
October 2024
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1787 - PLAN B?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:53 pm

A smash up for “Swifties” – perhaps:

And the song goes on of “We the People…in Order to form” of our “more perfect Union” established by that the People have divine rights, each, and the union of states is sans a monarch of divine rights.

Our origins song is still revolutionary; the plain language of our founding is much of the essence of the English version in print of the KJV – King James Bible – to thus though Americans are under their Lord Creator before under government – especially liberated from as under a King’s “Order” (noun).

Authoritarians across the globe are torturing our poetic for constituted liberated, and it seems to bring back powers for tyrants to enslave. Our beautiful original plain language cannot be abided in the authoritarians’ marshalling machinations as it as for “a free state” as human condition in Liberty still threatens any dictator’s preference that any is a subject – not a free citizen.

Please, carefully & methodically, give deep consideration to “Plan A” as of your rights from your Creator this Constitution Day 2024, and to what it may mean to sing anew of “I AM AN AMERICAN” with an intellectual learned voice.

Our founding in 1787 was likewise of a high standard that dared not any blasphemy.

When you sing, please sing of the logic for the passions of by constituted “E PLURIBUS UNUM” by how united pluribus each is an unum an individual of responsibilities with rights from their Lord Creator.

George Washington was not a prude.

The Washingtons practiced prudence of their era of weekly most were responsible to be present in their family pews for hours of morals ministering – a truly “original” exercise in democracy of self-governing in religious freedoms.

Our founding THINK - BEAT - is that each is inalienable from the realm of Lord’s Laws.

“Swifties” shouldn’t need a “Plan B”?

Deep care and methods shouldn’t have been dissed?

There is no right in the CONSTITUTION to violate Lord’s Laws.

George Washington spoke of prudence in a general’s humor in his 1st Inaugural but with a humorist’s twist of metaphorically spoke of “impregnable fortitude” vigilance as a part of “vicissitudes incident to life” at the birth of a new nation.

Our nation so conceived was inaugurated by a first president speaking of he and his wife having been like “repaired from retired” by becoming the first first-couple like of the responsibilities abiding in a vigilance to maintain the prophylactics of those days to have chance of “Plan A” prevention of unexpected inseminations – to have “impregnable fortitude” by proper care and maintenance. George and Martha are said to did inherit her parents books on sex.

Care and methodologies are required. A swift reading of our plain language in our Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious) an order ordained the constituted is unwise.

The 14th Amendment re-established the 2/3rds usage as important governance rests at where any may fail a 60% PASS/FAIL bar on public morals. The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln stayed true to originalism – the plain language yet firstly a liberating ordered.

Can you fathom this Republican’s republican adherence to common sense? Lincoln won as of the original righteousness as a new champion of it was established for “a free state” as the human condition of Liberty in religious freedom.

There is no 100% abortion in the ending of a life – even a conceived incidentally of backslid to naturalism from due an individual conscience as each indivisible from created a child of the Lord.

We are still each, and all, of bodies electric and biological, with the spiritual duties around each the intended civic responsibility of each.

A successful seeding is from a sown was while connected yet to all – as indivisible from all.

An aborting of a successfully seeded doesn’t kill the HOPE that was shared for of the energies exercised towards “future leaders” may be what we need even if not for which we asked.

This Constitution Day it is more acceptable to read the intent as of the language and import/prudence of the revolution, and especially as the 250th anniversary of our independence approaches, as of the divine right is shouldered to upon each individual, and removed from being a “divine right” of a monarch.

Perhaps just not swiftly considering Jeremiah 1:5 of KJV will trigger a civic reboot:

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.”

Swift, or Swifties?

Isn’t this as WOKE as it can get? Isn’t originalism of “thee” – “thou” as each a child of the Lord?

Our democracy is so thus established fundamentally to be principally and firstly of self-governing with disciplines of religious practice locally. You are each a child of the Lord and in America to under your Creator before government.

Vice President Kamala Harris, sadly, seems yet another in a long line of said “Democrats” now over a hundred years towards trying to set asunder originalism of “a free state” for secular SOCIALISM of each more a subject, scored and graded – more a caste system than ordered a free citizen – if yet can score 60% on public morals in own community.

Our separation of church and state is more vertical – the old “wall of separation” is too confused - is too perverted to as if could stand equal status for secular SOCIALISM.

Vertically, and as rationally grammatically, the textualism has us ordered by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious inalienable) that form our “more perfect Union” as without a “divine right” of a monarch as the constituted is the established “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord”.

With Jeremiah 1:10 perhaps:

“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

A deep and learned oration should be erudite if as to still proffered as if learned during our revolutionary spirit to the dynamism of a dynamic where each if of their own divine rights.

Our constituted vein is for glory in the inalienable and indivisible of each from being a child fo the Lord.

Any potential conceived new life starts a universal sharing of a whom a future thou as if could be already a thee to be a new “Golden Child” – future good shepherd. An aborting doesn’t also kill the HOPE while will haunt a never-ending doubt if CREATION had been blessed of that the needed FUTURE LEADER so conceived was but washed away.

Any bloodline in America is of the “I AM AN AMERICAN” civil responsibilities for of each action has an equal and opposite reaction where if life can be it may yet have been that life created due a star was calling.

In 2024 on CONSTITUTION DAY what was in 1787 is still leading & prudent.

There is no separation right from each is to be a neighbor to their neighbors.

As it takes 2 to tango the creation of a new life we yet are constituted as in a Peoples’ religious “Order” of each of individual responsibility of each is of their rights from their Creator – each is of divine rights and to be presumed innocent, and firstly potentially a more Holy.

Our CONSTITUTION is still most WOKE; To properly, not too swiftly cursorily just scan, our founding ordering trust it as an EDUCATION standard in common sense of for Posterity it has prescriptions for when any may be less than 3/5ths moral – of a below 60% PASS score of grading for “MORAL AUTHORITY”.

As since the tablets of MOSES there have been the if then what thens for where any could be reverted to enslaved if and when they were too in a naturalism or otherwise too much a disturbance in the ordered of civility that is the liberation from enslavement in THE WORD.

“In the beginning was the WORD…”?

The WORD and our founding are of each is not an animal – each is a child of God – each forever may become confused on yet thou how respectful and prudent any can be when a son or a daughter is also but a child of the Lord’s as per also their parent, their parents.

As the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence nears it would be awful to lose all the seeded that could have been the gift from God of a needed future leader – yet not then asked for burden.

The forces of our nature are yet ordered for a Peoples’ “Order” sans a “national religion” to that each might be that new mutt – mixed blooded – a conceived in spirit – constituted for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a freedom “of” religion, not a freedom “from” religion.

There are no rights to violates the Lord’s establishments of religion in our ordered for each an unum an individual to be related with as “A FREE PERSON” so much as by if of walk and talk a truth as one of achieved a moral authority – a learned civic demeanor.

Do not get lost in a rash rushed quick take of the CONSTITUTION use of “A FREE PERSON”.

As an EDUCATION STANDARD it fits with the times for those who had a proven achieved level of practiced disciplined MORAL AUTHORITY.

The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln was of a civic correction was needed due peoples in states, some near 100 years later, wanted children of God to be prejudged of a FAIL grade – of a score at 3/5ths MORAL or lower – based on the color of their skin. The 14th Amendment keeps originalism as of shepherds and over-watchers likely needed where any about whom scores less than 60% moral.

A native American was also projected while not prejudged for being moral in originalism was of meeting people at whom they were. As Washington letter to the Jews of Newport served as notice of meaning it is basically essentially un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.

We are ordered of a Peoples’ Order of there is above our nation and the government that PERFECTION standard of what is religious.

George Washington did jest and joke around the birth of our nation and did reference safe-sex and the care & methods minding prophylactics required.

Our founding though was not in blasphemy, did preserved for local and community nearness our self-governing in religious liberty.

Vice President Kamala Harris is now just another in a long line of “DEMOCRATS” long attempting to set asunder the most WOKE liberating constituted order of mankind.

“We the People…in Order to form” puts the fear of God first – calls each to become free by becoming achieved to even scored as a thee can walk and talk of a MORAL AUTHORITY.

A “Plan B” shouldn’t be needed with “Plan A” not sub-human.

Having a “QUICKY” for a “SWIFTIE” - however of the “Hook-up Generation” – has a dominos effect even more dynamically now as many wake assaulting global consciences “on-line” just with rash memes, and imprudent posts.

By constituted with an established ordained for a Peoples’ “Order” the fraternity is familial to all in essence and the vibe on creation activities is there is no “OFF-LINE” from inalienable individual responsibility – from civil endowment as each a thee a child of God.

The responsibilities for any “PLAN B” are of thou a thee must try to un-ring the “we” “share” bell.

As many get 3/5ths clause wrong it also that the 14th Amendment erred using “male” where “A FREE PERSON” as an EDUCATION standard allowed the original plain language to be of achievement that could be reached by any a child of God.

Persons who FAIL are due at least more regular shepherding. Our 3/5ths a 60%, in grammar, is color-blind. Killing off seeded potential future leaders should not be race-based as we all sing the body electric and could not possibly out-smart God?

To Washington, thou, would thee in a quicky with a “Swiftie” be yet in a “Marriage Act”?

To Vice President Kamala Harris what is yet still just “fornication” and “pleasures of the flesh” for local house of worship to be facilities for tolerance and forgiveness as of the Christian calling per trespasses?

To “Swifties” what is “climate change” new versus “acts of God” old?

As in “the beginning” was “THE WORD” the definitions are the establishments of religion our Congress shall make no law respecting – our Congress shall not re-spectacle/change.

In the eyes of the Lord – whom each a thee the thou a child of God – is who is to be responsible and more free the more they achieved applicable MORAL AUTHORITY.


I know to each I meet they are to be encountered firstly as a child of the Lord, inalienable so also!

Your national government is not to be your neighbor of first resort – by “PLAN A” even “PLAN B”!

As a citizen a “Swiftie” in 2024 you could be a new “class” limited to 3/5th status if graded/scored on if are FREE by achieved 60% or better PASSABLE.practicable MORAL AUTHORITY.

Grouping by race - skin colors - were abolished while a reality is we kept constituted there are grounds for voters to have vote be adjusted from 5/5th down to 3/5ths.

More importantly this 3/5ths, an allowed scoring on public morals sans being a religious test on if of the right organization, yet shall need the 2/3rds ar of amending regular order to change.

More blacks in 2024 may score as “A FREE PERSON” than caucasians maybe more stepped out on faith.

As a class blacks may be due - may have earned - may quantitatively score more moral than “Swifties” and rate more free.

Our originalism plain language is dependent on public morals - on smaller bands of folk locally self-governing their universal world in the Laws of the Lord Creator.

God is in the CONSTITUTION as more not in the Peoples’ Order - due respected as above it - as a vertical separation sets the government also under God - as “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord” without a hint of blasphemy.

George and Martha were also “repaired from retired” by became the first couple birthing our Union - as of their greatest fear/worry if still stayed retired was there is no plan “B” for ups and downs - “vicissitudes incident” to life.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:59 pm

As history may repeat itself to effect equally bad or worse outcomes what tumblers of time may be ominously clicking into place?

Imagine yourself present in real-time in Washington DC as near the 250th anniversary of 13 states independence declared, and commenced.

Are you inclined towards Psalm 92:10 for a pressing praying for your horn/powers to be blessed?

Is your first visceral emote on the forming 2024 Presidential race an evoked thought of Edvard Munch for his “The Scream”?

As Munch’s was of post-Civil War arts and President Biden uttered thoughts on that these united states of America are in a new civil war who is Munchy now is alarming and scary.

The California homeless may be praying already for relief from change as now seems as if too de facto under the reigns of the Vice President – of Governor Newsom can’t be acting independently – with a war against the homeless.

Democrats now seem to be screaming alarms against Democrats.

A pop image for reality if caricatured of VP Kamala Harris seems of a scream a war cry as if yet a helmeted head sticking out of a tank in mobilizations across California, with her Governor, for a “California Miracle” more successfully marshalled than whence of Massachusetts by old Governor Dukakis.

Like: Tank Commander Harris routs out all homelessness – all homeless pop-up encampments!

Glimpses of examples of German arts have been available at the National Gallery of Art. – Artworks of the years of the rise of fascism.

Our arts and specifically artists may be failing civilization too much.

These are dark times of black arts – arts noir – needing new moralists.

It is ominous that Governor Newsom’s war to rout out pop-up homeless encampments seems was a first real political news of the self-subjugation by President Biden, with apparent due cause, effected to anoint Kamala Harris.

To what degree can “Howard” now, from inside the beltway, endear or endure as once Irish and Celtic as a tag in honors as “high guardian”?

A Kamala Harris candidacy as if firstly the new party “SCREAMER” Howard Dean is dramatically fraught.

Such a Kamala Harris would near have to thematically be like an antagonist to any protagonist black panther.

Sound effects too would be much inconvenienced as should evoke concerns of old beaten overtones stirring up consciences to now should be deeply known warning notes echoes of disasters stemmed from Bill Clinton staged to seem “dovish” so later Hillary Clinton could seem “hawkish”.

Howard and the unicorn are now inflection points two of our Union’s greatest concerns.

All hopes that a Howard could propagate to future leaders at the ready to triumph from a purity - innocence a power – S.O.P. – to a legacy of legends by many became “high guardians” seems washed out.

The “Dean Scream” of the 2004 Presidential campaign seems spiritually recurring.

To candidate Kamala Harris, however more Indian or black, seems anti-unicorns – except as if are rhinoceros.

Are there even enough black doctors in DC for a containment of seems old – art noir – dark arts newly recurrent?

Is there anywhere an innocent enough “Howard” as “high guardian” potential to be towards finding a virgin to catch a needed mythical being even if a black unicorn more a horse than a rhinoceros?

Can there be any Harris & Newsom “California Miracle”?

If too many even once Kennedy Democrats are now much also mere “Cafeteria Catholics” as Joseph R. Biden, Sr. was Holy tag’d isn’t primal screaming to be expected as coincident to crossroads for devolutions from civilized to more barbarian? – thresholds crossed?

Are the apparent “SCREAMS” like from candidate Harris evidence of devolution?

The mobilization against California homeless is suggestive of psyche bipolar? – a beast two headed? Kamala as a Jekyll and a Hyde?

“Howard and the Unicorn” seems can only fit a law-and-order narrative.

Albeit alas if not yet a wolf in sheep’s clothing horror dramatic.

Yes, German art during the rise of fascism still evokes a “TROUBLED”.

Democrats’ nominee reasonably cannot be the virgin thought needed to catch a unicorn?

Her “Dean Scream” as set with context may shift more from Kennedy Democrats?

I recall Dr. Howard Dean admitted apparently to he amidst his campaign did “run afoul” of the profession’s MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY LAWS. I recall he fessed up to admitting his loss some was from he missed the mark on especially his professional standards – of he did harm by lying.

Once A.C.A. – Obamacare – became law – however it much firstly from thinking from The Heritage Foundation focus for healthcare reforms – presidents and lawyers or candidates, as of administration duties forward, like doctors, should also not be knowingly lying to win.

Washington DC divisions and partisan gridlock now some figure as from changes did occur before the laws were modernized to a suffice. Politicians changed practices, as were a convenience by different, newness didn’t have enough a due deeper modernization of laws to keep up our constitutional protections from even tyranny by our government. Like even in “Climate Change” politics legal liability can be now asserted versus Al Gore, it seems, for global initiatives that set asunder regular order and due process that in old days kept a farmer or rancher from damming up a waterway about their property. Proud “Prosecutor” Harris can’t run from that our laws have not kept up with the changes of our times – from that Democrats abused democratic regular order while apparently seeking more authoritarian to fascist control.

As I write to alarm and share, hopefully in time, please process Bill and Hillary did not try to be “right for their times” over attempted selfish schemes, even with a deep state facility, to just try to make the times fit their ambitions.

In the late years of the Clintons’ administration I was a self-employed general contractor in Washington DC, some Maryland, and some also Virginia, - even of built out skateboard stores – and after of earlier at 2833 Georgia Ave NW of months with a DEMO permit working on a ground floor across Gresham Street from “The Buffalo’s” Howard University gymnasium for “THE BISON”. I much was a contractor by day and a independent politics writer by night.

Bill Clinton much won 1992, after a late entry after Carville and Begala tested messaging with Harris Wofford, as he learned to sound like me – my volunteered political thinking to turn the phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” into a call for urban agendas.

Bill Clinton also stole “I TRIED IT ONCE – BUT DIDN’T INHALE” from me.

Still others also lied – fibbed too much – as politicians.

Howard Dean, himself, stole from me, sadly likewise with gall, for his talks – townhalls? – with black – with black communities – to, can you believe it, politic a posture his message to that IT IS WRONG TO STEAL.

Kamala Harris and Joseph Biden likewise during just the 2020 election could both have been exposed of unbecoming for lies frauds also violate of MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY laws.

I am related, btw, in Cody family to he was “Buffalo Bill” Cody.

In 2004 Democrat Party convention break-out speech Barack Obama plagiarized me to yet sound like/own being of, while black, what Clintons stole from me since 1993 inauguration for much of their seen as popular. Much of the recession and economics problems near the end of the Persian Gulf War had the fixes begun before the Clintons even entered the 1992 race, and such likely were mostly locked in before November to even George H. W. Bush would have had a recovery with which to govern forward in a 2nd term.

Candidate Harris problems are old and complex. And, however a political chameleon, she seems lacking a necessary personality dynamism for any legendary or bare minimum democratic republic suffice.

Candidate Harris’ politics as long some to much Democrats have lost when fraudulently took credit for what another owns as intellectual property – deeper story of “FALL OF CLINTONS” due theft by fakes – far before a lost in a FEMINISM.
Hillary was much defeated as unworthy by a creative strike that shut her out from further misappropriations/uses of what long had been working essentially by them stealing a large part yet of a larger a grand scheme for innovation – which could be then blocked because they failed to know how they stole something vast was yet controllable to originator as really part of larger broader movements for maximizing positive change.

Likewise, even if not of kryptonite to Clark, Kamala Harris doth cannot possibly be of a legend of a virgin needed to catch a unicorn. She seems to long merely more a chameleon a climber willing to be the party enforcer even of Democrats “structural racism” in California. “Harris vs Homeless” now is unsettling as like too unpredictable change/news.

What though is her politics of the one horned rhinoceros?

Are Democrats seem long too beset to naturalism of a “unicorn” story as if just of the sexual prowess of the male rhino?

Decades ago David Quammen, in OUTSIDE magazine, storied the male rhino ejaculatory prowess as told of for an hour mounted upon mate was near at 56 produced ejections in 60 minutes.

The Clintons did since 1993 much wage war against God – as of the 9/11 Report published incidentally as causal to Al Qaeda – and for a politics of “The Natural State” too global for naturalism.

She, her candidate Kamala Harris, of new interview style suggesting a “co-president Walz” dependency, seems devolved to also beset to primal screaming – too akin the specious emoting whence of Dr. Howard “The Scream” Dean.

She, her an anointed fall back nominee, is already quite late and absent on providing an intelligent rendition for politics in context with history on Israel and Gaza – on Gaza War – to a reasonable position of it smartly opined in a joint session as a struggle between civilization and barbarism.

Again, sadly, there seems no “high guardian” in Democrats – a sober “Howard” not too just a SCREAMER.

Perhaps, other than I did DEMO on Gresham Street near Howard University years ago for what had been ground floor offices of neighborhood physicians’ practices, I will see even of such a HOWARD rise up in open-eyed realism to that especially the GREEN AGENDA has long been marshalled as of movements of the LEFT for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

We may have a SWAMP of no mythical unicorns – and now too long of perversions from CONSTITUTION originalism for inventive interpretations yet lacking a “reasonable” standing – and now hopefully not too long from ORIGINALISM in rational textualism – but maybe there are still some “high guardians” in our midst able to stop such by definition essentially a new FASCISM – beyond inflection points of beginner AUTHORITARIANISM.

The long near a new FASCISM – even ushered of “CLIMATE CHANGE” near a “TROJAN HORSE” for LEFT’S strong-armed over-marching of their actual authority – intellectual score – now haunts from seemed framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

Her party is of the real story is DEMOCRATS have been undermining DEMOCRACY.

However now near a de facto President, by Joseph R. Biden, Sr. especially self-cancelled by anointed his Vice President as a back-up candidate, Kamala Harris, who seems needs a co-president for interviews, is at least a packrat to how “CLIMATE CHANGE” was long framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers – and how such now greatly undermines “CIVILIZATION” and “DEMOCRACY” with postured uttered for “GREEN AGENDA” as if it a new religion – while secular and even devolutionary as too for naturalism – a natural state devoid even a suffice of natural law.

It is a SWAMP to many.

Haven’t these radicals too long been marching of old secular guidance to “GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE – AND KILL THEIR GOD!”?

Oddly, perhaps too obviously an inflection point, is it seems her pack is to natural and sans mythical – her she is too long of Munchies – of a new SCREAM of Howard – and to even a biblical unicorn shall forward only be but a rhino.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:51 am

You have lived long enough to bear witness to one a new 2nd fiddle to Nero ascend a party soap box.

Your conscience should be shaken and stirred to the dark depths of President Joseph R. Biden was Holy tag’d a “Cafeteria Catholic”!

Our fate is our’s to make.

As our semi-quintennial approaches we should work for a rational textualism of the plain language that did form our Union – of independence in each, towards each, is set to be for each other’s rights come from their Creator.

And, our Independence 250th should include at least elementary math.

And, as Biden/Harris ticket was beat for a “BUILD BACK BETTER” an objectivism is due for a deconstruction perspective to see any building blocks of their partisan political constructs.

And, with now a Harris/Walz kick-off too we must referee upon what “a reasonable prosecutor” standard need minimally be.

Our fate is our’s to make.

President Donald J. Trump has owned and operated beauty pageants and casinos.

The psyche-profile, for one of a personality and professionalism to have had business successes with such industriousness heavy in the service sectors, if official, should prove quite contrary to the were Biden/Harris more constructs for partisan consumption of a “fake Donald”.

On math scores President Trump has a career long established record of having financial discipline – like especially as regards depreciation schedules.

“Prosecutor” Kamala Harris acumen seems isolated and limited more to mere case by case constraints, and personally devoid a math disciplined for from creation to completion as builders are supposed to account – be fully accountable.

Our fate is our’s to make.

We are above $34 TRILLIONS and growing.

President Barack H. Obama broke many records as bullied a new SPEND, SPEND, SPEND dogma partisan as towards, defeated tryingly, yet his attempted to get 70% taxes, and as if a patriotic duty.

Have we bore witness enough already to know for certain that VP Kamala Harris besides a co-conspirator in Bidenflation - of Bidenomics is Bidenflation in reasonable math sciences - scientifically is an Obama SPEND, SPEND, SPEND DEMOCRAT?

Mustn’t Harris/Walz ticket be to we find out, hopefully not too late, that they too are for 70% taxation – and even higher taxing?

If William Shakespeare had to have done this math could he have been Shakespeare – “The Bard”?

We must do the math! – Or else!

Kamala Harris has been 2nd fiddle to President Biden as vast sums amassed to new heights as their Bidenomics is Bidenflation and due everything just costs more with their half-baked policies.

What amounts to “high crimes and misdemeanors” – for 25th Amendment and impeachment?

Can there be no trump in a Harris/Walz run casino? – Are all their decks just stacked to protect government’s odds?

Is it just a buzz show?

$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY! – Harris/Walz?

We must do the math! – Or else!

In a time not too long ago, the message was different from these (radicals?) Democrats: Bill and Hillary whence were of their tune was “The era of big government is over!” – to budgeting priority for party seemed reasonable as near “It just takes a village!” – even as partisan politics deplorable with they cut an unnecessary extra Trillion for short term SURPLUS popularity – with protecting a rise for “Hillary for President” deep state scheming.

We don’t believe Nero did fiddle alone as Rome burned?

Larry Summers, of Harvard University, old proffered could be the needed new dramatic – that a due drama a new Shakespearean.

What fate has their contrary set up?

How long is your list of those rose as Democrats “First Female” “First Woman” who now needs to be objectively judged – even akin a “CRIMINAL MINDS” made for TV drama forensics of professional compliance – and to scored as now apparently proof of Harvard’s Larry Summers’ old uttered upon the female sex facility with (budgets?) mathematics?

What amounts to “high crimes?

The self-rapped tag on the House of Obama, the House of Bidens, the House of Harris is of admitted toking smoking – getting high – of “home” lifestyle - right?

“Impeachable Crimes” finding by House indicts Joseph R. Biden as a homeowner, at least, as owner of property where illegal drug use seems was regular?

Prudent barriers abide where?

Are the drama’s historical dynamics now inter-generational?

Did we fail to protect and preserve a better fate?

Is the jury in to that the “Baby Boomers” should be judged a “worst generation”?

President Trump also spent much of his career disciplined as sober-minded as firstly in proprietorship of residences – apartment and condominiums – and hotels – for a superior service standard for the brand “TRUMP” to endure.

“High crimes” is an albatross about the necks of Democrats – particularly “D” “Baby Boomers”!

While the 2020 Election was of Biden/Harris apparently perpetuated frauds by built a fake psyche profile and ran firstly against such a “fake Donald” their politics since sworn in also suggest “high crimes” – clouded judgement.

A Shakespearean on Larry Summers’ conclusion on female sex and math is overdue. We await the real story of it seems Nancy Pelosi is somehow uniquely whom is most politically culpable – 80% responsible? – for us of our Union as now of over $34 TRILLIONZ in debts.

The fall of the House of Biden didn’t need arsenic – as a plight to flight from power can be simply that his VP – in selfish ambitiousness – did dope him to too sleepy with pot brownies – and to performance to cloudy – apparently of clouded judgment?

Our Congress has sworn duty to look deeply into so much before Harris/Walz to prudently deemed even of standing to wax on was a “prosecutor” as even that standard triggers with “… for President”.

We should, to protect our fate, express deep concerns to rally our Congress to that suffice of probative expected for even serial bad actors of criminal minds.

There are jurisprudence tipping points – thresholds? – on now how “high crimes” involved more than a few admitted drug users in “leadership”.

What did the Veep – Vice President – know?

When, by James, should Kamala Harris have already loudly acted on such known? Perhaps now: KAMALA “ALSO CROOKS” HARRIS is as fit a tag as “Cafeteria Catholic”?

What should she have concluded as Cabinet members had duty to have followed the money directed by foreign agents towards into the hands of “Hunter”?

What is, for equal justice, a “REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard?

Also, legal jeopardy abounds around Biden/Harris for, at least per fentanyl deaths, as since the “New” at 2021 is they were the 1st administration that could have secured the border – yet are whom worked contrary and now can face at least their negligence.

A dramatic truth that seems also Shakespearean is as I have long posted as:

Biden’s “Catholic Guilt” seem to spur Biden’s gaffes!

Oh my! Presidential immunity?

Oh my! Not math? No Logic? No Venn diagrams?

On pot? The culpability for politicians is not on that they wrongly did it – partook in illegal substances – but on that they wrongly believed the ideas they had while influenced – under the influence – of altered chemical state(s) – with their used drugs could even exist – let alone be “more perfect” – in a sober state?

Perhaps VP Kamala Harris as Democrat Party nominee can craft a Venn Diagram for where real danger zones of as doped is to shows as covers all thoughts?

As 2nd fiddle to President Biden as Bidenomics was existentially and objectively always Bidenflation:

Where is there any rational party unity after Clinton administration “The era of big government is over!” and of twas Obama was not enough balanced and checked for SPEND, SPEND, SPEND – and then try to fix in a rigging a mortgaging of citizens’ future each more merely a subject to owe near 70% tributes to its government? – aka TAXES?

Otherwise it seems a “high crimes” that Biden/Harris are of seems akin negligent homicide for not having stemmed fentanyl when they were, reasonably quite firstly, who could have been the first to curb it substantially.

Besides Shakespeare:


CAUTION: Former Clinton NSC expert Philip Bobbitt in his book TERROR AND CONSENT did espouse near “When a White House and Hollywood work too closely together it begets terrorism.”

Sir Ridley Scott, and Larry Summers – are for perhaps that we learn from their histories?

Is Kamala “Louise”?

If Kamala Harris doesn’t know who drove “Thelma and Louise” car off the cliff is she out of touch?

If Kamala Harris denies knowing is she really a FEMINIST?

If Kamala Harris doesn’t see her economics as too “$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY!” reckless is this due “altered states” ruled her rise? – is her math unreasonable?

Is it about the math? Is it now firstly a to be staged drama about Summers’ “females”?

It is about the math!

It is inter-generational, too, of seems the “Baby Boomers” have made their legacy – their fate – due a scored as a “THE WORST GENERATION”!

Our fate is our’s to make!

It is also about the words:

As our 2nd Amendment is a clause to the 1st Amendment ends with “Government” and “grievances” with “a free state” as moral high standard of human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a real ‘it takes the village’ community-based humility:

We the People have right to free speech, assembly and revolts with militia(s) against our own government if it has become, reasonably evidently, too tyrannical.

Our constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “done” in “Year of our Lord” – this is reasonable word proof of rational textualism in plain language reading comprehension – as “ordained” “subscribed” humbly a constitution thus under God – not in blasphemy.

On our modern scales of Justice and the Posterity of the classical foundations bolster EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAWS terminated candidate President Biden, of home(s) of ill repute – of “IMPEACHABLE CRIMES”, can be scored a “NERO” – or worse. He may have more just fiddled on the beach – but, by James – my God – Harris should have and could have acted morally – not just played along a (negligent?) 2nd.

What must our “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard minimally be?

A “SLEEPY BIDEN” coup only needed pot brownies? Even for Shakespeare?

Kamala Harris, Vice President, toppling of Joseph R. Biden, President didn’t need arsenic?

The 250th anniversary of our revolutionary declaration of independence is nearing. At 250 years old our Union true blessing can be that TRUTH can reign – that with community-based tolerance and forgiveness fully our greatest protection from tyrannies we can be a People can abide TRUTH with each under our Creator before under Government – we can walk the written ratified words for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – freedom to worship secured to firstly of neighbors with neighbors.

What happened to the SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING on say President Biden not himself of immunity?

Is it just a buzz show?


How bad are the Democrats really?

What now is “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR”? – Even a correct “psyche profile”?

Nominee Kamala Harris is inconvenienced by “unfit” Joseph R. Biden recent attacks on the Supreme Court.

A rational deconstruction of such partisan formed priorities seems to associate the Office of the Vice President as also complicit in unsound politics as reasonably a willing “2nd fiddle”?

The math and the original words plain meanings now guide best.

How do we try to hold them to these words on immunity?

To sober legal minds is the strategic crossed – cloudy? Did Biden “Catholic Guilt” generate a new “Biden Defeats Biden” Biden gaffe?

To assuage cause to issues on justices seems firstly to raise the politics for reasonable prosecutors to that (accidentally?) incidentally these actions as their priorities of President Biden do self-incriminate – self-indict – even the whole Biden administration.

A simple “INTENT” test seems to scored as proposals with Biden fated(?) Harris to now the amending 2/3rds process is USC bar – and 2024 election NOT to suffice with merely a 51% plurality.

It seems crooked also that “REFORM” called for as a prima facia seems it was politically advanced as last defense possible as yet to confess to such imparts admissions to that their reign has been to date of actions still factually illegal.

Is it “high crimes” from duped, and doped? – incompetence – incompetencies?

Prosecutor Harris’ cards are now like:

We confess an amendment is needed for how we’ve governed to be actually not illegal!

Kamala Harris at least self-selected a full association as one of “Baby Boomers” generation!

William “The Bard” Shakespeare or Neil Simon could render horror or comedy on a prosecutor’s “reasonable”?  

The 6 to 3 Supreme Court bench, as with, by my 2 cents, a rational textualism in plain language comprehension, bolsters it reasonable to ourselves as see the Biden administration & Harris/Walz need 2/3rds amending even for what seems in the rear view mirror.                                                                                                                                              
Many sense a farce - and with James 4:17 still being reasonable?
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:29 pm

Pick up your sense of time and place.

We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.

It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.

In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.

In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.

Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.

We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?

We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.

Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?

To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.

A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.

His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.

Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”

A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.

In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.

Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.

A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.

Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.

A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.

I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.

One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.

The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.

By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.

President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.

Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.

The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.

The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.

To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.

Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.

Harvard, God is not dead!

We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.

Harvard, God is not dead!

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.

E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?

Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.

Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.

What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.

The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.

Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.

It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.

Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.

By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.

Harvard, God is not dead!

Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.

Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.

Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.

Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.

A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.

As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.

Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.

Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!

Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.

Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.

I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.

My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.

Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.

There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.

Harvard, God is not dead!

And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Now, especially, serial students:

A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.

Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.

I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.

Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.

Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?

We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!

The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!

And, of to score in present time:

The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?

By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?

And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?

What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?

Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!

Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?

Harvard? God is not dead?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

Can you handle the truth?

If you think you can handle the truth where now do you think you have to read it to get it?

Many have walked a line - posed a colorful utterance, more for (Gray) impression than science.

Whether of ankle deep or knee high worries with roaring twenties yelping on agreeing on a bar - metric - histories do befit scrutiny.

Where can uniform standards, even, be ethical?

Twenty somethings’ fight may have to move from any sitting on the fence - twenty somethings may have to rave and march for pushing a broad conscience to resolve that our world has witnessed “Baby Boomers” rendered own a worst gen - a worst generation.

It seems safer to posit there has too long been no ethical fashion in mainstreamed said “ethical fashion” than to reboot thought examples.

Can you name the antagonists?

How can we scientifically measure whom protagonists - worthy and fitting an honorable tag?

To graphically Madden-ize these problem events of have been in a bad way -wrong direction for over thirty years:

Perhaps tweedy proffering is needed using historical methods on the Civil War - even Gettysburg - with maps of force locations, movements, failed charges, and real outcomes.

What is the where today of a field of battle - of this not just theater of war?

Though prudent and necessary to lay out a cast of characters of whom failed science - were bad actors emoting frauds while uttering to “trust the science” dramatically?

If we Madden-ize and repurpose Gettysburg perhaps we can show the raw gore of bad actors as of a “worst gen”.

Now: Imagine you are now reading on the mistakes long of the “Green” climate movement of battles over the past three decades. How it caused inflation will be everywhere.
Let us cast Barack Obama as if General Robert Lee, Bill Clinton as if General George Pickett, and Al Gore as if was President Jefferson Davis.

Imagine the troop positions, not just of these together in a yet common threat to the Union, and work to be of Speaker Kevin McCarthy as if atop Little Round Top as if was General Earl Warren.

This won’t be BGV George Custer’s last stand.

We suppose Barack Obama sought to get control of Cemetery Ridge - metaphorically high ground of defenders of the Union.

We suppose Bill Clinton is known of 1990s of too much moral bankruptcy across his leadership - particularly his worked up two trillions in cuts with a trillion for unneeded surplus affected in lieu of actually caring - in lieu of good leadership - and yet present trying to seem relevant.

It seems Al Gore twas most new Jefferson Davis, President of a confederacy, dictating marching authoritarian solutions tyranny.

To fashion for an ethical on climate we must too work figures on issuances hemmed for reparations.

It seems logical that Speaker Kevin McCarthy should triumph - win the battle.

A full cast of bad actors have long been knowingly or unwittingly dressing the parts needed to party on with such new old South ranks - old Southern attitudes.

Do please recall that “Black Lives Matter” began more as a protest against Barack Obama and on real vibe - essence of issues - that he was at least governing too white. And fathom it got altered serious sadly into firstly a mobile force used to protect a global millions to billions brand of “Obama”.

Why did Barack Obama want control of Cemetery Ridge? Weren’t many of recent historical failures due actually to substandard bad leading of Bill Clinton? - of 90’s and beyond? Clintons are recalled of punk’d Barack Obama all eight years, as from since he had to visit Harlem office of Bill Clinton and accept his would be a divided house of he to have the Clintons admittedly as rivals - to his a “Team of Rivals” by near blackmailed to Hillary as Secretary would be insubordinate & still a Clinton first?

In these trying times re-enacting women were involved - quite badly associated. During the battles of “Green” climate ushering women were also bad actors not merely dolled up to picnic at war overlooks. Some yet were still present and honorable towards doing as much as could for troops trying to save the Union.

Al Gore fits the suits of President Jefferson Davis? And, to find an ethical for contemporary fashion mustn’t we rehash the walk and talk twas his?

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

Historically the 90s moral bankruptcy of Clintons did set up the banking crisis that $4 gas price fixing by Al Gore, somehow needing collusion, then triggered. This was one of ways much said “done for blacks” by such Democrats was yet set up backdoored to fail. Worse may be if it was mere negligent leadership of such Dems avoided any consideration to how it all would set asunder blacks’ economics especially. It seems twas premeditated oppression while some it may have been incidental and more passive aggressive.

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

On a presidential level we have problems that relate too of “One China” now versus “One Humanity”! This is where we are and need be as corrective otherwise on other mistakes by Democrats back to 1993.

The Clinton library is skinned in Confederate Gray - as after Clinton cut and extra trillion in lieu of actually caring about “Green” or “Blacks” - in lieu of caring about climate change, even levees, black schools, and even new schoolbooks. His charges luckily mostly failed - and while sadly of great costs.

Where are they in our Madden-ized? What are their darkest aims?

To Madden-ize positions of Al Gore’s authoritarian tyrannical each needs see colors as classed.

Reparations are owed by old Southern plantations patriarchs, and heirs like Al Gore, principally, however the crops were like Gore Plantations long for addicting people to “cancer sticks” or labor intensive elsewhere of cotton for practical and fashionable. Our Constitution expects a case-by-case resolution - not a spreading of guilt nationally to guilty pass the buck to many much innocents.

Gore is heir of family’s business twas for gross profiting from peoples addicted to “cancer sticks” - tobacco nicotine addictive properties. Perhaps graphically it as if you could take Al Gore out of the old South but you can’t get the old Southern out of Gores?

Al Gore as a newly fashioned President Jefferson Davis has been more to strong arming, some jackbooted, for otherwise addicting new masses to his marketed fixes - “Green” solutions tyranny marketed.

By 2006 Al Gore strategies said on climate change - with tyrannical for a “Green” agenda were quite, especially in hindsight, to twas forcing a whitening across employment and newly grand class dividing mastered towards blacks of economics broadly newly set asunder.
Joe Biden - President Joe Biden, presently - was right as new administrator to remark U.S. near in a new civil war while he yet was politically horribly terribly wrong not coloring the new gray as it is Democrats whom are the “REBELS” - them working to set asunder “Liberty for all” values.

However cobbled together these new Southern forces - and coyly of Barack Obama messianic vibe more of a secular essence - and marshalled for Cemetery Ridge as an advantaged higher ground wanted the technical failures of Bill Clinton were decisive.

Females Democrats did more than pick out curtains and fuss over what to wear to picnic at the battles. Women too were bad actors also of blood on their hands working up these rebellions insurgent to constituted order for Liberty for all.

Beware how if Democrats Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Joe Biden may loudly posture walking a talk of reparations such seems defensive for past Southern offenses to akin attempts to spread the costs of South’s patriarchs’ guilt towards others across our nation more left to whom assuaged to what yet Southern liabilities to blacks.

Beware: Due the worked “Green” tyranny of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton around 2006 our regular gas prices skyrocketed from available near 95 cents per gallon - to somehow fixed through foreign collusion as inflated to near $4.00 per gallon - far more if per liter.

GBV George Custer did thwart Gen. J.E.B. Stuart at Gettysburg.

Today in hindsight, after Madden-izing, it seems most evident we only had bad climate models - Democrats were bad actors lacking any real ethical fashion - Dems were bad role-models.

Barack Obama model - in terms of he wanted a “personality presidency” - seems firstly labeled as was too of a narcissistic Stalinism. His economics was to nothing could be peoples doing Lord’s work as any project was to only fronted as done in his own name.

Over five thousand soldiers were killed in just one day of the battle at Gettysburg of the waring to save our more perfect Union - our constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” where none to be “titled” and there no divine rights of a monarch/authoritarian.

Bill Clinton model - in terms of Clintons postured a “post Constitution” for authoritarian powers - seems firstly twas long of moral bankruptcy. His politics was to there was no accepting blacks as evolved without political factoring to though yet white men of South also pronounced as evolved more simultaneously.

Again: The Clintons cut $2 Trillion with $1 Trillion really really cut in lieu of actually caring. And, thousands died from they, at least in 90s, reportedly waged war against God.

Whom fashionable as a new GBV G. A. Custer - of a cavalry did protect the good of North - good Northern - from being flanked?

Perhaps the good lore of Gen. Earl Warren is good essence of Speaker Kevin McCarthy - is a new vibe for threads on holding “more perfect Union” high ground to at least protect from ranks getting enfiladed.

Al Gore model - in terms of if he wanted masses to be less citizens and more subjects, as mobs, newly addicted to “Gore” retailing - wholesaling addictive fixes too - is of he led movements of the Left for authoritarian power, anti-Constitution like of President Jefferson Davis, and that by definitions today the revised “FASCISM” meaning accurately is as of Left Democrats Progressives are those who are clinically FASCISTS.

The cast of climate models have in common each were of AUTHORITARIAN wants with movements to such theirs as a new FASCISM.

Al Gore is whom is most globally FASCIST? - AUTHORITARIAN of his is only face of correct (trust his “science”) authority?

Bill Clinton is whom is most institutionally FASCIST? - As Clinton foundation is structured collusion and emoluments for reaping AUTHORITARIAN by it a soapbox for as if that his face is the only real AUTHORITY?

Barack Obama is whom offered a third FASCISM - to Democrats more tri-polar than bi-polar, and while “personality” proofed out as more narcissistic Stalinism. Obama, with his imperialism also a new FASCISM, did war against the Constitution to be more an AUTHORITARIAN - seen even as if SOCIALISM had failed in passed because it wasn’t of his “personality” as its guiding AUTHORITY?

Having some Madden-ized the politics this modeling shows across the ranks a lack of ethical fashion with them Democrats with “Tri-Polar Fascism” materials in gross supply.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Joe Biden, presently a President more a “REBEL” to “more perfect Union” as a Peoples’ “Order” … “done” in “Year of our Lord” essence, seems incapable of his own FASCISM and yet must choose a FAVORITE FASCIST, and either Gore, Obama, or Clinton as his ONE TRUE AUTHORITARIAN?

Joe Biden presently seems too contrary as Catholic of Catholics to yet be boxed in - labeled - tagged - decreed fashionable as a tool of THE HOLY SEE - and agent of Roman Catholic orders?

The Democrats are the REBELS!

Though term-limited Clinton still tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet rival to under President Obama - Obama/Biden - still presently under President Joe Biden. In many ways the whole lot of these REBELS have been trapped by 90s moral bankruptcy real histories of Clintons. More Madden-izing though to be needed to dissect and dramatize how we have been saved yet by 80% of their bad was much defeated without being generally known of - saved yet by we are only trying to reconstruct from all the bad in what may have only been near of 20% of charges attempted.

We are necessarily now in a era that must be CORRECTIVE to the 90s and much the Clintons did actually get wrong - especially as per they much globally got the end of the Cold War wrong as yet of how and now we are of a new “Civil War” event.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Who, we need ask, is President Joe Biden’s favorite FASCIST.

Again: The Democrats are the “REBELS”!

Though term limited Clinton tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet under Obama - like Pickett under Lee?

An Al Gore model can have no ethical fashion. Solutions tyranny by and AUTHORITARIAN is real FASCISM, - too a “Mao Chic”!

General Earl Warren held a little round top - a strategic high ground.

BGV George Custer held off flanking cavalry with volunteers for Liberty for all.

The North under command of General George Meade managed the unity and focus to save the “more perfect Union” for Liberty for all.

In hindsight the all Southern, all white, all male, Clinton-Gore ticket became apparently a greatest threat to the Union - the constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) … “to form” a “more perfect Union” as not AUTHORITARIAN - as without a divine right of monarch.

Clinton-Gore became a “greatest threat” in the history of our Union - Clinton & Gore rival now as who was greatest threat to our republic. And now too Obama & Biden.

There is no shortage of material though now available to also rank Nancy Pelosi.

Is McCarthy - isn’t Kevin McCarthy - a new model of HOPE?

In hindsight Barack Obama seems twas always punk’d by Al Gore, and the Clintons, and in ways Vice President Joe Biden didn’t muster a viable defense.

Graphically the truth is there is a “Tri-Polar Fascism” - three distinctive FASCISTS camps across the Democrats ranks, and existentially. Many of each’s inflection points provide evidence - reveal each pole as unworkable anti-Constitution campy fashioned, and now needing real efforts corrective across most domestic and foreign lines.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:54 am








OH SAM? - - - OH LORD? - - - MY COUNTRY?





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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:50 am

Enter Georgia!

Within our sphere - our global - our nation is being taken to tasks to moderate for post racism.

Locally jurisdictions are effecting prosecutorial discretion. From New York to the District, and again to Georgia we are beset to thoroughly debate what are just fruits - what can be for a parity equal in citizens minds and hearts.

Georgians do not have a monopoly on “created equal” while also of nation’s pledge is to, and for, allegiance to civil procedures and due process. Our pledge is to the ordained and established constituted a Peoples’ “Order”.

Morally we all start “CREATED EQUAL” conceived in Liberty from of religious freedom - as of a Kingdom (of Laws) of Lord Creator’s. Such is of an obligation to each to be active parties to local self-governing in public morals, and for facilities for sanctuaries - institutions for the moral work of tolerance and forgiveness - akin rights fit with Christian to be daily born again.

A first contact founding principle is none is of a separation right from to be a neighbor to your neighbor. We are constituted a republic by a Peoples’ “Order” of a brevity for otherwise it is public morals dependent for democracy is firstly local to self-governing under Lord’s Laws.

Our Peoples’ “Order” ratified as humbly “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” leaves intact a Creator jurisdiction - Orders U.S. for self-governing in Lord’s Laws - eyes of the Lord jurisdiction.

Georgians, though not alone, are now fated to have to judiciously consider much basically firstly mathematics.

The Georgia Senate seat run-off between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker must be dissected to objectively figure datum that is either wise in math of reparations jurisprudence.

A southern black male ran against another southern black male for a United States Senate seat.  Now: How many times has this happened before?

Solving a mathematics problem of these two black candidates is now essential for understanding an essence of originalism for post racism.

The Warnock vs Walker run-off can be contested numerically- and for corrections on data on characters.

The Georgia (Biden?) vs Trump is a different drama - yet mathematically associated across all bars - ways and means polity. We can carve up on Washington national variants later:

Though Trump vs Biden necessarily involves mathematics to whom of a 60% passing grade at least:

Though Trump vs Biden also is supposed to be about reparations:

Though Trump vs Biden firstly is to if actions exceeded Americans’ core rights to robust legal exhaustion of all species of defense:

For Georgians there is their state is fated to be to clarity for prudence - to a “trust the science” professionalism - to resolve around originalism of constitution has a grammar with plain language to use of “A FREE PERSON” is an education standard - not negating “CREATED EQUAL” an inalienable root.

What is to be done with any whom fails to present regular and ordered to with at least a 60% PASS grade as a metric on if achieved “FREE” by reached a moral high standard to is one with MORAL AUTHORITY?

There are bad peaches not to be left in general circulation - so to be pulled - culled out.

There are peanuts - nuts too just pieces, shells, or bads - not to be in a net weight.

Though emotions factors are stirred to peaked on Trump vs Biden on topics of reparations the constitution - our Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” - leaves, like scripture, that enslavement is legal for those of some math metric of do FAIL at achieving (learned?) moral authority.

Thus therefore, due founding principle for innocent until proven guilty, the matters of reparations are prudently due case by case proving of which whom(s) were bad actors - illegal enslavers.

As 60% in a public morals dependence jurisprudence is written to a PASS or FAIL - 60% = 3/5ths - there are mathematics yet too quality of character vibe variants.

Georgians Senator Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker have results fated to be disputed - publicly and judiciously mathematically resolved.

Georgians, now because of mug’d up Trump especially, must demonstrate an equitable prudence relative to BLACK vs BLACK polity. What is of Caesar’s? What is of Lord’s?

That originalism is of there is a color-blind plain language, with grammar of our Peoples’ “Order” as with “A FREE PERSON”, “NATIVE” and “3/5ths” as expressions of mathematics, to measurement on education after “CREATED EQUAL” is an of morals and of law prudence variable.

In vibe “the eyes of the Lord” it seems our nation is seeing an essence “Thug Joe” as more a spectacle of guilt - guilty - than accused suspect “Trump”?

The principles crossroads vibe though is the essence of parity - an equal measure score - for if Herschel Walker, in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction, corrects to whom morally was triumphant/victorious.


After CREATED EQUAL under your Lord Creator - to American as under God before under government - each becomes measurable to a PASS or FAIL quantity with local peer review. Founding era church times ran hours - to it near a day’s work of self-governing weekly endearing for enduring.

We are constituted of a Lordly - a perfection standard - none is of a separation right from.

We are constituted of a common sense as indivisible from existentialism of are a neighbor of neighbors - of inalienable rights by ordered “FREE” - of “A FREE STATE” by under our Lord Creator - a Kingdom of commandments and commanders - before of a government jurisdiction.

Our founding of ordering by a Peoples’ “Order” and order ordained a constitution established that now Georgians are supposed to know how to do the 3/5ths - 60% PASS / FAIL - scoring.

And albeit while with local +/- facilities for sanctuaries of tolerance & forgiveness - believing.

What laws are of your inalienable rights to of “A FREE STATE” as human condition of Liberty - in a religious freedom? How are courts and elections to correct with 3/5ths as polity standard a higher comity calling public morals metric written into constituted without otherwise racial grammar?

A correction of votes for Warnock vs a correction of those for Walker? - is due?

Which candidate was more moral?

Which of voters do PASS as moral?
As constituted matters of Lord’s Laws are not to be infringed - Congress is to make no law to change Lord’s commandments - scriptural.

Is each voter due an ESG score either wise to due counts as deficient? And is ESG “scoring” but a tool now of authoritarians marched niche issues coyly as a new “Trojan Horse” for a fascism of the left - for their elitest movements of Left for authoritarian power? And if ESG scoring is corrupt it yet if that constituted 3/5ths is prudent to that “CREATED” to if “EDUCATED” is, in our republic, of some metric of morally to be effected - amassed - locally scored week by week?

Governor Ron DeSantis, a Floridian, seems math crazy - but more so mindful to of reparations drumbeats lack class action mob power as some/most enslavement histories - shepherding? - must be taken case by case within principles (for tolerance and forgiveness) of each innocent until proven guilty.

To Georgians there is the new drama to if Trump exceeded rights to robust legal defense on election parity.

BLACK vs BLACK though is more biblical - while Shakespearean - yet less dark Shakespearean.

Georgians Democrats aroused and stirred/agitated to show up for Senator Warnock were publicly measurable by public association as openly anti-Constitution - some/much activists for power with yet a simple mob majority (towards “illegal” could be called “legal”?).

Senator Raphael Warnock organized for as if only commanders - those who obey and enforce Lord’s Laws - needed for as if there only 6/10ths - only 60% - 6 of 10 of Lord’s commandments to comply with daily, and weekly? 13/20ths? Only Nth of comity?

Relatively the math for vote correction starts near to a times 60% as moral for Dem.

Candidate Herschel Walker on the other side - as Republican - had self and his supporters firstly measurable as 100% with the as ordered Laws - maybe though +/- to more 9/10ths - 90%/

Herschel Walker, Republican, had past personal factors in public measurement for candidate qualifying moral character/authority.

We are constituted in an originalism of plain language grammar to words as colorblind.

We have dark history with stories of bad interpretations that empowered maliciousness.

Today though the Georgia character politics math is BLACK vs BLACK of yet Democrats were near confessing their side was only of 3/5ths 60% or less for what oath of office swears fidelity is to be ruled/measured PASS/FAIL.

Republican Herschel Walker, however within strictures for local tolerance and forgiveness endearing and enduring, with democracy firstly self-governing in religiousness, may thus therefore be due his total vote count to be adjusted by only times near 90% +/- a few/point.

Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?

As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?

As reiterated in the First Amendment Congress shall make no law to respectacle of scriptural establishments of the in the eyes of the Lord (religious) jurisdiction?

As God is the Light?

As God made us in his image?

As God made us of the “Light”?

The mathematics are of our inalienable rights from all created equal and called to rise to a passing moral authority measured in local essence vibe?

Is it that any whom doth obey the Lord’s Laws is then capable of the positive energy - the “Light” potential?

By how ordered - united PLURIBUS - each is established as an individual an UNUM firstly of their rights from their CREATOR.

Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?

As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?

Georgia’s jurisdiction is also as ordered with founding republic of small “r” baby steps so thus is all quite elementary/simple civics.

We are not of a state religion but hourly - daily - weekly … must abide we are under a perfection standard where it/U.S. root value is audible for celebration as it is un-Christian for Christians to be bigoted.
We are to cull and defend against fruits of poisoned trees - like too roots of old Southern Democrats in life of Bill Clinton and others still to if could fool another - even a race class - then thus them fooled mustn’t be worthy of a PASS grade? U.S. for good shepherds - polity by Laws - not immoral bad actors rising coy ploys bearing unjust fruits?

Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?

As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:27 pm

    In this year two thousand twenty and three we have reached the 75th anniversary of “THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS”.
    What, today, is the state of religious freedom, here, and abroad?
    How is it compatible with originalism upon our constitution?
    The other day I was a visitor seated in the House of Representative Gallery as a resolution was discussed and passed towards restricting Representative Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and as well for the passage of resolution H.R. Res. 9 offering the full House an opportunity to condemn the past horrors of socialism/socialists.
    The days before I attended the “International Religious Freedom Summit”- #IRFSummit2023.
    Representative Ilhan Omar history may too be in conflict on human dignity core of “The International Declaration of Human Rights”.
    To reach a consensus on the complexity of these discussions we are wise to consider what history relates and if there amidst such isn’t a biased incorrect partisan spin that also compromises committee assignments.
    Representative Omar is not firstly a woman of color, nor a Muslim.  This Minneapolis politician is principally a Democrat.  As a Democrat party operative her history can objectively be reconsidered upon where there are contradictions in her known biases, and even where such essentially admits into discussion/evidence past cover-ups for leaders of her party.
    Protecting human dignity, and also religious freedom of each individual, how issues relate, is a global goal.  These times have nationalisms and imperialisms rising as at least existential threats to what was written and agreed upon of the United Nations General Assembly 75 years ago.
    Let us not forget how clever the founding fathers were, especially James Madison, in the establishment of the Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution for uniting states.  Human dignity is in originalism much by that there is no right in this ordered liberty established “Order” for any to violate the 10 COMMANDMENTS.  Though Thomas Jefferson opined the nation was not constituted as a Christian nation he yet did not write it – it of it was subscribed “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.
    James Madison protected human dignity cleverly as well, shall we consider, to it of the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights generally, is redundant to the body of the Peoples’ “Order” established ordained a constitution.  To any understanding “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” the originalism of the constituted is that each is firstly of their rights from their Creator.
    The religious freedom constituted is not of the Nation is ordered as Christian, but yet is of the nation is a republic that secures each their rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws, and as vitally secured to be firstly particularly for neighbor amongst neighbor common neighborly considerations/jurisdictions.
    The constitution respects that each is under God before under government, and secures protections from tyranny for the people for which it orders liberty.  The real separation of church and states is not a “wall of separation” as Thomas Jefferson emphasized but the vertical separation written in by James Madison to the Government is also under God – not to be theocratic – not to play God – not even to say there is no God.
    In 1941 we can argue the interpretation of “wall of separation” was tweaked to legally attempt to legalize SOCIALISM – towards there could be a secular equal standing for Franklin D. Roosevelt to stand up a “NEW DEAL” phat with social programs.  Human dignity is firstly protected by originalism to such would be contrary to the constituted “Order” by to an otherwise stood up to as if citizens are more firstly just subjects and more to be presumed guilty – needing a NANNY STATE – and not innocent under God existentially.
    With originalism read of a vertical separation the redundant in the Bill of Rights rightly reads of a snarky grammar.  Any of an understanding that the American Revolution was fought for individual rights in the vein of each of rights from their Creator – of “a free state” as a human condition of LIBERTY in religious freedom – each by how united PLURIBUS is an individual an UNUM of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 COMMANDMENT against them, and of too such is of First and Second Amendments distinctively of rights versus their own government.

