However an alien, where it is you come from is not where Hillary Rodham Clinton comes from! Mrs. Bill Clinton’s #PRECIOUS is not your #HOPE!
You’ve been warned! Consider yourself warned, -now: > #WARNED!!! <
May you find sanctuary in the original principles now thousands of years old to that one is always to be firstly under their God/Lord/Creator before ever then as a subject under a government. America is Constituted in the Paulist espoused to it by the Order that is the constituting that Americans, the People, have their founding documents to this establishment as done, as ordained subscribed in “the Year of our Lord”!
Consider the reputation of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as it should be for the years under the administration of President William Jefferson Clinton:
Consider the background that supports “profiles” of some “players” - if looked to - to then a prima facia likening them, though “Democrats”, more to as if “SITHS” - even if “minions” to a Party “Power” controlling dark “Lord”! It now may be too late to save commoners of New York City.
The five boroughs may be fallen, - too descendant & descending still!
President Clinton could not have sold out Baltimore without the (evil) blessing joined to such by Speaker Pelosi whence. For #HOLLYWOOD F.O.B. seems Clintons & Pelosi flushed blacks of this Maryland city for #RATINGS as seemed they were like doing enough as roped in to help New York City, and Times Square, too Las Vegas, - as so of the inherited after 1992 not created movement of the Democrats.
Baltimore was to its poor blacks, and associated able to be red lined by politics, #FLUSHED by Clintons & Pelosi for F.O.B. of #ART seemed convincing that such metropolis should be a ground zero for selling telling real crime / true crime! It was (a few) Democrats who like are #HAUNTING as mem’d for being party to letting a major metropolitan area suffer so that Liberals #ARTISTS could celebrate crime and criminal culture via #HOMICIDE, & …! Feeling the #WIRED yet?
Yup that’s a rap on the real President Bill Clinton (, and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,) to how while he inherited COMMUNITY POLICING and to COMSTATS progressive politics and policing he did cut out a devilish exception with his seeming acquiescence to that Baltimore could be a major metropolis spared from such improvements for communities.
Are you ready to see them as at least compromised #MINIONS in a #SITH #DARKSIDE extant, - to scandal how the teased can yet be discerned as too like a house of cards in a game of thrones contrary to “We the People…” “Order” constituting original intent?
Are you ready to face the music, the long, say rap sheet, #MUSIC of the #DEMOCRATS of (SITH) Clintons? Isn’t the sheet their to see done charging document now but rationally established to that there are 17 felonious breaches of law already discerned to prosecutable, and that a mere finding of criminal negligence to at least negligent securing of records of a clear possession has a guilt self evident to even most lay news consumers?
Aren’t you hip to that President William Jefferson Clinton is chargeable already with no way out for evidence is overwhelming that he with “HIS” server on “HIS” property was with #HILLARYEMAIL of at least negligence of POSSESSION, - hip, you, yet to PWJC can be indicted and before Mrs. Clinton, if the #JUSTICE of President Barack Hussein Obama could prevail to jurisprudence for a level playing field in politics?
Aren’t you hip to the greatest blocks of money behind, seems, #HILLARY2016 is of the banks and banking F.O.B. as eager to see poor and less learned teased to irresponsible consumerism, again, and to be then as plumped up pickings as #PREY? Have you considered ye may have a Republican #FRIEND - more than a baker dozen of #GOP #FRIENDLIES? Of #THEFORCE like?
You of #BLACKLIVESMATTER: Better joined like of #FRIENDLIES of #DemsAgainstHillary to also of a “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!”?
As she had moments “Pretty In Pink” it is no scoffing soled she descendant now best suited for orange kept.
Her Moby Dick is maybe a White Elephant. Her story a his of “red herrings” discovered to be more real, - haunting.
The many moons of this she have trespassed the hills and valleys of her tracts of history, her vast topography of life.
She caught her “big fish” in law school while more swimmingly of New Haven than a “captain, my captain” sea’d worldly.
The many moons of this she have trespassed many triangulations so to be enough for of a herd of “White Elephants” as richtered.
To be aplomb to the trollops of her many moons any needs to some be to trowel and brush to the archaic yet fossilized to fueling feuds.
A dungeness beckons for more than a conscience of the mortar of her archaic as there “meat” in her crabby as crustaceanous shelled whale.
