
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

     It is now near 10am Wednesday morning the eve of Thanksgiving 2021. I am seated in the Jefferson Building main reading room of the Library of Congress.

     President Joe Biden is an embattled executive with his leadership seriously questioned/doubted.
     Our national traditions for this holiday do contravene the political messaging from the current White House.
     Our national pastimes for level playing fields of law & order with referees & crowd emotions are inconvenient to current dictum prescribed too authoritarian & devoid regular order for advise & consent.
     Enter President Donald Trump.
     This man must be understood for parity in a real sense of history - real historicals - real context.
     This man is a conundrum as to criticize him there that factor of most of years to be most critical he was yet in New York City resident as a Clinton Democrat. Which years were most formative & questionable for this man long a Democrats who changed parties it seems to be able to stay a winner?
     To surmise he can only be judged as a Republican is off.  This man, to President Biden especially, is of he changed party from Democrats to Republicans after there major national movement success in constitutional fundamentals of for modern Republicans of a Republican Movement & it also of a new Tea Party.
     Neither old white man started these dynamics for a back to basics in keeping to the Constitution is better written than it may ever have been allowed to be interpreted. To parse & pare the different challenges it seems prudent all must see parameters like for Thanksgiving sports - football? - of settings for a level playing field & with referees sworn for rule by rules.  The drama dynamic for broadcasting on challengers maybe fields best when both sides try to explain all the mistakes of the 1990s made by the Clintons.
     Where was his politics in the 1990s?
     President Biden now faces him as a Republican much did well after joining Republican Movement winning yet as his former self but too while Election 2020 had to be run with frauds perpetuated by the Democrats due the gestalt of the party is there otherwise eitherwise are too many contrary & contradictory in deeds & ranks.
     President Biden has not been celebrating the values of Thanksgiving in his or the Obama administration; the Thanksgiving story is respected in Constitution plain language originalism of the colonies respected the Pilgrims experimented as contracted to for repayment of ocean transit costs then with that called Socialism today.
     Our founders essentially rendered respectfully the learned from such experiment to the actual wording of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is to that we call Socialism is set as unconstitutional - but as under “Religious Liberty” focused & to as if religion.
     This man is innocent compared the Democrats he fled from when he changed party?
     President Biden otherwise is by how objects to actual originalism “Religious Liberty” per Thanksgiving inconvenient truths of Pilgrims experimented with & then overcame the pitfalls of that we call Socialism today, to he also fundamentally is postured eitherwise to in objections to the Iraq constituted - the Iraqi Constitution. Biden with Democrats whom fundamentally try to set asunder the concept of each an unum an individual of rights from Creator - to of Union as united pluribus to by how constituted each of Liberty for Posterity by it a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.  The Iraq people have constituted likewise, however more similar to United Kingdom particulars, that the are each under Islam before under Government & since their liberation to stipulations for women to be guaranteed power of offices too.
    This man is whom tried to give the country back to the People & while martialing artfully for a return of “Merry Christmas” across our nation.
    Why did the Biden campaign need “Black Lives Matter” to fundamentally shift from formed after Michael Brown police incident tragedy in Ferguson Missouri into that seems SOLD OUT to be activists & radicalized to firstly a partisan politics to attempt to PROTECT A BILLION DOLLAR GLOBAL BRAND FOR OBAMAS?
    How was this man once a Clinton Democrat who joined the winning Republican Movement for constitutional law & order new buttressing so misunderstood?
    Aren’t both these old white men more wrong than right? - on Iraq for how Iraqi liberated? & then constituted a republic?  President Biden must be anti-Iraq as constituted like his politics are of party now long for citizens as if more just subjects & any religiousness to be suborned under an authoritarian tyranny of a Left ruling class?  President Trump must be more wrong than right on his objections to the liberation of Iraq - the Iraq War?
    This man who as our president represented an existential threat to the politician Joe Biden by moved as a Modern Republican in sync to the Republican Movement he joined to bring the nation to a refreshed polity of the Republicans more whom represented as the WORKING BLUE COLLAR CITIZENS party?  He had old “Joe” on the ropes!  He with the Republicans as his new party too demonstrated very professionally an economics with objectivism & social sciences data of our nation could creates more jobs than there seemed a suffice of workers to staff.
     Candidate Joe Biden just lied & lied & perpetuated frauds for gain across the 2020 election to ran more against a construct of a #FakeDonald actually irrational & devoid of any objectivism in any science for real psyche profiling.
     This man, besides becameth the new champion of the working people, did too trample on any ego of old “Joe” by too he was doing more than generally reported as doing of doing more for blacks - black Americans - than Democrats had been willing to do for the past 30 years, at least. Old “Joe” was being flattened by this man obviously a changed man as became a Republican politician & shed many past mistakes especially of the 1990s of the effected moral depravity in political decisions by President William Jefferson Clinton - born yet William Blythe III to need a name change seems to become electable.  This man became a Republican President didn’t change his name; Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton did both choose to have “Jefferson” as of their legal names, even as for firstly of South for Jefferson Davis.
     As candidate Joe Biden long in 2020 election he by his own party of New York state prosecutorial discretion standards, as precedent on FRAUD, was able to be deemed UNFIT FOR OFFICE for perpetuated FRAUDS for gain both of lies to inflate President Barack Hussein Obama legacy, & too to run against a construct a #FakeDonald.
     Ours & Iraqi constitutions are likewise of our Thanksgiving roots for each an unum and individual of rights from Creator by how constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) - by how united pluribus to each says each other’s rights come from their Lord - not the Federal Government.  President Biden is contrary to both.  President Obama more than misread Constitution he administered false governance at home & abroad as if he could lead as if a secular Socialist.
     This man may be hard to see as an innocent for he of so many years at least to quiet during the 1990s moral depravity of the executive decisions by the Clintons.  He did rise to show with Republican Movement & Modern Republicans that the Right was better on job creation & too as experienced to also setting up to have done more for blacks than Democrats had been willing to do for over 30 years.
     This man though a former Clinton Democrats was not so horrible as were the Clintons of it was apparent so much of what they yet staged for popularity as of DOING FOR BLACKS was much back doored also as SET UP  TO FAIL.
     This man may have failed to defend himself from the attacks from the Clintons & associated but due he was too long too quiet as maybe complicit as one of them?
     Candidate Joe Biden had to be unbecoming to unfit for office, by more than this said of failed his own party’s legal standards for perpetuating fraud for gain;  Candidate Joe Biden had this man of had him against the ropes by with Republicans of so improved/built a growing economics the economy nearly had too many jobs for the available number of workers, & to were actually moving forward to still be to helping blacks more than Democrats had long been willing to.
     As also maybe firstly just the other “old white guy” is this man now of old “Joe” problem of may be reflexively towards regressing to errant old ways of at least the 1990s and Clintons poor judgement for Posterity to be taught of 8 years much in a moral depravity?
     Where is there Thanksgiving of level playing fields for this contesting of the politics?
     Democrats perpetuated FRAUDS to flip his LAW & ORDER on him as set as vs THE SWAMP & their leadership to as if he was, not they by CYA necessity, whom militarizing POLICING issues & baiting racism?
     Whom can be the referees for LAW & ORDER this Thanksgiving and beyond to maybe #Trump2024?
      President Biden has a moral duty to be an  EDUCATION PRESIDENT to youths can study the mistakes of President Barack Hussein Obama - learn of and from the Obama mistakes - which to means we must now removed the like BLACKED OUT for all of 1990s on President William Jefferson Clinton real administering so too young & old all around the world can finally study so much firstly best tag’d “moral depravity” extant in the Clintons governance.
     It seems this day in 2021 near eve of Thanksgiving that to judge this man - beyond was President Donald John Trump, Sr. for a term - we must reconsider the 1990s & firstly work up a full dramatization of a Bill Clinton vs Donald Trump historical. 
     Speaker Nancy Pelosi did steal election 2020 as promised she would as Democrats went after this man constantly by stealing the successful movement developments of the Republican Movement & Tea Party - which too historically explains the current ORIGINALISM Supreme Court plurality - & projecting & transferring to build presumption of guilt by momentum, not proofing, the landed hits that felled #CrookedHillary.
     This man was of a stolen election but oddly his defenses so far have not explained how it actually was stolen as promised it would be.
     This man hasn’t defended himself well enough?
     This man was too long a Clinton Democrat now too old to stay a changed man?
                                               *       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

You too can play this game!

This is not the old game of “how about a game of TIC-TAC-TOE?”.

The proliferation of Kim Jong Un, nuclear, is a complicated American morality mashable.  It seems Iran and North Korea weaponization of rockets manned to based to be post “GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR” madness evolved from to armaments to for waging IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE.

As America is an IDEA each citizen should now step up a joined to a letter writing campaign.  Each of us is needed to pen letters to North Korea to be bulk carried by President Donald J. Trump to his summit for “ONE KOREA” ice breaking.  As POTUS is “Trumpet Boy” the SWAMP of these united states of the Americas must be heard over.

The new IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE paradigm being brought to a head for “ONE KOREA” summit variant is now after the FIRST STRIKE, & SECOND STRIKE, and to if an EVIL TWIN BROTHER “KIM JONG OH YEH” to seek to target university towns across America over military or government establishments.

Kim Jong Un’s evil twin brother “Kim Jong Oh Yeh” is as much the relevant core issue as in Middle East and particularly accelerated basic concurrent of Iran.

Great Americans now is the time for at least a major lettering writing campaign due Donald J. Trump mission is that Americans are generally good people and it is the humble greatness of Americans that is our individual best defense to Kim Jong Un too as if “Kim Jong Oh Yeh!”.

Consider the SWAMP of fogs of partisan sniping bogging down a global and local means to rationalize our ecosystems from slipped to divisive paradigm dominant.

Donald J. Trump, negotiator, has before him the ignorance of the “SWAMP” collating HOPE to two distinct boxes.

Donald J. Trump, manager, can use expressive masses of individual voices to pen letters to explain why they do not deserve to be targeted even if of a university town.

Donald J. Trump, Republican, has much progress arrested and his hands strapped from breaking partisan divide due Democrats won’t yet even step up to basic simple first step to outta the box potential from teeing up fair play by offering in an also humble set a list of at least 10 things 5 top Democrats leaders have each made since January 1993.

Republicans are not hiding from progress to a restoration of BIPARTISAN colluding for the People by shying away from listing and discussing what mistakes Republicans may have made, while - yes - essentially Democrats still won’t list or open discussion even on just what mistakes William J. Clinton may have made in 1993.

Imagine you are to be standing waist deep in “ONE KOREA” summit without loads and loads o mailbags filled with letters asking Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader, not to target them individually, - even if of in a university town of too much diversity of now a legacy of failed to martial DPRK type SOCIALISM to Washington, DC broadly.

Imagine North Korea Supreme Leader is true to his words to that he is not a one to want to bomb free people back to the stone ages.

The Supreme Leader of the DPRK now has us imagining a “ONE KOREA” breakthrough but by how “Un” knows “Un” so may yet be from that so far “Un” of experience learned from a proving North Korea could be nuclear aggressor  and not as yet from R&D safe spaces to trigger state that could surface an EVIL twin brother dynamic of “Kim Jong Oh Yeh” buttons pounder.

Now is the time to table BIPARTISANSHIP as it is elementarily common to parry commencement post seating arrangement and the shape of the table of to a common proffered honor in humility of now the Democrats to first offer and opening list to discuss to heal partisan divide by offering now second step as to be open to dissecting what mistakes William J. Clinton did and may have tragically made at least of 1993 to 2001.

We must gradually open minds for BIPARTISANSHIP back for an America GREAT AGAIN by once again likewise as a “ONE AMERICA!”.

We must not rush from gradually opening mind to resolved from blind partisans - of a modern dark ages - to too soon breaking down that DPRK to “ONE KOREA” could have happened near 9 years ago but couldn’t because Barack H. Obama, President, wouldn’t heed foreign leaders of Socialist countries entreaties to be less SOCIALIST and to from rubbing their progress to FREE MARKETS more akin CAPITALISM raw.

If Democrats won’t cease & desist from being faux AVENGERS and shift from first order OBSTRUCTIONISM all progress for also “ONE KOREA” may be DOOMED!

If Democrats do not offer a fundamental shift to open to parity to fair polity comity can not be seeded even to meditations for BIPARTISANSHIP!

If Democrats now resist a shift from first order OBSTRUCTIONISM and refuse to offer service to our tables for DIPLOMACY - domestic DIPLOMACY and foreign too - our resistance alone to also displaced!

The shift from “GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR” to “TIC-TAC-TOE” to now attitudes for NUCLEAR exercised as of IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE justified is firstly concerning due such shirts FIRST STIKE, SECOND STRIKE, THIRD STRIKE, equations to algorithms of university towns more natural targets than military or government establishments forward?

Letter writing campaign may now be our best defense.

Meditations for BIPARTISANSHIP persist thwarted from suffice by too of a “MEXICAN STAND-OFF” between the 100% INNOCENT William J. Clinton and the Democrats’ REAL William J. Clinton.

We seem able to take North Korea Supreme Leader at his word that he has learned from developing his NUCLEAR potential, so far, that his “HE” is of not to be EVIL like twin brother a “Kim Jong Oh Yeh!”.

President Donald J. Trump, of the humble great People of these united states of the Americas, while partisan divide to healing remains thwarted, now may need at least the spirit amassed and bundled voices of “GREAT AMERICANS” of individuals to proofing his belief in normal Peoples by free and open exercised rights to ask the honorable Kim Jong Un to not target them and with explanations to why targeting normal Americans so would not be just?

This THIRD STRIKE conundrum is not only of what could have yet also happened/progressed since 2009 if otherwise tabulated!

Do, PLEASE, help NUCLEAR Kim Jong Un understand why each of you should NOT deserve being of his “THIRD STRIKE” algorithms - even if of a university town too diverse to muddled blandness and if such of institutions failed to martial SOCIALISM arts endured.

Otherwise:  The strikes against Hillary Rodham Clinton are justified - are just to discuss & dissect!!!

Had Hillary R. Clinton won we would have no where to press off to due to guilty by association and called to DEFEND HER HONOR even as leaks and truths discovered of lacked/lacks HONOR!!!  [There is something to the size of a cover-up suggest he size of crimes, and likewise Democrats can’t yet even admit were 1% errant/bad!!!]

A parity for polity - fair play - got game - forward depends on comity by effecting a playing out of teeing up now also all the strikes against Democrats and to assisting negotiations for unity by actually offering service to statistics to summed up now on what were at least 10 mistakes by William J. Clinton, Albert A.Gore, Speaker Nancy P. D’A. Pelosi, First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State/First Mate of Clinton Foundation Hillary R. Clinton each!!!

             *       *       *       BABY STEPS?       *        *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

A petite black man as small of stature as Kevin Hart can still be a truly scary bastard!

Today we have the politics of uniform standards to try to exercise our liberal democracy originalism as regarding!

The first position maybe should be:  “BOTTOM’S UP WITH TRUMP”?

Secondly, maybe as still foreboding, primarily:  “UP WITH RODHAM”?

This, now as President Obama, on NATO, with Poland, in Warsaw, primarily is of the President of the USA of making the same foreign policy errs which also beget domestic terror.  The NATO with President Obama is not an organization that seems to have and understanding of how President Reagan and Pope John Paul II were effective bridge builders to a greater world peace.

To preface this to expose and detail how the years 1993 to 2001 are of years when President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton did much to make structural racism a new normal, and as of them earlier than President Obama, of also leading away from the peace built by President Reagan and the Polish Pope, let me suggest that if the Federal Bureau of Investigation was of having developed on the evidence - even the self evident of public records - a profile - a criminal profile - of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton it likely now might be public of containing terms like:




Let us digress now to what will most definitely not seem a joke also to the Polish people!

The problem, primarily, is easy to argue as being TOP DOWN and of that President Obama has failed the blacks and for having much for having willfully gone further along with developing the Clintons effected structural racism politics.

A problem is that President Obama has actually endorsed Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and since besides he is as easily arguable for failing blacks his backing is yet of a Democrat Party leader who blew off #MLK50, #Selma50, and, #Ferguson!

President Obama, while now in Warsaw, Poland, as with NATO, is yet exponentially broadening and escalating problems by continuing to be as anti-Constitution as the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.  President Obama is continuing what can be simply tagged as of structural racism, as by how such Liberals set to define “success”, by continuing the setting asunder of Constituted rights - and now as by furthering the very setting asunder worked long by the Clintons.

President Reagan and the Polish Pope John Paul II were to doves of a feather compared to how Democrats doth crow a lot and now defensively to try to bury the ledes as to that it has been fairly reportable since before Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown police involved shooting that the first black President is enough already for history books as one to be tagged for having failed blacks.

What we have here is a Constitutional problem now of a TOP DOWN dynamic and as it is like the antithesis of the walk and the talk of bridge builders for greater world peace President Reagan and Polish Pope John Paul II!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The American success story only works as by how these united states of the Americas are actually constituted by the People’s Order - and how celebrating it as originally intended was a secret to the success of President Ronald Reagan, and all parties of such grand advancement of unions potential.

The fall of President Obama was written long ago!  The falling of President Obama has been less do to being a bastard conceived a Soviet Studies love child to a dark & light, - an ebony & ivory, - a pepper & salt paired intimate coeds whence for firstly, primarily, he is of falling (while black) due his poor judgement in too closely associating with the Clintons and their old works for structural racism, as a hidden but true core, and to his acceptance of their very white definition of success.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The story of the mistake of President Barack Hussein Obama are now necessary to be reported and fully aired yet for how it will always be historic that he has failed blacks so vastly, - truly!

Should President Obama resign?  Isn’t his interpretation of the Constitution an inhibitor to law & order?  Isn’t it that discussion now that ‪#‎CrookedHillary‬ is so exposed as ‪#‎4Real‬ we can say President Obama should resign, and yet as while of a bad, to just cause, in historically yet gets a US adjusted to facts he, though he should resign due his effected constitutional interpretation, of he yet can be said already amidst these scandals as having been a better President than the real ‪#‎BillClinton‬?

“ASSUME THE POSITION” is not just be a criminal perspective but one to query how a Constitutional is dangerous and improper where “Order” in preamble is not a noun and to that “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” is not and cannot be for mob rule and AUTHORITARIAN rule by executive order as yet of nullifying the body constituted as by effecting USC of “in order to…”.  This attempts to put the blame at the top and on President Obama and President Clinton due “positions” below them cannot communicate freedom in Liberty and Justice for All where their postures have been effected (purposely) wrongfully (in political self serving narcissism?) to that law and order is not in the ranks because it is not facilitated as constituted from the top down for better bottoms up with more self governance.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” now asks to if ‪#‎HillaryEmail‬ & ‪#‎FBI‬ newly charged does need us to consider that President Obama is already too compromised as part of such of cover-ups so that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama should be perp walked after officially being marshaled to compliant of “ASSUME THE POSITION.”

Do understand President Obama has failed blacks, much, - and, this I even wrote of in days just before ‪#‎Ferguson‬ and then necessarily again in days just after ‪#‎Missouri‬ incident with Michael Brown.  The satire of “COVERT CYPHER” of 33 economics treatments at CitizenRosebud.net! And, also via bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT.

Do understand the Democrats said as if the “Constitution” is more anti-Constitution than within the lines as either “Federalist” or “JeffersonRepublican” and so that they want communities to see Executive as a GREAT Federal leader even as the constitution they posture unsettles freedoms and expects everyone (more subjects than citizens) to be more subject to their whimsy and moods and to them as expected to just tie rants however they feel like creating a solution.

We have less law and order under the Obama & Clintons “interpretation” and dangerously now as em like being fit’d for arresting accessories as like already so exposed that an ‪#‎IMPEACHMENT‬ on the table as soon as the FBI meets Congress’ new filing duty to attesting ‪#‎MrsClinton‬ also lied under oath.  ‪#‎MrsC‬ is caught and so then must it be considered that Bill Clinton is enough implicated, at least as the improper owner/operator/admin, and so that President Obama is caught for having at least been an accessory too much.

The Democrats’ idea of “Federalism” is more “anti-Constitution” and therefore actually not legal, and quite arguably as of #‎TREASON‬‪#‎PoliceShootings‬ are to the core of a TOP DOWN problem and in that Freedom as “of religion” of “all are created equal” is set asunder by Democrats, and as to have a way to imperial and authoritarian Power for crony graft not of “our Lord” of “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” as that nation is to be under our Lord not forced to make do as but under machinations for Powers and reigning in lies that demote TRUTH and HONESTY.

‪#‎Its_O_not_o‬ >> ‪#‎USC‬ is not a living document as “Order” in preamble is a noun, and of that founding fathers were of an apostolic spectacle to the constitution is a Peoples’ Order “Paulist” to that it is that Freedom is “of” “religion” as religion/faith how people be above being ‪#‎barbarians‬ and as to that ‪#‎Paul‬ established a long time ago that every individual is under our Lord before ever under a government; - - - We must self govern in a voluntary morality - a voluntary extra-nation organized morality - for any government to have enough moral authority, in representation, for law and order to be possible.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways, but not now politically!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to Democrats methods as of a core for structural racism with its deepest roots now in the years 1993 to 2001 as by the effected by the hands of the Clintons, and their core associates!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works off a simple definition to be developed of pertinent evidence of what is how em define “SUCCESS” and as such is so very very and old WHITE definition of IVORY TOWER elites!

Sadly President Obama has been such a bad Leader and one you will have to argue as maybe worse (structurally) than President Clinton such that now due how he, for the history books, has fundamentally, and too the deepest common core, failed blacks, - and yet just most failed blacks while pretty much upending any not bought into the IVORY TOWER so WHITE definition of SUCCESS!

In any criminal profile at least of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton there should be a record of what is believed to be how Mrs. Clinton defines “success”!  And so her record and profile should account for it seems that any can be suppressed and oppressed who didn’t try to get to at least Yale Law School, and to how then for life each is a lifer to be of a forced “community” not “FREE” “UNDER OUR LORD” for the gentile fragile egos of the elite akin such as IVORY TOWER essentially demands that where you manage to advance to, once you buy into you must try to at least get to Yale Law School, is then where you must be “oppressed” to only being so by class structures!

There are not enough Democrats “BLIND MICE” to now lead enough managed “popular movement” events to now bury the historical of the first black President failed blacks (more than any other - by race)!

There is enough now to tag a rap on President Barack Hussein Obama for having played to lily WHITE defined IVORY TOWER success as like a TOKEN BLACK then that could be puppetted and marched for a compliance drum beating to reinforce “SUCCESS” by “LIBERALS” must be only from playing in their (SECULAR (BOOKISH)) structurally bounded and forward by the example of a FIRST BLACK, however mulatto, however half white, however raised by whites, as a TOKEN example to be enforced as the example to that any must try to at least try to get into Yale Law School, and then be to accepting for life they will then be suppressed structurally in secular methods for LIBERAL machinations for CLASS dividing.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” must depend on the archive in the sorted vast #Cats (categories) here marginalized as readily available as a resource with use limitations.

For now the position is that President Obama aggravates law enforcement and #BlackLivesMatter by every meddling now to more defensively CYA his six due he has failed mostly blacks.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” defends recent officer involved shootings as even petite Kevin Hart can be a scary bastard of deadly force too apparently flexed. 

Resisting arrest after reports of like “his gun was threatening” must be of innocence to first be presumed for the officer(s)! 

In Minnesota it seems a sadder case but (for now) defensible as it seems when the officer asked the driver for “license and registration” any movement by a passenger was suspect, and especially while the driver was asked to produce the documents. 

The Castile case seems to have a suffice to just cause for a presumption of justification (maybe) for this officer, and from a presumption of racism, as he reasonably expected the passenger to not move and especially for them to not say he “has a gun” and for their to be movement of his hand to behind his back while he wasn’t being asked for “broken taillight” incident “documents”!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to how officers are of rank and file now in a corrupted way to President Obama as a too “federalist” BOSS yet of a contrary interpretation of the CONSTITUTION which set asunder regular order and law and order by creating room by claims of a “living document” to essentially be of a POLITICS for tyrannical Power and mob rule, in essence!

President Barack Hussein Obama is now really really doing more harm than good!  President Obama “constitutional” is FLAWED!

PLEASE RESIGN! Please resign President Barack Obama - you whom I known since the late 1970s!  Like said of Clintons: You “beget terrorism”!

                               *     *     *     *     *     *     *

[This essay is a work in progress!  Please do not consider it as finished, final, or even mostly concluded, - yet!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:00 pm

                                  THE GREAT 1/2 EVIL

Firstly let us put the times in their place by noting they are ganging up on Donald Trump essentially as if of “THE EMPEROR” of a “new suit” for like boldly going where none were supposed to dare when like suggesting to the whole world President Obama is naked - The President has no cover yet/still/even on.

Firstly let us have some prudence and find discipline to look deeper at the Republican nominee and the Democrat Party (inevitable) other by committing to not let 2016 contests be made so shallow to if Donald Trump just has better hair and pantsuits.

Dark days are upon us!  The three halved of these times are luckily not yet permanently fixed to from “good half” Bernie Sanders vs “bad half” “Clinton Machine” with the other half as for republic Republicans as a “good half” for committed to regular order and “process” as new “structuralists”!

Of party’s and country’s I sing:  Dark days are upon us as it seems inevitable that the Senate Democrats so prescribed as prejudiced for Mrs. Clinton are so united in the imperfect - united yet with a “most corrupt ever” as a (inevitable) “presumptive nominee”! These Senators with Mrs. Clinton (Protocol proper!- Mrs. C. last job and highest paying ever is as of Clinton Foundation as #2 - or First Mate - as Mrs. Clinton) are most compromised to exposed as of like “THE DARK SIDE” while fronting with and for the “most corrupt ever” and yet while trying to dictate that their subjects (new Democrat vernacular for once “free People” or “citizens) must be kept from gun rights - from rights constituted that individuals have rights to defend themselves even from a Government violate of their 10 Commandments - as of all 10 of the Bill of Rights.

Let us visualize this all better!  Let us try to see the “simple stupid” perverted that has “security” broached by Democrat Party “leadership”!

Firstly, maybe we should peg New York City demonstratively to show the generally damaged mood - the damage holding back economic growth.

Firstly, maybe, it is of New York City that though it may not produce top leaders as Republicans, it is sadly that, as now even Michael Bloomberg siding attests, that NYC is of an endemic vast problem for it seems it isn’t even producing top Democrat leaders.  I cannot abide nor condone in any way that Michael Bloomberg, as said Independent, is also one now a problem, maybe due devolution, as one thought a “leader” but showing as publicly siding with Mrs. Clinton.

Essentially Donald Trump is being gang banged by Democrat hordes carrying sticks for the “Clinton Machine” and its puppet Mrs. Clinton!!!

Essentially Donald Trump is being isolated and targeted, even if not yet cornered, as like said for that he basically dared to go where none are supposed to have gone - as like for that he has been loudly proclaiming an obvious political fact that President Obama is basically naked - of “new suits” to cover that just can cover nothing - of trimmed and hemmed - even as of Rhodean spun yarns - to threads just at best falling to the ground as the lies, per all the measurable, just fit nothing in reality, even or especially the body politic of Democrat Party leadership.

The essence of the dark side of the “evil” of the days about us is engirthed in the works of lies as if “democratic liberalism” was a license to lie!

There is the essence of this, as to the bones of their corruptions and perversions from constituted regular order, as that Mrs. Clinton, however merely a puppet of the “Clinton Machine” is the most “evil” half the these three halves a fore set upon your conscience.  Mrs. Clinton is of like “THE DARK SIDE” must be a given - not just an assumed - or presumed - a necessarily concluded establish reality.

Right!  Firstly maybe we should visualize to juxtapose more clearly the “simple stupid” of “common sense” versus the prescribed (evil) dictum being marshaled by a dangerous number of Democrat Party “leaders” and some other sadly also so notable.

Right!  Firstly:  Let us look at this all structurally - devoid of Democrat demagoguery for a self-importance for decreed “Leader” Power - devoid of Democrat chicanery of coy ploys to as if there just need be enough legal precedence to cite for 24 hours and so that tomorrow can be but a black lot - woops! - a blank page like a new case for a lawyer all over again. 

Quite right! Yes! - Yes like a perversion to an “EVIL GROUNDHOG DAY HORROR SHOW”!  Where for now Mrs. Clinton is yet the puppet whom we are to allow a clean slate to each morning as if all her sins of yesterdays are forgiven every day but for a machination to a yarn of an “innocent Hillary” as since the sad goal so evil is that they like decree Mrs. Clinton must be forgiven each day to be just a “NEW HOPE” each next morning as while like of insisting on forgiveness of yesterdays but so that todays then she can make the same “mistakes” all over again, as like she can not be forgiven, if kept to reality, for each day she will but do again exactly what she needed forgiveness for just the day before.

More visually now:  Firstly:  When we get back to Donald Trump, a career compliant businessman, a structuralist, primarily, always, is now being so dastardly attacked and like isolated as if to an “ISLAND OF REPUBLICANS” is but an island of one, we have generally that he is being targeted and essentially gang banged - well beyond BULLYING - by Democrats, - by em supposedly of “leadership” skill.

Firstly, structurally, to better visualize viz a viz a juxtaposition do now picture Donald Trump as selling a future building idea as a “SECURE PROPERTY” and the Democrats, now like the only “leadership” option due an entrenched elite Democrat ruling class extant (as of scandal, and like a house of cards for too much to like a game of thrones), are like in control of some boards of approvals for statutory compliance and are like in uniformity to saying to structuralist builder developer TRUMP like:


Hopefully you are now not one too also devolved and too far of a devolution to not get that this like works on IMMIGRATION policy issue points as to how TRUMP vs. CLINTON MACHINE (aka “TAMMANY FOB” - see poem by such title at http://CitizenRosebud.us - even as deep in the threads of an oldest in the scroll) @ of a “good” and “common sense” like thought of a “simple stupid” @ versus chicanery and coy ploys of the puppet played out as a PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES as, right - right like the DEMOCRAT PARTY is the only half that has smart people and individuals expert enough to be considered reliable sources - or handlers of the “puppet” Mrs. Clinton.  Hopefully we are not stuck to the worst of these three halves!

That while so targeted and bullied we see a REPUBLICAN ISLAND like of Donald Trump isolated, - but not yet cornered - it beckons any still of a “common sense” not to doubt these pains - the pains endemic to your conscience of Mrs. Clinton so a “puppet” and “EVIL PUPPET” of an “EVIL” “Clinton Machine” of that it is very real - as beyond any a “Doubting Thomas” could doubt “pains” - as rampant of onset generally of that seeming “inevitable” is yet the “GREAT 1/2 EVIL” both against one half primarily of “GOOD BERNIE” and too generally a “BETTER HALF” of at least the “NEW GOP” as being led by one a career compliant as a businessman most firstly always a structuralist.

If you are not one now already too devolved, as seems defensively arguable for Michael Bloomberg while self defense maybe off the tables, you now can fathom how to mark and twain the currents sadly of 2016 American politics, - a horrid and horrible of your own times.  We cannot hide from that Mrs. Clinton, however serviced on resume, is nearly at least established as a “MOST CORRUPT EVER” (inevitable) presumptive nominee.

And, due Orlando tragedy “FATHER’S DAY” can provide “Clinton Machine” no fair cover - legal covers - escape from a “FATHER CLINTON” as due a dragging through the muddy waters - of due still an grand exposing for roots of todays’ terrorism are bosomed in 1993 to 2001 errs by the Administration of the Clintons and their Middle East many mistakes.

And, of that Mrs. Clinton, however just the “puppet” of “TAMMANY FOB” as of convenient for the “CLINTON MACHINE”- however still standing for fine covers as if a “charity” while much like of old TAMMANY as like of but always firstly in the business of partisan Power by well greased machinery of patronage, even as dark, - as done darkly, - as done still too much as of us “in the dark”!

Right!  Firstly,  Mrs. Clinton is so damaged as of again of a fallen said an “INEVITABLE” that her whole apparatus of PARTY DEMOCRAT now must hide it is first the most evil half and by all means necessary be to spinning yarns in bullying threads to as if Donald Trump, a career business man, - albeit maybe one too “compliant” during 1993 to 2001 of the “deregulation” for “looseness” of “FATHER CLINTON” - is taggable as the only “EVIL ONE” party to the “deal” - party to the contest of two halves of America - generally.

I now posture that even you, - even if devolved some, but not as fallen as Michael Bloomberg, or Oprah Winfrey - even of Labor organized like sided and yet against their own interests - are one now not too far gone to see that if and when Mrs. Clinton has to like answer of “FATHER CLINTON” and for the years 1993 to 2001 many will be able to see and proclaim that TREASON must be on the tables - of the election - of the issues of which we all still have to dig deep about and work through - and as time is pressing.

Father’s Day 2016 is much set up for evolved citizens to let none get by this weekend without a broached, at least, opening of the “BOXES CLINTON” to “FATHER CLINTON” like sadly a bad to EVIL FOUNDING FATHER of these times to more lawless and of disturbances by rising Muslims - by of ISLAM incensed and motivated by infidelities of PRESIDENT CLINTON to his own constituted of “nation under God” to that the CLINTONS have perverted the constituted and to a lawlessness now that not just more wrongly allows action of Sharia Law in these united states of the Americas but too of that specifically due the actions and the avoidance and inaction of specifically the Clintons there is more cause or allowance for attacks in Americas as against innocent Americans.

I now posture that even I have difficulty understanding the “MUSLIM NATION” sovereignty supposedly written of a jurisdiction in these united states of the Americas, and accept such is mostly due that DEMOCRAT PARTY ruling class elite ranks either are ignorant and ignoramuses or are willfully working to keep the People as “ignorant subjects” so not able to participate as “informed citizens”!

For now our most pressing problem is more “FATHER CLINTON” than “HAMILTON FEDERALISTS” or “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS!

For now, firstly, primarily, it is that “FATHER CLINTON” is generally our biggest and most EVIL problem still extant of the 2016 body politick!

Please nevermore may any, not even you, look innocently upon “FATHER CLINTON” and be fooled by chicanery and coy ploys to believing Mrs. Clinton, however a “puppet” of a vast “CLINTON MACHINE” a new and global “TAMMANY”, is but the EVIL half of these three halves.

Please nevermore may any, especially not you look innocently and foolishly upon “FATHER CLINTON” as if even even near honorable as any of the founding fathers - even though may be an equal to then of New York as said a “CLINTON” like a “FOUNDING FATHER.”

Too this perchance you ask then if there are not four halves to this GREAT EVIL pressed upon you and now some illuminated for clarity if not too late for some as yet a prophylactic of impregnable fortitude of a suffice to save our nation; - - - yes, perchance, we must consider there are two “GREAT 1/2 EVIL” extant concurrently as but there seems still a said parity, however Mrs. Clinton a “PUPPET”, to that there is an EVIL #MANCLINTON 1/2, and, also of the “CLINTON NEW TAMMANY” a “TAMMANY FOB” of “CLINTON MACHINE” that Mrs. Clinton is but yet a “THE GREAT 1/2 EVIL” as but privately, however, a half equally EVIL and so of “FATHER CLINTON” also as EVIL - an also 1/2 EVIL of their machinations for Political Power - and world wide global domination.

The “FATHER’S DAY” #WOMANCARD is but so complicated beyond just #WOMANCLINTON as so detailed and exposed; - “FATHER CLINTON” is like the patriarch of whom must it rest upon how 1993 to 2001 are where there is the when of the roots to so much now gone and going so bad.  Likewise the dramatic flare of a juxtaposed as not of REPUBLICANS of only of Donald Trump is that generally the battle between GOOD and EVIL as now upon us is yet of a dynamic akin to souls about “FREE JAMES BROWN”!

These days sadly beset of a “THE GREAT 1/2 EVIL” at least seeming the DEMOCRATS play as to attempt to con the electorate - even the whole world - to as if “DONALD TRUMP IS EVIL” even if can’t place all REPUBLICANS as if of one island and as if of a lot as taggable of all about as “WHOLLY EVIL”!

“FATHER CLINTON” is so true as really so bad, to even a worst “1/2 EVIL” that not just REPUBLICANS can be fairly to solidarity and protests forward of like tee’s generally mass produced, - and with placards also ready - shockingly, now, as if:

“FREE G.W. BUSH” is to be on every bumber on the LEFT with it just and due “IT’S THE CLINTONS! STUPID!” on the RIGHT!

Firstly primarily it is generally already that hashtags are already justificed to #FreeGWBush - #ItsTheClintons_STUPID.

To be sufficiently better informed (than convenient to #HILLARY2016) I posture, in such hoped, now that one should consider the concept of “THE MUSLIM NATION” (while the “THE NATION OF ISLAM” yet likewise) and to a consideration that from 1993 forward it is more as if no leader of the DEMOCRAT PARTY ruling class elite set have espoused correctly (factually - not as ‘right for their hidden (evil) purposes) how these united states of the Americas are actually constituted by the FOUNDING FATHER’S apostolic spectacle so subscribed “done” that “SHARIA LAW” is of facets to prejudiced action as ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL - though such as contrary to the said DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION as like a weak document a conveniently flexible “living document”!  The “CLINTON MACHINE” falls with “FATHER CLINTON” when enough realized from 1993 forward the Clinton spousal husbandry has like worked as if SHARIA LAW was to be legal across these united states of the Americas even though such is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and illegal as violate of the pledged to of a nation for due process and equal Justice for all.

“MOTHER CLINTON” may be a “THE GREAT 1/2 EVIL” as but equal to “FATHER CLINTON” as personally another a “THE GREAT 1/2 EVIL” but it would be wrong to tag the career businessman builder developer Donald Trump generally always a structuralist of compliance as ever, even primarily, even one HALF EVIL.

“FATHER TRUMP” may yet not know what he doesn’t know about a historical rap fit’n a “CLINTON MUSICAL” of the darkness of evil and betrayal - as of a common core an underlying base plot as of tales of TREASON - but it is yet not too late for him to be come learn’d better of the deep roots of “FATHER CLINTON” to 1993 seeding of what is tragic of the pathology established about “THE 1993 TO 2001 ERRS OF THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION ON CORE ISSUES AND RELATIONS ABOUT THE MIDDLE EAST” - like! - - - Like: “CLINTONS WHOLLY A GREAT EVIL ONE!”

Like really per #RADICALISLAM per #OrlandoUnited:  #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!

Please do not fain from acting as a “GOOD SAMARITAN” - don’t block thoughts of being GOOD! - especially as Michael Bloomberg and Oprah may need saving, - may even need you of rescue attempts! - And especially THE GOOD 1/2 REPUBLICAN?

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The concept of “THE MUSLIM NATION” is yet of #AMERICAN under our Lord as to all individuals of these united states of the Americas are yet citizens pledge to allegiance to due process - regular order to for “Liberty and Justice for All” firstly. 

Sharia Law as allows #ORLANDO prejudice is NOT allowed - is ILLEGAL!!! The “FOUNDING FATHERS’” not of “FATHER CLINTON” perverted  CONSTITUTION!!!

The Constituted by the “People” “Order” that formed/forms the “more perfect Union” is that it is established and ordained, not written weakly as if just a very flexible loophole for tyranny by executive orders, to that Sharia Law is at least of governors applied to that any even of a said “global citizen” “freedom of religion” as subjects of “THE MUSLIM NATION” are yet within the borders of the NATION so constituted as yet to that all practiced especially for Justice is to all pledged - but when of “TEMPORARY INSANITY…” - to due process and of for “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!” - of DUE PROCESS as the established LAW of the USA!


The CONCEPT of a “THE MUSLIM NATION” cannot now be well taught without explain “FATHER CLINTON” of great errs on the MIDDLE EAST from at least 1993, and to 2001, and to beyond, - and sadly as seems “PRESIDENT OBAMA” is of that “SECRETARY CLINTON” was tragically, even in hindsight, of making generally the same mistakes as the “CLINTON PRESIDENCY”did as per TERRORISM, at least.

The CONCEPT of a “THE MUSLIM NATION” is yet complicated as per ISIL - THE ISLAMIC STATE - as due the Powers by CALIPHATE has existing Powers crowned for SUNNI in the SAUDI ARABIA establishmentarian, and protocols. 

The LEVANT is of the same problems of jurisdiction for JIHAD as ORLANDO due past CALIPHATES have royal families to rule over designated, however tribal, sovereignty - area sovereign of established borders - places much NATIONS.

ISIL can’t have a SOLUTION by existing royals or tribes for then the outcome would be that established royal families are the VICTORS and so the LEVANT then defaults to become more as more lands of their sovereignty - established by old CALIPHATES.

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“FATHER OBAMA” for some reason or another, even if due blackmailed by “FATHER CLINTON” to allow him global domination initiatives as a sworn rival - and as while such was to mean his wife - his spouse - his dearest in their spousal husbandry (for AUTHORITARIAN POWER) was then seated in his cabinet as an also sworn RIVAL and to “FATHER OBAMA” forced by a “CLINTON PATRIARCHY” to submissively govern where left room to govern as but of a TEAM OF RIVALS.

I think now we can all agree “FATHER OBAMA” for history has been like boyish in his understanding of “THE MUSLIM NATION” concept and like kept but “BOY OBAMA” by “FATHER CLINTON” and the “TAMMANY FOB” likeness of like the EVIL “CLINTON MACHINE”!

We maybe are that “FATHER OBAMA” is justified and that he is himself so then and “EVIL ONE” but for now “FATHER CLINTON” is firstly our suspect as FATHER’S DAY 2016 near and the tragedy of ORLANDO should finally have citizens forcing “MOTHER CLINTON” to now answer for the errs of 1993 to 2001 of the CLINTON PRESIDENCY as to erring on the MIDDLE EAST, or at least the CONCEPT of the “THE MUSLIM NATION” - at least of SHARIA LAW vs THE UNITED STATES!

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“MOTHER CLINTON” most enduring to “THE GREAT 1/2 EVIL” can likely be mashed of that the “ISLAMIC STATE” is naturally an enemy of any government - even an OBAMA ADMINISTRATION also perverts the CONSTITUTION -  if set out to in practice or by writs to as if GOVERNMENT can trump RELIGIOUS - as if GOVERNMENT can be OVER our LORD - as if even if GOD IS DEAD!  THE ISLAMIC STATE is like politically firstly ANTI-SOCIALISM, even as “FATHER OBAMA” work is yet only successful to his purposed effort as but watered down as compared to even FRANCE, - but especially BA’ATHISM of IRAQ of SADDAM HUSSEIN and SYRIA of ASSAD DYNASTY - BA’ATHIST BASHAR AL ASSAD.

The USA is CONSTITUTED contrary to the work of “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS” and too pathologically to forensically of the still on going work contrary to our NATIONAL SECURITY requirements of the “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:14 pm

A Buddhist and a Presbyterian walk along an Orlando Boulevard.

For civilizations to endure perversions of governance from morality and from regular order cannot. There must be an ecumenical practiced to a suffice always more of “all Politics is local.”

As we bow our heads for to be disciplined of souls, not base as barbarians to wits sans community, there is that the agreed as of laws of our Lord must not be perverted in the times such is agreed to, - but for then it the business of the community in worship effected.  Cross-pollination is as natural as that of Paul structured for sanctuaries establishments for Hope & methodisms; cross-pollination is as much a matter of civilizations as wafts of gaiety and engirthments of winds of gaiety.

As “pre bus” to “Pre-bits-tear-I-ams” re: in sees of “pre-bus” of that of republican of Republicans of Reince Priebus to the if sufficient disciplined of Presbyterian Donald Trump.  Can such be as natural as for Buddhists, and yet of tolerance by Christians?

Methodist, so her resume states, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is a contradiction to prudence, of a chaos stepp’n as against regular order, of as contrary to Constitutional so vastly and historically as to be as anti-Constitution as Governor DeWitt Clinton and/or Vice President George Clinton, whence as if also “Tony” like Alexander Hamilton.  The Clintons are not Hamilton Federalists nor Jefferson and Madison Republicans; - in essence the Clintons are perverts of a third way perversion to the two Constitutional options for national governance, - to lawful Posterity in governance by how constituted.

The Clintons are as of perversions to Constitutional it seems as much as Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are historically problematic for to power via Ba’athism ideals and original intent as a way to a UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE (my source is Alan Hart book: ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER).  Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are two who are said to have perverted Ba’athism towards getting power and then holding it by secular Socialist tyrannical Powers.

The Clintons’ perversions of prudence and of a nation in regular order as constituted seems as much to blame for so much of falling to pieces in America as like as much Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq are taggable as but 3 more failed secular Socialist states.

In America a Buddhist and Presbyterian can be to strutt’n down boulevards of Orlando, Florida, even especially amidst the real world and “local” daily dynamic, and to tolerance of polity - politeness of bowing ones head in humility - humble ducking for comity to a copacetic for an extant of sanctuaries establishments for maintenance of Hope, and humanity promises.

Strutt’n in America is as to be pledged by Pledge of Allegiance for civility by innocence first and rights to privacy ordained for that an presumption of innocence is to be respected but where an immediacy is calling of a self-evident obviousness to imperils beckoning an immediacy.

Strutt’n in America - these united states of the Americas so Constituted by People’s Order done in Year of our Lord - is yet for Prudence in community needing disciplined of a suffice - a sufficient number of people “locals” must always be disciplined to that there is not a dynamic of “too much irreligiosity” - too many “irreligious” - to few of thinking and debating to what is workable as an agreed to and set out “laws of our Lord” & since our federal Government is set as minor to GOD and under our Lord, under that of the “global citizen” cosmopolitan internationalism - bodies electric sans borders.

As the Clintons’ perversions have American Democrat Party affected usually just emotionally by like “dog whistles” there is that the Clintons are not alone in whom has been to perverted regular order. 

President Barack H. Obama has also been vastly of perversions from Constitutional structures for due process and adequate maintenance of “under God” polity by being firstly for demagoguery for a NATIONALISM for a selfish grandness and exaggerated self importance by methodism for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM, even as also sold for a tyranny by GREEN AGENDA of deciding for “subjects” that obedience must be foremost practiced to GREEN MINIMALISM of a new CONSERVATIONISM of decrees for EARTH FIRST dogmatic.

There again, under the perversion of the Clintons and Barack H. Obama, a tragic scandalous to test that “all Politics is local” is the keystone of these united states of the Americas, as actually workable - as workable only quite when as Constituted for “tolerance” and no “bigotry of tolerance” - as like any of religiosity to a suffice to humble under our Lord is then not Holy if of any bigotry, or perversion say like for Power as can be storied of Clitnons - especially Hillary Clinton - and as akin to how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are too long said to have perverted Ba’athism ideals to have Power by secular Socialism albeit as by perversions.

These days that prejudge souls, too frequently, - and as of “FAILURE!!! - OF WORDS!!!” as I’ve authored before - are beset by Democrat Party guidance too haunted by elites wanting to have and to hold Power and to now again em are like firstly to tooting a “dog whistle” for compliance and obedience perfectly contrary to “all Politics is local” grand prophylactic for impregnable fortitude for FREEDOM and LIBERTY set still in our “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” pledged to, - our calls to REGULAR ORDER and ORIGINALISM

As a Buddhist and a Presbyterian may be disciplined to be more “pre-bus” for “tolerance” and to less prejudiced even as if wanting to be cold or of a cold shoulder to a reflexology to be to ducking for Posterity, there is that strutt’n cannot be of a suffice for “community” where any “local” has fallen to “too irreligious” as like Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria are like three more states of having failed due to a endemic reality to that too many did become too irreligious, - too many stopped THINKING and DEBATING amongst themselves as to what needed to be that of “local” but “global citizens” as to what was a minimum agreed to as to what were needed to be the agreed to as set out “Laws of our Lord.”

We are asked to know how to “duck” - know how to bow our heads even as post coital and in public as Paul in his letters doth prescribe around Corinth in Corinthians 1 or 2 as to that after being in private and to loving when in public parties to such should be of a polity of comity of like “blowing kisses” to their apparent “neighbors.”

HAMILTON THE MUSICAL may get to be “TONY” on the Constitution but it can mislead and misdirect as the perversion at least of Hillary Clinton, as to her core of her defining success as to that of what a “LAWYER” must be to of “Power” to be “most successful” as to peers also Yale Law School alums. 

HAMILTON is today firstly important as “Publius” of “Federalist Papers” “Federalist #1″ as for he sells a hip Constitution by exclamating the Peoples Order is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and as to closing emphatically as yet to a conundrum in also writ the Order is for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY.”

As Buddhist as disciplined however also to respect ducks and budding love for community and polity we have a Presbyterian strutt’n it seems less perversions from “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” than what is extant in the perversion tendency for prejudgement to beckoning firstly like by “dog whistles” to a nationalism to an exaggerated self importance for one demagogue’n as a “leader” as if such is/was “PRESIDENTIAL.”

A first perversion akin both the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” and the “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” is to the ridiculous for how postured for nationalism while loose and undisciplined as to national borders.  It is a ridiculous and ungovernable perversion of the constituted by Peoples Order that there can be calls and passages for SOCIALISM and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE where national borders are not firstly secured, and of processes to process any and all for a LEGAL IDENTITY of each and all.

The Clintons are not HAMILTON “FEDERALISTS” nor “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS” and so we must stop - must arrest - the Clinton perversion of constituted Order by it done established contrary to their third way a perversion of the CONSTITUTION - the constitutional as neither “FEDERALIST” nor “REPUBLICAN”!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” constitutional perversion, before being to the ridiculous of selling a nationalist agenda while not securing a perimeter and process to isolate a “national”, is firstly to that they are mostly UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ANTI-CONSTITUTION for their “POLITICS” is more of that of Vice President George Clinton and/or New York Governor DeWitt Clinton firstly; - the Clintons “POLITICS” is still to much akin to be at least as if also related to General Clinton of the United Kingdom, as a last fighting for the CROWN of BRITAIN against the COLONIES, and to if I recall to of having had plans to attempt at least to assassinate THOMAS JEFFERSON.

The Clintons’ perversions, today, are at least as problematic as how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad got to power by perverting BA’ATHISM and how it was of an ideology firstly of an idea that an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE could unite all Muslim nations/states of at least its vast region.

The Clintons’ perversions are against regular order for impregnable fortitude to vicissitudes incident to life as George Washington set forth in our first inaugural address.  The Clintons are for compliance and obedience more to an AUTOCRACY OF CLINTONS to the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” as of at least national AUTHORITARIAN Power.

Again, under these perversions of regular order by leaders of the Democrat Party there has been a tragedy that is firstly again of terrorism that people of these united states of the Americas should first THINK and DEBATE respectfully as again of exercised opinionated of prejudice and intolerance, as sans duck’n discipline of heads bowed for ecumenical comity, and, as now again, first, there is a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” - - - and as improper under the Constituted Union due all PEOPLE are of pledges to allegiance for due process and regular order, and to “all Politics is local” is the common core and for FREEDOM in RELIGIOUS LIBERTY necessarily needs a sufficient percentage of populace to maintaining as bulwark for HOPE and SANCTUARIES always as by being guarded against any community to becometh too “IRRELIGIOUS”!

However, now the grieving is complicated as due “TERRORISM” and if of ISIL - ISIS - DAESH - ISLAMIC STATE - as sponsored or endorsed we are yet of it as globally to for how Americans are pledged as a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” for other peaceful means were necessary and while prejudice and prejudgement is not AMERICAN even while governance becometh too secular and SOCIALIST for DEMOCRAT PARTY elites to have Powers too AUTHORITARIAN for an exaggerated self-importance not humble in as set under our Lord their CREATOR.

As we bow our heads, and too daily for comity akin to as set out by Paul, for the Constitution is of a apostolic by the Founding Fathers dependent upon civilization of Union as firstly being so “Paulist” as to the People are established as under our Lord before under our Federal Government, - the free people of these united states of the Americas are ordained as “Paulist” as under God before under any government and so there must always be a suffice - a sufficient engagement of voluntary extra-Nation organized morality to that the UNION never becometh even locally too IRRELIGIOUS.

As we bow our heads and to now more to THINK and DEBATE amongst our “communities” we have that we must shake off - to arrest - the idea to as if there is a DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION where there a “living document” status as if a loophole to the REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION of our CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC as the truth seems that since to the apostolic of the Founding Fathers for endurance in practices for ECUMENICAL prophylactics there is that the impregnable fortitude for “vicissitudes incident to life” is rooted in that HOLY SCRIPTURE is a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and so then that the CONSTITUTION need not be a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and to that then the ECUMENICAL must govern the ducks and comity firstly as the calls of Posterity for Tranquility in Union have been constituted to that the PEOPLES ORDER THAT FORMS THE MORE PERFECT UNION is established to be more difficult to amend and void than it is for the KING JAMES BIBLE, at least, to yet be to new editions by revisions.

There is no constitutional call to the nationalism and new progressive attempts to set asunder the People’s ORDER; - The call even as for “ducks” to a NATIONALISM for self-importance for HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is contrary to the CONSTITUTED as as under God of vertical separation of Government to that all are to be firstly of self governance by disciplines to an extra-nation organized morality. 

There is no enduring structure for ECUMENICAL methodism where the “dog whistle” tyranny of the Clintons for AUTHORTARIAN demagogue STATUS endures.  So THINK & DEBATE upon what PERVERSIONS!

I do not know if a PRESBYTERIAN is now otherwise of sufficiency for the impregnable fortitude George Washington inaugurated our People for tolerance of ;- I know not if Donald Trump shares the apostolic for ecumenical ordered ours - Our CONSTITUTED.

I do feel that as ducking of a bowing of heads for respect and a comity of polity for community parity must endure we must not be beckoned, however by a CLINTONS’ NATIONALISM, by “dog whistles” when work is again to be done to again ensure that none of the “local” of “AMERICAN” is in danger from having become (like Iraq, Ukraine, Syria) too IRRELIGIOUS, - - - or just too SECULAR SOCIALIST!

Our “We the People..” is in “more perfect Union” done and of an ecumenical conundrum, it seems, to endure by the apostolic dedication of the “FOUNDING FATHERS” in that “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is a puzzler for to have “FREEDOM” “OF” RELIGION it is that one must be an individual to learn’d “OF” “RELIGION” in order to be above barbarian or suspect to reflexive obedience to whistles - to be a FREE PERSON! - - - Like to be AMERICAN is to know what must be RELIGIOUS in order to be FREE - of CONSTITUTED “FREEDOM”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:18 pm

Her “I am not a crook” train should not be allowed to leave the station. 

You could look at just how she is being packaged but how stupid would that be considering how she a walking disaster when looked at on paper chronologically, by dates - even dates picked at random.

There is like no good news for blacks in America, maybe anywhere in the world, if it is that the real Hillary Clinton somehow gets elected, and past legal barriers of allowed challenges, to actually lawfully seeming sworn in.  There may yet be comfort in it tell tale now to that any Democrat now a Democrats nominee should be only running on a ticket of as of Joe Biden still to be Vice President, - and so not to be evicted at his age unnecessarily from his current, however comforting, only Washington DC option for public housing.

She has no natural story now to benefit blacks forward even as a Democrat Party nominee; Hillary Clinton is only now presented as if a prima Donna of platitudes as if each day a new day with a clean slate like a lawyer, as like a lawyer always but each day with a new case; Donald Trump may need a wall of women against such as if Mrs. Clinton gets free kicks on goal, just because she is a woman.

Blacks what ever “dancing days” there has been your dancing days are maybe now nearly over; to Mrs. Clinton you can have no soul and President Obama must go from never being even 4/5ths as good as Bill Clinton to soon never even 3/5th as good as President Clinton was.  Forward, if it the Clintons the masters of the Executive plantation, it is beyond that blacks will en masse be set about to but minor roles, relatively; - No dancing for blacks may be the new normal and as likely Mrs. Clinton never firstly will give, generally, blacks much to still dance about.

If a Trump “WALL OF WOMEN” is not enough to level the playing field, generally, there is yet before to seal the deal on #CrookedHillary there is still of Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee, said to that Secretary Clinton was near a worst Secretary of State of the history of these united states of the Americas; - there is that “The Donald” is near to rapping that Secretary Clinton was so bad a Diplomat that a chimp, - a chimpanzee - coulda done as well or better a job at finding alternatives to war - to finding opportunities for peace.

It is ridiculous that Mrs. Clinton is on the field so unharassed an to like expected of a polity to parity for feminist comity that she is like to be able to take free shots on goal, as befitting getting away with fronting as a “Prima Donna Of Platitudes”!

Besides that blacks may need Donald Trump to have a “WALL OF WOMEN” there is much that a prop-ism is due on the trail as if “The Donald” has a chimpanzee in a pastel pantsuit to battle with - and with him like always, as fitting as a political prophylactic drama device.

Blacks I am sorry to report, but that now may be in time to be not too late, that Mrs. Clinton must always put her spouse and their spousal husbandry as above the Obamas’ and superior, to satisfy her own spouse wants for legacy.

Blacks I am sorry the obvious is what should be trusted and not the slick props and attitudes of controlling drama/narrative that is of how Mrs. Clinton is now being doctored up and repackaged. 

Blacks President Obama for history can be shown to never have amounted to being any more than just a tool of the Clintons’ global schemes for Clinton Machine husbandry for intra-party rivalry and to effecting to as of superior international Power.

If you, blacks, feel this is something you can dance to, I am further worried and saddened.  If you are down with such I must concur you are like of without any soul.

The Clintons boxed the “first black President” in and to having forced - maybe blackmailed - him into accepting them as rivals and to then that his administration was of rivals, Clintons sworn, on his team as then set asunder from within to but a “TEAM OF RIVALS” - - - Right! Abraham Lincoln “team of rivals” wasn’t of staffed by them that forced him to fold to them as rivals, his was forward thinking, as I understand, of himself confident he hadn’t seated any with more global power than himself.

Harlem, sadly is what has saved the Clintons, to date, from themselves, to now able to be yet still standing up some kinda doctored repackaged Mrs. Clinton.  If Bill Clinton had had his way,after the government said taxpayers do not owe him a mid town New York City near penthouse in the new Carnegie Hall Towers rent, and to just if the Big Banks of ranks staffed with Clinton FOB (FRIENDS OF BILL) then had agreed to his request for gratuities in thanks for all the money the Clintons had made them (due friendly deregulation and asked for “gambling” on housing as to the derivatives mess) he then when the George W. Bush late in administration crashing occured been high up and obviously caught up in the scandal as to then so guilty he was of banks, had they agreed to his request for covering a million dollar a year lease, if Harlem hadn’t saved him from himself as to being then caught of being so tied to the corrupt banking that it was the banks were, as once then asked, to but paying his rent, gratuitously for the very problematic as backed and or initiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Oy!!! Oy!!! Right! - - - And that is of this woulda been as outta the obvious and too scandalous as but then of that a New York Senator had her spouse not to just asking constituent Big Banks for gratuities, but of maybe them of caught as to having asked for them as so in thanks for like making it legal for banks to operated without any consideration for business ethics or morality.

Blacks, we all got played, - but maybe none more than African Americans.  The Clintons encouraged the risky loaning and hyper-consumerism and while undermining the economy from being budgeted still to create or save enough jobs to give any lasting success any real possibility.  Too the Clintons beside such undermining of what was seeming a helping hand so then it is that later as #Hillary2008 geared up Al Gore and Mrs. Clinton were to like setting up the impossible economics that triggered the crashes more than President Bush ever coulda or woulda.  See http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net - - - such is to a #HillaryInTheFlesh a #LUCIFER dramatically like in “COVERT CYPHER” as like a “Louise Cypher” of a feminist #AngelHeart.

Blacks your dancing days are near over and as either way it seems set up that President Barack Hussein Obama will be forward like stuck to singing the Blues and much as if back in Langston Hughes poetic record.

Sad it is - for all of America, the legacy of President Obama, as necessarily constructed for an electable Mrs. Clinton must get past #ClimateChange problem of loyalty to Mrs. Clinton needing to sell austerity to keep moving the masses to saving the planet as loyal to yet “rival” and the “Obama Green Agenda” quite as: TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY FOR NEW CONSERVATIONISM IN A GREEN MINIMALISM.

The legacy of President Obama is so easy to spell out as if he was never above being just a tool to the Clintons and an inferior dependent on the global initiatives of President Clinton as if a needed international “power broker”. 

Heck, President Clinton, while secured in rights to act as a sworn rival to the President, was worth so much he was billing more per hour than President Barack H. Obama took home as a year’s salary.

The obvious “history” for the “first black President” seems to that he was always dependent on two old white Southern men to be global power brokers of over lording the world, - Al Gore and Bill Clinton seemed two Southern white men that black/mulatto President Obama never could get out from under, nor afford to.

It is arguable due the vast sums involved and to that Mrs. Clinton is running on that her husband it seems musta been always of President Obama never more than 3/5ths her man - at least as President, that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were so in over their heads as of inadequacies in leadership that Southern white Christian born William Blythe III just had to compensate globally for both of them, and conveniently of that such seems to have paid very well, considering he like was profiteering on public service while still trafficking as like of an “office of trust.”

Too much money has moved through the Clintons’ and Al Gore’s global initiatives for any history of President Barack Hussein Obama to be anything for blacks to like dance about, to find soul in. 

It seems at least the Clintons have beaten Obama badly to legacy and to that due how much Bill Clinton has been billed as worth it must firstly be, as he was accepted as a sworn rival, that such was only politically possible because President Obama himself like thought himself not even 4/5ths as good as William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:51 pm

I dread now reporting from these united states of America that the state of “American” politics is horrid - horrible.

It is dreadful that I must report that the state of the “American” media, at least, is as bad, - or worse.

Any Brown University Literature Department graduate should be able to know this without needing to read between the lines.

It is now established beyond any reasonable doubt! - such is beyond “self evident” and more like “uber evident”!

Allow me some exclamatory remarks, ye who hath carried “Hermione” now so far - a written (fictional) creation to the idea that one was better than two!

It is as if the merry populaces of the Democrat encampments and media tag-alongs are much sans magic, - perchance “muggles”!

Your fans may appreciate how I do very much like your recent twitpic of a book seeming otherwise about merry populaces, and as that to date I still haven’t seen most of your pictures. - Em likley to be surprised to learn that “Quid ditch” (sp?) developed from J.K. Rowling asking her muse doth challenged her to pen 7 books on magic “should we have a flying broom in the stories?” and to which upon quick consideration and a glance at my parents fireplace broom nearby I repliethed “YES, BUT GO BIG - MAKE IT OF A SPORT OF SORTS” (paraphrased near enough) and then processed further to its potential by wiringing JKR into my then athletic activities of my various ULTIMATE FRISBEE LEAGUES and covertly the sport energy even of my friends so about to while as architects and construction managers of the Kuala Lumpur Petronas Towers. (I appreciate “PATRONUS” spelled like “patron US” while picking up on basis.)

Yes Emma, I still refuse to read any of the HARRY POTTER books and too haven’t seen most of your pictures.  I didn’t asked for the books to be written to be to entertaining me, and I don’t still want to effect a creative feed back loop by interpreting the pictures past that I know I’ve seen the first two or two and a half.

Yes Emma, I must report on the ridiculous state of these politics and media of which I press opines eruditely; - there can be no Hillary Clinton as a candidate in any honesty if my own vastly more complicated personal historicals are not shared to be pared against her/their false claims.  As long as the politics and the media do not tell of my biographical relatedness at least as to the rise of the Clintons in 1992, and further staying power, then there is only dishonesty and immorality in our politics by lies, at least as lies by omissions.  And, this is complicated since due the depth and breadth of such known autobiographical to myself I know I shouldn’t ask to have any tell of such, I shouldn’t first ask to be more “published” even for then by the nature of these horrid states I yet would be aiding a sustenance to the machinations for lies to reign for bad actors, over core truths necessary to getting finally to rebuilding.

Oh Emma, some of this doth have a funny bone humorous tingle to it incidentally occasionally; - while I know I shouldn’t ask to have my story told to the depths needed to straighten many out from the lies at least keeping the Clintons’ machinations viable I do realize and accept that I have spelled out many times in writings publicly posted as to how to defeat them, and as can work by the bright light of Bernie Sanders and even the standards of Donald Trump; - before I ever got to challenging JKR to such now galactically famous seven books there is of this story that of a sibling rivalry with my older sister like of her facing the “Peter Principle” in 1994 politics when Senator Chris Dodd’s State Director yet on the losing side of the Republican sweep of 1994.

Emma, and JK Rowling, and Neil Blair…, it is an #ItsComplicated now as regards #HOLLYWOOD and some due even in 1994, or especially in 1994, I was of sufficient Power, or driving Influence, with HOLLYWOOD that I was able to pressure my older sister’s employer a Senator to that he need let my sister go from his employment, just to be able of a potential that my media magic could still work a bipartisan art for him, - for he now Chairman and CEO of the MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America.  I wasn’t being vindictive in a sibling rivalry, and as I did help sister transition to upward mobility outside of politics - restored, and, as it was just fundamentals to my art of entertainment magic, also freely mused, but with expectations of source to be noted and kept annotated for later credits, - to “honor among artists” - as it is that I had to pressure Senator Dodd to move my sister outta the way for due my dad’s and my sister’s “contributions” the “work” I was doing that such Senator was benefiting from was incidentally accidentally getting undone by family most unawares of my cloaked facilities and influence.

Y’all cool cats, yeh you all, especially one who has carried “Hermione” so far:  Fans should learn, eventually maybe, to appreicate two things about women at the core (of the success) of HOGWARTS storied basis.  Fans should consider that incidentally when I asked for a young female lead character as like a “HER MY ONE” it was as I considered though the real life basis was of two young girls in a small close knit “posse” one as that each had to choose one over two would work better fictionally.  Fans considering such might yet be old enough to ponder J.K. Rowling guarded herself by naming the school “HOGWARTS” as if my challenged setting didn’t pan out she was ready for the quick draw to that it was always firstly just “HOGAN - WARTS” of “J.P. Hogan basis in hopes like “wards” wouldn’t grow up to be like “warts” as dirt under his skin.”

Right, y’all cool cats, yeh, you all:  Fans I was shocked when I first saw a copy of the first book for by then so much time had elapsed since we crossed from trying to hide muse even from publishers to that JKR to get published was then of my agreeing to inform such who did publish her that she was acting under my direction that I was to be keep an unknown, for the book rights, and to then though a stipulated that if it ever got to movie rights we would have to cross that bridge later and to that I was giving away no rights to movies or even a theme park when directing consent to book rights.

