
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:52 am

By this point Donald J. Trump, President, should be raising hell with the American religious leaders he liberated by how turned back the oppression & suppression by Government by the Johnson Amendment.  President Trump must tread upon those who at least affix a responsibility upon themselves by as “interfaith leaders” with moral outrage appropriately separated from the politics of the issues the realm of faith has as regards Russia & Syria.

By this point those of these united states of the Americas who hold selves up as moral &/or moral leaders should be leading to that President Trump can follow from behind representative of the moral outrage in interfaith tongued.

The Trumpian economic principles matching originalism are of the compassionate of founding constituted economics prudence of Adam Smith and “self-interest” manifest of scriptural old guidance at, to paraphrase, to have a growth economics people must be able sing together.  Trumpian it is now also as of compassionate originalism of the structural objectivism of “self-interest” as each is expected to be of a common sense to that each dawn a responsibility presses to ask if there is a suffice to ”safety in numbers” and adherence of “moral in network” as to be precedent to “self-interest” passed corner stones - as to be prudent to ask first each dawn if safe to proceed to individual interests before assuaging a responsibility for community’s fabric of society.

At this crossroads still now of if President Trump should be able to lead from behind as versus that questionable of leading of Bashar al-Assad & leading of Vladimir Putin we have proprietary duty as citizens of these united states of the Americas for a representative common core to be respectful to that our separation of faiths & state is vertical to that our President and Federal Government are set as equally under our Lord.  President Trump should be raising hell with the American religious leaders - at least of responsibility as “interfaith leaders” for it seems well apparent that the amorality of apostates isn’t yet the fodder for the news stories on Syria, at least.

President Trump personal history on Middle East may be disabling to best judgement on Syria - Russia Putin & Syria Assad - by that his long postured opinions on Iraq War & the removal of Saddam Hussein seem flawed per the “internet of things” space-time coincident of the Arab Spring inevitability.  It may be prudent to test on if President Trump is actually wrong for national security in his opinions of the Iraq War as if just a “war of choice” that could have and should have not been taken on.

Barack H. Obama, President, flaws were far more structural and impotent due naiveté and personal commitment to a secular Socialism dogmatic contrary to originalism - actually unconstitutional by plain meaning interpretations.  President Obama had no solution to Syria & Assad as possible for such was basically a situation of one more failed Socialist state & he was only offering Socialism machinations ideologically & politically.

For the purposes of this essay we are to discuss that President Trump, however wrong, is not impotent as President Obama was by how wrong he was and inadequate to the cause by that he postured as a poser only of Socialism & secular as his resolved to that then for all of a limited and insufficient objectivism to only able to offer subjective mandates to akin to the problematic in the failing of one more Socialist state.

Americans by how set of religious liberty by how constituted by Peoples’ “Order” as of rights from our Lord Creator do have a responsibility upon at least those self ascribed to as “interfaith leaders” to be leading morally in the collective inescapable bodies electric universal & global connectivity to be posturing to perhaps of guidance on Russian Putin & Syrian Assad as posers apostates too also mendacious in leadership.

It may be smarter than President Trump’s long postured view on Iraq & Saddam Hussein to reason and codify a believing in that of the inevitable of the Arab Spring as due the amounting progress of the “internet of things”!

Essentially it may be prudent to accept and not bother the time to attempt to reason to a “logic” that President Obama & especially Secretary R. Clinton were never for a single day right and proper as per at least Syria & Ukraine.

Of these I persist to articulate upon doth now pertain historically to date John R. Bolton views to the dynamic of the Bush years & my earlier opined and reasoned (as against this I press as Trump’s errant) of that without the Iraq War, however a “war of choice” - we of these united states of the Americas would have been trapped on the wrong side of the progressing of the “the internet of things” and to trapped as a common enemy otherwise by inaction - avoidance of assistance to sharing in the new connectivity globally spreading.

Donald J. Trump as a businessman was of the business acumen and attitude to success as a provider of destinations.  President Donald J. Trump likewise is well suited, when shakes off errant, to be a peace time administrator.

Our religious leaders have the responsibility of all Americans of constituted “Order” to religious liberty secured basics of that we the People are supposed to wake each dawn to first consider the general morality of coexistence to if of the suffice in cooperative socialisms to maintain the safety in numbers & in network morality that must be of a daily extant for there to be selfish pursuits not self defeating.

As a provider and marketer of destinations his mettle has been proofed.  President Donald J. Trump natural management style as apropos even Syria now is of respecting the individuals’ liberty and with expectations that moral leadership should be from the people in their participatory work of maintaining a morality with particular expression by leaders on the prudence (divined) of the practicing engaged specifically also to how Christian is the work of Vladimir Putin and as well how adherent to Islam for Muslims of Muslim Bashar al-Assad.

President Trump should but be needing echoing the maintenance of values of the People as to if tag’d for the global universal connective fabric of society an if and how if two leaders are but so secular and cold calculators their rap is as mendacious apostates firstly.

If the leader of Russia and the leader of Syria are not behaving in governance morally by their own claimed faith we as Americans would be of un-American practices if our religious leaders of our re: legion as citizens of religious liberty are silent on their re: legions as if not moral by self-identified morality as per how they doth manage their legions of followers/adherents to secular amoral effected.

We the People have a duty to maintain the morality - to consider each morning before more selfish interests the first self interests of attending to if and how if their is still a suffice for safety in numbers and of the foundational basic of called to be moral in network.

President Trump should not also hobble us by only offering more of the failing them of secular Socialism?

               *       *       *       HAVE FAITH?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:59 am

This is bigger than for any mall Santa! As a joyous season is now of Advent upon a shared humanity global anew, we must be bigger than commercialized and to a change of venue for a duly just discourse to philosophy of religiosity, & Awakenings galactic.

Brethren of the deserts severe of the what of the where and how known to Muhammad this is our season still a season hopeful for joyous upon your home fires. As the bells toll for JOY we hope all hearts can be lifted without insults from ignorance, ignorant.

Brethren of the galactic of the Force for a copacetic shared humanity, as long established, ordained, and maintained by the realm of religious adherents, a Happy Holidays in a Merry Christmas as for all now anew is for understanding and discerning where consciousness is in Faith and especially for Christians where it is for Islam that for Muslims of a Muslim trinity now onset to Shia, Sunni, and ISIL as if to Islamic State as a Union of Orthodox Islamic.

As it seems the lands of the Levant, and those populated by faithful of Islam globally, however sectarian, and now to a seeming trinity of an option to be for a puritanical Orthodoxy welcoming pilgrims “home” in towards an Islamic State, are awakening this season of JOY in Christ Jesus isn’t exclusive, nor of Jesus as an INFIDEL.

There can now be a parity to a comity in a JOYOUS season a Holiday Season around the birth of Christ Jesus that isn’t opposing to Islamic of any sectarian or rift, - it seems.  There is for this to be copacetic, though, that a consciousness needs to be articulated as to the consciousness minimum in Islam before any act can be deemed to be warranted, where can be legally warranted, as to being an act of sufficient consciousness to be representative of a collective conscience for Justice for Muslims.

From my limited understandings, I offer that Muhammad does not decree a “kill first” as an “order to kill” that is to be a “license to kill” devoid of a contemplative measure of conscience and for humanity and society.  From my limited history and understanding it seems that, and now as it much relates to millions of refugees (, and due climate change?), faithful of Islam are allowed to celebrate Santa Claus as the birth of Christ Jesus does not insult Islam nor Muhammad.

Isn’t it that Muslims of the world, however sectarian or of rifts to a Muslim trinity to now a rising an awakening with force to an attempt to establish a Orthodox Islamic as a home faith to an Islamic State, are free to celebrate Santa Claus?  Are free as of Muhammad and faith in Islam to celebrate the birth of a great one not an infidel, by any prejudice or prejudgement writ? 

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season now levered to reset for all in shared humanity, however galactic, to that Christians are only to be accused to be INFIDELS where there is an ignorance of the essence of Islam and as INVOLVED too much from just an expressed opine conversationally posited?

Isn’t the JOY of a JOYOUS season yet for Christians to remember on their own not to be ignorant nor insulting with ignorance the beliefs of others, and especially when critical and vital to their own struggles to find and keep open paths to a FORCE as a realm for the HOLY?

Islamic activists may now be trying the souls of Christians the world over, however galactic, by actions insufficient of words while heavy in acts seeming devoid of the adequate writ called for consciousness to be premeditated. Islamic activists yet still seem free to celebrate Santa Claus in it that JESUS is not an infidel while some Christians may be found to be too ignorant to have any insults taken as INFIDELITY.

Should faithful of Muhammad and Islam, however now as pilgrims for a puritan Islamic State to an Orthodox Islamic, rush to a cursing of Christians, while it is to be raised how conscious your oppositions should be expected to be if one of a luxury of time, and in of a safe enough place, to process if a teaching from an ignorance is acceptable for parties constitutions/beliefs? 

How much thought is enough thought?  If teaching is the better weapon, are words the chosen best defense?

Who should explain if it writ for all of Islam to that even besides of Sharia there is that each in Muslim celebrations are but “licensed to kill” not “Ordered to kill” and as then as well as in faith as knowing they are “licensed to be killed” (if so weak a link to shared humanity they then represent a threat to society - to a basic survival of a communal in a “society” endurance.

Whom among those free to also celebrate Santa Claus can best answer to a minimum level of consciousness to a conscience of these days for JOY and JOYOUS everywhere? 

Whom can ascribe, by example, themselves as experts for shared humanity, and triggers from copacetic, to pare or peel like the lemons, or onions to fig’n the dates of these days tragic of terrorism, seeming of insufficient premeditated THINK to be to having affected “HOLY WAR”?

Are you one whom can help bridge an teach to a JOY for JOYOUS for all harmony for Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas, and as to that even refugees Muslims are free to celebrate Santa Claus as free to respect the birth of Christ Jesus?

Whom now are our teachers our shepherds for travelers and homely flocks so to keep ignorance corralled and at bay?

As all seem “licensed” for JOY and to be JOYOUS with faith and religiosity whom now can work it, - can work it to it sufficed from ignorance and to spread an understanding related to tragedies of recent seeming just “terrorist” actions more “criminal” to how a metric is extant from such too a scandal, to any galactic force in shared humanity, as it seems the outcomes from these “terrorists” have been to the as Muslims as then more licensed to be killed, then represented fairly of their writ Islam of a “license to kill” where befitting a dire or severe in an exposed struggle of realities of time, and place?

                                     *     *     *     *     *

{Developing today: “Licensed To Kill” - an essay to pair and pare Obamacare can only be Constitutional if of an unconstitutional “Muslim Exception” - as a right to kill, and right to be killed of Sharia, must supersede a “right” to healthcare.  We have been going the wrong way so long by the end of this essay you should believe President Obama should resign in of an embarrassment for having so misunderstood the Constituted for so long, and how for so long so wrongly.  As healthcare is an oldest establishment of religion there cannot in these united states of the Americas be a separate “right to healthcare” as a discussion of Islam cursorily can illuminate due faithful of even like of a writ license to kill, - even as it not mostly to be an Order to kill.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:43 am

Dear ye of the Pilgrims pride, however pigment challenged, yet believers in original intent. Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core.

Not since the papered Pilgrims sailed as too English from Amsterdam, if ironically upon the Mayflower, have a general mash of individuals been to a needs to reflect to purer original intended of the writ Laws.  It is arguable that there wouldn’t have been the freeing Independence (not Inter-dependence) declarations to the “People” “Order” “done” constituting if not for the lessons of the Pilgrims how they did start to freer yet as if slaves to the holding the papers of their conditioned debts.

A Socialism came later to others not people constituted in the Pilgrims lessons learned from the practice of that later “Socialism” while you were kept free from being too slaves to “papered” as guinea pigs to your paper holder’s “social” progressive ideas for “common” property and to it how colonists Pilgrims, however Puritans, were to be tested as if idyllic in an ideology of a “socialism” tried and tossed, and, a commune-ism barred later by the Constituted, — by the People’s Order done under “our Lord”!

The is a perfect elementary extant in this as purer for to freer even as these times runneth corrupt of a Clinton mining for King, and Queen, to a befallen to a votal animus surging.  There are great depths to these times as anew of a Clinton at governance contrary to the Constitution from the lessons of the Pilgrims, and anew as these united states have endured as of Bible Paul and his methodolocials.  For the Constitution the People’s Order done subscribed under “our Lord” is Paulist is a still acceptable purity of/for original intent.  From the lessons learned of the Pilgrims, however Puritans while too “papered”, it figs to dates simple, long, true, elementary, that it makes perfect sense that these United as a “more perfect Union” “done” are so by a government that chiseled it deep that Paul’s letters were right that people are first under God before under any government.

Do you know who Publius is/was? Do you know as said that the Publius, as Hamilton, - Jay, - Madison, were the was unified then against an earlier Clinton, as set in print for all to be freer by the Constitution, however Federalist 1 confounds as said Order is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?  Do you simple get the Clinton then set against the Constitution as the voice of New York as its Governor, may now be a lesser to for “empire” or “king” Power as regards a chronic animus settling in regarding a too likewise contrary to Constituted whence Clintons?

