
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:29 pm

Pick up your sense of time and place.

We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.

It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.

In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.

In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.

Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.

We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?

We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.

Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?

To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.

A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.

His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.

Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”

A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.

In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.

Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.

A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.

Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.

A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.

I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.

One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.

The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.

By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.

President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.

Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.

The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.

The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.

To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.

Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.

Harvard, God is not dead!

We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.

Harvard, God is not dead!

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.

E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?

Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.

Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.

What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.

The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.

Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.

It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.

Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.

By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.

Harvard, God is not dead!

Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.

Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.

Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.

Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.

A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.

As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.

Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.

Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!

Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.

Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.

I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.

My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.

Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.

There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.

Harvard, God is not dead!

And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Now, especially, serial students:

A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.

Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.

I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.

Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.

Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?

We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!

The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!

And, of to score in present time:

The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?

By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?

And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?

What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?

Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!

Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?

Harvard? God is not dead?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:59 pm

I am starting to write again, - more than just tweets.  I am still tweeting, - just ask Elon Musk.

The year 2022 has been an eye opener.
In 2021 I returned to the District of Columbia & reestablished resident status under the closures of the pandemic.  I was more nomadic as by stayed in bunks in hostels, - even one with NOMAD in its proper name.  I found some retail underemployment in the otherwise much closed national city in a local pet food store, & later as a bike tech assembling new out of box bicycles on the retail floor.
My return to DC was years behind schedule, - at least 3 years.  I returned victorious.
After resident from 1998 until near Labor Day of 2007 I moved back to Connecticut with my intent to write full time to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2008.  My efforts were so seriously undertaken that I committed to living defensively economically in a minimalism such that I couldn’t be stressed by my opposition having anything to go after me over.  That I became resident in Connecticut is much ado about something about my parents aging & I while writing for the internet worldwide reach I could help them stay in their own home longer from a mile away, while a former general contractor with skills, & tools professional grade, in their garage.
Three years before I finally managed to return to resident in DC my parents had needed move to senior assisted living,
I did more than Vladimir Putin & Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2008, and likewise again in 2016.
My victorious return to Washington, DC was yet tardy for the late sale of my parents’ properties I had agreed to personally improve & maintain until my sisters got them sold. I had planned to start move as my parents relocated as needed & have money enough to formally set up again in area.  When I moved late I too moved without funds planned upon as parents’ medical expenses inadvertently consumed them.
I defeated Hillary Clinton twice, in very similar fashion & process, and yet returned victorious to DMV as having done so independently and while living below the poverty line - an income level to even need to file taxes.
The fall of the Clintons, as per my independent initiatives, is a complicated story for it also includes that after I met she now Michelle Obama in her Harvard Law School 3rd year of 1987-88 socially while she was out at Grendel’s hosting her brother visiting from Chicago.  My connection with Michelle from that evening in Harvard Square became of I saw her as someone whom I could use forward towards my efforts to defeat Hillary Clinton when she eventually ran for President.  Bill and Hillary had made me personally aware of their ambitions to be the first Yale Law School graduates to be the first spouses to have their own presidency when I was near 6 years old & then out as co-eds for a walk a break from law studies in New Haven.  I did forward continue to pass ideas to Michelle when I had them on how to defeat the Clintons.  But too it is that towards 1992 I was sharing leading ideas to turn the phrase NEW WORLD ORDER into a national call for urban agendas to position America globally as newly a sole superpower with leadership calling for efforts to improve our own major cities.  My victories over the Clintons seem only possible by that they fraudulently took credit for leading that came independently from me that they yet had learned to sound like to win in 1992.
These days I am now near 2 years back resident in DMV - specifically Washington, DC - and yet while legally HOMELESS but sheltered of regularity to a bunk bed yet continued after extended hostel stays in 2021.  There are Christian organizations, some as old as the Civil War end, providing compassion in the District of Columbia.  By living on underemployment while newly resident I have not lived on the street and have found fellowship & brotherhood.  This part of my story is to be more told later.  By living on underemployment I yet due years defensively living stoically to be stress free stayed below a readiness to commit to a lease.
Though while resident back in DC & legally ID’d as HOMELESS I have not felt discriminated against while yet apparently identified officially so and otherwise judged at least on my reputation - even some for being long a some globally read blogger, - even poet & writer of rap lyrics.  I can get 3 free meals a day - shelter & a daily shower - as provided by Christians privately as a non-profit.
I have been waiting to seek FULL EMPLOYMENT.  I have been waiting for this midterm election.  I have been at least of my resume in the House of Representatives HR departments systems for Republican job opportunities for this past year.  My tweeting connects to leadership & with hashtags to current issues regularly.  My volumes on my blogs are still meant to be towards independently published into regular classic book form with such now enough for 10 uniquely different bound collections.
I have been in DC & known to some in power to be back in DC, even as victorious for much having defeated Hillary Clinton twice, & quite in very similar fashion.  How this now converts to proceeds and income is a wonder as too there is my decades in being leading and strategic independently in the vein of helping these united states of the Americas become a sole superpower includes that my challenge accepted by JK Rowling to write off my ideas for 7 books on a magic school was in my motives a way to protect a new generation from the Clintons, and later my ordering that there be no more books on Harry Potter & Hogwarts as I was starting a creative STRIKE.  My STRIKE allowed her to not go cold turkey off writing from me as her muse as it is I allowed her to shift to creating off more the real me than those energies from my imagination.
My victories are complicated by that without my public blogging comments against Hillary Clinton before 2008 election Barack Obama, husband of my old connection Michelle, would not have found an opening to defeat the DEEP STATE machinations towards making Mrs. Clinton the first female president.  In 2004 it also relates to me as Barack Obama break-out convention speech is of he plagiarized me of what Clintons in 1992 had learned to sound like of my leading to win.
The idea of FULL EMPLOYMENT is complicated by that, like for Twitter, to verify me is to yet prove others were fraudulent & lost because they were not whom they claimed credits for having been.  To admit who I am in a fullness to resume my original career aspirations of that since 1983 I have said I was more a CITIZEN ROSEBUD than to be a CITIZEN KANE is to publicly tarnish & even some indict others who have gotten by even by boldly plagiarizing, and otherwise by too clever double speak to falsely claim credit for popular opinion gains.
In years back resident in Connecticut I yet on walk abouts for even just NYC photography days had it seem I was identified not as “HOMELESS” but more as if “BILLIONAIRE” due at least friendship with families of media empires.
I now have contrasting experiences as ID as HOMELESS now a year - while not living on the streets - and how as quickly I was ID’d more as a BILLIONAIRE when out in New York City.
I would love to sue the Clintons for even near their net worth.  Of what they used from me to win in 1992 that they then moved to steal credit upon to have a power to seemingly have a right to pass its power from husband to wife - from a his presidency to a planned for her presidency - they underperformed off its full value, and in fact did not steal enough of its entirety to have managed to arrest my original gestalt - full intellectual property origins.  I defeated Hillary Clinton twice much by blocking them by going on a creative strike.  The facts are that Robert Galbraith & “STRIKE” exist only because I was active against how too much in politics had become too crooked because of the Clintons.
These days while now ready after the midterm elections to start writing again, - more than tweets, I have that my original career path that had me to such philosophical depths of intent in thinking for grand strategies is a path on which the Clintons principally then kept me from being able to make a living.  That at times Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin did at times sound like each other when being critical of Hillary Clinton also has it seems those moments of they both yet were resembling public remarks I had already publicly posted to the www.
My story is very complicated.  It is firstly though a victorious one yet of that expected renumeration has yet been collected.  I am owed far more than I could ever attest affordably to judiciously see banked in my name, if it yet becomes a times for calling out so so so many.  The Clintons otherwise left office near not having repaid political debts accumulating as they yet hoped I might sell out.
Greetings.  I am now looking for EMPLOYMENT within the scope of being public & published as verified as a writer.
I can only think FULL EMPLOYMENT as a category of history of what I did near 120% to my thought possible & how such was still cloaked from others who didn’t think I was even near at 70% of a 100% max capability.  Semantics.
These days if you know where to look you can find me on CSPAN for events as think tanks where I either was just in the in-person audience only, or yet given a first public question and recorded for posterity.  Yesterday I had the last question while discussion was on if the ADMISTRATIVE STATE WAS MORAL.
My principal hope is to work with a THINK TANK to better coordinate with a PUBLISHER for conversion to bound book form classic publications, while yet otherwise to be a personality on TV as a contributor either syndicated for new and old columns, poetry, and photography or more modern contributions of a POD CAST.
These thoughts seem to be copacetic.  Though I stayed independent to be more fully philosophical I yet recalled that near 2008 start President Bush offered a recommendation on my behalf to a media empire CEO near “he did more for me than anyone on my staff.”
I may have been left to these past two years as to underemployment in the DMV from that I haven’t yet myself figured out how I should be fairly & honestly valued.  I have not had a lonely heart.
My pockets have not had access to sums relative to my contributions to the greater good, in entertainment, or politics.
For now per if WILLING TO RELOCATE we may have to limit that to YES, if London.
*     *     *     *     HOGAN     *     *     *     *     
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

“This morning we’re asking you - who should get credit for the current state of the U.S. economy?”

>> CSPANWJ asked! Posted recent morning comments on credit for economic growth: February 18, 2020:

>I did advise George W. Bush by fax to not try to fix housing/banking due saw it as triggered to collapse as soon as a fix attempted.

Also Speaker Pelosi wasn’t to letting him at any fix that…

>#TuesdayThoughts #Election2020 #economics

… any fix that had any suggestion in it that Clintons 90s had anything wrong in Clintonomics - even that with $2Trillion cut for $1Trillion in unneeded surpluses - Bill Clinton politics burned the economic candle from both ends …

>#2020Culture #TuesdayMotivation #MAGA #DTS

… Clintons intentionally burned economy candles from both ends at once.

> for short term popularity while expected no negative outcomes expected to yet be expected until the next President’s terms, administration.

Like rigged it …

>#FallOfClintons #PoetJPHogan #HOGAN

… I was proved right of warned #Bush to just try to postpone collapse & crisis and not try at a fix I saw as set up to trigger near complete loss in consumer confidence & little chance then of recovery.

Clintons’ ploy…

>#DrainTheSwamp #Trump #DonaldJTrump #POTUS

… Clintons’ machinations from double burned us down was seen but is now more easily seen as of ploy of set up collapse believing they could then blame next President and be wanted/needed back with Hillary4Prez as seemingly only…

>#WashingtonJournal #Cspan #SouthCarolina #Nevada odds:

… then as those together who could yet fix the economy.

#ClimateChange $4 gas price fix for #GlobalWarming #GreenAgenda of by 2006 #Dems sabotaging #economics & yet blaming #Bush wrongly & …

>… and as #SpeakerPelosi to #Bush chances of recovery was far worse than of killed how #IraqWar was set up to be paid for liberation of #Iraqi as end of #Clintons #AmericanAbandonment by oil profits on #IraqiOil post liberation.

Bush was not allowed to imply Clintons wrong &…

>… yet now it quite noticeable how one thing said in #ImpeachmentHoax #Schiff narative fits so well and better yet to parts of these histories of crimes & maladministration by Clintons & meddling #TextbookTreason during #GeorgeWBush #Bush43 admin - even while of #911Attacks…

>#Economics credit can not go to #Obama - indictments though should and could easily.

Consider #BillClinton, even thou #SenClinton new #NYC #Senator w/ BANKS oversight, did ask Big Banks to pay sought #CarnegieHall twr near $1 Million/y rent as thanks for “all the money they …

>… made big banks with the #DERIVATIVES push with #ChrisDodd & #BillClinton cohorts in unconscionable governance quite judgeable as GROSS NEGLIGENCE at least.

Derivates were asked for to gamble away the known risks of risking lending pimp’n while also of cutting budgeted by…

>… so much in already set up future projects and spending, for that an unneeded surplus - for short term political popularity, to that #BillClinton & banks believed gambling new way needed due Clintons were cutting out the jobs & funding the risky spenders to need to survive…

>#Economics #TuesdayThoughts

…Clintons 90s of knew enough of cut for $1 Trillion unneeded surplus of that picked for cuts wouldn’t be missed until they were out of (& between Clintons presidencies) office.

And that it would take more money & far more years to restore needed…

>… Bill Clinton knew his cuts would only be trouble to the next admin & thought that could be managed to march a call for their return by #Hillary4Prez.

>To @MariaBartiromo years ago he admitted he knew he cut too much too quickly.

Of knew next Prez would have to explain his…

>… Clintons’ 90s selfish malfeasance & maladministration criminally effected just to be able to have a chance at restoring consummer confidence enough for even a slight recovery.

Again: Speaker Pelosi wouldn’t budge to help a recovery due wanted rise of #HillaryClinton by…

>… as if the Clintons were only who could run a growth economy.

Clintons almost only knew where in all the gears they stowed wrenches to created malfunctioning - only knew where the bodies were.

It did cost lots more to replace so much was actually necessary spending then cut!

>#TuesdayMotivation #Election2020 #StrongForTruth

The real questions on #economics is of Clintons burned #economy candles knowingly from both ends for personal selfish reasons.

And of that cuts took far more years at much greater expense to get back budgeted for future jobs.

>This morning: The Clintons did cut too much from necessary spending of already approved and budgeted to be of level of government spending at least needed than then had to be rushed back into budgets - well had to eventually get put back in at much higher costs - not including how missed much set up later housing and banking collapses.                                                                                  

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:13 am


#Austerity #MondayThoughts ~ Old #GreenMinimalism explained:

From late 2007 to present I have resided in #Milford #Connecticut with 2008 & 2016 defeats of #HillaryClinton my primary motivation however thought of a #HearstLive entourage.

“Green Minimalism” seemed due #economics posture with #Obama END OF THE WORLD - GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM.

Ten years of #ProtestArt of my as Peter struck & wrote instead of orchestrated more integrated synchronization of growth marketing across my many mused successes. More an #AynRand #AtlasShrugged strike then becameth the #STRIKE of #RobertGalbraith.  My Villanova Economics advisor liked being “resident radical” on campus at least to #Philosophy dept events - he somehow - he John Steele (e at end not silent) somehow got struck & killed crossing train tracks on campus one night decades ago.

My humble habitat a one bedroom ground level flat at Colonial Manor about a mile from parents then needing some early senior care assistance about the home I am now in two years near the beach - and only slightly of living costs above condo by that property management & home improvements on parents house has added costs to my costs of living chosen and well effected of green minimalism.

Not so much austere religious living but austere in lived without a car (or truck) and lived under $1,200.00 per month most of past 12 years.  In such time I have amassed such a volume of written works it should now number well over 7,000 pages as printed out of off blogs.

The only real increase beyond like moving costs & costs around keeping up parents home for sale was increase in health insurance costs over years even and didn’t ever even use if firstly to a first claim until two years ago due lifting arm chair up back stairs I bruised parts of my tailbone to acute hypertension and unsettling pain - I think they had me sustaining 185 bpm even though fitness max heartrate supposed to be about 220 minus your age & I was at least 50.

From 2007 to 2008 I likely managed to live under $1,000 per month & yet managed to defeat #CrookedHillary twice while a dedicated crooked fighter.

USA & World maps stayed above my TV & reading chairs but most of voluminous written was on a salvaged cushioned spinning bar stool at a shelf system I had lap top & router & modem based at at bar height in other room.

NOTE:  #POTUS in #Chicago just reminded me yet of existential contractor living of each morning put on #Leatherman multi-tool & knife onto belt I was many a day like cleared by Chief Ramsey while so physical towards another professional day - MPD #DC Chief Charles Ramsey a transplant hire from Chicago PD.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:03 am


#MondayMood ~ BEFORE & AFTER #MondayThoughts #HOGAN


Blue jean entrepreneur me w/ then just picked up Ford F250 4×4 I custom ordered from Stoneham Motors near #Boston months before has some stories to share today.

It was August - that one just before #Obama started at #HLS #Harvard.

It was week family vacationed on #BlockIsland & that year of I was an actual Town of New Shoreham resident - with a new truck.

My mems of #FLOTUS #MichelleObama as Michelle Robinson met out in #HarvardSquare at #Grendels while hosting her brother on visit from #Chicago were still fresh & refreshing at times. Thou I didn’t let myself make connection until her 50th birthday it some by that instead of daughters our thoughts were usually on of if I could be a father of two taller black sons (and in Chicago).

So what did I do with my new Ford within weeks then?

Well my pal Darryl Ford of class of ‘87 asked for a road trip of assistance for a move - his move - to Chicago to start his PhD program in #Education.

Pictured is the AFTER & years later - I will have to dig through photos to find us as college pals.

Dr. Darryl Ford has our story of he learned how to drive standard shift on my Ford this Ford then about a month old - but already of break in miles at least of 500 driven by me.

I did that fall Obama started at Harvard while she he only later met was of mems with Michelle R. do that drive from a #NewEngland island to #Philly - #Philadelphia - for a friend in #Pennsylvania - load up his stuff into bed of pick up and trip’d however many miles across PA & #Ohio

I forget the drive hours but it was like I drove 18 hours that day & of a 22 or 24 hours my truck traversed.  Darryl, now Dr. Ford Head of School at Penn Charter School, managed with my lessons those hours on how to shift - use clutch & shifter - but still did wake me up at tolls for a reminder on how to get it going again.

Well as he was settling in & meeting some people I did some driving around Chicago and well what do you know but I got pulled over by one of Chicago PD finest & told YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE A TRUCK ON LSD - RIGHT: LAKE SHORE DRIVE.  The officer didn’t ticket me with #RhodeIsland tags but instructed me to exit at next exit which to me looked like an area of projects - it was more of course lake side though and blocks from Convention Center.

I have only been in #Detroit once due we returned on a northern route that had us then through #Michigan and into #Canada thru tunnel to #Windsor #Ontario - if recall correctly.

Besides Darryl our Class Valecttorian story is of he came pleading to me as sophmore of if I could put the computer his dad built him back together after he daringly took it apart.  I did - I arrived as Freshman with tool box of #bicycling tools - mechanics chest & also my #photography equipment - with kinship of uncle godfather a union electrician who taught me some stuff - even of Buss fuses & this of Buss (sp?) classmate Rich.

I sold my truck back to a different dealer as transitioned in early 1990s to political writing for a basis for NEW WORLD ORDER as set around for an urban agenda & changes happening and of could also happen still in #NewHaven.

The #HarryPotter #Hogwarts tie in is of truck is how long cloaked with Jo - J.K. Rowling - our became golden of making something from nothing as like #PhilosophersStone my Stoneham Ford could be channeled while yet used 1988 Dodge B250 van my ride & trigger as a cloaking by I could be as PHILOSOPHER IN STONE… FORD & think of her as if just a DOOR SUPPLIER of as if just BUSINESS of wondering if a client or prospect needed door repairs or replaced - even upgraded. In DC I did put in new doors for Condoleezza Rice while #NSA & before #IraqWar #Surge for #Rumsfeld Chief Of Staff & wife the former Ambassador to Taiwan…

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:27 pm

The risky business ahead for an intellectual honesty in the new year 2019 is of battles looming against zones of ignorance.

This has been an endearing and enduring work of modern Republicans and a Republican movement since days New Yorker Donald Trump was a Clinton Democrat.

Though there are likely pockets of intellectualism in these zones of ignorance - of most political maps of 2018 as recorded blue - it is alarming the Antonin Scalia chair at Harvard isn’t bronze and worn bright.

The battles ahead go further and deeper than yet the second Tea Party tabled - of prudent stand for common sense and it a core in originalism.

The risky business may not be so much an if or when Puritanism as a Liberal renaissance.  A basic discourse is more primarily calling out these times forward firstly to eyes open anew and free minds conscious of at founding the constitution didn’t need to be a “living document” because scripture was still and now then of it with a first English copy/translation.

No, the risky business is the convergence of the Republican movement with Donald Trump as seems now established of he an also a modern Republican and cleared of still too much a “Clinton Democrat.”

The Liberal nightmare is not least of both are risking trouble by actually offering freedom - constituted freedoms basically cored of ‘rights from Creator’.

Apparently uniformly across the nation and as common to blue areas as zones of ignorance of our constitution freedom isn’t the risked - but is the feared and opposed.  And education of that each’s rights firstly basically figure before the redundancy of the “Bill of Rights” as of each soul has the right to defend against any violate of the “Ten Commandments” against them is to Liberals like blaspheme to Liberalism, and especially as amendments secure such “American” as rights also particularly applies against any governing/government that violates the “Ten Commandments” tenets of Lord’s Law each of freedom with.

There is already a lot of “blue noise” controposing to risked for original freedoms.

Of King James as establishment of an English edition “NEW” still of revolutionary days there is the constitution needn’t be a “living document” for it needeth principally be for fixed due process and civil procedures for when Lord’s Law broke down - where/when breaking down.

The Bible “nonsense” equals old “liberalism” - not immoral lies - especially not lies for political profits.  Practice Christianity comports with a suffice to “nonsense”.

The convergence of Donald Trump and enduring Republican movement is in history much akin to 1800 and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison worked efforts to keep the Union as ordered by the Peoples’ “Order” and as ratified by state conventions of their peoples - as not as ratified by legislators.  Freedom is the first order of Republicans.

That now the work of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren is risky for pockets in most of the blue areas zones of ignorance due they are incidentally being circular and to yet laser tag’n their own with crossfire.

Elizabeth Warren is the leading source of “blue noise”!

Democrats generally should be embarrassed for Elizabeth Warren due her Harvard tenure.

Her “blue noise” may be the politically tanged “death” tone of her incidentally tag’n Clintons and Obama with her proffered expertise academic record.

We will return to Professor Warren as like was Harvard’s expert of that “Clintonomics” and Clintons did more - much more - to cause housing collapse than George Bush.

President Trump doesn’t need to change to counter candidate Warren ideology or any Democrat still standing after natural course of her “blue noise” diatribes register.

President Trump is businessman “Trump” in so much as working politics for economic growth forward remains cornerstoned in art of management style of like locals should think locally - not try to do Trump’s global thinking for him - and so operate in self interest they do their managing as if even were a Trump franchise of best to do jobs so well that say New York needn’t ”manage”  - micromanage as if a distant lording yet needed as a babysitter/nanny.

Senator Warren’s “blue noise” is otherwise for a “Nanny State” and in keeping with Nancy Pelosi disregard for her oaths of office of her style as to try to operate the House as firstly a “Tear Factory” with parades of appeals to emotions in the idea of 70% taxation can thus be justified by rendered unto here before innocent citizens  as yet a prejudiced forward to presumed guilty mere subjects who need lording over “Nanny State”.

We may not have time here to brave broaching Nancy Pelosi as conclusively historically, but not yet litigated, bad political actor long derelict in past duties - at least of “Emoluments Clause” - per laws of Robert Mueller’s focus and yet as per so ignored regards Clintons’ violations it seems there now no “equal justice” and an air of that such laws only apply to Republican.

For now Mitt Romney, junior Senator for Utah, is an outlier and unknown per 2019 convergence.  Senator Romney still should be embarrassed of how lost to President Obama by his saying near “I will repeal and replace Obamacare with Romneycare” simply checked/countered in last month of race with Democrats retort near “Obamacare is a Romneycare!”.

But the risky business of 2019 as a year of convergence rests more in it as anti-Democratic Party working yet rooting of a President Trump working the Republican movement tilled for the budding seeded collaborative think to America deserves to feel and breath again the robust pathology of freedom of it has been the living in our freedoms behind our history established as a nation of peoples’ willing to voluntarily cosign to fighting and winning others’ wars.

Personally the Mitt Romney race wrap up was said embarrassing and so of that I so thought he had to see it such that my position taken was confident and/or prudent - to let it run of thinking if he didn’t see it he wasn’t ready or qualified to be President Romney. Today’s work is not on this an outlier to the risky business of the 2019 convergence looming.

Republicans trump Democrats with most issues tabled for 2019 politics.

For example:  For Republicans to further improve relations with Muslim peoples there must be a docketed and tabled full discussion on the “911 Report” as some a sham.  Democrats can be as beaten by this as by candidate Warren candidacy to ask for a judgement on her expertise as inconvenient to Clintons and Obama with truths on how Democrats more than Republicans actually caused the yuge problems Democrats worked lies on towards only Republicans got blamed.

The “911 Commission” “911 Report” as some a sham shall maybe be more damming to Nancy Pelosi as Republicans must work to expose sham of not looking back more than ten years and avoiding probative to 1993 to 2001 of Clintons’ feminism crusades and “American Abandonment” of at least two relevant historicals fodder to intellectually honest study of Clintons’ admin precipitated and incited attacks/response.

In the blue areas zones of ignorance it likely will b risky business to ask to participate in nation renewal to original pathology of freedom - to even hope to also. - Feel so free as to be willing to fight voluntarily for others to also win freedom.

E. Warren diatribes, however self defeating Democratic blue noise, are due retorts but sans engagement.

E. Warren is maybe, second only to if there “Speaker Pelosi” again, the greatest threat to Democratic enduring - any freedom on any campus.

The E. Warren communal blue noise is married to Nancy Pelosi political operations to justify a “Nanny State” of the House to be her “Tear Factory” to 70% taxation secured and citizens suppressed by taxation a prejudiced of subjects firstly presumed guilty. - Need’n “Nanny”!

Again, the convergence is risky business with attempts to counter Democratic as if only for tyrannical rule by distant entrenched elites - a Leftist ruling class.

Modern Republicans now know, it seems, that President Trump is tru’ to Republican movement and grown reformed from days a Clinton Democrat.

President Trump is taking the lead of 2019 a convergence year and to that ad hominem retorts energy against candidate E. Warren can be spared - of time not wasted?

President Trump is a natural leader to second Tea Party sentimental common sense prudence in that he is an old salt stuck in management ways of expecting even distant “TRUMP” destinations to be operated as independently and locally as possible (autonomously?) to that rule from afar to micromanagement disassociated by physical distance is yet minimized - not maximized as otherwise to justify a “Nanny State”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi was long derelict per laws Special Prosecutor Mueller pressing versus Republicans in all her years of duty yet per such regards the Clintons’ violations of the “Emoluments Clause” and especially the spirit of “none shall be titled”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi is antagonist #1, it seems, against Republicans to further improving relations with Muslim peoples with intellectual honesty freshly put to tabling how (her?) “911 Report” was some sham.

