
September 2012
« Aug   Oct »
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:17 am

Yup - I’ve gone and decided not to write another column during October, and, as well maybe not until at least after election day 2012.

Yup, since it is time to see how low I should reset my ambitions and standards to match America’s new normal in nationalism - these are the days beyond my needing to write. 

Yup, I have done too much and for too long for it to be my next move - it is my time just to judge the field - the whole field and yes, both sides. 

Yup, I did nearly find myself forever to avoiding New York - if Senator Hillary Clinton had not ceased to be a Senator from New York my lack of trust and respect for her would have sluced for all with a too low standard a guilt by association. 

Yup, I did once entertain an interest in maybe working at ABC — Disney/Cap Cities - but closed that all down when they lowered their standards with the contract for George Stephanopoulus. 

Yup, it is not my move now - and well it is late now for any to expect to get me at their tables to discuss October, however.

Sad that the new fall season has commenced with new TV shows on air and Mad Men every where politically charged to still be selling Obama austerity and new conservationism. 

Sad that Dems did pursue policies especially about economics that looked as if they would bring us quite to this down time - and most sad for the serious lack of character in them with such pursued with an attempt to be to such with the hope that they would succeed in just blaming the other side.

Yup, I have no idea now how I will spend now more available time (”freer time” — just seems too true and sad as too wrong) this October, but I do at least owe myself an honest consideration as objectively as I can manage of the worth of both parties and sadly now to a wondering about whether the Republicans may be as bad as the Dems.

Yes,  I really nearly decided to completely avoid NYC because NY had Hillary Clinton as Senator.  She seems to have been now too long living up to my distrust. 

I won’t know how to publish to broader audiences until after election day.   If you were wondering - I have been waiting a while to see how much lower I should join my standards and expectations and now the day is coming near.

I have done too much and for too long - and so far no price has been right - or offered well to get me to make a move before Election Day 2012.  

I am now to a month without writing a column - while thinking it is not my move anyways.  I don’t feel a need to retract any of the very many columns I have written - so I really shouldn’t feel a need to write another at least for a month.

I do stand by everything I remember to be in my earlier columns.  And, again, until after Election Day I won’t know where our new lower standard may best be set and so won’t for at least a month know how to join to such new standard any publishing of my past compositions long stirred of years I thought it would be worth it to try to raise our standards.

The choices are yours - I am just an observer now - since for a while it hasn’t been my move or my table to try to get me to.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:23 pm

Some scenes are well worth waiting for.

President Obama’s pre-Debate problem seems to be he thinks himself either Demi Moore or Tom Cruise in A FEW GOOD MEN yet all the while he is really a Jack Nicholson character of thinking he is right to lie and lie and lie.

Just the other day I couldn’t believe the scene I caught a couple days after the fact with a former Colin of once like a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama - at least until earlier in 2012.  Besides it sounded like his opinion about Iraq seemed unchanged since the 2008 campaign positions of Senator Obama it also just sounded too fantastically ignorant in our post Arab Spring commencement sit reps, however.

It does seem President Obama doesn’t want to go into any debate against Governor Willard Mitt Romney either on the wrong side of A FEW GOOD MEN, or, either of Willard Christopher Smith’s HITCH or INDEPENDENCE DAY. 

It is an inconvenient truth about this October that should not present as a surprise if a trick more than a treat that President Obama in these post CGI days is at risk of seeming just a like “fresh” “Prince.”

It was clearly a surprise to hear from one so recently official in Defense of Obama speaking with 2008 talking points and intelligently questionably as if the Arab Spring wasn’t a considerable factor actually quite variable.

If we are of days where even though President Obama is of wishes to be Demi Moore more than Tom Cruise than we may be closer to truths than he has yet dared.  We have that he cannot be Tom Cruise in A FEW GOOD MEN even if his Secretary of State is more a Jack Nicholson than he.  He is the one on trial and most at risk if an OCTOBER SURPRISE were to be A TRUTH A DAY OCTOBER principally. 

But who is available - whom of Republicans are not now all ready too type cast? 

There are likely at least thirty truths than can be told to be a daily update contrary to the too long heralded dictates necessary to the progressive agenda marching of the Administration of Obama.

Have I already somewhere in the past four years posted enough “corrections” of sorts if only as punditry to fulfill an “outline this” assignment - I do believe.

Are there now any other than Independents - like say main stream Republicans - who can step up for thirty days of truths oddly so as actually of OCTOBER SURPRISES? 

I don’t know how a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama could have been of A THIRD WAY the other day, or however, and yet offered as intelligent that the 2008 Obama positions on Iraq could now still hold - be held.  

As October approaches we all are considerable still even if now Constitutionally relegated too much as “subjects” than earlier of ramparts defended with us cherished as “citizens.”

We have as a truth that can be logically mapped out at least with logic circles that … (for starters)

In what order should a cast however assembled if possibly assembled be to 30 truths for 30 days?

It seems President Barack Hussein Obama would otherwise wish he could at least be Demi Moore.

It seems impossible for President Barack Hussein Obama or Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to be Tom Cruise in A FEW GOOD MEN or MINORITY REPORT.

The dare is set - there are to be Presidential Debates — how much truth has to be in them for them to actually be PRESIDENTIAL?

We are of times nearly as late as us have needed only so few Americans as there once were Massachusetts’ Democrat Party Primary voters that separated “Hillary” from “Barack” now again good to consider how so few just of say Massachusetts could have been enough to liberate Iraqi people with OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.

It may be an irrelevant truth though that only that number near of 150,000 Massachusetts Democrat Party voters was a number enough to liberate Iraq while of the long overdue prosecution of Saddam Hussein as regards at least 1441.

The resolution is now critical to the PRESIDENTIALITY of the candidates for President of our two parties — their resolution will be even more critical - more crucially “on trial.”

So who knows how many truths need to be dissected and discerned just about how we Americans of the United States of America all would have been trapped for maybe a hundred years on the wrong side of the Arab Spring if we hadn’t at least as we finally did been to that noticeable prosecution of Saddam Hussein and the standing with Iraqi people as they stood up themselves and a new Constitution uniquely theirs?

Do we need Independents for thirty days - for a OCTOBER as:  A TRUTH A DAY OCTOBER? 

Where are our Governors?  How is our federalism as people around the world create and recreate their own?

The dare is set and what is TRUTH is to be on trial - But President Obama cannot be Demi nor Tom as he seems already a called one as if Jack.

We have as a truth that can be logically mapped out at least with logic circles that … (for starters)

Reminder:  The Clintons’ surpluses justified the Bush tax cuts - even though Clintons’ surpluses not well justified.

Reminder:  Even though Bush may have run Operation Iraqi Freedom less than optimally we still have that Clintonomics better explain the current economic down so near a new depression and that even Bush’s tax cuts only scientifically explain why such a crash didn’t happen sooner. 

We have as a truth that can be logically mapped out at least with logic circles that … (for starters)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:24 pm

[A copy of a college philosophy course paper of mine - not sure I gave the expected or popular analysis and/or answers to assignment - yet do think I still hold this opinion as then conceived as mine - I am though now posting this before re-reading it - having re-read it even recently.  Don’t at the moment remember the name of the course then while at Villanova in mid eighties - I acquired an undeclared Philosophy Minor - got the credits for minor without registering such intent or achievement within Philosophy Department bureaucracy.]

                BY: J PETER HOGAN

Plato, Machiavelli, Marx and Fanon all spoke about ideal
societies in the form of relatively small communities.  Does
this mean there can be no utopias on the global scale?  or,
were they just limited by their time and environment?  Today
we are concerned about global societies.  Our primary concern is
the path of international relations:  How the hundreds of
nations in the world can and will relate peacefully.  We are
striving for world peace while we also strive to improve our
ability to destroy our world.  World peace is a slow process
and cannot and will not occur until all nations have a common
link.  I believe the threat of global destruction is not enough
itself, that something else is also needed, something tied to
everyday life.  The market is such a thing; the international
market is unifying the world.  The industrial giants have
gotten away with some atrocities yet still they have
successfully done more to further world peace than any other
body.  The atrocities occurred because these firms were
breaking new grounds which existing laws were inadequate to
control;  there were not internationally accepted laws
protecting the rights and property of all human beings as
equals.  Today an international body is needed to establish a
global justice system.  As more and more nations begin to
compete in the international market, general principles of
proper and acceptable behavior must be agreed upon and
practiced.  These also must be enforceable.

I propose to study how these philosophers saw their ideal
societies as well as show how and why some are realistic
and others will remain dream  I will also explain how I see the
path of international relations with a view towards future utopias,
and will show that only one of these four philosophers presented
a plan for society that when applied to the real world can work
efficiently and peacefully in the international arena.

Plato’s republic can be seen as the forerunner to
capitalistic society.  In the REPUBLIC each person is
encouraged to pursue his own interests and to specialize in
this interest in order to maximize his happiness and the
society’s well being.  This very closely resembles Adam Smith’s
justification of the free market system with his “invisible
hand principle.”  The theme is identical while the motives for
the individuals are expressed differently.  Socrates wanted the
individual motivated solely by his love for his art, not for
material gain nor for the acquisition of wealth.  In the
REPUBLIC Socrates set up a city which had not been “bloated by
the fever,” but instead remained a very plain community,
content with subsistence level existence.  Even the rulers of
the city refrain from luxuries and fancy foods.  Socrates
believed that wealth as well as poverty was detrimental to the
community, so he eliminated them from his ideal society.  As an
ideal society we do not necessarily expect it to match natural
human tendencies.  Socrates refused to admit a human desire for
private property.  I can understand his efforts to omit this
since it seems that most wars have occurred over questions of
property rights;  the have-nots wishing to acquire the goods of
the haves.  If we go back to Socrates’ ideal society and
recognize materialism as a natural human tendency, then what we
have is a capitalistic society.  Each individual would be
motivated not only by the love of his art but also by his
desire to increase his possessions, leaving society to be
controlled by the pursuit of individuals’ self interest.  This
can only peacefully occur where there are well defined and
accepted laws governing property rights.  Still, as in the
REPUBLIC, justice would be the minding of your own business but
might be extended to include the minding of your own property
and respect for the property of others.  Plato was not alone in
his omission of the human desire for private property;  many
other philosophers have done the same.

Machiavelli, however, did not omit human materialism.  The
prince was a wise man solely because he understood some basic
principles about human nature and about the nature of the
masses.  Machiavelli, in THE PRINCE, wrote not as a
philosopher about how things ought to be but as a political
scientist about how things were.  His prince realized that the
majority of people have very simple desires and that as long as
a ruler could satisfy these desires he would be able to
maintain control.  He realized that most people actually desire
to be ruled so that they themselves don’t have to worry about
the everyday issues of controlling a society.  They just want
to concentrate on their own desires, their immediate self
interests.  The combination of these two facts leaves a ruler
a lot of leeway to do what he wishes.  As long as the ruler
protected the rights of his subjects, they would be willing to
do his work, work his lands to produce products which he could
sell for his personal profit.  The prince got wealth off the
labor of his subjects; he had title to the resources, the land,
and traded with his subjects for their labor.  Of course he
owned the land on which they lived and the homes in which they
lived, so this he considered as part of their wages while the
other parts of it were the food they ate, the protection he
provided, and the justice he enforced among his subjects.  The
Prince will be able to keep his subjects content as long as
their limited desires can be met; but, when technology and
invention create new products to tempt their desires the task
becomes more difficult because they will all desire to increase
their standard of living.  If the prince cannot satisfy their
new desires then he will most likely have to resort to fear to
keep them in line, and can do so because he controls their
rights.  Fear is, according to the prince, the most effective
way of keeping people in line.  Fear will always be a means of
effecting human behavior, while ideally we wish it wouldn’t be.
Ideally, we would like respect to be the only true motivator.
But, unfortunately it is not.  As a result we must make and
accept laws which will protect the rights of the people and
their property.  We should not ignore or dismiss the human
tendency to desire property and increased comfort.  When such
is done a realistic picture is not possible.

Karl Marx, for example, based his whole community on the
premise of public property.  It takes a revolution to bring
about his “communistic ideals.”  A revolt by the”have-nots”
against the “haves.”  The have-nots revolt because the
possessions and rights of the haves are protected while their
rights are ignored.  There is obviously an imbalance of power
and wealth.  Marx saw the solution as a revolution in which the
haves are over thrown and all capital possessions are entrusted
to the society as a whole.  Marx too ignored the human desire
to possess property.  His ideal falls apart after the
revolution when some of the revolutionaries, usually the
stronger use their might to obtain for themselves the
possessions conquered.  It usually turns out that the new
capitalists, who were the leaders of the revolt, used the
revolution solely to achieve personal wealth.  Is this much
different than before the revolution?  No, because it is the
same play but with a different cast and the price of the change
includes the lives of many.  Marx envisioned an altruistic
government; one that had the responsibility of making sure that
everyone was doing what they were best at, while also making
sure that everyone got equal pay.  Marx failed to admit that
the individuals know best their own interests and abilities and
that they should pick their own career from those offered in
the society.  Marx saw equal distribution of wealth as the
answer to property disputes.  Yet, this can only succeed where
all individuals desire the same things and have some other very
powerful motivation to do their best in their endeavors.
Usually it requires promises of great returns to motivate
people and empty promises can only work a few times.  Attempts
to actualize his ideal society has failed.  They have put the
ownership of capital in the hands of the public, in very loose
terms.  The wealthy class previously were the owners of capital
and the means of production but now are the new controllers of
the means of production, the government.  The general populace
usually becomes worse off;  they no longer participate in a
Society focused on the individuals’ interests.  Instead of
having a competitive state they have a monopolistic state.
Marx’s ideals and observations did little in the long run to
greatly improve the well being of its subjects.  Where it has
been attempted it has been corrupted.

Frantz Fanon was confronted with oppression and wealth
inequality problems in Algeria.  The colonized state was
experiencing greatly uneven wealth distribution; the natives
were very poor and becoming worse off while the settlers were
getting even wealthier.  Ideally this should never have
occurred to such an extent.  The natives’ rights would have
been protected.  If this had been the case any development in
country would necessarily have been approved by the leaders
among the natives.  The natives would have most likely demanded
payment for land desired by the settlers.  If this had been the
case the revolution would not have been necessary because the
settlers would have been there with the consent of the natives.
This obviously did not happen, and did not happen because the
natives had a lifestyle with very simple laws and the settlers
came from a society with very complex laws and one that saw
peoples like the Algerian natives as barbaric and uneducated.
I propose, however, that even with these differences in culture
had the settlers made reasonable deals with the natives to
fairly reimburse them for land and labor the natives would have
grown to accept and coexist with the settlers.  This would
necessarily have occurred if there were internationally
enforceable human rights and property rights for all alike.
Instead the natives were exploited and excluded to the point
where their only option was revolution.  This was the surest
way to educate the mass of natives about the ways of the
settlers.  The natives would have to understand their foe
before they could beat them.  As we know from reading THE
WRETCHED OF THE EARTH, the end results of the revolution were
primarily negative: The economy was worse off; many people
were dead; and now the native elite were exploiting the masses,
as the settlers had done before them.  The few positive aspects
were that the native population had been brought together under
a common cause through which they were educated about
themselves and the settlers and through which they gained
national character.  Education is the first major step to
realizing equality and freedom.  Fanon saw the struggle as a
third world nation against an industrialized nation.  Algeria,
however, did not gain control over the industrial nation but
instead regained some control over itself.  Algeria cannot win
this battle against oppression until all property rights are
protected and property transfers are left to the open market,
where the buyer and seller will have to reach a mutually
acceptable deal.

Following what Machiavelli had to say most people are
content working for other people, as long as they are treated
fairly and respected as human beings.  As Plato also believed
some people are naturally referred to be the rulers, not
everyone, nor most people have the inclination to rule.
Recognizing these as realities leaves every society, past and
present, with the dilemma of class systems.  Marx tried to
avoid this by having an equal distribution of wealth.  In the
real world this does not work; people like to be paid according
to the amount of work performed, not less.  Some people prefer
to work more and harder than others there will be uneven wealth
distribution, due to human nature.  Some people start preparing
for the future at an earlier age and are thus better prepared
to succeed when their time comes.  Others who only played as
children may be limited to being laborers for the rest of their
lives.  After generations some families will be better off
because they have consistently prepared for the future and now
as a result have many more opportunities than families who have
not.  The inequality of opportunity then is an accumulation of
behaviors and influences over time.  Yet, for those whose
opportunities were effectively limited through exploitation,
such as the slaves, steps should be taken to try to increase
their class’s opportunities, to partially balance out the jump
the exploiters got on them.  We must be sure, however, to
ensure that it will still be up to the individual to improve
his own position and the future position of his descendants.
Yet still we will be left with a concentration of wealth by a
minority.  The difference between each society then is left to
the structure of its government.

