of that he himself must be wondering if he too can take CATHOLIC heat - renditions of judgement of American pulpits!

Straight up it seems this crossroads, to be brief, is as said as too of a “Road to Hell” & of “Crooked Hillary” ’street’ “white pride”! Yet? Faced yet “Crooked Obama”? Yet? Faced, to be brief, a “Crooked Bill Clinton” tops?

               *       *       *       OH MY GOD!      *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:03 am

A first fiction of #Election2016 the Republicans need exercise many from or exorcise many from is that if there are GOOD REPUBLICANS they now like have to come outta hiding - come outta their closets. This is only cursorily of a regards to LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS.

WATER CLOSETS & REPUBLICANS is where there is TRESPASS to pre-consider and prophylactically govern to.

WATER CLOSETS & DEMOCRATS is trespassed prematurely due premature vocalizations of dictum in lieu of regular order of prudence of jurisdictions’ sovereignty as thresholds for polity have been crossed out of order from ordained for comity, - there can be no prudence in Executive dictum as regards open lavatories where politicians haven’t first dirtied their hands and washed their politics to that all statutory bases are covered for each trigger of passions, - there can be no good dictum to open lavatories where em responsible for governance haven’t opened the Pandora or Pandoro cartons of statutes to what is PERVERSION, and what is not excessive or lewd PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION.

I think we must presume DONALD TRUMP is a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN!  As a LANDLORD in business in many states he has been barred, for licensed so, from being otherwise, in practice, or appearance!

Where are the lines of demarcation between the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the said as if “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”?  LOG CABIN REPUBLICANISM is CONSTITUTIONAL due the apostolic of the founding fathers of it constituted by the People’s Order that FREEDOM is of Apostle Paul’s baptism of GAIUS, and GALATIANS etcetera etcetera. RIGHT!!! It seems restorative and restored that the “Founding Fathers” did consider their Established and Ordain as apostolic acts, - deeds done right, - good deeds done set forth.

Donald Trump may in resume be no GEORGE WASHINGTON while in name he is partisan to the open imports of American First President due the worked general leading humor of the FIRST INAUGURAL ADDRESS.

Donald Trump, due how privately held the TRUMP brand, may be a TOP TEN of the world of em of privately owned (collections/inventories) of BIBLES, and too maybe CONDOM DISPENSARIES.

Donald Trump, may also arose the nation to a common patriotism secured in the writs for a workable Christian governance the work of Apostle Paul.  Like George Washington’s FIRST INAUGURAL we have the TRUMP BATTLES long of BUSINESS but WAR as but of MISSION to secure safe and attractive bedding - copacetic properdoms - big tent ROOFS abiding.

Donald Trump, as per the WASHINGTON overlay, now needn’t be “repaired from retired” to become President for he is still of the business of “vicissitudes incident to life”, especially of the #NewYorkValues, especially of #BigApple hatted #Manhattan “IN A NEW YORK MINUTE” readiness with prophylactics.  President George Washington generally humored with like old revolution encampment General’s humor for the ranks morale while carrying an inaugural off of an import to like ‘REMEMBER TO RINSE/WASH AND REUSE YOUR SKINS/CONDOMS” so to ensure a peace of mind of “impregnable fortitude”!

GEORGE WASHINGTON did import for the new nation a first toe in respectful of natural states and politics for governance about “vicissitudes incident to life”!  He, unlike DONALD TRUMP, did like need to be “repaired from retired” to maybe he and MARTHA of a greatest TRIGGER or STRESSER that worry of if they/he/she were maintaining their skins/condoms/prophylactics sufficiently by rinse/wash and reuse practical prudent for provident respecting, of if they were maintained from worries of loss of such of any “IMPREGNABLE FORTITUDE”!*





We have trespassed the politics to now how DEMOCRATS have abridged procedures from regular order and from MANAGEMENT PRACTICES basics.  The said as if “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” cannot be our constituted for it can not endure as a management protocol that the Executive is tasked to MICROMANAGE the passions of COMMUNITY and all FREE communities.

It has been we have been victims of IMPROPER EXECUTIVE RULES!  But there is an established case to that the GRAND OLD PARTY has a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN on point - has DONALD TRUMP established as for consummate paring of duties of jurisdiction to proper PROTECTION OF MINORS, and establishments for intelligent statutory bulwarks from PERVERSIONS, and improper PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION, - even PASSIONS to duck & cover to lews for copulation of passionate intercoursing, - HOOK UPS for HOOKED UP to tempered!

To pare to a (new) civility for polity to comity even if new GENDER NEUTRAL water closets more less discriminatory all parties engaged for copacetic “COMMUNITY” with co-existence, and if by new laws, more than RULES necessary and proper each a party to BATHROOM LAWS as per TRANSGENDER must also divine the imports of statutes on PERVERSIONS - PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION - HOOK UPS FROM DUCKING (DUCK & COVER?) (& COVERING - IF PREPARED WITH “PROTECTION” OR ENABLED BY A FUNCTIONING DISPENSARY) IN PUBLIC “RESTROOMS”!

RIDICULOUS was interloper PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA as trespassing upon sovereignty of NORTH CAROLINA at least due he only seemed to make time for teasing on the issue, and as if keeping PERSONAL TIME for GOLF was still to be RESPECTABLE behavior for any EXECUTIVE or presumed his work to be of DUTY to MICROMANAGE “COMMUNITY” - DICTUM ON PDAs!

A first duty for TRUMP REPUBLICANISM is that for the PROTECTION OF MINORS!!!

PRESIDENT OBAMA is afoul of regular order even as GRAND OLD PARTY (, thanks to the LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS?) abides that “ON BIRTH CERTIFICATE” likely to FIXED and to that a FEDERAL EXECUTIVE ORDER was improper due COMMUNITIES structural governance already expects a comity for such of their polity to be that all TRANSGENDER should have guardians in the ranks of mature adults and schools systems administrations to that it be their principle that their PRINCIPALS had long it established that a DOCTOR’S NOTE for any MEDICALLY born “TRANS” not just a too HORMONAL TEEN could be to a SUFFICE then for BATHROOM PASSES outside of PERVERSIONS if by PERMISSIONS FROM THEIR PRINCIPAL.

Though Yale University is reportedly moving to GENDER NEUTRAL baths (an even for sports teams locker rooms?) there is yet that such colleges are established to be like BABY SITTERS for just some much minors.  Liberal institutions of learning are not as guardians of the galactic but like petri dishes for fruit flies - only some FREE.

Though Yale University is reportedly going #NoLabels where teens yet from too HORMONAL and just of HIGH SCHOOL curriculums and “baby sitting of minors” (CHAPERONING) it is still always more lawless as the regenerative NEW FRONTIER where LOCAL is better for MANAGEMENT PRACTICES for MORALS.

Though Yale University is in response to #NORTHCAROLINA #BATHROOMLAW to now proposals as to be consummated for GENDER NEUTRALITY there is then what MORALS sovereignty remains of the CITY OF NEW HAVEN for of all within the city limits of THE ELM CITY.

Though Yale University is working up to GENDER NEUTRAL LEWS there is yet that HORMONAL teens of HIGH SCHOOL over seeing are best kept to a SIMPLE of HIS & HERS and from children being asked to make adult decisions for themselves while so growing through their immaturity.  High School is already the petri dish where BOYS may tease BOYS as if they belong in the HERS bathroom and of peer pressure due thought like become to become of their GIRLFRIENDS wants, due like thought WHOOPED, or at least too NEUTRAL.

If high schools move from DOCTOR’S NOTE & PRINCIPAL’S PERMISSION SLIPS to a third option can youth be reared as protected to a suffice for MORALITY?  In matters of impassioned youths there should be exceptions to DUCK & COVER as to ESCAPE bullying, and to no STIGMATIC to be consummated. 

It is an ADULT decision being forced on developing MINORS where a THIRD WAY structural for PUBESCENT TEENS.

It is an ADULT decision being forced on developing MINORS to suggest, where a DOCTOR’S NOTE and re-registered SEXUALITY not the PRUDENT, that a better comity for minors is in there then a HIS, HERS, & TRANS, and/or due their age, any GENDER NEUTRAL opportunity.  Minors should be PROTECTED from their evolving EMOTIONAL capacity to have CHILDHOODS by being protected from having to make ADULT decisions on their SEXUALITY while MINORS.

The SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has complicated these issues while trying to be helpful.

The “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” must overrule the said as if the “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” and while such becomes apparent due the weak decisions of over-reaching by #SCOTUS as per #OBAMACARE #LGBT & #SSM (Same Sex Marriage).  These decisions rest but for now as some contrary even to each other much to that pertinent to this as if of the GRAND OLD PARTY securely now of a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN DONALD TRUMP.

A conundrum to consider as endearing to GEORGE WASHINGTON’S lead with his “AMONG THE VICISSITUDES INCIDENT TO LIFE…” is yet the much of the period as from the PILGRIMS of the MAYFLOWER to the TEA PARTY, at least as dead set against too distant over lording, remains that of “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” paradigm of that (at least of the missionary positions and postured) to that one can only have “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” if and after of having LEARNED of RELIGION.  That by definition of RELIGIOUS there can be no FREEDOM FROM RELIGION due bodies of bodies ELECTRIC.


Missing has been the prudence for PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS community sovereignty on PUBLIC MORALS.  Even now the GRAND OLD PARTY need proffer for all PRUDENCE while seems due a LANDLORD, so licensed broadly, THE TRUMP cache is still in LANDLORD writs to that LEGALLY the REPUBLICAN NOMINEE has had to be practiced as a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN, even while more embedded as a NEW YORK DEMOCRAT.




                                           *       *       *

(*: A recent biography did explain that GEORGE & MARTHA did inherit her parents’ library and their collection of books on sex (and sexuality).)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This is not hyperbole!  Voters of New York City & Long Island, largely, who voted for Hillary Clinton are now affected as stamped “STUPID”!  Trust the science!  We will get to the science!  For now top out realizing where at is not top shelf.

That Mrs. Clinton as a former First Lady and Senator and Secretary of State did only amass such an anemic number of Empire State votes foretells a HOPE for the Big Apple, yet, - still.  1.1 Million votes should have Mrs. Clinton embarrassed!

We should be able to peel and pare a “NEW YORK STATE OF MIND” from such a voting block as now stamped “STUPID”!

If you can remember the anti-tobacco ads that used to run while dedicants to evolutionary civility moved piles and piles of stuffing filled body bags to near building entrances of “Big Tobacco” corporate locations you can now more easily visualize that #Hillary2016 should have “TRUTH” bags likewise moved around the country to greet her every appearance of an asking to how many dead is Mrs. Clinton responsible to - as back to 1993 as claimed the “better half” of the Clinton “two-fer”!  Feminists should insist on a public demonstration of a respectable number of dead that are dead all around the world either due Clinton inaction & avoidance, or and specifically due her disastrous actions officially furthered; - it can’t be fair to men, or women, if feminism cause doesn’t separate the dead due Mrs. Clinton from the dead more dead due President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama.

Hillary Clinton is not TOP SHELF!  Bill Clinton never was TOP SHELF!  Mrs. Clinton attempts to break a “glass ceiling” is still of her not hot enough, - not competently pertinent sufficiently - not of a elevated level enough - at the ceiling like now falling down upon her.  It is a constituted constitutional thing:  Bill Clinton’s constitution is no longer (if ever truly) American! -  the constitution of Mrs. Clinton “glass ceiling” hyperbole is also not American! - Truth is constituted to reign over the United States by set in the People’s “Order” to that as ordained “done” in the “Year of our Lord” all are expected to be moral under God of a nation under Faith and always as before “under” Government.  It is still “STUPID” and now more visibly self evident that the Clintons’ machination have been un-American as for them of posturing that Mrs. Clinton can break the FAITH ceiling and become as above the reign of and for TRUTH.

Yes, to go back to 1993, in a moral way to morals accounting, there is that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton street cred should be of a truly vast number of dead now fit to be showcased and highlighted across the nation with masses and masses of dramatically stuffed body bags to greet the “real” “Hillary” a #DramaQueen #DroneQueen #SurplusdQueen with “#TRUTH” in bold unyielding font printed graphically, - printed LOUDLY.

Trust the science!  We are getting to the science!  We are getting to how voters who voted for Mrs. Clinton are now forward as affected as if stamped “STUPID” - as goes how goes that New York City & Long Island went.

It is like CLIMATE CHANGE “science” said!  The numbers and claims of and for Mrs. Clinton are damming, - conclusively! -  let there be no “STUPID” deniers!

People (devolved) of New York & Long Island who voted for Mrs. Clinton:  You’ve been stamped! You are affected as stamped “STUPID”!  It is too some as of #MIT #GRUBER confessed whence #GRUBERGATE was politics news, and more specifically now, that those who are “Hillary Clinton” voters are thought by Democrat Party leadership to be so “TOO STUPID” for their opinions to be actually considered.  Professor Gruber revealed akin to Mrs. Clinton, on OBAMACARE sell, that such setting asunder of regular order and generally Constitutional process was a claimed as “necessary” because their voters were too stupid to be politically engaged, educated, re-educated, updated, consulted, re-consulted, worked with for amending, and considered as relevant to their “leaders” dictum/decisions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren can proffer a teaching of how responsible Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton are, as in support of the science you should trust, but I fear that may have to be only for you if you can afford Harvard University prices for knowledge.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, if she will educate the People for free, can very professionally posture in a scientific accountable, even a lay & clear prosecution, of the culpability fit’n “STUPID” stamped upon followers of the Clintons.  Senator Warren can further her past tagging of bad economics by the Clintons to it generally and primarily mashable for #Election2016 to it of “science” forward that it is to be known that the Clintons rap is more TRUTH @ “ALL CLINTONS’ FAULT” than yet postured in their politik of bearing false witness and falsely accusing with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Perhaps a story, personal, involving Vice President Joseph Biden:  On constitutionality, - or not:  When Senator Biden in the mid to late 1990s the Senator was witnessed by myself as a member of the local public in attendance at a Yale Law School symposium on the CONSTITUTION - on FEDERALISM - as to be to concluding, if I recall correctly, “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”  This relates specifically now to how affected a stamped “STUPID” is fit’n on any who voted for Mrs. Clinton in New York, - who voted for Mrs. Clinton in her adopted home state.  When you get to an understanding of Vice President’s conclusion to that “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” you won’t/can’t be to deniers of the science of such so mashable as of a bad rap for Mrs. & President William Jefferson Clinton.

The “JOE” of “Joe Biden, Vice President” is also useful for though it was (innocently) a smack upon his boss President Barack Obama (accidently), when heard, over a live, or late rebroadcast tv spot, it is/was as like near “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BROKEN!” or “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”!

Mrs. Clinton, scientifically posturing for a lay, doesn’t get it that she is more the problem than the solution.  Mrs. Clinton is blind to her own limits and potential, as her record can show more scientifically, - more fully.  Mrs. Clinton is of the problem now much still too long upon the United States of that a “CLINTON PLAN” is still being furthered and while so flawed there is an evidence trail to be processed to that the Clintons both were never as smart as they thought themselves to be since bonding in law school, and, that the Clintons have not ever been smart enough for there thought “GRAND STRATEGY” to succeed.

Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren can still save you!  They have exposed themselves of wits of erudite roots than can more than just entangle the CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS - #BIDEN & #WARREN with more leadership from #SANDERS can more than entangle the CLINTONS’ & expose their vast accountability!  these can arrest the duo’p'd triangulations of cold calculators for global autocratic domination!  these can arrest the CLINTON FOUNDATION as too much a “RIVAL” and/or “SHADOW GOVERNMENT”!

Of those of Mrs. Clinton’s “home state” - adopted from whence she married into the “NATURAL STATE” it is much no self afflicted to you being en masse affected as stamped “STUPID” - scientifically in a lay posturing.

Like “JOE” has (innocently) declared (as remembered):  “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”

You are dedicated now with Mrs. Clinton for Democrat Party unity to the science! - the science must rule! - you are not alone now in being stuck also with President Obama’s #CLIMATECHANGE #SCIENCE to that because the planet is getting worse you now must still accept their tyranny of solutions, - you must accept their politics of their #GREENAGENDA for #AUSTERITY as for more sacrifice (so claims your “MESSIAH” figure(s)) to a greater saturation of #GREENMINIMALISM.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

For now you can try common sense to fathom that Mrs. Clinton’s “glass ceiling” is competency! - and that the office of the President is too above her at least because the Clintons’ duo’p'd constitution is quite not American in its hierarchy to that God & truth are supposed to be by politics of convenience as under them, - as under Democrats at least Yale or Harvard Law Schools Alums.

For now there is still time to save Senator “candidate” Bernie Sanders!  Vice President “Joe” Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren, if true to their oaths of offices to the actually Constituted, can help now save #Bernie2016 and maybe even by being morally effecting to an arresting of the CLINTONS FOUNDATION as so irregular as to much too much like a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! - or at least a vast #YUGE (#HUGE?) perversion of campaign finance good practices as operating much like a grand new TAMMANY of an organized for campaign like “CLINTON” branding as by a scheme of global patronage claimed, it seems, yet to be just conveniently otherwise as if just #CHARITY.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

It is not too late to save the DEMOCRAT PARTY! - - - it is not too late to save BERNIE SANDERS! 

TRUST THE SCIENCE!  Senator Elizabeth Warren can explain the economic science to rap Mrs. Clinton, too!

I must leave it to you, each of you, yourselves, to actually discern if #BIDEN #SANDERS #WARREN are fit to help you appreciate the American spirit(s) of TOP SHELF politics.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

The Church of America resides in the states of mind akin to the synchronicity of daily struggles, - of passions. The “American” is of a sense of Place for the inaugurated of vicissitudes (trespasses) incident to the propriety of Corinthians.  The Church of America is the home of Freedom, - - - its “place” is our State of minds - we are “under it” while “of it” with equality, if gotten.

The five boroughs of New York City parse a geographic for cosmopolitan in a pedestrian “local” with/by civil boundaries.  However catholic there are parochial sentiments as keystones to these establishments, however, for the great work of humanity as for to heaven grounded, livable, with the roots of olive branches for all.

C.O.D. peaces are to a general copacetic, still though of some should fish most on their side of the river, yet of a civility that fishers of fish shouldn’t have to cast long trepidations by shadows upon the waters where they ply their hooks, lines, even sinkers.  Those keeled to a professionality, of our waters abouts, do some have by their nets catches, of daily, by the lots schooled, a more catholic plying to be learned of for their bounties.

The five boroughs of New York City are not as much of a “Class Fascism” as those who are of wants for tyrannical Power ideally hoped for for their machinations to their no Church of America possible extant as higher in Freedom than could be set a ceiling by secular Socialism, even especially National Socialism.  The potential of Eden as a Heaven grounded, livable, where olive branches is yet above the machinations by mere humans by the sagaciousness of the Church of America, however it of “place” only as in a “State of minds” in Freedoms, - copacetics by disciplined in Peace brethrens.

C.O.D. peaces are the awakening Freedoms across the universal of the “melting pot” metaphoricals for brake fasts serial Peace brethrens.  As universal peoples wake from their since dinner fasts for a new day of new “catches” these days dawn “local” to if a new “of day’s” is to be enough of a “of fair play” and separate enough from machinations of foul play.

Though the general Peace of these five boroughs, so spotlighted, as if succeeding dusks proceed of succeeding in enlightenment, to new dawns, of day’s, spill to the cementitious pedestrians stirred less of excesses of Devil’s brewed and more to apportioned nectars, even caffeinated milky ways, so spouted across commisaries.  As drive times to some more just shuttled keeps to regulated deliverance there is yet the comity for civility of commerce as by Corinthians, 1, &, 2. Catches of days’ are to be sung of, - for economies of growth there must be maturity in a general ability of masses to gather in songs, in expressed unity.

Dire has been the suppressions transgressed by willful (idealists?) of politics too for machinations for Trickle Down New Deal Austerity upon the structured for sagacity as the politicians have been aggressive trans-economic with oppressive dictum for a Green Agenda, that did set asunder the laissez-faire long manageable as the economics of Bible’s Paul, and his letters as foundations for governance in parity from agreeables to agreeables.

I must bear witness to that somehow New York City seems to have survived, while enduring, also, so many years of attempts to more than set asunder the Church of England as by subjugated under Government machinations for Obamacare, so also coincidental to the general threats, domestic, to the “Place” of “Freedom” as the “State of minds” as a “Church of America” of no “place” in particular, so also incidentally as a threat to all believers “Peace brethren” who trespass together of the five boroughs as their Eden(s), - - - The inaugurated “vicissitudes incident to life…” of the establishment for nation by George Washington, firstly, have somehow endured while the Trickle Down New Deal Austerity of its synchronized Politics for secular Socialism constructs by Government take-over of the healthcare economics is fallen from able to be endearing.

The Church of America is the Cathedral of George Washington!  Americans, of all stripes and double helix variations, are establishment Free people by constituted order to ordained Freedom in this synchronicity as “under God” while of “equality with” as of natural law of more solidarity for Peaceable songs of Corinth’s writ civility than can endure for these witnessed years of political machinations to stifle and suppress the sagacious beauties of those resident in enlightened natural states.

The USS “Bounty” as if the “ship of state” we are yet in pledged Allegiance to is for, since its originals, - its origins, of fruited plains and black gold of richly soiled latitudes.  Albeit so set for regular days of bountiful harvest where work suffice to, there is yet the lessons of Muhammad to consider if to thinking of those of the same God whom are those His most severely tested of his deserts severities.  New York City gets by in a universal copacetic as a “Place” for “Peace brethren”!  New York City is a “Big Apple” of many Edens - of cracks of dawns to varieties on show across their cementitious trespassed common grounds.

I do not know if their is a secret to being “well heeled” to “even keeled” that is not common to all for Eden(s).  As neither Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, and their God is equally above them, there is the Peace common but specific to when of “Place” as that Islam is of writ of for Muslims in that Christianity is inadequate for His deserts’ severe.  Long has it been parsed as in established that Christ Jesus is not an infidel, but, beware Christianity may not trespass well once deep into deserts, Christianity may be of dangers to life, lives, if careless practiced where bounties not more naturally shareable.

The “Big Apple” of the five boroughs, still somehow enduring as Trickle Down New Deal Austerity for a new conservationism to a “Green Minimalism” falls from endearing, is yet considerate as like a 1,2,3, “Blossomed” of Lotus metaphoricals pertinent to budding(s) vicissitudes daily incidental to lazy and free of the economies of Freedom as “under God” before ever deprived of a natural solidarity as if all here abouts are of a “Church of America” such as the spirit of the cementitious trespassers of the “Big Apple” abide in their Peace brethren routines.

As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully.  It is outrageous that the Church of England had to break up some with its Establishments across the ideal “Space” of the “Americans’” “Place” due the machinations of Politicians contrary to Freedom’s solidarity as to suppressing “religiosity” under Powers of Government by a take-over of the “establishments” long of “religious” purposed, - by the usurpation of the healthcare economics.

As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully!!!  The Church, once more of the monarchical of the English crowned domains, has been set asunder and some set apart, post the suppressions of it as in “America” as if to be under Government and barred from the Freedom of natural solidarity of the songs for trespassed comity (of Corinthians)!  May the South cotten to also now away from the autocratic wants of the “House of Clintons” “Clinton Machine” political machinations to their standard, as so #ART #IMPERIAL, as if to be hoisted and set above “Old Glory”!

As went the South, - so goes the South? - HOPEFULLY!!!  By the busheled of the politics of President Barack H. Obama, as it has been determined quite ridiculous he only recently paid respects to an American Mosque, let us consider how hard it must have been for the five boroughs of the “Big Apple” to have yet endured, these years, while there has been a “rotten apple” viral to the Freedom songs establishments long too Corinthians synchronized.

To also save the Church of England for those of the “Church of America” let us shake off the shackles of secular Socialism and bind to an arresting the Politics bad actors now quite long at efforts to set asunder a republic consecrated for peaceable Eden(s), - let us forward be reset by levering to Constituted parameters in a moderated federalism where sanctuaries of nature’s solidarity are keeps for Knowledge and Knowing of Known paths for comity, of “Apples” for everyone.

                                           *       *       *

Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @ http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here: http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=BLACKPROBLEM

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:59 am



Their ideology is the key! Their idealism is the legend for if to intellectual honesty, or even if in “intelligent”!

Hillary Clinton 2008 primary as run for towards the only economics that could deal with all her promised is present and loud to that Barack Obama Utopian Socialist lead from behind method of Governing is itself Mrs. Clinton’s common core “science”! Obama in 2008 ran matching near all Clintons’ promised Socialist goodies and then essentially after elected as a Socialist did use those “experts” available for Mrs. Clinton Utopian top down over-lording.  President Obama did basically essentially staff up for his leading from behind as to leading to a Utopian Socialism yet with those the “experts” President Clinton was then most likely to have herself have colluded.

That there is a road map now a retrospective of such as say the Democrat Party core way is most important due we are all pressed to consider #4College #FLOTUS #MO with #ChanceTheRapper, forward, for solidarity that #4College Democrats must yet be now to encouraging critical thinking and intellectual honesty by seeing it practiced by more that an intellectualizing does occur for un-schooled youths must be brought to considering the PROS & CONS, THE UPS & DOWNS, THE RIGHT & WRONG!  We must because we have been asked to, however while in an apparent contrariness as beset to Utopian Socialism. 

What may have befallen the economics is for intellectualizing forward and backwards.  As Utopian Socialist President Obama as on #GunControl spoke in character to ‘mental illness’ in stead of “spiritual health” there is beyond his “Lead From Behind” a to be reported from behind his leading from behind to how a problem of “mental health” is that Socialism, however Utopian, has created problems by assuaging compliance to assimilation to every “thing” must have a “sick code” in for a top down over-lording of “subjects” - - - has created problems of “spiritual health” by marching and dictum towards National compliant standards to too much an establishment for secular Socialism too much to a dire and excessive irreligiousness.

While irreligiousness persists to be a core problem common across the sameness, and what may be slightly different, about methodologies of Mrs. Clinton or President Obama we have the economics as “science” to discern:  Seems:  Utopian Socialist Lead From Behind President Obama is a tag that sticks and for forward it seems a dire harbinger extant to that Mrs. Clinton should not inherit such as an opportunity to further her own Utopian Socialist Lead From Behind Democrat Party Top Down Over-lording.  That is:  We have it, by PROS & CONS, that President Obama legacy seems so for work for women, and as devoid of actions to that he has effected politics for 50%+ leisure time for black males.  That is:  Mrs. Clinton would likely continue a politics for work for women, and too for 50%+ leisure time for black males, and yet to it then for the general Welfare as to Posterity for Tranquility that all men then should consider 50%+ leisure time is their new lot.

For example: e.g.: “My name is J. P. Hogan, - as a recovering former workaholic I can embrace Mrs. Clinton Utopian Socialism Lead From Behind governance if too for work for women, and 50%+ leisure time for all men.”


NOTE: From http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan:  “As structuring “COMMON CORE 101 - CLINTON MARRIAGE EXPLAINED” fig ‪#‎KenBurns‬ ‪#‎Roosevelts‬ sets up ‪#‎HillaryClinton‬ as still like a good ‪#‎Eleanor‬ even if like estranged from her husband and as like due too much inbred white cousins? ‪#‎Burns‬ vs ‪#‎HOGAN‬ on ‪#‎Clintons‬? ‪#‎BillClinton‬‪#‎FDR‬ example fair for ‪#‎women‬ ‪#‎women4Hillary‬ as infidelities precedence sets up a “different enough” for ‪#‎MrsC‬ as like too an inbred intermarried Roosevelt cousin?”

Though irreligiousness of secular Socialism as too statistically true at too high a ratio to unity in truth of religiosity is a core common to most of the unsettled, these todays hotspots, men, - all men, should consider work for women means more leisure time without stigmas for men, for real men especially.  President Obama erred on “Gun Control” as to for “mental health” - but since due his Utopian Socialism, and his leading from behind, the better and more traditionally “American” lingua and “science” for establishments of healthy communities solutions were/are not available! As President Obama needs an Obamacare “sick code” for everything under the sun he must sell “mental illness” as “spiritual health” is undermined and set asunder by dictum for their must be secular irreligious diagnosis and treatment for everything.

It seems the trouble Mrs. Clinton and President Obama have with the First Amendment is that it so stands established and ordained as in their ways to an un-American new frontier forward where it like:

“If a subject (antiquated “citizen”) can’t just take a pill for it, what ever it is, then their freedom of religion is violated.”

Yes Men!  All men in behoove us not to skirt from a discerning of how Mrs. Clinton is floated!  As though seeming ridiculous how “NEW & IMPROVED” the forensic pathology of Mrs. Clinton, Politician, suggests DANGER!!! as so NEW!!! she rates a comparative listed alarming yet of a STRANGER!!! DANGER!!!

And yes Men - - - We must consider President Clinton as so very very quite contrary!  There maybe is no “common core” in the “Union” the “Marriage” the “Clinton Two-fer”!  There may be no intelligent answering by President Clinton to how it can ever have been ideologically or Politically a GOOD as seems EVIL now juxtaposed to Democrats Utopian Socialism and Lead From Behind - - - it now seems all like 100% EVIL - EVIL to by the spouse of Mrs. Clinton that 1993 to 2001, comparatively, was of cutting $ 2 Trillion from budgeted and already afforded “social” “programs”!

Yes Men, as it seems Bill Clinton failed everyone, we must be on guard to our best self interests forward, and alert and awares to it seems so contrary and diabolical that President Clinton did cut $ 2 Trillion too much, or at least $ 1 Trillion too much as for was cut too quickly for irresponsible most secular Political POPULARITY.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:59 am

This is bigger than for any mall Santa! As a joyous season is now of Advent upon a shared humanity global anew, we must be bigger than commercialized and to a change of venue for a duly just discourse to philosophy of religiosity, & Awakenings galactic.

Brethren of the deserts severe of the what of the where and how known to Muhammad this is our season still a season hopeful for joyous upon your home fires. As the bells toll for JOY we hope all hearts can be lifted without insults from ignorance, ignorant.

Brethren of the galactic of the Force for a copacetic shared humanity, as long established, ordained, and maintained by the realm of religious adherents, a Happy Holidays in a Merry Christmas as for all now anew is for understanding and discerning where consciousness is in Faith and especially for Christians where it is for Islam that for Muslims of a Muslim trinity now onset to Shia, Sunni, and ISIL as if to Islamic State as a Union of Orthodox Islamic.

As it seems the lands of the Levant, and those populated by faithful of Islam globally, however sectarian, and now to a seeming trinity of an option to be for a puritanical Orthodoxy welcoming pilgrims “home” in towards an Islamic State, are awakening this season of JOY in Christ Jesus isn’t exclusive, nor of Jesus as an INFIDEL.

There can now be a parity to a comity in a JOYOUS season a Holiday Season around the birth of Christ Jesus that isn’t opposing to Islamic of any sectarian or rift, - it seems.  There is for this to be copacetic, though, that a consciousness needs to be articulated as to the consciousness minimum in Islam before any act can be deemed to be warranted, where can be legally warranted, as to being an act of sufficient consciousness to be representative of a collective conscience for Justice for Muslims.

From my limited understandings, I offer that Muhammad does not decree a “kill first” as an “order to kill” that is to be a “license to kill” devoid of a contemplative measure of conscience and for humanity and society.  From my limited history and understanding it seems that, and now as it much relates to millions of refugees (, and due climate change?), faithful of Islam are allowed to celebrate Santa Claus as the birth of Christ Jesus does not insult Islam nor Muhammad.

Isn’t it that Muslims of the world, however sectarian or of rifts to a Muslim trinity to now a rising an awakening with force to an attempt to establish a Orthodox Islamic as a home faith to an Islamic State, are free to celebrate Santa Claus?  Are free as of Muhammad and faith in Islam to celebrate the birth of a great one not an infidel, by any prejudice or prejudgement writ? 

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season now levered to reset for all in shared humanity, however galactic, to that Christians are only to be accused to be INFIDELS where there is an ignorance of the essence of Islam and as INVOLVED too much from just an expressed opine conversationally posited?

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season yet for Christians to remember on their own not to be ignorant nor insulting with ignorance the beliefs of others, and especially when critical and vital to their own struggles to find and keep open paths to a FORCE as a realm for the HOLY?

Islamic activists may now be trying the souls of Christians the world over, however galactic, by actions insufficient of words while heavy in acts seeming devoid of the adequate writ called for consciousness to be premeditated. Islamic activists yet still seem free to celebrate Santa Claus in it that JESUS is not an infidel while some Christians may be found to be too ignorant to have any insults taken as INFIDELITY.

Should faithful of Muhammad and Islam, however now as pilgrims for a puritan Islamic State to an Orthodox Islamic, rush to a cursing of Christians, while it is to be raised how conscious your oppositions should be expected to be if one of a luxury of time, and in of a safe enough place, to process if a teaching from an ignorance is acceptable for parties constitutions/beliefs? 

How much thought is enough thought?  If teaching is the better weapon, are words the chosen best defense?

Who should explain if it writ for all of Islam to that even besides of Sharia there is that each in Muslim celebrations are but “licensed to kill” not “Ordered to kill” and as then as well as in faith as knowing they are “licensed to be killed” (if so weak a link to shared humanity they then represent a threat to society - to a basic survival of a communal in a “society” endurance.

Whom among those free to also celebrate Santa Claus can best answer to a minimum level of consciousness to a conscience of these days for JOY and JOYOUS everywhere? 

Whom can ascribe, by example, themselves as experts for shared humanity, and triggers from copacetic, to pare or peel like the lemons, or onions to fig’n the dates of these days tragic of terrorism, seeming of insufficient premeditated THINK to be to having affected “HOLY WAR”?

Are you one whom can help bridge an teach to a JOY for JOYOUS for all harmony for Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas, and as to that even refugees Muslims are free to celebrate Santa Claus as free to respect the birth of Christ Jesus?

Whom now are our teachers our shepherds for travelers and homely flocks so to keep ignorance corralled and at bay?

As all seem “licensed” for JOY and to be JOYOUS with faith and religiosity whom now can work it, - can work it to it sufficed from ignorance and to spread an understanding related to tragedies of recent seeming just “terrorist” actions more “criminal” to how a metric is extant from such too a scandal, to any galactic force in shared humanity, as it seems the outcomes from these “terrorists” have been to the as Muslims as then more licensed to be killed, then represented fairly of their writ Islam of a “license to kill” where befitting a dire or severe in an exposed struggle of realities of time, and place?

                                     *     *     *     *     *

{Developing today: “Licensed To Kill” - an essay to pair and pare Obamacare can only be Constitutional if of an unconstitutional “Muslim Exception” - as a right to kill, and right to be killed of Sharia, must supersede a “right” to healthcare.  We have been going the wrong way so long by the end of this essay you should believe President Obama should resign in of an embarrassment for having so misunderstood the Constituted for so long, and how for so long so wrongly.  As healthcare is an oldest establishment of religion there cannot in these united states of the Americas be a separate “right to healthcare” as a discussion of Islam cursorily can illuminate due faithful of even like of a writ license to kill, - even as it not mostly to be an Order to kill.}

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U 2 R NOT 2 OLD!
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:58 pm

Bill Clinton has lost control of the Democrat Party to a staying power, homely, of First Lady Michelle Obama.

Perhaps that should be as a question! e.g.:  Has Bill Clinton lost control of the Democrat Party? To a black woman?

There are many ways to interpret Tuesday night Democrats Debate in Las Vegas hosted by CNN!

Were there two giants missing from such ‘politics’ - two Power personalities of sway & import? - VP Biden, & First Lady Michelle Obama? Wasn’t that attitude of Mrs. Clinton that President Barack Obama could be over looked? - that the promising of a “I am BACK” Bill Clinton doth trump any President Obama present?

To step easily into such a quagmire let us rock the constitution some:  “Hillary” the candidate has problems with the “Federalist Papers” - for now we will limit it just as to real trouble with “Federalist” numbers 1-5. Mrs. Clinton has trouble with Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8, and much with the First Amendment.  Mrs. Clinton can not abide the preamble to be read as written with “Order” in it as a noun, - as a noun a synonym for “constitution”!  Mrs. Clinton must read the Constitution preamble contrary to have her “interpretation” friendly to her assaults for a “post-Constitution” win; - Mrs. Clinton, right confusing, is while so contrary to reading the preamble as “/in order to/form/a/more perfect/Union/” while the grammar and pathology historical is for it as “/in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/”!

Let us also broach the Article V relativity in Mrs. Clinton’s problem with the preamble established & ordained. Two thirds, as needed, is not antiquated/passe! Two thirds is the Clintons’ Achilles heels.

Personally, first, let me add the Senator Joe Biden has been a me, Hogan, thought of since my sister in her ’80s, & some ’90s, was of the ranks of Senator Chris Dodd’s offices.  Also, yet of “Michelle” FLOTUS, let me date to such years to the winter of 1987-88 how it is that I have known M.O. since before she and the President ever knew each other, and, again, that it is that I have known of President Obama since the late ’70’s due an awareness of his interest in Presidential oratory.

“Hillary” the candidate grasped at Senator Bernie Sanders as if her vessel sunken & he was generously offering her a life preserver ring from a USS Sanders. It is hard to judge a “WIN” for debate for Mrs. Clinton for how desperate her grasping at the Senator was as if desperate.

Mrs. Clinton in poise for “Hillary” the campaigner of #Hillary2016 machinations was devoid a natural or becoming sagaciousness. The debate is to be archived for eons and eons to how Mrs. Clinton, beyond “desperate”, was yet set asunder as if of a sunken vessel by posturing for politics in an ignorance of the relativity of the “reset” Constitutionals.

Mrs. Clinton in poised debate stands did collapse the logic of a workable “politics” as if the Constitution was irrelevant!  Mrs. Clinton has no general election poise is how postured as if it were inconsequential that her “GOP” “haters” have her, by the plain language of the Constitution, and some restored original intent, as contrary to constituted Order by a simple majority and on many of her postured stands most definitely by the Article V protections in a 2/3rds majority necessary.

“Hillary” the candidate grasp at Senator Bernie Sanders is beggard to: Bill Clinton has lost his power, his mojo, his standing?

Perhaps that should be exclamatory! - - - Perhaps that should have an exclamation for punctuation!

Where First Lady Michelle Obama has been sagacious and warm Mrs. Clinton has reigned in too institutionalized machinations!

I do not know the full history of how the Iran Nuclear Agreement, thanks to Senator Bob Corker (?), became less important to only a majority needed for an agreement of such gravitas that unity was called for Constitutionally to yet the 2/3rds bar. The Clintons can not go forward, much successfully, against the deep field of Republicans for President, as so set against the plain language of the Constitution, and especially much the reset to restored original intent prudence behind the 2010 & 2012 big wins.  Young and middle aged, and aged, however employed or retired are not the UNIFORMED VOTERS OF PAST CLINTON MAJORITIES.

So, beyond candidate “Hillary” as debate poised until her desperate grasp at Senator Bernie Sanders, as if Mrs. Clinton knowing she of a sunken vessel, it seems however aged the voters have split from Bill Clinton & Mrs. Clinton as independents and centrist Republicans in unrecoverable ways due the “post-Constitution” reach of the Clintons’ machinations has not begotten them their desired more autocratic powers in a said needed “extra-Constitutional” interpretation. “Bill & Hillary” (whom I have known too, but since the early 1970s, but due they polled me querious to if I as that “charming boy in the school yard” thought they both could become President of the United States of America, each, some day.) (REALLY!!!)…!  Right! “Bill & Hillary” need the Constitution to not be the Order “done” as “subscribed” in under God as by in “Year of our Lord”!

America, of these united states, so Ordered, as Constituted, are in an establishment of a freedom of religion by an establishment of separation verticle to as under the Christian Calendar but so that the Federal Government could not be theocratic. The “American” most in the way of the Clintons perverted interpretations is to that before any is under their Government they are as Bible Paul wrote to firstly under God their Creator. The “Conservatives” are not as scary as it seems David Brooks has opined; The Conservatives are maybe more set back to mere state’s power by such reset in original intent, than the Clintons.

America, of these united states, so Ordered, as Constituted, are in an establishment for religious liberty where the citizens are expected to be moral under God before ever governed under their Governments. The “American” is that, as much as it may set Conservatives as much back from a Christian Nationalism, or as much as it does set the Clintons back from further National Socialism, akin to Obamacare as like a revised improved Hillarycare!

This “American” - ours - if for state’s rights of some supremity in religious liberties of it the core Constitutional Ordered that each should have a voluntary extra-nation established morality practiced enough for “community” - and for “community” in such to be based still as fundable by a tithe to such “community” voluntarily adhered to for the Freedom in Posterity for Tranquility & general Welfare is beggard to each for the Constituted “Federal” to abide Union of a basic citizenry need to be of a voluntary morality before under Federalism, - so to not give Powers to a few to justify Power over many because they stopped living for “community”!

Bill Clinton is antiquated! Bill Clinton wasn’t in the room - the hall of the Vegas debate for fear of seem too Mrs. Clinton’s puppeteer!

Bill Clinton idea of what is Constitutional for the hard to define business model of Clintons’ Global Initiatives is specifically contrary to Federalist 1 by Alexander Hamilton, but much more so due Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 and with John Jay as Publius in his important writs against tyrannical power in Federalist 2-5.

First Lady Michelle Obama has to much natural power to abide the Clintons politics much more, forward!

Mrs. Clinton can hardly hold herself up as having been a better First Lady, and to Bill Clinton’s ambitions disappointment to as if having been a better Secretary of State than John Kerry, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and at least also Madeleine Albright.

Most damming to the Bill Clinton for President “Hillary” fidelity as he to firstly to keeping his long ago heard promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his, if she cooperated to he getting his first, is that the Constitution is an Order that the Republicans forward will not compromise by acquiescing to a simple majority where a 2/3rds votage the prudent bar?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

Hubris or humility?  Hubris and humility?  Where to start?  How to start?

Some are already said press’n to: ALL TRUMP - ALL THE TIME media! - not HERE! not NOW!

Perchance a requisite toe in is to front an asking regarding marriage as to the Clinton marriage union. Is the professional union of the Clintons contrary to the essence of Catholic Marriage for the airs of them are that they as professional lawyers can, despite souls joined as one, be to annulled imports of the establishment of tenets of married, as per what Catholic?

Is it that the Clintons are too institutionalized even from Catholic think of separations by Rene Descartes as to too much of machinations, and as primarily devoid of a sagacious commonality?  Are there Descartian separations of the mind and body in how they, the Clintons, parse a convenient import of annulled to their them yet supposedly married - one united soul?

Is it that the Clintons as too institutional as firstly of machinations are un-Catholics more of Descartian but too of Oliver Cromwell, as too of that era so of the days of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower, - as to the Puritans of the colonies?  How can the professional separations abide of the Clintons as if they can willy nilly annul inconvenient unions in their Union; how can the Clintons have a personal marriage and too have a off switch for a professional as if their Union can be “UN” to separations of their soul?

But!!!  But this is too not supposed to be to ALL ABOUT THE CLINTONS - even most about Mrs. Bill Clinton!!!

Catholics are on the spot!  With every refugee story there is aired an expectation that with there now an American Pope there should be less a border between nations of the continents of Americas!  With every refugees story as related to Catholic morality there yet then in a money question for observance to an “if then” to a consideration that Rome should likely commit to more than just corner stones in the United States southwest but to a larger “bridge” for faithful of a dedication to a new great cathedral maybe for New Mexico.  With every refugee there yet is only some commonality to the politics necessary for civility as with property rights and of established and kept borders!

To Catholics we yet must be guardians as too for borders not UN-kept and too for marriages and not too like Clintons of a professional collusion as if professional in as of an UN-union!!!

Donald Trump to the Reagan Library CNN hosted GOP Debate is now off to the #TeamReagan races paradigm web as yet in a Romanticism rise marched and beat out by the “others” to a New Romantic Era into the void, and, forward, for now, Donald Trump is late to the races and still to proof a comity and copacetic of the basis for this new era as keystoned in President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II - for their professional unity.

Clinton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. are yet set asunder by their own, and historical, false pride;  Bill and Hillary are remembered as thinking they did since Yale Law School believe so in each other that they did believe each were smarter than the Founding Fathers, and the sum of the product of the Founding Fathers union.  It seems also remembered of the “air” of the, as I hash ‘em, as the #TheFullBillary, when necessary, that this divisible union, as for professional convenience, did also consider since the 1970s that they too were like of “we must be smarter too than the 80th Congress.”

The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library is an erection in poor taste too also skinned for the South, of Polshek drafted, as established as phallic and in a Confederate gray.  The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is artful and Presidential while the “ART” or “ARCHITECTURE” of the Clintons’ is an abomination, - as least to #Cats (categories) of “PRESIDENTIAL”!

The union, under our Union, yet of the Clintons’ joined soul, seems divided when convenient - quite so - YES!  The joined soul of the #TheFullBillary yet seems annulled only when they attempt to UN- to collusion and intimate knowledge a priori from mea culpa’s too clear/transparent.  We are at the posteriori with their a priori from moral the problema - concurrent - presently unresolved. The Supremes have ushered Same Sex Marriage to the states, albeit ahead of the donkey of due process and regular order, albeit ahead as “ordered” before states and localities yet of adequate time to review & amend related statutoried regulations. The Supremes have ushered yet of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender #LGBT ideologicals to that marriage is a union not as divisible, even for professional convenience, as the Clintons posture their own “union” as consummated.

Too simple for Catholics, but not parochial to fifth graders, however more in public than private, is the Clintons’ scandal of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton of a non-government server, for the Clintons “marriage” is yet half the picture of the improprieties while it seems a simple criminal possession can first be ruled against President Clinton for it has been from the beginning claimed that Mrs. Clinton did choose to use “Bill Clinton’s” server in lieu of the propriety in a proper and expected use of the Obama Administration records in-house methods; - - - it is that Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton did, also in a contrary to/for feminism, choose to have her emails seem/be the property of her husband, and not specifically property of her job or her BOSS’ Presidential records archivables.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now more than as if just a Republican mascot.  He is acceptable now, it seems primarily, as also apart of the long beat to and marched movement of the “others” to a new copacetic of comity with humility to a new regionalism in allowed federalism to a New Romantic Era.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now yet clear of a juxtaposed proposition that he will fall as like in a romance soap/novel as too the jock to Homecoming King who yet loses the charming Queen, of Homecoming, or cheerleader(s) to hard working nerd(s).

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

To the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library millions are, by the tens of millions expected, - - - even as millions who “couldn’t get in” who are “outside” but yet like still on their sea-side decks in New Jersey or Georgia.  Right, those who like can’t get in for they are yet willing and desirous but still thousands of miles away.  Is Donald Trump “pop” now as like proof of the “species” most targeted by the Administration of Barack H. Obama, for extinction, as not yet extinct or yet on the endangered list enough?

Senator Bernie Sanders while at Liberty quoting the Pope did enlighten this blogger to remarks from the The Pontifex I was not yet illuminated of while the brightness/lightness of such quothed yet harkened familiar to my own earlier espoused, and posted to shared with hashtags whence inclusive of at least this Catholic link: #Pope.

I have searched, and searched but cursively, or rashly, for my old remembered allusion to these times as wrong as if set to a new too institutionalized in a celebration wanting in a “Golden Calf” by Barabas.  I have so far only lighted upon scrolls on my tablets as by “GOLDEN” and yet likely metaphorical on my primary domain in the piece work of “GOD IS DEAD: AN AMERICA OF LIARS, CHEATS, & FRAUDS.”  I am left for now wondering if I but did hash #Pope to a Facebook.com/JPeterHogan quip on morality, or if I yet edited out my think as trite if too also clearly as of a GILDED CALF.

There are the 1-33 of economics treatments set aside anchored by WHITE COLLARED POSSE, as it introduces new economics theory of SUPPOSITYORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS, to THE KRUGMAN FALLACY yet for me and others to generally comb through for such catholic or Catholic metaphoricals on these problema concurrent to scandalous of Union(s). - - - The 33 #economics set aside and satellited from http://JPHogan.org of http://CitRB.net are free good reads maybe a BEST ON WEB FREE, as set in satire from 1-33 degrees of catholic considerations, - en massed to global intellectualism, hopefully.

These times leading to the CNN Debate of Donald Trump, beyond just a mascot, and the “others” is now yet synchronized to pop politics forward as to the “Post Obama Recovery” yet in a morality worked to newly by protestations concurrent by Jewish Senator Sanders, Catholic (Jesuit?) Pope Francis, and Protestant Trump.  Forward to win the future #WTF our #WINNING to yet arise to a “Post Obama Recovery” as from/to a GREEN MINIMALISM as the new “poverty level” in “PC” “political correctness” lingua franca, - - - and as to repaired from too retired of Democrats (necessary?) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!

I behoove the considerations of IMMIGRATION vs REFUGEES for all as to be considerate to a civil comity, yes for a liberal copacetic akin the Bible “nonsense” yet is par to “Democrats” “liberalism” and as the Nation the Union was subscribed to be a “liberal democracy” by way of being constituted by the People’s Order as a confederate republic, in form.

Practiced Christianity in suffice to nonsense! The Democrats did harm to Catholicism by Obamacare in National Socialism and for healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion, that the First Amendment was supposedly to bar Congress from any Law respecting.

The Democrats for Obamacare were for the Golden Calf of Barnabas as for a new “government” extra-Constitution yet consummated to a pop media modeling for a methodology from “religious” to centralized National Power more to a “just take a pill” corner stoned key’d methodologicals as to an end for parish or community by decreed jurisdiction over all bodies as subjects to which each so with then were to see their “neighbors” as the President’s subjects not to be cared for otherwise for then to be supposing that the President was fallible, and failing so bad his “patients” yet needed their “neighbors”!

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

And, now, with as much humility as seems apropos, I do accept that #FeelTheBern so upon #PopeFrancis as so been to being akin to blogged of me, of John Peter Hogan, - JP Hogan, even as I yet, for your convenience, am to finding that specifically I already so press’d “public” and to likely then of a #Hashtag’d #Pope, and yes @Pontifex, whence. 

I do not know if I yet will find the requisite historical for you, please feel free to look yourself, and in your own way!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:49 pm

What we have here is like a Peter and the rabbits - A Moses versus the golden calf celebrants - Planned to ritual, & chaos happenstanced.

These times trials for perseverance upon the trued and upon caring for roads; - All roads - All roads are not local - All roads not in “community.”

How ever one re: cycles it is like an old adage that when in “roam” you should be wary to how the “roaming” are!  When in the “saddle” one should be re: specting of “roaming” upon others’ Sees, others’ shires, others’ warrens - especially others’ dens! Re: guarding each: beware the “hared”!

There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed - there are “rights” of ways - there are “wrong” ways - there is re: “processed” ways. Golden Rules?


But how - how re: constituted in Liberty and Posterity - how define “neighbor” and “neighbors” for the Commandments writ? On the road in the saddle however fleet of a cadence however musical and copacetic yet one to peddle prudence in Ten Cs if at least one can fig it how re: religious there are limiting principles in the principled of lying seems only forbidden fruit against your “neighbor” and your covetous is only too prescribed as wrong as per re: guarded as your “neighbor’s”!

For events of regulated times there are prescribed guardians for barbarians, and chaperones for prudent over rude; - A suspended “normal” for “sport.”


President Obama is no Peter, - his seats more saddle’d American than Sees Holy Roman ritualized.  President Obama does have a problem with the “roaming” and too of Rome for he even though Harvard Law educated and to ten years @ C proffering is crashed to the Constitutionals at least as per limiting principles and the Supremacy Clause.  His C (Constitution) isn’t our Constitution as ordained and established as the Peoples’ Order by the Founding Fathers as “done” (”done” un-capitalized in a humble “under God” submissive even though writ large as a paragraph started “done…”!) so subscribed in the “Year of our Lord…”!

His rabbits are us as our own free rabbits of rights from our Creator so Constituted.  Yet his logic is flawed and not of the writ warren/herd/tribe subscribed.  His flaws are apparent in regular order dismissed for executive order excess!  His Immigration order not Law until Congress concurs it so!

His are too of old re: cycled socialisms flat again on writ roads of Law legalisms.  Beyond his Immigration order as undermining to his Affordable Care Act it is that the Obamacare ruling sets up the very “His Immigration order not Law until Congress concurs it so!”  By the Supreme Court cycled prudence and how seated for regular order he again has “limiting principles” problematics and as for Obamacare allowed as if of a temporary war power with funding power but for a war on health it yet was spectacular for the spectacle re: specting the establishment of Congress as of not yet having exhausted itself of regular order for prudent in it to first be expected have exhausted itself of available options - all available legislative options.


President Obama is no Peter - his power is limited to jurisdictions of governed as Americans of these United States:  Delaware to Alaska & Hawaii - all 50 so of state Governments and “community” celebrants.

President Obama has been tripping over the “roaming” not in “roam” proper though maybe of a majority in Rome’s.  President Obama has an immigration problem - he has immigration problems.  President Obama was allowed his Obamacare for at the time there were still legislative options not yet of an exhausted Congress at the democratic and representative potential in the Confederate Republic writ ways.  His immigration problem is so now beyond the “executive” “over-reach” common sense concern to the “governmental” for “processed” in it ordained and established however one is of God and any See they yet are if in these United States so as American are of the rights by their Creator but too of Bill of Rights to powers to defend one’s “individual” and “community” from trespassers to the rules of the Ten Commandments.  What is one bunny’s in America is not to be presumed to be rightly that of another bunny’s just for the act of trespassing.  What is another’s bunny deserves protections afforded to protect against a too covetous intrusive’d.


How:  Re: created it Created Constitutional and yet to open roads under a Peter Principle.  Some bunnies are better to consider themselves fit to run in races and not to try to be free range hares of open roads “jurisdictions”/”turfs”!

How now:  However now to chocolate cities or states or a nation newly in a more broad enlightened copacetic of sorted in kind as sorted in linked http://bit.ly/SHAREDHUMANITY there is that brown cows do not make milk “chocolate.”  If you want for chocolate cows and they are not of your “bunny” turf it behoove yet to trod wary to too warey if trespassing wrongly to fallen by the Peter Principle.  Each road leads somewhere - a somewhere you may not be welcome or ready for.  Before you consider hitting the road however in a saddle’d becareful to consider how peddled others’ way maybe to be bristled by your rudity without erudity.  It is better to be re: “spectful” in a prophylactic from a unexpected limits to a broached to “Re:” legal’d.

How now: NOTE:  The First Amendment a Peter Principle to President Obama’s wrong ways @ the Supremacy Clause?

A Supreme Justice of the state of Alabama is rightful (even to R-E-S-P-E-C-T Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) with public displays of the Ten Cs - the Ten Commandments.  He now may be a Re:  Honorable Roy Moore vs. These United States too in the right as per bunny smarts than President Obama as expressive of a “supremacy” of the “Nation” - a “National” “Supreme’d”!





Beware your limits and the already writ adage of the Peter Principle!  And too now “WHEN IN ROAM - BE WARY OF HOW THE ROAMING ARE!”  Beware to others you may first seem a new threat to others!


                                             *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 pm

The rabbits - - - all the rabbits just wanna be happy - - - wanna collaborate in a happy warren.  “My country,’ tis of thee, sweet land of…”

There may be a “one nation” of rabbits - - - these though are times for free happy statists of warrens of songs of faith & state. These are rare times that try rabbits lungs as called - called up - to sing | to sing | to sing | statists first ||

It is tired how long tagged so many were boxed in - caged like - as either (rabbits) of red states or blue states.  Rabbits, they are of their warrens - they are as of their Creators “state.”  Bunny trails may be long - long even to bunnies of a parish - a community of a warren organized for rhapsodies and temperaments in jointed songs.  Any nationalist rabbit may be too full of themselves - too narcissistic; a tao of rabbits: All are created equal!

The proper care and feeding of rabbits may only be prudently known to each rabbit themselves - the exertions of each is best specifically known viscerally only to such - how much a bunny may need to “refuel” is related to how “heated” they may have become or bushing up in a ready to be as while feeling “called.”  Rabbits, it seems, are not immune to LOVE!

The greatest danger to any rabbit may be a Rabbit King or Queen of a preachy to a new nationalism - - - “…of Liberty” community busters.

Adam Smith rabbits can be to shining warrens of the hills if too for a wealth of warrendom they as individuals of a self see “self interest” as a facility in an “invisible hand” for a harmonic in rabbit economies.  Any rabbit’s self should first choose to be of community and then secondly choose to try to be moral in such “community” a warren to like a conscious herd.

In lieu of corralling rabbits of a collaborating so not to perish let us set up a copacetic not of there being red rabbits and blue rabbits but more now good Berklee Rabbits and bad Berkeley Rabbits.  Bunnies twerking?

Worser yet than a rabbit too narcissistic to wants of a hierarchy in autonomy as if crowned a Rabbit King or Queen can be a rabbit past their prime ignorant of such - or just in deep denial of being past their prime.

Worser yet than a rabbit however of trumpeting to a new nationalism, as if discordance to “community” can be good, yet contrary of e-warrens common sense: - a following from rabbits as blind mice tuned up wrong.

Where can there be a stairway to heaven for any - even for all - rabbits?  How is there a “just call out my name…” “& I’ll be there” for each rabbit of a warren as of a parish of song and jointed temperaments for rhapsodizing?  Like a wrecking ball an Emperor Obama of Immigration Park fluffed and puffed and rock’d a nationalist Obamacare way like a bad Berkeley Rabbit too as if a Rabbit King.  He came, he saw, he flummoxed!  He sorted and racked imperial as if each parish of each warren was his to be corralled as if by a Borg Queen Bee of a hive mentality that all need be assimilated.  His first contact principles seemed and seem still devoid of principled - devoid of limiting principles pertinent to Berklee Rabbits rhapsodies secured in collaborations to song and community as a prophylactic to mere perishing.

Of these American rabbits, of thee we sing, long live their rhapsodies, long live their prides.

Of these American rabbits, for which we stand, one Creator equally above, banners still wave.

Of these American rabbits, footloose and free, wild and wonderful, the children are our future.

Shake it off! Shake it off  Shake it off!  There is HOPE!  There is yet HOPE!  Beware the Berkeley Rabbits mo’ of 1984!  A time warp if only it were: Where has all the McCarthyism gone? - - - Where have all the McCarthyites borrowed? - - - Where oh where did then become here - HOW? NOW?  Shake it off?  Shake it off?  Shake it off?  Like it just 1989?  How did these become such dire straits?  Times of bloody Sundays but IRA’s of others?  Times of at least “Socialists” found and maybe too as if “Communists” sworn?  Songs of the Berklee Rabbits can raise roofs of heaven’s more than heathens - rabbits rafters on high. Beat it!  Beat it!  Beat it!  BE HAPPY - be rabbits as hatters - BE HAPPY!

Of these American rabbits, of thee we sing, long live their rhapsodies, long live their prides.

Of these American rabbits, for which we stand, one Creator equally above, banners still wave.

Of these American rabbits, footloose and free, wild and wonderful, the children are our future.

The rabbits - - - all the rabbits just wanna be happy - - - wanna collaborate in a happy warren.  “My country,’ tis of thee, sweet land of…”

There may be a “one nation” of rabbits - - - these though are times for free happy statists of warrens of songs of faith & state. These are rare times that try rabbits lungs as called - called up - to sing | to sing | to sing | statists first ||

Songs of a STRAIGHT TALK EXPRESS can rhythmically harmonize an apropos synchronicity forward in statism not of State but of states as each a state in concordance their own buffered from DANGERS upon us and growing from Nationalists to new assimilations to a new nationalism bad not just as bad for these times.

A pride of a conscious herd as a warren of rabbits is best constituted as of music as of selves as each equal under rights from their Creator.  A warren as a pride as a parish of community is best to a constitution of each for civility and peace, and, too HOPE!  A pride of a parish is best to endow and keep endowed a will of the rabbits however wholly of their warren, or sectarian and strong of voice.  As by now it should be self evident that the piping for a Rabbit Queen seems now more perilous forward than when she so long subjugated under a Black Rabbit, too a Rabbit King, of Berkeley Rabbits 1984 pride, it seems for the manuscripts yet blank and song selections evermore that TRUTH must again fill the parishes.

However merely of warrens to again more gathered for Posterity of beatings, of HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON, it seems for the manuscripts yet blank, and song selections evermore, that TRUTH must again fill the parishes and hearts of all e-warrens.

Beat it!  Beat it!  Beat it!  BE HAPPY - be rabbits as hatters - BE HAPPY!

Of these American rabbits, of thee we sing, long live their rhapsodies, long live their prides.

Of these American rabbits, for which we stand, one Creator equally above, banners still wave.

Of these American rabbits, footloose and free, wild and wonderful, the children are our future.

The rabbits - - - all the rabbits just wanna be happy - - - wanna collaborate in a happy warren.  “My country,’ tis of thee, sweet land of…”

There may be a “one nation” of rabbits - - - these though are times for free happy statists of warrens of songs of faith & state.  These are rare times that try rabbits lungs as called - called up - to sing | to sing | to sing | statists first ||



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:44 pm

There comes a time in the life of Pi Rabbit’s warren when at least a gaggle is about as to:  3-14 — NOW WHAT?!

These United States of America are now circumspect of a radial rolling out gaggles pied - and pied uncertain forward.

The American pie is now most dependent on Pi!  We cannot know how much American pie we have to split/portion if we haven’t not yet accurately gotten round the proper mass of a reality to how large or small our pie actually is, mathematically for necessary and proper accountability.

Should we think of us as of U.S. of American pie forward, for now as to consumption of rhubarbs - of rhubarbs pied?

