Devices ready!
‘Outta Africa’ is less the theme or concern of 2016 than “Big Sister” conundrum of if a campaign is dependent upon people with their social media not annoyed by fat jean ads bombardments to their streams, just because they ordered one pair for last year’s holidays season.
You know you are not devolving (also) when you…!
You know you are evolving, and morally, as you cotton to an awareness of how said “progressive” machinations are playing you for a …!
Can any intelligent being cotton to the Obama whole cloth as durable - as durable goods? Has this present administration been the “NEW COKE” to an uprising demanding the “ORIGINAL” COKE back? Is the house of Obama still more saturated fats to the house of Clintons as bucking still for lard? Dothn’t fig the tag for Mrs. Clinton is too an Empress like of a new suit, not? 2016 at “BACKWARDS WITH MRS.C!”?
OMG - right! Mrs. C. is so more “NEW COKE” than original recipe “COKE”! - more “PLUS SIZE” illustrated a better for animated farce!
You know you are evolving, and morally, as you smartly cotton to how said “progressives” are regressive & devolutionary!
Dothn’t it fig ye best know - know ye proper concurrent to the primed devolutionary machinations in political trends - how be being played for …?
Are you progressive? If you think you are progressive how do you know if not now tricked, - and not being tricked more to regressive and devolved manners? How do you know your devices aren’t em doth controlling you for a “Big Sister” “9 eyes” like existential for droning behaviors “boring” new status, generally? Right? “DRONING” as like human but as if walking or talking as if “un-manned” - as if operated only by remote control of by a centralized Power! TEST: How devolved have you become?
Dothn’t if fig it time to smack at the assimilation politics, and at least try to broach the raft of state as postured as if Obama & Clinton can survive together downstream as if happily married to an actual evolved politics?
Devices ready?
Ready for #Election2016?
You know you are evolving, and morally, in a pre-cotton apriori, when you affect a premeditated inoculated-from the “Progressive” devolutionary crap!
Straight outta Africa?
Again: What is #RealHillaryClinton #rap?
Has President Obama been an illegitimate President as born conceived a bastard son by wife number two of the House Of Obama of Kenya as then more the property of the father by Muslim & Kenyan tribal “under God” dictum? To so white so pale Mrs. Clinton mustn’t her pride be more in Roman pedigree than to abide that the House Of Obama is more pure blood descendant from Adam - from the first most evolved biped human?
You know you are not devolving (also) when you…! ???
Straight outta Africa, now, - still fresh, is the products of the “Drone Queen’s” “diplomacy” akin to Bedouins provincial upset across Libya.
Can Obama’s Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton have shown a even lesser comprehension of such African dynamic? Could Secretary Clinton as “Drama Queen” have otherwise shown an evolved jurisprudence and avoided essentially reseting a DARK AGES or STONE AGES with her “progressive” counter-productive machinations?
Dothn’t it cotten to your pride to fig ye to a know ye an true measure get of fig’n through a righteous dark #tagged upon #Clinton #rap? Simple stupid get like to see the banners of bad news as quite the babies of Clinton growing up now, - so now #BAD?
Devices ready?
Ready for #Election2016?
Dothn’t is smart how you likely are among so many who won’t and don’t realize the “Progressive” is working a devolutionary? - that even with the FREEDOM your devices are supposed to support the machines are being used to assimilate you to an obedient compliance convenient to a newly established RULING CLASS posturing as pro demos?
Donald Trump may currently be the most dangerous viable candidate in the 2016 Presidential Race. Donald Trump is wrong on the Iraq War!
As Governor Bush, and Mrs. Clinton, most recently as number 2 at Bill Clinton’s foundation, are so set asunder as too “establishment” we are left with Businessman candidate Trump as likely the most dangerous viable now.
The establishment has fallen much ado about this conundrum:
Though Senator Bernie Sanders seems a viable candidate he reasons to be not as dangerous as related to Arabian Peninsula factors. Marc Morial of the Urban League may have a flawed view of the federal government roll in the economics of the People, but this may be of what “Berners” will at least incidentally pull “Bernie” to a fix for or better parity to. To understand Marc Morial’s flaw is to also become akin to the errs that can justify Donald Trump’s war “mistakes” and as Bernie Sanders rallies against the “establishment” decades of worked confusions.
Neither Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio, nor Senator Ted Cruz seem possibly as dangerous as Businessman Donald Trump, at least as per variables factors of particularly the Arabian Peninsula.
It behoove (camels or horses usage) forward we discern a righteousness for #TRUTH and especially now as New York City is falling victim to top down political cuts of vast tens of millions of funds for the preparedness to prevent or respond to terrorism.
Urban League Marc Morial’s seeming flaw on the federal government roll in economics pairs to how now we must pare to the core the responsibilities of peoples to their communities, and, as such it part of the Donald Trump errors of consideration of a right or wrong per the Iraq War. Bernie Sanders, yes as seems a viable candidate, is awakening masses to a synchronicity such that he seems far less dangerous than Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.