Monarchies, as we saw in THE PRINCE, keep the wealth among
the rulers.  The government has absolute control over its
subjects because that is what they truly are: their subjects.
The peasants had no means of recourse for evil or harmful acts
by their master; their masters chose what rights they had.
Attempts to actualize Marx’s ideals have turned out no better
than monarchies.  Here there was a larger government which
still held control over the citizens.  The government lived off
the labor of the citizens as the monarchs had done.  In both
these cases it is interesting to realize that the rulers often
resorted to fear to keep the citizens in line.  These problems
cannot be resolved until the interests of the masses are
represented in government.  Concentration of wealth is natural
and acceptable as long as the wealthy do not control the
government.  It is necessary, however, that the government not
only look after the welfare of the citizens but that they
also look after the interest of the society to see that
businesses thrive in a competitive market.  Where competition
cannot feasibly exist the government would regulate the
monopolistic industry to keep it from exploiting the masses.
Ideally, government’s responsibilities should be limited strictly
to the establishment and enforcement of human and property
rights.  Other responsibilities of government as we know it
today would not be necessary.  The market would control these
through the voices of the educated consumers, while the
government is left responsible for guaranteeing the rights of
its citizens.

When we look at different forms of government we should
remember their fundamental purpose: The protection of the
people and their rights.  All governments recognize this, yet
some only affirm and protect a select few rights.  Societies
were formed for the benefit of individuals.  The individuals of
the society determine its success or failure through their
efforts, production, and behavior.  History shows that a
society’s success is directly related to the degree of freedoms
enjoyed by the individual citizens.  Where citizens have
freedom of choice and their property rights are protected we
have seen economic success.  Governments, such as in Russia,
that suppresses the rights of the people and keeps the citizens in
fear has much less economic success.  These oppressive
governments have ignored the fundamental purpose of government;
they are not pursuing the interests of the individual citizen
but instead are exploiting these people to further their own
cause and interests.  Government should be for the people and
should emphasize and protect human and property rights.  The
individual is best able to make decisions concerning his self,
so leave the decisions to the individuals, and hold them fully
responsible for their decisions.  As more and more governments
become primarily concerned with the well being of the
individuals a greater degree of world peace will be achieved.
All this simply because more people would have to respect the
rights of others.  Governments, however, can only do so much to
further the cause of freedom.

The individuals of all societies must pursue the path of
freedom, whether they are garbage collectors, business
executives or the political leader.  Otherwise we will never
fully achieve world peace.  There can be no global peace until
we all think of the globe as an entire society.  There has to
be a focus on the whole.  This is highly possible and is
actually occurring at a rapid pace, thanks to industry.  As I
mentioned, governments can only do so much; well, the private
sector can do a lot and has.  The international market for goods
and services is unifying the globe as well as increasing the
standard of living across the world.  Through the ventures of
international businesses countries have united to better their
own positions; just as individuals came together to form the
first society.  The international market has provided a link
among all those countries that chose to participate.  The
expansion of industries, however, should not go unchecked; it
is vitally important that these firms be held responsible to an
international authority concerned with guaranteeing the human
rights and property rights of all equally.  Without such, these
firms would be able to exploit the ignorant and oppressed.  We
would be left with situations similar to Algeria’s, as
described by Fanon:  The natives were naive to the ways of the
West when the settlers came, and the settlers came believing
the Algerian natives to be almost subhuman and not deserving of
the rights recognized in western societies.  Had their rights
been respected they would have been able to negotiate with the
settlers to reach a deal that would benefit both parties.  This
would only work if the rights of the people within the country
were protected.  When these conditions are not met the natives
might be limited to revolting in order to regain their
freedoms.  In such cases violence may be the only means to get
the ball rolling towards freedom and world peace.
Lasting peace can only exist where individuals respect
Each other’s rights and compete not with their might but with
their minds.

THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH discussed the problems
that result when rights are denied and people can only compete
with one another with force.  Fanon seems to be encouraging the
protection of human and property rights but spends most of the
book complaining about the oppression, and venting his anger
against the capitalistic system that caused the unrest.  He
generalizes to conclude that capitalism is to blame whereas the
real culprits are those capitalists who behaved like
Machiavelli’s prince.  Fanon should have realized that
capitalism was Algeria’s best path towards increasing the welfare
of the people and the country, to bring the country out of the dark
 ages.  Capitalism can, however, only flourish where the
rights of the people and their property are protected.  Marx
did not recognize the benefits to society of the evils attached
with private property and saw the best way to achieve this as
the abolition of private property.  He failed to acknowledge
that this was fundamental to human progress, that people use
the promise of acquiring property as motivation.  People
compete to prove to themselves but also to better their condition
with the rewards of victory.  Without the private property and
with equal pay for all there would be no real incentive to
produce above minimum subsistence levels.  Machiavelli spoke
often of competition but never applied it to society as a whole
(at least not in THE PRINCE).  He was concerned with
competition, among rulers, for power.  THE PRINCE is not
concerned with the structure or fairness of societies,
but is concerned with the means and methods of achieving and
maintaining power.  The prince was only concerned with his own
rights and interests.  Plato, on the other hand, was concerned
with how to construct and maintain a peaceful and efficient

Plato’s ideal society laid the foundation upon which
capitalism developed.  Plato was the only one of these four
philosophers who described an ideal society that when injected
with a bit of reality would produce a successful free society.
Plato’s ideal society has over the years become a reality in
essence:  Capitalism as we know it today is a direct descendent
of Plato’s ideals, but with luxuries and without his population
control methods.  The fundamental principle that capitalism and
Plato’s ideals have in common is what Adam Smith described as
“the invisible hand principle:”  That the pursuit of self
interest is in the best interest of the whole society.
Societies have been founded by individuals to permit specialization
and increased production in order to increase every
participant’s standard of living.  The well being of the society
will be protected as long as the individuals of the society
continue to recognize the benefits to be gained.  Since
capitalism is a system based on the individual and his/her
desires, then the individual is most likely to remain content
with his condition.  The expansionary trends of capitalism
have, though with some negative side effects, done much to
unite a large portion of the world so far.  The nations of the
world are beginning to concentrate more on economic competition
than military, and are learning to exist peacefully with one
another.  Today those oppressive governments are initiating
actions to make themselves more competitive in the
international market.  The rulers of these countries are
motivated by their self-interests to improve the economic
position of their country and in so doing are necessarily
increasing the well being of the citizens.  This process has
been progressing throughout history and will continue to at an
increasing rate as more people become educated about and demand
the benefits of a society designed primarily to increase their
own freedom and well being.  A society whose success demands
the respect of other’s rights and property.  The beauty of
capitalism lies in this fact but also in the fact that it works
for societies of all sizes and that we can achieve world peace
through the peaceful pursuit of our self-interest.        

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:01 pm

This may be the eve of an October ready to be banked on.   There may be no real “Happy Meal” promises to keep, politically, there seems to be no money left to pay for such of Democrat Party promises.  Our real concern if we are now so far along with President Barack Hussein Obama to his New Deal Austerity that it may be better politically for any other to try to avoid being our next President.

There may be now room or possibility to see a “Happy” put back in for the next four years.  It may be strategically fastest for us to a win back of freedom and democracy to see President Obama re-elected to finish a defeat of his policies and politics AQAP (As Quick As Possible).

ACA - Obamacare as it is not actually an attempt just to politically steal a Republican success story of Romneycare from Republicans leaves us serious numbers that don’t add up well for “Daddy” Clinton.   It was reported years ago by a self professed doctor friend of the Clintons that the United States of America could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just reverse the increase in the personal average body weight of Americans.  Actually, I have no idea if that number of such paraphrasing from memory may have had costs for obesity since the start of the Clintons’ “parentage” of illegal aliens.

What an odd couple.  It seems clear that President “Daddy” Clinton is the sloppy one.  It seems reported that President “Big Mac” Clinton did with the guidance of his FLOTUS lead Americans to a dangerous level of obesity.

I don’t actually believe we could do better by re-electing President Obama and that he could be of further self defeat AQAP.

Would we have needed to see the “Happy” marshaled out of “Happy Meals” if President “Big Mac” Clinton hadn’t sold a MAC DADDY two BIG MACs a day habit and as if necessary because his FLOTUS couldn’t cook?   I mean the story still has to be of the “parentage” of the First Couple Clintons that even Hillary must not have cooked - right?

And you cannot get fries with the type of banking President Obama will have to promise to be capable of if re-elected.

There may not be enough honor in banking as long as “Daddy” Clinton not shilled as an evil banker himself.  Can you elect President Obama now as if choosing him as you would a banker - with an ability to trust him with what money you now have left?  President “Daddy” Clinton did fool so many once - what a shame on them!  like — but now if for President “Banker” Obama now needing to attempt to fool as many all over again? - like if banks could ever again approve so many loans they shouldn’t?

It might be easier to see how bad all this is and as with a full dissing upon ‘MAC DADDY CLINTON’ if his crying to his banking pals, after leaving office, to try to get them to fork out the money for a million dollar a year highest end rent, in the Carnegie Hall Tower, had effected enough guilt on them to have him visibly there now and not in Harlem.  Our Government said that was too rich for our blood money of revenues of the people from taxes, however.  Our Government said that was too royal and nearly of a Un-Constitutional titling for their approval, again, however versed.  MAC DADDY CLINTON did try to guilt his banking pals into paying for it instead - what a wonder today if he was there with them paying him in thanks as asked for all the derivative gambling profits he made possible.

Is it fair to President Obama that President “MAC DADDY” Clinton hasn’t been dissed enough for luck of being saved by Harlem?   It does seem President William Jefferson Clinton did owe Harlem more than Harlem owed him and yet it seems he still isn’t of his due dissing, where ever.  I knew William Stringfellow - William Stringfellow was a client while I was a college student of summer labors in landscaping - I knew him near about his third from last year of life while maybe already battling cancer.  I first learned how to use a powered weed whacker from William Stringfellow and at his cottage where he harbored federal fugitive, whenever.

Poor First Lady Michelle Obama long of so much official record to austerity for others.  Poor First Lady Michelle Obama for the upstaging of her earliest steps to counter the obesity epidemic “parented” by Clintons’ guidance by “MAC DADDY” Clinton whence then of choosing an elective surgery the day of her good eating messaging debut to grab all the defense Clinton press as possible to buffer the Clintons’ dishing for so many to record and dangerous personal obesity.  I do believe that number heard years ago that the USA could save a trillion dollars if it could like just get to the personal average body weights from just before the inauguration of the Clintons.

But to talk about party politics:  President William Jefferson Clinton did not have to make or break news that day the FLOTUS Michelle Obama was long scheduled to with messaging that would unavoidably be counter to the Clintons’ dishing and so of a dissing certain — he elected to time his elective surgery to clear narrowings of vessels and so that his message did override hers.

Poor Michelle Obama, actual First Lady.   On that day it was a Democrat loyalty test with two options to choose from as:  Be a Clinton MAC DADDY loyalist and now believe you will also get free healthcare for dangers from Clintons’ dishing - tax payer funded care, or, choose to listen to a message for personal responsibility and austerity akin to telling you that you couldn’t like have his BIG MACs twice a day and eat them.

Can you though really think you can trust President Barack Hussein Obama to be your banker?  It is too late for him to try to fool so many as the Clintons did again — he won’t be able to get banks to lend money he and they don’t have and to people who can show no real means of being able to repay.

His books seem cooked - and MAC DADDY CLINTON really due the DISSING.

If you are feeling this is all just unfair and feeling like a victim - aren’t you really feeling a victim of William Jefferson Clinton?

And, of Hillary Rodham Clinton - at least?

Can Mitt Romney and Ann Romney quarters pound a “Happy” back in our political “Happy Meals”?  Are our Governors all their linemen ready to keep a needed pocket around him so that we can AQAP win back our freedoms and democracy?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:07 am

It is - it is a wonder how there can be so many concerns today to offer up for discussion as still not litigated key parts of our recent history.

Personally my displeasure with WJC goes farther back that the early nineties while I offered spin doctoring and he seemed to steal the line I came up for myself if I was to have to answer a pot question - the line I started with of my own story of having only tried it once but like a cigar that first time - without inhaling.

Personally I have to be far more serious about so much that actually should have been litigated and maybe many times publicly re-litigated.  These are trying times for so many and much maybe because WJC is one that was willing to steal lines.

There is so much I should not have to say here today in this new column of maybe too serious punditry since I have tweeted  about such already recently or shared links as well with my twid (twitter ID) @jphoganorg and with use of #CGI2012 hash tag.

I may help to get a grip or focus for today if you consider or recollect how that when Governor WJC of Arkansas did run in 1992 he ran quite as if he were running on or of the “hope” about New Haven, CT.  There may be too much in that statement as per my TCONF (THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM) to go into now today but however I now consider it workable.

If we are to better understand our down times we have to look at the cast of Dems of WJC, HRC, NP, AG, HR, & BHO at least - and each of them some as a cook or chef of these times - whether with one recipe or too many recipes.

We could use titles for this but BOLSHEVIKS seems to work now and even so when Bolsheviks were no longer actually Bolsheviks but by name only with a hollower meaning than meant.   Our system of laws and governance of our national government may be well establish to prevent “socialist” change from the inside - only a war might be a way to turn our Constituted Confederate Republic otherwise to ways of socialism - a war that we did lose.

When I came up with my answer of “…but I didn’t inhale” I wasn’t wanting WJC to be able to run that much as me, and can remember people likely my personal answer as if it were meant from me to have been offered as a lie for WJC.  :-(

What a mess WJC and HRC made of the Middle East — Can you just remember the BHO Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech and its biting portent with heavy mentions of “dangers” of “inaction and avoidance”?

I don’t know if WJC actually never inhaled and nor do I know if HRC or WJC had a favorite special brownie recipe.

AG with his convenient crisis alarmism that only offered a limited small minded singular way forward in a time when the world as we know it was to end was a chef too many with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM. 

It is hard to say for certain whom of this set/cast did more to cause the price of gasoline to spike - whether is was AG or HRC more than the other of because of each simultaneously of uncoordinated political buffets.

I get the Dems have until the austerity of the Obama First Couple and their NEW DEAL AUSTERITY messaging been of promising all you can eat buffets as if half the nation deserved such as political victims.  I get that it is believable that we could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs as once reported by a “doctor friend of the Clintons” if only we could get our nation back to the average personal body weight from before the WJC & HRC became First Couple.

The simplest way to explain the housing crisis is to talk about the 2008 campaign and policy hopes of the Dems.  They wanted a down economy so that they could win with a down economy.  They wanted all the profits of the oil companies and they also wanted all the cars/vehicles that ran on their products gone.  They had America still in the hyper-consumerism pimped out by WJC and so set in a irresponsible ways of loyalty and faith in WJC & HRC that then had them unable to afford the mortgages many of them never should have been able to get so - so how - when the politics of HRC & AG became so heated that the price of gas spiked high enough that Dem loyalists may have been first to stop being able to pay for their mortgages and their gas to get to that job that had them with a fixed income.

It doesn’t get more complicated to recollect how all the recent field of GOP Presidential candidates were in the primaries all of stating publicly that the housing crisis was less the fault of individual Americans regardless of how they got there mortgage than it was the fault of their government.

The spike in gas prices the paved the way for Democrats to nearly walk across the finish line of 2008 elections is what started the housing crisis.  Had McCain/Palin won though we likely would have had a speedy and robust recovery.  If McCain/Palin had won their explanation of the economic times would have been free to be truthful and consumer confidence could have then been recovered quickly and strongly.

WJC did set our economic candle to burn from both ends at once.  He knew he was setting up our economy as if a candle burning from both ends at once.  He even asked the Banks to find a way to gamble away the expected risks from his immature economic desires/plans for he wanted to run the Housing Bubble as an unfunded federal social program even though there was enough money available to have set it upon a workable and reliable economic foundation.

NP never did the people a good flip while cooking up new lines about the WJC SURPLUS as a good diet political or economic.

We can better litigate the down economy by looking back beyond 2008 elections.  It can be said that in 2008 our electorate may have been one of the most uniformed in our history and due much to spin of disinformation.  It wasn’t a Republican that said like:  If you don’t do your homework you will end up in Iraq.  It was Republicans though that hope our best and our brightest and even our strongest all would be of our volunteer forces efforts to bring a long overdue prosecution to Saddam Hussein.