{Please, upon as usage of rhubarb to forthwith to Yahoo by Googling now learned in a most basic, behooved not to feed rabbits rhubarb leaves for what makes the wood bleach I know as oxalic acid is of a toxicity to so harey in its leaves. Please, as it seems rhubarb now even better as an apropos metaphoric do bewares that it can be deadly while too a discouragement to bunnies.}

To get to the roots of the problems. of how Obamacare came to be so removed from the noble, as once of it as born a Republican Heritage dream, to stemmed too obtuse. and some for how stalked partisan in a poisonous divisive politics, let us become refreshed to a more measure of our pie by Pi - - -  by a Pi Rabbit’s unearthed possessive mass.

How e-stirred the bad bakers Democrats engorged on the Federal teets phat.as if an Easter Bunny could be vibrant for all, as a Queen Esther, and for like a never ending sunday of a Christmas everyday consumption, is now only partly evidential to the shortened dough problema of an unaffordable AFFORDABLE CARE ACT.

{I have not - I have never fed a bunny rhubarb or rhubarb leaves! Nor if I recall have I ever myself but been teased by rhubarb pie - however tempting it then seems recalled. I have used oxalic acid as a wood bleach at least in my boatwright work.}

To Israel now however democratic forward it seems of a DANGER DANGER O’HARE ALARMIST too perchance of these United States President as possibly of poisoning them from their Queen Esther consummate togetherness.  It is perchance a DANGER to abide or just even break bread e-stirred of President Barack Hussein Obama as if good for inside the belts of Israeli spirited. A President Obama as if a baker for Israel too seems hairy to DANGER prudent as if a PEACE PIE can be made as if leaven bread without the leavening.

President Obama may be to hops in his steps and suds on his beers, however honied, but as for American Pie or e-stirred Israel it seems his rising has been too of an ignorance of yeasts’ particular historical valued. Isn’t President Obama at cooking up a storm more than a WELCOME pie as if their can still be an EASTER or legend of Queen Esther without a regional to global we all together in a #HOLOCAUSTWASREAL precedent to each & their measured serving(s)?

So, now back to bunnies and a Pi Rabbit’s warren to the errs of the ways, however O a tao O Obama O O’Hare, #FORWARD #FORWARD #FORWARD!!!  It behoove us to look back and finally fig out how much pie there actually is to divide/portion.

NOW WHAT?  This is something else!  As fraught of the old “BOOK OF BARACK” of the public shared of http://CitizenRosebud.org #HOGAN fit for fig’n #StrongForTruth #EvolveTheLaw & #GiveTruthAChance as too measured and portioned by so lyrical and satirical traditionals of the base root “e” of http://www.JPHogan.org e-stirred - - - NOW:  What?  What is the proper mass for such portioning if such apportioned as Law to be Constitutional and not even smitten of a partisan poisoned?

Can President Obama be circumspect of a mass reality yet?  Can he be of or for the prudent of Queen Esther for an Israeli reset however forward democratic still?  How did he socialize so much for the Pilgrims descendent where in these United States of their America it was writ by the founding fathers as to be un-Constitutional to be so centralized as to a new nationalism as the rap of Socialism to Communism rests embedded in the difficult to parse a diff about between HillaryDemocrats and ObamaDemocrats?

Can President Obama survive a rap of having worked to edicts to divide and conquer by dividing a mass of “pie” he yet hadn’t properly fig’d an apropos mass fig’n by being considerate enough to first prudence in democratic first steps at a calculable as to the radial of the mass for the mass of the divisible by Pi of the actual pie?  Has that said to be heralded as Obamacare become spoiled of lots too of lots never prudently accounted or measured to apportioned for workable dough?

#RABBITS!!! NOW:  It is that the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is to be phased out after Justices, 9, of the #SCOTUS benched Supreme Court tweetable, stand tall to a ruling, maybe unanimous, that it is for Congress, not them to legislate a “fix” to it so served for consummation before ever being cooked enough, however, to even be safe fodder for rabbits?

Descendents, metaphysical and physical, of Pilgrims of Plymouth stay the BUNNIES PURITANICAL studied.  The FREEDOM BUNNIES of today, however e-stirred so of these United States of America set forward by President George Washington’s letter to the Jews that discerned “American” as not to be of a “bigotry of tolerance” as to be a preserve for freedom in a Constituted under God but protective as from theocratic rule by “Nationals” and beset in foundations for diversity in pluralism.

{Of rhubarb - rhubarb pie & rabbits - - - These United States of America are Constituted still for FREEDOM BUNNIES not as threatened domestically by those rushed to AFFORDABLE CARE ACT particulars without guile for Constitutional as relevant as a bar from Socialism - originally baked for all.  Americans’ however of their Easter Bunnies and Queen Esther defensive prudence are yet pied to be only of a mass measurable by Pi natural law reality of scientific standards of portioning propriety.  In these United States of American where FREEDOM BUNNIES roam regular’d the #ACA has been like a poisoning as if the Constitutional was under attack from domestic’d threats.  It as warren’d of President Obama, however of O’Hare aires, has been to by being inadequately of apportioned measured Constitutionals to rendering pie not proportioned by Pi.}

As rhubarb leaves of a oxalic acid toxicity to rabbits - - - any know already if a global regional pie by Obama to poisoned to a new democratic biased for Israel forward as if devoid of leavening while to said baking as if to serve up leavened fare?  Is that of Obama’s baking to as if feeding even of O’s hares raw rhubarb leaves as if not to a consummate politics of a defense like offered whence by Queen Esther?  Has this “rabbit” President been too as a bad baker afraid of FREEDOM BUNNIES?

Has this “rabbit” President been too, as a bad baker, so afraid of FREEDOM BUNNIES, and not apportioned for any caring AFFORDABLE for being inconsiderate of mass and volumes long of the “American” as for American pie as supposed forward always to be respectful of the past and measured always even if by Pi Rabbit’s warren’s officers, at least?

There comes a time in the life of Pi Rabbit’s warren when at least a gaggle is about as to:  3-14 - - - NOW WHAT???

How do we now together reapportion the available pie?  How is it that which started as noble from Republicans of Heritage did so become this mess of a unaffordable AFFORDABLE CARE ACT - an Act of Pie not measured by Pi?

[Originally posted
June 26, 2015 @ 15:44]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:44 pm

President Barack Hussein Obama may not (yet) be to a post Presidency as dramatized with Gene Hackman in WELCOME TO MOOSEPORT - there yet is to be much considered a HOW BIG? - how big a library he may deserve/afford.  PBHO may be all VIP to UK PM, as if of a singularity in importance, and not of “juice” @ #NoJuiceObama beyond questioned, but he is now checked by a Republican Congress and for checkered inconvenient truths.

Governor Mitt Romney shouldn’t look to be thought able to defeat the Clinton after not having been able to defeat PBHO;  GMR should be embarrassed as a businessman for the last month of his 2012 campaign of PBHO of defining him unchecked.  It is seeming an embarrassment that GMR defeated himself especially in his last month when most obviously of like rookie PR mistakes or hubris;  GMR let PBHO be seeming erudite of proffers that Obamacare was Romneycare while GMR let himself seem played while declaring he would replace Obamacare with Romneycare.

Right!  GMR for especially the last month let it seem ridiculous to elect him for if Obamacare was Romneycare and he was just going to like replace Obamacare with Romneycare than the only seeming issue was was it wrong for a black President to have brought the country Romneycare before white Governor brought the nation anything like such an “Affordable Care Act”?

Right!  Piddly to the problems another white Governor seems beset of as a Bush;  Right it seems Governor Jeb Bush is more in a pickle as in the pickle barrel banded about President William Jefferson Clinton and his Mrs., however, and President George Walker Bush.  It seems rookie PR errs are to be trumped by a Governor a brother as like also a step brother while all the lot are to be like the work of the new Republican Congress (just for National Security needs) of accepting that there has been a cover-up at least of that of PWJC when Mrs. FLOTUS and that PBHO did at least inherit a (dangerous) cover-up from, quite the bulk of the Bush clan.

Right!  GJB seems compromised by his brother and his father, at least as Presidents of record goes, for it seems a truth an inconvenient that there was a cover-up that needed a new cover-up after the United States of America was attacked on Benghazi properties for the lies for the PWJC sustaining were falling apart as lies no longer of sufficient constitution, at least.

Right!  PBHO however of inheriting said cover-up so of such absolutes it is impossible to disprove or deny, is yet to be considered for a modest Presidential Library for too it seems to easy to prove he worked from hour one to improve the cover-up of the Clintons and to then like stab the Bush clan in the back towards trying to repair the Clintons to at least be able to bully their way forward evermore at least over any Republicans as under them as the Bush beset under them like so.

But today is of PM of UK of a pop across the pond to at least find intelligent allegiances upon Jenkins Hill as seated in the 114th Congress.  PM of UK may need friends now as the 2016 campaign allowances are expected to be forward well defined and compartmentalized between “governing” and “political partisan campaigning.”

So where is the beef as for now we can leave the pork to less pressing but due deep probatives and debating?

So where is the beef in UK PM cross’d the pond per immediate security and policy concerns?

#IRAN - How not start here for there is actually “moral hazard” in it if allowed to be a brokered “improvement” if made or credited by Secretary of State John Kerry?  Really there is “moral hazard” in there being a deal with Iran now, however reasonable, for SoSJK is of a past that is contrary to compromised for a Posterity for any deal to endure of a constitutional establismentary.  Really there is a risk in SoSJK being a one or the one upon which such could be possible if to endure;  His opposition to Operation Iraqi Freedom is contrary and too his years as of the PWJC years of the avoidance and inaction in years 1993-2001.

For a brevity as newly seated “leaders” are charged to sworn to these duties as of the majority of a bicameral People’d Congress I will try to wrap it for future nibbles upon the hard tack and how SoSJK isn’t quite the right bride for such a FP marriage - for FP progress by “agreement”!  Here:

Iran should favor new deals with the The United States of America because of Operation Iraqi Freedom as right and just and at least as for a late by 8-10 years of offering something less than abandonment to the Iraqi Shia.

Iran if to a willingness to make a deal with the USA is yet of “moral hazard” to any such deal if not to stipulations of SoSJK an inconvenient “messenger” whose opposition to OIF should be apologized for writ large and concurrently.

As since for such to be with the new younger Iran so populated and currently constituted it behoove the poets of Irani nationalism, and hopes, be expressive to at least attempt to rap the bad in the past of Mrs. PWJC, however, however all the way back to 1993 when firstly FLOTUS Mrs. PWJC.

Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary to any possible progress now with Iran - if rumors of such at a new threshold of a global copacetic are to be believed.  The Democrats of these days are too much the Democrats of the days of abandonment from 1993-2001 of expectant of Iraq and Afghanistan;  The Democrats have the history of PWJC of “official speak” as if fixed in his FP as per the ME such that to Iraqi concerns he was bigoted in Islam as biased to favors favoring the Sunni;  The Democrats have that PWJC was officially of posturing that bigotry against Shia - against specifically all Shia of Iraq - against Shia so much he did declare like:  THE (IRAQI) SHIA ARE NOT (PEOPLE) CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

For this to be of said brevity let me just tease a problem too relating to Syria and Ukraine:

At least:  It for their history as part of the U.S.S.R. has baggage to check before allowance for being “separatists” morally.  Ukraine is of the history of the Soviets as per the Cold War of Iran and Iraq played like pawns for the security of oil supplies was needed for a victory by one or the other - historically.

So for brevity:

What can be allowed however SoSJK of a “moral hazard” pertinent to UK PM DC visit to DC and USC & the WH both while a Posterity needs a strength of truth - of cause and effect development logic.

How can an deal be brokered by any Obama Democrat and especially his SoSJK, irregardless of it less of a “moral hazard” than if so hazard actually by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while SoSWJC aka “SoSHRC”?

Otherwise however, isn’t a first step to fixin’ Syria and Ukraine at least to settle the history most contested by Iran?

Mischief to be to undermining all of the above:  If Iran isn’t to being convinced by Ukraine that the Holocaust was real then…?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:00 am

So it really happened!  So across the nation states, not Connecticut, amassed a new balanced political to these days forward differently.  Why is/was Connecticut different - why didn’t the Nutmeg State the Constitution State also seemingly adjust to a “more mature”?  What explains my Connecticut - what explains a state that should be now much aligned with the Republican Congress for the economics of the state?

This is not personal nor judgemental of senior Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal nor junior Senator Christopher Murphy;  This is hardly even to be specifically associated with Governor Daniel Malloy governance;  what follows in the brevity here is more to how embarrassing, for starters, that Connecticut hasn’t/didn’t have a ROMNEYCARE as long as Massachusetts, and too for Hartford the “INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD” wasn’t as the capitol of the state also yet the leader more than Massachusetts and Governor Mitt Romney in seeing all its citizen residents covered somehow.

The problems concurrent of Connecticut are bigger and more historical than those its top politicians currently.

My state should expect these though to be to voting less to defend or support any #VANITY of President Obama.

My state should expect these though to be considerate that it is also embarrassing for #LABOR that President Obama’s JOB CZAR whom found “shovel ready” not as easy as expected is that CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt an executive of a Connecticut headquartered corporation.

My state should expect these though to consider, even if unavoidable, that had they been up for re-election they likely would have lost to Republicans and some for more Independents and Republicans likely would have voted so that the state could be better positioned for copacetic votes to support its defense contractors, insurance industry, and yet still somehow its institutions of liberal education.


It too must be of people watching in my state that any seeing some likely of OBAMACARE are to feeling guilty and to pondering politics for the querious should be shamed to asking:  WHY DID THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAVE TO INTRUDE SO THAT MY NEIGHBOR COULD GET HELP FROM THEIR NEIGHBORS IN THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNITY?

For now I do hope my Senators are the first to reboot bipartisanship in Washington in the Republican Congress and without being asked by representatives of competing states firstly to do what is best or just right for their own constituents.

I do not know how this state, I did help much in the early 1990s, and coincidentally by also helping Democrats be protected from themselves, by pulling or pushing them to get Governor Clinton to enter 1992 races, as a talking head political to express a popular logic for victory, as I had pressed, for a anchoring of the NEW WORLD ORDER, as set with sufficient rode, in the “local” of NEW HAVEN, fell so far from mark.  This is what my fellow Connecticut peeps little know of as of the Clintons so of me as of New Haven and as yet so some only learned to the imports useful of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM postures.  Yeh, run-on wordy!  I must feel some betrayed by my state in how 2014 races could be of CLINTON showboating and yet without the state generally learning more of one of its own, me - of learning of me from those its “leaders”.

The real problem with WASHINGTON and OBAMACARE is that it is affected as if it is/was necessary because all the local and state “leaders” across the nation were and are incompetents and failures - that communities are incapable of community organizing like of old parish basis of tithing the “insurance” for such catastrophes.  Connecticut based General Electric Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey R. Immelt hasn’t provided a civil leadership to much of the imports of economics essays at http://CitizenRosebud.net, and to it that corporations likely are better if back to promoting only those whom somehow are still of giving back near 10% voluntarily to their communities, however in religious freedoms for diversity in pluralism rights.

It is embarrassing that it was a Connecticut CEO who so failed as a JOBS CZAR and too as reported while such Connecticut headquartered company supposedly nearly paid zero taxes.  I don’t know the story to how GE paid so few taxes - - - I get General Electric showed a lack of imagination while its CEO was JOB CZAR and as it is I have explained how it was a company that should have been lobbying for growth industries with its expertise in “cooling” & “energy” product lines to these years of the Obama Administration as better if to other directions for CLIMATE CHANGE solutions.

Right - Immelt should have been able to find like a ton of GREEN & SHOVEL READY jobs just for AMERICANS with his own company’s selfish corporate interests.  But how did CONNECTICUT let it get to OBAMACARE while it of its capitol as THE INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD?  More to these embarrassments try trusting bitly links http://bit.ly/PeoplesClimate & http://bit.ly/CapToPeace of assorted available on and off of http://JPHogan.org!

Right - Clinton caught a wave for 1992 after entering the races late, after first testing of my messaging firstly with Pennsylvania race of Harris Wofford as with James Carville and Paul Begala.  George Stephanopoulus was too party to such #HOGAN strategizing for New Haven to anchor a urban agenda in NEW WORLD ORDER balanced politics as set up in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM figuring of local & global - while seemingly more/only “local”.  Stephanopoulus was in Representative Richard Gephardt’s office with Charles Koch’s son as a peer equal when I first wrote to such to prode Democrats to get someone to enter races that Democrats otherwise were like of Senator Al Gore from running away from.




Right - I do expect the Connecticut Senators Blumenthal and Murphy must be figuring for Pratt & Whitney, GE, Sikorsky, Groton Electric Boat, … Hartford Insurance companies … that they should be like the first to be crossing the lines to a new bipartisanship in the Republican Congress.

Seems it is in Connecticut best interests to vote less for the #VANITY of President Obama and too to be joined forward to a prosecution of the Clintons as seeming of a fraud long in not being able to repeat past successes long sold to the nation as if of their genius and made by them.

If Connecticut had Senators also up for election in 2014 wouldn’t this state have been again to expressive politics of a better balance of interests in its home economics and to also having found a clear vote for Republicans - one to at least caucus with Republicans even if newly another a Connecticut Independent?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:49 pm

Let me be clear:  It seems a convenient truth, for a return of evolution to the known world, that Democrat woman Representative Nancy Pelosi, and also Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton, however, while busy as opposites, have yet both been critical of Republicans as against evolution, and while themselves effectively, to a measurable devolution, each differently causal of devolutions for their species;  It seems there need be something akin to a war on women - a warring at least on two women both “Democrat women” but so clearly differentiable.

It cannot now be all on President Barack H. Obama that a measurable onset of devolution can be registered as having occurred due to Democrat leadership - we must also war on women of his party, at least where there are clear and present differences that contrast or conflate reason.  It seems beyond just a matter of National security that we have to look at risks and dangers specifically of the political domains, however eminent, to be politically of specific ownership as of “Pelosi” or “Clinton” dirty hands.

I write not here to celebrate a coding for humanity in a shared body electric force fields in polarities assessing civil common humanity by rites and rituals around a poetry of creationism and morality.  It would be a luxury now to talk here only of humanity held together for peace Posterity by strung theories kept general and poetic as a programmed civil code yet maintainable.  We have clear and present dangers to cut away the fog towards if we are to reverse what is now advanced under Democrat women quite to a measurable, it seems, devolution at least of the Politics of Democrat President Barack H. Obama.

It is timely with the referendum for independence of the Scottish people, however, merely near of 4 million souls, that America alone isn’t now asked to consider even the prudence of John Jay as PUBLIUS in Federalist Papers 2-5, and as it pertains to Scotland independence whence as if concurrent and fresh now.  It may be we have a war on women due to carefully separate those of a domains of “Pelosi” from any of “Clinton” and for each has history of too much whimsy in their deciding.

Since this is really more of a concern for Justice and Truth let me defer from here to fore established as firstly a concern for being of Democrat women too much to devolutionary politics.  Let me get down to brass tacks specifics to a culpability for each so that it won’t be of “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” that any joins as if ordered to a certain offered opine.

But where to start?  Is it that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as a first female Speaker of The House of Representatives has caused greater devolution and economic collapses?  Or:  Is it Mrs. Hillary Clinton, however, since First Lady and towards being an inevitable first female President yet is even more a Democrat woman a most culpable human yet responsible for a devolution that has coincided, however, with economic collapses due to her specific “politics”?

Do you perchance doubt either has been devolutionary as first women so Political?  Have you yet considered how ridiculous it is strategically that Democrat Senators did offer up a Politics that the Senate should move forward an attempt to amend the Constitution by altering the Bill of Rights so to seemingly address inequality in campaign finance allowances?  But for the Democrat President may have needed such Senate activity against the Constitution to appear to have yet “Constitutional” legs for his White House declarations against ISIS there is that the Democrats, at least for their circa 2008 “campaign” “politics” have invited a general inquiry that should be more to arresting their own improprieties than just being like shooting themselves in their own feet.

Fight the onset of devolution now epidemic of the Congress!  Write the Republicans to ask them to entertain for a while the Democrat Senators suggestion that a Constitutional Amendment be thoroughly debated as regards at least a problematic “influencing” discernible over at least the past couple decades.  Write either Republicans and Democrats and actually ask that a thorough debate be commenced for it is essential that any Justice to such must first entail a resolute probing of the economic factors preceding the 2008 election and especially now all things money of the Clintons, and especially since their CGI seems to be being operated globally as if a PAC for the Clintons and facilitated not for “charity” but for “patronage”.

If we are not generally now witnessing a devolution of Americans we at least have clear examples of Democrat leadership seeming devolved for they are asking Republicans to open investigations into them even while President William J. Clinton has been with Maria Bartiromo on economics of explaining he knew, essentially, and knows, specifically, that his surpluses were wrong when effected.  Essentially we have been asked, as a People’d people to actually war on women - to war no at least separately and differently against Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi, and Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  It seems essentially devolved too much already - our National Politics - for essentially Democrats generally, not just President William J. Clinton, are of years of public statements that combine to be confessions for the very faults they yet persist of a “politics” as if properly of the work of their opponents - of Republicans to be specific.  (Right, “specifics”!  Yes Mrs. Clinton recently in Iowa parsed on Obamacare as a late Romneycare quite a confounding “our opponents are against …” for such didn’t declare that Republicans were so against any Romneycare for each state but just that any against it was then an “opponent” of “theirs” specifically.)

Brace yourselves “Americans”!  Beyond where it may be all “Bill Clinton’s” fault, and he now maybe of domestic abuse, of dragging his Mrs. across the country to try to return him to TOP DOG, or TOP GUN, National status, we may be quickly approaching a general understanding that two Democrat women are each near most responsible for so much that has gone wrong, and, we may soon have to agree to agree, to return to evolving, about which yet is actually more culpable even if by negligence.

Right essentially they or another Democrat now has enough public statements in the record books essentially confessing to being those most culpable for general collapses, however specifically also causal to a devolutionary.  I seems it behoove the civilized yet prescient enough to actually write to Republicans to ask them in the Senate to thoroughly entertain the Democrats wishes for a consideration even to amending the Bill of Rights as if for “campaign finance” purports.

Let me be clear, again:  We need to work to agree to agree now after careful investigation and forensics based debate as to whom is most responsible, and now firstly to if it Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi or Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  To get to such we much open two boxes, however if like Pandora’s, and yet around discerning how much Democrat male Bill Clinton is himself yet dominantly culpable.

As we should agree to proceed to finding agreement thus let me close for now with some details to how Speaker Nancy Pelosi was personally more responsible for the economic collapses that started befalling the Nation during the second term of the administration of President George W. Bush.  Yes, essentially President Clinton, has publicly left a record confessing to knowing his “economics” of “surpluses” at least were known to be risky and wrong when yet commenced, but for matters of real guilt of dirty “political” hands instrumental to such we have to look at one Democrat woman specifically - we firstly must rightly look primarily at the “leadership” of Speaker Nancy Pelosi - at the first female Speaker of The House of Representatives.

Some facts remembered are that Democrat Speaker Pelosi, regardless of her sex, was a greatest defender of the Clintons’ surpluses from the 2 Trillion cut so rashly during the 1990s.  How she specifically affected “Politics” so that President George W. Bush had to run wars on credit cards, like, as she prohibited him from declaring there was culpability for the Clintons for 9/11 and however their surpluses needed to be reversed to start rebuilding the economy.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush could only get votes for Operation Iraqi Freedom if he didn’t assuage any fault upon the Clintons’ Administration.  Right!  It seems the only way to have proceeded to the late and due prosecution of Saddam Hussein was to lie for to tell truths to such it would have been publicly necessary to discuss an at least “negligence” for the Clintons.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush had set up Operation Iraqi Freedom to be yet paid for otherwise than by condemming the Clintons’ surpluses, reversing them, and moving forward with Congress of the purse strings more appropriately - - - Right, Operation Iraqi Freedom, to be brief to a need now for such a war on women, was to be paid for otherwise than by specifically assessing guilty upon the Clintons by yet having a liberated Iraqi People compensate the coalition nations with their recovered and then available quite profitable National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, it is recalled that Democrat first female Speaker of The House of Representatives is most repsonsible for stopping how Operation Iraqi Freedom was to be paid for from compensation with National oil revenues of a liberated more free Iraqi consenting.  Right!!!  Oh MY!  Secretary of State Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton did try to have Libya, by her ODYSSEY DAWN, be of such a gall that it was she proceeded as if also at monsters, rightly, as if of her own “Bush’s Iraq” but then done right by a woman a Democrat and yet then rightly done with it OK! that such “liberation” was to be supposedly paid for with Libyan National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please write all the Senators and ask for them to proceed to a thorough debate however if seeming to amend the Bill of Rights for “campaign finance” purposes.  Democrat male President William J. Clinton is actually of sufficient public record at confessing to being wrong to what Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi prides herself yet in being still defensive of as if ever and always right - right of Clintonomics and Clintons’ foreign policies at least as per Iraq.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, but necessary now, and particularly after hearing Democrat woman Pelosi speak to New York Law School gathering as if more innocent than actually quite a she most the guilty.  For now as we wait for the Senators to take the initiative to digging deep at a greater guilt, however in negligence to gross negligence, for two women clearly of different specific culpabilities let me just remind you all of the conditions in the 2008 election reviewable as to “Democrat” “money” & “influence” smartly:





Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please yet us now just agree that it is necessary to now finally start this discussion!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

It started as an interesting enough morning after I realized, after the fact, that my social media commentary was, unusually for me, on a Media Matters link.  I ended up so in a defensiveness to having to explain the separation of church and state of the First Amendment - because.

Recently we all should have been shocked to our senses with the new Pope, as yet Francis, of the olive tree planting in an interfaith shoveling of new hope.  To understand the politics of the Democrat Party leadership in the The United States of America one should be guarded in their faith and gullibility?  To understand the first thing about the Democrat Party today maybe one should ask how the Pope like slapped Climate Change in the face by not having Al Gore also at the interfaith summit for his preaching of an alternative way by “caps” & “trades” as also “guilt” based and to superstitious and to blind obedience?

Let us discuss a how and why to it that Al Gore didn’t make the list.  Mustn’t we conclude that Al Gore is inconveniently so not to be (globally) perceived to be enough a “global figure” nor successful in his attempt to become like the new leader of a new religiosity?

Again, it is economically too true for even evidence based deciding that the Republicans are better on the economy and jobs for they sell SIN, SEX, SANCTUARIES, JUSTICE, & FORGIVENESS while “modern” Democrats otherwise are of their attempts still to a new too hyper and “pop” dogmatic based mostly in just selling SIN & ESCAPISM.  We are of times when George Orwell’s “1984″ like meets Ayn Rand’s “ATLAS SHRUGGED” and the Democrats to rightly slide from grace.

Besides my BA in economics studies I have my extra-curricular of reading all of Ayn Rand’s books coincidentally, mostly.  From such I can posture that Ayn Rand was/is GREEN in a good way and in “capitalism” still.  Ayn Rand was for efficiencies, yes, and truly liked those “progressive” as to better ways pursued smartly.  Ayn Rand likely if alive in these days would be also otherwise to selling a “climate change” prudence and yet by a celebration of economics also around the wisdom at decidings related to scarcity of resources.

How is it that Al Gore as the “godfather” of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM new dogmatic where he was to be set up as if above all others as the most high “official” didn’t get invited also to ROME?  We have it already that he wasn’t earlier invited to proffer at his alma mater Harvard University - but?  Is it Al Gore is too fallen and passe a human figure today?

“WORD SOUP” to stew on here verbatim from my sharing on Media Matters Facebook status update:

“There is the First Amendment concern with Immigration as per Obamacare where the Democrats are insisting that what has been of the “establishments” of “religion” is now theirs to make any Law in Congress regarding and so that though Obamacare defended as necessary due to “spill-over” interstate problems they left the spill-over of international of illegal immigration so too open to being healthcare “universally” if you can get here.  There never should have been such a vast healthcare reform such as the barely legal as a war powers tax Obamacare until there was a securing of all borders as the spill-over international is a bigger issue at healthcare costs than that of state to state spill-over used to pass it.  Essentially the Democrats have it so violate of the First Amendment as by making what was the realm of religion is now the Congress’ to establishments however violate also of federalism and states’ rights prudence.”

The separation is that there is a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion for religion is the poetry electric of the electric of shared humanity.  The separation is that the Congress is barred from assuming a more “Godly” than the People and that it is barred from establishments affecting as if it more than the People have a divine right and any greater superiority in interpreting the “establishments” of “religion” as set in the New Testament - at least.”

To associate all this with the times Al Gore is actually living in let us consider Virginia’s new representative elect for their 7th district Dave Brat.  He speaks with word “GOD” in traditional literary context of the founders and yet not in the new “religious” as by “GOD” replaced by “Cap N Trade”.  Many many books and songs are literally based on the a textual and the texture of the Bible - He speaks in a traditional “progressive” of humanity under GOD of a depth of thousands of years.  In these times that Al Gore is actually living it is DANGEROUS that Democrats of the The United States have postured and presumed a right to govern as if GOD were dead.  Democrats GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM & ACA aka OBAMACARE seem enduring in their suffraged as if made Law to replace any establishments of religion.

Yet!!! No the First Amendment is a clever affirmation despite Jefferson’s criticism to how as the first in amending the body of the Constitution it affirms that the Articles were/are the People’s “Order” to establish and ordain in the Year of the founders’ Lord that such was in an establishment in the New Testament as in the Christian Calendar and as said so “done” before the unanimous subscribing then affirmed by the 1st to how it especially important that Congress was to be seen as barred from changing that such is and should be the “establishment of religion” that it then is to have no superior right in interpretation of “religiousness” than the “People.” {I am realizing I have commented on a Media Matters thread.}”

There is a common thread in the “progressive” of the Democrats now trying to govern ideologically actually in their own times.  The Democrats are trying to give Congress and themselves the Power of religion which the Constitution by the founding fathers, and all the years in consecrating and affirming by whomever, is specifically barred from by the establishment ordained in the People’s Order and so affirmed by the First Amendment.  Again, Obamacare never should have been passed at least for it passed before an immigration solution was first passed to handle the too “universal” risks from too open borders.

So much of the Democrats’ agenda is so to a new dogmatic as if to a new religion it is a wonderment they otherwise seem less religious and acquiescent to the attempts to be just to an economics as if by a new “pop” governance with Clinton allowed, at least, to be too autocratic as too important in just a selling of SIN & ESCAPISM of creative artists too co-opted and too to a dangerous quid pro quo to hyper-pop media-conglomerate based “governance.”

How the Democrats have destroyed an economy, that despite the housing collapsing chaos while they were spiking the gas prices, and to their long desired much hire GREEN AGENDA pricing, and as it was we were to it by their forced inflation, remains an elephant in the donkeys’ pens.  There are a trillion unit points per dollar of the unnecessary Clintons’ surpluses to also look at with any discussion of either Clintons or Gore as per a culpability for destruction by GREEN TERRORISM.  For each dollar of their surpluses of the two trillion in cuts during the Administration of the Clintons there is a question mark as to how it could have been right to cut and cut and cut and cut while the climate, at least, was known to be in such jeopardy.  Particularly too as for they profess a prior knowledge that bigger storms were coming and yet didn’t even afford the peoples of New Orleans some of such funds so to do the recommended repairs to MR GO.

So I leave you as it seems Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton aka Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton seems stuck with her defeat already written and too as it seems while the words of her defeat in 2008, and such as I should have a Guinness Record Book record for, are also now ready again to defeat her as well.  We have work ahead of ourselves yet for the economy and governance seems stuck in the same old ditch much due to a real drop in voter and consumer confidence much for the music of the Constitution as keyed in the Christian Calendar now too aborted.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

If one is a lawyer, and still yet to a consideration of supporting Hillary Clinton to a new ‘inevitability’, one must now be worried more than ever before, and, one must be worried for Clinton BOGO of so many double standards long of the Clintons’ skirting.

One may say they can only heel the reaping of a boatwright sown coursing of vessels against a double jeopardy inconvenient jurisprudence and politics;  there can not be a ship-shape of the Clintons as of a multi-tasking harried if their politics need their vessel keeled to be in two places, or two directions, simultaneously.

However:  The house of Clintons is not in Order, nor order.  Rather:  Things be much amiss in the possible of the Clintons sheeting and questionable tacks;  Their planks are too short to be seen as obviously too long of knots or too thin of rings of Power established for their is as the is our is;  There is a double jeopardy in the double standards as already navigated and journaled of the trip tix of the spousal’d set husbandry of the Clintons as two-headed.

As plebes of a harried it may be the rookies of the seas and/or the cadets of the air and land can spot an infractious Constitutional viscerally when uniformly to patriotic posturing of the keep in constitutional vicissitudes civil procedures. The Clintons ‘windward’ and/or ‘high ground’ supposed ‘advantage’ may be neither, and never, as of a natural set in Bernoulli’s principle.  There is a problem, incidental to the lives of the Clintons, that there ups & downs of multi-tasking that undermines their own sheeting, however of tack and a ship shape helmsmanship.

What is the shape of the Clintons’ breastworks, political, so seen only yet as of an above the surface #GotGame?

How threatened are the common defenses of the Constitution and its bulwarks against nefarious broadsides however campaigned?

Aren’t now the greatest threats to the People’s order, and Order so ordained and established, now of these times, in the Year of founders’ Lord two thousand ten and Four, but coy, and coitered in banded threats, as more probable of the domestic girth politically electric than a gathered massing hemmed in a foreign engirthed?

These are times anew to consider the evolutions and devolutions of civil society and its procedures;  These are times anew like those of whence thence of the Pilgrims as born from the rising to Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes ponderances writ from the netherland shores from which the American Mayflower literally departs. The #GotGame of our days newly fitting the philosophical extant of the Founding Fathers’ and to a prefaced predicated posture to the #THINK of federalism and if evolving or devolving, and, how if threatened now is threatened either by a domestic or foreign machinations, and, how if threatened is specifically (still) threatened by Clintons and their empirical too autocratic wants.

They cannot hide from Obamacare as politically like the most costly way of every state being to having their own Romneycare.

They cannot hide from climate change tacks as it common sense that if man made increases in carbon pollution can cause global warming there is that reductions made (at least too quickly) in greenhouse CO2 levels in the United States of America can too cause weather disturbances and climate change logically by the cooling to be expected whenever a greenhouse is removed.

They cannot hide from the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage struggles for equality in “marriage” and be not assaulted per their own marriage seeming posited and predicated as if for politics and Power as a marriage not a marriage (Union) of two inseparable under Law.

They cannot hide from their own double standard of fronting Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a feminist and as if able to stand on her own (though irreconcilably of one soul in marriage) and independent while they together sheet their vessel tack duplicitously contrary to trichotomy of Constitutional Law and as they bosom her in the maximus of the said too chauvinistic institution of First Ladies protection.  It is long the double standard of the Clintons’ politics that Mrs. Clinton supposed to be an independent feminist and yet too fully protected by the traditions and institution for the First Couple as that the spouse is supposed to be a political untouchable.

They cannot hide how they the Clintons have long been of attempts in such a skirting of parity with their maximus to her like of a Commodus right to ascension to be of the glory of the pomp and circumstance protectorate of Presidential spouses, and yet while such broaches a jeopardy of nepotism.

>>> LEGAL LOGIC PUZZLER:  Two logic circles over lap some to much but not none at all as united Lawfully in marriage Union.  Two logic circles so as one, even so looking phat like an eight, still be as one, though of two.  Bill Clinton is one circle and Hillary Clinton is the other circle - they are by Law inseparable as Married in Union.  As one in ‘housed’ as at ‘home’ the other is always there of shared assets in residence, Legally in a unit-ified lingua.  This is much like ‘nesting’ environmental humanity protections and quite apropos the consumer protection laws around home improvement contracting, and especially such contracts voidance if three days not respected post signing(s).  By home improvement laws around consumer protection prudence and evolved jurisprudence in many ways spouses are and are not interchangeable halves.  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment of term limits marriage Unions may not be set asunder by a more convenient ‘interpretation’ of ‘united’ in ‘marriage.’  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment it is arguably criminal for Hillary Clinton as logic circle to be “elected” to any holding of office of the Office of the President; Hillary Clinton is one with Bill Clinton — as when he was “elected” she was to a holding of office by election as they are inseparable over lapping logic circles.  So legally the Clinton Union is not now again able to have any part of it for infinity past their eight by election able to have Bill Clinton returned to any holding of the Office of the home office of The White House of the Office of the President.  The puzzle is in the Clintons’ trichotomy of a double standard for their own marriage and Union — Hillary Clinton as a logic circle is not allow Constitutionally to run for a holding of the Office of the President on her own as she is inseparable from Bill Clinton and such would by an election of her (if possible) be to a return to some holding of office by election of President William Jefferson Clinton.  But is this Legally more concernedly of a TREASON than just a wonton indiscriminate double standard like only convenient to the Clinton Union?  It is that simply it would violate the language and seeming original intent of the Eightieth Congress to not see a First Couple as inseparable and that an election of one isn’t an election of the other as a half but a ‘by election’ effecting to a holding by a conjoined one, of soul, in coitered & consummated marriage.


How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING…

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like against a Constitution state as if too Descartian but of an ability to render a duplicity of course to the constituted writ large language as Law.  The ship of states is different from the ship of State — there should be no double jeopardy nor double standard convenient to an autocratic helmsmanship as the Clinton seem heeled and tacked.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a roused rabble of political nonsense yet convenient to a campaign duplicity.  The greatest threat now from any man made climate change is it seems clearly that a continued rush in rash partisan politics of limited solutions cozy capitalism to ’solutions’ as proffered by too false naratives over even New York Times data points is from the dangers in new atmospheric hemispherical altitudinal thermals resultant naturally from a politics to poorly and negligently affected irregardless of it common sense that if man removes some or much “greenhouse” effect from one place the thermodynamics and atmospheric winds will likewise re-route at least as long as a “greenhouse” effect stays constant or grows elsewhere, at least in a shared hemisphere.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a Montesuma’s Revenge of marines not timely even to Tripoli at least as Mrs. Clinton still Constitutionally compromising as Secretary of State too nearly a new Commodus as the import of the original intent language of the 22nd Amendment seems flushed as mis-stressed, itself.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like to for federalism and new state ‘new normal’ adaptive evolutions in budgeting locally for said more predictable unpredictable, however Acts of God, storm costs.  If climate change is more than of man made damage from increasing pollution levels and too as common sense supports as from any lowering of carbon levels we at least are at Senator Barbara Boxer’s “evidentiary” of like:  “97 percent of scientists agree that carbon pollution is “pollution”"!

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like remembering that the Senate is supposedly a ‘club’ of the 100 most ambitious people of the Union by the People’s Order so ordained, established and subscribed as “done” more perfect Union — it is just as confused to posit that:  “Only 2 percent of Senator Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s peers didn’t vote her out of their own political way - out of their club — only 2 percent of her peers didn’t vote her out of their Senate.”

How the Democrats mis-stress POLITICS OF #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets confusion!  It seems by throwing the campaign foul flag of “DOUBLE STANDARD” Mrs. Clinton, however, has called for a review of all times Hillary Rodham and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton from days shared as FLOAR, FLOTUS, SENATOR, SECRETARY OF STATE, & now like First Lady of the #CGI CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES.

How the #CLINTONS mis-stress #POLITICS of #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets #CONSTITUTIONAL confusion!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

1.  “#SCOTUS per #Economics Dems are lost souls not knowing #HobbyLobbby “work” as “not for profits” more as for disciples as a type of insurance by community pre-organizing that cannot be rightly as a rainy day and daily synchronicity be to the time and attention to assimilation to political uniformity as set importantly in the fog of poetry and Christian forgiveness, where so.  As “not for profits” as more of the work of later disciples of past prophets it is that “for profits” are about those thinking ahead as of a belief they are of a prophets beneficience to hope and change that only might prove necessarily devilish in a devils’ advocation sort of way or rightly heavenly on an earthly shared electricity of humanity.  “For profits” are more for working an existence for a believed possible shared energy in humanity than the metric of taxation as that of the rewards that may flow to those brightly about hope and change, however incorporated in shared missions with vague or specific mission statements - publicly or privately.”

2.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vodkas


4.  “#CspanChat on #HobbyLobby & #Conestoga need economics of “for profit” refreshed as of the entrepreneurial of risk at thinking if to doing what a profit may suggest could be possibly fruitful if enough forethought and organized work efforts conjoined about it.  It isn’t meant in traditional capitalism to be that a business even as a corporation of people is singularly organized to “make money” but as to prove a forethought like of a prophet is proven to have been of beneficience and of rewards from having been prepared correctly.  And, as it is confused as by “not for profits” yet of work of past prophets’ realms it is explainable that “not for profits” have tax exempt status more because of an establishment for everyday realities and possibilities than are like of insuring from risks and not of a luxury in aforethought hope for change in a uncertain belief.  “Not for profits” are yet said maybe for a prophets work but as after the fact not like for profits as of the shared hope a priori apropos.

5.  “#CommonSense #HobbyLobby if #Obama can claim signing subjects up for #ACA is “God’s work” then at least medical corps exempt!

6.  “#SCOTUS as “Order” a founders’ noun “respecting” as USC only yet establishment of USG informs 1st Amnd must by “no Law respecting an establishment of religion” mean that the Constitution as yet the only Order of the Union establishment be an Order as of an establishment of religion so as the 1st Amendment informs as with “respecting” any thing so new imports that by use of “re…” one as an establishment must already exist in the Ordering of the Union so by the Order as the People’s writ Constitution.  It is clever both how the First Amendment appears to placate Thomas Jefferson’s objections and yet by its words and grammar seem set to actually reaffirm the very un-Jeffersonian Constitutional constructs so subscribed to humbly unanimously by the founding signers.  It too is extremely clever how it seems the most important aspect of the protections of the 2nd Amendment are essentially secured in the specific implications by grammar in the 1st Amendment and so that it seems the most important relevance to the 2nd Amendment interpretive seems that the 1st Amendment is 1st. ???

7.  “#HobbyLobby #SCOTUS @ #Obama #CONTRACEPTION illegal of that #USA #USC should never have seen a #RFRA in #Congress — The First Amendment is of one essential truth that Congress by it is barred from making any Law as a declaration that there is no GOD and that GOD has been necessarily been replaced with nationalization in centralized social programs and too as “entitlements” though by Article 1 no “TITLING” is to be allowed however minor such “titling” may yet be proffered as and if just a granting as by title to a right to even say a poverty level or now a green minimalism new PC.”

8.  “#HobbyLobby #BecketFund @CardinalDolan #Religion #SCOTUS #Corporations

“Still liking this FB/JPeterHogan UPDATE: 
#HobbyLobby #BecketFund @CardinalDolan #Religion #SCOTUS J Peter Hogan ditto posting of comment @TheBecketFundforReligiousLiberty”

“As #HobbyLobby like a #LittleSistersOfThePoor Constitutional poetic of original ordained concepts writ “done” in that Year of the founders’ Lord this week is ripe for cross training citizen Peoples in First Amendment revelations.  A genesis of a Constitutional problema is in how there seems now philosophy of governance about the Obama administering during these years of the ill fated marching of leftist Democrat Party political dogmatic wants.  A prolegomenon to Constitutionality originality rebirth is of the old book a still new book as with the USA USC there is writ an accompaniment.  The more biting words to a proper defense of religious freedom as pertains to contraception breach seems pertinent of RFRA of McKeon & Gallo as a bringing elected Clinton back to a rationality in the folds of prudence, necessarily.  The more biting assault for a restoration of such renaissance in foundational establishment yet this week is maybe best served up as also much to the Constitutional legality that any Law a “Tax” as ACA ruled merely as “it’s a tax” is strictly speaking not subscribed as of a permanence as a right — As it is a tax, and now with the First Amendment prescient and apropos, the justices of the Supreme Court should be asked to rule upon how a tax isn’t yet to be considered established law of the land as if to be prejudged in a permanency as if a law writ to be suspect as a permanent Law.  It seems fleeting as it however “established Law of land” that as a tax the People have the Power to expect it not to be enduring as it not yet a Constitutional right but so as in an impermanence as a law a law merely as a temporary specific taxation.  It seems to properly be to a resurrection of prudence of the religious protections of the First Amendment respecting of the spectacle of the body of its articles as subscribed as established and ordained to a People’s Order done in constituting a more perfect Union (than the United Kingdom’s) (than the Articles of Confederation) as of God’s bite as a writ in accompaniment to the New Testament as set so unanimously and “done” in the Christian Calendar.  It seems however George Washington inaugurated poetically with vicissitudes and a seeming humor common for the People’s times as of “washing” ton o’ humor in a heralding prudence at a prophylactic conscience (and said concern of “impregnable fortitude) to be of thinking at least to rinsing and reuse of condoms as ’skins’ of the modernity.  It does seem to behoove all about SCOTUS to illegalities of POTUS now to reconsider the fate of a permanence for entitlements contrary to Constitutional stoicisms in sectarian preserves by ways of pimp’n the issue that any Law a tax like The Affordable Care Act is by its nature not of a legal permanence by design - that any permanence too would be of the same realm of First Amendment religiousness violates as such as being defended by Hobby Lobby.  http://JPHogan.org/

* #Hashtags #tag ISLAM, #Islam, MUHAMMAD, #Muhammad
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:32 am

Imagine I am seated and staring at a blank piece of paper, a ream at the ready.

How it may be that it might behoove yee to imagine a conditional situational as if such were all blank and yet like a page one and yet but as a scroll - a new and very blank scroll - should yet be mostly just incidental to the beef - the beefiness to become of such, as it may.

It is situational to a blank slate now as it is prefaced for an apropos conditional in metaphor.  These times are trying times of times anew of past times and past vicissitudes, struggles, and trials.  The hemp is taught, the rigging is set, we yet are not hoved to; These are times yet of a Puritanical gruel, and too a Constitutional grog;  These are the hard times, shall we bemoan, of Obama and his New Deal Austerity +.

Right!  We are stuck as now with a politics of imagery of President Putin at a cry me a purr’d bare breasted upon a horse as if so now in a Russian Crimean War, not.  Maybe his successor predecessor Dmitry Medvedev is his trail cook?  As a Prime Minister could he yet be a Vladimir Putin, President, High Priest?  Perchance the successor predecessor is yet but like a gypsy snake oil vagabond?  What is the new lingua of intervention in the apropos conditional Putinesque?  Is he more a ruthless conqueror or more a Christian Crusader in a dressed up linga of a Russian Christian Orthodoxy?

Yes, please do imagine that I am still seated and staring at a blank piece of paper.

Yes, it is I am just trying to share thoughts so for now we shouldn’t need to wrestle about any paper - or at least any pen.  What has become of the messianic candidate of youthfulness known as Senator Barack Hussein Obama?  As the chow he dished out plated as if of a Christian prudence it seems now to have settled roughly of lingering bite too ripe of hypocrisy as if as feared by too few the religiousity was just a cover for grabbing centralized newly socialistic grand Powers.

Are we now all too long of a trail struck by too many of a blind faith in the HOPE of such once said to be set in a messianic and so bounced and tossed by it so of proven circular directions and muddied ways of seriously deep ruts?  Aren’t we all now at an epiphany conditional beyond any comfort from metaphors that Obamacare has become an albatross about the neck of freedom and as it burdensome as rendered yet already as the most expensive way imaginable for every state to have homesteaded their own Romneycare?  Is it yet that Obamacare isn’t yet near enough to itself when judicially reviewed and deemed of a Constitutionality too metaphorically as “it is a tax!”?  As The Affordable Care Act returns home to The Supreme Court this spring for further diagnosis of impropriety said proper and challenged - OH MY!!!  It seems it has become contrary and undermining to the First Amendment freedoms of religion.

However we see President Obama if with a horse more as if in a buggy and with a buggy whip and still a bare breasted other too much a comrade of maybe too socialistic MY BROTHERS KEEPER jingoisms bent too far as if to a broken back for reasonings why about valleys of death - and still specifically hills, mountains, and valleys of Crimea - it is a beef not a metaphor that there are conclaves of free people incidentally righteous as they hoof their behoven TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY broadsides.

For the matters soon before SCOTUS as yet another challenge to POTUS the SOTU rests upon it established and ordained that the First Amendment still exists.  For these matters of thresholds and limiting principles for a renewed showdown as a high noon in restorations of the intents from the days of Old Iron Sides the Puritanical gruel is yet still too rough as the grog so New Deal socialistic bare itself as by portions so watered down.  For these matters it is prudent to think of scrolls even if now blank and new;  For the incidentals of a SOTU as so muddied and rutted of circular Constitutionals if Constitutionals at all, POTUS has a date still with SCOTUS and such it seems as to decide if ACA as Obamacare isn’t now not in reality what it was when firstly review so partially as so written down an in seriously long form.

Justice Antonin Scalia now can lean on observations and metaphors - perhaps even similes.

Justice Antonin Scalia did jest and yet effectively plead an Eighth Amendment Right of protection from a standing of POTUS that he and the remainder of the Nine need be to reading all that was so then already written as if the Obamacare to judge for perpetuity as The Obamacare. 

Justice Antonin Scalia did claim his Eighth Amendment rights of protection from cruel and unusual punishment as it was his opinion, it seems, that to have been asked to have read it as it was then as if “all” was too much too ask any reasonable person if to asking them to interpret such, and, as it seemed implied that it wasn’t meant to be yet interpretable as yet but of a war power of an short term executive power to wage war on health, and have a taxing right for a momentary crisis. 

It seems that however President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thought it safe and cozy to be bunked up with a new Russia of the old President Putin we have to consider that what Obamacare has become is differentiable from what it was when it first was corralled in The Supreme Court chambers;  It is arguable that the Obama Democrats, however as they meant to be Hillary Clinton Clinton Democrats, have given cause to raise and praise Senator Joseph McCarthy for his old hunts for socialists must have had actual basis for such as this to have made it now so far so long later.

Yes, it behoove us prudently to consider scrolls new and old!

Yes, it behoove us prudently to consider scrolls new and old — it is pressing now that a First Amendment Challenge as so scheduled may be yet enough of a necessary standing for a new queriousness of the better revealed (intent) of The Affordable Care Act by ways of preserving and protecting the Rights of the People’s Order of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and for matters of over-turning this beast especially specifically the situational conditionals of the First Amendment.

These are puzzling times as Repubs on the rise more of a old Latin than Afrikaner populism.  These are puzzling times, yes, for it seems a President Putin maybe more at an actual messianic now than President Obama was though said messianic, and  while too it seems too much to using it as a charity like by nationalized “healthcare” as but a tool for Machiavellian socialistic centralized Power harnessing.

These are puzzling times of a beef for the record books as to how said ACA isn’t as it was said as written.  It seems any standing to review a new Constitutional interpretive is to be more stuck in the old ruts of original pathology in jurisprudence;  It seems, in a lay opine, safe yet to posture that a standing to revisit Obamacare however now Obamacare as originally Obamacare or yet as Obamacare as not Obamacare is yet a standing before and of The Supreme Court to render onto such authorities a consideration Constitutional that Obamacare is not now a Constitutional Obamacare at least by the First Amendment incidentals of Congress barred from making any Law respecting establishments of Religion.

These are puzzling times of a beef for the record books as to how said ACA isn’t as it was said as written.

President Obama, as President H. R. Clinton too likely would have as expeditiously, seems to have cured - to have healed the ghost, at least, of Senator Joe McCarthy.  The real whipped as a socialist gruel wagon, however also of New Deal Austerity green minimalism tyranny, is now of a puzzling times set it seems upon a stage yet proud and patriotic of Repubs already some established as forward in a Latino is the new Black - whether Rubio or Cruz, or both, vote for the RED - the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE - vote Republican an to steady the wagons United to make love not wars.

These times are quite puzzling!  Yes, it seems a RUBIO - CRUZ 2016 wagon is ready of REDS of a pledge to be of and for a standing as Latinos the new Black and of Republicans of the Christian old Latin to firstly be of and by writs @ MAKE LOVE NOT WARS.

And, yet now anew of the Eight Amendment Rights even afforded Justices, this beef still seems of pretty purring as if a gravy train could be affordable in perpetuity, though under still the Posterity of the written way Constitutional formed philosophically contrary, of a chuck wagon that cannot still roll.  It seems there may not be blank paper enough, metaphorically, as it seems that used of the original Obamacare used up all that hasn’t since been used up in making Obamacare no longer, arguably, still a Constitutional Obamacare.

It seems as “it is a tax” it yet by the First Amendment may too not be allowed to be a permanent tax.  SCOTUS?

And, yes there was a Republican alternative to Healthcare.gov and it too near a billion tax dollars for a website: See as for a Romneycare for each in a kept prudent federalism moderation each state nearly only needed to ask Massachusetts for a free copy of its software running its Romneycare — right?  President Obama, has President H.R. Clinton was likely to too have, was necessarily of a need to be so busy at reinventing the “wheel.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

To double rabbit a justice about so many crossroads we’ld be cross, maybe, to not discern risings, and raisings, of the ups and downs footed at so many intersections, and there how so of overlay pathology, as to locking in a well joined apropos civility;

To a fitting justice, still set in joined civility of innocence until proven of specific guilt, we are still best to chisel lately at the rabbits’ overlays inaugural of George Washington’s prudent import at “…vicissitudes incident to life” immaturity prima facia.  To avoid even a smidgen of guilt (for a crucifying cross) one needs to consider their footing and their words, and well: 

May you be to lapping ups the joints to such, however, now firstly suggested, as if of two rabbits over-laid, to this joined raising for issues plus’d to capital punishment and apropos premeditation for avoidance from innocence lost.

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Is it of genesis of APPLE that #Jobs struggle was firstly & always to bringing tablets & Bible into the palms of everyone #app’ly?

Prove “Order” so capitalized in preamble is a NOUN as @ The Constitution is a People’s Order — Dems “legality” falls!  To be high with the Founders and their Lord now in a newer Year so of such God of the New Testament you may be prudent to be as engirthed in lines of Noah however so set so natural in hemp;  Joseph as a carpenter, wherever of his Jobian struggles, needed like Noah to be good at rabbits and very stoked in joints, however.

Freedom OF religion as:  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?  When open the Ground Zero Museum of the September 11 Memorial keep will be charged to a keep for truth - and curiosity.  When open at Ground Zero it will be devilish to some, and cross’dly so, how God is to be seen in capital punishment tool’d.  To atheists however grounded, it, a cross, could be a cross as but a rabbited tool for justice as replaceable as by a noose or an electric chair - or guillotine.  Rabbit holes of those among the vicissitudes incident to life can, and have, led many to God - not all, though. Tolerance too is chiseled, at least by a precedence set by U.S.A. Constituted first President under the People’s Order and so humbly under the subscribed set Lord, whence then in that Year as “done” so boldly as per modifying “to form a more perfect Union” ordering.

Though the joints of Noah and Joseph may have been long set in hemp, and more naturally than today’s, the parsed meants of the Founders’ parchment poetry as Law do not set asunder rabbiting writs for heaven on earth through believing in their highs. As established and ordained and set in writs cautiously to forewarn, to avoid yet, to pitfalls from (fogged) stumbles on paths however golden.  It seems impossible for there but to be a freedom of religion as it seems, objectively, that there can be no freedom from religion, though a freedom from a religion is yet plausible - though if only by a stature of another.  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity;  By an objective definition of RELIGION it seems impossible as it as of all humanity that any human can yet be free of RELIGION;  It seems any can only be of it and not ever from it, objectively.  It is but an old or new - good or bad - best poetry of shared humanity, to be judged - but not escaped from, wholly.

ART!  Art, objectively, can be a great and grand tool, at least, to a better and broader crossroads and bridging for latitudes and attitudes better joined for a preservation and practice of prudence in a rectal sui juris akin to Sodom and Gomorrah curriculum to bestow benevolence in habeas corpus prophylactic governance bedded in innocent until proven guilty clausals.  However your persuasion and choice natural biases it behoove yee to be a booster of ART as ART may help you when best to avoid innocence as lost to a cross’d crucifying, however — by ART there can be more room for a preserve of innocence.

There are Bishops on the boards of CHESS everywhere!  It is as obvious an objective statement, it seems, as to suggest there cannot be a freedom from RELIGION - anywhere.  Without a Rorchach, ever, however, most will see an intersections of the laid squares at times cross’dly, however their paths hopeful or hopeless whence.  What though may yet be modern (ART) more as if at surgical strikes as yet moves meant to be less as at marbles and prudently at least as at CHESS?  Did the Clintons’ lose their marble when graphically so to a standard as to stoked as if an “up yours” earthly to the European Union celestial’d circle in a rectangle;  Didn’t the Clintons’ only think marbles while putting a circle in a rectangle anew as the Swastika had been in the fields of red of the Nazi of Hitler and The Third Reich?

(Note to self:  Confirm that no Republican past President, is though like President Obama, also of a flag, as a standard their own as well, and also too that like the Clintons’, so as like Barack Hussein Obama’s, isn’t also like the Nazi flag as graphically imperialistic, objectively (in ART), as an earthly circle, not like the Europeans’ Union. nor Japan’s as humble in a celestial.).

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Crimea, like Syria, however of Russia, is now hardly but a smidgen on the boards of shared humanity;  Crimea it seems isn’t to be stoked as if President Vladimir Putin has somehow lost his marbles, and while only playing marbles.  It seems this may be us of an intersection to be timed as too about a resurgent Russian Christian Orthodoxy.  It seems this is among the vicissitudes incident to life expectant in the existential of the newly Constituted United States of President George Washington’s rabbiting for inescapable humanity by his orations firstly inaugural whence.

Does Vladimir Putin have a holy excuse so about Crimea however too as a strategic CHESS move?  Does the Russian President have the words, even if a prudence to be covert and clever in strategery, to match the word of his Orthodox Christianity so Russian?  How cross’d be he if the Ukrainian (and Crimean) people are not too cross’d?  Is he about helping in their own jurisdictional rabbiting of consent more than terror?

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea is he a TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

What are the particulars most prescient (in a divine) for those not themselves of a cross’d innocence lost joined, however, in ups and downs footed and rabbited?  What are the particulars for those yet not cross’d yet of he that is cross’d?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of thought buried too taxing scandals.

By the words about the cross soon set commemorative we are gathered about Crimea as of new valleys to reason about before it maybe be too late for risen.  Alfred Lord Tennyson, I presume, hadn’t lost his marbles, not a smidgen worth.  President Obama may now be getting CHESS moves he hoped for without an apriori appreciation of a Russian potential about Syria policing maybe firstly wisely pre-staged by better defensive (naval) depths about the Crimean shores.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is past a smidgen worth of tagging as at only being of playing marbles isn’t it if President Vladimir Putin is a rising in the establishments of Russian Christian Orthodoxy maybe being preparatory to better crusading joined defensive new suppositions of naval deposits about the Crimea?  If we are to expect a Russian responsibility for its (guilt) of years in enabling just President Bashar al-Assad as a Russian compassionate conservativism shouldn’t we think it may be safer for Ukrainian if Crimean only seen as the home port of the Russian Crusades?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of (thought) buried too taxing scandals.

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea isn’t he also @ a/also TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.  Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion - ONLY - as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Isn’t it to atheists that a cross’d just as well if displayed, displayed otherwise by a noose, an electric chair, syringe, or a guillotine?  As ART yet of helping latitudes of attitudes for the preservation of realms of innocent until proven guilty?  We are, where ever, yet, however, Constituted much about the rabbiting joined in the “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” as the word of US by the first white President George Washington and his orations in New York City. 

We are always at a crossroads - a cross’d - as of our walks and net mobility.  Be careful, and forewarned yet to stay even, tall and from even a smidgen + of guilt!  Long live a carpe diem Miranda’d established, ordained, subscribed boldly writ “done” more perfect Union!

                                            *     *     *
[Yes, though as much about dadoes, or a dado paired pared, such here so chiseled sketchy of rabbits and rabbets.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:52 am

There comes a time when a water carrier too need be judged as if prepackaged to be a holy surprise in an essential existential as if destined to be a first female Pontius Pilate.  Whom do you see to follow as if on a donkey at the gate - on a donkey as if pre-destined to be your Queen or King - Empress or Emperor?

Under the reign of the wanna be King there is still his “Queen” Hillary Clinton. A married soul is indivisible by definition - old dogs too are said not to be able to learn new tricks — Can Bill Clinton learn to be other than how his wife has preferred him all these years - all these decades she has put him first and as his chief enabler?

You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG are a VIP & due this ICYMI, FYI per the FA, of the highest realm of SCOTUS, and DOJ, to question freely and doubt a holiness of ACA.  You may need a legal PAC to fight their (said legal) PACS - it is that Benjamin, per Benjamins, however set by Poor Richard, are today a fire with which to fight fire.

It is not a good morning these mornings, still so trying, of waking to Afghanistan as a new Vietnam;  Hillary Clinton lied - soldiers died — There was no Afghanistan SURGE;  President Obama changed the mission, so to have the desired for governance, by Mrs. Clinton, war of choice against the too misogynistic Taliban.

Are you today FAT to the phat of the PAC of Democrats as Donkeys, and how it is more reasonable, than that President Obama is a new “Messiah”, that he is too Napoleon and to Putinesque, as one more of a new gloominess as said like of Tiberius, however a Julian or Claudian?  Was his inaugruation his Waterloo - was his first week his Gettysburg?

What is FREEDOM?  What is freedom in a nation Constituted as ordained and established as by the Order of the People through the Founding Fathers as done so subscribed unanimously as “a more perfect Union” so of a freedom of religion that doesn’t expect to be a freedom from religion?  What is TOLERANCE?  What are pastoral exceptions?  What is COMMUNITY if not like as if:  OF PARISH?