An unknown of how that Donald Trump can be said so wrong on the Iraq War is yet how for now it is the best political strategy to unleash the truths of the establishment of Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as that they are yet more wrong than he concurrently. Political strategy may justify not justifying the years 1993 to 2001 and/or 2001 to 2009 for his opponents; if Bush or Clinton can defend themselves while seemingly more wrong than Trump it is cost effective and prudent that a claim is put upon them that what they were of parties to was WRONG, though maybe while such claim is also wrong, - for Posterity.
A known is to be unearthed better for those dedicated enough to try to forensically determine a pathology of if Bush or Clinton is more wrong than the other; for the committed to knowing how Operation Iraqi Freedom was a necessary and proper prosecution of Saddam Hussein there are the vast volumes of old columns here sort in the categories, and more by keyword searches of site locally by at least: ISIS. That it is posited that it was right to “prosecute” Saddam Hussein leaves open the realm of how Trump can be more right than Bush and Clinton; - That the posit is so yet begs that the decidings of how/when/why were flawed enough to almost affirm the position contrary of Trump2016 (and maybe any “old Trump” in archives too!).
An essence of a black and white clarity can be to sharpness better when tuned to the Iraq Surge story, and as the story of it odd that only then was President George W. Bush (brought) to considering that the best strategy for winning in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was much that which was the COMMUNITY POLICING outta a central bunker mentality and back to beats and “local” precincts.
What won the IRAQ SURGE was the attitude of clearing AND holding that was core to how New York City Transit under Chief William Bratton, and then too TIMES SQUARE, and other metropolitan jurisdictions, then as yet a morphed to public - private continuation that how LAS VEGAS was “cleaned up”! (Yes, I write as one who specifically like blogged to teach this (surprisingly so late into war) to DC media markets publicly before it was agreed that such as the IRAQ SURGE could be attempted, - tried in lieu of cutting and running while other options still were strategically available, and untried.)
Armed Forces of these united states of the Americas, and your families, and friends, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary and proper, though terribly late, giving of teeth to the UNITED NATIONS sanctions. Only the leaders so today’s “establishment” being run outta Power are really to be blamed for that though right to have done (and done much sooner as best to have been done more in synchronicity to COMMUNITY POLICING gains, - as like best by 1996 - by before a second Clintons’ term) and done so lately, it remains that it can be said never to have been done well, or right, at the top.
How Marc Morial errs on the federal government roll in economics is common core to the Trump flaws on “IRAQ WAR WAS WRONG” lacking pronouncements. Think it through!!! REALLY THINK IT THROUGH!!!
Sanders, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz all may be safer as smarter in a more universal enlightened composed.
All are like the “UN-CLINTON” these times need as much, - really more even than “UN-BUSH”! The “establishment” being befallen are rotten nearly of political incestuous to the necessary realms for bipartisanship are outta bounds due irreconcilable differences all parties “establishment” have been exercised politically too much as if to affect gag orders from #TRUTHS the People must become sufficiently aware of in order now for New York City to maintain sufficient public safety as “establishment” President Barack H. Obama slashes muscularly through their/own defense budgets.
Marc Morial’s flaw is akin a common core to Donald Trump’s errs - - - It like misses why COMMUNITY POLICING worked and to how it also worked as adjusted to THE IRAQ SURGE - - - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM did less to destabilize the Middle East than that IRAQ invade KUWAIT, and with SADDAM HUSSEIN of thinking he would be able to keep it.
The Government is to protect the field(s) and to have mediation methods available for Justice, - not to plan an predetermined outcome against vicissitudes incident to romance / romantic / human behavior / freedom “economics”! Bill Clinton did not offer Iraqi majority equal Justice.
President Bill Clinton is the most guilty decider as the destabilization was cast to happen and nearly nothing he postured was more than but a delaying tactic, - Clinton did not try to fix Iraq, and so did not try to fix the PERSIAN GULF region! #STICKER_IT #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!
The Jeb Bush problem is his brother let the Clintons drag the Bushes into the gutters where Bill & Hillary have the home court advantage. As this becomes more apparent it becomes extant of 2016 such too a scandal keeping Hillary2016 from say a “clean sweep”! Are we possibly at that Bernie Sanders may be the best janitor King?
Though Star Wars Ja Ja Binks was quite a Gunga Din 2016, and the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, are so very much ado about Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘MUNICIPAL” to how important it is that the sewers be kept unclogged. As we awaken forward mustn’t we question a fidelity of Constitutionalism and any fidelity, if any, of Bill & Hillary, to the established and ordained?
Which is the real William Jefferson Clinton? Mustn’t he endure as more a gutter snipe than Binks to the Gunga Din?
