
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:27 pm

    In this year two thousand twenty and three we have reached the 75th anniversary of “THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS”.
    What, today, is the state of religious freedom, here, and abroad?
    How is it compatible with originalism upon our constitution?
    The other day I was a visitor seated in the House of Representative Gallery as a resolution was discussed and passed towards restricting Representative Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and as well for the passage of resolution H.R. Res. 9 offering the full House an opportunity to condemn the past horrors of socialism/socialists.
    The days before I attended the “International Religious Freedom Summit”- #IRFSummit2023.
    Representative Ilhan Omar history may too be in conflict on human dignity core of “The International Declaration of Human Rights”.
    To reach a consensus on the complexity of these discussions we are wise to consider what history relates and if there amidst such isn’t a biased incorrect partisan spin that also compromises committee assignments.
    Representative Omar is not firstly a woman of color, nor a Muslim.  This Minneapolis politician is principally a Democrat.  As a Democrat party operative her history can objectively be reconsidered upon where there are contradictions in her known biases, and even where such essentially admits into discussion/evidence past cover-ups for leaders of her party.
    Protecting human dignity, and also religious freedom of each individual, how issues relate, is a global goal.  These times have nationalisms and imperialisms rising as at least existential threats to what was written and agreed upon of the United Nations General Assembly 75 years ago.
    Let us not forget how clever the founding fathers were, especially James Madison, in the establishment of the Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution for uniting states.  Human dignity is in originalism much by that there is no right in this ordered liberty established “Order” for any to violate the 10 COMMANDMENTS.  Though Thomas Jefferson opined the nation was not constituted as a Christian nation he yet did not write it – it of it was subscribed “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.
    James Madison protected human dignity cleverly as well, shall we consider, to it of the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights generally, is redundant to the body of the Peoples’ “Order” established ordained a constitution.  To any understanding “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” the originalism of the constituted is that each is firstly of their rights from their Creator.
    The religious freedom constituted is not of the Nation is ordered as Christian, but yet is of the nation is a republic that secures each their rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws, and as vitally secured to be firstly particularly for neighbor amongst neighbor common neighborly considerations/jurisdictions.
    The constitution respects that each is under God before under government, and secures protections from tyranny for the people for which it orders liberty.  The real separation of church and states is not a “wall of separation” as Thomas Jefferson emphasized but the vertical separation written in by James Madison to the Government is also under God – not to be theocratic – not to play God – not even to say there is no God.
    In 1941 we can argue the interpretation of “wall of separation” was tweaked to legally attempt to legalize SOCIALISM – towards there could be a secular equal standing for Franklin D. Roosevelt to stand up a “NEW DEAL” phat with social programs.  Human dignity is firstly protected by originalism to such would be contrary to the constituted “Order” by to an otherwise stood up to as if citizens are more firstly just subjects and more to be presumed guilty – needing a NANNY STATE – and not innocent under God existentially.
    With originalism read of a vertical separation the redundant in the Bill of Rights rightly reads of a snarky grammar.  Any of an understanding that the American Revolution was fought for individual rights in the vein of each of rights from their Creator – of “a free state” as a human condition of LIBERTY in religious freedom – each by how united PLURIBUS is an individual an UNUM of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 COMMANDMENT against them, and of too such is of First and Second Amendments distinctively of rights versus their own government.

    The government is of and by the People in the spirit of that the American Revolution was just and legal, and existentially each is constituted as a child of the Lord presumed to be innocent, and also able to be redeemed, even daily.
    Religious freedom is protected by ordered liberty to there regular order for due process and civil procedures for if and when Lord’s Laws broken/break down yet secular by rights to trials put to judgement by one’s peers.
    It can be complicated to understand how each is allowed and even expected to consider DEMOCRACY to be firstly that of existential liberty in individual spiritual responsibilities to be in communities, self-selected, and self-governing in Lord’s Laws.  Our constituted Peoples’ “Order” is brief and can be due it, as written, is public morals dependent.
     None is divisible from “under God”!  In the days of the era of the founding such an idea would have amounted to blasphemy; citizens are constituted as indivisible from their Creator.
     Whereas “HUMAN DIGNITY” and “HUMAN RIGHTS” are to be understood with “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” there the puzzling of scope and breadth of “child of God” due with each can be redeemed and forgiven daily there a vast PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE for encounters with others, even travelers strangers; each essentially has no right to prejudge another as not a child of the Lord Creator – God.
     Though not every human being may be an individual consciously of the Kingdom of the Lord there is to be no prejudicing upon each from of a right to be considered still reachable.
     The “UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS” does articulate for equal justice to there to be a presumption of innocent if and when a person becomes charged of a crime.
     Representative Ilhan Omar has a party problem!
     If antisemitic remarks are affected such effectively contradicts George Washington letter to the Jews of Newport guidance spelling out a high moral standard for the much established existentially Christian to that each of the United States should consider it yet un-Christian if of bigotry.  Originalism allows each individual to self-govern in Judeo-Christian establishments/scriptures/Lord’s Laws.
     The 118th Congress rising story is for more than an existential revival called up!
     The constituted Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is of the Union is formed “more perfect” by structurally the people are sovereign and there is no divine right of monarchs; the PREAMBLE sets out “in/Order/to form” not as a future tense “in order to” then of “form” tweaked to modify “more perfect” out of present tense of a “done” humbly “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”.
     The CONSTITUTION is not as Democrats for over a hundred years have worked interpretive perversions to common sense in originalism; the Peoples’ “Order” is not of “in order to” in a future tense to an executive has a loophole to dictate in a tyranny with any idea they personally think is “more perfect” for the Union.
     At just 75 years old the declaration at the General Assembly of the UNITED NATIONS is still wanting compared to the articulated structures of the ordered liberty in originalism – in the CONSTITUTION still standing of the USA.
     The party problems of House Democrats is now that parity for polity to comity can much only come about by discussing the mistakes made by Democrat Party elected leaders at least since 1992.
     Before the barring from Foreign Affairs duty is an issue of race or sex it is partisan needing litigating – OBJECTIVISM ON HISTORICAL DETAILS – as Representative Ilhan Omar too should responsibly demonstrate a working understanding, before speaking to HOUSE purse strings requests, of which problems in past decades were actually fundamentally and particularly caused by Democrats.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong…?
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton compromised near every executive decision with a nepotism priority to check and bias towards each of his decisions had to keep his promise to his spouse that he would help her get her own named presidency – if and after she helped him get own.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton 90s was of era of AMERICAN ABANDONMENT in Iraq and Afghanistan, while Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, had feminism crusading in Middle East that yet incited and precipitated what became the attacks of September 11, 2001.  And while times of issues of Muslims were simmering and so stoked by a moral bankruptcy of the politics of the Clintons the history is while issues grew past simmering the Clintons yet vastly unfunded DEFENSE and INTELLIGENCE agencies, and worked for a “wall of separation” (bureaucratic) between FBI INVESTIGATIONS and ENFORCEMENT divisions.
     WHEREAS:  John Kerry & John Murtha undermined the war plans of IRAQ WAR from near day one of boots on the ground in country in Iraq towards the Iraqi were given a palpable fear that AMERICANS would just CUT & RUN and leave them again, like in the 90s, at the mercy of tyrant Saddam Hussein.  President Bush plan may still have been inadequate and how the war was sold, but without the Iraq War Americans would generally have been trapped, in the minds of Muslims youths at least, as on the wrong side of the ARAB SPRING era.  Revolutions by Irani would, seems, not be against their own government as likely still Americans to have been seen to much as a common ENEMY, to Iran Leaders and citizens, though USA is a nation constituted for religious freedom for all.
     WHEREAS:  Hillary Clinton was also party to smearing the work of the first blacks to be a Secretary of State but indivisible more deplorable for such of selfish fraud by lies evidenced in nature of partisan ploys of what Democrats smeared once of the first black Secretaries was then otherwise effected as if original by Secretary Clinton and to posturing of it affected by her to be pure genius, like, though much stolen plays like how much Hillary Clinton copied Richard M. Nixon foreign policy.
     There are some closet SOCIALIST it seems in the 118th Congress while generally a new McCarthyism is not needed due near 100 DEMOCRATS have voted apparently to be admittedly SOCIALISTS.
     Where nations now imperial and of new nationalism with expansionist efforts we have violations of the INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
     As we ponder Taiwan mustn’t we conclude near to that if CCP - CHINA - were to lay siege to such nation the world should firstly discern and tag the Chinese as expansionist of imperialism that represents more than an existential threat to religious liberty the world wide?
     The constituted of these united states of the Americas stays originally true to that each is of rights from their Lord Creator, and is firstly under God before under any government, and structurally so of an ordered liberty respecting Judeo-Christian scriptures/establishments of religion, but in “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” for a republic of each of individual rights to be in DEMOCRACY of locally self-governing in RELIGIOSNESS.
     Americans are more protected as each a “child of God” then regularly discussed.
     The party problem of FOREIGN AFFAIRS for Representative Ilhan Omar is far more populated within her caucus as now evidence by those voted to be admitted SOCIALISTS, – and thus therefore anti-Constitution.
     This all cannot be whitewashed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. coyly claiming CAPITALISM CAN BENEFIT FROM COMPETITION to suggest SOCIALISM, while contrary to originalism, is postured as yet okay by being at least his “competition” to CAPITALISM.
     There are distinctions to be kept between “religious” and “religion” as per freedom!
     A “religious freedom” is usually firstly that of interacting and synthesizing with a community – amongst neighbors.  A traveler yet to being a stranger in a strange land more firstly is of “religion” “freedom” of to be welcomed in a presumption of innocence with a peaceable modal prioritized.
     Consider beyond how if Taiwan is seized China can be broad brushed as a global threat to religious freedom, and as the numbers are there near as many of Islam in the world as Chinese under the CCP, and too near as many Catholics in world also to feel more than existentially threatened.
     Irani demonstrators have current events, in an objectivism, raising conundrums of it seems China should be seen as a greater threat to Iran than Americans of religious liberty originalism, - of seems due Saddam Hussein did get prosecuted Americans can be seen as brethren for human dignity for all – to a much young population in such nation.
     Originalism is bolstered by Alexander Hamilton as “PUBLIUS” in #1 of “THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” by the constitution is said to be for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” to that SOCIALISM of today is much set as illegal/unconstitutional in the Peoples’ “Order” that secures each individual a status of rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws.
     The “BILL OF RIGHTS” is in a snarky grammar that really, as understood of snark, does greatly limit the powers to be allowed the federal government.  As Congress to make now law to change/respectacle of in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction near every issue in scripture is yet preserved to be for governance as democracy yet in the local and state powers closer to interactive communities.
     The CONSTITUTION is conceived and subscribed done as a Peoples’ “Order” that respects the people declared a revolution was just and legal, and as for “a free state” as a high moral standard to each of a human condition of LIBERTY in RELIGIUOS FREEDOM – are of rights from their Creator.
     There is no right in such for any to be prejudiced – prejudging any as not of the Kingdom of the Lord – while the moral standard to it un-Christian if bigoted – while the “LORD” is recognized as that same “LORD” at least of JEWS, CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS.
     Perhaps the party in the minority, the caucus of Representative Omar, is willing now to fully table for open discussions all the issues around how the CCP have cut up the 10 COMMANDMENTS for quotes of “Xi”?  And too the collateral reframing to now Chinese are a global minority measured against persons of faiths – all current and future religiously free persons?
      Jews, Christians, Islamic all, at least, respect these 10 of Lord’s Laws.
     Under United States constituted ordered liberty each yet is allowed to be even born again daily – of a tolerance and even forgiveness to change their status often.
     Antisemitism sets asunder this basic liberty – religious freedom at its core!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:49 am

The civility of the summer of 2018 needn’t be about beating up on women and blacks as election 2018 midterms should be more squared off on how Trump beats Bill Clinton.

As we try to move past these alarming betrayals by officers of the courts as Clinton libs of Justice and FBI brass the heart of our matters do toe in justly as much ado about an evil in Bill Clinton.

A crisis in our democracy extant is illustratable and graphically with a late but long due accounting of Bill Clinton as of actually bad and diabolical politics.

The beats are up - let us now drop this story - let our summer be viral for trued justice!

Correctly we can go deeper than cross and bitter at the revealed associated scandalous of Bill Clinton head to protégé Anthony Weiner and wing man and fixer Harvey Weinstein as such of today’s dropping but adds shade and coloring to how the Clintons so regularly crossed our lines.  The picture should be clear enough to convict Bill Clinton as quite diabolical and to therefore never quite the man he was sold and packaged as time and time again.

Let us not forget what President “Hollywood” Bill Clinton did to Baltimore!

For Justice, despite troubled Chicago of close accomplice in Mayor Rahm Emanuel, starting with a case study of Baltimore will deeply rap a fated to HELL, it seem still, for Bill Clinton and how he administered for real crime/true crime in such major city.

A moral conundrum persists in the souls stirring sad story as seems President Clinton was afraid of seeming “too good” a President (person generally) and to therefore was willing to sell out Baltimore for a Hollywood pal so to have a blockbuster hook-up for real crime and true crime homicide as wired and anchored television.

Oh YEH - you are starting to see a different Bill Clinton - a real Bill Clinton - and as to it self evident such trued Bill Clinton has a rap of corrupted ranks of Justice while promoting himself while afraid of being a leader “too good” a person.

This is the Bill Clinton I have sensed since of a bad first impression in the early 1970s while he and Hillary were just out walking in my neighborhood as coed cohorts of Yale Law School days.

These stories of criminal behaviors associated through many he promoted to be of his team, in domestic collusion at least, have much to answer for which they should not get immunity for as times call for them to also tell us of this real Bill Clinton.

The names Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok are hardly enough to fill out the rap sheets we yet should be dropping shade on today!

The sold Bill Clinton unexpected 1992 rise was ahead of schedule to the ambitions of Bill and Hillary and by so does expose their plots to now an easier prosecuting to at least clearly indicted as diabolical in the court of public opinion they voluntarily changed venue to by candidacies.

More simply:  The Clintons’ schemes, frauds, and cons have been slowed down enough from suffice of popular energy needed to keep their diabolical compromises cloaked.

Personally, of my bad first impressions dropped story, it is that I have known their engagement was cored around a collusion intimate to be together from Yale forward to become each of an own Presidency as firstly ambitious to like become the most powerful lawyers alumni of Yale.

How Bill Clinton sold out Baltimore as while afraid to seem “too good” yet for of “community policing” backed for those leaders locally effective proponents for New York City and New Haven, Connecticut, plus, is almost as revealing as how they tried as they were leaving the White House to get big banks and banker pals to fork out near a million a year for sought near penthouse suites for his “foundation” in another tower on 57th Street - Not Trump Tower but that above the Russian Tea Room of as Carnegie Hall Tower.

Despite ethics - Senate ethics - for Senator Hillary Clinton as the due concern for peoples of New York protection from banks Bill Clinton after failed to get G.A.O. okay to hook taxpayers did, as I recall, pressure banking pals to pay such rent as like thanks for all the money he made them by forcing/pushing them into derivates gambling as only way to deal with his irresponsible economics of diabolical politics of having his surpluses by cutting 2 Trillion dollars at the same time pimping hyper consumerism and tricking peoples to committing to risky mortgages and to spending more than they had and ability to afford.

A devilish Bill is the true Clinton - the real Bill Clinton!

Though Weiner, Weinstein and other loyalists provide shade and color to how they crossed the lines we have midterms ahead at much of the work of cleaning out the ranks of “officers” of our courts who partied to and with these moral compromises as the political partisan standard operating procedures of the kept cloaked said “good” Bill Clinton.

The President who became saved by Harlem after all this - after failed to hook the taxpayers, thanks to the G.A.O., and failed to further bend the banks to his diabolical power scheming is so illustratable as a devilish character, likely fated to HELLISH for eternity, with how he was willing to use his power as President with Justice and walls of separation, at least, at the Bureau - The Federal Bureau of Investigation - to let Hollywood television pals profit grossly off a willingness to deprive Baltimore the revolutions in policing and community improvements he otherwise inherited good will with for of at least New York City and New Haven, Connecticut. 

