
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

     It is now near 10am Wednesday morning the eve of Thanksgiving 2021. I am seated in the Jefferson Building main reading room of the Library of Congress.

     President Joe Biden is an embattled executive with his leadership seriously questioned/doubted.
     Our national traditions for this holiday do contravene the political messaging from the current White House.
     Our national pastimes for level playing fields of law & order with referees & crowd emotions are inconvenient to current dictum prescribed too authoritarian & devoid regular order for advise & consent.
     Enter President Donald Trump.
     This man must be understood for parity in a real sense of history - real historicals - real context.
     This man is a conundrum as to criticize him there that factor of most of years to be most critical he was yet in New York City resident as a Clinton Democrat. Which years were most formative & questionable for this man long a Democrats who changed parties it seems to be able to stay a winner?
     To surmise he can only be judged as a Republican is off.  This man, to President Biden especially, is of he changed party from Democrats to Republicans after there major national movement success in constitutional fundamentals of for modern Republicans of a Republican Movement & it also of a new Tea Party.
     Neither old white man started these dynamics for a back to basics in keeping to the Constitution is better written than it may ever have been allowed to be interpreted. To parse & pare the different challenges it seems prudent all must see parameters like for Thanksgiving sports - football? - of settings for a level playing field & with referees sworn for rule by rules.  The drama dynamic for broadcasting on challengers maybe fields best when both sides try to explain all the mistakes of the 1990s made by the Clintons.
     Where was his politics in the 1990s?
     President Biden now faces him as a Republican much did well after joining Republican Movement winning yet as his former self but too while Election 2020 had to be run with frauds perpetuated by the Democrats due the gestalt of the party is there otherwise eitherwise are too many contrary & contradictory in deeds & ranks.
     President Biden has not been celebrating the values of Thanksgiving in his or the Obama administration; the Thanksgiving story is respected in Constitution plain language originalism of the colonies respected the Pilgrims experimented as contracted to for repayment of ocean transit costs then with that called Socialism today.
     Our founders essentially rendered respectfully the learned from such experiment to the actual wording of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is to that we call Socialism is set as unconstitutional - but as under “Religious Liberty” focused & to as if religion.
     This man is innocent compared the Democrats he fled from when he changed party?
     President Biden otherwise is by how objects to actual originalism “Religious Liberty” per Thanksgiving inconvenient truths of Pilgrims experimented with & then overcame the pitfalls of that we call Socialism today, to he also fundamentally is postured eitherwise to in objections to the Iraq constituted - the Iraqi Constitution. Biden with Democrats whom fundamentally try to set asunder the concept of each an unum an individual of rights from Creator - to of Union as united pluribus to by how constituted each of Liberty for Posterity by it a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.  The Iraq people have constituted likewise, however more similar to United Kingdom particulars, that the are each under Islam before under Government & since their liberation to stipulations for women to be guaranteed power of offices too.
    This man is whom tried to give the country back to the People & while martialing artfully for a return of “Merry Christmas” across our nation.
    Why did the Biden campaign need “Black Lives Matter” to fundamentally shift from formed after Michael Brown police incident tragedy in Ferguson Missouri into that seems SOLD OUT to be activists & radicalized to firstly a partisan politics to attempt to PROTECT A BILLION DOLLAR GLOBAL BRAND FOR OBAMAS?
    How was this man once a Clinton Democrat who joined the winning Republican Movement for constitutional law & order new buttressing so misunderstood?
    Aren’t both these old white men more wrong than right? - on Iraq for how Iraqi liberated? & then constituted a republic?  President Biden must be anti-Iraq as constituted like his politics are of party now long for citizens as if more just subjects & any religiousness to be suborned under an authoritarian tyranny of a Left ruling class?  President Trump must be more wrong than right on his objections to the liberation of Iraq - the Iraq War?
    This man who as our president represented an existential threat to the politician Joe Biden by moved as a Modern Republican in sync to the Republican Movement he joined to bring the nation to a refreshed polity of the Republicans more whom represented as the WORKING BLUE COLLAR CITIZENS party?  He had old “Joe” on the ropes!  He with the Republicans as his new party too demonstrated very professionally an economics with objectivism & social sciences data of our nation could creates more jobs than there seemed a suffice of workers to staff.
     Candidate Joe Biden just lied & lied & perpetuated frauds for gain across the 2020 election to ran more against a construct of a #FakeDonald actually irrational & devoid of any objectivism in any science for real psyche profiling.
     This man, besides becameth the new champion of the working people, did too trample on any ego of old “Joe” by too he was doing more than generally reported as doing of doing more for blacks - black Americans - than Democrats had been willing to do for the past 30 years, at least. Old “Joe” was being flattened by this man obviously a changed man as became a Republican politician & shed many past mistakes especially of the 1990s of the effected moral depravity in political decisions by President William Jefferson Clinton - born yet William Blythe III to need a name change seems to become electable.  This man became a Republican President didn’t change his name; Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton did both choose to have “Jefferson” as of their legal names, even as for firstly of South for Jefferson Davis.
     As candidate Joe Biden long in 2020 election he by his own party of New York state prosecutorial discretion standards, as precedent on FRAUD, was able to be deemed UNFIT FOR OFFICE for perpetuated FRAUDS for gain both of lies to inflate President Barack Hussein Obama legacy, & too to run against a construct a #FakeDonald.
     Ours & Iraqi constitutions are likewise of our Thanksgiving roots for each an unum and individual of rights from Creator by how constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) - by how united pluribus to each says each other’s rights come from their Lord - not the Federal Government.  President Biden is contrary to both.  President Obama more than misread Constitution he administered false governance at home & abroad as if he could lead as if a secular Socialist.
     This man may be hard to see as an innocent for he of so many years at least to quiet during the 1990s moral depravity of the executive decisions by the Clintons.  He did rise to show with Republican Movement & Modern Republicans that the Right was better on job creation & too as experienced to also setting up to have done more for blacks than Democrats had been willing to do for over 30 years.
     This man though a former Clinton Democrats was not so horrible as were the Clintons of it was apparent so much of what they yet staged for popularity as of DOING FOR BLACKS was much back doored also as SET UP  TO FAIL.
     This man may have failed to defend himself from the attacks from the Clintons & associated but due he was too long too quiet as maybe complicit as one of them?
     Candidate Joe Biden had to be unbecoming to unfit for office, by more than this said of failed his own party’s legal standards for perpetuating fraud for gain;  Candidate Joe Biden had this man of had him against the ropes by with Republicans of so improved/built a growing economics the economy nearly had too many jobs for the available number of workers, & to were actually moving forward to still be to helping blacks more than Democrats had long been willing to.
     As also maybe firstly just the other “old white guy” is this man now of old “Joe” problem of may be reflexively towards regressing to errant old ways of at least the 1990s and Clintons poor judgement for Posterity to be taught of 8 years much in a moral depravity?
     Where is there Thanksgiving of level playing fields for this contesting of the politics?
     Democrats perpetuated FRAUDS to flip his LAW & ORDER on him as set as vs THE SWAMP & their leadership to as if he was, not they by CYA necessity, whom militarizing POLICING issues & baiting racism?
     Whom can be the referees for LAW & ORDER this Thanksgiving and beyond to maybe #Trump2024?
      President Biden has a moral duty to be an  EDUCATION PRESIDENT to youths can study the mistakes of President Barack Hussein Obama - learn of and from the Obama mistakes - which to means we must now removed the like BLACKED OUT for all of 1990s on President William Jefferson Clinton real administering so too young & old all around the world can finally study so much firstly best tag’d “moral depravity” extant in the Clintons governance.
     It seems this day in 2021 near eve of Thanksgiving that to judge this man - beyond was President Donald John Trump, Sr. for a term - we must reconsider the 1990s & firstly work up a full dramatization of a Bill Clinton vs Donald Trump historical. 
     Speaker Nancy Pelosi did steal election 2020 as promised she would as Democrats went after this man constantly by stealing the successful movement developments of the Republican Movement & Tea Party - which too historically explains the current ORIGINALISM Supreme Court plurality - & projecting & transferring to build presumption of guilt by momentum, not proofing, the landed hits that felled #CrookedHillary.
     This man was of a stolen election but oddly his defenses so far have not explained how it actually was stolen as promised it would be.
     This man hasn’t defended himself well enough?
     This man was too long a Clinton Democrat now too old to stay a changed man?
                                               *       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:28 am

Not since brave souls of militias of our Northern states marched on the South for an end to slavery has one state more loudly proclaimed they want more free black babies - definitely not fewer - than Alabama has recently with respecting all souls legislation on fetuses.

Vice President Joseph Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

Governor Chris Christie has better a mantle of authority to manage passions of souls.

Vice President Joe Biden, like Bill Clinton and Al Gore, does hail much as from below the Mason-Dixon line.

“Scranton Joe” has bureaucratic problems with Pennsylvania Catholic hierarchy.

“Scranton Joe” as Vice President is sticky like fly paper to all the leadership scandals of President Barack H. Obama.

“Scranton Joe” as Catholic must carry an albatross of shared Catholic Guilt for the Pennsylvania sexual abuse hierarchy scandals to as far back as he first ran for the highest office in our land - of to when he asked for support and towards being a highest ranking Catholic.

Socialism “Joe” cannot be secular and Constitutional, - let us leave how if in collusion with Rome & Holy See for later discussions.

Socialism “Joe” is he culpable for eight year of not objecting to President Obama’s unjust orders - he could have already President by succession if he had kept his oaths to the actual Constitution and even asked for Congress to impeach the first black President.

Vice President “Joe” to this day - but for inconvenient Bidenisms - remains unjustly silent on President Obama’s unjust orders;  to this day “Joe” remains too silent on that President Obama lied more in just his first year than yet President Donald J. Trump, Sr. is even accused of for his entire Presidency.

Governor Chris Christie and “Bridgegate” present near parable for such Biden dilemmas:

As secular Socialist philosophy of governance goes as per the Obama administration the President was supposed to be revered as if an infallible secular Socialist Supreme Leader.

“Bridgegate” presents as a troubling problem of such as reveals his management style.

Our Constitution - need I remind you - is originally the Peoples’ “Order” and “in/Order/to form/a…done/…in/Year/of/our/Lord” is supposed to owned individually by articulation of “Order” as the noun it is of grammar to it is an order a constitution.

“Bridgegate” can yet be “Joe’s” Waterloo.

The untold story - a parable - of the lane closures of a New Jersey “Traffic Study” is the self apparent conclusion that since the opening of the Department of Homeland Security it became within 12 to 24 hours a failure found of our President and his DHS as asleep at the draw bridge board.

Governor Chris Christie can save the soul of America by telling this bureaucratic truth of how undermined President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are by that after they let a local Mayor play partisan politics out of order of used President Obama to pull rank on his Governor, - of that the Governor and a “Traffic Study” showed that after 12 hours of lane closures of study it was of to end blockage that it was becometh the infallible secular Socialist supreme leader Obama that failed - that failed bureaucratically of then called upon duty to investigate lane closures at least inconvenient to his pal Mayor of the insubordination to New Jersey Governor. - At such time then blockage and congestion was a Federal Emergency unresponded to issue as bottleneck was also near like biggest crisis as major metropolitan major artery blockage was days or weeks ahead of major NYC security event.

So “Joe” is most unqualified maybe due “low IQ” and doesn’t know better but yet more maybe due we are not supposed to ignore his record of at least inaction and avoidance of actions of higher callings of high office.

That the controversial “Bridgegate” “Traffic Study” was a real thing is supposed to be news of how & why President Obama’s Socialism failed by he failed in theory of practiced government supposed to be responsible for everything to have done his duty on a matter in such days lane closures on an interstate was nearly greatest security concern for his Homeland staff - his DHS.

Vice President Joe Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

Again we must consider if “Joe” is of low IQ and just is ignorant of originalism.

But then “Joe’s” record of inaction seems firstly indicative of ideology trumps IQ as passion seems to have been an also to and of the long worked treachery - textbook treason - of that story of Democrats worked to try to establish a progressive alternative Socialist interpretation actually contrary to Constitution - the ordained and established Constitution an individually owned as a Peoples’ “Order”.

Socialism was prescribed as unconstitutional long before there ever were modern Socialists.  By Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper #1 the Constitution is firstly for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”.

By the First Amendment to the body of Peoples’ “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” God isn’t just in our founding documents but Creator is set as also above the Government and so secular Socialism is illegal as especially healthcare set recognized as an establishment of religion Congress is to make no law respecting - changing from of the realm of spectacles of faith respectful of the jurisdiction of “in the eyes of the Lord.”

It is “low IQ” to otherwise try to offer an interpretation for secular Socialism for such would ascribe to the Founding Fathers’ work a judgement of it then was necessarily done in blasphemy.

Though “Scranton Joe” has his shared Catholic Guilt problems for not asking or telling of Pennsylvania hierarchy scandals any of those years he sought or held highest offices while Catholic are of his is also a Pilgrims and Puritans learned from story as what is known today as Socialism is what Plymouth was supposed to experiment with to profits to pay their transit debts - of did try - of did fail - of learned from  - and to nation founded wise to how failed.

“Sleepy Joe” also has his party’s Anthony Weiner problem of that his fall began in New York City as soon as his local story went global of bragging that he helped rig ACA - Obamacare - to that the wealthy liberals of NYC could fix it so other state’s person’s taxes would yet be redistributed to cover 5% of Financial Capital’s healthcare costs; he also has the problem of Obamacare was admitted as rigged to that by spending other person’s of other states monies to 5% those liberals were saved from having to do the due real work of fixing all the problems on the cost side - and while moral has it that Financial Capital essentially had to prove it could cover all its own of major metropolitan area if nation yet could proof a national affordability.

“Sleepy Joe” is ill equipped to even try to save the soul of our nation.

Isn’t it a soul crusher to actually think about what secular Socialism is and means to while contrary to Peoples’ “Order” originalism of First Amendment redundant to established separation as vertical of that we are under our Lord - and it is a more perfect Union that we People hold that our Government too is “under” our Lord - and Lord’s Law?

It does seem low IQ to miss this;  “Sleepy Joe” does seem to miss his interpretation for a secular Socialist contrary treasonous interpretation ascribes to Constitution an idea it was done in blasphemy and while originalism respects religions are firstly tools and disciplines for self-governance.

President Trump is not also a “Tea Party Denier”  now trying to end run around how founders’ common sense was of Peoples’ “Order” owned individually by ratified by states conventions of peoples - it seems.

Simply isn’t Socialism disagreeable much before you get to how a President then is supposed to be protected by honored unquestioningly  as if yet an infallible secular Socialist supreme leader?

Simply one needn’t be a genius to see what wanna be future party leaders want you to overlook?

Simply Socialism fails where Obamacare fails of forgets what are “establishments of religion” and how wise founding fathers’ work was as constituted none of a separation right from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff.

Sins - even deadly sins - are of Lord’s Law realm tenets presented in Bill of Rights redundancy of “establishments of religion”.  You cannot have a healthcare right separated from as in of religious freedom and constituted protections from tyranny by such worked left to be kept as local as possible and of Peoples’ “Order” separation of church and state sets none mandated to be of one worship organization while yet none of a separation right to separated from also under Lord’s Law and that Government not federally allowed to be theocratic.

Isn’t it low IQ for Vice President Joe Biden to also miss his supported secular Socialism perverts Constitution as under Lord’s Law and, brief by that - brevity of Order, our governance is supposed to be limited to secular civil procedures for due process for when Lord’s Laws break down - are breaking down?

Democratic Socialism cannot save the soul of our nation due we are constituted to oppose and bristle at ideas of per neighbor and neighbor sovereignty undermined: - as we are not to firstly think council people or aldermen of next town know better how to rule our lives - nor the next town or city Mayor - nor the next county’s executive - nor next state’s Governor?

Vice President Joe Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

The real problem with ACA - Obamacare - even a one payer system of a Medicare is the fundamental truth that as soon as healthcare stops being an establishment of organized morals - religions - religiousness - religious liberty - as an “establishment of religion” it also stops being affordable of firstly neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods and becomes a racket for more people to profit off the illness and diseased of others (coldly).

“Scranton Joe” should never have let slide all the orders of President Barack Obama effected as unjust and treacherous unconstitutional orders affected to effect forward that ‘citizens’ now merely firstly ’subjects’ of Federal Power.

Can your soul survive not being any longer allowed the pathology of freedom of the American Dream of America is supposed to be great by that as per neighbors to neighbors none is supposed to be of a separation right to be then expected not to care about community and neighbors as to care would suppose you to believe your President isn’t an infallible secular Socialist supreme leader?

To be of souls habituated of to great again requires you to doubt your leaders - think of healthcare like “Northern Exposure” and to parishes should grow to raise own committed medical professionals as a part of community, or to import such divinely and justly?

To be of souls habituated of to great again requires one not use Socialism out of like you insult your supreme leader if to think your neighbor is not being perfectly cared for - so much so perfectly cared for so that it would be disloyal to perverted treason to think you as a neighbor have a right to know of any otherwise moral duty to care.

More personally “plagiarist” “Joe” has his fit to President Barack H. Obama administration “Joe” in that of past plagiarism since 2004 Barack H. Obama Democratic Party Convention break out speech was of speaker Obama did plagiarize as ordered of “put a black face on it!” … “make it your own!” of to witnessed with unauthorized use of another’s - mine - intellectual property.

Plagiarism is a soul crusher too and yet a binder between Vice President Joseph Biden and President Barack Obama.

Plagiarism is how 2004 “Obama” sounded too much like me and to remarkably different from his own style evident in his first early memoir.

“Joe” cannot save the soul of our nation?

He has albatrosses of at least Catholic Guilt about his neck?

The Democrats generally all have Anthony Weiner’s problem!

Haven’t you already had enough of ‘your democratic leader can’t be wrong!’?

                   *     *     *     Soul Crusher?     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:27 pm

The risky business ahead for an intellectual honesty in the new year 2019 is of battles looming against zones of ignorance.

This has been an endearing and enduring work of modern Republicans and a Republican movement since days New Yorker Donald Trump was a Clinton Democrat.

Though there are likely pockets of intellectualism in these zones of ignorance - of most political maps of 2018 as recorded blue - it is alarming the Antonin Scalia chair at Harvard isn’t bronze and worn bright.

The battles ahead go further and deeper than yet the second Tea Party tabled - of prudent stand for common sense and it a core in originalism.

The risky business may not be so much an if or when Puritanism as a Liberal renaissance.  A basic discourse is more primarily calling out these times forward firstly to eyes open anew and free minds conscious of at founding the constitution didn’t need to be a “living document” because scripture was still and now then of it with a first English copy/translation.

No, the risky business is the convergence of the Republican movement with Donald Trump as seems now established of he an also a modern Republican and cleared of still too much a “Clinton Democrat.”

The Liberal nightmare is not least of both are risking trouble by actually offering freedom - constituted freedoms basically cored of ‘rights from Creator’.

Apparently uniformly across the nation and as common to blue areas as zones of ignorance of our constitution freedom isn’t the risked - but is the feared and opposed.  And education of that each’s rights firstly basically figure before the redundancy of the “Bill of Rights” as of each soul has the right to defend against any violate of the “Ten Commandments” against them is to Liberals like blaspheme to Liberalism, and especially as amendments secure such “American” as rights also particularly applies against any governing/government that violates the “Ten Commandments” tenets of Lord’s Law each of freedom with.

There is already a lot of “blue noise” controposing to risked for original freedoms.

Of King James as establishment of an English edition “NEW” still of revolutionary days there is the constitution needn’t be a “living document” for it needeth principally be for fixed due process and civil procedures for when Lord’s Law broke down - where/when breaking down.

The Bible “nonsense” equals old “liberalism” - not immoral lies - especially not lies for political profits.  Practice Christianity comports with a suffice to “nonsense”.

The convergence of Donald Trump and enduring Republican movement is in history much akin to 1800 and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison worked efforts to keep the Union as ordered by the Peoples’ “Order” and as ratified by state conventions of their peoples - as not as ratified by legislators.  Freedom is the first order of Republicans.

That now the work of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren is risky for pockets in most of the blue areas zones of ignorance due they are incidentally being circular and to yet laser tag’n their own with crossfire.

Elizabeth Warren is the leading source of “blue noise”!

Democrats generally should be embarrassed for Elizabeth Warren due her Harvard tenure.

Her “blue noise” may be the politically tanged “death” tone of her incidentally tag’n Clintons and Obama with her proffered expertise academic record.

We will return to Professor Warren as like was Harvard’s expert of that “Clintonomics” and Clintons did more - much more - to cause housing collapse than George Bush.

President Trump doesn’t need to change to counter candidate Warren ideology or any Democrat still standing after natural course of her “blue noise” diatribes register.

President Trump is businessman “Trump” in so much as working politics for economic growth forward remains cornerstoned in art of management style of like locals should think locally - not try to do Trump’s global thinking for him - and so operate in self interest they do their managing as if even were a Trump franchise of best to do jobs so well that say New York needn’t ”manage”  - micromanage as if a distant lording yet needed as a babysitter/nanny.

Senator Warren’s “blue noise” is otherwise for a “Nanny State” and in keeping with Nancy Pelosi disregard for her oaths of office of her style as to try to operate the House as firstly a “Tear Factory” with parades of appeals to emotions in the idea of 70% taxation can thus be justified by rendered unto here before innocent citizens  as yet a prejudiced forward to presumed guilty mere subjects who need lording over “Nanny State”.

We may not have time here to brave broaching Nancy Pelosi as conclusively historically, but not yet litigated, bad political actor long derelict in past duties - at least of “Emoluments Clause” - per laws of Robert Mueller’s focus and yet as per so ignored regards Clintons’ violations it seems there now no “equal justice” and an air of that such laws only apply to Republican.

For now Mitt Romney, junior Senator for Utah, is an outlier and unknown per 2019 convergence.  Senator Romney still should be embarrassed of how lost to President Obama by his saying near “I will repeal and replace Obamacare with Romneycare” simply checked/countered in last month of race with Democrats retort near “Obamacare is a Romneycare!”.

But the risky business of 2019 as a year of convergence rests more in it as anti-Democratic Party working yet rooting of a President Trump working the Republican movement tilled for the budding seeded collaborative think to America deserves to feel and breath again the robust pathology of freedom of it has been the living in our freedoms behind our history established as a nation of peoples’ willing to voluntarily cosign to fighting and winning others’ wars.

Personally the Mitt Romney race wrap up was said embarrassing and so of that I so thought he had to see it such that my position taken was confident and/or prudent - to let it run of thinking if he didn’t see it he wasn’t ready or qualified to be President Romney. Today’s work is not on this an outlier to the risky business of the 2019 convergence looming.

Republicans trump Democrats with most issues tabled for 2019 politics.

For example:  For Republicans to further improve relations with Muslim peoples there must be a docketed and tabled full discussion on the “911 Report” as some a sham.  Democrats can be as beaten by this as by candidate Warren candidacy to ask for a judgement on her expertise as inconvenient to Clintons and Obama with truths on how Democrats more than Republicans actually caused the yuge problems Democrats worked lies on towards only Republicans got blamed.

The “911 Commission” “911 Report” as some a sham shall maybe be more damming to Nancy Pelosi as Republicans must work to expose sham of not looking back more than ten years and avoiding probative to 1993 to 2001 of Clintons’ feminism crusades and “American Abandonment” of at least two relevant historicals fodder to intellectually honest study of Clintons’ admin precipitated and incited attacks/response.

In the blue areas zones of ignorance it likely will b risky business to ask to participate in nation renewal to original pathology of freedom - to even hope to also. - Feel so free as to be willing to fight voluntarily for others to also win freedom.

E. Warren diatribes, however self defeating Democratic blue noise, are due retorts but sans engagement.

E. Warren is maybe, second only to if there “Speaker Pelosi” again, the greatest threat to Democratic enduring - any freedom on any campus.

The E. Warren communal blue noise is married to Nancy Pelosi political operations to justify a “Nanny State” of the House to be her “Tear Factory” to 70% taxation secured and citizens suppressed by taxation a prejudiced of subjects firstly presumed guilty. - Need’n “Nanny”!

Again, the convergence is risky business with attempts to counter Democratic as if only for tyrannical rule by distant entrenched elites - a Leftist ruling class.

Modern Republicans now know, it seems, that President Trump is tru’ to Republican movement and grown reformed from days a Clinton Democrat.

President Trump is taking the lead of 2019 a convergence year and to that ad hominem retorts energy against candidate E. Warren can be spared - of time not wasted?

President Trump is a natural leader to second Tea Party sentimental common sense prudence in that he is an old salt stuck in management ways of expecting even distant “TRUMP” destinations to be operated as independently and locally as possible (autonomously?) to that rule from afar to micromanagement disassociated by physical distance is yet minimized - not maximized as otherwise to justify a “Nanny State”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi was long derelict per laws Special Prosecutor Mueller pressing versus Republicans in all her years of duty yet per such regards the Clintons’ violations of the “Emoluments Clause” and especially the spirit of “none shall be titled”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi is antagonist #1, it seems, against Republicans to further improving relations with Muslim peoples with intellectual honesty freshly put to tabling how (her?) “911 Report” was some sham.

Oy!  Candidate E. Warren really!  Though Clintons have long - with each utterance of “post Constitution” posit - been publicly confessing to textbook treason it is likely risky business in blue areas to challenge “blue noise” of zones of ignorance.

Oy!  Candidate El Warren really!  Though it public knowledge Clintons tried to open Clintons’ global initiatives in suites nearest then Penthouse still available high above the “THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM” in Carnegie Hall Tower it is simply elementary academics that besides Bill Clinton asked big banks to comp he rent near $1 Million per year as THANKS for derivatives gambling push we have that Professor Elizabeth Warren Harvard tenure was as an expert more fully broadened on how it wasn’t George Bush’s or Republicans’ fault for it mostly concludes as naturally of slick violations of constitution for personal gain by Clintons - fundamentally - fit’n “Slick Willy” reputation - particularly causal.

It now may be too risky to be of intellectual honesty and to politically mature on campuses now more communes.

Please though try to be brave however such risky business to also able to feel the pathology of freedom.

My ask is complicated and maybe still yet leading.

The Clintons won in 1992 after unscheduled late entry much by learned to sound like me and my worked to an urban agenda focused of New Haven as way to put meat on the bones of “New World Order” - of my philosophizing long regards how America to adjust if became a sole superpower.

The Clintons disappointed by 1994 and as well before Monica Lewinski affair broken news by those also involved in the 1992 making of Clintons electable despite 1988 “never ending speech” convention moment of that which more truly the real Bill “Slick Willy” Clinton.  Study, please, coincident of people pressed them electable turned in disappointment whence with “MONICA” story from feeling President Clinton wasn’t attending to work elected for as regards Iraq and Al Qaeda and so then yet found in lieu of elected responsibility to been doing intern(s)!

To not ignore the inconvenient scandal per regards “Mr. Science” Al Gore let us post & promote questions not as deniers while anchored for pathology of freedom and representative “by the people” “for the people” renaissance with minds open to that cuts in solutions tyranny can be said “man made problems” by that European Union and also rushed United States of Americas “Green Agenda” cuts did flip greenhouse effect to Asian centric from decades as Atlantic centric and to that laws forward should be pressed of personal liability jeopardy just upon at least Al Gore for conduct unbecoming a former Vice President as engaged in a solutions tyranny that didn’t account for that cuts could and did some cause enough shift in Atlantic thermals to that he and others may have cause New York devastation by Super Storm Sandy.  Republicans trump Democrats on solutions side and if take evolving laws to practice on issues of dangers and liability of Democrats wrongful at trying to play GOD with weather.

To wrap this warning of risky business to also try to participate in 2019 looming convergence:

Yes, I too am philosopher basis for “Harry Potter” “Hogwarts” “The Philosopher’s Stone” (long story) and of that such mused and long supported with new energies found and developed for next books yuge success is particularly yet of my motive as towards protecting a next generation from those I already knew as crooked Clintons.  So much of thought good stuff from Democrats actually only extant from that I worked out a counter culture dominant parallel.

Yes I want to engage readers in the philosophical versus “blue noise” with intellectual honesty and broad scope.  “The Philosopher’s Stone” roots are in I/we could cloak my involvement and motives by shifting thoughts of my vehicle used to back to FORD F250 4X4 an as if I a Philosopher a driver of truck from Stoneham Motors in Massachusetts.  The cloak worked so well my family didn’t know it was so much from me - even as was for them - until after the last book and then later for they resisted believing it could have been of I fooled them and hid such much with such cloak and a legal professionalism of kept thoughts with JK Rowling of as if I was just a contractor and she a door supplier I connected with if client prospective for new doors or door rehabs.

While motive wasn’t material content it yet was philosophical towards stories to get readers to expect better than Clintons and to out think how underestimated and patronized by the Clintons’ premeditated machinations and selfish ambitions for Power more than purpose.

It is also true, but maybe less necessary work with convergence concurrent to Democratic self destruction, to diss of with Nancy Pelosi on trial for if just to be back to high office “Speaker Pelosi” while she long a derelict from duty to probe Clintons on emoluments, and, with of Candidate Elizabeth Warren whose scholarly expertise must now be questioned to value her even while it is textbook such to convict President Obama as of illegal cover ups of that Clintons and “Clintonomics” ruined banks and housing and of the “911 Report” a sham still protecting at least Clintons from tag’d of GROSS NEGLIGENCE!

This risky business is everyone’s forward - however more now in a commune in a “zone of ignorance”!

Democrats are piling on to unstable from Clintons and Obama worked long publicly & publicly confessed to textbook treason.  Now it is a wonder how party to violations Nancy Pelosi yet recently postured her Democrats will obey their oaths of offices to obey and defend the actual Constitution.

It simply actually fits simple surface and deeper intelligent pursuits for knowing realities that I am of such shared also did now long ago ask CNBC to have one of their broadcast near a stating “a new Tea Party may be needed” and did offer guidance to Washington Republicans to become a PARTY OF NO so clear lines would present of GOP originalism versus Dems wing’n it.

         *       *       *       FREEDOM’S SONG?       *       *       *

PS: Of course this also relates to how President Trump can honestly answer when asked about “THE APPRENTICE” of that such idea stemmed also from my connection and querious of if I would ask for a deal with a side to deal of also then to apprentice his builder side.  Such is also synchronistic to “Harry Potter” as my media ambitions and lead was idea was fit’n to concerns on how and where to offer guidance for readers through the books and to that I wouldn’t as it muse become party to them of an expectation that a job was owed them by their government.  My side is I was too busy then voluntarily helping President George W. Bush from across town in DC with post 9/11 attacks politics to handle how Donald Trump liked idea more than I could be party to as priorities had to govern.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:32 am

Historians must be quaking in their Birkenstocks this 18th of April.

As you settle in for your Republic joe coffee jolts an express o’ our times the “EXTRA-EXTRA” in banners streaming.

As we shall try to get to the metaphor of as if politics and life is but what one can divine from a bird feeder:

The concentration in the Democrats camps is confused! - each - to all - really confused!

Our Republic and eyes ’round the world  have eyes on the scrambled pecking order of these huddled Democrats; the first order of Democrats is self-destructing.

We simultaneously bear witness to akin a circular grizzly pecking order bi-polar in pressed barbs liberating to a “President Mike Pence” is welcome to their prime resistance rose of the new GOP and it’s movement - The Republican Movement.”

It behoove partisans to consider if lot of Democrats so confused, and circular post first ordered past somehow sustained, are but accidentally incidentally feeding on their selves - own flock/rank.

A free for all feeder set doth not equate (particularly by Hamilton) to justified for conscious civil - civilized - as to their entitlements bantered.

Why are we of our Republic of these united states of the Americas now witness to the Democrats parried anti-Trump as primed to enable Republicans of originalism - compassionate originalism - to dream of seeing promoted “President Mike Pence” and as by attacking as if seemingly Donald J. Trump, Sr. beith not actually a “Reformed Clinton Democrat”?

The civilized reasoned strong of the new GOP Republican Movement are not disturbed in the prospects from Democrats unity of effort to promote a clean partisan true of originalism roots - it seems.

Tho diabolical to humanity as conscious and chosen to “civilized” the Democrats so dissolved to devolved to an order in a circular pecking order- near a feeding upon their own - it is considerable little hope is in their facility.

Historians shall eventually also learn to walk the talk of “GO AHEAD DEMS, MAKE MIKE PENCE PRESIDENT” apparently!

An EXPRESS to justify your attention to fair streaming:

The many benefits accruing to citizens, and associated of clean hands, with the “Liberation Economics” of worked through by the Trump administration are natural fruit pitched of the wave of unified counterpoints to the Socialism anti-constitutional by dictum of President Barack H. Obama.

The waves of from barren austere, so of forced by Obama administration, to harvest bounties as the current joy and future hope of forecasts - the green minimalism of green agenda - bear truths of Trump administration is surfing the inheritance his way but as the greatest truth is that such of his liberations is but naturally evolved and bearing fruit from the organized movement the Republicans’ restoration of originalism - compassionate originalism.

The deep bench of modern Republicans rightly welcomes the converted TRUMP as a most enthusiastic fountainhead of a general Party’s resistance facilitator/facilitated.

As Donald J. Trump, Sr. surfeth like a new Paul Revere the fruit of our plated was sown by ranks off for common sense Republicans and success at a restoration movement - to us together of a unity a new ROMANTIC ERA.

We are wise to revere such firstly as a conversion story!

What historians now cannot escape is the purity of such truth of our modern history (of Trump) is that a new GOP turned us from Federalism devolving to the grace of the founding fathers’ passion represented in their lasting work.

The sad state of our Democrats so of a first order a circular pecking order can be broken up to those too stuck blinded by their partisan spectacles; Democrats can choose to see the errors and errant in their’s ways (with a little help).

The “EXTRA-EXTRA” free for all is the stocked of our times.

How are Democrats now so politically grizzly as not reverent of the revenant plain language, and amassed success and growing bounteous from the Republic resolved back to compassionate originalism?

By that the founding fathers work was not to us as prescribed in blasphemy the light is about to also be seen by Democrats and of separation is vertical of that none is of a separation right from under our Lord Creator and supposed to be of a re: legion (of neighbors) set of to care for all of Creator’s created creatures, and stuff.

Somehow it is a real truth that Barack H. Obama and many associated partisans ended his primacy still while misreading the Peoples’ “Order” our constituted “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord.”

Historians must now try to reason through and commit to a retelling of the history of the austerity as also of opposition and intentional efforts to set asunder the constituted but as an ignorant opposition to what they and their lot thought it ascribed.

Forward students will get the chance to discuss and understand, at least of President Obama’s failures, that such executive was of his first order as amassed in at least a seeming ignorance of originalism - our letter of the Law actual plain meaning.

While many justified to be reverent otherwise of President Trump historians must evolve from shock troops partisans towards evolving too.

President Trump inherited most of the facility in these new Republican economic and political successes?

The revenant missed that is in the Democrats circular grizzly partisan is of the Revere ware of the Republic baked success with the reasoned and organized of the Republican Movement.

The conversion story of Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, helps sell his inheritance as from GOP reset!

The old swaddled togas of the Greek sandaled - near Hellenists - Democrats are rivals to the endearing and enduring truth of Trump is barely rebranding the Tea Party restoration of our Uniting - the restoration of our Uniting principles common sense prescribed intolerance to all tyranny “over the minds of men” constituted in the vertical separation of religions are firstly tools for self-governance and to that of Federalism is secured to that a national governance is also equally under our Lord Creator - Lord’s Laws.

Our banners thread true where explain our history as growing hope as that now both evolutions from past on Syria and North Korea reign of Trump - Donald J. Trump, Sr., President - the fountainhead firstly by inherited Republicans’ success with true Republic core Liberty values.

Whether by Democrats self-destructive facilitation if to yet to an acceptance expressed by scandals expedited of the Trump conversion story of rose as seemingly a reformed Clinton Democrat, or, if in regular order of discovery we broach “PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE” as our “EXTRA-EXTRA” bannered it for Posterity resolves that the core of Republican Movement is of making the peace and hope, more so than the ready helmsmanship of convert President Trump.

We perhaps need wait upon the historians to a consummate history; Where our TRUMP is shining has counterpoints of Democrats’ failures can be wrapped/summed up and disseminated of from betrayed the actual plain meaning of our Peoples’ “Order” and not justly by ignorant and wrong readings.

I expressly can posit and attest we need to be resolved from prematurely reverent of a TRUMP EXPRESS due the wave trumps a railroading as one garners George W. Bush Iraq War and Freedom Agenda was more constitutional than Clintons’ inaction and Obamas’ wars of choice.

And, Constitutionally true to Liberty, as too healthcare, such are literally oldest establishments, and core purposed, of religions!

An “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” explains it! - Reveres it!

And, Constitutionally true to the pathology of Freedom before any “under Government” each still reset & restored to originalism - compassionate originalism - firstly as of under our Lord as of rights not from Government of men - as still now due restored to of government of Laws - of Freedom & Liberty as established as actually original concepts of religions.

Again:  This new “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” is enduring as endearing that religions of separation of Church and state of religions trump by that firstly religiosity is disciplined adherence of for and for of self-governance.

        *       *       *       REVENANT TOO?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

To get what they want they are willing to give up what?  Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!

Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.

The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.

It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.

Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.

It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)

This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.

To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.

This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.

This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!

NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign.  Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.

Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control

Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.

Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!

Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.

Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?

Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?



To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!

Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?


The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun!  Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?

     *    *    *     IT IS THE AGE OF MEA CULPA?    *    *    *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

In a space-time not suffered as if in a Hawking black hole students marching must be prudent & of resolve.

As the hyper-networked of our universe & beyond is wired to its originalism as connected as synaptical of the brains of our Creator’s crediting the future of our work must consider manners and personal hygiene; as it is as it has always been to created humans:

What the world needs now is TRUMP SOAP - TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE?

Our American stateliness endures by blood, sweat, tears, consummated irregularly.

Our American leading must be of ORIGINALISM reset due jeopardy of #FOB52 reigning of DEMOCRATS have done it to themselves to NO WAY OUT left as IGNORANCE of the LAW - our CONSTITUTION - is NOT a defense.

You can THINK and presume to be but will you have been duly considerate & to actually reasoned beyond doubt to a solid believing to how chartable the scandals are even in a numerology of a Cartesian coordinated graphically amassed?

As the hope of our shared future amass to sweat gun control and their rights as if still individual rights indivisible, as like of 14th Amendment such is of our separation as vertical and our Federal governance, as equally set “under” “our Lord”, it is forward essential of structural objectivism ensconced in our regularity by due process of civil procedures that each is resolved as constituted to that we of the Washington Capitol Hill creatures are of meaning from government of laws.

Vice President Joseph Biden enticing President Donald Trump to social media TWITTER engagement is now as per SOAP as if clumsy & incarcerated of having DROPPED THE SOAP while a larger of #LawAndOrder standing up to railroad - drill - newly even President Barack Obama administration problematic back from government of man/whimsy/executive decrees.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for anything goes as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

For the purposes of TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE metaphorical let us forward not assuage “ECUMENICAL” as a term uniquely CHRISTIAN or own by and CHRISTIANS - crusading Catholics nor Evangelicals - and let it assert a spirit of togetherness by #MoralsTrumpHate of being akin to that prayer beads can connect as well as FACEBOOK.

I have postured that President Trump first year big question of IF HE DESERVED TO CARRY ON ON THE SUCCESS OF REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT OF TEA PARTY & A NEW GOP and to that this year as a second year should amount in our journal of IF HIS MOTHER RAISED HIM RIGHT - IF HE WAS/IS RAISED TO BE A GENTLE GIANT.

Again: Vice President Biden is quite self-exposed as regular order by Peoples’ Order our how constituted a Union is of jeopardy for any poser of as if IGNORANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION could yet be a DEFENSE to TREASON - even GROSS NEGLIGENCE by an administration in duty to LAW AND ORDER.

Favoring #NewGOP #TeaParty risen #TRUMP is the science of grammar & literateness as our Peoples’ “Order” is far less the living document of the work of the Founding Fathers is/was not #BLASPHEME as the founding consent was of “Order” in preamble to the constituting ordained & established body as usage as a #YUGE NOUN:

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you should be guided and have been so far reared institutionally actually from the wrongful “interpretation” of the CONSTITUTION as common across the Democratic Party entrenched Capitol Hill (Jenkin’s Hill per history) and of purity of originalism of respecting the spectacles of faith and to our Federal Government no less “under God” than yourself.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for ANYTHING GOES - ANYTHING WE CLAIM “MORE PERFECT” GOES - as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you must arrive & march clearer of mind and body than how Vice President Biden must clean up his “mis-interpretation” akin that President Obama actually oddly left the White House - even as a first former #ConLawProf - of still mis-reads CONSTITUTION.

Students it is that there is real JEOPARDY surrounding even especially Vice President Biden due specifically it its most errant and wrongful per science of grammar and literateness to ever, like he/his, proposed the work of the Founding Fathers can be of them of work at BLASPHEMY./

Students to be regular of these united states of the Americas one must read - read “Order” of preamble particularly - of constituting document less a living document than scriptures - of then still new was King James Bible “new edition” - and to that the science of the preamble as legend and key to the proper reading of the body is of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/… do ordain/&/establish/… done/… subscribed/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Again:  Back to basics:  As simple to be as TRUMP SOAP:

Of the BIBLE: Can/do you fathom “the meek shall inherit” of meek can be too “GENTLE GIANTS” as it imports to believers for believer that GRACE - of GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY at least for - subscribed as ordained and established done with separation vertical of government also equally under Lord’s Laws is to be regular as postured for civility of JOY, HOPE, GOOD NEWS, becometh from being of humility and humble (meek) before the Lord - of vulnerable (meek) by being resolved to wait upon the Lord - to wait for the sense of RIGHT - as to be steeled from WRONG/EVIL?

NOTE: #SPORTSMANSHIP > > Catholic former Vice President Joseph Biden does have of his BIBLICAL feminism guidance of BIBLE at UNMARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THE LORD, &, MARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THEIR WIVES of his better HALF doth have a degree from VILLANOVA.

NOTE: #SPORT > > It can be a still to be developed and understood BIDENISM of how ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is generic yet of Founding Fathers FEMINISTS OF THE FIRST ORDER of thinking & practicing of women are morally superior TO it may figure that MEN as ROMANTICS religious are supposed yet to believe their WIVES are born superior to other WOMEN.

NOTE:  #PHILOSOPHY > > I can posture one good thought for on Rene Descartes - “I THINK THEREFORE I AM” philosopher - Catholic Philosopher who wrote from where our Pilgrims departed as also of the times near upon that the governance deeds of Oliver Cromwell - by I am willing to respect CARTESIAN COORDINATES - CARTESIAN gestalt - due graphically it amassed in his mind then of a space-time relativity of that a four posted bed embodies the cubical of the universalism of that there can be discussed a civility in the X,Y,Z, each represented logically even of the existential & metaphysical meted through by the late Stephen Hawking.

            *       *       *        #ORIGINALISM       *        *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

It is empirical to our concurrent space-time that matter may weigh heavier on our existential.

The arc of humanity isn’t tangential to the pull of a planetary situational gravity.

Before any attempt to tag ‘imperial’ upon any of these united states of the Americas we have our republican standard re-established about the North Pole connective meta.

The republican of our national orbit fits within the Moscow of Russian Saint Basil spiritual communal and as a good counter to President Putin (a not inevitable next elected President of Russia)?

Aren’t we with President Trump and his effecting stand a posture against a new fascism and for a needed reset for spreading the copacetic of the holidays by refreshing a politics for the pathology of freedom?

A dictionary, any dictionary, can now confuse our celebrations & reaching for better understandings; with only a dictionary, even many an encyclopedia, masses can be wrought ignorant and misguided and unprepared to take on and take down the new fascism long now arising contrary to how long defined since the perversion of the old fascism the Hitler Nazism rode rising in concert whence.

Our discussions can now not suffice if sans a broaching of “imperial” vs “new nationalism”!

Our holidays guidance can be of a united front for Donald J. Trump inherited the march of the Republican Movement to restore “compassionate originalism” and to effectively anew draw the line in the sand as for republican, less of empire, due mass of intellectualism surrounding such is as to renaissance for the pathology of freedom.

I do not know which dictionary President Vladimir Putin uses and if now fitting a New American lexiconography to redefine FASCISM from old as “a movement of the Right” to so now apropos as yet clearly the threat - especially domestic threat - as the too long advanced ‘movement of the Left’ to effect to subordination of subjects to see world like the faces of the Authoritarians of a tyranny tyrannical of whom can be present authorities on political issues.

The republican of the Republicans is a celebration at least of the Christian conceptual to that the poor can become rich and the wealthy can become enslaved - slaves - due incarceration/enslavement.

Again: Of “SOFT POWER - SOFT SELL” espoused priorly there is the conundrum in that to fathom President Trump we must consider what President Putin has done or afforded allowance of to the churches of Moscow as since the 1990s;  We are of the complication of faith in matters of fears of old Soviet methodologies as what was torn down to make way for a shrine to Joseph Stalin is now again a great Cathedral in Christianity in Moscow (- thanks to President Vladimir Putin?).

The real Santa Claus is the Kris Kringle of Russians if not of a lost in translation from apropos - appropriately named a one the accountant of the naughty list whose accounting can spirit forgiveness anywhere as we together of matter of weighing our orbits consequence around the winter equinox and holding to the pulled towards another tracking universal bound as gravity secures us again as subjects of our sun.

We republican of our holidays responsible celebratory must adhere to that fascists can be enslaved - even as by example leaders of Democrat Party past and present can be judged deficient and rightfully too of effected machinations akin empire by Authoritarian tyranny quite by definition as FASCISM - but of the new FASCISTS of the Left, not on right.

Our Republicans are in the right of our republican if now to posture, at least Christian of Christmas time, to that political leaders of the left are now of the “rich” of Christ who can become the “poor” and those of Moses who can by violate of the commandments towards being above slavable -slaves - be now secured to incarcerated as enslavable due violate of the pathology of freedom and quite by definition new FASCISTS of a new FASCISM evidenced.

How just Al Gore machinated for “GLOBAL WARMING” was ALARMISM and towards a base fascism by rendering citizens more just subjects expected to be assimilated to be of seeing the world as in his face - as his spected - a spectacle set by Gore-isms.  There is/was no apostolic spectacle in the fascism of the fascist methodology for “CLIMATE CHANGE” while there was a worked suppression and oppression to move people from their faith.

This far exceeds the evidence of Hillary R. Clinton as seemingly held to long supposed of “HILLARY DID AS HER GOOD BOOK SAYS (ALINSKI’S) - THEY GOT CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE, AND KILLED OFF THE MORAL PEOPLES’ GOD!”

We can be empirical on their NEW NATIONALISM as versus a defense of TRUMP against PUTIN “imperial”?

Our republican basis can continue to be reborn of the new Tea Party & otherwise long successful popular movement of the “Republican Movement” enduring and endearing.

Al Gore wasn’t alone since leaving Clinton White House & Clinton Administration of being a former of such then forward of froward misbehavior in-American as of to in-democratic conduct unbecoming a unseated former executive of the People’d; To understand concurrent fascism parties we must look honestly at the dishonesty of President Clinton and Vice President Gore backwards and forward as white men of the South who had means, motives, and opportunities of ulterior motives.

Our proper Christmas spirit for how the spirit an enunciation and articulation, even exclamatory, with “Merry Christmas” is that thanks to Moses, Crist, our republic’s founding fathers and the Peoples’ “Order” the constituted constitution ratified by the peoples we have that it is Christian that slavery is allowed in the Bible and our republican secured “Order” the peoples constitution.

However you consider breaking bread “with” Donald J. Trump, President, we yet have evidenced our concurrent political set of Republicans are republicans post Democrat Party “New Nationalism” advanced.

However you party these holidays it is still especially Christian that we accept and celebrate that those our “leaders” can become enslaved - incarcerated - slaved, and, in 2017 we have the situational paradigm of that we have that (former) leaders are evidenced to be now, particularly President Clinton, Vice President Gore (and first black President, Barack H. Obama) are with “Crooked Hillary” as a set - a variety of partisans - whom now should  be considered as due exercised democracy sans prejudgement within the scripture & constituted due process towards due to become slavish due in-American Authoritarian tyrannical methodology akin the new best definition of FASCISM.

We should be vigilant and consider of the Christian (sympathizer) Russian President Vladimir Putin “imperial” if it is proper & safe to tag American President Donald Trump as not ‘for empire’ but as one a new Republican firstly consequentially as a “republican”!

As we share our humanity connective & communal of the holidays of our existential & metaphysical as bodies electric we have that matter reasons to weigh heavier as gravity of the equinox pre-supposes since not tangential we yet are all pulled back to our core generally equally maybe with greater force as earth holds to a universal sun orbit.

As we weigh our politics we may find relief in the holidays of our weight may increase not due to family, community, political stress but due our terra firma of our celestial specific planetary is of we are more pulled together as we are sans tangential and our orbit gravitationally normal for a passing thru the nadir and towards recycling to the apex.

Our smallness is of our greatness as we celebrate the particulars of our universal and considerate of the march restorative for the Peoples’ “Order” did “form” our “Union” and while we face (honestly devoid assimilated to a Left “fascism”) that our progress is joined by MAGA amassed united forces of humanity in furtherance of the “Republican Movement” of which President Donald J. Trump is a more “republican” of than an “imperial”?

Let me be clear: By the way:  Are we all heavier at the holidays tangential to our consumption for due the gravity of the holidays if significant to that we are regular in our cyclical at the nadir equinox of the matter heavier consequentially of we to not be tangential bodies are yet bodies pulled closer harder to our common core - our local “home” planetary?

Let me be clear: Yes, by the way, again:  It is Christian & Constitutional that President Clinton, Vice President Gore, & President Obama have evidenced variant methodologies so contrary to our constituted protective prudence that they have been violate of the commanded through Moses and now considerably upturned & legally allowed to become slaved/slaves/enslaved and so the “poor” can be rich again to a restoration renaissance for the pathology of freedom!

  *       *       SAINTS’ CLAUSE - FORGIVENESS, BUT?       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:27 am

Let me be clear:  As Donald J. Trump, President, brings back “Merry Christmas” for Mormons we have the paradigm of our time’s politics of Hillary Clinton as “Butch” and Barack Obama as “Cassidy” a metaphor.

We have alarms to raise against careers of evil of complicitry to set asunder the pathology of freedom enshrined also of Apostle Paul successes at furthering the work of our Lord.  We must raise enough alarm to ensure their crimes against humanity have a suffice of respondents to encircle and attest with testimonies of motivation of appeared to ensnare and arrest.

Some baby steps around the elementary of the birth of Christ is to sock it to “BUTCH” & “CASSIDY” for wrongful ways to just ways for a short term sun dancing devoid of morals and a core value.

Catholics must be alarmed of New York Presbyterian likewise emboldening of Book of Mormons for reasoning through how worthy a Queens’ Protestant amounts before Truth is the work of everyday - the work of humanity - the work of living moral - the short game of if any can make it a week sans due public shaming in a weekly service accountancy.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” have had careers of evil by being of and for being oh so contrary to the prudence & philosophically reasoned of at least John Jay & Alexander Hamilton;  “Hillary” & “Barack” are two individual souls likewise violate of the humanity of faith by long dedicated to set asunder the pathology of freedom as said of Apostle Paul in furtherance of the education in the way & laws of our Lord.

As a metaphor of ensnared but for the comity of polity for parity we have their too just sun dancing now as crimes against our constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” our Constitution to account them assuaged of careers in evil effectively.

It behoove us, however catholic (worldly), to consider if a New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant a President of these united states of the Americas is yet a topper to Catholics - to even American Catholics - to especially Kennedy Catholics.