Oy!  Candidate E. Warren really!  Though Clintons have long - with each utterance of “post Constitution” posit - been publicly confessing to textbook treason it is likely risky business in blue areas to challenge “blue noise” of zones of ignorance.

Oy!  Candidate El Warren really!  Though it public knowledge Clintons tried to open Clintons’ global initiatives in suites nearest then Penthouse still available high above the “THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM” in Carnegie Hall Tower it is simply elementary academics that besides Bill Clinton asked big banks to comp he rent near $1 Million per year as THANKS for derivatives gambling push we have that Professor Elizabeth Warren Harvard tenure was as an expert more fully broadened on how it wasn’t George Bush’s or Republicans’ fault for it mostly concludes as naturally of slick violations of constitution for personal gain by Clintons - fundamentally - fit’n “Slick Willy” reputation - particularly causal.

It now may be too risky to be of intellectual honesty and to politically mature on campuses now more communes.

Please though try to be brave however such risky business to also able to feel the pathology of freedom.

My ask is complicated and maybe still yet leading.

The Clintons won in 1992 after unscheduled late entry much by learned to sound like me and my worked to an urban agenda focused of New Haven as way to put meat on the bones of “New World Order” - of my philosophizing long regards how America to adjust if became a sole superpower.

The Clintons disappointed by 1994 and as well before Monica Lewinski affair broken news by those also involved in the 1992 making of Clintons electable despite 1988 “never ending speech” convention moment of that which more truly the real Bill “Slick Willy” Clinton.  Study, please, coincident of people pressed them electable turned in disappointment whence with “MONICA” story from feeling President Clinton wasn’t attending to work elected for as regards Iraq and Al Qaeda and so then yet found in lieu of elected responsibility to been doing intern(s)!

To not ignore the inconvenient scandal per regards “Mr. Science” Al Gore let us post & promote questions not as deniers while anchored for pathology of freedom and representative “by the people” “for the people” renaissance with minds open to that cuts in solutions tyranny can be said “man made problems” by that European Union and also rushed United States of Americas “Green Agenda” cuts did flip greenhouse effect to Asian centric from decades as Atlantic centric and to that laws forward should be pressed of personal liability jeopardy just upon at least Al Gore for conduct unbecoming a former Vice President as engaged in a solutions tyranny that didn’t account for that cuts could and did some cause enough shift in Atlantic thermals to that he and others may have cause New York devastation by Super Storm Sandy.  Republicans trump Democrats on solutions side and if take evolving laws to practice on issues of dangers and liability of Democrats wrongful at trying to play GOD with weather.

To wrap this warning of risky business to also try to participate in 2019 looming convergence:

Yes, I too am philosopher basis for “Harry Potter” “Hogwarts” “The Philosopher’s Stone” (long story) and of that such mused and long supported with new energies found and developed for next books yuge success is particularly yet of my motive as towards protecting a next generation from those I already knew as crooked Clintons.  So much of thought good stuff from Democrats actually only extant from that I worked out a counter culture dominant parallel.

Yes I want to engage readers in the philosophical versus “blue noise” with intellectual honesty and broad scope.  “The Philosopher’s Stone” roots are in I/we could cloak my involvement and motives by shifting thoughts of my vehicle used to back to FORD F250 4X4 an as if I a Philosopher a driver of truck from Stoneham Motors in Massachusetts.  The cloak worked so well my family didn’t know it was so much from me - even as was for them - until after the last book and then later for they resisted believing it could have been of I fooled them and hid such much with such cloak and a legal professionalism of kept thoughts with JK Rowling of as if I was just a contractor and she a door supplier I connected with if client prospective for new doors or door rehabs.

While motive wasn’t material content it yet was philosophical towards stories to get readers to expect better than Clintons and to out think how underestimated and patronized by the Clintons’ premeditated machinations and selfish ambitions for Power more than purpose.

It is also true, but maybe less necessary work with convergence concurrent to Democratic self destruction, to diss of with Nancy Pelosi on trial for if just to be back to high office “Speaker Pelosi” while she long a derelict from duty to probe Clintons on emoluments, and, with of Candidate Elizabeth Warren whose scholarly expertise must now be questioned to value her even while it is textbook such to convict President Obama as of illegal cover ups of that Clintons and “Clintonomics” ruined banks and housing and of the “911 Report” a sham still protecting at least Clintons from tag’d of GROSS NEGLIGENCE!

This risky business is everyone’s forward - however more now in a commune in a “zone of ignorance”!

Democrats are piling on to unstable from Clintons and Obama worked long publicly & publicly confessed to textbook treason.  Now it is a wonder how party to violations Nancy Pelosi yet recently postured her Democrats will obey their oaths of offices to obey and defend the actual Constitution.

It simply actually fits simple surface and deeper intelligent pursuits for knowing realities that I am of such shared also did now long ago ask CNBC to have one of their broadcast near a stating “a new Tea Party may be needed” and did offer guidance to Washington Republicans to become a PARTY OF NO so clear lines would present of GOP originalism versus Dems wing’n it.

         *       *       *       FREEDOM’S SONG?       *       *       *

PS: Of course this also relates to how President Trump can honestly answer when asked about “THE APPRENTICE” of that such idea stemmed also from my connection and querious of if I would ask for a deal with a side to deal of also then to apprentice his builder side.  Such is also synchronistic to “Harry Potter” as my media ambitions and lead was idea was fit’n to concerns on how and where to offer guidance for readers through the books and to that I wouldn’t as it muse become party to them of an expectation that a job was owed them by their government.  My side is I was too busy then voluntarily helping President George W. Bush from across town in DC with post 9/11 attacks politics to handle how Donald Trump liked idea more than I could be party to as priorities had to govern.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:51 pm

I confess I am not a student of my own popularity.

With the passing of President George H.W. Bush theories relative unearthed.  Weed maybe hath covered over partisan defenses that could have better secured America after September 11, 2001.

There is an intensity to impart that quite may nail Nancy Pelosi, of California representation, to how crossed our sacred lines.  Our not going away problem of Nancy Pelosi does too engirth her as a woman as obstructing next steps of feminism - barring getting to finishing movement while remains inconvenient feminist controversies.

The Hollywood of this digressed might shock people to my past feminist efforts and to maybe tru’d to once of a leading cult of personality.

Let us try to work a comity of this polity with a fresh parity that pares the dereliction of Nancy Pelosi while Speaker of the Peoples’ House of Representatives.

Though after September 11, 2001 attacks the partisan responses by and for the Clintons and their admin time were unconscionable and atrocious while self-serving CYA we have the “official” of while still in office of Speaker Pelosi to unearth and dissect as of a partisan heavy boot of did more than any other to hinder President Bush from honorably repairing and finishing his father’s lead.

I will get to “cult of personality” but first understand on 2000 election day I lived in Washington DC, had a steering box go bad on used 1988 Dodge B250 cargo van, had day free up so, and then spent it in Foggy Bottom at “West 23rd” a restaurant proprieted by James Carville and wife Mary Madeline.

Only James was encountered and chatted with such election day of myself a customer from maybe 10:30 am until 2 to 3 am.

Besides lunch at bar and conversant with “Norm” (head bartender?) I did share mid day with James that if Gore won I who had helped make Clintons electable in 1992 would move out of America, and, though I supported idea of a son wanting to get to repair and finish the prior honorable work of his father I wasn’t sure he was ready, - I expressed I wanted more time to decide, and because I did believe some serious times were ahead.

As I justly tag Speaker Pelosi as derelict much of this is real and of viscerally experienced of then my years still in America and to voluntarily supporting and helping second Bush admin.

So how was it I?

Besides how many times I did try to help President Bush find a way to get around Speaker Pelosi default position of blocker who would not allow any progress if with such any fault or blame did from such air as of Clintons and especially as if that how they cut $2 Trillion for an unneeded surplus of $1 Trillion a real fault.

Yes, despite the huge tragedy and loss Speaker Pelosi was firstly afterwards a Clintons’ loyal soldier who much kept President Bush from economic recovering by that to restore consumer confidence for such he had to be blocked from such due would inevitably expose the Clintons as at least of negligence.

Speaker Pelosi, and since demoted, of also derelict as by Emoluments Clause - Constitution Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 8.  She didn’t do her duty and arguably due Clintons’ professed “post Constitution” ploys amount to extra-Constitution powers abuse by the rendering of such and other protections from tyranny in Constitution as nullified.

How as Speaker and since Nancy Pelosi as firstly been partisan also hurt President Barack Obama by that she couldn’t let go of being a Clintons’ soldier and loyalty to necessary political partisan postured of as if they were 100% innocent.

Let us step back from broached of a madness in Nancy Pelosi’s dereliction.

Much of this has long been aired as pressed and available free of CitizenRosebud.com and its category “AUTO BIO’D”.

To that the economics recovery of early 1990s is of Bill Clinton claiming credit you should disavow selves from such as if at all true.

This is much about me and how many innovations and entertainments I was already juggling successes of when I toed into Presidential race with concerns but as showing supportive with postured defended of how wrote I thought I could make a Democrat electable to President in 1992.

Note: At such time Governor Clinton ad wife were looking beyond such year for their ambitions to have a HIS and then a HER presidency.  George Stephanopoulus and a Charles Koch son co-ran Representative Richard Gephardt’s office - ran & responded to my non constituent letter yet of claim here. My letter to Rep. Gephardt was encouraging while concerns muted of political and national troubles possible since Senator Al Gore announced he wouldn’t run and with near his directive in message of “Bush deserves a second term” to Democrats of yet President Bush should be anointed re-elected by Democrat leadership - at ranks in lock step joined.

All this shared we still can justly posit concurrently that in hindsight how Speaker Pelosi was derelict is a most abominable history.

Democrats tend not to talk about me and story for such also then of my turned back story of to 1994 Republicans support, as for President Bush and President Reagan unfinished supported work, becomes out and inconveniently relevant.

Besides the innovations and entertainments amassed in personality as did more for 1990s recovery than Bill Clinton admin such as was sensitive to my lead is yet of that President Bush would have had recovery too for most of the real coordination had been affected and effected before election day loss to Governor Clinton, and as of Clintons late entrance.

Simply - perhaps too simply - I expected conceived and considered future plans for with my amassed already in personality due concerns and then gave away as many ideas I could synchronize towards their then supporting entertainment for jobs and economic potential of such ideas (expected to be good news stayed rooted as from me/mine) for growth.

For example:  Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt if to a child together may want to consider me to be a godfather?

Yes, my DC gym RESULTS experiences became near absurd and to that I spirited Coen brothers could play with such to which “BURN AFTER READING” was quite comical and in such vein as I liberally mused.

But George Clooney was cast for “ER” as into the conceived role as to most play an alternate fictional me after Jamie Tarses and NBC asked after 3 show ideas for “one more for Thursdays at 10.”

As per Coen brothers pick I was still coping with my popularity and singular of it’s global attractiveness. I admit to gym time as generated curiosity as President Bush and Kiefer Sutherland were in my weights routines as my volunteered guidance used by both as I thought how to help our President and to personal ask for entertainment after I realized I had no entertainment for myself and wanted suspense yet as produced as if in real time.  Coincidentally I recall such days as I was of no shortage of angels of like for on top of a needle - even of models and figure skaters like to answer singularly “how many angels fit on a needle?” and to like “hopefully as many as needed!”.

Note:  Above to be figured some as factored of for “Robert Galbraith” developed “Strike” character too.

But if Jennifer Aniston and if to with child their’s is the “how me” of the first three NBC show ideas - FRIENDS, SEINFELD, LAW AND ORDER.

Because some of my ambition since early 1970s to become a top Madison Avenue adman like my maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier - “Mad Men” colloquial - I had learned to listen to decision makers with his guidance and to be independently to thinking how to coordinate marketing decisions.

Because by 1992 I had already taken a 2nd Place in oratory in 7th grade with school wide oration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt “Day of Infamy” Declaration of War speech, and, had met Michelle Robinson (Obama) in her 3rd Harvard year it is important to associate Nancy Pelosi as of dereliction.

By 1990 I had already since 1982-83 been sharing to that now modern snowboard - snowboarding brainstormed with David Musto - innovations & idea for ideal half pipe to souls interested, and, to Stanley Tools my pressure & support for them to innovate and develop a new handsaw - to an American handsaw as by combining Japanese tooth style yet with English blade and handle style. 

My involvement to Democrats in 1992 as with non constituent letter I quickly received a reply from Rep. Gephardt’s office (pen’d by George S. ???) was of national security concerns and my knowing then innovations I planted ideas for were succeeding as too the integrated mass entertainment of my enabling efforts.

I do have to consider Nancy Pelosi as abominable for how she blocked President Bush just on for economic recovery is more deplorable than the unconscionable of Clintons’ and their soldiers after September 11, 2001 of CYA by “we just did what the people asked us to” (paraphrased from memory) - and well like just red states said do this and blue states said do that.  The Clintons’ responses after attacks were atrocious - and never deserved support of any a Speaker of the House.

Essentially while partisan postures amassed for a still ridiculous defense of Clintons as if 100% innocent the vibe and essence of how became was sold as they blamed the American people even though they got elected much by posturing they were smarter and maybe the smartest available - of idea they would know better than masses of voters.

Okay! Of the “how me.”

I was of class of 1983 from New Haven public high school as of “THE GOVERNORS” of Wilbur Cross HS.

I was a co-captain of tennis team as lettered senior, and tri-co-captain of swim team of just junior & senior years as swimmer.

The “FRIENDS” my friends of high school were near graduation of my guidance due my ambitions as to think of me as their friend forward but around NYC even if I didn’t plan to get there for years.

I guess also relevant is my dad married up and then they got our family admitted as second Catholic family but first Irish Catholic family to members in old New Haven tennis, swim, squash and dinning club.  I did have to adjust to curiosity growing up as to how tho 3rd child it was wondered how so the oldest son would grow up so “admitted.”

The “FRIENDS” cast connected and carried respect as mused for my maintaining friends to off in different directions, and, as of swim team other captains a female Geller and another swimmer David.  Two “Matts” dichotomy of duality as a real Matt and earlier year graduated tennis rival then connected to also year before interested in anthropology, and for my younger brother by 5+ years to as if of another family a like an also a “Matt” of his best friend Matt.  Such Matt’s dad was a pal & classmate to George W. Bush.

The only two Yale professors (both in History) GWB cared to remember and biographically were both neighbors and of family friends.  Matt’s father (friend of brother Matt) though was a safe extra space for entertainment or my younger brother due he a doctor a psychiatrist much of work with veterans.  To me he was my neighbor also of road bicycling interests who owned a Park Wheel Truing Stand and willingness to allow me use - even as neighborhood bike mechanic on other neighbor’s wheels.

Back in the early days I could go to bed much platonically yet with Courtney on one side and Jennifer on the other until parties to NBC knew if I had new direction and ideas.

SEINFELD story is less original maybe for one a Seinfeld may have pitched an  idea that then got adapted to my 2nd show ideas for a show about nothing as more dry fuss to cover other friends of high school of tall lanky Kramers and as to protect me from a sister’s gossipy to around a former girl friend Julia as to fuss turned dry gossip - about nothing for to maintain professionalism and platonic as entertainment worked firstly to enable the economics and growth of ideas shared and succeeding of innovations planted and sustained from me - a J. Peter “man” to my sister Stephanie.

So I did support a son a Bush from 2000 forward as towards my shared personal ambitions of Reagan Revolution too - and as also set out to be like a caboose that got to station only when fullest potential of work effected.

The story now real of Nancy Pelosi, of California representation, is diabolical and abominable as known to me from both sides of fighting for positive change over decades - the of integrated marketing uniquely mine and shared with George W. Bush as fit to his administered.

She and the Clintons are trapped by my story for Clintons chose to steal use of intellectual property of they became electable in 1992 by learned to fit to and sound like me - my guidance.

The cannot acknowledge me without severely incriminating themselves!

The 3rd show of NBC was that planted for “LAW AND ORDER” as to that I could also manage my lawyer dad and my sister in Washington working up the ranks in Senator Chris Dodd’s office.  I didn’t realize ’til later NYC Attorney offices of show kept to reality as with address “1 HOGAN PLACE.”

So to close I am a huge NO to #PelosiForSpeaker and due know she justly deserves shade and tag as derelict.

Yes when I challenged JK Rowling as a sought “unknown writer willing to write 7 books of a magic school around a character of a Pete Rowe-ling & click it was also platonic and a prophylactic to entertain to a next generation learned to expect better than got from Clintons and Pelosi, and by fandom encouraged people to be readers and then to thought better and broader than known machinations of Clintons did ever seem to manage to plan for.

Nancy Pelosi is the special prosecutor Robert Mueller YUGE problem!

She doesn’t deserve to be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi again due issues and amounts of concern said per President Donald J. Trump, Sr. are inconveniently devoid of equal justice by her real history of posturing defense for Clintons by not doing her emoluments and foreign association auditing duty, and due her coy ploy has fallen of defended Hillary Clinton with partisan machinations by party stood up such laws as said not still laws when raised against Clintons.

Personally this fits to dislike earned by George Stephanopoulus and how I pulled support for FRIENDS show & asked for it to be cancelled after they gave him a cameo.

Due the Democrats trapped themselves with stealing uses of my integrations - and to in jeopardy by “reuse” precedent - we have our concurrence relative as my story is of like went on STRIKE in 2007 due #Hillary2008 launched and to now there are in past decades many instances to rehash of though they promised the could repeat on said their former successes it worked out they couldn’t repeat my successes with thieving and reuse attempts. 

They both turned out to not be smart enough nor even ever as smart as they thought they were?

Due their thieving and reuse attempts they’ve established their own record of were not able to repeat earlier successes - yet still without punchline now enough circulated of that I managed to thwart further stolen use by how worked to defeat of Hillary Clinton at 2008 race for President and then very similarly again of 2016.

Such is yet but a fraction of my me!

                   *     *     *     #LockHerUp?     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:04 am

Your summer starts with the most important midterms still ahead.

Will your education amass or amount to success to earned statuesque recognition? Perchance a park?

Is our way forward bound too fated by errant and wrongful of our leaders, present, and past?

Shall we just tag it all TREASON and be done with it?

For all the reading and recreation ahead for our summer hours such would be perilous and elementary - too simple - dangerously simple.

To excel forward perhaps these days of summer call us to comparative studies to be best formed and steeled to have our midterms attest of mettle tested?

Whom shall be toppled? And, whom newly deserves to be honored - memorialized?

We can hope that generations are now getting along these years after Green Agenda Green Minimalism of needed $4 gasoline pricing, and its political heavy handed, trapped/forced grandparents to move in with children, and their grandchildren to move back in with dad and mom.

Let us progress by making it teachable by making Connecticut an example to bar erection or topple that which has been set to memorialize Clintons or Obamas with bronze honors.

For now we can pass on beating a Bush as currently it is becoming far better known of how long attacked Bush name was of undue and for unearned beatings.

With very important midterms ahead let us Cliff Notes the core issues now as we progress an attempt to become responsibly informed to the GOOD vs. EVIL and the RIGHT vs LEFT towards whom deserves a bronze them.

It is of TREASON we must become quite learned of and as how trapping such crimes are set to be to many top Democrat operators for categorize as simply of textbook TREASON.

The old favoring of the LEFT wrongfulness cannot now be long still enduring as endearing slippeth more and more as greater amassed s the understanding that their “proffered” interpretation of the Constitution is established as blatantly erroneous and simply of clear misreading of the original and lawful plain meaning - intent of the Peoples’ “Order.”

Generations of moralists, while some liberated and repaired to the American Dream, will long work over how immoral it was how economies were set asunder for the Green Minimalism for the Green Agenda and how such leadership was illegal to treasonous.  American generations are behooved to garner how wrong LEFTISTS (with Saul Alinski?) been in their premeditated collaborations to set asunder the Constitution of our republic in ways in excess to how they’ve been found to have failed to comprehend the ratified original plain language.

The LEFTISTS, however now set to honored by schools in their name or public bronzes, do now suffer a real jeopardy due ignorance of the Constitution plain meaning is not a defense to even their accidental but incidental treasonous colluded.

Cliff Notes simple:

In the prior year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven on that seventeenth of September they did subscribe as “done” the Peoples’ “Order” by signed as to did “ordain and establish” the Constitution as the Peoples’ “Order” (noun) that did form our “more perfect Union” to it therefore cannot rightly be claimed to be the LEFTISTS’ “living document” as just a yuge loophole for mob rule of anything goes if just do claim it and it “more perfect.”

The actual Constitution is still the Law of our lands and to that so much by LEFTISTS was at least accidental TREASON in ignorance - but yet of a contempt for originalism of yet a basis also in ignorance of beauty of originalism as compassionate originalism fixed by “more perfect Union” by set to government also under our Lord’s Laws and not above their peers - the citizens.

Connecticut, ironically, is “The Constitution State” while yet a state that most failed and suffered under Democratic rule of such likewise LEFTISTS.

Connecticut, economically, can be said to have met such an unnecessary tough phase by being colluding to cottoned to the treasonous of the Clintons while such of frauds of took credit to honors for so much they didn’t inspire or make.

Connecticut failures under recent Democratic Party adherence and partisan collusion happened with President Obama due he too didn’t/wouldn’t tackle the Clintons’ misrepresentations for undeserved honor to known for it of economic science dynamic that such doesn’t work the ways Clintons long postured of claimed as if so many successes were made by them.

Connecticut was stuck under President Obama due Governor Malloy (and Obama Jobs Czar Jeffrey Immelt of GE) couldn’t proceed honestly for had to continue the cover-ups for the Clintons to protect many in leadership from criminal exposure in admitting dishonorable divisive partisan chicanery and treachery if offered truth.

As midterms our mile marker to be for an accounting we should brace and inform ourselves with the lessons of Connecticut’s failures as poignant and fresh.  There could be no music - singing together - these years - for unity to economic growth - due the legend and key for progress music actually had far from the true nature and smaller truths of the Clintons as its melodious harmonious; there could be little music with Governor Malloy due he went with discordance by lying with the Clintons, and, towards running betrayal of a Connecticut native whom Clintons an associated were long persisting in stealing from - in misappropriation of the core key vibe’s who of the essence of the how of how 90s economics arose as synthesized and choreographed.

Generations of moralists have, as our midterms loom, time enough to learn of and from the failures of Connecticut as a story of couldn’t due couldn’t do honestly - with honor?

Cliff Notes simple:

President Donald Trump may soon deserve to be memorialized and publicly honored in bronze statue(s) and for righting our songs from broached treasonous old coursing and yet firstly of tests of November are to be of post “post-Constitution” and post “I will not feel beholden to the oath I just swore” (paraphrased) eye openers and to votes that must be forward mature of accepting it is established and proven ordained that the LEFTISTS’ “interpretations” are not lawful but as per scripts of TREASON.

Generations are called upon while being still liberated and repaired to the American Dream to take all the time necessary to discuss and fully digest that any schools I their names or public bronzes in their likeness should be prohibited from our public spaces.

Remember Connecticut!

Remember though Hillary Clinton lost Governor Malloy was still stuck with President Obama  of trying to sing lies of the Clintons!!!

Cliff Notes simple:

*  Jeffrey Immelt was a Connecticut CEO while failed nation as a Jobs Czar!  Go figure an air conditioner company head missed global warming supply and demand calling!

*  I know of what I satire as long the Clintons got on by particularly stealing a lot from me, - only got by like in 90s when of slipping by becometh too their old selves and deployed coy ploy “we need to get back to the center!” as chicanery to needed to steal a solution and synthesized balance from me again.

*  So: Also: Yet no bronzes for Democrats?  - nor silver! - nor gold! 

                               *      *      *      *      *                 


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:09 am



#Politics #MondayMotivation ~ #TrumpRussia farce vs #PoetJPHogan #LawAndOrder:

#Justice #JeffSessions & #FBI #ChrisopherWray #FBIDirector #Wray on my bad side as long as sans #Clintons of #indictments!

#HOGAN, me, cannot accept employment as violate of my #ReligiousLiberty of #JOY #HOPE #GoodNews rights violated by Clintons rise & reign was of stealing my intellectual property & essentially my identity.

I know of no possible employment contract that wouldn’t subjugate me under other who is avoiding my #TRUTH and to then supporting #CRIME of helping Clintons get away with stealing from me. Before blaim #Russians any should consider my #STRIKE (roots to #RobertGalbraith - really) did more to defeat #CrookedHillary as I directed that none from me could be used to help the Clintons (get away with stealing from me) and as with what from me stopped the Clintons couldn’t repeat performance - performance level of what worked when worked of with mine.

There should be no employer or employment option where my story isn’t already known and to then my rank and value already established of good enough to have been stolen by the Clintons to be used for #economics & #NationalSecurity.

Personal problems of the Clintons unprosecuted are worse than that my “good news” wasn’t told of but of valor & glory stolen to as if only the work of others not the architects nor mechanics of the workability for as such of my “unmarried” years & #BIBLE basis for good news to flow in truth and such of unmarried men are to live for the Lord while married to live for their wives - it is my accomplishments others have stolen are also of how my work was perverted to as if caused by a woman - and a wrong women more convenient to their theft narative so that it couldn’t be of my chosen career stolen and of me of beating the Lawyers & Phds by that my lay work was of decade plus foundational work to that I was capable of such original solutions because I sacrificed and dedicated my self to doing the hard work to learn enough details of reality/realities.

I’ve had to fight the Cliintons since they moved with 1992 win to 1993 & beyond of stealing from me and to I was so persistant that Bill Clinton & James Carville finally resorted to a skit defense to now famous Clinton Machine method of hiding crimes in plain sight of “OF COURSE WE STOLE - WE STOLE FROM THE BEST” (paraphrased from visceral memories). There truth a plenty is stating during years of such battles I did spirit voluntarily around training town named #HogansAlley ideas for FBI on how future agents could be better & good enough to stand up to #CrookedClintons.