Bill Clinton’s worst is of stories to drop of how his avoidance and inaction can be tagged as quite criminal while severely morally compromised!

Sadly the foreign aspects of so much that went bad does too relate for there is a commonality to Bill Clinton likewise a common denominator by storying how principally he chose avoidance and inaction instead of moral leadership particularly as around Saddam Hussein and simmering unrest known of Al Qaeda.

It is of the diabolical - the devilish - of Bill Clinton that historians and students must consider and try to fathom the reason chain as regards.  Globally President Clinton was more as was compromised for pals to profit off selling Baltimore as of true crime than he was as loyal and of integrity with the bravery for community policing revolution.

Notable for Posterity is a common denominator of for studious to affirm that Bill Clinton policies towards Iraq showed he was not an intelligent believer in “community policing” and allowed his fattened ranks t cloak and bury leads and stories from dropping on the commonality to so much that went south as of his diabolical deplorable moral compromises is as is/was evident of that the mistakes he made showed that he was never a believer in the “community policing” where even it was allowed.

Bill Clinton did not act alone!  What did they know?  When did they know it?

The path to indictments by old adage of “follow the money” convicts this time around more as to criminal by studies and affirmation to that he - Bill Clinton - is crooked by where didn’t let money go and actively worked to stop money from going.

Such a deplorable and diabolical President we had never had before and pray never get near to having again.  There are women and blacks beaten likewise (Mrs. Clinton & Barack Obama, at least) and due also to be accepted and notable as fallen.  Bill Clinton is still though their king - the king pin we need drop truth & light upon.

So true, for starters, is the rap that “Harlem saved President Bill Clinton!” for if not for the Harlem zip code as the Clinton Foundation ‘hood awful stories would have been regular news of a horrible leader ensconced in offices high up in a tower on 57th Street in NYC.  Only because Bill Clinton was dragged almost in tears to having to call Harlem home is it that the Clintons have even survived to now! - remember he asked bankers to pay his downtown near penthouse suite rent as thanks for his forced/pushed them into derivates - the huge (#YUGE) profits gross before the fall - the crash - the crashes - the economics that prevented a recovery due too much consumer confidence lost.

  *     *     WHERE WERE WOODWARD & BERNSTEIN?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:14 am

This summer of 2018 of EAST meets WEST fanaticism is cored to Christian values faced off to YING and YANG.

As pacified the old “ON THE BEACH” alarmist literature reduces currently yet to islands postured “CHINESE.”  Though war now is less likely and peace mashable warring may still be necessary navally.

Titular heads of states new parity abides Washington’s usage of “among the vicissitudes incident to life” concurrently.  Though cored in primary “Order” our documented constituting freedoms as from our CREATOR beget comity with EAST as the balance of GOOD & EVIL isn’t always LIFE & DEATH for where there is RIGHT a balancing WRONG can be ten people J-walked and two others “Litter Bugs.”

Americans have polity with the pledged of allegiance to the flag as for the republic for equal justice of innocent until proven guilty.

What is of the soul of a NORTH meets SOUTH - an above the belt and an of below the belt diplomatically pares to universal of the pledged by ways to copacetic so illustratable by discourse to that SHARIAH - Sharia Law - must be unconstitutional in these united states of the Americas due the pledged allegiance is to due process and civil procedures anchored of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Likewise the laws of originalism as compassionate originalism are by plain meaning particularly simply read to that founders’ work was NOT in blasphemy and so NONE is of a separation - a separation right from supposed to care for all of CREATOR’S creatures and created stuff.

Likewise the established compassion synchronizes to a healthcare as a right is settled by founding as ordained and ratified as done by consideration of healthcare seems an oldest of the establishments of religions.

Therefore likewise the Federal government is to make no laws respecting - to change from spectacle of faiths gestalt and Lord’s Laws as caring for souls and vicissitudes remains the purview of like that of what belongs to our Lord - of “in the eyes of our Lord” the jurisdiction proper.

An equitable resolved to parry the NORTH to the SOUTH of Seoul tables for diplomacy, however, around Washington’s inaugural wisdom of evoked hearts and minds with his opening of our nation as akin on the beach normity by commenced whence as with his “among the vicissitudes incident to life.”

A mashable “ONE KOREA” likewise is less complicated of LIGHT & DARK as again a balancing to JOY and HOPE can be pedestrian and global yet as of too many J-walked and littered.

Let us not over complicate world peace by devalue CHINA of claiming islands can be a real precursor to real war though may be more peaceable by facility to more CHINESE less homogeneous and on the beach COSMOPOLITAN.

President Donald Trump business experience as an operator of destinations suits him well of this “on the beach” and “world peace” analogous.  Other operators too may fathom a reason chain of a new CHINA - too can be of awakening through at home diversification by creating and building out/up new safe spaces for metrosexual communities up from nothing to international - as to like it may be easier than like remaking historical CHINA through forced busing.

The scope and joy and potential for hope is universally better secured with originalism plain meaning kept to our separation of church and state I vertically moral and internationally acceptable by that the FIRST AMENDMENT reinforces the body of the peoples’ “Order” as a fixed done “more perfect Union” by that the federal government is set as also under universal morality - also under religiousness as firstly tools and disciplines of self-governance - also so therefore UNDER our Lord as subscribed and ratified.

The presumption of innocence works to this current on the beach to natural reflexology is fastest and truer by peoples firstly in self governance at least by international morals for vicissitudes - lows and peaked.

The break through for NORTH and SOUTH to “ONE KOREA” souls anew may be much due Trump as a president with experience in keeping a peace but too may be of in the breadth of broader scope too as of discovering originalism and tat by the pledge of allegiance Muslims render SHARIAH as inappropriate in these states of bounty by that sworn is to due process and civil procedures of government is established NOT to replace our LORD but to buffer communities for when Lord’s Laws some to much set asunder.

Likewise it is an important figure to mash and measurably fathom that compassion is in our founding by the healthcare as a right didn’t need recent winds and torrents of disruption for as an oldest of the establishments of religion it is fixed as set by real federalism to that healthcare as of religiousness is prudent of morals and laws for keeping a peace among souls is NOT a federal power but of the common sense for self-governance of as an oldest establishment of religions it is too also best primarily secured to left to good economics as by resolved set of principally about neighbors caring for neighbors in own ‘hood - neighborhoods.

However now politically postured for peace of on the beach with tides of JOY our work of HOPE our cores of areas remain as for inaugural of vicissitudes of preparedness for what is of (in PUBLIC & CYBER) of above the belt and below the belt.

Our nation was founded in prophylactic humor generally by retired General George Washington as “repaired from retired” to now a first President of the former colonies to yet a more stately concern over vicissitudes (UPS & DOWNS) and pertinent “impregnable fortitude” as like a Martha & His personal directive/joke for comity with comedic reference to real concerns of a budding nation to prescribed preset by orated “FIRST INAUGURAL” as coyly suggestive to prudence in ‘WASHING’ AND ‘REUSING’ skins/condoms of their times, - an also of the “repaired from retired” leadership of change in status to FIRST PRESIDENT from retired and to from His and Martha’s concern of begetting too many children in retirement.


Of what I spin with these lines a hook remains compassionate if stay within originalism of the constituted peoples’ “Order” that formed our confederate republic.

As a POET PUNDIT on the beach this summer of two thousand ten and Eight I will travel in time whence I fish and row about for decades ago I found the other side of Washington’s Potomac as a fisherman recreationally new to the capital city area as a new resident of Washington DC near Eastern Market at 133 7th Street SE & Independence Ave.

Though my father and son story is of my fishing from my grandfather’s passion I did overcome childish regret when family vacation introduced us to Mount Vernon.

Yes it is TRUMPISH of his business experiences as an operator of destinations yet historically my story overlays and even with of Washington metaphor in comedy carries of “Mount Vernon” equates of ”vicissitudes” to parry for comity from polity to parity of lightened from “mounting” of “green” souls vigilance.

R.I.P. Charles Krauthammer!  Our orbits have shared space time relativity even of though as a child I couldn’t get family on vacation to “explore” across the Potomac River from FIRST PRESIDENT’S home.  Yes decades ago now I did in my early 30s take up day trips from DC for catfishing in Maryland just there abouts specifically across from Mount Vernon in Virginia.

However you, my readers, to “I RAN” and “I ROCK” yourselves this summer, where ever, PLEASE do keep your pledge!

We have a prudence with Einstein too of relativity with E=MCsquared as Albert spirited a common sense too of vicissitudes incident as really as a fist may travel and impact is it the mass of the fist at constant of speeds or is it just the energy of the fist to be vigilant as regards?  It is simply relative that a body of a fist at impact is of it equal whether it is the energy or the mass at speed.

      *       *       *       ALL SOULS SUMMER?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

Can it be as easy as to prescribe “just change the music!”?

Throughout our countdown to the judgement by the midterms our generational modern conflicts are sure to percolate, and spill over our attempts to comity.  We will surely be introduced to a new polity of partisan politics sketched/drafted by like of zones of ignorance.

As we settle in and brace for the looming battles to a common truth it may be ignorance that falls before souls.  Our partisan divides are to get resolved to repaired to bipartisanship with our work to find, from the partisan political lies, a workable communicable common truth.

Those faith leaders of these united states of the Americas are our go to shepherds drilled to stand up sanctuaries in “the truth shall set you free!”.  It is our/their work we are liberated by - not liberated from - as where peoples stop doing the work of being a moral people no government is affordable.  We have our constituted by our old Peoples’ “Order” in that freedom is a concept of religions of religiousness is firstly tools of self governance - self governing.

We must locate and identify those zones of ignorance and bring masses back to a general common truth so that our originalism of morals is still our primary and general preserved of self-governance.

The perversions, however selfish and firstly self-serving, of the Clintons now can hardly escape a judgement day as their old trump of postured lies of “post-Constitution” now must be of our next generation reared to the understanding of so much of all of such decades of stuff is categorically - to simple stupid - of tag just as “textbook treason.”

Capitalism has defeated the Socialism of Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s vast failures are of she repeated mistakes of Clintons’ of 1993 to 2001 and with Obama’s team only offered American perversions to Socialism while such methods were those of recent years un-American and globally those most rebelled against.

Our Constitution by the Peoples’ “Order” is perverted from a general “innocent until proven guilty.  Our enduring constitution endears as counter to Powers to lawyers in love to laws perverted for graft and emoluments abuse racket schemes as to empower to intimidate with a “presumed guilty” their gestalt - their S.O.P..

The nails in the case to closure of Clintons’ perversions to such un-American self-serving political control are in the public consumption of Robert Galbraith as such of “Strike” is fiction on truths of a modern day Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” ‘on strike’ as worked, and as to in reality - of seekers for common truth - being a historical experience paradigm of such fact does best explain how “Hillary for President” went from thought too powerful and the “inevitable” to defeated twice - two times by the same strike against corruption.

Alexander Hamilton is still great - to best - go to former of agency to our Union as constituted of compassionate originalism of freedom as a concept of religion, and of none therefore can be free “from” religion - as religiousness is firstly self-governance and none is of a separation right from expected to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff.  Hamilton as Publius to counter Governor Clinton’s imperial empire state postured did explain our Constitution in “The Federalist Papers” essay #1 of against ‘Socialism’  and to Federal entitlements to be unconstitutional by that morals are to be the kept voluntary work of free people as caveat “for inducements of philanthropy” with “preservation… of property” anchor the Federalists’ intellectual and genuine opposition to such Clinton - as was earlier the music/beat of revolutionary opposition to British General Clinton.

Alexander Hamilton must not be dismissed as steadfast and articulated against present day Clintons too.  By how our Peoples’ “Order” constitutes our scope of the republic of these united states of the Americas the liberal Left’s ploys to pass small regulations to trump how originalism is compassionate must be recognized as laws not laws for do not trump the Constituted by ratified and/or amended.  We have currently that we need to also articulate a particular likewise common opposition to old Clinton foes and recent perversions premeditated postures to set asunder the Constitution - the essential protections from tyranny, especially, of justice (innocence) as for sale by elite “lawyers”.

The comity of republic is secured by the polity of parity so that now our faith leaders are those expected to shoulder and carry forth the pressing need to find a common truth for bipartisanship restoration from the dissection of partisan lies to now our extant is more a house of cards of two ”histories” - rival historical tales - worked premeditatively to the Constitution some to much to set asunder by the Clintons’ machinations perversions, and too by the seeming naivete of President Barack Obama of seemingly proceeded for his “personality based Presidency” in his arrogance and mistaken postured of with his good looks and modern technology the past failures of Socialism (Communism?) could be transcended/overcome to yet now a victoriousness from his likeness.

Again we may need now just change the music back to such as sung and martialed against each adherence to how constituted actually.

We smith still “Adams” and “Eves” best with originalism of our first self-interests are in community in voluntary morals - of living the American Dream realism from natural law to of the wealth of nations is best from seeing and living first and second liberating self-interests are to choose safety in numbers, and then to be moral in network.

We, barely now, survived to endure as constituted for self governance of religiousness primarily is of for self governing in voluntary morality.

We must endear to endure of Peoples’ songs of innocence - innocent until proven guilty.

Though Alexander Hamilton Federalist essay #1 joined with the Emoluments Clause Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 does establish that entitlements cannot be nationally constituted by grammar and particular emphasis leave if none are to be ”titled” none then are to be entitled.

The music of originalism preserves to jams to as our best panacea.  Now though we may have to en masse change our music from become popular to be presumed guilty!  

Our work forward now should be of us liberated to repaired to the American Dream and cognizant that our founding fathers’ public oppositions to Clintons of their days are now sadly current and again necessarily of establishments ordained done in that Year of our Lord as our burdens present to again constitute our Union as not in blasphemy - nor an absence for forgiveness secured with “equal justice” for all of “innocent until proven guilty.”

By Hamilton erudite proffered, to mass appeal, we have that to be taxed for “Socialism” or redistribution is not the work of our Federal government by, again, none are to be entitled, and the Constitution is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property.”

Simply these Clintons and Barack Obama, however treasonous, are less showy as against originalism than now exposed as seeming ignorant of the actual plain meaning, - and consistent grammar imported.

To tax for redistribution then and now amounts to contrary - to it of us more of a “presumed guilty” upon haves.

A simple query of voluntary morality remains as if one has a short game - can go day or week not due public shaming.

Alexander Hamilton in our day deserves more credit than Democrats heralding yet amassed newly.

        *     *     *      RIGHT!  MY STRIKE!     *     *     *      

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:04 am

Your summer starts with the most important midterms still ahead.

Will your education amass or amount to success to earned statuesque recognition? Perchance a park?

Is our way forward bound too fated by errant and wrongful of our leaders, present, and past?

Shall we just tag it all TREASON and be done with it?

For all the reading and recreation ahead for our summer hours such would be perilous and elementary - too simple - dangerously simple.

To excel forward perhaps these days of summer call us to comparative studies to be best formed and steeled to have our midterms attest of mettle tested?

Whom shall be toppled? And, whom newly deserves to be honored - memorialized?

We can hope that generations are now getting along these years after Green Agenda Green Minimalism of needed $4 gasoline pricing, and its political heavy handed, trapped/forced grandparents to move in with children, and their grandchildren to move back in with dad and mom.

Let us progress by making it teachable by making Connecticut an example to bar erection or topple that which has been set to memorialize Clintons or Obamas with bronze honors.

For now we can pass on beating a Bush as currently it is becoming far better known of how long attacked Bush name was of undue and for unearned beatings.

With very important midterms ahead let us Cliff Notes the core issues now as we progress an attempt to become responsibly informed to the GOOD vs. EVIL and the RIGHT vs LEFT towards whom deserves a bronze them.

It is of TREASON we must become quite learned of and as how trapping such crimes are set to be to many top Democrat operators for categorize as simply of textbook TREASON.

