American first principles of these united states of the Americas ordered liberty for frontier pilgrims; these The United States of America have a constitution a peoples’ Order where one is of democracy with how they self-govern in Lord’s Laws.
Where with W.E.F. - Washington Emoluments Fraud – there is prescribed civic duty for solidarity versus as Thomas Jefferson wrote “tyrannies over the minds of men”.
Ethics are to be the walked and talked of citizenry; dishonor and conduct unbecoming are to be of public notice – posts broadly available.
Our Peoples’ “Order” in Posterity is an Order ordained a constitution “done” in “Year of our Lord” gives cover to “global citizen” - but as still under religious liberty and a deep dependence for our systems of governance, so ordered, in the public morals of the populace. Our writs of government are public morals dependent.
None is separated from the Kingdom of the Lord.
Our separation of church and state is vertical to that the Federal Government is sans any divine right of monarchs and is fundamentally set to also under our Lord – Creator – Lord’s Laws.
Each is constituted a global citizen, yes, but as children of God unums of under their Lord before under government.
By how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator.
Frontier pilgrims are to stay protected from taxation without representation by the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and especially particularly it written of none to be titled; each is to be able to be a traveler a pioneer a pilgrim to self-govern firstly in Lord’s Laws.
Our modern pledge of allegiance places “indivisible” to modify “under God” to that in each iteration of allegiance a person is accepting and attesting of themselves and others that by our ordered liberty of our established constituted Peoples’ “Order” we are of a union where we are indivisible from being a child of the Lord – a universal citizen.
Nationalism is of secured checks and balances for a populace effected when Lords’ Laws broke down - seemed to malfunction – broken; our nationalism is ascribed to principles of limited government.
Washington emoluments are to be policed by Congress in principles of ethics and accountability to value “whatever”! Each Congress has a duty to approve any emoluments “whatever”! Emoluments are not presumed to be criminal.
Washington emoluments frauds are to be prosecuted. Apparently, Washington emoluments can be of actionable wrongdoing even to a penny in value! A corrupt soul can be too great a civic risk by crossed the line at all.
There can be no other “global citizenry” constitutionally than that each is a child of the Lord – and of rights from their Creator – of the Light of the Word of in a joy of Truths. Nationalism much can be a fallacy; nationalism can be fallacious for ordering liberty has more facility in the local of community and the universal - the all-ness.
No President of this Union of states has the authority to suborn, or/and subjugate citizens under another government. Alexander Hamilton in article 1 of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS explains our ordered liberty is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” as of limiting principle.
Washington emoluments frauds - W.E.F. - must be discovered, dissected, exposed!
A kingpin corruptor now is necessarily present in machinations political since 1993.
A Washington “swamp” dragged net now seems populated of smaller fish yet of schooled with this a BIG FISH to headline of too crossed the fine lines for protections from tyranny such are of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE.
William Jefferson Clinton – Bill Clinton born William Blythe III - is for Posterity taggable as such a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
Washington emoluments frauds forward need to be measured against all the perversions of the constituted Peoples “Order” our CONSTITUTION with the Clintons’ “post-Constitution” machinations.
Global economics have been perverted and corrupted by this “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
Whom did he associate with? When did such know of his anti-Constitution ploys for authoritarian power contrary to limits of especially the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE of none to be “titled”?
How can present news of dishonorable behavior by Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as of conduct unbecoming be too as associated to how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” tried to change the rules on emoluments at least for he and his spouse? Was Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. a bad actor but a sad copycat? Is our current President yet associated with the “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” back to 1993?
Is there any global economics not set asunder by having by some to much corrupted by the worked perversions to the Peoples’ written protections from tyrannies over citizens?
How much did President Biden know and at which moment did he become too jealous?
We need a solidarity of the children of the Lord across this planet as global economics have become slaved to corrupt influences/influencers; Global citizens of these inalienable universal rights must connect for a reset to ethical standards as seems by an overdue policing of a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
How much did Vice President Biden know and at which moment should he have pounded 77 or 911 in a civic & civil service duty?
Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder!
Too much was perverted in the name of the Clintons!
More was perverted in the name of the Clintons than a Biden can compete with in Posterity!
President Biden cannot be to a BUILD BACK BETTER accolade if building blocks with small r republic baby steps are not a cornerstone to a facility of understanding; as a builder what he is building must be, like brick by brick, comparable to what were structural before.
American first principles did not allow a former President - however also a term-limited executive - to do what the Clintons effected even just through the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES aka THE CLINTON FOUNDATION; our principles of Union do not allow a president to be titled even after office – to thus act as if an authoritarian – to carry on as if able to fund and organize to globally hold court.
As our standard is “whatever” that President Biden crossed the line is more importantly now of the when – not a by how much or how or why.
Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder until these particulars are rectified upon.
Washington emoluments frauds are a greatest of threats to our civil liberties – our freedom secured for democracy in principle to be firstly as each a child of the Lord expected to self-govern in ethics within a community basis.
He born William Blythe III has been of mutinies on his bounties? Barack Hussein Obama, a man said of 1 speech, was able to undermine their expected inevitable. Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. likewise succeeded to a presidency supposed to have been prescribed by perversions as inevitably to be for Mrs. Clinton to call her own.
William Jefferson Clinton is for Posterity a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
What was done in an END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS collusion around the also NEPOTISM worked to effect a thought suffice of collaborations to seat Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - to an own named presidency is now defeated.
Yet? Washington emoluments frauds snare President Biden in a swamp dragged net with it all.
President Biden is no President Clinton! President Biden Justice Department must make that clear.
Our nation has been in the wrong direction with and since the Clintons changed the retirement package conditions for former Presidents. Mustn’t we now the world over admit such was too great a perversion of American - the United States of America – principles, and protections from tyranny?
The devilish haunts in the details of how newly valued former President Clinton got to be to as if worth more per day than even President Obama was, by the same government, valued per year years later.
Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
The systematic perversion of our EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and more generally our founding principles is of that President Clinton got so much taxpayers’ monies after office to that it seems enough to have felt promoted from President of the United States to the first President of the World.
Frauds have been perpetuated over the history of our Union of states - its years of ordered liberty by a Peoples’ Order an order ordained a constitution. Yet it seems President Biden cannot ever, however also criminal by crossed a fine line, compare to how now for three decades Americans have been in a wrong direction by being in step with President Clinton machinations.
President Obama, due was a first Harvard Law Review President and later a Constitutional Law professor, should welcome, albeit such to risk self-incrimination, joining discussions on each particular that corrupted worldwide economics foundations too while being firstly of the machinations of the Clintons, point by point, to have fraudulently been allowed to call EMOLUMENT more as if just CHARITY not policed and to be able to themselves live and breath more as if authoritarians yet titled and funded by taxpayers.
Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
Since the end of the 2nd term of the Clintons their success at having changed the system to have had President Clinton collect more from taxpayers than all past Presidents combined has corrupted maybe all succeeded to President since, and especially market elements of global/world economics foundations.
Washington emoluments frauds were normal for Democrats of Democrats with the reign of Nancy Patricia Pelosi, in representation of California, and as Speaker of the House.
Speaker Pelosi was publicly so biased for EMOLUMENTS abuse in her party she allowed the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE duties to be only apparently applied to REPUBLICANS.
Versus REPUBLICANS we were witness to The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi offering versus Donald John Trump, Sr. while President a biased perverted interpretation to as if the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE did not say “without the consent of Congress”! Speaker Pelosi is snared in the swamp dragged net! Speaker Pelosi was for decades of the dereliction of duty to have applied the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE fully upon the Clintons!
Now how we measure Washington emoluments frauds is involved in measuring President Biden, even upon CLASSIFIED documents when Vice President; the Bidens as bad actors for Posterity seem yet of jealousy upon the vast sums the Clintons managed contrary to our written protections.
The world over we must discover who are globally ignorant at least of such violations!
The worldwide economic foundations are still set asunder by how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” held court and expected and collected commitments emoluments while reign of Nancy P. Pelosi looked the other way to let a cloaking occur of abuse of authority of office of conduct unbecoming as if could be just CHARITY while yet the means and methods for a term-limited President to not let go of power.
You know things must be bad for Democrats when…
Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:
We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.
With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.
Our “Joe” has two problems: Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.
Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks; Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”! These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”. These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue. Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”
The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.
Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.
That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.
As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.
You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.
I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.
You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too? To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.
As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people.
Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.
Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?
“Joe”? Vice President Joseph Biden? Really?
What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?
* * * WHO YA GONNA CALL? * * *
Bill Clinton if to try to put a pretty face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” still is as if his instinct is to try to put his face out there.
Let us talk about how to BLITZ presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in the year 2016: Now: How to sack any or all “HOOLIGANS”:
If reality is supposed to matter now it must be like 79% for TRUMP GOP odds with a BLITZ to at best 20% for such a HOOLIGAN now as the AWAY team and as one firstly to a problem of staying between the lines.
Mrs. Clinton is known of so many lies orated, and suspected of far more unknown to date, such that her lips are red hot - her lips are smokin’ hot - her lips are her “smoking gun”!
Regular BLITZING should be of the GOP Party playbook now for any and all to field efforts forward for defending the movement now long winning WHAT that is the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” Donald Trump joined late, and yet is WHOM rising to be a primary general leader.
It is just accepted as fact that Mrs. Clinton lips are smokin’ - and HOT like a criminals hands when caught “red handed”!
Bill Clinton is still showing defense instincts to try to help Mrs. Clinton by putting his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” for as if his old populism can yet trump reality and trump the popular movement of WHOM Mr. Trump is still rising for the winning WHAT.
This is all quite mashable and as fitting for how much has been doctored from reality for Mrs. Clinton regular makeovers to that Mrs. Clinton’s known “smokin’” lies get laid down of a populism as yet mostly laid out in lies and deception.
As we should be prepared to score on BLITZ plays against “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” we should be drilled and training as prepared to cry foul if Bill Clinton presents too much as across the lines of term limited and feminism and as if needing to be an extra “player” on the field - necessarily.
As the tragedy of Benghazi are now smarting again and fresh newly to how Secretary Clinton’s lips were smokin’ they were so hot with lying let us yet now look to how we must also defend against President Obama & President Clinton, and while these two are regularly contrarian to the core of “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Mrs. Clinton.
To BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” any local party initiative or PAC mentality now seems to be needing a coordinated plan - a play common to the REPUBLICAN PARTY PLAYBOOK.
More dramatically, however maybe to base to be SHAKESPEAREAN, we can attest that Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton has more blood on her hands than “LADY MACBETH” - and to it likewise therefore evident such “HOT LIPS” has maybe never been good at triage, - politically speaking.
To cotten to this mash up of a small tent of Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton there is yet a gate to first cross of how such a “HOOLIGAN” can ever be rightly hospitably accepted. The shenanigans of such a “HOOLIGAN” are much of she has been so irregular any rank for her should be questioned due its seems “HOT LIPS” has for a long long time had difficulty staying “between the lines”!
From the sidelines forward is where Donald Trump should be most seen when BLITZING called out for local or PAC mentality plays. Donald Trump should not do the BLITZING himself - many many others should locally be called to action as called up to BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - any DEMOCRATS “HOOLIGANS”!
“DRAB” is the color of these days with Mrs. Clinton as if needing for championship balling to have either President Obama as a “RINGER” or (also) President Clinton. Yet we should concur to that President Obama and President Clinton are so contrary and not like able to be fielded of any one “SPECIAL TEAM”!
The GREEN BACKS of President Obama are not saddled any ways like how President Clinton ranks were saddled for “ECONOMICS”! “MONEY” for “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” has long been vast - broadly political - very excessive!
Women, Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton is such a known “HOOLIGAN” she is DANGEROUS to package as but a repackaged “EVIL BARBIE” - even with DRONES and BODYBAGS not included. One such as “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is not, prudently speaking for regular order jurisprudence core, is not one finely mashable to be a good ROLE MODEL for girls, - not even/especially as gender neutral as for “future leaders”!
The laid lies already known of Mrs. Clinton are enough to justify “WORSE THAN LADY MACBETH” for she can be rightly tag’d as one to of lies for cover-ups to therefore as one of more blood on her hands, comparatively, than Richard Milhous Nixon.
Bill Clinton keeps trying to put his face on this for a populism to trump the rising popularity of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that now should enthrall audiences all around the world when if BLITZ is called and effected, and with minions associated in REPUBLICAN unifying colors populating the lines to which Nominee Trump is yet known to be not a “RINGER” but one an honest broker a “manager” on the sideline.
It now may not be just wrong to put President Obama’s face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” as it now with President Clinton so obviously conjoined that it just would be quite improper to suggest President Obama is “in the tent” as with the camp of the “small tent of…” of “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS”!
Her lips are our “SMOKIN’ GUN” - that was established to a suffice as such needed to be established before the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE had due cause to so organize. “HOOLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton were investigated by the HOUSE assigned honorable members because an illegal cover-up was determined to have occurred; - the HOUSE tasked honorable members were tasked to a duty to determine details of such “cover-up” and to assign measures of guilt upon various individuals so then party to the improper partisan political covers; - the committee has failed yet if it hasn’t reported it moved as far as it could against all the obstructionism to a finding of how President Obama is more to blame for Secretary “HOT LIPS” Clinton failures than Mrs. Clinton herself!
This is all so very mashable! “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is only made worse with Clinton/Warren tag team now presenting, relative to the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” as both so usually outside the lines we seems to be witness to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” outta no where a real where.
It is just wrong in so many ways to allow Bill Clinton a populism if of distractions by coy ploys and chicanery to offering his face in lew of seeing more broadly the “SMOKIN’ GUN” is the red hot lips of laid lies of Mrs. Clinton to that it mashable and proper to tag Mrs. Clinton “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!
Forward, as BLITZING should be a popular and most used/called play of and for the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” - as yet with Nominee Donald Trump just of sideline, or manager’s box - we are now best conditioned as if to be most prepared around a simple truth that President Obama and President Clinton cannot both fit in the “economics” or “political” small tent of “NOTORIOUS HRC” - “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton - Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton!
It is just like as simple as President Obama and President Clinton have never like queued of bars - barring - barristers - baristas - garcons - ever as two of smoking the same cigar!! Em never fit in same “economics” tent!!
The known laid lies of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton may be trumped yet if the unknown also laid by lips of “HOT LIPS” as a political partisan “HOOLIGAN” ever become generally attested to - sufficed of adequately exposed!!
President Clinton stokes of be still’d to shining to a vast cutter of spending and too only common to President Obama core as to likewise being to masses to forced austerity; - President Clinton had populism in a grand naivete for he cut, cut, cut until $2 Trillion was removed from budgeted and afforded to that a crashing end to his burning of the wick of the “economics candle” of burning from both ends simultaneously - to the crash so big the candle was like fused as if TNT - as if of “BILL’S DYNAMITE” purposely mishandled.
President Obama stokes of imbibed concoctions spirits from otherwise still’d are yet but to a forced “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” a common core as yet street and common sense obvious to he of his methodology was yet for AUSTERITY too but yet by spend, spend, spend, as to then trump old progressive lines of “TAX & SPEND LIBERALS”!!
Though President Obama and President Clinton both like SMOKED you to a forced AUSTERITY they can never be passed as “RINGERS” for the worse than “LADY MACBETH” worse than President Richard “TRICKY DICK” Nixon contests for they quite like really can never both fit in the “small tent” of one now so “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!!
Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton has more blood on her hands than the spousal husbandry of 1993 to 2001 as yet of her spouse’s record unless prudence restored for jurisprudence to a GUILT upon President Clinton for NEGLIGENCE to even “NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE” for doctoring voters from TRUTH that he is culpable and to a real JEOPARDY due eight years too much of INACTION and AVOIDANCE as begetting DANGERS - as yet the core message common to President Obama erudite proffered oration known as his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!!!
That we now have BENGHAZI REPORTS and yet little satisfaction attests to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” and “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS” established still in the self - evident so that a “CAPTAIN OBVIOUS” not even needed! I.E.: Like rap is: “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS”!!
Again: Oy again: President Obama and President Clinton cannot fit in the “small tent” of “HOT LIPS” as they are essentially, while so of both having wrecked havoc upon the middle and lower class People by forced AUSTERITY by different partisan economic methods, more than of different tents as they are more firstly economically speaking of different “camps”!
You and I, all of us, actually, may each be better off if we do not let Bill Clinton popularize the situation to it then his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” scandal, and to yet be firstly between BLITZING of yet putting only President Obama’s face upon “HOLLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton.
You and I, all of us, actually, must be smarter than the DEMOCRATS hope or expect of any voter, possible voter!
You and I, all of us, realistically, - oy that! -, should ascribe to restorations for common sense and regular order!
You and I, all of us, now dedicated for our republic should shake off the nationalism of these DEMOCRATS and commit ourselves passionately to regular exercised privileges for healing from the long long long laid lies of the CLINTONS, and too that which yet must be differentiated and pared separately for what is of the ‘THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” relatively.
You and I, all of us, now should see that regular BLITZ plays called against Mrs. “NOTORIOUS HRC” “HOT LIPS” Clinton should be enough, under the circumstances of just the known laid lies of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS” to yet suffice to halt or even arrest the BULL of President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton! - “HOT LIPS’” prime “BULL” “BILL”!
For our INDEPENDENCE and for our republic for which it stands still enduring by the People’s Order a constitution for Liberty and Justice for ALL let us be of our established and ordained and to holding “HILLARY CLINTON” from fielding improper “RINGERS” and to getting away, further, with any and all steppin’ out side of the lines, - being LAWLESS and for CHAOS as if AUTHORITARIAN CLINTONS can suffice to replace CONSTITUTION, - especially our sworn affirmed BILL OF RIGHTS!
For our FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE let us recommit ourselves to seeing that enough now see past their laid lies and to be able newly to consecrate the nation as yet a loose union of republican states for TRUTH - for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - for RELIGIOUS LIBERTY!!!
Let us BLITZ against, as regularly as necessary, all further attempts to bed for eternity their TYRANNY by laid LIES! - GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
* * * * * * *
And, in conclusion the Clintons become imprisoned for heinous acts in treason. Too Democrats, 16.1.21, we are read it may be life sentences upon each of their souls, for acts of collusion of their shared soul.
Too, of the collective opines of Davos, albeit as said as for world economics, 2nd Corinthians may be “Messiah” President Barack H. Obama’s best defense. 2016 is the year the “Messiah” must lock in his proffered NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as if to GREEN MINIMALISM as the new copacetic tao - the new POLITICAL CORRECT lingua, forward, as in lieu of POVERTY LEVEL. The messianic of this whom saved the world from the too “machinations” of the CLINTONS’ MACHINE now lives another day to days for responsibility for the forced austerity into retirement.
The world economics of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY have been established and ordained, like, - though wrongly for Americans in a secular SOCIALISM! These days are to try souls, - in synchronicity with the devilish of the Clintons machinations for MACHIAVELLIAN Power for a ruling class. President Obama may have been an accidental WIZARD towards CONGRESS convened and committed to CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY, and it may be accidental that the messianic too has brought peoples of the world closer to their “under God” and wiser from as if first “under Government”!
There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too. To understand these, as AMERICAN, readings must be transgress morally of the old of PUBLIUS as the explainer of CONSTITUTIONAL as synchronized to ADAM SMITH for the then fresh WEALTH OF NATIONS. Too, of the global, and of the collective opines wafting of Davos of #WEF, deference is due to a reading of holy scriptures for the People Order done was ordained and established “done” under God by subscribed “done” so respectfully of “Year of our Lord”!
Do you reject Satan? Now in 2016: Together: Yes! I reject Hillary Clinton (for her machinations devoid of prudent sagacious beingness)! Together: The “little princess” shall be no “Queen” despite her life’s shared work as of wants for autocratic global Power. Together: We the People, now 16.1.21, are wise enough to “BAD MAGIC” the proper tag for CLINTONOMICS!
There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too. Too DEMOCRATS, 16.1.21, - SAVED DEMOCRATS! Can you yet be #4College #READY if not intellectual to PROS & CONS, GOOD V. EVIL, RIGHT & WRONG by comparing and contrasting of the PILGRIMS era pride their works as then global - world economics, like - joined as an epoch or era, too of the core of Rene Descartes writing as a CATHOLIC from where they left from, and, too of the core, albeit martial to brutal of ENGLISH times, of OLIVER CROMWELL?
There is no securing the progress, however “accidental” of an “accidental wizard” President at a political spun as if “messianic”, forward, now, without people everywhere voluntarily committed and participant to their chose extra-nation morality and likely to the voluntary emoluments to financially buttress their home community as duly with celebrant structures as SANCTUARY.
NEW DEAL AUSTERITY has begot GREEN MINIMALISM! “An Accidental Messiah” may be a premature #TAG an not prudent to be bestowed as it seems un-Saintly how lies were worked by political machinations to falsely accuse more innocent political operatives to a BLAME & GO opportunism, - a politics, however to GOOD begot to a lesser materialism, as a Political too much of selfish ends for a RULING CLASS, particularly. “LONG LIVE GREEN MINIMALISM!!!” ?
Forward: Together: For the social good to endure, however now a GOOD from bad magic of an “accidental wizard”, all, - all across these united states of the Americas, must fairly engage for discoursing upon an existential problema, concurrent to our votal decidings.
Forward: Together: GREEN MINIMALISM, as a GOOD to less gauche or gaudy MATERIALISM for materialism’s sake, to be newly of the “right hand of GOD”, to be a lasting GOOD to endure (to save the shared planet from CLIMATE CHANGE, at least) must be embraced for world economics, - due local economies are of the People immediately pressed to the social problema of shared existence in this new year still kept of the Christian Calendar as a “Year of our Lord” Constituted!
* * * * *
Their ideology is the key! Their idealism is the legend for if to intellectual honesty, or even if in “intelligent”!
Hillary Clinton 2008 primary as run for towards the only economics that could deal with all her promised is present and loud to that Barack Obama Utopian Socialist lead from behind method of Governing is itself Mrs. Clinton’s common core “science”! Obama in 2008 ran matching near all Clintons’ promised Socialist goodies and then essentially after elected as a Socialist did use those “experts” available for Mrs. Clinton Utopian top down over-lording. President Obama did basically essentially staff up for his leading from behind as to leading to a Utopian Socialism yet with those the “experts” President Clinton was then most likely to have herself have colluded.
That there is a road map now a retrospective of such as say the Democrat Party core way is most important due we are all pressed to consider #4College #FLOTUS #MO with #ChanceTheRapper, forward, for solidarity that #4College Democrats must yet be now to encouraging critical thinking and intellectual honesty by seeing it practiced by more that an intellectualizing does occur for un-schooled youths must be brought to considering the PROS & CONS, THE UPS & DOWNS, THE RIGHT & WRONG! We must because we have been asked to, however while in an apparent contrariness as beset to Utopian Socialism.
What may have befallen the economics is for intellectualizing forward and backwards. As Utopian Socialist President Obama as on #GunControl spoke in character to ‘mental illness’ in stead of “spiritual health” there is beyond his “Lead From Behind” a to be reported from behind his leading from behind to how a problem of “mental health” is that Socialism, however Utopian, has created problems by assuaging compliance to assimilation to every “thing” must have a “sick code” in for a top down over-lording of “subjects” - - - has created problems of “spiritual health” by marching and dictum towards National compliant standards to too much an establishment for secular Socialism too much to a dire and excessive irreligiousness.
While irreligiousness persists to be a core problem common across the sameness, and what may be slightly different, about methodologies of Mrs. Clinton or President Obama we have the economics as “science” to discern: Seems: Utopian Socialist Lead From Behind President Obama is a tag that sticks and for forward it seems a dire harbinger extant to that Mrs. Clinton should not inherit such as an opportunity to further her own Utopian Socialist Lead From Behind Democrat Party Top Down Over-lording. That is: We have it, by PROS & CONS, that President Obama legacy seems so for work for women, and as devoid of actions to that he has effected politics for 50%+ leisure time for black males. That is: Mrs. Clinton would likely continue a politics for work for women, and too for 50%+ leisure time for black males, and yet to it then for the general Welfare as to Posterity for Tranquility that all men then should consider 50%+ leisure time is their new lot.
For example: e.g.: “My name is J. P. Hogan, - as a recovering former workaholic I can embrace Mrs. Clinton Utopian Socialism Lead From Behind governance if too for work for women, and 50%+ leisure time for all men.”
NOTE: From “As structuring “COMMON CORE 101 - CLINTON MARRIAGE EXPLAINED” fig #KenBurns #Roosevelts sets up #HillaryClinton as still like a good #Eleanor even if like estranged from her husband and as like due too much inbred white cousins? #Burns vs #HOGAN on #Clintons? #BillClinton — #FDR example fair for #women #women4Hillary as infidelities precedence sets up a “different enough” for #MrsC as like too an inbred intermarried Roosevelt cousin?”
Though irreligiousness of secular Socialism as too statistically true at too high a ratio to unity in truth of religiosity is a core common to most of the unsettled, these todays hotspots, men, - all men, should consider work for women means more leisure time without stigmas for men, for real men especially. President Obama erred on “Gun Control” as to for “mental health” - but since due his Utopian Socialism, and his leading from behind, the better and more traditionally “American” lingua and “science” for establishments of healthy communities solutions were/are not available! As President Obama needs an Obamacare “sick code” for everything under the sun he must sell “mental illness” as “spiritual health” is undermined and set asunder by dictum for their must be secular irreligious diagnosis and treatment for everything.
It seems the trouble Mrs. Clinton and President Obama have with the First Amendment is that it so stands established and ordained as in their ways to an un-American new frontier forward where it like:
“If a subject (antiquated “citizen”) can’t just take a pill for it, what ever it is, then their freedom of religion is violated.”
Yes Men! All men in behoove us not to skirt from a discerning of how Mrs. Clinton is floated! As though seeming ridiculous how “NEW & IMPROVED” the forensic pathology of Mrs. Clinton, Politician, suggests DANGER!!! as so NEW!!! she rates a comparative listed alarming yet of a STRANGER!!! DANGER!!!
And yes Men - - - We must consider President Clinton as so very very quite contrary! There maybe is no “common core” in the “Union” the “Marriage” the “Clinton Two-fer”! There may be no intelligent answering by President Clinton to how it can ever have been ideologically or Politically a GOOD as seems EVIL now juxtaposed to Democrats Utopian Socialism and Lead From Behind - - - it now seems all like 100% EVIL - EVIL to by the spouse of Mrs. Clinton that 1993 to 2001, comparatively, was of cutting $ 2 Trillion from budgeted and already afforded “social” “programs”!
Yes Men, as it seems Bill Clinton failed everyone, we must be on guard to our best self interests forward, and alert and awares to it seems so contrary and diabolical that President Clinton did cut $ 2 Trillion too much, or at least $ 1 Trillion too much as for was cut too quickly for irresponsible most secular Political POPULARITY.
Philadelphia is lost! The foundations of freedom have been forsaken! Conventions lots now as cracked from prudence as the Liberty Bell from original tolls concordance!
In this new year so the Year of our Lord, so calendar proper, as established by the “Order” as a new more perfect Constitution, and now advanced to two thousand ten and six, the imports of “American” are set asunder by posturing as if Mrs. Clinton endears and to enough of clean hands to wear white to a Philadelphia Convention, and its Balls.
No American’s six is covered if em not participant in doubting, and intellectualizing of a conundrum too enduring of it that: Republicans and Democrats approved new President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State when it was Senator Mrs. Clinton up for review. That inadequate intellectualizing of the “its complicateds” was a new much lower standard than was the practice when the founding fathers worked through philosophies of governance for freedom to endure.
No American’s six is covered if em has not worked it through that there is a position of prudence unresolved of that Senator Mrs. Clinton was not constitutionally allowed to be Secretary of State. That there was a bipartisanship to voting Mrs. Clinton out of the Senate like at the first opportunity is yet alarming not comforting. Such a “collective” was wrong and greatly erring in governance, not just politics, by signing on favorably to that Mrs. Clinton could be, by their agreement, a Cabinet Secretary.
Candidate Donald Trump as broached that there must be particulars to reign forever forward as examples after the fact to why this must have been wrongly agreed to, - the examples set by Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State do rate near enough to “WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” and yet Donald Trump is being as much still just a tease upon the culpas of Clinton, and as weak, or light, (on political facts) as say candidate Governor Jeb Bush while posturing that Mrs. Clinton would “squash” candidate Trump. Yet, it is most appalling, and to that I, personally, am tired of Chris Wallace as on Mrs. Clinton so regularly as to that he postures Mrs. C. as if so clean enough to wear that white gown to Philadelphia for a crowning at the 2016 Democrat Party Convention.
We all are still suffering from the collective stupid, that is most haunting still, as it is by Congress by the Senate by 98 to 2 that Mrs. Clinton was approved to be a Cabinet Secretary, while the prudence of the foundations of freedom, and too the nation wide work of the eightieth Congress to the 22 Amendment ratification, for it now riles, especially on the issues of feminism, and where equal rights must have limits, for it now riles that besides her troubling “legacy” there is yet that there is a clear logic to the meaning and intent of freedoms protection by constituted greatest Law that Mrs. Clinton was never Constitutionally allowed to be a Cabinet Secretary. This we must intellectualize and discuss through just to now have a chance to protect our sixes.
There is no intelligent rationale for support of Mrs. Clinton!
e.g.: Besides President Obama Nobel Peace Prize orated of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance” as a slap on President Clinton there is the most ironic, so irony too of politicals extant, that it isn’t already just scandal that there is a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.
e.g.: President Clinton somehow is so cleaned up he isn’t cause for Mrs. Clinton, at least to FOX Chris Wallace “news” floating, to not be tarred as improper to be broadcast in white.
e.g.: President Clinton is oddly fronted by too many, by too many as even of both parties still, in a ridiculous 2016 politics for HILLARY2016 as if he was and is PERFECT.
e.g.: It is politically and historically ridiculous that a white gown for Mrs. Clinton is plausible fashion especially because though the Obama foreign and domestic policies were based on a new foundation of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” Mrs. C. herself as if Diplomatic is now evidently of the story that President Obama did govern more like George W. Bush and Richard M. Nixon for his (few?) successes than any where as if like William J. Clinton.