A conundrum of employment is to that I can hardly knowing how much was stolen from me means I know I cannot by any employment contract allows an employer to suppose rank on me and to then the access to how Clintons worked inappropriate unauthorized use of my intellectual property in naive ways of perverted the solutions I developed to that their many mistakes have been predictable yet to me the silenced to as if solutions couldn’t have come from me.

Essentiality the paradigm still persists of that I cannot be employed in my stolen chosen career for my truth - my good news - my Joy - cannot be acknowledged, and I can’t rightly without being an accomplice to crimes against my self - I can’t accept employment without helping the Clintons get away with crimes at least of stealing from me.

This gets more complicated due #Sept11 & #Bush of so much help I gave him after attacks that worked was of I fixed where & how I knew Clintons had perverted the solutions I had figured to defeat his father 41 so 43 had knowledge & guidance to fix the mistakes of 42 by the architect & mechanic. Bush gratefulness to me as once referrals of near “HE DID MORE FOR ME THAN ANYONE ON MY STAFF” is of such import.

By now, even as you try to ignore it, you likely already know of the Clintons’ “intent” they did it all for money.

By now, even as you do ignore it, that the Clintons’ “intent” of they dug out kick backs by monetized policies in that supposed to have been honorable as the work of the people - of not so grossly violate of like most protections in the Emoluments Clause.

I have been a victim - but that their crimes are not “victimless” is of basically all Americans and peoples of the world have yet also been victims of their gold digger “intent” and irregular to Constitution effected & affected.

Ignorance of the Constitution is not a defense and Originalism is of Clintons have long confessed indirectly to treasonous treachery beyond misdemeanors against the Peoples government by “post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery admits, beyond ignorance of the law, to actual intent to set asunder the written law - well out of due process and secured protections for civil procedures.

Of my victimhood is that the Clintons thefts of stolen from me need them to maintain their false history of me of mine and to that I can’t transition from single years so motivated to be a future media mogul of years as of “unmarried men are to live for the Lord” to the next phase of “married men are to live for their wife”.  Democrats, much - not just Clintons, live for denying me my JOY HOPE Good News years of chosen career to be akin a future “Mad Men” expert a skipped gen outcome from worked it building at least on respect for my elders, my grandfathers John W. Hogan, Sr. & Arthur M. Menadier to be at least to marketing towards becoming a future media mogul by learned from maternal grandfather a top advertising executive of the era of popularized in “Mad Men”.

This of course explains the effectiveness of my STRIKE and how such was synchronized to that me as the PHILOSOPHER of & to the “THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE” was motivated of my 7 books on magic challenge to be for and on morals as to be to prophylactically protecting at least a next gen - generation - from the crooked of the Clintons and the crooked Clintons.  Long story on how to set up such as to cloak from me & supported by me of use of vehicles of new used Dodge B250 cargo style white van driving to be yet in JK Rowling of cloaking around my earlier vehicle order special and new in 1988 as Ford F250 4×4 from “Stoneham Ford” of that I could drive ideas stealthily by as Philosopher while apparently just a contractor & she - Jo - like a door supplier who handled possible clients interest and dreaming of if door work needed or even new doors dreamt of.  My “philosopher” cloak was to we could think of “stone” as my old pick-up truck from “Stone - ham” while to “Hogan’s” wards to as to not grow up like “Hogan’s warts” as like to just dirt under my skin.

As Democrats, line en masse, need my story to be lied about by like made it still about a woman and the wrong women more convenient to their work posture as a legal bulwark as defense, there is yet that such if yet of my story of the years meant to be as of Lord’s work like dedication as yet for philosophy to yet become eventually married and to marketing then as near to as media mogul and to such of before & after to after as married media mogul of living then for my wife.

The “Gold Digger Democrats” is the rap and tag befalls the fall of Clintons and maybe realistically a #FOB52.

We know now the basically just did it for the money, - even as many try to ignore such, and, support crime of crimes therefore supported of crimes against me.

Forward I am supposed to be already by the core of my old plans that yet had so much stealable as usable as workable better than their own capacity be from to the “living for the Lord” of the “philosopher” phase and to like now living for my wife as a media mogul essentially humanly limited professionally to like ranking people - especially gold diggers - for how they rank, using new media & social media, as for how well each succeeding at built & maintain community.

Alas as long as the Clintons’ & associateds’ crimes are allowed to endure and repeat - to of SCOTUS precedence of reuse resets any statute of limitations - I am forced to stay focused more personally on the work of the people as a dedication to TRUTH and therefore akin “work of the Lord” singularity as witness to the Clintons of monetized policies & essentially just firstly primarily generally specifically did it in “intent” as just for the money, - I am forced to remain on STRIKE.

Yes, I am now long not to have been dedicated still as a single man of “living for the Lord” and while HARRY POTTER & HOGWARTS of also ROBERT GALBRAITH to of motivated protective of such years so a PHILOSOPHER cloaked we must get passed the unknowns of the crimes of the Clintons for such all came to be as cloaked and purposed to yet protect people from these criminals I’ve known of their motives since the early 1970s and from a bad first impression of our happenstance encounter while they were still just co-eds of Yale Law School out for a walk in my neighborhood.

President Donald J. Trump, Sr., at least due THE APPRENTICE idea from me is likewise complicated of to protect a next gen from political crimes in couple of conducts unbecoming a former first couple, please dedicate yourself and Justice towards that I can be freed from phase of living dedicated as philosopher as of living for our Lord, and so that I can complete shift to next phase of reparations in spirit, at least, to that I can be understood to living for “wife” phase as allowed to be the media mogul my own efforts built capacity and global enduring quite broadly.

Yes, you all, you can each help me transition in my religious liberty to from forced by Clintons crimes and gold digger Democrats way to living for the Lord against my rights and will.

Right?  You comprehend the prudence?

I.E.: & E.G.:  >> I should be free now to profits by populating say my own state of Connecticut media with ranking for at least social media new media and to volunteering a WORST rank for my own state as worst of “GOLD DIGGER DEMOCRATS” for though I can’t prove Connecticut is the worst state as of worst “gold diggers” I also for journalism cannot prove yet that my own state - hence my self-deprecating - isn’t the WORST state - 50th of 50!!!

Right?  You comprehend the prudence?

                     *  *        OH GOD - PART X?       *  *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:59 am



#TheHoganMemo ~ #FED #Dow #Olympics & #HOGAN material history:

“Moral Capitalism” is redundant as Jerome Powell seating & humanity in #economics doth suffice to explain #TrumpCorrection?

With change of #FedChair from #JanetYellen to #Powell market players of cosmic tumblers churning to reason through to get a feel for the NEW and while people of #WallStreet can be “generally good people” of loosening valuations as #Olympics2018 #WinterGames due liberated from fixed structuralism to a romantic (#NewRomanticEra) leveled playing field where any got to #SouthKorea to seek #GREATNESS has #economy heavens open for NEW achievers reaching.

I, J. Peter Hogan, had global success & networks established by time I challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 childrens book on #magic as around a #MagicSchool of before rise of #Clintons in 1992 as of my lead of “A DEMOCRAT CAN BEAT BUSH IF ONE CAN LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME” (paraphrased from memories) I had since 1982-83 senior high school year been of being a marketing wizard for sharing free a pal’s & my sleding snow day brainstormed as to how a new #SNOWBOARD could be designed of that I wanted one I could do #Snowboarding down hill more safely than #skateboarding down hilly roads. Where we were sleding of where I brought my wood plank like “snow board” with toe strap was already our favorite sleding hill for it was at least 70% already a natural #HalfPipe. We did reality check after we basically designed in our minds what is today the #OlympicGames #snowboards to that we were not the right people to launch idea. I forward did walk out a sharing to willing souls for free our worked through concepts and firstly for new boards and then of our ideas of wonders of use if on a 100% constructed to half pipe venue and then to whom could be a young new sport star to inspire - of seems it went from me a JP out walking a wizardry sharing to a young “JP Walker”. (Coincidentally I’ve learned #Hamilton #HamiltonTour villain #KingGeorge is played by a boyhood friend of same name.)

After Clintons elected as learned to sound like me of my press’n a new lingua franca a new political correctness a facilitation for an urban agenda for direction of “New World Order” #Detroit automakers found #BillClinton of deaf to their concerns and to I postured a direction for them and kept vigil for “direction” of sugg’d they anchor forward around small car lines as made to market to consumers music interests and yet to trigger baby boomers & older sympathies by if went towards small cars like made as shrunken 60’s & 50’s autos.

The internationalism of “#HOGAN” is mostly still cloaked while vastly YUGE across many different industries and per such there is that Stanley Tools invention & bringing to market of the “shortcut” handsaw as an “American Handsaw” as of teeth like Japanese saws but handle and blade form as yet of English handsaws is also from of my free shared from conception in late 80’s of while I was building houses on Block Island as a carpenter meant to become a #MADMEN marketing wizard as new gen of legend of learned from my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier who ran Johnson & Johnson accounts for last 25 years of his Madison Avenue career. Idea generated while building a railing on deck on home on Mansion Beach being built for Reinhardt (sp?) a top NYC PR exec who is of the Adams & Reinhardt legacies (if I recall of Olgilvy correctly).

The show on my grandad’s era & profession did spark from me after a reunion with an old pal of the island shared boyhood days of checking in on a friend who married (and now widowed due a cancer) the Dolan bride of ownership of AMC & Cablevision & Knicks & MSG & LA Forum…

Yes I did more than this/these and much of that is tangled into how my help did become of national security and politics progress. As for “marketing” snowboarding & American handsaw development such was cloaked as hobbies of mine I didn’t talk about of project my personal identity into while yet synchronized developmental progress to like nurture from the seeding seeded of the concepts to those unidentified souls of receptive to free ideas.

Developmentally this synchronized to Dr. Judith Herman book TRAUMA & RECOVERY in space-time relativity of the medical science changes to PTSD as while developing such - of with my own highly developed self awareness I did share ideas for how to better help people recover from bicycling accidents and if to of to wanting to curse inventive of new sport to origins of that I shared fitness & trauma recovery self knowledge considered to help any to injured in sport from my ideas was to of at least my entertainment mused of a support network already psyched and sync’d.

Of that most don’t know yet it was me and of how much was from me and worked for growth economics Clintons wrongly take credit there is that of for the development of sport & medicine for marketing launched I’ve at least 5 times, w/ anonymous cloak, work through rising new levels of over at least a year 5 times I picked up an new audience around a new issue as a new location/city of focus and wrote sharing a lead on developing and nuanced new and improved some separate as isolated yet from the earlier developed integrated differently yet similarly.

Of my brainstorm partner to snowboards he now is long a professor at the school that school Donald J. Trump, Sr. in business, - THE WHARTON SCHOOL.
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

You know things must be bad for Democrats when…

Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:

We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.

With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.

Our “Joe” has two problems:  Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks;  Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”!  These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”.  These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue.  Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”

The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.

Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.

As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.

You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.

I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.

You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too?  To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.

As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people. 

Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.

Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?

“Joe”?  Vice President Joseph Biden?  Really?

What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?

      *       *       *       WHO YA GONNA CALL?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Journalists the correct answer is “YES”! - - - Yes, to press briefly, Hillary Clinton is boxed in!  Yes, to boxers, their bell has been rung - her clock has gotten cleaned - a TKO is pre-called!  Yes, forward, - let me be clear - the Clintons did do it! - It is more all the Clintons’ fault.

Though it is #GivingTuesday & #GivingNewsDay and I am again in #tweets of in world wide trending #hashtags it is pressing more now on the guilt and late guilting of the cons of the Clintons than of that as regards #giving I am a #giver as per #Forbes #Billionaires list #news akin to the inaction & avoidance of issue to pressing out how I by not (yet) objecting to JK Rowling generosity for TBD is holding of for now I have only stipulated a possibility that Jo is just giving from her share of our most successful long collaboration for 7 books on magic.

The Clintons are in a pickle - many pickles - for of mused mass successes is too how to posture forward as a new next safe place for “Harry Potter” readers I did posit & share a calling to (Old School usage: of: ”many are called - but few are chosen” “called”) of that I should pre-remedy #Hogwarts expectations to that fans/readers post matriculation would be neitherwise to an expectation of that society owed them - any of em - a job.  The pickles of the “crooked” Clintons so tag’d is of that the #TheApprentice show idea stemmed from my so postured next media idea advance planning consideration for a synchronicity for economic growth by people like of #Paulist as of economies to grow doth need people to be able to sing together.  The #Apprentice idea was born of thinking with Donald J. Trump, Sr. towards generating media to inoculate #Potterdom from a weakness by posturing their future is not prescribed - but apprenticeships may be available.  The #TRUMP #RealityShow followed as a prophylactic too to #CrookedTogether of in how J.K. Rowling was accepting and performing on 7 books challenged of from muse as - as cloaked intent - to be protection for a new generation from the #HOGAN already known crooked of the Clinton Machine intimate BOGO machinations complicitry.

It seems on the verge of unbelievable that any such as I could have done so much that yet the Clintons afforded a false belief in a believed of as if of their potential - of that what Clintons didn’t do they couldn’t do and yet another, I, could have done and done exceedingly more/better - more broadly.

E.G.:  That is (I.E.) for example I know of a TIME Magazine methodology of “calling” as imagined pre-calling due 2006 POY field had me fielding an early morning “called” sans phonography as to if I would be Person of the Year for being blogger “uc” in DC + media market of year spent pro-actively publicly blogging via NewsBusters.org to argue for of #IraqWar for a #SURGE & to then why and then to defending & supporting such through its effected & to that success much undermined by later President first black executive Commander in Chief Barack H. Obama.

It is that it all fits together that pickles the pickled quandary of the complicity of the crooked.

I, whom did work to make a Democrat electable to President in 1992 and to then forward of such being of teaching specifically Governor Bill Clinton, in old school spiritual spirited “calling” sans phonography methodology , is whom did more than Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton and of that I like did almost mirror how I lead the defeat of #Hillary2008 fall with how I guided with free social media pennies wise defeat of #Hillary2016.

Yes, the magic of Potterdom arose from me as to mass market a prophylactic media to help protect a new generation a next generation from the complicitry of the known & unknown crookedness of he Clintons’ machinations for Power and some of a guilt for having been more successful than I had planned when of Clinton/Gore won in 1992 by trusting how I said & guided along postured of like: IF YOU LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN.

Enough on the failure of these as prophylactics!

The Clintons did do it!  The Clintons did do it more than any other!  It is lingua facto that is it more the Clintons & all the Clintons’ fault than any #FakeNews #AlternativeFacts yet have sufficed to report.  My defense is it all got outta control due Ross Perot ego got triggered due the synchronicity of #IBM of also working off my choreography synchronized in cloaked methodology for maximizing positive change as the new world order offered maximization potential as of how these united states of the Americas should, by my think, effect forward a forward as sole superpower.  I did fail to account for all the collateral politics of #Perot and the Clintons won despite some postured to give #BUSH #41 someone to run against after Senator Al Gore left country in lurch when he bailed while Democrats heir apparent - A team go to; I did fail to dispense of the crooked Clintons as an exposed single use disposable option due how I wasn’t to also processing the ego of Ross Perot of reacting to changes synchronized of IBM changed to a need of his like to rally on an “I TOLD YOU SO!”.

It truly is amazing now how it really is unbecoming and so diabolical of that “it” of “it is all the Clintons’ fault” fits like a glove of #TREASON - treachery much already confessed to.

The right answer journalists is now much akin “IT WAS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” as by http://JPHogan.org one can still become learned of that though Barack H. Obama has a complicitry and for economic crimes - conduct unbecoming a President of these united states of the Americas - by “BAILEY WICK(S)?” as also available by links http://ArtOfRivals.com & especially http://LockHerUp.biz of prime as http://CitizenRosebud.org.

These are the days for the froward forward of politics for Justice & “Law and Order” to try how many ways and times as not to render of double jeopardy the known & unknown of the complicitry of the crookedness of which when I am uncloaked there can be an AH HAH! moments to epiphanies from seeing how the Clintons have like only survived by hiding their long bad with my good, - and by misappropriated as immoral & amoral by false witness for coveting mine and stealing mine - intellectual property of origins speciality particularly uniquely fit’n my story/bio.

Though all this may seem unbelievable there is much yet of that you’ve been long mislead to believe others could have done it while their own back stories are contrary to such potential and so are primed to learn another did it and more and to them more tools that disappointed on the truer scope more broadly more equally conceived to maximize positive change at the moments of space-time of these united states of the Americas to adjusting a copacetic to becometh the world’s sole superpower - to effect and affected fit’n the new world order new paradigm.

The caveat to yet a failed likewise is neitherwise can the guilt of the first black President exonerate the crooked of the complicitry of the crooked together Clintons even as per old Bailey there is the diabolical rap just primarily assuaged to lock up #Obama of that as dramatized (Shakespearean old school) of the amoral & immorality of that as a new President he chose not to save the country from the still sliding economy for to effect such per the space-time economic & political reality he, President Obama, would have had to effectively martyr himself and didn’t.

“YES” is the right answer!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse than #RichardNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as a worst first couple EVER. 

#BlackLivesMatter sync’s now to a relativity for #EqualJustice of that it would be wrong - morally wrong - to assuage a complicitry criminal to beyond treason upon the first black President if not primed firstly to how punk’d he was by William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and of that the crimes prosecutable against Barack H. Obama are firstly of the criminal nature of the NIXON fall cover-ups of that to avoid an injustice we must gird from Bill Clinton as protected by being able to mount a defense firstly of “the black President did it” of the spousal husbandry distracted from while yet of getting away with it so far by holding back the tag’n of “it is all the fault of female leadership of at least woman Hillary doth failed BIG!”


Just say “YES”?

“YES” is the right answer journalists!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse the #DickNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as worst first couple EVER!

NO!  It is wrong and not safe if one ignores the cover-ups significance and paries on as if Barack Obama can be guilted while the first black President broadly firstly due his NIXONIAN of he made clearly criminal the questionable cover-up(s) of the Clintons he did inherit from #BUSH #43. 

YES?  - Or:  “NO! It is/was WRONG!”  Before we can prime the rap on woman Hillary or black President ”Barack” we must say “NO” - “NO MORE” - #ENOUGHALREADY #CROOKEDBILL!

Let the white man go first?  Try #SlickWilly for #CrookedHillary & #44 crimes first?

              *       *       *       JUST SAY YES?       *       *       *        


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:55 am

And, to begin:  Aye there’s the rub!  Seems deduction tool now needed, - and to from starting at the end!

Let us start at the end posit:  Hillary Clinton’s campaigning is still demonstrating a core moral depravity!

I, John Peter Hogan, can attest to Mrs. Clinton’s moral depravity now of a vast extant in campaigning!

This may take a while for many to feel rationally aboard to, and due the full scandal of Clintons’ lies is not covered.

To set an appropriate mood for being now “textbook” to dissect Mrs. Clinton and abide support to Donald Trump’s fair criticism of President Obama’s military “leadership” let us look at last night MSNBC “COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF FORUM” of due Mrs. Clinton resume reading, like, filibuster this morning we yet have like Mrs. Clinton has yet only survived 11 hours and maybe 13 minutes and seems unable to survive 13 hours too.

I guess I should preface an autobiographical to preempt doubters!  Yes you should with this sense what I share is of that near all the advice I gave President George W. Bush is guidance that still holds up, - and even to support Donald Trump slamming Mrs.Clinton and President Obama to that he is fairly claiming he has been “smarter than generals on ISIS”.  I have only been a civilian always and my said guidance to President Bush was of near 700 faxes to his NSC (National Security Council) office and as used but unsolicited volunteered expertise.

To go back for a moment:  Let me assert - for some brevity - that we are all finding Mrs. Clinton and much of the main stream media as stuck by that years of attempts to create a second “history” by a false narrative worked by cover-up politics has long now been failing and to that soon most will be outraged from learning how significant President W.J. Clinton is to so much that has gone wrong,- and quite specifically for how badly he erred in 1993 with his first decidings on the Middle East.

This is some a September 11, 2001 remembering piece of my #NeverForget too as one involved in minds of media talking heads on 9/11/2001 and forward with also volunteered but used guidance as to how to recover from Al Qaeda attacks.  President G.W. Bush was given separate advice than what was usually of my engaged mind and mind’s eye synchronicity for mass media guidance.  A key piece to first accept is that I had the NSC fax number since during the Clinton Administration and as used before 9/11/2001 some addressed to Philip Bobbitt as yet of some expressing concerns that politicians at least were missing a still - still sensed since 1994 or 1993 - sense that an attack on American homeland was looming.

When Condoleezza Rice was President G.W. Bush first National Security Advisor I was a licensed general contractor in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia who yet was subcontracted to personally install new closet doors for National Security Advisor Rice in her condominium at the Watergate complex.  On the morning of September 11, 2001 it is that I was driving across town from Capitol Hill near Eastern Market towards just north of Georgetown and on 17th Street NW nearly along side The Old Executive Office Building of The White House plantation at the very moment the first plane first struct a World Trade Center tower.

I story this as even more significant due I likely was Condoleezza Rice’s last conscious thought at that moment due professional referral wavelength to new client who used to be a tour guide for such building’s public tours.

I story this as it is material but not the most critical or substancial circumstance as my involvement and concerns and ability to be as said so used synchronizes to my political writing in early 1990s as to give “NEW WORLD ORDER” an actual defining usefulness by setting up a new better equality new political language evolution by creating a base line that such times were calling for an URBAN AGENDA.  Right!  Just as explains Governor Clinton 1992 run as sounding like my created original guidance and too as to how he ran though from Arkansas as so much running on New Haven, Connecticut focus I pressed my hometown to anchoring.

To be brief you will much have to accept and individually deal with that I know that in 1993 President W.J. Clinton first moves as per Iraq were wrong and so wrong that how they were wrong will satisfy most who learn to focus upon such to that so much that has gone wrong has happened because of mistakes grand errs of President Clinton so effected in 1993.  I was involved many months before the Clintons braved their very late entry into the 1992 race.  With this said I should posit it is prudent to look at 1988 Clinton Democratic Party Convention speech and as a “never ending” “Classic Bill Clinton” for whom and how he appeared for 1992 was more affected than to such was of a common core of Clintons’.

To get back to National Security decades of advice and guidance:  The advice that still holds up as that of what I provided after September 11 Attacks is simple to forensically discern a pathology for and to that the essence of such that worked and still works, but by how perverted by Clinton, Obama, Clinton & Obama’s military leaders, synchronizes to that essentially I taught through my strategic guidance that why and what I wrote for “NEW WORLD ORDER” to an “URBAN AGENDA” was to that what I figured as enough for a Democrat to win in 1992 is then what worked for after September 11, 2001 and yet as by then guiding how to fix to how it worked from repairing from how the Clintons did pervert the very same to that so much didn’t and couldn’t then work still as written for in early 1990s as yet as an organizing to proactively work as a prophylactic politics from so much I now for brevity tag of “so much that went wrong”!

So at the very moment that the first plane hit the first tower at the WORLD TRADE CENTER it is that I was driving by the WHITE HOUSE and of wired in thinking with my former construction client by a subcontract as to that it must have been Condoleezza Rice’s last thought before her aid walked in and told her that a plane had flown into the WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS.  This is minor to the why I was to driving cross town so by the WHITE HOUSE that morning while due traffic patterns that would likely mean the longest and slowest route reasonably available to get to where I was going.

There is at least a vast extant of moral depravity in the campaigning of Mrs. Clinton due at least omissions and games at lies to try to still maintain what are yet quite impossible now to still maintain cover-ups!

But, firstly primarily generally, Mrs. Clinton problem is that my story trumps their narratives and of a real story fit for textbooks on history of that how I thought to making an URBAN AGENDA became proving I was correct in telling leading Democrats that I could get a Democrat elected in 1992 if one could learn to sound like me.

And, again:  The what still holds up as was guidance postured after first learning yet later in that morning of the 911 Attacks is of it synchronizes in pathology of that essentially I advised President G.W. Bush how to use what I worked out for early 1990s not as President W.J. Clinton had yet worked undermining by perversions, - and to that what is still holding up is quite that I guided President Bush towards knowing how to use to recover essentially all the leading I had effected to yet defeat President Bush in 1992 when near an undisputed near about 87% popularity.  (I cannot really here, while for brevity, cover the “politics” of there “depravity” at least in how the Clintons are party to so few, yet a many, knowing already of this mine still mostly only available as like AUTO BIO’D.)

As I work to communicate essential history but too little know now quite evidently it seems by NBC interviewers there is that Savannah Guthrie at least should admit she has known of me since covering the George W. Bush Administration.  Yes most of the press if in national politics and entertainment likely all already know much - a whole lot about me - and yet while this sharing is of em of like not having done the math or followed the history (#DoTheMath_FollowTheHistory) by being of em who seem now yet to have forensically considered what sums up by looking for the common denominator, - yet figured the finding me/mine.

My knowing the NSC fax number synchronizes to that I met President W.J. Clinton National Security Council expert Philip Bobbitt in New Haven at a Yale Law School open to the public lecture in year before I moved to Washington DC to live there near Eastern Market on 7th Street at Independence Ave SW.  This is significant for I was to such event already of a still haunting since said 1993 grand erring by President W.J. Clinton’s first moves on Middle East and to paried querious upon “what about the dangers we cannot see?” as yet obliquely asking of being haunted of that attacks on America’s homeland had been in the planning as if just to our enemies as figured to respond to what I here tag of 1993 of big errs a grand mistake by Clintons.

I leave you to find and consult your favorite experts!  I leave such, though for brevity, to point out that I moved to DC some due concerns very much so a haunting sensed looming fear and have much how I lived and yet afforded still being a political writer and to that I was ready to help after the attacks much because I had so been haunted that no one was seeing what was coming that my primary hobby had been a private solution response readying for not being able to have shaken that I was right.

The many categories here on this site a blog off of my primary domain do confirm this story but without linking the personal story of how it all fits together with my story and to that Donald Trump is actually seeming fair to so criticized “Obama’s Generals”.  For now try to process that on September 10, 2001 I was of deep thoughts to fearing personal bankruptcy if I didn’t that night move on from near a decade of being so haunted and motivated to have a response ready, and, I was on the eve of the attacks of thinking one last time through why I thought I was right and yet to needing that night to decide to move on from such to avoid financial ruin - yet that night to deciding I would have to trust the “professionals”!