The old favoring of the LEFT wrongfulness cannot now be long still enduring as endearing slippeth more and more as greater amassed s the understanding that their “proffered” interpretation of the Constitution is established as blatantly erroneous and simply of clear misreading of the original and lawful plain meaning - intent of the Peoples’ “Order.”

Generations of moralists, while some liberated and repaired to the American Dream, will long work over how immoral it was how economies were set asunder for the Green Minimalism for the Green Agenda and how such leadership was illegal to treasonous.  American generations are behooved to garner how wrong LEFTISTS (with Saul Alinski?) been in their premeditated collaborations to set asunder the Constitution of our republic in ways in excess to how they’ve been found to have failed to comprehend the ratified original plain language.

The LEFTISTS, however now set to honored by schools in their name or public bronzes, do now suffer a real jeopardy due ignorance of the Constitution plain meaning is not a defense to even their accidental but incidental treasonous colluded.

Cliff Notes simple:

In the prior year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven on that seventeenth of September they did subscribe as “done” the Peoples’ “Order” by signed as to did “ordain and establish” the Constitution as the Peoples’ “Order” (noun) that did form our “more perfect Union” to it therefore cannot rightly be claimed to be the LEFTISTS’ “living document” as just a yuge loophole for mob rule of anything goes if just do claim it and it “more perfect.”

The actual Constitution is still the Law of our lands and to that so much by LEFTISTS was at least accidental TREASON in ignorance - but yet of a contempt for originalism of yet a basis also in ignorance of beauty of originalism as compassionate originalism fixed by “more perfect Union” by set to government also under our Lord’s Laws and not above their peers - the citizens.

Connecticut, ironically, is “The Constitution State” while yet a state that most failed and suffered under Democratic rule of such likewise LEFTISTS.

Connecticut, economically, can be said to have met such an unnecessary tough phase by being colluding to cottoned to the treasonous of the Clintons while such of frauds of took credit to honors for so much they didn’t inspire or make.

Connecticut failures under recent Democratic Party adherence and partisan collusion happened with President Obama due he too didn’t/wouldn’t tackle the Clintons’ misrepresentations for undeserved honor to known for it of economic science dynamic that such doesn’t work the ways Clintons long postured of claimed as if so many successes were made by them.

Connecticut was stuck under President Obama due Governor Malloy (and Obama Jobs Czar Jeffrey Immelt of GE) couldn’t proceed honestly for had to continue the cover-ups for the Clintons to protect many in leadership from criminal exposure in admitting dishonorable divisive partisan chicanery and treachery if offered truth.

As midterms our mile marker to be for an accounting we should brace and inform ourselves with the lessons of Connecticut’s failures as poignant and fresh.  There could be no music - singing together - these years - for unity to economic growth - due the legend and key for progress music actually had far from the true nature and smaller truths of the Clintons as its melodious harmonious; there could be little music with Governor Malloy due he went with discordance by lying with the Clintons, and, towards running betrayal of a Connecticut native whom Clintons an associated were long persisting in stealing from - in misappropriation of the core key vibe’s who of the essence of the how of how 90s economics arose as synthesized and choreographed.

Generations of moralists have, as our midterms loom, time enough to learn of and from the failures of Connecticut as a story of couldn’t due couldn’t do honestly - with honor?

Cliff Notes simple:

President Donald Trump may soon deserve to be memorialized and publicly honored in bronze statue(s) and for righting our songs from broached treasonous old coursing and yet firstly of tests of November are to be of post “post-Constitution” and post “I will not feel beholden to the oath I just swore” (paraphrased) eye openers and to votes that must be forward mature of accepting it is established and proven ordained that the LEFTISTS’ “interpretations” are not lawful but as per scripts of TREASON.

Generations are called upon while being still liberated and repaired to the American Dream to take all the time necessary to discuss and fully digest that any schools I their names or public bronzes in their likeness should be prohibited from our public spaces.

Remember Connecticut!

Remember though Hillary Clinton lost Governor Malloy was still stuck with President Obama  of trying to sing lies of the Clintons!!!

Cliff Notes simple:

*  Jeffrey Immelt was a Connecticut CEO while failed nation as a Jobs Czar!  Go figure an air conditioner company head missed global warming supply and demand calling!

*  I know of what I satire as long the Clintons got on by particularly stealing a lot from me, - only got by like in 90s when of slipping by becometh too their old selves and deployed coy ploy “we need to get back to the center!” as chicanery to needed to steal a solution and synthesized balance from me again.

*  So: Also: Yet no bronzes for Democrats?  - nor silver! - nor gold! 

                               *      *      *      *      *                 


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

You too can play this game!

This is not the old game of “how about a game of TIC-TAC-TOE?”.

The proliferation of Kim Jong Un, nuclear, is a complicated American morality mashable.  It seems Iran and North Korea weaponization of rockets manned to based to be post “GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR” madness evolved from to armaments to for waging IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE.

As America is an IDEA each citizen should now step up a joined to a letter writing campaign.  Each of us is needed to pen letters to North Korea to be bulk carried by President Donald J. Trump to his summit for “ONE KOREA” ice breaking.  As POTUS is “Trumpet Boy” the SWAMP of these united states of the Americas must be heard over.

The new IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE paradigm being brought to a head for “ONE KOREA” summit variant is now after the FIRST STRIKE, & SECOND STRIKE, and to if an EVIL TWIN BROTHER “KIM JONG OH YEH” to seek to target university towns across America over military or government establishments.

Kim Jong Un’s evil twin brother “Kim Jong Oh Yeh” is as much the relevant core issue as in Middle East and particularly accelerated basic concurrent of Iran.

Great Americans now is the time for at least a major lettering writing campaign due Donald J. Trump mission is that Americans are generally good people and it is the humble greatness of Americans that is our individual best defense to Kim Jong Un too as if “Kim Jong Oh Yeh!”.

Consider the SWAMP of fogs of partisan sniping bogging down a global and local means to rationalize our ecosystems from slipped to divisive paradigm dominant.

Donald J. Trump, negotiator, has before him the ignorance of the “SWAMP” collating HOPE to two distinct boxes.

Donald J. Trump, manager, can use expressive masses of individual voices to pen letters to explain why they do not deserve to be targeted even if of a university town.

Donald J. Trump, Republican, has much progress arrested and his hands strapped from breaking partisan divide due Democrats won’t yet even step up to basic simple first step to outta the box potential from teeing up fair play by offering in an also humble set a list of at least 10 things 5 top Democrats leaders have each made since January 1993.

Republicans are not hiding from progress to a restoration of BIPARTISAN colluding for the People by shying away from listing and discussing what mistakes Republicans may have made, while - yes - essentially Democrats still won’t list or open discussion even on just what mistakes William J. Clinton may have made in 1993.

Imagine you are to be standing waist deep in “ONE KOREA” summit without loads and loads o mailbags filled with letters asking Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader, not to target them individually, - even if of in a university town of too much diversity of now a legacy of failed to martial DPRK type SOCIALISM to Washington, DC broadly.

Imagine North Korea Supreme Leader is true to his words to that he is not a one to want to bomb free people back to the stone ages.

The Supreme Leader of the DPRK now has us imagining a “ONE KOREA” breakthrough but by how “Un” knows “Un” so may yet be from that so far “Un” of experience learned from a proving North Korea could be nuclear aggressor  and not as yet from R&D safe spaces to trigger state that could surface an EVIL twin brother dynamic of “Kim Jong Oh Yeh” buttons pounder.

Now is the time to table BIPARTISANSHIP as it is elementarily common to parry commencement post seating arrangement and the shape of the table of to a common proffered honor in humility of now the Democrats to first offer and opening list to discuss to heal partisan divide by offering now second step as to be open to dissecting what mistakes William J. Clinton did and may have tragically made at least of 1993 to 2001.

We must gradually open minds for BIPARTISANSHIP back for an America GREAT AGAIN by once again likewise as a “ONE AMERICA!”.

We must not rush from gradually opening mind to resolved from blind partisans - of a modern dark ages - to too soon breaking down that DPRK to “ONE KOREA” could have happened near 9 years ago but couldn’t because Barack H. Obama, President, wouldn’t heed foreign leaders of Socialist countries entreaties to be less SOCIALIST and to from rubbing their progress to FREE MARKETS more akin CAPITALISM raw.

If Democrats won’t cease & desist from being faux AVENGERS and shift from first order OBSTRUCTIONISM all progress for also “ONE KOREA” may be DOOMED!

If Democrats do not offer a fundamental shift to open to parity to fair polity comity can not be seeded even to meditations for BIPARTISANSHIP!

If Democrats now resist a shift from first order OBSTRUCTIONISM and refuse to offer service to our tables for DIPLOMACY - domestic DIPLOMACY and foreign too - our resistance alone to also displaced!

The shift from “GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR” to “TIC-TAC-TOE” to now attitudes for NUCLEAR exercised as of IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE justified is firstly concerning due such shirts FIRST STIKE, SECOND STRIKE, THIRD STRIKE, equations to algorithms of university towns more natural targets than military or government establishments forward?

Letter writing campaign may now be our best defense.

Meditations for BIPARTISANSHIP persist thwarted from suffice by too of a “MEXICAN STAND-OFF” between the 100% INNOCENT William J. Clinton and the Democrats’ REAL William J. Clinton.

We seem able to take North Korea Supreme Leader at his word that he has learned from developing his NUCLEAR potential, so far, that his “HE” is of not to be EVIL like twin brother a “Kim Jong Oh Yeh!”.

President Donald J. Trump, of the humble great People of these united states of the Americas, while partisan divide to healing remains thwarted, now may need at least the spirit amassed and bundled voices of “GREAT AMERICANS” of individuals to proofing his belief in normal Peoples by free and open exercised rights to ask the honorable Kim Jong Un to not target them and with explanations to why targeting normal Americans so would not be just?

This THIRD STRIKE conundrum is not only of what could have yet also happened/progressed since 2009 if otherwise tabulated!

Do, PLEASE, help NUCLEAR Kim Jong Un understand why each of you should NOT deserve being of his “THIRD STRIKE” algorithms - even if of a university town too diverse to muddled blandness and if such of institutions failed to martial SOCIALISM arts endured.

Otherwise:  The strikes against Hillary Rodham Clinton are justified - are just to discuss & dissect!!!

Had Hillary R. Clinton won we would have no where to press off to due to guilty by association and called to DEFEND HER HONOR even as leaks and truths discovered of lacked/lacks HONOR!!!  [There is something to the size of a cover-up suggest he size of crimes, and likewise Democrats can’t yet even admit were 1% errant/bad!!!]

A parity for polity - fair play - got game - forward depends on comity by effecting a playing out of teeing up now also all the strikes against Democrats and to assisting negotiations for unity by actually offering service to statistics to summed up now on what were at least 10 mistakes by William J. Clinton, Albert A.Gore, Speaker Nancy P. D’A. Pelosi, First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State/First Mate of Clinton Foundation Hillary R. Clinton each!!!

             *       *       *       BABY STEPS?       *        *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:53 pm

Whom are our real enemies?

Internal domestic dynamics can now finally be fodder for our individualistic digestion - again of free expression.

Aren’t New York Presbyterian “crackers” now accepted universally as safer than Gorish addicted nicotines? And, shiek may be Catholic sensibilities for the olfactory essence more than chic to vape or regress to toke gorish smokeables?

To bind to hemp forward is considerable to even woven/spun patriotic - historically accurate. To lash to the mast, captains, to avoid Sirens’ calls wafted to set you to stuck on the rocks may be most prudent lashing. To be incensed to meditative on the worldly is to set one’s course from firstly Gorish.

A first postulate a fair historical political premise is that 9/11 hindsight is sans “intelligent” if skips the old adage “follow the money” and from to wrought wreckage from pathology of Clintons’ as was to stem the flow - obviously shut off the spigot of necessary funding especially of defense & intelligence.

Clintons’ miserly for surplus short-term “popularity” “political capital” led directly to latterly more than protestant vast yuge gorish worked outcomes.

Where there was a will there their’s was a selfish way premeditated (even Manchurian) calculated causal as set cast for a HIS’ and a HER’S by role playing “DOVE” for “HIS” to set up differential as to gorish “HAWKISH” “HAWK” HER’S.

Gorish followed!!!

Al Gore reposed to silent inaction all the while those now the greatest crimes against our confederate republic weren’t arrested by a non-co-conspirator - a Vice President but a lacky - from Gorish by VP Gore yet of his duty sworn by his oaths.

To stimulate your disciplines by regular New York Presbyterian “cookies” (”crackers”?) or more worldly incensed of your olfactory is the indivisible of our Union as free under “our Lord” before subjects of our government. - To swear oaths - as particularly sworn hand on scriptures edition - is to subject servitude to the righteous - universal truths?

Follow the money!!!

That since Yale coeds “Bill” and “Hillary” found polity around a greased watermelon is of the white pride as his new “legal” racism - intimated consecrated co-opted.

Oy! If I were Jewish and knew of their there for at the money and not as I am of yet knowing such as a since a young Catholic school boy (Public schools of New Haven) as encountered whence and to becometh forward in the loop as informed by them as if a naïve yet asked of “let’s ask the charming boy from the school yard” (talisman?). Oy, I know what I satire due more than that “Bill and Hillary” “checked-in through the years quite informative - of intent.


Much yuge Gorish was begot by that lacky Vice President Al Gore while sworn of oaths, shirked his oaths.

Like Samuel Jackson, post a conclave of sorts with nuns towards the Amsterdam ferry, digress in “THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD” we have the gorish conundrum diabolical of like:


Right!  Al Gore had due process a suffice of procedures to exercise to arrest the coy ploy chicanery of the unconstitutional “Bill and Hillary” so he seems more diabolical to infinity for secured protection despite his sworn oaths to People.

Tis a good day to be erudite upon a plethora of the substandard diabolical specific alliance Gore of the old tobacco South kept close with Southern William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and his intimate of the white pride evidenced with elementary “follow the money” journalism - even now still.

We can readily dispense with the coy ploy chicanery of “Bill and Hillary” as certainly of high crimes and misdemeanors but to arrest the Gorish and explain the Peace breaking out we have to brace ourselves for rougher rivers and dissecting the complicitry of Vice President to the Clintons Al Gore due the pathology of white pride tokes signal strength wafts - the very outputs of Gore family plantation lifestyle as to Power and Pride by knowingly addicting masses and masses to addictive qualities and dependence on the marketed fix/fixes.

A metaphor we have of that Green Agenda was facilitated it seems with old Tobacco standard operating procedures to create addictions - to amass addicted to a branded profitable fix incorporated.

To arrest and indict on Clintons’ coy ploy chicanery is simple stuff for prosecutors and engaged citizens of follow the shut-offs of monies to as high crimes and misdemeanors long regularly confessed to with each utterance of “post-Constitution” by “Bill” and/or “Hillary” - by Clintons.

To rap (wrap) them a reasonable judge must just assert that there is a simple truth that the Constitution is still the law of the land, and, that we as a People did not have our republic yet devolve its federalism to their (the Clintons’) extra-Constitution new Powers as yet but premeditated confessed to treason - treachery to set asunder the Peoples’ Order.

And so it is the Gorish from that Vice President Al Gore, lacky, shirked his oaths we have to figure a what can be worse than treason for such whom arguably is more diabolical by protected them in lieu of duty to People.

A great sin upon us the People of these united states of the Americas and conscious free souls beyond is that it was also conduct unbecoming a former Vice President with how Gore exercised authoritarian tyranny to like modern new fascism redefined to as “a movement of the Left…” by how alarmism “Global Warming” stratagems were akin old Southern plantation Pride of “business” to blindly addict masses to Gore family industry by nicotine dependence.

“Climate Change” to Donald J. Trump, Sr. seems need be like opioid crisis on setting peoples towards at least twelve steps programs to see was addicted to new Gore “fixes” and to forward beat how was so addicted to that sold yet at best half measures, and purposefully dictated by “authority” despite numerous other solutions were otherwise actually available and as for better policies with better ingenuity.