The fastest way back to forward and to seeing maybe even BHO think he should get the car out of the ditch before attempting to go forward seems maybe to be to look at least at 2008 and gas prices as something the Republicans never would have knowingly been about or to allowing if there was a way but to such available to them.  They couldn’t be bad oil company politicians wanting high gas prices as if of a stupid greed with a critical election looming and be smart enough to deserve seeing their party win elections.  Even a bad oil company executive would have known that lower gas prices were needed by Republicans in 2008 elections.

Can it be that the Dems starting in 2007 at least were too much an un-huddled mass of un-coordinated idealistic recipes such that when all together it was to so many only served their workings as a recipe for disaster?

It may be too soon here to try to explain that the federalism debates now about healthcare and medicare and medicaid as better for our states and their governance are also a federalism due political dish about national security and best homeland posture, posturing.  We may all be safer if we reduce the amount of centralized power seeming too much at the whim and whimsy of a single person - a too powerful executive.  That said it may be our best policy now to at least block grant care governance back to nearer our communities and their county metrics.  We may become more safe the less we are seen as serving up as due a more general and unspecific otherwise centralized more just by the numbers governance.

It is WJC numbers that still hardly add up.  Though what has been offered by HRC may be even less rational or factual.

Yes the price of gas as it spiked after HRC started HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT can best explain what started the housing crisis and especially if you recognize how bad the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were - how bad and immature CLINTONOMICS was - and how it was because WJC & HRC had driven or pimped Americans into a hyper-consumerism that couldn’t afford the spike in gas price about 2008 economy that no Republican in their right minds would have had reason to allow if they could have prevented it.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:44 pm

It is the word most on the tips of tongues these days around the world — TREASON? - or: It is TREASON?

For Americans now oddly more “subjects” than “citizens” we are still necessarily to a concern about details - details like:  If treason and judged so must it be punishable by death?  and,  If treason is there a statute of limitations that might offer a former President protection or eventual immunity?

“Treachery” and “treason” or “treasonous” has been in the political air of the United States of America current contestations.

With the Arab Spring as it is a post Operation Iraqi Freedom movement, and, with the new TEA PARTY activity in the USA these are the times at least trying souls over what can or cannot be said as “treason” or “treasonous” - and Constitutionally speaking or of speaking to or for a new or amended Constitution.

For the sake of simplicity for such a dire and complicated consideration we may move to strike up conversation and dialogue most civilly and peaceably by organizing an enlightened and full diatribe at least on an earlier time and an earlier Presidency even.  It is likely to close to the Presidency of the Bush administration for such years to offer enough distance and objectivity.  It is not seemingly too early or too late to decide we all could focus an in depth full consideration of what is or is not “treason” upon President William Jefferson Clinton and at least all of the eight years of the Presidency of the Clintons.

If we set up a month long public discussion now to look at TREASON from all angles and all sides at home and abroad and to even hypothetical discussions of some or all possible real or imagined assaults or consequences and do so just with a focus on WJC and the Presidency of the Clintons it seems we can look ahead without fear of finding a shortage of material for discussion.

It does seem unfair that there could have been a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” campaign legally without the thirty years of protection of an administration’s records being first waived for the Presidency of the Clintons.  That said - we may now have to consider more hypotheticals as per the Presidency of the Clintons just to be fair to other administrations before and after the Presidency of the Clintons.   It would be logically and morally wrong to start here and if for a month with a ridiculous and preposterous hypothesis that a following administration could be “all at fault” if the previous administration isn’t even look at.

What is TREASON?   What is TREASONOUS?   And, in America where the head of our Executive Branch is, it seems, not immune from charge(s) themselves of treason while in office or afterwards there after but for a how long so, maybe.

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

Should we softly step forward by going just as far back as the inaugural speech of President Barack Hussein Obama and so to a motivating query possible since PRESIDENT HOPE AND CHANGE shouldn’t have needed to commence officially more a divider than a uniter and so on the defensive for the Democrat Party?

How did PRESIDENT HOPE AND CHANGE so make his first steps so defensively that he became a partisan divider from day one though of having run as a uniter?   How did PHAC specifically try to offer defensive politics like as if a necessary cover-up for the Presidency of the Clintons so from his first moments?

Did President Barack Hussein Obama have any choice but to go officially on the defensive from day one to an extreme partisanship because moving forward with a freedom of innocence wasn’t possible or reasonable for an admin or a party then still embracing or defending the Presidency of the Clintons?

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a  concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

What is TREASONOUS to citizens of the USA now too considerable as “subjects” of a “Post-Constitutional” era than necessary?

What is TREASONOUS to freer peoples of the Middle East now of or near an Arab Spring, and/or competition with Iraqi people to see if they in their own country might as well be capable of writing a new Constitution their own also better than the Constitution of the United States of America?

What is TREASONOUS just if of actions or inaction by a seated Executive of the office of the President of the United States, or by such as they, as Clinton may have, while he after being thought term limited, are/is of efforts to bend to near breaking the wisdoms writ large as Amendments to check post office Powers?

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a  concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

If one is of saying we are necessarily of and to a “Post-Constitutional” new normal should we ask:  Why - and if so how so?

If one is of saying we are necessarily of and to a “Post-Constitutional” new normal should we ask:  What is in it just for them?

If one if of saying we are necessarily of and to a “Post-Constitutional” new normal should we ask:  But if you don’t proceed to alter our existing Constitution for new times by prescribed processes aren’t you essentially acting to be disloyal and of an actual betrayal to our Constituted ways and so arguably of a “TREASONOUS” corruption?

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

It would be fairer and easier to discuss all the possible “treason” of the Presidency of the Clintons if we had required upon HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT itself a Constitutional conservatism for best practices with checks and balances that they do release all the protected and secured records of the Presidency of the Clintons.

It does seem it would be unfair and illogical to start with a discussion about the Presidency of Bush 43 without first looking thoroughly at the Presidency of the Clintons and all that might best explain the problems that have arisen it seems from it.

And, again:  Why did PRESIDENT HOPE AND CHANGE start off so defensively though he had campaigned selling he could be more of the freedom of innocence and as a uniter not a divider?   What is it - was it - that he had to sacrifice his own administration with to attempt to cover-up?  I mean it must have been HUGE - right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:37 pm

The Greeks may want to all get on board with this.

We have a psychopathy of at least one individual to render separated and parsed thoroughly towards an understanding of this.

The Greeks may not be alone in wanting to look at one American meddler and his psychopathy for real culpability in an extra-treasonous way.

How now to be real and down and dirty truthful about such that for some is treasonous and for others more as if overseas foreign transgressions enough that a foreigner might be due more blame than a countryman?

Well the new season of TV shows is near about started for Americans, at least.  And, we have to be sensitive and forgiving with allowances that though a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY is still our President’s strongest message.  And while to some it ad buys may seem allowed strictly to others it might seem treasonous if they sell or push anything other than austerity.

Here we are of a day long overdue for considerations to parse “disloyalty” from “treason” and “citizen” from “subject.”

If there is one foreigner - foreign meddler - that the people of Greece might be able to blame their economic problems with more than any other isn’t that person William Jefferson Clinton?   And, I mean to a level related to the severity of effects economic wrought so such that a general desire may exist and be due of feelings that one if so should have to ‘face the music’ like - have to face some type of prosecution.  And, yes this would hardly be of a “loyalty” or “treason” to them.

What is a popularity for a “post-Constitutional” era pushed in lieu of proper procedures with amending process but dare say a push for a popularity for “treason.”  Justice John Roberts could have had a field day with the subject - he quite nearly did decide it seems that the reported “Pelosi Congress” had willfully acted to violate and betray our system of government with ACA.

As we now consider there may be some new shows worth watching we should be wise to how little they should be being allowed to sell - what with NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and a new nationalism in conservationism the strongest Government messaging.

Well “Bill” is back and yet he shouldn’t be.

Well “Hillary” is still clinging around though now of fresh wounds fatal for some giving rise again to “gross negligence” of a Clinton.

“Bill” is back with his old sticht still hardly comical of rallying all as much as he can to a convenient “post-Constiutionalism”!

Hmmm?  Where did you just hear that phrase “post-Constitutionalism”?  Hmmm?  Were you asked to compare and contrast how “post-Constiutionalism” is or can be other than “treason”?

Should we only expect a dangerous and broad reaching treacherous economic times if a GREAT BETRAYER is about pushing BETRAYAL as a new better norm?

Could William Jefferson Clinton actually be primarily a foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the Greek economy?

So maybe WJC is just a serial person of a psychopathy to disloyalty.  But, really his “economics” and BHO’s “economics” do not and cannot mix.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be realizing this all himself now, finally.   He now cannot likely escape it nor how long he asked and dictated that none should be looking back and trying to “re-litigate the past” a past not hardly even litigated yet.

It is hard to say where such a word of such a heavy sentence fits in our times other than that is cannot abide any now as if it depends if treason is treason.  How little adherence to rules and procedures would offer a “disloyalty to our Constitution” in lieu of heavy sentences with “betrayal of our system of government and our Constitution”?

Well we have that treason must sell for it seems that WJC is still able to be popular with public performances now as a charlatan from Charlotte with his old jive to popularity of a “post-Constitutional” era.   I mean it is that WJC is selling treason as if it isn’t treason that makes him still so adorable in an ignorant way - right?

So what about at least the Greeks?   Would they or do they have a hankering for all this with their own concerns now so real that may actually have the reckless popularity and politics of Clintons’ “post-Constitutionalism” to blame for our economy now so quite undermined?   Where can “long arms of the law” actually reach these days - like REALLY?

If a politician say like WJC were to campaign as if too a “Post-Constitutional” era but then when elected let one or two years pass without moving to make any of such affecting legal and within proper procedures where would the line between “disloyal” and “betrayal” be?   We can be of campaigns to amend and change to a new Constitution - right!  But if a “Post-Constitutionalism” is attempted only in convenient extra-Constitutional ways when is such so much a disloyalty to our systems and Constitution to be a treacherous and treasonous betrayal - and willfully?

We are a young country - so young a country that we cannot have already buried the crime of “treason” from our systems - right?   I suggest we could ask the Greeks if “treason” as a crime is out dated or at least if the sentence of “death” is antiquated.

This psychopathy though is of WJC popular for selling “treason” as if not “treason” and now we have nearly twenty years of proof that rules and procedures and that of our due processes were meant all along to have been mostly ignored as he chased popularity over merit based standard government accolades more humble and of harder work, usually.

But really Justice John Roberts came very near to ruling as per ACA - Obamacare that the whole lot of Democrats signees upon such attempt at a new “Right” were willfully acting treasonously as per the content and the method of theirs all in its movement publicly contrary to expressed and measured representative will.  I mean can we really not say this is so?

This is America - to avoid a betrayal of our system of government a wanted new “Right” must have an amending process pursued.  To move to effect a new “Right” by trickery, covert and overt, as if a law equal to an Amendment is not a legal way ours.  To move as so many did as a partisan lot is highly questionable as if actually more serious than a convenient disloyalty and too near a betrayal that a President’s (mature) veto pen could still absolve them of guilt about.

I mean how can you consider it treachery to “treasonous” if a President can just issue waivers like with a pardon for the whole lot? 

So how is it that William Jefferson Clinton might be said to be the foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the global economy and that of Greece specifically?  I mean besides the psychopathy on parade again as if the rules are not suppose to apply to him? 

And:  Now:   A:  That he shouldn’t have had any of a Clintons’ Economics so as it was to chasing popularity by burning the ECONOMIC CANDLE from both ends at once.

Is “treason” not prosecuted today just because it is too heavy with an expectation of punishment by death - so writ?

But where does the “disloyalty” of WJC stop?   Where hasn’t it already and for too long been actually effected near “betrayal” willful and purposeful, selfishly?

And:  Well,  WHAT DID SHE KNOW - WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?   It might figure if truly diabolical as it may seem that WJC might have acted alone and so that HRC could effectively have plausible deniability but dangerously so for if any were to exist it would truly undermine her ability to function intelligently in any high office without being of too much ignorance.

I mean if TREASON SELLS - how can all media and entertainment not now be blushing with potential about “treason”?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:46 am

Original to http://2012us.jphogan.org  01/31/12

     BOB & I RAN

To be standing today with a political future you likely had to know how to bob and weave through the nineties.

My term for myself during such trying decade is often as “cross partisan” - it may be best that I avoid saying I was “bi-partisan” or “partisan” as such could be as confusing as it was when I heard Senator Biden in New Haven of the nineties say that Federalism was “devolving.”

President Biden may actually have said “Federalism was evolving” while participating in symposium on the evolution or devolution of Federalism - it is still hard figuring - hard figuring a combination of “evolution” or “devolution” with “Federalism” especially as legal talk.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has years post her new “travel office” duties quite secretarial to judge herself and near as poorly and honestly as many of us will - especially for effrontery to Federalism.

It may all come down - come down soon to that they didn’t collaborate - not really as rivals and really not as politicians to a bi-partisan or “cross partisan.”

I still will have the Clintons four years from 1993 to 1996 to hold in a most critical contempt and with criticism - I have said we all would be better off today if the Clintons had not been re-elected.  There first steps of just first new year and first year set us up and to such “devolution” or “evolution” - dependent on your perspective of our Federalism.

President Biden may actually have said this is all mostly the fault of the Clintons - he didn’t have to weave such a partisan “evolution” defense while of his “devolution” perspective.  He, again, is of and from our First State.  I am of and from our Constitution State.  The first year of the Clinton administration is enough for most if looking for political moves to be critical of as of an early and root causation for these times.

Not even half of her remaining friends in Hollywood were able to help her with her “I ducked and ran for cover” her early and wrongness about her of an “I … ran”

Nominee Mitt Romney seems to have the footwork still to not just spar with Majority Leader Senator Reid but to bob and weave and knock him out.  I forget if it was in the Clintons first year or the year before where I was party to the think for positive change I was walking and talking so that IBM was asked to participate while of a partial usage and towards helping remodel Time Square and Las Vegas.

There is a lot Hillary Clinton hasn’t done - this alone can keep many busy for years for in a negative it is positively a negative - there is much to do about her “nothing” moments.  There are as well many collaborations between spouses of Clinton “two-fer” that too limited “collaboration” to selfish politics and running, as now fodder for them of a fading - a political public polite perishing — polite = kept civil exiting.

Speaking with some self awareness - I realize as per me as of a “Constitutional” I as per lacking erudity am one now maybe of having from decades of trying “cross partisan” participation may be as per memory as one whom has forgotten more than he might ever remember he forgot - quite possibly - Please don’t ask me to explain the Constitution - it is easier to make an example, practical of the Clintons.

President Biden and Scottish existentialist Newt Gingrich could start a morning call in show soon.

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton has decades to defend her ravaging now a couple decades so.

Not necessarily in defense of Nominee Mitt Romney - we have that he has bobbed and weaved better than Hillary has actually run.  To be standing today a midst these issues as a politician that survived the most trying and difficult nineties a Massachusetts “Governor” may most have needed how to bob.  It is kinda unfair to Evangelist Barack H. Obama that he believe it was as easy to be President as some made it look for Sopranos star William Jefferson Clinton and made it seem for him as well.  That isn’t quite our reality though showing still much for our nineties.

Have you ever gotten a laugh out of a Boston cop?  Have you ever had a Massachusetts Municipal chieftain tell you not to laugh?  Did you like his name - as for his cop work - his “Bill” and his “Bratton” and decide to quietly collaborate - even proactively for positive change?  You can consider that IBM committing to help remodel Time Square did coincide with William Brattons careful and politically difficult New York City collaborations of old - It may be best that the two are never separated, scholastically speaking to future erudities.

Some where there are records that President Biden could easily find - I did hear him and meet him near 1996 or 97 while still staying of a consideration for the well namedness of Chief Bratton - it was in New Haven then at the Joseph Slifka Center at Yale for a symposium open to public hosted by his son’s class then of Yale Law School.  I was still an enrolled student at Suffolk Law School when Chief Bratton newly to Massachusetts’ most dilapidated state wide police force suggested I not laugh at his new very old fleet.

Former Chief William Bratton’s old mentor Dean Esserman became a New Haven neighbor before he became a beat cop - a trained and passable cadet to be both an esquire deputy and a trained regular.  I here he is now back in New Haven - that Dean Esserman may already now be New Haven’s newest sworn Chief.

Oh, did she run!  Oh, boy did she run!  Oh my - she really should not have been of “I ran” even as just of her run.