When on September 11, 2001 I was to deciding to drive by THE WHITE HOUSE to like pass the ball of needing to move on, and even as it was that since I was of sensing the big 1993 said perversion from the how and why in what I thought and wrote to a “CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” as the “big err” of President W.J. Clinton it yet forward yet that in since being haunted I had by 1994 had a visage some of that the Towers and Pentagon would be targets - and yet of such of my lay of yet thinking such would be already enough defended for such to, if I were right, be eventually viable.

So on September 11, 2001 I was just such a troubled haunted and still a District general contractor on his way to remove a front door near Georgetown and custom build out a new frame for a new door and too an installation of a new storm door.

As I passed THE WHITE HOUSE on 17th Street NW while thinking to a professional referral from Condoleezza Rice it yet was as storied here to for a passing of the threat ball (which fits to a deeper more involved bio of me as to worrying around Kuwait invasion at finding a lay understanding as hobby of Saddam Hussein and to asking myself to answer “WHY DID SADDAM HUSSEIN THINK HE COULD KEEP KUWAIT?”

My 1988 Dodge white B 250 cargo van was my ride and that morning with the radio off.  I didn’t know how much I knew until I had fully removed - as by demo’d out to beyond repair - the old front door and to hearing the homeowner’s radio as left on and on NPR start reporting of the attacks, and yet somewhere to near only as just before Flight 77 struck the Pentagon.

On the morning of September 11, 2001 but not until I became committed to getting a new front doorway built and new front door installed I became aware of how much I knew and did commence while yet “on the job” so to being back to my networking developed for 1992 as a voice of reason with guidance as such unfolding was playing out much more just like how I had feared and tried to communicate for nearly an entire decade.  I did not get the storm door installed that day and yet I did get home before President George W. Bush yet returned to THE WHITE HOUSE. 

You are advised to use site search pane function here on this blog off my primary domain to be to searching just by: DEPRAVITY!  There is too much to that the Clintons have a vast extant of “moral depravity” - I have only just begun teaching such!

                                *       *       *       *       *



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OBAMA’S 2014
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:12 am

There are four people whom I still hope never to be in the same room with even if of a 500 person plus capacity and to be FULL.  The first is Al Gore; the second is Hillary Clinton; the third is Bill Clinton; the forth is George Stephanopoulus.

This is one of my most historical and informed positions and so as full of reasons dating back at least as far as 1991.  There isn’t much gap between these four and for how Al Gore is first speaks to how much as the others are deserving he is more deserving and historically.  This is a depressing year - 2014 is a depressing year and President Obama isn’t in the top four because these four may be more responsible than he for his inadequacies.

Authors David Boise & Ted Olson helped refresh how reviling I find these four, and how historically, with their appearance caught in reran of Charlie Rose.  These four are not despise for their “positions” as this is much of my informed perspective while of helping make them better and for positive change I saw possible.  For example it is now easier to support gay marriage by contrasting the good sought by parties to it as contrasted to the bad “marriage” postured by the Clintons for “maximum” person political allowances.  It is quite easy to point to the ideal of marriage as sought as if “equality” by those of LGBT as a GOOD if one is to relate it to the Clinton affected “interpretations” for their own as a BAD.  A simple legal lay perspective is that the Clintons posture their own marriage as if it has no soul - that it is just two lawyers in a maximized legal construct.

Poor George Stephanopoulus is so despised by me that when he got his job at ABC I ceased having any interest in working anywhere at ABC - even as it seems recalled:  anywhere within the parent company that owned ABC.  I have been “political” with George S. since before the Clintons surprised so many with their very late entry into the 1992 campaign as it was in letters to Representative Richard Gephardt’s office where he worked with a Charles Koch son that I offered that a Democrat could win if they were to learn to sound like me as I postured sounding for 1992 in my letters.  Again, as with George S. my despising so is hardly based on the policies of the politics but on the people and character of the historicals.

Al Gore deserved the The Supreme Court of The United States of America Bush v. Gore decision as it was karma payback for his vacuous ‘leadership” when the supposed A Team of the Democrats and the to be expected challenger to President George H. W. Bush (#41).  We are of too few in the know of proper considerations in historicals of the ill fatedness much solely of a despicable political as the shoes that fit Al Gore from the months before the Clintons stepped in in his place.  2014, despite how Paul Krugman is also despised, and yet not worthy while so to be yet in such company, is hardly seemingly possibly to be a good year for President Barack Obama.

We largely wouldn’t be in much of these messes if George S. with his platform at ABC hadn’t been so easy of the lies as if to be allowed “political” “perspectives.”  From my historical perspective I knew the lies building even when set up to mostly be lies by omissions.  And, so it is that I yet though have nearly never watched George S. shows but for those first seconds when I was to realizing what channel I had on at a time I didn’t care to have such channel on.  President Obama is also trapped by the Clintons and their machinations so soul-less in their idea of “marriage” for his loyalty seems yet always to their propositions that Bill Clinton’s Presidency was rightly supposed to be as, and still, in allowances that every decision then could and should be moderated to use all those eight years to set up an as planned as possible succession to such in the name of Hillary Clinton.

President Obama has no where to go in 2014.  He is essentially, like George S. too compromised already by the Clintons.  Once he started his first term in its first hours with tag line lying of ALL BUSH’S FAULT in his oratory he was already across a threshold for impeachability.  As a trained lawyer he should be wise at least to dangers from absolutes like “ALL…”!  Al Gore though is so much worse in my paragon of considerations of worst four that for the most part I have found him too depressing to even include in my writing.  What he set up so to a dangerous vacuous when the supposed Democrat A Team front runner for 1992 is no greater exposed than if and when one is fully to considering the 9/11 and post 9/11 politics and how we are, it seems, to only expect that President Albert A. Gore would only have used such events an excuse for warring in Afghanistan and too, it seems, as yet a war of a totality more against all of Afghanistan.  There are dangers still too present from so much avoidance and inaction much akin to dangers from broadcasting of lies by omissions.

I have to despise Al Gore the most for it is from his vacuous leadership that I felt it necessary in an imminent dire to stop my business and begin writing to arrest his short-comings as perceived possible collateral damage.  I personally put on a happy face with penned offerings to even Representative Gephardt’s office of a happier way forward just because I feared so much what seemed risks of a global that seemed devoid of other company at considerations.  On election day & night of 2000 contest between Governor Bush & Vice President Gore I was in the West 23rd eatery proprietored by James & Mary and to telling James Carville around lunch time that if Al Gore was elected I expected I would move out of the country so not to be here when the crap was expected to hit the fan, and, too how I wasn’t sure Governor Bush was yet ready to be President himself with my tone that he though would be safer when the crap did get to hitting the fan.

The greatest risk to The United States of America in the 1992 race era was still too much how in 1990 and 1991 it had been largely that the Democrat “leaders” were so predictable that one like Saddam Hussein could play them like puppets by their predictability.  It seems that the Democrats of this era were actually the greatest threat to the U.S.A..  My despising these four is of my experience of such fears and for the years so quite of confirming each and every one of the significant parts of such fears.  The story of course is complicated for I saw in my “Mad Man” covert future ambitiousness of my quite intended career path that the best way to reduce such apparent risks was to offer to much be to trying to save the Democrats from themselves.  I despise these four in a TOPS for having seen them as of the danger and then of having helped them seem better than themselves and enough for the election in 1992 that President Bush whom I did respect and vote for was then defeated by attempts to save his policies and progress however oddly in such a seeming necessary.

2014 is the year President Obama is clearly stuck due to ill advised to just stupid absolutes.  Due to his early and kept politics of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” he was of an impeachable cover-up for the Clintons as such was to suppose a People’d people pre-disposition that it was possible that after eight years of the Clintons “it” could be of an “it” as “NONE OF THE FAULT OF THE CLINTONS.”  2014 is the year now where all are seeing it was preposterous that “it” was and “it” of NONE OF THE CLINTONS FAULT and soon better to how Benghazi became a Gettysburg of cover-up warring as their loss a turning point for truths of the Republicans for once a second 9/11 happened the lies needed new lies to cover-up that the earlier lies were no longer working and workable. 

2014 is the year of the cover-ups!  President Obama has been impeachable like for not firing Secretary of State Clinton for many years and too for his partisan politics of lies before truth so that she could be acceptable as a cabinet officer despite her earned defeat by a near nobody yet a peer.  I was there in a postured standing where ever for the truth during the Obama First Inaugural and to the exercising of Posterity that his lies so spoken shouldn’t stand nor long endure.  President Obama yet may be the only President of The United States of America to have become impeachable within the first hour after his oath of office.

To now proceed as we must at all the cover-up scandals now under way we are behooved to be stirrups ready however saddling is made difficult by so many so muddied and rutted routings.  We should be behooved to be at the reigns for restorations to a minimum necessary level of truth in government, and now more as if of a new romantic age than when such would have more befit the new renaissance spirit of the 1992 course corrections away from then such being a time too much too civilly supposedly anew as if a time of RECONSTRUCTION.  We’ld be wise to fully consider it seems 9/11 was planned to be operational on September 11, 2001 when it was widely supposed and even thought accepted that those were to be the days of a Presidency of Albert A. Gore.

I don’t yet know how I can shift to being paid for these historical insights and offerings in my artful blogging even as when poetry of me as Poet J.P. Hogan without myself being expected to violate my kept Posterity of a visceral basis about despising not just the thought of having to be in the same room, however large and full, with Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and George Stephanopoulus.  These are at least four whom people should harangue upon the times more of the world learn of my story and the depths of history and understanding of its effectings, and, harangue as for it should seem that they are tops among a greater to be churned when to mashing about the sentiments of how wrong it is that at least these didn’t tell people generally about me, and for so long.

To be brief and of the consideration that if you are finding this you already know a necessary some to much of the telling that relates to such.  It is though that how I have avoided Al Gore with so much already written is speaking quietly to the proposition that historically he is so bad he has been too depressing to include.

There is now way out now finally in 2014 for President Barack Hussein Obama.  He has told and pimp’d the BIG LIE that “it” was and “it” of NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT since his first hour when he wrongly trespassed campaign rhetoric in slights into the body politick as if a new TRUTH established.  This lie is as big as it gets as cover-ups go for the size of the cover-up largely suggests the necessity for a cover-up and really there is hardly a bigger cover-up possible than to stand up a irrational too simple revisionist history as the only TRUTH by ways of suggesting an “it” otherwise as only an “it” of his “it” as unraveling of those IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT.  At least one cover-up minor to such COVER-UP has been unearthed and now 2014 is much ado about the somethings of how a cover-up is the worse case scenario to be avoided unless a cover-up is needed.

There is now that President Obama in his first hour didn’t need to cover-up for the Clintons as he could have championed cleaning up Washington DC for a new Hope in Change with a bipartisan call to start by cleaning up the BAD in his own party at least simultaneously from the start.  President Barack Hussein Obama didn’t need to risk his own Presidency from the start as he did by lying in an impeachable from his first hour to satisfy the Clintons’ need for a cover-up of their real culpabilities and how at least to be considered diabolical in a gross negligence if allowed to be for public consumption.

Al Gore is still a very depressing subject.  I still know what I know from thinking at and through my offered solutions at saving Democrats from Democrats - Democrats from themselves - as by my years of tiring philosophizing and marketing wizardry considerates that fit in my reduced instruction set computed as poetry of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM so consolidated.  2014 is a year too when it does behoove any saddled so for TRUTHS to be stirrups ready and muddy ways alert to how it also ridiculous to proffer IT ALL BUSH’S FAULT, however, while it seems a simple and inconvenient truth that Albert Gore was expected to be the President at the time of the long planed attacks of September 11, 2001.

These are the days of revitalized FAITH & FREEDOM voters.  Too to the despising of these four is yet a historical consideration that my efforts to so be of such as it seems of my having pulled the Clintons into the1992 race and via letters read by George S. while then in Representative Gephardt’s offices that the TRUTHS are darker for as bad as this has worked out it may be that this wasn’t the worst case scenario so motivational to my redirection of my entrepreneurial efforts and expediting of some of my personal career path plans so for others.  Now that we all should be at how much we need to look at Al Gore as a problem and historically so 2014, however Krugman over writes low excuses, is the year President Obama must answer to why at cover-ups and while cover-ups are supposed to be presumed to be the known worse case scenario to be at only when much need be hidden (at least to protect in a too partisan of party politics playing politics as politics put ahead of governance.).

Yes, I would welcome being in the same room with David Boise and Theodore Olson however as lawyers or authors.  I have since whence been sympatico with progress and governance in reasoned equality around a species at civilly singing songs of the “body electric”.  Of the Clintons yet it seems they saw 3.8% as fit for a politics of convenient rabble rousing while yet as per Iraq of not seeing or hearing the cries of abandonment of a majority of a nation.  Was President Gore too to be so pro Sunni to be still officially bigoted as the Administration of the Clintons agains the Iraqi Shia as said to be inferior people “unable to govern themselves”?  I would welcome being in a room with Boise and Olson to yet discuss to where yet we may have differences of opinion as to processes and Constitutional interpretation as to what is written law and what new writings may be prudent.

Forward:  Now you know I really, really, have no interest in ever being in the same room with Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and nor George Stephanopoulus.  This is a very informed position/opinion.  I haven’t yet gone to the whole of it fully.

Forward:  Due to the laws of absolutes once a cover-up has been determined to have actually have been running a year like 2014 must go down in history as a win for absolute basics as only a little lie need be proven for the whole Party/House of the COVER-UP to fall.  In the specific of a 2014 for President Obama it seems now there are multiple cover-ups passed such basic and resolute absolute intolerance.  Again, for Posterity, President Obama once elected was not necessarily to his desicion to so be engaged in these now more apparent attempts to cover up for the Clintons and at least their eight years of the Administration conjoined of the Clintons. 

Forward:  For such maybe I should despise him as much as Al Gore - I am not there yet.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!

This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.

We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders.  It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”

This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world.  This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians.  This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.

Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear.  Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”

My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan.  My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic.  The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.

There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats.  There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.

The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007.  There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade.  Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.

When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving.  Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him.  I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so.  It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.

I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate.  I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell.  But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.

President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value.  As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses.  As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”

For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as.  Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions.  To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.

There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”.  I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.”  I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”

There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.”  James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.

For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself.  President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.

Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day.  And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming.  This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.

There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully.  There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at http://CitizenRosebud.info of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”

WARNING!!!  Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:41 am

This cannot be good for William Jefferson Clinton.  A time for atonement should only be for those among the still living of statutes of limitations, and yet with death bed conversions.  Any he or she of these many years, such as of WJC & HRC politics, should have no way out until them of late atonement by death bed conversions!  At least when WTC initiates its curatory of the mission of the Ground Zero Museum it again will seem too late for the Clintons to come clean;  It seems just for the CRUSADING of FLOTUS HRC whence JIHAD will stick with her like BENGHAZI to her grave.  And, too, there is WJC.

The songs of the Clintons have coy misdirections and are simply of too much political escapism that can not resonate as of TRUTH.

The tone of the pre-Clinton early 1990s were of proportions of great storms and fears of a predicted end of the world by fire maybe ablaze initially near Mesopotamia, newly.  The heralding of a right and wrong and the alignments of parties and as States/Nations were of such time of a call to tables for proactive discourse as to common and/or general mores.

This cannot be good for Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Though it seems wrong that her admitted culpability about the BENGHAZI failures should be regrettable it seems there are more regrettable than such for her to regret more as of her duty and time as President Barack Hussein Obama’s Secretary of State.  Secretary Clinton seems to have failed the first black President quite as per the BENGHAZI attacks and so as such seems to have revealed that she didn’t understand before, during, or after much of the essence of the realm of Al Qaeda & JIHAD (still).

The songs of the Clintons are fraught with over-lays of discord hidden by beats set “POP” and yet still there in an inappropriate as their harmony is dishonesty in a tagging of others as at JIHAD without incriminating their own CRUSADING.

What can be honestly known?  How can the dishonesty of WJC & HRC now be more broadly known?  What is the still unknown about the hands Clinton that people everywhere should table of the unleaven and leaven dough to kneed for parity?

The tone and beat downs of the imperialist FLOTUS HRC were wrenched upon peoples consciousness as if by a trespasser of brash dictates while violate of sovereignty as a visitor on foreign turfs.  WJC & HRC are those of CRUSADES now far more concurrently, still of the unsettled, otherwise now oddly yet as if transference upon PM Tony Blair & President George W. Bush were warranted.

“It is broached…” is apropos to the CRUSADES of WJC & HRC as it seemed impolite and imperialistic (and of a CRUSADES BEAT) that so regularly broached Secretary Madeleine Albright of a tonage as if of the phonetics of the era as if the import was a dictate so of “WOMEN / MADAMS @ LINES TO ALL BRIGHT” missionary positions post warring on Christ-o-for Secretary Warren Christopher days preceding.  It was broached as if of a CRUSADES but without WJC or HRC of limiting principles even for any statute of limitations for a righteous prosecution of Saddam Hussein for United Nations sanctions violations nor his many known crimes.

What should be better said of Prime Minister Tony Blair as per CRUSADES?  Is it not more honest and truthful that President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair inherited a CRUSADES - is it not more so that they did not build a CRUSADES?

There seems no way out for WJC & HRC as atonement for JIHAD has passed a reasonable however a statute of limitations may concur.  It seems wrong and now dangerous to persist in a “POP” beat ignorance as the songs of WJC & HRC are base in a cacophony for all times.  It seems so wrong to allow the Clintons to yet posit triangulated transference, and especially per any CRUSADE, upon any others “leaders” and even, yes, too if upon President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair.

There is a guilt by association locked into the culpability of HRC as per BENGHAZI as too of a incrimination of WJC and all of the Clintons’ years of executive decidings. Now it would be as inappropriate as how they lifted a statute of limitations for the murders by Saddam Hussein for them to escape themselves from the foibles of their so evident CRUSADES.

To meter any innocence upon either WJC or HRC there is the atmosphere of the tune of their times (too Tony) as per the conduct unbecoming a President of the Monica Lewinsky scandals, and so as such became Nixonian as a scandal too as by cover-up and lies; there is that the message in the scandals also the times of the conduct unbecoming as those of concerns about our Middle East engagements as of times newly sensitive to grand and common holy mores.  The notation of WJC must be measured for it that his conduct unbecoming a President was even more dangerous as of a time when infidels/infidelities were the leading politics of tables international.

Right!!!  As HRC was violate of peoples’ sovereignty with her imperialistic crusades of feminist dictates towards respecting women more equally even so regionally in those Islamic domains so of known radicals it yet was that WJC was domestically beset begetting controversy about disrespecting mores and women, specifically.  But yet how flawed WJC was is minor to the current JIHAD expose, generally, and too personal, and too specific of subjective marital infidelity.

What incriminates them the most?  How are they most culpable yet?  Whom is implicated by JIHAD curation when the Ground Zero museum is open and of the mission in curatory but WJC & HRC and also a cadre of “Middle East Leaders” of their 8 years and an associated guilt?  As it seems any CRUSADE was not made by President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair it is yet tony how they have been of a triangulated transference of supposed guilt from WJC & HRC politically - generally.

The missionary positions of the CRUSADES of the Clinton 8 however more as of WJC or HRC begot terrorism and JIHAD.  It is their former National Security Counselor Philip Bobbitt whom with his TERRORISM OR CONSENT proffered from his experiences with the Clinton 8 that like a White House that works too closely with Hollywood begets terrorism.  But how tony now the pomp of the past triangulations in coy misdirections whence a mission in curation begins with an opening of WTC doors of the Ground Zero museum?  What can be said to be JIHAD?  Whatever JIHAD is to be said as of whom?  If it be JIHAD, however,  was it successful or yet was it that the attacks by Al Qaeda succeeded while there expectations of a general Justice in JIHAD did fail?  Is it that the JIHAD element of the attacks so now to fore as failed could yet succeed by improper fidelity to truth and mores if to a presentation of the coy and deceptive “history” notations of the Clintons yet endure?

President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair, though they inherited a time beset of unnecessary imperial crusading, did work in a general Welfare objective jurisprudence of engagements in prosecutorial and principles of statutes of limitations along the lines of offering a policing devoid of religiosity and sectarian bigotry.  Any “lies” these two “leaders” said supposedly of as if of coy misdirections yet otherwise metered to a more honest than those of WJC & HRC.  The Clintons’ 8 left fewer to no good options for objective and prudent enforcement of United Nations sanctions endeavorings;  The Clintons left these two hardly any way to execute a prosecution of Saddam Hussein even by his people as his peers but as if in a HOLY WAR JIHAD their own if not by heavy specifics at calling out SH by bluff.

After the CRUSADING of WJC and by FLOTUS HRC there was little if any way to civilly proceed with a albeit late enforcement of the United Nations sanctions left for President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair.

But for these days now necessary of a new predicating as per JIHAD and how any curator must proceed at the teaching of 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks we must look to whom is associated in a guilt as the Clintons CRUSADES are extant and justifying.  It seems that the Ground Zero museum must offer a querious to ‘HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S’ and be girded to an apropos associated implied guilt for “leaders” of the Middle East at least as from agreements and promises made to President William Jefferson Clinton in early 1993.

The songs of the Clintons howbeit by them coy and of misdirection are yet of over-laid tunes that set a more tony for President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair of a resonance in innocence.  As JIHAD a tag upon the house of Clinton rightly and without escape but maybe by death bed conversions it is that the museum of 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda do implicate WJC & HRC and some Middle East “leaders” of promises made circa 1993 that the Clintons then were unjustly to persistent dogging through their 8 until 2001 for a “contractual” keeping of promised to much like “lies.”

The United States may now endure the opening and curatory of the Ground Zero museum as per JIHAD and CRUSADES as it remains a general Justice consideration that as long as such (compromised) (former?) Middle East leaders of such past political and partisan pressures from the Presidency of the Clintons remain silent as to the culpability of the Clintons it follows that they are more guilty as per a knowing prior to 9/11 attacks than WJC & HRC.

The United States may now be of a safety even in Governor Sarah H. Palin as of “waterboarding” a “baptism of terrorists” and all the while it more historical and yes tony that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair are of less culpability and real guilt than at least those of the Presidency of the Clintons.  A curation of 9/11 as of JIHAD now will implicate both WJC & HRC and too any so whence held to their improper promises to like just blame Republicans and be in agreement to not attack The United States during the Clintons’ 8.*  (*This is as I recall when first viscerally to such concern circa 1993 as whence WJC first trespassed a general prudence with a like worst of used car salesmen convenient coy “politics”!)

There is that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair enforced the United Nations sanctions, however controversially, and yet as such would better to have been limited to a statutory period say of that of the first term Clintons’.

There is that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair are less culpable than either WJC or HRC as per JIHAD and as it seems too logical that if Al Qaeda was of 9/11 attacks as successful in effecting retribution it yet is considerable that Al Qaeda seems to have (for now) failed at JIHAD Justice.*  (*This still fits with my said first visceral as per missteps of the Presidency of the Clintons and so as I of my tale that on the eve of 9/11/2001 as September 10th so as so many years of concerns shared since 1993 I was yet to telling myself I must have been wrong all those years to have been preoccupied with concern and so that the next morning I should wake up and move on - and to maybe avoid personal bankruptcy. Yes, this is the same tale of mine as having been in DC and driving up 17th Street by the White House and Old Executive Office Building then unaware such was at the same moment that the first plane struck. Yes this is still the same tale mine that had me so likely the last thought of NSA C. Rice before her assistant notified her and so as such was as she a recent former client & I thinking to a professional referral and like a passing of the gut felt visceral of concerns from the Clintons political improprieties.)

A curation of Al Qaeda as at JIHAD by the Ground Zero museum will necessarily implicate WJC & HRC and as well those Middle East leaders so of the Clintons worked impropriety political at partisan blaming promising.  For now the USA can be of teaching Al Qaeda as at JIHAD and unsuccessfully as it seems highly set in reasoning Justice that Middle East leaders still too quiet as to implicating the Presidency of the Clintons will be to assumptions of greater guilt/culpability upon themselves and peoples of their own faith.

Right!!!  My tale is of years since hearing Clintons’ NSC counselor Philip Bobbitt speak to an open group at the venue Yale Law School in about 1997 having been to faxing the White Houses of the Clintons and George Bush of concerns that there were real threats we were not as a nation yet seeing.  When I heard, and then also joined some of such group for cocktails Philip Bobbitt whence I was so of publicly asking near “what about the threats we do not see?”.

For the tony of any tune for Justice by JIHAD must implicate WJC & HRC mostly and yet too a cadre of (past) Middle East leaders of their worked promise and held to promise keeping.  It was imprudent to have a Secretary of State so phonetically as “warring Christ of fors” and too one as if “madams to lines in all bright”!  Yet the mores of morality of Justice by JIHAD seems honestly only possible if an injustice lives in a spirit realm as unsettled and known to the like high priests as Imams too.

It seems for any and all museum curation as per JIHAD such has to give rise to the heights of culpability of the Presidency of the Clintons and too, if not specifically to those of said recalled Clinton partisan shenanigans as “leaders”, to those as the keepers of the faith of Islam.  It seems Al Qaeda cannot have been successful if at JIHAD if the keepers of their faith were not yet keepers of a sense of injustice for a Justice rendering yet.

How tony is it to be that a greater innocence and morality of purpose seems keyed for the legends of President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair and as the coy misdirection of political and partisan over-laid of WJC & HRC notations so implicate more than just themselves as per JIHAD & Justice?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:56 pm

Storms are as old and older than the Bible.  Some old platonic electron colliding have been of past “big bang” metaphorical significant events in creationisms. Distant bodies can have platonic e-intercoursing and still have been of no inceptions passed of a creative from such colliding and sharing.  Where there are sparks there may be yet no embodiment extra-electical of biologicals also entangled to new life.

This will eventually fall itself to a class categorical within the works of http://JPHogan.org as fittingly of AUTO-BIO’D of #CitRB.