Such Vice President may go down in history as a most vile and diabolical  role-player politician who didn’t heed the sirens and unleashed masses of Gorish at least by complicitry to Clintons as devoid oath, - as thought to “follow the money.”

No “intelligence” still can now come outta of the top of the Central Intelligence Agency post 9/11 if sans hindsight figured of that there is a direct causal link to that Clintons cut a lot - cut too much - cut too much too quickly, and, diabolically as for self serving role-playing as needed to cast “Bill” as “DOVE” for a differentiation for “Hillary” thought necessary to be “President Hillary” - to become President by ignoring HAWKISH until “Hillary” could play the “HAWK”!

It lacks parity to prejudge President Barack H. Obama for like “smoked” too much with “Communists” Leftists of his “Higher Education” learning ecosystems all the while yuge vastly more diabolical gorish can be traced to that of Vice President Al Gore was complicit with the horrible outcomes that progressed causal by “the money” as self-evident (nearly) when any looks at how much spending the Clintons cut-off and how dastardly such cuts seem to fit their self-serving (script?) to that t have “President Hillary R. Clinton” “Bill” had to over-play “DOVE” and leave (to too late) HAWKISH for Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

     *       *       *       FAILED FIX? FIXES?       *       *       *



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:24 am

Hillary Clinton has done it - Hillary has so broken the Faberge egg there is now nothing beautiful left in Russian made?

As spring turns to summer in these associated united states of the Americas we may be passed the primacy of “women and children first.”  The price of her lies is the unsettled - the set asunder.

Between God and HR there is a commutable factoid of she, Mrs. Clinton, insisted on a subordinate roll on President Clinton’s staff.

What now is not a consumable aspect of American history of a negative story is of HR a “star” a “leading lady” yet as the revealed core a responsible antagonist?

Fertile fields for republic lay to juxtapose the HR - Hillary Rodham - (accidental?) gross destructive - even as while subordinate staff to WJC she can be tag’d an intimate to primal to how much her man’s reign set asunder/ruined.

While “candidate Hillary” HR closeted her regular near uniform fashion that, quite to fashionistas, is appropriately label’d “Mao Chic” before “pants suit.”

What that HR set asunder is not now of short enough political half life to be restored/regrown from in relatively concurrent space-time?

We progress now of our fate is turned from coy ploy chicanery of Liberals synonymous to “textbook treason” and to now less under their perverted to for government of laws turned to government by men to of then “movement” passions of “Republican Movement.”

The Democrats too with HR’s constitutional perversions did bring these united states of the Americas nearest to the brink of nuclear war than Fidel Castro and John Kennedy managed.

May we now keep happy gardens - each to their desire and time - to reflect we survived a worst generation rabble rebels of 60’s & 70’s becometh the experienced/witnessed leaders - the destructive and core malcontents.

As Donald Trump, President, and Mike Pence, Vice President, further the massive undertaken to turn us back from such brink gardens and manicured golf courses can be appreciated hallmarks of republic’s constitutional values proofed of deep enough roots.

Yes!  HR - “Hillary Rodham” prime - can be said to have been key and behind a great deal of the unsettled and set ruined, - and while as a woman coldly ambitious of enabled by offices.

Yes, HR’s personal old fashion was foretelling - but yet while “pants suits” was too overlooked as styled fashion firstly of Mao - “Mao Chic” postured.

As our republic recovers with Trump/Pence firstly movement figures leaders liberating citizens from over 25 years of coerced and manipulated to more existentially merely suppressed to just “subjects” we yet only recently walk a majority sufficiently enlightened cursorily to streaming threads real news of that HR - as declared “rival” - did much PUNK the first black President elected by republic.

If you are now in your rights a citizen and you know you are a citizen it becometh for Posterity that you join yourself to the from turned “subject” fully back to your home is your castle and our work is of reconstituting our gardens (as of #USC198 Emoluments Clause of “none shall be titled”).

As Thomas Jefferson opined - in continuity with his sworn upon the alter of our Lord his eternal hostility to all tyranny over the minds of men - we have HR and her associated partisan long of the intended perversions to our constituted Peoples’ “Order” to have that a “constitutional revolution” ”may be needed every 20 years” still of that - to founding - of that any those self serving too towards such behoove conscious any failure at such (anarchy?) is - to Jefferson too - still of textbook treason theoretically, and legally.

First Lady Barbara Bush has died - Mrs. Clinton is no Barbara Bush.

First Lady Barbara Bush has died - her #2 Jeb Bush took up the cause of defeating this HR - the Bushes might have rightly justly excommunicated this HR - rooted her outta from generosity betrayed long while as if “Hillary Rodham Clinton Bush” - a contrary yet as if family?

As Donald Trump traverses the weeds of if can be enduring and endearing despite historical status as seemingly  a “reformed Clinton Democrat” his movement progress with “MAGA” greatest hurdle is tat of over coming the republic as perverted particularly especially during the reign of intimacy as “First Lady Hillary” and to with Trump/Pence of our original work again to be as keepers of gardeners of our lands to states as Edens?

As tag “LIAR” tossed at President Donald J. Trump, Sr. our republic stands forward to that 5th graders in a mere few years generally conscious to it elementary and self evident at least of that the Clintons did PUNK the first black President (with their white pride coy ploys), and that their contrary machinations against the Constitution stand exposed as perversions of “post-Constitution” posit to plainly simply “textbook treason” and as of premeditated in-American self-serving partisan political deeds done.

HR’s fields are mined fields and at this time it is yet unclear if President can traverse while former Clinton Democrat.

That we now seem secured from turned back to the brink of nuclear war it may be inadequate to our necessity to be a garden of states of Eden keyed to sustain facility for “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” it is imperative we don’t short/skip the work of turn over - even turning out” - the roots and stemmed of that - the that - the perversions for “post-Constitution.”

While born as seed of a salt & pepper - ivory & ebony - of Soviet Studies conjoined - a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD - Barack Obama, President, did do more to bring our 57 Edens more to Communism than any war yet - and, even Clintons did dream.

How Clintons monetized our foreign policies was unconstitutional and perversion of/to our laws!

At the good news - a JOY a NEW HOPE - of the French associated for broader celebrations of republics for freedoms President Trump is set upon to have to educate the masses beyond the confusable of President Obama’s raw true historicals and how they mash with psychopathy of that he was born an American bastard conceived as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD and yet second to primacy of that the Clintons RESET for wars and profiteered while punk’d BHO.

This is a nuclear to the Bush family fusion - core to new clear press’d the forward froward from this day’s PEACE must be a study of if JB - Right: #2 Jeb Bush - had been he whom marched of republic an essence corrective the new taken to vibe of WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE (THE CLINTONS) ARE WRONG!

The RESET and the PUNKED - as generally before - is of the Clintons together, and each in their own ways, did stand and posit against the FREEDOM AGENDA! 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:32 am

Historians must be quaking in their Birkenstocks this 18th of April.

As you settle in for your Republic joe coffee jolts an express o’ our times the “EXTRA-EXTRA” in banners streaming.

As we shall try to get to the metaphor of as if politics and life is but what one can divine from a bird feeder:

The concentration in the Democrats camps is confused! - each - to all - really confused!

Our Republic and eyes ’round the world  have eyes on the scrambled pecking order of these huddled Democrats; the first order of Democrats is self-destructing.

We simultaneously bear witness to akin a circular grizzly pecking order bi-polar in pressed barbs liberating to a “President Mike Pence” is welcome to their prime resistance rose of the new GOP and it’s movement - The Republican Movement.”

It behoove partisans to consider if lot of Democrats so confused, and circular post first ordered past somehow sustained, are but accidentally incidentally feeding on their selves - own flock/rank.

A free for all feeder set doth not equate (particularly by Hamilton) to justified for conscious civil - civilized - as to their entitlements bantered.

Why are we of our Republic of these united states of the Americas now witness to the Democrats parried anti-Trump as primed to enable Republicans of originalism - compassionate originalism - to dream of seeing promoted “President Mike Pence” and as by attacking as if seemingly Donald J. Trump, Sr. beith not actually a “Reformed Clinton Democrat”?

The civilized reasoned strong of the new GOP Republican Movement are not disturbed in the prospects from Democrats unity of effort to promote a clean partisan true of originalism roots - it seems.

Tho diabolical to humanity as conscious and chosen to “civilized” the Democrats so dissolved to devolved to an order in a circular pecking order- near a feeding upon their own - it is considerable little hope is in their facility.

Historians shall eventually also learn to walk the talk of “GO AHEAD DEMS, MAKE MIKE PENCE PRESIDENT” apparently!

An EXPRESS to justify your attention to fair streaming:

The many benefits accruing to citizens, and associated of clean hands, with the “Liberation Economics” of worked through by the Trump administration are natural fruit pitched of the wave of unified counterpoints to the Socialism anti-constitutional by dictum of President Barack H. Obama.

The waves of from barren austere, so of forced by Obama administration, to harvest bounties as the current joy and future hope of forecasts - the green minimalism of green agenda - bear truths of Trump administration is surfing the inheritance his way but as the greatest truth is that such of his liberations is but naturally evolved and bearing fruit from the organized movement the Republicans’ restoration of originalism - compassionate originalism.

The deep bench of modern Republicans rightly welcomes the converted TRUMP as a most enthusiastic fountainhead of a general Party’s resistance facilitator/facilitated.

As Donald J. Trump, Sr. surfeth like a new Paul Revere the fruit of our plated was sown by ranks off for common sense Republicans and success at a restoration movement - to us together of a unity a new ROMANTIC ERA.

We are wise to revere such firstly as a conversion story!

What historians now cannot escape is the purity of such truth of our modern history (of Trump) is that a new GOP turned us from Federalism devolving to the grace of the founding fathers’ passion represented in their lasting work.

The sad state of our Democrats so of a first order a circular pecking order can be broken up to those too stuck blinded by their partisan spectacles; Democrats can choose to see the errors and errant in their’s ways (with a little help).

The “EXTRA-EXTRA” free for all is the stocked of our times.

How are Democrats now so politically grizzly as not reverent of the revenant plain language, and amassed success and growing bounteous from the Republic resolved back to compassionate originalism?

By that the founding fathers work was not to us as prescribed in blasphemy the light is about to also be seen by Democrats and of separation is vertical of that none is of a separation right from under our Lord Creator and supposed to be of a re: legion (of neighbors) set of to care for all of Creator’s created creatures, and stuff.

Somehow it is a real truth that Barack H. Obama and many associated partisans ended his primacy still while misreading the Peoples’ “Order” our constituted “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord.”

Historians must now try to reason through and commit to a retelling of the history of the austerity as also of opposition and intentional efforts to set asunder the constituted but as an ignorant opposition to what they and their lot thought it ascribed.

Forward students will get the chance to discuss and understand, at least of President Obama’s failures, that such executive was of his first order as amassed in at least a seeming ignorance of originalism - our letter of the Law actual plain meaning.

While many justified to be reverent otherwise of President Trump historians must evolve from shock troops partisans towards evolving too.

President Trump inherited most of the facility in these new Republican economic and political successes?

The revenant missed that is in the Democrats circular grizzly partisan is of the Revere ware of the Republic baked success with the reasoned and organized of the Republican Movement.

The conversion story of Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, helps sell his inheritance as from GOP reset!

The old swaddled togas of the Greek sandaled - near Hellenists - Democrats are rivals to the endearing and enduring truth of Trump is barely rebranding the Tea Party restoration of our Uniting - the restoration of our Uniting principles common sense prescribed intolerance to all tyranny “over the minds of men” constituted in the vertical separation of religions are firstly tools for self-governance and to that of Federalism is secured to that a national governance is also equally under our Lord Creator - Lord’s Laws.

Our banners thread true where explain our history as growing hope as that now both evolutions from past on Syria and North Korea reign of Trump - Donald J. Trump, Sr., President - the fountainhead firstly by inherited Republicans’ success with true Republic core Liberty values.

Whether by Democrats self-destructive facilitation if to yet to an acceptance expressed by scandals expedited of the Trump conversion story of rose as seemingly a reformed Clinton Democrat, or, if in regular order of discovery we broach “PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE” as our “EXTRA-EXTRA” bannered it for Posterity resolves that the core of Republican Movement is of making the peace and hope, more so than the ready helmsmanship of convert President Trump.

We perhaps need wait upon the historians to a consummate history; Where our TRUMP is shining has counterpoints of Democrats’ failures can be wrapped/summed up and disseminated of from betrayed the actual plain meaning of our Peoples’ “Order” and not justly by ignorant and wrong readings.

I expressly can posit and attest we need to be resolved from prematurely reverent of a TRUMP EXPRESS due the wave trumps a railroading as one garners George W. Bush Iraq War and Freedom Agenda was more constitutional than Clintons’ inaction and Obamas’ wars of choice.

And, Constitutionally true to Liberty, as too healthcare, such are literally oldest establishments, and core purposed, of religions!

An “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” explains it! - Reveres it!

And, Constitutionally true to the pathology of Freedom before any “under Government” each still reset & restored to originalism - compassionate originalism - firstly as of under our Lord as of rights not from Government of men - as still now due restored to of government of Laws - of Freedom & Liberty as established as actually original concepts of religions.

Again:  This new “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” is enduring as endearing that religions of separation of Church and state of religions trump by that firstly religiosity is disciplined adherence of for and for of self-governance.

        *       *       *       REVENANT TOO?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:52 am

By this point Donald J. Trump, President, should be raising hell with the American religious leaders he liberated by how turned back the oppression & suppression by Government by the Johnson Amendment.  President Trump must tread upon those who at least affix a responsibility upon themselves by as “interfaith leaders” with moral outrage appropriately separated from the politics of the issues the realm of faith has as regards Russia & Syria.

By this point those of these united states of the Americas who hold selves up as moral &/or moral leaders should be leading to that President Trump can follow from behind representative of the moral outrage in interfaith tongued.

The Trumpian economic principles matching originalism are of the compassionate of founding constituted economics prudence of Adam Smith and “self-interest” manifest of scriptural old guidance at, to paraphrase, to have a growth economics people must be able sing together.  Trumpian it is now also as of compassionate originalism of the structural objectivism of “self-interest” as each is expected to be of a common sense to that each dawn a responsibility presses to ask if there is a suffice to ”safety in numbers” and adherence of “moral in network” as to be precedent to “self-interest” passed corner stones - as to be prudent to ask first each dawn if safe to proceed to individual interests before assuaging a responsibility for community’s fabric of society.

At this crossroads still now of if President Trump should be able to lead from behind as versus that questionable of leading of Bashar al-Assad & leading of Vladimir Putin we have proprietary duty as citizens of these united states of the Americas for a representative common core to be respectful to that our separation of faiths & state is vertical to that our President and Federal Government are set as equally under our Lord.  President Trump should be raising hell with the American religious leaders - at least of responsibility as “interfaith leaders” for it seems well apparent that the amorality of apostates isn’t yet the fodder for the news stories on Syria, at least.

President Trump personal history on Middle East may be disabling to best judgement on Syria - Russia Putin & Syria Assad - by that his long postured opinions on Iraq War & the removal of Saddam Hussein seem flawed per the “internet of things” space-time coincident of the Arab Spring inevitability.  It may be prudent to test on if President Trump is actually wrong for national security in his opinions of the Iraq War as if just a “war of choice” that could have and should have not been taken on.

Barack H. Obama, President, flaws were far more structural and impotent due naiveté and personal commitment to a secular Socialism dogmatic contrary to originalism - actually unconstitutional by plain meaning interpretations.  President Obama had no solution to Syria & Assad as possible for such was basically a situation of one more failed Socialist state & he was only offering Socialism machinations ideologically & politically.

For the purposes of this essay we are to discuss that President Trump, however wrong, is not impotent as President Obama was by how wrong he was and inadequate to the cause by that he postured as a poser only of Socialism & secular as his resolved to that then for all of a limited and insufficient objectivism to only able to offer subjective mandates to akin to the problematic in the failing of one more Socialist state.