    The government is of and by the People in the spirit of that the American Revolution was just and legal, and existentially each is constituted as a child of the Lord presumed to be innocent, and also able to be redeemed, even daily.
    Religious freedom is protected by ordered liberty to there regular order for due process and civil procedures for if and when Lord’s Laws broken/break down yet secular by rights to trials put to judgement by one’s peers.
    It can be complicated to understand how each is allowed and even expected to consider DEMOCRACY to be firstly that of existential liberty in individual spiritual responsibilities to be in communities, self-selected, and self-governing in Lord’s Laws.  Our constituted Peoples’ “Order” is brief and can be due it, as written, is public morals dependent.
     None is divisible from “under God”!  In the days of the era of the founding such an idea would have amounted to blasphemy; citizens are constituted as indivisible from their Creator.
     Whereas “HUMAN DIGNITY” and “HUMAN RIGHTS” are to be understood with “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” there the puzzling of scope and breadth of “child of God” due with each can be redeemed and forgiven daily there a vast PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE for encounters with others, even travelers strangers; each essentially has no right to prejudge another as not a child of the Lord Creator – God.
     Though not every human being may be an individual consciously of the Kingdom of the Lord there is to be no prejudicing upon each from of a right to be considered still reachable.
     The “UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS” does articulate for equal justice to there to be a presumption of innocent if and when a person becomes charged of a crime.
     Representative Ilhan Omar has a party problem!
     If antisemitic remarks are affected such effectively contradicts George Washington letter to the Jews of Newport guidance spelling out a high moral standard for the much established existentially Christian to that each of the United States should consider it yet un-Christian if of bigotry.  Originalism allows each individual to self-govern in Judeo-Christian establishments/scriptures/Lord’s Laws.
     The 118th Congress rising story is for more than an existential revival called up!
     The constituted Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is of the Union is formed “more perfect” by structurally the people are sovereign and there is no divine right of monarchs; the PREAMBLE sets out “in/Order/to form” not as a future tense “in order to” then of “form” tweaked to modify “more perfect” out of present tense of a “done” humbly “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”.
     The CONSTITUTION is not as Democrats for over a hundred years have worked interpretive perversions to common sense in originalism; the Peoples’ “Order” is not of “in order to” in a future tense to an executive has a loophole to dictate in a tyranny with any idea they personally think is “more perfect” for the Union.
     At just 75 years old the declaration at the General Assembly of the UNITED NATIONS is still wanting compared to the articulated structures of the ordered liberty in originalism – in the CONSTITUTION still standing of the USA.
     The party problems of House Democrats is now that parity for polity to comity can much only come about by discussing the mistakes made by Democrat Party elected leaders at least since 1992.
     Before the barring from Foreign Affairs duty is an issue of race or sex it is partisan needing litigating – OBJECTIVISM ON HISTORICAL DETAILS – as Representative Ilhan Omar too should responsibly demonstrate a working understanding, before speaking to HOUSE purse strings requests, of which problems in past decades were actually fundamentally and particularly caused by Democrats.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong…?
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton compromised near every executive decision with a nepotism priority to check and bias towards each of his decisions had to keep his promise to his spouse that he would help her get her own named presidency – if and after she helped him get own.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton 90s was of era of AMERICAN ABANDONMENT in Iraq and Afghanistan, while Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, had feminism crusading in Middle East that yet incited and precipitated what became the attacks of September 11, 2001.  And while times of issues of Muslims were simmering and so stoked by a moral bankruptcy of the politics of the Clintons the history is while issues grew past simmering the Clintons yet vastly unfunded DEFENSE and INTELLIGENCE agencies, and worked for a “wall of separation” (bureaucratic) between FBI INVESTIGATIONS and ENFORCEMENT divisions.
     WHEREAS:  John Kerry & John Murtha undermined the war plans of IRAQ WAR from near day one of boots on the ground in country in Iraq towards the Iraqi were given a palpable fear that AMERICANS would just CUT & RUN and leave them again, like in the 90s, at the mercy of tyrant Saddam Hussein.  President Bush plan may still have been inadequate and how the war was sold, but without the Iraq War Americans would generally have been trapped, in the minds of Muslims youths at least, as on the wrong side of the ARAB SPRING era.  Revolutions by Irani would, seems, not be against their own government as likely still Americans to have been seen to much as a common ENEMY, to Iran Leaders and citizens, though USA is a nation constituted for religious freedom for all.
     WHEREAS:  Hillary Clinton was also party to smearing the work of the first blacks to be a Secretary of State but indivisible more deplorable for such of selfish fraud by lies evidenced in nature of partisan ploys of what Democrats smeared once of the first black Secretaries was then otherwise effected as if original by Secretary Clinton and to posturing of it affected by her to be pure genius, like, though much stolen plays like how much Hillary Clinton copied Richard M. Nixon foreign policy.
     There are some closet SOCIALIST it seems in the 118th Congress while generally a new McCarthyism is not needed due near 100 DEMOCRATS have voted apparently to be admittedly SOCIALISTS.
     Where nations now imperial and of new nationalism with expansionist efforts we have violations of the INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
     As we ponder Taiwan mustn’t we conclude near to that if CCP - CHINA - were to lay siege to such nation the world should firstly discern and tag the Chinese as expansionist of imperialism that represents more than an existential threat to religious liberty the world wide?
     The constituted of these united states of the Americas stays originally true to that each is of rights from their Lord Creator, and is firstly under God before under any government, and structurally so of an ordered liberty respecting Judeo-Christian scriptures/establishments of religion, but in “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” for a republic of each of individual rights to be in DEMOCRACY of locally self-governing in RELIGIOSNESS.
     Americans are more protected as each a “child of God” then regularly discussed.
     The party problem of FOREIGN AFFAIRS for Representative Ilhan Omar is far more populated within her caucus as now evidence by those voted to be admitted SOCIALISTS, – and thus therefore anti-Constitution.
     This all cannot be whitewashed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. coyly claiming CAPITALISM CAN BENEFIT FROM COMPETITION to suggest SOCIALISM, while contrary to originalism, is postured as yet okay by being at least his “competition” to CAPITALISM.
     There are distinctions to be kept between “religious” and “religion” as per freedom!
     A “religious freedom” is usually firstly that of interacting and synthesizing with a community – amongst neighbors.  A traveler yet to being a stranger in a strange land more firstly is of “religion” “freedom” of to be welcomed in a presumption of innocence with a peaceable modal prioritized.
     Consider beyond how if Taiwan is seized China can be broad brushed as a global threat to religious freedom, and as the numbers are there near as many of Islam in the world as Chinese under the CCP, and too near as many Catholics in world also to feel more than existentially threatened.
     Irani demonstrators have current events, in an objectivism, raising conundrums of it seems China should be seen as a greater threat to Iran than Americans of religious liberty originalism, - of seems due Saddam Hussein did get prosecuted Americans can be seen as brethren for human dignity for all – to a much young population in such nation.
     Originalism is bolstered by Alexander Hamilton as “PUBLIUS” in #1 of “THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” by the constitution is said to be for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” to that SOCIALISM of today is much set as illegal/unconstitutional in the Peoples’ “Order” that secures each individual a status of rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws.
     The “BILL OF RIGHTS” is in a snarky grammar that really, as understood of snark, does greatly limit the powers to be allowed the federal government.  As Congress to make now law to change/respectacle of in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction near every issue in scripture is yet preserved to be for governance as democracy yet in the local and state powers closer to interactive communities.
     The CONSTITUTION is conceived and subscribed done as a Peoples’ “Order” that respects the people declared a revolution was just and legal, and as for “a free state” as a high moral standard to each of a human condition of LIBERTY in RELIGIUOS FREEDOM – are of rights from their Creator.
     There is no right in such for any to be prejudiced – prejudging any as not of the Kingdom of the Lord – while the moral standard to it un-Christian if bigoted – while the “LORD” is recognized as that same “LORD” at least of JEWS, CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS.
     Perhaps the party in the minority, the caucus of Representative Omar, is willing now to fully table for open discussions all the issues around how the CCP have cut up the 10 COMMANDMENTS for quotes of “Xi”?  And too the collateral reframing to now Chinese are a global minority measured against persons of faiths – all current and future religiously free persons?
      Jews, Christians, Islamic all, at least, respect these 10 of Lord’s Laws.
     Under United States constituted ordered liberty each yet is allowed to be even born again daily – of a tolerance and even forgiveness to change their status often.
     Antisemitism sets asunder this basic liberty – religious freedom at its core!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:33 pm
     As the existential threat seems of the essence & vibe of Speaker Pelosi much affecting like a big bee loose in a car of any driving while white or black: Happy New Year 2022: Let us nail down some of the historical problems of President Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong, & President Joe Biden bumbling on & on misunderstanding our new Civil War.
     It has been said that Joe Biden is scientifically incapable of any moral high ground.
     The Clintons have many problems & now how Joe Biden can’t even rank 42, 43, 44 to any scientific standard without himself being to self-incrimination to party to illegal cover-ups on far worse than Watergate - far worse than President Richard Nixon is just also a stinger likely ready.
     The coming elections for  2022 & 2024 must set out a field of battle of battle lines of troops - politicians positions - mapped out like John Madden long gave play analysis. A “TRUST THE SCIENCE” scope is due for many sciences from economics to behavioral sciences. These forward days are dangerous if any not behooved to study any party horsepower, and righteousness per candidate where ever seated. A ranking of 42, 43, 44, 45 in deep data with secured processes is extremely now necessary to frame in any understanding for concurrent o 46.
     President Joe Biden is predisposed to get it all wrong by he is of an intra-party civil warring for legacies between Clintons & Obamas where for which ever existential threat flying around there is historically to many contradictions to much the real problem is either Clinton or Obama can have been right but not both Clinton & Obama.
     While sadly the first self-proclaimed “First Black President” later did much punk all 8 years the first “Half Black President” also a self-proclaimed “First Black President” old white President Joe Biden has problems apparently operative in a history of “Black Lives Matter” as near known for seemed to have sold out to DNC from started as a protest against President Barack Obama as was failing blacks to activism martialed to riotous yet firstly to attempt to protect a billion dollar global brand potential for the Obamas.
     A worst education curriculum to be seen would be if especially black youths are not allowed to and encouraged to study the many mistakes of President Barack Obama. Scientifically First Lady Dr. Biden has a professional obligation - to all sciences & analysis logical from on real data - to be inconvenient to President Joe Biden attempts to claim the USA is more in a state of Civil War than even intra-party to Democrats Party.
     Otherwise beyond any new “Civil War” claimant must deeply probe & resolve around facts & collateral issues of President Bill Clinton much got the end of the Cold War wrong there simple stings to escape of firstly seeing a civil war means there two sides and language & terms disagreed upon dividing & amounting to one side must be more “REBELS” than the other. In these times it is complicated by simply in air of that Democrats are the party of anti-Constitution rebellions.
      To drive the issues, however white or black, there is while driving black each even more relevant in 2022 & to 2024 as there the divide in perversion of “democracy” where President Joe Biden party is at least of common cause to claims for “democracy” while more firstly of movements of the Left for authoritarian powers & while duplicitous & bifurcating to likewise be more for herding subjects to be counted as voted for a ruling class, than of real democracy as for the people as of the people. Democrats misuse “democracy” to be of their oppression & as citizens left more just subjects trapped under a tyranny of elites wanting authority to be only can discern what is “for” the people.
     Republicans have been offering fresh air and freedoms of old where individual liberty of rights from one’s Creator is the essence & vibe of 2nd Amendment “a free state” lingua franca. Likewise consider E PLURIBUS UNUM civilly is also erudite & common sense to we by how united pluribus are each to each of other an individual an unum of rights from their Creator.  There is a war inter-party a war on many other words too that amounts to a more networked CIVIL WAR with only the Republicans accurately reading the plain language that is the actual Laws of our Land.
     First though let us be prepared:
     President Joe Biden is incapable of ranking even just 42, 43, 44 without self-incrimination to he was as 2020 candidate Joe Biden yet unfit for office before election day. I will leave now for later that as President he effectively is impeachable for unbecoming conduct within his political predicaments of can’t honestly posture due there is a civil war intra-party to his Democrats web. The Clintons did punk Obama all 8 years and when real probative occurs it should much indict the Clintons - as selfish intimate collaborators - of pertinent variables in data rich histories of got the end of the Cold War wrong - thus the USA transition to being a sole superpower - thus too with veins of their self-evident white pride more broadcast finally as beyond the pale for these times and monumental due deconstruction.
    President Joe Biden is beyond it a “Biden Gaffe” that his official utterances tagged nation as in a NEW CIVIL WAR for it is his own party rebellious and the side of two which is ant-Constitution. The Clintons’ “post-Constitution” schemes were always anti-Constitution ploys and sadly still networked devoid a real networked & broadcast dissection of how stung many with their machinations in a white pride with how so much fronted as if for blacks was yet by them back doored set up to fail in classic & hybrid structural racism even self-evident in the color of their library as for Posterity in phallic/gun shape & in “Confederate Gray” structural building skin.
     There can be no “trust the science” level playing field for the contested on inter-party war of words until real play by play detailed on Democrats driving politics while white & too while driving black.
     Americans now are of a new frontier - especially for blacks patriotic consumption - of we now have the black existentialism of we have now all much also been betrayed, as unum & in plural by a black president.
     President Joe Biden can’t heal the stings of too many now driving about with like a big bee flying around in their car, and as defensively rebellious to the very protections against tyranny secured in Constitution plain language the Democrats are at war with, & while the Republicans still amass to counter Government upon.
     We need start, perchance, with confessions in how the Clintons so long publicly uttered upon “post-Constitution” schemes that were admittedly anti-Constitution that they self-identified as of textbook treason.
     We need end this war by firstly expecting President Joe Biden to fight the war of words intra & inter party.
     We must parse the language deeply to the roots of discord are of Democrats even more than bi-polar to tri-polar defying any simple bifurcation scientific.
     Since President Joe Biden has offered there must be two sides & one side more REBELS as more anti-Constitution there also prima facia evidence in how both Bill & Hillary by choice took Bill’s middle name “Jefferson” in pride of the old South Jefferson Davis, he by name change & she by marriage to he yet born William Blythe III.  The Clintons also diabolically moved into private residence in Washington DC after self-proclaimed a “First Black President” to their address on Whitehaven Place, Road, or Street.  The Clinton Foundation graphic in logo & flag is imperial art like Hitler Nazi Swastika flag; The CGI circle of stars is homage to old flag of the South while imperial like Nazi banner as of a circle like a globe to be dominant - not humble.
     Are you with President Joe Biden with the Obamas as with the Clintons while the white pride figures of them as it long - however passive aggressive racism - okay to politic with blacks as okay to respect black populace as evolved as long as whites allowed in same years & eras to be of pronounced also more evolved & even evolved enough to still be firstly a master class type?
     Might we hope whatever the January 6th 2021 patriots motives were as per a stolen election it hold ups that they were patriotic and engaged in a great battle to fight the dark side of the Democrats - the real REBELS of our time’s worst racism, & structural racism methodologies?  Might we hope that people accept President Joe Biden pronouncements of that our worst problems are in Democrats run metropolitan areas as more firstly of failures of Democrats on Democrats than that troubling also of “Black on Black” problems?
                                      *     *     *     *     *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:50 pm

     As we journey together temporally for a short game a daily keep or 7 days stretch concern our primary cognitive needs a pathology for if one if of a kingdom then one is of rules - if in a garden as an old metaphorical it is more than a philosopher’s whimsy and copacetic as an Eden of guidelines. I am now writing thru an undisclosed public wi-fi now overcoming an ignorance on homeless shelters - night & day shelters - and support systems across a major US city.

     Again, as I persist while engaged in transitional processes for career development to eventually include endeavoring to be shifted to traditional & e-book mediums, I am putting writing newly on par with efforts to become now employed thrice in now relocated to DC.
     My Go Fund Me appeal hasn’t amount to even a livable $50 per day minimum I have long managed of a self-disciplined green minimalism a safe lifestyle for when writing my politics blogs. Too few likely even have seen my appealing links, however, I still have global readers via social media. I expect to be sheltering through the holidays while finding new short-term earnings again can rectify a temporary in-between financial need. 
     The year two thousand twenty & two now near upon us brings need to focus for us to any temporal togetherness and to the how & the possible for compassion in the new year. Jesus rules still rules - like a good copyright even against plagiarism & misappropriation in the haunts of politicians.
     The pop & the social - even metropolitan sheik - can barely clad, in our metaphor, the President of any “Emperor’s” “new suit” per the state of the Executive’s affairs. President Joe Biden firstly forward must be of a study of contrast - studies of his contrary - his contrariness. President Joe Biden is hardly a child in just a sandbox, yet his BUILD BACK BETTER is so devoid of structural building blocks there seems near no safe foundation to establish a cladding upon.
     In our garden - like of a concept for a kingdom of LOVE is ruled to possible beyond a natural state to each of a pathology & commitment to self-govern in MORALS.  LOVE is a concept of MORALS - for a MORAL society - a civilized Union/hood/community.
     Consider the “CRITICAL RACE THEORY” & “1619 PROJECT” both need 1776 fundamentalism better refigured & reset as by law the laws are still the laws & it even arguable the plain language of originalism in the Constitution, as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun), as to scriptures - in spirit of each of rights from their Creator & under their Lord before under any Government - offers better solutions & easier common ground than the movements of the Left for authoritarian powers now much sadly synonymous to a new FASCISM.
     Blacks can, if allowed to learn from the many mistakes of President Barack Obama, rise to a black youth now can grow up to be America’s first good black President.
     No labels:  It is an odd situation that we now have our first black President as one arguably did leave office after 8 years two terms as simply a person who misreads the Constitution.  There is a case - cases - to be offered on Barack Obama, despite a first black President of the Harvard Law Review at Harvard College Harvard Law School, and then a University of Chicago Constitutional Law Professor, did pervert the plain language knowingly with premeditation to try to work out from its grammar otherwise a yet case for SOCIALISM to be said constitutional. Yet it seems firstly elementary that President Obama has long clearly simply misread the plain language, & to made “garden” work that wasn’t ever needed or fruitful.
     Legally there may be no tie down to how his Chicago home properties amassed by like an emolument a clever gift to he bought the primary lot & then incidentally allowed use of the next-door lot as if own as if a tax dodge like when Delaware long of corporation tax safe havens.  This misreading though may be a hundred year plus error general to the Democrats Party since when President Theodore Roosevelt after his terms, after his yuge safari, after toasted across Europe in the parlors of the new FASCISTS was back in our United States & wondering how if he could win a 3rd term maybe by bringing FASCISM to homeland.
     Though the Clintons before him publicly postured to as if our Laws of Constitution were dead & they could bring autocracy in their names about more regressed to a natural state, with their “post-Constitution” ploys this is now more primarily otherwise about how President Obama postures too few rules for our “garden” to be a workable “kingdom” in compassion by adherence with disciplines to rule by laws.
     President Obama cannot stay popular if people actually seek a foundation for law and order - a governing for “a free state” as of a moral higher calling for those most free to be those most achieved a moral authority. Our 2nd Amendment “a free state” is the human condition of Liberty in individual freedom from being responsibly self-governing in Religious Liberty - in Lord’s Laws & with them in each step they take to always still in spirit a consciously neighbor to neighbors.
     Our garden may be only of a temporal journey around “together” which traverses but 7 days - even daily disciplines yet not checked & balanced.
     That Americans were ready for America to elect its first Black President says a lot good about our country that yet means now even our gardens should see stirred intelligent discussions on the merits beyond the color & too specifically the character lacking at least in one did profess to want to be judged for having had a “personality-based presidency” tenure.
     There is no escaping his fate. President Obama legacy must be front & center as the worst education model for any curriculums is if even just black youths are kept from being allowed to study the many mistakes - especially constitutional deviance - made by the “First Black President” of the United States of America.
     My perspective is competitive on racism vs Barack Obama as it I who sparked development for “DIFF’RENT STROKES” & to offered, unlike my sole black cousin sit rep, that show better if had 2 adopted sons & to names could work as ARNOLD & WILLIS as around my youth years shoe store ARNOLD’S where picking sneakers for WHERE THERE A WILL IS WAY - “WILL IS” to “WILLIS” characterization. And in 1970s I became aware of a B.O. in Hawaii four years older interested in competing in presidential oratory as I prepared for my 7th grade school wide Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “DAY OF INFAMY” Declaration of War speech. And too I met Michelle Robinson Obama out in Harvard Square at Grendel’s as she hosting her brother visiting her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School of 1987-88 school year. I also did the think wrote a lead for how Clintons learned to sound in 1992 to follow my guidance to shift phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” to a call nationally for urban agendas & community policing advancement out of having institutionally gotten to centralized & to a bunker mentality.
     We need a new back to basics with a support process essence for republic baby steps to newly organized to how each has no original constitutional right - like in blasphemy - to be separated from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created & created stuff and near be not to being taking any steps not kept in a local copacetic responsibility as neighbor to neighbors.
     President Obama liked his misreading of the Constitution and seemed to balk at any corrective efforts to bring him to the legal establishments of it scriptures of Lord’s Laws firstly our living documents & our Constitution as a Peoples’ “Order” “done” as an ordered for civil procedures and due process for when Lord’s Laws broken or broke down.  Democrats have confused our “garden” scapes by posturing to as if Lawyers were above the Law & a President is just a secular leader allowed a narcissism to govern more by “personality” than by governance in Laws.  Such is beyond a “Bully Pulpit” to contrary to our separation of church and state as vertical to our “more perfect Union” figures plainly as firstly to that our Federal Government is not allowed to be theocratic, play God, respectacle the establishments/tenets/scriptures of in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction our kingdom’s garden rules.
     President Obama misreads “in Order to” as “in order to” as loophole with “more perfect Union” to as if the constituted Peoples’ Order is nullified if just a lawyer argues for narcissism & government not by laws but by person - a personality - is of standing suffice for Executive yet sworn to our ratified ordained a constitution.
     Our constituted established as a Peoples’ Order is of “in/Order/to form” & “more/perfect/Union to “done” subscribed in the “Year/of/our/Lord” whence. Such sets up a set of civil procedures & due process of a Order done - not a loosy goosy loophole for tyranny by personality of an executive over prudence - jurisprudence.
     The Democrat Party is regressed to natural state extra-constitutionalism at best while arguably the Clintons with “post-Constitution” & Obama with “personality presidency” & now President Joseph Biden beyond a bi-polar to a tri-polar that confuses even across our Mental Health Clarity standards for that which amounts to unbecoming.  There are at least three poles of the current Democrats “community” to there can be no intelligent concord in our gardens.
     The worst education core curriculum now for Barack Obama studies is if any becometh of preventions from especially black youths allowed to study the many mistakes of the first black President. His misreading of our Constitution is so elementary it baffles. How any misread “Order” from “in/Order/to form” to as if a loophole for tyranny & narcissism as if just “in order to” confounds. The Clintons’ “post-Constitution” ploy to as if protections from tyranny nullified has largely failed while Obama’s remain puzzling as President Biden now knee deep in confusion much establishing just discordance to our garden state - our kingdom - our Holidays vibes of Lord’s Laws really still matter profoundly.
     Beyond my decades as white & anti-racism I yet too am he the patron US muse did challenge JK Rowling to write 7 books on a Magic School. I too instructed she halt further books as I started a creative strike to block the rising of “Crooked Hillary” while politely allowed it, from me to JKR, to not forced cold turkey off me her muse, generously cloaked but of leading energies & focus for next books, by I did forward offer she could write more off the real me than the imagineer in me - that she could write of a STRIKE as a protest of economics too corrupted by politicians - a robbing Galbraith like instead of John Kenneth Galbraith. 
     How I was decades a thinking and writer to philosopher of philosophy as reason for cloaking is too now fundamentally linked to I have a need to share that I know Democrats have regressed from a suffice of rules.  I am more responsible possibly for that HOGWARTS of HARRY POTTER stirred a global reading pop than Jo’s actual writing as it was my concepts worked, & in already established networks for maximizing change, & that my mused direction was to its core COUNTER CULTURE to these points of concern of Democrats regressed & at least perverted our plain language of our Peoples’ “Order” in our established ordained an order a constitution.
                                     *     *     *     *     *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

     It is now near 10am Wednesday morning the eve of Thanksgiving 2021. I am seated in the Jefferson Building main reading room of the Library of Congress.

     President Joe Biden is an embattled executive with his leadership seriously questioned/doubted.
     Our national traditions for this holiday do contravene the political messaging from the current White House.
     Our national pastimes for level playing fields of law & order with referees & crowd emotions are inconvenient to current dictum prescribed too authoritarian & devoid regular order for advise & consent.
     Enter President Donald Trump.
     This man must be understood for parity in a real sense of history - real historicals - real context.
     This man is a conundrum as to criticize him there that factor of most of years to be most critical he was yet in New York City resident as a Clinton Democrat. Which years were most formative & questionable for this man long a Democrats who changed parties it seems to be able to stay a winner?
     To surmise he can only be judged as a Republican is off.  This man, to President Biden especially, is of he changed party from Democrats to Republicans after there major national movement success in constitutional fundamentals of for modern Republicans of a Republican Movement & it also of a new Tea Party.
     Neither old white man started these dynamics for a back to basics in keeping to the Constitution is better written than it may ever have been allowed to be interpreted. To parse & pare the different challenges it seems prudent all must see parameters like for Thanksgiving sports - football? - of settings for a level playing field & with referees sworn for rule by rules.  The drama dynamic for broadcasting on challengers maybe fields best when both sides try to explain all the mistakes of the 1990s made by the Clintons.
     Where was his politics in the 1990s?
     President Biden now faces him as a Republican much did well after joining Republican Movement winning yet as his former self but too while Election 2020 had to be run with frauds perpetuated by the Democrats due the gestalt of the party is there otherwise eitherwise are too many contrary & contradictory in deeds & ranks.
     President Biden has not been celebrating the values of Thanksgiving in his or the Obama administration; the Thanksgiving story is respected in Constitution plain language originalism of the colonies respected the Pilgrims experimented as contracted to for repayment of ocean transit costs then with that called Socialism today.
     Our founders essentially rendered respectfully the learned from such experiment to the actual wording of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is to that we call Socialism is set as unconstitutional - but as under “Religious Liberty” focused & to as if religion.
     This man is innocent compared the Democrats he fled from when he changed party?
     President Biden otherwise is by how objects to actual originalism “Religious Liberty” per Thanksgiving inconvenient truths of Pilgrims experimented with & then overcame the pitfalls of that we call Socialism today, to he also fundamentally is postured eitherwise to in objections to the Iraq constituted - the Iraqi Constitution. Biden with Democrats whom fundamentally try to set asunder the concept of each an unum an individual of rights from Creator - to of Union as united pluribus to by how constituted each of Liberty for Posterity by it a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.  The Iraq people have constituted likewise, however more similar to United Kingdom particulars, that the are each under Islam before under Government & since their liberation to stipulations for women to be guaranteed power of offices too.
    This man is whom tried to give the country back to the People & while martialing artfully for a return of “Merry Christmas” across our nation.
    Why did the Biden campaign need “Black Lives Matter” to fundamentally shift from formed after Michael Brown police incident tragedy in Ferguson Missouri into that seems SOLD OUT to be activists & radicalized to firstly a partisan politics to attempt to PROTECT A BILLION DOLLAR GLOBAL BRAND FOR OBAMAS?
    How was this man once a Clinton Democrat who joined the winning Republican Movement for constitutional law & order new buttressing so misunderstood?
    Aren’t both these old white men more wrong than right? - on Iraq for how Iraqi liberated? & then constituted a republic?  President Biden must be anti-Iraq as constituted like his politics are of party now long for citizens as if more just subjects & any religiousness to be suborned under an authoritarian tyranny of a Left ruling class?  President Trump must be more wrong than right on his objections to the liberation of Iraq - the Iraq War?
    This man who as our president represented an existential threat to the politician Joe Biden by moved as a Modern Republican in sync to the Republican Movement he joined to bring the nation to a refreshed polity of the Republicans more whom represented as the WORKING BLUE COLLAR CITIZENS party?  He had old “Joe” on the ropes!  He with the Republicans as his new party too demonstrated very professionally an economics with objectivism & social sciences data of our nation could creates more jobs than there seemed a suffice of workers to staff.
     Candidate Joe Biden just lied & lied & perpetuated frauds for gain across the 2020 election to ran more against a construct of a #FakeDonald actually irrational & devoid of any objectivism in any science for real psyche profiling.
     This man, besides becameth the new champion of the working people, did too trample on any ego of old “Joe” by too he was doing more than generally reported as doing of doing more for blacks - black Americans - than Democrats had been willing to do for the past 30 years, at least. Old “Joe” was being flattened by this man obviously a changed man as became a Republican politician & shed many past mistakes especially of the 1990s of the effected moral depravity in political decisions by President William Jefferson Clinton - born yet William Blythe III to need a name change seems to become electable.  This man became a Republican President didn’t change his name; Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton did both choose to have “Jefferson” as of their legal names, even as for firstly of South for Jefferson Davis.
     As candidate Joe Biden long in 2020 election he by his own party of New York state prosecutorial discretion standards, as precedent on FRAUD, was able to be deemed UNFIT FOR OFFICE for perpetuated FRAUDS for gain both of lies to inflate President Barack Hussein Obama legacy, & too to run against a construct a #FakeDonald.
     Ours & Iraqi constitutions are likewise of our Thanksgiving roots for each an unum and individual of rights from Creator by how constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) - by how united pluribus to each says each other’s rights come from their Lord - not the Federal Government.  President Biden is contrary to both.  President Obama more than misread Constitution he administered false governance at home & abroad as if he could lead as if a secular Socialist.
     This man may be hard to see as an innocent for he of so many years at least to quiet during the 1990s moral depravity of the executive decisions by the Clintons.  He did rise to show with Republican Movement & Modern Republicans that the Right was better on job creation & too as experienced to also setting up to have done more for blacks than Democrats had been willing to do for over 30 years.
     This man though a former Clinton Democrats was not so horrible as were the Clintons of it was apparent so much of what they yet staged for popularity as of DOING FOR BLACKS was much back doored also as SET UP  TO FAIL.
     This man may have failed to defend himself from the attacks from the Clintons & associated but due he was too long too quiet as maybe complicit as one of them?
     Candidate Joe Biden had to be unbecoming to unfit for office, by more than this said of failed his own party’s legal standards for perpetuating fraud for gain;  Candidate Joe Biden had this man of had him against the ropes by with Republicans of so improved/built a growing economics the economy nearly had too many jobs for the available number of workers, & to were actually moving forward to still be to helping blacks more than Democrats had long been willing to.
     As also maybe firstly just the other “old white guy” is this man now of old “Joe” problem of may be reflexively towards regressing to errant old ways of at least the 1990s and Clintons poor judgement for Posterity to be taught of 8 years much in a moral depravity?
     Where is there Thanksgiving of level playing fields for this contesting of the politics?
     Democrats perpetuated FRAUDS to flip his LAW & ORDER on him as set as vs THE SWAMP & their leadership to as if he was, not they by CYA necessity, whom militarizing POLICING issues & baiting racism?
     Whom can be the referees for LAW & ORDER this Thanksgiving and beyond to maybe #Trump2024?
      President Biden has a moral duty to be an  EDUCATION PRESIDENT to youths can study the mistakes of President Barack Hussein Obama - learn of and from the Obama mistakes - which to means we must now removed the like BLACKED OUT for all of 1990s on President William Jefferson Clinton real administering so too young & old all around the world can finally study so much firstly best tag’d “moral depravity” extant in the Clintons governance.
     It seems this day in 2021 near eve of Thanksgiving that to judge this man - beyond was President Donald John Trump, Sr. for a term - we must reconsider the 1990s & firstly work up a full dramatization of a Bill Clinton vs Donald Trump historical. 
     Speaker Nancy Pelosi did steal election 2020 as promised she would as Democrats went after this man constantly by stealing the successful movement developments of the Republican Movement & Tea Party - which too historically explains the current ORIGINALISM Supreme Court plurality - & projecting & transferring to build presumption of guilt by momentum, not proofing, the landed hits that felled #CrookedHillary.
     This man was of a stolen election but oddly his defenses so far have not explained how it actually was stolen as promised it would be.
     This man hasn’t defended himself well enough?
     This man was too long a Clinton Democrat now too old to stay a changed man?
                                               *       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:26 am

Welcome aboard! - the new year 2020.

We have much to discuss to achieve a potential for parity - comity in polity - just among Democrats.

The Democrats general liberal progressive definition of success is part of how President Trump is succeeding where otherwise President Obama at least failed blacks.

We can progress hardly further with it a primary general consideration for Democrats’ qualities debates if we do not all - a bipartisan “all” - face facts and realize it is high time to discuss how many crimes the Clintons committed against the Obama threat.

A basic truth of President Obama, his definition of success, to the dynamics of his legacy becomes daily more apparently of a valuation to it easily said “he failed blacks”.  The real crime in this - American crime - is maybe more of that of the stories of the Clintons rivalry as phat with crimes against Barack H. Obama.

The Clintons & Obama have both at least failed blacks with their American crimes of a definition of success as shared some of so much as if life is about TRY TO GET TO HARVARD & then accept your station for life as failed if didn’t go to Harvard.

As Michelle Obama is of Princeton & Harvard, & Barack Obama of a starter college then Columbian & Harvard it is they were supposed to be safe from crimes by Clintons of Hillary Clinton of just Wellesley & Yale, & Bill Clinton of Georgetown & Yale. But alas the Clintons essentially punk’d President Obama all 8 years.

To get “Trump” one must ponder the conundrum of his degree is more of Hard Knocks U. of learned Hospitality from the ground up and quite to of leaned on Apostle Paul of Bible said of capitalism - win win economics of parties to each deal later should be able to tip hats to each other in passings - as near ‘to have growth (economics) people must be able to sing together’.

President Donald J. Trump victory over #CrookedHillary was firstly much as was of unknown Senator Barack H. Obama vs #InevitableHillary of there just was enough support for one a THE UN-CLINTON.

It is now for all those emotional intelligence mid day television shows to bring up the battles between that for a legacy for the Clintons as versus what then left to be a legacy for the Obamas. There is more than the criminal essence of vibe of blackmail truly in the deep story of Clintons somehow made the first black American President accept their insubordination and real rivalry to he had to share his was so, because of Clintons, a house divided and he stuck of a team of rivals.

It so seems since Obamas have Harvard degrees & Clintons merely Yale degrees that something of a subterfuge was active to that of it still seems criminal how Clintons were able to have “rivals” status by it seems blackmailing a first black President yet before of hardly but one speech, and, a one speech most still don’t know he was to plagiarizing in its oration.

2020 is the year to see clearly this opposition to Republican Donald J. Trump, as he tries to be enlightened as also a #ModernRepublican, is yet of his is more #MoralsTrumpHate than #LoveTrumpsHate by the regularity of historical significance of LOVE is a concept of MORALS and we must get past the Clintons crimes of long worked anti-Constitution to too much success at having moved nation too far towards a Natural State & more a government by man - from better secured & just for all of government by laws.

The mid day television shows especially for female audiences with triggers for emotional intelligence engagement must now field the contested between especially Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama on just the FEMINISM roots.

This must be some how to at least be beyond blue areas as zones of ignorance, still, and to how this must also be proffered through to an erudite rendition for institutional copacetic of that Michelle Obama of Harvard is supposed to have been thus established as higher & better than Hillary Clinton of Yale - despite it seems her victim - their victim.

This is no time to talk about the HOPE of #RepublicanMovement as brought back government by laws with Donald J. Trump a joined & accepted leader so more of #MoralsTrumpHate.

To be brief, and forward more brief in 2020, we must first look at the apparent true crimes by Clintons against Obamas, and nation, as American crimes as contrary in essence to constituted protections.

The Clintons seems to have so grossly violated spirit & law of the Emoluments Clause - Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - such to that there is logically real legal jeopardy - far beyond their uttered long much confessions of textbook treason of utterances of “post Constitution” - in that of emoluments laundering by ploy coy of chicanery of play their cards devilishly as if emolument to Clintons could just be called “charity” instead.

It figures since of a Constitution clause that the violation of such triggers that then therefore the Clintons did forfeit and nullify any immunity from prosecution due of emoluments violations - and even any diplomatic immunity.

Blacks still have to fit into Democrats view of success of for most of them they have to accept they failed to get to Harvard & thru Harvard or a lesser still top school and have such lock them to a status their fate for life?

But firstly this new year of 2020 we must see to that it is raised and worked through how Hillary Clinton rivalry of Obamas too was of crimes against Michelle Obama - at least to women and FEMINIST causes shared sister to sister?

Right!  Let us see economy is working from one more of a Hospitality Degree from Hard Knocks U. by he sees American polity in common sense parity from comity with #MoralsTrumpHate - with reset to government by laws?

 *     *     DARE WE ASK THE NEEDED QUESTIONS?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

To get what they want they are willing to give up what?  Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!

Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.

The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.

It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.

Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.

It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)

This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.

To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.

This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.

This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!

NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign.  Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.

Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control

Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.

Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!

Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.

Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?

Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?



To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!

Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?


The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun!  Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?

     *    *    *     IT IS THE AGE OF MEA CULPA?    *    *    *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Journalists the correct answer is “YES”! - - - Yes, to press briefly, Hillary Clinton is boxed in!  Yes, to boxers, their bell has been rung - her clock has gotten cleaned - a TKO is pre-called!  Yes, forward, - let me be clear - the Clintons did do it! - It is more all the Clintons’ fault.

Though it is #GivingTuesday & #GivingNewsDay and I am again in #tweets of in world wide trending #hashtags it is pressing more now on the guilt and late guilting of the cons of the Clintons than of that as regards #giving I am a #giver as per #Forbes #Billionaires list #news akin to the inaction & avoidance of issue to pressing out how I by not (yet) objecting to JK Rowling generosity for TBD is holding of for now I have only stipulated a possibility that Jo is just giving from her share of our most successful long collaboration for 7 books on magic.

The Clintons are in a pickle - many pickles - for of mused mass successes is too how to posture forward as a new next safe place for “Harry Potter” readers I did posit & share a calling to (Old School usage: of: ”many are called - but few are chosen” “called”) of that I should pre-remedy #Hogwarts expectations to that fans/readers post matriculation would be neitherwise to an expectation of that society owed them - any of em - a job.  The pickles of the “crooked” Clintons so tag’d is of that the #TheApprentice show idea stemmed from my so postured next media idea advance planning consideration for a synchronicity for economic growth by people like of #Paulist as of economies to grow doth need people to be able to sing together.  The #Apprentice idea was born of thinking with Donald J. Trump, Sr. towards generating media to inoculate #Potterdom from a weakness by posturing their future is not prescribed - but apprenticeships may be available.  The #TRUMP #RealityShow followed as a prophylactic too to #CrookedTogether of in how J.K. Rowling was accepting and performing on 7 books challenged of from muse as - as cloaked intent - to be protection for a new generation from the #HOGAN already known crooked of the Clinton Machine intimate BOGO machinations complicitry.

It seems on the verge of unbelievable that any such as I could have done so much that yet the Clintons afforded a false belief in a believed of as if of their potential - of that what Clintons didn’t do they couldn’t do and yet another, I, could have done and done exceedingly more/better - more broadly.

E.G.:  That is (I.E.) for example I know of a TIME Magazine methodology of “calling” as imagined pre-calling due 2006 POY field had me fielding an early morning “called” sans phonography as to if I would be Person of the Year for being blogger “uc” in DC + media market of year spent pro-actively publicly blogging via NewsBusters.org to argue for of #IraqWar for a #SURGE & to then why and then to defending & supporting such through its effected & to that success much undermined by later President first black executive Commander in Chief Barack H. Obama.

It is that it all fits together that pickles the pickled quandary of the complicity of the crooked.

I, whom did work to make a Democrat electable to President in 1992 and to then forward of such being of teaching specifically Governor Bill Clinton, in old school spiritual spirited “calling” sans phonography methodology , is whom did more than Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton and of that I like did almost mirror how I lead the defeat of #Hillary2008 fall with how I guided with free social media pennies wise defeat of #Hillary2016.

Yes, the magic of Potterdom arose from me as to mass market a prophylactic media to help protect a new generation a next generation from the complicitry of the known & unknown crookedness of he Clintons’ machinations for Power and some of a guilt for having been more successful than I had planned when of Clinton/Gore won in 1992 by trusting how I said & guided along postured of like: IF YOU LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN.

Enough on the failure of these as prophylactics!

The Clintons did do it!  The Clintons did do it more than any other!  It is lingua facto that is it more the Clintons & all the Clintons’ fault than any #FakeNews #AlternativeFacts yet have sufficed to report.  My defense is it all got outta control due Ross Perot ego got triggered due the synchronicity of #IBM of also working off my choreography synchronized in cloaked methodology for maximizing positive change as the new world order offered maximization potential as of how these united states of the Americas should, by my think, effect forward a forward as sole superpower.  I did fail to account for all the collateral politics of #Perot and the Clintons won despite some postured to give #BUSH #41 someone to run against after Senator Al Gore left country in lurch when he bailed while Democrats heir apparent - A team go to; I did fail to dispense of the crooked Clintons as an exposed single use disposable option due how I wasn’t to also processing the ego of Ross Perot of reacting to changes synchronized of IBM changed to a need of his like to rally on an “I TOLD YOU SO!”.

It truly is amazing now how it really is unbecoming and so diabolical of that “it” of “it is all the Clintons’ fault” fits like a glove of #TREASON - treachery much already confessed to.

The right answer journalists is now much akin “IT WAS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” as by http://JPHogan.org one can still become learned of that though Barack H. Obama has a complicitry and for economic crimes - conduct unbecoming a President of these united states of the Americas - by “BAILEY WICK(S)?” as also available by links http://ArtOfRivals.com & especially http://LockHerUp.biz of prime as http://CitizenRosebud.org.

These are the days for the froward forward of politics for Justice & “Law and Order” to try how many ways and times as not to render of double jeopardy the known & unknown of the complicitry of the crookedness of which when I am uncloaked there can be an AH HAH! moments to epiphanies from seeing how the Clintons have like only survived by hiding their long bad with my good, - and by misappropriated as immoral & amoral by false witness for coveting mine and stealing mine - intellectual property of origins speciality particularly uniquely fit’n my story/bio.

Though all this may seem unbelievable there is much yet of that you’ve been long mislead to believe others could have done it while their own back stories are contrary to such potential and so are primed to learn another did it and more and to them more tools that disappointed on the truer scope more broadly more equally conceived to maximize positive change at the moments of space-time of these united states of the Americas to adjusting a copacetic to becometh the world’s sole superpower - to effect and affected fit’n the new world order new paradigm.

The caveat to yet a failed likewise is neitherwise can the guilt of the first black President exonerate the crooked of the complicitry of the crooked together Clintons even as per old Bailey there is the diabolical rap just primarily assuaged to lock up #Obama of that as dramatized (Shakespearean old school) of the amoral & immorality of that as a new President he chose not to save the country from the still sliding economy for to effect such per the space-time economic & political reality he, President Obama, would have had to effectively martyr himself and didn’t.

“YES” is the right answer!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse than #RichardNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as a worst first couple EVER. 

#BlackLivesMatter sync’s now to a relativity for #EqualJustice of that it would be wrong - morally wrong - to assuage a complicitry criminal to beyond treason upon the first black President if not primed firstly to how punk’d he was by William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and of that the crimes prosecutable against Barack H. Obama are firstly of the criminal nature of the NIXON fall cover-ups of that to avoid an injustice we must gird from Bill Clinton as protected by being able to mount a defense firstly of “the black President did it” of the spousal husbandry distracted from while yet of getting away with it so far by holding back the tag’n of “it is all the fault of female leadership of at least woman Hillary doth failed BIG!”


Just say “YES”?

“YES” is the right answer journalists!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse the #DickNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as worst first couple EVER!

NO!  It is wrong and not safe if one ignores the cover-ups significance and paries on as if Barack Obama can be guilted while the first black President broadly firstly due his NIXONIAN of he made clearly criminal the questionable cover-up(s) of the Clintons he did inherit from #BUSH #43. 

YES?  - Or:  “NO! It is/was WRONG!”  Before we can prime the rap on woman Hillary or black President ”Barack” we must say “NO” - “NO MORE” - #ENOUGHALREADY #CROOKEDBILL!

Let the white man go first?  Try #SlickWilly for #CrookedHillary & #44 crimes first?

              *       *       *       JUST SAY YES?       *       *       *        


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am



#Discover #HOGAN #ColumbusDay #MondayMotivation of best sellers long:

Time to ask how J.K. Rowling @ #RobertGalbraith wrote #CuckoosCalling of me of #STRIKE to like now my concurrence of my story of now already told stealthily.

Time to figure past #Hogwarts #Potterdom of #HarryPotter of theme park as from son of one grew up across from amusement park #Playland and key’d to “Rowe-ling” energized to ghosted material around any read name of Pete Rowe, MD at front door of #Yale Students Health Clinton on Hillhouse Avenue.

#Gryffindor was key’d for energized to balance so much as around Yale as yet local to #Connecticut of #Derby of focused on #GriffinHospital of emergency room entrance doors and if legal for hospital to be operating/open (while I of friend then in their PR dept).

As per background stirred there is that about time Hillary Clinton prepared to enter 2008 run for President I instructed my arts #magic #magicschool associated to there to be no more #POTTERworld books due bad economics growing too much from John Kenneth Galbraith prudence to #Democrats leading an elite robbing economy - more to of #Scotland of Rob’n Galbraith for ill.

At such time, to protect Harry Potter readers from how I knew then alread tag #CrookedHillary fit’n #HillaryClinton, I didn’t tell Jo she had to go cold turkey from writing of mused energies from me but to if such still needed amusement mused energy she could move to covering me of a #STRIKE against #Dems machinations against #ORIGINALISM of #CONSTITUTION of times of #AdamSmith and for crooked economics I’d be trap’d to letting left steal from my work product if not to as to still be dedicated to pro-actively protecting a next gen from known as #CrookedTogether #CrookedClintons.

ps: Leon Uris last novel was book written as asked for as of “O’Hara’s Choice” as around a choice an heiress Amanda actually had to make, and to more time for real one to make decision.

pps: Tom Brokaw book on 1968 #BOOM was asked for to then anchor my restoration of a 1968 Cal 25 racer/cruiser sailboat to more like new than any restoration then in fleet in #Annapolis had effected. Of sailing near Naval Academy I did have thought it was time for a new academy movie and postured for one on #NAVY school while I then of self employed contractor doing boat restoration while still welding for building out skate board stores of then area chain own by friends called ASYLUM - WAKE, SKATE, SNOW!

>> And an earlier:

Greetings ~ on healing &
#HarryPotter curative due #Hogwarts:

@JK_Rowling story of a “half blood” is my mom’s story!

J.K. Rowling years ago accepted my 7 books challenge is for curators forward & backwards as of me blooded better from my mom’s side and to by #magic #MagicSchool challenge of able in stealth to mass produce procedures and disciplines to that my dad could, and his side of the family, prove my mom right to herself on choice of husband, of being yet of potential and learnable to be yet proficient in her loving complicated wizard like anchoring of her own family.

“Dumbledor” is my sugg’d of for the front door a Dutch style split door (double-door) of our neighbors’ door of that of the peers of Secretary Doctor Ben Carson of Yale likewised specialities in medicine while to around their children and one I nick-named for character development as “Pete Rowe-ling” of using his blood line of grandson to Dr Rowe the proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic then abouts.

So of course, and due a friendly connection of mine to Princess Di since announcement of her royal engagement, due process mom’s ailments yet much she as an overburdened caregiven essentially to overloaded on her magical capacity and timed as noted of when #BostonMarathon #Boston #STRONGER movie released while her/their routine of marathon pride & strong with a collage of dad’s old number & pictures hanging proudly in their home.

So yes that #Harry #PrinceHarry of #INVICTUS #InvictusGames is related & of stories necessary to family to keep pride in my parents’ first apartment of in #MarkTwain apartments next doors to #MarkTwainHouse.

#SiriusBlack is for my dad’s brother Charles my #godfather a one serious about black wires of watts & volts while #Patronus spells like “patron US” it also a spelling licenced for PETRONAS TOWERS my social set of ultimate Frisbee professionally involved in design & construction management of with senior architects of firms of my parents #NewHaven neighbors & social set.

My connect with #PrincessDi maintained of me playing like #Merlin, for little princes, from afar as a Connecticut Yankee yet in Connecticut while in spirit in the courtyards of play of “A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT”.

My brother healed himself too to become a spectacular father of music in the house and 3 or 2 budding talents of arts. Tad’s background helps to such autonomous success as well around parents of his boyhood best pal a audiophile while a VA psychiatrist of “SHELL SHOCKED” patients while also, unknown to us till far later, as of a Yale classmate and social pal society associated one to #GeorgeWBush.

On a medical & observed care note it was fun observing my mom go thru panel of questions on her first day in rehab & wellness center but glad attending doctor didn’t ask her “DOES SOAP FLOAT?” Such, if she recalls a story I’ld get Arthur M. Menadier (See Wikipedia), her father to recollect, would go to “YES” and let me tell you a story about that and corporate espionage. Mom’s dad in early career was involved in launch of first floating soap called ‘SWAN SOAP’ which was so novel and promising that “IVORY SOAP” came from rival stealing the recipe and making product whiter & lauching it against SWAN as the whiter floating soap - as if whiteness made soap cleaner cleaner.

Still as any sees Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo of “NO MORE TEARS” you are to looking at my grandfather’s work as tear drop embossed in plastic bottle was his idea during the product development of lauch he guided as not in house advertising & marketing by head of J&J account maybe by then of how he consolidated all of their advertising & marketing accounts to on firm and as his account even until mandatory retirement at 65 from Young & Rubicam.

     *       *       DON’T TALK ABOUT THE MAGIC?       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

Onward together we have, quite, that it is time to cut the cheese - intelligently, at last.

As all the crap that is hitting the fans is sticking to President William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton as the least of the intelligent of the world should now be seeing and recognizing we have Emmanuel Macron French resistance to pare, too.

We cannot now much long endure or tolerate how much Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton is being postured in a vacuum - in and of a world only possible with alternative facts somehow trumping history & realities.

This man we judge as President Donald J. Trump is at least unfairly prosecuted as long as comparative literal historicals are not also related and by a political ruler measured to against the beginning days of that we’ve been of of a darkness as it is that it did much begin in President Clinton’s early days and as it was by President Barack H. Obama in his early days to have been set worse and more diabolically bad.

To relate to where the real world is now concurrent to the “RUSSIANS CHARADE” we must not ignore or fail to deeply consider that the President of France is by choice a Catholic and to now politically maybe less Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette than Saint Frances of Assisi, - or more Prussian and of a day a new era where British, Americans, Russians and likes of such as of Catholicism are forced to be allied of real alliance.

Before we get to how bad it is coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton let us embark on an overdue refresher on the dynamic of Senator Barack H. Obama becometh President.  If I recall correctly it was Hu Jintao, Leader of China, predecessor to Xi Jinping, who much concerned like Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest, nearly in unison, as reformers from past COMMUNISM & SOCIALISM to being new days’ CAPITALISTS. President Barack H. Obama did against such Leaders’ pleads move his administration away from their economics to more CAPITALISTIC & FUTURISTIC and to how we bore it out of having brought, with Secretary William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton, these united states of the Americas nearer & nearest ever to actually COMMUNISTIC.

With such re-established and to be broadcast forward as much as necessary we must also accept that while Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest he even harkened to a sticking to such old proved wrong pathology could result in the U.S.A. falling apart into 6 separate more regional smaller loose collaborations of states.  Historicals doom President Barack H. Obama if we the People can finally get enough good souls to hear and listen to more than the chattering propaganda of Democrats misdirection by alternative facts.

We will get eventually to how bad this is all coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton for Posterity sans Tranquilty.

For now responsible discourse is begging; - for now we, if we can manage a suffice, must also see the Democrats RIDICULOUS as spun so that we can appreciate sufficiently that at the times Democrats were posturing for a selling of a NEW GREAT DEPRESSION they misdirected attention spans so couldn’t bridge to TRUTH that they, not BUSH, were responsible and that most of their solutions of their sad SOLUTIONS TYRANNY were not necessary if Senator John McCain had won and been then to what now REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT Donald J. Trump, President, is reseting considerably.

Let me be clear:  By 2009 a recovery - a real recovery - was possible as by how Republicans were then set to be united with McCain/Palin and even without sacrificing the actual climate.

It is essential to be to understanding - seeing your way clear to appreciating - Senator John McCain is at least as good a man as President Donald J. Trump, and, we are of historicals to relate to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that a real recovery was very possible while inconvenient to Democrats for the first critical political step was to have then otherwise achieved a clarity of scope by telling the real history of that the Democrats caused the at least new great RECESSION by SUPPRESSION means for a convenient CRISIS around that CLIMATE CHANGE POLITICS needed at least $4 gasoline inflated to for to effect the BEHAVIORAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING in their then over 10 years old plan.

We needn’t here trouble ourselves with fully detailing how Senator John McCain coulda been as much a contender if not also of so many suppressed by so many alternative facts seeded sufficiently with a dumbed down upon masses of Democrats.

On William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton and spouse is also much of the shame and real history burdens President Barack H. Obama shall more and more find himself self-to-chains snared.  Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton due her repeated losing is a sub-character to these men to suffer Posterity with diminishing Tranquility.

Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is one to watch to see if intelligence of a suffice to see past the troubling and responsible of messes of the Democratic Party of these united states of the Americas at subterfuge to the CONSTITUTION at the objected to collusions that effected Americans to as now still too near that of becometh nearer and nearest ever to COMMUNISM.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did in his first months is fitting to his nickname as it was SLICK like rumored of bad used cars salesmen how he played the Gulf Countries Council Leaders by getting commitments from them to, as recalled, “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS” for all bad history COLD WAR regional problems prior to his ascension to Leader.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did as per the G.C.C. was dastardly and SLICK and of INTENT to scope out of amorality the tool to playing Leaders by on “on their honor” while he then made matters worse by more AMERICAN ABANDONMENT and the inaction and avoidance that festered and festered due he amorally chose on Saddam Hussein, as I recall, of doing near nothing due he didn’t want to - - - NOT by a worked through responsible moral Leadership as by the MORALS of SHOULD or SHOULDN’T.

We’ve all inherited the mess William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton stirred while festering and as SLICK too for calculated, as I recall, by trapping G.C.C. Leaders on their honor so that for his eight years their politics, despite his DEPLORABLE leadership, was of them kept on their HONOR and word promised to “TO JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS”!

Sadly the words on such matter that Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., as Nobel Peace Prize recipient at speechifying as orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” (paraphrased from memory) have like long been disavowed by the first black President of the united states of the Americas he swore the oath of office and pledged allegiance priorly.

William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton seeded with SLICK amoral first steps and kept martialed that Leaders across the Persian Gulf region as otherwise HONORABLE Leaders would then be during the CLINTONS’ YEARS be stuck to always needing to find alternative facts by which to govern and relate globally, especially with Americans of the U.S.A..

This is a building mess Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” “Hillary” Clinton is married to and indivisible from eventually.

It remains now a conundrum of how new Prussian Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is for region by choice Catholic as evolved also from Socialism to his more recent successes as an Independent.

We must now hope and pray globally with as many initiatives - even novenas - that Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is enough of the philosopher he studied and trained to amount to.

It behoove us all to be ready at the quips - even squibs - to render understanding forward of how Chinese & Russian Leaders did try to warn Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., from his chosen path of forward blind to the lessons already present and clearly some understood of failings and failures of SOCIALISM.

It doth behoove us to consider Catholics forward even as if seems selling Emmanuel Macron as more a new Prussian than Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette.

The European Union was conceived and progressed with at a time, philosophically stirring economics, when such a formative effort would undermine the readiness otherwise of a global economic growth period to to evolve as then was seeded and spouting til squashed and marshaled under Power hungry too SOCIALISTIC parties & individuals of selfish motives.

The conversions of Emmanuel Macron may be a thing of the past as to chose Catholicism and by a late baptism, & of to moving from SOCIALISM to his current state in INDEPENDENCE; - We all have the scope of the problems of the European Union and NATO slipping under Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., still threatening of that (as detailed throughout here in “#SOCIALISM SQUIBS” #HOGAN #CATS (categories)) of that by 2009 the cast was set of our concurrence not witness of Iraq, Ukraine, Syria of three more failed SOCIALIST states.

Donald J. Trump, Leader of the Free World?  Emmanuel Macron, Philosopher Convert, tasked to bring France from precipice of repeating Barack H. Obama, failed President, unfathomable mistakes of moving towards COMMUNISM while the dynamic of world bodies and economics was of cascading failures in secular SOCIALIST dogmatic methodologies?

And, now as we are waiting for Macron - Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, let us see our way clear to accepting that a Federal Bureau of Investigations, as witnessed of Director James Comey, if unable to see crooked INTENT in means of Mr. & Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton ends we are to amend concern for French as delays to be expected of efforts to progress as long as an FBI is effectually blind and at least then unable to see/discern Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, INTENT.  These may actually be days best for an alliance akin Waterloo winning.

           *       *       REMEMBER THE PRUSSIANS       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:55 am

The future is black Republicans!

The good news in old divine right of kings was a supposition of that kings were to be nearer to our Lord - divined not to be abusers of Powers akin Powers of our Lord.

To fathom the scope of the imminent decline and fall of “Obamacare” it may help to relate a planet of apes.

Where Donald J. Trump comes from may be much ado about Queens’ Protestants, Queens’ Presbyterians, Utopian Parkway.

We must not look, as long mislead, as that health insurance costs need a larger pool - risk pool - for to be of us all happier to lower costs of insurance on risks of becoming ill - diseased.

We must not look, as long mislead, as if an understanding can be had - gotten to - by just accepting the old propaganda of the Democrat Party Left Liberals.

To be progressive - truly progressive - mustn’t we now get to reconsidering respecting healthcare costs that as morals are liberated, return, grow/rise anew the opportunity for medical costs to become more reasonable is far more possible?

To be progressive mustn’t we re-embrace morality for values as where morals risen and raise costs of neighbors caring for neighbors as still mostly community work of caring for neighbors in own neighborhood then and only then can costs be balanced and moderate/moderated?

A morality as of where Donald J. Trump comes from is yet Biblical of that a married man is supposed to live for their wife, - as comparable to unmarried are written as to under such condition being supposed to live for our Lord.

President Donald J. Trump therefore has no choice but to govern in “soft power” and “soft sell” operating procedures for he cannot abide compromising the First Lady at her campaign against cyber bullying. 

President Donald J. Trump doesn’t need a “TRUMP DOCTRINE” for his habit is of that he has a philosophy of business of a keenly developed standard operating procedure at least of that his left hand shouldn’t be coincidentally being at undermining the concurrent work of his right hand.

Let us now go back to the planet of apes and jury rig a late discourse on healthcare and “the meek shall inherit the earth”!

Of apes and their genius and speciousness we have that they are also creatures of our Lord’s creation but primate boxed of considerations in that they lack any awareness of such of their kingdom.  Of apes vs “Obamacare” we must now lately pull back the draped cloaking covers from divining greater apparent and relevant truths and ponder the dark and Trinity relative to the theories of morality and as healthcare is wisely and originally an oldest of the establishments of religions.  Of apes and Donald J. Trump operating we have a calling to comparative logistics and to assuage from fake news for faux medicine a paradigm for caring of if apes too like humans are of variant blood types of bodies electric and blood types of varying compatibility to dire incompatibility of a humans range of “Universal Receiver” to “Universal Donor” typed certain.

Of “the future is black Republicans” we can plank a platform for comity in polity for parity in healthcare by liberating, returning, growing morals of that Lord’s word on “the meek shall inherit the earth” is not a redistribution nor free care SOP dictum but a wise riddle to that those humble and patient on the Holy Spirit - Lordly guidance - are “meek” for of guts to be prone and vulnerable by being compliant and obedient to the prudence of that there are deadly sins.

Donald J. Trump strong suit is that he has a philosophy of business that translates to politics of that he has a unified vision by that his service duty - even to his wife - works best when worked in keeping to his standard operating procedures.

Donald J. Trump got off through his youth in Queens’ Presbyterian dogma by Saint John’s exit of use of Utopian Parkway facilitated on ramps and off ramps while how as a “Don Trump” of Queens he must have puzzled long and hard on American firsters versus otherwise English of Queen’s Protestants.

As white Republicans bask in the glory concurrent to the liberation of the souls of Religious leaders to fresh facility in Religious Liberty their open hearts and clean efforts seem to be winning - even winning blacks forward to be en masse also to own forwards even if tag’d “black Republicans”!