Mrs. Clinton, like President Obama, is ridiculous now in new year at politics forward as if President Clinton can be a good front man for either global diplomacy or growth economics. Mrs. Obama, as First Lady Michelle, must be riled to steaming that all her work to lower youth obesity could be set back by letting the Clintons’ together reset irresponsible dietary behavior, by their example. Mrs. Obama seems to be stuck in a pickle to that at least President Clinton is a barrel of lies before the collective conscience, however too many not yet conscious to such scandalous so extant. Mrs. Obama should be the last fashionista to ever, if ever, support the propping up of Mrs. Clinton as if now forward as of any Propriety for a white gown for Philly conventions.
Mrs. Obama is maybe the person in the whole world to most lose by a repackaging of Mrs. Clinton! - the repackaging so, personally, reprehensible as also witnessed present too unprofessionally by FOX in regularity by Chris Wallace! Mrs. Obama has more than her own six to worry about as the floating for Mrs. Clinton is of so many institutionally compromised!
It must have been wrong, but more symptomatic of a disease in the body politics of these united states of the Americas, than endemic as a one off when the Senate by 98 to 2 did wrongly approve Senator Clinton into a Cabinet Secretary spot in the line of succession to the Presidency. It was of a collective stupid already then advanced to the onset of the foundations of freedom as set asunder by popular unsettling of prudence in jurisprudence, especially as to the great Law as Constitutional Law.
All must now deeply dig into their own intellects to discern that feminism populars and to how popular spin was broadcast to brainwash even them from seeing the right and from stopping the wrong.
Remember it is as it was written that President Clinton is whom President Obama berated with his Nobel Peace Prize oration and as it is historical that Mrs. Clinton would be wrong, and ironic, if to selling Mrs. C. to a third term, like, like as a William J. Clinton third term as her’s, most particularly because though she survived by the blame and go politics, as materially political as a Secretary that wasn’t supposed to be political in “office” while her/their dictum was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as it mostly so that the successes of President Obama have been, even while of the Clinton State Department, as while politically secured for “politics” at State by the “TEAM OF RIVALS” acquiesced to by a weak new President Obama!
It was all along that mostly to succeed they had to govern as more like George W. Bush that William J. Clinton, that they/she did have to avoid the truth as the truth wasn’t an option to Mrs. Clinton, and while ironically also needing to be more like the good Richard M. Nixon, for as like it was collective stupidity that she even just had any Republicans affirm her to State, it yet is reigning in still a general collective stupid for as a spouse (regardless of sex) she wasn’t allowed to “work” the angles of her duty where such was properly to the intelligence at how it was more ALL CLINTON’S FAULT for she like Bill Cosby’s wife, as of personal and work relationships blurred, was set by marriage laws to that a spouse (regardless of sex) is not supposed to incriminate the other spouse.
As we wait to see if Donald Trump is also as ineffective at defeating his proclaimed as “THE WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” as Governor Jeb Bush has been at defeating the HILLARY2016, and as it ridiculous that Jeb Bush hasn’t been able to defend his brother or his father while the Clinton Machine yet floats William J. Clinton as “BILL CLINTON WAS/IS PERFECT”!
It was madness that the Senate ever approved the Obama nomination of Senator Clinton to head the State Department at a Cabinet Secretary level duty. It is clearly logical and simply arguable that it was never even constitutional that President Obama did nominate Mrs. Clinton to a post of duty in the line of succession, and particularly specifically because by marriage laws she was then a spouse whom had truth not as an option for she was by laws one not supposed to incriminate William J. Clinton!
It has been ridiculous to watch Governor Jeb Bush inadequacy at defeating the Clinton machine! It has been sad to see FOX Chris Wallace of a regularity to also treat Mrs. Clinton too as if a dear sister, yet somehow floatable as if she could be ever proper in a white gown say for Philadelphia, of old, and especially as near tolling a commencing for the 2016 Democrat Party Convention.
Now, it forward in this year, seems Donald Trump may just be a weak lightweight just too a tease when of bloviating to “HILLARY CLINTON WAS A WORST SECRETARY OF STATE!”
Now, it forward in this year, is that the politics are dire and compromised from especially that Mrs. William J. Clinton did when Senator receive that 98 to 2 affirmation to President Barack H. Obama nomination. We cannot fix what threatens our sixes if we do not break away from the popular and re-establish a prudence even around the floated feminisms as fashioned for extra-Constitutional exceptions.
i.e.: Right! That is! This is spot on to how Mrs. Clinton is more fitting a blood stained shawl, with gauche as broached, for as by law truth was not an option to her while tasked to the duty and service and trust of the State Department, as to Diplomacy without the politics, she was then never not Political, and always firstly a rival to the President, beyond he acquiesced to a “TEAM OF RIVALS” empowerment of the Clintons as ‘working’ “rivals” as to working it as their rivaling globally regularly, for Mrs. William J. Clinton needed to avoid the truth that much wasn’t ever BUSH’S FAULT and as she intimately must have always known such was a necessary political cover-up cover-story to protect her from having to officially incriminate her spouse, and herself for her days as that engaged First Lady Hillary.
RESOLVED?: Mrs. Clinton was Constitutionally never allowed to be elected President after the 22nd Amendment limited the Clinton Administration from more Executive Power sharing! Mrs. Clinton also therefore was never Constitutionally allowed to be nominated nor approved to be in the line of succession to the Presidency, and so to further Executive Power spousal sharing. Mrs. Clinton in service as Secretary of State has set the example that proofs such the Rule, and in it particularly specifically that while head of the State Department truth was not an option, and every decision had to be political, spousally firstly.
RESOLVED?: We now, though witness to it ridiculous Governor Jeb Bush has flailed at defeating, one so like a sister, are also now bearing witness to it ridiculous Donald Trump is showing still as like a lightweight tease to weak in politics to have himself yet have defeated so easy to defeat yet of the machinations of a said great political “Clinton Machine” (like a new and now global Tammany scheme for patronage to partisan biasing internationally).
Oh, right on cue, - Clinton talking points. May sound good but that ain’t the real dynamic!!!
I did not support the Bush tax cuts but because I thought the Clintons’ surpluses were like a bomb ready to go off.
Bush had IRAQ O.I.F. war paid for until Speaker Pelosi killed the “HOW” by killing that freed Iraqi would reimburse coalition countries with the liberated’s state oil profits.
What Dem women worked to say was a bad way to cover until it became Secretary Clinton’s brilliant way, her way to pay for Libyan liberation. “OBAMA’S RETREAT” at can help with addition to/on Clinton negligence dynamic.
Bush wasn’t allowed to fix the economy or housing because to do so he would have had to explain Bill Clinton cut nearly a trillion too much while cutting two trillion at least too quickly.
There was no way for Bush to both fix the economy nor economically address the 911 attacks and to how Al Qaeda was a born bastard child of Saddam Hussein by his invasion of Kuwait, as like he thought he could keep Kuwait for the USA wouldn’t risk stirring the Middle East sentiments so to seeding such as Al Qaeda, - that ISIS is now living the original dreams of.
Bush was stuck as Al Gore would have been, too much so, for some spousal husbandry in coy ploys of Clintons to have a faster way to a President Hillary RETURN OF THE CLINTONS by them like holding the keys to the economy, of the administration after them.
Bush was stuck for couldn’t reverse the Clintons’ surpluses and too for he then couldn’t rightfully more truthfully prosecute sanctions against Saddam Hussein then without needing to establish the Clintons’ gross negligence as behind Al Qaeda attacks on the American homeland so of roots of his errs in policy that date to 1993 and anchor in 1993.
Obama used Clintons’ economics experts as early as 2008 post election towards 2009 inaugural, - with unprecedented cooperation though of Bush admin to hopefully improving transition.
Obama to this analysis yet of having pursued, knowingly, a green agenda jobs program where one new green job created was expected, due Spain’s example precedent, to then kill off 2-3 old industry less green, or politically correct in a “partisan” old jobs.
Clintons did inherit the said their recovery as it was started and stayed true to how started so as started before the Clintons even entered 1992 race. Clintons’ jobs numbers are better seen in perspective satire COVERT CYPHER of of 33 #Economics.
Clintons did inherit a recovery that was then ready to be Bush’s 2nd term good wave on the optimism of victory of a patriotism post Cold War & Persian Gulf War. Oy this of is a ridiculous metric to see numbers as if history and original ownership of time’d can mean what this suggests.
An earlier thought recovered to share anew on this is that it wise for all/any at a jobs number for Obama Admin to fig how Hollywood may have been counted on as a jobs creator.
We’ve heard the one so dire and diabolical to many of Obama’s jobs, not those from energy independence initiatives to a domestic energy boom as by Republicans, as are likely of fat of short term extras in counts as for a jobs created for each feature of they hired for background, by the hundreds, and thousands, of as one person then counted numerous times per year for a “job created” yet just for a short term part-time feature scene as like to be a stadium scene seat warmer or a member of a vast pretend army, or clan groupy in a large battle scene.
If today has you confused, as meant to be confused, but curable, as still between if a Donkey or an Elephant the vast centered sorted bitlys #JPHogan can help liberate you to greater truths more workable forward for economic and political decidings.
‘Tis your pick if to use or, while once past that hurdle it strongly recommended you read through those in /911Commission, /LongestWar, /KerryByHogan, /MadamSecretary, /BLACKPROBLEM, … ~ ~ ~ Hmmm?
It best you read through all of the sorted bitlys on THE ELEPHANTS page, and too as it the eve of 14th 911 anniversary too the just after poem THE PEAR TREE so memorializing of the survivor tree at Ground Zero.
I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, must keep the public, the American subjects, from considering my motives, and, from common sense.
I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, must keep them seeing me as playing checkers and to not thinking of complicated chess.
Can I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, yet firstly politically survive Labor Day Weekend 2015? I gave a confounding interview on Friday, - can I survive even the weekend, now?
These days are quite different from before! It is almost clear, dawning, that President Barack Hussein Obama has been, to date due full employment, peace in Middle East, and climate fixed enough to he willing to order ice breakers, established for intra-party Democrats consumption that he has been a better President than William Jefferson Clinton.
How can I like put enough cake on for a prima facia tabled to at least tease a suggestion to not look deep to the details, or for high definition, of facts of errs by Clintons in especially 1993? With it near established that President Obama must now be the talk of the Democrats sides of towns as a better president than President Clinton I must set up for some blushed “Hillary” somehow as if of a lack of sufficient innocence.
My man has fallen! What can I do now still to firstly defend my man! What can I do as his fallen is breaking him politically wide open to the Clintons’ administration innards spilling of miles, and miles, of years, and years, of pipelines for monetization for personal emoluments for pecuniary amassing as if by convenience of power by possessing THE keyword & subject searchable data base, - right THE server, of President Barack Hussein Obama’s top Diplomatic Notes / #DipNotes? What can I do, beyond friendly “media” puffery pieces to try to emote my subjects from intelligent consideration that the Clinton family foundation, as reported as able to command $1/2 Million per performance payments for #Bill, and $1/4 Million per hour for #Hillary, was seemingly only able to command such exorbitant emoluments pecuniary for President Clinton controlled President Obama’s TOP DIP NOTES?
What can I say, or lay on, to now try to hide that President Obama now is standing taller than President Clinton, and for bringing us to FULL EMPLOYMENT, PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND CLIMATE FIXED ENOUGH HE WILLING TO ORDER ICE BREAKERS?
My man has fallen! How can I now, as I must, keep the world from looking at Mrs. Clinton as more symbolically at chess than still a pleasant distraction just of games of checkers? Oy, the hell to pay, especially for President Clinton, if and when #MrsC chatted about across all know inhabitable lands as of rooks as the houses of Clinton, knights but energizers of infidelity trans-trollops, Bishops as the unlistened to but somewhere in my conscience, my King as a betrayer yet beside my side, and oh my pawns, my pawns, of an “how coldly she has sacrificed her pawns!”?
My man has fallen! And now I seem beyond cake, however tabled vastly, and blush for a prima facia defense! My man has fallen to be forevermore a worser President than President Barack Hussein Obama! Dear subjects, how about a game of checkers? Oy!!! Dear subjects, I, we, seem beyond playing to the black other to our white pieced out and boarded not too public. Oh feet, my feet, haven’t I fallen too?
Your man Barack Obama, President is now, relatively, standing so tall. You’ve heard the one of FULL EMPLOYMENT, - yes?
Your man Barack Obama, President is now, par to Supreme Leader tall! You’ve yet heard he recant from MESSIAH?
My facade has fallen, - my bust to be of my face etched and chiseled for times of I never managed to shoulder the lesser job of State though I doth proclaimed and proclaimed I was to be ready on day one for the bigger job. Can I find a defense I can speak with, - are there words I can yet emote of some innocence that can stick to my styling long enough, - to escape unforgiving ravages of a chess like fall of the houses Clinton?
On day one I didn’t have to be stressed by setting up one device for Bill & Hillary private shares, and hoarding of Obama TOP #DipNotes. There was an easy out of regular order already established; - I could have just used my work provided standard operation procedures. There is now no defense, - if otherwise - WHERE? - - - !!! I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, played checkers, at best, while my job was to think as if playing chess, seems clear, - let me be clear: SEEMS CLEAR!!!
I have fallen, it may be yet in a matter of one move or a few moves, - - - but, I am doomed, - I am fallen!
I have fallen, it may be yet in a matter of one move or a few moves, - - - but, I am DOOMED, - I AM FALLEN !!
Cannot I, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. C., however, yet hide enough away with teased puffery, for game to last the weekend? Our 1993 is where most of our pawns sacrificed have the pathology for forensics to find of errs made by Clintons’ diplomacy. Our 1993-2001 is now like entirely contrary to the Obamas’ 2009 to Present as now two administrations have long suffered for the Clintons reckless pop chase for surplus popularity while needing to reverse the Clintons’ vast excessive cuts to generally to reverse near holy all or most of the extra trillion in cuts past the Republicans trillion cut to BALANCED.
Cannot I, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. C., however, yet hide enough away with teased puffery, for game to last the weekend? My Benghazi is here to stay and haunt and haunt and haunt, — My Benghazi is here and out to how I so very much did like (oddly) make all or most of the same errs as President Clinton to 1993 on Al Qaeda, and especially Iraq. But post my Friday puffery with friendly media I still seem SOOO DOOOOMED !!!
I, Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton, wasn’t even ready from day one for the lesser job as a go to Secretary of Obama for President Obama to have diplomatic solutions as alternatives to war; I, as Secretary of State did carry on to just like a Secretary of War at checkers! There is no chess defense for the “The Hillary” evermore, - It is out that I even left the Obamas’ second Secretary of State such a simple, and yet to be tried, alternative - diplomatic solution to try! - - -
Girl, you got problems! Girl, there is no way your old man is perfect - - - even near PERFECT!
Straight outta common sense, street, — ain’t hip to jive so, - so mis-stressed. He may be your beast of burden to your “Belle” - your evermore - ever since… - but outta the gutter’d his, - your old man’s as betwixt, and of so many to, between the donkey and the elephant, - & - Politics!
Let us all beat the heck outta President Obama’s sandbox politik, - - - We must! we must now! we must now smarten outta the “O ZONE” pedestrian of walking the mis-stressed of your old man, - The “Bill” - - - Your old man Clinton! Girl, really, you got problems!
The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups! Be gone!
The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups! Be gone!
The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups! Be gone!
Mrs. Bill Mrs. C “Hillary” - - - perchance too global already, not to be toyed with, the at & #HOGAN shared & tweeted - - - linked? {* Linked here when to “hogan” here, but assorted not chronological, may at times open to first in scroll feed as the column from which found linked, - to like this one showing firstly though paired differently.}
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however titled, by now you must have tried to break free of a 3rd Clinton Presidency, Yes? I don’t know how that can be possible for a “two-fer” and yet muse along with you, momentarily:
If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT! Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!
Toss out, - be done with - Mrs. Bill as if possibly ever to be a President Obama third’d - or repeat! Let us limit the complexity to how we all are amongst a local and global conundrum set in a paradigm coy to your old man as a “PERFECT BILL”!
STREET! 4 ya old man: Street! Bill Clinton cred is set asunder by presumptions, so ridiculous!
STREET! 4 ya postured quite dramatized #4real #OUTTA your thought buried by coy sandbox politik as assorted at yet particularly as sampled by PUSSY RIOT? / THE AWAKENING / THE O ZONE / THE SUPPRESSION? / SURPLUS’D QUEEN / GUNS OF RODHAM, - - - for starters.
Girl, more gonna read and to then outta stuck - OUTTA UNIFORMED VOTER - by of your contrary that just don’t jive complementary to each other or any lasting TRUTH - - - em sooner of later to be enough read in to a dichotomy at least some of Clinton triangulation, even to its coy by trichot’s, for Shakesperean in shared of - Oh yeh!!!
Girl, your days of postured playful as if it were intelligent play your sandbox elementary politik, are OVER!!!
If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT! Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!
President William Jefferson Clinton was an American president from 1993 until 2001! It is not possible nor plausible that President Clinton was PERFECT! Mrs. C. has problems, - that Mrs. Bill Clinton has PROBLEMS! “Hillary”, however titled, has PROBLEMS!
Mrs. C. is for the campaign trail supposed to be honored with intro’s of her most recent job, and especially for mentioning as the highest paying job; Mrs. C. @ #Hillary2016 is then supposed to be introduced not as Secretary of State … but as, if STREET!, as “First Mate Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton of the William Jefferson Clinton (family) Foundation…”!
Feminists your feminism however associated with the Clintons, is undermined as associated with the Clinton Foundation!
Feminists, have you yet been to and through its #Cats (Categories) at least to through its: WAR ON WOMAN?
If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT! Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful IGNORANCE!
Girl what have you got to say for your self re: 1993 - 2001, in defense of your old man, and in mea culpas for intellectual honest for #FEMINISM? As First Lady Clinton you did crusade globally on women angst and some on women issues, - crusader you were and to inciting especially, STREET! - seems! - to Islamic marginal to radical.
* * *
Jeez Louise Mrs. Hillary Clinton! you have a Presidential Library designed (supposedly) for OFFICIAL RECORDS proper keep!
A great General is retiring today as the American flag is to be hoisted above Cuba! now General Ray Odierno deserves the defense in how Iraq engagement by Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and proper, albeit late, very late, - albeit as compromised by political activism of Senator John Kerry (for an anti-war revival #POP) from near as soon as President George W. Bush, with Congress support, had so many boots and equipment on the ground committed.
A great General is retiring today and so today is a great day to talk about how bad a Presidency the Clintons’ Administration was! now is a most appropriate moment to discuss the errs by “political” leadership as more long at fault than that at all of our Military decidings! today is a day to assess more than a prima facia due Clintons’ records hanky panky as per Cuba for today is like a fresh day we can all be cleaner with if to washing our thoughts and to ringing them out as of an if Camp Gitmo is where the Clintons deserve to be assigned! today is a day to wonder if there mustn’t be a #FOB52 - a full deck of 52 known accomplices - a “Friends Of Bill” too associated with that relates capitally to issues that go between “patriots” and if to “military tribunals” most apropos.
To how a great General is retiring, on the day that Secretary of State John Kerry is embattled for the #BadIranDeal, and to hoisting for the American Embassy in Cuba, - ceremonially, is good karma for freedom, due the juxtaposition(s).
Today is a good day to be here! today is a good day to use the #HOGAN #Cats (categories) for historical background (and to better reporting, and historicals)! today is a good day to start with bitly shortcut ~ really! REALLY!
Our Generals, - Military Command Leaders - are admirable beyond an appreciated concurrent to these days of President Barack Obama compromised by Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry! generally it is lesser known, to unknown, how important the story of* broaches, by the time you are washed over by enough of its particulars, of it of and related to Senator John Kerry undermining OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, that the tag line for Democrats #TRUTHS is quite simply they have been working to defeat the #USA defeat of #SOCIALISM since the end of the Cold War.
*[Yes, some #HOGAN links do open to sorted sets yet from a column newest, like now, as its opener/first, in scrollable.]
Generally it is so not admirable of a set of Democrats, at least Clinton Democrats, at least some to much a #FOB52 associated, by a conventional measure, as by of citizen review, how yet we can/must now clean ourselves up by cleaning out a that of the Clintons! these days are due an awakening superior to Hans Solo as encased justly, if, in carbonite, for his bad debt(s)! these days are capitol for a distinction between the political and military leadership, to the culpabilities at least rating “NEGLIGENCE” upon the decidings, political, by the Clintos’ Administration.
Rest in peace Robert Conquest! LONG LIVE Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice! long live! ~ LONG LIVE THE FREEDOM AGENDA, and however it still relates to #HOGAN #TCONF - “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM”!
Today is an especially apropos day, this August day, 14th solar, moon adjusted, in the Year of our Lord 2015, to be to and read through of the important of auto-bio’d as sorted of #CitRB by “Serbian” organized by bitly shortcut* — I can tell of having explained the FREEDOM AGENDA to Ambassador Ivan Vujacic, after I incidentally** ended up at the American Enterprise Institute for a lecture by Robert Conquest, and for the Serbian Ambassador sat down next to me — to that we sat through lunch talking for a half hour, - I do tell, — speak as a lay contributor of having shared so much originally his own strategery such that OFFICIAL RECORDS prudence has no gag order Power over my own historicals, - my so told, and still telling to deep background for so much.
**[I say so “incidentally” for my attending AEI even with Conquest was yet of me a day late for event I thought I was @!]
So President William Jefferson Clinton completely messed up the Middle East by too personal decisions in 1993 that then set up the rest of his term(s) as too compromised from a reasonable justice for all in a tradition akin our Constitution and Bill of Rights! today Secretary of State John Kerry is so to his hoisting as our hoisting above Cuba much yet as compromised for his personal politics to an anti-war revival that is rotten in his setting asunder OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, when in the Senate as Massachusetts’ Senator, in a treasonous for commenced really only after the brave of America and coalition countries had become boots on the ground committed! it is really important we at least now become behooved to beneficial truths now less a political mine field, of Clintons political machine defensives, to how smartly the warming with Irani, and Cuban, can be real - REAL!!!***
For today, I, John Peter Hogan, always just a private citizen, do offer too the shortcut bitly and as it behoove us all to consider TREASON of HIGH CRIMES, AND MISDEMEANORS, beggard to capital punishment debates! today, now, is an apropos day of politics fit’n the fig’n forthwith of a #DEATHPENALTY good off the tables at least as long as CAMP GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Detention facilities - and freezing in carbonite are alternatives.
For today, I, John Peter Hogan, of @jphoganorg, of, do offer that it may only seem extreme to serve the Clintons and Kerry before President Obama, and yet that such is more better #BlackLivesMatter, and #feminism, - of for #equality!
For today, I, John Peter Hogan, globally know blogger of, as my primary domain/homepage, suggest that we too as per #Iran, & #Cuba, must/can be considerate, newly, as regards any #DEATHPENALTY, that it may be just/justice for some to be condemned to death for their sins while yet improper, where alternatives extant, to ask any other to by premeditation do such as a killing.
For today, and forward, I, #PoetJPHogan, do stand by all my press’d words, albeit their may be typos, to it that we should consider an actual guilt of vast criminality, and long so by the Clintons machinations, and to it that it would be better to see them “Bill & Hillary” publicly shamed (for eternity?) by public display of them as by a sentenced:
Like a dog to a bone? Like a cat to a mouse? Like a anteater to ants? Like a crocodile to pray? Like a bluefish to bunker?
The political beast that is Bill Clinton is not separable from his “beast” now so eyes on Barack Obama. How sweet it is - - - WOOPS!!! - - - I mean: How sweet is it?
How hasn’t Bill postured as the dominant even/ever since Barack so got over (politically) on his Mrs.? Can it be L-O-V-E-?
The ring of his power is yet on Hillary’s finger - his ring is her - is her M-Y P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S - - - her MY PRECIOUS!. She has described her troubles at times of “careening” haphazardly in a like uncontrollable back and forth. Her ring’s power may be explanatory as having been thought sufficient but determined time and again to be yet insufficient. Is it really, or only, just the Power of the Presidency she wants back?
Can it be that Bill is just trying to stare down Barack - one too still as if a peer? Mustn’t it be more personal than that - than if Bill can control his “beast”? Its seems current events that there is incivility in the intra-party Democrat Party “politics” - - - that it is that Bill is strutting (too much) as if he, and he alone, now again, is the only titular head of the Democrats.
Really? Isn’t he being so obvious? Isn’t he being too proud and politically (at least) assertive at least while the traditions favor Barack as still the main man proper dictate of all things Democrat Party as its head for its pourage?
There are woman issues in these days so much of an apparent weakness of President Obama - of the “The Barack”! Despite the aspirations of Bill and how it seems he is supposed to be an indispensable former President for the world to thank and praise for he willing to suffer the imperial of having a CGI and a CGI America - - - for women of the known world, and yes in Clintons’ America, these are of moons in their own times for a querious probative interogatory to at least this:
“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?“
We are in a new world of new human potential for greater humanity and civility more due to mysteries of faith having been reduced to bits and bytes and rams - - - of faith’s mysteries being computable as just as real however the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller. That the internet and social media was rising to the Arab Spring long before Operation Iraqi Freedom is CONTEXT & TEXTURE to how “GAY” Bill can be said to be seemingly now.
How querious now to so much trans-political in the “THE BILL”? What is “THIS MEANS WAR” and/or “THIS IS WAR” and what is just Bill wanting to dominate Barack - the “THE BARACK” - at least? Can this become more comely and civil or only (due to politics and human nature) just more comely and less civil?
Whatever his - the “THE BILL’S” - positions are, and of hopes to be, when is a FIRST ALERT supposed to alert the “THE BARACK” to it at least violate of a “frenemy” of a hostility while becoming, when firstly, a pain in his rear? How and when is the President to be notified or conditioned to a violate and to stay clear eyed especially while his ranks had been fogged with a “spouse” of an aggressor rival in his “house”?
It seems however happy he may have been with her around it too can be confused as “gay” to be welcoming of her man? “GAY” still seems in a legend of protest lingua - in protest language - and much these days when normalizing is of the pride and the other worldly of the CGI America provincial. Is there now a greater normalized/normalization tone for a clearer less foggy civility in a post-protest lingua where what it is is what it is called more specifically and with pride as if “HEWS” for “HAPPY EVEN WHEN SODOMIZED” as like ‘HETEROSEXUAL” for “HETEROSEXUAL”? “GAY” is a risky misnomer as the story of “BILL CLINTON IS GAY” lights - it seems a risky misnomer that can fade away as “protest language” no longer civilly most appropriate for any copacetics.
Just airing an intellectual proffer attempt can not now be sufficient or like equanimous if of dictates or bullying. A question can be tabled now as just a question while the answers may prudently take some time. But, really, how is the “THE BILL” now posturing despite his Mrs. “careening” confessed in her culpability of short comings as his Secretary - as the “THE BARACK’S” Secretary - to be dominant and now already the “TOP DOG” of the pack mentality of the Democrat Party?
If Bill isn’t actually of KICKING BUTT AND TAKING NAMES per an insurgency of the rivalry to Barack isn’t it that the “THE BARACK” should be daily waking cautious and defensive anew to worries of a party violate of his “See” and to flexing however a “BACK OFF” at least to the “THE BILL” however fronted as if of the bosom of his Mrs.?
There may be an out for Barack - for President Barack Hussein Obama. Feminism and its pride may be an out for the “THE BARACK”. Feminism shouldn’t miss the obvious and clear “POLITICAL” in how:
“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?“
IF Bill isn’t a “HEWS” if acceptable as a post-protest normalized more proud and specific “GAY” than what and how is his “business” with his trying now again to so parade himself as if rightly taller - taller even in the saddle - than Barack? Peer to peer as if Bill to Barack is still “POLITICAL” and “PERSONAL” as DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT to DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT and LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS to LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS.
Concurrently we are very publicly at Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is so bad besides her many admissions in ignorance and incompetence while of “accpeting” “responsibility” and come “culpability” she has yet attempted a proffer in a passing the buck to where the buck supposedly stops. Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, while parading of a #HardChoices book pride, is yet of a false or improper “proud” when suggesting it was of a “getting the job done” by her of her (defensive) parries with her view voiced of that she like: delegated the decisions to the experts since she wasn’t expert enough for her office and well the buck stops with the President so it was either his rear on the line or her experts - NOT HERS.
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can make women proud for being so accomplished as if now a new WORST of the femmes of history. But, so yet, where is Bill? and what are his feelings? what are his intentions? what would be his unbridaled?
If the buck is so? If the buck is so to be for Posterity and Tranquility at least as stoppable in a resolute civil at the desk of the President of The United States of America when is a buck a buck and a buck firstly to be like stopped if frisky - too frisky for a proper and prudent greater civility? How is it that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is so publicly of a pride just of her own being as a officer of the Cabinet of the “THE BARACK” yet as one so regularly of passing the bucks?
{readers: I think I mean to find other earlier thoughts for this treatment and essay that now escape - I will break away now to consider and discern per this context what else I thought to embed here that yet is here as probative. Please check back later, and then maybe later again to this as DAS FEMME SMEAGOL.}
What gave rise to the Clintons in 1991 does and will best explain their now so public arresting falls. Iraq of today is far removed from the Iraq the Administration of the Clintons inherited - and then it is not. We can learn from Vice President Cheney’s recent air time, historical and personal, about those years of “exiting” the Persian Gulf War.
The reputation of William Jefferson Clinton may weigh heavy now on all “Americans” however a spotlight may now locally or globally be lit to highlight their personal honor and acuity and agility. Where Republicans and Richard Cheney may have “gone wrong” it now is very late breaking news that WJC yet didn’t “go right.” 1993 may be the most important or just easiest year to focus on to have it be copacetic and sporting - and intelligent and honest - while of retrospectives of “war(s)” talk.