Americans by how set of religious liberty by how constituted by Peoples’ “Order” as of rights from our Lord Creator do have a responsibility upon at least those self ascribed to as “interfaith leaders” to be leading morally in the collective inescapable bodies electric universal & global connectivity to be posturing to perhaps of guidance on Russian Putin & Syrian Assad as posers apostates too also mendacious in leadership.

It may be smarter than President Trump’s long postured view on Iraq & Saddam Hussein to reason and codify a believing in that of the inevitable of the Arab Spring as due the amounting progress of the “internet of things”!

Essentially it may be prudent to accept and not bother the time to attempt to reason to a “logic” that President Obama & especially Secretary R. Clinton were never for a single day right and proper as per at least Syria & Ukraine.

Of these I persist to articulate upon doth now pertain historically to date John R. Bolton views to the dynamic of the Bush years & my earlier opined and reasoned (as against this I press as Trump’s errant) of that without the Iraq War, however a “war of choice” - we of these united states of the Americas would have been trapped on the wrong side of the progressing of the “the internet of things” and to trapped as a common enemy otherwise by inaction - avoidance of assistance to sharing in the new connectivity globally spreading.

Donald J. Trump as a businessman was of the business acumen and attitude to success as a provider of destinations.  President Donald J. Trump likewise is well suited, when shakes off errant, to be a peace time administrator.

Our religious leaders have the responsibility of all Americans of constituted “Order” to religious liberty secured basics of that we the People are supposed to wake each dawn to first consider the general morality of coexistence to if of the suffice in cooperative socialisms to maintain the safety in numbers & in network morality that must be of a daily extant for there to be selfish pursuits not self defeating.

As a provider and marketer of destinations his mettle has been proofed.  President Donald J. Trump natural management style as apropos even Syria now is of respecting the individuals’ liberty and with expectations that moral leadership should be from the people in their participatory work of maintaining a morality with particular expression by leaders on the prudence (divined) of the practicing engaged specifically also to how Christian is the work of Vladimir Putin and as well how adherent to Islam for Muslims of Muslim Bashar al-Assad.

President Trump should but be needing echoing the maintenance of values of the People as to if tag’d for the global universal connective fabric of society an if and how if two leaders are but so secular and cold calculators their rap is as mendacious apostates firstly.

If the leader of Russia and the leader of Syria are not behaving in governance morally by their own claimed faith we as Americans would be of un-American practices if our religious leaders of our re: legion as citizens of religious liberty are silent on their re: legions as if not moral by self-identified morality as per how they doth manage their legions of followers/adherents to secular amoral effected.

We the People have a duty to maintain the morality - to consider each morning before more selfish interests the first self interests of attending to if and how if their is still a suffice for safety in numbers and of the foundational basic of called to be moral in network.

President Trump should not also hobble us by only offering more of the failing them of secular Socialism?

               *       *       *       HAVE FAITH?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

To get what they want they are willing to give up what?  Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!

Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.

The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.

It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.

Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.

It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)

This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.

To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.

This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.

This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!

NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign.  Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.

Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control

Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.

Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!

Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.

Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?

Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?



To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!

Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?


The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun!  Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?

     *    *    *     IT IS THE AGE OF MEA CULPA?    *    *    *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

In a space-time not suffered as if in a Hawking black hole students marching must be prudent & of resolve.

As the hyper-networked of our universe & beyond is wired to its originalism as connected as synaptical of the brains of our Creator’s crediting the future of our work must consider manners and personal hygiene; as it is as it has always been to created humans:

What the world needs now is TRUMP SOAP - TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE?

Our American stateliness endures by blood, sweat, tears, consummated irregularly.

Our American leading must be of ORIGINALISM reset due jeopardy of #FOB52 reigning of DEMOCRATS have done it to themselves to NO WAY OUT left as IGNORANCE of the LAW - our CONSTITUTION - is NOT a defense.

You can THINK and presume to be but will you have been duly considerate & to actually reasoned beyond doubt to a solid believing to how chartable the scandals are even in a numerology of a Cartesian coordinated graphically amassed?

As the hope of our shared future amass to sweat gun control and their rights as if still individual rights indivisible, as like of 14th Amendment such is of our separation as vertical and our Federal governance, as equally set “under” “our Lord”, it is forward essential of structural objectivism ensconced in our regularity by due process of civil procedures that each is resolved as constituted to that we of the Washington Capitol Hill creatures are of meaning from government of laws.

Vice President Joseph Biden enticing President Donald Trump to social media TWITTER engagement is now as per SOAP as if clumsy & incarcerated of having DROPPED THE SOAP while a larger of #LawAndOrder standing up to railroad - drill - newly even President Barack Obama administration problematic back from government of man/whimsy/executive decrees.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for anything goes as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

For the purposes of TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE metaphorical let us forward not assuage “ECUMENICAL” as a term uniquely CHRISTIAN or own by and CHRISTIANS - crusading Catholics nor Evangelicals - and let it assert a spirit of togetherness by #MoralsTrumpHate of being akin to that prayer beads can connect as well as FACEBOOK.

I have postured that President Trump first year big question of IF HE DESERVED TO CARRY ON ON THE SUCCESS OF REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT OF TEA PARTY & A NEW GOP and to that this year as a second year should amount in our journal of IF HIS MOTHER RAISED HIM RIGHT - IF HE WAS/IS RAISED TO BE A GENTLE GIANT.

Again: Vice President Biden is quite self-exposed as regular order by Peoples’ Order our how constituted a Union is of jeopardy for any poser of as if IGNORANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION could yet be a DEFENSE to TREASON - even GROSS NEGLIGENCE by an administration in duty to LAW AND ORDER.

Favoring #NewGOP #TeaParty risen #TRUMP is the science of grammar & literateness as our Peoples’ “Order” is far less the living document of the work of the Founding Fathers is/was not #BLASPHEME as the founding consent was of “Order” in preamble to the constituting ordained & established body as usage as a #YUGE NOUN:

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you should be guided and have been so far reared institutionally actually from the wrongful “interpretation” of the CONSTITUTION as common across the Democratic Party entrenched Capitol Hill (Jenkin’s Hill per history) and of purity of originalism of respecting the spectacles of faith and to our Federal Government no less “under God” than yourself.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for ANYTHING GOES - ANYTHING WE CLAIM “MORE PERFECT” GOES - as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you must arrive & march clearer of mind and body than how Vice President Biden must clean up his “mis-interpretation” akin that President Obama actually oddly left the White House - even as a first former #ConLawProf - of still mis-reads CONSTITUTION.

Students it is that there is real JEOPARDY surrounding even especially Vice President Biden due specifically it its most errant and wrongful per science of grammar and literateness to ever, like he/his, proposed the work of the Founding Fathers can be of them of work at BLASPHEMY./

Students to be regular of these united states of the Americas one must read - read “Order” of preamble particularly - of constituting document less a living document than scriptures - of then still new was King James Bible “new edition” - and to that the science of the preamble as legend and key to the proper reading of the body is of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/… do ordain/&/establish/… done/… subscribed/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Again:  Back to basics:  As simple to be as TRUMP SOAP:

Of the BIBLE: Can/do you fathom “the meek shall inherit” of meek can be too “GENTLE GIANTS” as it imports to believers for believer that GRACE - of GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY at least for - subscribed as ordained and established done with separation vertical of government also equally under Lord’s Laws is to be regular as postured for civility of JOY, HOPE, GOOD NEWS, becometh from being of humility and humble (meek) before the Lord - of vulnerable (meek) by being resolved to wait upon the Lord - to wait for the sense of RIGHT - as to be steeled from WRONG/EVIL?

NOTE: #SPORTSMANSHIP > > Catholic former Vice President Joseph Biden does have of his BIBLICAL feminism guidance of BIBLE at UNMARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THE LORD, &, MARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THEIR WIVES of his better HALF doth have a degree from VILLANOVA.

NOTE: #SPORT > > It can be a still to be developed and understood BIDENISM of how ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is generic yet of Founding Fathers FEMINISTS OF THE FIRST ORDER of thinking & practicing of women are morally superior TO it may figure that MEN as ROMANTICS religious are supposed yet to believe their WIVES are born superior to other WOMEN.

NOTE:  #PHILOSOPHY > > I can posture one good thought for on Rene Descartes - “I THINK THEREFORE I AM” philosopher - Catholic Philosopher who wrote from where our Pilgrims departed as also of the times near upon that the governance deeds of Oliver Cromwell - by I am willing to respect CARTESIAN COORDINATES - CARTESIAN gestalt - due graphically it amassed in his mind then of a space-time relativity of that a four posted bed embodies the cubical of the universalism of that there can be discussed a civility in the X,Y,Z, each represented logically even of the existential & metaphysical meted through by the late Stephen Hawking.

            *       *       *        #ORIGINALISM       *        *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:09 am



#Politics #MondayMotivation ~ #TrumpRussia farce vs #PoetJPHogan #LawAndOrder:

#Justice #JeffSessions & #FBI #ChrisopherWray #FBIDirector #Wray on my bad side as long as sans #Clintons of #indictments!

#HOGAN, me, cannot accept employment as violate of my #ReligiousLiberty of #JOY #HOPE #GoodNews rights violated by Clintons rise & reign was of stealing my intellectual property & essentially my identity.

I know of no possible employment contract that wouldn’t subjugate me under other who is avoiding my #TRUTH and to then supporting #CRIME of helping Clintons get away with stealing from me. Before blaim #Russians any should consider my #STRIKE (roots to #RobertGalbraith - really) did more to defeat #CrookedHillary as I directed that none from me could be used to help the Clintons (get away with stealing from me) and as with what from me stopped the Clintons couldn’t repeat performance - performance level of what worked when worked of with mine.

There should be no employer or employment option where my story isn’t already known and to then my rank and value already established of good enough to have been stolen by the Clintons to be used for #economics & #NationalSecurity.

Personal problems of the Clintons unprosecuted are worse than that my “good news” wasn’t told of but of valor & glory stolen to as if only the work of others not the architects nor mechanics of the workability for as such of my “unmarried” years & #BIBLE basis for good news to flow in truth and such of unmarried men are to live for the Lord while married to live for their wives - it is my accomplishments others have stolen are also of how my work was perverted to as if caused by a woman - and a wrong women more convenient to their theft narative so that it couldn’t be of my chosen career stolen and of me of beating the Lawyers & Phds by that my lay work was of decade plus foundational work to that I was capable of such original solutions because I sacrificed and dedicated my self to doing the hard work to learn enough details of reality/realities.

I’ve had to fight the Cliintons since they moved with 1992 win to 1993 & beyond of stealing from me and to I was so persistant that Bill Clinton & James Carville finally resorted to a skit defense to now famous Clinton Machine method of hiding crimes in plain sight of “OF COURSE WE STOLE - WE STOLE FROM THE BEST” (paraphrased from visceral memories). There truth a plenty is stating during years of such battles I did spirit voluntarily around training town named #HogansAlley ideas for FBI on how future agents could be better & good enough to stand up to #CrookedClintons.

A conundrum of employment is to that I can hardly knowing how much was stolen from me means I know I cannot by any employment contract allows an employer to suppose rank on me and to then the access to how Clintons worked inappropriate unauthorized use of my intellectual property in naive ways of perverted the solutions I developed to that their many mistakes have been predictable yet to me the silenced to as if solutions couldn’t have come from me.

Essentiality the paradigm still persists of that I cannot be employed in my stolen chosen career for my truth - my good news - my Joy - cannot be acknowledged, and I can’t rightly without being an accomplice to crimes against my self - I can’t accept employment without helping the Clintons get away with crimes at least of stealing from me.

This gets more complicated due #Sept11 & #Bush of so much help I gave him after attacks that worked was of I fixed where & how I knew Clintons had perverted the solutions I had figured to defeat his father 41 so 43 had knowledge & guidance to fix the mistakes of 42 by the architect & mechanic. Bush gratefulness to me as once referrals of near “HE DID MORE FOR ME THAN ANYONE ON MY STAFF” is of such import.

By now, even as you try to ignore it, you likely already know of the Clintons’ “intent” they did it all for money.

By now, even as you do ignore it, that the Clintons’ “intent” of they dug out kick backs by monetized policies in that supposed to have been honorable as the work of the people - of not so grossly violate of like most protections in the Emoluments Clause.

I have been a victim - but that their crimes are not “victimless” is of basically all Americans and peoples of the world have yet also been victims of their gold digger “intent” and irregular to Constitution effected & affected.

Ignorance of the Constitution is not a defense and Originalism is of Clintons have long confessed indirectly to treasonous treachery beyond misdemeanors against the Peoples government by “post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery admits, beyond ignorance of the law, to actual intent to set asunder the written law - well out of due process and secured protections for civil procedures.

Of my victimhood is that the Clintons thefts of stolen from me need them to maintain their false history of me of mine and to that I can’t transition from single years so motivated to be a future media mogul of years as of “unmarried men are to live for the Lord” to the next phase of “married men are to live for their wife”.  Democrats, much - not just Clintons, live for denying me my JOY HOPE Good News years of chosen career to be akin a future “Mad Men” expert a skipped gen outcome from worked it building at least on respect for my elders, my grandfathers John W. Hogan, Sr. & Arthur M. Menadier to be at least to marketing towards becoming a future media mogul by learned from maternal grandfather a top advertising executive of the era of popularized in “Mad Men”.

This of course explains the effectiveness of my STRIKE and how such was synchronized to that me as the PHILOSOPHER of & to the “THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE” was motivated of my 7 books on magic challenge to be for and on morals as to be to prophylactically protecting at least a next gen - generation - from the crooked of the Clintons and the crooked Clintons.  Long story on how to set up such as to cloak from me & supported by me of use of vehicles of new used Dodge B250 cargo style white van driving to be yet in JK Rowling of cloaking around my earlier vehicle order special and new in 1988 as Ford F250 4×4 from “Stoneham Ford” of that I could drive ideas stealthily by as Philosopher while apparently just a contractor & she - Jo - like a door supplier who handled possible clients interest and dreaming of if door work needed or even new doors dreamt of.  My “philosopher” cloak was to we could think of “stone” as my old pick-up truck from “Stone - ham” while to “Hogan’s” wards to as to not grow up like “Hogan’s warts” as like to just dirt under my skin.

As Democrats, line en masse, need my story to be lied about by like made it still about a woman and the wrong women more convenient to their work posture as a legal bulwark as defense, there is yet that such if yet of my story of the years meant to be as of Lord’s work like dedication as yet for philosophy to yet become eventually married and to marketing then as near to as media mogul and to such of before & after to after as married media mogul of living then for my wife.

The “Gold Digger Democrats” is the rap and tag befalls the fall of Clintons and maybe realistically a #FOB52.

We know now the basically just did it for the money, - even as many try to ignore such, and, support crime of crimes therefore supported of crimes against me.

Forward I am supposed to be already by the core of my old plans that yet had so much stealable as usable as workable better than their own capacity be from to the “living for the Lord” of the “philosopher” phase and to like now living for my wife as a media mogul essentially humanly limited professionally to like ranking people - especially gold diggers - for how they rank, using new media & social media, as for how well each succeeding at built & maintain community.

Alas as long as the Clintons’ & associateds’ crimes are allowed to endure and repeat - to of SCOTUS precedence of reuse resets any statute of limitations - I am forced to stay focused more personally on the work of the people as a dedication to TRUTH and therefore akin “work of the Lord” singularity as witness to the Clintons of monetized policies & essentially just firstly primarily generally specifically did it in “intent” as just for the money, - I am forced to remain on STRIKE.

Yes, I am now long not to have been dedicated still as a single man of “living for the Lord” and while HARRY POTTER & HOGWARTS of also ROBERT GALBRAITH to of motivated protective of such years so a PHILOSOPHER cloaked we must get passed the unknowns of the crimes of the Clintons for such all came to be as cloaked and purposed to yet protect people from these criminals I’ve known of their motives since the early 1970s and from a bad first impression of our happenstance encounter while they were still just co-eds of Yale Law School out for a walk in my neighborhood.