Her dark side, brick by brick, crabby by crabby, 1st degree to 33rd degree, of “White Elephants” not “red herrings”, isn’t on the level, - on the up and up, - holding together better than as if built on a foundation of shifting sands, - richter proofed for even a small herd of innocent elephants at a civil gait.
The tracts of history are of a vast tracts of lands of plats and plots of others’ sovereigns, however democratic or civil. Through these many moons beset from a “dark side” of blooded mortar on unsound bedded constructs, a slice of her spice is as if of a slice of pizza poise contrary to be learned, but very deceived, - to biased to leaning, and to falling to failed, so set asunder down.
Where are the tipping points to this of these shaken days but of barriers to conscience, to knowing, to truth, to truths? Where there are verticals yet devoid of aplomb how not mere metrics measured in the discordance of herds generated richtered hills and valleys? Any vertical from plumb some bubble by Egyptian “leveled” reads.- constructs not on the level nor plumb.
Her dark side, brick by brick, crabby by crabby, 1st degree to 33rd degree, of “White Elephants” not “red herrings”, isn’t on the level, - on the up and up, - holding together better than as if built on a foundation of shifting sands, - richter proofed for even a small herd of innocent elephants at a civil gait.
Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - for too gutturally yet in her defensive preposterous postured innocent as if but still just pretty in pink of a civil copacetic. The laid in her gestalt of an uber-dame diabolical seemly.
Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - the Lincoln more Lee, the Pickett’s towards Seminary beset due the better lines, due better positions, or for cleaner for destiny’s favor. “Uber-dame” - a “red herring”?
Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - Oh Kipling how not learned of “Mr. Binks” or “Gunga din” to prudent that sewers be municipally kept clear, and to of loyalty! The “White Elephant” more concurrent to the trepidations of Kandahar to Helmand of a vinegar of life to her egged on in angst for a WAR ON WOMEN as a FEMINIST “PUSSY RIOT” diss’d! - Secretary’d the “Hezebad” a “red herring” flooding see’d on the Taliban?
He the blackened so her diss’d “o captain, my captain” betrayals by politik husbandry for “team” but hemmed as of “rivals.” Her white “provincial”?
He the blackened so her diss’d “White Elephant” more a “red herring” to her culpas coyed from by southern enchantings politik husbandry pared?
He the blackened so her diss’d betrayed three ways! Oh the service of barred aid! Oh the server kept apart! Oh the failed to report O millions?
He the blackened so her diss’d of sea’d for meat of dungeness to haunting true crimes beckoning a big fish to dungeons steeled for O orange suitable!
Blackened to charred be the pointed of her descendant caught however doth an enchantment swooned by a southern drawl, - Oh Kipling how not learned of “Mr. Binks” or “Gunga din” to prudent that sewers be municipally kept clear, and to of loyalty! The “White Elephant” more concurrent to the trepidations of Kandahar to Helmand of a vinegar of life to her egged on in angst for a WAR ON WOMEN as a FEMINIST “PUSSY RIOT” diss’d! - Secretary’d the “Hezebad” a “red herring” flooding see’d on the Taliban?
The salt and the pepper the spice of the ebony and ivory the beaten “rival” of the black and white of the diss’n Secretary’d now O orange suitable!
The orbits of history set to be fossilized politik fueling in the moons to come forevermore to discerning the culpas in her “Uber-dame” gestalt complicit!
The ebb and flow of crabby meaty as if dungeness to impress to arrested suited befits effluence damned contrary Mr. Binks’ civil copacetic pointed!
Behooved the polite to recall, for contrast, days of whence when naivete banded of pretty in pink innocence, - the days before O captain’d she!
Behooved the hauntings to befitting a dungeons’ steeled O suited for suitable in orange too break even from pastels shouldered to O Mao chic BUST’D!
Behooved RESOLVED to Constitutionals for the husbandry spousal in the “RIVAL” O betrayed of “Drama Queen” “White Elephants” herd RAP’D!
Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh as civilly set of she a big fish a “Moby Dick” hunted passionately by seekers of TRUTH, representative of a greater People. Her stewed is stirred and quite cooked to beyond a forgiveness set fancy to a southern drawl beguiled cloaked to distractant by fork tongued “SMOKE AND MIRRORS”! Has her’s is falling as never aplomb, or on the level, while quite “BUBBLED” - but, the sound “FOUNDATIONS” standing are near enough ready to steel to her “White Elephant” as never more a “red herring”, as forevermore her ravenous, as kept for the haunts of ravens to quoth at her conscience, as to query a just fashion as befitting orange if not more for a meaty crabby but a stripped to reformatory politics do representative of dark sides fit’n arresting from further damning of prudence, - damning of more prescient Diplomatics by more bottoms up representation!
Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh as civilly set of she a big fish a snared crabby! However biased an UBER-DAME, so never a lone actor at DAMMINGS?
Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh! How fitting she for descendant ways?
Presently the walls are closing in on the coy, on the beguiled, on the swooned enchanting “Southern Belle”, on the spousal in the husbandry of the politik befalling to many, to all, behooved to see past the mirrors and to cut through the smoky. The dark side is there in their here and now, - any can just look beyond the bling,- the shinny distractants baiting to DECEIVED!
Her “Moby Dick” is maybe a “White Elephant.” Her story a his of “red herrings” discovered to be more real, - haunting. How learned must on be to read betwixt lines of SELF DEFENSE? Twained her man re-meld’d ville’d?
Crabby is the dark sides of walls closing in due “meaty” are the bones of the tracts archaic to concurrent of these many moons triangulated & plumbed!
Concurrently past the trespassed times times of moons in betrayal we have a JUDGEMENT DAY cometh! How fitting she for descendant ways?
A dungeness beckons for more than a conscience of the mortar of her archaic as there “meat” in her crabby as crustaceanous shelled whale.
The dark side, brick by brick, crabby by crabby, 1st degree to 33rd degree, of “White Elephants” not “red herrings”, isn’t on the level, - on the up and up, - holding together better than as if built on a foundation of shifting sands, - richter proofed for even a small herd of innocent elephants at a civil gait?
* * * * *
It is so: Hillary Clinton, by not falling on her sword during the Benghazi Select Committee hearing, did commit the greatest betrayal of a President in the entire, however brief, history of these united states of Americas.
We have a ‘HO HO HO” - a “HA HA HA” - and Mrs. Clinton’s “HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH ” laughs!
Jolly, NOT, - the haunting hauntings of Benghazi tragedies! The politics hand played by Mrs. Clinton during related hearing was a sad and desperate, - an of sandbox politik develishness. Mrs. Clinton, so basically, was firstly counterproductive as her attempt at defense did defend Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy primarily by her cad coy but short as play she did the cards to that “IT” must be more President Barack Obama’s fault.
Jolly, NOT, - the haunting hauntings of Benghazi tragedies! The drama is Shakespearean in tragedy with an inappropriate twist: Whom was Bill Clinton with? Why wasn’t Bill Clinton with his spouse in her moment of need of the Benghazi Hearing? Whom is “Energizer”? “Energizer” version I to VII - whom? “Energizer” “X” as a surrogate Mrs. Clinton but for official purposes? “Energizer” “X” the next Mrs. C if Mrs. C really failed?
We have a ‘HO HO HO” - a “HA HA HA” - and Mrs. Clinton’s “HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH ” laughs!
Jolly, NOT, - the haunting hauntings of Benghazi tragedies! The Democrats of the Benghazi Select Committee of the duty of the House of Representatives as the People’s House have a difficult time ahead of them now since Hillary Rodham Clinton didn’t sacrifice herself to protect her President. The Democrats have now somehow to participate with the real original purposed charge of their selection to discern now whom is most culpable, - most guilty, - the guiltier as “Secretary Clinton” or as now left wide open “President Barack Obama?”. The committee cannot rightfully rest until it can specifically rule if Mrs. Clinton is more, or less, GUILTY than President Obama, or yet if somehow, though such defies reason, if they are both equally culpable.
The seriousness of this matter is vast and world wide; The tragedies of Benghazi, however specifically for on a 911 Anniversary, did expose the Obama Administration to charges of gross negligence to maybe negligent homicide. The tragedies of which these are most party to, to culpability, reside in a consciousness unsettled with closure as at issue is the HOW? & WHY? the Obama Administration was so out of position on a 911 Anniversary so that many to most Embassies of his were not backed up, despite the chatter, and official notes.
Diabolical - OH SO! - - - DIABOLICAL OMG!!! Mrs. Clinton, so long thought a lawyer above the “good enough for government work” - as if apropos “normalized” practice - did near disgrace the office of Secretary of State by pleading for compassion with a weak defense as to as if she just represent the mediocre everyone is of, and she then limited by.
