
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:37 pm

     The morning after the invasion, about one year ago, the President seemed happy to fatten up Russia.
     Vladimir Putin had started something - not seemingly a monster, as conceived.
     The President of Russia sought, it seems, an inflection point with “Little Russians” - Ukrainians.

     Years before as Russian patriarch otherwise moved in on Crimea I was stirred to use a search engine to query upon Ukrainian demographics.  As a poet I long ago wrote more to be one for to reason why - not to do or die before our times.  Such poetic was before William J. Clinton sworn in and proceeded to get the end of the Cold War figuring wrong.
     I printed out and read the report I believe I discovered as a public on the web CIA report on Ukraine demographics as tri-partial - of an eastern 1/3rd noted as Moscow Christian Orthodox, a middle 1/3rd irreligious, & western 1/3rd Greek Orthodox.
     What was President Vladimir Putin thinking?  Didn’t he spiritually commence with a backing from Orthodox leaders of the Moscow Holiness?  Didn’t he offer suppositions as pretext to that what he was starting, with or versus of at times tag’d “Little Russia” realms, was also a fight against the West Leftists as globally organized with movements for authoritarian powers much akin a new fascism?
     At the time otherwise to consumers of American media content Ukraine so teased with by President Barack H. Obama, in such terms, had seemed less about “DEMOCRACY” and more raw, even corrupt, for opportunism within Democrats upper ranks.  Initially it seemed Ukrainians were where Dems went to embed with known corrupt oligarchs at least to have some plausible deniability but while like unwritten episodes of “THE SOPRANOS” prima facia facility for organizing for windfalls.
     Weren’t President Obama and Vice President Obama, at least with Secretary of State John Kerry, teasing Ukraine towards being intimate in its corruption - even as news seemed of an American Vice President paid off prosecutors in such country for selfish defensive purposes?
     Intelligent discourse upon such times will dissect critical factors, and particularly with curiosity compartmentalized as facts support hypotheses raised around the politics of it likely President Obama got NATO and the European Union engagements wrong - particularly as regards Syria and Ukraine.
     To President Putin whom were the pawns maybe teased, and/or whom were the pimps?
     As long as one does not use the outdated definition of “fascism” still in many dictionaries to that it is defined more as if “movements of the right for authoritarian power” it should be near child’s play to articulate that “Climate Change” politics was of movements in international collusion to more than just bias elections in The United States of America.
     The Left martialed, inartfully, and force marched solutions tyranny much firstly as organized to be even maybe a “Trojan Horse” for a new “fascism” of only the Left allowed a mantle of authority on solving “Global Warming” postured big crises.
     In 2014 with the rebirth of Crimea to once again principally with Moscow there were issues of standing for a Russian patriarchy upon it seemed Ukraine was becoming not truly “woke” but too compromised - too corrupt.  But did the eastern 1/3rd of Ukraine historically of the Moscow Christian Orthodoxy prefer to go “home” to the “Mother Land” with “father” Vladimir Putin?
     President Barack H. Obama seemed, in his “personality presidency” live, to be more of the dreams of his mother while characteristically in governance too near to tag “narcissistic Stalinist”!
     America in Obama/Biden terms was less suffering than some foreign nations of that SOCIALIST nations seemed to be failing where incidentally too many had crossed a line to too irreligious.  As terms of Obama/Biden endured falling in SOCIALISM were only offered an arrogant SOCIALISM as if it had failed in past because it wasn’t Barack H. Obama who was its leader.
     I cannot name nor fix however much misinformation and disinformation became populated deeply globally around so much initiated as if President Obama was infallible - and a rock star POTUS.
     I cannot begin to estimate how much Russia, and Ukraine until a year ago, was firstly of only propaganda believed and to the existential reality was general ignorance of worldly reality.
     President Joseph R. Biden one year ago was the wrong leader needed as times needed a “Reagan”?
     President Joseph R. Biden today is categorically dramatically now ordered as if were Ronald Reagan?
     President Joseph R. Biden as a brother and a patriarch is still too compromised to be for republic?
     President Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to step foot on foreign soil as he did in Panama.
     The “Green Agenda” of “Solutions Tyranny” was built on movements for authoritarian power with “Global Warming” alarmism and as with foreign collusion that amount to a rise of new “fascism”!
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.  But what was this patriarch intending to seed?  Was it a small crusade to save the souls, where possible in “Little Russia” realms, with he some a Moscow Orthodox “Templar” riding into to circle the tanks around historically Holy in Moscow spirituality?
     One year later there now so much unanswered and vague it prudent to ask if oligarchs yet not driving the horrible news as yet per protecting Russian vodka spirits commerce and comity.
     As at least Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton wasted Afghanistan moments offering news fodder utterly of Dip Notes porn graphically using Helmand and Kandahar shapes as suggestive pressing images while problems with nation as of narco-terrorism more than Islamic terrorism.  I suggest there sad standing to attest Secretary Clinton had “The Longest War” yet as a war of choice and while no more justified than to have looked south from our borders at other narco-terrorism competition.
     Re:  CORRUPTION with Ukrainian oligarch supposedly engulfing Hunter Biden - John Kerry’s kin up to a point some lesser?
     Where is a Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II today?
     The scripted for the Ukraine visit for President Joseph R. Biden seems to have hoped to rewrite him from whom apparently a year ago into a new President Ronald W. Reagan.
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.
     But?  If President Obama failed SOCIALISTS by only offered them more failed SOCIALISM to that problems remained too many had crossed a line to “too irreligious” how must Ukraine forward “for democracy” address the scope of problems firstly of the European Union and NATO had been of agency towards being more authoritarian, and in reality less of “democracy”?
     One year later is not now just the morning after!  President Biden can be right, or President Obama can be right - both Biden & Obama cannot be right.  And back to 1993 it relates that President William J. Clinton quite got the end of the Cold War wrong.
     As the world may need a new President Ronald W. Reagan, for starters, are rival Presidents proofed to be posers?  Was nothing actually seeded befitting a Holy to Moscow Orthodoxy a year ago? - in 2014?
     “Ours’ is to reason why, not to do and die, least before our time.” - (Poet JP Hogan, “The Charge of New Federalism” circa 1991-92 - shared in 1992 politics - not published.)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:24 am

This is not an ‘Adam Schiff and a Trojan Donkey’ success story.

This is not about playing ‘Chicken’ with tanks - of which ever or any gang stripes/colors.

The Pelosi caucus has opened a Pandora’s Box upon itself.  Trump’s trump on impeachment is he actually is getting Ukraine right and inconveniently to Democrats of proving they like always got Ukraine policies wrong.

No career Foreign Service witness can now really help Democrats with their parade of festering insubordination due when duly pressed each should have an intelligent response to detail an understanding of different political currents from different political philosophies over year of Clintons, Gore, & Obama. There cannot have been one policy that fit all - still cannot possibly be.

Oddly, for me, in 1997 I believe, I happened to Cambridge, Massachusetts to the Kennedy School of Government for a public lecture in part due I wanted to finally meet Rep Gephardt in person and incidentally had 12 fully uniformed Ukrainian Generals walk & brush past me leaving their meeting in the front first floor conference room.

Rep Gephardt & I created some history in weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union in days Charles Koch’s son & George Stephanopoulus were his two equally ranked office assistants.  Out of concern for what messaging I was hearing from President Bush I sent letters to Rep. Gephardt in weeks just before Yeltsin’s August tank stand. Clinton later learned to sound like these letters with Stephanopoulus’ help & too it seemed my old neighbor father of friends Stanley Greenberg. It may be odd to hear I got a quick response though was not a constituent.

But that is only background yet though it develops on my early 1990s deep thinking and writing to how best for USA to become a sole superpower & by my giving and anchoring think to THE NEW WORLD ORDER to set it up as calling in America for a new urban agenda.  Yes and that is why when Clintons ran they so often mentioned my New Haven.  I also coincidentally had in years before lived on Block Island & to helped a B&B called THE WHITE HOUSE be established in the home of septagenarian friends Joe & Violette, and to which as also my summer boarding arrangement, while a rough & finish carpenter for contractors, in my summers from Villanova studies, I did many nights sleep under an autographed by Benito Mussolini photograph of himself as signed for Joseph V. Connolly Sr. then much running Hearst Corp, and too a photo of the WWII Liberty Ship named for JVC Sr. I believe sunk by a U-Boat returning bodies of fallen soldiers home.

But this is more just about Democrats and how I never felt of thought President Obama, and his minions and rivals Clintons were or did get Ukraine policies right.  Again Trump’s trump to Adam Schiff’s impeachment circus of festering insubordinates is to let people study & understand Clintons are new monarchists for totalitarian power, Obama more just a narcissistic Stalinist of thinking his personality enough for Socialism yet to work where it yet had failed before, and Al Gore & Global Warming alarmism of solutions tyranny really firstly a deplorable new Fascism primarily for Authoritarian power - and by strategies to addict masses anew to what Gores were selling.

I don’t remember having problems with President George W. Bush policies towards Ukraine but I also figure I may not have had time to consider them then while less heated.  I was in Bush years of Ukrainian thoughts more of one family tree of Ukrainian Jews related to a Ukrainian American and to if could hold my own with Russian Vodka if forward more familiar ever.

Some bullet points to process and discern upon re how Ukraine no ordinary problem:

* When Soviet Union collapsed I believe Moscow assumed all its former debts even over Ukrainians having been such a large part of USSR.

* Ukraine is analyzed as a nation of 3 separable regions like of equal geographic size yet of the Eastern 1/3 of being religiously historically of the Moscow Orthodox Christian faith, the middle of country as said mostly irreligious, and the western 1/3 as Greek Orthodox Christian historically.

* The was intelligent strategy in how V. Putin dealt with Georgian separatists and of the sorts Sigmund Freud to have lost sleep over.  Due the physical shape of Georgia it was never polite to speak of it but prophylactically as discarded application as a “separatist” state.  That playful of around Assetia or Ossetia worked to reset a phonetic and physical interpretation from a Rorschach easy A test image.

*Note: Secretary Clinton was too elementary making news stories around her wanted War on Women against the Taliban all those days she like tried to use Rorschach shapes of Kandahar Province & Helmand Province (that which much resembles Georgia - but while vertically represented).

*The idea Democrats worked to bring Ukraine into Western organizations and even the EU was a deplorable ingratiousness to Moscow after it assumed debts of the collapsed USSR.

* Note: While FLOTUS Mrs. Bill Clinton she was crusading Hillary Clinton on feminism and into turfs of even radicalized Muslims with dictates imperial of that they should treat their women as she said as an American.  Hillary Clinton feminism crusades and desire to exclamate it with a War on Women against the Taliban should have had chapters and real depth in the 911 Commission 911 reporting. It is simply true that Hillary Clinton as Secretary Clinton did incite and precipitate attacks against the homeland - against America.  It is also true that while she was abroad inciting Bill Clinton counter productively was vastly cutting too much from defense & intelligence, and establishing “walls of separation” at FBI between investigation & enforcement and for “Peace Dividends” before their time.

* President Putin moves on Ukraine & Crimea have to be thought through some as a response to Ukraine even thinking of wholly joining West while yet a nation more distinctly of 3 very different demographical communities. And, too of it plausible in such years Syria would go so down so South that it might become unreasonable & inconvenient to yet try to keep the Russian Naval base at least fully operative in Syrian sovereign territory. And, so it might have been prudent to create back up plans even however of with parts of Ukraine historically religiously of Moscow Orthodoxy its spiritual home.

* Al Gore so of solutions tyranny so simply a new Fascism must be separated from all this somehow as Ukraine future should be intelligent and soulful of its real heritage and of the problem much really being worked better by President Donald Trump Sr is of Ukraine firstly became one more failed Socialist State, like Syria, of somehow crossed an unknown line to being nationally too irreligious - nationally too little of people considering a universal right & wrong & a expectation of religions as firstly for self-governance.

* The Clintons have to be dissected due it is diabolical that it figures they are new MONARCHIST sought TOTALITARIAN POWER and used coy ploy chicanery of popularized POST CONSTITUTION while yet it so anti-Constitution it of textbook TREASON and any lawyer almost just need get indictment & then argue to court(s) hopefully below Supreme Court of that they are GUILTY by that actually our CONSTITUTION never did stop being the law of our land.

* Though an elemental problem of all of Obama Ukraine policies was of working promises of “sovereign state” forward to such a nation thought still had a nationalism that worked it is Trump is working it better and letting globally people realize themselves that somehow in many places a problem is of areas and peoples became too irreligious - to devoid of religions as first tools & needed disciplines of self-governance - a maintenance of a sense of right & wrong. Obama policies were wrong across the board yet in many ways yet of that he thought he, Barack Obama, narcissistic Stalinist, had enough personality for a personality based Presidency that would by his personality have Socialism where long failed in past yet work because of just his personality.

* Clintons did want Hillary to get a War on Women against the Taliban but not in years Bill was supposed to be loved as a Dove to set up she could be feared as a first female President different by being then staged as a Hawk.

* Ukraine problems are that across the populated higher ranks of Democrats there are rival factions that cannot be taken or managed in unison as if one collective correct at all.  We are just learning, especially from Amb. Masha Yovanovitch facial expression while answering of real concern about Hunter Biden dealings, how Ukraine is like the whole global turning point ground zero on where wrong in past may me how to build a copacetic intelligent forward.

* Ukraine should investigate and share even quips on how differently they had to manage around Clintons as by their said of Constitution to that left makes them MONARCHISTS for TOTALITARIAN POWER, and of Obama as narcissistic Stalinist for grand schemes thought to yet work just because of his personality while yet Clintons were of blackmailed, it seemed/seems, the first black President into a team of rivals of then his house so divided they like got to world and he left to be a domestic president firstly.  The amount of emoluments laundering through the Clintons’ foundation is so yuge it like for Posterity sets that Obama cannot claim foreign policy successes not firstly primarily to be yet Clintons’ successes of from how move monies around even as a global new Tammany Hall of a patronage scheme.

* For now let us ponder whom are now are experts and to get Ukraine didn’t belong in West at least until it made amends with Moscow at least for having assumed, as I recall, like all of the past debts of their old Union. - that V. Putin is maybe more right at least than Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and differently yet with each. - that Trump shouldn’t necessarily trust V. Putin but can’t ignore the Russian President is yet seeming intelligent of working the problem of areas of world of did somehow cross that unknown line to too irreligious.

           *     *     *     GOD BLESS AMERICA?     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:52 am

By this point Donald J. Trump, President, should be raising hell with the American religious leaders he liberated by how turned back the oppression & suppression by Government by the Johnson Amendment.  President Trump must tread upon those who at least affix a responsibility upon themselves by as “interfaith leaders” with moral outrage appropriately separated from the politics of the issues the realm of faith has as regards Russia & Syria.

By this point those of these united states of the Americas who hold selves up as moral &/or moral leaders should be leading to that President Trump can follow from behind representative of the moral outrage in interfaith tongued.

The Trumpian economic principles matching originalism are of the compassionate of founding constituted economics prudence of Adam Smith and “self-interest” manifest of scriptural old guidance at, to paraphrase, to have a growth economics people must be able sing together.  Trumpian it is now also as of compassionate originalism of the structural objectivism of “self-interest” as each is expected to be of a common sense to that each dawn a responsibility presses to ask if there is a suffice to ”safety in numbers” and adherence of “moral in network” as to be precedent to “self-interest” passed corner stones - as to be prudent to ask first each dawn if safe to proceed to individual interests before assuaging a responsibility for community’s fabric of society.

At this crossroads still now of if President Trump should be able to lead from behind as versus that questionable of leading of Bashar al-Assad & leading of Vladimir Putin we have proprietary duty as citizens of these united states of the Americas for a representative common core to be respectful to that our separation of faiths & state is vertical to that our President and Federal Government are set as equally under our Lord.  President Trump should be raising hell with the American religious leaders - at least of responsibility as “interfaith leaders” for it seems well apparent that the amorality of apostates isn’t yet the fodder for the news stories on Syria, at least.

President Trump personal history on Middle East may be disabling to best judgement on Syria - Russia Putin & Syria Assad - by that his long postured opinions on Iraq War & the removal of Saddam Hussein seem flawed per the “internet of things” space-time coincident of the Arab Spring inevitability.  It may be prudent to test on if President Trump is actually wrong for national security in his opinions of the Iraq War as if just a “war of choice” that could have and should have not been taken on.

Barack H. Obama, President, flaws were far more structural and impotent due naiveté and personal commitment to a secular Socialism dogmatic contrary to originalism - actually unconstitutional by plain meaning interpretations.  President Obama had no solution to Syria & Assad as possible for such was basically a situation of one more failed Socialist state & he was only offering Socialism machinations ideologically & politically.

For the purposes of this essay we are to discuss that President Trump, however wrong, is not impotent as President Obama was by how wrong he was and inadequate to the cause by that he postured as a poser only of Socialism & secular as his resolved to that then for all of a limited and insufficient objectivism to only able to offer subjective mandates to akin to the problematic in the failing of one more Socialist state.

Americans by how set of religious liberty by how constituted by Peoples’ “Order” as of rights from our Lord Creator do have a responsibility upon at least those self ascribed to as “interfaith leaders” to be leading morally in the collective inescapable bodies electric universal & global connectivity to be posturing to perhaps of guidance on Russian Putin & Syrian Assad as posers apostates too also mendacious in leadership.

It may be smarter than President Trump’s long postured view on Iraq & Saddam Hussein to reason and codify a believing in that of the inevitable of the Arab Spring as due the amounting progress of the “internet of things”!

Essentially it may be prudent to accept and not bother the time to attempt to reason to a “logic” that President Obama & especially Secretary R. Clinton were never for a single day right and proper as per at least Syria & Ukraine.

Of these I persist to articulate upon doth now pertain historically to date John R. Bolton views to the dynamic of the Bush years & my earlier opined and reasoned (as against this I press as Trump’s errant) of that without the Iraq War, however a “war of choice” - we of these united states of the Americas would have been trapped on the wrong side of the progressing of the “the internet of things” and to trapped as a common enemy otherwise by inaction - avoidance of assistance to sharing in the new connectivity globally spreading.

Donald J. Trump as a businessman was of the business acumen and attitude to success as a provider of destinations.  President Donald J. Trump likewise is well suited, when shakes off errant, to be a peace time administrator.

Our religious leaders have the responsibility of all Americans of constituted “Order” to religious liberty secured basics of that we the People are supposed to wake each dawn to first consider the general morality of coexistence to if of the suffice in cooperative socialisms to maintain the safety in numbers & in network morality that must be of a daily extant for there to be selfish pursuits not self defeating.

As a provider and marketer of destinations his mettle has been proofed.  President Donald J. Trump natural management style as apropos even Syria now is of respecting the individuals’ liberty and with expectations that moral leadership should be from the people in their participatory work of maintaining a morality with particular expression by leaders on the prudence (divined) of the practicing engaged specifically also to how Christian is the work of Vladimir Putin and as well how adherent to Islam for Muslims of Muslim Bashar al-Assad.

President Trump should but be needing echoing the maintenance of values of the People as to if tag’d for the global universal connective fabric of society an if and how if two leaders are but so secular and cold calculators their rap is as mendacious apostates firstly.

If the leader of Russia and the leader of Syria are not behaving in governance morally by their own claimed faith we as Americans would be of un-American practices if our religious leaders of our re: legion as citizens of religious liberty are silent on their re: legions as if not moral by self-identified morality as per how they doth manage their legions of followers/adherents to secular amoral effected.

We the People have a duty to maintain the morality - to consider each morning before more selfish interests the first self interests of attending to if and how if their is still a suffice for safety in numbers and of the foundational basic of called to be moral in network.

President Trump should not also hobble us by only offering more of the failing them of secular Socialism?

               *       *       *       HAVE FAITH?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:44 am

We cannot long still deny Hillary Clinton is in a pickle - Bill & Hillary may be stuck akin in the same pickle barrel.

These times oddly of James Comey not of trying souls when reasonable souls saw due course affirm a failed copacetic had become, among Democrats, a new normal more convenient.

Aren’t we, mustn’t we, consider how such times may have been apparent to foreign leaders too much in the know as Vladimir Putin, for example, may have felt pinched and of no legal recourse against the Democratic Party corruption short otherwise of asking the International Criminal Court to open charges against ranks of American leadership, Democratic, as too corrupt Socialist.

We are not faced with Mitt Romney, as President, a one victim of the Peter Principle limitations for as to if a Utah Senator their is ample evidence to offer hope that he too yet can serve as a good Mormon.

We have particularly concerning the old Director Comey ad lib’d to evidence is of a Russians’ leader’s dilemma - as specifically parsing parameters for Justice - that James Comey FBI that couldn’t find “intent” of ”Crooked Hillary” amounts considerably as to have been in over their heads to find Vladimir Putin, if of improper collusion, of criminal or crooked intent.

What recourse for justice was then available to any foreign agent of foreign moral agency where a justice department of these united states of the Americas was so “Godfathered” to ascendency overwatch by Bill Clinton keeping offices as the unelected President of the World with strings attached to so so many he and Hillary doth did so appoint?

The “Putin Dilemma” is illustratable of a Harvard complictry of the “intent” sans rising to Director & Justice assuaged.

The “Putin Dilemma” is like of Russell Crowe and a trunk full of millions in cash, per Hollywood metaphors.

The “Putin Dilemma” is also a sad feminism Harvard future case study as “intent” arises to Elizabeth Warren’s old Ivy League area of expertise to of she though much muted to silent when of the peoples’ business she yet remained an expert of that the housing collapse & banking problems were actually much caused by Clintons, and, as historically significant for future scholars to easily now better than Senator Warren of also relevant to that it can be studied of yet bad times of ”TRUMP” business days at least coincide with months and years Democrats economics did actually undermine predictable and fair economics by government meddling imprudent for democratic economics of times.

It is, it truly is, as if now we are yet of a flood of Bidenisms and yet oddly none just from ”Joe” Biden.

To be just on Justice compromised and of by Clintons’ ‘Justice’ a charlatan there is the Biden miss?

Joe Biden coulda have been President by if stood up for Originalism & Constitutional Governance he could have called his Congress pals to impeach the first black President for in-American intent. Oy?

“Leave it to Joe!” was a big fail for beyond “inside the beltway” wasn’t it established of Bill & Hillary personal intent that their own union was conceived & consummated on the ambition for Power to be “the most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School” and to be likewise bent for Power as the first husband & wife to each have a named own Presidency?

Consider poor Vladimir Putin of “Joe” Biden & Director Comey somehow missing the gross corruption or organized contrary politics of the Bill & Hillary “intent” as enough near “ABSOLUTE POWER” to have the intent condemn a mass for crimes different from those Vice President could have risen to President by prosecuting against Barack H. Obama.”

Our “Joe” Biden coulda been a hero - he coulda contended for Justice against the said “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery of the said “first black President” as “Bill Clinton” (oddly if you look objectively at Southern white male core) and the blatant disregard for the Constitutional oath of office of the first half black President one yet more a first black President than William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

Where oh where was, and is, our “Joe” Biden on the oh so so contrary of Senator Elizabeth Warren as one while so supposed to be of the peoples’ of Massachusetts work while yet the expert too silent as the (former) Harvard expert on how the Clintons’ selfish politics (for near “ABSOLUTE POWER”) does better explain why & how economies failed and Donald J. Trump was able to rise as a reformed Clinton Democrat?

How was our dear “Joe” not enough a ‘go to’ for Vladimir Putin to find justice for at least Russians against the Clintons machinations of intent for global supremacy as part and parcel to their “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery and quite of long of confessed criminal intent - as our “Joe” could Bidenize a Bidenism - due essentially Justice perseveres an enemy of the Clintons and not their charlatan made as simply, but for entrenched (& “deep state”) corruption of complitry all Vice President Joseph Biden needed do to defeat the Clintons and restore Justice was,however inconvenient to President Barack Obama, to assert officially that it is clear that with the “intent” of the Clintons long known as akin wants after “ABSOLUTE POWER” we have simply - so simply to not be lost in translation to Russians or Greek - that the Clintons’ have long confessed to TREASON with ever uttered “Post-Constitution” - utterances for justifications for extra-Constitutional Power by posturing as if the CONSTITUTION was dead.

Our “Joe” knows - our “Joe” Biden knows our CONSTITUTION isn’t dead?  Right?

The Tea Party to Republican Movement successes evident in the seating of a for “Law and Order” new President does offer at least Russians & Greeks Justice and a trump to old coy ploy chicanery a Bidenism not Bidenized.

A Bidenism we can concur: For simply the “intent” is diabolical and there have been confessions that are established simply by asserting that the CONSTITUTION is still the law of the land - that our old Peoples’ “Order” did form our Union is our CONSTITUTION still and is NOT dead.

Was the ICC a better avenue - even an open avenue - for say just President Putin to effect corrective Law upon Clintons as too “dons”?

As Clintons “intent” was long uttered to confessed President Obama’s Justice needed just assert the CONSTITUTION was still the law of the land to move to sentencing of too two “dons”?

Forward Donald J. Trump, President, of Attorney General Jeff Sessions is secured as seated by what said “collusion” if ever rose to as accused is yet of a plain language & Bidenism to suffice a defense even while conundrum remains of if FBI couldn’t find “intent” per “Crooked Hillary” they then must be over their heads to establish any honest “intent” per accused of Russians?

A Bidenism also not Bidenized is Hollywood metaphorically of Elizabeth Warren no Russell Crowe for she hath by silence dominant while of Harvard expertise on the Clintons economic crashes complicitry has been more like a bad cop on the take and one who didn’t turn in evidence of Clinton Cash in Democrats’ trunk?

               *       *       *       #LockEmUp?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

It is empirical to our concurrent space-time that matter may weigh heavier on our existential.

The arc of humanity isn’t tangential to the pull of a planetary situational gravity.

Before any attempt to tag ‘imperial’ upon any of these united states of the Americas we have our republican standard re-established about the North Pole connective meta.

The republican of our national orbit fits within the Moscow of Russian Saint Basil spiritual communal and as a good counter to President Putin (a not inevitable next elected President of Russia)?

Aren’t we with President Trump and his effecting stand a posture against a new fascism and for a needed reset for spreading the copacetic of the holidays by refreshing a politics for the pathology of freedom?

A dictionary, any dictionary, can now confuse our celebrations & reaching for better understandings; with only a dictionary, even many an encyclopedia, masses can be wrought ignorant and misguided and unprepared to take on and take down the new fascism long now arising contrary to how long defined since the perversion of the old fascism the Hitler Nazism rode rising in concert whence.

Our discussions can now not suffice if sans a broaching of “imperial” vs “new nationalism”!