Can his “Queen” be an independent;  Can she be better than a Peter or Judas while seeming pre-established to be of wants of Pontius Pilate powers?  Has she already been too much, and in unison with her spouse, a Peter to Barack Hussein Obama, her President and Party Leader?  Could the once said “Messiah” Obama now be so a walking crucified if not so betrayed, likewise, by those set so close to him, and expectantly as though close so kept close as known rivals?  Can a “Queen” as an “Empress” so such as she be of the Bible and not as if of the non-Christian Romans? 

Where does the story start?

You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG are a VIP & due this ICYMI, FYI per the FA, of the highest realm of SCOTUS, and DOJ, to question freely and doubt a holiness of PACS, & FOB as “IT’S ALIVE!”  Whether a 501 (c) 3 or 501 (c) 4 - perchance to dream as if of powers to rival CGI as a PAC (in practice?) or yet that PAC of FOB however now (covertly) constituted!  Perchance to dream - perchance to dream the AMERICAN DREAM.

Where does the story start?  Oh Pilgrims my Pilgrims how weren’t you like papered to be first socialist in Plymouth?  How, Pilgrims, how now did you come to capitalism from the contracted papering to be a social experiment like nowadays as if Socialists? Oh PACS and PACS - what ever is a 501 Common - a 501(c)19 or (c)7 - a 3,4,5 or 6? — When did common sense cease to suffice?  Can she only be his “Queen” or “Empress” if the USA DOJ by USG collusion be accepting of the US as if said, of their wants, as if of a post-USC new world order (more convenient to Americans like them as global autocrats)?

Where are we in the story?

You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG!  The founding fathers unanimously subscribed it so as ordained and established by the People’s Order to effect it as done as so ordered to be said a “more perfect Union” Constituted that day of that year of “the Year of our Lord” of the USA so as a governance established in the God of the New Testament.

Perchance to dream - perchance to dream the AMERICAN DREAM.

A Tea Party so anewly is but a party;  the Tea Party anewly suffices, now at five, as if more a Sons & Daughters of Liberty, freshly, to as if a Party, while still civilly mischevious again of a rightful disobedience so as if a tea party as but a party.

Aren’t we now gathered in Constitution still preserved as set against autocrats, at least?  Are we as pilgrims of Pilgrims grains not too corny yet for shedding that once so as papered of colonies as if better if to Socialism?  Aren’t we best as a people as of huddle masses, however, when of heeding the credence even of deist Thomas Jefferson by:  “I HAVE SWORN UPON THE ALTER OF GOD ETERNAL HOSTILITY AGAINST EVERY FORM OF TYRANNY OVER THE MIND OF MAN.”?

Where, though, again, are we in the story;  Can his “Queen” however an “Empress” yet be but a water carrier, and of an indivisible soul of his FOB PACish, however now so freshly as by a WWW so BC as WJC & HC of CGI?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:56 am

What is intelligence?  What might be the results of an IQ test today in Davos of those gathered of the World Economic Forum?

Are they smarter than an average white American Democrat woman?  Any American woman over the age of 50?

It seems multiple choice queries would complicate what can now be limited to point and counter point and as focused around one current public figure and even so as such representative of the sex of female.

These may be better to be presented as a bulleted list as if for essays on point and counter points:  Discuss:

  1. Hillary Clinton of 1992 race did how oddly help Governor Clinton so succeed yet while they can be said to have run against family values.
  2. Hillary Clinton is a conundrum in a postured “feminism” how was it wrong in a management methodology for a First Lady to be otherwise structured in a West Wing job of a bureaucratic submissive duty to a President as spouse?  Wasn’t she an equal in marriage as First Lady but by choice just an underling as of a “job” in the Clinton Administration?
  3. Hillary Clinton has seemingly made a career of putting her husband and his career first - discuss how this now can be seen as an “example” of feminism.
  4. Hillary Clinton as First Lady did crusade across the world quite imperialistically of dictates as to how people of different cultural regions yet should be treating their women as she said.  Did she think about “turf” and “turfs” and enough how she was rabidly being inciting and incendiary to those more orthodox or radicalized?  How but for a surge in Afghanistan could she have seen her crusading not just have been of talk say for about fifty years — how was her crusading as First Lady supposed to have any muscle to it if not by future military intervention by armed forces of The United States of America?
  5. Hillary Clinton seems set up by spousal husbandry in executive decisions biased for selfish political positioning to be arranged to be inevitable and yet in a worked dramatic to be to cast to be a HAWK to a DOVE/Lover Boy image for her Husband.  Now in hindsight how dangerous was it that the Clintons seem to have postponed prudent global engagements during their eight years too much just because they though it might be more fun if such saved for a Presidency for HAWKISH Hillary?
  6. Hillary Clinton talked tough as First Lady and tougher in ways that her spouse the President.  Was President Clinton of avoidance and inaction because he was yellow at the helm of the ship of State or was it a more dangerous politics of thinking time could wait upon their plans for his/their return via an election of them by a ticketing of his wife?
  7. Hillary Clinton did try to sell Hillarycare as if “universal” though just for a nation - but now how is it that the Democrats supposed leading authority/expert on healthcare asked to be Secretary of State and not the Secretary of Health and Human Services responsible for showing Obamacare could and would work?
  8. Hillary Clinton asked to be Secretary of State — How for feminism does this complicate a “feminist” tag for her?  Isn’t it that at State she seems to have been to being a facilitator for her husband and his global initiatives and like yet a travel office still for his priorities?  Isn’t it that at State she was supposed to be a “rival” to President Obama and that so there her loyalty has to be questioned as it seems reasonable that Clintons did want her at State to help them be together in global initiatives of a rivalry to President Obama?  How is it feminism for her to have been so compromised by CGI and especially as she was then the officer of the Obama cabinet most responsible for oversight duty to the People about Bill Clintons’ vast meddling by global initiatives?
  9. Hillary Clinton did not have any executive experience until she was President Obama’s Secretary of State, right?  Though she pledged if President she would be ready from day one and even at any 3am/crisis moment isn’t it that even with lesser and more focused duties just of State she did fail to live up to her promises? 
  10. Hillary Clinton did serve a few years as a Senator from New York state.  Isn’t her time as Senator really now historically her only resume stuffing as her as a politician?  How many years as a politician should we think necessary for any candidate for the Presidency?  Have we learned yet that as few as she and President Obama had really is too little and as it also so it seems devoid in executive instinct and experiences?
  11. Hillary Clinton didn’t insist on being HHS Secretary — could she have done at least as good a job as the executive in charge of launching a workable Obamacare?  She supposedly was the Democrats top expert due to her years attempting to bring a national Hillarycare said “universal” likewise to The United States proper — wasn’t President Obama best chance for healthcare reform to have been if Hillary Clinton had been at HHS and firstly to caring about the People and their healthcare?
  12. Hillary Clinton is of the plurality of “The Clintons” as per their former NSC member Philip Bobbitt and his book TERROR AND CONSENT.  She insisted on being part of the bureaucracy of the administration and not yet safely private and equal as just First Lady Hillary — any candidate Hillary now is of the title as TERROR AND CONSENT and not TERROR OR CONSENT and how he as a national security expert was to explaining that the Clintons lies do beget terrorism.  Philip Bobbitt’s words were known before half of her Hollywood thought friends publicly humilated her with tagging of the Clintons as BIG LIARS — but as per his warning per terror like that when a White House and Hollywood work too closely together (in posturing lies) such does dangerously beget terrorism.  It seems the Clintons in 2008 were defeated by themselves - by truths and warnings from their own circle of friends and national security experts - it seems still that Hillary Clinton lost in 2008 because enough new by Hollywood fractured friendships and TERROR AND CONSENT that the Clintons were BIG LIARS and that their lying was by at least one expert said to be of begetting terrorism.
  13. Hillary Clinton, however really a feminist or not, seems, however set up to be a HAWK to a DOVE earlier by her husband administering, too much still as of a yet unexplained “inevitable” as if she was best to be elected because she already had a working relationship with so many of those now deposed across the world that could last.  Right?  Hillary Clinton though of no executive experience and no personal experience as a politician but her few years as a Senator was in 2008 of suggesting she was the best candidate because the Clintons were still better friends around the world with socialists, tyrants, autocrats, and even specifically dictators more now of the deposed?

Ok, all can participate.  Please work up your 13 essays to at least develop your own critical thinking.  It seems we have to dissect Hillary Clinton at least and now as we can be said to of economies that haven’t been able to recover while of days newly where a dynamic of the economics is that more women are now in management and executive duties these days as recovery has been slow or barely existent.  Across all thirteen essay teased posits we have a consideration that maybe women are more to blame and as these days are of a new dynamic so of a record number of women now, however, running things.

Ok, with all this said it may be and should be polite to let the women go first.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:57 am

It is not a neither neither now nor an either either for a reset to a preponderance for HOPE. These days forward are days to not stop thinking about yesterdays - about real history - about alternatives to told stories that can pronounce yet as establishment truths.  These days now soon of 2014 are days for both - even for a MOOC to educate.

The only real thing to fear about a resurgent GOP is a court packing that could enervate a civil obedience too.

The Court of Supreme Justice John Roberts has allowed a like war power IT’S A TAX right where a PENALTY could not and should not be construed as Constitutional. What, however, are the primary - the first - priorities for those of suffrage about the kitchen tables of The United States of America?  Justice Sonia Sotomayor is not expecting to be controversial tonight.  SCOTUS of 2014 is docketed to address how, it seems, at least by First Amendment relevance, it has undermined a longevity for OBAMACARE as ACA by an undermining logic of interpretation as rendered in the later D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been given many PINOCCHIOS and has been tagged as of the biggest lie of the Year 2013.  It seems a fact of his Presidency that he has not been on the level.  As per OBAMACARE yet:  when it may be squared away enough to be functioning as per the original Republican idealism as from the Heritage Foundation years ago people are likely to be to discerning a simple truth like:  Oh, when it finally started working it did so as more like ROMNEYCARE than yet had been writ or told of — BUT WHY?  Why when it did finally start working was it so that it seemed so much more like the Republican ROMNEYCARE and yet have cost so so so much more?

It is the Supreme Court all may have to fear the most between 2014 and at least 2016.

The SCOTUS of Roberts rendered an as if it an allowed short term taxing power than an Executive must have a right to even if so more a war power right to raise revenues for waging a battle against health.  This is of they of a majority barely that granted ACA some power without guaranteeing it a longevity as of a Peoples’ right to healthcare insurance.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been given only a temporary taxing power and now is in jeopardy with his OBAMACARE ACA as the later rulings as per D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage did, at least as per the First Amendment and religious juridiction, undermine a lasting Power for a permanent establishment by way of a national program to run a healthcare “commerce” federally.

What is there to fear in a greater Republican majority for governance in Washington, DC looking forward?  Isn’t it nearly that what there is to fear the most is that a reset to a greater GOP majority will pack the Court and that that is to be a they of them to fear?

Personally:  I am not sure our Supreme Court, however, can be that fickle as long as we have not devolved or slipped yet away to a practiced extra-Constitutionalism of a accepted new world in a post-Constitutional Law.

Any possible or inevitable path for a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT seems essentially still to need enough they being of a mass of them willing to allow the Clintons extra-Constitutional power as if the Constitution is dead and that they have been long right to plot and scheme and govern too much as if The United States of America was already in a post-Constitutional new world Law.

It seems that President Barack Hussein Obama and his OBAMACARE ACA are on a railed set path to a Courtly train wreck by allowances of greater rights of the People as set and policed by the First Amendment. It may not be that OBAMACARE as ACA will yet be say “dead” as it seems a default is endearing that OBAMACARE can fail to becoming a yet states workable system of ROMNEYCARES.  Beware the politics of such as though the SUPREME COURT seems of a rendezvous with destiny and to further supporting writs of D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage principles as per the People and they a them of the security and assurity of the First Amendment;  beware the politics is different from any decision SCOTUS may yet render as per OBAMACARE as ACA by religiousness and further that the states do have the jurisdiction of the seven deadly sins;  beware the politics for however OBAMACARE may fail into being a yet system of workable state based ROMNEYCARES it seems historical that a President Mitt Romney himself wouldn’t have succeeded nationally in making it say as ROMNEYCARE work out so.

But isn’t the greatest fear to now fear itself to 2014 and beyond to and further than 2016 that a SCOTUS could become packed by right wing zealots and radicalized idealists whom might be a more dangerous they as them yet of the OBAMACARE as ACA crowd of corner cutting BIGGEST LIE set? 

Oh my!  We cannot now stop thinking about yesterday and real histories now of especially the earliest days of governance by the Clintons of their prodding to be at not stopping thinking about tomorrow(s).  There are MOOCs that can be organized to teach of the problem as mostly truly and originally rooted in even the first steps of the administering (for the People) by the “two-fer” power couple Clintons whence thence as timed as the early 90s. 

Oh my!  We mustn’t fear the SCOTUS firstly as at risk of a radicalized Court packing as a forgone assumption conclusive if yet a Republican majority has an energetic new civil renaissance or new romancing. Our politics are already now too much of an enervated civil obedience too much of a fear of a GOP resurgence as postulated as if a too real forgone conclusion if Democrats are not allowed to stay of a them in a majority.

Oh my!  We are looking at a docketed 2014 where the SCOTUS of Roberts has tied its hands via its renditions per writs relative to the First Amendment by way of the journalized subscribing as of the Constitution’s signers as preset now to bias a permanence non existent for OBAMACARE as ACA unless somehow the states’ rights jurisprudence interpretations of the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage cases are rewritten from their posits legal that are undermining to any permanence or secured “right” for healthcare pertaining to the Affordable Care Act.

It is too soon to stop thinking about yesterdays and to ignore real still knowable history however if by partisan stirrings to a majority romance to just not stop thinking about tomorrows and as of beats used to blind too many a they a them yet whipped and stirred to a SCOTUS packing fear, at least.

We are of a time and places where the world can be educated by MOOC(s) of a syllabus to opening the eyes of the world to a negligence of the Clintons and missteps of a negligence at least that date us all back to them and their first days both as both about a Constitution still inviolate.

We are nearly of a national state of mind, it seems, where the People will have epiphanies about OBAMACARE as ACA as yet only finally workable when it has been of failing to being only workable as state based systems as if ROMNEYCARE and yet not a ROMNEYCARE that a President Mitt Romney himself likely would have been too if yet successful in his most confusing promise to replace the OBAMACARE that President Barack Obama said was a ROMNEYCARE with his OBAMACARE as repealed and replaced with his ROMNEYCARE.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

I do believe I myself could put out rather in an expedited summation for a mass audience if by publishing or by MOOC(s) a treatment of the words spoken and written of and by President Barack Hussein Obama that if in book form should amass to at least 300 pages of nearly 80% his own exact words and then with 20% dedicated to explaining how such each as parsed was as an intentional lie and to a dissection of each real lie so that each could be tagged for history as to how a lie, why a lie, and some how it was politically supposed to mesh with other lies.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

Oh my!  But first we may have to primarily fear the Clintons.  OBAMACARE as ACA may be yet a train wreck that has it fall apart to nearly 50 state pieces and eventually only workable and yet recognizable so as more a Republican ROMNEYCARE than it has been as a calamity as OBAMACARE.  When any SCOTUS addresses the ACA as by First Amendment protections it should be to explaining that its D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings of Law do undermine the Obama healthcare “commerce” monstrosity as it was set as Law that the states not the State do have the jurisdiction over the health of the bodies of its residents, and as per sexual orientation logistics specifically.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

However, we are of days to fear a Republican packing of the Supreme Court mostly it is behoven your them to not be blind to how it is still the past of the Clintons as telling of the real Clintons that all should fear the most.  No matter how many PINOCCHIOS or BIGGEST LIE tags get pinned upon the back side of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama it is still that a MOOC even if taught by me can and should be generally courtly enough to establish at least as if in lessons on critical thinking how there is at least a “two-fer” of negligence or even gross negligence both for either Clinton.

I do not know if you yourself are a they of a them that should firstly and mostly fear a GOP majority capable of Court packing.

Oh my!  Happy New Year whomever and however you may be to fearing politics or the Court the most.  Please be at least now teased to yesterdays as for tomorrows more clearly of a guilt of they a them as both the Clintons.  Please be at least preparatory for a new SCOTUS schooling rendering as per that which is writ Consitutional, and please be at least now of an open mind to how at least for a lesson in critical thinking as a MOOC it can be proffered that the Clintons or at least President William Jefferson Clinton is maybe of a clear and certain negligence in administering and politics for and of the 9/11 attacks.

Oh my!  Happy New Year. 

But is the only thing to fear now a fear that a new Republican majority reset would violate a prudence Constitutional for the Supreme Court and too be to enervating civil obedience?

                                          *     *     *

[NOTE:  For further OBAMACARE vs. ROMNEYCARE economics and political fathoming for intelligence I can recommend the satire of MARXISM? & C.C.C.P.? as queued in e-sampler of http://JPHogan.org.  It may be too much to ask that you now take time this New Years Eve to otherwise search and search and scroll and scroll and read and read through all that may sort out if by local site searching by keywords like ‘OBAMACARE’ or even ‘ROMNEYCARE.’  It is beyond mere satire that it may be that OBAMACARE when yet workable will look more like ROMNEYCARE and yet have cost taxpayers hundreds fold more arithmetically than any ROMNEYCARE ever needed to be costing.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:33 am

To pop the magic puffery of modern populism necessity necessitates a consideration of the mysticism beats pedestrian and parochial, and however catholic.  All nativity scenes can also be cultural and scientific neuro iconics as of the double helix of a humane literal deoxyribonucleic evolutionary marker for a birth in expansive literacy and culturally wired expression.  So much that is American - of South America - of Central America - of North America - is evolved inescapably with what can scientifically to be a Jesus cultural “dna” marker.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  Historically he can be said to be like a mason without a plumb bob nor a level or any trowels.  President Obama has had so much trouble being “pop” even as shovel ready he is akin to masonry as if a double naught - he is akin as if not even toed up to a first degree towards a thirty third degree.  He can point in thin air but to associate his “Obamacare” metaphorically we need not consider it set with mortar even as though it was supposed to be so squared away and ready - so ready that he could stand up as if a foreman due respect if and when saying “I will not negotiate.”  It is popping now and as of a President hardly a mason that what was supposed to be all squared away did just roll out with too many corners cut.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  It seems set in stone though that he did build this and yet it seems it is not safe for he nor any other to reliably stand upon.  As words and codes were supposed to be his bricks and mortar it is considerable that his “lawyering” for the People is as polls are posting believed to not even be on the level.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  Politically his puffery has blown his own constructs down, you could say.  Politically his governance has been lacking in a mysticism realm of any discernible political philosophy ranking way and as if of a foundation as if in loose sands as by an absence in sufficient service as per property rights.

Da Fence!!!  Da Fence???  Defense???  Though President George Washington is recollected and accounted for as of a advanced degrees in masonry and as he that dictated to the to be capital city of Washington DC that it should be mostly set as of connected town homes without grand yards we should mix it to a mashable now to talk about keepers of gates and fences as a starting point prior to a full and effected condemnation and deconstruction of that which is “built” of President Barack Obama.  To get just the economics of The United States of America back to a parity in evolutionary not devolutionary economics we have to draw many lines more clearly - we maybe have to suggest people so a solidarity in individuality and personal property rights by putting a single fence section in their yard of the “pop” of “defense” by “Da Fence.”

[note:  I just to check a spelling of devolutionary happened upon finding that Google has a page for “Devolutionary federalism” that has to be related to all this that I write now while having considered Reagan’s New Federalism but not as a new federalism as exclusively his.  I will be heading back to such page after this column.  I remember VP Biden from an open to the public Yale Law symposium in the 90s when Senator Cory Booker and his son were law students there - I remember waving him off on one perspective and though remain confused some as to how he may have concluded that Federalism was devolving.]

President Barack Obama has problems of a mysticism mash — there has been a blurring of the realms and venues as specifically kept for spiritual sanctuary of jurisdictions however base civil or catholic.  The political economics of the Obama & Clinton shared “expert” “guidance” is as flawed in a related personals apropos as I have broached in THE KRUGMAN FALLACY at http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL — The “pop” politics as if a squared away economics has been set asunder by nature as much as any “structure” to be expected to be if and so built, however, on shifting sands. Every state of the confederate republic kept as conceived by the subscriptions under God by the Founding Fathers in that Year of their Lord now should be even of marches and “pop” parading to reestablish a state mysticism realm - even if by a proud and ordered National Guard mustering tuned out with a keying in the state legends by way of a state hymn or fight song.

To puff on the puffery of a “pop” keynoting by President Barack Obama one too can likely become addicted in nicks of time licked, however, into the wind more than of a better direction of riding with the winds of evolution and the markers of cultural integrations.  I personally do have masonry tools and have pointed in more than just thin air and believe I have been on the level and of an aplomb however permanent my artistic structuring was.  I have even used my masonry tools in Virginia and bought their from trade suppliers — I have no idea how or where I would though if in the Masonic Order would then or now yet rate of any if any degree myself above a double naught.  For me I have a kinship with “gate keepers” even maybe in a global mysticism way (at times - at rare times) for though I may write and sound as if an Irish American my personal double helix has markers maybe dominant of my French German one eight and so of it as of a French name that is purported to be translated as “keeper of the gate.”  This is of my dna of the blood line that is of my by 1971 asking my maternal grandfather then near mandatory retirement even after 25 last years running the consolidated Johnson & Johnson marketing and advertising account as it then was with him at Young & Rubicam.  He with his French name as of the Alsace Lorraine region seemed well named to be however an author of proactive and reactive copy for J&J as well as an Arthur necessarily considerate of other Arthurs.

To puff on the puffery of a “pop” keynoting by President Barack Obama one too should consider what is local - what is community - what is county set - what is state set - and then and only then if your beats pedestrian permit to be looking beyond in the more “cloudy” of a national or nationalized State or Nation composition.  Surely your own, or just your immediate neighbors legend in markers of deoxyribonucleic acids by double helix structuring has a measured and on the level composition at least as economical or copacetic as that being mashed mostly now by too many of the bands of Obama.  I have heard and/or read that God and/or the Devil can be found in the details.  I have also heard though maybe not read that a person should realize of a mysticism of humanity that every decision one person doesn’t make for themselves another person somewhere or somehow may then incidentally make for them, and even some or too much unconsciously and without sufficient or any composed consideration.

The music of the Obama & Clintons of their too political “economics” and it so as of their “experts” has been too much of ad venting in a devolutionary directional.  Their “pop” has crashed and for having been mashed instead say of offered metaphorically in a cultural otherwise as composed and presented as carefully measured and diced for that real buffet of evolutionary and marked culturals.  These have more been by their graying - their graying of prudent jurisdictionals of the purview and gates of community iconics - to a cacophany truly of discord in discordance.

Perchance to be for you and your realm of a robust reset in pedestrian localized community and even a not too lonely chorus of compatriots it is that the grayed of mysticism can be straightened out for a modern as symphonic and acceptable yet as such of the cultural traditions in the iconic of even Jesus as a born marker of scientific and helix’d evolution.  I hardly know what to say of what is known or unknown or how Saint Augustine may have known as well as Nicholas of Cusa or Dionysus the Areopagite how they and others needed to learn to not know what they knew - to unknow the known.  I in my paul - my humble and small philosophical - am behooved to a civil prudence that mysticism is for your musical tonnage of a cultured and necessary free will and that I know to not presuppose in my ignorance of the mystical of others yet which way or even Tao may flirt and float your notes - your notables.

Perchance to be for you and your realms of an evolutionary cultural however iconic with historical markers of others and/or earlier set beats you still haven’t blurred your common sense too far in the Nationalists marched heavy booted cacophany wafted for assimilation and obedience.  Perchance we just now need to protest enough for changes in music so that even details of greatness however threaded in times can burst out as God wills a “pop” however set - however set at least by a say gaggle of Homo sapiens yet differentiated and even in a discernible variation of a mysticism.

Perchance the details escaping the Obama & Clintons teams akin as “economic” “guidance” as if “experts” is that they just missed the music of their times, and while too much of wanting the times to bend to their beatings instead of being humble and synchronized as right for their times.  To dream the American Dream - perchance to dream again - mustn’t we quit the beating of a blind mice nationalism and key anew to local and pedestrian harmonics - however base and civil or enlightened and mystical?

Our music, whomever we be, should in general be sanctioned mostly in an accepted spiritual realm as of firstly doing no harm.  To be to and of the secured Union as to a people more People and perfect of a general Welfare the Tranquility and Posterity resonance seems of the keep of the humble and local.  When instead of these cacophanies national we have even fiddled competitions musical of individuals trying to shine in all their prescribed potential or yet arisen learned glory and of that of God lives on and on in the details long progressed with mightn’t we be restored and reset even to a growth economic and even a New Romantic Era?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:09 am

One thing we now near all should be able to agree on is that we have been heading in the wrong direction for at least the past five years.  Well, maybe what we can all agree on is that after near five years it is just odd the the car of the economy is still in the same ditch.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There must be something for consumption in all of this as Vice President Joseph Biden himself has been seen and heard of proclamations by adages that do backfire upon himself and his boss The President.  There must be something in it however much it also an adage of the ages that VP Biden has proclaimed that “you cannot fix something if you do not understand what caused it to be broken in the first place.” {paraphrasing - thought full enough though words variant}

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

With us all still so in the ditch it seems and #OnStar or #411 response could be of advice to ditch the Clintons and Obama and as they are huddled as in a gaggle of czars in solidarity yet poor performance.  It seems after five years we have to be ready to accept that the Clintons’ economic experts however the same lot of czarish for President Obama are the problem - not the solution.  It seems whomever the car belongs to it is that the “economics” of the Clintons’ economics experts were those driving via campaign routes and not accidentally at fault due to any highway hypnosis.  The facts are clear, it seems, that President Barack Obama used the very “economic experts” that the Clintons’ would have if the Clinton “two-fer” hadn’t been so easily defeated, and, it seems President Obama with such “team” of “czars” was necessarily to an “economics” so politicized by having a responsibility to try to keep all the same campaign promises that he made though while it may be that the Clintons’ had been first to broaching them publicly.

There is a case to be made that President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State should go down in history as one of the worst TOP Diplomats in all of the years of the Constituted United States of America.  It is like being to better understanding the Co-Presidency of the Clintons when one wraps their mind around just the possibility of this as a truth.  For their Presidency and her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton it behoove all to consider a review otherwise than yet encouraged as by a retrospective hindsight considerate that for what they had to work with it can be that they did much in the 90s and while of collusion, as it seems global, with State & CGI they squandered too much.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton of CGI can be tagged and mashed as a worst Secretary of State much because for what she had to work with she basically squandered a new record amount of the possible.

I/we should get to later an informed review and judging of much of all that is Mrs. Clinton of CGI and 2016 teasing.  I/we should prepare ourselves for a possible truth that the said global fix needed after the foreign relations of the administering of the Presidency of George W. Bush now long hyped as if the “American” “reputation” abroad had been ruined is a mirage of falsity and in propaganda.  It seems that those that had stopped liking America under the years between a Clinton as an Executive Branch head may be categorically really a lot of states that we better to have been years longer of a working tough love “diplomacy.”  It may be that we will discover that a majority of those that complained about America were disappointed dictators and tyrants and/or of a socialism set.  It seems with the Democrat run economy still stuck in the same ditch as from their campaign route & “expert” driving we have to wise up to it that the said “glory” of “Hillary” for the “American” “reputation” hasn’t been good economically for anyone - it seems the science should confirm that those we are now closer to and better “friends” globally are a lot of a State calculus as variables which could better have been exponential if the FREEDOM AGENDA S.O.P. of by “tough love” had stayed the course.

The new frontier now is a variation of the old new world order new problema prolegomena about a Socialism vs. Capitalism federalism conundrum.  It seems that President Obama is out and Mayor Bill de Blasio is in.  Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio is inheriting a city that had to be fixed before President George H. W. Bush could advance a due prosecution on Saddam Hussein with a rap to the Persian Gulf War by a taking of Baghdad.  Basically the USA would have been trapped and likely globally ambushed by a more informed public relations army of Saddam and Islam sympathetics if it had, however, with the grand coalition, been to moving on to Baghdad before it first moved to set a better “possible” and “potential” example in #UrbanMorals by way of prefacing a prosecution of Saddam Hussein firstly with a saving of Time Square & the Greater New York City Metropolitan as well as Las Vegas.

You have found my blogs.  But yet have you realized that such is what I was saying whence with what authority I could muster before it was that maybe the USA & coalition had moved beyond a point of return and into what may have been a turning of tides in Saddam Hussein’s favor by way of a trap set for a global ambush meant to flush out so much that was then a real concern of American ignorance and overconfidence?  But yet have you considered that so much of what I did that the Clintons so benefited from was of my dedicated focus, however a hobby but towards an international success in at least marketing skills eventually, and firstly figured some to protect people from the thinking of the Clintons that I knew and yet more firstly as an honoring and progressing from President Ronald Reagan and strategically so that it was meant to then be to such working as it was for the Clintons but as developed and strategized intentionally but as for a second term for President George H. W. Bush?  Right!  The Clintons have benefited too much and now obviously unknowingly or too much of a corruption from what I figured for decades and work at effecting actually to be more as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and so as a wonderment as possible yet though for a second term for President Bush.

To escape from the ranks and bondage of the Obama Democrat long arms of Socialism and their years too much of a economic killing nationalism marketing Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio may have to explain that he can stand separate and even more equal and some for a simple political truth that President Obama is basically bankrupt - out of money.  To be an #UrbanMoralist under President Obama, however, Mayor de Blasio should be coincidentally charged in a responsibility to demonstrate how much and how well his five boroughs can and will stand alone and of the “green minimalism” as a new “poverty level” propaganda of a #ClimateChange localism.  It is a poignant variable for such political calculus of the urban the new frontier and anew so of the old of the federalism debates;  it is poignant that per Obamacare aka The Affordable Care Act that if New York City cannot afford to fully cover all of its county basis than it must be concluded that it can figure that then Obama’s healthcare reforms are of a design and methodology that can not be afford nationally.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There is such a thing as #MoralCapitalism.  In the markets of the economics of the capitalism about The United States of America there is that there is set a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion and that for commerce to be sanctionable it must be some of adherence to an established morality separate from the State.

No REALLY there is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton was so bad a Secretary of State that it is comparable in a political history heft as if Thomas Jefferson had not made the Louisiana purchase.  She squandered a rare opportunity in the history of mankind to take a first step herself with the incredible potential in tough love furtherance that was developed by (but not intentionally with?) the Bush Administration’s FREEDOM AGENDA global standard operating procedures.

But to get to Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as the actual “WORST SECRETARY IN US HISTORY” it is considerable in its complexity that first we have to look at her days as First Lady Mrs. Clinton in the Co-Presidency of the Clintons some for her “guidance” but more to rule out that Secretary Warren Christopher and/or Secretary Madeleine Albright were not indeed worser at such job.

For first consideration it behoove us all so oddly still entrenched in the ditch of the trenchant “Clinton economic experts” of the Obama economic team, however too czarish, to refresh and reset our discourse political as New York city and other urban realms stir as a new frontier so that too we are wised up to a reality that as inherited by the Co-Presidency of the Clintons by the hard and long trying work of Presidents Reagan and Bush it is that the United States could have and should have been to a full prosecution of the United Nations sanctions on Iraq and an already overdue prosecution of Saddam Hussein within that which was the Clintons’ first term, however it would better have been the second term of President Bush.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

There is the question of “permanence”!  There is the Constitutional prepositions for and against permanence!

Some stories just come out as if they were meant to be of a magic of a tingle down Chris Matthew’s leg(s) - some times a story just is about how the story writes itself in a prophylactic preparatory.

When I moved to Washington DC in 1998 there was no Department of Homeland Security across the street from American University.  When I moved out of “The Beltway” as 2008 elections were of their 2007 stirrings it did exist and I had been incidentally to explaining to Ivan Vujacic, the then Ambassador to the United States of America from Serbia , during an accidental meeting at an American Enterprise Institute event how Senator Hillary Clinton should not and would not win the 2008 elections.  What was most odd to the Ambassador at first was that my opinion ran counter to what he said he was hearing from “top Republicans” that he should like “prepare for Hillary Clinton to be the next President.” 

2008 was of election cycles where the Republicans seemed defeated and just campaign puppets for the Democrats to play with from the start.  For me though it was as it was that I was able to explain a defeat logically to the Serbian Ambassador;  for me it was that I knew that the Clintons did not have the integrated marketing concept or rights to that of the nineties that was still making them appear to be better - far better - than they ever really were. 

2006 was of a politics of Iraq and a surge debate that had me behind the MIRROR cover for TIME Person of Year cover as a recommendation in lieu of a YES to TIME for query to a picture of me as “uc” for such cover.  I was very publicly blogging with commentary in 2006 for the IRAQ surge and then in defense of it and as it was many times directly it seems in a contrary and superior logic to that of Chris Matthews.  2006 was my first year of internet “blogging” and was mostly exclusively on the media watchdog site http://newsbusters.org — by 2007 I was better known and as J.P. Hogan for blogged commentary mostly across the treads of http://politico.com.  I have been my “more a Citizen Rosebud than a Citizen Kane since 1983 - at least.

For decades I have fought a Holy Cross group think that may only partly explain Chris Matthews - I exist beyond a metaphysics with many of The Crusaders as kin.  I’ve been of years of helping Democrats and Republicans by fixing and/or moderating what I saw as flaws in what was identifiable as of a group think of Holy Cross College and maybe prepared so myself beyond my self learning gains as by my Augustinian, not Jesuit, Villanova University BA.  I have a BA in Economics and the credits for a minor in philosophy that is of my “undeclared minor” in Philosophy for I took them to such but without informing the Philosophy Department of my intent or motives for minoring in Philosophy.

But this is supposed to be a prophylactic satire on a scheduled lap dance at American University - at least metaphorically speaking.

Right the Clintons successes where they were and if they actually lasted may much be of my shared story of them of using my guidance of the 1992 primary problematic years.  They were not of authorization to use such so as they much did from me after their unexpected election in 1992 — I say such much because had they asked for permission for a proper use I would have said no and in an expressed spirit of that I wouldn’t even use them to govern as they had been workable yet for campaigning.  The Clintons are known by me for making a mess of a whole lot and some to much to me knowing such just because they proceeded to use without permission that they should have asked permission for and so in the ways that I as an architect about them never meant or was for guidance in further use there of.

So it seems that it must be more akin to a LAP DANCE scheduled between “HARDBALL” host Chris Matthews as the stage is being set politically with teasing as if a grand SLOW PITCH SOFT BALL SOFTBALL “HARDBALL” the “journalism” to be pressed.

American co-eds when I graduated from Villanova University in 1987 after having grown up in a prime Yale University & New Haven Professionals neighborhood with Yale Professors in Economics my neighbors and ‘rents of my peers I did not yet figure that one would later become a first client and then become a twenty year reigned President of Yale.  I did while at Villanova know Pat McPherson the President of Bryn Mawr as a family friend through her father.  But I regress to share as it seems timely to refresh that I do post and update at times with some that were college papers I wrote whence that have been relevant now during much of these trying times, and as I did also graduate with 12 credits in Modern Standard Arabic and a politic science elective that taught me “there is no such thing as permanent enemies or friends - just permanent interests” & another that was full of content related to course title as about the United Nations and International Organizations.  Yes, my BA so amassed at Villanova though with hardly a chapel or church visit or physical participation too with me of one course in computer programing in Pascal.

The sad truth is that I while using other more self taught disciplines in my years of self employment did as a successful and engaged hobby maintain an ambition of my Villanova Economics BA towards at least and existential or metaphysical better earthly realm for a philosophical in an integrated marketing mine to widely/broadly facilitate hopes and thought to and for economic recovery and record low unemployment.  From my knowing of the Clintons personally since early 1970s when they were still in the neighborhood as Yale Law students I have been keenly aware of how they have gotten credit for much that since they haven’t been able to repeat while of yet being again of using as much “governance” energy as they thought the past good times had taken to be.

But this is about the concern and dangers of what may be conceived tomorrow between Chris Matthews and President Barack Hussein Obama at the venue of American University.  This is about bad seeds maybe but as timely now of it more of dangers of bad and flawed logic much too of the flaws in reasoning and marketing of the THE KRUGMAN FALLACY @ http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  The shared “politics” of HARDBALL’s  Chris Matthews and President Barack Obama are of the economic mess, and of it as that their NEW NATIONALISM is so also of the new deal austerity mashed GREEN to a green minimalism mantra; they share in how it was of a predictable to the said near depression recession.  The economy actually was poised to recover and take off in 2008 & 2009 otherwise if “nationalism” was not encourage and if Congress would have moved to restore consumer confidence by seriously affecting bank reforms.

All are welcome at my still free to read e-sampler of JPHogan.org > http://jphogan.org!  There there are many pieces that explain the politics and economic history that can be a prophylactic to what is being teased as “journalism” worthy tomorrow between expectantly seated HARDBALL Chris Matthews and rightfully embattled President Barack Hussein Obama at American University.  There there are also some poems some original rap and some odic renditions as of a lyrical tradition as poetry or song as meant to be sung or at least read aloud with attitude and pace. 

The THE RICE SISTERS is one at JPHogan.org that is meant to be sung. 

As to the complexity of my integration of my (hobby) of marketings what the Clintons and most others cannot be is me whom synthesized local New Haven new world order pro-active writing for “jounalism” and the politics of city and state with a global post Persian Gulf balance while as well moderating original concerns related to Stanley Tools for new handsaw evolution revolution; Snowboard and half-pipe pathology of origins from a high school brainstorming with a sledding pal; LIFE IS GOOD take off after VU classmate Bert Jacobs & I met at our fifth reunion and he told me he and his brother after three years were ready to give up; and even much the major changes that fit with even just these few as was of the IBM saving.  I could list shows that can be said to have been conceived and anchored in the spirit of all this as of my mused from a far maybe golden touch - I’ve already filled in/out too much for today - for here.

The “permanence” tease is of the Constitutional abuse of power purview due about President Obama and Obamacare.  A First Amendment challenge can be yet about a legality and Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act as it was passed only as a Law and not yet as even an Amendment or a Right of the Constitution but as a tax while taxing is basically specifically only expected to be non-permanent and not Constitutionally, it seems, to be a allowable basis for such a permanence in new social welfare centralized socialistic entitlements as an establishment for eternity.

To read the First Amendment and get to the use of “establishment” and “respecting” as just specified as a bar to Congress per Religion should have any student of America at least to firstly wondering like:  Ok, why did they use “establishment” - why does “establishment” sound so familiar - Oh my! Why is “establish” in the preamble with “ordain” and so that the founders writ it permanent as greater than a Law of Congress so by their unanimity in subscriptions under God by signage so eternal as might endure so of it keyed for legend in “the Year of our Lord” and with “our” not also or otherwise capitalized? 

To read the First Amendment and its quite unusual grammar and capitalizing there is also that the word “respecting” is odd unless there is firstly the body of the Constitution as set as an establishment in the New Testament by way of subscriptions in unanimity under God by rooting in the Christian calendar.  It seems it is playful and instructive and to how Obamacare aka ACA has a First Amendment violation that is coming to a head - politically.  I do not know prematurely what will be beyond teased at American University this Thursday in December 2013 but I do wonder why “respecting” is used if not to affirm the above of the body of the Constitution as writ larger than a mere Law by Congress as a Constitution of the People and to demonstrate the spectacle of the body by an amendment barring Congress supposedly from the very type of governance being more than tease by a too “post-Constitutional” advocate as President, President Barack Hussein Obama.

It seems to reason out and be pre-figured and secured that if just as “It’s a Tax” then Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act is not to be considered by The Supreme Court of The United States of America as of an established right to permanence.  If you also have not refreshed your American history even by Jon Meacham’s THOMAS JEFFERSON - ART OF POWER than you may still be missing the folds of history as of he that penned the Declaration of Independence was of duties to new nation with stationing in France at the time of the Founding Fathers’ penning of the body of the Constitution for a greater than mere Law of Congress eternity if it could endure. 

The First Amendment is a wonder to be sorted some to much by the spring calendars of our governance;  It seems to have been requested by a returned Thomas Jefferson as part of a Bill of Rights and yet it seems to have been cleverly written to yet affirm much of what Thomas Jefferson so more of his deism and “Age of Reason” preponderance found offensive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:55 am

President William Jefferson Clinton is now, for Posterity, due a polity of comity, and, he is for a general Welfare now but a dog that does not hunt.  It is of our modern interpretive of Tranquility that we of People of the subscriptions in more perfect Union under the God of the Founders by their ordaining and establishing whence thence in such Year of their Lord are faced with it a difficult prolegomena as President Clinton now for Justice is much a turkey still to be plucked.  To now anew secure the Blessings of Liberty of the promise and consecrated of the Constitution for the United States of America in Order and about the modern conundrums we need to preserve and protect a free press.

It seems as we all are sandaled by Saint Francis Assisi some by callings to joint missionary by way of Peter and the new Pope Francis we should be thankful for so much of President Ronald Reagan that has long been mislabeled as of a Clintonian while so as that of late Reagan Revolution evolutions more realistically and of the real Reagan who couldn’t have been Reagan without Pope John Paul II.  There is a large Catholic global family at play and a greater Christianity of the establishment by the Founders of the body of the Constitution so of the New Testament and by their unanimity so signers under God so metered by the Christian calendar.

To beat the New Nationalism New Deal Austerity socializing centralizing over-riding of community and parish this started Christmas season we can just by Wikipedia learn of whom it was that arranged a first Christmas nativity scene, and be to a preponderance for Christianity and faith by ways of philosophizing if of the garbled so robed long marbled of Saint Augustine.  By the establishment of Christianity secured by the Founding Fathers of the still enduring United States of America in the body of the Constitution and as well by the First Amendment as so set in affirmation that Congress by law making alone was prohibited from messing with their “establishment” “respecting” “religion” so constituted by the Articles - by the body of that writ large and most permanent.

We may be perchance to dream it a kept American Dream ours since our founding at least now until the Supreme Court of The United States springs however eternal so as now the clocks and calendars are counting anew to days of renewal and even renaissance of rituals and community at least around cherry blossoms.  Our SCOTUS has complied with a will of the People sufficient so far for a recognition of concerns of “under God.”  Our SCOTUS is though by spring of 2014 is put upon by their own recorded jurisprudence and towards a parsing of “GOD” and “religion” as per “Obamacare” and so it seems if citizens are now more just “subjects.”

It is that our SCOTUS has undermined already the decisions of its nine of the “It’s a TAX” escape from “penalty” by assertions quite of a keeping of war powers executive logic — By the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings and the expressions of Constitutionality as of the states not the Federal Government on matters of religion and religious freedom the Court did undermine its specific ruling of the original challenges to the Affordable Care Act.  We should be wondering about these turkeys still to be plucked and cleaned sufficiently for the eyes and weighs of Justice — We should be wondering if what will be before the Supreme Court by spring isn’t quite a different turkey or dog in a practiced reality as regulatory maturation renders and renders more and more the “Obamacare” body legal as yet consecrated other than as judged whence as if conceived.

This is about the blah here to fore and the blah yet to be as still a blah for polity and comity of our future - even our Christmases o’ future.  If New York City of its five boroughs cannot afford to cover its own fully at least as of the “adequate” “minimums” set by “Obamacare” by “Romneycare” than it figures that an “affordable” nationalized healthcare system is really just a utopian dream of a cave of ignorance beset by Plato as of an earlier Republic.

We are approaching the first days of a possible hurrah mashable for a New York City of this some yet preserved of the spirit of Jeffersonian democratic republican age of reason settings.  Whence Mayor Bill de Blasio it may be that his first days will be all hurrah and yet set as a first hurrah written in time as well as his last hurrah.  The personality presidency of the too socialistic President Barack Hussein Obama is likely to start dogging the mayordom from day one and as well as the turkey or dog of President William Jefferson Clinton haunts still as unkempt in a hashable wildcard polity of about as much comity as an elephant loose in a china shop.

For a hurrah of his first days to be not his last Mayoral HURRAH it may be that Mayor Bill de Blasio should walk his gumshoes away from a corraling for a synchronicity in protecting and serving such as it may be if to be of a sheparding by William Bratton.  Brat based policing may be the way away from the ways of “stop and frisk” by racial profiling yet the moment and era of Bratton as for brat based policing may already be too rigid of a rigor to already chiseled in stone - to marbled as chipped and etched.

I have known William Bratton since at least 1988 - I am not writing here not to disparage or diminish his past or future potential.  The promise of the “bills” “blah” sharing of a “de Blasio” or otherwise “Blasio” for whichever to be the new Mayor’s political comity base note civic harmonics seems yet at this early consideration to be a complication poetic to a discordance to what has been of the Tranquility proffered long by Bratton lead more brat based policing - where ever.

I write as one, who since I started writing to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution, and with the ambition for protecting and serving of William Bratton in mind, in the early 90s, is no longer of a place, or in a place, to be writing proactively or retroactively in a restorative to have a renaissance for the old dramatic predictive synchronicity that I long volunteered in unsolicited routings of musing forward to developmental for a brat based policing evolution.  I write as one who know the turkey of the dog of President William Jefferson Clinton as I still am writing as he that wrote as a Rosebud motivated architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90’s recovery.

Locally speaking and irregardless of any complication from the “global” of the Obama presidency it seems that Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio, if able to be other than just a lowly soldier of Democrat Party ranks, is postulating a polity of tag lines to moderate his unions in community of a spirit of “blah” in “bills” and an economic lack of parity.  These have been years of trying times for many and such that fresh popular stirrings are rightly set afoot in urban & county wide realms — these have been years of down depressed and suppressed economic times much if not exclusively of a causal that was avoidable as of and by the hands or just minds of those of the tag “leaders.”

When Mayor Bill de Blasio will be in an odd and likely tough philosophical spot of an inherited from the “top” polity that should render any establishment his own to a local Franciscan missionary post crusading comity both insurgent and rogue, and, as Mayor Bill de Blasio thence likely writ as a poetic paradigm of an impossible.  De Blasio should find it difficult to govern for growth as a champion of the blahs of bills and what ever lack of economic parity as the “popular” is checked to check mated by the reality that Democrats caused much of the economic woes to such years of “blah” and so that the conditions he is to inherit are corrupted from the distant “top” of the broad reaching new nationalism of the new deal austerity of the administering by President Barack H. Obama.

The conundrums of the post crusading feminist imperialistic FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton may resemble out of time and place the era of Saint Francis of Assisi and so that it may be prudent and safe to consider that Pope Francis is a man of his times, locally and globally, as anew of us in times due a closing of crusades.  There should be no argument that many of our suffraged sufferings long shared have been as up and from the crusading by Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, but rather however as secured in her inciting and quite incendiary global trotting as a Crusader of her own “religiousity” in “femininity” and imperialism firstly as Mrs. Clinton - the First Lady of The United States of America.  She has a legacy about her enough to derail prudence in politic and comity where ever and however of a local polity to politics.

It seems in some ways that we should be preserving the secured intents of the Founding Fathers of their establishment of the body US in Christianity by their unanimity under God subscribed whence in the calendar of the New Testament as an ordaining respecting religion.  It seems in some ways that a Pope Francis now is a promise that the Crusading of and by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however tagged, is to be historical of and for her complicated and compromised history as a crusading imperialistic First Lady Clinton.

What can possibly now be a beat for the Big Apple - how can a growth beat yet be restored now if so of so many still quite stuck under the economic suppressions so long so greatly depressing of that which will be the inheritance of its new Mayor so as from the visible hands of those most at fault as of Washington and the tag “leaders”?  The blahs of the bills for those New Yorkers now stirred of and for the rising together around a circling of wagons of “de Blasio” is so much now of a difficult till akin to being past a first hurrah and a first freeze.

The spring thawing seems set to years more of many globally and locally stuck under the political economic suppressions of the remarkably distant “leaders” of the administering by ways of ranks under the “top” as “leader” President Barack Hussein Obama.  It may be that the Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative purview are now equally beside each other both as political dogs that do not hunt and quite as the turkeys left for a popular gutting when whence we all are so lately to plucking them firstly clean.

These may be times akin for Saint Augustine more than Jesuits yet considerable as a Jesuit new Pope set so as a Jesuit no longer is sandaled more it seems to be at least a post-Clinton Crusaders fixer as one more a new Saint Francis of Assisi. As Jefferson had his age of reason holy trinity in Bacon, Locke & Sir Isaac Newton (As Meacham by ART OF POWER illuminates) now whence Mayor he as Mayor Bill de Blasio may have Pope Francis quite a partner as President Ronald Reagan had Pope John Paul II.

It does seem possible if not probable in an apriori predictive that Mayor Bill de Blasio too must be a post-Clinton Crusades political “leader” and somehow however yet rogue to his party and more as if of a secure bastion of insurgents.  Before it becomes that the new Mayor has his HURRAH as his first and his last together it is essential that all become wiser in an intellectual honest if yet possible forward to the historical and political of the numbers and science still quite insufficient by approachable that affirm it isn’t a mystery or mystical that the existentialisms now long of the suffraged suffering are discernible yet as by visible hands - and too for all to see however POTUS’D & FLOTUS’D as the wrought of Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton dangerously yet of continuing at politics by ways of their “two-fer”‘d global initiatives.

How shackled is the Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio now — Will Mayor de Blasio be evermore yet more shackled and arrested by corruptions political and economic by those of the “top” of the ranks and ordered under the politics of President Obama and the still rivaling Clintons?  How can a Democrat however a Mayor be free to do the right thing now when all now seem served the blahs by the politics of the too distant “leaders” now long too much too much so of a grand centralizing?  If he cannot be one who actually makes it (work) whom yet can be one whom can be said to have made anything of it much as it be a first and/or last HURRAH?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:16 am

How she wasn’t for the garden, the solar @ home, the kitchen, & stitches in time is much the humble pie of these humbled Thanksgivings.

Beware a missing Puritanical marbling in you marbled cakes.  From whence they came arose did whole-istic so Oliver Cromwell and a odd fellow divider Rene Descartes rise.  Of the still living and passed First Ladies of The United States of America 2013 should be the most trying re-ordeal social mashable for Mrs. Clinton.  Benghazi is far beyond a simple humble pie now for any and/or Mrs. Clinton.

We have bared witness these past weeks to honors for past Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy; we have had a reconsecration of a 150th of the Gettysburg Address and a solemn soulful expounding of the 50th of the tragedy of President Kennedy’s last living day.  President Richard Nixon was firstly of the 80th Congress and so ever present while it so concerned with term limiting the Executive and in many ways to prohibit another President Roosevelt.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is a hemmed and hawed buttered and stewed roughly booted Foggy’d Bottom of a political figure.  It hasn’t been churned enough how she as “management” her yarns have unfurled as poorly figure’d and concocted.  There is too much of her “ingredients” of feminism still set out and passed of her as Mrs. Clinton however of a “feminism” haltered and bridaled yet so bunched up and clumpy as an unmixed and never synthesized whole.  For FLOTUS Clinton her “feminism” is a sunken souffle at best — in reality it is a pile of unused yet parsed divided bits on her carts served as together while kept separate for her spousal’d “two-fer” Descartean political defensiveness.

The tragedy of the Kennedys is also of John F. Kennedy Jr. who may have been too great of a Catholic morality on the night he died and not alone.  He may have been goofing before night flight certified and dropped like a cued brick of his eyes wide shut.  It may be more on FLOTUS Clinton for the wayward ways of JFK Jr. — as First Ladies go Mrs. Clinton may have killed JFK Jr.  The night was set for controversy though anticipatory for Rory Kennedy and the gathering family for it was expanding through marriage - through a love story of Rory’s.  The night was set for controversy about publisher of GEORGE magazine so of John F. Kennedy Jr. and how such was intermingled with a too great moral laxity of Kubrick and the Cruise - Kidman EYES WIDE SHUT.  The night of fall of JFK Jr. and his familiar trusted passengers of their night flight some so of near Gay Head was the night of the rise of the Kubrick EYES WIDE SHUT.  I don’t know how these two can relate as per the tragedy of a Kennedy gathering set to be of hope and marriage.  It was under the “mothering” of FLOTUS Clinton that prudence and morality was stirred as it was said to be art and still acting for a husband and wife to be in EYES WIDE SHUT as teased of being husband and wife porn.

In the expectations of a FLOTUS or a POTUS as a woman there is still a duty to be hard and soft but definitely “white” in a “morality” to bring out the brightness of The White House.  I remember being most strategically and politically annoyed with all the liberal teasing for EYES WIDE SHUT as one whom still cannot serve up an “art” of “acting” for such as it was being sold and opened so controversially and dominantly until the new Kennedy tragedy took center stage.  I have yet to want to or end up seeing EYES WIDE SHUT by Kubrick, Cruise, & Kidman and still since JFK Jr. and company seemingly dropped from heights as if a brick accidentally or by goofing of and eyes wide shut. The year was more recent than 50 passed - it was 1999 - First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was supposedly the feminine better half and moral anchor of the liberal and/or Democrat family large.

I only know how EYES WIDE SHUT was being teased.  I was receptive to it being interpreted more as a new immoral social mores for the Clintons’ America - of the FLOTUS’D “universal” - as started too much in a partisan with Madonna as George on GEORGE - maybe.  These were the years the Middle East was saying America was of infidels — time has established it was FLOTUS’D Clintons’ harvests of an American Infidelity and of her POTUS’D as an infidel as per such very much to the Constitution. {Ok that was funny.  I just to check started a search “Madonna on…”}  It was American infidel-ism of the FLOTUS’ & POTUS’D blessed Kubrick EYES WIDE SHUT and part of the evidence against Mrs. Clinton of the serving trying cornucopia of this Thanksgiving another year to doubt being thankful for Mrs. C. — It is of our trying struggles served now in the spirit of her not of a wisdom of the garden, a solar house, the kitchen, and being true of stitches in time.

She helped steward a quite un-American revolution to a hyper-pop-entertainment-monarchistic autocratic new world order and by using as pawns maybe the though un-impeachable “American” of John F. Kennedy Jr.  The FLOTUS’D & POTUS’D Clinton have been not yet guarded well enough against.  The Clinton Presidency is best to be served as having been of an infidelity to America as “American” of the actual Constitution — they still need the People to bend with their need to be of a post-Constitutional world so that their extra-Constitutional ways stay save and secured from prosecution.

There is still a fallen 4th estate, however also of esquired squiredom, entrenched and trenchant as compromised into collusion with the Clintons revolutionary corruptions as a smitten and softly over coddled FLOTUS’D Clinton seduced media.  The Clintons are still trying to become effectively the global autocrats apparently to too few of their original sinning since Yale Law school of plots to get around or over the 22nd Amendment of Richard Nixon’s 80th Congress.

This Thanksgiving the original story is better set and celebrated in its originality however such also of the times of Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes than at all served but of “humble pie” in still humbled times in anything pro-Clintonian.  FLOTUS’D Clinton did render POTUS’D Barack Hussein Obama an unhappy lark of lard more than pork. FLOTUS’D Michelle Obama may have little reason to give thanks for SECRETARIALIZED FLOTUS’D Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

FLOTUS’D Obama did throw here better half support behind a reckless and unnecessary trillion in surpluses of cuts that removed the very pipe line spending from being there years later when needed for the risky loan pimp’n of POTUS’D Clinton - FLOTUS’D Clinton did not serve well as “Bill’s” “better half” - “Bill” may be the better half or separated whole of the Clinton “two-fer.”  Even FLOTUS’D Clinton “feminist” “cooking” is still a mix of separated and unsynthesized parts that have to be mashed for her revolution to progress or conclude.  It seems “Hillary” needs her “recipe” to be just a “recipe” for her to present well and to keep it even from others from trying to be of a real consecration for public and/or private consumption.  Feminists, however, have stopped short of finishing their revolution and for unfair political practicalities inconvenient maybe if otherwise.

RIP John F. Kennedy Jr. and your trusted also fallen airborne familial keeps - it may be that you were just goofing and unprepared, and, yet it was FLOTUS’D Clinton whom can be said of the boson that led you stray too far.  These still may be years we are better to be “governed” by only a free press or the first 100 people in the Boston phone book than by a rile’d and spoiled POTUS’D Obama fraught long and long compromised by the FLOTUS’D Clinton.

How she wasn’t for the garden, the solar @ home, the kitchen, & stitches in time is much the humble pie of these humbled Thanksgivings?  Again? 

Times of these of the humbled Thanksgivings of the years of attempts to keep the promises of candidates Clinton & Obama of the 2007& 2008 servings leave too many again anew of humble pie best it seems at least served firstly to FLOTUS’D Clinton and then only maybe secondly to POTUS’D Obama.  It seems President Barack Hussein Obama was trapped by the Clintons and their too clever carting in a covert Descartean Cromwellian.  It seems President Barack Hussein Obama may have been forced to make all the campaign promises that his peer Senator the FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton had and then as well trapped into these years of trying to make contradictory and contrary programs work at all and work together while of a natural economy to be set to be in opposition and counter productive to a harvest good of either.

The lacking cornucopia of the FLOTUS’D Obama is much for the spoiled and ruined fields and field work of Mrs. C.

You and I may still too much be the “turkey” this new FLOTUS’D & POTUS’D Obama Thanksgiving - if we do not yet account for it that President Barack Hussein Obama has trapped us all in how he seemed caught and plucked by Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of CGI  then next year too may just be more of same humble pie of humbled days rolled out by the Clintons’ economic “experts” under POTUS’D Obama.

Until President Barack Hussein Obama or Mrs. FLOTUS’D Obama scour the global media and scrub away any remaining lard or vestiges of the once substantial subverted 4th estate of the colluded to a hyper-pop-entertainment new revolutionary “governance” to again be superior as the first 100 of the Boston phone book.  The attempt to bring the Constitution to a trash heap of history so that a few elite esquired (lawyers/lawyered) could consecrate and affirm a new “media” model disrepective of Federalism and Prudence is still a real and present threat to the Constituted in democratic republican Jeffersonian independent ways.

By the Clintons harvest was supposed to come a new infidel “American” of President William Jefferson Clinton’s (at least) infidelity to the Constitution.  It may be we have all been saved as a nation from being THE AMERICAN INFIDEL but only if and when we realize that the Clintons are at least still busy trying to hide how at least “Bill” was of a governance and a presidency as an American infidel.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all - irrespective of which side of our tables you now prefer or by happenstance find yourself on.  It is that Obamacare is served and served also as “not ready.”  It is that Obamacare is served and yet little “cool” as it is more a tool for a new “governance” of a post-Constitutional hyper-pop-entertainment borderless Hamiltonian autocrat monarchisms. 

The fight of Obamacare is a fight to keep this from being a tool in the shed of the anti-Constitutionalists and so that too many become mere pawns or socialist subjects anew that would wrongly blur the country well beyond 50 shades of gray - a blob of blobs of tasteless whatevers.

One is not a “crazy uncle” of a Thanksgiving however unread of 50 SHADES OF GRAY to explain a historical and dramatic in “ART” and “tragedy” if of talk of the silver screen as no place for a husband and wife to team up actually for bedroom scenes teased as if to be actually porn.  “Acting” has to be less of “foggy bottoms” and of some unimpeachable lines at least so that there still a word mores even if not pure as Puritanical of a return to what the Bible specifically says.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down?  It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right?  To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.

What are journalists now to do?  To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama.  The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty.  He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.

What are journalists now to do?  To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration?  Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama?  Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary?  The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home.  Right!  We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).

A Hillary Clinton expectant line:  “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”

Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama?  Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America?  Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?

A Hillary Clinton political ad starter:  You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …

The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader.  It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama.  Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?

The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you?  Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama?  Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking?   Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?

There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton.  It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton.  It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President.  There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.

Right!  That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him.  President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily.  Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling.  Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.

What is she thinking?  Really you all:  What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.

It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. 

Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush.  Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye;  Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest.  It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.”  It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.  It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.

There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.

President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems;  President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”

What are journalists now to do?  It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11.  It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts.  Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America.  Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics.  President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.

What are journalists now to do?  Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?

What are journalists now to do?  Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior? 

What are journalists now to do?  What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads?  I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?

It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.”  She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix;  She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World.  It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics.  It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths.  It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance. 

It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated.  Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom?  Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?

It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001. 

It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush. 

Really, this is crazy.  Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:03 am

Some how Speaker John Boehner has made the Virginia Governors race much ado about Elizabeth Taylor.  It seems he has established that in 2013 the Republicans are a Party less sexually uptight - less frustrated.  Speaker Boehner is standing tall as if the nation’s stout barkeep of a DC based BULL & FINCH tweaking, stirring and/or shaking.

It seems reported as of November 1st, 2013 that candidate Terry McAuliffe is paying near 25x the price for Virginia Lover voters than what seems yet liberating and “market” fair with teh offering of candidate Ken Cuccinelli.  But this is more about today as All Saints Day and to be of a feminist ideal comparative.

We can set the stage today recognizing that Speaker John Boehner has pinned up Elizabeth Taylor in good CHEER and as of these days where it seems the Republicans are a party of people less sexually frustrated and likewise its seems more “liberated” sexually.  Viewers of Fox News Channel five o’clock hour The FIVE are likely those already most hip to these days so politically stirred and with it more Republicans liberated in loose but socially acceptable speech.  It seems the Republicans are more “loose” as in relaxed and wholesome in a sexual “liberated” and considerate that in comparison the Democrats seem quite uptight and frustrated.

It isn’t I to prove the hypothesis about a feminist ideal as per Democrat Party politics and example.  For a theory to come from a hypothesis likewise Democrats will have to answer to an “objective” and “scientific” how say former Speaker Nancy Pelosi is better or worse than Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Again, viewers of the Fox News Channel five o’clock show The FIVE are already likely hip to a eased lexicon in Republican social dialogue and Party political discourse.  It seems confirming that a new romantic era has begun at least within those ranks more Republican.  It seems there is a more relaxed and socially stimulating and rewarding language now in apparent in a more easily speaking right of center politics. 