Diabolical - OH SO! - - - DIABOLICAL OMG!!! Mrs. Clinton, so long thought a lawyer above the “good enough for government work” - in tries to “normalize” President Obama’s failures related to Benghazi, as exposed by the “caught with pants down” ill preparedness tag, but more vastly world wide in scandalousness, was of a ghastly proposition!
Diabolical - OH SO! - - - DIABOLICAL OMG!!! Mrs. Clinton, so long thought a lawyer above the “good enough for government work” - commenced to a RIDICULOUS! Mrs. Clinton has now added to the charges upon the selected inquisitors on Benghazi the general question, as beyond if more Mrs. Clinton or President Obama culpability, forward as the question pressing: THEN WHAT IS THE TRUTH?
Hillary Rodham Clinton, in her betrayal of President Obama, in her self defense strategized (?), in her opening further the unknown - the question of culpability to if criminality, too - the very “unknown” in WHAT DID THE PRESIDENT KNOW? WHEN DID HE KNOW IT, OR DECIDE IT?
RESOLVED: Hillary Rodham Clinton (acting extra-maritally “alone”?) did betray a President of The United States of America as never has before occurred in the complete volume - the entire mass - the entirety - all of its history! Certainly? Right?
RESOLVED: Hillary Rodham Clinton (not possibly actually as an extra-marital “lone” actor?) did diabolical acts before the Select Committee to investigate the scope and breadth of the Benghazi tragedies, and associated collateral matters!
RESOLVED: Hillary Rodham Clinton (just Mrs. Clinton) did cover her professional backside - but by opening further the question as to how much her “boss” was at least equally complicit in the apparent discovered illegal cover-up, and the associated times of negligence in practices.
The Benghazi Select Committee was successful to uncovering that there was indeed an illegal cover-up, even as yet to if it was from the top down as ordered by the President of yet fitting the selfish of the Clintons and so fitting into the defense posited with Mrs. Clinton hearing postured to the likelihood that she had selfish marital motives, not just extra-marital selfish professional intents. Proofed by the opened of Mrs. Clinton, as Secretary of State defense, is that “ALL BUSH FAULT” is necessarily a lie and that the TRUTH now is to be found per the charge the duty of the Select Committee, the called to investigate not just the Secretary of State, but too: - the gestalt - - - the entirety of the Administration of President Barack Hussein Obama.
Cover-ups are DIABOLICAL for unset government by Law, to seeding, at least, a tyranny of rule by whimsy of man/woman.
Cover-ups are ILLEGAL to IMPEACHABLE basically, yes, for of lying as a baring of false witness practiced imprudently.
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, former First Lady of The United States of America, at least acted in conducts unbecoming a former First Lady. For the “professional” it is abhorrent that any lawyer of high government service did posit a defense in “mediocrity” acceptable for the standard she was only to be held to was/is “good enough for government work!”.
Under the covers of “President William Jefferson Clinton” this self proclaimed (miracle?) “BOGO” “TWO-FER” has long postured an UNTOUCHABLE about Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton by claims for the practice of institutional innocence and honors to be carried for former First Ladies. Their legal ploy is coy in its institutional as to it that Mrs. Clinton must be always firstly due still the “HONOR” and “POMP” fitting the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, because she is a former First Lady.
These are the problems Mrs. Clinton has left the Democrats of the Benghazi Committee special selection to now battle in their partisan and most political. They now must work to rule if President Obama is more guilty than his Secretary(ies) of State! They now must try to handle President Clinton, however also too much just of sandbox politiking, for the TRUTH is now their duty of their charges to resolve the unknown of the diabolical that there ever was a “911 II”!
There must now be a bipartisan in how now must put aside “ALL BUSH FAULT” for the facts uncovered are insisting there be a consideration that “IT” must have been “IT” yet of “IT” but really, and still politically, as at least: “HALF THE CLINTONS FAULT”! - - - In how the “absolute” long the Democrats bulwark has fallen and tags now 1993-2001 deeply of President Clinton, - - - In how due their defense was in an “absolute” their criminal guilt is in the Select Committee, itself, just needing to prove at least merely a 1% lie to establish impeachable cover-up.