Our holidays guidance can be of a united front for Donald J. Trump inherited the march of the Republican Movement to restore “compassionate originalism” and to effectively anew draw the line in the sand as for republican, less of empire, due mass of intellectualism surrounding such is as to renaissance for the pathology of freedom.

I do not know which dictionary President Vladimir Putin uses and if now fitting a New American lexiconography to redefine FASCISM from old as “a movement of the Right” to so now apropos as yet clearly the threat - especially domestic threat - as the too long advanced ‘movement of the Left’ to effect to subordination of subjects to see world like the faces of the Authoritarians of a tyranny tyrannical of whom can be present authorities on political issues.

The republican of the Republicans is a celebration at least of the Christian conceptual to that the poor can become rich and the wealthy can become enslaved - slaves - due incarceration/enslavement.

Again: Of “SOFT POWER - SOFT SELL” espoused priorly there is the conundrum in that to fathom President Trump we must consider what President Putin has done or afforded allowance of to the churches of Moscow as since the 1990s;  We are of the complication of faith in matters of fears of old Soviet methodologies as what was torn down to make way for a shrine to Joseph Stalin is now again a great Cathedral in Christianity in Moscow (- thanks to President Vladimir Putin?).

The real Santa Claus is the Kris Kringle of Russians if not of a lost in translation from apropos - appropriately named a one the accountant of the naughty list whose accounting can spirit forgiveness anywhere as we together of matter of weighing our orbits consequence around the winter equinox and holding to the pulled towards another tracking universal bound as gravity secures us again as subjects of our sun.

We republican of our holidays responsible celebratory must adhere to that fascists can be enslaved - even as by example leaders of Democrat Party past and present can be judged deficient and rightfully too of effected machinations akin empire by Authoritarian tyranny quite by definition as FASCISM - but of the new FASCISTS of the Left, not on right.

Our Republicans are in the right of our republican if now to posture, at least Christian of Christmas time, to that political leaders of the left are now of the “rich” of Christ who can become the “poor” and those of Moses who can by violate of the commandments towards being above slavable -slaves - be now secured to incarcerated as enslavable due violate of the pathology of freedom and quite by definition new FASCISTS of a new FASCISM evidenced.

How just Al Gore machinated for “GLOBAL WARMING” was ALARMISM and towards a base fascism by rendering citizens more just subjects expected to be assimilated to be of seeing the world as in his face - as his spected - a spectacle set by Gore-isms.  There is/was no apostolic spectacle in the fascism of the fascist methodology for “CLIMATE CHANGE” while there was a worked suppression and oppression to move people from their faith.

This far exceeds the evidence of Hillary R. Clinton as seemingly held to long supposed of “HILLARY DID AS HER GOOD BOOK SAYS (ALINSKI’S) - THEY GOT CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE, AND KILLED OFF THE MORAL PEOPLES’ GOD!”

We can be empirical on their NEW NATIONALISM as versus a defense of TRUMP against PUTIN “imperial”?

Our republican basis can continue to be reborn of the new Tea Party & otherwise long successful popular movement of the “Republican Movement” enduring and endearing.

Al Gore wasn’t alone since leaving Clinton White House & Clinton Administration of being a former of such then forward of froward misbehavior in-American as of to in-democratic conduct unbecoming a unseated former executive of the People’d; To understand concurrent fascism parties we must look honestly at the dishonesty of President Clinton and Vice President Gore backwards and forward as white men of the South who had means, motives, and opportunities of ulterior motives.

Our proper Christmas spirit for how the spirit an enunciation and articulation, even exclamatory, with “Merry Christmas” is that thanks to Moses, Crist, our republic’s founding fathers and the Peoples’ “Order” the constituted constitution ratified by the peoples we have that it is Christian that slavery is allowed in the Bible and our republican secured “Order” the peoples constitution.

However you consider breaking bread “with” Donald J. Trump, President, we yet have evidenced our concurrent political set of Republicans are republicans post Democrat Party “New Nationalism” advanced.

However you party these holidays it is still especially Christian that we accept and celebrate that those our “leaders” can become enslaved - incarcerated - slaved, and, in 2017 we have the situational paradigm of that we have that (former) leaders are evidenced to be now, particularly President Clinton, Vice President Gore (and first black President, Barack H. Obama) are with “Crooked Hillary” as a set - a variety of partisans - whom now should  be considered as due exercised democracy sans prejudgement within the scripture & constituted due process towards due to become slavish due in-American Authoritarian tyrannical methodology akin the new best definition of FASCISM.

We should be vigilant and consider of the Christian (sympathizer) Russian President Vladimir Putin “imperial” if it is proper & safe to tag American President Donald Trump as not ‘for empire’ but as one a new Republican firstly consequentially as a “republican”!

As we share our humanity connective & communal of the holidays of our existential & metaphysical as bodies electric we have that matter reasons to weigh heavier as gravity of the equinox pre-supposes since not tangential we yet are all pulled back to our core generally equally maybe with greater force as earth holds to a universal sun orbit.

As we weigh our politics we may find relief in the holidays of our weight may increase not due to family, community, political stress but due our terra firma of our celestial specific planetary is of we are more pulled together as we are sans tangential and our orbit gravitationally normal for a passing thru the nadir and towards recycling to the apex.

Our smallness is of our greatness as we celebrate the particulars of our universal and considerate of the march restorative for the Peoples’ “Order” did “form” our “Union” and while we face (honestly devoid assimilated to a Left “fascism”) that our progress is joined by MAGA amassed united forces of humanity in furtherance of the “Republican Movement” of which President Donald J. Trump is a more “republican” of than an “imperial”?

Let me be clear: By the way:  Are we all heavier at the holidays tangential to our consumption for due the gravity of the holidays if significant to that we are regular in our cyclical at the nadir equinox of the matter heavier consequentially of we to not be tangential bodies are yet bodies pulled closer harder to our common core - our local “home” planetary?

Let me be clear: Yes, by the way, again:  It is Christian & Constitutional that President Clinton, Vice President Gore, & President Obama have evidenced variant methodologies so contrary to our constituted protective prudence that they have been violate of the commanded through Moses and now considerably upturned & legally allowed to become slaved/slaves/enslaved and so the “poor” can be rich again to a restoration renaissance for the pathology of freedom!

  *       *       SAINTS’ CLAUSE - FORGIVENESS, BUT?       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

Onward together we have, quite, that it is time to cut the cheese - intelligently, at last.

As all the crap that is hitting the fans is sticking to President William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton as the least of the intelligent of the world should now be seeing and recognizing we have Emmanuel Macron French resistance to pare, too.

We cannot now much long endure or tolerate how much Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton is being postured in a vacuum - in and of a world only possible with alternative facts somehow trumping history & realities.

This man we judge as President Donald J. Trump is at least unfairly prosecuted as long as comparative literal historicals are not also related and by a political ruler measured to against the beginning days of that we’ve been of of a darkness as it is that it did much begin in President Clinton’s early days and as it was by President Barack H. Obama in his early days to have been set worse and more diabolically bad.

To relate to where the real world is now concurrent to the “RUSSIANS CHARADE” we must not ignore or fail to deeply consider that the President of France is by choice a Catholic and to now politically maybe less Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette than Saint Frances of Assisi, - or more Prussian and of a day a new era where British, Americans, Russians and likes of such as of Catholicism are forced to be allied of real alliance.

Before we get to how bad it is coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton let us embark on an overdue refresher on the dynamic of Senator Barack H. Obama becometh President.  If I recall correctly it was Hu Jintao, Leader of China, predecessor to Xi Jinping, who much concerned like Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest, nearly in unison, as reformers from past COMMUNISM & SOCIALISM to being new days’ CAPITALISTS. President Barack H. Obama did against such Leaders’ pleads move his administration away from their economics to more CAPITALISTIC & FUTURISTIC and to how we bore it out of having brought, with Secretary William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton, these united states of the Americas nearer & nearest ever to actually COMMUNISTIC.

With such re-established and to be broadcast forward as much as necessary we must also accept that while Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest he even harkened to a sticking to such old proved wrong pathology could result in the U.S.A. falling apart into 6 separate more regional smaller loose collaborations of states.  Historicals doom President Barack H. Obama if we the People can finally get enough good souls to hear and listen to more than the chattering propaganda of Democrats misdirection by alternative facts.

We will get eventually to how bad this is all coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton for Posterity sans Tranquilty.

For now responsible discourse is begging; - for now we, if we can manage a suffice, must also see the Democrats RIDICULOUS as spun so that we can appreciate sufficiently that at the times Democrats were posturing for a selling of a NEW GREAT DEPRESSION they misdirected attention spans so couldn’t bridge to TRUTH that they, not BUSH, were responsible and that most of their solutions of their sad SOLUTIONS TYRANNY were not necessary if Senator John McCain had won and been then to what now REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT Donald J. Trump, President, is reseting considerably.

Let me be clear:  By 2009 a recovery - a real recovery - was possible as by how Republicans were then set to be united with McCain/Palin and even without sacrificing the actual climate.

It is essential to be to understanding - seeing your way clear to appreciating - Senator John McCain is at least as good a man as President Donald J. Trump, and, we are of historicals to relate to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that a real recovery was very possible while inconvenient to Democrats for the first critical political step was to have then otherwise achieved a clarity of scope by telling the real history of that the Democrats caused the at least new great RECESSION by SUPPRESSION means for a convenient CRISIS around that CLIMATE CHANGE POLITICS needed at least $4 gasoline inflated to for to effect the BEHAVIORAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING in their then over 10 years old plan.

We needn’t here trouble ourselves with fully detailing how Senator John McCain coulda been as much a contender if not also of so many suppressed by so many alternative facts seeded sufficiently with a dumbed down upon masses of Democrats.

On William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton and spouse is also much of the shame and real history burdens President Barack H. Obama shall more and more find himself self-to-chains snared.  Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton due her repeated losing is a sub-character to these men to suffer Posterity with diminishing Tranquility.

Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is one to watch to see if intelligence of a suffice to see past the troubling and responsible of messes of the Democratic Party of these united states of the Americas at subterfuge to the CONSTITUTION at the objected to collusions that effected Americans to as now still too near that of becometh nearer and nearest ever to COMMUNISM.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did in his first months is fitting to his nickname as it was SLICK like rumored of bad used cars salesmen how he played the Gulf Countries Council Leaders by getting commitments from them to, as recalled, “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS” for all bad history COLD WAR regional problems prior to his ascension to Leader.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did as per the G.C.C. was dastardly and SLICK and of INTENT to scope out of amorality the tool to playing Leaders by on “on their honor” while he then made matters worse by more AMERICAN ABANDONMENT and the inaction and avoidance that festered and festered due he amorally chose on Saddam Hussein, as I recall, of doing near nothing due he didn’t want to - - - NOT by a worked through responsible moral Leadership as by the MORALS of SHOULD or SHOULDN’T.

We’ve all inherited the mess William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton stirred while festering and as SLICK too for calculated, as I recall, by trapping G.C.C. Leaders on their honor so that for his eight years their politics, despite his DEPLORABLE leadership, was of them kept on their HONOR and word promised to “TO JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS”!

Sadly the words on such matter that Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., as Nobel Peace Prize recipient at speechifying as orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” (paraphrased from memory) have like long been disavowed by the first black President of the united states of the Americas he swore the oath of office and pledged allegiance priorly.

William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton seeded with SLICK amoral first steps and kept martialed that Leaders across the Persian Gulf region as otherwise HONORABLE Leaders would then be during the CLINTONS’ YEARS be stuck to always needing to find alternative facts by which to govern and relate globally, especially with Americans of the U.S.A..

This is a building mess Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” “Hillary” Clinton is married to and indivisible from eventually.

It remains now a conundrum of how new Prussian Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is for region by choice Catholic as evolved also from Socialism to his more recent successes as an Independent.

We must now hope and pray globally with as many initiatives - even novenas - that Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is enough of the philosopher he studied and trained to amount to.

It behoove us all to be ready at the quips - even squibs - to render understanding forward of how Chinese & Russian Leaders did try to warn Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., from his chosen path of forward blind to the lessons already present and clearly some understood of failings and failures of SOCIALISM.

It doth behoove us to consider Catholics forward even as if seems selling Emmanuel Macron as more a new Prussian than Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette.

The European Union was conceived and progressed with at a time, philosophically stirring economics, when such a formative effort would undermine the readiness otherwise of a global economic growth period to to evolve as then was seeded and spouting til squashed and marshaled under Power hungry too SOCIALISTIC parties & individuals of selfish motives.

The conversions of Emmanuel Macron may be a thing of the past as to chose Catholicism and by a late baptism, & of to moving from SOCIALISM to his current state in INDEPENDENCE; - We all have the scope of the problems of the European Union and NATO slipping under Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., still threatening of that (as detailed throughout here in “#SOCIALISM SQUIBS” #HOGAN #CATS (categories)) of that by 2009 the cast was set of our concurrence not witness of Iraq, Ukraine, Syria of three more failed SOCIALIST states.

Donald J. Trump, Leader of the Free World?  Emmanuel Macron, Philosopher Convert, tasked to bring France from precipice of repeating Barack H. Obama, failed President, unfathomable mistakes of moving towards COMMUNISM while the dynamic of world bodies and economics was of cascading failures in secular SOCIALIST dogmatic methodologies?

And, now as we are waiting for Macron - Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, let us see our way clear to accepting that a Federal Bureau of Investigations, as witnessed of Director James Comey, if unable to see crooked INTENT in means of Mr. & Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton ends we are to amend concern for French as delays to be expected of efforts to progress as long as an FBI is effectually blind and at least then unable to see/discern Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, INTENT.  These may actually be days best for an alliance akin Waterloo winning.

           *       *       REMEMBER THE PRUSSIANS       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:32 am

To understand a statesmen in Hamilton, one, today, must consider what has happened to churches in Moscow since the 1990s.

Neither a Queens Presbyterian nor a Congregationalist Christian can deny the “HOLY” anew Russian aspect as if Vladimir Putin has been a dedicant to be a “Merry Templar” Moscow garbed.

We can and must consider Alexander Hamilton and of if Rex Tillerson is already ready to fend off Barbarians - akin to Barbary Piracy of the terms of Thomas Jefferson associated.

The Donald J. Trump nominee to be our top Diplomat seems of the crown of thorns and as ready at thorns in one’s side strong lines and if even a need to brine dried beans over-night a necessary remedial prescription.  To say brines for thorns a tool in his bag of tricks may be basic it though remains of that he is to inherit vast problems from eight years rebellious from common sense.

The Donald J. Trump nominee to be Secretary of State of these united states of the Americas presents of that a Congregationalist Christian is a easier fit under a Queens Presbyterian than a Mormon or a Catholic.

The Donald J. Trump cabinet is coming together as matured beyond the ocularity suffered lots of born witness to President Barack H. Obama so much of but “sandbox” diplomatic play sans effect as sans morality plays dynamics.

Russia is not of the paradigm President Obama wanted it to be as he commenced to be to his “Personality Presidency” his suggested guidance as if of his “personality” of a suffice for all moderation of world’s affairs.

President Vladimir Putin and Party Leader of China Xi Jinping predecessor Hu Jintao are to be commended for their early rebukes of new President Obama and of their attempts to turn him from his wrong direction - to turn him to capitalism and as from his Socialist megalomaniacal aspiration to bring Americans outta their constituted and into his like a “New Stalinist” dictum and Climate Change Tyranny.

It more falls now on President-Elect Donald J. Trump to set the table of Diplomacy for Secretary Rex Tillerson by serving up criticism historical of such President Obama whence chided to turn from doing as their countries had done and to being more capitalistic of how they now forward were to trying to be to evolve their own systems of government and economics.

A making of America “GREAT AGAIN” is a Hamilton conundrum; - To be “GREAT AGAIN” we all must accept that President Obama many errant effected in officialdom were exercised in anti-Hamilton and un-Hamilton methodisms. President Obama’s greatest flaw may endure as a criticism of that he erred by governing near opposite to how Alexander Hamilton prescribed and affected.

Yes!!!  We must consider the unexpected as possible and that the new Russian paradigm is of President Putin effecting as if to be eventually a “Merry Templar” and a new evangelizer of the rebirth of Christianity in Moscow and its parishes.  We must also respect what Moscow has done to churches - even for churches - since the 1990s.  Even if shy of being an Orthodoxy evangelizer President Putin is back to basics in embrace of Crimea and Ukraine portions that are historically of majorities as consecrated from the Moscow Christian Orthodox See - of Saint Basil* and even the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Yes, it wasn’t only President Putin who tried to warn President Obama off from heading in the wrong direction - from not learning from past mistakes of Russians.  President Putin wasn’t wrong, now even in hindsight amassed ocularity, of that America would divide under President Obama if he did persist to be so old Russian.  Yes, it is recalled that even the President of the Peoples Republic of China was also expressant sans a suffice with admonishment upon President Obama of attitude that he was commencing on a path of turning America and Americans to too Socialist.

On Alexander Hamilton opportunities to be a good example and catalyst for learning of vast erring by President Obama let us consider a querious of if Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is naturally strong, otherwise, and of respecting that the “banking” and “Constitutional” designs of Federalist Hamilton as to us of a confederate republic a liberal democracy was design not to firstly have POWER but primarily to be of a Federal to agility with a system of banking for liquidity & readiness.

President-Elect Donald J. Trump must now, as necessary, say to brine of the thorns to be inherited can be a remedial prescribed still yet in time of the pork, turkey, fibrous legumes passed, and, table a prudence for inheritance of crown of thorns morality plays to arts of diplomacy restorative from backwards and inadequate of pea brained spillage of vast collateral rendered mashable passed.

We can toast to a HOPE in a new Secretary of State as from the lot as risen to be duty charged for Diplomacy Rex Tillerson.  Rex Tillerson may not, like myself, need still try to live up to having played some squash - club squash - in youth and to having bought a Slazenger Diplomat as my racket of choice, nor may Secretary Tillerson have to personally try to live up to an old college Philosophy paper I have shared as “CAPITALISM: THE PATH TO WORLD PEACE” as a long essayed some upon the “THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH” by Frantz Fanon.  I in past year did opine to my godson a current college studying of that I set out to counter of such paper grading of noted proffered near “IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE” (paraphrased of by Villanova Univerity Professor Ed Goff) to not have to edit such paper’s import by setting out more dedicated to proof it as possible and well reasoned.

The portion of the Ukraine “reclaimed” by President Putin is statistically historically of that figured of the the Eastern third of Ukraine is Moscow Orthodox Christian while the Western third is Greek Orthodox and with the middle third like the problem leading area as too “irreligious” and of to that like Iraq and Syria it can be calculated and summed of that Ukraine became also too “irreligious” and became of these as a third a then to an also failed secular Socialist state.

President Putin does appear more “HOLY” at least when rationally measured against President Obama and his Secretaries Secretary Clinton and Secretary Kerry; - President Putin embrace of old Soviet regions of Ukraine as of which are historically See’d of the Moscow Orthodox Christian Church was not an offensive effected for it became a responsive defensive counter to the NATO & European Union meddling President Obama and his hench people were party to as a trigger.

America was GREAT in the time of Alexander Hamilton of the how “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is showing a constituted suffice to be restorative to forward.  President Obama failed to learn the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Union and became vastly errant while so also be an Un-Hamilton.  President Trump is consummating a new consecration of the “HOLY” in Federalism as originally of a confederate republic for a liberal democracy, and as his selection of the many called to Rex Tillerson the chosen one abiding the truth of a resurgence in Christianity within at least Moscow, - of Russia, Russians. 

Alexander Hamilton must be dissected, primarily it seems for an understanding favorable to Capitalism, as being saintly to the structured for National of that banking systems were designed not by firstly working an architecture for POWER as it seems the enduring prudence endears of that such worked to must have come from designing firstly for agility in liquidity for readiness.

Though as a Washington DC general contractor, and as a carpenter, I did before the attacks of September 11, 2001 - months before - install new closet doors in the Watergate condominiums for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice it can be proffered of that President Trump and his cabinet with Secretary Tillerson are to inherit problems from how the Left since 1993 has been of Democratic Party leaders as missing the whole “irreligious” paradigm problem.

President Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump will be arrested from progress if Secretary of State Tillerson doth not side to BREXIT as due for triggered by naive and backwards leading by President Obama con NATO & con the European Union as per moves on/with Ukraine.

Even Crimean can be said to be of valleys of liberation in spirit of a “HOLY” in the “Putin Complex” Rx**.  Russian can be said to have created safe spaces in old Ukraine in the basic truth of Moscow Orthodoxy as rooted in the social construct and concept of that “religion” is firstly self-governance.

The light of the Russian battalions and their charges can be deemed LIBERATING as President Obama lead triggered the BREXIT as party to the problem of like Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine old secular Socialist (Ba’athist perverted) three are historically measurable as considerably just three more failed Socialist states somehow of becometh too irreligious - too blinding subscribed to failed secular Socialist dependency ideology.

To understand Rex Tillerson we must cotton to “Mr. BREXIT” into the Presidency of Donald J. Trump!  Yes, of a “HAMILTON II” redux’d!

There is prudence and common sense if this “LIBERATION” mashable on Crimea & Ukraine’s Eastern third as Moscow See’d! Honestly!!!

The rap of President Barack H. Obama as I work it out as hashable as #TheBadPresident to http://TheBadPresident now holding for a book so titled, as a compilation of the necessary mass of http://jphogan.org collections related, will be profferable and deep into his greatest failures to having near been always wrong on at least ISIS and Ukraine by missing the “irreligious” inherent fundamental causal rooted.

The American participation to as if Ukraine should move West to NATO and the European Union was a just trigger as an offensive ill considered first strike to which President Putin had a response that relates to a new Russian evangelism!  Possibly!  Donald J. Trump has been more right than who he inherits a vast mess from in the new Year!  Democrats have been WRONG!

President Barack H. Obama legacy seems ready to endure and persist to concluded of that he was always wrong not to have heeded Russian and Chinese admonishment of his professed direction at to be away from moral capitalism and backwards to ways of their learned from failed in Socialism governance.  Trump rise is on that President Obama failed to heed President Putin, at least, as to hand of opining postured to advise a turning away too from secular Socialism.

President Trump and Secretary Tillerson will principally need to guide from the errant and excesses of President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry of to like being restorative as curative in a premeditated of prescribing fixes to how besotted President Obama cabal was to trying to defeat the American lead defeat of Socialism. - of secular Socialism!!!

Yes we need to get back to Alexander Hamilton!  Yes we need a new popularity and plurality with the pop of Alexander Hamilton!  Yes!  After President Barack H. Obama not just the People of these united states of the Americas are prudent towards fathoming much went wrong just because, simply, the Left tried to govern opposite to Hamilton’s prescribed.

To be support crew the Trump Cabinet need be joined to the experience and acumen of Rex Tillerson and just so the President can forward be Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump, President of these United States of America - as actually constituted - a leader wise to “irreligious” widely problematic!!!

To this teased as though improbable to impossible as yet a consideration necessary to fathom President Vladimir Putin we must endear a full consideration for Russia, like Syria, has no choice but to find ways forward from problems developed from somehow crossing a fine line in secular Socialism as to having a nation become of a people amassed to too irreligious.

America, itself, can not possibly be restored to “GREAT AGAIN” if the basics are not reconstituted also to that religion is respected as firstly self-governance and a keystone to that governments can actually be of the People free by religiosity, by the People voluntarily dedicants to organized extra-nation organized morality, and for the Peoples to general Welfare and Posterity!!!  Our pledged allegiance to flag is for due process and Justice.

God Bless America - our Lord is the same of Jews, Christians, Muslims.

                   *       *       *       BELIEVE?       *       *       *


* [I confess I am still ignorant of whom Saint Basil is, even as since I spotted his bust in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, NYC, NY, USA.]

** [See at http://CitizenRosebud.com - here - the categories left justified for the collections of “#SOCIALIST SQUIBS” “#PUTIN ESSAYS” & “#ISLAM SQUIBS”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

What is in a name?  Is Trump the milk in your cereal? - the butter on your artisan breads? - the aged in your Kentucky staved stayed oaken barrels banded spiriting? - the “UN-CLINTON”?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - are revenant - are of an American Renaissance passing to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA.

The waddles of the “THE BEAVER STATE” to the “THE BLUEGRASS STATE” are strummin’ “DIXIE”? - “YANKEE DOODLE”? - HALLEJULAH? - SHAKE IT OFF?

The legends of the beaver’d states of Kentuckians and Oregonians are embattled to if any American standards remain “under God”!  Hillary Clinton is pimpin’ Bill Clinton as an “AMERICAN PUTIN” - a thought kept from more presidencies yet restored to Powers.  Hillary Clinton is setting asunder regular order and common sense, with (accomplices) like of Chris Wallace of FOX, as any whom posture that Mrs. Clinton, as per 2016, is “HAS BEEN VETTED” is abridging due process and prudence.

For history by legends of/about the “THE CLINTON” isn’t it like Governor Daniel Malloy (D) (CT) is akin like a “CLINTON LOYALIST” - -Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) (NY) as profferable as like a “REFORMED CLINTONITE” - - Governor Jerry Brown (D) (CA) as a counter as still like a died in the cotton JESUIT anchored?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - Kentucky & Oregon are beset of HILLARY CLINTON seeming in a “DELUDED STATE”!  I.E.:  The Clintons inherited the 1990s recovery and it of set up for a new urban agenda to develop a unity forward from the Reagan Revolution, and the Rehnquist Revolution, of my HOGAN restoration scribing of like the little known “HOGAN REVOLUTION” of setting up the postured “NEW WORLD ORDER” around my “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” and as it was to creating a focus on NEW HAVEN and for URBAN AGENDAS for whomever was President - a re-elected or elected.

Mrs. Clinton has a problem pimpin’ “Bill” so as if a GREAT WHITE HOPE for he didn’t build what she is bustin’ moves to posture they did.  A THINK to such solutions doesn’t seem to have a historical forensics to that a pathology to such can come from lifestyles so political as is the core common to the psychological profiles seeming rooted in the “THE CLINTON” as as Clintons of the SOUTH.  The THINK to what worked in the 1990s to have been of a synchronicity of national harmony, at least, was only possible from years to a decade of preparations - of years more in self sacrifice than flamboyant self/selfish aggrandizement - spoiled lots.