What is the real Mrs. William J. “Hillary” Clinton? From Rodham to Clinton there is critiques of her fashion that lay contrary to her worked as if homespun. Let us consider the Clintons, how fashioned, on the day the George Walker Bush Presidential Library was officially and of ceremony opened.
To preface this scandalous of the fashion of Mrs. Clinton, it behoove us to be joined to clarity in recalling how after brought low by impeachment proceedings President Clinton worked to clean up his image, - worked penance - worked across Africa as if a “Condom King”!
Enter President Jimmy Carter, and his most public remarks in celebration of President George W. Bush in the ceremonial of opening the Bush Library. Enter the remarked of Democrat President Carter as they juxtaposed a “Bad Clintons” vs a much better “Good Bush”! President Carter cannot be taken lightly - there should be a global fidelity to the honesty and import of his remarked to like “BUSH WAS WILLING TO DO MORE FOR AFRICA IN HIS FIRST DAYS AS PRESIDENT (THAN THE CLINTONS HAD BEEN WILLING TO DO IN ALL THEIR EIGHT YEARS)”!
Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has a greater credibility as to promised to committed to clean up a gross lack of parity across banking practices, as like a soldier on the front lines willing to charge at the years of the Clintons too of a “CLASS FASCISM”? Whom Bernie Sanders is is what this is all about, - what 2016 is for you - for us - to decide.
“President Sanders” can be of a rings of truth to a committed forward politics as against the banking status quo. He may not be able (as a Democrat candidate) to sell enough the truths around what gutter-all is endemic of Mrs. Clinton is compromised to of plain and simple conflicts of interest though of promising she could yet be strong against banks corruptions. “President Sanders” can have rings of truth that Clintons reaches for “rings of Power” cannot cleanly abide.
Candidate Sanders has latitude for his attitude that banks need a reformation for equal justice for all to endure. To endear the country to his revolution against corruption there is that “criminal” tags may be harder to see rendered while “rehab” and court ordered “rehab” - “rehabilitation” - may be perfectly workable, like in the model of repentant fallen President William J. Clinton as to across Africa as if a “Condom King” to “community service” for “rehabilitation” by showing a commitment to moral messaging much ado about dangers at least from extracurricular say extramarital coital physical engagements.
How Mrs. William J. Clinton was fashioned on this day that Democrat President Jimmy Carter raked praise highly upon Republican President George W. Bush is for wax museums to curate on/for feminism, - on infidelity of women to other women.
Plainly speaking to press how Mrs. Clinton was styled/fashioned for the Bush Presidential Library inaugurating ceremonial there is little latitude for forgiveness or excuses. Mrs. Clinton dressed as if President Clinton’s “China Doll” and carried herself demure to almost submissive yet geisha in how like postured the chic as a subordinate spouse with shuffling befitting a styled obedient.
Bernie Sanders is no Hillary Clinton. He doesn’t have spousal baggage of a husband as remade by penance as if though yet still “Bill” as yet a “Condom King” across Africa - the continent Democrat President Carter so clearly remarked praise upon Republican President Bush as for having in just his first few days of actions that proof he was willing to do more for Africans than the Clintons had been in their eight years of 1993 to 2001.
Hillary Clinton can hardly offer a fidelity to her own promises to like “rein in the banks” for the historical forensics is complicated beyond if as while Senator there were peer ethics of an institution to have been address as to if how the opening of the Clintons’ foundations as to “Clinton Global Initiatives” as for Bill Clinton to play at being “President of the World” is conflicted as it is recalled that the Banks who made so much during the Clintons’ reigning were some approached specifically in requests to in gratuity yet cover the near million dollars a year rent WJC wanted to afford as for the near penthouse suites of the Carnegie Hall Tower on 57th Street (just blocks from TRUMP TOWER).
Can it have ever been that their foundation opened or operated morally or ethically as it is so of the recalled that “Bill” wanted banks to thank him by gratuitously paying his rent as to publicly thanking the Clintons for their pushes of bankers into the very “gambling” practices of derivatives?
However much President Carter did praise President Bush there is it may take 30 years still to separate the Clintons errs and infidelity to regular order and original intent as from how the Bushes did long embrace a cozy upon Bill & Hillary as like so close and clean enough that they were held out as like “family” too.
Bernie Sanders can go where Hillary Clinton cannot! Bernie Sanders, like some still in the Republican field, can go at the banks at also at the Clintons and to that at least bad bankers can be assign to “rehab” to “rehabilitate” with community service in third world regions and or at least with the indigent across these united states of the Americas.
Bernie Sanders, is no Jeb Bush, and like for the other Republican candidates that is a good thing, even a lucky thing we are like blessed to be allowed to be free of and party to. “Slick Willy” beset Bill & Hillary are those who should be expected to turn on President Barack H. Obama much so very much as they did like stab the Bush family in the backs as soon as was seeming (to them) as if there was short-term political gain to be had in being back stabbers of those who very much (until now) did surround them with caring and protection as from their selves and a still very pressing rap of negligence theirs for at least the attacks of September 11, 2001.