It is now more publicly known as of a reputation of Republicans or just Richard Cheney that Saddam Hussein was underestimated as a “spin-doctor” as we have the Cheney versus Clinton histories fielded. [I have long (for sanity) tried to downplay myself, to myself, how it seems I of regular experiences of my reputation preceding me in an air of tongues at “He took down Saddam Hussein.” Today it seems a more sane “reputation” even for me to accept.]
Most people do not know a real history of such times and are too much of many mornings and dusks of fresh fogs of war.
For a sake of brevity with so much kicked off now as if possibly sport (in politics) (and philosophy) let us entertain that for Posterity it should be that WJC was worse at leading - leading by example specifically too - than RBC (Richard Bruce Cheney). And that there is an honor legend too of such spotlighting where a father and son tale can echo for all times in how President Bush was able to pick up his father’s “sword” of him too President Bush as if from a stone that WJC hadn’t even thought to look for and look as if too for a higher caliber of Camelot. It may be much either all Germany’s fault or of it also much Germany’s fault that President Bush could be later honored by his son as if to his “x” caliber years after the USA started suddenly to learn how to be a sole superpower in the known world.
The United States of America is the sole superpower of the known world! Right!!! These are the days the USA began to have such a target upon it where ever the idea and presence of “American” colors heralded. We shouldn’t completely forget the Japan of such days, as there is still a haunting of Japanese like Germans (maybe as “leading” “private” citizens in pride) to how especially in these past days a new Axis was stirring as if to yet win WWII and by other means. As the Persian Gulf War was oft reckoned as if a World War III we too are behooved to reconsider it was at times still World War II all over again. But we shouldn’t forget to at least consider that Saddam Hussein post the wrap of the Persian Gulf War may have had a new Franco-French siding towards assistance with Iraq towards them of their own nuclear program - forward.
The good news, but for how little this is all copacetic in a public governance, and for too few yet have even pondered how much was of fields of battles and regular fresh fogs whence, is that we are now in the stadiums of history with it that such of such times (however of a pride of private French, German and/or Japanese citizens’ hopes) are now too also “old” thems - these days are times of at least France, Germany and Japan of having moved past such days haunting in a deja vu to renaissances, like, of their “nationalisms” to teams of better Posterity. RBC did, with Charlie Rose, admit to having been surprised at how Saddam Hussein had been able to turn a “BFD DEFEAT” into a win after the “exiting” from the Persian Gulf War.
As I have fielded for a pro USA Tranquility of old and new challengers: Check your goalie gloves of civil sport and too your 100% ID check systemology. However whence there may have been global initiatives of a resurgent “GERMAN” and “JAPANESE” by strategery of private citizens and their personal ideas of national pride we have that as RBC refreshed Saddam Hussein and Iraq have had years when they were very near to having a nuclear arsenal ready. Whom were those willing to be of a nuclear axis with IRAQ’s Saddam Hussein then in those days when the USA was concurrently like a too big and newly so sole superpower of the world - a target?
We should not forget whom the French were as French whence and how they were (stereotypically) ready for a new Franco even if a Euro-centric new Franco-German within an axis global with Iraq as nuclear and secured in oil Power. RBC has, with his recent challenging of the too long accepted WJC talking points, torn the “American” colors honor off of WJC and the Administration of the Clintons. That RBC is now talking so calmly in a historical begets that WJC has been too long just full of hot air and more just careening in “fogs of warrings” dated to whence and then forward to concurrently. The French are remembered now for having had a leader who seemed at least willing to work with Saddam Hussein and with he to a nuclear program in a shared “war” motive to reset the global balance of power from of the USA as the sole superpower to a new Euro-centric axis possible if at least a few European “leaders” could shift the economic Power of oil supplies and demand valuations upon their colors.
That RBC had expressed sincere past surprise to how Saddam Hussein turned a thought “BFD DEFEAT” by a world wide coalition as if in a World War III into his “VICTORY” is “NEWS”! I was after Saddam Hussein first invaded Kuwait to a personal intelligence exercising of philosophizing cause and effect scenarios as if to wondering on SH’s “chesss” and specifically to asking and attempting to answer “WHY DID SADDAM HUSSEIN THINK HE COULD KEEP KUWAIT?”
RBC is showing the WJC “Clinton” colors to be soiled and near already of a tag of “FOOLS”. But now we have it we need to consider there were whence possible new axis muscle ready for at least a new balance of powers in a SADDAM-GERMAN. But now we too have to consider that RBC has been admitting he and the Bush Administration so charged more specifically had been to underestimating SH. RBC has reminded many now already that Saddam Hussein was nearly whence to becoming (too powerfully) of a new axis of Power with help to being a nuclear power.
What RBC seems to be admitting now is news and yet of that which I had myself considered whence. RBC has now exposed the Administration of the Bushes as likely both of having not figured fully enough that SH’s surprising reversal of “BFD DEFEAT” shouldn’t have been a surprise for it likely was of his strategy and plans as I considered as to the hows and whys he invaded Kuwait and seemingly thinking that he would be able to keep Kuwait. We have hardly talked of all the airs and fogs of war that now are yet explanatory to how HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) could have been so regularly “careening” due to a general and pervasive ignorance.
For now the resurgent national prides so fielded as of the era of when the “AMERICAN” was maybe to an intolerable globally of many willing to be newly “friends” as from feeling sympatico as if common in “enemy” as also “enemies of their enimies” seems bettered and bested and quieted to gone for good. OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM though too was necessary for without it Saddam Hussein, as excused by WJC (& HRC) “policies” of the administration of the Clintons, was ready to start anew, it still seems, and with some global “axis” alliances, to being to a nuclear power and arms race with IRAN.
In RBC defense: The Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I & II do justify a OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM WAS NECESSARY. That it was right and just to be to such a late prosecution of Saddam Hussein though is complicated as 9/11 I made the public selling that SH needed prosecution and an intervention so much more complicated. It is telling that such attacks have shown WJC and HRC to have benefited politically specifically from such and far more than any Republican especially as the attacks made doing the right thing, however so “lately”, so much more difficult to do and sell. The only other way to “sell” OIF was likely to directly explain how there is and was a gross negligence in foreign policy at least of the Administration of the Clintons while looking to bipartisan support in Congress to do a right thing by standing the “AMERICAN” up with a sole superpower status so with it as the USA wouldn’t compromise EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL still abroad so.
[Right! I have decades now of sharing my thoughts with administrations and especially with the Bush Administration of Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney from like moments immediately after 9/11 I’s THE DAY AFTER. As recalled: After faxing the White House number for the NSC offices my circa such old times THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM with note like “It worked for such issues global nuancing then much and is now ready to work again.” my visceral awareness was alighted with a seeming smarting Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to whomever then in that company across town of he with a “Is he trying to pull rank on me?” and me to in unison from afar so near with “NO!”]
For now any USA versus GERMANY seems safely sporting in a post adjustment era of times when the “AMERICAN” may have actually deserved new axis mainlining to check as if by a bold “intervention” a too proud sole superpower “AMERICA.”
But if we do not know history and learn from history and especially are to burying inconvenient historical resurgent colors and fogs then we may still have new problems too much as if the old problems. By the wrap of the PERSIAN GULF WAR it was wrong for the USA and Coalition nations to not have more fully considered that the surprising “spin doctoring” by SH acumen was part of his plan and strategy from the start when he tipped the scales of civility and justice with his invasion of Kuwait.
[Of my strategy so private and individualistic at endeavoring to understand SH’s chess I was to thinking that the USA was maybe to a bait and switch fitting such concerns and to a electoral upset of President George H.W. Bush, as a new Lincoln of having yet though held the world together, with the propositions that WJC could be right as the USA may then be best to a weak President and a do nothing Presidency.]
[Right! As I am of my Menadier genes - I am maybe while however of “Irish” character and pride of dominant traits in Franco-German blooded lines. It may be my worked at “Irish” comity that had me like Reagan of his times in his times of an “IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE” at least as per “spin doctors” as “Mad Men” as my maternal grandfather had been a top Madison Avenue Ad man until his retirement from having run a consolidated Johnson & Johnson account for his last 25 years so wrapped as of Young & Rubicam (Y&R).]
[Right! To the raising of my blind ear to a reputation mine preceding me at times and at times very regularly: I have the memories still of my surprise one night years after I started a private sector spinning to close breaches in our “AMERICAN” artfully and voluntarily and quietly, however some of my pushing to pull likes of the Clintons into the 1992 race, as for an option to a needed weak Presidency, and one of time for a DO NOTHING PRESIDENT, now less haunting of how I was surprised by a bedtime presence of no other than Saddam Hussein smarting with a “YOU DEFEATED ME” - “WHAT IS NOW TO HAPPEN?” and my at least while tired and near sleep among things about so to “responding” “WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO COME FOR YOU.”]
Go USA - you have survived the convenient years of WJC being perfectly and naturally a weak President much of a do nothing Presidency, and yet hardly know it historically for what it was, and how WJC & HRC were tools not leaders, and yet chosen by the public freely - however ignorant of “wars” and “fogs of war” causal to political careening. Go USA!!!
However SH had at least French, German or Japanese governments or private citizens of global initiatives ambition at the ready to help him whence reset the balance of powers and too as it still haunts to a new Euro-centric it is that RBC is right that OIF was right and that the PERSIAN GULF WAR was right to wrap (temporarily) short of Baghdad. It is too true and historical that SH if allowed to escape JUSTICE as bedded forward as possible and likely by WJC & HRC we instead now would have it that the world was generally behind SH and IRAQ having a right to be a nuclear state to balance, however a new COLD WAR, that IRAN asserts (in historic victimhood at least) that it has a right to be NUCLEAR.
Now he’s done it! Bill Clinton has subjugated Hillary Rodham in all matters - even 2016. A reading of Bible App American Edition of 1 Corinthians 14 now too is of a: ‘How profit Mr. Clinton by stepping with tongue proudly over Mrs. Clinton?’
As lyrical of old MY BONNIE LIES OVER THE OCEAN as tonalistic first a beaming with “D | B A G | A G E | D …” WJC born WJB III has always had too much General Clinton and Captain Blygh in him.
At this moment we all may be most progressive to if of 1 Corinthians 14 as if just a chapter and versology as a guide book for male Posterity and foreplay - for males - to be bolstered and buttressed for the natural power of women of the powers of the female. But how to cover the trumpet blurts of the Administration of the Clintons, and if them of a soul - a married soul of two as one?
Was it that Bill Clinton’s sax-a-phonics was always of harmonics to fill a blasphemy to profit from tongues not in prophecy-ing but in edifying only a new too socialistic totalitarian economics only to be timed to key a selling of SIN & ESCAPISMS? Isn’t it, however, that the corporations of the world as under the Government of the The United States of America by the USA USC plus are so then not in business “just to make money” but to bear fruits as evidence that their endeavors in prophecy-ing sowing are prescribed to rightly account to profits collectable? The Clintons united soul is dually culpable for compromises of EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL and too of a common erring illuminable by economic prophecy standards more Republican of selling SIN, SEX, SANCTUARY, JUSTICE, AND FORGIVENESS.
It is now all President Clinton’s fault that he has edified himself as to be the most criticized at least as per operations to liberate the Iraqi people(s). Clinton, like President Obama as satired in, is now of a prophecy bust - President Clinton and Obama now are two, however four, afoul of the three in such guidance writ long. Clinton too is of a political prolegomena afoot before any philosophizing of heathen brethren or established faith - President Clinton is now anewly offering a pride in a way that is yet not described or enumerated as of his supposed establishment and its tongues in prophecy.
As per the mused guidance, however chapter and verse for males to buttress them for the Tranquility of the woman and female powers, it is much of 1 Corinthians 14 as prophylactic for Iraq - nows and befores. How their trumpets may be horned in a ready the Presidents Clinton and Obama are evidenced - are showing in a gaudy pedestrian infidelity to at least the “American” concept of EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL - - - These two are two at least alike in undermining the honors and traditions of the United States defenses by politics and playing politics so that a military discipline, even just in horns, is less than ready to march.
This specific discourse on the culpability so historical of Bill Clinton if however or now of a heaven in Hillary Rodham is now conveniently to be found via its own by THE FOOL only in all caps as: At however via there is more to edify this “FOOL” edifice of tongues to selfish in a spousal playing of politics of the House of Clintons - - - See: OBAMA’S RETREAT; SUMMER FARE; SURPLUS’D QUEEN; FUZZY MATH; SWADDLED TOGAS; MARXISM; C.C.C.P.? - and at least to edifice a separation of the Clintons’ mind(s) and soul(s). [At, though, or however via at least a more grammatical and literate CHARITY & THE C.C.C.P.? can be “discovered.”]
It is impossible, Constitutionally with fidelity to governance by LAWS, that William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton can be right about having been right about either Iraq or it as about Saddam Hussein. There are serious woman issues in this tag. There are serious EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL precedence too in this tag. There is that even Vice President Richard Cheney can be edified as “more right” per what is and was right than WJC born however WJB III - and as a white man of the South - the old Confederate States once of President Jefferson Davis.
It is complicated how complicated the “Bill Clinton” is and now quite time for all to strip him of his convenient covers long too much as seeming good while seeming about being about so many simultaneous and politically. There are dichotomies and trichotomies to discern for infidelities at least to the establishments in Law as the Constitution of the The United States of American as a written and subscribed under God “Order” of the People’d people since that year so the “Year of our Lord” since the apostolic spectacle the spectacle edified by the founding fathers was posted for Posterity and Tranquility.
It is complicated how duplicitous the “Bill Clinton” can present and especially when of triangulating and projection. It is complicated, yet now of a convenient, how WJC of the “Bill Clinton” is now exposed in infidelities more systematic than intimate or personal and for the years he now opens a Pandora’s Box of as too the years of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton as First Lady and global imperial CRUSADER.
President Clinton cannot be right about being right about Iraq for his avoidance and inaction in his (their?) eight years too was of how she was traveling to turfs known as hot spots for radicals to incite in incendiary spurring that logically and in a lay psychopathy seem most taggable and mashable as causal to “responses” to how the Clintons were at least to undermining EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL by ignoring for his (their?) eight years the sentiments of American Abandonment of its own and expected principles by at least the Afghani and Iraqi peoples.
President Clinton cannot be right, at least as per a Christian and Islamic commonality in how men are like said as buttressed to female powers at least by commonality in 1 Corinthians 14, for it was less than edifying and imprudent how he, while she his abroad inciting to incendiary with her imperialistic incendiary cornering in pride of prides, was to staying at home and busy like a bee to so much un-funding of the budget specifics to bolster a harmonics base for a intelligent and disciplined defense.
President Clinton(s) cannot be of a he (they?) right about Iraq at least for how complicated it is to how it seems these fires burn for his she lit them and because he impeded by his budget sword too much necessary for any intelligent intervening and too an actual preparedness in an armed forces readiness to march. He much left his successor that seemed at first expected to be a subdued Al Gore little maneuverability in all domestic and foreign realms for they left nearly only one option left on the tables of established establishments as long only tonalistic when the Constitution was seen and read as an accompaniment to the New Testament, at least, and especially the idea of “profit” as in 1 Corinthians 14.
Where did she go wrong? How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”? Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?
We’ld be fools and unfairly so (and racist) if we are to ignore all the flip flops of Mrs. Clinton, however, and if to an affirming posit that it she be presumed that she was a better Secretary of State than the two most previously. Right?
We’ld be fools and unfairly to discerning differences in old white political elites and new white political elitism if to an avoidance to pare the pair of Secretaries of State of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama. Both Clinton and Kerry brought hypocracy and baggage to the office for diplomacy - both Clinton and Kerry were inappropriate or devolutionary choices for such high office due to their personal conflicts - conflicts of interests - past positions as of entanglements.
We to start any due probative of Mrs. Clinton as a worst, at least of three, by remembering all her flip flops and too her executive decidings while crusading with the Powers of her office as First Lady. We should be aware of whom are Bedouins or Nubians and how Ja Ja Binks seems to have been cast as a new good Gunga Din. If I recall the setting correctly then it was when Lara Logan interviewed General Petraeus in Afghanistan when he spoke of then in his readings of reading Rudyard Kipling. It seems to be accounted of an if true how true that Mr. Binks was right when of parrying that if a people keep theirs sewers clear from clogging their murder rate should be lower. President Barack Hussein Obama in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech tagged the Clintons while parsing in oratory how there are dangers from inaction and avoidance (as like evident now from the Clintons’ own years of avoidance and inaction).
The Congress so far has the House nearly ready for the rendering of justice per the discovered and confirmed cover-up post Benghazi. I do not know when the Senate will also be ready. I expect due to the seriousness of any “cover-up” our Congress must soon be bicameral and in too a bipartisanship in the Senate, so charged, to also looking to how guilty Mrs. Clinton, however, and to how diabolical it is that a “cover-up” was thought her best strategy. Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton is the prime suspect in a commencing investigation to the extents in criminality and so that it must be now presumed that she was a worse Secretary of State than at least Condoleezza Rice.
To preserve some “innocent until proven guilty” for Mrs. Clinton, however, we should look firstly at the life and politics - war/anti-war politics of her successor Secretary of State John Kerry. We should look first at a comparative for prudence secured in “jurisprudence” to his positions re: “BOOTS ON THE GROUND” and her’s, however.
Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we can make this more about the life and story of John Kerry as of a query: TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER? But we should behooved of another believed remembered Lara Logan interview that was with a supposed top Taliban leader - yes! before 9/11 II in Benghazi - as contradicting President Obama and Secretary Clinton with his pronouncements to it that the Taliban and Al Qaeda were now much as if one, and, yes, newly. For a sake of tonality and the horse race of this to a due fair measurement of the saddled guilt just of Mrs. Clinton let us just acknowledge that part of the cover-up relates to it that Benghazi could have been and may be a widening of the theater of war and a “counter-attack” in the Obama/Clinton war of choice in Afghanistan against primarily the (said) Taliban.
Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we should be organized as a posse for truths, and too bicamerally in a new bipartisan, yet recognize the evidence that she has set her self (themselves in Clinton) up as if the bad guys in a season of SOPRANOS. We can’t just jump on her successor if to keeping prudence in jurisprudence for she however measured for her guilt is still of her years as FLOTUS where she did go into rivals turf and incite with incendiary imperialist rhetoric the locals, however tribal, and to such inflaming that those radical already were more radicalized and pushed into corners as if called out by Mrs. Clinton, so, in a pride to a need to “respond.”
So about how bad a Secretary of State John Kerry is, and, too to how he was a most inappropriate selection for any high office in foreign affairs regarding the Middle East, and due to his past pulling of the rug out from under any real potential for success in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and so from near the very day and hours the country, with President George W. Bush, had become “committed” with boots on the ground - committed beyond the point of quiet return:
Secretary of State John Kerry while the primary ANTI-WAR SENATOR did do more than any other in the known world to undermine the potential and any ready success for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Mrs. Clinton can hardly have to shoulder all the blame for so much that went wrong much do to the betrayal in a late response as a revival in ANTI-WAR demonstrative tonality, but for her own flipping and flopping fickleness to prudence and loyalty to a committed administration too. Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha were a tag team that did by their politics so partisan (interpartisan too) were to being those, even more than the Clintons, that did put the lives of all with boots on the ground in Iraq into their unexpected greater peril. At the time Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha started their ANTI-WAR REVIVAL it was no longer appropriate to take issue with the matter Congress had already voted with, and however Senator Clinton is remembered for admitting that she herself didn’t read the intelligence reports regarding such before her vote.
Mrs. Clinton yet cannot escape that the cover-up seems still to have been necessary to save the cover-up of the culpability and negligence of the Administration of the Clintons. As it is the known “Benghazi Lies” seem of the worst case scenario need for the dangerous strategy of cover-up, and by Mrs. Clinton who had worked on the committees to impeach Nixon and as of the Clintons’ own Lewinski cover-up, arguably and in an seeming evidence based deciding for if not, as the lies of the Clintons’ cover-up were failing, only lies about their lack of intelligence and understanding about Al Qaeda, at least, needed more lies to preserve any chance of future electability of the Clintons for a retaking of the The White House.
Right! This is supposed to be an attempt to transfer Clinton guilt, presumed, unto her successor Secretary of State John Kerry, and however as necessary by a looking deeply back at least at his “politics” of his ANTI-WAR REVIVAL as causal to such that maybe can be said to be more, at least, of a Kerry negligence than a Clintons’ gross negligence.
We, if of the lay, should behooved to let the Federal Bureau of Investigation profilers and Defense Department Armed Forces Psychological operations experts take the lead to explaining how devastating Senator John Kerry’s ANTI-WAR REVIVAL, from hour one, was to moral and cooperation of the Iraqi people. We should expect that experts will be called to parse the level of negligence, at least, to the full measure of at least the guilt of Mrs. Clinton, however, and even towards passing the buck if passable to her successor for his past own culpability for lighting the fire of a belief that the U.S.A. was, due to his lead, ready to CUT AND RUN - REALLY!!!
RIGHT!!! Still, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, just for the impeachment and disbarrment of the half she supposedly is the better half too, and however of a “great man” she supposedly the “great woman” behind, is even without her experience as Hillary Rodham Clinton of the committees to impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon like the political figure of the modern United States of America whom best should know cover-ups are to be avoided but in worse case political scenarios - She is whom seems best knows how bad things must really should be thought as bad if and when a cover-up is the uncovered strategy. That Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton herself chose to front with a cover-up does itself suggest so much guilt and a necessity that it may not matter how much blame we can yet transfer to her successor or continue to project upon the Bush Administration. SEEMS!!!
Where did she go wrong? How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”? Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?
The sheer tonality of the remarks from Secretary of State Clinton since the Benghazi lies started did, despite her strategy to run out the clock with Congress, yet have her of self-incrimination and even much that was admitting of ignorance and incompetence at least as to her (like the Administration of the Clintons’ too) as lacking in intelligence. It seems Congress has her already fit for orange and is now only ready for the House to assess its duty to a determination as to how long she should be fit to only wear orange - however a pants suit or jumpsuit.
NOTE: There is much to a much longer list if and when to looking only at Mrs. Clinton, however, and of the when-evers, to how that she risked a cover-up over her culpability for the keep of State per the Benghazi consulate, and personnel, that to must reach with the long arms of justice, by the charge and reach Constitutional of the Congress, straight to and also through Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, and any and all of his “foundations” and “initiatives.” It must be presumed due to a cover-up strategy that Mrs. Clinton while responsible for State & USA oversight of CGI likely was as a spouse afraid to incriminate herself for such seems naturally to also implicate her spouse for his “HOWEVERS” and “WHEN-EVERS” — and for just as long.
However, a STAR WARS defense a greater defense now for the Bushes and Reagan, it seems fair to illicit an imagery for the Clintons as now it seems of them of: A HOUSE OF CLINTONS WITH THEIR SEWERS CLOGGED!
RIGHT!!! It to Secretary of State John Kerry’s benefit that Mrs. Clinton is taggable, and mashable, and hashable as too much of: MRS. CLINTON LIED AND SOLDIERS AND DIPLOMATS, AT LEAST, DIED — SHE WAS MOST INDISCRIMINATE IN DRONING WARRING AND AS IN LIEU OF BOOTS ON THE GROUND PARITY OF MISSION.
NOTE: FOR MORE HISTORY & “BACKGROUND” SEE SORTED BY “CARNEGIE HALL” @ Please get past confusion of voluminous thread opening yet with this same column as its lede or leading piece.
CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!
This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.
We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders. It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”
This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world. This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians. This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.
Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear. Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”
My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan. My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic. The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.
There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats. There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.
The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007. There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade. Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.
When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving. Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him. I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so. It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.
I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate. I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell. But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.
President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value. As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses. As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”
For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as. Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions. To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.
There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”. I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.” I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”
There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.” James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.
For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself. President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.
Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day. And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming. This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.
There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully. There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”
WARNING!!! Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).
With an American in Poland old freshness now soured rises anew of the “among the vicissitudes incident to life” parity of President George Washington firstly speaking so in New York City - and so metaphorically for a new born nation. We are forced to a consideration of Herman Melville if only of any “Moby Dick” as a “Great White…” - seems.
Let us get to some technicalities in a measurement of any said a “Longest War”! Now:
When did this “Longest War” not a “longest war” start but under the “Diplomacy” (failed) of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton? She seemed to start with a forced (political) surge as if “diplomatic” and postured and postured as if of a violate actually a declared (necessary) war. She seemed to have left her office in a worsened “Diplomatic” state than she found it; Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, must have failed at any and all “diplomatic solutions” for such as (”Hillary’s War) to be a “war” and a “longest war” however hardly actually a “longest” or “declared” war.
This “Longest War” didn’t start under/during the Presidential administering of President George W. Bush. President Bush traded for trespass rights with the sovereign of Afghanistan to be “in country” investigatively and purposely looking for about 50 foreigners as “campers” and some to much “trespassers” themselves. A fact of Afghanistan is how tribal it is so that it seems Al Qaeda “campers” didn’t need or have any cooperation or real authorization in shared purposes with a majority.
To get to the metric and an honesty of chronological measurement to a/the failure in “Diplomatic” by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton however not a “Longest War” it behoove any to frame and key their probatives around a postulating that it could only have been so if she was of failing and failing and failing and failing and failing years at finding (as like now) a “diplomatic” end/solution. For purposes of ratio - it seems as now with “war” announced as like “over” that she herself just needed all those long years to herself just offer to declare “war is over” to have “reset” the Clinton PEACE.
We can hardly presume Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of a accepted “innocence” or “authority” in “rightness” for it is her State Department of the OBAMA RETREAT from Iraq - so injudiciously and prematurely. What for the sake of measuring the body of Mrs. Clinton’s “Diplomacy” have been the costs of such a brutal abandonment of Iraq and so after so much was spent to build a new - a brand new and like most expensive newest and largest newest - Embassy in Iraq? Her numbers of any metric so far seem far from actually flattering.
Perchance a parsing to it best to brine to thin the fats of any meat on the thighs of the leg work “diplomatic” of Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton before any roasting or exposing of her as if already too fried? Right!!! It seems there are no “wings of Hillary”! It seems she can be judged to for it having to be her and her alone and such to that now it “evidence based” deciding to discern there is not a flock at the ready as lifted to by her drafts as of a keep of a flock as a metaphor as of any if “under another’s wings”! It seems the Clintons have buried any Democrat woman who could be a threat to Mrs. Clinton; It seems there are bodies of women Democratic in Party to yet look for as subdued and like “buried” by the Clintons.
She walks in shadows of valleys of death of so many of suffrage and suffering from a darkness in the eclipse of President William Jefferson Clinton still at blocking so many from a clear “light”! It is yet publicly clear how it is that it seems there are no Democrat Party women to “challenge” Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as if she is only the queen bee of Democrat female bees and of a power only possible if there are not any that haven’t like also compromised themselves from a bedding with he whom as also presumed to be a first President of the World.
So until recently Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was supposed to see President Barack Hussein Obama as her “BOSS” and however like either “Ahab” or a “Great White Whale” himself. It was odd and awkward from the start of her submissiveness that she both as Mr. & Mrs. Clinton were of political & party pressure to have her boss tag her “two-fer” as “rivals” and how while so was of incredible insubordination to President Obama as her “Moby Dick” that she declared she was to be so of her declaration to be of “leadership” from taking her “inspiration” (seems) from the same place Dante found his (for his Inferno?).
Again her measurements for her body in “diplomatic” treading are not flattering. Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, however now more “first lady” in all corporated appearances to Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, did neither have “Hard Choices” of a “war” nor “necessary war” nor of an operating actually a “longest war.” Before there was a Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton however the “great woman” behind and success of her “BOSS” President Obama there was mostly just “operations” in Afghanistan of trespass rights from trading building roads and schools endeavors.
As it seems too measurable that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a Cabinet Officer and “executive” is of so many short comings “evidently” when an “evidence based” review is past even an initial probative it therefore is transparent that she (and more than President Barack Hussein Obama) is of having #FAILED!
But in the failures and failing of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however, aren’t we behooved to be to a:
Is it now the country is in a pickle for a divided Democrat “house” of a “party divided” and some for she having lived up to the “Hillary is too polarizing” tag so that her rap is judicious and a queriousness risen to how now Democrat female under her of “wings” as if all Democrat women have been corrupted by the Clintons and unable to rise without tagging themselves in a self-incrimination if at attempting to boldly step out to incriminate Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however?
Where are all the Democrat female leaders buried - where is Mrs. Clinton’s female “competition”? Is it that only the Republicans have now grown new party boughs free of the tree of Clintons’ corruption where whence it was the GOP had near none whom could rise to incriminate the “The Clinton” without also self-incrimination?
O Democrats, O Democrats — Where for art thee a one you can smartly call a “Captain”?
With the shadows of doubt seen so about President Obama a fable of he still shouldn’t be (yet) that he should have stayed home and say vacuumed/cleaned. These are days that are darkened by Mrs. Clinton, however, as too long yet of insufficient common sense possibly from not having enough stayed home to bake even some cookies.
I do not advise Republicans or even GOP women to be now at a WAR ON WOMEN. I may not advise them or any of them to be so at war politically yet, however, I do have a history of progressive feminism and effected political positive change specifically for women that allows me latitude for attitude myself as if of a WAR ON WOMEN political punditry.
This February 2014 as the second month of the Year of the founder’s Lord two thousand ten and four as a new BLACK HISTORY MONTH is economically historical of a politically long dark shadow about President Obama that much belongs to the girth of the effectings by Clinton - by the Clintons. President Obama, it seems, is now mostly of a culpability by association with an inherited darkness now affecting like a black hole made by the inferior orbits much still too polarizing of the Clintons’ presidency.
I may even now be near to cherishing a natural role, myself, for a WAR ON WOMEN open discourse about feminism and a guilt due political feminine. We all need an emotional empowering to the days before the Clintons’ unexpected 1992 showing and placing to yet find a sufficiently empowering as like finding the leverage - as like finding the spot to move the world by a simple lever. I may be uniquely of a history to generally discuss a Welfare of feminism of the science medical and as well a socio-economic of the politics of change at least of the early 1990s. I may cherish a timely WAR ON WOMEN if only to air out as dirty laundry some issues about any progressive feminism now of a darkened economic shadow as if of a incomplete grading as I should be able to recall in due time many ways at how it seems women have avoided finishing some of their movements.