I’ve nothing against Donald J. Trump martialing a “Merry Christmas” reset for Mormons.

Forward we must stir our alarms of our consciences & connective metaphysical of that the American founding fathers were not as seems presumed by Democrats of stray from apostolic spectacle and to basely earlier of a blasphemy of being generic of a sun dance primal regression politics.

The metaphor fitting “careers of evil” tag is of “Hillary” as “Butch” & “Barack” as “Cassidy”!

For polity and comity we can affix a parity though seasonal polite now as if we are yet see them as surrounded by peaceful protestors now muscling in on against how they have long wrongly worked to set asunder the mystery of faiths of the pathology of freedom of at least the basics of Apostle Paul furtherance in educating on the ways universal of caring of our Lord. 

In tatters is the Law the Justice of Obama’s reign as related to the endemic of the duration of James Comey for to respect the rule of law each must cotton to the American prudence of innocence held high of protections in the presumption of innocence and at least how so long contrary and evil it has been by careers of leaders of Democrat Party of missing the prejudice & discrimination in their own common core. 

In tatters is the politics of ”tax the rich” Liberalism for the Left elite ruling class is now encircled and to be clowned over until alarms can be quieted by a suffice of worldly arisen to knowledge in their wrongful setting asunder of the essential metaphysics of the pathology of freedom as tied to truth and honesty. 

We must leave Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant, to explain himself on “Merry Christmas” to evidence if actually worldly with his attempts at parochial politics reset. 

In tatters they unite and yet evidence their crooked and as of careers of evil and fraying to frayed of their high fashion long hemmed irreligious.

Let us all ensnare to even clown around with metaphors for crookedness arresting.

At least the basic question of if and how devoid of a philosophy of governance was/is the likes of “Butch” & “Cassidy” for too of just pimp’n out sun dancing of a devolution to a natural state contrary to the ten of seen of the ark of old saws religious & moral written.

This metaphorical isn’t set to be commentary on how to be of a copacetic by self-governance in a shared established morality particular to coexistence of a metaphysical existentialism of particularly the Catholic YUGE family; this is merely an essay on brotherhood & sisterhood as universally governed for a pathology of freedom. 

To maintain order of old saw an adage of old times of “give to Caesar” & of differentiations between that of government from that of Lord’s - that of morals indivisible from of universal humanity and moral of all let us consider taxation of our times and the American creed as constituted of founding fathers not at blaspheme but as yet anew of an apostolic spectacle respecting separations vertical between of under our Lord and of equal in rights to our government.

American civil liberties are of our Union of own indivisible from the universal union however yet keepers of it within a smaller family either the Catholic mass or that Mormon amassed, and or Trump’s of Queens’ Protestants as New York Presbyterian.

The Liberals’ sun dances for taxing the rich & redistribution by claiming power to be redistributors doth as spaketh and martialed betray our common core in the pathology of freedom and by crookery of complicitry forwarded of wrongful by having asked to be entrenched to Power as if just to be prejudice and discriminating against the HAVES - any rich enough to be TAXED - by attacking their civil liberties by assuaging GUILT not INNOCENCE as pre-judged.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” likewise are tag’d for of a BIGOTRY a PREJUDICED an inconsiderate politics un-American and contrary to faiths by working a base endemic for their own sun dance pimp’d for popularity over morality.

And now:  How threatening is “Merry Christmas” to your comfort level American?

How cotton ye to how established the founders’ effected as the Peoples’ Order as the American long game, and, now how doth ye in testimonies sayeth ye selves of how Trump short game arrests the politics of the Left Leftists much fully ensnared and encircled by own so to circular reasoned devoid a philosophical?

“Merry Christmas” is pronounced how?  Mustn’t we face the evil amongst us if to articulate it particularly morally?

Arrest them with the “SHORT GAME” and shed your partisanship to their BIGOTRY & PREJUDICED against the HAVES for HAVE NOTS & HAVES in America must toe to the same morality of it wrong to entrench a structural discrimination against any (class or persons) and so it is in-Constitutional & un-American to posture & govern for any REDISTRIBUTION by TAX THE RICH dictum?

Our “SHORT GAME” is President Trump’s, however personally religious, “LONG GAME” and the over due reset an example American modal now pressing and welcome?

We the People by our Peoples’ “Order” do coexist to govern of religions as first tools for self-governance and now must attest with encircling alarm by testimonials of that we are constituted under our Lord’s Law not a sun dancing blasphemy to that it improper and irregular to entrench a structural bigotry against the taxable for the separations of of Caesar’s from of Lord’s is our separations vertical constituted our more perfect Union “done” “subscribed” in past “Year of our Lord” whence.

The HAVES are established and ordained to equal rights of the HAVE NOTS and to then our “SHORT GAME” the “LONG GAME” constituted American for these united states of the Americas to that “MORALITY” of “INEQUALITY” & “EQUALITY” is not the work of Caesar but that the work of ALL and set dogmatically prudently to be forward of the humanity froward of doth behoove all to redistribution is as of (John Jay and?) Alexander Hamilton as espoused by “PUBLIUS” of constituted for “INDUCEMENTS OF PHILANTHROPY” reasoned as constituted also for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY” so that HAVES shall not be prejudged and discriminated against with any structural bigotry by any TAX THE RICH politics.

For it only is calculable that the presumption of innocence governs and so redistribution is only constitutional where voluntary or of peer pressure by “SHORT GAME” prudence exercised of to now of any separation from of supposed to care for all and of existential community in believing buttress by a weekly test to if any can make it a week (even days) without being due PUBLIC SHAME & SHADE of being singled out for public shaming by participatory democracy in keeping faith in maintaining the PATHOLOGY OF FREEDOM of “each is under our Lord before under any government?” (Your source?  Also of Apostle Paul for any “Merry Christmas” however secular to a faith family particulars.)

No HAVE shall be of HAVES structurally prejudged as if GUILTY due a BIGOTRY of PREJUDICED/PRE-JUDGED!!!

None said a ”HAVE NOT” shall be PRE-JUDGED and PREJUDICED in a STRUCTURAL BIGOTRY to as if presumed to be of “HAVE NOTS” as dictated as if NOT of a “GREEN MINIMALISM” an otherwise living plainly and “CLOSER TO OUR LORD”?

            *       *       *       NOT GUILTY?       *        *        *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:55 am

This new column may, now, take you where you, for long, have particularly needed to go; - metaphorically you may be taken aback to concord.

It is a sad, but true, reality in our modern times of so too many souls have been suppressed from a wherewithal to having, or understanding, what the healthy pathology of Freedom requires; - our old marching has been perverted so that people can, as subjects merely, be marshaled away from any faith in common sense, and attenuated participatory citizenship of an actually sufficient knowing - a base valued for “informed citizenry”?

The discord of concurrent times relates to problem solving for concord whence prior to days of 1775 & Concord marshaled defensive significance; - might not today be again time to revere more gold than silver - a how, & why, first place better - a primacy in humility is our better for Union?

These are not the days to kid yourself; - there is a right & wrong, - a good & evil, - even seems: an Axis vs. Allied.  Shake off the false narratives!

Of these times we sadly opine we must again rise from a dark con - any set upon to base each from risen too; - may we find still the crucifix is ours to freely lean upon still froward; - may it be still as John Wayne produced for a 1980s motivation tape:  “Responsibility is the cross a free man must bear.”

Despite YUGE & long VAST efforts of Democrat Party you are still FREE as Lord is as it was subscribed whence to now still so significant to a suffice of that our rights do indeed come from our Creator and our shared worldly (say catholic?) Lord is still actually reigning above our Peoples’ “Order” & how we are constituted of our Government especially as under the Ten Commandments to proceeding as framed to be sans irregularity by “governing” by stealing, lust, coveting, & or LYING - FALSE WITNESS.

How em have long been of posturing and pontificating quite contrary shows these days less of PEACE on a pond and to quite troubled by a swamp - even political swamp MONSTERS. 

We quite, due em such so, now are dire situated to a communal need for muck rakers to cull through how dense of “mucky” ’tis such swamp thoroughly “mucky” of their phat clogging!

Pilgrims, - our Pilgrims, have thoroughly had their prudence and healthy pathology of FREEDOM perverted from copacetic & may quite so too “popular” just for a rash of popularism and a partisan fix, - short term high.

Pilgrims still should have US of no where for CHRISTIANS to go without a cross - a crucifix to bear, - to lean upon!

Pilgrims froward still keys best of back to old forward of colonial puritanical originalism of all forward now still froward best as CHRISTIAN forward?

It was struggled at to struggled for to constituted and many times dearly consecrated!  It is our written of under Written - our Law under Lord’s!

William J. Clinton was and is whom we most have had as a THE BLASPHEMER KING!  William J. Clinton does not abide the Constitution as written as the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”!  William J. Clinton is not alone as among conspirators and decades with conspiracy to set asunder the ordained and established to only that we are said as into a “post Constitution” new paradigm where we should count ourselves just lucky that at such times that so more call for AUTOCRACY & IMPERIAL AUTHORITARIAN Powers that “Bill & Hillary” were & are here willing to be our crowned AUTOCRATS.  William & Hillary shenanigans of coy ploy chicanery have long amassed en gross such truths as conspiratorial to treasonous as by yet hopefully only of success by having cloaked how to have their LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTY “interpretation” the founding fathers must be postured of having willingly & purposefully been to being contrary and of blaspheme - of BLASPHEMY with the constructs for our LIBERTY & POSTERITY.

William J. Clinton has long proofed himself to much be an AMERICAN on the GLOBAL STAGE yet as so tag’s as a disrupter with insurrection and much confessed upon at least by public statements that only exist do a political heat whence then abouts of calling him/them out so much they rendered attempts to hide evil/bad/wrong in plain sight as but to yet claim it isn’t what it is/was.  The betrayal of the CONSTITUTION the Peoples’ “Order” done is of BLASPHEME at least do it so necessitates a figuring upon the founding fathers as if their efforts were diabolical to the core and actually works BLASPHEMY.

The Clintons have practiced decades of clever sedition and double speak of suggesting they could & can have EXTRA-CONSTITUTION powers contrary to everything in the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, for starters, by how they BLASPHEME with “post Constitution” as such inherently is deeply veined and phat of the supposition that we are not “under our Lord” despite how constituted of “#Its_O_not_o of preamble is what is key’d for legend to subscribed as established and ordained of “We the People… is of the Peoples’ “Order” of “Order” is a NOUN and so that the constituted Order constituting a “more perfect Union” is that “Order” “done” signed to & ratified.

The Clintons blaspheme by postured proposition as if our great preamble is yet a facility for loophole that offers a full nullification by as if penned otherwise as small & by “o” to just of “in order to” as if a trump to all that follows as Established. 

The Clintons’ SEDITION & BLASPHEMY proof errant!  We are best not “Post Constitution” & too of BLASPHEME!

The proper reading of our constituted of Pilgrims & not of BLASPHEMY is here structured of grammar illustrating:

“We the People…” “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union…” “ordain/and/establish…” “done…” “subscribed…” in “Year/of/our/Lord”!

Any concordance forward is at least measurably honest and straight in common sense as to AMERICA GREAT AGAIN made possible by free people voluntarily committed to keeping the flame of FREEDOM key’d true for self-governance of passions is our work not BLASPHEMY when of religions are of and for the tools for concord & community as for tools for self-governing of our passions - all that of passions so sans of that which is of Caesar’s and to newly recognized as that of realm above Government as of that of our Lord - Lord’s Law & required disciplines for any facility of exercising a copacetic by morals! - voluntary & organized morality!

      *       *       *       FREEDOM PATHOLOGY       *       *       *

[Begun here this morning of the 18th of April years past 1775 is a new INDEPENDENCE prudence for concord from too many years now of discordance and as why of discordant & divided partisan politics.  As you bear witness with your first visit to such site for history do brace yourself to return to recharge as oft as be necessary to reappreciate our AMERICA.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:38 am

Imagine you are seated knee deep in a modern discussion of bolsheviks and the loser party is in denial, and, it seems a cup runneth over imminent to a flooding looms to swamp any Holy copacetic.

Perchance a GRACE can be exercised due disciplines have been maintained in practices to build potential.

Isn’t it of our existentialism reality that HARMONY is more only from nurture and threatened by from nature?

Perhaps by this 4th of July, in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Seven, President Donald J. Trump will with erudity have orated a speech purposed to spreading the words necessary for a synergy in “WHAT IS FREEDOM”!

Deep, deep, deep, to such effecting teachable occurrence, is a prudence extant discoverable by methodology if homework is assigned to all sworn of 115th Congress, as by election seated, to produced white_papers/briefs/essays from each regardless of party to firstly share an open personal ideological to help build a GRACE, yet for “WHAT IS FREEDOM” speech.

Rather so Donald J. Trump, President, then is of each’s communals broached, for working it out in the Executive parlance, by better firstly to general copacetic by being to listening by reading precedingly.

A prima facia lay postured core, for to a deep outlining, later to be waxed on, to finely honed rhetoric erudite on the “AMERICAN” vernacular yet Constitutional as true to the Peoples’ Order of laid right if laid out for the threshold to such discussant as scoped around particular for GRACE of people together to break bread ritualistically to ascribe a formality to a facility for gathered to be each’s RESPONDENT as physically later apart.

Aren’t you now among the seated meek of akin:


Aren’t we of a prudence still subscribed open of:


Perhaps now froward in our Lord best by commune’st in a spudsalicious?  Can froward near encounters best be prefaced as pre-built for Holy copacetic even by mounding up a temple versant with heaps of potatoes mashable? - Even a “Please pass the yams!”?

A yuge concurrence to temper not by the lot but by a spoonful at a time is that of the diametric to Tip O’Neill mass of prudence as set for Posterity in “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”! - I cannot explain by any definition of success that of since Barack H. Obama inaugural to the lot of Democrats seeming so opposite to prudence of former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill! - such as beared through hardly of since 2009, - of the now “Obama Lost Years”! - There seems an vast huge extant of devolution across the caste of “Democrats” of today which is not short of diametrically opposed to “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL!”!

The legacy of Barack H. Obama, President, cannot be measured until metrics amassed to account for his governance as effected was to vast extent at a negation of from Massachusetts Representative Tip O’Neill, - The former Speaker O’Neill (D).

I.E.:  E.G.:  The communing has been beared through as now liberated from a dark ages and black days where dictum federal ruleth’d to mandates that consummation cease as local and to becometh obedient and even prostrate to an infallible President as if yet otherwise constituted as:


I.E.:  An apropos tag’n seems justified as near:

“Obama of yin/dark” due worked set against “O’Neill of the yang/bright”!

A service on Hillary R. Clinton should generally deliver guilt upon the lot of “modern” Democrats due the statistical sad reality of the pockets of votage with her suffrage rising are yet categorically homogeneous as “local” of things - locals - where class systems are most entrenched; - The lot of for Hillary Clinton persists as a conundrum which has severe racial & race lines phat through the strada of eco-systems with the entrenched Liberal Elite caste system of University communals as held highest and worked as if “entitlements” of the federal level not a necessary federal program while an essentially structured rendition to that poor sub-class, subordinated to Liberal caste definition of “SUCCESS” reigning, have their angst & displeasure with “LOCAL” as removed to be yet of inequality as disassociated to then of a marshaled pathology of local class problems are yet Federal Social Welfare issues.  Them that amass of the votage so are those who must support Washington Democrats of face the outcomes to be rendered if instead the address the incivility and oppression by their own neighbors of the own community.

OMG!!! Things aren’t reported as appear to be actually consequential!!!

As the PSALMS set froward of “to the chief Musician” and riddle some too much I wonder if a return of THE FLYING NUN could work to suffice against such entrenched and be teachable generally to a rising from such escapism by ‘entitlements’.

We needn’t depend on a nun-such to such a drum beat of an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett, or even Whoopie as to be drum majors to restorative common sense in simple “local” communals.

There is a convenient cast set to be tasked generally as a lot of Clinton Democrats ensconced about the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD - NEW YORK CITY.  We have the lot of Schumer, Gillibrand, Cuoma, & de Blasio as starters all now cast to play it all out in the public expectation in the public realm as to how immoral the Affordable Care Act is for how it was designed to phatten their realms so fat in financials yet on HEALTHCARE costs as transferred to upon backs of other states earners tax dollars.

President Donald J. Trump needs a lot of answering by this cadre of the caste of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS, - and too a CHICAGO cast toasted of the THE HOUSE OF OBAMAS.

President Donald J. Trump seems best positioned if he now lets such caste of the of New York answer first for the injustice worked of OBAMACARE to that the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD could escape from setting a leading example on how to keep the LOCAL in POLITICS prudence by demonstrating otherwise to that the richest realm could actually find a way to cover all of em resident to the cosmopolitan. 

Oy - trouble we will have if New York major metropolitan area cannot find a self-contained home remedy while so of so many so high on the hog phat to be induced at least into Federalist #1 Alexander Hamilton broached PHILANTHOPY.

America, again, how can these united states of the Americas be great, - great again - if New York Values are not forced to be exposed and to otherwise working a replacement to “OBAMACARE” as the example seems to need be of accounting to that if such as the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD cannot afford healthcare coverage for all - then such is not possible but if limited to LOCAL isolated COMMUNES.

RESPONDERS:  Responsible how say you?

RESPONDERS:  Isn’t the toast of Donald J. Trump - toasts - to field the asking if Liberal politics hasn’t been long wrong & in wrong direction by effecting to that sub-class in entrenched class systems pockets of these united states are disassociated from living the asking of their local hierarchies to actually be and live morally?

            *       *       *       DISCIPLINES?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:05 pm

Sweat it!  There is no where to hide! - there is no where to run to!  Sweating it is what we all must now honestly facilitate!

We have reached a crossroads in the American story! - We are at the crossroads still of options to turn from “GOING TO HELL”!

These are no times to sit back and avoid the Musk as maybe to an unchallenged facilitation by ComSats for a “Big Brother” new paradigm akin to Hillary Clinton of long doing as her good book says (Alinski’s) - long doing the leg work of: GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE & KILL THEIR GOD! 

I.E.:  Not that “SPACE X” isn’t copacetic to also under our “Lord” - But that the loose lingua enables too much “mush brains” devoid of disciplines to still be able to discern moral nuance/nuances between sectarian Christian dictums - at least!

E.G.:  As that Donald Trump proposals are for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” as a Protestant a Presbyterian Catholics too must be readying their moral game for us if to “Liberation Economics” and to stirring ghosts around of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as ghosts’ stories of succeeding President Lyndon Baines Johnson may have specifically gotten such anti-religious freedom amendment passed as a check on “Kennedy Catholics” - against “American Catholics” - against “Catholic” heat!

And, in conclusion…! - - - Oh Right! - As if it can now be that easy to come up with “GOOD” or “RIGHT” answers!

Donald Trump on immigration, for starters, has so abraded the Hillary Clinton control lines we have that em have been flushed out as new “Manchurian” puppeteers now also need be on stage to re-tie Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s knot.

Forthwith let us pare the “MUGGLE” for a shame of “Democrat men” with such to showcase the “White Bill Clinton” as in opposition to any superior legacy for the “Black Barack Obama”!  Let us play the cards their shame has on the table as it seems Donald Trump immigration plan has exposed two Democrat men as necessarily firstly “MUGGLES” complicating Mrs. Clinton’s “performances” by being historically two whom can be said to have never had a real “IMMIGRATION PLAN”!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward now needs be all the necessary pairing to separate the “White man Bill Clinton” from the “Black man Barack Obama” for any parity essential to comity!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward is a critically important pressing need to face the failures of BLACK Barack Obama! - to assuage the politics of her “captain” must go down with her ship, - like!

President Barack Obama’s face does not fit on President Bill Clinton’s!  That is what all this now is firstly primarily generally much about!  Forward this is much ado about how Mrs. Clinton was torn between her “White Bill” & “Black Obama” her “Boss” and dramatically to show how her performance was of the low “Hillary Standard” but too much of her new “Manchurian” puppet strings of being over worked and to abrading all the way through!

Vice President Joseph “Joe” Biden is a walking conundrum of a complicated “politics” between the “WorkingJoe” and the “CatholicJoe”!  VP Biden today as with Union organized in Ohio was firstly the political partisan lesser “WorkingJoe”!  It isn’t convenient for VP Biden to have to speak on the auto industry as the unraveling truth is becoming most worn and visibly to that the “Auto Bailout” wouldn’t have been needed if Left Democrats with Al Gore “ALARMISM” hadn’t had the $4 gas long since the 1990s as though essentially necessary to effect the Green Agenda Authoritarian social engineering.

Donald J. Trump is no George W. Bush! - The Clinton Machine is not able to stage “Hillary Clinton” as against the “Old Republicans” - The Democrats forward must pare too the battle extant already but still a developing greater scandal now toed in here as between the “White Bill Clinton” versus the “Black Barack Obama”!  And, as it is becoming certainly known of that President Barack H. Obama wouldn’t have needed the “Auto Bailout” if Republicans had yet gotten the lower gas prices by 2008 that they were fighting for!

As to that President Obama’s face cannot fit on President Clinton’s there is we are much gathered now to discern what ranks between these two Democrat “MUGGLES” and necessarily along “BLACK & WHITE” lines!  This is much because Mrs. Clinton candidacy begs to demands we all now take a fresh look at 1993 to 2001 years!

What must at least separate these two very different politicians goes beyond that one is supposedly GREAT for having cut $2 Trillion dollars - and much arguable actually from “necessary spending” already budgeted even for 4 to 8 years forward - while the other the “BLACK” must be faced as contrary to “WHITE” greatness specifically because the contrariness of Democrats is that the “Black Barack H. Obama” is supposedly now also GREAT but yet for having vastly increased spending by TRILLIONS!

Firstly primarily we should generally accept that since Mrs. Clinton was President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State she must rank as a/the top expert in all the particulars of how the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2001 did err and grossly set asunder so much by imprudence to infidelity - infidelity at least to the Constitution and expressly the First Amendment!

Donald Trump is running on much that cores to President Barack H. Obama was a failure - is a failed President!

Hillary Clinton isn’t yet being forced to run responsibly on facts indisputable of now established history of that President William J. Clinton really erred a lot and vastly set asunder so much of the foreign, and the domestic realms!

“WorkingJoe” will still persist to have the “ClassicJoe” problem with “CatholicJoe” as long as the said “Crooked Media” is compliant to the new “Manchurian” of co-producing only the “show” times of “The Hillary Show” and not the prop-isms and malfunctions regularly seeming not news!  The real story must fit the history that the “Auto Bailout” was only needed due “Clintonomics” for “hyper-consummerism” - the Clinton “Housing Bubble” - the Clinton too much cut by $2 Trillion cut too quickly and carelessly, and the later - for 2008 politics - contrary to global conditions spiking of oil & gas prices!

The guilt, it seems, must rest now forward more on “White Bill Clinton” and now the face of “White Hillary Clinton”!  It just seems unfair to let any Clinton Machine machinations succeed (further) to tagging the mashable as if “IT WAS THE BLACK MAN THAT DID IT!” - “IT IS ALL BLACK OBAMA’S FAULT!”!

Though this gets to very complicated past history we can suffice for now with some commuting pro-actively for Barack H. Obama as it the simple economics once enough “Do the math! - - Follow the history!” the greater culpability should rest more lightly on the face of President Obama than on the shoulders of either Clinton due what we now must face to “faced”!

President Barack H. Obama was still too young in his britches to be nearly enough culpable for us to allow the Clinton machinations to stereotype President Barack H. Obama - also!  It now is more true to say:


“RED FACED” is the problem now for the Clintons generally!  How “red faced” to “RED FACED” is of the evidence being still developed at least by vigilant for freedom - data miners vigilantes!

As we sweat now the perils of at such crossroads and it evident the “HILLARY CLINTON” is so abraded and not wearing well we must press ourselves to become disciplined to seeking and finding deeper greater truths!

As we sweat a “PERILOUS” in an if ever there were a “President Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton” we abide that the current issuance begs us to ponder deep and thorough a vast divide between Republicans and Democrats dating at least to the days of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as relevant to of the end of the Cold War and to how lines of separation can be detailed that of an ever since there has been Democrat Party unity to like try to defeat the defeat of expansionist Socialism by that worked strategically by President Ronald “Ronnie” Reagan with Capitalism the winning tool/way!

It seems though, to be brief, however wrong Mrs. Clinton is about “BLACK FACED” we must accept we are on a path a road to seeing that we must face to “faced” that President Barack H. Obama legacy amounts to he too should be “RED FACED”!

Keeping sweating it!!!  The legacy of Barack H. Obama has been already must set asunder by Clinton machinations to protect a legacy for William J. Clinton!  We may shortly be all more united by an understanding of just how much all three of these have been wrong for being more for foreign’s than citizen’s and as for years of some attempting to defeat the defeat of Socialism (by Capitalism) (and Constitutional regularity in originalism)!

Keep sweating it !!!  After all as long as Donald J. Trump stands up for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” he is some to “Liberation Politics” - and like to “Liberation Economics” of that he himself must be wondering if he too can take CATHOLIC heat - renditions of judgement of American pulpits!

Straight up it seems this crossroads, to be brief, is as said as too of a “Road to Hell” & of “Crooked Hillary” ’street’ “white pride”! Yet? Faced yet “Crooked Obama”? Yet? Faced, to be brief, a “Crooked Bill Clinton” tops?

               *       *       *       OH MY GOD!      *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

The core dynamic setting up for November deciding of election 2016 is essentially that for all the books in say Princeton and Harvard the Donald Trump clear eyed common sense main stream American voters will get to the pivot - pivoting - for the change of direction, and as to back to basics - of American back towards plain truths & logic.

To expedite such civil process let us be of open eyes and ears, and clear minds while to dissecting the “Crooked Media” primary delusion akin to a bureaucratic sub-standard intelligence of a now infamous, some enough, “50 GOP former staffers”:

Generally Donald Trump is right - at least more right, simply - than a prima facia historical of most, to all, of tag’d of a “50 GOP”!

The “Crooked Media” is a complex conundrum needing to be pared and dissected from a dichotomy & duality also of “50 GOP”!

As we get to a simpler truer history may be a IS IS tag upon a “Bill’s domino effect” of culpability for “ISIS” and to “Al Qaeda” for inaction and avoidance of a general American abandonment in 1993 to 2001 of the peoples of Iraq & Afghanistan, - and as such guilt spoken to by President Barack H. Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance erudite oratory as the President specifically like anchored his beginning around “DANGERS from INACTION and AVOIDANCE” as could not be a rap on President George W. Bush - let us begin by exercising our openness by floating a:


President George W. Bush seems to have been vastly failed by these “50 GOP” former staffers, and especially in the years post 2001 to 2009 of ranked administering decidings.

Not now nor then should any of these leastly been to allowing even bureaucratically a dichotomy to be extant and all scandals not worked past a “house of cards” to reveal and expose the duality that intelligent shouldn’t abide of a co-existence of non-complementary rival “histories”! 

The tag’d “Crooked Media” only now survives and gets by as “Anti-Trump” by that a contrary “history” of “two histories” some how still suffices as if the whole truth and nothing but truth (all the news fit to print?) was quotable as if effected to reality news.


Firstly to the improper and quite ridiculous dualities as of “Crooked Media” rampant dichotomy as unprofessional aloofness:

The proper reading of the Constitution does not support the rival said “comprehension” of plain language to what is Law as “Constitutional” as writ large; - Simply hash it “#Its_O_not_o !!!

The proper reading of the People’s “Order” is that the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows harmonizes is to be pronounced and exclamated to capitalized for a noun!  The original plain complex text reads not as liberals wish for an alternate reality as if “in order to” but as STRONG and DEFINITIVE of such that follows is as ORDAINED and ESTABLISHED as “done”!  The People’s Order preamble is to be comprehended of “O” not “o” to “Order” as a strong NOUN to it written as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union”!

It is a “Crooked Media” that reads this contrarily for a standing for a “Democrats Constitution” versus a “Republican Constitution”!  We have one “People’s Order” and by “Order” as a strong NOUN it is not a “living document” (say like scripture - say like the Bible - say like just Puritan’s or King James’ preferred “Word of…” be ‘living’!)!

Secondly forward “TrumpPence16″ must somehow engage enough sarcasm and satire as “sharpest tools in the shed”!

To effect the paradigm shift from too too too many of the “Crooked Hillary” IS IS IS as if IS IS of what personal or classified as from now fixed to like of a granite state not living enough for a necessary and timely about face - a most direly necessary reset by a full stop and 180 degree pivot - the “Crooked Media” must be corrected from two halves of the story as non-complementary as if due “two halves” are being “reported” a ‘whole story’ is being told!

Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth” - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:




What we must stop and pivot away from if a common sense main stream politics can yet be restored is these very dualities extant of how “Crooked Hillary” is bloated by a half truth press’d as if a whole truth, and, these very dualities of a “Crooked Media” sans coverage of all that fits as historical facts and supporting evidence for that of a “Bill’s domino effect” continuum still effecting mostly for still yet too cloaked - un-covered - not covered!

There are not enough books in Princeton, Harvard, and Yale, now to stop the common sense patriotic freedom loving main stream learned compassionate supporters of #TrumpPence16 #NewGOP from getting US to the needed #StopAndPivot!

It is “DOOMSDAY” lurking upon #ClintonKaine of like soon the media will be turned on and tuned in to that the “dominoes” of the Clintons are not separate and isolated from history and that the fallen much covered as if of a politics gestalt have yet not explained a much covered of “dominoes” of Republicans - of George W. Bush - did fall and with vast tragedy and undermined economic standing as but having fallen in reaction to what Bill Clinton unsettled as to setting of such a cascade yet still press’d as but a “half truth”!

All votes matter!!! But may the smarter votes win!!! May the duality sustaining “Crooked” be now educated from!!!


As we must get to the gestalt and to from away from concurrent contradictory conflated “news” to back enough to a “reality news” we have two core premises to reset for needed #StopAndPivot as to enough forward wise to proper reading of #Its_O_not_o of the Constitution of the United States of America of “Order” capitalized because it is a strong NOUN, and, essentially required that the faux paradigm for “Crooked” be busted to enough arrested from accepting “half truths” as if “whole truths”!

All votes matter!!! And yet “50 GOP former staffers” to 75 disaffected and defecting amounts to a lot a small affected cadre of whom maybe more to blame than President Bush - yet still to wonder if say more to blame than either “Crooked Bill Clinton”, “Crooked Hillary Clinton”, and/or the tag’d fairly “Crooked Media”!  It has not been dutiful for their duty that they did abide near 16 years of them years of rationalizing an acceptance of “two halves” non complementary as if story wasn’t of “two wholes” further non complementary and as from performance of defense and intelligence core mission thought to be (of common sense) to finding “all the news fit to print” yet to a “reality news” for “reality politics” of governance in “truth” by dedicated dedicants in service to find the “gestalt” of each matter - to find more that which is to be each story’s “WHOLE TRUTH”!


GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!


Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth”? - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable? - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:





GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!  OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

A first beat for a cementitious pedestrian cracking of the subject of civil rights and how hip if curb’d enthusiastically of Trump now may be sotto voce of better how from G - government to A - autonomous.

An attitude for a striking chord to harmonize a soul of the politics, national and local, might need be to be all about the base.

A first crack at the Dallas Police ambush, as of civil rights writing, should set up, tuned hopefully, to encompass eventually a gestalt devoid of a forced nationalism.

How has the first black President of these united states of the Americas, to his historical core, failed blacks, definitively?

Can we tune up our bands newly to beat a new direction - a change of music - a change of direction - near a one hundred and eighty degree about face sharp reset - to a hope of happy bottoms up with Donald Trump in front of a winning Republican movement?

How hasn’t Barack Obama failed blacks?  How isn’t it that he failed blacks just as Senator Hillary Clinton’s promises,  if likewise those the Democrats as “leaders” otherwise, promised to be to the structural same to the effected same institutionalized nationalized failing?

Blacks are not the only victims but how the Democrats as nationalist leaders moved in 2009 to keep those promises near identically promised of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton does account historically as that there was no plan to help blacks - from the bottom up.

A vote for Hillary Clinton now must be a vote for austerity!  Keeping an Obama or Clinton Democrat to the reigns of administering the ship of state means that “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” must endure to save the planet and to keep up a loyalty to the “GREEN AGENDA” party solutions for said extent of “CLIMATE CHANGE” as of dire “GLOBAL WARMING”!

A vote, even a local endorsement of an Obama or Clinton Liberal, likely must be for “GREEN MINIMALISM” as if the “EARTH FIRST” nationalism only economic option if a MORALITY to be considered and to that the Progressives politics are to have a soul - to have a common good structured morally!

A prejudice against police officers now as we morn the tragic loss of lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the honor call of fallen in public service for Dallas, is most inappropriate given how blues should still beat for Liberty and Justice as of an innocent until proven guilty!

As we progress to the plight of blacks due how President Obama politics set up failing blacks premeditatively and predictably structurally from day one we must see the “GREEN” as the problem forward, primarily, and as we can float a reasonable “just cause” of “extenuating circumstances” of Baton Rouge shooting a grand psychic SNAFU of Sterling at a convenience store of a reported threatening weapon and while it seemed gibberish or a nonresponse with his mother’s name like “win yetta McMillions” seeming insane nonsense of the scene’s spirit.  In Minnesota an officer was committed to a traffic stop for a broken taillight and soon found driver and passenger seeming not complying to produce license and registration while firstly being to saying, each, “he/I has/have a gun” and to instead of the driver moving to produce documents the passenger being said to have a weapon yet then, as one not asked for documents, was to reaching behind his back.  These incidents were escalated from reasonable coverage to that President Obama may have incited by inflaming the police involved shooting incidents to that President Obama must be said/considered to have begot the terror of the “DALLAS AMBUSH”!

The Democrat’s “GREEN AGENDA” was always firstly to secure anew an economic dominance for college graduates and to job security then firstly only for those able to get college degrees.  The rapid fire radical Left agenda, while for a new nationalism for a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” was from the start an elite ruling class program to move the economy to more college education dependent.  The hysteria worked to effect compliance and assimilation to the “GREEN AGENDA” was always sans benefits for a majority of blacks.

So firstly, let us accept that President Obama is black only helped sell the marching of this radical Progressive program that otherwise is what a President Clinton necessarily was always firstly to beating all into obedience with generally.

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” has enough soul to now echo of truth - forward!

“UP WITH RODHAM” would necessarily be yet of more forced compliance and assimilation sans benefits for a majority of blacks, - Hillary Clinton must continue structurally in methods of how and why Barack Obama failed blacks.

It is so wrong to blame George W. Bush that now to all he can be a cultural hero akin James Brown as his soul has never been as dark as President Obama has immorally mislead peoples of the world to believe.  It is wrong to rap “ALL BUSH FAULT” even though George W. Bush may still be yet of much fit’n a tag of “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT”!

There is enough truth and soul in how historically “IT WAS/IS HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” sucht that your vehicle too maybe should have a bumpers sticker to the left and another to the right to read like:

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

Born of the Southern plantation traditions Al Gore, raised of the tobacco plantation “Master Gore” pedigree, is now one even less to be considered an innocent.  There is too much in how he force marched obedient assimilation to American compliance as with a tyranny of limited solutions for Al Gore not to be a first named to have been to pulling one over on the majority of blacks.

The “Republican Movement” has been now years at advancing to winning battles after battles because it is true there were and are better “climate change” solutions available, - and were and are Republican solutions the radical Progressives as Left Liberals would not cotton to seeing free upon the tables of politics - of any opportunity for regular in order in advice and consent basis for open and free discussions, and debate.

What ever the mistakes President George W. Bush made - as if now he is fit’n tag of rap at least “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT” - there is yet that the radical agenda of President Obama was always premeditated to structurally disadvantaging the majority of blacks the most. 

As President Obama more innocent economics were more like copying President Bush there is then the conclusion that President Bush must be more innocent than President Clinton by developing the logic to that if Obama copied Bush it must be wrong to copy Clinton.

Here Mrs. Clinton has a contracted problem for she as a spouse is not supposed to incriminate her spouse, regardless of sex!

Here Mrs. Clinton has a big problem for if it was even a little bit contrary historically to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” however to at least the “IT WAS/IS HALF CLINTON’S FAULT” the truth is not an option and any political decision then, if made by her, must be to avoiding the facts and relevant history, as she would either be of “TREASON” or of contractually violating her marrital promise to not incriminate her spouse. 

Essentially Madam Secretary Clinton was never able to honestly and dutifully serve President Obama for so much in foreign policy was actually of a basis yet in what is/was due errors of President William J. Clinton.  No REALLY!!! We are looking at clear and present “SIMPLE” & “STUPID” developed with evidence!!!

So simply, primarily, the case of the black condition in 2016 for politics is that historically it is very accurate to tag that the first two “FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT” persons are of a record, each, that to its core if that they did fail the majority of blacks more than most Republicans can be asked to properly shoulder any guilt respectively.

Blacks now must think about the “GREEN” as the economics forward must now be that Democrats embrace a forced message to that President Barack H. Obama should be memorialized and immortal as if he a one fit’n “HE SAVED HIS ENTIRE PLANET SINGLE HANDEDLY!”!!!

The only real hope for the majority of blacks now is to see that the “SUPER HERO” theme is stripped from “BARACK OBAMA”!!!


Embrace “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” with new conservationism to sole’d for “MINIMALISM” soul!!!

President Barack Obama may not have been able to ruin so many - at least so completely and quickly - if not at least for the “leadership” of radical Progressive Al Gore!  We should consider if the former Vice President was so radical of Left and a Liberal that now his personal behavior of so much so forced it was of a “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” is fit’n tag to rap “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A FORMER VP”!!!

The Democrats after the rise of Illinois, of Chicago, Senator Barack H. Obama, to rising barely above the Clintons’ machine, did much force too many, not just the majority of blacks, to sing the blues, - to cry and cry much too.

The only theoretical possible explanation for the “GREEN AGENDA” as so forced and with its “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” seem now primarily to it only reasonable while prosecuting this issue to conclude that the program of these Progressives was always sans benefits for the majority of blacks.  All People without an elite degree from an ranked institute of higher education was to be more brainwashed away from seeing the foibles and nonsense while compliance and assimilation beat for all.

The Democrats’ economics was never truly “economics” for such was “social engineering” to forcing planned top down centralized prearranged “SOLUTIONS” down on the masses.  The was not “e-co” for “shared humanity” as it was always to a “trickle down” new austerity for a new conservationism to a smaller economy for “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” may now be a liberating soulful tune of believable chords and notation, with room to breath again structured in where discussion and debate is supposed to be a supported right for freedoms to endure, and endear.

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

The radical ’second black’ President never had helping the majority of blacks as part of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!!!

It seems impossible to see it otherwise, now as masses seem of eyes opened wide enough on “BLACK PROBLEM”!!!

The Democrats radical Progressive movement of Left Liberals is the new “FASCISM” as in 2016 “FASCISM” is best defined as a “movement of the left against the original founding principles for a constituted as a “liberal democracy” as for regular order in a structured of due process with advise and consent with honest and open debate.

I attest it should be easier to accept Al Gore as a “FASCIST” before such as the tru’d rap for Barack Obama, though by now not likely, or fairly should the same be said of/for Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

There goal must have been to force a “GREEN” - “GREEN MINIMALISM” - while their methods since Madam Senator Clinton threatened to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS” has been to their common core of AUTHORITARIAN beats for radical DEMOCRATS’ programs.

If now any try to walk a talk of “UP WITH RODHAM” please do consider that redistribution must be still not on her tables of politics as “social engineering” was to a a new “trickle down” faux economics as “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” for “GREEN AGENDA” always primarily sold “GREEN MINIMALISM” in a gestalt, and like never any thing of the radical Progressives as being to turning the economic spigot to a trickle until assimilation to obedience and compliance effected for a new conservationism to save the planet - from said “GLOBAL WARMING” said “CLIMATE CHANGE” dire straits stuck of heading to as if an about face one hundred and eighty degree change of course wasn’t actually possible.

President Barack H. Obama should own, as Madam Democrat Party Presumptive Nominee tag’d Mrs. Clinton also should, that their “GREEN MINIMALISM” must be complied to and even as it was always firstly primarily a program marched for brainwashing less educated so that the future economy was more dependent on “higher” education and “college degrees” and so that “WTF” (Winning The Future) was biased against the majority of blacks by how radical Progressives as Left Liberals did only effect a “GREEN AGENDA” that was structurally for an economic security for those who get a top liberal education by buying into the solidarity of elitism of ranking by top liberal institutions of (higher) learning.

A problem we all have now as regards real issues of #BlackLivesMatter is yet on that each waking by a President Donald Trump will need assuage for “HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” to be structurally re-established as possible by changing the direction and the music essentially to a full about face from Obama Democrats, and Clinton Democrats!!!

The “GREEN AGENDA” has simple ruined too many while sadly the majority of blacks were never given a chance!

The “OBAMA GREEN AGENDA” is your/our enemy!  Yet parity for equality now is of the “Republican Movement” winning on reseting the autonomy for all secured in the Constittution while yet forward any winning solutions for comity must pare to the core on the issue to be queried generally as to if “ARE SUCCESSFUL BLACKS NOT GIVEN BACK ENOUGH?”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, forward, one must be to thinking “GREEN” and to owning that the DEMOCRATS GREEN AGENDA was never set up for equality - or quality of think at “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, now, seems ridiculous for any for “EQUAL RIGHTS”!

To think “GREEN” now for compliance means one buys into “GREEN MINIMALISM” forward!!!

And, sadly, in a seeming informed historical perspective, as mine, as fit’n a tag as a “civil rights” “writer” still, and as since, for politics, as since at least 1990, - and as since of leading thinking and writing that predates the Clintons 1992 race late entrance, let me attest that another serious flaw with the radical Progressives, as Left Liberals against “liberal democracy” our common core by original intent, is much of that which I attest of their “GREEN” of that it was at least a ten year old plan they commenced with in 2009 despite fresher and better plans were than possible and plausible, - and those we can say yet not considered.

#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?

It may smart now how beyond “GROSS NEGLIGENT” as if too archaic to rap upon #HillaryClinton there yet is that #TREASON is being seemed as even more archaic to the #FBI to that #Congress may have to specifically ask #DirectorComey to proceed to develop charges now based on readily available evidence, - based at least on the developed evidence in the PUBLIC RECORD!!!

#WTF #FORWARD maybe smarted at not beating “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS” as the damage done is more premeditated and purposeful to be of “FAILED” as implying destruction by “NEGLIGENCE” and not as seems established of CRUSHING by DESIGN to for an assimilation to “GREEN” by a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” even for “BLACKS” as to needing to obey and comply to a LESS IS MORE essentially inescapable as for a “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!



#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

A petite black man as small of stature as Kevin Hart can still be a truly scary bastard!

Today we have the politics of uniform standards to try to exercise our liberal democracy originalism as regarding!

The first position maybe should be:  “BOTTOM’S UP WITH TRUMP”?

Secondly, maybe as still foreboding, primarily:  “UP WITH RODHAM”?

This, now as President Obama, on NATO, with Poland, in Warsaw, primarily is of the President of the USA of making the same foreign policy errs which also beget domestic terror.  The NATO with President Obama is not an organization that seems to have and understanding of how President Reagan and Pope John Paul II were effective bridge builders to a greater world peace.

To preface this to expose and detail how the years 1993 to 2001 are of years when President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton did much to make structural racism a new normal, and as of them earlier than President Obama, of also leading away from the peace built by President Reagan and the Polish Pope, let me suggest that if the Federal Bureau of Investigation was of having developed on the evidence - even the self evident of public records - a profile - a criminal profile - of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton it likely now might be public of containing terms like:




Let us digress now to what will most definitely not seem a joke also to the Polish people!

The problem, primarily, is easy to argue as being TOP DOWN and of that President Obama has failed the blacks and for having much for having willfully gone further along with developing the Clintons effected structural racism politics.

A problem is that President Obama has actually endorsed Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and since besides he is as easily arguable for failing blacks his backing is yet of a Democrat Party leader who blew off #MLK50, #Selma50, and, #Ferguson!

President Obama, while now in Warsaw, Poland, as with NATO, is yet exponentially broadening and escalating problems by continuing to be as anti-Constitution as the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.  President Obama is continuing what can be simply tagged as of structural racism, as by how such Liberals set to define “success”, by continuing the setting asunder of Constituted rights - and now as by furthering the very setting asunder worked long by the Clintons.

President Reagan and the Polish Pope John Paul II were to doves of a feather compared to how Democrats doth crow a lot and now defensively to try to bury the ledes as to that it has been fairly reportable since before Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown police involved shooting that the first black President is enough already for history books as one to be tagged for having failed blacks.

What we have here is a Constitutional problem now of a TOP DOWN dynamic and as it is like the antithesis of the walk and the talk of bridge builders for greater world peace President Reagan and Polish Pope John Paul II!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The American success story only works as by how these united states of the Americas are actually constituted by the People’s Order - and how celebrating it as originally intended was a secret to the success of President Ronald Reagan, and all parties of such grand advancement of unions potential.

The fall of President Obama was written long ago!  The falling of President Obama has been less do to being a bastard conceived a Soviet Studies love child to a dark & light, - an ebony & ivory, - a pepper & salt paired intimate coeds whence for firstly, primarily, he is of falling (while black) due his poor judgement in too closely associating with the Clintons and their old works for structural racism, as a hidden but true core, and to his acceptance of their very white definition of success.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The story of the mistake of President Barack Hussein Obama are now necessary to be reported and fully aired yet for how it will always be historic that he has failed blacks so vastly, - truly!

Should President Obama resign?  Isn’t his interpretation of the Constitution an inhibitor to law & order?  Isn’t it that discussion now that ‪#‎CrookedHillary‬ is so exposed as ‪#‎4Real‬ we can say President Obama should resign, and yet as while of a bad, to just cause, in historically yet gets a US adjusted to facts he, though he should resign due his effected constitutional interpretation, of he yet can be said already amidst these scandals as having been a better President than the real ‪#‎BillClinton‬?

“ASSUME THE POSITION” is not just be a criminal perspective but one to query how a Constitutional is dangerous and improper where “Order” in preamble is not a noun and to that “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” is not and cannot be for mob rule and AUTHORITARIAN rule by executive order as yet of nullifying the body constituted as by effecting USC of “in order to…”.  This attempts to put the blame at the top and on President Obama and President Clinton due “positions” below them cannot communicate freedom in Liberty and Justice for All where their postures have been effected (purposely) wrongfully (in political self serving narcissism?) to that law and order is not in the ranks because it is not facilitated as constituted from the top down for better bottoms up with more self governance.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” now asks to if ‪#‎HillaryEmail‬ & ‪#‎FBI‬ newly charged does need us to consider that President Obama is already too compromised as part of such of cover-ups so that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama should be perp walked after officially being marshaled to compliant of “ASSUME THE POSITION.”

Do understand President Obama has failed blacks, much, - and, this I even wrote of in days just before ‪#‎Ferguson‬ and then necessarily again in days just after ‪#‎Missouri‬ incident with Michael Brown.  The satire of “COVERT CYPHER” of 33 economics treatments at CitizenRosebud.net! And, also via bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT.

Do understand the Democrats said as if the “Constitution” is more anti-Constitution than within the lines as either “Federalist” or “JeffersonRepublican” and so that they want communities to see Executive as a GREAT Federal leader even as the constitution they posture unsettles freedoms and expects everyone (more subjects than citizens) to be more subject to their whimsy and moods and to them as expected to just tie rants however they feel like creating a solution.

We have less law and order under the Obama & Clintons “interpretation” and dangerously now as em like being fit’d for arresting accessories as like already so exposed that an ‪#‎IMPEACHMENT‬ on the table as soon as the FBI meets Congress’ new filing duty to attesting ‪#‎MrsClinton‬ also lied under oath.  ‪#‎MrsC‬ is caught and so then must it be considered that Bill Clinton is enough implicated, at least as the improper owner/operator/admin, and so that President Obama is caught for having at least been an accessory too much.

The Democrats’ idea of “Federalism” is more “anti-Constitution” and therefore actually not legal, and quite arguably as of #‎TREASON‬‪#‎PoliceShootings‬ are to the core of a TOP DOWN problem and in that Freedom as “of religion” of “all are created equal” is set asunder by Democrats, and as to have a way to imperial and authoritarian Power for crony graft not of “our Lord” of “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” as that nation is to be under our Lord not forced to make do as but under machinations for Powers and reigning in lies that demote TRUTH and HONESTY.

‪#‎Its_O_not_o‬ >> ‪#‎USC‬ is not a living document as “Order” in preamble is a noun, and of that founding fathers were of an apostolic spectacle to the constitution is a Peoples’ Order “Paulist” to that it is that Freedom is “of” “religion” as religion/faith how people be above being ‪#‎barbarians‬ and as to that ‪#‎Paul‬ established a long time ago that every individual is under our Lord before ever under a government; - - - We must self govern in a voluntary morality - a voluntary extra-nation organized morality - for any government to have enough moral authority, in representation, for law and order to be possible.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways, but not now politically!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to Democrats methods as of a core for structural racism with its deepest roots now in the years 1993 to 2001 as by the effected by the hands of the Clintons, and their core associates!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works off a simple definition to be developed of pertinent evidence of what is how em define “SUCCESS” and as such is so very very and old WHITE definition of IVORY TOWER elites!

Sadly President Obama has been such a bad Leader and one you will have to argue as maybe worse (structurally) than President Clinton such that now due how he, for the history books, has fundamentally, and too the deepest common core, failed blacks, - and yet just most failed blacks while pretty much upending any not bought into the IVORY TOWER so WHITE definition of SUCCESS!

In any criminal profile at least of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton there should be a record of what is believed to be how Mrs. Clinton defines “success”!  And so her record and profile should account for it seems that any can be suppressed and oppressed who didn’t try to get to at least Yale Law School, and to how then for life each is a lifer to be of a forced “community” not “FREE” “UNDER OUR LORD” for the gentile fragile egos of the elite akin such as IVORY TOWER essentially demands that where you manage to advance to, once you buy into you must try to at least get to Yale Law School, is then where you must be “oppressed” to only being so by class structures!

There are not enough Democrats “BLIND MICE” to now lead enough managed “popular movement” events to now bury the historical of the first black President failed blacks (more than any other - by race)!

There is enough now to tag a rap on President Barack Hussein Obama for having played to lily WHITE defined IVORY TOWER success as like a TOKEN BLACK then that could be puppetted and marched for a compliance drum beating to reinforce “SUCCESS” by “LIBERALS” must be only from playing in their (SECULAR (BOOKISH)) structurally bounded and forward by the example of a FIRST BLACK, however mulatto, however half white, however raised by whites, as a TOKEN example to be enforced as the example to that any must try to at least try to get into Yale Law School, and then be to accepting for life they will then be suppressed structurally in secular methods for LIBERAL machinations for CLASS dividing.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” must depend on the archive in the sorted vast #Cats (categories) here marginalized as readily available as a resource with use limitations.

For now the position is that President Obama aggravates law enforcement and #BlackLivesMatter by every meddling now to more defensively CYA his six due he has failed mostly blacks.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” defends recent officer involved shootings as even petite Kevin Hart can be a scary bastard of deadly force too apparently flexed. 

Resisting arrest after reports of like “his gun was threatening” must be of innocence to first be presumed for the officer(s)! 

In Minnesota it seems a sadder case but (for now) defensible as it seems when the officer asked the driver for “license and registration” any movement by a passenger was suspect, and especially while the driver was asked to produce the documents. 