J.K. Rowling and myself are within 7 days of the others biological flooding of the wombs breaching to us each more than lively swimmers so seated and at times kicking of our mothers’ bosomed beingnesses.  It is more than Socratic that J.K. Rowling and I are the parents of Hermione and now it seems the extra-Biblical “Ila” as though so of a sparked only platonic distant e-colliding in collusion to that which seems magical.  It is that by Aronofsky’s “NOAH” “Hermione” as “Ila” is yet a new virgin birthed of the Bible stories as so that a platonic e-colliding in a non-biological creativity off-sprung so.

Right, I am an American of the Northern American continental and baptized a Catholic and so familial to Pope Francis as the first American Pope.  Right, I am he as such that in a distant e-colliding did spark a directed blessed birthing by musings platonic of that which J.K. Rowling did so mother like as a surrogate.  Right, J.K. Rowling was unable to get published as I first instructed in the distant kept platonic directiveness of mused challenge to 7 books as of 7 separate years in curriculum of magic studies as I hoped as without even her publisher informed as to the origin of its creative conception.  Right, it is of the story that she did only find a publisher in her storied trespassing upon publishers when I agreed she could inform of our platonic conceptions and distant colliding in creative electron sparking as though as yet not generally informed of such publisher once of an also shared knowing of a promise to keep the wizardry source, myself, hidden as less than anonymous.

But to boats and vessel of the seas set of Russell Crowe, and how we did meet over crossing paths of BODY OF LIES in Washington, D.C.:  I do not know, with any certainty, if yet how when I took up boat building in DC, Annapolis and ports otherwise of the Chesapeake and was to musing too in a kept habit of mined in sparking shared humanity floating in arts if how I was to thinking Hollywood should be good and profitable if to a new Tall Ship tales and so of seamanship captaining how such otherwise while earlier than a known as for of the production of MASTER AND COMMANDER.  I have built and rebuilt boats, and I have thought of what new for Hollywood could be prophetic to future rewards in proofed profits through art at least of Russell Crowe.

But to boats and vessels we should broaden our strokes at least in a keep for a kept heel of the poetic keel about such passages.  It is that though I (naively) thought J.K. Rowling so accepting of the challenge for birthing seven books and each of such character, and specifically a “Hermione” as of the one of two conundrum of situational originality could then carry and deliver all seven in less than seven years I did even as about my years in Washington, D.C. struggle to keep while deeply years passed seven to finding ways in new ways of learning new things to develop and apropos air for newness, and, too as with my boat building while still a political thinker/writer getting by as self employed as a carpenter contractor, mostly.

I know Hermione like few know Hermione - I know how & why I worked a platonic distant e-colliding to spark the Big Bang of Harry Potter of her of a posse so mainly set, and heroic.  Right, J.K. Rowling, though older actually than myself by mere days of our 1965 biological vintage as pedestrian beings more than just earlier born swimmers is of this now also Biblical storification as parents like of “Ila” as the actual in like a virgin birth of “Hermione.”  The story of the Big Bang of Harry Potter so distant and platonic in the sparking so of e-colliding is as it originated directionally to her as the daughter of the late patriarch Rowling - Peter Rowling - as I sent out the message from a Scotch bottle, like, of looking for an unknown wanna bee writer willing to accept a 7 book challenge centered around a magic student character with black hair and round glasses as yet a only considered so far as “Peter Rowe-ling” character with a posse of a her my one and a blond male classmate as the original situational to such from me of it seeming better than to also have two star heroines as it better to have one of a “her my one choice of two.”

So to be brief as NOAH like sets sails anew and as if of a pathology of “Ila” as from “Hermione” so as with “Hermione” like now a new Biblical as of a virgin birth but more platonic just sparking to the Big Bang of Harry Potter e-colliding carried long together conception.  There is a long story in how many years I kept finding new things to do and learn about and professionally as to be to new useful musable passable instructive energy for the realm of out of the air creating of J.K. Rowling.

So to be brief, and as I really hope you go and see and so experience a physicality with others of your own species with the trip that NOAH is still promising, please consider your roots and others.  Please consider that every business is a “religious business” though some “religious businesses” are more specifically and particularly “Religious businesses.”  And, as per “Ila” so born both of the Bible and Harry Potter it is literally that her creation about the vessel of the Ark doth protect Noah’s son from be cast of a lot of a Jobian struggle as one otherwise possibly only lined to be (new) OEDIPUS REX’S of an Oedipal.

                                             *     *     *

I do wonder now if Emma Watson as of NOAH refreshments isn’t as also nearly done with university at Brown won’t find herself so blessed to be by so many dramatic circumstances to a future as one more a new J.K. Rowling as a creator of original characters more than otherwise to being yet a tool just of others’ minds and bodies as an actress of others’ words and words smithing.

Mightn’t it be better for Emma Watson that she be of, at best she may, at the pre-selection of terminology potentially to be influential, where variable, to her fate?

Note:  History is that the first time I saw a copy of the last book of the seven I was in DC and in a court yard outside the Hart Senate Office building on a rest from a contemplative long walk about the Mall and DC generally.  History is that all of this just partly here shared was of a consideration that there was too much to spill out if I approached the young female Capitol Hill staffer with a queriousness about Harry Potter as she seemed engorged in the last of the new fiction.  It, as I recall, almost seemed like she had the book less than a day and was like on her cell phone reading it to her mother.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:33 am

With the shadows of doubt seen so about President Obama a fable of he still shouldn’t be (yet) that he should have stayed home and say vacuumed/cleaned.  These are days that are darkened by Mrs. Clinton, however, as too long yet of insufficient common sense possibly from not having enough stayed home to bake even some cookies.

I do not advise Republicans or even GOP women to be now at a WAR ON WOMEN.  I may not advise them or any of them to be so at war politically yet, however, I do have a history of progressive feminism and effected political positive change specifically for women that allows me latitude for attitude myself as if of a WAR ON WOMEN political punditry.

This February 2014 as the second month of the Year of the founder’s Lord two thousand ten and four as a new BLACK HISTORY MONTH is economically historical of a politically long dark shadow about President Obama that much belongs to the girth of the effectings by Clinton - by the Clintons.  President Obama, it seems, is now mostly of a culpability by association with an inherited darkness now affecting like a black hole made by the inferior orbits much still too polarizing of the Clintons’ presidency.

I may even now be near to cherishing a natural role, myself, for a WAR ON WOMEN open discourse about feminism and a guilt due political feminine.  We all need an emotional empowering to the days before the Clintons’ unexpected 1992 showing and placing to yet find a sufficiently empowering as like finding the leverage - as like finding the spot to move the world by a simple lever.  I may be uniquely of a history to generally discuss a Welfare of feminism of the science medical and as well a socio-economic of the politics of change at least of the early 1990s.  I may cherish a timely WAR ON WOMEN if only to air out as dirty laundry some issues about any progressive feminism now of a darkened economic shadow as if of a incomplete grading as I should be able to recall in due time many ways at how it seems women have avoided finishing some of their movements.

But really this today is supposed to be satirical to how it may yet not be fair for President Obama to be so blackened and trapped in a long economic shadow vacuous primarily made of the baking of the Presidency, at least, of the Clintons. Though we should be (morally) concerned about President Obama as seemingly of his own pen and powers at apparently self darkened by a Presidency violate of the ten commandments but by nine - it seems yet he hasn’t proffered at adultery and so all ten.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd he proffered at all near that it could be Constitutional for Congress to make any Law respecting that there is no GOD.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd that he as a “messianic” was as it still appears of a attempt at a bright aura as if a messiah of more than one GOD - and yet now of a darkened shadow at least about Christianity.

This economic mess is much so of a vacuous morality nearest yet to a lacking morality as to be expected by a statist polity by polarized partisan politics so shared intra-party in a Socialism like New Deal Austerity.  How such is a blackened shadow of Democrats girth and casting is still to be parsed and metered — President Obama may be as a black shadow yet by an associated it may be us all so blackened by a darkness about a general Democratic Posterity.  Mrs. Clinton, however, need be looked for a culpable darkness of such girth and extent as like for not enough common sense from like enough time at home and baking cookies — it is palpable how unsavory these economics of the Democrat Party New Deal Austerity in an olfactory premonition for visuals have now too long shown that Mrs. Clinton doesn’t per intelligence at least know what things can or shouldn’t be mixed together.

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity. 

I have likewise a consideration for economics that I am one whom shouldn’t be expected to make a next move or even a request to others as per my history and vast successes I have a Posterity that need others to at least presuppose a political condition that I am one who should be reached out to and not waited upon.  There is that for what I know of my own past means, motives, and used opportunities for effecting economic growth and even a feminist progressive there is so much in such recollections that to see my affecting shadow and as truly relevant a capacity factor necessitates a protocol to waiting on others.  It seems that I must wait until approached by at least written email or phonography and a due protocol to preserve a capacity for sufficient detail remixing.

The politics or civility for a fair exposing of any long shadow as mine and made by me is of a necessity it seems for a sufficient capacity for Posterity because until others try to explain my story even to me I won’t yet be able to adequately discern a say leverage position towards rendering a new progressive bi-partisan affecting.  Until some others approach me either by at least written email or phonography it seems it would be self-defeating to public hopes even if I were to make efforts to ask to be more broadly read of my blogging yet so now of a brightness to expose Democrats of a darkness as their shadow economic and political. For now my blogging isn’t supposed to be of the answers but to a corralling or desperado range of miles and miles of fences to keep — for now my blogging is for justice and history as it seems a necessary politics that a justice for the darkened shadows by Democrats needs a public rendering firstly.

The Clintons can be said to mostly have affected a vacuous economics of the darkened or blackened shadow at least now economic of President Obama however if mostly yet of only an associated culpability.  How blackened is this vacuous now in an inescapable personal and political guilt for President Obama?  How now isn’t President Obama the THE ESTABLISHMENT and so of a liberating not occupying affecting for the Republicans?  How now isn’t President Obama mostly culpable by standards of leadership for even so much a trapping vacuous economics rendered primarily before the Presidency of George W. Bush by the too political and opportunist economics of the Clintons?

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity.

Speaking personally and yet politically to not get in the way of the first black President at his desires and attempts to have a personality based #OBAMA PERSONALITY presidency:  I speak personally of how I will not knowingly help even President Obama help the Clintons succeed in what has since their 1993 inauguration seemed too much to me as if of them of thieving knowingly in a clever (spousal) lawyering from me.  There is that for the vast past effected capacity and length of a shadow I cast economically and for a progressive feminism it is too that I am in a position that has me needing to wait on others to be firstly to attempting to assuage my past volunteered economically mused affecting generosity before I could have a chance yet to be to a restorative economics however with any reset using specifically that of the past successes.  There is that until I respect that President Obama wants to live or politically die by his “personality” and that for such too I am politically wise to avoid any reboot of my now off-line synchronicity for economic growth at least unless asked specifically by parties sufficient in a political girth for there to be any progress not too self defeating per any gross efforts.

I do have to some blame President Obama yet it really is the culpability of the Clintons for such a darkened economics and polarized partisan politics that I must most and most knowingly tag.  It is that however the Clintons may have thought justified in their unauthorized use and misuse of my past political and economic effectings - including some still quite empowering of progressive feminism - I personally have and still feel justified in tagging them of at least imprudent and unnecessary unwise thievery of that once more mostly my originally timely figured business plan an the greater ambition that still better explains it.

However Mrs. Clinton, however, now is of a history of failing at a proper intelligence before and after Benghazi it remains that such can be said as of her at least of not having enough time at home and baking — Mrs. Clinton, however, just seems for Posterity a public figure who hasn’t yet figured what can or shouldn’t be mixed together and/or cooked together.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:17 am

That is them - they are the ones - stop them - it is them, stop them - it is they that did it.

Al Gore cannot be your hero.  Before he was Vice President he was a cut and run runner of initiating a dangerous vacuous breach in the sustainable Constitutional.  Before he was the loser of the Constitutional challenge of the 2000 Presidential race he was, though the VP to the Clintons, less than a sponsored favorite “son” of them;  VP Gore did create the Constitutional crisis that best explains his inferior case at the Supreme Court by his cutting and running catalyzed vacuous that predates the Clintons entrance into the 1992 Presidential contest. Al Gore is Al Gore’s biggest problem second only maybe to the Clintons.

To listen to an authority on the 1992 rise of the Clintons - to read of truths of such - can be to cacophony of surprises in literate and confounding explainings of oddly yet little known or even little considered truths.  The full dynamic of those times and such as per the rise of the Clintons is generally still unknown.  When on election day in November 2000 I while in James Carville and Mary Matalin’s WEST 23RD Washington DC Foggy Bottom eatery from lunch to near closing I was to telling James that I wasn’t sure Governor Bush was ready, and, too, that if VP Al Gore was elected I very well might move out of the USA and even surrender my citizenship.  The real story of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 is known to me and not hardly flattering to Al Gore.

There is a story that still needs to be told to how the Democrats needed to be saved from themselves in the early 1990s and how the nation of The United States of America too needed to be saved and saved from a greatest threat to its national security by a dangerous from the Democrats being so too predictable (and bitter).  There have been Democrats that have been defeated - needed to be defeated - not for having a partisan ideology but because they were so predictable in a methodology trenchant that they presented a great threat to the national security of The United States of America.

Enter Stanley Greenberg and too the then Op-Ed columnists of The New York Times, and the imparted wisdom from the late Arthur M. Menadier and too the late Joseph V. Connolly Jr. - an imparted hooked-up “Mad Men” like New York City multi-national corporate marketing sense/prudence.  Per the rise of the Clintons in 1992 Stanley Greenberg is more the cart and a passenger on it than a horse at being in the lead — per an authority on the hardly well explained rise of the Clintons in 1992 and success up against President Bush while near of an earned 87% popularity it is that Stanley Greenberg should have been able to help the Clintons by seeing what was stirred in the spirit of old top Madison Ave “Mad Men” for him to see and see without knowing its origins and genius as set up for him yet to be able to see and measure.  The rise of the Clintons in 1992 is some of that hardly yet known generally of initiatives for positive and necessary change in a nick of time that was at times a good six months ahead of any polls by Stanley Greenberg my old, and then still, neighbor.

Hillary Clinton would be a fool to enter the 2016 Presidential race.  President Bill Clinton would not be wise to push his wife into entering even as great as his need to be seen as globally back on top may be.  The story to be still told in an authority of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 and as a more deep explanation of the politics and new world order of those days will only diminish the Clintons and their legacy further.  It is sad for President Obama that the fuller and deeper telling of these years before the Clintons succeeded surprisingly in 1992 will quit clearly explain that he has been wrong with the foreign policy and even statements much of his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton massively since day one and so of a faulty think rooted in an ignorance of the early 1990s and real but still too little known considerable threats to The United States of America.

President Barack Hussein Obama now has a quid pro quo problem that too belongs to the Clintons and such as should be to dwarfing yet the accusations of a Virginia based quid pro quo if so by Governor Bob McDonnell.  With quid pro quo the new Monica we are asked to consider what is or is not quid pro quo and or craftsmanship or art versus what might be free speech or clean enough politics.  It seems per the Grammys that artists of the musical have reached beyond the Democrats marches to a new nationalism (musical) mash and themselves quite liberatingly to a new bi-partisan or non-partisan or cross-partisan.  Them Democrats too much too long to a convenient crisis beats to a Machiavellian “how to stay the one in power” conductive are those that did it - are they that decimated so many to new notations more humbled and too assimilated under them.

Can it be illegal for a Governor Bob McDonnell to appreciate the artisan craftsmanship of a Rolex or a Ferrari and not illegal as grossly more generous in an improper gifting too much as of a Hollywood or musical propaganda as a quid pro quo of Democrats?  How can a creative artist be not of a quid pro quo if of a political art beat out too much as propaganda and a material artist say of craftsmanship of a watch or luxury car not equally be celebrated and appreciated as yet a form of free speech?

It is alarming that they did it - that they are the ones - the ones that should be stopped - those that did it ten fold to a hundred fold more of a quid pro quo, at least.  It is already quit damning for the Clintons how they did operate and administration (too) close to Hollywood (at least) and be to having Philip Bobbitt as one of their of their National Security Council report and support in his TERROR AND CONSENT how they can be said by their lies to have begotten terrorism by being too closely politically operating with the creative artists of Hollywood — Right!  A Clintons’ own NSC member by his book has told the world that there are real dangers from a White House working politically too close with Hollywood and that such dangers as from his experience at least under the Clintons is the danger from such “work” begetting real terrorism.

Philip Bobbitt is not as uniformed as per the rise of the Clintons as most - he had drinks with this “authority” of the such era in US History when it was that it was wise to consider that some to too many Democrats constituted the greatest threat to national security by their predicability.  Yes, I did try to lead the polls taken and reported whence by at least Stanley Greenberg and some with a choreography more complex and out of time with time warp complexity beyond a fathoming (yet) at least by President Barack Obama and nor it seems by either of the Clinton “two-fer.”  It is that I did have drinks with Philip Bobbitt in New Haven after he spoke in an open to the public regular class turned lecture of Ruth Wedgewood’s Yale Law class and was then to some explaining that there was a time warp (of a private sector “Mad Men” like marketing initiative) that he too may not be yet considering and as critically important to knowing if to build on the early 1990s more to how if at all it could be to safely building so upon.  In such class that I visited as of the “public” invited at Yale Law School during the Clintons’ administration my question to Philip Bobbitt was near: 


(This was a query from a gut feeling but not a seeing that haunted until 9/10/2001 as the evening of 9/11 that I was of to feeling an attack was coming that the Clintons were not even seriously considering. As it is I was on 9/10/2001 in the evening considering that while still concerned I was near to going personally bankrupt from keeping so much time towards such concern as if it were still a real concern that developed from the early first moves of the Clintons per the Middle East and Iraq.  As it is I decided to have a reality check with myself as per such suspicion of an unseen but sense threat from the politics and foreign policy of decisions by President Clinton in his first days and that I should decide going forward starting on the morning of 9/11/2001 that I must have been wrong about such a threat of being of any real likelihood or potential.)

Right, I woke on 9/11/2001 and decided to travel across town in DC from my apartment near Eastern Market on Capitol Hill to the home the job site for that day in the Georgetown area by ways of the Mall and then up 17th Street NW along side the Old Executive Office Building and so as near to The White House.  As it is Condoleezza Rice had already been a construction client through a subcontracting of me for new closet doors in The Watergate and since my current client used to be a dosen (tour guide) in The Old Executive Office Building I was to thinking of Bush’s NSA Rice as it seems as her last thought prior to her assistant notifying her of a plane striking one of the World Trade towers.  I only later learned of such timing as I didn’t know of the terrorist attacks until later in the morning and after I had seriously and completely removed permanently the front door at such site.  I did recall the time I passed by The White House on 17th Street NW and for a thought to a professional referral spiriting from my former client Bush’s NSA Rice - but right, I didn’t know until later and after I had to stay and work through the events while being at installing a new front door in the Georgetown area.

I am an authority on the 1992 unexpected rise and surprising success by the Clintons.  It is what my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM was written to make possible.  That said:  President Obama is still politically in jeopardy from an ignorance of a greater truth about such years, and has been by such history actually transpired now been too long too wrong and originally wrong quite on much if not all of that as foreign policy and diplomacy with his first Secretary of State.  I know what I tried to do - I know what I meant to accomplish - I fairly well know how and when I succeeded - and, yes I know that a greatest threat to the national security of The United States of America did much to motivate me to such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM crisis management volunteered political corrective writing to max positive change upon the waves of the new world order and while so of a concern that too many Democrats were a great danger from being themselves too predictable.

This is them - this is of a real them - it is they whom did it more than most - it is they whom most did it - did it poorly.

We have that the Presidency of the Clintons took to much as able to be teased and ignored, and that it is that they did and still do work at falsely blaming others and too many of the Republican Party for what was malicious as from them at begetting terrorism however by a now to be generally discussed defining of what is or is not illegal quid pro quo.

                                         *     *     *

Note:  Best that I recall the decision by new President William Jefferson Clinton that I air here was pertaining to the Middle East and specifically Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  Best that I recall this decision was of he deciding not a should or shouldn’t become engaged but of a deciding that he didn’t want to personally and so wouldn’t.  Best that I recall this very decision did diverge from my otherwise considerate think and strategizing of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that does itself help explain the times and the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.  Best that I recall it was that I became aware of such decision and a to a sense of doom from it of a visceral resonance akin to the thought IF HE GOES THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED.  Best that I recall, and to now as time has elapsed to confirm by other efforts that my advice otherwise would have held up/worked out, President Clinton did decide to diverge from the road of my political writing and poetry much as it though does still best explain his 1992 success and that when he did so decide to not be as serious as it was he left me so with a sense of doom that for his selfish deciding America was to then be even maybe justified by his avoidance as a target for an attack and one on its homelands.  Really, this is how the original thought haunted me from such day President Clinton seemed to decisively diverge from the more serious reasoning of his getting elected to the eve of 9/11.

As I live it still it is that though I considered and penned my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM to mediate and prevent through a curative positive change new world order politics and political correctness and as of an offered new way for the media to write more simple as of by race in a black and white simplicity due to the selfish political early decision of President Clinton it became from such original purpose otherwise to be guarded then forward for it and me to be prepared as best as possible for its use for a recovery if perchance my haunting gut visceral doom sense did turn out to be right. As I live it still such did then get used after 9/11 towards a knowing considerate expedited recovery even though the thinking had been in the 1992 era as originally meant to be prophylactic.  As I live I know the Clintons too well to ever advise anyone to vote again for them.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

It seems an impossible mission. President Barack Obama, can you be brought back from a political deadness - can you be resuscitated from BIGGEST LIAR?  For those more of HARRY POTTER first gen now matured and politically conscious this can be a quite worrisome troublesome.  Many have wanted “Barack Obama” to be a half blood’d prince and yet now as the play of his “legacy” solidifies he seems not alone in being not a squib even and yet merely one among many of muggles. Robin Hood likely had to be, though of basic thievery and mugging, at least a squib as he had dramatics and an artful ability to dodge and as well split an arrow.  It seems the only way now for President Obama to clean up his presidency is to clean up his own party - it seems he has failed to prove that the “dirt” under the body politic and body economic is Republican and well simply that means that the “dirt” must be Democratic and embedded as truly of his own party.

That there is no magic in President Land begets a ponderance of if there really ever was - if there ever was any real “magic” in Obamaland. To be brief - to be clear:  Let me be clear:  Their lies were not artful - they kicked the can down the road — they lied, and, it is that there lies were not artful dodging - there is a selfishness too institutionalized that should not be confused with “magical” in how their “dodging” was political as if only of a capacity of muggles.  Is it too late though for at least President Obama to learn of himself as of a capacity for “magic” as at least a squib - as one though late to learning of learning that he is some at least a half blood’d for good?  For a spell for President Obama mustn’t we be able to establish that he has been crudely but effectively burdened and or shackled by others say like the Clintons and so burdened as to be impossibly arrested from any use of any mere “magical” potential he may have as latent qualities?  Have the Clintons - has just Hillary Rodham Clinton - been of such a overwhelming muggleness that President Obama was forlorn to failures so common and commonplace in political orbits?

President Barack Hussein Obama has real problems!  President Barack Hussein Obama has real political and character problems yet are his five + years of him willfully and knowingly of having not been squared away himself and not on the level by his own affectings or has he been yet trapped by those of his own party?  It seems the logical dodge left as the only one feasibly remaining is to show that his own party should and can be cleaned up — it seems that he has spent his free chits of credibility as of the traditions of his office “cloaking” by having been party to what now has failed even as common artful (lawyered partisan political) dodging.  The real world isn’t about RACE TO THE TOP as for a common core to ignore your neighbors and their plights firstly - the real world has to be about community and civility at home and near home primarily.  There can hardly be any “magic” or traditional “faith” in the COMMON CORE of the curriculum of the Democrats.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with no cloak of invisibility nor any due prefacing as to invincibility.

The point of a HOGWARTS education is to learn and develop at least an ability in dramatics and artful dodging that too can wield an affecting as if that of precision in archery as for splitting an arrow.  The point of HOGWARTS is some in the name albeit rife with with a keen and sharp double edge as HOG-WARTS and not HOG-WARDS — yee of such curriculum however yet matured and matriculated are to be of the hope for a potential to grow not as dirt under the skin of others as if a wart on them or a more general body politic. Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to as originally set for the tradition and legacy to be above such commonality and away from sweeping dirt under a carpet or lawyering to keep it from a general airing for a prudent (civic) cleaning.  Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to be schooled and read to a capacity and discipline to shine locally and globally as of a “magical” civility learned to ways in being good wards of good wards.

Hillary Rodham Clinton may be more “CHICAGO” than yet the ward heeled late comer now President - Mrs. Clinton of the CGI is more “CHICAGO” than President Barack Hussein Obama.  It is recorded that she was raised to embrace violence and to not just hit first but to hit the boys there about her ward and to hit them first.  She was raised tough but seemingly without a civil ward “magical” and to be a FIRST STRIKER.  As President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State she may now be due a timely exposure as one a muggle and a wart. His Madam Secretary has been out from officially of his “skin” now about a year and it seems that some “magic” has returned to what is foreign policy of The United States of America.  It is for history and others to conclude if such is more for a released and cleaned up President Obama as maybe one capable himself at least of some half blood’d magic or if it is that he has a glow about him from having Catholics more now at his affectings.  Mrs. Clinton should be seen and read as one whose story is too polarizing and partisan and still a troublesome “wart” to President Barack Obama and of a legacy quite so lacking in “magic” that all should easily conclude she must be a muggle.  Mrs. Clinton, of her own Twitter Avatar, shows her linguistic capacity to be common and dirtied and cold for she not only lately tags herself as a “dog owner” she only tags herself as a “dog owner” and not in a little part a “dog lover.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton shows much so common as to be expected to be only of a capability of muggles with her Twitter @HillaryClinton and so that @BarackObama can make an example newly for himself as liberated and no longer occupied by the Clintons and now offer a civil and thorough promise to clean up his own party.  It is that he is tagged now like the Clintons as a BIG LIAR and yet for now it seems he has time to learn of a latent quality in himself to be actually of some political “magic.”  It may not be too late for President Barack Hussein Obama to show himself liberated and freely at finding (surprisingly) (himself) a capacity even half blood’d for a “magic” in politics.  It seems if he is more than a muggle and not so just a muggle like Mrs. Clinton of CGI than he now has a duty and honor calling him as it is exposed that the Republicans were not as tagged of exclusive culpability or guilt per the “it” as the “BIG IT” — it seems President @BarackObama can at least move the Twitterverse now to a public and effective “wart” cleaning and removing - It seems we all have Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART” to work a still possible mission about as a general and thorough liberating political deep cleaning.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with a political broom to wield even if himself actually just a muggle too and at least now to a mea culpa in poor judgement in associations so long with the Clintons and their too institutional lawyered political muggleness.  He can show himself with a broom at least now of a willingness to cease and desist from further sweeping under his “rugs” of a not squared away or on the level corner cutting partisan polarizing politics. He has himself now evidently of regular traffic about his past five years now with his embedded dirt now as visible as if a wart on his “rugs” as everywhere he goes it seems his “rugs” have hills and valleys.