But really this today is supposed to be satirical to how it may yet not be fair for President Obama to be so blackened and trapped in a long economic shadow vacuous primarily made of the baking of the Presidency, at least, of the Clintons. Though we should be (morally) concerned about President Obama as seemingly of his own pen and powers at apparently self darkened by a Presidency violate of the ten commandments but by nine - it seems yet he hasn’t proffered at adultery and so all ten. As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd he proffered at all near that it could be Constitutional for Congress to make any Law respecting that there is no GOD. As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd that he as a “messianic” was as it still appears of a attempt at a bright aura as if a messiah of more than one GOD - and yet now of a darkened shadow at least about Christianity.
This economic mess is much so of a vacuous morality nearest yet to a lacking morality as to be expected by a statist polity by polarized partisan politics so shared intra-party in a Socialism like New Deal Austerity. How such is a blackened shadow of Democrats girth and casting is still to be parsed and metered — President Obama may be as a black shadow yet by an associated it may be us all so blackened by a darkness about a general Democratic Posterity. Mrs. Clinton, however, need be looked for a culpable darkness of such girth and extent as like for not enough common sense from like enough time at home and baking cookies — it is palpable how unsavory these economics of the Democrat Party New Deal Austerity in an olfactory premonition for visuals have now too long shown that Mrs. Clinton doesn’t per intelligence at least know what things can or shouldn’t be mixed together.
Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity.
I have likewise a consideration for economics that I am one whom shouldn’t be expected to make a next move or even a request to others as per my history and vast successes I have a Posterity that need others to at least presuppose a political condition that I am one who should be reached out to and not waited upon. There is that for what I know of my own past means, motives, and used opportunities for effecting economic growth and even a feminist progressive there is so much in such recollections that to see my affecting shadow and as truly relevant a capacity factor necessitates a protocol to waiting on others. It seems that I must wait until approached by at least written email or phonography and a due protocol to preserve a capacity for sufficient detail remixing.
The politics or civility for a fair exposing of any long shadow as mine and made by me is of a necessity it seems for a sufficient capacity for Posterity because until others try to explain my story even to me I won’t yet be able to adequately discern a say leverage position towards rendering a new progressive bi-partisan affecting. Until some others approach me either by at least written email or phonography it seems it would be self-defeating to public hopes even if I were to make efforts to ask to be more broadly read of my blogging yet so now of a brightness to expose Democrats of a darkness as their shadow economic and political. For now my blogging isn’t supposed to be of the answers but to a corralling or desperado range of miles and miles of fences to keep — for now my blogging is for justice and history as it seems a necessary politics that a justice for the darkened shadows by Democrats needs a public rendering firstly.
The Clintons can be said to mostly have affected a vacuous economics of the darkened or blackened shadow at least now economic of President Obama however if mostly yet of only an associated culpability. How blackened is this vacuous now in an inescapable personal and political guilt for President Obama? How now isn’t President Obama the THE ESTABLISHMENT and so of a liberating not occupying affecting for the Republicans? How now isn’t President Obama mostly culpable by standards of leadership for even so much a trapping vacuous economics rendered primarily before the Presidency of George W. Bush by the too political and opportunist economics of the Clintons?
Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity.
Speaking personally and yet politically to not get in the way of the first black President at his desires and attempts to have a personality based #OBAMA PERSONALITY presidency: I speak personally of how I will not knowingly help even President Obama help the Clintons succeed in what has since their 1993 inauguration seemed too much to me as if of them of thieving knowingly in a clever (spousal) lawyering from me. There is that for the vast past effected capacity and length of a shadow I cast economically and for a progressive feminism it is too that I am in a position that has me needing to wait on others to be firstly to attempting to assuage my past volunteered economically mused affecting generosity before I could have a chance yet to be to a restorative economics however with any reset using specifically that of the past successes. There is that until I respect that President Obama wants to live or politically die by his “personality” and that for such too I am politically wise to avoid any reboot of my now off-line synchronicity for economic growth at least unless asked specifically by parties sufficient in a political girth for there to be any progress not too self defeating per any gross efforts.
I do have to some blame President Obama yet it really is the culpability of the Clintons for such a darkened economics and polarized partisan politics that I must most and most knowingly tag. It is that however the Clintons may have thought justified in their unauthorized use and misuse of my past political and economic effectings - including some still quite empowering of progressive feminism - I personally have and still feel justified in tagging them of at least imprudent and unnecessary unwise thievery of that once more mostly my originally timely figured business plan an the greater ambition that still better explains it.
However Mrs. Clinton, however, now is of a history of failing at a proper intelligence before and after Benghazi it remains that such can be said as of her at least of not having enough time at home and baking — Mrs. Clinton, however, just seems for Posterity a public figure who hasn’t yet figured what can or shouldn’t be mixed together and/or cooked together.
It is not a simple political task to establish conclusively that President Clinton had a role in the Benghazi scandalous; President Bill Clinton has been, as like a proud nail since the rise of President Barack Obama, as one that has had the President fumbling or stumbling causally much since day one.
Bill Clinton has been ever present in an unprecedented as a former President whom just won’t recede - that won’t stand down; President Barack Obama has been, you can say, of a recidivism to a politics unexpectedly too much of returning to what were the bad and avoidable of the Clintons.
At least Bill Clinton as the spouse of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while of a his global initiatives and United Nations stature has been too proud and as if he was effectively operating a private Diplomacy while his wife was supposedly loyally operating the Obama Diplomacy; President Bill Clinton is inseparable from the still unsettled realm of issues as per Benghazi and as a former President of the same Party of the current President as well as for the complicatedness spousal of the State husbandry of Mrs. Clinton as President Obama’s Secretary.
R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR & best wishes for a full recovery to all whom may have been injured on the 9/11 II. Mrs. Clinton as now more a First Mate as a First Lady of The Clintons’ Global Initiative is yet compromised for her days as their days of global meddling while spousally embedded with many lines quite or too blurred. The Clintons’ silence after the 9/11 II attacks are quite suggestive of them of a defensive posture, and, the Clintons’ tend to be a “two-fer” that likes to talk their walk and yet as per 9/11 II really seemed quite in a defensiveness. Really it has to be an open committee item that Obama’s Secretary may have been hesitant or fearing of open dialogue much because she is President Clinton’s wife. Benghazi is just one example of a problem of a former administration being tasked at being so intimately involved in a new administration.
Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while however now more as if First Lady Clinton again and yet as a non government organized meddler seemed unable to speak freely after Benghazi in some for it so was an event that opened minds to how if President Obama could be this wrong about Al Qaeda wasn’t it / isn’t it that then he must have been that wrong and incidentally then wrong about Iraq nearly all along? It is simpler to establish to a conclusiveness that 9/11 I attacks were an inheritance left for either a President Al Gore or so as witnessed and suffered to President George Bush, and as an inheritance that was of knowing hands on manipulations by the co-Administering of global initiatives by the Clintons while of their co-Presidency.
President Barack Hussein Obama has been stumbling and fumbling since near day one and much for having to navigate even just in his own Party platforms about the Clintons with President Clinton too much a still present proud nail.
It is quite unprecedented how President Clinton has been a former President that just has refused to recede and/or fade away. It is considerable how he so as a proud nail was of the first days of the first black President of The United States of America to a politics with such of that seen on TV of having it seemed demanded that however elected Barack Obama must prostrate himself with a visit to former President Bill Clinton’s Harlem offices and be to a permanent record made at least digitally of bowing to a superiority in Clinton and as if he wouldn’t have a chance to pass him (safely). I hope I am not alone both in remembering that as elected President he so a first black President did it seems have to visit President Clinton of his own Party in his offices in Harlem and be to calling President Clinton quite “The President.” However this is for Posterity it is remembered as politically odd and as if President Clinton was saying he was expecting the first black President Barack Hussein Obama to consider him superior and still of enough global political power to be bowed to and brown nosed.
As per the Clintons and Benghazi it seemed that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton however of a husbandry of the tragedy maybe more of the mind and hands of her boss President Obama was afterwards and since unable to speak freely for the mistakes made did open up the politics beyond a State diabolical to a strictly partisan posterity then too tilted of an apparent compromised complexity of a guilt rooted in the diplomacy and foreign policies of President Clinton. It seemed that after 9/11 II it became considerable that it seemed simply suggestible that the Clintons seemed together to have made the same types of proud mistakes before 9/11 I & 9/11 II.
President Barack Hussein Obama was stirring for many as if a new Messiah and as well a new President John F. Kennedy. It is considerable how much President Obama has been doing incidentally and accidentally to reset a renaissance or restoration in family values, and it seems a refreshing Catholicism for even Americans. It is considerable and quite concludable that President Obama has been being good for religion in The United States of America and the old standards of family values of the Republican (other) party and mostly accidentally by his politics of having an opposite outcome than he and his experts seemed to proffer and attempt to effect. It may be that President Obama is currently on a path to do more for American Catholics than President Kennedy ever was able to during his life on earth.
Historically speaking President Barack Hussein Obama is remembered for having been of early days in his earliest first months of a government/leadership opportunity to stem or stop the economy sliding to full depressionary collapse. It was that much of the down economy was of market meddling as campaign expression like as by liberal institutions of shorting endowments when it seemed their success at spiking gas prices wasn’t yet maybe enough to tag all Republicans as bad Bush Oil Republicans as per electoral November Democrat Party favoring. If President Obama is now actually though accidentally responsible for doing more for Christians and faith across The United States of America than President Kennedy was able to it is still considerable that when he as the new President of The United States of America and of those days or weeks of an ability to stem or stop the economic sliding he didn’t for he would have had to martyr himself politically with self incriminating admittances as to how he and his party had actually intentionally set up the collapse, mostly, as for November 2008 electoral advantage, and be to explaining that they had arrogantly thought anything that was that easy to start would be just as easy to stop.
There is enough blame and fault to go around between President Barack H. Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” like a now First Couple anew yet more just globally as by the CGI of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives. It is considerable that President Obama has regularly been to barely avoiding the unprecedented global meddling of President Clinton or to visibly fumbling or stumbling over a still too present and too proud politics of at least President William Jefferson Clinton.
Right! As per the whole like PRESIDENT OBAMA COULD HAVE STOPPED THE RECESSION IN HIS FIRST MONTHS “MARTYR ISSUE” it is considerable that such was it seems originally the plot and coy plans of the Clinton political machine as a winning strategy to have gotten Mrs. Clinton elected from a most junior Senator seat lacking in seniority like suddenly to the highest office in the land.
It isn’t now that we have to ask whom of the Democrat Party to blame - but quite more now of whom to blame first and blame mostly and if it isn’t now during the Presidency of the first black President that we have the white Clintons whom let people tag them as if Bill Clinton were the first black President now conclusively to blame the most. It is considerable that firstly we may have even among just Democrats a need to new ordering politically of President Clinton firstly at fault, Mrs. Clinton of CGI (as First Mate or newly First Lady) secondly in guilt, and then and only then to a parity and fair assessment of guilt even just for Benghazi as the 9/11 II for President Barack H. Obama.
President Barack H. Obama may have been long of a shared ideological with at least Mrs. Clinton now of CGI yet it is irreconcilable that spousally there is a husbandry of the Clintons that has been causally and historically so of being in an unprecedented for The United States of America of President William J. Clinton as a proud nail - a too proud still politically meddling former President.
It is no joke or gift of the American People that the Clinton First Couple arranged a post-office support allowance that nearly suggests that they both become American TITLED and as if they were to be forever the first First Couple promoted from the highest office of The United States of America to a yet higher political position even as too autocratic and not democratic as of President Clinton more than an Ambassador to the World as at least a self proclaimed first President of the World.
At least as per the Constitution and Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 it seems Constitutionally that at least President William Jefferson Clinton is un-Constitutionally set up too much as if titled and of emoluments and pecuniary quite selfishly rendered and quite in a Posterity that has been dangerous to American Tranquility as with him a too proud nail like and quite unprecedentally and especially by the Clintons as transgressors of the example of President George & First Lady Martha Washington.
R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR - toward 2016 Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton of the CGI seems to have a “roadkill” smell of death politically about her. It may be soon concluded that 9/11 I & 9/11 II happened by a causal both times as of faulting to a guilt for at least a similar negligence or gross negligence upon the shoulders of the Clintons.
But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it seems that they did manage to get a substantial enough post-office tax payers allotted “allowance” so that he can keep himself convinced that he by the dollars so cumulative must have been promoted from the office of the president of The United States of America to be freely (yet still an “agent” as per the Constitution Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8) of international meddling, however of accounted for pecuniary and “political.”
But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it is still that Harlem has been saving him and that he firstly hoped to now be otherwise high above Time Square in the media hub as well regally set high above The Russian Tea Room in a penthouse near leasehold in the luxurious Carnegie Hall Tower. It is considerable that before he was dragged up to the Harlem zippiness that has endeared him politically as an unearned camouflage he/they did try to get the Big Bank Friends of Bill to provide annual pecuniaries in emoluments to cover gratuitously the higher and too high rents for such nearly a penthouse suite high above Time Square. Harlem was owed more by the Clintons than Harlem owed the Clintons and yet Harlem now has been covering and/or saving the Clintons’ public image, at least.
* * *
[Somewhere there is video of that fateful Harlem office too prostrated newly elected President Barack Hussein Obama as of a politics of having it seemed been required to visit President William Jefferson Clinton on his “turf” and be so to such posturing of like calling Bill Clinton then “The President.”]
What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down? It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right? To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.
What are journalists now to do? To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama. The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty. He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.
What are journalists now to do? To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration? Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama? Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary? The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home. Right! We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).
A Hillary Clinton expectant line: “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”
Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama? Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America? Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?
A Hillary Clinton political ad starter: You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …
The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader. It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama. Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?
The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you? Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama? Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking? Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?
There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton. It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton. It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President. There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.
Right! That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him. President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily. Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling. Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.
What is she thinking? Really you all: What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.
It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.
Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush. Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye; Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest. It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.” It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton. It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.
There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.
President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems; President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”
What are journalists now to do? It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11. It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts. Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America. Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics. President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.
What are journalists now to do? Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?
What are journalists now to do? Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior?
What are journalists now to do? What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads? I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?
It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.” She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix; She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World. It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics. It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths. It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance.
It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated. Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom? Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?
It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001.
It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush.
Really, this is crazy. Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.
As the day breaks - as the dawn of Halloween in the Year of the Founder’s Lord two thousand Ten and three ebbs towards dusk the economy still seems slow in waking. What trickery must be able the heaviness of Obama and his “economics”? How heavy on growth economic potential has his Socialism as an un-economics settled? How is it that we rise to wake with such a presence about of a President as so of an infamous car crash - with hauntings seeming real that it was of his Party driving?
What foreboding must be seen in the “message” of this Democrat “messenger” for others to not also now become so stuck in a ditch too? How is it heavy enough that President Obama has taken us all along with such Party driving and to these years so now of us by the lot mostly still stuck in the ditch with him?
Mustn’t we behooved to considering Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative as possibly a more sightly reincarnation of Attila the Hun and yet after Attila was first reborn as a rat, then an amoeba, then a snake, then a bat, then a weasel before however party of fully of the walk and talk as Hillary Rodham? What lurks beneath her skin of the souls of those passed that can explain her very irregularity and penchant for droning wars? If she be some enough as a reincarnation of Attila the Hun is such endowed enough of her soul as to be too dominant an affecting?
Beware the ghosts of even just politicians passed of the United States of America. This Halloween in such advanced years passed the establishments of the Founding Fathers to government of laws in lieu of a more dangerous governing by man we have it puzzling to costumed both for President Barack Hussein Obama and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton who was born, however, as Hillary Rodham; this Halloween we have that President Obama for his strategery may at least be politically costumed as if cleverly a good Joseph McCarthy, and, we have it concerning that “Hillary” Clinton seems still politely costumed in camouflage from a present yet darker internalized “self”! Beware it seems the Democrats are of a modern politics as too National Socialists by what success so far by appearing to say McCarthy was bad and evil for being against Communism all the while at a stealing of his methods and methodology apparently towards at least a National Socialism.
What of the real Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton? What of the FEMIFEST DESTINY crusading of her as FLOTUS Clinton and, now how so is it atleast or more concerning as under the covers of President William Jefferson Clinton’s new post office Clinton Global Initiatives? Can it really be that these two so inseparable in marriage and for all past conspiring and political collusion as a “two-fer” can be but costumed for camouflage as if “Bill” can be naturally a “Dove” and “Hillary” otherwise naturally a “Hawk”?
Essentially it seems erudite enough to posit that President Barack Hussein Obama has profferred his revolutionary politik with some or all of his czars towards the very dangers that Senator Joseph McCarthy had at least seemingly feared were eventually possible. In the trickery of the modern Democrat Party national politics clearly this time to Socialism by a politik at civil revolution it is quite McCarthyism how they parade one unhealthy person and their sad and trying personal medical history as if proof that the whole country has been by way of Republicans to a general un-caring.
It seems now that the Republicans in their true colors are challenging the Democrats McCarthy like “lists” rightly and justly and exposing a truer profile for President Barack Hussein Obama and too it seems Mrs. Clinton as maybe somehow inheritent of the soul once of Attila. It does seem clear that at least two too clearly bent to a National Socialist revolution have been only successful so far oddly by co-opting the strategery of the former Senator of Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy. However learned whence by ways of ordained isles of a COOP or CO-OP by Cambridge or New Haven, or else - elsewhere, it seems a trickery now clearly of a profiling to be more trying and of sacrifice than it can be yet assessed otherwise as a treat. Can you see the McCarthyism in the Obamacare politik of czars and emotional appeals of representations of a few as if cause for the rest?
Mrs. Clinton presents a unique political problema for consideration as she now further haunts and disturbs a Presidency of another not a Clinton. She is not the “Hillary Clinton” at least of the dramatization in the book GAME CHANGE. This “Hillary” is diabolical of a long yearning to be a first female President - she did not as such book posits just come lately to thinking she should consider running for President because, well, the People were pleading her to. The real “Hillary” is she that has plotted with “Bill” since their Yale Law School last days and whom is now protected from a full and true visage - a true profiling as one too “institutionalized” and as more like just a ambitious lawyer trying to make partner and so to getting the corner office or one more obviously a superior “location” among those prescribed by jurisdictional concerns. She is of a problema as for of a three decades plus plotting and tunnel vision about such while yet costumed and camouflaged quite as if she just a good soul of the People hearing their cries and now firstly to thinking it is they picking her name freely and of a still available American free-will and not otherwise to chomping at her bait - baiting.
It is that she is more a hack imposter of paint thrown about a floor as art. For her and the strands of any “web” her’s is less as if an imitation Jackson Pollock and more as if spaghetti thrown on the floor.
She has been about a lot of flash but little lasting energy of success - as a Diplomat - seems. She has been it seems of only porridge too hot or too cold - as if all she has served has never been served “just right”!
Her yarns can’t be silk as she has run too rough shod as a herded donkey more akin to burlap “home spun” of her “villages” - the glory of South Carolina mulberry trees of their fruitless harvests seem far from a bolstered “engineered” weave of her ragged husbandry.
Her “It’s Takes A Village” at first blush of a new “inevitable” towards 2016 seems tabled and secured away. Her infamous book seems of the years still too missing of our current political historical dialogues and now too barred for any “approved” Hillary celebration such as rumored for political timing by NBC and CNN.
She is now as if an earlier contestant of a “Who am I? Why am I here?” as if of a WAITING FOR GODOT more than a NEW Perot yet out again too similarly of non-answers akin to “To know me is to love me!” and that other of his answers near: It is in the book - read the book.
Can Hillary Clinton for 2016 even be a NEW Admiral James Stockdale - at least? She may be cozy with a Vladimir of Godot and ready to cook up faux art for arrivals of performance on promises that likely can and never will be. She has history of being to her “village” quite as if a socialist propaganda while maybe more of estrogen than Estragon - and with much posing.
How far are you willing to go with Hillary Clinton to her of her “village” oddly more then too as if a global village fundamentally contrary to the shining city on a hill known of the Reagan yarns? She has hot flashes to doctor for her prescribed propaganda of the teasing by NBC and CNN but what she is already of all her years is more as if a Humpty Dumpty so broken and scattered that there is no putting her back together even if she were to allow the more controversial years of her saga to also be fairly dramatized.
She can be said to have had her “hot flashes” while of “official” duties but time has shown she failed to spin a web of lasting networked energy of “success.” Little is being caught by her woven “home spun” as “artful” but inconvenient flies as if to thrown spaghetti - left - and left.
There is much in the years from 1990 - 1998 to cause a reduction to authority of the Clintons as still floated and packaged. She is the spouse of the member of the most elite of “clubs” in The United States of America - she is a member by marriage in the club of former Presidents. At the last main gathering of such “club” as it was, as I recall it, for the GRAND OPENING of the stately George W. Bush Presidential Library , Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was controversial and concerning so adorned as if of a state uniform garb - as if owned by the Chinese.
Have you at least found the missing years 1993 -2001 yet?
Have you become awakened to a Hillary that is not capable of an artful engineered weave of a catchy web and how 2016 now will hopefully not be a sad repeat of 2008 or 2012 with the Bushes as members of such elite club again too much as if Clinton Republicans? 2016 now sits out there as a horizon of a promise of an American Spring — 2016 is not now set for the Bushes to be again abused by the Clintons with their calling on loyalty in “membership” to have it that the Clintons are again able to use the Bushes generous loyalty to serve up dramatizations cooked up from lies.
The best way to defeat the Clintons now is yet again a way that has been too avoided - it is critical to a successful defeat of the Clintons that a RESET be affected to a nationwide to global general and public discourse on the years just between 1989 - 1993 - the years that oddly historically have trouble explaining the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.
The Clintons have kept Hillary’s hopes alive - have kept the hope’s of the Charlotte Charlatan Bill Clinton of the recent Democratic Party Convention “brassy” stoked - with a network of deception and a sad but effective betrayal of the Bushes while of a dependence on the honor of the Bushes as if a secret recipe of their home spun polarizing partisan political fabrications.
The Clintons are now only politically serviceable because the Bushes have been generous while being betrayed - and of enough honor such that their “friendship” for the Clintons was effective to selling the faux yarns of the Clintons’ spaghetti logic.
There was energy in Jackson Pollocks threads of paint and there is that the Clintons cooking setting them now up too much as if of a Politics of THE LORD OF THE FLIES. Again: it seems telling that a board game can not quite be made to play a “game” as the Clintons play “politics” as though you may agree on what a board should look like there can be no rules as they persist in having every piece theirs set selectively as Clinton Wild Cards/Pieces.
It has been for too long that the Bushes have been saving the Clintons and because the Clintons asked them to indirectly as if one member of their elite “club” deserved protection from the others. The Clintons have already been diabolical as members of such once more honorable “club” for of being to stewing of political consumables with hidden ingredients set to leave game changing after tastes or permanent stains from a general spillage.
The Clintons have persisted in lingering too long and now necessarily will be due a complete and serious audit of all the financials of all their private and public (however) engagements. It was that it was too cursory how President Obama was to his “review” of the books of the Clintons and threateningly near a white washing as inappropriate in a time where global and foreign entanglements should have been more scrutinized. It was a great disappointment how cursory President Obama was with his “review” of the financial engagements of the Clintons while about the seating of Mrs. Clinton as his Secretary of State.
Republicans and Democrats as these days are afoot as if the recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be of her “village” and yet be of our “shining city on a hill” if so to being proffered a cozy capitalistic support of a favorable rendition of years selected or block by her for the now teased Hillary Clinton miniseries (propaganda).
As the Governors of the states of the United States can be of the “government” alternative to Obamacare our Congress in light of necessary Sequestration should be able to defund or suspend the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare has be to an established network to a nationalized socialized alternative option for something that has many other options already available including Romneycare. If it doesn’t have the votes to be veto proof for a defunding our Congress still is firstly more responsible for our National Defense and therefore must have some way to suspend optional alternative programs in times that an economy is forcing defense and intelligence spending cuts that can and might be threatening to the National Defense.
If there is a “web” of the Hillary Clinton now being remade and repackaged it is of her and Bill of cooking up ugly past “porridge” about the tables of the Bushes. The Obamas should learn from the betrayal of the generous friendship publicly maintained for the Clintons by the Bushes that was on parade by the Clintons. All should be now savy to how the Clintons have succeeded with flashes of hot spots from lies they only were able to concoct on the strength and honor of the Bushes and while depending, it seems, as figured, on the Bushes staying stately and silent per such.
The Bushes were not caught in a web of the Clintons - mostly at least - but they have been smeared by the Clintons by their own silence as a family while members also of a most elite club abused its honor. The Clintons when seen of all their years - at least of the years from 1989 to the present day - are in jeopardy — They reek of a desire to use the elite membership in the “club” of past Presidents to cover them for global meddling for selfish partisan and polarizing politics too much of “executive Power” while not officially any longer the “Executives.”
The Republicans have now lost more elections than they should have because the Bush family stayed silent while the Clintons were basically stabbing them in the back. We can gather from this that the Obamas should have no expectation of loyalty from the Clintons or any trustworthiness. It may be that if Hillary Clinton is hoping she can bend the Constitution even far enough to turn Obamacare into a single payer system - into an improved Obamacare then to be named Hillarycare.
If she does have a web and not just faux artistry of hot spots too Lordish - such a web should be glimmering and most visible in the lights and environment of the Clintons as too much of the “danger” of “avoidance” and “inaction” of all their years and all their foreign monetary entanglements however either white washed once by President Obama or of his oratory of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech. He did rightly slap at the Clintons with his Nobel speech so as he was to speaking of dangers of inaction and avoidance as if his “inaction” and “avoidance” was a tag on the Clintons as a due sad rap on their years 1993 - 2001.
For now whatever the Clintons are now trying to cook up or spin anew is dangerously too much like former Speaker Nancy Pelosi of her healthcare bill comments to the effect that you don’t need to know what is in it until after it is made law. It seems too dangerous now to accept that Hillary Clinton is being to a RESET and make-over such that no one will know what to expect as a NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton until it is too late.
There is only a spaghetti logic at best to that which must be the real “legacy” of the Clintons. We waited and waited for her to appear as electable in 2008 and now it seems such is even less likely now to be but as a promised “inevitable” that can never actually arrive.
For some this may be put aside as political reading as of the Congress of August 2013, and, for reading during their five week summer break
For all though it is puzzling this supposed Hillary the Superwoman myth in the air that suggests that the Democrat Party is already all together as the lorded class of an agreement that the future representative of the “demos” ( the People) has already been picked and arranged for the 2016 change of crown - like. It is quite puzzling that the party that is supposedly defined as “Democratic” as defined by “democratic” is as if so set with a new leader already hand picked and pre-selected by a elite set of Lord-ish Party leaders.
On the race angle though it is a problem as after the defeat of the vast “Clintons’ Political Machine” by an inexperience novice political junior peer of the Senate of First Lady Senator Clinton as well quite puzzling as if wondering if chum in the waters can attract sharks. Whom that is black and an established politician actually of executive experience won’t or shouldn’t be in 2016 Presidential race at least if it seems it only Hillary Clinton that needs to be defeated again?
On reparations there is problematic politics too as per the suggestion that Hillary Clinton is an inevitable next President already picked by a few to be the new People’s leader not to actually need picking by the People - the “demos” of “democratic” and “Democratic.” It seems suggested that Hillary Clinton deserves the office and should be an inevitable next President this time actually but so as if as a white woman deserving of reparations for time served as just the enslaved spouse of an earlier male President.
On reparations too there is other race problems more black on black for it seems that President Obama did account to himself so much that as an executive he otherwise could have spread out to others more of slave descent than he — It is considerable how far to reparations for passed African American enslavement the vast millions President Obama didn’t have to have spent on himself as “perks” could have otherwise blessed others more of an American Slave legend.
The Presidency if for a Democrat Party candidate again is towards 2016 now like cotton for the picking if just to prove a black again can out pick Hillary Clinton if she again enters such laboring - said laboring - refreshments of the “demos” Americana.
On reparations with myself as some of Irish descent I have to oppose reparations angle for the former First Lady Clinton and stick to summation above that Obama’s personal “perks” could have been sufficient for a blessing on most as a justified reparations for the Irish like labor abuses — I have to stick to summation so as if reparations by a refund of the last purchase price of a former slave relation was/is the only passable level of rendering late of old injustices.
Hillary Clinton has done much to demean former First Ladies and women in general with her of this similar false sense of personal entitlement. It is diabolical to suggest she deserves to be President because as a woman while First Lady she was entitled to more that a spousal co-holding unabridged embrace of real power though of a third of every day with her husband privately much left alone to her mercy or lack of it.
Hillary Clinton set a ridiculous example that still diminishes all First Ladies of The United State of America - even our current FLOTUS Michelle Obama. It was ridiculous that Hillary Clinton saw the office of First Lady - the Spousal Preserve of shared Power otherwise than all others have. It was ridiculous that she insisted in a bureaucratic personal submission within the West Wing flow chart of obedience to her husband that undermined the historic traditions of real Power through intimacy. She asked to be removed from the full protections and celebration of spousal rights as joined and united souls of our legacies and legends made by the women First Ladies.
More successful, than Hillary Clinton, even on healthcare for all is the black Democratic Party winner Governor Deval Patrick. With President Obama’s ACA - Obamacare a general train wreck it just seems that the United States of America have a successful black executive to lean on towards 2016; it just seems that with Obamacare said of being so doomed 2016 has to be like a religious political calling for Governor Patrick of Massachusetts towards carrying the Democrat Party torch as no other could - towards carrying the torch of a promise that he could, if elected, help states learn how to make a Romneycare work for them.