The Castile case seems to have a suffice to just cause for a presumption of justification (maybe) for this officer, and from a presumption of racism, as he reasonably expected the passenger to not move and especially for them to not say he “has a gun” and for their to be movement of his hand to behind his back while he wasn’t being asked for “broken taillight” incident “documents”!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to how officers are of rank and file now in a corrupted way to President Obama as a too “federalist” BOSS yet of a contrary interpretation of the CONSTITUTION which set asunder regular order and law and order by creating room by claims of a “living document” to essentially be of a POLITICS for tyrannical Power and mob rule, in essence!

President Barack Hussein Obama is now really really doing more harm than good!  President Obama “constitutional” is FLAWED!

PLEASE RESIGN! Please resign President Barack Obama - you whom I known since the late 1970s!  Like said of Clintons: You “beget terrorism”!

                               *     *     *     *     *     *     *

[This essay is a work in progress!  Please do not consider it as finished, final, or even mostly concluded, - yet!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:54 pm

If you have heard of Krugbit Paul O’Scharey you are likely a reader - a reader of his syndicate, at least.

Krugbit is known for taking the “Funnytown” out of Bunnytown.  One more expressive of the robust economics long of such warren is Edward Coco O’Horace.  E. Coco is local and traditional compared to a coy obtuse reconstructionism of Krugbit.  E. Coco is read more that Krugbit in Bunnyland.  It is a wonder Krugbit for his creative coy constructs is read at all;  Krugbit only arrives in Bunnyland by his syndicate;  Krugbit is a distant voice as far removed from these united wards of the warren of E. Coco.

It is sport that Krugbit is read at all for E. Coco is prized for debugging the rants his as often as necessary with his measured and fuller considerate press’d and shared.  E. Coco has long refused to be published in any media when such if of the Krugbit via syndicate concurrently.  It is debatable if E. Coco, thus for, is creditable for so many of these wards of needing to have two paid subscriptions to appreciate his own artful press’d.

The THE GREAT SUPPRESSION was cover’d, for example, by Krugbit as if loyalty and fidelity to a King was the highest duty of subjects however these subjects, so “covered” economically, were still rightfully free citizens.  E. Coco covered it true with now dumming down of the variant variables that bolstered or trumps other pieces also vital to robust synchronicity.  Krugbit, however, press’d as if more a tool than learned;  Krugbit fueled many a corrective economics and comedies in psycho-babble not just by E. Coco.  Krugbit had at least one constant across most of his positions and this in Bunnyland was long fodder as a known fallacy.

The THE GREAT SUPPRESSION is cover’d across many years of the rearing in such wards of E. Coco’s warren as too of a Socialism on the march beyond its borders too of a call to a new nationalism that reached oppressively into their realm and as it so primarily of a core as NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  The drum major of the austerity did beat for contrary policies of if of a mandate more Bolshevik than their side actually of a bolshevik.  Krugbit was regularly fodder for implicating a success of a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED known to be otherwise in these wards so united and common to E. Coco.  When a whiff was caught of Krugbit posits newly posted the media so associated by his syndicate did see sales boost - and the wards regularly were those days more of expressents waxing adage “GOOD TO KNOW THE ENEMY!”

Krugbit is known to object to ad hominem when his “theories” are deconstructed and proved of fallaciousness as if just ad hominem “attacks.”  It is fallacious to posit of the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION as of a short term bolshevik (majority) at politics of a GREEN AGENDA and a centralizing so Socialist of a HEALTHCARE take-over could later claim to be of proofed that its opponents were wrong as to the dire resultants prophetized to it bloated for economics back-firing.

E. Coco is known for having more gestalt and a song more fuller in his renditions of how Krugbit so often busted.

E. Coco is known for having an integrated geo-topo-theo-economics that doesn’t willy nilly disregard variables or constants for effect.

E. Coco is known for being rich in metaphor and spot on in numerologisms while fond of postulates & inferences - for heft.

The THE GREAT SUPPRESSION is the best to bracket a prudence in a greater gestalt, by example, as Krugbit has been metaphor poor and fallacy rich in a seeming convenience to unbecoming loyalty to a politics too of a political economics.  The busts of the constructs rests in it learned that Krugbit brackets 4 where 2 only are to be dominant in a logical interpretive.  Where Krugbit errs by 4 where only 2 in a rational gestalt is endemic to his fallaciousness.

It is known from Indiana to the also too depressed by the distant politics of the political economics that reached into the realm of all the wards of the warren of Bunnytown that such was firstly of a call for austerity as a coy GREEN MINIMALISM.  It isn’t too a stretch to tag Krugbit Paul O’Scharey for having been a disciple of GREEN MINIMALISM;  K.P.O’S. was always in the court with a 4 for 2 as a too secular celebrant of a marched beating for SOCIALISM by centralized NEW NATIONALISM.

It is known from Indian to the also busted of the collapsed economic paradigm that otherwise was ready to roar before these too Bolshevik were whence to sufficiently of their temporary reigns as of a bolshevism.  Krugbit has never discoursed on how these economic flat years were avoidable and that a growth potential was stored up and ready to otherwise restore global economies to singing songs of opportunity and responsible growth economics.

Of the storied of the KRUGBIT FALLACIES to these wards of E. Coco, and too at least as far as Indiana, it has been secured that the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION did get worked over the potential for an economic recovery of robust growth by a bolshevism too National for a GREEN MINIMALISM and an also job crushing NEW NATIONALISM anchored by corner stones set for their HEALTHCARE politics to citizens forward as if forever more limited as merely “subjects.”

Luckily Bunnytown has restored itself “locally” to its original rights and free stature in a religiousness of national limiting principles to act as bulwarks for freedoms of speech and religion.  The leader of this too a new Bolshevism has yet to be dethrowned and Krugbit has been a busy hare O’Scharey yet trying to succeed where long failing in attempts to claim success where failure is structural to beneath his comrads foundationals.

Too bins by their lots a corner stone of the Bolsheviks was that HEALTHCARE had to be nationalized in a NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM even though AUSTERITY was needed for such ideology but was for the NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM for GREEN MINIMALISM.  These caught of the KRUGBIT FALLACIES fallaciousness did render more baskets with fewer vittles and a depressing fig’n for future bounties of whatever harvests or merchantiles, forward.

Krugbit Paul O’Scharey is most fallacious when to positing that the HEALTHCARE reforms have been working in ways the opponents now a winning of the 2 due more than 4, however your psycho-babble mashes your economics, and history.  To dig deeper into the fallaciousness of Krugbit of mathematics problems at least of an Indiana of 4 for 2 busts other “bracketology” will be necessary for what is a bigotry of tolerance too a discrimanant will need sociologists for inequality concurrently is at the threshold of consciousness to it necessary to study, towards workable new paradigms, how and if some of colors more distinct are yet not giving back enough to others from whence they come also of such an obvious “bracket” of distinction by character of those they look more alike.

HEALTHCARE as worked with the politics firstly of NEW DEAL AUSTERITY for a NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM is indivisible from the marriage of politics too of a political economics that is grossly responsible for setting asunder so many economies beyond - far beyond the parishes of Indiana and Bunnytown.  Bunnytown has restored the “Funnytown” to its wards civilly across the entire warren - and as restored to the core common in E. Coco O’Horace as derived consistently resistant to Socialism over the centuries from whence Corinthians spoke of divers of tongues and economics of communities need to be able to have a harmony in song for a synchronicity for growth - for wealth of economics/markets.

E. Coco has been consistently of an economics rap similar to that which Art Strike too was uniquely known as a vibrant celebrant - their politics richly full as of geo-topo-theo-politics.  Krugbit is likely never to set foot - be boots down - in the warren of Bunnytown.  It is prudent for him to be at least consciousness enough of his negatives to be behooved as of a prima facia hair raised intuitive.

The HEALTHCARE of the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION is indivisible from the temporary “IT’S A TAX” status managed briefly in their beatings for GREEN MINIMALISM too while marching citizens as if forever forward merely more just “subjects” of these new Bolsheviks however temporarily they were actually of a bolshevism.  The drum beats of such whomever their drum major were devoid of a necessary gestalt and too an due observance of the foundations of their set traditions - theirs as constituted by their People’d as an “Order” as the Constitution.

It is/was folly too fallacious how Krugbit posited a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED as if HEALTHCARE so centralized wasn’t as bad to economies, globally, as countered but insufficiently during the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION when such a lot worked a mob rule too of governance by man than still by laws.

E. Coco O’Horace can rest on his past poetics as too the wards of the warren of Art Strike of the Bunnyland restored as at the ready of a “Funnyland” secured for growth - for going forth and prospering (and multiplying)!

                                                *       *       *

{E. Coco O’Horace and Art Strike were local celebrants that hold ways to tru’d for TRUTH ways were the only cornerstones of the only foundation yet proofed to work for all in a melting pot e-eco-psycho-babble however adjustant to times newly evovled to discussants of geo-topo-theo-politics.  The fall of these new Bolsheviks is some of the fallacious of Krugbit for the “accomplished” of his posits suffered poor bracketology for associating misnomers and to beats of the oppositions progress as if to beats of the GREEN MINIMALISM of too centralized HEALTHCARE of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY mismatched to a time too of NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM.  It was more the appropriately federal of the Justices supreme by refusing to legislate from their domain a political fix for inadequate regulation, and for having returned to the People’d the power and duty of its elected to their Congress.  For the HEALTHCARE over-reach did have to be fixed Bunnytown became free to become a ready “Funnytown” again - - - Thanks to the Justices supreme for ruling it wasn’t theirs to legislate how these not adequately representative of a true bolshevism that which had been allowed as “IT’S A TAX” became understood as therefore only allowed to be “TEMPORARY” as due the nature of “TAXES” to CONSTITUTIONAL.  Krugbit Paul O’Scharey is still trying to scare up 2 from 4 but with his bad bracketology fig’d from fallaciousness - - - Krugbit remains fodder, merely in Bunnytown - For of these of these wards of this warren know it known that AUSTERITY & GREEN MINIMALISM were the primary beat of the marching that needed HEALTHCARE to be so NATIONALIZED for the work of citizens rendered more meekly “subject” to have any keystone.  These Bolsheviks had their HEALTHCARE fall for they were not sufficiently of a bolshevism and for how CONSTITUTIONALLY their “reforms” yet only became “LEGAL” in a temporary status as taxes are not rights to entitlements but merely regulations transient to the short-term government necessities.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:28 am

The truth is that President Barack Hussein Obama these years self tagged as to a “New Foundation” is he most physically in a political responsibility he most culpable for how he has destroyed the better foundations that better structured a ‘global’ America.

We can not and should not forget what it can be said he too inherited from the years 1993-2001 of the Administrations of the Clintons.  President Obama is he whom started afoot in the foreign and domestic of professing he desired so to have a personality based presidency.  President Obama firstly should be now, as to “personality”, at blaming himself.

In the news and off the grid, so of the grapevines of blogs, there are discussions to religiosity more Constitutionally restored and vitally in a refreshed People’d peoples civic engagements.  It may help President Obama now more than Mrs. Clinton, however, that too by Susan B. Anthony List standing at The Supreme Court of The United States of America there is now with such originality refreshed of the logic and faith of the Founding Fathers that the Bill of Rights is an accompaniment to the New Testament at least and so that lying is cover-ed by the Ten Commandments, however, written by a man.  Something about ‘bearing false witness’ seems akin to the ‘legacy’ of the House of Clintons.

There may be much President Obama can blame on Secretary Clinton and as well on the years of the terms of the Administration of the Clintons.  Yet though, for now President Obama has himself most to blame.  Yet though, for now President Obama is a he more responsible than she, yes too as a she, as Secretary Clinton and Mrs. Clinton, however.  President Obama, however he proffered an “I inherited this…” has it that regardless of which history he said he “inherited” he chose between available options and much it seems without considering many of his options.

This is not about Mr. Obama - Father Obama - Dad biological to the President.  It however cannot escape the prima facia dramatic that Mrs. Clinton to President Clinton offered a resolution for an Oedipal as if a surrogate white mother figure.  President Clinton is more a ‘father’ for the sake of necessary and timely governance purview discourse - and too still the earlier ‘fathers’ back to the founding fathers - the ‘Founding Fathers.”

The foundations to the problems President Obama is facing about obvious failures at his “New Foundation” have his roots of he a sprouting Harvard Law Student near about the time Al Qaeda was so born - born to become ISIS as is an is like of Osama Bin Laden, however a ‘father’ to it, as an is an is like of a JIHAD against American Infidels too much of “is”s not as “is”s.  The 9/11 Commission Report is hopefully not relied upon by President Obama;  President Obama may be better served to ignore it an yet consider the tome of TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt as a Clinton NSC adviser whom tagged it dangerous as to a begetting terrorism of an if and when the The White House is of an administration working too closely with Hollywood.  Al Qaeda wasn’t covered enough or far enough back by the 9/11 Commission to now have enough in a know as to how the ISIS of today is like of proud sons of OBL living out the purpose that Al Qaeda was formed and originally of asking Saudi Arabian leaders for their blessings to become - to grow into.

To the religiosity yet of the unexpected ‘domestic’ elements of the quandary and conundrums particular to the insufficeincies in his “New Foundation” politics of his sought “personality based presidency” we can consider that it is helpful that the People’d people of the The United States of America are refreshed to how the Bill of Rights is a ten like the Ten Commandments and how the First Amendment affirms that the separation of church and state is so of them as presumed of an equal or greater right at interpretation of God’s will and establishments than the Congress.  The First Amendment affirms that the body of the Constitution by the preamble is the Peoples’ “Order” [with order here as a noun] “done” as a “more perfect Union” than the United Kingdom’s, at least, and so as “subscribed” unanimously while “agreed” or “so agreed” could have otherwise sustained the liberal wants of it set secular.

It should help the People’d people that it has become refreshed that the founding ‘fathers’ secured the ordained and established more perfect “Order” under God by their specified subscribing so in that year of the Christian calendar so of the New Testament as “done” “in the Year of our Lord…”!  So established the separation of church and state and free speech protections of the Bill of Rights by its First has it that “lying” is not to be “legal” (maybe at least in politics of campaigns - campaign advertising) as the Constitution is of the accompaniment writ so to the New Testament, at least.

It should help President Obama and yet not likely his ‘mother’ Clinton nor his ‘father’ Clinton as so refreshed of the original American Dream so conceived and long consecrated the The United States of America is not writ large to an infidelity to Holy words and guidance;  It should help President Obama for such “America” has standing in the Middle East with any “justice” core common of ISIS so that we can stand comparatively to be at the borders edges to Syria and Iraq of an alternative and example that their ‘foundations’ and any success at ‘governance’ can be then related and digressed over, firstly - firstly before there yet could be a more ‘global’ campaign as rationally reasoned in a ‘justice’ against the idea that is “The United States of America.”

President Clinton has been a bad ‘father’ to President Obama.  It seems President Obama has been falling and failing where he may have like accepted advice or “dreams” from President William Jefferson Clinton - he born as conflicted as William Jefferson (Davis) Blythe III — so it seems.

The milk and any cream of the days of Secretary Clinton as of “hard choices” have spoiled on poor President Barack Hussein Obama, however she a ‘mother’ and even too much to an Oedipal as he of any sought of seeking a surrogate elderly white mother figure.  She and he the ‘father’ to her a ‘mother’ of the House of Clintons is embroiled forever forward and backwards of a compromised legacy and of basic wants that will not be favored judiciously or by many People’d peoples while she and he are of the BIG establishments as both known to be revealed and tagged as “Big Liars.”

President Thomas Jefferson did lead a politics for 40 years after 1800 as if its ‘father’ - is it as a ‘father’ of Jeffersonian Republicans?  But while the “Founding Fathers” were dedicated and joined to their historic establishment and ordaining of a People’d Order [again with “Order” as a noun] Thomas Jefferson was over seas and out of their hair/wigs.  The “Founding Fathers” found Thomas Jefferson on his return and Constitutional perusals has issues with their writ;  The writing as the first moderation of the body as the People’s Order of the First Amendment is cleverly penned in unusual first language so to seem to appease the “issues” of Jefferson’s complaints - and yet not to at all.

By Jefferson’s practice and the devotions like apostolic by Jeffersonian Republicans of 1800-1840 quite we have an elephant in the room about how to interpret maybe otherwise than the original intent the specific words of the body and the first amending.  We have that though the Constitution reads as set under God as to an meant accompaniment with the New Testament and as the context of the times affirm such is a natural development of the idea of the colonies independent it is still that how Jefferson governed and his ’sons’ like later may have been only of success for being of a parsed and nuanced otherness.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

We’ld be fools and unfairly so (and racist) if we are to ignore all the flip flops of Mrs. Clinton, however, and if to an affirming posit that it she be presumed that she was a better Secretary of State than the two most previously.  Right?

We’ld be fools and unfairly to discerning differences in old white political elites and new white political elitism if to an avoidance to pare the pair of Secretaries of State of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama.  Both Clinton and Kerry brought hypocracy and baggage to the office for diplomacy - both Clinton and Kerry were inappropriate or devolutionary choices for such high office due to their personal conflicts - conflicts of interests - past positions as of entanglements.

We to start any due probative of Mrs. Clinton as a worst, at least of three, by remembering all her flip flops and too her executive decidings while crusading with the Powers of her office as First Lady.  We should be aware of whom are Bedouins or Nubians and how Ja Ja Binks seems to have been cast as a new good Gunga Din.  If I recall the setting correctly then it was when Lara Logan interviewed General Petraeus in Afghanistan when he spoke of then in his readings of reading Rudyard Kipling.  It seems to be accounted of an if true how true that Mr. Binks was right when of parrying that if a people keep theirs sewers clear from clogging their murder rate should be lower.  President Barack Hussein Obama in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech tagged the Clintons while parsing in oratory how there are dangers from inaction and avoidance (as like evident now from the Clintons’ own years of avoidance and inaction).

The Congress so far has the House nearly ready for the rendering of justice per the discovered and confirmed cover-up post Benghazi.  I do not know when the Senate will also be ready.  I expect due to the seriousness of any “cover-up” our Congress must soon be bicameral and in too a bipartisanship in the Senate, so charged, to also looking to how guilty Mrs. Clinton, however, and to how diabolical it is that a “cover-up” was thought her best strategy.  Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton is the prime suspect in a commencing investigation to the extents in criminality and so that it must be now presumed that she was a worse Secretary of State than at least Condoleezza Rice.

To preserve some “innocent until proven guilty” for Mrs. Clinton, however, we should look firstly at the life and politics - war/anti-war politics of her successor Secretary of State John Kerry.  We should look first at a comparative for prudence secured in “jurisprudence” to his positions re: “BOOTS ON THE GROUND” and her’s, however.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we can make this more about the life and story of John Kerry as of a query:  TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER?  But we should behooved of another believed remembered Lara Logan interview that was with a supposed top Taliban leader - yes! before 9/11 II in Benghazi - as contradicting President Obama and Secretary Clinton with his pronouncements to it that the Taliban and Al Qaeda were now much as if one, and, yes, newly.  For a sake of tonality and the horse race of this to a due fair measurement of the saddled guilt just of Mrs. Clinton let us just acknowledge that part of the cover-up relates to it that Benghazi could have been and may be a widening of the theater of war and a “counter-attack” in the Obama/Clinton war of choice in Afghanistan against primarily the (said) Taliban.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we should be organized as a posse for truths, and too bicamerally in a new bipartisan, yet recognize the evidence that she has set her self (themselves in Clinton) up as if the bad guys in a season of SOPRANOS.  We can’t just jump on her successor if to keeping prudence in jurisprudence for she however measured for her guilt is still of her years as FLOTUS where she did go into rivals turf and incite with incendiary imperialist rhetoric the locals, however tribal, and to such inflaming that those radical already were more radicalized and pushed into corners as if called out by Mrs. Clinton, so, in a pride to a need to “respond.”

So about how bad a Secretary of State John Kerry is, and, too to how he was a most inappropriate selection for any high office in foreign affairs regarding the Middle East, and due to his past pulling of the rug out from under any real potential for success in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and so from near the very day and hours the country, with President George W. Bush, had become “committed” with boots on the ground - committed beyond the point of quiet return:

Secretary of State John Kerry while the primary ANTI-WAR SENATOR did do more than any other in the known world to undermine the potential and any ready success for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  Mrs. Clinton can hardly have to shoulder all the blame for so much that went wrong much do to the betrayal in a late response as a revival in ANTI-WAR demonstrative tonality, but for her own flipping and flopping fickleness to prudence and loyalty to a committed administration too.  Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha were a tag team that did by their politics so partisan (interpartisan too) were to being those, even more than the Clintons, that did put the lives of all with boots on the ground in Iraq into their unexpected greater peril.  At the time Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha started their ANTI-WAR REVIVAL it was no longer appropriate to take issue with the matter Congress had already voted with, and however Senator Clinton is remembered for admitting that she herself didn’t read the intelligence reports regarding such before her vote.

Mrs. Clinton yet cannot escape that the cover-up seems still to have been necessary to save the cover-up of the culpability and negligence of the Administration of the Clintons.  As it is the known “Benghazi Lies” seem of the worst case scenario need for the dangerous strategy of cover-up, and by Mrs. Clinton who had worked on the committees to impeach Nixon and as of the Clintons’ own Lewinski cover-up, arguably and in an seeming evidence based deciding for if not, as the lies of the Clintons’ cover-up were failing, only lies about their lack of intelligence and understanding about Al Qaeda, at least, needed more lies to preserve any chance of future electability of the Clintons for a retaking of the The White House.

Right!  This is supposed to be an attempt to transfer Clinton guilt, presumed, unto her successor Secretary of State John Kerry, and however as necessary by a looking deeply back at least at his “politics” of his ANTI-WAR REVIVAL as causal to such that maybe can be said to be more, at least, of a Kerry negligence than a Clintons’ gross negligence.

We, if of the lay, should behooved to let the Federal Bureau of Investigation profilers and Defense Department Armed Forces Psychological operations experts take the lead to explaining how devastating Senator John Kerry’s ANTI-WAR REVIVAL, from hour one, was to moral and cooperation of the Iraqi people.  We should expect that experts will be called to parse the level of negligence, at least, to the full measure of at least the guilt of Mrs. Clinton, however, and even towards passing the buck if passable to her successor for his past own culpability for lighting the fire of a belief that the U.S.A. was, due to his lead, ready to CUT AND RUN - REALLY!!!

RIGHT!!! Still, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, just for the impeachment and disbarrment of the half she supposedly is the better half too, and however of a “great man” she supposedly the “great woman” behind, is even without her experience as Hillary Rodham Clinton of the committees to impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon like the political figure of the modern United States of America whom best should know cover-ups are to be avoided but in worse case political scenarios - She is whom seems best knows how bad things must really should be thought as bad if and when a cover-up is the uncovered strategy.  That Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton herself chose to front with a cover-up does itself suggest so much guilt and a necessity that it may not matter how much blame we can yet transfer to her successor or continue to project upon the Bush Administration. SEEMS!!!

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

The sheer tonality of the remarks from Secretary of State Clinton since the Benghazi lies started did, despite her strategy to run out the clock with Congress, yet have her of self-incrimination and even much that was admitting of ignorance and incompetence at least as to her (like the Administration of the Clintons’ too) as lacking in intelligence.  It seems Congress has her already fit for orange and is now only ready for the House to assess its duty to a determination as to how long she should be fit to only wear orange - however a pants suit or jumpsuit.

NOTE:  There is much to a much longer list if and when to looking only at Mrs. Clinton, however, and of the when-evers, to how that she risked a cover-up over her culpability for the keep of State per the Benghazi consulate, and personnel, that to must reach with the long arms of justice, by the charge and reach Constitutional of the Congress, straight to and also through Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, and any and all of his “foundations” and “initiatives.”  It must be presumed due to a cover-up strategy that Mrs. Clinton while responsible for State & USA oversight of CGI likely was as a spouse afraid to incriminate herself for such seems naturally to also implicate her spouse for his “HOWEVERS” and “WHEN-EVERS” — and for just as long.

However, a STAR WARS defense a greater defense now for the Bushes and Reagan, it seems fair to illicit an imagery for the Clintons as now it seems of them of: A HOUSE OF CLINTONS WITH THEIR SEWERS CLOGGED!

RIGHT!!!  It to Secretary of State John Kerry’s benefit that Mrs. Clinton is taggable, and mashable, and hashable as too much of:  MRS. CLINTON LIED AND SOLDIERS AND DIPLOMATS, AT LEAST, DIED — SHE WAS MOST INDISCRIMINATE IN DRONING WARRING AND AS IN LIEU OF BOOTS ON THE GROUND PARITY OF MISSION.

NOTE:  FOR MORE HISTORY & “BACKGROUND” SEE SORTED BY “CARNEGIE HALL” @ http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubby.  Please get past confusion of voluminous thread opening yet with this same column as its lede or leading piece.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!

This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.

We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders.  It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”

This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world.  This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians.  This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.

Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear.  Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”

My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan.  My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic.  The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.

There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats.  There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.

The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007.  There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade.  Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.

When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving.  Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him.  I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so.  It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.

I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate.  I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell.  But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.

President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value.  As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses.  As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”

For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as.  Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions.  To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.

There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”.  I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.”  I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”

There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.”  James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.

For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself.  President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.

Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day.  And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming.  This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.

There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully.  There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at http://CitizenRosebud.info of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”

WARNING!!!  Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:03 pm

With an American in Poland old freshness now soured rises anew of the “among the vicissitudes incident to life” parity of President George Washington firstly speaking so in New York City - and so metaphorically for a new born nation.  We are forced to a consideration of Herman Melville if only of any “Moby Dick” as a “Great White…” - seems.

Let us get to some technicalities in a measurement of any said a “Longest War”!  Now:

When did this “Longest War” not a “longest war” start but under the “Diplomacy” (failed) of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton?  She seemed to start with a forced (political) surge as if “diplomatic” and postured and postured as if of a violate actually a declared (necessary) war.  She seemed to have left her office in a worsened “Diplomatic” state than she found it;  Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, must have failed at any and all “diplomatic solutions” for such as (”Hillary’s War) to be a “war” and a “longest war” however hardly actually a “longest” or “declared” war.

This “Longest War” didn’t start under/during the Presidential administering of President George W. Bush.  President Bush traded for trespass rights with the sovereign of Afghanistan to be “in country” investigatively and purposely looking for about 50 foreigners as “campers” and some to much “trespassers” themselves.  A fact of Afghanistan is how tribal it is so that it seems Al Qaeda “campers” didn’t need or have any cooperation or real authorization in shared purposes with a majority.

To get to the metric and an honesty of chronological measurement to a/the failure in “Diplomatic” by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton however not a “Longest War” it behoove any to frame and key their probatives around a postulating that it could only have been so if she was of failing and failing and failing and failing and failing years at finding (as like now) a “diplomatic” end/solution.  For purposes of ratio - it seems as now with “war” announced as like “over” that she herself just needed all those long years to herself just offer to declare “war is over” to have “reset” the Clinton PEACE.

We can hardly presume Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of a accepted “innocence” or “authority” in “rightness” for it is her State Department of the OBAMA RETREAT from Iraq - so injudiciously and prematurely.  What for the sake of measuring the body of Mrs. Clinton’s “Diplomacy” have been the costs of such a brutal abandonment of Iraq and so after so much was spent to build a new - a brand new and like most expensive newest and largest newest - Embassy in Iraq?  Her numbers of any metric so far seem far from actually flattering.

Perchance a parsing to it best to brine to thin the fats of any meat on the thighs of the leg work “diplomatic” of Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton before any roasting or exposing of her as if already too fried?  Right!!! It seems there are no “wings of Hillary”!  It seems she can be judged to for it having to be her and her alone and such to that now it “evidence based” deciding to discern there is not a flock at the ready as lifted to by her drafts as of a keep of a flock as a metaphor as of any if “under another’s wings”!  It seems the Clintons have buried any Democrat woman who could be a threat to Mrs. Clinton;  It seems there are bodies of women Democratic in Party to yet look for as subdued and like “buried” by the Clintons.

She walks in shadows of valleys of death of so many of suffrage and suffering from a darkness in the eclipse of President William Jefferson Clinton still at blocking so many from a clear “light”!  It is yet publicly clear how it is that it seems there are no Democrat Party women to “challenge” Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as if she is only the queen bee of Democrat female bees and of a power only possible if there are not any that haven’t like also compromised themselves from a bedding with he whom as also presumed to be a first President of the World.

So until recently Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was supposed to see President Barack Hussein Obama as her “BOSS” and however like either “Ahab” or a “Great White Whale” himself.  It was odd and awkward from the start of her submissiveness that she both as Mr. & Mrs. Clinton were of political & party pressure to have her boss tag her “two-fer” as “rivals” and how while so was of incredible insubordination to President Obama as her “Moby Dick” that she declared she was to be so of her declaration to be of “leadership” from taking her “inspiration” (seems) from the same place Dante found his (for his Inferno?).

Again her measurements for her body in “diplomatic” treading are not flattering.  Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, however now more “first lady” in all corporated appearances to Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, did neither have “Hard Choices” of a “war” nor “necessary war” nor of an operating actually a “longest war.”  Before there was a Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton however the “great woman” behind and success of her “BOSS” President Obama there was mostly just “operations” in Afghanistan of trespass rights from trading building roads and schools endeavors.

As it seems too measurable that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a Cabinet Officer and “executive” is of so many short comings “evidently” when an “evidence based” review is past even an initial probative it therefore is transparent that she (and more than President Barack Hussein Obama) is of having #FAILED!

But in the failures and failing of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however, aren’t we behooved to be to a:


Is it now the country is in a pickle for a divided Democrat “house” of a “party divided” and some for she having lived up to the “Hillary is too polarizing” tag so that her rap is judicious and a queriousness risen to how now Democrat female under her of “wings” as if all Democrat women have been corrupted by the Clintons and unable to rise without tagging themselves in a self-incrimination if at attempting to boldly step out to incriminate Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however?

Where are all the Democrat female leaders buried - where is Mrs. Clinton’s female “competition”?  Is it that only the Republicans have now grown new party boughs free of the tree of Clintons’ corruption where whence it was the GOP had near none whom could rise to incriminate the “The Clinton” without also self-incrimination?

O Democrats, O Democrats — Where for art thee a one you can smartly call a “Captain”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

What is a Democrat today?  I mean it seems established that President Obama nor President Clinton are or have ever been ‘Philosopher Kings’.  And, today we are of a fallen Mrs. Clinton of having been allowed to fail - luckily in a lesser job than President - who failed.  I do not know if I can be charitable to President Obama - now - now following his address in commencement at the West Point Military Academy.

Before we break bread for a old civility too around feminism we have it maybe that we need to avoid asking if ever there has been or yet could be any “philosopher queen(s)” - philosophically speaking.  And so let it be written that we can here dispense with Mrs. Clinton at least for never yet having been a “queen” however.

It yet isn’t lucky for Mrs. Clinton that President Barack Hussein Obama’s Commander in Chief grandstanding as if of a new foreign policy also has to be considered as an inappropriate “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”.  Mrs. Clinton’s pedestrian hands are dirty of the likes of it and with culpability in carbon dating that long precedes even Senator Obama’s getting his feet the least wet per.

As she has yet never been a “queen” however it is too that we cannot quite tag her even as a “philosopher queen.”  No!  No she is an embodiment of the “COMPROMISE” - she is yet, however not a queen, of the same tag of her former boss as one, though a male, whom has been said to have been evidently witnessed as not having a philosophy of governance.

I concur.  I too have never seen enough premeditation of an intellectual beyond knee jerk defensive convenient compromising from at least President Obama for even a hypothesis at a “philosophy” of governance.  Though attempted at “proffered” the former Constitution Law Professor President Obama waned globally while commencing at West Point as if of a shouldered pride full of personal doing/building as if of all the pomp and circumstance as his “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”.

Should we talk about the women?  Need we talk about the women differently?  Mustn’t we now at least talk about the women as differently and globally as Mrs. Clinton has in her practiced political & ‘diplomatic’?  Is a life of the soul of an Afghani women so worth more than Mrs. Clinton, however, treated the value of Iraqi women?  Mustn’t it be female Clinton’s fault that President Obama had a foreign policy that too allowed Iraqi women to be devalued relative to Afghani women?

So if she is all about the “COMPROMISE” where are all the compromises sold or pimped as greater goods as if intelligent?

To all the brave souls as of the The United States Armed Forces, however, and however if too much as collateral to the Democrats as family of the bravest:  Right - philosophically speaking the Democrats have devalued Iraqi women while using an excuse for a war of choice against the Taliban as by lies about 9/11 deductions and so that the intelligent and any of common sense can discern that the argument for the Democrats said “necessary” war of choice against the Taliban does smartly work for Operation Iraqi Freedom justifying, but.  When we now accept the Democrats lied and soldiers and diplomats, at least, died it is odd that their lie for a war of choice as if deduced from 9/11 “politics” is actually, however an “argument”, a better justification for the involvement, prior to the Obama Iraqi abortive, of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.

Right - best for now to leave it to the still much unconsidered intellectual contrasting as too how the Clintons, at least together in their 8 years of the Administration of the Clintons, were to likely then also of devaluing Iraqi women while of abandonment of both Afghani and Iraqi women & children.  It is odd that Mrs. Clinton as “@HillaryClinton has her avatar of publicly stating she isn’t an advocate for men - that she is self bio’d as just an “advocate” of “women & kids”.

We should have asked the Clintons years ago for seeming lies about “PEACE” to justify their convenient compromised politics of “PEACE DIVIDENDS” while the women and “kids” of Afghanistan and Iraq suffered in the ABANDONMENT by the The United States of America.  It seems, but seems as yet to be “officially” concluded, that the Clintons must have used the CIA to lie about “PEACE” so that they could sell abandoning so many souls in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now, as the commenced MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (false) pride of President Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama falls even flatter, it has us called to march for freedom, and renewed honesty;  Now, as the commenced extant in that Mrs. Clinton likes to tag as at “evidence based deciding”, we have the globally evident contrariness to discern.  I am not now willing to assert that President George W. Bush was greater than working to a standard operating methodology, even such as he was to yet being of a “philosophy of governance”!  Such may have to wait for the discussion of any woman if a woman yet a “philosopher queen.”

Let me be clear: to keep it simple: to let us work at stupid simple:  The Democrats lied worse as at a lying to the People for a war of choice not a war of necessity so such as Afghanistan now as a “longest war.”  There is no argument for their war of choice that needed a clever misdirection deduction from the events of 9/11 that isn’t more real as so of how it so then was proper and justified more so for the Administration of the Clintons to have been in Afghanistan for such reasons even as early as their 1993-1997 term.  We avoid talking “common sense” if we disavow ourselves from talking about how we were justified if so justified by such a justifying to have been there in Afghanistan before 9/11.  Let me be clear, and to the “evidence based deciding” Mrs. Clinton is loosely posturing:  Because the Clintons, however, so seemed at best to have been lying about “PEACE” and for political popularity in “PEACE DIVIDENDS” that they lied is that they lied worse than any of the Bush Administrations.

I leave you to accept that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has never yet been a “queen” however, and, to ask yourselves how bad the Democrats have been as their arguments as if of a justifying do “evidently” undermine their own (if an attempt at philosophy) “philosophy.”  The lies told so the Democrats could have timely “operations” in Afghanistan for the “women & kids” do work as a better argument for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and yet though for how the said “lies” of the Adminstration of George W. Bush were evidently told in a “BLUFFING” to show a seriousness and towards avoiding any operation so better justifiable if justified by what was more lies by the Democrats as if “proffered” as able to justify a longest warring in Afghanistan and not though any operation even for the long abandoned “women & kids” of Iraq.

There now can hardly be any due “evidence” fairly at a justifying of sanction for any of the Clintons, and some of the Obama “Democrats”, for the failure to stand up a defense of the United Nations agreed sanctions in a timely manner in an enforcement of Saddam Hussein.  I disagree with President Obama’s commenced remarks that there is “history” that can defend both sides’ sides, and I assert that “evidence based deciding” is not a civility nor weapon ready at his chest - ready to support any “philosophy.”

For more reading please visit http://JPHogan.org and at least attempt to juxtapose OBAMA’S RETREAT.

The said lies about “evidence” of/for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM are also more excusable as well for while of a due “enforcement” flexing of United Nations’ agreed sanctions such were preparatory for a worse case scenario state of mind that should be reasonable and acceptable before any commencing that could go as wrong as such could be considered wrong and then considered as if whom was yet of underestimating the risks.  Those we now accept as “Democrats” told worser lies and so as if their lies could only work on a local “evidence” convenient and not generally at all the areas they had already equally been of unjust abandoment.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

1.  “#SCOTUS per #Economics Dems are lost souls not knowing #HobbyLobbby “work” as “not for profits” more as for disciples as a type of insurance by community pre-organizing that cannot be rightly as a rainy day and daily synchronicity be to the time and attention to assimilation to political uniformity as set importantly in the fog of poetry and Christian forgiveness, where so.  As “not for profits” as more of the work of later disciples of past prophets it is that “for profits” are about those thinking ahead as of a belief they are of a prophets beneficience to hope and change that only might prove necessarily devilish in a devils’ advocation sort of way or rightly heavenly on an earthly shared electricity of humanity.  “For profits” are more for working an existence for a believed possible shared energy in humanity than the metric of taxation as that of the rewards that may flow to those brightly about hope and change, however incorporated in shared missions with vague or specific mission statements - publicly or privately.”

2.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vodkas


4.  “#CspanChat on #HobbyLobby & #Conestoga need economics of “for profit” refreshed as of the entrepreneurial of risk at thinking if to doing what a profit may suggest could be possibly fruitful if enough forethought and organized work efforts conjoined about it.  It isn’t meant in traditional capitalism to be that a business even as a corporation of people is singularly organized to “make money” but as to prove a forethought like of a prophet is proven to have been of beneficience and of rewards from having been prepared correctly.  And, as it is confused as by “not for profits” yet of work of past prophets’ realms it is explainable that “not for profits” have tax exempt status more because of an establishment for everyday realities and possibilities than are like of insuring from risks and not of a luxury in aforethought hope for change in a uncertain belief.  “Not for profits” are yet said maybe for a prophets work but as after the fact not like for profits as of the shared hope a priori apropos.

5.  “#CommonSense #HobbyLobby if #Obama can claim signing subjects up for #ACA is “God’s work” then at least medical corps exempt!

6.  “#SCOTUS as “Order” a founders’ noun “respecting” as USC only yet establishment of USG informs 1st Amnd must by “no Law respecting an establishment of religion” mean that the Constitution as yet the only Order of the Union establishment be an Order as of an establishment of religion so as the 1st Amendment informs as with “respecting” any thing so new imports that by use of “re…” one as an establishment must already exist in the Ordering of the Union so by the Order as the People’s writ Constitution.  It is clever both how the First Amendment appears to placate Thomas Jefferson’s objections and yet by its words and grammar seem set to actually reaffirm the very un-Jeffersonian Constitutional constructs so subscribed to humbly unanimously by the founding signers.  It too is extremely clever how it seems the most important aspect of the protections of the 2nd Amendment are essentially secured in the specific implications by grammar in the 1st Amendment and so that it seems the most important relevance to the 2nd Amendment interpretive seems that the 1st Amendment is 1st. ???

7.  “#HobbyLobby #SCOTUS @ #Obama #CONTRACEPTION illegal of that #USA #USC should never have seen a #RFRA in #Congress — The First Amendment is of one essential truth that Congress by it is barred from making any Law as a declaration that there is no GOD and that GOD has been necessarily been replaced with nationalization in centralized social programs and too as “entitlements” though by Article 1 no “TITLING” is to be allowed however minor such “titling” may yet be proffered as and if just a granting as by title to a right to even say a poverty level or now a green minimalism new PC.”

8.  “#HobbyLobby #BecketFund @CardinalDolan #Religion #SCOTUS #Corporations

“Still liking this FB/JPeterHogan UPDATE: 
#HobbyLobby #BecketFund @CardinalDolan #Religion #SCOTUS J Peter Hogan ditto posting of comment @TheBecketFundforReligiousLiberty”

“As #HobbyLobby like a #LittleSistersOfThePoor Constitutional poetic of original ordained concepts writ “done” in that Year of the founders’ Lord this week is ripe for cross training citizen Peoples in First Amendment revelations.  A genesis of a Constitutional problema is in how there seems now philosophy of governance about the Obama administering during these years of the ill fated marching of leftist Democrat Party political dogmatic wants.  A prolegomenon to Constitutionality originality rebirth is of the old book a still new book as with the USA USC there is writ an accompaniment.  The more biting words to a proper defense of religious freedom as pertains to contraception breach seems pertinent of RFRA of McKeon & Gallo as a bringing elected Clinton back to a rationality in the folds of prudence, necessarily.  The more biting assault for a restoration of such renaissance in foundational establishment yet this week is maybe best served up as also much to the Constitutional legality that any Law a “Tax” as ACA ruled merely as “it’s a tax” is strictly speaking not subscribed as of a permanence as a right — As it is a tax, and now with the First Amendment prescient and apropos, the justices of the Supreme Court should be asked to rule upon how a tax isn’t yet to be considered established law of the land as if to be prejudged in a permanency as if a law writ to be suspect as a permanent Law.  It seems fleeting as it however “established Law of land” that as a tax the People have the Power to expect it not to be enduring as it not yet a Constitutional right but so as in an impermanence as a law a law merely as a temporary specific taxation.  It seems to properly be to a resurrection of prudence of the religious protections of the First Amendment respecting of the spectacle of the body of its articles as subscribed as established and ordained to a People’s Order done in constituting a more perfect Union (than the United Kingdom’s) (than the Articles of Confederation) as of God’s bite as a writ in accompaniment to the New Testament as set so unanimously and “done” in the Christian Calendar.  It seems however George Washington inaugurated poetically with vicissitudes and a seeming humor common for the People’s times as of “washing” ton o’ humor in a heralding prudence at a prophylactic conscience (and said concern of “impregnable fortitude) to be of thinking at least to rinsing and reuse of condoms as ’skins’ of the modernity.  It does seem to behoove all about SCOTUS to illegalities of POTUS now to reconsider the fate of a permanence for entitlements contrary to Constitutional stoicisms in sectarian preserves by ways of pimp’n the issue that any Law a tax like The Affordable Care Act is by its nature not of a legal permanence by design - that any permanence too would be of the same realm of First Amendment religiousness violates as such as being defended by Hobby Lobby.  http://JPHogan.org/

* #Hashtags #tag ISLAM, #Islam, MUHAMMAD, #Muhammad
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

To double rabbit a justice about so many crossroads we’ld be cross, maybe, to not discern risings, and raisings, of the ups and downs footed at so many intersections, and there how so of overlay pathology, as to locking in a well joined apropos civility;

To a fitting justice, still set in joined civility of innocence until proven of specific guilt, we are still best to chisel lately at the rabbits’ overlays inaugural of George Washington’s prudent import at “…vicissitudes incident to life” immaturity prima facia.  To avoid even a smidgen of guilt (for a crucifying cross) one needs to consider their footing and their words, and well: 

May you be to lapping ups the joints to such, however, now firstly suggested, as if of two rabbits over-laid, to this joined raising for issues plus’d to capital punishment and apropos premeditation for avoidance from innocence lost.

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Is it of genesis of APPLE that #Jobs struggle was firstly & always to bringing tablets & Bible into the palms of everyone #app’ly?

Prove “Order” so capitalized in preamble is a NOUN as @ The Constitution is a People’s Order — Dems “legality” falls!  To be high with the Founders and their Lord now in a newer Year so of such God of the New Testament you may be prudent to be as engirthed in lines of Noah however so set so natural in hemp;  Joseph as a carpenter, wherever of his Jobian struggles, needed like Noah to be good at rabbits and very stoked in joints, however.

Freedom OF religion as:  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?  When open the Ground Zero Museum of the September 11 Memorial keep will be charged to a keep for truth - and curiosity.  When open at Ground Zero it will be devilish to some, and cross’dly so, how God is to be seen in capital punishment tool’d.  To atheists however grounded, it, a cross, could be a cross as but a rabbited tool for justice as replaceable as by a noose or an electric chair - or guillotine.  Rabbit holes of those among the vicissitudes incident to life can, and have, led many to God - not all, though. Tolerance too is chiseled, at least by a precedence set by U.S.A. Constituted first President under the People’s Order and so humbly under the subscribed set Lord, whence then in that Year as “done” so boldly as per modifying “to form a more perfect Union” ordering.

Though the joints of Noah and Joseph may have been long set in hemp, and more naturally than today’s, the parsed meants of the Founders’ parchment poetry as Law do not set asunder rabbiting writs for heaven on earth through believing in their highs. As established and ordained and set in writs cautiously to forewarn, to avoid yet, to pitfalls from (fogged) stumbles on paths however golden.  It seems impossible for there but to be a freedom of religion as it seems, objectively, that there can be no freedom from religion, though a freedom from a religion is yet plausible - though if only by a stature of another.  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity;  By an objective definition of RELIGION it seems impossible as it as of all humanity that any human can yet be free of RELIGION;  It seems any can only be of it and not ever from it, objectively.  It is but an old or new - good or bad - best poetry of shared humanity, to be judged - but not escaped from, wholly.

ART!  Art, objectively, can be a great and grand tool, at least, to a better and broader crossroads and bridging for latitudes and attitudes better joined for a preservation and practice of prudence in a rectal sui juris akin to Sodom and Gomorrah curriculum to bestow benevolence in habeas corpus prophylactic governance bedded in innocent until proven guilty clausals.  However your persuasion and choice natural biases it behoove yee to be a booster of ART as ART may help you when best to avoid innocence as lost to a cross’d crucifying, however — by ART there can be more room for a preserve of innocence.

There are Bishops on the boards of CHESS everywhere!  It is as obvious an objective statement, it seems, as to suggest there cannot be a freedom from RELIGION - anywhere.  Without a Rorchach, ever, however, most will see an intersections of the laid squares at times cross’dly, however their paths hopeful or hopeless whence.  What though may yet be modern (ART) more as if at surgical strikes as yet moves meant to be less as at marbles and prudently at least as at CHESS?  Did the Clintons’ lose their marble when graphically so to a standard as to stoked as if an “up yours” earthly to the European Union celestial’d circle in a rectangle;  Didn’t the Clintons’ only think marbles while putting a circle in a rectangle anew as the Swastika had been in the fields of red of the Nazi of Hitler and The Third Reich?

(Note to self:  Confirm that no Republican past President, is though like President Obama, also of a flag, as a standard their own as well, and also too that like the Clintons’, so as like Barack Hussein Obama’s, isn’t also like the Nazi flag as graphically imperialistic, objectively (in ART), as an earthly circle, not like the Europeans’ Union. nor Japan’s as humble in a celestial.).

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Crimea, like Syria, however of Russia, is now hardly but a smidgen on the boards of shared humanity;  Crimea it seems isn’t to be stoked as if President Vladimir Putin has somehow lost his marbles, and while only playing marbles.  It seems this may be us of an intersection to be timed as too about a resurgent Russian Christian Orthodoxy.  It seems this is among the vicissitudes incident to life expectant in the existential of the newly Constituted United States of President George Washington’s rabbiting for inescapable humanity by his orations firstly inaugural whence.

Does Vladimir Putin have a holy excuse so about Crimea however too as a strategic CHESS move?  Does the Russian President have the words, even if a prudence to be covert and clever in strategery, to match the word of his Orthodox Christianity so Russian?  How cross’d be he if the Ukrainian (and Crimean) people are not too cross’d?  Is he about helping in their own jurisdictional rabbiting of consent more than terror?

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea is he a TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

What are the particulars most prescient (in a divine) for those not themselves of a cross’d innocence lost joined, however, in ups and downs footed and rabbited?  What are the particulars for those yet not cross’d yet of he that is cross’d?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of thought buried too taxing scandals.

By the words about the cross soon set commemorative we are gathered about Crimea as of new valleys to reason about before it maybe be too late for risen.  Alfred Lord Tennyson, I presume, hadn’t lost his marbles, not a smidgen worth.  President Obama may now be getting CHESS moves he hoped for without an apriori appreciation of a Russian potential about Syria policing maybe firstly wisely pre-staged by better defensive (naval) depths about the Crimean shores.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is past a smidgen worth of tagging as at only being of playing marbles isn’t it if President Vladimir Putin is a rising in the establishments of Russian Christian Orthodoxy maybe being preparatory to better crusading joined defensive new suppositions of naval deposits about the Crimea?  If we are to expect a Russian responsibility for its (guilt) of years in enabling just President Bashar al-Assad as a Russian compassionate conservativism shouldn’t we think it may be safer for Ukrainian if Crimean only seen as the home port of the Russian Crusades?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of (thought) buried too taxing scandals.

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea isn’t he also @ a/also TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.  Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion - ONLY - as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Isn’t it to atheists that a cross’d just as well if displayed, displayed otherwise by a noose, an electric chair, syringe, or a guillotine?  As ART yet of helping latitudes of attitudes for the preservation of realms of innocent until proven guilty?  We are, where ever, yet, however, Constituted much about the rabbiting joined in the “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” as the word of US by the first white President George Washington and his orations in New York City. 

We are always at a crossroads - a cross’d - as of our walks and net mobility.  Be careful, and forewarned yet to stay even, tall and from even a smidgen + of guilt!  Long live a carpe diem Miranda’d established, ordained, subscribed boldly writ “done” more perfect Union!

                                            *     *     *
[Yes, though as much about dadoes, or a dado paired pared, such here so chiseled sketchy of rabbits and rabbets.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:36 am

As a (political) platypus we should be looking for her stinger.  As a (political) Draculette we should be carrying wooden stakes and not surprised she is not apprised of her self as she wouldn’t be seen near mirrors.  As a new Marie Antoinette it would behoove all to consider her and that which is her’s in historical collateral damage.

Got spit?  She might be splashy and a whale at the tables of the gambles of politics, and, she may most fear the Constitution of the Founders’ original bite, for it seems, though unexpected, to still have its original teeth.

Got spit?  She, however a mammal, and evolved however, has gummed up the body politic about vicissitudes neglected as like of viscosities degraded of essential lubricants of critical mechanisms in the push and pull of governance engineered.

Got spit?  She, regardless, however a woman, has mileage on her, as trumpeted - much heavy baggage and a cacophony in discord, strongly drummed, too - She has eight years on her of consummated parity in Presidency still too lacking a fitting right sized comity homespun.

For scores and for her eight years not too long ago there is that many have been buried and wounded as her consummated powers so intimate and intimated were consecrated and metered.  Her’s is and is a union the Union cannot divide — she is set as protected as an equal partner of indivisible stature due marriage unions, however, this Union is not allowed to set asunder, by Laws.  What feminist angst and envy is tolerable by Law after first so expressed as intimated as Executive heft by a kept equal in marriage First Spouse?  Mustn’t the plates so served upon as of politics of the Executive stay in the Executive - stay to the proper side of the thresholds of democracy as preserved in the Executive’s walls?  Where a team of rivals worked for President Lincoln it now already endures that for President Obama his gamble with an embrace of the Clintons as rivals has been much to the frays causal to his unraveling.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is the proper politician to tag about the past hashable as a said “Messiah” it is that he, not she, has played out more as if a SON OF GOD, and too with an EXODUS - an exodus in Hollywood of at least half of those thought to have been loyal to the Clinton marital union accordance as a set so poised as those their most dramatic friends.  It must rank with President Obama that however possibly as a female gladiator the people of the known world is behooved too to consider that she is more as if a Joaquin Phoenix - a Commodus. She seems to already have failed with, and in, too many “fight scenes.”