Ok, now y’all cool cats, be cool:  Emma, it seems inescapable now that while I avoid reading these works of immense success in fiction it is becoming clear that J.K. Rowling despite the platonic nature of my challenge, due I disappointed, as I recall while to standing up that I didn’t have time to “date” as part of such, yet in the rearing and development of “HER MY ONE” musta written from my years of dedicated “platonic” musing of always finding new energies for next books to such as though for any one but “HARRY POTTER” as a female lead a leading lady akin to what my ideal woman seemed like - akin to what I would want in a wife, even.  (Yes “HERMIONE” was not to marry “HARRY POTTER” from the beginning for their basis is from a real young group whence then as young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete” of round black glasses and to then of commenced studies in magic, and with one of the two of such to a one in “HERMIONE” as yet his sister.) (The link up to J.K. Rowling did occur much because one evening I poured a Scotch and wafted a spiritual pre-Google search for an “unknown writer” willing to commit to “7 books on magic of each book of a next year of magic school”  and as around real youths I was renaming around to being of asking for “an unknown author willing to write about a Pete Rowe-ling, & posse” - to asking for someone willing to right about someone of a name like JK’s late father Peter Rowling, as incidentally it occurred - was created from thin air and blank napkins, to blank paper, to many rejections.

Emma, real woman of duties as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrid the state of such I press on about here as to it immoral to amoral that there can be a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” reported upon without a media and especially political leadership being insistent to that my story, my biography, my historicals be publicly related at least to 1990-ish.

Emma, real woman of honors as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrible that I can report such disregard for truth and honor across the ranks of em thought leaders in these united states of the Americas. There can be no learn’d honor among women if “with” this partially disrobed HILLARY CLINTON.  There can be no learn’d honor among women too now as President Barack Obama’s story is also crossed with my past decades of leadership to of such bipartisan advantage for Democrats that I was able to pressure a Senator to move my older sister along more due the “Peter Principle” than her younger brother “Peter” due he feared losing my entertainment magic she and my father were incidentally accidentally naturally beset to undermining, while yet needed as not errantly complicated to undermined.  There is no reporting morally or honestly on the storied of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, nor Bill Clinton, where such is commenced and carried as if I can be omitted from the story - their storied, even especially as such is still only still standing due lies have not been checked due em of omitting historicals that are of my motivation to such vast efforts for positive change that root at least to a decade before 1990 shares and strategizing for problem solving, and crisis management in extremely trying times.

Emma, real woman of global exposure as a United Nations leading woman as Ambassador for Women, dearly, again it was shocking when I first laid eyes on a first copy of the first book of the challenge for seven JKR did nearly beg could be yet just five books, at a moment, maybe just a phase, and nearly disastrous for such was cloaked by me by use of “doors” and “contracting” business from my father and my sister, especially, as hoped, personally in a cloaked, to be of a facility in my poetic to be yet a muse able to be like a “shrink” for my dad and my sister as a greater facilitator for FEMINISM advancement, a yet shared goal of all of ours. 

Emma, ye doth carried “HERMIONE” so far, - ye embodied/embodies what seems becometh clear without even reading the books by their covers, - ye so somehow written in the spirit of what I must have implied by mused energy and creative directives as to be an “ideal woman” to me: 

Right!  I did not ask for a cover a basis in the stories for my godmother who is married lastingly into the CROMWELL clan that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, though GILMORE GIRLS is that she was the basis for “GRANDMOTHER” as akin to YALE UNIVERSITY and a female cousin a YALE alum as an asked for mused for to entertainment as from so many brothers graduates of BALTIMORE GILMAN SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

Right!  I did instruct JKR post her complaint near “but you haven’t given me enough material even for five books” to add a “godfather” character for lead character and write it in as around dangers of watts, amps, volts, voltage, higher voltage, high voltage like to “volts d’ more” alarmism and to there dangers in not knowing European electrical standards use 220v normatively while American Electrical household use is yet but of a less amped for wattage of 110 volts.  The basis was to be around my own godfather a life long union electrician but fictionally developed also around “GO BIG - MAKE IT A SPORT - A TEAM SPORT OF FLYING BROOMS” as around my posse of ULTIMATE FRISBEE associations to of those of having been of the design and then construction management of the PETRONAS TOWERS and to them as serious about black live wires nearly as my uncle my godfather, the now late C. Hogan, was always.

OMG Emma!  Time flies.  I am saddened today by the passing of Edward “Tad” Sanchez III yesterday and Muhammad Ali today.  “Tad” Sanchez is a pal from my 1980s abouts on Block Island, and nail banging summers during Villanova University studies.  He passed due an illness he had fought for a while, he is for immortality besides his hobby as having been in the Screen Actors Guild and bit parts, the he from a reunion after years the core in old circle of friends basis that was to my asking for the “MADMEN” show as by asking to energies of my old Block Island circle of friends to be kept alive by art about the era I was predisposed then to in my art for positive change as that era when my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was a top Ad Man - a top Madison Avenue marketing executive of the serious accounts - as managed after consolidating their accounts all that was the Johnson & Johnson advertising business.  He is responsible for the ‘NO MORE TEARS’ product launch and too that the bottle has a tear drop in its form.  Of the “MadMen” creation it was fitting for AMC channel for “Tad’s” story was happy in marital union into the Dolan family - the family that owns Madison Square Garden, for starters.

OMG Emma!  Time flies, and this isn’t near as brief as I postured myself to a readiness to share.  It is a sad day for much of the above and coincidental to a puzzlement of how Muhammad Ali has now passed.  My godfather who is the basis for “Serious Black” did pass away a few years ago and yet on the same day a serious black I knew to be a hero of his did also pass - a few years ago my godfather electrician, retired, passed on the day his boxing hero “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed, and yet suddenly while amidst fall yard work on a day most of his brotherhood of electricians not retired were busy across Connecticut trying to restore power after a state’s maybe record blackout. And also sad note on politics and media is that such day David Brooks New York Times column was a political hit piece titled “THE SERIOUS ONE”.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real and make believe of the world of HOGWARTS it is real and relative to the American political scene that I have only given rights to the books and never gave away rights to the movies, or any theme park.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real magic of J.P. Hogan “poet” “squib” “pundit” “most successful muse” and also the basis for “Robert Galbraith” “STRIKE” as was to instructions to then there to be no more “HARRY POTTER” books but kindly to JKR of that her muse wouldn’t leave her hung out to blow in the wind for her muse then adjusted to allowing her to write from his energies but more biographically to a fictional work out.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the EMMA conundrum that though “HOGWARTS” was defensively penned as a double edged fictional for J.K. and maybe predefensive as if to of the “platonic” as if felt “jilted” there seems now that my ideals as to what a leading lady as to an ideal woman is (to me) that such may have been written to and dramatically carried off.  Puzzling, quite puzzling - but can any man really understand “woman”?


Ye cool cats, as more relative J.P. Hogan historical or trivial it is incidental to much that my first year at Villanova University was the first year my college had a MIDDLE EAST STUDIES department and to offering MODERN STANDARD ARABIC LANGUAGE among its language courses.  I mention such today for it is that my professor in such that I helped inaugurate by taking my language requirements by 12 credits of ARABIC was to a given name upon me for class purposes as “ALI” and not, for sure, due any boxing acumen, or facility.  I majored in Economics to a Bachelor of Arts, and to enough credits for a minor in Philosophy but cloaked from a “minor” but as an “undeclared minor” so as to keep the Philosophy Department less involved in my love of thinking of philosophizing.  I am that I also in 1984 was early of computers for I took for a mathematics requirement a course in Pascal programming, programming on mainframes.

Emma, J.K., Neil, et cool cats yet of the unknowing sorts now some to uncloaked eyes upon truths, let us proceed against the failings of the horrid media and leadership failures ghastly due the stories of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama quite can not be honestly said historical where there is omission of the very vastly related story of myself,  and at least to that my motivations in around 1990-1991 are vastly more complicated and engaging to what transpired than yet pared against Clintons even to a #RealBillClinton by reduction by honest comparisons.

Yes, Emma, it is true my godmother, and to many of my cousins so tru’d, is of my kin are married to descendant from, and begot by the Cromwell line that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, so I have lived their story as somehow true.

To be brief:  Yes the machinations of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT are horrid to horrible as rotten of lies, and especially to the core as to the #RealHillaryClinton is not storied if and when my biographical is not imparted, and as it remains due how vast my facility was I will not ask to be told of, - asked to be more “published” - asked to reveal more than my #squibs long at establishing current and past expertise and forethought none of such has ever earned a respect akin to - to full of.

Conclusion:  The state of these united states of the Americas media and political leadership is ridiculous, at least! - there can be no honesty nor duties done as per #Election2016 of these parties involved where there is any omission of the true story and contributions uniquely mine, and unique due what my motivation was/is.

                                   *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:03 am

A first fiction of #Election2016 the Republicans need exercise many from or exorcise many from is that if there are GOOD REPUBLICANS they now like have to come outta hiding - come outta their closets. This is only cursorily of a regards to LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS.

WATER CLOSETS & REPUBLICANS is where there is TRESPASS to pre-consider and prophylactically govern to.

WATER CLOSETS & DEMOCRATS is trespassed prematurely due premature vocalizations of dictum in lieu of regular order of prudence of jurisdictions’ sovereignty as thresholds for polity have been crossed out of order from ordained for comity, - there can be no prudence in Executive dictum as regards open lavatories where politicians haven’t first dirtied their hands and washed their politics to that all statutory bases are covered for each trigger of passions, - there can be no good dictum to open lavatories where em responsible for governance haven’t opened the Pandora or Pandoro cartons of statutes to what is PERVERSION, and what is not excessive or lewd PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION.

I think we must presume DONALD TRUMP is a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN!  As a LANDLORD in business in many states he has been barred, for licensed so, from being otherwise, in practice, or appearance!

Where are the lines of demarcation between the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the said as if “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”?  LOG CABIN REPUBLICANISM is CONSTITUTIONAL due the apostolic of the founding fathers of it constituted by the People’s Order that FREEDOM is of Apostle Paul’s baptism of GAIUS, and GALATIANS etcetera etcetera. RIGHT!!! It seems restorative and restored that the “Founding Fathers” did consider their Established and Ordain as apostolic acts, - deeds done right, - good deeds done set forth.

Donald Trump may in resume be no GEORGE WASHINGTON while in name he is partisan to the open imports of American First President due the worked general leading humor of the FIRST INAUGURAL ADDRESS.

Donald Trump, due how privately held the TRUMP brand, may be a TOP TEN of the world of em of privately owned (collections/inventories) of BIBLES, and too maybe CONDOM DISPENSARIES.

Donald Trump, may also arose the nation to a common patriotism secured in the writs for a workable Christian governance the work of Apostle Paul.  Like George Washington’s FIRST INAUGURAL we have the TRUMP BATTLES long of BUSINESS but WAR as but of MISSION to secure safe and attractive bedding - copacetic properdoms - big tent ROOFS abiding.

Donald Trump, as per the WASHINGTON overlay, now needn’t be “repaired from retired” to become President for he is still of the business of “vicissitudes incident to life”, especially of the #NewYorkValues, especially of #BigApple hatted #Manhattan “IN A NEW YORK MINUTE” readiness with prophylactics.  President George Washington generally humored with like old revolution encampment General’s humor for the ranks morale while carrying an inaugural off of an import to like ‘REMEMBER TO RINSE/WASH AND REUSE YOUR SKINS/CONDOMS” so to ensure a peace of mind of “impregnable fortitude”!

GEORGE WASHINGTON did import for the new nation a first toe in respectful of natural states and politics for governance about “vicissitudes incident to life”!  He, unlike DONALD TRUMP, did like need to be “repaired from retired” to maybe he and MARTHA of a greatest TRIGGER or STRESSER that worry of if they/he/she were maintaining their skins/condoms/prophylactics sufficiently by rinse/wash and reuse practical prudent for provident respecting, of if they were maintained from worries of loss of such of any “IMPREGNABLE FORTITUDE”!*





We have trespassed the politics to now how DEMOCRATS have abridged procedures from regular order and from MANAGEMENT PRACTICES basics.  The said as if “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” cannot be our constituted for it can not endure as a management protocol that the Executive is tasked to MICROMANAGE the passions of COMMUNITY and all FREE communities.

It has been we have been victims of IMPROPER EXECUTIVE RULES!  But there is an established case to that the GRAND OLD PARTY has a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN on point - has DONALD TRUMP established as for consummate paring of duties of jurisdiction to proper PROTECTION OF MINORS, and establishments for intelligent statutory bulwarks from PERVERSIONS, and improper PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION, - even PASSIONS to duck & cover to lews for copulation of passionate intercoursing, - HOOK UPS for HOOKED UP to tempered!

To pare to a (new) civility for polity to comity even if new GENDER NEUTRAL water closets more less discriminatory all parties engaged for copacetic “COMMUNITY” with co-existence, and if by new laws, more than RULES necessary and proper each a party to BATHROOM LAWS as per TRANSGENDER must also divine the imports of statutes on PERVERSIONS - PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION - HOOK UPS FROM DUCKING (DUCK & COVER?) (& COVERING - IF PREPARED WITH “PROTECTION” OR ENABLED BY A FUNCTIONING DISPENSARY) IN PUBLIC “RESTROOMS”!

RIDICULOUS was interloper PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA as trespassing upon sovereignty of NORTH CAROLINA at least due he only seemed to make time for teasing on the issue, and as if keeping PERSONAL TIME for GOLF was still to be RESPECTABLE behavior for any EXECUTIVE or presumed his work to be of DUTY to MICROMANAGE “COMMUNITY” - DICTUM ON PDAs!

A first duty for TRUMP REPUBLICANISM is that for the PROTECTION OF MINORS!!!

PRESIDENT OBAMA is afoul of regular order even as GRAND OLD PARTY (, thanks to the LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS?) abides that “ON BIRTH CERTIFICATE” likely to FIXED and to that a FEDERAL EXECUTIVE ORDER was improper due COMMUNITIES structural governance already expects a comity for such of their polity to be that all TRANSGENDER should have guardians in the ranks of mature adults and schools systems administrations to that it be their principle that their PRINCIPALS had long it established that a DOCTOR’S NOTE for any MEDICALLY born “TRANS” not just a too HORMONAL TEEN could be to a SUFFICE then for BATHROOM PASSES outside of PERVERSIONS if by PERMISSIONS FROM THEIR PRINCIPAL.

Though Yale University is reportedly moving to GENDER NEUTRAL baths (an even for sports teams locker rooms?) there is yet that such colleges are established to be like BABY SITTERS for just some much minors.  Liberal institutions of learning are not as guardians of the galactic but like petri dishes for fruit flies - only some FREE.

Though Yale University is reportedly going #NoLabels where teens yet from too HORMONAL and just of HIGH SCHOOL curriculums and “baby sitting of minors” (CHAPERONING) it is still always more lawless as the regenerative NEW FRONTIER where LOCAL is better for MANAGEMENT PRACTICES for MORALS.

Though Yale University is in response to #NORTHCAROLINA #BATHROOMLAW to now proposals as to be consummated for GENDER NEUTRALITY there is then what MORALS sovereignty remains of the CITY OF NEW HAVEN for of all within the city limits of THE ELM CITY.

Though Yale University is working up to GENDER NEUTRAL LEWS there is yet that HORMONAL teens of HIGH SCHOOL over seeing are best kept to a SIMPLE of HIS & HERS and from children being asked to make adult decisions for themselves while so growing through their immaturity.  High School is already the petri dish where BOYS may tease BOYS as if they belong in the HERS bathroom and of peer pressure due thought like become to become of their GIRLFRIENDS wants, due like thought WHOOPED, or at least too NEUTRAL.

If high schools move from DOCTOR’S NOTE & PRINCIPAL’S PERMISSION SLIPS to a third option can youth be reared as protected to a suffice for MORALITY?  In matters of impassioned youths there should be exceptions to DUCK & COVER as to ESCAPE bullying, and to no STIGMATIC to be consummated. 

It is an ADULT decision being forced on developing MINORS where a THIRD WAY structural for PUBESCENT TEENS.

It is an ADULT decision being forced on developing MINORS to suggest, where a DOCTOR’S NOTE and re-registered SEXUALITY not the PRUDENT, that a better comity for minors is in there then a HIS, HERS, & TRANS, and/or due their age, any GENDER NEUTRAL opportunity.  Minors should be PROTECTED from their evolving EMOTIONAL capacity to have CHILDHOODS by being protected from having to make ADULT decisions on their SEXUALITY while MINORS.

The SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has complicated these issues while trying to be helpful.

The “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” must overrule the said as if the “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” and while such becomes apparent due the weak decisions of over-reaching by #SCOTUS as per #OBAMACARE #LGBT & #SSM (Same Sex Marriage).  These decisions rest but for now as some contrary even to each other much to that pertinent to this as if of the GRAND OLD PARTY securely now of a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN DONALD TRUMP.

A conundrum to consider as endearing to GEORGE WASHINGTON’S lead with his “AMONG THE VICISSITUDES INCIDENT TO LIFE…” is yet the much of the period as from the PILGRIMS of the MAYFLOWER to the TEA PARTY, at least as dead set against too distant over lording, remains that of “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” paradigm of that (at least of the missionary positions and postured) to that one can only have “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” if and after of having LEARNED of RELIGION.  That by definition of RELIGIOUS there can be no FREEDOM FROM RELIGION due bodies of bodies ELECTRIC.


Missing has been the prudence for PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS community sovereignty on PUBLIC MORALS.  Even now the GRAND OLD PARTY need proffer for all PRUDENCE while seems due a LANDLORD, so licensed broadly, THE TRUMP cache is still in LANDLORD writs to that LEGALLY the REPUBLICAN NOMINEE has had to be practiced as a LOG CABIN REPUBLICAN, even while more embedded as a NEW YORK DEMOCRAT.




                                           *       *       *

(*: A recent biography did explain that GEORGE & MARTHA did inherit her parents’ library and their collection of books on sex (and sexuality).)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:26 am

Don’t BUY - SELL! SELL! SELL!  We are long past the days it safe or prudent to buy the Clintons’ crap!!!  We have standards to keep!!!

A guidance on taking tru’d stock of the Clintons’ valuation is to embrace it is known, not contested, that they are #BigLiars, and, it should be self evident to that America has been improving this past year as it appears to be that we are reduced down to that near only #HillaryClinton voters are them showing signs of still believing #ClintonsLies!  We have standards to keep!!!

A guidance on seeing how #MORALS trump #HillaryClinton:  The #NewGOP is risen in the old, very old, adage of #Paul, as our founding fathers so constituted the Union, of that:  PEOPLE ARE UNDER GOD BEFORE UNDER GOVERNMENT

A guidance on seeing how #MORALS trump #HillaryClinton:  Learn it! Understand it! - There is like a #RepublicanConstitution and a #DemocratsConstitution!  The #TRUMP is that #Republicans are under God before under either #CONSTITUTION, too!

The Clinton crap is being shovel ready & spread broadly about as if #BillClinton is and was #PERFECT and that #MrsC is an #IDEAL #CANDIDATE for #MrsClinton has the #OLIGARCHIES behind her, - covering her “SIX” - so that she can seem believable while struttin’ and posturing so as a PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES - of her still like “WE’RE RIGHT - YOU’RE WRONG” arrogance, but pancaked and built over to a PRETTY CON seeming sold as a GOOD BUY!!!

It is not a dressing down of Hillary Rodham Clinton to pop the broaching, to bare, - to bare her bearing - that underneath all her built up over her base is sheer cover - a protective faux esprit d’ corps!  O’? Bare to the #TRUTH?

It is not a dressing down of Hillary Rodham Clinton to pop the broaching, to peel off the layer of covers - it is a #REVEALING!!! a #PROBATIVE!!!

If #ELECTION2016 were a remake of movie “ANGEL HEART” the villainous would be a femme as a “Louise Cipher” - a #HillaryInTheFlesh like a #LUCIFER! - mustn’t it be so? - so sold, as now so much revealed?

So it is accepted as known! And: Quite important to the historical of the #HILLARY2008 loss: Due #CLINTONS tagged #BIGLIARS was the mantra that lead them to lose: Loss: Near half of their dramatic support, - half of their dramatic friends, - half of #HOLLYWOOD!!! #EMOTE IT!!!

A guidance on feeling the #4RealHillary forward: Do not stop thinking about yesterdays!!!  Do not buy into their only look forward so you don’t look back at naked truths so mashable as still freshly taggable of errant behaviors, political, to negligence, and even gross negligence so more like crap on the soles of their shoes, - not diamonds! BEWARE THE “PRIMA DONNA”!!!


Evident in the PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES these bared enough to naked truths?

Evidence in the GRAPHIC #HILLARY2016 a legacy of #POLITICAL by ways of “CONVENIENT CRISISES”?

Self evident of the GRAPHIC YET A PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES A LOUISE CIPHER is the “H” hellish of like WORLD TRADE CENTER TWIN TOWERS with something(s) POWERFUL to a blooded RED jet streak struck thru?

Late - very late - #PLOTTWIST:  Late to a #SELFEVIDENT of a #HillaryInTheFlesh it so like of a #LUCIFERINTHEFLESH how #MRSCLINTON can so clearly be postured of a galactic existentialism to be, and always have been, the woman in the known world who has the most FAULT for attacks of SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 (YES, AND NOW ALSO 9/11 II OF 2012) !!! - AND, as she is, while a #FEMME #FEMALE #WOMAN of #WOMANCARD, is most notable still as a fair accounting of the historical of the political renders a clarity to that starting with as SENATOR CLINTON it traces forensically and an easy pathological to that #MRSCLINTON is the AMERICAN POLITICIAN whom most politically benefited from the CRISISES of the AL QAEDA ATTACKS.

#NAKEDTRUTH #DOMINANT:  The attacks of 9/11 I (the first 911 ATTACKS in 2001) did give a former First Lady a jumping off point to break the #SENATE seniority system by being a newly cooked INTERNATIONAL SYMPATHETIC UNTOUCHABLE POLITICIAN as the FEMALE GROUND ZERO SENATOR then to like the senior NEW YORK SENATOR for as made over - as of such to an EXTREME MAKEOVER - as for as a FORMER FIRST LADY her cache was already global so for her to be a DOMINATRIX even over SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER.

It is down right #DEVILISH and #HELLISH how graphic PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES “LOUISE CIPHER” reveals when bared broached as the #H looks intentionally, not accidentally, or even negligently, like the struck towers of #NYC #WTC & #NJ #PATH!!! 


LIKE FROM:  #HillaryInTheFlesh as “Louise Cipher” a #LuciferInTheFlesh a not an #ANGEL for #DEVILISH pol?  #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?





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[This new column, to be pressed throughout the day (NOW DONE)! - please check back regularly for guidance! And, site search by FEMINISM in mean time! Also search by FIDELITY!!!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:27 pm

Oh New York how could you?  New York City?  How did you?

As Donald Trump may now have many riveted to it not “rosy” how Senator Elizabeth Warren taggable “GOOFY” let us pare down to the common core of your “OOPS” a whoopsy daisy that pops of Mrs. Clinton and a seeming collusion “le femme” with former Speaker of the House Representative Nancy Pelosi.

An apropos to the global collateral consequences it behoove us pop to femmes Clinton & Pelosi before assuaging any “GOOFY” upon the footing of femme Senator Warren.  Like right New York - it only fair we mash to the Democrat women that Bill Clinton can already said to have ruined and not rush at bearing false witness upon femme Warren as if also already ruined to protect Mrs. Clinton?  Like right New York - we should consider the players and the cons?

It isn’t rosy how taggable a mashable for a collusion like collaboration a truthful reveal of femme Pelosi can be of riveting popping!

A first step to inspecting the constructs of the Clintons is to overlay femme Clinton political gains with convenient actions or worked political inaction in a concurrency by femme Pelosi!

For now reader you are to be “INSPECTOR 86″!!!


Femme Warren in an anomaly - she is a survivor but for being such a late comer - a last on scene!

For now reader you are to presume that all questionable of these riveting overlays is of an accountancy for work shared by femmes Clinton & Pelosi!!!

It is #ManCard #ManTrump beau Donald Trump, presumptive nominee, of rights and duty now to cast blame and doubt upon at least Democrat leading femmes, - while only honorable if firstly measured and forensically probative as upon the shape and quality of femmes Clinton & Pelosi, and, to then at femme Warren but afterwards!  RIGHT NEW YORK?

Femme Warren is an anomaly - most assuredly; Senator Warren is like the old Harvard expert on how CRASH was Clintons’ fault!  Femme Warren is like the anti-Hillary and necessarily maybe rogue too - rogue against establishment, also in an overlay, femme Pelosi!!!  A Harvard bankruptcy expert can hardly deny the facts that pop to it was never reasonable to blame Bush - to bear false witness upon an economics history to that it could be “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” while the timing and numbers fit the Clintons and then Speaker Pelosi like set of matching cat burglar gloves.

Oh New York!!!  How did you do it?  How did you miss it?  How are you still missing it?

The story that really pops all the rivets yet has misogynist Bill Clinton as like the labor supervisor - les femmes foreman!

New York are we yet of times to try women souls - times ripe for beau Trump to stamp or chisel “GOOFY” on les femmes?

How close, New York, are you to seeing the hands of femme Pelosi as the riveter of so much that just popped?

How close, New York, are you to surmising femme Pelosi was but a tool of say foreman Bill Clinton of sloppy machinations to construct a passage to a Presidency in the name of femme Clinton?  Fig ye already enough there would have been not “HILLARY 2008″ or “Secretary of State Clinton” or “HILLARY 2016″ if Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasn’t to undercutting the economies of the world by undercutting President George W. Bush?

How close, New York, are you to seeing it works out that there was/is a story of a sisterhood of pantsuits and compromised work?

New York isn’t it self apparent, now finally, that les femmes Clinton & Pelosi pop as the most culpable, but second to one they were so loyal to as to be like mere tools - to be like tools of Bill Clinton?  There could be a qualified Democrat woman in the 2016 Presidential race if the Clinton machinations hadn’t suppressed any or all to stuck under Mrs. Clinton. RIGHT?

Senator Elizabeth “GOOFY” Warren, is somehow like safe, - like above this, - like arrived so late, and as a Harvard expert - to not yet have been ruined by either Bill Clinton or les femmes Clinton & Pelosi.

New York - Oh me oh my - How could you? - How did you?

As you become conscious of how much trouble you have caused by being quiet amidst such Clinton operations mustn’t you kick yourself for letting down the standards of New York?

POP!!! POP!!! Their riveting is fit’n a tag mashable of them the really culpable les femmes as due BUSTED/ARRESTED!!!

Please accept guidance:  Speaker Nancy Pelosi obstruction of the Bush administration was necessary to keep any passage to a “President Hillary” as yet still possible.  The politics of their labors are real and condemnable (as expert in bankruptcy femme Warren can teach) in that it is reasonable to blame the economic crash directly on efforts for Hillary Rodham Clinton, or on exactly Mrs. William J. Clinton!!!

In a New York minute attitude would be too short!  Les femmes Clinton & Pelosi share an indivisible reconcilable association of means, motives, and opportunities, that some time is needed to fully inspect “INSPECTOR 86″!

I.E.:  Right New York:  “That is:” - This is their is is - for real!!!  E.G.:  When Speaker Nancy Pelosi such femme did vastly and greatly broadly obstruct the administration of George W. Bush by reversing how OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was arranged as to be paid for!

Les femmes Clinton & Pelosi while Speaker Pelosi was to praising CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were seeming in collusion to built out or maintain a passage to a “PRESIDENT HILLARY” as a political priority to trump all other work of the People!!!  Les femmes, so colluding, so seems still, are of diabolical POP!!! POP!!! as riveters of the clearest pathology for GUILTY!!! GUILTY!!!  Le femme Pelosi, while Speaker of the House, was and is condemnable for having defended the $2 trillion in cuts by “foreman” “beau Clinton” and to that then President Bush was like arrested from being able to fix the economics - to fix the economy - to fix economies!!!

Riveted?  POPS?  POPPED?  Clear as day, - finally - “INSPECTOR 86″?

Please do not doubt for a second, or even a New York minute, there was diabolical collusion to put constructs for a passage to a “femme President” above the work of the People by an elected - electeds - and elected and appointed!!! - and earlier of a sisterhood of pantsuits of a California Representative and a First Lady!!!

“INSPECTOR 86″ you must fig it thru to how if femme Clinton mostly is responsible for so much gone bad as the primary beneficiary always of some engagement to the politics of constructs to work a passage wrongly as if a fair priority, or, now if femme Pelosi for having been a femme a first Speaker of the House must be blamed and arrestingly more do the supposed “honor” of the “job” and expectations to not be “goofy” or “GOOFY” however when footing the labors of the ship of state.




New York, surely, it is just too late to further abide skirting the issues of les femmes not of ignorance but of willful acts to skirt big “D” Democrats as expected to be (also for New Yorkers) as always firstly small “d” democrats!!!  New York?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:15 am

Lifetime employment?  Lifetime corporate association and the First Amendment?  Lifetime dedication to a common cause, rituals, and appropriate attire?

What is one’s “Sunday Best” either from Queens and Presbyterian or from Ebenezer or Dexter Avenue Baptists of Martin Luthers akin to a Protestant Revolution?  What is a minimum “dressed up” for a necessary conscientious to be so lay dedicated for a walking the talk of the daily battles between good and evil, or just some right and wrong?

Can Donald Trump not be tru’d out for economics if peoples of these united states of the Americas won’t dress the part?

Whom are the suits?  Where is there honor in how picking their peacocks fantail accessorizing demonstrative lines and colors?

How does one dress to abide clothed to honor the disciplines of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - forward?  Mustn’t one’s very appearance be considerate for a choosing of good over evil, of right over wrong, of Godliness over slothfulness?  Mustn’t each be outta their homesteads, humble, and kept clean, and sharp, keen and bright?

Spiritual advisors to Donald Trump of Queens long of his Presbyterian roots have reared such a suit in stories of Power of togetherness comity structures secured of a post Protestant Reformation - so we are to presume.  He wears his suits like to be for the gold standard of faithful builders - like a dedicate to the traditions and rituals long of the preserve of the Masons and how their faiths were plumbed to on the level all squared up - squared away.  He wears his suit as a suit and yet it seems as befitting the methodical practices honoring of at least masons.

Election 2016 - once past the “Primadonna Of Platitudes” variety show of “spice” supposedly in pastel pantsuits - is setting up like a people watching on a day kept for worship.  As Bernie Sanders dresses the part of labor for recognition of the plights and conditions of workers - of workers employability - of workers livable standards - there is yet the contrary of the covers of the Clintons consorts of measured and hemmed for hedging - for banking on gambling with others labors - for gains without progress from building much, or anything.

I must only posture, as it would be improper to presume, or assume, that today if graced still of a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as walking among the living of the world we might be hearing about “EVIL HEDGERS” and at least to struggles from gadget addictions maybe focused by offering in this Catholic “Year Of Mercy” a “word of the year” as “ECUMENICAL”!

What is dressing the part?  Where can there be a corporate responsibility for lifetime employment if no dress code is associated of shared faithfulness of practiced rituals practiced to a sufficed to nonsense?  There is a need for 24/7 accommodations of the apropos to comity of community from Queens to Dexter Avenue.  There is that corporations must have the same right of assembly and rights of religious freedom and liberty in free speech (to at least divine a settling of truth - truths).

Republican nominee Donald Trump dresses the part of a suit a builder dedicated to keeping a morals yet about a copacetic with a gold standard.  Still deserving to be Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders also dresses the part, also as a suit, but to that 2016 is like morally unfolding like a live HAMILTON MUSICAL in real time and of the modern/present concurrence, and to that TRUMP is dashing as garbed as “MANAGEMENT” and SANDERS is smartly attired representative not of a casual or lazy but “smartly” as “air dried” compliant, measured, collared as a white collared for the blue collared of the building, of an everyday worship day best that represents well, of a uniformed for morality, also. 

Embattled of scandals and a rich compromised history with family’s banking associations for the standard a HEDGING AMORALITY Mrs. Hillary Clinton dresses, when not like years so of a “Mao Chic” yet much as suited but suitable for playing both sides as her creed - like suited for hedging and greed - like suited for greed’s amorality. 

Instead of a regular “Sunday Best” Mrs. Clinton entourage is begot of so much baggage and to that her “style” is like she is a political chameleon of like a different “color” for every occasion, - a variable wardrobe where a fixed values compliance more apropos for morality’s work.

Lifetime employment may be now gone and forever an aspect of the past, but forward there is likely only too much instability from irregularity where corporations are not allowed to be of their First Amendment rights for free assembly, and expression, and a unity for comity in a religiousness, a religiosity, a religious freedom, a religious liberty. 

Lifetime employment has maybe only endured when people gathered for work and community of a standard for attire of that there were wardrobes of appropriate attire for rituals and practice suffice to maintain a copacetic by nonsense - by like of “practiced Christianity in suffice to nonsense” where Bible “nonsense” equals “liberalism” - like e-stirred for Easter’s of eggs and bunnies.

Neither the wardrobe of Donald Trump, builder, nor Bernie Sanders, labor leader, are for a bad styled to be for greed by gambling like “work” as absent “bridge building” as amoral as to fortunes by “hedging” or just “derivatives” coy “playing” to a “rigged economy” - to a banking system anti-HAMILTON as firstly for to maintain a “ruling class”!

There may be a potential for a return of something more akin to “LIFETIME EMPLOYMENT” but not in a politics dedicated firstly for amoral hedging and fortunes made just in markets by gambling.

There can only be a suffice for a practicable “LIFETIME EMPLOYMENT” when there are adherents adhering of to a “nonsense” for a ritualized for comity in community.

These days are upon us to be involved en masse so that a presuming “ruling class” gets checked from and balanced from furthering the Clintons’ schemes for global autocratic (to Oligarchical) domination.  There is much more to “dressing the part” that we still need to prosecute of the storied and actually historical of the “THE CLINTON”!

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton was so regularly, in years before candidate for the Democrat Party nomination, (self?) styled in a “Mao Chic” - albeit when on President William Jefferson Clinton arm at the opening of the President George Walker Bush Library she was yet covered more submissive and quite, it seems, more “Geisha” than “Maoist”!

Even suits as “minds” actually gathered together while hip as the DAVOS #WEF (World Economic Forum) “top minds” have in past years proffered these times are like rich for a new “PROTESTANT REFORMATION”!

For Bernie Sanders to walk the dressed up of HAMILTON concurrent to 2016 politics he must not be alone in how suitable and accessorized to the import of FEDERALIST PAPERS first article FEDERALIST #1 and how Alexander Hamilton, as Publius, spelled out, from a mere (and humble) measured hemming, to cap off the establishment for the Constitution, as arguing against the then opposing opinion of then Governor of New York Clinton, his masses must be a collective to a solidarity with the intelligence of Hamilton more than Clinton - and to being able to most walk the conundrum to a workable discipline of that the Constitution is said to be ordained for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!



Your First Amendment rights are applicable to your styling - to your suitable styling - to your if dressed for good or evil, - to if clad for right or wrong!  Whether of #TRUMP or #SANDERS this #YearOfMercy of #Election2016 how can you be appropriately attired to be suitable for if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were to “ECUMENICAL” as prudent and the “WORD OF THE YEAR”? 

How now dress concurrent to ‘E-GATHERED MORALS” and prudently TRADITIONALLY - of FLOCKS OF NOT TOO GULLIBLES?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This is not hyperbole!  Voters of New York City & Long Island, largely, who voted for Hillary Clinton are now affected as stamped “STUPID”!  Trust the science!  We will get to the science!  For now top out realizing where at is not top shelf.

That Mrs. Clinton as a former First Lady and Senator and Secretary of State did only amass such an anemic number of Empire State votes foretells a HOPE for the Big Apple, yet, - still.  1.1 Million votes should have Mrs. Clinton embarrassed!

We should be able to peel and pare a “NEW YORK STATE OF MIND” from such a voting block as now stamped “STUPID”!

If you can remember the anti-tobacco ads that used to run while dedicants to evolutionary civility moved piles and piles of stuffing filled body bags to near building entrances of “Big Tobacco” corporate locations you can now more easily visualize that #Hillary2016 should have “TRUTH” bags likewise moved around the country to greet her every appearance of an asking to how many dead is Mrs. Clinton responsible to - as back to 1993 as claimed the “better half” of the Clinton “two-fer”!  Feminists should insist on a public demonstration of a respectable number of dead that are dead all around the world either due Clinton inaction & avoidance, or and specifically due her disastrous actions officially furthered; - it can’t be fair to men, or women, if feminism cause doesn’t separate the dead due Mrs. Clinton from the dead more dead due President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama.

Hillary Clinton is not TOP SHELF!  Bill Clinton never was TOP SHELF!  Mrs. Clinton attempts to break a “glass ceiling” is still of her not hot enough, - not competently pertinent sufficiently - not of a elevated level enough - at the ceiling like now falling down upon her.  It is a constituted constitutional thing:  Bill Clinton’s constitution is no longer (if ever truly) American! -  the constitution of Mrs. Clinton “glass ceiling” hyperbole is also not American! - Truth is constituted to reign over the United States by set in the People’s “Order” to that as ordained “done” in the “Year of our Lord” all are expected to be moral under God of a nation under Faith and always as before “under” Government.  It is still “STUPID” and now more visibly self evident that the Clintons’ machination have been un-American as for them of posturing that Mrs. Clinton can break the FAITH ceiling and become as above the reign of and for TRUTH.

Yes, to go back to 1993, in a moral way to morals accounting, there is that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton street cred should be of a truly vast number of dead now fit to be showcased and highlighted across the nation with masses and masses of dramatically stuffed body bags to greet the “real” “Hillary” a #DramaQueen #DroneQueen #SurplusdQueen with “#TRUTH” in bold unyielding font printed graphically, - printed LOUDLY.

Trust the science!  We are getting to the science!  We are getting to how voters who voted for Mrs. Clinton are now forward as affected as if stamped “STUPID” - as goes how goes that New York City & Long Island went.

It is like CLIMATE CHANGE “science” said!  The numbers and claims of and for Mrs. Clinton are damming, - conclusively! -  let there be no “STUPID” deniers!

People (devolved) of New York & Long Island who voted for Mrs. Clinton:  You’ve been stamped! You are affected as stamped “STUPID”!  It is too some as of #MIT #GRUBER confessed whence #GRUBERGATE was politics news, and more specifically now, that those who are “Hillary Clinton” voters are thought by Democrat Party leadership to be so “TOO STUPID” for their opinions to be actually considered.  Professor Gruber revealed akin to Mrs. Clinton, on OBAMACARE sell, that such setting asunder of regular order and generally Constitutional process was a claimed as “necessary” because their voters were too stupid to be politically engaged, educated, re-educated, updated, consulted, re-consulted, worked with for amending, and considered as relevant to their “leaders” dictum/decisions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren can proffer a teaching of how responsible Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton are, as in support of the science you should trust, but I fear that may have to be only for you if you can afford Harvard University prices for knowledge.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, if she will educate the People for free, can very professionally posture in a scientific accountable, even a lay & clear prosecution, of the culpability fit’n “STUPID” stamped upon followers of the Clintons.  Senator Warren can further her past tagging of bad economics by the Clintons to it generally and primarily mashable for #Election2016 to it of “science” forward that it is to be known that the Clintons rap is more TRUTH @ “ALL CLINTONS’ FAULT” than yet postured in their politik of bearing false witness and falsely accusing with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Perhaps a story, personal, involving Vice President Joseph Biden:  On constitutionality, - or not:  When Senator Biden in the mid to late 1990s the Senator was witnessed by myself as a member of the local public in attendance at a Yale Law School symposium on the CONSTITUTION - on FEDERALISM - as to be to concluding, if I recall correctly, “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”  This relates specifically now to how affected a stamped “STUPID” is fit’n on any who voted for Mrs. Clinton in New York, - who voted for Mrs. Clinton in her adopted home state.  When you get to an understanding of Vice President’s conclusion to that “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” you won’t/can’t be to deniers of the science of such so mashable as of a bad rap for Mrs. & President William Jefferson Clinton.

The “JOE” of “Joe Biden, Vice President” is also useful for though it was (innocently) a smack upon his boss President Barack Obama (accidently), when heard, over a live, or late rebroadcast tv spot, it is/was as like near “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BROKEN!” or “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”!

Mrs. Clinton, scientifically posturing for a lay, doesn’t get it that she is more the problem than the solution.  Mrs. Clinton is blind to her own limits and potential, as her record can show more scientifically, - more fully.  Mrs. Clinton is of the problem now much still too long upon the United States of that a “CLINTON PLAN” is still being furthered and while so flawed there is an evidence trail to be processed to that the Clintons both were never as smart as they thought themselves to be since bonding in law school, and, that the Clintons have not ever been smart enough for there thought “GRAND STRATEGY” to succeed.

Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren can still save you!  They have exposed themselves of wits of erudite roots than can more than just entangle the CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS - #BIDEN & #WARREN with more leadership from #SANDERS can more than entangle the CLINTONS’ & expose their vast accountability!  these can arrest the duo’p'd triangulations of cold calculators for global autocratic domination!  these can arrest the CLINTON FOUNDATION as too much a “RIVAL” and/or “SHADOW GOVERNMENT”!

Of those of Mrs. Clinton’s “home state” - adopted from whence she married into the “NATURAL STATE” it is much no self afflicted to you being en masse affected as stamped “STUPID” - scientifically in a lay posturing.

Like “JOE” has (innocently) declared (as remembered):  “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”

You are dedicated now with Mrs. Clinton for Democrat Party unity to the science! - the science must rule! - you are not alone now in being stuck also with President Obama’s #CLIMATECHANGE #SCIENCE to that because the planet is getting worse you now must still accept their tyranny of solutions, - you must accept their politics of their #GREENAGENDA for #AUSTERITY as for more sacrifice (so claims your “MESSIAH” figure(s)) to a greater saturation of #GREENMINIMALISM.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

For now you can try common sense to fathom that Mrs. Clinton’s “glass ceiling” is competency! - and that the office of the President is too above her at least because the Clintons’ duo’p'd constitution is quite not American in its hierarchy to that God & truth are supposed to be by politics of convenience as under them, - as under Democrats at least Yale or Harvard Law Schools Alums.

For now there is still time to save Senator “candidate” Bernie Sanders!  Vice President “Joe” Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren, if true to their oaths of offices to the actually Constituted, can help now save #Bernie2016 and maybe even by being morally effecting to an arresting of the CLINTONS FOUNDATION as so irregular as to much too much like a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! - or at least a vast #YUGE (#HUGE?) perversion of campaign finance good practices as operating much like a grand new TAMMANY of an organized for campaign like “CLINTON” branding as by a scheme of global patronage claimed, it seems, yet to be just conveniently otherwise as if just #CHARITY.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

It is not too late to save the DEMOCRAT PARTY! - - - it is not too late to save BERNIE SANDERS! 

TRUST THE SCIENCE!  Senator Elizabeth Warren can explain the economic science to rap Mrs. Clinton, too!

I must leave it to you, each of you, yourselves, to actually discern if #BIDEN #SANDERS #WARREN are fit to help you appreciate the American spirit(s) of TOP SHELF politics.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:12 am

Welcome to our bleak future.  There is no intellectual honesty in believing Hillary Clinton is not the austerity candidate of the 2016 election for President; - Mrs. Clinton is needing be as much an “Earth Firster” as Democrat President Barack Obama.

President Hillary must be of austerity or as against the climate to much mashable otherwise as a “climate denier”!  President Mrs. Clinton must shake off any weakness to be to a return of the gross excesses of the nineties - of the Bill Clinton styled (hyper consumerism) - and accept forward a responsibility to be a third term of the “Green Agenda” of President Obama.

New York by giving Hillary Clinton a win has lined up as having voted for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.  New Yorkers have spoken by giving a win to President Obama’s first Secretary of State, primarily, and to that their message is to be “Earth Firsters” forward of politics of “Global Warming” “Climate Change” furtherance necessarily by more New Nationalism New Deal Austerity for Green Agenda of “Green Minimalism” to even more jobs killing - industries killing - new conservations/conservationism.

As Bernie Sanders stood tall and came out “still standing” after the New York Democrat Party primary there is that his “democratic socialism” isn’t Mrs. Clinton “New Nationalism” - Candidate Sanders is being a moralist a socializer - not a structuralist,, - so it seems, primarily.

It is now an inescapable political reality that Hillary Clinton’s New York voters have very much so just voted for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.  A minimum wage of Mrs. Clinton $12 per hour or Senator Bernie Sanders’ walked and talked for $15 per hour yet must now figure as yet of within a continuation of “Earth Firsters” economics for conservationisms as of austerity and so yet as but for more part time work, - even more an economy from full time employment to masses forced by the “Green Agenda” to be yet but generally only employable part-time.

President Barack Obama has yet to announce that he has succeeded at become the “The Man Who Saved The Planet” and so the “warming” “ALARMISM” is still the Democrat Party politics driver.  The planet must still be in as much danger as in 2009 or now even in worse danger and so needing even more consumerism and capitalism squashing of materialism and waste.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton must not vacate President Obama’s rendition of science to that austerity isn’t now even needed more!

New York has voted! - - - New York State has voted, by giving a win to Mrs. Clinton, quite loudly for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.

As this was a killer economics policy of President Obama it should be still for President Clinton; - None should expect an economic “recovery” and now should settle in for less is more and to that Congress is now organized of committees, it seems, of “Climate Change & The New Economy” duty. 

As this was a killer economics politics of President Obama the Republicans now with a President Clinton will be morally right again in doing as their Democrat Leader prioritizes and to themselves to living more responsibly - more green - more too of “less is more” - forward.

As this was the killer “economics” of the Democrat Party since 2009, while begun with affected campaign Powers since 2007, it behoove the nation and world accept that New York has just voted for the “Austerity Candidate” of “Eleciton 2016″!

As this was the killer “economics” of the “Economics Experts” of Obama - as were set to then otherwise have been much President Hillary’s “economic team” please understand that much of Democrats promised was not able to be because the Republicans did act responsibly on the “global warming” “alarmism” and did do as the President said - very much so to a unexpected, seems, new level of “less is more” conservation - a GOP embrace for “green minimalism” to save the planet.

President Hillary Clinton, - God HELP us! - cannot be President and not be for austerity and yet now we know the Republicans did surprise the Democrats politics plans by on the climate to have been to doing as Democrat President said to do, and not as President Obama expected/sold them to be to doing as to doing BAD & not cooperative lifestyle changes.

Note:  It was essentially a grand great flaw in the Democrats green agenda, however for New Nationalism New Deal Austerity of “Green Minimalism” for their “Green Agenda” that they didn’t expect their selling of alarmism would shrink the economies so vastly and so thoroughly by people complying and to being “Super Compliers” to that supply & demand economics stopped functioning scientifically as school children, of rich and poor, connected and unconnected, did work so much to saving the planet by maybe cutting their materialism easily by twice that which Democrat “economics experts” ever considered/allowed for/predicted!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

You are either “THE PEOPLE” or you are of your lot precast as a “SUPER DELEGATE”!

Hillary Clinton is not running as an innocent, - the Clintons have much confessed to vast high crimes but somehow maintain them are kingpins as too big to fail for if they fall they promise they will take others down with them.

If you are prone to like Mrs. Clinton for “I DIDN’T STAY HOME AND BAKE” brace yourselves for today you may learn much, - and much to how there is this big bad WHAT of which “Bill & Hillary” are of having “cooked it up” since Yale Law School days.

You don’t need the Obama Justice Department to move in an expedited manner complete of due process, - have already moved so - to be “THE PEOPLE” in judgement of so much seeming self evident and as of confessed bad by the Clintons;- you are “THE PEOPLE” unless biased for a weak defense as in jeopardy just be being sided now with the “HILLARY CLINTON” lot.

Shake off the long ridiculously worked spun of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Accept there is to the “THE PEOPLE” the parity that 50% BUSH’S FAULT is still VERY BAD, - but not maybe equally BAD as that you now should accept “IT” is that it was that at least 50% is the CLINTONS’ FAULT.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us start with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support.

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED.

The Clintons’, contrary to originalism, plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified.

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS.

As Al Gore was expected to be President on September 11, 2001 there is much you should already have asked and answered and yet much haven’t. For starters:  Was how the Clintons packed the Washington bureaucracies with CLINTON LOYALISTS privy to a promised like a CLINTONS - we will return (SOON) - to have much have slow walked “government” as it seems to have done to REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH when whence to the unexpected triumphant?  Aren’t the days of 2001 (or November 2000) from the forced departure of the CLINTONS from the WHITE HOUSE to September 12, 2001 they most concerning days for the proper and full judging of the “HILLARY CLINTON” as against the “THE PEOPLE”?

In that it is #RIDICULOUS to assert or believe it is/was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” the “HILLARY CLINTON” on “TRIAL” tonight in #BROOKLYN versus SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS is in jeopardy as he or the moderators need as Mrs. Clinton to fully explain how it is that it was just “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!  There has been a cover-up since hour one of the OBAMA administration to effect a like BIG LIE to a like: “IT WAS NONE OF THE CLINTONS FAULT - BILL CLINTON WAS A PERFECT PRESIDENT”!  If Mrs. Clinton has to answer so she will be confessing by voiding the absolute to that she at least was engaged in a (TREASONOUS) cover-up akin to high crimes and misdemeanors.

Of what is left of the said “CLINTONS’ PLAN” (to be anti Constitution and to affect essentially a King & Queen firsts for the U.S.A.) as but now at most 50% effected, and to then it now harder to see and comprehend its full diabolical depths because the worst half’s essence was yet BLOCKED there is that the worked 50% still enough to float a #HILLARY2016 with vast (unreasonable but of guilty cohorts too compromised) mass of #SUPERDELEGATES is more to that Mrs. Clinton can be said by President Barack Obama (somehow) to have not “JEOPARDIZED NATIONAL SECURITY” it is like beyond reason that it is that the CLINTONS did not PERVERT NATIONAL SECURITY!

Of the said PLAN:  The second term of the CLINTONS was bent much, it seems, to bending any threatening politician, and especially enough REPUBLICANS, to also corrupted so that they could not in the future be to incriminating the “HILLARY CLINTON” without also self incrimination.

Of the said PLAN:  The days from when the CLINTONS were forced outta the WHITE HOUSE until at least 9/12/2001 are maybe the most questionable and ripe for deep probatives and prosecution.  It still seems that when surprisingly become President it was that for like his first 8 months GEORGE W. BUSH had a government of vast bureaucracies that just weren’t responding to his lead - his direction - his leadership (and as if the “THE CLINTON” was happy their CLINTON LOYALISTS they packed into the Washington bureaucracies were cooperating with their plans to be back in Power ASAP for the second round as by a PRESIDENT HILLARY. 

Of the said PLAN:  It still seems the CLINTONS obstructed the BUSH ADMINISTRATION (as they likely woulda Al Gore’s for succession had to be forwarded (by any and all means possible) to a PRESIDENT HILLARY.  It still seems President Obama’s NOBEL PEACE PRIZE SPEECH is enough to tag that it wasn’t actually or effectively “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for he chided and blasted the “THE CLINTON” each time he proffered erudite oration about DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE.  RIGHT! - - - IF IT WAS BECAUSE OF PRESIDENT CLINTON INACTION & AVOIDANCE THEN “IT” COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN, OR BE YET, “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Of the said PLAN:  SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS & his welcome REVOLUTION were not planned for, as wasn’t that an actually BLACK PRESIDENT could get between BILL CLINTON, & HILLARY CLINTON.

Of the said PLAN:  It seems we “THE PEOPLE” must now accept that PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON musta used the #CIA to lie about PEACE for his reckless budget cutting of DEFENSE, & INTELLIGENCE, as said justified as PEACE DIVIDENDS!  RIGHT? - - - Like it only in “HILLARY CLINTON” spun that AL QAEDA like came outta no where and some how so while outta no where as like only the fault of he who wasn’t even supposed to be PRESIDENT on 9/11/2001!

Poor Bernie Sanders having to battle such a corrupt political machine long of machinations figured much as “cooked up” in the kitchen of the Clintons since before they were yet Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (to like the same anti Constitution political ambitions as whence New York Governor Clinton opposed the new American Constitution and to that Hamilton, Madison, and Jay then busied themselves all as PUBLIUS to present to the “THE PEOPLE” the cases as to why CLINTON was wrong and the work of the FOUNDING FATHERS was RIGHT/CORRECT!

“HILLARY CLINTON” is in vast jeopardy - such vast exposure even the #ICC - INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT is of jurisdiction.

“HILLARY CLINTON” is yet trapped:  #MrsC can run but she cannot hide.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us continue with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support!

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically/sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED?

The Clintons’ plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified?

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS?

Ask yourselves:  Could that #TeaParty have been racist while firstly being to #RESET that we are not now nor have ever been in the POST CONSTITUTION world of the CLINTONS’ PLAN effectings?  Mustn’t the #TeaParty have been more against these machinations of the CLINTONS’ PLAN more than ever as against a BLACK PRESIDENT committed to also affecting the CLINTONS’ machinations?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t #CONGRESS suffered a record UNPOPULAR tag and really firstly because there was the CLINTONS’ PLAN of the CLINTON FOUNDATION ever since CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE became (chartered) so that BILL CLINTON could rival the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT?

Ask yourselves:  How much assistance does BERNIE SANDERS now need to proceed against “HILLARY CLINTON” while #JUSTICE beggard for thorough due process and regular orders for diligent investigations and prosecutions?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t your CONSTITUTION but yet too trumped? - to set asunder, and by conscious premeditated will full machinations partisan/selfish political of and by the “THE CLINTON” albeit now critically much as the “HILLARY CLINTON”?

Mustn’t we “THE PEOPLE” concur that the CLINTON FOUNDATION work is to obstruct good governance, and while perverting NATIONAL SECURITY (at least) to rivaling the #CONGRESS as in the old worked sell to that AMERICANS (at least of the SOUTH) still would prefer AUTOCRATS to DEMOCRATS of limitations and terms for office holding Power?


Can BERNIE SANDERS, OR DONALD TRUMP, yet save the UNITED STATES CONGRESS from the willful Constitutional perversions by the machinations of what the Clintons cooked up so very long ago?

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  While here site search with search pane by:  GULF COUNTRIES; ABSOLUTE; PERFECT; FEMINISM; and, AL GORE.  I essentially have the unrecorded record for the most full pieces written on why/how Hillary Clinton cannot win!  I have this probably still just for all that I blogged publicly to effect the 2008 Clinton DEFEAT.

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  And while you do please remember it seems the Clintons jeopardy is greatest for the days and months between the CLINTON WHITE HOUSE and SEPTEMBER 12, 2001!

- - - There is still at least a negligence seeming a GROSS NEGLIGENCE tag fit’n them as for the WALLS OF SEPARATION than can be said to have kept the INVESTIGATION side of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS from having a chance at catching those FIRST LADY HILLARY CLINTON much incited in their own turfs with her FEMINIST FEMINISM CRUSADES of DICTUM by DICTATES to ‘YOU SHOULD TREAT YOUR WOMEN AS I SAY”!

- - - There is much to, it seems, that the Clintons while no longer of EXECUTIVE POWER were to influence across the federal bureaucracies by minions vastly staffed into such ranks in a belief and HOPE a PRESIDENT HILLARY would soon be there (instead)!  It is for agents and officers of the Government and Courts now to assess and assuage how 2001 is the year for which the Clintons will have the greatest legal and Constitutional JEOPARDY!

Like hip to you, - are you hip to: #‎NY‬ ‪#‎NYValues‬ ‪#‎NYC‬ #‎NewYorkValues‬ ~ ‪#‎BillClinton‬ operates ‪#‎CGI‬ ‪#‎ClintonFdn‬ as obstruction to good governance & a perversion of regular order!  ‪#‎USC198‬

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:24 pm

Donald Trump may currently be the most dangerous viable candidate in the 2016 Presidential Race. Donald Trump is wrong on the Iraq War!

As Governor Bush, and Mrs. Clinton, most recently as number 2 at Bill Clinton’s foundation, are so set asunder as too “establishment” we are left with Businessman candidate Trump as likely the most dangerous viable now.

The establishment has fallen much ado about this conundrum: 


Though Senator Bernie Sanders seems a viable candidate he reasons to be not as dangerous as related to Arabian Peninsula factors.  Marc Morial of the Urban League may have a flawed view of the federal government roll in the economics of the People, but this may be of what “Berners” will at least incidentally pull “Bernie” to a fix for or better parity to.  To understand Marc Morial’s flaw is to also become akin to the errs that can justify Donald Trump’s war “mistakes” and as Bernie Sanders rallies against the “establishment” decades of worked confusions.

Neither Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio, nor Senator Ted Cruz seem possibly as dangerous as Businessman Donald Trump, at least as per variables factors of particularly the Arabian Peninsula.

It behoove (camels or horses usage) forward we discern a righteousness for #TRUTH and especially now as New York City is falling victim to top down political cuts of vast tens of millions of funds for the preparedness to prevent or respond to terrorism.

Urban League Marc Morial’s seeming flaw on the federal government roll in economics pairs to how now we must pare to the core the responsibilities of peoples to their communities, and, as such it part of the Donald Trump errors of consideration of a right or wrong per the Iraq War.  Bernie Sanders, yes as seems a viable candidate, is awakening masses to a synchronicity such that he seems far less dangerous than Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.

An unknown of how that Donald Trump can be said so wrong on the Iraq War is yet how for now it is the best political strategy to unleash the truths of the establishment of Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as that they are yet more wrong than he concurrently.  Political strategy may justify not justifying the years 1993 to 2001 and/or 2001 to 2009 for his opponents; if Bush or Clinton can defend themselves while seemingly more wrong than Trump it is cost effective and prudent that a claim is put upon them that what they were of parties to was WRONG, though maybe while such claim is also wrong, - for Posterity.

A known is to be unearthed better for those dedicated enough to try to forensically determine a pathology of if Bush or Clinton is more wrong than the other;  for the committed to knowing how Operation Iraqi Freedom was a necessary and proper prosecution of Saddam Hussein there are the vast volumes of old columns here sort in the categories, and more by keyword searches of site locally by at least: ISIS.  That it is posited that it was right to “prosecute” Saddam Hussein leaves open the realm of how Trump can be more right than Bush and Clinton; - That the posit is so yet begs that the decidings of how/when/why were flawed enough to almost affirm the position contrary of Trump2016 (and maybe any “old Trump” in archives too!).

An essence of a black and white clarity can be to sharpness better when tuned to the Iraq Surge story, and as the story of it odd that only then was President George W. Bush (brought) to considering that the best strategy for winning in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was much that which was the COMMUNITY POLICING outta a central bunker mentality and back to beats and “local” precincts.

What won the IRAQ SURGE was the attitude of clearing AND holding that was core to how New York City Transit under Chief William Bratton, and then too TIMES SQUARE, and other metropolitan jurisdictions, then as yet a morphed to public - private continuation that how LAS VEGAS was “cleaned up”!  (Yes, I write as one who specifically like blogged to teach this (surprisingly so late into war) to DC media markets publicly before it was agreed that such as the IRAQ SURGE could be attempted, - tried in lieu of cutting and running while other options still were strategically available, and untried.)

Armed Forces of these united states of the Americas, and your families, and friends, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary and proper, though terribly late, giving of teeth to the UNITED NATIONS sanctions.  Only the leaders so today’s “establishment” being run outta Power are really to be blamed for that though right to have done (and done much sooner as best to have been done more in synchronicity to COMMUNITY POLICING gains, - as like best by 1996 - by before a second Clintons’ term) and done so lately, it remains that it can be said never to have been done well, or right, at the top.

How Marc Morial errs on the federal government roll in economics is common core to the Trump flaws on “IRAQ WAR WAS WRONG” lacking pronouncements.  Think it through!!! REALLY THINK IT THROUGH!!!

Sanders, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz all may be safer as smarter in a more universal enlightened composed.

All are like the “UN-CLINTON” these times need as much, - really more even than “UN-BUSH”!  The “establishment” being befallen are rotten nearly of political incestuous to the necessary realms for bipartisanship are outta bounds due irreconcilable differences all parties “establishment” have been exercised politically too much as if to affect gag orders from #TRUTHS the People must become sufficiently aware of in order now for New York City to maintain sufficient public safety as “establishment” President Barack H. Obama slashes muscularly through their/own defense budgets.

Marc Morial’s flaw is akin a common core to Donald Trump’s errs - - - It like misses why COMMUNITY POLICING worked and to how it also worked as adjusted to THE IRAQ SURGE - - - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM did less to destabilize the Middle East than that IRAQ invade KUWAIT, and with SADDAM HUSSEIN of thinking he would be able to keep it.

The Government is to protect the field(s) and to have mediation methods available for Justice, - not to plan an predetermined outcome against vicissitudes incident to romance / romantic / human behavior / freedom “economics”!  Bill Clinton did not offer Iraqi majority equal Justice.

President Bill Clinton is the most guilty decider as the destabilization was cast to happen and nearly nothing he postured was more than but a delaying tactic, - Clinton did not try to fix Iraq, and so did not try to fix the PERSIAN GULF region! #STICKER_IT #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

The Church of America resides in the states of mind akin to the synchronicity of daily struggles, - of passions. The “American” is of a sense of Place for the inaugurated of vicissitudes (trespasses) incident to the propriety of Corinthians.  The Church of America is the home of Freedom, - - - its “place” is our State of minds - we are “under it” while “of it” with equality, if gotten.

The five boroughs of New York City parse a geographic for cosmopolitan in a pedestrian “local” with/by civil boundaries.  However catholic there are parochial sentiments as keystones to these establishments, however, for the great work of humanity as for to heaven grounded, livable, with the roots of olive branches for all.

C.O.D. peaces are to a general copacetic, still though of some should fish most on their side of the river, yet of a civility that fishers of fish shouldn’t have to cast long trepidations by shadows upon the waters where they ply their hooks, lines, even sinkers.  Those keeled to a professionality, of our waters abouts, do some have by their nets catches, of daily, by the lots schooled, a more catholic plying to be learned of for their bounties.

The five boroughs of New York City are not as much of a “Class Fascism” as those who are of wants for tyrannical Power ideally hoped for for their machinations to their no Church of America possible extant as higher in Freedom than could be set a ceiling by secular Socialism, even especially National Socialism.  The potential of Eden as a Heaven grounded, livable, where olive branches is yet above the machinations by mere humans by the sagaciousness of the Church of America, however it of “place” only as in a “State of minds” in Freedoms, - copacetics by disciplined in Peace brethrens.

C.O.D. peaces are the awakening Freedoms across the universal of the “melting pot” metaphoricals for brake fasts serial Peace brethrens.  As universal peoples wake from their since dinner fasts for a new day of new “catches” these days dawn “local” to if a new “of day’s” is to be enough of a “of fair play” and separate enough from machinations of foul play.

Though the general Peace of these five boroughs, so spotlighted, as if succeeding dusks proceed of succeeding in enlightenment, to new dawns, of day’s, spill to the cementitious pedestrians stirred less of excesses of Devil’s brewed and more to apportioned nectars, even caffeinated milky ways, so spouted across commisaries.  As drive times to some more just shuttled keeps to regulated deliverance there is yet the comity for civility of commerce as by Corinthians, 1, &, 2. Catches of days’ are to be sung of, - for economies of growth there must be maturity in a general ability of masses to gather in songs, in expressed unity.

Dire has been the suppressions transgressed by willful (idealists?) of politics too for machinations for Trickle Down New Deal Austerity upon the structured for sagacity as the politicians have been aggressive trans-economic with oppressive dictum for a Green Agenda, that did set asunder the laissez-faire long manageable as the economics of Bible’s Paul, and his letters as foundations for governance in parity from agreeables to agreeables.

I must bear witness to that somehow New York City seems to have survived, while enduring, also, so many years of attempts to more than set asunder the Church of England as by subjugated under Government machinations for Obamacare, so also coincidental to the general threats, domestic, to the “Place” of “Freedom” as the “State of minds” as a “Church of America” of no “place” in particular, so also incidentally as a threat to all believers “Peace brethren” who trespass together of the five boroughs as their Eden(s), - - - The inaugurated “vicissitudes incident to life…” of the establishment for nation by George Washington, firstly, have somehow endured while the Trickle Down New Deal Austerity of its synchronized Politics for secular Socialism constructs by Government take-over of the healthcare economics is fallen from able to be endearing.

The Church of America is the Cathedral of George Washington!  Americans, of all stripes and double helix variations, are establishment Free people by constituted order to ordained Freedom in this synchronicity as “under God” while of “equality with” as of natural law of more solidarity for Peaceable songs of Corinth’s writ civility than can endure for these witnessed years of political machinations to stifle and suppress the sagacious beauties of those resident in enlightened natural states.

The USS “Bounty” as if the “ship of state” we are yet in pledged Allegiance to is for, since its originals, - its origins, of fruited plains and black gold of richly soiled latitudes.  Albeit so set for regular days of bountiful harvest where work suffice to, there is yet the lessons of Muhammad to consider if to thinking of those of the same God whom are those His most severely tested of his deserts severities.  New York City gets by in a universal copacetic as a “Place” for “Peace brethren”!  New York City is a “Big Apple” of many Edens - of cracks of dawns to varieties on show across their cementitious trespassed common grounds.

I do not know if their is a secret to being “well heeled” to “even keeled” that is not common to all for Eden(s).  As neither Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, and their God is equally above them, there is the Peace common but specific to when of “Place” as that Islam is of writ of for Muslims in that Christianity is inadequate for His deserts’ severe.  Long has it been parsed as in established that Christ Jesus is not an infidel, but, beware Christianity may not trespass well once deep into deserts, Christianity may be of dangers to life, lives, if careless practiced where bounties not more naturally shareable.

The “Big Apple” of the five boroughs, still somehow enduring as Trickle Down New Deal Austerity for a new conservationism to a “Green Minimalism” falls from endearing, is yet considerate as like a 1,2,3, “Blossomed” of Lotus metaphoricals pertinent to budding(s) vicissitudes daily incidental to lazy and free of the economies of Freedom as “under God” before ever deprived of a natural solidarity as if all here abouts are of a “Church of America” such as the spirit of the cementitious trespassers of the “Big Apple” abide in their Peace brethren routines.

As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully.  It is outrageous that the Church of England had to break up some with its Establishments across the ideal “Space” of the “Americans’” “Place” due the machinations of Politicians contrary to Freedom’s solidarity as to suppressing “religiosity” under Powers of Government by a take-over of the “establishments” long of “religious” purposed, - by the usurpation of the healthcare economics.

As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully!!!  The Church, once more of the monarchical of the English crowned domains, has been set asunder and some set apart, post the suppressions of it as in “America” as if to be under Government and barred from the Freedom of natural solidarity of the songs for trespassed comity (of Corinthians)!  May the South cotten to also now away from the autocratic wants of the “House of Clintons” “Clinton Machine” political machinations to their standard, as so #ART #IMPERIAL, as if to be hoisted and set above “Old Glory”!