President Donald J. Trump, Sr., at least due THE APPRENTICE idea from me is likewise complicated of to protect a next gen from political crimes in couple of conducts unbecoming a former first couple, please dedicate yourself and Justice towards that I can be freed from phase of living dedicated as philosopher as of living for our Lord, and so that I can complete shift to next phase of reparations in spirit, at least, to that I can be understood to living for “wife” phase as allowed to be the media mogul my own efforts built capacity and global enduring quite broadly.

Yes, you all, you can each help me transition in my religious liberty to from forced by Clintons crimes and gold digger Democrats way to living for the Lord against my rights and will.

Right?  You comprehend the prudence?

I.E.: & E.G.:  >> I should be free now to profits by populating say my own state of Connecticut media with ranking for at least social media new media and to volunteering a WORST rank for my own state as worst of “GOLD DIGGER DEMOCRATS” for though I can’t prove Connecticut is the worst state as of worst “gold diggers” I also for journalism cannot prove yet that my own state - hence my self-deprecating - isn’t the WORST state - 50th of 50!!!

Right?  You comprehend the prudence?

                     *  *        OH GOD - PART X?       *  *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:59 am



#TheHoganMemo ~ #FED #Dow #Olympics & #HOGAN material history:

“Moral Capitalism” is redundant as Jerome Powell seating & humanity in #economics doth suffice to explain #TrumpCorrection?

With change of #FedChair from #JanetYellen to #Powell market players of cosmic tumblers churning to reason through to get a feel for the NEW and while people of #WallStreet can be “generally good people” of loosening valuations as #Olympics2018 #WinterGames due liberated from fixed structuralism to a romantic (#NewRomanticEra) leveled playing field where any got to #SouthKorea to seek #GREATNESS has #economy heavens open for NEW achievers reaching.

I, J. Peter Hogan, had global success & networks established by time I challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 childrens book on #magic as around a #MagicSchool of before rise of #Clintons in 1992 as of my lead of “A DEMOCRAT CAN BEAT BUSH IF ONE CAN LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME” (paraphrased from memories) I had since 1982-83 senior high school year been of being a marketing wizard for sharing free a pal’s & my sleding snow day brainstormed as to how a new #SNOWBOARD could be designed of that I wanted one I could do #Snowboarding down hill more safely than #skateboarding down hilly roads. Where we were sleding of where I brought my wood plank like “snow board” with toe strap was already our favorite sleding hill for it was at least 70% already a natural #HalfPipe. We did reality check after we basically designed in our minds what is today the #OlympicGames #snowboards to that we were not the right people to launch idea. I forward did walk out a sharing to willing souls for free our worked through concepts and firstly for new boards and then of our ideas of wonders of use if on a 100% constructed to half pipe venue and then to whom could be a young new sport star to inspire - of seems it went from me a JP out walking a wizardry sharing to a young “JP Walker”. (Coincidentally I’ve learned #Hamilton #HamiltonTour villain #KingGeorge is played by a boyhood friend of same name.)

After Clintons elected as learned to sound like me of my press’n a new lingua franca a new political correctness a facilitation for an urban agenda for direction of “New World Order” #Detroit automakers found #BillClinton of deaf to their concerns and to I postured a direction for them and kept vigil for “direction” of sugg’d they anchor forward around small car lines as made to market to consumers music interests and yet to trigger baby boomers & older sympathies by if went towards small cars like made as shrunken 60’s & 50’s autos.

The internationalism of “#HOGAN” is mostly still cloaked while vastly YUGE across many different industries and per such there is that Stanley Tools invention & bringing to market of the “shortcut” handsaw as an “American Handsaw” as of teeth like Japanese saws but handle and blade form as yet of English handsaws is also from of my free shared from conception in late 80’s of while I was building houses on Block Island as a carpenter meant to become a #MADMEN marketing wizard as new gen of legend of learned from my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier who ran Johnson & Johnson accounts for last 25 years of his Madison Avenue career. Idea generated while building a railing on deck on home on Mansion Beach being built for Reinhardt (sp?) a top NYC PR exec who is of the Adams & Reinhardt legacies (if I recall of Olgilvy correctly).

The show on my grandad’s era & profession did spark from me after a reunion with an old pal of the island shared boyhood days of checking in on a friend who married (and now widowed due a cancer) the Dolan bride of ownership of AMC & Cablevision & Knicks & MSG & LA Forum…

Yes I did more than this/these and much of that is tangled into how my help did become of national security and politics progress. As for “marketing” snowboarding & American handsaw development such was cloaked as hobbies of mine I didn’t talk about of project my personal identity into while yet synchronized developmental progress to like nurture from the seeding seeded of the concepts to those unidentified souls of receptive to free ideas.

Developmentally this synchronized to Dr. Judith Herman book TRAUMA & RECOVERY in space-time relativity of the medical science changes to PTSD as while developing such - of with my own highly developed self awareness I did share ideas for how to better help people recover from bicycling accidents and if to of to wanting to curse inventive of new sport to origins of that I shared fitness & trauma recovery self knowledge considered to help any to injured in sport from my ideas was to of at least my entertainment mused of a support network already psyched and sync’d.

Of that most don’t know yet it was me and of how much was from me and worked for growth economics Clintons wrongly take credit there is that of for the development of sport & medicine for marketing launched I’ve at least 5 times, w/ anonymous cloak, work through rising new levels of over at least a year 5 times I picked up an new audience around a new issue as a new location/city of focus and wrote sharing a lead on developing and nuanced new and improved some separate as isolated yet from the earlier developed integrated differently yet similarly.

Of my brainstorm partner to snowboards he now is long a professor at the school that school Donald J. Trump, Sr. in business, - THE WHARTON SCHOOL.
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

You know things must be bad for Democrats when…

Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:

We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.

With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.

Our “Joe” has two problems:  Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks;  Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”!  These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”.  These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue.  Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”

The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.

Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.

As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.

You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.

I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.

You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too?  To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.

As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people. 

Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.

Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?

“Joe”?  Vice President Joseph Biden?  Really?

What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?

      *       *       *       WHO YA GONNA CALL?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:44 am

We cannot long still deny Hillary Clinton is in a pickle - Bill & Hillary may be stuck akin in the same pickle barrel.

These times oddly of James Comey not of trying souls when reasonable souls saw due course affirm a failed copacetic had become, among Democrats, a new normal more convenient.

Aren’t we, mustn’t we, consider how such times may have been apparent to foreign leaders too much in the know as Vladimir Putin, for example, may have felt pinched and of no legal recourse against the Democratic Party corruption short otherwise of asking the International Criminal Court to open charges against ranks of American leadership, Democratic, as too corrupt Socialist.

We are not faced with Mitt Romney, as President, a one victim of the Peter Principle limitations for as to if a Utah Senator their is ample evidence to offer hope that he too yet can serve as a good Mormon.

We have particularly concerning the old Director Comey ad lib’d to evidence is of a Russians’ leader’s dilemma - as specifically parsing parameters for Justice - that James Comey FBI that couldn’t find “intent” of ”Crooked Hillary” amounts considerably as to have been in over their heads to find Vladimir Putin, if of improper collusion, of criminal or crooked intent.

What recourse for justice was then available to any foreign agent of foreign moral agency where a justice department of these united states of the Americas was so “Godfathered” to ascendency overwatch by Bill Clinton keeping offices as the unelected President of the World with strings attached to so so many he and Hillary doth did so appoint?

The “Putin Dilemma” is illustratable of a Harvard complictry of the “intent” sans rising to Director & Justice assuaged.

The “Putin Dilemma” is like of Russell Crowe and a trunk full of millions in cash, per Hollywood metaphors.

The “Putin Dilemma” is also a sad feminism Harvard future case study as “intent” arises to Elizabeth Warren’s old Ivy League area of expertise to of she though much muted to silent when of the peoples’ business she yet remained an expert of that the housing collapse & banking problems were actually much caused by Clintons, and, as historically significant for future scholars to easily now better than Senator Warren of also relevant to that it can be studied of yet bad times of ”TRUMP” business days at least coincide with months and years Democrats economics did actually undermine predictable and fair economics by government meddling imprudent for democratic economics of times.

It is, it truly is, as if now we are yet of a flood of Bidenisms and yet oddly none just from ”Joe” Biden.

To be just on Justice compromised and of by Clintons’ ‘Justice’ a charlatan there is the Biden miss?

Joe Biden coulda have been President by if stood up for Originalism & Constitutional Governance he could have called his Congress pals to impeach the first black President for in-American intent. Oy?

“Leave it to Joe!” was a big fail for beyond “inside the beltway” wasn’t it established of Bill & Hillary personal intent that their own union was conceived & consummated on the ambition for Power to be “the most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School” and to be likewise bent for Power as the first husband & wife to each have a named own Presidency?

Consider poor Vladimir Putin of “Joe” Biden & Director Comey somehow missing the gross corruption or organized contrary politics of the Bill & Hillary “intent” as enough near “ABSOLUTE POWER” to have the intent condemn a mass for crimes different from those Vice President could have risen to President by prosecuting against Barack H. Obama.”

Our “Joe” Biden coulda been a hero - he coulda contended for Justice against the said “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery of the said “first black President” as “Bill Clinton” (oddly if you look objectively at Southern white male core) and the blatant disregard for the Constitutional oath of office of the first half black President one yet more a first black President than William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

Where oh where was, and is, our “Joe” Biden on the oh so so contrary of Senator Elizabeth Warren as one while so supposed to be of the peoples’ of Massachusetts work while yet the expert too silent as the (former) Harvard expert on how the Clintons’ selfish politics (for near “ABSOLUTE POWER”) does better explain why & how economies failed and Donald J. Trump was able to rise as a reformed Clinton Democrat?

How was our dear “Joe” not enough a ‘go to’ for Vladimir Putin to find justice for at least Russians against the Clintons machinations of intent for global supremacy as part and parcel to their “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery and quite of long of confessed criminal intent - as our “Joe” could Bidenize a Bidenism - due essentially Justice perseveres an enemy of the Clintons and not their charlatan made as simply, but for entrenched (& “deep state”) corruption of complitry all Vice President Joseph Biden needed do to defeat the Clintons and restore Justice was,however inconvenient to President Barack Obama, to assert officially that it is clear that with the “intent” of the Clintons long known as akin wants after “ABSOLUTE POWER” we have simply - so simply to not be lost in translation to Russians or Greek - that the Clintons’ have long confessed to TREASON with ever uttered “Post-Constitution” - utterances for justifications for extra-Constitutional Power by posturing as if the CONSTITUTION was dead.

Our “Joe” knows - our “Joe” Biden knows our CONSTITUTION isn’t dead?  Right?

The Tea Party to Republican Movement successes evident in the seating of a for “Law and Order” new President does offer at least Russians & Greeks Justice and a trump to old coy ploy chicanery a Bidenism not Bidenized.

A Bidenism we can concur: For simply the “intent” is diabolical and there have been confessions that are established simply by asserting that the CONSTITUTION is still the law of the land - that our old Peoples’ “Order” did form our Union is our CONSTITUTION still and is NOT dead.

Was the ICC a better avenue - even an open avenue - for say just President Putin to effect corrective Law upon Clintons as too “dons”?

As Clintons “intent” was long uttered to confessed President Obama’s Justice needed just assert the CONSTITUTION was still the law of the land to move to sentencing of too two “dons”?

Forward Donald J. Trump, President, of Attorney General Jeff Sessions is secured as seated by what said “collusion” if ever rose to as accused is yet of a plain language & Bidenism to suffice a defense even while conundrum remains of if FBI couldn’t find “intent” per “Crooked Hillary” they then must be over their heads to establish any honest “intent” per accused of Russians?

A Bidenism also not Bidenized is Hollywood metaphorically of Elizabeth Warren no Russell Crowe for she hath by silence dominant while of Harvard expertise on the Clintons economic crashes complicitry has been more like a bad cop on the take and one who didn’t turn in evidence of Clinton Cash in Democrats’ trunk?

               *       *       *       #LockEmUp?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:39 am

BLACKS of these still united states of the Americas what follows is much ado about your class and especially of how Clinton Democrats, at least, don’t want “low information voters” to learn it is much ado about them.

The first hook to rap the #IAmHillary #RealClintons can be to thrown down the “TEAM OF RIVALS” the Clintons forced Obama, as the President-Elect to accept!  Hook:  Clintons forced Obama to concurrent to his administration accept them as RIVAL/RIVALS in the house - in the building - and to as if they divided the world up to that they go “global initiatives” and he but “domestic” peddling.

Blacks of these still united states of the Americas your engagement and intelligence is now most fully needed if our Country as Constituted can now still endure.

A chorus forward of “Cha Ching Hillary” needs be mashed and pump’d out to masses - even hashed up #ChaChingHillary!

Perchance now a universal exclamation fit’n a deep dive to tru “ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS” rap!

Together we are smarter when we exclamate:


Hillary Clinton now should be sleepless and restless as “WHAT YA GONNA DO WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU” has verb! - heart! - core of established culpability, - got a tru & deep core common of both Clintons!

How is the being exposed as like rotten core of the Clintons’ global initiatives as of co-operators of co-mingled systems, at least, now beggard for Justice to a so late ask as to:  WELL? WHAT ABOUT IN THE BEGINNING?  YA KNOW - LIKE WHAT ABOUT WHEN MRS. CLINTON JUST A NEW NEW YORK SENATOR AND PRESIDENT CLINTON ‘INITIATIVE’ OF LIKE RAKING IN DOUGH FROM THOSE (OBVIOUSLY) WITH BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE?

Surely we cannot forget Harlem, and the first days such contrivances for Power by machinations as if for “charity” were commenced not as so desired by President Clinton as yet on 57th and high above the THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM as ensconced in nearly the penthouse suites with so desired but not afforded location as in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWER?

#OMG ~ Oy the “CHA CHING!!!” to rap more easily if Harlem hadn’t been the saver of the Clinton Foundation!

#OMG ~ Oy the self evident “GUILT” to be already have arrested Mrs. Clinton if now the Clinton Foundation were yet in CARNEGIE HALL TOWER and not HARLEM and due Bill Clinton tried to, as recalled reported, get the BIG BANKS to like pay the rent he (they) couldn’t get GAO (Government Accounting Office?) to allocate on tax payers earnings and to that concurrent to the HOUSING and ECONOMIC crashes the whole world could have seen (as reminded) that Clintons were of Bill Clinton of asking banking friends to like pay his foundation’s near $1 Million/year rent in gratuity for like recalled “ALL THE MONEY HE MADE THEM WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”!



Donald Trump isn’t just a #LawAndOrder alternative to #CrookedHillary:


We can be harmonizers with Trump-Pence! 

We can be entrusted of our Bill of Rights and of the 2nd Amendment and accept Donald Trump incidentally spoke the words as 2nd-A is signed and ratified and incidentally as alarming for Clinton camp to that enough defensive sentiment already in the air as awares Hillary Clinton may definitely be to trying to carry Barack Obama torch forward as for further warring against the people to steal their Union/Country/Freedom from them to yet have a voided CONSTITUTION so that there can be yet an AUTHORITARIAN RULING CLASS of AUTOCRATIC power by negating by war against the constituted most to all clauses that are to protect the People “citizens” from TYRANNY. 

We can bolster and reinforce #TP2016 as random roll outs seem now of the leaders of incidentally orating, while of “the pen is mightier” postured, the warning in the Bill Of Rights by the Second Amendment as written to be a warning to any (political) leader intent on disrespecting the ‘We the People’ constituted essential common core!


Remember Harlem!  Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton, to date back to when “Cha Ching Clintons” seems to commence with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton sworn to the oath of the Senate of Senator’s pledge for integrity and honor, have “Cha Ching” in their earliest of foundation days yet cloaked as if “HARLEM SAVED BILL CLINTON - SAVED THE CLINTONS!”!

This rap of self evident guilt would be moot if #CGI was of #FOB - even #FOB52 - of yet that the Clintons had gotten “friends of Bill” bankers to gratuitously pay his most desired near Penthouse lease rent as recalled asked for as in “THANKS FOR ALL THE MONEY MADE WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”! Keys to WJC #HOUSINGBUBBLE!