Her envy - oh her envy?  But for being like born and bread of Chicago, Illinois, true so through, she otherwise claimed The Natural State as hers.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But as for having been reared and trained to a juris doctorate she as a J.D. seems still too dramatic and lacking in a believable as it is she too seems to want “ORDER” pre ambled to be a verb and not the noun of its writ large People Order original intent.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But how to accommodate - how to moderate - how to justify - how to arrest her insensibilities and properly grid her out graphically and chronologically to meter in digits her past footing, of her beaten, to within inches so more American?  How are any now to properly weigh the existent legacy of she as the equal to her he and of shared intimate and intimated Executive Power - how she a Commodus or a modern day Marie Antoinette?

Among the vicissitudes very publicly incident to her reign is much of personal emoluments and marital entanglements.  The faux she is to be the is she soon of the record for curation for all those fallen and of risings indivisible from the real she of the his her of the Clintons’ Presidency “two-fer” Union - when the Ground Zero Museum opens it will have a curatorial duty to the realm of truth and probative curiousity which she should have trouble long enduring.  When the Ground Zero Museum opens the Ground Zero Memorial will become more a living tribute to truth and towards honoring the memorial as a memorial, however constructed, as a construct to display the real she and he Clinton as the ticker ticks that the priors are for President Bush but eight plus months, and for the Clintons’ Presidency eight years plus eight months plus.

Our Constitution has been shaken.  Her constitution is set to be permanently shaken and likely exposed as truly culpable at least in a shared executive negligence, at least.  The Ground Zero Museum may not be prudent or charged to exposing a “The Real Hillary Rodham Clinton” or at all the she of her of feminine “envy” but it will at least have the justification to undermine a too dramatized she with a timeline chronology showing the attacks of the first 9/11 had plans commenced while she reigned as (a too imperialist) First Spouse.  It should shake her to the ashes, at least to the bones of her “legacy” - it should be an open and shut to a irreconcilable coincidental to shake her truly about a due consideration of a museum curative charge for the people - all people - that there are at least a couple per the Clintons’ administering of a public record that can and can more still incriminate them, and much for the dangers of inaction and avoidance specific to the Middle East and more so Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our truths?  God is in the Constitution as ordained and established as the People’s Order in their forming the more perfect Union so as “done” that Year of the founders’ Lord whence.  God isn’t just established by the Constitution as the God of the New Testament — the founders established the government of the People as so humbly under God and their order to it so as a more perfect Union as “done” so before subscriptions unanimous so effectingly.

Our truths?  God has been bearing witness to the bare she as honestly politically of the indivisible union in marriage with her he the Platypus stinger of her of her consummated and consecrated intimate intimations of the Clintons’ Executive and to as the said rival of a team about President Obama that is of a legacy now of dividing a nation more than unifying one.

Our truths?  God is not alone - God so Constituted is empowering freedoms and too soon by a curated memorialized to it a inconvenient truth that the Ground Zero Museum will have its charges to a duty to float the whale of she - the whale of her issues - as it that such is consecrated as hallowed ground to be forever considerate and a sanctuary for honesty about how such is of an ashes of sacrifice not to be seen at all as acceptable collateral damage for the politics and policies of the Administration by the Clintons will long cascade visuals to truths about them of a culpability.

However madly hatted in a public spectacle, it is sad - not spectacular - that Hillary Clinton has been, and is, a person of interest for so much that has gone wrong.  However madly hatted the Ground Zero Museum will make the sanctuary of the Ground Zero Memorial a living testament to a due queriousness near to and regular as:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG (IN THE MIDDLE EAST)?

However:  Now of a refreshing of the scares of SON OF GOD and the Biblical EXODUS we have to too consider anew the civility and prudence, at least of economics, if to a returned growth paradigm, in how it can still be said that the Republicans are naturally better for a JOB for you for they sell sin, sex, sanctuaries, and justice and/or forgiveness, and, in a simplicity for Democrats they apparently have been too much too slick in just a pedestrian selling of sin and escapism.  The original he and she we are asked to be to seeing is an Adam and Eve as Bill and Hillary of their inescapable intimately consummated soon to be more lively consecrated by their intimations and political intimidations by the duties curatorial expected with all those of charges about the soon to be open Ground Zero Museum.

Perhaps, we can reduce for reader digesting the whale of Platypus, Draculette, Antoinette and Commodus Clinton by using a quote by paraphrasing one whom was of the Clintons’ National Security Council.  Perhaps this thought too should be boldly set and illuminated sharply at least in the new museum when it is open:  Perhaps so:  As written in TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt nearly:  WHEN THE WHITE HOUSE SETS ABOUT WORKING TOO CLOSELY WITH HOLLYWOOD SUCH BEGETS TERRORISM.

Perhaps, we just need to question her wardrobe as if it was ever even magical?  Perhaps the threshold of a “honest” “Hillary” is at just remembering how President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did tag the Administration of the Clintons’ smartly for having begotten problems by ignoring too much that dangers arise from avoidance and inaction?  It is that President Obama should maybe too be memorialized at such museum and for the wisdom and prudence however 20/20 of hindsight about even 9/11 I of the attacks on 9/11 of the Year of our Lord two thousand and One — Perhaps an @BarackObama quote should too endure by public displays of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance heedence of credence in proffered his as there are DANGERS from AVOIDANCE and INACTION?

                                        *     *     *

[If Hillary Rodham had married William Jefferson Clinton by his Christian name firstly given she’ld, however becoming she may have become, would have been so too as more just Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:59 pm

I should preface this piece in novel yet informative political and historical satire with a recommendation that our discourse need be #RESET by a still timely reading of President George Washington at least of his First Inaugural.  It is important still to understand the so set American basics as by his commencing so with “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” and how such is writ large for a lasting stoic “American.”

Here is its lasting as a parting opener closer:

  “Having thus imparted to you my sentiments as they have been awakened
by the occasion which brings us together, I shall take my present leave;
but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the Human
Race in humble supplication that, since He has been pleased to favor the
American people with opportunities for deliberating in perfect
tranquillity, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity
on a form of government for the security of their union and the
advancement of their happiness, so His divine blessing may be equally
conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the
wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.”

Here is a first question:

Could he have written and orated such as the initiating President by inaugural if the Constitution wasn’t the People’s “Order” as to ordain and establish such as an establishment of Government under the New Testament so done by convention humbly by those unanimously by subscriptions under such God so that Year of their Lord whence?


As by “vicissitudes” George Washington, President, initiates the People as by sex & sexuality as if of a genesis by Genesis as of America as an Eden of males and females post a presentation and temptation of the apple - at least.  He waxes a washing of tons though for all other “ups” and “downs” of life as set by “vicissitudes incident to life.”

In opposition to much or most of this we have still a too randy comparative when of a judging of the Clintons.

Here is my preferred link to a superior President as of/for his opening leading remarks:  http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres13.html

This morning by #socialmedia I posted this to Harvard via Belfer Center wall:

“Just wondering by how much Harvard and Belfer
should be to changing their curriculums now as original intent of
founders of the Constitution so constituted as the People’s “Order” so
now more politically accepted as the USG of USC of the preamble
with “in Order to form a more perfect Union” is there with “Order”
capitalized because it is meant as a noun that sets up the later
subscriptions humble under the God of the New Testament so unanimously
of that “Year of our Lord” exclamation in orders so and so as with it
the People Order to a Union in Christianity as more perfect and so then
“done” before they signed and as done whence they so all subscribed it
and while Thomas Jefferson was safely across the ocean in France and
unable so to object or alter such in a timely manner?”


The Clintons example and core are more said already of a curriculum of them too much as contrary to George Washington and more of a want (coincidentally) too as like anti-Constitution like the about thence whence of such inuagural as too like then abouts NY Governor Clinton.  To see Clinton as like Clinton it behoove you be foundational yet categorical as how one Clinton was like anti-constitutional whence Clinton now has been of the Clintons as two too at anti-constitutional machinations likewise but by the broader category now as set in “globally” as like by Clinton(s).

President Washington’s first remarks were really quite unprecedented.  President Clinton though has been at least newly randy by his telling remarks as set indivisible as a mate on any board if his Mrs. say as a Queen presumes a right to be as if a new game of chess to a new reign of the Clintons.

Here is a first question:

As it now is though, however, not yet (clearly) legal, that it would not be unprecedented for Mrs. Clinton, however, to now be so presumptive there are now far more concerning and Constitutionally specifically important unprecedenteds to be to at justified and full probative dispositions muscular pressings about about all things Clinton(s) - especially financial and incorporated, however said like chartered for constituted vast left wing powers.  Right?


These days and the coming days should be quite trying for the Clintons as too as if too much of earlier Clintons;  These days forward are set in a time and place where more people are now of reading and having read the Constitution as the People’s Order with “Order” as a noun inconvenient as not (still like) a verb to many Democrats - where now too many people have again read and agreed with the Constitution of The United States of America as superior to the contrary think or say philosophies of the Clintons.  For the Clintons if of a presumptive Mrs. Clinton anewly it should be already self evident that too many now have and are reading the USC as set with “Order” as a noun in the preamble.

In Following per the People and the Constitution as the establishment of Government for the thus so ordered states by such Order it figures in an affirmation of is so a more perfect Union “done” that day as so as was did in “ordain” and “establish” prefacing that for it done such the tone of “tolerance” as writ by President Washington to Jews of Rhode Island, USA - Necessary per his affirmations about such as of America as like an Eden genesis itself as interpretive and confirming of the Constitution as a People’s Order for a government of subscription unanimously under the New Testament.

For now:

It is considerate that President Barack Hussein Obama, as elected as a First President by the color of his skin, if white likely could have and should have been already impeached for a lacking Presidential in quality of character and so as it seems as well about so quite impeachable for his Vice President all the while he himself wasn’t suggesting such was due and at least for it long considered that impeachments are to be called for when of Presidential cover-ups - when like now long of cover-ups so yet specifically now as for the Clintons - of the Clintons.

For now:

If President Obama were white he so as himself, but as white not black, would have been so intolerable even to a Democrat Senate for an impeachment to have at least have been well advanced and quite broadly and sweepingly as too in the sufferable suffrage appropriate right of Congress for such and technically quite in it us so of US now still too tripping over a failed cover-up of the culpability of the Clintons and them of a negligence that is discernible and entangled in the present and the past - and in the past so foundational to these days as if of chess necessarily as like checkers for as Bill & Hillary have played like King and Queen there is really no boards of precedence for them to have legally been so & American.

A tease:

“Paradise has been threatened, to lost, since she broached the heart beat
of America, as an evil weapon, of mass destruction, whence thence as
she toed in to a crusading circa 2007.  Had she not lost half of her
most dramatic friends these times could be more trying — she is no
virgin.  Her husband’s fidelity is not, on balance, the “is not” issue
at the pep of most of this.”

A closer as an opener Randian:

A closer at how now apropos William Jefferson Clinton by Senator Rand Paul of a new “randy” at least as per interns and cigars as a checking of mate while duly of a just probative of Hillary Rodham Clinton for now still she seems set about again being to presumptious:

A closer:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:43 am

To posit a conclusion for numerous different events of the past week, and uniformly, I reach to the story of a rising from the ashes of a phoenix.  There is a synchronicity now of these times of us attempting to be to a rising - a recovery - that behoove us to all consider a threat to humanity that some or one even may have designs upon opportunity for lawless Power

Even if so many rendered to ashes of fallen economies have been so as by accident and not willful intent and clever purposes (too selfish) of the leaders it is that a dangerous opportunity may be existent for a rebuilding yet arranged in a lawlessness.

We all should be behoven to real dangers from opportunities for Powers in extra-Constitutional and post-Constitutional schematics.  One or even a few or more could with any mass rising so could be positioned for a rare power grab as if to an “I AM BACK” postured real powers of a socio-economic political new constitution for a few not though Constitutional by any existent Constitution.

There are five flags to discuss and contrast with this expose of threats too possibly real.  There are more than a singular soul now possibly in a position to become constituted globally to new and great global yet not Constituted Powers.  Soon we can discuss the flags of the Third Reich the flag of Japan the flag of the European Union the flag of the Clinton Global Initiative and the all to somehow similar flag and standard of candidate Barack Hussein Obama.

But first let us consider something that should be more of a common sense and as per term limits.  It seems that if term limits on a President are Constituted they are so as for dangers from a President having power too long.  It seems common sense that we all must consider that if we have term limits on a President for dangers from any having power for too long it has to be that any spouse of such President, regardless of sex for the most part, needest be considered as possibly being a greater threat and so most definitely also importantly limited as a half of the whole of them any could be in danger from with them of having power for too long.  It seems ridiculously common sense and respective of the natural state of humanity that if a term limit is prudent for a President it should be especially more importantly critical that a spouse firstly also be barred as by such limiting.  It seems simply that a spouse as a half of a whole about a Presidency is likely the more bitter and vengeful half that any People best be at protections from.  As per a hazard from not respecting that a spouse should be more feared than any named elected other half of the whole of their Presidency we have the risk of the above of possible situations from scheming to later risings like of an “I AM BACK” to a truly constituted new power actually considerate as not Constitutional at all.

We can make an example for these purposes by a discussion of President Obama as if a lame duck.  It seems the Clintons towards a constituted “I AM BACK” or “WE ARE BACK” have yet failed while having though tried to render President Obama as not just a lame duck but effectively as one whom no one should any longer be still seeing as the leader of the Democrats.  We needn’t go to depth here on how and when the Clintons seemed to have already failed in partisan coup attempts at essentially a political neutering of President Obama — this is a matter still for whether President Obama actually has any juice left even in his own party and as we have a right to see yet if he can handle even the politics of the rivaling Clintons.

So far though the Clintons are in a partisan light exposed as of schemes towards new powers constituted though not actually Constituted.  But can we yet enough discern that were there is intra-party smoke of such a scheming for a newly constituted “gun” power that there is yet enough to fathom how a “smoking gun” however intra-party is evidence of a international plotting of means, motive, and opportunity?  So far it seems the worlds greatest danger is that the Clintons have a scheme to have Bill Clinton be back and of a yet constituted power not checked by yet Constituted Power authorities as to a grand moment in a popular accolades too much of a general ignorance to an “I AM BACK” though more as an imposter.  It is of historical significance that the Clintons can be said to have lost in 2008 to Senator Barack H. Obama with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT for the Clintons were legally being kept from sounding like what was thought of the 1990s successes to have been them.

For now to be brief there seems just time to raise the alarms about possible dangers from so many different events of the past week and including the World Economic Forum so as if all are somehow now moving forward in a spirit quite as if having to rise from the ashes as like a famed phoenix.  Yes it is that I did try to defeat what seemed of dangers of the Clintons at intra-party coup attempts against a lame duck President Obama towards them being restored as the at least titular head of the Democrat Party and its politics.

I cannot say with any confidence that President Obama was aware of such dangers initially or in then the real time of such concerns about his fate in his own party.  But really even if Michelle Obama had desires to help President Obama have two more terms by attempting like the Clintons to run their two halves now on the namesake of the spousal half it is that it must be common sense respecting natural states that any need for term limits must be even more greatly prudent to barring of a spouse as likely reasonably effected already too much and to being an actual greater threat.

So historically and currently concernedly what should we take graphically from the suggestion of standards from the banners as flags of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives and as well that firstly of candidate Barack Obama? 

To see a threat approaching by any standard would be prudent and especially expected if the graphics and message in art of such is suggestive of past problems for humanity.  Why though can we say that the flags of the Japanese and of the European Union are artful and not too alarming even historically and yet the flag of the Third Reich of the same “art” and “message” problem psychopathy as the standards of the Clintons and too of Obama?

Firstly how - right! - can we say the European circle of stars can be of a GOOD ART and the yet similar of the CGI Clintons as BAD POLITICS & BAD ART?  It cannot just be for there is a sense of an earth globe circle in the middle as like that of the Nazi Third Reich banner - or can it?

To keep it simple and relative to dangers to Constituted and prudent powers of Peoples as per PHOENIX LAWLESS alarmism let us wrap the week, this week, basically with a reset wisdom that the flag of the Japanese state and of the European Union are celestial not earthly suggestive to dominance.

To keep it simple about President Obama and as he likely still too at risk for more intra-party coup attempts by the Clintons to be “WE ARE BACK” or more just of a constituted power for Bill Clinton as of a SURPRISE!!! “I AM BACK” dominant posturing we are wise to now recognized and keep considering that his “O” flag is artfully suggestive as if he can be seen as leading the whole world with constituted popular power even though nowhere yet Constituted or really consecrated.

A rising sun for the Japanese is what they live geo-politically as it is that as an island nation so physically endowed a whole People wakes near simultaneously to a rising sun of the East quite like of the solemnity of their historic standard.  A circle of stars for the European Union though is also a humbling art in a celestial axilating. 

It is alarming that the flag of the Clintons for their global image is what it is as their CGI banner.  It is a less than artful depiction of a violation of the European Union heavens of a natural state incivility graphically as an earthly subversion to the flag of the united European States.  Its is violent in its broached circle of stars so and as violated in a Freudian with strong proud Clinton lines only slightly softened by a curvacious suggestion of a bosoming in Clintons.

Though this is of future dangers for any rising from the economic ashes as per PHOENIX LAWLESS metaphoricals it is rightly obvious that the Clintons’ message of their CGI standard is an effrontery to the Stars and Stripes of Old Glory and as well to the European Union as more of an hoisting regular to assert an “I HAVE NEVER LEFT”!

I/we should be alarmed by the graphic qualities of the standards of the Nazi Reich, the Clinton Global Initiative, and yes too the international too imperialistic “O” of he somehow still yet the at least seeming titular head of the Democrat Party.

Firstly though that the CGI banner may be a spectacle as of a “I AM STILL HERE” “FEEL ME” art & message it is that we, yes, need be behoven to a potential for some to be of plots for a new constituted power of an “I AM BACK” that can yet be to powers constituted though not Constituted - Constituted yet anywhere.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:56 am

What is intelligence?  What might be the results of an IQ test today in Davos of those gathered of the World Economic Forum?

Are they smarter than an average white American Democrat woman?  Any American woman over the age of 50?

It seems multiple choice queries would complicate what can now be limited to point and counter point and as focused around one current public figure and even so as such representative of the sex of female.

These may be better to be presented as a bulleted list as if for essays on point and counter points:  Discuss:

  1. Hillary Clinton of 1992 race did how oddly help Governor Clinton so succeed yet while they can be said to have run against family values.
  2. Hillary Clinton is a conundrum in a postured “feminism” how was it wrong in a management methodology for a First Lady to be otherwise structured in a West Wing job of a bureaucratic submissive duty to a President as spouse?  Wasn’t she an equal in marriage as First Lady but by choice just an underling as of a “job” in the Clinton Administration?
  3. Hillary Clinton has seemingly made a career of putting her husband and his career first - discuss how this now can be seen as an “example” of feminism.
  4. Hillary Clinton as First Lady did crusade across the world quite imperialistically of dictates as to how people of different cultural regions yet should be treating their women as she said.  Did she think about “turf” and “turfs” and enough how she was rabidly being inciting and incendiary to those more orthodox or radicalized?  How but for a surge in Afghanistan could she have seen her crusading not just have been of talk say for about fifty years — how was her crusading as First Lady supposed to have any muscle to it if not by future military intervention by armed forces of The United States of America?
  5. Hillary Clinton seems set up by spousal husbandry in executive decisions biased for selfish political positioning to be arranged to be inevitable and yet in a worked dramatic to be to cast to be a HAWK to a DOVE/Lover Boy image for her Husband.  Now in hindsight how dangerous was it that the Clintons seem to have postponed prudent global engagements during their eight years too much just because they though it might be more fun if such saved for a Presidency for HAWKISH Hillary?
  6. Hillary Clinton talked tough as First Lady and tougher in ways that her spouse the President.  Was President Clinton of avoidance and inaction because he was yellow at the helm of the ship of State or was it a more dangerous politics of thinking time could wait upon their plans for his/their return via an election of them by a ticketing of his wife?
  7. Hillary Clinton did try to sell Hillarycare as if “universal” though just for a nation - but now how is it that the Democrats supposed leading authority/expert on healthcare asked to be Secretary of State and not the Secretary of Health and Human Services responsible for showing Obamacare could and would work?
  8. Hillary Clinton asked to be Secretary of State — How for feminism does this complicate a “feminist” tag for her?  Isn’t it that at State she seems to have been to being a facilitator for her husband and his global initiatives and like yet a travel office still for his priorities?  Isn’t it that at State she was supposed to be a “rival” to President Obama and that so there her loyalty has to be questioned as it seems reasonable that Clintons did want her at State to help them be together in global initiatives of a rivalry to President Obama?  How is it feminism for her to have been so compromised by CGI and especially as she was then the officer of the Obama cabinet most responsible for oversight duty to the People about Bill Clintons’ vast meddling by global initiatives?
  9. Hillary Clinton did not have any executive experience until she was President Obama’s Secretary of State, right?  Though she pledged if President she would be ready from day one and even at any 3am/crisis moment isn’t it that even with lesser and more focused duties just of State she did fail to live up to her promises? 
  10. Hillary Clinton did serve a few years as a Senator from New York state.  Isn’t her time as Senator really now historically her only resume stuffing as her as a politician?  How many years as a politician should we think necessary for any candidate for the Presidency?  Have we learned yet that as few as she and President Obama had really is too little and as it also so it seems devoid in executive instinct and experiences?
  11. Hillary Clinton didn’t insist on being HHS Secretary — could she have done at least as good a job as the executive in charge of launching a workable Obamacare?  She supposedly was the Democrats top expert due to her years attempting to bring a national Hillarycare said “universal” likewise to The United States proper — wasn’t President Obama best chance for healthcare reform to have been if Hillary Clinton had been at HHS and firstly to caring about the People and their healthcare?
  12. Hillary Clinton is of the plurality of “The Clintons” as per their former NSC member Philip Bobbitt and his book TERROR AND CONSENT.  She insisted on being part of the bureaucracy of the administration and not yet safely private and equal as just First Lady Hillary — any candidate Hillary now is of the title as TERROR AND CONSENT and not TERROR OR CONSENT and how he as a national security expert was to explaining that the Clintons lies do beget terrorism.  Philip Bobbitt’s words were known before half of her Hollywood thought friends publicly humilated her with tagging of the Clintons as BIG LIARS — but as per his warning per terror like that when a White House and Hollywood work too closely together (in posturing lies) such does dangerously beget terrorism.  It seems the Clintons in 2008 were defeated by themselves - by truths and warnings from their own circle of friends and national security experts - it seems still that Hillary Clinton lost in 2008 because enough new by Hollywood fractured friendships and TERROR AND CONSENT that the Clintons were BIG LIARS and that their lying was by at least one expert said to be of begetting terrorism.
  13. Hillary Clinton, however really a feminist or not, seems, however set up to be a HAWK to a DOVE earlier by her husband administering, too much still as of a yet unexplained “inevitable” as if she was best to be elected because she already had a working relationship with so many of those now deposed across the world that could last.  Right?  Hillary Clinton though of no executive experience and no personal experience as a politician but her few years as a Senator was in 2008 of suggesting she was the best candidate because the Clintons were still better friends around the world with socialists, tyrants, autocrats, and even specifically dictators more now of the deposed?

Ok, all can participate.  Please work up your 13 essays to at least develop your own critical thinking.  It seems we have to dissect Hillary Clinton at least and now as we can be said to of economies that haven’t been able to recover while of days newly where a dynamic of the economics is that more women are now in management and executive duties these days as recovery has been slow or barely existent.  Across all thirteen essay teased posits we have a consideration that maybe women are more to blame and as these days are of a new dynamic so of a record number of women now, however, running things.

Ok, with all this said it may be and should be polite to let the women go first.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

A FEMIFEST DESTINY to excuse even the past twenty plus years of Democrat Party national politics is far more inexcusable than a charge up San Juan Hill as if a Roosevelt’s convenient wag the dog war of choice.

Is Hillary Rodham Clinton forgivable as a MASTER OF DISASTER if it is to be politically excusable as figured and affected as if a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY?  I think not!

How in a Constitutional jeopardy are the People of The United States of America now free and proper to asserting if to asserting such just about Hillary Rodham Clinton?  There must be considerable jeopardy hemming in the Clintons and remarkably for times they were not actually of the Executive in the months between their departure from The White House and the very moments of the first 9/11 attacks.  These times are maybe as critical to understanding the real Clintons as the those unread missing Faulkner chapters may be to understanding him.  There is a jeopardy for the Clintons much just in the public record theirs since 9/11 and especially about those remarks they shouldn’t have made at all unless they needed to cover-up a reality wrought of their own knowing and willful politics.  The most serious jeopardy possible for the “two-fer” Clintons likely has to be for these months between their exit and the commencement of the long planned Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I. 

It may be that a MASTER OF DISASTER may have been a best hope for a global war on women politics, and, yet it may be that it is that at least Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to master a mastery if so of any ends justifying the means disaster ‘politics.”  I believe there are enough public statements made by either President or Mrs. Clinton now that compromise a possible forgiveness for even inciting discord abroad theirs — it seems that the Clintons have already said too much and so enough that the months here broached of their firstly without Executive privileged are smoking gun days to a negligence for them and at least for their surpluses as per 9/11 attacks.  It seems the Clintons did not let go of executive power as expected and have since compromised a presumption of innocence defense for themselves for the months before 9/11.  If a MASTER OF DISASTER either or both of the Clinton “two-fer” would not have to still rate as if the smartest person in the room about such — this ship of superiority has sailed long ago without them.

The 9/11 Commission Report was seriously flawed and somehow maybe by a political defensiveness coy enough by the Clintons as by only looking back 10 years at Al Qaeda that was then at least 2-3 years older than 10 it became possible to look away from the Clintons when looking for negligence and/or gross negligence of/by any Presidency.  I still have no idea how Congress did abide or sanction a 9/11 Commission Report that would not at least look back far enough to be looking at it as it was born/conceived firstly.  If one looks back to the birth of Al Qaeda as so to be an Islamic response to Saddam Hussein and his invasion of Kuwait and so to at least more years than the Commission did then one likely has to then grapple with a conundrum about a negligence for the Clintons more specifically as of an idea that The United States of America did get attacked on 9/11 because the Clintons’ Administration had failed to sufficiently bring justice upon Saddam Hussein by a thinking of justice by Al Qaeda ideology.

Wars on women rights and for literacy if of a core scheme since the Clintons’ first days at the helm can only maybe offer a political forgiveness - can only go so far politically.  It seems that if their is a core like of a FEMIFEST DESTINY as like a Presidency set-up as Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riding coincidences there is now a problem that the Clintons seemed to have failed to be smart enough to pull off what might yet be also now of a means justifying the ends forgivable politics.  There are really a trillion reasons why the Clintons can be said to have come up short from being smart enough - say from being as smart as they needed to be and as smart as they may have thought that they were.  We can hardly now justify Afghanistan as a just war of choice in keeping with the too imperialist feminist crusading by First Lady Clinton whence — As convenient as such seemed for her if due a Presidency we all have to query how it can be right to have been at such and yet not right to have been as well firstly in Iraq for the majority of its women so of its majority Shia populace.

To really be condemnable as a MASTER OF DESTRUCTION we must look at Hillary Rodham Clinton as possibly or likely causal to 9/11 attacks by an incited Al Qaeda.  We have a trillion reasons to justly tag the administration by the Clintons as negligent due to their surplus at near a trillion cut that can be said to have been necessary spending cut that time has established  a Posterity about as best if yet it had not been cut.  Yet as per 9/11 attacks we have to consider that the Clintons were smart enough, albeit, to know they international crusading on women’s rights was also incendiary and inciting and especially for those times that First Lady Clinton when into the turf of the quite radicalized and dictated that they needed to learn to behave and treat women the way she said so.

It seems in light of public comments made by the Clintons and their old team that such were only justifiable or rational comments as per past disasters if they were that the Clintons knew they had at least a negligence about such.  The Clintons and their people have a trail of remarks that shouldn’t have been made unless they had to be defensive in/of a known guilt.  As for the months between the Presidency of the Clintons and 9/11 it seems due to later made comments that these are days they may have been enough in a know about threats and yet immoral in an acquiescence at least of a negligence for a silence — the Clintons seem to have done enough knowingly to have knowingly been about a premeditation at taunting radicals in the Middle East towards action by way of First Lady Clinton and her crusading for her idea of women’s rights.

If she is of a grand plan like a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY suggested, as coined by me, we have that though she maybe forgivable for noble ends her means can hardly now be forgiven.  She has been far from uniform or universal in a general Welfare application, however.  She is now of a history of remarks her own that can condemn her and seriously self incriminate however lately yet.  She it seems hasn’t been as smart as she thought herself to be nor smart enough for what at least became duties of her political charges.  Whether she had a master plan to expedite her universal feminist crusade we have to be doubters as now it seems however if so there yet never has been enough uniformity globally.

There is a problem now just because the Clintons have a record of saying things that no politician should have said rationally unless they had something very serious to hide.  We have that for all these years that President Barack Obama compromised his own Presidency with a cover-up like “all Bush’s fault” presumption of immunity and innocence for the Clintons there yet now is a public trail of remarks by the Clintons that stand as contrary and self incriminating.

I do not believe Hillary Rodham Clinton has it in her to sufficiently explain her political life of at least the past 20 plus years as if of an ends justifying the means and as if a FEMIFEST DESTINY dogmatic where intervention anywhere is to be justified for her if she asserts a political purposefulness as about a liberation in feminism.

To Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as taggable as a MASTER OF DISASTER we have 2014 & 2016 politics to work a discover about.  It seems that for her to be actually electable she herself has to present and sell herself as if a MASTER OF DISASTER for otherwise it seems she has failed her way to the top so far and otherwise of a tragedy of errors culpability that must be said to have bordered on incompetence.  And, since her she wrapped up her first Benghazi attacks remarks from outside the office of the Secretary of State with near “I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THIS COULD HAPPEN IN A COUNTRY THAT I LIBERATED” it may be that she has herself admitted to not have been a master of the many disasters or even the two 9/11s, and that she has basically since 9/11 II admitted an ignorance and incompetence as per the Middle East politics and especially all things relating to Al Qaeda.

But yet it behoove us all not to yet fully consider that the Clintons do have a incriminating past as per a negligence to gross negligence prior to the first 9/11 attacks.  As per any candidate Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton now it must be that we be thorough and diligent and to seriously considering how the administration of the Clintons does better explain how and why so much went wrong - does still better explain causals that the here to fore tagging of just the President Bush decidings.

It is hard to say the Clinton Presidency wasn’t knowingly to inciting Al Qaeda as if by cornering in trapping.  It may be that 9/11 did happen because of a crusading too imperialistic First Lady Clinton, and so that we should think that she must have been intelligent enough to know that at least while she was so crusading it was then negligent to grossly negligent for she to be back in the US then knowingly supporting President Clintons defunding of so many budget items that secure the USA from threats foreign and domestic.  It seems that a MASTER OF DISASTER wouldn’t have knowingly incited and as well partaken in such as it was the great defunding of intelligence and defense programs coincidentally, the coupled and compromised further with the real work of the Clintons to establish walls of separation at the FBI between intelligence and enforcement.

If she has felt justified as if of a FEMIFEST DESTINY to be as a steward of disasters it at least now for political purposes seems as if looking forward we can all say that looking back she has failed to be a master of many past disasters.  For forward or backwards if she/they didn’t understand that First Lady Clinton’s global feminist crusades were inciting and incendiary these disasters are likely it seems more to a gross incompetence and not mere at a gross negligence.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:30 am

It is not a simple political task to establish conclusively that President Clinton had a role in the Benghazi scandalous;  President Bill Clinton has been, as like a proud nail since the rise of President Barack Obama, as one that has had the President fumbling or stumbling causally much since day one.

Bill Clinton has been ever present in an unprecedented as a former President whom just won’t recede - that won’t stand down;  President Barack Obama has been, you can say, of a recidivism to a politics unexpectedly too much of returning to what were the bad and avoidable of the Clintons.

At least Bill Clinton as the spouse of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while of a his global initiatives and United Nations stature has been too proud and as if he was effectively operating a private Diplomacy while his wife was supposedly loyally operating the Obama Diplomacy;  President Bill Clinton is inseparable from the still unsettled realm of issues as per Benghazi and as a former President of the same Party of the current President as well as for the complicatedness spousal of the State husbandry of Mrs. Clinton as President Obama’s Secretary.

R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR & best wishes for a full recovery to all whom may have been injured on the 9/11 II.  Mrs. Clinton as now more a First Mate as a First Lady of The Clintons’ Global Initiative is yet compromised for her days as their days of global meddling while spousally embedded with many lines quite or too blurred.  The Clintons’ silence after the 9/11 II attacks are quite suggestive of them of a defensive posture, and, the Clintons’ tend to be a “two-fer” that likes to talk their walk and yet as per 9/11 II really seemed quite in a defensiveness.  Really it has to be an open committee item that Obama’s Secretary may have been hesitant or fearing of open dialogue much because she is President Clinton’s wife.  Benghazi is just one example of a problem of a former administration being tasked at being so intimately involved in a new administration.

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while however now more as if First Lady Clinton again and yet as a non government organized meddler seemed unable to speak freely after Benghazi in some for it so was an event that opened minds to how if President Obama could be this wrong about Al Qaeda wasn’t it / isn’t it that then he must have been that wrong and incidentally then wrong about Iraq nearly all along?  It is simpler to establish to a conclusiveness that 9/11 I attacks were an inheritance left for either a President Al Gore or so as witnessed and suffered to President George Bush, and as an inheritance that was of knowing hands on manipulations by the co-Administering of global initiatives by the Clintons while of their co-Presidency.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been stumbling and fumbling since near day one and much for having to navigate even just in his own Party platforms about the Clintons with President Clinton too much a still present proud nail.

It is quite unprecedented how President Clinton has been a former President that just has refused to recede and/or fade away.  It is considerable how he so as a proud nail was of the first days of the first black President of The United States of America to a politics with such of that seen on TV of having it seemed demanded that however elected Barack Obama must prostrate himself with a visit to former President Bill Clinton’s Harlem offices and be to a permanent record made at least digitally of bowing to a superiority in Clinton and as if he wouldn’t have a chance to pass him (safely).  I hope I am not alone both in remembering that as elected President he so a first black President did it seems have to visit President Clinton of his own Party in his offices in Harlem and be to calling President Clinton quite “The President.”  However this is for Posterity it is remembered as politically odd and as if President Clinton was saying he was expecting the first black President Barack Hussein Obama to consider him superior and still of enough global political power to be bowed to and brown nosed.

As per the Clintons and Benghazi it seemed that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton however of a husbandry of the tragedy maybe more of the mind and hands of her boss President Obama was afterwards and since unable to speak freely for the mistakes made did open up the politics beyond a State diabolical to a strictly partisan posterity then too tilted of an apparent compromised complexity of a guilt rooted in the diplomacy and foreign policies of President Clinton.  It seemed that after 9/11 II it became considerable that it seemed simply suggestible that the Clintons seemed together to have made the same types of proud mistakes before 9/11 I & 9/11 II.

President Barack Hussein Obama was stirring for many as if a new Messiah and as well a new President John F. Kennedy.  It is considerable how much President Obama has been doing incidentally and accidentally to reset a renaissance or restoration in family values, and it seems a refreshing Catholicism for even Americans.  It is considerable and quite concludable that President Obama has been being good for religion in The United States of America and the old standards of family values of the Republican (other) party and mostly accidentally by his politics of having an opposite outcome than he and his experts seemed to proffer and attempt to effect.  It may be that President Obama is currently on a path to do more for American Catholics than President Kennedy ever was able to during his life on earth.

Historically speaking President Barack Hussein Obama is remembered for having been of early days in his earliest first months of a government/leadership opportunity to stem or stop the economy sliding to full depressionary collapse.  It was that much of the down economy was of market meddling as campaign expression like as by liberal institutions of shorting endowments when it seemed their success at spiking gas prices wasn’t yet maybe enough to tag all Republicans as bad Bush Oil Republicans as per electoral November Democrat Party favoring.  If President Obama is now actually though accidentally responsible for doing more for Christians and faith across The United States of America than President Kennedy was able to it is still considerable that when he as the new President of The United States of America and of those days or weeks of an ability to stem or stop the economic sliding he didn’t for he would have had to martyr himself politically with self incriminating admittances as to how he and his party had actually intentionally set up the collapse, mostly, as for November 2008 electoral advantage, and be to explaining that they had arrogantly thought anything that was that easy to start would be just as easy to stop.

There is enough blame and fault to go around between President Barack H. Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” like a now First Couple anew yet more just globally as by the CGI of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.  It is considerable that President Obama has regularly been to barely avoiding the unprecedented global meddling of President Clinton or to visibly fumbling or stumbling over a still too present and too proud politics of at least President William Jefferson Clinton.

Right!  As per the whole like PRESIDENT OBAMA COULD HAVE STOPPED THE RECESSION IN HIS FIRST MONTHS “MARTYR ISSUE” it is considerable that such was it seems originally the plot and coy plans of the Clinton political machine as a winning strategy to have gotten Mrs. Clinton elected from a most junior Senator seat lacking in seniority like suddenly to the highest office in the land.

It isn’t now that we have to ask whom of the Democrat Party to blame - but quite more now of whom to blame first and blame mostly and if it isn’t now during the Presidency of the first black President that we have the white Clintons whom let people tag them as if Bill Clinton were the first black President now conclusively to blame the most.  It is considerable that firstly we may have even among just Democrats a need to new ordering politically of President Clinton firstly at fault, Mrs. Clinton of CGI (as First Mate or newly First Lady) secondly in guilt, and then and only then to a parity and fair assessment of guilt even just for Benghazi as the 9/11 II for President Barack H. Obama.

President Barack H. Obama may have been long of a shared ideological with at least Mrs. Clinton now of CGI yet it is irreconcilable that spousally there is a husbandry of the Clintons that has been causally and historically so of being in an unprecedented for The United States of America of President William J. Clinton as a proud nail - a too proud still politically meddling former President.

It is no joke or gift of the American People that the Clinton First Couple arranged a post-office support allowance that nearly suggests that they both become American TITLED and as if they were to be forever the first First Couple promoted from the highest office of The United States of America to a yet higher political position even as too autocratic and not democratic as of President Clinton more than an Ambassador to the World as at least a self proclaimed first President of the World.

At least as per the Constitution and Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 it seems Constitutionally that at least President William Jefferson Clinton is un-Constitutionally set up too much as if titled and of emoluments and pecuniary quite selfishly rendered and quite in a Posterity that has been dangerous to American Tranquility as with him a too proud nail like and quite unprecedentally and especially by the Clintons as transgressors of the example of President George & First Lady Martha Washington.

R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR - toward 2016 Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton of the CGI seems to have a “roadkill” smell of death politically about her.  It may be soon concluded that 9/11 I & 9/11 II happened by a causal both times as of faulting to a guilt for at least a similar negligence or gross negligence upon the shoulders of the Clintons.

But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it seems that they did manage to get a substantial enough post-office tax payers allotted “allowance” so that he can keep himself convinced that he by the dollars so cumulative must have been promoted from the office of the president of The United States of America to be freely (yet still an “agent” as per the Constitution Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8) of international meddling, however of accounted for pecuniary and “political.”

But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it is still that Harlem has been saving him and that he firstly hoped to now be otherwise high above Time Square in the media hub as well regally set high above The Russian Tea Room in a penthouse near leasehold in the luxurious Carnegie Hall Tower.  It is considerable that before he was dragged up to the Harlem zippiness that has endeared him politically as an unearned camouflage he/they did try to get the Big Bank Friends of Bill to provide annual pecuniaries in emoluments to cover gratuitously the higher and too high rents for such nearly a penthouse suite high above Time Square.  Harlem was owed more by the Clintons than Harlem owed the Clintons and yet Harlem now has been covering and/or saving the Clintons’ public image, at least.

                                                    *    *     *

[Somewhere there is video of that fateful Harlem office too prostrated newly elected President Barack Hussein Obama as of a politics of having it seemed been required to visit President William Jefferson Clinton on his “turf” and be so to such posturing of like calling Bill Clinton then “The President.”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:09 am

One thing we now near all should be able to agree on is that we have been heading in the wrong direction for at least the past five years.  Well, maybe what we can all agree on is that after near five years it is just odd the the car of the economy is still in the same ditch.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There must be something for consumption in all of this as Vice President Joseph Biden himself has been seen and heard of proclamations by adages that do backfire upon himself and his boss The President.  There must be something in it however much it also an adage of the ages that VP Biden has proclaimed that “you cannot fix something if you do not understand what caused it to be broken in the first place.” {paraphrasing - thought full enough though words variant}

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

With us all still so in the ditch it seems and #OnStar or #411 response could be of advice to ditch the Clintons and Obama and as they are huddled as in a gaggle of czars in solidarity yet poor performance.  It seems after five years we have to be ready to accept that the Clintons’ economic experts however the same lot of czarish for President Obama are the problem - not the solution.  It seems whomever the car belongs to it is that the “economics” of the Clintons’ economics experts were those driving via campaign routes and not accidentally at fault due to any highway hypnosis.  The facts are clear, it seems, that President Barack Obama used the very “economic experts” that the Clintons’ would have if the Clinton “two-fer” hadn’t been so easily defeated, and, it seems President Obama with such “team” of “czars” was necessarily to an “economics” so politicized by having a responsibility to try to keep all the same campaign promises that he made though while it may be that the Clintons’ had been first to broaching them publicly.

There is a case to be made that President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State should go down in history as one of the worst TOP Diplomats in all of the years of the Constituted United States of America.  It is like being to better understanding the Co-Presidency of the Clintons when one wraps their mind around just the possibility of this as a truth.  For their Presidency and her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton it behoove all to consider a review otherwise than yet encouraged as by a retrospective hindsight considerate that for what they had to work with it can be that they did much in the 90s and while of collusion, as it seems global, with State & CGI they squandered too much.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton of CGI can be tagged and mashed as a worst Secretary of State much because for what she had to work with she basically squandered a new record amount of the possible.

I/we should get to later an informed review and judging of much of all that is Mrs. Clinton of CGI and 2016 teasing.  I/we should prepare ourselves for a possible truth that the said global fix needed after the foreign relations of the administering of the Presidency of George W. Bush now long hyped as if the “American” “reputation” abroad had been ruined is a mirage of falsity and in propaganda.  It seems that those that had stopped liking America under the years between a Clinton as an Executive Branch head may be categorically really a lot of states that we better to have been years longer of a working tough love “diplomacy.”  It may be that we will discover that a majority of those that complained about America were disappointed dictators and tyrants and/or of a socialism set.  It seems with the Democrat run economy still stuck in the same ditch as from their campaign route & “expert” driving we have to wise up to it that the said “glory” of “Hillary” for the “American” “reputation” hasn’t been good economically for anyone - it seems the science should confirm that those we are now closer to and better “friends” globally are a lot of a State calculus as variables which could better have been exponential if the FREEDOM AGENDA S.O.P. of by “tough love” had stayed the course.

The new frontier now is a variation of the old new world order new problema prolegomena about a Socialism vs. Capitalism federalism conundrum.  It seems that President Obama is out and Mayor Bill de Blasio is in.  Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio is inheriting a city that had to be fixed before President George H. W. Bush could advance a due prosecution on Saddam Hussein with a rap to the Persian Gulf War by a taking of Baghdad.  Basically the USA would have been trapped and likely globally ambushed by a more informed public relations army of Saddam and Islam sympathetics if it had, however, with the grand coalition, been to moving on to Baghdad before it first moved to set a better “possible” and “potential” example in #UrbanMorals by way of prefacing a prosecution of Saddam Hussein firstly with a saving of Time Square & the Greater New York City Metropolitan as well as Las Vegas.

You have found my blogs.  But yet have you realized that such is what I was saying whence with what authority I could muster before it was that maybe the USA & coalition had moved beyond a point of return and into what may have been a turning of tides in Saddam Hussein’s favor by way of a trap set for a global ambush meant to flush out so much that was then a real concern of American ignorance and overconfidence?  But yet have you considered that so much of what I did that the Clintons so benefited from was of my dedicated focus, however a hobby but towards an international success in at least marketing skills eventually, and firstly figured some to protect people from the thinking of the Clintons that I knew and yet more firstly as an honoring and progressing from President Ronald Reagan and strategically so that it was meant to then be to such working as it was for the Clintons but as developed and strategized intentionally but as for a second term for President George H. W. Bush?  Right!  The Clintons have benefited too much and now obviously unknowingly or too much of a corruption from what I figured for decades and work at effecting actually to be more as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and so as a wonderment as possible yet though for a second term for President Bush.

To escape from the ranks and bondage of the Obama Democrat long arms of Socialism and their years too much of a economic killing nationalism marketing Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio may have to explain that he can stand separate and even more equal and some for a simple political truth that President Obama is basically bankrupt - out of money.  To be an #UrbanMoralist under President Obama, however, Mayor de Blasio should be coincidentally charged in a responsibility to demonstrate how much and how well his five boroughs can and will stand alone and of the “green minimalism” as a new “poverty level” propaganda of a #ClimateChange localism.  It is a poignant variable for such political calculus of the urban the new frontier and anew so of the old of the federalism debates;  it is poignant that per Obamacare aka The Affordable Care Act that if New York City cannot afford to fully cover all of its county basis than it must be concluded that it can figure that then Obama’s healthcare reforms are of a design and methodology that can not be afford nationally.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There is such a thing as #MoralCapitalism.  In the markets of the economics of the capitalism about The United States of America there is that there is set a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion and that for commerce to be sanctionable it must be some of adherence to an established morality separate from the State.

No REALLY there is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton was so bad a Secretary of State that it is comparable in a political history heft as if Thomas Jefferson had not made the Louisiana purchase.  She squandered a rare opportunity in the history of mankind to take a first step herself with the incredible potential in tough love furtherance that was developed by (but not intentionally with?) the Bush Administration’s FREEDOM AGENDA global standard operating procedures.

But to get to Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as the actual “WORST SECRETARY IN US HISTORY” it is considerable in its complexity that first we have to look at her days as First Lady Mrs. Clinton in the Co-Presidency of the Clintons some for her “guidance” but more to rule out that Secretary Warren Christopher and/or Secretary Madeleine Albright were not indeed worser at such job.

For first consideration it behoove us all so oddly still entrenched in the ditch of the trenchant “Clinton economic experts” of the Obama economic team, however too czarish, to refresh and reset our discourse political as New York city and other urban realms stir as a new frontier so that too we are wised up to a reality that as inherited by the Co-Presidency of the Clintons by the hard and long trying work of Presidents Reagan and Bush it is that the United States could have and should have been to a full prosecution of the United Nations sanctions on Iraq and an already overdue prosecution of Saddam Hussein within that which was the Clintons’ first term, however it would better have been the second term of President Bush.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:55 am

President William Jefferson Clinton is now, for Posterity, due a polity of comity, and, he is for a general Welfare now but a dog that does not hunt.  It is of our modern interpretive of Tranquility that we of People of the subscriptions in more perfect Union under the God of the Founders by their ordaining and establishing whence thence in such Year of their Lord are faced with it a difficult prolegomena as President Clinton now for Justice is much a turkey still to be plucked.  To now anew secure the Blessings of Liberty of the promise and consecrated of the Constitution for the United States of America in Order and about the modern conundrums we need to preserve and protect a free press.

It seems as we all are sandaled by Saint Francis Assisi some by callings to joint missionary by way of Peter and the new Pope Francis we should be thankful for so much of President Ronald Reagan that has long been mislabeled as of a Clintonian while so as that of late Reagan Revolution evolutions more realistically and of the real Reagan who couldn’t have been Reagan without Pope John Paul II.  There is a large Catholic global family at play and a greater Christianity of the establishment by the Founders of the body of the Constitution so of the New Testament and by their unanimity so signers under God so metered by the Christian calendar.

To beat the New Nationalism New Deal Austerity socializing centralizing over-riding of community and parish this started Christmas season we can just by Wikipedia learn of whom it was that arranged a first Christmas nativity scene, and be to a preponderance for Christianity and faith by ways of philosophizing if of the garbled so robed long marbled of Saint Augustine.  By the establishment of Christianity secured by the Founding Fathers of the still enduring United States of America in the body of the Constitution and as well by the First Amendment as so set in affirmation that Congress by law making alone was prohibited from messing with their “establishment” “respecting” “religion” so constituted by the Articles - by the body of that writ large and most permanent.

We may be perchance to dream it a kept American Dream ours since our founding at least now until the Supreme Court of The United States springs however eternal so as now the clocks and calendars are counting anew to days of renewal and even renaissance of rituals and community at least around cherry blossoms.  Our SCOTUS has complied with a will of the People sufficient so far for a recognition of concerns of “under God.”  Our SCOTUS is though by spring of 2014 is put upon by their own recorded jurisprudence and towards a parsing of “GOD” and “religion” as per “Obamacare” and so it seems if citizens are now more just “subjects.”

It is that our SCOTUS has undermined already the decisions of its nine of the “It’s a TAX” escape from “penalty” by assertions quite of a keeping of war powers executive logic — By the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings and the expressions of Constitutionality as of the states not the Federal Government on matters of religion and religious freedom the Court did undermine its specific ruling of the original challenges to the Affordable Care Act.  We should be wondering about these turkeys still to be plucked and cleaned sufficiently for the eyes and weighs of Justice — We should be wondering if what will be before the Supreme Court by spring isn’t quite a different turkey or dog in a practiced reality as regulatory maturation renders and renders more and more the “Obamacare” body legal as yet consecrated other than as judged whence as if conceived.

This is about the blah here to fore and the blah yet to be as still a blah for polity and comity of our future - even our Christmases o’ future.  If New York City of its five boroughs cannot afford to cover its own fully at least as of the “adequate” “minimums” set by “Obamacare” by “Romneycare” than it figures that an “affordable” nationalized healthcare system is really just a utopian dream of a cave of ignorance beset by Plato as of an earlier Republic.

We are approaching the first days of a possible hurrah mashable for a New York City of this some yet preserved of the spirit of Jeffersonian democratic republican age of reason settings.  Whence Mayor Bill de Blasio it may be that his first days will be all hurrah and yet set as a first hurrah written in time as well as his last hurrah.  The personality presidency of the too socialistic President Barack Hussein Obama is likely to start dogging the mayordom from day one and as well as the turkey or dog of President William Jefferson Clinton haunts still as unkempt in a hashable wildcard polity of about as much comity as an elephant loose in a china shop.

For a hurrah of his first days to be not his last Mayoral HURRAH it may be that Mayor Bill de Blasio should walk his gumshoes away from a corraling for a synchronicity in protecting and serving such as it may be if to be of a sheparding by William Bratton.  Brat based policing may be the way away from the ways of “stop and frisk” by racial profiling yet the moment and era of Bratton as for brat based policing may already be too rigid of a rigor to already chiseled in stone - to marbled as chipped and etched.

I have known William Bratton since at least 1988 - I am not writing here not to disparage or diminish his past or future potential.  The promise of the “bills” “blah” sharing of a “de Blasio” or otherwise “Blasio” for whichever to be the new Mayor’s political comity base note civic harmonics seems yet at this early consideration to be a complication poetic to a discordance to what has been of the Tranquility proffered long by Bratton lead more brat based policing - where ever.

I write as one, who since I started writing to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution, and with the ambition for protecting and serving of William Bratton in mind, in the early 90s, is no longer of a place, or in a place, to be writing proactively or retroactively in a restorative to have a renaissance for the old dramatic predictive synchronicity that I long volunteered in unsolicited routings of musing forward to developmental for a brat based policing evolution.  I write as one who know the turkey of the dog of President William Jefferson Clinton as I still am writing as he that wrote as a Rosebud motivated architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90’s recovery.