What ever model can be made of “Slick Willy” President Clinton as reformed from impeachment by years at (penitent?) public (good) deeds across the African continent as like a “Condom King” it is yet to be cleaned up from how the Clintons’ rap is mashable of them “too in the gutter”! Any candidate now but Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush seems enough of clean hands to move a revolution forward against the still status quo of bankers as not allowed to be tagged officially as “crooks” by at least some building on a model for reformation by rehabilitation by court assignments to that “rehab” is prudent.
As we awaken forward, let our forces be united and cleaned up from a too “vote for Hillary” as if lured of bling from the ravenous prophetic of Poe, and think more of Finn as to how it actually progressive to be equals on a raft of state with African Americans, however “enlightened” when enslaved as if having been outta Africa without a book or a faith?
Oh San Louis Rey, what bridge of blues - blue notes - can you raise to a new HOPE? Are we anew of THE BRIDGE OF SAN LOUIS REY? And, yet still cosmopolitan to metrosexual of Nubia - Nubians and Indian - Indians so loyal of service as like of Ja Ja Binks as like a Gunga Din while best to how murder rates can be kept low if the sewers are kept clean?
President Bill Clinton is of a fidelity to Mrs. Clinton, as long known and recalled, as to keeping like it as a pre-nuptial promised that he would assure her her own Presidency if she helped him have his own, and did let him work to being a President first. “Slick Willy” is akin to this as his legacy is too complicated now for Mrs. Clinton herself to be sold as “clean enough”!
President Bill Clinton is of infidelity to the Constitution that is the what that made Justice Antonin Scalia timely of a greatness; “Slick Willy” essence as been so of an infidelity to the Peoples “Order” that it can by that the 22nd Amendment is undecided Law as freely to pronounced to have been willful treason; “Slick Willy” is seemingly now copacetic to “saved” for having been a “Condom King” and as if that suffice as penitence!
“Slick Willy” was so to work regular to set asunder not just Justice Scalia’s defense of the work of the “Founding Fathers” that none now should be enough ignorant of that “treason” may stick to properly label and file the years the Clintons joined to work to a claim for “extra-Constitutional” Power by politics partisan to projecting an attempt to as if strong enough to affect to that the Constitution wasn’t and “living document” but that it was is so dead that “King Clinton” could be heralded by postured politics with foreign influences to a convenient “POST CONSTITUTIONAL”!
“Hillary2016″ is permanently undermined by past regular fashioned styled of Mrs. Clinton, - not just for so as like a “China Doll” in a demure obedient of a shuffles (like a geisha) as the accompaniment to President William J. Clinton at the opening ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Library. “Hillary” Clinton is forever controversial (especially to feminists (patriots)) for so regularly of be dress as if owned by Chinese as to when pantsuits were yet so hemmed and cut to fashion her of “Mao Chic” foreign spun.
As to her “Slick Willy” our “Condom King” (penitent) across Africa there yet is that question to of the impeachable lie to how it seems the big lie was such as only Mrs. Clinton herself could have proposed/counseled.
As, however “Slick Willy”, her spouse fidelity remained most to his promise recalled a pre-nuptial witness in early 1970s there is the sticky wicket of politics for #Election2016 of how there could not have been even a “Hillary2008″ if “Bill” had called what he inappropriately dallianced intimated was yet to his spouse his “First Lady” had been tagged in the cliche of “sex” of “see X” as exercised of her of such acts as to the nation as the “X” and more inadequate than “enabler”!
To that Justice Antonin Scalia was of embattled terms it is apropos his interpretations were legitimate to it that the Liberals agenda has been postured as if God is not in the Constitution. There is that the Tea Party progressed enough to that it is reconsecrated that the Constitution is originally the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “in the Year of our Lord”!
As such every free man is free to rap that the Clintons have been long so willfully working to set asunder and undermine regular order that #TREASON may endure, and to that Justice Antonin Scalia may long endear, forward.
* * *
Note: See also sorted set of
Reflections on #FITN:
Ms. Hillary Clinton may need her own #TrampStamp if to struttin’ a winning of Sin City Las Vegas!
The Strip may bare #GrampStamps, in high fashion, as Senator Bernie Sanders stands tall for Nevada, independently.
The dust-up is of Clintons, quite deserted, as now, satirically, as if “LOSER” chalky on their foreheads.
Senator Bernie Sanders can be an Iowa Phoenix risen from the ashes to new caucuses lively risen, of Clintons beaten.
Ms. Hillary Clinton can only arrive under clouds of controversies with really, really, a lot of baggage racked & stacked.
Ms. Hillary Clinton is so ESTABLISHMENT she is taggable as INSTITUTIONALIZED! e.g.: “Institution of First Ladies”!