As went the South, - so goes the South? - HOPEFULLY!!!  By the busheled of the politics of President Barack H. Obama, as it has been determined quite ridiculous he only recently paid respects to an American Mosque, let us consider how hard it must have been for the five boroughs of the “Big Apple” to have yet endured, these years, while there has been a “rotten apple” viral to the Freedom songs establishments long too Corinthians synchronized.

To also save the Church of England for those of the “Church of America” let us shake off the shackles of secular Socialism and bind to an arresting the Politics bad actors now quite long at efforts to set asunder a republic consecrated for peaceable Eden(s), - let us forward be reset by levering to Constituted parameters in a moderated federalism where sanctuaries of nature’s solidarity are keeps for Knowledge and Knowing of Known paths for comity, of “Apples” for everyone.

                                           *       *       *

Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @ http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here: http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=BLACKPROBLEM

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:53 pm


Lead with nonsense!  Lead of a preponderance of/for Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers!  New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!

Without morals - right! - right, without an establishment for morals - public morals - a righteousness as under God before under Government - an each free man/woman of a voluntarily extra-nation morals established practiced - can there be mercy? - can there be a “YEAR OF MERCY” affected?

                            *       *       *       *       *

[Commenced work in progress due completion by end of Iowa Caucuses]*
*[Do to tech diffs over 2 days when inspired to be pressed/written an unknown length of postponed extant now.]

Material ideas to be synthesized in these shared by social media bits/posts:

#‎Evangelists‬ per ‪#‎Cruz‬ ‪#‎NewYorkValues‬: As NEW ROMANTIC ERA ‪#‎economics‬ driver needing ‪#‎LOVEEconomics‬ is ‪#‎NOW‬ ‪#‎TheNEEDS‬ @ a vibrous copacetic can better be akin structural if ‪#‎CallToPrayers‬ now exercised more regularly by ‪#‎Christians‬?

‪#‎PoetJPHogan‬ asking also if ‪#‎AmericanMuslims‬ as ‪#‎PEACE‬ brethren can help ‪#‎Christianity‬ recover from ‪#‎LiberalDemocrats‬ secular ‪#‎Socialism‬ beatings by sharing an enlightened tao for ‪#‎ReligiousLiberty‬ security in it exercised even if more of ‪#‎Christ‬, in their extra-nation voluntary morality, do muscularly proscribe at least a Sundays call to prayers in assembly well prescribed?

‪#‎IowaValues‬ as ‪#‎SouthernValues‬ to how ‪#‎RepublicanValues‬ sync now to Northeast as the growth economics past NEW DEAL AUSTERITY for ‪#‎GREENMINIMALISM‬ have so many now freer yet beset together in a commenced (somehow) NEW ‪#‎ROMANTICERA‬.

‪#‎Catholics‬ this too is too for synthesized ‪#‎ClimateRedirect‬ & ‪#‎YearOfMercy‬, - seems.

>> PLEASE BE ‪#‎4College‬ & with JPHogan.org ‪#‎SAMPLER‬.

NEXT TO CITIZENROSEBUD.COM (when technical difficulties remedied):


“Lead with nonsense! Lead of a preponderance Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers! New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!”

{These are the words to how CitizenRosebud.com next commences}



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Filed under: POLITICS, #NEW_YORK
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

However an alien, where it is you come from is not where Hillary Rodham Clinton comes from! Mrs. Bill Clinton’s #PRECIOUS is not your #HOPE!

You’ve been warned! Consider yourself warned, -now: > #WARNED!!! <

May you find sanctuary in the original principles now thousands of years old to that one is always to be firstly under their God/Lord/Creator before ever then as a subject under a government. America is Constituted in the Paulist espoused to it by the Order that is the constituting that Americans, the People, have their founding documents to this establishment as done, as ordained subscribed in “the Year of our Lord”!

Consider the reputation of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as it should be for the years under the administration of President William Jefferson Clinton: 


Consider the background that supports “profiles” of some “players” - if looked to - to then a prima facia likening them, though “Democrats”, more to as if “SITHS” - even if “minions” to a Party “Power” controlling dark “Lord”! It now may be too late to save commoners of New York City.

The five boroughs may be fallen, - too descendant & descending still!

President Clinton could not have sold out Baltimore without the (evil) blessing joined to such by Speaker Pelosi whence. For #HOLLYWOOD F.O.B. seems Clintons & Pelosi flushed blacks of this Maryland city for #RATINGS as seemed they were like doing enough as roped in to help New York City, and Times Square, too Las Vegas, - as so of the inherited after 1992 not created movement of the Democrats.

Baltimore was to its poor blacks, and associated able to be red lined by politics, #FLUSHED by Clintons & Pelosi for F.O.B. of #ART seemed convincing that such metropolis should be a ground zero for selling telling real crime / true crime!  It was (a few) Democrats who like are #HAUNTING as mem’d for being party to letting a major metropolitan area suffer so that Liberals #ARTISTS could celebrate crime and criminal culture via #HOMICIDE, & …! Feeling the #WIRED yet?

Yup that’s a rap on the real President Bill Clinton (, and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,) to how while he inherited COMMUNITY POLICING and to COMSTATS progressive politics and policing he did cut out a devilish exception with his seeming acquiescence to that Baltimore could be a major metropolis spared from such improvements for communities.

Are you ready to see them as at least compromised #MINIONS in a #SITH #DARKSIDE extant, - to scandal how the teased can yet be discerned as too like a house of cards in a game of thrones contrary to “We the People…” “Order” constituting original intent?

Are you ready to face the music, the long, say rap sheet, #MUSIC of the #DEMOCRATS of (SITH) Clintons?  Isn’t the sheet their to see done charging document now but rationally established to that there are 17 felonious breaches of law already discerned to prosecutable, and that a mere finding of criminal negligence to at least negligent securing of records of a clear possession has a guilt self evident to even most lay news consumers?

Aren’t you hip to that President William Jefferson Clinton is chargeable already with no way out for evidence is overwhelming that he with “HIS” server on “HIS” property was with #HILLARYEMAIL of at least negligence of POSSESSION, - hip, you, yet to PWJC can be indicted and before Mrs. Clinton, if the #JUSTICE of President Barack Hussein Obama could prevail to jurisprudence for a level playing field in politics?

Aren’t you hip to the greatest blocks of money behind, seems, #HILLARY2016 is of the banks and banking F.O.B. as eager to see poor and less learned teased to irresponsible consumerism, again, and to be then as plumped up pickings as #PREY?  Have you considered ye may have a Republican #FRIEND - more than a baker dozen of #GOP #FRIENDLIES? Of #THEFORCE like?

You of #BLACKLIVESMATTER:  Better joined like of #FRIENDLIES of #DemsAgainstHillary to also of a “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:59 am

Let us consider how wrong we were, - - - and how OCCUPY should have occupied CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES - as much as any where else!

Let us consider that Michael Moore may have confused 911 accidentally, - - - Michael Moore may have grossly erred thinking President Bush seemed of some one able to advise his as too prepared with a supposition that since “W” seemed so prepared he must then have been behind the attacks by Al Qaeda.

Let us consider why after 911 I the Clintons blamed Americans, - - - how journalists seems devoid of sufficient pressed queriousness as to why it was Bill & Hillary, elected as the smartest in America, bounced bucks down with near “blue states said do this, and, red states said do that”?

Now!  How much truth is needed in a nations daily business for there to be a “shining city”?  How much lying and basis in lies is too little truth to too much dark energy gigs?

The dark days after the attacks of 911 I are not remember enough in a politically correct historical;  - - - Too many know only the lies and the spin and have been amiss devoid of deeds at digging for greater understanding of American players.

I do not offer a metric for how much slack President George W. Bush, and his cadre as GOP Establishment, deserve; - - - To you it is vital - vitally important - presently critical that you do consider THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON; - - - To you there is the we - the global we - presently collective us betwixt a REAL CLINTON, &, THE YARN, CLINTONS’!

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is like of the movie THE DOUBLE; - - - The real Hillary Clinton is like in all the pictures of all the big disasters, and yet no one is asking the right questions as to such coincidences!  Mrs. Clinton as New York United States Senator is quite simply tag’d as THE WOMAN IN WORLD OF MOST 911 FAULT, AND, THE AMERICAN POLITICIAN WHOSE CAREER MOST BENEFITED FROM THE CRISIS.

President George W. Bush will have to defend himself !!!  President Bush was of elected of a ambition to prepare for prosecuting Saddam Hussein, and to bluffing him to full compliance, but, the attacks of 911 made this more difficult, not less! The Clintons benefited from the attacks politically most; - - -  Bush wasn’t ready for Afghanistan, even if he is thought to have been ready for Al Qaeda “justice.”  President Bush had 911 attacks complicate his ambition to see Saddam Hussein fully prosecuted.

Behoove ye forevermore to always now firstly forward be keyed to a consideration of Clintons’ culpability, & too motives!

Perk up global citizens!  Become more intelligent (than the Clintons want you)! Become questioners of the obvious!

Perk up America - citizens of these united states! Bush didn’t need 911 attacks to fulfill ambition to prosecute Saddam H.!

It can be quite depressing tag’g the Clintons in a fuller more apropos historical; - - - Did the Clintons need Al Qaeda attacks so Mrs. Clinton could have an extreme makeover to overcome the Senate seniority traditions, by as an untouchable as GROUND ZERO SENATOR, and, as to gravitas beyond First Lady pomp & ceremony?

What questions should CNN have ready when Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton presented for Democrats Debate in Vegas?

How sad is it that the Clintons since 1992 campaigns were of running together as if they were the smartest two people in at least the United States of America proper?  How sad is it that two so proud and narcissistic did after the Al Qaeda attacks in “holy war” so as “jihad” were so not to be firstly to terror for terror sake but were to acts for JUSTICE even if in terrorizing?  How sad is it still that, though elected as promised to be leaders smart enough to make best most intelligent decisions, Bill & Hillary, and their teams of minions, were to blaming United States citizens firstly?  how sad the Clintons, thanks to Michael Moore?, have been getting by on ridiculous lies so ridiculous their lies suggest an impossible truth of a “PERFECT CLINTON”?

The simplest explanation, that also rings true, of the Al Qaeda attacks as most benefiting the Clintons, is in the lay of “Jihad” as “HOLY WAR” for “JUSTICE” and so enough to support a tag THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON, - but not exclusively. Al Qaeda to suicide attacks in “Jihad” were then on a mission for JUSTICE, - RIGHT?  Al Qaeda so as for “JUSTICE” have their simplest explanation that which times to 1993 and to a deciding that the USA homeland deserved to be attacked because President William J. Clinton had decided that he would NOT prosecute Saddam Hussein, or reconstruct Iraq like Japan & Germany after an earlier world warring as akin to the coalition for the Persian Gulf War.

Right it is very sad and very complicated, as per The Clintons, or just Mrs. Clinton as Richard Gere in THE DOUBLE.  Right!  President Clinton in 1993 decided since he had Bosnia war left to him he much was like not wanting to have to bother with Iraq and another war, - and for all of his years, - and as he and his wife were so like self casting to be BILL THE DOVE, and to later a CLINTON HAWK in the being planned for HILLARY THE HAWK. (Again: I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s and specifically because they each then as Yale Law coeds wanted to know if they both could have their own presidency some day. This is how I know such as Bill & Hillary.)

In a limited President Bush defense:  He ended up bluffing Saddam Hussein into the need for war, yes, but it is more on the Clintons’ surpluses as of $2 Trillion cut, at least far to vastly and quickly, and on the Clintons at least for defense cuts that to prosecute the United Nations sanctions fully when so it was the Military he went to war with was that which the Clintons’ administering had rendered to unprepared for modern times as of lacking in sufficient body armor, and too vehicle armoring. (How much the problems of Bush’s Wars is rooted in Clintons 1993-2001 and to a gross negligence is really too much to detail in this cursory expose as a pre-debate exclamation for a restoration of common sense.)

If I yet am acknowledged for how long I have known such perspective and to how much guidance to making the Clintons electable in 1992 then syncs to how much I did help advise President Bush after Al Qaeda attacks, and shortly, there is a new way to an American President I hadn’t known of.  The Speaker of the House surprises have been surprising, - - -  I was unaware the House could elect a non-member, even a one like myself a privately sharing poet, +++. It seems I have had waking thoughts in teasing the House should elect me to how if they did the Clintons would have to be indicted, as finally exposed, and too that President Barack H. Obama (, & VP Joseph Biden,) would be due impeachment.

Michael Moore may appreciate how Bush some seemed too ready after Al Qaeda attacks because I had since 1993 been wondering what I heard when I heard of Bill Clinton decision to not prosecute Saddam Hussein, and to the viscerally experienced thought of: IF WE GO THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME.

Michael Moore may, though, be needed now to straighten out a Clinton culpability washed over by FAHRENHEIT 911, and while it is that on September 10, 2001 I was not unprepared but thinking I had to accept that I had been wrong to believe that I was right in preparing.  Seems, due the Speaker rules, the HOUSE could elect me to SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE even as such acknowledgement should necessitate an impeachment of President Obama (,& VP Biden) to that then it would be Constitutional, if so honored, that JP Hogan could become SPEAKER and then shortly there after PRESIDENT, and all before November 2016 general elections. I would have to insist for my potential for bipartisanship restoration that if so how so as me as currently as, I believe, a registered Connecticut (I) “independent” though maybe as “unaffiliated” by registration.

There is for the CNN Debate of the field of Democrats, small and limited, by comparison, that Bill and Hillary have earned the doubt and queriousness to forevermore tag’d as per Al Qaeda and Terrorism, generally, of this titled as “BILL’S & HILLARY’S 911S”!

There is far more to this in the categories & searchable archives of http://CitRB.com - - - far more in #Cats of #BENGHAZI #SYRIA #KERRY #QUEEN #CGI #SUSPECT #IRAN #IRAQ #LONGESTWAR #TREASON #AFGHANISTAN #QUIDPROQUO #CRUSADES #22NDAMENDMENT #ALQAEDA #AUTOBIOD. +++

The Clintons prevent any “SHINING CITY ON A HILL” potential for, as Pope Francis seems of tag’d, Bill Clinton is too a Aaron of golden calf (original [sic] as typed Barabas), - his hyper-consumerism and risky loan “economics” were also of the Clintons having so fattened up the children of these united states that it wasn’t just as in http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT that the Clintons together fosters a diabetic problema, and later attacks, of them of a mea culpas!

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe enough, - - - But! But then how can he be enough removed from dark energy of the Clintons’ machinations in decades of lies, and also not to in bed with the Obama Administration, of a Clinton #FOB52 at least, for having since inauguration in 2009 having been thence since President Obama hour one as impeachable for lies effected to effecting a greater cover-up of the Clintons, and as 911 II was of such failing and falling to new cover-up(s) efforts so needed?

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe now even if Michael Moore historically corrects bias of FAHRENHEIT 911!

Vice President Joseph Biden seems not for a moment to have benefited like the Clintons since 911 I to what now is fodder for true journalists freed from the Bill & Hillary seductions?  The Clintons did blame Americans, not Senator Biden, after 911 I, - - - Vice President Biden may yet get to be President if only for months leading up to the November 2016 general election?

Bill’s & Hillary’s 911 I&II are of an already admitted culpabIlity and the ridiculous still postured proposition of a “PERFECT CLINTON.”  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate seems being corrected from “PERFECT” to “INDICTED” and as it is becoming more preposterous that there could ever have been a Bill Clinton but as too a Barbaras, - not “PERFECT” or suited to any SHINING CITY ON A HILL (metaphor)!  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate is that already it is extant that the scandal is of a house of cards of the Clintons as if allowed to be autocratic in a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional game of thrones Power.

Michael Moore, you at least did not figure the how, and why, to the who, when & betwixt of JP Hogan story when biasing 911 I as to all President George W. Bush’s fault.  The Clintons post attack behavior does still suggest greater a priori awareness, - premeditated low/base politics in a personal mantra/tao as if their law JDs were licenses to lie.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:43 am

Dear ye of the Pilgrims pride, however pigment challenged, yet believers in original intent. Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core.

Not since the papered Pilgrims sailed as too English from Amsterdam, if ironically upon the Mayflower, have a general mash of individuals been to a needs to reflect to purer original intended of the writ Laws.  It is arguable that there wouldn’t have been the freeing Independence (not Inter-dependence) declarations to the “People” “Order” “done” constituting if not for the lessons of the Pilgrims how they did start to freer yet as if slaves to the holding the papers of their conditioned debts.

A Socialism came later to others not people constituted in the Pilgrims lessons learned from the practice of that later “Socialism” while you were kept free from being too slaves to “papered” as guinea pigs to your paper holder’s “social” progressive ideas for “common” property and to it how colonists Pilgrims, however Puritans, were to be tested as if idyllic in an ideology of a “socialism” tried and tossed, and, a commune-ism barred later by the Constituted, — by the People’s Order done under “our Lord”!

The is a perfect elementary extant in this as purer for to freer even as these times runneth corrupt of a Clinton mining for King, and Queen, to a befallen to a votal animus surging.  There are great depths to these times as anew of a Clinton at governance contrary to the Constitution from the lessons of the Pilgrims, and anew as these united states have endured as of Bible Paul and his methodolocials.  For the Constitution the People’s Order done subscribed under “our Lord” is Paulist is a still acceptable purity of/for original intent.  From the lessons learned of the Pilgrims, however Puritans while too “papered”, it figs to dates simple, long, true, elementary, that it makes perfect sense that these United as a “more perfect Union” “done” are so by a government that chiseled it deep that Paul’s letters were right that people are first under God before under any government.

Do you know who Publius is/was? Do you know as said that the Publius, as Hamilton, - Jay, - Madison, were the was unified then against an earlier Clinton, as set in print for all to be freer by the Constitution, however Federalist 1 confounds as said Order is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?  Do you simple get the Clinton then set against the Constitution as the voice of New York as its Governor, may now be a lesser to for “empire” or “king” Power as regards a chronic animus settling in regarding a too likewise contrary to Constituted whence Clintons?

These are the beat’n time’d for a new harmony in the ivory and ebony America pot, steel the drum’d melodic for the methodology is sharable and better in the purer cuts, — WORD!  Socialism is unconstitutional to a Federal where though Bernie Sanders smoke’n #FeelTheBern may jive with the federalism prudence of the Tea Parties, and as #BlackLivesMatter choral’d chimes readied to blow their pipes for Pilgrims, too newly purer for Freedoms ballads/songs. There is a common core to these times where, however #BlackLivesMatter jive as a “Black Tea Party”, in the federalism quandry of Federalist 1 as to be fig’d always apropos the conditionals in “American” as by “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”! The shared beat from ivory to ebony spectrally is a prismatic edgy yet for concordance more than continued protestant discord.

The Socialism of proofed Socialist President Barack Hussein Obama now re~verbs the set asunder, colored neutral. His sidekick #MrsC is as proofed out to it strung out public her dirty laundry is beset bad of Clinton’s revolutionary “against” and too as so alike any differences to “Socialist” are irreconcilable between the THE OBAMA, and the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.  Bernie Sanders is now as stand up as those unifying civil leaders of #BlackLivesMatter; — Forward the common core is in the workable “federalism” of “socialism” in the ideological is yet the purview of those of their own states; — Forward their is the mashable as if 2016 of a BLACK TEA PARTY and gatherings for BERNIE FOR PRESIDENT of solidarity to where “socialism” may be unconstitutional at the federal level the freedom of religion is of the state’s - each state’s - jurisdiction for prudence in community, however “religion” always yet likewise of a “chosen” “voluntary extra-state morality.”

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Community was not writ unconstitutional as the Pilgrims walks in purer of original intent became a colonial constitution walkable by any willing to be some “Paulist” by “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord”!  Socialism, as it became later known, was of the pilgrimage by the papering to the “Pilgrims” contracted to common property (guinea pigs) enslaved by debts.  Socialism as it became later known is constituted by the Pilgrims’ pride and the Constituted “more perfect Union” as the “People” “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord” as writ ordained to established that the United States of America would be a Union of People’d people formed of the methodology in Paul’s letters for Christian governance in the basic truth that all people are firstly under God before ever secondly under a government, any government.

There is much to the probative investigatory to a likewise proofed CRIMINALITY for these todays’ Clintons for of little yet known plotting to be more like the Clintons whence of the more perfect Union built too of contraries to earlier Clitnons of Power.  There is that Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton are both of such their chose’d name for “Bill” was born to a Christian name as William Blythe III, and, she took his chose’d name of Clinton branded by consummating “marriage.”  Do not forget General Clinton defended British King against Pilgrims’ pride, and too as it is “history” another a Governor Clinton, of New York, did likewise call out the Publius for Constitution of Hamilton, -Jay, -Madison, — as originally against Clinton.

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Your Governors are your future in any “socialism” as proofed and re-established the “community” is protected by the Constitution so that it is your community that must fix your socialistic ideological methodologicals as if yet another Tea Party too of taxed enough, yet by a too distant “federal” - so distant in Washington, D.C.!  It seems the common - COMMON SENSE -, to the core, for the forward to 2016, is already jive to a harmony in a learned from it proofed “OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST” and that of it now too of a for “king” mined for Clinton global autocracy, newly, surging bad for settling votal animus.

America 2016 may be now already to the Clinton prison beset, and to Donald Trump trumped by years of a new Tea Party of long years of the hard labors to making the real America the great REAL AMERICA a newly; — America 2015 yet now of asking if the #BlackLivesMatter concord is forward irreversibly as yet to a new NEW TEA PARTY as too for a purer original intent, as too in their best interests for preserves of freedoms, as a BLACK TEA PARTY?

It isn’t if the TEA PARTY is against Bernie Sanders ideology in a “Socialism” prima facia, nor that any too pigment challenged must bow to an inevitable CLINTON Power machinations, nor that any should let be locked down to machinations temptations and then foresworn from benefits of a republican sagacity/sagacious/sagaciousness! — It is is now the is is that the ivory and ebony are not too disparate as locked away from a sensical religiosity of WORD still of Jesus nor Muhammad as above the other, seems, as their God is equally above them and accepting that Muhammad proofed for Islamic that Christianity was inadequate for His tested of his deserts severe, as of Islam of a geo-topo-theo-politics divine’d wisdom, too.

New York et all American:  Donald Trump did not make the Tea Party, - He is late to the work of restoring the how and why America is Great, and to being Great Again!  Our ISIL / ISIS strategy is better from his bombastic of offensives make a great defense necessary to again more conservative in a Pilgrims’ pride of a “STRONG DEFENSE IS THE BEST OFFENSE” where rationality is generally still constituted of “socialism” of the jurisdiction of “community” “communities” — at best of the keeps of the Governors and Legislatures of these United states - more perfectly United in the set ordained “done” People’s Order so that the “American” forever, as secured, was purer in Paul at least to his letters as that each is under God before under any Government, even the Federal Government now beset as occupied by too many too proofed “SOCIALISTS.”

Don’t you concur that neither the “socialism” of Bernie Sanders is too for structural beyond “community” and that #BlackLivesMatter is enough secured in community to not have 2016 be of these united states as of the general problem of the levant where Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine can all be historically tagged as more failed Socialists states at some point to crossing the “straw the breaks the camel’s back” of civility of beyond that hard to see line between “secular socialist” and a nation of a people too too become an is is is really too irreligious?

Aren’t we now secured, safe at home, in our homeland, from those lurking, near til now, dangers, to the “more perfect Union” of these united states, such as was virulent of the Clintons’ machinations, to too many from reachable in a sagacious, of likewise an American societal danger in peoples to too irreligious so that their was no workable “community” left?

Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core?

You can now figure to a “local” not beyond “state” - your state specifically - for a mashable jive Constitutional, and so as a Federal Socialism barred - writ NOT allowed by it that the Constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?

                                             *       *       *
[Note: For more “similar to” fill site search pane with ‘geo-’ (just: geo-) & press “SEARCH”! And then likewise especially also by “geo-” to the #CitRB sorted set yet of #politics & #economics http://CitRB.net treatments!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:41 am

Ok, - Jon Stewart has left a void, Stephen Colbert is not ready for Late Show, and Schumer now is big in real news.

As it is August in New York we must be girded forthrightly that this is wrong if biased a vagina monologue, or of a Trump “menstral” “bloody”, — though of a train wreck yet more prostrate to a Schumer of just saying NO!  Has President Obama foresaken a metrosexual in a rush to a trans-national pop grand parading grandstanding sandbox politik?

Schumer is august in just saying NO! Obama has been reckless to nuclear without sufficient courtship; to his YES YES ~ blush’n. Obama needs to labor days forward more as if in the real politics of the deserts than gleefully in sandbox politik.

How is the box blocked, to an irascible, while Schumer is present crossing guard for a mediated copacetic?  How is there too much trafficking for a YES YES ~ assimilation now congesting the prudence for even just a measure more than once, and look before you sign to leaping off?  Is Schumer now a necessary voice of reason, — a moderated for a rushed nuclear to devoid of courtship and standards for comity?

Before you get all blood drawn or to bleeding of Trump let us be good citizens and to a querious, before too honest, to if Governors standing up to The Donald grandiosity don’t themselves have more golf courses and hotels, and especially housing units, under their licenses than he, however trans-state & trans-national?  Before we compare his sour grapes to the protestant of the others opines aren’t we all behooved to see it comical that what his “show” is now is of plane, suits, & helicopters branded as state peoples long scoff at to extravagance for any yet of the public contracted duties?  Can we get past disliking lesser showmen of equal or greater licenses and budgets now wisely in a knowing that they have only been so for kept by us from being too like The Donald while on taxables?

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?

In this void we have it just wafting in the air the scent of the The Donald post the prostrations of the GOP Debate as if he more than Foxy Megyn Kelly were the present too as if with blooded eyes, and as if at least menstruating least by steam or smoke from (his) ears?

To be more august to the real news, and of Schumer the hot smack stand up guy, we can get comparative to problematics too of the Republican (establishment) in field of GOP Debate Top Ten:  We can wax on and wax off of Bush “The Jeb!” to see if he a parable for Party luster, beyond if repairable to Florida, or Texas.  It wasn’t as if and anti-Nixon perspiration ph balancing was super-evident in an extant of a beading up of his porous to a blocking but there was much blushing of the Bush a Jeb of the heat!

Flat was the stand up of the “Republican Establishment” Bush alternative, even as if trumped, merely by a whimpish bluster too also of legs of a walk not too sandbox politik played. Flat is the ride, and bugs ended the Jeb grill, - and the bonnet, and windscreen of the Bush mobile.  “Illustrious” is foreign to the foreign policy diatribe of Governor Jeb Bush.

Did you hear the one about Hillary Clinton by Governor Jeb Bush?  Did you hear the one about Bill Clinton by Governor Jeb Bush?  Did you only, too, hear the one against President George Bush by Governor Jeb Bush, — and even as 1993-2001 rest of mine fields still explosive of Clintons’ culpabilities, and even more so than opined as only against his real brother?

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?

How remarkable is it now today there is a Democratic Party future leader necessarily now standing up against the real Clintons, and to the nuclear stocks, more than a Republican Bush, as too while stand up for New York of a “NO!” to President Barack Obama?

Senator Chuck Schumer is like circumcising the Bush brethren while pulling a sold as “magic carpet” out from under a rushed OBAMA & THE PERSIANS parading.  Do we have to atone to a resonance too that Schumer seems to be trumping The Donald?

Too, now, concurrent to the Republicans as flat on Iraq and so to of an unknow of their unknown of deserts & Persian knowns, — NEW YORK VOTES NO!  Go Chuck go?  #StandWithSchumer?

Senator Chuck Schumer has legs to stand up CHECKS AND BALANCES are alive!  Schumer can stand up with the best of them, even all of them (as his Party’s next leader) that Congress should, before to YES YES ~ blush’n (appeasing), too as if of ‘a weak deal as if better than a good deal’ prostration, be to availing the discourse of the phat of “American” as a confederated republic, morphed to more representative of all people, to the rich experiential potential in thorough debate, — in thorough civil procedures to delve, delve, delve, and trust if can verify.

Oy! Schumer!  Mustn’t Congress call both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton before the Iran Nuclear Agreement review boards as “experts” - “expert witnesses” - to be for the heat of these trans-national momentous to espoused experience on the history of sanctions success at least as against Iraq during 1993-2001?

Oy! Governor Jeb Bush!  It was not tremendous but HUGE you like only blamed your brethren while a greater culpability lies in the preceding years of the intimate administering of issues per Iraq and Iran so those as the THE CLINTONS’ YEARS.

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?


There is at least a union of these united American states of the confederate republic now more representative of all people forwith that should stand with Schumer and this NEW YORK VOTES NO! punctuation of his August exclamations, for really at least before a force assimilation driven executive order style freshly there is at least that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of #Hillary2016, #Benghazi, #HillaryEmail, #GruberGate, #BIGLIAR, #Impeachment!

And so now there is #MrsC, whom is a self claiming “expert” whom the People’s Congress shouldn’t waste — shouldn’t waste an opportunity to pick and pick at — as too so “expert” — so available at least to how  these worse or better days are, as from her experience, and of hindsight of/for Secretary of State, so if rooted in mistakes made by President William Jefferson Clinton in too much avoidance and inaction, and quite a general abandonment of assurance that United Nations #SANCTIONS were to be demonstrable of teeth to Saddam Hussein, and Iraq, and too Iran.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement smacks as if rushed for partisan or intra-partisan political gain; Thank you Senator Chuck Schumer of New York for standing up (for a restoration of Congress) your blocking of President Barack Obama YES YES ~ BLUSH’D as if it could only be GOOD and while politics beckon it is prudent to also call at least Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as a supposed “expert” for all the years at least since Iraq invaded Kuwait!

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about the “woman” and “female” so much about Obama’s nuclear prima facia.

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about the “nuclear” of the THE CLINTON, and too of the THE BUSH(ES)!

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about a good for New York in just saying “NO” until #Hillary2016 asked re:!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:26 pm

Please be seated!  If you would not order Budweiser, clearly labeled, in public this may be too above you.

Donald Trump and Jeb Bush have an advantage tonight that John McCain and Mitt Romney didn’t have; tonight all Republicans are of our politics partly cleaned up by it that it is now generally accepted that the Clinton machinations cannot defeat their sagaciousness as before for now the Clintons’ machine is known to be being probed for CRIMINALITY.

Though now as a sagacious can stand of a chance against the Clintons’ machinations it though seems that DT & JB are not those to benefit prima facia in a non-mechanical sagaciousness.  DT & JB are now likely those of the 17 whom can benefit least from the Clintons as now really facing multiple chargeables as to likely CRIMINALITY.

DT & JB are politically fastened to the upturned Clintons of a set asunder developing from so many open unknowns.

DT, alone, seems out of place to it reset we are now as if of at 1800 all over again; DT’s “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is discordant to the already well beaten of Republicans flouting for Jeffersonian Republicans while Lincoln Republicans. DT, alone, is discordant to the field’s improvements already of the charge of New Federalism leg work and bulwarks to us girded and set about already by most of the others’ years of engagements to the construct, — to it already under construction how America being restored to greatness as American as generally celebrated before across the united states.

Chris Christie, for a Governor long likewise, offers a case in point if not a most welcomed suitor.  CC so became a better Governor for New Jersey, than the Democrat of the Clintons’ machinations & beddedness before, whence that when New York voted Andrew Cuomo its new Governor he was beset of a need to unlearn his “expertise” of and under Bill Clinton such so that he did try to learn to be like CC so as not to again make the mistakes of BC so that were at the forensic roots to why New York had been so much to failing.

How suitable you may see DT as your suitor there is that it has been being already built by the others, and for years and years, a necessary breastworks to a restored America.  As if your suitor and tonight to yet speed dating alternatives you’ve got a TRUMP usurper to morally query.  As if your suitor DT from the start may feel flushed as one to most benefit from American Restoration now years forward progressing and yet to fated to his still lesser roll as to the business side of the USA at structurally along to made better again.

If we hear anew “I know all the smartest (buisness) people” we/you should as if though does he too yet know the smartest “political” Republicans!  If he “knows” the “smartest” isn’t he admitting complicity for past years of being so among such a said “class” and yet to it that while so ensconced he yet isn’t of a brag, bragging, braggadocio for having with them seen the fixes when the problems were effected by BC originally and to having prevented the now called for construct to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”?  If we hear it shouldn’t we/you protesteth to query to how DT can now “fix” what he didn’t at least know how to prevent earlier, - to prevent while say: TOO ACCEPTING OF CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS?

You may be new to my suitability to this discourse as better than teasing or throwing darts merely at news. So be it advice you could start with 33 #economics sorted for convenience at http://CitRB.net and then be sure to visit http://CitRB.org to atleast read through THE AWAKENING, THE O ZONE, THE SUPPRESSION, OBAMA’S RETREAT, MASHABLE POWERS, &, GOD IS DEAD: AN AMERICA OF LIARS, CHEATS, AND FRAUDS.  You can be teased to a tipped off to my suitability too with brevity in:  I penned THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that much made the 1992 Clinton ascendency, I reworked after 9/11/01 with faxes & symbiosis with President Bush fixes to where BC had misused and err’d on which yet best explains his unexpected 92 win, and, now #TCONF still works to the Kuwait invasion as a think that holds up even as people think ISIS is yet something new.

And, as DT has admitted of my entertaining side, that cushioned the seriousness of these decades of concerns of like 3 wars being fought quite few even ever, and still ever, do talk about, he has been a beneficiary for the idea of an APPRENTICE show did originate from me, while wondering how to move economies forward still in an integration of marketing and then to thinking I would add to mix an asking of DT for an apprenticeship albeit with a deal about some other proprietary JP Hogan business ideas.

Right, it is hard to be brief now while to explaining DT’s “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is a dating tag line of one whom to my decades at THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM success, albeit with set backs due BC’s vast misuses, where a bit player is stepping out as if the grand coordinator of something as new while the others of the dating alternatives very much so have been years and years already themselves at efforts all uniquely their own.

Right, we have been sufficiently but not perfectly gathered around a charge of new federalism since 1992 and yet such as a reset to federalism from the then trends to be more as if of RECONSTRUCTION post Civil War spun spinning!

Right, we have been barely yet sufficiently progressing in a charge of new federalism where it has now proofed to be our best defense and offense for homeland posturing as a new sole superpower as to even and especially now the warming with Iran, and quite the ideologicals of the “fight” against ISIS.

Yes, to make America great again as a charge of new federalism is still working globally while humbly for these United States we are yet like newly at the 1800 mile marker of the start of 40 years for Jeffersonian Republicans.

Yes, JB is as betwixt and between as the real DT as to it for so partial to the old (and new) Clintons’ machinations however they may have a winning sagacious it is too familial to just familiar to the THE CLINTON.  JB needn’t (maybe) explain his silence on bad economics of BC at hyper consumerism with risky loaning and reckless surplus cutting, of the already budgeted needed to otherwise “save” or “create” the future jobs, as DT now of machinations to unwed from.

But, JB & DT have years of sufficient access, and “smarts”, said of “influence”, to real “Power”, to explain, to how each themselves can be a best suitor, forward, to fix what we should be querious regarding, for the common sense said head on them, as now such of “their’s” so begs voters doubting Thomases be to:


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{NOTE:  Iran deal conundrum in President Barack Obama IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT American University oration for he spoke room between he and the Clintons, by so cleverly of just alluding to their problem in how the warming with Iran is now only possible for the FREEDOM AGENDA fixes to the years 1993-2001 all their’s, and enough, in his own “cold shoulder” ways to it out there that the Iraq war he opposed is yet to OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM to proofing such was necessary as a basis for the warming of relations with Irani, and to a potential now, no thanks to the Clintons, either, for rational and actually diplomatic engagements.  PBO hasn’t let go of if PGB did though run a good and necessary war ALL WRONG though, but he has driven a punctuation between the Clintons machinations and a legacy hopefully to he as “sagacious” more.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

Women - yes, women most specifically - these times are different;  these are times now of #EqualPay with a new conundrum;  these are times of a paradigm for equal justice for all newly due an algorithm for feminism forward;  these are times for women to look at women as hard and long as any man should now judgementally;  these are times for all to look at women, however themselves a feminist or female lawyer of “professional” service, and frankly to discern that some women now should be so “accomplished” that it is fair for Posterity to decide them equal the worst men in history - due paying equally for being practicable as due the most severe penal!  Women, most specifically women, these times are different.

To preface the dire to follow, of straits most trespassed, and as to pay equal now as equal a worst man, let me suggest this link for a quick view of a YouTube entombed to help tune all to a solemn mood.  Here is a link to an old SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE #SNL skit;  http://bit.ly/PAXIL_SNL!

To be “in a Christian mood” let us see the beginning of life outside of Chelsea’s womb of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky as blessed in being of a good Christian name and the responsibility of communities and even villages therefore expectant;  To be “Christian” now, and yet judicial and prudent of a fair feminism forward, let us consider she a newest female of “Clinton” is named with premeditated Christian intent of a good Christian name - not just of a (secular) Power moniker;  To be “Christian” forward let us welcome #CCM “Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky” but recognize a Duty therefore may be to be to many, many, many prayers for her grandparents that they can yet be redeemed - let us, for Charlotte, accept a need, forward, of her grandparents of redemption beyond mere “political redemption”!

To be judicial this too is now prescribed by concurrence of women now so progressed in feminism gains that Attorney General Eric Holder as a first black of such high office may find it unwise to leave office without preceding legally against top women.

Not to do the work of Eric Holder, as the Attorney General of the Obama Justice Department, and however firstly black and so also of concerns like around Mrs. Clinton, of pitfalls in practice from racing to the top in affirmative action plus plus banding, it is that this is to be structural for Justice but more in a #TopTen or #DirtiestDozen befitting a comedic satirical of late night television, but not only for paid cable channel standards.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, as #FLOTUS - First Lady of The United States - is more now as if in a pickle barrel than merely “in a pickle” judicially.  Mrs. William J. Clinton, as #FLOTUS, did incite across the Middle East, at least, and as chided by President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech targeting of a foreign policy adage of there dangers from avoidance and inaction.  Mrs. Clinton, however, is now no longer of a staff position in an administration nor a seat in Congress;  Mrs. Clinton is now herself also removed from National Security buffers for personal liability in culpability;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite rather than act during her reigning with WJC in their Power intimacy;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite across the Middle East, at least, and when it was more dangerous even than the real dangers palpable from their (joined) decision to be more of avoidance and inaction and of the tag of “American abandonment”!

See, now, why it may help to have viewed the Paxil_SNL video?  See, now, how it may behoove all to review too President Barack H.Obama oratory as archived as his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech?  Or as conveniently bitly here with http://bit.ly/Nobel_Obama?

Though President BHO did admonish and chide the Clintons’ eight years he didn’t specify how his Secretary of State choice was too compromised for having a legacy already too much of marshaling greater dangers and more dangerous times by at least a collusion in intimate avoidance and inaction - of being of eight years of abandonment of just the women of Afghanistan and Iraq while it was simple “diplomacy” that the The United States of America for recent past of in country involvements was thus of a right to return and show timely care - timely caring!

We are now progressed with feminism so far that we must also look at there being problems in any Mrs. Clinton, candidate, of at least ten realities also necessary of a due querious too in lingua franca concurrence that are irreconcilable from all discussions of perils of too much affirmative action for any.  I do not, in my lay, see how the “First Black Attorney General” can leave his office with chin up and of pride if he isn’t to looking at Mrs. WJC, at least, as a woman now equal some of the worlds worst ever men and due to pay equally for being equally of guilt;  I do not, in my lay think, fathom any twaining for the last stretch of AG Eric Holder if it without marking off a comparable while others have jurisdictions to compete per rending justice upon Mrs. WJC, at least.

A child has been born - a new Clinton has begun its life/living outside of her womb - a child may now to be of the Hope in Christianity of people of the known world, where ever, of praying and prayers that her grandparents despite these #TopTen tags of culpability are yet enough of a potential for redemption however such beset in the reality of politics and Justice that Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC are soiled in a stink of their own historical at least as for being of a clear pathology of PBHO’s “dangers” from “avoidance” and “inaction” as if the parents of the terror attacks of 9/11 I & II.  It is inescapable, for any redeeming for Charlotte of her grandparents, how the logic Nobel of PBHO is that their historical avoidance and inaction was at least causal to catastrophes of them at least of negligence to gross negligence each in their own ways, however, manly or feminine.

RELIGION:  For Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky to have the potential of a great Christian life now and forever forward many many many prayers will be needed for redemption to be of Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC if and when they too join in a penitence practicable to being redeemed, however. 

FEDERAL ELECTIONS:  For parity and Justice there can be no candidate Clinton for a new HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, and as it is that there never was any for the first of 2008.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is undecided Constitutional writ it remains that a wife is a spouse and equal under the Constitution inseparable as a half an equal and so that until the Supreme Court renders some specifics to decide initially its import to elections it is fair and a People’s Duty to tag any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL, even TREASON.

AFGHANISTAN:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the women, of Afghanistan.

IRAQ:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the Shia women of Iraq.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT:  Mrs. WJC did by insisting on having a West Wing staffer job while the #FLOTUS did undermine feminism and workplace standards for equality.  It was a big mistake that Mrs. WJC was of a “staffer” position while the spouse to the Presidency indivisible.  It is a big mistake to not look at her so as of a bad “feminist” model for workplaces anywhere, however, for having asked to be officially subjugated under her husband while “officially” indivisible as an equal by the marriage laws of their union. As First Lady the President as a male spouse was yet of the Law of the lands that his practices political, however “executive” precisely, were so that marriage equality wasn’t allowed to be set asunder even as so in tasking his spouse as an “official” underling subjugated in Duty in an office hierarchy of the West Wing structures.

SECURITIES/SHARED WEALTH:  Whether for the FBI, SEC, FEC, or just Justice we have it now that all the finances of the “The Clinton” are fair game and of a Duty too of Congress in oversight in rights to preserve and protect the Union under Article One prescriptions.  These days post a QUID PRO QUO rendered upon one Virginian Governor now alights it too of the Clintons that another Virginia Governor has too long also been like too much of political QUID PRO QUO, however it more the Clintons in his pocket then him firstly in their pockets.  It is that was have the Clintons move to New York and as if the New York Senate seat of Senator Patrick Moynihan had been arranged to be next for Mrs. WJC - by political partisan dealing done, it seems, from within the Clintons’ White House.  It is that there is said a “DEAD BROKE” motivation behind all the potential servable as improper QUID PRO QUO how the Clintons to be in New York City, however as carpetbaggers charm, were to asking Big Bank friends (political associates merely?) to be to like gifting PWJC for Carnegie Hall Tower near penthouse rents as gratuities for the Clintons have like made them all so much money with their derivatives politics.  Mrs. WJC is inseparable for a bad feminism for being so to being Senator at least for having been too nearly so clearly and like permanently of an obvious QUID PRO QUO just of being party to the asking of banks to be to paying, again gratuitously, as much of the rent for a Time Square near penthouse suite for her spouse.

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS:  #ICC is now likely of a jurisdiction around and ready to be over Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as corporate global people of their meddling international “initiatives” of their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES.  It seems the ICC can rival even Attorney General Eric Holder now for prudence more judicial of the “The Clinton” as arrestable at least some for fraud, and more maybe for negligence of conduct(s) unbecoming a former First Couple of The United States of America.  It seems even if the Clintons do not step across newly the threshold of candidacy for President they are of such a fog of culpability that the ICC should at least be to considering an officially worked airing through “audits” to discern in a spirit of trust busting some being allowed to much trust internationally.

CONGRESS:  Per the Duty of the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE there is that beyond a cover-up having been enough found to proceed towards a “HOW CRIMINAL” such as a new criminal cover-up it is that the “feminist” in Mrs. WJC is long inconveniently proud of a hard line against President Richard Milhaus Nixon of it that people need go to jail when a President is determined even of such as a lesser and less tragic cover-up practices.  Mrs. WJC has much floated the boat that now is rightly of her to be beset upon as a prison ship however;  Mrs. WJC had vast motives to be so necessarily of a cover-up after the Benghazi attacks and so that the President now may be more protected than President Richard M. Nixon was whence priorly.  Though a cover-up was seemingly necessary, even though a worst case scenario always, especially, it is that it wouldn’t be fair to prosecute the President until his Secretary of State firstly is fully implicated beyond an already admitted sad culpability.  It may not be fair considering the fog of marriage of a joined culpability for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, due their political ambitions and on going selfish global machinations for Powers, to even ever maybe specifically dissect PBHO as much as PRMN was for it would be too complicated and unfair of all affirmative action standards to separate an clear Obama guilt from the already broached and confessed iceberg of Clinton culpability, at least also of an executive negligence.  It seems prescribed by the Clintons own history and campaigned on pride that the House is well within its rights and of a Duty to actually move that Mrs. WJC at least is due prison time;  Mrs. WJC had the mean, motives, and opportunity so of the already enough admitted improper (illegal) cover-up.  Mrs. WJC essentially had to lie from the start to hide how the Clintons had (trapped?) PBHO into lying for them from hour one of day one and so by a cover-up effected as initialized within his First Inaugural oratory.  She played, however if “feminist” as in feminine, yet with absolutes that makes Congress’ work at imprisoning simple and easy;  Mrs. WJC dangerous set up the “The Clinton” in an absolute as if “IT COULD BE NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” by being party to it as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as taggable as an illegal and imprudent actual “cover-up” where only a simple lie like now being investigated around any lies just of the Benghazi Cover-Up as a lie big enough in a contrary that was needed to repair and maintain newly the bigger cover-up of the Clintons then to fall apart if a new cover-up not affected.

BREAK:  So where were we?  So where are we?  Need I spell out a ten of a #TopTen or even be to a dozen of a #DirtiestDozen?

RACISM - EQUALITY:  Can we yet imagine that Attorney General Eric Holder, however or especially for being a “first black”, is possibly to leave his high office as said in December without moving ranks towards a servicing on the Clintons even maybe justly for charges of TREASON?  AGEH has competition and a clock running for legacy;  AGEH may not want to let even the Congress or the ICC steal the show now seeming staged and quite ready for a rending of justice, however lately, upon the “The Clinton” at least as on Mrs. WJC but as is seems inconscionable that Mr. & Mrs. Clinton aren’t enough from sharing, however - however a parity to be figured beyond comity in comedy of what would be equal paying for the man or woman?

ME / MINE:  And this now, all in the light concurrent that both Clintons are not of “official” executives, or of Congressional Duty, or offices but of the offices of Trust and Profit they are maintained in, with vast taxpayer allowances, there is that I must consider I have been two decades plus at defending my intellectual property from seemingly provable felonious premeditated property “theft” by the BOGO “two-fer” First Couple and since Clintons, and so that I may be now well in my rights to move to sue them and maybe for damages in lossed profits that could be fairly measurable as just even if over $100 Millions.  See Attorney General Eric Holder did support my rights so to such while initially with PBHO of a dictate to him that I was in my rights to stop him from use of my intellectual property.  This is a story now of the Clintons also more easily in my reach as the Government of the The United States of America is Constituted to be likely soon to rivaling what we could too be seeing to ragging on any righteous “feminism” of Mrs. WJC, as if such should trump - trump especially as due her in affirmative action.  This is now a story of 2008 of the struggles mine to protect me/mine from further uses and reuses, improper and unauthorized by the Clintons, specifically yet as it is that the Bush Administration, towards Justice Posterity, and too Attorney General Eric Holder, have stood up my rights such that the Clintons old uses and attempts, however successful, in reuses were of them now seemingly affirmed as necessarily then, however, of such that I can now pursue maybe too as if felonious premeditated thieving.

NOTE:  For now as it though seems I could seek #DAMAGES of $100 Million plus from any assets “CLINTON” it may too I have many other agencies who could get in line first and firstly lay claim to that much or actually all of the personal wealth of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  For how many can now maybe compete and to fines or compensation from the assets of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton it may not be rational for me myself to yet pursue for a mine in Justice due to how many official NEGLIGENCES may also need be proofed towards such to maximizing damages from exposing all aspects of cover-ups and negligence - at least all motives for a Benghazi cover-up to further hide too many lies also maybe righteously of fraud that SIMON & SCHUSTER could join against “HILLARY” just for false representations in her HARD CHOICES.

GUIDANCE:  PLEASE RESPECT - BE REPSECTFUL - RE: http://JPHogan.org!!!  Many also conveniently sourced by http://bit.ly/TheElephants could be just as easily ordered as a DIRTIEST DOZEN in object and satired yet - especially links of http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY; http://bit.ly/PettyTreason; http://bit.ly/TheEnabler; http://bit.ly/ReadyForHillary; http://bit.ly/LongestWarhttp://bit.ly/RUNFORCOVER; and, http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary all can yet be ranked at least for a fuller #TopTen causal to any praying now for any possible redemption metrics if right to be however meted for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  Note: It is now for these so linked that this new column presents on many of these links yet as the newest now sorted among such collections, however some are quite more damming and voluminous than others.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:49 pm

Let me be clear:  It seems a convenient truth, for a return of evolution to the known world, that Democrat woman Representative Nancy Pelosi, and also Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton, however, while busy as opposites, have yet both been critical of Republicans as against evolution, and while themselves effectively, to a measurable devolution, each differently causal of devolutions for their species;  It seems there need be something akin to a war on women - a warring at least on two women both “Democrat women” but so clearly differentiable.

It cannot now be all on President Barack H. Obama that a measurable onset of devolution can be registered as having occurred due to Democrat leadership - we must also war on women of his party, at least where there are clear and present differences that contrast or conflate reason.  It seems beyond just a matter of National security that we have to look at risks and dangers specifically of the political domains, however eminent, to be politically of specific ownership as of “Pelosi” or “Clinton” dirty hands.

I write not here to celebrate a coding for humanity in a shared body electric force fields in polarities assessing civil common humanity by rites and rituals around a poetry of creationism and morality.  It would be a luxury now to talk here only of humanity held together for peace Posterity by strung theories kept general and poetic as a programmed civil code yet maintainable.  We have clear and present dangers to cut away the fog towards if we are to reverse what is now advanced under Democrat women quite to a measurable, it seems, devolution at least of the Politics of Democrat President Barack H. Obama.

It is timely with the referendum for independence of the Scottish people, however, merely near of 4 million souls, that America alone isn’t now asked to consider even the prudence of John Jay as PUBLIUS in Federalist Papers 2-5, and as it pertains to Scotland independence whence as if concurrent and fresh now.  It may be we have a war on women due to carefully separate those of a domains of “Pelosi” from any of “Clinton” and for each has history of too much whimsy in their deciding.

Since this is really more of a concern for Justice and Truth let me defer from here to fore established as firstly a concern for being of Democrat women too much to devolutionary politics.  Let me get down to brass tacks specifics to a culpability for each so that it won’t be of “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” that any joins as if ordered to a certain offered opine.

But where to start?  Is it that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as a first female Speaker of The House of Representatives has caused greater devolution and economic collapses?  Or:  Is it Mrs. Hillary Clinton, however, since First Lady and towards being an inevitable first female President yet is even more a Democrat woman a most culpable human yet responsible for a devolution that has coincided, however, with economic collapses due to her specific “politics”?

Do you perchance doubt either has been devolutionary as first women so Political?  Have you yet considered how ridiculous it is strategically that Democrat Senators did offer up a Politics that the Senate should move forward an attempt to amend the Constitution by altering the Bill of Rights so to seemingly address inequality in campaign finance allowances?  But for the Democrat President may have needed such Senate activity against the Constitution to appear to have yet “Constitutional” legs for his White House declarations against ISIS there is that the Democrats, at least for their circa 2008 “campaign” “politics” have invited a general inquiry that should be more to arresting their own improprieties than just being like shooting themselves in their own feet.

Fight the onset of devolution now epidemic of the Congress!  Write the Republicans to ask them to entertain for a while the Democrat Senators suggestion that a Constitutional Amendment be thoroughly debated as regards at least a problematic “influencing” discernible over at least the past couple decades.  Write either Republicans and Democrats and actually ask that a thorough debate be commenced for it is essential that any Justice to such must first entail a resolute probing of the economic factors preceding the 2008 election and especially now all things money of the Clintons, and especially since their CGI seems to be being operated globally as if a PAC for the Clintons and facilitated not for “charity” but for “patronage”.

If we are not generally now witnessing a devolution of Americans we at least have clear examples of Democrat leadership seeming devolved for they are asking Republicans to open investigations into them even while President William J. Clinton has been with Maria Bartiromo on economics of explaining he knew, essentially, and knows, specifically, that his surpluses were wrong when effected.  Essentially we have been asked, as a People’d people to actually war on women - to war no at least separately and differently against Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi, and Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  It seems essentially devolved too much already - our National Politics - for essentially Democrats generally, not just President William J. Clinton, are of years of public statements that combine to be confessions for the very faults they yet persist of a “politics” as if properly of the work of their opponents - of Republicans to be specific.  (Right, “specifics”!  Yes Mrs. Clinton recently in Iowa parsed on Obamacare as a late Romneycare quite a confounding “our opponents are against …” for such didn’t declare that Republicans were so against any Romneycare for each state but just that any against it was then an “opponent” of “theirs” specifically.)

Brace yourselves “Americans”!  Beyond where it may be all “Bill Clinton’s” fault, and he now maybe of domestic abuse, of dragging his Mrs. across the country to try to return him to TOP DOG, or TOP GUN, National status, we may be quickly approaching a general understanding that two Democrat women are each near most responsible for so much that has gone wrong, and, we may soon have to agree to agree, to return to evolving, about which yet is actually more culpable even if by negligence.

Right essentially they or another Democrat now has enough public statements in the record books essentially confessing to being those most culpable for general collapses, however specifically also causal to a devolutionary.  I seems it behoove the civilized yet prescient enough to actually write to Republicans to ask them in the Senate to thoroughly entertain the Democrats wishes for a consideration even to amending the Bill of Rights as if for “campaign finance” purports.

Let me be clear, again:  We need to work to agree to agree now after careful investigation and forensics based debate as to whom is most responsible, and now firstly to if it Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi or Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  To get to such we much open two boxes, however if like Pandora’s, and yet around discerning how much Democrat male Bill Clinton is himself yet dominantly culpable.

As we should agree to proceed to finding agreement thus let me close for now with some details to how Speaker Nancy Pelosi was personally more responsible for the economic collapses that started befalling the Nation during the second term of the administration of President George W. Bush.  Yes, essentially President Clinton, has publicly left a record confessing to knowing his “economics” of “surpluses” at least were known to be risky and wrong when yet commenced, but for matters of real guilt of dirty “political” hands instrumental to such we have to look at one Democrat woman specifically - we firstly must rightly look primarily at the “leadership” of Speaker Nancy Pelosi - at the first female Speaker of The House of Representatives.

Some facts remembered are that Democrat Speaker Pelosi, regardless of her sex, was a greatest defender of the Clintons’ surpluses from the 2 Trillion cut so rashly during the 1990s.  How she specifically affected “Politics” so that President George W. Bush had to run wars on credit cards, like, as she prohibited him from declaring there was culpability for the Clintons for 9/11 and however their surpluses needed to be reversed to start rebuilding the economy.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush could only get votes for Operation Iraqi Freedom if he didn’t assuage any fault upon the Clintons’ Administration.  Right!  It seems the only way to have proceeded to the late and due prosecution of Saddam Hussein was to lie for to tell truths to such it would have been publicly necessary to discuss an at least “negligence” for the Clintons.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush had set up Operation Iraqi Freedom to be yet paid for otherwise than by condemming the Clintons’ surpluses, reversing them, and moving forward with Congress of the purse strings more appropriately - - - Right, Operation Iraqi Freedom, to be brief to a need now for such a war on women, was to be paid for otherwise than by specifically assessing guilty upon the Clintons by yet having a liberated Iraqi People compensate the coalition nations with their recovered and then available quite profitable National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, it is recalled that Democrat first female Speaker of The House of Representatives is most repsonsible for stopping how Operation Iraqi Freedom was to be paid for from compensation with National oil revenues of a liberated more free Iraqi consenting.  Right!!!  Oh MY!  Secretary of State Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton did try to have Libya, by her ODYSSEY DAWN, be of such a gall that it was she proceeded as if also at monsters, rightly, as if of her own “Bush’s Iraq” but then done right by a woman a Democrat and yet then rightly done with it OK! that such “liberation” was to be supposedly paid for with Libyan National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please write all the Senators and ask for them to proceed to a thorough debate however if seeming to amend the Bill of Rights for “campaign finance” purposes.  Democrat male President William J. Clinton is actually of sufficient public record at confessing to being wrong to what Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi prides herself yet in being still defensive of as if ever and always right - right of Clintonomics and Clintons’ foreign policies at least as per Iraq.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, but necessary now, and particularly after hearing Democrat woman Pelosi speak to New York Law School gathering as if more innocent than actually quite a she most the guilty.  For now as we wait for the Senators to take the initiative to digging deep at a greater guilt, however in negligence to gross negligence, for two women clearly of different specific culpabilities let me just remind you all of the conditions in the 2008 election reviewable as to “Democrat” “money” & “influence” smartly:





Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please yet us now just agree that it is necessary to now finally start this discussion!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:24 am

Friday may be too late.  As it may be an “IS” of jealousies of an us of New York guilty, of anti-federalist sentiment, and practices, it may be we should commence, this Thursday, respectful to how much it has been seeded of U.S. of a bad big apple.  A NOW concurrent must be as trapped of BABY KILLERS and too an “IT” of a “CASTLE’D CLINTON”!

IT may be most, or firstly, originally, an IS of an us of New York again too much not prefaced sufficient for Constitution.  Another Clinton may be now again an us of U.S. newly as a greatest threat to “federal” or “national.”  A NOW concurrent may not have the nation generally in a new war and trapped or imprisoned yet secured enough from a freedom born yet of the U.S. original Federalist bulwarks.  IT newly, of a NOW of New York, especially, an IS Political, so yet registers while supposed to have been fenced out by a more perfect Posterity by the order of the People’d in Union.  IT, an IS of a “VESSEL’D CLINTON” - begotten of a too be much storied rearing of consummated whence “CLINTON” - of the years 1993-2001 yet, befits deconstructive scrutiny.

The Politics of 2014, however so John Jay a PUBLIUS FEDERALIST of words set out as prophylactics to national sins seeding, are yet of the “THE CLINTON” and what too much has already gotten by - gotten by in their foreplay for a Posterity in Mrs. Clinton crowning.  IT begotten an IS beset so bosomed (however anti-federalist newly) is yet of an air of teasing for jealousies of Jay’s penned though addressed and de-styled where Mrs. C. is an enabler - if not champion - for President Of World status for Mr. C. and so as if a guard to BABY KILLERS priority FORWARD Politics yet too as a defense of the misogynistic, chauvinistic, impeachable conduct unbecoming a hallmark of her Union.  P.O.W. CLINTON cannot rightly now be on any stage without a reconciling - without a consideration of a HER PRIORITIES of conflicts with HIS PRIORITIES.

We may be able to readily dispense the BABY KILLERS (PILLS) of Democrats seeded national Politics - we may be able to readily now degrade any imprudence of an IS an IT to: Tranquility can endear or endure if just a new federalist less becoming, or more becoming, by edicts to at least the women People’d are asked or corralled to have to think less - think less wholly of consequences akin to a reliance on BABY KILLERS, and especially if teased in un-Jay jealousies under false flags as defensive not offensive Power.  Friday now be too late - Today we should seize any “apple” of the Constituted and try to be with New York to a new need to think beyond any Clinton an anti-federalist more towards multiple confederacies and playing or states’ particular jealousies.

We must accept a conundrum now for deconstruction as it wouldn’t be fair to bypass the “THE CLINTON” and go straight to a the “THE OBAMA” as firstly or mostly the most culpable of begotten now.  We must recognize the fog of these times as in the way of yet finally seeing a shape and originality of the root problematic set terra firma in time so of a yet seeming lost decade - of a yet seeming missing years of 1993-2001.  We have been teased by an enabler a nester guardian of the “THE CLINTON” of the “THE BILL” vessel’d as castle’d Clinton to it prudent to pimp misgyinistic, chauvinistic, too much as if accepted of it right or good to have a harem, politics of BABY KILLERS as without any MEA CULPA conscience, and, yet now aren’t enough more the wiser.  IT a pressing IS so NOW forward is that P.O.W. (President Of World Clinton) is yet a worser Executive than now concurrent to the Constituted so sworn into high office Barack Hussein Obama

The “THE CLINTON” isn’t possibly better than or to besting yet the “THE OBAMA” as per governance!  A posit to check and recheck for Posterity that now must be commenced yet of a Politics prudent to a defensive for the current firstly over any of priors to be yet pressed.  We can foot this tipping off of proper Political plays - we can toe the line for Posterity forward - we can seek knowledge and smarts from John Jay and firstly by the preponderance of his writ 2-5 as PUBLIUS.

The “THE CLINTON”?  The “THE CLINTONS”?  “VESSEL’D CLINTON”?  “CASTLE’D CLINTONS”?  JAY birds not - NOT NOW! - BUT TWO TOO:  NOW not maybe for long either, anymore, forever more, evermore?  We have been unknowingly imprisoned by the P.O.W. CLINTON, of a long conspired spousally, of a global NOW newly anti-federalist, and much as a simple reading of JOHN JAY, as PUBLIUS,of a “THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” 2-5 bolstering, of a young national prudential for Providence best prescribed to Tranquility, in a general Welfare, by a more perfect Union, at least than the Articles of Confederation, and imprisoned so unawares of a fog and dangers in ignoring that rooted or at least seeded “CLINTON” in the predating causal years 1993-2001.

How we are ignorant of the threats risen of such “THE CLINTON” and these years of them of the tilling is also to be yet more conscionable as measured after a querious to how a near million per year in rents was thought a proper allowance by taxpayers forever forward for just those annuals of eight so quarted yet of a emoluments pecuniary to the personal of more just a fifth to the burdened masses.  The Clinton coy pimping of BABY KILLERS as more the proper “governance” than a prudent prophylactic befits a political need theirs, yet, to have it seem safe to even tease the “THE CLINTON” of a “VESSEL’D” too “CASTLE’D” Mrs. or Mr. C. as a celebratory in misogyny, chauvinism, and too acceptable for American “Presidential” harems.

John Jay, so of New York, and yet so contrary and worked up to help more than tease out a preventative to the general empirical anti-federalist bent of Governor Clinton, persists in Posterity for having warned us - and still of warning us of any IT like of the IS now quite coying covered by FOGS of Clintons and a superiority set for jealousies of “BILL” as a “P.O.W. CLINTON” - of the Clintons yet, however “castle’d” yet, as if royal in Providence of rites newly as if of rival confederacies with an extant of them of acceptance for PRESIDENT OF WORLD CLINTON… begetting.

Aren’t we all now too much imprisoned by any at a the for an IT an IS a THE of “THE CLINTON” of “THE BILL” as a “P.O.W. CLINTON” at least as we are asked to accept all the teasing suggestive to a “VESSEL’D HILLARY” a “VESSEL’D CLINTON” for a biased prejudiced intra-partisan, just, if too prescribed but not regulated in floating a PRESIDENT CLINTON WAS A BETTER PRESIDENT THAN PRESIDENT OBAMA, AND AS PRESIDENT OF WORLD SINCE?

Any now “P.O.W.” of PRESIDENT OF WORLD status globally can read of New York like immortal John Jay, or say of just the first five of the ‘THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” - either of a Cornell Clinton Rossiter or Columbia Robert Ferguson edition - to find a common sense meant to be yet a prophylactic at least to any newly at trying to seed old Clintonian anti-federalisms.  That of an essence of P.O.W. forward should yet stick of HELL on EARTH at least to any so Constituted in Prudentials of PUBLIUS originality.  It is wrong to have such as a “P.O.W.” as their #CGI for to at least the bulwarks of #JAY such is a rival confederacy to the Federal and National.

The extant of the ‘THE CLINTON” - however yet harvested - begotten of the too ignored causal years 1993-2001 - is not FOREIGN to the Federalist John Jay but too as it can be confused as writ and pressed into Constitutional about “foreign threats” and any disambiguous unsettled regarded of the “intitiatives” said of an IS an IT of the NOW of CGI as CLINTON(S) for it shouldn’t be acceptable as innocent or coincidental that there are perils in their rival POLITICS much of 2-5 as per dividing and conquering threats from hands at #RIVAL initiatives by playing at and off of state(s) jealousies.

The very IS of the IT of #CGI is about a construct that is of a P.O.W. CLINTON as if yet CONSTITUTIONAL. PUBLIUS did secure an anti-Clinton forward that was supposed to yet protect the People’d people for Posterity from any imprisonment, however now so otherwise GLOBAL, by an establishment as now ripe for a Government abortive prosecutionary.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:45 am

Is Ferguson, Missouri a God forsaken oasis in middle America where too many live as if on a reservation limited also in a fear of the Law for having to too many a body been to abstention from lawful behavior?

The national politics of such isn’t for a comparison of an unknown Mrs. Clinton and a known President Obama on race - the only comparison justified to if a Democrat has the backs of the blacks of Ferguson is yet of the rivalry of the knowable of white President Clinton and a knowable of black President Obama.

President Vladimir Putin may be spoken of instructionally if not without actual praise though too comparatively at least on marches in nationalism.  It seems that President Putin can be discussed as capable of eclipsing President Clinton and President Obama.  There is that President Putin has Socialism to recover from and the perils from such as per Ukraine at least of a reported 60% + of irreligious where in the western there is yet Greek Orthodoxy and the eastern there is Moscow Russian Orthodoxy.

Though I write as a white male of Connecticut of New England of the New York City general Metropolitanism of the The United States of America I write as one who share “sugar” if not “honey” in friendship knowing of Michelle Obama, First Lady, since she was in her third year at Harvard Law School.  But for the hopes and dreams shared it was only in my dreams that I went back - that we went back - after she learned I didn’t discriminate because she was black.

Though I write now to suggest we must ask per Ferguson misery and tragedy if it that President Obama has his subjects backs there or otherwise if President Clinton can be said to now or ever have had such peoples backs. I know near nothing of the said new Black Panthers but when Michelle and I smiled at each other in Grendel’s of Harvard Square I was of standing in knowing Augustus A. White M.D. since I was about five years old and he of “Dr. White at your service” in a public social setting as a friend of my father’s while yet the tallest person and tallest black person I had yet or ever made such a connection.

Right!  Though I know nothing of the said new Black Panthers I am one who since about age five had a friendship with he whom was of record as the original Black Panther’s physician.  What I found scary about Dr. White wasn’t that he was so tall or black but that he was both a doctor and a Dr. White though black.  The only other Dr. White I have known was a neighbor who cared for Veterans who let me use his Parks Bike Truing Stand, and as later learned had been a pal of George W. Bush while a Yale classmate.