The plights of the A.I.D.S. medical history is of a politics that hasn’t fielded a moral philosophically thorough public referendum on the issuance of considerate moderation correctly in keeping to the “the meek shall inherit the earth”!  The politicians and politics are to blame firstly for such considerate for compassion as perverted and subverted from a thorough resolution that endures the morality and prudence long around an acceptance that some sins are deadly sins for risk of death may occur from physically or mentally (trespassed by cyber e-connectedness) crossing the lines as being boldly sinful in stead of prudent and meekly moral.

Christian compassion isn’t alone among compassionate religious practiced morality in how a presumption of innocence shall be proffered presumed firstly by those erudite enough to learned to a suffice to be to proffering as regards medicine and relative morality.

It remains to be seen if Donald J. Trump Presidency if of enough depth in character and bench of aids for Republicans, however colored presently and forward, for a guidance to take now morals are liberated, rising, growing anew!

The sticky wicket of the close quarters drilling down of the issues as a prophylactic to public consumption in town halls and tea rooms now remains of what belongs to the apes and what of deadly sins and to that the “meek” as of those of the Lord isn’t a black check for offering free curative services to those who should be first healing their souls. 

I write these words not as an indiscriminate prejudiced or bigoted; - I doth not scribe such thoughts prejudging any as an enemy - even if by actions in ignorance of that there are “deadly sins” for death can biologically or electrically result from non-compliance.

The Psalms of the Bible seem as primary tool in the bag of tricks of Donald J. Trump of his S.O.P. and as Psalms by the book are largely a critical element fundamental to any and all anti-BULLY - anti-BULLYING - cyber-bullying countering campaign.

By knowing of the prudence in art of enlightened to the moderation to healing potential of music and songs any is then equipped to fathom a scope of humanity in moral and compliance of music can heal - heal a village - even heal the world.

To be above apes yet, Republicans, of whatever color, now must be braced and prepared to be professionals on politics of pathology so that “meek” is duly and properly respected of the establishments of religion of which healthcare is an oldest prescribed bound.  To be above apes, all must tie on their smocks for an artful polity to a potential for parity and comity of that as per at least A.I.D.S forward the backwards to primates must be reconditioned around public service and P.S.A. ascribed moderating as broadcast professionalism is pertinent to advisories that still recall and remind of old morality and deadly sins that it is considerable and perilous of apes and humans (both?) that some blood types if crossed/shared by careless to temporary insanity of passions exercised inconsiderate of consequence are incompatible and detrimental to others if crossed/shared?

President Donald J. Trump now akin his commitment to be in living to in service to his wife is yet postured politically well for his foreign policy, domestic policies, and the coming of the anti-cyber-bullying campaign of his wife all have in common a best use methodology forward of keeping to his honed and kept “soft power” of his standard operating procedures through his years and decades as a properties operator in compliance with public space use and philosophies.

Costs of healthcare can only it seems be truly moderated by the liberation, rising, growing of the politics now commenced to a divination matrix re-secured to all whom are aware they are creatures of our Lord and indivisible from Lord’s kingdom?

A presumption of innocence can relate in healthcare industries for cost control and quality care where such is not a “pre-existing condition” of known diagnosis then inappropriate to compassion for risks of unknowns for insuring from unknowns.

It seems good news and quite welcome postured of “the future is black Republicans”!

Temptations must be guarded from for being against a developed knowing wise prudence can be physically costly and to of expenses then determined as yet not for others to morally be burdened also to carrying.

Illnesses, where not of pre-existing conditions, are of the paradigm of “innocent until proven guilty” so any systematic facilitation for neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods, primarily, must dig in first and then and only then determine the morality and if a self induced from careless reversion as akin to back to being ape-ish, and ignorant.

The Psalms as the COUNTER CYBER-BULLYING BOOK of scriptures is now a primary tool forward for everything Donald J. Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, for if we know how to sing of and to the Lordly we are then pre-conditioned to see and feel right and wrong across humanity of bodies electric and to sins of trespass as now also of e-enabled sins of subcategory of “cyber-bullying” - internet of thing bullying.

America rests now in the grace in the scriptures for Donald J. Trump must be to “soft power” to stay moral and in compliance to dictum of Lord’s laid to be living, for married, to of living for his wife, - for countering cyber-bullying - cyber bullies - any even old school of to e-internet of things of that of “trespass” sinning/sinful!

America rests now in a potential for grace being still reset and restored of morals have been liberated, returned, growing!

America rests now nightly of the separation of church and state as now repaired from retired to of “under our Lord” as set upon and set asunder as long suppressed to of Government as above morals; - Forward our Government is also not supposed to violate the moral laws of the Laws of our Lord by even being to covetous, steeling, bearing false witness!

America can only be great again once we politically have thorough discerning and open public expression to understanding, and, as that our Government is vertically separated to as under our Lord and each individual a created by our Creator!

Likewise to the preconditions ripe for success now in a course reversal back to prudence and morality from the wreckage to establishments long otherwise but secured we have our current conditions of that as our Government is to be moral as also under our Lord and Lord’s law winning by intimidation is illegal, generally, and of that a “knife in the back” as “thorn in one’s side” is where not a condition of correction is but illegal of a trespass and of cyber-bullying much of being a cyber-crime!

Of thee I scribe to sing?  Perhaps Donald J. Trump is suited now of/to Ecclesiastes 3:1… through all the familiar meted however colored?

             *       *       *       MERCY - TRUTH       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:36 am

In the game of life there are losers and then there are LOSERS!

This day in the year 2017 we’re are at the subject of President Donald J. Trump at 100 days young; - let us commence now to prudently discern of a path back to NORMALCY!

What is germane today is timeless and alarming and politically long past due as relates to the maintenance of CIVILITY!

At 100 days young we are facing a Presidency as if by odd lot, relative to PROGRESSIVES worked, at that these united states of the Americas has a seeming mature and adult president after a hiatus considerable.  A stark reality is upon our consciences and sadly with our media as still under reporting or sans reporting these times are of a major and corrective change of course - direction.  Our consciousness of the totality of a polar differentiation of directional focus is immature and needing nurturing and accustomization to a called upon to see a greater scope and bigger picture.

The first black President of our Union did leave his successor nothing to do but to expedite a radical change of course near a full political 180; - it can and must be said of Democrats generally that Democratic Party leadership did leave Americans no way forward but to turn around and for a course correction to a polar opposite as back to a FREEDOM PATHOLOGY.

A measure of history - real history - is now a best next step forward; - however one agrees or disagrees ideologically it is that the Republicans have a major WIN as an old blow LOSS to President Barack H. Obama & his REDISTRIBUTION agenda.  The first broaching of the Obama administration dates to how they LOST yuge by losing initiatives to misuse Federal authority by establishing a new day of citizens near brought to their knees as subject to near 70% Federal taxation.

To step back in time to just 2009 we have such as measured and scored but under reported or sans reporting.

To step back in time to just 2009 we have that President Obama LOST big early and by being inadequate to such a task and marshaled more akin a anarchy with a major FLAW in his naivety as exposed of that while he postured to TAKE TAKE TAKE to give away as an AUTHORITARIAN of own bias of TOTALITARIANISM he fail to address JUSTICE and the INJUSTICE of being only upon HAVES across these United states of the Americas while the Russian Federation of notable of Moscow as score of home globally to a greatest number of BILLIONAIRES.

I don’t know how one of a CV - resume - like Barack H. Obama could have missed the essentials so badly - did miss so much a REDISTRIBUTION anarchy at home needed an INTERNATIONAL postured also of comity by polity to a parity by also establishing - even by wrongful measures - how the HAVES so vast as homed in MOSCOW were to also have their WEALTH taken and redistributed by Obama’s AUTHORITARIAN new TOTALITARIAN global grandstanding.

Likewise now it is relevant and considerable that it must be said that the state of journalism in these Unites states of the Americas is:


So now to the scope of the real historical valuation of DEMOCRATS errant and as too ANARCHISTIC we introduce William J. Clinton as worse - a great antagonist also - a dirty figure in history much to shoulder responsibility for how BIG a LOSER we too have Hillary R. Clinton concurrently while “news” yet tries to find direction and catch up.

William J. Clinton doesn’t belong in any Healthcare SECTION nor on any Self-Help shelf!

It begs a conscious American’s mind!

It cannot be reasonable, nor true that a President like Clinton of cuts so vast $2 Trillion was the metric, can be a GOOD GUY, since, of CHARITY or PHILANTHROPY (not as merely a cloak for smoke and mirrors imperial authoritarian shadow government effected) due his pride as President is as a CUTTER not an OBAMA vast SPENDER; - a REAL William J. Clinton presents honestly in that he shepherded cutting $2 Trillion in lieu of keeping or adding budgeting for:


On this day our political consideration must therefore be to accepting and concluding that Hillary R. Clinton is our biggest LOSER!

Forward if otherwise of a President Clinton we have the LOSERS to corral literately by pressing a pointing out of relevance that Hillary R. Clinton couldn’t be a new Obama nor another Bill Clinton - she couldn’t have even been still the old “Hillary”!

In the brief history - but great experiment - of these United states of democracy in a “liberal democracy” akin understanding era of our Revolutionary the history of LIBERALS now is contrary to old “liberalism” of John Locke and quite newly a NEW FASCISM defining a redefined of “FASCISM” best marched as defined:


Donald J. Trump, President, at 100 days young stands a HOPE a stark contrast to pimp’d with “HOPE” by antagonists Democrats’ anarchy!

For the sake of brevity do now please accept as a workable premise that Hillary R. Clinton is our BIGGEST LOSER!  Of her LOST is our SAVED!

The LOSING in FASCISM, luckily - as by CLINTON MACHINE of Mrs. Clinton a “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” regularly before campaign as favoring MAO CHIC, of pants suits, “LOSING” - is settling LOUDLY as forward we must now be of polar opposite direction and back to a FREEDOM PATHOLOGY - newly to LIBERAL DEMOCRACY!

The wholistic psychology to be hailed forward is befitting “CROOKED HILLARY” of chorus in singing together for restoration to parity and song in economics of old - ancient - adage of to have growth economy people must be able to sing together.

The wholistic psychology to be hailed forward for a post 100 day young of President Trump needs masses joined to chorus of “CROOKED HILLARY” due all of the above secures a premise soundly so for effected extant in politics violate by emoluments abuse and trashing of Constitution Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 8!

The wholistic psychology to be hailed forward has no way out for Hillary R. Clinton to be my arithmetic multiples to vastly yugely more CROOKED than is reasonable to ever rap a tag upon General Michael Flynn reputation!

The Clintons’ compromised positions compromised far more than just DEMOCRATS and the first black President!

The Clintons’ “CROOKED” at least of EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE violate practiced compromised all Americans and to so set up the new direction, as now imminently prudent/necessary, and BEST COURSE for 100 days young President Donald J. Trump is POLAR OPPOSITE to “Hillary’s”!

Our national wherewithal concurrently is refreshed and restorative by that it is of “TRUMP” promise to give AMERICA back to the PEOPLE!

We have many reasons to embolden an embodiment of HOPE now that we have just one seems less an ELECTED anarchist, and, actually a mature responsible skill adult/senior!

“CROOKED HILLARY” is the pressing 2017 “gestalt”!  The Clintons’ psychology of triangulation & projection & transference have long cloaked their REAL & DIABOLICAL imperial ambitions to be more powerful than a Constitutional President!

The spousal husbandry of coy ploy chicanery wasn’t clever enough or effected to a suffice to reign above our Constituted by Peoples’ “Order”!

The Clintons have much written their own FATE as to they shall reap they sowed “CROOKED” wholistically in their contraryism!  Doth concur:






So our best practices at 100 days young are now to celebrate that the TRUTH can reign - can again even be marched/embraced!!!  #OMG we can arrest Clintons (pride - white pride)!

          *       *       *      BODIES ELECTRIC?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:34 am

Half way to STUPID is about the best news I can now offer on decline of American experiment.

We should hope that the scope of this probative can be said of endemic more to just New York City & Presbyterians and not nearly also relative to Catholics - any American Catholics.

President Donald J. Trump has become fallen from the promise he can be a “Law and Order” moralist.

American exceptionalism now must be dying on the boughs of the orchards thought able for to be an of Eden.

All knowledge is now circumspectually pied and pared from rationality due fallen in political germain disgorged.

Alfred E. Smith cannot dine on democratic prowess concurrently for New York City due a Presbyterian.

Our only standard now for a healthy pathology of Freedom may need all in Roman collars men in black.

The space time cartesian can be impressioned of the “Crooked Hillary” of methodisms too Soviet & monied, &, yet, the flare of the endemic problematic is more of how froward in their forward the Clintons’ spousal husbandry advanced a backwards by dividing their marriage union as if divisible like Rene Descartes “I think! Therefore I am!” of a duplicity contrary to the incarnation & Justice Antonin Scalia originalism of accepting one’s soul cannot be separated from one’s words.

New York City may now need all the Roman collared men in black & associated likewise committed Catholic women dedicated leaders, however garbed or cloaked, as the corrupted knowledge has devilish roots in the husbandry akin Democrats as if any, especially a raised ‘leader’, can ever realize an existential as if the Clinton union is divisible from 2 equals 1.

The Democrats have shown their hands of playing rule cards as like “WILD” and while holding Jokers in their hands as if high at cards can be just of alternative facts to as if a trump hand is a trump hand if they so just say it is.

To pare the originalism, in a last attempt to save New York City, from an American Crooked Hillary Taliban joined to the postured as if Clinton Democrats are prepositioned to prejudiced against any of republican Originalist Donald, we are to the proposition that as a party their party is against any and all established success - any vertical corporate structure - only for the “little guy” as likewise an any against an amassed corporation surviving at least much do having been to profits as prophetic when in early stages and developments to their effected built assembly as a incorporated success.

People of New York City as it seems the Presbyterian HOPE - the Original Donald - the “Law and Order” Republican - is embattled to supposed fallen we may have the intellectual capacity secured of Rome See, and intellectual honesty of shepherds in Roman collars men in black of the men who now can save the metropolis of Gotham.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is so flat on reason & intelligence she is, however also incorporated to protections of assembly & free speech, of such RIDICULOUS postured generally there can be near no foundation for Welfare specifically & particularly.  Hillary Rodham Clinton may as well be said of a politics as an “American Crooked Hillary Taliban” for the metaphorical risks are as real as the flattening of the accomplishments of the five boroughs of New York City.

The only trump left to save New York City from flattened and ruinously declined may be at least the shepherds trained and disciplined for the healthy pathology of Freedom we recognize respectfully as Roman collared men in black.

Aren’t we near at accepting the Presbyterian Solution is fallen and declining from secure for HOPE?

Sure, simply, a clear mind can discern Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian, has been mostly just politically punk’d on Russians to tag’d as Crooked so that Republicans are arrested from clean enough to advance “Law And Order” v. “Crooked Clintons”!

But! > But?  Aren’t we necessary now predisposed to discover if New York five boroughs Catholics can shepherd a save?

Duh! > Duh - like come on!  It doesn’t take a punk to see and get a know of that the tru’ story more now of “CROOKED NANCY” & “FALLEN CHUCK” as party to the parties of “CROOKED TOGETHER” of “CROOKED HILLARY” and articulate a fathomed from twained of that “ORIGINALIST DONALD” has been punk’d to as if so CROOKED he cannot now advance any arresting on the “CROOKED CLINTONS” even as likewise the intellectual honesty abides a factor of 10X nearly to a most guilty upon (D)s vs the imposed suggested pump’d & dump’d on President Donald John Trump?  Yes?  Right?

Our cementitious and articulation back to SIMPLE - common sense - SIMPLE STUPID - as our secured default present American core for exceptionalism to any GREAT again must be toe’d to as to enough toe’d in for rationalism that now may need a clear and present stand by any a shepherd in Catholicism, - or a SAMARITAN’S strong arm with just hand as lifting for fallen it seems so now precisely of cosmopolitan of Gotham whom Presbyterian too.

We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons - however irrational of a divisible marriage Cartesian - duplicitous measurably of bodies & souls convenient by dichotomies postured!

We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons by the elementary intelligent rap is pared of their pie’d of New York City now froward must be forward as of to be “NYC IS FLAT” for their “little guy” cohesion is scope defined as if any vertical structure corporate to proprietary in personal must be prejudged as any an established success however in freedom of speech and assembly must be the ENEMY of the party.

We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons for their effected is much unintelligible to any qualified to be a woman dedicated, or just a man Roman collared men in black. 

These are they whom have punk’d a New York Presbyterian, - - - BEWARE - the healthy lanes for clarity in pathology of Freedom have many picket lines and picks of CLINTONS’ partied for blocking lanes of rationality - divining to intellectual accounting - lanes of normality to how ORIGINALISM constituted FREEDOM is from one’s Lord Creator - lanes from political tyranny of SOCIALISM and corruption of “CHARITY”!

Ours’ now is beckoned to God speed for an “in a New York Minute” immediately necessary RESET!

The politics of Hillary Rodham Clinton aren’t just FLAT & now posture predisposed to a mass FLATTENING - they are enough CROOKED to that Gotham Presbyterians may still NOT be able to hold HOPE in one of their own and to that he is at least NOT nearly as FALLEN & CROOKED as supposed accused, and IS now still at the ready to at least arrest further advances of the diabolical spousal husbandry of “CROOKED TOGETHER” - the now FLAT on the scope and to parable as akin to a sad reality, as limited and tyrannical, as if “AMERICAN CROOKED HILLARY TALIBAN” of conspiracies to set asunder HOPE, & the healthy pathology of Freedom as in voluntary and considerate democratic civil procedures of original due process core.

Ours’ now is beckoned to God speed for an “in a New York Minute” immediately necessary yuge RESET!

President Donald John Trump has become fallen from the promise he can be a “Law and Order” moralist?

None of Alfred Emanuel Smith shall now rest until the Metropolis of Gotham flattening of such partisan selfish husbandry is effectively arrested?

Our only standard now for a healthy pathology of Freedom may need all of Roman collars men in black, and, femmes moral, of the beat?

               *       *       WILD WITH RULE CARDS       *       *



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:09 pm

As Missouri celebrates, hopefully, that it has its first ever elected Jewish Governor the rest of the world is yet in a Trumpian fog demanding a material visceral threshold of a show me state to be crossed.  Americans are being led astray and from beaten paths of the erudite, in the orated by President Trump, if one already considerately learned from read of George Washington’s letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island.

Nixon is gone!  Long live Richard M. Nixon!  Now too this must be broken down, to the building blocks, of the kinder world, Donald J. Trump is strongly standing up anew.  The Nixon of the Ferguson fiascos is gone!  The Nixonian not spoken of with the storying of Hillary Clinton is bust’n through to the general consciences of politicos and exposed to politics; - Secretary Clinton few successes can simply be registered of having been of when she like copycatted Bush & Nixon without credits, and quite coyly as of preset to such proven methods she was by firstly blanketing markets with a pushed idea of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” and as if “REPUBLICANS” generally only made mistakes.  Yes Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton did have many failures and did fail generally but it is still significant to that where successes occurred it can be pathologically & forensically pointed out that she was at least stealing from Richard M. Nixon.

Do how many blocks and neighborhoods Donald J. Trump some gentrified or just improved over his consistent career it is much impossible that he can be whom pressers are smearing his as - or as pressed are misunderstanding him.  Trump cannot be whom he is being plastered as for by being such a person he never could have had the business successes he did by being himself.

The building blocks are kinder now than under the 8 years of Left FASCISM at authoritarian tyrannies for solutions tyranny for healthcare & climate change politics.  Donald J. Trump core, to be whom is was as what he was to be successful to date, is more, relative, to Democrats of reigns recent, as akin kindergarten sharing & pluralism.

Donald J. Trump has spent his career as of building blocks for kinder blocks, - of kindergarten Golden Rule steady ways.

Donald J. Trump is being more egalitarian to a reset to “all politics is local” of not bringing any unless bringing enough for everyone so shepherded for advancement by sharing learning experiences.

Donald J. Trump is no Bill Clinton nor Hillary Clinton; - Trump doesn’t define success as Clintons have long embued of their shared ambition since law studies as to become above everyone else and as toward becoming the two most powerful lawyers to ever have graduated from Yale Law School.* 

With Trump at the helm of the decades long advancing “Republican Movement” the true news is for real stories of that Donald J. Trump election is to as orated in inaugural of that the country belongs to the People again, - of the idea that the state of mind is a state of reality of that we are now across the threshold and to “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED”!

To fathom what a wreck Madam President Clinton to have been do now take moments to ponder what her definition of success personally has only always been, - PLEASE!!!  She is like of no acumen or agility even with basic building blocks for egalitarian politics; - she must reign conflated a superior as Prima Donna of platitudes as authoritarian castes only tolerate.

The lay of the land of that which President Trump is commenced to with for kinder blocks has troubling vibe for essence of that “mess” he has inherited is, until/unless the Clintons are judged more culpable/guilty, properly concurrently tag’d to near or specifically akin to “IT IS ALL THE BLACK PRESIDENT’S FAULT!”.

Or:  As if metaphorical to as when is it firstly a turf war?  When does any have a right to think what is beyond what of their ‘hood - neighborhood - and neighbors can be rightly theirs or even much on their minds, by morals, if not of an occupying or trespassing oppression?  The big picture is back, nearly, to be “all politics is local!”?  Semantics is like politics and inseparable from a discussion on limits of Ten Commandments and Jihad of both seem to say you cannot lie to a neighbor or covet a neighbor’s only?  As if - if politics not the “bigger picture” of a profession at treating all as if “neighbors” - any beyond ‘local’ can be raped and pillaged?

Kinder blocks is more complicated since originalism has been reset by new Tea Party as Liberal worked of as if GOD not in CONSTITUTION is defeated by simple reading and to as preamble “Order” is a noun due capitalized to as not “in order to” but as “in/Order/to form…/done…/subscribed…/in/Year/of/our/Lord”.  Separation is back to being vertical of our nation is under our Lord & Lord’s Law and Congress shall make no law to change the tenets of religion.

A crucial get to the Trumpian scope is as well while appreciating kinder blocks acumen of “Kindergarten Golden Rule”** and legacy it is that it may be scary to some or many now to be liberated so and to the “AMERICAN” back as Americans to govern first in the “GOLDEN RULE”!

Concurrently Fascism in 2017 is defined best as a movement of the Left of Liberals for an elite ruling class entrenched to block old “liberal democracy” originalism and to be able to protect own class ranks by an authoritarian tyranny akin long now witnessed of said “experts” used to march a solutions tyranny in climate change & healthcare.  People have been liberated and now should be less scared.

Sadly the coverage of Donald J.Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, as been of old Clinton projection & transference machinations: >>> He is being reported as what the Clintons have been coyly always firstly about as to have Power and to become the two most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School.

And, yet now, a crucial get is also to see the obstacles to progress, for the egalitarian Trumpism, of constructs with kinder blocks, to kinder communities, and, see the first prime political obstacle is of vast moral scope, as progress to be considerate, to parity, is now stuck of a conundrum to the current paradigm, of that we all must be vigilant, and fully discriminating on social progress, by exposed to the particular impedance possible if it is in fact measurably true of as if successful blacks are, for some reason, not giving back - not giving back enough to their own communities.

However the “real Donald Trump” legacy is of acumen and great agility in politics to permits to approvals to turn key turn-overs akin the “Kindergarten Golden Rule” played out local of “kinder blocks” scope forward our froward plans must be developed and considerate especially as the “mess” he is dealing with as “inherited” for now remains, unless a greater guilt proofed upon the Clintons, as of that it trues up near:


               *       *       *       KINDER?       *       *       *


*  [This is of my personal knowledge of having known due they shared their ambitions for years after having asked me, in early 1970s, if they could both become President some day.]

** [Hoganism of “Kindergarten Golden Rule” is of that “Don’t bring any unless you bring enough for the entire class!”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:38 am

Imagine you are seated knee deep in a modern discussion of bolsheviks and the loser party is in denial, and, it seems a cup runneth over imminent to a flooding looms to swamp any Holy copacetic.

Perchance a GRACE can be exercised due disciplines have been maintained in practices to build potential.

Isn’t it of our existentialism reality that HARMONY is more only from nurture and threatened by from nature?

Perhaps by this 4th of July, in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Seven, President Donald J. Trump will with erudity have orated a speech purposed to spreading the words necessary for a synergy in “WHAT IS FREEDOM”!

Deep, deep, deep, to such effecting teachable occurrence, is a prudence extant discoverable by methodology if homework is assigned to all sworn of 115th Congress, as by election seated, to produced white_papers/briefs/essays from each regardless of party to firstly share an open personal ideological to help build a GRACE, yet for “WHAT IS FREEDOM” speech.

Rather so Donald J. Trump, President, then is of each’s communals broached, for working it out in the Executive parlance, by better firstly to general copacetic by being to listening by reading precedingly.

A prima facia lay postured core, for to a deep outlining, later to be waxed on, to finely honed rhetoric erudite on the “AMERICAN” vernacular yet Constitutional as true to the Peoples’ Order of laid right if laid out for the threshold to such discussant as scoped around particular for GRACE of people together to break bread ritualistically to ascribe a formality to a facility for gathered to be each’s RESPONDENT as physically later apart.

Aren’t you now among the seated meek of akin:


Aren’t we of a prudence still subscribed open of:


Perhaps now froward in our Lord best by commune’st in a spudsalicious?  Can froward near encounters best be prefaced as pre-built for Holy copacetic even by mounding up a temple versant with heaps of potatoes mashable? - Even a “Please pass the yams!”?

A yuge concurrence to temper not by the lot but by a spoonful at a time is that of the diametric to Tip O’Neill mass of prudence as set for Posterity in “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”! - I cannot explain by any definition of success that of since Barack H. Obama inaugural to the lot of Democrats seeming so opposite to prudence of former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill! - such as beared through hardly of since 2009, - of the now “Obama Lost Years”! - There seems an vast huge extant of devolution across the caste of “Democrats” of today which is not short of diametrically opposed to “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL!”!

The legacy of Barack H. Obama, President, cannot be measured until metrics amassed to account for his governance as effected was to vast extent at a negation of from Massachusetts Representative Tip O’Neill, - The former Speaker O’Neill (D).

I.E.:  E.G.:  The communing has been beared through as now liberated from a dark ages and black days where dictum federal ruleth’d to mandates that consummation cease as local and to becometh obedient and even prostrate to an infallible President as if yet otherwise constituted as:


I.E.:  An apropos tag’n seems justified as near:

“Obama of yin/dark” due worked set against “O’Neill of the yang/bright”!

A service on Hillary R. Clinton should generally deliver guilt upon the lot of “modern” Democrats due the statistical sad reality of the pockets of votage with her suffrage rising are yet categorically homogeneous as “local” of things - locals - where class systems are most entrenched; - The lot of for Hillary Clinton persists as a conundrum which has severe racial & race lines phat through the strada of eco-systems with the entrenched Liberal Elite caste system of University communals as held highest and worked as if “entitlements” of the federal level not a necessary federal program while an essentially structured rendition to that poor sub-class, subordinated to Liberal caste definition of “SUCCESS” reigning, have their angst & displeasure with “LOCAL” as removed to be yet of inequality as disassociated to then of a marshaled pathology of local class problems are yet Federal Social Welfare issues.  Them that amass of the votage so are those who must support Washington Democrats of face the outcomes to be rendered if instead the address the incivility and oppression by their own neighbors of the own community.

OMG!!! Things aren’t reported as appear to be actually consequential!!!

As the PSALMS set froward of “to the chief Musician” and riddle some too much I wonder if a return of THE FLYING NUN could work to suffice against such entrenched and be teachable generally to a rising from such escapism by ‘entitlements’.

We needn’t depend on a nun-such to such a drum beat of an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett, or even Whoopie as to be drum majors to restorative common sense in simple “local” communals.

There is a convenient cast set to be tasked generally as a lot of Clinton Democrats ensconced about the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD - NEW YORK CITY.  We have the lot of Schumer, Gillibrand, Cuoma, & de Blasio as starters all now cast to play it all out in the public expectation in the public realm as to how immoral the Affordable Care Act is for how it was designed to phatten their realms so fat in financials yet on HEALTHCARE costs as transferred to upon backs of other states earners tax dollars.

President Donald J. Trump needs a lot of answering by this cadre of the caste of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS, - and too a CHICAGO cast toasted of the THE HOUSE OF OBAMAS.

President Donald J. Trump seems best positioned if he now lets such caste of the of New York answer first for the injustice worked of OBAMACARE to that the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD could escape from setting a leading example on how to keep the LOCAL in POLITICS prudence by demonstrating otherwise to that the richest realm could actually find a way to cover all of em resident to the cosmopolitan. 

Oy - trouble we will have if New York major metropolitan area cannot find a self-contained home remedy while so of so many so high on the hog phat to be induced at least into Federalist #1 Alexander Hamilton broached PHILANTHOPY.

America, again, how can these united states of the Americas be great, - great again - if New York Values are not forced to be exposed and to otherwise working a replacement to “OBAMACARE” as the example seems to need be of accounting to that if such as the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD cannot afford healthcare coverage for all - then such is not possible but if limited to LOCAL isolated COMMUNES.

RESPONDERS:  Responsible how say you?

RESPONDERS:  Isn’t the toast of Donald J. Trump - toasts - to field the asking if Liberal politics hasn’t been long wrong & in wrong direction by effecting to that sub-class in entrenched class systems pockets of these united states are disassociated from living the asking of their local hierarchies to actually be and live morally?

            *       *       *       DISCIPLINES?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:32 pm

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  Donald J. Trump has crossed the Rubicon and forded the heartbeats of New York City - generally!

New Yorker!  Yeh you!  Is your stairway to heaven blocked by your own preconceived so challenged?

My life is a mess; - Of that I grew up meaning to become a “MAD MEN” liketh my grandfather is maybe the prophylactic that got me safely through/across my own “Rubicons”; - The story of my good life is a mess, - as twice, while a third child the oldest Irish Catholic boy in family with two older sisters during the age of affirmative action akin feminism. I worked out autonomous space by setting out on seventeen year plans - - - there are years and decades vibrantly complicated of people involved yet so while essentially never garnering what they were involved in meddling regarding their postured.

New York City is a mess; - Likewise the cosmopolitan vibe for the future essence of President Donald J. Trump guidance has fogs too that need alighting on as for years a core of New York values have been ignorant of greater movements afoot.

You cannot apprentice your way through this/these - you must commit and dedicate froward to studying and learning!

That is right New Yorker!  The general dissonance about you is rebellion to the real and discerned since election day of that quite broadly the fall of Clintons equates to that the New York City export of services now is facing a learned truth that their client bases are more for the “Republican Movement” than with the candidate they are/were!  The nation is with “LAW AND ORDER” of bluing with the rise of Donald J. Trump with the progressed of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT”!

My life isn’t such a mess as you may think; - The story of my good life is a mess, - at least twice in my life I worked a realm of autonomy with influence yet cloaked from my own father, and especially so my older sisters; - the rise of Donald J. Trump fits to that the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” was successfully progressed by weaving in dominant past influencers of what I had done but which was generally cloaked from most Democrats, especially those nearest of my own family.

New Yorkers, I must presume to it concluding as to that New York City’s FINEST - the ordinaries uniformed in blue & service to serve and protect - must have sympathies - real - that measure out of a respect and fidelity to the promise of Donald J. Trump, President, of to be a “LAW AND ORDER PRESIDENT”!

It isn’t that you should fear that I can explain to a high proffer standard how the fall of Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton occured twice as primarily a first concern is that such is what was accomplished from what I had written, - of that I had pressed in cloaked and broadly public considerable efforts.  It is reasonable to accept that the rise and winning of “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” fits Donald J. Trump snuggly as by it told of that both occurred with a trusting of the written and shared of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” me of mine on and off of CitizenRosebud.org.

You would think, maybe, that my life must be a mess for such to be mine while having so thus grown up more a young Republican in the 1970s & 1980s in such as I did as was a Liberal’s enclave as a New Haven, CT Yale University prime neighborhood.  My complicated story succeeded in 2017 for how more true and thus dominant than that of the Clintons’ which was left to be just spin spun and more of false narratives quite “fake news” falsely pressed.

The people of the New York City major metropolitan votage demographics now have a complicated denial to work through to that now they should presume and then confirm that the police as “BLUE WITH TRUMP ‘LAW AND ORDER’” are against the old them, and, too each should collect their professional sense towards appreciating that the election of 2016 seems to amount to that froward God is in the details of TRUMP standards and their client bases aligned as expressed contrary to their old norms.

Yes, I did challenge J.K. Rowling, as an answering soul a sought “unknown writer”, to commit to write seven books on magic as set to a book a year for seven years of study at a magic school.  This is part of how my life is a mess, - the story of my life, that is!

Yes, I was to seeking an “unknown writer” willing to write around a character idea of a young magic student with dark hair and round black glasses as mused as a “Pete Rowe-ling” of a young click of a redhead pal and one ‘her’ though basis neighbors were of two girls “Hermione” became a composite femme froward around.

Yes, my story is a mess in that my dad and my oldest sister while cloaked from how much of mine was of 2 to 3 17 years plans strategized to that they reacted in the moment to incidents seeming only of the concurrent while such was to me pieces set out long term to which I was sensitized to have autonomous powers by a some understanding when such pieces in the future would or could be in play newly. 

My dad, nor my oldest sister, were yet aware especially of that worked successfully for “HARRY POTTER” and “HOGWARTS” from the day it was commenced with challenge accepted to until after the last movie was made and in theaters.  It can be a mess when my family involves themselves in a kinship of inadequate knowledge and consideration for of many years one’s use of another compassion was insufficient to the reality and then complicating again vice a versa when in such juxtaposed there were times of my oldest sister “compassion” as all wrong as by being based on a momentary reading by my dad of family situational considerations. 

And, I was a little off in my challenge and pledged cooperation to its completion in having thought that such could be easily rendered to yet seven books as to be all done in just five years; - oy!

I was off and yet regularly rededicated froward of spiriting cloaked energy and support even years and years onward as such made further mess upon mess in my seemingly real life.

As it is I only consented to publisher of her books the rights involved for a publisher as around source and identity of the muse with it conditional that movie and other rights would be a bridge to cross later if I was right as to how successful I thought the performance on the specific challenged did amount. 

J.K. Rowling didn’t find a publisher until I varied my instruction that she was supposed to keep her muse (patron US) cloaked and spirited clearance to that publisher recognized for assuring she was working within the honor among artists,writers,publishers by proceeding with her muse cloaked.  I, have stories to relate around my years seeming otherwise of a primary reality yet of what on the surface doth amount to my years of always learning new things and skills so that new energies would be out there for matriculating readers.

As it now may be difficult for many professionals Hillary R. Clinton voters to assess and amend their ways froward to being better with and divining their customer bases seemingly geographically substantially with TRUMP “BLUE” and beats reset of “LAW AND ORDER” it yet is where so many now are from denial towards maybe already near acceptance.

Right, to this date I have not surrendered or waived my muse’d art artists rights to the movies, merchandise, theme park(s) and seem copaceticly embraced daily still of like her - yes J.K. Rowling’s - past emoted of that fifty - fifty likely will be best.

You can learn much of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” now more settled and dug in to as a new establish establishment by reading through so much here still free.  I strongly recommend if you are yet still a had been Hillary R. Clinton voter a professional that you forthwith progress to categories left justified assorted of scrolls to that titled “AUTO BIO’D”!

Again:  The beats of NYC NYPD TRUMP “BLUE” forward need be froward to divining a connective marketability of that the nation went more with the popular art than yet covered for the nation seems to have stayed true to the mores and magic of that which has been just some from what was of cloaked and public concurrency in and out of my story of strategies at times kept to of autonomy only, or mostly, by being of setting out pieces to interact yet pieced out of 17 year plans.

The TRUMP “BLUE” may be those now all over your beats!  It is true that I set out since 1971, as one born in 1965, to be like my of the era of “MAD MEN” grandfather Arthur M. Menadier while it was more cloaked that such was to be of a political marketing acumen eventually developed in keeping with my named for grandfather John W. Hogan, Sr.. 

To complicate your professionals and political passions further it is that my biographical has that in my late teens I was claimed a “summer son” to the son of whom ran HEARST CORP in the years “CITIZEN KANE” was produced and originally popular.  I was so a “summer son” to Joseph V. Connolly, Jr. and Violette Connolly of Block Island, The Town of New Shoreham, Rhode Island in the years “Violette” was retired from bookkeeping for the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and to being a most popular NBC part-time executive who shortly after being hired became much involved with many employees of NBC by facility at new administer program where employees could borrow against their retirement plans for tuitions and mortgages.

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump so risen on the popular wave, is so of rising with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to that now many are to learn that “DEEPTHROAT” wasn’t an after-thought fall out of from the investigation botched some due J. Edgar Hoover feared going that much up against the Kennedy Powers.  There is a more background true story of that the very investigation became initiated with a case file named “DEEP THROAT” as to of what reason and rational there was to be even considering that there were FEDERAL cause to investigate the DEMOCRATIC PARTY HEADQUARTERS.

The Bob Woodward drama to that Mark Felt became revealed as “DEEP THROAT” while Federal Bureau’s number two yet is devoid the incriminating that the Democrats kept out of the story of that there was FEDERAL cause to investigate their HQ; - “DEEP THROAT” as played out by Mark Felt remains deceptive for it still sells as #NewsFromTruth what was much crisis mangagement damage control of “fake news” for witness protection.

The TRUMP “BLUE” beats may now be the your beats and unavoidable of deeper truth of that the ascendency of the “NewGOP” with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to Donald J. Trump your “THE CHOSEN ONE” has harmony with that the popular culture and artists did win with the REPUBLICANS’ winning.

My acumen became of nature and nurtured since 1971 initialized of my grandfather then months from forced retirement to agreeing to teach me to grow up to be “just like him” as with caveat I signed too of “yes, but without your vice of smoking!” and to that I started a development for autonomy despite a third child and oldest son in the era of affirmative action to invent a feminism for my older sisters and peers. 

Yes, by the time I was in my First Grade or Second Grade I had become partly organized for autonomous efforts by thinking to like seventeen year plans otherwise cloaked from siblings, parents, teachers, administrators.

My challenge, though cloaked from the world, to J.K. Rowling, was yet based to a confidence for a froward to forward vast global success that was core’d to my unique self of able to operate in and out of my past of cloak and of public concurrence; - I imported to such that if she performed on challenge and to a totality of seven books, though of that time she asked for five to be enough, to her that she would become “very rich” with my confidence that such would somehow to the world and publishing realm as seem to just magically fit into times that most didn’t consider of an orchestration yet co-operating around their reality.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  The messed up but most winning story of how Poet J.P. Hogan set out to be a New Yorker is breaking and generally getting out “News From Truth” and as the story of Donald J. Trump equates partially since it is also of these endeavors how DJT did get the APPRENTICE idea from me! 

I must abide your patience and await your understanding of that such was from times I was of helping President George W. Bush post the attacks of September 11, 2001 and so of myself without enough space to join with DJT enthusiasm, - for a more entertaining keep of my integrated orchestrations I stayed serious.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  If your police and your client base now are likely sympathetic and hopeful in “TRUMP” can you afford to not also be?

            *       *       *       PEACE! OUT!       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:36 am

Never has so little needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

What is the “is to” to Donald J. Trump as a “Law and Order” leader but maybe that Barack H. Obama was merely an “Orders and Dictum” presider?

Through his fault President Obama carried on fundamentally errant to the prudence in pedestrian “American”!

Through his fault President Obama postured and postured of fronting “American” in a misguided speak/think!

The abyss was to be crossed to if threshold broached in November in our Year two thousand ten and Six to ledes broadcast across old and new media of like “ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!”.

Though now we haven’t, as a nation, slid down this rabbit hole of an abyss, recently so near & ominous, we are precipitously close to the issues of the risks, still, and tasked for Posterity of a duty to understand and fathom what nearly was, - to the darkest elementals considered.

What is the “is is” of racism forward into the post-Obama era of unshackled and liberated awaiting?

A first “Law and Order” problem forward abides in the logic of Lord’s Law morality - in Moral Law basics:

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” in “#CrookedHillary” is a dangerous proposition - a most dangerous if effected!

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” will remain premature until Mrs. Clinton presents the essence honestly of how BAD the BAD is, to great enumerated accounting, of any which she may hope to have “forgiveness” as regards!

Racism must not be confused as the primary issue forward as we cotton to a new United States Attorney General!

Racism must not be confused with Moral Law standards and Constitutional especiality webbed out to well networked!

Due Secretary Hillary R. Clinton was of little lingua franca essence while tasked to be diplomatic a tag as a “worst ever” may visually stick to her forward quite dramatically as if responsibly cartooned a justly tarred & feathered?

The greatest failure and errant ways of the Obama Administration roots to a common rotten core of dictum of convenience yet lacking in consideration, and enumeration for mental health clarity and Posterity through truth & clarity connective fibrocity.

President Obama & Secretary Clinton are to be tagged and mashed forward for a vast and diabolical failure as due a historical rendition to of having been bad with language and loose with words!

Errant in their ways these two, though just part of the complicity party, have much to just try to atone for and attempt a accomplishment to being somehow to a suffice as penitent.  Firstly their biggest error was essentially, devoid of the political motives, dominant as of having governed as if God is not in the Constitution - even as the idea of a Lord above like the holding anchor.

To placate the random “HATE” “HATERS” momentarily let me posture that Donald J. Trump now too has an idea for “FREE COLLEGE” if he enumerates most “students” concurrently have cases against their institutions of “higher” education to sue for a refund even as they accept a diploma - to sue on grounds of having been grossly mislead and mistaught to believing what is now self-evident nearly of Democrats Liberals of having “governed” so devoid of a fibrous for “reason” they amount more to having been rascals, not teachers.  Whoops!!!  Well maybe showing “HATE” misplaced can placate some!!!

There is no where to run to - there is no where for such taggable as “rascals” to hide!  It is modern that their failures are now already mashable and to endure to a scandalous incontrovertible their rap.

To placate, or not:  Take how we must now, where ever, discuss how the Democrat(ic) Party has their rascality sticking to them as like all of birds of a feather to be tarred together:  Take now, for example, how on “Climate Change” as for a “Green Agenda” it is to haunt that after eight years there was never simple effected as an easiest of “shovel ready” opportunities that a boom of new pedestrian & bicyclist commuter bridges/tunnels and bike trails was not big news and regular news from day one.

Forward:  It seems already established and ready for mass consumption that Democrat Party leadership was so elitist of cabal motivation for authoritarian Power for a ruling class that they were blind to how better “Global Warming” solutions were available, yes since day one, and yet not allowed by President Barack H. Obama!  It should sting and pain for years, especially to loser Hillary R. Clinton, how it seems her party was firstly just for crooked crony “capitalism” that really fails the definition of “capitalism” as to “win win” civil agreements the primal core of its economics foundation.

The racism rub is a complicated rub forward, though now being simplified and to clarity for Law and Order resurgent:

The social sciences of logic of morality have a basic nature to now be enunciated and broadcast most pressingly as due voters who voted for “Crooked Hillary” were immoral and complicit to her “crooked” by such “expression” there is the resultant conclusive as regards morality and the Ten Commandments networked reasoned for conscience clarity and abiding for civility.

Common sense is that those who voted for “Crooked Hillary” became the “Crooked Voters” to then of a violation of the spirit of “American” and of morality as under our Lord as of self-governance firstly what religion is and the Ten Commandments our common core.

As the Ten Commandments do set up that slavery or imprisonment is the default allowance so prescribed short of Justice by death and therefore of a place & purpose in the “recipe” for “HEAVEN ON EARTH” so chiseled in stone we have the conundrum now of what happens as regards “crooked voters”.  To speak now of enslavement or imprisonment due violate of “Law and Order” by complicit to votage - suffrage - as ignorant or informed, and yet, by party to an “interpretation” that God can be said to not be in Constitution, and that all protections from (government) tyranny can be said as voided, and so to get away with popularity for a “Robin Hood” cabal Power, is just.

By voting again, and (more) knowingly than whence for Barack H. Obama, for a President as if an election could void and nullify the Constitution and Moral Law - especially of that set in stone of “THOU SHALT NOT STEAL” - a vast YUGE amount have morally condemned themselves as “crooked” too.  Any voted for “Crooked Hillary” of votage as expression of support for this discussed have set up the political dilemma in morality of by so to such by suffrage each has themselves rendered unto them a liberation problem of voters and candidates of the right now have become absolved of even Christian duty of compassion and caring in shared humanity towards any so a “crooked voter”!

By voting for Hillary R. Clinton any so knowingly of such suffrage votage has quite liberated peoples of the right from any moral obligation to care about them due the network fibrous connective of the Moral Law of Lord’s Law of the Ten Commandments endures to that any violate of such ten basic civil laws is then a problem individual that if still about as a “neighbor” but yet predisposed to “covet” others or be disposed to worse abuses of “neighborly” is then, if not judged to be of capital punishment remains, unless displaced, to be one needing keepers, - a soul needing watchers and masters to moderate their bad tendencies.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama has brought a diabolical existentialism now into the “American” and “political” that trumps racism for such amounts, since his support of Hillary R. Clinton, to establishments un-Constitutional as devilishly postured upon a popular majority as if by an expert their expert of thought of “governing” in their best interests.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama now still presides and to that the color of his skin may endure as the best thing to be said about him forward, and to of the color of his skin, not these discussed of a lacking of character, is a “that” of which Americans forward should still celebrate for that a black man was elected President of these united states of the Americas still, for its time, does say much great and wonderful about near half of the American people!

It will hopefully never be an issue of racism or the color of his skin that he like was a bad President whom had better solutions for so much available since day one and yet only progressed with his “politics” those that fit “crooked crony capitalism” tag!

Never has so little been needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

We are beyond a discussion of slavery as racism! - So many are now obviously (ignorantly) complicit, and yet it is established that a right to enslave as to imprison is essentially in the Constitution for it is what must be between the lines of the Ten Commandments, for all peoples - any individual due their character, - not race/color, sex or sexuality.

                          *       *       *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:00 am

A first supposition to consume is that Hillary R. Clinton just rubbed too many people the wrong way!!!

The cake is baked!  Hillary R. Clinton just didn’t see enough coming - didn’t see the horror shows premonitions though such was her job to get done!

New York City, you of Democrats solicitations are not alone! - You’ve been liberated! - You’re saved from a looming descent to “GOTHAM” - devolutions!

The problems forward for Republicans to shine and glow of a “shining city on a hill” brilliance now are concurrent to the issuance of Donald J. Trump; - Does the future of these united states of the Americas now depend on if Donald J. Trump can stay in the lines of as if out of a time machine and for Liberty as stepping out as either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or as either Alexander Hamilton or James Madison.

To shine - to renew and brighten from how Hillary R. Clinton abraded and dulled by rubbing too many the wrong way - mustn’t we collectively consider civility concordance consistent to the consecrated as constituted now is asking Donald J. Trump to be of the bodies electric secured of that to be to “shining” an electric brilliance must be of from bodies to honesty & electric in truth?

To shine - forthwith forward furtively, and foundationally, frankly - Aren’t we at “father” Trump must present daily as if stepping out as a founding father revisiting their ordained and established created Order “done” in humble under God dedication in such past “Year of our Lord”?

To shine - restoratively reset regarding revolutionary reposits, remedially - respectfully it is significant that Donald J. Trump also forward does present as if so “modern” is like in the THE JETSONS, and accustomed to at least the now available flying cars!

It is what it is!  Scary is what we have been brought back from the edge of! - Scary is what coulda/whoulda been if Hillary R. Clinton had amassed enough collaboration to a post election lede: ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!

We have been turned back from, and saved from the abyss!  Some may now sadly do an about face and blindly turn back to a fateful short plank conundrum diabolical.  Some should be vigilant to try to save even these near lost souls of having believed too much that which was so “crooked” it was never safe to ever have believed!  Some must teach and shepherd to a learned to a suffice from that which was at best just RIDICULOUS as posited for machinations for CLINTON-KAINE.

Doesn’t Donald J. Trump now just need be the kindly gentle giant surrogate father to the new Tea Party & Constitutional restoration dedicants?  Needn’t Donald J. Trump essentially, to shine, now just be as if George Washington or Thomas Jefferson as a reincarnate or revisiting?

It is baked in Hillary R. Clinton’s pudding that baked in her cake is that hauntings will persist as from her resume to rise and gather darkly dark spirits as if here to stay of her while in Purgatory and likely fated to maybe a new 8th level of Hell’s inferno!

The basics for any “THE SHINING CITY ON A HILL” is of bodies electric even as Walt Whitman strung a poetic around embattled “Captain” President Abraham Lincoln, and the Civil War.  It is from humanoids gathered in morality of Lord’s Law of a unity in honesty from such as an electric brilliance can endure to emanate as if of actual structuralism.

It seems Donald J. Trump need not posture as if Moses to Barack H. Obama as a self proclaimed Messiah; - Important - most important - forward to a restoration for the brilliance of original constitutionalism is how key it is President Trump be firstly scholarly as if akin to founding fathers and their prudence and exercised as an apostolic spectacle affected.

I do not know if President Trump is better now as if it is 1800 all over again as per prudence & jurisprudence, nor if being of George Washington by his prefacing by his first inaugural begun “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” is to a better polite to a more workable civil, nor if President Trump can be either as on Moses & the Ten Commandments without much being to like snatching an embodiment specifically of Alexander Hamilton or the John Jay of such critical essays as of the opening salvos by the THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!

Flying cars are here and an inevitable ingredient to any and all for the republic infrastructure allotments debates and votage.

The issuance from Hillary R. Clinton “resume” will haunt as dark spirits rise and amass of so much of an on Earth and yet in Purgatory political reality of the fall of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.

Infernal is that there ever was a 2016 “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT”! - The apparatus and machinations for “CLINTON-KAINE” have not, nor ever can, amount to as if by running (for cover) (of strategery by campaigning depended on like the criminal defense playbooks) the legacy of Mrs. William J. Clinton become scrubbed to as if now and forward of all the darkness bleached out to that Mrs. Clinton could be postured as if a clean white & girded as if all haunting dark spirits of Hillary R. Clinton resume were not co-existent and incontrovertible from “crooked” and guilty!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be me! - President Trump mandate is to be maybe a founding father reincarnate, and a gentle giant, of dedication to the simple truth of that our originalism constructs of the Constitution as the People’s “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” maintains, -again self-preserves - such that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, & even Jay can be of guidance and to a lightness in being in opposition to Clintons’ dark extant of pregnant or bloated of souls dark of Purgatory & Inferno - of comedy of that essence of the realm of the energies electric of divination - the divine - the divined!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be a like rapper to endure as a “Biggie Hogan” as a rival to #HAMILTON by across the space time continuum! - So much now are triggers to me as of that akin maybe to a poet’s conditioned of from real world exposure to of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - #PTSD - if I were to even try to be me - the me President Trump could be if it weren’t also available to him to be reincarnate of the great minds and soul’d of these united states of the Americas original consecrators extradinaire! - Much as we are now here abouts in real time equates to a deja vue possible traumatic to myself if to re-engaged to the officialdom of governance devoid the flexibility and agility of the arts realms! - Much as President-Elect Donald J. Trump now is tasked to render and serve forward is of that to me of my real work to such was done before 1992 - to set up to working, as Clinton 1992 win attests, and then as I viscerally sadly bore witness to of such HOPE and OPPORTUNITY now as concurrent to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is yet to that of which I succeeded to USA as again too whence and of then it that William J. Clinton & the machinations of the “Clinton Machine” did by their devilish hands for years decisively set asunder.

Simply the HOPE & OPPORTUNITY to cakes of the future when empowered of the President Donald J. Trump sworn and rededicated are of the darkness of Hillary R. Clinton must be thoroughly sifted and to the dark energies obstructive to a new “shining” must get sifted out! - President Donald J. Trump must reset to the 1992 election and be of win as if how won unexpectedly by the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON and then to proceed, yes, - not as if me - as but to being again to of the original recipe as by a sole d.o.d. or a smorgasbord, or a worked ratatouille of a harvest’s bounty.

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to be me! and, it yet remains a conundrum of if he and these united states of the Americas do now forward have a parallel need for me, an also now LIBERATED, to yet shine again as me being firstly me, and of saved from a daily fight of decades, - an at times traumatic struggle - of defenses needed daily to stand against the Clintons and their machinations to of effecting successful and failed attempts to succeed by absconding to popularity by thefts and misappropriation and misuse of that originally and still my own intellectual property!!!

You are now asked to become learned to a suffice to be so then educated enough to be able to reason a position - reason to a position on how President Donald J. Trump though throughout the campaigns was of likewise to the public “Strong For Truth” me is yet now pre-positioned to be more as if a founding father on Moses than as if Moses to the Obama black Messiah!!!

By Dante Alighieri’s divine humor it seems Hillary R. Clinton is not an alone of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON to be like cast incontrovertibly to be forward cast as reserved to the domain of Lucifer and to that we should now all reason if due the vast dark spirits that rise of Mrs. Clinton resume if we are not now of a times of so much so contrary & diabolical as having been politically exercised conversely to Constitutionalism such as that there are reservations for the Clintons as fated to shine not - and walk a fated of Purgatory to as if not in Hell yet for an fitting “EIGHTH” level is still just under construction!!!

Are we now though at that it is best that President Donald J. Trump effect governance as if it is 1800 all over again? - Aren’t these times of hankering for Jeffersonian Republicans and for how he stood tall the compliance for the TEN COMMANDMENTS even as his work to such was of a special “Jefferson Bible”?

It seems incontrovertible that we’ve been LIBERATED and turned from fated to join a condemned thee as THE HOUSE OF CLINTON! - Forward let’s use respect (as Thomas Jefferson worked it?) that religion is firstly self-governance of that of the apostolic spectacle that the founding affected was of that the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the codes for the bodies electric and the recipe for HEAVEN ON EARTH, and as so for at least 3 religions - as at least of Jews, Christians, & Muslims!!!

Forward rub: - Of that our fine and glorious originalism is of our “code” as it such “code” is essential and of written as still the Law which enables there to be such of that of bodies electric as not condemned certain and of structuralism possible to even a nation’s capitol as able to be facilitated to be of good shining?  Of that we’ve been LIBERATED from rubbed errantly?

Forward rub: - It is what it is!  Our “code” is of we share across religions & religiosity that Lord’s Law is our Moral Law our Nation is also humbled as set under!  “Bible “nonsense” equals liberalism - not immoral lies!” & as “PRACTICE CHRISTIANITY IN SUFFICE TO NONSENSE!”  The BIBLE is among the “living documents” that our Constitution was set as harder to amend or nullify than, and, now forward our “Politics” are to stand against government over-reach and of the beat to notes to that the People are to now consider if “King James” edition of the BIBLE isn’t too out of date, at least!

Forward rub: - The Supreme Court “decided” on equality of marriage rests as so on point to that the scriptures are to be the “living document” the the Constitution the People’s “Order” of for that which is not of establishments (tenets) of religions; - The Justice is rededicated even by same sex marriage ruling to that the “living” work isn’t finished for at least the #KingJames edition hasn’t been rectified to concurrent vicissitudes to be adjusted to rule on that many people now are to live even 75 years longer past the trials of discovery of youth become settled, and individuals to having “discovered” a immutable “self” to endure and endear as their’s (fated?)?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:17 am

There comes at least one time in a snookered person’s life where they ask if there may be somewhere a trump available to them to get over a “too stupid”!

A worst thing, at this moment, that seems able to be discussed about Donald Trump is that of he is repping that it takes one to know one and as like a reformed old Democrat now standing tall and shouldering a fight against tyranny over minds - standing tall for “law and order” as a one willing to be the new sheriff in town.

Let us discuss what he is willing to stand tall against, still; - let us do a reckoning to how diabolic the threat is.

Hillary R. Clinton is of great debates fails every time she lashes upon Barack Obama as if he should be ever of insulted by Donald J. Trump maneuvers to have him release legal documents detailing the time and place of how conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child of a pepper & salt vicissitudes incident of yet of what may have been his mother of prior consent to conceive him as a son as property to a tribal Kenyan Muslim father by a second “wife” acquired to his “house”.

Hillary R. Clinton misrepresent Barack H. Obama every time she assaults the Trump name as if such was effecting an insult upon him. The birth certificate - the legal document eventually released - did confirm he was conceived before his birthday of a mother it seems who consented to be his father’s Tribal Kenyan Muslim “wife” number two to his Kenyan “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA”.

Hillary R. Clinton misrepresents how Barack H. Obama so proudly represents himself with his memoir “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” as, to Donald J. Trump credit, he seems of posturing that he, however born in America, is to be thought of and supported as if firstly of his father and so firstly by his scribed memoir’s direction to be essentially Kenyan, tribal, and Muslim firstly - however also carried as some Christian.

Donald J. Trump was of the essence of the man as a lawyer - and so righteous - for as a lawyer of coy ploy chicanery by attempts to carry forward interest in his ‘uniqueness’ by keeping a deal in negotiation by delaying closure for closure of a deal requires, for any smart in arts of deals, to have those contrary clauses exposed and corrected.

Barack H. Obama has been a bad lawyer though in ways politicians may like to call being a clever and successfully duplicitous politician - in their “private” speech, not in their intentional “public” banter.

What has been of insulting to President Barack H. Obama isn’t as storied as if insulting by Hillary R. Clinton; - the insult upon Barack H. Obama is for having been a bad lawyer and to being likewise in such mold to being since 2008 trumping of Hillary R. Clinton yet to being likewise as bad a President as her promised was trapping to her only too able to be.

It has been the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that has brought Donald J. Trump from the Democrat Party folds to against their tyranny over minds as against the new fascism as now too of the Right as against his old Left and only by years and years of dedicated work at actually upholding the spirit of the oaths taken to defend the Constitution from “all enemies foreign and domestic.”

The dangers lay not in Barack H. Obama as self structured to requests to be considered as if more of Kenyan and tribal of his father’s patriarchy than that how he has been contrary to the Constitution and a domestic - right! NOT foreign - threat to the Constituted, and, as boldly so contrary for it is public knowledge in the public domain that he has loudly and quietly attested to not feeling “beholden” to defend the People’s Order as done in that “Year of our Lord” ordained and established.

The ‘DANGERS’ lay in Barack H. Obama is a “bad lawyer” and as confessed to of premeditated affecting as against the Constitution, however he is less threatening due the scandalous (, especially for the times) nature and details of his birthing, and beyond just as such certifies the timeline to that he was conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child maybe of his mother’s consent that he be forever firstly the property by the second wife in the “HOUSE OF OBAMA” of his father.