To get to the bottom of this to a proving of a comparative hypothesis it may behoove any to start with a consideration quite dramatic (in an anticlimactic?) that such if so likely means as well conclusively that Democrat women are now at least during 2013 of having faked more climax moments and while as of summations been possibly of fewer however heated engagements.  I don’t know how or why this may be a faith and community based problema in a hypothetical or yet theoretical proofed.

Former Speaker of The House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, this All Saints Day, is to be a politically sensitive but necessary person to opening discern and discuss in both a pro and con considerate.  There is a time sensitive nature to this headlining or spotlighting for her as today is a day that still has Obamacare debatable — in just a few days it may be preposterous to discuss a NANCY vs. HILLARY 2016 engagement political — in just a few days it may be quite preposterous to suggest Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as having President Barack H. Obama & Obamacare coattails to shuffle a waggle about to a President Nancy Pelosi - to “America’s First Female President Nancy Pelosi” - to “America’s First Female & Catholic Female President Nancy Pelosi.”

There is an easy and entertaining socially acceptable like new romantic era Republican guttural liberated speak now to be considered and acknowledged.  It may be some how down to earth Speaker John Boehner of Ohio is and as from such a large family and the old familiar bar keeping business;  it may otherwise be as exposed by Fox News Channel in the five o’clock spot with the personalities and characters of such Republicans that such a renaissance in easy speech as if Republicans more of a new romantic era and so more relaxed and satisfied in a new guttural suggesting them more “liberated” for now.

Yes, it seemed reported this morning by a MSNBC show that Terry McAuliffe is now at spending near twenty five times as much for Virginia lovers/voters.  But today we still have reason to discuss how it seems Minority Leader Pelosi must have something to hide or for some reason, this All Saints Day, too much Catholic guilt if she is not herself to entering the 2016 Presidential race and to so be of offering a vigorous primary challenge to the Clintons’ Political Machinery.  It is a question of feminist ideals - for feminists and feminism;  it is a serious political concern that a former Speaker with Obamacare as yet said a success and a Party’s President’s coattails expectantly her’s to grab if not now to being herself to a run at the Presidency likely must be uptight and frustrated about something very concerning and so that it should figure that she shouldn’t be trusted if she doesn’t think she should run for higher office.

I have to leave it to women regardless of their party and politics now to spread out the issues that should be at least discussed to a full “objective” and “scientific” settling of pros and cons ranking now as if a NANCY vs. HILLARY was real and to be a most expected evolution for the Democrat Party.

If you missed how Speaker John Boehner recently alighted upon his own romantic reset by pinning up Elizabeth Taylor in a “liberation” guttural maybe uniquely of his capacity then her I can paraphrase he of likening his brevity among the honoring in the tradition of Jack Kemp smartly by way of an reported Elizabeth Taylor (easing) remark to her third husband of like:  “Don’t worry dear you won’t be here long.”

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for today however All Saints Day, yet presents a most interesting and yet stressing and embattled political conundrum to beat out as she likely should be more an heir apparent to President Barack Hussein Obama for her Party of 2016 legacy considerations.  It is that she is even more interesting and accomplished it seems than Mrs. Clinton now as a ranking member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and, especially for such necessitates a Christian sectarian probative as to whom to be a better first female President a Catholic or a Methodist.

It is worrisome that Terry McAuliffe may need the Clintons to be the heir apparent for Democrats despite it for now that Obamacare coattails are mostly hemmed and stitched mostly by the political machinations and laboring of she whom should firstly be Mrs. Clinton’s greatest 2016 rival.  It is worrisome that one supposedly of Clinton and Obama coattails like Terry McAuliffe now though is seeming entrapped in a Virginia politics and exposed himself as too much it seems just in the gutter of politics for having to or being at twenty five times a “market” price for Virginia “Lovers.”

Maureen Down has already been quite pressing and leading in a forward discussion of how today rolls seem reversed and historically upside down.  I may have to defer to her lot as more integrally feminist to play out these issue of what at least can or should be reasonable now of a Democrat “Feminist Ideal.”  Seems!

Speaker John Boehner did seem quite comfortable with Elizabeth Taylor and his party the seeming more liberated and less frustrated and to a new romantic era, and even so as it now developing much with the The FIVE as its most public ambassadors of a new lexicon and Party guttural.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:51 am

As the day breaks - as the dawn of Halloween in the Year of the Founder’s Lord two thousand Ten and three ebbs towards dusk the economy still seems slow in waking.  What trickery must be able the heaviness of Obama and his “economics”?  How heavy on growth economic potential has his Socialism as an un-economics settled?  How is it that we rise to wake with such a presence about of a President as so of an infamous car crash - with hauntings seeming real that it was of his Party driving?

What foreboding must be seen in the “message” of this Democrat “messenger” for others to not also now become so stuck in a ditch too?  How is it heavy enough that President Obama has taken us all along with such Party driving and to these years so now of us by the lot mostly still stuck in the ditch with him?

Mustn’t we behooved to considering Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative as possibly a more sightly reincarnation of Attila the Hun and yet after Attila was first reborn as a rat, then an amoeba, then a snake, then a bat, then a weasel before however party of fully of the walk and talk as Hillary Rodham?  What lurks beneath her skin of the souls of those passed that can explain her very irregularity and penchant for droning wars?  If she be some enough as a reincarnation of Attila the Hun is such endowed enough of her soul as to be too dominant an affecting?

Beware the ghosts of even just politicians passed of the United States of America.  This Halloween in such advanced years passed the establishments of the Founding Fathers to government of laws in lieu of a more dangerous governing by man we have it puzzling to costumed both for President Barack Hussein Obama and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton who was born, however, as Hillary Rodham;  this Halloween we have that President Obama for his strategery may at least be politically costumed as if cleverly a good Joseph McCarthy, and, we have it concerning that “Hillary” Clinton seems still politely costumed in camouflage from a present yet darker internalized “self”!  Beware it seems the Democrats are of a modern politics as too National Socialists by what success so far by appearing to say McCarthy was bad and evil for being against Communism all the while at a stealing of his methods and methodology apparently towards at least a National Socialism.

What of the real Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton?  What of the FEMIFEST DESTINY crusading of her as FLOTUS Clinton and, now how so is it atleast or more concerning as under the covers of President William Jefferson Clinton’s new post office Clinton Global Initiatives?  Can it really be that these two so inseparable in marriage and for all past conspiring and political collusion as a “two-fer” can be but costumed for camouflage as if “Bill” can be naturally a “Dove” and “Hillary” otherwise naturally a “Hawk”?

Essentially it seems erudite enough to posit that President Barack Hussein Obama has profferred his revolutionary politik with some or all of his czars towards the very dangers that Senator Joseph McCarthy had at least seemingly feared were eventually possible.  In the trickery of the modern Democrat Party national politics clearly this time to Socialism by a politik at civil revolution it is quite McCarthyism how they parade one unhealthy person and their sad and trying personal medical history as if proof that the whole country has been by way of Republicans to a general un-caring.

It seems now that the Republicans in their true colors are challenging the Democrats McCarthy like “lists” rightly and justly and exposing a truer profile for President Barack Hussein Obama and too it seems Mrs. Clinton as maybe somehow inheritent of the soul once of Attila.  It does seem clear that at least two too clearly bent to a National Socialist revolution have been only successful so far oddly by co-opting the strategery of the former Senator of Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy.  However learned whence by ways of ordained isles of  a COOP or CO-OP by Cambridge or New Haven, or else - elsewhere, it seems a trickery now clearly of a profiling to be more trying and of sacrifice than it can be yet assessed otherwise as a treat.  Can you see the McCarthyism in the Obamacare politik of czars and emotional appeals of representations of a few as if cause for the rest?

Mrs. Clinton presents a unique political problema for consideration as she now further haunts and disturbs a Presidency of another not a Clinton.  She is not the “Hillary Clinton” at least of the dramatization in the book GAME CHANGE.  This “Hillary” is diabolical of a long yearning to be a first female President - she did not as such book posits just come lately to thinking she should consider running for President because, well, the People were pleading her to.  The real “Hillary” is she that has plotted with “Bill” since their Yale Law School last days and whom is now protected from a full and true visage - a true profiling as one too “institutionalized” and as more like just a ambitious lawyer trying to make partner and so to getting the corner office or one more obviously a superior “location” among those prescribed by jurisdictional concerns.  She is of a problema as for of a three decades plus plotting and tunnel vision about such while yet costumed and camouflaged quite as if she just a good soul of the People hearing their cries and now firstly to thinking it is they picking her name freely and of a still available American free-will and not otherwise to chomping at her bait - baiting.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:44 pm

White picket fences abound in the modern American icon - still.  Never before may have they been so iconic and ironic.  Though you may think of them by ways of Tom Sawyer or WINESBURG, OHIO the irony comes in at the gates of today’s worldly crossways with Mrs. Hillary Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives of a political charm likewise yet somehow from her seemingly as successful while being a good Nixon, a good Reagan, and good Bushes - especially a goof 43.


It may be times for a Republican to pull a JOSEPH WELCH - to even push Mrs. Clinton as a successful Republican copy-cat.  Whom is it now endowed best to ask Democrats in a JOSEPH WELCH either:  HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?; HAVE YOU NO SENSE OFDECENCY?; or: “HAVE YOU LEFT NO SENSE OF DECENCY?

These are some most puzzling and riddled times.  It seems with President Obama of his declarations that his Obamacare is a Romneycare we have to wonder how much is the “messenger” and how much the “message.”  It seems with Mrs. Clinton of her most odd twitter avatar bio of @HillaryClinton her message is that she is a “cracker” and with her priorities amiss in the most peculiar order of her self assessment.  How is it “lawyer” is so important, and, how is it she is self assessed as only a women and kids advocate?  Why does she even have “dog owner” listed while most if to such would self congratulate more as if a passionate “dog lover”?  Why and how is she so out of order and so out of sorts as her own messenger of her “message”?

“I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to victory on the FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”  Is a comparative line spoken guardedly by Margaret Chase Smith of Maine - by the first female Senator of the Senate of the United States of America - by the first Republican female Senator.  (Her quote is found in AGE OF ANXIETY, author Haynes Johnson, page 81)

If you wonder how much we should be asking if it isn’t the Democrat “messengers” that need be poked & politically splayed aren’t you of seeing an obvious at least for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives in her odd prioritizing of a Political message by her Twitter avatar with it of her near declaratory that she does not consider herself to be an advocate for men, of any race or color?  She is self assessed as if it is a good that while a lawyer first she is only a women and kids advocate.

It seems conclusive in a comparative for two female Senators - for a Republican a first and that of the Mrs. Clinton cloudy message as a Democrat  - that Mrs. Clinton is no Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine.

But how is it that Obamacare as a Romneycare worked when its messenger was Governor Mitt Romney yet now as a Republican success story of a Republican success of Romneycare it as Obamacare with President Barack H. Obama as its messenger and steward is now so riddled and troublesome with it of his self made problems.  How is it that there is such a fog about something that had already been proven able to work - yet proven at a more reasoned more “local” level?  Is it that it is too much Politics and a politicizing of healthcare and that the adage made famous by a Democrat of Boston should apply too for this Obamacare message — that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”?

Politically we have to look at the message of the “messenger” President Obama as if he is saying he can and should catch fish with a net - as a metaphor for a nation wide scoop in conveniently riddled message as if humans are just his fish - his pawns - his subjects to be snared however he can yet manage.

There is Politics globally to diagnose for any possible philosophy of governance or any standard - standard operating methodology for Diplomacy.  It seems that as messaged of his Obamacare it is what Romneycare cannot be - it is precedent setting in a presumption of federal obligation such that any future (and past?) international obligation seems to have an unchecked “morality” triggering that if and when the Executive acts independently, at least, to “Big Brother” in a sovereign nation it is then exposed to the medical needs of all the people there abouts under the foreign control so and so also to be expectant in a full coverage however as if insurance or entitlement.  Seems!

It seems a national embarrassment that The Congress is allowed to and is so full of parading persons personal medical stories for Politics.  Healthcare still is more of the adage above drawn out to encompass the failing web launch of Obamacare as so more still just of neighbors helping neighbors mostly primarily exclusively in that which is still their own neighborhood/community.  It seems diabolical that a nation’s Congress and it politics can make, irregardless of the Establishment by way of the First Amendment, a communities business so their business and as if there can be no “local” politics anymore for every breath one takes and step they advance, even if in a retreat, is now firstly of a new Nationalist jurisdiction.  Now by these byways so National Socialist federalized that headache you got of a guilt for blowing your leaves carelessly onto your neighbors lawn is now of you a national subject of the State.  How has this new bread of Democrat “messenger” so killed GOD and “community”?

In the history of these united states, however Constituted, it had been long as “Tip” proffered that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL.”  In the history of these united states it has been the neighbors helping neighbor in their own communities and them to needing but to look for Jesus - for a place of Christian community and service as part of their holistic community based Capitalism.  Secure so in the old ways of community and peer guilty for a better and more whole conscience it was not a State by the numbers interlude but a tythed and maintained “local” community organizing. 

It still figures in the old “fisher of men” legacy that as by former Speaker Tip O’Neil, again, that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” — that healthcare of a neighbor was of the “work” and “community” of faith and Jesus, at least.  That a moral health was to be considerate in any otherwise to physical and by the objective science of health care concerns — that a community had the jurisdiction to be of the “community” healing of moral pressure to the good and right that could by ways of establishment of the seven deadly sins domain/web.

It still seems to figure that healthcare can only become more affordable if it is returned more to an engaged community basis, but how the smallest set in “community” to a still neighborly as by ways a COUNTY WIDE BASED CARE SYSTEM.  Most healthcare related costs are accurately accounted, it seems, as if it still has to be moral for a neighbor in need to be cared for by another neighbor at the ready in healthcare providing in a still quite local and neighborly care establishment. 

Almost all care beyond such as of doing unto one’s neighbor as… familiarity is more of a science of medicine due a national effort than a practice of medicine.  As for a practice of medicine and any caring web it is improper to believe in the State firstly as if mandated to a Nationalism as more a subject (snared).  It seems if to be affordable the legacy of the old faith based and community based has to be reset — it seems healthcare can never again be affordable if only so as now of adding out of area layers and layers of interloping bureaucracies to what ever local costs there are to be conscientiously approved or objected between a hopefully secured and some holistic county of “neighbors” relating copacetically with those as peers as “neighbors” too.

Even in the web of the messiah Jesus the “messiah” Barack Obama is snared as too objective and as an interloper.  It is fishy business that the State is about such national parading of county and community degradations as if a permanent new State order - an irreversible slide to the depths more of a Hell.  Unless the price of caring is kept to the conscience and practice of neighbors in community neighbors won’t be established to be unto their neighbors rightly as they would have it be if they were locally still yet accountable.  Seems.

It looks by the “message” of Obamacare as a Romneycare that President Obama is being “caring” and “compassionate” in keeping with his demagoguery when more of his proclamations as if speaking as one a messiah and endowed with a personality that would allow him to bridge all religiousness about the known world as no one before ever had.

It though seems that there is a clear Power aspect due a global guilting and appropriate with moral peer pressure however those so engaged may become ill at ease for their compromising of that realm of the legacy of neighborliness, at least.  It seems that the new State Health “web” isn’t holding a candle to the old legacy of community and faith Posterity and Tranquility however whence of a web more truly as about Jesus fish - fishing web.

In these matters of State politics as they are, and too National Socialist quite as Senator Joseph McCarthy at least feared, it does now seem more as if Democrats upon THE FOURHORSEMEN OF CALUMNY than has the first female Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine implied whence upon Republicans.  It doth seem Republicans secured in the Constitution and Democrats upon her FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — “Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”

As such seems conclusive in a dramatic conclusion afoot for them of hoofing long a contrary to adage “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” that keeps about it what seems a lost Establishment in common sense of doubting Thomas of colonial ways and its regular vicissitudes so incident also about the first inaugural by President George Washington.  Thomas Paine nailed a basis for common sense around a fig’n of prudence if around doubting any pain.

As such it remains yet established that it reasons that if a “community” anywhere within the purview of sovereignty under Constitution is yet as by a county wide basis unable to afford or maintain a caring in health services of all those resident of then the problem isn’t the urban and suburban county wide healthcare system but by such as a barometer of “community” then indicative to a different problem of the commerce and “community” capitalism its.  Agan, if a county in the USA is seeming unable to afford or maintain a health care system for all of its resident people the problem likely then need be diagnosed as first a problem of community and not the system of its healthcare providing.  Until now this hypothesis has yet ever been fully tested and established as a true or impossible theory.  We as a People have not yet been of these days of technological and scientific advances such that for these times such statement could well or properly relate - properly met all the meta about it as also a firstly of a “community” design diagnosis - non medical.

Again by ways of the legacy of once the keep of the Jesus venues of neighborliness and sanctuary it yet endears that it figs that if a county cannot afford a county wide full covering of its people its first problem is less its healthcare system and more primarily a general welfare of a Posterity in “community” - it figs firstly that there is lacking anywhere so a lacking in sufficient morality of its regions necessary Capitalism.  Some it must be are not being neighborly on their part as to their worth or true value as intra-established of an integrated part of a “whole” body in “community.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:51 am

The work of Obamacare is not a moral work.  It is near as if all showy leg and not of true heart.  In the play of life there is a real lack of moral leadership in at least the governance by national Democrats.

There is too much a temptatious and Power Devilishness in the walk of President Barack H. Obama that of which time cannot carry the lay and lie.  A real eye candy historical to such degradation of the American Politik isn’t as much Hillarycare as it is that together the Clinton Power “two-fer” walked and seduced through their years that it was sexy and responsible to cut and cut and raise the once more prudent hemmed budget lines with their to tight fashionings as by a risque extra trillion skirted away.  It is not a no nonsense historical now that the skirting by the Clintons step by step to their waggle and waisted extra trillion was too much - too much as a horny as a “Rataxes” as a National Socialist French Rhinoseros King - however bah barred.

There are a hundred and one in the Senate of the United States that have a right to vote.  There is a real lack of moral leadership at least in the Senate of the bicameral Congress of The United States of America.  We have long been of the American Play of life of a talk and walk as if one hundred and one in the Senate today are expected to want to now be President at least more than they would be to, however teased, a return of its Power and Authority upon what soul there may be otherwise in either of the Clintons.

Our Senators have among them at least one peer whom to win an office by election in Connecticut was to public recorded lies about his Vietnam era military service.  This is a problem of the morality to the above more limiting as if already then to a Senate of only one hundred whom should be of wants and stepping out against the Clintons for a Presidency more their own.

We have that since the Second Inaugural of President Barack Hussein Obama his Vice President has to be due a probative questioning as to why he hasn’t exercised his Powers and among those of the one hundred of his one extra to one hundred and one of the Vote in the Senate.  President Obama set himself up for a just coup with his pronouncements in his inaugural remarks near to: THOUGH I DID JUST SWEAR THE OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION AND TO DEFEND IT EVEN FROM DOMESTIC THREATS - I WILL NOT FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE CONSTITUTION AND NOR TO THE OATH I DID JUST SEEMING SWEAR A FIDELITY TO.  It seems Vice President Joseph Biden, though, may now yet have less standing between himself and his spouse of a Presidency their own but than he - he Vice President Joseph Biden & in lieu of a President Pro Tempore impeachment “voter” substitute.

Our Senators could hardly, Democrat to Democrat, be accused of racism if to being moved to walk a great temptation beyond a #Biden teasing;  It seems the Presidency can now be Vice President Joseph Biden’s if he were just to ask the other of his one hundred and one in the Senate for a new spirit of bipartisanship as a call for a moral reset by an impeachment voting for succession by him for cause - for a President too dark and established as away from the light and brightness of the endearing Constitution of The United States of America.  Our Senate is supposedly home site for the ONE HUNDRED MOST AMBITIOUS in America - One hundred and one if you respectfully include the Vice President.

There is a couple new giants, one can say in the too real lands of “Babar” and “Rataxes” as is the threatened realm of Washington, DC for its current state as of an excess of National Socialist Politics.  Between Jeh Johnson and James Comey risings time must have ticked eternal in the knees of President Barack H. Obama;  It seems President Barack H. Obama has done a moral thing now twice in his duty to find the greatest giants around for the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.  Besides the to be expected threat from Vice President Joseph Biden in the sworn duty his to be moral and too as his oath had it to like “not bare false witness” - to specifically NOT LIE - there has been an air about the Constitutional in the assumption of mantles by J. Johnson and J. Comey that seems to have made President Barack H. Obama weak in the knees, visibly. 

There are a couple giants now sworn to uphold the Constitution of The United States of America and now with it at least teased that Director James Comey had not yet been the official head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation because his first oath taking had to be voided as improper and deficient in a Constitutional for his hand wasn’t on a Bible - on a Bible being held by his spouse - being held in his case by his spouse as a wife.

Really, all Vice President Joseph Biden may have to walk and talk among his special and unique club of peers of their one hundred and one of Vote Power is to tease them with even just a little leg of a temptation that the current President is like derelict in his sworn duties and not sufficient to the mantle bestowed upon him.  It seems, really, that the only thing now standing between the Bidens and the Presidency is Joe Biden.  Like all he has to do is walk his very white legs into their chambers and ask in what cannot be a racial way that the first black President of The United States of America is a failed and still failing President.

President Barack Hussein Obama was greeted at the Washington DC headquarters building of the Department of Justice branch endowed and subscribed, however, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a Deputy Director’s diplomatic words.  It is though that though he walked in tall of his affectable strutting he seemed visibly shaken about his Liberal knees while and after it became officially the FBI of Director James Comey by his standing tall in its tradition of FIDELITY BRAVERY AND INTEGRITY and very strongly of his recitation of the Oath of such office as if he meant to himself be even to protecting and defending the Constitution and the People from domestic threats - domestic threats however Political they may be so.

President Barack Hussein Obama walked in say as tall and horny as “Rataxes” might have in a real Constitutional realm of a National Socialist see his and fit his crowning.  But the Constitution seemed to have the bull, however of President Barack Hussein Obama, as a dramatized Rhinoceros of BABAR, caught by more elephantine Republican ways by ways of a oddly familiar Oath and as if he really appeared as if a proud mouse to a set and baited trap.

It is that the walk of the too National Socialist Democrats of America, however of a Rhinoceros King “Rataxes” of a possibly also too National Socialist France, have the Clintons and President Obama in seeming legal jeopardy.  The Oath of office of the Presidency wasn’t the only risque showing in the temptatious talk of his teased easy times — he did certainly declare that he would not feel beholden to the Oath he had though just sworn a seeming brave fidelity too, but, interestingly for Posterity as it was for the cameras, President Barack Hussein Obama had moral problems while asked to be enthusiastic or just of a carefree and comforting believe as the chorus set so on high waffed intoned their witness and renderings of the endearing truth in strong notes about HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON.

We all had the chance thanks to C-SPAN to bare witness ourselves, however far or near, to those precious moments of the embattled failing Obamacare rollout so fresh yet so fresh and alarming inescapable for President Barack Hussein Obama as they were timed and walked so for the “official” swearing to the Oath of the office of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - of its ranks now mostly all reared through the Quantico based HOGAN’S ALLEY.  We all could see it if we could discern its apparent physical truth — We can still in repeats take stock in how the Oaths are stalking the Presidency and teasing a one hundred and one of the what is supposed to be America’s MOST AMBITIOUS. 

The stock - the stocking truths about these days of The United States of American seeming of a real lack of moral leadership, and but for the above aforesaid new GIANTS for JUSTICE, is much that President Barack H. Obama was greeted greatly as in a due and procedural pomp in a diplomatic presumption of innocence of a tall walk even if as a proud mouse more than a Rhinoceros too taxing King.  But, it seems he did grow appropriately weak in his knees and have to yet walk out so impressed by the newly sworn to FIDELITY BRAVERY INTEGRITY promise mission duty of the mantle of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as so lightly assumed in spirit despite how heavy the calling then officially set upon Director James Comey.  It seems as proud a mouse that President Barack H. Obama entered so it is that he left as if at least seeing the cheese and wanting the cheese and knowing the trap was like now set for a real snaring.

We all must now be vigilant and while Vice President Joseph Biden may only have but a real walk to a real talk with his Senate peers for a ushering to a needed new era of bipartisanship.  We should be vigilant even if a simple path to a moral reset is now available an in a non-racist procedural.  We should be vigilant and expectant that the full one hundred and one of the Vote Power of the Senate can do more than tease that solutions are possible, however be it in no-nonsense political skirting regularity. 

We need be vigilant for we should have at least one hundred expectant and seated options to these days of a moral fog.  Too much too easy is being offered up by too National Socialist “Rataxes” like Democrat Rhinos.  And it is that we should be vigilant for however it is that the temptatious of the walk and taking stock of President Barack H. Obama’s netting are seen as his there is that such has the legs of Hillary Clinton too most camouflaged and costumed, and, quite alarmingly as if of a walk for President William Jefferson Clinton as if he might be the first King of The United States of America - as allowed if their risque “post-Constitutional” treatments are embraced without taking stock enough of the endowments of peace stockings hemmed and secured by the living elasticity of the work and bravery of the integral integrity of the Founding Fathers.

To take prudent stock in the walk and talk of the 2013-2016 body politics across the United States isn’t one needing to hope still that the Senate has at least one hundred moral leaders ready to now stand tall in a reset of what has long been secured and sustained as right? 

Can the Presidency now actually easily be Vice President Joseph Biden’s and his spouse as a wife Dr. J. Biden’s if he just asks one hundred others much like him to help him stop leading so many into these excessive temptations as now too long walked and strutted by the Obamas’ and Clintons’ administrations and selfish political machinations however foundational?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am

Fellow Democrats the party is in perilous trouble.  We have only days left until the world as we know it is gone - is passe/over.  2016 is an open field for Democrats - this is the good news.  #DemsAgainstHillary is assuredly of the proposition that any Democrat is better than a Clinton Democrat.  It is an open field for 2016 - we need to ward heel the party to tilling of clear demarcation from the spoils/spoiled of the Clintons and of Mrs. Clinton as if a burlap bag walking yet as full of rotten apples.

Oh Virginia our Dear Lovers’d how spoiled the lot if too bagged of her spoils?  Can there be no Bernoulli lift for all if she so the “rotten apple” in the barrel of politics?  Is it to scurvy for all if she is set out with what little is left as if the fruit of our harvests?  From Norfolk to Arlington, and from the Blue Ridge skylines of Appalachia to the mouth of the Anacostia, her reign as First Lady hasn’t gone away — her reign as First Lady is here to stay — she is compromised by her own baggage.

It isn’t as simple Dear Virginia of Democrats of a tale of two Hillarys.  She has one near for even it seems seven colors.

Fellow Democrats it pains me for how long I have known dear Hillary and that it was I who played hardball at her while she of 2008 basis was of asking to be treated like the men — I still remember the hardball pressure I put upon her that should have knocked the Clintons out together but for her answer in avoidance by her New Hampshire tears.  She was down and beaten though displayed and puffed up with fluffery as the ever ready “INEVITABLE HILLARY” and the pressure in my positioned distant question was then to be devastating if she had to answer it like all men before her had been expected to.  She was being beaten more by the goodness of her party yet then by the new comer peer of next to no experience, Senator Obama.  She was though cornered and wounded and fearing having to answer the pressure like a man — her tears conveniently kept her from having to tell the world:  Right!  Yes!  I do not have any hobbies - I am not well rounded, you know I don’t like to stay at home and cook - I am just a lawyer who is a workaholic.

Fellow Democrats the end of our Party as we have come to know it is near over.  Isn’t it a relief?

Dear Virginia is former Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton showing, however placed geo-politically, in your race - your heated Governors race, as like Terry McAuliffe’s “Madam”?  From her ODYSSEY DAWN of women can fight as male monsters presented defensiveness to her culpability too set as near the shores of Tripoli she seems spoiled of the lot of Clinton Democrats as a “Madam” to “Bill” and “Anthony” and so as permanently exposed in the transparent and grey architecture of her Clintons’ Library.

The end of the world as we know it seem perilously close and troubling.  As Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative it is sad how spoiled the lot seems with she a walking and talking burlap bag of rotten Democrat apples.  It is too much of a forced structure in her recent dogmatic political strikes at “scorched earth” politics for it was indiscriminate - it specifically was a tag to ask people to be prejudiced against President Obama and to be discriminating so to see that he is not a Clinton - a Bill Clinton Democrat.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons’ broad and reckless political jabs can only come from an arrogance of President Clinton thinking he is still in control of the whole Democratic Party.  The First Lady of the CGI (the Clintons Global Initiative PAC - not the Canadian “CGI” responsible for the #Obamacare failings) was clearly lashing out at President Obama with any or all imagery and import in her “scorched earth” rhetoric.

My fellow Democrats we do have alternatives to the rotten spoils of the spoiled Clintons.  Have you even begun to dream and imagine a Governor Deval Patrick teaming with inspirational Senator Cory Booker as a running team for 2016 from the first crack of the whip if too such a public stand?  It may be that such is necessary to save our Democrat Party as these are the days threatening as of Republicans likely able to stand and with belief that they can and will deliver with a Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz ascension right as proud and less black as LATIN IS THE NEW BLACK.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way;  President Obama is clearly now a lame duck about the Clinton resurgent political stewing.  I don’t know where all the women who could be Democratic and President have gone;  I don’t know how or when any that could be a rival to Mrs. Clinton have been buried by the Clintons - buried they must have been.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way;  President Obama near ruined everthing by entertaining Clintons’ wants with the Mrs’ Secretarial posting.  The Clintons have their eight years to be dissected by Democrats firstly in an attempt to stave off a party wide ruining;  The Clintons did not practice equal rights for all across the Middle East - this is still most troubling.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way:  President Obama quietly abided the soft and hard un-American “official” bigotry of the Clintons’ admin’s “Diplomacy.”  Before we can protect them further from their fair share of blame we have to recognize that the Clintons were of at least a un-Constitutional bigotry in their abandonment of the Iraqi people for their eight years.  Mrs. Clinton’s crusading for women’s right is most complicated in her complicit bigotry against the Shia people of Iraq.  She has yet to politically answer for how it is supposed to be right for her to war to save the women of Afghanistan while wrong to use at least as much political effort and reasoned political will to also have helped the women of Iraq.  It is that the Clintons lead with at least a political bigotry short of ideological bias as it was just more convenient to their “PEACE” lies if they stood officially of a religion based bias against the Shia of Iraq as justification for not bringing Saddam Hussein to Justice.  It, however political, is historically real that the Clinton compromised President Obama and the USA in the Middle East with their old collusion and its ripe bigotry of official “Diplomacy” as a tag on Iraq status quo with them regularly of their strong arming as of:  THE IRAQI SHIA PEOPLE ARE NOT CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

It has been a sad and compromising political game of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that it can be right to war in Afghanistan on women’s rights and literacy and to not as well have been as justified and more righteous by waring away the years of the abandonment by the Clintons as “America” in Iraq.  The Cold War changed everything.

Before the Clintons the engagement and disengagements as per Iraq and its religious make-up was kept to Cold War geo-politics and from the latent and blatant bigotry of the Clintons.  We had a new world order emerging with the most unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992;  We had a new world order emergent of the fogs of wars passed cleared about the geo-politics of at least the Iraq and Iran region.  The Clintons went bad early and bad, very bad when so.  They liked governed abroad as if they missed the whole logic of the times which accidentally justified them a rising. 

The simplest hypothesis to possibly suggest, fellow Democrats, is that Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary because the Cold War had ended and because Saddam Hussein didn’t want to change with the times.  There is little that can explain and justify the Clintons and their Iraq decisions;  Operation Iraqi Freedom was a necessary Constitutional and moral move however that by the time that it commenced it was nearly too late to be clearly constituted anywhere;  The clarity that was missing in a “morality” for OIF could only have present if it was marched out when due then about the third year of the Clintons’ first term.  It is a conundrum that she that helped put so little “bite” in Middle East based United Nations sanctions did become President Obama’s “bite” “officer” as his Secretary for Diplomacy.

My Fellow DEMOCRATIC People we need a third way;  President Obama embedded too many with his embrace of one more the root of all modern evils.  The hard truth is that we should have enforced the UN sanctions on Saddam Hussein fully within just 3-5 years — we didn’t during the Clintons’ administration because Bill and Hillary didn’t want to NOT because they/we shouldn’t have.

                                                      *   *   *

*{readers - my fellow Democrats - bare with me as I still have to get to the part that we all are wrong to judge Operation Iraqi Freedom was wrong if we haven’t first gone month by month and year by year through the administration of the Clintons and fully of a probative analysis to how their “administering” of Carpe Diem was of not seizing the moments and to so much inaction and avoidance to the “DANGERS OF INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” President Obama tagged the Clintons with rightly and smartly with his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE acceptance speech.} 


*** I did return.  I will leave the above  * & ** for Posterity though they were posted when I was writing as I went and was yet to even maybe four paragraphs.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:50 am

The wet dream of GOP now per

Go BIG or go home Texas is bigger than Senator Edward “Ted” Cruz.  It is so BIG it is of rightful federalism prudence and balancing and the current seating of The Supreme Court of the United States of America.  #SCOTUS has a conundrum to beat out as though it isn’t supposed to have one or more decisions undermine earlier decisions.  It is that Senator Ted Cruz has legs to stand on as long as President Obama’s “Obamacare” is unresolved of the contradicting jurisprudence of the D.O.M.A. & Same Sex Marriage rulings.  #SCOTUS isn’t supposed to have one ruling undermine another and yet for now the Affordable Care Act is fundamentally undermined by the more recent D.O.M.A. & Same Sex Marriage rulings per states’ moral juridiction.

Words matter.

“Obamacare” has only face a couple limited Constitutional challenges.  “Obamacare” has hardly been deemed Constitutional in its entirety.  “Obamacare” has only been deemed to be passable yet for the limited challenges to it had special considerations more to what is or is not an Executive power to wage war and to tax to fund war.  It seems the national right to proceed forward with some implementation of the Affordable Care Act is only as it can be said to be “A Tax” and like a USE TAX though currently more of a Bully Right of the President to wage a national/nationwide war on health.

Words matter. 

It is secured in out #SCOTUS records that however a jester Justice Scalia was being he never the less implied that the Affordable Care Act in its entirety was not Constitutional for it would violate his Eight Amendment protections from cruel and unusual punishment if he or the other justices were ask to read through the whole law and pass specific judgements as to Constitutionality of the whole as a sum of all of its specific parts.

Words can hurt.  Words matter.

The justices have a deadline with destiny, whether these currently seated, or those to follow, as per our Constitution and much that is also of the undermining of the Affordable Care Act by the rendered “legal” ruling interpretations effected for the D.O.M.A. & Same Sex Marriage opinions.  It is considerate that related to the specifics that undermine one by the other the constructs of the fundamental common sense humanity historic pertinent to all is also embedded in the Twenty Second Amendment.  It is of critical relativity that for now the Twenty Second Amendment of such reasoning and history for and of term limits of the most powerful in American establishments is yet set for a destiny for Justice as the politics of the day have us all to a deadline to re-figure what Posterity is in our Law & of our “common sense.”  The Twenty Second Amendment is still (for now) undecided law — we have a deadline maybe a wet dream for Republicans of a trinity of #SCOTUS Corinthian pillar’d wisdom standing as a reconciliation is due that pulses the issues of the Constitutionality of The Affordable Care Act with the undermining Federalism rulings of D.O.M.A. & Same Sex Marriage per states of the moral juridictions and while the Twenty Second Amendment as per “spousal” “two-fer” Power limiting necessary prescient at least as to if a new Hillary For President can itself not also be illegal.

Words can hurt.  Words matter.

What possible Justice can now make Texans happiest?  How now can #SCOTUS render Texans all more gay?  Is there a merriness for the ages of “marriage” shared gayness?  If it not just those opposite and attracting as of the body electric of reproductive instincts pulsing since “Adam” to be of said “miserable” for the ages but in a gay of “marriage” is it in the lexicon of modern jurisprudence that “gay” again will be defined more generally as “happy”?  If those of singing the body electric as once kept more as if just of “temptations” are to be legally rendered as united for the ages in as much establishment for sharing of “merry” or “misery” will the words of the revolution pass from “gay”?  Of Austin Powers secured as more for states’ moral jurisdiction by #SCOTUS, however one dreams BIG, hasn’t “gay” been of protestations more than a lexicon of a merriness for the ages celebration?

Words matter.

The Twenty Second Amendment grew from protestations as to how long Franklin and Eleanor held power spousally as the First Couple of The United States of America.  It was drafted and passed as to be a Constitutional Amendment by the Eightieth Congress which Richard Nixon was seated in.  The Affordable Care act to be Constitutional as of the desired Right to healthcare as whipped up by modern Democrats should too have been conceived & processed as well by the writ processes and procedures for a Constitutional Amendment.  The language of the Twenty Second Amendment is similar in functionality to the enduring common sense as per the oaths of marriage unions in common wedding vows.  The Twenty Second Amendment though drafted and passed in the late forties wasn’t sufficiently ratified by the states until the Year of the Founders’ Lord one thousand ninety and Fifty and one.  It keeps the original intent of the founders of setting the Constitution by its preamble as the “key” or “legend” as so set as ordained and then subscribed unanimously by all then in that Year of the Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eight seven. 

Words matter.

It is yet of the deadline with destiny for The Supreme Court of the United States of America to better explain states’ moral jurisdiction in the Trinity of the above, at least.  It is that for two of the earthly political concerns to be reconciled and yet without the still undecided law of the Twenty Second Amendment the holiness of the jurisprudence would be undermined.  It seems that “Hillary For President” has never been legal by the term limits amendment - it seems all three can and should be reconciled now, even if more a wet dream of Texas and its seated Texan Republicans.

Words matter.

However it may be that “Hillary” is “maiden gay” or “Bill” is “maiden gay” the purview of the Peoples’ Law of the prudence of the Twenty Second Amendment has them inseparable in an actual merriness for the ages as of “marriage” so established.  The two circles of “Hillary” and “Bill” can never be separated enough to not be a considerate “union” of the barred by the limiting of Power as for the Executive Branch.  It seems “it is criminal” applies to the Clintons ambitions at least.  If one of them is then by election of an established “union” then the other, regardless of their sex, then is also considerate as to be being returned “by election” to the unique 24-7 “holding” of the Constitutional concerns to check and balance protections from a new reigning as if again as by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his First Lady “two-fered” intimate Power partner Eleanor Roosevelt.

Words can hurt.

Yes Hillary For President may already have been “criminal” enough for this “Trinity” to together be a most stirring destiny for the currently seated Justices of The Supreme Court of the United States of America.  However gayly the establishment of marriage may have preserved the Clintons is hardly the matter but for how the equal protections sought by the protestations recently about #SCOTUS in D.O.M.A. & Same Sex Marriage seem compromised by the Clintons as to how for them (politically) they posture still that a marriage isn’t really a marriage.  To be “gay” and “married” has been rendered recently to be however based on sex to be Constitutionally protected by it writ large that states have the moral jurisdiction and that by the First Amendment Congress may make now Law respecting religion and its tenets such so that Congress has no right to assume a superior right to interpret what is moral.

Words can hurt.

Congress is barred from having an authority over the states as to what is Moral and as so recently re-established as relating to “marriage” unions.  The Clintons are married, however gayly - - - it may be “criminal” much that they have plotted and conspired to undermine the Constitution and per its “common sense” as relates to unions.  An election of one inseparable in a marriage union does by election, regardless of their sex, therefore affect an “electing” of the other to what is the “holding” of the office - the unique office - of - of the Office of the President.  Otherwise all the laws of marriage would be undermined if the Clintons’ (convenient) negations were to reign - - - As for the “holding” of “office” as uniquely set and consummated for the Executive Branch of The United States of America it is that a spouse cannot be barred from a right to spousal “holding” as yet entertained creatively by the Clintons’ machinations and as it is common sense that a return of one would simply be to a by election return of some or all “holding” of office too.

Words do matter.

And SCOTUS has a deadline with destiny as long as it seems prudent to delay “Obamacare” until the justices of the Supreme Court effect a clarification of the contradictory that shouldn’t be that has their more recent rulings undermining their earlier albeit limited review of The Affordable Care Act.  One law is not supposed to be so to undermining another law - - - as per “ACA” it seems it cannot at least become a permanent establishment of Federal jurisdiction though temporarily permitted as a Tax in keeping with a necessary short term providence that a President must have the power to wage war (on health) and have funding able to be raised appropriate for it.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

Where are the Governors?  As the contrast was set so loudly and transparently this week, with President Bill Clinton of regaling, again as if of the authority to so hold court, as if the Clintons’ Global Initiatives a seat of power already established, and such that he can Lordly be about, as if the Clinton Global Autocrat crowned, and titled, as if he (and his wife) were both promoted from the office of the President of The United States of America:  Where are the Governors?

In stark contrast to the too Lordly holding of Global Court by President William Jefferson Clinton was one who stood up for transparency, process, logic, and democratic patience whom if he had a colonial era powdered wig on likely would have firstly have been judged as if a George Washington impersonator.  It was in stark contrast that Senator Edward (”TED”) Cruz stood up so long and democratically as one more of the people and as a clear defender of the People all the while the Clintons were of putting on Lordish airs and taken to hosting as if of an established Power to hold Global Court under than banner as Clintons’ Global …

Where are the Governors?  What has happened to the common sense and governance theories of Hamilton, Madison & Jay?  How can the Clintons be succeeded as if in agreement with the “leadership” of President Obama all the while their recent documented history as of the Clintons’ Administration have so many official records of these two Democrat Party families of such different ideas of prudence?  How is it really, though, just that the Clintons are trying to be to the togetherness of the sovereigns of the world as Governor George Clinton tried to have set and secured otherwise than by the Constitution of The United States of America and its bolstering so as by Publius to educate and stir with that which is now of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS?  Where are the Governors?

It is the Governors of the loosely confederated states whom are put down most by the nationalist presumptions of the Affordable Care Act.  I has to be considered that the politics of Obamacare “justification” is that the federal government has to do all this because too many of our Governors are failures - are not capable of caring for their own resident peoples - but for.  In the federalist scheme of Constitutional prudence it is that an establishment like that for the Federal Government so far as set about the Affordable Care Act & its amending by regulations does much put the Governors out of the business of being governors.  By the ideals of Obamacare it is that the national governance of the Executive Branch is at least now supposed to have eminent domain over peoples bodies and their privacy rights to their personal medical histories.  The body politics of the states now soon will be Law as set not of the protections of a more nearly elected governor but to being of the purview and establishment of the domain of the nations executive.  In the spirit of Obamacare as necessary to work and establish and “affordability” somehow for healthcare (and oddly by adding new layers of management) the national government is set to be of an authority and duty to order the People to have full medical exams and with a right to say when and how often so that data as for costly Power from information can be adequately assessed for efficiencies.

Where are the Governors?  Is your Governor really such a failure and boob unable to see to a more neighborly caring and securing of health regulations?  Is it just that your neighboring state’s Governor is a bad boob who would avoid doing a right and just thing caringly for his/her state’s People as long as he could corral his sickly and herd them out over his state’s borders into the too neighborly and naive neighbor state for their more compassionate & neighborly community caring?  Where are the Governors? 

To understand the anti-Constitutionalism of the “BOGO” “two-fer” former First Couple Clintons you may actually have to have also, like the new Tea Party, have read THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.  Too how autocratic and Lordish the Clintons now appear all may need otherwise to check their doubting of economic pains as if for common sense & as by (doubting) Thomas Paine and his COMMON SENSE.  Too how courtly and complicit the Clintons are to their now being able, albeit less so now than their plans and strategizing had intended, to so like be to annually holding of a Clinton Global Court all may need to consider that they together have like always, since Law School, been of pillow talk spousally to figuring out how to get each of them elected President, despite Constitutional prudence being set in their way, and to figuring how one would or could be staged and established still with powers if and when delays and obstacles slowed them down.  It behoove all to consider the Clintons have always been united towards a possibility of becoming America’s first global (autocratic) leaders and too some of considerations that they would best be more like Governor George Clinton and as modern anti-Constitutionalists.

Where are the Governors?  With the ideals of the Affordable Care Act set so as a (too) temporary Law status far short of a more permanent Constitutional right, it is still critical for it as  a Nationalistic tool for power (and affordability) for it to remove the peoples’ rights from their state’s and governors’ more neighborly compassion and sense of community to the agenda(s) of a seated (& sworn) Executive as President.  For the meta data to be useful and sufficient to achieve the desired political efficiency or inefficiency by way of establishments authorized by the mere law of the Affordable Care Act there must be sufficient input for a calculus for any political prioritizing.  The Presidents will, it seems, be of the Power and Duty to decide how many times a year they should order the residents otherwise still of their state’s jurisdiction and Governor to show up at a doctors office for a new and however full medical exam so to update the national capacity to data mine for new efficiencies and more targeted political (partisan) platforms.  Where are the Governors?

Reading this it should become apparent to readers of the HARRY POTTER series that grew from my challenge to JK Rowling for seven books for seven separate years in schooling curriculum in magic that HARRY POTTER must be on the side so now established as of Senator Ted Cruz.  The courtly selfish spousal Power plotting and polarizing too courtly and lording too global partisan political reigning attempts by the Clintons just are not of the charm of that intended to be of a suggested good or necessary or proper in the worlds of Hogwarts.  Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz with their most public teaching by standing however long however of a filibuster democracy posturing are quite of the freedoms that allow local charm and community good will to be nourished more as if by neighbors and villages.

Where are your Governors?  It is more as if they are the SERIOUS BLACKS of your world and the Clintons too dangerously of regaling as if Lordish and Powered as Voldemort.  The godfather for HARRY POTTER as one a SERIOUS BLACK did come from me after JK Rowling while starting off on the challenge got back to me like complaining that I hadn’t yet given her enough to work with for even five books.  It was natural to me to suggest she give her lead character a godfather like mine who had to be serious about Volts and all wires as a lifelong union electrician - and, most serious always about the black wires and the primary “hot” wires to carry whichever volts.  R.I.P. my now late uncle godfather.  Like other characters of Hogwarts worlds there is that some came from playing with the spelling of iconic I channeled to JK.  Voldemort is a cautionary for young of the world and of days when my neighbors and friends were unknowingly of JK’s patron US so while as the firm of architects of design and construction management then of the Petronas Towers - Voldemort is of a concern of that which electricians have to be knowing of and guarded about while serious mostly about black as carrying volts - volts more than maybe even yet expected - volts d’ mor teed up like doubly in Europe than by USA standards.

Where are the Governors?  Hillary Rodham Clinton - most recently - but for being again as Bill Clinton’s First Lady for spousal global initiatives - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is still of dominant personality traits to firstly being to professionally protecting her husband regardless of how the USA Constitution might otherwise be set.  Where are the Governors? 

It seems implausible that Mrs. Clinton can yet learn any new tricks - it seems they are stuck for after all their years of plotting as if always and consistently with spousal pillow talk that they just never trained themselves or the other for the possibilities of a serious black like President Barack Hussein Obama.  It seems the Clintons do not have an answer to counter them as exposed as too courtly and too globally now of a hunger for a wishful autocratic Power - it seems quite implausible that they now can hide - that they can escape years of corner cutting and official negligence culpability or that “Hillary” is of a dominant personality trait of putting “Bill” first even it it to others may also appear to King-ish.

Whether as HillaryCare - Obamacare - or resurgence as if “UniversalCare” as ClintonCare it is that if the mere law of ACA allowed to be fully implemented the good in it will no longer be of the power or jurisdiction of the Governors.  By eminent domain of a too socialistic political power written and secured by ACA it is that future Presidents now have the power to tell all the People as if more subjects than citizens when & where to show up for a most revealing medical examination and so that they can mine all subjects personal medical records as meta data to know how to more efficiently politically prescribe or program (partisan) Nationalistic permanent solutions.  They won’t just want the medical histories of all as of their domain - they will insist they have the power to tell us all how often and fully all personal parts need to be probed for their “politics”.

Where is your Governor?  The charm of the French resistance as of the dramatic “round up the usual suspect” akin to “Play it again Sam” of CASA BLANCA has the Obama casa blanca “white house” is much of these too regal concerns.  To better work out a copacetic per dangers of Obama’s health posturing I for brevity direct you if so of a free will inclination to http://CitizenRosebud.org so that you can also find THE USUAL SUSPECTS.  For now as to the Lordly of the Clinton dangers it may behoove President Obama to use his ACA (”StormTroopers”) of his #IRS to leak Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons medical history as per at least her analytics that can attest to drug use or abuse and as well those however regular of her personal health papers to attest from full required mental examinations as to what is irreversibly of “dominant” personality traits. 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit to protect the Presidency from institutional corruption as from a power and mere law authority to as well have like eminent domain over People as subjects and to as per even dictates to ascertain and secure each person’s full mental work-up? 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit as even President Obama may now know each of his subjects per there meta data better than any might ever know themselves, and, as politically so empowered to call over members of the House of Representatives to go over their ward’s medical statistics by sex, race, personality, contrary meds in systems reports as checked against legal prescription levels so of the “data” now a keystroke away by keyword search targetable down to wards and streets and even by street numbers?

Where are you?  Do you have any power and freedom left if such violations of old privacy rights so set in however by the thinking of the Supreme Court as by a temporary mere law of taxing authority classifiable as a type of law that in America is always for a TAX most at risk of being politically reversed and removed, and even if not yet an established cancer on the economies of the USA or the world?  Where are you?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:54 am

First order of business now is healthcare.  Recently there have been reports quite contrary as “new” with the reports of old as per the fundamental thinking and politics of President Obama.  That President Putin is now at times heckled for punk’n President Obama leaves this may all just be a presser for a coming schooling on how Obamacare, by Putin’s “American”, is actually Un-Constitutional by the First Amendment.

Before we get to where President can go next - can next punk President Obama per his Socialism - it is most pressing and critical that the first reports from the White House Press Room were not bolstered with a notation that President Obama did just for precautions political have a full mental health examination.  It is that there is a new Obama now fundamentally and elementarily contrary to the old Obama - it seems he may have just changed his mind - not lost it.

To what Stalin may have to do with this:  It seems Stalin did actually tear down a Moscow Cathedral and towards a permanent enshrining of himself with so a less “sanctuary” quality.  As President Vladimir Putin is now fashioned politically fittingly for his times more religiously traditionally it seems it has been he more than President Barack H. Obama that has been lifting and raising up “church” while it President Obama quite to putting them out of business with Obamacare.

The First Amendment of the Constitution that unites the states in a loose federalism workable around the world for most reasonably sized States does stand apart though exceptionally as it for Americans is a freedom of religion that is not at all a freedom from religion as originally reasoned.  Obamacare fundamentally decimates the First Amendment.

It seems President Obama has been as by ACA coughing up of a rushed most desired tool for a new nationalism has proven himself more as if a Stalinite than as of a Christian “messianic.”  There is existential jurisprudence in the First Amendment that for now is still not yet of the Supreme Court challenges to “Obamacare.”  Essentially the Supreme Court hasn’t yet been asked to rule past “it’s a tax” of a bully power of the Executive and Congress in case of a need to like wage war on health and to rule if such were to be institutionalized as if a permanent new federal Power it then would be essentially and elementarily in real and critical conflict with the First Amendment as an essential structural node of what is Constitutional and “American.”

President Obama cannot have his (Stalinistic) American new New Deal foundation with “Obamacare” as permanent without such being in violation of the pragmatic and essential of the Constitution as affirmed by the Bill of Rights and especially just the First Amendment.  It is a civil procedure jurisdictional conundrum of the enduring affirmed paradigm of freedom from ones Creator that renders Obamacare a souffle sunken and ruinous — Our National Federal Government by our Freedom of Religion - not from religions - cannot be to a permanent institutionalization of healthcare (covering) without being violate of the People’s rights and states’ autonomy about “faith” and even the moral pressures subscribed about the seven deadly sins and their important civic imports.  Obamacare is a civil procedure wreck about the US loose federalism foundation for and in morality by the People.  The First Amendment secures to the People a greater right than for Congress in much if not all of an “interpretation” of God’s will.  It is too atheistic how Obamacare seems actually on a road to be “permanent” as if the Congress otherwise is of the authority to interpret and rule over the People and their spirited communities as to what is an establishment of religion - as to the seven deadly sins and their moral imports and all tenets of religion a ministering is to Power of for at least effective local community based unity with peer pressure.

Our exceptional American establishments are still Constitutionally secured as by the recent DOMA and Same Sex Marriage Supreme Court rulings - our Constitution did with these decisions scroll out a deeper understanding of a lacking of standing for Obamacare if as to a permanent new “institutional” as it is that such has with such shown a fundamental and elemental contrariness of the enduring Right being of the states as to the jurisdiction of the seven deadly sins as writ large to be a or the bulwark of communities, not a nationalism.

American exceptionalism may be of a political jeopardy these days as embraced by editorializing by President Vladimir Putin to be illuminative of President Barack Hussein Obama as maybe too Stalinistic or too of a state secular atheism.  Putin may beat Obama to the elementary and fundamental new messianic of the global trends about a new federalism, however American in historical origin, and so too be again able to punk @BarackObama on the world stage about the American First Amendment limitations as bars for the United States of America from Socialism and Stalinism.

Obamacare by way of the politics of President Obama has been to be a threat to religion and the existential and metaphysical community and social securing for communities as by a structured around religious nodes for sanctuary.

As Thomas Paine grew up a “doubting Thomas” necessarily he somehow came to feel destined or too Jobian of a fate to write large and generally about common sense and effectively fundamentally as seated firstly inescapably from a sensical about pain and a danger from ignoring or doubting pain.  President Obama has been quite too idealistic in a escapist high-falutin as he has steamed up and down our rivers of politics.  There are Siren calls for the ship of Obamacare and unlashed Captain President Obama - he is not allowed to permanently institutionalize a federal power to have people of the Peoples’ secured communities of rights from their Creator where a citizen (now “subject” so (reconstituted) but) can visit a doctor - a National ystem doctor say for a Prozac to over-ride or trump the peer and ministered moral righteous “pressure” of his community and its civic foundations.

Our economics are secured only when fashioned or permitted to still be of the religious sanctuaries as essential and critical nodes of the constituted and consecrated long as enduring and exceptional as “American.”

Obamacare must fall if set now past a taxing right to bully a better way for all forward to a permanent federal institutionalization.  Obamacare is Un-Constitutional for it is violate of the necessary sanctuary for sanctuaries religious by the First Amendment bar of Congress from making any Law that would give it more authority than the People or the states at interpreting the tenets of religion - any establishment of the Founders Christian God - any moral community pressure around “sin” and repercussions due of from just peer pressure by way of a “community” enduring constituted under God and the seven deadly sins. 

The Federal Government by the American Constitution doesn’t have the right to trump the states as per the health of those that have decided to call such their home state.  President Obama by the already existent Supreme Court challenges to the unaffordable Affordable Care Act has only a short term power to bully the states for not having like already competed with Massachusett’s and to a state based more moral covering of all their residents as at least by a Romneycare.

It is troubling that Candidate Governor Mitt Romney too missed the essential importance of sanctuaries religious as critical and fundamental nodes for a workable economic for America - it is remembered that Candidate for President Mitt Romney was too too much too a desire to Un-Consitutionally bully the exceptional American People people.  Mitt Romney deserved to not win the Presidency as soon as he was to promising that he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with Romneycare. 

Romneycare is not a national workable solution either - it is only Constitutionally workable as a state solution. 

And, yes I am still of my reasoned opinion and a faith in it that economically speaking our sanctuaries are fashioned as critical nodes even around healthcare for all morality - that essentially the only just, right & nationally Constitutional “affordable” reformation is to be protestant and regular in practice to a urban and suburban new “community” figuring so as if a Count not a Czar the apropos to a new economics of a COUNTY-WIDE not COUNTRY-WIDE revolutions for healthcare (covering).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:54 pm

To discern a economic righteousness, apropos to times of opportunity, such as the past couple decades since the known human ecosystems moved to a new world order in a post Cold War era, with the United States of America of its win for Capitalism over Socialism, one seems to be prudent if to a stepping off drum beat to the erudite realms of fallacies.

Times such as we have slipped to since the great global victory of Capitalism over expansionist State Socialism have long been made historical passed epochs with specific new ‘lingua franca’ proffered appropriately of punctuations due as exclamations of apexes and nadirs and so when specifically of bad “economic” theoreticals.

Days like today, as of such a considerate era, raise special intellectual alarm clamoring and to such an extent that a new “Socialism” or “Philosophy of Governance” idiom at least is essential as a new “fallacy” however it might best be named for Posterity.

For discussions to a scientific for economic reasoning about such it may or may not help to try to be analogous to the “block buster” status for the new THE LONE RANGER.  To be authentic and genre sensitive the original THE LONE RANGER was bad television by today’s standards and the new movie which I have yet to see seems by the numbers to have had too high a production budget not too low a performance.  To make this new movie more “successful” and “authentic” the big screen production should have been interrupted by commercials at the most inconvenient moments and for decoder rings from Ovaltine or maybe a dramatic advertisement for Red Ryder bb Guns — it seems the “success” model still can work as Capitalism for the new THE LONE RANGER, and, yet it so that its should already have commercials and that the commercials should have been covered by the production budget of $400 million.  America still has room for heroes despite there land of origins, and, it seems that besides commercial interruptions the new THE LONE RANGER as well likely should have been stopped with “TO BE CONTINUED” at least once and so that children would be encourage to think of earning merit badges freshly before yet seeing if the Ranger could ride more than a hundred yards in one scene.

It may be easier to redress the long historical slights about the Reagan victory of Capitalism over expansionist State Socialism by like knowing that where Paul Krugman and his band of ideologues has said all should look for the “booty” of such as proof of it as a treasured win is actually the place such victory is least likely to show itself in Posterity.

Krugman Democrats have been skewing the general welfare of political discourse by parading more like an entertaining ship of fools than even a successful Pirateer.  There may be a great general need to emphasize the difference between a ship of state - Government Ship (solution) - and privateers, and pirate ships.

The jump point for such distractive economic sophistry of a Krugman Democrat - ‘Krugman School’ - is in the halls yet not as it generally appears.  It is dangerous to walk on any of ‘Krugman School’ planks as the actual depths of the issues are covered in layers and layers of fog - of intellectualized chameleon shiftiness.

The Reagan victory of Capitalism over the march or creep of expansionist State Socialism isn’t to be found where Democrats generally have been saying it must be found if it actually was a “VICTORY” — Citizens of the United States of America have been of liberal barrages to such affect - the ship of State has been said not to be of a great victory for laissez-faire economics by such of a ‘Krugman School’ because it didn’t make the Government of the USA bigger and more Socialistic.

Of the depression about the onset of the planks parading of a ‘Krugman Democrat’ or ‘Krugman School’ there is the emotional intelligence that was ignored or rendered as too inconvenient where it related to market forces and citizen and consumer confidence - of the general ‘Krugman School’ there has been some crack wackiness where Americans have been spooned a trip of a ‘fog’ as if the way to govern after such sacrifice and victory for The Reagan Revolution and Capitalism was to have our messaging become more top down and our politics to a affecting that the way to proceed after a defeat of expansionist State Socialism was to force a conversion to a Socialism at home.

The proof of there having been a victory of a Reagan Revolution over the Cold War and expansionist State Socialism just isn’t to be found where Democrats, however, have been persistently saying it should appear.  A victory for Capitalism and laissez-faire economics - The victory - is discernible but not as a Government victory — Republicans have been asked to prove it actually happened along fallacious lines of sophistry that is troubled in more than a couple ways.  First the Republicans that have regularly been prodded along such depths of ‘Krugman School’ planks haven’t been those of the American victory that was much only possible as by “privateers” - by free market resonance and timely synchronized economic harmonics.

There is so much that is of an economic contrariness and confused historical that a tag here now as “THE KRUGMAN FALLACY” can only be a punctuational exclamation to the effect that America does still have heroes and that the treasuring of such a story and booty has yet quite been of steerage by decoy maps.

The depression drop has been of splashes ranted as irregular and out of order by Republicans while more of the cooking and galley of the Democrats akin to Krugman.  The fallaciousness of much of this is demonstrable in many different satirical methodologies and quite economically so if more specifically about Obamacare however a three legged stool may seem of government niceties.  The ‘Krugman School’ offering didn’t parlay well to the historicals - it may have been their sophistry as biased intellectualisms too much of pining for a success for expansionist State Socialism.  The ‘Krugman School’ “economics” are better to be removed for the sake of clarity from being “economic” “science” and left to the softer “science” of “philosophy of governance” - at least.

For now THE KRUGMAN FALLACY is to be left as yet another good title under which much that I have already written and worked through with public sharing can be well organized, for general consumption later in book form.  This is fitting for the missing intellectual honesty, as to how federalism is a critical market force mostly ignored, and/or covered as jumping off points removed by a suggestion that a great victory over expansionist State Socialism couldn’t have actually occurred as if because since it didn’t make the Federal Government of the United States of American BIGGER and more oppressive than it must not have happened.

In laissez-faire “economics” it figures that markets should become depressed after a great victory if those that long sacrificed and suffered were afterwards suppressed and oppressed as if such victory never actually occurred and so as we have witness been of a politics of a new governance that has suggested that after their victories in the long slog between Capitalism and expansionist State Socialism they were to settle in to home fires kindled and stoked of a pressing need for the United States of America to now “recover” by becoming that which it largely had long been fighting against.