These are the beat’n time’d for a new harmony in the ivory and ebony America pot, steel the drum’d melodic for the methodology is sharable and better in the purer cuts, — WORD!  Socialism is unconstitutional to a Federal where though Bernie Sanders smoke’n #FeelTheBern may jive with the federalism prudence of the Tea Parties, and as #BlackLivesMatter choral’d chimes readied to blow their pipes for Pilgrims, too newly purer for Freedoms ballads/songs. There is a common core to these times where, however #BlackLivesMatter jive as a “Black Tea Party”, in the federalism quandry of Federalist 1 as to be fig’d always apropos the conditionals in “American” as by “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”! The shared beat from ivory to ebony spectrally is a prismatic edgy yet for concordance more than continued protestant discord.

The Socialism of proofed Socialist President Barack Hussein Obama now re~verbs the set asunder, colored neutral. His sidekick #MrsC is as proofed out to it strung out public her dirty laundry is beset bad of Clinton’s revolutionary “against” and too as so alike any differences to “Socialist” are irreconcilable between the THE OBAMA, and the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.  Bernie Sanders is now as stand up as those unifying civil leaders of #BlackLivesMatter; — Forward the common core is in the workable “federalism” of “socialism” in the ideological is yet the purview of those of their own states; — Forward their is the mashable as if 2016 of a BLACK TEA PARTY and gatherings for BERNIE FOR PRESIDENT of solidarity to where “socialism” may be unconstitutional at the federal level the freedom of religion is of the state’s - each state’s - jurisdiction for prudence in community, however “religion” always yet likewise of a “chosen” “voluntary extra-state morality.”

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Community was not writ unconstitutional as the Pilgrims walks in purer of original intent became a colonial constitution walkable by any willing to be some “Paulist” by “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord”!  Socialism, as it became later known, was of the pilgrimage by the papering to the “Pilgrims” contracted to common property (guinea pigs) enslaved by debts.  Socialism as it became later known is constituted by the Pilgrims’ pride and the Constituted “more perfect Union” as the “People” “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord” as writ ordained to established that the United States of America would be a Union of People’d people formed of the methodology in Paul’s letters for Christian governance in the basic truth that all people are firstly under God before ever secondly under a government, any government.

There is much to the probative investigatory to a likewise proofed CRIMINALITY for these todays’ Clintons for of little yet known plotting to be more like the Clintons whence of the more perfect Union built too of contraries to earlier Clitnons of Power.  There is that Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton are both of such their chose’d name for “Bill” was born to a Christian name as William Blythe III, and, she took his chose’d name of Clinton branded by consummating “marriage.”  Do not forget General Clinton defended British King against Pilgrims’ pride, and too as it is “history” another a Governor Clinton, of New York, did likewise call out the Publius for Constitution of Hamilton, -Jay, -Madison, — as originally against Clinton.

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Your Governors are your future in any “socialism” as proofed and re-established the “community” is protected by the Constitution so that it is your community that must fix your socialistic ideological methodologicals as if yet another Tea Party too of taxed enough, yet by a too distant “federal” - so distant in Washington, D.C.!  It seems the common - COMMON SENSE -, to the core, for the forward to 2016, is already jive to a harmony in a learned from it proofed “OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST” and that of it now too of a for “king” mined for Clinton global autocracy, newly, surging bad for settling votal animus.

America 2016 may be now already to the Clinton prison beset, and to Donald Trump trumped by years of a new Tea Party of long years of the hard labors to making the real America the great REAL AMERICA a newly; — America 2015 yet now of asking if the #BlackLivesMatter concord is forward irreversibly as yet to a new NEW TEA PARTY as too for a purer original intent, as too in their best interests for preserves of freedoms, as a BLACK TEA PARTY?

It isn’t if the TEA PARTY is against Bernie Sanders ideology in a “Socialism” prima facia, nor that any too pigment challenged must bow to an inevitable CLINTON Power machinations, nor that any should let be locked down to machinations temptations and then foresworn from benefits of a republican sagacity/sagacious/sagaciousness! — It is is now the is is that the ivory and ebony are not too disparate as locked away from a sensical religiosity of WORD still of Jesus nor Muhammad as above the other, seems, as their God is equally above them and accepting that Muhammad proofed for Islamic that Christianity was inadequate for His tested of his deserts severe, as of Islam of a geo-topo-theo-politics divine’d wisdom, too.

New York et all American:  Donald Trump did not make the Tea Party, - He is late to the work of restoring the how and why America is Great, and to being Great Again!  Our ISIL / ISIS strategy is better from his bombastic of offensives make a great defense necessary to again more conservative in a Pilgrims’ pride of a “STRONG DEFENSE IS THE BEST OFFENSE” where rationality is generally still constituted of “socialism” of the jurisdiction of “community” “communities” — at best of the keeps of the Governors and Legislatures of these United states - more perfectly United in the set ordained “done” People’s Order so that the “American” forever, as secured, was purer in Paul at least to his letters as that each is under God before under any Government, even the Federal Government now beset as occupied by too many too proofed “SOCIALISTS.”

Don’t you concur that neither the “socialism” of Bernie Sanders is too for structural beyond “community” and that #BlackLivesMatter is enough secured in community to not have 2016 be of these united states as of the general problem of the levant where Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine can all be historically tagged as more failed Socialists states at some point to crossing the “straw the breaks the camel’s back” of civility of beyond that hard to see line between “secular socialist” and a nation of a people too too become an is is is really too irreligious?

Aren’t we now secured, safe at home, in our homeland, from those lurking, near til now, dangers, to the “more perfect Union” of these united states, such as was virulent of the Clintons’ machinations, to too many from reachable in a sagacious, of likewise an American societal danger in peoples to too irreligious so that their was no workable “community” left?

Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core?

You can now figure to a “local” not beyond “state” - your state specifically - for a mashable jive Constitutional, and so as a Federal Socialism barred - writ NOT allowed by it that the Constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?

                                             *       *       *
[Note: For more “similar to” fill site search pane with ‘geo-’ (just: geo-) & press “SEARCH”! And then likewise especially also by “geo-” to the #CitRB sorted set yet of #politics & #economics http://CitRB.net treatments!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:44 pm

President Barack Hussein Obama may not (yet) be to a post Presidency as dramatized with Gene Hackman in WELCOME TO MOOSEPORT - there yet is to be much considered a HOW BIG? - how big a library he may deserve/afford.  PBHO may be all VIP to UK PM, as if of a singularity in importance, and not of “juice” @ #NoJuiceObama beyond questioned, but he is now checked by a Republican Congress and for checkered inconvenient truths.

Governor Mitt Romney shouldn’t look to be thought able to defeat the Clinton after not having been able to defeat PBHO;  GMR should be embarrassed as a businessman for the last month of his 2012 campaign of PBHO of defining him unchecked.  It is seeming an embarrassment that GMR defeated himself especially in his last month when most obviously of like rookie PR mistakes or hubris;  GMR let PBHO be seeming erudite of proffers that Obamacare was Romneycare while GMR let himself seem played while declaring he would replace Obamacare with Romneycare.

Right!  GMR for especially the last month let it seem ridiculous to elect him for if Obamacare was Romneycare and he was just going to like replace Obamacare with Romneycare than the only seeming issue was was it wrong for a black President to have brought the country Romneycare before white Governor brought the nation anything like such an “Affordable Care Act”?

Right!  Piddly to the problems another white Governor seems beset of as a Bush;  Right it seems Governor Jeb Bush is more in a pickle as in the pickle barrel banded about President William Jefferson Clinton and his Mrs., however, and President George Walker Bush.  It seems rookie PR errs are to be trumped by a Governor a brother as like also a step brother while all the lot are to be like the work of the new Republican Congress (just for National Security needs) of accepting that there has been a cover-up at least of that of PWJC when Mrs. FLOTUS and that PBHO did at least inherit a (dangerous) cover-up from, quite the bulk of the Bush clan.

Right!  GJB seems compromised by his brother and his father, at least as Presidents of record goes, for it seems a truth an inconvenient that there was a cover-up that needed a new cover-up after the United States of America was attacked on Benghazi properties for the lies for the PWJC sustaining were falling apart as lies no longer of sufficient constitution, at least.

Right!  PBHO however of inheriting said cover-up so of such absolutes it is impossible to disprove or deny, is yet to be considered for a modest Presidential Library for too it seems to easy to prove he worked from hour one to improve the cover-up of the Clintons and to then like stab the Bush clan in the back towards trying to repair the Clintons to at least be able to bully their way forward evermore at least over any Republicans as under them as the Bush beset under them like so.

But today is of PM of UK of a pop across the pond to at least find intelligent allegiances upon Jenkins Hill as seated in the 114th Congress.  PM of UK may need friends now as the 2016 campaign allowances are expected to be forward well defined and compartmentalized between “governing” and “political partisan campaigning.”

So where is the beef as for now we can leave the pork to less pressing but due deep probatives and debating?

So where is the beef in UK PM cross’d the pond per immediate security and policy concerns?

#IRAN - How not start here for there is actually “moral hazard” in it if allowed to be a brokered “improvement” if made or credited by Secretary of State John Kerry?  Really there is “moral hazard” in there being a deal with Iran now, however reasonable, for SoSJK is of a past that is contrary to compromised for a Posterity for any deal to endure of a constitutional establismentary.  Really there is a risk in SoSJK being a one or the one upon which such could be possible if to endure;  His opposition to Operation Iraqi Freedom is contrary and too his years as of the PWJC years of the avoidance and inaction in years 1993-2001.

For a brevity as newly seated “leaders” are charged to sworn to these duties as of the majority of a bicameral People’d Congress I will try to wrap it for future nibbles upon the hard tack and how SoSJK isn’t quite the right bride for such a FP marriage - for FP progress by “agreement”!  Here:

Iran should favor new deals with the The United States of America because of Operation Iraqi Freedom as right and just and at least as for a late by 8-10 years of offering something less than abandonment to the Iraqi Shia.

Iran if to a willingness to make a deal with the USA is yet of “moral hazard” to any such deal if not to stipulations of SoSJK an inconvenient “messenger” whose opposition to OIF should be apologized for writ large and concurrently.

As since for such to be with the new younger Iran so populated and currently constituted it behoove the poets of Irani nationalism, and hopes, be expressive to at least attempt to rap the bad in the past of Mrs. PWJC, however, however all the way back to 1993 when firstly FLOTUS Mrs. PWJC.

Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary to any possible progress now with Iran - if rumors of such at a new threshold of a global copacetic are to be believed.  The Democrats of these days are too much the Democrats of the days of abandonment from 1993-2001 of expectant of Iraq and Afghanistan;  The Democrats have the history of PWJC of “official speak” as if fixed in his FP as per the ME such that to Iraqi concerns he was bigoted in Islam as biased to favors favoring the Sunni;  The Democrats have that PWJC was officially of posturing that bigotry against Shia - against specifically all Shia of Iraq - against Shia so much he did declare like:  THE (IRAQI) SHIA ARE NOT (PEOPLE) CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

For this to be of said brevity let me just tease a problem too relating to Syria and Ukraine:

At least:  It for their history as part of the U.S.S.R. has baggage to check before allowance for being “separatists” morally.  Ukraine is of the history of the Soviets as per the Cold War of Iran and Iraq played like pawns for the security of oil supplies was needed for a victory by one or the other - historically.

So for brevity:

What can be allowed however SoSJK of a “moral hazard” pertinent to UK PM DC visit to DC and USC & the WH both while a Posterity needs a strength of truth - of cause and effect development logic.

How can an deal be brokered by any Obama Democrat and especially his SoSJK, irregardless of it less of a “moral hazard” than if so hazard actually by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while SoSWJC aka “SoSHRC”?

Otherwise however, isn’t a first step to fixin’ Syria and Ukraine at least to settle the history most contested by Iran?

Mischief to be to undermining all of the above:  If Iran isn’t to being convinced by Ukraine that the Holocaust was real then…?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:28 am

The truth is that President Barack Hussein Obama these years self tagged as to a “New Foundation” is he most physically in a political responsibility he most culpable for how he has destroyed the better foundations that better structured a ‘global’ America.

We can not and should not forget what it can be said he too inherited from the years 1993-2001 of the Administrations of the Clintons.  President Obama is he whom started afoot in the foreign and domestic of professing he desired so to have a personality based presidency.  President Obama firstly should be now, as to “personality”, at blaming himself.

In the news and off the grid, so of the grapevines of blogs, there are discussions to religiosity more Constitutionally restored and vitally in a refreshed People’d peoples civic engagements.  It may help President Obama now more than Mrs. Clinton, however, that too by Susan B. Anthony List standing at The Supreme Court of The United States of America there is now with such originality refreshed of the logic and faith of the Founding Fathers that the Bill of Rights is an accompaniment to the New Testament at least and so that lying is cover-ed by the Ten Commandments, however, written by a man.  Something about ‘bearing false witness’ seems akin to the ‘legacy’ of the House of Clintons.

There may be much President Obama can blame on Secretary Clinton and as well on the years of the terms of the Administration of the Clintons.  Yet though, for now President Obama has himself most to blame.  Yet though, for now President Obama is a he more responsible than she, yes too as a she, as Secretary Clinton and Mrs. Clinton, however.  President Obama, however he proffered an “I inherited this…” has it that regardless of which history he said he “inherited” he chose between available options and much it seems without considering many of his options.

This is not about Mr. Obama - Father Obama - Dad biological to the President.  It however cannot escape the prima facia dramatic that Mrs. Clinton to President Clinton offered a resolution for an Oedipal as if a surrogate white mother figure.  President Clinton is more a ‘father’ for the sake of necessary and timely governance purview discourse - and too still the earlier ‘fathers’ back to the founding fathers - the ‘Founding Fathers.”