This can only be some as a set up for Diane Lane and much because others more than Snipes have become snipy about the IRS and taxation. This is about Joes more than - well this really could and should be more about Joes now than it is. Vice President of the United States is a First Stater and likely of cross party loyalties maintained across the isles of the Congress - across especially the isles of his old and familiar Senate haunts. This is more about discounts at 1600 - and as “murder at 1600″ still a consideration of Congress as to a likely possible permanent tag on at least Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for gross negligence per Benghazi or even something near a “negligent homicide” rap.
Where is the buck to stop - the bucks to stop about all this that is supposed to not be at all of a “phony” until it has been established that something didn’t stop at rival Clinton’s State desk that was supposed to have gotten to the President’s desk yet didn’t.
There are interesting alternative political plot lines that could have been and still could be soon — there are interesting plot lines to at least entertain now as August break dramatic distractions/escapes. We have that President Obama likely has shown that his Irishness is not dominant - not to obvious stereotypical dominant traits as his.
If President Barack Hussein Obama were more Irish in his salt and pepper - ebony and ivory - gene strings he likely would have as a visibly black Irish President have worked out a resolution for reparations at least to the last price paid for slaves of African descent of blood relations now settled as citizens of The United States of America.
How has Joe - How has Joe Biden, Vice President, not discounted black President Obama already enough so that he could himself be President now by some simple loyal reviews by his loyal peers in Congress? How are we not now already with President Obama impeached or removed as by Political duty entrusted in our Vice Presidency? How has Joe not moved on competence at least as it was possible (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to have move Congress and Country to a change on cause with a hope then in maybe two Joes?
How are we not now already (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to a change from within and to a President Joe Biden and maybe so set anew with a Vice President Joe Lieberman? Why hasn’t experience and seniority reset and saved our body politics from all this division that has been arising from novice and amateur “leadership”?
These are trying days with a President that still seems to be in office quite over his head at least per economics. Vice President Joe Biden (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) could even have moved Congress in the first term of such upside down and divisive political condition and as a champion for reparations to cure a stinging lack of whipping by First Black President - by President Obama. We could now have President Joe Biden and with he of success in an earlier removal of a rival politician of little or no real experience and as otherwise an actual and real champion for reparations if only as to a summation tilled justly around the last price paid for each slave of African descent identifiable as of the history of U.S.A. slavery Big Business.
I don’t know how President Obama didn’t make reparations a priority for his first term as the First Black President; it now seems too late for him, and so any or all others. It seems reasonable that had he been more typically Irish while a politician he would have been, however also white, to having braved the reparations politics when prescient of his first term.
Hillary Clinton did not live up to the Diplomatic challenge it seems that President Obama had hoped to gain from with her as a politically picked rival for his cabinet. It seems much either stopped at her desk that could have or should have been resolved/attended to there or that stuff got too discounted by her there and so that she was to political selfish reasoning of a practice of keeping it from getting to the President’s desk (in time). Besides all the improvements that could have or should have been made to the President’s foreign policy speeches and how such should have been caught by the dutiful supporting teamwork expected of a State Department cabinet appointee - there is still Benghazi as of his political rival not having been able to do the lesser job well enough - without apparent tragic negligence.
Whom hasn’t been too discounted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.E. in Washington, D.C. since the First Black President firstly became so sworn in for his first term? How has he not already been discounted enough from within so that we had an reset via Vice President Joe Biden and his loyal old Congressional peers, however of their seniority, and so that we otherwise could now be cruising back to American ways with two Joes - with President Joe & Vice President Joe?
It is historic that a first term of The First Black President passed with slaves of African descent seeming discounted more and as if he thought it was righteous for he to expend upon himself such vast sums as Presidential “perks” that symbolically at least could better have gone for reparations.
It may be too early to call him THE GREAT DIVIDER as it is still political that it looks like that we if Hillary Clinton had been elected would have been to having tagged her so THE GREAT DIVIDER more so. He may be for history THE GREAT DIVIDER of the short history of legacies of past Presidents and irreversibly as The First Black President who avoided some great race based political issues at least during his first term, but, it is so that it was that Hillary Clinton made almost all the same Political partisan campaign promises and so that she as his rival may be a problem within that discounts his rap as a “divider” though without removing the sting from all their lack of whipping on issues that should have been of their first term.
It does seem with Obamacare such a said trainwreck that black Governor Deval Patrick is a nature and evolutionary next Democrat Party nominee for the office of the President. He actually has political and executive experience and on a workable healthcare for all governance. Deval Patrick could ask Mayor Cory Booker, if the Newark leader is actually to be old enough to be President by 2017 inauguration day, to join him for a 2016 ticket to take the Democrats away from the DANGER like warned of by a Doug Sosnik recent public comment to how his party is set to have big problems when President Obama is no longer its leader.
For now I can just hope that The First Black President has already read THE EMPEROR OF OCEAN PARK, and most at least of the SAMPLER set out of order at I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s when I was in the seventh grade at East Rock Community School in New Haven, Connecticut and was readying for my oratory competition with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY declaration of war against Japan speech. I though didn’t know until the 2008 races that he and I share the same August day as our birth date each year - with he old so by four years to the date.
It seems too discounted so that it has been so discounted as to not even much considered that really the politics of these years of The United States of America with its First Black President likely could have been more interesting if President Obama were white or just more white - white enough such that Vice President Joe Biden could have moved Congress to removal of the President for “competency” or “lying under oath” if not worse and so that he could have proven to be a really smart and ambitious rival.
What have we now missed these few years that could have been otherwise if Obama had been white to us of an impeachment or removal, however, so that now we didn’t have Joe so discounted - so that now we had two “Joes” - so that now we of the United States of America had a President Joe Biden and a new Vice President Joe Lieberman?
This is the Barack Obama, President, that said before his 1st Inaugural that the United States could use a new and different Declaration of Independence as if he meant as from the start and so before there was Delaware as a First State. This is of he that spoke campaign rhetoric in his 1st inaugural as if his win had rewritten history and made his spin the new FACTS of the nation - of he that lied in his 1st inaugural. This is of he that in his 2nd inaugural breathed a whipping of progressive anti-Constitutionalisms with he so then of his expressiveness smarted but with a legal ignorance while he too of a discounting of the relevance of the founding writs with he then of his like; THOUGH I JUST SWORE THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I WILL NOT NOW FEEL BEHOLDEN TO SUCH OATH - TO MY SWEARING JUST MOMENTS AGO AS AN OATH OF THE OFFICE.
It seems best to preface this new composition with a reminder that President Obama has since day one been of a sticking to his gun of intent to have a personality based presidency - as on the strength or weaknesses of his own character.
The fare of the approaching Independence Day is set now to be cast as well as much of Civil War refreshment.
Before we yet get to the beating of the Clintons, now still of a rivalry, and how historic they are keyed for a trouble legend, we have the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg kicking up with spurrings and waftings of southern cooking.
President Obama may have been railroaded by the Clintons since his primary beating of Hillary that was so public and humiliating whence then about the 2008 conflicts; from since like the second day post her beating they was a uniting for Hope that quieted his chivalry up to then as Hope & Change. It seems of a historic rare honesty that his placards dumped the “CHANGE” when of the unnecessary post beating sympathetic embrace of the Clintons and their political machinery marched out as merely of “HOPE.”
There seems no way while now so near the mid year marker to figure how this fall may be yet any fairer.
Hmmm? I’m am now gonna have to check to see if it wasn’t “HOPE” he dumped while picking up Hillary or whether it was “CHANGE” that they pushed aside. Really I don’t know which is more telling of candidate Senator Barack Obama as he may have felt railroaded, however, by the Clintons after electorally beaten them so publicly.
It is like we in the United States of America, however now maybe more subjects than citizens, do bare witness still to the Clintons of long attempts to trump democratic electoral power with regular international flexing of (bought) (propaganda) “POPULARITY.”
It is like we in the United States of America, however now maybe more subjects than citizens, do bare witness still to the Clintons of long attempts to trump democratic prudence and admittedly quite as if we are now in a new Civil War in the union of states that make up the confederate republic. It goes to character now to judge if fair how fair President Obama has been while since day one to have been to asking the People to be prejudiced about their own History with Posterity by decree requests to not look at the co-Administrations of the Clintons nor their Vice President Al Gore for any explainable fault, negligence and guilt.
The Clintons have basically numerous times spoken in some ways as if of confessions for having set up the mess that the “personality” of President Obama sought to whip long as if it were just Bush’s fault and only Bush’s fault.
The Clintons have said so much that it is ridiculous to believe that President Obama mustn’t have been lying all along while of his campaign rhetoric and then official speaking to the prejudicing diatribes that were such a unfair persecution of President George W. Bush. The Clintons have said so much it is arguable that they have confessed quite nearly already to having been treasonous with their ambitions to overturn the Constitution for a more convenient Post-Constitutionalism.
As we are said of a new Civil War it is now considerable and fair and maybe to be fixed by fall that we are while about the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg and this Forth of July for the Year of our (founders’) Lord two thousand ten and Three we’ld behooved to consider the lines are still holding as of the extra-Constitutional marching of the Clintons’ schemes as set more newly now against the Constitutional lines of the new Tea Party.
It does seem inescapable that the personality of President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton does explain better than that of the personality of President Barack Hussein Obama whom we should look at for the derivatives mess and the collapse of the risky loan pimping done by the co-Administration of the Clintons. Yes, if you know where to look you too can find that “Bill” has at times mostly confessed to having been proudly behind while he sat back and let President Obama rail President Bush with a guilt for - often - again, and again regularly.
So President Clinton and President Obama may only share personality traits as it relates to their willingness to pervert justice with false accusations and decress to obscure and/or obstruct justice and actual history.
So President Clinton and President Obama though also may have that Saddam Hussein though however he of having risen in the Ba’athist Party as an assassin was just as excusable to each of them even while he as more a secular socialist of having perverted the ideals that Ba’athism was said founded for as if a UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE were possible. It is beyond me how they both could have been of personality that would set Saddam Hussein mostly free and yet be to standing regularly in an infidelity to the Constitution of the United States with a united front in a baring unfairly of false witness upon the character and effectiveness that actually was of the administration of President George W. Bush.
When former President Bill Clinton got dragged basically kicking and crying all the way up to Harlem’s lower rent districts it was telling as like a confessing to having set up the unstable economy without it needing water boarding to which we bore witness to after he first heard the government say he couldn’t have a million dollar rent per year for quite nearly what was a penthouse suite high above Carnegie Hall, The Russian Tea Room, and Time Square.
It still frees President Bush from these years of false accusations and the President’s decrees to the People to please just be prejudiced to their real History by not just not looking at the Clintons but to be as well to avoiding a prudent first deep prosecution of them as he was specifically requesting by asking all to not re-litigate what had not yet been once officially thoroughly litigated.
I don’t know what to say of the “personality” of President Barack Hussein Obama and yet all the while he asked all to let him have and be judged as an executive as President of a Presidency of and by his personality. I feel fair and safe in suggesting he mustn’t have a personality good for economic growth and job creation.
But what about all these falls? Why did those that deserved to be of a staying down get lifted back up and injudiciously freed too much by President Obama, and how while he said it was all like Bush’s fault even though the Clintons at times had said enough or too much as if to a real confession at least to themselves as of a gross negligence while administering the duties of the highest executive branch job?
There are at least a trillon dollars worth of blame to finally be lashed on the backs of both Bill and Hillary Clinton for their surpluses while not economically nor governmentally needed whence. They did need the surpluses politically and to the beat as beat to near a trillion but that was to save their extra-Constitutional plots to pass executive Power spouse to spouse ASAP. It isn’t to grand a step to cross this chasm of controversy if your first step is logically put to a strategy and commitment to consider that their surpluses were like a trillion that needed to be spend to politically match the thought impossible first trillion the Republican had more carefully found to bring the Federal Budget to balance - that it was a trillion only needed for Clinton politics because they were plotting to cheat the 22nd Amendment and needed a trillion to like save Hillary for President as early as the mid 90s even if it meant she’ld be exposed as if a TRILLION DOLLA’ SURPLUS’D QUEEN.
Many have fallen all the way back to our Revolution and yet it is that we are now quite as if in a new Civil War with the Clintons playing improper legal word games to attempt to over-turn prudent writ Constitutionals by popular rabble rousing mob rule.
If the Constitution is yet still standing this Forth of July 2013 and still fairly this fall as ordained and established under the Christian Lord of the Founders by their unanimous subscribing then the Clintons may both, at least, be in legal jeopardy, for having been of too forward attempts to undermine the Constitution and enough public statements now quite arguably autobiographical and confessional.
It is at least that President Clinton while about those early days of setting up a New York Senate seat for his wife by political arrangements too near to nepotism was of his public kicking and crying all the way up to the Harlem lower rent districts and only after he exposed his complicity in the creation of the housing mess with his personal requests to his big bank (friends) (associations) to pay for his seeking to be nearly penthouse set in the Carnegie Hall Tower at a rent at near a million per year otherwise calculable as more in one year asked for of taxpayers than the sum of all the past Presidents combined.
A fall of the Clintons is again fair - another fall by fall still won’t be too late - an earlier fall likely fairer for the People and especially those of the Administration of President George W. Bush.
An earlier more definitive fall would have been fairer for all and likely have been facilitating to an actual economic recovery that could have maybe been if with banking reform to a full and robust recovery by 2010. It is that Bill Clinton exposed himself and his most ambitious spouse when he asked personally those associated with the Big Bad Banks to pay for his nearly penthouse wishes because he had done so much to help them make so much money from the derivatives gambling he had asked them to proffer so that he could burn our economic candles from both ends at once as he wanted to by having risky loans and his unnecessary but for the politics of saving Hillary For President surpluses to a trillion cut from what turned out to have been necessary budget items and critical in the pipe line already spending needed to make his economics of hyper-consumerism and risky loan pimping at all economically possible.
This fall it may not just be fair to be wary of any proteges or disciples of Bill and/or Hillary Clinton - it may be wise and prudent to avoid any and all but under the sad prospects usual and possible of LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS scenarios.
Are you willing to risk going to prison for a support of the selfish political ambition of the Clinton “two-fer”?
This is not as simple as a Senate race say in Massachusetts in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Three as it is that the Clinton “two-fer” is setting up a running operatic touring too globally and too much of a trichotomy of two.
It seems we have that the United States Tax authority of the IRS has a 501(c)(4) tax exempt status that many if not all can well use to educate against such a soapy operatic Clintonesque (sedition) without it technically being “political” to organize against the politics of the Clinton “two-fer.”
Though it seems it may be a Moulin Rouge tease the Clinton “two-fer” is working to paste on and billboard out they may be obviously trite yet too operatic and Chicago!
Massachusetts may now be especially set to be wary long before it chimes a time of being able to see the whites of the Clinton “two-fer” eyes. I am not sure little #Mass has the ammo yet to stand a long (seditious) assault from an already too globally (seditious) modern political Bonnie and Clyde - the Clinton “two-fer.”
There are some simple Constitutional lessons to be whispered, chatted up and generally broadcast for a social welfare timely pamphleting new era of civic engagement likely all the way until 2016 even if the Clinton “two-fer” doesn’t survive public scrutiny past 2013.
To speak to a too soap opera shallowness of just one of the Clinton “two-fer” trichotomy of two it helps to compare Democrat past Presidents; It is helpful and instructive (even for Massachusetts) to now compare and contrast President Carter and President Clinton. I am not suggesting there is any comparison to make between these two as to variants in and of a sedition by each; Jimmy Carter, Former President, spoke eloquently recently at the opening of the Presidential Library for President George W. Bush.
Democrats and Republicans of at least Massachusetts can all be patriots in a fair and simple political consideration of President Carter’s special remarks orated honorably at the dedication of the Bush Library.
It is remarkable for its historical significance and its political illumination how President Carter stood up proudly as a Democrat and with dignity told the world how he was able in just the first days of the administration of President George W. Bush to get the new President to do more for Africa than the Clinton “two-fer” had been willing to do in all of their eight years.
There are trying character traits established in the entrenched personality of “Bill Clinton” quite now again at least arguably as near of a sedition as when the Clinton “two-fer” in the early months of the administration of “43″ seemed to have been of effectings too much of efforts arguably as if they were trying to hold onto executive Power though no longer the First Couple and regardless of their status as “term limited.”
Yes we have a special right in America as per our Constitution and especially specifically per our 22nd Amendment to warn people that there is a chance still that they may be at risk of prosecution for sedition at least for any past or future support of the Clintons. It may be legally mostly limited to any support of any past organizing for a “Hillary for President” “movement” but then it may be beyond “sedition” and to a Constitutional allowance that such may be “criminal” or “Un-Constitutional” if not “treasonous.”
The technicalities that now allow for a 501(c)(4) Tax Status to be 90% to 100% engaged in Social Welfare mass messaging to confront the plots of the Clinton “two-fer” with education and public discourse it of such as a Constitutional right to say all of the above specifically of the Clinton “two-fer” as long at least as the 22nd Amendment remains undecided law.
As long as the 22nd Amendment sits in our Constitution as yet undecided law as written and ratified by efforts of the Eightieth Congress so fresh with concerns and lesson of the Power sharing of Franklin and Eleanor every citizen of the United States of America has a Constitutional right and maybe duty to proffer an oration or quiet discoursing that all are free still to tag the Clinton “two-fer” of the already existent record of “Hillary for President” and now for any continuation or refreshing so as it as chargeable as “criminal” for “Un-Constitutional” and maybe actually of a treasonous politics quite now too soapy and operatic in a seditiousness.
What few in the United States of America and fewer even in Boston or Cambridge have yet discussed is how it was maybe a worked and effecting sedition by the Clinton “two-fer” as of premature vocalizations and postures to a planned “Hillary for President” that had new President Bush “43″ in his first year of a government seeming unresponsive as if oddly responsive to extra-Constitutional influencing of and by Clinton “two-fer” while no longer legally of executive Powers then yet were meddling globally like with.
If they succeed in selling their (seditious) selfish political ambitions now as they seem to be proceeding as if a clever soap opera chimed to be like a Moulin Rouge looseness more may be technically legally at risk and prostrate to our allowances for Supreme rending of justice as a now late establishment of meaning of our 22nd Amendment can permit.
It is something the Supreme Court can now preface while about the Same Sex Marriage and DOMA cases as it is those are asking the SCOTUS honorable to render and broad and general understanding that marriage should be inseparable legally and not divisible from any set per their sexual preferences. This might be a precedence to allow polygamy by such logic but it as per the Clinton “two-fer” and the 22nd Amendment would be inconvenient as it would be to rendering their “separability” toward four co-Presidencies as Un-Consitutional while establishing a respect for equality and indivisibility of a soul of a marriage union as paramount and equal for all regardless, again, as per a couples’ sexual preferences.
Now there are problems with the current cases so before the Supreme Court as there are assertions that a class of people arguably a social set while some a natural set can have rights for all established as if all of such set were of it as a set as a legal and established natural set.
The Clintons do want their marriage union to be divisible and their law degrees and “professional” status (however now or again of disbarment) to allow the laws of union of souls to one in marriage to have like a Descartean separability to conveniently allow a legal trichotomy of two towards four co-Presidencies of the Clinton “two-fer.”
Be forewarned! You may already be at risk of a Constitutional prosecution for past naive following and associating with the Clinton “two-fer” at least as per “Hillary For President” as already of our many carefully kept and secured records. You may be in further jeopardy if you now step out with them and their (seditious) plotting even maybe if you add a follow to either @BillClinton or @HillaryClinton; the laws yet concerning any jeopardy are quite now still TBD.
Massachusetts I am concerned for you all and your general welfare now at risk again with a Senate seat contest and especially since you last elected a bankruptcy law professor who (as loyal to the Clinton “two-fer”) was amiss in judgement and practice for not herself educating you all (in a Social Welfare) to the histories of how the Democrats did set up and then trigger the economic collapse long so spun as like a new convenient Great Depression. I don’t know that I have time now to help you with Social Welfare messaging specifically as per your current predicaments; I proffer it may be wise to remember that President Carter so as he spoke in dedication of the Bush Library was to admonishing the Clinton “two-fer” with his rendering of history as to how President George W. Bush was willing to do more for Africa in his first days than the Clintons had been for their eight years.
Hard to say; It is that as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law and seems clearly of a time and an import of original intent to have barred President Franklin Delano Roosevelt from keeping any iron grip on executive power even if by a loophole logic practiced as if coyly and soapily by an appearance of running to return again but as by a “two-fer” electing by that of the spouses proper name. It actually seems ridiculous to consider that we have an Amendment than can be judged to be a non-law Amending if it allows a return of a spouse to some or much “holding” of “office” by the election of a spouse that marriage laws allow a full holding of to a holding that then again would be another “co-holding.”
A 501(c)(4) status may be right now for everyone whom feels a Constitutional defense is necessary and as that as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law every citizen is at least allowed to charge the Clinton “two-fer” at least for any or all “Hillary For President” organizing as if “criminal” in an “Un-Constitutional” treasonousness maybe as well of years of inappropriate to extra-Constitutional global (seditious) meddling.
I can not legally speak to what jeopardy any may now actually be considerate of already for any prosecution as per these rights and seeming prima facia violations.
As a political writer I am sitting here with Memorial Day Weekend near wondering how to cover Democrat Leaders fresh and stale as of their Obamacare of Darwinian concerns.
Are we of days of lesser weevils like rotten apples about a Bernoulli greater evils of like rotten apples in your bushels?
Oh my! Are these days of lifts or down drafts - more days of political dark clouds nearer than the horizon? Can I even remember how or why a old college Economics Professor did once call the Bernoulli Principle a “bad apple theorem”? May be easier now to just wonder how a new municipal politics is afoot for a Big Apple - and due some damming. Whom may crowe about lesser or greater weevils may be ravenous too much of old evils said of an Axis of Evil.
How Manhattan may all memorialize a loose Union anew in 2013 seems now for the picking as about East Egg & West Egg escapism of old fashioned Leonardoesque capping. What is the weevil in the barrels truly of the Clintons’ evil of old avoidance and inaction than cannot long support still their old “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS”?
Has it been seventeen years already since when Bill and Hillary Clinton should have measure Saddam Hussein as a serpent in their garden and but how Biblical moved so judiciously and civilly prudently for a prosecution in full of all sanctions and crimes held up against Iraq’s tyrannical leader?
Do New Yorkers have among them already a perfect Super Bowl Mayor candidate for 2013 political harvesting?
Among the ebb and flow and thermodynamics of our current political pickings there may be a need to dam some old currents to stem a re-streaming of conditions from the conscious politics of the Clintons still to causing turbulence of/from unstable “hot-air.”
It may this weekend be more difficult to pick through the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama for “good fruit” even if of like Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s MUNICIPAL sewers keeping. Yes Ja Ja Binks seems to be still quite a Gunga Din. Yes, President Barack H. Obama did receive a Nobel Peace Prize. Yes, the President of the United States, currently, when of his acceptance speech for his Peace Prize was early to a damming of old lingering dangerous fruits of Clintons’ evils in their avoidance and inaction, globally.
Do you - all New Yorkers - take Bill and Hillary to be yours - yours as embraced New Yorkers? Do you take carpetbagger Hillary Clinton of a bought nepotic Senate acquisition by Executive arrangements of and by her spouse while then a seated President of the United States of America? How whether you take them as your own is it that it was fair that she Hillary was allowed to campaign for Senate and the Presidency legally at least while of the full protection and its pomp and circumstancing luxury of the details for a term limited President? What is “not fair” - what is “NOT FAIR!!!”?
Do you yet get the import of the apple of the eyes of the Eightieth Congress as entrenched for now still by the existent 22nd Amendment of a careful “holding” poetic legalese to keep our term limits Amendment supposedly from being just a loop hole say for FDR to have just run again after two terms on his wife’s name Eleanor Roosevelt? Our Constitutional Amendment for term limits upon our President was a reaction to Franklin and Eleanor. Our Constitutional Amendment so written by the Eightieth Congress and ratified by the nation does respect that marriage laws and “holding” of united souls in marriage unions can not be set asunder for an interpretation of their limiting writ as if an election of one spouse to a holding isn’t actually also an indivisible by election working to a “some” or maybe “much” “holding” of such office by the other spouse.
There is a serpent of knowledge awaiting our Constitution as our 22nd Amendment is still on the books yet as undecided law.
By it being now undecided law so much can be said as if its original or derived intent to tag current politicians with labeling as if Criminal - Un-Constitutional - Treasonous. But for now it is a knowledge of a united two in marriage union that can not be set asunder by its legal “holding” so that the “holding” of the 22nd Amendment can reasonably be to allowing legally for Hillary Clinton to run for President as an election of her would then effect a by election “holding” some or much of office again by her spouse. Bill Clinton is not allowed to be returned to any holding of the office of the President by election and as he is indivisible from his marriage holding and union Hillary Clinton is not a legal eligible candidate for an election of her would return Bill Clinton by election to at least some “holding” Constitutionally barred.
But New Yorkers this is more about the Big Apple and so much long fought for since THE FEDERALIST PAPERS were written as if by Publius to defend the hopes of a more perfect Union of the Founding Fathers, and, as written to defend such from an earlier Clinton of New York politics who had more empirical and/or imperialistic designs too like these still in our faces newer Clintons. We have that these days are much like the days of the Founding Fathers of the United States and yet now with it just a new Clintons about a similar resistance but now as per more global opportunities to less than Constitutional designs.
Enter again our concerns about President Barack H. Obama even as he seemed smarter (smart enough) earlier at least when to tagging the Clintons with a global guilt from their years of administering with so much international inaction and avoidance. Enter again the current President who early did so speak seemingly erudite about DANGERS!!! from politics like that of the real legacy of Bill and Hillary and their Presidency.
It may be necessary to go all Darwinian “survival of the species” political in 2013 at least while discussing how important it may be to over-turn Obamacare. It may be about what has to be dammed that is of old unstable turbulence from “hot-air” of the Clintons’ administering - Quite! It may now be seriously that we have to dam both the Clintons and their protege(s) and as well Obamacare - REALLY! We have that we aren’t getting economic lift maybe because the Apple of the Clintons is spoiling the whole lots of bushels.
There was no real “PEACE” in their days as “two-fer” intimates engaged however properly or devilishly in a holding of the office of the President of the United States of America. Their “PEACE DIVIDENDS” were more conjured as of evil spirits then and of a poisonous fruit of “PEACE” then as a BIG LIE. The already recorded “legacy” of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is coincidentally also able to be of a tag on Clintons as of too much hedging and too little fruit baring economics. New Yorkers may better than most recall that in 1993 when sworn in the “two-fer” Clintons were to inheriting a almost already recovered from recession economy. What happened after 1993 was that they worked an evil devilish selfish politics of a fattening of a recovered economy so that they could have headlines to make people around the world believe that they had made the economy better.
By now it may be that New Yorkers are the ones behind the bad air and drafts of the Clintons and some how of political blinders to an ignorance that the Clintons did actually cause most of the economic conditions that made the collapse possible.
They while wanting to be loved as like PEACENIKS are actually of such as of theirs as of “PEACE” then actually of the rot with the collapse much of from their pickings to PEACE DIVIDEND popularity from now more obviously questionable (lies) about “peace.”
Afghanistan and Iraq are the two greatest failures about such BIG LIES by the administration of the Clinton “two-fer” and specifically what our current President was admonishing when with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech was to careful tagging of DANGERS from “inaction” and “avoidance.” Yes these are the same Clintons that after eight years didn’t even leave a succeeding President a single option on the table as per even just Saddam Hussein and a full prosecution or enforcement of him by rights established with United Nations agreements.
The politics of both the Clintons and Obama as per ACA - Obamacare is such that a devolution may now result from an over coddling new nationalism with their centralized near BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER “caring” governance. The more they get citizens (subjects) to let the Government do for them the less capable such as a species of Americans should then develop and evolve in years with as still of a natural selection “survivor” trait(s). The old “AMERICAN” may be a dying bread - Quite!
The Clintons’ “PEACE” for their desired devilish wants for a rare popularity for/from “PEACE DIVIDENDS” can be said to be a bigger and proven more dangerous lie than that of President Bush when after the Presidency of the Clintons seemed to be with Americans down to near only one way left to proceed with a due prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and to tagging as “Bush lied - soldiers died.”
As the Clintons’ “PEACE” was maybe the biggest and most dangerous lie by an American leader in the past twenty years, and seemingly because “Bill” just wanted to be lovable as like a Dove, it is still dangerous that the Clintons seem too institutionalized in their marriage and of a plot to allow “Bill” to be the “Dove” and then to shock and awe with “Hillary” later allowed to be the “Hawk.”
But will the over-coddling socialism reaching centralizing attempts by the lot of Democrat leaders lead to a devolution of the American species? With the Government trying to have power to do more for Americans of that which Americans were long strong and proud for being of a self sufficiency won’t it be more of a survival of the species Darwinism to Americans to devolving not evolving as a class or species?
This Memorial Day Weekend it would behoove New Yorkers of Mayoral Race of 2013 much also to consider that the world has not become a better place with the new Clintons trying to effect globally quite what an earlier New York politician Clinton did once unsuccessfully after being confronted by Publius and his THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.
The bad apples now possibly about the Big Apple municipal political reset are of turbulence that needs to be dammed or damned still of an inferno of Hillary and her crusading while FLOTUS. She was having trouble being right recently on foreign affairs and the Middle East not just because of limits of her “experts” - she is quite able to be tagged as blinded as well by the hot-air streaming nonsense of the “PEACE” they pimp’d that never actually existed.
New Yorkers if you do still take the Clintons as yours will you if and when the Congress deems it wise to subpoena maybe both Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and dig deep into as well all matters and monies movements via the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES? Benghazi is a scandal that for its cover-up opens up a concern that the cover-up was politically needed because they had been wrong about intelligence and history and at risk each or all as possibly of being to naively funding like a by material support the very terrorism they were supposedly fighting.
Please do consider either whether right to choose the less of the two weevils and how to now choice something better than a consideration just politically as a “lesser of the two evils.”