However cute the Obamacare three legged stool may be it is still that the ‘Krugman School’ just recently was pushing a false flag pirating of Romneycare.  I do not know if the ‘Krugman School’ allows there to be any lone hero in its overly intellectualized sophist defense of liberal anti-Capitalism propaganda.  It seems that the only “hero” must be them of say the “Crown” as if of a “The King is never wrong - long live the Prince.”

Economically speaking past the defense of a Krugman fandom fog in philosophy of government discourse to Socialism covered as if “science” in economics we have globally now the free markets still supporting the history that Capitalism did defeat expansionist State Socialism by being a superior “governance” basis of more “general Welfare” social good.

As per Obamacare there is still much intellectual honesty to be unshackled for new and better democratic mashables - there is per Obamacare that these times are of times of a “federalism” new struggle and such that we are living in real time of an era when our markets and economics would have been better and stronger if of an erudition schooled more generally and earlier to how the ‘Krugman School’ “solutions” actually now better argue for a less national rendition to either be more global or more local.

Right a fallaciousness is about!  We are living in real time of an era when our markets and economics would have been better and stronger if of an erudition schooled more generally and earlier to how the ‘Krugman School’ “solutions” actually now better argue for a less national rendition to either be more global or more local.

Right a fallaciousness is about!  The “proffered” so long in defense of Democrats by Paul Krugman, economist, have been wrong in a New Nationalism too, as he too at such for economics, for the Constituted United States, renders by his “theorized” that God is yet forward as under Nation - that Nationalism must trump all global eco-systems in market economics for a economics of a centralized Political identity contrary to the US original markets recipes (in pluralism).

                                                *  *  *


{It seems since THE KRUGMAN FALLACY is a fitting title under which to reorganize many of my past columns of many of these past years workings it is appropriate that I leave my bracketed notations here for Posterity.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:00 pm

It is that she is more a hack imposter of paint thrown about a floor as art.  For her and the strands of any “web” her’s is less as if an imitation Jackson Pollock and more as if spaghetti thrown on the floor.

She has been about a lot of flash but little lasting energy of success - as a Diplomat - seems.  She has been it seems of only porridge too hot or too cold - as if all she has served has never been served “just right”!

Her yarns can’t be silk as she has run too rough shod as a herded donkey more akin to burlap “home spun” of her “villages” - the glory of South Carolina mulberry trees of their fruitless harvests seem far from a bolstered “engineered” weave of her ragged husbandry.

Her “It’s Takes A Village” at first blush of a new “inevitable” towards 2016 seems tabled and secured away.  Her infamous book seems of the years still too missing of our current political historical dialogues and now too barred for any “approved” Hillary celebration such as rumored for political timing by NBC and CNN.

She is now as if an earlier contestant of a “Who am I?  Why am I here?” as if of a WAITING FOR GODOT more than a NEW Perot yet out again too similarly of non-answers akin to “To know me is to love me!” and that other of his answers near:  It is in the book - read the book. 

Can Hillary Clinton for 2016 even be a NEW Admiral James Stockdale - at least?  She may be cozy with a Vladimir of Godot and ready to cook up faux art for arrivals of performance on promises that likely can and never will be.  She has history of being to her “village” quite as if a socialist propaganda while maybe more of estrogen than Estragon - and with much posing.

How far are you willing to go with Hillary Clinton to her of her “village” oddly more then too as if a global village fundamentally contrary to the shining city on a hill known of the Reagan yarns?  She has hot flashes to doctor for her prescribed propaganda of the teasing by NBC and CNN but what she is already of all her years is more as if a Humpty Dumpty so broken and scattered that there is no putting her back together even if she were to allow the more controversial years of her saga to also be fairly dramatized.

She can be said to have had her “hot flashes” while of “official” duties but time has shown she failed to spin a web of lasting networked energy of “success.”  Little is being caught by her woven “home spun” as “artful” but inconvenient flies as if to thrown spaghetti - left - and left.

There is much in the years from 1990 - 1998 to cause a reduction to authority of the Clintons as still floated and packaged.  She is the spouse of the member of the most elite of “clubs” in The United States of America - she is a member by marriage in the club of former Presidents.  At the last main gathering of such “club” as it was, as I recall it, for the GRAND OPENING of the stately George W. Bush Presidential Library ,  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was controversial and concerning so adorned as if of a state uniform garb - as if owned by the Chinese.

Have you at least found the missing years 1993 -2001 yet? 

Have you become awakened to a Hillary that is not capable of an artful engineered weave of a catchy web and how 2016 now will hopefully not be a sad repeat of 2008 or 2012 with the Bushes as members of such elite club again too much as if Clinton Republicans?  2016 now sits out there as a horizon of a promise of an American Spring — 2016 is not now set for the Bushes to be again abused by the Clintons with their calling on loyalty in “membership” to have it that the Clintons are again able to use the Bushes generous loyalty to serve up dramatizations cooked up from lies.

The best way to defeat the Clintons now is yet again a way that has been too avoided - it is critical to a successful defeat of the Clintons that a RESET be affected to a nationwide to global general and public discourse on the years just between 1989 - 1993 - the years that oddly historically have trouble explaining the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.

The Clintons have kept Hillary’s hopes alive - have kept the hope’s of the Charlotte Charlatan Bill Clinton of the recent Democratic Party Convention “brassy” stoked - with a network of deception and a sad but effective betrayal of the Bushes while of a dependence on the honor of the Bushes as if a secret recipe of their home spun polarizing partisan political fabrications.

The Clintons are now only politically serviceable because the Bushes have been generous while being betrayed - and of enough honor such that their “friendship” for the Clintons was effective to selling the faux yarns of the Clintons’ spaghetti logic.

There was energy in Jackson Pollocks threads of paint and there is that the Clintons cooking setting them now up too much as if of a Politics of THE LORD OF THE FLIES.  Again: it seems telling that a board game can not quite be made to play a “game” as the Clintons play “politics” as though you may agree on what a board should look like there can be no rules as they persist in having every piece theirs set selectively as Clinton Wild Cards/Pieces.

It has been for too long that the Bushes have been saving the Clintons and because the Clintons asked them to indirectly as if one member of their elite “club” deserved protection from the others.  The Clintons have already been diabolical as members of such once more honorable “club” for of being to stewing of political consumables with hidden ingredients set to leave game changing after tastes or permanent stains from a general spillage.

The Clintons have persisted in lingering too long and now necessarily will be due a complete and serious audit of all the financials of all their private and public (however) engagements.  It was that it was too cursory how President Obama was to his “review” of the books of the Clintons and threateningly near a white washing as inappropriate in a time where global and foreign entanglements should have been more scrutinized.  It was a great disappointment how cursory President Obama was with his “review” of the financial engagements of the Clintons while about the seating of Mrs. Clinton as his Secretary of State.

Republicans and Democrats as these days are afoot as if the recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be of her “village” and yet be of our “shining city on a hill” if so to being proffered a cozy capitalistic support of a favorable rendition of years selected or block by her for the now teased Hillary Clinton miniseries (propaganda).

As the Governors of the states of the United States can be of the “government” alternative to Obamacare our Congress in light of necessary Sequestration should be able to defund or suspend the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare has be to an established network to a nationalized socialized alternative option for something that has many other options already available including Romneycare.  If it doesn’t have the votes to be veto proof for a defunding our Congress still is firstly more responsible for our National Defense and therefore must have some way to suspend optional alternative programs in times that an economy is forcing defense and intelligence spending cuts that can and might be threatening to the National Defense.

If there is a “web” of the Hillary Clinton now being remade and repackaged it is of her and Bill of cooking up ugly past “porridge” about the tables of the Bushes.  The Obamas should learn from the betrayal of the generous friendship publicly maintained for the Clintons by the Bushes that was on parade by the Clintons.  All should be now savy to how the Clintons have succeeded with flashes of hot spots from lies they only were able to concoct on the strength and honor of the Bushes and while depending, it seems, as figured, on the Bushes staying stately and silent per such. 

The Bushes were not caught in a web of the Clintons - mostly at least - but they have been smeared by the Clintons by their own silence as a family while members also of a most elite club abused its honor.  The Clintons when seen of all their years - at least of the years from 1989 to the present day - are in jeopardy — They reek of a desire to use the elite membership in the “club” of past Presidents to cover them for global meddling for selfish partisan and polarizing politics too much of “executive Power” while not officially any longer the “Executives.”

The Republicans have now lost more elections than they should have because the Bush family stayed silent while the Clintons were basically stabbing them in the back.  We can gather from this that the Obamas should have no expectation of loyalty from the Clintons or any trustworthiness.  It may be that if Hillary Clinton is hoping she can bend the Constitution even far enough to turn Obamacare into a single payer system - into an improved Obamacare then to be named Hillarycare.

If she does have a web and not just faux artistry of hot spots too Lordish - such a web should be glimmering and most visible in the lights and environment of the Clintons as too much of the “danger” of “avoidance” and “inaction” of all their years and all their foreign monetary entanglements however either white washed once by President Obama or of his oratory of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech.  He did rightly slap at the Clintons with his Nobel speech so as he was to speaking of dangers of inaction and avoidance as if his “inaction” and “avoidance” was a tag on the Clintons as a due sad rap on their years 1993 - 2001.

For now whatever the Clintons are now trying to cook up or spin anew is dangerously too much like former Speaker Nancy Pelosi of her healthcare bill comments to the effect that you don’t need to know what is in it until after it is made law.  It seems too dangerous now to accept that Hillary Clinton is being to a RESET and make-over such that no one will know what to expect as a NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton until it is too late.

There is only a spaghetti logic at best to that which must be the real “legacy” of the Clintons.  We waited and waited for her to appear as electable in 2008 and now it seems such is even less likely now to be but as a promised “inevitable” that can never actually arrive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:37 pm

For some this may be put aside as political reading as of the Congress of August 2013, and, for reading during their five week summer break

For all though it is puzzling this supposed Hillary the Superwoman myth in the air that suggests that the Democrat Party is already all together as the lorded class of an agreement that the future representative of the “demos” ( the People) has already been picked and arranged for the 2016 change of crown - like.  It is quite puzzling that the party that is supposedly defined as “Democratic” as defined by “democratic” is as if so set with a new leader already hand picked and pre-selected by a elite set of Lord-ish Party leaders.

On the race angle though it is a problem as after the defeat of the vast “Clintons’ Political Machine” by an inexperience novice political junior peer of the Senate of First Lady Senator Clinton as well quite puzzling as if wondering if chum in the waters can attract sharks.  Whom that is black and an established politician actually of executive experience won’t or shouldn’t be in 2016 Presidential race at least if it seems it only Hillary Clinton that needs to be defeated again?

On reparations there is problematic politics too as per the suggestion that Hillary Clinton is an inevitable next President already picked by a few to be the new People’s leader not to actually need picking by the People - the “demos” of “democratic” and “Democratic.”  It seems suggested that Hillary Clinton deserves the office and should be an inevitable next President this time actually but so as if as a white woman deserving of reparations for time served as just the enslaved spouse of an earlier male President. 

On reparations too there is other race problems more black on black for it seems that President Obama did account to himself so much that as an executive he otherwise could have spread out to others more of slave descent than he — It is considerable how far to reparations for passed African American enslavement the vast millions President Obama didn’t have to have spent on himself as “perks” could have otherwise blessed others more of an American Slave legend. 

The Presidency if for a Democrat Party candidate again is towards 2016 now like cotton for the picking if just to prove a black again can out pick Hillary Clinton if she again enters such laboring - said laboring - refreshments of the “demos” Americana.

On reparations with myself as some of Irish descent I have to oppose reparations angle for the former First Lady Clinton and stick to summation above that Obama’s personal “perks” could have been sufficient for a blessing on most as a justified reparations for the Irish like labor abuses — I have to stick to summation so as if reparations by a refund of the last purchase price of a former slave relation was/is the only passable level of rendering late of old injustices.

Hillary Clinton has done much to demean former First Ladies and women in general with her of this similar false sense of personal entitlement.  It is diabolical to suggest she deserves to be President because as a woman while First Lady she was entitled to more that a spousal co-holding unabridged embrace of real power though of a third of every day with her husband privately much left alone to her mercy or lack of it.

Hillary Clinton set a ridiculous example that still diminishes all First Ladies of The United State of America - even our current FLOTUS Michelle Obama.  It was ridiculous that Hillary Clinton saw the office of First Lady - the Spousal Preserve of shared Power otherwise than all others have.  It was ridiculous that she insisted in a bureaucratic personal submission within the West Wing flow chart of obedience to her husband that undermined the historic traditions of real Power through intimacy.  She asked to be removed from the full protections and celebration of spousal rights as joined and united souls of our legacies and legends made by the women First Ladies.

More successful, than Hillary Clinton, even on healthcare for all is the black Democratic Party winner Governor Deval Patrick.  With President Obama’s ACA - Obamacare a general train wreck it just seems that the United States of America have a successful black executive to lean on towards 2016; it just seems that with Obamacare said of being so doomed 2016 has to be like a religious political calling for Governor Patrick of Massachusetts towards carrying the Democrat Party torch as no other could - towards carrying the torch of a promise that he could, if elected, help states learn how to make a Romneycare work for them.

This can only be some as a set up for Diane Lane and much because others more than Snipes have become snipy about the IRS and taxation.  This is about Joes more than - well this really could and should be more about Joes now than it is. Vice President of the United States is a First Stater and likely of cross party loyalties maintained across the isles of the Congress - across especially the isles of his old and familiar Senate haunts.  This is more about discounts at 1600 - and as “murder at 1600″ still a consideration of Congress as to a likely possible permanent tag on at least Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for gross negligence per Benghazi or even something near a “negligent homicide” rap.

Where is the buck to stop - the bucks to stop about all this that is supposed to not be at all of a “phony” until it has been established that something didn’t stop at rival Clinton’s State desk that was supposed to have gotten to the President’s desk yet didn’t.

There are interesting alternative political plot lines that could have been and still could be soon — there are interesting plot lines to at least entertain now as August break dramatic distractions/escapes.  We have that President Obama likely has shown that his Irishness is not dominant - not to obvious stereotypical dominant traits as his.

If President Barack Hussein Obama were more Irish in his salt and pepper - ebony and ivory - gene strings he likely would have as a visibly black Irish President have worked out a resolution for reparations at least to the last price paid for slaves of African descent of blood relations now settled as citizens of The United States of America.

How has Joe - How has Joe Biden, Vice President, not discounted black President Obama already enough so that he could himself be President now by some simple loyal reviews by his loyal peers in Congress?  How are we not now already with President Obama impeached or removed as by Political duty entrusted in our Vice Presidency?  How has Joe not moved on competence at least as it was possible (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to have move Congress and Country to a change on cause with a hope then in maybe two Joes? 

How are we not now already (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to a change from within and to a President Joe Biden and maybe so set anew with a Vice President Joe Lieberman?  Why hasn’t experience and seniority reset and saved our body politics from all this division that has been arising from novice and amateur “leadership”?

These are trying days with a President that still seems to be in office quite over his head at least per economics.  Vice President Joe Biden (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) could even have moved Congress in the first term of such upside down and divisive political condition and as a champion for reparations to cure a stinging lack of whipping by First Black President - by President Obama.  We could now have President Joe Biden and with he of success in an earlier removal of a rival politician of little or no real experience and as otherwise an actual and real champion for reparations if only as to a summation tilled justly around the last price paid for each slave of African descent identifiable as of the history of U.S.A. slavery Big Business.

I don’t know how President Obama didn’t make reparations a priority for his first term as the First Black President; it now seems too late for him, and so any or all others.  It seems reasonable that had he been more typically Irish while a politician he would have been, however also white, to having braved the reparations politics when prescient of his first term.

Hillary Clinton did not live up to the Diplomatic challenge it seems that President Obama had hoped to gain from with her as a politically picked rival for his cabinet.  It seems much either stopped at her desk that could have or should have been resolved/attended to there or that stuff got too discounted by her there and so that she was to political selfish reasoning of a practice of keeping it from getting to the President’s desk (in time).  Besides all the improvements that could have or should have been made to the President’s foreign policy speeches and how such should have been caught by the dutiful supporting teamwork expected of a State Department cabinet appointee - there is still Benghazi as of his political rival not having been able to do the lesser job well enough - without apparent tragic negligence.

Whom hasn’t been too discounted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.E. in Washington, D.C. since the First Black President firstly became so sworn in for his first term?  How has he not already been discounted enough from within so that we had an reset via Vice President Joe Biden and his loyal old Congressional peers, however of their seniority, and so that we otherwise could now be cruising back to American ways with two Joes - with President Joe & Vice President Joe?

It is historic that a first term of The First Black President passed with slaves of African descent seeming discounted more and as if he thought it was righteous for he to expend upon himself such vast sums as Presidential “perks” that symbolically at least could better have gone for reparations.

It may be too early to call him THE GREAT DIVIDER as it is still political that it looks like that we if Hillary Clinton had been elected would have been to having tagged her so THE GREAT DIVIDER more so.  He may be for history THE GREAT DIVIDER of the short history of legacies of past Presidents and irreversibly as The First Black President who avoided some great race based political issues at least during his first term, but, it is so that it was that Hillary Clinton made almost all the same Political partisan campaign promises and so that she as his rival may be a problem within that discounts his rap as a “divider” though without removing the sting from all their lack of whipping on issues that should have been of their first term.

It does seem with Obamacare such a said trainwreck that black Governor Deval Patrick is a nature and evolutionary next Democrat Party nominee for the office of the President.  He actually has political and executive experience and on a workable healthcare for all governance.  Deval Patrick could ask Mayor Cory Booker, if the Newark leader is actually to be old enough to be President by 2017 inauguration day, to join him for a 2016 ticket to take the Democrats away from the DANGER like warned of by a Doug Sosnik recent public comment to how his party is set to have big problems when President Obama is no longer its leader.

For now I can just hope that The First Black President has already read THE EMPEROR OF OCEAN PARK, and most at least of the SAMPLER set out of order at http://jphogan.org.  I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s when I was in the seventh grade at East Rock Community School in New Haven, Connecticut and was readying for my oratory competition with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY declaration of war against Japan speech.  I though didn’t know until the 2008 races that he and I share the same August day as our birth date each year - with he old so by four years to the date.

It seems too discounted so that it has been so discounted as to not even much considered that really the politics of these years of The United States of America with its First Black President likely could have been more interesting if President Obama were white or just more white - white enough such that Vice President Joe Biden could have moved Congress to removal of the President for “competency” or “lying under oath” if not worse and so that he could have proven to be a really smart and ambitious rival.

What have we now missed these few years that could have been otherwise if Obama had been white to us of an impeachment or removal, however, so that now we didn’t have Joe so discounted - so that now we had two “Joes” - so that now we of the United States of America had a President Joe Biden and a new Vice President Joe Lieberman?

This is the Barack Obama, President, that said before his 1st Inaugural that the United States could use a new and different Declaration of Independence as if he meant as from the start and so before there was Delaware as a First State.  This is of he that spoke campaign rhetoric in his 1st inaugural as if his win had rewritten history and made his spin the new FACTS of the nation - of he that lied in his 1st inaugural.  This is of he that in his 2nd inaugural breathed a whipping of progressive anti-Constitutionalisms with he so then of his expressiveness smarted but with a legal ignorance while he too of a discounting of the relevance of the founding writs with he then of his like;  THOUGH I JUST SWORE THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I WILL NOT NOW FEEL BEHOLDEN TO SUCH OATH - TO MY SWEARING JUST MOMENTS AGO AS AN OATH OF THE OFFICE.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:11 pm

What is campaigning but warring by another more peaceful means?  What is warring when the battles are clever e-battles of words and word play and more of cyber fronts and lines than armed entrenchments?

It seems global apology tours can be tagged as if radioactive in an aiding and abetting of states of ideals writ large otherwise than those of the standards of the consecrated and Constituted Law of the United States of America.  It is battle logic whether of armed warring or clever more e and cyber strategery that more civil campaigning can be warring and effective to aiding and comforting known socialist foreign sovereigns.

But can Obamacare stand now or long as if a permanent Constitutional right?  Seems it cannot!  Seems the First Amendment protections if the ordained and established Law of the Constitution can be called upon to trump a temporary power to tax as if as a war power for a national campaign on health.  Seems the Supreme Court of the United States but for “It’s a Tax” was left to nearly or effectively ruling that a few or the entire mass of Democrats had waged war on the United States Constitution and in ways to offer comfort and aid to even more socialist foreign sovereigns.  Seems Chief Justice John Roberts did pass the Affordable Care Act but as if of a time when it looked like the Congress and Constitution would hold and that Constitutionalist were capable of the then an 8 fewer votes needed to quickly defeat “Obamacare.”

These are times to hunker down and consider how long we have been of a new Civil Warring in a borderless way but by the intellectual lines prescribed and subscribed by the Founding Fathers and later amending People.  The battle flag standard of the Democrats and especially the Clintons seem fit to be in few characters labeled as THE CONSTITUTION MUST FALL.

The recent decisions on Voter Rights and the improperly conceived defense of marriage law have a Walt Whitmanesque concern to them and particularly the same sex marriage energy and electricity so recently telegraphed.  The telegraph may have nearly been the only real electricity about the time of the Civil War and Walt Whitman choruses of odes to us of body electrics.

The Constitution is holding for now - and surprisingly for how long and seriously clever it has been warred against by the Clintons and fellow Democrats.  The First Amendment is a wonder of affirmation that the Founding Fathers did unanimously subscribe the country under God by the specific Lord of the Christian calender when signing off on the articles as keyed in a legend to be measured forever as ordained and established of the Lord of the New Testament.

For now as we are at the 150th Anniversary water mark of the Civil War days of Vicksburg and Gettysburg we might miss how warring can be civil otherwise and yet as great a war threat to our union by Constitution and Amending.

There are many, I presume, who could drop Obama dimes on the Clintons to show a more historical battle history to that now briefer of an assessable strategizing of President Barack Hussein Obama.  There are more than a few past comments still notable of the Clintons that as when spoken kinda needed the Constitution to fall as hoped for them not to be later also assessable for attempts to undermine with wilful purpose and intent the original and necessary import of the Law of the USA.

We all have now heard of cyber warring - yet may have to a too many been so far naively to an open flank as per a necessary consideration that such could be a new method of civil warring.

But as per Obamacare as likely impossibly unstable for Posterity unless our Constitution is amended or rewritten by a all out Constitutional Convention convening:  The Federal Government has standards for polarity and with allowances that different labeling is necessary and critical at least for UL listing as we all are of a body politic of Walt Whitman’s odes of a body electric.

As the Constitution is amazingly still standing so far into the advances of socialistic sympathetic home rule in the United States of America we are wise to ask at least ourselves: How can it be that polarity can be different for electricity as per our Constitution and so as that as illuminating to how the love electricity of the body electrics don’t as well need clear and specific different labeling?

I personally am of the opinion that the Affordable Care Act is due a date back at the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States for a ruling that it is Un-Constitutional as per the First Amendment - at least.  Whether you know some already too long sympathetic to the aiding and comforting of at least foreign socialist sovereigns or just have a gut feeling that the Clintons are inescapable from an innocence from a charge that they have admittedly been of attempts to undermine the Constitution it is that such is quite due a rap as if it has from its start been a e and cyber new Civil War.

The First Amendment does bar Congress from making any law like the Defense Of Marriage Act by it barring Congress from undermining the ordained establishment in the Lord of the Founders as set with marriage as just one of many “establishments” of “religion” that the Founders protected the People from as a predictable National possible perversion of what are tenets of the foundational faith of the United States of America.  It seems that the Supreme Court at the time of the first challenge to the Affordable Care Act was right to not legislate from the bench and to defend piecemeal with their branch of “It’s a Tax” broadside of an allowance that the Federal Government at least temporarily must have the power to raise revenue for at least epidemic health concerns.

This Forth of July the People, like myself, as citizens of the United States of America are of experiences now suppressive to our economic much related to the sociology of a new world order too favoring to foreign more socialist sovereigns that have us effectively for now by Law as if more subjects than citizen People than yet ever before in the short history of the USA.

You can say that since the Congress is not allowed to make a Law like DOMA it has been held up that the Constitution is still standing (to the jeopardy of the Clintons) as with religion and marriages broadly lined up sufficiently still as the forest and trees of the First Amendment bar to Congress from making of any law with an interpretation of the establishments of the New Testament and its Lord of the Founders subscribing.  Again we are at Walt Whitman as of his odes of bodies “electric” still to telegraph as of a Civil War.  If you know your plugging and electricity you then know some at least how some apparatus allow prongs of equal size without a concern for polarity pairing, and, that for other parts of our “electricity” a specific polarity has to be wired and established and secured for those protected with different and not equal prongs so that the hot wire doesn’t go into the ground or neutral female fixture ports.

The Federal Government of the Constituting by the Founding Fathers of the just ordained and established original articles as keyed by the preamble as a legend for its metrics and reasoning was subscribed unanimously to prevent even an act or law by Congress at all to the effect that God needed to be replaced or fired or otherwise denied.  Congress by the affirmation of the Constitution by the Bill of Rights is barred even from making a law saying effectively:  THERE IS NO GOD.

Obamacare is killing the economy but not as a sole battle to undermine our Constitution to ease or aid and comfort more socialist sovereign foreigners.  There is that now American prudence and thrift has a new National sense to it that hurts the old economy as by an right to account and assume that if it is costing now that/this much for the Government to be planning a socialist and centralized new nationalistic “caring” then even as per their neighbors one is logically to posture firstly that the federal government must already be helping our neighbors with such vast sums so that any effort really now is best spent otherwise more selfishly in a the new decreed thrift.

The recent rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States of America has re-established that the Constitution is still (to the jeopardy of the Clintons - at least) still standing and while baring stepping out to more definitively establish how even the Affordable Care Act can not be permanent and of a new bureaucracy unless the Constitution is amended or replace.  The first battle of ACA at the Supreme Court did preserve the domain as that of the People and Congress to amend or overthrow such bill while it had that defined Power to be at least a Tax as if a war power necessarily though as if more a temporary power.

It has been of debate if this has been so far such a challenge to our Constitution to have been a warring and a treason with premeditation towards undermining our constitution and as of a purpose to aid and comfort foreign sovereigns long much more socialist and tyrannical.

But we have that the First Amendment can turn back the Affordable Care Act at least in so much as the electricity of federalism consistently in just the more recent rulings from the bench of the Nine of the highest Court is wired and grounded to the established polarities of the tenets as establishments of the New Testament.  The recent rulings by SCOTUS do undermine the lasting footing for ACA aka Obamacare — once they ruled per Prop 8 so they re-affirmed the federalism in faith that allows only states to interpret scripture for citizens of the US. 

These recent ruling have set the clock ticking against national healthcare by the adhering to the Constitution and its federalism soul as it has been considerable that the highest Court established basically that a relationship between “Holy” and “Healthy” remains of the states of the only jurisdiction to govern about the power of the seven deadly sins spirit.

It seems civil though we have been respectively long already engaged in an e-warring more cyber and borderless as if of a new Civil War to undo the Constitution when we consider that some can be called to account for strategery quite diabolical, and that Democrats now may be best to a prudence to rat and dime out other Democrats in keeping with President Obama’s bureaucratic standards for ratting out and dimming out any more loyal to others than he within any of his ranks.

Humans of Whitman’s original American odic “electricity” can hardly still telegraph such a civil war - we are of bodies electric and with blood types some more “universal receivers” and “universal donors” like of a polarity in blood like that established, governed and protected differently in electricity.

And, there are Democrats for other Democrats to loyally dime out and rat on to protect President Obama until Obamacare has to be surrendered as not Constitutionally fit for permanency for it while of a right to tax and raise revenue as if for a war as of a health epidemic is too boldly an affront to the First Amendment and its barring to Congress from any law like DOMA that attempts to violate the states’ rights in federalism as the parishes for interpretation of “Holy” and “Healthy.”

It has recently been re-established that the states own the domain for the seven deadly sins jurisprudence by the decisions recently and especially the standing determined about the Proposition 8 case — The federal government cannot until the Constitution is actually at least amended be permanently of a power to heal those the states have a duty and charge to govern in their particular faith metrics and establishments.

If it can be said to have been a willful warring at the Constitution towards a rabble rousing to undermine the establishments long secured whom is it that firstly and mostly needs to be dime’d out in the new rat em out order of the Democrat Party ranks of the Executive reach of President Barack Hussein Obama?

As long as we are so protected by the Federal establishments so ordained that keep Congress from a superior right to interpret religion and faith and as of the odic long civilly of “the body electric” he engorged us poetically and Constitutionally in ways that today keep established that different labels are necessary and proper for different polarity - for different electrical attraction energies.

Is it that former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is due a ratting from inside as much as Obama may wished loyalists to first dime out the Clintons?  Is it that she with a recent suggestion that “in just five years…” the recent rulings of the Supreme Court can be undermine for Posterity has been just wrong unless she sees a way to amend the now re-established as Constitutional limits per these specific charged issues?

It seems worth sharing that after the string of recent Bench of 9 decisions that it has been secured that to change the laws of the odes for the electricity of the bodies the politics will require at least an amending to the Constitution and really nothing less.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:06 am

By now you should have heard of Obamacare.  The Affordable Care Act has been said to be Obamacare, Romneycare and Hillarycare.  President Obama is in a pickle with Obamacare with the recent Senate passage of legislation for Immigration Reform.

The politics of the moment are to be imagined quite as if President Clinton has President Obama over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.  With that said, however seemingly unfair, it may be a pickle barrel of politics which at any moment could have it more justly as President Obama with President Clinton over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.

These days of the politics of Obamacare, Immigration. the know scandals, and the seeming dammed and ready to burst new scandals have us waking this Wednesday with the House having the con now to call Immigration as it sees it.  President Obama yesterday was petty with his politicking on Immigration so when of asking that procedural battles don’t now scar the bold moves by the Senate per such.

There is race involved in today’s politics besides however with Obamacare, redistribution as reparations, immigration and executive branch power and corruption;  Attorney General Eric Holder is black and of talk as to whether he should resign.

We may have to go back and forth on the imagery of whom (which President) now figuratively has the other President like over a barrel;  It is race related as it seems simply that AG Attorney Eric Holder has been loyal to this point to the impossible politics of the Obama administration as it stayed of a trichotomy of Power between Barack, Bill, and Hillary.  It is that I am not yet to suggesting that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign just mostly because it seems it would be both unfair and racist to have him so like drawn and quartered before or in lieu of at least Hillary Clinton.

There is much in today’s politics so that we all might miss some important elements, however Shakespearean, tragically while what is more visible and on the table stirs us too comically.  We cannot forget the Supreme arguments for Obamacare as essential to ACA (Affordable Care Act) as per SPILL OVER;  Obama is over a barrel at least as per Immigration due to his lawyers of having argued in defense of his Romneycare as per interstate SPILL OVER.

The political enslavement now about our black President is of a roots in the whoopie of Bill and Hillary at least of their second term.  Though Vint Cerf actually is the father of the internet it may be Al Gore that “invented” the political misuse we are now to discussing, hopefully not too late and after the fact.  It may be that President Bush and the Patriot Act gave political cover to such machinations short of artificial intelligence of an NSA of machines theirs doing it but not them, however. If it is just the machines doing it and they so far as not yet capable as of an artificial intelligence then it figures accurately in still acceptable political jargon that the NSA is not “wittingly” of its human elements to such as per citizens of the United States of America.

It is a complicated day for politics as many of President Obama’s roots as per this political enslavement do till of days of the executive whoopie of Bill and Hillary.  He is trapped with his ACA and it as argued for as per the interstate SPILL OVER costs dilemma.  His Obamacare however a Romneycare, or worser yet as a Hillarycare II, is still fit for Constitutional challenges at least as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.  The lawyers for Obama with their briefing supreme per ACA introduced fallacious rendering of an appropriate right or wrong at least as per SPILL OVER;  Obamacare is in jeopardy as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.

We are of an era of a corruption in our national politics much set so and consummated and consecrated about the times of the Clintons and such of a “two-fer” Bonnie and Clyde intimacy, however of spousal whoopie.  It would be largely unfair to ask that Attorney General Eric Holder be now drawn and quartered or tarred and feathered before Hillary and/or Bill, or in lieu of President Obama, President Clinton and now former but yet recently NSA entwined Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

Again:  President Bush may have given political cover to such as we are discussing as a Big Brother over-reaching of Federal Authority - as by the Patriot Act.  But the roots of the political enslavement of President Obama and some now as well his black Attorney General are of the establishment of such e-potential from the days of Clinton and Gore.

Right!  SPILL OVER!  Right!  Obamacare without immigration reform is subject to a Supreme review anew as with the arguments for it used to argue just so against it;  Without Immigration reform there is and will be “INTERNATIONAL” SPILL OVER to be as fiercely posited against ACA as the “interstate” SPILL OVER was to posture for it.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I may have a race problem or two with the still being written “legacy” of/for the Clintons.  Again, as per much of the issues towards any proffering that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign there is a reasonable consideration that he as per such has shown himself to have tried to work with the impossible politics of a justice that was supposed to be judiciously able to mash a workable intelligence while loyal to both President Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” - still stomping.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I have been arguing against Obamacare a long time and so long if it too a Hillarycare II as I did argue against Hillarycare since before there was the Clintons in the 1992 race and to then such so.  I am not against Romneycare quite so accept though as Romney posited that a Federal repeal of Obamacare was possible as if replaced by Romneycare.  Yes I am only in support of Romneycare as it stays a state based solution and with other states of a morality and economic condition to be set themselves likewise, however, in a competition with Massachusetts’ methods of covering all - and as with a justice possible around interstate SPILL OVER problems.

Obamacare should be Un-Constitutional by the lawyers’ for its arguments as until there is an immigration reform there remains a bigger SPILL OVER cost problem for affordable care than that of the “interstate” SPILL OVER posits postured and proffered to defend a “necessary” federal socializing centralized new Big-Government authority.

It is that our national politics are now still too corrupted by the potential to corruption of the then much newer e-watching capability that the Administration of the Clintons ushered into our national systems.  It may have been President Bush who gave a new political cover to such as the capacity that the Clintons like drooled over with considerations of new Political Power grabbing and holding potential, but, it is still that we have roots of this political enslavement of President Obama as of the days of Clinton whoopie, and, machinations political of bending too many Republicans to a colluded corruption along the power lines of like:  “We the Clintons now have the technology to fool all of the People all of the time (or nearly) so get on board or get left behind!”

Economically speaking the United States of America should have first reformed immigration then worked to restart an grand new era for economic growth and then and only then proceeded at the national level with healthcare reform if and where states were themselves refusing to see a morality about competing, however, with Massachusetts efforts about their Romneycare.

“It’s a Tax!” speaks not to the SPILL OVER international or interstate but to a common sense practicality that a President and Executive Branch must have as well a right to wage war on health and to tax however necessary if a war so is just.  It may be that as a Tax it is not Constitutional if it is to be permanent and to a new Federal bureaucracy at least until an amendment to establish a national right to healthcare is successfully through all proper procedures for such.

The House now too seems to have President Obama over a barrel.  It is quite a pickle that there may at least be three barrels and that the House now also has former President Clinton also prostrate over a figurative political barrel.

As per Attorney General Eric Holder it still seems to impolite or racist to suggest he should resign before at least Hillary Clinton as for her days so entwined with the NSA knowingly as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is at least also to a more civil public and political tarring and feathering, likewise.  It also figures that AG Holder might also be said to be rightly and justly to withholding a resignation at least as long as President Obama refuses, likewise, to bend with an offering of one himself.

Obamacare can not possibly be “affordable” while the INTERNATIONAL SPILL OVER costs dilemma reigns supreme and superior as a threat to affordability likewise as the interstate spill over problema was postured as proffered and erudite posits.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:57 am

Happy Memorial Day 2013.

Today seems a very good day to press out some not too simple reasoned thoughts about the state of the United States of America and/or it Politics - political history.

I don’t want this piece to be about race or specifically about failures of the first actually “black” President of the United States.  It may be beyond a pale to discuss his darkness as of his darkness, however black enough or maybe not black enough.

It isn’t on a proud readiness of the citizens of the United States of America to which this presser broadside is primarily to be worked through as about the “pride” citizens should have that the USA was ready to elect a black president.

It is inescapable that Barack Hussein Obama is black and also now too much that he is justly being compared to a white tagged as “Criminal” Richard Milhous Nixon.  Impeachment may be looming - looming large and realistically for Harvard Law Grad and former Constitutional Law Professor B. Obama.

So let’s just look at the whites of the team of rivals of the USA’s first black President. 

All that now is actionable, however just this far, and just as for an administration a “the most corrupt ever” as beyond a pale of political decency may be most of a culpability of the paler whiter of his careful selection and management.  It may be hard to step so far so fast as to a “it is all Hillary Clinton’s fault” but yet that may be a more just broadcast presser.  It could be too much affirmative action for a hoped for 1st female to assert first an affirmative action for a US executive to be slammed firstly though as due at least an equally affirming action as a 1st black as a 1st female might get, however wrong or right.

It wasn’t the first black President whom after 9/11 II showed a deep ignorance still about 9/11 I and intelligence per the Middle East since.  No!  That was his paler white female Secretary of State Madam Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - Former First Lady.  It is worse than all the “PLAYING POLITICS” both are now seriously suspect of while officially expected to be above such a pale - embarrassment;  President Obama’s Secretary of State though with some outburst @ Congress did admit to a culpability for the senseless loss of the Benghazi Four. 

It was Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Former First Lady Hillary, who embarrassed herself and the United States of America or at least its State Department with her first official remarks after the dreadful tragic loss of the American Consulate in Libya and the Benghazi Four.  It is unthinkable how she could have had such a naive perspective in her official remarks posited from the dais of the seventh floor at State. 

It was Obama’s “Hillary” who wasn’t ready for a 9/11 II whether on day one or at 3 am - as it turns out.  It was naive and embarrassing that she officially spoke about the attacks of September 11, 2012 with a too personal addendum integral to her speechifying like:  I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS COULD HAPPEN IN A  COUNTRY I LIBERATED.

For now it seems that black President Obama is above the fray and beyond the pale - whites - more central to the too criminal sloppy management across different departments within his team of rivals officialdom.  It may not be quite believable that he as his long shown self of a desire to have a “personality based” Presidency and to need BEER SUMMITS for speaking out too early as if a ready judge, jury and executioner can not get pulled down at least by white Hillary Clinton for her also sloppy “customer service” (management).  His “Hillary” showed her intelligence and foundation was flawed with her too personal official and naive remark after the tragic loss of Americans in Benghazi.  Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State in President Barack Hussein Obama’s TEAM OF RIVALS admitted to having a ridiculous and impossible view of the Middle East and for her Diplomatic Mission when of orating that she couldn’t believe such an attack could happen.

This has to go above the seventh floor of the State Department and all the way up to however raised a dais of the President is.

He has to himself really be wondering sure like:  WHAT DID SHE KNOW AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT.

But he has to be able to have the buck stop at his however raised dais of the Presidency as well with a consideration that he is not beyond the pale & beyond a due process for official embarrassment at least for his “Hillary” for having had on blinders - so it seems.


President Barack Hussein Obama, however black, and due an American celebration by its people for themselves of having shown the world that citizens of the United States of America are modern and compassionate already enough to be beyond accepting black leadership. 

But “Hillary” isn’t alone in being a more pale embarrassment while of the Black President’s TEAM OF RIVALS. 

But with that said we can this Memorial Day remember that Governor Mitt Romney cost himself the last election and maybe for driving to much as if black Obama - on healthcare. 

It is difficult to believe that after Governor Mitt Romney suggested that if white he were elected and black President Obama defeated he would repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE he had a chance with common sense citizens.

Governor Mitt Romney only offered basically that citizens of the United States should elect him to solve healthcare because he was white, maybe.  It could be a fairness thing that since he was white when he got ROMNEYCARE passed in a liberal Massachusetts he thought that as long as President Barack H. Obama was saying OBAMACARE IS ROMNEYCARE then he should be voted to a defeat of black President Obama because it wasn’t honorable for his ROMENYCARE to be stolen from him and taken as if that the work of another.

But beyond that Governor Mitt Romney may have had a moral case, after President Obama himself asserted that OBAMACARE is ROMNEYCARE, such that since so it should be returned to its rightful owner and he that admitted/confessed a stealing should at least be defeated it rests that as long as OBAMACARE WAS ROMNEYCARE and Governor Mitt Romney yet was saying that if he was elected he would repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE it actually seemed simply political that it would have been racist to have elected Mitt Romney unless of a moral standing that OBAMACARE was a theft of ROMNEYCARE.

So simply the field is set and there seems an impossibility in our modern politics that Democrats can offer a road of any sort back to a bi-partisan politics in Washington DC.

It is impossible to believe that Obama’s Secretary of State couldn’t have known about Iraq and years of attacks on State Department facilities or people.  It is irrational to believe that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as former First Lady or Secretary of State had any reasonable basis to believe an attack like that of 9/11 II couldn’t happen in a country she liberated.

It is beyond a pale for US politics and Diplomacy that “Hillary” however now culpable also for PLAYING POLITICS at least with the deaths of the BENGHAZI FOUR isn’t of having been at President Obama’s side for so long, however in a TEAM OF RIVALS, is an embarrassment due a subpoena by Congress and with her Middle East expert too, as the wife of Bill Clintons’ protege Anthony Weiner, if “Hillary” wasn’t just PLAYING POLITICS, must, it seems, have been the Secretary’s go to person to be best able to explain the events of our second 9/11.

It may have been all the white people whom have seemingly taken black President Barack H. Obama beyond the pale to such official and embarrassing days as these with a potpourri of scandals, and, all worst when each looked at as to consider if the President of the United States wasn’t just PLAYING POLITICS.

And, yes!  Yes Governor Mitt Romney lost the last election less because he was white and the President was black but that he himself blurred the lines and issues while maybe too prideful with his campaigning on his desires to basically repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE and while the country was believing that OBAMACARE was ROMNEYCARE.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

As a political writer I am sitting here with Memorial Day Weekend near wondering how to cover Democrat Leaders fresh and stale as of their Obamacare of Darwinian concerns.

Are we of days of lesser weevils like rotten apples about a Bernoulli greater evils of like rotten apples in your bushels?

Oh my!  Are these days of lifts or down drafts - more days of political dark clouds nearer than the horizon?  Can I even remember how or why a old college Economics Professor did once call the Bernoulli Principle a “bad apple theorem”?  May be easier now to just wonder how a new municipal politics is afoot for a Big Apple - and due some damming.  Whom may crowe about lesser or greater weevils may be ravenous too much of old evils said of an Axis of Evil.

How Manhattan may all memorialize a loose Union anew in 2013 seems now for the picking as about East Egg & West Egg escapism of old fashioned Leonardoesque capping.  What is the weevil in the barrels truly of the Clintons’ evil of old avoidance and inaction than cannot long support still their old “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS”?

Has it been seventeen years already since when Bill and Hillary Clinton should have measure Saddam Hussein as a serpent in their garden and but how Biblical moved so judiciously and civilly prudently for a prosecution in full of all sanctions and crimes held up against Iraq’s tyrannical leader?

Do New Yorkers have among them already a perfect Super Bowl Mayor candidate for 2013 political harvesting?

Among the ebb and flow and thermodynamics of our current political pickings there may be a need to dam some old currents to stem a re-streaming of conditions from the conscious politics of the Clintons still to causing turbulence of/from unstable “hot-air.”

It may this weekend be more difficult to pick through the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama for “good fruit” even if of like Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s MUNICIPAL sewers keeping.  Yes Ja Ja Binks seems to be still quite a Gunga Din.  Yes, President Barack H. Obama did receive a Nobel Peace Prize.  Yes, the President of the United States, currently, when of his acceptance speech for his Peace Prize was early to a damming of old lingering dangerous fruits of Clintons’ evils in their avoidance and inaction, globally.

Do you - all New Yorkers - take Bill and Hillary to be yours - yours as embraced New Yorkers?  Do you take carpetbagger Hillary Clinton of a bought nepotic Senate acquisition by Executive arrangements of and by her spouse while then a seated President of the United States of America?  How whether you take them as your own is it that it was fair that she Hillary was allowed to campaign for Senate and the Presidency legally at least while of the full protection and its pomp and circumstancing luxury of the details for a term limited President?  What is “not fair” - what is “NOT FAIR!!!”?

Do you yet get the import of the apple of the eyes of the Eightieth Congress as entrenched for now still by the existent 22nd Amendment of a careful “holding” poetic legalese to keep our term limits Amendment supposedly from being just a loop hole say for FDR to have just run again after two terms on his wife’s name Eleanor Roosevelt?  Our Constitutional Amendment for term limits upon our President was a reaction to Franklin and Eleanor.  Our Constitutional Amendment so written by the Eightieth Congress and ratified by the nation does respect that marriage laws and “holding” of united souls in marriage unions can not be set asunder for an interpretation of their limiting writ as if an election of one spouse to a holding isn’t actually also an indivisible by election working to a “some” or maybe “much” “holding” of such office by the other spouse.

There is a serpent of knowledge awaiting our Constitution as our 22nd Amendment is still on the books yet as undecided law.

By it being now undecided law so much can be said as if its original or derived intent to tag current politicians with labeling as if Criminal - Un-Constitutional - Treasonous.  But for now it is a knowledge of a united two in marriage union that can not be set asunder by its legal “holding” so that the “holding” of the 22nd Amendment can reasonably be to allowing legally for Hillary Clinton to run for President as an election of her would then effect a by election “holding” some or much of office again by her spouse.  Bill Clinton is not allowed to be returned to any holding of the office of the President by election and as he is indivisible from his marriage holding and union Hillary Clinton is not a legal eligible candidate for an election of her would return Bill Clinton by election to at least some “holding” Constitutionally barred.

But New Yorkers this is more about the Big Apple and so much long fought for since THE FEDERALIST PAPERS were written as if by Publius to defend the hopes of a more perfect Union of the Founding Fathers, and, as written to defend such from an earlier Clinton of New York politics who had more empirical and/or imperialistic designs too like these still in our faces newer Clintons.  We have that these days are much like the days of the Founding Fathers of the United States and yet now with it just a new Clintons about a similar resistance but now as per more global opportunities to less than Constitutional designs.

Enter again our concerns about President Barack H. Obama even as he seemed smarter (smart enough) earlier at least when to tagging the Clintons with a global guilt from their years of administering with so much international inaction and avoidance.  Enter again the current President who early did so speak seemingly erudite about DANGERS!!! from politics like that of the real legacy of Bill and Hillary and their Presidency.

It may be necessary to go all Darwinian “survival of the species” political in 2013 at least while discussing how important it may be to over-turn Obamacare.  It may be about what has to be dammed that is of old unstable turbulence from “hot-air” of the Clintons’ administering - Quite!  It may now be seriously that we have to dam both the Clintons and their protege(s) and as well Obamacare - REALLY!  We have that we aren’t getting economic lift maybe because the Apple of the Clintons is spoiling the whole lots of bushels.

There was no real “PEACE” in their days as “two-fer” intimates engaged however properly or devilishly in a holding of the office of the President of the United States of America.  Their “PEACE DIVIDENDS” were more conjured as of evil spirits then and of a poisonous fruit of “PEACE” then as a BIG LIE.  The already recorded “legacy” of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is coincidentally also able to be of a tag on Clintons as of too much hedging and too little fruit baring economics.  New Yorkers may better than most recall that in 1993 when sworn in the “two-fer” Clintons were to inheriting a almost already recovered from recession economy.  What happened after 1993 was that they worked an evil devilish selfish politics of a fattening of a recovered economy so that they could have headlines to make people around the world believe that they had made the economy better. 

By now it may be that New Yorkers are the ones behind the bad air and drafts of the Clintons and some how of political blinders to an ignorance that the Clintons did actually cause most of the economic conditions that made the collapse possible.

They while wanting to be loved as like PEACENIKS are actually of such as of theirs as of “PEACE” then actually of the rot with the collapse much of from their pickings to PEACE DIVIDEND popularity from now more obviously questionable (lies) about “peace.”

Afghanistan and Iraq are the two greatest failures about such BIG LIES by the administration of the Clinton “two-fer” and specifically what our current President was admonishing when with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech was to careful tagging of DANGERS from “inaction” and “avoidance.”  Yes these are the same Clintons that after eight years didn’t even leave a succeeding President a single option on the table as per even just Saddam Hussein and a full prosecution or enforcement of him by rights established with United Nations agreements.

The politics of both the Clintons and Obama as per ACA - Obamacare is such that a devolution may now result from an over coddling new nationalism with their centralized near BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER “caring” governance.  The more they get citizens (subjects) to let the Government do for them the less capable such as a species of Americans should then develop and evolve in years with as still of a natural selection “survivor” trait(s).  The old “AMERICAN” may be a dying bread - Quite!

The Clintons’ “PEACE” for their desired devilish wants for a rare popularity for/from “PEACE DIVIDENDS” can be said to be a bigger and proven more dangerous lie than that of President Bush when after the Presidency of the Clintons seemed to be with Americans down to near only one way left to proceed with a due prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and to tagging as “Bush lied - soldiers died.”

As the Clintons’ “PEACE” was maybe the biggest and most dangerous lie by an American leader in the past twenty years, and seemingly because “Bill” just wanted to be lovable as like a Dove, it is still dangerous that the Clintons seem too institutionalized in their marriage and of a plot to allow “Bill” to be the “Dove” and then to shock and awe with “Hillary” later allowed to be the “Hawk.”

But will the over-coddling socialism reaching centralizing attempts by the lot of Democrat leaders lead to a devolution of the American species?  With the Government trying to have power to do more for Americans of that which Americans were long strong and proud for being of a self sufficiency won’t it be more of a survival of the species Darwinism to Americans to devolving not evolving as a class or species?

This Memorial Day Weekend it would behoove New Yorkers of Mayoral Race of 2013 much also to consider that the world has not become a better place with the new Clintons trying to effect globally quite what an earlier New York politician Clinton did once unsuccessfully after being confronted by Publius and his THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.

The bad apples now possibly about the Big Apple municipal political reset are of turbulence that needs to be dammed or damned still of an inferno of Hillary and her crusading while FLOTUS.  She was having trouble being right recently on foreign affairs and the Middle East not just because of limits of her “experts” - she is quite able to be tagged as blinded as well by the hot-air streaming nonsense of the “PEACE” they pimp’d that never actually existed.

New Yorkers if you do still take the Clintons as yours will you if and when the Congress deems it wise to subpoena maybe both Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and dig deep into as well all matters and monies movements via the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES?  Benghazi is a scandal that for its cover-up opens up a concern that the cover-up was politically needed because they had been wrong about intelligence and history and at risk each or all as possibly of being to naively funding like a by material support the very terrorism they were supposedly fighting.

Please do consider either whether right to choose the less of the two weevils and how to now choice something better than a consideration just politically as a “lesser of the two evils.”

[note:  I am still of the strategic opinion I figured since before the Clintons did enter 1992 race and so of from before I helped make them electable in part because of such concerns in my philosophical strategizing about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that the Clintons or a re-elected President Bush was best to move to prosecute Saddam Hussein within that new term.  What was needed after the Persian Gulf War to be done before it was likely safe to move finally against Saddam Hussein was that at least New York City and its Time Square and Las Vegas had to first have started a real revival and urban renewal with Community Policing.  It still seems plausible that Saddam Hussein had a way to defeat the new sole superpower USA in a global PR war if we didn’t show the world that Americans could fix their own cities before asserting that they could run Baghdad better than he.  It still hasn’t made sense to me for USA to have not moved for a full enforcement of the United Nations sanction on Saddam Hussein and his Iraq within what was the first term of the Clintons’ “two-fer.”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:44 am

I am with you Gen (Whatever) - the new YOUTH OF AMERICA.

The trenchant President Barack Hussein Obama, as long as his ACA Obamacare is surviving, has you all now protected until age 26, I believe, as still subjects/wards of your parents - justly.  The wise pursuit for each of you now isn’t to try to find a job as your greatest returns may now be of the economic game changing by Prez as “wards” with time to now start lobbying your Federal Government so that by the time you turn 27 you will still be able to be a just ward of your parents and country.

It has been said that our current President has no philosophy of governance.  It is that he did early on suggest we needed to become more French - more like the French.  These days of depressed and trying times has most of the old stigma of unemployment “governed” away.  It is that France didn’t become “French” by turning the worlds greatest economy into what they now have.  It is as if Prez has been trying be more French as if all the stylings and economies of just Manhattan could all fit in one beret.

What has been happening as a next predictable to some devolution of the United States of America is that now Prez while so trenchant has been while of a posit of RACE TO THE TOP quite to a coddling to remove social stigmata about any wards/subjects not educated quite so.  There are many ways that Prez has been depressing recessionary economics by government suppression of once more naturally moral philosophical renditions.  His treatments on your human condition are not well thought through or considerate as of an a priori possible.

There is a probability that Prez while so trenchant and yet without a philosophy of governance while of so much acting is now to a new wave of economy shrinkage due to his “morality.”   With what has been offered though mostly as of an Obama hypothesis as if a working theorem there is that such begets that now there is a game change to a duty of all employers and those industrious to ask and answer:  HOW SMALL SHOULD THE ECONOMY BE?

Peeps of Gen (Whatever) you best use of time may now be to a self motivated home schooling in philosophy - philosophy of governance and governments.   As it seems with our Prez so trenchant you all will be best to learn how to publicly protest (party?) at the national level as unemployed yet fully covered YOUTH OF AMERICA as a united Lobby and firstly best likely as towards amendments to Obamacare so that by the time you turn 27 you will then all so be able to be coddled still as wards of your parents and Government.

It did become clear since before such of how trenchant Prez is that his RACE TO THE TOP was of a usage of “TOP” uncertain and unexplained.  Confusing was much about this so confounding too that while he said “RACE TO THE TOP” he soon regularly turned tail and spoke dictatingly to how per his thinking it is bad to be above the middle, like.

How to be an Obama-TRON is your current and greatest new predicament.  Prez BO has undermined if not fully disassembled our once greatest economy in the world - SEEMS.  He has now effected such a game change that it seems possible or probable that those of the economy of the United States of America have only witnessed a first wave of economic shrinkage.

Unlike George Washington Prez has been against there being vicissitudes incident to life as free radicals in his economics.  He wants an economy, as he has long said, quite basically flat and free from unpredictable UPS and DOWNS - highs & lows.

Of what can stay together in his thinking that seems well short of being a workable philosophy of governance, and while it so seems as if he ignored that France didn’t become so admirably French by setting asunder at home the worlds greatest economy,  we can say is that he has shown a desire and dug-in-ness to suggest that he must want to control all of it if he has tried to control this much of it.

Obama-TRONS of this new flat economy of Prez BO it is time to figure that it is pointless to resist - to be of a resistance any longer.  He will assimilate you - or stay so trenchant while trying.  It figures you are now liberated by his efforts at assimilation as he has rendered so many old of stigmata as stigma no longer as per meek to inherit health and strength freely and so that it is now PC to be on the Government dole - and of a race to be TOP in statistics as if of a MOST FREQUENT FLYER.

Yes Obama-TRONS it is confusing that ACA Obamacare is set up so that you and your gen can bankrupt the entire nation by seeking to be loyal and patriotic in a full and compliant assimilation.  Yes Obamacare is like Social Security.

Right Obama-TRONS as the new YOUTH OF AMERICA you have been freed from needing to get work to stay healthy.  Yes it is so of Prez thinking that you’ld should believe he has a pill for it, like.  Right Obamacare is like Social Security - and OH MY - yet how different now as you have to consider your grandparents and their life style & carbon footprints.

It is essential to all this of Prez so trenchant to a half baked game change, and how it seems he thinks all the stylings and economies of just Manhattan can fit in one beret of Obama, that now thinkers and educators too would be amiss if not to asking and proffering diatribes morally figured about how small our economy now should be.  Prez BO is still trying to be a costumed super hero that saves the entire planet from an end of the world as we know it doom of GLOBAL WARMING, however scientific or not.  ie:  It may be wrong to permit new construction as per a NEW NATIONALISM and his green federal agents as building and building activities may net more carbon use by enough so that it would be immoral to want to like “move up” or “move out.”

I am with you Gen (Whatever) - the new YOUTH OF AMERICA.  Right Obamacare is like Social Security - BUT!!!

Right you are now of an age and a changed economy where your grandparents like have two of the jobs that might have been already yours.  Right these days are of a liberation from old social stigmata and you now freer to be a Washington based Lobby unto yourselves however of a Party.   It figures to be patriotic you are best to be now to a personal race to the TOP of Prez and his example that it is an ability to get free from Government whatever you need or want as his TOP so exercised so far.

I am with you Gen (Whatever) - the new YOUTH OF AMERICA.  Right Obamacare is like Social Security - BUTT!!!

It is fruitless to fight the assimilation now!  You know the math!  You know maybe that we have now only seen the first wave of economic shrinkage related to Prez being so trenchant to fit the once greatest economy of the world into a French beret, like.  Right!  You get that it is pointless to resist while so much is being offered for free for so many if they just assimilate.  You get that as your grandparents now likely have two of the jobs that might have been yours they otherwise would be more so to taking most of your earnings if you actually had a real job.

Right Obamacare is like Social Security!  But unlike Social Security it is set up so that people of the United States of America can quickly bankrupt their own nation while assimilated in a NEW NATIONALISM so.  Unlike Social Security, yet while argued as being nationally just as moral, it is that Obamacare is a social program to allow people to have some net safety but on oddly set up to allow people instead of waiting decades for its dollars to near instantly be seeking compliant ways to get hundred folds what they contribute out of it immediately and regularly. 

Right Obamacare is like Social Security but that you don’t have to wait and are not supposed to wait - you can and should be getting as much from it up front as you can even if hundreds or thousands times what you did or ever will be of putting in.

And see why you may want to become home schooled, at least, now in a study of philosophy - philosophy of governance?  As long as your grandparents have at least one of the jobs that should have been yours and otherwise to an unemployment with their excessive carbon footprints to just a high subsistance level grossly now more greatly off your nets - what is there really to do but take all the free and less stigmatized time to start lobbying as a NEW NATIONALIST now for the age to be soon enough to age 27 - at least?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:39 am

A nation that forgets to consider Treason as a possible crime still and one that any of their “leaders” may be capable of is likely a nation already in decline.

To separate this from Benghazi fog of “war” as it was in an “election cycle” it may help to consider and remember that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton seemed too disturbed while suggesting that she is more important and of a more important job as Secretary of State because her people are in danger and like Ambassador Christopher Stevens willing to be a martyr for her “Diplomacy.”

We have that had our SCOTUS decided otherwise than that Legislative Branch avenues were still open for more democratic assaults on faults of ACA - Obamacare and to “IT’S A TAX” as if of a War Power allowance for a war on health undeniable short term power it as of our Supreme courting might have had to rule that Democrat Party members had in mass acted to undermine our Constitution and effectively to a near Treasonous Un-Constitutionality.

As per the cases our SCOTUS will hear this week and how our former FLOTUS has lightly weighed in it is that conveniently we have the Clintons’ marriage to instructively deconstruct and reconstruct and deconstruct and reconstruct much as to if an when an is of marriage is a is of marriage or conveniently not an is of marriage or Constitutionally.  I don’t know how with the Clintons still insisting on being public figures of weights enough to “weigh in” substantially our Supreme Justice is not to be best served by a careful dissection of what is or is not a Marriage as by example around the Clintons.

President Barack Hussein Obama may now be trying to grandstand in the Middle East as if the Clintons are not the heir apparents and Bill Clinton a strong man soon to return to flex and whine however still too much in a partisan and globally polarizing Political.  If it is to be Hillary for President then as per the long perspective traditional to the Middle East President Obama is now a lame duck and Bill Clinton not Hillary Clinton by marriage most to be seen as the real heir apparent on any if any possible peaceful future.

What can be Hillary and Bill Clintons’ Lusitania - has it already sunken in and are we now already on a path to a new draft and warring for the “honor” of/for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

These are just such as of any and all complexity due any and all SCOTUS marriage discussions and discourse this week as per marriage rights as established and not federally established, and, while democratic and legislative avenues are still for such wide open for less Judicial rending.  Like Obamacare in many ways the issues billed as for this week for our Supreme courtly are also of other avenues still democratically available and while it seems it has become reestablished that our Constitution was an establishment ordained and subscribed as of the New Testament establishments.

At the time of this judicial sharing I still am unaware if there is a statute of limitations for any or all prosecutions relating to “treasonous” acts by citizens (or subjects?) of the United States of America.  What I can offer is we should be wise enough to consider that as per this raising it won’t be to a Hillary is now trying to act with a treachery or treasonous or would be if elected but that she is only her for this consideration possibly from and by a willful and premeditated conspiracy to undermine our Constitution and to betray it, maybe clearly to.  We have established practices for due process of checks and balances and some exceptions about an Executive Powers infidelity by tradition - not Constitution establishment.  We should be wise enough to consider and reflect that the Clintons may think they have already gotten away with a treasonous needed to be here now with possibilities to actually effect a return to our Executive Powers.

{Stay tuned — more to come as the weekend moves to imports more of the coming week.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Her footprints are huge…

It seems a great naivete to believe Secretary Clinton was just a tool of President Obama.

It seems dangerous to risk an escapism for the rule of Clintons now as if not of the rule of Obama, however confusing and confounding her first steps about such are dramatized.

I do not want to tire my readers here by ruining a great title as if Hillary Clinton deserves it all to herself.  Others may be deserving of any higher orderings about any new Manifest Destiny as set as a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” as a discussion of whom women have a right to conquer as if to “liberate” them.  Hillary Clinton has a history to suggest she is a fem like the three me most of Evan Thomas’ THE WAR LOVERS - as a “war lover” herself.