President Barack Hussein Obama, as impossible as it may now seem, is apparently yet of an ability to tag at least “Hillary” of the Clinton clan core body politics as if an embedded and too long occupying “dirty” he yet can magically or by due diligence yet remove forever from under the skin of the nation.

President Barack Hussein Obama now without a cloaking left but yet still with at least a affecting broom of a muggle.

Harry Potter of his story as with a godfather Serious Black is one at least above such “common” and “core” as of a lacking in “magic.”  As human beings however are fated to sing of at least their habitats “electric” it is more of “magic” to understand the dangers of being of bodies electric and of different electrical standards of some of volts de more highly powered and more seriously dangerous.  It is that for any or all of the magic of even political “electricity” Voldemort is a DANGER daily for all those of a brotherhood of electricians — as of a brotherhood for the magic in the dangers of POWER it is keen that Harry Potter also has a godfather like a union electrician firstly reered to a seriousnous most especially for the black wires as those primarily structured as the HOT WIRE.  Yes Harry Potter (matured first gen) readers I speak in words now as one whom first had the magic of a brotherhood about him as faith allowed by a godfather a union electrician.  Yes readers and aficionados of HOGWARTS I can attempt to educate you about a core of the Clintons “politics” as lacking in “magic” and alert you to how the curriculum was originally set to be a political prophylactic to endear and endure as protection from the Clintons (as muggles).

There is little HOPE left for the once HOPE & CHANGE candidate to now offer as a second term President.  It seems he is left to tagging the Clinton “two-fer” as having been dirt under his and our skin that he couldn’t clean away for these five years so.  It seems he is left to offering that he was shackled to their past (unmagically) and so that he was occupied more than liberated by his close and embedded associations with at least Mrs. Clinton of CGI while former Senator and Former First Lady and Former First Lady of Arkansas as his Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

I do not know if President Barack Hussein Obama can now rise as if of a yet unknown latent quality blood’d however for “magic.”  I can though explain that yee and all however of a knowing of the curriculum of HOGWARTS are supposed to be inoculated from the Clinton “two-fer” and as by the original intent and mission set for J.K. Rowling when whence firstly of her famous napkins usage due to mused stirrings.  The Clintons - for these purposes Hillary Rodham Clinton CODE NAME:  “THE WART” - are inseparable and now as President Barack Hussein Obama’s last chance to clean up the body politic by offering to clean up his own party.

It is complicated.  IT’S COMPLICATED!!! Right! President Obama to save his political skin now must be able to show demonstrably that he forever since whence in post primary reckoning when he so was to the ill fated embrace of the Clinton machine and however to that “work-out” that the Clintons would then like get to keep the world when he became visibly the first black president was a fool for letting the Clintons bury themselves under his/our skin so while so politically compromised and “dirty.”  Right!  The first black President now must be able to show demonstrably that he effectively has been enslaved and occupied by the Clintons and not in any way or especially in any magical way of a liberation of or by the Clintons.  Right!  President Obama did lie, and his lies exposed now expose the longer bigger lies that were set from day one necessarily to attempt to cloak the Clintons. It is by one lie his other bigger lies have been called out and are still much to be aired duly.  It is that President Obama failed to “cloak” the Clintons (and associated Democrat Party) guilt by false flagging the history and complicated as if of Republican fault and guilt. 

President Barack Hussein Obama now must be to a cleansing mea culpa as little as possible of self immolation and as much as possible to a “magic” in a fresh and artful confessional at least to a new muggled posturing of he as having been stuck as too enslaved or occupied by a still too powerful and dirty “politics” of at least Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART.”

                                     *     *     *

[NOTE:  Yes readers akin to the magic of Harry Potter and even the volts concerns magical of Serious Black,  you were supposed to have been protected and even cleverly inoculated from the Clintons’ political machinations and from the very seed of the conception of HOGWARTS as to a curriculum set for rearing next gen’rs to be wards not warts about their community - that it could be and should be “magical” to grow up clean and bright so as not to just be dirt under your family and/or community’s “skin.”  I know of what I speak in visible written spoken words as it is I that can tell of a Patron US of musings fo’ napkins whence thence for J.K. Rowling, and, I know that as per the above as to a too present but still embedded “dirt” of the Clintons it is that I suggested that if the seven books did stay true to the challenge as for seven years of magic curriculum then she as the “mother” author would become rich - would become very rich.  It is that by staying true to the original outline it was that such was originally intended and balanced to be effectively though effectively foreign born yet an American made inoculation to the Clintons, as best as was possible due to the entrenched complexity of their “dirt” and as such not quite the best tool for such a mission even maybe impossible for one like President Barack Hussein Obama.]]

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CHAPMANS? 1968 ‘71 ‘75 ’90s
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:52 am

There is a story of an old fashioned skill based preparatory that included hands on skills and across numerous trades with attempts to be keen and true to such’s traditions.  It is that I likely would not have been prepared to enough level of detail and consideration to my defeating of the Clintons as such as it was by basically denying them the right to sound like me again if I had not at least been of my boating professionalism, however, in my years at restoring the 1968 Cal 25 acquired as named SEPTEMBER WIND in early 2001 when it was a hull afloat but to most as already ready for a boat grave yard.  I did sell her and the 1971 Glastron V196 Bowrider I had also at least fully structurally restored, and I did sell them both so to at least afford the time needed to focus fully on defeating the Clintons so while of a methodology selfish some but in a defensiveness at protecting my intellectual property from misappropriation and further lesser good misuse by the Clintons.

WARNING!!! The previous owner of the restored Glastron was the DC area Alexandria, VA Daingerfield Island Potomac River Sailing Association.  It was a “committee boat” at best with many many years of different operators even per day besides per week.  I came cheap but then I did have to rebuild the whole boat structurally, the 1987 Johnson 70hp VRO, and as well much of the trailer it came with it that needed a new axle, springs, hubs, and wheels plus a new neck and winching poll and hitch.  Oh, and new lights and some new rollers too.

I do still have the BEFORE & AFTER restoration & repair pictures posted on http://Cal25.com that were of my boat rescue and reconstruction of the 1968 vintage yacht and of it that I was sharing encouragement and pointers with others so also engaged in Cal boat projects via sites old forum.  I was going to name her Hot Potato if instead of rebuilding her and selling her I had been to keeping her and depreciating her.

Here are the cover of now closed BOAT WORKS MAGAZINE and the featured READERS’ PROJECTS that inaugurated with my 1968 Cal 25 SEPTEMBER WIND boat restoration.

I hope you have enjoyed a break from reading with this pictoral sharing.  Saw the BOAT SHOW sample on FOX this morning and liked all three there on the street.  I haven’t located the 1975 Penguin 9482 pix that would show the BEFORE of it near when I picked it up third hand as one of the many Penquins that originally were built by the family that owned and raced them.



Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

There is the question of “permanence”!  There is the Constitutional prepositions for and against permanence!

Some stories just come out as if they were meant to be of a magic of a tingle down Chris Matthew’s leg(s) - some times a story just is about how the story writes itself in a prophylactic preparatory.

When I moved to Washington DC in 1998 there was no Department of Homeland Security across the street from American University.  When I moved out of “The Beltway” as 2008 elections were of their 2007 stirrings it did exist and I had been incidentally to explaining to Ivan Vujacic, the then Ambassador to the United States of America from Serbia , during an accidental meeting at an American Enterprise Institute event how Senator Hillary Clinton should not and would not win the 2008 elections.  What was most odd to the Ambassador at first was that my opinion ran counter to what he said he was hearing from “top Republicans” that he should like “prepare for Hillary Clinton to be the next President.” 

2008 was of election cycles where the Republicans seemed defeated and just campaign puppets for the Democrats to play with from the start.  For me though it was as it was that I was able to explain a defeat logically to the Serbian Ambassador;  for me it was that I knew that the Clintons did not have the integrated marketing concept or rights to that of the nineties that was still making them appear to be better - far better - than they ever really were. 

2006 was of a politics of Iraq and a surge debate that had me behind the MIRROR cover for TIME Person of Year cover as a recommendation in lieu of a YES to TIME for query to a picture of me as “uc” for such cover.  I was very publicly blogging with commentary in 2006 for the IRAQ surge and then in defense of it and as it was many times directly it seems in a contrary and superior logic to that of Chris Matthews.  2006 was my first year of internet “blogging” and was mostly exclusively on the media watchdog site http://newsbusters.org — by 2007 I was better known and as J.P. Hogan for blogged commentary mostly across the treads of http://politico.com.  I have been my “more a Citizen Rosebud than a Citizen Kane since 1983 - at least.

For decades I have fought a Holy Cross group think that may only partly explain Chris Matthews - I exist beyond a metaphysics with many of The Crusaders as kin.  I’ve been of years of helping Democrats and Republicans by fixing and/or moderating what I saw as flaws in what was identifiable as of a group think of Holy Cross College and maybe prepared so myself beyond my self learning gains as by my Augustinian, not Jesuit, Villanova University BA.  I have a BA in Economics and the credits for a minor in philosophy that is of my “undeclared minor” in Philosophy for I took them to such but without informing the Philosophy Department of my intent or motives for minoring in Philosophy.

But this is supposed to be a prophylactic satire on a scheduled lap dance at American University - at least metaphorically speaking.

Right the Clintons successes where they were and if they actually lasted may much be of my shared story of them of using my guidance of the 1992 primary problematic years.  They were not of authorization to use such so as they much did from me after their unexpected election in 1992 — I say such much because had they asked for permission for a proper use I would have said no and in an expressed spirit of that I wouldn’t even use them to govern as they had been workable yet for campaigning.  The Clintons are known by me for making a mess of a whole lot and some to much to me knowing such just because they proceeded to use without permission that they should have asked permission for and so in the ways that I as an architect about them never meant or was for guidance in further use there of.

So it seems that it must be more akin to a LAP DANCE scheduled between “HARDBALL” host Chris Matthews as the stage is being set politically with teasing as if a grand SLOW PITCH SOFT BALL SOFTBALL “HARDBALL” the “journalism” to be pressed.

American co-eds when I graduated from Villanova University in 1987 after having grown up in a prime Yale University & New Haven Professionals neighborhood with Yale Professors in Economics my neighbors and ‘rents of my peers I did not yet figure that one would later become a first client and then become a twenty year reigned President of Yale.  I did while at Villanova know Pat McPherson the President of Bryn Mawr as a family friend through her father.  But I regress to share as it seems timely to refresh that I do post and update at times with some that were college papers I wrote whence that have been relevant now during much of these trying times, and as I did also graduate with 12 credits in Modern Standard Arabic and a politic science elective that taught me “there is no such thing as permanent enemies or friends - just permanent interests” & another that was full of content related to course title as about the United Nations and International Organizations.  Yes, my BA so amassed at Villanova though with hardly a chapel or church visit or physical participation too with me of one course in computer programing in Pascal.

The sad truth is that I while using other more self taught disciplines in my years of self employment did as a successful and engaged hobby maintain an ambition of my Villanova Economics BA towards at least and existential or metaphysical better earthly realm for a philosophical in an integrated marketing mine to widely/broadly facilitate hopes and thought to and for economic recovery and record low unemployment.  From my knowing of the Clintons personally since early 1970s when they were still in the neighborhood as Yale Law students I have been keenly aware of how they have gotten credit for much that since they haven’t been able to repeat while of yet being again of using as much “governance” energy as they thought the past good times had taken to be.

But this is about the concern and dangers of what may be conceived tomorrow between Chris Matthews and President Barack Hussein Obama at the venue of American University.  This is about bad seeds maybe but as timely now of it more of dangers of bad and flawed logic much too of the flaws in reasoning and marketing of the THE KRUGMAN FALLACY @ http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  The shared “politics” of HARDBALL’s  Chris Matthews and President Barack Obama are of the economic mess, and of it as that their NEW NATIONALISM is so also of the new deal austerity mashed GREEN to a green minimalism mantra; they share in how it was of a predictable to the said near depression recession.  The economy actually was poised to recover and take off in 2008 & 2009 otherwise if “nationalism” was not encourage and if Congress would have moved to restore consumer confidence by seriously affecting bank reforms.

All are welcome at my still free to read e-sampler of JPHogan.org > http://jphogan.org!  There there are many pieces that explain the politics and economic history that can be a prophylactic to what is being teased as “journalism” worthy tomorrow between expectantly seated HARDBALL Chris Matthews and rightfully embattled President Barack Hussein Obama at American University.  There there are also some poems some original rap and some odic renditions as of a lyrical tradition as poetry or song as meant to be sung or at least read aloud with attitude and pace. 

The THE RICE SISTERS is one at JPHogan.org that is meant to be sung. 

As to the complexity of my integration of my (hobby) of marketings what the Clintons and most others cannot be is me whom synthesized local New Haven new world order pro-active writing for “jounalism” and the politics of city and state with a global post Persian Gulf balance while as well moderating original concerns related to Stanley Tools for new handsaw evolution revolution; Snowboard and half-pipe pathology of origins from a high school brainstorming with a sledding pal; LIFE IS GOOD take off after VU classmate Bert Jacobs & I met at our fifth reunion and he told me he and his brother after three years were ready to give up; and even much the major changes that fit with even just these few as was of the IBM saving.  I could list shows that can be said to have been conceived and anchored in the spirit of all this as of my mused from a far maybe golden touch - I’ve already filled in/out too much for today - for here.

The “permanence” tease is of the Constitutional abuse of power purview due about President Obama and Obamacare.  A First Amendment challenge can be yet about a legality and Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act as it was passed only as a Law and not yet as even an Amendment or a Right of the Constitution but as a tax while taxing is basically specifically only expected to be non-permanent and not Constitutionally, it seems, to be a allowable basis for such a permanence in new social welfare centralized socialistic entitlements as an establishment for eternity.

To read the First Amendment and get to the use of “establishment” and “respecting” as just specified as a bar to Congress per Religion should have any student of America at least to firstly wondering like:  Ok, why did they use “establishment” - why does “establishment” sound so familiar - Oh my! Why is “establish” in the preamble with “ordain” and so that the founders writ it permanent as greater than a Law of Congress so by their unanimity in subscriptions under God by signage so eternal as might endure so of it keyed for legend in “the Year of our Lord” and with “our” not also or otherwise capitalized? 

To read the First Amendment and its quite unusual grammar and capitalizing there is also that the word “respecting” is odd unless there is firstly the body of the Constitution as set as an establishment in the New Testament by way of subscriptions in unanimity under God by rooting in the Christian calendar.  It seems it is playful and instructive and to how Obamacare aka ACA has a First Amendment violation that is coming to a head - politically.  I do not know prematurely what will be beyond teased at American University this Thursday in December 2013 but I do wonder why “respecting” is used if not to affirm the above of the body of the Constitution as writ larger than a mere Law by Congress as a Constitution of the People and to demonstrate the spectacle of the body by an amendment barring Congress supposedly from the very type of governance being more than tease by a too “post-Constitutional” advocate as President, President Barack Hussein Obama.

It seems to reason out and be pre-figured and secured that if just as “It’s a Tax” then Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act is not to be considered by The Supreme Court of The United States of America as of an established right to permanence.  If you also have not refreshed your American history even by Jon Meacham’s THOMAS JEFFERSON - ART OF POWER than you may still be missing the folds of history as of he that penned the Declaration of Independence was of duties to new nation with stationing in France at the time of the Founding Fathers’ penning of the body of the Constitution for a greater than mere Law of Congress eternity if it could endure. 

The First Amendment is a wonder to be sorted some to much by the spring calendars of our governance;  It seems to have been requested by a returned Thomas Jefferson as part of a Bill of Rights and yet it seems to have been cleverly written to yet affirm much of what Thomas Jefferson so more of his deism and “Age of Reason” preponderance found offensive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:46 pm

Sometimes a picture can be worth a thousand words.  This is a #SELFIE the world over should already know.

A funny thing nearly happened after I took this selfie in my neighborhood while walking my dirty laundry over to my parents house about a mile away for free washer & dryer use.  I have owned one van and two pick-up trucks during my years self employed in construction - the one in background was conveniently off sidewalk as neighbors.  I have never owned a red truck. My parents had asked me to come over and shut off their sillcocks for the winter and stow the remaining garden hose still out in the elements.  In my self employed years as a general contractor I did everything much of in most of the trades and quite well - yes I did plumbing and some bathrooms and their plumbing too.  I got out near about the very day the Clintons announced HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT towards 2008.

You could say that the Fourth Estate hasn’t been itself much at all since the years of the Clintons Administration and the under-reporting as reporting of the infamy of the Clintons’ seduced media.  It has been, it seems long, that the Fourth Estate has at least been a fallen profession.  It is as much on all in the Fourth Estate as on the Clintons that I am not already known as well as they are the world over, and, It is much that Hillary Clinton need just be coerced by the media however of the 4th to admit that I and my story exist for her campaign to be finished.  I defeated the Clintons in 2008 inexpensively but for all the stress primarily just with the truth - the truth of that my story can finish the Clintons’ campaign.

I do not know why the Republicans didn’t wise up to such a simple truth in 2008 and 2012.  Before I got out when Clintons got in and to primarily be dedicated to blogging writing instead to a thought simple defeat of them I had been of over 700 pre social media media faxes to the Bush Administration to help as much as I could after 9/11 and specifically at times of a knowing of when and where the Clintons had erred relatedly and how to correct such in a bi-partisan healing.  I had before 9/11 as a carpenter not as the some know political poet/writer/strategist been of a subcontract as a carpenter in the Watergate to install for President George W. Bush’s National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice two new closet doors where four half doors had been, and, I had before I got out and before Iraq started going better been to building a custom doll shelf for Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff Lawrence Di Rita family while also building in a second bathroom door for their home underneath said shelf - plus some cabinet doors I personally custom fabricated as raised panel doors.

Yes this timely selfie is of one the world now should already know the world over and as he that did actually much of what the Clintons still have taken credit for.  I won’t be able to have any chance when the Democrats are out of such DC power as now to try to rebuild so much of a ready to boom economy they basically destroyed until and unless the world knows me for so much of the “This is a #SELFIE the world over should already know.”  But due to politics I may never be in a position to recover for all those whom would have benefited so much that the Democrats did take apart.  If Hillary Clinton has to avoid admitting I and my story exist for her campaign to have a chance it figures the Clintons will do their best to keep the world from knowing how much I did and so that there is never enough knowing for me to reboot what was ready to take off and likely would have quickly if Senator John McCain had won and wasn’t also of needing to defeat my truth.

This selfie is a picture worth whatever to you my reader for it of my face as a face of one that lived in Washington DC for nearly a full 10 years and for all such was of making an honest living mostly entirely just with my hands.  I even for some years got a third of my work as a approved authorized installed for one Virginia Home Depot store windows and doors department.  As it turned out those years I got another third largely through my DC area sailing community and sometimes of a plug “he can rebuild boats - you job should be a piece of cake for him” - like.

Oh right!  I started earlier with  “A funny thing nearly happened after I took this selfie in my neighborhood while walking…” and yet didn’t get to the funny part luckily not too funny - and funnier if video captured for eternity.  See I put my head down and started sending pix to my social media & pals and almost forgot where I was and where I was heading and that I was supposed to remember I had seen there was fresh wet cement for a new sidewalk section just yards ahead.  Right! It only very nearly was very funny and for me of so many years in construction and at times in masonry itself.

But really this is all about 2013 as again so much of a selfie that the world should already know, and know professionally otherwise for the same identity.

Well to be brief and let my selfie do today’s talking mostly let me just reiterate that I have to consider the 4th fallen and many of esquired barred “jurisprudence” for not only did I defeat the Clintons in 2008 attempts just with the truth, and quite inexpensively it is that this is an issue of notoriety hidden of my business and political contributions of original and properly much just mine intellectual content dating back to before the Clintons even braved their late entry into the 1992 race as it was only after the famed Carville and Begala first tested the waters of my suggested tone & direction with Harris Wofford in Pennsylvania race. 

t is that there is next to nothing I can do it seems until President Obama is no longer President to even attempt to reset and recover the economy I was once so integrally synthesized with.

Right!  For it seems the onus is on either an integrity of the Clintons, any politician, any economic writer, entertainment historians & many other historians and especially the 4th & lawyers then the onus isn’t even on me now to explain to you the voluminous details that amass to substantiate the above very selfie and it as a said face that should already be known the world over for at least part of what was much of the Clintons’ story.  It is at least on the Clintons and the 4th to tell you all whom I am sufficiently before there ever can be a me clearly in the know enough to again be so successful for so many of a “golden touch” or “finger on the pulse of the world.”

This is the face of I that now must wait it out with the rest of you - and really sadly I must say it seems mostly for the middle class that has been hurt most by the Democrats governing at the level they had thought was all it took of the earlier years when it really was taking a whole lot more and much more engaged strategizing and integrations for it to have looked like they were the ones successful while oddly of enough even knowledge it seems of what it really was taking.

Right!  To be brief:  We all should consider that the Democrats have not at all been able to effect a repeat performance of good or great economic stewardship and that now that it is reasonable to look at such as evidence that they have failed to repeat a success from never having known how their earlier successes had actually matured.

As to Prince Harry & Harry Potter this too is the face of a Connecticut Yankee allowed around Princess Di “court” from afar who still likes to believe he is growing younger every day. 

But for now of the still most serious:  A President said to have been a “great politician” “the best politician” may not have been really of “politics” but as of being more precisely as just a too good “SUAVE CON ARTIST.”  There are better and more prudent lights to look at the Clintons’ presidency with.

Please feel sorry for President George W. Bush for what he inherited from the Clintons was all of a new ridiculous.  There was never enough PEACE for their PEACE DIVIDENDS and was never a sound economics, as Clinton seemed aware, for any of the trillion in their surpluses.  Of Clinton as just a suave con artist and not a good politician a good politician wouldn’t have had the cons falling apart so soon after and especially wouldn’t have had it that the People believed President Bush should have, like of Clintons’ entertainment contribution, been able to fix any great problem anywhere in the world in just one hour or one day - however of “mission impossible” or “alias.”

There is as well at least as a long thought and almost already acted upon particular in my professionalism that of my long successful work to be a good caboose to Reagan and his revolution I now could or should already be actually in Hollywood myself.

                                                 *    *    *

Background @ http://bit.ly/1f96R3H (Pardon the initial link confusion as this column now sorts too for the background collection before it)> And presented in a John F. Kennedy presidential legacy conundrum of beats that I at least have worked to see that at least Catholics can think in America that we can be better than William Jefferson Clinton & Barack Hussein Obama if Democrats and even be more like Ronald Reagan as Reagan Democrats in a spirit of keeping open the ideal and “liberalism” that we can yet be better than the Kennedy brand.  It seems we even if such is not so have to seek to be better just to consider enough however a pursuit of perfection or general goodness.  I say such as one who has known Kennedy family members and much mostly from my years of volunteering in Connecticut to help run Special Olympic games or in coaching a couple male Olympians in speed skating.  I was also a member of the Jaycees about those years and a second generation Hogan of New Haven of involvements in both simultaneously.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:45 am

The best thing that Ayn Rand did with Objectivism in her own novel way for all her readers was that she asked them all to consider and figure how they themselves would design and/or build a better church - how they would built the bestest house of worship ever built

As I tweeted this morning:  “One of these days I do mean to ride around France on my bicycle even if near 100 miles a day to stop for wines & cheeses.”

Woops!  Wrong tweet.

As I tweeted this morning:  “Hillary Clinton “cooking” weighs heavy on world evolved to humans flying in & skateboarding at least. GOP need longer masses?”

That’s more like it.

Because of the evolution of the human race to more Godly flights and heights it may be that the “community” & “communities” of humanities in religiousness are now of days too much of old shortness with religious services of a dangerous brevity.  It seems, to this of #DemsAgainstHillary centrism, that the Republicans are more secure and secured to a harmonic in faith based flights and heights but yet too now not sufficiently of a copacetic for sport for all.  It seems an open book - its seems of a open book obviousness that the Republicans have sustained heights for #ExtremeSports even now as all may be bettered if their servicing is of ministering with longer and more acoustical odic chants/rants and incantations however spiritually apropos of a synthesis for this new age of fast and slow and high and low.

It may be racist to ride a bicycle fast - to want to ride a bicycle fast.  There is better a way to agility and speed than training any or yourself to ride fast and be of good acceleration if you are so in a preparedness only for fear.  I did train myself from a necessary need preparedness in my cycling, to be urban, as difficult as it may have been, by being long of an over-riding thought that I would ride to ride anywhere and find someone interesting — I wouldn’t firstly be to riding fast and of agile acceleration to like be of a urban preparedness to out pace a stereotypical “black” fear.  I personally do not want to see my ability to accelerate and ride fast as a skill to get away from trouble and badness.  I want my riding still to be to be able to ride anywhere and find “community” newly where ever — I want to at least think that one can ride anywhere at anytime if they are able to relate somehow in an established common spirit and with a philosophy of governance girded in an innocent until proven guilty netherlands.