By even just the end of the first year of the Clintons’ Presidency they were working to a collaboration to make others collaborations for positive change and a more global and level “Federalism” really an “Anti-Federalism” work for fewer - and more selfishly and politically for them and their (autocrat) dreamin’.

I still have no clue or conclusiveness on the intent of “Federalism is devolving” for alone it sounds too good to be true though otherwise maybe orated.  Does “Federalism is devolving” in an evolutionary sense mean it as an intellectual accomplishment and governance body politic returning to its fine roots?  Anyone?  I mean like our Bill of Rights as “TEN” is a harkening to the TEN COMMANDMENTS and furtherance upon and afterwards from the Articles preamble with it of an “ordaining” usage then concluded with “subscribing” … “in the Year of our Lord…” — it seems that we have our first “TEN” as if meant to be a parlay of commandments as RIGHTS and Power of the People to ways just to protect self and property from all violating TEN COMMANDMENTS.

I don’t know what to say now about President Biden — Nominee Mitt Romney may have been less of “flip-flopping” than a near impossible bob and weave existence throughout our terrible and trying nineties, and as if a survivor and better boxing champion than Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid.

{If you are to or were to asking Retired Chief William Bratton about me - he may tell you of emails I sent him while he was chieftain in Los Angeles and how he laughed, it seemed when the Bostonian he is realized reading me that I had been “taking on the Kennedys” and maybe even in keeping with my long spirit of collaboration to all the positive change I attempted to encourage as if of an “invisible hand” that as well stirs a memory near college graduation about the time the FBI named its new training town “Hogan’s Alley” if I might be looking to join their esprit de corps.  I am not nor have I ever been a government employee - I was of such opinion and expression purposeful to an otherwise yet as good to work also to better if and when possible thence.  Hmmm!  That ran on a little — If you speak to Retired Chief William Bratton he likely remembers as well that I emailed consideration that with election of Democrat to White House he should protect his life’s work and legacy and look to retire from public duty and maybe shift to private enterprise.  I was of opinion now quite proven correct that Democrats were going to do great damage to the economy - I did not think it would be fair that any increase in crime from such would then be able to be scapegoated on to likes of Chief Bratton - as if it were a policing not a national political problem.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:33 am

Original to http://2012us.jphogan.org  01/28/12


Good Morning underwater America!

As we rise this Saturday morning, all, we have the “most distinguished gathering” that is World Economic Forum at Davos over and under considering.  Our “cup of Joe” to pour out as may be available less than needed and/or desired might best be liberal art.

To pour yourself the right fix this morning to re-tune your American “global we” as still your portion from our melted pot and not to over-flowing you might be best to shake and stir yourselves and maybe with a Constitutional stretch first.

Some mental stretching before you drink from republican trough or challis this morning is best to liberal right.  Please don’t over stir this as if I have written “leftist rights”.  Our Republic and Republicans do also support the arts and our liberal arts defend a space and time continuum where a queuing air kept to our presumption of innocence.

I have been, myself to using the new frontier of new media to view in my own time the erudition and/or rants philosophical or hopeful of the analysis streamable from Davos “most distinguished gathering.”

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  It is now necessary to artfully consider that if “Hillary” can be called a “global rock star” this may be inseparable and metaphorical as if similar to her being a global black hole of anti-Constitutional matter and near treasonous in a global we to her self and our American we.

With your cup of republican Joe this morning you should try to be also a defender of our bulwarks in attitude and latitude of our threatened air of presumption of innocence so long dependent on our liberal art - and artistry.  Our Republican field in the anti-Clinton is our great new American HOPE — there is liberal artistry about all four of such current field to their continuum and dedication to continuation of our dependence on our “innocent until proven guilty.”

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  You might have heard about small or community banks failing as again and argument to a reset for huge and global big (POTTER) banks - and yet how now so and so read as red about the world and local communities it likely has to be still defensible (thanks to liberal art defense of presumption for all to an innocent until proven otherwise) as the special banking condition as of a collateral damage instigated and fronted by big banks - and specifically one or more Clintons and their global dreaming with big banking “friends.”

With your pouring of this morning to a reset in liberal arts we should consider that America still has a strong future ahead of it but one that is best to see and expose the line between Clintons as Americans and Clintons of grand global wanting.  To defend our presumption of innocence kept by the broad and welcoming (when working) liberal arts we may be best to consider that one or both Clintons in their globalness are being near treasonous to our Constitutionals.  They may be to something as a new global way in their we but as yet such is not supported or consecrated by our American ways, set and signed.

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  Sure this means that the three that do not win current attempt to save Republic as Republicans may some end up in episodes soon of PAN AM or DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES or MAD MAN - they may as well show up general still dedicated to Welfare of our preamble with TOUCH.  We have that leftist art has been inadequate of too global and that the Obama administration has used it at times hopeful to a protection from an admitted guilt (at least for the Clintons) to start with since inauguration and with a moral wrongness to use or abuse of our liberal art bulwarks to a presumption of guilt upon Republicans and specifically President George W. Bush so to try to create the necessary false sense of innocence for one or both Clintons and those accomplices to their negligence or willful lapses.

What I haven’t heard yet from DAVOS is the needed and overdue deeper debate and probing of the Clintons globalness and now complicity of Obama as accomplice as it pertains to violations of due process.  I have yet to hear the critical and artistic debate that could restore a continuum for a liberal right - as restored American rite - from DAVOS broadcasts that we are now on a good path back to with the depth and character of all four of Republican right still standing.

How’s that cup of Joe?  Tough to swallow with all the faulting of the left now poured out in its extra to anti Constitutionality?

Good morning all Americans still fighting these wars - these battles of our right to defend our Constitutional liberal artistic rites!

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  Hillary Clinton as a global “rock star” even with her so long already being to compromises in our most dear and necessary bulwark of attitude and latitude air and structures to presumption of innocence is dangerously too global and wanting so to still be “Constitutional” in our American.

To drink from my pot o thoughts this morning is to be extra-vigilant to our due process and defense of our uber-important presumption of innocence and respectful that Republicans are still of a willful participation and co-dependence with our liberal right.  Those Republicans that do not win this primary contest are deserved and well served towards breaking new frontiers for each of them with steps and footage for all cast and fed in party with liberal art and artisans of quite a few TV sets.

As we are really to consideration that Hillary Clinton in her global we is a global anti-Constitutional black hole with the “art” of past years of Obama’s renderings being to an unearned and undeserved still disruption of our presumptions with the worked bias of unreasonable absolutes to suggest a full innocence for Clintons that is impossible and to a falsely established guilt for President Bush.  We do have their artistry - those of left liberalisms now too global and unconsecrated by our secured rights and in their global we to a near treasonous propositioning in CRISIS!!! - excusing.

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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

Filed under: MYBLOG - 6/27/2011



To stay abreast of necessary modernity, civilly, you might espouse, artfully, suggestions to a new “romantic.”

While strutting for absorption with fit ties for alignment a pot-hole still can become a “national” or “AMERICAN” expense.

Not now, not here? – So what if you could pick-up a bag of hot-patch at a local homeowner oriented service/supply center, while already out and about so strutting, and for a fix for a pothole that could be near $20-$60 depending on how close to minimum wage you are willing to adjust yourself as “shovel ready.”

Surely you wouldn’t need to threaten funding for ARMY INTELLIGENCE with such a local solution - and please don’t take this as asserted about our interstates - please keep your reckoning and imagining here to your “LOCAL” street(s). Please remember to diffentiate between your local militias and our AMERICAN ARMY.

I have no idea how a town or your town, specifically, values each “pothole” “repair”. I don’t know if you and your neighbors think President Obama has tried to rush us all to a JETSONS’ AMERICA. I do hope he isn’t cutting back on intelligence spending, as the Clintons did, if so, and if not quite so.

Have we become a Washington-centric over-dependent mass of futurists now out of touch with a better locality, better romantic and heralded, such that we see all potholes as AMERICAN POTHOLES?

Keeping the “intelligence” in ARMY INTELLIGENCE, especially if President Obama is overzealous to a JETSONS’ AMERICANA of grand Obama social constructs, is of a necessary balancing respectful to, lesser considered fantasies of Obama energies, spent so.

For the JETSONS it may have been more an issue about turbulence, while Americans now wrestle with “AMERICAN POTHOLES” a cost consideration as inappropriate as an “AMERICAN DOCTORS” with “AMERICAN” as a qualifier for “doctor” in your locality, and all American localities too, so unnecessary.

How much more does each pothole we call an AMERICAN POTHOLE end up costing us and other taxpaying citizens?  How much more will medicine by AMERICAN DOCTORS cost us than here to fore general practicing as Medical Doctors of the Hippocratic Oath?

President Barack “Jetson” of futuristic expectations and electric cars - and maybe some that can fly?  A President charged up himself as the Commander in Chief - and yet of questionable executive skill as per WAR POWERS and CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS having some thinking “relevant experience” has his past pre-office “experience” has his command of fantasy basketball league decisions listed.  His “exit strategies” seem fantastic as only usual to those of “fantasy league” play might explain, it seems.

Does his car talk fall apart near as fast as his “intelligence” strategizing?  He is too much stuck between a seeming intended planned and executed like: Bill will be the dove and then Hillary will get to play the hawkish Clinton?  Has he missed all the warning and alarmism and years of dramatization about crisis situations suggesting domestic evacuations and exit plans?

An interpretation of a Obama strutting out as a new AMERICAN ROMANTIC of an ushering in of a new homely and domestic localism with sporting competitions between counties across states and state borders - now necessarily beyond “intelligence” and so relegated to fantasizing.

Bump, bump, bump. What’s that?  What did the radio just warn?  Why did my car just die - how can I get out of here now?

Why didn’t he tell us?  Why didn’t they start telling us before even the all electric car that our primary vehicle will likely become disabled and unavailable for any domestic evacuation if an electromagnetic pulse weapon part of first strike?

Why is it so quiet now — why don’t I have a car that even a Holley carburator could still be bolted upon in times of emergency?

Why is everyone saying now “EMP?”? Are we now already that if we were to be attacked and with such intelligent methods that we mostly would be without means now to “escape” our localities?

If our technology now binds us more “locally” even without considerating how many places it now lessens a need to travel to, for many, how though now are we better to intellectualize a medical fix not as nearer the afore mentioned pothole scenario and with an avoidance of additional costs necessarily from a shift from MEDICAL DOCTOR governance to AMERICAN DOCTOR government?

How now to an old HOLLEY ROMANCE recarburated and strutted for years of growth back near the AMERICAN OPEN ROAD glory days?  Before we go “all-electric” we should at least ask if our current car isn’t already too-electronic?

“Barry” JETSON - I presume - I presume your Armies and all our forces have intellectualized adequate counter measures.

“Barry” JETSON - I presume all AMERICAN DOCTOR conspiracies just add costs upon the expectations of a LOCAL PRACTICE and keep all LOCAL MEDICAL DOCTORS still sufficiently ”old-school” for days when …

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Filed under: POLITICS, #MORALS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:59 am










MAY 12,1992

{I post this here today to try to check and counter so much jive from the Dems about domestic and foreign affairs.}

{”IN THE HOPE,  OF A HEAVEN,  HOW THROUGH WE SEE?”  Should be read as much as a concern about Bill Clinton from Hope, Arkansas - as if he is a moral or immoral choice - and with concern if too many will see through how he was being presented and handled to be better than he really was and maybe too flawed to be right for highest office.}

{At time of all this a political concern it seems Saddam Hussein was considering that America could be turned upside down to his advantage if maybe he returned to his days of rising through Ba’athist Party but now with our President Bush in his sights.  This is as much a piece to remember the “angels” of Americans that came together around him to help moderate and reduce threats and the opportunities that seemed real for Saddam Hussein and other independent actors at least across the Middle East.}

{This was of communications carried on with Rep Gephardt as he looked to be the last A Team Dem standing to offer President Bush a respectable challenge and so of Saint Louis state at least because the population balance point for the USA if like on a flat plate was then in Missouri - the “spins true” like a wheel balanced right - but then also about cycling and wheel truing hobby and networking of mine of a neighborhood of remembered professors of later President Bush 43 and as well a pal of his from his class who was the neighbor with the Park Wheel Truing Stand I could borrow and he of professional concerns for Veterans of being too “Louis” (like - down).}

{The Clintons still haven’t answered my question about whom I should bill for my part in the race of hope then of so many trying to reduce opportunities that Saddam Hussein seemed to see and threats to those then leading us about and of Bush.}


NOTE:  We should still be looking to see through the Clintons as then we should have more - we have that they now seem just as much or more to working us towards a governance more of them than of our laws and secured Constitutional standards.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:37 am

As we move through today realizing that we might have to move to impeach at least President Obama are we so to it that we might have a President John Boehner in lieu of a President Joe Biden for interim months before a new representative and informed electorate moves with decisions?


Remember yesterday was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 and the news today seems to most be that the Obama Administration at least of its State Department charge was too far inadequate securing of our embassies and our personnel in regions of known conflict on what should have been the calender day of the year when such are likely most at risk.

REMEMBER TO THINK - this is what I thought this morning and shared as my Facebook.com/jpeterhogan updates that also re-post automatically as tweets with first 140 characters or nearly and a bitty link to the rest available at Facebook link:

>Could America have looked any worse abroad during the Dem Convention?  Take just Egypt - how did it go over to have power hungry Bill Clinton too clinging to attempts to have thirty years of too real power after eight of paling with their Hosni Mubarak?  And with promises of that appearance to be loudly around about race for a while?  And with Mrs. C of State but oddly actually looking too comfy with meetings with China and Russia in China and Russia?  Just seems that the message of the Dem Convention has to have been heavy with an almost pining for days of old when Clintons could just embrace likes of Qadhaffi and Mubarak.  What message are we letting slip out to the world letting Clintons be so visibly to attempts to be in power maybe for forty years despite them having little history of making things better?

>Before we go and all start talking about Egypt like we know anything about it because Hillary was happy to be recently sitting down with China and Russia >> Are we all better informed or just wrong now?  Do Muslims as a practice tend not to tell outsiders or opposition what the real reason they are doing something as like a check and balance by them towards seeing if they really have cause to be doing what they won’t tell you they are really doing?  Is this whole cloth home spun that as regards the Middle East we have to be able to divine the real whole reason they are doing something and not respond as if the reason they give is the real reason as for them are they checking us to see if a Holy War or protest is needed just because we cannot see the real reason they are to such?  Just seems now Sec Clinton is about the worst person that we could have as our Top Diplomat - how say you?  Do we have to find a way just to be more wholly about a understanding that will only be teased out and not explained simply as if to simpletons?

>Are we at that President Obama isn’t Muslim enough - not nearly as skilled in “Muslim” as he thinks he is cleverly?  How do you see his Convention set and styling so much of a FORWARD but with a RESET with his chariot podium and DWS’s female Ramses II simple ware to a ruler of Egypt attitude maybe though of days before Ramses II started chasing Moses to get back his labor force?  Just seems we may underestimate the import but can Egyptians afford underestimating President Obama of that Cairo speech I gave an “F” to years ago?  Can they escape that he said FORWARD but went back so far to seem to try to RESET the stage as if he were the supreme ruler of lands of Egypt?

>Are we now at that we are better to be globally allied with our much Catholic brethren of Central and South America than visibly in bed against Middle Eastern freedom with secular socialist states like Russia or China, however so?  Not to be about religion but not to not be about common values and shared energies of faith and ways?  And, really where did Saddam’s WMD disappear to and does Iran already have a bomb?  And how are we not to publicly condemn our Clintons - both of intimate political “two-fer” for they didn’t just get along with Hosni Mubarak and Muamar Qadhaffi they nearly were so with Saddam Hussein as the best to keep leading Iraq that they nearly left him be free to start what likely would have soon become a nuclear power and weapons race against Iran.  ???

How do we discern an “attack on America” from an “attack on religious freedom”?  If the later might there sooner be a great Mexican - Libyan War than an USA v. Muslim showdown?  It we are attacked for “religious” reasons there are many others that might respond first that are not even American - goes to figure?


>Simply it may be Un-Constitutional by our 1st Amendment for our Congress to declare HOLY WAR as such would be a making of a law respecting establishment of religion.  So we are though allowed to share a common defense with other countries against threats to life and limb and freedoms - so we are maybe now of a time where we help other nations also threatened by religious conflict have more autonomy about their defense and globally?  Are the armed forces of our southern Americas brethren large enough?  Are they constitutionally allowed to defend their own values?