Because of the memoir by Barack H. Obama “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” Hillary R. Clinton is more insulting the intelligence of President Obama than Donald J. Trump has ever been by asking for contrary clauses to be removed from his “O” dealt by a lawyer Barack H. Obama of published notoriety and pride akin to asking to be thought to be more tribal, Kenyan, and Muslim by his like work - ‘dreamworks’!

What is in his perversion from regular order and originalism of these united states of the Americas as organized as a confederate republic for to be a liberal democracy is that which the “Law and Order” movement is standing against, and will with whomever next carries the standard if and when passed from as shouldered now by Donald J. Trump.

“Crooked Hillary” doesn’t do justice to their vast collusion and conspiring to set asunder the constituted to usher in more of an empire for AUTHORITARIAN control by a ruling class Liberal elite as yet essentially a the “THE NEW FASCISM” as a the “NEW TYRANNY” as over minds of men and women, and especially children - everywhere.

In 2016 the political lingua franca to best document the effecting politics of the combined efforts of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton, as of them since 2008 spun promised as trapped to be to to just be to keeping their promised, is that they have been to premeditated threats of the domestic nature as committed in mind and body to setting asunder the Constitution as if because inconvenient it can be trampled.

In 2016 the political lingua franca that best documents that actual common core of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton doth extend far beyond a simple rap as #TheBadPresident “THE BAD PRESIDENT” for in this year it must be reasoned to that “FASCISM” is now best defined as a movement of the Left as for AUTHORITARIAN Power for a ruling class Liberal elite to have Powers as the Authority of “FINAL SOLUTIONS” and as such is in public and private records to that they of the “Democrat Party” are now dedicated in a joined opposition to fundamentally against that these united states of the Americas were subscribed as ordained and established “done” to be for a “liberal democracy” of a loose federation of states by constituted as organized by the People’s Order (Yes! Preamble “Order” is a noun a synonym like as for “constitute”!) as to be a confederate republic.

It is indisputable that the legacy of “President Barack H. Obama” is firstly that he by definition has been as “THE BAD PRESIDENT” at least incidentally for the rap is true that he has been a “bad lawyer” by not practicing due process and regular order and to that he wasn’t even practicing the subscribed core of the constituted by the People’s Order that it be a protection from all “tyranny over the minds of men” and from that today especially as rappable as of “FASCISM” as currently a “movement of the Left” as purposefully anti-Constitution.

J. Peter Hogan’s, me, of mine posted just today, as confirming to such a history if of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan and of “WALL” mostly posted as “PUBLIC”, for example to that is:

#CSPAN  #cspanchat #Election2016 #TP2016 ~ When #GreenAgenda recognized as of ‘a tyranny over minds of men’ of #ClimateChange a new  #FASCISM as of elites effecting to be the authorities to #AUTHORITARIAN tyrannical isn’t it #Trump and #ThePeople who forward must be seen as them more right?  However climates are changing doesn’t change that the #politics of the day are of a #Democrats as #FASCISTS to saying ‘our way - or else’ and to that #Republicans are said to as have been en masse against protecting the environment even as but have been against forced marching to adherence to solutions as only as if #Dems can offer the FINAL SOLUTION.  CitizenRosebud.com #StrongForTruth #HOGAN”

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[As I have posted and publicly shared via my social media platforms as publicly available to the internet eco-systems “THE BAD PRESIDENT” “#TheBadPresident” of TheBadPresident.com and http://bit.ly/TheBadPresident are now of holding usage to yet be for a pared down from over 6,000 pages in book form maybe as soon as early or mid 2017.  What is read here is some in response to a query to if such dot come was “up?” - up yet. Material here available is just part of the “BAD” story.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:46 am

We must move the mountain.

By the end you too will likely concur that Oprah Winfrey should mount an “O APOLOGY TOUR”.

As a new Smithsonian Museum venue is opening as a museum of the African American stories there is much to admonish the current President for and to that he may be frightful as due memorialized.

As a debate near for the process of picking a successor to President Barack H. Obama we necessarily are behooved to be prudent with eyes and ears wide open to the deeper truths however now especially dark and of failures.

First Lady Michelle R. Obama is a black she whom can be said to have removed many of the first Jenga pieces of the Mrs. Clinton constructs for vertical power;  The first black FLOTUS with her movement with Chance the Rapper did unsettle the constructs of the Clintons for vertical and hierarchical power for Mrs. Clinton by with ‘em #4College marshalling they have undermined a standing for Mrs. Clinton by empowering blacks to be “FOR COLLEGE” and so to critical thinking;  Michelle R. Obama and Chance the Rapper have set asunder Mrs. Clinton by being “FOR COLLEGE” insists that any so aspiring need learn to study to seeing the CONS and PROS - the BAD and the GOOD - the WRONG and the RIGHT - a EVIL vs GOOD.

Any aspiring to be “FOR COLLEGE” has been asked to engage in the processes for critical thinking;  Any with such movement need be prudent and to a core strength as developed by being critical and understanding of the flaws of Mrs. Clinton;  Any with such movement must also marshal a self discipline to not just accept the favorable spin spun to repackage the flawed Clinton nor to be weak and compliant by just dog whistle partisan lurings.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama likewise has undermined the first black President’s legacy and generally primarily asked even a Smithsonian curation to exhibit querious contradictory aspects to ask visitors to at least question coincidentals.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama a black woman has already started such work I suggest now should be of the work of Oprah Winfrey and HARPO forward as of accepting a moral charge to teach and lecture on posit “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS!”.

As First Lady Michelle R.Obama one black woman has already struck the first drum beat and toe’d in a first step;  The current FLOTUS should be accentuated at least in the opening exhibits of the new Smithsonian museum for having asked for an intelligent and critical review of the first black President, and at least as while asking if it can have been just all Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton’s fault.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is another complicated woman figure now engaged in the current problematic jeopardy of Clinton constructs for hierarchical and vertical power.  At Harvard University such woman was an expert, it seems, in that the very Clintons she now professes proffered support for were yet ‘em a quite guilty of history of that a true endures that the Clintons did much cause the CRASH.  At politics such woman now is becoming undermined by her own expertise with each moment she endorses Mrs. Clinton to succeed the first black President.

As a first debate nears to educate in the process of picking a successor to Barack H. Obama his blackness is becoming tragically more and more an issue and to that a first question for any museum of history curation need be near to “DID THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT FAIL BLACKS BECAUSE HE WAS NOT BLACK ENOUGH?”.

None of this bodes well for Mrs. Clinton nor President William J. Clinton and his/their legacy.

As a first debate nears to educate from obfuscated and suppressed - hopefully - we are left the open wounds of September 11 the II - 911 II - September 11, 2012 tragedies of the State Department consulate of Libya in Benghazi.  To think critically enough just to maybe matriculate to into a college each soul must challenge its comfort levels and be to realizing a question that still must be answered of the “The Buck Stops Here” adage or deeper history remains as to how the House Select Committee form to investigate the found cover-up around 911 II is tasked of a duty to assuage if the first black President is more responsible and therefore more guilty than his first Secretary of State.

What bodes not well for Mrs. Clinton is that it seems ridiculous that the first black President, by any morals expectation, shall yet be figured as being more culpable guilty and at least so negligent as seems the inescapable history bit for Secretary Clinton.

The very history of the Clintons as of official days as bigots begs the conscience and sets up for “FOR COLLEGE” a seeming self evident diabolical to endure forward now for all days;  The Clintons’ official policies from 1993 to 2001 were contrary to the First Amendment as they were bigoted as regards peoples and sects of the Middle East - or at least of the Arabian peninsula;  The very “global initiatives” valuation of William J. Clinton to worth more per performance than the first black President is set as worth per year seems of a rotten core of bigotry by that it seems “Bill Clinton” needed to be monetized as worth so much more than the first black President.

Perchance their can now be HOPE forward in a actually constituted and classically workable fashion?

History shall record that President Barack H. Obama was a failure and a fail President with it open to debate now already as to how much the “rivals” Clintons can be historically tagged as guilty for wilful and premeditated intra-partisan shenanigans as that of ‘em to having set up a failing for the first black President.

It behoove us all to not be dissuaded from evaluating the mountain of lies of the for hierarchy machinations of the Clintons and their political machinery.  Let us not be so stupid as to not at least analyze the obvious times the Clintons by rivaling President B.H. Obama as moments in history of them quite to setting asunder the Obama First Family from being able to have a legacy equal to or greater than the “THE CLINTON LEGACY”!

As key aspect of the “THE CLINTON” is a core common in the family as ‘em professionally of methodologies to be hedgers;  To key to the core beat of the “THE CLINTON” controversies one should critically dissect the fence riding of ‘em all as of machinations for Power by cold calculating for selfish safe zones by hedges and hedges and generally primarily hedging on all matters private or public;  The “THE CLINTON” is ready for museums where ever now - however old and new - new and new - and to that the Clinton Foundation of course if of the mountain of controversies as being of as much personal gain to them as like a property management company is to TRUMP.

Do the math - - - Follow the history!!!  The Clinton foundation cannot be firstly generally presumed to be a “charity” due the enduring legacy of the Clintons as them who from 1993 to 2001 did cut cut cut $2 Trillion from budgeted and in lieu then of funding for blacks, poverty, books, schools, roads, levees, tunnels, bridges, or even more public libraries.  It is ridiculous to accept the Clintons as now of “charity” with such a cold cutting and slashing through what was so much then budgeted as passed to be then to helping all it could have helped.

Do the “FOR COLLEGE” - #4College - #DoTheMath_FollowTheHistory as a new “follow the money” to how Clintons have been worse than worst of “NIXONIAN”!

Do as First Lady Michelle R. Obama has beaten and toe’d first beats for and do ask the tough questions on that President Barack H. Obama, as the first black President, is yet one whom compared to Mrs. Clinton just couldn’t save even blacks from so much set asunder by floating the “THE CLINTON” as a GOOD while rotten to their core of BAD/EVIL.

The “mountain” of controversies of the Clintons is now so visible and obviously here/there that all must try to be critical in thinking and to seeing the Clintons’ controversies as the mountain in the way of progress and even now HOPE!

It is stupid for any now to believe that postured spun or whistled of for by the Clintons’ machinations & machinery politics!!!

It ranks up there now with some horrendous past moments in history that Oprah Winfrey ever endorsed Mrs. Clinton!

The “personal gain” of that the Clintons’ foundation is a huge YUGE scandal is again of that they are afforded so much emoluments and pecuniary beni’s from such it is in plain sight that they violate the very prudent constitutional protections of Article 1 - especially Section 9 Paragraph 8.  The Clintons by their “charity” can afford an imperial authoritarian shadow government as a body together of experts able to be together in purposes of protecting the Power and brand of the “THE CLINTONS” globally, and as quite more a global partisan Tammany Hall like patronage scheme.

It should rile generations to come that blacks may learn more now from how prodded by the first black First Lady to be to thinking critically and to asking at least ourselves to be studious until can see the GOOD vs EVIL - RIGHT vs WRONG - PROS vs CONS.

It should rile our current populaces with the opening of a new AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM if such is opened without presentations to ask for a greater consciousness around the legacy seeming etched eternal for the first black President at least to have been being of a failed President for not having checked the rivals in his own house.

It should rile and endure to rile future generations that now there is a conundrum to spell out of that it may in the long term prove better and more easily rectified through remedial civics education if lessons are commenced around facing facts of the the first black President did much fail - and to how it endures that Barack H. Obama legacy is of that he at least failed blacks by being not black enough - by being too white.

How now should most concur on a problem of President Obama as if too a “KING AMABO” and to that HARPO as backwards OPRAH now is like called to an “O APOLOGY TOUR” of “AMABO” a backwards OBAMA yet emphasized and exclamated for history as somehow too many were like herself and to missing the perilous “mountain” when whence of a not critical enough posturing with an “endorsement” of Mrs. Clinton?  And too for white Michael Bloomberg so caught?  And the newest of Smithsonian?

President Obama is clearly stuck!  It behoove us all to ask, for legacy, how, while it some seems self evident, we have born witness to that President Clinton (white pride) did much punk Barack H. Obama all the years he was the first black President! Bill Clinton clearly punk’d Barack Obama!

                 *       *       *       BELIEVE?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:18 am

And, in continuation:  There is still that there is a vast Left villainous conspiracy to impede, counter, sink!

It is diabolical such a vast threat has endured under estimated and under recognized so incredibly long!

Starkly:  Such a vast villainous conspiracy needs superheroes - SUPERHEROES - to reign righteous against the lot - the lots of akin “superdelegates”!

Starkly:  Whom are those among us that can now rise against such a villainous machine?  What kinda “SUPERHERO” is it these times need all most pray for - and to be worthy of?

The Delaware hasn’t been of such dire times since people of the olden days were of the times of Rene Descartes and Oliver Cromwell - the times of the Mayflower sailing with the lot of “Pilgrims” to be.  Oh my the vessel Clinton is threatening the waters dire about Moshulu - and for ghastly rigged - for such a ghastly vessel captained as for “rigged”.

The Delaware must be defended anew!  These times now as if such Left vast villainous is yet akin to old Britain angst that brought the War of 1812 so fundamentally up our rivers, and upon our shores, where not held back until their clocks ran outta of times of sufficient stowed.

Are not this times so akin!  Are not these times so dire newly as if the vessel CLINTON is upon that of Philadelphia constituted as if yet against Baltimore whence and to yet if we know if our flag may still be steady and proud?

The vessel CLINTON seems steadfast as “rigged” as against the Pilgrims - and especially the economic history of the lessons learned for “sociology” - for social sciences.

Mightn’t we fear we may only get what we deserve and not a SUPERHERO we fear we need and hopefully pray for?

It seems New York had to fall first before the vessel CLINTON could now be so firstly generally threatening Philadelphia, and likewise too that of Maryland, and likely especially Baltimore.  Ahh? - But has New York actually been set asunder? - is New York already lost as seemed covertly worked at by cloaked machinations to un-constitute it from its of Union common core?

May one SUPERHERO now actually be all that is needed for the work of “superdelegates” has been enough exposed already to mass protestant lots motivated and standing and enough maybe to get not what earlier they “may have deserved” but now what they may need - a what of which they have prayed longingly for?  Ahh? - As but now that only one SUPERHERO may be needed - and not SUPERHEROES - mightn’t at least the waters now of the Delaware find repose for it seems at least the fundamentals of the CONSTITUTION have been secured - anew?

Perchance to dream again that old Pilgrims impossible dream?  Perhaps to be newly liberated and restored to that risen from the original Plymouth Plantation indentured servitude of contracted to experiment with an early ’socialism’?  Perhaps the risen from the how the Pilgrims grew from contracted to experiment upon themselves as if a collective is now ripe to be learned from as to this times fitting likewise a “Liberation Economics”?

Oh the of the seven seas and the trepidations and warnings of storied and posted of Neptune?

Can of our shores now suffice?  Can a restoration of originalism pare the threats down to that maybe all we need is a hero an AQUAMAN? - albeit it as these times are ripe that we particularly must share the wisdom of that a black SUPERHERO is most needed as due of that which now has been most missing?

The passing is still too near and seeming of imminent fresh tacks of such villainous of Left’s vast “rigged” for lookouts and scouts about to be recalled or relaxed!!!

The vessel CLINTON most threatens still in the old revolutionary standard beset whence that of the East River, Hudson, New Jersey, the Delaware and at least Philadelphia of flying colors for independence for keeping at the learned from the Pilgrims of their having risen above being indentured to a social experiment in an early ’socialism’!

By what HOPE and for what powers of deliverance from such evil upon us anew can we let adequately pray for that singular “super” assistance - albeit it a calling for an assist against sea winds and currents and that which such may too impartially also afford save passage(s)?  By what powers of prayer may the Delaware and Philadelphia at least find in time an assistance by that of Powers like a “Black Aquaman”?

As was in earlier times we yet again are of a vast struggle - and as now against Left vast villainous conspiracy as for “rigged” against “free” and like as if new Clintons are but yet trying to finish old opposition to insurgency work of such of whence as of the United Kingdom as General Clinton, and, too that of the homegrown opposition to the constituting in Philadelphia by a Clinton then in politics of New York!

Let us not judge all women by one woman of the Left now of the villainous vessel CLINTON as quite as if the reincarnate of British General Clinton, - by one woman more favoring the ways and means of Oliver Cromwell than say of Rene Descartes, or/and especially the firstly primarily indentured “pilgrims” embarked on the Mayflower but with of being papered of debts to repay!

Let us remember our principles and lessons learned from the Pilgrims to what became constituted for regular order while not being naive to that concurrently we may need a SUPERHERO and especially need a black man to be like a “BLACK AQUAMAN”!

Let us remember our for “community” chosen values and refresh our morality and disciplines in moral law - even as mercy may be then called for and postured even for such of the vast villainous Left “rigged” of all aboard the vessel CLINTON - or at least for those not to a self evident of seeming expressly set against “AMERICAN” as willfully committed to set asunder its writs we have to constituted and amended as to how to exist as equals despite what ever is barbarous and upon the seven seas, or nearer!

How now can we prudently proceed to get what we need - to get more than we may deserve?

As a diabolical was extant in Philadelphia by the “rigged” set by “superdelegates” such abouts still may be enough forewarned that even by water greater threats do float and stay of course still quite dedicated as a vast Left conspiracy?

Has the threat of the vessel CLINTON been pared down enough so that one “Evil Barbie” “Drone Queen” is yet of her entourage as reduced enough for a single black man to now be just the needed “hero” & “friend” and even if such ship anti-state still is afloat too of with the colluder William J. Clinton?

For one black man to now be a prayed for “hero” mustn’t all the peoples still wanting to be free be dedicated and practiced to disciplined freshly for morals, and as prepared with their own defensive powers of “triangulation” to thwart any still deployed “Clinton triangulation”?  Beware now 1 woman?

Stand and pronounce - we must - we must now newly as the threat though “domestic” seems as foreign as in 1812!  Beware now all such Clintons!

                   *       *       *       MERCY       *       *       *

[Stay tuned! To be continued! This is just all just begun! It is commenced!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:05 pm

Sweat it!  There is no where to hide! - there is no where to run to!  Sweating it is what we all must now honestly facilitate!

We have reached a crossroads in the American story! - We are at the crossroads still of options to turn from “GOING TO HELL”!

These are no times to sit back and avoid the Musk as maybe to an unchallenged facilitation by ComSats for a “Big Brother” new paradigm akin to Hillary Clinton of long doing as her good book says (Alinski’s) - long doing the leg work of: GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE & KILL THEIR GOD! 

I.E.:  Not that “SPACE X” isn’t copacetic to also under our “Lord” - But that the loose lingua enables too much “mush brains” devoid of disciplines to still be able to discern moral nuance/nuances between sectarian Christian dictums - at least!

E.G.:  As that Donald Trump proposals are for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” as a Protestant a Presbyterian Catholics too must be readying their moral game for us if to “Liberation Economics” and to stirring ghosts around of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as ghosts’ stories of succeeding President Lyndon Baines Johnson may have specifically gotten such anti-religious freedom amendment passed as a check on “Kennedy Catholics” - against “American Catholics” - against “Catholic” heat!

And, in conclusion…! - - - Oh Right! - As if it can now be that easy to come up with “GOOD” or “RIGHT” answers!

Donald Trump on immigration, for starters, has so abraded the Hillary Clinton control lines we have that em have been flushed out as new “Manchurian” puppeteers now also need be on stage to re-tie Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s knot.

Forthwith let us pare the “MUGGLE” for a shame of “Democrat men” with such to showcase the “White Bill Clinton” as in opposition to any superior legacy for the “Black Barack Obama”!  Let us play the cards their shame has on the table as it seems Donald Trump immigration plan has exposed two Democrat men as necessarily firstly “MUGGLES” complicating Mrs. Clinton’s “performances” by being historically two whom can be said to have never had a real “IMMIGRATION PLAN”!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward now needs be all the necessary pairing to separate the “White man Bill Clinton” from the “Black man Barack Obama” for any parity essential to comity!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward is a critically important pressing need to face the failures of BLACK Barack Obama! - to assuage the politics of her “captain” must go down with her ship, - like!

President Barack Obama’s face does not fit on President Bill Clinton’s!  That is what all this now is firstly primarily generally much about!  Forward this is much ado about how Mrs. Clinton was torn between her “White Bill” & “Black Obama” her “Boss” and dramatically to show how her performance was of the low “Hillary Standard” but too much of her new “Manchurian” puppet strings of being over worked and to abrading all the way through!

Vice President Joseph “Joe” Biden is a walking conundrum of a complicated “politics” between the “WorkingJoe” and the “CatholicJoe”!  VP Biden today as with Union organized in Ohio was firstly the political partisan lesser “WorkingJoe”!  It isn’t convenient for VP Biden to have to speak on the auto industry as the unraveling truth is becoming most worn and visibly to that the “Auto Bailout” wouldn’t have been needed if Left Democrats with Al Gore “ALARMISM” hadn’t had the $4 gas long since the 1990s as though essentially necessary to effect the Green Agenda Authoritarian social engineering.

Donald J. Trump is no George W. Bush! - The Clinton Machine is not able to stage “Hillary Clinton” as against the “Old Republicans” - The Democrats forward must pare too the battle extant already but still a developing greater scandal now toed in here as between the “White Bill Clinton” versus the “Black Barack Obama”!  And, as it is becoming certainly known of that President Barack H. Obama wouldn’t have needed the “Auto Bailout” if Republicans had yet gotten the lower gas prices by 2008 that they were fighting for!

As to that President Obama’s face cannot fit on President Clinton’s there is we are much gathered now to discern what ranks between these two Democrat “MUGGLES” and necessarily along “BLACK & WHITE” lines!  This is much because Mrs. Clinton candidacy begs to demands we all now take a fresh look at 1993 to 2001 years!

What must at least separate these two very different politicians goes beyond that one is supposedly GREAT for having cut $2 Trillion dollars - and much arguable actually from “necessary spending” already budgeted even for 4 to 8 years forward - while the other the “BLACK” must be faced as contrary to “WHITE” greatness specifically because the contrariness of Democrats is that the “Black Barack H. Obama” is supposedly now also GREAT but yet for having vastly increased spending by TRILLIONS!

Firstly primarily we should generally accept that since Mrs. Clinton was President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State she must rank as a/the top expert in all the particulars of how the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2001 did err and grossly set asunder so much by imprudence to infidelity - infidelity at least to the Constitution and expressly the First Amendment!

Donald Trump is running on much that cores to President Barack H. Obama was a failure - is a failed President!

Hillary Clinton isn’t yet being forced to run responsibly on facts indisputable of now established history of that President William J. Clinton really erred a lot and vastly set asunder so much of the foreign, and the domestic realms!

“WorkingJoe” will still persist to have the “ClassicJoe” problem with “CatholicJoe” as long as the said “Crooked Media” is compliant to the new “Manchurian” of co-producing only the “show” times of “The Hillary Show” and not the prop-isms and malfunctions regularly seeming not news!  The real story must fit the history that the “Auto Bailout” was only needed due “Clintonomics” for “hyper-consummerism” - the Clinton “Housing Bubble” - the Clinton too much cut by $2 Trillion cut too quickly and carelessly, and the later - for 2008 politics - contrary to global conditions spiking of oil & gas prices!

The guilt, it seems, must rest now forward more on “White Bill Clinton” and now the face of “White Hillary Clinton”!  It just seems unfair to let any Clinton Machine machinations succeed (further) to tagging the mashable as if “IT WAS THE BLACK MAN THAT DID IT!” - “IT IS ALL BLACK OBAMA’S FAULT!”!

Though this gets to very complicated past history we can suffice for now with some commuting pro-actively for Barack H. Obama as it the simple economics once enough “Do the math! - - Follow the history!” the greater culpability should rest more lightly on the face of President Obama than on the shoulders of either Clinton due what we now must face to “faced”!

President Barack H. Obama was still too young in his britches to be nearly enough culpable for us to allow the Clinton machinations to stereotype President Barack H. Obama - also!  It now is more true to say:


“RED FACED” is the problem now for the Clintons generally!  How “red faced” to “RED FACED” is of the evidence being still developed at least by vigilant for freedom - data miners vigilantes!

As we sweat now the perils of at such crossroads and it evident the “HILLARY CLINTON” is so abraded and not wearing well we must press ourselves to become disciplined to seeking and finding deeper greater truths!

As we sweat a “PERILOUS” in an if ever there were a “President Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton” we abide that the current issuance begs us to ponder deep and thorough a vast divide between Republicans and Democrats dating at least to the days of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as relevant to of the end of the Cold War and to how lines of separation can be detailed that of an ever since there has been Democrat Party unity to like try to defeat the defeat of expansionist Socialism by that worked strategically by President Ronald “Ronnie” Reagan with Capitalism the winning tool/way!

It seems though, to be brief, however wrong Mrs. Clinton is about “BLACK FACED” we must accept we are on a path a road to seeing that we must face to “faced” that President Barack H. Obama legacy amounts to he too should be “RED FACED”!

Keeping sweating it!!!  The legacy of Barack H. Obama has been already must set asunder by Clinton machinations to protect a legacy for William J. Clinton!  We may shortly be all more united by an understanding of just how much all three of these have been wrong for being more for foreign’s than citizen’s and as for years of some attempting to defeat the defeat of Socialism (by Capitalism) (and Constitutional regularity in originalism)!

Keep sweating it !!!  After all as long as Donald J. Trump stands up for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” he is some to “Liberation Politics” - and like to “Liberation Economics” of that he himself must be wondering if he too can take CATHOLIC heat - renditions of judgement of American pulpits!

Straight up it seems this crossroads, to be brief, is as said as too of a “Road to Hell” & of “Crooked Hillary” ’street’ “white pride”! Yet? Faced yet “Crooked Obama”? Yet? Faced, to be brief, a “Crooked Bill Clinton” tops?

               *       *       *       OH MY GOD!      *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

“Only the penitent shall pass!”* (*Archaic! - Old school! - Forgotten of enlightenment! - Above writer’s pay grade!)

To divine the “bigot” in core Hillary R. Clinton it behoove us to commence to dissect the methodisms to pare down to fulfilling a quest after the WHO WHAT WHY WHERE WHEN AND HOW as to repose a suffice upon understanding how the Clinton Machine is for machinations over sagacity.

To be understood to her core Hillary R. Clinton must be pair as indivisible from William J. Clinton and the political machine operations (of their bigotry) that yet carry on of a surprising ’still standing’ while rotten for structural for machinations to trump sagacious.

There should be no doubt in any learned person’s heart that the common core of the Clintons is festered rotten of bigotry!

What begs the understanding work to be done is much of the HOW as to what machine operations operate as designed for!

To be fair, if such can be fairly parlayed, we might posture that their planks are to not be WHITE SUPREMACISTS while yet as cored to be machinations of their WHITE PRIDE.

I.E.:  What is bigotry of the Clintons is complicated but some exposed generally by any getting to asking and answering some basic first questions; - The bigotry in today’s discussions is of their Southern roots and pride, especially of the William Fulbright ilk, as to beyond maybe the South could yet win the Civil War or change the United States to home autocratic over lording, and as to beyond whether blacks could be thought free by if ever could be thought civilized, to a simple evolution paradigm of that as blacks evolve to equal freedom whites like them yet should still have evolved and naturally then to still better ‘naturally’ to be leaders of such “blacks”.

With hope I press through and opine of it seems unlikely, at least, the obstacles of “Election 2016″ are inadequate to stop em!

A first alert first reflex for shared humanity is still supposed to be hair raising upon finding machinations used to trump sagacity!

The comment of Donald J. Trump upon President Barack H. Obama as if self compromised and guilty such to akin postured as from the lips of the President “ISIS - I AM YOUR FATHER” has more than tenticals - that “Obama founded ISIS” has roots in political history - the history our history!

You must decide for yourself how and why “bigot” rap fits the tru Clintons, and too how the precedent for Donald J. Trump’s remarks are in President Barack H. Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, and also “TERROR AND CONSENT” book written by President William J. Clinton’s National Security Council member Philip Bobbitt.

Firstly Philip Bobbitt essentially biographied his boss as having been a founder/fertilizer of Al Qaeda!

Secondly Nobel Prize recipient Barack H. Obama essentially tag’d President William J. Clinton as mashable as causal to there the Al Qaeda of then!

Firstly primarily William J. Clinton was biographied by Philip Bobbitt of his NSC with paragraph filling out as like specifically meant to convey a “WHEN CLINTON WHITE HOUSE AND HOLLYWOOD WORKED TOO CLOSELY TOGETHER IT BEGOT TERRORISM”!

Secondly generally Barack H. Obama rapped hard and heavy only on President Clinton as like a founder of Al Qaeda by ABANDONMENT his, as if ours indivisibly too, as if almost none the fault of President George W. Bush, as he orated eruditely his dictum against old Clinton ABANDONMENT (of Iraq and Afghanistan?) as expressly espoused postured to tag with “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” like his “hook” - his key’d note - his keynoted!

It now is like only by partisan and “Crooked Media” machinations that there isn’t generally a liberation to back to sagacious and to a general attitude akin surprise with acceptance of harmony and truth of it divinable that President George W. Bush must only have been at best half as guilty as worked over as if, - that President William J. Clinton must truly be dirty and for being actually of it at least half the Clintons fault, and for being dirty for of cold machinations to effect a bearing of false witness by false narratives.

Thirdly it behoove us not to commence without also accepting there must be much core’d bad in the First Lady Hillary R. Clinton effected history as of crusades of turf trespasses with clear intent (naive intent?) as imperialistic as also beyond of tenticals to being of roots too that tru’ up her “bigot” raps as like a founder not just of ISIS but indivisibly also as like the mother of Al Qaeda by all her seeded antipathies for anti-American sentiment in Middle East from her crusading on feminism of dictum to incite radicals on their home turf to a pride calling for a response!

But basically our first steps need be to look at the “Double Standard” core’d of William J. Clinton as the set up for machinations to trump prudence and sagacity as the mission of the Clinton Foundation as firstly primarily generally structured coldly as a key part of the “THE CLINTON MACHINE”!

The bigotry of the Clintons might just fall out upon the conscience public as soon as enough free people expressly pursue the querious undertaking to fathom WHY and HOW the Clinton “method” depends on keeping sagacious of sagacity prudence from trumping partisan and political “Cha Ching” machinations!

As you attempt to be a first successful across such a long established and even archaic moral obstacle and to divine how the Clinton mix, consume and sell their “Kool Aid” please use a buddy system to not over reach your own humanity naively.

As you attempt to be a first successful across to beyond the walls of machinations to prevent a mass divining of truer truths still extant of the sagacious realm be prepared that the “bigot” of the Clintons’ rap is of their dark side.

As you attempt to be a first successful through this likely to be still a long slog watch their footing and for their tells and trip lines; - watch out for what perils may be in your way to where still only the penitent are supposed yet to be capable of passing to to a knowing greater and cleaner.* (*If not long gone and too archaic - even too old school!)

                *       *       *       BEWARE !!!       *       *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:10 am

A question for Democrats this 2016 election cycle, though not a first question, must yet be to if they can have an ego in 2016, and beyond, or if fated under a “Clinton-Kaine” to just of id(s), and dogged compliance.

A first question for Republicans will be more specifically economical and pragmatic to how if Donald Trump’s economic plan resets American & international economics to growth economics of a necessary core of “freedom of ego(s)” but in capitalism! - “moral capitalism” is supposed to be redundant, - always!

As “Clinton-Kaine” seems not to be even offering a believable plan for a back in black with economic and political unity a first question of all is like of the conundrum becoming primarily generally present of that by November there should be none surprised by October of most becoming learned more to the economic history as gone from incorrect of “all Bush’s fault” to then firstly as broadly known as truer as “half Clintons’ fault”!

A broad concern latent in the Hillary Clinton “campaigning” seems most assuredly of that Mrs. Clinton does not want Democrats egos apparently engaged! - Mrs. Clinton seems most depended on only id(s) accessed and to Democrats more as yet shepherded blind mice, to the lot!

What liberates Trump-Pence “New GOP” Republicans forward is much that which primarily and generally should dog dog dog Democrats forward, still forward, - likewise now as has since 2009 inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.

The overarching question for all - local to global ALL - is of the asking towards understanding around that generally it is the Democrats that have grossly failed at economics - not merely the “First Black President” alone!

We are on a “Clinton Trainwreck” as tracking unavoidably from “all Bush’s fault” becoming truly reset to “half Clintons’ fault”!

To dress down Mrs. Clinton until such pares out as a self-evident truth it is easier to firstly freshen up the “Bill Clinton” facts!

What may dog Mrs. Clinton the most is what now can be pressed and bound of at least President Clinton & Speaker Pelosi to that Representative Nancy Pelosi as some to much dramatically historically of economically of an “Axis Of Evil”!

Any vote for “Clinton-Kaine” logically must firstly to the knowing conscious be another Democrat Party compliant vote for more “New Deal Austerity” as otherwise Mrs. Clinton is abandoning the “Green Agenda” “Climate Change” ship of state to being so for a new industrialization that she primarily firstly is hard wired for work more akin to “Climate Deniers”!

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

A fair dramatization of errant President Obama said efforts at “compromise” is to ask all to try to visualize the politics worked and to see clearly how unlikely it is that how they postured as if for “bipartisanship” was so flawed their “ship” never floated when launched.  President Obama essentially locked up the Republicans as “others” again of a Democrats “We’re Right, They’re Wrong” divisiveness and as to then as like actually chained lead detestable efforts said for a “compromise” by like only offering Republicans the fixed singular option to like sign a false confession and to that such while a false confession also was forward of a contracted commitment to forward be to shouldering 100% of the blame for what ever had been 1% to 50% or more the errant under at least President Clinton and of the political blocking by Speaker Pelosi.

Contrary, much, there is that what ever the TRUMP-PENCE ECONOMIC PLAN is to be specifically it in keeping true to apparent lifetime standard operating procedures of the “TRUMP” operations must be firstly to a core for core strength as keyed around a “freedom of the ego(s)” and even before still respectful of “Religious Liberty” and “Religious Freedom”!

Mrs. Clinton seems not “short circuited” on this point but hard wired and truly for all more just dogged, and compliant!!!

Any though wanting to share in the fruits of the methodology of success likely to be shared by how an economic plan is structured and disciplined as for the “New GOP” under the colors and standard of “Trump-Pence” will have to believe firstly, and generally secondly be to probative to what and where key false histories and false narratives are yet obstacles as past Democrats lies yet forward as likely to surely, for thought historical - but not, be still obstacles to progress.

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

Are we yet stuck now even if a believing in “Trump-Pence” is well developing and due like because Democrats have some how rigged it - locked it up - stuck us to too like “Commies” at a “ONCE YOU GO RED YOU CAN’T GO BACK!”?

So firstly a question for Democrats is to what their actual guilt and culpability is more truly historically pathologically forensically to be now corrected from to that by November an “October Surprise” should be over and enough of the free People of these united states of the Americas then as still citizens exercised with knowing we have moved from “all Bush’s fault” to “half Clintons’ fault”!

There must be a cat fight for corrective historicals between a culpability generally for “Nancy Pelosi” and if and when firstly primarily for “Mrs. Clinton”!

A Republican prophylactic to what “Clinton-Kaine” seeded with #DemsInPhilly at #DemConvention of #Philadelphia is this here now by simple notation - noting - of that “HILLARY CLINTON” poll numbers should have tanked since Mrs. Clinton announced the new #Democrat #EconomicPlan - aka #100DaysJobs!

Mrs. Clinton is no “Teflon Democrat” as she has worn thin her scripted convention faux “Perfect Clinton” in just one week!

A general analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s #100DaysJobs must be of it so so so very very very contrary - radically divergent!

A simple cursory postured is that “Mrs.Clinton, of Clinton-Kaine, has tried to preempt Trump-Pence Republican economic solutions by trying to just steal what she fears the “NewGOP” is promising to present - stand up - soon and to long stand behind!

A cored to the historical rendition must though be for those more than “blind mice” merely of id(s) stirred, and em prone also to “short circuiting” of their exercised rights to have ego(s) and practiced to freedom with shouldering citizen’s responsibilities, and engaged upon forthwith to fathoming deeply that of which Mrs. Clinton has fronted as to “more jobs created than since WWII” there is the conflicted individual guilts of the actual historical politics of that essentially Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like firstly a stealing from “Builder Trump” is yet contradictory to the long partisan of that Bill Clinton, as President, cut $2 Trillion dollars in lieu of spending (for blacks especially?) on books, schools, road, bridges, tunnels, levies, or reparations, and, to complicate the truth fairly to more honestly set, there is too that Mrs. Clinton proposed also sets asunder how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did keep President George W. Bush from fixing the economy with similar measures by how partisan she was to standing up that no one would be allowed to undo that Bill Clinton cut $2 Trillion - and of just $1 Trillion as unnecessarily cut as cut just to have the popularity from having a YUGE surplus.

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!

To be brief now on this becoming most apparent contradicting conundrum let me simply broadly add to problems of Mrs. Clinton as admitting she “short circuits” by pressing out these simple political truths yet wearing clear as the convention efforts for a “Teflon Hillary” wear to frayed to the core at least too near true as “Crooked Hillary” so tag’d!

To be of a polite brevity for polity and comity to an economic plan parity near impossible let me here now close by posting the DANGERS of Mrs. Clinton if allowed at our economics of being that Mrs. Clinton has no road/path/passage forward to a bipartisanship to cooperation or compromise on matters of the economy/economies!  Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like stolen from what feared Trump to win with is diabolical as like an abandonment of President Obama’s “New Deal” while also diabolical for it proposes Mrs. Clinton can do (together) what Democrats Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have since like November 2000 - post election - been specifically to keeping Republicans from doing - of long since 2000 of specific partisan politics particularly worked to keep such “solutions” from being exercised by Republicans!!!

The most cynical but maybe also a most true “politics” is that such now seems as if Democrats have worked to keep the economy suppressed since Bill Clinton was President and until, as may still surprise President Obama, now yet until like Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be like the hero a hero as not since President Clinton was a last hero to be a President Clinton now the only hero since then to now also be an economic hero!!!

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!  And while specifically her proposal is much simply that which Republicans have tried and failed to get passed, thanks to Democrats’ obstructions, and like since before the Clintons unnecessarily cut a second trillion to $2 Trillion then cut after $1 Trillion of Republican cuts was sufficient to balance the federal budget.

Forward there is maybe no “back to black” unless we shake off or more effectively mechanically remove the shackles as if chained to a “ONCE YOU GO RED - YOU CAN’T GO BACK”!!!

#TP2016 roll out of #TrumpPence #TrumpJobsPlan may seem all “HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” but yet this now as “Clinton-Kaine” plan is out there can maybe be actually believed as of a new POSSIBLE. 

#TP2016 roll out now should seem so similar to “Clinton-Kaine” and as also maybe more honest on #ClimateChange such that the Congress convened of these United States should expedite much of the common cores and to forcing President Barack Hussein Obama to have to, if he dare, be then to VETO - to vetoing Mrs. Clinton’s abandonment of “Green Agenda”!

#TP2016 roll out now is prefaced!  Essentially soon most should understand the truth is more “half Clintons’ fault” and President George W. Bush, though not “liberated” can forward at least feel lighted from “all Bush’s fault”!

#TP2016 roll out now promises to be refreshing and softening however if a “freedom of the ego(s)” yet to a contrary to #ClintonKaine as for merely politics for a ruling class over blind mice but corralled to id(s), and dogged compliance!!!

#TP2016 roll out promises to right how the self-proclaimed “First Black President” is more guilty for more culpable and errant and to how the more “First Black President” now has to face a “First Woman President” maybe as if a scheme to be a first “Back In Black” Democrat by means maybe of a scheme with he just a self proclaimed white a said “First Black President” - right?

#TP2016 roll out seems entirely packaged of that Trump and Pence are of stock and traded - of truth in advertising - of a common core as Republicans - as an em them now clean and fresh and ready for ALL and on a reseating of the politics and economics to permit good times to now rock on newly again - to see us all ship shape back to back in the black!!!  Right?

#TP2016 roll out is more than just an “UN-HILLARY” a the “UN_CLINTON” for it more as if “OBAMA” has been the “NEW COKE” and now “TRUMP” is on the job to bring back “OLD COKE” - THE ORIGINAL RECIPE!!!

#TP2016 roll out is at least not the contradictory of #100DaysJobs of #ClintonKaine for it isn’t of them party to blocking such methods and strategies for a real recovery now such as the Democrats are guilty to “DARK” “EVIL” - even of an “AXIS OF EVIL” - for having firstly been to divisive most dividing partisan politics for social engineering and selfish intra-party soapy drama now as like dead set against such “economic policies” since 1999 when the Clintons’ administration became term limited, - kept away until maybe Bill Clinton could be a “Russian Bear” like Vladimir Putin and to back in the White House though thought technically legally barred from more time in the EXECUTIVE suite!!!

#TP2016 roll out however smooth and believable of being of a team for economic recovery - REALLY - is yet to be shadowed by these dark facts that must be probed and placed in textbooks forward to how much President Obama as such a more “First Black President” can yet rightly more blame he self proclaimed a “First Black President” at least for how the Obama Administration too may have been chained from such economic solutions no somehow as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s! Right?

#TP2016 roll out must abide We the People now to again more fully engaged past corralled id(s) of dogged to compliance!

#TP2016 roll out now will seem comparable to rolled out of #ClintonKaine but for the contrariness for Democrats as to how and why new industrialization can be good or copacetic and not anti-CLIMATE and a betrayal of President Obama! What DANGERS for back to BLACK?

 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

A first beat for a cementitious pedestrian cracking of the subject of civil rights and how hip if curb’d enthusiastically of Trump now may be sotto voce of better how from G - government to A - autonomous.

An attitude for a striking chord to harmonize a soul of the politics, national and local, might need be to be all about the base.

A first crack at the Dallas Police ambush, as of civil rights writing, should set up, tuned hopefully, to encompass eventually a gestalt devoid of a forced nationalism.

How has the first black President of these united states of the Americas, to his historical core, failed blacks, definitively?

Can we tune up our bands newly to beat a new direction - a change of music - a change of direction - near a one hundred and eighty degree about face sharp reset - to a hope of happy bottoms up with Donald Trump in front of a winning Republican movement?

How hasn’t Barack Obama failed blacks?  How isn’t it that he failed blacks just as Senator Hillary Clinton’s promises,  if likewise those the Democrats as “leaders” otherwise, promised to be to the structural same to the effected same institutionalized nationalized failing?

Blacks are not the only victims but how the Democrats as nationalist leaders moved in 2009 to keep those promises near identically promised of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton does account historically as that there was no plan to help blacks - from the bottom up.

A vote for Hillary Clinton now must be a vote for austerity!  Keeping an Obama or Clinton Democrat to the reigns of administering the ship of state means that “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” must endure to save the planet and to keep up a loyalty to the “GREEN AGENDA” party solutions for said extent of “CLIMATE CHANGE” as of dire “GLOBAL WARMING”!

A vote, even a local endorsement of an Obama or Clinton Liberal, likely must be for “GREEN MINIMALISM” as if the “EARTH FIRST” nationalism only economic option if a MORALITY to be considered and to that the Progressives politics are to have a soul - to have a common good structured morally!

A prejudice against police officers now as we morn the tragic loss of lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the honor call of fallen in public service for Dallas, is most inappropriate given how blues should still beat for Liberty and Justice as of an innocent until proven guilty!

As we progress to the plight of blacks due how President Obama politics set up failing blacks premeditatively and predictably structurally from day one we must see the “GREEN” as the problem forward, primarily, and as we can float a reasonable “just cause” of “extenuating circumstances” of Baton Rouge shooting a grand psychic SNAFU of Sterling at a convenience store of a reported threatening weapon and while it seemed gibberish or a nonresponse with his mother’s name like “win yetta McMillions” seeming insane nonsense of the scene’s spirit.  In Minnesota an officer was committed to a traffic stop for a broken taillight and soon found driver and passenger seeming not complying to produce license and registration while firstly being to saying, each, “he/I has/have a gun” and to instead of the driver moving to produce documents the passenger being said to have a weapon yet then, as one not asked for documents, was to reaching behind his back.  These incidents were escalated from reasonable coverage to that President Obama may have incited by inflaming the police involved shooting incidents to that President Obama must be said/considered to have begot the terror of the “DALLAS AMBUSH”!

The Democrat’s “GREEN AGENDA” was always firstly to secure anew an economic dominance for college graduates and to job security then firstly only for those able to get college degrees.  The rapid fire radical Left agenda, while for a new nationalism for a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” was from the start an elite ruling class program to move the economy to more college education dependent.  The hysteria worked to effect compliance and assimilation to the “GREEN AGENDA” was always sans benefits for a majority of blacks.

So firstly, let us accept that President Obama is black only helped sell the marching of this radical Progressive program that otherwise is what a President Clinton necessarily was always firstly to beating all into obedience with generally.

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” has enough soul to now echo of truth - forward!

“UP WITH RODHAM” would necessarily be yet of more forced compliance and assimilation sans benefits for a majority of blacks, - Hillary Clinton must continue structurally in methods of how and why Barack Obama failed blacks.

It is so wrong to blame George W. Bush that now to all he can be a cultural hero akin James Brown as his soul has never been as dark as President Obama has immorally mislead peoples of the world to believe.  It is wrong to rap “ALL BUSH FAULT” even though George W. Bush may still be yet of much fit’n a tag of “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT”!

There is enough truth and soul in how historically “IT WAS/IS HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” sucht that your vehicle too maybe should have a bumpers sticker to the left and another to the right to read like:

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

Born of the Southern plantation traditions Al Gore, raised of the tobacco plantation “Master Gore” pedigree, is now one even less to be considered an innocent.  There is too much in how he force marched obedient assimilation to American compliance as with a tyranny of limited solutions for Al Gore not to be a first named to have been to pulling one over on the majority of blacks.

The “Republican Movement” has been now years at advancing to winning battles after battles because it is true there were and are better “climate change” solutions available, - and were and are Republican solutions the radical Progressives as Left Liberals would not cotton to seeing free upon the tables of politics - of any opportunity for regular in order in advice and consent basis for open and free discussions, and debate.

What ever the mistakes President George W. Bush made - as if now he is fit’n tag of rap at least “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT” - there is yet that the radical agenda of President Obama was always premeditated to structurally disadvantaging the majority of blacks the most. 

As President Obama more innocent economics were more like copying President Bush there is then the conclusion that President Bush must be more innocent than President Clinton by developing the logic to that if Obama copied Bush it must be wrong to copy Clinton.

Here Mrs. Clinton has a contracted problem for she as a spouse is not supposed to incriminate her spouse, regardless of sex!

Here Mrs. Clinton has a big problem for if it was even a little bit contrary historically to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” however to at least the “IT WAS/IS HALF CLINTON’S FAULT” the truth is not an option and any political decision then, if made by her, must be to avoiding the facts and relevant history, as she would either be of “TREASON” or of contractually violating her marrital promise to not incriminate her spouse. 

Essentially Madam Secretary Clinton was never able to honestly and dutifully serve President Obama for so much in foreign policy was actually of a basis yet in what is/was due errors of President William J. Clinton.  No REALLY!!! We are looking at clear and present “SIMPLE” & “STUPID” developed with evidence!!!

So simply, primarily, the case of the black condition in 2016 for politics is that historically it is very accurate to tag that the first two “FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT” persons are of a record, each, that to its core if that they did fail the majority of blacks more than most Republicans can be asked to properly shoulder any guilt respectively.

Blacks now must think about the “GREEN” as the economics forward must now be that Democrats embrace a forced message to that President Barack H. Obama should be memorialized and immortal as if he a one fit’n “HE SAVED HIS ENTIRE PLANET SINGLE HANDEDLY!”!!!

The only real hope for the majority of blacks now is to see that the “SUPER HERO” theme is stripped from “BARACK OBAMA”!!!


Embrace “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” with new conservationism to sole’d for “MINIMALISM” soul!!!

President Barack Obama may not have been able to ruin so many - at least so completely and quickly - if not at least for the “leadership” of radical Progressive Al Gore!  We should consider if the former Vice President was so radical of Left and a Liberal that now his personal behavior of so much so forced it was of a “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” is fit’n tag to rap “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A FORMER VP”!!!

The Democrats after the rise of Illinois, of Chicago, Senator Barack H. Obama, to rising barely above the Clintons’ machine, did much force too many, not just the majority of blacks, to sing the blues, - to cry and cry much too.

The only theoretical possible explanation for the “GREEN AGENDA” as so forced and with its “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” seem now primarily to it only reasonable while prosecuting this issue to conclude that the program of these Progressives was always sans benefits for the majority of blacks.  All People without an elite degree from an ranked institute of higher education was to be more brainwashed away from seeing the foibles and nonsense while compliance and assimilation beat for all.

The Democrats’ economics was never truly “economics” for such was “social engineering” to forcing planned top down centralized prearranged “SOLUTIONS” down on the masses.  The was not “e-co” for “shared humanity” as it was always to a “trickle down” new austerity for a new conservationism to a smaller economy for “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” may now be a liberating soulful tune of believable chords and notation, with room to breath again structured in where discussion and debate is supposed to be a supported right for freedoms to endure, and endear.

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

The radical ’second black’ President never had helping the majority of blacks as part of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!!!

It seems impossible to see it otherwise, now as masses seem of eyes opened wide enough on “BLACK PROBLEM”!!!

The Democrats radical Progressive movement of Left Liberals is the new “FASCISM” as in 2016 “FASCISM” is best defined as a “movement of the left against the original founding principles for a constituted as a “liberal democracy” as for regular order in a structured of due process with advise and consent with honest and open debate.

I attest it should be easier to accept Al Gore as a “FASCIST” before such as the tru’d rap for Barack Obama, though by now not likely, or fairly should the same be said of/for Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

There goal must have been to force a “GREEN” - “GREEN MINIMALISM” - while their methods since Madam Senator Clinton threatened to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS” has been to their common core of AUTHORITARIAN beats for radical DEMOCRATS’ programs.

If now any try to walk a talk of “UP WITH RODHAM” please do consider that redistribution must be still not on her tables of politics as “social engineering” was to a a new “trickle down” faux economics as “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” for “GREEN AGENDA” always primarily sold “GREEN MINIMALISM” in a gestalt, and like never any thing of the radical Progressives as being to turning the economic spigot to a trickle until assimilation to obedience and compliance effected for a new conservationism to save the planet - from said “GLOBAL WARMING” said “CLIMATE CHANGE” dire straits stuck of heading to as if an about face one hundred and eighty degree change of course wasn’t actually possible.

President Barack H. Obama should own, as Madam Democrat Party Presumptive Nominee tag’d Mrs. Clinton also should, that their “GREEN MINIMALISM” must be complied to and even as it was always firstly primarily a program marched for brainwashing less educated so that the future economy was more dependent on “higher” education and “college degrees” and so that “WTF” (Winning The Future) was biased against the majority of blacks by how radical Progressives as Left Liberals did only effect a “GREEN AGENDA” that was structurally for an economic security for those who get a top liberal education by buying into the solidarity of elitism of ranking by top liberal institutions of (higher) learning.

A problem we all have now as regards real issues of #BlackLivesMatter is yet on that each waking by a President Donald Trump will need assuage for “HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” to be structurally re-established as possible by changing the direction and the music essentially to a full about face from Obama Democrats, and Clinton Democrats!!!

The “GREEN AGENDA” has simple ruined too many while sadly the majority of blacks were never given a chance!

The “OBAMA GREEN AGENDA” is your/our enemy!  Yet parity for equality now is of the “Republican Movement” winning on reseting the autonomy for all secured in the Constittution while yet forward any winning solutions for comity must pare to the core on the issue to be queried generally as to if “ARE SUCCESSFUL BLACKS NOT GIVEN BACK ENOUGH?”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, forward, one must be to thinking “GREEN” and to owning that the DEMOCRATS GREEN AGENDA was never set up for equality - or quality of think at “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, now, seems ridiculous for any for “EQUAL RIGHTS”!

To think “GREEN” now for compliance means one buys into “GREEN MINIMALISM” forward!!!

And, sadly, in a seeming informed historical perspective, as mine, as fit’n a tag as a “civil rights” “writer” still, and as since, for politics, as since at least 1990, - and as since of leading thinking and writing that predates the Clintons 1992 race late entrance, let me attest that another serious flaw with the radical Progressives, as Left Liberals against “liberal democracy” our common core by original intent, is much of that which I attest of their “GREEN” of that it was at least a ten year old plan they commenced with in 2009 despite fresher and better plans were than possible and plausible, - and those we can say yet not considered.

#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?

It may smart now how beyond “GROSS NEGLIGENT” as if too archaic to rap upon #HillaryClinton there yet is that #TREASON is being seemed as even more archaic to the #FBI to that #Congress may have to specifically ask #DirectorComey to proceed to develop charges now based on readily available evidence, - based at least on the developed evidence in the PUBLIC RECORD!!!

#WTF #FORWARD maybe smarted at not beating “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS” as the damage done is more premeditated and purposeful to be of “FAILED” as implying destruction by “NEGLIGENCE” and not as seems established of CRUSHING by DESIGN to for an assimilation to “GREEN” by a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” even for “BLACKS” as to needing to obey and comply to a LESS IS MORE essentially inescapable as for a “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!



#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

A petite black man as small of stature as Kevin Hart can still be a truly scary bastard!

Today we have the politics of uniform standards to try to exercise our liberal democracy originalism as regarding!

The first position maybe should be:  “BOTTOM’S UP WITH TRUMP”?

Secondly, maybe as still foreboding, primarily:  “UP WITH RODHAM”?

This, now as President Obama, on NATO, with Poland, in Warsaw, primarily is of the President of the USA of making the same foreign policy errs which also beget domestic terror.  The NATO with President Obama is not an organization that seems to have and understanding of how President Reagan and Pope John Paul II were effective bridge builders to a greater world peace.

To preface this to expose and detail how the years 1993 to 2001 are of years when President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton did much to make structural racism a new normal, and as of them earlier than President Obama, of also leading away from the peace built by President Reagan and the Polish Pope, let me suggest that if the Federal Bureau of Investigation was of having developed on the evidence - even the self evident of public records - a profile - a criminal profile - of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton it likely now might be public of containing terms like:




Let us digress now to what will most definitely not seem a joke also to the Polish people!

The problem, primarily, is easy to argue as being TOP DOWN and of that President Obama has failed the blacks and for having much for having willfully gone further along with developing the Clintons effected structural racism politics.

A problem is that President Obama has actually endorsed Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and since besides he is as easily arguable for failing blacks his backing is yet of a Democrat Party leader who blew off #MLK50, #Selma50, and, #Ferguson!

President Obama, while now in Warsaw, Poland, as with NATO, is yet exponentially broadening and escalating problems by continuing to be as anti-Constitution as the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.  President Obama is continuing what can be simply tagged as of structural racism, as by how such Liberals set to define “success”, by continuing the setting asunder of Constituted rights - and now as by furthering the very setting asunder worked long by the Clintons.

President Reagan and the Polish Pope John Paul II were to doves of a feather compared to how Democrats doth crow a lot and now defensively to try to bury the ledes as to that it has been fairly reportable since before Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown police involved shooting that the first black President is enough already for history books as one to be tagged for having failed blacks.

What we have here is a Constitutional problem now of a TOP DOWN dynamic and as it is like the antithesis of the walk and the talk of bridge builders for greater world peace President Reagan and Polish Pope John Paul II!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The American success story only works as by how these united states of the Americas are actually constituted by the People’s Order - and how celebrating it as originally intended was a secret to the success of President Ronald Reagan, and all parties of such grand advancement of unions potential.

The fall of President Obama was written long ago!  The falling of President Obama has been less do to being a bastard conceived a Soviet Studies love child to a dark & light, - an ebony & ivory, - a pepper & salt paired intimate coeds whence for firstly, primarily, he is of falling (while black) due his poor judgement in too closely associating with the Clintons and their old works for structural racism, as a hidden but true core, and to his acceptance of their very white definition of success.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The story of the mistake of President Barack Hussein Obama are now necessary to be reported and fully aired yet for how it will always be historic that he has failed blacks so vastly, - truly!

Should President Obama resign?  Isn’t his interpretation of the Constitution an inhibitor to law & order?  Isn’t it that discussion now that ‪#‎CrookedHillary‬ is so exposed as ‪#‎4Real‬ we can say President Obama should resign, and yet as while of a bad, to just cause, in historically yet gets a US adjusted to facts he, though he should resign due his effected constitutional interpretation, of he yet can be said already amidst these scandals as having been a better President than the real ‪#‎BillClinton‬?

“ASSUME THE POSITION” is not just be a criminal perspective but one to query how a Constitutional is dangerous and improper where “Order” in preamble is not a noun and to that “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” is not and cannot be for mob rule and AUTHORITARIAN rule by executive order as yet of nullifying the body constituted as by effecting USC of “in order to…”.  This attempts to put the blame at the top and on President Obama and President Clinton due “positions” below them cannot communicate freedom in Liberty and Justice for All where their postures have been effected (purposely) wrongfully (in political self serving narcissism?) to that law and order is not in the ranks because it is not facilitated as constituted from the top down for better bottoms up with more self governance.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” now asks to if ‪#‎HillaryEmail‬ & ‪#‎FBI‬ newly charged does need us to consider that President Obama is already too compromised as part of such of cover-ups so that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama should be perp walked after officially being marshaled to compliant of “ASSUME THE POSITION.”

Do understand President Obama has failed blacks, much, - and, this I even wrote of in days just before ‪#‎Ferguson‬ and then necessarily again in days just after ‪#‎Missouri‬ incident with Michael Brown.  The satire of “COVERT CYPHER” of 33 economics treatments at CitizenRosebud.net! And, also via bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT.

Do understand the Democrats said as if the “Constitution” is more anti-Constitution than within the lines as either “Federalist” or “JeffersonRepublican” and so that they want communities to see Executive as a GREAT Federal leader even as the constitution they posture unsettles freedoms and expects everyone (more subjects than citizens) to be more subject to their whimsy and moods and to them as expected to just tie rants however they feel like creating a solution.

We have less law and order under the Obama & Clintons “interpretation” and dangerously now as em like being fit’d for arresting accessories as like already so exposed that an ‪#‎IMPEACHMENT‬ on the table as soon as the FBI meets Congress’ new filing duty to attesting ‪#‎MrsClinton‬ also lied under oath.  ‪#‎MrsC‬ is caught and so then must it be considered that Bill Clinton is enough implicated, at least as the improper owner/operator/admin, and so that President Obama is caught for having at least been an accessory too much.