Again: See: many sorted treatments as of archived #Cats (categories) of sorted by #BLACKS. It will be, forward, only fair if President Clinton is associated specifically with Mrs. Clinton, as Secretary of State, charges before charges yet befall the criminality Hillary Rodham Clinton, has officially left open to as of a primary or general guilt more to be lashed upon President Barack Hussein Obama, uniquely.
We have a ‘HO HO HO” - a “HA HA HA”! And: Tragically: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s: “HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH”!
It is so: Hillary Clinton, by not falling on her sword during the Benghazi Select Committee hearing, did commit the greatest betrayal of a President in the entire, however brief, history of these united states of Americas.
We have a ‘HO HO HO” - a “HA HA HA” - and Mrs. Clinton’s “HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH HaaAAaaQhH ” laughs!
Bill Clinton has lost control of the Democrat Party to a staying power, homely, of First Lady Michelle Obama.
Perhaps that should be as a question! e.g.: Has Bill Clinton lost control of the Democrat Party? To a black woman?
There are many ways to interpret Tuesday night Democrats Debate in Las Vegas hosted by CNN!
Were there two giants missing from such ‘politics’ - two Power personalities of sway & import? - VP Biden, & First Lady Michelle Obama? Wasn’t that attitude of Mrs. Clinton that President Barack Obama could be over looked? - that the promising of a “I am BACK” Bill Clinton doth trump any President Obama present?
To step easily into such a quagmire let us rock the constitution some: “Hillary” the candidate has problems with the “Federalist Papers” - for now we will limit it just as to real trouble with “Federalist” numbers 1-5. Mrs. Clinton has trouble with Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8, and much with the First Amendment. Mrs. Clinton can not abide the preamble to be read as written with “Order” in it as a noun, - as a noun a synonym for “constitution”! Mrs. Clinton must read the Constitution preamble contrary to have her “interpretation” friendly to her assaults for a “post-Constitution” win; - Mrs. Clinton, right confusing, is while so contrary to reading the preamble as “/in order to/form/a/more perfect/Union/” while the grammar and pathology historical is for it as “/in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/”!
Let us also broach the Article V relativity in Mrs. Clinton’s problem with the preamble established & ordained. Two thirds, as needed, is not antiquated/passe! Two thirds is the Clintons’ Achilles heels.
Personally, first, let me add the Senator Joe Biden has been a me, Hogan, thought of since my sister in her ’80s, & some ’90s, was of the ranks of Senator Chris Dodd’s offices. Also, yet of “Michelle” FLOTUS, let me date to such years to the winter of 1987-88 how it is that I have known M.O. since before she and the President ever knew each other, and, again, that it is that I have known of President Obama since the late ’70’s due an awareness of his interest in Presidential oratory.
“Hillary” the candidate grasped at Senator Bernie Sanders as if her vessel sunken & he was generously offering her a life preserver ring from a USS Sanders. It is hard to judge a “WIN” for debate for Mrs. Clinton for how desperate her grasping at the Senator was as if desperate.
Mrs. Clinton in poise for “Hillary” the campaigner of #Hillary2016 machinations was devoid a natural or becoming sagaciousness. The debate is to be archived for eons and eons to how Mrs. Clinton, beyond “desperate”, was yet set asunder as if of a sunken vessel by posturing for politics in an ignorance of the relativity of the “reset” Constitutionals.
Mrs. Clinton in poised debate stands did collapse the logic of a workable “politics” as if the Constitution was irrelevant! Mrs. Clinton has no general election poise is how postured as if it were inconsequential that her “GOP” “haters” have her, by the plain language of the Constitution, and some restored original intent, as contrary to constituted Order by a simple majority and on many of her postured stands most definitely by the Article V protections in a 2/3rds majority necessary.
“Hillary” the candidate grasp at Senator Bernie Sanders is beggard to: Bill Clinton has lost his power, his mojo, his standing?
Perhaps that should be exclamatory! - - - Perhaps that should have an exclamation for punctuation!
Where First Lady Michelle Obama has been sagacious and warm Mrs. Clinton has reigned in too institutionalized machinations!