>And so last week too many failed to report the end of the world as we know it of/for Bill Clinton and his thought non-partisan and non-political global charm.  With his appearance at Dem Convention he did kill his global charm and undermine both our Department of State and our Executive Branch.  He by choosing to be most political and partisan an of a greedy hungry game of old Clinton politics did himself set us up for an official request for our Government to shut down his CGI and all global meddling he has been about under the guise that he was being charming in a non-partisan and non-political way.  ????

>How bad is it that we can sit back and just think we should let Obama respond consistent with his record and that all we need for a response is more indiscriminate remote operated drones for bombing or strafing fire?  I mean due process went out the door nearly as early as when Hillary walked through, right?

>Can we sit by and let the un-elected “President of the World” Bill Clinton carry on so with the likes of a private State Department while the real State Department in such global disrepair under Obama regardless of whom his lacky running State?

>If we are to preserve our two party protections and our representative checks and balances - we essentially have to no bring an end to the efforts of both Clintons long to effecting a global one party rule under them?  Remember to think?

>How can President Obama now respond and also keep his prime Sunday tee times? And, morning beer tasting?

>What did I say yesterday - where did I say it?  How can I have a day with one visit from a .edu domain and yet have this page showing such otherwise as first - most busiest domain of visits to http://jphogan.org on September 12, 2012 as recorded with most from “.ru” (Russia) domain - and that of over three hundred visits?

>Has Sec. Clinton been too busy with her “JOBS DIPLOMACY” agenda attempts to usurp historic powers of our Commerce and Treasury departments of their over seas charges to have paid enough attention to the otherwise standard and necessary work/charge of just her own cabinet level department?

>I guess I could write a new column to refresh my nearly unique understanding of the Clintons and their ambitions and how it dates back to me polled one day in a school yard by them while single law students while they were walking by.  See because Bill asked me to lie to back up his lie to be like a wing man to him with her smitten even with him having lied about what my honest youthful innocent answer had been and he then to asking me to lie about his lie and so lie about what I thought was truthful from me as I was that remembered iconic “charming boy in the school yard” carried by them for years like a circuit breaker for their plotting and so that I remember these two for years as mostly distant invisible friends I am still of my memories of them when they thought they may have been going “too far” and “plotting against our Constitution” with too much thinking of bending it but not breaking it as so as so as they would check like for another youthful innocent iconic opinion from me as of if they were to go that far could they both become President some day.  And, since Bill asked me to lie from our first meeting and I to thinking we would be safer if I could learn how fully dastardly and diabolic their plotting might be I did regularly tell them from afar a “yes” again though really a “no.”  And so Hillary and Bill may today have a misplaced confidence that they hadn’t plotted to bend our Constitution so far and that their decades of plotting and scheming were of misleading false truths offered in the spirit of the standards of their first impression.  Oh, boy did I think with 1992 race that they were perfectly set up to be campaign foils and as one time use disposable politicians that we were best to throw out forever after that exposure.  Yes, they have a confidence that they had the smartest plan and were the smartest that were plotting -but…???


>How can President Obama explain or now apologize for Sec. Clinton not having thought to have had sufficient security for our Embassies across such conflicted areas on an anniversary of 9/11?  NOW:  Mrs. Clinton you are FIRED?

REMEMBER TO THINK - and these were some of my thoughts on 11th Anniversary of 9/11:

>>It is the 11th year since 9/11 attacks.  The Clinton are scum in my mind for trying to cling to power these years since instead of having faded away.   See, from my perspective and with all I have already shared and shared officially with the appropriate authorities of the Bush Administration following the attacks it is that then and now I should be sharing that on the morning of 9/11 when I finally learned of the attacks I realized that I had been right not wrong about a threat since a move by Clintons nearly seven to eight years before.  It seems what I knew was that when the Clintons decided a perspective or point of view didn’t need consideration or shouldn’t be considered or was of them not seen as apparently there for consideration back whence though such was a consideration of the integrated strategizing that launched them >>  I was left with but if they ignore that consideration we will get attacked.  On 9/10/01 I was as it were thinking finally that I must after seven plus years and even after having asked Philip Bobbitt “What about the threats we don’t see?” except that I had been wrong and that our government must have covered it all somehow.  But on the morning of 9/11 I became a rare person then able to help the President and the media through that day and week and the months and years that followed for on that day I found out I had been right and that I had had a sense of what two targets were to be.  This I had been trying to warn about but not with a knowing that these two “targets” weren’t actually two complexes that I shouldn’t have needed to waste a thought thinking about being secure and as informed.  On 9/11 it made sense to me even though the night before and that morning I was wrong in thinking I must have been wrong.  We know the Clintons are “BIG LIARS” and we should be looking at them and their years now thoroughly for the next ten years at least for thinking a whole consideration didn’t need to be considered whence.  I seem to have known two of the targets for seven years and been of attempts to alert officials without so much energy to have had my little awareness be too noticed so that new targets and strategies would be employed to better work their plans.  And, I did think DC had ways to defend from air from movies and didn’t think WTC would need amateur me.  I do now have a coffee mug for Bush’s Air Force One - I traded with Rumsfeld’s chief of staff and his wife for one of my American Egg coffee mugs.  Yes, I have spent these past 11 years helping in my own way as much as I could but for the Clintons about undermining progress and understanding in a necessary defensiveness of themselves.  It seems what I knew was that if the targets I suspected for seven years were know other targets I couldn’t have figured would be selected and that maybe their “luck” would have them thinking more than two might be blessed.  And this is probably the smartest way to pass the 11th year - especially since the Clintons are still holding on where and how they shouldn’t be.   This does all go back to decisions they made seemingly together and some much of thinking considerations in the global political air didn’t need their consideration though they were being prompted to consider them, and while they had been considered in the thinking that launched the Clintons not original to the Clintons.

>>We have that after 9/11 those of the Admin. of the Clintons were of blaming red states and blue states and claiming innocence upon themselves quite ridiculous considering the nearness to their 8 years of questionable worked governance abroad and at home - and of claiming of innocence upon themselves with a blaming on Americans themselves with posits near “we just did what the people asked us to do.”  And so how does a country survive after letting a past First Couple go on like this with their years those that preceded and most likely arose a “motivation”?  Are we stuck trying to believe just lies and stuck economically for such from them hardly actually provides a working explanation for our down times?  And, wait, didn’t they ask to be elected because they were so smart that they would know what to do and wouldn’t have to just be knee jerk figureheads at the top with all its spoils and perks just doing what the people asked them today - without any study, any real committees, or actual work and homework?  Yes I do think I may want an office in new World Trade Tower so that I can look out and be about better to remembering what a mess our 90s really were.  Yes we are now of days when it isn’t too late to look back and realize that very early the Clintons did, on their own, without being asked, did completely change our foreign relations path in the Middle East and so that for the rest of their administration there was no way back from such of them doing what they wanted to do for partisan political convenience.  Yes, Bush was right to let the country heal before we looked to justly at the Clintons and the Administration by the Clintons’ “two-fer” — Now at eleven years past it is starting to seem long over due though.

>>The attacks of 9/11 were unnecessary - there were political avenues still open for grievances to be settled - there were as long as we were willing to look at Clintons at least for ignorance or negligence.

>>The attacks of 9/11 Hogan still holds as unnecessary as it seemed against one party of American politics not both and so room for settling grievances still was about and secured.


>>A JOE(SEPHINE) WILSON >> This may help stir the necessary long overdue thinking for the “before” 9/11.  We have that our “PARTY OF NO” that I encouraged from like its day one is also maybe essential for our restoration of our USA along these lines as it was maybe that we had two different party lines before 9/11 and one necessary better for being more thorough and more globally compassionate.  Our “PARTY OF NO” also stands against President Obama but in ways that can be said to be standing for justice and civility and against an ignorance and/or negligence by those he chose to associate with not of any “inheritance.”  To preserve that 9/11 attacks were unnecessary we do still need to prove that grievances at least against the Presidency of the Clintons could have been or be still aired/heard and to an ignorance and/or negligence of them and just one of our two parties.  The Clintons are remembered for one of their first foreign policy steps abroad of having been polarizing in new kind of extreme partisan politics by their asking Middle East leaders to like just blame all they wanted or felt just in a blame with upon just American Republicans.  I don’t know how to label President Obama for his embrace of the Clintons but at least as of a political ignorance and naivete.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:54 am

Maybe this is all something we should be talking with Elizabeth Warren about.  You are hardly to see any one more “corporate” than Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  “Hillary” knows “limited liability” - “Hillary” is a lawyer.

She may want to play with a “WHOPPER” (spelled WOPR) but she may want to play “JOSHUA” more and not with a game of Tic Tac Toe.

But what about “Bill”?  If she cannot handle “Bill” can she even handle “JOSHUA” in a game of Tic Tac Toe?

Is Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so so so “corporate” that it is better to describe her coldness and aloofness in “limited liability” structured protection as more a more modern day “Joe Wilson”?

And, what about “Bill”?  If he so wants to be a real “Al Haig” in control when not Constitutionally writ for control how can she be doing an “Al Haig” at the same time upon President Obama’s plausible deniability or naivete in trusting either “Bill” or “Hillary”?

Is this all really, too really, just “Bill” and “Hillary” being diabolical trying to have more years to play “political” Bridge?

Whether “Hillary” is a modern day ‘Josephine’ or ‘Joe’ it is simply plausible that she is being a second coming of Joe Wilson.

Poor President Obama?  Poor President Obama? - you ask.  How did he miss her tells - his tells?

We could hardly have had a more inciting First Lady than Hillary Clinton ‘THE CRUSADER’.  She went to some of the most radicalized areas with the least “Hillary” like philosophy for treatment of (their) women and trash talked and trash talk until most or all were without a doubt riled - didn’t she?

Where was “Bill”?  Why weren’t are Armed Forces all put on alert and readied with his wife “Hillary” so institutionalized to be “corporate” to Elizabeth Warren with a coldness from a structure for “plausible deniability” and “limited liability” for those otherwise thought about as “people.”

And, today if yesterday long before would “Hillary” have been of the Pharisees or the Sadducees?  And “Obama”?  And “Bill”?

And, today if today of “FORWARD” might she too be a Pharoah Ramses (Ramesses II?) or an all powerful Nefertari?

But for “Bill” of his moment at the convention at President Barack Hussein Obama’s backward looking “FORWARD” podium wrought however to resemble a chariot of Ramses would he have been more stripped down and simple as a Nubian, however?

There is a “tell” in the air still that harkens to the days thought expectant for a President Al Gore — What was then did seem in the air oddly again though less whence hence of a “plausible deniability” if checked.  Whence thence “FORWARD” to backwards, however garbed and/or adorned, we have that the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama did step forward more like a “WHOPPER” (spelled WOPR) stuck in a corporate game not a corporate game.

Are the Clintons, as if now, but really not as now as if of a simile or so rather a false taggable as just as of a metaphor, engaged in an unauthorized intimate play of “political” Bridge?

Bill Clinton did seem to revel in his own “BRASS” maybe more that that tactic as of “BRASS” could have been meant to praise any other.  When it comes to “BRASS” for trying to project and transfer your badness upon another even this performance by Clinton had him most maybe of greatest attempt at going after another for what you were actually doing and bad for.  And if it were now Hillary as President how wouldn’t too much of Bill already have been too Al Haig and even just when she maybe whined about a headache and went shopping instead or off to a spa or nap — AND HE TO:  DON’T WORRY, I AM IN CHARGE!?

But really - WHAT ABOUT THE REASONING OF AND FOR THE 22 AMENDMENT?  Is a spouse of a President, regardless of their sex, as a ‘partner’ however, the one Americans are wise to be to considering most as wise to be term limiting?

And really - I don’t know how for all the psycho babble of and from the Clintons they haven’t yet waxed on or off about such - while seemingly so confident as “politicians” like “corporate” “people” to the maxed “plausible deniability” and liability limiting for themselves however a modern day Bonnie and Clyde or Joe Wilson.

Did you sense or actually see a tell of the hold outs Clintons or Gore?  Did you see new President Obama seemingly with his cards set and his hands forced about Afghanistan?   Afghanistan was the Gettysburg of the Cold War, however - it was the turning point for a global spread of at least Soviet Socialism. 

That said:  

The new frontier for American Socialist Society however now may have to be smaller venues than our Federal stage,

Now there may be a necessity to regroup almost like Federalists and move towards our state house instead.  I don’t imagine they will get the need for re-socialization right and the most appropriate “class size” — it just seems they will miss that the best and fastest way to heal our “communities” and our economy while of a new need to have towns and cities publicly covered as in competition with each other - spirited competition - it just seems they will miss that regardless of how much like faith based re-socializing it may be it can be said that we just need communities to come together more at least one non-work day a week and sing and re-socialize together around a common message and which due new community message due to cover developing concerns over weakness or breaches in “the force.”

It seems we may need to see something like “socialism” at its maybe best proven level - a parish level or neighborhood level - it seems a re-socialization every week where many can fill a hall and sing as a united sect can help, can help restore a healthy free market capitalist spirit and what “socialism” might be workable.

That said:

Are “Bill” and “Hillary” now inappropriately engaged in an intimate play beyond our “CHECKS AND BALANCE” of ‘WAR BRIDGE’?

That said:

Was it a “tell” however as whomever when new President Obama seemed to have his hands limited and his cards fixed as per Afghanistan as if it was always supposed to have been a grand necessary war against all Taliban?

That said:

What about Al Gore - what about 9/11? Seems it is reasonable to believe that a President Al Gore would have moved to commit maybe as many as 300,000 troops in response and all to Afghanistan and also that he likely would have re-instituted a draft.  Right?  Close enough?

That said: 

Strategically speaking:  If one was to wanting to spread Soviet Socialism finally to the USA and all Americans at home or abroad wouldn’t it first be critical to securing it as a winning ideology for governance by a few elite that Afghanistan be re-invaded for such purposes to show that “socialism” could be spread to even the Taliban?

Despite all this however it can be ignored or over-looked:  It seems Elizabeth Warren should have a BIG PROBLEM - a BIG PROBLEM with Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton the former First Lady Hillary Clinton as really like a too “protected” corporate person.

It just seems the ‘PLAUSIBLE DENIABILTY’ and her ‘limited liability’ now should be checked and severely LIMITED!

That said:

“Hillary” as a new “Joe Wilson” has legs if you can call such that — Ever has there been yet whence or hence to now a more globally inciting and crusading radical than Mrs. President Clinton?  And, well about “Joe(sephine)” and “Bill” — however did he decide it was wise to under fund and unfund our intelligence and defense departments while “Hillary” was off all wild on her own personal CRUSADES?

That said:

Hmmm?  By the way:  WHERE IS AL GORE?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am


And, so we find the Forth Estate still “urban” and now a better social referee.

And, today you have to pick the club or the honey do - the honey do or the hubby do.

And, all the while the institutionalization of “Hillary” stays juxtaposed here in America most against a regularness where a hook to the left too much, quite too much - as community members should still be allowed to walk down their streets and wonder on why their community cannot fix itself.

To have witnessed just the DESPERATE “SHOW” WIVES OF OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT this week was one thing - to have seen/witnessed some of the rest was too much - too much even for just one of our institutions — It will help that you have already read “HE GOT HIS!” column from this point on.

So we have again this week to have to deal with some or much “Hitler” in our play — even his institutions no matter what they were called.  It may be a good day to find some more trophies for interior decorations of ego walls or trophy rooms for Forth Estate, but vigilance about such and referee duties may not allow - allow at least a co-ed and personal effort about such today — On the teas and in the sands today is still that Peter Orzag tried to chip in, for Obama and Hillary, an institutionalization for both of them, for Obamacare and/or Hilllarycare III, of a massive and invasive IMAC — and, oh, the Congressional roars, now still, about such mac ill roiling— oh, and yes on the tees too.

As “HE GOT HIS!” drove straight to the ‘greenness’ of “Hillary” and her ‘game’ and “experience” and her necessary institutionalization now this reporting of HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED notes more concerns and abuse by “Hillary” much contrary to many of our institutions and even fair play in golf sport and political competitions.  Charlie Rose reported recently with his series of interviews with past and present Secretaries of State - actually showed more than “reported” more institutional delusions by “Hillary” our current Secretary of State.

The “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new problema is an old problema much to do with “Hitler” and others of lesser “selling of their souls.”  You should have seen Henry Kissinger’s expression when “Hillary” went of to “institutional” with her abrupt and inappropriate blurting to Charlie Rose with an irrational and unreasonable proposition that like “there has been a ’smooth’ transtition between all Secretary of States throughout the history of such institution.” (paraphrased, most certainly.)