Locally speaking and irregardless of any complication from the “global” of the Obama presidency it seems that Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio, if able to be other than just a lowly soldier of Democrat Party ranks, is postulating a polity of tag lines to moderate his unions in community of a spirit of “blah” in “bills” and an economic lack of parity.  These have been years of trying times for many and such that fresh popular stirrings are rightly set afoot in urban & county wide realms — these have been years of down depressed and suppressed economic times much if not exclusively of a causal that was avoidable as of and by the hands or just minds of those of the tag “leaders.”

When Mayor Bill de Blasio will be in an odd and likely tough philosophical spot of an inherited from the “top” polity that should render any establishment his own to a local Franciscan missionary post crusading comity both insurgent and rogue, and, as Mayor Bill de Blasio thence likely writ as a poetic paradigm of an impossible.  De Blasio should find it difficult to govern for growth as a champion of the blahs of bills and what ever lack of economic parity as the “popular” is checked to check mated by the reality that Democrats caused much of the economic woes to such years of “blah” and so that the conditions he is to inherit are corrupted from the distant “top” of the broad reaching new nationalism of the new deal austerity of the administering by President Barack H. Obama.

The conundrums of the post crusading feminist imperialistic FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton may resemble out of time and place the era of Saint Francis of Assisi and so that it may be prudent and safe to consider that Pope Francis is a man of his times, locally and globally, as anew of us in times due a closing of crusades.  There should be no argument that many of our suffraged sufferings long shared have been as up and from the crusading by Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, but rather however as secured in her inciting and quite incendiary global trotting as a Crusader of her own “religiousity” in “femininity” and imperialism firstly as Mrs. Clinton - the First Lady of The United States of America.  She has a legacy about her enough to derail prudence in politic and comity where ever and however of a local polity to politics.

It seems in some ways that we should be preserving the secured intents of the Founding Fathers of their establishment of the body US in Christianity by their unanimity under God subscribed whence in the calendar of the New Testament as an ordaining respecting religion.  It seems in some ways that a Pope Francis now is a promise that the Crusading of and by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however tagged, is to be historical of and for her complicated and compromised history as a crusading imperialistic First Lady Clinton.

What can possibly now be a beat for the Big Apple - how can a growth beat yet be restored now if so of so many still quite stuck under the economic suppressions so long so greatly depressing of that which will be the inheritance of its new Mayor so as from the visible hands of those most at fault as of Washington and the tag “leaders”?  The blahs of the bills for those New Yorkers now stirred of and for the rising together around a circling of wagons of “de Blasio” is so much now of a difficult till akin to being past a first hurrah and a first freeze.

The spring thawing seems set to years more of many globally and locally stuck under the political economic suppressions of the remarkably distant “leaders” of the administering by ways of ranks under the “top” as “leader” President Barack Hussein Obama.  It may be that the Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative purview are now equally beside each other both as political dogs that do not hunt and quite as the turkeys left for a popular gutting when whence we all are so lately to plucking them firstly clean.

These may be times akin for Saint Augustine more than Jesuits yet considerable as a Jesuit new Pope set so as a Jesuit no longer is sandaled more it seems to be at least a post-Clinton Crusaders fixer as one more a new Saint Francis of Assisi. As Jefferson had his age of reason holy trinity in Bacon, Locke & Sir Isaac Newton (As Meacham by ART OF POWER illuminates) now whence Mayor he as Mayor Bill de Blasio may have Pope Francis quite a partner as President Ronald Reagan had Pope John Paul II.

It does seem possible if not probable in an apriori predictive that Mayor Bill de Blasio too must be a post-Clinton Crusades political “leader” and somehow however yet rogue to his party and more as if of a secure bastion of insurgents.  Before it becomes that the new Mayor has his HURRAH as his first and his last together it is essential that all become wiser in an intellectual honest if yet possible forward to the historical and political of the numbers and science still quite insufficient by approachable that affirm it isn’t a mystery or mystical that the existentialisms now long of the suffraged suffering are discernible yet as by visible hands - and too for all to see however POTUS’D & FLOTUS’D as the wrought of Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton dangerously yet of continuing at politics by ways of their “two-fer”‘d global initiatives.

How shackled is the Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio now — Will Mayor de Blasio be evermore yet more shackled and arrested by corruptions political and economic by those of the “top” of the ranks and ordered under the politics of President Obama and the still rivaling Clintons?  How can a Democrat however a Mayor be free to do the right thing now when all now seem served the blahs by the politics of the too distant “leaders” now long too much too much so of a grand centralizing?  If he cannot be one who actually makes it (work) whom yet can be one whom can be said to have made anything of it much as it be a first and/or last HURRAH?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:44 pm

White picket fences abound in the modern American icon - still.  Never before may have they been so iconic and ironic.  Though you may think of them by ways of Tom Sawyer or WINESBURG, OHIO the irony comes in at the gates of today’s worldly crossways with Mrs. Hillary Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives of a political charm likewise yet somehow from her seemingly as successful while being a good Nixon, a good Reagan, and good Bushes - especially a goof 43.


It may be times for a Republican to pull a JOSEPH WELCH - to even push Mrs. Clinton as a successful Republican copy-cat.  Whom is it now endowed best to ask Democrats in a JOSEPH WELCH either:  HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?; HAVE YOU NO SENSE OFDECENCY?; or: “HAVE YOU LEFT NO SENSE OF DECENCY?

These are some most puzzling and riddled times.  It seems with President Obama of his declarations that his Obamacare is a Romneycare we have to wonder how much is the “messenger” and how much the “message.”  It seems with Mrs. Clinton of her most odd twitter avatar bio of @HillaryClinton her message is that she is a “cracker” and with her priorities amiss in the most peculiar order of her self assessment.  How is it “lawyer” is so important, and, how is it she is self assessed as only a women and kids advocate?  Why does she even have “dog owner” listed while most if to such would self congratulate more as if a passionate “dog lover”?  Why and how is she so out of order and so out of sorts as her own messenger of her “message”?

“I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to victory on the FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”  Is a comparative line spoken guardedly by Margaret Chase Smith of Maine - by the first female Senator of the Senate of the United States of America - by the first Republican female Senator.  (Her quote is found in AGE OF ANXIETY, author Haynes Johnson, page 81)

If you wonder how much we should be asking if it isn’t the Democrat “messengers” that need be poked & politically splayed aren’t you of seeing an obvious at least for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives in her odd prioritizing of a Political message by her Twitter avatar with it of her near declaratory that she does not consider herself to be an advocate for men, of any race or color?  She is self assessed as if it is a good that while a lawyer first she is only a women and kids advocate.

It seems conclusive in a comparative for two female Senators - for a Republican a first and that of the Mrs. Clinton cloudy message as a Democrat  - that Mrs. Clinton is no Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine.

But how is it that Obamacare as a Romneycare worked when its messenger was Governor Mitt Romney yet now as a Republican success story of a Republican success of Romneycare it as Obamacare with President Barack H. Obama as its messenger and steward is now so riddled and troublesome with it of his self made problems.  How is it that there is such a fog about something that had already been proven able to work - yet proven at a more reasoned more “local” level?  Is it that it is too much Politics and a politicizing of healthcare and that the adage made famous by a Democrat of Boston should apply too for this Obamacare message — that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”?

Politically we have to look at the message of the “messenger” President Obama as if he is saying he can and should catch fish with a net - as a metaphor for a nation wide scoop in conveniently riddled message as if humans are just his fish - his pawns - his subjects to be snared however he can yet manage.

There is Politics globally to diagnose for any possible philosophy of governance or any standard - standard operating methodology for Diplomacy.  It seems that as messaged of his Obamacare it is what Romneycare cannot be - it is precedent setting in a presumption of federal obligation such that any future (and past?) international obligation seems to have an unchecked “morality” triggering that if and when the Executive acts independently, at least, to “Big Brother” in a sovereign nation it is then exposed to the medical needs of all the people there abouts under the foreign control so and so also to be expectant in a full coverage however as if insurance or entitlement.  Seems!

It seems a national embarrassment that The Congress is allowed to and is so full of parading persons personal medical stories for Politics.  Healthcare still is more of the adage above drawn out to encompass the failing web launch of Obamacare as so more still just of neighbors helping neighbors mostly primarily exclusively in that which is still their own neighborhood/community.  It seems diabolical that a nation’s Congress and it politics can make, irregardless of the Establishment by way of the First Amendment, a communities business so their business and as if there can be no “local” politics anymore for every breath one takes and step they advance, even if in a retreat, is now firstly of a new Nationalist jurisdiction.  Now by these byways so National Socialist federalized that headache you got of a guilt for blowing your leaves carelessly onto your neighbors lawn is now of you a national subject of the State.  How has this new bread of Democrat “messenger” so killed GOD and “community”?

In the history of these united states, however Constituted, it had been long as “Tip” proffered that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL.”  In the history of these united states it has been the neighbors helping neighbor in their own communities and them to needing but to look for Jesus - for a place of Christian community and service as part of their holistic community based Capitalism.  Secure so in the old ways of community and peer guilty for a better and more whole conscience it was not a State by the numbers interlude but a tythed and maintained “local” community organizing. 

It still figures in the old “fisher of men” legacy that as by former Speaker Tip O’Neil, again, that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” — that healthcare of a neighbor was of the “work” and “community” of faith and Jesus, at least.  That a moral health was to be considerate in any otherwise to physical and by the objective science of health care concerns — that a community had the jurisdiction to be of the “community” healing of moral pressure to the good and right that could by ways of establishment of the seven deadly sins domain/web.

It still seems to figure that healthcare can only become more affordable if it is returned more to an engaged community basis, but how the smallest set in “community” to a still neighborly as by ways a COUNTY WIDE BASED CARE SYSTEM.  Most healthcare related costs are accurately accounted, it seems, as if it still has to be moral for a neighbor in need to be cared for by another neighbor at the ready in healthcare providing in a still quite local and neighborly care establishment. 

Almost all care beyond such as of doing unto one’s neighbor as… familiarity is more of a science of medicine due a national effort than a practice of medicine.  As for a practice of medicine and any caring web it is improper to believe in the State firstly as if mandated to a Nationalism as more a subject (snared).  It seems if to be affordable the legacy of the old faith based and community based has to be reset — it seems healthcare can never again be affordable if only so as now of adding out of area layers and layers of interloping bureaucracies to what ever local costs there are to be conscientiously approved or objected between a hopefully secured and some holistic county of “neighbors” relating copacetically with those as peers as “neighbors” too.

Even in the web of the messiah Jesus the “messiah” Barack Obama is snared as too objective and as an interloper.  It is fishy business that the State is about such national parading of county and community degradations as if a permanent new State order - an irreversible slide to the depths more of a Hell.  Unless the price of caring is kept to the conscience and practice of neighbors in community neighbors won’t be established to be unto their neighbors rightly as they would have it be if they were locally still yet accountable.  Seems.

It looks by the “message” of Obamacare as a Romneycare that President Obama is being “caring” and “compassionate” in keeping with his demagoguery when more of his proclamations as if speaking as one a messiah and endowed with a personality that would allow him to bridge all religiousness about the known world as no one before ever had.

It though seems that there is a clear Power aspect due a global guilting and appropriate with moral peer pressure however those so engaged may become ill at ease for their compromising of that realm of the legacy of neighborliness, at least.  It seems that the new State Health “web” isn’t holding a candle to the old legacy of community and faith Posterity and Tranquility however whence of a web more truly as about Jesus fish - fishing web.

In these matters of State politics as they are, and too National Socialist quite as Senator Joseph McCarthy at least feared, it does now seem more as if Democrats upon THE FOURHORSEMEN OF CALUMNY than has the first female Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine implied whence upon Republicans.  It doth seem Republicans secured in the Constitution and Democrats upon her FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — “Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”

As such seems conclusive in a dramatic conclusion afoot for them of hoofing long a contrary to adage “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” that keeps about it what seems a lost Establishment in common sense of doubting Thomas of colonial ways and its regular vicissitudes so incident also about the first inaugural by President George Washington.  Thomas Paine nailed a basis for common sense around a fig’n of prudence if around doubting any pain.

As such it remains yet established that it reasons that if a “community” anywhere within the purview of sovereignty under Constitution is yet as by a county wide basis unable to afford or maintain a caring in health services of all those resident of then the problem isn’t the urban and suburban county wide healthcare system but by such as a barometer of “community” then indicative to a different problem of the commerce and “community” capitalism its.  Agan, if a county in the USA is seeming unable to afford or maintain a health care system for all of its resident people the problem likely then need be diagnosed as first a problem of community and not the system of its healthcare providing.  Until now this hypothesis has yet ever been fully tested and established as a true or impossible theory.  We as a People have not yet been of these days of technological and scientific advances such that for these times such statement could well or properly relate - properly met all the meta about it as also a firstly of a “community” design diagnosis - non medical.

Again by ways of the legacy of once the keep of the Jesus venues of neighborliness and sanctuary it yet endears that it figs that if a county cannot afford a county wide full covering of its people its first problem is less its healthcare system and more primarily a general welfare of a Posterity in “community” - it figs firstly that there is lacking anywhere so a lacking in sufficient morality of its regions necessary Capitalism.  Some it must be are not being neighborly on their part as to their worth or true value as intra-established of an integrated part of a “whole” body in “community.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:35 am

Rendered now a stallin’ - rendering of higher education set asunder - low - base - heated - too heated.

The stoked considerate of the Marxist parlance so heated accrues its dividends of Hades shored.  The Styx so cross’d - OH! It may take “Tiny Tim” to bring us lately to a frank Christmas.

Lew BOND too RED - red Voodoo ember’d.  PRESSURE!  Noel Joel’d noted to conjoined afloat by ferry - - - MO’ DEVILISH than Harper’s or Jubal Early?  They’ll all descend together WILL’D & HILL’D pilloried but LOUIS CYPHER’D?

Yes Virginia, however your ANGEL HEART, there is a Clinton penitence due.  From Norfolk to Arlington ghosts a stirring fo’ Justice haunting and yet fo’ all some lately to Justice rendering.  The TERRIBLE haunting of the Clintons’ 90s - no TRICK nor TREAT — the banding skirting of the Clintons served and dished an economic diabetes.

The bones, economic, of the skeletons’ marrow of the Clintons’ closet of them of seizing the days by not seizing the MOMENTS for Posterity & Tranquility.  I ghost these out with TREATS of past Virginian TRICKS of ollies and curb hops from about a few VA ASYLUMS — The old and gone likely still spiriting ASYLUM - WAKE, SKATE, SNOW board shops I did original contracting performance there abouts and specifically within.  I can tell the devilish tales about the Clintons to the crash as from their machinations that set asunder a better economic and to a nation beset with phat of a too fattened economic as if diabetes.

The e.g. like i.e. for Virginia to specific diagnosis and forensics of the Clintons’ economic culpability are of my hands whence about the metropolitan DC area are secured in the economics of Potomac steel, at least.  I bore witness in the Virginia economics of old especially how the GREEN ENERGY campaigning by Democrats did spike the price of gas and decimate housing economics whence such commenced and persisted.  The price of gas did trigger the diabetic crash of the housing crisis;  I witnessed the politicized too subjective market influence on the price of gas as with and by GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM while still in and around The Commonwealth of Virginia.

I was of much welding for the original Virginia ASYLUM - for the first store design & build out I bought a basic ark welder & taught the carpenter builder me myself to its accomplished original fabrications.  For the second store and further design developments for display apparatus I was to upgrading to a basic mig welder.  Potomac Steel is where I bought all it seems of the raw material for the skate board stores I did design and build out or just accessorize later as I myself was too busy to be the contractor for additional stores for the old ASYLUM chain.

I have done my penance for having towards 1992 been to making the Clintons more electable than I meant to even though to top Democrats I had said I would be to making them electable if they were to learning how to sound like me.  I had to fix much of what they got wrong while of much you all liked as right that wasn’t of their fattening of the general Welfare synthesized politics of my integrated marketing conceptualized;  I did help President Bush fix for years so much of the bad inheritance he had fall about his Presidency as from the devilishness of the Clintons’ selfish spousal politics.

The first trigger to the housing collapse can be said to be so near to the launch of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT that it may be most fair and just to tag HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as the GROUND ZERO of the housing collapse.  It is though more political though that it may firstly have been the INCONVENIENT TRUTH alarmism of the Clintons’ Vice President.  It is though more speciously apropos that alone the alarmism of Al Gore couldn’t have triggered the housing collapse by triggering a too subjective market pricing for supplies of fuel and gas;  It is more seriously considerate that HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT could have triggered such diabetic seizure alone without any INCONVENIENT TRUTH, and, that Al Gore didn’t light the Clintons’ candle - - - It is essential of CLINTONOMICS that it was of a political economics as at burning the candle from both ends at once.

From the witnessed onset of the Clintons Housing Bubble Crash forward the mathy econometrics start with the price of gas.  As I was of Virginia commerce and communing from DC Capitol Hill basis I as a welder of steel purchasing saw quickly how drastically a change in the price of gas could change the price of material and supplies.  I saw quickly that my material costs were to exceed the market price for work to be affordable in the retailing ASYLUM skateboarding commerce.  I could easily lean on my Villanova University BA in Economics learnedness & years of associated extra-curricular and discern a concern for those pimped by the Clintons into such as their diabetic hyper-consumerism not limited to the risky loan housing bubble.  It was simple math then, and still, how the Clintons set up and triggered the devastation of the housing collapse.  As a contractor self employed and about such material use of the raw products as retailed by Potomac Steel in Virginia I saw quickly that the price of gas could near over-night double the price of material.

The Clintons are no longer like the ANGEL HEART Louis Cypher and hidden from even the ghosts of their originally covert setting asunder of ADAM SMITH more conservative and working economics.

This is not a 2013 limited edition TRICK OR TREAT retrospective.  It is that I advised President Bush to not try to fix the economy and housing mortgage market whence he felt progress in Iraq via OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM afforded him time to focus on attempting to then safely repair economics of his day.  It was that I warned him that then about 2006 he should limit himself to postponing a collapse as it seemed the economy was set to crash if he attempted to fix it.  The politics some were that as well if he attempted to fix the economy and not just postpone a collapse as long as he could he would be politically attacked by the Clintons’ political machinery and to serious blows to progress in Iraq.  It was so, YES, that I saw the collapse coming and with no way for President Bush to fix it as long as at least Speaker Pelosi so obstinately at defending the spending cuts of that unnecessary extra trillion cut of their popularity chase.

It is nonsense to speak of the Bush TAX CUTS as causal to the housing collapse.  As you are now being told by Democrats, indirectly, such debt isn’t such a bad thing - at least if it is theirs.  The Clintons’ SURPLUSES of that extra trillion cut did, though not justified or wise, sufficiently and politically justify the Bush TAX CUTS.  It wasn’t until the Clinton inheritance became more clear on 9/11 that it began to seem that the Bush TAX CUTS were irresponsible.  Until the reaping was about of the sowing of underfunding to unpreparedness set deep with the PEACE DIVIDENDS and more cutting of necessary and prudent budgeted programs it was that really the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES fully justified the BUSH TAX CUTS.

The devilish camouflage that rendered the Clintons spousal selfish politics as covert have been at least partly shed and decoded.  It is now quite overtly upon them like feathers justified for them as tar and feather whence would have been standard and effected justly.

The Devil is in the details.  The price of gas spiked because of the politics of the Democrats campaigns including Al Gore as Mr. Weather with global alarmism.  As a purchaser of steel in Virginia I did quickly see that the price of fuel and gas first increased the production costs about the acquisition of the ores then increased its valuations through the energy costs of the smelting and rolling or pressing before yet spiking its eventual wholesale and retail values by ways of transportation costs maximization as for accounting for fuel use by mileage related to shipping weight.  Hillary Clinton promised to seize all the profits of all the oil companies - that was too much devilishness - the details are forensic and archived that the blood of the oil as the suffering of the displaced is her’s even more than her spouse’s.

The diabetes the Clintons worked into an otherwise stable and growing sound economics was of phat pimpin’ in a hyper-consumerism not limited to the risky loaning for a housing bubble.  President William Jefferson Clinton is guilty of selling PEACE for a People phat-ness that too rendered a fattening of the individual people;  It has been reported that The United States of America experience such an increase in average body weight under the leadership of the First Couple Clinton that the nation could be to spending a trillion dollars less in healthcare costs if the People could get back down to their pre-Clinton averaged from individual body weights.  Economically Bill Clinton was loved for being less of Hillary Clinton cooking and more as if of two super-sized BIG MAC meals a day or seating.

The Devil in the details of the Clintons’ Presidency is that nearly no PEACE DIVIDENDS should have been justified - - - that PEACE was being challenged by obviously long simmering caldrons about the Middle East and post Cold War politics.

When the phat of the Clintons economics met with the seizure dangers of Hillary Clinton rising it was firstly most evident likely in the steel markets as such so carbon and carbon fuel dependent/heavy.  But the Clintons had addicted too many to a lazy devilish sloth and envy while discipline and religious education needed for the not peace boiling up.  The CLINTONOMICS was of hyper-consumerism much for people of Democrat Party blind faith and long of life and American DREAMING but while mortgaged and fueled on fixed incomes.  When the price of gas started to climb there was a time uncertain of believing it wouldn’t stay around because OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM had finally brought sufficient stability back to international oil markets.  It was reasonable to discern a political understanding that there was while of President Bush not real expectation that Republicans would let gas prices keep climbing towards the 2008 elections, if they could help it.  The last thing any Republican wanted or care to abide was high gas prices at the time of the 2008 political deciding.  The Democrats on the other hand had means, motive and opportunity to and for higher gas prices to effect such days of deciding — the shorting though is still to covered/covert about how even so the Democrats’ high gas prices were feared then to not be to enough economic CRISIS to assure a 2008 Republican beat down.

The Democrats did reign too much as if Hades were their lot - - - the River Styx should have been more clearly accounted.

For those of CLINTONOMICS loyalty it is all TRICK AND NO TREAT.  For those on fixed incomes of the buy-ins about Clintons’ hyper-consumerism it wasn’t long after the price of gas climbed that it was too late for them after having budgeted firstly as if it could be now so high and yet to stay and climb higher.  The econometrics is still mostly unfigured and unaccounted per the culpability of the Clintons and at least the ghosting repercussions of their gross under-funding.  Whence the price of gas stayed so high and heated by campaign rhetoric in such a too great a subjective it became primarily that homes budgeted on fixed incomes had to choose between paying for gas to get to work or their mortgage before it metastasized more as if a economic cancer though however started as an economic diabetes from the reckless stewardship of the Clintons with their phattening. 

The ghosts of the Clintons’ TREATS AND TRICKING are much ghosting Virginia from Norfolk to Arlington.  It is a decoded once covert shenanigans no longer disguised by any cypher.  They are quite for Posterity as if two together each as an officer of Louis Cypher transgressions.  The Clintons have largely been guilty of bringing President Obama low as by cover-ups — that they have together been apparently covered merrily is now as if a clear skeleton of the bones of the collapse pulled from their closets.  It is that the Clintons have a public record that undermines the Obama covers for them as tricked out to suggest it was all Bush’s fault — the very mass and size about their cover-up shenanigans suggest that they feared themselves belonging in Hell, or jail, as politically it remains ridiculous that such a politics to cover-up should have been dramatized if there wasn’t a whole lot of personal culpability to disguise.

Eventually, though, yes, and as now is kinda late, the curtain of the calamity of what once was theirs more covert and coded in disguise has become plain and exposed.  The Clintons have no where to hide - they have no where to hide now. 

In Virginia it did become quickly calculable that a crash was coming; I am still proud of my advise to President Bush to warn him to just postponing it and to avoid any attempts at a fix.  Eventually the price of transportation for all retail items climbed to a due matching higher retail that then made saving mortgages impossible for so many that bought into the Clintons’ reckless hyper-consumerism. 

Rendered now a stallin’ - rendering of higher education set asunder - low - base - heated - too heated?  Really?

                                                      *  *  *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:54 am

First order of business now is healthcare.  Recently there have been reports quite contrary as “new” with the reports of old as per the fundamental thinking and politics of President Obama.  That President Putin is now at times heckled for punk’n President Obama leaves this may all just be a presser for a coming schooling on how Obamacare, by Putin’s “American”, is actually Un-Constitutional by the First Amendment.

Before we get to where President can go next - can next punk President Obama per his Socialism - it is most pressing and critical that the first reports from the White House Press Room were not bolstered with a notation that President Obama did just for precautions political have a full mental health examination.  It is that there is a new Obama now fundamentally and elementarily contrary to the old Obama - it seems he may have just changed his mind - not lost it.

To what Stalin may have to do with this:  It seems Stalin did actually tear down a Moscow Cathedral and towards a permanent enshrining of himself with so a less “sanctuary” quality.  As President Vladimir Putin is now fashioned politically fittingly for his times more religiously traditionally it seems it has been he more than President Barack H. Obama that has been lifting and raising up “church” while it President Obama quite to putting them out of business with Obamacare.

The First Amendment of the Constitution that unites the states in a loose federalism workable around the world for most reasonably sized States does stand apart though exceptionally as it for Americans is a freedom of religion that is not at all a freedom from religion as originally reasoned.  Obamacare fundamentally decimates the First Amendment.

It seems President Obama has been as by ACA coughing up of a rushed most desired tool for a new nationalism has proven himself more as if a Stalinite than as of a Christian “messianic.”  There is existential jurisprudence in the First Amendment that for now is still not yet of the Supreme Court challenges to “Obamacare.”  Essentially the Supreme Court hasn’t yet been asked to rule past “it’s a tax” of a bully power of the Executive and Congress in case of a need to like wage war on health and to rule if such were to be institutionalized as if a permanent new federal Power it then would be essentially and elementarily in real and critical conflict with the First Amendment as an essential structural node of what is Constitutional and “American.”

President Obama cannot have his (Stalinistic) American new New Deal foundation with “Obamacare” as permanent without such being in violation of the pragmatic and essential of the Constitution as affirmed by the Bill of Rights and especially just the First Amendment.  It is a civil procedure jurisdictional conundrum of the enduring affirmed paradigm of freedom from ones Creator that renders Obamacare a souffle sunken and ruinous — Our National Federal Government by our Freedom of Religion - not from religions - cannot be to a permanent institutionalization of healthcare (covering) without being violate of the People’s rights and states’ autonomy about “faith” and even the moral pressures subscribed about the seven deadly sins and their important civic imports.  Obamacare is a civil procedure wreck about the US loose federalism foundation for and in morality by the People.  The First Amendment secures to the People a greater right than for Congress in much if not all of an “interpretation” of God’s will.  It is too atheistic how Obamacare seems actually on a road to be “permanent” as if the Congress otherwise is of the authority to interpret and rule over the People and their spirited communities as to what is an establishment of religion - as to the seven deadly sins and their moral imports and all tenets of religion a ministering is to Power of for at least effective local community based unity with peer pressure.

Our exceptional American establishments are still Constitutionally secured as by the recent DOMA and Same Sex Marriage Supreme Court rulings - our Constitution did with these decisions scroll out a deeper understanding of a lacking of standing for Obamacare if as to a permanent new “institutional” as it is that such has with such shown a fundamental and elemental contrariness of the enduring Right being of the states as to the jurisdiction of the seven deadly sins as writ large to be a or the bulwark of communities, not a nationalism.

American exceptionalism may be of a political jeopardy these days as embraced by editorializing by President Vladimir Putin to be illuminative of President Barack Hussein Obama as maybe too Stalinistic or too of a state secular atheism.  Putin may beat Obama to the elementary and fundamental new messianic of the global trends about a new federalism, however American in historical origin, and so too be again able to punk @BarackObama on the world stage about the American First Amendment limitations as bars for the United States of America from Socialism and Stalinism.

Obamacare by way of the politics of President Obama has been to be a threat to religion and the existential and metaphysical community and social securing for communities as by a structured around religious nodes for sanctuary.

As Thomas Paine grew up a “doubting Thomas” necessarily he somehow came to feel destined or too Jobian of a fate to write large and generally about common sense and effectively fundamentally as seated firstly inescapably from a sensical about pain and a danger from ignoring or doubting pain.  President Obama has been quite too idealistic in a escapist high-falutin as he has steamed up and down our rivers of politics.  There are Siren calls for the ship of Obamacare and unlashed Captain President Obama - he is not allowed to permanently institutionalize a federal power to have people of the Peoples’ secured communities of rights from their Creator where a citizen (now “subject” so (reconstituted) but) can visit a doctor - a National ystem doctor say for a Prozac to over-ride or trump the peer and ministered moral righteous “pressure” of his community and its civic foundations.

Our economics are secured only when fashioned or permitted to still be of the religious sanctuaries as essential and critical nodes of the constituted and consecrated long as enduring and exceptional as “American.”

Obamacare must fall if set now past a taxing right to bully a better way for all forward to a permanent federal institutionalization.  Obamacare is Un-Constitutional for it is violate of the necessary sanctuary for sanctuaries religious by the First Amendment bar of Congress from making any Law that would give it more authority than the People or the states at interpreting the tenets of religion - any establishment of the Founders Christian God - any moral community pressure around “sin” and repercussions due of from just peer pressure by way of a “community” enduring constituted under God and the seven deadly sins. 

The Federal Government by the American Constitution doesn’t have the right to trump the states as per the health of those that have decided to call such their home state.  President Obama by the already existent Supreme Court challenges to the unaffordable Affordable Care Act has only a short term power to bully the states for not having like already competed with Massachusett’s and to a state based more moral covering of all their residents as at least by a Romneycare.

It is troubling that Candidate Governor Mitt Romney too missed the essential importance of sanctuaries religious as critical and fundamental nodes for a workable economic for America - it is remembered that Candidate for President Mitt Romney was too too much too a desire to Un-Consitutionally bully the exceptional American People people.  Mitt Romney deserved to not win the Presidency as soon as he was to promising that he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with Romneycare. 

Romneycare is not a national workable solution either - it is only Constitutionally workable as a state solution. 

And, yes I am still of my reasoned opinion and a faith in it that economically speaking our sanctuaries are fashioned as critical nodes even around healthcare for all morality - that essentially the only just, right & nationally Constitutional “affordable” reformation is to be protestant and regular in practice to a urban and suburban new “community” figuring so as if a Count not a Czar the apropos to a new economics of a COUNTY-WIDE not COUNTRY-WIDE revolutions for healthcare (covering).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

Despite which political camp you now find yourself in or towards your President has called you to now start being moral.

As many have long heard of “trying times” President Obama is an usher in farcical times.  We all would be behooved if of tent poles pitched more pedestrian to doubting pains of these times anew of necessity at common sense and general Welfare.  President Obama has staked his cover(s) of lines of a contrariness more as if by knots granny than squared. 

A well suited for the deconstruction of the camps of Clintonomics and Obamanomics seems maybe now either Bill de Blasio or Joe Lhota.  Vladimir Putin while either the insurgent resurgent deputy of President Dmitry Medvedev or as a real “The Leader” of writs official has been of a comity quite considerable of leadership rivalry to President Barack Hussein Obama.

If expansionist State Socialism was defeated by the designs and strategery of President Ronald Reagan with Capitalism it figures that Vladimir Putin, however, the Russian “leader”, was as much or more an expert in the fall of Soviet style Socialism.  There may be comfort in the political camps of Putin’s now in a collective pride that he has proven to be more expert in Soviet Socialism (and its demise - its humbling to more “community” organized relevance) than President Barack Obama.  It seems of an inescapable political philosophical historical that V. Putin knew that B. Obama didn’t have a “Socialism” that could be — It seems too that both may have missed that 2009 was too soon for a “new foundation” renaissance for America and the world economies as it was then that the renaissanced rebirth in the Reagan Revolution inheritance of the Clintons pathological ride was still too young at near only seventeen years old.

The fare of the galleys of the etiquette of the “camp” of Obamanomics is raw with irregularities.  It seems until the urban uprising of a public advocate secured in a reality of his times that is of the colors of the Bill de Blasio camp all have been of conundrums from a contrariness of the entrenchments of the trenchant National Democrat lots.  It seems uncertain for just New York City and its five boroughs now if a Republican or a Democrat is of a more “campy” philosophical for a times where the economies are stalled from a New Nationalism drum beat and march to a centralization in a Socialism.  It seems V. Putin, however Russia’s leader, saw that President Obama as the camp director to a attempt to evangelize and assimilate citizens more as subjects to a New Nationalism and figured that America at most could move nearer to Socialist governance in a break up to six new regional sized appropriately realms.  It seems that where the nationalistic Democrats of the Clintonomics and Obamanomics have failed has been predicable to others more expert on the Reagan Revolution and the defeat of expansionist State Socialism by Capitalism.  It is that by being so bent with their tent polls all pitched on too shifty and slippery philosophical grounds Obama camps have been storm tossed again and again by such more pedestrian and of a more general Historical common sense.  We have that what has been cooked up by President Obama is of a suffrage story that relates it seems to Hillary Clinton for not being a “builder” or a “cook” — it seems that what Hillary has cooked up of all of this, however officially of leading, has been want of her of not having had building or cooking experience.

A learned response to such as well as of a call for a new foundation as if a call for a new renaissance too soon upon the developments of a more successful still young earlier national rebirth is to be considered from a fathoming of the paradigms in play in THE KRUGMAN FALACY at http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  If you find yourself too new to the consideration that V. Putin as a better expert in the fall of expansionist Soviet Socialism and that he knew President Obama’s Socialist agenda was likely to only have economic growth potential if it were not affected more generally than regionally in a new national divide by maybe six new American economic regions it is that maybe you need to visit the satellite blogs off of http://jphogan.org of “myblog” “2012us” & “hogan” and to the extensive reading by keyword and subject sorting three times so by local site searching with: NEW NATIONALISM.

The too nationalistic (Socialist) Democrats of the game change of the 2008 election have been about too freely in a “campy” of the Presidents pitched polling popularity propaganda.  It is that they have taken apart far more than they have built and that they undermined a post Reagan Era economic that was ready to be occupied with a general equity more established - they undermined with their calls for a “new foundation” an economic structure that was ready and more permanently platted.  It is that for now we may be of times where for a decade we have to look at our local and community governments to be more socialistic and to increases in spending and taxing just to fix the decimation that has been affected by the too nationalistic Democrats however loyally of the Clintons’ camps or the Obama camp.

It seems we are all now to a decade of slow growth that will be of a deconstruction of President Obama and his politics and economics and so that locally we are in need of a new generational “campy” of “builders” or “cooks” to fairly fare out so much that was destroyed as a New Nationalism was wrought at least so as foundationally unwise for at least another decade.

We have that President Obama is now committed in his politics at Morals of his call for solidarity that is of him asking people to start being moral with him.  A base line for a new “campy” political, however partisan, now must be that if to Morals and of the general Welfare Posterity of the Constitution of the United States of America it follows that your tent polls can either be set as that the Clintons were moral or that President Obama is now being moral - it is to be un-covered much still how they cannot both in Posterity of common sense of pedestrian doubting and pains be right - be moral.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:54 am

As we are near into the breach again - however “morally” now indeterminate - it is appreciable that President Barack Hussein Obama would now be a better servant of the peoples if he had forgone his Harvard Law degree but for a Harvard Divinity doctorate.

We can see him of his youthful Hawaiian “surf’s up” random whimsy as if of having grown up with a surf board shackled 24-7 to his ankle however branded by his Sex Wax — as if a pod racer named DARTH HUSSEIN.

He seems post occidental as a bigger Kahuna these days that try so many souls with the suffrage and suffering about his (inconvenient) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We are of tides and ebbs cycling with the youthful idealism of @BarackObama where his ends are supposed to be able to justify (eventually) his means.

As of the estranged racism of his pacific black man rights of passage “Barry” was maybe more a greaser than establishment and yet while accepted by the color of his skin as if more a native local just with funny hair.  Seems.  I can attest that he by near 11th grade had a competitive interest in oratory of at least President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and that for a declaration of war infamy related to some of the surprised history of the Hawaiian islands.

His “sled” his “pod racer” however named for he as a  DARTH HUSSEIN dark force “surf’s up” idealist may have had him less of time warps and warp speed as still of the era of pedestrian raciness less “back in the saddle” and more “doggy paddle” beach bum.  He may have howled at the moons and danced hung by leis with time in between to honor the fallen of Pearl Harbor and the Pacific campaigns of World War II - at least — he was/is still though of the “ebony and ivory” the “salt and pepper” of his parents stories as so conceived a Russian Studies LOVE CHILD “Barry Obama” - American.

He hasn’t purported a “morality” of a modern struggle against an axis of evil - he hasn’t recused himself from his personal story of a divided home that for his youthful reflections likely had him pining for a Socialist Soviet styled America as if it were the only way to bring his parents - his “ebony and ivory” - his “salt and pepper” - his “black and white” - back together. 

We are at the yet unwritten chapters of his memoirs, oddly, that should have most much concerned as to who Barack “Barry” Hussein Obama really is.  It really seems that at least we all could feel safer and believe he has a plan better if he had a Harvard Divinity Doctorate and not his Harvard Law JD.  He up to now has seems lacking in a philosophy of governance or a call to a general “morality” but to a politically rendered pop New Nationalism evangelizing towards secular Socialism.

Who is “Barry” the wave rider racer likely accepted in Hawaii as if a native just with funny hair?  How long did he paddle - paddle necessarily doggy styled to try to be a big Kahuna?  Did he yet catch enough wave before he was Senator Obama to be said to have HUNG TEN?  Is he from his troubled youth of his split family of a pining to be again firstly of the love as a SOVIET STUDIES LOVE CHILD of such “ebony and ivory” - “salt and pepper” - “black and white”?

For the sake of political simplicity it behoove many to broach the waxing of President Barack Hussein Obama as per Syria as SPLASH than a STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK.  We have that the Middle East used to have been subjected to a over-lording some as the United States of America fought many places and many ways to stem the attempts by the U.S.S.R. to reign an expansionist State Socialism across the seven seas.  Syria of today can be said to be one of those places that has lost its global cache with the end of the Cold War and the retreat of Obama’s endearing Soviet Socialism.

There are histories now contrary to histories and oddly yet coexistent as if both or all could be true and accurate.

President Obama didn’t catch the waves of the defeat of his endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.

There are stories to be told of how President Barack Hussein Obama and the lot of the Clintons’ “two-fer” BOGO political machinations bet the boards and tides too much to the very crashes of the years of suffering under the idealism effected with the Democrats of the Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  He may be “successful” for having whipped enough - for having whipped so many so long and severely such that he has affected a new leaner “American” that is of the worked for conditioned response to be to eating less - spending less - saving more of his Green Energy Agenda of a “Vader” quality some too much for having put the earth and its environment above the people and their humanity.

He must have been a young dandy of a youth.  How did he paddle - how often did he paddle?  How keen and/or bright were his stands at trying to stay upright and moral while young “Barry” Obama?

As he nears us to a breach anew it is that he seems nearer to accepting that expansionist State Socialism was defeated by Capitalism and Reagan Revolution political activism and endurance.  He nearly seems a new man - not quite “born again” but now more cautious and suspicious of that of his old most endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.  He has to be torn internally with such a American story — but it is that Al Qaeda may have felt justified in attacking the United States of America because of the abandonment (of principles) and inaction and avoidance of the Clintons’ administering for it of having provided an insufficient prosecution of Saddam Hussein (as like an earlier Assad - as a new Hitler (lite)).

Assad is like a Saddam Hussein as a Middle East secular dictator who couldn’t or wouldn’t change with the world when the world reset to a new order after the end of the Cold War as it was with Afghanistan a Gettysburg turning point of it.  They are like of the history of Ba’athism some together - they both seemed to some have “perverted” the original idealism of the Ba’athist ideologicals to be towards a beautiful unity of all Arabs into a United Arab Socialist State.  (I still lean on the book by Alan Hart - ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER — when speaking to the history of the Ba’athist Party and to suggestions that its Socialistic ideology would and could be perverted by ‘politicians’ for more selfish and tyrannical ends.)

We are decades from the days “Barry” Obama however torn and challenged as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD waxed his days away on the tides of the then news and issues of the days.  He seems now of days to paddle anew a dandy of a freer way for the tides are lifting with federalism debates and new Constitutions in the winds. 

Today who is President Barack Hussein Obama - is he a fresh American dandy or too much a DARTH HUSSEIN?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

It may be commendable that a former President is to be helping commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March On Washington this Wednesday.  President William Jefferson Clinton is scheduled to have his “Got MLK!” soapbox moment.

There were earlier times in the history of the United States of America where a draft was thought a useful tool for what ailed urban areas.  President Barack Hussein Obama, so a born son of Islam, if now to the visceral drum beat of his new Secretary of State likely should and will be to a new draft and one naturally of his “governance” as with a real college exemption.

Many things complicate the United States of America to any involvement now in Syria. 

It may be all over again a “do your homework or you’ll end up in…” Democratic Party politics.  Seems eerily familiar.

We have that Secretary John Kerry, though a Catholic Diplomat head and shoulders above Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, is breathing the same petrified heinous Democratic leadership exhaustings as that which riled the guts of normal Americans in earlier days.  These times do have a beat now of and by a drummer President Obama that are dangerous for he as of his personal story as an apostate.  These times though by the wrenching words of his new Secretary of State do rattle the bones - do rattle the old bones of the transgressions on the souls whence by then new President Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t though as a self professed “Messiah” political figure yet been to explaining how his personal choice of Christianity over Islam has been formational to at least his governance views on theocracies or Islamic Dictatorships.  Such seems more a cup half empty of the work of Martin Luther King even than how President Clinton when a new President wrenched the souls and troubled the guts of Americans and especially Iraqi people of the majority was to deciding he didn’t want to have to deal with Saddam Hussein’s heinous past, and not be even to an in absentia new Nuremberg like war crimes prosecution. 

Secretary John Kerry has worked out the words and sentiment such as was once in the air in 1993 and so of a partisan political preference by the Clintons’ administration thence as America was told in a contrariness that they shouldn’t need to be bothered with such however heinous or gut wrenching.  It was PEACE Bill Clinton wanted to sell and a dovish Presidency he most wanted to proceed with — I was to PEACE DIVIDENDS - full steam ahead but for the inconvenient crisis left the world about Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is an inconvenient lesson plan now for any college now to be current and of an intellectual honesty about Syria without being to spilling so much milk about the still too propped up legacy of the Clintons.  It is to President Obama though to now necessarily be to a believable proffering as to how and why his choice to abandon his faith from birth for Christianity now guides his senses as to a right and wrong at least per Syria.

I do not doubt Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State for his gut reaction and tagging of Syria for chemical weapons use as a truly heinous act.  For me and I imagine many others it is like a deja vu all over again as it feels like that very irregularity that was Saddam Hussein when President William Jefferson Clinton came to town and like chose to prefer intelligence of a PEACE for his dovish wants of PEACE DIVIDENDS full glasses.  The outrage of these “heinous” and “gut wrenching” events as per Syria are due but if a US politician is asked to be or expected to be of a consistency in “governance.”

President Barack Hussein Obama made a horrible choice in Secretary of State.  When he set off on his “First Black” march with the unexpected drum of the Presidency the Clintons should have been relegated to the back rows for their actual history of global abandonment about moral causes - their history of unconscionable inaction and avoidance.  It may have been better yet if President Obama hadn’t even let them in the building - or on his bus.

President Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken well as to the unconscionable “governance” by Syria’s Assad.  The problem quite though is — scratch that — The problems are quite that his words may move the US to a draft as well as how an election of Mrs. Clinton too would - and yet it is that these erudite expressions otherwise are contrary even to the older words of that “anti-war” Senator John Kerry when of his railing against Republicans for action - not inaction.

I don’t know if you have yet any idea how much all of this is essentially of milk spilled by Hillary Rodham Clinton - a Methodist, if I recall — one not an apostate as her former black boss is of his storied march to Christianity. 

What does the religiousity of the Obama administrations have to do with current and past events?  How is it Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State has braved a stand with strong moral language in ways former Methodist Secretary of State didn’t or couldn’t?  How is it though the language seems appropriate to these events it oddly is contrary to past “views” on morality of John Kerry while Senator or Candidate for the Presidency?

It seems President Barack Hussein Obama is positioning himself as towards as great a new need for a Armed Forces draft as long feared that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was while beating her way, however Methodist, to a power grab like no other - to a power grab quite extra-Constitutional as if a seat for two BOGO “Two-fer” not a two but a united in marriage religiousness as a union of one.

I would mention that President William Jefferson Clinton may be a Southern Baptist but with the clamor or moral outrage now in the air it seems we first should look at him as a husband and lawyer who just didn’t want to do the moral work now said anew to be expected of our leaders in government.  We know he loves to be loved as a politician who sold good and happy FAT (PHAT) times even though such was trumped by hard knocks learning - of real actual history — We know as a lawyer he was disbarred easily and yet forget to consider enough that Mrs. Clinton quite nearly as well was brought up so publicly too for at least a matching dishonesty while a lawyer.

The good news about Syria for citizens of the United States of America is that Hillary Clinton is no longer the Secretary of State.  The goods news now be that if a draft is necessary it will have Obama’s name all over it likely, and as well Secretary Kerry’s, of having an incentive to “do your homework” — a draft now in the second term of President Obama just seems to have to exist if and only it can exist if it is to have a full blown college exemption.

These may be trying days to think learning about capitalism is “getting an education” but it must be harder now for everyone with such “heinous” and “gut wrenching” news being a calling for President Barack Hussein Obama to explain verse for verse even how his choice to be an apostate to Islam was and is right - and acceptable if he is to intervene at all in the sovereign matters of Syria.

It is like “IT IS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” clear as day with the new beat the drum beat their’s of old.  The Clinton, for your education or refreshment, did choose to play Saddam Hussein as if for all their eight years his past of such war crimes was able to be overlooked.  When President Bush came to town it seemed the Clintons left now war drums anywhere with an alternative for Saddam Hussein and to a prosecution or “justice” as history has long suggested that the Clintons’ did leave office without any entrance or exit plans for Iraq to be dusted off by President George W. Bush.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:54 pm

To discern a economic righteousness, apropos to times of opportunity, such as the past couple decades since the known human ecosystems moved to a new world order in a post Cold War era, with the United States of America of its win for Capitalism over Socialism, one seems to be prudent if to a stepping off drum beat to the erudite realms of fallacies.

Times such as we have slipped to since the great global victory of Capitalism over expansionist State Socialism have long been made historical passed epochs with specific new ‘lingua franca’ proffered appropriately of punctuations due as exclamations of apexes and nadirs and so when specifically of bad “economic” theoreticals.

Days like today, as of such a considerate era, raise special intellectual alarm clamoring and to such an extent that a new “Socialism” or “Philosophy of Governance” idiom at least is essential as a new “fallacy” however it might best be named for Posterity.

For discussions to a scientific for economic reasoning about such it may or may not help to try to be analogous to the “block buster” status for the new THE LONE RANGER.  To be authentic and genre sensitive the original THE LONE RANGER was bad television by today’s standards and the new movie which I have yet to see seems by the numbers to have had too high a production budget not too low a performance.  To make this new movie more “successful” and “authentic” the big screen production should have been interrupted by commercials at the most inconvenient moments and for decoder rings from Ovaltine or maybe a dramatic advertisement for Red Ryder bb Guns — it seems the “success” model still can work as Capitalism for the new THE LONE RANGER, and, yet it so that its should already have commercials and that the commercials should have been covered by the production budget of $400 million.  America still has room for heroes despite there land of origins, and, it seems that besides commercial interruptions the new THE LONE RANGER as well likely should have been stopped with “TO BE CONTINUED” at least once and so that children would be encourage to think of earning merit badges freshly before yet seeing if the Ranger could ride more than a hundred yards in one scene.

It may be easier to redress the long historical slights about the Reagan victory of Capitalism over expansionist State Socialism by like knowing that where Paul Krugman and his band of ideologues has said all should look for the “booty” of such as proof of it as a treasured win is actually the place such victory is least likely to show itself in Posterity.

Krugman Democrats have been skewing the general welfare of political discourse by parading more like an entertaining ship of fools than even a successful Pirateer.  There may be a great general need to emphasize the difference between a ship of state - Government Ship (solution) - and privateers, and pirate ships.

The jump point for such distractive economic sophistry of a Krugman Democrat - ‘Krugman School’ - is in the halls yet not as it generally appears.  It is dangerous to walk on any of ‘Krugman School’ planks as the actual depths of the issues are covered in layers and layers of fog - of intellectualized chameleon shiftiness.

The Reagan victory of Capitalism over the march or creep of expansionist State Socialism isn’t to be found where Democrats generally have been saying it must be found if it actually was a “VICTORY” — Citizens of the United States of America have been of liberal barrages to such affect - the ship of State has been said not to be of a great victory for laissez-faire economics by such of a ‘Krugman School’ because it didn’t make the Government of the USA bigger and more Socialistic.

Of the depression about the onset of the planks parading of a ‘Krugman Democrat’ or ‘Krugman School’ there is the emotional intelligence that was ignored or rendered as too inconvenient where it related to market forces and citizen and consumer confidence - of the general ‘Krugman School’ there has been some crack wackiness where Americans have been spooned a trip of a ‘fog’ as if the way to govern after such sacrifice and victory for The Reagan Revolution and Capitalism was to have our messaging become more top down and our politics to a affecting that the way to proceed after a defeat of expansionist State Socialism was to force a conversion to a Socialism at home.

The proof of there having been a victory of a Reagan Revolution over the Cold War and expansionist State Socialism just isn’t to be found where Democrats, however, have been persistently saying it should appear.  A victory for Capitalism and laissez-faire economics - The victory - is discernible but not as a Government victory — Republicans have been asked to prove it actually happened along fallacious lines of sophistry that is troubled in more than a couple ways.  First the Republicans that have regularly been prodded along such depths of ‘Krugman School’ planks haven’t been those of the American victory that was much only possible as by “privateers” - by free market resonance and timely synchronized economic harmonics.

There is so much that is of an economic contrariness and confused historical that a tag here now as “THE KRUGMAN FALLACY” can only be a punctuational exclamation to the effect that America does still have heroes and that the treasuring of such a story and booty has yet quite been of steerage by decoy maps.

The depression drop has been of splashes ranted as irregular and out of order by Republicans while more of the cooking and galley of the Democrats akin to Krugman.  The fallaciousness of much of this is demonstrable in many different satirical methodologies and quite economically so if more specifically about Obamacare however a three legged stool may seem of government niceties.  The ‘Krugman School’ offering didn’t parlay well to the historicals - it may have been their sophistry as biased intellectualisms too much of pining for a success for expansionist State Socialism.  The ‘Krugman School’ “economics” are better to be removed for the sake of clarity from being “economic” “science” and left to the softer “science” of “philosophy of governance” - at least.

For now THE KRUGMAN FALLACY is to be left as yet another good title under which much that I have already written and worked through with public sharing can be well organized, for general consumption later in book form.  This is fitting for the missing intellectual honesty, as to how federalism is a critical market force mostly ignored, and/or covered as jumping off points removed by a suggestion that a great victory over expansionist State Socialism couldn’t have actually occurred as if because since it didn’t make the Federal Government of the United States of American BIGGER and more oppressive than it must not have happened.

In laissez-faire “economics” it figures that markets should become depressed after a great victory if those that long sacrificed and suffered were afterwards suppressed and oppressed as if such victory never actually occurred and so as we have witness been of a politics of a new governance that has suggested that after their victories in the long slog between Capitalism and expansionist State Socialism they were to settle in to home fires kindled and stoked of a pressing need for the United States of America to now “recover” by becoming that which it largely had long been fighting against.

However cute the Obamacare three legged stool may be it is still that the ‘Krugman School’ just recently was pushing a false flag pirating of Romneycare.  I do not know if the ‘Krugman School’ allows there to be any lone hero in its overly intellectualized sophist defense of liberal anti-Capitalism propaganda.  It seems that the only “hero” must be them of say the “Crown” as if of a “The King is never wrong - long live the Prince.”