It seems to suggest the Democrats have been now too long of “there is just a pill for it” “traveler” coping, and that may be generally the Welfare problem too many are now beset of.  There may be that the antidote to the Democrats is a return to the Democrat center around faith and community “roaming” “traveler” “teaching.”  However Democrats or Republicans there is that we of this new age of bearing witness to #ExtremeSports or as those of a regular practice have that our community service is still behind the times and to much of the old brevity to fully encompass the radical celebration of so many everywhere of such new heights and flights.  It seems regardless of party the Party to be rocked, to be objective about it, is that everyone everywhere at least near of a time and new world order where they too have to wonder how to design and build (say) a better church.  It seems for of community copacetic to be sufficiently sporting these are days to try and clean souls well enough if only yet at longer and long enough community service regular integrated practice.

One should be proud of one’s ability to get away from danger.  I will remain proud of any abilities I of from instinct, training, and preservation of talent such as they are also ready and sufficient for “escaping.”  I will not though be of a faith that such should be the esprit de corp of at least my bicycling and living.

My cycling interests pre-date the Reagan Revolution.  My cycling interests seems very well supported and secured by the Reagan Revolution and as well by the more common lay of the Rehnquist Revolution.  I haven’t broached sport or cycling with Senator Ted Cruz or any of the new young guns of the Republican Party nor much any of the old tired establishment of the Clinton Political Machine.

I do not know nor have I ever been in support of doped sport & specifically doped competitive cycling.  I with that said would rather believe that Lance Armstrong didn’t needed his admitted doping for his victories as he is preferred to be considered as having been of sufficient benefactoring in his times.

Yes, after getting my BA in Economics from Villanova University I proceeded directly to Suffolk University Law School on Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts when then behind the Massachusetts’ State House.  I proceeded directly for I fig’d if I didn’t I would never have so commenced a year of Law School.  It is that I wanted to protect myself and my ambitions from lawyers and insurance companies and that I was of thought that a year of law school would be prudent but three might be unnecessary while of more entrepreneurial and more creative media ambitions.  As it is I did take a year of law studies rightfully and did withdraw so “officially” as of after the last class on the last day and before exams so that I would then officially be and remain an “accepted” Suffolk University Law School student on the books for seven more years. Such year I left after one year of prudent law studies and so that I triggered a “community” in acceptance for seven further years with my old law school was the spring in Boston before the fall that “Barry” Obama started across the Charles River in Cambridge of Harvard.  (Yes, for seven years I annually at least once had my old law school acceptance in community refreshed and usually with a questioning and answering about the if I wasn’t yet coming back why was it I wasn’t coming back to law studies and what about the law profession in my opinion needed fixing before I might return.

In some ways it is of my “community” “acceptance” of such seven years better than as if a pergatory as I was outside in my thinking that I needed to be outside and independent to be eventually ready and in the right place to best then be to my more creative media ambitions at being the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution I could yet be.  In some ways it may be that but for my “community” of seven years “acceptance” where I could return to Suffolk University Law School without re-applying, but basically, there wouldn’t have been a Rehnquist Revolution.  It was that while of the days of my second and final semester in Boston I was happy to wiring my ambitions with those of William Bratton after nearly laughing at his new most old and dilapidated fleet of Mass “cruisers” after he was of “don’t laugh.”

Ed Logue was in urban redevelopment at much of the Roosevelt Island restoration and as well the Faneuil Hall Market Place grand plan. He was also from New Haven and a part of the Lee Administration when it was first to programmed traffic lights used to recondition their populace to different driving route habits.  Professor J. Logue was his brother and a sought out Villanova Professor by me for his course on International Oranizations inclusive of the United Nations in the VU Political Science department, as an elective in my liberal arts curriculum.  Frank Logue was also their brother and did become Mayor of New Haven for a quite short while.  Frank Logue and his family lived directly across Livingston Street in a very Yale neighborhood in New Haven from me and my family.  I do not know the first name of the Logue that was Richard Milhaus Nixon’s rival for Whittier High School class presidency and the victor is such of Nixon’s earliest campaigns — To the best of my knowledge it was only Nixon paranoia that related otherwise unrelated Logues prior to Watergate.  Ed Logue probably was the biggest of the Logues then a specifically related to powers emanating from Washington and the so based Democratic Party Head Quarters in the Watergate - though.

There is cross-over in the desire to maximize positive change in my decision to leave law school for my ambitions and my synchronicity with the ambitions of William Bratton for his name poetic for general Welfare and more civil policing as more “brat on basis” than “race” “basis.”  And, as it was that honor would be in competition with the Logues, all Logues, to be somehow at least as good or eventually better even than Ed Logue so responsible for so much urban improvements and even as he and Mayor Lee did use programmable traffic lights firstly to guide their people to new pathologies experimentally.

By now you should know how little I have to say good about Bill and Hillary Clinton.  There is though that for being so busy with them I have yet hardly gotten to my truths that Al Gore is a layer of the onion beneath them that I find closer and more core to at rottenness in the Democrats of the Clintons Political Machinery.  I have held back from yet being to barely broaching very historical problems in the American body politic that are specifically of a faulting due justly a tagging upon Al Gore.

Right!  The truth may now be that regardless of one’s Party, and as seems today’s Politics, these may be days to try and refresh souls and secure a readiness locally in sport and comity, and quite days that call all to longer “community” service to better a harmonic agility for lasting acoustics in an establishment and preservation for a regular lightness and magical beingness.  It seems these are days that are calling all to longer “community” service, however, and that places or worship as sanctuaries for humanity and community now may be forced to do what is needed and right by way of figuring, preparing and practicing with an offering of longer services.

Can it be?

I am hip to it being cool that this is all in the spirit of a new and improved more perfect establishments, however, for better hang times.  That said:  I have to believe Ayn Rand would agree that Martin Luther King Jr. would be better honored if public buildings at least in of The United States of America were to specifically honor him with associated Public displaying of the Ten Commandments. 

                                                         *   *   *

{For the record: Yes I was born into an apartment in 1965 in New Haven, CT that so is less than a mile from the “home” President George W. Bush was born into.  I was born to half of my grandparents being by then from Greenwich, Ct.  I did first meet President Clinton when I was in First grade in same neighborhood and as it is I was polled by Bill and Hillary as two equal but legally still separate Yale Law School co-eds as to my God’s honest answer as to if they both could become President of the USA some day.  I have known of President Barack “Barry” Obama since I was in seventh grade and preparing for school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration of War Day of Infamy speech.  Before Greenwich my maternal grandparents had been of Rye, New York and as of the “family home” my mom grew up most of her years about as situated on Roosevelt Ave.  I have as it is also known of Sarah Heath Palin since the winter of 1982 and for she of a cadre in basketball of a Conn, Bush, Heath charmed set.  It is that I pre-Googled “Sarah Heath” name to such recognition of her voices from afar akin to my queriness of concern that if I did choose to become a professional photo-journalist was there another “Sarah Heath” other than she that tought me middle school elective lessons in photography and dark room skills to be then ever aware of.  My high school is that of Wilbur Cross in New Haven and still THE GOVERNORS - as it is my curriculur and extra-curriculur sports and activities much had a basis in fairness and sport around the New Haven Parks lands of Rice Field.  I’ll stop here as of addendum “for the record.”}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:11 am

It is most difficult how now to raise my Irish most literally as so much new history is being made near Belfast.

Do I start with American politics angle and speak to Senator Kennedy’s and Senator Dodd’s bachelor days.

Do I start instead with a autobiographical early years as an oldest son as a Hogan Irish Catholic and with us the first Irish Catholic family ever admitted membership to the New Haven Lawn Club with its squash courts, pool, red clay tennis courts and dining.

Do I think of whom I may have as cousins at least in Ireland as Commisky (sp?) related to Reynolds as so that when my sisters visited in late 80s it was the son of John Reynolds as a Deputy Commissioner of Police of Dublin that toured them even into Belfast.

It is complicated.

Recently I availed myself of the social media broadcast and broadside potential with reflections on how I as a young boy had to decide what “AMBITION” would mean to me.  I recall my update/tweet was like:  I had to decide that AMBITION to me was to be better than Kennedys - not just as good.

I could try to turn this into a philosophical literary compare and contrast composition historical to my old integration of Leon Uris and Ayn Rand entire works, and, try to remember not to forget at least SHOGUN of James Clavell.

It is complicated. 

Too many around the Clintons like Bill Clinton seem still to prefer to try to box me in the years after I helped them become more electable than they were or deserved to be.  It is that I did get involved sounding like Bill Clinton is known to have sounded - it is that I got involved to originally sounding so at least a year before Clintons entered 1992 race as politicians then to attempts to sound like me.

Unlike the Clintons and as per Jack Kennedy - the Clintons unlike me are not Catholic Americans.

It is complicated.

Because the Clintons and Obama have fronted themselves as if to being new Kennedys it behooves all to ask and try to answer if they haven’t so fallen short and for so long because they were not Catholic like Jack Kennedy.

Ok, yes I did read Leon Uris TRINITY, and, yes his last novels relate to my story of having decided that AMBITION to me was to try from early on to be better than the Kennedys.  Yes, Leon Uris’ last novel O’HARA’S CHOICE was specifically of a literary request to him for a new novel so set about the concerns in my life still around an heiress Amanda and quite so as of those neighborhoods then mine about Washington DC near the Marine Barracks.  His REDEMPTION was of those times more of when I was maybe wrong to have helped the Clintons become more electable than I thought they deserved and of a symbiotic relationship with a novelist more than a story line request to return to issues as much for Irish Americans as if a TRINITY SEQUEL.  I should tie down some former IBM top executives from those times I may have lobbied them, however, towards setting up shops in Ireland.

It is complicated.

Take bachelor Irish Kennedy and Dodd so of those years I was myself trying to find a way that wouldn’t have people saying to or of me “oh like a new Jack Kennedy” that though were of the years my oldest sister was about her near ten years, however, staffing or leading in Senator Dodd’s offices — I was so stuck as if tied to such politics that it was I felt it necessary to get to praying/lobbying to see that pal Senators of the bachelor example got married off so that I could feel loyal otherwise than also being to swinging.  Oh, yeh, I got to praying/lobbying to see both of them get to settling down.  I had at least the heiress Amanda and my hopes to be a better than Kennedys Hogan Irish American, however, to still much literally consider.

It is complicated.

Right!  Catholic guilt is an issue for me of the above at least for my part in adjusting generously ahead of schedule some of that of my integration of marketing schemes of my like MadMen ambition as it was of me knowingly to helping the Clintons become more electable than even I thought they deserved.

It is complicated.

Leon Uris’ heiress Amanda didn’t also go to Choate like Jack Kennedy.  Due to the times more too much some of Oliver Cromwell of his TRINITY such actually wasn’t possible in proper time and place.  My concerns as per a real heiress Amanda though do fit with my AMBITION to be better than the Kennedys as it is that she, not I, did go to Choate.  (Hi Amanda! :-))

I couldn’t have gone to Choate myself it seemed without being a Hogan Irish American thought to be following in Kennedy footsteps loyally.  I was of parents and proximity near enough to thoughts of Choate Rosemary Hall if I wanted to apply and try to be admitted to attend.  Though Clintons and F.O.B. types about his Admin tried to secure their insecurity about their advanced degrees from my quite effective influence without such by trying to keep me boxed as if “in construction” it is that I did choose not to apply to Choate when offered the opportunity for such as my High School and because I wanted to find a different path than Kennedys and so one figured as better from earlier on.

It is complicated.  And, yes I was a Villanova University grad with a BA in Economics and an undeclared Philosophy Minor by 1987.  It wasn’t until a year later while in Boston about attending Suffolk University Law School to prove to myself with some more practical education that I was right about not wanting to be a lawyer by career.  It was though of that year more of Boston of 1988 that I did become literally aware and sensitive to a potential to move my MadMen like ambitions as if to being a political thought caboose for the Reagan Revolution forward with a sense of peace keeping around “brats” as wired then with William Bratton as he had to live being well named and of sufficient character to be policing not by race, religion and sex but by concern more community based as per “brats” - “brats on” - seemingly.

It was before I was dating in High School w/o much specific consideration that such gal was a former step daughter of a former New Haven Police Chief Ahearn that I was of my soul searching AMBITION consideration that I would be better to be self directing towards being better than Kennedy as a Hogan Irish American by not applying to Choate as well. 

It is complicated.

My dad and his family as well as later my sister herself was much of political ties with Irish American loyalties to Kennedy politics and their Catholic American example.  I had to work my career AMBITIONS myself around such to be to being better without being to trying to lower the import of Kennedy as of having been earlier.  It is that I was boxable as if “in construction” though of a Villanova BA and my undeclared Philosophy minor while quite well read through at least Leon Uris, Ayn Rand & James Clavell — it is that construction was to me a way to being more Irish American while of an older sister of working for Senator Dodd, at least as per those years such “complications” are relevant.  I was of summer construction as a nail banger as well with others my age whom though actually were related to Kennedy clan, as I recall.

It is complicated.  I could still use some help with my Catholic guilt as from that I know about of my past integrated marketing of my AMBITION to be better than Kennedys - not just as good - as it pertains to the Clintons and them still like of making the same mistakes that are of a point of leverage to such only because some at least me were to having work for special political and security reasons beyond them to such imagery as if they were more electable than they were.

Yes, construction to me was a way to be more a Hogan Irish American with a early set path footed well and maybe better towards at least a future in political marketing that would have been (and was already) topping of that of Kennedy.

It is complicated.

Yes in the late eighties I was to much volunteering in Special Olympic Games organizing and even coaching in speed skating in New Haven Area Games and Connecticut State Games while Timothy Shriver was then much involved before the World Games and his move to Special Olympics International.  I also was volunteering as a most involved New Haven Jaycees member and director while entrepreneurial with JP Hogan Enterprises dba Connecticut S-Corp in Home Improvement Contracting self employment business starting, and, yes as well with time of those years before that of the era I speak of as with a lingering Catholic guilt for having misrepresented the Clintons I was as well with such of time in volunteering at the start up museum and education center such as is the ELI WHITNEY MUSEUM

It is complicated. 

And, yet I may enjoy somehow today these stirred recollections of my past of thinking I would become trapped as a Hogan Irish American swinging bachelor if I didn’t get busy praying/lobbying for Kennedy and Dodd to get settled down - settled in.

Ireland, I have not yet been to your lands proper but in my dreams and my past concerns even for Northern Ireland of Leon Uris and modern days and those days I may have leveraged my free help to IBM with requests specifically for them to help modernize peace as well as more generically about “brats” and “brats on” for Ireland while remembered necessarily firstly as to them so for Time Square and Las Vegas renaissances.

Cheers!  I do now have a new bought in Ireland Irish cap with the familiar Irish industries label inside to sport in a darkershade replacement to the one on my head in Twitter.com/jphoganorg avatar as if a NEWSIE.  Just got it from my oldest nephew as he wrapped up a year of honorable studies there as a year abroad from Holy Cross College. 

I have many stories around some of my caps.  My grandfather Hogan though is the story of a Hogan in Al Capp (Caplan’s) L’il Abner comic.  It was my grandfather Hogan I am also a John Hogan for and of the lore of he as the old childhood pal to Al then when they were about hitching a ride on an ice truck that day Al fell off and lost a leg under a wheel of a closely behind trolley car.

It is complicated.

Yes, I recollected this autobiographically and much without detailing my years of most successful wizardry/musing while able to reflect that Mark Shriver is still a Facebook friend, and Maria a Twitter follower, and, that Mrs. Eunice Shriver did once years ago about maybe 1995 tell her son Tim that I was a better politician (then).  Sargent Shriver at a Special Olympic coaches and event training weekend is as well remembered for having asked his wife to move from blocking my view of the TV then while we were gathered in central Connecticut. 

It is really complicated - My Hogan Irish American story is very complicated.

I didn’t mean to leave out my other sister who also is older and did too like her older sister graduate from Holy Cross College about the time Mark Shriver did.  I guess I could add that she has a brother-in-law whom when himself nearer to college than nows was a driver for Senator Edward Kennedy.

Ireland - I do myself look forward to visiting some day.  It is also complicated since my godmother married into the Cromwell blood line that grew Oliver Cromwell.

But I really don’t know what to say when you get to considering that my New Haven specific history is of relating with the city historian R. Hegel and knowingly so to myself that my story was to being of AMBITION, however, to be better than Kennedy and that it was a pal S. Brennen in about 7th grade responsible with his Irish up as I was preparing to compete in school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech so with his near “ARE YOU READY TO GIVE IT IN ANY SCHOOL IN HAWAII TOO?” that keeps me able to remember just how long I have known of the now more famous B.O. of Hawaii of interest in Presidential oratory.

It is complicated with so many like Hagel and Brennan about whether the late Richard Hegel or my pal an accomplished professional artist and fireman Brennen.

I am four years younger than President Barack Hussein Obama - to the date of August 4.  It is hard to forget an wanna be oratory challenger whom you could distantly spirit as of higher grades and the initials B.O. as while of those years about seventh grade that had my pal and I thinking we wouldn’t think ourselves of running for president with initials “B.O.” of a concern like “body odor” and of what ifs if we made a complete stink of it.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:43 pm

You do not know the Clintons nor President Obama the way that I do.  I have known the Clintons since the early 70s and known of such B.O. from Hawaii four years ahead of me since the late seventies.

There is much to my regularly refreshed ‘he is so wrong on Iraq he can hardly be right about anything’ thought that needed be specifically about tragedies of this week and my history with Barack Obama. 

There is much I can not ever ignore of and from the Clintons of from their plotting years between the early 70s and as predating their assumption of the White House as of them of sharing with me that they had thoughts and plotting to undermining our Constitution as if of plotting to break it but as if appearing to be bending it greatly.  I know the Clintons for having shared that they wanted to disregard our Constitution in order to attempt their ambitions like now long visible towards being the most powerful two people in the world.  I can not ignore that I bore witness in spirit to their plotting and sharing nor that I was surprised that after their assumption of the White House they turned out to be so bold to actually think it wise or practicable to attempt to effect such of their decades of spousal scheming. 

But today of this tragic week it is more to how sad it was for me after having helped the Clintons become more electable than I had meant to towards 1992 that further down the road my original assistance was being misappropriated by them and others in the Democrat Party though original to me and my ambitions and figurings to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution. 

My story of having helped the Clintons in 1992 is too long a story now some told to go into greatly here now, but as it of me of thinking Democrats were desperate as a party and dangerous in a desperation and of a need to be much saved from themselves. 

But I cannot abide President Barack Hussein Obama much for having embraced the Clintons after my efforts to have defeated their 2008 attempts much to his unintended benefit.  I was of a generous thought for him that I should give him a year to show a willingness to clean up his own party before trusting my distrust primarily in a fuller stand against any Democrat too affiliated with the Clintons.  I can be remembered for having encouraged the Republicans to try to position themselves as a party of noes from the earliest moments of such a general GOP response, and, I can be remembered for having asked CNBC to ask one of theirs to broadcast my thought that America could use a new Tea Party.

But for now and for this tragic week it is as much for the problems I have historically much with once just state Senator Barack Obama for his break-out Democrat Party Convention speech.  Many since have read his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and to a possible realization that stylistically the two are quite different.  For me who didn’t intent to watch that convention at that moment and yet turned it on it was a woeful and most annoying moment of thoughts visceral of “he is stealing my lines” and with it of echoes of powers that be of guidance to him to “try to own it - make it your own” and with “put a black face on it”.

If only you knew how such lines were originally meant and intended to work for a greater good as new more civil language much needed when first figured back before the Clintons had yet braved their unexpected late entrance into the 1992 race.

Yes I know that State Senator Barack Obama’s break-out convention speech had him more of my style than his of his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and that the echoes about his oration of lines too much mine were quite viscerally quite annoying as if a theft of intellectual property.  I was years into annoyance along these lines for the Clintons were not authorized after the election for their misappropriate and incomplete usage of such that I had figured to be both to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and then some retweeked in a generosity to be to some saving of the Democrats from themselves.

The Clintons made me witness their spirited considerations to how they could benefit from a weaker interpretation of our Constitution that could come from them bending it so much on its face that it could only maybe be seen as a breaking and intent to undermine such.  Again,  I couldn’t believe they were thinking those things when they those years shared such thoughts and I could even less quite believe that after their assumption to the White House however then quite unearned and lucky that they then were so bold or stupid to actually try to move along with such effectings as they had long dreamed up.

I know that it was most annoying years into so much of this misappropriating and incorrect usage of what was my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM figurings to be as if a caboose to the Reagan Revolution when Howard Dean needed to be told as well to stop stealing my lines and especially while of his misuse of such in speeches to inner city youths supposedly as a message to not steal.

At the time of State Senator Obama’s break-out convention speech I had yet to connect that he from Chicago was that B.O. from Hawaii I had been aware of since I was in the seventh grade and reading to compete in school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration of War Day of Infamy speech.

He is so wrong about Iraq that he really can hardly be right about so much more.  I did feel it was generous to give him a year to show he was willing to clean up his own party to naught.  I do feel it was ridiculous that he so boldly offered a cover-up of the Clintons with “all Bush’s fault” impossible nonsense as such on its face was so preposterous an impossibility that the size of it as a cover-up suggested the size of a guilt really due considered as mostly the Clintons.

It was ridiculous that I had to tell Howard Dean to stop stealing my original lines and as it was that I had to when he was stealing them to give speeches against stealing.  As per the unexpected defeat of the Clintons in the 2008 race you may have the Bush administration and its honoring of my request to officially keep the Clintons from misappropriating anew more inappropriate use of my original works and figurings originally most figured to be for a strong economic recovery then as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.  I was able with the honor and officialdom of the Bush administration keep the Clintons from sounding like their earlier more popular selves as when mostly of having learned to have sounded like me and my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.

The Clintons are not running to be a new hope for America if they unwisely risk an entrance into the 2016 races.  The Clintons are running to continue with their extra-Constitutional plotting to undermine our Constitution to have more essentially global autocratic powers as still the most powerful two people in the world since like 1993.  They are at running to be the most powerful people in the world regardless of our Constitution as if not an inconvenient relic of outdated unpopular useless Law.

I have said most of this in different ways in various pieces on and off of my blog sites for years - this week bring new concerns as we have it seeming commenced that the Clintons are already at least started down the roads of the intra-party warfare towards destabilizing the Obama legacy even while he is still trying to write one to supplant the Clintons’ legacy whatever and however it is yet.

I know more than most or any other how much both sides of such started intra-party warfare has roots but otherwise than would have been if not for me and my old figurings of decades of individual thought to my then afterwards titled so as my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. 

I really would like to know whom it was who boldly was of the echoes of the State Senator Barack Hussein Obama break-out convention speech that annoyed me as theft of intellectual property and to such misuse so that now is more publicly notable as of #Obama as then of a different style remarkably from his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and yet quite of the rhyme and reasoning of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. 

And, yes it is of a woe to me that one who could have been to such a visceral annoyance so so was then later to be so wrong about Iraq as to be so wrong about everything else while oddly of some of an unauthorized use of words mine of a peace that historically better explains how and why both Clintons and this Obama have been quite wrong.

And this week of its tragedies we still have to wonder about the Time Square bomber as one of such family abroad that was of reports of being of dollars from the USA to fight terrorism at home and he supposedly so of reports of having set out to bomb in Time Square to restore his loss of honor to his family by bombing to offer further justification for more USA dollars to keep flowing to his country and his family to prevent terrorism.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:15 am

The Governors are my mascot.  I was publicly educated through the twelfth grade to my graduation from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross High School.  We were/are THE GOVERNORS.


What is too low a standard morally or ethically speaking for a former US Executive to be at without it “charming” while lower than we should expect?  When is a former Executive of our United States exposed to personal suits for having been of conduct unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

What is a TERRORIST?

Whom are our referees for all this that is of an air of our protections secured for JUSTICE more than a willy nilly of our POLITICS?  Where are the flags from our referees however where ever they are for LIES unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

Before I graduated as a GOVERNOR from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross Public High School I already knew of “B.O.” of Hawaii of interests in presidential oratory and as well already knew there was a Sarah Heath of a Bush, Conn & Heath title IX basketball passion in Alaska.  I have cousins related to Connecticut’s second Governor after the Great Independence & Revolution & original Constituting.  While a high schooler if I was to asking someone to pick up my down winter coat I had to ask them to like grab the “Jerry Brown” coat - for it is I had/have a Gerry brown down winter coat.

By 1971 I had picked a good career path for myself that was much in my mind in 1983 while near to HS graduation.  My grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was to mandatory retirement as a top “Mad Man” of his day (show’s era) as the primary account chieftain for the consolidated work for Johnson & Johnson then at Young & Rubicam.  In 1971 I asked him to take me under his wing and teach me to become like him - with an agreement of “but without your vice of smoking.”

I am John Peter Hogan as named “John” of the oldest son of my paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. and oldest son of his oldest son - my dad named more for his father as John W. Hogan Jr. Esq.  I wanted by 1983 to grow up to be like both of my grandfathers as a merger of their uniquenesses as responsible contributing honorable citizens.

Today is also my dad’s 74th birthday.  The “B.O.” of Hawaii I have known since the late seventies of when I was to the middle school school wide East Rock Community School New Haven Public School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY Declaration of War Speech did become known only more recently for having my same birthday of August 4 though I have all along known him to be four years ahead of me.

I did grow up wanting or needing to be ambitious at least because of my family and our neighborhood and its neighbors and legacy.  While growing up Richard Hegel was of hosting of Holiday Parties we were invited to and while he was New Haven’s official Historian.  It was my old classmate Steve who started dating another old friend who lived across the street from another of BO a “Bo” — Steve Brennen is still a professional artist and now as well a Hamden Fireman, last I knew.  Steve Brennen is the old seventh grade pal whom is responsible for he of “Are you ready for the Oratory Contest? and Are you ready as well to compete in any school wide competition with it also in Hawaii?” queriousness with a like Operator for Hawaii broadcast to all whom might want to compete in presidential oratory against me.

I get it is funny that I have known so many characters for so long and while of interests to a career like both of my grandfathers somehow to a touch as an international marketer of the highest ordering.  I am not sure though it is funny that if you change two “e”s to two “a”s you get “Hagel” from “Hegel” and “Brennan” from “Brennen.”