[note: I am still of the strategic opinion I figured since before the Clintons did enter 1992 race and so of from before I helped make them electable in part because of such concerns in my philosophical strategizing about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that the Clintons or a re-elected President Bush was best to move to prosecute Saddam Hussein within that new term. What was needed after the Persian Gulf War to be done before it was likely safe to move finally against Saddam Hussein was that at least New York City and its Time Square and Las Vegas had to first have started a real revival and urban renewal with Community Policing. It still seems plausible that Saddam Hussein had a way to defeat the new sole superpower USA in a global PR war if we didn’t show the world that Americans could fix their own cities before asserting that they could run Baghdad better than he. It still hasn’t made sense to me for USA to have not moved for a full enforcement of the United Nations sanction on Saddam Hussein and his Iraq within what was the first term of the Clintons’ “two-fer.”]
For the sake of controversy and selling of truths it is that we are now here to read and discuss white chocolate politically, maybe.
As Mother’s Day is fast approaching and a big hat day of the year too we have that for Mrs. Clinton to run again she will have to hoof it all as either her racing against her own mothering or against First Lady Michelle Obama’s mothering. It is not appropriate to be to stereotypically shoeing Mrs. Clinton as a “white chocolate” and our current wife of an also “the first black President” so as First Lady Michelle is as if she a “dark chocolate.” It may be insensitive too, and while still it may be too confusing to compare them as equally of a milk chocolate.
Mrs. Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama do seem as different as night and day - as different as black and white - as per playing the woman cards in our politics. With our current FLOTUS we have culinary greatness of grown at home healthiness and wholesomeness to consummate while Mrs. Clinton is still so served as our Fast Food Queen to super-sized McDonald’s Big Mac meals for her like “Mac Daddy” spouse.
It has been reported that if only we like could get back as a nation to before the influences of dietary corruption of once First Lady Mrs. Clinton our nation could be to saving a trillion dollars in healthcare costs by having been without the vast increase in obesity of the incredible national increase in personal body weight average of her mothering.
We will somehow have to discuss President Clinton as having been the “First Black President” and comparatively and contrastingly while it seems on its face that honestly President Obama has been the United States of America’s first black President, still going forward.
But really while it may be a confounding conundrum of politics to broach how Mrs. Clinton will have to either race against her own reputation or race against First Lady Michelle Obama’s example and mothering we have that there are economic consideration that are of President Obama’s governance and governing these years fundamentally so as absent a philosophy of governance. It may be the fault of “Hillary” or “Michelle” somehow - somehow as we have to consider that Mrs. Clinton did make as many impossible campaign promises as “Obama” and was set to have had nearly the same Clintons’ alumni as her own economic advisers.
As you should decide whose mothering you think is better and how, however, you may prefer one personally more than the other there is a problem with the economics now that likely would have arrived by either the mothering of “Hillary” or as it has with the “fathering” of “Obama.” We may now be necessarily to a second wave of economic shrinkage.
It is remarkable that a suggestion is about a candidacy for “Hillary” that there are no other Democrat women capable of such challenge - that there are none able to competently stand up to Mrs. Clinton. I don’t know how yet to write sufficiently politically about the Democrat Party of such a paradigm where it seems that President Clinton with his recent politics is standing too much with powers he was supposed to have been limited from as of executive domains generally and so that it seems he is flexing muscle that it must be “Hillary” for she can be thought to have slept with him the most.
There is an intra-party war for political legacy between the Clintons and Obamas already commenced and with it now that President Obama is maybe trapped with the Clintons seeming possibly re-ascendant and so that he and his family will be then forward politically back under Democrat Party Leadership dominance of at least President Bill Clinton.
But speaking to the economy and the resultant down economy that started much with the announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT and she then with a promise to violate capitalism with a seizing of all oil company profits >> President Obama still seems to have until the end of a second term as at the helm of our economy as so that a President is such juiced. And, oddly he has set up a new economic situation where if the Republicans do not decide to keep offering a rivaling economic method in capitalism personally then Obama’s socialism will bankrupt the United States of America.
See this isn’t about “Hillary” as white chocolate or “Michelle” as dark chocolate.
This is black and white along the lines of economics and common sense. President Obama (or President Clinton) now needs the Republicans and Independents to not do as he says but to do stupidly as they would if capitalism rules were still our economic rules. For the Democrats socialism to work they need even just the Republicans to blindly still live their profitable capitalism American Dreams.
A candidacy for Mrs. Clinton cannot offer us a respite from this new economic way from the united Democrat Party game changing. Simply from now until 2016 it makes more sense for at least Republicans to do as the President has said and to not do as he needs them to as of a idiotic staying the course in profitable capitalism. To also help save the planet and gird us all for these years of climate change there is a moral and patriotic duty now much for at least the Republicans too to do as the President has said, however so with alarmism.
You may want to use this time of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY of these in governance with the current Democrat Party unity to yourself figure how much less you need others to do for you and how much less raw resources you really will quite need as these times of Democrat Eco Alarmism stay politically justified. It may though be maddening to try to understand how Mrs. Clinton really will either have to race against her own reputation or specifically race against the mothering of/by First Lady Michelle Obama. (I still assert all have the right as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law to protest that any campaign by Clintons whenever to returning to a co-holding of the Presidency can and should be called criminal, un-Constitutional, and/or treasonous.)
Our Federal Government’s revenue streams come mostly from income and profits - not wealth or property taxation.
The worst economic reality for President Obama as he attempts to prove he can afford such “idealism” is that the Republicans, at least, will do as he says to a new flatter economy with a new greenness in conservationism their way too. We as a nation cannot and likely will not be able to afford these new entitlements of the recent rush to a NEW NATIONALISM of socialism if at least Republican don’t idiotically keep to blindly being capitalists.
We have to consider that First Lady Michelle Obama is a dominant women in the Obama marriage and maybe as responsible as her husband for this confounding new economics - as responsible as Mrs. Clinton for her mothering as if two super-sized Big Mac meals a day was good politics - even before it seems to have increased national medical costs with an increase in obesity to us of now having been able to save a trillion dollars if she hadn’t been such a ham for President Clinton’s dietary excesses.
I have to believe, whomever your political “Mother” preference is, and however you have been weened and reared by a real mother, you are ready to politically consider at least that Mrs. Clinton likely has to run against First Lady Michelle Obama’s legacy as it would be quite ridiculous for her to run against herself as if she is politically not defensible.
It may now be that Democrats have done more to bring “family values” back at least to realm of family and home economics. It is that at least Republicans have been also asked to assimilate patriotically in a new austerity and conservationism and that now are times when they have less need to stand in defense of capitalism themselves. It figures though quite confoundingly that President Obama and Democrats forward are stuck unable to see our nation afford their idealism if at least Republicans don’t blindly still pursue profits and income from capitalism. It is that Republicans seem the more important class of economic taggables to be firstly and mostly to a full Obama conservationism, however it may also now be seen as socialism.
Mother’s Day is near - Please don’t ask me to decide for you whom you should respect more - whether your mother or First Lady Michelle Obama or even possibly Mrs. Clinton.
To tee up stories for this weeks coming challenges we have that grammatically there is a place for sport and for sports. It may be that Tiger Woods and Hillary Clinton are most in the weeds or stuck deep in the woods for having hazarded the most so far.
It isn’t sporting now to beat up Hillary Clinton too much after she couldn’t keep a straight face while puffing up for Women in World audiences. She couldn’t keep a straight face as she put her best leg forward knowing it doesn’t historically show well and as if a sad political war profiteerette seizing a chance to reinvent herself while apparently knowing she doesn’t deserve such. That she while of her new puffing up leg work was to failing to keep a straight face is quite politically suggestive that she is not a viable candidate for higher office.
It is not quite sport though to speak of Condoleezza Rice as per the Masters though it can be sporting now more than ever before. She is now professionally again sworn to defending her employer and its professional standards where ever she is as a Stanford University Professor. I don’t think she can be loyal based on race this weekend without being concerned for her school colors officially — I can hazard a consideration that Tiger Woods in entering this Masters plantation having hazarded his standing however by winning.
It is sport in sports to consider how Tiger Woods may or may not be able to take the heat - all the heat this week whether weaker at Amen Corner or of great temptresses around the Magnolias and laurels and all the legends of hazards bounded by and about Hogan’s Bridge.
But with Hillary Clinton, as a successor to Condoleezza Rice, and to much dishonesty, with lies about new foundations being needed, and all the while she as she managed to stand and proceed, mostly on grounds actually gained by progressive efforts about a freedom agenda, of the Bush administration, it is interesting how it may be another Hogan bridging about a Freedom Agenda that is still to be established as a freedom agenda as of a manifesto like of a Hogan’s THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM a oddly foundational for both the Clintons’ and Bush Administration. {The Clintons present themselves as inseparable as a “two-fer” so “Clintons’” usage is appropriate and sporting for a political honesty in marketing their branding in a possessive plural sharing.}
The talk of the Masters may all be how though Michelle Obama may not herself be a golf enthusiast she could trump masters better than Hillary with 2016 Presidential race if it isn’t inconvenient to have a Michelle vs. Hillary Constitutional Crisis as per our 22nd Amendment constructs and its less than wordy establishments. It is sporting now to suggest that the members of the Bush administration have not been setting themselves all free from the railroading still of and by the Clintons with learned erudity orally proffered in part for being themselves the more honorable of the administrations. And, how this may be some for their Freedom Agenda by the timeline suggested recently by Elliot Abrams as so following a teed off sharing of a poetic manifesto like so whence thence committedly with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
But to stand up as a Stanford University Professional golfer and one of two of the first women ever to be admitted as members of Augusta National seems now for Condoleezza Rice a sporting concern as per Tiger Woods. I am not talking so here of a concern that another win by him so soon could caused him to need to return to therapy — I am talking here coincidentally about Hillary and Tiger of having contradictions to much in their branding as spring breaks anew in the Year of our founding fathers’ Lord two thousand Ten and three. For Tiger it was of a retailing of him at Torrey Pines as if he was reconciling with his wife and starting the season off with a putting of fathering first in his fields. For Hillary, well she couldn’t keep a straight face while trespassing upon good souls again with an attempt to an new unearned reinvention of herself.
I do find it sporting that I did once install new closet doors for Condoleezza Rice while President Bush’s NSA master, and, that as it may be her last thoughts on 9/11 morning before her aid walked in with news of a single plane crash into one of the World Trade Towers were of a professional referral airing for me as I then at that moment was coincidentally driving up 17th Street in Washington DC and right by the Old Executive Office Building of the White House plantation. I didn’t though myself know of the timing of such or of the plane crashes until maybe an hour later and after I had arrived at a new clients home and already had been to unrepairable full removal of the old front door.
When I wrote to Representative Gephardt’s offices then that August in days and weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union George Stephanopoulus and a Koch son were peers and equals there. When I wrote then I shared the first starts of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and as a way forward towards better freedom for more with such a started sporting attempt to give local American words and meaning in a rhyme and reason to Bush’s term NEW WORLD ORDER. It is still sport and sporting that so much of what Clintons then braved learning to say and sound like was teed off primarily, at least, with the due focus on New Haven, Connecticut - as I had so based it poetically and as a global coding.
But for Tiger he hasn’t quite failed to keep a straight face with a new extreme makeover type improper leg work so as recently such a sad sight by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now too much of disordered personalities and contrary historicals. But though branded for Torrey Pines as if to being this Year of our founders’ Lord two thousand Ten and three it seems by the Arnold Palmer Invitational that he was all about being iced tea and lemonade otherwise but likewise. I don’t know how it won’t be sporting for even Condoleezza Rice if not called upon too officially about such to hazard a “beware of the hazards” to Tiger Woods as well of her Stanford University branding.
What can be par for the course this week for Tiger Woods at least near Hogan’s Bridge or Amen Corner? Will the foliage be metaphorically at least too in bloom and as a HAZARD? How won’t servants and service people be now most on black Tiger “Ice Tea” Woods mix about Augusta National for all of the Masters of this week in the Year of the founders’ of the United States of America Lord so such as it now is two thousand Ten and three?
My sister did bring me back some paraphernalia from recent gathers of Masters - at least as a hostess executive for Time Warner Cable partying of the 75th Anniversary branding. I do not know at the time of this pressing if she will be hosting as a corporate executive again there at some time this week - her last name is not now Hogan - she is a Democrat whom I believe still keeps a personally autographed mug of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on or near her desk.
A Michelle vs. Hillary is a Constitutional Crisis waiting to be fluffed and folded for all the world to see. Michelle has as much right to let her husband run for re-election on her name now as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to run as if not a criminal enterprise, again. If it is not fair for President Obama to trump our 22nd Amendment protections and seeming established intent by running now on his Princeton and Harvard degreed lady’s name than it likely is so criminal for there to have been one HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT such that we should now find our Masters in Treason and learn of their learnedness at least as to whether there are any statutory limits that run with treasonous activities if not merely somehow established as criminal.
{note: At this moment on Sunday I am breaking from this pressing of a new column - not knowing if it is done or due furtherences however farther or further may be grammatically the appropriate metric for such meters and footings.}
Poor Obama for he seems to have been played by the Clinton “two-fer” - really played.
It seems considerable that the Clintons did together what GOPers sought to. The Clintons in their own way seem to have effectively made Obama a one term executive and a second term Clinton stooge as some a “lame duck” executive.
Nothing POPS a “whose your daddy?” now better than a new DPRK CRISIS. It seems that President Obama is now stuck having once needed the superior political skills of President William Jefferson Clinton to bring USA back from a nuclear brink again. This is the President Obama who had to visit President Clinton in his Harlem office and as I recall bow before him and with a recording of him calling President Clinton “The President” who then needed the Clintons’ superior political skill to save his administration from the crisis brought on after Clintons’ VP Al Gore as a private citizen had his babe private spies caught in North Korea with inadequate training.
In the coming days it will be as if a trial has started and the Clintons are burying President Obama as if a weaker lawyer - if not already.
Where is Bill? Where is nearly self proclaimed “PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD” Bill Clinton? Where is Bill and how is he now coping without his spouse his overseer at State there more effectively as if just running another Clinton Travel Office? We now have Secretary John Kerry charged with overseeing the foreign policy meddling of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE - Where is Bill?
He called them rivals. How much is that turning out to have been an understatement? I called the Obama save of the first DPRK CRISIS of this administration the BAY OF BABES for it seemed meant to be sold as if as dramatic and as a sequel so to our old BAY OF PIGS. And, yet young and inexperienced President Barack Hussein Obama needed to call in President Clinton to save the day and bring us then back from the brink of WAR - yet just by being a grand escort service to collect and babysit Al Gore’s private spies who got caught maybe for having had the wrong training, or not enough training.
These days stories just don’t write themselves naturally about the Clintons to present them in a good light. I mean unless you like the idea that the may have until now succeeded in high-jacking USA executive power since they were thought to have been officially term limited from such, from such anymore for evermore. I don’t have time now to discuss the “HOW” about that they may have successfully high-jacked USA foreign policy at least since 2001 - that does now though some want to write itself unlike stories that would be readable as of a “good light” for the Clintons.
But what about Mrs. Clinton’s private Hell these days? If you are on the road or a run with her (political run not “exercised”) can you figure out who or what she is? It writes itself that she isn’t a good example for an independent feminism as she has put being under her husband as her primary ceiling her whole life since Yale Law School. She is the enabler of Bill Clinton most obviously — her primary character is that of having made herself and her career submissive to the ambitions and career of her husband and only stepped out as if maybe otherwise when our 22nd Amendment got in the way of his being able to “officially” stay her visibly dominant main man.
But what about President Obama’s public Hell these days? Did he miss that Mrs. Clinton was firstly loyal to her husband with her earliest of public decrees as his Secretary of State and top “rival”? I mean he had to humble himself before President Clinton in the Harlem office of the Clintons’ continuing global political activities and for public consumption with a record of a bowing some then with a calling of a former President as “The President” - such that I recall. I mean when former First Lady Clinton started as promised “rival” in his new Cabinet she set up a Hellish but clever insubordination on her new boss by using Dante. One of his first mile markers on this road to Hell with the Clintons must still be of record of her saying that as Obama’s Secretary of State she would be taking her direction from that whom Dante did and much more so than as if listening to her new most inexperienced upstart of a politician boss.
Is President Barack Hussein Obama now stuck again in a political dependence that again will have him have to call in President William Jefferson Clinton to restore world peace at least as per the DPRK new but familiar CRISIS? If it will make her man happy Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now more as just a public private person as now a First Lady of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INIITIATIVES, as it seems, is likely to be fully submissive again in her man getting all the credit and pomp and circumstance.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a dangerous and quite faux feminist figure. It is not a fair lesson or example to sell her other than as her story wants to write itself respective of all the conflicting details. It is not even fair that to be for Hillary For President you have to explain to young girls everywhere that to be like her is to put your husband first and for as long as your government will allow and then be to needing the full pomp and ceremony at least of a full Presidential Secret Service division in order to win any office registered for with your name more than his.
There is that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s story doesn’t write itself well but as a blob of FRIENDS OF BILL still somehow holding on and moving forward as a political mass.
We have maybe that we should hear of still political Clintons that they will at least take a lead from President Barack Hussein Obama and to a doubling down rivaling with a promise to give back 10% of the Federal Funds being spent annually at least for New York rents for former President Clinton. I do not know how we tolerate so much foreign policy meddling from a former President and especially for those years that his spouse was running the real State Department - but for us to be however to paying the rents for operations of such and with such allowed an grandstanding of an annual meeting schedule to rival the United Nations as also a politically mandatory meeting is quite ridiculous in an American traditional consideration.
What seems to write itself now is that the Clintons have been the bigger rivals to President Obama than the GOPers and that now we have it on our plates too that Mrs. Clinton’s culpability for Benghazi as Secretary of State should be forever joined with a tag for the DPRK CRISIS as necessarily some or much of other failures in her while charge with being Obama’s Top Diplomat.
What has happened to President Barack Hussein Obama - how has he come to looking so much as if just a stooge of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and under Dante still as she decreed she’ld be, however inflaming.
A nation that forgets to consider Treason as a possible crime still and one that any of their “leaders” may be capable of is likely a nation already in decline.
To separate this from Benghazi fog of “war” as it was in an “election cycle” it may help to consider and remember that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton seemed too disturbed while suggesting that she is more important and of a more important job as Secretary of State because her people are in danger and like Ambassador Christopher Stevens willing to be a martyr for her “Diplomacy.”
We have that had our SCOTUS decided otherwise than that Legislative Branch avenues were still open for more democratic assaults on faults of ACA - Obamacare and to “IT’S A TAX” as if of a War Power allowance for a war on health undeniable short term power it as of our Supreme courting might have had to rule that Democrat Party members had in mass acted to undermine our Constitution and effectively to a near Treasonous Un-Constitutionality.
As per the cases our SCOTUS will hear this week and how our former FLOTUS has lightly weighed in it is that conveniently we have the Clintons’ marriage to instructively deconstruct and reconstruct and deconstruct and reconstruct much as to if an when an is of marriage is a is of marriage or conveniently not an is of marriage or Constitutionally. I don’t know how with the Clintons still insisting on being public figures of weights enough to “weigh in” substantially our Supreme Justice is not to be best served by a careful dissection of what is or is not a Marriage as by example around the Clintons.
President Barack Hussein Obama may now be trying to grandstand in the Middle East as if the Clintons are not the heir apparents and Bill Clinton a strong man soon to return to flex and whine however still too much in a partisan and globally polarizing Political. If it is to be Hillary for President then as per the long perspective traditional to the Middle East President Obama is now a lame duck and Bill Clinton not Hillary Clinton by marriage most to be seen as the real heir apparent on any if any possible peaceful future.
What can be Hillary and Bill Clintons’ Lusitania - has it already sunken in and are we now already on a path to a new draft and warring for the “honor” of/for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?
These are just such as of any and all complexity due any and all SCOTUS marriage discussions and discourse this week as per marriage rights as established and not federally established, and, while democratic and legislative avenues are still for such wide open for less Judicial rending. Like Obamacare in many ways the issues billed as for this week for our Supreme courtly are also of other avenues still democratically available and while it seems it has become reestablished that our Constitution was an establishment ordained and subscribed as of the New Testament establishments.
At the time of this judicial sharing I still am unaware if there is a statute of limitations for any or all prosecutions relating to “treasonous” acts by citizens (or subjects?) of the United States of America. What I can offer is we should be wise enough to consider that as per this raising it won’t be to a Hillary is now trying to act with a treachery or treasonous or would be if elected but that she is only her for this consideration possibly from and by a willful and premeditated conspiracy to undermine our Constitution and to betray it, maybe clearly to. We have established practices for due process of checks and balances and some exceptions about an Executive Powers infidelity by tradition - not Constitution establishment. We should be wise enough to consider and reflect that the Clintons may think they have already gotten away with a treasonous needed to be here now with possibilities to actually effect a return to our Executive Powers.
{Stay tuned — more to come as the weekend moves to imports more of the coming week.}
As we rise with the end of BLACK HISTORY MONTH upon us we have to consider now that it is not racist to be about casual banter about how and why Americans were, however, to have been having had better sex during the Bush/GOP administering.
We have to today deal with real currents of events and ebbs and flows of societal proprieties and maybe not too economically.
There seems to be no little blue pill for President Barack H. Obama in his second term to straighten out his government over-reaching and subjectivized “economic” rendings. A serving of vitual comity not now so comedic with President Obama’s renderings so contrary and rended/set asunder per our p’s and q’s. A time warp to election day 2000 and the air of an old battling between two southern white men can be moderated with a literal consumption of an economic factoid that DC bartenders prefer Republican reigns in our Washington for Republicans are better tippers than Democrats.
But this is more about our here and now and less about the election day of 2000 and how then it was a choice between two southern white men. It is from as reliable a bartender source as one can probably find anywhere that I learned then on such momentous yet “undecided” day of Republicans historically as better tippers. I believe Restauranter James Carville’s chief bartender’s name was Norm - James and Mary co-operated WEST 23RD establishment whence - Norm is he whom is recalled for this “tipping” factoid.
Bill Clinton is also a southern white male. If he wanted you to remember him as otherwise he likely would not have had his Arkansas based Presidential Library design too Freudian as if a BIG GUN as so most half bridges naturally appear and covered it in architectural “skin” in Confederate Gray tones. For the sake of a discussion now about how Americans had better sex during the Bush administration than for the past four years under President Obama it is best to remember the 8 years of the Clintons, and, to remember that you can have it both ways since then it was that rare era of bi-partisanship.
We do need to look at all of President Clinton’s political and economic postures though since you may have picked up bad ways from him while so many were distracted by the unnatural highs of a careless bi-partisanship.
President Clinton is like a third wheel these days and as an ineligible player that just won’t leave the “bedrooms” of politics, and, especially won’t leave the politics of our economy. There is a concern about “Bill” being allowed to hang around and in a patronizing air of improper historicals; Bill Clinton still likes to think he was promoted out of the Office of the President and so that he doesn’t have to think he was at all “defeated.” This is troublesome for Hillary as his Mrs., however, - however engaged improperly in an administration of another man; Hillary Clinton is still by “Bill” as if not as honorable as he as it was he that was forever promoted above her when they were forced to leave the White House by our 22nd Amendment.
The mentioned era of “unnatural highs of a careless bi-partisanship” of at least the second term of the Administration of the Clintons is a troublesome political black hole for economics and social justice streaming now, historically. For the sake of this airing of a topical perusal comparative between the GOP and the Obama Dems it is better we keep the Clintons out of today’s bedroom banter — too many are likely to just lose sleep if we bring the Clintons back, now - ever.
Bill Clinton is not now, however, our Patronizer in Chief — Nor is his Mrs. our former Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so consecrated and of a consummated holding such that she while married seems never to be out from under “Bill” her “Mr.” at least as long as he continues to interject himself as if he reigns above after having been permanently promoted out of and above America’s office of the President “holding.” It is arguable that President Obama had an illegal Secretary of State and that “Hillary for President” was an Un-Constitutional endeavor undermining to the logic of the 80th Congress and its carrying of our 22 Amendment through to its ratification.
(Nixon was a member of the Eightieth Congress - women and wives by those “standards” were even more subjects of a “set asunder” “holding” trigger writ to render spouses of either sex as an indivisible “two-fer” with our term limit amending to be not just a loophole as with a spousal exception.)
To keep Bill and Hillary now out of our bedrooms of such currents of discourse to proprieties proper and civilly considerated is wise and necessary, much. She as a spouse of a term limited First Couple rightly is arguably of having been barred by the undecided law of our 22nd amendment and even from any posting however an intimate engagement in another man’s administration if such so bedded down into our constituted line of succession.
The eightieth Congress waxed sexual and without being of Posterity for perpetuity in a sex descrimination; the eightieth Congress scribed so such writ and carried it through its ratification to be an enduring bar and not a weak regulatory arbitrary maleable bit piece of lower law; the eightieth Congress construction of our 22nd Amendment as a Term Limit Constitutional bar is remarkably poetic though of undecided license yet as intimately varied to be sensitive to engagements of unions indivisible and vow not to be set asunder in marriage - of marriage vows standard writs. To be otherwise is to have our marriage laws set asunder by other laws and specifically primarily superiorly by the Constituted 22nd Amendment.
Bill Clinton was not promoted out of our office of the President — Mrs. Hillary Clinton is not now nor will she ever be First Lady of the World to an unelected superior, and yet by self-decreeing, President of the World Bill Clinton. There are prudent reflections to peruse about the inseparability of the Clintons and all First Couples, regardless of their sex. Today we are set about to consider at least that most Americans did have better sex before even the first inaugural of President Barack H. Obama — along Partisan lines - not personal particulars.
Bill Clinton is trying to be in the room again and as superior still to his Mrs. Bill Clinton with the arguable economic failures of President Obama, though all the while of his own former “experts” and with his wife quite too complicit, is yet still trying to climb to a workable high ground of an air of superiority that can only mostly now be “patronizing” at least much to President Obama, and, even on this last day of BLACK HISTORY MONTH.
If you have not yet even considered the improper design of the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON can you even be prudently considerate enough to broach naval matters more now of a union divided along partisan lines and with it not too patronizing if Republicans were to buy full pages and see published a simple progression that explains how the Democrats while oddly united were to the cause and effects that have brought us so about a new Depression like era of a worked Government biased economic suppression long of this most long recession.
It is a misplaced patronizing by the wants seemingly of President William Jefferson Clinton to ask you to bed now still with a ridiculous belief in him (and Hillary - his Mrs.) that all you/we need now is just to have “Bill” back. As we slide to sequestration it is with President Barack H. Obama conflicted and compromised by both spouses of the Clintons’ “two-fer” - it is that he has been stuck and uninspiring for having dragged out the Clintons as if innocent and free to partronize, however, though these economics as well attest that “IT” can not have been none of the Clintons’ fault.
Is it patronizing at least to President Obama that with a “not sexy” sequestration set upon our otherwise privately workable economics that President Clinton still wants you to believe that you/we just need him back? Is it at least sexist that such seems in the air now and even patronizing to Mrs. Clinton whom is not now nor ever to be an unelected First Lady of the World to self proclaimed President of the World Bill Clinton - that you/we need “Bill” back so much we should see an entire Constitutional Amendment as just a loophole to use “Hillary” (his Mrs.) now to get him back?
And, yes it seems that from that day in 2000 when two southern white men were battling our electoral rhetoricals and historicals LIVE in the present that at least by James’ and Mary’s Norm as chief bartender it became establish factoid that Republicans are preferred in DC by restaurant staffs as better for their personal economics as said thence as “better tippers.”
While handling your new serving of Bob Woodward of “if a President says it is legal” Constitutional echoes it does complement the Confederate Grey “personalized” “architecture of the William Jefferson Clinton southern phalic “BIG GUN” allegoricals historical for not just the Clintons such that his Arkansas based Presidential Library is, quite, that the Clintons are host and hostesses about DC as residers former in Chief at their personally selected private residence for nesting and Posterity on Whitehaven Road.
It does seem that regardless of how effective Bill Clinton may still think his patronizing is we are of a new day dawning tomorrow all #sequestration irregular. It does seem that tomorrow dawns a day for a simple global strategy by Republicans and Bob Woodward types even so if kept to historically basic media of full page buys to publish globally a time line of the cause and effect who, what, where, when, why and how that can explain elementarily that the Democrats did cause these long years of an economic new Depression like long recession by Goverment over-reaching effectively of economic suppression.
Cheers! Happy #sequestration so much as you have a right to manage - have earned a right to have.
It is inescapable that Bill Clinton is at heart the very politician that gave the filibuster like Democratic Party Convention Speech for the nomination of Governor Michael Dukakis. 1988 was a different time for Americans of the United States of America still in the longest of warring such as our Cold War. Governor Clinton of Arkansas in 1988 in Atlanta, Georgia, droned on and on, and on, by many reports.
By 1991 we were in a new global state of affairs heralded as a NEW WORLD ORDER. Many may have been dreading seeing Governor Clinton return to any national dais for another oration. There is a long story to tell that now fits with a Democrat Party in need of branding help. Today’s order as per intra-party Democrat worlds has a is segmented to a split about three identities; Today there are different biases about the brand as of a trichotomy between Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - Barack Hussein Obama Dems.
Some are grateful much more than others that Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected in 1988 and that Governor Michael Dukakis was not. As many may be grateful some about a retrospective that Governor Clinton may have cost Governor Dukakis the election with his convention speech still reported as of an air of a “Will it ever end?”
Students of the politics of the United States of America can hardly be to erudite posits and papers today in these times without having an understanding of the years 1988-1993. To some it was just the years that the U.S.A. became the sole superpower in the world, and, to others it was the years of a concern that a third world war would break out and be the foretold end - the end of the world as by fire.
Of at least an intra-party Democrat world set about with a dichotomy just between Bill Clinton Dems & Hillary Clinton Dems we have that the First Couple Clintons did leave after their eight years without having left, so it seems, any alternative plan for “bite” as per Saddam Hussein. We still have a vacuum about our political logic quite dangerously of roll outs of new policies and defense spending concerns endemic to the Administration of the Clintons and how they left President George W. Bush no entrance and/or exit strategy for Iraq and the considerable dust ups about a prosecution due for Saddam Hussein.