Many body bags have been piled, however, up full from failures and sacrifices about a crusading of and by Hillary Clinton though more as if by remote control coddled distant safety.  In her huge footprints are many lost souls - and as these some of her still as if walking in Bill Clinton’s shoes, spousally.

She seems not to have even “ducked and ran for cover” let alone had a charge up a San Juan Hill all her own.

Yesterday on the Thirteenth day of the Third month of the Year of our Lord two thousand Ten and three our Constitution stood ratified and witness to a first Jesuit become Pope.  America of the North of The United States of America did become subscribed unanimously as preambled to be ‘ordained’ and ‘established’ as of “…the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”  The U.S.A. was so Constituted by its ratification so as a Union under one Lord as a Christian Lord of a Christian calender.  These American states, though, were not Constituted to be allowed to be by laws of Congress established along sectarian lines even to being a Catholic State by establishments of religion.

The Church so now of Peter of Francis has its pastoral charities loopholes for acceptance of a contrariness.  The United States of America though may actually be written such that our First Amendment is meant to follow the stoicism of George Washington’s First Inaugural orations and such that ACA - Obamacare - is not allowed as by our Bill of Rights for it imbues an “establishment of religion” barred even for Christian Charity from acts of The Congress.  Obamacare can be Un-Constitutional if it exists to be an establishment by Law that there, like, is no God and so a secular socialist Government program is needed.  The Congress by our First Amendment seems to be not allowed to pass any Law as if an establishment that there is no God.

Again, it is naive to believe Hillary Clinton.  Again, it is dangerous to accept blindly on a faith in the speak of President Obama that Hillary was just his tool about His foreign policies.  His as her’s of his is exceptional as a conundrum confounding of these times - and maybe as of a comparative ranking for all times.  Her of his (thought His of Obama’s) is a she of fem past of like a missing 8 years - a missing 1993 - 2001.  Her years of those year more of the big footprints, literally, comparatively, of Bill Clinton of His about such foreign realms do exist actually as in a real contrariness to a proposition that President Obama’s claims can be truthful.

The House of Obama has the House of the Clintons to rival it and battle it now for “LEGACY” and more or their regular lots of transference and projection strategics.  Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by letting it be used here as if forever only about Hillary Clinton.

It is hard not to tag Hillary Clinton as a “lover of war” and one as if of a “lover of war bar none.”  We have that it gets complicated with Bill Clinton’s footprints so huge and causal to the vast numbers of filled and piled, however, body bags with Hillary Clinton’s name due on them, officially for Posterity of Records — it is complicated that Hillary’s love of war may too much be of the “school” of “politics” of the “Wag the Dog” “convenient” “crisis” “escapists” set.

As First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton FLOTUS Hillary did crusade as a fem imperialist - not as an anti-imperialist.

It is naive, again, to accept blindly or on the word of President Obama that Hillary Clinton was just his tool in a Foreign Policies all His (his as Obama, President).  By offering in his first hours and by his orations of his inaugural that “it” could be of a ‘none of the fault of the Clintons’ as with his then official Presidential speak as of “it is all Bush’s fault” he trapped himself and us all into a realm for foreign policies for whomever might be his Top Diplomat then limited by half a potential hope or possible range of diplomatic flexibility/nuance.

Hillary Clinton cannot have been just a tool of a superior President and his orderings by his figurings, logically, for it follows that he was a prisoner to the Clintons since his inauguration so of such a ridiculous posturing as if “it” could be of a “none of the fault of the Clintons.”  Hillary cannot have been a bit player and just a tool as President Obama was trapped and so as if a tool of the Clintons for having proceeded from day one with a cover-up for the Clintons as a Governance PRIORITY.

Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by making it all about Hillary, just yet, just now before the whole story can be told.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:53 pm

To not be ad hominem, too specifically tet a tet from a distance, with Paul Krugman, as he licks his wounds, of his not too rosy Charlie Rose match fight, with Joe Scarborough, maybe I should start with it that Democrats generally are missing that what is a void in our economy is the Republican market music we all used to enjoy in an Adam Smith invisible hand kind of way.

We are of and American pie of music that has died with the Democrat Party assault on the Republican arts of good will by pursuit of self interests and how they had been making the world better for others, albeit too much as a rhythm from invisible hands.

Now that the Dems have much killed Adam Smith’s proven theorems, practically, these past four years, with their ideological over-reaching, there are matters so confused, and confounding, to air, discuss, and resolve many about, visibly of a drum beat not musical of or for economic growth.

I guess it is probably best to start with how the Democrats did work specifically to create a polarized and partisan new economic that had them hopefully to appear as if the only good guys in DC, and, that the Clintons are too little considered for which ever of their spousal efforts as foreign or domestic as they were.  If one doesn’t get the confounding of that Bill Clinton while embraced and treated as if another Bush kin would lie and go all “brassy” politically in a polarizing partisan construction standing on a character reference from the Bush friendship and to using such to get away with more than a few misstatements to aid those aligned against the Bush clan.  He essentially would as well call a Bush a liar and get away with using the Bush name as a “good” character reference to get away with “brassy” new lying and bolstering of his old falsities.

There are structural problems now in our body politick not exclusively of the domains of the Clintons.  On about the only light note here we can parlay that President Obama has since a youth felt a need to turn the world to Soviet “socialism” as if to fix his own family - as if to reunite his parents in the here or their hereafter - as if to go backwards to when his parents made him as a Soviet Studies LOVE Child.  Oh, but Paul Krugman went to never never land or no man’s land economically with his less than rosy notables tonight on PBS.

I can be reasoned that though Adam Smith’s economic theorems did get proven to be correct at least at times and quite workable for years we may now be of a time where they were assaulted so much that we cannot use that around the prudence of his premises that markets should let people individually act in their own self interest as if such would benefit all as if a grand economic music for growth by invisible musical composition and renderings.  We cannot now use “invisible hand” theory to get us back to where “invisible hand” economics had been grandly established to a global Republican artful co-habitated earthly era of potential in growth enabling notations.

What there is of a workable sense in spinning by Paul Krugman today, as he asked to only be questioned about today and not the inconsistencies of his body of work and history of past analysis relates to a heard comment about spending cuts not being needed for the next ten years, like. 

Before it can be politically feasible to move forward on such “analysis” it would be prudent to consider that we may have record revenues now only because President Obama didn’t get the vast additional amount of “stimulus” spending he wanted and that markets believe that Republican music will be visibly be allowed to get reconstructed so that our growth economy can return sooner rather than later.  We have to consider that additional stimulus spending now would be dangerous as so much of his earlier supported vast sums were because the marketing arm of Demonomics has stronger messaging to a new conservationism based on the sold GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM of an end of the world as we know it import preciously based on politicking on the emotions and undeveloped intelligence and reasoning of America’s youths. 

I am not saying:  You can only lie to our children so many times in a term, or two!  But, I am suggesting the marketing wing of Demonimics (Obamanomics) has been pushing such a note too long and too hard dangerously in a false advertising no man’s non musical conduction construct not synthesized to “artful.”

Again, it seems now certain that Democrats do not yet have an understanding of the economy of the 90s, and, that the political credit they have long claimed for its successes cannot be due them, actually.  These many mistakes do suggest that they at best lip synced there way along until now and that now it is time to like pay the piper - the actual pipers - however - however invisible.

What the Clintons brought to the economics of the 90s was too much growth and fattening about a good economy they had inherited as improved and taking off that didn’t need what they were selling to be able to sell them to a getting the credit for what they had actually just inherited from many more like of Republican music of growth in Adam Smith’s notation and beats.  Essentially the Clintons instead of selling regular sized McDonalds portions did sell instead the thought habit and addiction of “Bill” as if it were patriotic to also SUPERSIZE two Big Mac meals at least once a day. 

Their Clintonomics was of fattening an inherited economy that would have been better and more stable if the Clintons had not been elected to inherit it.  Someone some years ago presented himself as a doctor friend of the Clintons while about the Clinton vs Obama primary with a statistic that the USA could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if we could just reverse the onset of obesity during the Clintons’ guidance as First Parents - this person did “report” that the USA would like be able to save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could be back to the average personal body weight from just before his friends took office.

Essentially it may be easier to take apart Krugman and the Clintons and especially the attempt tonight to offer that in 1997 we like should have thought to consider paying down our debts if we see it as a “fattening” and then so much as the clogging of arteries and such like that which might have killed President Clinton while of actually living like that badly himself.

To address though the proffered posit that economically we now do not need to address spending cuts for like ten years:  It is a loaded postulate proffered coyly - It is offered by Paul Krugman with the condition necessary to complement it of us actually getting back to having a growth economy.  By such we have the intelligence quotient consideration that though we may not need to address spending for ten years if we can get our economy growing again we may need to address it and effect such just to get our economy actually growing again.

This is in many ways someone or someones problem now as it wasn’t specifically before - eg Jack Lew.  Or is it “ie Jack Lew”?  Some parts of this that is of the Dems having polarized our economics in an real partisan visible new tao - for sure.

Odd, yes to think we have to explain to Democrats that they killed the music - a globally embracing not too government of man Republican music that was whence thence synthesized in Adam Smith notations of invisible uncredited hands.  And yet Adam Smith seemed so misunderstood recently with some commentary that had me stirred for speaking of Dem economics without fair enough regard for “costs” of general industry wide numbers for now being figured as the “costs” that are there providing jobs from competition and to the competition that then works to keep prices lower in such industry.  It is confusing to talk healthcare numbers and healthcare numbers if one in talking seizing gross industry revenue figures without figuring which part of such are industry costs that provide the jobs that are to the invisible benefits from a competitive intra-actions that are not redistributable to a government replacement without such removing the cost saving benefit from the competition that such jobs and competition keeps in the industry. 

Odd, quite that Paul Krugman can offer that it was wrong not to have back in 1997 instead focused on debt reduction when instead President Clinton took off dimly to burning our economic candle from both ends at once with his (”fattening”) chase of rare short-term political popularity possible if he did the thought impossible of running a surplus that grandly and also a new massive unfunded federal social program such as his risky loaning pimping was much set about also dimly as.  Unlike Paul Krugman tonight - I don’t mind if you ask me about any of my opinions about this back to the early 90s and to before the Clintons entered the 1992 race;  I do not mind you asking me since I still am much of the same confidence then as now and with little if any changes in my opposition to this mentioned economic “fattening” by Clintonomics even from those days as it happened.

I will have to explain though when it gets confusing like around Paul Krugman’s recent comments about spending cuts like not needed for the next ten years since I have been warning some away from too much cutting too quickly thinking if it is done thinking that the 90s cutting wasn’t of having cut too much too quickly.  These days to cut too much too quickly is actually likely safer that that which was cut so that Clintons could have that rarest of short term political popularity from having cut an extra trillion after the Republicans had found that thought impossible first trillion of cuts to that magical balancing whence.  See, now cutting too much too quickly has already caused the worst of the dangers it could have and a discussion now for these economic times necessarily is fundamentally different than that which is about discussing how the Clintons with Clintonomics did cut too much too quickly and oddly so as a way to sell a lack of discipline good for getting more to fatten up even if also like on two SUPERSIZED Big Mac meals a day.

Detroit types may remember knowing there fears were real after Clintons became our new First Parents without enough economic sense to know to try to listen to them asking for some “marketing” guidance as of a theme or direction for them to work invisibly and magically around.  That President Obama has wanted everything to be visible and visibly from and of him is a different problem than this I remember - than this I remember for having been the one that knew to listen to Detroit types and to offer to them that they should try to anchor around a new styling of 50s & 60s car styles but as compacts to help sell fuel efficiency indirectly with pop culture mashing and subliminal curb appeal. 

Right - It was the type of advice to Detroit one shouldn’t expect could or would have come from Bill Clinton as so then of SUPERSIZING life style of scandals as if of too many big car back seats recreationally used even if officially a State vehicle. 

Right - Bill Clinton as President was not at all naturally inclined to suggest that he could be involved in selling smaller back seats. 

Right - I may know what I am talking about when talking about the Democrats not knowing how the economy of the 90s actually worked but where it was being “fattened” by public visible efforts of the Clintons to provide a way for them also to be able to stand up and take credit for all of it - even that which they still seem not to understand that was inherited by them as a fix and ready to take off economy of real Republican invisible rhythmic notes and good beats.

Before it would be prudent economically to say that we don’t need to worry about spending cuts for the next ten years we have the category more to sociology to worry about as a real concern around us needing spending cuts just to restore market confidence enough to get the markets moving again - but only if we can either proclaim that President Obama has already successfully and heroicly saved the entire planet from GLOBAL WARMING or that we didn’t need to worry about that so much for tens year, as well.

Right - I have already shared in earlier recent columns some how the Clintons didn’t enter the 1992 race until after stuff I was already saying semi-publicly was tested with the Carville and Begala campaign management for Harris Wofford in Pennsylvania.  I had sent letters to Representative from Missouri offices of Richard Gephardt with concerns and a confidence that Dems could win in 1992 if they took to sounding like my shared notes and reasoning. 

Yes those were the days that George Stephanopoulus and Charles Koch’s son worked together side by side as equals in Gephardt’s office, and, that I was of a local connection long in New Haven wise to that my neighbor Stanley Greenberg was a political pollster while married to Rosa DeLauro.  At this time though she was no longer Senator Christopher Dodd’s AA and she that gave my sister an entry level opening as a receptionist when fresh out of college a couple years ahead of me.  By such time my friends’ step mom was our Congressional Representative.

Even Jack Lew should consider flushing all or most of what Paul Krugman is saying now - and try to ignore that Bill Gates even quoted him recently.  We seem stuck both by the Dems for having tried to polarize our foreign and domestic economics in a partisan new Government Handing, and, for that Dems seemed to have confirmed that they cannot yet know how or why the economy worked in the 90s but that by the “fattening” artery clogging “math” so “brassy” of Bill and Hillary guidance as our First Parents, how so our First Couple, indivisible in their “two-fer” co-holding of our office of the President.

Did I make my point in not too too ad hominem a way so suggesting just that so much now should just get flushed, and, that though we if we can get our economy growing again may not need spending cuts for ten years do definitely need them not towards getting a music of growth just playing softly again?  And, yes we are at a different kind of risk of cutting too much too quickly now than of my comments of the 90s economy of a historical remark that the Clintons did cut too much too quickly then and so by at least maybe an entire trillion.

If you are trying to sing now about Lew you may yourself be catching yourself wishful for days passed and missing what was much an invisible chorus of Adam Smith “invisible hand” (Republican) art magically working inspite of Clintonomics - knowingly.

And on heathcare ACA - Obamacare:  Yes it seems it would be wise to unfund it at least until the economy can start growing again and have time to get to where it is even possibly affordable.  Yes, it is reasonable to consider that our states all can find a way to compete locally with Romneycare in the mean time while Obamacare unfunded for National Security reasons.  Obamacare is an alternative system to an existing system that provides care more expensively - it is not a necessary system like much of our defense and intelligence securing budgets.  We should defund Obamacare as long as our economy is stuck and unable to afford it, and, because as well our states may actually be able to come up with a better way to resolved their local healthcare coverage neighborly and community inefficiencies if just given the time that a necessary defunding of ACA might afford.

This is just some of what President Obama has seemed to stick Lew with.  Does Congress yet have the Power to flush clean enough of this, and in time?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:44 pm

Bob Woodward’s complaints of censorship suggestion of the Obama Administration seems petty while I remember feeling the wrath of Bill Clinton from during my days of defeating HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT with my public blogging.  I know what it is like to be grateful for having enough friends in law enforcement from moments like two I can not yet forget of the visceral blasts quite destabilizing of hearing President Clinton say like “I want him dead with every bone in my body.” 

“An enemy of my enemy, is my friend” comes to mind now as President Barack H. Obama seems now the one person who most benefited from those days of my defeating the Clintons during the primary between Senator Obama and Senator Clinton.  For the record I was able to keep the Clintons from sounding much like they were remembered for sounding well and together about their unexpected rise in the early 90s by having the officers of the Bush Administration appropriate to the protection of intellectual property keep the Clintons from further inappropriate and unauthorized use of my own intellectual property.

But this isn’t about the wrath of Bill Clinton and how it was of the unexpected rise to such heights of Hillary’s novice challenger Senator Obama.  This is more as if President Barack H. Obama should be wearing a Superhero costume like from THE METEOR MAN.  I cannot forget the first time I felt such wrath of Bill Clinton and how I decided I better get up from my seat on Capitol Hill in my apartment near Eastern Market and walk as best I can with the visceral fearful blast and out over to the eatery with take out oriental buffet a few blocks away on Pennsylvania Ave. 

This is about whether President Obama has earned any street creds as a member of an “Intelligentsia” or if he is still stumbling and recovering while moving forward without a workable plan.  There are problems now about this SEQUESTER that suggest there is no philosophy of governance but just a lot of stubbornness proving to be counterproductive.

I will try to be objective about so much so contradictory in the “governance” of the Administration of Barack Obama.  He did embrace the Clinton “two-fer” after I had stoicly stood up to them to keep them from misappropriate further use of my intellectual property of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM rhyme and reasoning that was leading when penned in days before the Clintons entered 1992 race and then critically again after 9/11 I as I offered it as having been refreshed for another go around to President George W. Bush and his administration.

I have problems with ACA - Obamacare though I accept that our Supreme Court saw a way to pass it as bad Constitutional law as still of a realm of war powers and taxation about general Health concerns.  We have that our Governors are all capable of finding alternatives to Obamacare at local or county wide levels and that ACA is an alternative not a necessary system change.  As long as we let Obamacare stand we have that we should be wondering how bad our own towns and counties must be such that our Federal Government had to step in and help our neighbors.

As I recall it seems that Senator Obama had some of his greatest break out primary moments against the vast Clinton political machine about the same times I was standing strongest to keep them from using again and misusing again that which was originally mine - originally my most marketable “change” to a new “PC” as of a better balanced political language with unique rhyme and reasoning.

President Barack H. Obama of Columbia and Harvard degrees is maybe in need of a SUPERHERO costume/armor and an actual philosophy of governance that isn’t contrary to our Constitution.  His RACE TO THE TOP education messaging is troublesome for he hasn’t yet established a base line like of a “GREEN MINIMALISM” from which a philosophy can be grounded for practicable political effecting.  “GREEN MINIMALISM” with a “RACE TO THE TOP” would be the new “PC” to replace “POVERTY” & “POOR” at least  — he has suggested that his “TOP” has to be our Presidency, it seems.  A green costume could work for President Obama as well, maybe.

President Barack H. Obama seems to have missed a necessary consideration for any fiscal responsibility about his ACA - Obamacare for a philosophy of governance to be workable since it figures simply with mathematical logic that he should not have pushed for such vast left wing healthcare alternative system while a working local caring still available and without first having pushed through the massive immigration reforms and border securing needed.  It is figurable that President Obama should not have pushed through ACA until first having succeeded with immigration reforms and as well with jobs & economy reforms to reboot a reformed growth period.

I have intellectual problems with his seeming lack of a workable philosophy of governance, and, how his machinations seem too much to be revolutionary in too contrary to our Constitution ways.  But it is as well that as an admitted illegal drug user that he even dare offer his RACE TO THE TOP as a guidance for all children within the United States of America while his days of admitted criminal usage was of tuning out instead of in during his academic years.

I have many many problems with his RACE TO THE TOP messaging as if it is fitting for education motivation while so much of his “governance” machinations have been so much about it being bad to be above any middle.  His admitted criminal use of such illegal drugs as he used is most troublesome as of those years of his school days.  And, today we have that such as his troubles with “governance” may have roots in his having tuned out when he should have tuned in - tuned in more.

It was HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT troublesome early messaging about using BIG Government Powers to seize all the profits of all the oil companies if and when elected.  This would have been to the Clintons being even more polarizing than they stumbled as partly being when of their first term in the early 90s.  Clintonomics would have been dead with bi-partisanship by the hands of the Clintons as well or more definitively than they have been otherwise by the governance of President Obama.

To be brief:  President Obama needs a philosophy of governance with an established and defined bottom and a top for there to be his #sequester Intelligentsia movement and for there to be an effective RACE TO THE TOP.  He is arguing that redistribution is necessary and a new GOOD and that our Federal Government is better to be running all education, it seems.  President Obama is now at risk of angering his Intelligentsia base by disarming them with powers too like those a President Clintons was promising to flex if returned for a third term.  President Obama now should explain how it could be right to seize profits of all oil companies and yet not seize all the private endowments of his Intelligentsia base and their private institutions of higher education. 

To be brief:  For the #SEQUESTER to be fair it seems necessary to explain how it wouldn’t be fair to amass all education dollars even if it means seizing those private endowments of the Obama Intelligentsia Base and to the fair and equalizing redistribution of “education” dollars by his national Department of Education.

To be brief and before we decide if it is wise or safe to root for President Obama now:  President Obama should need to have a fully thought through and worked out philosophy of governance with established base lines and “top(s)” as if a SUPERHERO garb earned not just adorned for hoots.

President Obama cannot be an island of idealism now with this #SEQUESTER - Right? 

President Obama must have details ready for us all and even about a fairness for his base and their private education endowments while he stands up there supposedly truthfully of honesty in advertising as if the general thinking is workable and smart/wise.

To be brief:  There really is too much to talk about here about all this just already broached.  It is President Obama that is asking us to believe his is #REALINTELLIGENTSIA?  Mr. President how can you be right and your base not wrong for so many years before you?  Mr. President how can it be fair not to equalize our education institutions if you are to not closing down our national Department of Education, as it could actually be now done as part of a cost savings and stream lining necessary due to your sequester?  

Mr. President it does seem you have opened a can of worms that might better have been addressed by closing down at least our/your Department of Education - and at least since you of such a contradictory “above the middle is bad” general guidance and other philosophical and sociological problems with your RACE TO THE TOP spin and messaging.

Mr. President are you at risk while trying to sound as if a #REALINTELLIGENTSIA really quite at risk now of alienating your base?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:03 pm

We have that “capitalism” and “socialism” were top keywords for 2012, and, now with 2013 due a grand diligence about “cost consciousness” at least.

We can conclude later that President Obama has corned himself politically with a gridlock of and from his own absolutes.

To be brief, and yet poignant, while a hashable audience is e-assembled, for social media networking, and physically organized gathered as a #smw ecosystem:

We have that these days of President Obama as re-elected with a mandate for austerity and gridlock have us stuck much because of some of these works of the Administration of the Clintons:

If he were to trying to actually sell and effect a new growth economy wouldn’t he necessarily be about a different politics?

It figures that President Obama now owns the down economy and that enough may now be realizing that the Democrats actually did far more to cause the economic downturn than even President Bush’s tax cuts.

Many can easily fathom how to twain a marking of blame upon the Clintons for their eight years after they get over the first condemned bridge about the Clintons’ SURPLUSES as of a trillion in cuts that neither our Government nor our economy needed.

It is hard to avoid speaking of dangers from political ABSOLUTES now for there is so much that relates almost solely economically and politically just to the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.  Obama has cornered himself with his ABSOLUTE “It is all Bush’s fault!”  Or, the Clintons trapped newly elected President Obama with an insistance that he should go again with “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” absolutism.

President William Jefferson Clinton knew enough to be aware that he shouldn’t have proceeded with a SURPLUS while he pursued his risky loan housing bubble economic plans as an unfunded Federal social program.  Those two political items should not ever be able to work together or well co-exist.

The Clintons messed up our economics by rigging succession schemes for Hillary to be set up to be asap elected to return them to our Executive seat of “holding of office” of our Office of the President.  There are historical moments to consider as our economy is stuck with a jobless recovery much still that precisely rest about the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES could go down as the greatest economic and/or political blunder of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of at least the past century.  We had no economic or governmental need for that cutting of an additional trillion in cuts past the trillion the GOP found to cut (too quickly) to balance our Federal budget.

The SURPLUSES linger in these down economic times of us much still in the “ditch” yet hardly as critically as they should.  To understand the SURPLUSES it helps to consider the scheming to successionary Power by the Clintons to as much as possible set Hillary up to asap return them to such seat of Powers for the both of them again.  It is critical that you do not accept or believe the innocent portrayal of Hillary Clinton as in the book or movie GAME CHANGE for she and Bill were of dating compatibility while at Yale Law School because they both wanted to be elected President.  She did not only after becoming “Senator Hillary Clinton” get to thinking she might want to be President herself and as from people having suggested the idea firstly to her.
The Clintons’s SURPLUSES now sit in a lacking safety about a media and politics too hesitant to consider them as contrary and conflicting to the very New Deal spending ideology of President Obama.  It seems as if there are two absolutes that do not and cannot fit together now still to propped up and marketed as if somehow they are actually compatible.  The Clintons stood up an unnecessary cutting of an additional trillion while there was no economic need for a surplus, &, President Obama stands up suggesting so much they said we didn’t need to spend even a trillion on is now actually necessary spending.

There are many condemned levies and roads and bridges and even schools that the Clintons took away available Federal dollars from.  In the case of Katrina and the failure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MR GO) their surpluses fit with the courts finding of “gross negligence” upon our Federal Government to a date back to 1983 most negligently morally speaking on the legacy of the Administration of the Clintons for them of cutting money by a trillion for a political popularity from a SURPLUS thought most impossible and while it was not necessary economically nor for governance purposes.

We have it nearly as a truth self evident after past the first condemned bridge left to collapse by the Clintons’ SURPLUSES that it cannot have been as ABSOLUTE as President Obama decried with “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!”

The greatest economic threat if not just the most dangerous moral threat is that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were only “necessary” politically to save a queen like plotted and schemed succession workings towards a President Hillary Clinton.  The Clintons needed to politically save themselves and their vast plotting too near to a reach at global autocratic power after the GOP proved that they could find a trillion in cuts to safely balance our Federal budget.  The Clintons would not have been able to sell anyone on more years for either of them then for their second term if they couldn’t prove that they too could find a thought impossible trillion to also cut.

Hillary Clinton much deserves the rapped tag as the “TRILLION DOLLA’ SURPLUS’D QUEEN” in poem FUZZY MATH available at http://jphogan.org and where originally streamed and published via http://citizenrosebud.us.

President Clinton and Senate Banking chieftain Dodd are oddly remembered for having asked a small gaggle of banking heads to find a way to “gamble away” the known and/or expected risks inherent in Bill Clinton’s desire to be most popular by coyly burning our economic candle from both ends at once.  You can call it “a ditch” or that “it burned out” as expected - seemingly.

It is absolutely not now funny that President Obama’s Obamacare ACA was fronted as not meant to cover illegal immigrants while now of he of an immigration proposal that would have them all by their conservative estimate of 12 million to be fully covered it seems as citizens by about the time his Obamacare however costs otherwise is to then be in effect on the promises and predictions about it as affordable without these 12 million covered as well.

Only the Clintons needed the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of them also to a finding of a thought impossible trillion in cuts.  Without matching the GOP efforts of the balancing of our budget their scheming and effecting to line Hillary up would have been bust.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES did take away the pipeline of Federal Government spending that needed the 4-7 year headstart to have kept enough employment in our economy for the risky lending housing bubble as run yet as their unfunded Federal social program.  The timing of such is nearly enough self evident now though hardly the political absolute it should rank with while incidentally chronological to a set up for economic collapse about 2006 or 2007.  It is that to have seen the housing not collapse the “shovel ready” jobs had to not have been cut by the Clintons’s SURPLUSES during their second term so that they would have been already processed and in the works with all necessary permitting for the “economics” then needed after the Clintonomics of stirring a hyper-consumerism ran the length of its short wick.

It is that President Obama is the President now maybe most trapped by ABSOLUTES of his own orations.  But that said it is absolutely a real concern that the Clintons were offered political protection like of a “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” polarizing political partisanship then quite only able to lead to gridlock.  But with these shared it is important to really consider how absolutely correct I am in sharing that the Clintons were the only ones that needed the SURPLUSES and politically to save a succession scheming to line Hillary up for an inevitable anointing more as if a “queen.”

We have all long been paying too high a price for the SUPLUSES of the Clintons.  And it is absolutely contradictory that the Clintons can be economically right for so much cutting, and that President Obama can be so right for wanting to spend so much once cut as unnecessary as if it is still necessary.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES do deserve to go down in history as one of our greatest national economic blunders of the past century.  President Clinton did know enough to know he shouldn’t have pursued surpluses and his risky lending programs with his Clintonomics of a pimped out hyper-consumerism — but resisting temptations (political) is historically of record a characteristic not as of a “strong suit.”

A while ago while being a partisan political operator against his promises to operate his CGI as non-partisan and non-political he in an interview with Maria Bartiromo proffered an “expertise” about economies needing time to recover science that by his own words and phraseology if actually an “expert” and if such affirms he was an expert while President did condemn himself as knowingly have been of doing what he knew he economically shouldn’t have done while President.

Beyond this we are of a 2013 as much needing a pop trending for key word relevance about “capitalism” and “socialism” still.  We though need to find a way to break down the ABSOLUTES of and by President Obama to get to the realistic realm of “cost consciousness” needed as we also need to really discuss tax reforms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:53 am

It is inescapable that Bill Clinton is at heart the very politician that gave the filibuster like Democratic Party Convention Speech for the nomination of Governor Michael Dukakis.  1988 was a different time for Americans of the United States of America still in the longest of warring such as our Cold War.  Governor Clinton of Arkansas in 1988 in Atlanta, Georgia, droned on and on, and on, by many reports.

By 1991 we were in a new global state of affairs heralded as a NEW WORLD ORDER.  Many may have been dreading seeing Governor Clinton return to any national dais for another oration.  There is a long story to tell that now fits with a Democrat Party in need of branding help.  Today’s order as per intra-party Democrat worlds has a is segmented to a split about three identities;  Today there are different biases about the brand as of a trichotomy between Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - Barack Hussein Obama Dems.

Some are grateful much more than others that Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected in 1988 and that Governor Michael Dukakis was not.  As many may be grateful some about a retrospective that Governor Clinton may have cost Governor Dukakis the election with his convention speech still reported as of an air of a “Will it ever end?”

Students of the politics of the United States of America can hardly be to erudite posits and papers today in these times without having an understanding of the years 1988-1993.  To some it was just the years that the U.S.A. became the sole superpower in the world, and, to others it was the years of a concern that a third world war would break out and be the foretold end - the end of the world as by fire.

Of at least an intra-party Democrat world set about with a dichotomy just between Bill Clinton Dems & Hillary Clinton Dems we have that the First Couple Clintons did leave after their eight years without having left, so it seems, any alternative plan for “bite” as per Saddam Hussein.  We still have a vacuum about our political logic quite dangerously of roll outs of new policies and defense spending concerns endemic to the Administration of the Clintons and how they left President George W. Bush no entrance and/or exit strategy for Iraq and the considerable dust ups about a prosecution due for Saddam Hussein.

There is much hubris about so much over too many of these many years since Governor Clinton showed his true self with the nominating speech for Governor Dukakis that is of reports of some fearing it might never end, like.  From this we have that students of American history of the politics of the United States of America have a dichotomy to consider and scrutinize too much just within that which is just singularly of the known history of Bill Clinton.

Iraq and Iran, logically speaking, now would likely be engaged in a mini cold war of their own with non U.S. global support of quite a different “new world order” than President George H. W. Bush managed us towards.  Without the PERSIAN GULF WAR of President George H. W. Bush and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of President George W. Bush it is logical and supportable by known global sympathies that Saddam if still in power would now be in a cold war nuclear power and nuclear weapon race with Iran.  It helps to understand the years between 1988 & 1993 and how so then about a major adjustment for the world to a NEW WORLD ORDER with the U.S.A. emerged from such long dust up with the U.S.S.R. as a sole global super power.

About so much of this is still that Hillary Clinton Dems of the above concerning trichotomy and or dichotomy is that which did the most flip flopping.  She is also the Clinton, and Democrat, most culpable and mashable around a hashable #Iraq for she voted for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, logically, as one that as Mrs. Clinton the former FLOTUS of the most recent prior administration was of intimate enough “intelligence” to have known if “WMD” was or was not a lie.  She is remembered for being of reports that she was so confident with “WMD” intelligence as former FLOTUS, it seems, that she didn’t even take it upon herself to read the provided “NEW” intelligence estimates.

In light of the recent vast democratic reset that happened when the U.S.A became the victor of the longest of wars - of the COLD WAR - and became in the years 1988 -1993 effectively the only super power it is quite relevant and concerning that logic can help us be to better understandings of our here and now if we dig into the old dust ups of a couple decades ago.  Afghanistan can be said to have been the GETTYSBURG of the COLD WAR - the “turning point.”

In the mashable of our current problema challenging any now “Democrat” as of an “Intelligentsia” we have that we should consider that “WMD” may have been a genius stroke however a “LIE” for still we have that any entrance or exit about Iraq for a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and/or “bite” for United Nations’ sanctions was best to be booted as somehow definitively not of the U.S.A. or Coalition as to a HOLY WAR footing.

Hillary Clinton Dems are now quite past a reasonable deadline for proffering posits positively purposeful politically per prudent possible and probable prosecution of her past sworn officialdoms.  It is logical that Hillary Clinton has been making the same mistakes over and over since she first flip flopped about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  When one accepts “Bush lied” it logically becomes both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton whom appear to look worse - worser even that President George W. Bush.

There is a dichotomy taggable as of a Bill Clinton’s Dems and Hillary Clinton’s Dems even from their Administration as the first stirrings of a dust up in Afghanistan had one more a dove and the other more hawkish.  Together they abandoned Afghanistan for their eight years and such that once was manageable as of a too early exit by the United States of American became years of insult added to injury, like, such that now we may be there and for so long because they wanted to sell PEACE before its time and be coyly of an inaction and avoidance in Afghanistan and Iraq so that they could justify, somehow, PEACE DIVIDENDS during known unsettled times.

Yes there is a dichotomy at least just in Bill Clinton that is now still very relevant for it is not logical that he was himself truly while of his 1988 Democrat Party Convention speechifying and that he had been naturally as himself while of much of the exposure since their late entry into the 1992 Presidential race.

OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM would better to have been of ACTION by the Clintons in the first term of the Administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and then as well somehow clearly and definitively as of a “war” like posture not footed or booted as confusable as a HOLY WAR. 

Saddam Hussein was like a father or godfather figure about Al Qaeda.  How much this was strategic and purposefully politicked by Saddam Hussein to a consideration that he would be able to keep Kuwait despite the U.S.A. of treaties because Americans wouldn’t risk stirring up radicals known to be of geopolitical sensitivity and pride - like Al Qaeda.  We have that we are still deciding politics with still too little consideration about how our 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT is flawed for having looked back only ten years at Al Qaeda all the while it was nearer 12 years old and formed specifically to be a response/reaction to politics and warring by Saddam Hussein.  Saddam Hussein may have well like rocked the cradles of Al Qaeda against the United States of America towards gains like of his efforts in seizing Kuwait.

And today there is at least about Iraq and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM an intra-party trichotomy among Democrats as of either Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems.  These three still have different histories related to so much of what is now too effecting to our politics and these years of gridlock.

Logically there wouldn’t have been a 9/11 I or 9/11 II if Saddam Hussein hadn’t invaded Kuwait.  Logically it seems 9/11 may have been kept like as a HOLY DAY for Jihadists of Al Qaeda 2001 sense of justice and so if as well an attack by them to being only then interpretable of an “intelligence” of a motive nearly identical to 9/11 I.  There is more in just the broached “dichotomy” concern about Bill Clinton that relates to some of his earliest moral short comings of his first steps in the Middle East of his first year of his first term;  it is actually mashable and logical that Al Qaeda attacked us on both 9/11 days as acts of war in a HOLY WAR or Jihad for a sense of justice related still to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

And today there is still a concern about “LIES” of “WMD” and yet hardly enough discussion as to the religious and geopolitics variables that were better worked around to assure that any due prosecution of Saddam Hussein wouldn’t and couldn’t be seen as of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of a wagging of HOLY WAR.

Again, there is a dichotomy just about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton for their years of the Administration of the Clintons as per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Again, most reports still are of us as having had power shift from the Clintons to President George W. Bush without there having been a plan of the Clintons’ eight years left for entering and exiting Iraq. 

It seems that “BITE” for United Nations’ sanctions on Saddam Hussein, as an issue, as our history, does divide the house of Clintons still.

And, still we had the clock running.   We were some to a new way of “liberation” for the United States of America, as of a new world order, and expectation to “police’” as a sole super power, as it became an expected way for Americans that had risks of the U.S.A. becoming punk’d by other nations to such while to such.  We the People of the United States of America were uniquely fortified to a new way to “liberation” of other peoples where we had been compromised/engaged before much some just because we had (still had) an all volunteer force.

And now though with two acts of war by Al Qaeda on 9/11s are we to measure and consider the current intra-party trichotomy existant about a logical and historical divide between the politics of Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems?

And, again:  It is remarkable that as the discussion goes from “Bush lied” to an acceptance that “Bush lied” it is the Clintons however similar and intimate and different are two that each are to politically looking worse that President George W. Bush!

So:  Did we get attacked on both 9/11 because Bill Clinton failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein per the sense of justice reasoning of Al Qaeda?  Was the second act of war on such that may have been kept as a terrorist HOLY DAY then for Bill Clinton returned and not penitent so when again in a Democrat Party Convention - when at Charlotte as the charlatan yet of a history of having been of an Administration of the Clintons now proven to have been too much of an avoidance and inaction as per Afghanistan and Iraq? 

We can accept that it is logical that Saddam Hussein fathered Al Qaeda by his violation of Kuwait - Right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:46 pm

President Barack H. Obama exited Iraq prematurely and for partisan political gain.  The President left not for military or economic greater good as he moved of a cutting and running retreat such as he did.

For starters this is what we should be talking about and thoroughly considering and debating. 

It seems we now are talking sequester and defense cuts because he as our top Administrative Executive has been of a great and vast economic failure. It seems we are talking about defense cuts now in part because he as our President has not been able to restart a growth economy.  It follows as well that such is of a problem now if we are to defense cuts because of ACA and as for it as Obamacare as not actually affordable.

With our Congress of the Power of the purse it may be that there has to be a reserved and implied right to effect an injunction upon Obamacare as UNAFFORDABLE during these unrecovered economic times.  Our Congress must if of the Power of the purse must be of a sworn duty to protect defense spending and defer other budget items more idealistic than practical or necessary if and when it comes down to looking at reducing our security by defense cuts as now broached.  Our Congress must, it seems, be of sufficient Power someway already to “postpone” as by “injunction” with budget powers spending for Obamacare if it is threatening our defense - and yet only as long as an economy is such that both are not simultaneously affordable.  Our Congress must, it seems, have the implied responsibility not to overturn ACA but to suspend its spending until something so idealistic is actually economically practicable.

Are we though now only at this point because President Barack H. Obama exited Iraq too early?

Are we now here because we cut and ran of a retreat about Operation Iraqi Freedom just before it could have started economically working better for all Iraqi peoples and all of the involved Coalition?

It is real that we are of a time where it seems our nation is of a continuously depressed economic time and such as from a failure in Government economic leadership.  It seems we cannot afford to stay secured enough and prepared enough and yet be of a way to afford a fancy new way to Nationalize otherwise still carried community duties and costs such as with Obamacare.

You must now be among those remembering that Operation Iraqi Freedom was originally supposed to cost the USA much less and as well any or all member states of the Coalition of OIF.  It should be fresh now in most peoples’ minds as for the scheme became refreshed but pushed coyly as if new when we heard first of ODYSSEY DAWN as if it would be paid for by compensation from Libyan people’s oil profits.

There is that Operation Iraqi Freedom was planned to have been paid for not by the “credit card” scheme President Bush is tagged with now long since Democrats in Washington successfully politicked to work USA out of the “benefits” and “compensation” that costs of “liberation” were thought justly to an earning.

Many of the same Democrats that took away USA plans to be compensated for the “liberation” of Iraq with Operation Iraqi Freedom though didn’t mind a similar process for “funding” a “liberation” under their watch as with what started as their ODYSSEY DAWN.

We have that this is more about how we cannot seem to afford so much that President Obama was of promising as well with his then opponent Senator Clinton while also just a candidate to this our highest executive office.  We have that OIF was started with a plan for compensation from freed/liberated Iraqi people that seems to have been able to have worked - it seems Democrats wouldn’t have tried to use the concept as new and their own in Libya if not so.

You are likely among those that are already realizing that we left Iraq too early for even economics of liberated Iraq.  By leaving when we did it seems President Obama is culpable for the Iraqi oil capacity having been left more stagnant and nearly half possibly what it could have become if we hadn’t cut and run so prematurely.  It seems that with what the price of gas became with the ill advice GREEN ENERGY agenda of this President that Iraqi oil profits had become of mulitiples many fold than expected to have been of an affording of “liberation” “compensation” as first conceived.

The math of the Democrats premature partisan political “war” meddling such as the too early retreat from fuller operations in Iraq is such that if we had stayed even one more year the Iraqi people likely could have doubled their oil output and exports and at a new higher price such that it would have cost them may a third what was originally considered to compensate friendly nations that participated with them about their liberation and prosecution from/of Saddam Hussein.

You too must now see how elementary and near even “stupid” President Obama’s abandonment of Operation Iraqi Freedom has turned out to be and that now it by itself is much what is threatening his own idealized Nationalization by ACA in Obamacare as unaffordable.

We have it as a puzzle without a solution yet for public consumption how what Republicans were thwarted from implementing as their planned and affordable way to see that Operation Iraqi Freedom was a justly funded “liberation” engagement is what then became like a NEW & BOLD Democrat Party concept for funding a LIBERATION from Qadhaffi of Libya.  I do not know at these moments of writing this if USA has been successful in collecting the promised compensation from Libyan people and their oil profits.

But what of the Power of the purse of Congress and that Defense should be well above as a necessary and higher budget priority than a over-reaching substitute method of caring such as centralization plans of Obamacare?

And, Mr. President what of that if you hadn’t retreated from our commitment to securing new freedoms of the liberation we stood for and with in Iraq with your premature cutting and running it seems that a year or two more there would have had the Iraqi people of 2X to 3X the oil export capacity they then did and then with the spike in gas prices much caused by your GREEN ENERGY AGENDA so that President Bush’s Operation Iraqi Freedom would have been able to have stayed “paid for” as planned and yet quite economically conveniently as a year or two more of OIF would have likely had Iraq able to cover all “costs” at at most one third the involved labors or “work”?

Mr. President mustn’t Congress now have to consider an injunction from funding or implementing your ACA of a substitute centralized Nationalized healthcare “reform” largely because you left Iraq at least just one year too early?

I mean it figures that if we had stayed and developed more standing with “securing” the Iraqi economy could have been at least of 3-4 times the ability to pay compensatory “liberation” costs of all of the involved coalition states. 

And, that such logic now also implies a guilt upon you Mr. President for your abandonment by premature retreat of your USA cutting and running did then stifle economic development in Iraq and such that quality of life and healthcare for Iraqi people then was left to be depressed so by a similar multiple but inconveniently in what has been what has been missed by them that didn’t have to be missed - right?

I have a BA in Economics from Villanova University — I am not an economist.  That said:  Though I suggest a multiples of 3-4 times to an Iraqi economy ability to easily have paid “liberation” costs an economist can probably confirm that Iraq with just a year more of USA “standing with” of OIF would have been at the Obama economics oil prices to a factor nearer 10X - 20X as their economy did have because of Obama’s retreat.  And yet so a real economist may figure it even much higher even than 20X.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:29 am

In some way this must be about how President Ronald Reagan liked to chop wood. 

He may have thought it kept him as keen as his axe as his axe a metaphor as similar to the axes of our forefathers - I do not know.  He may have considered it a “GREEN MINIMALISM” and “honest labor” good for one’s soul - I do not know.

President Barack H. Obama may be a skeet shooter to our surprise, and, yet still not one to chop his own wood.

If the European Union were gone tomorrow would it be missed?  What is the ideology behind it that justifies it as a necessary new order - a new order just now needed where not needed before?  Why shouldn’t there be more flavors of currency now - especially now that technology allows such easy computations of welcomed apps for variations and local competition, expression and loyalty?

Ideologically discoursing:  If there is an ideology is there also a “size matters” biased basis necessary for a success about such?  Where there is an import as to “size matters” as per a governance ideology supposedly more ideal how to an among equals whom should be necessarily more equal?

If the European Union were gone tomorrow I do doubt that I would miss it or any ideology that was supposedly justifying it.

Who is President Barack H. Obama?  What is his ideology for foreign and domestic states relativisms?

We have that supposedly his Affordable Care Act is instructive to a believing he has a plan and a fully considered and developed governance “ideal” and an “ideology” for governance - right? 

Of the first term of President Barack H. Obama we have been assaulted with confusing contrary relativity between rascals of nation states as if superior to our Governors of states large enough and quite independent enough to be nations themselves.  Under this President as maybe never quite before most of our states have battle hardened and combat ready state regulars armed and ready among their National Guards - for even foreign entanglements; now we have that our states are as large or larger than many nation states and yet our President has been treating our Governors as minor rascals while heralding like “greatness” upon those of comparable duties as states abroad fixed as nations.

There is much contrary just on the supposed face of an perceived “ideology” of the re-elected Administration of Obama.  It is hard to consider our “Leadership” of a fully considered and workable governance ideal at least while some state leaders at home treated more like political rascals than nation state leaders beyond our waters’ edges.  Somehow that I do not think I would miss the European Union if it were gone tomorrow is of these concerns of a expectation of a relativism.

Can a Department of Defense for a National Government be discussed and discerned as in conflict to a Nationalized and Centralized Healthcare System as if it were also like a “death panel” of decidings necessarily to let people get nearer to death by Government decrees?  How if it is of an “ideal governance” and a current “ideology” of the President is it supposed to work and actually be affordable?

How to a “morals” and “moralities” due consideration when to discussing and discerning “ideals” and “ideologies” to a Nation based Healthcare providing if and when our Armed Forces are at least trespassed upon a nation state - but to a consideration that if of “liberation” or “occupation” then “morally” must we not be to “official” “Governance” as also liable for the health of all those then even if temporarily under our “protection”?  Can there be a “waters’ edges” to a United States of America National Healthcare “morality”?

If we are of our national forces to even just “policing” “peace” in another nation how can we not give our own state leaders as much freedom to care for their own as we then if not to distant imperialistic dictates also for nation states and their “governors”?

A while ago I pressed out a piece I titled “PAPER FASCISTS” to discuss some of my thoughts about the European Union and a collective currency for the EU.  It is posted at http://jphogan.org if you are interested.  {I have not myself reread it in a while - I have not now even reread it before linking it here as relevant.}

If there is a gestalt to an Obama governance ideology are we there already - are we two thirds of the way there - are we yet a third of the way there or maybe yet just past a halfway there?  Is he building something?  Is he spinning as what he thought he could build and would have built is now actually falling apart and already too much in shambles?

Practicably speaking we should if to speaking of “ideals” and an “ideological governance” now we may be best to keep the discussion from a joined discourse as also about President Clinton and soon to be former Secretary of State Clinton.  As of “Senator Clinton” it was too much to a cart before the horse an apple v. an orange impropriety to suggest that we should be comparing and contrasting two spouses fully to the most exacting and specific settling of all details about the foreign policy of one in relation to the foreign policy of the other, and to discerning where one was actually two of such though now contrary such that a Jekyll and Hyde expose due for just one spouse’d Clinton.  It is quite right that at least towards 2016 theses and books are expectant for the husbandry of each of these eras of a Clinton(s) - despite how it may set asunder them as still holding powers as of a holding of some office(s) or another.

How are we, without discussing the imports of the Clintons distractingly, to fathom a bias unfairly upon our state leaders as if more “rascals” to our President’s idealism than those as nation state “governing” while of lesser capacity, “representation” and civic duties?

For those most “Philosophers” or “Sociologists” among these concerns we may expect ourselves cooperation to marking twains needed to fathom if and where there is any figured “depth” to the policies and politics of at least the first term of President Barack H. Obama.

It may take one accustomed to honest work of at least chopping their own firewood to discern the attitudes and latitudes confused by our state Governors long now these four years as of treatment as if tin pot dictators as Governors yet too much “rascals” to be patronized and suppressed/managed by a distant (and aloof) despotism/idealism wants.

But beyond this are two great concerns for any idealist and even just students of philosophy and sociology:

1:   If Obamacare cannot be afforded now is it that it should be over turned or thrown out on grounds of NATIONAL SECURITY if now we have to have discussions and affectings to reducing our Department of Defense because such “AFFORDABLE CARE ACT” is not also affordable - not affordable as this President’s economics seemed to have and still be failing - not affordable unless the President moves bureaucracies to cut our necessary funding for security and defense as it seems that his healthcare “ideals” are not affordable also?

2:   If Obama has “ideals” and is actually making progress that isn’t too counterproductive as across our necessary governance then what though is the “right size” or best location bias for such if a workable “ideology”?  It seems intellectually speaking to hopes for an “INTELLECTUAL HONESTY” that if such is a workable new “ideal” that still it is one that if justified by these times as not before justified by earlier times yet set up to be conflicted as if justified it then seems to figure that it would be more justified to have done it first at the United Nations or at our state level by sound “governance” led by real Governors.  It seems that though President Obama’s “ideology” seems to be failing that if it could have worked it had a better chance to have worked either at the United Nations or at our state levels.

With all this is still that much of what has worked to “improvements” economically these past four years has been by stirred and refreshed state based governance and Governors, and, so that now such is still improving as more of “Hope” for “hopefuls” quite still, and, while at times as discussed around the United States of America, at least, of also having a renaissance in state’s rights.

Mr. President will your second term be too much as well as if a Nation State supreme power yours where no one state team is allowed a political advantage, and, still be as seems of Governors treated more like “rascals” than leaders of nation states beyond our waters’ edges?  Will your second term be as hobbling to job creation by willful over-lording still to discouraging to job growth by the encouragement of states and competition between states?

Please Mr. President can you give us a base line for intellectual discussions of an ideology yours?  And, can you now explain what is “GREEN MINIMALISM” as your economics still too contrary as too strongly of a new conservationism decree like oppression?  What is our “GREEN MINIMALISM” working “national” “official” definition as it seems it is your new politically correct term for use in lieu of speaking of “poverty” and “poverty levels” and “poverty level subsistence”?

Please Mr. President can you please tell us “officially” how you have already saved the entire planet from the alarmed warning of “an end of the world as we know it” politically heavy muscled messaging?

Please!  Until you tell us that you have saved the entire planet our economy has to remain stuck by your romanticized NEW CONSERVATIONISM and “GREEN MINIMALISM” unless We the People also to be seen to much as if “rascals” to you and a workable Constitutional ideology. 

Please!  And really shouldn’t our Governors in these times be treated at least as much as if as honorable as leaders of nation states are?  And, can you find a way to be now more like President Ronald Reagan, at least as if he to his by way of honest work lessons?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:30 pm

As these eves to February move to dawns to realities also to Marches Obama II is staged as if a SMOKEY IS THE BANDIT.

There are many conundrums to yet be settled about your civil rights and general Welfare consistently across different trafficking in “change” by President Barack H. Obama.  His new conservationism contradicts his new nationalism economic growth pimp’n - he is as much a punk rock poet for his due process stomp’n trip’n. 

We may not be yet any more safe as a nation than when we were before he became President; we do not know or know if we can be certain if he has stopped smoking.  As our President is his a “Smokey” - as President Barack H. Obama is he also a “bandit”?

We have been of four years for foreign policy quite different than that which was necessary to keep our United States of America from having been like punk’d by the peoples otherwise of the world to be the world’s police at our own expense.  Has President Obama, however of delegating these past four years, been to a giving away of the game (for popularity) before it was wise or safe?

It can be driven now for the next four years that the foreign policy of Obama I was able to build upon the Bush years in ways it and such wasn’t able to build upon the earlier years of the Administration of the Clintons.  That our President has trafficked in falsities taggable as a cover-up for a negligence of the Clintons doesn’t remove the logic of so much now as of a building upon much disciplined and difficult hard work of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA.  The years of Obama I has been of saying Bush was wrong and all at fault while fronting the Clintons as oddly completely innocent.  The first term - Obama I - can only have been possible as a building on the Bush’s years for what was more right and developmental than that inherently too much of the Clintons.

I am not saying President George W. Bush was closely supporting a French underground as if in a real CASA BLANCA.  I am trying to make light of years inherited from the Clintons and so now with there being “old” and “new” Clintons contrary to themselves in many ways quite concerning.

Is ACA Obamacare just Hillarycare II - a rebooted Clintons’ politics and now late win?  Are you aware of how Obamacare can rob you of your thought kept civil liberties, some?  Have you asked if it isn’t now set up to allow spying here at home?  And to using doctors like Pakistan Doctor now hung out to dry by President Barack H. Obama? 

Have you asked yourself yet - have you sat down publicly and people watched and asked yourself or another:  How bad must our Governor be - our Mayor - our community with Obamacare now a stain upon our communities of an institutionalization about our federal government fixed to a need to help our neighbors because our neighbors were not helping our neighbors as a working or workable “community”?

Have you asked yourself what it may be that you don’t want your Doctor to ask you as now his records as your records are now set to be analyzable Big Brother Big Government centralized and sortable medical records of personal medical facts, however incriminating or suspect?  Did you know by Obamacare that Libertarians are at least concerned that ACA now allows and likely expects your Doctor to ask you:  Do you own a gun? and while collecting all your specimen records for their systematic perusal?

A real bandit just for a endemic trampling of due process at home and abroad - right?  A real “Smokey” now with extraordinary new powers to sort and statistically analyze so much once kept preserved as “private” and untouchable - right?

You are now just a number - just a zip code - a zip code odd or even with a street name and a ward however your address odd or even or your lifestyle - and your doctor expected to help his Government spy even as to your Second Amendment Protections exercising.  You will be nameless to a Googleable front door - street view - back alley intimate view - but a very searchable numbered “identity” for ward based political analysis of wrongs about a Congressional district - right?

As you wake up to more challenges due in 2013 of Obamacare regardless of it however a Hillarycare II will you be joining the revolution to restore your civil liberties to “free” or “freer”?  Will you doctor have “emergency” samples for you from unscheduled Emergency Room visits that hadn’t been figured to your questionable consumption to nearly about to have flushed through to “undetectable” “evidence” of “criminality”?

Will Obama II be as much as Obama I as the good guy a “Smokey” a bad guy “bandit”?  If you are robbed of your privacy and your due process or party to others having their yanked knowingly - will you be able to abide such trafficking to trackable assimilation and overreaching?  Will you wonder now how bad your community must really be that your Federal Government had to step in so to just care for your neighbors?  And, how bad your Mayor, County Execs and/or Governor must be that such a cold and systematic assimilating central body had to essentially invade your “community” space?

I mean it figures that your United States Congress Representatives staff will be able to order up “medical” “ward based” analytical reports from Obamacare ACA IMAC centralized systematizing to an effectual Big Brother computing towards “cost consciousness” and so that “keyword” “healthcare” “searches” with “parameters” a grand and vast realm of “variables” will be to being able to discern “cost saving” factoids down to house numbers as odd or even and by street name, ward and zip code - right?

Who can the usual suspects now be at least just in a new world set “official” for People long otherwise of plausible deniability and presumption to innocence?  I mean with Obamacare aren’t politicians now in your blood and urine and stool to stay with “Smokey” duties too easily to checking their wards for “healthcare” “indicators” of personal medical records now Nationalized and Centralized per their designs like say “evidence” of “stress reducing” “medicines” i “samples” yet/but no evidence of “prescription” nor “necessary” diagnosis?

With Obamacare like a “Smokey” a bandit as a bad “Smokey” of over-reaching vastly sublime to “official” use of doctors as if Domestic Federal spies - whom will be willing of so many uncovered to acquiesce to “samples” so likely unavoidably “officially” and “permanently” trackable coyly as self incriminating?  Can Obamacare but scare away those it supposed to care for and increase costs because of its invasive “governance” so Big Brother statistically yet computer trackable for all as locatable numbers?

Won’t your political representatives of such powers to request and gather “ward” based medical “findings” by residence number, street name, race, age, height, hair color, eye color,sex and even gun ownership be now as well to a “knowing” where “plausible deniability” used to reign safely?

And how much a “bandit” while fronted as a “Smokey” for trafficking in violations of civil liberties by statistical frauds, like?

And, yes this is just asking you to think about how you feel while your due process is being diminished maybe less though so than so many foreigners about Obama I and now to Obama II, and the foreign assaults on due process!

As it seems Obamacare is to be fully set up and to an IMAC clearing center of and for political ward based “health” reports how can we or any be certain or even expecting that the inputs won’t be skewed if “services” used and by black market manipulations to establish official “innocence”? 

And yet this is while we wait to see if Congress won’t be asked to affirm a duty or right to insist that all Americans submit to complete biological work ups of blood and urine and stools at least twice a year towards the Government need to reason a possible way to reduce medical care costs - right?

Aren’t we now to Liberal social program of Obamacare, however just a Hillarycare II, to being as ineffective as gun rights lobbyists insists gun control legislation is to keeping guns from those to mischief but to a establishment of healthcare reform in ways that will turn off many now said to be turned away? 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:04 pm

With so many tee’d up and tee’d off these days we really shouldn’t let a Tea Party go to waste.  The long and short of our predicaments Constitutional have hardly been broached yet.  No matter how steeped you are in our Constitutional brews it is likely you have only by now seen a half full cup.

This Sunday of January in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three reached high noon with laurels rested some by former General Colin Powell while more of his captaining of Diplomacy colors.  For the sake of civility and comity I will try to keep this sociable as small talk for an afternoon as if our former Secretary of State Colin Powell did out himself as if a Tea Partier.

We can leave aside the patronizing education he proffered about Iraq towards hopeful President Barack H. Obama - for now.  What we cannot ignore are the seeming missing years of official records of the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons have already spilled too much of our tea as autocrat wanna bees.  We can please find ways now to move to a revolution in Tea Party solidarity around our founders like Samuel Adams, and please while considering, for the sake of being smarter and safer, that our Clintons are Constitutional enigmas more of wants towards reigning as our Fourth Vice President did while at least then still Governor of New York George Clinton.

Yes, as you can see your cup however about our Tea Parties seems until now as while of considerations of recent election debates been like only a half full cup of Constitutional concerns, however steeped.

I can honestly claim to have not ever have been a Tea Party member nor to ever having been knowingly at a Tea Party rally - I have kept Tea Party leaders as facebook friends and otherwise of relations per social media.  I can though tell an honest tale though of days before there was a new Tea Party that date to moments while I was considering if I could or should go to work for CNBC and that such had me considering what I might then not be able to do;  I can honestly report that I did about then ask current employed personalities of CNBC to have one of theirs publicly state that “America could use a new Tea Party.”

For the sake of Constitutional rendition success I do have to add peacefully that as of yet a Tea Party as I may have imagined can not yet be seen quite as a cup over-runneth.

We can now understand as “fact” that President Obama has been overwhelmed by actual histories to a situation report about he having been at least ignorant or naive as per Saddam Hussein and the Iraq that President George W. Bush inherited from peacenik Clintons.

I have afraid that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has shown herself not to have been as claimed either to “be ready at 3am” or “ready from day one.”  We have that this is about how still now she isn’t likely ready for 3pm tea time civil rendition reflections on either of our Tea Parties.

We have for other less quiet times of discourse like heated happy hours that the Clintons may be due a full dissection of their decades of spousal political plotting at least as pertains to federalism issues Constitutional by ways foreign and domestic.  We have the Clintons around to dissect ad nauseum for years more;  We have for starters that they may have worked official department lying for a PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS before their time.

As per you cups of tea however now tee’d up or still tee’d off and if half full or still half empty — We have the federalism debate to refresh civilly with non-violence at least to discuss threats from undermining our Constitution as per foreign and domestic politics or “governance.”  We have a still here and concerning “FLASHING RED” sit rep to discourse upon even just to threats from within to our Constitutional safeties and checks and balance prudence.

In many ways former top Bush Administration cabinet officer Secretary Colin Powell seemed to have outed himself as if a Tea Party idealist.  For this hopefully quiet nearer 3 pm “Tea” you can ponder as you might how steeped as a Tea Party originalist and how just sympathetic to foreign Constitutional concerns from threats from within he may be as of this Sunday in January as Constituted by our Christian Constitution “ordained” by preamble set to its fully affected subscriptions then with the Christian Calender so that specific Year of their (our) Lord whence.

It seems the Clintons can be more clearly to be of debatable Constitutional threats as plotters long from inside;  The Clintons have themselves argued to a convenient mostly for them acceptance that our United States of America is now in a Post-Constitutional era, and, so that it practically authorized them each contrarily to be extra-Constitutional - at least.

We can spend some time on Obamacare as ACA as being found passable with low Constitutional grading as if a War Power would have been compromised if a President and Congress weren’t allowed to wage war at home on its people’s general Welfare.  Hmmm?  There is a can of worms - the specific seeming random use of capitalization in our Constitution’s preamble has to be purposeful and instructive as like a legend/key to the tune of all then to follow and be subscribed there within - right?

It is inescapable that we are now necessarily back to having a Tea Party - and now more globally yet then ever before.  Our former TOP DIPLOMAT has spoken simply to a naivete of President Obama and his hopefully still not kept views on Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

However you try to take your Constitution and American tea times we have that Iraq issues and our Clintons are here to stay as yet fully and appropriately discussed “federalism” issues.  We cannot escape a full considerations now of the dangers of the Clintons wants and practices to lesser Constitutionality and how such was argued to be convenient for them to together share more autocratic powers to foreign and domestic concerns as justified new extra-C powers in a necessary Post-Constitutional era.

This Sunday in January the issue has been broached that we have been but of half full or half empty tea cups so far.