The foundations to the problems President Obama is facing about obvious failures at his “New Foundation” have his roots of he a sprouting Harvard Law Student near about the time Al Qaeda was so born - born to become ISIS as is an is like of Osama Bin Laden, however a ‘father’ to it, as an is an is like of a JIHAD against American Infidels too much of “is”s not as “is”s.  The 9/11 Commission Report is hopefully not relied upon by President Obama;  President Obama may be better served to ignore it an yet consider the tome of TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt as a Clinton NSC adviser whom tagged it dangerous as to a begetting terrorism of an if and when the The White House is of an administration working too closely with Hollywood.  Al Qaeda wasn’t covered enough or far enough back by the 9/11 Commission to now have enough in a know as to how the ISIS of today is like of proud sons of OBL living out the purpose that Al Qaeda was formed and originally of asking Saudi Arabian leaders for their blessings to become - to grow into.

To the religiosity yet of the unexpected ‘domestic’ elements of the quandary and conundrums particular to the insufficeincies in his “New Foundation” politics of his sought “personality based presidency” we can consider that it is helpful that the People’d people of the The United States of America are refreshed to how the Bill of Rights is a ten like the Ten Commandments and how the First Amendment affirms that the separation of church and state is so of them as presumed of an equal or greater right at interpretation of God’s will and establishments than the Congress.  The First Amendment affirms that the body of the Constitution by the preamble is the Peoples’ “Order” [with order here as a noun] “done” as a “more perfect Union” than the United Kingdom’s, at least, and so as “subscribed” unanimously while “agreed” or “so agreed” could have otherwise sustained the liberal wants of it set secular.

It should help the People’d people that it has become refreshed that the founding ‘fathers’ secured the ordained and established more perfect “Order” under God by their specified subscribing so in that year of the Christian calendar so of the New Testament as “done” “in the Year of our Lord…”!  So established the separation of church and state and free speech protections of the Bill of Rights by its First has it that “lying” is not to be “legal” (maybe at least in politics of campaigns - campaign advertising) as the Constitution is of the accompaniment writ so to the New Testament, at least.

It should help President Obama and yet not likely his ‘mother’ Clinton nor his ‘father’ Clinton as so refreshed of the original American Dream so conceived and long consecrated the The United States of America is not writ large to an infidelity to Holy words and guidance;  It should help President Obama for such “America” has standing in the Middle East with any “justice” core common of ISIS so that we can stand comparatively to be at the borders edges to Syria and Iraq of an alternative and example that their ‘foundations’ and any success at ‘governance’ can be then related and digressed over, firstly - firstly before there yet could be a more ‘global’ campaign as rationally reasoned in a ‘justice’ against the idea that is “The United States of America.”

President Clinton has been a bad ‘father’ to President Obama.  It seems President Obama has been falling and failing where he may have like accepted advice or “dreams” from President William Jefferson Clinton - he born as conflicted as William Jefferson (Davis) Blythe III — so it seems.

The milk and any cream of the days of Secretary Clinton as of “hard choices” have spoiled on poor President Barack Hussein Obama, however she a ‘mother’ and even too much to an Oedipal as he of any sought of seeking a surrogate elderly white mother figure.  She and he the ‘father’ to her a ‘mother’ of the House of Clintons is embroiled forever forward and backwards of a compromised legacy and of basic wants that will not be favored judiciously or by many People’d peoples while she and he are of the BIG establishments as both known to be revealed and tagged as “Big Liars.”

President Thomas Jefferson did lead a politics for 40 years after 1800 as if its ‘father’ - is it as a ‘father’ of Jeffersonian Republicans?  But while the “Founding Fathers” were dedicated and joined to their historic establishment and ordaining of a People’d Order [again with “Order” as a noun] Thomas Jefferson was over seas and out of their hair/wigs.  The “Founding Fathers” found Thomas Jefferson on his return and Constitutional perusals has issues with their writ;  The writing as the first moderation of the body as the People’s Order of the First Amendment is cleverly penned in unusual first language so to seem to appease the “issues” of Jefferson’s complaints - and yet not to at all.

By Jefferson’s practice and the devotions like apostolic by Jeffersonian Republicans of 1800-1840 quite we have an elephant in the room about how to interpret maybe otherwise than the original intent the specific words of the body and the first amending.  We have that though the Constitution reads as set under God as to an meant accompaniment with the New Testament and as the context of the times affirm such is a natural development of the idea of the colonies independent it is still that how Jefferson governed and his ’sons’ like later may have been only of success for being of a parsed and nuanced otherness.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

To double rabbit a justice about so many crossroads we’ld be cross, maybe, to not discern risings, and raisings, of the ups and downs footed at so many intersections, and there how so of overlay pathology, as to locking in a well joined apropos civility;

To a fitting justice, still set in joined civility of innocence until proven of specific guilt, we are still best to chisel lately at the rabbits’ overlays inaugural of George Washington’s prudent import at “…vicissitudes incident to life” immaturity prima facia.  To avoid even a smidgen of guilt (for a crucifying cross) one needs to consider their footing and their words, and well: 

May you be to lapping ups the joints to such, however, now firstly suggested, as if of two rabbits over-laid, to this joined raising for issues plus’d to capital punishment and apropos premeditation for avoidance from innocence lost.

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Is it of genesis of APPLE that #Jobs struggle was firstly & always to bringing tablets & Bible into the palms of everyone #app’ly?

Prove “Order” so capitalized in preamble is a NOUN as @ The Constitution is a People’s Order — Dems “legality” falls!  To be high with the Founders and their Lord now in a newer Year so of such God of the New Testament you may be prudent to be as engirthed in lines of Noah however so set so natural in hemp;  Joseph as a carpenter, wherever of his Jobian struggles, needed like Noah to be good at rabbits and very stoked in joints, however.

Freedom OF religion as:  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?  When open the Ground Zero Museum of the September 11 Memorial keep will be charged to a keep for truth - and curiosity.  When open at Ground Zero it will be devilish to some, and cross’dly so, how God is to be seen in capital punishment tool’d.  To atheists however grounded, it, a cross, could be a cross as but a rabbited tool for justice as replaceable as by a noose or an electric chair - or guillotine.  Rabbit holes of those among the vicissitudes incident to life can, and have, led many to God - not all, though. Tolerance too is chiseled, at least by a precedence set by U.S.A. Constituted first President under the People’s Order and so humbly under the subscribed set Lord, whence then in that Year as “done” so boldly as per modifying “to form a more perfect Union” ordering.

Though the joints of Noah and Joseph may have been long set in hemp, and more naturally than today’s, the parsed meants of the Founders’ parchment poetry as Law do not set asunder rabbiting writs for heaven on earth through believing in their highs. As established and ordained and set in writs cautiously to forewarn, to avoid yet, to pitfalls from (fogged) stumbles on paths however golden.  It seems impossible for there but to be a freedom of religion as it seems, objectively, that there can be no freedom from religion, though a freedom from a religion is yet plausible - though if only by a stature of another.  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity;  By an objective definition of RELIGION it seems impossible as it as of all humanity that any human can yet be free of RELIGION;  It seems any can only be of it and not ever from it, objectively.  It is but an old or new - good or bad - best poetry of shared humanity, to be judged - but not escaped from, wholly.

ART!  Art, objectively, can be a great and grand tool, at least, to a better and broader crossroads and bridging for latitudes and attitudes better joined for a preservation and practice of prudence in a rectal sui juris akin to Sodom and Gomorrah curriculum to bestow benevolence in habeas corpus prophylactic governance bedded in innocent until proven guilty clausals.  However your persuasion and choice natural biases it behoove yee to be a booster of ART as ART may help you when best to avoid innocence as lost to a cross’d crucifying, however — by ART there can be more room for a preserve of innocence.

There are Bishops on the boards of CHESS everywhere!  It is as obvious an objective statement, it seems, as to suggest there cannot be a freedom from RELIGION - anywhere.  Without a Rorchach, ever, however, most will see an intersections of the laid squares at times cross’dly, however their paths hopeful or hopeless whence.  What though may yet be modern (ART) more as if at surgical strikes as yet moves meant to be less as at marbles and prudently at least as at CHESS?  Did the Clintons’ lose their marble when graphically so to a standard as to stoked as if an “up yours” earthly to the European Union celestial’d circle in a rectangle;  Didn’t the Clintons’ only think marbles while putting a circle in a rectangle anew as the Swastika had been in the fields of red of the Nazi of Hitler and The Third Reich?

(Note to self:  Confirm that no Republican past President, is though like President Obama, also of a flag, as a standard their own as well, and also too that like the Clintons’, so as like Barack Hussein Obama’s, isn’t also like the Nazi flag as graphically imperialistic, objectively (in ART), as an earthly circle, not like the Europeans’ Union. nor Japan’s as humble in a celestial.).

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Crimea, like Syria, however of Russia, is now hardly but a smidgen on the boards of shared humanity;  Crimea it seems isn’t to be stoked as if President Vladimir Putin has somehow lost his marbles, and while only playing marbles.  It seems this may be us of an intersection to be timed as too about a resurgent Russian Christian Orthodoxy.  It seems this is among the vicissitudes incident to life expectant in the existential of the newly Constituted United States of President George Washington’s rabbiting for inescapable humanity by his orations firstly inaugural whence.

Does Vladimir Putin have a holy excuse so about Crimea however too as a strategic CHESS move?  Does the Russian President have the words, even if a prudence to be covert and clever in strategery, to match the word of his Orthodox Christianity so Russian?  How cross’d be he if the Ukrainian (and Crimean) people are not too cross’d?  Is he about helping in their own jurisdictional rabbiting of consent more than terror?

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea is he a TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

What are the particulars most prescient (in a divine) for those not themselves of a cross’d innocence lost joined, however, in ups and downs footed and rabbited?  What are the particulars for those yet not cross’d yet of he that is cross’d?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of thought buried too taxing scandals.

By the words about the cross soon set commemorative we are gathered about Crimea as of new valleys to reason about before it maybe be too late for risen.  Alfred Lord Tennyson, I presume, hadn’t lost his marbles, not a smidgen worth.  President Obama may now be getting CHESS moves he hoped for without an apriori appreciation of a Russian potential about Syria policing maybe firstly wisely pre-staged by better defensive (naval) depths about the Crimean shores.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is past a smidgen worth of tagging as at only being of playing marbles isn’t it if President Vladimir Putin is a rising in the establishments of Russian Christian Orthodoxy maybe being preparatory to better crusading joined defensive new suppositions of naval deposits about the Crimea?  If we are to expect a Russian responsibility for its (guilt) of years in enabling just President Bashar al-Assad as a Russian compassionate conservativism shouldn’t we think it may be safer for Ukrainian if Crimean only seen as the home port of the Russian Crusades?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of (thought) buried too taxing scandals.

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea isn’t he also @ a/also TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.  Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion - ONLY - as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Isn’t it to atheists that a cross’d just as well if displayed, displayed otherwise by a noose, an electric chair, syringe, or a guillotine?  As ART yet of helping latitudes of attitudes for the preservation of realms of innocent until proven guilty?  We are, where ever, yet, however, Constituted much about the rabbiting joined in the “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” as the word of US by the first white President George Washington and his orations in New York City. 

We are always at a crossroads - a cross’d - as of our walks and net mobility.  Be careful, and forewarned yet to stay even, tall and from even a smidgen + of guilt!  Long live a carpe diem Miranda’d established, ordained, subscribed boldly writ “done” more perfect Union!

                                            *     *     *
[Yes, though as much about dadoes, or a dado paired pared, such here so chiseled sketchy of rabbits and rabbets.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:28 pm

For any modern discussion of economics we must in a bi-partisan/non-partisan/cross-partisan be to spinning beyond TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS.  We are stuck now as commenced to a new #MoralCapitalism of a rejoined humanity in #MoralMan historicals much and quite mostly for #UrbanMoralisms.  Thanks to Martin Luther, however of a BE BOLD IN YOUR SINS, some may have taken past liberties in cruelty expectant that the day was then that even so so they could and would be forgiven.

It is that a morality is what has stewed better progress for Secretary Kerry than for Secretary Clinton.  Since Madam Secretary is inseparable from Bill Clinton’s commitment to her, as recalled, that preceded a fidelity in marriage arrangement with their prior necessary condition to marriage of that he would promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his, there is a forgivable possible and a forgivable not appropriate for a candidate or just historical Hillary Rodham Clinton;  Mrs. Clinton cannot run yet for 2016 as if of a Christian forgiveness granted daily so that each day she can be like just a lawyer with new cases — the Clintons do have a running con - a decades long operable plan for the election of her that as a still kept plan greater than each of her/our days is such of a aura than should not and cannot be overlooked or of a forgiveness sponsoring.  She is white - she is white collar - she may deserved being a white collared even if by an establishment morality separate from a State as a white collared posse.