Reflections on #WTF (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot):
How many “shining” cities on hills are there in Ohio? Wasn’t Ohioans to establishments “Paulist” as if Bible metaphors for governance of government of places of purpose akin to the phonetic of their named? Is Governor John Kasich a “Holy Roller” to Nevada as O-high-o for high rollers as if say Cincinnati is a new Galatia, and Dayton a new Corinth, and Warren maybe a new Rome, at least as for Romans?
Sin City is calling! There a high noon throw down for the deserted from Clintons of “Feel The Bern” where it seems Governor John Kasich may have the advantage of the sun at his back, and low enough to bring a “bright lights” to the spectacle of #Bernie and the big city. A biblical showdown is booked. Not a #TrampStamp for #MrsC can likely be of a revenant due the odds against the Clintons’ machine as Nevada slots up of them like a #Sanders fresh kill of a new Beaver Wars.
Oy! Can Senator Bernie Sanders take the stage on the strip without Democrats generally losing as out will be that the Clintons’ “balanced the budget” is for all times more accurately accounted by “Kasich balanced the budget”? Is Sin City yet of weak hands seemingly the foretold odds for Donald Trump as if to headline against Governor John Kasich and his budgeting legacy? Governor John Kasich can say across Nevada, quite honestly, like BEEN THERE! DONE THAT! The high ground #TRUTH attests twas more #Kasich than #Clintons.
Reflections on Ash Wednesday 2016:
The house of Clintons has fallen! “…”! - - - Ms. Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the legs for a Sin City Phoenix. #FallOfClintons!
Her chips are down! Her hands seem bad! Her lady luck a politics barren, and with the dust-up humbling! #HellishClinton?
ESTABLISHMENT ~ No hiding she arrives in trappings afforded the “Institution of First Ladies” - guns holstered, #READY!
Ohio established how? why? Are the bombastic of Donald Trump excessive while a prudence and experience of Governor John Kasich a, #Election2016 tested and offered? If a Republican President can only be so if born of an Ohio victorious to triumphant how keen must the lot be to seeing if #Kasich has better hands than #Trump? Nevada, due Ohio, must be to that 2 of Galatians will transgress how Cincinnati may be ordered to be foundational like Galatia was to Paul’s letters on governance?
Too Corinthians’ and as if each state, say like Ohio, has a Dayton, as a new Corinth, if not a ready Springfield?
It is just that a great exodus has begun - that many are already running from Ms. Hillary Clinton! #Bernie of #DemsDitchinHillary!
The bite of Sin City will likely leave a greater mark on the struttin’ of Ms. Hillary Clinton, - - - Nevada suffered when President Obama offered a dictum like “People should not go to Las Vegas!”! The bark, barking of Ms. Hillary Clinton is contrary and confused to what the legacy of President Obama can be as to successful at new establishments, while Clintons’ machinations beat forked tongues to foggy renditions to try to stand up an innocence for themselves by an assuaging of culpability upon only the desk of the President in of the Obama Administration. The tail wags the President and in keeping with how (racist?) it was that the Clintons insisted they be treated not as subordinates to the new Democrat Party administration, but to Powers in a “Team Of Rivals” where they could be of regular acts in insubordination by flexing their initiatives as the business of “RIVALS”!
Many are now reading as if Ms. Hillary Clinton isn’t alone in having like a guaranteed reservation in Hell. It has been Hellish where should have been Hellenic, - - - the legacy of the Clintons must firstly be as like insurgents as rivals to administrations, all, since they were pressed and packed outta the White House. The assortment at barely suffices to broach the heeled machinations of the Clintons’ machine politics of at an unprecedented (to Public Corruption?) swindling of the People of these united states of the Americas. The Clintons have been self proclaimed “rivals”!
As rivals - THE CLINTONS AS RIVALS - is the HEADLINING for SIN CITY that Senator Bernie Sanders must caucus to defeat. Presidents Bush & Obama have not themselves fared well against the propped up faux postured innocence by machinations long that have kept Ms. Hillary Clinton standing long past her due - long past a due for pressed probatives.
As rivals - THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS may be fallen and falling, as so many deserting her struttin’ it is like Nevada too is to experience an EXODUS - a FLIGHT TO SANDERS. Mrs. Clinton cannot be NOT “establishment” and also creditable for a resume of experience - if her times in “office” of “duty” are not of that “work” as to “established meants” by actual talent or skills in her tilled then the odds are more will plainly see #HRC isn’t of “HARD CHOICES” of “good choices” rendered but as if just an act and really much of just holding jokers.
Reflections on prudence:
The winning hands have seen to a fallen lot of the particular of #Hillary2016 souls, and to yet that Ms. Hillary Clinton did much take down #Jeb2016 in first in the nation primary (#FITN) of Granite State voted to the cast of New Hampshire. It is inescapable that #Jeb has been defeated if #HillaryClinton has been defeated! - The roots of a Clintons routed bind the Bush in the #Jeb too, - too to the core like of songs of Corinth as of two Corinthians like so close they are brother & sister, indivisible.