As the new problema establishes, for global citizens, and, for their referees, and such that is their Forth Estate, the “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new diet for all as towards limiting need for further institutionalization for Americans - and better criteria for admittance around operations and dictates.

Rumors of “Hillary” as of a “medical bag” to rival JFK’s storied “medical bag” also from White House “maintenance” doctoring are still sparse and hard to confirm - is it bigger, was it term - limited, has one magic pill been enough?  And, so Hillary may not be also of such a “magical” medical bag as JFK was known to be of as ‘necessary’.

Whether you tee-off teed-off set off still about old and new Tea Party rights - today is much a Congressional and leadership day about Hitler and his institutions.  “HE GOT HIS!” broached part of abuses around “Hillary” of “institutionalized” - but hardly the ridiculous preposterous answer she asserted to Charlie Rose and the world so with her defensiveness with her offensive posturing as the former First Lady that left the next Secretary of State the not so “smooth” transition from Clintons’ 8 we refer most often to as just “9-11? – and so as to have gotten Henry Kissinger “britches in a sudden bunch” as a “johnny on the spot” called to defend her ridiculous proposition that power has supposedly always transfered “smoothly” from one Secretary of the State to the next.  See how “Hillary” deludes more with her “instutional” defense about our institution and traditions about Secretary of State now as well as how she has been deluding many with her “don’t touch me” institutional preposterousness around our lored Institution of the First Lady?

Whose rights still at our “Congressional” - our play about our institutions?  How will Speaker Boehner or President Obama stike also at institutionalization of “Hillary”?  It is also about golf, and still “Bill” - where is Bill, by the way?  What was his scoring of these past two weeks of his officiated Weiner and to it a DESPERATE SHOW WIVES OF STATE inconvenient exposure?

With the new problema to an new walking and talking - a more honest and accepting walk of personal freedoms and individual responsibility - the “institutional” of “Hillary” is now much a grand or greater concern than that yet from President Obama, even with his IMAC of Orzag over-reaching, now much in play.  Everywhere people should be reading - reading to address and guard - to stand tall but honestly and without the offensive institutionalization that is “Hillary.”  Everywhere we are all to first a walking and talking to a new urbanism with a honest teeing to a Tea Party or even New (Democrat) Independence Party - to a walking first and foremost with a “why can’t we fix our own community - without it becoming a greater borough burden - or city burden - or county burden - or state burden - or regional burden - or most shouldn’t be necessary “failed all the way to the top” nationalembarrassment?

It is preposterous!  “Hillary” survives only with her “preposterous” postulates that put the entire “institutions” of State and our even more lored and celebrated Institution of our First Lady at her defense, and to create a fog about her of “do not touch!”

I am getting to the “Hitler” in all this.  First we have to absorb how “not a smooth transition” was the transition from the Clinton years to the Bush years for our foreign policy - it may get confusing to see such due to the characters involved but the preposterousness is certainly there.  First you may be best to consider how much the years of crusading by First Lady Hillary Clinton was to inciting the very disruptions that the Bush administrators inherited — her popular imperialism much of her traveling dictates for her brand of feminism.

You really should try to find a viewable snipet of Charlie Rose show that was first in series with Secretaries of State - that then due to Charlie’s acceptance of “Hillary’s” preposterousness, that which got the most unusual expression from Henry Kissinger, when he was demanded to defend “Hillary’s” ridiculous postulation, by “Hillary’s” asserting, was then to me deciding to avoid the rest of such series and even most of the rest of such “first episode.”

The only joke in all this may be Irish humor of sorting type - as Rory McIlroy at Congressional is maybe in Gaelic quite the “lion in the woods” - “a tiger in a hedgerow” and now as Speaker Boehner and President Obama play through the “selling of souls” and the “Hilter ghost” in Obamacare/Hillarycare III and their IMAC over-reaching — the only joke may be that Rory McIroy may essentially translate as “tiger woods” in Gaelic.  Better though to stay focused on our institutions and our new problema about our developing new “urbanism.”  It is to Speaker Boehner and President Obama that institutional concerns about “Hillary” are really all about “Hitler” and government over-reaching.

And, so the Forth Estate stands still free and able to referee and celebrate.

And, so the propositions that are Obamacare revival of Hillarycare to such new institutionals necessities, are of a suggestion that “We the People” accept “government care” as a God given right and though all the while in ways counter to decades of people selling their souls in some ways to get some of it for themselves with personal liberty and individual responsibility.

And, so Speaker Boehner and President Obama, time to tee this off:  That it is immoral for America, these United States of America, to suggest healthcare for all, and as so institutionally yet devised, and at all to a God given right, since still we have issues, we have Hitler issues — we have all the medical advances in our medical industries and institutions (only) made possible by Hitler and his institutions persistent and well documented years of medical experimentation on some/many/very many humans?

And, so it may still be more “moral” to let our free markets stir the individual responsibility and personal liberties and market value discussions with a new urbanism also about how much selling of your soul may actually be worth.  

HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED!:  That Hillary is “institutionalized” is both so of her “fog of Hillary” positing such that her “experience and judgement” cannot be questioned and shouldn’t be without her threatening to smear all past First Ladies as like a identical class due such action, and, as well for her “preposterousness” with daily asserting and visible posturing as well with her public blurting asserting to former Secretary of State on Charlie Rose show, as a bubble defense as well, that there has always been a “smooth transition” from Secretary to Secretary throughout our history as a country.

The new “urbanism” of the new problema that is as well our current “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” is much to a walking and talking and tea times of persons, together, wondering locally why they cannot fix their own communities.

Rory, hopefully you have sufficient institutional support - most notable about you so far is you look like my high school girl friend - whose X-Step-father once was a police chief.  Good luck to all the golfers - maybe a momentus day for freedom for President Obama and all things “Congressional”!

Again, where is “Bill”?  Oh, yeh, and where is “Hillary”?

* [Filed under: MYBLOG - JUNE 18, 2011]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:43 am

ORIGINAL TO 09/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 7:05 am

Ollie and Bill have too much in common?  We cannot now have TEA PARTY as civil as foreign beneficiaries of CGI muckraking?

The oft heralded Clintons’ Global Initiatives, so run more like a shadow government that any of “governance” that old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” may have actually accomplished, & now even still the apple in labor’s eye - the eye of Trumka, has got to go.

How much a SHADOW GOVERNMENT can CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE be?  Is a good place to start as long as you ask as well:  How much an extra-Constitutional body involved in “governance” is it actually now?  That it rated a mention by Mr. Trumka yesterday is concerning, and confusing.  It got a mention seemingly after Mr. Trumka at AFL-CIO was of professing a new way forward for “labor” via such organization and to a less partisan outreach and one mixed with an announcement that he would be leading a late compliance with President Obama’s “green” governance at his building so just a couple blocks away.  Hmmm?

It is all so coy and even clandestine how CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE that had Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton compromising our foreign relations and state affairs back a while to hype the (MANDATORY?) annual meeting soon approaching of CGI so scheduled to maximize compliance, and attendance, and, usurp attention from such other “governance” organization, THE UNITED NATIONS, a better chartered and checked international meddler.

So far beyond old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” yet so similar in so many concerning ways.

It would be Unconstitutional if…?

It would be clearly Unconstitutional if…?

It would necessarily be Unconstitutional if its coy “commitments” funding scheme was of actuall deposits and dispersements of same exact funds or variations even smaller - so it seems.

More concerning though is that if such is muckraking abroad to stir up local and global politics, even without known known of President Clinton using such efforts as a global soap box for partisan politics, the he has and is definitely out “SHADOW GOVERNING” old ”Ronnie” and ”Ollie.”

See, it is really Constitutionally confused - See, we have to look now to our top Diplomat, his wife, to see if our Government is protecting us from his global ambitions and personal initiatives.  We have to rely solely on his wife to tell us those he is personally directing material support too are not in the least “terrorists” and yet while the “bar” for “terrorists” now so low in our politics that our TEA PARTY is considered “terrorists” by acting agents or officers also very near President Obama.

If our TEA PARTY is “terrorist” than our Madam Secretary of State is negligent in her duties to protect us from all Americans giving foreign “terrorists” material support.  It seems one of her greatest charges to keep.

So what if besides dropping such labors essential to our constitution and CONSTITUTIONALS - It is still very concerning how she compromised her office and our checks and balances to help “Bill” and CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE build hype and interest for last (mandatory?) annual meeting of their coy global shadow governance organization with her about Middle East near “LAST CHANCE FOR PEACE!” exclamation!  EXCLAMATION!!! just days before.  I say last ”(mandatory?) meeting” for such organized cabal of world leaders but don’t actually know if there hasn’t been some secret meetings more recently called.

I caught so little of remarks from AFL-CIO yesterday to understand if there was an offered explanation for such mention of CGI while speaking of reaching out in new ways not (as) partisan, and, I also learned little as to how it is now three years into President Obama’s ”green” priorities and Mr. Trumka is only now promising his HQ will comply and with a retrofit, finally.

Surely if they are going to support “rebels” in Libya and call those of TEA PARTY at home “terrorists” we really have to consider that President Clinton and his coy financing with “commitments” must be some to much well into a fog of “material support to terrorists” abroad.  If he actually collected “commitments” as deposits/contributions and then dispersed them himself he would clearly be acting Unconstitutionally?
Irregardless of our 22 Amendment and thought existence as a check and “limit” on Presidential Power - President Clinton is out “Ollieing” “Ollie” with operations too near SHADOW GOVERNANCE.  By making it appear “high visibility” how much is he actually better able to hide?  But about our term limits for our Presidents — what must it be most supposed to protect us from but further global meddling with even less once imagined continuation of executive influence and “governance”?

Funny thing about Governor Rick Perry — This blogger that is me seems to have said at least “treason” before him and also maybe that Obamacare pushback suggestion of “secession” for TEXANS.  But that said isn’t “Bill” really out “OLLIEING” both “Ronnie” and “Ollie”?

This is the same Clintons that tried to secure a rent for life for thought former President William Jefferson Clinton in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS top floors at a rent in just the first year that would have been more than the past rents of all past Presidents yet - combined.  It was such an amount attempted that it also warrants notice for having been located with location next to THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM and as well a location next to TIFFANY’S.  But really that they tried to secure government “allowance” to such an amount suggests and insistance that “Bill” must still be an active “officer” and/or “agent” of our government at least as much as they chose to have such Power interpreted for their “governance” purposes.

So maybe it is now Madam Secretary of State taking care of the guns - and at least in a compromised way for past moments of using her office to build media importance and interest in CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES then approaching annual (mandatory?) meeting of world leaders, so scheduled to challenge and rival the “importance” of the work of the United Nations, too.

But when it comes to metrics and comparisons of concerns about SHADOW GOVERNANCE between “Bill” and “Ollie” does it help to consider that attempt to place “Bill” so high in CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS, and with government paid rent for life, a rent per year that likely as well would have been mentionable regularly as maybe still the highest per year in future years, on and on, than all future Presidents, unless it actually had sufficient rent control to prevent an appreciation of value and increased rent in future years to keep it of a nationally fair market value?

If we have our TEA PARTY as “terrorists” by rule of this “governance” than “Bill” and “Hillary” must be hip deep in it, illegally, abroad.  Can you believe that all that NYC rent for life scandal took place while one of them was actually running for Senate as a carpetbagger in such state?  Amazing!  Amazing!  Amazing!

They have themselves argued umimpeachably so that “Bill” must still be an “agent” of “officer” of our United States of America just by asking for such a rent and reward as he so wanted that he was even willing to go begging to his “banking friends” to get them to pick up much of his excess as like in return for him having gotten them all into his housing bubble derivatives gambling scheme.  But YIKES!!!  They really asked for rent for life that in just the first year would have been more than all past Presidents combined and that in future years likely would have stayed more per year than most future Presidents could find space to equal - unless a President “Hillary” maybe got elected and then as well got hardly “put out to pasture” as well maybe in few floors left above.

How can this not now be a case of actual SHADOW GOVERNMENT and extra-Constitutional ways quite reasonable to UNCONSTITUTIONAL (treacherous or treasonous definitions?) in a time when our economics would suggest a better and more American strengthening of localism and local powers more around our State Houses and Governors?

Is CGI also terrible for our economy and too BIG BROTHER for the world?  Is it wrong for any time for America and not just diabolical and counterproductive for AMERICANA today?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:13 pm

Alive still at eight three Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is likely rolling over in his grave - tossing and turning with news of today maybe his second or third worst nightmare scenario.

We can imagine that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been an early and proud supporter of this our still “present” and voting “Congress of NO!” as tagged.  There is a moral clarity offered by such.  We have those not of the “party of NO!” more to a “fog of war” and reach for eternal grayness.

Welcome to this new century - ALL!  As Martin Luther wasn’t born Michael nor as a “King” he did rise above his lot himself and to a construct of civility about forgiveness, and even such to a bought moral new clarity, it seems.  Martin Luther King Jr. and Martin Luther must be now if of today, physically and metaphysically, of wondering about Jobs and jobs - JOBS AND JOBS.

The half breed President now with a job too Jobian for some more than others may be one of the worst overdramatizations Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. might have ever imagined.  A black American, yes, but still too black but not enough a “black Irish” specifically — A son of a father and his dreams yet raised by the hard toil and work of a single mother, white.

The “Party of NO!” stands still with a real moral clarity quite inconvenient for President Obama and his JOB.  President Barack Hussein Obama can now only run towards 2012 elections to ask for a repeat - for a “new and improved” just not reasonable - just not “re-elect” “mandate” quality.  This Party of spend, spend, spend — spend, spend, spend again that is our modern Democrat Party has President BO stinking up faith and community and most race religions with its divisiveness and grayness.

We have a morality more fitting to even just Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney for the championing and passage of much of the core of our current civil rights legislation. (You have all read their memoirs, yes?)  We have the storification of years of civil rights struggles with many Republicans of a Lincolnesque and of long Jobian struggles excessive to their jobs just for the obstructive behavior and politics of many Democrats of those days.  We have that President BO to stink up 2012 elections with his grayness up against contrast of “Party of NO!” moral clarity so that we are at a rare time where truth is to be flushed out for all and more of an equality with a “re-election” only to offering an option to “repeat” not to “new and improved.”

It is simple that half breed President Barack Hussein Obama could be today the worst possible truth for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his life’s work - his ministry.  We have him Jobian, yes, and a hallmark figure for a Jobian life for all black men - but was massive unemployment and so more Jobianism as promise of “JOB” really what Dr. King was preaching?

President Obama with his ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION (not “recession” nor “depression” but design over-government “suppression” of economies.) has been an equal opportunity unemployer.  He has not been bigoted while to his Jobian for all.  He is hardly separable from the “mother figure” “Hillary” he keeps close - he keeps so close that it demeans his Lady Michelle, and looks like necessary compensation/compensating.

Critical to Democrat Party “grand” strategy was that there be some “bipartisan” history in any first term about so much top down torrent or trickles to so much forced “Jobian” for so many.  To be “re-electable” to a better future and not just a threat of a dangerous “repeat” they needed a corruption and complicity that a “Party of NO!” moral clarity does prevent.  It is a “dandy” - he has been quite a “Political Dandy.”

To be a man “Jobian” is to have a “job” even though you may not know it - right?  President Barack Hussein Obama with his “green” energy incivility and sans bipartisan has done more than Dr. King may have imagined to give every black man a “JOB.”

We have a half breed black man with a job - a holding of office of our President but with a keeping of a white mother figure a former master of such house close - too close - REALLY.

Really, you should have read KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, &, IN MY TIME by now - and not need a remedial educating now about how Rumsfeld and Cheney did as Republicans historically champion so much of our new civility.

Richard Milhous Nixon would have made a better Secretary of State than “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton ever might, even in her own dreams - her dreaming of getting away with being “Nixonian” without any calling her out on such presentations inadequately dramatic or timely considered.

We could make the case that “Hillary” is more “Jobian” as of a job and struggle she doesn’t understand - a real job challenge - too challenging.

Maybe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would today be having his first laugh, and a real belly laugh — at all these now “Jobian”.

It can be said that President Barack Hussein Obama is “BLACK IRISH” and his Irishness his secret - but I don’t think he is at all Spanish - so the Irish may be safe.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today would either being crying or laughing - really hard to nail up today, you could say.