Whom now will be next?  With former Secretary of State proffering wisdom and humility and with his rendition relating to Iraq and President Obama we now have to like find what has seemed too long to have been as missing records of missing years of those that are supposed to be there as the eight of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

We have our hands full enough to broach a discussion just of the Clintons and as per Constitutionality and “federalism” such that it would be unnecessary and maybe rude to even mention President George W. Bush and his administration at least until some base line notes are settled upon as to how the Clintons seem to be acting globally as if towards a global Constituting newly around themselves while opportunities exist specially for such to assign to them Powers nearly as if Autocrats.

For today’s Tea Party reviving comity we should brace ourselves away from thoughts comedic for it is still quite serious that we can greatly discuss that our modern day Clintons do not deserve a rap as “modern moralists” but maybe so as Karl Marx seems to have.  It is better to be more sociable to more localized small talk to how steamed many are now due to problems from how steeped the Clintons have been to leading and governance attempts as if they were former Governor George Clinton of New York in the days of our first Tea Party and to getting his way over that of our Federalist Papers and the troika such as Publius was set.

Are the Clinton effecting an anti-Constitutional global and domestic effrontery — Are they purposefully to attempts to make changes globally before any can figure out they are are trying to seize powers more of the mind set of former Governor of New York George Clinton than that which has survived long as subscribed whence thence in that “Year of our Lord…”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:01 pm

This may be the eve of an October ready to be banked on.   There may be no real “Happy Meal” promises to keep, politically, there seems to be no money left to pay for such of Democrat Party promises.  Our real concern if we are now so far along with President Barack Hussein Obama to his New Deal Austerity that it may be better politically for any other to try to avoid being our next President.

There may be now room or possibility to see a “Happy” put back in for the next four years.  It may be strategically fastest for us to a win back of freedom and democracy to see President Obama re-elected to finish a defeat of his policies and politics AQAP (As Quick As Possible).

ACA - Obamacare as it is not actually an attempt just to politically steal a Republican success story of Romneycare from Republicans leaves us serious numbers that don’t add up well for “Daddy” Clinton.   It was reported years ago by a self professed doctor friend of the Clintons that the United States of America could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just reverse the increase in the personal average body weight of Americans.  Actually, I have no idea if that number of such paraphrasing from memory may have had costs for obesity since the start of the Clintons’ “parentage” of illegal aliens.

What an odd couple.  It seems clear that President “Daddy” Clinton is the sloppy one.  It seems reported that President “Big Mac” Clinton did with the guidance of his FLOTUS lead Americans to a dangerous level of obesity.

I don’t actually believe we could do better by re-electing President Obama and that he could be of further self defeat AQAP.

Would we have needed to see the “Happy” marshaled out of “Happy Meals” if President “Big Mac” Clinton hadn’t sold a MAC DADDY two BIG MACs a day habit and as if necessary because his FLOTUS couldn’t cook?   I mean the story still has to be of the “parentage” of the First Couple Clintons that even Hillary must not have cooked - right?

And you cannot get fries with the type of banking President Obama will have to promise to be capable of if re-elected.

There may not be enough honor in banking as long as “Daddy” Clinton not shilled as an evil banker himself.  Can you elect President Obama now as if choosing him as you would a banker - with an ability to trust him with what money you now have left?  President “Daddy” Clinton did fool so many once - what a shame on them!  like — but now if for President “Banker” Obama now needing to attempt to fool as many all over again? - like if banks could ever again approve so many loans they shouldn’t?

It might be easier to see how bad all this is and as with a full dissing upon ‘MAC DADDY CLINTON’ if his crying to his banking pals, after leaving office, to try to get them to fork out the money for a million dollar a year highest end rent, in the Carnegie Hall Tower, had effected enough guilt on them to have him visibly there now and not in Harlem.  Our Government said that was too rich for our blood money of revenues of the people from taxes, however.  Our Government said that was too royal and nearly of a Un-Constitutional titling for their approval, again, however versed.  MAC DADDY CLINTON did try to guilt his banking pals into paying for it instead - what a wonder today if he was there with them paying him in thanks as asked for all the derivative gambling profits he made possible.

Is it fair to President Obama that President “MAC DADDY” Clinton hasn’t been dissed enough for luck of being saved by Harlem?   It does seem President William Jefferson Clinton did owe Harlem more than Harlem owed him and yet it seems he still isn’t of his due dissing, where ever.  I knew William Stringfellow - William Stringfellow was a client while I was a college student of summer labors in landscaping - I knew him near about his third from last year of life while maybe already battling cancer.  I first learned how to use a powered weed whacker from William Stringfellow and at his cottage where he harbored federal fugitive, whenever.

Poor First Lady Michelle Obama long of so much official record to austerity for others.  Poor First Lady Michelle Obama for the upstaging of her earliest steps to counter the obesity epidemic “parented” by Clintons’ guidance by “MAC DADDY” Clinton whence then of choosing an elective surgery the day of her good eating messaging debut to grab all the defense Clinton press as possible to buffer the Clintons’ dishing for so many to record and dangerous personal obesity.  I do believe that number heard years ago that the USA could save a trillion dollars if it could like just get to the personal average body weights from just before the inauguration of the Clintons.

But to talk about party politics:  President William Jefferson Clinton did not have to make or break news that day the FLOTUS Michelle Obama was long scheduled to with messaging that would unavoidably be counter to the Clintons’ dishing and so of a dissing certain — he elected to time his elective surgery to clear narrowings of vessels and so that his message did override hers.

Poor Michelle Obama, actual First Lady.   On that day it was a Democrat loyalty test with two options to choose from as:  Be a Clinton MAC DADDY loyalist and now believe you will also get free healthcare for dangers from Clintons’ dishing - tax payer funded care, or, choose to listen to a message for personal responsibility and austerity akin to telling you that you couldn’t like have his BIG MACs twice a day and eat them.

Can you though really think you can trust President Barack Hussein Obama to be your banker?  It is too late for him to try to fool so many as the Clintons did again — he won’t be able to get banks to lend money he and they don’t have and to people who can show no real means of being able to repay.

His books seem cooked - and MAC DADDY CLINTON really due the DISSING.

If you are feeling this is all just unfair and feeling like a victim - aren’t you really feeling a victim of William Jefferson Clinton?

And, of Hillary Rodham Clinton - at least?

Can Mitt Romney and Ann Romney quarters pound a “Happy” back in our political “Happy Meals”?  Are our Governors all their linemen ready to keep a needed pocket around him so that we can AQAP win back our freedoms and democracy?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:37 pm

The Greeks may want to all get on board with this.

We have a psychopathy of at least one individual to render separated and parsed thoroughly towards an understanding of this.

The Greeks may not be alone in wanting to look at one American meddler and his psychopathy for real culpability in an extra-treasonous way.

How now to be real and down and dirty truthful about such that for some is treasonous and for others more as if overseas foreign transgressions enough that a foreigner might be due more blame than a countryman?

Well the new season of TV shows is near about started for Americans, at least.  And, we have to be sensitive and forgiving with allowances that though a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY is still our President’s strongest message.  And while to some it ad buys may seem allowed strictly to others it might seem treasonous if they sell or push anything other than austerity.

Here we are of a day long overdue for considerations to parse “disloyalty” from “treason” and “citizen” from “subject.”

If there is one foreigner - foreign meddler - that the people of Greece might be able to blame their economic problems with more than any other isn’t that person William Jefferson Clinton?   And, I mean to a level related to the severity of effects economic wrought so such that a general desire may exist and be due of feelings that one if so should have to ‘face the music’ like - have to face some type of prosecution.  And, yes this would hardly be of a “loyalty” or “treason” to them.

What is a popularity for a “post-Constitutional” era pushed in lieu of proper procedures with amending process but dare say a push for a popularity for “treason.”  Justice John Roberts could have had a field day with the subject - he quite nearly did decide it seems that the reported “Pelosi Congress” had willfully acted to violate and betray our system of government with ACA.

As we now consider there may be some new shows worth watching we should be wise to how little they should be being allowed to sell - what with NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and a new nationalism in conservationism the strongest Government messaging.

Well “Bill” is back and yet he shouldn’t be.

Well “Hillary” is still clinging around though now of fresh wounds fatal for some giving rise again to “gross negligence” of a Clinton.

“Bill” is back with his old sticht still hardly comical of rallying all as much as he can to a convenient “post-Constiutionalism”!

Hmmm?  Where did you just hear that phrase “post-Constitutionalism”?  Hmmm?  Were you asked to compare and contrast how “post-Constiutionalism” is or can be other than “treason”?

Should we only expect a dangerous and broad reaching treacherous economic times if a GREAT BETRAYER is about pushing BETRAYAL as a new better norm?

Could William Jefferson Clinton actually be primarily a foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the Greek economy?

So maybe WJC is just a serial person of a psychopathy to disloyalty.  But, really his “economics” and BHO’s “economics” do not and cannot mix.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be realizing this all himself now, finally.   He now cannot likely escape it nor how long he asked and dictated that none should be looking back and trying to “re-litigate the past” a past not hardly even litigated yet.

It is hard to say where such a word of such a heavy sentence fits in our times other than that is cannot abide any now as if it depends if treason is treason.  How little adherence to rules and procedures would offer a “disloyalty to our Constitution” in lieu of heavy sentences with “betrayal of our system of government and our Constitution”?

Well we have that treason must sell for it seems that WJC is still able to be popular with public performances now as a charlatan from Charlotte with his old jive to popularity of a “post-Constitutional” era.   I mean it is that WJC is selling treason as if it isn’t treason that makes him still so adorable in an ignorant way - right?

So what about at least the Greeks?   Would they or do they have a hankering for all this with their own concerns now so real that may actually have the reckless popularity and politics of Clintons’ “post-Constitutionalism” to blame for our economy now so quite undermined?   Where can “long arms of the law” actually reach these days - like REALLY?

If a politician say like WJC were to campaign as if too a “Post-Constitutional” era but then when elected let one or two years pass without moving to make any of such affecting legal and within proper procedures where would the line between “disloyal” and “betrayal” be?   We can be of campaigns to amend and change to a new Constitution - right!  But if a “Post-Constitutionalism” is attempted only in convenient extra-Constitutional ways when is such so much a disloyalty to our systems and Constitution to be a treacherous and treasonous betrayal - and willfully?

We are a young country - so young a country that we cannot have already buried the crime of “treason” from our systems - right?   I suggest we could ask the Greeks if “treason” as a crime is out dated or at least if the sentence of “death” is antiquated.

This psychopathy though is of WJC popular for selling “treason” as if not “treason” and now we have nearly twenty years of proof that rules and procedures and that of our due processes were meant all along to have been mostly ignored as he chased popularity over merit based standard government accolades more humble and of harder work, usually.

But really Justice John Roberts came very near to ruling as per ACA - Obamacare that the whole lot of Democrats signees upon such attempt at a new “Right” were willfully acting treasonously as per the content and the method of theirs all in its movement publicly contrary to expressed and measured representative will.  I mean can we really not say this is so?

This is America - to avoid a betrayal of our system of government a wanted new “Right” must have an amending process pursued.  To move to effect a new “Right” by trickery, covert and overt, as if a law equal to an Amendment is not a legal way ours.  To move as so many did as a partisan lot is highly questionable as if actually more serious than a convenient disloyalty and too near a betrayal that a President’s (mature) veto pen could still absolve them of guilt about.

I mean how can you consider it treachery to “treasonous” if a President can just issue waivers like with a pardon for the whole lot? 

So how is it that William Jefferson Clinton might be said to be the foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the global economy and that of Greece specifically?  I mean besides the psychopathy on parade again as if the rules are not suppose to apply to him? 

And:  Now:   A:  That he shouldn’t have had any of a Clintons’ Economics so as it was to chasing popularity by burning the ECONOMIC CANDLE from both ends at once.

Is “treason” not prosecuted today just because it is too heavy with an expectation of punishment by death - so writ?

But where does the “disloyalty” of WJC stop?   Where hasn’t it already and for too long been actually effected near “betrayal” willful and purposeful, selfishly?

And:  Well,  WHAT DID SHE KNOW - WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?   It might figure if truly diabolical as it may seem that WJC might have acted alone and so that HRC could effectively have plausible deniability but dangerously so for if any were to exist it would truly undermine her ability to function intelligently in any high office without being of too much ignorance.

I mean if TREASON SELLS - how can all media and entertainment not now be blushing with potential about “treason”?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am


And, so we find the Forth Estate still “urban” and now a better social referee.

And, today you have to pick the club or the honey do - the honey do or the hubby do.

And, all the while the institutionalization of “Hillary” stays juxtaposed here in America most against a regularness where a hook to the left too much, quite too much - as community members should still be allowed to walk down their streets and wonder on why their community cannot fix itself.

To have witnessed just the DESPERATE “SHOW” WIVES OF OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT this week was one thing - to have seen/witnessed some of the rest was too much - too much even for just one of our institutions — It will help that you have already read “HE GOT HIS!” column from this point on.

So we have again this week to have to deal with some or much “Hitler” in our play — even his institutions no matter what they were called.  It may be a good day to find some more trophies for interior decorations of ego walls or trophy rooms for Forth Estate, but vigilance about such and referee duties may not allow - allow at least a co-ed and personal effort about such today — On the teas and in the sands today is still that Peter Orzag tried to chip in, for Obama and Hillary, an institutionalization for both of them, for Obamacare and/or Hilllarycare III, of a massive and invasive IMAC — and, oh, the Congressional roars, now still, about such mac ill roiling— oh, and yes on the tees too.

As “HE GOT HIS!” drove straight to the ‘greenness’ of “Hillary” and her ‘game’ and “experience” and her necessary institutionalization now this reporting of HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED notes more concerns and abuse by “Hillary” much contrary to many of our institutions and even fair play in golf sport and political competitions.  Charlie Rose reported recently with his series of interviews with past and present Secretaries of State - actually showed more than “reported” more institutional delusions by “Hillary” our current Secretary of State.

The “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new problema is an old problema much to do with “Hitler” and others of lesser “selling of their souls.”  You should have seen Henry Kissinger’s expression when “Hillary” went of to “institutional” with her abrupt and inappropriate blurting to Charlie Rose with an irrational and unreasonable proposition that like “there has been a ’smooth’ transtition between all Secretary of States throughout the history of such institution.” (paraphrased, most certainly.)

As the new problema establishes, for global citizens, and, for their referees, and such that is their Forth Estate, the “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new diet for all as towards limiting need for further institutionalization for Americans - and better criteria for admittance around operations and dictates.

Rumors of “Hillary” as of a “medical bag” to rival JFK’s storied “medical bag” also from White House “maintenance” doctoring are still sparse and hard to confirm - is it bigger, was it term - limited, has one magic pill been enough?  And, so Hillary may not be also of such a “magical” medical bag as JFK was known to be of as ‘necessary’.

Whether you tee-off teed-off set off still about old and new Tea Party rights - today is much a Congressional and leadership day about Hitler and his institutions.  “HE GOT HIS!” broached part of abuses around “Hillary” of “institutionalized” - but hardly the ridiculous preposterous answer she asserted to Charlie Rose and the world so with her defensiveness with her offensive posturing as the former First Lady that left the next Secretary of State the not so “smooth” transition from Clintons’ 8 we refer most often to as just “9-11? – and so as to have gotten Henry Kissinger “britches in a sudden bunch” as a “johnny on the spot” called to defend her ridiculous proposition that power has supposedly always transfered “smoothly” from one Secretary of the State to the next.  See how “Hillary” deludes more with her “instutional” defense about our institution and traditions about Secretary of State now as well as how she has been deluding many with her “don’t touch me” institutional preposterousness around our lored Institution of the First Lady?

Whose rights still at our “Congressional” - our play about our institutions?  How will Speaker Boehner or President Obama stike also at institutionalization of “Hillary”?  It is also about golf, and still “Bill” - where is Bill, by the way?  What was his scoring of these past two weeks of his officiated Weiner and to it a DESPERATE SHOW WIVES OF STATE inconvenient exposure?

With the new problema to an new walking and talking - a more honest and accepting walk of personal freedoms and individual responsibility - the “institutional” of “Hillary” is now much a grand or greater concern than that yet from President Obama, even with his IMAC of Orzag over-reaching, now much in play.  Everywhere people should be reading - reading to address and guard - to stand tall but honestly and without the offensive institutionalization that is “Hillary.”  Everywhere we are all to first a walking and talking to a new urbanism with a honest teeing to a Tea Party or even New (Democrat) Independence Party - to a walking first and foremost with a “why can’t we fix our own community - without it becoming a greater borough burden - or city burden - or county burden - or state burden - or regional burden - or most shouldn’t be necessary “failed all the way to the top” nationalembarrassment?

It is preposterous!  “Hillary” survives only with her “preposterous” postulates that put the entire “institutions” of State and our even more lored and celebrated Institution of our First Lady at her defense, and to create a fog about her of “do not touch!”

I am getting to the “Hitler” in all this.  First we have to absorb how “not a smooth transition” was the transition from the Clinton years to the Bush years for our foreign policy - it may get confusing to see such due to the characters involved but the preposterousness is certainly there.  First you may be best to consider how much the years of crusading by First Lady Hillary Clinton was to inciting the very disruptions that the Bush administrators inherited — her popular imperialism much of her traveling dictates for her brand of feminism.

You really should try to find a viewable snipet of Charlie Rose show that was first in series with Secretaries of State - that then due to Charlie’s acceptance of “Hillary’s” preposterousness, that which got the most unusual expression from Henry Kissinger, when he was demanded to defend “Hillary’s” ridiculous postulation, by “Hillary’s” asserting, was then to me deciding to avoid the rest of such series and even most of the rest of such “first episode.”

The only joke in all this may be Irish humor of sorting type - as Rory McIlroy at Congressional is maybe in Gaelic quite the “lion in the woods” - “a tiger in a hedgerow” and now as Speaker Boehner and President Obama play through the “selling of souls” and the “Hilter ghost” in Obamacare/Hillarycare III and their IMAC over-reaching — the only joke may be that Rory McIroy may essentially translate as “tiger woods” in Gaelic.  Better though to stay focused on our institutions and our new problema about our developing new “urbanism.”  It is to Speaker Boehner and President Obama that institutional concerns about “Hillary” are really all about “Hitler” and government over-reaching.

And, so the Forth Estate stands still free and able to referee and celebrate.

And, so the propositions that are Obamacare revival of Hillarycare to such new institutionals necessities, are of a suggestion that “We the People” accept “government care” as a God given right and though all the while in ways counter to decades of people selling their souls in some ways to get some of it for themselves with personal liberty and individual responsibility.

And, so Speaker Boehner and President Obama, time to tee this off:  That it is immoral for America, these United States of America, to suggest healthcare for all, and as so institutionally yet devised, and at all to a God given right, since still we have issues, we have Hitler issues — we have all the medical advances in our medical industries and institutions (only) made possible by Hitler and his institutions persistent and well documented years of medical experimentation on some/many/very many humans?

And, so it may still be more “moral” to let our free markets stir the individual responsibility and personal liberties and market value discussions with a new urbanism also about how much selling of your soul may actually be worth.  

HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED!:  That Hillary is “institutionalized” is both so of her “fog of Hillary” positing such that her “experience and judgement” cannot be questioned and shouldn’t be without her threatening to smear all past First Ladies as like a identical class due such action, and, as well for her “preposterousness” with daily asserting and visible posturing as well with her public blurting asserting to former Secretary of State on Charlie Rose show, as a bubble defense as well, that there has always been a “smooth transition” from Secretary to Secretary throughout our history as a country.

The new “urbanism” of the new problema that is as well our current “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” is much to a walking and talking and tea times of persons, together, wondering locally why they cannot fix their own communities.

Rory, hopefully you have sufficient institutional support - most notable about you so far is you look like my high school girl friend - whose X-Step-father once was a police chief.  Good luck to all the golfers - maybe a momentus day for freedom for President Obama and all things “Congressional”!

Again, where is “Bill”?  Oh, yeh, and where is “Hillary”?

* [Filed under: MYBLOG - JUNE 18, 2011]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:43 am

ORIGINAL TO 09/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 7:05 am

Ollie and Bill have too much in common?  We cannot now have TEA PARTY as civil as foreign beneficiaries of CGI muckraking?

The oft heralded Clintons’ Global Initiatives, so run more like a shadow government that any of “governance” that old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” may have actually accomplished, & now even still the apple in labor’s eye - the eye of Trumka, has got to go.

How much a SHADOW GOVERNMENT can CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE be?  Is a good place to start as long as you ask as well:  How much an extra-Constitutional body involved in “governance” is it actually now?  That it rated a mention by Mr. Trumka yesterday is concerning, and confusing.  It got a mention seemingly after Mr. Trumka at AFL-CIO was of professing a new way forward for “labor” via such organization and to a less partisan outreach and one mixed with an announcement that he would be leading a late compliance with President Obama’s “green” governance at his building so just a couple blocks away.  Hmmm?

It is all so coy and even clandestine how CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE that had Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton compromising our foreign relations and state affairs back a while to hype the (MANDATORY?) annual meeting soon approaching of CGI so scheduled to maximize compliance, and attendance, and, usurp attention from such other “governance” organization, THE UNITED NATIONS, a better chartered and checked international meddler.

So far beyond old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” yet so similar in so many concerning ways.

It would be Unconstitutional if…?

It would be clearly Unconstitutional if…?

It would necessarily be Unconstitutional if its coy “commitments” funding scheme was of actuall deposits and dispersements of same exact funds or variations even smaller - so it seems.

More concerning though is that if such is muckraking abroad to stir up local and global politics, even without known known of President Clinton using such efforts as a global soap box for partisan politics, the he has and is definitely out “SHADOW GOVERNING” old ”Ronnie” and ”Ollie.”

See, it is really Constitutionally confused - See, we have to look now to our top Diplomat, his wife, to see if our Government is protecting us from his global ambitions and personal initiatives.  We have to rely solely on his wife to tell us those he is personally directing material support too are not in the least “terrorists” and yet while the “bar” for “terrorists” now so low in our politics that our TEA PARTY is considered “terrorists” by acting agents or officers also very near President Obama.

If our TEA PARTY is “terrorist” than our Madam Secretary of State is negligent in her duties to protect us from all Americans giving foreign “terrorists” material support.  It seems one of her greatest charges to keep.

So what if besides dropping such labors essential to our constitution and CONSTITUTIONALS - It is still very concerning how she compromised her office and our checks and balances to help “Bill” and CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE build hype and interest for last (mandatory?) annual meeting of their coy global shadow governance organization with her about Middle East near “LAST CHANCE FOR PEACE!” exclamation!  EXCLAMATION!!! just days before.  I say last ”(mandatory?) meeting” for such organized cabal of world leaders but don’t actually know if there hasn’t been some secret meetings more recently called.

I caught so little of remarks from AFL-CIO yesterday to understand if there was an offered explanation for such mention of CGI while speaking of reaching out in new ways not (as) partisan, and, I also learned little as to how it is now three years into President Obama’s ”green” priorities and Mr. Trumka is only now promising his HQ will comply and with a retrofit, finally.

Surely if they are going to support “rebels” in Libya and call those of TEA PARTY at home “terrorists” we really have to consider that President Clinton and his coy financing with “commitments” must be some to much well into a fog of “material support to terrorists” abroad.  If he actually collected “commitments” as deposits/contributions and then dispersed them himself he would clearly be acting Unconstitutionally?
Irregardless of our 22 Amendment and thought existence as a check and “limit” on Presidential Power - President Clinton is out “Ollieing” “Ollie” with operations too near SHADOW GOVERNANCE.  By making it appear “high visibility” how much is he actually better able to hide?  But about our term limits for our Presidents — what must it be most supposed to protect us from but further global meddling with even less once imagined continuation of executive influence and “governance”?

Funny thing about Governor Rick Perry — This blogger that is me seems to have said at least “treason” before him and also maybe that Obamacare pushback suggestion of “secession” for TEXANS.  But that said isn’t “Bill” really out “OLLIEING” both “Ronnie” and “Ollie”?

This is the same Clintons that tried to secure a rent for life for thought former President William Jefferson Clinton in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS top floors at a rent in just the first year that would have been more than the past rents of all past Presidents yet - combined.  It was such an amount attempted that it also warrants notice for having been located with location next to THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM and as well a location next to TIFFANY’S.  But really that they tried to secure government “allowance” to such an amount suggests and insistance that “Bill” must still be an active “officer” and/or “agent” of our government at least as much as they chose to have such Power interpreted for their “governance” purposes.

So maybe it is now Madam Secretary of State taking care of the guns - and at least in a compromised way for past moments of using her office to build media importance and interest in CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES then approaching annual (mandatory?) meeting of world leaders, so scheduled to challenge and rival the “importance” of the work of the United Nations, too.

But when it comes to metrics and comparisons of concerns about SHADOW GOVERNANCE between “Bill” and “Ollie” does it help to consider that attempt to place “Bill” so high in CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS, and with government paid rent for life, a rent per year that likely as well would have been mentionable regularly as maybe still the highest per year in future years, on and on, than all future Presidents, unless it actually had sufficient rent control to prevent an appreciation of value and increased rent in future years to keep it of a nationally fair market value?

If we have our TEA PARTY as “terrorists” by rule of this “governance” than “Bill” and “Hillary” must be hip deep in it, illegally, abroad.  Can you believe that all that NYC rent for life scandal took place while one of them was actually running for Senate as a carpetbagger in such state?  Amazing!  Amazing!  Amazing!

They have themselves argued umimpeachably so that “Bill” must still be an “agent” of “officer” of our United States of America just by asking for such a rent and reward as he so wanted that he was even willing to go begging to his “banking friends” to get them to pick up much of his excess as like in return for him having gotten them all into his housing bubble derivatives gambling scheme.  But YIKES!!!  They really asked for rent for life that in just the first year would have been more than all past Presidents combined and that in future years likely would have stayed more per year than most future Presidents could find space to equal - unless a President “Hillary” maybe got elected and then as well got hardly “put out to pasture” as well maybe in few floors left above.

How can this not now be a case of actual SHADOW GOVERNMENT and extra-Constitutional ways quite reasonable to UNCONSTITUTIONAL (treacherous or treasonous definitions?) in a time when our economics would suggest a better and more American strengthening of localism and local powers more around our State Houses and Governors?

Is CGI also terrible for our economy and too BIG BROTHER for the world?  Is it wrong for any time for America and not just diabolical and counterproductive for AMERICANA today?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:03 am

Who manages your “tunnel” of “LOVE”?   Are you agast when instead of local you are statist or global?  Are you out of sorts in the am as stirs your dams?   Are you in a small and intimate game of monopoly, or, are you just short of balls and chains of State?

As your am stirs dames and dams yours or not, however, each dawn about you and your “community” how much liberalism lives now uncorrupted?  With a “One Nation Under God” and yet with that nation a “State” left to its states more of “God” is the booty of today just a game?  Might Neil Simon be needed to dramatize the Democrat Party coming Machiavellian Convention as a farce or are the Democrats all doing well enough all by themselves?

What happens in New Amsterdam stays in New Amsterdam? - What happens in Amsterdam might stay in Amsterdam?

It seems the stages are being set nationally and on schedule.  The BOOTY times may not cooperate.

If anyone this August actually knows what it means to be a “liberal” or “Democrat” in America now please show yourselves - you are definitely a small majority and maybe due extinction protection.   How do we pine for the times of old when “liberalism” first may have served to broaden tolerance and broaden purview for an richer civility more of our shared “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” base tagging about our governances and pass times?   How are we now to 2012 with so much federal so corrupted at the top by Democrat “Machiavellian” greed such that now “liberals” seem the first to violate - to violate due process?

As bad as the lack of prudent consideration that seemed about the march out of RACE TO THE TOP, if only in economic considerations of God’s Adam or Adam of Adam Smith, it is still that President Obama emphasized a “TOP” and a “RACE” while stompin’ as an ‘Austerity President’ of irrepressible New Deal wants that may be his “DUMBEST.”

It is not a convention set to celebrate prudent governance by Democrats by Democrats.  It is now a convention set up to show the TOP Democrats of RACE as “Machiavellian.”   There are two parties about the ‘ART OF AMERICAN’ still in 2012 to lighter local governance even ever am as per stirrings about dams or dames and such even as of a New Amsterdam now more like Amsterdam.

I do think Neil Simon isn’t needed for dramatizations in FARCE this convention season.  It seems the Democrats as obviously out as Machiavellians have their race all locked up.

Are you agast when instead of local you are statist or global?

Fresh President Barack Hussein Obama didn’t want people to go to Las Vegas in days early before now where he seems so set up to seem no more than a “Fresh Prince” to more “GLOBAL” and “Superior” Clintons at his own convention.  It may be that he wanted his “HOUSE” - his White House - to be the “house” that always did or could win - ya think?  There was no room for actual “competition” in “betting on America” for “Fresh Prince” (just “Prince” (to Clintons)) - for President Obama?

With the “TILT” or out-ness of the top “liberal” Democrats now set up and being staged itself so outed we might be better already to looking past the coming “Machiavellian Convention” to the days of hope ahead where a defeated mass of Democrats might be back to basics and a willingness to play within the rules or to change them in the legal ways and procedures preserved and protected by such rules.

What can again be likened to a “MAD DONKEY DISEASE” seems to have only have been affecting Democrats or left of center Independents these past few years.  Remember our Secretary of State isn’t supposed to be involved in politics, too.  And, that some things are actually indivisible and limitable.  If you wake in New Amsterdam who are you going to call?  If you wake in New Amsterdam or Amsterdam as an American aren’t you supposed to be like “in Rome” and doing as the local laws dictate for those in the “localities”?

Have you had enough of the Clintons thinking all they needed to do to keep the masses in line enough to stay those of the real power at its highest available levels, however, was to be hedgers less sterling than Mitt Romney?  And/or “lawyers” of it is the client(s) that go to jail not the lawyers or the spouse lawyer of the other spouse or vice versa?  Have you had enough of the Clintons being exempt from the actual past of the Clintons?

And with all this talk of taxes and redistribution beyond the “FARCE” - “OUT-NESS” - “CORRUPTION, MACHIAVELLIAN” - “TILT” of the above we have that we are of two different theories of “game” not “civility”.

As per some of the “booty” that Democrats want the State to be able to take willy nilly and share however some of it is more “GAME” than “WEALTH” and more like being able to beat “The HOUSE” in Las Vegas, too.

As you consider the coming conventions and whom of either is better now and in the future for your “booty” (your “booties”) it seems that Democrats have abandoned their charge as keepers “liberal” to ways still wise of a “force” towards realms preserved in republican arts to civily permit more not less “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY”!   And, that the Clintons  are champions of hedging but not nearly as “sterling” so as Mitt Romney has been said publicly to have been.

It seems farcical especially that with a RACE TO THE TOP regardless of how inappropriate it has been for down economic times when an recovery would been better have based upon local community reflectiveness of a slower and more thorough with more attention to deeper learning and understanding.

As the Democrats now march carelessly away further from their heroic at times past we all are bearing witness to the “redistribution” efforts at least about so much tax talk as quite Machiavellian and hedged in an elitism itself, and, so towards their convening,  their “booty” isn’t necessarily properly your “booty” however, right?  First you must wake each new am actually in your locality of the moment whether a New Amsterdam or a new Amsterdam or the old Amsterdam.

The “GAME” now too “TILTED” isn’t so much of “wealth” for redistribution but of fouls too near a governance by peeps elite and too little still of laws - of a governance of laws.  The “redistribution” is actually it seems farcical for being an attempt to change the rules of the game so that those that enter whichever race (races) are not allowed to keep the “winnings” that motivated them in their own racing to a top.

And in Chess - a loss if still a “check mate” - everywhere?

Obamanomics = an economic theory where people are “subjects” not “citizens” and are encouraged to “race” as if a promise of “to the TOP” had “winnings” and benefits - BUT!!!  Obamanomics is an economic theory where those at the TOP hedge and hem and haw and promise “winnings” that you are supposed to be motivated by which then are supposed to be removed from you by BIG GOVERNMENT nearly as soon as you may win - place or show — if not actually back in chains.

Really?   The want to take your/our “booty” away from us and yet have us think we are supposed to wake each am respectful of local ordinances?  And, not be so to people watching now under Obamacare where as we walk and look about have to wonder whom is covered by Obamacare and to then a reflecting on community even in the pm rightly of a conscious concern heavy about:  How bad must our community be if our National Government had to step in and take care of our neighbors?


And, what is yours?  What is your “booty” from earnings your’s as part of a civil game and not so a measure of others choicing other also available “games” about our ways of life and pursuits of happiness in our pre-Obama economies?  What of your “booty” is supposed to be kept private and off limits - personal - not public?  And which of your “booty” so stresses all levels of governance yet hardly more than the 100% and which so has you civilly liable of fair contributions at least annually?


With all the hedging by Clintons (and Obama) less sterling than by Mitt Romney it does seem this am or pm that Neil Simon might have been able to help keep the Democrats from staging such a FARCE as seems outed and publicly set up as our first truly “MACHIAVELLIAN” Democrat Party Convention.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:03 am

The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go,
Romney teases and off to a good start.
Romney is for lovers - Romney is for lovers,
Mitt down and low - no “Buckner Tunnel” to ruin a series.

Wisconsin’s big guns were “present” and showing,
Who is on first - where is your team?
Where is your Monitor - how is your Wisconsin?
Whose Naval archives are you freed by?

Whose your Governor?
How’s your Parks and Recreation?
Are your sewers kept clear Mr. Binks?
Ja Ja Binks too - he quite a Gunga Din?

By the Virginia of Jefferson,
A Madison and Washington,
A District of Columbia - A Columbia of Columbus,
What team is yours - Where is your Governor?

Virginia Is For Lovers,
Wisconsin too!
Who is on first,
How is your team?

Florida is for Romney -
The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go?
How is your Monitor - where is your Wisconsin -
Cat scratch voters - Romney is for lovers?

Phone tag for Floridians?
These are the times anew to dial up -
To dial up your Parks and Rec before your Prez -
To dial up your Mayor of Governor not your Prez?

Cat Scratch Voters,
Romney and Ryan -
They are for you,
Virginia Is For Lovers…

Who is on first?
ACA - Obamacare - struck out?
Who is your Governor?
Which is your team?

The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go,
Romney teases and off to a good start.
Romney is for lovers - Romney is for lovers,
Mitt down and low - no “Buckner Tunnel” to ruin a series.

From the shores of Tripoli
To the halls of Montezuma…
How about your Monitor - Your Wisconsin -
Romney Is For Lovers - Romney Is For Lovers?

Of the pig skin battles - civilly fought,
Who is your Mayor - Have you got “Community”?
Is Mitt Romney just a referee in stripes -
A:  Call your Governor or Parks and Rec - First?

How now Floridians - do Floridians know best -
What is Federalism - have you got a team -
Where is your Governor - what about the Monitor -
We’ve seen “Socialism” - we so “NO” to centralization?

Cat scratch voters,
Cat scratch voters,
Cat scratch voters,
Cat scratch voters.

Born free,
By nature and creator,

A Constitutional Confederate Republic -
A flow chart of freedoms unlike - unlike:
An American Socialist Society.
ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go!

Oh Maryland - THE FREE STATE?
How about Saint Mary’s and Solomon?
Are you a state that reads?
Baltimore reads - Baltimore is for lovers, and Poe?

From the houses of Babe - Mitt is down and low,
Who is on first - Have you got “Community”?
Who covers the pig skin - the civil American battles,
And, swish and swish of “PIG” or “air ball”?

The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go,
Romney teases and off to a good start.
Romney Is For Lovers? - Cat scratch voters?
Mitt down and low - no “Buckner Tunnel” to ruin your state?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:43 am
Originally posted at http://2012us.jphogan.org  11/29/11
Filed under: POLITICS

     THE GANG OF 50    

Reminds me, I was thinking you all should realize that if you set my blog as your homepage at least on your Ipad you then can go afterwards to Facebook or Twitter login with two fewer moves - that if you set my http://citizenrosebud.org URL as your homepage and then to history showing “2012us” a click on my bold typed Facebook and Twitter pages will offer you a faster way to get to your own identity.

If California is to separate into two and yet preserve that of it
“californication” state with “sacraments” homage of Sacramento should Palm Springs become the southern capital? 

I have no idea how your state is marketed or maintained.

These are days and months that have left some untried with souls not litigated or fairly questioned.

Today is a day fit for digging through my archived columns via month(s) in left margin as “archived” - today is fair day to look back and reflect and find the dozen or so songs/poems/lyrics posted and shared - especially my “OUR GREEN SUBMARINE” & “UNDER THE PEAR TREE” (however it is there actually titled).

I don’t know how deserted you may be or feel or if fully embraced and cheered as holidays rapidly approach, and, again:  I have no idea how your state is marketed or maintained.

Take my state as another Constitutional wonderment established around a “Charter Oak” storification as THE CONSTITUTION STATE and now with a Malloy it donned or danned Governor.  I have no idea why our Constitution’s current threatened state of a Statism unsubscribed originally to it now has existent within it loosely an state of CONSTITUTION STATE with a Governor Dan Malloy. 

I have no idea how my own state is now being marketed or maintained. 

I know of First unionized Governor Jonathan Trumbull and second a Federalist Governor Matthew Griswold - but how did we manage to today with a “MALLOY” donning - is a great question I have yet barely asked - asked myself.  Wikipedia has Trumbull listed as our 16th Governor and Griswold so our 17th - this seems very relevant since they are also the
first and second to many.

Is Connecticut so governed with a representation of their fears that their identity and personal powers are being redesignated “State” rather than “state” Powers?  Why and how to a “MALLOY” donning now?

So as Massachusetts’ Pilgrims planted and harvested many moons into their own continental Americana to a more pure interpretation of holy scripts and hymns where they came from originally amassed anew to a constitution accepting of Oliver Cromwell while where they left from gave shelter some to Rene Descartes and his proofs of and too separations, from Holland. 

This is all nearly as related necessarily as that at least our
GANG OF 50 or the International Criminal Courts are now of a
coincidental times, and, equally to a “complicated” historical where now our courts - “our courts” now inclusive of the jurisdiction of some International Courts - are maybe of jurisdiction to study the Clintons and Clintonomics of the Clinton 8 for financial fraud, willful and admitted (maybe), and a governance negligence.

Did you know that our Connecticut capital is also known historically as THE INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD?

It may be best that our GANG OF 50 move now expeditiously and to pre-empt a claim of original jurisdiction by Greece or International Criminal Courts - it may be best now in these trying times of not litigated negligence maybe of already admitted financial fraud by specific and willful irresponsible and knowing governance of the Clinton 8.  The Clintons are both in a new world of jurisprudence and while specifically taggable for a fault and purposeful deception with their “economics” of SURPLUS actually too much a gaming and scheming of selfish politics and popularity hunting that can clearly be highlighted with them spotlighted as having hung so many out to all this with it fair to claim it more the fault of their representatives than themselves.

We have these days, months and years of this CRISIS OF VALUATION such that President Clintons new book is nearly a joke for it of suggestions that it would be fairer to have banks claim a paper ownership of half people’s troubled property.  The Clinton economics set so many up to fail with its clear attempts to have a housing growth as an unfunded federal social program, and so with negligence and forethought a priori and willful.

Our current problema is a ‘Problema Of The Clintons 8′ - we have that they did ask banks to find a way to play with and gamble away global financial checks and balances and basically just to buy them unexpected and thought impossible popularity.  They did set most of suffering on this path of failing - they did it knowing they were playing with such risks, really.

I don’t know if your state or my state has marketed itself well enough or maintained itself well enough to now pursue a litigation about years of CRISIS OF VALUATION against “State” powerful - one or both Clintons.  Has our Congress already taken too many rights and protections onto itself so that a fair prosecution of more evidently guilty parties is no longer a protected Constitutional right of states?

We may already as well be in the reach of the jurisdiction of THE
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT though not as much for a willful governance negligence or intentional financial fraud as at least President William Jefferson Clinton, already, maybe.

We do now seem maybe better to a GANG OF 51 and a constitutional convention for ourselves - but can we or our representatives defend or ignore or protect a past so condemnable and now ever present for its specific workings to hang so many out to dry just because they were high naturally on chasing a thought impossible and lasting popularity that
can be seen now better by some others as too near a financial fraud and governance negligence? 

Can we argue well enough to motives while means seem already covered and entered - can we or other establish they were purposefully willful to this that seems they don’t deserve to belittle or blame our GANG OF 50 however now political or united for faults theirs with a known effecting expecting it could set so many up to fail?

In college and for a philosophy class I did have to read Franz Fanon’s THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH and work it into a paper — I did so and to my considerated think with a presentation as CAPITALISM - THE PATH TO WORLD PEACE.  For another class in a different area I did type out on an IBM Selectric in my college room a paper in economic thought maybe for a class in Urban Economics so as NEW HAVEN AND ITS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.  

I don’t know if we are ready and better to see California now with a half sister government as equal and with may Palm Springs a proper and equally poetic tag - I don’t know - I don’t know.   And why should we let Obamacare and its administering as if states are court eunuchs of fifty to be railroaded whimsically whenever now or forever by State in or from Washington.  I don’t know how at risk of a reach of the courts this all is today and as well of the current and developing reach of THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT.

Stand with your Governor - stand now - stand up for your Constitution preservation of rights from your creator - we deserve to have our Governors all as visible and proud as our President and as well any and all other sovereign state’s leaders.  Stand now before a ruling to supreme dominance for Presidents can be confused as supremely right and not as it more would be to an essential titling and crowning of non-American powers onto future holder(s) of our executive representation.

Save yourself - save your Governor - save our history and our Constitution and secured protections.  It may not be too late.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

{WARNING:  This is written with a style that is supposed to have been worked well to be as taxing as the subject “taxing”}

At least after Pres’ comments towards CLINTONS’ TAX RATES yesterday the people should not be the “oversight” committee to finally lead us to the long needed and much seemingly avoided discussion of how the 90s were a mess with the CLINTONS’ SURPLUS more to a financial GROSS NEGLIGENCE and the budgeting to balance and then to surpluses an eight year bi-partisan story of too much cut too quickly.

If we don’t go after methodology of Clintons as per their tax rates and with a discussion of whether their spending cuts were irresponsible we will be moving forward reinforcing the very behavior we now need to get over and past.  We shouldn’t reinforce the behavior of the politicians in Washington of the 90s regardless of their party - yet especially if the Clintons.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

It is bad enough the THE BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE tried to upstage elegant new Democratic Party “mother” the still FLOTUS MICHELLE OBAMA back when she first announced a new compassionate program to help curb the laxity and sloth encouraged and supported by the Clintons - so with her diet and “move” commands. 

Yet, however, as per that day that was supposed to be the Democratic Party’s successor to FLOTUS CLINTON “BIG DAY” it still seems reported that President Clinton scheduled a duel for press dominance by electing to schedule elective surgery for his clogged arteries or veins. 

Maybe it was a “biblical” day where he felt the guilt pangs for his irresponsible guidance to great advances in obesity - yet still it seems reported that Bill Clinton elected an elective emoting with elective surgery to steal the show from the Obama’s and Mrs. Clinton’s successor.

It seems yesterday is a cry for help from President Obama - It seems as if he has figured that he and his Mrs. cannot handle their rivals the Clintons, and is now trying to stir up allegiances against them by drawing their years out and finally into a current political mash up.

As it is possible that Bill Clinton, former President, may have had a “biblical” moment with guilt pangs either at the four points of max emphasis for all those years he promised his Mrs. with an “I cross my heart and hope to die…” pledging as maybe with a X-ray overlay possible to attest with some physical traits observations if we were to get Bill to “cross his heart” again for his Mrs. with a pledge of honesty.

And, so the recent heat wave reported more as a “HEAT RELATED” storming maybe as well “biblical” for its timing and pathology across the Obama White House netherlands might have been more “HEAT RELATED” than of a “CLIMATE CHANGE” and “GLOBAL WARMING. 

I don’t know if we have any experts in such area in America anymore.  I do get that ministry studies of all faiths and foreign language studies have the greatest potential now each as growth industries - as areas of and for job creation in and about a growth economy hoping.

Federalists v Republicans is now as if Democrats as Republicans or Federalists or maybe if Republicans aren’t now yet enough Republicans and still too much the new Federalists that Democrats would rather most not see them as.

As it is possible that Bill Clinton, former President, may have had a “biblical” moment with guilt pangs that day that was meant to be FLOTUS MICHELLE OBAMA’S big day to step out and above Mrs. Clinton and with a better diet and physical example for all the world as us expanded to “GLOBAL CITIZENS” — It still seems reported that President Clinton elected that day to try to upstage his Mrs. successor to Democratic Party “motherhood” with his dueling scheduling of a stirring of emotions “Oh, SURGERY” and “HOSPITAL” trip for PRESIDENT CLINTON.

Yes, it does fit that story could have been reported that THE BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE PATRIARCH CLINTON and his health concern could be ’supportive’ of his Mrs.’ successor to Democratic Party “motherhood” as an example to learn from - as an example of costs of walking President Clinton’s walk and talk.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

As we consider how much of Obamacare has to go as per a due reflection upon Federalists and Republicans of our original quite fully considered condition and wisdoms we do have that the greatest danger of the Party control duel by the term limited FIRST COUPLE CLINTONS even so was that the message from the BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE was that free healthcare and free healthcare coverage was their solution for the American people and that Michelle’s dieting just shouldn’t be seen as COOL.

Federalists v Republicans is now as if Democrats as Republicans or Federalists or maybe if Republicans aren’t now yet enough Republicans and still too much the new Federalists that Democrats would rather most not see them as.

At the time of THE PERFECT STORM - the actual storm that took out the first floor of Kennebunkport that storm could have been reported as a HOLY mess maybe not “biblical” enough.  Those were the days of fears and storification of a possible end of the world by fire third world war originating out of the Middle East and with George Bush, President, the target of angst “biblical” (also) as the BIG tribal leader of an arrogant suddenly “sole” superpower of the world.  That storm was so upon Bush’s Maine manse as that of three storms converging - as I recall.

And for these trying days with President Obama braving a “re-litigation” or “first litigation” of the Clintons’ 8 and the tax rates of such years, however:  If we are asked to look at the tax rates then we are smartly it seems heralded to a querying as well as to the conditions of the budgeting then and all the spending cuts that did or did not justify such past tax rates.

We have as a starting point for this likely bi-partisan attack line at the terrible 90s that the BUSH TAX CUTS were justified by the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES and passed in pre-9/11 budgeting parameters.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

It is amazing now in the same calender as our Constitution was ordained within yet now to us at the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and Two that Americans and maybe most “GLOBAL CITIZENS” are actually now fit thinkers already stirred enough to be maybe the most informed set if voters for 2012 than maybe since the days of Publius.

It is amazing now in 2012 that Americans can intelligently discuss so much that the Pelosi Congress tried to ram rod through without respect to a Jeffersonian Republican grounding or a respect actually of the peoples intelligence as per such.

2008 may go down in history as an election year for the record books where it was a whence with the electorate the most uninformed and misinformed ever in America’s still short story.  Senator John Kerry may have to carry the cross about such the most for he seemed more interested in having an ANTI-WAR REVIVAL than an intelligent discussion of issues nearly ten times more complex and pressing.

America we seem to be oddly smart enough this year to handle the over due litigation of the Clintons’ 8 as per their TAX RATES and all their SPENDING CUTS and to the crucial points we have been being distracted and redirected from that may turn to be more a problem of Dems’ spending cuts than GOPer’s cuts and so to a new dawn where we can see that the 90s were a mess and much a bi-partisan mess with GOPers’ nearly as corrupted as Clintons’ Dems and the BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE.

It is amazing that we seem informed enough and intelligent enough for this stirred and overdue scrutinizing of the Clintons and the budgeting of the 90s and to us all thoroughly to a litigation even to consideration of whether that decade wasn’t dangerously of careless budgeting too political (even if bi-partisan) of a cutting of too much too quickly.

But is it actually too much for you now - do you need likes of Speaker Pelosi to make all your decisions for you?

And yet you/we at least seem to understand this paragraph by Ron Chernow in his biography of George Washington from WASHINGTON and page 671 of hard bound edition in its time:

     “Before long the two factions took on revealing names.  The Hamiltonian party called itself Federalists, implying that it alone supported the Constitution and national unity.  It took a robust view of federal power and a strong executive branch, and it favored banks and manufacturing as well as agriculture.  Elitist in its politics, it tended to doubt the wisdom of the common people, but it also included a large number of northerners opposed to slavery.  The Jeffersonians called themselves Republicans to suggest that they alone could save the Constitution from monarchical encroachments.  They believed in limited federal power, a dominant Congress, states’ rights, and an agrarian nation free of the corrupting influence of banks, federal debt, and manufacturing.  While led by slaveholders such as Jefferson and Madison, the Republicans credited the wisdom of the common people.  Washington and Hamilton believed wholeheartedly in an energetic federal government, whereas Jefferson and Madison feared concentrated power.”

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?  

Did the Clintons’ corrupt both parties so much in our actually terrible 90s such that our labels and party tags are now more part of the problem than the solution?

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:32 pm

I could go on here about how as Washington became our first President and with only one of his own teeth left and as an argument against Obamacare.  I am now as July 4, 2012 approaches making my way through our early days while reading Ron Chernow’s WASHINGTON.

I do wonder about all the “Doubting Thomases” about today and whence.  I expect that Doubting Thomases predate Thomas Paine and help so explain his perspective and common sense groundings.

We have ourselves all consecrated as well by President George Washington’s First Inaugural with its “AMONG the vicissitudes incident to life…” and so with that such spoken with such import the suggestion that healthcare was not to be an American Constitutional right.  I have learned from Chernow that George Washington seems to have inherited books about sex from his parents in law.  I learned from reading the First Inaugural of our United States how grounded our first President was to a new land so with a new government and all the ups and downs of its citizens - all the “vicissitudes incident to life…”. 

The best piece I may have yet heard orated (for its irony from the whom orating) about the wisdom of limited terms for Power holding is still possibly one performance by Senator Clinton years ago where though projecting other meanings she did very well celebrate George and Martha’s foundational wisdom.

Oh, and were now to start about the political and common sense governance problems with ACA - Obamacare? — where now to start a full and deep discussion still of vicissitudes incident to life but to the “wisdoms” about shortcomings of Obamacare?

To jump ahead to Abe Lincoln and his COOPER UNION SPEECH?  To try to be of the common sense of George and Martha and how our First President commenced our Union with special oratory to proclaim Martha all the “pecuniary” or “personal emoluments” he needed from his new Country? - to how he pledged fidelity to Martha and in lieu of becoming a tyrant or conqueror taking for himself all he might be able to?

That Bill and Hillary have tried after decades of plotting and scheming to try to work around the wisdom of George and Martha to a taking of more terms for their “two-fer” nearly ‘however’ we may be here more in a down economy because they also took liberties with the wisdoms of Thomas Paine and especially with a looseness for pecuniary responsibility in budgeting as their two trillion cut with that extra trillion to SURPLUS pops up now AMONG the “most likely” and “simplest” explanations and as a most tagable and mashable conceivable to a first couple to a fiduciary “GROSS NEGLIGENCE”!

It was ironic when Senator Hillary Clinton spoke of President Washington to a wisdom in limiting power whence.  It still is, quite.

We have that the economy is suffering from too much “progressivism” and as a new revolution too soon upon an earlier revolution - and by ten years at least so.  We have that much that happened in the early 1990s was revolutionary and necessary as a “NEW WORLD ORDER” was quite a vicissitude itself.  We have that the Clintons inherited a boom time and then with their works developed a instability for our future economics.  We have that the very Clinton economic “experts” more then free riders on a boom economic inheritance for their inability to effect a repeat boom economic are now too suspect - we have that we should be doubting the “experts” of the Obama economy especially for being the “exerts” of the Clintons and now specifically for a failure to repeat a performance that as “experts” should have been a home run guaranteed.

We have as I above mentioned that we can look at our down economy as the fault mostly of the Clintons or at least their “experts” and much for an excess of progressive or liberal policies pushed and pimped out unsynchronized in a haphazard over reaching careless much for it of attempts to do too much at once.

We have President George Washington’s lead still to follow.  We have the attempts by the Clintons’ “two-fer” to work and exceeding proposition against the charm and democratic distinction of George and Martha now still much as a real concern.

We have that the speech I remember by Senator Hillary Clinton may be the first piece I would look for to show others an argument orated best to guard and protect our Constitutional wisdoms embodied for us by George and Martha as a check and balance ding ding ding alarmism to forewarn but maybe too late of a subversion and extra Constitutional wanting of and by the Clintons.

As we look now to understand the ARAB SPRING we have that the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA better explains how America didn’t get caught on the wrong side of it with much still to be shamed and guilted about related to an abandonment of Afghani and Iraqi peoples (during the Clintons’ years).

That said America would be better to recognize that the Obama administration has been with Clintons described by their Brookings experts at least as having been surprised and not prepared for the economy nor for the ARAB SPRING.  We have that we have an administration now that seems to have sought office expecting one thing and maybe offering ideology for a new governance potentially then acceptable that but for the surprises they have been documented now as unprepared for now a sore subject since it seems what they planned for stopped long ago being appropriate or at least considered enough.

We have us as a nation that until the Obama administration could still be said to have quite nearly only waged defensive wars.  With this administration and it so to offensive warring we have that a national healthcare morality financially in a governance wisdom and prudence therefore seems best left to our states and not moved to our State.  We have that if to offensive warring so we should avoid a national healthcare morality commitment so as not to then become beholden to all the peoples of any foreign state we may be in with enough force to effect and occupation - enough say as proven to be about 150,000 troops.

Our states and the National Guard units are most considerable in these times for never maybe has each state had so many ready and salted with sands of time experience to a state power from an armed and ready citizen guard all COMBAT READY.

It seems with our current vicissitudes incident to our times we have that besides neighbors still being best to care for neighbors and with neighbors that are doctors or healthcare professionals of a community known for the others of their neighborhoods and streets it is a moral danger to suggest or consecrate that if America is in control then all controlled by the United States therefore are due the same healthcare provisions and to a matching level of care, especially as we are in odd new times with a young administration quite a first for offensive foreign operations more of choice than necessity.

Whose pain is your pain?  Is our Paine your “common sense” too - or also did it just used to be?

Would a good Samaritan under a kept Obamacare become a traitor to his State if again to good Samaritan deeds?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:23 am

1.  COMMUNITY ORGANIZER >> with Obamacare comes your right to blow your leaves onto your neighbor’s lawn accidentally or intentionally though maybe then without illness upon you like guilt pangs as injuries pains and then to having a right to call for a federal solution to your pain instead of a say a neighborly wising up and healing within “community” by realizing it would be better to just go out and pick up your leaves that got onto your neighbor’s lawn.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:38 pm

There is a missing moral fiber in this diet of compassionate conservatism.  We have that a rascal - a young rascal of a President has had his hands slapped by better lawyers - all served up - aired out - debated & affirmed with strong dissent.

To some this is like a CADDY SHACK “X” or another GROUNDHOG DAY for gophers.

For membership in this buffet of over coddling especially Warren Buffett you don’t have to also get served - like maybe.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you may be sitting pretty and above all this.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you have been reported at least by foreign press to be of a conclave locally as the largest class of world’s richest - as like:  The city with the most number of billionaires is Moscow.

The rascal that is “boy wonder” Barack Hussein Obama, President, has a dog of a barked ruling to live down while trying to now live up to it and it so much of an era known for compassionate conservatism.  What this dog needs is more fiber - some moral bits of fiber.

What is likely to really set its teeth with bite now upon Presidency of Obama and his moral stature is really that besides his complexity with his fog of religiousness he sits as President as a man born a Muslim boy who chose Christianity as a better religion - while of his right mind.

We have that this rascal does want to be a hero for saving the entire world as we know it from a sudden end and doom due to supposedly unchecked global warming and/or climate change.   In some ways his is a JETSON - a rascal as a still young “Barry Jetson” - yet a “Jetson” getting affirmative action to talk about.  He is futuristic, even too futuristic, but in the compassionate conservatism of his embrace of tenets of Romneycare.

I don’t know if you can say the recent opinions and ruling from the ACA - Obamacare, as a BACK TO SCHOOL like embarrassment for young rascal of a President the “boy wonder” who chose Christianity over Islam - the “Barry Jetson” of a futurism in his own time - the one and only Barack Hussein Obama, are not now a dog about him for what was ruled Un-Constitutional yet of these efforts rascalish yet of a compassionate conservatism his to own forever as work of an inadequate legal professionalism.

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as implied by Warren Buffett no less as much because Democrats had been over coddling him and for too long.  So it took a Republican to get us here - but how.

Obamacare is a dog of a work of inadequate legal professionalism with bite yes and big teeth - is it the young rascal of a President that wants to be a planetary hero for saving the earth able to run fleetly enough from its likeliness to catch him from behind?

Yes I do believe it has been confirmed that Moscow is home to the “most number of billionaires” for one of our world as we know it per one city - one greater metropolitan area.  They do seem protected from and above all this - but how?  But why?  Where is a reasoned and cohesive moral fiber as a visible intelligent strand through all this American politics about ACA - Obamacare?

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as some know it isn’t President Obama’s explanations or excuses you should be believing - some know better - some to many have better legal professionalism too.   It is a more simple and so believable truth that the Dems with excessive liberalism and the already some admonished or scolded “over-reaching” are actually already sized up as those that caused the down economy and all their convenient CRISIS moments.

Do you like this rascal of a young Presidency as fleet enough to outrun this dog now to daily alarms as if each new day was just yesterday all over again?  Do you like him as a futuristic “Barry Jetson” “boy wonder” that managed to save and entire planet single handedly and in time for his next election?  Do you get that he is the uncontested self proclaimed new New Deal Austerity inheritor of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt social state madness?

How big a dog is Obamacare?  Romneycare didn’t tank the Massachusetts’ economy but it seems you cannot quite say the same about Obamacare for his pronounced Un-Constitutional over-reaching of embarrassing inadequate professional legal erudity - can you?

So its a TAX - a morally as it stands as a Federal Tax power that cannot really be denied as long as Presidents are willy nilly allowed taxing powers to revenues to wars of choice and/or unnecessary wars.  There can be a war on health - like - but there is not a Constitutional RIGHT to healthcare - right?   And yet we have President Obama also rascalish each day he wakes and leans on the kept closer to the citizen people compassionate conservatism that is historically Romneycare.

Obamacare is a dog with teeth and now bite!  Obamanomics is still a dog - is a dog as well he may not be able to shake.

Until November each new day will seem an awakening alarmed as if it was yesterday all over again - and again - Right?

It is a TAX - and one he cannot outrun now for it morally as a tax is one that all - everyone is of a duty to pay - EVERYONE.

IT IS A TAX ON EVERYONE!  It has to be morally speaking - speaking though with compassion - Right?

I know he our President that chose Christianity over the religion of his birth may dog him in more than one way too.

I know he our President does seem to have needed every dollar the Bush Administration expended to research and development of new technologies more efficient and even say “green”.

I know if he tries to be a “Barry Jetson” as a “wonder boy” that saved the entire planet he too may be to running from another dog after at bite at his “moralisms” for it seems to have done gone and save the entire planet in just that year or two he must know something that we don’t - he must know that President Bush must have prudently been actually a “green” President, right?

Mr. President - about Moscow - about so many billionaires seeming safely above and beyond this - how could you?  Can you explain the global moral inconsistencies? 

Why are you running Mr. President? 

But for your golfing - we see you can “dress” like a Compassionate Conservative - but can you out run your dogs? 

Should you be able to outrun these dogs - your dogs?  

And while BACK TO SCHOOL on the Constitution so embarrassingly at least for your Dem legislators and their lawyers?  

How is it this is legal more if a state does it than if the State so attempts such over-reaching?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:21 am

What is it said about “plans” and “war” - about “a plan” as soon as an actual war starts?

President Obama as Candidate Barack Hussein Obama - BHO - planned to be a new JFK, right?

And now how while BHO is seeming more pasty and unprepared for prime time You Tube video streams?

Looking at 2012 complexity:

> Are we to define “working class” as those of class as per governance that have work that pays taxes - and so “working class” is those busy as the reported less than fifty percent that pay taxes into a …? When President Obama says - “get back to work” is he speaking to the “rich” as his “working class” as it is they he needs working to afford his own “work”?

> So bike and pedestrian projects are “local” - pedestrian bridges and bike paths are best kept or made “local” projects and as near to “public/private” partnerships as economically reasonable as alternative and “better” commuting routes to businesses - businesses especially local fitness centers and eating establishments?

> More on the survival of our Constitution: #SCOTUS today with Arizona case set up ACA ruling seriously well >> from today’s decision and especially siding by Chief Justice Roberts we have established practically that if you can’t use race or “legal” status in Arizona then it cannot then be used by doctors under any Obamacare even for “family” or “genetic” factors and that Obama wants our borders open so that any can have American care since well after today they don’t have to carry proof of legal presence.

> Query: Re: Arizona dec - Conservative Justices could so support such for by supporting such they reinforce deciding against Obamacare - ACA - for having no limiting principles like with Arizona an example since of no power to establish whom therefore is “legal” and limited to Obamacare???

> Anyone have the numbers for this yet?: Is Obama running for re-election hoping for votes from recently unemployed or is he running for votes for millions grateful for a near three year paid vacation?  Are women for Obama grateful and willing to vote for him for having thinned down the jobs market so much they have him as an excuse to stay at home with more “me time” - or are they considering re-electing him thinking he knows what work they are better to be doing and believable with promises of finding non “me time” work for women?

> If I were moderating a Presidential Debate tonight I would have or hope for a question about immigration and self deportation of these economic times as it seems since immigration wasn’t worked out and fixed before ACA - Obamacare hysterics our economy may not start growing the new jobs in a new growth economy than some that haven’t self deported are maybe still waiting for, and so that we are to ask and get an answer about whether it is possible that until immigration is fixed the jobs won’t come back and that if a new immigration or re-immigrate legally system can be worked out it may be smarter and more self serving to self deport just so so much that Dems did backwards can be fixed and to unleash a new attractive growth economy.