The Democrats’ idea of “Federalism” is more “anti-Constitution” and therefore actually not legal, and quite arguably as of #‎TREASON‬‪#‎PoliceShootings‬ are to the core of a TOP DOWN problem and in that Freedom as “of religion” of “all are created equal” is set asunder by Democrats, and as to have a way to imperial and authoritarian Power for crony graft not of “our Lord” of “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” as that nation is to be under our Lord not forced to make do as but under machinations for Powers and reigning in lies that demote TRUTH and HONESTY.

‪#‎Its_O_not_o‬ >> ‪#‎USC‬ is not a living document as “Order” in preamble is a noun, and of that founding fathers were of an apostolic spectacle to the constitution is a Peoples’ Order “Paulist” to that it is that Freedom is “of” “religion” as religion/faith how people be above being ‪#‎barbarians‬ and as to that ‪#‎Paul‬ established a long time ago that every individual is under our Lord before ever under a government; - - - We must self govern in a voluntary morality - a voluntary extra-nation organized morality - for any government to have enough moral authority, in representation, for law and order to be possible.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways, but not now politically!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to Democrats methods as of a core for structural racism with its deepest roots now in the years 1993 to 2001 as by the effected by the hands of the Clintons, and their core associates!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works off a simple definition to be developed of pertinent evidence of what is how em define “SUCCESS” and as such is so very very and old WHITE definition of IVORY TOWER elites!

Sadly President Obama has been such a bad Leader and one you will have to argue as maybe worse (structurally) than President Clinton such that now due how he, for the history books, has fundamentally, and too the deepest common core, failed blacks, - and yet just most failed blacks while pretty much upending any not bought into the IVORY TOWER so WHITE definition of SUCCESS!

In any criminal profile at least of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton there should be a record of what is believed to be how Mrs. Clinton defines “success”!  And so her record and profile should account for it seems that any can be suppressed and oppressed who didn’t try to get to at least Yale Law School, and to how then for life each is a lifer to be of a forced “community” not “FREE” “UNDER OUR LORD” for the gentile fragile egos of the elite akin such as IVORY TOWER essentially demands that where you manage to advance to, once you buy into you must try to at least get to Yale Law School, is then where you must be “oppressed” to only being so by class structures!

There are not enough Democrats “BLIND MICE” to now lead enough managed “popular movement” events to now bury the historical of the first black President failed blacks (more than any other - by race)!

There is enough now to tag a rap on President Barack Hussein Obama for having played to lily WHITE defined IVORY TOWER success as like a TOKEN BLACK then that could be puppetted and marched for a compliance drum beating to reinforce “SUCCESS” by “LIBERALS” must be only from playing in their (SECULAR (BOOKISH)) structurally bounded and forward by the example of a FIRST BLACK, however mulatto, however half white, however raised by whites, as a TOKEN example to be enforced as the example to that any must try to at least try to get into Yale Law School, and then be to accepting for life they will then be suppressed structurally in secular methods for LIBERAL machinations for CLASS dividing.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” must depend on the archive in the sorted vast #Cats (categories) here marginalized as readily available as a resource with use limitations.

For now the position is that President Obama aggravates law enforcement and #BlackLivesMatter by every meddling now to more defensively CYA his six due he has failed mostly blacks.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” defends recent officer involved shootings as even petite Kevin Hart can be a scary bastard of deadly force too apparently flexed. 

Resisting arrest after reports of like “his gun was threatening” must be of innocence to first be presumed for the officer(s)! 

In Minnesota it seems a sadder case but (for now) defensible as it seems when the officer asked the driver for “license and registration” any movement by a passenger was suspect, and especially while the driver was asked to produce the documents. 

The Castile case seems to have a suffice to just cause for a presumption of justification (maybe) for this officer, and from a presumption of racism, as he reasonably expected the passenger to not move and especially for them to not say he “has a gun” and for their to be movement of his hand to behind his back while he wasn’t being asked for “broken taillight” incident “documents”!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to how officers are of rank and file now in a corrupted way to President Obama as a too “federalist” BOSS yet of a contrary interpretation of the CONSTITUTION which set asunder regular order and law and order by creating room by claims of a “living document” to essentially be of a POLITICS for tyrannical Power and mob rule, in essence!

President Barack Hussein Obama is now really really doing more harm than good!  President Obama “constitutional” is FLAWED!

PLEASE RESIGN! Please resign President Barack Obama - you whom I known since the late 1970s!  Like said of Clintons: You “beget terrorism”!

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[This essay is a work in progress!  Please do not consider it as finished, final, or even mostly concluded, - yet!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:18 pm

Her “I am not a crook” train should not be allowed to leave the station. 

You could look at just how she is being packaged but how stupid would that be considering how she a walking disaster when looked at on paper chronologically, by dates - even dates picked at random.

There is like no good news for blacks in America, maybe anywhere in the world, if it is that the real Hillary Clinton somehow gets elected, and past legal barriers of allowed challenges, to actually lawfully seeming sworn in.  There may yet be comfort in it tell tale now to that any Democrat now a Democrats nominee should be only running on a ticket of as of Joe Biden still to be Vice President, - and so not to be evicted at his age unnecessarily from his current, however comforting, only Washington DC option for public housing.

She has no natural story now to benefit blacks forward even as a Democrat Party nominee; Hillary Clinton is only now presented as if a prima Donna of platitudes as if each day a new day with a clean slate like a lawyer, as like a lawyer always but each day with a new case; Donald Trump may need a wall of women against such as if Mrs. Clinton gets free kicks on goal, just because she is a woman.

Blacks what ever “dancing days” there has been your dancing days are maybe now nearly over; to Mrs. Clinton you can have no soul and President Obama must go from never being even 4/5ths as good as Bill Clinton to soon never even 3/5th as good as President Clinton was.  Forward, if it the Clintons the masters of the Executive plantation, it is beyond that blacks will en masse be set about to but minor roles, relatively; - No dancing for blacks may be the new normal and as likely Mrs. Clinton never firstly will give, generally, blacks much to still dance about.

If a Trump “WALL OF WOMEN” is not enough to level the playing field, generally, there is yet before to seal the deal on #CrookedHillary there is still of Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee, said to that Secretary Clinton was near a worst Secretary of State of the history of these united states of the Americas; - there is that “The Donald” is near to rapping that Secretary Clinton was so bad a Diplomat that a chimp, - a chimpanzee - coulda done as well or better a job at finding alternatives to war - to finding opportunities for peace.

It is ridiculous that Mrs. Clinton is on the field so unharassed an to like expected of a polity to parity for feminist comity that she is like to be able to take free shots on goal, as befitting getting away with fronting as a “Prima Donna Of Platitudes”!

Besides that blacks may need Donald Trump to have a “WALL OF WOMEN” there is much that a prop-ism is due on the trail as if “The Donald” has a chimpanzee in a pastel pantsuit to battle with - and with him like always, as fitting as a political prophylactic drama device.

Blacks I am sorry to report, but that now may be in time to be not too late, that Mrs. Clinton must always put her spouse and their spousal husbandry as above the Obamas’ and superior, to satisfy her own spouse wants for legacy.

Blacks I am sorry the obvious is what should be trusted and not the slick props and attitudes of controlling drama/narrative that is of how Mrs. Clinton is now being doctored up and repackaged. 

Blacks President Obama for history can be shown to never have amounted to being any more than just a tool of the Clintons’ global schemes for Clinton Machine husbandry for intra-party rivalry and to effecting to as of superior international Power.

If you, blacks, feel this is something you can dance to, I am further worried and saddened.  If you are down with such I must concur you are like of without any soul.

The Clintons boxed the “first black President” in and to having forced - maybe blackmailed - him into accepting them as rivals and to then that his administration was of rivals, Clintons sworn, on his team as then set asunder from within to but a “TEAM OF RIVALS” - - - Right! Abraham Lincoln “team of rivals” wasn’t of staffed by them that forced him to fold to them as rivals, his was forward thinking, as I understand, of himself confident he hadn’t seated any with more global power than himself.

Harlem, sadly is what has saved the Clintons, to date, from themselves, to now able to be yet still standing up some kinda doctored repackaged Mrs. Clinton.  If Bill Clinton had had his way,after the government said taxpayers do not owe him a mid town New York City near penthouse in the new Carnegie Hall Towers rent, and to just if the Big Banks of ranks staffed with Clinton FOB (FRIENDS OF BILL) then had agreed to his request for gratuities in thanks for all the money the Clintons had made them (due friendly deregulation and asked for “gambling” on housing as to the derivatives mess) he then when the George W. Bush late in administration crashing occured been high up and obviously caught up in the scandal as to then so guilty he was of banks, had they agreed to his request for covering a million dollar a year lease, if Harlem hadn’t saved him from himself as to being then caught of being so tied to the corrupt banking that it was the banks were, as once then asked, to but paying his rent, gratuitously for the very problematic as backed and or initiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Oy!!! Oy!!! Right! - - - And that is of this woulda been as outta the obvious and too scandalous as but then of that a New York Senator had her spouse not to just asking constituent Big Banks for gratuities, but of maybe them of caught as to having asked for them as so in thanks for like making it legal for banks to operated without any consideration for business ethics or morality.

Blacks, we all got played, - but maybe none more than African Americans.  The Clintons encouraged the risky loaning and hyper-consumerism and while undermining the economy from being budgeted still to create or save enough jobs to give any lasting success any real possibility.  Too the Clintons beside such undermining of what was seeming a helping hand so then it is that later as #Hillary2008 geared up Al Gore and Mrs. Clinton were to like setting up the impossible economics that triggered the crashes more than President Bush ever coulda or woulda.  See http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net - - - such is to a #HillaryInTheFlesh a #LUCIFER dramatically like in “COVERT CYPHER” as like a “Louise Cypher” of a feminist #AngelHeart.

Blacks your dancing days are near over and as either way it seems set up that President Barack Hussein Obama will be forward like stuck to singing the Blues and much as if back in Langston Hughes poetic record.

Sad it is - for all of America, the legacy of President Obama, as necessarily constructed for an electable Mrs. Clinton must get past #ClimateChange problem of loyalty to Mrs. Clinton needing to sell austerity to keep moving the masses to saving the planet as loyal to yet “rival” and the “Obama Green Agenda” quite as: TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY FOR NEW CONSERVATIONISM IN A GREEN MINIMALISM.

The legacy of President Obama is so easy to spell out as if he was never above being just a tool to the Clintons and an inferior dependent on the global initiatives of President Clinton as if a needed international “power broker”. 

Heck, President Clinton, while secured in rights to act as a sworn rival to the President, was worth so much he was billing more per hour than President Barack H. Obama took home as a year’s salary.

The obvious “history” for the “first black President” seems to that he was always dependent on two old white Southern men to be global power brokers of over lording the world, - Al Gore and Bill Clinton seemed two Southern white men that black/mulatto President Obama never could get out from under, nor afford to.

It is arguable due the vast sums involved and to that Mrs. Clinton is running on that her husband it seems musta been always of President Obama never more than 3/5ths her man - at least as President, that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were so in over their heads as of inadequacies in leadership that Southern white Christian born William Blythe III just had to compensate globally for both of them, and conveniently of that such seems to have paid very well, considering he like was profiteering on public service while still trafficking as like of an “office of trust.”

Too much money has moved through the Clintons’ and Al Gore’s global initiatives for any history of President Barack Hussein Obama to be anything for blacks to like dance about, to find soul in. 

It seems at least the Clintons have beaten Obama badly to legacy and to that due how much Bill Clinton has been billed as worth it must firstly be, as he was accepted as a sworn rival, that such was only politically possible because President Obama himself like thought himself not even 4/5ths as good as William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:47 am

In some ways this must be mostly about a token white female, - a femme reared more a Chicagoan urban ruffian than a Southern belle, and, juxtaposed to Brian Cranston “ALL THE WAY” rendition of Lyndon B. Johnson, sworn to President due the assassination of “JFK”!

The question is if there is a deep core of potential for phenomena, common of Donald Trump, to relate an Abraham Lincoln reset.

There is much bad to break still of such a token white female.  The drama of “ALL THE WAY” is unsettling.

The art of the bad must be synchronized: - - - People must place history in space-time of that the Washington DC performing arts center on the Potomac just up river from the Lincoln Memorial was designed to be a modern interpretation of the Lincoln Memorial before it ever became the THE KENNEDY CENTER.  Born of the South William Blythe III, of Jefferson his middle name as for, it seems certainly, JEFFERSON DAVIS, there is unshackled bad of “ALL THE WAY” that such was deep of Senator J. William Fulbright hard set ARKANSAS sided.  William Blythe III was at least reared to be a hard sell as per the KENNEDY CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, so seems - politically & historically.

What are Donald Trumps angelic qualities as a Northern Yankee?  Can Donald Trump reset common sense as dominant? - in time?  It is Sunday - the week of the release of 11 Supreme Justices to be as suspected future nominees to the highest bench.  It is odd it is midday now on such a Sunday and that the political news shows didn’t make such on Justice the weekend leader;  It is most odd now midday on such Sunday that we haven’t already had hours of news leaders discussing the extant to scandal concurrent of that there is like the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the postured “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!

Brian Cranston L.B.J. seems to absolve TEXAS Democrat Johnson from being suspect still (ever rightly?) as to a HE WHO KILLED JFK!  Brian Cranston so to “ALL THE WAY” did soberly (literary license) break bad to haunt the politics of 2016 and beyond, forward.  Brian Cranston L.B.J. dragged Southern White Democrats through their muddy waters and seated different apparent levels of enlightenment.

The art of the THE KENNEDY CENTER is apropos a martyred PRESIDENT KENNEDY yet while it is that the stylized LINCOLNESQUE architecture was pre-determined as to pair, in a modern, to the like entombed down river, just down river, of the memorialized ABRAHAM LINCOLN.  Brian Cranston L.B.J. busted out a haunting to that maybe a truth is KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY?

Could this token white female akin to as if married to a Southern White Male of the J. William Fulbright camps have ever become so know for public failures if yet she were of such attempts by his Christian name to Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III?  THE PLOTS THICKEN!  OY, THE RHODES LIKE PLOT TWISTS - EM FLUSHING OUT AS FALSE NARRATIVES!

How, in reflection, against such Chicago reared urban ruffian, is there the angelic moral, like a heaven on earth gold standard, seeming gilded for all of Donald Trump’s TRUMP brand establishments, of yet a chance for good to triumph over evil?

Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Blythe III is a revealing, honest to the Christian born, tag for such a token white female.

Cover-ups are bad! - - - COVER-UPS ARE ENEMIES OF DEMOCRACY - DEMOCRACIES!!! - - - Mrs. Blythe’s BENGHAZI story is of one of the most diabolical kinds of cover-ups let determined to have occurred.  Either she or President Obama is to be ruled as more to most responsible/culpable for this heinous and diabolical cover-up that the People’s House is still trying to investigate sufficiently.  Mrs. Blythe, she so, is party, to dominant suspect, in a worst kind of cover-up in that the seeming purpose of the Rhodian false narratives was to render American voters ignorant, - most ignorant, as an election was near, nearing fast.  The seeming sole guiding purpose of this “OBAMA COVER-UP” or “OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT COVER-UP” seems to have been to undermine the election by working a vast ignorance upon and over the electorate!

And, back to what good can come from one now so mostly just a token white female of too much affirmative action it seems more to have been to a #4Real #CrookedHillary as too much like of political nepotism - of buying of offices - and quite irregular seeming crooked most corrupt “CHARITY” covers of what seems always CLINTON BRANDING as merely newly broadly global campaigning for the “THE CLINTON” name recognition but by calling it something it wasn’t to its core.

How can Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Blythe III fair the at all well now thanks to Brian Cranston to at the good JOHNSON, PRESIDENT LYNDON B., and as it seems of bad broken out, some to a soberly, that maybe the truth is not so LINCOLNESQUE while yet of a MARTYR - MARTYRDOM twist - political for historicals to a that KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY!?

This Chicago reared urban ruffian later married into the Blythe Southern legacy, and to also by choice to a taken new name as “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” - this a said token white female - this as if a great white hope - this of such much broken bad about since she was charged to the POPPY duty as charged for the OPIUM diplomacy since AFGHANISTAN was her baby and any OPIATES then to still of it AFGHANI OPIUM production was before her tasking of at said supplying near 80% of the global demand for legal and illegal OPIATES.  Can it be President Obama legacy is that his first Secretary of State, while charged to handle OPIUM DIPLOMATIC ISSUES was negligent if global commerce continued of AFGHANI AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS heavily focused on flowers wasn’t arrested from too much OPIUM based product crossing AFGHANISTAN borders?

So again we are at a juxtaposed of if Donald Trump is of core angelic as for a heaven on earth moral gold standard where security is drilled to be firstly to keep a trumped to GOD IS IN THE DETAILS, and, sadly again necessary to discussant of one though become of SOUTHERN aires is yet compromised even while being pimp’d as a Southern token white female.

Though the building THE KENNEDY CENTER is architecturally in a LINCOLNESQUE we must fashion a comity for modern polity now, thanks to Brian Cranston, to if KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY - FOR MARTYRDOM WIN.

If it wasn’t to just another President Johnson risen after an death (convenient) of their President coincidence, and that the real LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON is innocent in the matters of the assassination of his President, JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, then the broken out haunting to waft over 2016, while lingering long, must be of the query to if THE KENNEDY CIVIL RIGHTS BILL could only have been passed by a SOUTHERNER?  And, to if it was simply known to PRESIDENT KENNEDY that a Northerner Yankee could never himself, while male even, see enough of the South come around to the sold JOHNSON righteousness as sold as if of having “JESUS IN YOUR HEART” - like of being “ENLIGHTENED”?

How can the good of Donald Trump now prevail?  How can an angelic of a serious business plan for “EDENS” of “HEAVEN ON EARTH” mission statements survive against so much evil to be deeply probed?  How can the good, the good standing, still, of TRUMP yet endure against the so political machinations of them known to our Lord as #BigLiars now broken as bad as due the tag, and all yet mashable, still, of #CrookedHillary?

We have long accepted that PRESIDENT KENNEDY died for his country some like PRESIDENT LINCOLN did, and yet now an unthinkable in the air thanks to said Mrs. Blythe III and Brian Cranston. 

Forward as Mrs. Blythe III, so by originalism to PRESIDENT CLINTON Christian name, is beggard for presumptions of innocence, despite the self evident facts and admissions, there is we will be burdened to reconsider her SOUTHERN as she tries to posture she has been, at least while #FLOAR, quite the SOUTHERN BELLE from the J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT sided SOUTHERN politics.

An art of politics juxtaposing is fitting here due the CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY by architect POLSHEK was commissioned and Christened as designed in it clad quite in CONFEDERATE GRAY and while phallic - or just a “gun shape” quite genres away from any “HEAVEN ON EARTH” gold standard.  A treatment of this is (satire?) at http://JPHogan.org or via shortcut CitRB.org in the essay/column titled “PUSSY RIOT?” see: http://bit.ly/186aq6O

One, while pondering THE KENNEDY CENTER as of LINCOLNESQUE, should ask, since BILL & HILLARY since YALE LAW SCHOOL have been working to each have a named Presidency and to a definition of SUCCESS for them to be then likely SUCCESSFUL as for having like become the two most POWERFUL lawyers to ever graduate from #YLS.

Could book depositories ever have been filled to stories of KENNEDY’S CIVIL RIGHTS ACT if not for as passed by a SOUTHERN WHITE MALE?  THIS BROKEN BAD OF CRANSTON’S “ALL THE WAY”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:54 am

Women, you need to read this!!!  I am one maybe uniquely qualified to “talk” about all this!

You cannot have it!!!  You cannot have your “Hillary” and your “Obama” “Michelle” - forward!

You must choose now!!!  You can have either Clintons were best or Obamas were best!

This is about the betrayal - the dynamic setting up in 2016 with how cast a Clinton vs. Obama!


Warm up your likes on Michelle Obama!  Embrace your #4College loyalty share of #FLOTUS!


                                  *       *       *       *       *

Imagine your way through this; - try to see yourselves in Bill Clinton’s shoes, and, in Barack Obama’s.  This is not a “Michelle” vs “Bill” / “1st Gent”!!!

Any support of Hillary Clinton to as President is contaminated with latent vibes to fester to many at “Michelle” betrayal, too - “Barack” not immune!

The game of being a “first female President” is a mine field daring much ado about Mrs. Clinton specifically; - “Hillary” game seems that the standard when elected for the #womancard is that a first female need just be as good as the worst past male leader to have held office, and to not, at least, have been impeached.  Mrs. HRC game is quite unfashionable, and while it seems so the “got game” of “Bill” he as “1st Gent” loves that she can be a HAWK to his DOVE played and as if none of his past is admissible due like that wouldn’t be fair to a first female President.

You’ve been set up to like long for new episodes of a White House Soaps of living for a new fix on a “Michelle” vs “Bill” dramatization soapy(- detached from reality).

Hillary Clinton, as “First Lady Clinton”, doesn’t hold water to Michelle Obama, as “First Lady Obama”!!!

Any pretty in pink is quite “dark” - darker than fit’n a midday soapy drama, fictional.  For now it is important we do broach the getting a full measure of each Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama and to being to the business of fully discriminating thru any shallowness to the depths where TRUTHS set up for the BETRAYAL are the MINE FIELD of at least FEMINISM forward.

Mrs. Clinton’s numbers, in a fully discriminating prudent discovery process, like, are not flattering!  Mrs. Clinton’s resume is beset with excess covers to hide as prophylactics to Constitutional articles of bodies robust baring how unflattering in a corrupted engirthed loose crooked reading of at least Article 1 protections from totalitarian monarchical extra-constitutional trespass and setting asunder of the constituted body of the People’s Order Union subscribed as formed by - born with. Mrs. Clinton numbers do not lie.

First Lady Michelle Obama has been building a wonderful legacy for the first black First Lady of these united states of the Americas.  Mrs. Clinton legacy pales in comparison, and to those in the know as ripe to peak-ed as beset flushed by the burden of the inescapable true measure of the body of “Hillary” engagements, official, - by the burden of her engirthing, - resume!!!

Hillary Clinton, as “First Lady Clinton”, doesn’t hold water to Michelle Obama, as “First Lady Obama”!!!

                                  *       *       *       *       *

To wear, like the shoes of Bill Clinton, must seem oh so contrary and foreign - too foreign - so foreign quite these todays!!! Read you Article 1 - yet?

The folds and naps of the decades of Clintons hemming and hawings are not flattering - maybe for how worn too as covers!!! How discriminate - now?

Now even as with a GLOBAL BRAND “CLINTON” it is is now that how engirthed “HILLARY” TRUTH so it is is Mrs. Clinton deficient from able to be sized up against #4Real “Michelle” - to hold up long for a walk of the talked - to endure to endear - to survive a fully discriminating fully measured accounting of the body of “HILLARY” beaten - from able to be a BETTER or a BEST in class against the class long carried smartly by Princeton University, and Harvard Law School, accomplished FIRST LADY “MICHELLE”!


                                  *       *       *       *       *

There is a real conundrum much present in all this now cast and set up as regards 2016 decidings and beyond!!! Can the “GOOD” “Michelle” survive #VOTE4HILLARY? 

Mustn’t Mrs. Clinton keep struttin’ her politics at beatin’ her “drums” to a: BILL CLINTON IS PERFECT?  “BILL” BETTER THAN OBAMA(S)?

So:  As by now you should have warmed up your “like” on “MICHELLE”:  Can you be full discriminating to a full measure of how “HILLARY” pales in comparison to “FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA” - how Mrs. Clinton doesn’t measure up while yet playing the game as if a first female President must only be firstly held up against the historical standard of secured of whom’s what was of “THE WORST” of the “WORST WHITE MAN EVER PRESIDENT” accounting?

                                  *       *       *       *       *

> > >  In Bill Clinton & Mrs. Clinton shoes there is that they presided over these united states of the Americas with an unhealthy example and politics to that the national average personal obesity girth grew and grew to new record of more then to  OBESE in that measurable, and now long countered by the Obamas, of statistics on NATIONAL OBESITY!!!

> > >  Women, of the #WOMANCARD 2016 politics:  NEED I SAY MORE?  You got yourselves checked from also BETRAYING “MICHELLE”?


> > >  Women, NEED I SAY MORE?  You got this?  You are ready and planning to share to a sufficed?



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:15 am

Lifetime employment?  Lifetime corporate association and the First Amendment?  Lifetime dedication to a common cause, rituals, and appropriate attire?

What is one’s “Sunday Best” either from Queens and Presbyterian or from Ebenezer or Dexter Avenue Baptists of Martin Luthers akin to a Protestant Revolution?  What is a minimum “dressed up” for a necessary conscientious to be so lay dedicated for a walking the talk of the daily battles between good and evil, or just some right and wrong?

Can Donald Trump not be tru’d out for economics if peoples of these united states of the Americas won’t dress the part?

Whom are the suits?  Where is there honor in how picking their peacocks fantail accessorizing demonstrative lines and colors?

How does one dress to abide clothed to honor the disciplines of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - forward?  Mustn’t one’s very appearance be considerate for a choosing of good over evil, of right over wrong, of Godliness over slothfulness?  Mustn’t each be outta their homesteads, humble, and kept clean, and sharp, keen and bright?

Spiritual advisors to Donald Trump of Queens long of his Presbyterian roots have reared such a suit in stories of Power of togetherness comity structures secured of a post Protestant Reformation - so we are to presume.  He wears his suits like to be for the gold standard of faithful builders - like a dedicate to the traditions and rituals long of the preserve of the Masons and how their faiths were plumbed to on the level all squared up - squared away.  He wears his suit as a suit and yet it seems as befitting the methodical practices honoring of at least masons.

Election 2016 - once past the “Primadonna Of Platitudes” variety show of “spice” supposedly in pastel pantsuits - is setting up like a people watching on a day kept for worship.  As Bernie Sanders dresses the part of labor for recognition of the plights and conditions of workers - of workers employability - of workers livable standards - there is yet the contrary of the covers of the Clintons consorts of measured and hemmed for hedging - for banking on gambling with others labors - for gains without progress from building much, or anything.

I must only posture, as it would be improper to presume, or assume, that today if graced still of a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as walking among the living of the world we might be hearing about “EVIL HEDGERS” and at least to struggles from gadget addictions maybe focused by offering in this Catholic “Year Of Mercy” a “word of the year” as “ECUMENICAL”!

What is dressing the part?  Where can there be a corporate responsibility for lifetime employment if no dress code is associated of shared faithfulness of practiced rituals practiced to a sufficed to nonsense?  There is a need for 24/7 accommodations of the apropos to comity of community from Queens to Dexter Avenue.  There is that corporations must have the same right of assembly and rights of religious freedom and liberty in free speech (to at least divine a settling of truth - truths).

Republican nominee Donald Trump dresses the part of a suit a builder dedicated to keeping a morals yet about a copacetic with a gold standard.  Still deserving to be Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders also dresses the part, also as a suit, but to that 2016 is like morally unfolding like a live HAMILTON MUSICAL in real time and of the modern/present concurrence, and to that TRUMP is dashing as garbed as “MANAGEMENT” and SANDERS is smartly attired representative not of a casual or lazy but “smartly” as “air dried” compliant, measured, collared as a white collared for the blue collared of the building, of an everyday worship day best that represents well, of a uniformed for morality, also. 

Embattled of scandals and a rich compromised history with family’s banking associations for the standard a HEDGING AMORALITY Mrs. Hillary Clinton dresses, when not like years so of a “Mao Chic” yet much as suited but suitable for playing both sides as her creed - like suited for hedging and greed - like suited for greed’s amorality. 

Instead of a regular “Sunday Best” Mrs. Clinton entourage is begot of so much baggage and to that her “style” is like she is a political chameleon of like a different “color” for every occasion, - a variable wardrobe where a fixed values compliance more apropos for morality’s work.

Lifetime employment may be now gone and forever an aspect of the past, but forward there is likely only too much instability from irregularity where corporations are not allowed to be of their First Amendment rights for free assembly, and expression, and a unity for comity in a religiousness, a religiosity, a religious freedom, a religious liberty. 

Lifetime employment has maybe only endured when people gathered for work and community of a standard for attire of that there were wardrobes of appropriate attire for rituals and practice suffice to maintain a copacetic by nonsense - by like of “practiced Christianity in suffice to nonsense” where Bible “nonsense” equals “liberalism” - like e-stirred for Easter’s of eggs and bunnies.

Neither the wardrobe of Donald Trump, builder, nor Bernie Sanders, labor leader, are for a bad styled to be for greed by gambling like “work” as absent “bridge building” as amoral as to fortunes by “hedging” or just “derivatives” coy “playing” to a “rigged economy” - to a banking system anti-HAMILTON as firstly for to maintain a “ruling class”!

There may be a potential for a return of something more akin to “LIFETIME EMPLOYMENT” but not in a politics dedicated firstly for amoral hedging and fortunes made just in markets by gambling.

There can only be a suffice for a practicable “LIFETIME EMPLOYMENT” when there are adherents adhering of to a “nonsense” for a ritualized for comity in community.

These days are upon us to be involved en masse so that a presuming “ruling class” gets checked from and balanced from furthering the Clintons’ schemes for global autocratic (to Oligarchical) domination.  There is much more to “dressing the part” that we still need to prosecute of the storied and actually historical of the “THE CLINTON”!

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton was so regularly, in years before candidate for the Democrat Party nomination, (self?) styled in a “Mao Chic” - albeit when on President William Jefferson Clinton arm at the opening of the President George Walker Bush Library she was yet covered more submissive and quite, it seems, more “Geisha” than “Maoist”!

Even suits as “minds” actually gathered together while hip as the DAVOS #WEF (World Economic Forum) “top minds” have in past years proffered these times are like rich for a new “PROTESTANT REFORMATION”!

For Bernie Sanders to walk the dressed up of HAMILTON concurrent to 2016 politics he must not be alone in how suitable and accessorized to the import of FEDERALIST PAPERS first article FEDERALIST #1 and how Alexander Hamilton, as Publius, spelled out, from a mere (and humble) measured hemming, to cap off the establishment for the Constitution, as arguing against the then opposing opinion of then Governor of New York Clinton, his masses must be a collective to a solidarity with the intelligence of Hamilton more than Clinton - and to being able to most walk the conundrum to a workable discipline of that the Constitution is said to be ordained for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!



Your First Amendment rights are applicable to your styling - to your suitable styling - to your if dressed for good or evil, - to if clad for right or wrong!  Whether of #TRUMP or #SANDERS this #YearOfMercy of #Election2016 how can you be appropriately attired to be suitable for if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were to “ECUMENICAL” as prudent and the “WORD OF THE YEAR”? 

How now dress concurrent to ‘E-GATHERED MORALS” and prudently TRADITIONALLY - of FLOCKS OF NOT TOO GULLIBLES?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

The Hillary Clinton spread with Bernie Sanders as by Southern blacks subjects of South Carolina, at least, says nothing good about America.

There is no bright side of this to look at.  Nothing good can explain such unbalanced support attached to Hillary Clinton. This is about Obama:

Let us believe forward that President Barack Hussein Obama is the greatest black man ever born in the known world, - work with me here:

President Obama has been such a great President we should accept Russian ships into our ports today to unload a redelivery of 1601 bronze “OBAMA” park grade statues as gifted said from “the Russian people.”  Such now fits to an old story of whence such may have before been of such so kindly of Russia as in US ports before but rejected by the President for the likeness as with a hammer in his hand just seemed too clumsy.  The plus one to the 1600 life-sized plus’d bronze Obamas must apparently be the one to be uniquely larger and particularly large enough to replace Lafayette in Lafayette Park across from the White House.  If such has been reforged by the Russians to better please President Obama it should be now accepted without question as it must be, if here and unloading, and if as rumored he is now of his grand “likeness” of but with a quill’d bronze large feather in his left hand, - and not a hammer to be noted.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax.  As we relate to how real this all should be to our minds’ eyes, and accepted as real, there is but that President Obama is hands higher, a for Posterity establishment, in bronze, even to Russians as historically a superior leader and man to President Clinton.  Can you even imagine William Jefferson Clinton as if ever so honorable by the People of Russia? - so from Russia, with love?

“THE GREAT EARTH FIRSTER”  All hail the fall of constitutional government & the rise of The Peopled Republic of Climate Fear!

Hillary Clinton can only be anticlimactic!  It has been written, - let it stay Executive ordered dictum!

Ask not your worth to another, we are EARTH FIRSTERS, our with is the arrogance, - the problem!


We should assume that any such gift to President Obama by “Russia” of life-sized plus bronze “OBAMAS” with large feather as a pen have been accepted as gifted, - now that the hammer was impossible as but “clumsy”, and as prescribed with locations across these united states of America forever now THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, is of the locations proscribed as “contract” to the acceptance of the 1601 bronze park grade “OBAMA” statues.  There likely is sure to be one somewhere near you soon, at least as within a 360 mile one way trip.

Our duty forward as EARTH FIRSTERS just mere subjects able to be corralled by dictum is to accept the priorities to that the saving of the planet is more important than our worth or even than any work at any worth.  Hillary Clinton has been inked to such, she can only be an anticlimax.  Most work is a waste of energy and any energy use threatens the climate!




It is wrong to say “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” for out here and now - our TODAY - is it UN-PATRIOTIC, measurably - by GOVERNMENT.

Our old legitimacy is lost, - gone, - unconstituted,- set asunder by mob rule devoid of regular order and due process!  The old U.S.A. could intervene abroad to liberate and not occupy, - could stand against NEO-COLONIALISM in the debate halls of old.  As a the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, though President Obama may become establish as a greatest black man ever born anywhere, anyhow, and, and as President Obama as the “MESSIAH” trumps Hillary Clinton anyways, every way, we are together of now that delegitimizes old intervention postures.  We are no longer a wild card of “HOPE”!

We may not have become Switzerland, - of a general neutrality, but we have rendered our engagements paradigms to contrary, - to disabled from timely interventions, however once arguable in a moral “MORALS” attitude.  We are now no longer the country that we were, our Constitution has been set asunder, - embrace our new us like as the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, now, - our “trump” hand has been ruled away by mobs, - our “trump” hand for liberation not occupation has been trumped!


Any peopled so affected to rendered subjects subjugated to fears is a PEOPLED contrary to “We the People… Order…”!

Yes, it may be that Russians may want to erect memorials to the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, but it doesn’t have to be that we accept such cowed and blind to old structural foundational strengths in how we were constituted before.  We have become delegitimized from foreign intervention, for starters. 

As so corralled under GOVERNMENT dictum in FEAR MONGERING we have become not a people who can offer liberation, we can only offer a spread of neo-colonialism of an also spread of a occupation of reasoning by tyranny over minds of “peopled” places also threatening the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

You/we now all have a right to want to believe ourselves are always worth at least $15 per hour, - but believing is free! We have no right to a job as work is bad as work uses energy and so wastes energy and so threatens the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax!  It has been written let it be done:  WORK IS BAD !!!


A President Hillary Clinton can at best be a foot soldier a doorman to the GREAT OBAMA rendered post-constitutional new American Ordered corralling.

Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton (obediently) marshaled these once “We the People…” to “PEOPLED” of the grand new world order, as reconstituted, by mob rule, to blindly for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY, for #GreenMinimalism of EARTH FIRSTERS, in a NEW NATIONALISM, of a new national harmony, for the new CONSERVATIONISM, that is anti jobs, and anti work, - as living constituted as in a material word is a bold new NEW EVIL!

The only trump now politically correct is more for a natural Latin lovers renaissance, if still possible, anyhow!  We must accept our old constituted justice that was so perfect it enabled foreign interventions, for liberation even, is now trumped by FEAR.  Our old glories of legitimate engagements as by free People is now longer to be marshaled of an “OLD GLORY” pride, - it cannot be now our “perfect justice” latitude for free attitudes is over lorded, - like trumped from prudence Christian, - Christian in an evolved sense.

We now as our constitution has been set asunder can no longer be bridge builders abroad, and much not at home any more either!

Our press, what is left of it, must now report from behind the leading from behind as also blind and bound from assuaging passions and regular say “vicissitudes incident to life”!

All must be prescribed from as proscribed, - forward !!!

Obama is here to stay? Ready at:  Long live Barack Hussein Obama!?

Hillary Clinton must comply?  She is cast to be whom she was, actually?

Kneel before TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - the politics saving the known world, - the planet, - the politics of #GreenMinimalism as the new politically correct lingua for old tiring “POVERTY LEVEL”!

Kneel before the death of our nearer “perfect justice” constitution.  We now have no NATIONALISM claim that isn’t jurisprudence of a jurisdiction of the global or intergalactic firstly.  We are now not “citizens” for we are now just “subjects”!

Kneel before it affected that these united states of America has lost its old legitimacy for foreign interventions, we now are so reconstituted we are proscribed from global bridge building as our posture now of our arranged succession for a RULING CLASS power ELITE is such that we, however admonished as better to a CLIMATE REDIRECT, are forward stuck as all prescribed EARTH FIRSTERS to the word, the words of their climate dictum to each word, as that we are 100% right with them and any other is 100% wrong - any other must comply and be assimilated, - not liberated.

Our old “OLD GLORY” has been set asunder; - our “perfect justice” is rendered impotent, - EARTH FIRSTERS preside and now to that we cannot be justified toward interventions because we are no longer perfect as constituted imperfect.

>>> #SuperTuesday 16.3.1. once as Constituted of in the “Year of our Lord” - so now just dated: 

>>> “Citizen Rosebud” signing off.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

The cracker Clinton is the most troubling Hillary Clinton, either of her of South or of Chicago, while white!

To talk New Year 2016 politics turkey it is critical we discuss the bad of “black” before any her good while “white.”

2016 can hardly be a new year to a happy year for blacks - but by progress of those of Black Lives Matter beats.

2016 is the year before us of the politics before us of a judgement year to how bad black leaders have been while firsts.

The beats of #BLM must now harness the vibrancy of and for next gen blacks while intellectually it behoove em to stand tall and strong against those “first blacks” so tagable as failed bad leaders at the top - Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch.

The first black leaders have failed blacks more than any other peoples of the world!  2016 must be now forward, however uncomfortably to some, in the parading of these failed and not for just having so failed blacks, - generally.  This is to be prefaced by the apparent disappointing aloofness of President Obama’s Justice Department as from a prudent marshaling by the Attorney General for rendering of jurisdiction for jurisprudence upon the unconscionable “extra-Constitutionals” akin to the Clintons’ spousal husbandry over-lording global patronage schemes.  If there is any up side for blacks of the world by an election of Mrs. Clinton, I am one, these years in considering, whom has yet to discern or believe such can actually exist.

If 2016 progresses with President Obama’s Justice as devoid an indicting of Mrs. Clinton, at least, then it is quite that three black “first blacks” “leaders” are to “Black Lives Matter” causal to protestations, and for being so self evidently of firstly being to so failing blacks most.  The philosophy of an associated guilt is to that Socialists so in such reigning must be the owners of what has been wrong by their local police officers, as like their national storm troopers, as political police officers whom due the “Socialism” dictum then must also preside to it the people whom err as their leader should not be postured as fallible.

This really brings out the nasty of the Clintons, too, - this is so revealing to the “cracker Clinton” essence somehow too as also too bad in the “intellectualized” “rationalized” to that the “first blacks” must be tokens but to the Liberal systematic to that for an obedience paradigm for bookish to reign in the “white” old model to that any can be oppressed in the spirit of like: If you didn’t get to a top institute of higher liberal education, or try to succeed in such as the defined establishment “success” model then you can be over-lorded by those who did, - and systematically (however in racism apparently.).

It is inescapable that those America’s “first blacks” now in 2016 are em to be tagged due em of a bad rap, - a “governance” so bad even “cracker Clinton” can seem now a better alternative.  If these tagged as #Obama #Holder #Lynch do not re-synchronize to a prosecution of the Clintons they will be failing not just blacks by avoiding protecting Americans, not least, from anti-Constitutionalists as threats domestic, and also organized of “foreign”, of politicians who have been long busy to trying to defeat the defeat of Socialism much to be credited as the success of the Reagan & Rehnquist revolutions.

The Clintons firstly, to the first blacks, are em more diabolical and profiting from anti-Constitutional exercised global schemes, - - - The Clintons, while enough “crackers” to be “crackers” for pundits, are yet em who did work hardest to postpone a rising of these blacks, however failures, and of failing blacks, - - - The Clintons can play with these 3 “first blacks” too as tokens whom attest to the old white model that any can be oppressed if they did not succeed enough at least in trying to get into the Liberal institutes of “higher education.”  Secondly these “first blacks” have a culpability as accomplices at least for 2016 and it seems sadly for failing blacks even more by avoiding a timely and necessary prosecution of the Clintons’ anti-Constitution global patronage schemes.  Secondly it seems these are bad “first blacks” for showing a willful subjugation in a voluntary subjugated as em firstly to bowing to a loyalty to the Clintons’ “standard” - the “flag” of a “flagship” of the “cracker Clintons”!

It may now be premature and prejudiced against President Obama and his Justice under Attorney General Loretta Lynch, but really it seems now that like “first black” Attorney General Eric Holder the die is cast to that these 3 will defend an associated with the Clintons before defending the systems for protecting blacks, and People’s freedoms, generally.

2016 is now the new year upon us.  The blacks seem to be planned to be left behind and left under by these “first blacks” at their legacies as yet too compromised by associated “Democrat Party” partisan politics for them to break free to a better tracking newly reset to consistent with the original protections for all (eventually) of the Constitution.

2016 is not a dire period upon civilizations of the world, while especially precarious to Americans now too long maybe along the road to serfdom by Liberal National Socialism.  The Blacks are right to protest as drum majors of beats for parading for Equal Justice by #BlackLivesMatter and especially as it seems “first black” President Obama is proofed fallible and to the philosophical to an intellectual honesty (of Socialism dogmatic) that the police as American forces are his “storm troopers” firstly to obedience to his calls for assimilation, or justly to oppression (under the white model (also of “cracker Clintons”)).

2016 is certainly foreshadowed in the bad “first blacks” compromised associated, - their too associated with the Clnitons!

May God bless America and help all peoples so People’d break free to the established protections of the Constitution as not biased from common sense by bad “Democrats” to that essence of civilized now long enduring that endears before the world as “American” by it as a French official decried recently smartly in his differentiating the French Socialism from the United States of America “LIBERTY” as by his retort that the government of France was set up to protect the Government from Religion while the People’s Republic of these united states of the Americas is of a government established to ordain a protection of Religion(s) from Government!

God is yet alive for all in America, while 2016 is for judgements upon not just “first blacks” for failing so many more than just the many blacks the failed as more as if just subjects, - right! not as if as “equals” “citizens”! It does seem too much as if carved in marble that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not disposed to prosecuting the Clintons!  It is uncertain if such is now being avoided, though seeming justified, by a street, for politics, as self evident of there extant scandal of too much #ClintonHankyPanky.

Blacks, forward, as Republicans ride as for the republic as to God alive for all, even (or especially all Americans) the whips must be out to coral the Constitutional “hanky panky” of not just the Clintons.

Blacks, forward, to yet reset as still secured to equal rights by the letter of the Law as actually of the United States of America “Order” “done” … “Year of our Lord” as the Constitution, and to finally safe from the Liberal attempts to a Socialism more akin to a ruling class able to render Powers more of “governance by man/woman” as not by written agreed to predetermined Laws, it may help to understand, as a year of rough riding seems ahead, the conundrum of a ‘Republicans Rough Ride Teddy Roosevelt” as different from the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt”.

To “cracker Clintons” (and “first blacks”) is seems intellectually honest to parlay the politics, for all, to there like a real “edge of the world” DANGER in the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” sell!  Sold by these Democrats is the “Teddy” who wanted a third term as President and whom by 1910 had been welcomed across Europe into the halls and dens of the new Fascism, - the Pre-Nazi Fascism.

The “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” is not the “Teddy” dear of the “Republicans Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt” as the 1910 “New Teddy” essentially was one willing to be a sell out to the new “Fascism” (if it would get him a third term as President)!

The “Teddy” sold by Democrats, too long has been too like a “Smeagol” just craven for a holding of the “ring” of Power (like Hillary Clinton seems now enough already self evidentially).

These “first blacks” cannot well serve blacks in 2016 if not to only the good “Teddy” as before 1910 and while still lore-able as a “Rough Rider”! Whom can blacks generally now trust as it seems Democrats are too like the (willing to be) “Fascist” “Bull Moose” Roosevelt? 

The First Amendment is all of ours, and best secured when all fig that the particular protections from a National Government to secular Socialism (as attempted by some “first blacks”) is in that low “e” for “establishment” as to be discerned to be grammatically as for “tenets” not the “Organized” that consistency in grammar of the body of the Constitution would need yet otherwise as if of a capital “E” as if yet “respecting an Establishment of religion.”

As 2016 seems set to be a year of rough rides for many:  God Bless America!  God Bless the “Order” to for equal Justice for All!

God help us turn back from Democrats domestic and foreign works to setting asunder civilizations not secular Socialist of ruling class elitism!

                                           *       *       *

Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @ http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here: http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=BLACKPROBLEM

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:56 am

Candidate Senator Barack Hussein Obama by choosing to embrace the primarily defeated Clinton “two-fer” forward and too as after they reportedly lost half their Hollywood friends for a rap as BIG LIARS did essentially choose to be the Captain of the Titanic but after it had already struck the iceberg

Concurrently: As posted as a share on Facebook as update this morning:  #‎Politics‬ of 2014 much in thought:  CLINTONS BROUGHT DOWN OBAMA!  ‪#‎Democrats‬ should consider Obama with Clintons to Obama w/o Republicans - w/o bipartisanship.  Obama with ALL BUSH FAULT too with Clintons as if NONE CLINTONS FAULT.  Obama chose not to clean up his own party of excessive lies, at least, and so isolated himself in a divided DC.  Obama so with Clintons then to being too w/o ‪#‎CitRB‬ ‪#‎CitizenRosebud‬ and yet while ‪#‎Hogan‬ a singular one historical of knowing Barack & Michelle each since before each knew each other, and first of any so - seems.  PBO since late 70s; ‪#‎FLOTUS‬ since 1987-1988 winter.

Republicans will have a problem if they do not now, and especially loudly before elections, stand up exclamations to the above as #TRUTH #TRUTHS important to any informed deciding as to whom can now be trusted and maybe should be trusted with any voted affirmation.  I do not know if it helps to ask:  CLINTONS?  TERRORISTS OR PEACEMAKERS?

As also a poet perhaps I should restrain myself from such arresting commentary of the Clintons as of a TITANIC for too “romantic”!  As a poet perchance I should alight upon a diabolical “THE CLINTONS” more to it that as if of BATTLESHIP and President elect Obama yellow to green in intra-party keeled for it more that he chose to board with the Clintons like after I had sunk their BATTLESHIP - sunk it more than he himself had while also contesting their contemptible primarily.

There is my history as a muse and my emails to Hollywood with instructions per my vast centrist mused manied successes begot there with as for being prior to the exodus from the Clintons of what seems reported of a thought half of their total number of thought “friends” in entertainment.  It may be that for such I did more to defeat the Clintons than Senator Obama with all his vast campaign dollars and e-tech organizationals.  See before the thought “inevitable” of Mrs. Clinton split in half with such artful exodus it is that I was to emailing with instructions that only but a few of the shows and characters I had seeded with my musing and anchoring forward as with a basis in my reality could be ever to be permitted any presumption not of denial of any usage by the Clintons.

It is that Senator Obama had an easy/easier road to 2008 after I put out cease and desist to Hollywood generally of notice that none should consider anything that had come from me to be assumed or presumed to be for any affirming or supporting of the Clintons. {For a taste of relevance try putting in “Serbia” or “Serbian Ambassador” or “Vujacic” into local site search pane for a sorting otherwise informed of such knowing. Or click on http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary}


And to otherwise see a tragic in WHITE HOUSE DOWN flag twirling metaphorically:


Pretty much it is SHOCKING!!! that even just the Clintons are so graphically IMPERIAL and politically perilously for their as seen to be kept superior also imparts an affirmation of an “up yours” to the European Union otherwise celestial and humble full circle of stars.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:45 am

Is Ferguson, Missouri a God forsaken oasis in middle America where too many live as if on a reservation limited also in a fear of the Law for having to too many a body been to abstention from lawful behavior?

The national politics of such isn’t for a comparison of an unknown Mrs. Clinton and a known President Obama on race - the only comparison justified to if a Democrat has the backs of the blacks of Ferguson is yet of the rivalry of the knowable of white President Clinton and a knowable of black President Obama.

President Vladimir Putin may be spoken of instructionally if not without actual praise though too comparatively at least on marches in nationalism.  It seems that President Putin can be discussed as capable of eclipsing President Clinton and President Obama.  There is that President Putin has Socialism to recover from and the perils from such as per Ukraine at least of a reported 60% + of irreligious where in the western there is yet Greek Orthodoxy and the eastern there is Moscow Russian Orthodoxy.

Though I write as a white male of Connecticut of New England of the New York City general Metropolitanism of the The United States of America I write as one who share “sugar” if not “honey” in friendship knowing of Michelle Obama, First Lady, since she was in her third year at Harvard Law School.  But for the hopes and dreams shared it was only in my dreams that I went back - that we went back - after she learned I didn’t discriminate because she was black.

Though I write now to suggest we must ask per Ferguson misery and tragedy if it that President Obama has his subjects backs there or otherwise if President Clinton can be said to now or ever have had such peoples backs. I know near nothing of the said new Black Panthers but when Michelle and I smiled at each other in Grendel’s of Harvard Square I was of standing in knowing Augustus A. White M.D. since I was about five years old and he of “Dr. White at your service” in a public social setting as a friend of my father’s while yet the tallest person and tallest black person I had yet or ever made such a connection.

Right!  Though I know nothing of the said new Black Panthers I am one who since about age five had a friendship with he whom was of record as the original Black Panther’s physician.  What I found scary about Dr. White wasn’t that he was so tall or black but that he was both a doctor and a Dr. White though black.  The only other Dr. White I have known was a neighbor who cared for Veterans who let me use his Parks Bike Truing Stand, and as later learned had been a pal of George W. Bush while a Yale classmate.

For the blacks of Ferguson the politics are now that it is either President Clintons has and had their backs or that President Obama has their backs - it cannot be that they both have their backs as these two are known of a rivalry since day one that to others is so serious it is a “BLOOD FEUD.”  If the incident had been of a say near 100 Lbs black female officer also called to enforce in the spirit of to serve and to protect fidelity - a near 100 Lbs black female of smaller stature of such weight so without her belt and tools of the enforcement duty - we may have cause to compare Mrs. Clinton to President Obama and President Clinton - to also compare her.

Whom among us can in a scholarly expose a proffering to it that Ferguson is like Ukraine and of problems from years of too much socialism to too much irreligiousness among its subjects?  Is it that a Putinesque intervention is what Ferguson now needs?  How is it that President Clinton’s trillion in cuts for surpluses maybe better explain an economic plight of Missouri blacks for of years of a leader too much in cold blooded imperial totalitarian wanton governance?  How is it that President Obama can blame President Clinton for economic gross negligence and yet isn’t yet, and, now as it may be per Ferguson that such is such an economic outlier that for all the economic ruinous the Clintons’ surpluses wrought such of Missouri eitherwise yet would be just as stricken and down?

Is Ferguson a too irreligious hell hole like the now also economically depressed Ukraine, and also due to the economics of President Clinton too much at cold totalitarian selfish political decidings?  Is Ferguson at all an irreligious hell hole to its own People’d peoples or has it been too long just left out and necessarily so much because the national leadership from a “top” was of the Clintons at their cutting of an extra trillion from budgeted and affordable programs to generally fating Ferguson to a new greater depressing “economics”?  As I like only so far pressed concerning the tragedy of fallen Michael Brown:  I queried:  Was this a case of a college bound teen Michael Brown of copping an attitude for his last days in the say “‘hood” of a getting out before having gotten out and of a general like F&^@ YOU at least to those of local governance and enforcement?

President Obama in recent speaking to the issues of race and unrest seems to be borrowing the very words and import of such in “shared humanity” as I have been myself publicly of usage generally for a while.  I am not offering that I have any answers and suggest President Obama if just borrowing such from me so also isn’t with answers but now maybe closer for being near possibly to better language that may bring us closer to better - or the right - questions.

The Clintons have since day one positioned themselves to be “political rivals” and only in Obama’s house as rivals of he thinking he needed them and needed a TEAM OF RIVALS.  The race and economic issues of Ferguson are now essentially peculiar to either a story of rivalry of it either that President Clinton or President Obama has such subjects backs.

For both the Clinton and Obama administrations it is arguable that any of Ferguson were considered more “subjects” than “citizens.”  It is unreasonable to proffer that both President Clinton and President Obama have had or do have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson - they have firstly and continuously been of standing as “RIVALS” so any discussion must flush out the known and unknown of all knowable yet that is historical to how they have been different - to also how while different they have been more to betrayal and abandonment of such Americans even if not of a perils like Ukraine of too many too long of socialism and a nationalism to assimilation in obedience of irreligiosity in lieu of faith and community.

As President Clinton now due to be in the Ferguson HOT SEAT we have that Mrs. Clinton is an unknown as per racial oppression in Missouri while yet also of HOT SPOTS of a comparable culpability as per Russia and Ukraine, at least.  It would be wrong to discuss Mrs. Clinton now as per domestic issues where President Mr. Clinton has knowns and posited in rivalry that should dominate any discussion of culpability or innocence yet for black President Obama.  President Obama should too, as per Mrs. Clinton, be allowed an innocent until proven more guilty than a Clinton in regards to Ukraine, at least.

I don’t know why black President-Elect Senator Barack Hussein Obama was to coddling the Clintons or allowing an dominatrix of offer coddling by Mrs. Clinton — I don’t know why PBO both proceeded forward from the start with the economic team of Clintons’ economic experts as his “team” and while of “politics” and “office politics” of standing for the Clintons as rivals and he dependent on them so much that he so seemingly necessarily to an attempt at a legacy in administering a “THE OBAMA” yet while very publicly yet of floating the “THE CLINTON” as at least equal, or superior, and extant in a TEAM OF RIVALS.

The Clintons’ surpluses as from an extra trillion found and cut from the budgeted and then affordable may be that which best explains how Ferguson and Ukraine are now suffering so much and so vulnerable.  President Obama yet embraced those of the evils of the surpluses at least as necessary evils in his TEAM OF RIVALS so that he maybe firstly should attempt to explain himself as more innocent yet and less culpable to any Executive gross negligence than at least President Clinton.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry in totalitarian Power Clintons’ are yet beset by the possible perils of a people too yet too far in socialism to be also of a perils from irreligiosity at seemingly at least the eastern third of Ukraine.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry have it only reasonable, for starters, that it is either that President did and does have Ferguson’s six or that President Obama did ever or does now finally.

Again:  The politics are that it is not possible that both President Clinton and President Obama have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson in Missouri of the The United States of America.

Again:  The DOMINANT politics is that the “THE CLINTON” and the “THE OBAMA” are as “RIVALS” of a “DEMOCRAT” HOUSE divided.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:37 am

Once we all broke the banks, however lately, in the early 1990s, from their too @ “untouchables” zoning with red lines we were free, more together as equals, and set on these paths to all homes a castle of where the hearts are.  Once we all broke the banks so of their old tired and too true as zoned in differents aparts walled we were too on the path to a politics now firstly to asking if at least successful blacks are not now guilty, as guilty, for not “giving back” enough.

We are all too much of a 99% as an ignorant people to how much of all this the Administration of the Clintons just inherited.  We are fit to be reunited to truths, more reasonable, than the politics since, now sooner than later.  We are fit to be freely pressed to a new awareness of the Clinton 1990s more historically accurate as a THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.  As much as the “The Clinton” inherited blessings of so many of so many chains coming off the old of banking zone defenses it is yet too true how the Clintons are of an essence, political, and as if economic, to setting up days for the old bondage to be resecured.

This essay is for a treatment of corporate responsibility and parameters not to be to fully undressing the history of whether successful blacks or the Southern white “Clinton” most to blame for such bad times returning - for so many of times of assets appreciated to heart filled homes depreciated.  #FORWARD our first steps are best at the threshold of how so much of these days of suffraged suffering of from the “House of Clintons.”  This would be more self evident if “The Clinton” not now so #HARLEM and to having had the #Clinton #BigBank “friends” agree to cover the near penthouse suite rents of his desires so high above the THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM of CARNEGIE HALL TOWER.  There is little for them to deny while so much they may first and for years attempt to deny;  The Clintons, so, would be so more self evidently if of CHT and set in their splendor so regally of public knowledge of rent paid gratuitously by the Big Banks as emoluments for their “politics” of asking for the derivatives gambling.

It is not now of IF WE NEED BLAME THEM but to now, finally - near finally of our national politics - that we discern for Posterity how much we all everywhere need realize they are all or mostly actually to be squarely blamed.  It is time to curb the blessings of what they inherited so that the doors are open so all can more clearly see what was of their times beneficial and that which was just of them and their own capability.  Right!  Instead of being in Harlem so like of a political camouflage the “The Clinton” could be so high above the “PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!” prudence ensconced in luxury afforded seemingly as from bank quid pro quo, or maybe derivatives graft.

What is a JOB?  What if you were the founding framers with GOOGLE or BING and a BIBLE app would you find if of searching the Testaments by “JOB”?  Is a “JOB” but that of People’d people and the shared human electric as poetry electric as “religion” of the forces and wattage/voltage of the electricity of shared humanity songs of bodies electric?  By what ones find in “JOB” searching mustn’t all be so of doubts and doubting of a reality that there can only be freedom “of religion” not freedom “from religion” for it of a He as of a shared “Force” field where all are apart however not wholly?  Mustn’t a “JOB” in any corporation yet be of a fit to the rights in commissioning of a mission corporal in at least the rights by The United States of America constituted as in rights established and ordained of rights at assembly and expression?  Can any said “JOB” be separated from His “JOB” and His rites?

The “The Clinton” may have cornered the political benefits of them more at inheriting the undoing of the zoned bondage in the old chains of banking with discriminatory red lines.  Seems!  But, the “The Clinton” showed truer colors for traditional ways to their vast patronage banking - as now so questionable while however clearly evident of CGI accountability - of a common core so intimate and rotten in the selfish politics for short-term gains from unnecessary and dangerous surpluses.  Again, we are much past the threshold of it actually more the Clintons fault than yet the fault of the Republicans or just the Administration of George W. Bush.  We are now to metrics of straws - of straws weighing one by one anewly accounting more fairly so that none under such so Constituted is yet communally befallen too alone as if pre-destined or fated to carry more than their fair share.