Economically speaking past the defense of a Krugman fandom fog in philosophy of government discourse to Socialism covered as if “science” in economics we have globally now the free markets still supporting the history that Capitalism did defeat expansionist State Socialism by being a superior “governance” basis of more “general Welfare” social good.

As per Obamacare there is still much intellectual honesty to be unshackled for new and better democratic mashables - there is per Obamacare that these times are of times of a “federalism” new struggle and such that we are living in real time of an era when our markets and economics would have been better and stronger if of an erudition schooled more generally and earlier to how the ‘Krugman School’ “solutions” actually now better argue for a less national rendition to either be more global or more local.

Right a fallaciousness is about!  We are living in real time of an era when our markets and economics would have been better and stronger if of an erudition schooled more generally and earlier to how the ‘Krugman School’ “solutions” actually now better argue for a less national rendition to either be more global or more local.

Right a fallaciousness is about!  The “proffered” so long in defense of Democrats by Paul Krugman, economist, have been wrong in a New Nationalism too, as he too at such for economics, for the Constituted United States, renders by his “theorized” that God is yet forward as under Nation - that Nationalism must trump all global eco-systems in market economics for a economics of a centralized Political identity contrary to the US original markets recipes (in pluralism).

                                                *  *  *


{It seems since THE KRUGMAN FALLACY is a fitting title under which to reorganize many of my past columns of many of these past years workings it is appropriate that I leave my bracketed notations here for Posterity.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:06 am

This is a commenced treatment now of the tale of two Detroits - of a contrast in two Socialist treatises - like.

For now you may not want to complicate this discoursing with full knowledge of my past efforts in strategized integrated marketing politicking for the benefit of the American car brands, and how such was very substantial and volunteered during the Clintons’ years.  To preface but not bolster this economic and philosophical work out of the issues of Detroit bail-out(s) let it suffice to say that I was and without the Clintons much to thinking my work for positive change for America that gave much rise to them for 1992 was of a parallel consideration that with so much effort I was to hoping it could and would boost American made cars over foreign made, and especially in the luxury car categories.

For those new to finding of my quiet and largely still uncredited past of much success in effecting much positive change it maybe all started in 1971 when I was near 6 years old and asked my maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier to teach me how to become just like him - how to become a top New York City based Top Marketing and Advertising (Mad Man - colloquial) - and so as it was with he of one condition that it be as “but without his vice of smoking near three packs of Pall Mall cigarettes per day.  He was then just months from mandatory retirement age for his employment so running the Johnson & Johnson consolidated account as he had consolidated it into Young and Rubicam.

There are two Detroits we can speak of without invading Black President Obama and his awfully late attempt to address race and race politics.  The two Detroits to treat now each as a Socialism and yet with one a superior Socialism over the other.

Firstly we should get to the starting line and to having all the ladies and gentlemen with their motors started - we should first discuss how the old low (and affordable) price of gas was a Republican Socialism within their general economics of Capitalism.  Such was a wonder of job creation efficiencies however they may have to Government Socialists to have been of inefficiencies.

Secondly we have to create a buffer area about this as an economic discussion as dangers are about any comprehension from the confusion wrought and fixed by the Clintons’ extra trillion cut for a political gain from unnecessary surpluses.

Right!  Secondly we have to find a way to work around and drive around how the Clintons with their political surpluses were otherwise to these discourses to having been of a diabolical and exclusively negative “governance” as regards Detroit - the two Detroits I am now asking you all to consider with each other and myself.

Thirdly there is the conflicting “Politics” of the Clintons at least as to attempts to roll at least Americans to a post-Constitutional Totalitarianism as if a King David of axlerod railings global autocracy of the Clintons.  These are matters of much import and concern to all economics and politics if to preservation of freedom and democracy but they are not necessary to this discourse on two Socialisms of two Detroits.

It is likely quickest to a good revolutions torqued temperament if we dispense with the Clintons now and forward - if we otherwise focus more as on the benefits globally of the old lower fuel cost politics of the Republicans and even when then of trickle down economic mileage.  It was a socially good and generous Capitalistic Socialism of the old days of lower fuel prices and lower miles per gallon American road stirrings.  The old Capitalism model of one of the two Detroits was paved for maximizing job creation and saving all around the world - it really was a Socialism good within a good Capitalism.

To now moderate the environment of such a revving as a GOOD please for now consider that there were better ways to politically address any or all Global Warming than those of the green energy politics of the Obama Administration, and, that the way to have saved us from these trying days of bumps of a new depression was to have worked otherwise so that gas prices could be brought down and fast enough to have prevented the housing bubble crashing that was much from too many of having bought into the Clintons’ hyper-consumerism and maxed out all their fixed incomes so that they no longer could afford their homes at the new desired green energy convenient higher gas prices - if to also being able to afford to buy the gas to get to that job that provided them their fixed income - if not already jobless as “retired”.

The Clintons did set up this economic mess and much for a politics of thinking that each day they just had to come up with new lies to get them through just another day.  The Clintons surpluses set it up so that both Detroits and both Socialisms were likely past bumping and rolling with them to just crashing.

I leave it to you and other economic types to figure how the green energy politics of the nationalism centralizing Socialism of the Dems of the Obama years were to undermining employment all across the Middle East — I leave it to others to provide believable numbers and statistics to how whether the new increase in demand by China and India did maybe fully moderate and supplant all the jobs that their convenient higher gas prices and increased fuel efficiencies were then there undercutting.  I do believe that the Democrats energy politics did cause more unemployment across the Middle East than all the demand of China and India could have or yet quite supplanted.

The Government of Detroit and its now breaking Bankruptcy is of the Democrats’ Government Socialism otherworldliness of the other Socialism.  That the Capitalism of the old Detroit was a generous Socialism within the (trickle down) Capitalism economics has mileage today for all trippin’ on economics.  In essence the Dems of Obama’s New Nationalism Socialism to new foundations were Socialists who didn’t realize that their railing against Capitalism and its inefficiencies were firstly to undercutting the generous socialism and compassion that was essential to much of the “invisible hand” economics of the economics that long stood as American and of Detroit Capitalism - it was the Government Socialisms of the Democrats that largely first attacked and killed off the compassion and Socialism long of the working Capitalism of one Detroit.

We know how to make ice and General Electric with Jobs Czar J. Immelt had the technology to actually have had many shovel ready jobs under the Obama administering.  GE makes the nuclear power plants for many of the Naval vessels and could have moved mountains towards the inspired International Fleet of Nuclear Chiller Submarines and a new Weather Corps I had first written publicly of near 2007.  We could have started new industries to save the environment like for a Weather Corps calling and fleets of submarines powered efficiently by GE nuclear technology and as submersible inside out cruiser freezer/refrigerators that Disney or Virgin could have co-opted into their Cruise platforms.  We could have otherwise have been to turning the economy around faster if we had protect the generous and compassionate Socialist inefficiencies in Detroit’s Capitalism and with a more measured continued strategery to more efficient vehicles and while so then working effectively to get the gas prices lower and low enough to prevent most of the housing bubble collapsing that so did commence firstly due to the fixed incomes and hyper-consumerism of Clintonomics whence the green energy gas spike pricing subjectively overwhelmed reasonable and working (trickle down) economics.

We have that President Obama can hardly now take credit for the improved economics - at least in any political NET way.  His economic priorities had first been shown in Spain to have there cost at least two jobs for every one new job created by such a political economic machination.  It is for others to detail the metrics now economically and in depth to be more graphic to how Obamanomics have been worse than Clintononomics as Obamanations of facts being it seems that his were so radical and revolutionary that they were to costing nearer to three old jobs for each one new green job.

These bumps used to be smoothed out in time with economic maintenance schedules of the old workable Socialisms within the (trickledown) Detroit Capitalism.  Times did get bad, and, times got worse than they needed too but while so generally the USA was running union costs for employment in both Socialisms of the two Detroits to be for an American able to compete globally - still.  I though am not one to say that the unions were not willing to have worked a way otherwise and away from the political nationalized centralized Socialism of the political economics of the Obama administering.

Essentially, to be clear - to be brief - it was the Socialism of the Politics of the Democrats that did jeopardize the Capitalism of Detroit and all the compassion and Socialism in its trickle down economics of benefits for many from lower fuel efficiencies and lower gas prices.  There was time to expedite the modernization of the mileage - price paradigm conundrums, and, as it is we were from the Bush years already fixed on the road to such with a new global necessary politics for the United States of America as best to be paving the way for and to energy independence.

Though President Barack Hussein Obama may go down as the great jobs killer and even for those of the old fuel markets across the Middle East we cannot escape that he while being so passionate in his Government Socialism was naively to damaging more than helping both Detroits.  He may have made Chinese and Indians seem heroic newly to those of oil profits and interests across the Middle East and quite at a cost to those of the United States of America.

Again there were other and many quite shovel ready ways to have turned around the economies of the world and with many job saving in the USA if only the economics had not become so political and of such a crony capitalism of fixed Green Energy Platforms.

He - Obama - may have sold you with David Axlerod to being there for your bumps with rolls to national political evangelizing - he should though have avoided the need for such as better options and solutions were available to address and amend about the problems as he proffered them.

It is hardly a boon to President Obama that the economy is largely recovering mostly for the local state based efforts in mostly Republican led states and while them of reasonable and natural passages of the roads paved by Bush’s energy politics and continued support of institutions of higher learning and their automobile and science and engineering departments for greener and more efficient future mobility.

We could hardly now be having the economic recovery if we hadn’t had the Bush years and the standing for oil market stability and so as a defense held long enough for the United States to smooth out future bumps with revving for energy independence as a nation.  There long has been compassion of the “invisible hand” of trickle down Capitalism markets and that side of the two Detroit Socialism not now of the primary news as of being of the failed Democrat Party Government Bureaucratic Socialism that should have long ago started fixing itself, firstly.

Yes, I have been thinking for Detroit for a long time - I am a proud American today for the news of the Impala 95 out of a 100 international top rating.  I do remember the early days of the unexpected 1992 win for the Clintons and how the Capitalist leaders of Detroit Auto Complexes were of finding the Clintons had deaf ears to the necessary Capitialism strategery - but not me.  I am still proud of my offered direction to Detroit then about the vacuous Clintons’ economics for them to anchor themselves forward around lines of smaller cars to help sell future of efficiencies by making them small but in the style of the old big “American” cars of Bill Clinton’s and his gens youth.

Right - it can be humorous but for all the actually unnecessary bumps and rolls from the limited and short sighted said long road thinking of the Demonomics of Clitnonomics and Obamanomics if humor can be found in considering that the small car boom and customizing to musical and audiofiles that marks the Clintons’ years was not at all natural then to Bill Clinton or still as he is still of a personality to be selling cars with backs seats at least large enough horizontally for himself and one other - Right?

What we have learned at least from the evidence of the Green Political Socialism too nationalized and centralized by President Obama is that we already nearly had the technology ready thanks to the administrations of the two President Bush and quite hardly much to thanks for the Clintons’ surpluses of that extra trillion unnecessarily cut but as they figured it as a political ploy to sell Hillary still as a queen like best too also to a totalitarianism around axlerods bumb evangelizing in a lie base secular autocratic post-Constitutional new world order.

What we all should already have figured is that we could have made better progress to solving any or all of the Global Warming alarming problems without the Dems spiking of the gas prices and rash march on Detroit to higher fuel efficiencies immediately.  We were already set on the roads paved to an energy independence that have brought economic boons with the development of US natural gas resources and as well of a Capitalistic Socialistic Good of the two Detroits such that its armies of workers were together with its mass as already nearly ready to have so many of the gas engines also available as now to run otherwise on natural gas.

Technically speaking to close out this discourse hardly commenced nationally it behoove all to even if late to figuring it out to lock down an economic think that however “socialist” the old Capitalism of one of these Detroits was with low MPG and low gas prices long as the greatest job creator and savor the world as we have known it has ever known.  The Detroit of the old (trickle down) economics hardly HEDGED - it produced - produced - and maintained.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:06 am

By now you should have heard of Obamacare.  The Affordable Care Act has been said to be Obamacare, Romneycare and Hillarycare.  President Obama is in a pickle with Obamacare with the recent Senate passage of legislation for Immigration Reform.

The politics of the moment are to be imagined quite as if President Clinton has President Obama over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.  With that said, however seemingly unfair, it may be a pickle barrel of politics which at any moment could have it more justly as President Obama with President Clinton over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.

These days of the politics of Obamacare, Immigration. the know scandals, and the seeming dammed and ready to burst new scandals have us waking this Wednesday with the House having the con now to call Immigration as it sees it.  President Obama yesterday was petty with his politicking on Immigration so when of asking that procedural battles don’t now scar the bold moves by the Senate per such.

There is race involved in today’s politics besides however with Obamacare, redistribution as reparations, immigration and executive branch power and corruption;  Attorney General Eric Holder is black and of talk as to whether he should resign.

We may have to go back and forth on the imagery of whom (which President) now figuratively has the other President like over a barrel;  It is race related as it seems simply that AG Attorney Eric Holder has been loyal to this point to the impossible politics of the Obama administration as it stayed of a trichotomy of Power between Barack, Bill, and Hillary.  It is that I am not yet to suggesting that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign just mostly because it seems it would be both unfair and racist to have him so like drawn and quartered before or in lieu of at least Hillary Clinton.

There is much in today’s politics so that we all might miss some important elements, however Shakespearean, tragically while what is more visible and on the table stirs us too comically.  We cannot forget the Supreme arguments for Obamacare as essential to ACA (Affordable Care Act) as per SPILL OVER;  Obama is over a barrel at least as per Immigration due to his lawyers of having argued in defense of his Romneycare as per interstate SPILL OVER.

The political enslavement now about our black President is of a roots in the whoopie of Bill and Hillary at least of their second term.  Though Vint Cerf actually is the father of the internet it may be Al Gore that “invented” the political misuse we are now to discussing, hopefully not too late and after the fact.  It may be that President Bush and the Patriot Act gave political cover to such machinations short of artificial intelligence of an NSA of machines theirs doing it but not them, however. If it is just the machines doing it and they so far as not yet capable as of an artificial intelligence then it figures accurately in still acceptable political jargon that the NSA is not “wittingly” of its human elements to such as per citizens of the United States of America.

It is a complicated day for politics as many of President Obama’s roots as per this political enslavement do till of days of the executive whoopie of Bill and Hillary.  He is trapped with his ACA and it as argued for as per the interstate SPILL OVER costs dilemma.  His Obamacare however a Romneycare, or worser yet as a Hillarycare II, is still fit for Constitutional challenges at least as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.  The lawyers for Obama with their briefing supreme per ACA introduced fallacious rendering of an appropriate right or wrong at least as per SPILL OVER;  Obamacare is in jeopardy as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.

We are of an era of a corruption in our national politics much set so and consummated and consecrated about the times of the Clintons and such of a “two-fer” Bonnie and Clyde intimacy, however of spousal whoopie.  It would be largely unfair to ask that Attorney General Eric Holder be now drawn and quartered or tarred and feathered before Hillary and/or Bill, or in lieu of President Obama, President Clinton and now former but yet recently NSA entwined Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

Again:  President Bush may have given political cover to such as we are discussing as a Big Brother over-reaching of Federal Authority - as by the Patriot Act.  But the roots of the political enslavement of President Obama and some now as well his black Attorney General are of the establishment of such e-potential from the days of Clinton and Gore.

Right!  SPILL OVER!  Right!  Obamacare without immigration reform is subject to a Supreme review anew as with the arguments for it used to argue just so against it;  Without Immigration reform there is and will be “INTERNATIONAL” SPILL OVER to be as fiercely posited against ACA as the “interstate” SPILL OVER was to posture for it.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I may have a race problem or two with the still being written “legacy” of/for the Clintons.  Again, as per much of the issues towards any proffering that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign there is a reasonable consideration that he as per such has shown himself to have tried to work with the impossible politics of a justice that was supposed to be judiciously able to mash a workable intelligence while loyal to both President Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” - still stomping.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I have been arguing against Obamacare a long time and so long if it too a Hillarycare II as I did argue against Hillarycare since before there was the Clintons in the 1992 race and to then such so.  I am not against Romneycare quite so accept though as Romney posited that a Federal repeal of Obamacare was possible as if replaced by Romneycare.  Yes I am only in support of Romneycare as it stays a state based solution and with other states of a morality and economic condition to be set themselves likewise, however, in a competition with Massachusetts’ methods of covering all - and as with a justice possible around interstate SPILL OVER problems.

Obamacare should be Un-Constitutional by the lawyers’ for its arguments as until there is an immigration reform there remains a bigger SPILL OVER cost problem for affordable care than that of the “interstate” SPILL OVER posits postured and proffered to defend a “necessary” federal socializing centralized new Big-Government authority.

It is that our national politics are now still too corrupted by the potential to corruption of the then much newer e-watching capability that the Administration of the Clintons ushered into our national systems.  It may have been President Bush who gave a new political cover to such as the capacity that the Clintons like drooled over with considerations of new Political Power grabbing and holding potential, but, it is still that we have roots of this political enslavement of President Obama as of the days of Clinton whoopie, and, machinations political of bending too many Republicans to a colluded corruption along the power lines of like:  “We the Clintons now have the technology to fool all of the People all of the time (or nearly) so get on board or get left behind!”

Economically speaking the United States of America should have first reformed immigration then worked to restart an grand new era for economic growth and then and only then proceeded at the national level with healthcare reform if and where states were themselves refusing to see a morality about competing, however, with Massachusetts efforts about their Romneycare.

“It’s a Tax!” speaks not to the SPILL OVER international or interstate but to a common sense practicality that a President and Executive Branch must have as well a right to wage war on health and to tax however necessary if a war so is just.  It may be that as a Tax it is not Constitutional if it is to be permanent and to a new Federal bureaucracy at least until an amendment to establish a national right to healthcare is successfully through all proper procedures for such.

The House now too seems to have President Obama over a barrel.  It is quite a pickle that there may at least be three barrels and that the House now also has former President Clinton also prostrate over a figurative political barrel.

As per Attorney General Eric Holder it still seems to impolite or racist to suggest he should resign before at least Hillary Clinton as for her days so entwined with the NSA knowingly as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is at least also to a more civil public and political tarring and feathering, likewise.  It also figures that AG Holder might also be said to be rightly and justly to withholding a resignation at least as long as President Obama refuses, likewise, to bend with an offering of one himself.

Obamacare can not possibly be “affordable” while the INTERNATIONAL SPILL OVER costs dilemma reigns supreme and superior as a threat to affordability likewise as the interstate spill over problema was postured as proffered and erudite posits.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:16 am

The tyranny of the Clintons is finally over!  And, now, quite most to blame!

We have historically that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may go down in history as the greatest known liar to have been nominated for the pay scale of the Secretary level job of Diplomacy at State.  We don’t know if it was politics and Clinton arm twisting of a then Democrat Primary Victor Obama that lined up “Hillary” to a cabinet level job as a paid liar.  These are days where the “stories” of her time served are at or near to fallen apart.

It seems naive to now believe we are safer now than we were before Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton became our chief Diplomat, and with her personal and political history as a known liar like her husband.

We are not now safer than we were before President Barack H. Obama became President!

It is that we have a time scheduled now of hearings as if a live dissection of President Obama & Secretary of State Clinton, and as well by the fog of association and to date global meddling - President Clinton.  It cannot have been all Bush’s fault!

As the Democrats have now made a practice of carrying administrative duty with a continuance at political campaigning these times are of a duty to be more free in speech and tagging of Democrats in Power, now.  They themselves have left themselves to the wolves as both in “politics” and “governance” simultaneously by being of never ending “campaigns” while however of time spent “administering.”

It is hard not to see that any biography of Secretary Clinton shouldn’t be transparent on its cover with a historical resonance of a tag hashable as like: HILLARY - “PAID LIAR”!

Of that we are not now safer than before President Obama took office, there is that we are of times fit of hearings for scandals that have to peel back, however, as if a live dissection, layers, and layers of political speech, too long of a fog of “transparency” and #truth as of “official” speech and “campaign” rhetoric - oddly as if compatible.

It still logically and historically is impossible that “it is all Bush’s fault” was beyond “campaign” rhetoric and to “official” speak as a know and perpetuated lie.  This has been a lie that maybe “Hillary” needed most to have any standing for “Diplomacy” - it was a “campaign” rhetoric that had no place becoming an “official” speech as Senator Obama became President Obama.  For such President has since his First Inaugural Speech been himself specifically of “official” lying.  It is taggable and hashable that such is scandalous as a COVER-UP for the Clintons (and Democrat Party Leadership).

We have that we were cheated by many of the current ranking members of “Democrat Party Leadership” both with it either an “impossible truth” or a “lie” so either when “campaign” rhetoric or inappropriate “official” speech as they cheaply proceeded with there political shortcuts with “#BlameAndGo” divisive and polarizing partisan politics.

“IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” is and was a ridiculous impossibility.  It had to have been some or much of a fault of the Clintons and their administration from 1993-2001.  The Clintons were known as liars before President Obama defeated their “two-fer” as with them publicly tagged as liars and so severely that there was an impeachment and disbarring associated with them as over paid liars.  Yes, FLOTUS Clinton was nearly as well of the Ken Starr prosecution of POTUS Clinton and for a complicity and collusion that likely would have her at least disbarred as well had he reach slightly yet to have also officiated a rap on her as “Liar” - however.

But it is we are of times now where it is safer to believe that we are not now safer than we were before Senator Obama became officially sworn in as President Obama and to him as of his First Inaugural of LIES when of using “campaign” rhetoric as “official” speech as if his election had changed the history and facts truly associated about such.

It seems it is safe to say that our politics have now moved us however “safely” past a long tyranny of the Clintons - as it was at least about a Democrat Party Leadership domination.  We have not been safer since President Obama wrongly tagged our realms of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations with a lie that it was or could be “All Bush’s fault.”

It has been cheap political theater since whence we commenced together with a new administration strapped down by its inclusion of the Clintons when already known to be liars such that any pay for either to establishing them then as “Paid Liar”!

President Obama, whether as a necessary attempt to cover-up for the Clintons, was from hour one of day one to lying officially as if “campaign” rhetoric could become “official” and “historical” “truths” just because it had worked as political lying during the electoral contests.  His politics have been cheap political theater of a #BlameAndGo in lieu of reasoned and thorough Constitutional process;  he and Clintons together moved political and partisan agendas forward on a platform not of reason and consent but by saying the other side was lying and at fault with lies theirs to effect political support falsely.

But for now we have that with promotions about the realms of national security and Diplomacy in the second term of President Obama it is time to consider that a live dissection of “lies” however sold or carried as “official” speech while of lower standards of “campaign” rhetoric with these days of freer political speech for Dems so much of never ending campaigning is quite officially and necessarily prudent in our political reviews - however scandalous.

We have suffered too long with too many lies and with them unsubstantiated but repeated and repeated.  It is that President Obama by his obvious record of these years since his missteps in his first hour of his first day is exposed and due a public live dissection to peel back lies and to properly associate a guilt rap upon any and all of his “officials” low or high.  His “truths” if not “lies” have to be cut into by Congress, now.  His “truths” must be of many times now set otherwise as “lies” as they have stood only this long politically as propped up while ridiculous as “impossible”!

They have cut corners about Constitutional PROCESS and claimed at times that these times were Post-Constitutional so that they could by mere regulation or legislating effect Extra-Constitutional Powers without troubling themselves with proper legal writs to establish and ordain by sufficient majority an actual necessary Amending.

Beyond the simple tag as them of cheap politics of #BlameAndGo - they are guilty and liars so here we go as the more innocent necessarily as “right” because the others are tagged as “wrong” — It was a lie from hour one of day one when President Obama after taking the oath of office for the Presidency did then speak “officially” with unsubstantiated “campaign” rhetoric as if his election had rewritten truths and history.

But the real DANGER of #BlameAndGo cheap politics however of “official” and “campaign” lying is about that which seems flushed out with these broken scandals now more transparently — President Obama and his former Secretary of State have shown with the first term to have not had problems with President Bush’s general methods.  The real DANGER is in that President Obama has revealed himself too much too near to scandalous and diabolical cover-ups about a playing politics in official realms he should not have been.  President Obama has in just these few years shown that it wasn’t that Bush “lied” that he had political trouble with but that he was naive himself to thinking it was that President Bush said too little and tried to lie to simply - that he Barack Obama would have known how to and would have actually effected better lies and without realizing he already has said more than he should have about too many things, and too prematurely at times.

It seems he, President Barack Hussein Obama, may be fit for the Clinton’s purported tag as an “amateur” and now so while we maybe safer just because a live dissection of Democrat Party Leadership “truths” has commenced, and, so now while promotions in Obama’s White House have it politically reasonable to declare that a tyranny of the Clintons is over.

Our new Plymouth Rock may be how it now settles here anew that a morality is discernible even in North America.  It was and remains a cheap politics too near to Oliver Cromwell and as well however oddly the separatist philosophicals of Rene Descartes of his treatments written from near about where the original Pilgrims did depart. 

At least some are “Paid Liars” now still in the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama.  But where do we go from here with them so long of #BlameAndGo lies told contrary to our standards in a governance meant to be for and of an innocence until of a proven not accused guilt?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

As a political writer I am sitting here with Memorial Day Weekend near wondering how to cover Democrat Leaders fresh and stale as of their Obamacare of Darwinian concerns.

Are we of days of lesser weevils like rotten apples about a Bernoulli greater evils of like rotten apples in your bushels?

Oh my!  Are these days of lifts or down drafts - more days of political dark clouds nearer than the horizon?  Can I even remember how or why a old college Economics Professor did once call the Bernoulli Principle a “bad apple theorem”?  May be easier now to just wonder how a new municipal politics is afoot for a Big Apple - and due some damming.  Whom may crowe about lesser or greater weevils may be ravenous too much of old evils said of an Axis of Evil.

How Manhattan may all memorialize a loose Union anew in 2013 seems now for the picking as about East Egg & West Egg escapism of old fashioned Leonardoesque capping.  What is the weevil in the barrels truly of the Clintons’ evil of old avoidance and inaction than cannot long support still their old “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS”?

Has it been seventeen years already since when Bill and Hillary Clinton should have measure Saddam Hussein as a serpent in their garden and but how Biblical moved so judiciously and civilly prudently for a prosecution in full of all sanctions and crimes held up against Iraq’s tyrannical leader?

Do New Yorkers have among them already a perfect Super Bowl Mayor candidate for 2013 political harvesting?

Among the ebb and flow and thermodynamics of our current political pickings there may be a need to dam some old currents to stem a re-streaming of conditions from the conscious politics of the Clintons still to causing turbulence of/from unstable “hot-air.”

It may this weekend be more difficult to pick through the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama for “good fruit” even if of like Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s MUNICIPAL sewers keeping.  Yes Ja Ja Binks seems to be still quite a Gunga Din.  Yes, President Barack H. Obama did receive a Nobel Peace Prize.  Yes, the President of the United States, currently, when of his acceptance speech for his Peace Prize was early to a damming of old lingering dangerous fruits of Clintons’ evils in their avoidance and inaction, globally.

Do you - all New Yorkers - take Bill and Hillary to be yours - yours as embraced New Yorkers?  Do you take carpetbagger Hillary Clinton of a bought nepotic Senate acquisition by Executive arrangements of and by her spouse while then a seated President of the United States of America?  How whether you take them as your own is it that it was fair that she Hillary was allowed to campaign for Senate and the Presidency legally at least while of the full protection and its pomp and circumstancing luxury of the details for a term limited President?  What is “not fair” - what is “NOT FAIR!!!”?

Do you yet get the import of the apple of the eyes of the Eightieth Congress as entrenched for now still by the existent 22nd Amendment of a careful “holding” poetic legalese to keep our term limits Amendment supposedly from being just a loop hole say for FDR to have just run again after two terms on his wife’s name Eleanor Roosevelt?  Our Constitutional Amendment for term limits upon our President was a reaction to Franklin and Eleanor.  Our Constitutional Amendment so written by the Eightieth Congress and ratified by the nation does respect that marriage laws and “holding” of united souls in marriage unions can not be set asunder for an interpretation of their limiting writ as if an election of one spouse to a holding isn’t actually also an indivisible by election working to a “some” or maybe “much” “holding” of such office by the other spouse.

There is a serpent of knowledge awaiting our Constitution as our 22nd Amendment is still on the books yet as undecided law.

By it being now undecided law so much can be said as if its original or derived intent to tag current politicians with labeling as if Criminal - Un-Constitutional - Treasonous.  But for now it is a knowledge of a united two in marriage union that can not be set asunder by its legal “holding” so that the “holding” of the 22nd Amendment can reasonably be to allowing legally for Hillary Clinton to run for President as an election of her would then effect a by election “holding” some or much of office again by her spouse.  Bill Clinton is not allowed to be returned to any holding of the office of the President by election and as he is indivisible from his marriage holding and union Hillary Clinton is not a legal eligible candidate for an election of her would return Bill Clinton by election to at least some “holding” Constitutionally barred.

But New Yorkers this is more about the Big Apple and so much long fought for since THE FEDERALIST PAPERS were written as if by Publius to defend the hopes of a more perfect Union of the Founding Fathers, and, as written to defend such from an earlier Clinton of New York politics who had more empirical and/or imperialistic designs too like these still in our faces newer Clintons.  We have that these days are much like the days of the Founding Fathers of the United States and yet now with it just a new Clintons about a similar resistance but now as per more global opportunities to less than Constitutional designs.

Enter again our concerns about President Barack H. Obama even as he seemed smarter (smart enough) earlier at least when to tagging the Clintons with a global guilt from their years of administering with so much international inaction and avoidance.  Enter again the current President who early did so speak seemingly erudite about DANGERS!!! from politics like that of the real legacy of Bill and Hillary and their Presidency.

It may be necessary to go all Darwinian “survival of the species” political in 2013 at least while discussing how important it may be to over-turn Obamacare.  It may be about what has to be dammed that is of old unstable turbulence from “hot-air” of the Clintons’ administering - Quite!  It may now be seriously that we have to dam both the Clintons and their protege(s) and as well Obamacare - REALLY!  We have that we aren’t getting economic lift maybe because the Apple of the Clintons is spoiling the whole lots of bushels.

There was no real “PEACE” in their days as “two-fer” intimates engaged however properly or devilishly in a holding of the office of the President of the United States of America.  Their “PEACE DIVIDENDS” were more conjured as of evil spirits then and of a poisonous fruit of “PEACE” then as a BIG LIE.  The already recorded “legacy” of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is coincidentally also able to be of a tag on Clintons as of too much hedging and too little fruit baring economics.  New Yorkers may better than most recall that in 1993 when sworn in the “two-fer” Clintons were to inheriting a almost already recovered from recession economy.  What happened after 1993 was that they worked an evil devilish selfish politics of a fattening of a recovered economy so that they could have headlines to make people around the world believe that they had made the economy better. 

By now it may be that New Yorkers are the ones behind the bad air and drafts of the Clintons and some how of political blinders to an ignorance that the Clintons did actually cause most of the economic conditions that made the collapse possible.

They while wanting to be loved as like PEACENIKS are actually of such as of theirs as of “PEACE” then actually of the rot with the collapse much of from their pickings to PEACE DIVIDEND popularity from now more obviously questionable (lies) about “peace.”

Afghanistan and Iraq are the two greatest failures about such BIG LIES by the administration of the Clinton “two-fer” and specifically what our current President was admonishing when with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech was to careful tagging of DANGERS from “inaction” and “avoidance.”  Yes these are the same Clintons that after eight years didn’t even leave a succeeding President a single option on the table as per even just Saddam Hussein and a full prosecution or enforcement of him by rights established with United Nations agreements.

The politics of both the Clintons and Obama as per ACA - Obamacare is such that a devolution may now result from an over coddling new nationalism with their centralized near BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER “caring” governance.  The more they get citizens (subjects) to let the Government do for them the less capable such as a species of Americans should then develop and evolve in years with as still of a natural selection “survivor” trait(s).  The old “AMERICAN” may be a dying bread - Quite!

The Clintons’ “PEACE” for their desired devilish wants for a rare popularity for/from “PEACE DIVIDENDS” can be said to be a bigger and proven more dangerous lie than that of President Bush when after the Presidency of the Clintons seemed to be with Americans down to near only one way left to proceed with a due prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and to tagging as “Bush lied - soldiers died.”

As the Clintons’ “PEACE” was maybe the biggest and most dangerous lie by an American leader in the past twenty years, and seemingly because “Bill” just wanted to be lovable as like a Dove, it is still dangerous that the Clintons seem too institutionalized in their marriage and of a plot to allow “Bill” to be the “Dove” and then to shock and awe with “Hillary” later allowed to be the “Hawk.”

But will the over-coddling socialism reaching centralizing attempts by the lot of Democrat leaders lead to a devolution of the American species?  With the Government trying to have power to do more for Americans of that which Americans were long strong and proud for being of a self sufficiency won’t it be more of a survival of the species Darwinism to Americans to devolving not evolving as a class or species?

This Memorial Day Weekend it would behoove New Yorkers of Mayoral Race of 2013 much also to consider that the world has not become a better place with the new Clintons trying to effect globally quite what an earlier New York politician Clinton did once unsuccessfully after being confronted by Publius and his THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.

The bad apples now possibly about the Big Apple municipal political reset are of turbulence that needs to be dammed or damned still of an inferno of Hillary and her crusading while FLOTUS.  She was having trouble being right recently on foreign affairs and the Middle East not just because of limits of her “experts” - she is quite able to be tagged as blinded as well by the hot-air streaming nonsense of the “PEACE” they pimp’d that never actually existed.

New Yorkers if you do still take the Clintons as yours will you if and when the Congress deems it wise to subpoena maybe both Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and dig deep into as well all matters and monies movements via the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES?  Benghazi is a scandal that for its cover-up opens up a concern that the cover-up was politically needed because they had been wrong about intelligence and history and at risk each or all as possibly of being to naively funding like a by material support the very terrorism they were supposedly fighting.

Please do consider either whether right to choose the less of the two weevils and how to now choice something better than a consideration just politically as a “lesser of the two evils.”

[note:  I am still of the strategic opinion I figured since before the Clintons did enter 1992 race and so of from before I helped make them electable in part because of such concerns in my philosophical strategizing about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that the Clintons or a re-elected President Bush was best to move to prosecute Saddam Hussein within that new term.  What was needed after the Persian Gulf War to be done before it was likely safe to move finally against Saddam Hussein was that at least New York City and its Time Square and Las Vegas had to first have started a real revival and urban renewal with Community Policing.  It still seems plausible that Saddam Hussein had a way to defeat the new sole superpower USA in a global PR war if we didn’t show the world that Americans could fix their own cities before asserting that they could run Baghdad better than he.  It still hasn’t made sense to me for USA to have not moved for a full enforcement of the United Nations sanction on Saddam Hussein and his Iraq within what was the first term of the Clintons’ “two-fer.”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:36 am

The worse news possible for President Obama and the Clintons’ machine is that a Republican RECOVERY is already stoked and ready.  It may be unseen by most and yet quite entrenched and ready - already.  These are bad days for the Democrats.

Much of the economy when allowed to work free of Government suppression is based on teams and competition.  Obama & Democrats have been to a politically controllable “THE GOVERNMENT MADE IT” and as of Obama’s airey spiriting to spread “you didn’t build it” over-lording.  It may be as simple now to recover our economy of citizens from his as if of “subjects” most quickly by showing that he and they are just obstacles blocking the way back to a vibrant economy.

There is your faith now - your trust now too - much to be concerned with if such can be so simply true.  It may help to start by asking yourself if President Bill Clinton isn’t now working so hard to appear to be being of a doing of good primarily because of a great need from a guilt to be to assuaging his own culpability - a vast social guilt his.

The down economy can come back quickly, and, Republicans have teams of teams ready at our state level if you are just ready to trust that you are best actually now to look at the state level not the national level to have a renaissance in vibrancy of free market economic growth.  The Democrats do want you to think you have to look for a national solution and yet for the economies to come back we need less need of national taxation because we need more teams of teams more locally and community and state based to be at economic competitions amongst others so sized around the entire known world.

With the popularity down for Congress we have that it may best come back too by standing for a renaissance in state’s rights firstly.  Our best national security and economic posture seems still to be to have a renaissance in state’s rights.  Our Constitution can be celebrated so while about such as a charge in new Federalism.  Yes I still have this as thinking of my collection titled THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that was written before the Presidency of the Clintons and now long tested of these administerings since.  Republican Governors are poised at least of thirty of our fifty states to be to local bellowing for a full and enlighting new sustainable era of economic growth.

We may now need people in Washington DC whom most do not want power in Washington DC seats.  It is a music for growth that is ready to be set free even if now the hard way by prosecutions of Democrats generally and the administration specifically for too many efforts much of effrontery to our Constitution.

President Barack Hussein Obama and his loyal subjects however “Czar’d” or more common subjects has been an obstacle to an enlightened economic stoking for a re-birth in economic growth - for a RECOVERY.  We do have to arrest the Democrats’ efforts at random higher taxation of their newest boldness these past four years that had them go from having been the TAX AND SPEND lots to their reckless SPEND, SPEND, SPEND TO JUSTIFY “NECESSARY” NEW VAST TAXATION - SPEND & TAX tag.  The problem much specifically with their new nationalism is that it asks for a national centralized controllable assimilated masses then smothered from natural freer economic growth of the old American standard of by competition and local community and faith based solidarity.

The specific team of whom you and I may best be to having as national Republican leaders is still not figured yet.  Whom we are to have next is critical and as while it is mostly our Governors of the thirty states with Republican Governors that have us stoked and ready for a strong and vast RECOVERY.  Obama’s over-lording to a national loyalty of a forced assimilation is an obstacle smothering home fires across the world - and especially in the United States of America.  But whom can be right for a new national leadership of Republican credits going forward as it is a renaissance in state’s rights best for our national security and economies? 

Whom are those who can come together as an executive team of the Executive Branch soon as trusted and effective experts?  It is for our economy and communities our national debate has to trend now to Washington based pols as gifted to ask people to look away from Washington to more local community and faith based common sense governance.  For our economy to again glow an enlightenment of a vibrant and workable E Pluribus Unum solidarity in looser pursuits of individuals about selfish personal economic interests it is best to look at our Governors for a moderated bellowing to stoke an over-due renaissance in state’s rights.

These are bad days for Democrats.  It is that President William Jefferson Clinton with his CGI is much motivated to be appearing to be at doing good just from a great guilt and as to assuage himself for much of an earlier GROSS NEGLIGENCE, at least.  His pimping of “PEACE” for his “PEACE DIVIDENDS” is nearer the worst Government LIE of the past twenty years even than Democrat successor President Obama with his Benghazi talking points suggesting it could have been just about a video.  But economically more concerning is that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of an unnecessary extra trillion cut now is quite the greatest economic blunder of the past century.  He cut too much too quickly and while tagging necessary spending for economic growth and jobs stability as un-necessary spending so that he could cut so so so much of it.

President Clinton did do much of what it was of our Government that was responsible for as per our banks - Big Banks - and how they became too corrupted to have kept the economy from recovering nearer 2008.  Republicans then likely could have turned the economy around in a couple of years if while about such with an election of McCain/Palin and President McCain to his promises to revitalize state’s independence there had been also a very public call for bank reforms and with such of a prosecution of Democrats of banking executive decisions starting with President Clinton.

We are poised to have a vibrant recovery now most in thanks to maybe all of the thirty Republican Governors.  The Democrats are now as grand new nationalists quite still too much of a centralized suppression of economic growth by community and faith based competition.  The Democrats are in the way blocking with their trenchant partisan politics.  And, yes there is no sense of whom now would be a team of a national Republican leadership fitting for a enlightened renaissance more of the kindling and stoking of state’s homefires.

As these troubles gather about the Democrats long too nationalistic as if a hellishly hot inferno it may be that even Democrats can benefit from looking away from Washington for solutions and warm hearths of less centralized assimilation in states and communities across the United States of America.  And, too it may be that we have Republicans in Washington fit to be feeders of timbers more set for a ready bellowing of our Governors and their more locally stoked and kept teams of teams still endearing as of competition economics.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

To tee up stories for this weeks coming challenges we have that grammatically there is a place for sport and for sports.  It may be that Tiger Woods and Hillary Clinton are most in the weeds or stuck deep in the woods for having hazarded the most so far.

It isn’t sporting now to beat up Hillary Clinton too much after she couldn’t keep a straight face while puffing up for Women in World audiences.  She couldn’t keep a straight face as she put her best leg forward knowing it doesn’t historically show well and as if a sad political war profiteerette seizing a chance to reinvent herself while apparently knowing she doesn’t deserve such.  That she while of her new puffing up leg work was to failing to keep a straight face is quite politically suggestive that she is not a viable candidate for higher office.

It is not quite sport though to speak of Condoleezza Rice as per the Masters though it can be sporting now more than ever before.  She is now professionally again sworn to defending her employer and its professional standards where ever she is as a Stanford University Professor.  I don’t think she can be loyal based on race this weekend without being concerned for her school colors officially — I can hazard a consideration that Tiger Woods in entering this Masters plantation having hazarded his standing however by winning.

It is sport in sports to consider how Tiger Woods may or may not be able to take the heat - all the heat this week whether weaker at Amen Corner or of great temptresses around the Magnolias and laurels and all the legends of hazards bounded by and about Hogan’s Bridge.

But with Hillary Clinton, as a successor to Condoleezza Rice, and to much dishonesty, with lies about new foundations being needed, and all the while she as she managed to stand and proceed, mostly on grounds actually gained by progressive efforts about a freedom agenda, of the Bush administration, it is interesting how it may be another Hogan bridging about a Freedom Agenda that is still to be established as a freedom agenda as of a manifesto like of a Hogan’s THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM a oddly foundational for both the Clintons’ and Bush Administration. {The Clintons present themselves as inseparable as a “two-fer” so “Clintons’” usage is appropriate and sporting for a political honesty in marketing their branding in a possessive plural sharing.}

The talk of the Masters may all be how though Michelle Obama may not herself be a golf enthusiast she could trump masters better than Hillary with 2016 Presidential race if it isn’t inconvenient to have a Michelle vs. Hillary Constitutional Crisis as per our 22nd Amendment constructs and its less than wordy establishments.  It is sporting now to suggest that the members of the Bush administration have not been setting themselves all free from the railroading still of and by the Clintons with learned erudity orally proffered in part for being themselves the more honorable of the administrations.  And, how this may be some for their Freedom Agenda by the timeline suggested recently by Elliot Abrams as so following a teed off sharing of a poetic manifesto like so whence thence committedly with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.

But to stand up as a Stanford University Professional golfer and one of two of the first women ever to be admitted as members of Augusta National seems now for Condoleezza Rice a sporting concern as per Tiger Woods.  I am not talking so here of a concern that another win by him so soon could caused him to need to return to therapy — I am talking here coincidentally about Hillary and Tiger of having contradictions to much in their branding as spring breaks anew in the Year of our founding fathers’ Lord two thousand Ten and three.  For Tiger it was of a retailing of him at Torrey Pines as if he was reconciling with his wife and starting the season off with a putting of fathering first in his fields.  For Hillary, well she couldn’t keep a straight face while trespassing upon good souls again with an attempt to an new unearned reinvention of herself.

I do find it sporting that I did once install new closet doors for Condoleezza Rice while President Bush’s NSA master, and, that as it may be her last thoughts on 9/11 morning before her aid walked in with news of a single plane crash into one of the World Trade Towers were of a professional referral airing for me as I then at that moment was coincidentally driving up 17th Street in Washington DC and right by the Old Executive Office Building of the White House plantation.  I didn’t though myself know of the timing of such or of the plane crashes until maybe an hour later and after I had arrived at a new clients home and already had been to unrepairable full removal of the old front door.

When I wrote to Representative Gephardt’s offices then that August in days and weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union George Stephanopoulus and a Koch son were peers and equals there.  When I wrote then I shared the first starts of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and as a way forward towards better freedom for more with such a started sporting attempt to give local American words and meaning in a rhyme and reason to Bush’s term NEW WORLD ORDER.  It is still sport and sporting that so much of what Clintons then braved learning to say and sound like was teed off primarily, at least, with the due focus on New Haven, Connecticut - as I had so based it poetically and as a global coding.

But for Tiger he hasn’t quite failed to keep a straight face with a new extreme makeover type improper leg work so as recently such a sad sight by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now too much of disordered personalities and contrary historicals.  But though branded for Torrey Pines as if to being this Year of our founders’ Lord two thousand Ten and three it seems by the Arnold Palmer Invitational that he was all about being iced tea and lemonade otherwise but likewise.  I don’t know how it won’t be sporting for even Condoleezza Rice if not called upon too officially about such to hazard a “beware of the hazards” to Tiger Woods as well of her Stanford University branding.

What can be par for the course this week for Tiger Woods at least near Hogan’s Bridge or Amen Corner?  Will the foliage be metaphorically at least too in bloom and as a HAZARD?  How won’t servants and service people be now most on black Tiger “Ice Tea” Woods mix about Augusta National for all of the Masters of this week in the Year of the founders’ of the United States of America Lord so such as it now is two thousand Ten and three? 

My sister did bring me back some paraphernalia from recent gathers of Masters - at least as a hostess executive for Time Warner Cable partying of the 75th Anniversary branding.  I do not know at the time of this pressing if she will be hosting as a corporate executive again there at some time this week - her last name is not now Hogan - she is a Democrat whom I believe still keeps a personally autographed mug of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on or near her desk.

A Michelle vs. Hillary is a Constitutional Crisis waiting to be fluffed and folded for all the world to see.  Michelle has as much right to let her husband run for re-election on her name now as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to run as if not a criminal enterprise, again.  If it is not fair for President Obama to trump our 22nd Amendment protections and seeming established intent by running now on his Princeton and Harvard degreed lady’s name than it likely is so criminal for there to have been one HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT such that we should now find our Masters in Treason and learn of their learnedness at least as to whether there are any statutory limits that run with treasonous activities if not merely somehow established as criminal.

{note:  At this moment on Sunday I am breaking from this pressing of a new column - not knowing if it is done or due furtherences however farther or further may be grammatically the appropriate metric for such meters and footings.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Her footprints are huge…

It seems a great naivete to believe Secretary Clinton was just a tool of President Obama.

It seems dangerous to risk an escapism for the rule of Clintons now as if not of the rule of Obama, however confusing and confounding her first steps about such are dramatized.

I do not want to tire my readers here by ruining a great title as if Hillary Clinton deserves it all to herself.  Others may be deserving of any higher orderings about any new Manifest Destiny as set as a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” as a discussion of whom women have a right to conquer as if to “liberate” them.  Hillary Clinton has a history to suggest she is a fem like the three me most of Evan Thomas’ THE WAR LOVERS - as a “war lover” herself.

Many body bags have been piled, however, up full from failures and sacrifices about a crusading of and by Hillary Clinton though more as if by remote control coddled distant safety.  In her huge footprints are many lost souls - and as these some of her still as if walking in Bill Clinton’s shoes, spousally.

She seems not to have even “ducked and ran for cover” let alone had a charge up a San Juan Hill all her own.

Yesterday on the Thirteenth day of the Third month of the Year of our Lord two thousand Ten and three our Constitution stood ratified and witness to a first Jesuit become Pope.  America of the North of The United States of America did become subscribed unanimously as preambled to be ‘ordained’ and ‘established’ as of “…the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”  The U.S.A. was so Constituted by its ratification so as a Union under one Lord as a Christian Lord of a Christian calender.  These American states, though, were not Constituted to be allowed to be by laws of Congress established along sectarian lines even to being a Catholic State by establishments of religion.

The Church so now of Peter of Francis has its pastoral charities loopholes for acceptance of a contrariness.  The United States of America though may actually be written such that our First Amendment is meant to follow the stoicism of George Washington’s First Inaugural orations and such that ACA - Obamacare - is not allowed as by our Bill of Rights for it imbues an “establishment of religion” barred even for Christian Charity from acts of The Congress.  Obamacare can be Un-Constitutional if it exists to be an establishment by Law that there, like, is no God and so a secular socialist Government program is needed.  The Congress by our First Amendment seems to be not allowed to pass any Law as if an establishment that there is no God.

Again, it is naive to believe Hillary Clinton.  Again, it is dangerous to accept blindly on a faith in the speak of President Obama that Hillary was just his tool about His foreign policies.  His as her’s of his is exceptional as a conundrum confounding of these times - and maybe as of a comparative ranking for all times.  Her of his (thought His of Obama’s) is a she of fem past of like a missing 8 years - a missing 1993 - 2001.  Her years of those year more of the big footprints, literally, comparatively, of Bill Clinton of His about such foreign realms do exist actually as in a real contrariness to a proposition that President Obama’s claims can be truthful.

The House of Obama has the House of the Clintons to rival it and battle it now for “LEGACY” and more or their regular lots of transference and projection strategics.  Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by letting it be used here as if forever only about Hillary Clinton.

It is hard not to tag Hillary Clinton as a “lover of war” and one as if of a “lover of war bar none.”  We have that it gets complicated with Bill Clinton’s footprints so huge and causal to the vast numbers of filled and piled, however, body bags with Hillary Clinton’s name due on them, officially for Posterity of Records — it is complicated that Hillary’s love of war may too much be of the “school” of “politics” of the “Wag the Dog” “convenient” “crisis” “escapists” set.

As First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton FLOTUS Hillary did crusade as a fem imperialist - not as an anti-imperialist.

It is naive, again, to accept blindly or on the word of President Obama that Hillary Clinton was just his tool in a Foreign Policies all His (his as Obama, President).  By offering in his first hours and by his orations of his inaugural that “it” could be of a ‘none of the fault of the Clintons’ as with his then official Presidential speak as of “it is all Bush’s fault” he trapped himself and us all into a realm for foreign policies for whomever might be his Top Diplomat then limited by half a potential hope or possible range of diplomatic flexibility/nuance.

Hillary Clinton cannot have been just a tool of a superior President and his orderings by his figurings, logically, for it follows that he was a prisoner to the Clintons since his inauguration so of such a ridiculous posturing as if “it” could be of a “none of the fault of the Clintons.”  Hillary cannot have been a bit player and just a tool as President Obama was trapped and so as if a tool of the Clintons for having proceeded from day one with a cover-up for the Clintons as a Governance PRIORITY.

Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by making it all about Hillary, just yet, just now before the whole story can be told.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:53 am

It is inescapable that Bill Clinton is at heart the very politician that gave the filibuster like Democratic Party Convention Speech for the nomination of Governor Michael Dukakis.  1988 was a different time for Americans of the United States of America still in the longest of warring such as our Cold War.  Governor Clinton of Arkansas in 1988 in Atlanta, Georgia, droned on and on, and on, by many reports.

By 1991 we were in a new global state of affairs heralded as a NEW WORLD ORDER.  Many may have been dreading seeing Governor Clinton return to any national dais for another oration.  There is a long story to tell that now fits with a Democrat Party in need of branding help.  Today’s order as per intra-party Democrat worlds has a is segmented to a split about three identities;  Today there are different biases about the brand as of a trichotomy between Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - Barack Hussein Obama Dems.

Some are grateful much more than others that Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected in 1988 and that Governor Michael Dukakis was not.  As many may be grateful some about a retrospective that Governor Clinton may have cost Governor Dukakis the election with his convention speech still reported as of an air of a “Will it ever end?”

Students of the politics of the United States of America can hardly be to erudite posits and papers today in these times without having an understanding of the years 1988-1993.  To some it was just the years that the U.S.A. became the sole superpower in the world, and, to others it was the years of a concern that a third world war would break out and be the foretold end - the end of the world as by fire.