Hmmm? Anyone - anyone with the last name Romney or Obama?

> Related to “SOVEREIGN STATE” powers and rights we have actually inseparable and relative philosophically at least - as least socially speaking comparatively - that therefore when a state is sovereign whom is “legal” is a particular particular - say for if Obamacare isn’t overturned if the United States of America is to have enough armed forces in another country another “sovereign state” and enough force to “OCCUPY” such state regardless of the stated state of such forces as if not combat though combat ready - hmmm?  It follows whom is “legal” or a “subject” critical for by the very lack of a complete philosophy of governance with sufficient checks and balances of limiting principles then therefore it stands that if the United States or another state is to have enough armed forces in another sovereign state but so that then morally all the people of that sovereign state have a right to expect for the duration of effective “OCCUPATION” the same full rights to medical coverage and American medical care.  So it seems #SCOTUS - how can it not be so based on the inadequate limits herefore so far writ?

> The easiest way I have of remembering the troop size considered by some to have been an Iraq OCCUPATION force of United States of American stand up citizens is to remember than during the primary race between junior Senator Clinton and junior Senator Obama in just Massachusetts’ primary the gap between them that primary election day was about 150,000 - about the same number of US troops at highest level of deployed whence.

> With efforts to ACA - Obamacare was much about a federal IMAC clearinghouse of all legal citizens and their personal medical files and medical histories and maybe as well to required annual or semi-annual check-ups #SCOTUS to the Thursday a wonder where we may be to hearing as well how IMAC so conceived as a Big Brother centralized computer database system to cost efficiencies isn’t to our Government to illegal search and seizure of incriminating personal information like urine - stool - and blood tests for all the substances legal and illegal then most a political and/or health concern. I mean didn’t Obamacare get set up to allow the new Big Brother Centralized Main Frame IMAC concept to be to comparing and contrasting details of individual citizen’s current and past medical facts without warrants otherwise to such and so to cost analysis maybe not just down to zip code but maybe per street to an objectivity not based on name that would at least be allowed to legally publish sharable analytics with “detail” down to at least a side of a particular street within a particular zip code or subset per zip-code?

> So as per #SCOTUS is it Thursday we may be reading lines about how in America and these United States you cannot claim “Under God” that an individual citizen’s soul or sexuality is free and locally set asunder in rights and yet have their body and its “jurisdiction” as per “their” body be to “their” body being of a soulless national body physically of national jurisdiction and Supreme Powers and even to a control of its arms via dictates adapted may as well to limit control of arms as per our thought preserved Second Amendment rights? #commonsense It is Thursday we may have to wonder how our nation can separate our body from our freedoms and our soul?

> Wow - aren’t we to the Clintons are suspect as towards all this and much of their 8 now vacuous of waste - time lost on a wrong path - to a post Constitutional era that isn’t?

> There is a big diff between how CGI was set up and how it is being run - Mr C claimed he would not use it to partisan or political powers - and yet really he is and is regularly - most regularly to an irregular especially when of his annual mandatory meeting of world leaders then able to be in town also for the meeting of the over-shadowed so United

> With this (Major Lawsuit Claims Dodd-Frank Is Unconstitutional) as long as some of ACA - Obamacare Unconstitutional - we have that Clinton Global Initiative as operating can also be challenge and separation of powers concerns and especially since it is operating while Mrs C is Madam Sec Mrs. C. — they thought they had the Constitution beat as no longer relevant and tried to do how much???  And Mrs. C our top officer responsible for saying whether Mr. C is operating completely within the intent of our protections and for saying whether anyone should be even looking at Mr. C so?

> And so yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was needed and with us in the right to be about it so.  Yes Bush admin though of a good feeling that it was right was not all that great at selling us on it as right - that said, the time to sell it rightly and timely was the first term of the Clintons’ admin thought maybe easiest if actually the second term of President George H. W. Bush.  Don’t know if I have written this all out fully yet but I have addressed it much now many places for a long while and in some of columns of just past few years.

Hmmm?  Yes it was right but not sold well - and I had confidence that Bush 43 had a feeling that it was right though he maybe could have sold it better even though the best time to sell it and only easy time was likely during what was the Clintons’ first term.

> And so still yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and necessary and yet not to cause a peoples movement across the Middle East but so that we didn’t get trapped morally and hypocritically on the wrong side of it - and maybe as Saddam Hussein had considered or hoped he could trap us and as of a thinking that he had a way to keep Kuwait after invading it.  Hmmm?  Yeh a re-election of the Clintons would have been maybe America’s biggest ever mistake too - a return of the Clintons with suggestions that they were wise of a Grand Strategy needing continuity even though there was an actual ‘GRAND’ strategy - and nor a left entrance or exit plan for dealing with Iraq to leave to their successor whom ever - and so no real alternative by the Clintons and only a weak supposition of “bite” by Clintons for sanctions even just for human rights violations.

> Well, that was an interesting line in Foreign Affairs by Brooking xprts to find today about how Arab Spring was an unexpected curve ball to Pres O and therefore necessarily also former FLOTUS Madam Sec Mrs. C.  I thought they had been trying to take credit for it and not have their favorite institute of xprts say it was a ‘CURVE BALL’ unexpected.  See this is where it gets very interesting - if you have been to un-hid {maybe again “hidden”}commentary/blog page at jphogan.org as enticed you likely saw a composition mentioning a 2007ish conversation I had with Serbian Ambassador Ivan Vujacic about Hillary and Operation Iraqi Freedom - about why even though if AEI had “top Republicans” seeming already defeated that they were so early saying he should expect Hillary to be the next US President - - about Operation Iraqi Freedom while I told him Hillary shouldn’t or couldn’t win while then adapting for the only time anyone asked me to explain and defend Operation Iraqi Freedom and Bush admin as per Serbia and me to telling him my personal thoughts and how such was with needing that Clintons were not elected and to that way a way that Serbia would be able to be best positioned for the type of peoples movement I had a hunch had to be allowed for - sort of like the Arab Spring.  Seems my advice is admitable now as right then for how we did the necessary thing with Operation Iraqi Freedom even if it wasn’t sold as well as it could have been.

Hmmm? I guess Obama’s favorite xprts aren’t also going with:  Neither Obama nor Clinton were prepared for such.

Hmmm?  Did you hear the one about Obama policies expert Vladimir Putin and how he suggested that if President Obama didn’t beat his addiction to Soviet socialism he could cause the United States to fall apart into six separate regional realms?  @jphoganorg of http://jphogan.org/ & …

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:03 am

I accept that some new readers are finding my blogs due to links about Harry Potter - I accept that some are wondering now with “I thought it was about Prince Harry”!  That said:  It still was and is but in the spirit of Mark Twain’s A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT and from another from Connecticut with wizardry a guidance - yet as much for a second son of another Charles maybe never to be a King. 

Yes J.K. Rowling has a sister named Di and I at times thought myself a kept “friend” of Princess Diana since youthful floating of “are you sure you would rather be with an American” well considered before she was Mrs. Charles… - Princess Di.  I will for a long time remember the day of her passing for the unusual happenstance that occurred to me with the Queen in my beingness with a “you are on the Queen’s notify list.”  It was so moving that I walked inside and turned on the TV to try to figure out such a concerning happenstance. 

Yes, my challenge to J.K. Rowling for seven books for seven years of advancing curriculum in magic and such can be said to have been “for” Prince Harry” but not “about” Prince Harry any more than most others - but as one ambitious to be a future top Mad Man (Madison Avenue Marketing Man Wizard) or media ideas person professionally as myself a fan of A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT and also from Connecticut and with a maternal grandfather who had been and “Arthur” and a once top Mad Man himself - to a friendship kept along the lines of being as if a lay wizard to the sons of Princess Di.

But this is about borders and distant states and whom people belong to actually as “citizens” or “subjects.”

Yes we have that the Clintons and their eight years are seeming a vacuous waste - a wasted eight of ambitions and plotting and worse of wants and workings to a hoped for post-Constitutional era with less limited Powers and opportunities to spring surprises contrary to that we once practiced jurisprudently as a Constitution - a Constitutional.

A mass of donkeys full of surprises - even a construct of one big “DONKEY” for Constitutionals surprise and less restraint - we now still may see and hear in time.  Who are they?  Where did they come from?  Are they subjects - are they of distant small cells of non-state actors of ill intents?  Where oh where were the Clintons during their eight?

Are we now of a vacuous waste - a wasted eight of the Clintons eight - not but for the attempts to a post Constitutional new age of laws of person(s) few more than governance of laws?  A Query: THIS DECISION IS THAT LOCAL OFFICERS ARE STILL ALLOWED TO BE “AMERICANS” AND NOT OTHERWISE A SUB CLASS IN AN EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL NEW CLASS SYSTEM?

The Constitution of the United States of America does bar us all from a class system of “titling” and “knighting” and the like.

Is there now obviously a likeness of a great “DONKEY” rolling about to surprise us to a HOPED and WANTED post Constitutional era - a new era of Czars at least as if a titled class above at least local officers, and untouchable?

And the next case as much a TROJAN DONKEY ??? >> ACA - Obamacare not about an economic tending to the forgotten elderly and forgotten youth as other Government programs have been - but a move to be all reaching and to the “of age and able bodied” masses and their freedoms.  A right to help different for each class - economically and socially speaking - judiciously - RIGHT?

This is not about a new THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!! or a THE BRITISH ARE INTOLERABLE and too quartered in our quarters.

We definitely are of a time of concerns about seats of power and distant meddling in local affairs and with a wonder about how - a how can we be here now without the Clintons and their eight a vacuous waste.

And if you were yourself to put in “messianic” into 2012us search pane this trinity you would find?  THE BOOK OF BARACK & … @ http://2012us.jphogan.org/

There is a big diff between how CGI was set up and how it is being run - Mr C. claimed he would not use it to partisan or political powers - and yet really he is and is regularly - most regularly to an irregular especially when of his annual mandatory meeting of world leaders then able to be in town also for the meeting of the over-shadowed so United Nations???

Is the Clintons’ Global Initiative another TROJAN DONKEY - the biggest and most Constitutionally concerning of all the TROJAN DONKEYS?

Yes, I started the link up to J.K. Rowling with a “searching” pre-google for an unknown author willing to write about a characterization of a Pete “Rowe-ling” and his magical posse and for seven books for seven years of advancing curriculum in magic and to seven because after that click of youth did protest my announcement of a planned moving away were of a “but we don’t want you to move away - we have fun when you are around” for those all aka to “Rowe-lings” were then about seven years from likely attending Yale University and its castle like halls if they so chose.  It was to “Rowe-lings” for a protection under Pete Rowe M.D. the late founder and proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic - a grandfather to two of original “Rowe-ling” characterization.

Yes, I found an unknown author remarkably just a few or so days older than myself, as I had hoped when looking for one willing to write about a “Peter Rowe-ling” and as if a second son of a Charles that might never be a King with concerns heartfelt for Di.  Yes as per J.K. Rowling she was then a single mother who with a sister Di and they with their father Peter Rowling already among the passed souls of our world.

Yes, as I worked it out so much of my musing was purposeful most to protecting at least one generation from the Clintons I had already known since the early 70s and as well from concerns that at least a generation might need protections from their works and hopes and wants to a post Constitutional era and days with more flexibility for them and maybe TROJAN DONKEY politicing.

Yes, as per the seven books - which I still have not read and likely won’t until I know a first generation of readers have read more of me and such as above and now known to be real Constitutional concerns once considered maybe too much a fancy or distraction, mine - J.K. Rowling had hoped I would give her as much for the last two books as I had for the first five.  Yes, J.K. is remembered for not liking my instructions that she had to find her way to the last two herself even if it meant more worked than she first expected - for I needed an objectivity and distance that I would only get if she read her audience and fans and figured in a feminine “maternal” way how much she should offer and how much she should avoid offering a disillusioning.

And so still yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and necessary and yet not to cause a peoples movement across the Middle East but so that we didn’t get trapped morally and hypocritically on the wrong side of it - and maybe as Saddam Hussein had considered or hoped he could trap us and as of a thinking that he had a way to keep Kuwait after invading it.  Hmmm?  Yeh a re-election of the Clintons would have been maybe America’s biggest ever mistake too - a return of the Clintons with suggestions that they were wise of a Grand Strategy needing continuity even though there was an actual ‘GRAND’ strategy - and nor a left entrance or exit plan for dealing with Iraq to leave to their successor whom ever - and so no real alternative by the Clintons and only a weak supposition of “bite” by Clintons for sanctions even just for human rights violations.

And so as this was written we are forewarned to look at the Clintons and their eight and all that may be about them as of dangers and of a vacuous waste.  


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:15 am

We have afoot that Mitt Romney may be at home in the wheelhouse as an American De Gaulle.  We seem of times recently not of leaders in exile like De Gaulle able so to “return” and so revive a national spirit but more of a fog of war at home where our national spirit as founded was under attack and at risk. 

Maybe Mitt’s having been in Massachusetts is like De Gaulle having not been in France — more for you to say/decide, I guess.

But this composition isn’t about Mitt Romney - Candidate Mitt whom whose readiness to catch SCOTUS findings soon should have us reviewing his tact - his tacking - his tack - his tackticks.

No this is more about a COMING HOME for the Democrats - a real discussion of common sense and of “inheritance” abuse.

Just this morning I did hear a caller to a morning C-Span show cut to the quick about the Obama administration leadership of the Democrat Party that had enough votes in the Senate and House all the way until that other “41″ from Massachusetts.  Such caller was to simply stating a query to alight more to the dimness of immigration move now by President Obama for it riles and ralphs of a roughness of sloppy sea sloppy seamanship.  Such caller was the first I was to hear since upon such politics by President Obama to ask simply about a judgement about such now respective to his course in first years where he had the votes and the pen to have made such law - actual law.

Maybe though we should ask about Mitt Romney as an American De Gualle.  Maybe we should ask:  We can be American again like the French and Mitt is our man to have us know how to be French to be American again, yes?

Viva la revolucion?  Viva le resistance?  Play it again, America?

If we are to talk about HONOR are we necessarily to talking about “inheritance” and even “fair play”?

If what is good for the goosing is great for the gandering - is their a quorum for the gaggling?

How will Mitt Romney tactfully field the soon expected SCOTUS hit(s) he most will be expected to catch?

Just this morning did reflect - I did think to either relitigate the past or see it finally for a first time litigated.  No, until this moment I wasn’t as well so about the French having saved us about our independence coursing.  No, just this morning I was as well remembering the arrogance of the first years of Democrat Party control of Washington and how immigration should have been their first issue if cost cutting and cost savings were to be believable as the actual purpose of their ACA - their Obamacare.

They sure did give cause for a revolution - a RENAISSANCE IN TEA even.  And, now as the wars are passing and the fog of wars are lifting or parting we have the Democrat Party visibly in disarray and disparaged by their own cowing and coursing.

It is self evident that President Obama has been a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY President.  It is also figurable that former Speaker Nancy Pelosi just for her wide stance on Clintons’ SURPLUSES has been an willing vessel or instrument to austerity herself - for to be so proud of and for the Clintons’ SURPLUSES is to be anti-Obama but for an “austerity”.  We have that the Clintons with their SURPLUSES were vast left wing spending cutting fools and with then Speaker Pelosi so of such a pride there is no “fog” about her “austerity” cred for only “austerity” possible if the Clintons’ cutting to be heralded so.

But this isn’t supposed to be about Mitt Romney or if he now is to be an American De Gaulle.  No this is about HONOR.

Mitt Romney’s “wheelhouse” may still be ship shape and proper for a shining small “city” afloat on our seas, but this is supposed to be more of a “fog of war” clearing and about the lack of HONOR at least inherent in the Clintons.

There is danger in his “inheritance”!!!  There is danger in his “inheritance”!!!  There is danger in his “inheritance”!!!

And all three are separately to an erudity each individually specifically for a diction to discern critical variants.  

First, President Clinton “inherited” a time from President Bush 41 that did not justify such PEACE DIVIDENDS.

Second, President Clinton “inherited” a rare moment in history of civilizations of our the USA broaching to sole superpower status - due little if any to any works or bulwarks or breastworks his own.

Third, President Clinton did not leave things better than he had “inherited” them!  Look at 9/11 and now litigate?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:19 am

Paul Krugman continued pack mentality suggests he too may have too long eaten of the dog. 

You have heard of THE BUSH TAX CUTS and yet maybe not wondered why feminists haven’t rallied around such just for its name and suggestion of a life less taxing, men too.

You have heard of Keynian Economics — oh, ha, ha, ha - that’s a funny one.

You have heard of Reagonomics and Trickle Down Economics. 

Clintonomics may have had little to do with “economics” if “science” has to be in “science” of “economics”!

President Barack Hussein Obama is still trying to deny ownership and culpability for “economics” of his charge — with his disowning of his own visible hands afoot we seem to still need a “title”/”headliner” for this era of deconstruction to his “new foundation” and “new nationalism” and “new deal austerity” and near: You are too fat, using too much gas, not saving enough, and beyond that actually spending too much and generally wasteful and slothful Americans.

Should we be looking for an Obama “Cultural Revolution” and a strategy and science or are we better to now label and tag his “economics” a new economics and now JOBIAN ECONOMICS?

I can speak from a couple decades of involvement to stimulating demand various ways and even so as to defend freedom — I even can remark that President Bush seemed to like most my old:  He came into office neck deep in the wrenches in the gears of government the Clintons jammed about and looks to be leaving office after only enough time to get to being only knee deep.

I shouldn’t be laughing, this isn’t very funny — but if you are me and of the Clintons starting off back whence treating what was mine and “economic” as if theirs and their State gravy you might as well see the sad humor now if also of a BA at least in economics for now it seems that no known past economic school or science can be right for our times.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS seems maybe of the most transparent poetic suggestive tagging possible for these works from the charge to “economics” by the hands of President Barack Hussein Obama that for his pattern of coy and crass denials are best not more greatly confused with a suggestion that “Obamanomics” might have to their being “strategy” or “science” in such unless maybe his purpose was austerity and to mass unemployment for an American Cultural Revolution.

We can’t go back to CLINTONOMICS for the world they were proffered for never really existed - and the Clintons corrupted its the working invisibility of hands about growth economics and machinations fluid and smooth yet without too many wrenches jammed, selfishly in a political partisan, crassly.  The Clintons may not have started then admin off on wrong path as early as President Barack Hussein Obama did with partisan lying in his inaugural speech  - but then it may have been within their first few days that they went astray and started our economics and national security off to the dogs, shall we say.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS would need to be scientific with a recording and consideration that THE BUSH TAX CUTS were right for their time and justified as CLINTONOMICS could only justify.  THE BUSH TAX CUTS were justified by the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES of near a trillion extra found to be cut so that spending that could have been done if their was not THE BUSH TAX CUTS was already moved and decided as wrong and unnecessary and strongly defended by Democrats.  Since the spending side of the two trillion the Clintons cut, while the world was dangerously warming, and our schools, and bridges were falling apart, and duly noted as nearly ready to fall apart or down so already, was the pride of the Dems for it was it is questionable that CLINTONOMICS should or can be tagged of “economic science”.

This is where as we discuss that we need now to discuss an economic solution around JOBIAN ECONOMICS in order to spirit enough of a shared perspective to facilitate a common cause new middle ground I have to remind you that I am not writing to be PARTISAN though I do often seem partisan - that I am writing to defend my own intellectual property and past economics workings that date back to before days of the Clintons deciding to brave and entry onto such field as the 1992 national race.  Again, I am writing not to specifically be Partisan - am writing to share that the Clintons were wrong to misappropriate my work of original thinking/strategizing, and wrong in ways I may be uniquely be able to explain, and for so much for how they misused what they were misappropriating.

I should get going on a bumper sticker for 2012 >>> HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

If I otherwise was “in politics” or intentionally “partisan” I would likely be a candidate somewhere against all my ambitions and media plans and be maybe now:  HOGAN - ENOUGH OF STUPID!

Keynesian Economics is out — A CULTURAL REVOLUTION may be in — Adam Smith is out - since crass “new foundation” and “new nationalism” worked with austerity of other man from a Hyde Park President Barack Hussein Obama of wants to a new New Deal Austerity has deconstructed most of the magic structure so that “invisible hand” economics may be where we should get back to but not a workable how towards such. 

As per JOBIAN ECONOMICS we have that so many are now in struggles too like Job and while another Jobs responsible much of new tablets and a mass effect on volumes and volumes of economic considerations that those of the administering of our economy about an Obama team and a general denial of ownership of fault have just been getting wrong, wrong, wrong.

As I still ponder that old puzzlement that women, especially feminists, hadn’t jumped all over tagging “BUSH TAX CUTS” lovingly with dedication of the hopefulness in its poetic I am certainly left remembering that the Clintons’ unnecessary and crassly irresponsible cutting of an extra trillion when revenues were available to their too popular SURPLUS just for the pride in its worked spending side did and still intellectually does justify THE BUSH TAX CUTS.

If it can be as simple that our economy isn’t improving because we don’t have the words for it - I now freely offer we are now of a new science era for economics and so that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” has an air of hope that we can get to and past the corruptions by the Clintons and these years of naive denials by President Barack Hussein Obama necessarily so unless of course his purpose was this and strategized invisibly to be to so many now so like Job in their struggles and he to be praised for his leadership specifically designed and worked to bring the USA as near a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as he could and as only a new “nearest a Great Depression” could effect.

I don’t know what President Obama can or should take credit for - I do personally have a story to tell of how the Clintons from their very first days did set up much of this mess and not just for misappropriations or misuse of works not theirs or our State’s - I do still in a non-partisan economic expression stand on a simple truth that as bad as THE BUSH TAX CUTS are made out to be the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were worse and factually to politically and naively justifying a reduction in taxes about those days - those days when the inheritance from such by the Clintons was still uncertain yet gutterly felt enough to be expected.

There may be something to working with a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as a best way forward to a new “invisible hand” working economic again of Adam Smith - we have that it might be better to call it JOBIAN ECONOMICS for now what may seem socialism may actually be a restoration of capitalism and a return to grass roots community based economics and banking much so that Obamacare would naturally become ridiculous intellectually speaking and so would foreign policies that pushed expansive socialism over community spirit raising and community organizing.

We have again that it better to think of me as acting as an individual trying to protect my intellectual property and pursue the bad actors common now to later bad acts more generally of the People of at least our nation.  We have that it may seem I am acting and writing in a Partisan while I am more acting knowing whom I should be disappointed in more factually and personally.  We have that it wasn’t Partisan that I advised Republicans and conservatives early to be to what got tagged “the party of no” and from a independent perspective and analysis shared that the fastest way to defeat these Democrats would be to letting them have all the room “no” in a “partisan” would allow so that them defeating themselves would be transparently clear.

If you did read or view Paul Krugman yesterday - I do hope this may help restore your sanity and work as an antidote to his ridiculous “economic” commentary.  Yes, I did suggest after Dems won in 2008 that they would be defeating themselves and that Republicans would be wasting energy if they tried to expedite the failure of the Dems political strategies - for it seemed that the fastest way for Republicans to win would be to let the Democrats defeat themselves all by their lonesome.

Unless we with these modern struggles are to hearing Dems fully explain how we are all now right where they meant to bring us and to such austere times of real struggles for so many all around the world - then we actually are at a time of a clear and certain failure in Dem Liberal “economic” “science”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:36 pm

Despite whether you’ve got game - a season upon a season now planted.

As Newsweek turns an “Amen Corner” itself golfers, professional, amidst glories past and present, are soon to commence a struggle to break grounds past snippets of “didn’t make the cut”.  Whom are you to call your Yankees or your 2012 TEAM?

We have that we are all somehow now forthwith to American pastimes for a new year of boys of spring to boys of summer.

Where are all the women going in 2012?

President Obama’s “game” has gotten gamey - his “CONSTITUTIONALS” near “Un-Constitutional”.  We have now our 2012 much about mornings after - and while we have yet to try a “think locally, act locally” for healthcare reform.

Where are all the women going in 2012 - are they sporting new game and “in training” more or less?

Are we now more than ever to a summer of soccer moms more than ever as “cougar” moms once soccer players?

Where are some of the women going primarily - where are others going contrarily?

Despite whether you’ve got game - as season upon a season now planted.

Who will have true grit this year - how many of our boys of spring will be missed after missing the cut?

Will the swingers of our Masters be to moderated “birdie fest”?

Will adult tricycles make a come back?  At what price for a gallon of gas but for?

We have that we are all somehow now forthwith to American pastimes for a new year of boys of spring to boys of summer.

Up and down through eighteen - get me to the nineteenth?

Where are all the women going in 2012?

How are we now all not better to a more conservative “THINK LOCALLY - ACT LOCALLY” if you can?

Can we have a new county based sportsman like challenge to a county not country based Healthcare Reforms?

Can we have a new county based sportsman like localism RESET of a “THINK LOCALLY - ACT LOCALLY”?

Soon a new set of rosters will be set - soon a spring to summer fandom to commence - however & locally.

Where are some of the women to be in 2012 primarily - and where contrarily - and with true grit anew?

Up and down through eighteen - get me to the nineteenth?

If a sailor than maybe “rail meat”.  If a soccer mom now likely maybe more once a soccer player.  If a cyclist in tandem then sharing the load and maybe as preparatory to a tour even the Tour D’ France. 

Yet what of those professionally, now this week, that are to have made the cuts?

“Bottoms Up!” for Mitt Romney?

Cut and Run!  Cut and Run as if ACA aka Obamacare shut down over turning “recoverable”?

“No fate but what you make!” Practice! Practice! Practice!  However - for which ever?

I mean can Jesus have been a “Hipster”?  And like:  How many Jets now to Hail Marys? - and all their fandom?

Would vindicated Secretary of State Colin Powell make a better VP than Governor Chris Christie?

Are Bench is warming up! - Our benches are warming up!

Who was Dudley Do Right - who has our Constitution right? 

How will true grit be to an is true grit this year?  How will true grits be to a team - a local team - of true grits this year?

If “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” how did we get to ACA aka “Obamacare”?

We have that we are all somehow now forthwith to American pastimes for a new year of boys of spring to boys of summer.

Where are all the women going in 2012?

President Obama’s “game” has gotten gamey - his “CONSTITUTIONALS” near
“Un-Constitutional”.  We have now our 2012 much about mornings after -
and while we have yet to try a “think locally, act locally” for
healthcare reform.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This has been a blustery Southern New England spring week.  When we started digging into healthcare debate some moons ago a “doctor” “friend” self proclaimed long of the Clintons announced as per healthcare care saving that if the nation could just get back to its People’s average body weight from just before the inauguration of the Clintons we the People could see a Trillion dollars saved nationally in healthcare costs.

We maybe should mandate that all people of the United States of America if to owning or buying a scale for body weight measurement do buy a more practicable scale that while pronouncing body weight will also after individual mandated personal setting be to broadcasting body fat and muscle mass as well as percent of body water content.

If you have been following my Facebook sharing or my tweets you may be aware of my season starting fitness discussions partly about and around my hitting the roads again with my road bike.  Without a smart scale weight loss and fitness training can become disheartening early on - without a smart scale you may not see that when you lose five pounds and then put three back on you have actually been very successful, maybe, for you may have been so to only having lost then 2 Lbs but then you may have lost 5 percentage points off body fat number.

I believe I bought my “Ironman” scale off the shelf in the Alexandria, VA Sports Authority in mid 2000s.  I am not training for a Triathalon that I know of - I did years run a bike a biathalon - when in DC I had gotten back, after decades, to swimming laps in DC pools - I have never really cared for jogging, though.  I have my scale with me now in Connecticut.

Mom made a big meatloaf the other day.  I now live about a mile away from parents and see them so more than I did those ten years living about seven blocks from the Supreme Court on Capitol Hill.  I did for ten years ten to see my parents and immediate family maybe twice a year and only for a day, or two.  Mom also made a large corned beef with cabbage before taking off conveniently before the bluster returned to Southern New England as another traditional spring to Puerto Rico for a week.

The other day I wrote about a “morning after” of early spring trials for independent and individualistic health bolstering with a storying of how after having lost five pounds within Lent I had then had a day of eating a two egg with bacon and cheese breakfast sandwich then maybe a meatloaf sandwich for lunch and then the first batch of Buffalo Wings I have ever made and then as well a 10 inch pizza I made from scratch after the Buffalo Wings.  I wrote and shared this for I was surprised the next morning when ritually to stepping on my smart scale to learn I had a lower fat content than the morning after a high cadence 16 mile ride about in street clothes.

Well mom made a large meatloaf.  Well I live about a mile away.  Well I cannot say that I have lost five pounds right now.  Well, I can say that with my spring start towards a new year of physical activity and sport cycling as expected has put five pounds of muscle mass back on and helped me already burn off the winter fat increase.  I have lost weight but it is that I have clearly because of my smart scale been able to see that what otherwise could show as only a 2-3 Lbs loss it actually progress effected to a measured loss of winter fat such that body fat down at least 3 percent despite the meatloaf.

My government hasn’t been telling me to do this - not even my own state.  I found it a wonderful proposition that Connecticut’s Merritt Parkway may have enough “Park” about it for its length to have the state of Connecticut adjoin a “Bike Parkway” dedicated bike path along side such “parkway” for automobiles.  It is an interesting consideration that but for such option there are few other areas my state might find a continuous less interrupted route to which to install a dedicated bike route that should be good for sport and recreation but also so if so to green commuting and economic stimulation.

We have our Supreme Court which I did near 10 years live just around the corner from by seven blocks now to consecrating our consecrated and long dedicated.  We oddly have that said “liberal” justices are more at risk of a “Political” ruling if to an upholding of The Affordable Care Act.  We still have that Senator Hillary Clinton didn’t push for a local or state covering in New York state while its carpetbagged Senator a thought champion of “social good” about healthcare - no, it was “Politics” not governance, proper, of Sen. Clinton not having pushed-pulled New York state to finding a competitive method to rival and/or match that of Massachusetts that we tend to call “Romneycare”.

No matter how you measure it now these hearings bolstered with my meatloaf eating that is a story of me losing fat are compromised by Senator Clinton’s true story.  We have that because she didn’t work to get New Yorkers all covered locally or at state level we have a simple detractor from “Constitutional” on governance not “Political” grounds with The Affordable Care Act judging.  We have that since Massachusetts so long ago proved a state based solution was possible and at least New York state didn’t try to find competitive solution for New Yorkers “Obamacare” is more “Political” than “governance” - more ideological than established procedure and practice.

I am actually tempted to do a little cross training today - I am actually thinking about breaking out my skateboard and boarding over for another meatloaf sandwich and maybe for while an errand TV turn-on appreciating new weighty audibles from SCOTUS via C-Span.  I may only have a skateboard now because when the DC-Maryland-Virginia Asylum Wake-Skate-Snow stores I had helped design and build out were closing I asked to acquire one to remember so many years so dedicated.  I didn’t build out all of the then eight or nine stores being closed but I did the first few and then when I had available time did some others too, if not otherwise less to more of those custom welding designs and constructs as store improvements.

We do not need our national government in the coverage business.  We shouldn’t have our national government setting priorities for the pool of citizens of the “able bodied” core of our general American spirit.  We could just recommend that weight loss will be easier and less disheartening if you have a smart scale and can see that two pounds in weight loss might be a great success for being of a physicality change of a better lower fat percentage and greater muscle mass.

It was probably better that I had some meatloaf while still in early new year season starting reconditioning even if it means I am a little heavier “by weight” than I might otherwise be while an independent individual not mandated to which ever efforts I am now towards to maximize my preparedness for a new summer in pursuit of happiness, in fitness with much physical activity.

Again, we have that Senator Clinton stands as a conflict to “Political” for “Obamacare” for those years a New Yorker not dedicated to consecrating healthcare for all New Yorkers.  We have still my memory at least of that once viewed via TV “Doctor” “friend” of the Clintons proclaiming nearer 2008 that the People of The United States of America could save a Trillion in healthcare costs if they could just get back to the nation’s measured average weight from before the “governance” of the Clintons and there “executive” “example” commenced.

If you figure the time on my road bike in my apartment as if of the dedicated riding of a spinning class then with such time not measurable as distance over roads may yet for its seriousness have been at times of such constance and dedication that I may have effected enough spinning constantly to have worked as if to a ride 50% further than if I had been on the roads stopping for pedestrians, other cyclists, cars, trucks, buses, and traffic signals so so so regularly as when out biking about.  And so maybe to another meatloaf sandwich today for it seems I have pedaled enough since near the start of Spring to have already ridden over 100 miles.

It is an interesting consideration that besides that the story seems to be that the Clintons caused America to gain so much weight that if we could now just reverse their “example” and “governance” we could see a Trillion dollars savings for our People. 

It is even more interesting considering that because Senator Clinton, at least, didn’t work for New York the way Governor Mitt Romney had worked for said “liberal” Massachusetts, our justices of my old neighbor our Supreme Court are on spoiled grounds quite inseparable from the “Politics” (still) of the Clintons.

It is quite odd that said “liberal” justices are now at greater risk of being to a “Political” ruling if to upholding ACA (Affordable Care Act) than the said “conservative” or “moderate” other members of such bench have been plumped up as if to ruling against as if our Constitutionality to “general Welfare” not relevant. 

We have that a liberal interpretation of the girth of our Preamble and so the Constitution it as a precatory key/legend prefaces has been politically to attempting a scale as if “general Welfare” were actually writ as “General welfare” or “General Welfare” and not as it has long been defended as “general Welfare”. 

Please see my tweets via @jphoganorg and facebook.com/jpeterhogan status updates over timelines for more flavor.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:57 pm

What should the penalty be turned out as? 

We have that the world as we know it has been at stake - is at stake in ways not considered by its political authors.

Some matters are not as simple as a “two-fer” of “BOGO”.

We have real legal precepts and the soul of our Constitution at stake and a timely and fair call to consider/reconsider the 80th Congress of our United States of America.  We have 2010 electoral sweep that was great.  We have, I believe, that the 2010 Republican national sweeping against nationalism was greater than the historic clean up by the 80th Congress’.

As we have masses and masses of citizens engaged now in hearing our Supreme Court Justices and Constitutional scholars and professionals we have a rare consummation metaphysically about privately and publicly expressive not just to our rights but to how they are echoing from kitchen tables all across the world - the world as we think we know it.

Today’s matter before our honorable Justices has been an early serving of so much long anticipated.

This is not as corruptible as a political power coupling consummated decades on decades at a singular dynamic now still as much a threat to “the world as we know it” — a “buy one get one” a “two-fer” where the suitors united contractually as one preface and amend willy nilly to a singularity plating and as well a duplicitousness feasting.

We have that our 80th Congress post haste, did convene and get to business to make corrections and craft protections from the type of “BOGO” that was the Roosevelts.  We have that our 22nd Amendment was maybe the greatest accomplishment of our 80th Congress.  They stuck to proper procedure for amending our Constitution to effect matters specific to rights essential to protect and preserve our home world as it was known by its founding documents.

With the jurist vacuums out offering to clean up our nationalism for a open and free participatory conversation now matter the where or what of your kitchen and its table we have that we are able to hear how our Powers and power resonate and even echo at and through and from our Supreme Court and its jurisprudence and charge.

In matters related specifically to our benches today and our bars we have the differentiation between “tax” and “penalty” and our AIA (anti-injunction act).  This is a little simpler than a “two-fer” amending as of the 80th Congress and its adherence to proper procedure for their work to serve or dish change of such mass and flavor.

It seems that though related at least as per Congressional process we have that our AIA seems appropriate for “taxes” but not for “penalties” so for as with a “tax” the concern to such as an anti-injuction act was to preserve the funding necessary for the revenue sufficient for the specific plan and budgeting deemed politically proper if proper procedure adhered to for matters of such mass.

But our 80th Congress had to find a way to write about Presidential spouses and “two-fer” or BOGO power coupling natural corruptive temptations and risks.  They had a charge and nation wanting to fight back from Roosevelts a with a full on serving of the potpourri that is our 22nd Amendment specifically concocted about a concern of shared Presidential power practiced selfishly by Franklin and Eleanor and even as well some say their daughter.

A “penalty” is not thought to be a threat to the essential revenue stream as a “tax” for a program so budgeted and bolstered by proper process in the world as we know likely is justly considered to be.  A bar to refuse to pay a tax where a process for appeal is set to be pay first and then litigate to get it back if you can establish proper cause is not the same as being of an allowance for a “penalty” such that a failure to pay shouldn’t be a primary and real threat to the massness, especially where process minor to a our major process to “taxes” and as well to amended “rights”.

Our 80th Congress had it more procedure “proper”.  After the Roosevelts multi-term run and excesses with a New Deal Court a national upheaval happened quite about term limits and especially a consideration, how & why, as to spousal rights.

We seem to have our 22nd Amendment to secure a right for women of a marriage to be electable to hold our office of the President - as to be expected by such an honorable Congress as our 80th.

We seem to have that though a right for a spouse to be electable to our office of the President works for either spouse it in the world as we know it seems specifically as per our 22nd Amendment to be assured to respect the laws of unions of marriage and all laws specific to husband and wife even to home ownership and nesting and so ratified to be a right for either spouse but not for both spouses.

Again, in the world as we know it, we have that a “penalty” as per AIA import as per “in the same manner as taxes” is a much lesser dish served so with questionable process for the purport of Pelosi Congress deed of “Obamacare” and so for it needed be of “injunction” reach for it so separated to “minor” realm as if not a threat that a refusal to pay “taxes” would be to thought essential nationalized budgeting.

I don’t know how they could have written a single sentence or paragraph for a proper amending of our Constitution to effect an actually legal vast expansion of federal powers so otherwise of their over-reaching with Pelosi Congress’ “Obamacare.

I do admire the 80th Congress for its common erudity mastering for our 22nd Amendment such that when consumed time and place historically rendered such that with use of “hold” and import of “holding” did parse for their world and our world as we know it that a spouse has a right to be elected to a holding of our office of the President but that both spouses cannot have same right after two terms for one as if a “two-fer” or BOGO kept to being the is that of the is it was meant in it is.

Hillary Clinton was an illegal candidate for President?  Goes to figure?  If she had been the named holder of our office of President for eight years then “Bill” as her spouse secured in their rights in marriage union as one for many specific and general jurisprudent factors would have been of those eight to having been by election to a holding of our office of the President - maybe even so soulful of a legal union in marriage to “one that acted as President” during such time at least in times of sickness and health.

And so in yet another related legal conundrum concern we have that we can illuminate the Clintons’ “BOGO” and as well the Roosevelts’ “two-fer” as per a Constitutional and general legal practice where one law cannot be to undermining another established law in the world as we know it.  We have we are touching on the knowing personal “holding” of marriage and all the selfish and temptatiousness naturally quite unique and special at the level of holding of office of our Presidency - our White House with its home office situation.

To allow both spouses of a marriage union to exceed the eight years expected of two term limiting even if not as of such selfish political power plotting and machinations of either the Roosevelts or the Clintons is still too great a risk in this the world as we know it - or think we know it as “proper”.  We don’t have to set all our kitchen tables to discussing the natural temptation of granting a married couple too much power - the power of a separation unreasonable due to the 24-7 nature of our representative expectations for all holders of our office of the President.

To allow our 80th Congress’ masterpiece that is our 22nd Amendment as to respecting all marriage union laws with its ratified language reminiscent of married vows as appropriate for its charge from the excesses of the Roosevelts is to a wise and prudent jurisprudence.  For it is that to be to not undermining or violating any other law we have that our 22nd Amendment isn’t allowed to violate the sacred laws pertinent to all matters of commerce, privacy and rights specific to protections and rights for married coupling.  We have that our 22nd Amendment speaks to a person elected to hold our office and yet our marriage contracts has a spouse regardless of their sex in such marriage to having also been to a holding of office of presidency.  We can not separate that a spouse is also only by the election of the other spouse to having been due to the marriage laws oneness of a contracted also holding of our office.

It seems the “penalty” is not a “tax” and that we have much Un-Constitutionality still to discuss.

It may help to understand the echoes of Un-Constitutionality arising like as if from Roosevelts and their New Deal Court machinations.  It may be that the Clintons plotted and plotted and effected political machinations for decades thinking they would be allowed extra-Constitutional temptations far more dangerously to our world as we know it than even the Roosevelts.  In the case of the Clintons we may have a need still to look into such machinations for they may have long considered and then effected attempts to hold on to executive powers of our office of the President in the interim they thought would be manageable and brief.

It is a rare opportunity for a nation like ours to have an American Spring or even an American “RESET” such as this courtly nationalized and globalized airing is mashing.  We have that there are other related matters maybe even more concerning and now though easier to a mass a fair and broad general discussion forthwith about.

We have that it may only make sense that our 22nd Amendment is meant to be appropriate to a determination that Hillary Clinton was an illegal candidate for President and may now be an Un-Constitutional holder of an office within our line of succession to the primary holding of office of our presidency as it is allowed so uniquely and specially within our White House and home office “kitchy” attitude.

We have that it is a related matter that our 80th Congress carefully did follow proper procedure for Constitutional amending.

We have that Pelosi Congress with “Obamacare” thought they could work around proper procedure.

We still have that the Clintons were both as per a reasonable interpretation of our 22nd Amendment term limited when the named holder of office became term limited for by marriage the other spouse was legally and contractually inseparable from their marriage union.  A spouse regardless of their sex is also to by election to “a holding of our office of the President” - a very personal and important and intimate holding in sickness and in health through all the times that try their soul. 

It would violate our marriage laws to otherwise consider that a spouse regardless of their sex, and with all these related matters, is separable from the holding of the other.  And, we have that we are talking about our White House and all about its consideration as proper to a home for both with a home office for our “parenting” 24-7.

As per “penalty” >>> Really!!!  If a BOGO sold as an is a “two-fer” shouldn’t it stay legally an is a “two-fer”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:12 am


Waiting for President Barack to work his messianic further now may be as fruitful as if our waiting for him to release his college papers were as if we were still waiting for books of John or Matthew or Luke.

We should expect nothing less now than an Obama “Bible” as a Book of Barack, or just a book of a “Book of Barack.”

He has waded rudely into bridging long historical for community and global morals, he has fired off crass remarks suggestive that early Declarations not at all as he would have then or would now have written them, if he could have written them.  We have still to wait, and wait, and specifically especially for his early works when more a disciple of Harvard and Columbia.

President Nixon is proving to have been more prudent and diligent when of dramatized “If a President says it is legal then it is legal” far more than President Obama could rightly suggest or publish truthfully if to parables of a ‘Book of Barack’ necessarily of these recent years of 1st Amendment over-speak still not supported with his or our written texts.  He, President Obama, has been recorded saying near:  “I didn’t know that I wouldn’t be able to dictate on these matters once President.”  Hmmm?  He has been long as President, tortuously long, economically speaking, for of “supply” social spending hardly related to “economic science.”  He has walked and talked as if people should fall before him as disciples even in economics though he more than Nixon of the negative side of “If a President says it is legal then it is legal” supposing.

If President Barack Hussein Obama who wanted to be of a “Personality Based Presidency” where his “story” was not his “training” was not necessarily his study or actual work experience - then surely as our Supreme Court readies to hear the Un-Constitutional push back from many non-Obama Statists statists more themselves, the and we will expect some actual “principles” from President Barack Hussein Obama.  It does seem impossible that Obamacare can actually lower costs as it claims - yet there are the “principles” that should be of Obama’s new foundation for healthcare that are to be expected and as legal and admissible.

I have already pondered that like our Declaration of Independence President Obama has been disregarding at least the Bible and institutions so otherwise based.  I have already suggested “Bible” was taken so a book by President could be “Trible” or “Ible” but really we have that he is suppressing faith and offering pill based morals.  So, it seems a book, a “Book of Barack” could be titled “Drible” for “Dr Ible” a way of Obama (Barack) by chemically altered states, legal and illegal.

The other day while at a Social Media Week event with Jermaine Dupri I did realize I am taller than he is, physically.  He may be taller than the President spiritually - he announced something about a “G-BOX” for his Global14 web/communities.  The President is taller than I am - by inches, and yet has my same birthday but from four years earlier.  Did you know Jermaine Dupri likes “Blondie”?  I saw him get all posie near a strip.

A “DRIBLE” by and of “BOOK OF BARACK” to explain his past anti-Independence statements and his efforts of dictates to Congress suggesting they should make laws establishing his sense of “religions” should also really deal with “drugs” and dependence on “entitlements” and/or “chemicals - recreational or self medicatory.  Such now would need hymns and chapters on his capology of seamless rubbers and any “principles” he might have to explain why and/or how such can be “free” - economically speaking to his belief system(s).

I did meet Jermaine Dupri enough while at Hearst Tower on 8th near Columbus Circle - I do wonder if he appreciates it as well for maybe being the most socially conscious and phallic architecture in building for anywhere currently in New York City.  Around its base is its history and legacy with eggs cradled with care for the ages above its original six, from within such rises straight up and proud a spire wrapped and structured most obviously in diamonds but as well of a consciousness in triangles.  It looks well ribbed and uniformly covered, and with Monks or maybe Jesuits or other Brothers less than gargoyles standing pensive near or next to feminine concerns similarly there drafted and carved for New York minutes and daily blank pages of all ages.  I have not studied architecture - I have read some but not studied any where near a majority of even a minority of Manhattan’s architecture. Hearst Tower may be so new that it is still “green” and “greenest” new building - its ribbing is deserved and appropriate for all “green” concerns and global or local consciousness using acceptable natural inspiration and yet about 25% less carbon based steel.

It does look like if it were stepped on by a giant it would pop right back up - Hearst Tower, that is.  I may prefer to work in new Tower One at Ground Zero some day and so that I could daily be reminded of what a mess our 90s actually were. A re-election of Barack Hussein Obama without a “BOOK OF BARACK” or a sufficient basis for his “DRIBLE” has me now already on issue so with such if not just from an apparent lesser of two evils erudite and measured and check democratic foundation and as so about such as an issue of our today with concerns for what it might say bad about too many Americans.

It is still a ridiculous American condition that the pre-existing legacy of the Clintons and their “two-fer” First Coupling hasn’t had citizen people of these United States of America and global spectators being wise, prudent, and/or consciously cautious in our Post Clinton Presidency - Post 9/11 years of learned lessons and a guarded deciding.  It is ridiculous already that a Clinton can be any how now a part of any post 9/11 administration, conservatively speaking to basic street sense and “live and learn” pragmatism.  A re-election of President Obama is nearing as bad a “ridiculous” and “dangerous” that would speak poorly of “American” common sense and so as if it has all been lost - that American “common sense” has been lost. 

We have “innocent until proven guilty” (now less globally and locally thanks to both Clintons?) and we have our 90s to look back on daily with guarded concern.  We have these truths already self evident in public realms and yet not accepted as politically relevant.  We have indivisible that the Clintons acted politically as a “two-fer” Washington power couple and shared, and shared, and shared.  We have the Church taking issues with them while taking issue now with dictates from President Obama & Book of Barack (or “DRIBLE”) still unpublished. 

The three seem inseparable. 

Without DRIBLE or at least a BOOK OF BARACK we will be left to be of a blind faith in President Obama and still the Clintons by association - a re-election of President Obama may be more concerning for what it would or might say about those that voted for him/for them. 

We have still that by November 2012 we may have to take sides and yet still below our best standards and high holy hopes for America as conceived and subscribed whence - we have President Obama has positioned himself as anti-Independence and, now at least it looks like Republicans are of establishments historically hopeful and honestly already superior than a fate for US anew of “lesser of the two evils” as if already in shades of “evil” more than hopeful shades of “good”.

We have it as a possibility and existent that “OBAMACARE” may find its “Un-Constitutional” basis soon measured and judged by nine to a no by
nine as citizen people and their experts are stomping it daily with a rap and beat down for failing publicly already on 1st Amendment turf.  We have it now exposed of dribble for a DRIBLE of at least a BOOK OF BARACK necessary to an explainin’ as it seems to be becoming common sense and measured to side with parties of and for steppin’ tuned to an appreciation that OBAMACARE just doesn’t look like it can or will reduce healthcare costs.

Somehow this is kept from being racist.  I don’t know that President Obama can do the same with a due “DRIBLE” at least.  He isn’t the “New York Minutes” he hoped to be - hoped to be while contrary in his ways.  We could use a BOOK OF BARACK now, it seems necessary at least for his defense against the “Un-Constitutional” review soon of SCOTUS bar.
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:08 am

There is one thing I took from DREAMS FROM MY FATHER early autobiography of an un-minted lawyer — From President Obama’s early autobiography I was able to discern from his own words that though he was a “community organizer” he didn’t like being a community organizer.

We have that “Obamacare” has near 52% percent of those polled nationally regarding its need to be repealed as a majority against it.  Among Democrats that was reported as about 19%.  Among Republicans it topped 80%.  How it is disapproved of by a more specific subset of Americans - a set of actual taxpayers - is a puzzle though presumably much higher than 52%.

I won’t dwell on law student Barry Obama early autobiography with its import that he didn’t like community organizing if only about community organizing.  President Obama can explain his own negativity there scribed with his own words near:  I’ve got to get out of this place - if only I had power - if only I had real power — I’ve got to get out of here.

It seems that though he is four years my senior to the same B-day in August it may be fitting he wrote an autobiography before me, but come on!  During the same months he must have been writing his life history I was of writing politically and journalistically with political poetry as a form with rhyme, rhythm and reasoning about an international time fit for a new federalism.  I did leave a law school a couple miles from his the spring before he started - and I did withdraw after first year and remain an accepted student then for the next seven years able to return without needing to reapply.  I was wanting to be more entrepreneurial and creative but wanted at least one year of law school to further discipline my thinking and writing, but not more.

The Affordable Care Act that we have a bad habit of simplifying as “Obamacare” is bad for American communities.

We have that among those that pay federal taxes the 52% reported as still thinking “Obamacare” should be repealed are of a much higher percentage when of a poll just of “taxpayers.”  And, with that said we are left to ponder that those that are already paying for the care for those in their communities that have been and still will be providing care are strongly and definitively against “Obamacare.”

It really seems that we may have over 80% of the people currently paying to cover the less well off and their healthcare expenses specifically against The Affordable Care Act attempts to get them to pay for the same social good another way.

There may be no contest by states contesting The Affordable Care Act as per “healthcare” as being of a national market.  That doesn’t mean that if it is embraced as primarily of a national market it won’t do harm to the communities still of neighbors providing care for neighbors and without needing to think a distant Big Government Big Sister/Big Brother needs to meddle - especially as per preventative care.

I stand on my opinion that we are better to consider reforms for healthcare around communities not State and with a new frontier for some areas to a county wide (not Country wide) basis for “coverage.”  I stand now still with my thinking from that first year of publication of Barry Obama’s early autobiography checked after near a year working as a citizen canvasser with ConnPIRG and then CCAG (Connecticut Citizen Action Group) with petitioning door to door evenings through a winter, too, on clearer air standards and healthcare reform.  It was from checking my thinking and public opinion amidst being aware of a neighbor Ted Marmor that I was to my individual conclusion that we should avoid national healthcare and look to fight “spill-over” concerns with community policing revolution and treat county basis not country basis as our best new frontier.

With march and beat of “Obamacare” you will be not to thinking you should thank your neighbor who raised a doctor nor the neighbor raised to be doctor or others besides them in your neighborhood and community at least party to keeping your area a place a child of such after learning international medicinal ways would desire to stay or return.  With “Obamacare” you will be expected to thank your national leadership, primarily, and supremely.

I described my writing from same months that Barry Obama was of his early autobiography as of writing journalistically — that said so for I was more to calling myself a political poet practicing spin doctoring to encourage and maybe embolden professional journalists to a better writing for community and international issues.

It may be easier to consider that The Affordable Care Act is bad for communities if you consider that most of actual taxpayers already paying for the social good of covering costs of medical expenses without healthcare coverage are those that seem a vast non-partisan set of those paying for services already for some reason not wanting to pay for same social good this way.

Costs for healthcare may now be out of control because medicine and healthcare has already been allowed for too long to be too considered of a national market.  We have that the nearer healthcare stays to a community and county basis of neighbors being cared for by neighbors the more reasonable the costs of caring are respective to be.

When I left Suffolk Law School that spring just before the Obama fall commencing at Harvard I was already to saying:  “I want to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution” & “I am more a citizen rosebud than a Citizen Kane” & “I wanted at least a year of law school to help protect me from lawyers and insurance companies.”  The same time of Obama fall commencing I did have a brand new custom ordered Ford F-250 4×4 Pick-up truck ordered through Stoneham Ford and a Villanova classmate from our class of 1987 asking for a ride to Chicago to move him from inner city Philadelphia to the University of Chicago to start his full free ride to PhD in Education.  I did agree - today he is a head of school in Philadelphia area.

I have been against all nationalization of general healthcare coverage at least since 1991-1992.  I was against it while writing suggesting best positioning for business and politicians and journalists for a community and international political correctness, new, for the trying times then of the great recession of the early 90s that as well had us troubled with global warring.

I think it is a very fair interpretation of Barry Obama’s DREAMS OF MY FATHER that he didn’t like community organizing but did like thinking about getting real power and as quickly as he could.  And yet he is celebrated as a former “community organizer” and yet now with programs that seem to be bad for communities, but not his quest for internationalism.

They didn’t have B-corps in Connecticut to my knowledge when I became a sole proprietor of a CT S-Corp doing business as J.P. Hogan Enterprises.  I was of a letterhead meant to be a marketing play on “Carpentry and Remodeling Services” for of my long term primary ambition to be like a “Mad Man” like my maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier had been, and to without having had a degree in such before becoming near the top in such.  The use of “Remodeling” services was always meant to also be to a practical skill to “remodeling” business - & maybe politics or government.  It does seem that it has been our governments that had to change and allow said “B-corps” so that our capitalists could finally be free to legally be as good as they may want to be, fairly within “capitalist” philosophy fit for their community existentialisms.  My paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. was a lifelong Democrat and a member of Knights of Columbus and the inspiration for use of “Remodeling” to be about local or national politics as well.

And now we are to a time of easy internationalism but only maybe so for the hard work of Reagan with his Reagan Revolution and Chief Justice Rehnquist with his Rehnquist Revolution - his work to keep the law and justice professions from the very high legalese Barry Obama had just been trained in at Harvard - his work to bring a new “lay man” language and simpler legalese to United States Jurisprudence and practices. 

It does seem so, yet I haven’t confirmed so, that President Obama was maybe of the last class of Harvard Law School trained and graduated in the old school ways before such started complying with the new better standards of the Rehnquist Revolution to simpler and more accessible legalese.

This said, and again, I feel it important to explain that “community organizer” President Obama with The Affordable Care Act is to a irreversible over-reaching inconsistent with Justice Rehnquist’s Revolution and so as implied with a national program that will be if left to proving it is bad medicine for all of our communities.

I just now found this link:  http://www.concurringopinions.com/archives/2010/07/the-federalism-revolution-did-not-take-place.html — I don’t know how creditable it legally is but it may be a good second step from this column.  Nearer 1989 I did write out my own “Remodeling” services contract to the type of legal atmosphere I thought best - After the official legal changes about the national redu of The Rehnquist Revolution I did not have to change a single word in my contract to be to new “compliance” - I did surprise the lawyer who suggested he should look at it due to such revolution in our jurisprudence for he (dad) was only able to conclude that his son’s contract - the son who had left law school after just a year - had maybe the only existing contract he had seen that didn’t need to be changed.

I have been fighting attempts to nationalize healthcare reforms a long time now,  so long that President Obama was likely maybe hardly through the writing of his early autobiography while I was so and so as well to the international concerns also of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM attempts at needed “remodeling” change.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

There is a drudgery and attention to detail essential to incidents of life.  Among many vicissitudes incident to existence we have our banks and our body politic.  Banks “as too big to fail” defies that they are cannot be too big to be wrong.

As Abraham Lincoln with his premises and discerned thought of his Cooper Union Speech we have that he laid down his slavery platforms to come upon a Constitutional foreplay espoused to keep his house from being divided.  Mr. Lincoln with his Cooper Union posturing did purport a threshold barring slavery.  Mr. Lincoln set us all to more fairer play and party relations, but so, as per his postulate that if a local government could and did legally declare that something was “wrong” that then an national government like ours then couldn’t stand up body politic asserting that slavery was “good” for “all” as its interpretation of State Powers.

Does Obamacare assert a Power to consider peoples’ bodies as State bodies and so that guns are limited contrary to our Second Amendment rights to bear arms.  If our arms, even our bare arms, are so State arms than how can they have independent right to bear arms?

I may have hands and heart with a penchance for mechanic specials - I have owned a motorcycle when near past having turned 30 years of age and did myself consider some Zen about my art of motorcycle restoration and maintenance.  I have only owned such a ride and ridden so to near 5,000 total miles.  Peter Fonda I have learned still has a penchant for riding and also shares a sailing passion.  My sailing interests though have been dormant or superseded now over four years.  My bicycle is a mechanic special as what started as stock of one branding has over decades become “street” as a road bike with parts and accessorizings now from near a dozen different establishments.  There is though still a Shimano prominence about it, and yet with a considered like disloyalty for thinking my next bike will have Sram instead, maybe even SRAM RED.

But what can you bank on - and if a Big Bank is so big that it cannot fail how do we protect that it isn’t too big to still have been wrong?

Washington did shower or bath are forebears all with his cherry of a first inaugural so with such talk of sex to be for him enough in offerings American that he could pick fruit from as a conqueror and yet so caressed with a pledge of fidelity to Martha as all the pecuniary and personal emoluments he would desire.

I have known that Chase bank had employees if not an entire department drilled already in 2006 such that when I became aware of them I became aware of dangers and bad practices the foretold doom for banks.  Our founding fathers were inventive and practical - Washington even to a round barn for milling grains and Thomas Jefferson for a coat hanger design, a gear and chain system that allow his double doors together equally with just a standard careful caressing of one door. 

I did try to learn as many practical skills as our founding fathers had needed more necessarily due to their times.  I may have exceeded the number of their individual skills but not maybe the ratio of skills to production and mechanization time to time.  They may have known more for their time of what was common in their time, maybe.  I have had more than two cars that were also “mechanic specials” with myself their primary mechanic.

I have split some wood - some firewood - but hardly near as much as Lincoln must have - I don’t know that I ever split even enough for a quarter of a cord.

The gall of that remembered department of Chase Bank that I cannot shake yet from my discovery of their bad practices and hostility of a abuse of powers and arrogance with excessive power all first exposed about 2006.  Now I do remember that it was President Clinton that asked banks to find a way to “gamble away”  the risks that would be certain with his wanting both a housing boom bubble and as well a mass underfunding and defunding that would likely undermine the former - the Clintons’ trillion dollar surplus.  But this behavior practiced by employees of Chase Bank so remembered was of such an arrogance that when I stood on banking law and harmony with banking lawyers as just a customer may only have been of the early days of desperation for banks where they had to step up bad collection practices to try to cover the losses looming from the corruptions related to President Clintons loose political economic guidance - Chase may have been behaving so before needing to because of mortgage messes.

As per Chase Bank and my remembrance it was a small matter of confusion from their mergers and acquisitions per a closed account number for a close credit card started with a different bank.  In my case I seemed to have become aware of their corrupt and bad banking practices in 2006 over a possible $10 balance and then a year of penalty and interest fees that still have now clear chain of title.  It was over a $200 dollar dispute with Chase where all but $10 was fees and yet for the year before their claims so I had no record of an earlier bank having been mailing or calling me for an open account with such account number - an account number which I had sent a full payment to in 2005. 

In 2006 I realized that at least one Department at Chase Bank was acting as if Chase was too big to be wrong.  I still have that they have failed still to today to have provided a clear chain of title for the account number they called me upon for above mentioned pennies that was like all my known Chase accounts paid off a year before.  The calender gap of a year between pay off of accounts with Chase and a mysterious new account showing up still is a mystery as per chain of title and yet the year suggest it must have been that I performed on a pay off amount by due date as per post office posting dating and that that bank then the credit card company processed the payment for the day it was received leaving a near $10 dollar remainder, that for some reason I for a year went without an awareness as account moved from one bank to another and then to Chase somehow, so that ten dollars after a year became over two hundred and yet with Chase department unwilling or unable to explain where their “title” and “claim” traced from.  If  the practices and standards I became aware of hadn’t been so hostile and blatantly corrupt with an arrogance of power seeming to exempt them in their own minds from having to explain a “chain of title” I might have been of the decades of good experiences otherwise from relations with Chase.

When they threaten you and refuse to consider fair standards they are trying to steal from you.  That the banks all fell to bad practices and trying times is evidence sufficient now yet without as much discussion as appropriate for them having fallen to bad collection practices just because of the binds they got into as accomplices to President Clintons request for bad lending and mortgage risk managing.  Their bad lending practices though only partly can explain their bad collection attitudes.

As an economics major I welcome that collections is a needed department with special skills, and, was so of such ethos while hearing from and relating with more than a few from Chase as per this from 2006. 

When an employee of a major bank hears you tell him that he/they are acting criminally and instead of denying it says instead “we have the right to - everyone is doing it” it is best to start hunkering down and readying for bad economic times fast approaching for the economy.

So I guess you could say I expected the economic downturn because of my knowledge of how President Clinton had conceived an impossible economic but then you could as well say it is so because I realized that Chase Bank was acting desperately and criminally as if they were too big to be wrong. 

A chain of title is still a matter of law for all to be standing on - and yes Obamacare may be violating your second amendment rights to have free arms for free bearing of arms.  And otherwise from an everyday State arms of only State arms.

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