I do not know the full history of how the Iran Nuclear Agreement, thanks to Senator Bob Corker (?), became less important to only a majority needed for an agreement of such gravitas that unity was called for Constitutionally to yet the 2/3rds bar. The Clintons can not go forward, much successfully, against the deep field of Republicans for President, as so set against the plain language of the Constitution, and especially much the reset to restored original intent prudence behind the 2010 & 2012 big wins. Young and middle aged, and aged, however employed or retired are not the UNIFORMED VOTERS OF PAST CLINTON MAJORITIES.
So, beyond candidate “Hillary” as debate poised until her desperate grasp at Senator Bernie Sanders, as if Mrs. Clinton knowing she of a sunken vessel, it seems however aged the voters have split from Bill Clinton & Mrs. Clinton as independents and centrist Republicans in unrecoverable ways due the “post-Constitution” reach of the Clintons’ machinations has not begotten them their desired more autocratic powers in a said needed “extra-Constitutional” interpretation. “Bill & Hillary” (whom I have known too, but since the early 1970s, but due they polled me querious to if I as that “charming boy in the school yard” thought they both could become President of the United States of America, each, some day.) (REALLY!!!)…! Right! “Bill & Hillary” need the Constitution to not be the Order “done” as “subscribed” in under God as by in “Year of our Lord”!
America, of these united states, so Ordered, as Constituted, are in an establishment of a freedom of religion by an establishment of separation verticle to as under the Christian Calendar but so that the Federal Government could not be theocratic. The “American” most in the way of the Clintons perverted interpretations is to that before any is under their Government they are as Bible Paul wrote to firstly under God their Creator. The “Conservatives” are not as scary as it seems David Brooks has opined; The Conservatives are maybe more set back to mere state’s power by such reset in original intent, than the Clintons.
America, of these united states, so Ordered, as Constituted, are in an establishment for religious liberty where the citizens are expected to be moral under God before ever governed under their Governments. The “American” is that, as much as it may set Conservatives as much back from a Christian Nationalism, or as much as it does set the Clintons back from further National Socialism, akin to Obamacare as like a revised improved Hillarycare!
This “American” - ours - if for state’s rights of some supremity in religious liberties of it the core Constitutional Ordered that each should have a voluntary extra-nation established morality practiced enough for “community” - and for “community” in such to be based still as fundable by a tithe to such “community” voluntarily adhered to for the Freedom in Posterity for Tranquility & general Welfare is beggard to each for the Constituted “Federal” to abide Union of a basic citizenry need to be of a voluntary morality before under Federalism, - so to not give Powers to a few to justify Power over many because they stopped living for “community”!
Bill Clinton is antiquated! Bill Clinton wasn’t in the room - the hall of the Vegas debate for fear of seem too Mrs. Clinton’s puppeteer!
Bill Clinton idea of what is Constitutional for the hard to define business model of Clintons’ Global Initiatives is specifically contrary to Federalist 1 by Alexander Hamilton, but much more so due Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 and with John Jay as Publius in his important writs against tyrannical power in Federalist 2-5.
First Lady Michelle Obama has to much natural power to abide the Clintons politics much more, forward!
Mrs. Clinton can hardly hold herself up as having been a better First Lady, and to Bill Clinton’s ambitions disappointment to as if having been a better Secretary of State than John Kerry, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and at least also Madeleine Albright.
Most damming to the Bill Clinton for President “Hillary” fidelity as he to firstly to keeping his long ago heard promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his, if she cooperated to he getting his first, is that the Constitution is an Order that the Republicans forward will not compromise by acquiescing to a simple majority where a 2/3rds votage the prudent bar?
Let us consider how wrong we were, - - - and how OCCUPY should have occupied CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES - as much as any where else!
Let us consider that Michael Moore may have confused 911 accidentally, - - - Michael Moore may have grossly erred thinking President Bush seemed of some one able to advise his as too prepared with a supposition that since “W” seemed so prepared he must then have been behind the attacks by Al Qaeda.
Let us consider why after 911 I the Clintons blamed Americans, - - - how journalists seems devoid of sufficient pressed queriousness as to why it was Bill & Hillary, elected as the smartest in America, bounced bucks down with near “blue states said do this, and, red states said do that”?
Now! How much truth is needed in a nations daily business for there to be a “shining city”? How much lying and basis in lies is too little truth to too much dark energy gigs?
The dark days after the attacks of 911 I are not remember enough in a politically correct historical; - - - Too many know only the lies and the spin and have been amiss devoid of deeds at digging for greater understanding of American players.