To key a fit’n curb’n for TRUTH rap’n of Mrs. C. so “CROOKED” is seems we are best measured for words to pique by G - to key measures for GOVERNMENT - of “Of The People” as still actually constituted!

While it seeps out that Donald Trump has passions - is passionate - is trying to RESET civil heart beats for chevrons for HEART - and has an apparent deep HATE for bad management - especially DEMOCRATS BAD MANAGEMENT:

Let us firstly consider how “Cha Ching Hillary” cannot be now ENDS that justified such vastness of so many years of MEANS for “CHA CHING CLINTONS” initiatives (to never surrender the Power of the Presidency even though term limited by 2000)!  Seems we’re rap’n TREASON &/or MUTINY !!!

Sadly their have been victims - many victims! Today brightest must attest:


So let us progress now to ART for all this sadly so many must deal with!  Let us harmonize and synchronize to the beat’n of Hillary Clinton as indivisible from the THE CLINTON and Bill Clinton!  Let us be measured and civilly tru’d!  Let us be of measures civil and effective to arrest the “Cha Ching” at least now civilly with support for standing for the families of fallen of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton house as they proceed to sue private citizen HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON! PLEASE !!!

A monetary sum cannot suffice to repair from losses due her admitted known, and unknown yet culpable negligence of GUILTY by the jurors by monetary valuation even as to “EXTREMELY CARELESS” now equates to GROSS NEGLIGENCE amounts.

There seems a suffice for case to have standing!

The story of how HARLEM and its BLACKS saved Bill Clinton from himself should be just a citation cite to footnote!  The story of HARLEM and the ‘THE CLINTON’ is much proof enough for standing for #CHA_CHING_CLINTONS suing !!! PLEASE! NEVER FORGET !!!

                               *       *       *       *       *

BLACKS - ET ALL:  For more “core’d” please follow #HOGAN link http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=RIVAL and be forewarned it due this column now keyword associated you will experience a deja vous while this “CHA CHING !!! :-( (MUY SAD!)” will queue newly to as first yet in a deep and vast collection collation sadly rich in detail assortment of the Clintons as #RIVALS of Obamas and for “Cha Ching” facilitation for initiatives global from like the first day of the administration of President George W. Bush.

                               *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:27 am

Jeez Louise Mrs. Hillary Clinton! you have a Presidential Library designed (supposedly) for OFFICIAL RECORDS proper keep!

A great General is retiring today as the American flag is to be hoisted above Cuba! now General Ray Odierno deserves the defense in how Iraq engagement by Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and proper, albeit late, very late, - albeit as compromised by political activism of Senator John Kerry (for an anti-war revival #POP) from near as soon as President George W. Bush, with Congress support, had so many boots and equipment on the ground committed.

A great General is retiring today and so today is a great day to talk about how bad a Presidency the Clintons’ Administration was! now is a most appropriate moment to discuss the errs by “political” leadership as more long at fault than that at all of our Military decidings! today is a day to assess more than a prima facia due Clintons’ records hanky panky as per Cuba for today is like a fresh day we can all be cleaner with if to washing our thoughts and to ringing them out as of an if Camp Gitmo is where the Clintons deserve to be assigned! today is a day to wonder if there mustn’t be a #FOB52 - a full deck of 52 known accomplices - a “Friends Of Bill” too associated with that relates capitally to issues that go between “patriots” and if to “military tribunals” most apropos.

To how a great General is retiring, on the day that Secretary of State John Kerry is embattled for the #BadIranDeal, and to hoisting for the American Embassy in Cuba, - ceremonially, is good karma for freedom, due the juxtaposition(s).

Today is a good day to be here! today is a good day to use the #HOGAN #Cats (categories) for historical background (and to better reporting, and historicals)! today is a good day to start with bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/KerryByHogan ~ really! REALLY!

Our Generals, - Military Command Leaders - are admirable beyond an appreciated concurrent to these days of President Barack Obama compromised by Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry! generally it is lesser known, to unknown, how important the story of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories*  broaches, by the time you are washed over by enough of its particulars, of it of and related to Senator John Kerry undermining OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, that the tag line for Democrats #TRUTHS is quite simply they have been working to defeat the #USA defeat of #SOCIALISM since the end of the Cold War.

*[Yes, some #HOGAN links do open to sorted sets yet from a column newest, like now, as its opener/first, in scrollable.]

Generally it is so not admirable of a set of Democrats, at least Clinton Democrats, at least some to much a #FOB52 associated, by a conventional measure, as by of citizen review, how yet we can/must now clean ourselves up by cleaning out a that of the Clintons! these days are due an awakening superior to Hans Solo as encased justly, if, in carbonite, for his bad debt(s)! these days are capitol for a distinction between the political and military leadership, to the culpabilities at least rating “NEGLIGENCE” upon the decidings, political, by the Clintos’ Administration.

Rest in peace Robert Conquest! LONG LIVE Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice! long live! ~ LONG LIVE THE FREEDOM AGENDA, and however it still relates to #HOGAN #TCONF - “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM”!

Today is an especially apropos day, this August day, 14th solar, moon adjusted, in the Year of our Lord 2015, to be to and read through of the important of auto-bio’d as sorted of #CitRB by “Serbian” organized by bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary* — I can tell of having explained the FREEDOM AGENDA to Ambassador Ivan Vujacic, after I incidentally** ended up at the American Enterprise Institute for a lecture by Robert Conquest, and for the Serbian Ambassador sat down next to me — to that we sat through lunch talking for a half hour, - I do tell, — speak as a lay contributor of having shared so much originally his own strategery such that OFFICIAL RECORDS prudence has no gag order Power over my own historicals, - my so told, and still telling to deep background for so much.

**[I say so “incidentally” for my attending AEI even with Conquest was yet of me a day late for event I thought I was @!]

So President William Jefferson Clinton completely messed up the Middle East by too personal decisions in 1993 that then set up the rest of his term(s) as too compromised from a reasonable justice for all in a tradition akin our Constitution and Bill of Rights! today Secretary of State John Kerry is so to his hoisting as our hoisting above Cuba much yet as compromised for his personal politics to an anti-war revival that is rotten in his setting asunder OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, when in the Senate as Massachusetts’ Senator, in a treasonous for commenced really only after the brave of America and coalition countries had become boots on the ground committed! it is really important we at least now become behooved to beneficial truths now less a political mine field, of Clintons political machine defensives, to how smartly the warming with Irani, and Cuban, can be real - REAL!!!***







For today, I, John Peter Hogan, always just a private citizen, do offer too the shortcut bitly http://bit.ly/PettyTreason and as it behoove us all to consider TREASON of HIGH CRIMES, AND MISDEMEANORS, beggard to capital punishment debates!  today, now, is an apropos day of politics fit’n the fig’n forthwith of a #DEATHPENALTY good off the tables at least as long as CAMP GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Detention facilities - and freezing in carbonite are alternatives.

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, of @jphoganorg, of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan, do offer that it may only seem extreme to serve the Clintons and Kerry before President Obama, and yet that such is more better #BlackLivesMatter, and #feminism, - of for #equality!

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, globally know blogger of http://JPHogan.org, as my primary domain/homepage, suggest that we too as per #Iran, & #Cuba, must/can be considerate, newly, as regards any #DEATHPENALTY, that it may be just/justice for some to be condemned to death for their sins while yet improper, where alternatives extant, to ask any other to by premeditation do such as a killing.

For today, and forward, I, #PoetJPHogan, do stand by all my press’d words, albeit their may be typos, to it that we should consider an actual guilt of vast criminality, and long so by the Clintons machinations, and to it that it would be better to see them “Bill & Hillary” publicly shamed (for eternity?) by public display of them as by a sentenced:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:56 am

Candidate Senator Barack Hussein Obama by choosing to embrace the primarily defeated Clinton “two-fer” forward and too as after they reportedly lost half their Hollywood friends for a rap as BIG LIARS did essentially choose to be the Captain of the Titanic but after it had already struck the iceberg

Concurrently: As posted as a share on Facebook as update this morning:  #‎Politics‬ of 2014 much in thought:  CLINTONS BROUGHT DOWN OBAMA!  ‪#‎Democrats‬ should consider Obama with Clintons to Obama w/o Republicans - w/o bipartisanship.  Obama with ALL BUSH FAULT too with Clintons as if NONE CLINTONS FAULT.  Obama chose not to clean up his own party of excessive lies, at least, and so isolated himself in a divided DC.  Obama so with Clintons then to being too w/o ‪#‎CitRB‬ ‪#‎CitizenRosebud‬ and yet while ‪#‎Hogan‬ a singular one historical of knowing Barack & Michelle each since before each knew each other, and first of any so - seems.  PBO since late 70s; ‪#‎FLOTUS‬ since 1987-1988 winter.

Republicans will have a problem if they do not now, and especially loudly before elections, stand up exclamations to the above as #TRUTH #TRUTHS important to any informed deciding as to whom can now be trusted and maybe should be trusted with any voted affirmation.  I do not know if it helps to ask:  CLINTONS?  TERRORISTS OR PEACEMAKERS?

As also a poet perhaps I should restrain myself from such arresting commentary of the Clintons as of a TITANIC for too “romantic”!  As a poet perchance I should alight upon a diabolical “THE CLINTONS” more to it that as if of BATTLESHIP and President elect Obama yellow to green in intra-party keeled for it more that he chose to board with the Clintons like after I had sunk their BATTLESHIP - sunk it more than he himself had while also contesting their contemptible primarily.

There is my history as a muse and my emails to Hollywood with instructions per my vast centrist mused manied successes begot there with as for being prior to the exodus from the Clintons of what seems reported of a thought half of their total number of thought “friends” in entertainment.  It may be that for such I did more to defeat the Clintons than Senator Obama with all his vast campaign dollars and e-tech organizationals.  See before the thought “inevitable” of Mrs. Clinton split in half with such artful exodus it is that I was to emailing with instructions that only but a few of the shows and characters I had seeded with my musing and anchoring forward as with a basis in my reality could be ever to be permitted any presumption not of denial of any usage by the Clintons.

It is that Senator Obama had an easy/easier road to 2008 after I put out cease and desist to Hollywood generally of notice that none should consider anything that had come from me to be assumed or presumed to be for any affirming or supporting of the Clintons. {For a taste of relevance try putting in “Serbia” or “Serbian Ambassador” or “Vujacic” into local site search pane for a sorting otherwise informed of such knowing. Or click on http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary}


And to otherwise see a tragic in WHITE HOUSE DOWN flag twirling metaphorically:


Pretty much it is SHOCKING!!! that even just the Clintons are so graphically IMPERIAL and politically perilously for their as seen to be kept superior also imparts an affirmation of an “up yours” to the European Union otherwise celestial and humble full circle of stars.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

To wake in Gracie Mansion with the City on your shoulders - perchance as not judged “lesbian” by the Pope as dawn breaks after dawns - Christie Quinn may have a yoga mat for that - a set of rosary beads - actual candles to light each morn pro-procreation.

The Big Apple has big hopes and wakes each day strongly of a pro-procreation metrosexual - at least.

You likely at this moment are more afraid with where I might be going with this new column so titled than where I am as set of considerations about how much political capital I still have banked and unspent as a feminist.

There is good news quite in that a Mayor Quinn can be no Hillary Clinton, nor a reborn Governor Clinton, or General Clinton.

Poor Diane Lane - oh the thumping she will have to take just to get into character.  Oh, My!  It is almost as bad as A. Weiner leaving nothing left to one’s imagination.  The Clintons’ apples haven’t fallen far from their tree.

A four part miniseries of the “vessel” Clinton that is Hillary must embrace farce to be realistic.  Hillary has long willingly been subservient to Bill Clinton’s ambitions and as I have known since I was of, to her, in the early 70s of an answer:  “If you want to be President be careful who goes first.”  I have known since the Clintons were law students that Hillary Rodham Clinton wanted to be President and am among a few I figure that told her to run first if she wanted to ever actually realized such.

Yes, I am banking on having most if not all of the political capital from my decade(s) as a feminist now to work with especially now as per THE BUSTED VESSEL here.  It is a long story as to how I can and should have so much feminist political capital such that even NBC is quite on a list of debtors fittingly, if of an artists’ code, to me due eventually much credit as a most successful and entertaining muse/wizard.  A miniseries of Hillary Clinton should tell of me at least as per my extensive strategizing that can be reprinted/rebroadcast to show how effectively I was strategic in the 2008 defeat of the Clintons.

I expect that a Mayor Quinn can great each dawn as well as any straight mayor with a lighting of candles of a grand energy in celebration of a pro-procreation civility.  She can say she has a yoga mat for it without having a personal natural penchance of it, and yes guys (& A. Weiner) she can light actual candles, as well.  I do not know how a Mayor Quinn has designs on dusk and dawn Gracie celebratory ops - I do wonder how she would too great each day so pro-living and pro-life in a survival of the species natural pro-procreation (lobby) posture - and if by rosaries or candles or even if by community calisthenics or yoga.

As to the thumping Diane Lane now is teased to professionally having to be to:  As the Weiner couple are apples fallen from the Clintons’ tree we have to consider that Hillary Clinton is already outed as a busted political vessel.  It is farcical how she has been a Bill’s is not an is herself and such that it is her legacy that she has been submissive as his Mrs. quite of a husbandry, however, of a readiness to be whomever her husband wanted or needed her to be.

There are foreign and domestic problems with Hillary and Diane as vessels of Bill Clinton - as either Ambassador to the World Bill Clinton or President of the World Bill Clinton.  It seems Hillary already has been a vessel as to be beyond domestic and to being an international “boat” partner to President Clinton as a globalist firstly.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton and Diane Lane can only use farce now to sell the Clintons as a suspended historical - a suspended reality - is necessary for an acceptable Posterity.

Little known of the Clintons humiliating defeat in 2008 whence thence commenced so publicly with Mrs. Clinton as “inevitable” is how I was able with my bankable political capital to prevent them from sounding like themselves as they were thought to be of their eight years as first couple.  I was able to protect what was originally mine and while motivated then (and still) to avoid at all costs any knowing effort that would be to me helping them succeed in stealing from me.  2008 was a year of a defeat of the Clintons that I predicted many times while otherwise mostly of having been to explaining why they shouldn’t win.  I am not sure I explained it better to any one person than when that day in 2007, if I recall, that the Serbian Ambassador to the United States sat down next to me at an American Enterprise Institute public event.  When Ivan Vujacic and I got talking over the lunch break we got talking about Hillary and the 2008 race.  I did take issue with his remark that top Republicans were telling him he should expect that Hillary Clinton would be the next President and did work through my opinions with adaptations so to fit his State interests as per Serbia.

With the Clintons - I am to wondering how many times must I so defeat them.  I have succeeded many times since having worked to make them the promised “electable” for 1992 I teased to Democrats like Representative Gephardt, Representative Rosa DeLauro, and some too when then as well of a meeting with Doug Sosnik in Senator Dodd’s office in months prior to the Clintons very late entry into the 1992 race.  Right!  George Stephanopoulus was then with a Koch as peers running Representative Gephardt’s office - Representative Rosa DeLauro was a long time neighbor and my rep - Doug Sosnik was Senator Christopher Dodd’s AA and my sister Joan’s boss.  (Yes, my political capital as a past feminist is still largely unspent - and there is much that relates to my sister and her professional story)  The Greenberg - DeLauro family is that of such as my old neighbors with their wards/children my peers and friends.

But back to THE BUSTED VESSEL as a problem for Diane Lane and the world:  Hillary Clinton has now too long been borderless with Bill Clinton’s post presidency global internationalism such that she has been his boat sailed too long tackless and much adrift as to Constitutional propriety of important lines and visceral dimensions between foreign and domestic.  The Clintons have together busted out beyond “American” as per Hillary as a political “vessel.”  It seems evident already that Hillary can no longer discern the difference between American and Global as per politics - that she is a “boat” too long sailed with the international thumping of Bill Clinton either as Ambassador to the World or President of the World.