President Barack Hussein Obama is a conundrum for historicals in economics.  It is hard to say he has a philosophy of governance nor any “economics” his own but that of spend, spend, spend & tax & tax reset of old “tax & spend” that if Mrs. Clinton otherwise had been electable too would have been of a politically necessary to render herself of at too as Senators Obama & Clinton did make nearly all the same campaign promises.  It is here ridiculous to try to relate to any TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS and especially if to be of a political spin doctoring attempt to show them in a possibly more moral light.  It is ridiculous otherwise too now to much discuss TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS just because the marketing and pop culture of these days are not of the era of such economics and are not sustainable or supportive to a harmonics or synthesis currently.  I propose that we now are to a new economics paradigm of at least a soft science discerning that can be responsibly tagged as a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

A discussion of a SUPPOSITORY ECONOMICS vs. a DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is seemingly apropos for these current social dynamics of the micro or macro and the local or global.  A discussion and development of a general understanding and furtherance of quantifiable and applicable discourse though may be good for setting us forward back to at least a decade of growth economics yet while it seems that such cannot fare well for President Obama nor other so yet set other leading Democrats.  It seems that we can focus how the Democrats in mass basically have been failing economically much because they have been lacking the understanding that should be generally solidified if and when to a full and detailed expose of that to do justice to it as a better and new economics as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

It can be said to be generally acceptable that President Obama did not rightly place the blame for the said “economics” he “inherited.”  It can be said that politically President Obama trapped himself from a better economics by being from day one of a politics of covering up how much of the collapsing of economies was rooted and nurtured essentially of Clintonomics and the general political administering of the co-Presidency of the Clintons.  The entire time since President Obama started off his first term with lies to the economics in play embedded and orated in his First Inaugural he has been of arresting any potential he may have had otherwise than has yet been demonstrable.  The Democrats in mass have been of an immorality in their governance by ways of lies about the causals most significant to the problemas.  They have only succeeded in pushing a “morality” agenda by a politics immoral as of them of falsely accusing and wrongly tagging the actual historical politics and economics.

Whom of white collars can be a posse?  We if again to a growth economics need be not of a said old and tired SUPPLY SIDE and/or TRICKLE DOWN now.  To be anew to a #MoralCapitalism we need to recognize we are not limited to the old Cold War Era prudent obedience to a TOP down guidance of/with assurities by Government that ones commerce wouldn’t be accidentally treasonous.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a charge of liberatings in new federalism have become a global normative.  We of America are of establishments that do quite require that an establishment morality exists separate from the State just so that the State can have a chance at operating morally.

It of us to a new economics as by ways of discerning as SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is also necessarily of a historical setting to an affecting that Democrats have not understood the socio - nor economics of their days so charge in its administering.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a new economics need not be of SUPPLY SIDE nor TRICKLE DOWN old Cold War era prudence that did much synch with the marketing and advertising harmonics whence.  A new establishment economics can be of how the Democrats missed there were two economics to govern about while proffering their irresponsible climate and economic sciences — we have long been of a complex economics that is said of people playing games in the economies, however justified as if a hobby in doing God’s work, as by supposing things as possible and potential, and, we have long been to while so of such in our economics of the core of the “moral” in the “humanity” of commerce and governance of the more permanent socio-economic of people living only by what they did deposit as of the economics of subsistence more nearly.

A ripe fruit as a conundrum a problema as a prolegomena for prima facia for SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is the unforgivable socio per the Clintons of the commitment keeping by Bill Clinton of his promise that Mrs. Clinton if she agreed to become his bride would have his fidelity at least to keeping his promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his.  [This is of a historical of my own experience and knowledge of the Clintons which dates to the early 1970s.]  The plans and plots of the Clinton “two-fer” is mostly a running con that asks that they be of a Christian forgiveness fresh start each day from so many without any consideration that such is dominant and unforgivable.  It is bad enough for any economics that the Clintons are both lawyered/esquired (still?) and of a politics of playing at governance as if even in the charges they are the lawyers and of the adage “the client goes to jail” not the lawyer, and as they are each other’s lawyer firstly and protected spousally from incriminating the other and all the while they like to ask the People to let them forget their own hands/culpability each day as if by being lawyers each day is just a new case and a blank slate in “professional” plausible deniability for them.

But this needn’t be so personal while the historical record still needs to be settled more correctly for the Clintons and President Obama’s year of administering as self arrested from a greater HOPE and POTENTIAL by his handcuffing of his presidency so with his most affecting cover-up cons for the Clintons on a presumption that their party needed the same protection for an associated guilt with the much unknown seeming husbandry of a most selfish and spousally set Clinton political machinations.  The economics of these years of administering by the Obama administration are and have been corrupted.  It is more considerable for any now beholden towards a morality reset for a renewed #MoralCapitalism though that the economics of the Clintons and Obama administration have missed the complexity of the real world economics as of a gaming and subsistence - a supposing and deposits limited - a SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY.

For now I have broached a discourse on a better and new economics science tagging — I will apply now some empathy receptors towards a further consideration and to an end that a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS can now mesh with the Laffer Curve logistics and yet be a different from and more time and place responsive adjusted socio-economic lingua.

In future elaborations we can discuss the old vs. new as the Cold War and current geo-politics respective of the Russian Federation and Iran.  There is a necessary consideration to be worked through of President Putin as a Russian Orthodox Christian and of his engagements now in Syria and Iran affairs.  Russia has rebuilt the grand Cathedral that Stalin tore asunder to make a permanent like monument to himself for the ages and his “governance.”  Iran has cause to, however long of alliances with Russian powers, be firstly if to nuclear weapons to be of a morality that is considerate that “Russians” are due a targeting firstly and much before Americans or whomever otherwise of past opposing coalitions.

For any tagging of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS to hold up and as if learned such much be applicable to a considerate historical at least as per Afghanistan and too how if the United States had not helped defeat the moves of expansionist communism/socialism by the old U.S.S.R. whence today Iran could too be just a satellite Soviet subject region.

{I wasn’t going to be expansive or historical to the early 90s recession recovery considerations but then today in 11:30 to Noon slot on The History Channel a short on Nelson Mandela confirmed an upside down of the politics and economics of the early 90s I had been considering but not meaning to also diss.  Of that of my economic thought and efforts of said pre-Clinton Clinton 90s recovery architecture is much that I was essentially to musing and synching a counter culture marking that was of an empathy for the more real economics as upside down as it was that the people at the thought bottom were then more relaxed and having more fun than the said “rich” of the top.  As per the Mandela documentary short they aired how he saw that the whites could be saved from themselves as a ticket forward his/theirs.  There is though I was annoyed by the Nobel Prize for Economics circa near 1992 and then later also annoyed that my architecture that was meant to be played with a complexity of at least a first part and then a needed second moderated differently second part had those like of he of the Nobel prize whence also apprised from earlier of my “marketing” for “economics” then stuck and ignorant of the second part and so that I was never able to also influence such via the remainder of my considerations in economics and positive change politics.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:58 am

I am not now harboring - nor have I ever harbored a fugitive Catholic Priest.

William Stringfellow is remember from near three years before he gave up his ghost.  He is remembered for having been a client and he that taught me how to use a weed wacker - his weed wacker.  I was a college student at the time of summer days to work and earn - I was a Villanova University student unaware though of Daniel Berrigan ties to nearby to V.U. King of Prussia - I was willing to work a month to tame his overgrown yards and landscaping after it seemed disloyal or immoral to stay a bike and moped mechanic so summered on Block Island.

Perchance it need not be just in a dream to learn from a once fugitive of the FBI Most Wanted list oddly or not as a Catholic Priest how one old anti-war activist may now judge the hawkish like ‘converted from’ Catholic Secretary John Kerry.  By Wikipedia alone a presence seems still embodied for Daniel Berrigan though born in 1921 - by his Wiki page it may even still be teaching at Fordham University.

Secretary of State John Kerry, however once more seemingly in line with Rome as Catholic, and cats, now have Latin rivals for innocent cuteness in Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.  The more hawkish and like converted and near due excommunication it may seem that former anti-war John Kerry steps these two Latins may only have that they are not Kennedy Democrat Catholics shorting their illuminosities.  It wasn’t long ago that there was a dovish Catholic Senator John Kerry of the Rome writ Iraq posture that Catholic citizens of the United States of America were not called as of the global Catholic family to support Operation Iraqi Freedom - as it seems it was written that Catholics where ever are not as a family set called to intercede in a Muslim country to help save Muslims from Muslims - to help bring Justice to some Muslims as for or from the injusticed of other Muslims.

Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz are now being posted comparatively as LATIN LOVERS more of a MAKE LOVE NOT WARS politics that can rival on YouTube much the cuteness of cats - or at least puppies.  That said:  Senator Rand Paul may have enough coquettishness in a more dovish and prudent playfulness himself in an alternative politics.

It seems there as been a conversion by Secretary of State John Kerry.  I don’t know how Jesuits and any trained and adorned of black robes can justly conflate the anti-war Kerry and the Diplomat Kerry.  It seems that Rome is still frankly of a Catholic family as not set or called of a morality to beckon Christian souls to be heralded to hawkish warring if and when most considerately as if of a problema of a politics to interceding into a Muslim state in a conflict between Muslims.  It seems at this point someone more in the know, say Secretary John Kerry, might explain that there are more Christian souls in jeopardy in Syria than there were in Iraq.

We have by the conversion to most hawkish “Diplomat” he born Catholic of Rome - John Kerry - must be conflicted.  I don’t know past this queriousness a/the religious specificity appropriate to such.  It is that President Obama, his Boss, and the servant of the People presiding anew in the plantation of the White House, may be calling the shots solely politically and irregardless of “moral” traditions but as by “international norms” of a conversion now of his own.

It isn’t with a coquettishness that the lights are bright upon Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (see CV hers).  The new “muscular” “Diplomacy” of the Obama administration by the chairing guidance of her successor Catholic John Kerry begets many to behoove apparent and mystical contradictions.  It is that while the hawkish and converted march of guns of Obama by his loyal Catholic Secretary persist that all souls are confounded about how if it is now necessarily “muscular” in post “Hillary” days than what abomination are the days of Secretary Clinton to be decried of? 

Has the United States of America while of the ‘leadership’ of President Barack Hussein Obama only gotten to such a moral - religious - political pickle by way of Mrs. Clinton “Diplomacy” of lacking in “muscle”?  She has a record - a very public record - that makes in dangerous and inappropriate to proffer her a place to stand or sit each day as if each day is just a new day - and her of no troubles - and her of a clean slate without the reality of the Clintons together of a troubled past.

Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz are now being illuminated and posted comparitively of such an innocence that it is a wonder if they now are not now quite adorable globally as LATIN LOVERS possibly inevitable to be natural new heirs to the mystique and charm at least of Catholic Kennedy Democrats.  It may be that as LATINS, however blooded so, that they will have a Catholic bump and a quite pedestrian and catholic embrace as if parochial and Catholics of the LATIN AMERICAN POPE - The new Pope - Pope Francis.

The hawkish interventionist “Diplomacy” of Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry is seeming of such a conversion for him and his storied anti-war activist past that there is a story somewhere maybe quite near of a threat of excommunication.

For now it is that he is being asked to be more moral than his predecessor Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and to be of a “Diplomacy” less of her abortiveness and misbegotten bastardly “rival” spousaled selfish political machinations.  Both John Kerry and Hillary Clinton seem to have been appointed by President Obama to impossible politics - to duty calls conflicted by them each some of instincts to try to serve at least two Bosses at the same time.

It is hard these days as so much of the fabricated propaganda of the Clintons’ Admin declarations of PEACE before its time lay decimated.  President Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech decried the Clintons quite publicly of his posits of dangers to arise from inaction and avoidance.  It is that President Obama has been quite poetic in his raps on the still rivaling Clintons and methaphorical about their administering of having been too morally flawed as of a political abortiveness as if of the “danger” of his orations writ Nobel to illuminate regarding their years of “inaction” and “avoidance.”

As we have that there seems to be a conversion or momentary weakness about a worshipping of a false and political idol of Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry and as a new “muscular” posture for the servant of the People President Obama - Latins and Catholic Kennedy Democrats are finding it easier to bear witness to a truth that much of the current calls to “morality” have arisen as of a  misbegotten and bastardly conflicted politics of the Clintons - and more of the Clintons personally than generally of a Democrat Party ideological arresting by a stereotyping classification as by “The Clintons’ Administration.”

Hillary Clinton has baggage as a ball and chain to follow her dusk to dawn to work every day.  She isn’t due a “clean slate” each morning as for these are days most trying for too many and of her quite of a denial that she gave birth to so much by her own forensically confirmable political intercoursing.  As long as Hillary Clinton asks to be benefited an innocence and a clean slate because she is like just “still standing” it is immoral, it seems, to not talk about a need for a more hawkish and muscular “Diplomacy” as something at least bastardly theirs as long as they attempt a denial of origins.

Rest in peace William Stringfellow.  You are remembered by many as a very short white guy whom after acquiring a Harvard Law Degree did break bread differently than most of his classed set as elite educated when you took to the street corners of Harlem to bring a equal jurisprudence and practice to its streets and street corners.

Daniel Berrigan - once notorious anti-war FBI most wanted fugitive - and endeared to some how while a Catholic Priest born of the year 1921 - Your Wiki page has you listed as undead and teaching - Daniel Berrigan has John Kerry “lost his stripes”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:17 am

Because of Bill Clinton - President William Jefferson Clinton - it is most improbable now that any national Democrat can offer a bi-partisan road forward.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton oddly, for her purported “feminism”, is secured it seems as FLOTUS Hillary of the Clinton Foundation - as First Lady of the Clintons’ global initiatives.

Because of the partisan political first steps of the Clinton administration per the Middle East as it dates to the Year of the Founders’ Lord one thousand nine hundred and Ninety three the politics of the People of the United States of America are undermined.  President Clinton is remembered for a lawyer trickery like a used car salesman of the lower ranks of strategery for pushing lemons as sound vehicles. 