For the blacks of Ferguson the politics are now that it is either President Clintons has and had their backs or that President Obama has their backs - it cannot be that they both have their backs as these two are known of a rivalry since day one that to others is so serious it is a “BLOOD FEUD.”  If the incident had been of a say near 100 Lbs black female officer also called to enforce in the spirit of to serve and to protect fidelity - a near 100 Lbs black female of smaller stature of such weight so without her belt and tools of the enforcement duty - we may have cause to compare Mrs. Clinton to President Obama and President Clinton - to also compare her.

Whom among us can in a scholarly expose a proffering to it that Ferguson is like Ukraine and of problems from years of too much socialism to too much irreligiousness among its subjects?  Is it that a Putinesque intervention is what Ferguson now needs?  How is it that President Clinton’s trillion in cuts for surpluses maybe better explain an economic plight of Missouri blacks for of years of a leader too much in cold blooded imperial totalitarian wanton governance?  How is it that President Obama can blame President Clinton for economic gross negligence and yet isn’t yet, and, now as it may be per Ferguson that such is such an economic outlier that for all the economic ruinous the Clintons’ surpluses wrought such of Missouri eitherwise yet would be just as stricken and down?

Is Ferguson a too irreligious hell hole like the now also economically depressed Ukraine, and also due to the economics of President Clinton too much at cold totalitarian selfish political decidings?  Is Ferguson at all an irreligious hell hole to its own People’d peoples or has it been too long just left out and necessarily so much because the national leadership from a “top” was of the Clintons at their cutting of an extra trillion from budgeted and affordable programs to generally fating Ferguson to a new greater depressing “economics”?  As I like only so far pressed concerning the tragedy of fallen Michael Brown:  I queried:  Was this a case of a college bound teen Michael Brown of copping an attitude for his last days in the say “‘hood” of a getting out before having gotten out and of a general like F&^@ YOU at least to those of local governance and enforcement?

President Obama in recent speaking to the issues of race and unrest seems to be borrowing the very words and import of such in “shared humanity” as I have been myself publicly of usage generally for a while.  I am not offering that I have any answers and suggest President Obama if just borrowing such from me so also isn’t with answers but now maybe closer for being near possibly to better language that may bring us closer to better - or the right - questions.

The Clintons have since day one positioned themselves to be “political rivals” and only in Obama’s house as rivals of he thinking he needed them and needed a TEAM OF RIVALS.  The race and economic issues of Ferguson are now essentially peculiar to either a story of rivalry of it either that President Clinton or President Obama has such subjects backs.

For both the Clinton and Obama administrations it is arguable that any of Ferguson were considered more “subjects” than “citizens.”  It is unreasonable to proffer that both President Clinton and President Obama have had or do have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson - they have firstly and continuously been of standing as “RIVALS” so any discussion must flush out the known and unknown of all knowable yet that is historical to how they have been different - to also how while different they have been more to betrayal and abandonment of such Americans even if not of a perils like Ukraine of too many too long of socialism and a nationalism to assimilation in obedience of irreligiosity in lieu of faith and community.

As President Clinton now due to be in the Ferguson HOT SEAT we have that Mrs. Clinton is an unknown as per racial oppression in Missouri while yet also of HOT SPOTS of a comparable culpability as per Russia and Ukraine, at least.  It would be wrong to discuss Mrs. Clinton now as per domestic issues where President Mr. Clinton has knowns and posited in rivalry that should dominate any discussion of culpability or innocence yet for black President Obama.  President Obama should too, as per Mrs. Clinton, be allowed an innocent until proven more guilty than a Clinton in regards to Ukraine, at least.

I don’t know why black President-Elect Senator Barack Hussein Obama was to coddling the Clintons or allowing an dominatrix of offer coddling by Mrs. Clinton — I don’t know why PBO both proceeded forward from the start with the economic team of Clintons’ economic experts as his “team” and while of “politics” and “office politics” of standing for the Clintons as rivals and he dependent on them so much that he so seemingly necessarily to an attempt at a legacy in administering a “THE OBAMA” yet while very publicly yet of floating the “THE CLINTON” as at least equal, or superior, and extant in a TEAM OF RIVALS.

The Clintons’ surpluses as from an extra trillion found and cut from the budgeted and then affordable may be that which best explains how Ferguson and Ukraine are now suffering so much and so vulnerable.  President Obama yet embraced those of the evils of the surpluses at least as necessary evils in his TEAM OF RIVALS so that he maybe firstly should attempt to explain himself as more innocent yet and less culpable to any Executive gross negligence than at least President Clinton.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry in totalitarian Power Clintons’ are yet beset by the possible perils of a people too yet too far in socialism to be also of a perils from irreligiosity at seemingly at least the eastern third of Ukraine.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry have it only reasonable, for starters, that it is either that President did and does have Ferguson’s six or that President Obama did ever or does now finally.

Again:  The politics are that it is not possible that both President Clinton and President Obama have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson in Missouri of the The United States of America.

Again:  The DOMINANT politics is that the “THE CLINTON” and the “THE OBAMA” are as “RIVALS” of a “DEMOCRAT” HOUSE divided.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:53 am

You’ve been monetized!

On McDonnell’s farm there is a greater beast - greater beasts:  “THE CLINTON” / the Clintons.  Let us differentiate the monetary!  Let us now, all together, litigate what should never be decided at the ballot boxes!  Let us look fairly and clear eyed at the raised issues of QUID PRO QUO but as also in a historical peculiar to the bones of the Clintons.  Peculiar to the Clintons is much that the issue of “THE CLINTON” isn’t yet perceived as greater of the predicament of the “THE McDONNELL”!

William Jefferson Clinton may have taken further than any President yet a wanton wayward beset firmly in a wanting more to be “KING”!  On McDonnell’s farm the McDonnells are small potatoes to the strategery and practiced of the Clintons to powers to rival globally affixed as structurally quite autocratic.  The “corporate” of the Clintons is quite a brand of a totalitarianism.

For Posterity we still should be asking for President Barack Obama’s college and Harvard Law School papers, and we should really be to probing the Clinton Rhodes scholarship as time spent in England towards learning how, though American, to work the think towards the possibility that an American white of the South could yet bring back a more monarchical “governance” to the otherwise yet united republic.

William Jefferson Clinton is more than and “Hillary Clinton” - William Jefferson Clinton, born William Blythe III, seems to have studied and studied towards effecting a post-Constitutional dismembering of the prudence of original Federalism of the confederated republic The United States of America. WJC seems to have a pedigree, and of his Rhodes scholarship, that was forward for establishments of anti-Constitutional new anti-Federalist root programming so that he could seem more like Thomas Jefferson but effect as if Governor George Clinton of New York, of the founding days, yet got his way.

I am not sure it matters for any “scholarship” of these issues if “Bill” is more “Larry” “Hillary” more “Mo’” and if so such then than President Barack Obama is best then “Curly.”  For these purposes either quite can be any or any either other of a threesome in Curly, Larry, & Mo’.  Right — we’ve all become monetized!  We’ve all become at least monetized by the “THE CLINTON”!

With such a monarchical want scholarship in the pedigree of the “THE CLINTON” it may be dangerous to over-simplify any running con by a presumption that such now entertain as if slap-stick appropriate can be other than set up root to character shifting politics. It may not be what WJC was taught at Oxford but much what he learned - learned from studying under the legacy of monarchical governance for empire building.

It may be wisest to let is be “open” as if any WJC, HRC, PBO is either a Curly, Larry, Mo’ or a Larry, Curly, Mo’ or a Mo’, Larry, Curly or a Larry, Mo’, Curly.  PBO though is a complication unplanned or fig’d, it seems, in the plotting and practices to Americans in totalitarianisms newly beset globally in an autocracy affected “CLINTON”!

It still seems inconvenient to the Clintons that any plan theirs however as original to scholarship by initiative of Rhodes was yet never calculated enough to plan for or prepare for a possibility that any black like PBO could become elected in between the workings for a Presidency in proper name of Mrs. Clinton through a planned succession in an ASAP from the Presidency as named proper in Mr. Clinton.

To keep this simple and yet guarded enough from the post-Constitutionals however yet covered by political slap-stick entertainment we should return to the McDonnell’s “farm” basis of the “THE CLINTON” the greater beast!

Again, the issues around being monetized are of QUID PRO QUO but more greatly of the bumbling of the Clintons!

Again, these issues are pressing and fresh at least for now balance for scales of Justice seems possible if we aren’t to litigate the Clintons and towards the prudence that such of their searchable forensic pathology is some to much quantifiable as totalitarian, at least in wants, and seemingly of a QUID PRO QUO so grand it is hard to see for its breadth and scope!

For starters there is comparison necessary and prudent with the prosecution of Governor McDonnell in Virginia as it seems reported and spoken of by Mrs.Clinton that the current Governor of Virginia, a Democrat, did so help them financially (and Politically) when said “Dead Broke” that it is hard not to tag Governor McAuliffe and the Clintons for its seems too much that he now a Democrat Governor, somehow, in comparison was like to buying the Clintons a house or two.

Right!  Where does President Barack Hussein Obama fit in here as to a “Curly, Larry, & Mo’” too Political while yet seeming so specifically and peculiar more just to the Clintons?  Simply PBO is aiding and maybe abetting the seeming wanton of the Clintons by offering distractions when he and his Justice Department should be practicing enforcement upon the “THE CLINTON”!

It is too late to now leave Governor Rich Perry out of this.  I agree that some matters are to be left to the ballot boxes and eschewed from litigation.  But, this however is quite peculiar in it of a Clintons peculiarity such that a litigation (and Congressional probe?) is necessary and proper as fitting issues apparently disqualifying for ballot box decidings.

The vast emoluments so pecuniary in a pre-specified monetary in valuation for Clintons speaking are numerous in stand alone examples of the “THE CLINTON” of practicing a “Politics” of everyone now being monetized to them!

Not in a defense of Governor McDonnell, so offered, these are yet points of order for balance in Justice here so checked and pressed.  It seems that a “speaking” by an of the “THE CLINTON” now is priced to be of them of greater importance and Powers now than when the “First Couple” of a People’d peoples allowance per year as less than now what they demand for nearly a single hour.

President Barack Hussein Obama has too much and for too long participated in this so entertained yet as a charade not an actual improper “cover-up” so that now and forward he must be either Curly, Larry, or Mo’ to “Bill” and “Hillary” however!

More history to the imbalance now beset in the defense of Governor McDonnell is at least the story to how it seemed arranged in the Clinton White House that a New York Senate seat would be bought for Mrs. Clinton.

Too:  It is a matter of record, for these improprieties posited, that President Clinton, while not content with a post-office taxpayer payed rental allowance, when yet he asked for more per year that that as a total for all past Presidents’ annuals combined, was yet to compromising the “Senator” for Mrs. Clinton, by asking his BIG BANK associated for gratuities in thanks for his having made them so much money in the story of his having pushed them into derivatives “gambling” as towards quantifiable emoluments towards a reported near one million per year “rent” necessary if he was to get the near regal spacious quite like penthouse leasehold in the Carnegie Hall Tower high above the RUSSIAN TEA ROOM.

Too:  It is much searchable for a forensic pathology of the Clintons as too clever, still, it seems with “HUG IT OUT” and other slap-stick distractive politics that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES offer a $1-2 Trillion spectrum of “corruption” that at least offers 1 Trillion unit points per dollar to counter any “claim” of “charitable” now or ever of the “THE CLINTON”! 

Right!  How can the Clintons speaking funds if funnelled through the Clintons’ Global Initiatives as for “charity” be for “charity” if their personality and past record, however publicly yet clear, speaks loudly in a contrary?  It may be a stretched to posit that the record speaks loudly to it that the Clintons have always seen people as to be monetized and that any money “politically” through them is always firstly as “patronage” and lastly at all “charity”! 

Right!  It so may not be a stretch at all.  After all a learned perspective on the 1 Trillion in unit points per dollar of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES barks out - even roars - of impropriety towards QUID PRO QUO recklessness!

Right!  It so may not be a stretch at all.  After all a learned perspective on the 1 Trillion in unit points per dollar rest as of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of a time when the politics generally and the economics globally and locally had no peculiar need for surpluses by cutting an extra trillion but that peculiarly of the selfish spousal politics of the “THE CLINTON” of needing to prove they could find as much as the Republicans had yet found to balance the budget.

Right!  It is hardly a stretch which so much now far more public and out about a “real” Clintons!  It seems that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were only needed by the “politics” spousal and selfish of the Clintons, and even despite their “totalitarian” wants to global autocratic Powers in a worked “Post-Constitutional” “working” “philosophy” of “governance”!  Without finding an extra trillion to cut after the Republicans has worked responsibly to find a first trillion to cut to balance the budget it is essentially an inconvenient fact for the Clintons that their seeming “need” for the vast irresponsible cuts of an extra trillion was to protect the “THE CLINTON” to protect any planning and plotting in said “his” Presidency to protect yet a set up for “her” Presidency.


Too:  Right!  This is yet too much accepted as unequal or yet greater assaults on proper governance. Right!  PBO is under the arm of contempt for the Peoples House by litigation by suits and such is only the tip of the bulge of the breached Constitutionals of the “THE CLINTON” of which an inappropriate “COVER-UP” has been uncovered and moved “officially” towards prosecution from that yet kept too much as acceptable politics in slap-stick.

Right!  To keep it simple for starters as balance becomes the issue of a prosecution of any McDonnell’s “farm” the Clintons expected, it seems, to be safely now in a “post-Constitutional” United States of America that was to have been entertained and laughed away from considering them of impropriety and willful undermining of prudent Constitutional “politics”!

Right!  To keep it simple:  Yes look at what William Jefferson Clinton tried to learn at Oxford as a Rhode Scholar and specifically if different and more towards a totalitarian practicable than what was curricular as of a lesson plan.  Yes look now beyond these three bold examples of the “THE CLINTON” as at a think that every person must be monetized by their self valuation for political influence and global patronage.

Right!  Beyond all the seeming ready examples of the Clintons at “money” in improprieties far worse than any Republican Governor Bob McDonnell yet seems accused we still should be first most worried as to them globally of patronage, however naively forgetting “no such thing as permanent friends or enemies - just permanent interests” (like) when Mrs. Clinton, however now, presents herself as if prime for Presidential politics because of the number of foreign leaders she, at least, is already now in bed with.  See it is still to be mostly or generally reported how any so name dropped by Mrs. Clinton is yet a friend much just because of emoluments flowing as “patronage” covered however at times as “charity” to the people or the causes of the people whose names she is dropping for benefit at home for of foreign influence Power.

Right!  It is that a cover-up has been found to have occurred and such is now near ready for a prosecution more litigation such as is proper to prevent inappropriate candidates from corrupt advantage in the ballot boxes.  For now it is too much a “CURLY, LARRY, & MO’” where WJC is called up as HRC’s character reference and while HRC yet is slamming into PBO and then as if comedic to a “HUG IT OUT” acceptable or believable comity.




Right!  As per “balance” to the charges at least against Governor Bob McDonnell (R) mustn’t we consider how implausible that $250,000.00 for an hour of speaking can be for “charity” and not more “patronage” just because the 1 Trillion unit points per dollar in the Clintons’ cutting unnecessarily of an extra trillion for surpluses was not at all “charitable”?

And, again isn’t it that WJC essentially arranged from the The White House while President “Bill” Clinton the buying of a New York Senate seat as a improper “gift” to Mrs. Clinton?  And again as PBO plays along too much in a comedy too slap-stick how do any fairly explain any “proper” in President Clintons’ asking the BIG BANK “FOB” for rent gratuities as emoluments freely towards an annual near penthouse rent as not also improper at least for “MONEY” in a marriage as for seeming “influence” at least of/for a New York Senator?

Right!  It seems now that President Barack Hussein Obama is trapped in an inconvenient trio of a politics befitting prosecution for such if of concerns that experts are supposed to investigate before lay can rightly trust a candidate or ballot boxes!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:13 pm

Please don’t be so vain to think, by the end too, that this isn’t in some way also about you.  We’re of a days an epoch fit for hecklings to help assuage and discern gradients of culpability, and for years all the way back at least to 1993. I have no intention of insulting my great readers, unless of course they are thee meant to be critically reviewed.

To set the stage to how the sets can be staged for a greatest modernity in modern media interactivity for the ecosystems of representative democracy and freedom of expression and participation rights in free assembly let me strongly recommend a new bipartisanship can be possible if a united goal can be tabled and agreed to.  A most illuminating potential for a new bipartisanship likely needs an agreed about “common enemy” or “common cause” - we seem to have that available in Bill & Hillary Clinton. 

With the stage so now set for a real potential in the possibility of a public dissection of all things “post-Presidency” and at least as “global,” it is our initiative, not to be lost now, to restore the republic with forensic lay pathology, at least, while any ambitious Democrat too can benefit from a rendering of the Clintons as corporate, and evil money grubbing globalists.

There is a party to divide by their personal and state ambitions and the Clintons as a “common enemy” or “common cause” is already primed and topped off of greased by as if by a real McCoy.  Really the post-Presidency of the Clintons is representative quite also of executive over-reaching and too to imperial wants in autocratic powers.  It isn’t a question of the Congress lacking Constitutional power to roll the Clintons out as if committed to public shame by stocks fit for old chicken thieves;  The Congress is sufficiently endowed to arrest and account for all things foreign of the Clintons’ global initiatives at least by their Constitutional specific duty and charged by Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph eight for any so exercised of offices of profit.

How to parry a comity for a “FORWARD” with a “common enemy” Duty as with the Clintons together rolled in and tabled?

We must have it convenient as if they are rolled in with their fate already known now as if ducks in a barrel in duck hunting season.

We must have it convenient and focused as so not to be of so so many like caught also in a net indiscernibly from justice due to be a mob a blob indiscriminatable from itself.  President Obama is seemingly such an “ambitious Democrat” and maybe a whom singularly most to be politically to some benefit from a Congressional Constitutional Duty to a public dissection of at least the top executives of the Clintons’ Global Initiative.  It is hard to imagine President Obama could yet be a fence sitter to such of an opportunity knocking that could clean up his own post-Presidency ambitions.

There is real political science to consider at how the failings of President Obama have been because neither he nor the represented as the People’d people knew enough about many mistakes of the Administration of the Clintons.  We can be gathered at least in an interactive ecosystem for a new bipartisanship as suggested - as it seems such of a Constitutional Duty that the Congress but for same party controls should have been at by 2009.  President Obama is of his idealism and as reckless and disastrous as such has been with its effecting executive direction yet still he has made mistakes while of his ideologicals, however mismatched to real conditions, solely for he made mistakes of repeating history for not knowing enough the real history of substantial culpability and excessive grandstanding in false credits of the Clintons.  It is for the scientists and historians to eventually get it all righted yet we must act and soon somehow to return to a politics more of truths and a workable bipartisanship.  It is hardly yet considered that some of how the Dems ideological “governance” failed was for it was exercised as timely while at least 20 years too early for the real conditions, and, otherwise discerned it was yet about ten to fifteen years too soon after something so similar was set about at least for the republic to it mostly of an extant established before the Clintons yet caught it as the train that best explains their unexpected upstart election in 1992.

Right, I am one to raise the issue of culpability for President Obama and the “Bill and Hillary” and maybe too any an of an executive level also culpable association due to sharing the Clintons’ offices of profit of their global initiatives.  It is that maybe President Obama must be discernible from a mob a blob also caught in a net deployed at the Clintons and also too associated and due at least a common suing by the same Congress.  It is though considerable that both these Presidencies somehow have been together wrong to many errs in errors from repeating a history we all should have learned of and from;  it is considerable that the Obama “revolution” was so too soon upon the revolution more a renaissance and figured in national security prudence related to transitioning from the Persian Gulf War, and so as suggested for science as at least twenty years too soon upon an earlier proven effective one.  Right, I am speaking to new ideas seeming cheap for seeming more as if borrowed and used than new and revolutionary - it was just dumb that the Democrats proceeded as if smartly to such so too soon after that which yet can be explained to explaining the Clintons unexpected election was far less of their doing than yet published and known.

We must look to Congress and maybe nudge them to a like very convenient and bipartisan tabling of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as a common enemy however lately to such Constitutional defense.  It can get interesting if to how President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s CAMELOT may have been legal as a spun metaphor for a new chivalry and yet now is to be defeated for being as practiced in a CLINTONS’ CAMELOT in a post-Presidency it yet is unconstitutional as violate at least of the anti-titling anti-nobility protections of mentioned Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 of the USA USC.  President Obama may not be as free to benefit from the Clintons as, however lately, to being like litigated and relitigated at least for improprieties in a corporate imperialism by global initiatives set up as if chartered to be an AMERICAN CAMELOT - or just a CLINTONS’ GLOBAL CAMELOT.  To look at the plight of President Obama in his post-Presidency years it behoove all to just try to understand how the Constitutional dilemmas to be real if the Clintons are not first publicly dissected and for much of every day of every week of every month of each year at least back to when President George H. W. Bush worked his transitioning to closing down the Persian Gulf War.

There is no place to go for President Barack Hussein Obama to a post-Presidency even if he can’t go home to Chicago.  President Clinton as the market locked up still from it reasonable for there to be an equal a peer in a post-Presidency, and likely especially his rival of said “BLOOD FEUD” concurrently President.  If the Clintons and their meddling global initiatives are not at least arrested by the end of the Obama Administration really the Obamas’ best option may be to accept Executive Vice President positions at the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES offices of profit and however humiliatingly if it so with Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton their incorporated and fixed superior officer.  It really was a problem that the Obama “revolution” was ignorant of problems from being so only too few years after a most effective renaissance rebirthing and so as well of a dumb (party wide) for yet being nearly twenty years too soon.  It may have been of dangers from pride in an over-confidence in “personality” and yet of new technological potential to firstly be of a real possibility to fool nearly every and fool them all at once.

Please write your favorite media and interact likewise with your national representation.  There is much to learn of what we already should have learned of and learn about so not to dumbly make mistakes at least from ignorance.

The words escape me to how to best title the predicament President Obama must at least sense himself as towards while he at least is considering if he too shouldn’t go home and must otherwise try to make it to New York City.  It must be dumb or yet will be dumb for him to consider he can rival the Clintons and their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES at least while he is supposed to be a competent defender of the Constitution and of the office as of tens years whence his as a Constitutional Law Professor.  It seems he must be thinking he too shouldn’t or can’t go home - but yet how can New York City offer him hope if the Clintons are not soon yet seen as a “common enemy”?  The Country cannot survive two past-Presidents as corporate giants battling each other for dominance on the world stage as if allowed by the People to be both imperial as titled and quite as if first American autocrats.

The KENNEDY CAMELOT yet may have been of Constitutional chivalry whence while now at least for the Clintons such is too akin as if un-American.  The Congress has already been suffering for the meddling so global of the post-Presidency of the Clintons - it and WE THE PEOPLE cannot abide an OBAMA GLOBAL INITIATIVES now seeming the train wreck ahead as the only manly option maybe available for President Barack Hussein Obama, however also quite too titled and un-Constitutional.

The founders were no dummies - by the wrap of article one they had set the USA to be essentially protected yet from such.  Really any ambitious Democrat must by now see opportunity for themselves in a new “common enemy” of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as too corporate and evil examples of dangers in greed.  Our best hope now, as a republic, seems to be in yet discerning and assuaging all the culpability of all the days of the Clintons on the national stage since they caught the train and got “blessed” unduly to the Presidency they still may yet not be of any readiness.

There is history to be learned yet that can explain how such much went wrong and how it is sadly ironic to dastardly that such is a truer history to explain the unexpected election so of the Clintons in 1992.  There seems no way out now for President Obama and especially in any post-Presidency unless the Clintons reign is now finally, however so lately, checked and balanced. Irregardless of if it all was twenty years too early:  It was all at least near ten years too early! It is harder now to remember such with enough specifics to yet maybe fix all their known mistakes.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!

This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.

We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders.  It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”

This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world.  This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians.  This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.

Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear.  Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”

My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan.  My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic.  The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.

There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats.  There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.

The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007.  There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade.  Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.

When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving.  Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him.  I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so.  It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.

I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate.  I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell.  But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.

President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value.  As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses.  As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”

For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as.  Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions.  To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.

There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”.  I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.”  I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”

There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.”  James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.

For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself.  President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.

Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day.  And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming.  This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.

There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully.  There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at http://CitizenRosebud.info of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”

WARNING!!!  Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:03 pm

With an American in Poland old freshness now soured rises anew of the “among the vicissitudes incident to life” parity of President George Washington firstly speaking so in New York City - and so metaphorically for a new born nation.  We are forced to a consideration of Herman Melville if only of any “Moby Dick” as a “Great White…” - seems.

Let us get to some technicalities in a measurement of any said a “Longest War”!  Now:

When did this “Longest War” not a “longest war” start but under the “Diplomacy” (failed) of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton?  She seemed to start with a forced (political) surge as if “diplomatic” and postured and postured as if of a violate actually a declared (necessary) war.  She seemed to have left her office in a worsened “Diplomatic” state than she found it;  Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, must have failed at any and all “diplomatic solutions” for such as (”Hillary’s War) to be a “war” and a “longest war” however hardly actually a “longest” or “declared” war.

This “Longest War” didn’t start under/during the Presidential administering of President George W. Bush.  President Bush traded for trespass rights with the sovereign of Afghanistan to be “in country” investigatively and purposely looking for about 50 foreigners as “campers” and some to much “trespassers” themselves.  A fact of Afghanistan is how tribal it is so that it seems Al Qaeda “campers” didn’t need or have any cooperation or real authorization in shared purposes with a majority.

To get to the metric and an honesty of chronological measurement to a/the failure in “Diplomatic” by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton however not a “Longest War” it behoove any to frame and key their probatives around a postulating that it could only have been so if she was of failing and failing and failing and failing and failing years at finding (as like now) a “diplomatic” end/solution.  For purposes of ratio - it seems as now with “war” announced as like “over” that she herself just needed all those long years to herself just offer to declare “war is over” to have “reset” the Clinton PEACE.

We can hardly presume Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of a accepted “innocence” or “authority” in “rightness” for it is her State Department of the OBAMA RETREAT from Iraq - so injudiciously and prematurely.  What for the sake of measuring the body of Mrs. Clinton’s “Diplomacy” have been the costs of such a brutal abandonment of Iraq and so after so much was spent to build a new - a brand new and like most expensive newest and largest newest - Embassy in Iraq?  Her numbers of any metric so far seem far from actually flattering.

Perchance a parsing to it best to brine to thin the fats of any meat on the thighs of the leg work “diplomatic” of Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton before any roasting or exposing of her as if already too fried?  Right!!! It seems there are no “wings of Hillary”!  It seems she can be judged to for it having to be her and her alone and such to that now it “evidence based” deciding to discern there is not a flock at the ready as lifted to by her drafts as of a keep of a flock as a metaphor as of any if “under another’s wings”!  It seems the Clintons have buried any Democrat woman who could be a threat to Mrs. Clinton;  It seems there are bodies of women Democratic in Party to yet look for as subdued and like “buried” by the Clintons.

She walks in shadows of valleys of death of so many of suffrage and suffering from a darkness in the eclipse of President William Jefferson Clinton still at blocking so many from a clear “light”!  It is yet publicly clear how it is that it seems there are no Democrat Party women to “challenge” Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as if she is only the queen bee of Democrat female bees and of a power only possible if there are not any that haven’t like also compromised themselves from a bedding with he whom as also presumed to be a first President of the World.

So until recently Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was supposed to see President Barack Hussein Obama as her “BOSS” and however like either “Ahab” or a “Great White Whale” himself.  It was odd and awkward from the start of her submissiveness that she both as Mr. & Mrs. Clinton were of political & party pressure to have her boss tag her “two-fer” as “rivals” and how while so was of incredible insubordination to President Obama as her “Moby Dick” that she declared she was to be so of her declaration to be of “leadership” from taking her “inspiration” (seems) from the same place Dante found his (for his Inferno?).

Again her measurements for her body in “diplomatic” treading are not flattering.  Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, however now more “first lady” in all corporated appearances to Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, did neither have “Hard Choices” of a “war” nor “necessary war” nor of an operating actually a “longest war.”  Before there was a Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton however the “great woman” behind and success of her “BOSS” President Obama there was mostly just “operations” in Afghanistan of trespass rights from trading building roads and schools endeavors.

As it seems too measurable that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a Cabinet Officer and “executive” is of so many short comings “evidently” when an “evidence based” review is past even an initial probative it therefore is transparent that she (and more than President Barack Hussein Obama) is of having #FAILED!

But in the failures and failing of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however, aren’t we behooved to be to a:


Is it now the country is in a pickle for a divided Democrat “house” of a “party divided” and some for she having lived up to the “Hillary is too polarizing” tag so that her rap is judicious and a queriousness risen to how now Democrat female under her of “wings” as if all Democrat women have been corrupted by the Clintons and unable to rise without tagging themselves in a self-incrimination if at attempting to boldly step out to incriminate Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however?

Where are all the Democrat female leaders buried - where is Mrs. Clinton’s female “competition”?  Is it that only the Republicans have now grown new party boughs free of the tree of Clintons’ corruption where whence it was the GOP had near none whom could rise to incriminate the “The Clinton” without also self-incrimination?

O Democrats, O Democrats — Where for art thee a one you can smartly call a “Captain”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

If one is a lawyer, and still yet to a consideration of supporting Hillary Clinton to a new ‘inevitability’, one must now be worried more than ever before, and, one must be worried for Clinton BOGO of so many double standards long of the Clintons’ skirting.

One may say they can only heel the reaping of a boatwright sown coursing of vessels against a double jeopardy inconvenient jurisprudence and politics;  there can not be a ship-shape of the Clintons as of a multi-tasking harried if their politics need their vessel keeled to be in two places, or two directions, simultaneously.

However:  The house of Clintons is not in Order, nor order.  Rather:  Things be much amiss in the possible of the Clintons sheeting and questionable tacks;  Their planks are too short to be seen as obviously too long of knots or too thin of rings of Power established for their is as the is our is;  There is a double jeopardy in the double standards as already navigated and journaled of the trip tix of the spousal’d set husbandry of the Clintons as two-headed.

As plebes of a harried it may be the rookies of the seas and/or the cadets of the air and land can spot an infractious Constitutional viscerally when uniformly to patriotic posturing of the keep in constitutional vicissitudes civil procedures. The Clintons ‘windward’ and/or ‘high ground’ supposed ‘advantage’ may be neither, and never, as of a natural set in Bernoulli’s principle.  There is a problem, incidental to the lives of the Clintons, that there ups & downs of multi-tasking that undermines their own sheeting, however of tack and a ship shape helmsmanship.

What is the shape of the Clintons’ breastworks, political, so seen only yet as of an above the surface #GotGame?

How threatened are the common defenses of the Constitution and its bulwarks against nefarious broadsides however campaigned?

Aren’t now the greatest threats to the People’s order, and Order so ordained and established, now of these times, in the Year of founders’ Lord two thousand ten and Four, but coy, and coitered in banded threats, as more probable of the domestic girth politically electric than a gathered massing hemmed in a foreign engirthed?

These are times anew to consider the evolutions and devolutions of civil society and its procedures;  These are times anew like those of whence thence of the Pilgrims as born from the rising to Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes ponderances writ from the netherland shores from which the American Mayflower literally departs. The #GotGame of our days newly fitting the philosophical extant of the Founding Fathers’ and to a prefaced predicated posture to the #THINK of federalism and if evolving or devolving, and, how if threatened now is threatened either by a domestic or foreign machinations, and, how if threatened is specifically (still) threatened by Clintons and their empirical too autocratic wants.

They cannot hide from Obamacare as politically like the most costly way of every state being to having their own Romneycare.

They cannot hide from climate change tacks as it common sense that if man made increases in carbon pollution can cause global warming there is that reductions made (at least too quickly) in greenhouse CO2 levels in the United States of America can too cause weather disturbances and climate change logically by the cooling to be expected whenever a greenhouse is removed.

They cannot hide from the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage struggles for equality in “marriage” and be not assaulted per their own marriage seeming posited and predicated as if for politics and Power as a marriage not a marriage (Union) of two inseparable under Law.

They cannot hide from their own double standard of fronting Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a feminist and as if able to stand on her own (though irreconcilably of one soul in marriage) and independent while they together sheet their vessel tack duplicitously contrary to trichotomy of Constitutional Law and as they bosom her in the maximus of the said too chauvinistic institution of First Ladies protection.  It is long the double standard of the Clintons’ politics that Mrs. Clinton supposed to be an independent feminist and yet too fully protected by the traditions and institution for the First Couple as that the spouse is supposed to be a political untouchable.

They cannot hide how they the Clintons have long been of attempts in such a skirting of parity with their maximus to her like of a Commodus right to ascension to be of the glory of the pomp and circumstance protectorate of Presidential spouses, and yet while such broaches a jeopardy of nepotism.

>>> LEGAL LOGIC PUZZLER:  Two logic circles over lap some to much but not none at all as united Lawfully in marriage Union.  Two logic circles so as one, even so looking phat like an eight, still be as one, though of two.  Bill Clinton is one circle and Hillary Clinton is the other circle - they are by Law inseparable as Married in Union.  As one in ‘housed’ as at ‘home’ the other is always there of shared assets in residence, Legally in a unit-ified lingua.  This is much like ‘nesting’ environmental humanity protections and quite apropos the consumer protection laws around home improvement contracting, and especially such contracts voidance if three days not respected post signing(s).  By home improvement laws around consumer protection prudence and evolved jurisprudence in many ways spouses are and are not interchangeable halves.  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment of term limits marriage Unions may not be set asunder by a more convenient ‘interpretation’ of ‘united’ in ‘marriage.’  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment it is arguably criminal for Hillary Clinton as logic circle to be “elected” to any holding of office of the Office of the President; Hillary Clinton is one with Bill Clinton — as when he was “elected” she was to a holding of office by election as they are inseparable over lapping logic circles.  So legally the Clinton Union is not now again able to have any part of it for infinity past their eight by election able to have Bill Clinton returned to any holding of the Office of the home office of The White House of the Office of the President.  The puzzle is in the Clintons’ trichotomy of a double standard for their own marriage and Union — Hillary Clinton as a logic circle is not allow Constitutionally to run for a holding of the Office of the President on her own as she is inseparable from Bill Clinton and such would by an election of her (if possible) be to a return to some holding of office by election of President William Jefferson Clinton.  But is this Legally more concernedly of a TREASON than just a wonton indiscriminate double standard like only convenient to the Clinton Union?  It is that simply it would violate the language and seeming original intent of the Eightieth Congress to not see a First Couple as inseparable and that an election of one isn’t an election of the other as a half but a ‘by election’ effecting to a holding by a conjoined one, of soul, in coitered & consummated marriage.


How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING…

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like against a Constitution state as if too Descartian but of an ability to render a duplicity of course to the constituted writ large language as Law.  The ship of states is different from the ship of State — there should be no double jeopardy nor double standard convenient to an autocratic helmsmanship as the Clinton seem heeled and tacked.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a roused rabble of political nonsense yet convenient to a campaign duplicity.  The greatest threat now from any man made climate change is it seems clearly that a continued rush in rash partisan politics of limited solutions cozy capitalism to ’solutions’ as proffered by too false naratives over even New York Times data points is from the dangers in new atmospheric hemispherical altitudinal thermals resultant naturally from a politics to poorly and negligently affected irregardless of it common sense that if man removes some or much “greenhouse” effect from one place the thermodynamics and atmospheric winds will likewise re-route at least as long as a “greenhouse” effect stays constant or grows elsewhere, at least in a shared hemisphere.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a Montesuma’s Revenge of marines not timely even to Tripoli at least as Mrs. Clinton still Constitutionally compromising as Secretary of State too nearly a new Commodus as the import of the original intent language of the 22nd Amendment seems flushed as mis-stressed, itself.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like to for federalism and new state ‘new normal’ adaptive evolutions in budgeting locally for said more predictable unpredictable, however Acts of God, storm costs.  If climate change is more than of man made damage from increasing pollution levels and too as common sense supports as from any lowering of carbon levels we at least are at Senator Barbara Boxer’s “evidentiary” of like:  “97 percent of scientists agree that carbon pollution is “pollution”"!

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like remembering that the Senate is supposedly a ‘club’ of the 100 most ambitious people of the Union by the People’s Order so ordained, established and subscribed as “done” more perfect Union — it is just as confused to posit that:  “Only 2 percent of Senator Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s peers didn’t vote her out of their own political way - out of their club — only 2 percent of her peers didn’t vote her out of their Senate.”

How the Democrats mis-stress POLITICS OF #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets confusion!  It seems by throwing the campaign foul flag of “DOUBLE STANDARD” Mrs. Clinton, however, has called for a review of all times Hillary Rodham and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton from days shared as FLOAR, FLOTUS, SENATOR, SECRETARY OF STATE, & now like First Lady of the #CGI CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES.

How the #CLINTONS mis-stress #POLITICS of #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets #CONSTITUTIONAL confusion!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

To double rabbit a justice about so many crossroads we’ld be cross, maybe, to not discern risings, and raisings, of the ups and downs footed at so many intersections, and there how so of overlay pathology, as to locking in a well joined apropos civility;

To a fitting justice, still set in joined civility of innocence until proven of specific guilt, we are still best to chisel lately at the rabbits’ overlays inaugural of George Washington’s prudent import at “…vicissitudes incident to life” immaturity prima facia.  To avoid even a smidgen of guilt (for a crucifying cross) one needs to consider their footing and their words, and well: 

May you be to lapping ups the joints to such, however, now firstly suggested, as if of two rabbits over-laid, to this joined raising for issues plus’d to capital punishment and apropos premeditation for avoidance from innocence lost.

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Is it of genesis of APPLE that #Jobs struggle was firstly & always to bringing tablets & Bible into the palms of everyone #app’ly?

Prove “Order” so capitalized in preamble is a NOUN as @ The Constitution is a People’s Order — Dems “legality” falls!  To be high with the Founders and their Lord now in a newer Year so of such God of the New Testament you may be prudent to be as engirthed in lines of Noah however so set so natural in hemp;  Joseph as a carpenter, wherever of his Jobian struggles, needed like Noah to be good at rabbits and very stoked in joints, however.

Freedom OF religion as:  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?  When open the Ground Zero Museum of the September 11 Memorial keep will be charged to a keep for truth - and curiosity.  When open at Ground Zero it will be devilish to some, and cross’dly so, how God is to be seen in capital punishment tool’d.  To atheists however grounded, it, a cross, could be a cross as but a rabbited tool for justice as replaceable as by a noose or an electric chair - or guillotine.  Rabbit holes of those among the vicissitudes incident to life can, and have, led many to God - not all, though. Tolerance too is chiseled, at least by a precedence set by U.S.A. Constituted first President under the People’s Order and so humbly under the subscribed set Lord, whence then in that Year as “done” so boldly as per modifying “to form a more perfect Union” ordering.

Though the joints of Noah and Joseph may have been long set in hemp, and more naturally than today’s, the parsed meants of the Founders’ parchment poetry as Law do not set asunder rabbiting writs for heaven on earth through believing in their highs. As established and ordained and set in writs cautiously to forewarn, to avoid yet, to pitfalls from (fogged) stumbles on paths however golden.  It seems impossible for there but to be a freedom of religion as it seems, objectively, that there can be no freedom from religion, though a freedom from a religion is yet plausible - though if only by a stature of another.  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity;  By an objective definition of RELIGION it seems impossible as it as of all humanity that any human can yet be free of RELIGION;  It seems any can only be of it and not ever from it, objectively.  It is but an old or new - good or bad - best poetry of shared humanity, to be judged - but not escaped from, wholly.

ART!  Art, objectively, can be a great and grand tool, at least, to a better and broader crossroads and bridging for latitudes and attitudes better joined for a preservation and practice of prudence in a rectal sui juris akin to Sodom and Gomorrah curriculum to bestow benevolence in habeas corpus prophylactic governance bedded in innocent until proven guilty clausals.  However your persuasion and choice natural biases it behoove yee to be a booster of ART as ART may help you when best to avoid innocence as lost to a cross’d crucifying, however — by ART there can be more room for a preserve of innocence.

There are Bishops on the boards of CHESS everywhere!  It is as obvious an objective statement, it seems, as to suggest there cannot be a freedom from RELIGION - anywhere.  Without a Rorchach, ever, however, most will see an intersections of the laid squares at times cross’dly, however their paths hopeful or hopeless whence.  What though may yet be modern (ART) more as if at surgical strikes as yet moves meant to be less as at marbles and prudently at least as at CHESS?  Did the Clintons’ lose their marble when graphically so to a standard as to stoked as if an “up yours” earthly to the European Union celestial’d circle in a rectangle;  Didn’t the Clintons’ only think marbles while putting a circle in a rectangle anew as the Swastika had been in the fields of red of the Nazi of Hitler and The Third Reich?

(Note to self:  Confirm that no Republican past President, is though like President Obama, also of a flag, as a standard their own as well, and also too that like the Clintons’, so as like Barack Hussein Obama’s, isn’t also like the Nazi flag as graphically imperialistic, objectively (in ART), as an earthly circle, not like the Europeans’ Union. nor Japan’s as humble in a celestial.).

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Crimea, like Syria, however of Russia, is now hardly but a smidgen on the boards of shared humanity;  Crimea it seems isn’t to be stoked as if President Vladimir Putin has somehow lost his marbles, and while only playing marbles.  It seems this may be us of an intersection to be timed as too about a resurgent Russian Christian Orthodoxy.  It seems this is among the vicissitudes incident to life expectant in the existential of the newly Constituted United States of President George Washington’s rabbiting for inescapable humanity by his orations firstly inaugural whence.

Does Vladimir Putin have a holy excuse so about Crimea however too as a strategic CHESS move?  Does the Russian President have the words, even if a prudence to be covert and clever in strategery, to match the word of his Orthodox Christianity so Russian?  How cross’d be he if the Ukrainian (and Crimean) people are not too cross’d?  Is he about helping in their own jurisdictional rabbiting of consent more than terror?

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea is he a TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

What are the particulars most prescient (in a divine) for those not themselves of a cross’d innocence lost joined, however, in ups and downs footed and rabbited?  What are the particulars for those yet not cross’d yet of he that is cross’d?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of thought buried too taxing scandals.

By the words about the cross soon set commemorative we are gathered about Crimea as of new valleys to reason about before it maybe be too late for risen.  Alfred Lord Tennyson, I presume, hadn’t lost his marbles, not a smidgen worth.  President Obama may now be getting CHESS moves he hoped for without an apriori appreciation of a Russian potential about Syria policing maybe firstly wisely pre-staged by better defensive (naval) depths about the Crimean shores.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is past a smidgen worth of tagging as at only being of playing marbles isn’t it if President Vladimir Putin is a rising in the establishments of Russian Christian Orthodoxy maybe being preparatory to better crusading joined defensive new suppositions of naval deposits about the Crimea?  If we are to expect a Russian responsibility for its (guilt) of years in enabling just President Bashar al-Assad as a Russian compassionate conservativism shouldn’t we think it may be safer for Ukrainian if Crimean only seen as the home port of the Russian Crusades?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of (thought) buried too taxing scandals.

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea isn’t he also @ a/also TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.  Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion - ONLY - as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Isn’t it to atheists that a cross’d just as well if displayed, displayed otherwise by a noose, an electric chair, syringe, or a guillotine?  As ART yet of helping latitudes of attitudes for the preservation of realms of innocent until proven guilty?  We are, where ever, yet, however, Constituted much about the rabbiting joined in the “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” as the word of US by the first white President George Washington and his orations in New York City. 

We are always at a crossroads - a cross’d - as of our walks and net mobility.  Be careful, and forewarned yet to stay even, tall and from even a smidgen + of guilt!  Long live a carpe diem Miranda’d established, ordained, subscribed boldly writ “done” more perfect Union!

                                            *     *     *
[Yes, though as much about dadoes, or a dado paired pared, such here so chiseled sketchy of rabbits and rabbets.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:02 am

A first metric to a state of the current politics should be from an asking and measuring regarding how and if President Obama has been successful in his attempts to broadly cover-up for the presidency of the Clintons.

How long has it been since you wondered about the bank bailouts and T.A.R.P. and honestly queried if President Obama didn’t render an unfair politics about the housing crisis and economics of so many in mortgages to seeing near about a 40% drop in wealth valuation?  How long has it been since you honestly queried if the Government didn’t get the recovery all wrong?

To speak to economics today is complicated - is complicated for much irony in its recent mash ups.

To speak to economics these days,intelligently, near all need be fully considerate of corrupted politics deeply rooted, and dichotomies and trichotomies in cover-ups tangentially, at least, about every twisted official logic.

To speak to economics just now of New York City and proclaimed progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio one need first to think about the minimum wage, maybe, and how an increase now is justified ironically even for Republicans but because of truths about how the Democrats with their convenient uber-high green energy political pricing for energy have been both much to having caused the housing collapse, and having necessitated a higher minimum wage to balance so much of new costs of living. 

To simplify all economic discussions:  It likely would be simpler and better to undo the economics mess caused by the Democrat Party tunnel vision affectingness justifying a new and much higher minimum wage - it would be simpler to fix the too political economy than now to add “fixing” the minimum wage upon such mess.

For this, likely to most, to make any sense we should broach the concept that the Government also got the housing collapse “fixing” very wrong.  As we do such we are likely to have to consider it so advanced was more a needed partisan political CYA fix than a best and most intelligently considered “economic” fix.  As we do such we should be necessarily to having to consider that the way the “fix” was “in” was considerably of a politics at effecting at least a cover-up for economic culpability of the presidency of the Clintons.

President Obama is now five long years into such much still too much a JOBLESS RECOVERY, at best.  Isn’t it that the politics of covering up for the Clintons now best explain how and why so much is at best daily collapsing on itself anew?

President Clinton is hardly as good a politician as his political legacy public relations machinations maintain him as;  President Clinton now, as if firstly about Mrs. Clinton, is seemingly of a hope that he can offer an energy superior to President Obama. 

There are problems in believing, at least firstly, that President William Jefferson Clinton is at telling the truth - a even telling a whole truth.  There are serious political problems now about President Clinton seeming of puffery about remaking his shadow(s) every day.  There are serious political problems now in the air as the Clintons to “position” Mrs. Clinton seem to be presenting themselves as able to offer a new and better energy as a Democrat Party energy and leadership different from President Obama.  The biggest problem with such now in the air is that for it true be truthful and believable it then is able to be simply concluded that they must have for these past five years have been at holding out on or even sabotaging the presidency of Obama.

If it is possible now that the Clintons can offer a new and better way Democratic, already, firstly we should consider such can only be possible because President Obama has been successful enough in his, since day one, cover-up attempts for the Clintons.  Secondly we have to doubt - doubt - DOUBT! — Secondly we now necessarily have to consider that the Clintons can only, it seems, be of a different “hope” energy now if they for these past years have been at holding back and/or willful undermining of the presidency of Obama.

There may be too much at first to digest if at the entirety of the bull as one broaches that the housing crisis & bank bailouts were seriously flawed as effected too much with a CYA for the Clintons as a too affecting political a partisan bias.  It is that the energy in the air now as supposedly to launch Mrs. Clinton this time as actually inevitably the next President can only be of their “hope” if the Clintons did put themselves first and towards such for at east these past five years as if a keeping of their powder dry as said real rivals of this administration.  This can only now be a workable Clinton “energy” if the Clintons were these years to having held back economic solutions just so that they after President Obama could get the credit for any “fix” themselves.

As to the irony of the proposed increases in minimum wages as due now as if needed cost of living increases to adjust for the vast reductions in spending power since the first successes of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as of the Democrat Party intent to be to green energy politics:  IT IS MORE SADLY IRONIC THAT MAYOR DE BLASIO IS, TO ME, JUSTIFIED TO HIGHER TAXES ON THE CITY’S WELL TO DO BECAUSE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WORKED AN INEQUALITY QUITE UNFAIR WITH THE OBAMA LEAD “RECOVERY.”

Essentially a great truth rests in still measurable and considerable worked through economic and statistical metrics as to how the Democrats, more than the presidency of George W. Bush, did set up and then trigger the housing collapse.  It has been unfair how there has been a gross inequality as by saving the banks and while all eight GOP candidates for the Presidency had been of a personal innocence while of proclaiming that the People’s Government had caused the economic crashes so newly like a new DEPRESSION.

I have already pressed out treatments on economics to the effect that a minimum wage should in one hour in the USA economy be to being sufficient to like purchase three gallons of gas.  I am only getting started to a now needed series to how it isn’t just that so much is necessary and justified, and even tax increases in New York City — I am only getting started at a seemed necessary public stirring to new mash-ups to how such now is almost only necessary due to so many problems caused mostly justly (though not justly) by Democrat Party politics.

If you are new to finding my blogging and economic treatments perhaps you should firstly find the sampler at http://CitRB.net convenient.  It is our current conundrum that somehow a TEAM OF RIVALS worked for President Lincoln and the People and yet now has arguably been to not having actually worked for President Obama.

The Republicans, at least as by eight of GOP of the last race at the Presidency, have been to posturing the truth that the Government caused the housing collapse.  To understand such it helps to remember and consider their innocence in such tagging  and that such is a due condemnation on the Democrats and their tunnel vision too long about their green energy political economic ambitions.  In New York City now with its new mayor Mayor Bill de Blasio there is an politically rendered deep inequality from how President Obama effected such about troubled asset recovering.  Mayor de Blasio is, by my thinking, justified in raising taxes because there was so much inequality about the Democrats caused crash and recovery almost exclusively secured for valuations within the banks.

To understand how culpable the presidency of the Clintons should still be considered, perhaps you should start with SURPLUS’D QUEEN at http://JPHogan.org.

It should now be better economically to rather be at fixing the economy by wisely reversing so much so too much newly at a political and federally politically economics than to have to raise the minimum wage and to support higher taxes in New York City.  It is sadly ironic that what now seems necessary and justified is yet not known intelligently as only justifiable because so much that the Democrats have effected hasn’t been working - working as promised or proffered of “HOPE.”

I do not recall, at the moment, nor have I yet checked, if it is my LEGALLY BLACK - FREE BLACK? also of JPHogan.org that speaks more specifically to how President Clinton can be seen to have set up blacks more than most for failures economic and of the housing bubble hyper consumerism he pimp’d out dangerous while unfunding jobs creating and saving with the presidency of the Clintons reckless trillion in extra cuts for surplus.  Somewhere among my easily available already written is such a piece - I hope you can find it promptly.

The People of The United States of American near universally experienced a 40% drop of a crisis of valuation that has been sadly ironically too convenient to these years too much newly at a political economics.  To see much of this and the Clintons in a greater nakedness one will have to look and some because what I press about is itself less visible due to successes, some, I have now long had at defeating what may have been a worst of it.

The Democrats and especially the Clintons are worse than they appear.  I do believe that the T.A.R.P. was a wrong way to fix the housing collapse and of a great and vastly lingering inequality on the People generally.  Because, as Republicans have proffered, the Government caused the collapses the better and more fair way at recovery would have been at cost of living cash stipends, some, as like a rise in a minimum wage now posited but then when it should have been a more prudent and equitable mashable economic recovery strategy.  The convenient high price of gas to Democrats towards 2008 and beyond did trigger the housing collapse, and mostly only because President Clinton had undermined sound economics at least with the trillion in cuts of his unnecessary surpluses.

It seems now in the air that the Clintons are suggesting they can be better than the presidency of Obama and only now as possible likely if they were really rivals day and night and to being quite like of sabotaging the economy so that it wouldn’t recover until it could recover as by them.

There is too much to how the People of the housing devaluations should have been directly revalued as part of the “recovery” and how the Clintons, however, much are most to blame, and far more than however much blame so far due upon President Bush, to also now fit in here.  I have said some of it for the record already within my voluminous and available archived collections of artful at times blogs - I will consider now, and for a while, how much needs to said newly now and how much such now needs to be said with more clarity and specific metrics.

Again, I write about such as one who advised President Bush to step back from thoughts to “fixing” the housing/economic problems whence Iraq seemed to have stabilized and with a warning to him to do no more than work to postpone a general collapse for, to me, it seemed the economy would crash as soon as he attempted a “fix.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:17 am

That is them - they are the ones - stop them - it is them, stop them - it is they that did it.

Al Gore cannot be your hero.  Before he was Vice President he was a cut and run runner of initiating a dangerous vacuous breach in the sustainable Constitutional.  Before he was the loser of the Constitutional challenge of the 2000 Presidential race he was, though the VP to the Clintons, less than a sponsored favorite “son” of them;  VP Gore did create the Constitutional crisis that best explains his inferior case at the Supreme Court by his cutting and running catalyzed vacuous that predates the Clintons entrance into the 1992 Presidential contest. Al Gore is Al Gore’s biggest problem second only maybe to the Clintons.

To listen to an authority on the 1992 rise of the Clintons - to read of truths of such - can be to cacophony of surprises in literate and confounding explainings of oddly yet little known or even little considered truths.  The full dynamic of those times and such as per the rise of the Clintons is generally still unknown.  When on election day in November 2000 I while in James Carville and Mary Matalin’s WEST 23RD Washington DC Foggy Bottom eatery from lunch to near closing I was to telling James that I wasn’t sure Governor Bush was ready, and, too, that if VP Al Gore was elected I very well might move out of the USA and even surrender my citizenship.  The real story of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 is known to me and not hardly flattering to Al Gore.

There is a story that still needs to be told to how the Democrats needed to be saved from themselves in the early 1990s and how the nation of The United States of America too needed to be saved and saved from a greatest threat to its national security by a dangerous from the Democrats being so too predictable (and bitter).  There have been Democrats that have been defeated - needed to be defeated - not for having a partisan ideology but because they were so predictable in a methodology trenchant that they presented a great threat to the national security of The United States of America.

Enter Stanley Greenberg and too the then Op-Ed columnists of The New York Times, and the imparted wisdom from the late Arthur M. Menadier and too the late Joseph V. Connolly Jr. - an imparted hooked-up “Mad Men” like New York City multi-national corporate marketing sense/prudence.  Per the rise of the Clintons in 1992 Stanley Greenberg is more the cart and a passenger on it than a horse at being in the lead — per an authority on the hardly well explained rise of the Clintons in 1992 and success up against President Bush while near of an earned 87% popularity it is that Stanley Greenberg should have been able to help the Clintons by seeing what was stirred in the spirit of old top Madison Ave “Mad Men” for him to see and see without knowing its origins and genius as set up for him yet to be able to see and measure.  The rise of the Clintons in 1992 is some of that hardly yet known generally of initiatives for positive and necessary change in a nick of time that was at times a good six months ahead of any polls by Stanley Greenberg my old, and then still, neighbor.

Hillary Clinton would be a fool to enter the 2016 Presidential race.  President Bill Clinton would not be wise to push his wife into entering even as great as his need to be seen as globally back on top may be.  The story to be still told in an authority of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 and as a more deep explanation of the politics and new world order of those days will only diminish the Clintons and their legacy further.  It is sad for President Obama that the fuller and deeper telling of these years before the Clintons succeeded surprisingly in 1992 will quit clearly explain that he has been wrong with the foreign policy and even statements much of his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton massively since day one and so of a faulty think rooted in an ignorance of the early 1990s and real but still too little known considerable threats to The United States of America.

President Barack Hussein Obama now has a quid pro quo problem that too belongs to the Clintons and such as should be to dwarfing yet the accusations of a Virginia based quid pro quo if so by Governor Bob McDonnell.  With quid pro quo the new Monica we are asked to consider what is or is not quid pro quo and or craftsmanship or art versus what might be free speech or clean enough politics.  It seems per the Grammys that artists of the musical have reached beyond the Democrats marches to a new nationalism (musical) mash and themselves quite liberatingly to a new bi-partisan or non-partisan or cross-partisan.  Them Democrats too much too long to a convenient crisis beats to a Machiavellian “how to stay the one in power” conductive are those that did it - are they that decimated so many to new notations more humbled and too assimilated under them.

Can it be illegal for a Governor Bob McDonnell to appreciate the artisan craftsmanship of a Rolex or a Ferrari and not illegal as grossly more generous in an improper gifting too much as of a Hollywood or musical propaganda as a quid pro quo of Democrats?  How can a creative artist be not of a quid pro quo if of a political art beat out too much as propaganda and a material artist say of craftsmanship of a watch or luxury car not equally be celebrated and appreciated as yet a form of free speech?

It is alarming that they did it - that they are the ones - the ones that should be stopped - those that did it ten fold to a hundred fold more of a quid pro quo, at least.  It is already quit damning for the Clintons how they did operate and administration (too) close to Hollywood (at least) and be to having Philip Bobbitt as one of their of their National Security Council report and support in his TERROR AND CONSENT how they can be said by their lies to have begotten terrorism by being too closely politically operating with the creative artists of Hollywood — Right!  A Clintons’ own NSC member by his book has told the world that there are real dangers from a White House working politically too close with Hollywood and that such dangers as from his experience at least under the Clintons is the danger from such “work” begetting real terrorism.

Philip Bobbitt is not as uniformed as per the rise of the Clintons as most - he had drinks with this “authority” of the such era in US History when it was that it was wise to consider that some to too many Democrats constituted the greatest threat to national security by their predicability.  Yes, I did try to lead the polls taken and reported whence by at least Stanley Greenberg and some with a choreography more complex and out of time with time warp complexity beyond a fathoming (yet) at least by President Barack Obama and nor it seems by either of the Clinton “two-fer.”  It is that I did have drinks with Philip Bobbitt in New Haven after he spoke in an open to the public regular class turned lecture of Ruth Wedgewood’s Yale Law class and was then to some explaining that there was a time warp (of a private sector “Mad Men” like marketing initiative) that he too may not be yet considering and as critically important to knowing if to build on the early 1990s more to how if at all it could be to safely building so upon.  In such class that I visited as of the “public” invited at Yale Law School during the Clintons’ administration my question to Philip Bobbitt was near: 


(This was a query from a gut feeling but not a seeing that haunted until 9/10/2001 as the evening of 9/11 that I was of to feeling an attack was coming that the Clintons were not even seriously considering. As it is I was on 9/10/2001 in the evening considering that while still concerned I was near to going personally bankrupt from keeping so much time towards such concern as if it were still a real concern that developed from the early first moves of the Clintons per the Middle East and Iraq.  As it is I decided to have a reality check with myself as per such suspicion of an unseen but sense threat from the politics and foreign policy of decisions by President Clinton in his first days and that I should decide going forward starting on the morning of 9/11/2001 that I must have been wrong about such a threat of being of any real likelihood or potential.)

Right, I woke on 9/11/2001 and decided to travel across town in DC from my apartment near Eastern Market on Capitol Hill to the home the job site for that day in the Georgetown area by ways of the Mall and then up 17th Street NW along side the Old Executive Office Building and so as near to The White House.  As it is Condoleezza Rice had already been a construction client through a subcontracting of me for new closet doors in The Watergate and since my current client used to be a dosen (tour guide) in The Old Executive Office Building I was to thinking of Bush’s NSA Rice as it seems as her last thought prior to her assistant notifying her of a plane striking one of the World Trade towers.  I only later learned of such timing as I didn’t know of the terrorist attacks until later in the morning and after I had seriously and completely removed permanently the front door at such site.  I did recall the time I passed by The White House on 17th Street NW and for a thought to a professional referral spiriting from my former client Bush’s NSA Rice - but right, I didn’t know until later and after I had to stay and work through the events while being at installing a new front door in the Georgetown area.

I am an authority on the 1992 unexpected rise and surprising success by the Clintons.  It is what my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM was written to make possible.  That said:  President Obama is still politically in jeopardy from an ignorance of a greater truth about such years, and has been by such history actually transpired now been too long too wrong and originally wrong quite on much if not all of that as foreign policy and diplomacy with his first Secretary of State.  I know what I tried to do - I know what I meant to accomplish - I fairly well know how and when I succeeded - and, yes I know that a greatest threat to the national security of The United States of America did much to motivate me to such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM crisis management volunteered political corrective writing to max positive change upon the waves of the new world order and while so of a concern that too many Democrats were a great danger from being themselves too predictable.

This is them - this is of a real them - it is they whom did it more than most - it is they whom most did it - did it poorly.

We have that the Presidency of the Clintons took to much as able to be teased and ignored, and that it is that they did and still do work at falsely blaming others and too many of the Republican Party for what was malicious as from them at begetting terrorism however by a now to be generally discussed defining of what is or is not illegal quid pro quo.

                                         *     *     *

Note:  Best that I recall the decision by new President William Jefferson Clinton that I air here was pertaining to the Middle East and specifically Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  Best that I recall this decision was of he deciding not a should or shouldn’t become engaged but of a deciding that he didn’t want to personally and so wouldn’t.  Best that I recall this very decision did diverge from my otherwise considerate think and strategizing of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that does itself help explain the times and the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.  Best that I recall it was that I became aware of such decision and a to a sense of doom from it of a visceral resonance akin to the thought IF HE GOES THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED.  Best that I recall, and to now as time has elapsed to confirm by other efforts that my advice otherwise would have held up/worked out, President Clinton did decide to diverge from the road of my political writing and poetry much as it though does still best explain his 1992 success and that when he did so decide to not be as serious as it was he left me so with a sense of doom that for his selfish deciding America was to then be even maybe justified by his avoidance as a target for an attack and one on its homelands.  Really, this is how the original thought haunted me from such day President Clinton seemed to decisively diverge from the more serious reasoning of his getting elected to the eve of 9/11.

As I live it still it is that though I considered and penned my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM to mediate and prevent through a curative positive change new world order politics and political correctness and as of an offered new way for the media to write more simple as of by race in a black and white simplicity due to the selfish political early decision of President Clinton it became from such original purpose otherwise to be guarded then forward for it and me to be prepared as best as possible for its use for a recovery if perchance my haunting gut visceral doom sense did turn out to be right. As I live it still such did then get used after 9/11 towards a knowing considerate expedited recovery even though the thinking had been in the 1992 era as originally meant to be prophylactic.  As I live I know the Clintons too well to ever advise anyone to vote again for them.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:56 am

What is intelligence?  What might be the results of an IQ test today in Davos of those gathered of the World Economic Forum?

Are they smarter than an average white American Democrat woman?  Any American woman over the age of 50?

It seems multiple choice queries would complicate what can now be limited to point and counter point and as focused around one current public figure and even so as such representative of the sex of female.

These may be better to be presented as a bulleted list as if for essays on point and counter points:  Discuss:

  1. Hillary Clinton of 1992 race did how oddly help Governor Clinton so succeed yet while they can be said to have run against family values.
  2. Hillary Clinton is a conundrum in a postured “feminism” how was it wrong in a management methodology for a First Lady to be otherwise structured in a West Wing job of a bureaucratic submissive duty to a President as spouse?  Wasn’t she an equal in marriage as First Lady but by choice just an underling as of a “job” in the Clinton Administration?
  3. Hillary Clinton has seemingly made a career of putting her husband and his career first - discuss how this now can be seen as an “example” of feminism.
  4. Hillary Clinton as First Lady did crusade across the world quite imperialistically of dictates as to how people of different cultural regions yet should be treating their women as she said.  Did she think about “turf” and “turfs” and enough how she was rabidly being inciting and incendiary to those more orthodox or radicalized?  How but for a surge in Afghanistan could she have seen her crusading not just have been of talk say for about fifty years — how was her crusading as First Lady supposed to have any muscle to it if not by future military intervention by armed forces of The United States of America?
  5. Hillary Clinton seems set up by spousal husbandry in executive decisions biased for selfish political positioning to be arranged to be inevitable and yet in a worked dramatic to be to cast to be a HAWK to a DOVE/Lover Boy image for her Husband.  Now in hindsight how dangerous was it that the Clintons seem to have postponed prudent global engagements during their eight years too much just because they though it might be more fun if such saved for a Presidency for HAWKISH Hillary?
  6. Hillary Clinton talked tough as First Lady and tougher in ways that her spouse the President.  Was President Clinton of avoidance and inaction because he was yellow at the helm of the ship of State or was it a more dangerous politics of thinking time could wait upon their plans for his/their return via an election of them by a ticketing of his wife?
  7. Hillary Clinton did try to sell Hillarycare as if “universal” though just for a nation - but now how is it that the Democrats supposed leading authority/expert on healthcare asked to be Secretary of State and not the Secretary of Health and Human Services responsible for showing Obamacare could and would work?
  8. Hillary Clinton asked to be Secretary of State — How for feminism does this complicate a “feminist” tag for her?  Isn’t it that at State she seems to have been to being a facilitator for her husband and his global initiatives and like yet a travel office still for his priorities?  Isn’t it that at State she was supposed to be a “rival” to President Obama and that so there her loyalty has to be questioned as it seems reasonable that Clintons did want her at State to help them be together in global initiatives of a rivalry to President Obama?  How is it feminism for her to have been so compromised by CGI and especially as she was then the officer of the Obama cabinet most responsible for oversight duty to the People about Bill Clintons’ vast meddling by global initiatives?
  9. Hillary Clinton did not have any executive experience until she was President Obama’s Secretary of State, right?  Though she pledged if President she would be ready from day one and even at any 3am/crisis moment isn’t it that even with lesser and more focused duties just of State she did fail to live up to her promises? 
  10. Hillary Clinton did serve a few years as a Senator from New York state.  Isn’t her time as Senator really now historically her only resume stuffing as her as a politician?  How many years as a politician should we think necessary for any candidate for the Presidency?  Have we learned yet that as few as she and President Obama had really is too little and as it also so it seems devoid in executive instinct and experiences?
  11. Hillary Clinton didn’t insist on being HHS Secretary — could she have done at least as good a job as the executive in charge of launching a workable Obamacare?  She supposedly was the Democrats top expert due to her years attempting to bring a national Hillarycare said “universal” likewise to The United States proper — wasn’t President Obama best chance for healthcare reform to have been if Hillary Clinton had been at HHS and firstly to caring about the People and their healthcare?
  12. Hillary Clinton is of the plurality of “The Clintons” as per their former NSC member Philip Bobbitt and his book TERROR AND CONSENT.  She insisted on being part of the bureaucracy of the administration and not yet safely private and equal as just First Lady Hillary — any candidate Hillary now is of the title as TERROR AND CONSENT and not TERROR OR CONSENT and how he as a national security expert was to explaining that the Clintons lies do beget terrorism.  Philip Bobbitt’s words were known before half of her Hollywood thought friends publicly humilated her with tagging of the Clintons as BIG LIARS — but as per his warning per terror like that when a White House and Hollywood work too closely together (in posturing lies) such does dangerously beget terrorism.  It seems the Clintons in 2008 were defeated by themselves - by truths and warnings from their own circle of friends and national security experts - it seems still that Hillary Clinton lost in 2008 because enough new by Hollywood fractured friendships and TERROR AND CONSENT that the Clintons were BIG LIARS and that their lying was by at least one expert said to be of begetting terrorism.
  13. Hillary Clinton, however really a feminist or not, seems, however set up to be a HAWK to a DOVE earlier by her husband administering, too much still as of a yet unexplained “inevitable” as if she was best to be elected because she already had a working relationship with so many of those now deposed across the world that could last.  Right?  Hillary Clinton though of no executive experience and no personal experience as a politician but her few years as a Senator was in 2008 of suggesting she was the best candidate because the Clintons were still better friends around the world with socialists, tyrants, autocrats, and even specifically dictators more now of the deposed?