It is still relevant that I have know Bill and Hillary since 1971 or 1972 and for them of days as students not yet engaged to each other and both to walking my neighborhood with wondering and querying about whether they both might be able to become President someday.  They asked me about such and effectively, to make a long story short and while this is more about Governors today, I like said “NO - if you marry each other be careful who goes first in attempt as the 22nd Amendment should keep you if married to each other from both becoming elected.”  I still don’t know how as a near 1st Grader I was to such a comment - but do get that I was wised up enough to realize I should never let myself forget two people who would ask such a question of anyone.

Is Al Gore a WEATHER TERRORIST?  Was Hillary Clinton with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, from near day one, also effectively acting as if a WEATHER TERRORIST?

As our Diplomacy standing rule is like - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERMANENT ENEMIES OR PERMANENT FRIENDS - JUST PERMANENT INTERESTS - Secretary Kerry with “we have now permanent enemies” is maybe more of the “rule” than a practicable reality.

The Clintons were wrong not to proceed against Saddam Hussein in their first term to a full compliance with all United Nations sanctions.  We have that President Bush was wise not to proceed immediately into Baghdad with THE PERSIAN GULF WAR as until the United States of America started saving its own cities like New York City and its Time Square and as well Las Vegas Saddam Hussein had a way to win.  Saddam Hussein had enough cards up his sleeve to turn the world to his side if we had proceeded immediately at him and Baghdad and with sympathetic marketing to ask peoples of his region and the broader world about whether he wasn’t able to better manage Baghdad than Americans were able to manage their own big cities.

Within the first term of the Clintons we were ready to stand up our cities as at least as well run as his and able to defeat his PR advantage and then move at him for a WWII like post world war RECONSTRUCTION with trials like Nuremberg’s but then for him.  In hindsight we can see many troublesome “official” acts by the Clintons different from this and contributive to so many problems that we have had since that were otherwise able to have been checked and addressed better sooner.

John Kerry, Secretary of State, was smart to remark about how well Japan and Germany are after we defeated their earlier constitutednesses and then worked post world war RECONSTRUCTIONS about.  It is remarkable though that his location was a slap at the Clintons of them more like William Blygh or Bov. George Clinton as well as his mention of RECONSTRUCTION good will of at least the Japanese and Germans as proven to not be “permanent enemies.”  Such begets the late query as to how or why the Clintons didn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein for war crimes in a timely manor nor proceed ASAP to a POST WWWIII RECONSTRUCTION for Iraq once we had started our COMMUNITY POLICING & LIVEABLE CITIES INITIATIVES. 

We have our Governors may now want and get their own drones.  We have that President Obama’s foreign policies with Secretary Clinton are suspect and with Mrs. Clinton of acceptance of a “culpability” for her intelligence and leadership failures as per the BENGHAZI FOUR and our 9/11 II. 

If they cannot explain whom is a terrorist as per BENGHAZI acts of war on like a Holy Day for Al Qaeda how can they or we be sure they know a “terrorist” when tasking a “kill” off their “Kill List” by drone(s)?

If we cannot be clear yet about what a “TERRORIST” is or isn’t still - is it because a defiinition of such will tag both Al  Gore and former candidate for President Hillary Clinton of then HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT while Senator Clinton as well as ‘TERRORIST” - but more as WEATHER TERRORISTS?

What is a TERRORIST?


What is “MATERIAL SUPPORT OF TERRORISTS” and how isn’t Bill Clinton’s CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE while so modeled for “support” like Al Qaeda’s purported “banking system” maybe incidentally or accidentally to casual or real “material support of terrorists”?

Who are our referees?  Where are our referees?  Where are the flags for conduct unbecoming a former Executive Branch Officer of The United States of America?  Where are the penalty flags for all the LIES?

Did I tell you already that today is also my dad’s birthday?

Brennen is a friend - he married the Geller friend once a co-tri Governors swim-team captain with myself and another swimmer David.  This female Geller and other swimmer David were the basis for my musing FRIENDS show into existence as bulwark for friends and a guards against foes.  Bo was and is likely still big into pick-up urban B-ball games though a Professor of Marketing now - as I recall. 

Yes we needed to start fixing New York City, Time Square and some Las Vegas before we proceeded to a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and an attempt to run his Baghdad.  Yes we could have and should have moved to a full enforcement of all United Nations sanctions on Iraq within the Administration of the Clintons’ first term and to a RECONSTRUCTION like that for Japan and Germany after the earlier last world war. 

Secretary Kerry as opened up a can of political worms now with such as in his inaugural speech and with it from the University of Virginia.

What is “material support of terrorists”? 


What is a TERRORIST?

How much has it cost us since the Clintons acted official with an infidelity to our own Justice standards abroad for their eight years as regards Iraq and Saddam Hussein?  How can it be right to have these years be to helping Afghani women and girls and not right for President Bush to have tried to help Iraqi women and girls?  How wrong was it for the Clintons’s official “State” speak to have been religiously bases with a bias against Shia peoples and especially the Shia majority of Iraq oppressed and suppressed by Saddam Hussein and as official speech of “Iraqi Shia are not capable of governing themselves”?


Their foreign policy now also in hindsight is horrendous for a religious basis with sectarian bias contrary to our own established Justice and rights.  It is scary that we let them sell PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS while such morally questionable with Middle East region realities quite different. 

It seems we have that Bill Clinton was at least an AMERICAN INFIDEL to our own Justice standards - and that too many are at risk of a guilt by association now as he thinks we and others have permanently forgotten.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:03 am

I accept that some new readers are finding my blogs due to links about Harry Potter - I accept that some are wondering now with “I thought it was about Prince Harry”!  That said:  It still was and is but in the spirit of Mark Twain’s A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT and from another from Connecticut with wizardry a guidance - yet as much for a second son of another Charles maybe never to be a King. 

Yes J.K. Rowling has a sister named Di and I at times thought myself a kept “friend” of Princess Diana since youthful floating of “are you sure you would rather be with an American” well considered before she was Mrs. Charles… - Princess Di.  I will for a long time remember the day of her passing for the unusual happenstance that occurred to me with the Queen in my beingness with a “you are on the Queen’s notify list.”  It was so moving that I walked inside and turned on the TV to try to figure out such a concerning happenstance. 

Yes, my challenge to J.K. Rowling for seven books for seven years of advancing curriculum in magic and such can be said to have been “for” Prince Harry” but not “about” Prince Harry any more than most others - but as one ambitious to be a future top Mad Man (Madison Avenue Marketing Man Wizard) or media ideas person professionally as myself a fan of A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT and also from Connecticut and with a maternal grandfather who had been and “Arthur” and a once top Mad Man himself - to a friendship kept along the lines of being as if a lay wizard to the sons of Princess Di.

But this is about borders and distant states and whom people belong to actually as “citizens” or “subjects.”

Yes we have that the Clintons and their eight years are seeming a vacuous waste - a wasted eight of ambitions and plotting and worse of wants and workings to a hoped for post-Constitutional era with less limited Powers and opportunities to spring surprises contrary to that we once practiced jurisprudently as a Constitution - a Constitutional.

A mass of donkeys full of surprises - even a construct of one big “DONKEY” for Constitutionals surprise and less restraint - we now still may see and hear in time.  Who are they?  Where did they come from?  Are they subjects - are they of distant small cells of non-state actors of ill intents?  Where oh where were the Clintons during their eight?

Are we now of a vacuous waste - a wasted eight of the Clintons eight - not but for the attempts to a post Constitutional new age of laws of person(s) few more than governance of laws?  A Query: THIS DECISION IS THAT LOCAL OFFICERS ARE STILL ALLOWED TO BE “AMERICANS” AND NOT OTHERWISE A SUB CLASS IN AN EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL NEW CLASS SYSTEM?

The Constitution of the United States of America does bar us all from a class system of “titling” and “knighting” and the like.

Is there now obviously a likeness of a great “DONKEY” rolling about to surprise us to a HOPED and WANTED post Constitutional era - a new era of Czars at least as if a titled class above at least local officers, and untouchable?

And the next case as much a TROJAN DONKEY ??? >> ACA - Obamacare not about an economic tending to the forgotten elderly and forgotten youth as other Government programs have been - but a move to be all reaching and to the “of age and able bodied” masses and their freedoms.  A right to help different for each class - economically and socially speaking - judiciously - RIGHT?

This is not about a new THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!! or a THE BRITISH ARE INTOLERABLE and too quartered in our quarters.

We definitely are of a time of concerns about seats of power and distant meddling in local affairs and with a wonder about how - a how can we be here now without the Clintons and their eight a vacuous waste.

And if you were yourself to put in “messianic” into 2012us search pane this trinity you would find?  THE BOOK OF BARACK & … @ http://2012us.jphogan.org/

There is a big diff between how CGI was set up and how it is being run - Mr C. claimed he would not use it to partisan or political powers - and yet really he is and is regularly - most regularly to an irregular especially when of his annual mandatory meeting of world leaders then able to be in town also for the meeting of the over-shadowed so United Nations???

Is the Clintons’ Global Initiative another TROJAN DONKEY - the biggest and most Constitutionally concerning of all the TROJAN DONKEYS?

Yes, I started the link up to J.K. Rowling with a “searching” pre-google for an unknown author willing to write about a characterization of a Pete “Rowe-ling” and his magical posse and for seven books for seven years of advancing curriculum in magic and to seven because after that click of youth did protest my announcement of a planned moving away were of a “but we don’t want you to move away - we have fun when you are around” for those all aka to “Rowe-lings” were then about seven years from likely attending Yale University and its castle like halls if they so chose.  It was to “Rowe-lings” for a protection under Pete Rowe M.D. the late founder and proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic - a grandfather to two of original “Rowe-ling” characterization.

Yes, I found an unknown author remarkably just a few or so days older than myself, as I had hoped when looking for one willing to write about a “Peter Rowe-ling” and as if a second son of a Charles that might never be a King with concerns heartfelt for Di.  Yes as per J.K. Rowling she was then a single mother who with a sister Di and they with their father Peter Rowling already among the passed souls of our world.

Yes, as I worked it out so much of my musing was purposeful most to protecting at least one generation from the Clintons I had already known since the early 70s and as well from concerns that at least a generation might need protections from their works and hopes and wants to a post Constitutional era and days with more flexibility for them and maybe TROJAN DONKEY politicing.

Yes, as per the seven books - which I still have not read and likely won’t until I know a first generation of readers have read more of me and such as above and now known to be real Constitutional concerns once considered maybe too much a fancy or distraction, mine - J.K. Rowling had hoped I would give her as much for the last two books as I had for the first five.  Yes, J.K. is remembered for not liking my instructions that she had to find her way to the last two herself even if it meant more worked than she first expected - for I needed an objectivity and distance that I would only get if she read her audience and fans and figured in a feminine “maternal” way how much she should offer and how much she should avoid offering a disillusioning.

And so still yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and necessary and yet not to cause a peoples movement across the Middle East but so that we didn’t get trapped morally and hypocritically on the wrong side of it - and maybe as Saddam Hussein had considered or hoped he could trap us and as of a thinking that he had a way to keep Kuwait after invading it.  Hmmm?  Yeh a re-election of the Clintons would have been maybe America’s biggest ever mistake too - a return of the Clintons with suggestions that they were wise of a Grand Strategy needing continuity even though there was an actual ‘GRAND’ strategy - and nor a left entrance or exit plan for dealing with Iraq to leave to their successor whom ever - and so no real alternative by the Clintons and only a weak supposition of “bite” by Clintons for sanctions even just for human rights violations.

And so as this was written we are forewarned to look at the Clintons and their eight and all that may be about them as of dangers and of a vacuous waste.  


And please share with your friends - tweet or share or retweet at least to free for all still of compositions at http://citizenrosebud.us

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This has been a blustery Southern New England spring week.  When we started digging into healthcare debate some moons ago a “doctor” “friend” self proclaimed long of the Clintons announced as per healthcare care saving that if the nation could just get back to its People’s average body weight from just before the inauguration of the Clintons we the People could see a Trillion dollars saved nationally in healthcare costs.

We maybe should mandate that all people of the United States of America if to owning or buying a scale for body weight measurement do buy a more practicable scale that while pronouncing body weight will also after individual mandated personal setting be to broadcasting body fat and muscle mass as well as percent of body water content.

If you have been following my Facebook sharing or my tweets you may be aware of my season starting fitness discussions partly about and around my hitting the roads again with my road bike.  Without a smart scale weight loss and fitness training can become disheartening early on - without a smart scale you may not see that when you lose five pounds and then put three back on you have actually been very successful, maybe, for you may have been so to only having lost then 2 Lbs but then you may have lost 5 percentage points off body fat number.

I believe I bought my “Ironman” scale off the shelf in the Alexandria, VA Sports Authority in mid 2000s.  I am not training for a Triathalon that I know of - I did years run a bike a biathalon - when in DC I had gotten back, after decades, to swimming laps in DC pools - I have never really cared for jogging, though.  I have my scale with me now in Connecticut.

Mom made a big meatloaf the other day.  I now live about a mile away from parents and see them so more than I did those ten years living about seven blocks from the Supreme Court on Capitol Hill.  I did for ten years ten to see my parents and immediate family maybe twice a year and only for a day, or two.  Mom also made a large corned beef with cabbage before taking off conveniently before the bluster returned to Southern New England as another traditional spring to Puerto Rico for a week.

The other day I wrote about a “morning after” of early spring trials for independent and individualistic health bolstering with a storying of how after having lost five pounds within Lent I had then had a day of eating a two egg with bacon and cheese breakfast sandwich then maybe a meatloaf sandwich for lunch and then the first batch of Buffalo Wings I have ever made and then as well a 10 inch pizza I made from scratch after the Buffalo Wings.  I wrote and shared this for I was surprised the next morning when ritually to stepping on my smart scale to learn I had a lower fat content than the morning after a high cadence 16 mile ride about in street clothes.

Well mom made a large meatloaf.  Well I live about a mile away.  Well I cannot say that I have lost five pounds right now.  Well, I can say that with my spring start towards a new year of physical activity and sport cycling as expected has put five pounds of muscle mass back on and helped me already burn off the winter fat increase.  I have lost weight but it is that I have clearly because of my smart scale been able to see that what otherwise could show as only a 2-3 Lbs loss it actually progress effected to a measured loss of winter fat such that body fat down at least 3 percent despite the meatloaf.

My government hasn’t been telling me to do this - not even my own state.  I found it a wonderful proposition that Connecticut’s Merritt Parkway may have enough “Park” about it for its length to have the state of Connecticut adjoin a “Bike Parkway” dedicated bike path along side such “parkway” for automobiles.  It is an interesting consideration that but for such option there are few other areas my state might find a continuous less interrupted route to which to install a dedicated bike route that should be good for sport and recreation but also so if so to green commuting and economic stimulation.

We have our Supreme Court which I did near 10 years live just around the corner from by seven blocks now to consecrating our consecrated and long dedicated.  We oddly have that said “liberal” justices are more at risk of a “Political” ruling if to an upholding of The Affordable Care Act.  We still have that Senator Hillary Clinton didn’t push for a local or state covering in New York state while its carpetbagged Senator a thought champion of “social good” about healthcare - no, it was “Politics” not governance, proper, of Sen. Clinton not having pushed-pulled New York state to finding a competitive method to rival and/or match that of Massachusetts that we tend to call “Romneycare”.

No matter how you measure it now these hearings bolstered with my meatloaf eating that is a story of me losing fat are compromised by Senator Clinton’s true story.  We have that because she didn’t work to get New Yorkers all covered locally or at state level we have a simple detractor from “Constitutional” on governance not “Political” grounds with The Affordable Care Act judging.  We have that since Massachusetts so long ago proved a state based solution was possible and at least New York state didn’t try to find competitive solution for New Yorkers “Obamacare” is more “Political” than “governance” - more ideological than established procedure and practice.

I am actually tempted to do a little cross training today - I am actually thinking about breaking out my skateboard and boarding over for another meatloaf sandwich and maybe for while an errand TV turn-on appreciating new weighty audibles from SCOTUS via C-Span.  I may only have a skateboard now because when the DC-Maryland-Virginia Asylum Wake-Skate-Snow stores I had helped design and build out were closing I asked to acquire one to remember so many years so dedicated.  I didn’t build out all of the then eight or nine stores being closed but I did the first few and then when I had available time did some others too, if not otherwise less to more of those custom welding designs and constructs as store improvements.

We do not need our national government in the coverage business.  We shouldn’t have our national government setting priorities for the pool of citizens of the “able bodied” core of our general American spirit.  We could just recommend that weight loss will be easier and less disheartening if you have a smart scale and can see that two pounds in weight loss might be a great success for being of a physicality change of a better lower fat percentage and greater muscle mass.

It was probably better that I had some meatloaf while still in early new year season starting reconditioning even if it means I am a little heavier “by weight” than I might otherwise be while an independent individual not mandated to which ever efforts I am now towards to maximize my preparedness for a new summer in pursuit of happiness, in fitness with much physical activity.

Again, we have that Senator Clinton stands as a conflict to “Political” for “Obamacare” for those years a New Yorker not dedicated to consecrating healthcare for all New Yorkers.  We have still my memory at least of that once viewed via TV “Doctor” “friend” of the Clintons proclaiming nearer 2008 that the People of The United States of America could save a Trillion in healthcare costs if they could just get back to the nation’s measured average weight from before the “governance” of the Clintons and there “executive” “example” commenced.

If you figure the time on my road bike in my apartment as if of the dedicated riding of a spinning class then with such time not measurable as distance over roads may yet for its seriousness have been at times of such constance and dedication that I may have effected enough spinning constantly to have worked as if to a ride 50% further than if I had been on the roads stopping for pedestrians, other cyclists, cars, trucks, buses, and traffic signals so so so regularly as when out biking about.  And so maybe to another meatloaf sandwich today for it seems I have pedaled enough since near the start of Spring to have already ridden over 100 miles.

It is an interesting consideration that besides that the story seems to be that the Clintons caused America to gain so much weight that if we could now just reverse their “example” and “governance” we could see a Trillion dollars savings for our People. 

It is even more interesting considering that because Senator Clinton, at least, didn’t work for New York the way Governor Mitt Romney had worked for said “liberal” Massachusetts, our justices of my old neighbor our Supreme Court are on spoiled grounds quite inseparable from the “Politics” (still) of the Clintons.

It is quite odd that said “liberal” justices are now at greater risk of being to a “Political” ruling if to upholding ACA (Affordable Care Act) than the said “conservative” or “moderate” other members of such bench have been plumped up as if to ruling against as if our Constitutionality to “general Welfare” not relevant. 

We have that a liberal interpretation of the girth of our Preamble and so the Constitution it as a precatory key/legend prefaces has been politically to attempting a scale as if “general Welfare” were actually writ as “General welfare” or “General Welfare” and not as it has long been defended as “general Welfare”. 

Please see my tweets via @jphoganorg and facebook.com/jpeterhogan status updates over timelines for more flavor.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:08 am

There is one thing I took from DREAMS FROM MY FATHER early autobiography of an un-minted lawyer — From President Obama’s early autobiography I was able to discern from his own words that though he was a “community organizer” he didn’t like being a community organizer.

We have that “Obamacare” has near 52% percent of those polled nationally regarding its need to be repealed as a majority against it.  Among Democrats that was reported as about 19%.  Among Republicans it topped 80%.  How it is disapproved of by a more specific subset of Americans - a set of actual taxpayers - is a puzzle though presumably much higher than 52%.

I won’t dwell on law student Barry Obama early autobiography with its import that he didn’t like community organizing if only about community organizing.  President Obama can explain his own negativity there scribed with his own words near:  I’ve got to get out of this place - if only I had power - if only I had real power — I’ve got to get out of here.

It seems that though he is four years my senior to the same B-day in August it may be fitting he wrote an autobiography before me, but come on!  During the same months he must have been writing his life history I was of writing politically and journalistically with political poetry as a form with rhyme, rhythm and reasoning about an international time fit for a new federalism.  I did leave a law school a couple miles from his the spring before he started - and I did withdraw after first year and remain an accepted student then for the next seven years able to return without needing to reapply.  I was wanting to be more entrepreneurial and creative but wanted at least one year of law school to further discipline my thinking and writing, but not more.

The Affordable Care Act that we have a bad habit of simplifying as “Obamacare” is bad for American communities.

We have that among those that pay federal taxes the 52% reported as still thinking “Obamacare” should be repealed are of a much higher percentage when of a poll just of “taxpayers.”  And, with that said we are left to ponder that those that are already paying for the care for those in their communities that have been and still will be providing care are strongly and definitively against “Obamacare.”

It really seems that we may have over 80% of the people currently paying to cover the less well off and their healthcare expenses specifically against The Affordable Care Act attempts to get them to pay for the same social good another way.

There may be no contest by states contesting The Affordable Care Act as per “healthcare” as being of a national market.  That doesn’t mean that if it is embraced as primarily of a national market it won’t do harm to the communities still of neighbors providing care for neighbors and without needing to think a distant Big Government Big Sister/Big Brother needs to meddle - especially as per preventative care.

I stand on my opinion that we are better to consider reforms for healthcare around communities not State and with a new frontier for some areas to a county wide (not Country wide) basis for “coverage.”  I stand now still with my thinking from that first year of publication of Barry Obama’s early autobiography checked after near a year working as a citizen canvasser with ConnPIRG and then CCAG (Connecticut Citizen Action Group) with petitioning door to door evenings through a winter, too, on clearer air standards and healthcare reform.  It was from checking my thinking and public opinion amidst being aware of a neighbor Ted Marmor that I was to my individual conclusion that we should avoid national healthcare and look to fight “spill-over” concerns with community policing revolution and treat county basis not country basis as our best new frontier.

With march and beat of “Obamacare” you will be not to thinking you should thank your neighbor who raised a doctor nor the neighbor raised to be doctor or others besides them in your neighborhood and community at least party to keeping your area a place a child of such after learning international medicinal ways would desire to stay or return.  With “Obamacare” you will be expected to thank your national leadership, primarily, and supremely.

I described my writing from same months that Barry Obama was of his early autobiography as of writing journalistically — that said so for I was more to calling myself a political poet practicing spin doctoring to encourage and maybe embolden professional journalists to a better writing for community and international issues.

It may be easier to consider that The Affordable Care Act is bad for communities if you consider that most of actual taxpayers already paying for the social good of covering costs of medical expenses without healthcare coverage are those that seem a vast non-partisan set of those paying for services already for some reason not wanting to pay for same social good this way.

Costs for healthcare may now be out of control because medicine and healthcare has already been allowed for too long to be too considered of a national market.  We have that the nearer healthcare stays to a community and county basis of neighbors being cared for by neighbors the more reasonable the costs of caring are respective to be.

When I left Suffolk Law School that spring just before the Obama fall commencing at Harvard I was already to saying:  “I want to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution” & “I am more a citizen rosebud than a Citizen Kane” & “I wanted at least a year of law school to help protect me from lawyers and insurance companies.”  The same time of Obama fall commencing I did have a brand new custom ordered Ford F-250 4×4 Pick-up truck ordered through Stoneham Ford and a Villanova classmate from our class of 1987 asking for a ride to Chicago to move him from inner city Philadelphia to the University of Chicago to start his full free ride to PhD in Education.  I did agree - today he is a head of school in Philadelphia area.

I have been against all nationalization of general healthcare coverage at least since 1991-1992.  I was against it while writing suggesting best positioning for business and politicians and journalists for a community and international political correctness, new, for the trying times then of the great recession of the early 90s that as well had us troubled with global warring.

I think it is a very fair interpretation of Barry Obama’s DREAMS OF MY FATHER that he didn’t like community organizing but did like thinking about getting real power and as quickly as he could.  And yet he is celebrated as a former “community organizer” and yet now with programs that seem to be bad for communities, but not his quest for internationalism.

They didn’t have B-corps in Connecticut to my knowledge when I became a sole proprietor of a CT S-Corp doing business as J.P. Hogan Enterprises.  I was of a letterhead meant to be a marketing play on “Carpentry and Remodeling Services” for of my long term primary ambition to be like a “Mad Man” like my maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier had been, and to without having had a degree in such before becoming near the top in such.  The use of “Remodeling” services was always meant to also be to a practical skill to “remodeling” business - & maybe politics or government.  It does seem that it has been our governments that had to change and allow said “B-corps” so that our capitalists could finally be free to legally be as good as they may want to be, fairly within “capitalist” philosophy fit for their community existentialisms.  My paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. was a lifelong Democrat and a member of Knights of Columbus and the inspiration for use of “Remodeling” to be about local or national politics as well.

And now we are to a time of easy internationalism but only maybe so for the hard work of Reagan with his Reagan Revolution and Chief Justice Rehnquist with his Rehnquist Revolution - his work to keep the law and justice professions from the very high legalese Barry Obama had just been trained in at Harvard - his work to bring a new “lay man” language and simpler legalese to United States Jurisprudence and practices. 

It does seem so, yet I haven’t confirmed so, that President Obama was maybe of the last class of Harvard Law School trained and graduated in the old school ways before such started complying with the new better standards of the Rehnquist Revolution to simpler and more accessible legalese.

This said, and again, I feel it important to explain that “community organizer” President Obama with The Affordable Care Act is to a irreversible over-reaching inconsistent with Justice Rehnquist’s Revolution and so as implied with a national program that will be if left to proving it is bad medicine for all of our communities.

I just now found this link:  http://www.concurringopinions.com/archives/2010/07/the-federalism-revolution-did-not-take-place.html — I don’t know how creditable it legally is but it may be a good second step from this column.  Nearer 1989 I did write out my own “Remodeling” services contract to the type of legal atmosphere I thought best - After the official legal changes about the national redu of The Rehnquist Revolution I did not have to change a single word in my contract to be to new “compliance” - I did surprise the lawyer who suggested he should look at it due to such revolution in our jurisprudence for he (dad) was only able to conclude that his son’s contract - the son who had left law school after just a year - had maybe the only existing contract he had seen that didn’t need to be changed.

I have been fighting attempts to nationalize healthcare reforms a long time now,  so long that President Obama was likely maybe hardly through the writing of his early autobiography while I was so and so as well to the international concerns also of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM attempts at needed “remodeling” change.

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