The threat reports of the United States as per the Middle East and our long history of Cold War involvements are yet corrected or properly of sufficient factoring for the variables related to the first move of the Clinton administration with a group of Middle East leaders so of he requesting that they contractually agree to just blame all ‘anti-American’ sentiment and justifications on Republicans.  It was a cheap trick to akin to the low ranks of thought stereotypes for used car salesmen.  It is a wrench still in the gears of the foreign affairs of the United States and as well all “intelligence” derived within.  It is that President Clinton is remembered for locking in a group of Middle East leaders to not blame him or Democrats for any or all of the Cold War years, at least, and to give him a clean slate - and that such to him was for a way to then avoid the action and commitment for the US relationships that better would have been with him to working to resolve in lieu of just blaming.

A slippery slope or an impossible oil slick for even a pedestrian navigation of current US relations across the Middle East is much the crash lawyering trickery of President Clinton akin to his reputation as “Slick Willy” for it seems having a slippery fork tongued (disbarred) esquired willingness to stand and present himself of an innocence while more of a guilt.

The people of the Middle East are of an honor and pride themselves in being honorable for their sense of honor.  The leaders of the Middle East seem foremost among those that pride themselves on being honorable for their sense of honor. 

President Clinton’s crass cheap tricks in politics to bias history of his first year and first steps developed to be much lacking in honor.  President Clinton’s “diplomacy” haunts now our foreign relations and ability to properly interpret intelligence — He as remembered so was to trapping a people of their sense of honor in a contract he then enforced to his selfish purposes and in ways that then held other “leaders” to a performance to keep up their end of his “bargain” to just blame Republicans. 

This is remembered while remembering also that such fits with my first bad first impression of Bill and Hillary from the early 1970s in the year or two before Watergate.  I have known Bill and Hillary since their law school days for it was that they polled my as a young youth to whether they could both become President of the United States of America some day.  It is remembered that from my first meeting of Bill Clinton I found him willing to lie and as well to ask a near first grader to lie to and in support of his lying as to what such’s God’s honest answer was to his querying.

There is a much longer story in the how and why of their rise in the 1992 election cycle for me to tell in coming years as of how for all the leading help they got from me after my initial guidance to Democrats as to how they could win in 1992 it was that much that came from me that has long benefited the Clintons after getting on such a wagon of mine was long firstly figured otherwise to be to protecting people from them specifically.  For now let me just say that though I did tell them that if they entered and learned how to sound like me they could win, and, that I wasn’t intending my help and guidance for Democrats to be enough to get them elected.  I was meaning to make sure President Bush had an actual credible opponent in the 1992 race and hadn’t figured the entrance of Ross Perot.  I was of my original opinion of the Clintons then and yet helping them to seem more electable than even I thought they were as a matter in my mind about national security.  I was of such opinions and a hope to flush these two out for a single use as disposable politicians.

On the honor of the code of honor honorable among the people and leaders whence and now of the Middle East it is that our systems are still corrupted by the first steps and the performance President Clinton insisted upon as per the improper “contract” he worked so of a promise that only Republicans would be blamed for the past problems and that too he would have it interpreted that such promise was to avoid blaming him as long as he was still in office.

There is very little honor in this as how President Clinton (the Clintons) can be remembered.

As for our story and how it was of years and decades of Bill and Hillary checking in while of their political plotting at times of wondering if ‘that charming boy from the school yard’ was of thinking they then were trying to go too far - we have a special relationship - and especially special relationship since so much good I worked was actually firstly figured in parts to be bulwarks against them and their shared plotting.  It is ridiculous how they are still too well considered for “successes” that only came to be from work long as prophylactics against them.  It is ridiculous but how when I stopped protecting us and them from themselves they weren’t even then able to defeat the near unknown junior peer of Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race.  I have comfort in my knowledge of the decades about such conflicted politics of how I did help and then not help in order to asses and know how when I helped them they looked good or great and when I withheld pro-active voluntary efforts they mostly stumbled and bumbled.

There is an honor I hope in my years of work after my efforts at knowingly helping the Clintons seem better and more electable than even I thought they were for it of voluntary and proactive work to many years and trying times at then a business too “proactive” and “voluntary” to mediate and reduce the risks of and from the Clintons if and when left to be themselves politically.  There is that after they were unexpectedly elected (for the lack of a factoring of Ross Perot) I thought I had a responsibility to keep trying to save Democrats from themselves to then save what could be saved of the People more generally.

Essentially it may be the worst of Bill Clinton as “Slick Willy” that he proceeded as President in foreign policy that not only asked the Middle East to bias history with sole blaming of Republicans for all that was wrong but to then put them on their honor to continue just blaming the Republicans for all those years that the Clinton Administration’s avoidance and inaction was diabolical “politics” actually of his hands not Republicans. 

It is so also remembered and due finally a dealing with that while holding such some remembered Middle East leaders to he secured promise to not blame him or Democrats he was then firstly of his work to have such be a contract also of a promise that with such would be a promise to not attack America - The homeland of the United States of America - about such as they were to just blame Republicans about - as long as he was still in office.

Syria now presents and opportunity for the known world and all of the United States of America to get the history and politics of their times all wrong anew.  These days are the days we need to open a dialogue about what did and has gone wrong because President Clinton thought his “lawyering” trickery of his reputation of short of honor as “Slick Willy” could provide a foundations for lasting understanding and lasting growth.

It is that I just hope that how the 911 Commission work has been flawed from their start and so about a “prudence” proffered, however, as if looking back just ten years to understand Al Qaeda would be intelligent or telling isn’t of a politics of the Clintons at a lobbying about such to keep the Government of the United States of America from looking far enough back - to looking just back 12 -14 years - to looking just back to the conception/birth of Al Qaeda - to looking far enough back to clearly unearth a (legally) buried “contracted” culpability or just gross negligence.

It is that it seems while near another anniversary of the attacks of 9/11 by Al Qaeda it figures most simply that we got attacked because President Clinton had failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein even just for his invasion of Kuwait.  It is slippery more though and still how our paths for an understanding as it now is needed most with Syria conflicts stirring are of risks for a lack of understanding that President Clinton actually spent his eight years trapping Middle East leaders, as remembered, on their honor of his worked promise to just blame Republicans and to not be to any attacks on the homeland of the US while he was still President.

It is simply now also important to consider and debate how it seems the attacks of 9/11/2001 were planned and prepared for for years before those first months of the Administration of  George W. Bush and as it was that globally those times were of an expectation that the next President of the United States was most likely to be Al Gore.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:41 am

Uncle Sam recruitment:
- - - VOLUNTEER NOW! - - -

The Armed Forces of the United States of America are battle worn, tired and depleted.  President Barack Hussein Obama has a case for flexing of moral authority at least now as per Syria as by its current leader Bashar al-Assad.  It wouldn’t be prudent for our Congress to authorize action along the lines of the moral persuasion of a President without seriously being to midnight oil burning at considerations about refreshing its forces.

A few good men and women are needed.  Those most ready but on the sidelines yet enlisted are much those as of the BOYZ N THE HOOD.  President Obama, just in his Chicago, has neighborhoods and neighborhoods full of those already conditioned to a home life - daily life - that would otherwise have to be drilled or trained into others.  Is Obama’s moral stand and red line on Chemical Weapons prosecutions their CALL TO GLORY?

There are “moral” and “legal” obstacles to “recruiting” based on such - of a ready and able set of already sensitized to turf sensitivities and of a gun culture while it also a selection based too much also on racial superiorities.

President Obama is at the threshold of a new frontier for American engagements in global policing.  He is at the doorstep of a need for a new type of Army - a new readiness for a urban attrition warfare secured by need in a morality his - to be justified by him, now, and forever. 

These are not the days to hear of a propaganda like as “O’S DIRTY 300″ but as of honor and a call to duty.

In America the already most ready for this new type of warfare by its President’s spoken to morality just happen to be conjested mostly already in urban areas of America’s largest cities as areas sometimes to often left to be stereotyped as “hoods.”  If the President cannot now refresh the Army and infantry of the United States with those of the already developed most needed skill sets by volunteerism it seems a new draft will be necessary in a cautious preparedness.

If the President moves on Assad for his violations of international norms he and we citizens won’t be able to skirt his red line and its (presumptive) standing of the United States as of a higher and greater morality.

The honor and calling of military service has long been a way up in ones community and nation’s eyes.  It would be better if the United States of American can continue and persist still now forward with an all volunteer armed forces. 

Chicagoan Barack Obama, as President, is a foot in a new march to establish a great moral authority and legacy for himself.

What our Armed Forces are now lacking or tired of is likely mostly that which exists habitually and homogeneously in at least the largest of the urban concentrations of loyal Democrat Party “hood” black neighborhoods.

To now be to grand headlines of great urban (attrition) warfare victories of a new BOYZ OF THE HOOD rendition is much where it seems President Obama is leading us.  A header of “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be prejudged henceforth not as if he emptied the prisons to fight his wars - to stand up his morals globally — it as well shouldn’t be a slight for the color of their skin.  A “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be of a glory and praise for volunteers of the Obama morality now forward for of a courage and endurance of a readiness and willingness to do the hard (dirty) work of peace making.

It may or may not help that today in these journeys of man it is truer that Jesus was a black man up from Africa too and as well of the original “Adam” of our stories of humanity of an “Eden” firstly of the African continent.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:54 am

As we are near into the breach again - however “morally” now indeterminate - it is appreciable that President Barack Hussein Obama would now be a better servant of the peoples if he had forgone his Harvard Law degree but for a Harvard Divinity doctorate.

We can see him of his youthful Hawaiian “surf’s up” random whimsy as if of having grown up with a surf board shackled 24-7 to his ankle however branded by his Sex Wax — as if a pod racer named DARTH HUSSEIN.

He seems post occidental as a bigger Kahuna these days that try so many souls with the suffrage and suffering about his (inconvenient) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We are of tides and ebbs cycling with the youthful idealism of @BarackObama where his ends are supposed to be able to justify (eventually) his means.

As of the estranged racism of his pacific black man rights of passage “Barry” was maybe more a greaser than establishment and yet while accepted by the color of his skin as if more a native local just with funny hair.  Seems.  I can attest that he by near 11th grade had a competitive interest in oratory of at least President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and that for a declaration of war infamy related to some of the surprised history of the Hawaiian islands.

His “sled” his “pod racer” however named for he as a  DARTH HUSSEIN dark force “surf’s up” idealist may have had him less of time warps and warp speed as still of the era of pedestrian raciness less “back in the saddle” and more “doggy paddle” beach bum.  He may have howled at the moons and danced hung by leis with time in between to honor the fallen of Pearl Harbor and the Pacific campaigns of World War II - at least — he was/is still though of the “ebony and ivory” the “salt and pepper” of his parents stories as so conceived a Russian Studies LOVE CHILD “Barry Obama” - American.

He hasn’t purported a “morality” of a modern struggle against an axis of evil - he hasn’t recused himself from his personal story of a divided home that for his youthful reflections likely had him pining for a Socialist Soviet styled America as if it were the only way to bring his parents - his “ebony and ivory” - his “salt and pepper” - his “black and white” - back together. 

We are at the yet unwritten chapters of his memoirs, oddly, that should have most much concerned as to who Barack “Barry” Hussein Obama really is.  It really seems that at least we all could feel safer and believe he has a plan better if he had a Harvard Divinity Doctorate and not his Harvard Law JD.  He up to now has seems lacking in a philosophy of governance or a call to a general “morality” but to a politically rendered pop New Nationalism evangelizing towards secular Socialism.

Who is “Barry” the wave rider racer likely accepted in Hawaii as if a native just with funny hair?  How long did he paddle - paddle necessarily doggy styled to try to be a big Kahuna?  Did he yet catch enough wave before he was Senator Obama to be said to have HUNG TEN?  Is he from his troubled youth of his split family of a pining to be again firstly of the love as a SOVIET STUDIES LOVE CHILD of such “ebony and ivory” - “salt and pepper” - “black and white”?

For the sake of political simplicity it behoove many to broach the waxing of President Barack Hussein Obama as per Syria as SPLASH than a STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK.  We have that the Middle East used to have been subjected to a over-lording some as the United States of America fought many places and many ways to stem the attempts by the U.S.S.R. to reign an expansionist State Socialism across the seven seas.  Syria of today can be said to be one of those places that has lost its global cache with the end of the Cold War and the retreat of Obama’s endearing Soviet Socialism.

There are histories now contrary to histories and oddly yet coexistent as if both or all could be true and accurate.

President Obama didn’t catch the waves of the defeat of his endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.

There are stories to be told of how President Barack Hussein Obama and the lot of the Clintons’ “two-fer” BOGO political machinations bet the boards and tides too much to the very crashes of the years of suffering under the idealism effected with the Democrats of the Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  He may be “successful” for having whipped enough - for having whipped so many so long and severely such that he has affected a new leaner “American” that is of the worked for conditioned response to be to eating less - spending less - saving more of his Green Energy Agenda of a “Vader” quality some too much for having put the earth and its environment above the people and their humanity.

He must have been a young dandy of a youth.  How did he paddle - how often did he paddle?  How keen and/or bright were his stands at trying to stay upright and moral while young “Barry” Obama?

As he nears us to a breach anew it is that he seems nearer to accepting that expansionist State Socialism was defeated by Capitalism and Reagan Revolution political activism and endurance.  He nearly seems a new man - not quite “born again” but now more cautious and suspicious of that of his old most endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.  He has to be torn internally with such a American story — but it is that Al Qaeda may have felt justified in attacking the United States of America because of the abandonment (of principles) and inaction and avoidance of the Clintons’ administering for it of having provided an insufficient prosecution of Saddam Hussein (as like an earlier Assad - as a new Hitler (lite)).