I do not offer a metric for how much slack President George W. Bush, and his cadre as GOP Establishment, deserve; - - - To you it is vital - vitally important - presently critical that you do consider THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON; - - - To you there is the we - the global we - presently collective us betwixt a REAL CLINTON, &, THE YARN, CLINTONS’!
Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is like of the movie THE DOUBLE; - - - The real Hillary Clinton is like in all the pictures of all the big disasters, and yet no one is asking the right questions as to such coincidences! Mrs. Clinton as New York United States Senator is quite simply tag’d as THE WOMAN IN WORLD OF MOST 911 FAULT, AND, THE AMERICAN POLITICIAN WHOSE CAREER MOST BENEFITED FROM THE CRISIS.
President George W. Bush will have to defend himself !!! President Bush was of elected of a ambition to prepare for prosecuting Saddam Hussein, and to bluffing him to full compliance, but, the attacks of 911 made this more difficult, not less! The Clintons benefited from the attacks politically most; - - - Bush wasn’t ready for Afghanistan, even if he is thought to have been ready for Al Qaeda “justice.” President Bush had 911 attacks complicate his ambition to see Saddam Hussein fully prosecuted.
Behoove ye forevermore to always now firstly forward be keyed to a consideration of Clintons’ culpability, & too motives!
Perk up global citizens! Become more intelligent (than the Clintons want you)! Become questioners of the obvious!
Perk up America - citizens of these united states! Bush didn’t need 911 attacks to fulfill ambition to prosecute Saddam H.!
It can be quite depressing tag’g the Clintons in a fuller more apropos historical; - - - Did the Clintons need Al Qaeda attacks so Mrs. Clinton could have an extreme makeover to overcome the Senate seniority traditions, by as an untouchable as GROUND ZERO SENATOR, and, as to gravitas beyond First Lady pomp & ceremony?
What questions should CNN have ready when Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton presented for Democrats Debate in Vegas?
How sad is it that the Clintons since 1992 campaigns were of running together as if they were the smartest two people in at least the United States of America proper? How sad is it that two so proud and narcissistic did after the Al Qaeda attacks in “holy war” so as “jihad” were so not to be firstly to terror for terror sake but were to acts for JUSTICE even if in terrorizing? How sad is it still that, though elected as promised to be leaders smart enough to make best most intelligent decisions, Bill & Hillary, and their teams of minions, were to blaming United States citizens firstly? how sad the Clintons, thanks to Michael Moore?, have been getting by on ridiculous lies so ridiculous their lies suggest an impossible truth of a “PERFECT CLINTON”?
The simplest explanation, that also rings true, of the Al Qaeda attacks as most benefiting the Clintons, is in the lay of “Jihad” as “HOLY WAR” for “JUSTICE” and so enough to support a tag THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON, - but not exclusively. Al Qaeda to suicide attacks in “Jihad” were then on a mission for JUSTICE, - RIGHT? Al Qaeda so as for “JUSTICE” have their simplest explanation that which times to 1993 and to a deciding that the USA homeland deserved to be attacked because President William J. Clinton had decided that he would NOT prosecute Saddam Hussein, or reconstruct Iraq like Japan & Germany after an earlier world warring as akin to the coalition for the Persian Gulf War.
Right it is very sad and very complicated, as per The Clintons, or just Mrs. Clinton as Richard Gere in THE DOUBLE. Right! President Clinton in 1993 decided since he had Bosnia war left to him he much was like not wanting to have to bother with Iraq and another war, - and for all of his years, - and as he and his wife were so like self casting to be BILL THE DOVE, and to later a CLINTON HAWK in the being planned for HILLARY THE HAWK. (Again: I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s and specifically because they each then as Yale Law coeds wanted to know if they both could have their own presidency some day. This is how I know such as Bill & Hillary.)
In a limited President Bush defense: He ended up bluffing Saddam Hussein into the need for war, yes, but it is more on the Clintons’ surpluses as of $2 Trillion cut, at least far to vastly and quickly, and on the Clintons at least for defense cuts that to prosecute the United Nations sanctions fully when so it was the Military he went to war with was that which the Clintons’ administering had rendered to unprepared for modern times as of lacking in sufficient body armor, and too vehicle armoring. (How much the problems of Bush’s Wars is rooted in Clintons 1993-2001 and to a gross negligence is really too much to detail in this cursory expose as a pre-debate exclamation for a restoration of common sense.)