In sports terms it is more less like a JESUIT discipline won the days for more august of a “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS” methodology of AUGUSTINIAN BROTHERHOOD of HIPPO THINK of “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” secured the neural pathways for a shared humanity - A VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY roots tolled the bugles, bells, and drumbeats.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me, and especially since the three of us have a history of knowing each other since the early 1970s and to when they were still just Yale Law School co-eds dating, and on a walk about through my neighborhood - as when I was near a first grader.  Their first impression wasn’t good - but was concerning for it included them asking me if they both could become a President some day.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me even more so for my political strategizing since 2008 was to advising the “Grand Old Party” they should, to defend the Constitution, work forward as a “PARTY OF NO” so that a clear line of demarcation would become self evident between say the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” held views.  And, because I asked CNBC, while considering if I were to join their ranks, to have one of theirs pronounce to the world like a “AMERICA COULD USE A NEW TEA PARTY”!

DEMOCRATS your leaders would have you believe this means that I must be a RACIST for opposing the first black President - for setting up a workable opposition lines of separation between ORIGINALISM and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S quasi “constitutionalism”!  I AM NOT A RACIST!!! - - - CASE IN POINT:  E.G.:  THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS THAT WON THE DAYS OF 1992 AND BEYOND FOR THE CLINTONS WAS MY “BACK TO BASICS” EMPATHY RENDERED GLOBALISM OF MY RENDITIONS IN THE CORE OF MY #TCONF.


Kentuckians and Oregonians:  Back to basics of 2016:  It is improper and sloppy for any, especially a Wallace, to posture that Hillary Clinton has already been “VETTED”!!!  Mrs. Clinton as of May 2016 is in the throws as unvetted and being investigated for the years as Secretary of State and then as like just “First Mate” of the CLINTON FOUNDATION.  Mrs. Clinton can NOT be said as “VETTED” for her last two jobs at least until the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE report is finalized, and at least as well until the investigation(s) into the #CGI “CGI” “CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES” and their email practices have been rendered judged and meted to the “JURY OF YOUR PEERS” prudence of established jurisprudence processes.

Kentucky and Oregon:  Please let they world know you are now induced to a #Vote4Hillary due a suppression by the imitation sweetness pimp’d of “CLINTON COOL-AID”!!!

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats:  Mitch McConnell as a Republican Leader of the Senate did well by CONSTITUTIONALISM - not by a #IAMRACIST - as while standing up a dichotomy by a “PARTY OF NO” to a separation to be self evident between the legal school of say a “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the quasi legal “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!

I am the soul to be first tried as NOT #RACIST for dedication upon the politics of opposition against the first black President!!!

I am for the #BEAVERWARS so for it is too a long story that after Leonardo DiCaprio as “GATSBY” I did again push him, and this time towards bringing back the AMERICA era of the “BEAVER WARS”!  In the http://myblog.jphogan.org blog archived for NOVEMBER 2010 there is chronologically that which scrolls in the mix of the months essays in reverse order my series of “BEATRICE BOXER AND THE BEAVER WARS” set some around Kentucky for McConnell, and Ohio, for Boehner. 

Such is in a holding pattern to be maybe a TV series akin to the genre of “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” as wholly around beavers. 

Such is in my holding pattern yet while of a “NANCY POTTER” of topiary bushes and a “bad teacher” “HILLARY”!

If you think that the new “TEA PARTY” was “RACIST” as CLINTON DEMOCRATS are still abiding an ignorance to shallow over a deep probative you should think guardedly to like Bill Clinton like “PUT THE BANANA IN YOUR TAILPIPE”!!!

The lure of “DONALD TRUMP & THE NEW GOP” is like a grand old party for afternoon teas about the republican tea leaves formed for daily analysis to be girded and guarded from more HILLARY “tempests”!  There is a growing dynamic of “NEW REPUBLICANS” for afternoon teas about the believable of one of QUEENS’ PRESBYTARIANS!!!

Of HIPPO of brotherhood of AUGUSTINIANS there is a modern hip hop beat more to a rap HAMILTONIAN of SAINT AUGUSTINE from “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” to street and beat poetry more as outta breakfasts of as if “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS”!!!  Jesuit Governor Jerry Brown of California may have already helped Governor Mary Brown of Oregon to a Christian regional sufficed.

How one now practices their shared humanity in “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is reset to that there can be no “FREEDOM FROM RELIGION” as “religion” is that of the all of interpreted for all (neighborly)!  2016 and beyond may be reset to a “hellish” trepidation of thresholds of levels of “devilish” and taggin’ of “LUCIFERS” and in a good way as for the global economics to sing like of 2 Corinthians of the capitalism of Paul’s letters at least of the KING JAMES BIBLE and recover to harmonics for growth in how said economics are of that peoples must be like of singing together.

                           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

HAMILTON nailed the beat for 2016 when he scribed his FEDERALIST squib as FEDERALIST PAPER #1 to that the CONSTITUTION is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!!!















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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

Tainted by a too selfish the campaign of Hillary2016 to fall! - common sense to rise a new!  Eden to be restored!

Roger! Roger! Teamsters, to Bedouins, too desert rats of these times.  Bill Clinton is of the banana in the tailpipe.

How now exhausted, of Hillary Clinton hot air, the of Mrs. Clinton are beset, is definitely of her, - are combustibles.

These are the times of retreaded Clintonisms, on the road again, - the mileage is showing yet on the “Hillary”; she didn’t just take a “path less traveled” in America, — she embarked time and time again, outward, discordant, on routing, to American, that just are not for constitutionals; — they have tread too long contrary, - too long against/upon the tao of the Constitution.

It is broached her high fashioned, - to of misdemeanors in her “walks” un-Constitutionals, as high crimes, probated to criminal, as concurrent the death of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, are so broached to conspiracy deadly serious for where there is or is not #HillaryEmail there is that it is is of Bill Clinton as reconcilable as networked of President Bill Clinton’s server.

The Clinton “bloated” may not be now as self-evident, despite their selfish blockage, and yet for too many of unknown as to how much their known has been yet already aborted - - - blocked, and blocked, and blocked from brethren’d born, of their work’d at.

If you can recall so much of this started with the “America” car, “economic”, in the ditch! If you can imagine it now, as it just don’t jive forward, any longer, as if there due ALL BUSH’S FAULT, then imagine all that is jiving now is akin to a Clinton banana in the “American” tailpipe, and as so lately finally discovered; — If you can figure it: These times toll the Republic has been compromised by a Clinton “banana” and a pathology forensic can seemingly route to a too selfish Clintons!

The path, the route, the un-Constitutional treacherous to the original tao, of the yet now retreaded Clintons is fresh, while rooted, to a vice of selfishness, not apropos the heroine, however, of THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS.

Forward, justly, the path to Eden (, back to Eden?) is as to your Governor, — to a deep querious toe’d in, for honest, and realistic discussing, as to if your Governor is the worst Governor of all the Governors of these united states “American”!

#JustIN for Indians likely to a “just in” that their Governor must be better than yours’ — As Pensive to the new millennials as to #JustIN for a state’s own broadcast new media platform, it in a prima facia just seems he is further along with Indiana as restored to a growth Eden structural economics, — it seems however pensive you may be of your own we are of days of e-ecosystems where however, good, or, bad, your own domain is, and your “leader(s)” we are across the wire-less border to it sooner rather than later that there will be public shaming in public listings as public e-listed ratings, especially for your state’s state of “Eden” or “Hellish”!

Perchance, to juxtapose, V. Putin as a “governor” of gaggles of indigenous humanoids happy footed while of bitter cold eco-system environs, naturally?  How do we compare ye state, as if a republic, or of a republic, and to Russian pride(s), and as prophylactically from too delivered from Eden to Hellish?  How must V. Putin “RUSSIAN” statehood be of a greatest threat forward even to your state as a republic at least a a micro-Eden a new for growth economics?  How must V. Putin, of his pride, to their proud, not be an ultimate as your Governor’s challenger, to your republican keep as hopefully not merely a penultimate reality?  The frozen gaggles indigenous of Putin’s HAPPY FEAT pride have globally a RUSH to defend, in branding (wars), as to their vodka, as of their spirit, as ready for a best rush’d, to FASTER, HARDER, STRONGER deliverant?

The PROUD for Russian pride is illuminating to what battles for a global relevance you and your Governor are commenced engaged in, and even if your thing is more slow sipping Kentucky whiskey, - your own best attitude for different “latitudes”!

Our greater Republic has been too long beset by the vice of selfishness of the Clintons! our republic did become bloated under Clintonomics as trumpeted as “AMERICAN” to be too of a hyper-consummerism to not just spending near every penny you had but to, as encouraged by your President, to be betting with more than you had, or could have (due to how they were set out to burn our economic candle from both ends at once in their selfishness for popularity, not questioned)!

Teamsters are wrong, still if road warriors for that of Obama’s so as it was to be as if eitherwise to Hillary’s! teamsters are on the road in capitialism, but for these days of a wrongful nationalization for Socialized new trickle-down by GREEN AGENDA edicts, and compliance! teamsters, as troopers for “Eden’s” deliveries, are so that more states can have shining cities on their hills! teamsters are generally for delivering the dreams fodder, or shipping out from the sharable to profitable returns of little pieces of “heaven” well worked or more basically sown and reaped! teamsters are travelers whom must have predispositions in a disciplined to relate, and relate, and relate, where ever they are then to of other’s at work to their own Utopian Edens.

#FeelTheBern to Teamsters, Bedouins, deserts’ rats of these times, is yet to the micro- to local- for solidarity of workers united to each to an own “Eden”; — #PreparationH is yet that we harken contrary to the tolls of the vice of the Clintons selfishness of #Hillary2016, - motives!

You will soon be listed and rated, the new world order is nearly here! you will soon, with your town, and state, be ranked and publicly praised or shamed by your listed score! you all will have to dump the nationalized socialism of Obama Democrats, as was to have been yet if by Hillary’s Clinton Democrats (, as they did in 2007-2008 equate as equals in politics at least for having made nearly all the same exact promises to be so dedicated, and from constitutionals in the Constitution) and start trucking however your bed to beddings, your most ready to compete, with the PROUD in the RUSH of Russians - their spirited spirits, and others robust toe’d ins, to commenced competitives.

Let your state not be a Banana Republic, unless your business is of the virtue of bananas, not the vice of a keepers selfishness!

Before we ask if your Governor, at least, is the penultimate or worst Governor in our Republic let us hope you’ve been to asking and addressing such yourselves long already!

You, forward, need not #TRUMP to succeed, — trumping is yet bettered yet by equally say a relevance, say a quality, say a Ortho’d, even with Russia now quite simply constituted to be a greatest economic threat, - for their pride.

Your state needn’t be a BANANA REPUBLIC, nor a republic, to be established as a new “Eden” — it behoove ye be prudent to your Posterity for Tranquility to firstly consider your Republic may need not a TRUMP as a president but all Governors more Pensive to endowed to be of their own #JustIN, and budgeted yet to be a equal SHOWMAN, — or better at least than penultimate!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t alone in a blasphemy to the Founding Fathers’ ordained Order;  Democrats generally have been afoul of “Constitutional” in all their attempts to a progressive when as if justified because thought to a more perfect Union.  The Constitution is the is that is the Order that forms the “the more perfect Union.”  It has been nearly arrested how Democrats since 2009 have been of erring for process and practices as if the mere thought that an initiative can be said  to a “more perfect” than the Constitution as if forward by “in order to…” as active forward as licensed as of a trumping of “Constitutional” yet.

I may be impossible to combat, or debate, an Islamic State, any IS too insurgent, if and when such as “American” is undermined and diminished from more prudent practice and proper established republican procedures original and foundational to national morality.  Blaspheme may be too strong but as allegorical but yet poetic for a brevity like of reduced instruction set computing coding.  Blaspheme may relate for it seems to have endured and endearing that the Founding Fathers’ thought themselves of apostolic work in convention so dedicated to it the Constitution as a SPECTACLE of faith set forward as a THE MORE PERFECT humbly subscribed as established as “done” so ordained that Year of US Lord.  If it is then that the Constitution as the “Order” “to form a” such “more perfect Union” is so a SPECTACLE apostolic in harmony to the Lord of the New Testament morality then it may be some but not too severely yet of a blaspheme - seems!

Though as seeming meant as a bar to any so now of a “Socialism” the “Order” so is for a Nation a Union under God and so that such as ‘in order to form a more perfect Union” is as so of “Order” originally and not a license as if a loophole for any new (progressive) idea to be as if Constitutional by being as if profferable as “more perfect”!

So the most alarming Democrat Party posture is now that with their any Islamic State however Islamic there is the is that if she is, as Mrs. Clinton, posited as a desirable for again of high office that she then is an is to the is the ISIS that is an embodiment political and historic to amount to the worst thing the The United States of America could yet proceed to in their interests to becoming yet safer, if safer by Democrat Party leadership can amass more security.  Yes, if there were not the 22nd Amendment and so the affected term limits to William J. Clinton being a “TOP DOG” or “TOP GUN” political newly to the offices at the The White House it would be considerable as a task to yet discern if a return of Mr. Clinton wouldn’t increase the risks to safety yet more than the return of Mrs. Clinton.

For some perspective to such, and by way of historical coincidences, please first consider there are now two 9/11 events to anniversary of a common enemy.  And, that due to the rise of the “THE CLINTON” in Charlotte, North Carolina at the last Democrat Party Convention, and such rise as of a “RETURNED” President Clinton (however to introduce President Obama) it is too coincidental that the attacks on the “STATE” “HOUSE OF CLINTON” as the “STATE” “BENGHAZI COMPOUND” seem to relate 9/11 II to 9/11 I and as if of a vigilantism and response to it then global of too much of a return (of unrepentant) President Clinton.  For perspective:  If ISIS is an is at all an is like Al Qaeda was/is and is then the worst thing any of such “American” can now do is to promote that there should be a return of either Clinton and any resurrection of either while at least the Democrat Party Convention speech by President William J. Clinton showed him as unrepentant and RETURNED.

There is that if we are at all “more safer” now it may only be an is and is because the Clintons seem enough arrested from renewed insufficient global executive decidings for the People’d people Constituted by the Order that formed the “more perfect Union” so.  9/11 II was the first anniversary after that Charlotte convened that promoted the too charlatan “Bill” as RETURNED and UNREPENTANT.  It stands to be at least long queried that 9/11 may have been kept in a (vigilante) pride as of “Jihad” so “Holy” it was to be a (Terrorist) Holy Day forever where any of Allah then could only proceed if of proceeding in the same Holy cry for Justice original to the (thought) injustices motivating the first. 

We at least have a problem for “TRUTH ROLLING ON” #TRUTHS for a National Posterity so Constituted “more perfect” in how there now is a politics so divided and necessarily for there are two rival histories now operational concurrently to all governance deciding.  It is that there are two histories now concurrent and incompatible that go beyond a “freedom of opinion” and straight to why and how any administration cover-up could and should be considered illegal.

We can hardly actually be now a Nation a Constituted an is an is now safer, however as if an is an enemy actually of an ISIS.  As we are of two histories and one quite workable of TRUTH yet politically workable for governance forward, and then the other “history” of the false narratives long postured Democrat as if TRUTH and as evidenced, yet, of the impropriety in cover-ups, we cannot be of one face, however United, or broadly of a coalition of 9, for the lies of the Democrats are not matters of opinion but of long worked false narratives constructed in attempts to succeed in cover-ups at least for all the ways the Clintons were wrong and are culpable at least of some negligence for at least the days from their first inauguration to the eve of the first - the eve of 9/11 I.  Not in their cover-up rival “history” is that it makes simple sense that 9/11 I & 9/11 II are related and that it makes sense in a most common sense that Mr. and/or Mrs. Clinton are a common denominator a motivation to a vigilantism as if justifiable as “Jihad.”

I do find it far easier to find, however, that President Obama is likable - more likable than either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Clinton.

But to the issues of ISIS as an is an IS and even if actually religious and Islamic as if more or most firstly an enemy to the The United States of America as it can endear and endure as originally ordained and established so Ordered:  To be or become - to become as if more “safer” conscionably - there are some interest thoughts to posit as hypotheses to test to see if they can yet surmount doubts as workable theorems.

It seemed reported just the other day that the Islamic State stood on Islam as of a religiosity that constitutes terrorism as a methodology for greater civility in community for Posterity.  It seems though then that if such is so then they are of an think that then presumes upon even the Constituted United States not just a right to act as if with terrorism themselves but to be expected as a Nation of such secured People that such of “terrorism” is an acceptable not first objectionable methodology for such.

It seems for there to be an US an us more safer it has to be structural in a moral footing of the People of the United States not associated as also of any guilt or culpability yet motivational to any Islamic in an is an is ISIS as an Islamic State.  It seems if we are safer it can only be for our thought enemy sees our current or former “LEADERS” as more personally wrong if wrong at all and not any a People’d person just generally.  If we support a resurrection of either Mrs. or Mr. Clinton anewly to a Constitutional high office - such hypothesis cannot endure as a workable theorem in practice for so then forward the People’d people will have become also first culpable for having decided by votaries sufficient to put two wrongs ahead of a thought necessary right.

It shouldn’t just be a mistake to allow a rise to resurrection of either Clinton - - - IT LIKELY WOULD BE A HUGE DISASTER OF A MISTAKE - logically speaking.

There is some interesting history in the first history of TRUTHS that rival for safety the false narratives of the cover-up lies so constructed and too long enduring as if believable for it is that unless US an us to being become so compromised, abroad, and broadly, by a mashable hashable taggable, associated with, it reigns a truth that President William Jefferson Clinton was and is still rappable as an AMERICAN INFIDEL for his own unique insurrections against Constitutional.

Without a resurrection for either Clinton we can yet be safer for that which could justify further “attacks” as if justified in “terrorism” by a motivated vigilantism for though the Clintons may have a personal fault and guilt it isn’t generally yet transferable to the People generally, and much because leaders of the Middle East for the duration of the Clintons’ years and hence forward are to be firstly morally associated with a guilt superior for having remained silent at least to their own peoples as to the specific problems unique of the Clintons hands.

So there is that the People’d people, of the The United States of America, at least as enduring, as endearing, as originally Constituted to moral people, as by reasoning, structured also of Adam Smith philosophy, and economics, where the first selfish interest of an individual is to decide it best to be of a community, and of a morality hence with forward in any industriousness, or even, maybe, merchantile work.  It seems prescribed that there can be a blaspheme to the Founding Fathers as if too it wouldn’t be necessary and proper for any wealth of nations if any and all individuals not just nomads tribal or an island unto themselves not to be whenever possible of weekly community gathering at least to commune of a common market place to sing together and at least say once “PEACE BE WITH YOU.”

It seems fraught with peril to even publicly entertain a resurrection, even just political, for any too of the BOGO “two-fer” of the union (not as perfect) of Mrs. & Mr. Clinton.  For now the us in US to a person may be safer and with it that to the is as ISIS, however if truly Islamic and religious, we so are not firstly or yet philosophically primarily an “enemy.”

For now it is more any a “TOP DIPLOMAT” of the Obama diplomacy by distants hands at any questionable droning “morality” whom are to be firstly dressed down with specific words for it is that the People’d people have a safe harbor from too associated guilt as long as it endears that the Saudi Arabian Powers did ask the Christian Constituted so “AMERICAN” whence to become so enmeshed forward from a necessary push-back as the Persian Gulf War to correct the wrongs unleashed by Secular Socialist Ba’athist (Sunni?) Saddam Hussein.

And again:  Yes we can now be safer as long as we prohibit ourselves from promoting the Clintons as clean politicians.  Yes we can be safer for in the convenience that TRUTH can endure as more workable than yet the still concurrent rival history of the failures to affect a permanent false narrative just in the complicated of the Clintons years of having asked Middle East leaders generally for promises to like just blame Republicans, and then more truly for how the Clintons seemed to ever since hold these so of assuaged promises to lines more lies than truths due to the hows and whats of the Clintons post the intitial promises securing.  We are safer now from an associated guilt for there seem to be some Middle East leaders whom should have long ago or more recently exposed the Clintons even as the Clintons persisted seemingly of selfish promises in holding such honorable on their honor for a promise made even as the promise became corrupted by those who asked for the promise as an is as if an is forever to be the is despite however Islam may have suggested morals trump selfish politics.

As John Jay warned like of alarming when of totalitarian rule whimsy it behoove all to realize if America so foolish to promote even just Mrs. Clinton newly it to it then moral to any so argued an “enemy” that then President Mrs. Clinton, however Un-Constitutional, would yet have 300 Million plus souls beholden to (fight and) die as if for her “HONOR.”  Any promotion now however of either Clinton, Mrs. or Mr., does yet risk peril so to it maybe a dream for any so arguably to “our enemy” that we by such “politics” allow all of the People’d to each personal soul to be called to defend the Clinton honor however even if HONORABLE.

It really is most important that the 1-5 of PUBLIUS of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS are to be considered important and forever warning and critical.  A promotion of the Clintons, yes, could really be more in our possible (just foreign?) enemies interests than at all actually to any “American” individual’s self interest.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:45 am

Is Ferguson, Missouri a God forsaken oasis in middle America where too many live as if on a reservation limited also in a fear of the Law for having to too many a body been to abstention from lawful behavior?

The national politics of such isn’t for a comparison of an unknown Mrs. Clinton and a known President Obama on race - the only comparison justified to if a Democrat has the backs of the blacks of Ferguson is yet of the rivalry of the knowable of white President Clinton and a knowable of black President Obama.

President Vladimir Putin may be spoken of instructionally if not without actual praise though too comparatively at least on marches in nationalism.  It seems that President Putin can be discussed as capable of eclipsing President Clinton and President Obama.  There is that President Putin has Socialism to recover from and the perils from such as per Ukraine at least of a reported 60% + of irreligious where in the western there is yet Greek Orthodoxy and the eastern there is Moscow Russian Orthodoxy.

Though I write as a white male of Connecticut of New England of the New York City general Metropolitanism of the The United States of America I write as one who share “sugar” if not “honey” in friendship knowing of Michelle Obama, First Lady, since she was in her third year at Harvard Law School.  But for the hopes and dreams shared it was only in my dreams that I went back - that we went back - after she learned I didn’t discriminate because she was black.

Though I write now to suggest we must ask per Ferguson misery and tragedy if it that President Obama has his subjects backs there or otherwise if President Clinton can be said to now or ever have had such peoples backs. I know near nothing of the said new Black Panthers but when Michelle and I smiled at each other in Grendel’s of Harvard Square I was of standing in knowing Augustus A. White M.D. since I was about five years old and he of “Dr. White at your service” in a public social setting as a friend of my father’s while yet the tallest person and tallest black person I had yet or ever made such a connection.

Right!  Though I know nothing of the said new Black Panthers I am one who since about age five had a friendship with he whom was of record as the original Black Panther’s physician.  What I found scary about Dr. White wasn’t that he was so tall or black but that he was both a doctor and a Dr. White though black.  The only other Dr. White I have known was a neighbor who cared for Veterans who let me use his Parks Bike Truing Stand, and as later learned had been a pal of George W. Bush while a Yale classmate.

For the blacks of Ferguson the politics are now that it is either President Clintons has and had their backs or that President Obama has their backs - it cannot be that they both have their backs as these two are known of a rivalry since day one that to others is so serious it is a “BLOOD FEUD.”  If the incident had been of a say near 100 Lbs black female officer also called to enforce in the spirit of to serve and to protect fidelity - a near 100 Lbs black female of smaller stature of such weight so without her belt and tools of the enforcement duty - we may have cause to compare Mrs. Clinton to President Obama and President Clinton - to also compare her.

Whom among us can in a scholarly expose a proffering to it that Ferguson is like Ukraine and of problems from years of too much socialism to too much irreligiousness among its subjects?  Is it that a Putinesque intervention is what Ferguson now needs?  How is it that President Clinton’s trillion in cuts for surpluses maybe better explain an economic plight of Missouri blacks for of years of a leader too much in cold blooded imperial totalitarian wanton governance?  How is it that President Obama can blame President Clinton for economic gross negligence and yet isn’t yet, and, now as it may be per Ferguson that such is such an economic outlier that for all the economic ruinous the Clintons’ surpluses wrought such of Missouri eitherwise yet would be just as stricken and down?

Is Ferguson a too irreligious hell hole like the now also economically depressed Ukraine, and also due to the economics of President Clinton too much at cold totalitarian selfish political decidings?  Is Ferguson at all an irreligious hell hole to its own People’d peoples or has it been too long just left out and necessarily so much because the national leadership from a “top” was of the Clintons at their cutting of an extra trillion from budgeted and affordable programs to generally fating Ferguson to a new greater depressing “economics”?  As I like only so far pressed concerning the tragedy of fallen Michael Brown:  I queried:  Was this a case of a college bound teen Michael Brown of copping an attitude for his last days in the say “‘hood” of a getting out before having gotten out and of a general like F&^@ YOU at least to those of local governance and enforcement?

President Obama in recent speaking to the issues of race and unrest seems to be borrowing the very words and import of such in “shared humanity” as I have been myself publicly of usage generally for a while.  I am not offering that I have any answers and suggest President Obama if just borrowing such from me so also isn’t with answers but now maybe closer for being near possibly to better language that may bring us closer to better - or the right - questions.

The Clintons have since day one positioned themselves to be “political rivals” and only in Obama’s house as rivals of he thinking he needed them and needed a TEAM OF RIVALS.  The race and economic issues of Ferguson are now essentially peculiar to either a story of rivalry of it either that President Clinton or President Obama has such subjects backs.

For both the Clinton and Obama administrations it is arguable that any of Ferguson were considered more “subjects” than “citizens.”  It is unreasonable to proffer that both President Clinton and President Obama have had or do have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson - they have firstly and continuously been of standing as “RIVALS” so any discussion must flush out the known and unknown of all knowable yet that is historical to how they have been different - to also how while different they have been more to betrayal and abandonment of such Americans even if not of a perils like Ukraine of too many too long of socialism and a nationalism to assimilation in obedience of irreligiosity in lieu of faith and community.

As President Clinton now due to be in the Ferguson HOT SEAT we have that Mrs. Clinton is an unknown as per racial oppression in Missouri while yet also of HOT SPOTS of a comparable culpability as per Russia and Ukraine, at least.  It would be wrong to discuss Mrs. Clinton now as per domestic issues where President Mr. Clinton has knowns and posited in rivalry that should dominate any discussion of culpability or innocence yet for black President Obama.  President Obama should too, as per Mrs. Clinton, be allowed an innocent until proven more guilty than a Clinton in regards to Ukraine, at least.

I don’t know why black President-Elect Senator Barack Hussein Obama was to coddling the Clintons or allowing an dominatrix of offer coddling by Mrs. Clinton — I don’t know why PBO both proceeded forward from the start with the economic team of Clintons’ economic experts as his “team” and while of “politics” and “office politics” of standing for the Clintons as rivals and he dependent on them so much that he so seemingly necessarily to an attempt at a legacy in administering a “THE OBAMA” yet while very publicly yet of floating the “THE CLINTON” as at least equal, or superior, and extant in a TEAM OF RIVALS.