Assad is like a Saddam Hussein as a Middle East secular dictator who couldn’t or wouldn’t change with the world when the world reset to a new order after the end of the Cold War as it was with Afghanistan a Gettysburg turning point of it.  They are like of the history of Ba’athism some together - they both seemed to some have “perverted” the original idealism of the Ba’athist ideologicals to be towards a beautiful unity of all Arabs into a United Arab Socialist State.  (I still lean on the book by Alan Hart - ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER — when speaking to the history of the Ba’athist Party and to suggestions that its Socialistic ideology would and could be perverted by ‘politicians’ for more selfish and tyrannical ends.)

We are decades from the days “Barry” Obama however torn and challenged as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD waxed his days away on the tides of the then news and issues of the days.  He seems now of days to paddle anew a dandy of a freer way for the tides are lifting with federalism debates and new Constitutions in the winds. 

Today who is President Barack Hussein Obama - is he a fresh American dandy or too much a DARTH HUSSEIN?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:53 am

With the rightly due honors and celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King presence with the March On Washington and his “I have a Dream” speech there is a considerate modern politics to be concerned about per President William Jefferson Clinton.

The early reports have that President Clinton is expected to participate in the 50th commemoration but without the honesty in the air of how it was quite that trillion dollar surplus and hyper consumerism of Clintonomics coupled with Al Gore’s GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM and HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT “economics” pledge to be Socialistic of a promise to seize all oil company profits that beat the drums and forced the march of so many to such now high unemployment and depreciated existence.  It is that President Clinton coupled with the Clintons’ machinations for HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT arrests the sensibilities as most taggable historically in many metrics for the depression level decimation of dreams of blacks across the states of the USA.

These are the days where if America is to move forward all blacks should be shouting out their own dreams and showing their colors spectrally critically from President Barack Obama.  These are the days for like skinned to stand and march to their own beat to show that they are not just “all the same” and all of a prescribed political as of Obama’s colors.

Though I am likely to be honoring and commemorating in my own way tomorrow - though I may likely be to being a carpenter more tomorrow of its mid hours as a paddle restorer and shellacker of Helmsman exterior Polyurethane of a still shared spirit of “dip dip and sing” unity — it is most troubling these waters still too much of the lies and false constructs of the Clintons.  I one way or another will still be “paddling” for women equality tomorrow and as well the Dream of Martin Luther King as I think I may find and prioritize time to be back ‘in the woodshed’ to protecting my original three legged stool and as well the vintage canoe paddle I picked from a neighbor’s bulk trash in the past year.  By tomorrow afternoon my epoxy and carpentry repairs should be done and sanded and ready for UV resistant Helmsman spray Polyurethane protection with my heart shape guitar styled ‘milking stool’ like three legged stool.  I have only ever paddled one way that I know of - as far as I can recall I have always done the dip dip and sing song of the drum beat more majored by Martin Luther King.

As Arnold was likely named for the Arnold’s Shoe Store I got my sneakers for good spirit and youth adventure willing from, it may haunt even Hathaways, for cats and Pumas how it was a spark of early teens mine gave cause and rising for the DIFFERENT STROKES TV show.  (Long story - some told already on or off of jphogan.org)  For now I still live the life of media consciousness about my story of being so young yet wise to such and with a participatory “it would/will be better and work better if show has two adopted black sons - not just one.  (You did catch the “willing” as like a “Willis” embodiment of good cause carrying/paddling - yes?)

Hearing just of Reince Prebus on his personal mixed blood American story I was swilled back to my Washington DC political toasting from the years 1998 -2007 of nearly ten years self employed in the District while living on Capitol Hill across from Eastern Market — I have been right of center to more than just right of center and of the Dream my whole life and especially as a DC resident for nearly 10 full years.  One third of my self employed gross receipts those years were from work generated by the dreams and needs of the kindly Ethiopian Americans I also called my landlords.  And, so as to the “toasting” “swilling” as I kept it while able to bill out as a self employed carpenter at $100 - $150 per hour to evening wraps with Milwaukee’s Best or maybe instead some Kentucky Bourbon.  Seems I thought the best balance for us all was to be found in my keeping it grassroots and ground level with the well kept spirits of at least Wisconsin.

On the dark side of all this of THE BLACK TRAP is much that the Clintons are due a serious rap for having been causally negligent at least for 9/11 I & 9/11 II — that it is that 9/11 was likely kept by Al Qaeda as a Holy Day of “Jihad” where it could only be for the original sense of “justice” that another attack on the US on such day could be authorized or commemorated.  It sits for all to see if looked for that it does fit that it figures that the Clintons choices, inactions and actions do best explain both 9/11 Al Qaeda related events.  It seems that in the first case it was that the USA had the “cops” called on us once the Clintons were gone, and called to relating the crimes of the Clintons whence they then could not cover them up defensively as causally of their negligence, or too low standards.  By the time of the second 9/11 Charlotte had happened and Bill Clinton seemed unleashed from justice and on the rise again without justice upon him rendered for inadequate and insufficient justice wrought upon Saddam Hussein.

If you know Bill Clinton well enough you likely have experienced the gleeful moments of him thinking knowingly that he is and is “getting away with it.”  It is more a “wired” “real time” “sharing” than a “Dream” for those who have such sad awareness of the corruptive power that has reigned nearly supreme across the Clintons’ union.

Today and tomorrow are much of “Black” and for “Blacks” post women equality conjunctiveness.  And so that all should expect some answers - expect some real answers to how these days calling President Barack Hussein Obama in a Christian morality necessitate a queriousness as to whom of “blacks” go wrong by wanting to be a Ramses more than a Moses.

This day is set to live in infamy itself as we seem yet of breaking news that President Obama has yet consulted with Pope Francis as per “morality” related to Syria and chemical weapons nor of he the President of yet at least having gathered at least eight white men in black robes/garb of actual lasting historical moral traditions for reflection upon such seriousness for all in his house of the people such that The White House yet remains.

To speak to “morality” and to a clarity of the tragic failings of the Clintons today hasn’t been here and via my http://www.facebook.com/jpeterhogan to saying that Al Qaeda was justified by the Clintons shortcomings in their 9/11 attacks - though such is out there as suggested about the brevity of the airing.  I have spoken with written words to how the Clintons’ union has been of the moral shortcomings that gave a sense of justice as due upon the USA for its decisions of its first year of 1993.  I, to be clear, though, while offering that Al Qaeda felt justified in its attacks of the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, must parse the “morality” as per what seems a general “Holy War” “morality” that the politics and political balance was not yet so overthrown by the Clintons’ selfish political machinations such that a more civil and considerate corrective dialogue and resting wasn’t still possible — I haven’t said the attacks of 9/11 were actually “morally” “justified” though it seems in my brevity I have stated such - It seems there were more civil and moral alternatives still available even for the radicalized of the Al Qaeda Islamist historicals such that their attacks when they were effected were premature to a right of “jihad.”  That is though much debatable - even more debatable as it recently was that it seemed the Clintons had effected a Party coup upon the Obama’s for practical control of Democratic Party “leadership” henceforth until at least 2016.

It may be blacks that you have been the greatest victims and those most trapped by the economics of Obama’s Green Energy priorities.  You have not though at all been alone as victims.  Tomorrow as the 50th comes and goes all need to be considering that they didn’t have to be treated as lab rats by a Pavlovian partisan politics of baiting and shocking to desired change responses.  Tomorrow is a good day for all not to still feel trapped by the dictates of “Change” by the Democrats under President Obama.  Tomorrow is a good day to realize that all were quite treated so as lab rats when times had become already more evolved such that a conscious confrontation to rational discourse was available and a better method/methodology to be beat out otherwise of a more civilly respective Green march. 

I accept that there were times of earlier days when it seemed that the only way to bring necessary change to the American consciousness was in a Pavlovian shocking by gas price spiking, however with that said I reiterate that by the time of the march of the beat of Obama’s priorities of earth first and humanity second or worse other more evolved and involved paths forward were available and ready.

There are great dangers about a first black President and much to there being an shorted plank as a danger as a BLACK TRAP.  On the 50th marker of Martin Luther King Jr. presence and oratory about his “I Have a Dream…” homogeneity is a great risk - the message in the messenger is at risk of being lost in calls for a unity by skin color and unquestioned loyalty to a first black President.

There is trap set about the sociological conundrums being beat for tomorrow as the 50th Anniversary of “I Have a Dream” harkening by Martin Luther King Jr. — there may be more than a few “traps” about of a blind call to ignorance or false history support as a loyalty requested by current and former leaders.  Again, it is that by the time of the economics and political priorities of President Obama and his administration a more conscious and free path was possible and as probably more plausible yet for the same change effect desired.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

It may be commendable that a former President is to be helping commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March On Washington this Wednesday.  President William Jefferson Clinton is scheduled to have his “Got MLK!” soapbox moment.

There were earlier times in the history of the United States of America where a draft was thought a useful tool for what ailed urban areas.  President Barack Hussein Obama, so a born son of Islam, if now to the visceral drum beat of his new Secretary of State likely should and will be to a new draft and one naturally of his “governance” as with a real college exemption.

Many things complicate the United States of America to any involvement now in Syria. 

It may be all over again a “do your homework or you’ll end up in…” Democratic Party politics.  Seems eerily familiar.

We have that Secretary John Kerry, though a Catholic Diplomat head and shoulders above Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, is breathing the same petrified heinous Democratic leadership exhaustings as that which riled the guts of normal Americans in earlier days.  These times do have a beat now of and by a drummer President Obama that are dangerous for he as of his personal story as an apostate.  These times though by the wrenching words of his new Secretary of State do rattle the bones - do rattle the old bones of the transgressions on the souls whence by then new President Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t though as a self professed “Messiah” political figure yet been to explaining how his personal choice of Christianity over Islam has been formational to at least his governance views on theocracies or Islamic Dictatorships.  Such seems more a cup half empty of the work of Martin Luther King even than how President Clinton when a new President wrenched the souls and troubled the guts of Americans and especially Iraqi people of the majority was to deciding he didn’t want to have to deal with Saddam Hussein’s heinous past, and not be even to an in absentia new Nuremberg like war crimes prosecution. 

Secretary John Kerry has worked out the words and sentiment such as was once in the air in 1993 and so of a partisan political preference by the Clintons’ administration thence as America was told in a contrariness that they shouldn’t need to be bothered with such however heinous or gut wrenching.  It was PEACE Bill Clinton wanted to sell and a dovish Presidency he most wanted to proceed with — I was to PEACE DIVIDENDS - full steam ahead but for the inconvenient crisis left the world about Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is an inconvenient lesson plan now for any college now to be current and of an intellectual honesty about Syria without being to spilling so much milk about the still too propped up legacy of the Clintons.  It is to President Obama though to now necessarily be to a believable proffering as to how and why his choice to abandon his faith from birth for Christianity now guides his senses as to a right and wrong at least per Syria.

I do not doubt Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State for his gut reaction and tagging of Syria for chemical weapons use as a truly heinous act.  For me and I imagine many others it is like a deja vu all over again as it feels like that very irregularity that was Saddam Hussein when President William Jefferson Clinton came to town and like chose to prefer intelligence of a PEACE for his dovish wants of PEACE DIVIDENDS full glasses.  The outrage of these “heinous” and “gut wrenching” events as per Syria are due but if a US politician is asked to be or expected to be of a consistency in “governance.”

President Barack Hussein Obama made a horrible choice in Secretary of State.  When he set off on his “First Black” march with the unexpected drum of the Presidency the Clintons should have been relegated to the back rows for their actual history of global abandonment about moral causes - their history of unconscionable inaction and avoidance.  It may have been better yet if President Obama hadn’t even let them in the building - or on his bus.

President Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken well as to the unconscionable “governance” by Syria’s Assad.  The problem quite though is — scratch that — The problems are quite that his words may move the US to a draft as well as how an election of Mrs. Clinton too would - and yet it is that these erudite expressions otherwise are contrary even to the older words of that “anti-war” Senator John Kerry when of his railing against Republicans for action - not inaction.

I don’t know if you have yet any idea how much all of this is essentially of milk spilled by Hillary Rodham Clinton - a Methodist, if I recall — one not an apostate as her former black boss is of his storied march to Christianity. 

What does the religiousity of the Obama administrations have to do with current and past events?  How is it Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State has braved a stand with strong moral language in ways former Methodist Secretary of State didn’t or couldn’t?  How is it though the language seems appropriate to these events it oddly is contrary to past “views” on morality of John Kerry while Senator or Candidate for the Presidency?

It seems President Barack Hussein Obama is positioning himself as towards as great a new need for a Armed Forces draft as long feared that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was while beating her way, however Methodist, to a power grab like no other - to a power grab quite extra-Constitutional as if a seat for two BOGO “Two-fer” not a two but a united in marriage religiousness as a union of one.

I would mention that President William Jefferson Clinton may be a Southern Baptist but with the clamor or moral outrage now in the air it seems we first should look at him as a husband and lawyer who just didn’t want to do the moral work now said anew to be expected of our leaders in government.  We know he loves to be loved as a politician who sold good and happy FAT (PHAT) times even though such was trumped by hard knocks learning - of real actual history — We know as a lawyer he was disbarred easily and yet forget to consider enough that Mrs. Clinton quite nearly as well was brought up so publicly too for at least a matching dishonesty while a lawyer.

The good news about Syria for citizens of the United States of America is that Hillary Clinton is no longer the Secretary of State.  The goods news now be that if a draft is necessary it will have Obama’s name all over it likely, and as well Secretary Kerry’s, of having an incentive to “do your homework” — a draft now in the second term of President Obama just seems to have to exist if and only it can exist if it is to have a full blown college exemption.