And so we have Democrat Party and their long worked ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION they prefer to dress up as a new GREAT DEPRESSION though really much worked less of a “Jobian” unawareness than a purposeful and dedicated socialism, as spoken indirectly and at time directly to.  We have that the SUPPRESSION got its first real political legs with “Hillary for President” announcement and that which soon followed as a partisan and very political polarizing declaration against capitalism and market principles as it was near:  “I will seize all oil company profits.”

It is hard to say how aware President Obama is about his existence in a world “Jobian” much the specific handiwork and plotting of the Clinton “two-fer.”  He may be too “Jobian” in his job - due to an unawareness of his politics.

I myself may be of a “Jobian” with wishful thinking that it isn’t actually all the Irish black half of President Obama.

We have that the old lower fuel economies was a job hog - a massive somewhat hidden private - public socialism.  We have that the Democrat Party acted without balance or bias condemning what had been one of Industrial Era greatest job saver and creator.  We have that President Obama was quite “Spanish” in his “greenness” with all his marches to whiter energy (cleaner?)  done with prior and full knowledge that such by Spanish did kill two jobs, about, for every new politically correct job it created.  We have that President Obama whether “Jobian” in such as his petty handiwork did overcome “Spanish” with such a rare dedication to partisan and polarizing politics was to, it seems, a march that killed three jobs for each of his ideological existentialism.


I am being “Jobian” writing about JOB - I am not the person best to discuss with scholarship Dr. King’s “JOB” or “JOB”.  I have no idea how he meant thought:   A JOB FOR EVERY BLACK MAN.  I don’t know if it was as “white” a condition consideration where a finding of a Holy purpose above savagery and isolation his specific ideological existentialism, and or metaphysical consideration.

It seems irrefutable that Clinton “two-fer” enough in the know to have known they would kill two jobs with every one of these new partisan and polarizing politically correct agendas otherwise effected — it may actually be “Jobian” for first black President, the more black “First Black President” than President Clintons “two-fer” was in their “8? and that we may still yet have a “First Black President” with exclamations more American and historically fulfilling with one not a half-breed but directly up and out of savagery they way they once were more democratically considered.

And as now on review for consideration to a “repeat” President Obama knowingly or not, or not yet, approaches the steps anew to such free markets, such less free markets, historically.   President Obama is now up for sale with his labors what they be for our consideration of “p’s & q’s”.   He is set up now to be of lashings better meant or deserved by “Hillary” and yet may consider it his “JOB” to just suffer the fool.

Because Democrat Party “grand” strategy needed a corrupted and cooperative bi-partisanship to effect a new think to cover-up their own decades of malfeasance and misconduct and inadequate laboring - our Republicans are set now to run not “against” President Obama but FOR OUR GOVERNORS & WE THE PEOPLE.  President Obama is so left the scraps of his partisan politics to run against the Republicans running for what he has been long against.

I don’t know whether Dr. King would be laughing finally or crying today.  President Obama can be said to be one of the worst imaginable evolutions of his ministry, though black.

The grayness of the partisan polarizing political agenda of this sect of Democrat Party leadership has the “Party of NO!” set to 2012 elections with a clearer moral clarity.  They can stand for clean energy and proudly as we all bare witness now to miracles of science to new higher mileage economies that can only have been from their decades of careful job saving politics kept long supported as well in research and development so that when JOB’s less significant “new and improved” could be ushered in carefully and scientifically without it being a rash partisan knee jerk political a devastation upon a rather socialized private and public jobs construct in our free markets with lower mileage standards long a JOB saver and creator.

We have it obvious that President Bush must have been a “green” equal opportunity employer and leader as otherwise we couldn’t possibly be now witness to so many fast mileage improvements so quickly - we could be here today after Democrat Party rash political market meddling unless Republicans had long purposefully supported all the research and development that was ready so before it was prudent or necessary - unless purpose was to JOB killing.

Yes President Obama’s suffering may date primarily to “Hillary for President” announcement and effecting that had her of embodiment of a “socialism” with her declaration near exactly of “I WILL SEIZE ALL OIL COMPANY PROFITS.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:37 am

ORIGINAL TO 12/07/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 10:42 pm

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day.  What will long live in infamy now may be a commission report that …

A first strike if to a new world war likely would be with multiple and seeming unrelated EMP incidents and…

If a small yield nuclear device hidden on drones detonates if/when opened the wrong way are we to blame if…

And, how was it that our 9/11 Commission decided it was responsible - responsible with a decision to look back only ten years?

It does seem that President Clinton preceded this - this new unexpected tack by President Obama - “Teddy” Obama - when recently with his envy on parade and with his book his tool and trade while “political” again, much, with near:  “I should be allowed to have a third term.”  I don’t know what or whom was served with our 9/11 Commission self limiting history to a ten year window of relevance.

What do you say when a President wants a third term?

What do you say when a President wants a third term if not even likely to get a second term?

What do you say when PBC seemed to be channeling TR a week or more before PBO?

It does seem odd that President Clinton didn’t insist that the 9/11 Commission at least look far enough back to include Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invasion of neighbor Kuwait - of neighbor Kuwait with many “friend” by treaties of declared united ends.  It does seem odd that even Senator Clinton of “Ground Zero Senator” instant extreme personal and political makeover didn’t as well insist on behalf of New York that Congress and 9/11 Commission at least look back farther than 10 year self imposed historical window limit and back far enough to consider at least the early days that were of the conception and original unifying for Al Qaeda.

I guess we have to assume that another world war is possible.

I guess we have to allow that we should have back ups for most of our “connectedness” and new media.

I guess we have to articulate that we could be surprised with lasers in the sky and EMP suitcase stored.

It does still seem odd that both Clintons didn’t raise cain early and often after 9/11.  Where were their calls to probe publicly and transparently questions at least about why Saddam Hussein must have thought he would be able to keep Kuwait?  Where are now their explanations that there could be no “real bite” in any international sanctions if we only had their eight years of “enforcement” about them?  I mean it has been a while since I remembered being in seventh grade and being entered in schools oratory contest to present President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech - I mean it has been a while since I could remember with certainty that Al Qaeda original formation did date back longer than ten years from surprise attacks of 9/11/2001.

Sometimes you learn about warring surprises festering in time.

Sometimes you learn from a book not until 70 years after the fact.

Sometimes you can not learn for thirty years or some plus a new thirty of protection as if anew to President Clinton.

You don’t always have to read an entire book - sometimes a “cover to cover” of just book jacket enough to be surprise.  Take inside front cover of Edmund Morris’ COLONEL ROOSEVELT and its first paragraph as:

“Of all our great Presidents, Theodore Roosevelt is the only one whose greatness increased out of office. When he toured Europe in 1910 as plain ‘Colonel Roosevelt’ he was hailed as the most famous man in the world.  Crowned heads vied to put him up in their palaces.  ‘If I see another king,’ he joked, ‘I think I shall bit him.’”

And then:

“Had TR won his historic “Bull Moose” campaign in 1912 (when he outpolled the sitting president, William Howard Taft), he might have averted World War I, so great was his international influence.”

Due to unforeseen erudition around Colonel Roosevelt I may not get past the second chapter that seems to have already warned “Teddy” or plainly as “Colonel Roosevelt” already past two terms in office and his huge British East Africa predatory mass killings while on largest safari ever set about by man, and from minds about Europe that America of 1910 era was likely on a path to war with Japan.  Or was it Japan was seemingly already then on a path towards eventual war against the United States of America.

And, again, I don’t know how our 9/11 Commission set out historically with a ten year window presumption agreed.  And, I really don’t know how either former President Clinton or Senator Clinton let such slide, and still.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - that day is not alone in infamy, now.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - I did take second place with “INFAMY” in the seventies - I didn’t want 1st for “WAR!”.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - and I don’t recall classmate next to me who wondered if a Hawaiian could compete, so.

But now we have President Barack “Teddy” Obama who better could have taken such Rooseveltianism to the HQ of the National Rifle Association as such commemorates “plain ‘Colonel Roosevelt’” it seems, so far, for being predatory most of 1909, and so to a “Bull Moose” “New Nationalism” a spin around America for hunters and gun totters to celebrate his hunts and haunts locally in chase - in chase of American moose.  Was it accidental or did he get punked by President Clinton?  How did a sitting Democrat President come out so exactingly for furs and hunting?  How can “Bull Moose” not been a progressive argument for gun ownership and hunting of moose, of American moose, of local moose, of hopefully that US trophy bull moose?

A first strike if too a new world war likely would be with multiple and seeming unrelated EMP incidents and…

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - I think a Hawaiian did think they could compete.

If a small yield nuclear device hidden on a drone detonates if/when opened the wrong way are we to blame if…

PEACE is possible if…

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Filed under: POLITICS, #NEW_YORK
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:34 am

ORIGINAL TO 10/08/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:18 pm

Keynes for one a player out of his league and times for these days.

When a silent treatment of a “mob” may be better than “a mob”

How to gallop - how to cant - how to decant these spirits a party divided?

E - rich now a foot when not a sleep - E - poor though maybe “e - rich” too?

How now old Keynesian - Keynesians anew?

“TRUTH WILL OUT” a conundrum - a beat of yours.

“TRUTH WILL OUT” a beat of yours - discordant and rude.

We have a party divided - we have no choice.

We have a party divided - we must reboot.

We have a party divided - labor will be dead if we don’t

We have a party divided - Washington is falling - our mobs on the rise.

Oh my Democrats who are you now?

Oh my Democrats what have you undone?

Oh my Democrats where haven’t you seen your divisions?

Oh my Democrats when can we the new labor movement have the reigns from you?

Oh my Democrats how soon - we need to  be saving you from you?

Some are milking camels

Some are milking sunshine

Some are milking firsts and “CRISIS”

Some are milking monopolies on good.

Oh my Democrats is Clintons’ Global Iniative a MONOPOLY?

Oh my Democrats why does Bill get all our glory

Oh my Democrats remembering Steve Jobs

Oh my Democrats why doe Bill get all the altruistic Ipodishness for good?

Oh my Democrats why did NewYorker put Keynes tense on the balls of his feet?

Once upon a time in America

Once upon a time in America

Once upon a time in America

Perchance to dream the impossible dreams again - anew.

Oh poor Keynes and all his modern misguided Keynsians

I cannot condone being a Hogaian - too bad “Heros” of “Hogan’s Heros” taken.

Truth will out against mobs now more for “something for nothing” if so.

Truth will out against mobs now more “race to the top” and unprepared.

Truth will out against mobs not more against “too much” and “excessiveness”.

Truth will out against mobs against the same mob and its messaging.

Truth will out remembrances of liberal institutions shorting their endowments.

Truth will out remembrances not more of protest anew of nothing for something.

Oh my Democrats of Washington why is a NEW LABOR DEMOCRAT MOB about so?

Oh my Democrats oh too Keynesian - this is your dance - you caused it.

E Cantor if you must - they are acting against themselves

E Cantor if you must - They are putting Dem Americans against Dem Americans.

E Cantor if you must - Others might just anew go silent.

E Cantor if you must - Do they have any where else to go?

E Cantor if you must - Keynsians are up against “TRUTH WILL OUT”

E Cantor if you must - Mobs are working for themselves and for you - too - much.

TRUTH WILL OUT even as mobs stir and sleep.

TRUTH WILL OUT even as Obama reaches anew for yet another “new foundation.”

TRUTH WILL OUT even now especially as it has no place else to go.

TRUTH WILL OUT but who what and which party first?

TRUTH WILL OUT - Oh my Democrats why are you so now a Party divided and dividing?


J. P. Hogan - little acknowledged political poet known to the New York Press in early nineties especially the then op-ed staff of The New York Times - still writing about economics some but with little reason if any to help the Democrats again, really.  Oh, and yes blogging while doing laundry.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:31 am

ORIGINAL TO 11/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 9:52 am

Well, it now seems obvious that Democrats of today would have been able to keep “Ronnie” from a Hollywood style to actual real roles in politics, whence.  Having “character” or “getting into character” would have been admissible and confusable.

These are the early days of a week of opening up WOOP (SEE: DONKEYS) with some kick back and color.

Women everywhere are at risk, and in the “hot seat” especially this week, these early days of November’s first week, 2011.  There can be no real claim to equality - the barriers are dimensional - Women everywhere have a corporateness  unequaled and yet unrivaled by them - by women enough.   “Rosie the Riveter” may have hammered out a song - and long and proud and tough song, but today women have a can of worms their own to open before them for all to see.

There hasn’t been enough feminism yet for them to claim equality - they haven’t gone the distance nearly yet.  Where Herman Cain may be lucky not to have been a bad actor of Hollywood set or another Reagan stamped out with cookie cutter now women have the runways.  Can they claim equality and call for more corporate ratings for themselves without calling all women to at least a decade of hard times to prove they can socially handle chase?  Can women ever be “equal” to societies historical expectations for men as hunter gatherer providers of the long slog willing to come home week after week even when so of such social burdens during depressing times even just recessionary?

When will women be able to call themselves equal - can it only be after a decade allowed to be sole proprietor of a family unit in tough times and willing to week after week come home to husbands that spent a day shoe shopping again - say for climbing shoes one day and new golf shoes another and well new flip-flops or water socks another?

What are our current social and societal expectations - is the recession a once in a century opportunity for women and more specifically feminists to step forward and test their mettle, as equally?

There is much color about all this now in early November 2011 - Condoleezza Rice with her memoir NO HIGHER HONOR is out with her version and edition of “black power” either of shelving “WOOP” upon Colin Powell or of holding back or showing “compassion” and/or “empathy.”  This week we could actually say you can have your news any color you want as long as you want it black.

Mr. Herman Cain is in battle of his life yet not so much reported as sparring against feather weight (?) President Barack Hussein Obama.  (note to self:  Find out if Herman Cain has a middle name and if news worthy or column/punditry fodder.)

Without a decade just to themselves women may never be able to prove themselves as a full set or class as equals at least in the world of games and contests once called “men’s work” that just started for societal and home pressures for men to find something to do to get them out of the house so not to bother or contest their women from their things (work?).

As of now it doesn’t look like this will get to be too graphic with daily bar charts or fun raising graphs to side by side compare life of Bill with life of Herman, even just year by year.  It as of now isn’t even looking like a story of black power in Washington of keeping an illegitimate white bastard child hidden away off on some family plantation.  It is a week with many expected cans to be opened of worms or “WOOP.”

The nineties was an easy time for women into men’s work world - a bubble economy was about that created entry opportunities the belied more historical and competitive modeling for showing a leg through the doors of man’s world - into corporateness to equal opportunities in what had been the man’s side of surviving home life.

Sure Colin Powell was part of the BUSH FREEDOM AGENDA but he was also much of the CLINTONS’ laxity about global equality more of words and rants than walk or steps.  Will NO HIGHER HONOR now offer up enough color and “WOOP” - Do female black scholars make better secretaries than retired generals?  Did she?

We are now to the competitive corporate equality that Clintons’ bubbles of teased and unscientific economic policies basically ignore - we are too a bubble that let women more into man’s word of work and to breaching old societal expectations for men to find something to do to get out of wife’s way and so out of the home.  (R.I.P.  Mrs. Rodham, mother of Hillary Clinton - I just now heard the news.)  I tend to be a workaholic and have many hobbies and much professionalism, much of this cannot apply to me - I can “work” most anywhere - I have been meaning to find time to learn rules of golf better and develop my first scoring “handicap” - still have to find and arrange a home course eligible when time allows, though.

I know, this just isn’t seeming fair.  I am really wondering though on size of “WOOP” (again see:  DONKEYS) scholar Condoleezza Rice may have writ upon Secretary Powell.  That said,  Herman Cain is a rare racial window now into corporateness of at least the past twenty years - not sure whom has gotten a leg through his doors or for what or why, or how, where, or as whom or for whom.  Why didn’t a woman, at least a white women get his jobs when he got them or had them - are some jobs just better for men than for women and other corporated ranks better in places for women than men?

Yes, it seems Ronald Reagan could never have been elected today - bad actors in character now would have played out his “getting into character” likely as the real thing - as the Godfather to his “pie” - the Cain to his Abel.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:26 am

ORIGINAL TO 12/27/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:39 pm

These days that start anew short like all the rest in this Year of our Lord 2011 we try to go back to sleep each morning un-alarmed and yet with concerns due for a lost generation redux.

We wake as challenged Americans and anew, as it lies, some many as Christians and even Catholics, we wake worried about Mother Mary and milk for young Jesus, we try to rise later especially when naturally of days so short.

To be alarmed unnecessarily - or not to be, not to be too early stirred — he must crawl before he can walk, luckily.

Bells do tell, then and now, they tolled for some more than others, to some more in keeping for pace and grace, and dining/meals.