What did I know?  When did I know it?  How did I actually helped the Clintons become electable in 1992 yet of a defensive awareness that we of We the People needed to be protected from them and their selfish political wants to presidency firstly for each a spouse and a spouse?  To all corporate I have my options tied or limited as for any “employment” I have my “JOBIAN” of my historicals where I firstly think and write of the truths so regarding respecting so much just inherited by the Clintons, and personally as set about for once inaugurated in 1993 their use and reuse was unauthorized and inappropriate so much so that I firstly am of any “JOBIAN” to “JOBS” of a truth self evident that to me the Clintons have been long of thievery.

THIEVERY is a big word to pen or press so publically.  These days of the Courts and United States as of barristers have a trending to my favor of such tagging.  These days have it Courtly that “reuse” must be as authorized, it seems, as any “first use” such that the “The Clintons” may be further know more of the differentiation between what is of “THE HOGAN” - “THE CITIZEN ROSEBUD” - and yet ever again as rightly of the “THE CLINTON.”  The barred and esquired set too are in the mix towards restitution of artful properties as evidenced by a recent cursory read of the ABA Journal as to trends in “repatriation” in the ranks of officers of the Law.  I have since 2007 been of intellectual property defensive postures against many attempts at reuse further of that which I still claim the Clintons never garnered first use rights for, and so with the honor and duty of the Administration of George W. Bush and too by the judgment proffered by Attorney General Eric Holder, as recalled from early in the Administration of Barack H. Obama.

As big a word as THIEVERY it is the word I have to wrestle with for any and all “JOBIAN” mine towards corporate however of “JOB”!  I must, forward, yet always be firstly of a reboot to the days of the early 1990s that pre-date the late entrance of Governor William J. Clinton to the trying contestations of what is Presidential and critical nationally.  I know what the Clintons did more inherit than wrought themselves - I know what I know from what I know that came originally from me, and sadly I know from their misuse so unauthorized and inappropriate how it made future problems for so many predictable for their use never amounted to the fullness and prudence of the whole from which they took use and reuse and attempts for years at reuse wrongly pf in just partial appreciation of the full gestalt qualities.

There is in the inappropriateness of the Clintons’ first use also the selfish politics of their attempts to pass reuse rights never yet acquired from spouse to spouse, and to such complication then of so much also reasoned as of a J. P. Hogan feminism boosting in a pressed affirmative acting.  Sadly, I cannot look or speak well of the Clintons and am likely to be to documentary shows to how the Clinton 1990s are in the GOOD less as a rightfully possessive as the “Clintons’ 1990s” and quite of a bad so bad and destructive to the progress they inherited that such is fitting for Posterity the above title as THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.

To be so to a greater - a better - a yet more defining of #LOVE not earned but yet given in #BLESSING:  There is the not enough evident of the politics so these days to be for a while confused as also of the quandries IF SUCCESSFUL BLACKS ARE NOT “GIVING BACK” ENOUGH while too towards a more transparent #FORWARD knowing how so much inherited as built and restored of a pre-Clinton 90s is of an architecture grander than convenient to their selfish and too partisan politics.

Towards a #FORWARD better and more defined #LOVE there is for any “JOB” mine a “JOBIAN” modern of a couple decades struggling to keep a wholly about so much for maximum positive change convenient and of opportunity from the end of the COLD WAR as to a NEW WORLD ORDER.  I, not they, firstly set up so much for a pre-Clinton Clinton 1990s recovery by marketing with a penning and pressing for a new urban focused @ NEW WORLD ORDER parlance around NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.  I, not they, so it seems, know of what the full potential - gestalt - of such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM - was structured to see established of a more global more level playing field metaphorical, and how, sadly, I know for such while of the unauthorized use and regular inappropriate misuse that much was rendered of less value to a lesser greater good by the decidings so selfish and self serving politically of or by the Clintons.

My first “JOB” forward is now still too “JOBIAN” as for any and all “corporate” I am so of a knowing that I must firstly be to tagging the historicals of how the Clintons undermined progress in medicine around POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER new media enabling and too how they did also undermine improvements to a more level and broader more fair law and order with at least their vast defunding of intelligence and defense budgets, and too their politics administrative to walls of separation at the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS between the intelligence and enforcement arms.  (Such is of details that are really a much longer story - such is of what I hope, personally, however JOBIAN yet isn’t of too many straws.)

It is established and ordained as “done” by the People’s Order with “Order” a noun in the preamble that the founding framers structured the Constitution as at least of an accompaniment of religion with separation “of religion” that is with the NEW TESTAMENT as unanimously subscribed that Year of their Lord as the “Year of our Lord” whence.  Any “JOB” “American” must be to as of “JOB” and “JOBIAN” however corporate or of individuals together of #LOVE initiatives #FORWARD.

It is of their KING JAMES version by their CORINTHIANS, it seems, that any man only  to profits if successful as established forward in prophecy.  To which any “not for profit” endeavor is of taxing standards of too much of reality of the here and now predicaments certain while “for profits” are yet of missions in unions of people of rights in assembly and expression of hopes at least for change from proofed positive reaping of from having sown in prophecy with planning and organization to what yet might be of a general Welfare for Posterity and Tranquility - of the unknown work at doing good forward.

However one defines #LOVE - more defines #LOVE - we each may be of a “JOBIAN” “JOB” however yet if of a tax paying for profit endeavor or yet in the daily grind where “not for profits” must endure.  I myself get to struggle knowing personally I cannot abide the past decades of Clintons’ use and reuse, and regular yet attempts at even further unauthorized reuse as but of art that I am some to much of entitlment to official repatriating valuation, at least.  #FORWARD yet it seems we all need to reboot around what was more just “inherited” said of the “THE CLINTON” and yet still really more and more vastly as really originally the property, intellectual, of the lesser known the “THE HOGAN.” 




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:50 am

Now that President B.H.O. has established his tone as discordant in lies as did white President William Jefferson Clinton the beatings must continue in lieu of a tonalism for economic recovery;  for so many of such a keyed in lies each day we wake anew of the economy of politics of us united daily in smarting starts yet still more as if of reboot in diagnostic mode restrictions.

President B.H.O. has established himself mostly in a harmony as a liar in beats and steps mostly with the lies of the white Clintons long of cover-ups corruptive to a full and lively portfolio of common syncopathy forward.  There is no music or soul for recovery as long as we are stuck daily in a reboot in diagnostic mode restrictive basics due to so many viral intrusions in the shared societal as from lies now know of President B.H.O. as if as bad or worse (more dangerous) than of white President William Jefferson Clinton.

Democrats protested when the Republicans tried a save in time by remixing the metaphorical beats of liberal sets by offering examples of how they too yet move when in conventions to beatings so yet scored by “artists” of a Democrat persuasion.  The Democrats so as a lot did undermine the economy and beats for growth in shared humanity when they try to prohibit music beats from the Republicans.  We do wake still of President B.H.O. and still of how the music for growth has been dead or of beatings in discordance only, and, now with less hope as it is established that he has become known to be nearly as much of lies as white President William Jefferson Clinton.

King James was much of the rap of the founders and a tonalist to the keyed in their renditions from his edition.  President B.H.O. seems more protestant in Martin Luther, but for lacking clear and written dictates, than pure and Puritanical.  Republican rap may now be our best hope forward to any new post diagnostic growth beating.  There is no “work ethic” now in the Democrat green minimalism.  They are not being constructive in their beatings - just deconstructive and austere while set chorded, however, to class warfare.

Republican rap may be our best hope to new constitutionals in Constitutionals.  Taxed - taxed enough - taxed enough already - taxed now nationally with even less representation?  Are those of the drum beats major of the Tea Party now drum majors forward now already most keyed for republican rap to a new growth tone?  Who can be a new drum major forward if and when we can recover from daily restarts of reboots necessary as to be of anti-viral diagnostics basic cautions?  Democrat music may have killed the growth beats and all of so many beatings now so suffered for their “music” became partisan and so necessarily corrupt from a shared soul republican and to be now probed and even of rendition for a base clef clarity for what likely might be wrongful in a quid pro quo by creative artists.

Despite the spiffs intra-Republican now between Governor Perry and Senator Paul their is together they should be tagging the Democrats to show their house divided, firstly, and to how the “music” of President B.H.O. per economic harmony is different from the beatings by white President William Jefferson Clinton, and too the beatings, however scaled feminine, by white Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.  There is in Senator Paul’s foreign policy ramparts to a more at home celebration that it echoes to it that Senator McCain if elected was yet tuned to beat and beat and beat as a drum major an economic recovery within just a couple years.  Senator Paul has in his homely beats a federalism that echoes how President McCain was ready to lead a resounding recovery within just a couple years.  Senator Paul’s said homely beats can be said to be noted and keyed yet in an American celebration of freedom and federalism prudence to be an example while also a best defensive posture as of a song of PROUD TO BE FREE.

There is too much to the spiff between sects of republican so Republican between Governor Perry and Senator Paul for a full scoring in this scripting.  Governor Romney is a tri- to this so bi-partite - Governor Romney may rock again and better if a common shared soul beating can be measured and coalesced, but, he for the sake of this beating propounding isn’t that whom President McCain was well endowed in measured federalism Constitutional to be a drum major for recovery generally. Governor Romney may now be a good option if he can find a shared soul beat but these are days now trying that would be not of the President McCain developments to also a song of PROUD TO BE FREE homely, however pre-Paul, but to a consideration that a recovery specialist may now be the type of drum major the united states now need for the republic.

Any “music” as beating by white President William Jefferson Clinton or by any feminist also different by white Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, now can only be a beating on the backs of black and of the red of the country so in the red.  The music as differentiable between the white Mr. male Clinton and white Mrs. female Clinton is wholly of the derivative mess and keyed major in the beset discord so necessarily each day of a nation a republic anew in a repairing reboot in anti-Clinton partisan feuding and intra-partisan feuding as if restarts only in basic mode as by REBOOT IN DIAGNOSTIC MODE economics of limited operations while undergoing repairs.  The Clintons as differentiable are yet each of sufficient discordance such that the Republican drum majors have them firstly to take apart and rap for a recovery to a republican of growth.

The Clintons tolerated a musical boycott of republican Republicans such as it may have cost the economy by beating “President B.H.O.” as if of a soul for harmony more so than the Grand Old Party postured for “President McCain.”!  The Clintons though now quite differentiable are yet each fit to be tagged as per “music” bias as of tolerable of bigotry in politics if/when it meant they could march a cacophony en masse more global than republican.  The Clintons beatings since white President William Jefferson Clinton first seductions of media and music people has rendered too many of redded, and however once black or otherwise to a back in black greater potential of that which could have been of a white President McCain.  The Clintons’ political and partisan keying and grouping for “music” have wrecked the economy by setting asunder Constitutionals.

The white Clintons’ hackery now is political for so much beating has corrupted black President B.H.O. to also being known as a big liar of discord not harmony or soul.  The beatings from black to so many and so much in the red so redded is of the marching of the Clintons firstly, and even however differentiable from black President B.H.O., is yet secondly of the marching dictates of black President B.H.O. secondly.  The beatings were preventable much for that echoed by Senator Paul that was to be constructive and harmonic for growth if whence Senator McCain became President McCain.  Governor Romney may now be back in the mix but not as a Senator McCain nor Senator Paul - he can offer beatings forward for of a resume as a recovery specialist.

The white Clitnons’ hackery now is political and diabolical for music and creative artists, however fodder for comedians.  Now forward it is to the People’d people to discern the “different” and “separate” between white Mr. male Clinton and white Mrs. female Clinton as at least to marching beatings more global than constitutional in Constitutional as republican.  The hackery of the Clintons’ has corrupted the media and musical as now to discern them for renditions we as a united people must be to officially probing deeply how their “politics” of “musical” biased has it that at least musical artists are now among a class of creative artists that need be look at long and hard for a disparity for democracy as too much of a quid pro quo accountable measured scored.

Today we are best to ask, of so much also of black beating:  What by a musician, and any creative artist, if not for all souls, is actually an improperly yet gifted propaganda, in kind, of campaign influence, and not as if a clear contribution, and so as a yet inappropriate and less accounted quid pro quo?  We cannot abide, however, that we/any now avoid looking at the well established scores of the character of President B.H.O. yet because of the color of his skin and he half-blooded as “black”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:09 am

Remember the Pilgrims!!!  This Fourth of July is nearly the most prescient to the Pilgrims, and their pride, since those so whence near of  the Constitutional Convention - or maybe the first Independence Day struck up in colonial defiance

Have you heard the one about the Constitution how if a Messiah is elected President then it figures the Constitution is held violate duly in an apropos righteousness for it and U.S. Under God and so a President “Messiah” must therefore be above the Country and the Law?

“The genesis of this coverage should enlighten the Court’s resolution of these cases.” (Of Hobby Lobby dissent writ large in the hand of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg)  To read the Supreme Court decision is to be of also asked to report any typographical errors or possible errs in type.  It seems to the Pilgrims this would more purely only be interpretive as “The Genesis of this…”.

To the Pilgrims President Barack H. Obama is likely either one too much a modern day Oliver Cromwell or thee of the socialistic experiment they were all papered to be set about contract to, and, President William J. Clinton, yet for his (convenient) dichotomies, at least can be said one too much a modern day Rene Descartes.  (Descartes philosophized to his legend as a transplant like the Pilgrims but as European still as of having moved to where they all moved from when of seeking peaceables more pure in a netherlands.)

To if President Obama has turned Oliver Cromwells swords into his pen:  What are his powers if in the “Messiah” trump Power, what are they to be and worshiped as if yet he can prove that he is a “messiah”?  Can it really be that he can too be Cromwellian an to a Congress, as a Parliament but a Legislative equal branch, rendered suspended and disbanded?

The real threat to the American Independence and Pilgrims pride in a renaissance to more pure scriptural imports has to be that however too slick too that is President William J. Clinton - he now so dichotomous and tripartite in trichotomies’ fogs that he can be proffered as yet of a new Descartean.  It is that in this Year of our Lord, as set Constitutional by the founding fathers in that “Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven, of the USC subscribed as the People’d peoples’ “Order…done” still, this year two thousand Ten and four, the greatest threat may be domestic, however of global initiatives, and from the realm of over thinkers - thinkers to too secular totalitarian separations.

The Genesis of this coverage should still be of the colonies as enlightened to Independence as broached by the Pilgrims while of there primary and primal existential too to, so as it was, a shedding of chains of a socialism.  The Genesis of this coverage if of the genesis of the The United States of America as secured under God and so in a beginning in Genesis.  The Genesis should still be of the People’d people secure in the language of the Bible as the referenced textual of the Constitution  for usage and meaning for the creations of it writ so well, and for Posterity and Tranquility - Forward.  Even the dissent in the Hobby Lobby case is also of a prescience for Biblical sourcing however it may be of modern intent as set only metaphorically.  What is MAN and what is WOMAN seems properly and better sourced by the dissenting of the highest Court of the The United States of America.

It cannot help one too too slick as too like Rene Descartes to “separations” also of body, mind and souls, such as President William J. Clinton, that President Barack H. Obama can trump so many, as like a new Oliver Cromwell, and yet a high priest but of truer Power as a “Messiah” if he or we can just come together to a HOW - TO HOW HE CAN BE PROVEN, HOWEVER TO BE A “THE MESSIAH.”  It may newly be to if he can float he must be otherwise than Holy but there is much first to float before we move en masse to any such “Float Test.”

When one realizes how James Madison set up the language of the Constitution, however assisted, it is yet also of a prescient of the Pilgrims pride new originalisms, and freedoms.  The Pilgrims did shake the shackles from papered as if too owned, and now it so that to them as just an earlier experiment on the continent to people more as subjects in a socialistic experimental (science - social science).  For now, as a new Independence Day approaches there is by the Hobby Lobby ruling a safe place for the People’d people to feel resecured as God’s people of a governance of and by the people with the people writ large as citizens more than mere subjects for social experimentation by its Government.

It is inconvenient to the too too slick that is the fog of think to separations of President William J. Clinton as if a new Rene Descartes yet progressing towards “Philosopher King” that President Barack H. Obama is himself, however, and that he is black, really - really however half blooded as a free American mutt too.  It is most inconvenient to the too slick President William J. Clinton that the Hobby Lobby majority and dissent both do reaffirm the Constitution as set as an accompaniment at least to a secular morals of Jesus of Jefferson’s secret Bible rendition and how since the “Order” use in the preamble is as a noun it is that such is so.

The Clinton slick interpretives to a justification for liberalism was and is based in a need that the Constitution as so written be set asunder and publicly accepted as put asunder as inferior to them and their attempts quite to putting God under Government and quite really under them and their standing towards totalitarian autocratic powers globally as put down and under them.  With “Order” of the Constitution as accepted as of it that the preamble is the “key” or “legend” to understand all that follows agreed as subscribed under God in that Year of their Lord our Lord still to be a noun as of it of all so “done” as the “People” forming a more perfect Union than the United Kingdom union and such the formative “Order” the “liberals’” interpretations get set shredded.

Again to the dissent as most informative in Hobby Lobby opinion:  Agreed:  “The genesis of this coverage should enlighten the Court’s resolution of these cases”!  It too should reinform the People of their rights secured in the Constitution as set respecting the Pilgrims’ struggles and pride.  Our flag does still wave!  The Constitution as set “subscribed” as “Order” “done” in the Christian calendar, whichever the year so, endures as it set with the Bible and the Pilgrims to their new more pure freedoms in interpretations to be to freedoms of speech and of religion that cannot be of freedom from religion.  There poetically (and scientifically?) can be no freedom from religion as it is the category of life for the humanity and its electric as the realm for the poetry electric - electric of/in shared humanity. 

Agreed?  The Clintons’ separations cannot work - do not yet stand for waves in fanning newly?  It that is the Clintons is too slick?

Agreed?  We are newly to days for a new Martin Luther?  We are today of a “Messiah” who most likely cannot prove himself to be a “The Messiah” - we so still have our Country? our Freedoms? our Independence? our Constitution?  And by the majority and dissent of the most recent writ large Courtly decidings we have that while these days call the people to the Bibles, and many different versions/editions as if to a need for a possible new rendition, not for any of Rene Descartes “too slick” but to an again timely of that of considerations for forgiveness as of Martin Luther?

Agreed?  We too so are of a time for that which was proffered to so many scholarly at Martin Luther over forgiveness of sins and are yet to these days more colorful and too respecting that Martin Luther King Jr. would be better honored, at least across the lands Constituted United, with, and however where ever, more displays were publicly set of the Ten Commandments.

                                         *       *       *

For to fathom the true twained marking of President William J. Clinton, as abeam too slick, one should review and review, and consider, and reconsider, how it is these days, as days I have long suggested are of the “BLOOD FEUD” set by another, best I can so far tell, one needs to consider how his slickness became viral and destructive to the economies of the world, and domestically most devastating to blacks who bought into his hyper-consumerism maxing out in materialism - how it became a cancer like the diabetes posited in ECONOMICS AND POLITICS TREATMENTS SAMPLER at http://CitizenRosebud.net as soon as HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT commenced too Socialistic with promises to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS.”

I hope this enlightens you to the Genesis, and genesis, in/of/for coverage of the Country’s resolute - resecured original Resolute.  May I suggest you can be humored and still in a guidance by President George Washington by ways of his First Inaugural and General humor of it firstly to “vicissitudes incident to life” to words personal to “pecuniary” and “emoluments” less slick standards?  May I suggest you use link http://bit.ly/1stInaugural or another to read/reread the First Inaugural address of the still young United States of America, and as it is that he cleverly suggests contraception isn’t a Government duty while heralding all generally to be considerate and to washing their skins of the day of a rinse and reuse thrift?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:28 am

The truth is that President Barack Hussein Obama these years self tagged as to a “New Foundation” is he most physically in a political responsibility he most culpable for how he has destroyed the better foundations that better structured a ‘global’ America.

We can not and should not forget what it can be said he too inherited from the years 1993-2001 of the Administrations of the Clintons.  President Obama is he whom started afoot in the foreign and domestic of professing he desired so to have a personality based presidency.  President Obama firstly should be now, as to “personality”, at blaming himself.

In the news and off the grid, so of the grapevines of blogs, there are discussions to religiosity more Constitutionally restored and vitally in a refreshed People’d peoples civic engagements.  It may help President Obama now more than Mrs. Clinton, however, that too by Susan B. Anthony List standing at The Supreme Court of The United States of America there is now with such originality refreshed of the logic and faith of the Founding Fathers that the Bill of Rights is an accompaniment to the New Testament at least and so that lying is cover-ed by the Ten Commandments, however, written by a man.  Something about ‘bearing false witness’ seems akin to the ‘legacy’ of the House of Clintons.

There may be much President Obama can blame on Secretary Clinton and as well on the years of the terms of the Administration of the Clintons.  Yet though, for now President Obama has himself most to blame.  Yet though, for now President Obama is a he more responsible than she, yes too as a she, as Secretary Clinton and Mrs. Clinton, however.  President Obama, however he proffered an “I inherited this…” has it that regardless of which history he said he “inherited” he chose between available options and much it seems without considering many of his options.

This is not about Mr. Obama - Father Obama - Dad biological to the President.  It however cannot escape the prima facia dramatic that Mrs. Clinton to President Clinton offered a resolution for an Oedipal as if a surrogate white mother figure.  President Clinton is more a ‘father’ for the sake of necessary and timely governance purview discourse - and too still the earlier ‘fathers’ back to the founding fathers - the ‘Founding Fathers.”

The foundations to the problems President Obama is facing about obvious failures at his “New Foundation” have his roots of he a sprouting Harvard Law Student near about the time Al Qaeda was so born - born to become ISIS as is an is like of Osama Bin Laden, however a ‘father’ to it, as an is an is like of a JIHAD against American Infidels too much of “is”s not as “is”s.  The 9/11 Commission Report is hopefully not relied upon by President Obama;  President Obama may be better served to ignore it an yet consider the tome of TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt as a Clinton NSC adviser whom tagged it dangerous as to a begetting terrorism of an if and when the The White House is of an administration working too closely with Hollywood.  Al Qaeda wasn’t covered enough or far enough back by the 9/11 Commission to now have enough in a know as to how the ISIS of today is like of proud sons of OBL living out the purpose that Al Qaeda was formed and originally of asking Saudi Arabian leaders for their blessings to become - to grow into.

To the religiosity yet of the unexpected ‘domestic’ elements of the quandary and conundrums particular to the insufficeincies in his “New Foundation” politics of his sought “personality based presidency” we can consider that it is helpful that the People’d people of the The United States of America are refreshed to how the Bill of Rights is a ten like the Ten Commandments and how the First Amendment affirms that the separation of church and state is so of them as presumed of an equal or greater right at interpretation of God’s will and establishments than the Congress.  The First Amendment affirms that the body of the Constitution by the preamble is the Peoples’ “Order” [with order here as a noun] “done” as a “more perfect Union” than the United Kingdom’s, at least, and so as “subscribed” unanimously while “agreed” or “so agreed” could have otherwise sustained the liberal wants of it set secular.

It should help the People’d people that it has become refreshed that the founding ‘fathers’ secured the ordained and established more perfect “Order” under God by their specified subscribing so in that year of the Christian calendar so of the New Testament as “done” “in the Year of our Lord…”!  So established the separation of church and state and free speech protections of the Bill of Rights by its First has it that “lying” is not to be “legal” (maybe at least in politics of campaigns - campaign advertising) as the Constitution is of the accompaniment writ so to the New Testament, at least.

It should help President Obama and yet not likely his ‘mother’ Clinton nor his ‘father’ Clinton as so refreshed of the original American Dream so conceived and long consecrated the The United States of America is not writ large to an infidelity to Holy words and guidance;  It should help President Obama for such “America” has standing in the Middle East with any “justice” core common of ISIS so that we can stand comparatively to be at the borders edges to Syria and Iraq of an alternative and example that their ‘foundations’ and any success at ‘governance’ can be then related and digressed over, firstly - firstly before there yet could be a more ‘global’ campaign as rationally reasoned in a ‘justice’ against the idea that is “The United States of America.”

President Clinton has been a bad ‘father’ to President Obama.  It seems President Obama has been falling and failing where he may have like accepted advice or “dreams” from President William Jefferson Clinton - he born as conflicted as William Jefferson (Davis) Blythe III — so it seems.

The milk and any cream of the days of Secretary Clinton as of “hard choices” have spoiled on poor President Barack Hussein Obama, however she a ‘mother’ and even too much to an Oedipal as he of any sought of seeking a surrogate elderly white mother figure.  She and he the ‘father’ to her a ‘mother’ of the House of Clintons is embroiled forever forward and backwards of a compromised legacy and of basic wants that will not be favored judiciously or by many People’d peoples while she and he are of the BIG establishments as both known to be revealed and tagged as “Big Liars.”

President Thomas Jefferson did lead a politics for 40 years after 1800 as if its ‘father’ - is it as a ‘father’ of Jeffersonian Republicans?  But while the “Founding Fathers” were dedicated and joined to their historic establishment and ordaining of a People’d Order [again with “Order” as a noun] Thomas Jefferson was over seas and out of their hair/wigs.  The “Founding Fathers” found Thomas Jefferson on his return and Constitutional perusals has issues with their writ;  The writing as the first moderation of the body as the People’s Order of the First Amendment is cleverly penned in unusual first language so to seem to appease the “issues” of Jefferson’s complaints - and yet not to at all.

By Jefferson’s practice and the devotions like apostolic by Jeffersonian Republicans of 1800-1840 quite we have an elephant in the room about how to interpret maybe otherwise than the original intent the specific words of the body and the first amending.  We have that though the Constitution reads as set under God as to an meant accompaniment with the New Testament and as the context of the times affirm such is a natural development of the idea of the colonies independent it is still that how Jefferson governed and his ’sons’ like later may have been only of success for being of a parsed and nuanced otherness.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:01 am

There is a grimy - a real grimy - in the slow walk political of the Clintons.  We are beyond, with the Clintons, any “greased pigs” mud as of an innocence, even an innocence lost; we are still at the greased water melons of the Clintons’ courting; we are now of the grime - the dirt - the mud - the controversy - the scandals under Mrs. Clinton’s nails, at least.

Mrs. Clinton has become the newest “Baghdad Bob” for the cliche politics of her’s and our’s defenses.  She has now, as of this Monday morning, post the week of ‘Hillary Clinton has/had brain damage’ flushing, availed herself of her greatest defense forward while we all patiently await hearing whom of the Democrats will be joining the Benghazi Select Committee to investigate especially Mrs. Clinton quite towards concerns regarding a new low in political grime akin to Nixon’s tags.  Mrs. Clinton has now availed herself of a medical excuse for her Benghazi defense in coming bipartisan criminal probatives.

Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with her first remarks after the second 9/11 was to admitting she lacked intelligence and so of an admission apparently of incompetence.  As recalled she closed out her first remarks as from outside her office, at State on the seventh floor, so then hours before joining the President in the Rose Garden, with words surprisingly, considering just recent history, of near ‘I did not believe this could happen in a country I liberated.’

Mrs. Clinton cannot position herself as a “Great White Hope” to succeed the first black President. If she really didn’t believe “this” as “Benghazi” could happen in a country she had liberated President Obama still has her ignorance as a crutch to lean on to yet stand up a legacy for himself independent of any the Clintons may be losing.  In the cases pertaining now to the culpability of Mrs. Clinton there, as evident this weekend, now is a new grimy in our politics more as if Mr. & Mrs. Clinton are as if a two headed “Baghdad Bob.”

The Clintons are so muddy and muddied by their own sloth and trophs and how they rolled and rolled that being each others character reference is now, however grimy in their old cliche, that they have to scamper around and around Senator Harry Reid and his penned up also dirtied by the Clintons that they cannot take the “medical excuse” path nor not enter 2016 without such either and however “exit” seeming too much a pleading of guilty to criminal cover-ups of the purview at least of the still forming bipartisan & maybe bicameral Benghazi Select Committee.

Though the timing of the supposed brain damage that afflicted Mrs. Clinton did time to the post 9/11 II pressures as conveniently of an incident that kept her away from personal scrutiny when the heat was on most heavily weighing on her to struggles at standing up an explanation at least how it was that when there was a second 9/11 she was so (necessarily) it seemed to denying and denying that it could be Al Qaeda again responsible.

It is remarkable for the Clintons that they have a “black problem” like no body would want as also their ‘business’!  This goes beyond the rehashed of the dalliances in infidelity of her spouse in the offices of the highest office in our land as specifically of Monica Lewinsky;  forward this also goes to now a dirtier tucking concern of the “The Clinton” of grimy infidelity yet to date not celebrated among the “Comeback Clinton” mud when trying to clean ‘em up for 2016 and yet now when black is in how it seems historical that President William J. Clinton has not yet had an affair with a black woman.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s greatest infidelity may have been to the first black President - to her duty to serve fully and wholly he and the People’d.  She can not now be a “Great White Hope” unless she has been holding back all these years since the Clintons’ presidency ended and was especially holding back and holding out on President Barack Hussein Obama.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton should not have anything to offer now that is new and possibly better than that of he whom she supposed served (though a “rival”) wholly and without reservations.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton would have us believe, as now it is that she isn’t admitting herself a ‘medical excuse’, that she can run, though white, in 2016 with a tagging as if she is expected to be told of near and broadly as if of a potential and a legacy where she can be better that the first black president, and was a better Secretary of State than the first female black Secretary of State and to as if at least she should be politically considered to have been a better First Lady than the first black First Lady Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama.

We are of days of a new grimy and too cliche Clinton politics where a criminality is likely to be proffered as a due tag on at least Mrs. Clinton for her days, however of health and full capacity, regarding cover-ups that go to a not seen criminal basis like since she helped impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon. Mrs. Clinton has her own legacy as of a partisan politics at setting the very standards that now apply to herself as the Benghazi Select Committee, however yet not clearly bipartisan or bicameral, and to be publicly discerned in all the grime of the post 9/11 II Benghazi cover-ups.  In the case of Mrs. Clinton as per real culpability she is now hardly expected to be as hard to grasp as a muddy and grimy greased pig.

Essentially Mrs. Clinton has availed herself of her best defense as a defense in limited mental capacity.  Now as it seems we are of a politics, where she too must avail herself of any “not running” so to avoid seemingly to preface the due full probative, of the Select Committee to investigate her, at least for criminal cover-ups, she is shadowed with a prima facia like a pleading in GUILTY, however of “NOT.”  It is now that the Clintons are persisting as if a two headed new “Baghdad Bob” extant in a new grime and muddy that the “BLACK” in the house is also that her spouse supposedly hasn’t (yet) had any of his celebrated infidelities with a black woman.

Her biggest “Black Problem” must though be Benghazi as at least since her own first remarks spoken were of such ignorance and incompetence when of closing with quips of her speaking to she couldn’t believe such could happen in a country she had liberated — She made the first black President look innocent at least in comparison to her.

President Barack Hussein Obama may now be saved the worst fate from any Benghazi Select Committee because Mrs. Clinton helped set the very standards for “criminality” and “jail time” for politicians of any cover-up at least as bad as that figured as Nixon’s.  It will likely be years before the fully established Benghazi Select Committee, whence established as bipartisan and bicameral, can yet proceed to any case or issues of grime and mud specifically fitting President Barack Hussein Obama — Mr. & Mrs. Clinton have themselves kinda penned in and center ring for this committee’s duty and so that it could be years of just looking at them and even the CGI as Clintons’ Global Initiatives for dirty prints in a criminality of what now seems confirmed to have been at least an improper political cover-up.

By the standards for “criminality” long of the legacy celebrated of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton due her professional work at impeaching President Richard Milhous Nixon over a “cover-up” just relating to botching a Federal Investigation into the Democrat Party as botched while probing their Watergate Headquarters it is that she a lady will go first and that her man too will need be looked at long before the first black President becomes personally also so penned and processed.

As any Benghazi probe of Mrs. Clinton, however as the first black President’s “rival” is of her duty such is grimy in a new muddy for she had a spouse globally of initiatives that seem still to have inhibited her professionalism as Secretary of State.  As Secretary of State, I seem to understand, she was the Obama cabinet officer whom had the People’s duty to oversee all the activities of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives and even as it seemed their CGI was being run as a rival executive branch by a rival like still First Couple and as if President William Jefferson Clinton was to be heralded as the first President of the World.

It seems as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is of her legacy of celebrating that President Richard Milhous Nixon deserved to be impeached for a cover-up of an event that was less political than her Benghazi cover-up and too was without the loss of life of her Benghazi cover-up we must consider that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is a criminal suspect - the primary suspect - suspect of offenses that can lead to imprisonment.  It seems that President William Jefferson Clinton has to also be long ahead of President Barack Hussein Obama on any march to being orange suited too;  President Clinton seemed to have so meddled in foreign affairs since leaving office in 2001 that he is of “initiatives” his spouse should have investigated while the People’s Secretary as President Obama’s Secretary of official duty to “oversee” such of her spouse, now even more concerning as newly her repose as also of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.

The Benghazi Select Committee has the white people to look at first - such is a real problem for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least.  Unlike Watergate people died!  Like Watergate politicians are known to have been of a cover-up!  Unlike Watergate it is that there seems to have also have been official obstruction of justice as part of the cover-up and so sadly of a new grime and muddy politics worse than any of Nixon’s supposed as of it now that Obama’s white Secretary of State has to face her own lower standards now when her cover-up impeded the due Federal investigation of murdered/killed of her “house” of State.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

President George W. Bush and his henchmen are poor messengers of how the Afghanistan War has been an unnecessary, improper, and poorly run “war” however run these years on a credit card.

President Bush and his henchmen are not the guiltiest party;  The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open;  People’d of the world cannot long ignore a real history of the Clintons and their Clinton 8.

Though Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s - Hillary R. Clinton’s - “Jack” moment of herself like ‘not able to handle the truth’ while before Congress, as if of a “A Few Good Men” prosecution, still sits heavy as a telling outburst about war and wars by political leadership.

President Barack H. Obama’s first Secretary of State did run out the clock so as per learning of how poorly she operated regarding Benghazi & Libya and too Obama’s war of choice theirs differently from Bush’s as that changed in Afghanistan to a war against the Taliban.  She only got to a Congressional “review” when she could tick-tock a clocketh runneth outeth defense.

There is hardly a way to put a happy face on how its seems confirmed that Democrats do not know how to operate a war nor win a war, still.  There is comfort for Democrats now only if still it can be said that President Bush and his henchmen operated worsely.

The Clinton “two-fer” presence at the opening & dedication of The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is characteristic of them of willing to do (and say?) anything that will help them to appear later better as they should appear for that actually of their ‘before.”  The museum has a duty now to open each day to curate the querious of truth seekers, and, the museum cannot ignore the still too missing years 1993-2001.

It is a fair question causal about the attacks of 9/11/01 if it isn’t that had President William Jefferson Clinton not been at dalliances of the blue dress of Monica Lewinsky would he yet have put in the time to have prevented such diabolical expounding upon the United States of America homeland?  That there are near a trillion unit points per dollar to otherwise asses for a liability or gross negligence, at least as when accounting for the rash cuts to defense and intelligence, pairs with his dalliances.  Too, President Clinton, besides his unnecessary surpluses, if of his “walls of separation” affected at the F.B.I. between Enforcement & Intelligence, to abide a tagging that runneth to ‘accomplice.”

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open!  President Barack Hussein Obama with his Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton did expand/broaden the theater of war of the Bush’s operated GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM in Afghanistan from the original trespass to find and kill or capture about 50 thought “campers” of Al Qaeda.  President Obama with Secretary Clinton did alter operations in Afghanistan for a Democrats war of choice, too on a credit card, as a war without due process too much like as a genocide upon the Taliban women hating illiterate natives.

The ugly face of Obama’s war of choice against the Taliban is that he was operated too much devoid of civil procedure and too much as if of a “feminist envy” effected like exterminators of bugs.  The pretty face is supposedly that because it was a picturesque region for still shots of “war” unlike the slog of Iraq and its urban jungles the Democrats of Obama & Clinton(s) could sell they could run a like ‘cleaner’ war.

Still President Bush and his henchmen are not the best messengers for how bad and how long so bad the Democrats have been so ugly and base in their bad even as just as per the ‘theater’ of ‘war’ of Afghanistan.  The Republicans are poor messengers for the good and better they were at much for they themselves hardly found the words to explain how they were better or best - just more of a ‘good.’  That the Republicans were or are better is hard to believe for they have so far much failed to even sell that they were right while the flip flip of calendars has clocked them as more right.

The Obama AFGHANISTAN WAR has been from day one of the Democrats’ political management as a war of choice of the mission creep from Bush and his henchmen at the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR so within the sovereign lands of Afghanistan.  The Obama administration moved from trading the building of roads and schools for trespass rights to find the expected near about 50 of Al Qaeda, as foreigners literate among the mostly illiterate natives, to a SURGE for an a war not justified by the 911 attacks as a war generally against the Taliban.

President Obama and Secretary Clinton put a happy face on their plans to much be at exterminating the too misogynistic & too illiterate Taliban by selling that theirs was a ‘right’ war and Bush’s late policing of Saddam Hussein and Iraq was a ‘wrong’ war.

As the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open the Clintons, mostly, and primarily, now have no place to hide;  The “911 Museum” is a permanent “wrench in their gears” of political operations - forward;  The “911 Museum” has the blue dress controversy among its hauntings and curatory duty and all the while the trillion unit points ghost the years whence from trouble brewed and stirred much because President William Jefferson Clinton decided, it seems (still) that he would not prosecute Saddam Hussein because he didn’t want to, and, he wouldn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein because he already had Bosnia and Herzegovina undesirably on his desk.

President William J. Clinton may be most to blame for their being now the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum.  President George W. Bush may be most to blame for not being able to ’sell’ in real time and still how it was right that he was as he said of doing right.  President Barack H. Obama may be most to blame for having a war of choice so in Afghanistan now as a “Longest War” as it though seems maybe inherited from FLOTUS Clinton crusading as a meant AFGHANISTAN WAR to target and subdue the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban.

It figures when one looks more seriously at the history of Al Qaeda, than the 9/11 Commission so did in choosing to look only ten years back, that the 9/11 attacks may have been planned since 1993 and the very day President Clinton likely decided his didn’t want to do the messy work of prosecuting Saddam Hussein so he wouldn’t - wouldn’t for however long he was in office.

A queriousness due of every visit to the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is prudent upon the “good” of President Clinton still too much as a “mirage” of the cover-up of the Clintons President Obama was wrongly more at than President Bush had been yet at too long.  It is now improper to hide the Clintons’ vast culpabilities and as it is historic that there are a 9/11 I & 9/11 II with Clinton paw prints all over ‘em.  We are now beyond “if” to a but “how” expected - expected daily.

It figures most clearly, however revealing in real time whence could have compromised “mission”, that Iraq as by OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was not a “war of choice” for Al Qaeda seemed bent to prosecuting the United States of America on its homeland ever since the day President Clinton shrugged from doing right with his decision to do next to nothing towards prosecuting Saddam Hussein.  It seems in comparison President Obama & Secretary Clinton of their warring on the Taliban are those of a “war of choice” run unnecessarily and improperly and poorly run while diabolically run on a credit card.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is duty bound to curate for truth and honest forward.  Its doors however open or closed represent a thresholds of history and while it only a dangerous mirage that there are yet these two histories coexistent and with the Democrats affectings not yet known as mostly all a too political and partisan mirage.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is now ground zero to GROUND ZERO of it that each day by each visitor a queriousness should arise of:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S?

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and distorted by the Clintons, and now the Presidency of Obama.  If Al Qaeda so decided the American homeland deserved attacking so on that day that President William J. Clinton in 1993 decided he would evade and ignore the issues of rendering justice upon Saddam Hussein it becomes clearer finally that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war and the Democrats warring on the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban was just a political convenient coy war distraction as a unpaid for war of choice.

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and polarized by Democrats’ defensive partisan machinations in spin;  As the history of Al Qaeda supersedes the “report” of the 9/11 Commission since its “investigation” looked back only 10 years it becomes excusable that President George W. Bush couldn’t explain how right he was while the President more rightly at war. If we still ignore the history of the organizing of Al Qaeda of Osama Bin Laden’s hopes to change the Middle East by an allowance for himself to general the prosecution of Saddam Hussein as a justice of and by Muslims we will become in greater peril from a continuance in these mirages beset in ignorance.

The now “THE LONGEST WAR - THE AFGHANISTAN WAR” is outed as President Barack H. Obama’s war of choice.  It is now, as the “911 Museum” thresholds, that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war, even as contrary to the 9/11 Commission, for the pathology forensic of the causal rests forever in a simple consideration that the USA got “policed” on 9/11 because President William Jefferson Clinton had decided in 1993 that he wouldn’t “police” Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and as such decision then necessarily was to be for the remainder of his terms. 

The mirage is sad as the Democrats now can hardly justify the lack of jurisprudence and due process party to their party warring for politics in Afghanistan.  The Clintons have already shown themselves to fit in an episode of a THE SOPRANOS and yet where is the talk of “Politics” or “Diplomacy” of it that Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was responsible for the “diplomacy” of having such control over 80% of the world opium production during her “service” to President Barack Hussein Obama?  Secretary Clinton served President Obama more as if of BREAKING BAD in a drug trade to diabolically while she more as if a SECRETARY OF WAR than of “diplomacy.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

We are gathered now at a congested crossroads in the evolving of The United States of America of President William Jefferson Clinton’s innocence a great danger - a clear (hardly) and present (really) danger.  There are hazards in any “sport” of WJC.  There are traps and boundaries of enervated Americana violated in a ‘moral hazard’ of the innocence of WJC.

Though this has to be of his displacement of blacks from Harlem by gentrification it must be more essentially more global and even of the Ukraine so undermined by the old shifty economics of WJC as by “Clintonomics.”  It seems for President Barack Hussein Obama to escape what seems an inevitable tagging by the Clintons’ new political machinations as by prejudiced IT IS ALL OBAMA’S FAULT he too must now be willing to flex some push back against rising dangers of a WJC innocence.

It is possible that WJC has driven more blacks from Harlem than any past selective service politics of a draft did.  As it has been reported his gentrification of Harlem has affected a near doubling of rental rates his efforts may be yet more permanent to some than however removed from home by government drafts.  Yes if we have to discuss an errant innocence for any as of a culpability for the Crimea & Ukraine ‘economics’ it should be to flush out WJC as if an American Putin.  It is yet a presumption of innocence for WJC and his times as the Constitutional top decider that now obstructs an necessary understanding of the roots of the Ukraine dilemma as in the failure of his guidance and national administering.

It doesn’t help the current congested civic mindedness to be however at a “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” exclusivity as it really is hardly reasonable that Bush’s “fault” can but be more than near half of the real story with it that WJC at least must not be of the innocence his, oddly still.  Though BHO did in his 2nd Inuagural actually take the USA USC Constituted oath of office again for the office of the President, and then orate an addendum lacking a fidelity, we are of trying crossroads now for thinking too much of a WJC innocence, even though the roots of BHO’s 2nd’s addendum like as “I WON’T FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE OATH OF OFFICE I JUST SWORE I WOULD” are of the politics and economics of the Clintons’ Presidency.

WJC like invented the infidelity to the Constitution that BHO now postures still as the moral hazards rot the games of life possible by fidelity and honesty to freedom at least of the jurisdiction of the Constitution.  WJC’s greatest Constitutional infidelity likely has to be in the still too untold story of the scope of the trials of his monkey business about Saddam Hussein and Iraq.  The Crimea is nearly a neighbor of Saddam Hussein’s old Iraq;  The global economic collapses were set up by selfish partisan politics of WJC during the Clintons’ Presidency;  The current day problems with the Ukraine economy likely wouldn’t now exist if not for how WJC rowed and waded in with derivatives like his own bastard child & as to gamble away known risks of his politics at economics by having a surplus from cuts when spending was needed to make his housing bubble viable.

WJC greatest infidelity has to be, it still seems - still seems as since like 1993, to the First Amendment prudence and so to the Constitution as per his foreign policies and interpretive renditions of a post-Consitutional rationalized.  It seems our moral hazards have us already of civil congestions and new crossroads dangers growing.  It seems we are now of growing dangers now so specifically of a President William Jefferson Clinton innocence.  It seems we are running out of time as the low information voters are now maybe too long seated and stilled believing it even possible that “it” could have been all of GWB’s fault even though there are still the eight years before GWB of WJC and his many great infidelities that better assuage a guilt to his ship of state tacks.  Yes even though BHO pledged a fidelity to the oath, and then pulled a Clinton, as if his swearing wasn’t legally a swearing, it is now still too much that WJC innocence is the infidelity to be arrested - arrested firstly.

When foreign orations arose after 9/11 attacks about “American Infidel” too few considered a mass of citizens were being tagged as guilty by association unawares mostly with the WJC monkey business scope of his infidelity to just the Constitution of The United States of America and with just his decidings about Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  It is hard to render that the WJC innocence can long endure now unless innocent Americans don’t defend themselves from guilt by association with the years of the Clintons’ Presidency of the leader WJC as an “American Infidel.”  The Cold War geo-political justifications for engagements in Iraq changed when Kuwait was invaded as more like a secular crime, but really they became more dangerously left to be more about sectarianisms and religiousity when Afghanistan became the Gettysburg turning point of The Cold War with its defeat of expansionist Soviet communism.  The Clintons were the new USA administration so firstly to having to handle Iraq and the Middle East otherwise than as of Cold War secular geo-politics and as to a new engagements more respective of the USA USC establishments ordained for matters of Law pertaining to religiosity.

The WJC deciding was, it seems, mostly of the dangerous infidelity to the Constitution as if rightly an “American Infidel” by personal and selfish choice;  President William Jefferson Clinton is remembered for like whining about President George H.W. Bush having like “left him a war - left him the Bosnia - Herzegovina War” and then to having played loose with the imports of the Constitution and the First Amendment so that he could decide as of a ‘I don’t want to so won’t’ per Saddam Hussein and not row a due wade prophylactically in a ’should/shouldn’t’ conscious consciousness.

Poor BHO, as now with Mrs. WJC on his tail, and on the trail, she, so as WJC’s spouse, isn’t spousally supposed to incriminate her spouse, and nor so their deciding days as the Clintons’ Presidency.  It seems Mrs. WJC now has to run of cover as if it like “ALL OBAMA’S FAULT” and much because she really quite is hardly allowed to posture any other bias as near any other claims would be like violate of her marriage union and their oath to be one together forever to like have and hold so no government can set asunder until death.  It seems Mrs. WJC must still posture the above aforementioned WJC “innocence” even though such hides truths of the public ways so as not to incriminate herself, unnecessarily, nor her spouse. 

Poor BHO, as it seems Mrs. WJC must run, as if it wasn’t all her fault, and even, however, she whined before Congress of a “what difference does it make…”, and postured that she should accept some culpability for her following her President boss’s orders.  It seems Ukraine now cannot be explained but with a full rendition of the Clinton “two-fer” however they seem to have their eight years like out of the way as like a “the missing years 1993-2001.  However the Clintons’ innocence now is a late congested politics we are on this infidelity necessarily as though it may be that per Iraq and Saddam Hussein there is the “greatest” of WJC deciding we must fathom how it is twained and marked that their economics were failures that best mark an understanding of these crossroads in politics of Crimea as risen from the failures economic and political of the moral hazards in Clintonomics.

Poor BHO, as really Mrs. WJC has a simple case at a righteousness basis in his example to it more his fault than her fault for she and Mr. WJC didn’t make him attempt the failed cover-up rewrite of history that they seemed to necessarily yet have asked him civilly enough to attempt to drive over truth and greater truths.  I don’t know if BHO should think he owes black Americans more truth and specifically, and now so lately, an explanation to how it was the Clintons, besides the gentrification of Harlem and its displacement of blacks, whom through too political and selfish ‘economics’ did both set up the housing collapse in the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, and then trigger it, with their Vice President Al Gore, as Hillary and Al were like synchronized, and as domestic insurgents both at undermining GWB, and, as globally at imprisoning GWB, and most Republicans, in false insinuations of improper guilt.

Long they seemed at such complicated efforts to camouflage the “American Infidel” President William Jefferson Clinton with an all powerful cloaking as if a new suit of innocence.  But, mustn’t it be the failure of President William Jefferson Clinton so taggable as an “American Infidel” for his too effecting and too selfish political decidings in foreign policies pertaining to a jurisdiction around Saddam Hussein that should be his “GREATEST INFIDELITY”?  We now are too stuck and so BHO for of the:

‘If he had been more to “should/shouldn’t” and away from a wrongly convenient seeming “don’t want to so won’t” so much could have been remedied more civilly with less global economic congestion, and worse, by ways some how otherwise more prudently of a Constitutional fidelity albeit if so then to a new Nuremberg Trials for the criminal Saddam Hussein!’

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:02 am

A first metric to a state of the current politics should be from an asking and measuring regarding how and if President Obama has been successful in his attempts to broadly cover-up for the presidency of the Clintons.

How long has it been since you wondered about the bank bailouts and T.A.R.P. and honestly queried if President Obama didn’t render an unfair politics about the housing crisis and economics of so many in mortgages to seeing near about a 40% drop in wealth valuation?  How long has it been since you honestly queried if the Government didn’t get the recovery all wrong?

To speak to economics today is complicated - is complicated for much irony in its recent mash ups.

To speak to economics these days,intelligently, near all need be fully considerate of corrupted politics deeply rooted, and dichotomies and trichotomies in cover-ups tangentially, at least, about every twisted official logic.

To speak to economics just now of New York City and proclaimed progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio one need first to think about the minimum wage, maybe, and how an increase now is justified ironically even for Republicans but because of truths about how the Democrats with their convenient uber-high green energy political pricing for energy have been both much to having caused the housing collapse, and having necessitated a higher minimum wage to balance so much of new costs of living. 

To simplify all economic discussions:  It likely would be simpler and better to undo the economics mess caused by the Democrat Party tunnel vision affectingness justifying a new and much higher minimum wage - it would be simpler to fix the too political economy than now to add “fixing” the minimum wage upon such mess.

For this, likely to most, to make any sense we should broach the concept that the Government also got the housing collapse “fixing” very wrong.  As we do such we are likely to have to consider it so advanced was more a needed partisan political CYA fix than a best and most intelligently considered “economic” fix.  As we do such we should be necessarily to having to consider that the way the “fix” was “in” was considerably of a politics at effecting at least a cover-up for economic culpability of the presidency of the Clintons.

President Obama is now five long years into such much still too much a JOBLESS RECOVERY, at best.  Isn’t it that the politics of covering up for the Clintons now best explain how and why so much is at best daily collapsing on itself anew?

President Clinton is hardly as good a politician as his political legacy public relations machinations maintain him as;  President Clinton now, as if firstly about Mrs. Clinton, is seemingly of a hope that he can offer an energy superior to President Obama. 

There are problems in believing, at least firstly, that President William Jefferson Clinton is at telling the truth - a even telling a whole truth.  There are serious political problems now about President Clinton seeming of puffery about remaking his shadow(s) every day.  There are serious political problems now in the air as the Clintons to “position” Mrs. Clinton seem to be presenting themselves as able to offer a new and better energy as a Democrat Party energy and leadership different from President Obama.  The biggest problem with such now in the air is that for it true be truthful and believable it then is able to be simply concluded that they must have for these past five years have been at holding out on or even sabotaging the presidency of Obama.

If it is possible now that the Clintons can offer a new and better way Democratic, already, firstly we should consider such can only be possible because President Obama has been successful enough in his, since day one, cover-up attempts for the Clintons.  Secondly we have to doubt - doubt - DOUBT! — Secondly we now necessarily have to consider that the Clintons can only, it seems, be of a different “hope” energy now if they for these past years have been at holding back and/or willful undermining of the presidency of Obama.

There may be too much at first to digest if at the entirety of the bull as one broaches that the housing crisis & bank bailouts were seriously flawed as effected too much with a CYA for the Clintons as a too affecting political a partisan bias.  It is that the energy in the air now as supposedly to launch Mrs. Clinton this time as actually inevitably the next President can only be of their “hope” if the Clintons did put themselves first and towards such for at east these past five years as if a keeping of their powder dry as said real rivals of this administration.  This can only now be a workable Clinton “energy” if the Clintons were these years to having held back economic solutions just so that they after President Obama could get the credit for any “fix” themselves.

As to the irony of the proposed increases in minimum wages as due now as if needed cost of living increases to adjust for the vast reductions in spending power since the first successes of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as of the Democrat Party intent to be to green energy politics:  IT IS MORE SADLY IRONIC THAT MAYOR DE BLASIO IS, TO ME, JUSTIFIED TO HIGHER TAXES ON THE CITY’S WELL TO DO BECAUSE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WORKED AN INEQUALITY QUITE UNFAIR WITH THE OBAMA LEAD “RECOVERY.”

Essentially a great truth rests in still measurable and considerable worked through economic and statistical metrics as to how the Democrats, more than the presidency of George W. Bush, did set up and then trigger the housing collapse.  It has been unfair how there has been a gross inequality as by saving the banks and while all eight GOP candidates for the Presidency had been of a personal innocence while of proclaiming that the People’s Government had caused the economic crashes so newly like a new DEPRESSION.

I have already pressed out treatments on economics to the effect that a minimum wage should in one hour in the USA economy be to being sufficient to like purchase three gallons of gas.  I am only getting started to a now needed series to how it isn’t just that so much is necessary and justified, and even tax increases in New York City — I am only getting started at a seemed necessary public stirring to new mash-ups to how such now is almost only necessary due to so many problems caused mostly justly (though not justly) by Democrat Party politics.

If you are new to finding my blogging and economic treatments perhaps you should firstly find the sampler at http://CitRB.net convenient.  It is our current conundrum that somehow a TEAM OF RIVALS worked for President Lincoln and the People and yet now has arguably been to not having actually worked for President Obama.

The Republicans, at least as by eight of GOP of the last race at the Presidency, have been to posturing the truth that the Government caused the housing collapse.  To understand such it helps to remember and consider their innocence in such tagging  and that such is a due condemnation on the Democrats and their tunnel vision too long about their green energy political economic ambitions.  In New York City now with its new mayor Mayor Bill de Blasio there is an politically rendered deep inequality from how President Obama effected such about troubled asset recovering.  Mayor de Blasio is, by my thinking, justified in raising taxes because there was so much inequality about the Democrats caused crash and recovery almost exclusively secured for valuations within the banks.

To understand how culpable the presidency of the Clintons should still be considered, perhaps you should start with SURPLUS’D QUEEN at http://JPHogan.org.

It should now be better economically to rather be at fixing the economy by wisely reversing so much so too much newly at a political and federally politically economics than to have to raise the minimum wage and to support higher taxes in New York City.  It is sadly ironic that what now seems necessary and justified is yet not known intelligently as only justifiable because so much that the Democrats have effected hasn’t been working - working as promised or proffered of “HOPE.”

I do not recall, at the moment, nor have I yet checked, if it is my LEGALLY BLACK - FREE BLACK? also of JPHogan.org that speaks more specifically to how President Clinton can be seen to have set up blacks more than most for failures economic and of the housing bubble hyper consumerism he pimp’d out dangerous while unfunding jobs creating and saving with the presidency of the Clintons reckless trillion in extra cuts for surplus.  Somewhere among my easily available already written is such a piece - I hope you can find it promptly.

The People of The United States of American near universally experienced a 40% drop of a crisis of valuation that has been sadly ironically too convenient to these years too much newly at a political economics.  To see much of this and the Clintons in a greater nakedness one will have to look and some because what I press about is itself less visible due to successes, some, I have now long had at defeating what may have been a worst of it.

The Democrats and especially the Clintons are worse than they appear.  I do believe that the T.A.R.P. was a wrong way to fix the housing collapse and of a great and vastly lingering inequality on the People generally.  Because, as Republicans have proffered, the Government caused the collapses the better and more fair way at recovery would have been at cost of living cash stipends, some, as like a rise in a minimum wage now posited but then when it should have been a more prudent and equitable mashable economic recovery strategy.  The convenient high price of gas to Democrats towards 2008 and beyond did trigger the housing collapse, and mostly only because President Clinton had undermined sound economics at least with the trillion in cuts of his unnecessary surpluses.

It seems now in the air that the Clintons are suggesting they can be better than the presidency of Obama and only now as possible likely if they were really rivals day and night and to being quite like of sabotaging the economy so that it wouldn’t recover until it could recover as by them.

There is too much to how the People of the housing devaluations should have been directly revalued as part of the “recovery” and how the Clintons, however, much are most to blame, and far more than however much blame so far due upon President Bush, to also now fit in here.  I have said some of it for the record already within my voluminous and available archived collections of artful at times blogs - I will consider now, and for a while, how much needs to said newly now and how much such now needs to be said with more clarity and specific metrics.

Again, I write about such as one who advised President Bush to step back from thoughts to “fixing” the housing/economic problems whence Iraq seemed to have stabilized and with a warning to him to do no more than work to postpone a general collapse for, to me, it seemed the economy would crash as soon as he attempted a “fix.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:33 am

With the shadows of doubt seen so about President Obama a fable of he still shouldn’t be (yet) that he should have stayed home and say vacuumed/cleaned.  These are days that are darkened by Mrs. Clinton, however, as too long yet of insufficient common sense possibly from not having enough stayed home to bake even some cookies.

I do not advise Republicans or even GOP women to be now at a WAR ON WOMEN.  I may not advise them or any of them to be so at war politically yet, however, I do have a history of progressive feminism and effected political positive change specifically for women that allows me latitude for attitude myself as if of a WAR ON WOMEN political punditry.

This February 2014 as the second month of the Year of the founder’s Lord two thousand ten and four as a new BLACK HISTORY MONTH is economically historical of a politically long dark shadow about President Obama that much belongs to the girth of the effectings by Clinton - by the Clintons.  President Obama, it seems, is now mostly of a culpability by association with an inherited darkness now affecting like a black hole made by the inferior orbits much still too polarizing of the Clintons’ presidency.