Ok, all can participate.  Please work up your 13 essays to at least develop your own critical thinking.  It seems we have to dissect Hillary Clinton at least and now as we can be said to of economies that haven’t been able to recover while of days newly where a dynamic of the economics is that more women are now in management and executive duties these days as recovery has been slow or barely existent.  Across all thirteen essay teased posits we have a consideration that maybe women are more to blame and as these days are of a new dynamic so of a record number of women now, however, running things.

Ok, with all this said it may be and should be polite to let the women go first.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

This is likely going to take a while.

President Barack Hussein Obama has three years roughly to rain revenge and retribution upon New York City.

President Barack Hussein Obama, unless the Obama women are too weak, has to hit back against the punking of him by the brand new mayor of New York City at least for his ceremonial swearing in by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

President Barack Hussein Obama now should be drying up or dry docking as much or all the funding he has within his reach as federal that can be allotted to New York City.  It is a punking of the current Democrat President by a former Democrat President and such current President’s former Secretary of State and nothing less that transpired today.  President Barack Hussein Obama due to the persistent insubordinate politics of President William Jefferson Clinton should where ever and however he can be to blocking and stopping any or all federal funding for the new mayor Bill de Blasio.

I have long warned President Obama not to trust the Clintons and sometimes by making an example of how they turned on the too generous familial friendship the Bush clan offered the Clintons regularly and quite as if willing to ask to be treated like family and then forgiven as “family” after turning on the family and politically by like stabbing many of the clan in the back.

I have long tried to educate enough and have met a minimum moral standard by a public availability for all via my blogs towards a prepositioning alarming and at times dramatic alerting of danger in and of trusting either Bill or Hillary Clinton.  It is basically summable that Bill Clinton has Hillary Clinton loyal and supportive in he as an American Russian Bear like V. Putin and able even through her feminism, however, to again being President and even if it means that the First Black President of The United States of America is then more punked and while black than “President” Medvedev ever was actually.

It should be a new political reality for New York City that the current actual President is now cornered by his former Secretary of State and the former President Clinton to a new politics of being as cheap for New York City and maybe likewise New York State at least as the Clinton co-Administration was when of cutting an extra and unnecessary trillion from budgeted spending to have a thought impossible short term political popularity and while that of near all of their extra trillion cut for surpluses was later confirmed to have been cut from necessary spending that was needed to then actually support all the devilish hyper-consumerism of short term home economics thinking as specifically of the political leadership by the Clintons to so many off the financial cliffs from believing in the Clintons while they pimped them and pimped them into loans and spending however for mortgages that were known to be too risky at least to the Clintons.

President Barack Hussein Obama is politically now justified due to insubordination by the Clintons and their political machinations to create New York City as like a Federal “dry” zone free as much as yet possible from any funding he has yet control of.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

It should be fair, politically, and however progressively, to point out that the Clintons have given the First Black President good cause and reason to see how much New York City can and will be able to afford now more by its lonesome Clinton associated mass.

National politics still has to be about whom and from where they of their whom as to whom is in power in DC and now as President Barack Hussein Obama should have Republican bi-partisan support to even move money from New York City and state and at least to nearer to Chicago, and, as it is what politics is all about maybe seriously for the next three years.  Seems!!!

                                          *     *      *

          >>>  TO BE CONTINUED  <<<

{It should only get worse from here.  Please if you are brave enough check back to learn how much worse the Clintons have likely now made it for New York City than progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio was likely to have accomplished all by his lonesome.}

                     HTTP://CITRB.NET   #CITRB

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads as President William Jefferson Clinton needing to reach for an appropriate Bill for the solemn and mournful of the passing of President Nelson Mandela.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads and as per white pride in American politics (the politics of the unified confederate republic of North America) and how we are much stopped here with too many alternate route options to choose from for President & Mrs. Clinton and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives, at least.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads for myself of my personal memories of the Clintons that date back to when I was near a first grader in New Haven, CT.  I know from our experiences that Bill Clinton as a Yale Law student was quick to lie and to as well then ask one as myself near first grade to lie - to lie about his lying about my God’s honest but inconvenient answer.  I still know this Bill Clinton as a real Bill Clinton.

“White Pride” is a good term to anchor a historical discussion on the person and politics of William Jefferson Clinton.  I know from our first encounter and the bad first impression that he was willing to lie to Hillary Rodham to her face and about what my answer had actually been.  That by marrying Bill it seems that William Jefferson Clinton was saved by Hillary Rodham from having to become a feminist himself — by getting Yale’s top feminist to marry him and put him first he was protected from feminism himself, quite.

“White Pride” is a good starting point perchance to see what seems as many different ways forward as if with the “Clinton Option” as really most of the routes best to be avoided.  As by getting Yale Law School’s top feminist of the Clintons’ years to be his bride Bill Clinton did escape having to let women be above him for Hillary Rodham had agreed to put him first and as it seems until he himself was no longer legally allowed to be elected President. 

“White Pride” is a terrible consideration to have in this day for any current or former President of the confederate republic of The United States of America.  But as per his trickery around feminism he has his story as well of a say “competitiveness” to be a white above blacks, and as it seems a real part of his modus operandi.  It seems we have that President Nelson Mandela was a friend to the Clintons while they had power — it seems he couldn’t run for Governor of Arkansas nor President of The United States of America, and that such is considerable.

I have more problems with the Clintons and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives than can fit here.  When I heard from Randi Weingarten via a broadcast of the Monitor’s breakfast minutes tour that their CGI is also being a shadow/parallel like government alternative for her teachers realm it became even more concerning how there really is too much concerning and as if a shadow government by the Clintons & associations by CGI to fit in a single column.

One President said of another President while so many were gathered at the dedication of the opening of the President George W. Bush Library that President Bush was willing to and did do more for Africa than the Clintons co-Administration had been willing to do during their 8 years.  It is telling that President Carter praised President Bush and so bashed both President & Mrs. Clinton so.  It is telling that it could be so and that as well that it can be partly explained as a “White Pride” and as of a seriousness of a trillion in surplus as reckless and unnecessary cuts.

After President Clinton’s embarrassing impeachment and disbarrments it seemed that his AFRICA focus was PR damage control as if a tour in penitence.  It is considerable that President Clinton to restore some honor to his family was oddly to focusing on AFRICA in ways though that were to population control of blacks.  How many blacks can we say were not born because President Clinton spread his ways via a message of dangers in extramarital coital and prescriptions political for prophylactics?  Really the Clinton shift to AFRICA focus also played into his autocratic (global autocratic) wants as he while so seemingly was so that he could be bowed to as the Condom King - even and AFRICAN CONDOM KING.

We must duly consider the permanent record of William Jefferson Clinton as much as we can by the architecture of the Clintons’ presidential library while for decades still that more specifically real remains secured and quite locked away from us.  By the name of their choice of architect it is undeniable that the design was meant by its “cantilever” to be washed for the ages as it is in a color of the Old South as considerable so as a Confederate Gray.  The Clintons did set their foundations in a permanent architecture that is what it appears to be as exposed phallic as a driving Sherman tank or a BIG Navy Gun.  The Clintons can get school children, anywhere, now in trouble for if any were to say bite or tear their sandwich into the erected design of their library they too would have rendered inappropriately a “gun” shape — children can get suspended in this day an age, yes, for trying to depict the made permanent face of the Clintons.

How much information is too much information — How much information is uncomfortable and yet too true to yet maintain the covers of their say “White Pride”?  Is it TMI already that we can be yet at a crossroads and so that we are still even talking well of either President or Mrs. Clinton?  Isn’t it that their story writes itself now even without their co-administration protected official records?  Isn’t it that their story has been stressed enough these years that beyond their obvious establishments the faults and flaws of their designs have been brought out and set out before us all?

Born William Blythe III he whom became William Jefferson Clinton stayed yet by name of the era of the US revolution and independence, yet so in ways he/they avoided teachable moments as teachable moments presented during their co-Presidency.  (I have to use “co-Presidency” as the Clintons’ game of politics and administering is too embedded and personal to separate to be more honestly other than a power-couple intimate collusion.)  Captain William Bligh was he so of the HMS Bounty as made legendary and as about mutiny — the Bounty so as of the record did set sail in the days soon after the British had to find ways then forward with its American colonies declared independent.  Governor Clinton of New York is a he of those days that may be most the model of “Clinton” for both of the Clintons and too too of a anti-federalism politics.

William Jefferson Clinton, however born Christian in name, did grow up a white man of the South.  It may be that he has had black friends and been willing to master as best he could over many politically, and, Nelson Mandela may have been a friend beyond the politics of the Clintons being white people with power he couldn’t ignore.  It is that whom Hillary Rodham is to this of Bill Clinton of a struggle in a “White Pride” must be left mostly for a later but not too late consideration.  She agreed to put him first though she then much the top feminist of Yale Law School of their years, and as it seems until he was no longer legally able to be elected President of The United States of America.  She, to be brief, must have been a collaborator in the choice of architect and design for the library for their co-Presidency and that it is permanently set in a phallic charging state in a Confederate Gray.

But as we are stuck at this a crossroads, it is that, beyond being so toppable by President George W. Bush, as by commendation by President Jimmy Carter, at the opening of the honorable and conservatively set 2nd Bush Library, President William Jefferson Clinton of his Presidency is/was as joined with another Southern white Albert Gore in the Vice Presidency - Al Gore the son of a Southern plantation - a Southern white son of a White owned and operated tobacco plantation whom is reported still to keep only blacks about the house for domestic services.  What really says politically a “we are of ‘White Pride’” but to men of the South as a President and Vice President?

As yet I haven’t said that William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, nor Albert Arnold Gore are actually racists.

As yet and forward I don’t expect that I will say what you should decide for yourselves - I am offering here what is of the permanent and customly set permanent records now yet available for the Clinton/Gore “politics.”

We should feel for Detroit - we should really feel for Detroit and as of a black & white politics one penny at a time of consideration of how unnecessary and irresponsible the Clintons’ trillion in cuts for the Clintons’ Surpluses actually was.  Detroit may now be the clearest road forward for those with open eyes as it may be the real Ground Zero of the “racism” that may be beyond yet now only as a worked “White Pride.”  It is to be yet fully considered that Detroit may be the best contrasting visible example of how the Clintons and their “economics” did hurt blacks the most.

It is an inconvenient truth that we are too many by the ways of Hillary Rodham Clinton - the Feminist that doesn’t cook/bake - kept from the real “kitchen” of the Clintons (and Gore?) “politics.”  We could not have had the housing collapse without Al Gore globally trotting politicized “science” in a most alarming “END OF THE WORLD” preponderance and nor if then Senator Mrs. Clinton wasn’t to a collusion in GREEN alarmism “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” polarizing partisan politics with he socialistic pledge to disrupt economies by a Government seizing of all the profits of all the oil companies.  The price of gas as it spiked with the campaigning crusading by Mr. Science Gore and President wanna be Senator Mrs. Clinton did trigger the housing collapse that was essentially set up by the Clintons surplus cuts and their pimp’n of the risky mortgages albeit with still their hyper-consumerism. 

It is a political point to be queried still if it were not the American blacks that have suffered the most financially and spiritually from the housing collapse.  It is an equally considerable concern that it may be that the blacks of the Clintons & Gore South were those that hurt the most personally and financially first though by the guidance of the Clinton/Gore co-Presidency of the Clintons as it was to those at least “poor” of their realms being those whom have lost the most while gaining the most - while gaining so much that the average personal weights for Americans is so noticeably higher as measurable just for the Clinton/Gore years.  It has been heard on TV years ago from one said a “doctor friend” of the Clintons that the USA could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just get back to the average personal body weight as it was before Bill and Hillary became the First Couple.

We are at a crossroads and yes there is too much information.  To be brief as per TMI here now:  It seems considerable that William Jefferson Clinton is still as he was that first time we met and as one whom is quick to lie and willing then to ask a child of near first grade to then lie with him as it was to Hillary Rodham about what he/I had given firstly as my God’s honest answer.  As per Detroit there are a trillion ways the Clintons are responsible and as it is that blacks may have been those most ill effected - and there are more than a trillion ways if we look more closely in a pecuniary smaller than per dollar.

We have to get the Clintons to own the housing collapse.  Such as the housing collapse may reveal them of a “White Pride” in more than a few ways and with that information already of a public purview.  Such as the housing collapse was only possible because of the spiking of gas prices that arose from the crusading of Vice President Al Gore and Senator Mrs. Clinton so as it was of them putting polar bears and the earth ahead of many or most humans.  The Clintons may be said to have helped fight the old banking practices of red lining but in the end it seems that they had obvious hands together in making sure that such couldn’t and wouldn’t last. 

Who really are the Clintons?  Are they more Governor Clinton whence of New York State and his objections to the proposed Constitution, and aren’t they so now as quite remarkably internationally with their too autocratic initiatives now globally as if as much anti-federalist opportunists?

To be brief as really these are days so trying as us all stopped at a crossroads with too much TMI before us just about the Clintons to know where safely yet we can head:  The Clintons are yet by floating “Hillary” for 2016 are firstly to positing that she can easily be better as a President than Barack Hussein Obama, was a better FLOTUS than First Lady Michelle Obama, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Colin Powell, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Condoleezza Rice, and too is to be “politically” an inevitable of more HOPE and potential even say than what seems a timely poetic possible 2016 teaming if by US towards our future otherwise with a “PATRICK - BOOKER in 2016 - LET US SHOW YOU HOW ROMNEYCARE CAN WORK FOR YOUR STATE TOO.”

We are stuck at a crossroads and yet as per the “information” considerable it is that the “cooking” of Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives is available for criticism by a sum of its parts - by a review of the proposed “ingredients” and as it is that times are showing that when combined they can only really congeal to this our current mess.


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Note:  Randi Weingarten - your remarks of the Monitor and its minutes tour so seen pass are very concerning.  For the sake of story and structure and brevity I have to now leave your dissection much for a later rendition.  It is that you too made it sound as if the Clintons are gainfully engaged in operating a rival and much shadow government, and, this yet is politically confusing for as they are “privatizing” more in a global autocratic President Barack Hussein Obama is yet embracing them “politically” as if friendly and while he though is working to centralize and socialize to Government only - to BIG GOVERNMENT knows best “governance.”  I could not follow your reasoning as it seemed to forget or ignore that the teachers supposedly were those of a lot whom were tasked to teaching so many or just enough how to avoid the very messes that their ignorance or biases did construct.  I have to leave your contrariness for later and likely find ways in my waiting to discuss too more fully how it is that William Jefferson Clinton, at least, felt it right to try to stay politically above blacks and for as long a possible and had at least Hillary Rodham originally embedded in such as a “White Pride” “politics.”  It is more for you to decide how to teach this “politics” of the Clintons and too how President George W. Bush seemed also to have a more racially balance and say “integrated” cabinet.  President of teachers association Randi Weingarten:  BEWARE OF THE AMERICAN BORN AUTOCRAT WANNA BEES!

Note:  The use of “CROSSROADS” in this piece is partly musical as a recollection of an old competitive musical silver screen dramatization and anchoring as it is that I was graduated in 1983 from Wilbur Cross High School (The Governors) and after also having been the Business Editor for our CROSSWORDS literary magazine and a staff photographer for our CROSSROADS yearbook.  My high school is an inner city public establishment of the now much revolutionized New Haven Public School system.  I was in high school, though it was then a block from my home in a mostly white and professional middle class neighborhood, considerable as a minority while white among its student body, though not as per the overall general city populace.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:09 am

One thing we now near all should be able to agree on is that we have been heading in the wrong direction for at least the past five years.  Well, maybe what we can all agree on is that after near five years it is just odd the the car of the economy is still in the same ditch.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There must be something for consumption in all of this as Vice President Joseph Biden himself has been seen and heard of proclamations by adages that do backfire upon himself and his boss The President.  There must be something in it however much it also an adage of the ages that VP Biden has proclaimed that “you cannot fix something if you do not understand what caused it to be broken in the first place.” {paraphrasing - thought full enough though words variant}

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

With us all still so in the ditch it seems and #OnStar or #411 response could be of advice to ditch the Clintons and Obama and as they are huddled as in a gaggle of czars in solidarity yet poor performance.  It seems after five years we have to be ready to accept that the Clintons’ economic experts however the same lot of czarish for President Obama are the problem - not the solution.  It seems whomever the car belongs to it is that the “economics” of the Clintons’ economics experts were those driving via campaign routes and not accidentally at fault due to any highway hypnosis.  The facts are clear, it seems, that President Barack Obama used the very “economic experts” that the Clintons’ would have if the Clinton “two-fer” hadn’t been so easily defeated, and, it seems President Obama with such “team” of “czars” was necessarily to an “economics” so politicized by having a responsibility to try to keep all the same campaign promises that he made though while it may be that the Clintons’ had been first to broaching them publicly.

There is a case to be made that President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State should go down in history as one of the worst TOP Diplomats in all of the years of the Constituted United States of America.  It is like being to better understanding the Co-Presidency of the Clintons when one wraps their mind around just the possibility of this as a truth.  For their Presidency and her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton it behoove all to consider a review otherwise than yet encouraged as by a retrospective hindsight considerate that for what they had to work with it can be that they did much in the 90s and while of collusion, as it seems global, with State & CGI they squandered too much.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton of CGI can be tagged and mashed as a worst Secretary of State much because for what she had to work with she basically squandered a new record amount of the possible.

I/we should get to later an informed review and judging of much of all that is Mrs. Clinton of CGI and 2016 teasing.  I/we should prepare ourselves for a possible truth that the said global fix needed after the foreign relations of the administering of the Presidency of George W. Bush now long hyped as if the “American” “reputation” abroad had been ruined is a mirage of falsity and in propaganda.  It seems that those that had stopped liking America under the years between a Clinton as an Executive Branch head may be categorically really a lot of states that we better to have been years longer of a working tough love “diplomacy.”  It may be that we will discover that a majority of those that complained about America were disappointed dictators and tyrants and/or of a socialism set.  It seems with the Democrat run economy still stuck in the same ditch as from their campaign route & “expert” driving we have to wise up to it that the said “glory” of “Hillary” for the “American” “reputation” hasn’t been good economically for anyone - it seems the science should confirm that those we are now closer to and better “friends” globally are a lot of a State calculus as variables which could better have been exponential if the FREEDOM AGENDA S.O.P. of by “tough love” had stayed the course.

The new frontier now is a variation of the old new world order new problema prolegomena about a Socialism vs. Capitalism federalism conundrum.  It seems that President Obama is out and Mayor Bill de Blasio is in.  Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio is inheriting a city that had to be fixed before President George H. W. Bush could advance a due prosecution on Saddam Hussein with a rap to the Persian Gulf War by a taking of Baghdad.  Basically the USA would have been trapped and likely globally ambushed by a more informed public relations army of Saddam and Islam sympathetics if it had, however, with the grand coalition, been to moving on to Baghdad before it first moved to set a better “possible” and “potential” example in #UrbanMorals by way of prefacing a prosecution of Saddam Hussein firstly with a saving of Time Square & the Greater New York City Metropolitan as well as Las Vegas.

You have found my blogs.  But yet have you realized that such is what I was saying whence with what authority I could muster before it was that maybe the USA & coalition had moved beyond a point of return and into what may have been a turning of tides in Saddam Hussein’s favor by way of a trap set for a global ambush meant to flush out so much that was then a real concern of American ignorance and overconfidence?  But yet have you considered that so much of what I did that the Clintons so benefited from was of my dedicated focus, however a hobby but towards an international success in at least marketing skills eventually, and firstly figured some to protect people from the thinking of the Clintons that I knew and yet more firstly as an honoring and progressing from President Ronald Reagan and strategically so that it was meant to then be to such working as it was for the Clintons but as developed and strategized intentionally but as for a second term for President George H. W. Bush?  Right!  The Clintons have benefited too much and now obviously unknowingly or too much of a corruption from what I figured for decades and work at effecting actually to be more as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and so as a wonderment as possible yet though for a second term for President Bush.

To escape from the ranks and bondage of the Obama Democrat long arms of Socialism and their years too much of a economic killing nationalism marketing Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio may have to explain that he can stand separate and even more equal and some for a simple political truth that President Obama is basically bankrupt - out of money.  To be an #UrbanMoralist under President Obama, however, Mayor de Blasio should be coincidentally charged in a responsibility to demonstrate how much and how well his five boroughs can and will stand alone and of the “green minimalism” as a new “poverty level” propaganda of a #ClimateChange localism.  It is a poignant variable for such political calculus of the urban the new frontier and anew so of the old of the federalism debates;  it is poignant that per Obamacare aka The Affordable Care Act that if New York City cannot afford to fully cover all of its county basis than it must be concluded that it can figure that then Obama’s healthcare reforms are of a design and methodology that can not be afford nationally.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There is such a thing as #MoralCapitalism.  In the markets of the economics of the capitalism about The United States of America there is that there is set a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion and that for commerce to be sanctionable it must be some of adherence to an established morality separate from the State.

No REALLY there is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton was so bad a Secretary of State that it is comparable in a political history heft as if Thomas Jefferson had not made the Louisiana purchase.  She squandered a rare opportunity in the history of mankind to take a first step herself with the incredible potential in tough love furtherance that was developed by (but not intentionally with?) the Bush Administration’s FREEDOM AGENDA global standard operating procedures.

But to get to Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as the actual “WORST SECRETARY IN US HISTORY” it is considerable in its complexity that first we have to look at her days as First Lady Mrs. Clinton in the Co-Presidency of the Clintons some for her “guidance” but more to rule out that Secretary Warren Christopher and/or Secretary Madeleine Albright were not indeed worser at such job.

For first consideration it behoove us all so oddly still entrenched in the ditch of the trenchant “Clinton economic experts” of the Obama economic team, however too czarish, to refresh and reset our discourse political as New York city and other urban realms stir as a new frontier so that too we are wised up to a reality that as inherited by the Co-Presidency of the Clintons by the hard and long trying work of Presidents Reagan and Bush it is that the United States could have and should have been to a full prosecution of the United Nations sanctions on Iraq and an already overdue prosecution of Saddam Hussein within that which was the Clintons’ first term, however it would better have been the second term of President Bush.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:55 am

President William Jefferson Clinton is now, for Posterity, due a polity of comity, and, he is for a general Welfare now but a dog that does not hunt.  It is of our modern interpretive of Tranquility that we of People of the subscriptions in more perfect Union under the God of the Founders by their ordaining and establishing whence thence in such Year of their Lord are faced with it a difficult prolegomena as President Clinton now for Justice is much a turkey still to be plucked.  To now anew secure the Blessings of Liberty of the promise and consecrated of the Constitution for the United States of America in Order and about the modern conundrums we need to preserve and protect a free press.

It seems as we all are sandaled by Saint Francis Assisi some by callings to joint missionary by way of Peter and the new Pope Francis we should be thankful for so much of President Ronald Reagan that has long been mislabeled as of a Clintonian while so as that of late Reagan Revolution evolutions more realistically and of the real Reagan who couldn’t have been Reagan without Pope John Paul II.  There is a large Catholic global family at play and a greater Christianity of the establishment by the Founders of the body of the Constitution so of the New Testament and by their unanimity so signers under God so metered by the Christian calendar.

To beat the New Nationalism New Deal Austerity socializing centralizing over-riding of community and parish this started Christmas season we can just by Wikipedia learn of whom it was that arranged a first Christmas nativity scene, and be to a preponderance for Christianity and faith by ways of philosophizing if of the garbled so robed long marbled of Saint Augustine.  By the establishment of Christianity secured by the Founding Fathers of the still enduring United States of America in the body of the Constitution and as well by the First Amendment as so set in affirmation that Congress by law making alone was prohibited from messing with their “establishment” “respecting” “religion” so constituted by the Articles - by the body of that writ large and most permanent.

We may be perchance to dream it a kept American Dream ours since our founding at least now until the Supreme Court of The United States springs however eternal so as now the clocks and calendars are counting anew to days of renewal and even renaissance of rituals and community at least around cherry blossoms.  Our SCOTUS has complied with a will of the People sufficient so far for a recognition of concerns of “under God.”  Our SCOTUS is though by spring of 2014 is put upon by their own recorded jurisprudence and towards a parsing of “GOD” and “religion” as per “Obamacare” and so it seems if citizens are now more just “subjects.”

It is that our SCOTUS has undermined already the decisions of its nine of the “It’s a TAX” escape from “penalty” by assertions quite of a keeping of war powers executive logic — By the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings and the expressions of Constitutionality as of the states not the Federal Government on matters of religion and religious freedom the Court did undermine its specific ruling of the original challenges to the Affordable Care Act.  We should be wondering about these turkeys still to be plucked and cleaned sufficiently for the eyes and weighs of Justice — We should be wondering if what will be before the Supreme Court by spring isn’t quite a different turkey or dog in a practiced reality as regulatory maturation renders and renders more and more the “Obamacare” body legal as yet consecrated other than as judged whence as if conceived.

This is about the blah here to fore and the blah yet to be as still a blah for polity and comity of our future - even our Christmases o’ future.  If New York City of its five boroughs cannot afford to cover its own fully at least as of the “adequate” “minimums” set by “Obamacare” by “Romneycare” than it figures that an “affordable” nationalized healthcare system is really just a utopian dream of a cave of ignorance beset by Plato as of an earlier Republic.

We are approaching the first days of a possible hurrah mashable for a New York City of this some yet preserved of the spirit of Jeffersonian democratic republican age of reason settings.  Whence Mayor Bill de Blasio it may be that his first days will be all hurrah and yet set as a first hurrah written in time as well as his last hurrah.  The personality presidency of the too socialistic President Barack Hussein Obama is likely to start dogging the mayordom from day one and as well as the turkey or dog of President William Jefferson Clinton haunts still as unkempt in a hashable wildcard polity of about as much comity as an elephant loose in a china shop.

For a hurrah of his first days to be not his last Mayoral HURRAH it may be that Mayor Bill de Blasio should walk his gumshoes away from a corraling for a synchronicity in protecting and serving such as it may be if to be of a sheparding by William Bratton.  Brat based policing may be the way away from the ways of “stop and frisk” by racial profiling yet the moment and era of Bratton as for brat based policing may already be too rigid of a rigor to already chiseled in stone - to marbled as chipped and etched.

I have known William Bratton since at least 1988 - I am not writing here not to disparage or diminish his past or future potential.  The promise of the “bills” “blah” sharing of a “de Blasio” or otherwise “Blasio” for whichever to be the new Mayor’s political comity base note civic harmonics seems yet at this early consideration to be a complication poetic to a discordance to what has been of the Tranquility proffered long by Bratton lead more brat based policing - where ever.

I write as one, who since I started writing to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution, and with the ambition for protecting and serving of William Bratton in mind, in the early 90s, is no longer of a place, or in a place, to be writing proactively or retroactively in a restorative to have a renaissance for the old dramatic predictive synchronicity that I long volunteered in unsolicited routings of musing forward to developmental for a brat based policing evolution.  I write as one who know the turkey of the dog of President William Jefferson Clinton as I still am writing as he that wrote as a Rosebud motivated architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90’s recovery.

Locally speaking and irregardless of any complication from the “global” of the Obama presidency it seems that Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio, if able to be other than just a lowly soldier of Democrat Party ranks, is postulating a polity of tag lines to moderate his unions in community of a spirit of “blah” in “bills” and an economic lack of parity.  These have been years of trying times for many and such that fresh popular stirrings are rightly set afoot in urban & county wide realms — these have been years of down depressed and suppressed economic times much if not exclusively of a causal that was avoidable as of and by the hands or just minds of those of the tag “leaders.”

When Mayor Bill de Blasio will be in an odd and likely tough philosophical spot of an inherited from the “top” polity that should render any establishment his own to a local Franciscan missionary post crusading comity both insurgent and rogue, and, as Mayor Bill de Blasio thence likely writ as a poetic paradigm of an impossible.  De Blasio should find it difficult to govern for growth as a champion of the blahs of bills and what ever lack of economic parity as the “popular” is checked to check mated by the reality that Democrats caused much of the economic woes to such years of “blah” and so that the conditions he is to inherit are corrupted from the distant “top” of the broad reaching new nationalism of the new deal austerity of the administering by President Barack H. Obama.

The conundrums of the post crusading feminist imperialistic FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton may resemble out of time and place the era of Saint Francis of Assisi and so that it may be prudent and safe to consider that Pope Francis is a man of his times, locally and globally, as anew of us in times due a closing of crusades.  There should be no argument that many of our suffraged sufferings long shared have been as up and from the crusading by Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, but rather however as secured in her inciting and quite incendiary global trotting as a Crusader of her own “religiousity” in “femininity” and imperialism firstly as Mrs. Clinton - the First Lady of The United States of America.  She has a legacy about her enough to derail prudence in politic and comity where ever and however of a local polity to politics.

It seems in some ways that we should be preserving the secured intents of the Founding Fathers of their establishment of the body US in Christianity by their unanimity under God subscribed whence in the calendar of the New Testament as an ordaining respecting religion.  It seems in some ways that a Pope Francis now is a promise that the Crusading of and by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however tagged, is to be historical of and for her complicated and compromised history as a crusading imperialistic First Lady Clinton.

What can possibly now be a beat for the Big Apple - how can a growth beat yet be restored now if so of so many still quite stuck under the economic suppressions so long so greatly depressing of that which will be the inheritance of its new Mayor so as from the visible hands of those most at fault as of Washington and the tag “leaders”?  The blahs of the bills for those New Yorkers now stirred of and for the rising together around a circling of wagons of “de Blasio” is so much now of a difficult till akin to being past a first hurrah and a first freeze.

The spring thawing seems set to years more of many globally and locally stuck under the political economic suppressions of the remarkably distant “leaders” of the administering by ways of ranks under the “top” as “leader” President Barack Hussein Obama.  It may be that the Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative purview are now equally beside each other both as political dogs that do not hunt and quite as the turkeys left for a popular gutting when whence we all are so lately to plucking them firstly clean.

These may be times akin for Saint Augustine more than Jesuits yet considerable as a Jesuit new Pope set so as a Jesuit no longer is sandaled more it seems to be at least a post-Clinton Crusaders fixer as one more a new Saint Francis of Assisi. As Jefferson had his age of reason holy trinity in Bacon, Locke & Sir Isaac Newton (As Meacham by ART OF POWER illuminates) now whence Mayor he as Mayor Bill de Blasio may have Pope Francis quite a partner as President Ronald Reagan had Pope John Paul II.

It does seem possible if not probable in an apriori predictive that Mayor Bill de Blasio too must be a post-Clinton Crusades political “leader” and somehow however yet rogue to his party and more as if of a secure bastion of insurgents.  Before it becomes that the new Mayor has his HURRAH as his first and his last together it is essential that all become wiser in an intellectual honest if yet possible forward to the historical and political of the numbers and science still quite insufficient by approachable that affirm it isn’t a mystery or mystical that the existentialisms now long of the suffraged suffering are discernible yet as by visible hands - and too for all to see however POTUS’D & FLOTUS’D as the wrought of Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton dangerously yet of continuing at politics by ways of their “two-fer”‘d global initiatives.

How shackled is the Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio now — Will Mayor de Blasio be evermore yet more shackled and arrested by corruptions political and economic by those of the “top” of the ranks and ordered under the politics of President Obama and the still rivaling Clintons?  How can a Democrat however a Mayor be free to do the right thing now when all now seem served the blahs by the politics of the too distant “leaders” now long too much too much so of a grand centralizing?  If he cannot be one who actually makes it (work) whom yet can be one whom can be said to have made anything of it much as it be a first and/or last HURRAH?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:12 am

This is not personal.

It is no longer about Mrs. Clinton showing a little leg for 2016 - it is as real as a fallen angel.  We all have to look at her though either as “the next Clooney girl” or “not a Clooney girl now or ever.”  We have to look at her through the prism of the Presidency of the Clintons and quite of all the colors and grays of the “politics” of William Jefferson Clinton.  We all have to now finally come to terms with it that it hasn’t proven to have been fair to President Barack H. Obama that the 1990s, not the Clintons actually, made it appear too easy to actually be a President.

This is not personal — The Presidency of the Clintons was a bad administration - President William Jefferson Clinton really was a bad President.  Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton were corrupt in their Presidency since day one — this piece can and should be a fair but too brief treatment to such effect - to such as too late breaking news.  SLEAZEBALL tag fits not because of a personal infidelity a light flaw to be overlooked forever but because the known personal infidelity is better looked at through the lens of it a symptom of a sleazy “politics.”

President Barack Hussein Obama should never had had his HOPE hands so forced into a Secretarial job for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.  He never should have been trapped as by Benghazi attacks with such an inferior “diplomat” at the helm of his stewardship abroad — Whenever she stepped out of her Stately office after the tragedy and debacle of the Benghazi, Libya attacks and volunteered as she did to the Press nearly this diabolical “I couldn’t believe this could happen in a country I liberated” was the tolling of the hour near for President Barack Obama to ring her bell and fire her, and easily for she had just publicly admitted gross incompetence.  It is the “sleaze” and “sleazy” of the Clintons’ “politics” only that have her still so highly maintained otherwise than honestly.

Right, in keeping this from being personal and still as it is intended to be an expose primarily on the “business” and “politics” of the public William Jefferson Clinton and his “legacy” I should get back now to speaking more of the inherent and explanatory of the “sleaze” of Clinton that explains these troubled days much as of still and from still the “politics” of President Clinton and of the truth that he is better to be thought of for having actually having been a bad President.  Right,  I write here objectively and bolster such truth now by offering that later I will go into another treatment that may explain that despite the “sleaze” we had it may have been the lesser of the dangers of the limited choice the American people had in 1992.  I just have to save for later the explanatory to how that if Republicans had won in 1992 things actually could have ended up much worse than what I will essentially brush out now objectively and historically of it due and overdue that we all open our minds and get real with an acceptance that these bad times are explained by the proof to the hypothesis that Bill Clinton was in fact a bad President and for being generally of sleazy “politics.”

Readers the history is that it may be doubly condemning and doubly sleazy that the “politics” of Clintons followed on from the late entry and still to be rightly explained 1992 victory as the times were that President George Bush was near at 87% popularity but of a political conundrum in that the new world order seemed to be inhabited with Republicans whom if he was re-elected were idealistically too greatly of a “politics” just for his own party that he had he been the 1992 victor was likely then to be no longer capable of moderating a/the Prudence he was known for even in his own ranks.

To also trip the “doubly” bad you need to get with the breaking objectivity that Governor Bill Clinton knew he won in 1992 as a sleazeball of known infidelity at least in his personal political habits and that he won only with a minority vote.  It is doubly bad that he as a knowing sleazeball won of sorts classically as if the lesser of the two (three) evils toed in and then governed and “politiked” still then as if since sleaze won as the lesser of evils long live sleaze - his flaws however and where ever they may have been born.

It is no where more concerning that the Clintons’ Global Initiative persists now with Mrs. Clinton now back primarily as it seems as Bill Clinton’s first mate than of the global politics of it very sleazy that the CGI overlaps its meeting as a vessel Clinton of the “woman” “Hillary” with the otherwise more LADY LIBERTY meeting of the thought independent United Nations.

It is impossible, it seems, that the politics of the CGI of the Clintons can actually be legally copacetic globally or locally - it seems impossible to account for it and its practices as other than a PAC for the “WOMAN HILLARY” as a sleazy Clinton vessel first and last.  I can only imagine how furious President Barack Hussein Obama must be in the Republicans for their arresting of his abuse of the IRS taxing authority to look into political rivals — President Obama must be quite beside himself that he can now hardly use the IRS covertly to peel back the truths and plots of the Clintons and their intimacy in CGI global meddling and monies moving.

Right!  How now to arrest the truths inherent in the Clintons “politics” and as them of essentially a jeopardy of a running, not a one time on then off, con?  The Clintons’ administration became corrupt on day one because the Clintons had been of corrupt thoughts ever since their law school days — on day one they had to initiate their plots so schemed over and about since the 70s, at least, or give up their “dream.”  It is beyond the “sleazy” that ever day of their administration and action or chosed inaction needs to be looked at as corrupted by them putting their plot into motion from day one and then for everyday since of keeping it running of their scheme of Bill’s promise to Hillary to put a Presidency for her firstly ahead, it still seems, of every decision even of their Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton.

It seems improbable and impossible, again, that the Clintons’ Global Initiatives as CGI can be accounted for as lawful and legal at least if the IRS standards per the Tea Party and others targeted is the threshold of President Obama’s Prudence.

Actually it is more cute and romantic that Bill Clinton is still trying to keep his promise to his wife that if she let him be President first he would be committed to keeping his promise and commitment somehow to making sure she would then get her own Presidency.  This has led to his “sleazy” politics likely but in itself is quite cute and romantic albeit highly compromising and maybe itself to near or of a legal jeopardy even internationally now.

This is not meant to be personal - but I do have a tired and telling personal history with the Clintons.

I write today as Thucydides is said to have written about political philosophy as by presenting it objectively without attempt to bias it, and but for my use of the word “history” and even words “political philosophy” about SLEAZEBALL.  I have since election day been considering a political pickle that Mayor elect of New York City is partisanly in and due to such did pull out my Strauss & Cropsey HISTORY OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY published by the University of Chicago Press in a third edition.  Seems to be the mayor of the candidate de Blasio promise he needs to get out from being a partisan stooge and tool of his party’s leader President Obama;  It seems Mayor elect Bill de Blasio should consider asking all his voters to move with him to a re-affiliation as a different party or as independents.

But this is about the troubles we are all still in much because of the Clintons and their “politics.”

As Thucydides is so said to have written so I leave this as written for you to reach your own conclusions and not expect that I have concluded anything with this historical espousal.  Right!  I have personally known the Clintons since I was near a first grader in New Haven and of having been out after school hours a play in the school yard of my Hooker School as it was then conveniently just across my street, and as it was they were then still in New Haven as Yale Law Students who broached a political queriousness directly to me.  Right!  My first impression of Bill Clinton was that he was a sleazeball.  Right! He and Hillary have only these many years confirmed that of my first impression of Clinton.

To broach yourself into a more real realm of the “politics” of the Clinton vessel now as more it seems a WOMAN HILLARY PAC by CGI conscripts scheming please trim your own imaginary lines effectively so to see them in a historical light as having been oddly perfectly “politically” positioned when the first 9/11 happened and oddly ready and prepared and yet as the winds still blow hard that it seems they are in jeopardy for never having really planned enough for a Bush to have risen in 2000 instead of just Gore, and, that you too may wonder and wonder if tacked yet to a helmsmanship cautionary of consideration that the Clintons are now trapped in a passed broach too much of their “politics” for never at having prepared for or considered that a “Barack Obama” could possibly upset their long fig’d and set plot.

There is meat on the Clintons’ bones to be served up more publicly now and forever forward much showing for political and judicious consumption that there are tell tales as ginger bread crumbs about their “legacy” that have them very exposed at times certain when they had to alter their plans of their though maybe cute and romantic commitments to right their ship of WOMAN HILLARY after winds like Obama blew, at least, as they never did plan for.  It is that there are in jeopardy, it seems, because their trails can be seen in retrospection and historical consideration of them of, it seems, having gone too far to “correcting” course when they found out that they had scenarios that they had never planned for and yet couldn’t quite well enough compensate about in their “political” reality.

Again, as Thucydides attempted this is attempted - please this is written to ask you to fig and conclude by yourselves and not be conclusive itself while honestly of a presentation attempt in historical and political honesty and truth.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down?  It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right?  To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.

What are journalists now to do?  To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama.  The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty.  He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.

What are journalists now to do?  To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration?  Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama?  Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary?  The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home.  Right!  We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).

A Hillary Clinton expectant line:  “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”

Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama?  Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America?  Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?

A Hillary Clinton political ad starter:  You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …

The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader.  It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama.  Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?

The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you?  Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama?  Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking?   Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?

There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton.  It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton.  It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President.  There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.

Right!  That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him.  President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily.  Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling.  Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.

What is she thinking?  Really you all:  What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.

It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. 

Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush.  Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye;  Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest.  It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.”  It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.  It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.

There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.

President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems;  President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”

What are journalists now to do?  It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11.  It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts.  Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America.  Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics.  President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.

What are journalists now to do?  Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?

What are journalists now to do?  Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior? 

What are journalists now to do?  What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads?  I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?

It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.”  She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix;  She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World.  It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics.  It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths.  It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance. 

It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated.  Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom?  Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?

It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001. 

It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush. 

Really, this is crazy.  Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:59 pm

Sometimes politics can and does offer up an indefensible.

Is it of adage “LOCATION - LOCATION - LOCATION”  that now past election day 2013 has us wise to consider if term “progressive” is a dirty word locally and globally - just nationally - or otherwise if just poignant in a locally or globally?

In modern day America the political set up seems with all education of “RACE TO THE TOP” at the presidency of the “TOP” and say a mayorship, even of New York City, as more a “rock bottom.”  There yet is the most odd outlier of the Clintons for they seem more nationless and of posturing as if the first First Couple in a “GLOBAL” as if there is a Presidency of the World.

Besides it  seeming that the Clintons are of a nowhere land in the established and writ governings - they are less than an old “RED SCARE.”  They may be now indefensible and yet not even of a modern “RED SCARE.”  So much has been leaked about the secrets of the USA, at least since they were in offices, however, that they likely now could defect to the Russian Federation and by so doing actually leave us and render US technically safer.  The Clintons’ departures as they were of such controversies should have been matched with a closing of ranks and whatever open programs they could have had any privileged knowledge, however of a working intelligence - yet of still.  If the Government of The United States of America has been working then the Clintons should now not be eitherwise in “Bill” or “Hillary” of any special Government Powers.

Mayor elect Bill de Blasio of the five boroughs of New York City is a most intriguing break out modern politician.  He may now be set so in a political location more “rock bottom” and opposite the President Obama’s “TOP.”  The promise, it seems,  of a new urban “progressive” politics for NYC also theoretically  seems in conflict with “TOP” of President Obama while set so of and in his new nationalism.  It seems that when Mayor officially sworn Bill de Blasio must be to at least opposing opposite ends with the President.

Politics is tricky business near everywhere - it is considerable that either or both of Clintons could also defect to the Russian Federation and have us not any more yet at a greater risk.  A case in point specific to them of any lasting relevance is that of the story of Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York State.   Governor Cuomo was a top expert of the Clintons’ administration and yet when he ran for governor and had to find a way to govern he had to change.  The case of New York State is much that Governor Cuomo had to unlearn/throw out near all his “Clintons’” expertise, basically, to find a new way forward while of duties at fixing much that became problematic by ways of the Clintons’ governance.

I do hope that when sworn in that the new Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio will put out a recommended reading list of 3-7 books.  I do hope for at least 3 book recommendations to be said of an informative to/for his “progressive” and how it is or is not in rivalry to the top heavy new nationalism New Deal austerity of the now Clintons free Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Clintons now may be quite politically indefensible where ever they may be actually located.  Not even the best trial lawyers should be able to fix the failed and still failing generous cover-up attempts for them by President Obama, and how since so of affectings as early as he was first sworn and to words so engaged in his first inaugural. For 3-4 lawyers between them it is remarkable these present and coming debacles set and triggered so it seems by an abstinence from long common legal adages.

Most lawyers are just supposed to be trained away from making generalizations, and from asking any question for which they have not already fig’d, somehow, the answers.  Essentially and as simply as possible these 3-4 lawyers were trained in law to not state any generalization at all like their “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!”  This is an impossible truth and so ridiculous that it acts on its face as if a confession of great guilt instead of yet being a true tag on President George W. Bush of/for an actual assessment of guilt.

Mayor elect Bill de Blasio is a mostly unknown yet quite intriguing break out political figure;  I don’t know how he can be of a local “progressive” promise without therefore being set up as insurgent and of rivalry to President Obama, and, be set up much at odds and theoretically opposite ended, at least at start.

The Clintons have simply it seems moved themselves into the politically checkmated position by the shared moves with Governor elect Terry McAuliffe;  For Governor McAuliffe  to be sworn and true now to his promise for a bi-partisan governing he must answer to the Clintons presented conundrums.  It has been proven that it couldn’t have been that as generalized as “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT”  It has been proven that it couldn’t have been just all the fault of President Bush.  Governor McAuliffe cant’ be to any real bi-partisanship without explaining how as it is left now true that he will have to be explaining what truth is left - he will have to be thence under oath and stuck to having to explain that reality is it must have a BIG “IT” of more ends and means of numerous its and as more of “IT” it as honestly left simply as of more of it pared down to a “IT IS ALL MUCH THE FAULT OF THE CLINTONS.”

Sometimes politics can and does offer up indefensibles.

A sworn Governor McAuliffe, if to his bi-partisanship promised, will be stuck at sticking it too to President Barack H. Obama for at least his “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” now proven a lie, at least, and as a generalization no trained lawyer should have ever uttered - uttered unless at a last straw and such inconveniently was the only nonsense available for a dire and much needed cover-up.

And, yet since the Presidency of Richard Milhous Nixon and Hillary Rodham Clinton days with the Watergate Congress matters it has been common and standard - it has too been an adage that lawyers and especially Mrs. Clinton herself was to know better of it best to never forget it is as warned that it is like the cover-up that’ll get you.

Sometimes politics can and does offer up an indefensible couple too.

It seems with so many opposite and opposing ends now set even if to promises made for a new bi-partisanship that the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” is off the political selves, and stuck forevermore in an evermore of a checkmating move there own yet too much as well of their location in a governance neverland.

                                                 *   *   *

Good luck to the lot of you all the newest whatevers “elect”.  “Progressive” to some has to be a dirty word and yet for some of the newest less so — it may be that for the next forty years it will be as if of Jeffersonians of holds by ways as democratic republicans — it may be that Obama has been more an Adams too to Federalist at least and now…

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:45 am

The best thing that Ayn Rand did with Objectivism in her own novel way for all her readers was that she asked them all to consider and figure how they themselves would design and/or build a better church - how they would built the bestest house of worship ever built

As I tweeted this morning:  “One of these days I do mean to ride around France on my bicycle even if near 100 miles a day to stop for wines & cheeses.”

Woops!  Wrong tweet.

As I tweeted this morning:  “Hillary Clinton “cooking” weighs heavy on world evolved to humans flying in & skateboarding at least. GOP need longer masses?”

That’s more like it.

Because of the evolution of the human race to more Godly flights and heights it may be that the “community” & “communities” of humanities in religiousness are now of days too much of old shortness with religious services of a dangerous brevity.  It seems, to this of #DemsAgainstHillary centrism, that the Republicans are more secure and secured to a harmonic in faith based flights and heights but yet too now not sufficiently of a copacetic for sport for all.  It seems an open book - its seems of a open book obviousness that the Republicans have sustained heights for #ExtremeSports even now as all may be bettered if their servicing is of ministering with longer and more acoustical odic chants/rants and incantations however spiritually apropos of a synthesis for this new age of fast and slow and high and low.

It may be racist to ride a bicycle fast - to want to ride a bicycle fast.  There is better a way to agility and speed than training any or yourself to ride fast and be of good acceleration if you are so in a preparedness only for fear.  I did train myself from a necessary need preparedness in my cycling, to be urban, as difficult as it may have been, by being long of an over-riding thought that I would ride to ride anywhere and find someone interesting — I wouldn’t firstly be to riding fast and of agile acceleration to like be of a urban preparedness to out pace a stereotypical “black” fear.  I personally do not want to see my ability to accelerate and ride fast as a skill to get away from trouble and badness.  I want my riding still to be to be able to ride anywhere and find “community” newly where ever — I want to at least think that one can ride anywhere at anytime if they are able to relate somehow in an established common spirit and with a philosophy of governance girded in an innocent until proven guilty netherlands.

It seems to suggest the Democrats have been now too long of “there is just a pill for it” “traveler” coping, and that may be generally the Welfare problem too many are now beset of.  There may be that the antidote to the Democrats is a return to the Democrat center around faith and community “roaming” “traveler” “teaching.”  However Democrats or Republicans there is that we of this new age of bearing witness to #ExtremeSports or as those of a regular practice have that our community service is still behind the times and to much of the old brevity to fully encompass the radical celebration of so many everywhere of such new heights and flights.  It seems regardless of party the Party to be rocked, to be objective about it, is that everyone everywhere at least near of a time and new world order where they too have to wonder how to design and build (say) a better church.  It seems for of community copacetic to be sufficiently sporting these are days to try and clean souls well enough if only yet at longer and long enough community service regular integrated practice.

One should be proud of one’s ability to get away from danger.  I will remain proud of any abilities I of from instinct, training, and preservation of talent such as they are also ready and sufficient for “escaping.”  I will not though be of a faith that such should be the esprit de corp of at least my bicycling and living.

My cycling interests pre-date the Reagan Revolution.  My cycling interests seems very well supported and secured by the Reagan Revolution and as well by the more common lay of the Rehnquist Revolution.  I haven’t broached sport or cycling with Senator Ted Cruz or any of the new young guns of the Republican Party nor much any of the old tired establishment of the Clinton Political Machine.

I do not know nor have I ever been in support of doped sport & specifically doped competitive cycling.  I with that said would rather believe that Lance Armstrong didn’t needed his admitted doping for his victories as he is preferred to be considered as having been of sufficient benefactoring in his times.

Yes, after getting my BA in Economics from Villanova University I proceeded directly to Suffolk University Law School on Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts when then behind the Massachusetts’ State House.  I proceeded directly for I fig’d if I didn’t I would never have so commenced a year of Law School.  It is that I wanted to protect myself and my ambitions from lawyers and insurance companies and that I was of thought that a year of law school would be prudent but three might be unnecessary while of more entrepreneurial and more creative media ambitions.  As it is I did take a year of law studies rightfully and did withdraw so “officially” as of after the last class on the last day and before exams so that I would then officially be and remain an “accepted” Suffolk University Law School student on the books for seven more years. Such year I left after one year of prudent law studies and so that I triggered a “community” in acceptance for seven further years with my old law school was the spring in Boston before the fall that “Barry” Obama started across the Charles River in Cambridge of Harvard.  (Yes, for seven years I annually at least once had my old law school acceptance in community refreshed and usually with a questioning and answering about the if I wasn’t yet coming back why was it I wasn’t coming back to law studies and what about the law profession in my opinion needed fixing before I might return.

In some ways it is of my “community” “acceptance” of such seven years better than as if a pergatory as I was outside in my thinking that I needed to be outside and independent to be eventually ready and in the right place to best then be to my more creative media ambitions at being the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution I could yet be.  In some ways it may be that but for my “community” of seven years “acceptance” where I could return to Suffolk University Law School without re-applying, but basically, there wouldn’t have been a Rehnquist Revolution.  It was that while of the days of my second and final semester in Boston I was happy to wiring my ambitions with those of William Bratton after nearly laughing at his new most old and dilapidated fleet of Mass “cruisers” after he was of “don’t laugh.”

Ed Logue was in urban redevelopment at much of the Roosevelt Island restoration and as well the Faneuil Hall Market Place grand plan. He was also from New Haven and a part of the Lee Administration when it was first to programmed traffic lights used to recondition their populace to different driving route habits.  Professor J. Logue was his brother and a sought out Villanova Professor by me for his course on International Oranizations inclusive of the United Nations in the VU Political Science department, as an elective in my liberal arts curriculum.  Frank Logue was also their brother and did become Mayor of New Haven for a quite short while.  Frank Logue and his family lived directly across Livingston Street in a very Yale neighborhood in New Haven from me and my family.  I do not know the first name of the Logue that was Richard Milhaus Nixon’s rival for Whittier High School class presidency and the victor is such of Nixon’s earliest campaigns — To the best of my knowledge it was only Nixon paranoia that related otherwise unrelated Logues prior to Watergate.  Ed Logue probably was the biggest of the Logues then a specifically related to powers emanating from Washington and the so based Democratic Party Head Quarters in the Watergate - though.

There is cross-over in the desire to maximize positive change in my decision to leave law school for my ambitions and my synchronicity with the ambitions of William Bratton for his name poetic for general Welfare and more civil policing as more “brat on basis” than “race” “basis.”  And, as it was that honor would be in competition with the Logues, all Logues, to be somehow at least as good or eventually better even than Ed Logue so responsible for so much urban improvements and even as he and Mayor Lee did use programmable traffic lights firstly to guide their people to new pathologies experimentally.

By now you should know how little I have to say good about Bill and Hillary Clinton.  There is though that for being so busy with them I have yet hardly gotten to my truths that Al Gore is a layer of the onion beneath them that I find closer and more core to at rottenness in the Democrats of the Clintons Political Machinery.  I have held back from yet being to barely broaching very historical problems in the American body politic that are specifically of a faulting due justly a tagging upon Al Gore.

Right!  The truth may now be that regardless of one’s Party, and as seems today’s Politics, these may be days to try and refresh souls and secure a readiness locally in sport and comity, and quite days that call all to longer “community” service to better a harmonic agility for lasting acoustics in an establishment and preservation for a regular lightness and magical beingness.  It seems these are days that are calling all to longer “community” service, however, and that places or worship as sanctuaries for humanity and community now may be forced to do what is needed and right by way of figuring, preparing and practicing with an offering of longer services.

Can it be?

I am hip to it being cool that this is all in the spirit of a new and improved more perfect establishments, however, for better hang times.  That said:  I have to believe Ayn Rand would agree that Martin Luther King Jr. would be better honored if public buildings at least in of The United States of America were to specifically honor him with associated Public displaying of the Ten Commandments. 

                                                         *   *   *

{For the record: Yes I was born into an apartment in 1965 in New Haven, CT that so is less than a mile from the “home” President George W. Bush was born into.  I was born to half of my grandparents being by then from Greenwich, Ct.  I did first meet President Clinton when I was in First grade in same neighborhood and as it is I was polled by Bill and Hillary as two equal but legally still separate Yale Law School co-eds as to my God’s honest answer as to if they both could become President of the USA some day.  I have known of President Barack “Barry” Obama since I was in seventh grade and preparing for school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration of War Day of Infamy speech.  Before Greenwich my maternal grandparents had been of Rye, New York and as of the “family home” my mom grew up most of her years about as situated on Roosevelt Ave.  I have as it is also known of Sarah Heath Palin since the winter of 1982 and for she of a cadre in basketball of a Conn, Bush, Heath charmed set.  It is that I pre-Googled “Sarah Heath” name to such recognition of her voices from afar akin to my queriness of concern that if I did choose to become a professional photo-journalist was there another “Sarah Heath” other than she that tought me middle school elective lessons in photography and dark room skills to be then ever aware of.  My high school is that of Wilbur Cross in New Haven and still THE GOVERNORS - as it is my curriculur and extra-curriculur sports and activities much had a basis in fairness and sport around the New Haven Parks lands of Rice Field.  I’ll stop here as of addendum “for the record.”}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It was Obama times, it was Clinton times, it is of tales of two - two #pity.  It isn’t the nation as seated in Washington DC that is now divided smartly, just - justly — there is the new “global citizen” game afoot — these are the trying times of international partisan “vote” buying to a voluminous politik of souls bent to Clinton propaganda

Was Hillary for Senate, as NY carpetbagger, as transported in pomp & ceremony of Bill’s Secret Service detail, outright political nepotism & affirmative action?


As unified as the Democrat Party machinations just of Washington DC are said to now be it is tortuous how shallow the cohesion of their romanced troika embeds.  There is a #WAR inherent in the richness of the stressed party drama as if the Clintons and President Obama can be merry bedfellows, actually — there is the #WAR for legacy that can have only one clan the victor.  The dirty laundry of the Democrats isn’t ready for airing - isn’t ready to be publicly hung to drip dry and be puffed & fluffed dry and ready for use.  There can only be “The Clintons Won” or “The First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama Ruled Successfully” - it is tortuous and scary that the public arena hasn’t yet suffered them fools as of the proffered possible quite the ridiculous that it can be that the Clintons and their vast cuts for their trillion in surplus can be just and right, and, have it be true to that the Obamas can be to a legacy that their out of control spending so contrary can also be right.

The greatest risk to First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama, and the nation (and world), is a resurgent Clintons.  The Clintons do have insurgents - the Clintons’ insurgents are not say, walled in to be restrained, and checked, as solely of the lands sovereign of The United States of America.

There is trouble in their “troika” as well as there is the dichotomy of the Clintons near of an obvious and forced structure in their demonstrative prosaic tales that have a plot dependent on “followers” blindly accepting it reasonable for President Clinton to be a “Clinton Dove” and “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker” @HillaryClinton to get to be the “Clinton Hawk.”


To wax Constitutional:  Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8:  “No title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States.  And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” 

Hmmm?  There wasn’t a United Nations at such time!  Hmmm?  Is the Clintons #CGI, though seeming improper as too much too, and of, attempts to be effectively global autocrats, as chartered quite as THE CLINTONS’ GLOBAL AUTOCRACY INITIATIVES engaged improperly and un-Constitutionally as they as a former First Couple are of honoraries and serious stipends to afford them livable wages while carrying the burden of evermore and forever being technically persons of holding of at least Trust under the Constitution of the United States?  It is as if the entire concept and chartering of and for the Clintons’ Global Initiatives are violate of the intent and secured protection of Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8.  It has to be it seems that the truth - a necessary “naked truth” - is that former Presidents and their First Partners are forevermore @ ‘Person holding Office of Profit & Trust under the Law of the Land’ of the Constitution of The United States of America.

It seems President Obama and the Kennedy clan did work @Hope for @Change that Senator Barack Hussein Obama could be a new John F. Kennedy and restorative of Camelot.  There is the rub.  The Clintons until their honorariums are humbled by Congress at least by its rights @Consent of all “gifted” monies at least of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives have a lock on the regal and royal American affectations to proffer that Nobility is not extra-Constitutional and barred from them.

President Obama is not alone in having a royal problem with resurgent and insurgent Clintons.  The entire world has been compromised and at these trying times where so many are trying to prove that they and their sovereign peoples are like Iraqi People able to affirm a new Constitution theirs as also better than the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Clintons are still benefiting as saved by the camouflage that Harlem has unexpectedly secure them covertly in.  The Clintons were have a prima facia #guilt as a #SHADOW long about them as too causal of too much but for.  The Politics of the Clintons so oddly for now still safely secured in Harlem is that they owed Harlem People after their Presidency more than all the people of such streets and curbs owed them.  It is that it would seem a condemning “NAKED TRUTH” the it - that much - was undeniably mostly all the fault of the Clintons.  There were always dangers in them while as if setting themselves each up for a Presidency with it so of considerations that they, even if to a forced structure of their too prosaic plotting, should divide themselves publicly as if possibly endearing in a contrary to have first blush be that Bill Clinton was the “lover boy” “Clinton Dove” and Hillary Clinton “charming” yet stern radical feminist inciter forever as the “The Clinton Hawk.”

Harlem is still covering up for the Clintons of them otherwise of efforts that should have raised eternal red flags of heated protests as while about securing Mrs. Clinton as a New York “carpetbagger” for Senate they were trenchant and desperate to begging their Big Bank pals for Emoluments so grand and thankful.  It is still much behind the curtains of their faux OZ and not to being a “naked truth” that President Clinton did ask the Big Banks to find their way to the derivative mess while asking them to find a way to gamble in their banks so that he could pursue his reckless surplus of cuts to a matching trillion and knowingly to such being to undermining the risky loaning his wanted to pimp while sustaining his Clintonomics as careless hyper-consumerism.  Right!  President Clinton wanted to cut a trillion that was not needed to be cut so that he & his spouse could save their plans to days where she could still get to appear to be the “The Clinton Hawk” President.

The real NAKED TRUTH is that of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution for The United States of America was ordained and subscribed under God in such Year of their Lord, specifically, and by design to protect all peoples so about from the very types of effort to “change” as a troika of Democrat souls have been entrenched and foolishly engaged during the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, their years of extra-Constitutional “Executive” meddling betwixted and between, and now during their odd years as all merry bedfellows during the Obamas’ Presidency.

The Clintons were, while supposedly to integrity for Senator Hillary Clinton, to asking the Big Bank pals for gratuitous rent payments to allow their Clintons’ Global Initiative to eventually become of Home high above the Russian Tea Room in that near Penthouse suite of the Carnegie Hall Office Tower.  When the economies around housing all started collapsing as “Hillary” too “hawkish” at GREEN ENERGY gas price spiking the Clintons should have been #Truth obvious as compromised better if their Big Bank pals had agreed to gratuitously pay the eventual CGI suite rents - as thanks for having made them all so much money with Bill’s request that they find a way to gamble away the risks they knew to be in his Clintonomics - as thanks for his pushing them into derivatives so recklessly.

The Southern White President born William Blythe III did end up in Harlem against his much royal designs.  He/they ended up in Harlem and so of a political camouflage protecting them from #Truth of their covert and overt affairs and plots much because some more representative of the Tax Payers as their guardians about such nixed that the Clintons asked the Government to so treat them as if still of Office holding for Profit and Trust by granting them just such a regal rent as asked for in the Carnegie Hall Office Tower that was a sum reported as in one year - in just the first year to be a sum greater than that from adding all the rents of all past Presidents together.

The danger is global and real.  We of America so Constituted actually are now arguably not safer than we were before the Clintons and Obamas tried to resuscitate a Nobility of Camelot.  There is a #WAR for legacy and real Power between the clans Clinton and Obama.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

Despite which political camp you now find yourself in or towards your President has called you to now start being moral.

As many have long heard of “trying times” President Obama is an usher in farcical times.  We all would be behooved if of tent poles pitched more pedestrian to doubting pains of these times anew of necessity at common sense and general Welfare.  President Obama has staked his cover(s) of lines of a contrariness more as if by knots granny than squared. 

A well suited for the deconstruction of the camps of Clintonomics and Obamanomics seems maybe now either Bill de Blasio or Joe Lhota.  Vladimir Putin while either the insurgent resurgent deputy of President Dmitry Medvedev or as a real “The Leader” of writs official has been of a comity quite considerable of leadership rivalry to President Barack Hussein Obama.

If expansionist State Socialism was defeated by the designs and strategery of President Ronald Reagan with Capitalism it figures that Vladimir Putin, however, the Russian “leader”, was as much or more an expert in the fall of Soviet style Socialism.  There may be comfort in the political camps of Putin’s now in a collective pride that he has proven to be more expert in Soviet Socialism (and its demise - its humbling to more “community” organized relevance) than President Barack Obama.  It seems of an inescapable political philosophical historical that V. Putin knew that B. Obama didn’t have a “Socialism” that could be — It seems too that both may have missed that 2009 was too soon for a “new foundation” renaissance for America and the world economies as it was then that the renaissanced rebirth in the Reagan Revolution inheritance of the Clintons pathological ride was still too young at near only seventeen years old.

The fare of the galleys of the etiquette of the “camp” of Obamanomics is raw with irregularities.  It seems until the urban uprising of a public advocate secured in a reality of his times that is of the colors of the Bill de Blasio camp all have been of conundrums from a contrariness of the entrenchments of the trenchant National Democrat lots.  It seems uncertain for just New York City and its five boroughs now if a Republican or a Democrat is of a more “campy” philosophical for a times where the economies are stalled from a New Nationalism drum beat and march to a centralization in a Socialism.  It seems V. Putin, however Russia’s leader, saw that President Obama as the camp director to a attempt to evangelize and assimilate citizens more as subjects to a New Nationalism and figured that America at most could move nearer to Socialist governance in a break up to six new regional sized appropriately realms.  It seems that where the nationalistic Democrats of the Clintonomics and Obamanomics have failed has been predicable to others more expert on the Reagan Revolution and the defeat of expansionist State Socialism by Capitalism.  It is that by being so bent with their tent polls all pitched on too shifty and slippery philosophical grounds Obama camps have been storm tossed again and again by such more pedestrian and of a more general Historical common sense.  We have that what has been cooked up by President Obama is of a suffrage story that relates it seems to Hillary Clinton for not being a “builder” or a “cook” — it seems that what Hillary has cooked up of all of this, however officially of leading, has been want of her of not having had building or cooking experience.

A learned response to such as well as of a call for a new foundation as if a call for a new renaissance too soon upon the developments of a more successful still young earlier national rebirth is to be considered from a fathoming of the paradigms in play in THE KRUGMAN FALACY at http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  If you find yourself too new to the consideration that V. Putin as a better expert in the fall of expansionist Soviet Socialism and that he knew President Obama’s Socialist agenda was likely to only have economic growth potential if it were not affected more generally than regionally in a new national divide by maybe six new American economic regions it is that maybe you need to visit the satellite blogs off of http://jphogan.org of “myblog” “2012us” & “hogan” and to the extensive reading by keyword and subject sorting three times so by local site searching with: NEW NATIONALISM.

The too nationalistic (Socialist) Democrats of the game change of the 2008 election have been about too freely in a “campy” of the Presidents pitched polling popularity propaganda.  It is that they have taken apart far more than they have built and that they undermined a post Reagan Era economic that was ready to be occupied with a general equity more established - they undermined with their calls for a “new foundation” an economic structure that was ready and more permanently platted.  It is that for now we may be of times where for a decade we have to look at our local and community governments to be more socialistic and to increases in spending and taxing just to fix the decimation that has been affected by the too nationalistic Democrats however loyally of the Clintons’ camps or the Obama camp.

It seems we are all now to a decade of slow growth that will be of a deconstruction of President Obama and his politics and economics and so that locally we are in need of a new generational “campy” of “builders” or “cooks” to fairly fare out so much that was destroyed as a New Nationalism was wrought at least so as foundationally unwise for at least another decade.

We have that President Obama is now committed in his politics at Morals of his call for solidarity that is of him asking people to start being moral with him.  A base line for a new “campy” political, however partisan, now must be that if to Morals and of the general Welfare Posterity of the Constitution of the United States of America it follows that your tent polls can either be set as that the Clintons were moral or that President Obama is now being moral - it is to be un-covered much still how they cannot both in Posterity of common sense of pedestrian doubting and pains be right - be moral.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:06 am

This is a commenced treatment now of the tale of two Detroits - of a contrast in two Socialist treatises - like.