The Clintons’ surpluses as from an extra trillion found and cut from the budgeted and then affordable may be that which best explains how Ferguson and Ukraine are now suffering so much and so vulnerable.  President Obama yet embraced those of the evils of the surpluses at least as necessary evils in his TEAM OF RIVALS so that he maybe firstly should attempt to explain himself as more innocent yet and less culpable to any Executive gross negligence than at least President Clinton.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry in totalitarian Power Clintons’ are yet beset by the possible perils of a people too yet too far in socialism to be also of a perils from irreligiosity at seemingly at least the eastern third of Ukraine.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry have it only reasonable, for starters, that it is either that President did and does have Ferguson’s six or that President Obama did ever or does now finally.

Again:  The politics are that it is not possible that both President Clinton and President Obama have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson in Missouri of the The United States of America.

Again:  The DOMINANT politics is that the “THE CLINTON” and the “THE OBAMA” are as “RIVALS” of a “DEMOCRAT” HOUSE divided.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

We are gathered now at a congested crossroads in the evolving of The United States of America of President William Jefferson Clinton’s innocence a great danger - a clear (hardly) and present (really) danger.  There are hazards in any “sport” of WJC.  There are traps and boundaries of enervated Americana violated in a ‘moral hazard’ of the innocence of WJC.

Though this has to be of his displacement of blacks from Harlem by gentrification it must be more essentially more global and even of the Ukraine so undermined by the old shifty economics of WJC as by “Clintonomics.”  It seems for President Barack Hussein Obama to escape what seems an inevitable tagging by the Clintons’ new political machinations as by prejudiced IT IS ALL OBAMA’S FAULT he too must now be willing to flex some push back against rising dangers of a WJC innocence.

It is possible that WJC has driven more blacks from Harlem than any past selective service politics of a draft did.  As it has been reported his gentrification of Harlem has affected a near doubling of rental rates his efforts may be yet more permanent to some than however removed from home by government drafts.  Yes if we have to discuss an errant innocence for any as of a culpability for the Crimea & Ukraine ‘economics’ it should be to flush out WJC as if an American Putin.  It is yet a presumption of innocence for WJC and his times as the Constitutional top decider that now obstructs an necessary understanding of the roots of the Ukraine dilemma as in the failure of his guidance and national administering.

It doesn’t help the current congested civic mindedness to be however at a “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” exclusivity as it really is hardly reasonable that Bush’s “fault” can but be more than near half of the real story with it that WJC at least must not be of the innocence his, oddly still.  Though BHO did in his 2nd Inuagural actually take the USA USC Constituted oath of office again for the office of the President, and then orate an addendum lacking a fidelity, we are of trying crossroads now for thinking too much of a WJC innocence, even though the roots of BHO’s 2nd’s addendum like as “I WON’T FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE OATH OF OFFICE I JUST SWORE I WOULD” are of the politics and economics of the Clintons’ Presidency.

WJC like invented the infidelity to the Constitution that BHO now postures still as the moral hazards rot the games of life possible by fidelity and honesty to freedom at least of the jurisdiction of the Constitution.  WJC’s greatest Constitutional infidelity likely has to be in the still too untold story of the scope of the trials of his monkey business about Saddam Hussein and Iraq.  The Crimea is nearly a neighbor of Saddam Hussein’s old Iraq;  The global economic collapses were set up by selfish partisan politics of WJC during the Clintons’ Presidency;  The current day problems with the Ukraine economy likely wouldn’t now exist if not for how WJC rowed and waded in with derivatives like his own bastard child & as to gamble away known risks of his politics at economics by having a surplus from cuts when spending was needed to make his housing bubble viable.

WJC greatest infidelity has to be, it still seems - still seems as since like 1993, to the First Amendment prudence and so to the Constitution as per his foreign policies and interpretive renditions of a post-Consitutional rationalized.  It seems our moral hazards have us already of civil congestions and new crossroads dangers growing.  It seems we are now of growing dangers now so specifically of a President William Jefferson Clinton innocence.  It seems we are running out of time as the low information voters are now maybe too long seated and stilled believing it even possible that “it” could have been all of GWB’s fault even though there are still the eight years before GWB of WJC and his many great infidelities that better assuage a guilt to his ship of state tacks.  Yes even though BHO pledged a fidelity to the oath, and then pulled a Clinton, as if his swearing wasn’t legally a swearing, it is now still too much that WJC innocence is the infidelity to be arrested - arrested firstly.

When foreign orations arose after 9/11 attacks about “American Infidel” too few considered a mass of citizens were being tagged as guilty by association unawares mostly with the WJC monkey business scope of his infidelity to just the Constitution of The United States of America and with just his decidings about Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  It is hard to render that the WJC innocence can long endure now unless innocent Americans don’t defend themselves from guilt by association with the years of the Clintons’ Presidency of the leader WJC as an “American Infidel.”  The Cold War geo-political justifications for engagements in Iraq changed when Kuwait was invaded as more like a secular crime, but really they became more dangerously left to be more about sectarianisms and religiousity when Afghanistan became the Gettysburg turning point of The Cold War with its defeat of expansionist Soviet communism.  The Clintons were the new USA administration so firstly to having to handle Iraq and the Middle East otherwise than as of Cold War secular geo-politics and as to a new engagements more respective of the USA USC establishments ordained for matters of Law pertaining to religiosity.

The WJC deciding was, it seems, mostly of the dangerous infidelity to the Constitution as if rightly an “American Infidel” by personal and selfish choice;  President William Jefferson Clinton is remembered for like whining about President George H.W. Bush having like “left him a war - left him the Bosnia - Herzegovina War” and then to having played loose with the imports of the Constitution and the First Amendment so that he could decide as of a ‘I don’t want to so won’t’ per Saddam Hussein and not row a due wade prophylactically in a ’should/shouldn’t’ conscious consciousness.

Poor BHO, as now with Mrs. WJC on his tail, and on the trail, she, so as WJC’s spouse, isn’t spousally supposed to incriminate her spouse, and nor so their deciding days as the Clintons’ Presidency.  It seems Mrs. WJC now has to run of cover as if it like “ALL OBAMA’S FAULT” and much because she really quite is hardly allowed to posture any other bias as near any other claims would be like violate of her marriage union and their oath to be one together forever to like have and hold so no government can set asunder until death.  It seems Mrs. WJC must still posture the above aforementioned WJC “innocence” even though such hides truths of the public ways so as not to incriminate herself, unnecessarily, nor her spouse. 

Poor BHO, as it seems Mrs. WJC must run, as if it wasn’t all her fault, and even, however, she whined before Congress of a “what difference does it make…”, and postured that she should accept some culpability for her following her President boss’s orders.  It seems Ukraine now cannot be explained but with a full rendition of the Clinton “two-fer” however they seem to have their eight years like out of the way as like a “the missing years 1993-2001.  However the Clintons’ innocence now is a late congested politics we are on this infidelity necessarily as though it may be that per Iraq and Saddam Hussein there is the “greatest” of WJC deciding we must fathom how it is twained and marked that their economics were failures that best mark an understanding of these crossroads in politics of Crimea as risen from the failures economic and political of the moral hazards in Clintonomics.

Poor BHO, as really Mrs. WJC has a simple case at a righteousness basis in his example to it more his fault than her fault for she and Mr. WJC didn’t make him attempt the failed cover-up rewrite of history that they seemed to necessarily yet have asked him civilly enough to attempt to drive over truth and greater truths.  I don’t know if BHO should think he owes black Americans more truth and specifically, and now so lately, an explanation to how it was the Clintons, besides the gentrification of Harlem and its displacement of blacks, whom through too political and selfish ‘economics’ did both set up the housing collapse in the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, and then trigger it, with their Vice President Al Gore, as Hillary and Al were like synchronized, and as domestic insurgents both at undermining GWB, and, as globally at imprisoning GWB, and most Republicans, in false insinuations of improper guilt.

Long they seemed at such complicated efforts to camouflage the “American Infidel” President William Jefferson Clinton with an all powerful cloaking as if a new suit of innocence.  But, mustn’t it be the failure of President William Jefferson Clinton so taggable as an “American Infidel” for his too effecting and too selfish political decidings in foreign policies pertaining to a jurisdiction around Saddam Hussein that should be his “GREATEST INFIDELITY”?  We now are too stuck and so BHO for of the:

‘If he had been more to “should/shouldn’t” and away from a wrongly convenient seeming “don’t want to so won’t” so much could have been remedied more civilly with less global economic congestion, and worse, by ways some how otherwise more prudently of a Constitutional fidelity albeit if so then to a new Nuremberg Trials for the criminal Saddam Hussein!’

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:29 pm

As what may play in Las Vegas may not amount to a mother load by any accounting past the sands of Nevada awake and wonder what so forth doesn’t play ‘local’ of the strip.  To tease or not to tease - it’s the gamble - it’s the coinage of the common bits.

Dollops of the bosom bourgeoisie of Hillary Clinton however now buttered privately, or for creaming later, utterly must be of the ante, and all the complementary beset, per chance so neon’d, and glitzed.  It should be addling all, however also of a walk of Vegas too, that it be riling Mrs. Clinton, however, that the truth is rolling on and she is being rolled by the truth.

It is unlikely, I presume, that when Governor Bill Clinton declared those made famous lines of having dipped his feet in once about marijuana, and to a toke without a stoke - a tried it once but didn’t inhale - it was also utterly fantastic to believe that FLOAR Hillary Clinton preferred to bake - to be joined without the roll - the lick - the flash & ember’d.  Seem she set more OCD to tricks to turn out President Clinton, as yet lately, a yet still American Putin - A President thought arrested from office yet returned.  But VEGAS et all, is the money on the table that “Bill & Hillary” partook of the weed in a consumption from to half-baked baked high styling?

What is there to hedge about the Clintons as having, however smitten and stoned, stoked the political firestorms that brought the pyrotechnics upon the economics?  How isn’t the reality to avoid the truths of them a Bonnie and Clyde to be found still too on highs as if such just a precious of idolatry to rub and rub as cross’d bourgeoisie American?  Isn’t it though Vladimir Putin may now be as socialist, he in a personal richness, still has that the Clintons are more Bourgeoisie?

The Cold War is over!  The Cold War is dead!  America hasn’t been fighting for capitalism over communism in a long time!

However the Clintons may have been high, whenever if ever they were on the weed or ‘medicines’ as perks of the office(s) there are years and years of them, of for what ever reason, of having made some very bad decisions.

But why Vegas?  But why not St. Louis or San Francisco?  Or Concord in New Hampshire or Concord literally in Massachusetts?  Well where is it best to lately break the still rolling on truths that the Democrats with there trenchant green insurgencies of Senator Hillary and Mr. Science Gore did stir the economic disastrous sought after new higher green politics inflated gas prices that addled many - many more than any a new bourgeoisie or common middle class American?  The housing collapse was triggered by the spike in gas prices as all those the Clintons pimp’d into hyper-consumerism and so of over-committing while fixed income homes then couldn’t afford also what the Clintons’ ideology had them pimp’n next — To have their Democrat Party Green Agenda they need the price of gas to be like four times higher.  It seems the risks were worth taking, politically, for the Democrats as long as they could carry each day to the morning after of bearing false witness against the Republicans working so the lies were taken as truth.

If it is in Europe, however arguably better as Russian, that we in the secluded northern continental of American are of witness to distant petty property bickering it figures that what were are philosophically confronted with is spiffs between socialists and socialists. 

Again:  The Cold War is OVER!!!  At least now that we of the prudence of Operation Iraqi Freedom, with the humanity of boots on the ground, for liberation to a jury of his peers gamble, of the free Iraqi People, at righteousness upon Saddam Hussein, it can be said since we did the hard work at cleaning up past transgressions simmering to permanent guilt of at least the presumed or assumed culpability American with the evil reign of Saddam Hussein:  THE COLD WAR IS OVER!!!

If all or most of Europe want to be socialist, and Ukraine wants to be socialist, and Russia is socialist, then there is no disagreement, it seems, really to how Americans of The United States should see the high ground as common ground and of an assimilation pre-existent extant of everything like already, supposedly, of the suffrage compromised that Putin is just also offering.

To see this spiff as for now only a spiff between socialists and socialists without any philosophical differences that nothing is really their own or made by themselves it may help to Americanize it geo-politically.  It seems for scope and size we need only ante up a small part of Oklahoma as if it now is Texas — It seems that if Governor Perry were just to, also in plain clothes uniformity of state, were to “annex” that part of the Oklahoma pan handle between the larger and more powerful Texas and the dopy Colorado the world could have yet that Governor Perry is also like at being an American Putin.

So it is settled - it can leave Vegas - it is the truth that the Democrats caused the housing crisis as being of CRISIS campaigning that too subjectively effected oil & gas markets so that those who had bought into buying too much then couldn’t also afford the gas to get to work and the house mortgage that their fixed incomes yet were tightly budgeting to fetch coolly.

So the Clintons in their cold New Bourgeoisie social & political climbing were, and seem still willing to, tread upon and all over the current and former of the middle class more commonly.  If Governor Bush hasn’t rolled high with gambles at the risks of the Clintons’ past, present and future with tricks his own to be the winner with their losses it seems the rule is golden of Vegas that what happens in Vegas shall still be fixed to stay in at least Nevada.  Any Bushes biggest political problem is how historically the Clintons have played so many tables so many places coyly, yes, yes still, with it the cards as trumps up their sleeves faced and ranked as of the hands in collusion of some of Bushes — The secret weapon the Clintons have succeeded with too long has been of coyly playing a hidden Bush trump card against Republicans hands for good, and devilishly.

It would be utterly fantastic to here of a Bush leaving Vegas an actual winner even though I see no reason to roll out any red carpet for a re-Bushing of The White House.  It seems too much as if of a Potemkin Village metaphorically to ask for a decision on whom is more Bourgeoisie in a new money or old money American New Bourgeoisie as if asking to decide whom can be more still upper middle class of the Clinton clan or the Bush dynastic soled.

So the Clintons and Democrats killed the economy and thought it worth the gamble for it seemed certain at least by use of hidden sleeved trump cards that they could keep the table of truth tilted of a false witness guilt beguiled as played real of the Bush’s and generally Republican of folding by intimidations somehow yet while (more) innocent.  The GOP in 2008 would have lowered the price of oil & gas if they could have but were stuck in a pickle utterly bosomed by the entrenched Green Agenda idealism marching on with the alarmist radicalization of the camps of Clintons’ and the camps of Gore’s.

However complementary those of the tease and strip of the neon and glitz of Vegas are yet already well addled and anted in the rooms with the view for the people they seem need be of a common vision from kitchen tables everywhere.  The milk of freedom is safe, for now, as long as we recognize capitalism creamed at least Communism and the Cold War is over and Vladimir Putin is like just selling Europe what it seems they already have but in he as if supposedly rightly to be more gilded besides his comrades in socialism of his post Perestroika devolutions of his bolsheviks.

Citizens of the The United States need be keen to a churning newly of old red scares of McCarthyism as it is utterly fantastic how the bread of the needed wanton of the Democrats ideologicals seems buttered and/or creamed on both sides, gaudily.

As Putin showing himself chesty in a gamble for socialism is socialism where ever it seems wanton, yes, if Mrs. Clinton, however, shows herself more than now the political tease with some actual leg in the game.  The Cold War is OVER!!! What do we call it if we let it be still forward a #WTF of Mrs. Clinton, however, yet as socialistic as President Barack Hussein Obama and yet globally too of initiatives not of a gamble for freedoms in moral capitalism but a marching for mass assimilations in a old dogma as dogmatic near as communism pre-Perestroika?

As it is now settled rolling on truth that President Bush was more innocent than the Clinton “two-fer” of pre and post 9/11 I & II political and economic culpability it behoove People of the world to recognize Crimea - to gird a fathoming of the philosophicals about the intervention lingua of a barely chesty President Putin as of a brother vs. brother newly more gender blind as siblings addling siblings of singing socialism precepts of foreign bodies electric.

A predicate of this roll of the dice to stoke the Clintons as at least token New Bourgeoisie concernedly is to slot the lining up of rolling and rolling truths of of the Clintons as of fallen fruits best considered diseased and to stay grounded to help bring up even daisies.  It is worrisome how few know the road less taken has been traveled too long of the Clintons with Bush trump cards up their sleeves coyly — Yes for all the times the Clintons played the Bush cards, however dishonestly and disingenuously, all of the Bush dynastic soled are churned up for not calling out the Clintons.

Citizens of the The United States need be keen to a churning newly of old red scares of McCarthyism as it is utterly fantastic how the bread of the needed wanton of the Democrats ideologicals seems buttered and/or creamed on both sides, gaudily.  The phat of the stoked can be relativized by a bulwarks in federalism evolution breastworks considerate assumption of some of Oklahoma as if Texans by annexation, at least so that interstate commerce, between the dopy Colorado and the lone stars of old Spanish realms can trespass more freely without consideration of Oklahoma Law.

However barely chested Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin is about his marches so plainly about Crimea to People of the more perfect Union of the constitutional core common by the Constitution as the People’s Order “done” for freedom and free economies it is that the Cold War is OVER, and, it is now so much so foreign is yet socialists with spiffs against socialists and so that how they be governed isn’t being fought over, so it would seem.  Unless the battle is as yet between free market US styled moral capitalism and expansionist assimilating socialism/communism then Putin may not be threatening any with anything they haven’t already long ago surrendered to a too centralized “state.”

It may be worth the gamble especially for the Bourgeoisie old and newly of Texas to consider annexing that portion of supposedly rightfully Oklahoma between its own sovereignty and the sovereignty of dopy Colorado at least to displace a interstate commerce concernedness of that yet of civil procedures of the keep of Oklahoma Law.

No, really, it is already too established and rolling on that the Clintons did more to cause the economic collapse than the Republicans of the leadership by the Bush reign.  It though also seems we are of a tilt of tables still needing to be turned on the Clintons of too many questions not yet asked and answered.

It too may be too bourgeoisie if it is that Hillary Clinton too as never baked - even been at half-baked.

But the real threat is that not even the free People yet of the constitution as common core Constituted seem now to saddle up to kitchen tables every where at thought concernedly, however confusing, and but of predicated by the Tea Parties, and too in the realm intellectual of what would be a devolution or evolution of federalism, as to how the Cold War really is over for the Democrat Party leaders, however, specifically of President Obama or still in a rivaling, are themselves yet of the hands of a new perestroika as bolsheviks in global initiatives to a settling of churning for socialism, and themselves too as established (more permanently) as autocratic.

If, yet, you are not stoked to the truth that the Clintons are most culpable of most that has ailed the middle classes it is not too late for you to a least partake of the sampler at http://CitizenRosebud.net!  Are you ready to spread, yourself, issuances in economics to clear the smokeless of virgin toking (like a “virgin daiquiri”) what dollops you may appropriate to help truth work and to help it - as truth - be rolled and rolled judiciously further, at least far enough? 

If it is that they so foreign all just want to be socialist - how is it that it matters if it hoofed mostly as by a puffery most gilded for Vladimir Putin as Socialists more supreme commoner?

Yes, these are the days that even any “BOURGEOISIE” need be able to plate as common the thoughts to how federalism may be as of a devolution or evolution, and where so each so, and however so.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:32 am

Imagine I am seated and staring at a blank piece of paper, a ream at the ready.

How it may be that it might behoove yee to imagine a conditional situational as if such were all blank and yet like a page one and yet but as a scroll - a new and very blank scroll - should yet be mostly just incidental to the beef - the beefiness to become of such, as it may.

It is situational to a blank slate now as it is prefaced for an apropos conditional in metaphor.  These times are trying times of times anew of past times and past vicissitudes, struggles, and trials.  The hemp is taught, the rigging is set, we yet are not hoved to; These are times yet of a Puritanical gruel, and too a Constitutional grog;  These are the hard times, shall we bemoan, of Obama and his New Deal Austerity +.

Right!  We are stuck as now with a politics of imagery of President Putin at a cry me a purr’d bare breasted upon a horse as if so now in a Russian Crimean War, not.  Maybe his successor predecessor Dmitry Medvedev is his trail cook?  As a Prime Minister could he yet be a Vladimir Putin, President, High Priest?  Perchance the successor predecessor is yet but like a gypsy snake oil vagabond?  What is the new lingua of intervention in the apropos conditional Putinesque?  Is he more a ruthless conqueror or more a Christian Crusader in a dressed up linga of a Russian Christian Orthodoxy?

Yes, please do imagine that I am still seated and staring at a blank piece of paper.

Yes, it is I am just trying to share thoughts so for now we shouldn’t need to wrestle about any paper - or at least any pen.  What has become of the messianic candidate of youthfulness known as Senator Barack Hussein Obama?  As the chow he dished out plated as if of a Christian prudence it seems now to have settled roughly of lingering bite too ripe of hypocrisy as if as feared by too few the religiousity was just a cover for grabbing centralized newly socialistic grand Powers.

Are we now all too long of a trail struck by too many of a blind faith in the HOPE of such once said to be set in a messianic and so bounced and tossed by it so of proven circular directions and muddied ways of seriously deep ruts?  Aren’t we all now at an epiphany conditional beyond any comfort from metaphors that Obamacare has become an albatross about the neck of freedom and as it burdensome as rendered yet already as the most expensive way imaginable for every state to have homesteaded their own Romneycare?  Is it yet that Obamacare isn’t yet near enough to itself when judicially reviewed and deemed of a Constitutionality too metaphorically as “it is a tax!”?  As The Affordable Care Act returns home to The Supreme Court this spring for further diagnosis of impropriety said proper and challenged - OH MY!!!  It seems it has become contrary and undermining to the First Amendment freedoms of religion.

However we see President Obama if with a horse more as if in a buggy and with a buggy whip and still a bare breasted other too much a comrade of maybe too socialistic MY BROTHERS KEEPER jingoisms bent too far as if to a broken back for reasonings why about valleys of death - and still specifically hills, mountains, and valleys of Crimea - it is a beef not a metaphor that there are conclaves of free people incidentally righteous as they hoof their behoven TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY broadsides.

For the matters soon before SCOTUS as yet another challenge to POTUS the SOTU rests upon it established and ordained that the First Amendment still exists.  For these matters of thresholds and limiting principles for a renewed showdown as a high noon in restorations of the intents from the days of Old Iron Sides the Puritanical gruel is yet still too rough as the grog so New Deal socialistic bare itself as by portions so watered down.  For these matters it is prudent to think of scrolls even if now blank and new;  For the incidentals of a SOTU as so muddied and rutted of circular Constitutionals if Constitutionals at all, POTUS has a date still with SCOTUS and such it seems as to decide if ACA as Obamacare isn’t now not in reality what it was when firstly review so partially as so written down an in seriously long form.

Justice Antonin Scalia now can lean on observations and metaphors - perhaps even similes.

Justice Antonin Scalia did jest and yet effectively plead an Eighth Amendment Right of protection from a standing of POTUS that he and the remainder of the Nine need be to reading all that was so then already written as if the Obamacare to judge for perpetuity as The Obamacare. 

Justice Antonin Scalia did claim his Eighth Amendment rights of protection from cruel and unusual punishment as it was his opinion, it seems, that to have been asked to have read it as it was then as if “all” was too much too ask any reasonable person if to asking them to interpret such, and, as it seemed implied that it wasn’t meant to be yet interpretable as yet but of a war power of an short term executive power to wage war on health, and have a taxing right for a momentary crisis. 

It seems that however President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thought it safe and cozy to be bunked up with a new Russia of the old President Putin we have to consider that what Obamacare has become is differentiable from what it was when it first was corralled in The Supreme Court chambers;  It is arguable that the Obama Democrats, however as they meant to be Hillary Clinton Clinton Democrats, have given cause to raise and praise Senator Joseph McCarthy for his old hunts for socialists must have had actual basis for such as this to have made it now so far so long later.

Yes, it behoove us prudently to consider scrolls new and old!

Yes, it behoove us prudently to consider scrolls new and old — it is pressing now that a First Amendment Challenge as so scheduled may be yet enough of a necessary standing for a new queriousness of the better revealed (intent) of The Affordable Care Act by ways of preserving and protecting the Rights of the People’s Order of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and for matters of over-turning this beast especially specifically the situational conditionals of the First Amendment.

These are puzzling times as Repubs on the rise more of a old Latin than Afrikaner populism.  These are puzzling times, yes, for it seems a President Putin maybe more at an actual messianic now than President Obama was though said messianic, and  while too it seems too much to using it as a charity like by nationalized “healthcare” as but a tool for Machiavellian socialistic centralized Power harnessing.

These are puzzling times of a beef for the record books as to how said ACA isn’t as it was said as written.  It seems any standing to review a new Constitutional interpretive is to be more stuck in the old ruts of original pathology in jurisprudence;  It seems, in a lay opine, safe yet to posture that a standing to revisit Obamacare however now Obamacare as originally Obamacare or yet as Obamacare as not Obamacare is yet a standing before and of The Supreme Court to render onto such authorities a consideration Constitutional that Obamacare is not now a Constitutional Obamacare at least by the First Amendment incidentals of Congress barred from making any Law respecting establishments of Religion.

These are puzzling times of a beef for the record books as to how said ACA isn’t as it was said as written.

President Obama, as President H. R. Clinton too likely would have as expeditiously, seems to have cured - to have healed the ghost, at least, of Senator Joe McCarthy.  The real whipped as a socialist gruel wagon, however also of New Deal Austerity green minimalism tyranny, is now of a puzzling times set it seems upon a stage yet proud and patriotic of Repubs already some established as forward in a Latino is the new Black - whether Rubio or Cruz, or both, vote for the RED - the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE - vote Republican an to steady the wagons United to make love not wars.

These times are quite puzzling!  Yes, it seems a RUBIO - CRUZ 2016 wagon is ready of REDS of a pledge to be of and for a standing as Latinos the new Black and of Republicans of the Christian old Latin to firstly be of and by writs @ MAKE LOVE NOT WARS.

And, yet now anew of the Eight Amendment Rights even afforded Justices, this beef still seems of pretty purring as if a gravy train could be affordable in perpetuity, though under still the Posterity of the written way Constitutional formed philosophically contrary, of a chuck wagon that cannot still roll.  It seems there may not be blank paper enough, metaphorically, as it seems that used of the original Obamacare used up all that hasn’t since been used up in making Obamacare no longer, arguably, still a Constitutional Obamacare.

It seems as “it is a tax” it yet by the First Amendment may too not be allowed to be a permanent tax.  SCOTUS?