Diane Lane may be able to sell that Hillary Clinton need only too have a candle to light or a yoga mat specially designated - but Hillary to be real is herself quite already sailed past a point of safe return.  Her Benghazi and her A. Weiner scandals show that the Clintons quite are already too much a vessel hard on the rocks.

As per Hollywood and a miniseries somehow created to try to pimp Hillary Clinton as fresh and usable - I have beaten her before - I have beaten her badly - she broke bad so long ago it was easy to break them publicly down enough for Senator Obama to have had such and unexpected opportunity.  It was that I was able to defeat them with Hollywood without spending my political capital that should be bankable as long as there is an artists’ code - In essence I needed the legal authority of the Bush Administration to protect my rights to my original works and such as my intellectual property - I did need for Bush to be pro Law and Order in order for me to keep the Clintons from hiding their bad again by taking credit for so much that was originally of me and as my good.

As per Hollywood I still mean to work to historical documentaries of a more honest portrayal of the Clintons’ 90s as years fit a title that should surprise yet inform as:  THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.

As per Hollywood and my said defeat of the Clintons it is that before they so publicly lost half their Hollywood friends and such have of their expected silver screen booty I had put out to such artist realm a personal dictate than none of the many who benefited from my years of entertaining musing were authorized to interpret any of it then or forward anyhow as in a support of the Clintons.  I heard the cries that thousands would lose their jobs there - I was insistent quite and because I have no intention of ever knowingly being to helping the Clintons succeed in stealing from me.

Yes, Diane Lane and others - I know GAME CHANGE movie is a big lie about and for Hillary and Bill Clinton, and, I hope there is still a working artists’ code.  I did before Hollywood turned half against the Clintons so instruct that those especially to millionaire celebrity status via NBC sitcom successes be respectful of my personal dictate that nothing that had come from me was to be interpreted anyhow or used to help the Clintons.

When I was to telling many that they shouldn’t expect Hillary Clinton to win in 2008, and as it was at times while such seemed a politically insane posturing I was of special and unique knowledge of how much I should be able to keep the Clintons from sounding like the Clintons of old - I was confident I would be able to keep them from sounding again like me.

Yes, I was amazed after the Clintons did succeed as I had said a Democrat could in 1992 when then as well of speaking against what seemed the pollable obviousness — I was though really amazed that they proceeded to govern then too much on what had come from me without approaching me to acquire any or all rights to such.  But really I was more amazed and scared that they then would proceed to pervert such that had worked as promised as from me without consulting with its originator as to whether it had pitfalls or dangers set to unfold if it were used otherwise or used past “campaign” worked posturing.

The Clintons have been of Hillary a loyal spouse a vessel too long thumped, however, however political, however international, such that a Hillary For President 2016 is a busted vessel too dangerous to actually float.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

The important equity figure is near 6 Trillion.  When President Obama took office there was a reported 6 Trillion available but sitting idle in private equity.  When President Obama took office he may still have not realized how unfair it would be that some made it look far easier for Clintons to be First Couple in administering executively during their 8 than it actually was for those years.

Though there was a reported 6 Trillion of private equity available at the time President Obama took office there was little he could do with it as a new Democrat now to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & THE TAX for after first round of new Dem spending private equity was smart enough to see their mattresses as offering better “return” on investment even if only offering zero return.

Besides it quite unreasonable and not preposterous or of an injustice to note that the Clintons were made to be better than they were for of a time others were making it be too easy, relatively speaking of the challenges of those years, and seem easier to be a successful President than the work of the Clintons can explain, still.  No it may not be fair to Obama that it was made to look far easier to be President those years than the actual workings for America now will attest.

President Obama did come into office and move from old Dems “TAX AND SPEND” to a more progressive and irresponsible “SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX” loose affiliation with limiting principles and financial prudence.  He did come into office with a reported 6 Trillion in private equity available for investment if a profit could be reasonably and justly expected.  He did come into office where that 6 Trillion was beyond he reach and reasoning as of private wealth.  He is still in an office limited to spending mostly on a basis for revenues from profits or income or capital gains.

Yes, GREAT WALLS can make good neighbors.  Yes fences have also been to expressions that they too make better communities.  Yes, President Obama had mattresses offering at zero predicted return more reasonable return than “investing” in an Obama economy - and so while he without “wealth” or “property” taxing that in America is kept to the preserves of much more local governance revenue long arms of collections.  Our federalist system with its different revenue collection methods does act like a fence or wall to defend our confederated republic and enumerated and protected freedoms and rights - and as well a general Welfare in common sense.

Yes, it is reasonable to have at least considered that President elect Obama would have known of Nixon and the lesson most are if in politics supposed to take away about it being the cover-up that should ruin.  But President elect Obama did commence to President Obama with clear efforts that can only best be described as of an attempt to cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet? 

I don’t remember when the BIG DIG finished in Massachusetts nor when its vast sums of other states people’s money stopped flowing in excessive sums into such state, and, nor do I recall when the DOT COM BUST happened and how it directly effected the tech corridor about Boston and Massachusetts’ economy in general.  These both seem to be big factors of a relevant chronology precedent to Massachusetts having Mitt Romney as a Republican Governor.  For his state to have been at 51st place for job growth I am guessing that I am correct in remembering such preceded his governance.

2012 really is seeming to be a year where people will be wondering again about the Clintons and their 8 years and finally maybe to realizing that they still don’t know how they were successful with many of their sold “successes” and be to relating with such as it seems clearer now that they have failed in attempts to help Dems with President Obama effect a repeat.

Yes, it may be unfair still to President Obama that the Clintons were made to look better than they were and that those difficult years were made to look as if of an easy street of easy governance for our Executive leadership.  Yes, it may be unfair that so many let it be thought that it could be that easy to be President.

Our income and profit based federal revenue system may be all that saved us from this over-reaching initiated by the Clintons and carried further and too far by the Executive governance of Obama.  Our states and localities have the authority to mend and/or maintain their “communities” and “civility” with “wealth” and “property” taxation - the new Dems proceeded with policies that needed “wealth” or “property” taxing power to “redistribution” - the new Dems by trying to do such still with an profits or income or capital gains limited authority did self construct a wall or fence between their ideals and their workability.

It may go down in our future history books that President Obama’s biggest mistake was his work so polarizing and partisan in a political with a capital “P” to attempts to effect a cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

His efforts at job killing have been far stronger than his efforts to job creation and his “save” of GM may have been more about trying to effect a political remaking of such company than a “financial save” of such.

We still have that before he commenced with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM platform to green energy we had as precedence that a similar green energy political push in Spain had cost at least two old economy jobs for each one new “green” job created.  We have that there was precedence to expect that Obama meant to cut more jobs than he planned to create and multiples so for his aggressive politicizing was mixed with an austerity message with a call to a great new conservationism such that Americans should honestly have been warned by President Obama to expect that his furtherance of Dem ideology was set to actually kill off at least three to four jobs for each of the new politically correct green jobs.

We can thank our founders and later geniuses who limited our federal government spending to revenues bases so on profits or income or capital gains.  This doesn’t help President Obama with Dem ideology or actually help further the attempts to cover-up for the Clintons but it did allow people free economic expression and even a shift if of investment equity to otherwise shift plans to long term development where losses would be planned for next 4 - 8 years but with enough profit to be expected there after if it then seemed safe and/or profitable to be at least so endeaverous within American borders.

But have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

Have you also yet considered that a national or federal effort to a new growth economy may do now more harm than good and that Americans now have to find ways closer to home and for a while more with any “redistribution” debate kept to where “wealth” or “property” taxation the revenue basis for community maintenance and civility bolstering?

Yes I do believe the reports that there was near 6 Trillion in private equity sitting available and hungry for rational investing to reasonable returns for risk.  I do believe that Dems some how missed that their ideology and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX new ways forewarned capitalists to days where their mattresses likely would be a better “investment” and for a while.

They were the good guys and gals and well private equity capitalists were supposed to be the bad guys and gals. 

I still have no idea how the Dems did expect their “economic” ideas to actually work - it still seems clear that their aggressiveness was meant to cause this very economic condition and its austerity/conservationism.

I still have no idea how the Dems while attempting a cover-up for Clintons did expect any Republican to naively partake in a bi-partisan self destructive politics.

They tried the claiming to themselves as being the HEROES and the job creators of private sector as the VILLAINS.

Our Internal Revenue Service was supposed to get the funding for new massive armies of tax collectors - and yet since our federal revenues are not of a basis from “wealth” or “property” such was as self defeating as so much else of Dems’ ideology.

I still have no idea how Dems did think it would have worked if it could have worked - especially since it seems to be working exactly as it should have worked with so much “political” and “socialistic” injected preposterously and unjustly into and about our economy.

I don’t know about MARX as per “KILL LISTS” his - I did learn a new phrase this morning from Andrew Sullivan seemingly quoting Cardinal Dolan - I did realize this new term and its usage suggest a call to consideration to due process and as of an innocence until a guilt proven.  When you hear “preposterous and unjust” phrase do you first assume guilt or do you suspect a denial of due process or prejudice of a prejudgement maybe as unfair as that which its usage proffered regarding?

As per the Dems misplaced ideology and practice these past few years we have that Dems as a class of subjects can be said to have caused the economic down turn while as an individual suspect President Obama more insulated and isolated though clearly of a willful association. 

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is that which is of his foreign policies of so much denial of due process and soft money redistributing.  But this is punctuated in ways due clear emphasis.

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is as well is an election year oddity especially for the Clintons that had half their supposed Hollywood friends rat them out as “BIG LIARS” and now as with fatality reports regularly still flowing as evidence as failures in a Diplomacy we have a messaging somehow still allowed near:  Hillary lied and lies and soldiers are dying - Wow, what a great job Hillary is doing.  

A SIT REP now towards 2012 deciding now must encourage a less Marxist BLIND FAITH in Obama Diplomacy and get around to asking if we were once recently of Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts of regular disloyal assertions to his anti-war revival efforts of an earlier Communist scare so with “Bush lied soldiers died” how long can we now still tolerate the indiscriminate political “diplomacy” so partisan of Madam Secretary of State but as also to a “Hillary lies - more soldiers are dying.”?

How did the Clinton economic team embraced by Obama White House as if it were the expected inevitable return of the Clintons fail?  I can be said that their economic policies should have brought us all just here but that isn’t how they are telling their own stories.  We have that if they could have back in 1993 they would have commenced earlier to this mess - they by not learning by the easy times they still can hardly well explain do seem still to fail to understand what was the “successes” of those years. 

We have that we could have had this fine mess in their first term if they had managed to have their way then - and so quite so much because our federal revenues are not based on “wealth” or “property” but are responsive to motivations of the People and their willingness to associate and cooperate economically.  We have that the People likely would have gone on strike as well against such Dem “management” back as early as Clintons’ first term if they had managed to have had their way whence then.

[Note: Version of “MARX IS BURNING” in 33 #economics @ CitizenRosebud.net may have edits as later draft.]


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:20 pm

Recently I asked:  How did we get from the Six Million Dollar Man to the 16 Trillion Dollar Women?

To read Maureen Dowd today one seems to be asked to forget President Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech and its admonition of the “avoidance” and “inaction” of the Clintons’ Presidency as it seemed about women’s rights and their talking it but not walking it at least as per Afghanistan. 

We have now just to see Ground Zero and even with all the beautiful restoration about it and the splendor planned to be to an instinctive reaction to a pronouncement thought at least that our 90s must have been a mess - that the Clintons’ 90 were really a mess.

President Obama now persists with his attempt to cover-up for the Clintons inaction and avoidance yet when he actually did seem to so admonish them so.  We have historically that Obama’s Iraq position though oddly unchanged as history more revealed begets a contrariness as per Madam Sec Mrs. Clinton and feminism.  As per Clintons’ 90s and feminism we have that now by President Obama’s own edicts that we should have helped women of Afghanistan but ignored the women of Iraq.

We have that the Clintons’ “globalism” now is to spreading the big “D” not the small “d” and with their big “D” for Democrats and all the while President Bush’s Operation Iraqi Freedom was about spreading small “d” democracy, and as well his trading of school and road construction for permission in Afghanistan to trespass their sovereignty in our chase of about 50 Al Qaeda members thought to be camping in their country.

We have, looking to Tampa Convening, that even Candidate Mitt Romney is running to be a better democrat than the Obama administration has been and the Clintons’ administration actually was.

There was not majority representation in Iraq until after President Bush stayed the course, and, stayed the course some more.  President Obama still today held to his cobbled “foundation” on his own otherwise shifting sands that is his dedication to an elementary premise his, about Saddam Hussein and the regional geo-politics involving Iraq.

As per Thomas Friedman and his waxing about capitalism and communism it is still plausible that we are now engaged in the last battles of the “Capitalism v. Communism” entanglements as those at “home” have been teased/drawn out as Obamacrats too socialistic.  We seem amidst the battle between the “Communists” sympathies thought about our sixties and seventies at “home” and the survival of the “capitalist” free market traditions now still kickin’ it quite well.

The Clintons’ 90s must have actually have been a mess!  By Tampa their “X” factor likely to be on parade as much as the for being of an entirely separate school of thinking as Obamanomics is from economic direction Republicans are of a new promise.

We have a simple allegorical to suggest Obama has problems with Saddam Hussein still:  If Saddam Hussein were a Chicago crack lord as much a tyrant to his turf he too then under Obama likely would be as deserving to escape justice.

We are now to a Democrat suggestion that the Clintons were right to avoid Iraq and Afghanistan even though their intelligence estimates likely defied their public messaging suggestive that we of America were to a moral right to have PEACE DIVIDENDS.  We have by the suggestion that Iraq was a war of choice that Obama’s choice to war on Afghanistan more than just in Afghanistan belies the Clintons’ avoidance and inaction and raises queries as to how or why we should be fighting for the women under the Taliban and not have for the women under Saddam Hussein?

And we have the “feminism” example of “rouge” Sarah H. Palin too as Tampa X  Factors rear near.  We don’t have an all or nothing hit the roads with “Hillary” or just hit the road - we have striking comparisons just between “Sarah” and “Hillary” as per feminism and action, family values and politics, Title IX & Title X, and, two parties with different foreign policies and economic options separable as two remarkably different schools of thinking.

It may help that so many men are still contesting for the Republican nomination since it seems the Tampa 2012 Convention could be much or mostly about women.  And, why President Obama was willing to try to cover-up for the Clintons with his elementary white paper speak suggestive that Saddam Hussein was to be allowed to fully escape justice from his subjects.

As I recall, this now may be part of “rogue” Sarah H. Palin’s Southern Strategy.  And WOW I really still cannot believe that we have Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton our first or last line of defense and over-sight over Mr. Clinton, former President, and his global initiatives and mass money moving efforts that to some at least somewhere are likely considered “material support of terrorism” and all the while it seems the Bush administration pushed small “d” democracy and the Clintons both more to pushing a global partisan spread even with US tax dollars of big “D” Democrat machinations to global partisan political support and development of Clinton power.

Separating Saddam Hussein from crimes against his people and war crimes is like separating either Clinton from PARTISAN politics.  I still hold to my complex thinking about Operation Iraqi Freedom and that where it was a Bush Freedom Agenda that such was to spreading equal rights more equally and without it being “religious” or “partisan” as per American Republicans or Democrats.

 I was though back in 2007 maybe that I did explain it best and as that Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary like because the Middle East could be having a democratic awakening that if we were not to first having attempted to remedy our past entanglements with Saddam Hussein could have US forever on the wrong side of Middle East peoples wanting as much freedom as we claimed for ourselves.  But this memory is of my conversation with Ivan Vujacic, Serbian Ambassador to the US after he sat down next to me at an American Enterprise Institute lecture and we got talking over lunch and with me to offering this as applicable for Serbian interests too.

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (born William Blythe III) was to official first days as President Obama’s Cabinet ranked official for diplomacy to saying near:  “We won’t be making human rights a priority.”

I don’t know where this “Hillary” has come from - and I have been wondering if she were dressing herself.

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