From whence I sat and from where, now, some Knights are regular and near their original intents - their founding halls, and many papers.  For from where I am now near is near a Columbus enclave of Knights and their original founding parish.  I don’t know what should be said of me now or later, and wonder though on the “already” but it seems my Grampa Hogan was indeed a Knight, a Knight of Knights of Columbus - I can remember his passing and his wake and the presence of compadres or brethren.

From where I write now so four years “global” yet “local” and four years so since henceforth from whence the where of near then years so hence as whence near the realm of Capitol Hill and its original parchments — I can bike, bus, or even walk just ten miles to be near the Saint Mary’s Church of Hillhouse with memories of such the officialdom for my sisters marriages.  I am but so few miles even if afoot to be near the base and bulwarks, as they may be of the “court” of my Grampa Hogan’s Knightness in Columbus of Saint Mary’s Church.  Yale School of Management is now just up the street and a Yale Museum for musical instruments and the Henry Luce Institute.  I did crawl first a little nearer yet far enough so to be of a more local parish originally.

Are we now fearful and cautious - are we guarded enough now to fears reasonable that we may be of a new generation born already and to a political concern, at least, as a new “lost” generation?  We must crawl before we walk - we carry still a standard of/for Columbus however a story told - Americans have parchments long of history and Christian crawling.

Where has Joe gone - is Mary now too forsaken - has Jesus GOT MILK?  I am of a story of parish first of Saint Joseph’s and then a family anchoring more of Saint Mary’s - Has Jesus GOT MILK?  Oh, for due to matters of timing and grace - grace kept for a story telling foundational more in wizardry and witchcraft arts and such as related to America’s “Watergate” personalities - I did but visit Saint Peter’s Parish Church on Capitol Hill while there so localized near ten years.  This internet stuff is confusing enough when trying to live and write for multiple parchments follow on entertainments, a single parish participation when a muse for magic curriculumizing of seven years thought possible in five that then took nearer 12 - I was doing an American time warp, and not a Knight myself.

Does Jesus have shoes - are these of Christian crawl storification standard then to just swaddled feet?  Will yours be over swaddled and over coddled now?

Was Jesus swaddled and coddled enough as born in a manger and then to days …

His Metachlorian  count must have been sky high - but do we now have to worry of a lost generation anew - a new batch to crawl Christian and American before they walk?  Mother Mary must have done something right - at least to quench the thirst - to negotiate the manger and then …

A Global we now reset around our shortest days - a “Christian Crawl” now at least rolled out - a grand thirst soon afoot?

These are not the ways of a “FORCE” to RACE TO THE TOP — this is at least a crawl for Christians, yet for many parched out as American as well — We have differing original intents - we have original crawls from abroad more once of mere swaddling of coddling.  We have a prescribed “details matter” spouting anew - we have happenstance retro to a redux - we have an American “RESET” now much afoot.

Our states can do “an” or “the” CHRISTIAN CRAWL and yet our Congress cannot itself “establishment”!

Our states can adjust its “FORCES” to a better and slower more massive hike!

Our states can be beholden less to a slim and light RACE TO THE TOP parsed meant of ECONOMIC “SUPPRESSION.”

His Metachlorian count must have been sky high!  

My Grampa Hogan became a Knight - I know not of which order, but know the Order of Knights of Columbus existent so as his order but not his “rank” or “standing” - his own “ordered” order in such order.  I bore witness at his wake - he had brethren - he had Knights also witness in their regalia.

I have less cause now myself to be of a time warp, the musing near twice as long as considered or expected where whence then nearer some I did - I did muse a challenge for seven books of seven years of magic and wizardry curriculum.  An entertainment endeavor now scientific and to developmental and for me and J.K. to a life of its own, as yet before impossible.

This is a new world to me, and for many just now born hopefully swaddled enough and not over coddled and not to now a new “LOST GENERATION.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:01 pm
Originally of March 24, 2010 at commentary/blog page of jphogan.org - Yes, like of a headlines out of control theme.


What will our Supreme Court do? Will they act as designed as a
‘check and balance’? Is no one reporting such as it be best considered?









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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:24 am

The question of the week may now be:  Can Bill and Hillary defect from the USA to even Russia and not be a threat to Americans or our national security? 

I posit here that the answer has to be “YES”!

It may be too soon to offer that if they defected to Russia it might actually help secure Americans and make us all safer.

That said a cut and run by the Clintons might reinforce a perspective upon them as of a white supremacy.

It is not too soon to profess that their choices for Secreataries of State for the Presidency of the Clintons couldn’t possibly have been more white.   In many ways though it is too late because of such as a realistic historical “perspective.”

It is that William Jefferson Clinton born William Blythe III and to a “never knew my father” but if he shared dreams did go to Oxford and was of a Fulbright.   How did he though choose to be so to more full white and the United Kingdom’s rearing as a white man of the south still of civil rights days of struggles for less fortunate?  Did he want to learn how to be a loyal Southern “gentile” within a royal blessing?  Did he have to go to England to learn how to be more totalitarian and/or autocratic?

Most troubling of the Clintons most white Secretarial postings to State of the Presidency of the Clintons may be how they let official state language be in violation of our 1st Amendment protections at least abroad.  It was official bigotry and bias religious as if an Un-Constitutional establishment respecting religion that best marks their politics and policies as regard Saddam Hussein and Iraq — They governed bigoted and biased so that the USA was of officially preferring Iraqi Sunni or Ba’athists over Iraqi Shia.

The most white they likely could have found as selections for Secretarial leadership to carry the Clintons’ State were poetically poorly chosen unless to be LOUD as of a white supremacy, Christian.   We have that they presented first with a “Warring” like Warren like warring as a “Christ O for” Christopher.   We have then that they proceed maybe even more arrogantly still while officially standing America up as bigots biased against the Shia as inferior people to the Sunni, at least.  We have that after being as white as possible with Warren Christopher in such times of strife and unsettled sanctions they followed up with one more for all madams to be all white like bright - a white like call to their “brightness” as if all bright about all madams and all mad lines.

Regardless of how the white supremacy may have hidden itself as long as Bill Clinton’s classic male chauvinism may have more to do with their earlier days together both studying to be lawyers to get above their times and stay above their times with as much supremacy while white that they could consecrate.

Officially we have we may be safer if the Clintons do defect and even if they defect to Russia.  We are still living with their mistakes and bias and bigotry that violated our 1st Amendment standards - we are still living with a mess from them presenting us all as bigoted and biased against at least the Iraqi Shia as inferior people - as inferior an “incapable of governing themselves”.

It may be a stretch to call the Clintons both “racists” but we cannot now escape the mess they caused being in violation of our 1st Amendment principles as per the Iraqi Shia, at least.  To call the “white supremacists” is not to call them “racists.”  To call them “white supremacists” is to suggest that they wanted to always be supremely over others not them, at least.  I don’t know how or why they could have been to buying a house in DC on a Whitehaven Road or to together having cherished a permanent Library to memorialize them while publicly choosing to let it be phallic and in Confederate Gray.  That it is phallic as a gun or half bridge may be their most honest statement ever for being suggestive that they never meant to consecrate any full bridge about issues of their times.

The only thing that can honestly be said of “it is all Bush’s fault” is limited to an all that of Bush being a road block to attempts to pervert socialist or totalitarian ideals by Dems to get and hold power by a few elite.   I is maybe all Bush’s fault that a spread of SOCIALISM to Americans at home and abroad has been failing.

Yes, it was official language of the Presidency of the Clintons that had the Shia people of a majority in Iraq officially declared so inferior a people based upon “religious” establishments by the Clintons that the most white possible Secretarial selections of the Clintons were regularly of proclamations or declarations like:  THE IRAQI SHIA ARE INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

Yes, we all might be safer without the Clintons - please defect Clintons.  Even, please defect to Russia if they will have you now.

We can see by your very public histories that when your “supremacy” weakened or became challenged or ready for permanent public memorializing you chose or inadvertently showed yourselves to have wanted to be your white selves supremely as long as possible or at least as long as you could legally manage.  

And, it seems that “Bill” to manage to hide his natural dominant desire to remain above feminism as long a his “Hillary” could help him stay her “Russian Bear” in whiteness and with his American chauvinistic charm to here fully enabled and secured.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:31 pm

As billed we are to expect to hear or read of a week of Dems convening some how all about women and all about population controls.

But what about some simple governance sense - some not too old fashion common sense? 

What about the labors of Hillary Rodham Clinton?  Did she sleep her way to the top?  Did the Clintons blackmail topping candidate Senator Obama with “or elses” and “or elses” if he didn’t leave the world to them and settle himself in more as a domestic?

We have to consider that in home improvement contracting a husband and wife are treated with great powers under consumer protection as about their “homes” and “nesting” and so much so that such suggests a sharing of our White House must necessarily not undermine those laws with them treated any less as one and both term limited as of January 2001.

It is scandalous in a clearly Freudian consideration that President and First Lady of Clinton did visualize in permanent architecture for a Presidential Library an ice breaker for psycho babblers - that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library could be phallic like a gun or a half a bridge, and gray for a white male of the south adorned as if Confederate gray.

This raises an interesting artistic and legal consideration.  For this convention week the prime question might be if Hillary has “female intuition” - or if she has any how little must she have?   And, did she sleep her way to the top?

If she has “female intuition” did she have it while First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and refuse to offer any possible benefit from such to her husband?  Does she have a soul?  How did she get her first staff job in the west wing?

If she has “female intuition” how can the Presidency of the Clintons in hindsight, just, look so devoid of any?

Is she as a lawyer of a “not in marriage” professional right to withhold from her husband while of a Clintons’ Presidency?

If she has “female intuition” and the nineties that left us 9/11 are a result of such - how did she get another White House job?

How do we understand Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?  If she had “female intuition” and did sleep her way into a west wing staff job is that RIGHT or WRONG - GOOD or BAD?  Just UGLY?

How has she while first lady most demeaning to the contribution in just female intuition of all our past strong and powerful and involved first ladies with her (sleeping her way) into west wing staff job - while FIRST LADY of her own higher office?

Clearly but for that “Bill” of the Presidency of the Clintons did adorn his official library in color quite a Confederate Gray we can look back and see that what he could have used more of in the 90s was a strong maternal caring and considerate counsel - a more aware female intuition?  

So, was it arranged for a “performance” for “Bill” to be all male and leave “Hillary” to be all female when she got to be the “inevitable” President Hillary they thought they had coldly and mechanically arranged?  Did she deny “Bill” female counsel by an arrangement to have a marriage not a marriage?  An is not an is?

I don’t know that President Clinton should or could fairly speak to much of this at what seems a CHOCOLATE POPULATION SUMMIT set for Charlotte exclusively for Democrat Party members.

How are “Bill” and “Hillary” not two of same Confederate Gray of the library of the Clintons’ Presidency?  How are they not each a shade of gray themselves as “married” and one?  Do they think that since they are each others lawyers and their own that they have no conflicts of interest personally or politically?

How are we to letting he have trashed so many great former First Ladies by thinking she should and needed to take a staff job in the west wing and be professionally then inferior to one an equal otherwise in our highest office of one of our three equal branches.  How much intellectual has been lost and how much common sense perverted?   As married by marriage the Presidency respects a wife as a equal half that with traditions up to FLOTUS Clinton had stood cherished and upheld.  To ask for an take a staff job while FLOTUS demeans the office of First Lady and all before her for by “office” “politics” it was Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that thought it “female” power to submit herself as an inferior staffer officially per protocols.

Can Hillary be said to have been ever an actual “feminist” with this having happened and so?  Can she have any “female intuition” - really?  And then if so and we haven’t had it admitted as of her “resume” for employment  was is ever recognized as good enough by her husband “Bill”?

His library is architectually maybe a “half a bridge” that just looks phallic and yet still Confederate Gray more than Union Blue or a color of a chocolate?  And, he is without doubt may too insensitive a white man of the south.  How did Hillary get her jobs?

Did Hillary sleep her way to the top - dear feminists still feminists and Bolsheviks - how did she get her jobs - what type of law did she practice at the Rose Law Firm - mustn’t it mostly have been that to empower “Bill” in all his ways until he couldn’t legally be elected President again?

If she has a soul and “female intuition” how as married wasn’t she and all spouses to be firmly to be considered also term limited?  If the lived intimately and worked as one - how are they not then wisely limited as one?

Could “Bill” have decided to adorn his “Library” so nearly Confederate Gray without “Hillary” of a veto power and opinion?

And when the bought their house in DC on Whitehaven Road?  Shouldn’t one of two have vetoed the other too?

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THE “lew.__________”?
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am


Heard at the convention…

The local economic web of Charlotte convening for the Dems set now most like a world wide web in population control has us in this Harry Potter era more of a higher voltage “Charlotte” of “Hogwarts” than the dimmed low voltage infidelity on parade as a political convention in Charlotte - in Charlotte, North Carolina, with over 9% unemployment.

This lew.___________ is more concerning than any “www._____________” put on parade as more relevant this week.

This local economic web is much all the fault of these Democrats of gathering to gaggle, flock and party.

In the “lew” of this convention much “low voltage” tired an,d untrue, is to stream the world wide in its webs.

As the one that challenged JK Rowling to write seven books for a new “Charlotte” some to help globally inoculate a rising generation from what is better to be etched and carved truthfully as a web of Clintons “infidelity” to at least cuases I can right today as much of an accomplishment in job creating as Republican Nominee Mitt Romney — What I started did become so successful that I am now of its roots firmly set “www.____” like as a web for good with its own theme park run some as if a TIME Warner Theme Park.

Yes it was conceived to be a check and balance to wayward Clintons and there instincts to be at least nearly “infidels”. 

Yes I had enough experience launching successful fun stuff to such level in decade(s) before that are as well less well known and considered as they should be considering the state at least of the “lew._______” of Charlotte.   You see I still can remember walking off the wonderful ideas from a brainstorming afternoon with an old high school pal on a good sledding day on our regular sledding hill - I can remember the day I took my wood plank “snow board” with toe rope to the hill for a “change” and how we got to brainstorming on how to make it better and more fun/sporting/dangerous - I can remember me wanting to go cut up his racing sailing fiberglass dingy for prototypes to match our vision of that nearly 1/4 inch fiberglass he said should be strong enough.  I can remember use then thinking of his family’s old wooden skies with straps to buckle in feet in regular boots and to thinking we would want the “bindings” to go across on an angle like how are feet tended to be while skateboarding.

Yes, I can remember that day we brainstormed a new and better possible “snow board” and that we had gotten so excited he was nearly then already a half hour to forty five minutes late for a date with his new girlfriend.  He did take her too our prom and they did marry and are growing a family.  He professes about finances I believe still at the Wharton School.  He is the reason there was another swimmer, David of casting for FRIENDS to balance my other co-tri captain a female Geller.

There will be much of a “lew._____” everywhere about the Dems convening as the greatest ever convention on population control as both a “www.” and like “lew.” web.

Much of what I mused for TV and entertainment was synched to bulster and reinforce or ease development of jobs and sport for the innovative ideas I was giving away but not forgetting or abandoning.   David Musto and I that day also imagine how we would want to most ideally use our new and improved “snow board” concept with he starting off with knowledge more of skateboarders in California liking empty bowled pools and he and I both to standing there on that New Haven - Hamden shared “sledding” hill that to use look like just a couple days worth of work with heavy machinery from a potential almost naturally already there as a half pipe with steep enough edges on both sides for “air” potential and so already naturally quite as long as the modern half pipes did become. 

Yes, I can remember us realizing we probably were already too old to enjoy enough being the developers of such or that we really may not have wanted to spend that much time in foreseeable future together and that as oldest sons of our specific fathers we seemed expected and already too far along in other professional directions. 

Yes I can remember many of the days and nights I would at least walk off next steps of sharing design concepts to willing souls somewhere and without asking them for ID.  I can remember incremental steps to build interest in board design with some and then enthusiasms otherwise towards/with others and then after that to insisting someone then develop a real half pipe at least as broad - deep and long as our original passionate imaginings.

No, it was not a cake walk to muse a challenge to JK Rowling further on with similar wisdom and generosity as it was for me then nearly to a dozen years to a keeping of my more secret charge about such for federalism newly and as one way of such to check and balance both Clintons and to at least attempt to inoculate a rising generation from them and their know long to me political plottings not nearly as imaginative of useful a web as either of these that somehow have their starts with me.

Time Warner - I welcome your thanks and appreciation and professionalism - and expect you to be still to at least the high and fun standards JK Rowling actually managed to write.

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