For now you may not want to complicate this discoursing with full knowledge of my past efforts in strategized integrated marketing politicking for the benefit of the American car brands, and how such was very substantial and volunteered during the Clintons’ years.  To preface but not bolster this economic and philosophical work out of the issues of Detroit bail-out(s) let it suffice to say that I was and without the Clintons much to thinking my work for positive change for America that gave much rise to them for 1992 was of a parallel consideration that with so much effort I was to hoping it could and would boost American made cars over foreign made, and especially in the luxury car categories.

For those new to finding of my quiet and largely still uncredited past of much success in effecting much positive change it maybe all started in 1971 when I was near 6 years old and asked my maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier to teach me how to become just like him - how to become a top New York City based Top Marketing and Advertising (Mad Man - colloquial) - and so as it was with he of one condition that it be as “but without his vice of smoking near three packs of Pall Mall cigarettes per day.  He was then just months from mandatory retirement age for his employment so running the Johnson & Johnson consolidated account as he had consolidated it into Young and Rubicam.

There are two Detroits we can speak of without invading Black President Obama and his awfully late attempt to address race and race politics.  The two Detroits to treat now each as a Socialism and yet with one a superior Socialism over the other.

Firstly we should get to the starting line and to having all the ladies and gentlemen with their motors started - we should first discuss how the old low (and affordable) price of gas was a Republican Socialism within their general economics of Capitalism.  Such was a wonder of job creation efficiencies however they may have to Government Socialists to have been of inefficiencies.

Secondly we have to create a buffer area about this as an economic discussion as dangers are about any comprehension from the confusion wrought and fixed by the Clintons’ extra trillion cut for a political gain from unnecessary surpluses.

Right!  Secondly we have to find a way to work around and drive around how the Clintons with their political surpluses were otherwise to these discourses to having been of a diabolical and exclusively negative “governance” as regards Detroit - the two Detroits I am now asking you all to consider with each other and myself.

Thirdly there is the conflicting “Politics” of the Clintons at least as to attempts to roll at least Americans to a post-Constitutional Totalitarianism as if a King David of axlerod railings global autocracy of the Clintons.  These are matters of much import and concern to all economics and politics if to preservation of freedom and democracy but they are not necessary to this discourse on two Socialisms of two Detroits.

It is likely quickest to a good revolutions torqued temperament if we dispense with the Clintons now and forward - if we otherwise focus more as on the benefits globally of the old lower fuel cost politics of the Republicans and even when then of trickle down economic mileage.  It was a socially good and generous Capitalistic Socialism of the old days of lower fuel prices and lower miles per gallon American road stirrings.  The old Capitalism model of one of the two Detroits was paved for maximizing job creation and saving all around the world - it really was a Socialism good within a good Capitalism.

To now moderate the environment of such a revving as a GOOD please for now consider that there were better ways to politically address any or all Global Warming than those of the green energy politics of the Obama Administration, and, that the way to have saved us from these trying days of bumps of a new depression was to have worked otherwise so that gas prices could be brought down and fast enough to have prevented the housing bubble crashing that was much from too many of having bought into the Clintons’ hyper-consumerism and maxed out all their fixed incomes so that they no longer could afford their homes at the new desired green energy convenient higher gas prices - if to also being able to afford to buy the gas to get to that job that provided them their fixed income - if not already jobless as “retired”.

The Clintons did set up this economic mess and much for a politics of thinking that each day they just had to come up with new lies to get them through just another day.  The Clintons surpluses set it up so that both Detroits and both Socialisms were likely past bumping and rolling with them to just crashing.

I leave it to you and other economic types to figure how the green energy politics of the nationalism centralizing Socialism of the Dems of the Obama years were to undermining employment all across the Middle East — I leave it to others to provide believable numbers and statistics to how whether the new increase in demand by China and India did maybe fully moderate and supplant all the jobs that their convenient higher gas prices and increased fuel efficiencies were then there undercutting.  I do believe that the Democrats energy politics did cause more unemployment across the Middle East than all the demand of China and India could have or yet quite supplanted.

The Government of Detroit and its now breaking Bankruptcy is of the Democrats’ Government Socialism otherworldliness of the other Socialism.  That the Capitalism of the old Detroit was a generous Socialism within the (trickle down) Capitalism economics has mileage today for all trippin’ on economics.  In essence the Dems of Obama’s New Nationalism Socialism to new foundations were Socialists who didn’t realize that their railing against Capitalism and its inefficiencies were firstly to undercutting the generous socialism and compassion that was essential to much of the “invisible hand” economics of the economics that long stood as American and of Detroit Capitalism - it was the Government Socialisms of the Democrats that largely first attacked and killed off the compassion and Socialism long of the working Capitalism of one Detroit.

We know how to make ice and General Electric with Jobs Czar J. Immelt had the technology to actually have had many shovel ready jobs under the Obama administering.  GE makes the nuclear power plants for many of the Naval vessels and could have moved mountains towards the inspired International Fleet of Nuclear Chiller Submarines and a new Weather Corps I had first written publicly of near 2007.  We could have started new industries to save the environment like for a Weather Corps calling and fleets of submarines powered efficiently by GE nuclear technology and as submersible inside out cruiser freezer/refrigerators that Disney or Virgin could have co-opted into their Cruise platforms.  We could have otherwise have been to turning the economy around faster if we had protect the generous and compassionate Socialist inefficiencies in Detroit’s Capitalism and with a more measured continued strategery to more efficient vehicles and while so then working effectively to get the gas prices lower and low enough to prevent most of the housing bubble collapsing that so did commence firstly due to the fixed incomes and hyper-consumerism of Clintonomics whence the green energy gas spike pricing subjectively overwhelmed reasonable and working (trickle down) economics.

We have that President Obama can hardly now take credit for the improved economics - at least in any political NET way.  His economic priorities had first been shown in Spain to have there cost at least two jobs for every one new job created by such a political economic machination.  It is for others to detail the metrics now economically and in depth to be more graphic to how Obamanomics have been worse than Clintononomics as Obamanations of facts being it seems that his were so radical and revolutionary that they were to costing nearer to three old jobs for each one new green job.

These bumps used to be smoothed out in time with economic maintenance schedules of the old workable Socialisms within the (trickledown) Detroit Capitalism.  Times did get bad, and, times got worse than they needed too but while so generally the USA was running union costs for employment in both Socialisms of the two Detroits to be for an American able to compete globally - still.  I though am not one to say that the unions were not willing to have worked a way otherwise and away from the political nationalized centralized Socialism of the political economics of the Obama administering.

Essentially, to be clear - to be brief - it was the Socialism of the Politics of the Democrats that did jeopardize the Capitalism of Detroit and all the compassion and Socialism in its trickle down economics of benefits for many from lower fuel efficiencies and lower gas prices.  There was time to expedite the modernization of the mileage - price paradigm conundrums, and, as it is we were from the Bush years already fixed on the road to such with a new global necessary politics for the United States of America as best to be paving the way for and to energy independence.

Though President Barack Hussein Obama may go down as the great jobs killer and even for those of the old fuel markets across the Middle East we cannot escape that he while being so passionate in his Government Socialism was naively to damaging more than helping both Detroits.  He may have made Chinese and Indians seem heroic newly to those of oil profits and interests across the Middle East and quite at a cost to those of the United States of America.

Again there were other and many quite shovel ready ways to have turned around the economies of the world and with many job saving in the USA if only the economics had not become so political and of such a crony capitalism of fixed Green Energy Platforms.

He - Obama - may have sold you with David Axlerod to being there for your bumps with rolls to national political evangelizing - he should though have avoided the need for such as better options and solutions were available to address and amend about the problems as he proffered them.

It is hardly a boon to President Obama that the economy is largely recovering mostly for the local state based efforts in mostly Republican led states and while them of reasonable and natural passages of the roads paved by Bush’s energy politics and continued support of institutions of higher learning and their automobile and science and engineering departments for greener and more efficient future mobility.

We could hardly now be having the economic recovery if we hadn’t had the Bush years and the standing for oil market stability and so as a defense held long enough for the United States to smooth out future bumps with revving for energy independence as a nation.  There long has been compassion of the “invisible hand” of trickle down Capitalism markets and that side of the two Detroit Socialism not now of the primary news as of being of the failed Democrat Party Government Bureaucratic Socialism that should have long ago started fixing itself, firstly.

Yes, I have been thinking for Detroit for a long time - I am a proud American today for the news of the Impala 95 out of a 100 international top rating.  I do remember the early days of the unexpected 1992 win for the Clintons and how the Capitalist leaders of Detroit Auto Complexes were of finding the Clintons had deaf ears to the necessary Capitialism strategery - but not me.  I am still proud of my offered direction to Detroit then about the vacuous Clintons’ economics for them to anchor themselves forward around lines of smaller cars to help sell future of efficiencies by making them small but in the style of the old big “American” cars of Bill Clinton’s and his gens youth.

Right - it can be humorous but for all the actually unnecessary bumps and rolls from the limited and short sighted said long road thinking of the Demonomics of Clitnonomics and Obamanomics if humor can be found in considering that the small car boom and customizing to musical and audiofiles that marks the Clintons’ years was not at all natural then to Bill Clinton or still as he is still of a personality to be selling cars with backs seats at least large enough horizontally for himself and one other - Right?

What we have learned at least from the evidence of the Green Political Socialism too nationalized and centralized by President Obama is that we already nearly had the technology ready thanks to the administrations of the two President Bush and quite hardly much to thanks for the Clintons’ surpluses of that extra trillion unnecessarily cut but as they figured it as a political ploy to sell Hillary still as a queen like best too also to a totalitarianism around axlerods bumb evangelizing in a lie base secular autocratic post-Constitutional new world order.

What we all should already have figured is that we could have made better progress to solving any or all of the Global Warming alarming problems without the Dems spiking of the gas prices and rash march on Detroit to higher fuel efficiencies immediately.  We were already set on the roads paved to an energy independence that have brought economic boons with the development of US natural gas resources and as well of a Capitalistic Socialistic Good of the two Detroits such that its armies of workers were together with its mass as already nearly ready to have so many of the gas engines also available as now to run otherwise on natural gas.

Technically speaking to close out this discourse hardly commenced nationally it behoove all to even if late to figuring it out to lock down an economic think that however “socialist” the old Capitalism of one of these Detroits was with low MPG and low gas prices long as the greatest job creator and savor the world as we have known it has ever known.  The Detroit of the old (trickle down) economics hardly HEDGED - it produced - produced - and maintained.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:41 pm

It seems best to preface this new composition with a reminder that President Obama has since day one been of a sticking to his gun of intent to have a personality based presidency - as on the strength or weaknesses of his own character.

The fare of the approaching Independence Day is set now to be cast as well as much of Civil War refreshment. 

Before we yet get to the beating of the Clintons, now still of a rivalry, and how historic they are keyed for a trouble legend, we have the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg kicking up with spurrings and waftings of southern cooking.

President Obama may have been railroaded by the Clintons since his primary beating of Hillary that was so public and humiliating whence then about the 2008 conflicts;  from since like the second day post her beating they was a uniting for Hope that quieted his chivalry up to then as Hope & Change.  It seems of a historic rare honesty that his placards dumped the “CHANGE” when of the unnecessary post beating sympathetic embrace of the Clintons and their political machinery marched out as merely of “HOPE.”

There seems no way while now so near the mid year marker to figure how this fall may be yet any fairer.

Hmmm?  I’m am now gonna have to check to see if it wasn’t “HOPE” he dumped while picking up Hillary or whether it was “CHANGE” that they pushed aside.  Really I don’t know which is more telling of candidate Senator Barack Obama as he may have felt railroaded, however, by the Clintons after electorally beaten them so publicly. 

It is like we in the United States of America, however now maybe more subjects than citizens, do bare witness still to the Clintons of long attempts to trump democratic electoral power with regular international flexing of (bought) (propaganda) “POPULARITY.”

It is like we in the United States of America, however now maybe more subjects than citizens, do bare witness still to the Clintons of long attempts to trump democratic prudence and admittedly quite as if we are now in a new Civil War in the union of states that make up the confederate republic.  It goes to character now to judge if fair how fair President Obama has been while since day one to have been to asking the People to be prejudiced about their own History with Posterity by decree requests to not look at the co-Administrations of the Clintons nor their Vice President Al Gore for any explainable fault, negligence and guilt.

The Clintons have basically numerous times spoken in some ways as if of confessions for having set up the mess that the “personality” of President Obama sought to whip long as if it were just Bush’s fault and only Bush’s fault.

The Clintons have said so much that it is ridiculous to believe that President Obama mustn’t have been lying all along while of his campaign rhetoric and then official speaking to the prejudicing diatribes that were such a unfair persecution of President George W. Bush.  The Clintons have said so much it is arguable that they have confessed quite nearly already to having been treasonous with their ambitions to overturn the Constitution for a more convenient Post-Constitutionalism.

As we are said of a new Civil War it is now considerable and fair and maybe to be fixed by fall that we are while about the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg and this Forth of July for the Year of our (founders’) Lord two thousand ten and Three we’ld behooved to consider the lines are still holding as of the extra-Constitutional marching of the Clintons’ schemes as set more newly now against the Constitutional lines of the new Tea Party.

It does seem inescapable that the personality of President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton does explain better than that of the personality of President Barack Hussein Obama whom we should look at for the derivatives mess and the collapse of the risky loan pimping done by the co-Administration of the Clintons.  Yes, if you know where to look you too can find that “Bill” has at times mostly confessed to having been proudly behind while he sat back and let President Obama rail President Bush with a guilt for - often - again, and again regularly.

So President Clinton and President Obama may only share personality traits as it relates to their willingness to pervert justice with false accusations and decress to obscure and/or obstruct justice and actual history.

So President Clinton and President Obama though also may have that Saddam Hussein though however he of having risen in the Ba’athist Party as an assassin was just as excusable to each of them even while he as more a secular socialist of having perverted the ideals that Ba’athism was said founded for as if a UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE were possible.  It is beyond me how they both could have been of personality that would set Saddam Hussein mostly free and yet be to standing regularly in an infidelity to the Constitution of the United States with a united front in a baring unfairly of false witness upon the character and effectiveness that actually was of the administration of President George W. Bush.

When former President Bill Clinton got dragged basically kicking and crying all the way up to Harlem’s lower rent districts it was telling as like a confessing to having set up the unstable economy without it needing water boarding to which we bore witness to after he first heard the government say he couldn’t have a million dollar rent per year for quite nearly what was a penthouse suite high above Carnegie Hall, The Russian Tea Room, and Time Square.

It still frees President Bush from these years of false accusations and the President’s decrees to the People to please just be prejudiced to their real History by not just not looking at the Clintons but to be as well to avoiding a prudent first deep prosecution of them as he was specifically requesting by asking all to not re-litigate what had not yet been once officially thoroughly litigated.

I don’t know what to say of the “personality” of President Barack Hussein Obama and yet all the while he asked all to let him have and be judged as an executive as President of a Presidency of and by his personality.  I feel fair and safe in suggesting he mustn’t have a personality good for economic growth and job creation.

But what about all these falls?  Why did those that deserved to be of a staying down get lifted back up and injudiciously freed too much by President Obama, and how while he said it was all like Bush’s fault even though the Clintons at times had said enough or too much as if to a real confession at least to themselves as of a gross negligence while administering the duties of the highest executive branch job?

There are at least a trillon dollars worth of blame to finally be lashed on the backs of both Bill and Hillary Clinton for their surpluses while not economically nor governmentally needed whence.  They did need the surpluses politically and to the beat as beat to near a trillion but that was to save their extra-Constitutional plots to pass executive Power spouse to spouse ASAP.  It isn’t to grand a step to cross this chasm of controversy if your first step is logically put to a strategy and commitment to consider that their surpluses were like a trillion that needed to be spend to politically match the thought impossible first trillion the Republican had more carefully found to bring the Federal Budget to balance - that it was a trillion only needed for Clinton politics because they were plotting to cheat the 22nd Amendment and needed a trillion to like save Hillary for President as early as the mid 90s even if it meant she’ld be exposed as if a TRILLION DOLLA’ SURPLUS’D QUEEN.

Many have fallen all the way back to our Revolution and yet it is that we are now quite as if in a new Civil War with the Clintons playing improper legal word games to attempt to over-turn prudent writ Constitutionals by popular rabble rousing mob rule.

If the Constitution is yet still standing this Forth of July 2013 and still fairly this fall as ordained and established under the Christian Lord of the Founders by their unanimous subscribing then the Clintons may both, at least, be in legal jeopardy, for having been of too forward attempts to undermine the Constitution and enough public statements now quite arguably autobiographical and confessional.

It is at least that President Clinton while about those early days of setting up a New York Senate seat for his wife by political arrangements too near to nepotism was of his public kicking and crying all the way up to the Harlem lower rent districts and only after he exposed his complicity in the creation of the housing mess with his personal requests to his big bank (friends) (associations) to pay for his seeking to be nearly penthouse set in the Carnegie Hall Tower at a rent at near a million per year otherwise calculable as more in one year asked for of taxpayers than the sum of all the past Presidents combined.

A fall of the Clintons is again fair - another fall by fall still won’t be too late - an earlier fall likely fairer for the People and especially those of the Administration of President George W. Bush.

An earlier more definitive fall would have been fairer for all and likely have been facilitating to an actual economic recovery that could have maybe been if with banking reform to a full and robust recovery by 2010.  It is that Bill Clinton exposed himself and his most ambitious spouse when he asked personally those associated with the Big Bad Banks to pay for his nearly penthouse wishes because he had done so much to help them make so much money from the derivatives gambling he had asked them to proffer so that he could burn our economic candles from both ends at once as he wanted to by having risky loans and his unnecessary but for the politics of saving Hillary For President surpluses to a trillion cut from what turned out to have been necessary budget items and critical in the pipe line already spending needed to make his economics of hyper-consumerism and risky loan pimping at all economically possible.

This fall it may not just be fair to be wary of any proteges or disciples of Bill and/or Hillary Clinton - it may be wise and prudent to avoid any and all but under the sad prospects usual and possible of LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS scenarios.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Forensic historians have a disarmed mine field of political content to safely now work in to unearth new more realistic understandings of Bill and Hillary Clinton - without needing to be whistle blowers.

From Bunker Hill and our Constitution - USS “OLD IRONSIDES” - to Manassas the bull that has run - run long of the Clintons - can now be more civilly chocked.

As Massachusetts goes so the nation may not go - today.  In the eyes of the voters a justice for a Beer Federalism is brewing — If the President can have a nationalist brew - can’t and shouldn’t Governor Patrick at least have a hard cider state federalism spirit on tap?  The Clintons may both have gone all egg whites only after having had to check their ambitions to four co-presidencies of the old sold saw too British with its twine so tuned too totalitarian by plots strung to be of a reign too autocratic by political arrangement to bypass a more American standard general electoral refreshment/refreshing.

From the Pilgrims to the shores of Syria the Constitution as written stands of its ordaining and establishment in religion of the founders as so unanimously subscribed by all under God so then as “in the Year of our Lord…” clearly.

It is best to try to imagine a new board game of the Clintons if to success in seeing through them of a Bunker mentality and a bunker mentality clever coyness quite selfishly political.  It can be begun to be imagined but since recent Benghazi and IRS scandals have blown up on paper and tablets most can find from the first blush - first sighting - their board(s) are like TILTED as it seems impossible that all their operations and foundations and numerous “legal” or “tax” status can be LEGAL as besides being too Political their marching beats seems too irregular as if all of WILD CARD rules not rules.

It may not help to try to paint a picture of the Clintons up close as a portrait clearly showing the whites of their eyes - perspective may be better if from a distance to see all the trees (pieces) as of the forest (plots/strategies) theirs.

From up close the former enabler FLOTUS, of at least a fat food fad political fashion for POTUS, she, Hillary, served up rations as if it wouldn’t kill you to live as of her kitchen not a kitchen with a husband said of a preference for like two Big Mac Super-sized Value Meals per day cooking of others.  Surely there is more to look at than the eyes of the Clintons that should be considered and safely civilly revealed as it seems we have to still pound at Benghazi as of a cover-up some or much necessary to maintain old lies of at least the Administration of the Clintons.

It is haunting, maybe just for all the body bags that piled up as tributable to Madam Secretary of State Mrs William Jefferson Clinton, how she of the intimate bunkering as FLOTUS, with POTUS, whence of those midnight hours and such as so thence with a third of each day theirs together for spousal husbandry plotting, how she as Obama’s chief Diplomat left a legacy as if more a Secretary of War than a Stately Diplomat.

However you begin to bridge more safely the historical marching beats of the Clintons, and forensically, back to what they inherited as fundamentally already set to much peace while still less peace than they hoofed, her cooking may have been worse for Bill and us, and a mine field still best avoided at least per bad cholesterol.

It is that Massachusetts itself has a new contest about like a new Bunker Hill but for too little ammunition to guard against Clintons and their ilk now again.  Their pens should be mighty enough, and more set to scholarly unearthing safely of what is quite a once more dangerous mine field of the Clintons and their careful spousal selfish political plotting — Truths are marching on like whence of the first Tea Party to the revelations that the new Clintons are as bad as the old Clintons and as much against John Adams as that early New York Governor Clinton, must have been.

A lay of the embedded fielding of bull did depend on like flying buttresses of media support to their propositions (of the Clintons’ seduction of the main stream media) that they were of an opinion of race and affirmative action per all voting rights that Americans should be sold that a white women deserved to be President at least before a black man.

The Clintons did boldly seem to go about a mine field in our politics too much as if knowing of its bulwarks specific grid lay and even hardly civilly as if with at least New York City Democrat Party deep pockets as of a retailing of the BOGO Clinton “two-fer” as the best way to arrange a postponement in America of Black rule in Washington.  Just seems too hauntingly real that such bull of the Clintons did fly in the early 90s as if of a collusion and conspiracy to somehow arrange an un-American reign for them as if American NEW Camelot royalty able to be prescribed to contiguous supremacy in lieu of Constitutional standards more Jeffersonian for regular resets by refreshing democratically by Republican People.

As of Hillary hardly disciplined as if from the halls of or near Montezuma to the shore lines Google-able remotely of Tripoli yet we got images of Marines too - yet hardly enough as to whence Benghazi.  And, all the while non Marine rapid response teams hers to conjure timely duty forthwith in times of crisis of imminent need.

It was in the primary in Massachusetts in the year of the great defeat of THE INEVITABLE HILLARY 2008 that those Boston Brahmin to Berkshire’d Pillow’d and Tangled’ did but divide themselves state wide as the more socialist of the Commonwealth to that spread where as many divided on white women vs. black man as that was near the total number of US brave deployed to liberate but not occupy Iraq.  There is a wonder in the details that a forensics too can civilly record for Posterity about how magic a number 150,000 can be or might not be — it was only about 150,000 of the more socialist of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that haunt John Adams (still) since 2008 that divided the lot for “Hillary” and that for “Barack” and while it to was just that number tasked to stand with all Iraqi people in an overdue liberation so successful.  It is quite odd though that such a number then was what President Obama and Secretary Clinton thought wasn’t excessive to chase about 50 Al Qaeda though to be otherwise quietly camping in Afghanistan.

Amateur forensic historians hopefully won’t now beat the Boston forces too long bent to a cover-up bunker mentality for the not too long past administering of the Clinton “two-fer” - won’t be now to going more civilly into the past of the Clintons and their embedded seduced media fields of camouflaged intent and able to be to embarrassment for said more learned of said of a supremacy of and from a more elite degree benefactor cadre. 

Right?  We are to hope that those said to be our smartest are our smartest and most learned and that they won’t be late to the coverage now more safely and civilly possible and necessary (and proper) for such a still campaigning conundrum of “Bill and Hillary”?

{NOTE:  Seems I need, while having so much fun - too much fun - civilly writing this broadside, to take a break and revisit the Bunker and bunker histories fit for close and thorough historical forensic grid metric analysis at a later time today.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

As a political writer I am sitting here with Memorial Day Weekend near wondering how to cover Democrat Leaders fresh and stale as of their Obamacare of Darwinian concerns.

Are we of days of lesser weevils like rotten apples about a Bernoulli greater evils of like rotten apples in your bushels?

Oh my!  Are these days of lifts or down drafts - more days of political dark clouds nearer than the horizon?  Can I even remember how or why a old college Economics Professor did once call the Bernoulli Principle a “bad apple theorem”?  May be easier now to just wonder how a new municipal politics is afoot for a Big Apple - and due some damming.  Whom may crowe about lesser or greater weevils may be ravenous too much of old evils said of an Axis of Evil.

How Manhattan may all memorialize a loose Union anew in 2013 seems now for the picking as about East Egg & West Egg escapism of old fashioned Leonardoesque capping.  What is the weevil in the barrels truly of the Clintons’ evil of old avoidance and inaction than cannot long support still their old “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS”?

Has it been seventeen years already since when Bill and Hillary Clinton should have measure Saddam Hussein as a serpent in their garden and but how Biblical moved so judiciously and civilly prudently for a prosecution in full of all sanctions and crimes held up against Iraq’s tyrannical leader?

Do New Yorkers have among them already a perfect Super Bowl Mayor candidate for 2013 political harvesting?

Among the ebb and flow and thermodynamics of our current political pickings there may be a need to dam some old currents to stem a re-streaming of conditions from the conscious politics of the Clintons still to causing turbulence of/from unstable “hot-air.”

It may this weekend be more difficult to pick through the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama for “good fruit” even if of like Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s MUNICIPAL sewers keeping.  Yes Ja Ja Binks seems to be still quite a Gunga Din.  Yes, President Barack H. Obama did receive a Nobel Peace Prize.  Yes, the President of the United States, currently, when of his acceptance speech for his Peace Prize was early to a damming of old lingering dangerous fruits of Clintons’ evils in their avoidance and inaction, globally.

Do you - all New Yorkers - take Bill and Hillary to be yours - yours as embraced New Yorkers?  Do you take carpetbagger Hillary Clinton of a bought nepotic Senate acquisition by Executive arrangements of and by her spouse while then a seated President of the United States of America?  How whether you take them as your own is it that it was fair that she Hillary was allowed to campaign for Senate and the Presidency legally at least while of the full protection and its pomp and circumstancing luxury of the details for a term limited President?  What is “not fair” - what is “NOT FAIR!!!”?

Do you yet get the import of the apple of the eyes of the Eightieth Congress as entrenched for now still by the existent 22nd Amendment of a careful “holding” poetic legalese to keep our term limits Amendment supposedly from being just a loop hole say for FDR to have just run again after two terms on his wife’s name Eleanor Roosevelt?  Our Constitutional Amendment for term limits upon our President was a reaction to Franklin and Eleanor.  Our Constitutional Amendment so written by the Eightieth Congress and ratified by the nation does respect that marriage laws and “holding” of united souls in marriage unions can not be set asunder for an interpretation of their limiting writ as if an election of one spouse to a holding isn’t actually also an indivisible by election working to a “some” or maybe “much” “holding” of such office by the other spouse.

There is a serpent of knowledge awaiting our Constitution as our 22nd Amendment is still on the books yet as undecided law.

By it being now undecided law so much can be said as if its original or derived intent to tag current politicians with labeling as if Criminal - Un-Constitutional - Treasonous.  But for now it is a knowledge of a united two in marriage union that can not be set asunder by its legal “holding” so that the “holding” of the 22nd Amendment can reasonably be to allowing legally for Hillary Clinton to run for President as an election of her would then effect a by election “holding” some or much of office again by her spouse.  Bill Clinton is not allowed to be returned to any holding of the office of the President by election and as he is indivisible from his marriage holding and union Hillary Clinton is not a legal eligible candidate for an election of her would return Bill Clinton by election to at least some “holding” Constitutionally barred.

But New Yorkers this is more about the Big Apple and so much long fought for since THE FEDERALIST PAPERS were written as if by Publius to defend the hopes of a more perfect Union of the Founding Fathers, and, as written to defend such from an earlier Clinton of New York politics who had more empirical and/or imperialistic designs too like these still in our faces newer Clintons.  We have that these days are much like the days of the Founding Fathers of the United States and yet now with it just a new Clintons about a similar resistance but now as per more global opportunities to less than Constitutional designs.

Enter again our concerns about President Barack H. Obama even as he seemed smarter (smart enough) earlier at least when to tagging the Clintons with a global guilt from their years of administering with so much international inaction and avoidance.  Enter again the current President who early did so speak seemingly erudite about DANGERS!!! from politics like that of the real legacy of Bill and Hillary and their Presidency.

It may be necessary to go all Darwinian “survival of the species” political in 2013 at least while discussing how important it may be to over-turn Obamacare.  It may be about what has to be dammed that is of old unstable turbulence from “hot-air” of the Clintons’ administering - Quite!  It may now be seriously that we have to dam both the Clintons and their protege(s) and as well Obamacare - REALLY!  We have that we aren’t getting economic lift maybe because the Apple of the Clintons is spoiling the whole lots of bushels.

There was no real “PEACE” in their days as “two-fer” intimates engaged however properly or devilishly in a holding of the office of the President of the United States of America.  Their “PEACE DIVIDENDS” were more conjured as of evil spirits then and of a poisonous fruit of “PEACE” then as a BIG LIE.  The already recorded “legacy” of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is coincidentally also able to be of a tag on Clintons as of too much hedging and too little fruit baring economics.  New Yorkers may better than most recall that in 1993 when sworn in the “two-fer” Clintons were to inheriting a almost already recovered from recession economy.  What happened after 1993 was that they worked an evil devilish selfish politics of a fattening of a recovered economy so that they could have headlines to make people around the world believe that they had made the economy better. 

By now it may be that New Yorkers are the ones behind the bad air and drafts of the Clintons and some how of political blinders to an ignorance that the Clintons did actually cause most of the economic conditions that made the collapse possible.

They while wanting to be loved as like PEACENIKS are actually of such as of theirs as of “PEACE” then actually of the rot with the collapse much of from their pickings to PEACE DIVIDEND popularity from now more obviously questionable (lies) about “peace.”

Afghanistan and Iraq are the two greatest failures about such BIG LIES by the administration of the Clinton “two-fer” and specifically what our current President was admonishing when with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech was to careful tagging of DANGERS from “inaction” and “avoidance.”  Yes these are the same Clintons that after eight years didn’t even leave a succeeding President a single option on the table as per even just Saddam Hussein and a full prosecution or enforcement of him by rights established with United Nations agreements.

The politics of both the Clintons and Obama as per ACA - Obamacare is such that a devolution may now result from an over coddling new nationalism with their centralized near BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER “caring” governance.  The more they get citizens (subjects) to let the Government do for them the less capable such as a species of Americans should then develop and evolve in years with as still of a natural selection “survivor” trait(s).  The old “AMERICAN” may be a dying bread - Quite!

The Clintons’ “PEACE” for their desired devilish wants for a rare popularity for/from “PEACE DIVIDENDS” can be said to be a bigger and proven more dangerous lie than that of President Bush when after the Presidency of the Clintons seemed to be with Americans down to near only one way left to proceed with a due prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and to tagging as “Bush lied - soldiers died.”

As the Clintons’ “PEACE” was maybe the biggest and most dangerous lie by an American leader in the past twenty years, and seemingly because “Bill” just wanted to be lovable as like a Dove, it is still dangerous that the Clintons seem too institutionalized in their marriage and of a plot to allow “Bill” to be the “Dove” and then to shock and awe with “Hillary” later allowed to be the “Hawk.”

But will the over-coddling socialism reaching centralizing attempts by the lot of Democrat leaders lead to a devolution of the American species?  With the Government trying to have power to do more for Americans of that which Americans were long strong and proud for being of a self sufficiency won’t it be more of a survival of the species Darwinism to Americans to devolving not evolving as a class or species?

This Memorial Day Weekend it would behoove New Yorkers of Mayoral Race of 2013 much also to consider that the world has not become a better place with the new Clintons trying to effect globally quite what an earlier New York politician Clinton did once unsuccessfully after being confronted by Publius and his THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.

The bad apples now possibly about the Big Apple municipal political reset are of turbulence that needs to be dammed or damned still of an inferno of Hillary and her crusading while FLOTUS.  She was having trouble being right recently on foreign affairs and the Middle East not just because of limits of her “experts” - she is quite able to be tagged as blinded as well by the hot-air streaming nonsense of the “PEACE” they pimp’d that never actually existed.

New Yorkers if you do still take the Clintons as yours will you if and when the Congress deems it wise to subpoena maybe both Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and dig deep into as well all matters and monies movements via the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES?  Benghazi is a scandal that for its cover-up opens up a concern that the cover-up was politically needed because they had been wrong about intelligence and history and at risk each or all as possibly of being to naively funding like a by material support the very terrorism they were supposedly fighting.

Please do consider either whether right to choose the less of the two weevils and how to now choice something better than a consideration just politically as a “lesser of the two evils.”

[note:  I am still of the strategic opinion I figured since before the Clintons did enter 1992 race and so of from before I helped make them electable in part because of such concerns in my philosophical strategizing about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that the Clintons or a re-elected President Bush was best to move to prosecute Saddam Hussein within that new term.  What was needed after the Persian Gulf War to be done before it was likely safe to move finally against Saddam Hussein was that at least New York City and its Time Square and Las Vegas had to first have started a real revival and urban renewal with Community Policing.  It still seems plausible that Saddam Hussein had a way to defeat the new sole superpower USA in a global PR war if we didn’t show the world that Americans could fix their own cities before asserting that they could run Baghdad better than he.  It still hasn’t made sense to me for USA to have not moved for a full enforcement of the United Nations sanction on Saddam Hussein and his Iraq within what was the first term of the Clintons’ “two-fer.”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:24 am

Poor Obama for he seems to have been played by the Clinton “two-fer” - really played. 

It seems considerable that the Clintons did together what GOPers sought to.  The Clintons in their own way seem to have effectively made Obama a one term executive and a second term Clinton stooge as some a “lame duck” executive.

Nothing POPS a “whose your daddy?” now better than a new DPRK CRISIS.  It seems that President Obama is now stuck having once needed the superior political skills of President William Jefferson Clinton to bring USA back from a nuclear brink again.  This is the President Obama who had to visit President Clinton in his Harlem office and as I recall bow before him and with a recording of him calling President Clinton “The President” who then needed the Clintons’ superior political skill to save his administration from the crisis brought on after Clintons’ VP Al Gore as a private citizen had his babe private spies caught in North Korea with inadequate training.

In the coming days it will be as if a trial has started and the Clintons are burying President Obama as if a weaker lawyer - if not already.

Where is Bill?  Where is nearly self proclaimed “PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD” Bill Clinton?  Where is Bill and how is he now coping without his spouse his overseer at State there more effectively as if just running another Clinton Travel Office?  We now have Secretary John Kerry charged with overseeing the foreign policy meddling of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE - Where is Bill?

He called them rivals.  How much is that turning out to have been an understatement?  I called the Obama save of the first DPRK CRISIS of this administration the BAY OF BABES for it seemed meant to be sold as if as dramatic and as a sequel so to our old BAY OF PIGS.  And, yet young and inexperienced President Barack Hussein Obama needed to call in President Clinton to save the day and bring us then back from the brink of WAR - yet just by being a grand escort service to collect and babysit Al Gore’s private spies who got caught maybe for having had the wrong training, or not enough training.

These days stories just don’t write themselves naturally about the Clintons to present them in a good light.  I mean unless you like the idea that the may have until now succeeded in high-jacking USA executive power since they were thought to have been officially term limited from such, from such anymore for evermore.  I don’t have time now to discuss the “HOW” about that they may have successfully high-jacked USA foreign policy at least since 2001 - that does now though some want to write itself unlike stories that would be readable as of a “good light” for the Clintons.

But what about Mrs. Clinton’s private Hell these days?  If you are on the road or a run with her (political run not “exercised”) can you figure out who or what she is?  It writes itself that she isn’t a good example for an independent feminism as she has put being under her husband as her primary ceiling her whole life since Yale Law School.  She is the enabler of Bill Clinton most obviously — her primary character is that of having made herself and her career submissive to the ambitions and career of her husband and only stepped out as if maybe otherwise when our 22nd Amendment got in the way of his being able to “officially” stay her visibly dominant main man.

But what about President Obama’s public Hell these days?  Did he miss that Mrs. Clinton was firstly loyal to her husband with her earliest of public decrees as his Secretary of State and top “rival”?  I mean he had to humble himself before President Clinton in the Harlem office of the Clintons’ continuing global political activities and for public consumption with a record of a bowing some then with a calling of a former President as “The President” - such that I recall.  I mean when former First Lady Clinton started as promised “rival” in his new Cabinet she set up a Hellish but clever insubordination on her new boss by using Dante.  One of his first mile markers on this road to Hell with the Clintons must still be of record of her saying that as Obama’s Secretary of State she would be taking her direction from that whom Dante did and much more so than as if listening to her new most inexperienced upstart of a politician boss.

Is President Barack Hussein Obama now stuck again in a political dependence that again will have him have to call in President William Jefferson Clinton to restore world peace at least as per the DPRK new but familiar CRISIS?  If it will make her man happy Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now more as just a public private person as now a First Lady of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INIITIATIVES, as it seems, is likely to be fully submissive again in her man getting all the credit and pomp and circumstance.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a dangerous and quite faux feminist figure.  It is not a fair lesson or example to sell her other than as her story wants to write itself respective of all the conflicting details.  It is not even fair that to be for Hillary For President you have to explain to young girls everywhere that to be like her is to put your husband first and for as long as your government will allow and then be to needing the full pomp and ceremony at least of a full Presidential Secret Service division in order to win any office registered for with your name more than his.

There is that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s story doesn’t write itself well but as a blob of FRIENDS OF BILL still somehow holding on and moving forward as a political mass. 

We have maybe that we should hear of still political Clintons that they will at least take a lead from President Barack Hussein Obama and to a doubling down rivaling with a promise to give back 10% of the Federal Funds being spent annually at least for New York rents for former President Clinton.  I do not know how we tolerate so much foreign policy meddling from a former President and especially for those years that his spouse was running the real State Department - but for us to be however to paying the rents for operations of such and with such allowed an grandstanding of an annual meeting schedule to rival the United Nations as also a politically mandatory meeting is quite ridiculous in an American traditional consideration.

What seems to write itself now is that the Clintons have been the bigger rivals to President Obama than the GOPers and that now we have it on our plates too that Mrs. Clinton’s culpability for Benghazi as Secretary of State should be forever joined with a tag for the DPRK CRISIS as necessarily some or much of other failures in her while charge with being Obama’s Top Diplomat.

What has happened to President Barack Hussein Obama - how has he come to looking so much as if just a stooge of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and under Dante still as she decreed she’ld be, however inflaming.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:57 am

To be frank…

To be frank, a Texan may be on to something quite uniquely American - North American - specifically of the The United States of America. This is not particularly about how gun control debate now could be to labeling “assault” weapons of common usage as more “American” as defensive anti-assault weapons.  And, nor is it really to be about the poetry of our Bill of Rights in a heavy handed way to profess that our Second Amendment may be ratified from its times of a prudence for free people created by a common Lord to be as well armed as private citizens as that of any “militia” that might be organized by their “State” against them.

I do not know if the great baby boom of the loosely affiliated populaces of the united states of the Constitution of the USA was exclusively of creationism exuding by citizens only or mostly North American and of the boundaries of our Constituted in our Confederate Republic.   We have though an economic consideration about the Baby Boom now still as our economy may be down for those born of its well tempered creationism surging maybe tone deaf economically about marketability.  We have that the USA maybe now in need of leaders who are not at least wholly born and raised as of our Baby Boom Era.

This may be more a regional economic consideration that might exclude a negativity from those not raised in the North East but maybe in the wilds of Kentucky or Texas.  I can write of this as one born four years after President Barack H. Obama and yet on the same August date — I can write of this as one who experienced those of a grade or two ahead of me as of the Baby Boom tail end while as well of associations with the next gen not technically of the Baby Boom Era of the grades coming up behind me.

For sake of jurisprudence with war criminal suspect permitted as it seems the protections of our citizens and as if merely of criminality for a peer review in New York City Federal Courts:  It may not be that such shouldn’t be allowed to proceed in our civilian court system more not because of what one may use our Fifth Amendment rights to avoid saying but for the soap box one can stand on to say almost anything and as of a self defense - self representation.  A war criminal suspect so allowed a seemingly evolutionary civility by our Baby Boom gen leaders is much not of an inclination to stand to stay within our rules and regulations at least as it may seem to us for a “defense” could be of a soap box filibuster like self representation that could go on and on with orations of a very different and interestingly sounding different record of a “history.”

For those of our Baby Boom such stepping seems less than judicially prudent and not nearly as evolutionary as their idealism may have imagined it.  For a balance to such as that which we can hear of somehow from such a fateful executive decision it may help to consider our First Amendment more in the legend and key of our preamble to it and the prefacing to the unanimous subscribing that settled its primary documents ratification.  For a balance to a possible “new history” defense with a civilian venue for a war criminal suspect we seem at a critical reflection for citizens of the USA, at least, to consider that we of the Americas may now be most prudently to a global axis of Catholics - an Axis of Catholics with a Holy Americas Doctrine.

What may occur as a war criminal suspect is allowed the rights and protections of citizens of the United States of America is a prideful call by a self professed enemy of such so united American states by one maybe more learned in our own faith of our founders of the Lord or the ordaining and establishing of our Constitution - of the Christian calender all subscribed the ordaining and establishing so then when of that “Year of of our Lord” special and judicial usage.

I don’t know if we can blame all of what is going wrong economically and in governance practice on the unique and discernible sociological variations about a generation of people of our Baby Boom Era.  Our 1990s have some more interesting ways to be historically analyzed and recorded for Posterity — our 90s may have been of a time still when parents of those born of our Baby Boom Era still had ways to compensate for the rebelliousness of its era’s youth that were necessarily of stealthy methodologies for such era liked too much to tune out when it should have maybe tuned in more.  We have that this gen now of our top leadership posts may have been compensated for and that good times rolled in spite of them not because of them, at least economically during our 1990s.

Religiousity is an new frontier now that our sworn (terrorist) enemies may understand better.  Our sworn enemies may now know better how we think as Anglo Saxons inheritors of governance once more of a Manifest Destiny era.  We may as a nation need to become more learned about religions and the United States of America Constitution as a Christian Constituting just to be better able to defend ourselves as a nation.  The Catholics of our adjoined Americas are naturally by their shared creator already much of an Axis of Catholics also on the defensive from “terrorism” of sworn enemies of the USA.  A “HOLY AMERICAS DOCTRINE” would be a celebration of our First Amendment by some interpretive security logics and not as much a violation of it.

I do not know how any or most could be tripping over the on its face simplicity of out Constitution and its ten of the Bill of Rights with the legend and keying of the preamble set with “do ordain and establish” so then closed for its ratification as with the unanimous subscribing in the “Year of our Lord” so thence.  I do not know how we can be of so many of our Baby Boom Era wanting to trip past (over or under - around?) our First Amendment of a particular basis around “establishment” with it prefaced with “do ordain and establish” of the legend and keying of the primary body of Constitution.

As we have these days of debate about our Second Amendment we have that it may be that Liberals violated Adam Lanza’s First Amendment rights too severely by their long work to a national secularism contrary to the writs of our founders and the Constitution.  As we have these days to worry about the guns of Adam of Peter and Nancy we have the apple of the discussion too much it seems as well that Liberals too much took Adam’s Adam and his creationism out of not just his classrooms.

There is that as long as we were of Bush’s FREEDOM AGENDA it was patriotic for citizens of the United States of America to hold and cherish weapons like their brave were brandishing as volunteers in service to the securing and sharing of our Constituted freedoms.  If not weapons of defensive or liberating “wars” such at home in our loosely affiliated states of our Confederate Republic were of a common use more of a patriotism to hold and preserve them as American anti-assault arms.

We have that at least I witnessed the chasm of generational differences between those a year to three ahead of me in my youth and those then a year or few behind me also like me hardly as born of the Baby Boom Gen.  In my family my oldest sister seems much too much like a Baby Boomer like President Obama while a year younger and yet my other older sister is less so and my younger brother definitely not at all.  While of the years of success of the philosophy of governance and language change about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM with its first round back from before the Clintons even entered the 1992 race I was of a clever attempt to preempt the Baby Boom weaknesses at least around economic thought with a prophylactic pre-marketing of their era in our general entertainments.  With such as part of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM those now in power of the tail end of the Baby Boom Era may be stumbling over themselves as if just a sad and out of tune has been beat too of a lack of awareness that we already marketed them before their time and too much to the max.

We may have been saved by these of a certain Baby Boom Era having tried to sell themselves without a new originality and because it seems to all have fallen flat, and some because it fell flat for they themselves didn’t realize how we grew so much in the 90s by having prophylactically marketed around them and these now most too apparent short comings in a philosophy of governance and economics.

It seems just nutty and absurd that any though of any generation should think that war criminal suspects belong in our civilian courts.  It seems dangerous that such offering such as wise haven’t themselves warned us and educated us on the risks from a self defense and/or self representation that could be filibuster like and of a new telling of a believable yet different “history.”

Our First Amendment uses “establishment” quite cleverly and specifically following on with a complementary import to the use of “do ordain and establish” of the legend and keying of the preamble.

To be frank:  Today I have more questions for you than answers.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:41 pm

The high drama of the SEQUESTER has its roots in the first round - the FOOL ME ONCE round - of the politics of the Clintons in the second term of the co-Administration of the Clintons.  This is the shame on us round now - the round two - of at least the Republicans no longer able to say “shame on you” as round one tolerates - or expects.

Hillary Clinton was not an alternative to this.  A President Clinton, as irregular and ill advised as it was, would have been of these same polarizing partisan politics but more clearly as a round two now longer a shame upon the foolery of the Clintons on the Clintons.  She wasn’t born to this polarizing harkening to Soviet styled socialism as President Barack H. Obama was as born so salt and peppered beautifully as a Soviet Studies LOVE child.  Hillary Clinton made nearly all the same impossible spending promises that “socialist” @BarackObama did - Hillary Clinton started off maybe more “socialist” than he has actually has been with her first parlay her promise to seize all oil company profits if she is elected.

Yes this is an era of political high drama.  And, yes, this time around for the Republicans to play “bi-partisanly” well with these Dems they would now be the party of the shame of round twos as of “FOOL ME ONCE - SHAME ON YOU — FOOL ME TWICE - SHAME ON ME!”

I really don’t know how much of this I have to explain to new or old and loyal readers of my blogging, now.  The era of an administration of the Clintons as “bi-partisan” would have been over as soon as if it were actually she that got elected.  There are serious concerns as too how much the spousal husbandry of the Clintons’ political strategizing to have successfully lined both of them up each for their own Presidency did get in the way of regular and prudent governance and did undermine our general stability - economically, at least.

Some perspective to how similar, not dissimilar this all might have been, if yet otherwise and successfully of the spousal “two-fer” power grabbing political machinations, so also of global plotting, of/by the Clintons, is achievable with a consideration of 2008 all over again.  Simply the Democrats and especially the Clintons wanted and needed gas prices to be high - much higher heading into November elections.  Simply President Bush, and the Republicans, if “stupid” and “unelectable” as “liars” for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM cannot be thought to have been so dumb that they are considered have wanted higher gas prices in 2008 or that they would have worked to effect such without knowing they were effectively making Republicans unelectable in November.

It is hard to decide which aspect of the roots of this high drama about the sequester to now broach next.  There could not have been a repeat of the Clintons’ “bi-partisanship” of their second term had she been elected and promised to as much irresponsible nationalizing of so much “governance” as well without a workable philosophy.  She campaigned to polarized Washington along the very same idealistic “spending” lines as President Barack H. Obama. 

The Clintons are remembered for seeming to think at least by their second term that they now had the technology to fool all of the people all of the time and had the advantage of incumbency and newness of such to the order of thinking that the Republicans had to get on board or get left behind forever.  There are enough public statements by the Clintons and especially from the years afterwards that are yet before much of this mess, but about it all, and of those days they said stuff more defensively as their plans for reigning seemed most to be falling apart.  What is less considered is how much fell apart because it was considered and affected of a plot by spouses to line one up to be intentionally different than the other publicly while of the Powers of incumbency.

But how to be brief now about so much that isn’t now an alternative to this gridlock of prideful and defensive NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - how to talk about any “alternative” while realizing the Clintons are not and were not actually an “alternative.”  It is some that he was born “Barry” Obama as a Soviet Studies LOVE child who then had to twist and turn thorough at least his developmental years about what went wrong between his ‘ebony’ and ‘ivory’ parental Soviet specialiality melodies.

There is the objective lesson of LOCATION & LOCATION of the Clntons and yet hardly with enough curiousity even as to how Senator Clinton become such as if by political nepotism and patronage as a carpetbagger to New York.  Of the “LOCATION” con, shall we say, we have that one can discourse on how Harlem did save at least Bill Clinton from himself.  He did not choose to locate in Harlem - I seem to recall he was dragged up there crying or whining - and after having gone to his banking friends he made so rich with his derivatives “guidance” as a back up plan to such bastion of Power basis he sought originally high above the Russian Tea Room in the then new Carnegie Hall Towers near Time Square. 

I don’t know why or how Arkansas couldn’t have still been good enough for Bill or Hillary.  But oddly there is LOCATION and ‘architecture’ now more to be discussed as the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of President George W. Bush readies to finally open.  It seems by his first choice and his remembered (reported) fights with our government for massive annual sums for his post-office holding convenience in excess originally of the sum of all past President’s ‘allowances’ combined for first year expenses that there must be a lot he wanted from the sought most regal location still available in CHT and that it to him may have been one of the last bastions of white male power holding that was domestically available to him.  It seems too coincidental that by his words and designs he has raised a due queriousness as to his own true “evolution” and reputation.

Again, President Clinton did not want to end up in Harlem.  Harlem was the nearest we would afford him when after our Government accountants realized we couldn’t or shouldn’t afford him that million dollar a year rent for life depression was setting in after he sought and then fought publicly and privately to be high above Time Square and able to dominate our Forth Estate however it then may have been still a last great bastion of white male power.

I do hope you will soon participate in a due intellectual and patriotic exercise about comparing and contrasting the LOCATION and ARCHITECTURES of the libraries of the Clintons’ Administration and the soon to be open library of the Presidency of George W. Bush.  I do not, again, understand how even his Mrs. would have signed off on the Clintons’ legacy so for it phalicly like a gun, at least, and seemingly forever clad/skinned in colors of Confederate Grey.

With the banking and housing crisis what it has been and now this sticking NEW DEAL AUSTERITY we all can consider how lucky both Clintons have been that Bill Clinton did basically get dragged kicking and screaming/crying up to Harlem.  Had he been situated as hoped and long fought to be in CHT the story really should maybe be now that the BIG Bank FOB (Friends of Bill) are paying his rent for life at near a million per year in thanks for all the money he made them with his original guidance to and of derivatives cons. 

I see that President Obama is not a Hillary Clinton and that she as of ODYSSEY DAWN broaching of America’s legacy to be not the “offensive” “first striker” may have been more just a tool of a died in the wool Clinton Democrat, however otherwise.  It is the Obama administration not the Bush administration that set out to a new frontier of global “politics” of “first strike” “offense” as to be to a willful hunting of “monsters” without regard for regular American due process.

The Republicans and George W. Bush cannot be as stupid/dumb or corrupt as Dems have suggested.  A point to such case is that it is ridiculous it seems to think that they would not have lowered gas prices in 2007 & 2008 if they could have to so save or prevent the economic slide from subjective & political market affectings of a “GREEN” and “PARTISAN” idealism.

The fastest or only way to have stopped the housing crisis as it broke was to get the global price of gas back to normal and more objective rational basis and as the successes of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA was then of having made possible and reasonable.  It was from the higher prices, and how they kept climbing, that those who had bought into CLINTONOMICS, and their (political) hedging, and its a “patriotism” of spending far more than every penny they had, and while on fixed incomes, that the domino effect started to the full blown housing crisis and then the related CRISIS OF VALUATION. 

These are days where the Republicans can still say “Shame on the Clintons!” and/or “Shame on the Clinton Democrats!” for round one as it of those days too much of them thinking they now had the tools and technology, so it seemed/seems to fool all of the people all of the time. 

There is no alternative now in the Clintons - this is much an economic mess of CLINTONOMICS II as not at all likely to have been less “polarizing” and “socialistic” in a unnecessary “New Nationalism” than OBAMANOMICS.  The Clintons have enough water under the still too condemned bridges of America for most now to not see that CLINTONOMICS II if Hillary had been elected would have too been devoid of “partisan” balancing of CLINTONOMICS I.

Yes, we are kinda of stuck now with too few ‘alternatives’ and some not because the Bush administration could have lowered the gas prices from the spiking of the market supply and demand subjectivity from GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM in time to have prevented the housing crisis above scratched at that then did cause too great a loss of consumer confidence in banks and Washington based Politics. 

We are still of the CRISIS OF VALUATION and in ways that our Republicans cannot step back from with having let themselves all be played out as fools.  Please remember it would have been dumb for Republicans to support higher gas prices even privately with investments then for Hillary was the “inevitable” next President of very strongly of promises to seize any or all oil company profits - especially those then conveniently of unnecessarily inflated market pricing.

And, Please remember to consider how you would now be thinking of the Clintons if his back up plan to have had those BIG BANKS “friends” cover his million dollar a year lease had worked.  It is remarkable that in a consideration of his “architecture” of his own library he sets us up now to a discussion of his life of having until Harlem been able to stay “white” and “chauvinistic” as a master above most of it personally while able to stay a white southern male above such movements. 

Yes there are different ways to look at the obvious and historical trails of Bill Clinton.  By marrying Hillary and with her legacy as a feminist and her willingness to subjugate herself with a putting of his career first he never really had to become a feminist in practice himself.  As well it is quite remarkable still that such can be said of “race” politics too as now later in his career he has left enough record to bring questions out at least as per his library “design” and their choice of Washington residence on Whitehaven Rd that he talked so much as he did about race (until in Harlem) as a southern white male who in his day had stayed ahead of being less than an accepted “master” - right?

How much is in William Jefferson Clinton’s public displays and those reports about him like as if he had been dragged kicking and screaming/crying all the way to Harlem, and, now how that has actually saved his and his wife’s political street cred at least until this #sequester started? 

#Obama #FORWARD has to be out the door - thrown from the train - whipped to death!  We/he now are engaged in a new conflict much of old days now to be reconsidered and finally judged in a due litigation or a re-litigation.

For the record here it seems still that so much of new President Obama’s early pleading to be of us not “re-litigating” the past was actually politically and judicially of injustices that had hardly yet even been litigated once.

If this were Nixon’s era and that Congress we likely already would have impeached Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton and be still about or done as well with one for President Barack H. Obama.  So it seems.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:15 am

The Governors are my mascot.  I was publicly educated through the twelfth grade to my graduation from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross High School.  We were/are THE GOVERNORS.


What is too low a standard morally or ethically speaking for a former US Executive to be at without it “charming” while lower than we should expect?  When is a former Executive of our United States exposed to personal suits for having been of conduct unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

What is a TERRORIST?

Whom are our referees for all this that is of an air of our protections secured for JUSTICE more than a willy nilly of our POLITICS?  Where are the flags from our referees however where ever they are for LIES unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

Before I graduated as a GOVERNOR from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross Public High School I already knew of “B.O.” of Hawaii of interests in presidential oratory and as well already knew there was a Sarah Heath of a Bush, Conn & Heath title IX basketball passion in Alaska.  I have cousins related to Connecticut’s second Governor after the Great Independence & Revolution & original Constituting.  While a high schooler if I was to asking someone to pick up my down winter coat I had to ask them to like grab the “Jerry Brown” coat - for it is I had/have a Gerry brown down winter coat.

By 1971 I had picked a good career path for myself that was much in my mind in 1983 while near to HS graduation.  My grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was to mandatory retirement as a top “Mad Man” of his day (show’s era) as the primary account chieftain for the consolidated work for Johnson & Johnson then at Young & Rubicam.  In 1971 I asked him to take me under his wing and teach me to become like him - with an agreement of “but without your vice of smoking.”

I am John Peter Hogan as named “John” of the oldest son of my paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. and oldest son of his oldest son - my dad named more for his father as John W. Hogan Jr. Esq.  I wanted by 1983 to grow up to be like both of my grandfathers as a merger of their uniquenesses as responsible contributing honorable citizens.

Today is also my dad’s 74th birthday.  The “B.O.” of Hawaii I have known since the late seventies of when I was to the middle school school wide East Rock Community School New Haven Public School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY Declaration of War Speech did become known only more recently for having my same birthday of August 4 though I have all along known him to be four years ahead of me.

I did grow up wanting or needing to be ambitious at least because of my family and our neighborhood and its neighbors and legacy.  While growing up Richard Hegel was of hosting of Holiday Parties we were invited to and while he was New Haven’s official Historian.  It was my old classmate Steve who started dating another old friend who lived across the street from another of BO a “Bo” — Steve Brennen is still a professional artist and now as well a Hamden Fireman, last I knew.  Steve Brennen is the old seventh grade pal whom is responsible for he of “Are you ready for the Oratory Contest? and Are you ready as well to compete in any school wide competition with it also in Hawaii?” queriousness with a like Operator for Hawaii broadcast to all whom might want to compete in presidential oratory against me.

I get it is funny that I have known so many characters for so long and while of interests to a career like both of my grandfathers somehow to a touch as an international marketer of the highest ordering.  I am not sure though it is funny that if you change two “e”s to two “a”s you get “Hagel” from “Hegel” and “Brennan” from “Brennen.”

It is still relevant that I have know Bill and Hillary since 1971 or 1972 and for them of days as students not yet engaged to each other and both to walking my neighborhood with wondering and querying about whether they both might be able to become President someday.  They asked me about such and effectively, to make a long story short and while this is more about Governors today, I like said “NO - if you marry each other be careful who goes first in attempt as the 22nd Amendment should keep you if married to each other from both becoming elected.”  I still don’t know how as a near 1st Grader I was to such a comment - but do get that I was wised up enough to realize I should never let myself forget two people who would ask such a question of anyone.

Is Al Gore a WEATHER TERRORIST?  Was Hillary Clinton with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, from near day one, also effectively acting as if a WEATHER TERRORIST?

As our Diplomacy standing rule is like - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERMANENT ENEMIES OR PERMANENT FRIENDS - JUST PERMANENT INTERESTS - Secretary Kerry with “we have now permanent enemies” is maybe more of the “rule” than a practicable reality.

The Clintons were wrong not to proceed against Saddam Hussein in their first term to a full compliance with all United Nations sanctions.  We have that President Bush was wise not to proceed immediately into Baghdad with THE PERSIAN GULF WAR as until the United States of America started saving its own cities like New York City and its Time Square and as well Las Vegas Saddam Hussein had a way to win.  Saddam Hussein had enough cards up his sleeve to turn the world to his side if we had proceeded immediately at him and Baghdad and with sympathetic marketing to ask peoples of his region and the broader world about whether he wasn’t able to better manage Baghdad than Americans were able to manage their own big cities.

Within the first term of the Clintons we were ready to stand up our cities as at least as well run as his and able to defeat his PR advantage and then move at him for a WWII like post world war RECONSTRUCTION with trials like Nuremberg’s but then for him.  In hindsight we can see many troublesome “official” acts by the Clintons different from this and contributive to so many problems that we have had since that were otherwise able to have been checked and addressed better sooner.

John Kerry, Secretary of State, was smart to remark about how well Japan and Germany are after we defeated their earlier constitutednesses and then worked post world war RECONSTRUCTIONS about.  It is remarkable though that his location was a slap at the Clintons of them more like William Blygh or Bov. George Clinton as well as his mention of RECONSTRUCTION good will of at least the Japanese and Germans as proven to not be “permanent enemies.”  Such begets the late query as to how or why the Clintons didn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein for war crimes in a timely manor nor proceed ASAP to a POST WWWIII RECONSTRUCTION for Iraq once we had started our COMMUNITY POLICING & LIVEABLE CITIES INITIATIVES. 

We have our Governors may now want and get their own drones.  We have that President Obama’s foreign policies with Secretary Clinton are suspect and with Mrs. Clinton of acceptance of a “culpability” for her intelligence and leadership failures as per the BENGHAZI FOUR and our 9/11 II. 

If they cannot explain whom is a terrorist as per BENGHAZI acts of war on like a Holy Day for Al Qaeda how can they or we be sure they know a “terrorist” when tasking a “kill” off their “Kill List” by drone(s)?

If we cannot be clear yet about what a “TERRORIST” is or isn’t still - is it because a defiinition of such will tag both Al  Gore and former candidate for President Hillary Clinton of then HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT while Senator Clinton as well as ‘TERRORIST” - but more as WEATHER TERRORISTS?

What is a TERRORIST?


What is “MATERIAL SUPPORT OF TERRORISTS” and how isn’t Bill Clinton’s CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE while so modeled for “support” like Al Qaeda’s purported “banking system” maybe incidentally or accidentally to casual or real “material support of terrorists”?

Who are our referees?  Where are our referees?  Where are the flags for conduct unbecoming a former Executive Branch Officer of The United States of America?  Where are the penalty flags for all the LIES?

Did I tell you already that today is also my dad’s birthday?

Brennen is a friend - he married the Geller friend once a co-tri Governors swim-team captain with myself and another swimmer David.  This female Geller and other swimmer David were the basis for my musing FRIENDS show into existence as bulwark for friends and a guards against foes.  Bo was and is likely still big into pick-up urban B-ball games though a Professor of Marketing now - as I recall. 

Yes we needed to start fixing New York City, Time Square and some Las Vegas before we proceeded to a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and an attempt to run his Baghdad.  Yes we could have and should have moved to a full enforcement of all United Nations sanctions on Iraq within the Administration of the Clintons’ first term and to a RECONSTRUCTION like that for Japan and Germany after the earlier last world war. 

Secretary Kerry as opened up a can of political worms now with such as in his inaugural speech and with it from the University of Virginia.

What is “material support of terrorists”? 


What is a TERRORIST?

How much has it cost us since the Clintons acted official with an infidelity to our own Justice standards abroad for their eight years as regards Iraq and Saddam Hussein?  How can it be right to have these years be to helping Afghani women and girls and not right for President Bush to have tried to help Iraqi women and girls?  How wrong was it for the Clintons’s official “State” speak to have been religiously bases with a bias against Shia peoples and especially the Shia majority of Iraq oppressed and suppressed by Saddam Hussein and as official speech of “Iraqi Shia are not capable of governing themselves”?


Their foreign policy now also in hindsight is horrendous for a religious basis with sectarian bias contrary to our own established Justice and rights.  It is scary that we let them sell PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS while such morally questionable with Middle East region realities quite different. 

It seems we have that Bill Clinton was at least an AMERICAN INFIDEL to our own Justice standards - and that too many are at risk of a guilt by association now as he thinks we and others have permanently forgotten.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:06 pm

Call me J.P. Hogan!

I did not just give my first inaugural address as a new Secretary of State today.  I do not think that I am an Imperialist.

We can all be empirical forwards and backwards now comparatively on some whales of issues paddled by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton versus those now postured for a new rowing by John Kerry - Secretary of State.

We have an obligation as Americans and/or global citizens to figure out what are the important questions that need to be asked if we are to try to get the answers that are not just random talking points.

If you are not yet away of how a new journey has already started today and how from the inland historical helm of considerations of and by Thomas Jefferson - you can accept as a known fact that John Kerry gave his first speech as President Barack H. Obama’s new Secretary of State from the University of Virginia today. 

He as an inheritor of the questionable years of his predecessor’s over-reaching is now of an inaugural addressing of a Jeffersonian quality not measured just by a sextant’s metrics — President Obama’s new Secretary of State (#SecKerry) broached issues quite modern and old and foggy still while Obama’s.

I do not take him to be a maddening Captain William Blygh of a Bounty helmsmanship nor a mad whale hunter for a great white ways.  Sec Clinton could have been as by William Jefferson Clinton otherwise still much the same but how as Mrs. Hillary Rodham Blythe III - as William Blythe III is President Clinton’s original Christian name.  The HMS Bounty however fated to a mutiny as it was did set sail historically so before the embers of our Tea Party styled independence started struggle burned out to an effected Independence of once mere colonies.

I like Thomas Jefferson for many reasons - I as J.P. Hogan one not an imperialist to the best of his knowledge.  He was inventive besides being an erudite and practical scribe of writs that could endure in a Posterity.  He did as I recall invent a coat hanger and as well a way for French double doors to simultaneously open with a push on just one of them for his Monticello manse.  Thomas Jefferson as well that I remember is credited for the architectural credit about having brought sky lights to America.

But did Secretary of State John Kerry with his inaugural address bury Caesar or praise him with “Hillary” a “Caesar” put to fade away?  What are the whales of the issues in his inheritance from her that will most unsettle his own crews, and, while however once hers?

I am on board some with #SecKerry as I couldn’t be with President Obama’s 1st Secretary of State for she arguably too imperialist at least while of her crusading days as FLOTUS Clinton of her global dictates and trespassing on women’s rights.  Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as she could have been Senator Hillary Rodham Blythe III otherwise, maybe, did bring too much baggage with her to our ship of State.

Call me maybe “the narrator”?

There is a whale of an elephant still about the china shop of Diplomacy of State as long as the Clintons’ Global Initiative is still operational as if a shadow government or at least a shadow Department of State.  I am not sure if Mrs. Clinton is yet allowed to start lobbying for their CGI for at least a year or if she will immediately put on airs as if the First Lady of the Clintons’ Global Initiative.

I may not be ready to narrate on all of this empirically enough yet - call be a “blogger” for now, maybe?

Did you hear about #SecClintons “JOBS DIPLOMACY” yet?  Mustn’t #SecKerry disband this merry mutinous over-reaching immediately if his helmsmanship didn’t first commence effectively already so?

John Kerry, Secretary of State, the newly “foggy” as of Tea Party common sense sympathies old and now new, has inherited a bunch of new blubber energy snags and turbulence.  I as a “narrator” or just a “blogger” appreciate his freshness as believable, unlike his predecessor, with his ordering and posits of his State of he as no longer “political.”  Legends will be made on all the  ways that the Clintons fogged up our State and Diplomacy spousally in ways that “not in politics” effectively sounded no more believable that “it depends what the definition of is is.” 

I cannot myself abide that there was not a running conflict of interest with Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State while her Husband as if “President of the World” and reigning still “executively” with their CGI.

Today’s inaugural address from the University of Virginia by John Kerry, Secretary of State wafts over those already exposed as a breath of fresh air yet not explainable as part of a continuous philosophy of governance by President Barack H. Obama.  There is a whale of an elephant in the china shop of our State — Has President Obama been liberated by John Kerry and from a tyranny of and by the Clintons and such that now he is free to be his better self?