There is much hubris about so much over too many of these many years since Governor Clinton showed his true self with the nominating speech for Governor Dukakis that is of reports of some fearing it might never end, like. From this we have that students of American history of the politics of the United States of America have a dichotomy to consider and scrutinize too much just within that which is just singularly of the known history of Bill Clinton.
Iraq and Iran, logically speaking, now would likely be engaged in a mini cold war of their own with non U.S. global support of quite a different “new world order” than President George H. W. Bush managed us towards. Without the PERSIAN GULF WAR of President George H. W. Bush and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of President George W. Bush it is logical and supportable by known global sympathies that Saddam if still in power would now be in a cold war nuclear power and nuclear weapon race with Iran. It helps to understand the years between 1988 & 1993 and how so then about a major adjustment for the world to a NEW WORLD ORDER with the U.S.A. emerged from such long dust up with the U.S.S.R. as a sole global super power.
About so much of this is still that Hillary Clinton Dems of the above concerning trichotomy and or dichotomy is that which did the most flip flopping. She is also the Clinton, and Democrat, most culpable and mashable around a hashable #Iraq for she voted for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, logically, as one that as Mrs. Clinton the former FLOTUS of the most recent prior administration was of intimate enough “intelligence” to have known if “WMD” was or was not a lie. She is remembered for being of reports that she was so confident with “WMD” intelligence as former FLOTUS, it seems, that she didn’t even take it upon herself to read the provided “NEW” intelligence estimates.
In light of the recent vast democratic reset that happened when the U.S.A became the victor of the longest of wars - of the COLD WAR - and became in the years 1988 -1993 effectively the only super power it is quite relevant and concerning that logic can help us be to better understandings of our here and now if we dig into the old dust ups of a couple decades ago. Afghanistan can be said to have been the GETTYSBURG of the COLD WAR - the “turning point.”
In the mashable of our current problema challenging any now “Democrat” as of an “Intelligentsia” we have that we should consider that “WMD” may have been a genius stroke however a “LIE” for still we have that any entrance or exit about Iraq for a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and/or “bite” for United Nations’ sanctions was best to be booted as somehow definitively not of the U.S.A. or Coalition as to a HOLY WAR footing.
Hillary Clinton Dems are now quite past a reasonable deadline for proffering posits positively purposeful politically per prudent possible and probable prosecution of her past sworn officialdoms. It is logical that Hillary Clinton has been making the same mistakes over and over since she first flip flopped about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. When one accepts “Bush lied” it logically becomes both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton whom appear to look worse - worser even that President George W. Bush.
There is a dichotomy taggable as of a Bill Clinton’s Dems and Hillary Clinton’s Dems even from their Administration as the first stirrings of a dust up in Afghanistan had one more a dove and the other more hawkish. Together they abandoned Afghanistan for their eight years and such that once was manageable as of a too early exit by the United States of American became years of insult added to injury, like, such that now we may be there and for so long because they wanted to sell PEACE before its time and be coyly of an inaction and avoidance in Afghanistan and Iraq so that they could justify, somehow, PEACE DIVIDENDS during known unsettled times.
Yes there is a dichotomy at least just in Bill Clinton that is now still very relevant for it is not logical that he was himself truly while of his 1988 Democrat Party Convention speechifying and that he had been naturally as himself while of much of the exposure since their late entry into the 1992 Presidential race.
OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM would better to have been of ACTION by the Clintons in the first term of the Administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and then as well somehow clearly and definitively as of a “war” like posture not footed or booted as confusable as a HOLY WAR.
Saddam Hussein was like a father or godfather figure about Al Qaeda. How much this was strategic and purposefully politicked by Saddam Hussein to a consideration that he would be able to keep Kuwait despite the U.S.A. of treaties because Americans wouldn’t risk stirring up radicals known to be of geopolitical sensitivity and pride - like Al Qaeda. We have that we are still deciding politics with still too little consideration about how our 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT is flawed for having looked back only ten years at Al Qaeda all the while it was nearer 12 years old and formed specifically to be a response/reaction to politics and warring by Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein may have well like rocked the cradles of Al Qaeda against the United States of America towards gains like of his efforts in seizing Kuwait.
And today there is at least about Iraq and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM an intra-party trichotomy among Democrats as of either Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems. These three still have different histories related to so much of what is now too effecting to our politics and these years of gridlock.
Logically there wouldn’t have been a 9/11 I or 9/11 II if Saddam Hussein hadn’t invaded Kuwait. Logically it seems 9/11 may have been kept like as a HOLY DAY for Jihadists of Al Qaeda 2001 sense of justice and so if as well an attack by them to being only then interpretable of an “intelligence” of a motive nearly identical to 9/11 I. There is more in just the broached “dichotomy” concern about Bill Clinton that relates to some of his earliest moral short comings of his first steps in the Middle East of his first year of his first term; it is actually mashable and logical that Al Qaeda attacked us on both 9/11 days as acts of war in a HOLY WAR or Jihad for a sense of justice related still to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.
And today there is still a concern about “LIES” of “WMD” and yet hardly enough discussion as to the religious and geopolitics variables that were better worked around to assure that any due prosecution of Saddam Hussein wouldn’t and couldn’t be seen as of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of a wagging of HOLY WAR.
Again, there is a dichotomy just about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton for their years of the Administration of the Clintons as per Afghanistan and Iraq. Again, most reports still are of us as having had power shift from the Clintons to President George W. Bush without there having been a plan of the Clintons’ eight years left for entering and exiting Iraq.
It seems that “BITE” for United Nations’ sanctions on Saddam Hussein, as an issue, as our history, does divide the house of Clintons still.
And, still we had the clock running. We were some to a new way of “liberation” for the United States of America, as of a new world order, and expectation to “police’” as a sole super power, as it became an expected way for Americans that had risks of the U.S.A. becoming punk’d by other nations to such while to such. We the People of the United States of America were uniquely fortified to a new way to “liberation” of other peoples where we had been compromised/engaged before much some just because we had (still had) an all volunteer force.
And now though with two acts of war by Al Qaeda on 9/11s are we to measure and consider the current intra-party trichotomy existant about a logical and historical divide between the politics of Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems?
And, again: It is remarkable that as the discussion goes from “Bush lied” to an acceptance that “Bush lied” it is the Clintons however similar and intimate and different are two that each are to politically looking worse that President George W. Bush!
So: Did we get attacked on both 9/11 because Bill Clinton failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein per the sense of justice reasoning of Al Qaeda? Was the second act of war on such that may have been kept as a terrorist HOLY DAY then for Bill Clinton returned and not penitent so when again in a Democrat Party Convention - when at Charlotte as the charlatan yet of a history of having been of an Administration of the Clintons now proven to have been too much of an avoidance and inaction as per Afghanistan and Iraq?
We can accept that it is logical that Saddam Hussein fathered Al Qaeda by his violation of Kuwait - Right?
The days are numbered for writer critics of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to pound #Hillary about Hillary Clinton as a clearly “PUBLIC FIGURE”.
The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for the office seeking of the United States of America Executive Branch Presidential see is not the still now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. We have that she has been of a “TEAM OF RIVALS” of the first of the Obama’s “we…” consideration as likely of two of his “we…” Secretary’s to be considered towards 2016.
The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for their leadership to capture the American Presidency must be considered firstly to be Senator John Kerry if confirmed nominee to duty as another Obama rival as a Cabinet Officer bound of State Diplomatic duties. He should have the mantle of “Obama’s rival” at least as much as aspirant Mrs. Clinton of State husbandry, however, has or is presumed to be to a having towards 2016.
But for now it will be that “Hillary” is for a while no longer a public figure to kick around with fair criticisms and much due doubt — it is soon more that she will have been put out to pasture to idyllic retreating. Of course if she is really a “rival” we should expect official statements contrary and critical of now re-seated President Barack H. Obama.
Secretary of State John Kerry for President in 2016, though as “white” as a “Hillary” again for President, is what should be presumed firstly with bias based on sex, race, or age. He has the money - he’s run before - he likely has to be at least as much a rival to President Obama as still charged and sworn Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton and as well the re-sworn Vice President Joseph Biden.
Citizens United as been quite rendered a good and necessary ruling in light of the ease with which President Barack Hussein Obama raised and spent that sum in excess of a billion campaign dollars.
More concerning is any or all “foreign” “influence” now in our politics - and all global activities of both of Obama rivals - both “Bill” and “Hillary.” Secretary of State John Kerry as his Democrat Party Nominee in 2016 makes more democratic sense even though he can likely fund a billion dollar campaign with his own wealth.
Are the days now numbered as if “Hillary” soon no longer a “public political figure” to criticize as not due a privacy as if a lamb quietly set out to pasture in idyllic retreat? Are these the last days to fairly speak of due criticisms of Obama’s first Secretary of State?
“Kerry For President 2016″ is at least a halo Senator John Kerry deserves if also to be seen as an independent thinking Cabinet Officer also a wanted “rival” sworn to obedience to President Barack Hussein Obama, but how fronted as a challenger.
A due long continuous battle to unearth the cover-up air about the Obama’s State avoidance and inaction of Benghazi failures of his first “we…” now butter’d up for departure but not legal escape is afoot such that she is to remain suspect as a person of interest yet still much in the public domain and eyes.
Writers for politics and justice though, unless she steps out like now soon with a how and a why for consumption of “rivals” with specifics hers much to how and why she would have been a better President these past four years, are to consider civility and decorum and political politeness as if she is due an idyllic retreat as if placidly out to pasture as just a lamb.
It would behoove her to quietly retreat as much as possible now. Obama’s new “rival” Diplomat is hardly more “white” than she, and, of a more lore’d and well beaten step by step path and resume building towards a Presidency for himself.
It should much behoove both President Clinton and soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton to both quietly now try to just fade away from foreign and domestic entanglements at least now for high profile and long about pressures to justice and understanding of at least the first four years of “Foreign Policy” of the Administration of Barack H. Obama.
These days are numbered for writers to write as strongly as a “public figure” deserves about our former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton unless besides a continued push by our honorable Congress as per a lingering haze of “cover-up” of fogs about Benghazi we soon see “Hillary” of official steps to directly set her self apart as having been an independent thinking “rival” these four years and of the aforementioned “how” at least speaking to what she would have done differently and better these past four years.
I will be freer without her as Secretary of State or otherwise a sworn officer of the United States of America to reach to much deeper and globally broader markets with my already written thousands of pages long of years yet maybe not of having been critical enough of Presidential aspirant Hillary Rodham Clinton. I will though myself until further developments be to considering her less now for new pieces as of “new” material.
I do look forward to finding my real audience for my book idea to publish past columns and commentary about “Hillary” and our 22nd Amendment towards a Guinness Book record for “most number of pieces written as to why Hillary Rodham Clinton should not become President.” And, I look forward to being more entertaining of comity and comedy as a political pundit and as well as a poet and political poet.
It seems reasonable to consider that most of my columns are as long here as a New York Times Op-Ed Columnist’s there - but yet three times wider and so nearly 3x the word count there. I have not yet compared word counts between my average length column and such as an industry standard. I am glad many of my pieces did not have to be reduced to such standards as theirs.
“Secretary of State John Kerry for President” has a ring of Boston Brahmin lore’d good will and wealth for much musing to considerations that he with his Yale pedigree could be a revolutionary American elder in four years of promises to a long necessary cleaning up of his own party. He will have to likely have to also run as a “rival” of President Barack H. Obama’s to assert that he as well at least as “Hillary” and “Joe” was not just a bureaucratic tool incapable of independent thinking.
The Clintons have been public figures long enough such that an idyllic retreat as if out to pasture not a lot fair or due either President William Jefferson Clinton nor soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton.
We have to write about and publicly long consider that Republicans couldn’t run clean enough campaigns in 2008 & 2012 because too many still of our Congress were about that had been too weak to avoid the corruptive collusion to political corruption worked politically by the machinations most political and new-tech of and by the Administration of the Clintons whence.
The Clintons with their Clintons’ global initiatives are due a near “monopoly” consideration to a new era of Congressional “trust busting” - can’t you say, yourself? We have that we have no idea how vast the left wing global conspiracy is now already towards further undermining of our Constitution and at least our Constitutional protections set to limit and check all foreign “contributions” or “gifts” like by foreigner or agents of foreign countries.
As Walt Whitman sung of us as of body electricities while electricity hardly but a novelty otherwise we have that the Clintons have already too long been to involved and meddling as term limited by our 22 Amendment by at least the prudent example set by “George” and “Martha” - however pre-Lincoln re-uniting.
As per Clintons vs. Kerry towards 2016 with “whiteness” so muted it seems we must be to measuring the “foreign” influence in at least President Clintons affecting as of a electricity (bought and built) of foreign gifts towards political electoral homeland effectings as bankable swingable “CHARISMA.”
And, yes the Republicans still have troubles for having been compromised and corruptive by the Administration of the Clintons at least while during the Clintons’ second term. We have yet to have a young enough Republican challenge to Democrat Party national ticket since President George W. Bush whom can stand up with enough inside the beltway Republicans without the Clinton having them not able to be free enough to speak against them without incriminating themselves.
The Clintons have to be the most long shot most “underdog” ticket to now measure towards 2016 hopes - right?
We have heard a lot about “fair share” these past weeks, and, we gladly haven’t heard too much about coal.
We have hardly heard from Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, and nor have we yet had the fair discussion of how much “coal” this “lady” deserved/deserves.
What is right? What is wrong? What was and is “Playing Politics”? What needs to be done?
We have a leading woman character too written of a presumption of innocence not fitting the amount of baggage she carries around, and, we have that she meddled in similar affairs earlier that are of records stored somewhere.
It is wrong to forget THE BENGHAZI FOUR, and, it is wrong to ignore that “Hillary” used to be FLOTUS Clinton.
President Barack Hussein Obama may be avoiding jousting at Libya as if just a windmill, and, VP Biden may be loyal and subservient with such hoofing and pedestrian tripping.
It is wrong to let go or ignore that Senator Clinton did reportedly vote for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and, that she voted for a war like “operation” without having read the related intelligence reports.
Records of the Administration of the Clintons that are related just for her travels and foreign meddling are much of protections of political privacy wanting of that which remains of their maybe thirty years of “secrecy.”
President Obama and his trusty borrow also mounted sidekick VP Biden are right not to joust at Libya and Benghazi as just “windmills” — they are wrong - so wrong as Secretary of State Clinton - much now more so for having “Played Politics” with “terrorism” while such considerable as actually an “act of war” expecting a serious response.
Simply the foreign policies for the vast and varied regions from Tripoli to the Afghanistan and Pakistan border are considerably different between this administration and its predecessor administration and the co-administration of the Clintons then before such.
We do not have a common thread that needs us to think this administration has to be treated with kid gloves to avoid incriminating the previous administration of the other party.
Sorry to say our Congress has a hard lot served as their trails to ride and walk about this to an “honorable” and “respectable” or “chivalrous” soldiering. Hillary Clinton, as failed and failing still Secretary of State, is a can of worms politically speaking.
We have that these matters do relate as per the injustice and unprofessional lack of foresight and preparedness by “leadership” of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton to a presumption of innocence for her despite her past flip flopping as per Operation Iraqi Freedom and such as stumbling after she had been to “voting” without having reportedly read the related “intelligence reports.”
With anticipation building for a great Political Congressional “SMACK DOWN” of a seemingly grossly negligent female Cabinet Officer of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama:
We have that these matters do relate at least in a sense of “what did she know - when did she know it” queriousness to her inciting and crusading days as FLOTUS Clinton and so to official records of the Administration of the Clintons.
We have that she being this wrong now suggests she has been quite wrong officially for a while and so much so that we may think it our civic duty to suggest or insist that Congress unseal most of the foreign policy records of the Administration of the Clintons otherwise tucked away for that remaining of secured “privacy” allowances nearly thirty years set.
She is a can of worms that seems already to much OPEN to now not see if President Obama’s “jousting” or not has he and his trust side kick VP Biden has also of having stepped all in it, all that among it on the sordid trails from the hoofing of the crusading Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.
Benghazi represents more than a lurking threat of a windmill possessed. As an “ACT OF WAR” of an ongoing known war it is that President Obama is taggable as of “Playing Politics” and muckraking with his Madam Secretary as if it could be “terrorism.”
{We can leave it to conspiracy theorists to discuss alternative machinations these events could have wrought if Governor Mitt Romney hadn’t quickly stepped in and stemmed a flood of misinformation that probably or just possibly was building.}
{We can leave it for others to wonder if Bill Clinton with Al Qaeda like “funding” methods now his with his CGI isn’t himself incidentally or accidentally of a “material support of terrorism” if Benghazi rates as “terrorism.”}
The Administration of Barack Hussein Obama seems to have let now - and still seems to be letting still - an “act of war” go unanswered, and, the administration with Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton seems beset with a now long over due queriousness as per “what did she know - and how long did she know it?”
Earlier during the co-Administration of the Clintons we did let acts of war, like, on embassies go largely un-responded to as of a category of a fog of conflicts of a “terrorism” gray, and, earlier the Clintons could call it “terrorism” for they were avoiding acknowledging their “PEACE” time as actually “WAR” time.
It is wrong for President Obama now to call the events that show now a of a gross negligence by a female Cabinet Officer to accept her attempts to let it go as “terrorism” and further political cover for failures of the co-Administration of the Clintons.
The attacks that killed four under the care and keep charge upon Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and while of such as one of her “babies” of BOLD “mothering” are best to be called “ACTS OF WAR IN A KNOWN AND ONGOING WAR.”
What did she know?
When did she know it?
Is she just being loyal to spousal plotting and of the “secured” papers of the co-Administration of the Clintons now and of “political” judgements in keeping with a “behavior” of avoiding “intelligence reports” or new counsel of “intelligence”?
Is Hillary Clinton the most POLITICAL Secretary of State our nation has ever had? How is it that the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t “Playing Politics” with events of such as the negligence about Hillary’s BENGHAZI?
The co-administration of the Clintons essentially seemed to leave President George W. Bush two started games of JENGA, and, the Clintons seemed in unison of like a coy “best wishes” while it seems that they did leave him each a tower of their own “playing” where he had but only one move left to “play” before two towers would just fall down.
{We can leave it to conspiracy theorists to discuss how annoyed and even paranoid once new President Clinton was when then of a simple self awareness that he had oddly become President without having earned such mantle, and, we can leave it to them that he did express annoyance that his predecessor had “left him a war.” It is better for such to look at how President Clinton may have been petty again and to thinking he (they?) should leave their successor at least one war.}
We have that by the time our Congress may get to giving Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton a due “third degree” or a “whole nine yards” of review for her of a perp walk or cat walk “political” the events of 9/11 II have passed too long as considerable as an unanswered ACT OF WAR.
What is a fair share of blame now for President Barack Hussein Obama?
What is the fair share of blame for Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton, and, how long its years of incrimination?
What is or is not just a “windmill” to Vice President Joseph Biden?
This is not about Christmas “coal” for a born yesterday “Hillary”!
With the elections now passed we can look back and consider that these of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama did seemingly get all busy with “Playing Politics” over events in Libya, and, with these elections once so critically set to turn against them if such was allowed out honestly as not “terrorism” - as but acts of war in a warring known and ongoing - but/yet there to fore of having been being politically sold as “GOING WELL” and them of “WINNING.”
Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has her fair share of documents of their co-Administration of the Clintons earlier “official” days, and, Madam Sec now gives cause to have such reviewed much at least as they that are just of her fair share of secured papers and such.
She did crusade and incite as FLOTUS “Hillary” - and stomp and rant much as if an imperialistic queen irrespective of whose “turf” she was upending. She has now been of such a BOLD intelligence failure that she seems institutionalized about such failure as of a consistent and/or persistent other realmness.
These may be just “windmills” to President Barack Hussein Obama and his otherly orderly side kick Vice President Joseph Biden, and, these may be days where they are due a political separation and differentiation from “Hillary.”
These are days, again, it seems, difficult to be kind to Hillary Clinton. These are not days of a happy “swan song” of Mrs. Clinton nor her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. Much is afoot and now exposed though long presented as if a good gift of gentile art.
These are not days (again) for hailing her a good “chief” or “teacher.” She “Hillary” - daughter of “Rodhams” - the daughter of a “Hugh” and a “Dorothy” and raised a first striker - raised to strike first. It is an odd immunity she as “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton” is being afforded with so much costs and so much blood upon her hands as if more long a “Secretary of War” than of “Diplomacy.”
A dichotomy of our “Hillary” that has legs so long that these days her stride steps all of “All Bush’s Fault” false titling and clearly back to walks and talks of her crusading 90s’s as “FLOTUS.”
With Ambassadors like her “children” she is now suffering us all too much as freshly wounded of her as a bad “mother.” Where wasn’t she? How long wasn’t she there? How did she miss all the cries of her Ambassadors as she had as First Lady “Mother” Clinton once those eight years deaf to or avoiding the cries of the women of Afghanistan and Iraq, at least?
Does the RACE TO THE TOP of her Boss and his other department(s) we seem at least safe from also having been hers, as once feared as sold and as “inevitable” yet however taint her too as of a removal of GOD from classrooms?
Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality with a like “catch of day” Politics with fidelity to our President as never written or intended?
Does the RACE TO THE TOP as of its dictates these four years have a dangerous dichotomy quite diabolical too — Does it oddly preach a greed and competitiveness for a TOP while though also oddly dictating that any where above the “middle” is evil?
Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality more though with peer pressure “corporate ladder” like daily status boxing based just on video game aggressive cultures?
It seems that Hillary has been exposed at least for lying for over four years and as a bearing of false witness knowingly and politically in a partisan and very polarizing methodology. We should consider that since she was once packaged as “inevitable” as a new first “Mother” of our federal provinces now are the days to ask if we weren’t saved from her much - if she wouldn’t have been a worse President than Barack Hussein Obama.
Valerie Plame had her husband as an outer quite like Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton had her “husband” trap her by boldly stepping into Charlotte as the charlatan with economic voo doo and/or snake oil as he did. And, Hillary Clinton has been so bold to as well have been being as if a Joe(sephine) Wilson of national warring of a personal agenda.
Our “Hillary” - however - is a reigning Constitutional conundrum of management and/or accounting best practices. She is as not taught to be for safeguards even for petty cash in corporate endeavors. She reigns as if a CEO were allowed to have a private residence off his Corporate Offices and with their spouse free to come and go with shared power and an expectancy to succeed just because they were able to mix business and pleasure with a office based home.
It seems to confusing to try to explain Mrs. Clinton as other than a faux feminist - for with her husband she put the glass ceiling over herself for most of her adult life, and, while her husband by marrying her was able to avoid becoming an actual feminist.
We are gathered about these issues now as a year end and term ending consideration and much of a Madam Secretary of State that could have been worse and worse with much more of our “governance.” She was not born “Adam” son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and then to schools where the story of your self is declared regularly, by a Government, to be nonsense.
“Hillary” was only promised a Rose Garden by her husband and yet conditional upon her being diminutive as if of a self elected “glass ceiling” of a necessary faux feminism for her until such time as he were to Constitutionally not being able to have it as his firstly. That she tolerated a reigning of her “Bill” with his CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE and while it made her look smaller as if just a bureaucrat of a travel office secretarial “job” is a puzzle not too dangerous as if a TROJAN HORSE before the first TROJAN HORSE.
We have that as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR, whom we also should never forget, we also have that we have a 22nd Amendment and the legacy of prudence of “George” and “Martha” of a togetherness where eight years set to be enough. We have that by trying to have more than eight years between them “Bill” and “Hillary” may have quite seriously, and to great costs to us all, have hidden for a long time how much was “all their fault”.
For “Adam” - son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” - it may be that when God was taken from our classrooms his life went to Hell. For “Hillary” - Secretary of State - she now only has to answer for THE BENGHAZI FOUR and how that she by so wrong about such now is of an exposing of her years of having beared false witness at our expense.
The whole Truth of our “Hillary” now seems that THE BENGHAZI FOUR exposes her and her “Bill” (and President Obama) as having been very wrong about Al Qaeda since back to the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.
Our classrooms now with or without God have to consider a revisionist “history” of the Administration of the Clintons and our entire era of “the 90s” - it seems. Poor “Adam” son of a “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and all joined to his Hellishness. May he not have been long of a tag of the slang for “Nancy” as well as rapped upon by Government busy at taking “Adam” out of classrooms. Our classrooms are fraught with troubles to last a while for the ill considered race of RACE TO THE TOP.
And, though where can our “Hillary” now sit in our classrooms with our without God?
She has long beared false witness against many of the Administrations of the Bushes and while her husband kept up a like “ceiling” above her of a reign extra-Constitutional in many ways much as if he alone had been “promoted” out of our Office of the President and to where he is globally as if an unchecked and unelected President of the World.
At least if RACE TO THE TOP has any redeeming qualities all our schools should now be mandated to ask and discuss how if “Hillary” as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR could be so wrong now then mustn’t she also have been so wrong about Al Qaeda while First Lady “Mother” Hillary Clinton too? And, to a scholarly crediting if as well of asking if she mustn’t have been so causally wrong as a crusading FLOTUS to have been more wrong then than presently?
President Bill Clinton should not have participated in the Dem Convention in Charlotte both because of his conflict of interest with his wife sworn to “not be in politics” while Secretary and he of his Clintons’ Global Initiative of a promised mission to not be partisan nor political with such. His presence and proffering much worse for of new fuzzy math and economic constructs quite farcical as bold brassy lies.
Bill Clinton did maybe lie President Obama to a victory. And, he as well to assuring a new and more polarized grid lock as their cover-up of themselves as if just a beautiful and innocent wooden horse of a “none of the Clintons’ fault” now becomes exposed as now a danger and for long having been a danger we should have seen from the start.
With or without God in our classrooms may we at least now to having the lies of the Clintons in there as “lies.”
And, again: Bill Clinton should not have even without his being a Charlotte charlatan have spoken at the Democrat Convention for to speak was inappropriate while his spouse was/is our sworn Secretary of State, and, because he stood up and told more economic lies.
That it was proffered as “All Bush’s fault” stands logically as such a preposterous impossibility that on its face it has been confessional by Dems - and yet supposed to work as a “cover-up.”
Oddly when you accept that Bush did it seems take the easy way to Operation Iraqi Freedom with “lies” offered to a willing Congress and enough to get the desired vote we have that it is the Clintons that both end up looking worse that President Bush.
It is teachable that President Bush chose the easy path of lying for a vote from Congress for a necessary and quite complicated “operation” for a very late prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and, that such was while he could have sold it more honestly and necessary if he needed to.
But by “lying” President Bush didn’t otherwise have to mess with the politics of calling out the Clintons for their failures as earlier “Father” and “Mother” of our Country - nor for them of a TROJAN HORSE dimensional as like a bearing of false witness.
* *
*[This prefaced piece while a public work in progress Sunday before Christmas.]
ORIGINAL TO 09/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 7:05 am
Ollie and Bill have too much in common? We cannot now have TEA PARTY as civil as foreign beneficiaries of CGI muckraking?
The oft heralded Clintons’ Global Initiatives, so run more like a shadow government that any of “governance” that old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” may have actually accomplished, & now even still the apple in labor’s eye - the eye of Trumka, has got to go.
How much a SHADOW GOVERNMENT can CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE be? Is a good place to start as long as you ask as well: How much an extra-Constitutional body involved in “governance” is it actually now? That it rated a mention by Mr. Trumka yesterday is concerning, and confusing. It got a mention seemingly after Mr. Trumka at AFL-CIO was of professing a new way forward for “labor” via such organization and to a less partisan outreach and one mixed with an announcement that he would be leading a late compliance with President Obama’s “green” governance at his building so just a couple blocks away. Hmmm?
It is all so coy and even clandestine how CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE that had Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton compromising our foreign relations and state affairs back a while to hype the (MANDATORY?) annual meeting soon approaching of CGI so scheduled to maximize compliance, and attendance, and, usurp attention from such other “governance” organization, THE UNITED NATIONS, a better chartered and checked international meddler.
So far beyond old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” yet so similar in so many concerning ways.
It would be Unconstitutional if…?
It would be clearly Unconstitutional if…?
It would necessarily be Unconstitutional if its coy “commitments” funding scheme was of actuall deposits and dispersements of same exact funds or variations even smaller - so it seems.
More concerning though is that if such is muckraking abroad to stir up local and global politics, even without known known of President Clinton using such efforts as a global soap box for partisan politics, the he has and is definitely out “SHADOW GOVERNING” old ”Ronnie” and ”Ollie.”
See, it is really Constitutionally confused - See, we have to look now to our top Diplomat, his wife, to see if our Government is protecting us from his global ambitions and personal initiatives. We have to rely solely on his wife to tell us those he is personally directing material support too are not in the least “terrorists” and yet while the “bar” for “terrorists” now so low in our politics that our TEA PARTY is considered “terrorists” by acting agents or officers also very near President Obama.
If our TEA PARTY is “terrorist” than our Madam Secretary of State is negligent in her duties to protect us from all Americans giving foreign “terrorists” material support. It seems one of her greatest charges to keep.
So what if besides dropping such labors essential to our constitution and CONSTITUTIONALS - It is still very concerning how she compromised her office and our checks and balances to help “Bill” and CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE build hype and interest for last (mandatory?) annual meeting of their coy global shadow governance organization with her about Middle East near “LAST CHANCE FOR PEACE!” exclamation! EXCLAMATION!!! just days before. I say last ”(mandatory?) meeting” for such organized cabal of world leaders but don’t actually know if there hasn’t been some secret meetings more recently called.
I caught so little of remarks from AFL-CIO yesterday to understand if there was an offered explanation for such mention of CGI while speaking of reaching out in new ways not (as) partisan, and, I also learned little as to how it is now three years into President Obama’s ”green” priorities and Mr. Trumka is only now promising his HQ will comply and with a retrofit, finally.
Surely if they are going to support “rebels” in Libya and call those of TEA PARTY at home “terrorists” we really have to consider that President Clinton and his coy financing with “commitments” must be some to much well into a fog of “material support to terrorists” abroad. If he actually collected “commitments” as deposits/contributions and then dispersed them himself he would clearly be acting Unconstitutionally?