I may even now be near to cherishing a natural role, myself, for a WAR ON WOMEN open discourse about feminism and a guilt due political feminine.  We all need an emotional empowering to the days before the Clintons’ unexpected 1992 showing and placing to yet find a sufficiently empowering as like finding the leverage - as like finding the spot to move the world by a simple lever.  I may be uniquely of a history to generally discuss a Welfare of feminism of the science medical and as well a socio-economic of the politics of change at least of the early 1990s.  I may cherish a timely WAR ON WOMEN if only to air out as dirty laundry some issues about any progressive feminism now of a darkened economic shadow as if of a incomplete grading as I should be able to recall in due time many ways at how it seems women have avoided finishing some of their movements.

But really this today is supposed to be satirical to how it may yet not be fair for President Obama to be so blackened and trapped in a long economic shadow vacuous primarily made of the baking of the Presidency, at least, of the Clintons. Though we should be (morally) concerned about President Obama as seemingly of his own pen and powers at apparently self darkened by a Presidency violate of the ten commandments but by nine - it seems yet he hasn’t proffered at adultery and so all ten.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd he proffered at all near that it could be Constitutional for Congress to make any Law respecting that there is no GOD.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd that he as a “messianic” was as it still appears of a attempt at a bright aura as if a messiah of more than one GOD - and yet now of a darkened shadow at least about Christianity.

This economic mess is much so of a vacuous morality nearest yet to a lacking morality as to be expected by a statist polity by polarized partisan politics so shared intra-party in a Socialism like New Deal Austerity.  How such is a blackened shadow of Democrats girth and casting is still to be parsed and metered — President Obama may be as a black shadow yet by an associated it may be us all so blackened by a darkness about a general Democratic Posterity.  Mrs. Clinton, however, need be looked for a culpable darkness of such girth and extent as like for not enough common sense from like enough time at home and baking cookies — it is palpable how unsavory these economics of the Democrat Party New Deal Austerity in an olfactory premonition for visuals have now too long shown that Mrs. Clinton doesn’t per intelligence at least know what things can or shouldn’t be mixed together.

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity. 

I have likewise a consideration for economics that I am one whom shouldn’t be expected to make a next move or even a request to others as per my history and vast successes I have a Posterity that need others to at least presuppose a political condition that I am one who should be reached out to and not waited upon.  There is that for what I know of my own past means, motives, and used opportunities for effecting economic growth and even a feminist progressive there is so much in such recollections that to see my affecting shadow and as truly relevant a capacity factor necessitates a protocol to waiting on others.  It seems that I must wait until approached by at least written email or phonography and a due protocol to preserve a capacity for sufficient detail remixing.

The politics or civility for a fair exposing of any long shadow as mine and made by me is of a necessity it seems for a sufficient capacity for Posterity because until others try to explain my story even to me I won’t yet be able to adequately discern a say leverage position towards rendering a new progressive bi-partisan affecting.  Until some others approach me either by at least written email or phonography it seems it would be self-defeating to public hopes even if I were to make efforts to ask to be more broadly read of my blogging yet so now of a brightness to expose Democrats of a darkness as their shadow economic and political. For now my blogging isn’t supposed to be of the answers but to a corralling or desperado range of miles and miles of fences to keep — for now my blogging is for justice and history as it seems a necessary politics that a justice for the darkened shadows by Democrats needs a public rendering firstly.

The Clintons can be said to mostly have affected a vacuous economics of the darkened or blackened shadow at least now economic of President Obama however if mostly yet of only an associated culpability.  How blackened is this vacuous now in an inescapable personal and political guilt for President Obama?  How now isn’t President Obama the THE ESTABLISHMENT and so of a liberating not occupying affecting for the Republicans?  How now isn’t President Obama mostly culpable by standards of leadership for even so much a trapping vacuous economics rendered primarily before the Presidency of George W. Bush by the too political and opportunist economics of the Clintons?

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity.

Speaking personally and yet politically to not get in the way of the first black President at his desires and attempts to have a personality based #OBAMA PERSONALITY presidency:  I speak personally of how I will not knowingly help even President Obama help the Clintons succeed in what has since their 1993 inauguration seemed too much to me as if of them of thieving knowingly in a clever (spousal) lawyering from me.  There is that for the vast past effected capacity and length of a shadow I cast economically and for a progressive feminism it is too that I am in a position that has me needing to wait on others to be firstly to attempting to assuage my past volunteered economically mused affecting generosity before I could have a chance yet to be to a restorative economics however with any reset using specifically that of the past successes.  There is that until I respect that President Obama wants to live or politically die by his “personality” and that for such too I am politically wise to avoid any reboot of my now off-line synchronicity for economic growth at least unless asked specifically by parties sufficient in a political girth for there to be any progress not too self defeating per any gross efforts.

I do have to some blame President Obama yet it really is the culpability of the Clintons for such a darkened economics and polarized partisan politics that I must most and most knowingly tag.  It is that however the Clintons may have thought justified in their unauthorized use and misuse of my past political and economic effectings - including some still quite empowering of progressive feminism - I personally have and still feel justified in tagging them of at least imprudent and unnecessary unwise thievery of that once more mostly my originally timely figured business plan an the greater ambition that still better explains it.

However Mrs. Clinton, however, now is of a history of failing at a proper intelligence before and after Benghazi it remains that such can be said as of her at least of not having enough time at home and baking — Mrs. Clinton, however, just seems for Posterity a public figure who hasn’t yet figured what can or shouldn’t be mixed together and/or cooked together.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:08 am

There really are different strands of a life story for William Jefferson Clinton out there about our world that we all necessarily need to be looking for and considering - in time

An anathema to morality and political prudence is of the weave of the Charlotte spinning by former President Bill Clinton as a complicated enigma of constitutionality at the Democrat Party Convention as at his posturing to enter the President’s name in nomination.  There is the “BRASS” of law enforcement and the “keeping of the peace” — there is the “BRASSY” of the spinning by President Clinton as he again of lying and as well of projecting while BRASSY as if only the bad guys though were the BAD BRASSY.

Under the mulberry trees of South Carolina and a general concern of web dangers Bill Clinton was worming his way back to being at least like the real titular head of the Democrat Party.  It was inappropriate in our Constitutional preserves that Bill Clinton of the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE #CGI was able to strut his BRASSY in Charlotte and so as he was at worming his way about spinning a new web of collective power as if newly back as TOP DOG.  It is more that Bill Clinton seems of a Year of the Snake as a worm about silk even though he may be most dangerous for global weaving of webs of deceit since his first days as President.

You should consider that William Jefferson Clinton did orate his BRASSY in his classic projecting technique in Charlotte and quite politically as Bill Clinton of CGI even though the promise of the Clinton Global Initiative was constituted by a pledge that he would not use it in a partisan nor a political.  It was inappropriate for President Clinton to be so political even though a former President as with his headlining at entering Barack Hussein Obama so named for the Party nomination.  Some thin and hard to see yet very strong strands of such political weave by BRASSY BILL were of a coup characteristic as if by such spinning he was newly again the Party TOP DOG as by such of tunage keyed to a harmonic synchronicity for President Obama to be too wrapped up from a second day one as if already a LAME DUCK.  Right - William Jefferson Clinton was so of his BRASSY with his to partisan and too political CGI weave in his spinning supposedly for Barack Hussein Obama that he was there essentially claiming himself to be the risen returned leader of the Democrat Party and so with President Obama forward as just a LAME DUCK too snared to be really relevant.

Yes it seems this is like “CLASSIC BILL” and still concerning for it supported by old too hard to see strands of a web of deceit and deception that are secured in his first days as President in the early 90s.  There is no GLORY much about this as real William Jefferson Clinton, however yet now of a Year of the Dog.  President Clinton did seriously corrupt intelligence of/for the Middle East as he too wormed his way by seduction too much especially into the work of that which become unbecoming as the CLINTON MEDIA.  The politics and personal of William Jefferson Clinton as a former President and then by Charlotte as if a returned and unrepentant risen Bill seem historically as anathema to Al Qaeda and their foundational sense of justice - of a right and a wrong.

A ‘THE CLINTON I KNOW’ is historical and dangerous for having polarized the world and the issues and with a new partisan and worked general ingnorance.  President Clinton is remembered for having made his first steps in the troubled Middle East as like a worst of used car salesmen stereotypes by having gathered a political of Middle East leaders and to soliciting a promise from them that they would see to it (for him) that they and their people would give him a blank/clean slate and by declarations in ignorance to effect a false intelligence around an acceptance to as asked by him to like near be at JUST BLAMING THE REPUBLICANS.  President Clinton isn’t just remembered for having asked Middle East leaders to just blame Republicans for all that was disliked about America - he is too remembered for a CLASSIC BILL BRASSY of then being years to seemingly holding such leaders to such promise and as if with it conditioned that any (due) response would be kept mostly from happening of such dislike of America as long as he was still in office.

At least as per Al Qaeda and Iraq it is historical and still dangerous that President Clinton did seriously corrupt intelligence of/from the Middle East, and still, so it seems.

To try to think to what is best for even just the Democrat Party mustn’t we consider William Jefferson Clinton as a mad dog too long of stalking politicals?  Enough of his worming weaves of deceit and deception should no be visible and from his own trollops too partisan.  It seems the Clintons with the teasing of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT anew are yet newly to attempts to block and by early intimidation much of blacks votes.  There should be at least five black candidates able now in 2014 to stand tall and free as evolutionary successors in potential to President Barack Hussein Obama — the Clintons seem now again too organized to trying to keep it so that you can have any supreme leader you want - Democrats - as long as such is white.  Whom are the TOP FIVE blacks most feared by Hillary Clinton or President Clinton?

The said charm of President Bill Clinton is said at times to have been of his ability and intelligence about discussing most issues.  This is most interesting as a historic pathology for President Clinton is of parallels with his personal infidelities as it is that some know well enough that Clinton can talk both sides of many issues and to a point where neither side of an issue can be seen as better or worse than the other.  A real Bill Clinton can be said to be one who is able to look and look and to see two as if a fidelity to one is not necessary for each is of his ability to render a equality to as if not able to be a better choice than the other.  A real Bill Clinton can be said to be quite trapping for such ability to see to webs as woven of equally good silks and yet it seems we are all still in jeopardy for he as himself has trouble making a decision for a dedicated fidelity to one as better than another. 

It is William Jefferson Clinton hasn’t so much been distracted and trapped by webs but that he too long has been too much a political mad dog of needing other people to make the good decisions for him even though he was/is too thought as charming for an ability to talk each of two vessels in comparisons nearly to death.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

*As I start today’s satire/punditry on heavy issues about a/the real Hillary Clinton, and so live, here is a link to SUMMER FARE oldie as of SAMPLER of JPHogan.org @ http://jphogan.org/113201.html.


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There are times for comparative political literature and then there are TIMES for critical political literature.  If and/or how what now may transpire can be said (at all) to be literature is for you and others - not me - to wax upon, figuratively.

We all have our temptations.  Fewer of us of a global we though have equal freedoms.  Discretion and prudence may be a better part of democratic politics than Democrats like Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may care to admit.

Well WORLD today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s 50th Birthday, and today is the first day I have considered the it isn’t too timely a stretch to assuage a shared historical as now:  Michelle Obama and I spent near a year in Cambridge together. For now this is here as a memory trick — I had been lax in thinking President Obama had a thing for an earlier graduate of Harvard Law School as a thing for an older woman - I have now realized that like myself she was in the Boston and Cambridge area before her husband, as was I.  It may be that we were actually together even in Grendel’s Den a time or two and maybe even socially flirtive.

But more seriously, today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

It is more biographical if I can be objective or accurate in an auto’d bio’d to offer that the me/I of 1987-1988 year of Suffolk University Law School was like most of my years of a white guy just under 5′ 9″ whom though athletic still was generally not of a fear of black women (any more than women of other colors) while to a trepidation though (maybe of insecurity) albeit about tall/taller women.  Though First Lady Mrs. Obama and I can nearly be said to have spent a year in Cambridge together I cannot profess to know her politics, and nor will I presume to.  I did leave law school the spring before her husband started at Harvard and so the same spring she did graduate.  I did leave law school after confirming with one year that I was correct that I wanted to stay more creative and not barred at lawyering.  I did leave law school to creatively and originally be to setting myself up with experiences to be the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution that I could manage.

My story that supports my critical writing about even just Hillary Clinton is especially of such year and my reasons for leaving law school to be a marketing and politics caboose to Reagan’s Revolution freedom train.  I have know NYPD Commissioner/Chief William Bratton since such year in the Boston area.  Again, I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s, Sarah Palin since about 1982, and the Clintons since the early 70s.  I have not been able to support the politics of President Obama because of his choice of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for any spot in his cabinet, and especially for her selection to be his top diplomat.

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So more seriously:  Today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

I welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department per Secretary Hillary Clinton, her admitted culpability, and a general diligence due for the tragedy of Benghazi.  I welcome the new politics from such by the Senate that now should work as a better political check on President Obama as a Senate willing to rebuke the Clinton State Department is a Senate not to be presumed still as if unwilling to consider a possibility that an impeachment might be prudent.

For now while all of so much tragic is yet so fresh anew it behoove us to consider that at least First Lady Michelle Obama knows that her husband’s first Secretary of State can be blamed for most of his global failings.  You can say there is beauty - political beauty in this concept.  A historical Hillary Clinton is a dangerous political Clinton.  She doesn’t really come in many colors - her legacy is black with tragedies, and darkness.

All Americans of the northern continent Constituted in united states of a measured federalism prudence as a confederate republic have still (if Democrats) the Clintons firstly and mostly to blame for Vice President Al Gore 2000 loss.  A lesson for today is that the Clintons cannot likewise be trusted to not turn on the Obamas at least towards 2016.

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First Lady Michelle, it seems I still recall a flirtatious glance to a pretty black coed whence thence of a rendezvous at Grendel’s with other law school singles and yet until today had consider it as impossible that it could have been timely as of with you.  In any smile from me then at or near Harvard would have been that I was of inner city public schooling of New Haven, CT; that William Stringfellow whom recently likely had passed had been a client of mine; that when I was about five I shook hands with one whom still is likely both the tallest person I have shaken hands with and as well the tallest black person —and as Augustus A. White M.D. is most certainly the tallest doctor, however then when met quite still the renowned physician of the Black Panthers; and that I was thinking to be a great caboose to all and a outside facilitator for improvements in civility for law enforcement.  As it is I have known Dr. White since about age five and as socially introduced on the New Haven green in a happenstance reunion of he and my dad as “friends.”  Of my year so nearly spent about Cambridge with Michelle Obama of 1987-1988 it has been that I have recalled a casual flirtatious smile at Grendel’s thence whence with a black coed however of a different law school maybe that was abridged when such rose from seated to standing, and yet have until today never really considered that such could or might have been she.

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Dear readers this is becoming bulleted about Hillary Clinton even though originally meant to be more bulleted about Hillary Clinton critically — this is not supposed to be a beating about a bush of Mrs. Clinton but a beating at a/the real Mrs. Clinton.

Again:  I will not even now after five years of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama yet presume to know the politics of First Lady Michelle Obama.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama as per a rivaling First Lady Mrs. Clinton nor soon forget how the Clintons in politics even turned on the quite familial postured real friendship bosomed by the Bush clan and with dark back stabbing when politically convenient for the First Couple’d Clintons.  I don’t see how any Democrat can expect anything if a support of the Clintons towards 2016 as anything but severely guarded and restrained if by the First Couple’d Obamas.

To Mrs. Clinton, despite her spun propaganda for feminism, President Clinton is still too much her “Russian Bear” too over-coddled as if too meant to be like an American Putin of a return to the Power of the Presidency even as a Constitution seemed dead set writ against such.  It just seems a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is still of her personal and professional story of like always of having been to a predilection at wanting her “Bill” on top.

It is dark politics to delve into a depth of a/the real Hillary Clinton as one whom it seems has worked to undermine a Presidency for Al Gore and as well did work to undermine the Presidency of George Bush.  It seems simply clear that Secretary Hillary is supposed to reign as being a rival to the Presidency of Barack Obama and as yet still one whom politically can try to claim that those successes he did have were really of a pathology of her skill and not any really of his.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama or her ability to check an expected smack from Mrs. Clinton if she enters 2016 officially.

Giving such a confidence in a political and legal acumen for First Lady Michelle Obama I will now try to wrap this up albeit with less brevity than the brevity I did firstly intend.

Looking back to 1993 it is arguable that there hasn’t been a disaster or a tragedy that doesn’t have Hillary Clinton some at the heart of it.  There are too many political and historical layers caked upon Mrs. Clinton, however, for her to be to 2016 as a natural beauty.  A/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is to be discerned best maybe by understanding Vice President Al Gore’s failed 2000 campaign as principally due to the betrayal by the Clintons towards a selfish husbandry to protecting themselves over their own Party towards a securing of more terms as Hillary’s terms.  It is that only if you like tragedy can you possible see a visible historical darkness of a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton anyhow as beautious.

There is a beauty in the rivalry between the Clintons and the Obamas - but then you know by now today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s anniversary of her 29th birthday.  She shines bright today and as a darkness and doom lingers over Mrs. Clinton, however.  I do welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department, REALLY!  It helps it be crystal clear that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was no gem.  It seems she didn’t even master being a master of part of the house of Obama.  There seems an unflattering dirt and blood of many beneath the political nails of Obama’s first Secretary of State, and, yes, it seems some of it of stains she hasn’t been able to wash away from the first term hers of 1993-1997.

It seems Congress can do itself one better by First Lady Michelle Obama and now be of its Constitutional right and duty at checking more than just 2016 political smack by the Clintons - it seems Congress now by two houses bicameral can be to a very public investigating intrusion into the Clintons and their political machinations by ways of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives CGI, both by foreign and domestic jurisdiction.  The Clintons are in jeopardy by the Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the Constitution or by the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Courts — they are either now of the jurisdiction of one or both, and especially for a consideration of what could or can not be “legal” as per the months between their departure from the Executive plantation and that of September of 2001 of 9/11 I.  It is that the Clintons are likely still “legally” in reach of Congress, however bicameral, as by the Constitution bar of titling and checks on all whom can be said to be “agents” of The United States of America.

But to be brief it is a beauty how simply the Clintons can and should be now publicly dissected LIVE.

You do not need to be a lawyer to fathom that by the 22nd Amendment all People have a right and a duty to assert that the Clintons if to a Presidential campaign are in violation of the yet undecided Law of the term limits amendment and so taggable as criminal/un-Constitutional/treasonous.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is still undecided Law it is open to an original interpretation that its language of heralding in holding of office as if inseparable from a holding of a spouse is meant to be of an accounting prudence akin to petty cash safeties as also barred from an electing to the Presidency.  As a spouse has a right in marriage to hold their spouse the 22nd Amendment by the 80th Congress set with Richard Nixon an election of a spouse after a term limiting would simply in a logical be of a barred returning by election of the other to the barred holding.

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Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama.  It seems a simple truth quite beautiful that you have it in your power to easily check the threat of the Clintons to all the People and to defend your legacy - you and your husband’s yet still possibly net positive Presidential legacy.

People it is that the President and First Lady can still blame Iraq and Afghanistan failures most recently on a failure to measure up by First Lady Senator Secretary Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems as per our longest war that President Obama just had a top diplomat not capable of a diplomatic solution alternative to war, and likewise it is that it seems the President Obama’s early departure as a retreat from Iraq is likely historical as of a Secretary of State of having over estimated and under delivered on any promise that she with her “personality” could handle it all.

And simply there seems hope again as the Senate has proudly stood up dutifully and rendered a rebuke on the Clinton State Department - I mean at least for now the Clinton State Department of the Obama administration.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads as President William Jefferson Clinton needing to reach for an appropriate Bill for the solemn and mournful of the passing of President Nelson Mandela.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads and as per white pride in American politics (the politics of the unified confederate republic of North America) and how we are much stopped here with too many alternate route options to choose from for President & Mrs. Clinton and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives, at least.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads for myself of my personal memories of the Clintons that date back to when I was near a first grader in New Haven, CT.  I know from our experiences that Bill Clinton as a Yale Law student was quick to lie and to as well then ask one as myself near first grade to lie - to lie about his lying about my God’s honest but inconvenient answer.  I still know this Bill Clinton as a real Bill Clinton.

“White Pride” is a good term to anchor a historical discussion on the person and politics of William Jefferson Clinton.  I know from our first encounter and the bad first impression that he was willing to lie to Hillary Rodham to her face and about what my answer had actually been.  That by marrying Bill it seems that William Jefferson Clinton was saved by Hillary Rodham from having to become a feminist himself — by getting Yale’s top feminist to marry him and put him first he was protected from feminism himself, quite.

“White Pride” is a good starting point perchance to see what seems as many different ways forward as if with the “Clinton Option” as really most of the routes best to be avoided.  As by getting Yale Law School’s top feminist of the Clintons’ years to be his bride Bill Clinton did escape having to let women be above him for Hillary Rodham had agreed to put him first and as it seems until he himself was no longer legally allowed to be elected President. 

“White Pride” is a terrible consideration to have in this day for any current or former President of the confederate republic of The United States of America.  But as per his trickery around feminism he has his story as well of a say “competitiveness” to be a white above blacks, and as it seems a real part of his modus operandi.  It seems we have that President Nelson Mandela was a friend to the Clintons while they had power — it seems he couldn’t run for Governor of Arkansas nor President of The United States of America, and that such is considerable.

I have more problems with the Clintons and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives than can fit here.  When I heard from Randi Weingarten via a broadcast of the Monitor’s breakfast minutes tour that their CGI is also being a shadow/parallel like government alternative for her teachers realm it became even more concerning how there really is too much concerning and as if a shadow government by the Clintons & associations by CGI to fit in a single column.

One President said of another President while so many were gathered at the dedication of the opening of the President George W. Bush Library that President Bush was willing to and did do more for Africa than the Clintons co-Administration had been willing to do during their 8 years.  It is telling that President Carter praised President Bush and so bashed both President & Mrs. Clinton so.  It is telling that it could be so and that as well that it can be partly explained as a “White Pride” and as of a seriousness of a trillion in surplus as reckless and unnecessary cuts.

After President Clinton’s embarrassing impeachment and disbarrments it seemed that his AFRICA focus was PR damage control as if a tour in penitence.  It is considerable that President Clinton to restore some honor to his family was oddly to focusing on AFRICA in ways though that were to population control of blacks.  How many blacks can we say were not born because President Clinton spread his ways via a message of dangers in extramarital coital and prescriptions political for prophylactics?  Really the Clinton shift to AFRICA focus also played into his autocratic (global autocratic) wants as he while so seemingly was so that he could be bowed to as the Condom King - even and AFRICAN CONDOM KING.

We must duly consider the permanent record of William Jefferson Clinton as much as we can by the architecture of the Clintons’ presidential library while for decades still that more specifically real remains secured and quite locked away from us.  By the name of their choice of architect it is undeniable that the design was meant by its “cantilever” to be washed for the ages as it is in a color of the Old South as considerable so as a Confederate Gray.  The Clintons did set their foundations in a permanent architecture that is what it appears to be as exposed phallic as a driving Sherman tank or a BIG Navy Gun.  The Clintons can get school children, anywhere, now in trouble for if any were to say bite or tear their sandwich into the erected design of their library they too would have rendered inappropriately a “gun” shape — children can get suspended in this day an age, yes, for trying to depict the made permanent face of the Clintons.

How much information is too much information — How much information is uncomfortable and yet too true to yet maintain the covers of their say “White Pride”?  Is it TMI already that we can be yet at a crossroads and so that we are still even talking well of either President or Mrs. Clinton?  Isn’t it that their story writes itself now even without their co-administration protected official records?  Isn’t it that their story has been stressed enough these years that beyond their obvious establishments the faults and flaws of their designs have been brought out and set out before us all?

Born William Blythe III he whom became William Jefferson Clinton stayed yet by name of the era of the US revolution and independence, yet so in ways he/they avoided teachable moments as teachable moments presented during their co-Presidency.  (I have to use “co-Presidency” as the Clintons’ game of politics and administering is too embedded and personal to separate to be more honestly other than a power-couple intimate collusion.)  Captain William Bligh was he so of the HMS Bounty as made legendary and as about mutiny — the Bounty so as of the record did set sail in the days soon after the British had to find ways then forward with its American colonies declared independent.  Governor Clinton of New York is a he of those days that may be most the model of “Clinton” for both of the Clintons and too too of a anti-federalism politics.

William Jefferson Clinton, however born Christian in name, did grow up a white man of the South.  It may be that he has had black friends and been willing to master as best he could over many politically, and, Nelson Mandela may have been a friend beyond the politics of the Clintons being white people with power he couldn’t ignore.  It is that whom Hillary Rodham is to this of Bill Clinton of a struggle in a “White Pride” must be left mostly for a later but not too late consideration.  She agreed to put him first though she then much the top feminist of Yale Law School of their years, and as it seems until he was no longer legally able to be elected President of The United States of America.  She, to be brief, must have been a collaborator in the choice of architect and design for the library for their co-Presidency and that it is permanently set in a phallic charging state in a Confederate Gray.

But as we are stuck at this a crossroads, it is that, beyond being so toppable by President George W. Bush, as by commendation by President Jimmy Carter, at the opening of the honorable and conservatively set 2nd Bush Library, President William Jefferson Clinton of his Presidency is/was as joined with another Southern white Albert Gore in the Vice Presidency - Al Gore the son of a Southern plantation - a Southern white son of a White owned and operated tobacco plantation whom is reported still to keep only blacks about the house for domestic services.  What really says politically a “we are of ‘White Pride’” but to men of the South as a President and Vice President?

As yet I haven’t said that William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, nor Albert Arnold Gore are actually racists.

As yet and forward I don’t expect that I will say what you should decide for yourselves - I am offering here what is of the permanent and customly set permanent records now yet available for the Clinton/Gore “politics.”

We should feel for Detroit - we should really feel for Detroit and as of a black & white politics one penny at a time of consideration of how unnecessary and irresponsible the Clintons’ trillion in cuts for the Clintons’ Surpluses actually was.  Detroit may now be the clearest road forward for those with open eyes as it may be the real Ground Zero of the “racism” that may be beyond yet now only as a worked “White Pride.”  It is to be yet fully considered that Detroit may be the best contrasting visible example of how the Clintons and their “economics” did hurt blacks the most.

It is an inconvenient truth that we are too many by the ways of Hillary Rodham Clinton - the Feminist that doesn’t cook/bake - kept from the real “kitchen” of the Clintons (and Gore?) “politics.”  We could not have had the housing collapse without Al Gore globally trotting politicized “science” in a most alarming “END OF THE WORLD” preponderance and nor if then Senator Mrs. Clinton wasn’t to a collusion in GREEN alarmism “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” polarizing partisan politics with he socialistic pledge to disrupt economies by a Government seizing of all the profits of all the oil companies.  The price of gas as it spiked with the campaigning crusading by Mr. Science Gore and President wanna be Senator Mrs. Clinton did trigger the housing collapse that was essentially set up by the Clintons surplus cuts and their pimp’n of the risky mortgages albeit with still their hyper-consumerism. 

It is a political point to be queried still if it were not the American blacks that have suffered the most financially and spiritually from the housing collapse.  It is an equally considerable concern that it may be that the blacks of the Clintons & Gore South were those that hurt the most personally and financially first though by the guidance of the Clinton/Gore co-Presidency of the Clintons as it was to those at least “poor” of their realms being those whom have lost the most while gaining the most - while gaining so much that the average personal weights for Americans is so noticeably higher as measurable just for the Clinton/Gore years.  It has been heard on TV years ago from one said a “doctor friend” of the Clintons that the USA could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just get back to the average personal body weight as it was before Bill and Hillary became the First Couple.

We are at a crossroads and yes there is too much information.  To be brief as per TMI here now:  It seems considerable that William Jefferson Clinton is still as he was that first time we met and as one whom is quick to lie and willing then to ask a child of near first grade to then lie with him as it was to Hillary Rodham about what he/I had given firstly as my God’s honest answer.  As per Detroit there are a trillion ways the Clintons are responsible and as it is that blacks may have been those most ill effected - and there are more than a trillion ways if we look more closely in a pecuniary smaller than per dollar.

We have to get the Clintons to own the housing collapse.  Such as the housing collapse may reveal them of a “White Pride” in more than a few ways and with that information already of a public purview.  Such as the housing collapse was only possible because of the spiking of gas prices that arose from the crusading of Vice President Al Gore and Senator Mrs. Clinton so as it was of them putting polar bears and the earth ahead of many or most humans.  The Clintons may be said to have helped fight the old banking practices of red lining but in the end it seems that they had obvious hands together in making sure that such couldn’t and wouldn’t last. 

Who really are the Clintons?  Are they more Governor Clinton whence of New York State and his objections to the proposed Constitution, and aren’t they so now as quite remarkably internationally with their too autocratic initiatives now globally as if as much anti-federalist opportunists?

To be brief as really these are days so trying as us all stopped at a crossroads with too much TMI before us just about the Clintons to know where safely yet we can head:  The Clintons are yet by floating “Hillary” for 2016 are firstly to positing that she can easily be better as a President than Barack Hussein Obama, was a better FLOTUS than First Lady Michelle Obama, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Colin Powell, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Condoleezza Rice, and too is to be “politically” an inevitable of more HOPE and potential even say than what seems a timely poetic possible 2016 teaming if by US towards our future otherwise with a “PATRICK - BOOKER in 2016 - LET US SHOW YOU HOW ROMNEYCARE CAN WORK FOR YOUR STATE TOO.”

We are stuck at a crossroads and yet as per the “information” considerable it is that the “cooking” of Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives is available for criticism by a sum of its parts - by a review of the proposed “ingredients” and as it is that times are showing that when combined they can only really congeal to this our current mess.


                                                *     *     *

Note:  Randi Weingarten - your remarks of the Monitor and its minutes tour so seen pass are very concerning.  For the sake of story and structure and brevity I have to now leave your dissection much for a later rendition.  It is that you too made it sound as if the Clintons are gainfully engaged in operating a rival and much shadow government, and, this yet is politically confusing for as they are “privatizing” more in a global autocratic President Barack Hussein Obama is yet embracing them “politically” as if friendly and while he though is working to centralize and socialize to Government only - to BIG GOVERNMENT knows best “governance.”  I could not follow your reasoning as it seemed to forget or ignore that the teachers supposedly were those of a lot whom were tasked to teaching so many or just enough how to avoid the very messes that their ignorance or biases did construct.  I have to leave your contrariness for later and likely find ways in my waiting to discuss too more fully how it is that William Jefferson Clinton, at least, felt it right to try to stay politically above blacks and for as long a possible and had at least Hillary Rodham originally embedded in such as a “White Pride” “politics.”  It is more for you to decide how to teach this “politics” of the Clintons and too how President George W. Bush seemed also to have a more racially balance and say “integrated” cabinet.  President of teachers association Randi Weingarten:  BEWARE OF THE AMERICAN BORN AUTOCRAT WANNA BEES!

Note:  The use of “CROSSROADS” in this piece is partly musical as a recollection of an old competitive musical silver screen dramatization and anchoring as it is that I was graduated in 1983 from Wilbur Cross High School (The Governors) and after also having been the Business Editor for our CROSSWORDS literary magazine and a staff photographer for our CROSSROADS yearbook.  My high school is an inner city public establishment of the now much revolutionized New Haven Public School system.  I was in high school, though it was then a block from my home in a mostly white and professional middle class neighborhood, considerable as a minority while white among its student body, though not as per the overall general city populace.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

Where are the Governors?  As the contrast was set so loudly and transparently this week, with President Bill Clinton of regaling, again as if of the authority to so hold court, as if the Clintons’ Global Initiatives a seat of power already established, and such that he can Lordly be about, as if the Clinton Global Autocrat crowned, and titled, as if he (and his wife) were both promoted from the office of the President of The United States of America:  Where are the Governors?

In stark contrast to the too Lordly holding of Global Court by President William Jefferson Clinton was one who stood up for transparency, process, logic, and democratic patience whom if he had a colonial era powdered wig on likely would have firstly have been judged as if a George Washington impersonator.  It was in stark contrast that Senator Edward (”TED”) Cruz stood up so long and democratically as one more of the people and as a clear defender of the People all the while the Clintons were of putting on Lordish airs and taken to hosting as if of an established Power to hold Global Court under than banner as Clintons’ Global …

Where are the Governors?  What has happened to the common sense and governance theories of Hamilton, Madison & Jay?  How can the Clintons be succeeded as if in agreement with the “leadership” of President Obama all the while their recent documented history as of the Clintons’ Administration have so many official records of these two Democrat Party families of such different ideas of prudence?  How is it really, though, just that the Clintons are trying to be to the togetherness of the sovereigns of the world as Governor George Clinton tried to have set and secured otherwise than by the Constitution of The United States of America and its bolstering so as by Publius to educate and stir with that which is now of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS?  Where are the Governors?

It is the Governors of the loosely confederated states whom are put down most by the nationalist presumptions of the Affordable Care Act.  I has to be considered that the politics of Obamacare “justification” is that the federal government has to do all this because too many of our Governors are failures - are not capable of caring for their own resident peoples - but for.  In the federalist scheme of Constitutional prudence it is that an establishment like that for the Federal Government so far as set about the Affordable Care Act & its amending by regulations does much put the Governors out of the business of being governors.  By the ideals of Obamacare it is that the national governance of the Executive Branch is at least now supposed to have eminent domain over peoples bodies and their privacy rights to their personal medical histories.  The body politics of the states now soon will be Law as set not of the protections of a more nearly elected governor but to being of the purview and establishment of the domain of the nations executive.  In the spirit of Obamacare as necessary to work and establish and “affordability” somehow for healthcare (and oddly by adding new layers of management) the national government is set to be of an authority and duty to order the People to have full medical exams and with a right to say when and how often so that data as for costly Power from information can be adequately assessed for efficiencies.

Where are the Governors?  Is your Governor really such a failure and boob unable to see to a more neighborly caring and securing of health regulations?  Is it just that your neighboring state’s Governor is a bad boob who would avoid doing a right and just thing caringly for his/her state’s People as long as he could corral his sickly and herd them out over his state’s borders into the too neighborly and naive neighbor state for their more compassionate & neighborly community caring?  Where are the Governors? 

To understand the anti-Constitutionalism of the “BOGO” “two-fer” former First Couple Clintons you may actually have to have also, like the new Tea Party, have read THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.  Too how autocratic and Lordish the Clintons now appear all may need otherwise to check their doubting of economic pains as if for common sense & as by (doubting) Thomas Paine and his COMMON SENSE.  Too how courtly and complicit the Clintons are to their now being able, albeit less so now than their plans and strategizing had intended, to so like be to annually holding of a Clinton Global Court all may need to consider that they together have like always, since Law School, been of pillow talk spousally to figuring out how to get each of them elected President, despite Constitutional prudence being set in their way, and to figuring how one would or could be staged and established still with powers if and when delays and obstacles slowed them down.  It behoove all to consider the Clintons have always been united towards a possibility of becoming America’s first global (autocratic) leaders and too some of considerations that they would best be more like Governor George Clinton and as modern anti-Constitutionalists.

Where are the Governors?  With the ideals of the Affordable Care Act set so as a (too) temporary Law status far short of a more permanent Constitutional right, it is still critical for it as  a Nationalistic tool for power (and affordability) for it to remove the peoples’ rights from their state’s and governors’ more neighborly compassion and sense of community to the agenda(s) of a seated (& sworn) Executive as President.  For the meta data to be useful and sufficient to achieve the desired political efficiency or inefficiency by way of establishments authorized by the mere law of the Affordable Care Act there must be sufficient input for a calculus for any political prioritizing.  The Presidents will, it seems, be of the Power and Duty to decide how many times a year they should order the residents otherwise still of their state’s jurisdiction and Governor to show up at a doctors office for a new and however full medical exam so to update the national capacity to data mine for new efficiencies and more targeted political (partisan) platforms.  Where are the Governors?

Reading this it should become apparent to readers of the HARRY POTTER series that grew from my challenge to JK Rowling for seven books for seven separate years in schooling curriculum in magic that HARRY POTTER must be on the side so now established as of Senator Ted Cruz.  The courtly selfish spousal Power plotting and polarizing too courtly and lording too global partisan political reigning attempts by the Clintons just are not of the charm of that intended to be of a suggested good or necessary or proper in the worlds of Hogwarts.  Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz with their most public teaching by standing however long however of a filibuster democracy posturing are quite of the freedoms that allow local charm and community good will to be nourished more as if by neighbors and villages.

Where are your Governors?  It is more as if they are the SERIOUS BLACKS of your world and the Clintons too dangerously of regaling as if Lordish and Powered as Voldemort.  The godfather for HARRY POTTER as one a SERIOUS BLACK did come from me after JK Rowling while starting off on the challenge got back to me like complaining that I hadn’t yet given her enough to work with for even five books.  It was natural to me to suggest she give her lead character a godfather like mine who had to be serious about Volts and all wires as a lifelong union electrician - and, most serious always about the black wires and the primary “hot” wires to carry whichever volts.  R.I.P. my now late uncle godfather.  Like other characters of Hogwarts worlds there is that some came from playing with the spelling of iconic I channeled to JK.  Voldemort is a cautionary for young of the world and of days when my neighbors and friends were unknowingly of JK’s patron US so while as the firm of architects of design and construction management then of the Petronas Towers - Voldemort is of a concern of that which electricians have to be knowing of and guarded about while serious mostly about black as carrying volts - volts more than maybe even yet expected - volts d’ mor teed up like doubly in Europe than by USA standards.

Where are the Governors?  Hillary Rodham Clinton - most recently - but for being again as Bill Clinton’s First Lady for spousal global initiatives - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is still of dominant personality traits to firstly being to professionally protecting her husband regardless of how the USA Constitution might otherwise be set.  Where are the Governors? 

It seems implausible that Mrs. Clinton can yet learn any new tricks - it seems they are stuck for after all their years of plotting as if always and consistently with spousal pillow talk that they just never trained themselves or the other for the possibilities of a serious black like President Barack Hussein Obama.  It seems the Clintons do not have an answer to counter them as exposed as too courtly and too globally now of a hunger for a wishful autocratic Power - it seems quite implausible that they now can hide - that they can escape years of corner cutting and official negligence culpability or that “Hillary” is of a dominant personality trait of putting “Bill” first even it it to others may also appear to King-ish.

Whether as HillaryCare - Obamacare - or resurgence as if “UniversalCare” as ClintonCare it is that if the mere law of ACA allowed to be fully implemented the good in it will no longer be of the power or jurisdiction of the Governors.  By eminent domain of a too socialistic political power written and secured by ACA it is that future Presidents now have the power to tell all the People as if more subjects than citizens when & where to show up for a most revealing medical examination and so that they can mine all subjects personal medical records as meta data to know how to more efficiently politically prescribe or program (partisan) Nationalistic permanent solutions.  They won’t just want the medical histories of all as of their domain - they will insist they have the power to tell us all how often and fully all personal parts need to be probed for their “politics”.

Where is your Governor?  The charm of the French resistance as of the dramatic “round up the usual suspect” akin to “Play it again Sam” of CASA BLANCA has the Obama casa blanca “white house” is much of these too regal concerns.  To better work out a copacetic per dangers of Obama’s health posturing I for brevity direct you if so of a free will inclination to http://CitizenRosebud.org so that you can also find THE USUAL SUSPECTS.  For now as to the Lordly of the Clinton dangers it may behoove President Obama to use his ACA (”StormTroopers”) of his #IRS to leak Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons medical history as per at least her analytics that can attest to drug use or abuse and as well those however regular of her personal health papers to attest from full required mental examinations as to what is irreversibly of “dominant” personality traits. 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit to protect the Presidency from institutional corruption as from a power and mere law authority to as well have like eminent domain over People as subjects and to as per even dictates to ascertain and secure each person’s full mental work-up? 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit as even President Obama may now know each of his subjects per there meta data better than any might ever know themselves, and, as politically so empowered to call over members of the House of Representatives to go over their ward’s medical statistics by sex, race, personality, contrary meds in systems reports as checked against legal prescription levels so of the “data” now a keystroke away by keyword search targetable down to wards and streets and even by street numbers?

Where are you?  Do you have any power and freedom left if such violations of old privacy rights so set in however by the thinking of the Supreme Court as by a temporary mere law of taxing authority classifiable as a type of law that in America is always for a TAX most at risk of being politically reversed and removed, and even if not yet an established cancer on the economies of the USA or the world?  Where are you?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:22 am

What is missing is a chance for Harvard Law Review Latin Ted Cruz to be in a matched most public head to head debate with Harvard Law Review Black Barry Obama.  They have a century worth of changes to the legal world to discuss just for the few years of change between the older Obama’s graduation year and Cruz’s.  These are the days that need a fuller and more general understanding of the Rehnquist Revolution as for it critical to the economic growth of the nineties.  President Obama may have been of the last class year of Harvard fully of indoctrination and fidelity to the age old ways that then got upturned for progress. There is a world of difference not just in “legalese” standards to be pulled out for a good telling of “history” of President Barack Hussein Obama.

It is that blacks generally are now more at risk heading to post-Obama days of being judged more just by the color of their skin.  It seems that as we march forward a stereotyping by skin color will be unavoidable as long as blacks are too clumped politically as Obama’s blacks.  There are many more complications for blacks in future years if left to be so boxed and politically predictable.  There are days ahead that should be fearsome in a socio-political existentialism for blacks in the United States of America for a beat seems set for a new modern styling of a: LATIN IS THE NEW BLACK.

Beyond the color of any of the “melting pot” American Dream and protections we have actual economic history to worry about and such that is a much untold story of the early 1990s and how Democrats needed to be saved from themselves and many of the Corporate leaders also then in the USA jurisdictions too needed saving from themselves.  For President Obama and any or all of his followers or opponents it isn’t that I write from a dislike of his economics and high ideals as to social good but that since before these earlier days of such and until now I just have never figured a way that what has been his economics could or would actually work.  We are not beyond the economics of the 1990s and especially the truth that if the Clintons had been left to their ways - their desired political hopes to much have done to the politics and economics what has been done by President Obama - the economic mess would have been triggered sooner and with more serious damage and destruction.  The Clintons if they had been left to their ways would have caused this same mess much earlier.

Many top Corporate leaders were saved from themselves in the early 1990s and then the Clintons after much encouragement did have their late entry into the 1992 race and unexpected win.  The Clintons did then also need to be saved from themselves - David Gergen’s hiring is just a small bit of that story.  These as a set then didn’t finish the work of the saving of them and the US economy as by want of Clintons’ politics it became too much of a group think to just ride the wave as if the heroes and not the saved.  We are in an economy now that won’t reset to growth - hasn’t yet - much because there is too much false witness about the real histories and so that these in power now are not possibly or probably good stewards to the necessary restoration of consumer confidence.  Senator Harry Reid has power now quite only because this is so - as much of the untold story of these years of saving the economy of the United States of America also was defensively and of national security consideration about how the Persian Gulf War had to be wrapped up short of Baghdad and a prosecution of Saddam Hussein because Vegas and Time Square were so bad.

The Clintons were pawns in much of this in the first half of the 1990s - The Clintons were just the “do nothing” couple though we may have needed as otherwise the United States of America was at risk of seeming to dominant or arrogant as it struggled with its first steps as a sole superpower.  It likely would have been to politically difficult for President Bush if re-elected to be himself more a “do-nothing” President though those times were better for delay - for a wait and see not too patronizing posture.  Much, if not all, that worked for the Clintons in their first term was inherited by them from the work before they even entered the 1992 race.  Much is considerate politically of such days of a pickle that the USA was in as per Saddam Hussein and “justice” as the Persian Gulf War seemed set of a trap if we moved on Baghdad too soon.  Much is still relevant that with the saving of USA Corporate Leaders from themselves and then instincts to fold to new “management” styles as if too dominant and only option available - as if that they were quite already beaten by the Japanese and Germans and nearly to telling Americans that they all needed to learn to become more like the Japanese - at least.  Much is still relevant, and especially per Senator Harry Reid, that for national security purposes related to Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda the United States of America had to first prove it could fix its own cities - fix Time Square and Vegas especially - before it even attempted to assert that it could be right to over-turn Saddam Hussein and offer a hope that Baghdad could be better after Saddam.

Too many Americans and others of the world have been just cruising along too unaware of the history of the politics of the past two plus decades.  The Clintons have been surviving much just because so many of these that are of the “Corporate leaders” of these concerns too decided to just ride the waves too carelessly with the Clintons.  In the untold story is the basis of a back to basics new federalism marketing push much that needed or justified the Rehnquist Revolution as too quite a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.  What may be said to be keeping the economy from working again as it did without that which was just of the Clintons of phattening the growth the inherited to have positions to be able to show as if they caused the growth and weren’t just adding dangerous fat to it and with a risk of economic diabetes.  We may all be stuck now because the economics of the Obamanomics cannot work, and, that the economics of the Clintons years that did work were actually of what they inherited and then damaged and put in jeopardy with their effectings by Clintonomics and the hyper-consumerism and irresponsible and unnecessary extra trillion cut for surplus popularity.

To park these thoughts for now let me just add that since 2007, if not 2006, I was aware of where it seemed the Democrat party wanted to stake a national political and economic platform.  I have not yet been able to curb my original analysis that such if pursued so would drive the economy into a ditch - that they would drive the economies exactly to such a down and depressed course change from where we were actually routed better.  I have stayed confident in my original balancing of their spinning as to believing it was so likely that such a road/path/march/beat would lead to such a down & depressed economics.  I have yet though figured out if they have gotten here intentionally or accidentally — it seems that though I saw their “ideals” as only possibly leading to such a crash it may yet be that they had rosy glasses on and saw it as to a coming spectacle that just never took off.  It seems the Dem have been cruising along not yet properly tagged for having caused the crashes.  It is a wonder, for how confident I was that they were doomed to such, from the very start with the primarying party contesting roll-outs, that they either have been ignorant of it or of political shenanigans of a belief that they could only have their change if they could blame others/the other party.  To curb your enthusiasm if still cruising with Obama Democrats you too may want to park your GREENNESS and look in the rear view mirror - you may want to consider that it isn’t that the Democrats caused the economic mess that is most worrisome but that they yet may be in so much denial that they haven’t yet to accept that they did cause the crashes.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:53 am

With the rightly due honors and celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King presence with the March On Washington and his “I have a Dream” speech there is a considerate modern politics to be concerned about per President William Jefferson Clinton.

The early reports have that President Clinton is expected to participate in the 50th commemoration but without the honesty in the air of how it was quite that trillion dollar surplus and hyper consumerism of Clintonomics coupled with Al Gore’s GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM and HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT “economics” pledge to be Socialistic of a promise to seize all oil company profits that beat the drums and forced the march of so many to such now high unemployment and depreciated existence.  It is that President Clinton coupled with the Clintons’ machinations for HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT arrests the sensibilities as most taggable historically in many metrics for the depression level decimation of dreams of blacks across the states of the USA.

These are the days where if America is to move forward all blacks should be shouting out their own dreams and showing their colors spectrally critically from President Barack Obama.  These are the days for like skinned to stand and march to their own beat to show that they are not just “all the same” and all of a prescribed political as of Obama’s colors.

Though I am likely to be honoring and commemorating in my own way tomorrow - though I may likely be to being a carpenter more tomorrow of its mid hours as a paddle restorer and shellacker of Helmsman exterior Polyurethane of a still shared spirit of “dip dip and sing” unity — it is most troubling these waters still too much of the lies and false constructs of the Clintons.  I one way or another will still be “paddling” for women equality tomorrow and as well the Dream of Martin Luther King as I think I may find and prioritize time to be back ‘in the woodshed’ to protecting my original three legged stool and as well the vintage canoe paddle I picked from a neighbor’s bulk trash in the past year.  By tomorrow afternoon my epoxy and carpentry repairs should be done and sanded and ready for UV resistant Helmsman spray Polyurethane protection with my heart shape guitar styled ‘milking stool’ like three legged stool.  I have only ever paddled one way that I know of - as far as I can recall I have always done the dip dip and sing song of the drum beat more majored by Martin Luther King.

As Arnold was likely named for the Arnold’s Shoe Store I got my sneakers for good spirit and youth adventure willing from, it may haunt even Hathaways, for cats and Pumas how it was a spark of early teens mine gave cause and rising for the DIFFERENT STROKES TV show.  (Long story - some told already on or off of jphogan.org)  For now I still live the life of media consciousness about my story of being so young yet wise to such and with a participatory “it would/will be better and work better if show has two adopted black sons - not just one.  (You did catch the “willing” as like a “Willis” embodiment of good cause carrying/paddling - yes?)

Hearing just of Reince Prebus on his personal mixed blood American story I was swilled back to my Washington DC political toasting from the years 1998 -2007 of nearly ten years self employed in the District while living on Capitol Hill across from Eastern Market — I have been right of center to more than just right of center and of the Dream my whole life and especially as a DC resident for nearly 10 full years.  One third of my self employed gross receipts those years were from work generated by the dreams and needs of the kindly Ethiopian Americans I also called my landlords.  And, so as to the “toasting” “swilling” as I kept it while able to bill out as a self employed carpenter at $100 - $150 per hour to evening wraps with Milwaukee’s Best or maybe instead some Kentucky Bourbon.  Seems I thought the best balance for us all was to be found in my keeping it grassroots and ground level with the well kept spirits of at least Wisconsin.

On the dark side of all this of THE BLACK TRAP is much that the Clintons are due a serious rap for having been causally negligent at least for 9/11 I & 9/11 II — that it is that 9/11 was likely kept by Al Qaeda as a Holy Day of “Jihad” where it could only be for the original sense of “justice” that another attack on the US on such day could be authorized or commemorated.  It sits for all to see if looked for that it does fit that it figures that the Clintons choices, inactions and actions do best explain both 9/11 Al Qaeda related events.  It seems that in the first case it was that the USA had the “cops” called on us once the Clintons were gone, and called to relating the crimes of the Clintons whence they then could not cover them up defensively as causally of their negligence, or too low standards.  By the time of the second 9/11 Charlotte had happened and Bill Clinton seemed unleashed from justice and on the rise again without justice upon him rendered for inadequate and insufficient justice wrought upon Saddam Hussein.

If you know Bill Clinton well enough you likely have experienced the gleeful moments of him thinking knowingly that he is and is “getting away with it.”  It is more a “wired” “real time” “sharing” than a “Dream” for those who have such sad awareness of the corruptive power that has reigned nearly supreme across the Clintons’ union.

Today and tomorrow are much of “Black” and for “Blacks” post women equality conjunctiveness.  And so that all should expect some answers - expect some real answers to how these days calling President Barack Hussein Obama in a Christian morality necessitate a queriousness as to whom of “blacks” go wrong by wanting to be a Ramses more than a Moses.

This day is set to live in infamy itself as we seem yet of breaking news that President Obama has yet consulted with Pope Francis as per “morality” related to Syria and chemical weapons nor of he the President of yet at least having gathered at least eight white men in black robes/garb of actual lasting historical moral traditions for reflection upon such seriousness for all in his house of the people such that The White House yet remains.

To speak to “morality” and to a clarity of the tragic failings of the Clintons today hasn’t been here and via my http://www.facebook.com/jpeterhogan to saying that Al Qaeda was justified by the Clintons shortcomings in their 9/11 attacks - though such is out there as suggested about the brevity of the airing.  I have spoken with written words to how the Clintons’ union has been of the moral shortcomings that gave a sense of justice as due upon the USA for its decisions of its first year of 1993.  I, to be clear, though, while offering that Al Qaeda felt justified in its attacks of the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, must parse the “morality” as per what seems a general “Holy War” “morality” that the politics and political balance was not yet so overthrown by the Clintons’ selfish political machinations such that a more civil and considerate corrective dialogue and resting wasn’t still possible — I haven’t said the attacks of 9/11 were actually “morally” “justified” though it seems in my brevity I have stated such - It seems there were more civil and moral alternatives still available even for the radicalized of the Al Qaeda Islamist historicals such that their attacks when they were effected were premature to a right of “jihad.”  That is though much debatable - even more debatable as it recently was that it seemed the Clintons had effected a Party coup upon the Obama’s for practical control of Democratic Party “leadership” henceforth until at least 2016.

It may be blacks that you have been the greatest victims and those most trapped by the economics of Obama’s Green Energy priorities.  You have not though at all been alone as victims.  Tomorrow as the 50th comes and goes all need to be considering that they didn’t have to be treated as lab rats by a Pavlovian partisan politics of baiting and shocking to desired change responses.  Tomorrow is a good day for all not to still feel trapped by the dictates of “Change” by the Democrats under President Obama.  Tomorrow is a good day to realize that all were quite treated so as lab rats when times had become already more evolved such that a conscious confrontation to rational discourse was available and a better method/methodology to be beat out otherwise of a more civilly respective Green march. 

I accept that there were times of earlier days when it seemed that the only way to bring necessary change to the American consciousness was in a Pavlovian shocking by gas price spiking, however with that said I reiterate that by the time of the march of the beat of Obama’s priorities of earth first and humanity second or worse other more evolved and involved paths forward were available and ready.

There are great dangers about a first black President and much to there being an shorted plank as a danger as a BLACK TRAP.  On the 50th marker of Martin Luther King Jr. presence and oratory about his “I Have a Dream…” homogeneity is a great risk - the message in the messenger is at risk of being lost in calls for a unity by skin color and unquestioned loyalty to a first black President.

There is trap set about the sociological conundrums being beat for tomorrow as the 50th Anniversary of “I Have a Dream” harkening by Martin Luther King Jr. — there may be more than a few “traps” about of a blind call to ignorance or false history support as a loyalty requested by current and former leaders.  Again, it is that by the time of the economics and political priorities of President Obama and his administration a more conscious and free path was possible and as probably more plausible yet for the same change effect desired.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:22 am

It is all about the repackaging!  It is all about the recovering - a new cover-up ing!

The stunt women for beating the canned “Hillary” now set for scene - now ready in fire proof pant suit in first color option - now ready to be captured/digitized forever as a “Hillary” as a ‘Phoenix Danger’ rising from the ashes of Benghazi Consulate hell fires of controversy.  Scenes to be shot in each color option as ‘Phoenix Danger’ makeover of “Hillary” still necessarily busy with extreme work to find a color that newly can work for a new “Hillary”.

We should take her at her word that she left office so such that she would be needing much time to find a way to humanize herself of have some find a way to re-humanize her.  It seems we are still months from a NEW Hillary, however a ‘Phoenix Danger’, being ready as for new covering and in a coloring that might have a chance to work/stick.

It may be hardest yet for Diane Lane as to a “Phoenix Danger” to handle the years 2007-2008.  These are the years where a former First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton wasn’t able to defeat in just a party primary a relatively unknown with no substantial experience but a 2004 Convention speech that wasn’t in his own style.  She never made it to a national contesting as a representative Democrat against the best the Republicans had still standing for such for them - for their side.  Hillary Clinton however to new packaging as covering must be to much near or certainly as cover-up-ing — 2016 is not going to be another 2008 where near all the other Democrats on the line but the near unknown black wonder couldn’t defeat the Clintons’ machinations and party machine without so defeating themselves by self incrimination.

We have gotten to this point and to “Hillary” a tweeting in every color option as if of a danger as too much to a political child propaganda as all the Teletubbies and as well as if all the Dancing Bears - in so many colors at once that is not a believable “Hillary” even if Diane Lane can become a needed ‘Phoenix Danger’ caricature as like a stunt woman able to go and do what “Hillary” has yet been able to yet.

To understand the great vast girth of the challenge Diane Lane has been asked to assume one may have to picture Dante’s Hell.  This is quite fitting for the former Secretary of State of President Barack Hussein Obama’s cabinet of rivals as she was from near day one of such quite devilish in a selfish Clinton politics of insubordination of the new President - of her new BOSS.  From day one, nearly, of Secretary Clinton, of the defeated but placed “Hillary”,  she was quite devilish with her proclamation that she would take her guidance from the same place like that Dante had - that in short she wasn’t planning to take her guidance from such an inexperienced Obama despite that he was now the winner to her the loser.

To understand the great vast girth of the challenge Diane Lane has been asked to assume one may have to picture Dante’s Hell.  And, to properly picture #Lane as #Clinton you may at least have to focus on her set knee deep in ashes or somehow and some where deep and low in Hell and its infernos.  And, with the grey of Hillary as this ‘Phoenix Danger’ much set around the too southern too Confederate Grey that she and “Bill” forever set their eternal image in with their “gun”/”"Weiner” shaped “Presidential” library in The Natural State of Arkansas.  Grey is mostly fittingly as newer news as the color of ashes that should be so about the blood stained hands of #Hillary and #Diane however yet to ‘Phoenix Danger.’

We are now early to days of consideration for a President Obama successor for 2016 as these days seem made for the movies and scandal sheets of stories of how if he were actually all white and so then he most likely already would have been impeached.

We are now early to days of consideration for a President Obama successor for 2016 as these days seem made for a long over due most critical and public litigation of all of the Clintons’ years from 1993-2001.  We are of days where we should see President Obama’s too generous attempt at covering up for the Clintons had him asking citizens of the United States not to “relitigate” what really had yet to be actually firstly litigated so of all the years and much quite negligent to grossly negligent of their personal entanglements of their decisions and decision points.

It is remarkable - quite remarkable - that a near unknown that was basically of one big speech, and that not even in his, until then published style, was able to devastatingly defeat the lore’d GROUND ZERO SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON.  It almost explains itself how only a Democrat that was able to offer a “Hillary” alternative and to stand without a corruption so that had him self incriminate while standing against the Clintons’ machine as it did the other Democrats.  It should be more remarkable how the new “style” of the Obama of the 2004 Convention Speech inappropriately had Barack Obama in a performance of my decade old political style and yet without it so as how corrupted by the Clintons since it was newer or new of 1992 era.  Personally I still smart at the unwelcomed visceral experience of the 2004 Convention as it was of me privy to an effort to have Barack Obama sound like my original writings enough to like take ownership of it and by a success in the desired effecting to affect it as of one as by one of a black face.

It is remarkable - quite remarkable - that a near unknown that was basically of one big speech, and that not even in his, until then published style, was able to devastatingly defeat the lore’d GROUND ZERO SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON.  Diane Lane, if not already to abandoning the cause of the Clintons’ political machinations, really now has her greatest acting challenge ahead of her to date — these are the years that preface firstly how the Clintons were negligent to both 9/11 I & 9/11 II and to the ashes and gray that still too much surrounds both.  These are the years and days where Daine as ‘Phoenix’ Clinton ‘Danger’ will have to portray the Clintons and their effecting and justifications of the walls of separation they dogged the Federal Bureau of Investigation in gray matter towards, and, as it was that their efforts to create obstacles to justice with walls at their FBI between enforcement and intelligence were causal to a guilt in a negligence at least to the otherwise maybe preventable affectings in “Holy War” by the 19 of 9/11 I.