Of at least an intra-party Democrat world set about with a dichotomy just between Bill Clinton Dems & Hillary Clinton Dems we have that the First Couple Clintons did leave after their eight years without having left, so it seems, any alternative plan for “bite” as per Saddam Hussein.  We still have a vacuum about our political logic quite dangerously of roll outs of new policies and defense spending concerns endemic to the Administration of the Clintons and how they left President George W. Bush no entrance and/or exit strategy for Iraq and the considerable dust ups about a prosecution due for Saddam Hussein.

There is much hubris about so much over too many of these many years since Governor Clinton showed his true self with the nominating speech for Governor Dukakis that is of reports of some fearing it might never end, like.  From this we have that students of American history of the politics of the United States of America have a dichotomy to consider and scrutinize too much just within that which is just singularly of the known history of Bill Clinton.

Iraq and Iran, logically speaking, now would likely be engaged in a mini cold war of their own with non U.S. global support of quite a different “new world order” than President George H. W. Bush managed us towards.  Without the PERSIAN GULF WAR of President George H. W. Bush and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of President George W. Bush it is logical and supportable by known global sympathies that Saddam if still in power would now be in a cold war nuclear power and nuclear weapon race with Iran.  It helps to understand the years between 1988 & 1993 and how so then about a major adjustment for the world to a NEW WORLD ORDER with the U.S.A. emerged from such long dust up with the U.S.S.R. as a sole global super power.

About so much of this is still that Hillary Clinton Dems of the above concerning trichotomy and or dichotomy is that which did the most flip flopping.  She is also the Clinton, and Democrat, most culpable and mashable around a hashable #Iraq for she voted for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, logically, as one that as Mrs. Clinton the former FLOTUS of the most recent prior administration was of intimate enough “intelligence” to have known if “WMD” was or was not a lie.  She is remembered for being of reports that she was so confident with “WMD” intelligence as former FLOTUS, it seems, that she didn’t even take it upon herself to read the provided “NEW” intelligence estimates.

In light of the recent vast democratic reset that happened when the U.S.A became the victor of the longest of wars - of the COLD WAR - and became in the years 1988 -1993 effectively the only super power it is quite relevant and concerning that logic can help us be to better understandings of our here and now if we dig into the old dust ups of a couple decades ago.  Afghanistan can be said to have been the GETTYSBURG of the COLD WAR - the “turning point.”

In the mashable of our current problema challenging any now “Democrat” as of an “Intelligentsia” we have that we should consider that “WMD” may have been a genius stroke however a “LIE” for still we have that any entrance or exit about Iraq for a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and/or “bite” for United Nations’ sanctions was best to be booted as somehow definitively not of the U.S.A. or Coalition as to a HOLY WAR footing.

Hillary Clinton Dems are now quite past a reasonable deadline for proffering posits positively purposeful politically per prudent possible and probable prosecution of her past sworn officialdoms.  It is logical that Hillary Clinton has been making the same mistakes over and over since she first flip flopped about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  When one accepts “Bush lied” it logically becomes both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton whom appear to look worse - worser even that President George W. Bush.

There is a dichotomy taggable as of a Bill Clinton’s Dems and Hillary Clinton’s Dems even from their Administration as the first stirrings of a dust up in Afghanistan had one more a dove and the other more hawkish.  Together they abandoned Afghanistan for their eight years and such that once was manageable as of a too early exit by the United States of American became years of insult added to injury, like, such that now we may be there and for so long because they wanted to sell PEACE before its time and be coyly of an inaction and avoidance in Afghanistan and Iraq so that they could justify, somehow, PEACE DIVIDENDS during known unsettled times.

Yes there is a dichotomy at least just in Bill Clinton that is now still very relevant for it is not logical that he was himself truly while of his 1988 Democrat Party Convention speechifying and that he had been naturally as himself while of much of the exposure since their late entry into the 1992 Presidential race.

OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM would better to have been of ACTION by the Clintons in the first term of the Administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and then as well somehow clearly and definitively as of a “war” like posture not footed or booted as confusable as a HOLY WAR. 

Saddam Hussein was like a father or godfather figure about Al Qaeda.  How much this was strategic and purposefully politicked by Saddam Hussein to a consideration that he would be able to keep Kuwait despite the U.S.A. of treaties because Americans wouldn’t risk stirring up radicals known to be of geopolitical sensitivity and pride - like Al Qaeda.  We have that we are still deciding politics with still too little consideration about how our 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT is flawed for having looked back only ten years at Al Qaeda all the while it was nearer 12 years old and formed specifically to be a response/reaction to politics and warring by Saddam Hussein.  Saddam Hussein may have well like rocked the cradles of Al Qaeda against the United States of America towards gains like of his efforts in seizing Kuwait.

And today there is at least about Iraq and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM an intra-party trichotomy among Democrats as of either Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems.  These three still have different histories related to so much of what is now too effecting to our politics and these years of gridlock.

Logically there wouldn’t have been a 9/11 I or 9/11 II if Saddam Hussein hadn’t invaded Kuwait.  Logically it seems 9/11 may have been kept like as a HOLY DAY for Jihadists of Al Qaeda 2001 sense of justice and so if as well an attack by them to being only then interpretable of an “intelligence” of a motive nearly identical to 9/11 I.  There is more in just the broached “dichotomy” concern about Bill Clinton that relates to some of his earliest moral short comings of his first steps in the Middle East of his first year of his first term;  it is actually mashable and logical that Al Qaeda attacked us on both 9/11 days as acts of war in a HOLY WAR or Jihad for a sense of justice related still to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

And today there is still a concern about “LIES” of “WMD” and yet hardly enough discussion as to the religious and geopolitics variables that were better worked around to assure that any due prosecution of Saddam Hussein wouldn’t and couldn’t be seen as of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of a wagging of HOLY WAR.

Again, there is a dichotomy just about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton for their years of the Administration of the Clintons as per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Again, most reports still are of us as having had power shift from the Clintons to President George W. Bush without there having been a plan of the Clintons’ eight years left for entering and exiting Iraq. 

It seems that “BITE” for United Nations’ sanctions on Saddam Hussein, as an issue, as our history, does divide the house of Clintons still.

And, still we had the clock running.   We were some to a new way of “liberation” for the United States of America, as of a new world order, and expectation to “police’” as a sole super power, as it became an expected way for Americans that had risks of the U.S.A. becoming punk’d by other nations to such while to such.  We the People of the United States of America were uniquely fortified to a new way to “liberation” of other peoples where we had been compromised/engaged before much some just because we had (still had) an all volunteer force.

And now though with two acts of war by Al Qaeda on 9/11s are we to measure and consider the current intra-party trichotomy existant about a logical and historical divide between the politics of Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems?

And, again:  It is remarkable that as the discussion goes from “Bush lied” to an acceptance that “Bush lied” it is the Clintons however similar and intimate and different are two that each are to politically looking worse that President George W. Bush!

So:  Did we get attacked on both 9/11 because Bill Clinton failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein per the sense of justice reasoning of Al Qaeda?  Was the second act of war on such that may have been kept as a terrorist HOLY DAY then for Bill Clinton returned and not penitent so when again in a Democrat Party Convention - when at Charlotte as the charlatan yet of a history of having been of an Administration of the Clintons now proven to have been too much of an avoidance and inaction as per Afghanistan and Iraq? 

We can accept that it is logical that Saddam Hussein fathered Al Qaeda by his violation of Kuwait - Right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:29 am

In some way this must be about how President Ronald Reagan liked to chop wood. 

He may have thought it kept him as keen as his axe as his axe a metaphor as similar to the axes of our forefathers - I do not know.  He may have considered it a “GREEN MINIMALISM” and “honest labor” good for one’s soul - I do not know.

President Barack H. Obama may be a skeet shooter to our surprise, and, yet still not one to chop his own wood.

If the European Union were gone tomorrow would it be missed?  What is the ideology behind it that justifies it as a necessary new order - a new order just now needed where not needed before?  Why shouldn’t there be more flavors of currency now - especially now that technology allows such easy computations of welcomed apps for variations and local competition, expression and loyalty?

Ideologically discoursing:  If there is an ideology is there also a “size matters” biased basis necessary for a success about such?  Where there is an import as to “size matters” as per a governance ideology supposedly more ideal how to an among equals whom should be necessarily more equal?

If the European Union were gone tomorrow I do doubt that I would miss it or any ideology that was supposedly justifying it.

Who is President Barack H. Obama?  What is his ideology for foreign and domestic states relativisms?

We have that supposedly his Affordable Care Act is instructive to a believing he has a plan and a fully considered and developed governance “ideal” and an “ideology” for governance - right? 

Of the first term of President Barack H. Obama we have been assaulted with confusing contrary relativity between rascals of nation states as if superior to our Governors of states large enough and quite independent enough to be nations themselves.  Under this President as maybe never quite before most of our states have battle hardened and combat ready state regulars armed and ready among their National Guards - for even foreign entanglements; now we have that our states are as large or larger than many nation states and yet our President has been treating our Governors as minor rascals while heralding like “greatness” upon those of comparable duties as states abroad fixed as nations.

There is much contrary just on the supposed face of an perceived “ideology” of the re-elected Administration of Obama.  It is hard to consider our “Leadership” of a fully considered and workable governance ideal at least while some state leaders at home treated more like political rascals than nation state leaders beyond our waters’ edges.  Somehow that I do not think I would miss the European Union if it were gone tomorrow is of these concerns of a expectation of a relativism.

Can a Department of Defense for a National Government be discussed and discerned as in conflict to a Nationalized and Centralized Healthcare System as if it were also like a “death panel” of decidings necessarily to let people get nearer to death by Government decrees?  How if it is of an “ideal governance” and a current “ideology” of the President is it supposed to work and actually be affordable?

How to a “morals” and “moralities” due consideration when to discussing and discerning “ideals” and “ideologies” to a Nation based Healthcare providing if and when our Armed Forces are at least trespassed upon a nation state - but to a consideration that if of “liberation” or “occupation” then “morally” must we not be to “official” “Governance” as also liable for the health of all those then even if temporarily under our “protection”?  Can there be a “waters’ edges” to a United States of America National Healthcare “morality”?

If we are of our national forces to even just “policing” “peace” in another nation how can we not give our own state leaders as much freedom to care for their own as we then if not to distant imperialistic dictates also for nation states and their “governors”?

A while ago I pressed out a piece I titled “PAPER FASCISTS” to discuss some of my thoughts about the European Union and a collective currency for the EU.  It is posted at http://jphogan.org if you are interested.  {I have not myself reread it in a while - I have not now even reread it before linking it here as relevant.}

If there is a gestalt to an Obama governance ideology are we there already - are we two thirds of the way there - are we yet a third of the way there or maybe yet just past a halfway there?  Is he building something?  Is he spinning as what he thought he could build and would have built is now actually falling apart and already too much in shambles?

Practicably speaking we should if to speaking of “ideals” and an “ideological governance” now we may be best to keep the discussion from a joined discourse as also about President Clinton and soon to be former Secretary of State Clinton.  As of “Senator Clinton” it was too much to a cart before the horse an apple v. an orange impropriety to suggest that we should be comparing and contrasting two spouses fully to the most exacting and specific settling of all details about the foreign policy of one in relation to the foreign policy of the other, and to discerning where one was actually two of such though now contrary such that a Jekyll and Hyde expose due for just one spouse’d Clinton.  It is quite right that at least towards 2016 theses and books are expectant for the husbandry of each of these eras of a Clinton(s) - despite how it may set asunder them as still holding powers as of a holding of some office(s) or another.

How are we, without discussing the imports of the Clintons distractingly, to fathom a bias unfairly upon our state leaders as if more “rascals” to our President’s idealism than those as nation state “governing” while of lesser capacity, “representation” and civic duties?

For those most “Philosophers” or “Sociologists” among these concerns we may expect ourselves cooperation to marking twains needed to fathom if and where there is any figured “depth” to the policies and politics of at least the first term of President Barack H. Obama.

It may take one accustomed to honest work of at least chopping their own firewood to discern the attitudes and latitudes confused by our state Governors long now these four years as of treatment as if tin pot dictators as Governors yet too much “rascals” to be patronized and suppressed/managed by a distant (and aloof) despotism/idealism wants.

But beyond this are two great concerns for any idealist and even just students of philosophy and sociology:

1:   If Obamacare cannot be afforded now is it that it should be over turned or thrown out on grounds of NATIONAL SECURITY if now we have to have discussions and affectings to reducing our Department of Defense because such “AFFORDABLE CARE ACT” is not also affordable - not affordable as this President’s economics seemed to have and still be failing - not affordable unless the President moves bureaucracies to cut our necessary funding for security and defense as it seems that his healthcare “ideals” are not affordable also?

2:   If Obama has “ideals” and is actually making progress that isn’t too counterproductive as across our necessary governance then what though is the “right size” or best location bias for such if a workable “ideology”?  It seems intellectually speaking to hopes for an “INTELLECTUAL HONESTY” that if such is a workable new “ideal” that still it is one that if justified by these times as not before justified by earlier times yet set up to be conflicted as if justified it then seems to figure that it would be more justified to have done it first at the United Nations or at our state level by sound “governance” led by real Governors.  It seems that though President Obama’s “ideology” seems to be failing that if it could have worked it had a better chance to have worked either at the United Nations or at our state levels.

With all this is still that much of what has worked to “improvements” economically these past four years has been by stirred and refreshed state based governance and Governors, and, so that now such is still improving as more of “Hope” for “hopefuls” quite still, and, while at times as discussed around the United States of America, at least, of also having a renaissance in state’s rights.

Mr. President will your second term be too much as well as if a Nation State supreme power yours where no one state team is allowed a political advantage, and, still be as seems of Governors treated more like “rascals” than leaders of nation states beyond our waters’ edges?  Will your second term be as hobbling to job creation by willful over-lording still to discouraging to job growth by the encouragement of states and competition between states?

Please Mr. President can you give us a base line for intellectual discussions of an ideology yours?  And, can you now explain what is “GREEN MINIMALISM” as your economics still too contrary as too strongly of a new conservationism decree like oppression?  What is our “GREEN MINIMALISM” working “national” “official” definition as it seems it is your new politically correct term for use in lieu of speaking of “poverty” and “poverty levels” and “poverty level subsistence”?

Please Mr. President can you please tell us “officially” how you have already saved the entire planet from the alarmed warning of “an end of the world as we know it” politically heavy muscled messaging?

Please!  Until you tell us that you have saved the entire planet our economy has to remain stuck by your romanticized NEW CONSERVATIONISM and “GREEN MINIMALISM” unless We the People also to be seen to much as if “rascals” to you and a workable Constitutional ideology. 

Please!  And really shouldn’t our Governors in these times be treated at least as much as if as honorable as leaders of nation states are?  And, can you find a way to be now more like President Ronald Reagan, at least as if he to his by way of honest work lessons?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

A longer title could or should be NEW WORLD ORDER TABLETS.  Our world has changed and we have by one party more than another been encouraged to change with them in ways contrary to our long established systems of checks and balances.

Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

A retrospective on President Obama should now at least dig up how his famed “SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” CAIRO SPEECH oddly proffered like:  American slaves got out of their bondage peacefully and without violence.

The complexity of this recently re-elected President who wanted to have a “personality” based Presidency has another grand oratory moment of international concern for any world order.   Some how Senator Barack H. Obama spoke to a large crowd in Berlin, Germany and with linguistic oratorical looseness such that he closed out his rendition of history as if his father as a army cook was critical to the success of the Berlin Air Lift and so that he the son now can stand and inherit from his father and all listening a personal empowerment of having saved the World - or just Berlin, himself.

We are of days of wonderful new communication tools that don’t just have to be wired by Government as tools for mass partisan assimilations.  As tablets are of our past carried morality now new tablets are there yet to be used for a better modern morality.

President Obama now has a problema much like that visceral for his predecessor while himself no long re-electable — The Clintons as like “family” - adopted and embraced step children/brethren - by the Bush clan did turn out knives as if back stabbing political opportunists even though Bush was no longer “electable.”   President Obama now himself no longer re-electable has the Clintons as his greatest threat and as an internecine Democrat divided house — as the Clintons were willing to back stab the Bush as “family” as “rivals” of Administration of President Obama what won’t they be willing to try to do, politically just within their own party?

President Obama may have the greatest friend as of the adage “an enemy of my enemy is my friend” with Senator John Kerry if approved to be Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s successor.  He should after Benghazi failures now of problems and unpreparedness within some of her own “pet” issues be called to a cleaning of her houses of State.  A Secretary of State John Kerry is a perfect political ally for President Obama against an expected internecine power struggle (for legacies - over legacies).

Most concerning, despite how dangerously framed, in these complicated times, by the real international and geo-regional politics more real than some of the above oratorical confounding profferings, and as if we are working on a tower of policies on shifting sands and without an adequate foundation, remains, though little pressed, to be how we have been of Mrs. Clintons our “oversight” head for Mr. Clinton while of all his CGI and Library and/or Foundations’ global machinations.

I don’t know that our system with checks and balances and its three equal branches of Government ever failed to consider that a wife is not supposed to be our “policing” agent for a “hen house” of global egg laying of her husband.  I do think that is like having put an known egg thief in charge of securing our eggs.

We can recall how I and others did give the orator of at least the above mentioned past Obama speeches very low grades or failiing grades for one or the other - and how others gave him glowing like A++ s even though he spoke as if orating a denial that our Civil War had actually been at all about slavery. 

We can though still look at how our Executive Department has historically worked with more checks and balances and too more transparency over our history — We can look at how almost all of President Obama’s weak or faulted international moments and especially of his speaking with prepared remarks has his top Diplomat as Secretary of State as a Cabinet level “officer” at least primarily a suspect for each as each fault had her of a job to see it and say something about each before each and even maybe to have been an “expert” with “edits” proffered.

Politically speaking just about the very concerning above problema intertwined in much of what isn’t working now while of “national” or “federal” hands we have that a Secretary of State John Kerry can come in and blame his predecessor for most if not all of his new boss’s past international foibles - and domestic messaging as per them all.

I was disappointed recently when I quickly Googled “modern moralists” and didn’t see any “modern” moralists then in the first page of results.  Again, it may be “leaders” of your party that are using new “tablets” to attempt to work a mass hysteria to an acceptance of methodologies contrary to our system and still writ regulatory ways. 

But about President Obama — has he been an imperialistic neo-colonialist?  Was he trapped by internecine Democrat Party machinations hung-over from the Clintons’ spousal plotting to a having of his “governance” hands greatly tied up by the Clintons?  Is President Obama though of a desire to be of a “personality” based Presidency and despite how a “cabinet of rivals” rivaled such as a contradicting paradigm/conundrum but now of a legacy near exactly as that which we would have had if of an extention of the Administration of the Clintons as attempted?

With former President William Jefferson Clinton, here to fore protected by his spouse, while she the cabinet level officer charged with oversight of organizations like his creatively established CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE, still of his CGI as if a privately operated “State Department” can Senator Kerry start at State as the successor of such charge now without calling rightly for a full and complete audit of all the overseas activities of our former President William Jefferson Clinton?

Even though like President Bush in years past we have that President Obama is no longer also re-electable can that the Clintons are of his own party keep them from behaving just as disloyal or even more of a lack of loyalty?

Though our new tablets are now of us still of a lasting legacy of foundations in earlier tablets we have problems now in part for international “relations” are so borderless that we are of a new world more of “international politics” than as before of and for “global diplomacy” for relationships between peoples.

Again we have had administration by Democrats where they have worked less than possible and/or prudent towards an national awareness raising to better “informed” “citizens” as all of a “towards such” reality.  These Democrats new and or compromised so, as of a before when a “before” wasn’t too early, have been contrary to our basic methodologies secured by our Constitution by policies and practices more towards a shift at home and abroad to as many as possible more to as if just “subjects.”

These are days of us of new world order with tablets old and new — and of people in a world more already of an “international politics” than the “Diplomacy” so far of the Obama administration’s State Department has pressed, itself. 

We have that we are of dangers just from a lack of sharable understanding of the attacks to the loss of THE BENGHAZI FOUR as such is going down rightly, it seems, as an “ACT OF WAR” in a known ongoing war and not as a random act by unknown unaffiliated “terrorists” as spewed in amateur fashions by those we accepted (wrongly) as experts.

The new order possible for President Obama in his second term with Senator John Kerry if confirmed to be our next Secretary of State remains of opportunities for the both of them to blame Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for most of the past “shortcomings” or “failures” - yet to allow President Obama an escape for near un-American “management” methods of his having let Mrs. Clinton be the policing “officer” of his cabinet for all “foreign” activities of her husband has to rest on his shoulders as of his naivete and bad managerial and legal judgement.

We are so of new tablets and a new world order our Democrat Party leaders are trying to subdue but when to mass assimilations to dictatorial obedience as if of more “subjects” than “citizens” below them, and while of an opportunity to govern more as if a media corporation of “pop” artistry in lieu of due process by governance still of and by laws, not man or woman.

It is if, some at least, that President Obama thought he of a “personality” based Presidency wouldn’t have to make consideration for “management” or “cost consciousness” that actually recognized “temptations” as a human problema necessitating a governance by laws not by will or tyranny of a man or woman - or an elite troika.

Again:  Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

Barack Hussein Obama has been an “Our Pot Has Held A Melting” person for his first term.  We are now of a time he inherited more than made but to now the circus of his elementary politics all so gone carney.  These times are ours as the new year two thousand ten and three fast approaches.

Many people of color before him have done more for America and fellow Americans that he has (yet) and with less.  That he is our first black President of record has us now of such as a “fact” for comparing and contrasting more than now celebrating.  Earlier times had yeomen of Republican Party being nearly the most critical of legislators for early passage of civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

As a RING MASTER he has been big on ceremony and big promises of miraculous what evers and as if he had more rings in his circus “tent” than were actually there.  He has built a carney atmosphere about our once more prudent Republic and its governance from Washington.  He has even spirited hoopla about his rings of influence as if we could read our Second Amendment with import as if our First Amendment didn’t come first.

As Condoleezza Rice, a trailblazer in/of merit based race equality, has often pined, we have that America is now already a country where your zip code is too much predetermining your individual possibilities to advance with hard work and education.  Republicans have a different perspective to solutions while long of sharing a common humanity concerning equality problems.

Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney in far earlier years and more specifically of charges each of and about our Congress did marshall the necessary yeomen legislative muscle to stir our governance of our 60s - to whip their Congressional peers - to the passage of some of our most basic and fundamental civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has created a circus of governance these past four years with it he that took us all to such so “gone carney.”  Donald Rumsfeld nor Richard Cheney are half breed black Americans yet they together did much and for a long time less “carney” and quite effecting to a “bigger” “tent” for Americans and even others around the world.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

President Obama has been of such a circus of governance these past four years that often two things in one of his sentences do not and cannot work together yet orated as if they can.  Condoleezza Rice was a pioneer for THE FREEDOM AGENDA and a trend setter for even Barack Hussein Obama but for a prudence and practicality in foreign affairs.

Little, as the year 2012 wraps up, can or should be said well of Hillary Clinton as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It doesn’t matter as per Libya if Congress had the purse strings for “security” as this was one of her “babies” of “accomplishment” and “boldness” that should have had Ambassador Chris Stevens and all about his charge SECURED by 9/10 with at least a bed check by herself.  Libya has led to us seeing “Hillary” as willing to sacrifice Ambassador Susan Rice in a playing of politics CYA for her own hams;  “Hillary” was the lead as per ODYSSEY DAWN but how the French needed to provide the leadership she lacked;  Libya consulate security should have been at least in her top 5 checked every day and not at the mercy of “Congressional purse strings.”

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

Much of President Obama’s problem of our governance turned into a circus act by his deciding does rest historically upon the Clintons and thought “GOOD” decisions made by them during the 90s that were actually the “BAD” decision(s).

Our Fiscal Cliff is only here now because we haven’t dealt with how the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were the greatest economic blunder of the past century.  We had no need for surpluses those years and we had already arguably cut too much too quickly when the Republicans found a way to offer a thought impossible balanced budget.  We have been of war costs and social costs especially school and infrastructure items because of that extra trillion cut by the Clintons for convenient political popularity;  we have been of greater costs and economic struggles because we have needed after the surpluses to be at far greater costs to a putting back so much of what they cut, and as necessary spending.

To appreciate the comments of racial trailblazer Condoleezza Rice as per deep problems in America’s education paradigm and how we are at a point where one’s zip code is too determinative it may help to refresh some management  methodologies even if they stir a like “federalism” debate about such.  When you have problems like such is the worst place to attempt a fix a distant centralized see of sorts?  Is this a problem that needs to see an uncentralized “one size does not fit all” approach were distant cells more local and of “community” are stirred in freedoms to compete in lieu of a national assimilation?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

We may be clearly of a showing that the “rings” of the “tent” of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “governance” show that Democrats do not have the management sense or skill needed to even just be as successful as Republicans had years before when of a practical broadening of our BIG TENT. 

Obama’s engagement in Afghanistan has been “war of choice” of Democrat specificities.  Afghanistan mission still troubled for it in a country that has its primary national industry that of supplying near 80% of the world’s opium.  Afghanistan may be a convenient place to play war and with a “war of choice” from a earlier measured enterprise to trespass to find Al Qaeda 50 or so “campers” - but the nation has nearly 75% of its populace as illiterate in any language even a “local tribal dialect”.

As we look to judge President Obama by his Secretary of State we still have it a circus of contrariness where two things just never seem to belong together in a single promise or proffering.

President George W. Bush, with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Richard Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was in Afghanistan not in a “war of choice” but as of a “WAR ON TERROR” and specific deals and permissions to be trespassers on such nation’s sovereignty per a policing search for wanted and known members of Al Qaeda.  President Bush’s administration was trading road and school construction as part of a limited engagement about Afghanistan of a necessary WAR AGAINST TERROR.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

A suggestion by President Obama or even just his mere political appointee Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton that Afghanistan can be won is best balanced and checked with a simple comparison to our Southwest border — I should be logically at least fifty percent easier to solve the problems of our Southwest border and it as well of a drug trade of huge scale than it should be to be able to “win” in Afghanistan while interrupting whole foreign cultures about opiates.

The explanation for Al Qaeda’s attacks of 9/11 that make now still the most simple and logical understanding possible is much of the hypothesis that we were attacked after the Administration of the Clintons because America during the such years had failed to bring sufficient justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.  Our 9/11 Commission Report still rings as flawed with echoes still fresh of its charged American leaders’ personal statements that they had decided to “only look back ten years”!  We have that with such our chosen “detectives” for such purposes as they were charged as a “commission” was of a naivete like that more recently by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with regards to Benghazi — at the time they “chose” to only look back ten years Al Qaeda was maybe already past its 12th anniversary of its conception/consecration as a group organized to bring needed justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

Personally, my public commentary about Afghanistan near as soon as the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama started was early and regularly of:  “BRING OUR TROOPS HOME - BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!!!” postings as of my best advice per such “conflict.”

It is more logical to believe that we could fix our immigration and our Southwest border with the level of commitment and engaged troop levels for Afghanistan than that such could be close to reasonable for whichever limited “goals”/”mission” that could be writ as if then a reachable goal to a “win.”

As per education - much has been made to be such a governance circus with this administration leading the rings to too much all carney.  We have that “federalism” discourse must continue as such is where the answers lie for workable management methodologies for solutions that stay of our keep with freedoms first and protections second so Constituted.

As per the ARAB SPRING - you should be better of lessons that there wouldn’t and couldn’t be an up side if Operation Iraqi Freedom hadn’t affected the then oh so late prosecution of Saddam Hussein.

As per the COLD WAR - Afghanistan, until the eight years of avoidance and inaction that cooked a great “abandonment” attitude as those eight were of the “leadership” of the Administration of the Clintons, was an Afghanistan to the Cold War as Gettysburg was to our Civil War.

As per THE BENGHAZI FOUR - you still should be considering it is late for any “Diplomat” to be speaking of “terrorists” without specifities as to how such was not of STATE ACTING - A RELIGIOUS ACTING - A CRIMINAL ACTING.  We have that we are still of a underwhelming “explanation” by this Administration of Obama that allows a tagging as “demostration” or “terror” while it may make more sense that it is an expansion of the “theater” of conflict in our now LONGEST WAR in Afghanistan so however commenced to a forced marriage between the TALIBAN & AL QAEDA.  We have not begun to hear sufficient explanations for “Hillary’s” serious failures in Libya.

As per THE TALIBAN - their leadership has been on TV with interviews and speaking of how in Afghanistan now of the Obama years and policies, at least, the Taliban & Al Qaeda are now basically one.  It is still possible that BENGHAZI ambush of “Hillary’s” people was of an ACT OF WAR in an ongoing war with the Taliban and as an act thought justly of and to a broader theater of conflict.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

It was straight up a clear demonstration of “Hillary’s” persistent naivete as per the conflicts of the Middle East post the Saddam invasion of Kuwait when she with near first comments about her failures as per the lost BENGHAZI FOUR, at least, spoke with:  “I do not know how this could have happened in a country we liberated.”

As of the ARAB SPRING, again, there likely would be no upside for the United States of America now if such were happening before we had “prosecuted” Saddam Hussein.  I am still of the opinion that the best time and place for the full enforcement of the United Nations sanctions against Saddam Hussein was during the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.  It is little considered, and dangerously, still, that those were the best years to have proceeded judiciously in keeping with our standards and examples with Germany and Japan after earlier world warring.  We have now an ARAB SPRING contrary to the governance posits and proffering of this administration and even more so to that of the Administration of the Clintons — these days the “SPRING” is some a competition with justly freed Iraqi people and to attempts to better them in their workings at bettering for themselves a better Constitution that that which is America’s.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

And we cannot now avoid the 16 trillion made by the Administration of Obama with the careful hands of those seemingly in line to have been the chosen Clinton experts if “Hillary” had managed to have been actually “inevitably” aligned by political machinations concerning enough without foreign concerns.

And we must consider how simple a truth it is for “budgets” now that it will be irresponsible for the Administration of Obama with whomever left-overs of the Administration of the Clintons to be suggesting job and economic growth promises without first seriously offering a solid fix to immigration.  It is ridiculous that with immigration and illegals so long such a problem and a problem also much ignored by the Administration of the Clintons (while of a trillion not needed to go to surpluse to spend) that Healthcare Reform was put ahead of Jobs Plans and that both were put ahead of Immigration Reform like of “carrots” towards temptations to over-ride any possible planned new workings for Immigration Reform.

And, so we have that President Obama is of a BIG TENT America hardly of his own “building” - and with us to a new year two thousand ten and three with it seeming he has now “accountability” for so so so many proposals and plans that are of the circus of governance now set in our DC.  He built this mess upon good deeds built by others, not nearly as guilty as he - as he is making others out to be while covering up for clearer fault and guilt of both Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

And again, as per Iraq and the Administration of George W. Bush - Today’s ARAB SPRING though under the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama would not have an up side for the United States of America if we hadn’t already worked that very late and very costly due prosecution of Saddam Hussein. 

As the Clintons had been leaving it - if so still as they had been leaving it - today we could hardly globally appear to be much better than Syria’s Assad - Don’t you think?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:56 pm

We should accept that President Obama would have liked to have used his middle name and maybe for a HUSSEIN COMPACT.

To be brief this could have been just another Obamaism if he actually used “compact” while himself too often prone to too much droning.  The issues of the Monroe Presidency do relate, and, so that it may be best to think instead of a new Monroe Doctrine.

Is President Obama in a tight race and desperate with attempts to be seen of using FEMA to recolonize some of the original American colonial plats?  Is the author Obama, who has long tagged himself as of concerns for a neo-colonialism, and a penchant too great to centralize too much, now over-reaching at home as if citizens are actually subjects?

A HUSSEIN COMPACT is beyond a comprehension for the current President - President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t compacted or cleared up any of the great issues of our day much past a seventh grade level opaque use of a global “we” and a confused centralized “our” with a spillage so over most breastworks and waters’ edges with inappropriated and deeds uncertain usages of “they” as a similar “they” and then not if a different “they” can be redistributed as a confirming posit tangential to his starting premises.

Ok, I am a blogger and thought I might find an earlier column to re-post for you all for Election Day 2012 — Ok, I realized I have likely over 1,500 past blogged compositions to have chosen from and that it should now be easier and better to try to produce an entirely fresh new work.

There seems to be no uniting thread or worked through “compact” of a workable set of interactive principles of this administration now facing a JUDGEMENT DAY this Election Day 2012.

There seems to be a vacuum here among all this a JUDGEMENT DAY of the Obama Presidency as we know it.  And, there seems to be much we don’t actually know about it or him that we have long thought we should be, and already.

We seem for 2012 to be of a President without FIRST CONTACT principles so a HUSSEIN COMPACT must default more to our timely MONROE DOCTRINE.  He did expand the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR deeper into Afghanistan and as well Pakistan but as like an accident of unplanned mission creep.  His war of choice that is our long Vietnam like Afghanistan War was not a war Bush was in “on a credit card” - the current long battling in Afghanistan is of Obama’s making as a war of choice against the Taliban.

It is still clear enough that 9/11 to the Administration of President Bush was an inconvenience to his prudent purposefulness to see that Saddam Hussein put up or shut up as regards all the United Nations sanctions and his past.  It is still clear that from day one the Democrats seems mostly to want to use 9/11 as an excuse to go to war against the Taliban and so as if an imperialistic war on literacy and women’s rights. 

I still do not understand the Democrats of the Hillary Clinton set for having a heart some for a war against the Taliban as a war on literacy and women’s rights while so about such as if all of Iraqi women should be left to suffer further after a similar abandonment by America.

A CRISIS like Sandy has unearthed much and torn asunder and decimated much.  But still this is the very type of CRISIS that this administration has cherished as a political opportunity not to be wasted on their march to secure a socialistic power to a Democrat Party elite few.  I don’t know how President Clinton hasn’t been pushed out by now - almost seems he must have some card files of dirt on his rivals and even his chief rival President Barack Hussein Obama.

Now President Bush is another issue.  He actually had a globally based standard operating procedure that was of his FREEDOM AGENDA and progressive in how compassionate it was while considerable to spreading equal rights more equally.

Now President Bush is particularly of interest about this with a JUDGEMENT DAY about for the Administration of President Obama.  He actually had a harder time making a case for helping those abandoned in Iraq by the Clintons for all of their eight years, and especially all the oppressed Iraqi women because of 9/11/2001.

The Clintons are now more easily drawn out about all this and with it like a:  WE JUST FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993-2001! 

Though Newt Gingrich seemed to want to take some to the dark side of the moon in 2012 we know that John F. Kennedy was secretly taping long before Richard M. Nixon.

And well again:  Don’t ask Vice President Joe Biden if Afghanistan is a new Vietnam — He might answer:  Afghanistan is a trillion dollars the Democrats wanted to spend to have a new Vietnam.

And so we have that President Bush had essentially a FREEDOM AGENDA that was standardized and progressive in how compassionate it was, and, that so he nearly had a BUSH DOCTRINE to rival President Monroe’s MONROE DOCTRINE.

And still it seems that neither President Obama nor his Secretary of State have a working first contact plan.  And yet we are just supposed to believe and hope that one of them can have enough personality to make something up that may or may not work - whenever.  I think this may be some of Clint Eastwood’s problem also with Presidents as also lawyers.

And with a JUDGEMENT DAY here for our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT and so with the alternative other AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CANDIDATE now his Secretary of State it seems time to grade his editorial recently published with one by Governor Willard Mitt Romney in the Wall Street Journal.  I have to conclude that it lacked any sense of a limiting principle, a waters’ edge or any of our many jurisdictions and so that it didn’t even rate as considerable as a work of a first year law student.  That said it seemed for all the different “we” and “ours” and “yours” or “theys” to be so confused a composition that it could have been the work of a virgin seventh grader unknowing about politics and global affairs.

And election of the America’s Comeback Team now could start a post Obama economic recovery really within a day or two.  But as per Monroes and the Republicans we have that he can rock out a post “Deep Throat” new way with it socialized properly that it has not been that Nixon was guilty but really that the Democrats are at least as guilty.

Willard Mitt Romney may be no Bush - Can he be a Monroe - Need he be?  Need Mitt try?

It seems Clinton’s Blue Dress is the new “Deep Throat” and that the Dems now live as the party that embraced irregularities more.  I have written already with OBAMA’S BLUE DRESS that he didn’t inherit it but that he chose to embrace it.

Tomorrow is a JUDGEMENT DAY for our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT — was it too much affirmative action that left him in over his head - if that is how it falls?  Was he innately prepared, actually, but too inclined to be a new like Marie Antoinette?

One after tomorrow will be more on their knees as the loser.  In 2012 only one is likely to be a defeated loser while the other may suffer a loss but not be defeated or moved from their shared goals.

Is home where the heart is?  Or is it as you have been nearly evangelized socialistically these past four years where ever your President can reach you all e like - and in your face NEW NATIONALISTIC like?

Saddam Hussein did reportedly pervert the founding ideology of the original Ba’athist conceptions to be to a ideal United Arab Socialistic State and to grab and hold power for himself and his purposes and with a homage to socialist ideals of the birth of Ba’athism if such was the readiest weapon in his political arsenal.

I don’t know how President Barack Hussein Obama could have embraced either of the Clintons after they were of 8 years of abandonment of Iraqi Shia majority, at least, and many of the lands of Afghanistan.  I do get he has been too clever by half at times with socialistic global “we” or “they” or “our” propaganda.

And with this JUDGEMENT DAY now for him I ask you to help me transition however you all have decided to be more towards a time to reflect and compose about the 90s as THE TERRIBLE 90s and while so about such to be redoubling concerns and efforts to see our Forth Estate is renewed and rebuilt. 

Though I may have suggested much of the strategy to a real challenge to President Obama these many years - I am less of having a horse in this race but my fight to have actual history be taught and preached. 

I get that such is a judgement against President Obama - I though am waiting to discern how you all have spoken and to wondering then to a what next.

And yes I think it is about:  $16,000,000,000,000.00 ++++++ & for the unborn a WELCOME with and UOUS near already a $40,000 per new born as a personal debt theirs.

It seems even if there had been a HUSSEIN COMPACT there still hasn’t been found a way to pay for its costs.

Well maybe I do think it would be insane if President Barack Hussein Obama were to be re-elected.  But that is more for you all to decide and me to consider after the fact as objectively as I might to the highest standards our Forth Estate may yet hold - hold forward.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:30 am

We can start the countdown to this approaching “Judgement Day” for the work wrought however many scores now by Barack Hussein Obama, Party leader of Democrat Party and the current President of the United States of America.  Election day is near!

Has he succeeded in nearly making Joseph Kennedy, Prescott Bush, Charles Lindbergh, Allen Dulles, John Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon, Joseph V. Connolly Sr. and his boss William Randolph Hearst look like Tea Partiers in comparison?  Election day is near!*

These men of a different era of different problems long before a 1984ish JOBIAN TABLET e-word capability did witness Hollerith punch cards too greatly enable and encourage Adolf Hitler.  And they seemed unlike our modern Democrats to have been willing to bring about Nuremberg Trials for crimes against humanity that could have and should have been brought as well against Saddam Hussein within the first years of a new NEW WORLD ORDER as it was already during the first term of the administration of the Clintons.

And as I update with Facebook recently this thought now here too:  

“Still about the Clintons and our 90s: DANGER > they thought that tech revolution gave them the power to start fooling most of the people most of the time and on top of how spousally they thought after all those years spousally plotting since law school to grab global power was to an inevitable and probable potential also of us too much to them thinking as well that Republicans had to work with them or get left behind with them only sharing their thought actually real power and ability to move forward newly able to fool most of the people most of the time.  If only like they didn’t wax nostalgic all those years of a “charming boy in the school yard” whence - and to a keeping him of privy to their spousal and nearly secured closely secret ambitions.”

And, REALLY, what about Iran under its current leadership?

But as if a BULL MOOSE TEDDY ROOSEVELT herself alike, really aren’t we now to saying like:  HILLARY IS NO BILL CLINTON?

We are stirred and shaken these days wondering how so much could have gone so wrong and now more to a late arrival at a due ponderance about a seeming missing number of years — Have you found the missing years 1993-2001 yet?

How can we have a 2012 “JUDGEMENT DAY” about so much with it seeming affected by Dems as if eight years and the work of Dem hands did not really exist but metaphysically?

With us supposed to now understand how we have a Navy with “ships” that can operate underwater we still have that it seems that President William Jefferson Clinton punk’d President Barack Hussein Obama into appearance with pronouncements that we should be to a NEW NATIONALISM in the spirit of BULL MOOSE TEDDY ROOSEVELT of 1910.  I don’t think that President Obama would have on his own have decided to come out like an earlier like rabid Clintons as “Teddy” of 1910 just back in our states fresh from being the toast of most or all of the new pre-Nazi Fascists about Europe.  No, it just seems it was a move Clintons did punk President Obama into as a move they needed likely as well to work a justification of their staying around for like a third term.

Really, I don’t know who stirred so much in past days about the failings of the Clintons and to me back to wondering how they just never could bring themselves to deal with one reportedly a new Hitler at least in their first term while our Coalition from the Persian Gulf War still at ready, nearly.  How was it the list of men of an era after “Teddy” of 1910 shown above could be party to Nuremberg trials and yet the administration of the Clintons were more to letting the reported “New Hitler” Saddam Hussein nearly go scott free?  I mean you can see that today we would have a nuclear arms race between Iran and a Iraq of Saddam Hussein or his sons if President George W. Bush hadn’t picked up our sanctioned swords and bayonets of UN rights and move many to a quite late prosecution of Saddam Hussein - RIGHT?

Did the Clintons reign in an era of as much “new tech” as Hitler did with Hollerith, and, did the Clintons show weakness and fall too temptations of such yet of their own times?  It does seem it was President Barack Hussein Obama that wanted to go all Orwellian State Evangelist on the world.  It does seem it was President Barack Hussein Obama that wanted his time and its new tech revolution with JOBIAN TABLETS more secular to allow him an hour a day of State broadcasts to evangelize as thought prohibited by our 1st Amendment.

For starters we still have the problem that when the Clintons left office there were then no reports of them having ever worked up an entrance or exit plan at least to effectively deal/prosecute Saddam Hussein.

For starters we still have the problem that with the Clintons in office Defense Department wasn’t given the money for up armoring troop vehicles nor troop body armor enough for the times of the intel in their intel reports.

How many dead are there in Arlington National Cemetary now who died at least in a fight to keep Communism from being forced or coerced upon Americans anywhere?   How wrong by 2009 at least was it to suggest that after so many died to fight such a centralization from afar method of top down trickle or torrent Government from our minds that our best way forward was to choose to embrace what so many had died and suffered defending us from?

It seems TEA PARTIES of today can satisfy the demand of readers more everywhere.  How safe is it to be a messenger now for citizens of the world with the Clintons about and their Boss Obama still thinking also that Saddam Hussein should have been let to go scott free?  I mean like after President Clinton punk’d President Obama into NEW NATIONALISM pronouncements to us to embrace a new State Evangelism Secular by Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, where can our thoughts go but to the Clintons as BULL MOOSE “TEDDYS” as a new Fascist too much himself already by then?

It does seem even romantic that we seem to be of an era more for PEACE DIVIDENDS than the years of the Clintons with PEACE DIVIDENDS - that we are of a time when and so that our best National Security Posture seems to also be to an embrace of a RENAISSANCE of Federalism and state’s rights.

What a mess the administration of the Clintons left for their successor and so now as we can consider maybe more clearly that such a mess was for internal Dem Party power struggles and meant as a mess to be left a President Al Gore in such a way that he would have to likely crawl to the Clintons and beg them to show him how he could fix a mess they had made - like to a built in come back for “Bill” at least like a mason of old when of building a chimney to have been to mortaring and pointing in a pane of glass until such time as his bill got paid. 

There sure did seem a whole lot of smoke you could say after someone tried to be a President after the Clintons.  Or better like between the Clintons - by their thinking.  

Either as a BULL MOOSE new “TEDDY” is quite a problem!  And, similarly a problem as well of someone(s) too far to wondering how to get the power of the Presidency back after two full terms had been had, however.  For “Teddy” it seemed an embrace in 1910 of the new Fascism of Europe on the rise and a turn away from whom he had Governed as as President for two terms.

Election day is near!   But why wasn’t their money in Defense Budget of Clintons for sufficient vehicle armoring or at least body armor enough for all?

{* The above list of names came from Googling ‘Joe Kennedy GM Hitler’ mostly with such from this link there:  http://www.rationalrevolution.net/war/american_supporters_of_the_europ.htm — That I added the name of Joseph V. Connolly Sr. is all mine.  Joseph V. Connolly Sr. must have been a character for years after his early death near the age of 50 I was on Block Island in summers sleeping some many nights under a photo his son then had of Mussolini personally autographed to him - to Joseph V. Connolly Sr. that is.  There were other pictures too and one of the Liberty Ship Christened the JOSEPH V. CONNOLLY (SR?).  I do not know if such specific vessel that works on top of water was Bridgeport, Connecticut made while knowing/thinking that Bridgeport did build Liberty ships}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:37 pm

The Greeks may want to all get on board with this.

We have a psychopathy of at least one individual to render separated and parsed thoroughly towards an understanding of this.

The Greeks may not be alone in wanting to look at one American meddler and his psychopathy for real culpability in an extra-treasonous way.

How now to be real and down and dirty truthful about such that for some is treasonous and for others more as if overseas foreign transgressions enough that a foreigner might be due more blame than a countryman?

Well the new season of TV shows is near about started for Americans, at least.  And, we have to be sensitive and forgiving with allowances that though a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY is still our President’s strongest message.  And while to some it ad buys may seem allowed strictly to others it might seem treasonous if they sell or push anything other than austerity.

Here we are of a day long overdue for considerations to parse “disloyalty” from “treason” and “citizen” from “subject.”

If there is one foreigner - foreign meddler - that the people of Greece might be able to blame their economic problems with more than any other isn’t that person William Jefferson Clinton?   And, I mean to a level related to the severity of effects economic wrought so such that a general desire may exist and be due of feelings that one if so should have to ‘face the music’ like - have to face some type of prosecution.  And, yes this would hardly be of a “loyalty” or “treason” to them.

What is a popularity for a “post-Constitutional” era pushed in lieu of proper procedures with amending process but dare say a push for a popularity for “treason.”  Justice John Roberts could have had a field day with the subject - he quite nearly did decide it seems that the reported “Pelosi Congress” had willfully acted to violate and betray our system of government with ACA.

As we now consider there may be some new shows worth watching we should be wise to how little they should be being allowed to sell - what with NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and a new nationalism in conservationism the strongest Government messaging.

Well “Bill” is back and yet he shouldn’t be.

Well “Hillary” is still clinging around though now of fresh wounds fatal for some giving rise again to “gross negligence” of a Clinton.

“Bill” is back with his old sticht still hardly comical of rallying all as much as he can to a convenient “post-Constiutionalism”!

Hmmm?  Where did you just hear that phrase “post-Constitutionalism”?  Hmmm?  Were you asked to compare and contrast how “post-Constiutionalism” is or can be other than “treason”?

Should we only expect a dangerous and broad reaching treacherous economic times if a GREAT BETRAYER is about pushing BETRAYAL as a new better norm?

Could William Jefferson Clinton actually be primarily a foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the Greek economy?

So maybe WJC is just a serial person of a psychopathy to disloyalty.  But, really his “economics” and BHO’s “economics” do not and cannot mix.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be realizing this all himself now, finally.   He now cannot likely escape it nor how long he asked and dictated that none should be looking back and trying to “re-litigate the past” a past not hardly even litigated yet.

It is hard to say where such a word of such a heavy sentence fits in our times other than that is cannot abide any now as if it depends if treason is treason.  How little adherence to rules and procedures would offer a “disloyalty to our Constitution” in lieu of heavy sentences with “betrayal of our system of government and our Constitution”?

Well we have that treason must sell for it seems that WJC is still able to be popular with public performances now as a charlatan from Charlotte with his old jive to popularity of a “post-Constitutional” era.   I mean it is that WJC is selling treason as if it isn’t treason that makes him still so adorable in an ignorant way - right?

So what about at least the Greeks?   Would they or do they have a hankering for all this with their own concerns now so real that may actually have the reckless popularity and politics of Clintons’ “post-Constitutionalism” to blame for our economy now so quite undermined?   Where can “long arms of the law” actually reach these days - like REALLY?

If a politician say like WJC were to campaign as if too a “Post-Constitutional” era but then when elected let one or two years pass without moving to make any of such affecting legal and within proper procedures where would the line between “disloyal” and “betrayal” be?   We can be of campaigns to amend and change to a new Constitution - right!  But if a “Post-Constitutionalism” is attempted only in convenient extra-Constitutional ways when is such so much a disloyalty to our systems and Constitution to be a treacherous and treasonous betrayal - and willfully?

We are a young country - so young a country that we cannot have already buried the crime of “treason” from our systems - right?   I suggest we could ask the Greeks if “treason” as a crime is out dated or at least if the sentence of “death” is antiquated.

This psychopathy though is of WJC popular for selling “treason” as if not “treason” and now we have nearly twenty years of proof that rules and procedures and that of our due processes were meant all along to have been mostly ignored as he chased popularity over merit based standard government accolades more humble and of harder work, usually.

But really Justice John Roberts came very near to ruling as per ACA - Obamacare that the whole lot of Democrats signees upon such attempt at a new “Right” were willfully acting treasonously as per the content and the method of theirs all in its movement publicly contrary to expressed and measured representative will.  I mean can we really not say this is so?

This is America - to avoid a betrayal of our system of government a wanted new “Right” must have an amending process pursued.  To move to effect a new “Right” by trickery, covert and overt, as if a law equal to an Amendment is not a legal way ours.  To move as so many did as a partisan lot is highly questionable as if actually more serious than a convenient disloyalty and too near a betrayal that a President’s (mature) veto pen could still absolve them of guilt about.

I mean how can you consider it treachery to “treasonous” if a President can just issue waivers like with a pardon for the whole lot? 

So how is it that William Jefferson Clinton might be said to be the foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the global economy and that of Greece specifically?  I mean besides the psychopathy on parade again as if the rules are not suppose to apply to him? 

And:  Now:   A:  That he shouldn’t have had any of a Clintons’ Economics so as it was to chasing popularity by burning the ECONOMIC CANDLE from both ends at once.

Is “treason” not prosecuted today just because it is too heavy with an expectation of punishment by death - so writ?

But where does the “disloyalty” of WJC stop?   Where hasn’t it already and for too long been actually effected near “betrayal” willful and purposeful, selfishly?

And:  Well,  WHAT DID SHE KNOW - WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?   It might figure if truly diabolical as it may seem that WJC might have acted alone and so that HRC could effectively have plausible deniability but dangerously so for if any were to exist it would truly undermine her ability to function intelligently in any high office without being of too much ignorance.

I mean if TREASON SELLS - how can all media and entertainment not now be blushing with potential about “treason”?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:43 am

ORIGINAL TO 09/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 7:05 am

Ollie and Bill have too much in common?  We cannot now have TEA PARTY as civil as foreign beneficiaries of CGI muckraking?

The oft heralded Clintons’ Global Initiatives, so run more like a shadow government that any of “governance” that old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” may have actually accomplished, & now even still the apple in labor’s eye - the eye of Trumka, has got to go.