And, yes there was a Republican alternative to Healthcare.gov and it too near a billion tax dollars for a website: See as for a Romneycare for each in a kept prudent federalism moderation each state nearly only needed to ask Massachusetts for a free copy of its software running its Romneycare — right?  President Obama, has President H.R. Clinton was likely to too have, was necessarily of a need to be so busy at reinventing the “wheel.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

To double rabbit a justice about so many crossroads we’ld be cross, maybe, to not discern risings, and raisings, of the ups and downs footed at so many intersections, and there how so of overlay pathology, as to locking in a well joined apropos civility;

To a fitting justice, still set in joined civility of innocence until proven of specific guilt, we are still best to chisel lately at the rabbits’ overlays inaugural of George Washington’s prudent import at “…vicissitudes incident to life” immaturity prima facia.  To avoid even a smidgen of guilt (for a crucifying cross) one needs to consider their footing and their words, and well: 

May you be to lapping ups the joints to such, however, now firstly suggested, as if of two rabbits over-laid, to this joined raising for issues plus’d to capital punishment and apropos premeditation for avoidance from innocence lost.

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Is it of genesis of APPLE that #Jobs struggle was firstly & always to bringing tablets & Bible into the palms of everyone #app’ly?

Prove “Order” so capitalized in preamble is a NOUN as @ The Constitution is a People’s Order — Dems “legality” falls!  To be high with the Founders and their Lord now in a newer Year so of such God of the New Testament you may be prudent to be as engirthed in lines of Noah however so set so natural in hemp;  Joseph as a carpenter, wherever of his Jobian struggles, needed like Noah to be good at rabbits and very stoked in joints, however.

Freedom OF religion as:  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?  When open the Ground Zero Museum of the September 11 Memorial keep will be charged to a keep for truth - and curiosity.  When open at Ground Zero it will be devilish to some, and cross’dly so, how God is to be seen in capital punishment tool’d.  To atheists however grounded, it, a cross, could be a cross as but a rabbited tool for justice as replaceable as by a noose or an electric chair - or guillotine.  Rabbit holes of those among the vicissitudes incident to life can, and have, led many to God - not all, though. Tolerance too is chiseled, at least by a precedence set by U.S.A. Constituted first President under the People’s Order and so humbly under the subscribed set Lord, whence then in that Year as “done” so boldly as per modifying “to form a more perfect Union” ordering.

Though the joints of Noah and Joseph may have been long set in hemp, and more naturally than today’s, the parsed meants of the Founders’ parchment poetry as Law do not set asunder rabbiting writs for heaven on earth through believing in their highs. As established and ordained and set in writs cautiously to forewarn, to avoid yet, to pitfalls from (fogged) stumbles on paths however golden.  It seems impossible for there but to be a freedom of religion as it seems, objectively, that there can be no freedom from religion, though a freedom from a religion is yet plausible - though if only by a stature of another.  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity;  By an objective definition of RELIGION it seems impossible as it as of all humanity that any human can yet be free of RELIGION;  It seems any can only be of it and not ever from it, objectively.  It is but an old or new - good or bad - best poetry of shared humanity, to be judged - but not escaped from, wholly.

ART!  Art, objectively, can be a great and grand tool, at least, to a better and broader crossroads and bridging for latitudes and attitudes better joined for a preservation and practice of prudence in a rectal sui juris akin to Sodom and Gomorrah curriculum to bestow benevolence in habeas corpus prophylactic governance bedded in innocent until proven guilty clausals.  However your persuasion and choice natural biases it behoove yee to be a booster of ART as ART may help you when best to avoid innocence as lost to a cross’d crucifying, however — by ART there can be more room for a preserve of innocence.

There are Bishops on the boards of CHESS everywhere!  It is as obvious an objective statement, it seems, as to suggest there cannot be a freedom from RELIGION - anywhere.  Without a Rorchach, ever, however, most will see an intersections of the laid squares at times cross’dly, however their paths hopeful or hopeless whence.  What though may yet be modern (ART) more as if at surgical strikes as yet moves meant to be less as at marbles and prudently at least as at CHESS?  Did the Clintons’ lose their marble when graphically so to a standard as to stoked as if an “up yours” earthly to the European Union celestial’d circle in a rectangle;  Didn’t the Clintons’ only think marbles while putting a circle in a rectangle anew as the Swastika had been in the fields of red of the Nazi of Hitler and The Third Reich?

(Note to self:  Confirm that no Republican past President, is though like President Obama, also of a flag, as a standard their own as well, and also too that like the Clintons’, so as like Barack Hussein Obama’s, isn’t also like the Nazi flag as graphically imperialistic, objectively (in ART), as an earthly circle, not like the Europeans’ Union. nor Japan’s as humble in a celestial.).

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Crimea, like Syria, however of Russia, is now hardly but a smidgen on the boards of shared humanity;  Crimea it seems isn’t to be stoked as if President Vladimir Putin has somehow lost his marbles, and while only playing marbles.  It seems this may be us of an intersection to be timed as too about a resurgent Russian Christian Orthodoxy.  It seems this is among the vicissitudes incident to life expectant in the existential of the newly Constituted United States of President George Washington’s rabbiting for inescapable humanity by his orations firstly inaugural whence.

Does Vladimir Putin have a holy excuse so about Crimea however too as a strategic CHESS move?  Does the Russian President have the words, even if a prudence to be covert and clever in strategery, to match the word of his Orthodox Christianity so Russian?  How cross’d be he if the Ukrainian (and Crimean) people are not too cross’d?  Is he about helping in their own jurisdictional rabbiting of consent more than terror?

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea is he a TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

What are the particulars most prescient (in a divine) for those not themselves of a cross’d innocence lost joined, however, in ups and downs footed and rabbited?  What are the particulars for those yet not cross’d yet of he that is cross’d?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of thought buried too taxing scandals.

By the words about the cross soon set commemorative we are gathered about Crimea as of new valleys to reason about before it maybe be too late for risen.  Alfred Lord Tennyson, I presume, hadn’t lost his marbles, not a smidgen worth.  President Obama may now be getting CHESS moves he hoped for without an apriori appreciation of a Russian potential about Syria policing maybe firstly wisely pre-staged by better defensive (naval) depths about the Crimean shores.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is past a smidgen worth of tagging as at only being of playing marbles isn’t it if President Vladimir Putin is a rising in the establishments of Russian Christian Orthodoxy maybe being preparatory to better crusading joined defensive new suppositions of naval deposits about the Crimea?  If we are to expect a Russian responsibility for its (guilt) of years in enabling just President Bashar al-Assad as a Russian compassionate conservativism shouldn’t we think it may be safer for Ukrainian if Crimean only seen as the home port of the Russian Crusades?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of (thought) buried too taxing scandals.

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea isn’t he also @ a/also TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.  Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion - ONLY - as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Isn’t it to atheists that a cross’d just as well if displayed, displayed otherwise by a noose, an electric chair, syringe, or a guillotine?  As ART yet of helping latitudes of attitudes for the preservation of realms of innocent until proven guilty?  We are, where ever, yet, however, Constituted much about the rabbiting joined in the “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” as the word of US by the first white President George Washington and his orations in New York City. 

We are always at a crossroads - a cross’d - as of our walks and net mobility.  Be careful, and forewarned yet to stay even, tall and from even a smidgen + of guilt!  Long live a carpe diem Miranda’d established, ordained, subscribed boldly writ “done” more perfect Union!

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[Yes, though as much about dadoes, or a dado paired pared, such here so chiseled sketchy of rabbits and rabbets.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:52 am

There comes a time when a water carrier too need be judged as if prepackaged to be a holy surprise in an essential existential as if destined to be a first female Pontius Pilate.  Whom do you see to follow as if on a donkey at the gate - on a donkey as if pre-destined to be your Queen or King - Empress or Emperor?

Under the reign of the wanna be King there is still his “Queen” Hillary Clinton. A married soul is indivisible by definition - old dogs too are said not to be able to learn new tricks — Can Bill Clinton learn to be other than how his wife has preferred him all these years - all these decades she has put him first and as his chief enabler?

You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG are a VIP & due this ICYMI, FYI per the FA, of the highest realm of SCOTUS, and DOJ, to question freely and doubt a holiness of ACA.  You may need a legal PAC to fight their (said legal) PACS - it is that Benjamin, per Benjamins, however set by Poor Richard, are today a fire with which to fight fire.

It is not a good morning these mornings, still so trying, of waking to Afghanistan as a new Vietnam;  Hillary Clinton lied - soldiers died — There was no Afghanistan SURGE;  President Obama changed the mission, so to have the desired for governance, by Mrs. Clinton, war of choice against the too misogynistic Taliban.

Are you today FAT to the phat of the PAC of Democrats as Donkeys, and how it is more reasonable, than that President Obama is a new “Messiah”, that he is too Napoleon and to Putinesque, as one more of a new gloominess as said like of Tiberius, however a Julian or Claudian?  Was his inaugruation his Waterloo - was his first week his Gettysburg?

What is FREEDOM?  What is freedom in a nation Constituted as ordained and established as by the Order of the People through the Founding Fathers as done so subscribed unanimously as “a more perfect Union” so of a freedom of religion that doesn’t expect to be a freedom from religion?  What is TOLERANCE?  What are pastoral exceptions?  What is COMMUNITY if not like as if:  OF PARISH?

Can his “Queen” be an independent;  Can she be better than a Peter or Judas while seeming pre-established to be of wants of Pontius Pilate powers?  Has she already been too much, and in unison with her spouse, a Peter to Barack Hussein Obama, her President and Party Leader?  Could the once said “Messiah” Obama now be so a walking crucified if not so betrayed, likewise, by those set so close to him, and expectantly as though close so kept close as known rivals?  Can a “Queen” as an “Empress” so such as she be of the Bible and not as if of the non-Christian Romans? 

Where does the story start?

You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG are a VIP & due this ICYMI, FYI per the FA, of the highest realm of SCOTUS, and DOJ, to question freely and doubt a holiness of PACS, & FOB as “IT’S ALIVE!”  Whether a 501 (c) 3 or 501 (c) 4 - perchance to dream as if of powers to rival CGI as a PAC (in practice?) or yet that PAC of FOB however now (covertly) constituted!  Perchance to dream - perchance to dream the AMERICAN DREAM.

Where does the story start?  Oh Pilgrims my Pilgrims how weren’t you like papered to be first socialist in Plymouth?  How, Pilgrims, how now did you come to capitalism from the contracted papering to be a social experiment like nowadays as if Socialists? Oh PACS and PACS - what ever is a 501 Common - a 501(c)19 or (c)7 - a 3,4,5 or 6? — When did common sense cease to suffice?  Can she only be his “Queen” or “Empress” if the USA DOJ by USG collusion be accepting of the US as if said, of their wants, as if of a post-USC new world order (more convenient to Americans like them as global autocrats)?

Where are we in the story?

You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG!  The founding fathers unanimously subscribed it so as ordained and established by the People’s Order to effect it as done as so ordered to be said a “more perfect Union” Constituted that day of that year of “the Year of our Lord” of the USA so as a governance established in the God of the New Testament.

Perchance to dream - perchance to dream the AMERICAN DREAM.

A Tea Party so anewly is but a party;  the Tea Party anewly suffices, now at five, as if more a Sons & Daughters of Liberty, freshly, to as if a Party, while still civilly mischevious again of a rightful disobedience so as if a tea party as but a party.

Aren’t we now gathered in Constitution still preserved as set against autocrats, at least?  Are we as pilgrims of Pilgrims grains not too corny yet for shedding that once so as papered of colonies as if better if to Socialism?  Aren’t we best as a people as of huddle masses, however, when of heeding the credence even of deist Thomas Jefferson by:  “I HAVE SWORN UPON THE ALTER OF GOD ETERNAL HOSTILITY AGAINST EVERY FORM OF TYRANNY OVER THE MIND OF MAN.”?

Where, though, again, are we in the story;  Can his “Queen” however an “Empress” yet be but a water carrier, and of an indivisible soul of his FOB PACish, however now so freshly as by a WWW so BC as WJC & HC of CGI?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

*As I start today’s satire/punditry on heavy issues about a/the real Hillary Clinton, and so live, here is a link to SUMMER FARE oldie as of SAMPLER of JPHogan.org @ http://jphogan.org/113201.html.


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There are times for comparative political literature and then there are TIMES for critical political literature.  If and/or how what now may transpire can be said (at all) to be literature is for you and others - not me - to wax upon, figuratively.

We all have our temptations.  Fewer of us of a global we though have equal freedoms.  Discretion and prudence may be a better part of democratic politics than Democrats like Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may care to admit.

Well WORLD today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s 50th Birthday, and today is the first day I have considered the it isn’t too timely a stretch to assuage a shared historical as now:  Michelle Obama and I spent near a year in Cambridge together. For now this is here as a memory trick — I had been lax in thinking President Obama had a thing for an earlier graduate of Harvard Law School as a thing for an older woman - I have now realized that like myself she was in the Boston and Cambridge area before her husband, as was I.  It may be that we were actually together even in Grendel’s Den a time or two and maybe even socially flirtive.

But more seriously, today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

It is more biographical if I can be objective or accurate in an auto’d bio’d to offer that the me/I of 1987-1988 year of Suffolk University Law School was like most of my years of a white guy just under 5′ 9″ whom though athletic still was generally not of a fear of black women (any more than women of other colors) while to a trepidation though (maybe of insecurity) albeit about tall/taller women.  Though First Lady Mrs. Obama and I can nearly be said to have spent a year in Cambridge together I cannot profess to know her politics, and nor will I presume to.  I did leave law school the spring before her husband started at Harvard and so the same spring she did graduate.  I did leave law school after confirming with one year that I was correct that I wanted to stay more creative and not barred at lawyering.  I did leave law school to creatively and originally be to setting myself up with experiences to be the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution that I could manage.

My story that supports my critical writing about even just Hillary Clinton is especially of such year and my reasons for leaving law school to be a marketing and politics caboose to Reagan’s Revolution freedom train.  I have know NYPD Commissioner/Chief William Bratton since such year in the Boston area.  Again, I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s, Sarah Palin since about 1982, and the Clintons since the early 70s.  I have not been able to support the politics of President Obama because of his choice of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for any spot in his cabinet, and especially for her selection to be his top diplomat.

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So more seriously:  Today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

I welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department per Secretary Hillary Clinton, her admitted culpability, and a general diligence due for the tragedy of Benghazi.  I welcome the new politics from such by the Senate that now should work as a better political check on President Obama as a Senate willing to rebuke the Clinton State Department is a Senate not to be presumed still as if unwilling to consider a possibility that an impeachment might be prudent.

For now while all of so much tragic is yet so fresh anew it behoove us to consider that at least First Lady Michelle Obama knows that her husband’s first Secretary of State can be blamed for most of his global failings.  You can say there is beauty - political beauty in this concept.  A historical Hillary Clinton is a dangerous political Clinton.  She doesn’t really come in many colors - her legacy is black with tragedies, and darkness.

All Americans of the northern continent Constituted in united states of a measured federalism prudence as a confederate republic have still (if Democrats) the Clintons firstly and mostly to blame for Vice President Al Gore 2000 loss.  A lesson for today is that the Clintons cannot likewise be trusted to not turn on the Obamas at least towards 2016.

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First Lady Michelle, it seems I still recall a flirtatious glance to a pretty black coed whence thence of a rendezvous at Grendel’s with other law school singles and yet until today had consider it as impossible that it could have been timely as of with you.  In any smile from me then at or near Harvard would have been that I was of inner city public schooling of New Haven, CT; that William Stringfellow whom recently likely had passed had been a client of mine; that when I was about five I shook hands with one whom still is likely both the tallest person I have shaken hands with and as well the tallest black person —and as Augustus A. White M.D. is most certainly the tallest doctor, however then when met quite still the renowned physician of the Black Panthers; and that I was thinking to be a great caboose to all and a outside facilitator for improvements in civility for law enforcement.  As it is I have known Dr. White since about age five and as socially introduced on the New Haven green in a happenstance reunion of he and my dad as “friends.”  Of my year so nearly spent about Cambridge with Michelle Obama of 1987-1988 it has been that I have recalled a casual flirtatious smile at Grendel’s thence whence with a black coed however of a different law school maybe that was abridged when such rose from seated to standing, and yet have until today never really considered that such could or might have been she.

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Dear readers this is becoming bulleted about Hillary Clinton even though originally meant to be more bulleted about Hillary Clinton critically — this is not supposed to be a beating about a bush of Mrs. Clinton but a beating at a/the real Mrs. Clinton.

Again:  I will not even now after five years of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama yet presume to know the politics of First Lady Michelle Obama.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama as per a rivaling First Lady Mrs. Clinton nor soon forget how the Clintons in politics even turned on the quite familial postured real friendship bosomed by the Bush clan and with dark back stabbing when politically convenient for the First Couple’d Clintons.  I don’t see how any Democrat can expect anything if a support of the Clintons towards 2016 as anything but severely guarded and restrained if by the First Couple’d Obamas.

To Mrs. Clinton, despite her spun propaganda for feminism, President Clinton is still too much her “Russian Bear” too over-coddled as if too meant to be like an American Putin of a return to the Power of the Presidency even as a Constitution seemed dead set writ against such.  It just seems a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is still of her personal and professional story of like always of having been to a predilection at wanting her “Bill” on top.

It is dark politics to delve into a depth of a/the real Hillary Clinton as one whom it seems has worked to undermine a Presidency for Al Gore and as well did work to undermine the Presidency of George Bush.  It seems simply clear that Secretary Hillary is supposed to reign as being a rival to the Presidency of Barack Obama and as yet still one whom politically can try to claim that those successes he did have were really of a pathology of her skill and not any really of his.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama or her ability to check an expected smack from Mrs. Clinton if she enters 2016 officially.

Giving such a confidence in a political and legal acumen for First Lady Michelle Obama I will now try to wrap this up albeit with less brevity than the brevity I did firstly intend.

Looking back to 1993 it is arguable that there hasn’t been a disaster or a tragedy that doesn’t have Hillary Clinton some at the heart of it.  There are too many political and historical layers caked upon Mrs. Clinton, however, for her to be to 2016 as a natural beauty.  A/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is to be discerned best maybe by understanding Vice President Al Gore’s failed 2000 campaign as principally due to the betrayal by the Clintons towards a selfish husbandry to protecting themselves over their own Party towards a securing of more terms as Hillary’s terms.  It is that only if you like tragedy can you possible see a visible historical darkness of a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton anyhow as beautious.

There is a beauty in the rivalry between the Clintons and the Obamas - but then you know by now today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s anniversary of her 29th birthday.  She shines bright today and as a darkness and doom lingers over Mrs. Clinton, however.  I do welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department, REALLY!  It helps it be crystal clear that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was no gem.  It seems she didn’t even master being a master of part of the house of Obama.  There seems an unflattering dirt and blood of many beneath the political nails of Obama’s first Secretary of State, and, yes, it seems some of it of stains she hasn’t been able to wash away from the first term hers of 1993-1997.

It seems Congress can do itself one better by First Lady Michelle Obama and now be of its Constitutional right and duty at checking more than just 2016 political smack by the Clintons - it seems Congress now by two houses bicameral can be to a very public investigating intrusion into the Clintons and their political machinations by ways of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives CGI, both by foreign and domestic jurisdiction.  The Clintons are in jeopardy by the Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the Constitution or by the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Courts — they are either now of the jurisdiction of one or both, and especially for a consideration of what could or can not be “legal” as per the months between their departure from the Executive plantation and that of September of 2001 of 9/11 I.  It is that the Clintons are likely still “legally” in reach of Congress, however bicameral, as by the Constitution bar of titling and checks on all whom can be said to be “agents” of The United States of America.

But to be brief it is a beauty how simply the Clintons can and should be now publicly dissected LIVE.

You do not need to be a lawyer to fathom that by the 22nd Amendment all People have a right and a duty to assert that the Clintons if to a Presidential campaign are in violation of the yet undecided Law of the term limits amendment and so taggable as criminal/un-Constitutional/treasonous.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is still undecided Law it is open to an original interpretation that its language of heralding in holding of office as if inseparable from a holding of a spouse is meant to be of an accounting prudence akin to petty cash safeties as also barred from an electing to the Presidency.  As a spouse has a right in marriage to hold their spouse the 22nd Amendment by the 80th Congress set with Richard Nixon an election of a spouse after a term limiting would simply in a logical be of a barred returning by election of the other to the barred holding.

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Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama.  It seems a simple truth quite beautiful that you have it in your power to easily check the threat of the Clintons to all the People and to defend your legacy - you and your husband’s yet still possibly net positive Presidential legacy.

People it is that the President and First Lady can still blame Iraq and Afghanistan failures most recently on a failure to measure up by First Lady Senator Secretary Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems as per our longest war that President Obama just had a top diplomat not capable of a diplomatic solution alternative to war, and likewise it is that it seems the President Obama’s early departure as a retreat from Iraq is likely historical as of a Secretary of State of having over estimated and under delivered on any promise that she with her “personality” could handle it all.

And simply there seems hope again as the Senate has proudly stood up dutifully and rendered a rebuke on the Clinton State Department - I mean at least for now the Clinton State Department of the Obama administration.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

This is likely going to take a while.

President Barack Hussein Obama has three years roughly to rain revenge and retribution upon New York City.

President Barack Hussein Obama, unless the Obama women are too weak, has to hit back against the punking of him by the brand new mayor of New York City at least for his ceremonial swearing in by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

President Barack Hussein Obama now should be drying up or dry docking as much or all the funding he has within his reach as federal that can be allotted to New York City.  It is a punking of the current Democrat President by a former Democrat President and such current President’s former Secretary of State and nothing less that transpired today.  President Barack Hussein Obama due to the persistent insubordinate politics of President William Jefferson Clinton should where ever and however he can be to blocking and stopping any or all federal funding for the new mayor Bill de Blasio.

I have long warned President Obama not to trust the Clintons and sometimes by making an example of how they turned on the too generous familial friendship the Bush clan offered the Clintons regularly and quite as if willing to ask to be treated like family and then forgiven as “family” after turning on the family and politically by like stabbing many of the clan in the back.

I have long tried to educate enough and have met a minimum moral standard by a public availability for all via my blogs towards a prepositioning alarming and at times dramatic alerting of danger in and of trusting either Bill or Hillary Clinton.  It is basically summable that Bill Clinton has Hillary Clinton loyal and supportive in he as an American Russian Bear like V. Putin and able even through her feminism, however, to again being President and even if it means that the First Black President of The United States of America is then more punked and while black than “President” Medvedev ever was actually.

It should be a new political reality for New York City that the current actual President is now cornered by his former Secretary of State and the former President Clinton to a new politics of being as cheap for New York City and maybe likewise New York State at least as the Clinton co-Administration was when of cutting an extra and unnecessary trillion from budgeted spending to have a thought impossible short term political popularity and while that of near all of their extra trillion cut for surpluses was later confirmed to have been cut from necessary spending that was needed to then actually support all the devilish hyper-consumerism of short term home economics thinking as specifically of the political leadership by the Clintons to so many off the financial cliffs from believing in the Clintons while they pimped them and pimped them into loans and spending however for mortgages that were known to be too risky at least to the Clintons.

President Barack Hussein Obama is politically now justified due to insubordination by the Clintons and their political machinations to create New York City as like a Federal “dry” zone free as much as yet possible from any funding he has yet control of.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

It should be fair, politically, and however progressively, to point out that the Clintons have given the First Black President good cause and reason to see how much New York City can and will be able to afford now more by its lonesome Clinton associated mass.

National politics still has to be about whom and from where they of their whom as to whom is in power in DC and now as President Barack Hussein Obama should have Republican bi-partisan support to even move money from New York City and state and at least to nearer to Chicago, and, as it is what politics is all about maybe seriously for the next three years.  Seems!!!

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          >>>  TO BE CONTINUED  <<<

{It should only get worse from here.  Please if you are brave enough check back to learn how much worse the Clintons have likely now made it for New York City than progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio was likely to have accomplished all by his lonesome.}

                     HTTP://CITRB.NET   #CITRB

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:28 pm

For any modern discussion of economics we must in a bi-partisan/non-partisan/cross-partisan be to spinning beyond TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS.  We are stuck now as commenced to a new #MoralCapitalism of a rejoined humanity in #MoralMan historicals much and quite mostly for #UrbanMoralisms.  Thanks to Martin Luther, however of a BE BOLD IN YOUR SINS, some may have taken past liberties in cruelty expectant that the day was then that even so so they could and would be forgiven.

It is that a morality is what has stewed better progress for Secretary Kerry than for Secretary Clinton.  Since Madam Secretary is inseparable from Bill Clinton’s commitment to her, as recalled, that preceded a fidelity in marriage arrangement with their prior necessary condition to marriage of that he would promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his, there is a forgivable possible and a forgivable not appropriate for a candidate or just historical Hillary Rodham Clinton;  Mrs. Clinton cannot run yet for 2016 as if of a Christian forgiveness granted daily so that each day she can be like just a lawyer with new cases — the Clintons do have a running con - a decades long operable plan for the election of her that as a still kept plan greater than each of her/our days is such of a aura than should not and cannot be overlooked or of a forgiveness sponsoring.  She is white - she is white collar - she may deserved being a white collared even if by an establishment morality separate from a State as a white collared posse.

President Barack Hussein Obama is a conundrum for historicals in economics.  It is hard to say he has a philosophy of governance nor any “economics” his own but that of spend, spend, spend & tax & tax reset of old “tax & spend” that if Mrs. Clinton otherwise had been electable too would have been of a politically necessary to render herself of at too as Senators Obama & Clinton did make nearly all the same campaign promises.  It is here ridiculous to try to relate to any TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS and especially if to be of a political spin doctoring attempt to show them in a possibly more moral light.  It is ridiculous otherwise too now to much discuss TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS just because the marketing and pop culture of these days are not of the era of such economics and are not sustainable or supportive to a harmonics or synthesis currently.  I propose that we now are to a new economics paradigm of at least a soft science discerning that can be responsibly tagged as a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

A discussion of a SUPPOSITORY ECONOMICS vs. a DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is seemingly apropos for these current social dynamics of the micro or macro and the local or global.  A discussion and development of a general understanding and furtherance of quantifiable and applicable discourse though may be good for setting us forward back to at least a decade of growth economics yet while it seems that such cannot fare well for President Obama nor other so yet set other leading Democrats.  It seems that we can focus how the Democrats in mass basically have been failing economically much because they have been lacking the understanding that should be generally solidified if and when to a full and detailed expose of that to do justice to it as a better and new economics as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

It can be said to be generally acceptable that President Obama did not rightly place the blame for the said “economics” he “inherited.”  It can be said that politically President Obama trapped himself from a better economics by being from day one of a politics of covering up how much of the collapsing of economies was rooted and nurtured essentially of Clintonomics and the general political administering of the co-Presidency of the Clintons.  The entire time since President Obama started off his first term with lies to the economics in play embedded and orated in his First Inaugural he has been of arresting any potential he may have had otherwise than has yet been demonstrable.  The Democrats in mass have been of an immorality in their governance by ways of lies about the causals most significant to the problemas.  They have only succeeded in pushing a “morality” agenda by a politics immoral as of them of falsely accusing and wrongly tagging the actual historical politics and economics.

Whom of white collars can be a posse?  We if again to a growth economics need be not of a said old and tired SUPPLY SIDE and/or TRICKLE DOWN now.  To be anew to a #MoralCapitalism we need to recognize we are not limited to the old Cold War Era prudent obedience to a TOP down guidance of/with assurities by Government that ones commerce wouldn’t be accidentally treasonous.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a charge of liberatings in new federalism have become a global normative.  We of America are of establishments that do quite require that an establishment morality exists separate from the State just so that the State can have a chance at operating morally.

It of us to a new economics as by ways of discerning as SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is also necessarily of a historical setting to an affecting that Democrats have not understood the socio - nor economics of their days so charge in its administering.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a new economics need not be of SUPPLY SIDE nor TRICKLE DOWN old Cold War era prudence that did much synch with the marketing and advertising harmonics whence.  A new establishment economics can be of how the Democrats missed there were two economics to govern about while proffering their irresponsible climate and economic sciences — we have long been of a complex economics that is said of people playing games in the economies, however justified as if a hobby in doing God’s work, as by supposing things as possible and potential, and, we have long been to while so of such in our economics of the core of the “moral” in the “humanity” of commerce and governance of the more permanent socio-economic of people living only by what they did deposit as of the economics of subsistence more nearly.

A ripe fruit as a conundrum a problema as a prolegomena for prima facia for SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is the unforgivable socio per the Clintons of the commitment keeping by Bill Clinton of his promise that Mrs. Clinton if she agreed to become his bride would have his fidelity at least to keeping his promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his.  [This is of a historical of my own experience and knowledge of the Clintons which dates to the early 1970s.]  The plans and plots of the Clinton “two-fer” is mostly a running con that asks that they be of a Christian forgiveness fresh start each day from so many without any consideration that such is dominant and unforgivable.  It is bad enough for any economics that the Clintons are both lawyered/esquired (still?) and of a politics of playing at governance as if even in the charges they are the lawyers and of the adage “the client goes to jail” not the lawyer, and as they are each other’s lawyer firstly and protected spousally from incriminating the other and all the while they like to ask the People to let them forget their own hands/culpability each day as if by being lawyers each day is just a new case and a blank slate in “professional” plausible deniability for them.

But this needn’t be so personal while the historical record still needs to be settled more correctly for the Clintons and President Obama’s year of administering as self arrested from a greater HOPE and POTENTIAL by his handcuffing of his presidency so with his most affecting cover-up cons for the Clintons on a presumption that their party needed the same protection for an associated guilt with the much unknown seeming husbandry of a most selfish and spousally set Clinton political machinations.  The economics of these years of administering by the Obama administration are and have been corrupted.  It is more considerable for any now beholden towards a morality reset for a renewed #MoralCapitalism though that the economics of the Clintons and Obama administration have missed the complexity of the real world economics as of a gaming and subsistence - a supposing and deposits limited - a SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY.

For now I have broached a discourse on a better and new economics science tagging — I will apply now some empathy receptors towards a further consideration and to an end that a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS can now mesh with the Laffer Curve logistics and yet be a different from and more time and place responsive adjusted socio-economic lingua.

In future elaborations we can discuss the old vs. new as the Cold War and current geo-politics respective of the Russian Federation and Iran.  There is a necessary consideration to be worked through of President Putin as a Russian Orthodox Christian and of his engagements now in Syria and Iran affairs.  Russia has rebuilt the grand Cathedral that Stalin tore asunder to make a permanent like monument to himself for the ages and his “governance.”  Iran has cause to, however long of alliances with Russian powers, be firstly if to nuclear weapons to be of a morality that is considerate that “Russians” are due a targeting firstly and much before Americans or whomever otherwise of past opposing coalitions.

For any tagging of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS to hold up and as if learned such much be applicable to a considerate historical at least as per Afghanistan and too how if the United States had not helped defeat the moves of expansionist communism/socialism by the old U.S.S.R. whence today Iran could too be just a satellite Soviet subject region.

{I wasn’t going to be expansive or historical to the early 90s recession recovery considerations but then today in 11:30 to Noon slot on The History Channel a short on Nelson Mandela confirmed an upside down of the politics and economics of the early 90s I had been considering but not meaning to also diss.  Of that of my economic thought and efforts of said pre-Clinton Clinton 90s recovery architecture is much that I was essentially to musing and synching a counter culture marking that was of an empathy for the more real economics as upside down as it was that the people at the thought bottom were then more relaxed and having more fun than the said “rich” of the top.  As per the Mandela documentary short they aired how he saw that the whites could be saved from themselves as a ticket forward his/theirs.  There is though I was annoyed by the Nobel Prize for Economics circa near 1992 and then later also annoyed that my architecture that was meant to be played with a complexity of at least a first part and then a needed second moderated differently second part had those like of he of the Nobel prize whence also apprised from earlier of my “marketing” for “economics” then stuck and ignorant of the second part and so that I was never able to also influence such via the remainder of my considerations in economics and positive change politics.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:54 am

First order of business now is healthcare.  Recently there have been reports quite contrary as “new” with the reports of old as per the fundamental thinking and politics of President Obama.  That President Putin is now at times heckled for punk’n President Obama leaves this may all just be a presser for a coming schooling on how Obamacare, by Putin’s “American”, is actually Un-Constitutional by the First Amendment.

Before we get to where President can go next - can next punk President Obama per his Socialism - it is most pressing and critical that the first reports from the White House Press Room were not bolstered with a notation that President Obama did just for precautions political have a full mental health examination.  It is that there is a new Obama now fundamentally and elementarily contrary to the old Obama - it seems he may have just changed his mind - not lost it.

To what Stalin may have to do with this:  It seems Stalin did actually tear down a Moscow Cathedral and towards a permanent enshrining of himself with so a less “sanctuary” quality.  As President Vladimir Putin is now fashioned politically fittingly for his times more religiously traditionally it seems it has been he more than President Barack H. Obama that has been lifting and raising up “church” while it President Obama quite to putting them out of business with Obamacare.

The First Amendment of the Constitution that unites the states in a loose federalism workable around the world for most reasonably sized States does stand apart though exceptionally as it for Americans is a freedom of religion that is not at all a freedom from religion as originally reasoned.  Obamacare fundamentally decimates the First Amendment.

It seems President Obama has been as by ACA coughing up of a rushed most desired tool for a new nationalism has proven himself more as if a Stalinite than as of a Christian “messianic.”  There is existential jurisprudence in the First Amendment that for now is still not yet of the Supreme Court challenges to “Obamacare.”  Essentially the Supreme Court hasn’t yet been asked to rule past “it’s a tax” of a bully power of the Executive and Congress in case of a need to like wage war on health and to rule if such were to be institutionalized as if a permanent new federal Power it then would be essentially and elementarily in real and critical conflict with the First Amendment as an essential structural node of what is Constitutional and “American.”

President Obama cannot have his (Stalinistic) American new New Deal foundation with “Obamacare” as permanent without such being in violation of the pragmatic and essential of the Constitution as affirmed by the Bill of Rights and especially just the First Amendment.  It is a civil procedure jurisdictional conundrum of the enduring affirmed paradigm of freedom from ones Creator that renders Obamacare a souffle sunken and ruinous — Our National Federal Government by our Freedom of Religion - not from religions - cannot be to a permanent institutionalization of healthcare (covering) without being violate of the People’s rights and states’ autonomy about “faith” and even the moral pressures subscribed about the seven deadly sins and their important civic imports.  Obamacare is a civil procedure wreck about the US loose federalism foundation for and in morality by the People.  The First Amendment secures to the People a greater right than for Congress in much if not all of an “interpretation” of God’s will.  It is too atheistic how Obamacare seems actually on a road to be “permanent” as if the Congress otherwise is of the authority to interpret and rule over the People and their spirited communities as to what is an establishment of religion - as to the seven deadly sins and their moral imports and all tenets of religion a ministering is to Power of for at least effective local community based unity with peer pressure.

Our exceptional American establishments are still Constitutionally secured as by the recent DOMA and Same Sex Marriage Supreme Court rulings - our Constitution did with these decisions scroll out a deeper understanding of a lacking of standing for Obamacare if as to a permanent new “institutional” as it is that such has with such shown a fundamental and elemental contrariness of the enduring Right being of the states as to the jurisdiction of the seven deadly sins as writ large to be a or the bulwark of communities, not a nationalism.

American exceptionalism may be of a political jeopardy these days as embraced by editorializing by President Vladimir Putin to be illuminative of President Barack Hussein Obama as maybe too Stalinistic or too of a state secular atheism.  Putin may beat Obama to the elementary and fundamental new messianic of the global trends about a new federalism, however American in historical origin, and so too be again able to punk @BarackObama on the world stage about the American First Amendment limitations as bars for the United States of America from Socialism and Stalinism.

Obamacare by way of the politics of President Obama has been to be a threat to religion and the existential and metaphysical community and social securing for communities as by a structured around religious nodes for sanctuary.

As Thomas Paine grew up a “doubting Thomas” necessarily he somehow came to feel destined or too Jobian of a fate to write large and generally about common sense and effectively fundamentally as seated firstly inescapably from a sensical about pain and a danger from ignoring or doubting pain.  President Obama has been quite too idealistic in a escapist high-falutin as he has steamed up and down our rivers of politics.  There are Siren calls for the ship of Obamacare and unlashed Captain President Obama - he is not allowed to permanently institutionalize a federal power to have people of the Peoples’ secured communities of rights from their Creator where a citizen (now “subject” so (reconstituted) but) can visit a doctor - a National ystem doctor say for a Prozac to over-ride or trump the peer and ministered moral righteous “pressure” of his community and its civic foundations.

Our economics are secured only when fashioned or permitted to still be of the religious sanctuaries as essential and critical nodes of the constituted and consecrated long as enduring and exceptional as “American.”

Obamacare must fall if set now past a taxing right to bully a better way for all forward to a permanent federal institutionalization.  Obamacare is Un-Constitutional for it is violate of the necessary sanctuary for sanctuaries religious by the First Amendment bar of Congress from making any Law that would give it more authority than the People or the states at interpreting the tenets of religion - any establishment of the Founders Christian God - any moral community pressure around “sin” and repercussions due of from just peer pressure by way of a “community” enduring constituted under God and the seven deadly sins. 

The Federal Government by the American Constitution doesn’t have the right to trump the states as per the health of those that have decided to call such their home state.  President Obama by the already existent Supreme Court challenges to the unaffordable Affordable Care Act has only a short term power to bully the states for not having like already competed with Massachusett’s and to a state based more moral covering of all their residents as at least by a Romneycare.

It is troubling that Candidate Governor Mitt Romney too missed the essential importance of sanctuaries religious as critical and fundamental nodes for a workable economic for America - it is remembered that Candidate for President Mitt Romney was too too much too a desire to Un-Consitutionally bully the exceptional American People people.  Mitt Romney deserved to not win the Presidency as soon as he was to promising that he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with Romneycare. 

Romneycare is not a national workable solution either - it is only Constitutionally workable as a state solution. 

And, yes I am still of my reasoned opinion and a faith in it that economically speaking our sanctuaries are fashioned as critical nodes even around healthcare for all morality - that essentially the only just, right & nationally Constitutional “affordable” reformation is to be protestant and regular in practice to a urban and suburban new “community” figuring so as if a Count not a Czar the apropos to a new economics of a COUNTY-WIDE not COUNTRY-WIDE revolutions for healthcare (covering).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

Despite which political camp you now find yourself in or towards your President has called you to now start being moral.

As many have long heard of “trying times” President Obama is an usher in farcical times.  We all would be behooved if of tent poles pitched more pedestrian to doubting pains of these times anew of necessity at common sense and general Welfare.  President Obama has staked his cover(s) of lines of a contrariness more as if by knots granny than squared. 

A well suited for the deconstruction of the camps of Clintonomics and Obamanomics seems maybe now either Bill de Blasio or Joe Lhota.  Vladimir Putin while either the insurgent resurgent deputy of President Dmitry Medvedev or as a real “The Leader” of writs official has been of a comity quite considerable of leadership rivalry to President Barack Hussein Obama.

If expansionist State Socialism was defeated by the designs and strategery of President Ronald Reagan with Capitalism it figures that Vladimir Putin, however, the Russian “leader”, was as much or more an expert in the fall of Soviet style Socialism.  There may be comfort in the political camps of Putin’s now in a collective pride that he has proven to be more expert in Soviet Socialism (and its demise - its humbling to more “community” organized relevance) than President Barack Obama.  It seems of an inescapable political philosophical historical that V. Putin knew that B. Obama didn’t have a “Socialism” that could be — It seems too that both may have missed that 2009 was too soon for a “new foundation” renaissance for America and the world economies as it was then that the renaissanced rebirth in the Reagan Revolution inheritance of the Clintons pathological ride was still too young at near only seventeen years old.

The fare of the galleys of the etiquette of the “camp” of Obamanomics is raw with irregularities.  It seems until the urban uprising of a public advocate secured in a reality of his times that is of the colors of the Bill de Blasio camp all have been of conundrums from a contrariness of the entrenchments of the trenchant National Democrat lots.  It seems uncertain for just New York City and its five boroughs now if a Republican or a Democrat is of a more “campy” philosophical for a times where the economies are stalled from a New Nationalism drum beat and march to a centralization in a Socialism.  It seems V. Putin, however Russia’s leader, saw that President Obama as the camp director to a attempt to evangelize and assimilate citizens more as subjects to a New Nationalism and figured that America at most could move nearer to Socialist governance in a break up to six new regional sized appropriately realms.  It seems that where the nationalistic Democrats of the Clintonomics and Obamanomics have failed has been predicable to others more expert on the Reagan Revolution and the defeat of expansionist State Socialism by Capitalism.  It is that by being so bent with their tent polls all pitched on too shifty and slippery philosophical grounds Obama camps have been storm tossed again and again by such more pedestrian and of a more general Historical common sense.  We have that what has been cooked up by President Obama is of a suffrage story that relates it seems to Hillary Clinton for not being a “builder” or a “cook” — it seems that what Hillary has cooked up of all of this, however officially of leading, has been want of her of not having had building or cooking experience.

A learned response to such as well as of a call for a new foundation as if a call for a new renaissance too soon upon the developments of a more successful still young earlier national rebirth is to be considered from a fathoming of the paradigms in play in THE KRUGMAN FALACY at http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  If you find yourself too new to the consideration that V. Putin as a better expert in the fall of expansionist Soviet Socialism and that he knew President Obama’s Socialist agenda was likely to only have economic growth potential if it were not affected more generally than regionally in a new national divide by maybe six new American economic regions it is that maybe you need to visit the satellite blogs off of http://jphogan.org of “myblog” “2012us” & “hogan” and to the extensive reading by keyword and subject sorting three times so by local site searching with: NEW NATIONALISM.

The too nationalistic (Socialist) Democrats of the game change of the 2008 election have been about too freely in a “campy” of the Presidents pitched polling popularity propaganda.  It is that they have taken apart far more than they have built and that they undermined a post Reagan Era economic that was ready to be occupied with a general equity more established - they undermined with their calls for a “new foundation” an economic structure that was ready and more permanently platted.  It is that for now we may be of times where for a decade we have to look at our local and community governments to be more socialistic and to increases in spending and taxing just to fix the decimation that has been affected by the too nationalistic Democrats however loyally of the Clintons’ camps or the Obama camp.

It seems we are all now to a decade of slow growth that will be of a deconstruction of President Obama and his politics and economics and so that locally we are in need of a new generational “campy” of “builders” or “cooks” to fairly fare out so much that was destroyed as a New Nationalism was wrought at least so as foundationally unwise for at least another decade.

We have that President Obama is now committed in his politics at Morals of his call for solidarity that is of him asking people to start being moral with him.  A base line for a new “campy” political, however partisan, now must be that if to Morals and of the general Welfare Posterity of the Constitution of the United States of America it follows that your tent polls can either be set as that the Clintons were moral or that President Obama is now being moral - it is to be un-covered much still how they cannot both in Posterity of common sense of pedestrian doubting and pains be right - be moral.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:17 am

It is an interesting NEW WORLD ORDER grand strategy consideration to now be tee’d off with a shot of Russian Vodka RESET versus a stout or lager beer stein, however, as if to a time for a new ISRAEL construct.

It seems we are of times to avoid too much nationalism.

America has rightly been sunk some or much by depth charges of at least Hillary Clinton of a shot in her steins, like.  Hillary Clinton is no longer Secretary of State; Hillary Clinton has retreated into lower ranking now with a reset patriarchy Clinton about a made-over face to a Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clintons Foundation.  The Clintons global initiatives are still too concerning and while practiced much as they had pledged them to not be.

Speaker John Boehner has much experience with slippery footing of realms most stereotypically of the type of “Depth Charges” Mrs. Clinton has been known of a preference for;  Speaker Boehner comes from a large family of bar keeps.

If Syria can now be a better Palestine solution due to GLOBAL WARMING than Israel should it be still toasted regular as if more by Russian vodka than Aryan suds?  It seems there is a new way forward in a post Clinton era where their too historic inaction and avoidance no longer dominate as nothings where some things needed;  It is quite plausible to posit that Secretary of State John Kerry is amidst a simple rendering of the performance of Secretary Clinton as mediocre.

I am not ready to suggest a metaphor that we can all go stout with Irish America Kerry.  There are places in this known world on the globe of earth that are best of people while of such climates to be in an absentia from alcohol however still’d or bake’d.

At this point as an American private content blogger I am of consideration that I should revisit the year 2006 and my public commentary mostly via threads of newsbusters.org as “uc” for both that Vladimir Putin did become the 2007 TIME Person of the Year after I had said “NO” in matching spirit to TIME as “uc” to their request for a picture of me for their cover as if for a story about “uc” for the nearly full year of arguing clearly for the Iraq Surge and then long in defense of it, also.

We have that a new charge of Federalism is actually now long been about globally without specifically being American.

I did say no to TIME in 2006 per their most spirited request but not without adding that a NO was appropriate because I wasn’t yet half through and they wouldn’t have sufficient space for the whole story if aired mid stream. I did consider that I liked the idea and quickly figured that if they could put a mirror on their cover instead I could though be to helping them with their intent while to thinking such the best story of that year, as per their “politics.”

At the time of this roughed out broadside for considerations seemingly fit or again anew fit today I do have no idea about Syria and Syrians as per a culture of consumption allowing and/or disfavoring alcoholic beverages.

Aryans are back in the news.  But not for German beers, however lager’d or stout, as it is now more of a fresh democratic suds of the washing news of Iranian Aryans of a new and more moderated elected leader.  Iran as well is of my current unchecked consideration as to a culture of consumption particular also to at least Russian vodka or maybe cheep American suds like say Milwaukee’s Best.

It does seem too early to “report” on consequences of so much no left an inheritance to Secretary Kerry on arguably simple and mediocre “diplomacy” of his most recent predecessor Secretary.

There is with my vast thinking and blogging just in 2006 as “uc” with newsbusters.org exposes on modern media and Operation Iraqi Freedom complications that I have a history of considering that we needed to get to prosecuting Saddam Hussein before the USA might get caught on the wrong side of the freedoms spreading technology revolutions (in social media) interconnectedness and so to as a wrong side as a global trending nation that avoided with too much inaction, for too long, and in an abandonment, near an infidelity, to its own Constitutional, and national values.

America may now be most threatened by thinking that either Clinton deserves to be floated as more possibly of offering solutions while it seems inescapable that we are of a time that needs more to discuss how they are mostly just (still) only part of the problems.

Yes, I do have years of personal history of American private content shared freely and independently much to these points.

I see though that Syria of today presents a problem that has been existent for a long time - for at least as long as it was that Americans were wise to consider how the US Constitution deserved more fidelity from President Bill Clinton than what can be recorded for posterity historically as rather a Clinton with American Infidelity to his own standards.

We have that people of the Middle East were given cause to call at least President Bill Clinton and “AMERICAN INFIDEL” for his years of abandonment in Iraq and Afghanistan with that long tagged and hashed of his inaction and avoidance.  It is that we’ld be wiser as Americans to not let us, however, become associated with Clinton as an “AMERICAN INFIDEL” so and to a mashable guilt by association as if of a knowing accomplice status.

So how to toast or not to toast as per Syria now as a opportunity for a new grand strategy that Palestinian people of the wisdom they are capable might support — If the United States of America has to involve itself and a new global multi-national coalition of states in Syria it again would be best to avoid OCCUPIER status and reach towards only a LIBERATOR rap.

So what about Palestine and Palestinians?  Does GLOBAL WARMING offer a Middle East ice breaker as per the wisdom Palestinian peoples are capable of?  If the USA has to become involved it must likely be so to nation building with a new coalition and to such a scale as that which once led to the post WWII remapping of the Middle East for an Israel so of today.

Besides that if from a Russian Syria to a more Palestinian new Syria as a new Palestine there could be a shift from a predilection for vodka to a searching for Aryan suds of equanimous cultural consumption how now might a nation building for a new Syria as a NEW “Palestine” at least as per climate change wisdom be the only real alternative now to Assad?

Yes, I do think it still a good toast to lift up your socially acceptable local beverage in good cheer that the USA and coalition states did manage a prosecution of Saddam Hussein assisting standing with (in LIBERATION) before the rising conditions of the technology revolution (in social media) had at least American caught on the wrong side, and injustly as if also AMERICAN INFIDELS to their values so Constituted as standards as President William Jefferson Clinton is taggable.

* #Hashtags #tag ISLAM, #Islam, MUHAMMAD, #Muhammad
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:28 am

There are lessons in architecture - there are whole schools of how good architecture is related to human form and function.

Soon we all should be stirred to palpitations and warm pulsations as the new Bush library opens and so most sternly.  It will be hard to avoid a judgmental attitude and strong bias about Bush’s contrasting of Clintons’ library architecture in Arkansas.

I don’t know how much you know of Kentucky’s and Ohio’s standards of a keying and securing past the Beaver Wars.  We have that top hats like President Lincoln’s were of beaver pelt constructions.

These are days when our architecture has to be considered anew as per jurisprudence and jurisdictions (even of prudence if/when droning) as of International Law and the reach of International Courts.  How Sam Powers (Samantha Powers) was an “architect” of President Obama’s attempt for a rushed RESET to copacetic collusion with Russian powers is as well much of this consideration.  We cannot un-consecrate the old Georgian structures/borders post the rushed juxtaposing of bordering sovereignties and how so said of a South Assetia (Ossetia?).  There is a Bardish Shakespearean casting about such so dramatically and geographically set as with a President Medvedev and a President V. Putin.

Our set and cast about Obama’s war of choice in Afghanistan as of their mission creep from Bush’s War on Terrorism to be a warring on feminism and illiteracy in Afghanistan and Pakistan has Bardish constructs too, and as well so a “New Vietnam” plot, it seems.  Geographically Afghanistan news of war has been as “architectural” or “Freudian” as of Helmand Province and as it like the discarded Soviet State of Georgia for looking in shape like a prophylactic.

You should ask Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, how to interpret the physical architecture of their library in Arkansas (The Natural State) now publicly due a critical review and contrasting as the new Bush library readies in all its sterness to open.  It seems more prudent to ask her how “Bill’s” library got to looking phallic and Freudian and too suggestive in a skin of Confederate Gray - right?

President Karzai’s Helmand Province of Afghanistan seems to have a sovereign and proud history as if of a meant structural difference as between South Carolina and North Carolina.  The province to the South East of Helmand Province seems more like our West Virginia and of a destiny or fate to be more of a protectorate about shrinkage. 

I do not know how the Clintons’ library got its shape, nor do I know how Helmand Province or South Carolina got theirs.  I do get that President Medvedev and President V. Putin did nearly return discarded Georgian State to the drawing board to be more otherwise a checked South Assetia (Ossetia?) reshaped from being more like Helmand and at least Trojan brands to being more like a new seat of a new ham shire and as of pipe line concerns, at least.  It seems Georgian styling got made nearly more symetrical by Presidents Medvedev and Putin as if so publicly made a butt of an separatist joke (governance?).

I don’t know how to Constitute specifically for each of these regions the differences about sam powers and Samantha Powers of Obama’s casting and setting even with it of a legacy reach to be more Soviet like with a friendly apologetic RESET.

Church steeples are also considerable architecture and how other places of worship and sanctuary are structurally welcoming as if a great big bosom of offerings of compassion.  It is clear that our Ground Zero Memorial sits as if our World Trade Center has had a double sex change.

I did nearly submit a design concept for the Ground Zero site myself to having two towers rebuilt in there original footings and as tall but taller by some and as pentagonal obelisk twin towers with memorial glass topping where more a obelisk’d pyramid high above and open to heaven’s lights.  I didn’t.  I did think about the concept some and share thoughts with at least one friend then an architect with Cesar Pelli as I considered that if I did offer a submission I might have wanted to pair up with George Knight of Cesar Pelli firm. 

I had many friends from the mid 90s associated professionally with the design and construction management of the Petronas Towers - and such is part of the story of the birth of Quid Ditch, Voldemort and Patronus Spells.  (How cool > I hadn’t seen Patron US in Patronus Spell before now.)

I would have had to answer George Knight’s first (only) profession design query about my idea for rebuilding two towers at least as tall and as twin pentagonal obelisks.  I would have had to (with him?) figure out how to skin the new towers for such a shape to either be all in glass or somehow much as if skinned like the original twin towers.

If Hillary Clinton had become President after having been that carpet bagger Senator it is probable and too possible that she would have insisted that the nearly winning idea of a LADY LIBERTY glass and steel tower replacement be named forever as the HILLARY CLINTON LADY LIBERTY TOWER.  Yes the 9/11 Memorial now is architecturally as if our World Trade Center site (our’s as of all global citizens) has had a double sex change from phallic in the male twinness to feminine in twin wet ports as “memorials.”

Yes there was too much too graphically and Bardish dramatized for TV teasing about the mission creep to Obama’s warring of choice in Afghanistan on feminism and literacy.  There were days were it was there was either a story of shrinkage and reservation of one province or a strong or too strong (too proud) story as from Helmand Province.  What does Kandahar sound like when said once?  What does Kandahar sound like when said ten times quickly?

If the Clintons were behind 9/11 by willful plotting and clever inciting of radicals and then with their new walls of separation between FBI intelligence and FBI enforcement branches there is some incredible and dangerous or diabolical genius about such.  For them to have been behind it knowingly it may have been as a team of taunting inciting provocation to have pushed a known enemy enough to have forced them into a corner for a predicable acting out and not by a buying of “terror” or “terrorism” or a specific machination for a specific outburst.  For if the Clintons were behind it they figured a way to get US attacked by an enemy so that such enemy would be justifying the very type of convenient crisis that they of a “justice” seeking Jihad would not have wanted;  If the Clintons were behind 9/11 it might only have been by inciting a set of radicals to a predicable outburst to then justify the war on feminism and literacy that was needed for “Hillary’s” fem imperialist crusade needed for her to be more than just full of hot air talk.

I don’t know how President Obama will orate or proffer an attempt at erudite architectural review at least of the Clintons’ library in The Natural State down south.  I don’t know if he will care to join the due comparing and contrasting and judging of the two newest of our Presidential Libraries when the new most stern Bush library does soon open to the public.

Presidents Medvedev and V. Putin did hold court for a while internationally about whether Georgia needed to be reshaped from being like a separated and discarded used prophylactic to a visibly exposed butt of a new regional inclusiveness.  Again, it was somehow also about pipe lines and some acting up too much without enough respect for a sanctuary in morality whether secular or religious.

President Obama may be more willing to broach his war of choice in Afghanistan as a new Vietnam than to be orally committing to discussing the architecture of the library for the legacy of the Clintons, and it so skinned in Confederate Gray.  He did wax a strapping erudite philosophical oration with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech while whipping up a frenzy of youths the world over with his slights directed at the Clintons’ and their eight years of “avoidance” and “inaction.”

President Obama was a wise man while of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech to speak so barbed and pointedly about “dangers of inaction and avoidance.” 

Yes Petronas and Patronus belong together like Dorothy and Ultimate Frisbee and my parents fireplace broom whence.  Those were the early days long before JK Rowling had her struggles finding a publisher — those were the days so early she was of asking for more as of “you didn’t give me enough for five books” and as well so early she was of asking “should we have flying brooms?” and me to a pondering and then answer of “yes, but go big make it a team sport.”  George Knight was one of my many architect Ultimate Frisbee Leagues friends when I put an attitude of frisbee flying disk sport to an echo for creativity for JK in Scotland.

Dumbledore like Gryffindor come from the earlier days than these and as from “double door” a couple doors away and from Griffin doors as of a balance to so many of Yale Hospitals and Yale about such with a working about Derby’s Griffin Hospital Emergency Room Doors.  JK Rowling is about 5-6 days older than me.  Her late father Peter Rowling was a critical part of she being the one to answer a like Googling pre-Google for an unknown writer willing to write about a character “Peter Rowe-ling” and about magic learning with seven books for seven separate years of curriculum.

You may want to visit the Borough of Jeffersonville as of Ohio and the Beaver Wars.  There is a short initial series still to be developed when I have the time and professional inclination in the archives of my blogs that covers November of 2010.  As since November 2012 elections I changed styles and moved to a poetry working with Citizenrosebud.us link I had in 2010 as well post the election results changed my writing to be long prose as if a new LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE some with my BEATRICE BOXER AND THE GREAT BEAVER WARS series so archived off of jphogan.org.

I did protest but without working to distroy public state or religious property when it seemed that the “LADY LIBERTY” towers replacement design had been picked.  I do appreciate and celebrate the whole hearted and compassionate architecture of the new towers and the 9/11 Memorial about Ground Zero - yet will have to wonder on how the sight seems to have had a sex change.

It is hard to believe that the Clintons are smart enough to have been actually behind 9/11 so that they incited the known radicals to an outburst that they could use to overwhelm and then defeat them and with a response an actual ushering in of an imperialism in a new global feminism as per FLOTUS Clinton’s heated and stirring walking and talking, whence.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:05 pm

We have to accept that POTUS to SOTU as specifically #SOTU2013 is limited to fashioned stylings for now or this fall again pointedly so quite as if whether he will or will not wear a flag lapel pin this Tuesday to #Congress in appropriate dress.

I do not want to have to read THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO to be able to understand how foreign or domestically born the expectant vacuum of political anticipation filling, with as if “intelligent” and “considerate” oration, POTUS’ SOTU will covertly or overtly wax on spectacularly, however.

I do not remember how much of THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO I did read when decades ago I read just that much.

America and Americans are now in grave danger from having listened at least to Paul Krugman too much.

There are presumptions postured as if of a Posterity posit in a possible while presently pressed and presided by POTUS practicably proven politically polarizing as too partisan for of limited or minimal pragmatism. 

America and Americans are still in a grave economic political POTUS’D rendered Government New Nationalism too much of the experienced excessive centralizing less “economic” than “social planning.”

We may be better to hope that Russia has a twelve step program to beat addictions to old Soviet styled communism and that we can get our POTUS treated - and that we still have time to see that our POTUS gets the treatment our economy really seems to need.  It seems we are wiser now to listen to Russia’s V. Putin than to President Barack H. Obama’s Karl Marx.  The Russians may have been right at least in that six separate regional smaller unions is something modern America could fall apart into.

We have that it would have been simply better if President Barack H. Obama came into his first term more like the Chinese economists thinking for China as of a move to capitalism from socialism and not as he POTUS did with attempts to paddle up stream all tweedy professorial as a political dandy to socialism from capitalism.

The easiest way to explain how and why the Democrats of Obama’s and Clintons’ iron grip have been unable to restore us to a vibrant new growth economy may be to start with how they brought back a centralized political policing bunker mentality even though it was a more convenient for our People era of decentralizing that is the milk or honey of what remains of popularity for or of the Clintons for our 1990s. 

We have that their droning as it undermines our foundations nationally of a system of laws above governance by man is illustrative of an endemic problem with them about a “management” skill for growth economics.  We have that we can talk comparatively of a Chicago grandmother figure of say one of such cities worst neighborhoods that just won’t move because it has been her home since before it was so troubled.  We have that by the “kill list” politics of Obama’s like new manifest destiny foreign policy by remote hands off joy-sticking is so questionable and worrisome that it is as if “collateral damage” for “hot zones” would even have such a Chicago “Grandmother” figure GUILT BY ASSOCIATION by a proximity in location and as if such doesn’t need to be a consideration of humanity or souls at risk.

It seems it is reasonable to suggest that we all economically and socially even could now be better off in 2013 if President Barack H. Obama had listened to and or emulated or imitated the Chinese and Russian leaders of his day more than as he did, as it seems, just the dead Karl Marx.

With anticipation building to #SOTU2013 and how such tweedy professorial Presidential dandy may yet fill an expectant vacuous political new hour we are all maybe best to being to constructs of mental and emotional breastworks of an immunity to and from a new oration of impracticable idealism.

The first step may be best to remember and better realize that the supposedly “bad” Bush Tax Cuts were actually then fair and just as justified by the Clintons and their unnecessary SURPLUSES.  As long as Bush wasn’t allowed to put back in the necessary spending the Clintons cut while signing off on the prudent trillion of cuts to balanced proffered by the Republicans or that of the extra trillion Dems found rashly there was nothing then that was needing higher taxing than that of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Right before there should be a second step each should realize that the crass Clintons’ SUPRLUSES justified the Bush Tax Cuts.  There is an atmosphere about too much of this still excessively vacuous.

Again:  Re: our Budget now:  Our best NATIONAL SECURITY posture now is like best for us of America and the United States of America to be to a real renaissance in state’s rights.  A renaissance in state’s rights is our best hope for regrowing our economy and maybe even jump starting a frozen global economy.  A renaissance in state’s rights now would reset us to the decentralizing that was central to what worked and sold during the Clintons’ 8 of our now too little discussed seemingly missing years 1993-2001.  A renaissance in state’s rights would be our best foreign policy posture as if also of a dominant global trend and yes as a reset to what had been the trending before the Obama call for a “New Nationalism” centralizing too much also of a poorly considered evangelizing about a supposed need for a “new foundation.”

President Barack Hussein Obama is due a historical tag as a professorial tweedy dandy.  He is also still it seems too stuck on old and dead (former) socialists than freed or liberated/cured by successors mostly from such now of new ways such as of modern leadership in Russia and China.

For our POTUS to SOTU now again for #SOTU2013 new media social media speedy media interactiveness we have that he should feed our demands with a supply less vacuous than the “vacuous” now expectant from him.

Can President Barack Hussein Obama - the RE-ELECTED - proffer on Tuesday night a professorial intelligentsia new attitude sufficiently erudite and in a “modern moralism” if only for his now more “subjects” than “citizens” of these no longer loose enough states?  He managed to remain after 2012 contests a American Bolshevik - though seemingly only with a mandate for austerity.

How will he step out as “FRESH & NEW” this week - what talk will he walk as styled right for these times and even for this Fall?  Can he offer us anything new?  Can he offer a promise of new jobs and a jump started economy if he doesn’t learn to wax on carefully layer oratorical polish for a return to decentralizing from a bunker mentality?

After your first steps about this - if even to be supportive to President Barack Hussein Obama with he braving first steps - to get to breaking an addiction to old Marxist styled socialism or old Soviet Communism one or all should consider that more taxes at the national level is not arguably the most idealistic taxation change of the still too purported idealism suffered now too long these past four years.

For our tweedy dandy professorial President even now especially as many fear a vacuous new political hour for Tuesday night we have that ideally he wants to punish wealth variances not mostly earnings as with which our federal revenue streams flow.  A renaissance in state’s rights now would be our best way to reset our economies and to be to finding the much needed real cost savings for healthcare.  A renaissance in state’s rights would be more marketable as for with such though contrary to 1st term of #Obama it would be as if Americans were also for a “spring” for Arabs - as if Americans also wanted a “spring” at home.

Well, we are nearing the release and steppin’ of/for the 2nd Term - of/for the NEW President Obama if not a old and tired return and rehashing just of a too old idealism of a “THE OLD OBAMA.”

How will he dress?  Will he wear a “power tie”?  Will he wear a flag lapel pin of our Stars and Stripes standard of our not as loose as they could best be United States of America?  Will he wear a flag lapel pin dutifully and/or proudly with faith in our Constitution kept?

And of such professorial tweedy dandy of a modern American “politics” is he to offer a new attitude for a developed intelligentsia with specifics to a “GREEN MINIMALISM” as a new political correctness to supplant all discussion as to “poverty” and or “poverty levels” to a workable new base line for any “ideological” new utopian “governance”?  Can he or will he step out and wax on not too vacuous a rendition in erudite and modern oration with a practicable and pragmatic philosophically discerned that can fit with us now best to be to a renaissance in state’s rights or the “falling apart into six separate regions” proffered by a living modern Russian leader?

And of such too:  What about the Chinese?  What about how as President #Obama started his first term he moved to march as if a drum major too many to socialism from a still workable methodology nearer Capitalism, and, how so while the Chinese Government seemed to be effecting more democratic bottom up changes to Capitalism from Socialism?

Mr. President there is an intelligence vacuum about your politics and social engineering.  Would you please explain how now still it would be better if we reset to the decentralizing workable economics but now as if also to a renaissance in states rights like a “spring” for Americans?  Would you and will you at least explain the philosophical “intelligence” that your “fairness” concerns actually are best if addressable as of a venue civilly more appropriate as of state not State jurisdictions? — Will you explain that economies are frozen because you were wrong to try to revolutionize with a social engineering in ways that needed wealth based taxation not income and earnings basis like that our our Federal Revenue streams?

It would be dandy if you could wear tweed and be professorial with practicable and pragmatic posits proffering even for #SOTU2013 and to be informative and instructive as to how a renaissance in state’s rights for our fifty states would allow your own idealism and attempts at “modern moralism” to be workable and more just and fair for our states do have the taxation powers for community redistribution moral concerns with their Power to tax wealth and property.

After twelve modern steps a “tweedy dandy” could be a good thing more than a bad - than still a bad - tag.  We have that it would be more moral to have attempted so much of the revolutionary ways of President Obama at now higher or greater a political level/jurisdiction/community size than that already Constituted with wealth and property taxation Posterity Powers - than that like our fifty states - right? 

Do you concur?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:30 pm

As these eves to February move to dawns to realities also to Marches Obama II is staged as if a SMOKEY IS THE BANDIT.

There are many conundrums to yet be settled about your civil rights and general Welfare consistently across different trafficking in “change” by President Barack H. Obama.  His new conservationism contradicts his new nationalism economic growth pimp’n - he is as much a punk rock poet for his due process stomp’n trip’n. 

We may not be yet any more safe as a nation than when we were before he became President; we do not know or know if we can be certain if he has stopped smoking.  As our President is his a “Smokey” - as President Barack H. Obama is he also a “bandit”?

We have been of four years for foreign policy quite different than that which was necessary to keep our United States of America from having been like punk’d by the peoples otherwise of the world to be the world’s police at our own expense.  Has President Obama, however of delegating these past four years, been to a giving away of the game (for popularity) before it was wise or safe?

It can be driven now for the next four years that the foreign policy of Obama I was able to build upon the Bush years in ways it and such wasn’t able to build upon the earlier years of the Administration of the Clintons.  That our President has trafficked in falsities taggable as a cover-up for a negligence of the Clintons doesn’t remove the logic of so much now as of a building upon much disciplined and difficult hard work of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA.  The years of Obama I has been of saying Bush was wrong and all at fault while fronting the Clintons as oddly completely innocent.  The first term - Obama I - can only have been possible as a building on the Bush’s years for what was more right and developmental than that inherently too much of the Clintons.

I am not saying President George W. Bush was closely supporting a French underground as if in a real CASA BLANCA.  I am trying to make light of years inherited from the Clintons and so now with there being “old” and “new” Clintons contrary to themselves in many ways quite concerning.

Is ACA Obamacare just Hillarycare II - a rebooted Clintons’ politics and now late win?  Are you aware of how Obamacare can rob you of your thought kept civil liberties, some?  Have you asked if it isn’t now set up to allow spying here at home?  And to using doctors like Pakistan Doctor now hung out to dry by President Barack H. Obama? 

Have you asked yourself yet - have you sat down publicly and people watched and asked yourself or another:  How bad must our Governor be - our Mayor - our community with Obamacare now a stain upon our communities of an institutionalization about our federal government fixed to a need to help our neighbors because our neighbors were not helping our neighbors as a working or workable “community”?

Have you asked yourself what it may be that you don’t want your Doctor to ask you as now his records as your records are now set to be analyzable Big Brother Big Government centralized and sortable medical records of personal medical facts, however incriminating or suspect?  Did you know by Obamacare that Libertarians are at least concerned that ACA now allows and likely expects your Doctor to ask you:  Do you own a gun? and while collecting all your specimen records for their systematic perusal?

A real bandit just for a endemic trampling of due process at home and abroad - right?  A real “Smokey” now with extraordinary new powers to sort and statistically analyze so much once kept preserved as “private” and untouchable - right?

You are now just a number - just a zip code - a zip code odd or even with a street name and a ward however your address odd or even or your lifestyle - and your doctor expected to help his Government spy even as to your Second Amendment Protections exercising.  You will be nameless to a Googleable front door - street view - back alley intimate view - but a very searchable numbered “identity” for ward based political analysis of wrongs about a Congressional district - right?

As you wake up to more challenges due in 2013 of Obamacare regardless of it however a Hillarycare II will you be joining the revolution to restore your civil liberties to “free” or “freer”?  Will you doctor have “emergency” samples for you from unscheduled Emergency Room visits that hadn’t been figured to your questionable consumption to nearly about to have flushed through to “undetectable” “evidence” of “criminality”?

Will Obama II be as much as Obama I as the good guy a “Smokey” a bad guy “bandit”?  If you are robbed of your privacy and your due process or party to others having their yanked knowingly - will you be able to abide such trafficking to trackable assimilation and overreaching?  Will you wonder now how bad your community must really be that your Federal Government had to step in so to just care for your neighbors?  And, how bad your Mayor, County Execs and/or Governor must be that such a cold and systematic assimilating central body had to essentially invade your “community” space?

I mean it figures that your United States Congress Representatives staff will be able to order up “medical” “ward based” analytical reports from Obamacare ACA IMAC centralized systematizing to an effectual Big Brother computing towards “cost consciousness” and so that “keyword” “healthcare” “searches” with “parameters” a grand and vast realm of “variables” will be to being able to discern “cost saving” factoids down to house numbers as odd or even and by street name, ward and zip code - right?

Who can the usual suspects now be at least just in a new world set “official” for People long otherwise of plausible deniability and presumption to innocence?  I mean with Obamacare aren’t politicians now in your blood and urine and stool to stay with “Smokey” duties too easily to checking their wards for “healthcare” “indicators” of personal medical records now Nationalized and Centralized per their designs like say “evidence” of “stress reducing” “medicines” i “samples” yet/but no evidence of “prescription” nor “necessary” diagnosis?

With Obamacare like a “Smokey” a bandit as a bad “Smokey” of over-reaching vastly sublime to “official” use of doctors as if Domestic Federal spies - whom will be willing of so many uncovered to acquiesce to “samples” so likely unavoidably “officially” and “permanently” trackable coyly as self incriminating?  Can Obamacare but scare away those it supposed to care for and increase costs because of its invasive “governance” so Big Brother statistically yet computer trackable for all as locatable numbers?

Won’t your political representatives of such powers to request and gather “ward” based medical “findings” by residence number, street name, race, age, height, hair color, eye color,sex and even gun ownership be now as well to a “knowing” where “plausible deniability” used to reign safely?

And how much a “bandit” while fronted as a “Smokey” for trafficking in violations of civil liberties by statistical frauds, like?

And, yes this is just asking you to think about how you feel while your due process is being diminished maybe less though so than so many foreigners about Obama I and now to Obama II, and the foreign assaults on due process!

As it seems Obamacare is to be fully set up and to an IMAC clearing center of and for political ward based “health” reports how can we or any be certain or even expecting that the inputs won’t be skewed if “services” used and by black market manipulations to establish official “innocence”? 

And yet this is while we wait to see if Congress won’t be asked to affirm a duty or right to insist that all Americans submit to complete biological work ups of blood and urine and stools at least twice a year towards the Government need to reason a possible way to reduce medical care costs - right?

Aren’t we now to Liberal social program of Obamacare, however just a Hillarycare II, to being as ineffective as gun rights lobbyists insists gun control legislation is to keeping guns from those to mischief but to a establishment of healthcare reform in ways that will turn off many now said to be turned away? 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:57 am

A real:  ‘Who is he and why is he here?’ new low for politics in America is still loitering about.

This all may be about MONKEY BUSINESS or MONKEY POLITICS of said new “BANANA REPUBLIC” governance “from behind.”  This though too is of a long overdue fuller consideration of the political pathology of “MACACA” that is likely to show Bill Clinton more of monkey business than George Allen ever was.

There are busts of all types about still of this era not an accidental NEW DEPRESSION.  These are times, it can be said, of an economic suppression by Democrats for CRISIS governance excused by convenient CRISIS - CRISIS - CRISIS busts to excuse and permit a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.

There are busts of all types about still maybe much specifically now more due a consideration of economic and monkey business of Bill Clinton - of his “two-fer” in its first sale, and, now as repackaged and sold as if new while not.

Our Senate starts off every roll call with Mr. Akaka - with “A” - with “A”s but for our political business not purposefully for monkey business.  Nearly every day our Senate convenes it does start with our Senator from Hawaii and sometimes so quickly it sounds as if they are starting off with “M… AKAKA”.

Before we offer up an overdue defense of George Allen and apology that he wasn’t able to be Reagan as much as Reagan could have been Reagan at that “MACACA” moment it seems we should talk about Bill Clinton - President Clinton - and his new and old monkey business and swinging fore and before much of the “now” as well of our new BANANA REPUBLIC.

Though the pathology of that George Allen “MACACA” moment got tagged as “monkey” slurring or demeaning it was quite a story of our Senators and how each roll call is commence with nearly a “M…AKAKA.”  Before George Allen was thought to say “MACACA” like a swear or slur to be as thought demeaning he had asked the opposition researcher to tell everyone his name.  What happened next was George Allen thinking he could be more Reagan than he was capable, it seems — it still seems that what happened next was he proceed to think he could use Senators and the Senate roll call to try to divine the young Hawaiian looking young man’s name if he could figure out whom his Senator was and if his Senator knew his name.

That President William Jefferson Clinton who was born William Blythe III and was never to knowing his dad is set to keynote at a political convention is quite democratically and Constitutionally concerning and a mess for all chance of political and diplomatic clarity for our governance all around our known world.

Yes, George Allen though of a thought “MACACA” moment is not of the party of monkey business and a NEW BANANA REPUBLIC with success in creating the necessary CRISIS moments to effect and affect a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as a torrent from the top down far from balanced as a trickle down approach better would have effected.

George Allen wasn’t, it seems, of “MACACA” but of “M…Akaka” starting with “A” and considering his spot-lighted opposition plant there had dark skin enough to maybe be racially Hawaiian.  Reagan probably could have pulled this off, though - pulled off trying to publicly guess a political operatives name by figuring out whom his Senator was - that is if his Senator knew his constituent then so about politically.

But as for William Jefferson Clinton, former and term limited President as well of a promise to operate the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE in a non-partisan and non-political way:  THIS IS MONKEY BUSINESS - MUCH OF THE RECENT TAGGING OF US NOW OF A BANANA REPUBLIC.

That President William Jefferson Clinton just as a former President with a wife now barred from “politics” as per the constraints on our Secretary of State is set to keynote is quite concerning and so much so politically regardless of how bad or good his past administering was or wasn’t — it is so concerning that it opens up a can of MONKEY BUSINESS really as if we should see and be worried of treachery even treachery near treasonous.

It seems there are no “chains” of “commands” in the Democrat Party anymore.  Really, however you consider such - there seems to be a mess about any “chain of command” in the Democrat Party.

The real pathology of our “BANANA REPUBLIC” is really about the monkey business of the Clintons and their “two-fer since their law school days - even more so than the monkeying around by President Barack Hussein Obama.  Their monkey business has already too long been our “MONKEY BUSINESS” as little known is that for them it has since they became engaged, it seems, have been:  BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST.

That the Clintons’ marriage was conceived as I recall from a first impression to a “BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST” may best explain now why so many “busts” are about our economy and failed governance and politics.  That they were conceive and consummated to all those years of plotting to put for them a “both” can be “President” above other more prudent interests may explain only partly how much they put the “infidelity” into “Infidels”.

But this isn’t about that type of “busts” nor about how for them as Christians what has been or thought to have been and for so long was not and is not polygamy but adultery.  That type of political “monkey business” is not what this is about though - except as you may get to considering it may have inhibited their governance, both.  We seem to have more tolerance these days about such - this is more about how their was treachery from their governance maybe mostly for now of a gross “negligence.”

This is how I know the Clintons and so with my knowing of them rooted with a first impression of each of them from when they were both Yale Law Students not yet engaged, legally.  I know they conceived of a political future to put their both becoming President some day ahead of most that others may more prudently have prioritized.

But for more on what to some more than others is them of a ‘treachery’ or ‘treasonousness’ here are some thoughts I shared as with Facebook as http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan morning updates:

BILL AND BUST(S) ??? next column - now under consideration.  Seems Bill Clinton with it as Constitutionally and politically wrong for him to revive himself with Putin dreamin’ by accepting key note speaking is due a fair consideration that if he uses it to finally apologize to the nation and the world some healing and bipartisanship might result.  Yes it seems he wanted as much as a come back as Putin and as more Hillary’s “Russian Bear” Bill but still his speech if allowable can be used to finally apologize for all that is actually mostly his fault.  We have all the soldiers who died because the Clintons didn’t fund body and truck armor in their times of new types of conflicts on the known horizon.  We have that bridge that just fell down and killed people that should have had some of his extra trillion of available funds cut to chase surplus popularity.  We have the failure of MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet) during Katrina much so for he had the money to finally be the first President since 1983 to attend to it as necessary work and especially since he was a climate change guru supposedly already aware of dangers of more and larger storms.  We have as well all the school children with schools falling down and books beyond otherwise national top standards.  Yes, Bill can maybe actually do some good with his speech if he steps up and frees President Obama from these years of trying to cover up for the Clintons and so that he by apologizing for his own gross negligence in governance and maybe as well with a nod of apology for it seems his underfunding to the tune of an extra trillion might be deemed of a causal negligence that stirred or caused 9/11 at least more than Saddam did.  Bill shouldn’t speak but if he does maybe some good can come from it and an apology to the entire Bush family for false accusations and cheap politics for so many years of lies.

> More on the “loveable” Bill
>More maybe for BILL AND BUST(S) >>
Well we have he could apologize for pimping America into the hyper consumerism of maxed out spending that caused the housing crash as once Al Gore started trumpeting inconvenient “truths” with global alarmism and the price of gas spiked those that trusted the Clintonomics found they no longer had enough in their all American fixed middle class incomes and lowe
r class wages to pay both for gas and for the mortgage.  And, that Bill did ask Bankers to “find a way to gamble away the risks” he wanted unwisely for his ‘Housing Bubble’ economics - he asked them to come up with the new grand scheming that grew out from what ever had been before to be too too too big just to try to gamble away the risks of Clintonomics of willful attempts to be popular by burning our economic candle from both ends at once. He didn’t have to run the risky loaning as he did essentially as threatened and doomed from the outset as most it was set up as an unfunded federal social program.  And, then of course there is Iraq >> I guess the Clintons never had “Bite” in sanctions on Saddam > It figures for by all reports to date that I know of there have been no reports that the Clintons’ left Bush any “enter and exit” strategy ready and worked out as should have been expected.  No it seems the Clintons never bothered with a “what if?” as per Saddam Hussein and just kept passing the bucks — it is hard to believe that for all their 8 years they never figured out at least how to enter and liberate Iraqi to enforce the UN sanctions or even better figured out how to enter and then exit so to be prepared to keep America and coalition states drilled as liberators and not occupiers.  That and this is really how the Clintons should be now already in our history books, right?  At least how they now should be in all our news for the next week?

Please do help figure out all the MONKEY BUSINESS about 2012 and our future before it is too late.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:21 am

What is it said about “plans” and “war” - about “a plan” as soon as an actual war starts?

President Obama as Candidate Barack Hussein Obama - BHO - planned to be a new JFK, right?

And now how while BHO is seeming more pasty and unprepared for prime time You Tube video streams?

Looking at 2012 complexity:

> Are we to define “working class” as those of class as per governance that have work that pays taxes - and so “working class” is those busy as the reported less than fifty percent that pay taxes into a …? When President Obama says - “get back to work” is he speaking to the “rich” as his “working class” as it is they he needs working to afford his own “work”?

> So bike and pedestrian projects are “local” - pedestrian bridges and bike paths are best kept or made “local” projects and as near to “public/private” partnerships as economically reasonable as alternative and “better” commuting routes to businesses - businesses especially local fitness centers and eating establishments?

> More on the survival of our Constitution: #SCOTUS today with Arizona case set up ACA ruling seriously well >> from today’s decision and especially siding by Chief Justice Roberts we have established practically that if you can’t use race or “legal” status in Arizona then it cannot then be used by doctors under any Obamacare even for “family” or “genetic” factors and that Obama wants our borders open so that any can have American care since well after today they don’t have to carry proof of legal presence.

> Query: Re: Arizona dec - Conservative Justices could so support such for by supporting such they reinforce deciding against Obamacare - ACA - for having no limiting principles like with Arizona an example since of no power to establish whom therefore is “legal” and limited to Obamacare???

> Anyone have the numbers for this yet?: Is Obama running for re-election hoping for votes from recently unemployed or is he running for votes for millions grateful for a near three year paid vacation?  Are women for Obama grateful and willing to vote for him for having thinned down the jobs market so much they have him as an excuse to stay at home with more “me time” - or are they considering re-electing him thinking he knows what work they are better to be doing and believable with promises of finding non “me time” work for women?

> If I were moderating a Presidential Debate tonight I would have or hope for a question about immigration and self deportation of these economic times as it seems since immigration wasn’t worked out and fixed before ACA - Obamacare hysterics our economy may not start growing the new jobs in a new growth economy than some that haven’t self deported are maybe still waiting for, and so that we are to ask and get an answer about whether it is possible that until immigration is fixed the jobs won’t come back and that if a new immigration or re-immigrate legally system can be worked out it may be smarter and more self serving to self deport just so so much that Dems did backwards can be fixed and to unleash a new attractive growth economy.

Hmmm? Anyone - anyone with the last name Romney or Obama?

> Related to “SOVEREIGN STATE” powers and rights we have actually inseparable and relative philosophically at least - as least socially speaking comparatively - that therefore when a state is sovereign whom is “legal” is a particular particular - say for if Obamacare isn’t overturned if the United States of America is to have enough armed forces in another country another “sovereign state” and enough force to “OCCUPY” such state regardless of the stated state of such forces as if not combat though combat ready - hmmm?  It follows whom is “legal” or a “subject” critical for by the very lack of a complete philosophy of governance with sufficient checks and balances of limiting principles then therefore it stands that if the United States or another state is to have enough armed forces in another sovereign state but so that then morally all the people of that sovereign state have a right to expect for the duration of effective “OCCUPATION” the same full rights to medical coverage and American medical care.  So it seems #SCOTUS - how can it not be so based on the inadequate limits herefore so far writ?

> The easiest way I have of remembering the troop size considered by some to have been an Iraq OCCUPATION force of United States of American stand up citizens is to remember than during the primary race between junior Senator Clinton and junior Senator Obama in just Massachusetts’ primary the gap between them that primary election day was about 150,000 - about the same number of US troops at highest level of deployed whence.

> With efforts to ACA - Obamacare was much about a federal IMAC clearinghouse of all legal citizens and their personal medical files and medical histories and maybe as well to required annual or semi-annual check-ups #SCOTUS to the Thursday a wonder where we may be to hearing as well how IMAC so conceived as a Big Brother centralized computer database system to cost efficiencies isn’t to our Government to illegal search and seizure of incriminating personal information like urine - stool - and blood tests for all the substances legal and illegal then most a political and/or health concern. I mean didn’t Obamacare get set up to allow the new Big Brother Centralized Main Frame IMAC concept to be to comparing and contrasting details of individual citizen’s current and past medical facts without warrants otherwise to such and so to cost analysis maybe not just down to zip code but maybe per street to an objectivity not based on name that would at least be allowed to legally publish sharable analytics with “detail” down to at least a side of a particular street within a particular zip code or subset per zip-code?

> So as per #SCOTUS is it Thursday we may be reading lines about how in America and these United States you cannot claim “Under God” that an individual citizen’s soul or sexuality is free and locally set asunder in rights and yet have their body and its “jurisdiction” as per “their” body be to “their” body being of a soulless national body physically of national jurisdiction and Supreme Powers and even to a control of its arms via dictates adapted may as well to limit control of arms as per our thought preserved Second Amendment rights? #commonsense It is Thursday we may have to wonder how our nation can separate our body from our freedoms and our soul?

> Wow - aren’t we to the Clintons are suspect as towards all this and much of their 8 now vacuous of waste - time lost on a wrong path - to a post Constitutional era that isn’t?

> There is a big diff between how CGI was set up and how it is being run - Mr C claimed he would not use it to partisan or political powers - and yet really he is and is regularly - most regularly to an irregular especially when of his annual mandatory meeting of world leaders then able to be in town also for the meeting of the over-shadowed so United

> With this (Major Lawsuit Claims Dodd-Frank Is Unconstitutional) as long as some of ACA - Obamacare Unconstitutional - we have that Clinton Global Initiative as operating can also be challenge and separation of powers concerns and especially since it is operating while Mrs C is Madam Sec Mrs. C. — they thought they had the Constitution beat as no longer relevant and tried to do how much???  And Mrs. C our top officer responsible for saying whether Mr. C is operating completely within the intent of our protections and for saying whether anyone should be even looking at Mr. C so?

> And so yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was needed and with us in the right to be about it so.  Yes Bush admin though of a good feeling that it was right was not all that great at selling us on it as right - that said, the time to sell it rightly and timely was the first term of the Clintons’ admin thought maybe easiest if actually the second term of President George H. W. Bush.  Don’t know if I have written this all out fully yet but I have addressed it much now many places for a long while and in some of columns of just past few years.

Hmmm?  Yes it was right but not sold well - and I had confidence that Bush 43 had a feeling that it was right though he maybe could have sold it better even though the best time to sell it and only easy time was likely during what was the Clintons’ first term.

> And so still yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and necessary and yet not to cause a peoples movement across the Middle East but so that we didn’t get trapped morally and hypocritically on the wrong side of it - and maybe as Saddam Hussein had considered or hoped he could trap us and as of a thinking that he had a way to keep Kuwait after invading it.  Hmmm?  Yeh a re-election of the Clintons would have been maybe America’s biggest ever mistake too - a return of the Clintons with suggestions that they were wise of a Grand Strategy needing continuity even though there was an actual ‘GRAND’ strategy - and nor a left entrance or exit plan for dealing with Iraq to leave to their successor whom ever - and so no real alternative by the Clintons and only a weak supposition of “bite” by Clintons for sanctions even just for human rights violations.

> Well, that was an interesting line in Foreign Affairs by Brooking xprts to find today about how Arab Spring was an unexpected curve ball to Pres O and therefore necessarily also former FLOTUS Madam Sec Mrs. C.  I thought they had been trying to take credit for it and not have their favorite institute of xprts say it was a ‘CURVE BALL’ unexpected.  See this is where it gets very interesting - if you have been to un-hid {maybe again “hidden”}commentary/blog page at jphogan.org as enticed you likely saw a composition mentioning a 2007ish conversation I had with Serbian Ambassador Ivan Vujacic about Hillary and Operation Iraqi Freedom - about why even though if AEI had “top Republicans” seeming already defeated that they were so early saying he should expect Hillary to be the next US President - - about Operation Iraqi Freedom while I told him Hillary shouldn’t or couldn’t win while then adapting for the only time anyone asked me to explain and defend Operation Iraqi Freedom and Bush admin as per Serbia and me to telling him my personal thoughts and how such was with needing that Clintons were not elected and to that way a way that Serbia would be able to be best positioned for the type of peoples movement I had a hunch had to be allowed for - sort of like the Arab Spring.  Seems my advice is admitable now as right then for how we did the necessary thing with Operation Iraqi Freedom even if it wasn’t sold as well as it could have been.

Hmmm? I guess Obama’s favorite xprts aren’t also going with:  Neither Obama nor Clinton were prepared for such.

Hmmm?  Did you hear the one about Obama policies expert Vladimir Putin and how he suggested that if President Obama didn’t beat his addiction to Soviet socialism he could cause the United States to fall apart into six separate regional realms?  @jphoganorg of http://jphogan.org/ & …

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

The important equity figure is near 6 Trillion.  When President Obama took office there was a reported 6 Trillion available but sitting idle in private equity.  When President Obama took office he may still have not realized how unfair it would be that some made it look far easier for Clintons to be First Couple in administering executively during their 8 than it actually was for those years.

Though there was a reported 6 Trillion of private equity available at the time President Obama took office there was little he could do with it as a new Democrat now to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & THE TAX for after first round of new Dem spending private equity was smart enough to see their mattresses as offering better “return” on investment even if only offering zero return.

Besides it quite unreasonable and not preposterous or of an injustice to note that the Clintons were made to be better than they were for of a time others were making it be too easy, relatively speaking of the challenges of those years, and seem easier to be a successful President than the work of the Clintons can explain, still.  No it may not be fair to Obama that it was made to look far easier to be President those years than the actual workings for America now will attest.

President Obama did come into office and move from old Dems “TAX AND SPEND” to a more progressive and irresponsible “SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX” loose affiliation with limiting principles and financial prudence.  He did come into office with a reported 6 Trillion in private equity available for investment if a profit could be reasonably and justly expected.  He did come into office where that 6 Trillion was beyond he reach and reasoning as of private wealth.  He is still in an office limited to spending mostly on a basis for revenues from profits or income or capital gains.

Yes, GREAT WALLS can make good neighbors.  Yes fences have also been to expressions that they too make better communities.  Yes, President Obama had mattresses offering at zero predicted return more reasonable return than “investing” in an Obama economy - and so while he without “wealth” or “property” taxing that in America is kept to the preserves of much more local governance revenue long arms of collections.  Our federalist system with its different revenue collection methods does act like a fence or wall to defend our confederated republic and enumerated and protected freedoms and rights - and as well a general Welfare in common sense.

Yes, it is reasonable to have at least considered that President elect Obama would have known of Nixon and the lesson most are if in politics supposed to take away about it being the cover-up that should ruin.  But President elect Obama did commence to President Obama with clear efforts that can only best be described as of an attempt to cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet? 

I don’t remember when the BIG DIG finished in Massachusetts nor when its vast sums of other states people’s money stopped flowing in excessive sums into such state, and, nor do I recall when the DOT COM BUST happened and how it directly effected the tech corridor about Boston and Massachusetts’ economy in general.  These both seem to be big factors of a relevant chronology precedent to Massachusetts having Mitt Romney as a Republican Governor.  For his state to have been at 51st place for job growth I am guessing that I am correct in remembering such preceded his governance.

2012 really is seeming to be a year where people will be wondering again about the Clintons and their 8 years and finally maybe to realizing that they still don’t know how they were successful with many of their sold “successes” and be to relating with such as it seems clearer now that they have failed in attempts to help Dems with President Obama effect a repeat.

Yes, it may be unfair still to President Obama that the Clintons were made to look better than they were and that those difficult years were made to look as if of an easy street of easy governance for our Executive leadership.  Yes, it may be unfair that so many let it be thought that it could be that easy to be President.

Our income and profit based federal revenue system may be all that saved us from this over-reaching initiated by the Clintons and carried further and too far by the Executive governance of Obama.  Our states and localities have the authority to mend and/or maintain their “communities” and “civility” with “wealth” and “property” taxation - the new Dems proceeded with policies that needed “wealth” or “property” taxing power to “redistribution” - the new Dems by trying to do such still with an profits or income or capital gains limited authority did self construct a wall or fence between their ideals and their workability.

It may go down in our future history books that President Obama’s biggest mistake was his work so polarizing and partisan in a political with a capital “P” to attempts to effect a cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

His efforts at job killing have been far stronger than his efforts to job creation and his “save” of GM may have been more about trying to effect a political remaking of such company than a “financial save” of such.

We still have that before he commenced with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM platform to green energy we had as precedence that a similar green energy political push in Spain had cost at least two old economy jobs for each one new “green” job created.  We have that there was precedence to expect that Obama meant to cut more jobs than he planned to create and multiples so for his aggressive politicizing was mixed with an austerity message with a call to a great new conservationism such that Americans should honestly have been warned by President Obama to expect that his furtherance of Dem ideology was set to actually kill off at least three to four jobs for each of the new politically correct green jobs.

We can thank our founders and later geniuses who limited our federal government spending to revenues bases so on profits or income or capital gains.  This doesn’t help President Obama with Dem ideology or actually help further the attempts to cover-up for the Clintons but it did allow people free economic expression and even a shift if of investment equity to otherwise shift plans to long term development where losses would be planned for next 4 - 8 years but with enough profit to be expected there after if it then seemed safe and/or profitable to be at least so endeaverous within American borders.

But have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

Have you also yet considered that a national or federal effort to a new growth economy may do now more harm than good and that Americans now have to find ways closer to home and for a while more with any “redistribution” debate kept to where “wealth” or “property” taxation the revenue basis for community maintenance and civility bolstering?

Yes I do believe the reports that there was near 6 Trillion in private equity sitting available and hungry for rational investing to reasonable returns for risk.  I do believe that Dems some how missed that their ideology and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX new ways forewarned capitalists to days where their mattresses likely would be a better “investment” and for a while.

They were the good guys and gals and well private equity capitalists were supposed to be the bad guys and gals. 

I still have no idea how the Dems did expect their “economic” ideas to actually work - it still seems clear that their aggressiveness was meant to cause this very economic condition and its austerity/conservationism.

I still have no idea how the Dems while attempting a cover-up for Clintons did expect any Republican to naively partake in a bi-partisan self destructive politics.

They tried the claiming to themselves as being the HEROES and the job creators of private sector as the VILLAINS.

Our Internal Revenue Service was supposed to get the funding for new massive armies of tax collectors - and yet since our federal revenues are not of a basis from “wealth” or “property” such was as self defeating as so much else of Dems’ ideology.

I still have no idea how Dems did think it would have worked if it could have worked - especially since it seems to be working exactly as it should have worked with so much “political” and “socialistic” injected preposterously and unjustly into and about our economy.

I don’t know about MARX as per “KILL LISTS” his - I did learn a new phrase this morning from Andrew Sullivan seemingly quoting Cardinal Dolan - I did realize this new term and its usage suggest a call to consideration to due process and as of an innocence until a guilt proven.  When you hear “preposterous and unjust” phrase do you first assume guilt or do you suspect a denial of due process or prejudice of a prejudgement maybe as unfair as that which its usage proffered regarding?

As per the Dems misplaced ideology and practice these past few years we have that Dems as a class of subjects can be said to have caused the economic down turn while as an individual suspect President Obama more insulated and isolated though clearly of a willful association. 

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is that which is of his foreign policies of so much denial of due process and soft money redistributing.  But this is punctuated in ways due clear emphasis.

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is as well is an election year oddity especially for the Clintons that had half their supposed Hollywood friends rat them out as “BIG LIARS” and now as with fatality reports regularly still flowing as evidence as failures in a Diplomacy we have a messaging somehow still allowed near:  Hillary lied and lies and soldiers are dying - Wow, what a great job Hillary is doing.  

A SIT REP now towards 2012 deciding now must encourage a less Marxist BLIND FAITH in Obama Diplomacy and get around to asking if we were once recently of Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts of regular disloyal assertions to his anti-war revival efforts of an earlier Communist scare so with “Bush lied soldiers died” how long can we now still tolerate the indiscriminate political “diplomacy” so partisan of Madam Secretary of State but as also to a “Hillary lies - more soldiers are dying.”?

How did the Clinton economic team embraced by Obama White House as if it were the expected inevitable return of the Clintons fail?  I can be said that their economic policies should have brought us all just here but that isn’t how they are telling their own stories.  We have that if they could have back in 1993 they would have commenced earlier to this mess - they by not learning by the easy times they still can hardly well explain do seem still to fail to understand what was the “successes” of those years. 

We have that we could have had this fine mess in their first term if they had managed to have their way then - and so quite so much because our federal revenues are not based on “wealth” or “property” but are responsive to motivations of the People and their willingness to associate and cooperate economically.  We have that the People likely would have gone on strike as well against such Dem “management” back as early as Clintons’ first term if they had managed to have had their way whence then.

[Note: Version of “MARX IS BURNING” in 33 #economics @ CitizenRosebud.net may have edits as later draft.]


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:56 am
{Reposted - Originally blogged on 10/27/2011 via http://2012us.jphogan.org}


Yeh yeh yeh - so what - yeh so a person acting in their own self interest blah blah blah?

Well Ok!  So you like Stalin?  Did you hear yet that Moscow wants some of its past grandness back and now while near about one third its old size?  If you like Stalin and just want to be part of a greater socialist system it seems President assumed Putin is looking for more citizens.

He is likely not the greatest threat to America right now so a move there under Clinton “RESET” “overcharged” sympathetic “diplomacy” - Altruism may actually be an idea threatening the global economy more now and freedom as collateral damage.

Russia is arguably now higher on Iran’s “anti” lists if you consider historical developments and “losers” that had Iran in past believing they would be winners.  Now does seem a good and fair time to move to a new Stalinism by Putin - reports are he has the most number of billionaires in his smaller city than any other in the known world.

Yeh, but Governor Cuomo may usher a new CCCP for New York staters now as never before and not even pushed or attempted by carpetbagger Senator Clinton.  Soon he may have no choice but to finally attempt to compete with Massachusetts and their Romney Prototype and maybe with a CCCP - Cuomo Compromised Coverage Plan.

Well that would be interesting - are you already in New York - are you sure Putin can’t or won’t offer you more home and Stalinism though?

You have heard of Adam Smith and his “Invisible Hand Theory” of Economics and his arguments for rational and free people that a pursuit of self interest is best way to global peace and fair trade and freer markets?  If you have heard that not all of it may actually be attributable to Adam Smith.

To simplify lets attempt to look at a very complicated con now ongoing seemingly as necessarily organized altruism - let us use the dangers of a CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE for example.

It simplifies some of these issues to reference supposed “altruism” of CGI that it isn’t seemingly allowed by charter to operate domestically.

It has been a while since I once tried to compare and contrast some of Adam Smith and many others especially Ayn Rand and originate an thinking some new and some anewly specific for different times.  That CGI seems to be a Virtue of Selfishness and therefore a global and/or American “greater good” means that it may as well be more dangerous and a vice of selflessness.

Yes, I believe they do have skating and skiing in Moscow area - I know USSR had such but I do not know their actual geography and amenities locations.  I have no idea about the state of their schools today.

Well these times are different!

Sure, with different vices apparently related to unique opportunities tempting at least those educated enough to see them.  We know that Clintons must be selfish and of a selfishness political in their calculated appearance as altruists.  We know that while Senator of New York Hillary Clinton was not of local federalist efforts to get state communities busy finding county friendly alternatives or state options to avoid a centralized socialized nationalized health care entitlement.

We know from many other moments in our history that Clintons have been heavy booted to a political selfishness and another, yet again, arguably unearned “comeback.”

You still awake?

You betcha.

So about Bill Clinton with CGI appearing to be altruistic when it was basically the last foot ware to heavy booted Clinton expansionism left him - when it was his last and maybe only option to selfishly hold on to as much executive global power as they could try to manage:

What now - pick your “Stalin” - pick the “greater of the two evils?”

Ok, you are definitely awake.

Well, on economics this rare appearance of otherwise less explainable “altruism” has to be “selfish” behavior by political power couple (”two-fer” if you prefer) masked as selflessness.  It exists aberrant to our economic structures and general foundations - it unbalances a normal and common main street fairness with willful clouding.

So Putin as Stalin better than Bill as Gandhi?

You’re funny - we should have started hanging out years ago.  So you see that for all the altruism of CGI it is maybe the most selfish attempt to appear selfless and economically stands unbalancing a global think of hold that used to hold markets together and nurture economic growth?

How is it even legal?

I mean how is it lawful for such to exist while his spouse - his other half of “two-fer” the “one” not a “half” as they like to legally suggest to a Descartian “separation” to allow them unbefore imagined legal latitude on otherwise unreasonable propositions - while “Hillary” is Secretary of State?  Shouldn’t one have recused themselves or the other ceased and desisted?

Hey we should put this up on the net at least in a gallery of writing somewhere.

So are you going to move to Moscow instead?

Surely President Assumed Putin can offer a better Stalinism, right?  I get that the Clintons have been acting much extra Constitutionally to compete with such and by selling themselves of a selflessness have been of a “vice” to such more a selfishness and dangerous economic and political thought for Americans — but clearly they have been losing ground to Putin as socialists, and well our United Peoples of these United States of American don’t need to or seem in a majority to want to move to a future globalness as competitors needing to prove themselves all to be better Socialists.

Maybe for the summer months:

Do you think Moscow and Russia will welcome us all - and with open arms and equality?Let’s not complicate this just yet.  Gotta go for now, been a pleasure.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:00 am

Despite what you think you are hearing today it may not be as autobiographical as otherwise.  In spite of what you are reading there may be another Georgia still in the news.

These are the days to worry about, and wonder yet, to a consideration more gestalt about Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s hotspots.  Is there no essence of the whole in the current global totality?

This is not our first rush about contraception and the defensible of Georgia during the challenges of the Obama Administration.  An early thought V. Putin rising about Assetia - query South Ossetia - was a Sam Power’s hotspot as well as Madam Mrs. Clinton’s embarrassment, of sorts - of globally graphic sorts drawn out.

The way it was earlier drawn out visibly hot about contraception so to it was about oil pipelines but so it was and is with just one of the …stans.  Afghanistan has seemingly been all hot about either Kandahar or Helmand with each graphically as poignant as that which stirred V. Putin professionally earlier.

Our Georgia is like a Massachusetts of The South with a concern for the breadth and beam of a bounty of the Atlantic and all about proper consummation or consumption.  The Georgia of earlier piping stories or rights to a South Ossetia was clearly one cast as it laid as well as one of contraception and Power for though separated it was as if discarded by Mother Russia not dismembered from Father Moscow.

I don’t know how much was a proper governance of and by V. Putin then or how much was a timely Dmitry Medvedev intervention with import due.  Their prudence to shape the issues by offering to reshape their discarded Georgia from what still now lays as if a spent Trojan into more a “seat of the pants” uncovered was moderated as well thence with governance issues about oil piping.

And so Ayn Rand left her Mother Land of the old Soviet Union whence and didn’t care to return to un-American ways.

I have to jump to conclusion offering here that as President Washington did seem to allude to such all as per the shape and vicissitudes of “American” when of his First Inaugural and his light tough poetic suggestive to a day already of use, rinse, and reuse skins or hides for pregnancy mediating of his days. 

But seriously how and why?  Seriously what about all the …stans about Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s hotspots?  I get that Helmand is like when Georgia could be fully proud and covered and that Kandahar could be a quiet and cold moment even one of shrinkage concerns - but what about our Ohio too?

Now I have read all of Ayn Rand’s books and found them as formative to my thinking near as Leon Uris’ very informative historical novels.  But it was in the mid 1990’s that twelve uniformed Ukrainian General marched by me in Cambridge - in Cambridge of our Massachusetts while a public speaking event at the Kennedy School at Harvard my draw, not theirs.

How can those far nearer the Caspian Sea and north of Afghanistan such as these …stans:  Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan be so insignificant while so strategically situated?  How can Obama’s State Department not be priming us all daily with a …stan story or another …stan story or yet another …stan story with Afghanistan & Pakistan and Iran all otherwise posited as important?

It seems President Obama The Hopeful never really had a chance.  With the Clintons embrace so (unwisely) he never had a chance to over-write or over-ride their decades of selfish spousal plotting.  He may have been sold as The New JFK but it was President Clinton who got to be (trite) as the hero in the Bay of Pigs sequel set up by Al Gore with his spies that trespassed North Korea.  It was President Bill Clinton that got to be the new JFK and the hero of such (trite) sequel THE BAY OF BABES.

How are we to Democrats with so little imagination?  How aren’t we already to a new super spy secret agent man from Dubai or Saudi Arabia and dramatization parrying whence yet as a 700 tnega man theirs however best cast or alludingly named properly as if a “James Bond”?  (700 tnega - if writing right to left and reversed is more familiar as “agent 007″)

I don’t know what the Clintons and Obama must have against the …stans.  I don’t know how they could have been so publicly biased against them as if in comparison to a “RESET” button for Moscow they dished as if not actually “alive” or “relevant”.  I don’t know how we can be in Afghanistan, another …stan a decade now and with a “RESET” button for Mother Russia without any visible concern for the …stans.

Is it that Madam Secretary Clinton being of the …stans today as if actually “living” - is she an anti-Randian but so?

And if you catch my usage to “un-American” as per current contraception over-reaching or sub-par legal briefs it is as if a serious black electrical switch of a barrier of prevention to being “un” (to “off”) in “un-American” as for being of a usage of a barrier to your full humanity as American. 

If you fear I am waxing to Communist or Socialist perhaps you should look in the mirror. 

I am an American - we are alive.  I have had international influence in numerous fields and with original innovativeness - I will respect that I have an international basis - though hardly known or celebrated with coverage yet about so much.

I don’t know why those of the Obama administration have been publicly and comparatively treating Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan all near as if they were not alive or relevant while so near to so much that is.

I do view contraception as a “barrier” to ones full humanity, that may be all I have to say on the matter.  But!  Well!  If cost of contraception is an issue for Congressional review than there must be a “we” in the “living” and another that could go dutch.  If there isn’t a “we” in legal medical and health defenses than there may just be a hoarder.  It may be that all this gets too close for Ayn Rand and that it would have had her objectively educating as she might want to stirring dramatic moments suggestive that such could be only if ones body was actually their State’s body.

The way I see it Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton has a lot of explaining to do before I dare parry/say more re: hot spots.  So I leave it now for others to decide their own fates and bias and as well how and if to fair usage of readily available “barriers.”

Again, some may be lost in translations but for Americans at least the fastest path to a new robust/growth economy may be to be of a new baby boom.  Where we have learned through this austerity to get by on less there now may seem enough around soon for more children for yourself and even on premise child care at law schools for parent students.

In defense of my late maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier the above mentioned former Mad Man - he was of the side of Madison Avenue business that had to hold the highest of standards for he was near 25 years of running J&J advertising and marketing accounts, not the lighter accounts I think are of Mad Man show I may this new season find myself to catching my very first episode.  But that is not how I would have sold his industry to friends and others of marketing interests.

Rock on!

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