Did the Clintons have President Barack H. Obama essentially chained to them and their global plots set too much in motion too imperialistically too long ago?

How can President Obama’s NEW #State Top Diplomat now seem so different and already so much more intelligent?

It is now that you can nearly call President Obama’s new Top Diplomat a Tea Partier or a great Jeffersonian sympathizer, and, while the Clintons together seems set adrift to fade away as too autocratic and of too great over-reaching extra-Constitutional plotting and scheming as if they were HMS keeled and “majesties” in their own minds.  So much of the era of William Blygh and his HMS Bounty with sympathies more akin to George Clinton then about as in opposition to the ideas of America as the Governor of New York.

But of the whale of the elephant as if in a china shop about our foreign services left over of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons bureaucratic and imperialistic over-reaching such as her JOBS DIPLOMACY empirically heels:

Was #SecClinton mutinous for all of her four years as President Barack H. Obama’s Top Diplomat?  Was her JOBS DIPLOMACY bad economics and not of the spirit of our Constitution - at least as figured by Thomas Jefferson?

You can call me stirred and shaken by her and her JOBS DIPLOMACY and yet consider me less informed than I do desire as we all seem too much of random talking points while back room plots were being hatched and maybe after a special spousal setting keeled by and of the “two-fer” of Clintons as whence thence our reigning First Couple.

I do answer to “J. P. Hogan” and am most easily Googleable so.  But now what of the over-reaching of “Hillary’s” JOBS DIPLOMACY of it empirically it seems of an attempt to usurp legacy global powers of two other cabinet level departments? 

Secretary Kerry can you assure me that you will not continue the imperialistic scheming to bring Commerce and Treasury legacy global yet separated Powers under the “Diplomatic” seat of duty and obedience as however you now find it with as the inheritor of dangerous over-reaching ambitions long of the Clintons’ politics to a new dawn of Powers for them if they could just effect a “Post-Constitutional Era” acceptance as a “new necessary” way?

I will have to bed down tonight believing that John Kerry has liberated President Obama from the shackles of the Clintons politics and decades of plotting as a “two-fer” never not “Political.”  I know not what else there is to believe tonight after Secretary John Kerry spoke intelligently and eruditely as if of Tea Party sympathies old and new.

As a blogger I gander empirically a sense about much of this as if a sea change about President Obama. 

I am more an observer seeing them prepare anew to cast off to foreign ports of call Diplomatically, however.  But as per “Hillary’s” JOBS DIPLOMACY danger lurks deep beneath our keel of State — while it of a too imperialistic heeling and not yet already or soon righted or arrested.

We know “Hillary” wanted the BIG job in the BIG house — and that it figures it would be as logical to close down our Department of Education as to let a Secretary of State be about usurping however enumerated Powers of Commerce and Treasury while of wants hungover to the REAL power of the BIG house.

He is now at the helm of State - he is now the captain of our Diplomacy - he is John Kerry, Secretary of State.

A new day has dawned! - but? - and, yet:  Does President Barack H. Obama have a philosophy of governance?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:07 am

Can we be better off a year from now than we are presently after 2013 rap up of 2012 playing under President Barack H. Obama?  How is it more likely that the JETS will carry NEW YORK and all the JETS fans all the way to SUPER BOWL XLVIII?

The JETS have as much to tackle as an organization as President Obama claims he should but at a national level.  The JETS while of, as a team, most of the same issues in Obama’s colors will have to find local and real solutions.  They cannot expect to have a cloud nine political top down national solution disrespective of sport competition and fairness that could last a whole game let alone an entire season.

For the JETS to be America’s TEAM in 2014 as victors of a season of putting it all on the field as an organization capped with a SUPER BOWL XLVIII top rings they will have to be the GREENEST of GREEN MACHINES and yet as of a way of a new federalism of practicable community based workabilities.

I think it is not too early to write off the GIANTS as possible 2014 SUPER BOWL XLVIII participants or victors.  A home team advantage for them seems written as if as poorly figured as the nationalization of so much about even just MET LIFE by President Obama.  If their is to be a GIANT rush and standing with for contests of 2013 it seems that towards 2014 the JETS have the mantle in GREEN MACHINE to be jolly and nutritious GREEN GIANTS OF MET LIFE.

It seems President Obama is fixated against the likes of the GIANTS as too much evil “giants” of “healthcare” evil corporate non-people monoliths in a rude and callous capitalism.  The President, if not impeached by late 2013, should find the JETS as irresistible even though as a team and organization in sport they have to find local solutions in lieu of national solutions and be of doing the compassionate and hard work - personally to a person - as corporate and involved organizational persons.

It seems the JETS have an opportunity to win with and without the President as a fan.  The JETS have to walk and play almost all of his key issues - especially immigration as long as quarter’d as of Sanchez back’d.  The JETS cannot escape playing to the sympathies around healthcare insurance and healthcare costs reform by its home field advantage and its team ownership with “Woody” Johnson.  And, again they already have the sport mantle to walk and play as THE GREEN MACHINE.

This doesn’t bode well for President Barack H. Obama even one day after his 2013 State of the Union speech.  New Yorkers are going to want at least one of their teams in the SUPER BOWL they will be hosting.  President Obama will be on the edge of sport and local spirit of our competition model about community organizing and community togetherness at least.  It is arguable that President Obama’s “new nationalism” centralizing attempts are not sporting and/or fair.

These are the days that before he strutted to a class warfare he at least should have strapped in about a tackling of the new paradigms of wealth and income fairness of these days.  These days are different from so many of the days he matured and developed in non US territories informatively to “Barack”.  These days before there should be a class warfare we have the black on black to compare just to the old white on white unfairness.

Footballers are a good place to start.  New York Footballers are hardly different in these aspects than any others that have been as successful personally across our National Football League.  Many of each of every team are now of a conundrum about the class warfare of President Obama “The Nationalizer” in a black on black “distribution” or “redistribution” social justice “fairness” conundrum;  before our President move to outright “class warfare” inequality politics he should have first established the differences now between even just old white on whites disparities and the current black rich athletes and entertainers chasm of social injustice related to just blacks of low classes.

With JETS of a SANCHEZ as QB they have to play sensitive to immigration issues where ever and however.  I am not sure this can help the JETS - at least during this new administrating by President Obama.  We know that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as long harbored interests and ambitions to being the Commissioner of the sport.  Today she is out on the field of United States contests as per immigration as of news of joining a new team ready to be towards tackling the tough issues involved.

GREEN MACHINES are here to stay.  THE GREEN MACHINE at least as a New York team should by the 2013 start of season for the National Football League should have a community about it of its tri-state area as “green” as any other - and maybe quite to a “best in green” GREENEST.  Much of this will depend on how the peoples of all the classes President Barack H. Obama as set off to being in a national class warfare see a way to find local and state based solutions that allow them to keep and hold a “community” spirit and fandom specially specifically.

There are old days of inequality in New York City like those of the days of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall politics.  But for the GIANTS and the GREEN GIANTS of the JETS - THE GREEN MACHINE - New Yorkers seem inoculated about such as it seems such is now the new nationalistic ways of the Administration of President Barack H. Obama.

But are there to be by the start of the 2013 season of the National Football League any “individual” recognition that isn’t but for a “RACE TO THE TOP” jack booted marching to a NEW NATIONALISTS assimilation?  By the start of the next season will community organizing be out at least as per the “competition” and “sport” lessons long fundamental to the development of new soldiers in peace, anywhere?

How will all the teams be trying to balance this towards such?  How will all the trading to GREEN - to GREENEST - possibly now proceed?  Will every team now want a SANCHEZ of their own?  Will every team organization now try to find a way to sell itself as however of backing by evil corporate non-people monoliths Insurance Corps as a “good” - “GREATNESS” - contrary to slights and trash talk of the Administration of President Barack H. Obama?

It has just been like a political amateur hour seeing these plays attempted to a CLASS WARFARE before all Americans were at least asked to consider these still new days of there being enough/so many very rich black Americans the if and how the problems just of lower class blacks is now because their kind having now “made it” aren’t themselves giving back - giving back enough at least by the President’s fairness fuzzy math.

And to help the JETS maybe more than President Obama, again, it seems that our upper class smart people who did their homework whether to stadium specialized trade labor skill and traditions or to the more that of paper pushing as needed for architects, will all be able at least around the JETS and its TRI-STATE area be celebrants in a GOOD of the JETS as a GREAT GREEN MACHINE by fall as now even jets are iconic in a new greenness to carry all to a greater more eco future.

It doesn’t reside only among our most learned that President George W. Bush while with “Commissioner” aspirant Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (still some a CLEVELAND BROWNS fan) had to have been a practicably “GREEN” President.  It is like “street” for all that Dems couldn’t have “changed” so much in just a year or two unless the administration before it had been strong and steady funders and supporters to such themselves. 

But what about SANCHEZ?  Will every team with a national bi-partisan move to reset our immigration policies be now necessarily looking for their own “SANCHEZ”?

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Filed under: POLITICS, #NEW_YORK
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

 Keynesianism is DEAD - like!  Long live Paul Krugman.  I am of the opinion that our founding fathers did do their homework.

This is not meant to be some dry legal piece about nuances as to whether old parchment parsed meants are alive or “dead.”

These are the time warps that have long knotted lesser thinkers and jurisprudence pre-judging.

As per Liberal Keynesianism as if a selling of Bill Clinton, at least, still sells so too their homework likely is still expected to be your homework.  Human nature has changed little and hardly from prudent jurists able to see things in light of eruditions about seven deadly sins and even just ten commandments.  There have been problems like Bill Clinton for eons - but for how he seemed to think and govern by his second term as if the .com boom had made him omnipotent with new tech Power to be to fooling most of the people most of the time.

If it isn’t selling - yet is being sold - why sell it still?  And, how are these economically down and trying times not warped with Clintons still selling what shouldn’t be sold and arguably isn’t actually selling?  With Clintons you are maybe confusing “selling” with “buying” - and “market value” of Clintons as if earned and not bought?

While the founding fathers of such enduring and necessarily well considered erudition that is our basis of laws for governance away from “governance by man” to of “governance by laws” were then set to deep studies and considerations of even natural laws another Clinton was thence as much a threat to economic growth as two Clintons are now.

Whether our Constitution is “alive” or “dead” - “breathing” or of “needs resuscitation” - Bill Clinton did step beyond it so much and long enough ago that he and his spouse “Hillary” are nearly compromised as now too “foreign” than “domestic”/”homeland” political figures.  Their very curious and warped “modern” political stature is the stuff of legend that can kill economies - they are now in an economic no man’s/no woman/s land for “usefulness” or “leadership” about real economics and economies.

That they seem to want to be loved for being above it and more altruistic despite derivation with “truth” about such is suggestive of this real problem.  They cannot be as above it as they seem to desire and yet be practicably useful as about and within it.

That goes, as per the Clintons, for our Constitution and our economy and other people’s economies.

There are more historical problems with the Clintons for as a from of what they “sold” though unearned in the early nineties and for such as of a design to better economies but as then perverted by them to lesser greater good capacity than figured when figured more to be for a grand second term for President George H. W. Bush.  Economically speaking to Constitutional concerns about the Clintons could be it like fraudulent to be selling themselves otherwise than how the real facts should be preceding them about their own place in history — there is a “truth in advertising” concern much about both Clintons.

I cannot deny that they have press reporting them of record popularity and powerful global political muscle from charisma somehow amassed from foreign agents and peoples.  And, I cannot let go that this may be a bad and dangerous modern development to let pass unchecked and fully probed regardless of how “alive” or “dead” our old parchments are considered now to be.  Our founding fathers must have done their homework — our current leaders and future leaders, since human nature has little changed since whence, are now best to at least be of having done or doing the same “homework” our formulative figuring formative forward focused founding fathers facilitated.

Our Constitution got dealt some serious intellectual blows as per ascendency ambitions contrary to its figuring such as whence thence of term limited Bill Clinton to his seeking to be funded by tax payers to New York City grand and regal offices such that he could consider the sum of such as his due, maybe, as above it - above his old job - as of just a yearly rent greater as hoped for just a first year so of an amount in excess of that of all past President’s “allowances” combined.

Bill and Hillary can be figured now of an effrontery to our Constitutional prudence and protections - and quite illustratively for the dramatics that followed them with their departure from the Powers of the Presidency.

What they have been selling as well though is fraught with fundamental problems of continuance and fluidity and so since they commenced in 1983 without having done their homework about economic energies at least about good market powers they inherited.  The Clintons cannot be well sold now with their desire to be favored however now maybe too “foreign” and “compromised” quite along the lines that they are those “still standing” and so able to “move forward” with Keynesianisms, however.  The Clintons are a dangerous conundrum as per our economics for the mantle they try to claim and move forward isn’t holding and because they rushed it constantly forward regardless of better Constitutional prudence, and, all the while it had been more a prototype method of methodology figured to be of it cycling back on itself numerous times to regroup and be refigured to moderate for Posterity. 

The Clintons cannot deliver economics as they are selling.  They are contrary minds, just among themselves, with debate and study now due, towards 2016, as to whom right and whom wrong? - how and when? - Bill or Hillary?

Whether our Constitution “alive” or “dead” to necessary considerations in our times to Un-Constitutional or just “unbearable” we have that I can at least stand still and describe economic problems as from the Clintons, together, together intimately, and to a circa 1993 grabbing of like a prototype not theirs or properly acquired and to years of riding it until they broke it - broke it while avoiding the expected break-in tuning and figured maintenance that was expected to be substantial if such “prototype” to have any Posterity. 

It is just wrong judicially politically and economically — The Clintons cannot deliver what they are selling or promising.  They broke the very methodology that worked for them.  They rode a prototype as selfishly as maybe it was possible and until it had no place on any road but in a ditch along side it.  They cannot bring it back for they never understood it well enough to maintain it or “reset” it — they still have shown no understanding on even how to build just a prototype like it again.

Long live our Constitution!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:25 pm

The days are numbered for writer critics of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to pound #Hillary about Hillary Clinton as a clearly “PUBLIC FIGURE”.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for the office seeking of the United States of America Executive Branch Presidential see is not the still now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  We have that she has been of a “TEAM OF RIVALS” of the first of the Obama’s “we…” consideration as likely of two of his “we…” Secretary’s to be considered towards 2016.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for their leadership to capture the American Presidency must be considered firstly to be Senator John Kerry if confirmed nominee to duty as another Obama rival as a Cabinet Officer bound of State Diplomatic duties.  He should have the mantle of “Obama’s rival” at least as much as aspirant Mrs. Clinton of State husbandry, however, has or is presumed to be to a having towards 2016.

But for now it will be that “Hillary” is for a while no longer a public figure to kick around with fair criticisms and much due doubt — it is soon more that she will have been put out to pasture to idyllic retreating.  Of course if she is really a “rival” we should expect official statements contrary and critical of now re-seated President Barack H. Obama. 

Secretary of State John Kerry for President in 2016, though as “white” as a “Hillary” again for President, is what should be presumed firstly with bias based on sex, race, or age.  He has the money - he’s run before - he likely has to be at least as much a rival to President Obama as still charged and sworn Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton and as well the re-sworn Vice President Joseph Biden.

Citizens United as been quite rendered a good and necessary ruling in light of the ease with which President Barack Hussein Obama raised and spent that sum in excess of a billion campaign dollars. 

More concerning is any or all “foreign” “influence” now in our politics - and all global activities of both of Obama rivals - both “Bill” and “Hillary.”  Secretary of State John Kerry as his Democrat Party Nominee in 2016 makes more democratic sense even though he can likely fund a billion dollar campaign with his own wealth.

Are the days now numbered as if “Hillary” soon no longer a “public political figure” to criticize as not due a privacy as if a lamb quietly set out to pasture in idyllic retreat?  Are these the last days to fairly speak of due criticisms of Obama’s first Secretary of State?

“Kerry For President 2016″ is at least a halo Senator John Kerry deserves if also to be seen as an independent thinking Cabinet Officer also a wanted “rival” sworn to obedience to President Barack Hussein Obama, but how fronted as a challenger.

A due long continuous battle to unearth the cover-up air about the Obama’s State avoidance and inaction of Benghazi failures of his first “we…” now butter’d up for departure but not legal escape is afoot such that she is to remain suspect as a person of interest yet still much in the public domain and eyes. 

Writers for politics and justice though, unless she steps out like now soon with a how and a why for consumption of “rivals” with specifics hers much to how and why she would have been a better President these past four years, are to consider civility and decorum and political politeness as if she is due an idyllic retreat as if placidly out to pasture as just a lamb.

It would behoove her to quietly retreat as much as possible now.  Obama’s new “rival” Diplomat is hardly more “white” than she, and, of a more lore’d and well beaten step by step path and resume building towards a Presidency for himself.

It should much behoove both President Clinton and soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton to both quietly now try to just fade away from foreign and domestic entanglements at least now for high profile and long about pressures to justice and understanding of at least the first four years of “Foreign Policy” of the Administration of Barack H. Obama.

These days are numbered for writers to write as strongly as a “public figure” deserves about our former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton unless besides a continued push by our honorable Congress as per a lingering haze of “cover-up” of fogs about Benghazi we soon see “Hillary” of official steps to directly set her self apart as having been an independent thinking “rival” these four years and of the aforementioned “how” at least speaking to what she would have done differently and better these past four years.

I will be freer without her as Secretary of State or otherwise a sworn officer of the United States of America to reach to much deeper and globally broader markets with my already written thousands of pages long of years yet maybe not of having been critical enough of Presidential aspirant Hillary Rodham Clinton.  I will though myself until further developments be to considering her less now for new pieces as of “new” material.

I do look forward to finding my real audience for my book idea to publish past columns and commentary about “Hillary” and our 22nd Amendment towards a Guinness Book record for “most number of pieces written as to why Hillary Rodham Clinton should not become President.”  And, I look forward to being more entertaining of comity and comedy as a political pundit and as well as a poet and political poet.

It seems reasonable to consider that most of my columns are as long here as a New York Times Op-Ed Columnist’s there - but yet three times wider and so nearly 3x the word count there.  I have not yet compared word counts between my average length column and such as an industry standard.  I am glad many of my pieces did not have to be reduced to such standards as theirs.

“Secretary of State John Kerry for President” has a ring of Boston Brahmin lore’d good will and wealth for much musing to considerations that he with his Yale pedigree could be a revolutionary American elder in four years of promises to a long necessary cleaning up of his own party.  He will have to likely have to also run as a “rival” of President Barack H. Obama’s to assert that he as well at least as “Hillary” and “Joe” was not just a bureaucratic tool incapable of independent thinking.

The Clintons have been public figures long enough such that an idyllic retreat as if out to pasture not a lot fair or due either President William Jefferson Clinton nor soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

We have to write about and publicly long consider that Republicans couldn’t run clean enough campaigns in 2008 & 2012 because too many still of our Congress were about that had been too weak to avoid the corruptive collusion to political corruption worked politically by the machinations most political and new-tech of and by the Administration of the Clintons whence.

The Clintons with their Clintons’ global initiatives are due a near “monopoly” consideration to a new era of Congressional “trust busting” - can’t you say, yourself?  We have that we have no idea how vast the left wing global conspiracy is now already towards further undermining of our Constitution and at least our Constitutional protections set to limit and check all foreign “contributions” or “gifts” like by foreigner or agents of foreign countries.

As Walt Whitman sung of us as of body electricities while electricity hardly but a novelty otherwise we have that the Clintons have already too long been to involved and meddling as term limited by our 22 Amendment by at least the prudent example set by “George” and “Martha” - however pre-Lincoln re-uniting.

As per Clintons vs. Kerry towards 2016 with “whiteness” so muted it seems we must be to measuring the “foreign” influence in at least President Clintons affecting as of a electricity (bought and built) of foreign gifts towards political electoral homeland effectings as bankable swingable “CHARISMA.”

And, yes the Republicans still have troubles for having been compromised and corruptive by the Administration of the Clintons at least while during the Clintons’ second term.  We have yet to have a young enough Republican challenge to Democrat Party national ticket since President George W. Bush whom can stand up with enough inside the beltway Republicans without the Clinton having them not able to be free enough to speak against them without incriminating themselves.

The Clintons have to be the most long shot most “underdog” ticket to now measure towards 2016 hopes - right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:18 pm

I personally am not versed enough in particularities in scholarly discussions of “FREE WILL” as per a polarizing of global relations between different people of varied histories and levels of living under tyranny.  Appearances by Secretary Clinton do stir wonderment as to what meats may go into her sausage making - and to how kosher or FDA certifiable as if a policy approval of and by the people for that which is less read about such as her of global work to divide the world along polarized partisan political lines firstly much to assimilations to “Clintonites.”  This is a mess we are witnessing.

I do not know enough about Senator John Kerry to know of his views to an importance of “FREE WILL” and nor how he may be different and maybe better at State leadership than Hillary Rodham Clinton specifically because of his religiousness as Roman Catholic.  As Secretary of State if his kited appointment sails through he will inherit a duty global of much seized opportunities by the Clintons together to establish loyalties to Clintons and the Clintons Global Initiative and intimately also shared political operations of just their Foundation.  I am not even sure, in light of the recent Congressional hearings on Clinton failures, that he as a new Secretary of State will have half the global “FREE WILL” our office of State Diplomacy harbored prior to the over-reaching post office international political meddling of just President Bill Clinton.

Seldom is discussed, so that I am yet aware, how we are of these years of conflicts and a new “Longest War” much as a related due discourse to consider that our Bush Administration and its standardized FREEDOM AGENDA was at least of a visible method of building with foreign peoples from the ground up.  The years of Clintons’ “diplomacy” strike more as a call to hold on high and herald politicians as lawyers as ready compromisers - not steady and considered builders.  We could use more public discussion as oddly as it may sound to a chit chat where ever about how the chase of “POPULARITY” as the end all for a Clinton be all of the Obama 1st term was actually a “WRONG” way to proceed “DIPLOMATICALLY” after the hard work and years of the Bush Administration nurturing of freedom with bottom up “standing with” boots on the ground developmental compassionate progressive conservativism.

The Compassionate Conservative George W. Bush as President was quite progressive internationally.  But now as per the rap on Hillary Clinton of a SLAUGHTERHOUSE STATE it is time we peel back some truths and look at lies for what they were.  Against the better judgement of Secretary Clinton however prejudiced still from her days “international” as FLOTUS Clinton we have to contrast how we are now of permanent truths contrary enough to ask about said “lying into war” by President George W. Bush.  Like:  So if President Bush lied us into OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and now it looks like such was a necessary but late due prosecution of Saddam Hussein - why did he think it necessary to “lie” us into a proven to have been necessary execution of American sense of fairness?  What were the politics he had to fight and/or the ignorance in our Washington or general Peopleness that he for some reason needed to proceed with lies duly because of in order to be so progressive and to doing what has it seems been proven to have been necessary?

Besides that it can be put upon Senator John Kerry much for his/a disloyalty to our President whence then after our President had committed us all albeit with lying us into OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM for having started his very disruptive ANTI-WAR REVIVAL with questions of voracity marched at President Bush only after the USA and coalition states had become actually committed into OIF with boots on the ground — we have that so from such it may be ANTI-WAR ACTIVIST KERRY that so undermined confidence at home and abroad that he on his shoulders most should carry our weight of OIF taking so much longer and costing so much more.  He seems to have it as his culpability that he so spread fear across Iraq that liberated people we expected ready cooperation from with their liberation tucked away rightly with stirred fears by Kerry’s ANTI-WAR proffering that they best lay low as long as it looked like he, Senator John Kerry, would succeed at  a quick CUTTING AND RUNNING again by the seeming there to see it through of a global coalition.

A most strategically puzzling of today’s partisan softball cordial queriousness is that line of support taken nobly by Senator form Illinois Dick Durbin when of a sparring softly supportively with his own Pandora’s Box mine field of Operation Iraqi Freedom being of lies about still unfound WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction).  Since Senator Hillary Clinton didn’t offer a diplomatic honesty intellectually in defense of truths of the circumstances of her having voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom:  It is most puzzling today amidst all this that WMD issue can be raised at all to help free Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton from her Senate vote as Senator Clinton of New York while such vote then was proffered by her with so much confidence in her own understanding of the issue that she cast a vote for a war by such reasoning and without thinking she needed to read the intelligence reports for such voting whence.  WMD as per Iraq should be a weight to sink her in any “intelligence” queriousness now at all about worsening sit reps for the Middle East, at least. Right?  Hillary voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom confident in her own political understanding and without feeling beholden to question herself by reading a fresh post Administration of the Clintons new intelligence report - Right?

In Hillary’s tears more the guilt of the Clintons’ avoidance & inaction of the 90s as causal following on from her speaking of dangers from avoidance and inaction - that still follow on from President Obama’s Nobel Acceptance Speech as a slap at the Clintons for their avoidance and inaction on Afghanistan and Iraq while of his charge earlier in our 90s.  President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Acceptance Speech spoke pointedly but coyly of “dangers of inaction and avoidance” much as Hillary today did while prefacing her tears for those affected by loses from her negligence years after such path towards such became trodden by the dangers that grew from the Administration of the Clintons inaction and avoidance as just per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Her use of word “husbandry” is quite a clever way to like hide that the Clintons for four years may have been overtly getting away with serious and dangerous like official conflicts of interests - at least.  She did bristle when her tears fell flat and she had to go on the defensive - quite so!  As one who remembers her New Hampshire tears as those triggered by her sliding in pols and with then a hit about if she was at all well rounded with even at least one hobby so stressing her so whence - as I recall from having been one of pressuring her before her New Hampshire tears for not at least having a hobby - but not to expecting she could shed tears for not having time for her stationary walker machine to avoid her inaction and lack of well roundedness - a less well roundedness than such campaigns long had insisted for its male entrants.

Those of the Administration of George W. Bush demonstrated a very different social norm globally and expandingly with their FREEDOM AGENDA respective of ‘FREE WILL’ as if at least the majority of Iraqi should and could be endowed by their creator as Americans free by theirs - a very different and even more progressive but yet not “socialist” than the heavy hands of change of Obama/Clinton FP with fear and pressure kept more distantly centralized, and, quite of the same governance sense that Government (by them) knows best.  Surprisingly these hearings may help peoples all around the world better see now that American Republicans are better protectors of individuals and their God given “FREE WILL” than at least President Barack Hussein Obama while of such rivalrous Clintons pulling him down.

I do not know if with Secretary of State as seems now inevitable of a turnover to the charge and such duty boundedness for John Kerry we can see HOPE return to the Administration of President Barack H. Obama.  I do not know if the assault on due process and developmental threats to “FREE WILL” as perpetrated by the Clintons’ “two-fer” are now bound to keep em shackled even so.

[I think that wraps up SLAUGHTERHOUSE STATE composition. {Well I’ve gotten this new column started.  Please check back throughout rest of day and evening and tomorrow as I work out the necessary bulwarks to ideas so broached already.}]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:50 am

My father is a lawyer so though we are both fans of Clint Eastwood I should start this as like a “NIGHTMARES FROM MY FATHER” study in contrast.

I cannot write this as if I was born a poor black boy;  I can only write this as I was born of an Irish Catholic up and coming family with eyes to being middle class in New Haven Connecticut. 

I can write this as well as an Irish Catholic American story of struggle and social climbing from a daily risk of ending up poor;  I can write this as well personally as the oldest son but third child of the second Catholic family ever admitted to club membership of New Haven’s exclusive New Haven Lawn Club, and, so personally of the responsibility as the oldest son while otherwise the first Irish Catholic family to be then ever joined as members.

As I said:  My father is a lawyer. His father was not.  He and his oldest sister his family could afford college for as first in such family’s history but the two younger brothers of my father had the Electrician vocation to best advance with.

Beyond my father being a lawyer and his father having been of the Knights of Columbus and political in the Democratic Party I grew up with life long and very successful in New York City Republican conservatives on my mother’s side.  My grandfather John William Hogan Sr. whom I carry the first name John for was the “Hogan” pal from childhood of Al Capp that was honored with a “Hogan” character for L’il Abner.  My Grandfather Hogan was with Al Capp (with born name then) that fateful day that Al fell of the ice trucked they both had hitched a free ride on and to his loss of a leg by the wheels of a trolley car too close behind.

I believe there is some distant Hogan family shared lineage via Waterbury, Connecticut, with the former Manhattan District Attorney years then hailed as Hogan DA “Mr. Integrity” for whom One Hogan Place now is set as the address of currently charged Cyrus R.Vance Jr.  I am now wondering if I have the current title for Cyrus R. Vance Jr. correct.  I believe I am writing about Frank S. Hogan DA and former Senate candidate for the seat Robert Kennedy got to holding.

Now, about those nightmares from my father.

As I have said:  My father is a lawyer.  And as I implied I do have two older sisters and was of a 70s and 80s of Government experimentation with public teaching to equal rights, and while still an oldest son of the oldest son in an Irish Catholic family.  All I will say to much of that is I could tell many were just making it up as they went along.

Don’t worry about my Dad.  My dad is now a still recent former President of the Connecticut Bar Association and now in his 70s “of counsel” with Berchem Moses and Devlin of bmdlaw.com and its continued representation of Newtown, Connecticut and its Department of Education now with charges about a development of a Foundation for Sandy Hook Elementary School contributions and caring. 

I have a dad whose business was in reacting after usually bad news professionally;  I grew up to work to being proactive not to reduce work for him or his profession but to help grow economics with better forethought and wiser capitalist free market fairness.  I chose to be of those years of after leaving Suffolk Law School at the end of classes of my first year and to then staying an “accepted” student for seven years who wouldn’t need to re-apply to return to be more to hands on construction and in work boots more than my wing tips or my suits.  Many of those years my favorite boots were my darker leather gore tex lined Dunham boots with Vibram soles - if I recall the soles correctly.  I did miss these after they were among a mix of stuff stolen from my van while parked overnight in DC on Capitol Hill near my apartment of 10 years there across from Eastern Market.  I do not recall if that was the break-in that had the near thousand dollars worth of power tools also lifted that had been of my running so late that day that I had to risk leaving them visibly inside a parked vehicle.

I did want to help improve the law profession and started my “rebel with a cause” better able to work from the outside after leaving Suffolk Law School via my fraternal association so paternal and legal about my father and son existentialism.  I did work to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and since from the spring before the fall that “Barry” Obama son of Anne Dunham started at Harvard Law School.  I have figured that “Barry” Obama is the B.O. from Hawaii I have known and networked around politically since the late 70s after a pal asked me if I was ready even for my School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech to compete against all comers in Hawaii and as if he was opening up the phone lines all across Hawaii to find all willing challengers.

My dad did very much help me prepare for and stay encouraged to my competition in oratory so and did as well find time to come and be in the audience then at East Rock Community School that Oprah Winfrey many years later also visited at least via a show guest.

Yes I grew up fearing poverty and for my whole family as we were Irish Catholic climbers with little or no safety net.  I did fear sports some for a fear was in my dad that a medical injury or any liability could suddenly bankrupt the entire family beyond just over extending it to prohibit funding college educations.

Though I grew up with a father a very involved and loyal Democrat I did work it so that I could use my more right of center economic sense as more of Reagan era Republicans as if a Reagan Democrat to help him as and when I could as of times I saw that his party sense and loyalty seemed to lack its own ways forward to match his desires to be to betterings for others, and he and his family.

So our first president President George Washington did commence our consummation of independence in a new union of our United States of America by 13 with “Among the visiccitudes incident to life…” first official oration.

Before there was and internet wiz of a candidate Senator Obama for President with wonders of small internet donations I was of my ten years living on Capitol Hill of strutting with a pride of a confidence that I could be a wonder in democracy as a small contribution personality for more positive bi-partisan change.  I did not like Senator Obama’s convention oration as it haunted me with “flattery” supposedly from imitation in rhyme and reasoning of my much earlier Reagan “caboosing” efforts of my works to revitalize our public speak and language (diction) of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. I did not like “flattery” of “imitation” as it was more theft like with echoes of ‘make it your own’ like and “put a black face on it” while without my consent nor opinion that it needed a more black face consideration than how I had much worked it to be color blind.

As I tweeted this morning and with mention of Lance Armstrong and Oprah I am one that knows enough about our politics and our economy over the past twenty years to consider it quite so that both William Jefferson Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama have President titling yet are now both of enough lies just about our economy to have lost them seven titles.

I have built to this ability to be a prolific political scribe intentionally with my hands on years in construction as a general contractor sole proprietor of tools and skills in most of the trades.  I have built Rhode Island mansions and as well have been employed across DC in past years to securing doors and repairing doors and locks as well in low income neighborhoods then some of the city’s worst.  I also while such was of a near third of my contracts as small contracts from Home Depot as a certified window and door installer such that there are many storm doors, doors and windows across the area that I did install myself.  I also of course did install new closet doors for then early to DC National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice but from the work stream that came from my sailing networks as of my ability to also rebuild boats.  And, then in my last years about DC and past my work on the town home that Grover Norquist leased then but a few doors from my own I was as well to building a doll shelf for American Girl Doll collection for Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff.

Yes I set out to be pro-active professionally to growing our economy while otherwise regularly about wearing my Dunham gore-tex lined work boots in lieu of my Church’s or Johnston Murphy wingtips and suits.  I am now of disappointment much of President Barack Hussein Obama and still mostly for he of like failing “Politics 101″ in my mind by embracing the Clintons in 2008 race and then especially for a political naivete of his nomination of “Hillary” to Secretary of State. 

Sadly I now know enough to like have a different political chore more of our Forth Estate (as per my career plans timing) of a morality to not encourage anyone to economic activity as too many seem too corrupt economically politically still about DC.

Dunham booted from infancy Barack Hussein Obama, however he dreamed while accepted as a known person in my families dreams since the late 70s, is now of a DC and a first term that I have to stand up to with my knowing and independence, and now as this is the part of my life I meant to have gotten to being of the Forth Estate or Mad Man world.

President “Barack” #Obama did want to lead as of a “personality based” President.  With both somehow spent years as Dunham booted people towards “change” and now with most of my past years of “positive change” effecting undermined by his more recent efforts seemingly towards goals thought to be yet quite similar.  I cannot abide his bad judgement in embracing the Clintons instead of politically and judiciously challenging them and towards a needed “cleaning up” in DC especially across the high ranks of his own party at least just four years ago.

I stayed independent these years since I stopped construction part of my intended and figured career path that are of such political timing that you can figure my ceasing and desisting from a tax identity for construction was near to the day that the Clinton “two-fer” announced HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

The story of my bootedness remains now that I once of favored Dunham work boots did legally apply pressure against the Clintons via the honor and diligence of the Bush administration towards the proper protection of my intellectual property of my decade plus of efforts and strategizing to more positive change and jobs than Governor Mitt Romney can claim himself to have been of such that the Clintons were to much real angering of Bill Clinton especially and some remembered fits I shall never forget that do best explain how young and little known also most junior of Senate Barack Obama was able to defeat the thought mighty and inevitable Clintons and their vast left wing political machine.

My bootedness for so many years hands on in making an honest living did allow me the flexibility and resolve to be able to stand up with officials of badges of honor of duty under President George W. Bush in defense of my own intellectual property and earlier rhyme and reason such that I could keep the Clintons from running as the Clintons as me again without authorization or agreement in usage of what was mine and figured, by my opinion and as time as recorded some, much better.

While of my replacement boots and my shift to full time writing and blogging to prevent the Clintons from returning to possession of our White House I was regularly of feeling as if I was near of a minority of one in official circles around DC as one that thought that the Clintons wouldn’t win and shouldn’t win in 2008. 

I did live up to my very many public and private statements and worked explanations as to why they shouldn’t and couldn’t or wouldn’t and all the while my dad and oldest sister were deeply set and professionally linked up as loyal Democrats too much abiding being more soldiers of the Clintons and their machinery. 

I could say I don’t know how this story of Barack Hussein Obama was and is possible in America of these still somewhat loosely affiliated states - but well it seems I know better about much of such and so that now I have a moral duty it seems to not be again to my past efforts to stir economic growth as long as Dunham boot’d President #Obama persists in his “personality” based presiding as President without the due standing up against corruption just too much about his own party - economically speaking.

When this “Dunham boot’d” President set off to his “personality based” Presidency and “new foundation” heralding he did at least two things.  Firstly he effected a posturing that my past efforts of my personality in capitalism though of much growth and booting for him had to go so that he could have his ideology and a legend of his own by his own personality.  And secondly he — well you can get busy trying to figure that out yourselves - for now.

*Please share your thoughts of his first term, his inauguration now near, and your considerations for his second term.  I am now as hoped enough into the Forth Estate such that I had hoped to be for this part of my career ambitions such that I now am to an objectivity for journalism and fairness even if it means criticizing President Barack Hussein Obama that I have been of an awareness of since the late 70s.

NOTE:  In my opinion President Obama with such agenda as his did come on the scene with such ten years too soon as of a ten years before the efforts about my works to a new political correctness and public language revolution needed ten more years before a similar “change” could be effected following on from such with undermining both by too much and then obviously much about not otherwise kept artful and of a until then working capitalism.  Yes, there is little I can now do that all our Governors shouldn’t be able to already be doing better, and, yes because President Obama is now of politics ten years too soon upon so much I had earlier been building that had been working and not yet done in some important ways.  I stand by my previously expressed opinion and as it relates to this that our best foreign policy posture and foreign and domestic economic foundations are best to be of a renaissance in state’s rights, and, at least because our Governors haven’t so earned our distrust with too much centralizing while de-centralizing the rage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:04 pm

With so many tee’d up and tee’d off these days we really shouldn’t let a Tea Party go to waste.  The long and short of our predicaments Constitutional have hardly been broached yet.  No matter how steeped you are in our Constitutional brews it is likely you have only by now seen a half full cup.

This Sunday of January in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three reached high noon with laurels rested some by former General Colin Powell while more of his captaining of Diplomacy colors.  For the sake of civility and comity I will try to keep this sociable as small talk for an afternoon as if our former Secretary of State Colin Powell did out himself as if a Tea Partier.

We can leave aside the patronizing education he proffered about Iraq towards hopeful President Barack H. Obama - for now.  What we cannot ignore are the seeming missing years of official records of the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons have already spilled too much of our tea as autocrat wanna bees.  We can please find ways now to move to a revolution in Tea Party solidarity around our founders like Samuel Adams, and please while considering, for the sake of being smarter and safer, that our Clintons are Constitutional enigmas more of wants towards reigning as our Fourth Vice President did while at least then still Governor of New York George Clinton.

Yes, as you can see your cup however about our Tea Parties seems until now as while of considerations of recent election debates been like only a half full cup of Constitutional concerns, however steeped.

I can honestly claim to have not ever have been a Tea Party member nor to ever having been knowingly at a Tea Party rally - I have kept Tea Party leaders as facebook friends and otherwise of relations per social media.  I can though tell an honest tale though of days before there was a new Tea Party that date to moments while I was considering if I could or should go to work for CNBC and that such had me considering what I might then not be able to do;  I can honestly report that I did about then ask current employed personalities of CNBC to have one of theirs publicly state that “America could use a new Tea Party.”

For the sake of Constitutional rendition success I do have to add peacefully that as of yet a Tea Party as I may have imagined can not yet be seen quite as a cup over-runneth.

We can now understand as “fact” that President Obama has been overwhelmed by actual histories to a situation report about he having been at least ignorant or naive as per Saddam Hussein and the Iraq that President George W. Bush inherited from peacenik Clintons.

I have afraid that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has shown herself not to have been as claimed either to “be ready at 3am” or “ready from day one.”  We have that this is about how still now she isn’t likely ready for 3pm tea time civil rendition reflections on either of our Tea Parties.

We have for other less quiet times of discourse like heated happy hours that the Clintons may be due a full dissection of their decades of spousal political plotting at least as pertains to federalism issues Constitutional by ways foreign and domestic.  We have the Clintons around to dissect ad nauseum for years more;  We have for starters that they may have worked official department lying for a PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS before their time.

As per you cups of tea however now tee’d up or still tee’d off and if half full or still half empty — We have the federalism debate to refresh civilly with non-violence at least to discuss threats from undermining our Constitution as per foreign and domestic politics or “governance.”  We have a still here and concerning “FLASHING RED” sit rep to discourse upon even just to threats from within to our Constitutional safeties and checks and balance prudence.

In many ways former top Bush Administration cabinet officer Secretary Colin Powell seemed to have outed himself as if a Tea Party idealist.  For this hopefully quiet nearer 3 pm “Tea” you can ponder as you might how steeped as a Tea Party originalist and how just sympathetic to foreign Constitutional concerns from threats from within he may be as of this Sunday in January as Constituted by our Christian Constitution “ordained” by preamble set to its fully affected subscriptions then with the Christian Calender so that specific Year of their (our) Lord whence.

It seems the Clintons can be more clearly to be of debatable Constitutional threats as plotters long from inside;  The Clintons have themselves argued to a convenient mostly for them acceptance that our United States of America is now in a Post-Constitutional era, and, so that it practically authorized them each contrarily to be extra-Constitutional - at least.

We can spend some time on Obamacare as ACA as being found passable with low Constitutional grading as if a War Power would have been compromised if a President and Congress weren’t allowed to wage war at home on its people’s general Welfare.  Hmmm?  There is a can of worms - the specific seeming random use of capitalization in our Constitution’s preamble has to be purposeful and instructive as like a legend/key to the tune of all then to follow and be subscribed there within - right?

It is inescapable that we are now necessarily back to having a Tea Party - and now more globally yet then ever before.  Our former TOP DIPLOMAT has spoken simply to a naivete of President Obama and his hopefully still not kept views on Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

However you try to take your Constitution and American tea times we have that Iraq issues and our Clintons are here to stay as yet fully and appropriately discussed “federalism” issues.  We cannot escape a full considerations now of the dangers of the Clintons wants and practices to lesser Constitutionality and how such was argued to be convenient for them to together share more autocratic powers to foreign and domestic concerns as justified new extra-C powers in a necessary Post-Constitutional era.

This Sunday in January the issue has been broached that we have been but of half full or half empty tea cups so far.

Whom now will be next?  With former Secretary of State proffering wisdom and humility and with his rendition relating to Iraq and President Obama we now have to like find what has seemed too long to have been as missing records of missing years of those that are supposed to be there as the eight of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

We have our hands full enough to broach a discussion just of the Clintons and as per Constitutionality and “federalism” such that it would be unnecessary and maybe rude to even mention President George W. Bush and his administration at least until some base line notes are settled upon as to how the Clintons seem to be acting globally as if towards a global Constituting newly around themselves while opportunities exist specially for such to assign to them Powers nearly as if Autocrats.

For today’s Tea Party reviving comity we should brace ourselves away from thoughts comedic for it is still quite serious that we can greatly discuss that our modern day Clintons do not deserve a rap as “modern moralists” but maybe so as Karl Marx seems to have.  It is better to be more sociable to more localized small talk to how steamed many are now due to problems from how steeped the Clintons have been to leading and governance attempts as if they were former Governor George Clinton of New York in the days of our first Tea Party and to getting his way over that of our Federalist Papers and the troika such as Publius was set.

Are the Clinton effecting an anti-Constitutional global and domestic effrontery — Are they purposefully to attempts to make changes globally before any can figure out they are are trying to seize powers more of the mind set of former Governor of New York George Clinton than that which has survived long as subscribed whence thence in that “Year of our Lord…”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:12 am

Our hopes are upon him now as another set soon so out to pasture and reflection; these days soon to dawn for hopes not too bogged down.  And, by the embers of his peats a shared stoking for the she fires before now but out to pastures, soon.

If Governor Andrew Cuomo is to run for President in 2016 there isn’t much he now need to do about Hillary Clinton.

This is not to be a “metrosexual” new age piece like a vagina diatribe by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton;  President Obama after nearly four years had only one “foreign policy” success to run on - right?  Mrs. Clinton is today to be covered as a woman and following on the Governor of New York State being of his State of the State about sexual equality and pay as if equals.

Yes, that is right — after four years President Obama only had the overseas military success of having done more than catch Osama Bin Ladin to run on despite Madam Secretary Clinton as his top “DIPLOMAT.”  We can off blog get down to discussing how she has been heralded as a success despite such and yet with such usually of commentary with metrics as that only maybe related professionally since the measure it seems for her has oddly been to whether “Bill and Hillary” have become “more popular” globally.

Has she been more a “terrorist” than a “peacemaker”?  Has she been the “moody” and “irrational” decider thought now only of past chauvenistic bygone era - actually?  Has she been all of a personal vendetta and vengence - as it can be reasoned with the co-Administration of the Clintons so fresh still and yet so incredibly contrary?

How can there be a bucolic reign for Senator John Kerry turned Statesman with the irregularity left of the long era of his predecessor?  Can Madam Secretary be just considered as “put out to pasture” if not also penned that way with “Bill” and their CGI?  Where are the ‘happy places’ - ‘happy fields’ - for a Secretary Kerry and his Boss Obama?

Governor Cuomo, while recently of having to unlearn most of what was his “expertise” while in the Clintons’ administration and to finding workable ways otherwise so as a new governor, is of his prudent political posture that there sould be sexual equality and equal pay regardless of ones sex.  But Hillary stands as a failed Secretary of State to enough and yet while still oddly championed as a better “next President” than now Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Can there be a bucolic political landscape - can there be one at least until some of the wounds of the hawkish “Hillary” have had care and time to heal?

It seems we all should be of real concern about our “Hillary” and now look back at her irregularity and contrariness as at least of her being a woman - a woman though specific to her past and its “emotions” political not because of her and menopause.

She did show in these four years a “Hillary Before” and a “Hillary After” that is still hard to explain but by discussing deeply a need for Clinton CYA and for it seeming that such now so as “different” or “moody” stuck like vengence around the world on those still standing as if standing was an embarrassment personally to “Bill and Hillary” of their eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

It does seem just wrong to suggest Madam Secretary Clinton has been a success because the “CLINTONS” global brand stock is up around the world.  It seems unfair to President Barack Hussein Obama that she otherwise has left him hardly a campaignable success but for whatever “hands on” roll she might have diplomatically or undiplomatically played towards the assassination of Osama Bin Ladin.

There is all the “moodiness” that cannot now be like a tool in the shed of diplomacy for Senator John Kerry if and when Secretary of State - he will be expected not to change his hair style willy nilly per his personal whimsy and nor will he be seen as stable if he dons even a small fraction of the irregular and inconsistent wardrobe stylings of his predecessor.

It is arguable that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has despite clearing up the “Saddam Hussein” specifics been to targeting foreign leaders that make she and her husband look bad for having been so cozy and like ‘in bed’ with during the eight years of the co-administration of the Clintons.

But can a bucolic now be possible if we are just of a letting of our “Hillary” be to as if just put out to pasture?  Isn’t the Clintons’ BRAND now globally a conflict of interest whether she is Secretary of State or just like afterwards the “FIRST LADY” of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE?

We have that many can hope so many now won’t just be like “lambs” to a Secretary Kerry as if “lambs” as “pawns” these years - long years - of Secretary Clinton.

It may be suggestive of a possible political bucolic to see “Hillary” as a peaceable lamb tucked away in some fields of Ireland’s Kerry — But, we are talking about the Clintons and should be talking about Hillary as a woman - and as one that had too many “POLITICAL” emotions to carry after having been FLOTUS Mrs. Clinton for eight.

Governor Cuomo has prudently spoken to an agenda for sexual equality and equal pay regardless of sex, and, he knows better than most that he had to learn a new “expertise” to Govern after that of the era of the co-Administration of the Clintons and his charges about such couldn’t carry water.

It seems Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be tagged and/or branded to near historic chauvenistic stereotypes for and of women.  I don’t know which of our politicians now has the greatest ambitions against more favoritism for her at their own expense - Senator John Kerry if her successor will have her “womanness” hard to avoid, and difficult politically to fix.

Though the timing of her baby as it was “ODYSSEY DAWN” did broadcast like simultaneously with the Twitter scandal of her top Middle East Advisor’s husbands “tri - pol - I” pixilated infidelity it may not be another WAG THE DOG Clintons CYA for the French needed to take the lead on Tripoli.  Much more has been to getting more hazy.

She needed the French as did President Obama it seems; they needed the French to take the lead because they didn’t have the necessary leadership skills and experience themselves to have taken the lead so. 

So it seems, still. 

But as per our “Hillary” as not a too emotional (woman) politician prone to hot spots/flashes and irregularities we have that she leaves to the likely nominee Senator John Kerry a fog of Diplomacy and international politics much ado about how if we were right to proceed towards the killing of Osama Bin Ladin and Qadhaffi and to the stand-offishness about Egypt than we must have been justified earlier towards a similar pursuit, however, against Saddam Hussein, and, as he to many was considered worse.

As per our “Hillary” this may all about her just a vengence seeking hawk and as a former First Spouse scorned, and, not otherwise specifically about her as an irregular female and too moody a woman.  There is the “HILLARY BEFORE” and the “HILLARY AFTER” and still so much worrisome as to how she can be so different now than she was while First Lady.

So it seems, still.  

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:17 am

Yup - I’ve gone and decided not to write another column during October, and, as well maybe not until at least after election day 2012.

Yup, since it is time to see how low I should reset my ambitions and standards to match America’s new normal in nationalism - these are the days beyond my needing to write. 

Yup, I have done too much and for too long for it to be my next move - it is my time just to judge the field - the whole field and yes, both sides. 

Yup, I did nearly find myself forever to avoiding New York - if Senator Hillary Clinton had not ceased to be a Senator from New York my lack of trust and respect for her would have sluced for all with a too low standard a guilt by association. 

Yup, I did once entertain an interest in maybe working at ABC — Disney/Cap Cities - but closed that all down when they lowered their standards with the contract for George Stephanopoulus. 

Yup, it is not my move now - and well it is late now for any to expect to get me at their tables to discuss October, however.

Sad that the new fall season has commenced with new TV shows on air and Mad Men every where politically charged to still be selling Obama austerity and new conservationism. 

Sad that Dems did pursue policies especially about economics that looked as if they would bring us quite to this down time - and most sad for the serious lack of character in them with such pursued with an attempt to be to such with the hope that they would succeed in just blaming the other side.

Yup, I have no idea now how I will spend now more available time (”freer time” — just seems too true and sad as too wrong) this October, but I do at least owe myself an honest consideration as objectively as I can manage of the worth of both parties and sadly now to a wondering about whether the Republicans may be as bad as the Dems.

Yes,  I really nearly decided to completely avoid NYC because NY had Hillary Clinton as Senator.  She seems to have been now too long living up to my distrust. 

I won’t know how to publish to broader audiences until after election day.   If you were wondering - I have been waiting a while to see how much lower I should join my standards and expectations and now the day is coming near.

I have done too much and for too long - and so far no price has been right - or offered well to get me to make a move before Election Day 2012.  

I am now to a month without writing a column - while thinking it is not my move anyways.  I don’t feel a need to retract any of the very many columns I have written - so I really shouldn’t feel a need to write another at least for a month.

I do stand by everything I remember to be in my earlier columns.  And, again, until after Election Day I won’t know where our new lower standard may best be set and so won’t for at least a month know how to join to such new standard any publishing of my past compositions long stirred of years I thought it would be worth it to try to raise our standards.

The choices are yours - I am just an observer now - since for a while it hasn’t been my move or my table to try to get me to.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:46 am

Original to http://2012us.jphogan.org  01/31/12

     BOB & I RAN

To be standing today with a political future you likely had to know how to bob and weave through the nineties.

My term for myself during such trying decade is often as “cross partisan” - it may be best that I avoid saying I was “bi-partisan” or “partisan” as such could be as confusing as it was when I heard Senator Biden in New Haven of the nineties say that Federalism was “devolving.”

President Biden may actually have said “Federalism was evolving” while participating in symposium on the evolution or devolution of Federalism - it is still hard figuring - hard figuring a combination of “evolution” or “devolution” with “Federalism” especially as legal talk.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has years post her new “travel office” duties quite secretarial to judge herself and near as poorly and honestly as many of us will - especially for effrontery to Federalism.

It may all come down - come down soon to that they didn’t collaborate - not really as rivals and really not as politicians to a bi-partisan or “cross partisan.”

I still will have the Clintons four years from 1993 to 1996 to hold in a most critical contempt and with criticism - I have said we all would be better off today if the Clintons had not been re-elected.  There first steps of just first new year and first year set us up and to such “devolution” or “evolution” - dependent on your perspective of our Federalism.

President Biden may actually have said this is all mostly the fault of the Clintons - he didn’t have to weave such a partisan “evolution” defense while of his “devolution” perspective.  He, again, is of and from our First State.  I am of and from our Constitution State.  The first year of the Clinton administration is enough for most if looking for political moves to be critical of as of an early and root causation for these times.

Not even half of her remaining friends in Hollywood were able to help her with her “I ducked and ran for cover” her early and wrongness about her of an “I … ran”

Nominee Mitt Romney seems to have the footwork still to not just spar with Majority Leader Senator Reid but to bob and weave and knock him out.  I forget if it was in the Clintons first year or the year before where I was party to the think for positive change I was walking and talking so that IBM was asked to participate while of a partial usage and towards helping remodel Time Square and Las Vegas.

There is a lot Hillary Clinton hasn’t done - this alone can keep many busy for years for in a negative it is positively a negative - there is much to do about her “nothing” moments.  There are as well many collaborations between spouses of Clinton “two-fer” that too limited “collaboration” to selfish politics and running, as now fodder for them of a fading - a political public polite perishing — polite = kept civil exiting.

Speaking with some self awareness - I realize as per me as of a “Constitutional” I as per lacking erudity am one now maybe of having from decades of trying “cross partisan” participation may be as per memory as one whom has forgotten more than he might ever remember he forgot - quite possibly - Please don’t ask me to explain the Constitution - it is easier to make an example, practical of the Clintons.

President Biden and Scottish existentialist Newt Gingrich could start a morning call in show soon.

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton has decades to defend her ravaging now a couple decades so.

Not necessarily in defense of Nominee Mitt Romney - we have that he has bobbed and weaved better than Hillary has actually run.  To be standing today a midst these issues as a politician that survived the most trying and difficult nineties a Massachusetts “Governor” may most have needed how to bob.  It is kinda unfair to Evangelist Barack H. Obama that he believe it was as easy to be President as some made it look for Sopranos star William Jefferson Clinton and made it seem for him as well.  That isn’t quite our reality though showing still much for our nineties.

Have you ever gotten a laugh out of a Boston cop?  Have you ever had a Massachusetts Municipal chieftain tell you not to laugh?  Did you like his name - as for his cop work - his “Bill” and his “Bratton” and decide to quietly collaborate - even proactively for positive change?  You can consider that IBM committing to help remodel Time Square did coincide with William Brattons careful and politically difficult New York City collaborations of old - It may be best that the two are never separated, scholastically speaking to future erudities.

Some where there are records that President Biden could easily find - I did hear him and meet him near 1996 or 97 while still staying of a consideration for the well namedness of Chief Bratton - it was in New Haven then at the Joseph Slifka Center at Yale for a symposium open to public hosted by his son’s class then of Yale Law School.  I was still an enrolled student at Suffolk Law School when Chief Bratton newly to Massachusetts’ most dilapidated state wide police force suggested I not laugh at his new very old fleet.

Former Chief William Bratton’s old mentor Dean Esserman became a New Haven neighbor before he became a beat cop - a trained and passable cadet to be both an esquire deputy and a trained regular.  I here he is now back in New Haven - that Dean Esserman may already now be New Haven’s newest sworn Chief.

Oh, did she run!  Oh, boy did she run!  Oh my - she really should not have been of “I ran” even as just of her run.

By even just the end of the first year of the Clintons’ Presidency they were working to a collaboration to make others collaborations for positive change and a more global and level “Federalism” really an “Anti-Federalism” work for fewer - and more selfishly and politically for them and their (autocrat) dreamin’.

I still have no clue or conclusiveness on the intent of “Federalism is devolving” for alone it sounds too good to be true though otherwise maybe orated.  Does “Federalism is devolving” in an evolutionary sense mean it as an intellectual accomplishment and governance body politic returning to its fine roots?  Anyone?  I mean like our Bill of Rights as “TEN” is a harkening to the TEN COMMANDMENTS and furtherance upon and afterwards from the Articles preamble with it of an “ordaining” usage then concluded with “subscribing” … “in the Year of our Lord…” — it seems that we have our first “TEN” as if meant to be a parlay of commandments as RIGHTS and Power of the People to ways just to protect self and property from all violating TEN COMMANDMENTS.

I don’t know what to say now about President Biden — Nominee Mitt Romney may have been less of “flip-flopping” than a near impossible bob and weave existence throughout our terrible and trying nineties, and as if a survivor and better boxing champion than Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid.

{If you are to or were to asking Retired Chief William Bratton about me - he may tell you of emails I sent him while he was chieftain in Los Angeles and how he laughed, it seemed when the Bostonian he is realized reading me that I had been “taking on the Kennedys” and maybe even in keeping with my long spirit of collaboration to all the positive change I attempted to encourage as if of an “invisible hand” that as well stirs a memory near college graduation about the time the FBI named its new training town “Hogan’s Alley” if I might be looking to join their esprit de corps.  I am not nor have I ever been a government employee - I was of such opinion and expression purposeful to an otherwise yet as good to work also to better if and when possible thence.  Hmmm!  That ran on a little — If you speak to Retired Chief William Bratton he likely remembers as well that I emailed consideration that with election of Democrat to White House he should protect his life’s work and legacy and look to retire from public duty and maybe shift to private enterprise.  I was of opinion now quite proven correct that Democrats were going to do great damage to the economy - I did not think it would be fair that any increase in crime from such would then be able to be scapegoated on to likes of Chief Bratton - as if it were a policing not a national political problem.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:37 am

ORIGINAL TO 12/07/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 10:42 pm

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day.  What will long live in infamy now may be a commission report that …

A first strike if to a new world war likely would be with multiple and seeming unrelated EMP incidents and…

If a small yield nuclear device hidden on drones detonates if/when opened the wrong way are we to blame if…

And, how was it that our 9/11 Commission decided it was responsible - responsible with a decision to look back only ten years?

It does seem that President Clinton preceded this - this new unexpected tack by President Obama - “Teddy” Obama - when recently with his envy on parade and with his book his tool and trade while “political” again, much, with near:  “I should be allowed to have a third term.”  I don’t know what or whom was served with our 9/11 Commission self limiting history to a ten year window of relevance.

What do you say when a President wants a third term?

What do you say when a President wants a third term if not even likely to get a second term?

What do you say when PBC seemed to be channeling TR a week or more before PBO?

It does seem odd that President Clinton didn’t insist that the 9/11 Commission at least look far enough back to include Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invasion of neighbor Kuwait - of neighbor Kuwait with many “friend” by treaties of declared united ends.  It does seem odd that even Senator Clinton of “Ground Zero Senator” instant extreme personal and political makeover didn’t as well insist on behalf of New York that Congress and 9/11 Commission at least look back farther than 10 year self imposed historical window limit and back far enough to consider at least the early days that were of the conception and original unifying for Al Qaeda.

I guess we have to assume that another world war is possible.

I guess we have to allow that we should have back ups for most of our “connectedness” and new media.

I guess we have to articulate that we could be surprised with lasers in the sky and EMP suitcase stored.

It does still seem odd that both Clintons didn’t raise cain early and often after 9/11.  Where were their calls to probe publicly and transparently questions at least about why Saddam Hussein must have thought he would be able to keep Kuwait?  Where are now their explanations that there could be no “real bite” in any international sanctions if we only had their eight years of “enforcement” about them?  I mean it has been a while since I remembered being in seventh grade and being entered in schools oratory contest to present President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech - I mean it has been a while since I could remember with certainty that Al Qaeda original formation did date back longer than ten years from surprise attacks of 9/11/2001.

Sometimes you learn about warring surprises festering in time.

Sometimes you learn from a book not until 70 years after the fact.

Sometimes you can not learn for thirty years or some plus a new thirty of protection as if anew to President Clinton.

You don’t always have to read an entire book - sometimes a “cover to cover” of just book jacket enough to be surprise.  Take inside front cover of Edmund Morris’ COLONEL ROOSEVELT and its first paragraph as:

“Of all our great Presidents, Theodore Roosevelt is the only one whose greatness increased out of office. When he toured Europe in 1910 as plain ‘Colonel Roosevelt’ he was hailed as the most famous man in the world.  Crowned heads vied to put him up in their palaces.  ‘If I see another king,’ he joked, ‘I think I shall bit him.’”

And then:

“Had TR won his historic “Bull Moose” campaign in 1912 (when he outpolled the sitting president, William Howard Taft), he might have averted World War I, so great was his international influence.”

Due to unforeseen erudition around Colonel Roosevelt I may not get past the second chapter that seems to have already warned “Teddy” or plainly as “Colonel Roosevelt” already past two terms in office and his huge British East Africa predatory mass killings while on largest safari ever set about by man, and from minds about Europe that America of 1910 era was likely on a path to war with Japan.  Or was it Japan was seemingly already then on a path towards eventual war against the United States of America.

And, again, I don’t know how our 9/11 Commission set out historically with a ten year window presumption agreed.  And, I really don’t know how either former President Clinton or Senator Clinton let such slide, and still.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - that day is not alone in infamy, now.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - I did take second place with “INFAMY” in the seventies - I didn’t want 1st for “WAR!”.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - and I don’t recall classmate next to me who wondered if a Hawaiian could compete, so.

But now we have President Barack “Teddy” Obama who better could have taken such Rooseveltianism to the HQ of the National Rifle Association as such commemorates “plain ‘Colonel Roosevelt’” it seems, so far, for being predatory most of 1909, and so to a “Bull Moose” “New Nationalism” a spin around America for hunters and gun totters to celebrate his hunts and haunts locally in chase - in chase of American moose.  Was it accidental or did he get punked by President Clinton?  How did a sitting Democrat President come out so exactingly for furs and hunting?  How can “Bull Moose” not been a progressive argument for gun ownership and hunting of moose, of American moose, of local moose, of hopefully that US trophy bull moose?

A first strike if too a new world war likely would be with multiple and seeming unrelated EMP incidents and…

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - I think a Hawaiian did think they could compete.

If a small yield nuclear device hidden on a drone detonates if/when opened the wrong way are we to blame if…

PEACE is possible if…

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Filed under: POLITICS, #NEW_YORK
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:34 am

ORIGINAL TO 10/08/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:18 pm

Keynes for one a player out of his league and times for these days.

When a silent treatment of a “mob” may be better than “a mob”

How to gallop - how to cant - how to decant these spirits a party divided?

E - rich now a foot when not a sleep - E - poor though maybe “e - rich” too?

How now old Keynesian - Keynesians anew?

“TRUTH WILL OUT” a conundrum - a beat of yours.

“TRUTH WILL OUT” a beat of yours - discordant and rude.

We have a party divided - we have no choice.

We have a party divided - we must reboot.

We have a party divided - labor will be dead if we don’t

We have a party divided - Washington is falling - our mobs on the rise.

Oh my Democrats who are you now?

Oh my Democrats what have you undone?

Oh my Democrats where haven’t you seen your divisions?

Oh my Democrats when can we the new labor movement have the reigns from you?

Oh my Democrats how soon - we need to  be saving you from you?

Some are milking camels

Some are milking sunshine

Some are milking firsts and “CRISIS”

Some are milking monopolies on good.

Oh my Democrats is Clintons’ Global Iniative a MONOPOLY?

Oh my Democrats why does Bill get all our glory

Oh my Democrats remembering Steve Jobs

Oh my Democrats why doe Bill get all the altruistic Ipodishness for good?

Oh my Democrats why did NewYorker put Keynes tense on the balls of his feet?

Once upon a time in America

Once upon a time in America

Once upon a time in America

Perchance to dream the impossible dreams again - anew.

Oh poor Keynes and all his modern misguided Keynsians

I cannot condone being a Hogaian - too bad “Heros” of “Hogan’s Heros” taken.

Truth will out against mobs now more for “something for nothing” if so.

Truth will out against mobs now more “race to the top” and unprepared.

Truth will out against mobs not more against “too much” and “excessiveness”.

Truth will out against mobs against the same mob and its messaging.

Truth will out remembrances of liberal institutions shorting their endowments.

Truth will out remembrances not more of protest anew of nothing for something.

Oh my Democrats of Washington why is a NEW LABOR DEMOCRAT MOB about so?

Oh my Democrats oh too Keynesian - this is your dance - you caused it.

E Cantor if you must - they are acting against themselves

E Cantor if you must - They are putting Dem Americans against Dem Americans.

E Cantor if you must - Others might just anew go silent.

E Cantor if you must - Do they have any where else to go?

E Cantor if you must - Keynsians are up against “TRUTH WILL OUT”

E Cantor if you must - Mobs are working for themselves and for you - too - much.

TRUTH WILL OUT even as mobs stir and sleep.

TRUTH WILL OUT even as Obama reaches anew for yet another “new foundation.”

TRUTH WILL OUT even now especially as it has no place else to go.

TRUTH WILL OUT but who what and which party first?

TRUTH WILL OUT - Oh my Democrats why are you so now a Party divided and dividing?


J. P. Hogan - little acknowledged political poet known to the New York Press in early nineties especially the then op-ed staff of The New York Times - still writing about economics some but with little reason if any to help the Democrats again, really.  Oh, and yes blogging while doing laundry.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:58 am

When you hear tales of my having moved to Washington DC and into a one bedroom apartment on Capitol Hill and then so to stocking when stocking such for beer almost always with Milwaukee’s Best you are to be transported back in time.

There was a “Monica Beach” in DC when I moved there.  I moved there after deciding while half way across America in my new but used 1988 Dodge Ram B250 white cargo style van.  I moved to DC after time in New Orleans while I had a rebuilt Dodge 318 engine block switch in.  I decided to stop my trip to move to Los Angeles as the next and third step of hope in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM and move instead to DC to be closer to all fifty states.  The year was 1997 that I decided and then it was 1998 when I found such apartment and moved.

We cannot now move forward without reconsidering those earlier years of changes about municipalities towards a renewal from “COMMUNITY POLICING” and brand new attempts to fight blighted areas even with “LIVEABLE CITIES INITIATIVES.”

To understand how some of this is more a tale of success for Republicans though many local Democrats were leaders in local municipal efforts to get away from the bunker mentality of centralized policing you may just look most at Democrats today.  We have in New York State that its new Governor is the Andrew Cuomo that was a part of “Clinton Initiatives” related yet now he is a Governor having to find ways different from what were the Clinton way while he was with the Clintons.  But really it might be simpler and not too Ayn Randian just to offer:  Democrats if they understood the importance of decentralizing policing then they should in these past few years at least have known as well not to over-centralize our national governments however.