Irregardless of our 22 Amendment and thought existence as a check and “limit” on Presidential Power - President Clinton is out “Ollieing” “Ollie” with operations too near SHADOW GOVERNANCE. By making it appear “high visibility” how much is he actually better able to hide? But about our term limits for our Presidents — what must it be most supposed to protect us from but further global meddling with even less once imagined continuation of executive influence and “governance”?
Funny thing about Governor Rick Perry — This blogger that is me seems to have said at least “treason” before him and also maybe that Obamacare pushback suggestion of “secession” for TEXANS. But that said isn’t “Bill” really out “OLLIEING” both “Ronnie” and “Ollie”?
This is the same Clintons that tried to secure a rent for life for thought former President William Jefferson Clinton in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS top floors at a rent in just the first year that would have been more than the past rents of all past Presidents yet - combined. It was such an amount attempted that it also warrants notice for having been located with location next to THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM and as well a location next to TIFFANY’S. But really that they tried to secure government “allowance” to such an amount suggests and insistance that “Bill” must still be an active “officer” and/or “agent” of our government at least as much as they chose to have such Power interpreted for their “governance” purposes.
So maybe it is now Madam Secretary of State taking care of the guns - and at least in a compromised way for past moments of using her office to build media importance and interest in CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES then approaching annual (mandatory?) meeting of world leaders, so scheduled to challenge and rival the “importance” of the work of the United Nations, too.
But when it comes to metrics and comparisons of concerns about SHADOW GOVERNANCE between “Bill” and “Ollie” does it help to consider that attempt to place “Bill” so high in CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS, and with government paid rent for life, a rent per year that likely as well would have been mentionable regularly as maybe still the highest per year in future years, on and on, than all future Presidents, unless it actually had sufficient rent control to prevent an appreciation of value and increased rent in future years to keep it of a nationally fair market value?
If we have our TEA PARTY as “terrorists” by rule of this “governance” than “Bill” and “Hillary” must be hip deep in it, illegally, abroad. Can you believe that all that NYC rent for life scandal took place while one of them was actually running for Senate as a carpetbagger in such state? Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!
They have themselves argued umimpeachably so that “Bill” must still be an “agent” of “officer” of our United States of America just by asking for such a rent and reward as he so wanted that he was even willing to go begging to his “banking friends” to get them to pick up much of his excess as like in return for him having gotten them all into his housing bubble derivatives gambling scheme. But YIKES!!! They really asked for rent for life that in just the first year would have been more than all past Presidents combined and that in future years likely would have stayed more per year than most future Presidents could find space to equal - unless a President “Hillary” maybe got elected and then as well got hardly “put out to pasture” as well maybe in few floors left above.
How can this not now be a case of actual SHADOW GOVERNMENT and extra-Constitutional ways quite reasonable to UNCONSTITUTIONAL (treacherous or treasonous definitions?) in a time when our economics would suggest a better and more American strengthening of localism and local powers more around our State Houses and Governors?
Is CGI also terrible for our economy and too BIG BROTHER for the world? Is it wrong for any time for America and not just diabolical and counterproductive for AMERICANA today?
The question of the week may now be: Can Bill and Hillary defect from the USA to even Russia and not be a threat to Americans or our national security?
I posit here that the answer has to be “YES”!
It may be too soon to offer that if they defected to Russia it might actually help secure Americans and make us all safer.
That said a cut and run by the Clintons might reinforce a perspective upon them as of a white supremacy.
It is not too soon to profess that their choices for Secreataries of State for the Presidency of the Clintons couldn’t possibly have been more white. In many ways though it is too late because of such as a realistic historical “perspective.”
It is that William Jefferson Clinton born William Blythe III and to a “never knew my father” but if he shared dreams did go to Oxford and was of a Fulbright. How did he though choose to be so to more full white and the United Kingdom’s rearing as a white man of the south still of civil rights days of struggles for less fortunate? Did he want to learn how to be a loyal Southern “gentile” within a royal blessing? Did he have to go to England to learn how to be more totalitarian and/or autocratic?
Most troubling of the Clintons most white Secretarial postings to State of the Presidency of the Clintons may be how they let official state language be in violation of our 1st Amendment protections at least abroad. It was official bigotry and bias religious as if an Un-Constitutional establishment respecting religion that best marks their politics and policies as regard Saddam Hussein and Iraq — They governed bigoted and biased so that the USA was of officially preferring Iraqi Sunni or Ba’athists over Iraqi Shia.
The most white they likely could have found as selections for Secretarial leadership to carry the Clintons’ State were poetically poorly chosen unless to be LOUD as of a white supremacy, Christian. We have that they presented first with a “Warring” like Warren like warring as a “Christ O for” Christopher. We have then that they proceed maybe even more arrogantly still while officially standing America up as bigots biased against the Shia as inferior people to the Sunni, at least. We have that after being as white as possible with Warren Christopher in such times of strife and unsettled sanctions they followed up with one more for all madams to be all white like bright - a white like call to their “brightness” as if all bright about all madams and all mad lines.
Regardless of how the white supremacy may have hidden itself as long as Bill Clinton’s classic male chauvinism may have more to do with their earlier days together both studying to be lawyers to get above their times and stay above their times with as much supremacy while white that they could consecrate.
Officially we have we may be safer if the Clintons do defect and even if they defect to Russia. We are still living with their mistakes and bias and bigotry that violated our 1st Amendment standards - we are still living with a mess from them presenting us all as bigoted and biased against at least the Iraqi Shia as inferior people - as inferior an “incapable of governing themselves”.
It may be a stretch to call the Clintons both “racists” but we cannot now escape the mess they caused being in violation of our 1st Amendment principles as per the Iraqi Shia, at least. To call the “white supremacists” is not to call them “racists.” To call them “white supremacists” is to suggest that they wanted to always be supremely over others not them, at least. I don’t know how or why they could have been to buying a house in DC on a Whitehaven Road or to together having cherished a permanent Library to memorialize them while publicly choosing to let it be phallic and in Confederate Gray. That it is phallic as a gun or half bridge may be their most honest statement ever for being suggestive that they never meant to consecrate any full bridge about issues of their times.
The only thing that can honestly be said of “it is all Bush’s fault” is limited to an all that of Bush being a road block to attempts to pervert socialist or totalitarian ideals by Dems to get and hold power by a few elite. I is maybe all Bush’s fault that a spread of SOCIALISM to Americans at home and abroad has been failing.
Yes, it was official language of the Presidency of the Clintons that had the Shia people of a majority in Iraq officially declared so inferior a people based upon “religious” establishments by the Clintons that the most white possible Secretarial selections of the Clintons were regularly of proclamations or declarations like: THE IRAQI SHIA ARE INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.
Yes, we all might be safer without the Clintons - please defect Clintons. Even, please defect to Russia if they will have you now.
We can see by your very public histories that when your “supremacy” weakened or became challenged or ready for permanent public memorializing you chose or inadvertently showed yourselves to have wanted to be your white selves supremely as long as possible or at least as long as you could legally manage.
And, it seems that “Bill” to manage to hide his natural dominant desire to remain above feminism as long a his “Hillary” could help him stay her “Russian Bear” in whiteness and with his American chauvinistic charm to here fully enabled and secured.
It was a time of less than great expectations and a time of
great expectations.
George Benson nearly said it seems that the children are our future to equip them well for school and let them be made agile and free - the children are our future teach them well - and keep them free from tyranny over their minds - the minds of children whom are best when free.
As a halo around the embronzed Thomas Jefferson as per his memorializing in DC we have his BPF (best phrase forever): “Upon the alter of God I pledge eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
I don’t know yet if “GRUNGE” is a new refreshed due styling for American youths post a HOPE & CHANGE reset to a President Mitt Romney. For every action there is usually by law - by natural laws - and equal and opposite reaction. And, yes I do wonder if young Republicans are those best to embrace a new “GRUNGE.”
These times of less than great expectations have been times with great expectations not completely lost or forgotten.
The times of the late 40s that became our early 50s was a similar time of too much similarly courtly change.
We all should be rightly alarmed as it seems these times have the hounds out and the Dems half baked towards their Convention convening — We all might be best to be prepped and readied in fullest of our “metachlorian” potential in defense of the least tyrannical force we can yet hold and defend. These are the days it seems our American ways are threatened and visibly like Dems’ key noter is Bill Clinton as Sith Lord Bill Clinton. And, that we should be alarmed that his young apprentice in the dark arts and politcal ways Apprentice Obama has asked his Sith Lord to introduce him so publicly.
These may be new days for a rage with bow ties for more - a day for many to walk more Constitutionally and visibly against tyranny all over the minds of men and women, and children everywhere. Our SCOTUS has spoken for and against and stirred a new consciousness even greater than the prudence of our 41s.
How can a Benson be governed newly for the mash up civil, however, and its results past November decidings? Are we too, all now to “GRUNGE” and Constitutional Hip Hop for even young Republicans and as well a Benson reset of more bow ties form more, and with narrower ties and thinner collars?
Where can our music now go?
It is a time of less than great expectations and a time of
great expectations.
Our your “troops” trained all now for a public grandstanding of one as if a Sith Lord Bill Clinton? Are even your local truant officers ready for all the soon maybe do round up charges? Have your truant officers all passed what recertifications writ?
We had days of less than great expectations like these when original New Deal idealists had and held power - and held it as well for too long. By 1951 we even had Young and Rubicam publicly buying huge ad space to speak up against a too corrupted Washington politics, maybe then too tyrannical too. As per McCullough’s TRUMAN you can learn that Y&R in 1951 put out copy with a united front to say this specifically:
“With staggering impact, the telecasts of the Kefauver investigation have brought a shocked awakening to millions of Americans.
Across their television tubes have paraded the honest and dishonest, the frank and the furtive, the public servant and the public thief. Out of many pictures has come a broader picture of the sordid intermingling of crime and politics, of dishonor in public life.
And suddenly millions of Americans are asking:
What’s happened to our ideals of right and wrong?
What’s happened to our principles of honesty in government?
What’s happened to public and private standards of morality.?”
{I don’t know which year in my to be admired Mad. man (Madison Avenue ad man for short) career of my maternal grandfather Arthur Munroe Menadier he joined Young and Rubicam specifically. I know it was likely of the time this was their public face but not whether he helped write it or maybe helped move more of Johnson & Johnson accounts all together more under him to Y&R then in part because of such.}
George Benson nearly said it seems that the children are our future to equip them well for school and let them be made agile and free - the children are our future teach them well - and keep them free from tyranny over their minds - the minds of children whom are best when free.
As a halo around the embronzed Thomas Jefferson as per his memorializing in DC we have his BPF (best phrase forever): ”Upon the alter of God I pledge eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
And can soon all Jedi about us however be seen either out in robes of old or in a new “GRUNGE” sheik to rival or complement those all stirred more Constitutionally and towards leadership otherwise of a new bow tie set at least for our youths stirred all by our SCOTUS and liberating Republicans, Independents and Tea Partiers?
And properly and necessarily also due when then about our 40s we had a domestic tyranny on the rise our 80th Congress was a sweep like ours recently of 2010 and maybe 2012 too. It was our 80th Congress that may have been stirred much too by Young and Rubicam however consciously or unconsciously — It was our 80th Congress unlike our first Obama Congress that followed proper procedure as per “rights” and worked out and for a new Constitutional Amendment - for our term limiting 22nd Amendment.
With Sith Lord Bill Clintons set to so publicly be seen introducing his apprentice in the once earlier checked FDR dark arts as he is set to introduce his Apprentice Barack Hussein Obama are any or enough girded and educated enough yet to see this as like an earlier unwelcomed and balanced “socialism” too tyrannical of our 40s?
Like again:
“And suddenly millions of Americans are asking:
What’s happened to our ideals of right and wrong?
What’s happened to our principles of honesty in government?
What’s happened to public and private standards of morality.?”
And as a halo around the embronzed Thomas Jefferson as per his memorializing in DC we have his BPF (best phrase forever): ”Upon the alter of God I pledge eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
What is “GRUNGE” to you - can a President Mitt Romney be a Hip Hop King?
George Washington was from Virginia, one of America’s - the United States of America’s - first states. When he married at some point after that his in-laws library some became his - his in-law’s sex books became his/theirs.*
Lower on the river earlier in his youth it is told of “George” and cherries not that he was cheatin’ with eating of cherries that were not his nor a tree he had full rights to but that he somehow was not able to lie about having “cut down” or “not cut down” a cherry tree however possessed.
I am not sure where Mitt Romney is actually from. There are stories near enough of his origins of acceptance and localities that it seems at time he was born in Mexico. Do we have to celebrate his machismo like as if a Mexican?
There is construction and dramatic writing of good and better grammatical construction - and deconstruction and abortive writing.
The politics of the moment are now prefaced for the Democrat Party Convention beggarly in reality but for now rank without clear “rank.” It seems out of order and sans chains that President Clinton can or should key-note for President Obama.
Period! The Democrats have a women problem this election year. Period!
Since it seems the Party of Obama has surrendered to a Clinton we should be vigilant not to presume or prejudge that he as prostrated himself to both Clintons.
Though President Clinton as key-noter politically can be carved into history books for a coup and a successful playing to get President Obama essentially at least “on his knees” it seems if so we have the “machismo” and chauvinism of President Clinton most to also celebrate.
Period! The Democrats have a women problem this election year. Is it “Bill” more than “Barack” - though?
Period! This is not the old story of George Washington not being able to lie. Period!
Our 22nd Amendment is not the Women Suffrage Amendment. Our 22nd is supposed to chain President Clinton.
An akin comment now may be more stressing - even after the fact - even long after the facts. It can be a matter of kin and a killing of family as soon as one moral moment has passed with a life accepted as a life and so as kin to the kin but how.
The Democrats are heavy booted now even though of imagery of bare footed and in chains. The Democrats are like all: IT’S ALL JUST EVOLUTION BABE OR DUDE! The Democrats seem devoid of lobby or belief that there is still potential at least - at least unexplainable in “miracles of faith.”
I am not saying the Democrats have now prefaced their 2012 convention with a suggestion that they would also have crucified the Virgin Mary. I have heard there can be droughts and deluges - hot and cold “seasons.” I figure you can say of “rape” or “rape” grade “assaults” that such may be one of few times one can be completely alone though not really alone.
Period! The Democrats have a women problem this election year. Period!
As EVOLUTIONISTS first and “just take a government pill” second we bare witness to the Democrats quite out of sorts at least on chains of commands as per their convention. Is it President Clinton on his knees beggarly for his wife to be able to keep her job? Is it a visual aid that Obama has been a victim of a coup by the Clintons and essentially and “legitimately” raped of his “higher” power?
Period! The Democrats have a woman problem this election year. Where is Hillary Rodham Clinton - really, politically?
I don’t know how if when - I don’t know why if how so - I don’t understand Democrats embracing just being “subjects” as “#s” either. But, can they actually legally and legitimately legislate away miracle of faith? Can they remove the BUDDHIST FROM BUDDHA and the “golden” from “GOLDEN BOY”? Can they treat us all as if needing union cards as papers to travel and exist?
Akin to all this is still that miracles are not always on time and faith may be better than socialistic obedience to a distant and cold government too nationalistic. Also a kin to this again is that though a “legitimate” rape may or may not cause pregnancy the power talked of intelligently some though of mysteries of life mostly is still of an Evolutionist and Creationist purview.
Period! The Democrats have a woman problem this election year. They more than most seem subjects more than citizens.
Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - a physical triangulation can be Government with just a pill.
Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - “There is no God” by Congress violates our First Amendment as being clearly if a law or in a law an attempt at “establishment respecting religion.”
Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - Women regardless of your parties - this year is for you.
Akin, again to all this is that a “rape” however might just as well increase the chance of pregnancy as it might self abort - so I would think. And, again as per “rape” or “rape” grade assault one may never be alone but not alone but when.
And still akin to all this timely as 2012 for both parties seems a year made for women or at least their issues: The power to prevent a fertilization however if only a magical power of higher human development in faith and seeking may also be evolutionary as a concern that women who curse that they can become pregnant and again and again have been evolving to be less able to become pregnant if they actually curse in ways they would better be not too as they may put cold or trying work above a holistic faithful attitude about whatever they may be employed about doing. If there is a “power” not even “super” or “magical” and like as if a human internal “over-cooking” or “drought” then women have the power to curse themselves to being less fertile - so it figures.
Period! The Democrats have a woman problem this election year. Period!
And akin to all this raised up unexpectedly by Senate candidate Akin, besides the trying decisions about abortion after even just one moment of carriage morally as if kin however, is that some remains that if this “selectivity” exists for women it may be the norm more than a new normal and be a general attitude for some when entwined but not in rape - when with their husbands in the usual course of affairs.
Period! 2012 is a year at least for women’s issues - Democrats have at least political problems convened for Hillary. Period!
Was/is George Washington parable about lying or laying - about cheatin’ and cuttin’ and running?
Seems we have at least now to figure is it towards the Democrat Convention that President Obama is on his knees and not term limited President Clinton even as he should be billed for being there on his knees to beg for Hillary to keep her job - like?
As we wait with baited breaths for the decision of the century screen doors may already be slamming open and shut - almost shut.
Can it all turn us back to a reasoned Constitutionalism just for some one being too “leftie”?
The Clintons make simple piece work for trial lawyers - pity the fools?
How are we all now here?
We are of a complicated time of contrariness and not even much whispered rebelliousness.
President Obama once was a Constitutional Law professor.
President Obama studied law and our Constitution at Harvard Law School.
Both of the Clinton “two-fer” studied at Yale Law School.
Both the Clintons and Barack Obama have been rebelling from our Constitutional.
How are we all here now?
Can our “main stream media” learn to cover a new federalism?
Can our MSM learn to treat our Governors and state legs with equal rights - their full rights?
Can the Clintons and Barack Obama manage if MSM now work to cover states’ greater rights?
So gauche were and are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama - yet so too George H. W. Bush, it seems.
I don’t know the critical handing of Hillary Clinton - I do know she may have guilt.
On the one hand we have “Bill” & “Hillary” of fame for not spending.
On the other hand we have “Bill” & “Hillary” & “Barack” of excessive spending.
It does seem gauche that Clintons can be popular for crash and unnecessary cutting of near a trillion.
It does seem gauche that Clintons now can be offensive with spend, spend, spend & not defensive.
Our Supreme Court Justices are at risk of a “Political” ruling if to an upholding vote for ACA.
ACA use of “affordable” near as bad yet maybe worse than “Hillary’s” use of “universal”.
President Barack Hussein Obama is still wrong about spending for Iraq. And so too the Clintons.
The Clintons as per Iraq had been their 8 to official biased and bigoted religion based foreign policy.
The Clintons have guilt - they as well shouldn’t be of offensive spending without also being defensive.
We didn’t need the Clintons’ SUPRLUS of trillion of rash defunding - how can they say spend now?
Because we haven’t heard the Clintons did it - they may be the only ones left not yet found innocent.
Before the Presidency of the Clintons Iraq and Iran had been of a Cold War geopolitics.
During the Presidency of the Clintons our foreign policy as per Iraq and Iran became “religious” and bigoted.
We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has been a shill for the Clintons - to quite a cover-up defense.
We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has been a shill for Clintons more than they shills for him.
After the Persian Gulf War Clintons should have avoided foreign policy bias bigoted against Shia.
The Clintons’ Presidency wasn’t well reasoned or Constitutionally balanced.
The Obama Presidency isn’t defensive enough for its offensive spending and offensive defense of Clintons.
Where is Senator John Kerry when a real anti-war movement seems now deserved and calling?
It is offensive that the Clintons can be innocent with spend, spend, spend now while of rash defunding to Trillion surplus!
If we have “Bill” shill for “Hill” and “Hill” shill for PBO & PBO shill for “Bill” and “Hill” while “Hill” a shill for “Bill” - OH MY!
How are we all here now?
How are we to an entire party to such now a case of Un-Constitutional governance?
If President Barack Hussein Obama just to sworn “best of my ability…” is it Harvard’s Law School at fault?
As per the Clintons I have known “Bill” as a liar since he was a Yale Law student - Not sure Yale at fault.
As per Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton I remember she is whom’s face “Bill” lie to.
I am not sure Yale Law School can be blamed for the greasy watermelons that are these Clintons.
How are we all here now?
I know law student “Bill” lied to “Hillary” while walking & talking & polling law students - they polled me.
I know for he lied to her about what my honest answer so requested was amended to when they added without consideration to their polled question the complication that they were then of asking if they could both become president someday actually otherwise than first asked as if of two equal Yale Law Students with independent futures. I know for when they changed the question of their polling about whether they could both become president some day my answer did change to amend answer to their conclusion as per their poll response as if it had been to a different question — I know for when they changed nature of question with “Hillary” then of response to my first answer with “then I will marry you” my answer changed for they hadn’t asked me if they could both become President if they married each other and became a united “one”. I know this and know specifically that Yale Law School not as responsible for “Bill” as a liar and of that day for moving to lie to “Hillary” with his first words after her “then I will marry you” to a lying about my amended answer she hadn’t heard and then had been to asking him “what did he say” to such from “Bill” a lie about what I said. If you think it odd I took to an appreciation of our 22nd Amendment you should realize most of this happened because of the Clintons then polling me as like a “charming boy at play in the school yard” and then years remembering me as like a talisman to their over-reaching plotting and ambitions - still as like “that charming young boy” once playing after hours alone in the school yard in a neighborhood known to be a New Haven professionals neighborhood much populated by lawyers and law professors and many professors from other departments at Yale.
How did we get here now?
And really it ridiculous that the Clintons of their trillion in defunding can present as right with spend, spend, spend now!
Nine? Can we get ruling of nine justices against ACA - for otherwise justices are as political activism shilling for Dems?
Are we all at least agreed that they took an oath of office to treat the Constitution as our rules of their gaminess?
What should the penalty be turned out as?
We have that the world as we know it has been at stake - is at stake in ways not considered by its political authors.
Some matters are not as simple as a “two-fer” of “BOGO”.
We have real legal precepts and the soul of our Constitution at stake and a timely and fair call to consider/reconsider the 80th Congress of our United States of America. We have 2010 electoral sweep that was great. We have, I believe, that the 2010 Republican national sweeping against nationalism was greater than the historic clean up by the 80th Congress’.
As we have masses and masses of citizens engaged now in hearing our Supreme Court Justices and Constitutional scholars and professionals we have a rare consummation metaphysically about privately and publicly expressive not just to our rights but to how they are echoing from kitchen tables all across the world - the world as we think we know it.
Today’s matter before our honorable Justices has been an early serving of so much long anticipated.
This is not as corruptible as a political power coupling consummated decades on decades at a singular dynamic now still as much a threat to “the world as we know it” — a “buy one get one” a “two-fer” where the suitors united contractually as one preface and amend willy nilly to a singularity plating and as well a duplicitousness feasting.
We have that our 80th Congress post haste, did convene and get to business to make corrections and craft protections from the type of “BOGO” that was the Roosevelts. We have that our 22nd Amendment was maybe the greatest accomplishment of our 80th Congress. They stuck to proper procedure for amending our Constitution to effect matters specific to rights essential to protect and preserve our home world as it was known by its founding documents.
With the jurist vacuums out offering to clean up our nationalism for a open and free participatory conversation now matter the where or what of your kitchen and its table we have that we are able to hear how our Powers and power resonate and even echo at and through and from our Supreme Court and its jurisprudence and charge.
In matters related specifically to our benches today and our bars we have the differentiation between “tax” and “penalty” and our AIA (anti-injunction act). This is a little simpler than a “two-fer” amending as of the 80th Congress and its adherence to proper procedure for their work to serve or dish change of such mass and flavor.
It seems that though related at least as per Congressional process we have that our AIA seems appropriate for “taxes” but not for “penalties” so for as with a “tax” the concern to such as an anti-injuction act was to preserve the funding necessary for the revenue sufficient for the specific plan and budgeting deemed politically proper if proper procedure adhered to for matters of such mass.
But our 80th Congress had to find a way to write about Presidential spouses and “two-fer” or BOGO power coupling natural corruptive temptations and risks. They had a charge and nation wanting to fight back from Roosevelts a with a full on serving of the potpourri that is our 22nd Amendment specifically concocted about a concern of shared Presidential power practiced selfishly by Franklin and Eleanor and even as well some say their daughter.
A “penalty” is not thought to be a threat to the essential revenue stream as a “tax” for a program so budgeted and bolstered by proper process in the world as we know likely is justly considered to be. A bar to refuse to pay a tax where a process for appeal is set to be pay first and then litigate to get it back if you can establish proper cause is not the same as being of an allowance for a “penalty” such that a failure to pay shouldn’t be a primary and real threat to the massness, especially where process minor to a our major process to “taxes” and as well to amended “rights”.
Our 80th Congress had it more procedure “proper”. After the Roosevelts multi-term run and excesses with a New Deal Court a national upheaval happened quite about term limits and especially a consideration, how & why, as to spousal rights.
We seem to have our 22nd Amendment to secure a right for women of a marriage to be electable to hold our office of the President - as to be expected by such an honorable Congress as our 80th.
We seem to have that though a right for a spouse to be electable to our office of the President works for either spouse it in the world as we know it seems specifically as per our 22nd Amendment to be assured to respect the laws of unions of marriage and all laws specific to husband and wife even to home ownership and nesting and so ratified to be a right for either spouse but not for both spouses.
Again, in the world as we know it, we have that a “penalty” as per AIA import as per “in the same manner as taxes” is a much lesser dish served so with questionable process for the purport of Pelosi Congress deed of “Obamacare” and so for it needed be of “injunction” reach for it so separated to “minor” realm as if not a threat that a refusal to pay “taxes” would be to thought essential nationalized budgeting.
I don’t know how they could have written a single sentence or paragraph for a proper amending of our Constitution to effect an actually legal vast expansion of federal powers so otherwise of their over-reaching with Pelosi Congress’ “Obamacare.
I do admire the 80th Congress for its common erudity mastering for our 22nd Amendment such that when consumed time and place historically rendered such that with use of “hold” and import of “holding” did parse for their world and our world as we know it that a spouse has a right to be elected to a holding of our office of the President but that both spouses cannot have same right after two terms for one as if a “two-fer” or BOGO kept to being the is that of the is it was meant in it is.
Hillary Clinton was an illegal candidate for President? Goes to figure? If she had been the named holder of our office of President for eight years then “Bill” as her spouse secured in their rights in marriage union as one for many specific and general jurisprudent factors would have been of those eight to having been by election to a holding of our office of the President - maybe even so soulful of a legal union in marriage to “one that acted as President” during such time at least in times of sickness and health.
And so in yet another related legal conundrum concern we have that we can illuminate the Clintons’ “BOGO” and as well the Roosevelts’ “two-fer” as per a Constitutional and general legal practice where one law cannot be to undermining another established law in the world as we know it. We have we are touching on the knowing personal “holding” of marriage and all the selfish and temptatiousness naturally quite unique and special at the level of holding of office of our Presidency - our White House with its home office situation.
To allow both spouses of a marriage union to exceed the eight years expected of two term limiting even if not as of such selfish political power plotting and machinations of either the Roosevelts or the Clintons is still too great a risk in this the world as we know it - or think we know it as “proper”. We don’t have to set all our kitchen tables to discussing the natural temptation of granting a married couple too much power - the power of a separation unreasonable due to the 24-7 nature of our representative expectations for all holders of our office of the President.
To allow our 80th Congress’ masterpiece that is our 22nd Amendment as to respecting all marriage union laws with its ratified language reminiscent of married vows as appropriate for its charge from the excesses of the Roosevelts is to a wise and prudent jurisprudence. For it is that to be to not undermining or violating any other law we have that our 22nd Amendment isn’t allowed to violate the sacred laws pertinent to all matters of commerce, privacy and rights specific to protections and rights for married coupling. We have that our 22nd Amendment speaks to a person elected to hold our office and yet our marriage contracts has a spouse regardless of their sex in such marriage to having also been to a holding of office of presidency. We can not separate that a spouse is also only by the election of the other spouse to having been due to the marriage laws oneness of a contracted also holding of our office.
It seems the “penalty” is not a “tax” and that we have much Un-Constitutionality still to discuss.
It may help to understand the echoes of Un-Constitutionality arising like as if from Roosevelts and their New Deal Court machinations. It may be that the Clintons plotted and plotted and effected political machinations for decades thinking they would be allowed extra-Constitutional temptations far more dangerously to our world as we know it than even the Roosevelts. In the case of the Clintons we may have a need still to look into such machinations for they may have long considered and then effected attempts to hold on to executive powers of our office of the President in the interim they thought would be manageable and brief.
It is a rare opportunity for a nation like ours to have an American Spring or even an American “RESET” such as this courtly nationalized and globalized airing is mashing. We have that there are other related matters maybe even more concerning and now though easier to a mass a fair and broad general discussion forthwith about.
We have that it may only make sense that our 22nd Amendment is meant to be appropriate to a determination that Hillary Clinton was an illegal candidate for President and may now be an Un-Constitutional holder of an office within our line of succession to the primary holding of office of our presidency as it is allowed so uniquely and specially within our White House and home office “kitchy” attitude.
We have that it is a related matter that our 80th Congress carefully did follow proper procedure for Constitutional amending.
We have that Pelosi Congress with “Obamacare” thought they could work around proper procedure.
We still have that the Clintons were both as per a reasonable interpretation of our 22nd Amendment term limited when the named holder of office became term limited for by marriage the other spouse was legally and contractually inseparable from their marriage union. A spouse regardless of their sex is also to by election to “a holding of our office of the President” - a very personal and important and intimate holding in sickness and in health through all the times that try their soul.
It would violate our marriage laws to otherwise consider that a spouse regardless of their sex, and with all these related matters, is separable from the holding of the other. And, we have that we are talking about our White House and all about its consideration as proper to a home for both with a home office for our “parenting” 24-7.
As per “penalty” >>> Really!!! If a BOGO sold as an is a “two-fer” shouldn’t it stay legally an is a “two-fer”?