Nevada must face the odds? A #OhioStamp may trump a #TrampStamp and too a #GrampStamp if #TRUMP hand must endure of that Governor John Kasich did the good the Clintons long have falsely claimed - cashed in on - as if their deeds done?
Nevada must face the odds? The Ohio of #Kasich is a barrier to #DonaldTrump even as #SinCity #LasVegas calls #Republicans in mass to ante up and put their cards on the tables of democracy’s judgement days. Mustn’t Nevada respect that Govern John Kasich to fix’n the embattled economies is he that better knows like “where the bodies are buried”?
The Church of America resides in the states of mind akin to the synchronicity of daily struggles, - of passions. The “American” is of a sense of Place for the inaugurated of vicissitudes (trespasses) incident to the propriety of Corinthians. The Church of America is the home of Freedom, - - - its “place” is our State of minds - we are “under it” while “of it” with equality, if gotten.
The five boroughs of New York City parse a geographic for cosmopolitan in a pedestrian “local” with/by civil boundaries. However catholic there are parochial sentiments as keystones to these establishments, however, for the great work of humanity as for to heaven grounded, livable, with the roots of olive branches for all.
C.O.D. peaces are to a general copacetic, still though of some should fish most on their side of the river, yet of a civility that fishers of fish shouldn’t have to cast long trepidations by shadows upon the waters where they ply their hooks, lines, even sinkers. Those keeled to a professionality, of our waters abouts, do some have by their nets catches, of daily, by the lots schooled, a more catholic plying to be learned of for their bounties.
The five boroughs of New York City are not as much of a “Class Fascism” as those who are of wants for tyrannical Power ideally hoped for for their machinations to their no Church of America possible extant as higher in Freedom than could be set a ceiling by secular Socialism, even especially National Socialism. The potential of Eden as a Heaven grounded, livable, where olive branches is yet above the machinations by mere humans by the sagaciousness of the Church of America, however it of “place” only as in a “State of minds” in Freedoms, - copacetics by disciplined in Peace brethrens.
C.O.D. peaces are the awakening Freedoms across the universal of the “melting pot” metaphoricals for brake fasts serial Peace brethrens. As universal peoples wake from their since dinner fasts for a new day of new “catches” these days dawn “local” to if a new “of day’s” is to be enough of a “of fair play” and separate enough from machinations of foul play.
Though the general Peace of these five boroughs, so spotlighted, as if succeeding dusks proceed of succeeding in enlightenment, to new dawns, of day’s, spill to the cementitious pedestrians stirred less of excesses of Devil’s brewed and more to apportioned nectars, even caffeinated milky ways, so spouted across commisaries. As drive times to some more just shuttled keeps to regulated deliverance there is yet the comity for civility of commerce as by Corinthians, 1, &, 2. Catches of days’ are to be sung of, - for economies of growth there must be maturity in a general ability of masses to gather in songs, in expressed unity.
Dire has been the suppressions transgressed by willful (idealists?) of politics too for machinations for Trickle Down New Deal Austerity upon the structured for sagacity as the politicians have been aggressive trans-economic with oppressive dictum for a Green Agenda, that did set asunder the laissez-faire long manageable as the economics of Bible’s Paul, and his letters as foundations for governance in parity from agreeables to agreeables.
I must bear witness to that somehow New York City seems to have survived, while enduring, also, so many years of attempts to more than set asunder the Church of England as by subjugated under Government machinations for Obamacare, so also coincidental to the general threats, domestic, to the “Place” of “Freedom” as the “State of minds” as a “Church of America” of no “place” in particular, so also incidentally as a threat to all believers “Peace brethren” who trespass together of the five boroughs as their Eden(s), - - - The inaugurated “vicissitudes incident to life…” of the establishment for nation by George Washington, firstly, have somehow endured while the Trickle Down New Deal Austerity of its synchronized Politics for secular Socialism constructs by Government take-over of the healthcare economics is fallen from able to be endearing.
The Church of America is the Cathedral of George Washington! Americans, of all stripes and double helix variations, are establishment Free people by constituted order to ordained Freedom in this synchronicity as “under God” while of “equality with” as of natural law of more solidarity for Peaceable songs of Corinth’s writ civility than can endure for these witnessed years of political machinations to stifle and suppress the sagacious beauties of those resident in enlightened natural states.
The USS “Bounty” as if the “ship of state” we are yet in pledged Allegiance to is for, since its originals, - its origins, of fruited plains and black gold of richly soiled latitudes. Albeit so set for regular days of bountiful harvest where work suffice to, there is yet the lessons of Muhammad to consider if to thinking of those of the same God whom are those His most severely tested of his deserts severities. New York City gets by in a universal copacetic as a “Place” for “Peace brethren”! New York City is a “Big Apple” of many Edens - of cracks of dawns to varieties on show across their cementitious trespassed common grounds.