How much a SHADOW GOVERNMENT can CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE be?  Is a good place to start as long as you ask as well:  How much an extra-Constitutional body involved in “governance” is it actually now?  That it rated a mention by Mr. Trumka yesterday is concerning, and confusing.  It got a mention seemingly after Mr. Trumka at AFL-CIO was of professing a new way forward for “labor” via such organization and to a less partisan outreach and one mixed with an announcement that he would be leading a late compliance with President Obama’s “green” governance at his building so just a couple blocks away.  Hmmm?

It is all so coy and even clandestine how CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE that had Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton compromising our foreign relations and state affairs back a while to hype the (MANDATORY?) annual meeting soon approaching of CGI so scheduled to maximize compliance, and attendance, and, usurp attention from such other “governance” organization, THE UNITED NATIONS, a better chartered and checked international meddler.

So far beyond old “Ronnie” and “Ollie” yet so similar in so many concerning ways.

It would be Unconstitutional if…?

It would be clearly Unconstitutional if…?

It would necessarily be Unconstitutional if its coy “commitments” funding scheme was of actuall deposits and dispersements of same exact funds or variations even smaller - so it seems.

More concerning though is that if such is muckraking abroad to stir up local and global politics, even without known known of President Clinton using such efforts as a global soap box for partisan politics, the he has and is definitely out “SHADOW GOVERNING” old ”Ronnie” and ”Ollie.”

See, it is really Constitutionally confused - See, we have to look now to our top Diplomat, his wife, to see if our Government is protecting us from his global ambitions and personal initiatives.  We have to rely solely on his wife to tell us those he is personally directing material support too are not in the least “terrorists” and yet while the “bar” for “terrorists” now so low in our politics that our TEA PARTY is considered “terrorists” by acting agents or officers also very near President Obama.

If our TEA PARTY is “terrorist” than our Madam Secretary of State is negligent in her duties to protect us from all Americans giving foreign “terrorists” material support.  It seems one of her greatest charges to keep.

So what if besides dropping such labors essential to our constitution and CONSTITUTIONALS - It is still very concerning how she compromised her office and our checks and balances to help “Bill” and CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE build hype and interest for last (mandatory?) annual meeting of their coy global shadow governance organization with her about Middle East near “LAST CHANCE FOR PEACE!” exclamation!  EXCLAMATION!!! just days before.  I say last ”(mandatory?) meeting” for such organized cabal of world leaders but don’t actually know if there hasn’t been some secret meetings more recently called.

I caught so little of remarks from AFL-CIO yesterday to understand if there was an offered explanation for such mention of CGI while speaking of reaching out in new ways not (as) partisan, and, I also learned little as to how it is now three years into President Obama’s ”green” priorities and Mr. Trumka is only now promising his HQ will comply and with a retrofit, finally.

Surely if they are going to support “rebels” in Libya and call those of TEA PARTY at home “terrorists” we really have to consider that President Clinton and his coy financing with “commitments” must be some to much well into a fog of “material support to terrorists” abroad.  If he actually collected “commitments” as deposits/contributions and then dispersed them himself he would clearly be acting Unconstitutionally?
Irregardless of our 22 Amendment and thought existence as a check and “limit” on Presidential Power - President Clinton is out “Ollieing” “Ollie” with operations too near SHADOW GOVERNANCE.  By making it appear “high visibility” how much is he actually better able to hide?  But about our term limits for our Presidents — what must it be most supposed to protect us from but further global meddling with even less once imagined continuation of executive influence and “governance”?

Funny thing about Governor Rick Perry — This blogger that is me seems to have said at least “treason” before him and also maybe that Obamacare pushback suggestion of “secession” for TEXANS.  But that said isn’t “Bill” really out “OLLIEING” both “Ronnie” and “Ollie”?

This is the same Clintons that tried to secure a rent for life for thought former President William Jefferson Clinton in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS top floors at a rent in just the first year that would have been more than the past rents of all past Presidents yet - combined.  It was such an amount attempted that it also warrants notice for having been located with location next to THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM and as well a location next to TIFFANY’S.  But really that they tried to secure government “allowance” to such an amount suggests and insistance that “Bill” must still be an active “officer” and/or “agent” of our government at least as much as they chose to have such Power interpreted for their “governance” purposes.

So maybe it is now Madam Secretary of State taking care of the guns - and at least in a compromised way for past moments of using her office to build media importance and interest in CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES then approaching annual (mandatory?) meeting of world leaders, so scheduled to challenge and rival the “importance” of the work of the United Nations, too.

But when it comes to metrics and comparisons of concerns about SHADOW GOVERNANCE between “Bill” and “Ollie” does it help to consider that attempt to place “Bill” so high in CARNEGIE HALL TOWERS, and with government paid rent for life, a rent per year that likely as well would have been mentionable regularly as maybe still the highest per year in future years, on and on, than all future Presidents, unless it actually had sufficient rent control to prevent an appreciation of value and increased rent in future years to keep it of a nationally fair market value?

If we have our TEA PARTY as “terrorists” by rule of this “governance” than “Bill” and “Hillary” must be hip deep in it, illegally, abroad.  Can you believe that all that NYC rent for life scandal took place while one of them was actually running for Senate as a carpetbagger in such state?  Amazing!  Amazing!  Amazing!

They have themselves argued umimpeachably so that “Bill” must still be an “agent” of “officer” of our United States of America just by asking for such a rent and reward as he so wanted that he was even willing to go begging to his “banking friends” to get them to pick up much of his excess as like in return for him having gotten them all into his housing bubble derivatives gambling scheme.  But YIKES!!!  They really asked for rent for life that in just the first year would have been more than all past Presidents combined and that in future years likely would have stayed more per year than most future Presidents could find space to equal - unless a President “Hillary” maybe got elected and then as well got hardly “put out to pasture” as well maybe in few floors left above.

How can this not now be a case of actual SHADOW GOVERNMENT and extra-Constitutional ways quite reasonable to UNCONSTITUTIONAL (treacherous or treasonous definitions?) in a time when our economics would suggest a better and more American strengthening of localism and local powers more around our State Houses and Governors?

Is CGI also terrible for our economy and too BIG BROTHER for the world?  Is it wrong for any time for America and not just diabolical and counterproductive for AMERICANA today?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:02 pm

Who is the pooch now?   It may be most inappropriate to label these new days of New Deal Austerity as a “depression.”

Though President Clinton and President Obama are putting on happy faces as if of an amicable and agreeable politics we have that calling these days since the first moves to a new New Deal Austerity even nearly a “NEW DEPRESSION” is like using a wrong verb.

For the sake of clarity to this historical economic discussion let us postpone an attempt to understand the very contrariness and innate hypocrisy of this new relationship - of this pre-convention paradigm or conundrum of those contesting “head of Democrat Party” steppin’.

To preface a much overdue breakdown of the dramatic related to how we have been of a GREAT SUPPRESSION to these economic downturns and less so if at all a new GREAT DEPRESSION.

When the willful polarizing of political and partisan issues specifically commenced is generally answerable as though it all started about the moment Hillary for President kicked off for 2008.  We have whence a clear expression related to means, motive, and expected opportunities.  Yes, Dems of Clintons’ set and ilk were proven wrong about “inevitability” of Hillary.

We should for clarity also look past that before presumptive nominee Obama embraced the defeated Clintons he was of “CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN” and then suddenly he was simply more just “UNITE FOR CHANGE.”

Enter CITIZENS UNITED.  Oh so contrary?  This is a dog that barks with bite? 

With this a story of a most junior Senator with no real experience and so set against another most junior new Senator again we may need to postpone a consideration of some of the drama.  

Our Senate is supposed to be our greatest national bulwark of breastworks secured by a most traditional seniority system.  I get that 9/11 gave Senator Clinton an extreme makeover to a risen untouchable international sympathetic figure and that such worked for her as per our Senate like a grand trump card, but, I don’t recall for now how Senator Obama beat his most junior status.

With President Obama recently of claiming that his plans are working - we are wise to wonder exactly which plans and if they were actually his plans more than the Clintons’ plans - reallocated or redistributed some for a limited use by that whom beat them, such as it was.

With CITIZENS UNITED in the yard and with so much still to preface so late about an actual history of this economic downturn it is wise to introduce a “grandfathering” respective of the decisions of CITIZEN UNITED as an allowance for the reported colleges united and their hopeful speculating about 2008 elections some have questioned as “shorting.”

If you look at the shorting that happened as having been a few hopeful economic blows thought not quite as severe when commenced that then proved to be hits that were too hard to recover from you can glimpse that a suppression more than a depression.  If corporations are now permitted to spend then it seems how COLLEGES UNITED or acting competitively in a common but separated interests are not to having grandly acted illegally and as per campaign finance laws, at least.

To keep this as simple as possible it seems the President we think is the actual current head of the Democrat Party has some “truth” in his recent comments that his plans are working.  Bill Clinton, a former President, may actually be now more just a show pooch and schedule so.  It seems however whomever - this is what we would have also been to economically speaking if the Clintons had managed to be as inevitable and legally acceptable again as they thought.

At first the gas prices spiked and in ways the Republicans couldn’t have wanted though supposedly evil for wanting oil company profits maybe as much as Hillary of Hillary for President did.  Then the gas prices, that Republicans had no use for since a win in 2008 was more important for their agenda, and their political compassion, didn’t go back down.  Then the gas prices settled in to rise and rise.


We are in an economic mess in part set up by the rise in gas prices that Dems thought could be the perfect economic crisis for a 2008 electoral sweep.  We are also quite of such as an economic time where the Democrats have barked and barked and barked again about all the important socialistic things we need to do because of this unexpected crisis.

For the 2008 Democrat Party victories the national Democrats needed a down economy to secure a win.  As a hypothesis or theory we then are reasonably to a questioning of:  Then how might they suppress the economy in time for a win - for many wins?

CITIZENS UNITED is still in the yard — it may or may not be of a grandfathering protection for the possibly separate but seeming united shorting of at least some of Dems’ strongholds and their endowments.  We seem to have by their actions a COLLEGES UNITED to a suppression for the fullest expression of their political wishes and maybe no way not now considered legal “corporated” expression because of CITIZENS UNITED.

So if they did it all on purpose for a timely suppression of our economy it is not intelligent to call it a DEPRESSION, right?

So what went wrong?  Or with President Obama of “my plans are working” expressions and a new embrace of President Clinton what exactly is now going right?  My “THE O ZONE” that now follows this piece does help preface this piece - especially as it is with addendum with posting at http://jphogan.org .  President Clinton and President Obama are in the yard together again and yet so contrary to have such for their own past barks quite a hypocrisy.

It seems what now gets away safely and freely but for how now we are of a contest more as if “subjects” than “citizens” than ever since our Declaration of Independence is what had been still until recently shackled as a “all Bush’s fault.”

For simplicity we might just assume for the next near 100 days that this economy would have been addressed just the same way with much the same ideology if by the Clintons, and with more flexibility in this a new term for them and not a first term so.

We now know what the Democrats wanted to accomplish and have them enough times speaking to how CRISIS CRISIS CRISIS alarmism may have been necessary as a strategy for such as their agenda.

Now we may only be to needing to talk about them and these times not as a GREAT DEPRESSION but more accurately and simply as THE FIRST GREAT SUPPRESSION.

It does seem that the spike in gas prices was the first convenient crisis and then then as November approached that it might not prove to be enough to secure positive election results for the Democrats nearly enough.  I don’t know the full story of the reported “shorting” of endowment funds but do see it much as a type of corporate contributions likely now legal by CITIZENS UNITED. 

Was this meant to be a manageable “suppression” not nearly thought then to be enough to bring on a GREAT SUPPRESSION nearly like a new DEPRESSION?  Was theirs an innocence and idealism of a HOPE for either the Clintons or Obama thinking that it would be as easy to reverse a slide as it was to start one or two for a convenient political crisis?

However now we are here.  President Clinton may be scheduled just to be a show pooch - but then these times look as made for him as they seem to have been made for President Obama.  And, yes it seems, also in hindsight that there were moments after the Democrats with the White House and both branches of Congress did think they would easily be able to stop the slide after those convenient crisi, and that then a sense was about that maybe when 2008 became possibly not the easy win they expected they may have hit the economy too hard with some of their partisan idealistic shortings.

                                                     *  *  *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:43 am
Originally posted at http://2012us.jphogan.org  11/29/11
Filed under: POLITICS

     THE GANG OF 50    

Reminds me, I was thinking you all should realize that if you set my blog as your homepage at least on your Ipad you then can go afterwards to Facebook or Twitter login with two fewer moves - that if you set my http://citizenrosebud.org URL as your homepage and then to history showing “2012us” a click on my bold typed Facebook and Twitter pages will offer you a faster way to get to your own identity.

If California is to separate into two and yet preserve that of it
“californication” state with “sacraments” homage of Sacramento should Palm Springs become the southern capital? 

I have no idea how your state is marketed or maintained.

These are days and months that have left some untried with souls not litigated or fairly questioned.

Today is a day fit for digging through my archived columns via month(s) in left margin as “archived” - today is fair day to look back and reflect and find the dozen or so songs/poems/lyrics posted and shared - especially my “OUR GREEN SUBMARINE” & “UNDER THE PEAR TREE” (however it is there actually titled).

I don’t know how deserted you may be or feel or if fully embraced and cheered as holidays rapidly approach, and, again:  I have no idea how your state is marketed or maintained.

Take my state as another Constitutional wonderment established around a “Charter Oak” storification as THE CONSTITUTION STATE and now with a Malloy it donned or danned Governor.  I have no idea why our Constitution’s current threatened state of a Statism unsubscribed originally to it now has existent within it loosely an state of CONSTITUTION STATE with a Governor Dan Malloy. 

I have no idea how my own state is now being marketed or maintained. 

I know of First unionized Governor Jonathan Trumbull and second a Federalist Governor Matthew Griswold - but how did we manage to today with a “MALLOY” donning - is a great question I have yet barely asked - asked myself.  Wikipedia has Trumbull listed as our 16th Governor and Griswold so our 17th - this seems very relevant since they are also the
first and second to many.

Is Connecticut so governed with a representation of their fears that their identity and personal powers are being redesignated “State” rather than “state” Powers?  Why and how to a “MALLOY” donning now?

So as Massachusetts’ Pilgrims planted and harvested many moons into their own continental Americana to a more pure interpretation of holy scripts and hymns where they came from originally amassed anew to a constitution accepting of Oliver Cromwell while where they left from gave shelter some to Rene Descartes and his proofs of and too separations, from Holland. 

This is all nearly as related necessarily as that at least our
GANG OF 50 or the International Criminal Courts are now of a
coincidental times, and, equally to a “complicated” historical where now our courts - “our courts” now inclusive of the jurisdiction of some International Courts - are maybe of jurisdiction to study the Clintons and Clintonomics of the Clinton 8 for financial fraud, willful and admitted (maybe), and a governance negligence.

Did you know that our Connecticut capital is also known historically as THE INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD?

It may be best that our GANG OF 50 move now expeditiously and to pre-empt a claim of original jurisdiction by Greece or International Criminal Courts - it may be best now in these trying times of not litigated negligence maybe of already admitted financial fraud by specific and willful irresponsible and knowing governance of the Clinton 8.  The Clintons are both in a new world of jurisprudence and while specifically taggable for a fault and purposeful deception with their “economics” of SURPLUS actually too much a gaming and scheming of selfish politics and popularity hunting that can clearly be highlighted with them spotlighted as having hung so many out to all this with it fair to claim it more the fault of their representatives than themselves.

We have these days, months and years of this CRISIS OF VALUATION such that President Clintons new book is nearly a joke for it of suggestions that it would be fairer to have banks claim a paper ownership of half people’s troubled property.  The Clinton economics set so many up to fail with its clear attempts to have a housing growth as an unfunded federal social program, and so with negligence and forethought a priori and willful.

Our current problema is a ‘Problema Of The Clintons 8′ - we have that they did ask banks to find a way to play with and gamble away global financial checks and balances and basically just to buy them unexpected and thought impossible popularity.  They did set most of suffering on this path of failing - they did it knowing they were playing with such risks, really.

I don’t know if your state or my state has marketed itself well enough or maintained itself well enough to now pursue a litigation about years of CRISIS OF VALUATION against “State” powerful - one or both Clintons.  Has our Congress already taken too many rights and protections onto itself so that a fair prosecution of more evidently guilty parties is no longer a protected Constitutional right of states?

We may already as well be in the reach of the jurisdiction of THE
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT though not as much for a willful governance negligence or intentional financial fraud as at least President William Jefferson Clinton, already, maybe.

We do now seem maybe better to a GANG OF 51 and a constitutional convention for ourselves - but can we or our representatives defend or ignore or protect a past so condemnable and now ever present for its specific workings to hang so many out to dry just because they were high naturally on chasing a thought impossible and lasting popularity that
can be seen now better by some others as too near a financial fraud and governance negligence? 

Can we argue well enough to motives while means seem already covered and entered - can we or other establish they were purposefully willful to this that seems they don’t deserve to belittle or blame our GANG OF 50 however now political or united for faults theirs with a known effecting expecting it could set so many up to fail?

In college and for a philosophy class I did have to read Franz Fanon’s THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH and work it into a paper — I did so and to my considerated think with a presentation as CAPITALISM - THE PATH TO WORLD PEACE.  For another class in a different area I did type out on an IBM Selectric in my college room a paper in economic thought maybe for a class in Urban Economics so as NEW HAVEN AND ITS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.  

I don’t know if we are ready and better to see California now with a half sister government as equal and with may Palm Springs a proper and equally poetic tag - I don’t know - I don’t know.   And why should we let Obamacare and its administering as if states are court eunuchs of fifty to be railroaded whimsically whenever now or forever by State in or from Washington.  I don’t know how at risk of a reach of the courts this all is today and as well of the current and developing reach of THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT.

Stand with your Governor - stand now - stand up for your Constitution preservation of rights from your creator - we deserve to have our Governors all as visible and proud as our President and as well any and all other sovereign state’s leaders.  Stand now before a ruling to supreme dominance for Presidents can be confused as supremely right and not as it more would be to an essential titling and crowning of non-American powers onto future holder(s) of our executive representation.

Save yourself - save your Governor - save our history and our Constitution and secured protections.  It may not be too late.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:52 am

President Barack Hussein Obama may be happiest when successful at getting you to think of him as a “David” and not a “Goliath.”

I don’t know how he has managed to still have so many not see him as a “Goliath” and while of these global days much of a new world ordering.  Even our states of our United States are some “Goliaths” more than “Davids.”

Before, long before, Thomas Friedman wrote for his THE WORLD IS FLAT works mine in strategized thinking were wrought towards a sharing and effecting such that an international “more level” playing field could be striped, marked & refereed.  America then was already a “Goliath” yet not so much now as President Obama affects.

We can keep this or at least try to make this an IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ECONOMY - SMARTIES.  We can try to discuss David and Goliath in our time less politically for now.   We should be able to discuss economically enough issues that can be measured and balanced as per global markets now without getting into how our being either now a “David” or “Goliath” is effecting our domestic politics, at least.

If we are now to foreign markets an oppressive “Goliath” just for the size and independent influence of some of our states then how can the collective whole not also now be also an oppressive “Goliath”?

President Barack Hussein Obama still doesn’t seem to get how much was worked to help make the world as we know it as “global” and “international” was long worked to even out the fields of play - the playing fields for fairer economics.

Yes that was meant as an alarming “economic” comment - not as a strictly or mostly “political” comment.

If you are a “David” - where are you? - how are you there?  Is the ground wooded and uneven with an advantage for a giant that Sun Tzu would have seen as sufficient cause to retreat or to battle another day?

It seems it would necessarily be political to discuss President B. H. Obama as a globally “apologetic David” or otherwise as a “apologetic Goliath” - we likely can avoid that for now and focus more specifically on sensitivities of markets - international markets not exclusively, though.

If we are to others of the world now as an Obama Goliath then what might such be begeting?  The Clintons National Security Council official Philip Bobbitt in his TERROR AND CONSENT did document a view that if a governance from Washington be too much of and with Hollywood it has so been known to beget terrorism. 

If we are to others of the world less free, however, now as an Obama Goliath then will they address us, however, as “Davids” in level markets in a global economic or might they think that if Americans persist in presenting itself as an Obama Goliath then it should be met squarely by reorganizations to “Goliaths” of their own, however?

Yes, it seems a fair assessment of our current predicament much still of President Washington’s first words “AMONG the vicissitudes incident to life…” that some of our states are now quite and internationally quite so as “Goliaths” in their own mass and attitude.

If a former Clinton NSC expert can document a concern that a Clinton Administration may have begot terror by governing to close and intimately with Hollywood then therefore now we must be more a “GOLIATH” than the “David” President B. H. Obama would rather be over estimated as.

The trick now for our current problema - our current politics - might be to move to an open and full discussion of a rightness or wrongness about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM as of “economic” not “political” import.  We have as well the jurisprudence about finally having offered a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and a trial of and by his peers - yet that can be put aside now for a while if to an “economic” give and take more civil now than a “political” bounding might.

As per RACE TO THE TOP messaging of this administration of Barack Hussein Obama - it may be too early and still developmental to separate how such is and has been about the worst political and economic education platform imaginable for these economic and political times.  It may be better to avoid just how bad it is now, and especially now that we are as well of diatribes from on high that one’s success isn’t to be seen as their success.  It may be relevant to our economic problema now and not just theoretically but it may be far too large as a political issue to battle just now.  The two are contrary - quite.

There is more than the workings of the FREEDOM AGENDA to dig up and sift through theoretically to see how mountains were moved in just the past couple decades strategically towards better future with more level playing fields less of “Davids” and “Goliaths” (a Goliath).  We as Americans had our lots suddenly reworked by our times without much premeditation or chance to plan - we as Americans became citizens of a sole super-power more by defense and our times than by a grand plan.

I don’t know if I am being too political or not sufficiently objective economically speaking now with:  President Obama didn’t need to say or be to affectations for a NEW FOUNDATION for global economics. 

I do remember that great efforts had been afoot long and much by “Davids” more of our Republican traditions and affiliations and that maybe they were hard to see or posit - and maybe so for Obama Democrats were off to set themselves off as “friendly giants” yet still as “Goliaths” not “Davids.”

2012 is much about a politics of two very different choices for governance methods and methodologies - 2012 though now is at least as much about choices economic that may be best made however and whenever with a consideration to avoid a tagging or stirring as of a U.S. as a “Goliath” organized to stir others to be “Goliaths” themselves, however, and while they all mostly and much for strictly individual and economic reasons are rather to more peaceful “Davids”.

If there isn’t a sense of justice and a chance for property rights protections and then as well an environment for peace treaties and alliances for security then there hardly be an economic level playing field.  Without the very late prosecution of Saddam Hussein such as it was OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM there wouldn’t have been a chance for our old foundations of justice and economics and especially not for President B. H. Obama’s “NEW FOUNDATION” affectations.

Saddam Hussein was, economically and politically speaking a “Goliath” more than a “David.” 

The USA, with coalition states so involved, towards the long overdue prosecution of Saddam Hussein, at least for his global effrontery to standards of jurisprudence in international commerce among civilized nations, such as his invasion of Kuwait was, is now still more to an economic mash up as a “David” than a “Goliath” as per Saddam Hussein and his effrontery to civilized progress at least for his pillaging of Kuwait in such time specific.

President Barack Hussein Obama while now so contrary betwixt his education message of RACE TO THE TOP and now his most revealing positing that your success isn’t now nor will it ever be actually “your success” is more dangerous for such also contrary to so much leveling progress that economically speaking towards better international free markets that is now still dependent on our specific standing with the Iraqi people - Saddam’s peers - for the still quite late prosecution of Saddam Hussein.

It does seem that though some of our states now internationally can rate as “Goliaths” we have a greater concern about our national politics much effecting our economics now as of their America a “GOLIATH” still though they hope, and hope, their over-reaching at home and abroad can be sold as them though a bully as yes a “friendly giant” - not a “David.”

This could all be moot if we hadn’t finally been to that extremely late judicial prosecution of Saddam Hussein that was and remains some OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  We may fight and fight as “Davids” more than a “Goliath” when like with such we are fighting for a more level economics for all where and when an establishment of property rights or a reestablishment is calling.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

So yesterday July 4 in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and Two I hoped a new Metro North commuter train car with a bagged lunch - dinner and snacks.  For the day I took two PB&J sandwiches, Lays chips, sliced carrots and mixed nuts with raisins.  I drew some attention it seems for use of Igloo freezer packs the way they are marketed - I drew attention for drinking from my ice packs as the ice to protect my food melted.  I did have many opportunities throughout the day to refill packs with new water from free drinking fountains while much ice was still present.

Yes I was in New York City yesterday for nearly eight hours of constant walking about.  I saw old sailing vessels and some of the newest and fleetest - I saw cops galore along the Hudson waterfront and the most interesting “beach” across from their staging area near their repair center.  I don’t have to imagine two bikini clad gals lying upon a sidewalk as if a beach with 300 in blue standing huddled just a New York City small side street width away.

In light of the recent pal that has started befalling our “country” I did see New York City yesterday as it may not be for quite a while now - I don’t know how much longer “Mayor Mike’s” money will hold out. 

It seems times have changed for “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” — It seems instead of Puerto Rico loosing its “Protectorate” status and become a newly also loose state in our Union our fifty otherwise once loose states are now more now “PROTECTORATES” full of “subject” more than “citizens” and as if more to “of a distant see of Obamalands.”  “SUBJECT ROSEBUD” just isn’t catchy!

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

I have blisters on the soles of my feet - not diamonds.  Did I tell you I packed a bagged lunch and dinner and with five dollars as well was able to return home with the old standard 1/2 a “saw buck” still at least looking the same and still mine?  But then they didn’t have the beer carts operating in Grand Central Station on this now passed Wednesday in early July.

We are all ‘SUBJECTS’ now not just of new TAXING power - but of a new over-reaching system more as if of a distant political see of us bound not even as free New Yorkers but as of their ‘PROTECTORATE’ and whim.

As goes a motivation for CITIZEN ROSEBUD and with “SUBJECT ROSEBUD” not catchy I am busy now making changes to my blogs and attitude to fit what seems now commenced as a new DARK AGES.  WWW.JPHOGAN.ORG with a limited selection for the few soles that may brave a visit to it maybe a e-breastwork for a lost “democratic era” is now “NEW AND IMPROVED” also with less for more, supposedly.  All my domain roads - e-roads - may now in a day or so lead you just to that which I choose to share or not share at www.jphogan.org.  If you miss “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” from freer days take it up with Washington - with your new “protectors”. 

I don’t know how long “Mayor Mike’s” money will hold out - I don’t know how long it will be before signage once proud as of “CITY OF NEW YORK” or “Borough of …” go dark to Precinct # __ of the Protector of the See of _______________.

If you haven’t considered that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now of bureaucratic duties ruining another travel office can only be running our State Department to “Political” ends - you are likely not awake to simple and endearing truths of a complicated times - these times.   With “It is a TAX” we may now be best to ask that our local drivers licenses be sufficient to supersede and need for New Nationalism PASSPORTs.  It seems our Passports are now necessarily “political” documents and so we likely better under likewise “It is a tax” military or police powers to attempts to assert that our local drivers licenses be acceptable for international travels in lieu of documentation by a Protectorate “political” state (See?).

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

I can wait ten years or more to “publish” my political works here or so blogged in e-ways for years.  I know the Clintons are most responsible even for claims of “It is all Bush’s fault” and yet insult upon earlier asserted stupidities to dumb down and bend compliant a general mass of subjects regardless of international border distinctions.   I don’t need to fight to tell the story - I know it to be so and have no motivation now to tell it yet another way.  I don’t know what “motivation” I might be tempted with to decide otherwise from a wisdom as of maybe I should wait ten years or more to “publish”.

See it is now personal in ways that it was never supposed to be - and could only get because the Clintons misappropriated use and intent and portent of my intellectual property in ways contrary to the intended preventionals and protectionals writ there in.

It seems yesterday was celebration of the birth and the passing of our United States - a:  THEY CALLED IT INDEPENDENCE DAY ONCE - LIKE.

And so with confidence today as I busy myself wisely to hiding most of my past columns but from a limited selection to be maintained for now at http://jphogan.org I do so with confidence that I am right now to have little confidence in either side of 2012 contestations (political)!  From where I sit in a town called Milford knowing newly as of yesterday that a Biden driver lives on a Milford Street in another borough of the new “Protectorate” See of Obamaland - with sympathies to all those in uniforms that now may at least deserve more honest patchworks.

“Joe” and I go back at least as far as New Haven encounter at the Joseph Slifka Jewish Center at Yale when his son Beau was still a Yale Law Student.  I don’t know if this is what he was speaking to when as I remember he concluded:  “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING.”  I do know and remember he while presenting asking me while accepting I was “waving him off” from a line of thinking to he of:  “Do you know what it means to wave me off?”

“Joe” and I go back at least to that time with he of “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” and me for having missed the first day of such symposium asking for an “evolving or devolving” conclusion to knowing the full context of this remembered “Joe” conclusion that sounds as if it can be a great thing and then oppositely a terrible thing, equally.  He did the “Joe’s” right hand on my left shoulder “Senator Joeism” and I warned with a “watch out for sisters.” 

“Joe” and I actually go back further and more specifically to a regards however for our Supreme Court.  “Joe” and I were of earlier moments of me “waving him off” from a line of political thinking during the Clarence Thomas hearings.  He seemed ready to go with thoughts that America was not a great country and I was while still then of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM spin doctoring to work a better possibility forwards of enough intellectual stature to “suggest” he speak otherwise than planned to a “this great country of ours” - like.

I still have no idea what “Joe” meant by “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” as a conclusion after participating in the Yale Law hosted symposium:  FEDERALISM - EVOLVING OR DEVOLVING subjected then whence in the mid 90s when Beau Biden was maybe a third year law student and public were invited.

It does seem that with “it is a tax” upholding even your small hamlet or shire of the North American continent at least is now more a “protectorate” in a too political New Nationalism in a new DARK AGES now of a POST CONSTITUTIONAL ERA.

I don’t know how long “Mayor Mike’s” money can hold out for citizens of New York as a fog of denial of a new situation for all as first “protected” and “federal” before “neighbor”!

Again, I so know the Clintons are most at fault and even for most of the fault that they have acquiesced or initiated as if projecting or of a grand false transference.  Again, I know this and now don’t feel a desire to be famous for telling whomever newly or again.  It has shifted to mostly personal for me and with “it is a TAX” too much to CITIZEN ROSEBUD as if expected to be a smiling SUBJECT ROSEBUD or whatever (not whomever - that implies individuality).

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

Yes, I have blisters on the soles of my feet - not diamonds.  Yesterday besides the walking of New York City from 9:30 am until arrival in Grand Central Terminal for later departures near 6:30 pm but with maybe one hour plus off my feet and all those miles my day after packing my bagged lunch, snacks, and dinner and 1/2 a “sawbuck” started with a three mile walk to the Milford Train Station and then about 8:30 pm the commencing to the three mile walk home from the Milford Train Station.

Don’t forget to consider “cause and effect” intellectual honesty or “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

{To find a newest column now more irregularly and however you will have to avoid “via” “citizenrosebud” links and look directly to http://hogan.jphogan.org — “Citizen Rosebud” links will now act more dormantly as if to cryogenic “on ice” or as a tear jerking prefacing to a full and revealing but limited selection of honest truths more than partisan politics as is what is available via citizenrosebud links to content sited at http://jphogan.org — I don’t want to confuse what I know with what others want to be “just politics”!!!}

PS:  Did I finish that thought that I am confident from my past two decades of political assistance and such as per our economy that I am right to have little confidence in either party now - and yes but so stipulated with far less confidence in Obama and his Clinton hold overs?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:08 am

There is one thing I took from DREAMS FROM MY FATHER early autobiography of an un-minted lawyer — From President Obama’s early autobiography I was able to discern from his own words that though he was a “community organizer” he didn’t like being a community organizer.

We have that “Obamacare” has near 52% percent of those polled nationally regarding its need to be repealed as a majority against it.  Among Democrats that was reported as about 19%.  Among Republicans it topped 80%.  How it is disapproved of by a more specific subset of Americans - a set of actual taxpayers - is a puzzle though presumably much higher than 52%.

I won’t dwell on law student Barry Obama early autobiography with its import that he didn’t like community organizing if only about community organizing.  President Obama can explain his own negativity there scribed with his own words near:  I’ve got to get out of this place - if only I had power - if only I had real power — I’ve got to get out of here.

It seems that though he is four years my senior to the same B-day in August it may be fitting he wrote an autobiography before me, but come on!  During the same months he must have been writing his life history I was of writing politically and journalistically with political poetry as a form with rhyme, rhythm and reasoning about an international time fit for a new federalism.  I did leave a law school a couple miles from his the spring before he started - and I did withdraw after first year and remain an accepted student then for the next seven years able to return without needing to reapply.  I was wanting to be more entrepreneurial and creative but wanted at least one year of law school to further discipline my thinking and writing, but not more.

The Affordable Care Act that we have a bad habit of simplifying as “Obamacare” is bad for American communities.

We have that among those that pay federal taxes the 52% reported as still thinking “Obamacare” should be repealed are of a much higher percentage when of a poll just of “taxpayers.”  And, with that said we are left to ponder that those that are already paying for the care for those in their communities that have been and still will be providing care are strongly and definitively against “Obamacare.”

It really seems that we may have over 80% of the people currently paying to cover the less well off and their healthcare expenses specifically against The Affordable Care Act attempts to get them to pay for the same social good another way.

There may be no contest by states contesting The Affordable Care Act as per “healthcare” as being of a national market.  That doesn’t mean that if it is embraced as primarily of a national market it won’t do harm to the communities still of neighbors providing care for neighbors and without needing to think a distant Big Government Big Sister/Big Brother needs to meddle - especially as per preventative care.

I stand on my opinion that we are better to consider reforms for healthcare around communities not State and with a new frontier for some areas to a county wide (not Country wide) basis for “coverage.”  I stand now still with my thinking from that first year of publication of Barry Obama’s early autobiography checked after near a year working as a citizen canvasser with ConnPIRG and then CCAG (Connecticut Citizen Action Group) with petitioning door to door evenings through a winter, too, on clearer air standards and healthcare reform.  It was from checking my thinking and public opinion amidst being aware of a neighbor Ted Marmor that I was to my individual conclusion that we should avoid national healthcare and look to fight “spill-over” concerns with community policing revolution and treat county basis not country basis as our best new frontier.

With march and beat of “Obamacare” you will be not to thinking you should thank your neighbor who raised a doctor nor the neighbor raised to be doctor or others besides them in your neighborhood and community at least party to keeping your area a place a child of such after learning international medicinal ways would desire to stay or return.  With “Obamacare” you will be expected to thank your national leadership, primarily, and supremely.

I described my writing from same months that Barry Obama was of his early autobiography as of writing journalistically — that said so for I was more to calling myself a political poet practicing spin doctoring to encourage and maybe embolden professional journalists to a better writing for community and international issues.

It may be easier to consider that The Affordable Care Act is bad for communities if you consider that most of actual taxpayers already paying for the social good of covering costs of medical expenses without healthcare coverage are those that seem a vast non-partisan set of those paying for services already for some reason not wanting to pay for same social good this way.

Costs for healthcare may now be out of control because medicine and healthcare has already been allowed for too long to be too considered of a national market.  We have that the nearer healthcare stays to a community and county basis of neighbors being cared for by neighbors the more reasonable the costs of caring are respective to be.

When I left Suffolk Law School that spring just before the Obama fall commencing at Harvard I was already to saying:  “I want to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution” & “I am more a citizen rosebud than a Citizen Kane” & “I wanted at least a year of law school to help protect me from lawyers and insurance companies.”  The same time of Obama fall commencing I did have a brand new custom ordered Ford F-250 4×4 Pick-up truck ordered through Stoneham Ford and a Villanova classmate from our class of 1987 asking for a ride to Chicago to move him from inner city Philadelphia to the University of Chicago to start his full free ride to PhD in Education.  I did agree - today he is a head of school in Philadelphia area.

I have been against all nationalization of general healthcare coverage at least since 1991-1992.  I was against it while writing suggesting best positioning for business and politicians and journalists for a community and international political correctness, new, for the trying times then of the great recession of the early 90s that as well had us troubled with global warring.

I think it is a very fair interpretation of Barry Obama’s DREAMS OF MY FATHER that he didn’t like community organizing but did like thinking about getting real power and as quickly as he could.  And yet he is celebrated as a former “community organizer” and yet now with programs that seem to be bad for communities, but not his quest for internationalism.

They didn’t have B-corps in Connecticut to my knowledge when I became a sole proprietor of a CT S-Corp doing business as J.P. Hogan Enterprises.  I was of a letterhead meant to be a marketing play on “Carpentry and Remodeling Services” for of my long term primary ambition to be like a “Mad Man” like my maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier had been, and to without having had a degree in such before becoming near the top in such.  The use of “Remodeling” services was always meant to also be to a practical skill to “remodeling” business - & maybe politics or government.  It does seem that it has been our governments that had to change and allow said “B-corps” so that our capitalists could finally be free to legally be as good as they may want to be, fairly within “capitalist” philosophy fit for their community existentialisms.  My paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. was a lifelong Democrat and a member of Knights of Columbus and the inspiration for use of “Remodeling” to be about local or national politics as well.

And now we are to a time of easy internationalism but only maybe so for the hard work of Reagan with his Reagan Revolution and Chief Justice Rehnquist with his Rehnquist Revolution - his work to keep the law and justice professions from the very high legalese Barry Obama had just been trained in at Harvard - his work to bring a new “lay man” language and simpler legalese to United States Jurisprudence and practices. 

It does seem so, yet I haven’t confirmed so, that President Obama was maybe of the last class of Harvard Law School trained and graduated in the old school ways before such started complying with the new better standards of the Rehnquist Revolution to simpler and more accessible legalese.

This said, and again, I feel it important to explain that “community organizer” President Obama with The Affordable Care Act is to a irreversible over-reaching inconsistent with Justice Rehnquist’s Revolution and so as implied with a national program that will be if left to proving it is bad medicine for all of our communities.

I just now found this link:  http://www.concurringopinions.com/archives/2010/07/the-federalism-revolution-did-not-take-place.html — I don’t know how creditable it legally is but it may be a good second step from this column.  Nearer 1989 I did write out my own “Remodeling” services contract to the type of legal atmosphere I thought best - After the official legal changes about the national redu of The Rehnquist Revolution I did not have to change a single word in my contract to be to new “compliance” - I did surprise the lawyer who suggested he should look at it due to such revolution in our jurisprudence for he (dad) was only able to conclude that his son’s contract - the son who had left law school after just a year - had maybe the only existing contract he had seen that didn’t need to be changed.

I have been fighting attempts to nationalize healthcare reforms a long time now,  so long that President Obama was likely maybe hardly through the writing of his early autobiography while I was so and so as well to the international concerns also of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM attempts at needed “remodeling” change.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

There is a drudgery and attention to detail essential to incidents of life.  Among many vicissitudes incident to existence we have our banks and our body politic.  Banks “as too big to fail” defies that they are cannot be too big to be wrong.

As Abraham Lincoln with his premises and discerned thought of his Cooper Union Speech we have that he laid down his slavery platforms to come upon a Constitutional foreplay espoused to keep his house from being divided.  Mr. Lincoln with his Cooper Union posturing did purport a threshold barring slavery.  Mr. Lincoln set us all to more fairer play and party relations, but so, as per his postulate that if a local government could and did legally declare that something was “wrong” that then an national government like ours then couldn’t stand up body politic asserting that slavery was “good” for “all” as its interpretation of State Powers.

Does Obamacare assert a Power to consider peoples’ bodies as State bodies and so that guns are limited contrary to our Second Amendment rights to bear arms.  If our arms, even our bare arms, are so State arms than how can they have independent right to bear arms?

I may have hands and heart with a penchance for mechanic specials - I have owned a motorcycle when near past having turned 30 years of age and did myself consider some Zen about my art of motorcycle restoration and maintenance.  I have only owned such a ride and ridden so to near 5,000 total miles.  Peter Fonda I have learned still has a penchant for riding and also shares a sailing passion.  My sailing interests though have been dormant or superseded now over four years.  My bicycle is a mechanic special as what started as stock of one branding has over decades become “street” as a road bike with parts and accessorizings now from near a dozen different establishments.  There is though still a Shimano prominence about it, and yet with a considered like disloyalty for thinking my next bike will have Sram instead, maybe even SRAM RED.

But what can you bank on - and if a Big Bank is so big that it cannot fail how do we protect that it isn’t too big to still have been wrong?

Washington did shower or bath are forebears all with his cherry of a first inaugural so with such talk of sex to be for him enough in offerings American that he could pick fruit from as a conqueror and yet so caressed with a pledge of fidelity to Martha as all the pecuniary and personal emoluments he would desire.

I have known that Chase bank had employees if not an entire department drilled already in 2006 such that when I became aware of them I became aware of dangers and bad practices the foretold doom for banks.  Our founding fathers were inventive and practical - Washington even to a round barn for milling grains and Thomas Jefferson for a coat hanger design, a gear and chain system that allow his double doors together equally with just a standard careful caressing of one door. 

I did try to learn as many practical skills as our founding fathers had needed more necessarily due to their times.  I may have exceeded the number of their individual skills but not maybe the ratio of skills to production and mechanization time to time.  They may have known more for their time of what was common in their time, maybe.  I have had more than two cars that were also “mechanic specials” with myself their primary mechanic.

I have split some wood - some firewood - but hardly near as much as Lincoln must have - I don’t know that I ever split even enough for a quarter of a cord.

The gall of that remembered department of Chase Bank that I cannot shake yet from my discovery of their bad practices and hostility of a abuse of powers and arrogance with excessive power all first exposed about 2006.  Now I do remember that it was President Clinton that asked banks to find a way to “gamble away”  the risks that would be certain with his wanting both a housing boom bubble and as well a mass underfunding and defunding that would likely undermine the former - the Clintons’ trillion dollar surplus.  But this behavior practiced by employees of Chase Bank so remembered was of such an arrogance that when I stood on banking law and harmony with banking lawyers as just a customer may only have been of the early days of desperation for banks where they had to step up bad collection practices to try to cover the losses looming from the corruptions related to President Clintons loose political economic guidance - Chase may have been behaving so before needing to because of mortgage messes.

As per Chase Bank and my remembrance it was a small matter of confusion from their mergers and acquisitions per a closed account number for a close credit card started with a different bank.  In my case I seemed to have become aware of their corrupt and bad banking practices in 2006 over a possible $10 balance and then a year of penalty and interest fees that still have now clear chain of title.  It was over a $200 dollar dispute with Chase where all but $10 was fees and yet for the year before their claims so I had no record of an earlier bank having been mailing or calling me for an open account with such account number - an account number which I had sent a full payment to in 2005. 

In 2006 I realized that at least one Department at Chase Bank was acting as if Chase was too big to be wrong.  I still have that they have failed still to today to have provided a clear chain of title for the account number they called me upon for above mentioned pennies that was like all my known Chase accounts paid off a year before.  The calender gap of a year between pay off of accounts with Chase and a mysterious new account showing up still is a mystery as per chain of title and yet the year suggest it must have been that I performed on a pay off amount by due date as per post office posting dating and that that bank then the credit card company processed the payment for the day it was received leaving a near $10 dollar remainder, that for some reason I for a year went without an awareness as account moved from one bank to another and then to Chase somehow, so that ten dollars after a year became over two hundred and yet with Chase department unwilling or unable to explain where their “title” and “claim” traced from.  If  the practices and standards I became aware of hadn’t been so hostile and blatantly corrupt with an arrogance of power seeming to exempt them in their own minds from having to explain a “chain of title” I might have been of the decades of good experiences otherwise from relations with Chase.

When they threaten you and refuse to consider fair standards they are trying to steal from you.  That the banks all fell to bad practices and trying times is evidence sufficient now yet without as much discussion as appropriate for them having fallen to bad collection practices just because of the binds they got into as accomplices to President Clintons request for bad lending and mortgage risk managing.  Their bad lending practices though only partly can explain their bad collection attitudes.

As an economics major I welcome that collections is a needed department with special skills, and, was so of such ethos while hearing from and relating with more than a few from Chase as per this from 2006. 

When an employee of a major bank hears you tell him that he/they are acting criminally and instead of denying it says instead “we have the right to - everyone is doing it” it is best to start hunkering down and readying for bad economic times fast approaching for the economy.

So I guess you could say I expected the economic downturn because of my knowledge of how President Clinton had conceived an impossible economic but then you could as well say it is so because I realized that Chase Bank was acting desperately and criminally as if they were too big to be wrong. 

A chain of title is still a matter of law for all to be standing on - and yes Obamacare may be violating your second amendment rights to have free arms for free bearing of arms.  And otherwise from an everyday State arms of only State arms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:55 am

There comes a time when one party rocks on for the kid in the candidate to be as about the incidental vicissitudes.

Sadly the other party has been now long to this JOBLESS RECOVERY as devotees and celebrants of Obama’s Rooseveltian New Deal Austerity. 

His housing and zippiness has long been controversial for Rezko took a big hit for him - for he of another Hyde Park than New Deal Roosevelt.  President Obama may have hidden from taxes about Rezko shrubbery, at least Illinois and Chicago taxation.

Per: http://mydd.com/users/hwc/posts/the-obamarezko-home-a-picture-is-worth-1000-words it seems that the Obamas with their four car garage Chicago crusty lifestyling - their upper crust estatism have seen that their side yard has turned over from Rezko to Rezko attorney.

There are some friends that should feel forewarned from going hunting with Obamas - at least house hunting.  For one of their close friends a whole lot of figural buck shot has been absorbed viscerally at least.  This is no Clintons’ “Whitewater” - it may be worse, far worse, at least for the respective times.

To hunt their pork we have that Clintons’ futures early too were of a days turn it seems of a thousand dollars there converted politically in Chicago merchantilisms into near a hundred thousand.  The Obamas with their Chicago future tied with Rezko did effect near as great a return also on a very limited investment.

Let him be clear - he moved his family into another Hyde Park - another than that where President Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived.  He chose to move on up into a energy monster of a Chicago mansion with a four car garage and a side yard nearly sold off and forever detached from propertied history.  By buying just that 1/5th or 1/6th of their property’s old side yard from the Rezko deep pockets the Obamas protected their side yard with the most minimal taxation upon them figurable.  And yet for such small fraction the “holding” so of Obamas by another’s interests did suddenly devalue from full market price to near half value of listed appraisal.

Though when running on his own re-interpretation of Franklin’s New Deal with an OBAMA NEW DEAL AUSTERIY ECONOMICS it wasn’t so clear that one should consider avoiding house hunting with President Obama.  It figures since President Obama got recently punked by President Clinton, as it seemed, to attempting to present himself as “TEDDY” Roosevelt that something must be amiss with President Obama as a new President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

By buying just that near 1/6th of the former side yard of their Chicago establishment address acquisition so settled upon at a below the general and seeming fair value as evidenced by Rezko simultaneous purchase of less at full value we see that today the Obama’s likely couldn’t get elected to higher office in Chicago or Illinois - at least to “Governor.”  So buy selling just that 1/6th the Rezko “property” did devalue by near 1/2 and to it seems a new classification in housing market of such establishment neighborhood to “sub-standard” holding - it seem just enough was sold off by Rezko to protect the real and apparent value of the Obama mansion and its curb appeal.  By buying just that 1/6th the Obamas were able to have their side yard as if their own and yet be able to avoid all or most of the taxation for such aggrandised grandness.

It does seem that though the Obamas have been able to be better friends to Rezko or his lawyer since their closing back whence they have shown themselves willing to leave a friend strung out or hung out.  Per the linked old article it seems that Rezko lawyer is now that holder of greatly devalued sub-standard empty building lot - aka the Obama’s side yard, legally speaking to taxable appraisals.  And, yet the Obama’s have been free and clear enough to have helped Rezko heal from the wounds of their house hunting excursion.  We have a crisis of valuation here of their pockets/wallets and their morals/friendships - we have that Obamas have been less dependent on Rezko as once whence and fully able to have bought up the remainder (majority) of their Chicago yard and assume full responsibility for their fair share of Chicago and Illinois taxation.

When it seemed that President Obama got punked by President Clinton into that like “I am a new TEDDY” - and so the Theodore Roosevelt of 1910 - it fit that it could come from Clintons’ envy and as well be of unbalanced political thinking as whence original to “TEDDY” for such then was seemly off and too much of compromises, political and moral, of a casualness to prudence with such of a greediness to thinking to over-reaching to third terms.

It is fair to say President Obama got “PUNKED” - for what he said, and how he said it about former President Theodore Roosevelt, then recently back from largest safari ever mounted as a mass killing expedition, in the world as we still know it, and, as well from a tour of new fascist courts and castles about Europe, fit so much as a pro-hunting and pro-gun message that he would better to have been then:  President Obama speaking from the National Rifle Association.

But the Obamas have been slamable about the vicissitudes of Chicago property values and Illinois taxation reach for their enbeddedness with Rezko shrubbery.  They long now have been able to buy out either Rezko or his lawyer and step up to paying their fair share.  I don’t know why they keep letting friends suffer so just so they can avoid their fair share of taxation for the curb value they desire and crave for themselves.  I don’t know the math but I do consider that all these years they could have been paying full taxes for the full market value of their side yard and not otherwise to a 1/6th portion that is still as of an essence of “controlling interest.”

President George Washington spoke to our nationalism as he started off our show with his famous and important loaded words “Among the vicissitudes incident to life” as if a centralized National healthcare inappropriate to a being of “American” and also did speak economically contrary to how we have heard President Barack Hussein Obama.  President Obama came in and suggesting their should be no vicissitudes incident in an American economy - that there should be a boring flat line of planned top down national redistribution an not the “ups and downs” of our Washington amongst our natural state of a regular incidental vicissitudeness.

President Abraham Lincoln when earlier of his Cooper Union Speech stood up as if a Black American and fully of the “Black Republicans” of such speech - he stood up and dared any to argue for “slavery” personally and as if they if to such an attempt they would have to argue why they had a right to enslave any other human being - why or how they had a right to enslave him.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:00 pm

{Welcome!  I am now developing a new blog location here, still much to be done.}

It is the year 2012 and with the prevalence of Jobian Tablets it is ours to ponder English as the American official language.  We have these true days of new media and incredible portability about an e-world to ponder and divine a “global citizen” walk and talk.  We have that because of our Tablet revolution and so many now so Jobian we are at a crossroad or river where in and across all of the United States of America the hot tip for future employment is to suggest that divinity and languages are now a new frontier.

As you personally look to making your big leadership decision this primary season and then general elections of November for American elections we are likely to be learning of fault lines for religions and of still and economy quite otherwise Jobian as well.  We have that Democrats long have seemed to be fogging lines between religion and state and with efforts to ride Watergate to a secular popularism they could lock up to a selfish political popular secularism truly partisan and with efforts global as well as local to such.

We seem to be in a State at a state where communities and businesses all across our country as well as afficionados of social media and its internationalism are now to us all of a need for more linquists skilled in foreign languages and customs and with a new broad full spectrum erudity as well of cultures and rituals of all the religions of the world.  We have a Catholic versus Mormon headlining now about - and yet with each to postulating Republican politically for all religions and their preserved and protected rights under our governance.  We have while so the furtherance of a secular fog by a Democrat administration.

For to be prepared and confident as borders blend via global social media and internet hook-ups now with so many tablets having so many wondering and marching quite Jobian our national government as per “global citizen” messaging and attempts to a new growth economy and yet alas we tread on many as an English language country yet while our instincts to internationalism using and consuming e-world near in a borderlessness it is remarkable that with all the “socialism” we haven’t already heard dictates to advise that individual Americans hopeful to our future should be now studying foreign languages and the divinties.

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