If I yet am acknowledged for how long I have known such perspective and to how much guidance to making the Clintons electable in 1992 then syncs to how much I did help advise President Bush after Al Qaeda attacks, and shortly, there is a new way to an American President I hadn’t known of. The Speaker of the House surprises have been surprising, - - - I was unaware the House could elect a non-member, even a one like myself a privately sharing poet, +++. It seems I have had waking thoughts in teasing the House should elect me to how if they did the Clintons would have to be indicted, as finally exposed, and too that President Barack H. Obama (, & VP Joseph Biden,) would be due impeachment.
Michael Moore may appreciate how Bush some seemed too ready after Al Qaeda attacks because I had since 1993 been wondering what I heard when I heard of Bill Clinton decision to not prosecute Saddam Hussein, and to the viscerally experienced thought of: IF WE GO THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME.
Michael Moore may, though, be needed now to straighten out a Clinton culpability washed over by FAHRENHEIT 911, and while it is that on September 10, 2001 I was not unprepared but thinking I had to accept that I had been wrong to believe that I was right in preparing. Seems, due the Speaker rules, the HOUSE could elect me to SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE even as such acknowledgement should necessitate an impeachment of President Obama (,& VP Biden) to that then it would be Constitutional, if so honored, that JP Hogan could become SPEAKER and then shortly there after PRESIDENT, and all before November 2016 general elections. I would have to insist for my potential for bipartisanship restoration that if so how so as me as currently as, I believe, a registered Connecticut (I) “independent” though maybe as “unaffiliated” by registration.
There is for the CNN Debate of the field of Democrats, small and limited, by comparison, that Bill and Hillary have earned the doubt and queriousness to forevermore tag’d as per Al Qaeda and Terrorism, generally, of this titled as “BILL’S & HILLARY’S 911S”!
There is far more to this in the categories & searchable archives of - - - far more in #Cats of #BENGHAZI #SYRIA #KERRY #QUEEN #CGI #SUSPECT #IRAN #IRAQ #LONGESTWAR #TREASON #AFGHANISTAN #QUIDPROQUO #CRUSADES #22NDAMENDMENT #ALQAEDA #AUTOBIOD. +++
The Clintons prevent any “SHINING CITY ON A HILL” potential for, as Pope Francis seems of tag’d, Bill Clinton is too a Aaron of golden calf (original [sic] as typed Barabas), - his hyper-consumerism and risky loan “economics” were also of the Clintons having so fattened up the children of these united states that it wasn’t just as in that the Clintons together fosters a diabetic problema, and later attacks, of them of a mea culpas!
Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe enough, - - - But! But then how can he be enough removed from dark energy of the Clintons’ machinations in decades of lies, and also not to in bed with the Obama Administration, of a Clinton #FOB52 at least, for having since inauguration in 2009 having been thence since President Obama hour one as impeachable for lies effected to effecting a greater cover-up of the Clintons, and as 911 II was of such failing and falling to new cover-up(s) efforts so needed?
Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe now even if Michael Moore historically corrects bias of FAHRENHEIT 911!
Vice President Joseph Biden seems not for a moment to have benefited like the Clintons since 911 I to what now is fodder for true journalists freed from the Bill & Hillary seductions? The Clintons did blame Americans, not Senator Biden, after 911 I, - - - Vice President Biden may yet get to be President if only for months leading up to the November 2016 general election?
Bill’s & Hillary’s 911 I&II are of an already admitted culpabIlity and the ridiculous still postured proposition of a “PERFECT CLINTON.” Bill’s & Hillary’s fate seems being corrected from “PERFECT” to “INDICTED” and as it is becoming more preposterous that there could ever have been a Bill Clinton but as too a Barbaras, - not “PERFECT” or suited to any SHINING CITY ON A HILL (metaphor)! Bill’s & Hillary’s fate is that already it is extant that the scandal is of a house of cards of the Clintons as if allowed to be autocratic in a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional game of thrones Power.
Michael Moore, you at least did not figure the how, and why, to the who, when & betwixt of JP Hogan story when biasing 911 I as to all President George W. Bush’s fault. The Clintons post attack behavior does still suggest greater a priori awareness, - premeditated low/base politics in a personal mantra/tao as if their law JDs were licenses to lie.