The benefit of Milwaukee’s Best beside the red, white, and blue cans was some that it was cheap but much more that I was there in DC to work a third processing and widening for positive change following on start as written to focus on New Haven and then second processing to focus practically the air of such more widely then about the changes others and specifically some Republicans were working about New York City.  It was a toss up between Los Angeles and DC then as to which municipal area I should integrate a new in a third processing specifically related to similar blue collar networking of local governance - because of Clintons’ scandals it seemed DC might be a more needy place, politically speaking.

Most of this that I speak to of three different efforts at processing my thinking, writing and strategizing about all the positive change I hoped to assist with my focus kept about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM has stopped due to a maturity of initial change evolutions.  That said much also had to stop when Hillary announced “Hillary for President” as with them it was going to get corrupted any ways and to very different ends.

Paul Ryan, Representative from Wisconsin turned Vice Presidential nominee,  is about five years younger than I am young and did move to DC after the elections the fall after I moved to Capitol Hill about the time of the “Monica Beach” media stake-outs about the Clinton and Lewinsky scandal.   I moved to DC an owner and operator of a privately licensed white Dodge cargo van with four wheels that I think said “WILD TRAC” on their sidewalls.   Milwaukee’s Best seemed Randian and in character for my outward appearance even though I thought of my van as a “think tank” and kept a small skiff inside most days.

Here is where in my story I move past that I moved to DC instead of Los Angeles and to DC being the next place I would spirit a marketing madly or however, due to the scandals about the Clintons who had been having an easy ride so far while others had actually been the leaders and intellects for their easy ride.   It seems the Clintons both still actually lack the same leadership instincts of those that new what to do then and how important it all was to far greater levels of detail than most yet have considered.

I did in DC and some with consideration of an old friend Jim Wareck who moved to town months later that as well is likely now of the first ever Presidential ticket with someone younger than he is young.   Jim Wareck moved to DC from New Haven and not to go back to work for Senator Dodd but to be far more “local” and “grassroots” with a former New Haven Alderman who had represented his Yale ward as a student while Jim’s father had been the President of the New Haven Board of Alderman.  Jim moved to DC some unknown months after I did and took to the “Williams for Mayor” efforts and much with enough responsibility that after the victory he was regularly one of just four pictured behind the new mayor of DC.

I do not regret having decided to move to the District of Columbia to think for it with my marketing sense and core philosophy worked with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that proved well enough thought through to have been enough reworkable though with lower standards to help the Clintons seem electable for 1992.  It did annoy me that while thinking President Bush 41 deserved to have someone to run against not a third tier scrapper that I kept thinking I needed to rework my thinking about the philosophy modernized with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM to have it have a decisive fit for the Clintons. 

Again, I had worked to help the Clinton have the courage to enter the 1992 race and then to many many months to make them seem electable, and, that with that said again I should say I didn’t think I was giving them enough to actually be electable and so to a fine line where it was important even with the Ross Perot entrance that they look better than I thought they were.

For me now I am at a crossroads.   For me I have this team of Republicans enough of similar thinking that I may feel free to pursue old entertainment and media minded economy and positive change stimulating - to pursue the private sector profits I likely would have already had much of if the Clintons had been more honest with us all.

For the politics of our day and all our challenges municipal or federal revenue based this team of today’s announcements have me thinking I could if I wanted to help publicly again but actually so that the public is aware be better to find Governors to work with and so for it seems logically they are those best organized and situated to spearhead a new growth economy.

We have again that these are days we should look back at “COMMUNITY POLICING” and even “LIVEABLE CITIES” initiatives of the early 90s and also look now and consider that if Democrats actually understood the essential good sense and political wisdoms of such they never could have been to such grand national new centralizing attempts.

I am at a crossroads not to try to pick up a tangled mess and un-knot it so that it can work again to municipal and economic improvements but to consider where and how I might privately and in “media” somehow be to building anew with all new people/artists and for maybe a longer term benefit than was possible once the Clintons rose again and to obviously try to centralize after decentralizing had been quite an important “marketing” factor at the core of the successes that were had.

Yes I did rethink and relocate my thinking then leading thought first based around New Haven to then be formulated in a media way to work to support efforts of so many others about New York City and then I did decide to personally focus more on a reworking of the spirit of such again from a local blue collar hands on ready to pick up my Milwaukee Sawzall by day and a cold Milwaukee’s Best by night but how with all the thinking for change and hope I was at since days President Obama was still in law school.

Yes, that I reworked thinking so that all the artists and benefiting others for DC and so to daily thinking of Chief Ramsey at least every morning I slid a Leatherman Multi-tool onto my belt was also balanced still with my knowing of William Bratton since about 1988 from a Boston wiring of two of ambitions that hope and change were quite possible. 

Whatever it was I did it is now in the hands of others actually with constituents.  It may be now most for the shoulders of our Governors and municipal leaders and more possibly so if this now announced new possible team are elected.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:52 pm

It seems to be a unique story of an American up from our western islands.  He speaks now and as so recently of a story not specifically like his Madam Secretary’s of a political nepotism causal to her ascendency to “Senator” Clinton — our President has spoken in a clear and concise manor not indicative of a black man of “negro dialect.”

President Barack Hussein Obama has a story similar to Mrs. Hillary Clinton, his Secretary of State, as of a career that others seem to have built.  In the case of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton we have that her acquisition of a New York Senate seat can be simply tagged as of a political nepotism kind of affirmative action - or whatever.

President Obama’s recent “someone else built it” illumination of his real life story without regular fictional accoutrements may not be as politically bad as Senator Harry Reid’s past remarks that shed like on his willingness to help the career construction for Senator Barack Obama - those remarks of such being affirmable as action would be for a “light skinned” politician with “no negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

No to men are exactly alike - no two politicians regardless of sex or skin color or lifestyle are either. 

As all were born equal and subject later to conscious considerations of an “ashes to ashes” exposure - we have the Barry Obama roots of President Obama now to consider much.

You may be late to this story of President Obama’s less about a struggle for freedom than his Secretary of State but not too late to now look at both as “made” “politician” much of constructions for them to a “career” or “business” with it now to a parsing of particulars between “political nepotism” and “affirmative action.”

For the sake of our Olympians and their work at being successful we can for now safely “box” these two “leaders” as bureaucrats more than as cheerleaders.  President Barack Hussein Obama has had it tougher than some politicians in Chicago for troubles related to affirmative action, yes, but complicated for that “half black” or “light skinned” bias as of a “not black enough.”

We know his Secretary of State is a carpetbagger of record.  We can consider that her Senate “Job” was mostly arranged for her with expectations that her husband’s relocation to NYC would continue to greatly favor its economy however actually built.  It is hard to actually see “Hillary” of a success story of her own - it just seems still when there have been successful moments, as few as there may be, others have been actually otherwise mostly responsible.

So what are the “roots” of President Obama the aforementioned “light skinned” with “no negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” — what is his story of success - can he at all be more responsible for his own success than his Secretary of State for her few?

Not all that were born equal have such a story of others shovel ready for them actually with shovels ready and worked - even figuratively.  It seems by President Obama’s recent remarks that somehow he had trouble with “shovel ready” jobs because he was ignorant of where shovels actually came from. 

Maybe he needs some time in his wife’s gardens.

How do we separate the boy from the man - the President Barack from the “surfer dude” Barry?  What are his roots, actually, whom are we best now to compare him to but maybe his own Secretary?

Senator Reid wasn’t alone with his thoughts back whence then while of speaking so affirmingly and actively for his peer that was “light skinned” and of “no negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”  There is a story of “political” “shovels” for a young carpetbagger of sorts to Chicago and as well of a political concern similar to recent remarks much as well about his being only half black.

As we have heard there are at least intonations to differentiate similar remarks spoken with business experience by Mitt Romney that mark a true story less fictionalized or dramatized than his darker skinned opponent now in the 2012 Presidential race.

It seems that President Obama has well set himself apart as the “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” candidate and historically as our first “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT” but as it has earlier applied for those more uniters than dividers.

We have that it is of record that President Obama is “not our first black President” and as well others have been contrary to the intent of such, spoken by more than a few, when of the left handedness of President Clinton and his wants regular at times to grab whatever attention he could by claiming for himself a spotlight as “the first black President.”

Was President Obama’s first problem with businesses and job creators the early problem with “shovel ready” jobs as it seems now cleared out some with his “others built that business” as it suggests he doesn’t still know where shovels come from?

So we have just two to talk about now more than any other - one for a “political nepotism” and the other for a sometimes too fictional story and the actual affirmative action that silently supported and still may support it.

This really though is only about Barack Hussein Obama the career politician and no one else’s actual roots.  We have that he himself with his early autobiography and his keeping of an oral tradition about his tales has been clearly to explaining that he didn’t make or win his first elective office in Chicago.  We have that his “political” “business zone” and all its roads and bridges (if it had any) were made for him in a Chicago back office.

There are many to celebrate and cherish for life stories complete from ashes to ashes and as works in progress, yet for this politician Barack Hussein Obama it seems his success isn’t actually by his own admittance as success of his own works or skill.

When it comes to separating the boys from the men or girls from the women one’s actual roots are to be litigated if a politician in a public realm.  Yes Olympians - you are responsible for what you have built yourselves to.  I am not sure that by the President’s recent remarks he thinks we should say the same about him.

He may say words similar to thoughts spoken some by Mitt Romney and as a “light skinned” with “no negro dialect, …” and as a carpetbagger politician of some sorts to Chicago yet it seems they just don’t have the same heft or intonation as when spoken by someone who has been in business and has business experience.

I don’t know why President Barack Hussein Obama who got his first political (elective) job in Chicago from a back room redrawing of representative mapping so that a sufficient number of people who would have less objection to a light skinned Harvard Law grad carpetbagger candidate could be kind of “relocated” to be of a majority affirmative for him would now be to raising the issue of himself as our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT.

His story is his own - and now in question more than most.  President Obama has called himself out as one whose story is a construction by others mostly.  When it comes to having roots of a business actually of the labors of others it seems his story of having a back room redrawing of political lines in Chicago for him to be sufficient to guarantee his election is now maybe his first “shovel ready” work.

I know, I have recalled that I have known him from afar as ambitious about oratory since the seventies.  I have recognized that his ideas of “compromise” are familiar as Democrat Party lines I have long found impracticable and theoretically unworkable.  I do recall as well that his 2004 Convention break out speech annoyed me viscerally quite as of a taking from me of my own works and to different ends than intended and to being as well of an inappropriate usage by other Democrats of original works and cerebral conceptions that were meant to work for more and more equally.

Mr. President - you seem to have made this much about you specifically and called into question your own actual story - might you now while such is fresh in the public conscience explain how you came to 2004 Convention Speech to sound contrary so to your written style and yet too close for comfort and acceptance by me to my own style and original synthesis for modern times specifically and while such works were not “works yet in the public domain”? 

If this if of you having turned bad or rotten from the top down or roots up it seems as well it is of roots of my own story of works for positive change and times that I found attempt to maybe just “imitate” far from flattering yet not far from concerning and as unauthorized. 

I do have a problem with the Clintons and how even with “affirmative action” excuse for “political nepotism” they are still of misuse of much of what is of and in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that as well is still remarkable for being more of the style and rhyme and reasoning of your break out 2004 Convention speech than your own published written works, however fictional or composited.

I did here quote others for commentary on you being maybe not black enough and especially Senator Harry Reid unforgettable affirmation, however, for you.  As per that first impression of you from 2004 live speaking I still cannot shake the “how dare they? - how dare you?  that came to mind and with an echo that made me want to scream in protest especially for it of “try to put a black face on his work.”

You are more a master now than then, Mr. President — Please though can you tell me whom may have been more your master then to such I viscerally felt as an unauthorized attempt to put a black face on my own works and those that were meant to maximize positive change and with a new workable bi-partisan political correcting for general language and discussion?  It still annoys me to this day that whom ever such then more a master than you and especially about my own works was and is of the party of those that worked to make my works work for fewer and in a more partisan way and as well some for fewer about such as well too selfishly for personal political gains.

Mr. President - this judgement day is for you - you seem to have brought it very publicly upon yourself and your own story, however fictional.  I do see that if we are to talk about your story as our AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT it will be hard to reason away an equally judgemental studying as well of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and as least as well as of affirmative action work of others like her Senate job as of a business of “political nepotism.”

Mr. President - this judgement day you stirred for a very public political review seems though rooted in Hawaii rearing to be much about how in Chicago you didn’t build a district and win it by an open and fair election but that you have a hopefully mostly unique American story of having a district worked and constructed from a Chicago back room.

Mr. President - do you have any comment?  Mr. President what do you have to say for our Olympians?  And, for all that have long been or have ever been American?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 9:15 am

It goes to motivation. 

With all working to let Hillary get away with so much why should any or many want to play fair - want to be informed?

Your inheritance may be safe as a “jobless recovery” likely not too relevant to such.

It was completely unfair and inappropriate that any Clinton got a rise with Obama & his Bush’s inheritance faulting.

Rightie Oh!  That is a recollection of what was left President Obama as an “inheritance” from Bush.

Rightie Oh!  That was not a commentary on any of the “inheritance” left President Bush by Clintons’ “two-fer”.

Hillary Clinton does not deserve her current job - she may have been the most dangerous possible appointee.

If she hadn’t been a Senator - hadn’t been a Senator from New York - on 9/11 things would have been different.

She doesn’t deserve her current job - and without Senate seat - may have faded away in Senate mess since 9/11.

9/11 was an “inheritance” left the Bush administration by both Clintons and the Clintons administration “two-fering”.

Most of the media went along for the ride with the Clintons - most don’t want to have to discuss this.

Most of the media went along for the ride with the Clintons - most don’t want to implicate themselves as per Hillary.

If Hillary hadn’t been a Senator from New York and so the “GROUND ZERO SENATOR” she would have faded away.

Don’t know why the general media doesn’t want to cover Hillary well - but for that professional incrimination embedded.

It goes to motivation - as long as Hillary gets away with it they get away with it,

And our Congress suffers - and our Congress reaches lowest level of public respect.

And yet if now tagged of “Clintons’ inheritance” left President Bush our media could help our Congress & country.

If you have been involved as long as I have been then you too could maybe say:

If you have been involved as long you too might be able to say you thought if they went that way we would get attacked.

Hillary does not deserve her current job and did not deserve the Presidency.

Hillary claims her Clintons’ 8 qualified her for such - yet that it a Clintons’ inheritance incriminating not admitted.

The general media went along for the ride with the Clintons - and still - and still way too much.

If you like me involved so long you too might have said early:  If the Clintons go that way America will get attacked.

If you like me involved so long you too might have said finally on 9/10/2001:  It time to admit you must have been wrong.

If you like me involved so long you might on 9/10 have decided to finally move on accepting you must have been wrong.

Hillary is about the most ridiculous occurrence political in American history - all of our short history.  RIDICULOUS!

Hillary is about the most insane survival story and inappropriate appointee ever - it was a Clintons’ inheritance.

It was a Clintons’ “inheritance” and Hillary claims those years as “qualifying” and yet inadmissible for incriminating.

Hillary was no ordinary First Lady - she besides being a globally inciting crusader was of a Clintons’ “two-fer”.

Hillary was no ordinary First Lady - she insisted as being officially involved and publicly credited - BUT!

is politically insane that Hillary is in another administration -
especially insane to be of one of “Bush’s inheritance” lies.

It is illogical that so much of “Bush’s inheritance” of just a Bush’s inheritance - and not as much a Clintons’ inheritance.

It is insane that Hillary is a Secretary of State and that the “Clintons’ inheritance” coddled away by general media, still.

We have that the media cannot quite incriminate “Hillary” without also incriminating themselves.

We have that Congress now looks ridiculous as so un-popular and yet it may be “institutional” for Hillary - for Clintons.

It goes to motivation - I did say early in Clintons’ “two-fer” days that if they went that way America would get attacked.

It goes to motivation - I did admit, necessarily on 9/10/2001 that I must have been wrong and wrong for a long time.

It goes to motivation - The Clintons’ “two-fer” went a different way early - and so that I thought we would get attacked.

It goes to motivation - The Clintons’ (since Hillary claims experience qualifies her) have 9/11 their “inheritance.”

A nation that embraces a return for one or both of such a legacy and “inheritance” deserve a diminished motivation.

A nation that embraces a return for Hillary is also insane, some — 9/11 was her “inheritance.”

A nation that embraces a  return for Hillary while media trying to avoid incriminating its self - is a lesser nation.

Hillary and Bill did go a different way early and so that such as it was a diversion from my assistance - set me free.

Hillary and Bill did go a different way early - they did so and left me to conclusions that they were going to get us attacked.

Hillary and Bill don’t deserve a “return” - on 9/11 I was proved wrong for thought of 9/10 but not about Clintons’ “two-fer.”

It is ridiculous and dangerous that Hillary survived just because she was conveniently a New York Senator.

It is ridiculous and dangerous that Hillary didn’t become buried in our Senate and its seniority ways, of committees.

It is ridiculous and dangerous and quite insane that one of such a history and “experience” now back at Exec. tables.

Look at Hillary - besides that the general media concerned with incriminating themselves - look at Hillary.

I so thought on 9/10 that I must have been wrong and imagining too much for so long I drove by White House on 9/11.

I so decided I must have been wrong that if first plane on 9/11 hit White House and at that time it might have hit me.

I had thoughts of Condoleezza Rice that morning and minutes before attacks about closet doors I had installed for her.

Look at Hillary - on 9/11 I was proved right - right so that it now is better all as “Clintons’ inheritance.”

Look at Hillary - on 9/11 I was on 17th Street by White House on way to install new doors for another.

Look at Hillary - on 9/11 just moments before first plane struck NSA Rice was in my thoughts while on 17th Street NW.

is insane that Hillary is in another administration.  It is still quite
insane that 9/11 Commission only looked back 10 years.

I’ld wish you a simple “Happy New Year” now that it is 2012 - but our government has gone to “insane” much.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

So yesterday July 4 in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and Two I hoped a new Metro North commuter train car with a bagged lunch - dinner and snacks.  For the day I took two PB&J sandwiches, Lays chips, sliced carrots and mixed nuts with raisins.  I drew some attention it seems for use of Igloo freezer packs the way they are marketed - I drew attention for drinking from my ice packs as the ice to protect my food melted.  I did have many opportunities throughout the day to refill packs with new water from free drinking fountains while much ice was still present.

Yes I was in New York City yesterday for nearly eight hours of constant walking about.  I saw old sailing vessels and some of the newest and fleetest - I saw cops galore along the Hudson waterfront and the most interesting “beach” across from their staging area near their repair center.  I don’t have to imagine two bikini clad gals lying upon a sidewalk as if a beach with 300 in blue standing huddled just a New York City small side street width away.

In light of the recent pal that has started befalling our “country” I did see New York City yesterday as it may not be for quite a while now - I don’t know how much longer “Mayor Mike’s” money will hold out. 

It seems times have changed for “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” — It seems instead of Puerto Rico loosing its “Protectorate” status and become a newly also loose state in our Union our fifty otherwise once loose states are now more now “PROTECTORATES” full of “subject” more than “citizens” and as if more to “of a distant see of Obamalands.”  “SUBJECT ROSEBUD” just isn’t catchy!

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

I have blisters on the soles of my feet - not diamonds.  Did I tell you I packed a bagged lunch and dinner and with five dollars as well was able to return home with the old standard 1/2 a “saw buck” still at least looking the same and still mine?  But then they didn’t have the beer carts operating in Grand Central Station on this now passed Wednesday in early July.

We are all ‘SUBJECTS’ now not just of new TAXING power - but of a new over-reaching system more as if of a distant political see of us bound not even as free New Yorkers but as of their ‘PROTECTORATE’ and whim.

As goes a motivation for CITIZEN ROSEBUD and with “SUBJECT ROSEBUD” not catchy I am busy now making changes to my blogs and attitude to fit what seems now commenced as a new DARK AGES.  WWW.JPHOGAN.ORG with a limited selection for the few soles that may brave a visit to it maybe a e-breastwork for a lost “democratic era” is now “NEW AND IMPROVED” also with less for more, supposedly.  All my domain roads - e-roads - may now in a day or so lead you just to that which I choose to share or not share at www.jphogan.org.  If you miss “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” from freer days take it up with Washington - with your new “protectors”. 

I don’t know how long “Mayor Mike’s” money will hold out - I don’t know how long it will be before signage once proud as of “CITY OF NEW YORK” or “Borough of …” go dark to Precinct # __ of the Protector of the See of _______________.

If you haven’t considered that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now of bureaucratic duties ruining another travel office can only be running our State Department to “Political” ends - you are likely not awake to simple and endearing truths of a complicated times - these times.   With “It is a TAX” we may now be best to ask that our local drivers licenses be sufficient to supersede and need for New Nationalism PASSPORTs.  It seems our Passports are now necessarily “political” documents and so we likely better under likewise “It is a tax” military or police powers to attempts to assert that our local drivers licenses be acceptable for international travels in lieu of documentation by a Protectorate “political” state (See?).

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

I can wait ten years or more to “publish” my political works here or so blogged in e-ways for years.  I know the Clintons are most responsible even for claims of “It is all Bush’s fault” and yet insult upon earlier asserted stupidities to dumb down and bend compliant a general mass of subjects regardless of international border distinctions.   I don’t need to fight to tell the story - I know it to be so and have no motivation now to tell it yet another way.  I don’t know what “motivation” I might be tempted with to decide otherwise from a wisdom as of maybe I should wait ten years or more to “publish”.

See it is now personal in ways that it was never supposed to be - and could only get because the Clintons misappropriated use and intent and portent of my intellectual property in ways contrary to the intended preventionals and protectionals writ there in.

It seems yesterday was celebration of the birth and the passing of our United States - a:  THEY CALLED IT INDEPENDENCE DAY ONCE - LIKE.

And so with confidence today as I busy myself wisely to hiding most of my past columns but from a limited selection to be maintained for now at http://jphogan.org I do so with confidence that I am right now to have little confidence in either side of 2012 contestations (political)!  From where I sit in a town called Milford knowing newly as of yesterday that a Biden driver lives on a Milford Street in another borough of the new “Protectorate” See of Obamaland - with sympathies to all those in uniforms that now may at least deserve more honest patchworks.

“Joe” and I go back at least as far as New Haven encounter at the Joseph Slifka Jewish Center at Yale when his son Beau was still a Yale Law Student.  I don’t know if this is what he was speaking to when as I remember he concluded:  “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING.”  I do know and remember he while presenting asking me while accepting I was “waving him off” from a line of thinking to he of:  “Do you know what it means to wave me off?”

“Joe” and I go back at least to that time with he of “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” and me for having missed the first day of such symposium asking for an “evolving or devolving” conclusion to knowing the full context of this remembered “Joe” conclusion that sounds as if it can be a great thing and then oppositely a terrible thing, equally.  He did the “Joe’s” right hand on my left shoulder “Senator Joeism” and I warned with a “watch out for sisters.” 

“Joe” and I actually go back further and more specifically to a regards however for our Supreme Court.  “Joe” and I were of earlier moments of me “waving him off” from a line of political thinking during the Clarence Thomas hearings.  He seemed ready to go with thoughts that America was not a great country and I was while still then of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM spin doctoring to work a better possibility forwards of enough intellectual stature to “suggest” he speak otherwise than planned to a “this great country of ours” - like.

I still have no idea what “Joe” meant by “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” as a conclusion after participating in the Yale Law hosted symposium:  FEDERALISM - EVOLVING OR DEVOLVING subjected then whence in the mid 90s when Beau Biden was maybe a third year law student and public were invited.

It does seem that with “it is a tax” upholding even your small hamlet or shire of the North American continent at least is now more a “protectorate” in a too political New Nationalism in a new DARK AGES now of a POST CONSTITUTIONAL ERA.

I don’t know how long “Mayor Mike’s” money can hold out for citizens of New York as a fog of denial of a new situation for all as first “protected” and “federal” before “neighbor”!

Again, I so know the Clintons are most at fault and even for most of the fault that they have acquiesced or initiated as if projecting or of a grand false transference.  Again, I know this and now don’t feel a desire to be famous for telling whomever newly or again.  It has shifted to mostly personal for me and with “it is a TAX” too much to CITIZEN ROSEBUD as if expected to be a smiling SUBJECT ROSEBUD or whatever (not whomever - that implies individuality).

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

Yes, I have blisters on the soles of my feet - not diamonds.  Yesterday besides the walking of New York City from 9:30 am until arrival in Grand Central Terminal for later departures near 6:30 pm but with maybe one hour plus off my feet and all those miles my day after packing my bagged lunch, snacks, and dinner and 1/2 a “sawbuck” started with a three mile walk to the Milford Train Station and then about 8:30 pm the commencing to the three mile walk home from the Milford Train Station.

Don’t forget to consider “cause and effect” intellectual honesty or “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

{To find a newest column now more irregularly and however you will have to avoid “via” “citizenrosebud” links and look directly to http://hogan.jphogan.org — “Citizen Rosebud” links will now act more dormantly as if to cryogenic “on ice” or as a tear jerking prefacing to a full and revealing but limited selection of honest truths more than partisan politics as is what is available via citizenrosebud links to content sited at http://jphogan.org — I don’t want to confuse what I know with what others want to be “just politics”!!!}

PS:  Did I finish that thought that I am confident from my past two decades of political assistance and such as per our economy that I am right to have little confidence in either party now - and yes but so stipulated with far less confidence in Obama and his Clinton hold overs?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:16 am

May Day has passed.

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

A long view towards a fresh self-helping all about our confederated republic is now a view towards November.

It may be more telling to a new HOPE - a NEW HOPEFUL - that Ann Romney has two Cadillacs than that First Lady Michelle Obama is farming out austerity - tilling a new agri-state for all with shovel fulls from our White House.

We should have expected trouble - troubling leadership from an American born William Blythe III - especially after learning of such having sought English lessons.  We should have been forewarned by one taken to the last name Clinton as well for history we could have learned from of the time of Governor Clinton of New York State that necessitated Hamilton Madison and Jay to works as Publius.

Independence Day is coming.  Long live Independence Day!  Was Oxford the best place for a new Clinton to learn to be more directed to Autocracy or totalitarianism?  For a Clinton born a Blythe there must have been a predominant penchant for our revolutionary days yet so for one then less of a special relationship but a relationship non the less.  If he wanted to keep control of the BOUNTY shall we say he had better been wise to ways early American of such as other Governor Clinton above mentioned - he had better learn to appear different and differentiated from his command wants - so it seems.

It is clear as day that our summer is started with our fresh faces of our Executive much ado about austerity and home grown.

Pie may spoil President Obama’s diet - but weren’t we led to believe in Clinton as a two Big Mac & two packaged McDonald’s apple pie a day Executive?  We can warm to Michelle Obama, First Lady of our United States of America, actually of a maternal rule with kitchen and baking time as still we can’t really for Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

We have not heard though of a REZCO PLANTATION or a REZCO VICTORY GARDEN in Hyde Park or that the four car garage of the Obama Chicago Estate largely dedicated to field and garden passions or dedicated self-help American self reliant particular tilling.  We do have that Ann Romney by having two Cadillacs stands in Americana as an American Women who wouldn’t have let her husband, if means were present, to let her standards fall to disgrace of an industrial and conceptual failing.

May Day has passed and only some of our Memorial Day echoes now to a long view forward with left-overs.

May Day has passed and we have that “homegrown” for our Obama’s seems maybe a very new thing.

May Day has passed and you too can consider a women with two Cadillacs knows a private save of General Motors might have been a new chivalrous for her husband and/or his ilk and not of a new necessary hailing towards totalitarianism or a “Big Government” take-over.  It does seem clear we are of a 2012 long view now with two very distinctly different economic theory views and so too a public - private governance workings.  We do seem to be much of an age essentially called to a buffet Americana or less so much newly to a serving or service to a new federalism.

I do not know if you know your state’s Governor’s name - the name of your neighboring state’s Governor or your neighboring town or cities mayor.  You may be in too limited a minority if you actually do.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.

We can say that we wouldn’t have had THE FEDERALIST PAPERS without Governor Clinton, and, we can say that we would be now to this essential NEW FEDERALISM but for Governor Clinton (President Clinton - of a Presidential wants too much as Gov. Clinton earlier kept to New York empire wants).

President William Jefferson Clinton was born William Blythe III & and earlier Governor Clinton of New York that gave rise to a mediated need for such as was of Publius moniker for Hamilton Madison and Jay was of the era too post our Revolution as was Fletcher Christian of THE BOUNTY and the questionable leadership and commanding nature of Captain William Blygh.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.  Clearly there are many actual now expert in the liberal feminism model and as well in the conservative feminism model.  I am likely (hopefully) still a man of the middle - but you too may now be puzzling as to this for 2012:


Two Cadillacs suggests a women that wouldn’t have let her car company of shared standards actually fail - and how.

A gardening by First Lady Michelle Obama does till austerity and how - but did she ever have a garden before?


We do still much have the leadership of President Clinton to worry ourselves about - even more so than Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William J. Clinton - why have they created as much a need for THE FEDERALIST PAPERS now as an earlier Governor - Governor Clinton once of New York State did himself? 

Is it just the misses Clinton of serving up such a need for a NEW FEDERALISM - reactively against her philosophy and practices in governance?   And, how have we gotten here, so far dangerously along to here now, for one once so of a Rose Law Firm while her husband was Governor that even that job for her seemed of political nepotism and affirmative action?

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:11 am

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

This is one of the first weekends - at least it seems a first full weekend - since New York City has been generally and civilly a new kind of Eden.  Yes, dare I say it is still a place where snakes do play.

You may not be able to park in a park or smoke in a garden - it may even be illegal for excessive PDA in any parked vehicle anywhere public within this new Eden’s city limits.  If you have got salt may it be literately as a metaphor for sea-worthiness and grit.

If your apples are in a barrel still beware of bad apples and Bernoulli.  It is better to avoid flight - lift offs with bad apples, anywhere.  Note to self:  Hmmm?  Again, how was it you once heard Bernoulli Principle as also about economics and determinings for bad apples?  Hmmm?  How was that again?

We have it self evident that Memorial Day was created equal to Independence Day as a day goes except that it more often can partake to a three day weekend pressing.  How are the Cider Rules - how goes our Declaration of Independence still?

We have it a concern though that President Barack Hussein Obama on his special inaugural day did commence from our historical Philadelphia full of brotherly love but for our Declaration of Independence.  It was clear on that day that he might as well not like Memorial Day as too much like Independence Day and also of a celebration of our Declaration which he declared we could do without now when of his own declaring that we needed a new “Declaration.”

Enough about New Jersey!  I don’t know how New York City has beaten it to being a new Eden - a new more civil “apple.”

Enough about New Jersey!  Can’t yet figure why President Obama passed on credit for spending that saved the world from a new Great Depression on to President Bush, and especially to so publicly preface our Memorial Day Weekend 2012.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

You have figured that since inaugural day Obama declaration that we needed a new Declaration he is figurable to dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day - as for it so long a monumental holiday to struggles to defend and protect what our Independence Day more just about a conception for - for all more equally.

The New York City Council has counciled all to new ways of counseling.  The where of such new abouts may be more a concern, civilly, than the habits natural otherwise on display or in the air publicly as of displays of affection. 

I don’t know what this says about Chicago or NATO of Chicago and President Obama about Afghanistan.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Long live our Declaration of Independence!  It does figure President Obama must dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day.  I don’t know why his Cairo speech as SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD had him a Civil War denier of our American Civil War except as maybe an import to progressive movement liberal theology speechifying to avoid speaking of great losses of mostly white men in struggles for freedoms for others.

In President Barack Hussein Obama’s SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD from Cairo as approved with all desired edits of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s political capability we still have that he told the world that American slaves got out of their bondage “peacefully and without violence.”

This Memorial Day Weekend as per our new globally reset economy of such New Deal Austerity we have that President Obama with his recent “spending” thrift claims has missed the boat of Laffer’s titillating curve civility all the while seeming to pass credit for the actual spending for “save” from new Great Depression to President Bush and his too generous and unprecedented cooperation during transition months of 2008. 

Off the gang plank he went - off the short plank he took too long steps - however he seems all wet now on his own “economics” - his own governing without a budget his.

Emboldened and secured in our Declaration of Independence whether liked or not is the pride and story of our first capitalists of Plymouth Plantation.  We have that they learned some basic taxation civility and all the while then too of too much expected to be earned and just passed along to others thousands of miles away and distant.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

This Memorial Day Weekend we all would do better to discuss the current global warming climate change crisis and the vast deposits of rare earth minerals discovered in Afghanistan just as a global need for such to maintain or save our green tech businesses rolls in the hay of our politics and economies.

President Barack Hussein Obama - who is maybe our first President to have publicly denied the efforts not peaceful or non-violent that is our shared history of at least our Buffalo Soldiers and the entirety of our Civil War is now more critically a spokesperson with thought economic impact who has left the recent staged battlegrounds of a G8 Summit and NATO Chicago gathering without a declaration of the current progress mostly his in saving the entire planet from the professed end of the world as we know it for the world as he proffered it as our actual world and the DOOM about our climate due to warming.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

I mean if you get the Laffer titillating curves as per maximizing public benefit and performance than you may be more economically agile and adept than President Barack Hussein Obama. 

As he shifts his pride from having saved the world from a new Great Depression onto President Bush for actually having figured and done most of such spending during those months of unprecedented and civil cooperation during a transition we have that he has missed how taxing he has been and how discouraging his otherwise preening public has been.

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

As President Obama traipses too State’s rights to over-lord we have that you all can celebrate Laffer and his more civil and titillating curves still adrift to sail with free markets in the spirit of Adam Smith and selfish pursuits best.  I don’t know if a apple of creationism is depressing for some and now as the apple of New York City more civil otherwise for all.

As per some simple truths evident expectant or pregnant in all economics each may see JOBIAN ECONOMICS more selfishly or specifically robust of a more individualistic supply and demand public display.

This is a brave new day in a new world order for those of the apple that is manicured and fertilized as an Eden of NYC.

Not all apples maybe be as bitter as a granny - your granny smith - and some may not at all be depressing.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for Afghanistan as a new great frontier with new world orders for rare earth minerals needed to sustain and celebrate energy independence.

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for any of G8 specific to a current DEFCON concern status for the fate of the world as per the long proffered DOOM to the professed end of the world as we know it declarations so taxing to our economies.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression? 

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean we have a President that on a global stage acted as if a Civil War denier and before that of his proffered professing as a former Constitutional Law Professor that we needed a new declaration.  I mean we have that this law studies hare of a racer isn’t looking to finish well and as we have he as “most taxing” so contrary to Laffer and his public displays.

We still have Adam Smith - at least in our text books - but what are our minimum standards for a President at least as per “economics” or “budgets”?  How will Texas text book boards be allowed to tell the tale of President Barack Hussein Obama?

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced both as a “messiah” shouldering a call to a different Declaration and such and with his Big Brother seeming secular daily interruptions of regular scheduled broadcasting to near an hour of evangelizing sermonizing spewed out globally to not being of violating our 1st Amendment for his tense timing was to new laws to religiousness and establishments as per religion but in a future tense not seemingly literally forbidden.

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced what would he have called it - how would we now be addressing him?  It is clever in a Constitutional Law kindly way that our 1st Amendment seems to allow a messiah to rise to a new religion and a new evangelizing governance with laws then allowed to respect such as an establishment for until or unless such revolution seeming secular otherwise were to succeed it couldn’t be a “religion” nor of existing “establishment” as per “religion” - quite.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Especially if this finds you in New Jersey - in its politics of this week - Happy Memorial Day Weekend where ever you are and this column may have found you still celebrant but monumental in memorials to our fallen and our long struggles for freedom for us and for others.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:01 pm

Sure Cory Booker has potential to a INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY - even a LAST INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY.

He may be being too modest.  He may be the world of economist dream boy at least - a real GO TO GUY - man’s man.

By now you all should be versed in JOBIAN ECONOMICS some how - some way.  You should have already had the inkling that Mayor Booker a leading man - leading political figure in our new economics.  He may be both the anti-Clinton and an anti-Obama.

Mayor Cory Booker may know his city well enough to be successful but not know yours well enough to be a cookie cutter one size fits all obamanation for you and yours of your community.

In contrast to President Bill Clinton who worked to be an international play boy we still have Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary President wanna be, almost like clockwork to be playing a bad cop to his old jolly good cop in otherwise bad times.

Yes we have President Clinton in contrast to Secretary Clinton — both are in contrast to Democrat Mayor Booker in many ways and maybe more than now Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo.

Like in the realm of international play boys we have many contrary ideals seemingly able to exist as only drugs allowed so much of pop America 60s ideologies to.

Unlike Governor Cuomo Mayor Cory Booker to a miracle doesn’t personally have to unlearn so much from days of the Clintons 8 and now learn new ways that can actually work long term for New York.  Mayor Booker was schooled and of an era of LIVEABLE CITIES and moves to decentralize policing to COMMUNITY POLICING but I should leave to he now how it is that Governor Cuomo to a New York Cuomo miracle has to find ways contrary to ways of Clintons and their 8.

(I have not met Mayor Booker but one of his past Deputy Mayors (title?) and I did meet back in 90s when he was working in New Haven about Community Policing and Liveable Cities Initiatives and to hosting a road trip to Richmond, Virginia for volunteers like myself interested in putting in some time helping rebuild a black neighborhoods church that had been a victim of arson.  I do believe they were law classmates.  I, again, have been thinking some of Community Policing since late 80s when I learned of William Bratton and became wired with him to positive change shared ambitions, and then my days back actually living and working in New Haven as such was new policies to new practices.  Yes, last I checked his former Deputy is still a Facebook friend.)

President Obama is more a dud than a dude as a believable International player - he today ran into problems that even fifth graders wouldn’t likely - even some Sesame Streeters skilled at seeing which thing doesn’t belong with the others.  President Obama now has historical troubles as per Afghanistan as of today with his NATO grandstanding.  He has presented our involvement and his strategizing as if it couldn’t have been any or much at all Bush’s fault but that which he just inherited from the Clintons’ 8.  As per “Sesame Street” it does seem inappropriate with these truths now slipping from Democrat Party cover-up that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary, has any logical or appropriate “calling” to any involvement now regarding at least Afghanistan.

With Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton involved at all we are so “tilted” and so irregular that our Central Intelligence Agency is better to be retitled at most our CENTRAL INFORMATION AGENCY.  We with Clintons so preposterously proffered still as reasonably innocent are not of an “intelligence” as per our discussions at least about Afghanistan.

We need a Cory Booker in every city for JOBIAN ECONOMICS to be to the long awaited return to growing economy.

We don’t need Cory Booker in every city and town - we need a Cory Booker also of actual community sensitivities and global awareness for each.  Each and all need someone who can also hear or see those of struggles too great that their faith shouldn’t be that tested alone and work magically at least to help one neighbor find another neighbor and maybe a way to earn and even profit, each, with one or more then to seeing a struggle that if helped with could be to economic gains for all.

I have said before that we may want to get back to Adam Smith economics of “Invisible Hand Theoreticals” and that we are now of a time and economic condition where we cannot use Adam Smith to get back to Adam Smith.  We seem to be of a new time now and because grandstanding national Democrat leaders did work too hard to be international global play boys.

If you have ever heard of or spoken the creed of the Jaycees - Junior Chamber of Commerce - you may be near a creed that Mayor Cory Booker has specifically developed and worked out in practice - past the theoretical.  I don’t know if Mayor Cory Booker has ever been a Jaycee himself.  I did in late 80s and early 90s consider that the Jaycee creed did seem similar to Adam Smith economics.  But now we may need to call it all something new to balance how for too long some that raced to the top like hares of O’Hare have been beaten by themselves so that tortoises are out pacing them.  We could all be to calling it a JOBIAN ECONOMICS and in part for it also seems to raise Steven Jobs and our new Jobian tablets and some of the many ways some could and should suggest this Obama administration has been of obamanations with their picked economics and politics as so wrong for a new economy with so many with so many tablets.

Our President is not being intelligent suggesting with NATO at all to an “it is all Bush’s fault” and with the history of the matter that he so has positioned himself to focusing on the very problems that the Clintons left as an inheritance to President Bush.

It seems if we are to find a way back to a growth economy we are better to be listening to Mayor Cory Booker than Governor Andrew Cuomo or either of the Clintons or President Obama.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” but that again is a problem theirs as per “intelligence” and from their use of central information dissemination e-works to have been of hopes to a Big Brother evangelizing to Obama Zombies with their pad connections.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” when the intelligent know to remember this started to a new conservationism to help save the planet from an end of the world as we know it due to global warming or climate change. 

We are, as many fifth graders now eighth or ninth graders can recall, of days remembered, where they were all patriots, even more than Democrats hearts could imagine, with the evangelized e-messaging by hopeful President Obama so their new godly calling, and the school worked new conservationism revolutionizing to an actual effective austerity otherwise a globally patriotic new conservationism that obviously was more important a priority of our President and his visible hands of governance than a policy actually not to austerity - a policy actually towards the future and growth with confidence that our colleges at least were already well along on working on necessary engineering solutions.

It is more just an odd centralized information servicing this admin has been to and as concerning today as on any day due to NATO gathering to decide the fates of so many others.  It is necessarily just a centralized informing contrary to a historical intelligence that we have all been now at least three years victims to.

A remembered part of the Jaycees Creed is “service to humanity is the best work of life.”  I cannot myself separate such from a consideration of Mayor Cory Booker nor from my suggestion that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” is what we are now unfortunately of struggles with.  I can with some confidence suggest that we have been of Democrat Party nationalistic centralizations more of misinformation than intelligence and that they have worked us to a separation from Adam Smith’s economics and as well from much long of our junior chamber of commerce such as the Jaycees still carry torches for humanity with.

It does seem there can be no Cuomo miracle for New York State that doesn’t necessarily repudiate the Clintons and separate Cuomo politics from Clinton politics. 

It does seem that every city, town or hamlet now needs their own Cory Booker in ways that only Newark can be an incubator for Mayor Cory Booker success otherwise.  They need their own Cory Booker for a clone won’t relocate well - they need one willing to do “the best work of life” and be of “service to humanity” in what could be a JOBIAN ECONOMICS at least as a descriptive theoretical for these times of struggles.

It is not “intelligent” that we are letting this un-elected political appointee Clinton have so much power and sway as her “two-fer” also may be effecting quietly over our young and inexperienced President.  We are not being “intelligent” for letting this obamanation of a “diplomacy” ours so about NATO and Afghanistan be so of either Clinton involved since it was the inheritance they left President Bush with their eight years of abandonment with avoidance and inaction that was of the heart and sole of the mission President Obama was grandstanding to today, just today with NATO and globe watching.

Yes it seems they have been misinforming us - it seems the INTELLIGENT understanding is that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons played too much back whence - that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons didn’t do it earlier - we need to be doing this now because the Clintons let it get so bad that it is quite horrible still what the “inheritance” they left us and President Bush actually was.

President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did at least play at chiding the Clintons and their eight years while speaking of “dangers” of “avoidance” and “inaction” but now again he seems to be back to playing with cover-ups for the Clintons and misinformation than intelligence.

Can you find your own Cory Booker?  Do you have one sensitive and intelligent enough to help those with great struggles find others about them able to help them and work with them without compromising their story and seeking and to a benefit commercial for each together?

We can not expect to use Adam Smith economic theory to get back to a workable Adam Smith economics, can we?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:51 pm

Please don’t be so vain to think this blog is about you - only about you.

Well - about you, unless you maybe were just voting “Present” while others were actually present and less so to just racing to the top.

American Republicans could learn a lot from the French these days, they may have heard of the French, seen of the French, even drank of the French, and yet now they may not be seeing enough of the “French” from which ever era now out of place as if modern and appropriate.

To better discuss the French today seems a day to top off with a comparison between the American Journey of Colin Powell and the unsettling racing to the top of far less critical presence of present President Barack Hussein Obama.  One was actually in our history and ready and actually present, yes - true, and, another one did just vote “present” from a safe distance or maybe actually have read about it whence - “it” as actually history in real time and really during “CRISIS” moments.

Recently we have forgotten that General Colin Powell seemed to face real opposition from even or mostly the Clintons’ vast political machine while thinking that he could contest them to be the first black president and so before Mrs. Clinton first got a chance to be a first female (white female) president.  Recently we have been forgetting still that Secretary of State (black) Colin Powell did inherit quite a mess from the Clintons’ 8 years of “two-fer” governance.

Bill and Hillary have much been party to a new extravagance and to suggestions themselves that our United States of America needs to become more like France - more socialist and so susceptible to a few elite locking up near autocratic power for themselves irrespective of thought effective term limits.  Bill and Hillary may have punked President Barack O. into some of his parading about embracing a selective French story for thought shared political purposes.

President Barack Hussein Obama may have been onto a truth with his blurb, nervous self consciousness, during the recent White House Correspondents Dinner when suggesting he was starting to actually look like Morgan Freeman — yes it is seeming that the Clintons have been succeeding to putting him in the drivers seat for them anew as a Mr. & Mrs Daisy.

For former General Colin Powell, long of being present, and actually effective, while duty bound, in a still representative system, was to being former first black Secretary of State Colin Powell, and, of a spoken concern for his and his family’s safety if he were to seek high offices the Clintons had their designs upon, to have been so must it strategically have had a basis in fear that must track back to the vast Clinton political machine?  We in 2012 are really to finally being asked to consider that the Clintons really left a horrible inheritance for our first black Secretary of State.

We have been distracted - we have been easily distracted.  We have been asked to let Democrats say we should be more like the French but without them fitting their personal ambitions to a perfect match with a specific time and place in French History - not even where most appropriate to a Napoleonic era.

Before we rush to becoming more French in the “socialism” an elite Democrat Party few see best towards keeping them to power and in power as easily as practicable, maybe, shouldn’t we first work on a quantitative perspective say by suggestion to be more like France we need only let New York State become run by the Governor of Vermont, right?

What a nightmare it would have been if our first black Secretary of State with his long history of actual presence and effectiveness it would have been for the Clintons if he had run and so run with the story of the Clintons’ inheritance left their successor in 2001.  Really!!!

We do have at least one speech by President Obama to praise - yes, it is odd that it is a Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech of record.  In that speech more than any other he respected the story of our first black Secretary of State and chided the Clintons with his warning of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance” as it seemed to be related to even he then being stuck with too few global options after the eight years of the Clintons’ “two-fer” governance specifically related to Afghanistan and Iraq of Saddam Hussein.

How could Gen Sec Powell have been so concerned about his and his family’s safety with a record of effective presence for his country bravely and patriotically?  Who was he considering challenging for power - how far were they willing to go to keep the power to themselves?

In the past weeks some developments have come to light about President Obama as if actually moved to the driver’s seat as if Morgan Freeman to a Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton Daisy.

Let me be clear:  Presidents Clinton of the intimate power sharing BOGO “two-fer” with its international crusading and inciting of radicals were to excess and extravagances.  Presidents Clinton did act after being forced out of the grand palace theirs in public housing that is our White House did work a “benefits package” for Bill Clinton so that it seemed he was being compensated as if being promoted out of an above our more minor office of the Presidency.  He did attempt to get clearly more in first year rent in NYC and so as to rent for life an amount then more than all past Presidents’ post office first year rents combined.  And, with his Harlem suites he still ended up with near the same amount, and amount still too grand and regal and to also seeming a violation of our Constitution and its bar for America from “titling” Americans as if to a nobility.

President Barack Hussein Obama has many faults just his own for an extravagance and detachment and so that it would be more obvious if he hadn’t been stopped after two or three Wednesday Court Dinners at the White House by a free and active new media based pressing so to help DC economy by fighting a start too Marie Antoinettish to courtly over rational or common that looked on path to be bankrupting numerous high end privately operated public fine dining establishments.

Strategically as if a war for socialism it might make sense to let the Governor of Vermont first prove he can also run New York state as if his to a Frenchness spoken to as right for all of us in our USA.

All that may have been missing for these Dem “boobs” may be the hats of Marie Antoinette as dramatized for having preceded her fall.  It seems to have recently been real “boobs” calling others more innocent and experienced “boobs.”

But what about Gen Sec Colin Powell our first black Secretary of State?

When it comes to “inheritance” his then presently was far worse and yet related to “inheritance” still naively spoken about by President who once gave a speech after years of having just voted “Present” just a few years after some community organizing he wrote of such a distaste for that he published a line in his DREAMS OF HIS FATHER near “I have to get out of this place, I have to get out of this place…”

President Obama may have a “mother complex” he may even have an Oedipal Complex - such could explain his keeping Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so close.  How this works with his efforts to bring us more into the bosoms of a Frenchness such as a over-coddling by a few elite Dems has been sold as if a good remains a puzzle - remains puzzling, seems our economy hasn’t even figured it out.

But about Gen Sec Colin Powell and his actual American Journey and how it should be updated — Wow, what an inheritance!!! Like?  Can you even remember the years 1993 - 2001 as they actually were of so much dangerous inaction and avoidance by the Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” such that no Secretary of State ever before and especially no black Secretary of State nor his boss our President was ever quite to having been left so few options for so many troubling areas, to actually nearly no alternatives but one?

Really, what?  Really, whom?  Really, how could a man so present and effective in a braveness so long have been scared for his own safety and his family’s just with thoughts of being up against the vast Clinton political machine?

We had been in Afghanistan before the Clintons and during the Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” 8 years they knew our absence was letting the state of Afghanistan dangerously deteriorate - they were not without a moral argument to return our United States presence to an “in country” status with Afghanistan - yet avoided such. 

We had been in Iraq and accused already of an abandonment as well of Iraqi people as of Afghani people already by Clintons’ first year and especially as related to known issues of violence against women and people supporting freedom and equality as they liked to speak about but for them so that they could proceed with more of a domestic extravagance anchored in an actual lack of presence much of chided dangers of mentioned erudite oration once of President Barack Hussein Obama with Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech and accentuation on a past with too much avoidance and inaction.

The Clintons even though of eight years supposedly dealing just with Saddam Hussein was it still seems as settled history to leaving their successor no entrance or exit plans worked through in order to back up any fronting by them to a “bite” in sanctions, in sanctions just upon Saddam Hussein.  We seem to have had the inheritance left our first black Secretary of State a general condition quite dangerous of a lack of preparedness.  We seem to have actually had the Clintons not have a plan to actually have “bite” in sanctions by the United Nations upon Saddam Hussein.

Secretary Colin Powell clearly may have a story to tell that should rock the world of an innocence kept for the Clintons and their fronting as a still innocent “two-fer” - Really!

Sec Gen Powell, unlike President Obama, is of a history for many of these years still of concern and relevance not of him just having stood and voted “Present” but actually of being a stalwart bravely present and actually effective.

Please don’t be so vain and think this blog is all about you - just you - unless maybe you were a Clinton or one of their henchmen or female gutter snipes that was party to leaving their successor in 2001 so few options that nearly only one option was left and that truly without there even having been a plan for “bite” for sanctions with an entrance or exit strategy fully developed and psyched through for Iraq.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:14 am

Bad news sells - right?

A new dark ages is upon us - no Paul Revere with a quaint and sporting alerting ride today can timely forewarn.

We have the Democrats war of choice on and in Afghanistan now breaking most of our past war records to enduring “war” run by politics and politicians.  We have that like President’s degradation of our jurisprudence we have as well that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is also an unelected official.

It is hard to say that Secretary Mrs. Clinton is guiding in an “intellectual” or with “honesty.”  It is easy to say that both Clintons have quite a “rap sheet” of public transpondences as “liars” and “BIG LIARS” and cheapening lying a daily way.

How is a pundit today to stay true to his/her art? 

We have the Democrats were nearly of a much earlier war of choice on Afghanistan with a former Vietnam era war photo journalist as President offering a daily dishing of the photographs and the wars.

You remember Al Gore - right?

But what about President Obama and his unelected “top diplomat” so beastly it seems better she be heralded as a Secretary of War?

Bad news sells - right?

You remember Al Gore - right?

So how was the invitations to Senator Patrick Moynihan by President Clinton to the Clintons’ White House to discuss how his seat could be arranged for Mrs. Clinton not still served daily as a corrupt and dangerous political nepotism of the worst order?

I mean that is how it all seems to have gone down quietly on a Presidential down low coyness - isn’t it? 

Bad news sells - right?

We have that it is hard to speak of “intellectual honesty” and “Hillary” in the same due consideration.  Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton seems “old school” Tweadie or “Chicago” as if “brown bag” politiking globally was “diplomacy” - it seems Republicans have evolved more.

Bad news sells - right?

A new dark ages does seem already upon us.  Our Clintons are now what they are made to appear as - neither now with such vast powers is actually an “elected official.”  President Obama?  Mr. President Obama?  Are they more dangerous than our “unelected” members of our highest court?

You do remember Al Gore - don’t you?  You do remember he was a Vietnam era war photo journalist that then years later look to the world by mid 2000 to be most certainly America’s next President say on September 11, 2001? 

Bad news sells - right?

A new dark ages does seem already upon us.  Oh me oh my - how was President Al Gore not necessarily to such just as unjust war of choice on and in Afghanistan as but for our honorable un-elected highest of judges?

How is an artist supposed to stay true to his/her art?

Bad news sells - right?

It is racist and even sexist that President Obama’s unelected Secretary Clinton fronts herself now as if responsible for the successes of Secretary Powell and Secretary Rice and yet not her own failures that they and we greatly “inherited”.  She was a crusading First Lady meddling in foreign and domestic official threads and realms - she has kept her fiefdom much - but maybe only for the arranged political nepotism of past President Clinton with “politiking” on New Yorkers for his wife - and well the inappropriate existence of the Clintons’ Global Initiative. 

We have that if you look hard enough and long enough and further back than the ridiculous “back just ten years” of the 9/11 Commission at the Clintons you should be able to see the wanna bee “power couple” on a path to manipulate others and their times towards ditching Constitutionals with a shared intimate personal ambition to an over-reaching to a global AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS.

Bad news sells - right?

We may be in this mess so near a new dark ages just because the Clintons have been exercising near “executive” power still while not elected officials.

Bad news sells - right?

And yes it did look like Al Gore as thought inevitable next President was to “inheriting” the 9/11 mess that President Bush and his team of duly Constitutional Constitutionally appointed associations did otherwise get seemingly surprised by.

And yes it does still seem wrong that “Senator” Clinton did seem pre-arranged of an untowards political nepotism obvious in its carpetbagging with BONUS ‘baggage’ of getting “Bill” (Bill in NYC) as a BOGO.

And yes it does still seem wrong that “Senator” Clinton just had to be paraded around the state of New York a few times by Clinton Secret Service with maxed pomp and circumstance to seal the nepotismic malfeasance, theirs.

It is hard not to see the Clintons now of a responsibility for us near upon a new dark ages as it seems it their intimate and selfish political ambitions to over-reach and max a disregard for our Constitution to them as near a Global Initiative to Autocracy of Clintons but for how President Obama has acquiesced his “un-elected” compatriots (colluders major?) (accomplices major?).

Bad news sells - right?

You do remember Al Gore?  You have considered he would have jumped the guns all over Afghanistan and been in a wider war of choice their providing the pictures and the wars - haven’t you - haven’t you already?

Is there anything “Hillary” shouldn’t be able to get away with?

How bad is it that she is taking credit for the successes of Secretary Powell and Secretary Rice and regularly tagging them with blame and fault for her own failures and as well all the failures of her shared White House but for those parts of such too “intimate” to be projected or transferred upon Republicans?

Bad news sells - right?

How is an artist supposed to stay true to his/her art now?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:56 am
{Reposted - Originally blogged on 10/27/2011 via http://2012us.jphogan.org}


Yeh yeh yeh - so what - yeh so a person acting in their own self interest blah blah blah?

Well Ok!  So you like Stalin?  Did you hear yet that Moscow wants some of its past grandness back and now while near about one third its old size?  If you like Stalin and just want to be part of a greater socialist system it seems President assumed Putin is looking for more citizens.

He is likely not the greatest threat to America right now so a move there under Clinton “RESET” “overcharged” sympathetic “diplomacy” - Altruism may actually be an idea threatening the global economy more now and freedom as collateral damage.

Russia is arguably now higher on Iran’s “anti” lists if you consider historical developments and “losers” that had Iran in past believing they would be winners.  Now does seem a good and fair time to move to a new Stalinism by Putin - reports are he has the most number of billionaires in his smaller city than any other in the known world.

Yeh, but Governor Cuomo may usher a new CCCP for New York staters now as never before and not even pushed or attempted by carpetbagger Senator Clinton.  Soon he may have no choice but to finally attempt to compete with Massachusetts and their Romney Prototype and maybe with a CCCP - Cuomo Compromised Coverage Plan.

Well that would be interesting - are you already in New York - are you sure Putin can’t or won’t offer you more home and Stalinism though?

You have heard of Adam Smith and his “Invisible Hand Theory” of Economics and his arguments for rational and free people that a pursuit of self interest is best way to global peace and fair trade and freer markets?  If you have heard that not all of it may actually be attributable to Adam Smith.

To simplify lets attempt to look at a very complicated con now ongoing seemingly as necessarily organized altruism - let us use the dangers of a CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE for example.

It simplifies some of these issues to reference supposed “altruism” of CGI that it isn’t seemingly allowed by charter to operate domestically.

It has been a while since I once tried to compare and contrast some of Adam Smith and many others especially Ayn Rand and originate an thinking some new and some anewly specific for different times.  That CGI seems to be a Virtue of Selfishness and therefore a global and/or American “greater good” means that it may as well be more dangerous and a vice of selflessness.

Yes, I believe they do have skating and skiing in Moscow area - I know USSR had such but I do not know their actual geography and amenities locations.  I have no idea about the state of their schools today.

Well these times are different!

Sure, with different vices apparently related to unique opportunities tempting at least those educated enough to see them.  We know that Clintons must be selfish and of a selfishness political in their calculated appearance as altruists.  We know that while Senator of New York Hillary Clinton was not of local federalist efforts to get state communities busy finding county friendly alternatives or state options to avoid a centralized socialized nationalized health care entitlement.

We know from many other moments in our history that Clintons have been heavy booted to a political selfishness and another, yet again, arguably unearned “comeback.”

You still awake?

You betcha.

So about Bill Clinton with CGI appearing to be altruistic when it was basically the last foot ware to heavy booted Clinton expansionism left him - when it was his last and maybe only option to selfishly hold on to as much executive global power as they could try to manage:

What now - pick your “Stalin” - pick the “greater of the two evils?”

Ok, you are definitely awake.

Well, on economics this rare appearance of otherwise less explainable “altruism” has to be “selfish” behavior by political power couple (”two-fer” if you prefer) masked as selflessness.  It exists aberrant to our economic structures and general foundations - it unbalances a normal and common main street fairness with willful clouding.

So Putin as Stalin better than Bill as Gandhi?

You’re funny - we should have started hanging out years ago.  So you see that for all the altruism of CGI it is maybe the most selfish attempt to appear selfless and economically stands unbalancing a global think of hold that used to hold markets together and nurture economic growth?

How is it even legal?

I mean how is it lawful for such to exist while his spouse - his other half of “two-fer” the “one” not a “half” as they like to legally suggest to a Descartian “separation” to allow them unbefore imagined legal latitude on otherwise unreasonable propositions - while “Hillary” is Secretary of State?  Shouldn’t one have recused themselves or the other ceased and desisted?

Hey we should put this up on the net at least in a gallery of writing somewhere.

So are you going to move to Moscow instead?

Surely President Assumed Putin can offer a better Stalinism, right?  I get that the Clintons have been acting much extra Constitutionally to compete with such and by selling themselves of a selflessness have been of a “vice” to such more a selfishness and dangerous economic and political thought for Americans — but clearly they have been losing ground to Putin as socialists, and well our United Peoples of these United States of American don’t need to or seem in a majority to want to move to a future globalness as competitors needing to prove themselves all to be better Socialists.

Maybe for the summer months:

Do you think Moscow and Russia will welcome us all - and with open arms and equality?Let’s not complicate this just yet.  Gotta go for now, been a pleasure.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:12 am


Waiting for President Barack to work his messianic further now may be as fruitful as if our waiting for him to release his college papers were as if we were still waiting for books of John or Matthew or Luke.

We should expect nothing less now than an Obama “Bible” as a Book of Barack, or just a book of a “Book of Barack.”

He has waded rudely into bridging long historical for community and global morals, he has fired off crass remarks suggestive that early Declarations not at all as he would have then or would now have written them, if he could have written them.  We have still to wait, and wait, and specifically especially for his early works when more a disciple of Harvard and Columbia.

President Nixon is proving to have been more prudent and diligent when of dramatized “If a President says it is legal then it is legal” far more than President Obama could rightly suggest or publish truthfully if to parables of a ‘Book of Barack’ necessarily of these recent years of 1st Amendment over-speak still not supported with his or our written texts.  He, President Obama, has been recorded saying near:  “I didn’t know that I wouldn’t be able to dictate on these matters once President.”  Hmmm?  He has been long as President, tortuously long, economically speaking, for of “supply” social spending hardly related to “economic science.”  He has walked and talked as if people should fall before him as disciples even in economics though he more than Nixon of the negative side of “If a President says it is legal then it is legal” supposing.

If President Barack Hussein Obama who wanted to be of a “Personality Based Presidency” where his “story” was not his “training” was not necessarily his study or actual work experience - then surely as our Supreme Court readies to hear the Un-Constitutional push back from many non-Obama Statists statists more themselves, the and we will expect some actual “principles” from President Barack Hussein Obama.  It does seem impossible that Obamacare can actually lower costs as it claims - yet there are the “principles” that should be of Obama’s new foundation for healthcare that are to be expected and as legal and admissible.

I have already pondered that like our Declaration of Independence President Obama has been disregarding at least the Bible and institutions so otherwise based.  I have already suggested “Bible” was taken so a book by President could be “Trible” or “Ible” but really we have that he is suppressing faith and offering pill based morals.  So, it seems a book, a “Book of Barack” could be titled “Drible” for “Dr Ible” a way of Obama (Barack) by chemically altered states, legal and illegal.

The other day while at a Social Media Week event with Jermaine Dupri I did realize I am taller than he is, physically.  He may be taller than the President spiritually - he announced something about a “G-BOX” for his Global14 web/communities.  The President is taller than I am - by inches, and yet has my same birthday but from four years earlier.  Did you know Jermaine Dupri likes “Blondie”?  I saw him get all posie near a strip.

A “DRIBLE” by and of “BOOK OF BARACK” to explain his past anti-Independence statements and his efforts of dictates to Congress suggesting they should make laws establishing his sense of “religions” should also really deal with “drugs” and dependence on “entitlements” and/or “chemicals - recreational or self medicatory.  Such now would need hymns and chapters on his capology of seamless rubbers and any “principles” he might have to explain why and/or how such can be “free” - economically speaking to his belief system(s).

I did meet Jermaine Dupri enough while at Hearst Tower on 8th near Columbus Circle - I do wonder if he appreciates it as well for maybe being the most socially conscious and phallic architecture in building for anywhere currently in New York City.  Around its base is its history and legacy with eggs cradled with care for the ages above its original six, from within such rises straight up and proud a spire wrapped and structured most obviously in diamonds but as well of a consciousness in triangles.  It looks well ribbed and uniformly covered, and with Monks or maybe Jesuits or other Brothers less than gargoyles standing pensive near or next to feminine concerns similarly there drafted and carved for New York minutes and daily blank pages of all ages.  I have not studied architecture - I have read some but not studied any where near a majority of even a minority of Manhattan’s architecture. Hearst Tower may be so new that it is still “green” and “greenest” new building - its ribbing is deserved and appropriate for all “green” concerns and global or local consciousness using acceptable natural inspiration and yet about 25% less carbon based steel.

It does look like if it were stepped on by a giant it would pop right back up - Hearst Tower, that is.  I may prefer to work in new Tower One at Ground Zero some day and so that I could daily be reminded of what a mess our 90s actually were. A re-election of Barack Hussein Obama without a “BOOK OF BARACK” or a sufficient basis for his “DRIBLE” has me now already on issue so with such if not just from an apparent lesser of two evils erudite and measured and check democratic foundation and as so about such as an issue of our today with concerns for what it might say bad about too many Americans.

It is still a ridiculous American condition that the pre-existing legacy of the Clintons and their “two-fer” First Coupling hasn’t had citizen people of these United States of America and global spectators being wise, prudent, and/or consciously cautious in our Post Clinton Presidency - Post 9/11 years of learned lessons and a guarded deciding.  It is ridiculous already that a Clinton can be any how now a part of any post 9/11 administration, conservatively speaking to basic street sense and “live and learn” pragmatism.  A re-election of President Obama is nearing as bad a “ridiculous” and “dangerous” that would speak poorly of “American” common sense and so as if it has all been lost - that American “common sense” has been lost. 

We have “innocent until proven guilty” (now less globally and locally thanks to both Clintons?) and we have our 90s to look back on daily with guarded concern.  We have these truths already self evident in public realms and yet not accepted as politically relevant.  We have indivisible that the Clintons acted politically as a “two-fer” Washington power couple and shared, and shared, and shared.  We have the Church taking issues with them while taking issue now with dictates from President Obama & Book of Barack (or “DRIBLE”) still unpublished. 

The three seem inseparable. 

Without DRIBLE or at least a BOOK OF BARACK we will be left to be of a blind faith in President Obama and still the Clintons by association - a re-election of President Obama may be more concerning for what it would or might say about those that voted for him/for them. 

We have still that by November 2012 we may have to take sides and yet still below our best standards and high holy hopes for America as conceived and subscribed whence - we have President Obama has positioned himself as anti-Independence and, now at least it looks like Republicans are of establishments historically hopeful and honestly already superior than a fate for US anew of “lesser of the two evils” as if already in shades of “evil” more than hopeful shades of “good”.

We have it as a possibility and existent that “OBAMACARE” may find its “Un-Constitutional” basis soon measured and judged by nine to a no by
nine as citizen people and their experts are stomping it daily with a rap and beat down for failing publicly already on 1st Amendment turf.  We have it now exposed of dribble for a DRIBLE of at least a BOOK OF BARACK necessary to an explainin’ as it seems to be becoming common sense and measured to side with parties of and for steppin’ tuned to an appreciation that OBAMACARE just doesn’t look like it can or will reduce healthcare costs.

Somehow this is kept from being racist.  I don’t know that President Obama can do the same with a due “DRIBLE” at least.  He isn’t the “New York Minutes” he hoped to be - hoped to be while contrary in his ways.  We could use a BOOK OF BARACK now, it seems necessary at least for his defense against the “Un-Constitutional” review soon of SCOTUS bar.
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