These may be trying days to think learning about capitalism is “getting an education” but it must be harder now for everyone with such “heinous” and “gut wrenching” news being a calling for President Barack Hussein Obama to explain verse for verse even how his choice to be an apostate to Islam was and is right - and acceptable if he is to intervene at all in the sovereign matters of Syria.

It is like “IT IS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” clear as day with the new beat the drum beat their’s of old.  The Clinton, for your education or refreshment, did choose to play Saddam Hussein as if for all their eight years his past of such war crimes was able to be overlooked.  When President Bush came to town it seemed the Clintons left now war drums anywhere with an alternative for Saddam Hussein and to a prosecution or “justice” as history has long suggested that the Clintons’ did leave office without any entrance or exit plans for Iraq to be dusted off by President George W. Bush.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Forensic historians have a disarmed mine field of political content to safely now work in to unearth new more realistic understandings of Bill and Hillary Clinton - without needing to be whistle blowers.

From Bunker Hill and our Constitution - USS “OLD IRONSIDES” - to Manassas the bull that has run - run long of the Clintons - can now be more civilly chocked.

As Massachusetts goes so the nation may not go - today.  In the eyes of the voters a justice for a Beer Federalism is brewing — If the President can have a nationalist brew - can’t and shouldn’t Governor Patrick at least have a hard cider state federalism spirit on tap?  The Clintons may both have gone all egg whites only after having had to check their ambitions to four co-presidencies of the old sold saw too British with its twine so tuned too totalitarian by plots strung to be of a reign too autocratic by political arrangement to bypass a more American standard general electoral refreshment/refreshing.

From the Pilgrims to the shores of Syria the Constitution as written stands of its ordaining and establishment in religion of the founders as so unanimously subscribed by all under God so then as “in the Year of our Lord…” clearly.

It is best to try to imagine a new board game of the Clintons if to success in seeing through them of a Bunker mentality and a bunker mentality clever coyness quite selfishly political.  It can be begun to be imagined but since recent Benghazi and IRS scandals have blown up on paper and tablets most can find from the first blush - first sighting - their board(s) are like TILTED as it seems impossible that all their operations and foundations and numerous “legal” or “tax” status can be LEGAL as besides being too Political their marching beats seems too irregular as if all of WILD CARD rules not rules.

It may not help to try to paint a picture of the Clintons up close as a portrait clearly showing the whites of their eyes - perspective may be better if from a distance to see all the trees (pieces) as of the forest (plots/strategies) theirs.

From up close the former enabler FLOTUS, of at least a fat food fad political fashion for POTUS, she, Hillary, served up rations as if it wouldn’t kill you to live as of her kitchen not a kitchen with a husband said of a preference for like two Big Mac Super-sized Value Meals per day cooking of others.  Surely there is more to look at than the eyes of the Clintons that should be considered and safely civilly revealed as it seems we have to still pound at Benghazi as of a cover-up some or much necessary to maintain old lies of at least the Administration of the Clintons.

It is haunting, maybe just for all the body bags that piled up as tributable to Madam Secretary of State Mrs William Jefferson Clinton, how she of the intimate bunkering as FLOTUS, with POTUS, whence of those midnight hours and such as so thence with a third of each day theirs together for spousal husbandry plotting, how she as Obama’s chief Diplomat left a legacy as if more a Secretary of War than a Stately Diplomat.

However you begin to bridge more safely the historical marching beats of the Clintons, and forensically, back to what they inherited as fundamentally already set to much peace while still less peace than they hoofed, her cooking may have been worse for Bill and us, and a mine field still best avoided at least per bad cholesterol.

It is that Massachusetts itself has a new contest about like a new Bunker Hill but for too little ammunition to guard against Clintons and their ilk now again.  Their pens should be mighty enough, and more set to scholarly unearthing safely of what is quite a once more dangerous mine field of the Clintons and their careful spousal selfish political plotting — Truths are marching on like whence of the first Tea Party to the revelations that the new Clintons are as bad as the old Clintons and as much against John Adams as that early New York Governor Clinton, must have been.

A lay of the embedded fielding of bull did depend on like flying buttresses of media support to their propositions (of the Clintons’ seduction of the main stream media) that they were of an opinion of race and affirmative action per all voting rights that Americans should be sold that a white women deserved to be President at least before a black man.

The Clintons did boldly seem to go about a mine field in our politics too much as if knowing of its bulwarks specific grid lay and even hardly civilly as if with at least New York City Democrat Party deep pockets as of a retailing of the BOGO Clinton “two-fer” as the best way to arrange a postponement in America of Black rule in Washington.  Just seems too hauntingly real that such bull of the Clintons did fly in the early 90s as if of a collusion and conspiracy to somehow arrange an un-American reign for them as if American NEW Camelot royalty able to be prescribed to contiguous supremacy in lieu of Constitutional standards more Jeffersonian for regular resets by refreshing democratically by Republican People.

As of Hillary hardly disciplined as if from the halls of or near Montezuma to the shore lines Google-able remotely of Tripoli yet we got images of Marines too - yet hardly enough as to whence Benghazi.  And, all the while non Marine rapid response teams hers to conjure timely duty forthwith in times of crisis of imminent need.

It was in the primary in Massachusetts in the year of the great defeat of THE INEVITABLE HILLARY 2008 that those Boston Brahmin to Berkshire’d Pillow’d and Tangled’ did but divide themselves state wide as the more socialist of the Commonwealth to that spread where as many divided on white women vs. black man as that was near the total number of US brave deployed to liberate but not occupy Iraq.  There is a wonder in the details that a forensics too can civilly record for Posterity about how magic a number 150,000 can be or might not be — it was only about 150,000 of the more socialist of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that haunt John Adams (still) since 2008 that divided the lot for “Hillary” and that for “Barack” and while it to was just that number tasked to stand with all Iraqi people in an overdue liberation so successful.  It is quite odd though that such a number then was what President Obama and Secretary Clinton thought wasn’t excessive to chase about 50 Al Qaeda though to be otherwise quietly camping in Afghanistan.

Amateur forensic historians hopefully won’t now beat the Boston forces too long bent to a cover-up bunker mentality for the not too long past administering of the Clinton “two-fer” - won’t be now to going more civilly into the past of the Clintons and their embedded seduced media fields of camouflaged intent and able to be to embarrassment for said more learned of said of a supremacy of and from a more elite degree benefactor cadre. 

Right?  We are to hope that those said to be our smartest are our smartest and most learned and that they won’t be late to the coverage now more safely and civilly possible and necessary (and proper) for such a still campaigning conundrum of “Bill and Hillary”?

{NOTE:  Seems I need, while having so much fun - too much fun - civilly writing this broadside, to take a break and revisit the Bunker and bunker histories fit for close and thorough historical forensic grid metric analysis at a later time today.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:17 am

It is an interesting NEW WORLD ORDER grand strategy consideration to now be tee’d off with a shot of Russian Vodka RESET versus a stout or lager beer stein, however, as if to a time for a new ISRAEL construct.

It seems we are of times to avoid too much nationalism.

America has rightly been sunk some or much by depth charges of at least Hillary Clinton of a shot in her steins, like.  Hillary Clinton is no longer Secretary of State; Hillary Clinton has retreated into lower ranking now with a reset patriarchy Clinton about a made-over face to a Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clintons Foundation.  The Clintons global initiatives are still too concerning and while practiced much as they had pledged them to not be.

Speaker John Boehner has much experience with slippery footing of realms most stereotypically of the type of “Depth Charges” Mrs. Clinton has been known of a preference for;  Speaker Boehner comes from a large family of bar keeps.

If Syria can now be a better Palestine solution due to GLOBAL WARMING than Israel should it be still toasted regular as if more by Russian vodka than Aryan suds?  It seems there is a new way forward in a post Clinton era where their too historic inaction and avoidance no longer dominate as nothings where some things needed;  It is quite plausible to posit that Secretary of State John Kerry is amidst a simple rendering of the performance of Secretary Clinton as mediocre.

I am not ready to suggest a metaphor that we can all go stout with Irish America Kerry.  There are places in this known world on the globe of earth that are best of people while of such climates to be in an absentia from alcohol however still’d or bake’d.

At this point as an American private content blogger I am of consideration that I should revisit the year 2006 and my public commentary mostly via threads of newsbusters.org as “uc” for both that Vladimir Putin did become the 2007 TIME Person of the Year after I had said “NO” in matching spirit to TIME as “uc” to their request for a picture of me for their cover as if for a story about “uc” for the nearly full year of arguing clearly for the Iraq Surge and then long in defense of it, also.

We have that a new charge of Federalism is actually now long been about globally without specifically being American.

I did say no to TIME in 2006 per their most spirited request but not without adding that a NO was appropriate because I wasn’t yet half through and they wouldn’t have sufficient space for the whole story if aired mid stream. I did consider that I liked the idea and quickly figured that if they could put a mirror on their cover instead I could though be to helping them with their intent while to thinking such the best story of that year, as per their “politics.”

At the time of this roughed out broadside for considerations seemingly fit or again anew fit today I do have no idea about Syria and Syrians as per a culture of consumption allowing and/or disfavoring alcoholic beverages.

Aryans are back in the news.  But not for German beers, however lager’d or stout, as it is now more of a fresh democratic suds of the washing news of Iranian Aryans of a new and more moderated elected leader.  Iran as well is of my current unchecked consideration as to a culture of consumption particular also to at least Russian vodka or maybe cheep American suds like say Milwaukee’s Best.

It does seem too early to “report” on consequences of so much no left an inheritance to Secretary Kerry on arguably simple and mediocre “diplomacy” of his most recent predecessor Secretary.

There is with my vast thinking and blogging just in 2006 as “uc” with newsbusters.org exposes on modern media and Operation Iraqi Freedom complications that I have a history of considering that we needed to get to prosecuting Saddam Hussein before the USA might get caught on the wrong side of the freedoms spreading technology revolutions (in social media) interconnectedness and so to as a wrong side as a global trending nation that avoided with too much inaction, for too long, and in an abandonment, near an infidelity, to its own Constitutional, and national values.

America may now be most threatened by thinking that either Clinton deserves to be floated as more possibly of offering solutions while it seems inescapable that we are of a time that needs more to discuss how they are mostly just (still) only part of the problems.

Yes, I do have years of personal history of American private content shared freely and independently much to these points.

I see though that Syria of today presents a problem that has been existent for a long time - for at least as long as it was that Americans were wise to consider how the US Constitution deserved more fidelity from President Bill Clinton than what can be recorded for posterity historically as rather a Clinton with American Infidelity to his own standards.

We have that people of the Middle East were given cause to call at least President Bill Clinton and “AMERICAN INFIDEL” for his years of abandonment in Iraq and Afghanistan with that long tagged and hashed of his inaction and avoidance.  It is that we’ld be wiser as Americans to not let us, however, become associated with Clinton as an “AMERICAN INFIDEL” so and to a mashable guilt by association as if of a knowing accomplice status.

So how to toast or not to toast as per Syria now as a opportunity for a new grand strategy that Palestinian people of the wisdom they are capable might support — If the United States of America has to involve itself and a new global multi-national coalition of states in Syria it again would be best to avoid OCCUPIER status and reach towards only a LIBERATOR rap.

So what about Palestine and Palestinians?  Does GLOBAL WARMING offer a Middle East ice breaker as per the wisdom Palestinian peoples are capable of?  If the USA has to become involved it must likely be so to nation building with a new coalition and to such a scale as that which once led to the post WWII remapping of the Middle East for an Israel so of today.

Besides that if from a Russian Syria to a more Palestinian new Syria as a new Palestine there could be a shift from a predilection for vodka to a searching for Aryan suds of equanimous cultural consumption how now might a nation building for a new Syria as a NEW “Palestine” at least as per climate change wisdom be the only real alternative now to Assad?

Yes, I do think it still a good toast to lift up your socially acceptable local beverage in good cheer that the USA and coalition states did manage a prosecution of Saddam Hussein assisting standing with (in LIBERATION) before the rising conditions of the technology revolution (in social media) had at least American caught on the wrong side, and injustly as if also AMERICAN INFIDELS to their values so Constituted as standards as President William Jefferson Clinton is taggable.

* #Hashtags #tag ISLAM, #Islam, MUHAMMAD, #Muhammad
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

Barack Hussein Obama has been an “Our Pot Has Held A Melting” person for his first term.  We are now of a time he inherited more than made but to now the circus of his elementary politics all so gone carney.  These times are ours as the new year two thousand ten and three fast approaches.

Many people of color before him have done more for America and fellow Americans that he has (yet) and with less.  That he is our first black President of record has us now of such as a “fact” for comparing and contrasting more than now celebrating.  Earlier times had yeomen of Republican Party being nearly the most critical of legislators for early passage of civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

As a RING MASTER he has been big on ceremony and big promises of miraculous what evers and as if he had more rings in his circus “tent” than were actually there.  He has built a carney atmosphere about our once more prudent Republic and its governance from Washington.  He has even spirited hoopla about his rings of influence as if we could read our Second Amendment with import as if our First Amendment didn’t come first.

As Condoleezza Rice, a trailblazer in/of merit based race equality, has often pined, we have that America is now already a country where your zip code is too much predetermining your individual possibilities to advance with hard work and education.  Republicans have a different perspective to solutions while long of sharing a common humanity concerning equality problems.

Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney in far earlier years and more specifically of charges each of and about our Congress did marshall the necessary yeomen legislative muscle to stir our governance of our 60s - to whip their Congressional peers - to the passage of some of our most basic and fundamental civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has created a circus of governance these past four years with it he that took us all to such so “gone carney.”  Donald Rumsfeld nor Richard Cheney are half breed black Americans yet they together did much and for a long time less “carney” and quite effecting to a “bigger” “tent” for Americans and even others around the world.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

President Obama has been of such a circus of governance these past four years that often two things in one of his sentences do not and cannot work together yet orated as if they can.  Condoleezza Rice was a pioneer for THE FREEDOM AGENDA and a trend setter for even Barack Hussein Obama but for a prudence and practicality in foreign affairs.

Little, as the year 2012 wraps up, can or should be said well of Hillary Clinton as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It doesn’t matter as per Libya if Congress had the purse strings for “security” as this was one of her “babies” of “accomplishment” and “boldness” that should have had Ambassador Chris Stevens and all about his charge SECURED by 9/10 with at least a bed check by herself.  Libya has led to us seeing “Hillary” as willing to sacrifice Ambassador Susan Rice in a playing of politics CYA for her own hams;  “Hillary” was the lead as per ODYSSEY DAWN but how the French needed to provide the leadership she lacked;  Libya consulate security should have been at least in her top 5 checked every day and not at the mercy of “Congressional purse strings.”

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

Much of President Obama’s problem of our governance turned into a circus act by his deciding does rest historically upon the Clintons and thought “GOOD” decisions made by them during the 90s that were actually the “BAD” decision(s).

Our Fiscal Cliff is only here now because we haven’t dealt with how the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were the greatest economic blunder of the past century.  We had no need for surpluses those years and we had already arguably cut too much too quickly when the Republicans found a way to offer a thought impossible balanced budget.  We have been of war costs and social costs especially school and infrastructure items because of that extra trillion cut by the Clintons for convenient political popularity;  we have been of greater costs and economic struggles because we have needed after the surpluses to be at far greater costs to a putting back so much of what they cut, and as necessary spending.

To appreciate the comments of racial trailblazer Condoleezza Rice as per deep problems in America’s education paradigm and how we are at a point where one’s zip code is too determinative it may help to refresh some management  methodologies even if they stir a like “federalism” debate about such.  When you have problems like such is the worst place to attempt a fix a distant centralized see of sorts?  Is this a problem that needs to see an uncentralized “one size does not fit all” approach were distant cells more local and of “community” are stirred in freedoms to compete in lieu of a national assimilation?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

We may be clearly of a showing that the “rings” of the “tent” of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “governance” show that Democrats do not have the management sense or skill needed to even just be as successful as Republicans had years before when of a practical broadening of our BIG TENT. 

Obama’s engagement in Afghanistan has been “war of choice” of Democrat specificities.  Afghanistan mission still troubled for it in a country that has its primary national industry that of supplying near 80% of the world’s opium.  Afghanistan may be a convenient place to play war and with a “war of choice” from a earlier measured enterprise to trespass to find Al Qaeda 50 or so “campers” - but the nation has nearly 75% of its populace as illiterate in any language even a “local tribal dialect”.

As we look to judge President Obama by his Secretary of State we still have it a circus of contrariness where two things just never seem to belong together in a single promise or proffering.

President George W. Bush, with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Richard Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was in Afghanistan not in a “war of choice” but as of a “WAR ON TERROR” and specific deals and permissions to be trespassers on such nation’s sovereignty per a policing search for wanted and known members of Al Qaeda.  President Bush’s administration was trading road and school construction as part of a limited engagement about Afghanistan of a necessary WAR AGAINST TERROR.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

A suggestion by President Obama or even just his mere political appointee Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton that Afghanistan can be won is best balanced and checked with a simple comparison to our Southwest border — I should be logically at least fifty percent easier to solve the problems of our Southwest border and it as well of a drug trade of huge scale than it should be to be able to “win” in Afghanistan while interrupting whole foreign cultures about opiates.

The explanation for Al Qaeda’s attacks of 9/11 that make now still the most simple and logical understanding possible is much of the hypothesis that we were attacked after the Administration of the Clintons because America during the such years had failed to bring sufficient justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.  Our 9/11 Commission Report still rings as flawed with echoes still fresh of its charged American leaders’ personal statements that they had decided to “only look back ten years”!  We have that with such our chosen “detectives” for such purposes as they were charged as a “commission” was of a naivete like that more recently by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with regards to Benghazi — at the time they “chose” to only look back ten years Al Qaeda was maybe already past its 12th anniversary of its conception/consecration as a group organized to bring needed justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

Personally, my public commentary about Afghanistan near as soon as the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama started was early and regularly of:  “BRING OUR TROOPS HOME - BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!!!” postings as of my best advice per such “conflict.”

It is more logical to believe that we could fix our immigration and our Southwest border with the level of commitment and engaged troop levels for Afghanistan than that such could be close to reasonable for whichever limited “goals”/”mission” that could be writ as if then a reachable goal to a “win.”

As per education - much has been made to be such a governance circus with this administration leading the rings to too much all carney.  We have that “federalism” discourse must continue as such is where the answers lie for workable management methodologies for solutions that stay of our keep with freedoms first and protections second so Constituted.

As per the ARAB SPRING - you should be better of lessons that there wouldn’t and couldn’t be an up side if Operation Iraqi Freedom hadn’t affected the then oh so late prosecution of Saddam Hussein.

As per the COLD WAR - Afghanistan, until the eight years of avoidance and inaction that cooked a great “abandonment” attitude as those eight were of the “leadership” of the Administration of the Clintons, was an Afghanistan to the Cold War as Gettysburg was to our Civil War.

As per THE BENGHAZI FOUR - you still should be considering it is late for any “Diplomat” to be speaking of “terrorists” without specifities as to how such was not of STATE ACTING - A RELIGIOUS ACTING - A CRIMINAL ACTING.  We have that we are still of a underwhelming “explanation” by this Administration of Obama that allows a tagging as “demostration” or “terror” while it may make more sense that it is an expansion of the “theater” of conflict in our now LONGEST WAR in Afghanistan so however commenced to a forced marriage between the TALIBAN & AL QAEDA.  We have not begun to hear sufficient explanations for “Hillary’s” serious failures in Libya.

As per THE TALIBAN - their leadership has been on TV with interviews and speaking of how in Afghanistan now of the Obama years and policies, at least, the Taliban & Al Qaeda are now basically one.  It is still possible that BENGHAZI ambush of “Hillary’s” people was of an ACT OF WAR in an ongoing war with the Taliban and as an act thought justly of and to a broader theater of conflict.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

It was straight up a clear demonstration of “Hillary’s” persistent naivete as per the conflicts of the Middle East post the Saddam invasion of Kuwait when she with near first comments about her failures as per the lost BENGHAZI FOUR, at least, spoke with:  “I do not know how this could have happened in a country we liberated.”

As of the ARAB SPRING, again, there likely would be no upside for the United States of America now if such were happening before we had “prosecuted” Saddam Hussein.  I am still of the opinion that the best time and place for the full enforcement of the United Nations sanctions against Saddam Hussein was during the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.  It is little considered, and dangerously, still, that those were the best years to have proceeded judiciously in keeping with our standards and examples with Germany and Japan after earlier world warring.  We have now an ARAB SPRING contrary to the governance posits and proffering of this administration and even more so to that of the Administration of the Clintons — these days the “SPRING” is some a competition with justly freed Iraqi people and to attempts to better them in their workings at bettering for themselves a better Constitution that that which is America’s.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

And we cannot now avoid the 16 trillion made by the Administration of Obama with the careful hands of those seemingly in line to have been the chosen Clinton experts if “Hillary” had managed to have been actually “inevitably” aligned by political machinations concerning enough without foreign concerns.

And we must consider how simple a truth it is for “budgets” now that it will be irresponsible for the Administration of Obama with whomever left-overs of the Administration of the Clintons to be suggesting job and economic growth promises without first seriously offering a solid fix to immigration.  It is ridiculous that with immigration and illegals so long such a problem and a problem also much ignored by the Administration of the Clintons (while of a trillion not needed to go to surpluse to spend) that Healthcare Reform was put ahead of Jobs Plans and that both were put ahead of Immigration Reform like of “carrots” towards temptations to over-ride any possible planned new workings for Immigration Reform.

And, so we have that President Obama is of a BIG TENT America hardly of his own “building” - and with us to a new year two thousand ten and three with it seeming he has now “accountability” for so so so many proposals and plans that are of the circus of governance now set in our DC.  He built this mess upon good deeds built by others, not nearly as guilty as he - as he is making others out to be while covering up for clearer fault and guilt of both Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

And again, as per Iraq and the Administration of George W. Bush - Today’s ARAB SPRING though under the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama would not have an up side for the United States of America if we hadn’t already worked that very late and very costly due prosecution of Saddam Hussein. 

As the Clintons had been leaving it - if so still as they had been leaving it - today we could hardly globally appear to be much better than Syria’s Assad - Don’t you think?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am

In these trying times that torture our souls with wars, necessary, or of choice, we still have that Afghanistan is a Gettysburg of the Cold War.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be then more clearly of a war zone of mission creep, and politicizing, by this current administration, of our executive branch in our Constituted loose federation of states.   And, it would be easier to see that it logically is still a battle some between expansionist socialism of a Cold War global geopolitics and America’s shared free market principles and freedoms for all from birth, equal as an American working concept.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be able to look beyond the Clintons getting away with one of two-fer saying the other didn’t do it and the other as well testifying, however as well that the other of two-fer didn’t do it, and, we could be beyond taking one Clintons’ defense as innocence just because they say the other is innocent.

Our 1990s were actually a mess.  Afghanistan can be said to be a Gettysburg of the Cold War, and, now we can say that Syria seems to be in a Civil War.  We have from just last night that President Clinton of our 90s and his PEACE DIVIDENDS now feels so guilty about having let a million die in Rwanda while President that he has returned to try to ease his guilt.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

It seems incontrovertible that the Cold War was about at least the United States of America motivated and actively to a guardianship about the globe to hinder and prevent a global spread of socialism or communism.  With Afghanistan as a Gettysburg of the Cold War we have that we most now should avoid a mission creep to an involvement as if now to also being to an attempt to socialize Afghan peoples even short of a neo-colonialism.

It does seem we are through the breached breastworks of the Clintons’ defensiveness and finally to an open field now in 2012 to look back and critically at the Clintons and at least their PEACE DIVIDENDS.  Today we seem bolstered and well enough informed to see that our 1990s were actually a mess and not an era officially able to be in hindsight to justifying peace dividends so.  We have at least Rwanda and Afghanistan to look at - for starters.

There is a conundrum about the Clintons from the early nineties that as well rates as a paradigm at least of those times.

It may have been safer to elect the Clintons in 1992 than to re-elect President George H. W. Bush.  It looked possible that if President George H. W. Bush were re-elected he might not have been able to continue to moderate the more conservative Christians of his Republican Party.  It may have been too dangerous to have re-elected President George H. W, Bush because of Christian Conservatives nearly then in 1992 overcome with pride and excessive to a national expression about such excessive pride.

It is hard to say that a country such as ours with its Constitution of a preamble of an “ordained” and then all those subscriptions by its signers so “in the Year of our Lord …” is not a Christian country from its conception.  What President Bush likely would have faced instead of our long story of a wonderful melting pot of diverse peoples was it seems an overwhelming push by Christian Conservatives to claim credit for a “WINNING” of the Cold War too much for and as of just American Christian values.

The alternative that was the Clintons, now, is arguably with hindsight, maybe the worser of the choices though it seemed more reasonable maybe back whence.  How whether the Clintons were actually a worser choice in 1992 is now quite a consideration for 2012 - at least as per a prudence for future budgeting.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of  THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

It should seem harder to make any sense of the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS, at least.  We have just last night the contrary positing of President Obama’s Ambassador Susan Rice trying to make hay at the United Nations with 17,000 casualties as if a high bar, and, we have at the same time former President Bill Clinton in casual clothes on CNN seeming that the little he is now doing in Rwanda is enough to ease his categorically expressed guilt for having let one million be killed in Rwanda. 

We have it seems that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the one even more contradictory to global histories just with Afghanistan.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan? 

Should you know of Friedrich Nietzsche and more about BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL than I — should you consider his sister worked him offer posthumously and it seems his “ubermensch” and reportedly had Adolph Hitler at her wedding — Then: Nietzsche may not have been the monster his sister and Hitler can be said to have made him out to be after his death?

Are you already educated enough to know that supposedly Pakistan was organized as a sovereign nation with a new National identity for its people with the poetry of Iqbal and his attempts to create a “Pakistani ubermensch” more likely on the ideals of Friedrich than the perversion by his sister after his death?

I am not a scholar in these areas - but then I only worked to be a top student much to a BA in Economics and an undeclared minor in Philosophy.  I may hear from the Iqbal family some though since part of above may be remembered from near my sophomore year at Villanova University while a grandson of Founding Poet of Pakistan shared some of his family history as a classmate palling around in same clicks/circles.  I did find suggestion of that wrought by Nietzsche’s sister elsewhere.

We have that the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS are now more suspect than due a celebration.

We have though that it may have been safer to have elected them in 1992 just because of tendencies to excess by a Conservative Christian pride too proud and so that it seemed it was possibly amassed enough to overwhelm any further moderation by President George H. W. Bush if re-elected.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

As per the Clintons now it is high time we stop letting them be their own character references and great proclaimers of innocence - That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan?

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

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