I do not know if their is a secret to being “well heeled” to “even keeled” that is not common to all for Eden(s). As neither Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, and their God is equally above them, there is the Peace common but specific to when of “Place” as that Islam is of writ of for Muslims in that Christianity is inadequate for His deserts’ severe. Long has it been parsed as in established that Christ Jesus is not an infidel, but, beware Christianity may not trespass well once deep into deserts, Christianity may be of dangers to life, lives, if careless practiced where bounties not more naturally shareable.
The “Big Apple” of the five boroughs, still somehow enduring as Trickle Down New Deal Austerity for a new conservationism to a “Green Minimalism” falls from endearing, is yet considerate as like a 1,2,3, “Blossomed” of Lotus metaphoricals pertinent to budding(s) vicissitudes daily incidental to lazy and free of the economies of Freedom as “under God” before ever deprived of a natural solidarity as if all here abouts are of a “Church of America” such as the spirit of the cementitious trespassers of the “Big Apple” abide in their Peace brethren routines.
As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully. It is outrageous that the Church of England had to break up some with its Establishments across the ideal “Space” of the “Americans’” “Place” due the machinations of Politicians contrary to Freedom’s solidarity as to suppressing “religiosity” under Powers of Government by a take-over of the “establishments” long of “religious” purposed, - by the usurpation of the healthcare economics.
As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully!!! The Church, once more of the monarchical of the English crowned domains, has been set asunder and some set apart, post the suppressions of it as in “America” as if to be under Government and barred from the Freedom of natural solidarity of the songs for trespassed comity (of Corinthians)! May the South cotten to also now away from the autocratic wants of the “House of Clintons” “Clinton Machine” political machinations to their standard, as so #ART #IMPERIAL, as if to be hoisted and set above “Old Glory”!
As went the South, - so goes the South? - HOPEFULLY!!! By the busheled of the politics of President Barack H. Obama, as it has been determined quite ridiculous he only recently paid respects to an American Mosque, let us consider how hard it must have been for the five boroughs of the “Big Apple” to have yet endured, these years, while there has been a “rotten apple” viral to the Freedom songs establishments long too Corinthians synchronized.
To also save the Church of England for those of the “Church of America” let us shake off the shackles of secular Socialism and bind to an arresting the Politics bad actors now quite long at efforts to set asunder a republic consecrated for peaceable Eden(s), - let us forward be reset by levering to Constituted parameters in a moderated federalism where sanctuaries of nature’s solidarity are keeps for Knowledge and Knowing of Known paths for comity, of “Apples” for everyone.
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Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here:
Two Corinthians walk into a South Carolina Democrats Town Hall set for the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton battle, - one man wins! Who is _______________?
Too Galatians is most set relevant for there to be Christian sanctuaries of/from gaiety, - where there is “homosexual perversion” as in the Bible there then is the derivative logic of grammar there then must also be “homosexual” and “holy homosexual”! Why is alarmist Al Gore alarmism bad for Global Warming politics?
To Paul, there is credit due for letters, - words to word play to allow for liberal democracies, there is credit due Paulists for keeping the metaphors of place as metaphors of faith! Why shouldn’t you go/trip to Galatia for what Corinth is governed for in their “local”?
Why did so much go so wrong? How did the hope of the 1992 solutions to President George H. W. Bush get past said “NEW WORLD ORDER” as yet without a “new” “order” parsed/defined? How does the real story of the Clintons’ Presidency now still not truthfully or accurately explain that the answer cannot be good for their Posterity, - a their legacy? How is it the spun woven tales of the “THE CLINTON” is only Holy like Swiss Cheese wholly?
Are Bill and Hillary Clinton like two on the road to Corinthians, but yet politically after having laid low, - laid siege upon it, it the lay of land the lay of souls of Galatians, after two wrecked a practical deconstruction to devastation of how Christians’ liberalism is for how governed under God?
In the book of Bill Clinton there is that he cannot have wrecked all this havoc all alone, - the Clintons alone could not have set so much asunder by their lonesome “two-fer” as their united souls to one shared soul is historically of a cohorting of collaborations! This is far more dire than now just asking: Who is Al _____?
Generally the Clintons, necessarily with their sidekick, - their Sancho Panza, - their accomplice in their Quixotic, are contrary to democratic liberalism as Paulist for their work has been too secular as if purely for Power grabbing by undermining the constitutions of those of these united states of the Americas by spin to numb to even wreck a devolutionary for a convenient “Too Stupid”! Who is Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gruber? Why is “GruberGate” so not a political matter for laughs?