The Clintons if in their party showdown for Democrat Party President wanna bees for 2016 critical review and parsing are quite to be on display, however, for a late litigation, in maybe only three shades of grey - in maybe the color of the ashes of 9/11 I & 9/11 II and the eternal telling grey of their BIG GUN shaped Clinton Presidential Library.

Of the Clintons and their folk - even their folk as the too many of Republican elephantine shadows of those late nineties co-corruptions hoofed along with them on their merry donkey trails - it will haunt most hellishly the grey of the Clintons of the ashes of their culpability of just 9/11 I.  For the folks of the Clintons like Janet Reno and Philip Bobbitt I have fond memories of at least #Reno of levity found in how I successfully did about the 2008 races use the words and positions of key Clinton officials to effect defeating deconstruction about their floated re-making spin.

I have now idea how humorous either Janet Reno nor Philip Bobbitt, nor Doug Sosnik, may now find the colors about the Obama administration as too also just “grey” of the Clintons’ “grey.”  It is Philip Bobbitt in his TERROR AND CONSENT dense read that specifies a problem of the Clintons’ style of political fabrication as of his tombed expression of concern that a White House that works too closely with the “Hollywood” begets terrorism.

Of the Clintons and their folk to any or all, however late, litigation for all the mostly like politically missing years of 1993-2001 we have it that Diane Lane is now to assume an near impossible role necessarily needing dramatic trickery as to a “Hillary” newly as if a “Phoenix Danger” of colors just of hope and potential and no rendering of accountability by her Dante and his Hell - his levels of Hell.

There is so much to this challenge for Hollywood and NBC for a new make-over again as extreme as that which led to Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton former First Lady to being the GROUND ZERO SENATOR as such internationally sympathetic NEW “Hillary”.  The ashes are still towards 2016 judiciously to cling to the Clintons and all the years 1993-2001 as if feathers to tar that NBC may be most honest and awardingly dramatic if such extreme makeover is produced in black and white so that all these three shades of Clintons’ grey show most accurately.

Again:  It is remarkable too that President Barack Hussein Obama as of the 2008 contests was a near nobody even more junior peer to the GROUND ZERO SENATOR FORMER FIRST LADY now as well tag’d forward as MADAM SECRETARY OF STATE MRS. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, and yet able to defeat the Clintons and their vast grey political Clintons’ Political Machine as no other in the field was able to.

Of this promised assumption by Lane as to a NEW Clinton in all her shades of grey NBC is set to have their intelligence challenged and their viewer loyalty threatened.  Such is only as if to a “PHOENIX DANGER” rising that will draw out more clearly how the grey(s) of the Clintons and all their years establish clear as a contrast between whites and blacks a traceable forensics to at least a negligence to gross negligence of even just the Clintons of the oddly limited Lane review and execution set forth now as if a good - as if possibly of the Clintons of a capability to offer Hope - any hope.

Of the rising from the ashes now promised as if of an innocence greater than a guilt we are still of the consideration that if President Barack Hussein Obama were still of 2008 challenge but all white he could still have defeated the Clintons then as the pimp’d NEW JFK.  2008 is a year of great concern both for these shades of Clintons in their grey and for history should demonstrate loudly with official future record how it was an election year that benefited the Democrats mostly for work theirs about having made and kept the electorate most ignorant of the depth and hellish breadth of the issues of such days.  In the election of 2008 more voters were voting more ignorant of the real truths of the real issues than maybe ever before in the history of the United States of America.

Of the rising from the ashes now promised as if of an innocence greater than a guilt we are still of the consideration that if President Barack Hussein Obama were still of 2008 challenge but all white he could still have defeated the Clintons then as the pimp’d NEW JFK.  Today we have much to fear in a “Hillary” and/or Diane Lane as “Hillary” as a “Phoenix Danger - 2016″!  Today we have much to remember and fret to a new harmonic less devilish yet!  Today we have much to remember and yet still fret as the base lines of the Clintons are all gray and still of the corruptions stories of the Democrat Party struggles of the 2008 primary field where all but the near unknown Senator Obama couldn’t defeat the Clintons’ and their years without also being to a rising in a dangerous self incrimination.

President Barack Hussein Obama could have defeated the “Hillary Clinton” of 2008 and all those constructs and spun yarns about her too if he were all white - so it figures.  And, yes if President Barack Hussein Obama so otherwise as all white had been so elected it does figure now that 2016 would be a Democrat Party in whole about needing to rise and rise from lows pressed finally more about accepted “greys” of guilt of so many scandals of the old and new infernos of the Clintons.  And, yes if President Barack Hussein Obama had been all while it figures he still could have and would have defeated the Clintons and the rest of that field which couldn’t incriminate the Clintons without incriminating themselves, and, that now if he were so an otherwise all white President he likely already would have been impeached.

How say you?  How say you all?  R U 4 “PHOENIX DANGER” in 2016?  Would you rather be away finally from the ash grey of the Clintons however of the South and William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton and their oddly telling permanent coloring of their Arkansas library so in Confederate Grey?  How do you fig the architecture of the Clintons’ body politics evermore now but for them of their Posterity set so finally in The Natural State as a “gun” shape so scandalous as the Clinton protege Weiner in his briefed grey exposure?  There is no mistaking the Clinton Library as other than meant as a gun shaped phallic symbol in a too proud horizontal and even though it was forced back from being of its tip so postured over the “eternal feminine” metaphorically when forced back from being too proud out over the flowing (feminine) waters of such river fem.
How say you?  How say you all?  R U 4 “PHOENIX DANGER” in 2016?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:28 pm

Today may become the last day in your life that you even think it is wise to say anything nice about either Bill or Hillary Clinton.

You may like them for pork and their eight years of letting you think President Clinton ate two super sized Big Mac value meals a day and that you could and should - as if it were not unhealthy.  There is a surly beef to be thrown on your fires of concern this summer that root much of our problems in the political cooking of the Clinton “two-fer” - there are their roots date with Bosnia and Herzegovina as considerations fit a psycho-babble renaissance.

By now you should know that President Barack H. Obama did jig a Belfast stage performance as per a G8 Summit before his showing in Berlin at near 95% loss of captive audience, his, of mere years ago.  You should be reading like that while him home Rome was burning he was off so globally about - and out of touch.  As he was in just Ireland the Clintons were with #CGI up, and in his grill, politically, on his home turf - arguably as in a sedition.  It has been fit to print for a while that there is a war commenced between the Clintons and Obama for political legacy.  Yes, while President Obama was off in Ireland in Belfast making the Clintons wrongly look better for peace there - they were on his turf as if burning his Rome as Chicago more in keeping with their psycho-normatives as politically so ambitious.

This is likely going down for many - for many this summer is likely going down as a summer of democratic dis-content.

There has to now be a race angle to the battles already commenced between the Clinton clan and Obama - for legacy and world wide global domination with some how a partisan polarization to Democrat parties.  For now we have that the Clintons got up in the grill of the actually first black President of the United States and near on Father’s Day and as if the real Global authority, American, while he was being all jiggy in Ireland and Berlin.

2013 as a summer of democratic dis-content might yet break out a new gen of African America rappish lit - politically wise and strikingly clever beat downs & celebrating stomp’n, and, before normally white political writers hog the stages of wittingly racial diatribes about what is comparative and/or contradictory and confounding of a first Black President while of a seeming political turf war intra-Party with white Clintons and their seeming seditiousness.

I would say more now from my crib here as I blog out some injustice rants - more stylistically - yet I don’t want to myself oppress or suppress a Black expression/expressionism.  I will try more now to not compete as if in a black voice but to egg on more as if with carrots of factoids than by stick or political partisan strong arms.

It seems a factoid that the Clintons for Posterity and legacy chose both to replant themselves in Washington DC on Whitehaven Street (or Road) and so as really personally as architectural American figures for infinity with their Presidential Library designed and build as if a gun shape and so skinned in a Confederate Gray.

But let us talk about the Irish - the Catholics and the Protestants - most briefly.

Firstly though it may be unfair to President Obama to speak more on his sub-Clinton Presidential performances without harkening a stepp’n philosophical per how it may have been unfair to him that so many not the Clintons had made it look too easy in the 90s to be President - too easy for the Clintons to seem good at a co-Presidency.  We likely wouldn’t have all these years of President Obama of such a sub-Clinton Presidency if the he hadn’t been of witnessing the Clintons and thinking if it were that easy to be President then I am like probably already ready.

As President Obama appeared in Belfast and basically did no more than vote PRESENT the fires were lit on his home turf as seditiously by the Clinton “two-fer” - seems.  It seems a factoid that we should consider/reconsider if the Clintons could have even been much “responsible” for the peace that broke out finally in Northern Ireland.  It may have President Obama like as if chained by the Clintons to be short of a wise and fuller understanding per Northern Ireland — Factoid may be that since the Clintons haven’t shown a comparable wisdom anywhere else in the world while many situations presented it must be more of an establishment that they just got like lucky - it seems if they knew how peace broke out as if by them as a Clinton co-Presidency then they at least would have been able to repeat such an effort somewhere else. 

President Obama has been “governing” too trusting in the reported “history” of the Clintons and seems to have been having had his most problems when such must not have been true enough for his foundations of attempts to build as if on something that really wasn’t.

As per Northern Ireland and the Clintons - the Clintons seem rappable as no Kennedy - and maybe more of politiical troubles for having tried to get away with driving while white as if Kennedy while not at least also being Catholic.

President Barack Hussein Obama’s new Berlin Speech hardly pushed back against the home fires set in Chicago as if a new Rome burning with them (inappropriately) with their Clintons’ Global Initiative too “#Political” for CGI’s likely very own tax status.  It may be the Clintons are more of the trouble roots of Bosnia and Herzegovina, personally, and with it politically relevant that Mrs. Clinton is taggable for not having been able to lessen or moderate President Clinton’s penchant for political paranoia at least as per B&H wars.

Yes it may be that President Obama deserves some pity for having so long having had to suffer the slung and coy’d intra-party politics of the Clintons, and how it seems a factoid that they were never as good as they have been long reported to be.

Really, while President Obama was with the G8 Summit the Clintons were up in his grill, like, in Chicago as if of a new Rome is burning modern race baiting.  It seems it may be wiser to think of CGI as if of a war - an intra-party civil war - as if it is Gettysburg set and more of Clinton having gotten Little Round Top as if of the South, first.  It may be that by being in Harlem the Clintons have a high ground position to enfilade and flank at least a further gaining of ground by competitive black politicians.

Chicago was set by the Clintons as quite nearly actually seditious to President Barack H. Obama at least as per it near the G8 Summit the Clintons’ suffer a missing limb syndrome like with, and as so near to Father’s Day for Chicagoan Obama while on a global stage yet with the Clintons of attempts again to upstage with their own global initiatives.  There really is an intra-party civil war commenced between the Clinton clan and the First Black President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama.

It is unfair to more than President Obama that too many did let the Clintons appear to be better Presidents than they were and that it was that times and really critical issues allowed them to make it look so easy that even a junior senator like say Hillary Clinton or Barack H. Obama could think they just could put a pretty face on it all and be to success as well without really being of the work or mind to have figured it.

The Bosnia and Herzegovina warring is more in keeping with the lot of the Clintons as likely not original nor critical to the peace that broke out in Northern Ireland.  It may be a little late to save President Obama from having staged himself with Clintons’ jigginess that made them look globally better, and as it was while they were at home on and in his home turf much politically in his grill to a new Rome is burning seditiousness.

So how do we now cover a rise of the Clintons but racially if they dare step further out of their political PR bubble?

Surely the beef is sear’d and so surly that it wouldn’t be prudent for them to suggest that all will be better if they are elected after President Obama’s failures because they as Southern White politicians will be able to do what he couldn’t?

Is the CGI set as if a Little Round Top in Harlem as if of a Gettysburg civil war anew but where the South got the high ground first?

If the Clintons do unwisely step out further from their political PR bubbles won’t all be fit to print how they were made to look better than they were and for nearly all of their eight years in their co-Presidency, and, otherwise only maybe as if really if they do have a way now to be better than President Obama and while white and of the south that they have already for five years had ways to help him help us and the world - yet haven’t - yet wouldn’t?

Today has become the last day in your life that you even think it is wise to say anything nice about either Bill or Hillary Clinton - seems - Right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:07 am

Can we be better off a year from now than we are presently after 2013 rap up of 2012 playing under President Barack H. Obama?  How is it more likely that the JETS will carry NEW YORK and all the JETS fans all the way to SUPER BOWL XLVIII?

The JETS have as much to tackle as an organization as President Obama claims he should but at a national level.  The JETS while of, as a team, most of the same issues in Obama’s colors will have to find local and real solutions.  They cannot expect to have a cloud nine political top down national solution disrespective of sport competition and fairness that could last a whole game let alone an entire season.

For the JETS to be America’s TEAM in 2014 as victors of a season of putting it all on the field as an organization capped with a SUPER BOWL XLVIII top rings they will have to be the GREENEST of GREEN MACHINES and yet as of a way of a new federalism of practicable community based workabilities.

I think it is not too early to write off the GIANTS as possible 2014 SUPER BOWL XLVIII participants or victors.  A home team advantage for them seems written as if as poorly figured as the nationalization of so much about even just MET LIFE by President Obama.  If their is to be a GIANT rush and standing with for contests of 2013 it seems that towards 2014 the JETS have the mantle in GREEN MACHINE to be jolly and nutritious GREEN GIANTS OF MET LIFE.

It seems President Obama is fixated against the likes of the GIANTS as too much evil “giants” of “healthcare” evil corporate non-people monoliths in a rude and callous capitalism.  The President, if not impeached by late 2013, should find the JETS as irresistible even though as a team and organization in sport they have to find local solutions in lieu of national solutions and be of doing the compassionate and hard work - personally to a person - as corporate and involved organizational persons.

It seems the JETS have an opportunity to win with and without the President as a fan.  The JETS have to walk and play almost all of his key issues - especially immigration as long as quarter’d as of Sanchez back’d.  The JETS cannot escape playing to the sympathies around healthcare insurance and healthcare costs reform by its home field advantage and its team ownership with “Woody” Johnson.  And, again they already have the sport mantle to walk and play as THE GREEN MACHINE.

This doesn’t bode well for President Barack H. Obama even one day after his 2013 State of the Union speech.  New Yorkers are going to want at least one of their teams in the SUPER BOWL they will be hosting.  President Obama will be on the edge of sport and local spirit of our competition model about community organizing and community togetherness at least.  It is arguable that President Obama’s “new nationalism” centralizing attempts are not sporting and/or fair.

These are the days that before he strutted to a class warfare he at least should have strapped in about a tackling of the new paradigms of wealth and income fairness of these days.  These days are different from so many of the days he matured and developed in non US territories informatively to “Barack”.  These days before there should be a class warfare we have the black on black to compare just to the old white on white unfairness.

Footballers are a good place to start.  New York Footballers are hardly different in these aspects than any others that have been as successful personally across our National Football League.  Many of each of every team are now of a conundrum about the class warfare of President Obama “The Nationalizer” in a black on black “distribution” or “redistribution” social justice “fairness” conundrum;  before our President move to outright “class warfare” inequality politics he should have first established the differences now between even just old white on whites disparities and the current black rich athletes and entertainers chasm of social injustice related to just blacks of low classes.

With JETS of a SANCHEZ as QB they have to play sensitive to immigration issues where ever and however.  I am not sure this can help the JETS - at least during this new administrating by President Obama.  We know that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as long harbored interests and ambitions to being the Commissioner of the sport.  Today she is out on the field of United States contests as per immigration as of news of joining a new team ready to be towards tackling the tough issues involved.

GREEN MACHINES are here to stay.  THE GREEN MACHINE at least as a New York team should by the 2013 start of season for the National Football League should have a community about it of its tri-state area as “green” as any other - and maybe quite to a “best in green” GREENEST.  Much of this will depend on how the peoples of all the classes President Barack H. Obama as set off to being in a national class warfare see a way to find local and state based solutions that allow them to keep and hold a “community” spirit and fandom specially specifically.

There are old days of inequality in New York City like those of the days of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall politics.  But for the GIANTS and the GREEN GIANTS of the JETS - THE GREEN MACHINE - New Yorkers seem inoculated about such as it seems such is now the new nationalistic ways of the Administration of President Barack H. Obama.

But are there to be by the start of the 2013 season of the National Football League any “individual” recognition that isn’t but for a “RACE TO THE TOP” jack booted marching to a NEW NATIONALISTS assimilation?  By the start of the next season will community organizing be out at least as per the “competition” and “sport” lessons long fundamental to the development of new soldiers in peace, anywhere?

How will all the teams be trying to balance this towards such?  How will all the trading to GREEN - to GREENEST - possibly now proceed?  Will every team now want a SANCHEZ of their own?  Will every team organization now try to find a way to sell itself as however of backing by evil corporate non-people monoliths Insurance Corps as a “good” - “GREATNESS” - contrary to slights and trash talk of the Administration of President Barack H. Obama?

It has just been like a political amateur hour seeing these plays attempted to a CLASS WARFARE before all Americans were at least asked to consider these still new days of there being enough/so many very rich black Americans the if and how the problems just of lower class blacks is now because their kind having now “made it” aren’t themselves giving back - giving back enough at least by the President’s fairness fuzzy math.

And to help the JETS maybe more than President Obama, again, it seems that our upper class smart people who did their homework whether to stadium specialized trade labor skill and traditions or to the more that of paper pushing as needed for architects, will all be able at least around the JETS and its TRI-STATE area be celebrants in a GOOD of the JETS as a GREAT GREEN MACHINE by fall as now even jets are iconic in a new greenness to carry all to a greater more eco future.

It doesn’t reside only among our most learned that President George W. Bush while with “Commissioner” aspirant Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (still some a CLEVELAND BROWNS fan) had to have been a practicably “GREEN” President.  It is like “street” for all that Dems couldn’t have “changed” so much in just a year or two unless the administration before it had been strong and steady funders and supporters to such themselves. 

But what about SANCHEZ?  Will every team with a national bi-partisan move to reset our immigration policies be now necessarily looking for their own “SANCHEZ”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:50 am

My father is a lawyer so though we are both fans of Clint Eastwood I should start this as like a “NIGHTMARES FROM MY FATHER” study in contrast.

I cannot write this as if I was born a poor black boy;  I can only write this as I was born of an Irish Catholic up and coming family with eyes to being middle class in New Haven Connecticut. 

I can write this as well as an Irish Catholic American story of struggle and social climbing from a daily risk of ending up poor;  I can write this as well personally as the oldest son but third child of the second Catholic family ever admitted to club membership of New Haven’s exclusive New Haven Lawn Club, and, so personally of the responsibility as the oldest son while otherwise the first Irish Catholic family to be then ever joined as members.

As I said:  My father is a lawyer. His father was not.  He and his oldest sister his family could afford college for as first in such family’s history but the two younger brothers of my father had the Electrician vocation to best advance with.

Beyond my father being a lawyer and his father having been of the Knights of Columbus and political in the Democratic Party I grew up with life long and very successful in New York City Republican conservatives on my mother’s side.  My grandfather John William Hogan Sr. whom I carry the first name John for was the “Hogan” pal from childhood of Al Capp that was honored with a “Hogan” character for L’il Abner.  My Grandfather Hogan was with Al Capp (with born name then) that fateful day that Al fell of the ice trucked they both had hitched a free ride on and to his loss of a leg by the wheels of a trolley car too close behind.

I believe there is some distant Hogan family shared lineage via Waterbury, Connecticut, with the former Manhattan District Attorney years then hailed as Hogan DA “Mr. Integrity” for whom One Hogan Place now is set as the address of currently charged Cyrus R.Vance Jr.  I am now wondering if I have the current title for Cyrus R. Vance Jr. correct.  I believe I am writing about Frank S. Hogan DA and former Senate candidate for the seat Robert Kennedy got to holding.

Now, about those nightmares from my father.

As I have said:  My father is a lawyer.  And as I implied I do have two older sisters and was of a 70s and 80s of Government experimentation with public teaching to equal rights, and while still an oldest son of the oldest son in an Irish Catholic family.  All I will say to much of that is I could tell many were just making it up as they went along.

Don’t worry about my Dad.  My dad is now a still recent former President of the Connecticut Bar Association and now in his 70s “of counsel” with Berchem Moses and Devlin of bmdlaw.com and its continued representation of Newtown, Connecticut and its Department of Education now with charges about a development of a Foundation for Sandy Hook Elementary School contributions and caring. 

I have a dad whose business was in reacting after usually bad news professionally;  I grew up to work to being proactive not to reduce work for him or his profession but to help grow economics with better forethought and wiser capitalist free market fairness.  I chose to be of those years of after leaving Suffolk Law School at the end of classes of my first year and to then staying an “accepted” student for seven years who wouldn’t need to re-apply to return to be more to hands on construction and in work boots more than my wing tips or my suits.  Many of those years my favorite boots were my darker leather gore tex lined Dunham boots with Vibram soles - if I recall the soles correctly.  I did miss these after they were among a mix of stuff stolen from my van while parked overnight in DC on Capitol Hill near my apartment of 10 years there across from Eastern Market.  I do not recall if that was the break-in that had the near thousand dollars worth of power tools also lifted that had been of my running so late that day that I had to risk leaving them visibly inside a parked vehicle.

I did want to help improve the law profession and started my “rebel with a cause” better able to work from the outside after leaving Suffolk Law School via my fraternal association so paternal and legal about my father and son existentialism.  I did work to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and since from the spring before the fall that “Barry” Obama son of Anne Dunham started at Harvard Law School.  I have figured that “Barry” Obama is the B.O. from Hawaii I have known and networked around politically since the late 70s after a pal asked me if I was ready even for my School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech to compete against all comers in Hawaii and as if he was opening up the phone lines all across Hawaii to find all willing challengers.

My dad did very much help me prepare for and stay encouraged to my competition in oratory so and did as well find time to come and be in the audience then at East Rock Community School that Oprah Winfrey many years later also visited at least via a show guest.

Yes I grew up fearing poverty and for my whole family as we were Irish Catholic climbers with little or no safety net.  I did fear sports some for a fear was in my dad that a medical injury or any liability could suddenly bankrupt the entire family beyond just over extending it to prohibit funding college educations.

Though I grew up with a father a very involved and loyal Democrat I did work it so that I could use my more right of center economic sense as more of Reagan era Republicans as if a Reagan Democrat to help him as and when I could as of times I saw that his party sense and loyalty seemed to lack its own ways forward to match his desires to be to betterings for others, and he and his family.

So our first president President George Washington did commence our consummation of independence in a new union of our United States of America by 13 with “Among the visiccitudes incident to life…” first official oration.

Before there was and internet wiz of a candidate Senator Obama for President with wonders of small internet donations I was of my ten years living on Capitol Hill of strutting with a pride of a confidence that I could be a wonder in democracy as a small contribution personality for more positive bi-partisan change.  I did not like Senator Obama’s convention oration as it haunted me with “flattery” supposedly from imitation in rhyme and reasoning of my much earlier Reagan “caboosing” efforts of my works to revitalize our public speak and language (diction) of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. I did not like “flattery” of “imitation” as it was more theft like with echoes of ‘make it your own’ like and “put a black face on it” while without my consent nor opinion that it needed a more black face consideration than how I had much worked it to be color blind.

As I tweeted this morning and with mention of Lance Armstrong and Oprah I am one that knows enough about our politics and our economy over the past twenty years to consider it quite so that both William Jefferson Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama have President titling yet are now both of enough lies just about our economy to have lost them seven titles.

I have built to this ability to be a prolific political scribe intentionally with my hands on years in construction as a general contractor sole proprietor of tools and skills in most of the trades.  I have built Rhode Island mansions and as well have been employed across DC in past years to securing doors and repairing doors and locks as well in low income neighborhoods then some of the city’s worst.  I also while such was of a near third of my contracts as small contracts from Home Depot as a certified window and door installer such that there are many storm doors, doors and windows across the area that I did install myself.  I also of course did install new closet doors for then early to DC National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice but from the work stream that came from my sailing networks as of my ability to also rebuild boats.  And, then in my last years about DC and past my work on the town home that Grover Norquist leased then but a few doors from my own I was as well to building a doll shelf for American Girl Doll collection for Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff.

Yes I set out to be pro-active professionally to growing our economy while otherwise regularly about wearing my Dunham gore-tex lined work boots in lieu of my Church’s or Johnston Murphy wingtips and suits.  I am now of disappointment much of President Barack Hussein Obama and still mostly for he of like failing “Politics 101″ in my mind by embracing the Clintons in 2008 race and then especially for a political naivete of his nomination of “Hillary” to Secretary of State. 

Sadly I now know enough to like have a different political chore more of our Forth Estate (as per my career plans timing) of a morality to not encourage anyone to economic activity as too many seem too corrupt economically politically still about DC.

Dunham booted from infancy Barack Hussein Obama, however he dreamed while accepted as a known person in my families dreams since the late 70s, is now of a DC and a first term that I have to stand up to with my knowing and independence, and now as this is the part of my life I meant to have gotten to being of the Forth Estate or Mad Man world.

President “Barack” #Obama did want to lead as of a “personality based” President.  With both somehow spent years as Dunham booted people towards “change” and now with most of my past years of “positive change” effecting undermined by his more recent efforts seemingly towards goals thought to be yet quite similar.  I cannot abide his bad judgement in embracing the Clintons instead of politically and judiciously challenging them and towards a needed “cleaning up” in DC especially across the high ranks of his own party at least just four years ago.

I stayed independent these years since I stopped construction part of my intended and figured career path that are of such political timing that you can figure my ceasing and desisting from a tax identity for construction was near to the day that the Clinton “two-fer” announced HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

The story of my bootedness remains now that I once of favored Dunham work boots did legally apply pressure against the Clintons via the honor and diligence of the Bush administration towards the proper protection of my intellectual property of my decade plus of efforts and strategizing to more positive change and jobs than Governor Mitt Romney can claim himself to have been of such that the Clintons were to much real angering of Bill Clinton especially and some remembered fits I shall never forget that do best explain how young and little known also most junior of Senate Barack Obama was able to defeat the thought mighty and inevitable Clintons and their vast left wing political machine.

My bootedness for so many years hands on in making an honest living did allow me the flexibility and resolve to be able to stand up with officials of badges of honor of duty under President George W. Bush in defense of my own intellectual property and earlier rhyme and reason such that I could keep the Clintons from running as the Clintons as me again without authorization or agreement in usage of what was mine and figured, by my opinion and as time as recorded some, much better.

While of my replacement boots and my shift to full time writing and blogging to prevent the Clintons from returning to possession of our White House I was regularly of feeling as if I was near of a minority of one in official circles around DC as one that thought that the Clintons wouldn’t win and shouldn’t win in 2008. 

I did live up to my very many public and private statements and worked explanations as to why they shouldn’t and couldn’t or wouldn’t and all the while my dad and oldest sister were deeply set and professionally linked up as loyal Democrats too much abiding being more soldiers of the Clintons and their machinery. 

I could say I don’t know how this story of Barack Hussein Obama was and is possible in America of these still somewhat loosely affiliated states - but well it seems I know better about much of such and so that now I have a moral duty it seems to not be again to my past efforts to stir economic growth as long as Dunham boot’d President #Obama persists in his “personality” based presiding as President without the due standing up against corruption just too much about his own party - economically speaking.

When this “Dunham boot’d” President set off to his “personality based” Presidency and “new foundation” heralding he did at least two things.  Firstly he effected a posturing that my past efforts of my personality in capitalism though of much growth and booting for him had to go so that he could have his ideology and a legend of his own by his own personality.  And secondly he — well you can get busy trying to figure that out yourselves - for now.

*Please share your thoughts of his first term, his inauguration now near, and your considerations for his second term.  I am now as hoped enough into the Forth Estate such that I had hoped to be for this part of my career ambitions such that I now am to an objectivity for journalism and fairness even if it means criticizing President Barack Hussein Obama that I have been of an awareness of since the late 70s.

NOTE:  In my opinion President Obama with such agenda as his did come on the scene with such ten years too soon as of a ten years before the efforts about my works to a new political correctness and public language revolution needed ten more years before a similar “change” could be effected following on from such with undermining both by too much and then obviously much about not otherwise kept artful and of a until then working capitalism.  Yes, there is little I can now do that all our Governors shouldn’t be able to already be doing better, and, yes because President Obama is now of politics ten years too soon upon so much I had earlier been building that had been working and not yet done in some important ways.  I stand by my previously expressed opinion and as it relates to this that our best foreign policy posture and foreign and domestic economic foundations are best to be of a renaissance in state’s rights, and, at least because our Governors haven’t so earned our distrust with too much centralizing while de-centralizing the rage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It is now a quiet late Friday morning near the shores of America, feet dry.  I am a good “white” and President Obama seems to be a bad “black”!  Do not worry this isn’t supposed to be about race nor “racist” — we have cause to check on President Barack Hussein Obama as for driving “white” as a “bad”!

It must have been a tough 100th birthday for the President - considering the implications of these times;  It must have been a tough week as his past term as President is remembered too much of a “cover-up” politics while lessons so fresh that it is still “the cover-up” to be the ruinous.

It seems President Obama is still in a ditch and while of a “driving while white” Democrat Party economic think.

President Richard Milhous Nixon did, surprisingly to many, have a very good week.  Again: As I have posted for a while:  “It is not that Nixon was guilty but that Democrats are at least as guilty.”

The anatomy of Hillary of these times is this week again of echoes of her once of part in taking down President Nixon (though no more guilty than say the JF Kennedy Presidency) as the Watergate saga was.  The specific considerations of problema of our times as to covers of and for at least “Hillary” are of an anatomy of scandal more murderous and unchecked.

The anatomy of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is now of “FLASHING RED(S)” as if she pinned to have been President herself with RED “hot phones” to the Kremlin as if a magical “Bat Phone.”  (Right - It doesn’t seem she wanted to be a Cat Woman)

Her gifted and scandalous “RESET” of actual translations as “OVERCHARGED” by their tongues might have been another “FLASHING RED” per her activated imagination.  We have though that we are of murderous times with she of an anatomy of “assault” at least.  We have that it is undeniable that he once of Hope and Change started his administration with a “COVER-UP” messaging too CYA just for the former first coupled “two-fer” Clintons, we have that it is undeniable that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” was an overwriting attempt to cloak the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons (in a preposterous impossible innocence quite unreasonable).

As pop culture goes we are stuck if of those that watched the last season of “24″ with shock and awe of a ridiculous that such a plot could have been so aired as if a prophetic warning of what was to come if “Hillary” were to be elected, and yet us now all to such real times as now (so similar).

President Barack Hussein Obama did get elected as foretold to a mandate to austerity and grid lock, by my perspective and past commentary.  He did not get re-elected for having succeeded in his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons and at least their “executive” like “two-fer” power plays.  He did fail to rewrite the facts of our past couple decades to affect the attempted yet ridiculous (desperate) preposterous irrational impossibility that his too generous polarizing partisan political “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” did attempt.

It does seem that blacks around the world are now getting a bad associated incriminating rap however about traversing metaphorically or politically vehicled;  it does seem it isn’t fair that President Obama is so “pulled over” as if he is “driving while black”!

There is that President of Hope and Change “Barry” Obama by embracing the beat’n as “BIG LIARS” Clintons did himself pick the “whitest” of “white” of all possible nominees for the special “Obama” representing charge of our State Department.

Did you see the last season of “24″?  Are you puzzled now as to how we could be in this pickle now?

President Barack (”Barry”) Hussein Obama, as of his tales of earlier rise as not too innocent to have avoided at least political confessions of personal failings per illegal substance abuse, did fail as a first term President to rewrite our actual history and enough of the facts of the past twenty years of specific plotting and rascalishness for his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons to now flash but “RED!!!”!

We can leave that the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE is a danger to our State and our Constitution as it is to a purpose and practice now too long of a privatization of some of our reserved to just “EXECUTIVE POWERS” at a loss of potential prestige now for any actual sworn President.

This week must have President once of “Hope and Change Obama” smarting with Nixon turned 100 and having by most reports, it seems, a very good week.

I don’t know how there could have been enough “wool over their eyes” and/or plain ignorance or arrogance to have thought that they could have all rewritten enough of the past “hands on” by the Clintons’ “two-fer” to have effected the needed vast conspiracy to a partisan man made “innocence” for such now exposed of anatomies of negligence - even gross negligence.

With it this week that President Obama has President Nixon in his face to remind him “it is the cover-up” STUPID! — we have ourselves to likely seeing “red” otherwise just about the economics of Obama far longer for the loyalty and fidelity to Jack Lew once of the blunders that were the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.

Is President Barack Hussein Obama “in the ditch” still because he is “driving black” or because he has been “driving white” - as white or whiter than the Administration of the Clintons?

[I can write here that I am “good ‘white’” as per this new battle between good and evil - a ying and a yang, political - for I write of the Clintons of having been so wrong and for so long without now having a different perspective from when they made the decisions towards us being now stuck so by their say “negligent” governance whence.  I write of the perspective that I thought their decisions were this bad when they made them whence in the 90s, and, now, with affirmation that they did end up near as bad as feared.]

This Friday a morning thought to help focus anyone stirred to read it as shared via Facebook and Twitter was about how we could all become safer suddenly if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia. 

A reasoning about such could be bolstered for the shame they should share for having asked or maybe coerced a new Hope President to an Adminstration to “COVER-UP” for them and their co-Administering as a political “BOGO ‘two-fer’”.  If either Bill or Hillary were a Samurai an “honor code” could have had them of “seppuku” a hundred times each already.

Though it was politically selfish of the Clintons to have however worked a “New Hope” to a contagion of an anatomy of negligence covering for them it is hard to understand how but by coercion they could have bent President Barack Hussein Obama to such a ridiculous and preposterous attempt at such an irrational impossible political “COVER”.

It is hard to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

Flashing hot spots of “Hillary” still “Hillary’s” and not yet ever, hopefully, to be as well negligence of or by succeeding likely Secretary John Kerry - now have us wise to consider and long debate how we could be safer if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia now for it seems we might be safer if we were to open up all the files of the co-Administration of the Clintons NOW and not hardly put at risk more so by what they could or might willingly be able to “share” as if “intelligent” as “Russians”!!!

Happy 100th Birthday President Richard Milhous Nixon!!!  It is hard, this January 11th in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three, to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:13 pm

Alive still at eight three Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is likely rolling over in his grave - tossing and turning with news of today maybe his second or third worst nightmare scenario.

We can imagine that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been an early and proud supporter of this our still “present” and voting “Congress of NO!” as tagged.  There is a moral clarity offered by such.  We have those not of the “party of NO!” more to a “fog of war” and reach for eternal grayness.

Welcome to this new century - ALL!  As Martin Luther wasn’t born Michael nor as a “King” he did rise above his lot himself and to a construct of civility about forgiveness, and even such to a bought moral new clarity, it seems.  Martin Luther King Jr. and Martin Luther must be now if of today, physically and metaphysically, of wondering about Jobs and jobs - JOBS AND JOBS.

The half breed President now with a job too Jobian for some more than others may be one of the worst overdramatizations Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. might have ever imagined.  A black American, yes, but still too black but not enough a “black Irish” specifically — A son of a father and his dreams yet raised by the hard toil and work of a single mother, white.

The “Party of NO!” stands still with a real moral clarity quite inconvenient for President Obama and his JOB.  President Barack Hussein Obama can now only run towards 2012 elections to ask for a repeat - for a “new and improved” just not reasonable - just not “re-elect” “mandate” quality.  This Party of spend, spend, spend — spend, spend, spend again that is our modern Democrat Party has President BO stinking up faith and community and most race religions with its divisiveness and grayness.

We have a morality more fitting to even just Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney for the championing and passage of much of the core of our current civil rights legislation. (You have all read their memoirs, yes?)  We have the storification of years of civil rights struggles with many Republicans of a Lincolnesque and of long Jobian struggles excessive to their jobs just for the obstructive behavior and politics of many Democrats of those days.  We have that President BO to stink up 2012 elections with his grayness up against contrast of “Party of NO!” moral clarity so that we are at a rare time where truth is to be flushed out for all and more of an equality with a “re-election” only to offering an option to “repeat” not to “new and improved.”

It is simple that half breed President Barack Hussein Obama could be today the worst possible truth for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his life’s work - his ministry.  We have him Jobian, yes, and a hallmark figure for a Jobian life for all black men - but was massive unemployment and so more Jobianism as promise of “JOB” really what Dr. King was preaching?

President Obama with his ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION (not “recession” nor “depression” but design over-government “suppression” of economies.) has been an equal opportunity unemployer.  He has not been bigoted while to his Jobian for all.  He is hardly separable from the “mother figure” “Hillary” he keeps close - he keeps so close that it demeans his Lady Michelle, and looks like necessary compensation/compensating.

Critical to Democrat Party “grand” strategy was that there be some “bipartisan” history in any first term about so much top down torrent or trickles to so much forced “Jobian” for so many.  To be “re-electable” to a better future and not just a threat of a dangerous “repeat” they needed a corruption and complicity that a “Party of NO!” moral clarity does prevent.  It is a “dandy” - he has been quite a “Political Dandy.”

To be a man “Jobian” is to have a “job” even though you may not know it - right?  President Barack Hussein Obama with his “green” energy incivility and sans bipartisan has done more than Dr. King may have imagined to give every black man a “JOB.”

We have a half breed black man with a job - a holding of office of our President but with a keeping of a white mother figure a former master of such house close - too close - REALLY.

Really, you should have read KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, &, IN MY TIME by now - and not need a remedial educating now about how Rumsfeld and Cheney did as Republicans historically champion so much of our new civility.

Richard Milhous Nixon would have made a better Secretary of State than “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton ever might, even in her own dreams - her dreaming of getting away with being “Nixonian” without any calling her out on such presentations inadequately dramatic or timely considered.

We could make the case that “Hillary” is more “Jobian” as of a job and struggle she doesn’t understand - a real job challenge - too challenging.

Maybe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would today be having his first laugh, and a real belly laugh — at all these now “Jobian”.

It can be said that President Barack Hussein Obama is “BLACK IRISH” and his Irishness his secret - but I don’t think he is at all Spanish - so the Irish may be safe.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today would either being crying or laughing - really hard to nail up today, you could say.

And so we have Democrat Party and their long worked ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION they prefer to dress up as a new GREAT DEPRESSION though really much worked less of a “Jobian” unawareness than a purposeful and dedicated socialism, as spoken indirectly and at time directly to.  We have that the SUPPRESSION got its first real political legs with “Hillary for President” announcement and that which soon followed as a partisan and very political polarizing declaration against capitalism and market principles as it was near:  “I will seize all oil company profits.”

It is hard to say how aware President Obama is about his existence in a world “Jobian” much the specific handiwork and plotting of the Clinton “two-fer.”  He may be too “Jobian” in his job - due to an unawareness of his politics.

I myself may be of a “Jobian” with wishful thinking that it isn’t actually all the Irish black half of President Obama.

We have that the old lower fuel economies was a job hog - a massive somewhat hidden private - public socialism.  We have that the Democrat Party acted without balance or bias condemning what had been one of Industrial Era greatest job saver and creator.  We have that President Obama was quite “Spanish” in his “greenness” with all his marches to whiter energy (cleaner?)  done with prior and full knowledge that such by Spanish did kill two jobs, about, for every new politically correct job it created.  We have that President Obama whether “Jobian” in such as his petty handiwork did overcome “Spanish” with such a rare dedication to partisan and polarizing politics was to, it seems, a march that killed three jobs for each of his ideological existentialism.


I am being “Jobian” writing about JOB - I am not the person best to discuss with scholarship Dr. King’s “JOB” or “JOB”.  I have no idea how he meant thought:   A JOB FOR EVERY BLACK MAN.  I don’t know if it was as “white” a condition consideration where a finding of a Holy purpose above savagery and isolation his specific ideological existentialism, and or metaphysical consideration.

It seems irrefutable that Clinton “two-fer” enough in the know to have known they would kill two jobs with every one of these new partisan and polarizing politically correct agendas otherwise effected — it may actually be “Jobian” for first black President, the more black “First Black President” than President Clintons “two-fer” was in their “8? and that we may still yet have a “First Black President” with exclamations more American and historically fulfilling with one not a half-breed but directly up and out of savagery they way they once were more democratically considered.

And as now on review for consideration to a “repeat” President Obama knowingly or not, or not yet, approaches the steps anew to such free markets, such less free markets, historically.   President Obama is now up for sale with his labors what they be for our consideration of “p’s & q’s”.   He is set up now to be of lashings better meant or deserved by “Hillary” and yet may consider it his “JOB” to just suffer the fool.

Because Democrat Party “grand” strategy needed a corrupted and cooperative bi-partisanship to effect a new think to cover-up their own decades of malfeasance and misconduct and inadequate laboring - our Republicans are set now to run not “against” President Obama but FOR OUR GOVERNORS & WE THE PEOPLE.  President Obama is so left the scraps of his partisan politics to run against the Republicans running for what he has been long against.

I don’t know whether Dr. King would be laughing finally or crying today.  President Obama can be said to be one of the worst imaginable evolutions of his ministry, though black.

The grayness of the partisan polarizing political agenda of this sect of Democrat Party leadership has the “Party of NO!” set to 2012 elections with a clearer moral clarity.  They can stand for clean energy and proudly as we all bare witness now to miracles of science to new higher mileage economies that can only have been from their decades of careful job saving politics kept long supported as well in research and development so that when JOB’s less significant “new and improved” could be ushered in carefully and scientifically without it being a rash partisan knee jerk political a devastation upon a rather socialized private and public jobs construct in our free markets with lower mileage standards long a JOB saver and creator.

We have it obvious that President Bush must have been a “green” equal opportunity employer and leader as otherwise we couldn’t possibly be now witness to so many fast mileage improvements so quickly - we could be here today after Democrat Party rash political market meddling unless Republicans had long purposefully supported all the research and development that was ready so before it was prudent or necessary - unless purpose was to JOB killing.

Yes President Obama’s suffering may date primarily to “Hillary for President” announcement and effecting that had her of embodiment of a “socialism” with her declaration near exactly of “I WILL SEIZE ALL OIL COMPANY PROFITS.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:31 am

ORIGINAL TO 11/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 9:52 am

Well, it now seems obvious that Democrats of today would have been able to keep “Ronnie” from a Hollywood style to actual real roles in politics, whence.  Having “character” or “getting into character” would have been admissible and confusable.

These are the early days of a week of opening up WOOP (SEE: DONKEYS) with some kick back and color.

Women everywhere are at risk, and in the “hot seat” especially this week, these early days of November’s first week, 2011.  There can be no real claim to equality - the barriers are dimensional - Women everywhere have a corporateness  unequaled and yet unrivaled by them - by women enough.   “Rosie the Riveter” may have hammered out a song - and long and proud and tough song, but today women have a can of worms their own to open before them for all to see.

There hasn’t been enough feminism yet for them to claim equality - they haven’t gone the distance nearly yet.  Where Herman Cain may be lucky not to have been a bad actor of Hollywood set or another Reagan stamped out with cookie cutter now women have the runways.  Can they claim equality and call for more corporate ratings for themselves without calling all women to at least a decade of hard times to prove they can socially handle chase?  Can women ever be “equal” to societies historical expectations for men as hunter gatherer providers of the long slog willing to come home week after week even when so of such social burdens during depressing times even just recessionary?

When will women be able to call themselves equal - can it only be after a decade allowed to be sole proprietor of a family unit in tough times and willing to week after week come home to husbands that spent a day shoe shopping again - say for climbing shoes one day and new golf shoes another and well new flip-flops or water socks another?

What are our current social and societal expectations - is the recession a once in a century opportunity for women and more specifically feminists to step forward and test their mettle, as equally?

There is much color about all this now in early November 2011 - Condoleezza Rice with her memoir NO HIGHER HONOR is out with her version and edition of “black power” either of shelving “WOOP” upon Colin Powell or of holding back or showing “compassion” and/or “empathy.”  This week we could actually say you can have your news any color you want as long as you want it black.

Mr. Herman Cain is in battle of his life yet not so much reported as sparring against feather weight (?) President Barack Hussein Obama.  (note to self:  Find out if Herman Cain has a middle name and if news worthy or column/punditry fodder.)

Without a decade just to themselves women may never be able to prove themselves as a full set or class as equals at least in the world of games and contests once called “men’s work” that just started for societal and home pressures for men to find something to do to get them out of the house so not to bother or contest their women from their things (work?).

As of now it doesn’t look like this will get to be too graphic with daily bar charts or fun raising graphs to side by side compare life of Bill with life of Herman, even just year by year.  It as of now isn’t even looking like a story of black power in Washington of keeping an illegitimate white bastard child hidden away off on some family plantation.  It is a week with many expected cans to be opened of worms or “WOOP.”

The nineties was an easy time for women into men’s work world - a bubble economy was about that created entry opportunities the belied more historical and competitive modeling for showing a leg through the doors of man’s world - into corporateness to equal opportunities in what had been the man’s side of surviving home life.

Sure Colin Powell was part of the BUSH FREEDOM AGENDA but he was also much of the CLINTONS’ laxity about global equality more of words and rants than walk or steps.  Will NO HIGHER HONOR now offer up enough color and “WOOP” - Do female black scholars make better secretaries than retired generals?  Did she?

We are now to the competitive corporate equality that Clintons’ bubbles of teased and unscientific economic policies basically ignore - we are too a bubble that let women more into man’s word of work and to breaching old societal expectations for men to find something to do to get out of wife’s way and so out of the home.  (R.I.P.  Mrs. Rodham, mother of Hillary Clinton - I just now heard the news.)  I tend to be a workaholic and have many hobbies and much professionalism, much of this cannot apply to me - I can “work” most anywhere - I have been meaning to find time to learn rules of golf better and develop my first scoring “handicap” - still have to find and arrange a home course eligible when time allows, though.

I know, this just isn’t seeming fair.  I am really wondering though on size of “WOOP” (again see:  DONKEYS) scholar Condoleezza Rice may have writ upon Secretary Powell.  That said,  Herman Cain is a rare racial window now into corporateness of at least the past twenty years - not sure whom has gotten a leg through his doors or for what or why, or how, where, or as whom or for whom.  Why didn’t a woman, at least a white women get his jobs when he got them or had them - are some jobs just better for men than for women and other corporated ranks better in places for women than men?

Yes, it seems Ronald Reagan could never have been elected today - bad actors in character now would have played out his “getting into character” likely as the real thing - as the Godfather to his “pie” - the Cain to his Abel.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:24 am

The question of the week may now be:  Can Bill and Hillary defect from the USA to even Russia and not be a threat to Americans or our national security? 

I posit here that the answer has to be “YES”!

It may be too soon to offer that if they defected to Russia it might actually help secure Americans and make us all safer.

That said a cut and run by the Clintons might reinforce a perspective upon them as of a white supremacy.

It is not too soon to profess that their choices for Secreataries of State for the Presidency of the Clintons couldn’t possibly have been more white.   In many ways though it is too late because of such as a realistic historical “perspective.”

It is that William Jefferson Clinton born William Blythe III and to a “never knew my father” but if he shared dreams did go to Oxford and was of a Fulbright.   How did he though choose to be so to more full white and the United Kingdom’s rearing as a white man of the south still of civil rights days of struggles for less fortunate?  Did he want to learn how to be a loyal Southern “gentile” within a royal blessing?  Did he have to go to England to learn how to be more totalitarian and/or autocratic?

Most troubling of the Clintons most white Secretarial postings to State of the Presidency of the Clintons may be how they let official state language be in violation of our 1st Amendment protections at least abroad.  It was official bigotry and bias religious as if an Un-Constitutional establishment respecting religion that best marks their politics and policies as regard Saddam Hussein and Iraq — They governed bigoted and biased so that the USA was of officially preferring Iraqi Sunni or Ba’athists over Iraqi Shia.

The most white they likely could have found as selections for Secretarial leadership to carry the Clintons’ State were poetically poorly chosen unless to be LOUD as of a white supremacy, Christian.   We have that they presented first with a “Warring” like Warren like warring as a “Christ O for” Christopher.   We have then that they proceed maybe even more arrogantly still while officially standing America up as bigots biased against the Shia as inferior people to the Sunni, at least.  We have that after being as white as possible with Warren Christopher in such times of strife and unsettled sanctions they followed up with one more for all madams to be all white like bright - a white like call to their “brightness” as if all bright about all madams and all mad lines.

Regardless of how the white supremacy may have hidden itself as long as Bill Clinton’s classic male chauvinism may have more to do with their earlier days together both studying to be lawyers to get above their times and stay above their times with as much supremacy while white that they could consecrate.

Officially we have we may be safer if the Clintons do defect and even if they defect to Russia.  We are still living with their mistakes and bias and bigotry that violated our 1st Amendment standards - we are still living with a mess from them presenting us all as bigoted and biased against at least the Iraqi Shia as inferior people - as inferior an “incapable of governing themselves”.

It may be a stretch to call the Clintons both “racists” but we cannot now escape the mess they caused being in violation of our 1st Amendment principles as per the Iraqi Shia, at least.  To call the “white supremacists” is not to call them “racists.”  To call them “white supremacists” is to suggest that they wanted to always be supremely over others not them, at least.  I don’t know how or why they could have been to buying a house in DC on a Whitehaven Road or to together having cherished a permanent Library to memorialize them while publicly choosing to let it be phallic and in Confederate Gray.  That it is phallic as a gun or half bridge may be their most honest statement ever for being suggestive that they never meant to consecrate any full bridge about issues of their times.

The only thing that can honestly be said of “it is all Bush’s fault” is limited to an all that of Bush being a road block to attempts to pervert socialist or totalitarian ideals by Dems to get and hold power by a few elite.   I is maybe all Bush’s fault that a spread of SOCIALISM to Americans at home and abroad has been failing.

Yes, it was official language of the Presidency of the Clintons that had the Shia people of a majority in Iraq officially declared so inferior a people based upon “religious” establishments by the Clintons that the most white possible Secretarial selections of the Clintons were regularly of proclamations or declarations like:  THE IRAQI SHIA ARE INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

Yes, we all might be safer without the Clintons - please defect Clintons.  Even, please defect to Russia if they will have you now.

We can see by your very public histories that when your “supremacy” weakened or became challenged or ready for permanent public memorializing you chose or inadvertently showed yourselves to have wanted to be your white selves supremely as long as possible or at least as long as you could legally manage.  

And, it seems that “Bill” to manage to hide his natural dominant desire to remain above feminism as long a his “Hillary” could help him stay her “Russian Bear” in whiteness and with his American chauvinistic charm to here fully enabled and secured.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:52 pm

It seems to be a unique story of an American up from our western islands.  He speaks now and as so recently of a story not specifically like his Madam Secretary’s of a political nepotism causal to her ascendency to “Senator” Clinton — our President has spoken in a clear and concise manor not indicative of a black man of “negro dialect.”

President Barack Hussein Obama has a story similar to Mrs. Hillary Clinton, his Secretary of State, as of a career that others seem to have built.  In the case of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton we have that her acquisition of a New York Senate seat can be simply tagged as of a political nepotism kind of affirmative action - or whatever.

President Obama’s recent “someone else built it” illumination of his real life story without regular fictional accoutrements may not be as politically bad as Senator Harry Reid’s past remarks that shed like on his willingness to help the career construction for Senator Barack Obama - those remarks of such being affirmable as action would be for a “light skinned” politician with “no negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

No to men are exactly alike - no two politicians regardless of sex or skin color or lifestyle are either. 

As all were born equal and subject later to conscious considerations of an “ashes to ashes” exposure - we have the Barry Obama roots of President Obama now to consider much.

You may be late to this story of President Obama’s less about a struggle for freedom than his Secretary of State but not too late to now look at both as “made” “politician” much of constructions for them to a “career” or “business” with it now to a parsing of particulars between “political nepotism” and “affirmative action.”

For the sake of our Olympians and their work at being successful we can for now safely “box” these two “leaders” as bureaucrats more than as cheerleaders.  President Barack Hussein Obama has had it tougher than some politicians in Chicago for troubles related to affirmative action, yes, but complicated for that “half black” or “light skinned” bias as of a “not black enough.”

We know his Secretary of State is a carpetbagger of record.  We can consider that her Senate “Job” was mostly arranged for her with expectations that her husband’s relocation to NYC would continue to greatly favor its economy however actually built.  It is hard to actually see “Hillary” of a success story of her own - it just seems still when there have been successful moments, as few as there may be, others have been actually otherwise mostly responsible.

So what are the “roots” of President Obama the aforementioned “light skinned” with “no negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” — what is his story of success - can he at all be more responsible for his own success than his Secretary of State for her few?

Not all that were born equal have such a story of others shovel ready for them actually with shovels ready and worked - even figuratively.  It seems by President Obama’s recent remarks that somehow he had trouble with “shovel ready” jobs because he was ignorant of where shovels actually came from. 

Maybe he needs some time in his wife’s gardens.

How do we separate the boy from the man - the President Barack from the “surfer dude” Barry?  What are his roots, actually, whom are we best now to compare him to but maybe his own Secretary?

Senator Reid wasn’t alone with his thoughts back whence then while of speaking so affirmingly and actively for his peer that was “light skinned” and of “no negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”  There is a story of “political” “shovels” for a young carpetbagger of sorts to Chicago and as well of a political concern similar to recent remarks much as well about his being only half black.

As we have heard there are at least intonations to differentiate similar remarks spoken with business experience by Mitt Romney that mark a true story less fictionalized or dramatized than his darker skinned opponent now in the 2012 Presidential race.

It seems that President Obama has well set himself apart as the “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” candidate and historically as our first “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT” but as it has earlier applied for those more uniters than dividers.

We have that it is of record that President Obama is “not our first black President” and as well others have been contrary to the intent of such, spoken by more than a few, when of the left handedness of President Clinton and his wants regular at times to grab whatever attention he could by claiming for himself a spotlight as “the first black President.”

Was President Obama’s first problem with businesses and job creators the early problem with “shovel ready” jobs as it seems now cleared out some with his “others built that business” as it suggests he doesn’t still know where shovels come from?

So we have just two to talk about now more than any other - one for a “political nepotism” and the other for a sometimes too fictional story and the actual affirmative action that silently supported and still may support it.

This really though is only about Barack Hussein Obama the career politician and no one else’s actual roots.  We have that he himself with his early autobiography and his keeping of an oral tradition about his tales has been clearly to explaining that he didn’t make or win his first elective office in Chicago.  We have that his “political” “business zone” and all its roads and bridges (if it had any) were made for him in a Chicago back office.

There are many to celebrate and cherish for life stories complete from ashes to ashes and as works in progress, yet for this politician Barack Hussein Obama it seems his success isn’t actually by his own admittance as success of his own works or skill.

When it comes to separating the boys from the men or girls from the women one’s actual roots are to be litigated if a politician in a public realm.  Yes Olympians - you are responsible for what you have built yourselves to.  I am not sure that by the President’s recent remarks he thinks we should say the same about him.

He may say words similar to thoughts spoken some by Mitt Romney and as a “light skinned” with “no negro dialect, …” and as a carpetbagger politician of some sorts to Chicago yet it seems they just don’t have the same heft or intonation as when spoken by someone who has been in business and has business experience.

I don’t know why President Barack Hussein Obama who got his first political (elective) job in Chicago from a back room redrawing of representative mapping so that a sufficient number of people who would have less objection to a light skinned Harvard Law grad carpetbagger candidate could be kind of “relocated” to be of a majority affirmative for him would now be to raising the issue of himself as our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT.

His story is his own - and now in question more than most.  President Obama has called himself out as one whose story is a construction by others mostly.  When it comes to having roots of a business actually of the labors of others it seems his story of having a back room redrawing of political lines in Chicago for him to be sufficient to guarantee his election is now maybe his first “shovel ready” work.

I know, I have recalled that I have known him from afar as ambitious about oratory since the seventies.  I have recognized that his ideas of “compromise” are familiar as Democrat Party lines I have long found impracticable and theoretically unworkable.  I do recall as well that his 2004 Convention break out speech annoyed me viscerally quite as of a taking from me of my own works and to different ends than intended and to being as well of an inappropriate usage by other Democrats of original works and cerebral conceptions that were meant to work for more and more equally.

Mr. President - you seem to have made this much about you specifically and called into question your own actual story - might you now while such is fresh in the public conscience explain how you came to 2004 Convention Speech to sound contrary so to your written style and yet too close for comfort and acceptance by me to my own style and original synthesis for modern times specifically and while such works were not “works yet in the public domain”? 

If this if of you having turned bad or rotten from the top down or roots up it seems as well it is of roots of my own story of works for positive change and times that I found attempt to maybe just “imitate” far from flattering yet not far from concerning and as unauthorized. 

I do have a problem with the Clintons and how even with “affirmative action” excuse for “political nepotism” they are still of misuse of much of what is of and in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that as well is still remarkable for being more of the style and rhyme and reasoning of your break out 2004 Convention speech than your own published written works, however fictional or composited.

I did here quote others for commentary on you being maybe not black enough and especially Senator Harry Reid unforgettable affirmation, however, for you.  As per that first impression of you from 2004 live speaking I still cannot shake the “how dare they? - how dare you?  that came to mind and with an echo that made me want to scream in protest especially for it of “try to put a black face on his work.”

You are more a master now than then, Mr. President — Please though can you tell me whom may have been more your master then to such I viscerally felt as an unauthorized attempt to put a black face on my own works and those that were meant to maximize positive change and with a new workable bi-partisan political correcting for general language and discussion?  It still annoys me to this day that whom ever such then more a master than you and especially about my own works was and is of the party of those that worked to make my works work for fewer and in a more partisan way and as well some for fewer about such as well too selfishly for personal political gains.

Mr. President - this judgement day is for you - you seem to have brought it very publicly upon yourself and your own story, however fictional.  I do see that if we are to talk about your story as our AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT it will be hard to reason away an equally judgemental studying as well of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and as least as well as of affirmative action work of others like her Senate job as of a business of “political nepotism.”

Mr. President - this judgement day you stirred for a very public political review seems though rooted in Hawaii rearing to be much about how in Chicago you didn’t build a district and win it by an open and fair election but that you have a hopefully mostly unique American story of having a district worked and constructed from a Chicago back room.

Mr. President - do you have any comment?  Mr. President what do you have to say for our Olympians?  And, for all that have long been or have ever been American?

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