The general “THE CLINTON” is forward to be known for bad strategies, and even maybe soon enough a tag mashable on their Quixotic of former President William J. Clinton and former Vice President Albert A. Gore as worldly pressed of a fit’n rap of charges akin to CONDUCT UNBECOMING FORMER EXECUTIVES OF THE UNITED STATES.
Generally, they did, & do, hoof it with dramatic covers, much ado about windmills, while such cloaks how much they ride to set asunder the constitutions of the union of Americans as Constituted under God as Paulists as not allowed to be to secular socialism by that the Order that formed the “more perfect Union” did secure to the citizens that they are always to be under their Creator before ever under a Government of man, - they are to be of government by laws that are ordained as inviolate to God’s Law, - by though a structural and pledged to allegiance to and for due process for religious liberty to be workable of civility. Why is “Order” only readable as a word a noun in the preamble?
Specifically we must yet work to evolve the law, - we must work to be evolutionary, even progressive, to amending our laws forward to keep up with progress, and especially a innovative for the contrary to criminal! As this bad “Quixotic” has done more bad than harm by a tyranny in alarmist parlance to lingua divisive to comity and civility we must consider the “international” to the “global” now and to that both President Clinton, and Vice President Gore have exposed themselves to the International Criminal Courts jurisdictionally speaking and too while their activities raise if their post-office politics have to put them in real jeopardy! Can you even claim Al Gore didn’t commit fraud globally by a Climate Change solutions tyranny, - a politics unbecoming to former holders of U.S. high office?
Forward as any steps out, -emerges for a walk, - steps ahead for a daily constitutional, there is we all must look back to see how “THE CLINTON” set out to set asunder the Constitution, - our Constitutionals! With “Order” a noun and subscribed founding fathers as under God, so “done” in the “Year of our Lord”, and then President Washington’s letter to Newport, Rhode Island Jews, it is critical to antidote-ish that we shoulder the methodology (yes of the Clintons less “progressive” than revolutionary for monarchical powers to a new American way by a Autocracy of Clintons) and walk the talk of the word “establishment” in our first rights in our Bill Of Rights! Who is William Blythe III to such willful storied insurrections?
Why is “establishment” to mean “tenets of religion” & not “Establishment” as if of an organized in interpreted?
Why does “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” set asunder the “THE CLINTON” attempts to set asunder to a “post-Constitution” “extra-Constitution” new way of new Powers for an autocratic of them?
How by “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” are the Clintons beaten by it written that Congress shall make no Law respecting the tenets of religion for that is juri-loco prudently left for regionalism not a centralized Socialist Nationalism?
And, how is it the “THE CLINTON” and alarmist Al Gore, were of conduct unbecoming prosecutable, maybe as of fraud, by the I.C.C. by how they structured their “business” - technically speaking to the legal ifs?
And lastly: HOW?: Whom are the the worst of the lot of Democrats akin to such efforts to set asunder the Constitutional for extra-Constitution new Powers for a ruling class as set up by a jousting to “we are in a post-Constitutional world”?
And lastly newly: WHY? Whom to blame that you can’t get past the Constitution Article 1 without finding Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8, as seemingly written to yet have worked prophylactically to have protected an impregnable fortitude from perversions to our Constituted by giving to Congress a DUTY to treat any “work” like of the Clintons’ global initiatives as so the work of the People’s Legislature that the Government is set upon to basically do any such if such extant a second time thoroughly just to then perform its due diligence to “whatever” high standard of by auditing and maybe approving essentially any “global initiatives” of even a former executive?
Has Bernie Sanders, and coincidentally the leading of a #NewGOP been to casting rightly the first stones at Clintons, and Gore? Are enough past Gruber’s reveal of slight on Democrat voters as if specifically “Hillary Clinton voters are too stupid to be consulted with per…”?
Can we get yet past how Hillary Clinton is only present in these races today by machinations like from the Socialist playbook, as like of it written to have Machiavellian Power a little princess too must first get hold of healthcare, and too much set asunder religion, - a faith in shared humanity Unity?
Can you at least trip up Hillary Clinton by asking her to explain the First Amendment as of “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” so, and so that then Congress is prohibited from making laws to take over an oldest establishment of religion, that which is the healthcare of the people and their souls?
Can Hillary Clinton ever, due her resume and known espoused condemnations for extra-Constitutional Power, yet ever herself dare to explain how the First Amendment is intended to sync to the body of the Constitution as of an Establishment under God’s Law by it “done” “subscribed” humbly under God so in the “Year of our Lord”?
Can candidate Clinton explain her part is these dramatizations “Quixotic”? If you dare explain “establishment” as for the “tenets of religion” she will self incriminate, and incriminate likely both President Clinton, and too Vice President Al Gore!!!
Whom can cast (a stone?) a second? Whom can believe the Clinton methodologies so machinations can abide the for sagacious of that the states are left the law making as pertains to at least the matters of the Ten Commandments?
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Political Constitutional conundrum: