
December 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:29 pm

Pick up your sense of time and place.

We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.

It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.

In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.

In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.

Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.

We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?

We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.

Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?

To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.

A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.

His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.

Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”

A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.

In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.

Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.

A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.

Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.

A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.

I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.

One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.

The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.

By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.

President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.

Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.

The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.

The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.

To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.

Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.

Harvard, God is not dead!

We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.

Harvard, God is not dead!

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.

E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?

Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.

Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.

What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.

The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.

Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.

It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.

Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.

By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.

Harvard, God is not dead!

Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.

Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.

Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.

Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.

A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.

As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.

Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.

Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!

Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.

Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.

I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.

My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.

Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.

There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.

Harvard, God is not dead!

And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Now, especially, serial students:

A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.

Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.

I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.

Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.

Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?

We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!

The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!

And, of to score in present time:

The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?

By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?

And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?

What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?

Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!

Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?

Harvard? God is not dead?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:49 pm
Whomever may be the chef of your ratatouille – delight and rejoice for that justice may be served.

Whence upon those times the orphaned Oliver dared ask for more, reflecting, apportioning due measures tis best meted elementary.

Worldly wise service is a drum major’s beat.

Today what may appear rude and rough may yet be an “A.I.” written under algorithms barring plagiarism; artificial intelligence, if too must live by the rules, may also be beset to be a bad copycat – of bad copy.

As English tomorrows in Annie’s of the rising sun to days clear – of shadows cast – American Phil’s may bode a longer winter.

Perhaps, still forward, we are best soled to preamble regular with the normative immaculate of Mary; it seems a soulful can be reaped best where souls well sown.

Perhaps, still forward, ladies and gentlemen can walk and talk a constitution orderly.

Perhaps, still forward, what is consummated – of songs of songs? – can mete a copacetic establishment of prudent commandments.

Sans worldly wise service there’s been betrayal.

Grief may be reaping where grievous sowed deep.

Forward, perhaps, drum majors must resound alarming new bodings foretelling discordance.

Quite charming still is that old sworn hostility by Thomas Jefferson to all “tyrannies over the minds of men.”

Rats!!! We’ve becometh an age of a SWAMP full of rats. Packrats of the caucus of Nancy Pelosi have cooked up some things awful – of a political stench – frightfully horrible.

It doth behoove no human to want a seconds – any further discombobulations – any backsliding to the errors of those her political eras – sad repeats of a “first woman…” did render partisan phats now massed as publicly scandalous in how not just the Biden’s wrongfully fattened up.

Rats!!! Can it all be just the stench of a “first woman…” composed?

Grief may be reaping where grievous sowed deep.

Rats!!! She is of the red sauce of Macbeth; Nancy Pelosi is bloodied – blood is on her hands.

Far from charming is of fattened Hunter Biden – that Hunter came up in the eras of Nancy Pelosi with her like a godmother or special aunt?

Constitutionally speaking nothing cooked up by the Bidens – in their scandalous – was by law allowed to be seen as not also of Pelosi’s kitchen.

Delight and rejoice for that justice may be served.

Our founding fathers put forth a spectacle in how conceived a republic not in blasphemy.

By the time our BILL OF RIGHTS became ratified clarity spread about resounding on revolutionary original beats for accord reiterated to more assuredly affirm a living conundrum of that though laws passed in prescribed regular order prudence by the federal government is to be honored as “supreme law of the land” and any understanding must thus too therefore abide such government is so truly limited by it shall not make any law to respectacle/change Lord’s Laws.

What can’t achieve any clarification – as was what Pelosi’s Democrats cooked up for partisan phats – is now to be judged of the fattened Bidens’ murky and rotten gray areas.

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi!!!

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi!!!

Forward, perhaps, drum majors’ beats were for “Crooked Hillary” of a “SWAMP” of nepotism through the 90s of the “Deep State”.

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi; - her “weaponization” of our government has been of real “tyrannies over the minds of men” Jefferson sworn hostility upon.

A fair critical review of all the bad stuff cooked up with Nancy Pelosi’s packrats – with her leadership – would take volumes.

To be brief: Let me be clear:

Many many Democrats are due perp walks.

The haunting beats echo with a stench.

About Pelosi’s wrought – sent – sent forth – due forensics can discern the particulars of and parties to.

For the innocent hopes of Olivers and Annies across our lands the modern Republicans are offering duly measured regularity.

A more woke is with the charming still of Mary’s orderly – written original beats?

As when any nowadays asked “What caused the Civil War?” a first right answer is a questioning “Which U.S. Civil War?”.

Forward perhaps ladies and gentlemen can walk and talk a constitution orderly.

We all now must table and prioritize a dissection of Pelosi’s phat – a thorough breaking down of how she cooked up/reigned over great and vast perversions to our Peoples’ Order our order ordained our Constitution.

How so ever Nancy Pelosi personally cooked up wretched perversions to our constituted prudent regular order, or set forth others with beats towards such:

Hunter Biden didn’t “CLEAN UP” in a political vacuum. The fattening of the HOUSE OF BIDENS could only have proceeded as within the duties the scope of the caucuses leader’s reigning.

Much of the wretched of the earthly missing of the marks, of Mary’s conceived jurisprudence inalienable, and how BIDENOMICS reaping inflation – BIDENFLATION – roots of pathways from Nancy Pelosi’s seeded perversions, and sent forth, with beats coyly insurrectionist, while orders marched to set asunder the constitutional.

Delight and rejoice that justice may be served.

Her wrought in the rear-view mirror of life is deplorable – deeply rebellious – soundingly contrary with particular perversions of constituted prudence.

Worldly wise service is a drum major’s beat.

Now even an artificial intelligence, allowed sufficient data sets, would concur.

Our founding fathers put forth a spectacle in how conceived a republic not in blasphemy.

Forward, importantly, we much purge or shun her harvests of fruits of poisoned trees.

Her’s has not been Mary’s of His way?

Politically we need to stew on what grew from and is still growing of her so so very very contrary.

In of her sent became much wretched:

In of truths can save and refreshen:

In of parity and comity of polity to abide:

See the table! Help prioritize!

However facts to dictate of Hunter’s just partly as enabled by her like a godmother, or special aunt:

She, Nancy Pelosi, has been a partisan witch of many sorts. A snared is growing.

The fall of the HOUSE OF BIDENS is to haunt and haunt as was only made possible by a sponsor an enabler a “first woman…” abuser of the powers of her highest office – with dereliction upon her EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE duties, for starters.

An inconvenient truth is that her perverted interpretations of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE are in the public records – archived as sent forth.

Though written is the prudence on pecuniary and foreign relations is of Congress must approve all emoluments “whatever” – she’s been – Nancy Pelosi has been - oh very contrary to His – our Lord Creator’s - by biased perversions to phat okay for D’s – but “illegal” if of for R’s.

Rats!!! We’ve becometh an age of a SWAMP full of rats.

Proper measures otherwise stay a bulwark of democracy of by our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by limited the Federal Government from theocracy – from playing God – from divine right of monarchs we are constituted Biblical as under our Lord Creator before under especially was the missing of the marks of the perpetuated false reading of originalism, and textualism still revolutionary – quite a supreme woke – superior WOKISM.

The WEAPONIZATION of our Government has been of real “tyrannies over the minds of men” Jefferson sworn hostility upon.

For the trash heaps of history:


Truths are to haunt for it is a “First Woman Speaker” was whom cooked up the sent out!

What happened, also contrary, in the HOUSE OF BIDENS did also happen in SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI’S kitchen!


For the Clintons the rules were mothballed in enabling of “post-Constitution”!

For the Obama Administration a partisan divisiveness became standard!

For the Trump term she cooked up old mothballed for the Clintons phat reaping a potpourri of contrariness to that laws long said no longer laws were reprocessed and reprocessed to concocted case loads versus Donald Trump by layering and layering unbecoming misinterpretations and perversions of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, for starters.

For Nancy Pelosi it is convicting; – Hunter Biden’s must now be tabled with discussant parity to laws reversed once defended Clintons as then becameth weaponized, as served toxic, politically, of proofed hoaxes at the expense of Donald Trump, for the real originalism and textualism of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, as with “no titles” spirited and written, imports that family of agents of our republic offices are also necessary and essential suspects – are whom too much there be full and regular knowing oversight.


Joe Biden should have known – down to every penny “whatever” - and, too should at least the FIRST WOMAN SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!!!

Hunter’s business was the Peoples’ – the taxpayers, at least – business!!! Whatever!!!

Hunter’s is now more like Bill Clinton’s unredacted - far from FAIRY TALE, and much ado shades of gray!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:27 pm

    In this year two thousand twenty and three we have reached the 75th anniversary of “THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS”.
    What, today, is the state of religious freedom, here, and abroad?
    How is it compatible with originalism upon our constitution?
    The other day I was a visitor seated in the House of Representative Gallery as a resolution was discussed and passed towards restricting Representative Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and as well for the passage of resolution H.R. Res. 9 offering the full House an opportunity to condemn the past horrors of socialism/socialists.
    The days before I attended the “International Religious Freedom Summit”- #IRFSummit2023.
    Representative Ilhan Omar history may too be in conflict on human dignity core of “The International Declaration of Human Rights”.
    To reach a consensus on the complexity of these discussions we are wise to consider what history relates and if there amidst such isn’t a biased incorrect partisan spin that also compromises committee assignments.
    Representative Omar is not firstly a woman of color, nor a Muslim.  This Minneapolis politician is principally a Democrat.  As a Democrat party operative her history can objectively be reconsidered upon where there are contradictions in her known biases, and even where such essentially admits into discussion/evidence past cover-ups for leaders of her party.
    Protecting human dignity, and also religious freedom of each individual, how issues relate, is a global goal.  These times have nationalisms and imperialisms rising as at least existential threats to what was written and agreed upon of the United Nations General Assembly 75 years ago.
    Let us not forget how clever the founding fathers were, especially James Madison, in the establishment of the Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution for uniting states.  Human dignity is in originalism much by that there is no right in this ordered liberty established “Order” for any to violate the 10 COMMANDMENTS.  Though Thomas Jefferson opined the nation was not constituted as a Christian nation he yet did not write it – it of it was subscribed “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.
    James Madison protected human dignity cleverly as well, shall we consider, to it of the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights generally, is redundant to the body of the Peoples’ “Order” established ordained a constitution.  To any understanding “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” the originalism of the constituted is that each is firstly of their rights from their Creator.
    The religious freedom constituted is not of the Nation is ordered as Christian, but yet is of the nation is a republic that secures each their rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws, and as vitally secured to be firstly particularly for neighbor amongst neighbor common neighborly considerations/jurisdictions.
    The constitution respects that each is under God before under government, and secures protections from tyranny for the people for which it orders liberty.  The real separation of church and states is not a “wall of separation” as Thomas Jefferson emphasized but the vertical separation written in by James Madison to the Government is also under God – not to be theocratic – not to play God – not even to say there is no God.
    In 1941 we can argue the interpretation of “wall of separation” was tweaked to legally attempt to legalize SOCIALISM – towards there could be a secular equal standing for Franklin D. Roosevelt to stand up a “NEW DEAL” phat with social programs.  Human dignity is firstly protected by originalism to such would be contrary to the constituted “Order” by to an otherwise stood up to as if citizens are more firstly just subjects and more to be presumed guilty – needing a NANNY STATE – and not innocent under God existentially.
    With originalism read of a vertical separation the redundant in the Bill of Rights rightly reads of a snarky grammar.  Any of an understanding that the American Revolution was fought for individual rights in the vein of each of rights from their Creator – of “a free state” as a human condition of LIBERTY in religious freedom – each by how united PLURIBUS is an individual an UNUM of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 COMMANDMENT against them, and of too such is of First and Second Amendments distinctively of rights versus their own government.

    The government is of and by the People in the spirit of that the American Revolution was just and legal, and existentially each is constituted as a child of the Lord presumed to be innocent, and also able to be redeemed, even daily.
    Religious freedom is protected by ordered liberty to there regular order for due process and civil procedures for if and when Lord’s Laws broken/break down yet secular by rights to trials put to judgement by one’s peers.
    It can be complicated to understand how each is allowed and even expected to consider DEMOCRACY to be firstly that of existential liberty in individual spiritual responsibilities to be in communities, self-selected, and self-governing in Lord’s Laws.  Our constituted Peoples’ “Order” is brief and can be due it, as written, is public morals dependent.
     None is divisible from “under God”!  In the days of the era of the founding such an idea would have amounted to blasphemy; citizens are constituted as indivisible from their Creator.
     Whereas “HUMAN DIGNITY” and “HUMAN RIGHTS” are to be understood with “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” there the puzzling of scope and breadth of “child of God” due with each can be redeemed and forgiven daily there a vast PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE for encounters with others, even travelers strangers; each essentially has no right to prejudge another as not a child of the Lord Creator – God.
     Though not every human being may be an individual consciously of the Kingdom of the Lord there is to be no prejudicing upon each from of a right to be considered still reachable.
     The “UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS” does articulate for equal justice to there to be a presumption of innocent if and when a person becomes charged of a crime.
     Representative Ilhan Omar has a party problem!
     If antisemitic remarks are affected such effectively contradicts George Washington letter to the Jews of Newport guidance spelling out a high moral standard for the much established existentially Christian to that each of the United States should consider it yet un-Christian if of bigotry.  Originalism allows each individual to self-govern in Judeo-Christian establishments/scriptures/Lord’s Laws.
     The 118th Congress rising story is for more than an existential revival called up!
     The constituted Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is of the Union is formed “more perfect” by structurally the people are sovereign and there is no divine right of monarchs; the PREAMBLE sets out “in/Order/to form” not as a future tense “in order to” then of “form” tweaked to modify “more perfect” out of present tense of a “done” humbly “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”.
     The CONSTITUTION is not as Democrats for over a hundred years have worked interpretive perversions to common sense in originalism; the Peoples’ “Order” is not of “in order to” in a future tense to an executive has a loophole to dictate in a tyranny with any idea they personally think is “more perfect” for the Union.
     At just 75 years old the declaration at the General Assembly of the UNITED NATIONS is still wanting compared to the articulated structures of the ordered liberty in originalism – in the CONSTITUTION still standing of the USA.
     The party problems of House Democrats is now that parity for polity to comity can much only come about by discussing the mistakes made by Democrat Party elected leaders at least since 1992.
     Before the barring from Foreign Affairs duty is an issue of race or sex it is partisan needing litigating – OBJECTIVISM ON HISTORICAL DETAILS – as Representative Ilhan Omar too should responsibly demonstrate a working understanding, before speaking to HOUSE purse strings requests, of which problems in past decades were actually fundamentally and particularly caused by Democrats.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong…?
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton compromised near every executive decision with a nepotism priority to check and bias towards each of his decisions had to keep his promise to his spouse that he would help her get her own named presidency – if and after she helped him get own.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton 90s was of era of AMERICAN ABANDONMENT in Iraq and Afghanistan, while Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, had feminism crusading in Middle East that yet incited and precipitated what became the attacks of September 11, 2001.  And while times of issues of Muslims were simmering and so stoked by a moral bankruptcy of the politics of the Clintons the history is while issues grew past simmering the Clintons yet vastly unfunded DEFENSE and INTELLIGENCE agencies, and worked for a “wall of separation” (bureaucratic) between FBI INVESTIGATIONS and ENFORCEMENT divisions.
     WHEREAS:  John Kerry & John Murtha undermined the war plans of IRAQ WAR from near day one of boots on the ground in country in Iraq towards the Iraqi were given a palpable fear that AMERICANS would just CUT & RUN and leave them again, like in the 90s, at the mercy of tyrant Saddam Hussein.  President Bush plan may still have been inadequate and how the war was sold, but without the Iraq War Americans would generally have been trapped, in the minds of Muslims youths at least, as on the wrong side of the ARAB SPRING era.  Revolutions by Irani would, seems, not be against their own government as likely still Americans to have been seen to much as a common ENEMY, to Iran Leaders and citizens, though USA is a nation constituted for religious freedom for all.
     WHEREAS:  Hillary Clinton was also party to smearing the work of the first blacks to be a Secretary of State but indivisible more deplorable for such of selfish fraud by lies evidenced in nature of partisan ploys of what Democrats smeared once of the first black Secretaries was then otherwise effected as if original by Secretary Clinton and to posturing of it affected by her to be pure genius, like, though much stolen plays like how much Hillary Clinton copied Richard M. Nixon foreign policy.
     There are some closet SOCIALIST it seems in the 118th Congress while generally a new McCarthyism is not needed due near 100 DEMOCRATS have voted apparently to be admittedly SOCIALISTS.
     Where nations now imperial and of new nationalism with expansionist efforts we have violations of the INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
     As we ponder Taiwan mustn’t we conclude near to that if CCP - CHINA - were to lay siege to such nation the world should firstly discern and tag the Chinese as expansionist of imperialism that represents more than an existential threat to religious liberty the world wide?
     The constituted of these united states of the Americas stays originally true to that each is of rights from their Lord Creator, and is firstly under God before under any government, and structurally so of an ordered liberty respecting Judeo-Christian scriptures/establishments of religion, but in “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” for a republic of each of individual rights to be in DEMOCRACY of locally self-governing in RELIGIOSNESS.
     Americans are more protected as each a “child of God” then regularly discussed.
     The party problem of FOREIGN AFFAIRS for Representative Ilhan Omar is far more populated within her caucus as now evidence by those voted to be admitted SOCIALISTS, – and thus therefore anti-Constitution.
     This all cannot be whitewashed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. coyly claiming CAPITALISM CAN BENEFIT FROM COMPETITION to suggest SOCIALISM, while contrary to originalism, is postured as yet okay by being at least his “competition” to CAPITALISM.
     There are distinctions to be kept between “religious” and “religion” as per freedom!
     A “religious freedom” is usually firstly that of interacting and synthesizing with a community – amongst neighbors.  A traveler yet to being a stranger in a strange land more firstly is of “religion” “freedom” of to be welcomed in a presumption of innocence with a peaceable modal prioritized.
     Consider beyond how if Taiwan is seized China can be broad brushed as a global threat to religious freedom, and as the numbers are there near as many of Islam in the world as Chinese under the CCP, and too near as many Catholics in world also to feel more than existentially threatened.
     Irani demonstrators have current events, in an objectivism, raising conundrums of it seems China should be seen as a greater threat to Iran than Americans of religious liberty originalism, - of seems due Saddam Hussein did get prosecuted Americans can be seen as brethren for human dignity for all – to a much young population in such nation.
     Originalism is bolstered by Alexander Hamilton as “PUBLIUS” in #1 of “THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” by the constitution is said to be for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” to that SOCIALISM of today is much set as illegal/unconstitutional in the Peoples’ “Order” that secures each individual a status of rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws.
     The “BILL OF RIGHTS” is in a snarky grammar that really, as understood of snark, does greatly limit the powers to be allowed the federal government.  As Congress to make now law to change/respectacle of in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction near every issue in scripture is yet preserved to be for governance as democracy yet in the local and state powers closer to interactive communities.
     The CONSTITUTION is conceived and subscribed done as a Peoples’ “Order” that respects the people declared a revolution was just and legal, and as for “a free state” as a high moral standard to each of a human condition of LIBERTY in RELIGIUOS FREEDOM – are of rights from their Creator.
     There is no right in such for any to be prejudiced – prejudging any as not of the Kingdom of the Lord – while the moral standard to it un-Christian if bigoted – while the “LORD” is recognized as that same “LORD” at least of JEWS, CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS.
     Perhaps the party in the minority, the caucus of Representative Omar, is willing now to fully table for open discussions all the issues around how the CCP have cut up the 10 COMMANDMENTS for quotes of “Xi”?  And too the collateral reframing to now Chinese are a global minority measured against persons of faiths – all current and future religiously free persons?
      Jews, Christians, Islamic all, at least, respect these 10 of Lord’s Laws.
     Under United States constituted ordered liberty each yet is allowed to be even born again daily – of a tolerance and even forgiveness to change their status often.
     Antisemitism sets asunder this basic liberty – religious freedom at its core!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:32 pm

       American first principles of these united states of the Americas ordered liberty for frontier pilgrims; these The United States of America have a constitution a peoples’ Order where one is of democracy with how they self-govern in Lord’s Laws.
       Where with W.E.F. - Washington Emoluments Fraud – there is prescribed civic duty for solidarity versus as Thomas Jefferson wrote “tyrannies over the minds of men”.
       Ethics are to be the walked and talked of citizenry; dishonor and conduct unbecoming are to be of public notice – posts broadly available.
       Our Peoples’ “Order” in Posterity is an Order ordained a constitution “done” in “Year of our Lord” gives cover to “global citizen” - but as still under religious liberty and a deep dependence for our systems of governance, so ordered, in the public morals of the populace. Our writs of government are public morals dependent.
       None is separated from the Kingdom of the Lord.
Our separation of church and state is vertical to that the Federal Government is sans any divine right of monarchs and is fundamentally set to also under our Lord – Creator – Lord’s Laws.
       Each is constituted a global citizen, yes, but as children of God unums of under their Lord before under government.
       By how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator.
       Frontier pilgrims are to stay protected from taxation without representation by the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and especially particularly it written of none to be titled; each is to be able to be a traveler a pioneer a pilgrim to self-govern firstly in Lord’s Laws.
       Our modern pledge of allegiance places “indivisible” to modify “under God” to that in each iteration of allegiance a person is accepting and attesting of themselves and others that by our ordered liberty of our established constituted Peoples’ “Order” we are of a union where we are indivisible from being a child of the Lord – a universal citizen.
       Nationalism is of secured checks and balances for a populace effected when Lords’ Laws broke down - seemed to malfunction – broken; our nationalism is ascribed to principles of limited government.
       Washington emoluments are to be policed by Congress in principles of ethics and accountability to value “whatever”!  Each Congress has a duty to approve any emoluments “whatever”!  Emoluments are not presumed to be criminal.
       Washington emoluments frauds are to be prosecuted.  Apparently, Washington emoluments can be of actionable wrongdoing even to a penny in value!  A corrupt soul can be too great a civic risk by crossed the line at all.
       There can be no other “global citizenry” constitutionally than that each is a child of the Lord – and of rights from their Creator – of the Light of the Word of in a joy of Truths. Nationalism much can be a fallacy; nationalism can be fallacious for ordering liberty has more facility in the local of community and the universal - the all-ness.
       No President of this Union of states has the authority to suborn, or/and subjugate citizens under another government.  Alexander Hamilton in article 1 of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS explains our ordered liberty is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” as of limiting principle.
       Washington emoluments frauds - W.E.F. - must be discovered, dissected, exposed!
       A kingpin corruptor now is necessarily present in machinations political since 1993.
       A Washington “swamp” dragged net now seems populated of smaller fish yet of schooled with this a BIG FISH to headline of too crossed the fine lines for protections from tyranny such are of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE.
       William Jefferson Clinton – Bill Clinton born William Blythe III - is for Posterity taggable as such a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       Washington emoluments frauds forward need to be measured against all the perversions of the constituted Peoples “Order” our CONSTITUTION with the Clintons’ “post-Constitution” machinations.
       Global economics have been perverted and corrupted by this “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       Whom did he associate with?  When did such know of his anti-Constitution ploys for authoritarian power contrary to limits of especially the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE of none to be “titled”?
       How can present news of dishonorable behavior by Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as of conduct unbecoming be too as associated to how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” tried to change the rules on emoluments at least for he and his spouse?    Was Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. a bad actor but a sad copycat? Is our current President yet associated with the “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” back to 1993?
       Is there any global economics not set asunder by having by some to much corrupted by the worked perversions to the Peoples’ written protections from tyrannies over citizens?
       How much did President Biden know and at which moment did he become too jealous?
       We need a solidarity of the children of the Lord across this planet as global economics have become slaved to corrupt influences/influencers; Global citizens of these inalienable universal rights must connect for a reset to ethical standards as seems by an overdue policing of a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       How much did Vice President Biden know and at which moment should he have pounded 77 or 911 in a civic & civil service duty?
       Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder!
       Too much was perverted in the name of the Clintons!
       More was perverted in the name of the Clintons than a Biden can compete with in Posterity!
       President Biden cannot be to a BUILD BACK BETTER accolade if building blocks with small r republic baby steps are not a cornerstone to a facility of understanding; as a builder what he is building must be, like brick by brick, comparable to what were structural before.
       American first principles did not allow a former President - however also a term-limited executive - to do what the Clintons effected even just through the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES aka THE CLINTON FOUNDATION; our principles of Union do not allow a president to be titled even after office – to thus act as if an authoritarian – to carry on as if able to fund and organize to globally hold court.
       As our standard is “whatever” that President Biden crossed the line is more importantly now of the when – not a by how much or how or why.
       Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder until these particulars are rectified upon.
       Washington emoluments frauds are a greatest of threats to our civil liberties – our freedom secured for democracy in principle to be firstly as each a child of the Lord expected to self-govern in ethics within a community basis.
       He born William Blythe III has been of mutinies on his bounties?  Barack Hussein Obama, a man said of 1 speech, was able to undermine their expected inevitable.  Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. likewise succeeded to a presidency supposed to have been prescribed by perversions as inevitably to be for Mrs. Clinton to call her own.
       William Jefferson Clinton is for Posterity a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       What was done in an END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS collusion around the also NEPOTISM worked to effect a thought suffice of collaborations to seat Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - to an own named presidency is now defeated.
       Yet?  Washington emoluments frauds snare President Biden in a swamp dragged net with it all.
       President Biden is no President Clinton!  President Biden Justice Department must make that clear.
       Our nation has been in the wrong direction with and since the Clintons changed the retirement package conditions for former Presidents.  Mustn’t we now the world over admit such was too great a perversion of American - the United States of America – principles, and protections from tyranny?
       The devilish haunts in the details of how newly valued former President Clinton got to be to as if worth more per day than even President Obama was, by the same government, valued per year years later.
       Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
       The systematic perversion of our EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and more generally our founding principles is of that President Clinton got so much taxpayers’ monies after office to that it seems enough to have felt promoted from President of the United States to the first President of the World.
       Frauds have been perpetuated over the history of our Union of states - its years of ordered liberty by a Peoples’ Order an order ordained a constitution.  Yet it seems President Biden cannot ever, however also criminal by crossed a fine line, compare to how now for three decades Americans have been in a wrong direction by being in step with President Clinton machinations.
       President Obama, due was a first Harvard Law Review President and later a Constitutional Law professor, should welcome, albeit such to risk self-incrimination, joining discussions on each particular that corrupted worldwide economics foundations too while being firstly of the machinations of the Clintons, point by point, to have fraudulently been allowed to call EMOLUMENT more as if just CHARITY not policed and to be able to themselves live and breath more as if authoritarians yet titled and funded by taxpayers.
       Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
       Since the end of the 2nd term of the Clintons their success at having changed the system to have had President Clinton collect more from taxpayers than all past Presidents combined has corrupted maybe all succeeded to President since, and especially market elements of global/world economics foundations.
       Washington emoluments frauds were normal for Democrats of Democrats with the reign of Nancy Patricia Pelosi, in representation of California, and as Speaker of the House.
       Speaker Pelosi was publicly so biased for EMOLUMENTS abuse in her party she allowed the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE duties to be only apparently applied to REPUBLICANS.
       Versus REPUBLICANS we were witness to The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi offering versus Donald John Trump, Sr. while President a biased perverted interpretation to as if the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE did not say “without the consent of Congress”!  Speaker Pelosi is snared in the swamp dragged net!  Speaker Pelosi was for decades of the dereliction of duty to have applied the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE fully upon the Clintons!
       Now how we measure Washington emoluments frauds is involved in measuring President Biden, even upon CLASSIFIED documents when Vice President; the Bidens as bad actors for Posterity seem yet of jealousy upon the vast sums the Clintons managed contrary to our written protections.
       The world over we must discover who are globally ignorant at least of such violations!
       The worldwide economic foundations are still set asunder by how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” held court and expected and collected commitments emoluments while reign of Nancy P. Pelosi looked the other way to let a cloaking occur of abuse of authority of office of conduct unbecoming as if could be just CHARITY while yet the means and methods for a term-limited President to not let go of power.

       Washington emoluments frauds are now essential blocks in what President Biden built, and builds?
       To judge President Biden we must consider each building block and if and how trued to our indivisible unity as to be righteous children of the Lord? We must universally judge, with a common metric, the how and the what of that said being “built” “better”?
       Our first principles are of and in a prudence that our President is beholden to keeping to small r republic baby steps!

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BRIBERY - 2023?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:27 am
On January 1, 2024, when you look back on this now the new year 2023, will you be able to define or understand the standards - legal standards - for politicians on bribery - of the Emoluments Clause - of originalism?
2022 closes out now with standards more the issues of the 118th Congress Judiciary Committee than what investigations otherwise should be specifically targeted individual Democrat by individual Democrat.
We as a People can only see bipartisanship return if we can unify on what are at least the original standards as now corporate lawyers much to be near malpractice wherever they might forget to advice employees that the Constitution originalism is the actual law of the land our politicians and civil servants are to be dedicated to in their work.
Corporate lawyers’ guidance must forward advise company that the Supreme Court 6-3 majority establishes that originalism is what the “law” in the constituted of, and that which company policies should be compliant to. 
Our Peoples “Order” “to form” our “Union” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” lives as the structured established and ordained for limited government with many protections from tyranny.
Bipartisanship can only be effected where standards can be understood and agreed upon.  The Supreme Court docket for 2023 is expected to include ruling on defining bribery.  Our new 118th Congress should get ahead of such case load to do duty to legislate from Congress - to avert legislating from the bench.  2023 must be organized to be effectively to defining what are emoluments and what constitutes bribery.
Under the reign of Speaker Pelosi a convenient ceiling was set of a suspension of the constituted protections and prudence to allow a vast and deep bias for Democrats.  Democrats suspended the Constitution to at least protect with cover-ups the Clintons, and with regards to their ploys and chicanery of anti-Constitution “post-Constitution” machinations.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
The Clintons since taking office in 1993 have made themselves the example of how not to set the example.
There is nowhere now to go but public & thoroughly upon, for starters, the bent of prudent was of the Clintons’ deeply also always selfishly of the old, since law schooled coeds in New Haven, collaborations to become a first husband and wife to get their owned named presidencies.  There is deep and broad work to be done across decades of how for starters the Clintons put selfish gains ahead of governing to be of the people and right for the times.  The model the Clintons’ example endures as is of they firstly tried to make the times fit their selfish ambitions.
The world has suffered as Nancy Pelosi persisted in being derelict of the duties of Congress per the Emoluments Clause and for a partisan bias that allowed the Clintons to bend and bend and break the protections from tyranny that are of vast importance of regulating on emoluments, and collusion “whatever” the benefit.
Fellow Americans, please encourage and enable the new 118th Congress to thoroughly do the work needed to reassert & reaffirm where our protections from tyranny break down as bribery and collusion may trump policing emoluments and idea of the Union as “more perfect” due sans autocracy - is as of there to be “no titles” and each penny to be audited where foreign entanglements can amount to collusion.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
What may or may not now appear as interesting with the release of tax documents of Donald J. Trump, Sr related affairs must soon pale in comparison to the vast shenanigans our Congress near had partisan sanctioning of - allowance in spirit - wrongly to allow the chicanery of the Clintons - at least particular to matters of the global initiatives of a term limited former President posturing as if an autocrat and of holding court where emoluments expected but for then were hushed up as if just now “charity” while empowerment in gratuities from foreign agents.
Consider after President Obama had the Benghazi disaster in Libya of determined, in essence, that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to have any hot spot US Embassy backed up for a 9/11 anniversary September 11th.  In consideration now also think about how investigations got slow walked the vibe from Secretary Hillary too near to concern that Bill couldn’t be cleared due “emoluments” however called “charity” as maybe indirectly yet being of material support of terrorism.  As Obama’s Secretary of State the “Hillary” State Department was corrupted by at least Mrs. Clinton held the oversight responsibility upon if Bill Clinton’s global meddling, called “initiative” generally, were yet even negligently incidentally to material support of terrorism.
Are you one already aware of the history of the “Clinton Global Initiatives” founding of Bill Clinton, while seeking to be in Carnegie Hall Tower, with rent near a $1 Million/year paid by taxpayers, of also he had to promise the foundation wouldn’t be partisan or used for politics like towards making a rise for Mrs. Clinton to get her own presidency?  Do you also know that when the Government agency said no to such free rent Bill Clinton did ask Big Bank Bankers to pay his foundation rent as thanks for all the money he made them by pushed them into derivatives?  
Do you now get the bad example of the Clintons’ example?  Our country had New York state elect Mrs. Clinton for their business while Bill Clinton was compromising her asking for “charity” much on its face more bribery?
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
By originalism the Emoluments Clause specifies that Congress is to know about every emolument like such and is responsible for approving all “whatever” the miniscule pecuniary value or benefit essence.  Corporate counsel should be avoiding malpractice and offering guidance that it is originalism that is the law of the land - even to making examples of the Clintons for they publicly so confessed were of “post-Constitution” as anti-Constitution that they quite confessed to textbook treason - on how used bias to be allowed more autocratic and tyrannical power - even after President and playing global power broker under guise of “charity” with it some conspiratorial malfeasance with House Democrats.
The Clintons much apparently blackmailed Barack Obama into a “Team of Rivals” of his house divided by after election, and as with his visit to Harlem to the Clinton foundation fallback office location, to that he seemed folded before Clinton wishes to let Bill Clinton of the world as like first President of the World - with Mrs. Clinton set up in State Department to merely more be akin he of still a travel office.  Farfetched?  President Obama started in office with the Clintons fully meaning to rival him internationally and by cloaking illegal emoluments as if just “charity” despite personalities of Clintons more of they had an unnecessary $1 Trillion surplus in lieu of actually caring while in office.
Please, my fellow Americans, do now deeply read the Constitution for the originalism of how we are supposed to be protected from tyranny, and autocracy, and especially by the Emoluments Clause.
The new Congress - the 118th Congrees - should be in a race to clearly and broadly reestablish bars and standards on emolument, collusion, and incidentally bribery, before the Justices of the Supreme Court get to working through 2023 decisions upon even just bribery.  The 2023 jurisprudence schedule needs a deep and quantitative, and investigative, effort to correct the perversions across our protections that have been of the real legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as historically derelict of her duties of office as per sworn oaths.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
And quantitative now however upon former President Donald J. Trump, Sr. related taxes, and such, now must be paralleled with a standards metric that at least questions how it was #WhitePride of Clintons also as per first black President Barack H. Obama of Bill Clinton set his “charity” fees to foreigners especially as near worth more per day than the first black President was paid per year.  And to how this is complicated and much affirmed of the Clinton server “Hillary Email” scandal of by that Bill Clinton in possession of servers had admin privileges to President Obama’s State Department official materials - even more in real time that Mrs. Clinton as yet Obama’s Secretary abided him.
The Constitution never stopped being the Law of the land.
To prove the Clintons, for starters, are guilty any prosecutor near needs just that in the public record, then presented as of arguments with an assertion to such extent of that while they proudly were anti-Constitution such was quite textbook treason, and of for frauds with personal gain, with their “post-Constitution” ploys, to then conclude it is that such was never legal - that the originalism remained the Law.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill. We should hope!  We should help!
                                  *     *     *      *      *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:21 am

Beware the Tea Party Deniers!

The Americans the real neighbor just next door over may not be nearly whom you believe them to be.

There are ghosts in our machineries of cosmopolitan, rural, and originalism writs.  To breath right as “American” your constitutions (walks) must be exercised of regularity of breathing of each’s rights come from their Creator.  Walk the adage of Golden Rule directives for comity in polity of be towards others as you wish others be of parity and civility towards you.

To exorcised these perversions of our plain language established order by rights from one’s Creator each must breath through constitutions primed defensive against tyrannies over the free state for individualism/humanity.

Fascist movements must be identified and exorcised!

Our established Peoples’ “Order” our ordained a constitution does not allow a right to healthcare that is not yet preserved as of and within religious freedom.  Our Federal Government though of responsibilities as regards “medical” and “medicines” is not for the general welfare by to be in healthcare.  Health and wellness is of local jurisdiction preserved.

Consider none is of your Federal Government is supposed to trump ill at ease from just peer pressure local management for polity and comity - parity can’t be in Federal Government offers an escape in say just a pill.  Where like of Federal crimes jurisdiction there yet of healthcare must be preserved righteous pressures of/for local jurisdiction - a  proprietary right of power through discomfort through pressure - public shame and peer pressure - is localized.  Our Federal Government is not allowed blanket jurisdiction to trump neighbors of others justly of being a headache to them.

Philosophically speaking our Federal Government is constituted by ordained established Peoples’ “Order” to barred from FASCISM - any fountainhead of authoritarianism - campy of authoritarians wanting all to see their face in your’s - your compliance to them as authority more akin government by men than rule by laws.

Presently there are three movements of Left for distinct authoritarian power - there are three movements of Left firstly a new FASCISM.  Such  now in hindsight illuminates why and how so much went wrong.  These three sects of FASCISM are movements of the Left wrongly for authoritarian powers, at least.  The dictionaries defined is outdated where published definitions of FASCISM equate it a “movement of the right for authoritarian power.”

Your rights come from your Creator - walk it - breath it - don’t be taken - don’t be fooled!

Though the Clintons & 90s of maladministration and moral depravity at least with surpluses and “American Abandonment”, and of their “post-Constitution” ploy was/is anti-Constitution simply textbook treason it remains their methods also a movement of Left for authoritarian power - they are principally FASCISTS.

Though Al Gore methods and practices are elitist and he personally from private comforts from masses addicted to Gore tobacco plantations fixes, and his “Global Warming” schemes predominantly a new “Gore Fix” racket fronted in machinations to newly addict masses to his movement of the Left for authoritarian power - his posterity is as a “NEW FASCIST”.

Though our first black president Barack Obama wrongly proffers Constitution as if it yet can be an authoritarian’s tool for “personality based presidency” - rule by man - not governed by laws - we have he has a record as a narcissistic Stalinist of yuge/vast movements of the Left for FASCISM in homeland - and though psycho-babble can illuminate a new “Stalinism” was his likely only emotional safe space for of a broken home youth, and for any hope to reunite his parents - it yet is of standing his presidential methods ordain him a FASCIST.

It is now as of like we need to - must - play a game “PIN THE TRUTH TALE ON THE SCHIFF TAIL”!

Concurrently the Corona Virus pandemic is working it of our Federal Government of duties in “medicine” while not of right to trump freedoms of healthcare rights secured in religious freedoms.

We are not coldly constituted so by founders’ founding works due such were not done in blasphemy!

Though it reasons Congress shall make no laws respecting establishments of religions firstly as tools and disciplines of self-governance, and while of acknowledgement of there are “DEADLY SINS”, our established ordained Peoples’ “Order” is of none of a separation right from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and created stuff.

Our separations of church and state are vertical; our Federal Government is not allowed powers over neighbors to neighbors of healthcare is supposed to stay judiciously firstly of neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods.

Our plain language in our constituted Peoples’ “Order” iterates there shall not be a healthcare racket for more to profit off illnesses and phobic of others; originalism respects Americans know better than to allow a social disconnect that happens with that “SOCIALISM” of today; common sense dictates healthcare starts becoming unaffordable as soon as allowed to be just a for profit racket, and, as such creates a real unhealthy social disconnect of neighbors to then more expected to be accepting of FASCISM - which ever pole or flavor - and to abstaining from compassion among community (neighbors).

Our Federal Government though has “medicine” duties cannot legally have healthcare responsibility generally!

It reasons as unconstitutional to put fidelity and prostrating to a FASCIST leader as if an infallible supreme leader as normal/regular - due that would trump each of rights of a free state existentialism for humanity of “rights from their Creator”!

Think it through: - hopefully as party to due new game of “PIN A TRUTH TALE ON SCHIFF’S TAIL” - think it to fathom the reason chain of an unhealthy social disconnect occurs as soon as one is to believe firstly in a rule by man authoritarian a FASCIST as an infallible supreme leader.

Right - to celebrate any FASCIST is wrong and dangerous; Right under FASCISM one insults the infallible supreme authority - authoritarian leader - as soon as to even thinks a compassionate thought needed by their neighbor due such betrays the rule by “infallibility” of governed under with FASCISTS.

As soon as healthcare breaks from of self-governance protections of neighbors do care for neighbors in own neighborhoods compassion and its “healthcare” starts to become unaffordable and a racket.

It doesn’t matter how bad this new FASCISM and how disturbing to party unity and mental health clarity in the party:

Across the variated say spectrum of TRI-POLAR extant in Democrats “Party” each FASCISM is evil otherwise in own unique way.

Per healthcare though all three yet equally bad and a diabolical disturbance of our greatness in each of rights not from a FASCIST or an otherwise authoritarian government.

Our individual Liberty - our existential a free state of humanity - is of our rights are from our Creator - to breath right at your constitutions you are expected to breath Liberty of Prudence with self-governance in acceptance of at least the The Golden Rule.

You are not supposed to obey a FASCIST!

You are secured as a “neighbor”!

The new Schiff game is due!  It is not coincidental that uncovering these of long long of cover-ups of extant of FASCISM, as of movements of the Left, for it truly is, of these crooked of Democrats, Democrats’ real histories actually better fit the narratives of Adam Schiff and as should due tactic was authoritarian strategy of attempted projection and transference of wrongness of Left to onto Right as if their wrong was others’/innocents’ wrong.

Our second great TEA PARTY did stand against all three of these movements of the Left for poles/sects of new FASCISM - to hear any deny - be TEA PARTY DENIERS - is to be called to stand up righteous for the real existential of a free state for individuals our “a free state” as our human condition rights.  President Trump has standing to tag Barack H. Obama as a “most crooked president ever!” due his maladministration record is of illegal & partisan cover-ups to hide these truths from the People.

Our “more perfect Union” is “done” ordered established as ordained by that an order a constitution ratified by the People of is of us constituted a government not above the people and as our separation is vertical to Government is also under our Lord and expected to be moral (too). - It - our Government - is not allowed to be theocratic.

        *     *     *     JUST THINK ABOUT IT!     *     *     *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

“This morning we’re asking you - who should get credit for the current state of the U.S. economy?”

>> CSPANWJ asked! Posted recent morning comments on credit for economic growth: February 18, 2020:

>I did advise George W. Bush by fax to not try to fix housing/banking due saw it as triggered to collapse as soon as a fix attempted.

Also Speaker Pelosi wasn’t to letting him at any fix that…

>#TuesdayThoughts #Election2020 #economics

… any fix that had any suggestion in it that Clintons 90s had anything wrong in Clintonomics - even that with $2Trillion cut for $1Trillion in unneeded surpluses - Bill Clinton politics burned the economic candle from both ends …

>#2020Culture #TuesdayMotivation #MAGA #DTS

… Clintons intentionally burned economy candles from both ends at once.

> for short term popularity while expected no negative outcomes expected to yet be expected until the next President’s terms, administration.

Like rigged it …

>#FallOfClintons #PoetJPHogan #HOGAN

… I was proved right of warned #Bush to just try to postpone collapse & crisis and not try at a fix I saw as set up to trigger near complete loss in consumer confidence & little chance then of recovery.

Clintons’ ploy…

>#DrainTheSwamp #Trump #DonaldJTrump #POTUS

… Clintons’ machinations from double burned us down was seen but is now more easily seen as of ploy of set up collapse believing they could then blame next President and be wanted/needed back with Hillary4Prez as seemingly only…

>#WashingtonJournal #Cspan #SouthCarolina #Nevada odds:

… then as those together who could yet fix the economy.

#ClimateChange $4 gas price fix for #GlobalWarming #GreenAgenda of by 2006 #Dems sabotaging #economics & yet blaming #Bush wrongly & …

>… and as #SpeakerPelosi to #Bush chances of recovery was far worse than of killed how #IraqWar was set up to be paid for liberation of #Iraqi as end of #Clintons #AmericanAbandonment by oil profits on #IraqiOil post liberation.

Bush was not allowed to imply Clintons wrong &…

>… yet now it quite noticeable how one thing said in #ImpeachmentHoax #Schiff narative fits so well and better yet to parts of these histories of crimes & maladministration by Clintons & meddling #TextbookTreason during #GeorgeWBush #Bush43 admin - even while of #911Attacks…

>#Economics credit can not go to #Obama - indictments though should and could easily.

Consider #BillClinton, even thou #SenClinton new #NYC #Senator w/ BANKS oversight, did ask Big Banks to pay sought #CarnegieHall twr near $1 Million/y rent as thanks for “all the money they …

>… made big banks with the #DERIVATIVES push with #ChrisDodd & #BillClinton cohorts in unconscionable governance quite judgeable as GROSS NEGLIGENCE at least.

Derivates were asked for to gamble away the known risks of risking lending pimp’n while also of cutting budgeted by…

>… so much in already set up future projects and spending, for that an unneeded surplus - for short term political popularity, to that #BillClinton & banks believed gambling new way needed due Clintons were cutting out the jobs & funding the risky spenders to need to survive…

>#Economics #TuesdayThoughts

…Clintons 90s of knew enough of cut for $1 Trillion unneeded surplus of that picked for cuts wouldn’t be missed until they were out of (& between Clintons presidencies) office.

And that it would take more money & far more years to restore needed…

>… Bill Clinton knew his cuts would only be trouble to the next admin & thought that could be managed to march a call for their return by #Hillary4Prez.

>To @MariaBartiromo years ago he admitted he knew he cut too much too quickly.

Of knew next Prez would have to explain his…

>… Clintons’ 90s selfish malfeasance & maladministration criminally effected just to be able to have a chance at restoring consummer confidence enough for even a slight recovery.

Again: Speaker Pelosi wouldn’t budge to help a recovery due wanted rise of #HillaryClinton by…

>… as if the Clintons were only who could run a growth economy.

Clintons almost only knew where in all the gears they stowed wrenches to created malfunctioning - only knew where the bodies were.

It did cost lots more to replace so much was actually necessary spending then cut!

>#TuesdayMotivation #Election2020 #StrongForTruth

The real questions on #economics is of Clintons burned #economy candles knowingly from both ends for personal selfish reasons.

And of that cuts took far more years at much greater expense to get back budgeted for future jobs.

>This morning: The Clintons did cut too much from necessary spending of already approved and budgeted to be of level of government spending at least needed than then had to be rushed back into budgets - well had to eventually get put back in at much higher costs - not including how missed much set up later housing and banking collapses.                                                                                  

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:26 am

Welcome aboard! - the new year 2020.

We have much to discuss to achieve a potential for parity - comity in polity - just among Democrats.

The Democrats general liberal progressive definition of success is part of how President Trump is succeeding where otherwise President Obama at least failed blacks.

We can progress hardly further with it a primary general consideration for Democrats’ qualities debates if we do not all - a bipartisan “all” - face facts and realize it is high time to discuss how many crimes the Clintons committed against the Obama threat.

A basic truth of President Obama, his definition of success, to the dynamics of his legacy becomes daily more apparently of a valuation to it easily said “he failed blacks”.  The real crime in this - American crime - is maybe more of that of the stories of the Clintons rivalry as phat with crimes against Barack H. Obama.

The Clintons & Obama have both at least failed blacks with their American crimes of a definition of success as shared some of so much as if life is about TRY TO GET TO HARVARD & then accept your station for life as failed if didn’t go to Harvard.

As Michelle Obama is of Princeton & Harvard, & Barack Obama of a starter college then Columbian & Harvard it is they were supposed to be safe from crimes by Clintons of Hillary Clinton of just Wellesley & Yale, & Bill Clinton of Georgetown & Yale. But alas the Clintons essentially punk’d President Obama all 8 years.

To get “Trump” one must ponder the conundrum of his degree is more of Hard Knocks U. of learned Hospitality from the ground up and quite to of leaned on Apostle Paul of Bible said of capitalism - win win economics of parties to each deal later should be able to tip hats to each other in passings - as near ‘to have growth (economics) people must be able to sing together’.

President Donald J. Trump victory over #CrookedHillary was firstly much as was of unknown Senator Barack H. Obama vs #InevitableHillary of there just was enough support for one a THE UN-CLINTON.

It is now for all those emotional intelligence mid day television shows to bring up the battles between that for a legacy for the Clintons as versus what then left to be a legacy for the Obamas. There is more than the criminal essence of vibe of blackmail truly in the deep story of Clintons somehow made the first black American President accept their insubordination and real rivalry to he had to share his was so, because of Clintons, a house divided and he stuck of a team of rivals.

It so seems since Obamas have Harvard degrees & Clintons merely Yale degrees that something of a subterfuge was active to that of it still seems criminal how Clintons were able to have “rivals” status by it seems blackmailing a first black President yet before of hardly but one speech, and, a one speech most still don’t know he was to plagiarizing in its oration.

2020 is the year to see clearly this opposition to Republican Donald J. Trump, as he tries to be enlightened as also a #ModernRepublican, is yet of his is more #MoralsTrumpHate than #LoveTrumpsHate by the regularity of historical significance of LOVE is a concept of MORALS and we must get past the Clintons crimes of long worked anti-Constitution to too much success at having moved nation too far towards a Natural State & more a government by man - from better secured & just for all of government by laws.

The mid day television shows especially for female audiences with triggers for emotional intelligence engagement must now field the contested between especially Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama on just the FEMINISM roots.

This must be some how to at least be beyond blue areas as zones of ignorance, still, and to how this must also be proffered through to an erudite rendition for institutional copacetic of that Michelle Obama of Harvard is supposed to have been thus established as higher & better than Hillary Clinton of Yale - despite it seems her victim - their victim.

This is no time to talk about the HOPE of #RepublicanMovement as brought back government by laws with Donald J. Trump a joined & accepted leader so more of #MoralsTrumpHate.

To be brief, and forward more brief in 2020, we must first look at the apparent true crimes by Clintons against Obamas, and nation, as American crimes as contrary in essence to constituted protections.

The Clintons seems to have so grossly violated spirit & law of the Emoluments Clause - Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - such to that there is logically real legal jeopardy - far beyond their uttered long much confessions of textbook treason of utterances of “post Constitution” - in that of emoluments laundering by ploy coy of chicanery of play their cards devilishly as if emolument to Clintons could just be called “charity” instead.

It figures since of a Constitution clause that the violation of such triggers that then therefore the Clintons did forfeit and nullify any immunity from prosecution due of emoluments violations - and even any diplomatic immunity.

Blacks still have to fit into Democrats view of success of for most of them they have to accept they failed to get to Harvard & thru Harvard or a lesser still top school and have such lock them to a status their fate for life?

But firstly this new year of 2020 we must see to that it is raised and worked through how Hillary Clinton rivalry of Obamas too was of crimes against Michelle Obama - at least to women and FEMINIST causes shared sister to sister?

Right!  Let us see economy is working from one more of a Hospitality Degree from Hard Knocks U. by he sees American polity in common sense parity from comity with #MoralsTrumpHate - with reset to government by laws?

 *     *     DARE WE ASK THE NEEDED QUESTIONS?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:56 am


Beware the charm offensive of Joe Biden!

To Bernie Sanders old “Joe” can principally only be the establishment Democrat cast for “Bernie Got Robbed II”!

To Democrats generally a Joe Biden #Biden2020 must be embraced to as Donald Trump considered the underdog candidate!

Like expected soon so from Speaker “Nancy” these establishment Democrats must soon patronizingly to #AOC… - and with a martialing - be near “GET IN LINE!” - you all are so young and inexperienced of our grandchildrens age group.

Can Senator “#TheHands2020″ Delaware beaches beach hound “Joe” rev back his Corvettes pin-up core dominant behavioral?

Vice President Joe Biden can now forward only be “THE ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE”.

Like Speaker “Nancy” candidate “Joe” has “Hillary” problems likewise but otherwise: They have to posture as the authoritarians the keepers of the establishment and so posture as if “FRONT RUNNER” - even to that also patronizingly treat Donald Trump as if an underdog Republican candidate.

Election 2020 is really much ado about President Barack Obama and the most pertinent of guidance in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech erudite orated performance.

So now we know despot “Nancy” and establishment “Joe” at least have a conundrum a historical and political pickle.

The mantra must be still dogmatic for these authoritarians the establishment elders of their party - regardless of truthfulness they must martial anew at “we are right - they are wrong”.

Speaker “Nancy” must not embrace President Trump but must continue still to embrace Vice President Joe Biden.

President Barack Obama’s erudite guidance so whence was wisely of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance”.

We can’t now expect candidate “Joe” to apologize for where “Hillary” still won’t come clean.

We can’t now expect Speaker “Nancy” to surrender establishment elder duty to posture still nationally as if still a Bolshevik and of the authoritarians.

President Obama recently opined of his party organizing as of in a “circular firing squad.”

President Obama erudite raised was non-partisan shade cast upon 1993 to 2001 at least of decidings by the Clinton power couple.

But alas we must see how they play it - play along.

Speaker “Nancy” is of a madness still of Democrats years at solutions tyranny while now needing to posture as if the establishment - an of “we are right - they are wrong” and still to while sans even a slight - say even 1% - admission of past fault - wrongfulness.

Consider - that is - and of a for example - their “Green New Deal” puzzler as a mine field for Democrats partisans.

President Obama GREEN AGENDA is known as of he was much forced into it by elders Al Gore and Clintons even though such at such time had become a near 10 years old plan really made out-dated when of Yale finished global counting of number of trees world wide and realized there are near 8 times the number than assumed/expected - scientifically allowed for.

Quiet be the authoritarians - can they actually still be Bolsheviks - and President Trump thus a minority candidate and the underdog?

If yet these Democrats do not nationally represent a majority of communities mustn’t it be they now are in the minority - them not Bolsheviks? - by definition?

“Joe” now must too be an authoritarian of his party did no wrong - isn’t even 1% at fault!

We’ve seen this specific type of madness now years past in Speaker “Nancy” while needing likewise to be despotic.

Old Bernie Sanders yet has a comfort zone as an independent voice a Democrat yet otherwise independently looking to be a voice for victims.

To Bernie Sanders Donald Trump as President must not be seen as an underdog but rather truthfully dramatized as if truth can be that “Trump” and Republicans are great and powerful bad oppressors.

President Trump is still of Tea Party originalism reset and Republican Movement progressed as of the party of liberators busily trying to re-secure the national to a pathology of freedom.

President Obama with his Nobel remarked prudence and more recent admission his party as organized is much already commenced as a working “circular firing squad” even with live practice rounds heaved with not a soul in between - in the middle.

President Trump has modern Republicans re-established on his side due in history he and his times have him most like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson with construction of our great constitution and their secured People’d method for ratification as the Peoples’ “Order” an order a constitution ordained and established by conventions of the peoples - not by signed off on by state legislatures.

The madness of despotic “Nancy” is similar but too quite different from similar psychopathy of Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” as “Hillary” though too had left she had to be despotic it for her that as intimate to mistakes of 1993 to 2001 she had for President Obama  - and nation - that truth was not an option for her State Department and policy due as a spouse she is not to incriminate her spouse and so had to work away from truths relating to how much was and is the fault of Bill Clinton and his 90s American abandonment of Iraqi and Afghani previously enough engaged with by Americans to that there were expectations for further engagements not being met - truth not an option for the Clintons’ eight years - those shaded by President Obama erudite - of inaction and avoidance - and to dangerous raised.

Establishment “Joe” must not convict his own party en masse?

Establishment “Joe” must to be to being a despot - ruling as if not representative of any souls - but to as being offensive as legally defensive and to protecting Clintons firstly by carrying the old postured still of cover-ups as if of Democrat establishment did not even a 1% of problems’ wrong - that too of “Hillary” as posture of if Bill Clinton was so innocent he was perfect.

This is all of the madness of despotic of “Nancy”!

But Democrats of her madness, soon - if reports true - is madness also to be necessary and inescapable of candidate ”Joe” there are already serious cracks in “Barack’s” old “new foundation.” - Establishment “Joe” must ignore what candidate “Joe” naturally cannot:

President Obama has already turned on his sworn rivals now past his “team of rivals” and is - maybe in self-preservation modal - to having outed Clintons at least so far as NOT as perfect as long postured, and, as also from protected with 2016 machinations of “Bernie Got Robbed I.”

It is a non-partisan conundrum that forward in election 2020 needs resolution in feminism of the political and historical reality of that Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” has truth as not an option due she’ld incriminate the years 1993 to 2001 - for starters - and specifically at least the inner circle - of FOB - of Bill Clinton admin days.

Candidate “Joe” must at least inherit this madness some for even if to now “Honest Joe” as also turning truths out of real Clintons his loyalty to President Obama will catch him like a real “Catch 22″ - of madness real.

You must engage - for sanity in election 2020 - to realize this - however free assorted via link http://UNBECOMING.US may help - for still once party admits beyond Obama’s “circular” opine a that Democrats - some - at least 1% at fault there is real legal jeopardy in thinking still Bolsheviks while actually minority by status and practically at risk of confessed to even textbook treason and gross negligence.

Dear old “Joe”:  DON’T DO IT!  ???

Old “Joe” please don’t voluntarily agree to assume the madness of Speaker “Nancy” of being so authoritarian to be a despot and madly at governing only to protect lies for benefit of a liberal elite too crooked to even be able to begin a bipartisanship restoration with a tabling of with a necessary practicable humility of actually able to admit they at least just of 1% fault.

Old “Joe” you should firstly be loyal to “Barack” due he liberated you from subjugated under his sworn rivals the Clintons?

Old “Joe” these rivals cannot survive Democrats already circular in how firing attacks at each other as once intelligent answers to how Clinton Dems differ from Obama Dems the party will in essence be to itself to publicly convicting Clintons at least of textbook treason and gross negligence.

Old “Joe” can you even resolve the as a feminism pickle how “Hillary” still has truth as not an option for it would incriminate at least her spouse of the 1990s - the Clintons’ administration?

Old “Joe” can you even fairly now even openly discuss the Clintons of their established “white pride” of also materially evident with their Emoluments Clause violations - enough emoluments abuse to have voided any immunity from prosecution - of how that Southern Bill Clinton needed to bill out with charity racket - even seems extortion - to be able to be globally measured as if actually worth/valued more per hour than our first black President as valued “per year”?

How the Clintons do value themselves is beyond inflated - it is purely more criminal - contrary to spirit of Constitution and Emoluments Clause - “no titles” especially - as by that of their “post Constitution” ploys it intelligently adds up to essentially the Peoples’ protections from tyranny are nullified and them clearly to unconstitutional powers more akin autocrats - totalitarians - new monarchists.

Old “Joe” is it of “Nancy” so a despot or does “Barack” have people? - or does “Barack” even have a sense of representation? - is it he too persists like of a despotic as more a despot due denies there is a real constitution?

President Donald Trump cannot truthfully be the underdog of election 2020 - he is established with a majority of communities as like of modern Republicans as new like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson of it is the Peoples’ “Order” as still ordained and established as our constitution and for it stands by principally ratified by conventions of peoples - not the then establishment legislatures leaning already towards despotic wants?

Remember the madness too now of seems all along that “Barack” and “Joe” green agenda science was used Gore’s over 10 years old strategies and of solutions tyranny while now known earth - our globe - has near 8 times the number of carbon filtering trees as thought/known/accounted for.

Can you - “Joe” - answer engagingly on architecture - even for #AOC #GreenNewDeal peeps - against #NYCMayor Bill de Blasio - he who ran #SenClinton campaign - of skyscrapers - to #AOC young set - is precursor architecture for near future facility for flying cars cosmopolitan main lined? And of madness of Clintons’ library as inartfully gray to like a Confederate d^*k by design?


Old “Joe”?

What you - we - read next will only confirm Democrats are now already organized as in a circular firing dynamic President Obama confessed to!

The madness of “Nancy” (Speaker Pelosi) is likewise politically terminal to her reputation and career and better quarantined by ”Barack” and “Joe” with them of best politics fall back position now as to continue to offer testimonies against the Clintons - those Clinton Dems short of being honestly Obama Dems?

          *     *     *     #realJoeBiden?     *     *     *

NOTE: My experience and witnessed have me knowing long Hillary Clinton represented a threat to national security by became to those in the know - even intelligent enemies -as too predictable by truth was not an option and her only options needed Bill Clinton postured as if perfect - 100% innocent - not even 1% wrong!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:27 pm

The risky business ahead for an intellectual honesty in the new year 2019 is of battles looming against zones of ignorance.

This has been an endearing and enduring work of modern Republicans and a Republican movement since days New Yorker Donald Trump was a Clinton Democrat.

Though there are likely pockets of intellectualism in these zones of ignorance - of most political maps of 2018 as recorded blue - it is alarming the Antonin Scalia chair at Harvard isn’t bronze and worn bright.

The battles ahead go further and deeper than yet the second Tea Party tabled - of prudent stand for common sense and it a core in originalism.

The risky business may not be so much an if or when Puritanism as a Liberal renaissance.  A basic discourse is more primarily calling out these times forward firstly to eyes open anew and free minds conscious of at founding the constitution didn’t need to be a “living document” because scripture was still and now then of it with a first English copy/translation.

No, the risky business is the convergence of the Republican movement with Donald Trump as seems now established of he an also a modern Republican and cleared of still too much a “Clinton Democrat.”

The Liberal nightmare is not least of both are risking trouble by actually offering freedom - constituted freedoms basically cored of ‘rights from Creator’.

Apparently uniformly across the nation and as common to blue areas as zones of ignorance of our constitution freedom isn’t the risked - but is the feared and opposed.  And education of that each’s rights firstly basically figure before the redundancy of the “Bill of Rights” as of each soul has the right to defend against any violate of the “Ten Commandments” against them is to Liberals like blaspheme to Liberalism, and especially as amendments secure such “American” as rights also particularly applies against any governing/government that violates the “Ten Commandments” tenets of Lord’s Law each of freedom with.

There is already a lot of “blue noise” controposing to risked for original freedoms.

Of King James as establishment of an English edition “NEW” still of revolutionary days there is the constitution needn’t be a “living document” for it needeth principally be for fixed due process and civil procedures for when Lord’s Law broke down - where/when breaking down.

The Bible “nonsense” equals old “liberalism” - not immoral lies - especially not lies for political profits.  Practice Christianity comports with a suffice to “nonsense”.

The convergence of Donald Trump and enduring Republican movement is in history much akin to 1800 and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison worked efforts to keep the Union as ordered by the Peoples’ “Order” and as ratified by state conventions of their peoples - as not as ratified by legislators.  Freedom is the first order of Republicans.

That now the work of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren is risky for pockets in most of the blue areas zones of ignorance due they are incidentally being circular and to yet laser tag’n their own with crossfire.

Elizabeth Warren is the leading source of “blue noise”!

Democrats generally should be embarrassed for Elizabeth Warren due her Harvard tenure.

Her “blue noise” may be the politically tanged “death” tone of her incidentally tag’n Clintons and Obama with her proffered expertise academic record.

We will return to Professor Warren as like was Harvard’s expert of that “Clintonomics” and Clintons did more - much more - to cause housing collapse than George Bush.

President Trump doesn’t need to change to counter candidate Warren ideology or any Democrat still standing after natural course of her “blue noise” diatribes register.

President Trump is businessman “Trump” in so much as working politics for economic growth forward remains cornerstoned in art of management style of like locals should think locally - not try to do Trump’s global thinking for him - and so operate in self interest they do their managing as if even were a Trump franchise of best to do jobs so well that say New York needn’t ”manage”  - micromanage as if a distant lording yet needed as a babysitter/nanny.

Senator Warren’s “blue noise” is otherwise for a “Nanny State” and in keeping with Nancy Pelosi disregard for her oaths of office of her style as to try to operate the House as firstly a “Tear Factory” with parades of appeals to emotions in the idea of 70% taxation can thus be justified by rendered unto here before innocent citizens  as yet a prejudiced forward to presumed guilty mere subjects who need lording over “Nanny State”.

We may not have time here to brave broaching Nancy Pelosi as conclusively historically, but not yet litigated, bad political actor long derelict in past duties - at least of “Emoluments Clause” - per laws of Robert Mueller’s focus and yet as per so ignored regards Clintons’ violations it seems there now no “equal justice” and an air of that such laws only apply to Republican.

For now Mitt Romney, junior Senator for Utah, is an outlier and unknown per 2019 convergence.  Senator Romney still should be embarrassed of how lost to President Obama by his saying near “I will repeal and replace Obamacare with Romneycare” simply checked/countered in last month of race with Democrats retort near “Obamacare is a Romneycare!”.

But the risky business of 2019 as a year of convergence rests more in it as anti-Democratic Party working yet rooting of a President Trump working the Republican movement tilled for the budding seeded collaborative think to America deserves to feel and breath again the robust pathology of freedom of it has been the living in our freedoms behind our history established as a nation of peoples’ willing to voluntarily cosign to fighting and winning others’ wars.

Personally the Mitt Romney race wrap up was said embarrassing and so of that I so thought he had to see it such that my position taken was confident and/or prudent - to let it run of thinking if he didn’t see it he wasn’t ready or qualified to be President Romney. Today’s work is not on this an outlier to the risky business of the 2019 convergence looming.

Republicans trump Democrats with most issues tabled for 2019 politics.

For example:  For Republicans to further improve relations with Muslim peoples there must be a docketed and tabled full discussion on the “911 Report” as some a sham.  Democrats can be as beaten by this as by candidate Warren candidacy to ask for a judgement on her expertise as inconvenient to Clintons and Obama with truths on how Democrats more than Republicans actually caused the yuge problems Democrats worked lies on towards only Republicans got blamed.

The “911 Commission” “911 Report” as some a sham shall maybe be more damming to Nancy Pelosi as Republicans must work to expose sham of not looking back more than ten years and avoiding probative to 1993 to 2001 of Clintons’ feminism crusades and “American Abandonment” of at least two relevant historicals fodder to intellectually honest study of Clintons’ admin precipitated and incited attacks/response.

In the blue areas zones of ignorance it likely will b risky business to ask to participate in nation renewal to original pathology of freedom - to even hope to also. - Feel so free as to be willing to fight voluntarily for others to also win freedom.

E. Warren diatribes, however self defeating Democratic blue noise, are due retorts but sans engagement.

E. Warren is maybe, second only to if there “Speaker Pelosi” again, the greatest threat to Democratic enduring - any freedom on any campus.

The E. Warren communal blue noise is married to Nancy Pelosi political operations to justify a “Nanny State” of the House to be her “Tear Factory” to 70% taxation secured and citizens suppressed by taxation a prejudiced of subjects firstly presumed guilty. - Need’n “Nanny”!

Again, the convergence is risky business with attempts to counter Democratic as if only for tyrannical rule by distant entrenched elites - a Leftist ruling class.

Modern Republicans now know, it seems, that President Trump is tru’ to Republican movement and grown reformed from days a Clinton Democrat.

President Trump is taking the lead of 2019 a convergence year and to that ad hominem retorts energy against candidate E. Warren can be spared - of time not wasted?

President Trump is a natural leader to second Tea Party sentimental common sense prudence in that he is an old salt stuck in management ways of expecting even distant “TRUMP” destinations to be operated as independently and locally as possible (autonomously?) to that rule from afar to micromanagement disassociated by physical distance is yet minimized - not maximized as otherwise to justify a “Nanny State”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi was long derelict per laws Special Prosecutor Mueller pressing versus Republicans in all her years of duty yet per such regards the Clintons’ violations of the “Emoluments Clause” and especially the spirit of “none shall be titled”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi is antagonist #1, it seems, against Republicans to further improving relations with Muslim peoples with intellectual honesty freshly put to tabling how (her?) “911 Report” was some sham.

Oy!  Candidate E. Warren really!  Though Clintons have long - with each utterance of “post Constitution” posit - been publicly confessing to textbook treason it is likely risky business in blue areas to challenge “blue noise” of zones of ignorance.

Oy!  Candidate El Warren really!  Though it public knowledge Clintons tried to open Clintons’ global initiatives in suites nearest then Penthouse still available high above the “THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM” in Carnegie Hall Tower it is simply elementary academics that besides Bill Clinton asked big banks to comp he rent near $1 Million per year as THANKS for derivatives gambling push we have that Professor Elizabeth Warren Harvard tenure was as an expert more fully broadened on how it wasn’t George Bush’s or Republicans’ fault for it mostly concludes as naturally of slick violations of constitution for personal gain by Clintons - fundamentally - fit’n “Slick Willy” reputation - particularly causal.

It now may be too risky to be of intellectual honesty and to politically mature on campuses now more communes.

Please though try to be brave however such risky business to also able to feel the pathology of freedom.

My ask is complicated and maybe still yet leading.

The Clintons won in 1992 after unscheduled late entry much by learned to sound like me and my worked to an urban agenda focused of New Haven as way to put meat on the bones of “New World Order” - of my philosophizing long regards how America to adjust if became a sole superpower.

The Clintons disappointed by 1994 and as well before Monica Lewinski affair broken news by those also involved in the 1992 making of Clintons electable despite 1988 “never ending speech” convention moment of that which more truly the real Bill “Slick Willy” Clinton.  Study, please, coincident of people pressed them electable turned in disappointment whence with “MONICA” story from feeling President Clinton wasn’t attending to work elected for as regards Iraq and Al Qaeda and so then yet found in lieu of elected responsibility to been doing intern(s)!

To not ignore the inconvenient scandal per regards “Mr. Science” Al Gore let us post & promote questions not as deniers while anchored for pathology of freedom and representative “by the people” “for the people” renaissance with minds open to that cuts in solutions tyranny can be said “man made problems” by that European Union and also rushed United States of Americas “Green Agenda” cuts did flip greenhouse effect to Asian centric from decades as Atlantic centric and to that laws forward should be pressed of personal liability jeopardy just upon at least Al Gore for conduct unbecoming a former Vice President as engaged in a solutions tyranny that didn’t account for that cuts could and did some cause enough shift in Atlantic thermals to that he and others may have cause New York devastation by Super Storm Sandy.  Republicans trump Democrats on solutions side and if take evolving laws to practice on issues of dangers and liability of Democrats wrongful at trying to play GOD with weather.

To wrap this warning of risky business to also try to participate in 2019 looming convergence:

Yes, I too am philosopher basis for “Harry Potter” “Hogwarts” “The Philosopher’s Stone” (long story) and of that such mused and long supported with new energies found and developed for next books yuge success is particularly yet of my motive as towards protecting a next generation from those I already knew as crooked Clintons.  So much of thought good stuff from Democrats actually only extant from that I worked out a counter culture dominant parallel.

Yes I want to engage readers in the philosophical versus “blue noise” with intellectual honesty and broad scope.  “The Philosopher’s Stone” roots are in I/we could cloak my involvement and motives by shifting thoughts of my vehicle used to back to FORD F250 4X4 an as if I a Philosopher a driver of truck from Stoneham Motors in Massachusetts.  The cloak worked so well my family didn’t know it was so much from me - even as was for them - until after the last book and then later for they resisted believing it could have been of I fooled them and hid such much with such cloak and a legal professionalism of kept thoughts with JK Rowling of as if I was just a contractor and she a door supplier I connected with if client prospective for new doors or door rehabs.

While motive wasn’t material content it yet was philosophical towards stories to get readers to expect better than Clintons and to out think how underestimated and patronized by the Clintons’ premeditated machinations and selfish ambitions for Power more than purpose.

It is also true, but maybe less necessary work with convergence concurrent to Democratic self destruction, to diss of with Nancy Pelosi on trial for if just to be back to high office “Speaker Pelosi” while she long a derelict from duty to probe Clintons on emoluments, and, with of Candidate Elizabeth Warren whose scholarly expertise must now be questioned to value her even while it is textbook such to convict President Obama as of illegal cover ups of that Clintons and “Clintonomics” ruined banks and housing and of the “911 Report” a sham still protecting at least Clintons from tag’d of GROSS NEGLIGENCE!

This risky business is everyone’s forward - however more now in a commune in a “zone of ignorance”!

Democrats are piling on to unstable from Clintons and Obama worked long publicly & publicly confessed to textbook treason.  Now it is a wonder how party to violations Nancy Pelosi yet recently postured her Democrats will obey their oaths of offices to obey and defend the actual Constitution.

It simply actually fits simple surface and deeper intelligent pursuits for knowing realities that I am of such shared also did now long ago ask CNBC to have one of their broadcast near a stating “a new Tea Party may be needed” and did offer guidance to Washington Republicans to become a PARTY OF NO so clear lines would present of GOP originalism versus Dems wing’n it.

         *       *       *       FREEDOM’S SONG?       *       *       *

PS: Of course this also relates to how President Trump can honestly answer when asked about “THE APPRENTICE” of that such idea stemmed also from my connection and querious of if I would ask for a deal with a side to deal of also then to apprentice his builder side.  Such is also synchronistic to “Harry Potter” as my media ambitions and lead was idea was fit’n to concerns on how and where to offer guidance for readers through the books and to that I wouldn’t as it muse become party to them of an expectation that a job was owed them by their government.  My side is I was too busy then voluntarily helping President George W. Bush from across town in DC with post 9/11 attacks politics to handle how Donald Trump liked idea more than I could be party to as priorities had to govern.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 am

This is a dear Kanye West, JK Rowling, President Trump … letter.

Some sensibilities need to be developed to educate hoards further to be immune to Stockholm Syndrome anew of at least prone to cons by not awares the con’ers have themselves endeared by con’d.

There is phat to ‘new Watergate of Obama as Obama worse than Nixon’ of Obama’s as worse than Watergate.

I have standing to dramatize such for I’ve long known “Deep Throat” was kept secret for real “Deep Throat” was a nick name for a still one I think a minor as a budding Democratic intimidator who sparked concern that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into.  Mark Felt was only the “Deep Throat” protector of once a justified investigation was botched Felt took lead in protecting original case subjects from collateral damage from how a yet justified probe was botched to a national scandal.

Jo, as Kanye reaches with BLEXIT there is Donald Trump is associated to Harry Potter with his rise as THE APPRENTICE helped guide Hogwarts fans to a safe place of not expecting a job to be just handed to them.

But as per Nixon and Modern Republicans a sensibility is already established across ranks of maybe only possible for how I expected my challenge of 7 books on a magic school to work intellectually prophylactically does explain Trump rise of globally a next gen took to thinking more and more objectively and morally than the cons of the Clintons and their machinations had ever set up defenses to - had ever been planned to estimate as possible while methodology was to underestimate peoples and mire them in lies so Clintons could have Power by being only who knew truths.

BLEXIT too can raise sensibilities against such as akin to Clintons successfully imbued masses to a new Stockholm Syndrome of being endeared to them even though they were the ones most undermining so much Donald Trump has now established again works by having undone much that they undid.

Kanye, Jo & POTUS may already be read into my bio to sensibilities stirred of accounting of that I’ve known Bill & Hillary since the early 70s of they then just dating Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk in my neighborhood while I was near a first grader after school playing in school yard across the street from my home.  And that I knew of B.O. of Hawaii as interested in Presidential oratory contests as four years older than myself as far back as the 70s and to when I in 7th grade.  And that I met and we kept a connection for months and years in winter of 1987-88 the now famous black woman Michelle Obama while she a 3rd year Harvard Law School student out in Harvard Square at Grendel’s on an evening her brother was visiting from Chicago - right of that I knew Barack’s wife years before he did and yet years after already knowing of him and some of that I at Grendel’s too told her she could be President some day.

But this is of the ghosts of NIXON and as per Modern Republicans and the Republican Movement versus old establishment Republicans while supportive to “Obama’s was worse than Nixon’s Watergate.”

President Trump as the philosopher of Jo’s “The Philosopher’s Stone” this all is relevant for all of it fits to that I was long strategic and to maximize positive change - especially when USA would become a sole superpower - of taking into account a fuller known history of Watergate and of that “Deep Throat” actually started as the offered requested to a “come up with a nickname” for a minor, if I recall correctly, a budding intimidator thinking he was authorized yet with his uncle a Democratic Party power as a head of major metropolitan urban redevelopment efforts at least of New York City Roosevelt Island, and Boston Faneuil Hall Market Place.

BLEXIT is wise to wise to that a top of MADMEN era Madison Avenue profession was Arthur M. Menadier of near retired at age 65 from Young and Rubicam after 25 years of consolidating and then managing wholly the Johnson & Johnson marketing and advertising business.  Arthur M. Menadier is little known as also the historical figure who told Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into after he became aware of a budding intimidator thinking he had authority to play with due his uncle’s Power with Kennedy Democrats - the top echelons of HQ.

So though I’ve know of Barack and Michelle for decades and of Presidential coincidence of my own ambitions to maximize positive change by at least being like my paternal & maternal grandfathers as of my dad’s dad’s name much and quite the interests in being able to be a top “Mad Man” - Madison Avenue success like my mom’s dad.

When you take into account “Deep Throat” was the case file opening “nickname” for a minor then not due collateral damage after intimidation budding was being checked by being exposed due a justified investigation was botched Woodward and Bernstein more were journalists of exercised more of like witness protection.

The how and why Watergate became is scandalous and to that it was considered then that maybe Democratic HQ might shall we say be more then of cover-ups worse than Catholic Church was associated to of Kennedy Democrats.

To process a scope of relativity and monetize a balance of value it behoove me to offer that of all the political capital I built up with the Clintons from of that they won in 1992 by learned to sound like me it is that I’ve never collected on maybe even 95% of such political capital and to that in today’s dollars the Clintons maybe owe me near their whole personal net worth.  I did the politics of keeping those I used to help the Clintons yet respected and linked per their value but yet this accounted for I’ve still not drawn down on that of near 95% of political capital earned against the Clintons.

But worse as per “worse than Nixon” is that of I believe John Kerry as per that Barack Obama plagiarized in his 2004 Democratic Party Convention break out speech and by stealing as directed from that mine that made Clintons electable in 1992 also of them to unauthorized regular and repeating misuse after winning on me and mine.  I mean the more serious stuff to of uniting language for bipartisanship as possible more than that Bill Clinton did steal “I tried it once - but didn’t inhale” from me after I thought to how he should answer the pot questions by thinking how I honestly did. His use was never an authorized use by me as I was not trying to con people and not offering to let Clintons actually steal my identity while my process yet of asking myself how I’ld answer myself while yet thinking to how he could morally yet answer forward.

I was viscerally irate while watching the 2004 Democratic Convention of speech by Barack Obama as if put the face to the haunting of knew someone was told to “make the lines yours - put a black face on it” and knew such was to violate my rights in intellectual property of written art and to be plagiarism directed as then appeared live effected.

Of the “worse than Watergate” I have standing to break there is as well of the cover ups much a for general consumption to sensibilities established sad truth to raise of that of such her incidental but not actually coincidence of that much of Clintons successes were of with my material and intellectual property and unauthorized use and that how they later were regularly unable to repeat success attests of that they stole past successes and credits and never even enough understood how such worked to yet manage to repeat successes they yet postured for votes and support by like promised they could and would.

The real Watergate scandal started so of a Democrats scandal enough of budding intimidation to have had a to Madison Avenue marketing and advertising executive tell the FBI Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into.

But alas Richard M. Nixon freelanced a justified investigation and botched it.

How this is scandalous does become less scandalous while yet makes current of Barack H. Obama as even more “worse than Watergate” due President Nixon had J. Edgar Hoover, reportedly, as afraid to officially investigate such entrenched Kennedy Democrat realms and out of personal fear did refuse to open an official investigation into such of intimidation being sponsored by HQ.

What is missing from Woodward and Bernstein still is the covering of how they were played more to protect original case persons from collateral damage maybe resultant due J. Edgar Hoover fears of investigating Democratic Powers but also from it may have been Nixonian and to scandalous due original protected real “Deep Throat” last name coincidentally was the same as the classmate at Whittier High School whom defeated Nixon in his first election - his campaign to be class President.

As so many do dress up at Halloween sans knowing thanks can accrue to me for having mused and challenged many artists to characters made world famous there is these are incidental to that I was ambitious, responsible, and self motivated to try to maximize positive change and as like a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.

That I’ve always known Arthur M. Menadier is whom told FBI Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into - but not how - is also of after it was botched of knowing he did strongly assert that he advised an official investigation was called for and that Washington had to own up to consequential from having yet botched however an otherwise justified investigation into political intimidation at least exposed by a minor a budding intimidator at toying with how he might be able to abuse power while a nephew and son to Power.

The success of Jo - JK Rowling - was as of that my challenge came with my support, though cloaked much due this complicated history, as yet of I wired her to 7 books on a magic school within the truth and networks I built to improve America at least from these past scandals and with vast networks I developed to be supportive and policing - of civilians sense of morals - and of this also syncs to how I did muse and generate ideas for new media also around Chief Bill Bratton rise with “community policing” to broaden scope and range for tolerance to that I a private citizen was yet able to increase the potential for peace and peace keeping by how networked and developed new entertainment.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:52 am

Our first order of civic business these days before Halloween is to lately fully account proper number of filled body bags as should be shouldered by the Clintons wherever they go as the number of souls to try to rest as died due Clinton errs as didn’t die in vain.

Tragedies should be exclamated these days near all souls day with political expression in peaceful demonstrative to whenever and wherever Bill Clinton and/or Hillary Clinton appear piles of body bags as TRUTH art should amass towards souls lost in their errs can have peace forward.

Such established let us now move to sad dynamic of Al Gore and his master plan as relates to “black face” politics, and, as Barack Obama as indictable for cover ups worse than Watergate causal to Halloween costumes of BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks.

These days to respect the dead - lost souls - must speak artfully to their mettle and the miraculous.

Body bags as permitted TRUTH art should haunt Clintons as these indictable cover ups amount to Barack Obama as worse than Richard Nixon of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton too set secular and radical coldly of Alinski to as if methodology was shared as ordered to rule by getting control of healthcare and killing the free peoples’ God.

We cannot rightly ignore Al Gore and his master plan.

A primary mood - essence - vibe - of this essay is to generally stand up support forward for Kanye West new black beatings - beats - to bring/rise blacks outta this darkness.

Because of Al Gore at tricks to EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery Power to globally postured as an authoritarian America’s first black President’s legacy is left as Quixotic - Barack Obama for Posterity of legend now as a black Don Quixote, - some just for jousting of windmills.

Whites in “black face” this Halloween mostly would be to disrespecting the dead as politics involved of respectful to understand times in satire of living raising expression by BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks and as a black Don Quixote as justified.

We are not here with these artful to dodge the dark issues of Democrats established dark record nor to no say ’test their mettle’; these Democrats are bad actors with records to account down to each lost soul.

Our civic business in being guardians of our  galaxy forward asks us to now break apart the cons and coy of Democrats darkly at solutions tyranny.

We can NOT, at this moment, know the next Kanye West black beatings but the The Doors old beats of a last whiskey bar may have foretold with dub’s as if of singing of an Obama.

As we build the case for the legend of the first black President, much thanks to Al Gore’s master plan, as our first black Don Quixote we too should see and relate his own side kick Joe Biden on a donkey.

We must be artful to raise and respect all souls while to still working to battle outta past dark days/ages.

He becameth Quixotic also by his cover ups for the Clintons as with trapping absolute to as if Bill Clinton was 100% innocent.

It is Quixotic for of his permanent legacy as to like jousting of windmills his general tag/rap for such cover ups behoove most to little respect for that he just postured as if honorable.

Most lawyers and originalist judges can see the obvious legal trap of he indictable still for his Presidency of cover ups worse than Nixon and Watergate.

It is elementary - simply logical - of the reason chain of his story arrests him in its simple contradictions of that Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can claim 44 better than 42.

SCOTUS, as per such POTUS, has their records as two of short of miraculous mettle attesting their cover ups reset the bar on why cover ups are and should remain impeachable crimes and as treasonous treacheries.

It is elementary and dark for it raises if so many lost souls from Clinton errs did sadly die in vain.

Simply logical elementary political historical accounting exposes their trapped of neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can legally posture 44 was better than 42.

Mrs. Clinton trapped is of as spouse to Bill Clinton they are not to incriminate the other and so cannot, however an arguable truth, cast a posit to that the American first black President was a better Executive than her husband.

Barack H. Obama is likewise trapped from any real honor as if better than born William Blythe III William J. Clinton as his legal official position of indictable cover ups of an absolute of “all just Bush’s fault” to that any claim to as if Bill Clinton wasn’t 100% innocent effectively legally equates to 44 confessing to he indictable for impeachable cover ups.

As Al Gore the Clintons’ earlier side kick Joe Biden we must get to how Al Gore most settles Barack Obama legacy as a black Don Quixote.

President Donald J. Trump, Sr. with his pledged intent to bring back “Merry Christmas” is set against the old dark days/ages.

The darkest darkness of these dark politics raises with the lies;  it is diabolically dark that Democrats by cover ups of errs of Clintons nearly did greatly set asunder our Constitution to that they did have Power and could stay of Power by that they near first American autocrats by only who enough knew TRUTHS while masses subdued as kept mired from powers by their rule by lies as if real history.

So though People are justly to tricks of treats this Halloween of mired politics to fair to don BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks it behoove our humanity to speak to the deplorable addictive methodology Al Gore punk’d the first black President into as of solutions tyranny of master plan to restore Al Gore to old plantation legacy of masses addicted to Gore fixes sold whence of nicotine.

Side kick Joe Biden is hardly, as of Delaware, the Southern white male more of below the Mason Dixon Line also of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

Kanye West, hopefully, will not be a left alone black as tries to trumpet rising beats to raise brethren from such darkness.

Barack “Don Quixote” Obama is too, in legacy, of (secular?) in the The Doors last whiskey bar and President Donald Trump as successor is trying to raise “Merry Christmas” from Clintons’ and Obama secular radical as efforts to reset and reestablish room in the Federal Government for respect for miraculous - for Peoples and masses to mettle testing with scope of miracles of faith normal and regular civic.

As to the body count of souls lost due Clinton errs and new “worse than Watergate” accounting wisely to numerically and arithmetically face history of all dead from September 11 attacks on accounting tables our midterms post Halloween of election 2018 with politics best accepted of history suggests that as attacks were planned the world largely expected Al Gore to be President on the day of attacks.

It may be too cynical to ask history to show such and as a former war photojournalist had such been otherwise President Al Gore had Afghanistan set up as a manageable conflict a ‘you provide the pictures and I’ll provide the warring’ made for photojournalism (war?) staged.

But as we are in these days to respecting all souls we must be of moral and civic duty of at least asking whom died maybe in vain and firstly due Democrats dark machinations for Power.

Please rise in assisting to settling, as now allowed again, whom of the fallen died as of miraculous mettle yet otherwise, until now of a just cause corrective, thought to have died in vain.

Our black Don Quixote recent blurb’d of “none in my administration were indicted” comparative is below “Don Quixote” as his whole administration was indicted with the fall of Clinton and his policies as defeated regularly since.  His jousting at his own still indictable is no faux windmill.

Otherwise Al Gore is much, with his master plan (to remain a Southern Authoritarian while white?) of EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery of solutions tyranny greatly responsible to the legacy for America’s first black President as not much more significant than “QUIXOTIC”!

However Barack “Barry” Obama endears as rose of The Doors last whiskey bar Kanye West can dub worse tracks justly on selfish narcissistic secular radical President Obama as President Trump is now not alone at with efforts worked to reestablish respect for miraculous mettle.

Of these days annual with the living with the dead “black face” on any but Don Quixote should rile with disrespect as for now due deplorable cover ups so party broached there are many lost souls whose cause not carried yet as justice for their mettle and sacrifice likely to be damming to souls of more than a few living Democrats said “leaders”!

I do not know specifics on how President Trump is working a civic business to reestablish respect for miraculous - realm of miracles of faith - by these midterms and coming holidays but peaceful assistance can be yet with body bags yet art - traveling TRUTH art.

GLOBAL WARMING ALARMIST Southern Al Gore seems to have historical psychological cats to tag as it seems evident the SOLUTIONS TYRANNY politics in CLIMATE CHANGE that set President Obama as a black Don Quixote of roots in Gore past of tobacco plantations in his worked methodology as a tyranny towards newly addicting masses in nick of time vulnerability to Gore fix.

Whom else but Cervantes? - on drama and dilemma to our first black President legacy as left to be “Quixotic” at best by machinations of Southern white males Bill Clinton and Al Gore of master plans to be globally white authoritarians despite our ratified constituted protections from such of originalism of Peoples’ “Order”?

President Barack H. Obama is at least quixotic by that he inherited his lesser role to firstly servant to Democratic Party Powers deep stated - by that GREEN AGENDA was then an outdated plan over ten years old he, say, was handed - or inherited of hands forced to be so much much ado about windmills.

Forward we must yet be to questioning so other souls can rest how President Obama as so set against miraculous mettle did establish himself as less honorable than Cervantes “Don Quixote”!

SCARY are these days of so many lost souls not allowed by Democrats’ cover ups to rise from the indictable deplorable trapped as not to be understood or freed unless masses do account at least, for now, that diabolical and high number of who died due Clintons’ errs.

Of Al Gore as a DEPLORABLE there is at least his methods to ADDICTING masses and in his SOLUTIONS TYRANNY President Obama was more just a domestic servant to forward established “QUIXOTIC” of he didn’t build a real windmills legacy - of his RECORD attests a lack of mettle to protecting for miraculous - realm of holidays. And, his complicit in new worse WATERGATE?

         *       *       *       #MoralsTrumpHate?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:49 am

The civility of the summer of 2018 needn’t be about beating up on women and blacks as election 2018 midterms should be more squared off on how Trump beats Bill Clinton.

As we try to move past these alarming betrayals by officers of the courts as Clinton libs of Justice and FBI brass the heart of our matters do toe in justly as much ado about an evil in Bill Clinton.

A crisis in our democracy extant is illustratable and graphically with a late but long due accounting of Bill Clinton as of actually bad and diabolical politics.

The beats are up - let us now drop this story - let our summer be viral for trued justice!

Correctly we can go deeper than cross and bitter at the revealed associated scandalous of Bill Clinton head to protégé Anthony Weiner and wing man and fixer Harvey Weinstein as such of today’s dropping but adds shade and coloring to how the Clintons so regularly crossed our lines.  The picture should be clear enough to convict Bill Clinton as quite diabolical and to therefore never quite the man he was sold and packaged as time and time again.

Let us not forget what President “Hollywood” Bill Clinton did to Baltimore!

For Justice, despite troubled Chicago of close accomplice in Mayor Rahm Emanuel, starting with a case study of Baltimore will deeply rap a fated to HELL, it seem still, for Bill Clinton and how he administered for real crime/true crime in such major city.

A moral conundrum persists in the souls stirring sad story as seems President Clinton was afraid of seeming “too good” a President (person generally) and to therefore was willing to sell out Baltimore for a Hollywood pal so to have a blockbuster hook-up for real crime and true crime homicide as wired and anchored television.

Oh YEH - you are starting to see a different Bill Clinton - a real Bill Clinton - and as to it self evident such trued Bill Clinton has a rap of corrupted ranks of Justice while promoting himself while afraid of being a leader “too good” a person.

This is the Bill Clinton I have sensed since of a bad first impression in the early 1970s while he and Hillary were just out walking in my neighborhood as coed cohorts of Yale Law School days.

These stories of criminal behaviors associated through many he promoted to be of his team, in domestic collusion at least, have much to answer for which they should not get immunity for as times call for them to also tell us of this real Bill Clinton.

The names Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok are hardly enough to fill out the rap sheets we yet should be dropping shade on today!

The sold Bill Clinton unexpected 1992 rise was ahead of schedule to the ambitions of Bill and Hillary and by so does expose their plots to now an easier prosecuting to at least clearly indicted as diabolical in the court of public opinion they voluntarily changed venue to by candidacies.

More simply:  The Clintons’ schemes, frauds, and cons have been slowed down enough from suffice of popular energy needed to keep their diabolical compromises cloaked.

Personally, of my bad first impressions dropped story, it is that I have known their engagement was cored around a collusion intimate to be together from Yale forward to become each of an own Presidency as firstly ambitious to like become the most powerful lawyers alumni of Yale.

How Bill Clinton sold out Baltimore as while afraid to seem “too good” yet for of “community policing” backed for those leaders locally effective proponents for New York City and New Haven, Connecticut, plus, is almost as revealing as how they tried as they were leaving the White House to get big banks and banker pals to fork out near a million a year for sought near penthouse suites for his “foundation” in another tower on 57th Street - Not Trump Tower but that above the Russian Tea Room of as Carnegie Hall Tower.

Despite ethics - Senate ethics - for Senator Hillary Clinton as the due concern for peoples of New York protection from banks Bill Clinton after failed to get G.A.O. okay to hook taxpayers did, as I recall, pressure banking pals to pay such rent as like thanks for all the money he made them by forcing/pushing them into derivates gambling as only way to deal with his irresponsible economics of diabolical politics of having his surpluses by cutting 2 Trillion dollars at the same time pimping hyper consumerism and tricking peoples to committing to risky mortgages and to spending more than they had and ability to afford.

A devilish Bill is the true Clinton - the real Bill Clinton!

Though Weiner, Weinstein and other loyalists provide shade and color to how they crossed the lines we have midterms ahead at much of the work of cleaning out the ranks of “officers” of our courts who partied to and with these moral compromises as the political partisan standard operating procedures of the kept cloaked said “good” Bill Clinton.

The President who became saved by Harlem after all this - after failed to hook the taxpayers, thanks to the G.A.O., and failed to further bend the banks to his diabolical power scheming is so illustratable as a devilish character, likely fated to HELLISH for eternity, with how he was willing to use his power as President with Justice and walls of separation, at least, at the Bureau - The Federal Bureau of Investigation - to let Hollywood television pals profit grossly off a willingness to deprive Baltimore the revolutions in policing and community improvements he otherwise inherited good will with for of at least New York City and New Haven, Connecticut. 

Bill Clinton’s worst is of stories to drop of how his avoidance and inaction can be tagged as quite criminal while severely morally compromised!

Sadly the foreign aspects of so much that went bad does too relate for there is a commonality to Bill Clinton likewise a common denominator by storying how principally he chose avoidance and inaction instead of moral leadership particularly as around Saddam Hussein and simmering unrest known of Al Qaeda.

It is of the diabolical - the devilish - of Bill Clinton that historians and students must consider and try to fathom the reason chain as regards.  Globally President Clinton was more as was compromised for pals to profit off selling Baltimore as of true crime than he was as loyal and of integrity with the bravery for community policing revolution.

Notable for Posterity is a common denominator of for studious to affirm that Bill Clinton policies towards Iraq showed he was not an intelligent believer in “community policing” and allowed his fattened ranks t cloak and bury leads and stories from dropping on the commonality to so much that went south as of his diabolical deplorable moral compromises is as is/was evident of that the mistakes he made showed that he was never a believer in the “community policing” where even it was allowed.

Bill Clinton did not act alone!  What did they know?  When did they know it?

The path to indictments by old adage of “follow the money” convicts this time around more as to criminal by studies and affirmation to that he - Bill Clinton - is crooked by where didn’t let money go and actively worked to stop money from going.

Such a deplorable and diabolical President we had never had before and pray never get near to having again.  There are women and blacks beaten likewise (Mrs. Clinton & Barack Obama, at least) and due also to be accepted and notable as fallen.  Bill Clinton is still though their king - the king pin we need drop truth & light upon.

So true, for starters, is the rap that “Harlem saved President Bill Clinton!” for if not for the Harlem zip code as the Clinton Foundation ‘hood awful stories would have been regular news of a horrible leader ensconced in offices high up in a tower on 57th Street in NYC.  Only because Bill Clinton was dragged almost in tears to having to call Harlem home is it that the Clintons have even survived to now! - remember he asked bankers to pay his downtown near penthouse suite rent as thanks for his forced/pushed them into derivates - the huge (#YUGE) profits gross before the fall - the crash - the crashes - the economics that prevented a recovery due too much consumer confidence lost.

  *     *     WHERE WERE WOODWARD & BERNSTEIN?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

You too can play this game!

This is not the old game of “how about a game of TIC-TAC-TOE?”.

The proliferation of Kim Jong Un, nuclear, is a complicated American morality mashable.  It seems Iran and North Korea weaponization of rockets manned to based to be post “GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR” madness evolved from to armaments to for waging IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE.

As America is an IDEA each citizen should now step up a joined to a letter writing campaign.  Each of us is needed to pen letters to North Korea to be bulk carried by President Donald J. Trump to his summit for “ONE KOREA” ice breaking.  As POTUS is “Trumpet Boy” the SWAMP of these united states of the Americas must be heard over.

The new IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE paradigm being brought to a head for “ONE KOREA” summit variant is now after the FIRST STRIKE, & SECOND STRIKE, and to if an EVIL TWIN BROTHER “KIM JONG OH YEH” to seek to target university towns across America over military or government establishments.

Kim Jong Un’s evil twin brother “Kim Jong Oh Yeh” is as much the relevant core issue as in Middle East and particularly accelerated basic concurrent of Iran.

Great Americans now is the time for at least a major lettering writing campaign due Donald J. Trump mission is that Americans are generally good people and it is the humble greatness of Americans that is our individual best defense to Kim Jong Un too as if “Kim Jong Oh Yeh!”.

Consider the SWAMP of fogs of partisan sniping bogging down a global and local means to rationalize our ecosystems from slipped to divisive paradigm dominant.

Donald J. Trump, negotiator, has before him the ignorance of the “SWAMP” collating HOPE to two distinct boxes.

Donald J. Trump, manager, can use expressive masses of individual voices to pen letters to explain why they do not deserve to be targeted even if of a university town.

Donald J. Trump, Republican, has much progress arrested and his hands strapped from breaking partisan divide due Democrats won’t yet even step up to basic simple first step to outta the box potential from teeing up fair play by offering in an also humble set a list of at least 10 things 5 top Democrats leaders have each made since January 1993.

Republicans are not hiding from progress to a restoration of BIPARTISAN colluding for the People by shying away from listing and discussing what mistakes Republicans may have made, while - yes - essentially Democrats still won’t list or open discussion even on just what mistakes William J. Clinton may have made in 1993.

Imagine you are to be standing waist deep in “ONE KOREA” summit without loads and loads o mailbags filled with letters asking Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader, not to target them individually, - even if of in a university town of too much diversity of now a legacy of failed to martial DPRK type SOCIALISM to Washington, DC broadly.

Imagine North Korea Supreme Leader is true to his words to that he is not a one to want to bomb free people back to the stone ages.

The Supreme Leader of the DPRK now has us imagining a “ONE KOREA” breakthrough but by how “Un” knows “Un” so may yet be from that so far “Un” of experience learned from a proving North Korea could be nuclear aggressor  and not as yet from R&D safe spaces to trigger state that could surface an EVIL twin brother dynamic of “Kim Jong Oh Yeh” buttons pounder.

Now is the time to table BIPARTISANSHIP as it is elementarily common to parry commencement post seating arrangement and the shape of the table of to a common proffered honor in humility of now the Democrats to first offer and opening list to discuss to heal partisan divide by offering now second step as to be open to dissecting what mistakes William J. Clinton did and may have tragically made at least of 1993 to 2001.

We must gradually open minds for BIPARTISANSHIP back for an America GREAT AGAIN by once again likewise as a “ONE AMERICA!”.

We must not rush from gradually opening mind to resolved from blind partisans - of a modern dark ages - to too soon breaking down that DPRK to “ONE KOREA” could have happened near 9 years ago but couldn’t because Barack H. Obama, President, wouldn’t heed foreign leaders of Socialist countries entreaties to be less SOCIALIST and to from rubbing their progress to FREE MARKETS more akin CAPITALISM raw.

If Democrats won’t cease & desist from being faux AVENGERS and shift from first order OBSTRUCTIONISM all progress for also “ONE KOREA” may be DOOMED!

If Democrats do not offer a fundamental shift to open to parity to fair polity comity can not be seeded even to meditations for BIPARTISANSHIP!

If Democrats now resist a shift from first order OBSTRUCTIONISM and refuse to offer service to our tables for DIPLOMACY - domestic DIPLOMACY and foreign too - our resistance alone to also displaced!

The shift from “GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR” to “TIC-TAC-TOE” to now attitudes for NUCLEAR exercised as of IDEOLOGICAL WARFARE justified is firstly concerning due such shirts FIRST STIKE, SECOND STRIKE, THIRD STRIKE, equations to algorithms of university towns more natural targets than military or government establishments forward?

Letter writing campaign may now be our best defense.

Meditations for BIPARTISANSHIP persist thwarted from suffice by too of a “MEXICAN STAND-OFF” between the 100% INNOCENT William J. Clinton and the Democrats’ REAL William J. Clinton.

We seem able to take North Korea Supreme Leader at his word that he has learned from developing his NUCLEAR potential, so far, that his “HE” is of not to be EVIL like twin brother a “Kim Jong Oh Yeh!”.

President Donald J. Trump, of the humble great People of these united states of the Americas, while partisan divide to healing remains thwarted, now may need at least the spirit amassed and bundled voices of “GREAT AMERICANS” of individuals to proofing his belief in normal Peoples by free and open exercised rights to ask the honorable Kim Jong Un to not target them and with explanations to why targeting normal Americans so would not be just?

This THIRD STRIKE conundrum is not only of what could have yet also happened/progressed since 2009 if otherwise tabulated!

Do, PLEASE, help NUCLEAR Kim Jong Un understand why each of you should NOT deserve being of his “THIRD STRIKE” algorithms - even if of a university town too diverse to muddled blandness and if such of institutions failed to martial SOCIALISM arts endured.

Otherwise:  The strikes against Hillary Rodham Clinton are justified - are just to discuss & dissect!!!

Had Hillary R. Clinton won we would have no where to press off to due to guilty by association and called to DEFEND HER HONOR even as leaks and truths discovered of lacked/lacks HONOR!!!  [There is something to the size of a cover-up suggest he size of crimes, and likewise Democrats can’t yet even admit were 1% errant/bad!!!]

A parity for polity - fair play - got game - forward depends on comity by effecting a playing out of teeing up now also all the strikes against Democrats and to assisting negotiations for unity by actually offering service to statistics to summed up now on what were at least 10 mistakes by William J. Clinton, Albert A.Gore, Speaker Nancy P. D’A. Pelosi, First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State/First Mate of Clinton Foundation Hillary R. Clinton each!!!

             *       *       *       BABY STEPS?       *        *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:32 am

Historians must be quaking in their Birkenstocks this 18th of April.

As you settle in for your Republic joe coffee jolts an express o’ our times the “EXTRA-EXTRA” in banners streaming.

As we shall try to get to the metaphor of as if politics and life is but what one can divine from a bird feeder:

The concentration in the Democrats camps is confused! - each - to all - really confused!

Our Republic and eyes ’round the world  have eyes on the scrambled pecking order of these huddled Democrats; the first order of Democrats is self-destructing.

We simultaneously bear witness to akin a circular grizzly pecking order bi-polar in pressed barbs liberating to a “President Mike Pence” is welcome to their prime resistance rose of the new GOP and it’s movement - The Republican Movement.”

It behoove partisans to consider if lot of Democrats so confused, and circular post first ordered past somehow sustained, are but accidentally incidentally feeding on their selves - own flock/rank.

A free for all feeder set doth not equate (particularly by Hamilton) to justified for conscious civil - civilized - as to their entitlements bantered.

Why are we of our Republic of these united states of the Americas now witness to the Democrats parried anti-Trump as primed to enable Republicans of originalism - compassionate originalism - to dream of seeing promoted “President Mike Pence” and as by attacking as if seemingly Donald J. Trump, Sr. beith not actually a “Reformed Clinton Democrat”?

The civilized reasoned strong of the new GOP Republican Movement are not disturbed in the prospects from Democrats unity of effort to promote a clean partisan true of originalism roots - it seems.

Tho diabolical to humanity as conscious and chosen to “civilized” the Democrats so dissolved to devolved to an order in a circular pecking order- near a feeding upon their own - it is considerable little hope is in their facility.

Historians shall eventually also learn to walk the talk of “GO AHEAD DEMS, MAKE MIKE PENCE PRESIDENT” apparently!

An EXPRESS to justify your attention to fair streaming:

The many benefits accruing to citizens, and associated of clean hands, with the “Liberation Economics” of worked through by the Trump administration are natural fruit pitched of the wave of unified counterpoints to the Socialism anti-constitutional by dictum of President Barack H. Obama.

The waves of from barren austere, so of forced by Obama administration, to harvest bounties as the current joy and future hope of forecasts - the green minimalism of green agenda - bear truths of Trump administration is surfing the inheritance his way but as the greatest truth is that such of his liberations is but naturally evolved and bearing fruit from the organized movement the Republicans’ restoration of originalism - compassionate originalism.

The deep bench of modern Republicans rightly welcomes the converted TRUMP as a most enthusiastic fountainhead of a general Party’s resistance facilitator/facilitated.

As Donald J. Trump, Sr. surfeth like a new Paul Revere the fruit of our plated was sown by ranks off for common sense Republicans and success at a restoration movement - to us together of a unity a new ROMANTIC ERA.

We are wise to revere such firstly as a conversion story!

What historians now cannot escape is the purity of such truth of our modern history (of Trump) is that a new GOP turned us from Federalism devolving to the grace of the founding fathers’ passion represented in their lasting work.

The sad state of our Democrats so of a first order a circular pecking order can be broken up to those too stuck blinded by their partisan spectacles; Democrats can choose to see the errors and errant in their’s ways (with a little help).

The “EXTRA-EXTRA” free for all is the stocked of our times.

How are Democrats now so politically grizzly as not reverent of the revenant plain language, and amassed success and growing bounteous from the Republic resolved back to compassionate originalism?

By that the founding fathers work was not to us as prescribed in blasphemy the light is about to also be seen by Democrats and of separation is vertical of that none is of a separation right from under our Lord Creator and supposed to be of a re: legion (of neighbors) set of to care for all of Creator’s created creatures, and stuff.

Somehow it is a real truth that Barack H. Obama and many associated partisans ended his primacy still while misreading the Peoples’ “Order” our constituted “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord.”

Historians must now try to reason through and commit to a retelling of the history of the austerity as also of opposition and intentional efforts to set asunder the constituted but as an ignorant opposition to what they and their lot thought it ascribed.

Forward students will get the chance to discuss and understand, at least of President Obama’s failures, that such executive was of his first order as amassed in at least a seeming ignorance of originalism - our letter of the Law actual plain meaning.

While many justified to be reverent otherwise of President Trump historians must evolve from shock troops partisans towards evolving too.

President Trump inherited most of the facility in these new Republican economic and political successes?

The revenant missed that is in the Democrats circular grizzly partisan is of the Revere ware of the Republic baked success with the reasoned and organized of the Republican Movement.

The conversion story of Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, helps sell his inheritance as from GOP reset!

The old swaddled togas of the Greek sandaled - near Hellenists - Democrats are rivals to the endearing and enduring truth of Trump is barely rebranding the Tea Party restoration of our Uniting - the restoration of our Uniting principles common sense prescribed intolerance to all tyranny “over the minds of men” constituted in the vertical separation of religions are firstly tools for self-governance and to that of Federalism is secured to that a national governance is also equally under our Lord Creator - Lord’s Laws.

Our banners thread true where explain our history as growing hope as that now both evolutions from past on Syria and North Korea reign of Trump - Donald J. Trump, Sr., President - the fountainhead firstly by inherited Republicans’ success with true Republic core Liberty values.

Whether by Democrats self-destructive facilitation if to yet to an acceptance expressed by scandals expedited of the Trump conversion story of rose as seemingly a reformed Clinton Democrat, or, if in regular order of discovery we broach “PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE” as our “EXTRA-EXTRA” bannered it for Posterity resolves that the core of Republican Movement is of making the peace and hope, more so than the ready helmsmanship of convert President Trump.

We perhaps need wait upon the historians to a consummate history; Where our TRUMP is shining has counterpoints of Democrats’ failures can be wrapped/summed up and disseminated of from betrayed the actual plain meaning of our Peoples’ “Order” and not justly by ignorant and wrong readings.

I expressly can posit and attest we need to be resolved from prematurely reverent of a TRUMP EXPRESS due the wave trumps a railroading as one garners George W. Bush Iraq War and Freedom Agenda was more constitutional than Clintons’ inaction and Obamas’ wars of choice.

And, Constitutionally true to Liberty, as too healthcare, such are literally oldest establishments, and core purposed, of religions!

An “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” explains it! - Reveres it!

And, Constitutionally true to the pathology of Freedom before any “under Government” each still reset & restored to originalism - compassionate originalism - firstly as of under our Lord as of rights not from Government of men - as still now due restored to of government of Laws - of Freedom & Liberty as established as actually original concepts of religions.

Again:  This new “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” is enduring as endearing that religions of separation of Church and state of religions trump by that firstly religiosity is disciplined adherence of for and for of self-governance.

        *       *       *       REVENANT TOO?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

To get what they want they are willing to give up what?  Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!

Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.

The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.

It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.

Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.

It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)

This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.

To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.

This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.

This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!

NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign.  Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.

Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control

Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.

Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!

Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.

Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?

Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?



To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!

Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?


The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun!  Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?

     *    *    *     IT IS THE AGE OF MEA CULPA?    *    *    *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

You know things must be bad for Democrats when…

Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:

We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.

With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.

Our “Joe” has two problems:  Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks;  Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”!  These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”.  These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue.  Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”

The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.

Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.

As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.

You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.

I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.

You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too?  To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.

As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people. 

Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.

Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?

“Joe”?  Vice President Joseph Biden?  Really?

What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?

      *       *       *       WHO YA GONNA CALL?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:44 am

We cannot long still deny Hillary Clinton is in a pickle - Bill & Hillary may be stuck akin in the same pickle barrel.

These times oddly of James Comey not of trying souls when reasonable souls saw due course affirm a failed copacetic had become, among Democrats, a new normal more convenient.

Aren’t we, mustn’t we, consider how such times may have been apparent to foreign leaders too much in the know as Vladimir Putin, for example, may have felt pinched and of no legal recourse against the Democratic Party corruption short otherwise of asking the International Criminal Court to open charges against ranks of American leadership, Democratic, as too corrupt Socialist.

We are not faced with Mitt Romney, as President, a one victim of the Peter Principle limitations for as to if a Utah Senator their is ample evidence to offer hope that he too yet can serve as a good Mormon.

We have particularly concerning the old Director Comey ad lib’d to evidence is of a Russians’ leader’s dilemma - as specifically parsing parameters for Justice - that James Comey FBI that couldn’t find “intent” of ”Crooked Hillary” amounts considerably as to have been in over their heads to find Vladimir Putin, if of improper collusion, of criminal or crooked intent.

What recourse for justice was then available to any foreign agent of foreign moral agency where a justice department of these united states of the Americas was so “Godfathered” to ascendency overwatch by Bill Clinton keeping offices as the unelected President of the World with strings attached to so so many he and Hillary doth did so appoint?

The “Putin Dilemma” is illustratable of a Harvard complictry of the “intent” sans rising to Director & Justice assuaged.

The “Putin Dilemma” is like of Russell Crowe and a trunk full of millions in cash, per Hollywood metaphors.

The “Putin Dilemma” is also a sad feminism Harvard future case study as “intent” arises to Elizabeth Warren’s old Ivy League area of expertise to of she though much muted to silent when of the peoples’ business she yet remained an expert of that the housing collapse & banking problems were actually much caused by Clintons, and, as historically significant for future scholars to easily now better than Senator Warren of also relevant to that it can be studied of yet bad times of ”TRUMP” business days at least coincide with months and years Democrats economics did actually undermine predictable and fair economics by government meddling imprudent for democratic economics of times.

It is, it truly is, as if now we are yet of a flood of Bidenisms and yet oddly none just from ”Joe” Biden.

To be just on Justice compromised and of by Clintons’ ‘Justice’ a charlatan there is the Biden miss?

Joe Biden coulda have been President by if stood up for Originalism & Constitutional Governance he could have called his Congress pals to impeach the first black President for in-American intent. Oy?

“Leave it to Joe!” was a big fail for beyond “inside the beltway” wasn’t it established of Bill & Hillary personal intent that their own union was conceived & consummated on the ambition for Power to be “the most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School” and to be likewise bent for Power as the first husband & wife to each have a named own Presidency?

Consider poor Vladimir Putin of “Joe” Biden & Director Comey somehow missing the gross corruption or organized contrary politics of the Bill & Hillary “intent” as enough near “ABSOLUTE POWER” to have the intent condemn a mass for crimes different from those Vice President could have risen to President by prosecuting against Barack H. Obama.”

Our “Joe” Biden coulda been a hero - he coulda contended for Justice against the said “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery of the said “first black President” as “Bill Clinton” (oddly if you look objectively at Southern white male core) and the blatant disregard for the Constitutional oath of office of the first half black President one yet more a first black President than William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

Where oh where was, and is, our “Joe” Biden on the oh so so contrary of Senator Elizabeth Warren as one while so supposed to be of the peoples’ of Massachusetts work while yet the expert too silent as the (former) Harvard expert on how the Clintons’ selfish politics (for near “ABSOLUTE POWER”) does better explain why & how economies failed and Donald J. Trump was able to rise as a reformed Clinton Democrat?

How was our dear “Joe” not enough a ‘go to’ for Vladimir Putin to find justice for at least Russians against the Clintons machinations of intent for global supremacy as part and parcel to their “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery and quite of long of confessed criminal intent - as our “Joe” could Bidenize a Bidenism - due essentially Justice perseveres an enemy of the Clintons and not their charlatan made as simply, but for entrenched (& “deep state”) corruption of complitry all Vice President Joseph Biden needed do to defeat the Clintons and restore Justice was,however inconvenient to President Barack Obama, to assert officially that it is clear that with the “intent” of the Clintons long known as akin wants after “ABSOLUTE POWER” we have simply - so simply to not be lost in translation to Russians or Greek - that the Clintons’ have long confessed to TREASON with ever uttered “Post-Constitution” - utterances for justifications for extra-Constitutional Power by posturing as if the CONSTITUTION was dead.

Our “Joe” knows - our “Joe” Biden knows our CONSTITUTION isn’t dead?  Right?

The Tea Party to Republican Movement successes evident in the seating of a for “Law and Order” new President does offer at least Russians & Greeks Justice and a trump to old coy ploy chicanery a Bidenism not Bidenized.

A Bidenism we can concur: For simply the “intent” is diabolical and there have been confessions that are established simply by asserting that the CONSTITUTION is still the law of the land - that our old Peoples’ “Order” did form our Union is our CONSTITUTION still and is NOT dead.

Was the ICC a better avenue - even an open avenue - for say just President Putin to effect corrective Law upon Clintons as too “dons”?

As Clintons “intent” was long uttered to confessed President Obama’s Justice needed just assert the CONSTITUTION was still the law of the land to move to sentencing of too two “dons”?

Forward Donald J. Trump, President, of Attorney General Jeff Sessions is secured as seated by what said “collusion” if ever rose to as accused is yet of a plain language & Bidenism to suffice a defense even while conundrum remains of if FBI couldn’t find “intent” per “Crooked Hillary” they then must be over their heads to establish any honest “intent” per accused of Russians?

A Bidenism also not Bidenized is Hollywood metaphorically of Elizabeth Warren no Russell Crowe for she hath by silence dominant while of Harvard expertise on the Clintons economic crashes complicitry has been more like a bad cop on the take and one who didn’t turn in evidence of Clinton Cash in Democrats’ trunk?

               *       *       *       #LockEmUp?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Journalists the correct answer is “YES”! - - - Yes, to press briefly, Hillary Clinton is boxed in!  Yes, to boxers, their bell has been rung - her clock has gotten cleaned - a TKO is pre-called!  Yes, forward, - let me be clear - the Clintons did do it! - It is more all the Clintons’ fault.

Though it is #GivingTuesday & #GivingNewsDay and I am again in #tweets of in world wide trending #hashtags it is pressing more now on the guilt and late guilting of the cons of the Clintons than of that as regards #giving I am a #giver as per #Forbes #Billionaires list #news akin to the inaction & avoidance of issue to pressing out how I by not (yet) objecting to JK Rowling generosity for TBD is holding of for now I have only stipulated a possibility that Jo is just giving from her share of our most successful long collaboration for 7 books on magic.

The Clintons are in a pickle - many pickles - for of mused mass successes is too how to posture forward as a new next safe place for “Harry Potter” readers I did posit & share a calling to (Old School usage: of: ”many are called - but few are chosen” “called”) of that I should pre-remedy #Hogwarts expectations to that fans/readers post matriculation would be neitherwise to an expectation of that society owed them - any of em - a job.  The pickles of the “crooked” Clintons so tag’d is of that the #TheApprentice show idea stemmed from my so postured next media idea advance planning consideration for a synchronicity for economic growth by people like of #Paulist as of economies to grow doth need people to be able to sing together.  The #Apprentice idea was born of thinking with Donald J. Trump, Sr. towards generating media to inoculate #Potterdom from a weakness by posturing their future is not prescribed - but apprenticeships may be available.  The #TRUMP #RealityShow followed as a prophylactic too to #CrookedTogether of in how J.K. Rowling was accepting and performing on 7 books challenged of from muse as - as cloaked intent - to be protection for a new generation from the #HOGAN already known crooked of the Clinton Machine intimate BOGO machinations complicitry.

It seems on the verge of unbelievable that any such as I could have done so much that yet the Clintons afforded a false belief in a believed of as if of their potential - of that what Clintons didn’t do they couldn’t do and yet another, I, could have done and done exceedingly more/better - more broadly.

E.G.:  That is (I.E.) for example I know of a TIME Magazine methodology of “calling” as imagined pre-calling due 2006 POY field had me fielding an early morning “called” sans phonography as to if I would be Person of the Year for being blogger “uc” in DC + media market of year spent pro-actively publicly blogging via NewsBusters.org to argue for of #IraqWar for a #SURGE & to then why and then to defending & supporting such through its effected & to that success much undermined by later President first black executive Commander in Chief Barack H. Obama.

It is that it all fits together that pickles the pickled quandary of the complicity of the crooked.

I, whom did work to make a Democrat electable to President in 1992 and to then forward of such being of teaching specifically Governor Bill Clinton, in old school spiritual spirited “calling” sans phonography methodology , is whom did more than Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton and of that I like did almost mirror how I lead the defeat of #Hillary2008 fall with how I guided with free social media pennies wise defeat of #Hillary2016.

Yes, the magic of Potterdom arose from me as to mass market a prophylactic media to help protect a new generation a next generation from the complicitry of the known & unknown crookedness of he Clintons’ machinations for Power and some of a guilt for having been more successful than I had planned when of Clinton/Gore won in 1992 by trusting how I said & guided along postured of like: IF YOU LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN.

Enough on the failure of these as prophylactics!

The Clintons did do it!  The Clintons did do it more than any other!  It is lingua facto that is it more the Clintons & all the Clintons’ fault than any #FakeNews #AlternativeFacts yet have sufficed to report.  My defense is it all got outta control due Ross Perot ego got triggered due the synchronicity of #IBM of also working off my choreography synchronized in cloaked methodology for maximizing positive change as the new world order offered maximization potential as of how these united states of the Americas should, by my think, effect forward a forward as sole superpower.  I did fail to account for all the collateral politics of #Perot and the Clintons won despite some postured to give #BUSH #41 someone to run against after Senator Al Gore left country in lurch when he bailed while Democrats heir apparent - A team go to; I did fail to dispense of the crooked Clintons as an exposed single use disposable option due how I wasn’t to also processing the ego of Ross Perot of reacting to changes synchronized of IBM changed to a need of his like to rally on an “I TOLD YOU SO!”.

It truly is amazing now how it really is unbecoming and so diabolical of that “it” of “it is all the Clintons’ fault” fits like a glove of #TREASON - treachery much already confessed to.

The right answer journalists is now much akin “IT WAS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” as by http://JPHogan.org one can still become learned of that though Barack H. Obama has a complicitry and for economic crimes - conduct unbecoming a President of these united states of the Americas - by “BAILEY WICK(S)?” as also available by links http://ArtOfRivals.com & especially http://LockHerUp.biz of prime as http://CitizenRosebud.org.

These are the days for the froward forward of politics for Justice & “Law and Order” to try how many ways and times as not to render of double jeopardy the known & unknown of the complicitry of the crookedness of which when I am uncloaked there can be an AH HAH! moments to epiphanies from seeing how the Clintons have like only survived by hiding their long bad with my good, - and by misappropriated as immoral & amoral by false witness for coveting mine and stealing mine - intellectual property of origins speciality particularly uniquely fit’n my story/bio.

Though all this may seem unbelievable there is much yet of that you’ve been long mislead to believe others could have done it while their own back stories are contrary to such potential and so are primed to learn another did it and more and to them more tools that disappointed on the truer scope more broadly more equally conceived to maximize positive change at the moments of space-time of these united states of the Americas to adjusting a copacetic to becometh the world’s sole superpower - to effect and affected fit’n the new world order new paradigm.

The caveat to yet a failed likewise is neitherwise can the guilt of the first black President exonerate the crooked of the complicitry of the crooked together Clintons even as per old Bailey there is the diabolical rap just primarily assuaged to lock up #Obama of that as dramatized (Shakespearean old school) of the amoral & immorality of that as a new President he chose not to save the country from the still sliding economy for to effect such per the space-time economic & political reality he, President Obama, would have had to effectively martyr himself and didn’t.

“YES” is the right answer!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse than #RichardNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as a worst first couple EVER. 

#BlackLivesMatter sync’s now to a relativity for #EqualJustice of that it would be wrong - morally wrong - to assuage a complicitry criminal to beyond treason upon the first black President if not primed firstly to how punk’d he was by William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and of that the crimes prosecutable against Barack H. Obama are firstly of the criminal nature of the NIXON fall cover-ups of that to avoid an injustice we must gird from Bill Clinton as protected by being able to mount a defense firstly of “the black President did it” of the spousal husbandry distracted from while yet of getting away with it so far by holding back the tag’n of “it is all the fault of female leadership of at least woman Hillary doth failed BIG!”


Just say “YES”?

“YES” is the right answer journalists!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse the #DickNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as worst first couple EVER!

NO!  It is wrong and not safe if one ignores the cover-ups significance and paries on as if Barack Obama can be guilted while the first black President broadly firstly due his NIXONIAN of he made clearly criminal the questionable cover-up(s) of the Clintons he did inherit from #BUSH #43. 

YES?  - Or:  “NO! It is/was WRONG!”  Before we can prime the rap on woman Hillary or black President ”Barack” we must say “NO” - “NO MORE” - #ENOUGHALREADY #CROOKEDBILL!

Let the white man go first?  Try #SlickWilly for #CrookedHillary & #44 crimes first?

              *       *       *       JUST SAY YES?       *       *       *        


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

[As publicly shared on facebook.com/jpeterhogan wall & @jphoganorg linked.]











      *       *       *      BIG LIARS CLINTONS!       *       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am



#Discover #HOGAN #ColumbusDay #MondayMotivation of best sellers long:

Time to ask how J.K. Rowling @ #RobertGalbraith wrote #CuckoosCalling of me of #STRIKE to like now my concurrence of my story of now already told stealthily.

Time to figure past #Hogwarts #Potterdom of #HarryPotter of theme park as from son of one grew up across from amusement park #Playland and key’d to “Rowe-ling” energized to ghosted material around any read name of Pete Rowe, MD at front door of #Yale Students Health Clinton on Hillhouse Avenue.

#Gryffindor was key’d for energized to balance so much as around Yale as yet local to #Connecticut of #Derby of focused on #GriffinHospital of emergency room entrance doors and if legal for hospital to be operating/open (while I of friend then in their PR dept).

As per background stirred there is that about time Hillary Clinton prepared to enter 2008 run for President I instructed my arts #magic #magicschool associated to there to be no more #POTTERworld books due bad economics growing too much from John Kenneth Galbraith prudence to #Democrats leading an elite robbing economy - more to of #Scotland of Rob’n Galbraith for ill.

At such time, to protect Harry Potter readers from how I knew then alread tag #CrookedHillary fit’n #HillaryClinton, I didn’t tell Jo she had to go cold turkey from writing of mused energies from me but to if such still needed amusement mused energy she could move to covering me of a #STRIKE against #Dems machinations against #ORIGINALISM of #CONSTITUTION of times of #AdamSmith and for crooked economics I’d be trap’d to letting left steal from my work product if not to as to still be dedicated to pro-actively protecting a next gen from known as #CrookedTogether #CrookedClintons.

ps: Leon Uris last novel was book written as asked for as of “O’Hara’s Choice” as around a choice an heiress Amanda actually had to make, and to more time for real one to make decision.

pps: Tom Brokaw book on 1968 #BOOM was asked for to then anchor my restoration of a 1968 Cal 25 racer/cruiser sailboat to more like new than any restoration then in fleet in #Annapolis had effected. Of sailing near Naval Academy I did have thought it was time for a new academy movie and postured for one on #NAVY school while I then of self employed contractor doing boat restoration while still welding for building out skate board stores of then area chain own by friends called ASYLUM - WAKE, SKATE, SNOW!

>> And an earlier:

Greetings ~ on healing &
#HarryPotter curative due #Hogwarts:

@JK_Rowling story of a “half blood” is my mom’s story!

J.K. Rowling years ago accepted my 7 books challenge is for curators forward & backwards as of me blooded better from my mom’s side and to by #magic #MagicSchool challenge of able in stealth to mass produce procedures and disciplines to that my dad could, and his side of the family, prove my mom right to herself on choice of husband, of being yet of potential and learnable to be yet proficient in her loving complicated wizard like anchoring of her own family.

“Dumbledor” is my sugg’d of for the front door a Dutch style split door (double-door) of our neighbors’ door of that of the peers of Secretary Doctor Ben Carson of Yale likewised specialities in medicine while to around their children and one I nick-named for character development as “Pete Rowe-ling” of using his blood line of grandson to Dr Rowe the proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic then abouts.

So of course, and due a friendly connection of mine to Princess Di since announcement of her royal engagement, due process mom’s ailments yet much she as an overburdened caregiven essentially to overloaded on her magical capacity and timed as noted of when #BostonMarathon #Boston #STRONGER movie released while her/their routine of marathon pride & strong with a collage of dad’s old number & pictures hanging proudly in their home.

So yes that #Harry #PrinceHarry of #INVICTUS #InvictusGames is related & of stories necessary to family to keep pride in my parents’ first apartment of in #MarkTwain apartments next doors to #MarkTwainHouse.

#SiriusBlack is for my dad’s brother Charles my #godfather a one serious about black wires of watts & volts while #Patronus spells like “patron US” it also a spelling licenced for PETRONAS TOWERS my social set of ultimate Frisbee professionally involved in design & construction management of with senior architects of firms of my parents #NewHaven neighbors & social set.

My connect with #PrincessDi maintained of me playing like #Merlin, for little princes, from afar as a Connecticut Yankee yet in Connecticut while in spirit in the courtyards of play of “A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT”.

My brother healed himself too to become a spectacular father of music in the house and 3 or 2 budding talents of arts. Tad’s background helps to such autonomous success as well around parents of his boyhood best pal a audiophile while a VA psychiatrist of “SHELL SHOCKED” patients while also, unknown to us till far later, as of a Yale classmate and social pal society associated one to #GeorgeWBush.

On a medical & observed care note it was fun observing my mom go thru panel of questions on her first day in rehab & wellness center but glad attending doctor didn’t ask her “DOES SOAP FLOAT?” Such, if she recalls a story I’ld get Arthur M. Menadier (See Wikipedia), her father to recollect, would go to “YES” and let me tell you a story about that and corporate espionage. Mom’s dad in early career was involved in launch of first floating soap called ‘SWAN SOAP’ which was so novel and promising that “IVORY SOAP” came from rival stealing the recipe and making product whiter & lauching it against SWAN as the whiter floating soap - as if whiteness made soap cleaner cleaner.

Still as any sees Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo of “NO MORE TEARS” you are to looking at my grandfather’s work as tear drop embossed in plastic bottle was his idea during the product development of lauch he guided as not in house advertising & marketing by head of J&J account maybe by then of how he consolidated all of their advertising & marketing accounts to on firm and as his account even until mandatory retirement at 65 from Young & Rubicam.

     *       *       DON’T TALK ABOUT THE MAGIC?       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

We are here - we are really here now!  Let us face it - let us begin to face our space time & Cartesian connective feminism.

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism - lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t the worst of the worst to connect the dots to attest a theorem - proofed hypothesis.

Nancy Pelosi due her protection has expired is now more than ever yet of an excommunication threat due Donald J. Trump has repealed the tyrannical anti-religious liberty Johnson Amendment that protected Catholic Pelosi from her own religion.

Nancy Pelosi is culpable and mashed by math of the real as yet caught too of that there isn’t enough water in the oceans to wash Hillary Clinton clean of “Crooked Hillary” prima facia as truly representative when graphically calculated.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminist until the math and comparative guilt is consummately laid out scientifically thoroughly.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminism icon until we discern her role as First Lady and the ends of the bad means of the years 1993 to 2001 of the Clintons’ administration.

Hillary Clinton greatest threat is Barack Obama due his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech spoke smack on Bill Clinton of the erudite orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world have the work called calling them each to see honestly that forward the religious froward to Hillary Clinton & her Judgement Day is now enough prefaced by facts & circumstantial persuading exposed to that we can now already begin planning the works of that she is fated to be at the gates of Hell due the blood on her hands than at the Gates of Heaven while of a band apropos as HILLARY AND HAREM FIDELITY.

The intellectual honesty challenge to a proper thorough accounting of the comparative guilt of the culpabilities of Mrs. William J. Clinton is daunting and testing even to Cartesian coordinated efforts science; - our space time is time sensitive as Hillary Clinton comparative guilt is shared ugly of Nancy Pelosi and much primarily mostly diabolical for the years as Speaker Pelosi.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi long partied to the partisan Democrat Party beat of it OK if Mrs. William J. Clinton is a “Manchurian Candidate” of our future as Hillary Clinton could be packaged and repackaged and attempted of pimp’n to the ENDS as “FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT” while minds of the world face a tyrannous suppression to bury awareness to the MEANS to such END by especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi were without the Johnson Amendment at near enough due crimes against our Lord as near enough for EXCOMMUNICATION.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world face a grand scope as of our task to probe the collective about “CROOKED HILLARY” as facts and supporting circumstantial knowns bolster the graphic Cartesian plotting.

The work of feminism is halted concurrently of especially Democrat Party leaders of tag “feminists” are negligent and remiss as obstructionists to prevent a due proper thorough accounting of how many dead buried at least in Arlington Cemetery are there as of the hands of the Clintons’ spousal husbandry of Mrs. William J. Clinton Shakespearean of her own hands deeply stained of “blood on her hands” collective culpability of the comparative guilt this broad scope is to scientifically call all able minds, however bodied, to.

A first broach of the swamped guilting of Mrs. William J. Clinton is of the “THE LONGEST WAR” & “FEMINISM” due we know Secretary of State John Kerry inherited the Obama war of choice on the Taliban in Afghanistan from Barack Obama first term & the “diplomacy” of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton; - Secretary Clinton has many to most of the dead in Afghanistan as blood on her hands of deep stains to at least responsible feminists think.

Secretary Clinton did leave Secretary Kerry the “THE LONGEST WAR” inheritance, and oddly of while tasked as chief Diplomat of President Barack H. Obama as supposed to find peace alternatives to war to that the situation of her final days had left Secretary Kerry one basic option yet not yet attempted shockingly.

Secretary John Kerry stands as evidence to “CROOKED HILLARY” as of how Democrat Party partied to her an ENDS justifying MEANS by simply that he inherited a war of which Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had not even tried that he then attempted of as a peace ploy - even diplomatic - of near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

Sadly FEMINISTS of the world have a comparative guilting to work through now to if I am wrong to of postured that Nancy Pelosi is a women of lesser guilt and a lower bodybags accounted culpability burden than Mrs. William J. Clinton.

Sadly FEMINISM must now face that as Speaker Nancy Pelosi did do more of the dirty work of the ENDS justify the MEANS of the diabolical Democrat Party set up for a President Hillary Rodham Clinton so it may be mature and considerable that Nancy Pelosi is more the BAD ACTOR and Mrs. William J. Clinton whom was then supposed to have the opportunity as a President then only to become worse and more guilty than America’s first female Speaker of the House of Representatives.

To know these women of their stories so complicated and historically diabolical is to be then of awakened of eyes open to that now forward a conscientious considerable froward is moral only if of asking and answering of the ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, as inherited from the Clintons’ administration by George W. Bush, of due President Obama erudite oration in receipt of NOBEL PEACE PRIZE of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”, to that therefore honesty of intelligence relates a comparative guilt amassed to be charted however Cartesian of that Mrs. William J. Clinton has all the dead of the 9/11/2001 attacks and resultant lost from collateral engagements for Justice as also blood on her hands and fittingly of her own personal guilt by an accounted real bodybags count for modern feminism in truth.

Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

No! REALLY!!!  Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

These years establish that forward Mrs. William J. Clinton, due accepting and intimate of being colluded long as END to justify Democrat Party shortcuts & negligence MEANS, is fated to meet the ferryman of HELL and without PURGATORY at all in play; - We have these days the modern INFERNO consideration to a dramatic to wake William Shakespeare ghost of that now there is needs akin LUCIFER finding DANTE reincarnate to be found and contracted for an EIGHTH LEVEL to be designed and constructed for at least BILL & HILLARY and likewise it seems near certain she whom sadly was ever honored as SPEAKER PELOSI.

These years can explain how much was never of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

These years equate the inequality and diabolical of SPEAKER PELOSI hellishly and fiendishly especially for such was always as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” RIDICULOUS and yet a cover-up illegal always and of its breadth of a scope so broad the size of the crimes equal TREASON of treasonous that the size of the cover-up suggests the size of the high crimes and misdemeanor - their full criminal gestalt.

These years present to bare just Mrs. William J. Clinton, for a parity necessary for any and all polity for comity of modern feminism, as calling all available intelligence still of an enlightenment potential to that we can get past these dark ages only by an intellectual honest and thorough rendition to effecting a deposed upon the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS as seemingly fitting as reservation to a new worse EIGHTH LEVEL INFERNO infernal.

We the People must be diligent and corrective now especially to adequately accounting of how many buried in at least Arlington Cemetary are firstly primarily of bodybags of blood on the hands of Mrs. William J. Clinton and back to 1993 as spirited of accepting corners cutting and even negligence as if she was ENDS that would (but didn’t) justify Demorat Party leadership MEANS.

We the People can hardly free or liberate William J. Clinton from a feminism culpability of a comparative guilt comparable for William J. Clinton did, as I recall, nearly undermine every foreign policy and domestic policy by sleeping on each with Mrs. William J. Clinton long enough to each consider how much of each had to be compromised so as not to inhibit their succession plan for setting up the “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” “HILLARY”.

We the People do now have at least enough public records and circumstantial amassed connective fibrous political historicals to render the GATES OF HEAVEN are outta the froward picture for how CLINTONS (AND PELOSI?) are now ominously fated; - The Clintons cannot escape SCIENCE of POLITICAL SCIENCE at least of future leaders of the world called to be studious to doctoral of mastering some to much of the evidence of that we have before us a greater truth now as at least corrective to near:  IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT!!!

It rests as calculable and to amass Cartesian how the Clintons cannot have their bodies separated of the mind and bodies separate for their souls did share intimately as a Power Couple to the spousal husbandry considerable tag’d by President Barack H. Obama in his erudite oration in receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize!

President Obama essentially undermined his whole party by alighting on an innocent by “inherited” for President Bush such as now leaves us of unfinished business of feminism of to be to assessing the comparative guilt especially as between Bill & Hillary - between POTUS & FLOTUS of 1993 to 2001 of the years to George W. Bush inheritance of DANGERS from the Clintons’ collective colluded of choices to be of inaction and avoidance especially as to where the what for the how of cutting corners was from putting the “MANCHURIAN” ahead of “PRUDENCE” by Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry so partisan and diabolically effecting by how much was set asunder due each political policy compromised was of a compromised to protect a succession planning for their to be by Clinton machine machination an inevitable PRESIDENT HILLARY!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for an INFERNO EIGHTH LEVEL rests in her story & roll in the THE LONGEST WAR due all the dead and injured are at least blood on her hands staining her/their soul due at least she did never even try that which Secretary Kerry found was a peace option still untried and available to President Obama - ya know! - that of that Mrs. William J. Clinton didn’t even try near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for DANTE reincarnate to be engaged in HELL ties their souls collectively for their solidarity of spousal husbandry likely is broadly to a 52 “FRIENDS OF BILL” snared to of a comparative guilt; - As they couldn’t have done it alone it does go past the BAD ACTORS females of leadership by NANCY PELOSI to also snare male Democrats.

So the TRUTH that attests a need grossly for a sustained new honesty for requisite honor for any modern feminism waits upon the accounting firstly of “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” Mrs. William J. Clinton and to that scientists of politics and history can make a case lawyers too can build out of that maybe all dead, - at least most nearly - died due to the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS was always (since 1993) #CROOKED!!!

“HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON” fit’n banding as “HILLARY & HAREM FIDELITY” begs now a starting point for #FEMINISM & #FEMINIST #FEMINISTSTUDIES of that the threshold to #TRUTH is of “HILLARY” - TRUTH BOMB of science is prudent and fair if to start with such overdue accounting by finding the number of dead since 1993 inauguration of First Couple Power Couple Bill & Hillary and then and only then subtracting from the tragic totals if there isn’t at least a 6th degree of separation from their “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” coy ploy chicanery quite simply TREASONOUS - OF PRIMA FACIA #TREASON!!!

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism!!!

Lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect!!!

                             *       *       *       *       *       *


                 *       *       *       BELIEVE!!!       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:37 pm

Most people are in a state of disbelief as to where concurrently the American state of mind resolves.

We have some basic postures to hold - a basic need some for a blotter of the pressing cores.

What follows here as raised should parse through as not contradictory however seeming contrary.

The preparatory stages have gone missing to now easily garnering “COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM” rye!

You may prefer to start with Donald J. Trump and on foreign policy but to get there we do require an open mind collectively to now getting to appreciating that in 1993 William J. Clinton first steps in the Middle East with Gulf Countries was erred & too slick.

To tolerate the promise of Donald J. Trump we must cotton now very lately to a mirage has been long affected to keep Americans from seeing and measuring the scope of how wrong William J. Clinton was, and, how by being that wrong how he did set up by its scope and breadth so much so many so long have falsely and ignorantly yet partied vastly to a blaming just his successor/successors.

It is imaginable that Donald J. Trump is already getting past that of the campaign postures his on George W. Bush of the Iraq War as wrong was wrong.  Let me be clear:  Donald J. Trump at least was wrong on that George W. Bush was wrong.

And how:  To understand this postured posit one may need to find some works of a proffered that can also attest that due that William J. Clinton first steps in 1993 on the Middle East were horrible so much isn’t understood and to that Donald J. Trump understanding is still also as uninformed by the shenanigans of Clintons’ smoke and mirrors and #BlameAndGo projection and outright misrepresentations of reality.

A good turn of phrase for such a diabolical political reality is of use of “alternative facts” to cover quite “lying” by Clintons.

But really this if of such as these of issues for a blotter to be kept until a thorough prosecution against general ignorance is accomplished.

On the art of “COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM” we are to deal of the real - even to entitlements are illegal.

William J. Clinton cannot stand as a hero - even a good figure politically historically!

William J. Clinton cannot abide an honest or structural presentation of events in history as to a gestalt of history through an apparently worked by seeing how the pieces move and culminate to actions having reactions and outcomes indivisible from the events when not over-lorded as if a telling of a legal turn of phrase could make any is and is not that is.

Donald J. Trump is at risk of making the same mistakes George W. Bush made if he does now also not address the reality - the real - the deeper scope of such of so much that went wrong started wrong when William J. Clinton made bad and horrible wrong first moves so with the Gulf Countries of the Middle East.

The primal constitutional core relates with:  William J. Clinton’s Iraq policies did violate the First Amendment; - George W. Bush Iraq War was Constitutional and respectful of Islam and Muslims generally for the United States Constitution is under “our Lord” and to a Peoples’ Order constituted to allegiance pledged for due process.

At this point I join you to be braced by the Constitution for the Constitution as the Peoples’ Order originally ordained.

Grammar of an order - especially such so important and enduring as the “People” of their “Order” that formed the Union a confederate republic - is now where we best test ourselves with a probative and open consideration of the structured as written.

Please now coax yourselves away from how wrongly long coaxed to mislead and poorly instructed on the real Constitution.

The Liberal’s want has been to claim long that the preamble is not Law and that God is not in the Constitution.


The preamble is the key the legend to the Peoples’ Order such as set on any map for reality in cartography; - the preamble is Law by greater than Law as by the diction and emphasis and with otherwise odd grammar used to key that there is a Peoples’ Order by the “do ordain and establish” with it critical for comprehending of “Order” is capitalized due a noun emphasized.

What really gets the Liberals goat is that the First Amendment can be used against them and to proof and ignorance and wrong reading comprehension - like always; - the First Amendment grammar, like all amendments, must be consistent to the use and diction and emphasis in that being amended; - the Liberals are inconvenienced by the reality that “do ordain and establish” preceded “no law respecting an establishment of religion” usage.

Consider:  As the preamble uses “do ordain and establish” of the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” in “Year of our Lord” by the time one gets to that the Bill of Rights first alteration presents of “establishment” of “an establishment” not “the establishment” or “Establishment” it becomes a conundrum a mystery of faith of sorts for how structured and emphasized all the while the preamble use capitalization for Posterity, Tranquility, and mixed so of “general Welfare” of the ordained and established.

To be brief but a trigger for a coaxing from the coaxed to improper and ignorant comprehension let us mix in that Donald J. Trump, Sr. is closer to the truth while yet wrong on the Iraq War for it hasn’t been fielded or worked through of how William J. Clinton errs on Middle East were grossly horrible and to much set asunder quite tragically by how Clintons are still as then wrong on ORIGINALISM and so blind to the new Republican Movement effected to the new “COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM” now being tweeted as regards what right and proper governance.

It gets more complicated likewise by reading, however coaxed, to the correct and proper reading of that the founding fathers’ work was not a work for secular SOCIALISM and so a work in BLASPHEMY; - by reading the First Amendment correctly of by that “establishment” is as “an establishment” and not “Establishment” or “the Establishment” there is that the use to consistent to the body of the constituted better reads of “establishment” as meaning any tenet/tenets of religion.

Here is where the mystery a conundrum become interesting and of that some thought rightly that the Bill of Rights was not necessary; - such fits perfectly with the view that the Bill of Rights is redundant and unnecessary for as it of “do ordain and establish…” we are set under our Lord and Lord’s Law as to reign to that each to know their rights of that each is endowed to defend themselves from any violate of the Ten Commandments against them, and especially if a government - any tyranny.

Yes, it simply figures that the Iraq War and George W. Bush of standing with Iraqi liberated peoples was being Constitutional and prudent in standing with their attempt to write a constitution yet a better constitution still on shared principles to be garnered with a true and correct reading.

The founding fathers were not, it seems, even at all disposed to the Peoples’ Order as a work in BLASPHEME and BLASPHEMY - such is not in their historic character still.

To wrap for a brevity let me be clear but brief:  The Bill of Rights as ratified of ten do stand quite similar to the Ten Commandments for basically instructs forward that of each is of endowed rights to defend from any, even a government, violate of Lord’s Laws against them.  But to offer a proofed to clarity may need more coaxing of yourselves from how long coaxed to a cloaking of the right and correct meanings.  Consider that “establishments” of meaning tenets then does better set up and understanding for the amendments 1-10 by leaves to states any law making as regards sin and Lord’s Law jurisdiction; - consider as “establishment” must be consistent to “do ordain and establish” there is that “respecting” is outta place by a “re…” word belongeth not in an amendment unless a spectacle likewise relates as establish prior in the body.

Let me be clear:  Taking the First Amendment as “respecting an establishment” reads best as eitherwise as “make no law to change/alter Lord’s Law - the spectacle - the spectacle of the founding fathers work as an apostolic spectacle in cliche.

The founding fathers and how the First Amendment is coy and mysterious is guidance to that they held their efforts as akin an “apostolic spectacle” and respected that of the spectacle of the realm of law of in the Lord’s eyes; - as it reads so the First Amendment partly establishes that entitlements, consistent to the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, are not legal for if none can be “titled” none are to be “entitled”.

Work with Alexander Hamilton through this reasoned erudite postured by keeping to FEDERALIST PAPERS #1 by “Publius” as to affirming entitlements to be such a foreign concept to reasonably illegal by that it is by second paragraph leading we are still to learn of that the Peoples’ Order is of the constitution as for “INDUCEMENTS OF PHILANTHROPY” and as worked through to conclusion as critically to as for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY” written, published, circulated.

The separation of church and state is better defined by George Washington’s famous letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island!

The separation of church and states works, coincidentally, quite the same as by how wrongly long coaxed to mistaught and unlearned by that of “no law respecting an establishment of religion” as to Congress shall not change the Lord’s Laws and of the separation as vertical of that no one individual is to be ever seen as a politician of a government as of an interpretation - any re-spectacled to that set at least as sins and of the Ten Commandments.

The inconvenient truth for Liberals is that by reading the Constitution and Bill of Rights correctly much stays the same except for that SOCIALISM and ENTITLEMENTS are now still illegal and however as barred as protected from since before such were ever new names for old considerations MACHIAVELLIAN, even.

William J. Clinton did much damage that we now must uncloak and coax masses from being ignorant as regards reality for the realness to the real to face Donald J. Trump now necessitates this interpretation reigns supreme for it, like as set in the “LETTER TO THE JEWS” does preposition the nation for better TOLERANCE and a social conscience that is our old prophylactic even to Islam ideals short of barbarism perversions.

Again the constituted ratified simple common sense is not of a supposed upon the founders of founding as an act and order in BLASPHEMY; - read forward:  Congress shall make no law to change Lord’s Law for that is by at least the Bill of Rights as prudently kept secured to localities and of states’ rights; - if it pertains to sins and the Ten Commandments it is not the jurisdiction of the federal government a confederate republic - but for collective protections from groups domestic and foreign organized against the shared united interests of the constituted under our Lord before under any government Americans.

It is keeping it real to coax you to a however very late consideration of that George W. Bush Iraq War was Constitutional and necessary at least because William J. Clintons entire eight years carried ruinous forward of his first steps were WRONG and to of to their core of that the Clinton Iraq policies did violate the Constitution - even the First Amendment though redundant.

When you get near to it it shall likely boggle your mind how much Liberals have been wrong for “establishment of religion” as meaning “tenets of religion” fit to the of “do ordain and establish” and to that so much was always just necessarily supposed to stay of powers as left to the states and their peoples’ “local”!

Likewise of brevity:  There shall be no federal entitlements for such violates the states rights to build communities - moral communities?

             *       *       *       WORLD PEACE?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

Onward together we have, quite, that it is time to cut the cheese - intelligently, at last.

As all the crap that is hitting the fans is sticking to President William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton as the least of the intelligent of the world should now be seeing and recognizing we have Emmanuel Macron French resistance to pare, too.

We cannot now much long endure or tolerate how much Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton is being postured in a vacuum - in and of a world only possible with alternative facts somehow trumping history & realities.

This man we judge as President Donald J. Trump is at least unfairly prosecuted as long as comparative literal historicals are not also related and by a political ruler measured to against the beginning days of that we’ve been of of a darkness as it is that it did much begin in President Clinton’s early days and as it was by President Barack H. Obama in his early days to have been set worse and more diabolically bad.

To relate to where the real world is now concurrent to the “RUSSIANS CHARADE” we must not ignore or fail to deeply consider that the President of France is by choice a Catholic and to now politically maybe less Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette than Saint Frances of Assisi, - or more Prussian and of a day a new era where British, Americans, Russians and likes of such as of Catholicism are forced to be allied of real alliance.

Before we get to how bad it is coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton let us embark on an overdue refresher on the dynamic of Senator Barack H. Obama becometh President.  If I recall correctly it was Hu Jintao, Leader of China, predecessor to Xi Jinping, who much concerned like Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest, nearly in unison, as reformers from past COMMUNISM & SOCIALISM to being new days’ CAPITALISTS. President Barack H. Obama did against such Leaders’ pleads move his administration away from their economics to more CAPITALISTIC & FUTURISTIC and to how we bore it out of having brought, with Secretary William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton, these united states of the Americas nearer & nearest ever to actually COMMUNISTIC.

With such re-established and to be broadcast forward as much as necessary we must also accept that while Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest he even harkened to a sticking to such old proved wrong pathology could result in the U.S.A. falling apart into 6 separate more regional smaller loose collaborations of states.  Historicals doom President Barack H. Obama if we the People can finally get enough good souls to hear and listen to more than the chattering propaganda of Democrats misdirection by alternative facts.

We will get eventually to how bad this is all coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton for Posterity sans Tranquilty.

For now responsible discourse is begging; - for now we, if we can manage a suffice, must also see the Democrats RIDICULOUS as spun so that we can appreciate sufficiently that at the times Democrats were posturing for a selling of a NEW GREAT DEPRESSION they misdirected attention spans so couldn’t bridge to TRUTH that they, not BUSH, were responsible and that most of their solutions of their sad SOLUTIONS TYRANNY were not necessary if Senator John McCain had won and been then to what now REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT Donald J. Trump, President, is reseting considerably.

Let me be clear:  By 2009 a recovery - a real recovery - was possible as by how Republicans were then set to be united with McCain/Palin and even without sacrificing the actual climate.

It is essential to be to understanding - seeing your way clear to appreciating - Senator John McCain is at least as good a man as President Donald J. Trump, and, we are of historicals to relate to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that a real recovery was very possible while inconvenient to Democrats for the first critical political step was to have then otherwise achieved a clarity of scope by telling the real history of that the Democrats caused the at least new great RECESSION by SUPPRESSION means for a convenient CRISIS around that CLIMATE CHANGE POLITICS needed at least $4 gasoline inflated to for to effect the BEHAVIORAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING in their then over 10 years old plan.

We needn’t here trouble ourselves with fully detailing how Senator John McCain coulda been as much a contender if not also of so many suppressed by so many alternative facts seeded sufficiently with a dumbed down upon masses of Democrats.

On William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton and spouse is also much of the shame and real history burdens President Barack H. Obama shall more and more find himself self-to-chains snared.  Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton due her repeated losing is a sub-character to these men to suffer Posterity with diminishing Tranquility.

Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is one to watch to see if intelligence of a suffice to see past the troubling and responsible of messes of the Democratic Party of these united states of the Americas at subterfuge to the CONSTITUTION at the objected to collusions that effected Americans to as now still too near that of becometh nearer and nearest ever to COMMUNISM.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did in his first months is fitting to his nickname as it was SLICK like rumored of bad used cars salesmen how he played the Gulf Countries Council Leaders by getting commitments from them to, as recalled, “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS” for all bad history COLD WAR regional problems prior to his ascension to Leader.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did as per the G.C.C. was dastardly and SLICK and of INTENT to scope out of amorality the tool to playing Leaders by on “on their honor” while he then made matters worse by more AMERICAN ABANDONMENT and the inaction and avoidance that festered and festered due he amorally chose on Saddam Hussein, as I recall, of doing near nothing due he didn’t want to - - - NOT by a worked through responsible moral Leadership as by the MORALS of SHOULD or SHOULDN’T.

We’ve all inherited the mess William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton stirred while festering and as SLICK too for calculated, as I recall, by trapping G.C.C. Leaders on their honor so that for his eight years their politics, despite his DEPLORABLE leadership, was of them kept on their HONOR and word promised to “TO JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS”!

Sadly the words on such matter that Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., as Nobel Peace Prize recipient at speechifying as orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” (paraphrased from memory) have like long been disavowed by the first black President of the united states of the Americas he swore the oath of office and pledged allegiance priorly.

William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton seeded with SLICK amoral first steps and kept martialed that Leaders across the Persian Gulf region as otherwise HONORABLE Leaders would then be during the CLINTONS’ YEARS be stuck to always needing to find alternative facts by which to govern and relate globally, especially with Americans of the U.S.A..

This is a building mess Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” “Hillary” Clinton is married to and indivisible from eventually.

It remains now a conundrum of how new Prussian Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is for region by choice Catholic as evolved also from Socialism to his more recent successes as an Independent.

We must now hope and pray globally with as many initiatives - even novenas - that Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is enough of the philosopher he studied and trained to amount to.

It behoove us all to be ready at the quips - even squibs - to render understanding forward of how Chinese & Russian Leaders did try to warn Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., from his chosen path of forward blind to the lessons already present and clearly some understood of failings and failures of SOCIALISM.

It doth behoove us to consider Catholics forward even as if seems selling Emmanuel Macron as more a new Prussian than Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette.

The European Union was conceived and progressed with at a time, philosophically stirring economics, when such a formative effort would undermine the readiness otherwise of a global economic growth period to to evolve as then was seeded and spouting til squashed and marshaled under Power hungry too SOCIALISTIC parties & individuals of selfish motives.

The conversions of Emmanuel Macron may be a thing of the past as to chose Catholicism and by a late baptism, & of to moving from SOCIALISM to his current state in INDEPENDENCE; - We all have the scope of the problems of the European Union and NATO slipping under Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., still threatening of that (as detailed throughout here in “#SOCIALISM SQUIBS” #HOGAN #CATS (categories)) of that by 2009 the cast was set of our concurrence not witness of Iraq, Ukraine, Syria of three more failed SOCIALIST states.

Donald J. Trump, Leader of the Free World?  Emmanuel Macron, Philosopher Convert, tasked to bring France from precipice of repeating Barack H. Obama, failed President, unfathomable mistakes of moving towards COMMUNISM while the dynamic of world bodies and economics was of cascading failures in secular SOCIALIST dogmatic methodologies?

And, now as we are waiting for Macron - Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, let us see our way clear to accepting that a Federal Bureau of Investigations, as witnessed of Director James Comey, if unable to see crooked INTENT in means of Mr. & Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton ends we are to amend concern for French as delays to be expected of efforts to progress as long as an FBI is effectually blind and at least then unable to see/discern Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, INTENT.  These may actually be days best for an alliance akin Waterloo winning.

           *       *       REMEMBER THE PRUSSIANS       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:55 am

The future is black Republicans!

The good news in old divine right of kings was a supposition of that kings were to be nearer to our Lord - divined not to be abusers of Powers akin Powers of our Lord.

To fathom the scope of the imminent decline and fall of “Obamacare” it may help to relate a planet of apes.

Where Donald J. Trump comes from may be much ado about Queens’ Protestants, Queens’ Presbyterians, Utopian Parkway.

We must not look, as long mislead, as that health insurance costs need a larger pool - risk pool - for to be of us all happier to lower costs of insurance on risks of becoming ill - diseased.

We must not look, as long mislead, as if an understanding can be had - gotten to - by just accepting the old propaganda of the Democrat Party Left Liberals.

To be progressive - truly progressive - mustn’t we now get to reconsidering respecting healthcare costs that as morals are liberated, return, grow/rise anew the opportunity for medical costs to become more reasonable is far more possible?

To be progressive mustn’t we re-embrace morality for values as where morals risen and raise costs of neighbors caring for neighbors as still mostly community work of caring for neighbors in own neighborhood then and only then can costs be balanced and moderate/moderated?

A morality as of where Donald J. Trump comes from is yet Biblical of that a married man is supposed to live for their wife, - as comparable to unmarried are written as to under such condition being supposed to live for our Lord.

President Donald J. Trump therefore has no choice but to govern in “soft power” and “soft sell” operating procedures for he cannot abide compromising the First Lady at her campaign against cyber bullying. 

President Donald J. Trump doesn’t need a “TRUMP DOCTRINE” for his habit is of that he has a philosophy of business of a keenly developed standard operating procedure at least of that his left hand shouldn’t be coincidentally being at undermining the concurrent work of his right hand.

Let us now go back to the planet of apes and jury rig a late discourse on healthcare and “the meek shall inherit the earth”!

Of apes and their genius and speciousness we have that they are also creatures of our Lord’s creation but primate boxed of considerations in that they lack any awareness of such of their kingdom.  Of apes vs “Obamacare” we must now lately pull back the draped cloaking covers from divining greater apparent and relevant truths and ponder the dark and Trinity relative to the theories of morality and as healthcare is wisely and originally an oldest of the establishments of religions.  Of apes and Donald J. Trump operating we have a calling to comparative logistics and to assuage from fake news for faux medicine a paradigm for caring of if apes too like humans are of variant blood types of bodies electric and blood types of varying compatibility to dire incompatibility of a humans range of “Universal Receiver” to “Universal Donor” typed certain.

Of “the future is black Republicans” we can plank a platform for comity in polity for parity in healthcare by liberating, returning, growing morals of that Lord’s word on “the meek shall inherit the earth” is not a redistribution nor free care SOP dictum but a wise riddle to that those humble and patient on the Holy Spirit - Lordly guidance - are “meek” for of guts to be prone and vulnerable by being compliant and obedient to the prudence of that there are deadly sins.

Donald J. Trump strong suit is that he has a philosophy of business that translates to politics of that he has a unified vision by that his service duty - even to his wife - works best when worked in keeping to his standard operating procedures.

Donald J. Trump got off through his youth in Queens’ Presbyterian dogma by Saint John’s exit of use of Utopian Parkway facilitated on ramps and off ramps while how as a “Don Trump” of Queens he must have puzzled long and hard on American firsters versus otherwise English of Queen’s Protestants.

As white Republicans bask in the glory concurrent to the liberation of the souls of Religious leaders to fresh facility in Religious Liberty their open hearts and clean efforts seem to be winning - even winning blacks forward to be en masse also to own forwards even if tag’d “black Republicans”!

The plights of the A.I.D.S. medical history is of a politics that hasn’t fielded a moral philosophically thorough public referendum on the issuance of considerate moderation correctly in keeping to the “the meek shall inherit the earth”!  The politicians and politics are to blame firstly for such considerate for compassion as perverted and subverted from a thorough resolution that endures the morality and prudence long around an acceptance that some sins are deadly sins for risk of death may occur from physically or mentally (trespassed by cyber e-connectedness) crossing the lines as being boldly sinful in stead of prudent and meekly moral.

Christian compassion isn’t alone among compassionate religious practiced morality in how a presumption of innocence shall be proffered presumed firstly by those erudite enough to learned to a suffice to be to proffering as regards medicine and relative morality.

It remains to be seen if Donald J. Trump Presidency if of enough depth in character and bench of aids for Republicans, however colored presently and forward, for a guidance to take now morals are liberated, rising, growing anew!

The sticky wicket of the close quarters drilling down of the issues as a prophylactic to public consumption in town halls and tea rooms now remains of what belongs to the apes and what of deadly sins and to that the “meek” as of those of the Lord isn’t a black check for offering free curative services to those who should be first healing their souls. 

I write these words not as an indiscriminate prejudiced or bigoted; - I doth not scribe such thoughts prejudging any as an enemy - even if by actions in ignorance of that there are “deadly sins” for death can biologically or electrically result from non-compliance.

The Psalms of the Bible seem as primary tool in the bag of tricks of Donald J. Trump of his S.O.P. and as Psalms by the book are largely a critical element fundamental to any and all anti-BULLY - anti-BULLYING - cyber-bullying countering campaign.

By knowing of the prudence in art of enlightened to the moderation to healing potential of music and songs any is then equipped to fathom a scope of humanity in moral and compliance of music can heal - heal a village - even heal the world.

To be above apes yet, Republicans, of whatever color, now must be braced and prepared to be professionals on politics of pathology so that “meek” is duly and properly respected of the establishments of religion of which healthcare is an oldest prescribed bound.  To be above apes, all must tie on their smocks for an artful polity to a potential for parity and comity of that as per at least A.I.D.S forward the backwards to primates must be reconditioned around public service and P.S.A. ascribed moderating as broadcast professionalism is pertinent to advisories that still recall and remind of old morality and deadly sins that it is considerable and perilous of apes and humans (both?) that some blood types if crossed/shared by careless to temporary insanity of passions exercised inconsiderate of consequence are incompatible and detrimental to others if crossed/shared?

President Donald J. Trump now akin his commitment to be in living to in service to his wife is yet postured politically well for his foreign policy, domestic policies, and the coming of the anti-cyber-bullying campaign of his wife all have in common a best use methodology forward of keeping to his honed and kept “soft power” of his standard operating procedures through his years and decades as a properties operator in compliance with public space use and philosophies.

Costs of healthcare can only it seems be truly moderated by the liberation, rising, growing of the politics now commenced to a divination matrix re-secured to all whom are aware they are creatures of our Lord and indivisible from Lord’s kingdom?

A presumption of innocence can relate in healthcare industries for cost control and quality care where such is not a “pre-existing condition” of known diagnosis then inappropriate to compassion for risks of unknowns for insuring from unknowns.

It seems good news and quite welcome postured of “the future is black Republicans”!

Temptations must be guarded from for being against a developed knowing wise prudence can be physically costly and to of expenses then determined as yet not for others to morally be burdened also to carrying.

Illnesses, where not of pre-existing conditions, are of the paradigm of “innocent until proven guilty” so any systematic facilitation for neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods, primarily, must dig in first and then and only then determine the morality and if a self induced from careless reversion as akin to back to being ape-ish, and ignorant.

The Psalms as the COUNTER CYBER-BULLYING BOOK of scriptures is now a primary tool forward for everything Donald J. Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, for if we know how to sing of and to the Lordly we are then pre-conditioned to see and feel right and wrong across humanity of bodies electric and to sins of trespass as now also of e-enabled sins of subcategory of “cyber-bullying” - internet of thing bullying.

America rests now in the grace in the scriptures for Donald J. Trump must be to “soft power” to stay moral and in compliance to dictum of Lord’s laid to be living, for married, to of living for his wife, - for countering cyber-bullying - cyber bullies - any even old school of to e-internet of things of that of “trespass” sinning/sinful!

America rests now in a potential for grace being still reset and restored of morals have been liberated, returned, growing!

America rests now nightly of the separation of church and state as now repaired from retired to of “under our Lord” as set upon and set asunder as long suppressed to of Government as above morals; - Forward our Government is also not supposed to violate the moral laws of the Laws of our Lord by even being to covetous, steeling, bearing false witness!

America can only be great again once we politically have thorough discerning and open public expression to understanding, and, as that our Government is vertically separated to as under our Lord and each individual a created by our Creator!

Likewise to the preconditions ripe for success now in a course reversal back to prudence and morality from the wreckage to establishments long otherwise but secured we have our current conditions of that as our Government is to be moral as also under our Lord and Lord’s law winning by intimidation is illegal, generally, and of that a “knife in the back” as “thorn in one’s side” is where not a condition of correction is but illegal of a trespass and of cyber-bullying much of being a cyber-crime!

Of thee I scribe to sing?  Perhaps Donald J. Trump is suited now of/to Ecclesiastes 3:1… through all the familiar meted however colored?

             *       *       *       MERCY - TRUTH       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:40 pm

How do you know you are smarter than any Democrat, - and yet a Catholic American?

Simply doing some comparative thinking may suffice if one already knows healthcare to the founding fathers was still an oldest of the establishments of religion.

In this Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Seven we have that Democrats, recently, have done most of the work for you!

Maybe a cursory review of Liberal 9th Circuit opinions to block a President Donald J. Trump “travel ban” can build your confidence most immediately now that we can discern due his humanitarian engagement of enough already on Bashar al Assad in failed Syria illuminates militarily it would have been prudent for a republic to have set up tighter screening and even limited travel bans before engagements that reset old inhumane Democrat’s status quo?

Let us broach the moral depravity experienced as particular to Hillary R. Clinton past “diplomacy” & politics:

To color the range and pallet from suited to bold colors but covered as if by pastels could suffice the imports:

The lot of Democrats seemed tightly knit to how HRC hemmed and hawed as raised Cain like a pom pom prop, and, HRC should be now first to answer for social issues and equality and how and why Democrats - the lot - seemed to have postured politics and Supreme Court briefs in an ignorance of the Bible and at least Apostle Paul’s quite old still workable solutions & prescriptions.

I don’t know how to explain away the core ignorance and related catholic priorities assumed to mere nationalism for a populism for making faith and community local issues the federal issuances prioritized before their time.

The Democrats on gaieties were but of a leaky raft compared to the prior work of Noah as of constructs likewise sufficed for a flood.  What didn’t Apostle Paul solve and prescribe as per that today as tag’d LGBT and to that rights were mistakenly postured for by Democrats as conflicted and contrary to how vicissitudes incident to humanity are covered to of like “rights” by how he structured parables in that he only baptised Gaius & Crispus.

The Church of Peter of Paul is built on how “gay” cannot be a noun nor a permanent condition as by that lesson of letters prescribes that gay is of “gaiety” and therefore of temporary & fleeting experiences.  The Church is build to be of sanctuary & sanctuaries ready by that any so then if ’stuck in a gaiety’ is yet precisely more akin a condition of ‘in a paul’!

The Supreme Court work isn’t done and past work isn’t yet clarified and rectified from opinions contrary & contradicting despite their mission is to be sans such lax juriprudence and prudently of being more juri thorough. 

We can hardly declare that consenting adults still now of easily 75 more years to live in a community and contribute is fairly of any polity of comity if of no parity in contracts privileges?

But on the matters related to politics of Democrats as if “Gay” can be contrary to Paul and as if a noun or a permanent state there is much that is being set asunder that also sets asunder the foundation of Christianity of as of and for sanctuaries.

Please confirm amongst yourself/yourselves that you too are not compromised and less intelligent than the foundations of the Christian religion!  “Gay” cannot be other than in the scripture and to as if not a temporary experience covered well by Apostle Paul with his prescriptions to teaching that gaiety is inescapable and energizes touched spiritually in a sharing blind to sex.

The Democrats have shown a great ignorance and unconscionable politics at fighting for rights that are already established by that the Union is more perfect as ordained & established done as by the Peoples’ “Order” constituted the federal government is also under our Lord & not above the People as regards to establishments of religion.

Your shared corruption, if did occur in any association with “Democrats” of our days, now may be to a curative affected if discern the old enlightenments still illuminate best as of that “gay” must not be permanent by definition for the crisp dictum of Us as People of under our Lord before under any government has the potential for sanctuary by that “gaiety” is accepted for energizes “touched” blind to sex.

Depending on if your disillusionment if from blind faith in Democrats most any version an edition of the Bible if uses “homosexual perversion” is to grammar likewise respecting Apostle Paul’s foundation prescripted as use of “homosexual perversion” begs the minds of spiritual to that such use than implies there then also must be “Holy homosexual” & just “homosexual”!  (This satire on the sad state of these united states of the Americas in the days of the first American Pope is not on “perversion” but as that the Constitution has been being perverted by Democrats - knowingly or ignorantly.)

Right!! Good for you!!  On many of the issues Democrats worked a national popularity on were wrongful and immoral for of making local issues federal issues and to (ignorantly?) disrespecting the Lord’s Law and establishment of religion of that healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion, and so as “gaiety” is inescapable so “gay” must be kept temporary so that Christian sanctuaries should be able to suffice upon how it can energize any “touched” blind to their sex.  Good for you!!

Oh YEH!!!  President Donald J. Trump should have been allowed to have a travel ban in effect before this Union did so now lately respond to old “RED LINE” & associated inhumanity!!!  But let us repair to the primary concern of Democrats & at best ignorance before the Laws.

Ok?  Do you get it like the Democrats still don’t?  Do you fathom that dispatches of “GOD SQUADS” may have been the right political solution to most of the raised politics before the Supreme Court on gaiety precedence but of politics of LGBT & SSM & #LGBTQ?  Do you get that Democrats fought an already established and to we can undermining established rights?

As our Union is “more perfect” for of “do ordain & establish” as “done” under our Lord as “subscribed” “done” in “Year of our Lord” as with the key’d meaning dependent on “Order” in preamble as yet a NOUN and capitalized to not mean like a mere loophole to the entirety as “in order to” we are “more perfect Union” of the Peoples’ “Order” constitutes such as of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union… done/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Our Union is still of also the Democrats displays of ignorance of ACA & Obamacare as violative of the First Amendment of “establishment” not “Establishment” and “respecting” of grammar for an amendment of should be sans “re-” word unless the implied import is important and essential to affirm that an actual Establishment is precedent. 

Please accept the conundrum of the First Amendment as maybe easiest to figure and measure if seen as protest language/grammar by one who believeth’d that the Bill of Rights was unnecessary as such redundant to that the Constitution the Peoples’ “Order” set us under our Lord to that already our rights from our Creator as of the empowerment kept to be towards rights to defend against any violate of the Ten Commandments (a recipe for heaven on earth shared by at least 3 great religions) against em and as especially by Paul of such also means any government.

For now as you measure yourself hopefully well against Democrats let us all hope you can bring forth an energizing for the future work of our Federal Government and courts - especially the Supreme Court - to be of open hearts and minds cleared from the muddled of Democrats as so key and crucial that We the People of general Welfare constituted for leaves yet particular & specific healthcare not but that as still subscribed as prescribed of healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion.

There is much you can be a Samaritan to Democrats so errant with/upon by firstly just getting the parable/lesson of that Apostle Paul only baptized Gaius & Crispus.  Your attempts to reach out and teach a Democrat should likewise be crisp on US and as too that gaiety is still preserved medically speaking as an at times inescapable feeling that sanctuary is kept for so any stuck in a paul can be of exposure rectified to known & understood, and associated if prudent of lessons in perversions & sins.

For now at least the Supreme Court has held back the contagion of ignorance by that their contrary decision to date yet now have left even of LGBTQ politics that such is still of sin as much as premarital sex is still sinning.

It is most alarming witnessed, some, of this we pine of the decline and devolution of the Democrats from however once semi professional of marshaled moral passions.

It is what it is!

We cannot rightly be sans tag’n Barack H. Obama, with mercy, as not ignorant nor malicious for firstly we of of his rights to be prejudged as misguided and coopted/duped from moral.

A still operable terminology can be lifted and reused as “there is no fate but what you make!” - I think.

Of the devolution of Democrats from however once marshaled of moral passions there is a New York story contrary and yet demonstrable of a biblical hope still present in modern day; - New Yorkers have the pride and personal example of Mayor Bill de Blasio to discern of how there is one Democrat - hopefully not an only Democrat - who knows by their own ways that gay can be turned straight - that a lesbian, at least, can be made safe and secure of man, - of that at least one Democrat male is an example of a gentleman, despite their politics of confusion.

I leave you to find your own testimony to the skill and passion of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

To marshal all souls for that which must be of a realm for discerned as for the keep of sanctuary potential the beatings must be measured and regular but timely and specifically administered appropriate of either staccato, allegro, or sotto voce?

It is what it can be!  In faith we must be conscious, intelligent and measured of apropos needing marshaled.

The tonage of the harmony to be rectified for a melody copacetic effected demands wise notations key’d for affected import while regular adherence can be of a usual predictable disciplined to a reflexology prescribed to secured ready.

As we face the reality of the decline and devolution of Democrats - from however once of moral passions - we have on our tables much to be altered from inconvenient lies yet of parties amassed as by misguided and duped.

The duty of citizens is of religion, however, as yet firstly primarily generally tools for community and tools for self-governance.

The duty of citizens is to be disciplined to discern by a capacity and reflexology to be FULLY DISCRIMINATING but not prejudiced, - of discriminating fully but of maintenance of mercy and intelligence of keep for innocent until proven guilty.

Any of religious is set asunder if by tyranny or authoritarian bullying they are pressed to suppressed to be from moral duty in the prescribed for structural sanctuary potential as to inhibited from being of a skill at being FULLY DISCRIMINATING.

These are still the days of bold colors and seasonal celebrations about the promise of Spring and Hope as rich in pastels.

How now are any of times befitting an allegro “go forth and…” while times depressing due the apparent devolution of Democrats to that mercy demands some sotto voce polity and as well a crisp to reset gaiety parameters of importing by staccato?

             *       *       *       TRUST SUCCESS?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:34 am

Half way to STUPID is about the best news I can now offer on decline of American experiment.

We should hope that the scope of this probative can be said of endemic more to just New York City & Presbyterians and not nearly also relative to Catholics - any American Catholics.

President Donald J. Trump has become fallen from the promise he can be a “Law and Order” moralist.

American exceptionalism now must be dying on the boughs of the orchards thought able for to be an of Eden.

All knowledge is now circumspectually pied and pared from rationality due fallen in political germain disgorged.

Alfred E. Smith cannot dine on democratic prowess concurrently for New York City due a Presbyterian.

Our only standard now for a healthy pathology of Freedom may need all in Roman collars men in black.

The space time cartesian can be impressioned of the “Crooked Hillary” of methodisms too Soviet & monied, &, yet, the flare of the endemic problematic is more of how froward in their forward the Clintons’ spousal husbandry advanced a backwards by dividing their marriage union as if divisible like Rene Descartes “I think! Therefore I am!” of a duplicity contrary to the incarnation & Justice Antonin Scalia originalism of accepting one’s soul cannot be separated from one’s words.

New York City may now need all the Roman collared men in black & associated likewise committed Catholic women dedicated leaders, however garbed or cloaked, as the corrupted knowledge has devilish roots in the husbandry akin Democrats as if any, especially a raised ‘leader’, can ever realize an existential as if the Clinton union is divisible from 2 equals 1.

The Democrats have shown their hands of playing rule cards as like “WILD” and while holding Jokers in their hands as if high at cards can be just of alternative facts to as if a trump hand is a trump hand if they so just say it is.

To pare the originalism, in a last attempt to save New York City, from an American Crooked Hillary Taliban joined to the postured as if Clinton Democrats are prepositioned to prejudiced against any of republican Originalist Donald, we are to the proposition that as a party their party is against any and all established success - any vertical corporate structure - only for the “little guy” as likewise an any against an amassed corporation surviving at least much do having been to profits as prophetic when in early stages and developments to their effected built assembly as a incorporated success.

People of New York City as it seems the Presbyterian HOPE - the Original Donald - the “Law and Order” Republican - is embattled to supposed fallen we may have the intellectual capacity secured of Rome See, and intellectual honesty of shepherds in Roman collars men in black of the men who now can save the metropolis of Gotham.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is so flat on reason & intelligence she is, however also incorporated to protections of assembly & free speech, of such RIDICULOUS postured generally there can be near no foundation for Welfare specifically & particularly.  Hillary Rodham Clinton may as well be said of a politics as an “American Crooked Hillary Taliban” for the metaphorical risks are as real as the flattening of the accomplishments of the five boroughs of New York City.

The only trump left to save New York City from flattened and ruinously declined may be at least the shepherds trained and disciplined for the healthy pathology of Freedom we recognize respectfully as Roman collared men in black.

Aren’t we near at accepting the Presbyterian Solution is fallen and declining from secure for HOPE?

Sure, simply, a clear mind can discern Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian, has been mostly just politically punk’d on Russians to tag’d as Crooked so that Republicans are arrested from clean enough to advance “Law And Order” v. “Crooked Clintons”!

But! > But?  Aren’t we necessary now predisposed to discover if New York five boroughs Catholics can shepherd a save?

Duh! > Duh - like come on!  It doesn’t take a punk to see and get a know of that the tru’ story more now of “CROOKED NANCY” & “FALLEN CHUCK” as party to the parties of “CROOKED TOGETHER” of “CROOKED HILLARY” and articulate a fathomed from twained of that “ORIGINALIST DONALD” has been punk’d to as if so CROOKED he cannot now advance any arresting on the “CROOKED CLINTONS” even as likewise the intellectual honesty abides a factor of 10X nearly to a most guilty upon (D)s vs the imposed suggested pump’d & dump’d on President Donald John Trump?  Yes?  Right?

Our cementitious and articulation back to SIMPLE - common sense - SIMPLE STUPID - as our secured default present American core for exceptionalism to any GREAT again must be toe’d to as to enough toe’d in for rationalism that now may need a clear and present stand by any a shepherd in Catholicism, - or a SAMARITAN’S strong arm with just hand as lifting for fallen it seems so now precisely of cosmopolitan of Gotham whom Presbyterian too.

We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons - however irrational of a divisible marriage Cartesian - duplicitous measurably of bodies & souls convenient by dichotomies postured!

We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons by the elementary intelligent rap is pared of their pie’d of New York City now froward must be forward as of to be “NYC IS FLAT” for their “little guy” cohesion is scope defined as if any vertical structure corporate to proprietary in personal must be prejudged as any an established success however in freedom of speech and assembly must be the ENEMY of the party.

We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons for their effected is much unintelligible to any qualified to be a woman dedicated, or just a man Roman collared men in black. 

These are they whom have punk’d a New York Presbyterian, - - - BEWARE - the healthy lanes for clarity in pathology of Freedom have many picket lines and picks of CLINTONS’ partied for blocking lanes of rationality - divining to intellectual accounting - lanes of normality to how ORIGINALISM constituted FREEDOM is from one’s Lord Creator - lanes from political tyranny of SOCIALISM and corruption of “CHARITY”!

Ours’ now is beckoned to God speed for an “in a New York Minute” immediately necessary RESET!

The politics of Hillary Rodham Clinton aren’t just FLAT & now posture predisposed to a mass FLATTENING - they are enough CROOKED to that Gotham Presbyterians may still NOT be able to hold HOPE in one of their own and to that he is at least NOT nearly as FALLEN & CROOKED as supposed accused, and IS now still at the ready to at least arrest further advances of the diabolical spousal husbandry of “CROOKED TOGETHER” - the now FLAT on the scope and to parable as akin to a sad reality, as limited and tyrannical, as if “AMERICAN CROOKED HILLARY TALIBAN” of conspiracies to set asunder HOPE, & the healthy pathology of Freedom as in voluntary and considerate democratic civil procedures of original due process core.

Ours’ now is beckoned to God speed for an “in a New York Minute” immediately necessary yuge RESET!

President Donald John Trump has become fallen from the promise he can be a “Law and Order” moralist?

None of Alfred Emanuel Smith shall now rest until the Metropolis of Gotham flattening of such partisan selfish husbandry is effectively arrested?

Our only standard now for a healthy pathology of Freedom may need all of Roman collars men in black, and, femmes moral, of the beat?

               *       *       WILD WITH RULE CARDS       *       *



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

The dark con of Hillary Rodham Clinton is truly taxing.

Dr. Benjamin Carson, on the other hand, as Secretary Carson, is still of a purity and cleanness beyond “clean hands”.

As Barabbas epic unleashes parallels of what to taxes lines up to our crossroads to an intersection as if HRC is incontrovertibly tracking for a crucifixion as a base criminal not pardoned.

The inexperience issue of Secretary Carson relates to a storying of Governor Andrew Cuomo of how he to become New York’s Governor so had to much unlearn his William Jefferson Clinton Housing & Urban Development ways - their ways - as such to the core was much behind how and why much became the problematic of New York.  Secretary Cuomo, to become Governor, had to much shed the failed Clinton ways and learn then to become more like Governor Christopher James Christie of New Jersey & Governor Robert Frances McDonnell of Virginia

Secretary Carson with HUD now too must be to recognizing all of the Clinton past errant ways and to finding a better way forward.  An also so taxing of HRC is the dynamic of the dark con of that since a while ago truth has not been an option to HRC.

The building of the Republican Movement team as it now coincident of Donald J. Trump, President, and his building his divisions partial to such grander scheme of teams, articulates, already some, the vast epic personal battles of HRC of that to her truth is not an option.

As coincident we have the Republicans near of a finest hour with the processes of a Supreme Court nomination to Associate Justice as commenced around a character such as Judge Neil Gorsuch.  That truth is not an option to HRC is of a bar that would be now if true of Judge Neil Gorsuch as inhibiting to arresting for froward honors.  President Barack Hussein Obama was disabled by “TEAM OF RIVALS” in that as Secretary HRC was already of truth as not an option - at least specifically for how many problems were as from WJC she had here hands tied and tongue barred from incriminating her spouse.

Donald John Trump, President, is now froward in his duty of standing up a politics where God’s truth can be again in our Justice and our Politics.  HRC, again, had since at least 2001 of that truth was not an option to her.  Secretary Carson & Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch are two of a better dynamic and for truth is not just an option to them but also not a personal burden nor obstacle to jobs now their called to.

President Barack Hussein Obama was as party to the HRC limited dynamic much impeachable since the first hour or two of his administration and while still of the inauguration ceremonies for he commenced official speak of the lies of cover-ups for the Clintons of which is partial to the gestalt of that to HRC the truth is not an option. 

Cover-ups are still illegal and now forward the DJT POTUS45 froward shall be expected to be to teaching anew why and how cover-ups are wrong and illegal to treasonous.  DJT shall be expected - with his team of teams of teams - to proceed above the errant & limited of BHO & HRC and with pressers past “NONSENSE SQUAD” uniqueness to espoused that cover-ups, like specifically of BHO for WJC & HRC are illegal to treasonous much for lies allowed so to then help establish a ruling class for only the rulers are then them who can know enough of the truth & lies to have a chance at rendering good work - good works.

Now before we proceed to the abomination called “OBAMACARE” as the Affordable Care Act as “double taxation” let us immediately begin a necessary processing of HRC as taxing too.

Now also before we proceed to the abominable HRC as too taxing let us presently be open to the grand dark con dilemma of how President Trump can not prudently or loosely build on predecessor’s foreign policies as the Clintons’ “EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE” violate do corrupt globally to it seems every crevice of past diplomacy and as of emoluments meant barred to yet of the WJC & HRC CGI SOP as of modus operandi of having grossly monetized diplomacy.  Our President must disavow predecessors’ reigns to be of and for truth and at least against Clintons of so like taxing the systems by like DOUBLE DIPPING.

Froward to the judgement day(s) there still is an outta touch beat to HRC as like a MA reincarnate - Marie Antoinette anew yet presently our accounting must be liberated to that the truth can and shall reign over the cover-ups known and of unknown lies necessarily a dramatic element of these days of lately probing a scope of HRC as disabled due truth is not an option to her.

The abomination of The Affordable Care Act as “DOUBLE TAXATION” doth relate for it paries a polity to comity much ado about the seating of a Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia replacement to the Supreme Court of these united states of the Americas.

What is of that which is of the realm of the which is said and kept to be of “belongs” to our Lord and what is that, now related to “FEDERALISM” of that which is proper to “belongs” to Caesar and/or states & Governors?

The HOBBY LOBBY rendition rectified just some of the prudence to that a juri straight can be bedazzled as to ACA as violate of the FIRST AMENDMENT and to as by due such it must then be of a real double taxation and while ignorant of the right to healthcare as established precedent as “under” “our Lord” prescribed none of a separation right to from caring for all.  Corporations have speech & assembly - productive assembly rights!

Healthcare, honestly, is an oldest establishment of religion!

Religion is historically significant as firstly much just of prescribed tools & disciplines for practices as tools for community and for self-governance.

It is double taxation violate of Religious Liberty to have a federal national program as a tax for healthcare as firstly there is the self-governance expectant of all shall be under “our Lord” as of voluntarily in freedom of religion of a voluntary extra-nation organized morality and what tithing taxing as morally possible. It is your “in network” for crisis is your faith community?


Of the fated as for Justice of the talk of the crimes and criminal potential there is vast condemnable as “politics” of BHO & HRC that must be rectified post a full probative of true scope.

Our Posterity depends on more than just being open to discussing the “CROOKED” in “Crooked Hillary” for our bank cannot remain stress’d by the coin of the realms as gone to hell in the handbag(s) of HRC - Hillary Rodham Clinton, - Mrs. Bill Clinton.

HRC is likewise of dirty hands and not alone of digits stuck in the till by a scheme of an international imperial authoritarian shadow government operated as a charity as cloaked as philanthropy while to monetized diplomacy as seems every thing Clinton was a selfish at least partisan global initiative a patronage scheme to trump even old Tammany.

It is not my place to explain how any of a faith in community is to of that how taxed to “in network” for prescriptive discipline and practices for maintenance of a health - a clean soul - a manageable existential.

I must though here forthwith warn of that which is of the Clintons’ duplicity as grossly problematic for the net is confused as a web of deceit in trichotomy often at best garnered as of a dichotomy. 

What seems even as duplicitous of just HRC and known cold calculating and ambition is forthwith warned of as maybe more dynamically bad as yet of a tripled threat of a trichotomy schemed.

Your healthcare is as much threatened by HRC politics - yes as further upon ill conceived worked of “OBAMACARE” - due by reigning in cover-ups and lies a Liberals’ ruling class elite can handicap subjects and work to disable opposition by immorally using Power for Power of by using a controlled political healthcare system to diss’n ease of inconvenient subscribed as under Government before under our Lord.

Philosophically raising such is more than pointing out a conundrum for the paradigm of “HILLARYCARE” & “OBAMACARE” is diabolical as not in the spirit of healthcare and of care of souls of a keep where the truth shall set you free!

Philosophically it just isn’t caring that was structured to so bureaucratic and controllable by a ruling class structured to have authoritarian and imperial Power despite constituted by Peoples’ Order to be guarded against!

Philosophically the THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is at least double taxation and Alinskiesque to Machiavellian!

Philosophically your faith and freedom is abridged and set asunder by the ACA as OBAMACARE for the essence & vibe is predominantly for political powers to have their Governance as set above our Lord and Truth, - to stuck under false narratives, lies, politically worked dichotomous & trichotomous duplicity as once noble citizens to subscribed mere subjects?

Froward we can be assured in that the Donald J. Trump nominations of Dr. Carson & Judge Gorsuch, at least, provide evidentiary support to the proposition that DJT is assembling a posse of persons who practice the truth shall reign freely, and firstly.  Just a comparison between these two to HRC is of a prima facia damming upon HRC core.

Street to the raps of the duplicitous diabolical so also of a rotten double taxation of HRC taxing too is veined through the Clinton phat as of false constructs of dichotomy to trichotomy to trichotomies of dichotomies tripartite.

Street to the rap and waxed philosophical within confines of satire yet is the abominable truth of to Hillary Rodham Clinton truth is not an option;  Mrs. Clinton is complicated long for not supposed to incriminate her spouse and less long for then being party to lies for cover-ups related as worked by Barack Hussein Obama to that as HRC had to lie about the errant of WJC  and avoid incriminations by exposing faults in their spousal husbandry there is that HRC too now cannot bear true witness against BHO for to incriminate him even just for the cover-up for the Clintons as commenced in first hours of office in 2009 Mrs. Clinton then would be to self-incrimination of felonious and impeachable relative to high crimes and misdemeanor laws.

HRC is of rap street as at least too taxing (even for philosophical realm & practiced) for there is that Mrs. Clinton cannot but spew the false narrative smear of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for a spouse is not to incriminate to the truth of “it” of more near half WJC fault. 

Likewise to wrap:  HRC cannot even dictate BHO is a better President than WJC, and as likewise she had to blame GWB so as to not incriminate the Clinton spousal husbandry - any even short of their duplicitous of a dichotomy to trichotomy scope.  The truths are the enemies of HRC for parallels must be avoided to from cascading a domino effect of blame by ranking as if BHO was better for such does then entertain that it must not have been all GWB’s fault and for the records must be of WJC at least grossly incriminated to of felonious to impeachable tru’d history.

We shall hope Donald J. Trump is assembling a truth to reign freely, and firstly, posse, in comparison to the Clintons, at least.  Concurrently this seems remarkably already effected and true.

We are not to have dictated or mandated how we keep faith in community - or to be subjects to any double taxation as if our Government is of our Lord as set asunder as set under our Politics!

We have at least a preponderance of Politics suggesting a deep deep dark con of the Clintons exists beyond this simple pary to posture the concerns some evident in a scheme much wrongful & in-American as of double taxation as this study in comparative issuances trespasses to as commenced.

          *       *       *        HRC FATE NAILED?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:09 pm

As Missouri celebrates, hopefully, that it has its first ever elected Jewish Governor the rest of the world is yet in a Trumpian fog demanding a material visceral threshold of a show me state to be crossed.  Americans are being led astray and from beaten paths of the erudite, in the orated by President Trump, if one already considerately learned from read of George Washington’s letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island.

Nixon is gone!  Long live Richard M. Nixon!  Now too this must be broken down, to the building blocks, of the kinder world, Donald J. Trump is strongly standing up anew.  The Nixon of the Ferguson fiascos is gone!  The Nixonian not spoken of with the storying of Hillary Clinton is bust’n through to the general consciences of politicos and exposed to politics; - Secretary Clinton few successes can simply be registered of having been of when she like copycatted Bush & Nixon without credits, and quite coyly as of preset to such proven methods she was by firstly blanketing markets with a pushed idea of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” and as if “REPUBLICANS” generally only made mistakes.  Yes Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton did have many failures and did fail generally but it is still significant to that where successes occurred it can be pathologically & forensically pointed out that she was at least stealing from Richard M. Nixon.

Do how many blocks and neighborhoods Donald J. Trump some gentrified or just improved over his consistent career it is much impossible that he can be whom pressers are smearing his as - or as pressed are misunderstanding him.  Trump cannot be whom he is being plastered as for by being such a person he never could have had the business successes he did by being himself.

The building blocks are kinder now than under the 8 years of Left FASCISM at authoritarian tyrannies for solutions tyranny for healthcare & climate change politics.  Donald J. Trump core, to be whom is was as what he was to be successful to date, is more, relative, to Democrats of reigns recent, as akin kindergarten sharing & pluralism.

Donald J. Trump has spent his career as of building blocks for kinder blocks, - of kindergarten Golden Rule steady ways.

Donald J. Trump is being more egalitarian to a reset to “all politics is local” of not bringing any unless bringing enough for everyone so shepherded for advancement by sharing learning experiences.

Donald J. Trump is no Bill Clinton nor Hillary Clinton; - Trump doesn’t define success as Clintons have long embued of their shared ambition since law studies as to become above everyone else and as toward becoming the two most powerful lawyers to ever have graduated from Yale Law School.* 

With Trump at the helm of the decades long advancing “Republican Movement” the true news is for real stories of that Donald J. Trump election is to as orated in inaugural of that the country belongs to the People again, - of the idea that the state of mind is a state of reality of that we are now across the threshold and to “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED”!

To fathom what a wreck Madam President Clinton to have been do now take moments to ponder what her definition of success personally has only always been, - PLEASE!!!  She is like of no acumen or agility even with basic building blocks for egalitarian politics; - she must reign conflated a superior as Prima Donna of platitudes as authoritarian castes only tolerate.

The lay of the land of that which President Trump is commenced to with for kinder blocks has troubling vibe for essence of that “mess” he has inherited is, until/unless the Clintons are judged more culpable/guilty, properly concurrently tag’d to near or specifically akin to “IT IS ALL THE BLACK PRESIDENT’S FAULT!”.

Or:  As if metaphorical to as when is it firstly a turf war?  When does any have a right to think what is beyond what of their ‘hood - neighborhood - and neighbors can be rightly theirs or even much on their minds, by morals, if not of an occupying or trespassing oppression?  The big picture is back, nearly, to be “all politics is local!”?  Semantics is like politics and inseparable from a discussion on limits of Ten Commandments and Jihad of both seem to say you cannot lie to a neighbor or covet a neighbor’s only?  As if - if politics not the “bigger picture” of a profession at treating all as if “neighbors” - any beyond ‘local’ can be raped and pillaged?

Kinder blocks is more complicated since originalism has been reset by new Tea Party as Liberal worked of as if GOD not in CONSTITUTION is defeated by simple reading and to as preamble “Order” is a noun due capitalized to as not “in order to” but as “in/Order/to form…/done…/subscribed…/in/Year/of/our/Lord”.  Separation is back to being vertical of our nation is under our Lord & Lord’s Law and Congress shall make no law to change the tenets of religion.

A crucial get to the Trumpian scope is as well while appreciating kinder blocks acumen of “Kindergarten Golden Rule”** and legacy it is that it may be scary to some or many now to be liberated so and to the “AMERICAN” back as Americans to govern first in the “GOLDEN RULE”!

Concurrently Fascism in 2017 is defined best as a movement of the Left of Liberals for an elite ruling class entrenched to block old “liberal democracy” originalism and to be able to protect own class ranks by an authoritarian tyranny akin long now witnessed of said “experts” used to march a solutions tyranny in climate change & healthcare.  People have been liberated and now should be less scared.

Sadly the coverage of Donald J.Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, as been of old Clinton projection & transference machinations: >>> He is being reported as what the Clintons have been coyly always firstly about as to have Power and to become the two most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School.

And, yet now, a crucial get is also to see the obstacles to progress, for the egalitarian Trumpism, of constructs with kinder blocks, to kinder communities, and, see the first prime political obstacle is of vast moral scope, as progress to be considerate, to parity, is now stuck of a conundrum to the current paradigm, of that we all must be vigilant, and fully discriminating on social progress, by exposed to the particular impedance possible if it is in fact measurably true of as if successful blacks are, for some reason, not giving back - not giving back enough to their own communities.

However the “real Donald Trump” legacy is of acumen and great agility in politics to permits to approvals to turn key turn-overs akin the “Kindergarten Golden Rule” played out local of “kinder blocks” scope forward our froward plans must be developed and considerate especially as the “mess” he is dealing with as “inherited” for now remains, unless a greater guilt proofed upon the Clintons, as of that it trues up near:


               *       *       *       KINDER?       *       *       *


*  [This is of my personal knowledge of having known due they shared their ambitions for years after having asked me, in early 1970s, if they could both become President some day.]

** [Hoganism of “Kindergarten Golden Rule” is of that “Don’t bring any unless you bring enough for the entire class!”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:58 am

REJOICE! REJOICE!  The meek shall; - giants need be to be gentle giants!

What gaineth a soul to be a giant if cannot survive long if not a gentle giant a meek of the Lord?  Lordly! Lordly! Pass the wicker fo’ collections?

The pure magic in repealing the Johnson Amendment is now a question on if Donald J. Trump is of a old school wizardry due he succeeded for reared by New York military establishment to be a meek giant a giant of our Lord?

Oy! Tell me you weren’t reading “the meek shall inherit the earth” as of the “weak or feeble”! - - - Do confess to the consistent grammar begets one who “waits upon the Lord” includes especially the lot of giants for “meek” is apposed to Darwin “survival of the fittest” of to mean, it seems in a lay, to as any open & patient to receive the Holy Spirit is “meek” justly for risking vulnerability, however strong and/or big, - now even President, - under God.

Blessed be the peace keepers; - Keepers should be allowed dedicated decals displayed detailed of “IN GOD WE TRUST”!

We have “freedom of religion” not “from” as religion is firstly tools for self-governance to the self-governance our self-governance still must be built with as building blocks of our foundations.

As religion in USA is as “voluntary extra-nation organized morality” we can’t have “freedom from religion” for as rights from our Creator religion is akin the condition of as “GLOBAL CITIZEN” - citizen of universe - of it by having morality that we get our freedom - that freedom “from” would be untenable as that to mean “freedom  from self-governance - self responsibility - individual responsibility as regards the rest of the universe, or just community.

Religion is that of accepting you are part of the greater whole.

Blessed be the peace keepers;- Officers of the Law should not just be allowed “IN GOD WE TRUST” detailed they should expected to go forth so such displayed dedicated.

I.E.: If TRUTH has been allowed to stay guiding and supreme this history of William J. Clinton & Hillary Clinton would be known better than by just “Crooked Hillary” implied, and, our said “post truth” world of 2016 would have been saved from in time to that http://TheNonsenseSquad.com “TWO HISTORIES” scroll need not teach since 2009, at least, our government has had to govern by false narratives almost entirely.

E.G.: “Of public record of Bill Clinton many moments of confessing to “all Bush’s fault” - incidentally not even remotely true - there these many sorted:  I’m importing I hope Trump doesn’t find USA as bad as after Clintons cut $2 Trillion and for yuge surpluses in lieu an armed forces of foreseeable future to at least enough body armor & armored vehicles - and especially as Bill Clinton cut $2T in lieu of books, schools, arts, community centers, levees, bridges, tunnels, highways, roads, and anti-poverty programs, and especially the yuge vast reckless large quantity cut from defense & intelligence earlier budgeted.  Seems Clintons cut so much it not even cynical to judge they may have been covertly creating future demand for alms and charity from beggard to a Clinton Foundation.

William J. Clinton left this country a mess and much by having essentially arrested our Lord and us all from communing in TRUTH.

It is bad that President Clinton had his $2T cut for unnecessary surpluses - unnecessary by economics & governance - but worse, as relates to this of us here now, of that he also had reckless surpluses as in lieu of a suffice of support for community & faith based initiatives (due rivaled the Clintons need to be seen as grand & great Autocrats of Authoritarian gifts)!

Perhaps: Go forth to love and serve your Lord - a meek!  For “go forth and multiply” is our inescapably in eyes of our Lord?

Blessed be the peace keepers; - Keepers should be allowed dedicated decals displayed detailed of “IN GOD WE TRUST”!

The practitioners Clintons have their secular lawyers practiced long evidently as practiced for heathen/heathens as of Natural State.  Froward our forward must be to overcoming the lies worked long by Clintons, and how such was of lies for PEACE by for immoral PEACE DIVIDENDS & reckless SURPLUS akin such crooked from our greater Welfare standard.

The President, Donald J. Trump, now must reverse the rooted lies of the years of Clintons, at least per IRAN, at least of 1993 to 2001, in order to move progress forward.  Froward our forward must be accepting of the “THE CLINTONS LIED” and while also starting upon progress with IRANI peoples by clearing up that the Holocaust did really occur - occur so in recent history.

Our President must be corrective from how President Barack H. Obama was so wrongful to carry water for the Clintons by still working their lies of a greater priority than our general Welfare standard.  These united states of the Americas must not deny the roll of TRUTH as of the copacetic Holy potential and a keeper core value to be dedicated to.  The USA with our President must now ask Iran to help break the lies of the Clintons’ & Obamas’ immoral reigning and too help us to understand they as a people do grasp what horrible & terrible things did occur under Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich?- Toned down from: ALL ARYANS ARE BAD PEOPLE!?

Blessed be the peace keepers; - Keepers should be allowed dedicated decals displayed detailed of “IN GOD WE TRUST”!

Our “American” is secured by our PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE as oath sworn to that due process in civil procedures is prescribed, and in the living idea of each shall be innocent until proven guilty.  Yes, this implies Shariah Law is not fully legal in “American” so constituted to allegiance in for there so is a bar against vigilantes & vigilantism.


Communicable to preface new and improved relations with Iran - the nation - is of such as prologue while Donald J. Trump, President, yet may toe-in progress akin such readers by querious publicly globally as to a questioning of if new temper and moderation is now of a potential for there have been, despite general broadcasts, evolutions, from readers to knowing, akin to that there have been GIFTS FROM ALLAH to speak about, and celebrate as conditions tolerate of enabling a new temper & moderation from pre-GIFTS days across Islam and all Muslim people, however Lord’s deserts’ severe?

Allah seems to have been busier than maybe broadcast shared as today there is the there are of trains, planes, and automobiles, and climate control of air conditioning, all too with facilitation from risks of desert severe to lost souls by the GIFT of gps. Lord’s desert’s severe peoples’ extant eased?

What are we to considered BLESSED and on the tables for progress, - as of the tools, or skills, at least of our President?  REJOICE?  REJOICE?

Let us sing together the songs of counter-terrorism & anti-cyber-bullying? American “AMERICAN” is as a gentle giant? Our MUSIC core?

           *       *       *       COMMUNAL?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:38 am

Imagine you are seated knee deep in a modern discussion of bolsheviks and the loser party is in denial, and, it seems a cup runneth over imminent to a flooding looms to swamp any Holy copacetic.

Perchance a GRACE can be exercised due disciplines have been maintained in practices to build potential.

Isn’t it of our existentialism reality that HARMONY is more only from nurture and threatened by from nature?

Perhaps by this 4th of July, in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Seven, President Donald J. Trump will with erudity have orated a speech purposed to spreading the words necessary for a synergy in “WHAT IS FREEDOM”!

Deep, deep, deep, to such effecting teachable occurrence, is a prudence extant discoverable by methodology if homework is assigned to all sworn of 115th Congress, as by election seated, to produced white_papers/briefs/essays from each regardless of party to firstly share an open personal ideological to help build a GRACE, yet for “WHAT IS FREEDOM” speech.

Rather so Donald J. Trump, President, then is of each’s communals broached, for working it out in the Executive parlance, by better firstly to general copacetic by being to listening by reading precedingly.

A prima facia lay postured core, for to a deep outlining, later to be waxed on, to finely honed rhetoric erudite on the “AMERICAN” vernacular yet Constitutional as true to the Peoples’ Order of laid right if laid out for the threshold to such discussant as scoped around particular for GRACE of people together to break bread ritualistically to ascribe a formality to a facility for gathered to be each’s RESPONDENT as physically later apart.

Aren’t you now among the seated meek of akin:


Aren’t we of a prudence still subscribed open of:


Perhaps now froward in our Lord best by commune’st in a spudsalicious?  Can froward near encounters best be prefaced as pre-built for Holy copacetic even by mounding up a temple versant with heaps of potatoes mashable? - Even a “Please pass the yams!”?

A yuge concurrence to temper not by the lot but by a spoonful at a time is that of the diametric to Tip O’Neill mass of prudence as set for Posterity in “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”! - I cannot explain by any definition of success that of since Barack H. Obama inaugural to the lot of Democrats seeming so opposite to prudence of former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill! - such as beared through hardly of since 2009, - of the now “Obama Lost Years”! - There seems an vast huge extant of devolution across the caste of “Democrats” of today which is not short of diametrically opposed to “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL!”!

The legacy of Barack H. Obama, President, cannot be measured until metrics amassed to account for his governance as effected was to vast extent at a negation of from Massachusetts Representative Tip O’Neill, - The former Speaker O’Neill (D).

I.E.:  E.G.:  The communing has been beared through as now liberated from a dark ages and black days where dictum federal ruleth’d to mandates that consummation cease as local and to becometh obedient and even prostrate to an infallible President as if yet otherwise constituted as:


I.E.:  An apropos tag’n seems justified as near:

“Obama of yin/dark” due worked set against “O’Neill of the yang/bright”!

A service on Hillary R. Clinton should generally deliver guilt upon the lot of “modern” Democrats due the statistical sad reality of the pockets of votage with her suffrage rising are yet categorically homogeneous as “local” of things - locals - where class systems are most entrenched; - The lot of for Hillary Clinton persists as a conundrum which has severe racial & race lines phat through the strada of eco-systems with the entrenched Liberal Elite caste system of University communals as held highest and worked as if “entitlements” of the federal level not a necessary federal program while an essentially structured rendition to that poor sub-class, subordinated to Liberal caste definition of “SUCCESS” reigning, have their angst & displeasure with “LOCAL” as removed to be yet of inequality as disassociated to then of a marshaled pathology of local class problems are yet Federal Social Welfare issues.  Them that amass of the votage so are those who must support Washington Democrats of face the outcomes to be rendered if instead the address the incivility and oppression by their own neighbors of the own community.

OMG!!! Things aren’t reported as appear to be actually consequential!!!

As the PSALMS set froward of “to the chief Musician” and riddle some too much I wonder if a return of THE FLYING NUN could work to suffice against such entrenched and be teachable generally to a rising from such escapism by ‘entitlements’.

We needn’t depend on a nun-such to such a drum beat of an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett, or even Whoopie as to be drum majors to restorative common sense in simple “local” communals.

There is a convenient cast set to be tasked generally as a lot of Clinton Democrats ensconced about the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD - NEW YORK CITY.  We have the lot of Schumer, Gillibrand, Cuoma, & de Blasio as starters all now cast to play it all out in the public expectation in the public realm as to how immoral the Affordable Care Act is for how it was designed to phatten their realms so fat in financials yet on HEALTHCARE costs as transferred to upon backs of other states earners tax dollars.

President Donald J. Trump needs a lot of answering by this cadre of the caste of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS, - and too a CHICAGO cast toasted of the THE HOUSE OF OBAMAS.

President Donald J. Trump seems best positioned if he now lets such caste of the of New York answer first for the injustice worked of OBAMACARE to that the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD could escape from setting a leading example on how to keep the LOCAL in POLITICS prudence by demonstrating otherwise to that the richest realm could actually find a way to cover all of em resident to the cosmopolitan. 

Oy - trouble we will have if New York major metropolitan area cannot find a self-contained home remedy while so of so many so high on the hog phat to be induced at least into Federalist #1 Alexander Hamilton broached PHILANTHOPY.

America, again, how can these united states of the Americas be great, - great again - if New York Values are not forced to be exposed and to otherwise working a replacement to “OBAMACARE” as the example seems to need be of accounting to that if such as the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD cannot afford healthcare coverage for all - then such is not possible but if limited to LOCAL isolated COMMUNES.

RESPONDERS:  Responsible how say you?

RESPONDERS:  Isn’t the toast of Donald J. Trump - toasts - to field the asking if Liberal politics hasn’t been long wrong & in wrong direction by effecting to that sub-class in entrenched class systems pockets of these united states are disassociated from living the asking of their local hierarchies to actually be and live morally?

            *       *       *       DISCIPLINES?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

This issuance is intended to be a global guilting, - none free from anywhere, - not an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett nor #WomanJaneDoe.

Women are having trouble with their messaging of the good news - their message, proper. Utterances, so past POTUS of eve, uttered of confusions.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Faith, not state, nor “citizen”, is all’s “global citizen” - - - religion is the state of the universal spirit - there no global citizen sans religious - ’tis a defined.

Women have trouble with Donald J. Trump that now must be explained - however troubling to easy.  As seems the ‘protests’ measure out coincidentally enduring as if endear as like a “FLOTUS” “Slovene Slumbered Parties’d” as it doth not register true that women of the world can actually be anti-Trump as anti-Freedom & anti-Liberation.

Women have trouble with “Women’s March” as is seems em doth hath protested “FREE AT LAST” and been gathered in a “solidarity” in protestation, to at least to Americans, of “America is yours again” in the attitude of ‘YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED’! Perhaps #FreeWithMilania!

An utterly comical precedent to the yin and yang of “Republican Movement” karma & balance is illuminated by listing Donald J. Trump business acumen of a daily regimen of timely accordance & attention to that fish and eggs - even Champagne - was, where ever of his properties scopes of arriving and time in the development for “grace” in service.

But utterly comical precedent in a historical is more of that Donald J. Trump is less a charming Benjamin Franklin than stout & steeled akin President George Washington & his general humor in his first inaugural.  Do you have any idea how prescient and froward our first President was with such erudite & common oration?  Do you accept even a President can have general humor akin a former General still besot to speak prophylactically to the moral of his troops?

So utterly literate and literary and more humorous that what is sold as comedy these Saturday nights live is that as imbued & imported by George and as of a prudence to recall to “wash & re-use” practiced while of a mores affirmed of that his spouse his bride his wife his Martha was the essence of all the pecuniary emoluments he hath need and want of froward.

Do yourselves all a favor and make time for citation studious of such Washington humor and now as laid out convenient with a bitly shortcut here: http://bit.ly/1stInaugural.  You cannot ignore our start as of “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…”! Nor word for “ups & downs”!

We together can celebrate the preparatory prudence in “wash & re-use” preface of that “impregnable fortitude” is like what “George” had to be “repaired from retired” as not then like what George’s & Martha’s biggest worry as homebodies froward was to be. 

George & Martha are biographied of having inherited from Martha’s parents their library of books on sex and sexuality. 

“George” as General Washington consummating the birth of the nation as the first President most certainly set condom precedence by implying worrying of skins prophylactics of such day were a common vein each beseeched to attend to diligently for maintenance of “impregnable fortitude” facility.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of ribbing:

Material of my unique kinship to your sisterhood, - bear with me I am no cum laude - is a coming clean on how J.K. Rowling has since our moments over the famous napkins somehow got to her literal spite due the platonic core of holding a double edge sword to me as a safety net.

At times she protesteth that I pushed her too hard - of that I hath over charged her to be to committing to perform to seven books - in that she had her heated moments at beseeched to if five books could suffice, - and yet after complaints heard of “you haven’t even given me enough for five books yet!”

Ladies and gentlemen the start of “HARRY POTTER” of coverage in “HOGWARTS” is her literal double edged sword a sharp safety net for though mission was to write so that core youths didn’t grow up from like wards to be yet like dirt under the skin and Hogan warts.

J.K. Rowling in performance on charge to seven books yet developed appropriate of task to write as like of a mother’s perspective for a character basis in my end as set of as a “Pete Rowe-ling”.  J.K. Rowling had her safety net for a chance I wasn’t right about such if to seven as charged would “make her very rich, - if she stuck to how outlined” as covered for if such by how “HOGWARTS” failed/bombed she had it bound as ready to import of like “OH IT FAILED NOT BECAUSE OF ME BUT FOR IT SO HOGAN’S WARTS!”.

Ladies and gentlemen readers of the known & unknown world let me share I have since barring further “HARRY POTTER” books and allowing my muse energy to yet still flow but around STRIKE and economics sadly less of John Kenneth Galbraith as times needing guarding from Bill & Hillary Clinton crooked were known more to as if of ROBBING ECONOMICS fit’n her cloaked productions and performance on Rob “Galbraith” release dictum from stitching together more bounded voluminous of “HOGWARTS” and specifically as pressed and sent of yet an idea for a trilogy to be also furthered of patron o’ US conscience but as to years apart as different school years era particularly then of 7 girl wonders and of one of each of each a top study from each of the seven continents, and, as these 7 girl wonders were also particularly studied to the specific important of Dante’s INFERNO.

J.K. Rowling such has seemed covered and worked to if not even near as specifically this time around as outlined.

Readers of the vast world of unknown fans it is from “but you have not even given me enough for five books” protest that “Harry Potter” became of a godfather figure a “SERIOUS BLACK” and of volts dangers prudence due national electrical standard yugely vary, and as of PATRONUS another play on spelling, - though righteous as “patron US” - in that my circle of friends and local athletic compatriots in ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues were of the architecture firms of the design, and construction management of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and, yes my own godfather, the late “Uncle Charlie” Hogan was serious about black wires as his career was as a union electrician knowingly prepared for volts of more dangers, and racially sensitive in diversity quite as a serious fan of serious black pugilist “Smokin’ Joe” Joe Frazier.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Of the old adage “knowledge is power” I grant thee access to http://bit.ly/BEAVERWARShttp://bit.ly/PetersRabbits for since “TITANIC” I was not an idle muse otherwise to Potterdom commitments and as Leonardo Di Caprio of REVENANT was a performance on suggestion he could help preface a HOGAN new “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” tv series as on “BEATRICE BOXER & THE BEAVER WARS” by developing silver screen prologue on the epic era of the THE BEAVER WARS. I regret the inconvenience of such series also a ready to go Poet JP Hogan children series for popular books mass appeal of that any now considerate enough to be curious will yet find these links are to what was written chronological to regular readers of “Citizen Rosebud” in series and so present as linked now but in reverse chronological order. {As is problematic with old series thou ripe & popular links to such may present now with this current squip as the leading in otherwise old scroll/thread, and, but #BeaverWars link takes many back to earlier days of http://myblog.jphogan.org art of archived of the month of November in the year 2010.}

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of scribed for TV & books, at least:

For the proper respect to divinity and coincidence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson of dying on the same Fourth of July there now is a “Potter World” likewise for my basis for “Harry Potter” godfather in my own of the Brotherhood of Electricians is of that the date November 7, 2011 likewise shall live in infamy as such is the day the New York Times published David Brooks hit piece op-ed “THE SERIOUS ONE” and too somehow the same day that Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier died and my own godfather “Uncle Charlie” Hogan of the brotherhood died suddenly about yard work in retirement though his union brethren were all call to duty as such day is of record as a “Greatest BlackOut in Connecticut History”.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of new media social media facebook media shares:

I.E.: E.G.: Yesterday’s of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan “PUBLIC” share comment:

JKRowling @JK_Rowling J.K. Rowling ~ I am not studied nor read in on specifics — an American take thou from long known me for our collaborative successes is yet to read #Hamilton as #Publius in #FederalistPapers #Federalist #1 for #AlexanderHamilton spells out that the #Constitution is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” & “PRESERVATION OF… PROPERTY” so it wrong for USG to be so monied while yet USA is expected to be of COMPASSION and engagement via #CHARITY & #PHILANTHROPY - even as by #ReligiousLiberty of the religions the institutions & bureaucracies expectant to such adherence.  #PoetJPHogan

Yes!  Quid ditch did stem from J.K. Rowling prudence to ask if our books on magic should have a flying broom, and to that my answered was “Yes! Go big! Make it a team sport!” and to that I put about her the energy then of my recreation & sport in area ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of old school broadcast sharing methods in of reading with openness to Lord & peeps (as “meek shall inherit” meaning those strong in the Lord who “wait upon the Lord” by being open and patient for the guidance by the Holy Spirit) by at least being cotton’d to Old Testament of the Bible of that to the “chief Musician” akin the connectivity & interconnected eco-system of religions of the PSLAMS.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay, or a good ribbing?

A Psalms conundrum is “meek” in Psalm 37 as meaneth not weak or feeble but those strong in the Lord as open to a “meek” as open & patient to receive the Holy Spirit hook-up?  (Divined import by reading of Barnes & Noble collectors classic printing bound of King James edition.)

                   *       *       *       GRACE?       *       *       *

[This squib/essay is currently a work in progress - what you see may be just today’s beginning - do come again until satisfied it is all done.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:32 pm

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  Donald J. Trump has crossed the Rubicon and forded the heartbeats of New York City - generally!

New Yorker!  Yeh you!  Is your stairway to heaven blocked by your own preconceived so challenged?

My life is a mess; - Of that I grew up meaning to become a “MAD MEN” liketh my grandfather is maybe the prophylactic that got me safely through/across my own “Rubicons”; - The story of my good life is a mess, - as twice, while a third child the oldest Irish Catholic boy in family with two older sisters during the age of affirmative action akin feminism. I worked out autonomous space by setting out on seventeen year plans - - - there are years and decades vibrantly complicated of people involved yet so while essentially never garnering what they were involved in meddling regarding their postured.

New York City is a mess; - Likewise the cosmopolitan vibe for the future essence of President Donald J. Trump guidance has fogs too that need alighting on as for years a core of New York values have been ignorant of greater movements afoot.

You cannot apprentice your way through this/these - you must commit and dedicate froward to studying and learning!

That is right New Yorker!  The general dissonance about you is rebellion to the real and discerned since election day of that quite broadly the fall of Clintons equates to that the New York City export of services now is facing a learned truth that their client bases are more for the “Republican Movement” than with the candidate they are/were!  The nation is with “LAW AND ORDER” of bluing with the rise of Donald J. Trump with the progressed of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT”!

My life isn’t such a mess as you may think; - The story of my good life is a mess, - at least twice in my life I worked a realm of autonomy with influence yet cloaked from my own father, and especially so my older sisters; - the rise of Donald J. Trump fits to that the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” was successfully progressed by weaving in dominant past influencers of what I had done but which was generally cloaked from most Democrats, especially those nearest of my own family.

New Yorkers, I must presume to it concluding as to that New York City’s FINEST - the ordinaries uniformed in blue & service to serve and protect - must have sympathies - real - that measure out of a respect and fidelity to the promise of Donald J. Trump, President, of to be a “LAW AND ORDER PRESIDENT”!

It isn’t that you should fear that I can explain to a high proffer standard how the fall of Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton occured twice as primarily a first concern is that such is what was accomplished from what I had written, - of that I had pressed in cloaked and broadly public considerable efforts.  It is reasonable to accept that the rise and winning of “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” fits Donald J. Trump snuggly as by it told of that both occurred with a trusting of the written and shared of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” me of mine on and off of CitizenRosebud.org.

You would think, maybe, that my life must be a mess for such to be mine while having so thus grown up more a young Republican in the 1970s & 1980s in such as I did as was a Liberal’s enclave as a New Haven, CT Yale University prime neighborhood.  My complicated story succeeded in 2017 for how more true and thus dominant than that of the Clintons’ which was left to be just spin spun and more of false narratives quite “fake news” falsely pressed.

The people of the New York City major metropolitan votage demographics now have a complicated denial to work through to that now they should presume and then confirm that the police as “BLUE WITH TRUMP ‘LAW AND ORDER’” are against the old them, and, too each should collect their professional sense towards appreciating that the election of 2016 seems to amount to that froward God is in the details of TRUMP standards and their client bases aligned as expressed contrary to their old norms.

Yes, I did challenge J.K. Rowling, as an answering soul a sought “unknown writer”, to commit to write seven books on magic as set to a book a year for seven years of study at a magic school.  This is part of how my life is a mess, - the story of my life, that is!

Yes, I was to seeking an “unknown writer” willing to write around a character idea of a young magic student with dark hair and round black glasses as mused as a “Pete Rowe-ling” of a young click of a redhead pal and one ‘her’ though basis neighbors were of two girls “Hermione” became a composite femme froward around.

Yes, my story is a mess in that my dad and my oldest sister while cloaked from how much of mine was of 2 to 3 17 years plans strategized to that they reacted in the moment to incidents seeming only of the concurrent while such was to me pieces set out long term to which I was sensitized to have autonomous powers by a some understanding when such pieces in the future would or could be in play newly. 

My dad, nor my oldest sister, were yet aware especially of that worked successfully for “HARRY POTTER” and “HOGWARTS” from the day it was commenced with challenge accepted to until after the last movie was made and in theaters.  It can be a mess when my family involves themselves in a kinship of inadequate knowledge and consideration for of many years one’s use of another compassion was insufficient to the reality and then complicating again vice a versa when in such juxtaposed there were times of my oldest sister “compassion” as all wrong as by being based on a momentary reading by my dad of family situational considerations. 

And, I was a little off in my challenge and pledged cooperation to its completion in having thought that such could be easily rendered to yet seven books as to be all done in just five years; - oy!

I was off and yet regularly rededicated froward of spiriting cloaked energy and support even years and years onward as such made further mess upon mess in my seemingly real life.

As it is I only consented to publisher of her books the rights involved for a publisher as around source and identity of the muse with it conditional that movie and other rights would be a bridge to cross later if I was right as to how successful I thought the performance on the specific challenged did amount. 

J.K. Rowling didn’t find a publisher until I varied my instruction that she was supposed to keep her muse (patron US) cloaked and spirited clearance to that publisher recognized for assuring she was working within the honor among artists,writers,publishers by proceeding with her muse cloaked.  I, have stories to relate around my years seeming otherwise of a primary reality yet of what on the surface doth amount to my years of always learning new things and skills so that new energies would be out there for matriculating readers.

As it now may be difficult for many professionals Hillary R. Clinton voters to assess and amend their ways froward to being better with and divining their customer bases seemingly geographically substantially with TRUMP “BLUE” and beats reset of “LAW AND ORDER” it yet is where so many now are from denial towards maybe already near acceptance.

Right, to this date I have not surrendered or waived my muse’d art artists rights to the movies, merchandise, theme park(s) and seem copaceticly embraced daily still of like her - yes J.K. Rowling’s - past emoted of that fifty - fifty likely will be best.

You can learn much of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” now more settled and dug in to as a new establish establishment by reading through so much here still free.  I strongly recommend if you are yet still a had been Hillary R. Clinton voter a professional that you forthwith progress to categories left justified assorted of scrolls to that titled “AUTO BIO’D”!

Again:  The beats of NYC NYPD TRUMP “BLUE” forward need be froward to divining a connective marketability of that the nation went more with the popular art than yet covered for the nation seems to have stayed true to the mores and magic of that which has been just some from what was of cloaked and public concurrency in and out of my story of strategies at times kept to of autonomy only, or mostly, by being of setting out pieces to interact yet pieced out of 17 year plans.

The TRUMP “BLUE” may be those now all over your beats!  It is true that I set out since 1971, as one born in 1965, to be like my of the era of “MAD MEN” grandfather Arthur M. Menadier while it was more cloaked that such was to be of a political marketing acumen eventually developed in keeping with my named for grandfather John W. Hogan, Sr.. 

To complicate your professionals and political passions further it is that my biographical has that in my late teens I was claimed a “summer son” to the son of whom ran HEARST CORP in the years “CITIZEN KANE” was produced and originally popular.  I was so a “summer son” to Joseph V. Connolly, Jr. and Violette Connolly of Block Island, The Town of New Shoreham, Rhode Island in the years “Violette” was retired from bookkeeping for the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and to being a most popular NBC part-time executive who shortly after being hired became much involved with many employees of NBC by facility at new administer program where employees could borrow against their retirement plans for tuitions and mortgages.

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump so risen on the popular wave, is so of rising with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to that now many are to learn that “DEEPTHROAT” wasn’t an after-thought fall out of from the investigation botched some due J. Edgar Hoover feared going that much up against the Kennedy Powers.  There is a more background true story of that the very investigation became initiated with a case file named “DEEP THROAT” as to of what reason and rational there was to be even considering that there were FEDERAL cause to investigate the DEMOCRATIC PARTY HEADQUARTERS.

The Bob Woodward drama to that Mark Felt became revealed as “DEEP THROAT” while Federal Bureau’s number two yet is devoid the incriminating that the Democrats kept out of the story of that there was FEDERAL cause to investigate their HQ; - “DEEP THROAT” as played out by Mark Felt remains deceptive for it still sells as #NewsFromTruth what was much crisis mangagement damage control of “fake news” for witness protection.

The TRUMP “BLUE” beats may now be the your beats and unavoidable of deeper truth of that the ascendency of the “NewGOP” with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to Donald J. Trump your “THE CHOSEN ONE” has harmony with that the popular culture and artists did win with the REPUBLICANS’ winning.

My acumen became of nature and nurtured since 1971 initialized of my grandfather then months from forced retirement to agreeing to teach me to grow up to be “just like him” as with caveat I signed too of “yes, but without your vice of smoking!” and to that I started a development for autonomy despite a third child and oldest son in the era of affirmative action to invent a feminism for my older sisters and peers. 

Yes, by the time I was in my First Grade or Second Grade I had become partly organized for autonomous efforts by thinking to like seventeen year plans otherwise cloaked from siblings, parents, teachers, administrators.

My challenge, though cloaked from the world, to J.K. Rowling, was yet based to a confidence for a froward to forward vast global success that was core’d to my unique self of able to operate in and out of my past of cloak and of public concurrence; - I imported to such that if she performed on challenge and to a totality of seven books, though of that time she asked for five to be enough, to her that she would become “very rich” with my confidence that such would somehow to the world and publishing realm as seem to just magically fit into times that most didn’t consider of an orchestration yet co-operating around their reality.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  The messed up but most winning story of how Poet J.P. Hogan set out to be a New Yorker is breaking and generally getting out “News From Truth” and as the story of Donald J. Trump equates partially since it is also of these endeavors how DJT did get the APPRENTICE idea from me! 

I must abide your patience and await your understanding of that such was from times I was of helping President George W. Bush post the attacks of September 11, 2001 and so of myself without enough space to join with DJT enthusiasm, - for a more entertaining keep of my integrated orchestrations I stayed serious.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  If your police and your client base now are likely sympathetic and hopeful in “TRUMP” can you afford to not also be?

            *       *       *       PEACE! OUT!       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:05 pm

What would Christmas be sans political sincerity as the concerns of the resultant accounted of the New York metropolitan area abide a due note to chime that maybe such realm has been devolving. 

What can Christians amount to if devoid of the higher realms relativity now to be appreciated post denial as regards the fall of Hillary R. Clinton. 

What questions must be asked.

If we are to ask and then attempt to answer some querious ticklish present but not clearly enough seen as of dangers as per the constituents amassed rabble as accounted for as for Hillary R. Clinton as first tool may be necessarily a mirror held outward for those queried to alight in as asked if their activities of 2016 doth not confirm an appreciable devolution.

There is heft, mass, and gravity in the propositioned of 2016 of that Hillary R. Clinton, for Posterity and History, was the “most corrupt candidate” ever entered upon such field of democracy meant for a process akin to a draining of a swamp to flush out the monstrous lurking dangers.

As the less than obvious becomes flushed out it is seemingly becoming apparent that what mass of constituents just accounted of the major metropolitan areas is presenting to needing a lifting spirit and committed souls willing to show compassion and a willingness to help raise the “Clinton wool” from over their eyes - to lend a hand to counter and possibly reverse what devolutions had been effected towards corralling subjects to as delivered (zombies?) to votage.

We needn’t name Donald J. Trump to associate a great and worrisome concern endemic at least to the major metropolitan areas as associable to as if the Christmas spirit was corrupted and such best explains the corralled subjects counted as for “Crooked Clintons”. 

We needn’t name Donald J. Trump to raise the alarm bells with the Christmas tolled and chimed;  Donald J. Trump is firstly just one of many that was of 2016 of many called whom might have still been a chosen one more innocent and of honest potential than she of the vast machinations to put “crooked” ahead of sincerity.

Isn’t it now with Christian charity that we address these concerns of as if the votage amassed as corralled for “Crooked Clintons” was due a top down worked “devolution” and not of presently of a sincerity to notation as “crooked voters”?

If we are to answer these just some of the biggest questions of our times and as quite specifically local to major metropolitan areas what is to suffice to liberate and educate so so so many somehow delivered in a “popular” vote for one to endure of a reputation as a “most corrupt candidate” ever?

Can Christmas in 2016 rise to the expectant levels of grace if those corralled subjects amassed as counted as “popular” votage to the party of Clintons cannot now look in the mirrors beggard of a concern to query if it isn’t that they have devolved?

President Bill Clinton near always had apparent trouble expressing “God Bless America”!

Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton presidential aspirations were also base and compromised to such endemic to her “crooked” core;  Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton persisted by machinations to sell a devolved state to city’s masses as if sincerity should not be considered;  Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton skulduggery remained of her old threatened sans a pleading of innocence to that near “if you take me down I won’t go down alone.”

The Christmas spirit now as so many have been essentially saved from further “crooked” machinations and affronts to sincerity from “leadership” of the Clintons isn’t yet that we must be thankful and grateful that we have now Donald J. Trump our President-Elect as ’tis the season to consider how many were called to stand sincerely against Hillary R. Clinton and how now many of these still endure as of others whom could have yet been our chosen one!

If we even begin to ask some of the questions, of the vibe and essence around that those amassed as “popular” for Hillary R. Clinton can be accounted for as by lots of whoms, it is considerable that a reduction in spirit so equates to an effected devolution!

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

It wasn’t the Christmas spirit as for a heaven on earth by a rule in truth and sincerity and potential from honesty; - Votage corralled and amass for Hillary R. Clinton was more akin to a devilish of a the “The Crooked Show Must Go On” headlined kept off/out of the news pressed.

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

Deplorable votes were counted somehow raised ignorantly as if a votes against others as the deplorables!

She is a deplorable she of a deplorable crooked lot at least as broad as “Crooked Clintons” is vast!

For Christmas to endure and still endear we must ask if we haven’t devolved the realm of HOPE too low to be still of potential for shared humanity as by togetherness in an embrace for truth and sincerity to trump and rule?

If we now do ask the hard questions, and if we especially posture to those somehow at least seeming devolved or brainwashed as counted as “popular” yet in the states majorities trumpeting to toll grander and truer, and as citizens reacquainted from suppressed, by recent years too tyrannical and contrary to the actually constituted, to more like just subjects, we must probe at her “deplorable” and “deplorables” for the machinations, theirs, did, years on, attempt to bury prudence of sagacity.

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

Many were called and now we have it accredited to that Donald J. Trump was/is the chosen one;  Our plights challenges may be mediated from the worser case of stuck under a “DEPLORABLE SHE” as yet to devolve from grace even further;  Ours now is that which is ahead and for morals restored to anew in prudence of sagacious transparency!

God bless America and may Christians not be alone to restorative business at resecuring our realms for truth and transparency!

We have been saved!  - Yes that seems like an understatement considering how threatening the real Hillary R. Clinton was!

We have been saved!  - Yes we must still seek the grace and defend the sanctity of sagacity the trump to machinations!

We have been saved!  - We are not alone!  There are some to many somehow now seeming needy as devolved and counted!

God bless America!  Merry Christmas to ye committed to grace and sincerity!  Let us not be blind to “crooked” extant!

      *       *       *       LET TRUTH YET REIGN?       *       *       *

[The story of the Clintons is much rendered and scrollable here as of http://CitizenRosebud.com and my perspective is phat and rich with rigor for truth and sincerity and datable to that I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s when they were Yale Law School co-eds just out for a walk through my New Haven, CT neighborhood.  The kicker for those who care to ask it that the “Crooked Hillary” shouldn’t have endured for Bill and Hillary should have had to at least answer to whom I am and how I am of so much now shared as “Citizen Rosebud”.  It is deplorable to me that election day in 2016 occurred sans the querious as to how I as “Poet JP Hogan” was of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 and the fall in 2008 and 2016.  The Clintons’ machinations have been of running for cover to continue burying their culpability and of such as from since 1993 of putting lining up a Presidency for Hillary R. Clinton as a selfish sold “good” to trump the “greater good” morality expected of offices of Trust.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:12 pm

‘WRONG DIRECTION JOE’ needs some “HOLIDAY’S” tough love!

A primary vice of the Vice is of “Joe” has been naughty - and long too naughty - as party to the training to “divided states” of how conducted in collaborations to the People railroaded in the wrong ties.

However “Joe” is like family there is that prudence must be a kept keep of the keeping for pillars of Justice, and that the vice of the Vice, however as akin to like within “family” is substantial and considerable to being beyond coal to to endure sans gift(s).

We of these “divided states of America” have many problems to “class” and “rude” of Republicans & Democrats that “family” now must field and table however now in 2016 family should abstain from tabling with family of the “Holiday” of “Christmas”!

We of these “divided states of America” have “Joe” & his vice as Vice now as fermented plums at best in the larder and gasing out “rotten” overtures of odious yet kept.

We of these “divided states of America” have vice of the Vice akin to “Joe” as #CROOKED to tru’d rap “CROOKED HILLARY” - - It is not of “Joe” as like “family” of if he supported “Hillary2016″ but that if now so “naughty” to rating sans gift(s) due was so inconsiderate in position to be unable and unwilling to be open to reason and discussion of the “BAD” in “CROOKED”!

United of America of these united states of the Americas - our 50 - it behoove this “HOLIDAY” be most considerate and respecting the Santa Claus as the accountant of the naughty list and to that any “family” to too of “Joe” has rendered their status as befitting no gift(s) due they while corrupt as for “CROOKED HILLARY” were shut down from reason and discussion of the implication and vast issues to haunt and destruct if ever from 2016 there was Unity suffice to a “President Hillary R. Clinton”!

Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” must stay of the accountancy of the “NAUGHTY LIST” to keep the keep of prudence and a copacetic for United civility;  If you have real family akin “Joe” as like “family” you may be one who must steel themselves for thru advent and into the new Year as a keeper of standards and to not also slacking and acquiescing to undermining foundations for HOPE;  If you have been invited or considering inviting politically “RUDE” family do steel yourself to it akin knowing now ‘TOUGH LOVE’ is necessary and as if you had to say “NO” or maybe even un-invite “Joe” - the Vice of vice!

Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” can hardly be of unity to Joy & Joyous if of a gathering there are in it of such vice of an election year “RUDE” to having not just supported and so colluded to “CROOKED HILLARY” but whom can be listed and tag’d as having been closed to reason and impolite as disposed to shut down discussion of facts of history!

The HOPE of President-Elect Donald J. Trump to be the President of these united states of the Americas now rests in a necessary prescribing to days and as many months of “TOUGH LOVE” upon the “divided states of America” as the losers are the most ignorant and too railroaded to past just sidings to being in a bad way as in a wrong direction for “ELECTION 2016″ is for the history books to endure as a “THE CORRUPTION ELECTION”!

Liberal policies forward will need be switched a turned from by education and debate, as away from the years of diabolical “leading” by once “Speaker Nancy Pelosi” of standing up “Grubers” for Gruber arrogance to trump democracy - liberal democracy originalism - and “advise & consent” of engaged of “demos” - The People!

The YUGE of mashable “divided states” amounts to a moral challenge and education conundrum for President-Elect Donald J. Trump forward;  The YUGE is not of a divide to “bridge” but to administer psychology and even psychiatry upon for behavioral sciences must be used to mediate a enlightenment of “Grubers” as akin “Hillary Voters” vastly remedially and fundamentally upon.

It is YUGE and before the class of TRUMP VOTERS that we must consider “it” DESPICABLE - not them, however rude and wrong!  The vice of Vice in the “CROOKED JOE” relates to the “American” errant of Representative Keith Ellison more than his bias as Muslim for Islamic over-riding of Constitution originalism - still. 

Likewise a YUGE primary concern in: Minnesota Representative hankering for post at DNC - Democratic National Committee - if you cannot explain the grand errant in President Bill Clinton’s first steps in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the Gulf Countries Council how can you be qualified to unite and lead the losing Party?

Donald J. Trump, President-Elect, cannot now run away from the “NAUGHTY LIST” nor “CROOKED JOE” for to bring back an enlightened state for these united states of the Americas President Trump will need to table and serve renderings pared for comity as educated and intelligent and as of “lessons” from away from moronic years of ignoring how much went wrong just because President Clinton did do bad while doing wrongly and errantly his duty as charged.

I, “Citizen Rosebud” blogger, of having said “NO” to TIME in 2006 as regards ‘em so querious for a photo of me for 2006 POY - Person of the Year - cover, as noticed for blogging publicly, from DC, as “uc”, with threads of the newsbusters.org site hosted by the brother-in-law to William F. Buckley, as to arguing that President Bush had to consider an Operation Iraqi Freedom Iraq War SURGE and as of reasoning it through, and then to supporting its initiating and to then supporting it with further reasoning worked and shared up at least to time of picture request I said “NO” to as thinking was expressed as near “I am not half done, and you don’t have the space for my whole story!”

Oh right!!! … I, blogger who offered to work with Time Magazine apparent story intent for 2006, but of “NO” to “photo of me” as “uc” blogger, was he who suggested they should put a “MIRROR” on the cover if they could.

TIME POY President-Elect Donald J. Trump is one still some on my “NAUGHTY LIST” and not only for being as I know it to be of he as one now elected President while yet of being wrong on “IRAQ WAR”!  His situation as on the “NAUGHTY LIST” is less certain and secured than “Joe” for the vice as the Vice President, and any family who while supporting “CROOKED HILLARY” were to as such yet “RUDE” and “GRUBERS” for having no willingness (or ability) to reason and intellectualize!

I, “Citizen Rosebud” experienced blogger, now as much #NeverPelosi as was #NeverHillary, am now tracking help heal the vast of the divided states of America by educating, - not “bridging”!  As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California did vast harm to the mental health and clarity for intelligence of way too many Americans!

Nancy Pelosi is more on my “FALLEN SOULS” list as never off a seasonal “NAUGHTY LIST” and this is much of the “TOUGH LOVE” President Donald J. Trump will likely necessarily render upon any now predisposed to be joiners in support of a DNC headed by Keith Ellison or a Party apparatus of if being moved by “CROOKED JOE” has any potential!

Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump as inheritor of the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” is that its reset as for “FOR THE REPUBLIC” will endure and amass conversions via enlightenment - and not of sad self-defeating efforts of like of trying to beat dead horses for a ride.

Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump is much that there is a “FOR THE REPUBLIC” measurable mass of “ROGUES” now willing to learn of finally and diligently learn thoroughly of the perils old and new in still heading anywhere unawares of the HUGE mistakes President William J. Clinton made starting with his first policy moves in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the GCC - Gulf Countries Council.

Our HOPE now in a NEW HOPE is of Donald J. Trump story to persist and yet endure as to winning as a ROGUE ONE?

We, firstly must respect the Santa Claus as the keeper of the “NAUGHTY LIST” and abide it now may be constituted for the Vice of vice, and even “family” as “listed” in such a way of “NEEDS IMPROVEMENT” and so due “HOLIDAY” sans gift(s)!

We, primarily, have our keep for MORALS as pressing and prescient in there is a “ROGUE ONE” of a NEW HOPE such as “JOE” - “CROOKED JOE” - Vice President Joe Biden - forward does not alight likewise of possibilities, and as Keith Ellison is not, it seems, a fared to parable for heading the DNC as the “BAD” and “CROOKED” of DEMOCRATS has been of President Clinton’s 1993 errant politics still and of multiplying the collateral damage as from evolving intelligent reasoned to errant as seeming blind mice for having ever supported SHARIAH, as they have, while being to domestic politics for centralized secular Socialist Authoritarian Powers by effecting a nullification of the Constitution and by subjugating Christians and Christian moral law to yet stuck submissive as “under Government”!

In 2016 we still have time to face what President Donald J. Trump must face to enlighten the nation from “divided states of America” of that we’ve been wrong and they’ve been wrong all these years we’ve let ourselves be tracking and heading in the direction as if our nation is not as constituted by People’s Order as established and ordained as under Lord’s Law - as indivisible as one republic under God. 

Simply “JOE” - Joe’s bad “NAUGHTY” - fits Keith Ellison’s all these years of these united states of America, as since 1993, been to postured and secured as if world can accept a spreading of SHARIAH while in these united states of the Americas, and elsewhere, Judeo-Christian “MORALS” - “MORAL LAW” - “TEN COMMANDMENTS” are suppressed and the created subjugated from “free” and “citizens” to just subjects “Grubers”!!!

                *       *       *       NAUGHTY?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:36 am

Never has so little needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

What is the “is to” to Donald J. Trump as a “Law and Order” leader but maybe that Barack H. Obama was merely an “Orders and Dictum” presider?

Through his fault President Obama carried on fundamentally errant to the prudence in pedestrian “American”!

Through his fault President Obama postured and postured of fronting “American” in a misguided speak/think!

The abyss was to be crossed to if threshold broached in November in our Year two thousand ten and Six to ledes broadcast across old and new media of like “ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!”.

Though now we haven’t, as a nation, slid down this rabbit hole of an abyss, recently so near & ominous, we are precipitously close to the issues of the risks, still, and tasked for Posterity of a duty to understand and fathom what nearly was, - to the darkest elementals considered.

What is the “is is” of racism forward into the post-Obama era of unshackled and liberated awaiting?

A first “Law and Order” problem forward abides in the logic of Lord’s Law morality - in Moral Law basics:

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” in “#CrookedHillary” is a dangerous proposition - a most dangerous if effected!

Forgiveness for the “CROOKED” will remain premature until Mrs. Clinton presents the essence honestly of how BAD the BAD is, to great enumerated accounting, of any which she may hope to have “forgiveness” as regards!

Racism must not be confused as the primary issue forward as we cotton to a new United States Attorney General!

Racism must not be confused with Moral Law standards and Constitutional especiality webbed out to well networked!

Due Secretary Hillary R. Clinton was of little lingua franca essence while tasked to be diplomatic a tag as a “worst ever” may visually stick to her forward quite dramatically as if responsibly cartooned a justly tarred & feathered?

The greatest failure and errant ways of the Obama Administration roots to a common rotten core of dictum of convenience yet lacking in consideration, and enumeration for mental health clarity and Posterity through truth & clarity connective fibrocity.

President Obama & Secretary Clinton are to be tagged and mashed forward for a vast and diabolical failure as due a historical rendition to of having been bad with language and loose with words!

Errant in their ways these two, though just part of the complicity party, have much to just try to atone for and attempt a accomplishment to being somehow to a suffice as penitent.  Firstly their biggest error was essentially, devoid of the political motives, dominant as of having governed as if God is not in the Constitution - even as the idea of a Lord above like the holding anchor.

To placate the random “HATE” “HATERS” momentarily let me posture that Donald J. Trump now too has an idea for “FREE COLLEGE” if he enumerates most “students” concurrently have cases against their institutions of “higher” education to sue for a refund even as they accept a diploma - to sue on grounds of having been grossly mislead and mistaught to believing what is now self-evident nearly of Democrats Liberals of having “governed” so devoid of a fibrous for “reason” they amount more to having been rascals, not teachers.  Whoops!!!  Well maybe showing “HATE” misplaced can placate some!!!

There is no where to run to - there is no where for such taggable as “rascals” to hide!  It is modern that their failures are now already mashable and to endure to a scandalous incontrovertible their rap.

To placate, or not:  Take how we must now, where ever, discuss how the Democrat(ic) Party has their rascality sticking to them as like all of birds of a feather to be tarred together:  Take now, for example, how on “Climate Change” as for a “Green Agenda” it is to haunt that after eight years there was never simple effected as an easiest of “shovel ready” opportunities that a boom of new pedestrian & bicyclist commuter bridges/tunnels and bike trails was not big news and regular news from day one.

Forward:  It seems already established and ready for mass consumption that Democrat Party leadership was so elitist of cabal motivation for authoritarian Power for a ruling class that they were blind to how better “Global Warming” solutions were available, yes since day one, and yet not allowed by President Barack H. Obama!  It should sting and pain for years, especially to loser Hillary R. Clinton, how it seems her party was firstly just for crooked crony “capitalism” that really fails the definition of “capitalism” as to “win win” civil agreements the primal core of its economics foundation.

The racism rub is a complicated rub forward, though now being simplified and to clarity for Law and Order resurgent:

The social sciences of logic of morality have a basic nature to now be enunciated and broadcast most pressingly as due voters who voted for “Crooked Hillary” were immoral and complicit to her “crooked” by such “expression” there is the resultant conclusive as regards morality and the Ten Commandments networked reasoned for conscience clarity and abiding for civility.

Common sense is that those who voted for “Crooked Hillary” became the “Crooked Voters” to then of a violation of the spirit of “American” and of morality as under our Lord as of self-governance firstly what religion is and the Ten Commandments our common core.

As the Ten Commandments do set up that slavery or imprisonment is the default allowance so prescribed short of Justice by death and therefore of a place & purpose in the “recipe” for “HEAVEN ON EARTH” so chiseled in stone we have the conundrum now of what happens as regards “crooked voters”.  To speak now of enslavement or imprisonment due violate of “Law and Order” by complicit to votage - suffrage - as ignorant or informed, and yet, by party to an “interpretation” that God can be said to not be in Constitution, and that all protections from (government) tyranny can be said as voided, and so to get away with popularity for a “Robin Hood” cabal Power, is just.

By voting again, and (more) knowingly than whence for Barack H. Obama, for a President as if an election could void and nullify the Constitution and Moral Law - especially of that set in stone of “THOU SHALT NOT STEAL” - a vast YUGE amount have morally condemned themselves as “crooked” too.  Any voted for “Crooked Hillary” of votage as expression of support for this discussed have set up the political dilemma in morality of by so to such by suffrage each has themselves rendered unto them a liberation problem of voters and candidates of the right now have become absolved of even Christian duty of compassion and caring in shared humanity towards any so a “crooked voter”!

By voting for Hillary R. Clinton any so knowingly of such suffrage votage has quite liberated peoples of the right from any moral obligation to care about them due the network fibrous connective of the Moral Law of Lord’s Law of the Ten Commandments endures to that any violate of such ten basic civil laws is then a problem individual that if still about as a “neighbor” but yet predisposed to “covet” others or be disposed to worse abuses of “neighborly” is then, if not judged to be of capital punishment remains, unless displaced, to be one needing keepers, - a soul needing watchers and masters to moderate their bad tendencies.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama has brought a diabolical existentialism now into the “American” and “political” that trumps racism for such amounts, since his support of Hillary R. Clinton, to establishments un-Constitutional as devilishly postured upon a popular majority as if by an expert their expert of thought of “governing” in their best interests.

Through his fault President Barack H. Obama now still presides and to that the color of his skin may endure as the best thing to be said about him forward, and to of the color of his skin, not these discussed of a lacking of character, is a “that” of which Americans forward should still celebrate for that a black man was elected President of these united states of the Americas still, for its time, does say much great and wonderful about near half of the American people!

It will hopefully never be an issue of racism or the color of his skin that he like was a bad President whom had better solutions for so much available since day one and yet only progressed with his “politics” those that fit “crooked crony capitalism” tag!

Never has so little been needed to be done by so few for so much needed to be done!  Who doth protests on Donald J. Trump wrongly?

We are beyond a discussion of slavery as racism! - So many are now obviously (ignorantly) complicit, and yet it is established that a right to enslave as to imprison is essentially in the Constitution for it is what must be between the lines of the Ten Commandments, for all peoples - any individual due their character, - not race/color, sex or sexuality.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:00 am

A first supposition to consume is that Hillary R. Clinton just rubbed too many people the wrong way!!!

The cake is baked!  Hillary R. Clinton just didn’t see enough coming - didn’t see the horror shows premonitions though such was her job to get done!

New York City, you of Democrats solicitations are not alone! - You’ve been liberated! - You’re saved from a looming descent to “GOTHAM” - devolutions!

The problems forward for Republicans to shine and glow of a “shining city on a hill” brilliance now are concurrent to the issuance of Donald J. Trump; - Does the future of these united states of the Americas now depend on if Donald J. Trump can stay in the lines of as if out of a time machine and for Liberty as stepping out as either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or as either Alexander Hamilton or James Madison.

To shine - to renew and brighten from how Hillary R. Clinton abraded and dulled by rubbing too many the wrong way - mustn’t we collectively consider civility concordance consistent to the consecrated as constituted now is asking Donald J. Trump to be of the bodies electric secured of that to be to “shining” an electric brilliance must be of from bodies to honesty & electric in truth?

To shine - forthwith forward furtively, and foundationally, frankly - Aren’t we at “father” Trump must present daily as if stepping out as a founding father revisiting their ordained and established created Order “done” in humble under God dedication in such past “Year of our Lord”?

To shine - restoratively reset regarding revolutionary reposits, remedially - respectfully it is significant that Donald J. Trump also forward does present as if so “modern” is like in the THE JETSONS, and accustomed to at least the now available flying cars!

It is what it is!  Scary is what we have been brought back from the edge of! - Scary is what coulda/whoulda been if Hillary R. Clinton had amassed enough collaboration to a post election lede: ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!

We have been turned back from, and saved from the abyss!  Some may now sadly do an about face and blindly turn back to a fateful short plank conundrum diabolical.  Some should be vigilant to try to save even these near lost souls of having believed too much that which was so “crooked” it was never safe to ever have believed!  Some must teach and shepherd to a learned to a suffice from that which was at best just RIDICULOUS as posited for machinations for CLINTON-KAINE.

Doesn’t Donald J. Trump now just need be the kindly gentle giant surrogate father to the new Tea Party & Constitutional restoration dedicants?  Needn’t Donald J. Trump essentially, to shine, now just be as if George Washington or Thomas Jefferson as a reincarnate or revisiting?

It is baked in Hillary R. Clinton’s pudding that baked in her cake is that hauntings will persist as from her resume to rise and gather darkly dark spirits as if here to stay of her while in Purgatory and likely fated to maybe a new 8th level of Hell’s inferno!

The basics for any “THE SHINING CITY ON A HILL” is of bodies electric even as Walt Whitman strung a poetic around embattled “Captain” President Abraham Lincoln, and the Civil War.  It is from humanoids gathered in morality of Lord’s Law of a unity in honesty from such as an electric brilliance can endure to emanate as if of actual structuralism.

It seems Donald J. Trump need not posture as if Moses to Barack H. Obama as a self proclaimed Messiah; - Important - most important - forward to a restoration for the brilliance of original constitutionalism is how key it is President Trump be firstly scholarly as if akin to founding fathers and their prudence and exercised as an apostolic spectacle affected.

I do not know if President Trump is better now as if it is 1800 all over again as per prudence & jurisprudence, nor if being of George Washington by his prefacing by his first inaugural begun “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” is to a better polite to a more workable civil, nor if President Trump can be either as on Moses & the Ten Commandments without much being to like snatching an embodiment specifically of Alexander Hamilton or the John Jay of such critical essays as of the opening salvos by the THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!

Flying cars are here and an inevitable ingredient to any and all for the republic infrastructure allotments debates and votage.

The issuance from Hillary R. Clinton “resume” will haunt as dark spirits rise and amass of so much of an on Earth and yet in Purgatory political reality of the fall of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.

Infernal is that there ever was a 2016 “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT”! - The apparatus and machinations for “CLINTON-KAINE” have not, nor ever can, amount to as if by running (for cover) (of strategery by campaigning depended on like the criminal defense playbooks) the legacy of Mrs. William J. Clinton become scrubbed to as if now and forward of all the darkness bleached out to that Mrs. Clinton could be postured as if a clean white & girded as if all haunting dark spirits of Hillary R. Clinton resume were not co-existent and incontrovertible from “crooked” and guilty!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be me! - President Trump mandate is to be maybe a founding father reincarnate, and a gentle giant, of dedication to the simple truth of that our originalism constructs of the Constitution as the People’s “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” maintains, -again self-preserves - such that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, & even Jay can be of guidance and to a lightness in being in opposition to Clintons’ dark extant of pregnant or bloated of souls dark of Purgatory & Inferno - of comedy of that essence of the realm of the energies electric of divination - the divine - the divined!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be a like rapper to endure as a “Biggie Hogan” as a rival to #HAMILTON by across the space time continuum! - So much now are triggers to me as of that akin maybe to a poet’s conditioned of from real world exposure to of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - #PTSD - if I were to even try to be me - the me President Trump could be if it weren’t also available to him to be reincarnate of the great minds and soul’d of these united states of the Americas original consecrators extradinaire! - Much as we are now here abouts in real time equates to a deja vue possible traumatic to myself if to re-engaged to the officialdom of governance devoid the flexibility and agility of the arts realms! - Much as President-Elect Donald J. Trump now is tasked to render and serve forward is of that to me of my real work to such was done before 1992 - to set up to working, as Clinton 1992 win attests, and then as I viscerally sadly bore witness to of such HOPE and OPPORTUNITY now as concurrent to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is yet to that of which I succeeded to USA as again too whence and of then it that William J. Clinton & the machinations of the “Clinton Machine” did by their devilish hands for years decisively set asunder.

Simply the HOPE & OPPORTUNITY to cakes of the future when empowered of the President Donald J. Trump sworn and rededicated are of the darkness of Hillary R. Clinton must be thoroughly sifted and to the dark energies obstructive to a new “shining” must get sifted out! - President Donald J. Trump must reset to the 1992 election and be of win as if how won unexpectedly by the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON and then to proceed, yes, - not as if me - as but to being again to of the original recipe as by a sole d.o.d. or a smorgasbord, or a worked ratatouille of a harvest’s bounty.

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to be me! and, it yet remains a conundrum of if he and these united states of the Americas do now forward have a parallel need for me, an also now LIBERATED, to yet shine again as me being firstly me, and of saved from a daily fight of decades, - an at times traumatic struggle - of defenses needed daily to stand against the Clintons and their machinations to of effecting successful and failed attempts to succeed by absconding to popularity by thefts and misappropriation and misuse of that originally and still my own intellectual property!!!

You are now asked to become learned to a suffice to be so then educated enough to be able to reason a position - reason to a position on how President Donald J. Trump though throughout the campaigns was of likewise to the public “Strong For Truth” me is yet now pre-positioned to be more as if a founding father on Moses than as if Moses to the Obama black Messiah!!!

By Dante Alighieri’s divine humor it seems Hillary R. Clinton is not an alone of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON to be like cast incontrovertibly to be forward cast as reserved to the domain of Lucifer and to that we should now all reason if due the vast dark spirits that rise of Mrs. Clinton resume if we are not now of a times of so much so contrary & diabolical as having been politically exercised conversely to Constitutionalism such as that there are reservations for the Clintons as fated to shine not - and walk a fated of Purgatory to as if not in Hell yet for an fitting “EIGHTH” level is still just under construction!!!

Are we now though at that it is best that President Donald J. Trump effect governance as if it is 1800 all over again? - Aren’t these times of hankering for Jeffersonian Republicans and for how he stood tall the compliance for the TEN COMMANDMENTS even as his work to such was of a special “Jefferson Bible”?

It seems incontrovertible that we’ve been LIBERATED and turned from fated to join a condemned thee as THE HOUSE OF CLINTON! - Forward let’s use respect (as Thomas Jefferson worked it?) that religion is firstly self-governance of that of the apostolic spectacle that the founding affected was of that the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the codes for the bodies electric and the recipe for HEAVEN ON EARTH, and as so for at least 3 religions - as at least of Jews, Christians, & Muslims!!!

Forward rub: - Of that our fine and glorious originalism is of our “code” as it such “code” is essential and of written as still the Law which enables there to be such of that of bodies electric as not condemned certain and of structuralism possible to even a nation’s capitol as able to be facilitated to be of good shining?  Of that we’ve been LIBERATED from rubbed errantly?

Forward rub: - It is what it is!  Our “code” is of we share across religions & religiosity that Lord’s Law is our Moral Law our Nation is also humbled as set under!  “Bible “nonsense” equals liberalism - not immoral lies!” & as “PRACTICE CHRISTIANITY IN SUFFICE TO NONSENSE!”  The BIBLE is among the “living documents” that our Constitution was set as harder to amend or nullify than, and, now forward our “Politics” are to stand against government over-reach and of the beat to notes to that the People are to now consider if “King James” edition of the BIBLE isn’t too out of date, at least!

Forward rub: - The Supreme Court “decided” on equality of marriage rests as so on point to that the scriptures are to be the “living document” the the Constitution the People’s “Order” of for that which is not of establishments (tenets) of religions; - The Justice is rededicated even by same sex marriage ruling to that the “living” work isn’t finished for at least the #KingJames edition hasn’t been rectified to concurrent vicissitudes to be adjusted to rule on that many people now are to live even 75 years longer past the trials of discovery of youth become settled, and individuals to having “discovered” a immutable “self” to endure and endear as their’s (fated?)?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:46 am

We must move the mountain.

By the end you too will likely concur that Oprah Winfrey should mount an “O APOLOGY TOUR”.

As a new Smithsonian Museum venue is opening as a museum of the African American stories there is much to admonish the current President for and to that he may be frightful as due memorialized.

As a debate near for the process of picking a successor to President Barack H. Obama we necessarily are behooved to be prudent with eyes and ears wide open to the deeper truths however now especially dark and of failures.

First Lady Michelle R. Obama is a black she whom can be said to have removed many of the first Jenga pieces of the Mrs. Clinton constructs for vertical power;  The first black FLOTUS with her movement with Chance the Rapper did unsettle the constructs of the Clintons for vertical and hierarchical power for Mrs. Clinton by with ‘em #4College marshalling they have undermined a standing for Mrs. Clinton by empowering blacks to be “FOR COLLEGE” and so to critical thinking;  Michelle R. Obama and Chance the Rapper have set asunder Mrs. Clinton by being “FOR COLLEGE” insists that any so aspiring need learn to study to seeing the CONS and PROS - the BAD and the GOOD - the WRONG and the RIGHT - a EVIL vs GOOD.

Any aspiring to be “FOR COLLEGE” has been asked to engage in the processes for critical thinking;  Any with such movement need be prudent and to a core strength as developed by being critical and understanding of the flaws of Mrs. Clinton;  Any with such movement must also marshal a self discipline to not just accept the favorable spin spun to repackage the flawed Clinton nor to be weak and compliant by just dog whistle partisan lurings.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama likewise has undermined the first black President’s legacy and generally primarily asked even a Smithsonian curation to exhibit querious contradictory aspects to ask visitors to at least question coincidentals.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama a black woman has already started such work I suggest now should be of the work of Oprah Winfrey and HARPO forward as of accepting a moral charge to teach and lecture on posit “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS!”.

As First Lady Michelle R.Obama one black woman has already struck the first drum beat and toe’d in a first step;  The current FLOTUS should be accentuated at least in the opening exhibits of the new Smithsonian museum for having asked for an intelligent and critical review of the first black President, and at least as while asking if it can have been just all Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton’s fault.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is another complicated woman figure now engaged in the current problematic jeopardy of Clinton constructs for hierarchical and vertical power.  At Harvard University such woman was an expert, it seems, in that the very Clintons she now professes proffered support for were yet ‘em a quite guilty of history of that a true endures that the Clintons did much cause the CRASH.  At politics such woman now is becoming undermined by her own expertise with each moment she endorses Mrs. Clinton to succeed the first black President.

As a first debate nears to educate in the process of picking a successor to Barack H. Obama his blackness is becoming tragically more and more an issue and to that a first question for any museum of history curation need be near to “DID THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT FAIL BLACKS BECAUSE HE WAS NOT BLACK ENOUGH?”.

None of this bodes well for Mrs. Clinton nor President William J. Clinton and his/their legacy.

As a first debate nears to educate from obfuscated and suppressed - hopefully - we are left the open wounds of September 11 the II - 911 II - September 11, 2012 tragedies of the State Department consulate of Libya in Benghazi.  To think critically enough just to maybe matriculate to into a college each soul must challenge its comfort levels and be to realizing a question that still must be answered of the “The Buck Stops Here” adage or deeper history remains as to how the House Select Committee form to investigate the found cover-up around 911 II is tasked of a duty to assuage if the first black President is more responsible and therefore more guilty than his first Secretary of State.

What bodes not well for Mrs. Clinton is that it seems ridiculous that the first black President, by any morals expectation, shall yet be figured as being more culpable guilty and at least so negligent as seems the inescapable history bit for Secretary Clinton.

The very history of the Clintons as of official days as bigots begs the conscience and sets up for “FOR COLLEGE” a seeming self evident diabolical to endure forward now for all days;  The Clintons’ official policies from 1993 to 2001 were contrary to the First Amendment as they were bigoted as regards peoples and sects of the Middle East - or at least of the Arabian peninsula;  The very “global initiatives” valuation of William J. Clinton to worth more per performance than the first black President is set as worth per year seems of a rotten core of bigotry by that it seems “Bill Clinton” needed to be monetized as worth so much more than the first black President.

Perchance their can now be HOPE forward in a actually constituted and classically workable fashion?

History shall record that President Barack H. Obama was a failure and a fail President with it open to debate now already as to how much the “rivals” Clintons can be historically tagged as guilty for wilful and premeditated intra-partisan shenanigans as that of ‘em to having set up a failing for the first black President.

It behoove us all to not be dissuaded from evaluating the mountain of lies of the for hierarchy machinations of the Clintons and their political machinery.  Let us not be so stupid as to not at least analyze the obvious times the Clintons by rivaling President B.H. Obama as moments in history of them quite to setting asunder the Obama First Family from being able to have a legacy equal to or greater than the “THE CLINTON LEGACY”!

As key aspect of the “THE CLINTON” is a core common in the family as ‘em professionally of methodologies to be hedgers;  To key to the core beat of the “THE CLINTON” controversies one should critically dissect the fence riding of ‘em all as of machinations for Power by cold calculating for selfish safe zones by hedges and hedges and generally primarily hedging on all matters private or public;  The “THE CLINTON” is ready for museums where ever now - however old and new - new and new - and to that the Clinton Foundation of course if of the mountain of controversies as being of as much personal gain to them as like a property management company is to TRUMP.

Do the math - - - Follow the history!!!  The Clinton foundation cannot be firstly generally presumed to be a “charity” due the enduring legacy of the Clintons as them who from 1993 to 2001 did cut cut cut $2 Trillion from budgeted and in lieu then of funding for blacks, poverty, books, schools, roads, levees, tunnels, bridges, or even more public libraries.  It is ridiculous to accept the Clintons as now of “charity” with such a cold cutting and slashing through what was so much then budgeted as passed to be then to helping all it could have helped.

Do the “FOR COLLEGE” - #4College - #DoTheMath_FollowTheHistory as a new “follow the money” to how Clintons have been worse than worst of “NIXONIAN”!

Do as First Lady Michelle R. Obama has beaten and toe’d first beats for and do ask the tough questions on that President Barack H. Obama, as the first black President, is yet one whom compared to Mrs. Clinton just couldn’t save even blacks from so much set asunder by floating the “THE CLINTON” as a GOOD while rotten to their core of BAD/EVIL.

The “mountain” of controversies of the Clintons is now so visible and obviously here/there that all must try to be critical in thinking and to seeing the Clintons’ controversies as the mountain in the way of progress and even now HOPE!

It is stupid for any now to believe that postured spun or whistled of for by the Clintons’ machinations & machinery politics!!!

It ranks up there now with some horrendous past moments in history that Oprah Winfrey ever endorsed Mrs. Clinton!

The “personal gain” of that the Clintons’ foundation is a huge YUGE scandal is again of that they are afforded so much emoluments and pecuniary beni’s from such it is in plain sight that they violate the very prudent constitutional protections of Article 1 - especially Section 9 Paragraph 8.  The Clintons by their “charity” can afford an imperial authoritarian shadow government as a body together of experts able to be together in purposes of protecting the Power and brand of the “THE CLINTONS” globally, and as quite more a global partisan Tammany Hall like patronage scheme.

It should rile generations to come that blacks may learn more now from how prodded by the first black First Lady to be to thinking critically and to asking at least ourselves to be studious until can see the GOOD vs EVIL - RIGHT vs WRONG - PROS vs CONS.

It should rile our current populaces with the opening of a new AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM if such is opened without presentations to ask for a greater consciousness around the legacy seeming etched eternal for the first black President at least to have been being of a failed President for not having checked the rivals in his own house.

It should rile and endure to rile future generations that now there is a conundrum to spell out of that it may in the long term prove better and more easily rectified through remedial civics education if lessons are commenced around facing facts of the the first black President did much fail - and to how it endures that Barack H. Obama legacy is of that he at least failed blacks by being not black enough - by being too white.

How now should most concur on a problem of President Obama as if too a “KING AMABO” and to that HARPO as backwards OPRAH now is like called to an “O APOLOGY TOUR” of “AMABO” a backwards OBAMA yet emphasized and exclamated for history as somehow too many were like herself and to missing the perilous “mountain” when whence of a not critical enough posturing with an “endorsement” of Mrs. Clinton?  And too for white Michael Bloomberg so caught?  And the newest of Smithsonian?

President Obama is clearly stuck!  It behoove us all to ask, for legacy, how, while it some seems self evident, we have born witness to that President Clinton (white pride) did much punk Barack H. Obama all the years he was the first black President! Bill Clinton clearly punk’d Barack Obama!

                 *       *       *       BELIEVE?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:01 am

We need to see the dead people!

As case can be made to that Donald J. Trump is attempting to finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Luther - but as a Presbyterian: - It seems we must key seeing two that died on July 4th in 1826.

We need to see beyond just seeing Alexander Hamilton as hip!

Though the metropolis heeled/curbed set are 2016 cosmopolitan of class struggles we have to accept these may be among the last to step out and rock the politics of that we have been heading in the wrong direction for too long.

Akin to the metropolis cosmopolitan 2016 conundrum would be that essentially we must now change the music!

To right ourselves from too long off course and at least near broached it is imperative that we tag the drum beats of Barack H. Obama of too majored in steering us off course!  To parlay the politics of music perchance we accept such has been too long cliche and cliche Socialist - too “Old Stalinistic” marched! - too sans the hip of at least Alexander Hamilton as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #1 as keyed that the People’s Order a constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP” is the life long business struggle dynamic still core to TRUMP now as a candidate.

A “LIBERATION” is cored to such dynamism even indivisible from the “PRESIDENT TRUMP” promise.

The “LIBERATION” is in that the life long human story now can only bear fruit if the new “music” rises bottom up - and ’street’ cool/hip.

I posture that all should prepare themselves for TRUMP delays akin to working an engagement and sagacity SOP of disciplined patience to wait for the new good music to rise bottom up.

What may be the chord or beat apropos a restoration to righteousness and practiced common morality?

What can be the hook - how for beat tragic and dire Barack H. Obama rap - to cover the wrecked havoc of so many years wasted with cacophonies discordant as forced measures clamors stacked for “Obama Comrades” of beatings to a crony elite ruling class solidarity effected tonage?

I posture newly we need to see the dead people!

The trump in the “THE TRUMP” is as restorative of “again” for “America” as constituted by the People’s Order done in the “Year of our Lord” whence so soundly and definitively as a formed “more perfect Union”!

For your liberation which beat is your own best tool? which dead person’s harmony can fit your melodic patriotism?

Pitty the fool who knoweth not their “A” game now best to also reconnoiter the triptick souls’d of our Pilgrims & Mayflower, to the Plymouth Plantation, but of score’d to a commonality as also of the times but different conditions to the risen works of Oliver Cromwell, and also Rene Descartes.  Yes! a “Cartesian” gestalt might help any calculable scoring.

There yet is the one soul common to “Dana” and “Kimberly” to synchronize forward with progressing beats of the Republican Movement; - Dana Plato as “Kimberly Drummond” - may she rest in peace - fits to if to doubt Donald J. Trump Republicans as the success of Donald J. Trump up from like a Queens’ Presbyterian orchestration now is yet for cites of precedence set but that Donald J. Trump here to fore has been “succeeded” near only a the scale and scope of Plato’s “REPUBLIC”; - Donald J. Trump has been a builder of buildings and communities - even neighborhoods - but yet is he proven as a keeper of a nation.  Donald J. Trump will need a “Willis” and an “Arnold” for his winded, beaten, & stroke’d new improved “different” for these ways to have the will’d.

For Donald J. Trump to amount to more than the limited of Plato’s worked he must be keenly seen as for “movin’ on up” for any who think they can survive the itches of responsibility in trying to find if able to take the heat of riches.  The “New GOP” may hoot and holler also with “TRADING PLACES” while not em must prove themselves for “LIBERATION ECONOMICS”.

Actually most voters, if they have heard of Jack Johnson or read enough of F. Scott Fitzgerald, should be sympathetic for TRUMP business dynamic of that every morning as a properties operator as souls stir newly of “bottoms up” there may yet be alarms and sirens harkening at least of a too demonstrable “Eloise” roaming the halls mischieviously or a “Dennis The Menace” too proudly loudly apparently in violation of the Mann Act.

America, to be great again, now essentially must learn to come to terms with a great embarrassment for Harvard & Harvard Law School as it seems self evident now that the “first black President of Harvard Law Review” to this very day is still somehow, by nature or corrupted nurture/guidance/teaching, of having, it seems, NEVER read the Constitution correctly.

“O” Barack H. Obama will be haunted by #Its_O_not_o for the rest of his life!  The Constitution only makes sense as with preamble “Order” a noun and for that reason as capitalized.  The proper reading of the Constitution is akin to how the Republicans have protested for decades as to that it cannot be the “living document” as Democrats protestant for as because “Order” is of “O” and not “o” it reads as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…/done/…/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Essentially it has been necessary, while technically treasonous, for the Clintons to posture as if in a “post Constitution” new “order” and for President Obama to proclaim, even during his 2nd inaugural, that he “wouldn’t feel beholden to the oath of office” he just swore to be!  The Democrats have failed for by not knowing the proper reading of the Constitution they have thought it necessary to try to reinvent the wheel and now obviously have greatly failed!

The Constitution cannot be read for a “living document” as attempted, and yet progressed to ill effect now so long, in part because to the founders the work for the People’s Order to constitute the new better Union was like a apostolic spectacle - and so of humbly respecting that the scripture of “our Lord” set was at least by the King James Bible the “living word”!  It seems critical that to join in “Make America Great Again” we too must be so respectful and to that the People’s Order was constituted to be harder to amend or void than it was/is to edit and revise an edition of the Bible.

Sadly so much has gone so wrong by that the Democrats Left Liberals seems to have read to read what they wanted to read and missed reading truly to the only way the entire document can make sense.  It was/is lazy reading and “interpretation” to posture as if the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows must be measured is ever as if just as “in order to…” and weak as like a loophole for Executive tyranny by Executive Orders as if “legal” if something just seems “more perfect”!

E.G.:  Take healthcare - for example:  Democrats if read the Constitution correctly would have avoided all these years of trying to create a “right to healthcare” for such is in the Republic already as constituted “under God” and to that what Democrats have come up with actually violates the First Amendment.  By the accurate Republican traditional reading of original intent everyone already with religion then already has a right to healthcare as health of souls is one of the oldest establishments of religion. Hence Republicans have been logical and faithful to the genius of the founders by working contrary to Liberals’ efforts for centralized secular Socialism by insisting that faith based solutions are affordable for existing structures, if now too dust covered, are yet already available. It is at least Christian and for crisis redistribution among communities how every religious American already is constituted of a equal right to that of healthcare of that of yet society together at discerning understanding of how God or the Devil is yet in the relative details.

I.E.: Consider the Obamacare irony:  By the powers vested in “ACA” the confederate republic of these unites states of the Americas has mere laws boldly contrary to Constituted prudence with Religious Freedom & separation of church & state.  By the powers vested in “ACA” if the Federal Government goals was actually “affordable care” it would/must mandate all citizen subjects voluntarily commune weekly, at least, for lite calisthenics of sit, stand, kneel, prostrate, sit, kneel, prostrate… and with aerobic work out of song with community harmony, however that day able to achieve heavenly harmony, by singing mixed in with meditations by readings and tough “medicine” with guilting & public shaming.  For healthcare to be ever affordable it must be likewise of all spokes in helm’s wheel of state of each part of community in services together as equals - as of rights to their work as individually as critical a spoke to keeping the wheel of community true - trued.  Essentially “Obamacare” must be UnConstitutional for that it gives the Federal Government the Power to mandate that subjects must (voluntarily) commune as to believe in each other that together in faiths they can yet be upstanding and moral (compliant assimilated subjects) citizens.

A simple Constitution teachable note:  It is easier to find GOD in the Constitution than that the Clintons, nor any other, have a right to be of an imperial authoritarian shadow government (such as Clinton Global Initiatives apparently has proceeded since organized)! It is ridiculous pure fiction any interpretation likewise effecting for there in Article 1 is the prohibition from titles of nobility and as well by Section 9 Paragraph 8 powers vested in Congress to highest standard low bar of “whatever” to audit and approve even the least seeming just personal emoluments for any banking on offices of trust.  To see the prima facia of “Clinton Shadow Government” think of Clinton Foundation annual meetings as synchronized to United Nations gatherings and to that it like mandatory to also attend presiding by “King Clinton” of “CGI” holding court even if just firstly primarily generally posturing as if President of the World promoted from having earlier been just President of the United States.

Sadly Mrs. Clinton’s foible related can be summed out as like Mrs. Clinton did as her good book said (Alinski’s) and with false “messiah” Obama did effectively get control of healthcare, and killed off their God.

Donald J. Trump may not have a past as one who has created rising tides yet he does relate as one who has like built sound vessels to be party to “rising tides” and has shared methods via books to others keen to building “boats”.

Even concurrently Donald J. Trump is more building a vessel for a ship of state on the “rising tide” now building long of that real and concrete as the “Republican Movement” as encompassing restorative by Tea Party sweated!

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to know how to create an economics rising tide for how America is constituted sets up a natural dynamic for such to occur! - - - if not actively impeded!

As we individually should ponder which dead people we need see and respect newly the core common to all is “freedom” is “of” religion for religiosity is what amounts an any as above barbarian or animalistic barely.

Every core to the great American is of that of sans borders (spirit) is of religion while that which is of property rights and of borders then is that which is of government!

As we pick through the dead people and decide which has kept best we are all together wise to respect a conundrum of the founders at an apostolic spectacle by constructing the People’s Order as respectful of that economics of Adam Smith amount to a reinterpretation of two Corinthians - 1 & 2 Corinthians, and the jist of all of Paul’s letters!

Donald J. Trump is shouldering the cross of responsibility all free people must!

Corinthians, however “re-interpreted” economics of “Invisible Hand” economic theory, speaks as the founders established and ordained of that to be for growth economics a underlying foundation of community must exist of people able to sing together!

Simply Donald J. Trump needn’t try to reinvent the economics wheel!

He can helm a steadying of the ship of state if America can be America again!

That what is of sans borders (of spirit) is then of “religion” is yet the common core of Paul’s letters and also the economic theory as a “re-interpretation” of such - that by Adam Smith.  Liberation is still possible as naturally constituted if we can sing together at a sustaining community level and practice of that the first ruling “self interest” of a humanoid in economical moral capitalism (redundant! - Capitalism in theory is moral!) is to firstly choose “community” (safety in numbers) a secondly choose to be moral within “network” (not to shooting oneself in one’s own foot or wallet)!

                 *       *       *        BELIEVE!       *       *       *

[This is a work in progress I feel no pressure to finish before Friday evening.  I hope to get enough down now to establish the core spine for the economics politics dynamic - and yet as now the weather presents as a rare last day to get out on my 1982 road bike and spin the shoreline of Milford for a few hours of sweating out last nights like carbo loading.  Please check back regularly, and opine via social media if you think you can help the revolution - the Republican Movement even.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:15 am

#GroundZero #Pentagon #Sept11 #NeverForget ~ World Trade Center ceremonies nearest now to #911Truths of #BillClinton negligence - at least.

But still the significance of 1993 as the key year for understanding #AlQaeda #911Attacks.

And because of what is wrong & hinky about the #Clintons means, motives, opportunites as after #September11 they ran with CYA politics of blaming the American people & successfully blocking most discussion of their culpability.

After #WorldTradeCenter #Pentagon & #Fliight93 it was of moral depravity that the Clintons & their political machine moved to blaming Americans and to by near WE JUST DID WHAT AMERICANS ASKED US TO DO.

The real and contrary most relevant truth is in the vein of the Clintons and to how such is in how they made first Executive decisions in 1993.

The great mistakes of Bill Clinton as relate to the attacks does root and fix to 1993 - and of depravity by deciding what he wouldn’t do and to that they would try to use HOLLYWOOD magic to try to sell what they wanted to do and as to that there must be a global narrative that has the Bill Clinton years set up years for a President HIllary reign.

#911Families we have all too long suffered from an inability to understand these attacks because we have been railroaded to a false narrative for the Clintons that leaves out and covers-up how attacks fit to that such wasn’t because Clintons did what Americans asked them to do but because of their coy ploys for selfish power grabbing and as such was to using HOLLYWOOD to over-write TRUTH - TRUTHS.

We cannot abide any longer the moral depravity in that #MrsC is now running for President while the story of September 11, 2001 & September 11, 2012 are of Bill & Hillary of making the same mistakes on terror & terrorism.

We must as a nation now ask the questions about the Clintons and 1993 just to now find satisfactory and very late answers that can finally adequately explain the history and politics of such tragedy.

The Clinton administration was never firstly as said after 9/11 of “just doing what the people asked us to” for as it was they were of running and winning on the suggestion that they knew better and that they were the experts who knew better what to do than those that yet had elected them. The Clintons since winning in 1992 maintained daily they were always firstly about what was necessary to make the Bill Clinton Administration set up and make possible a presidency in Mrs. Clinton’s name.

The story of 9/11 is firstly that the errs/mistakes and negligence to gross negligence of the Clintons is where the meat - the beef - is! The mistakes they made were made in putting lining up a succession over the work of the people and quite as that their post attacks defense was all LIES - as they essentially were not of causing problems by just having been tools of the people to just doing what the peoples asked them to!

#Election2016 is about #CrookedHillary and to understand how diabolical and to how deep a moral depravity we must ask and answer now finally as to how and why 1993 is the most important year to now understand to just begin to finally understand.

The intelligent common sense figuring of the real Clintons is that their defense of 1993 to 2001 of “just did what people asked us to” defies that they sold themselves as the best and brightest of first in class on resume and to that they were to be presumed as smart enough to do what normal people are not capable of reasoning to.

The post attacks defense of like months at USA story of just “blue states said do this, and red states said do that” is hogwash ridiculous blarney and of depravity for if they “only did what people asked them to” then they though elected to be smart did yet govern without using what they were supposedly elected to use, - their very intelligence and smarts. It cannot be as their CYA proclaimed without it then the story as that then they must be admitting they didn’t serve as to be of the how and why they were elected as like smarter than normal people.

[See also #HOGAN #CATS (categories) for “SLICK WILLY” ~ #SLICKWILLY shortcut bitly: bit.ly/SLICKWILLY]

                          *       *       *       *       *       *       *

[*  Here posted as shared on 911 Anniversary morning via http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan. #Hashtags & all.]
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:55 am

And, to begin:  Aye there’s the rub!  Seems deduction tool now needed, - and to from starting at the end!

Let us start at the end posit:  Hillary Clinton’s campaigning is still demonstrating a core moral depravity!

I, John Peter Hogan, can attest to Mrs. Clinton’s moral depravity now of a vast extant in campaigning!

This may take a while for many to feel rationally aboard to, and due the full scandal of Clintons’ lies is not covered.

To set an appropriate mood for being now “textbook” to dissect Mrs. Clinton and abide support to Donald Trump’s fair criticism of President Obama’s military “leadership” let us look at last night MSNBC “COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF FORUM” of due Mrs. Clinton resume reading, like, filibuster this morning we yet have like Mrs. Clinton has yet only survived 11 hours and maybe 13 minutes and seems unable to survive 13 hours too.

I guess I should preface an autobiographical to preempt doubters!  Yes you should with this sense what I share is of that near all the advice I gave President George W. Bush is guidance that still holds up, - and even to support Donald Trump slamming Mrs.Clinton and President Obama to that he is fairly claiming he has been “smarter than generals on ISIS”.  I have only been a civilian always and my said guidance to President Bush was of near 700 faxes to his NSC (National Security Council) office and as used but unsolicited volunteered expertise.

To go back for a moment:  Let me assert - for some brevity - that we are all finding Mrs. Clinton and much of the main stream media as stuck by that years of attempts to create a second “history” by a false narrative worked by cover-up politics has long now been failing and to that soon most will be outraged from learning how significant President W.J. Clinton is to so much that has gone wrong,- and quite specifically for how badly he erred in 1993 with his first decidings on the Middle East.

This is some a September 11, 2001 remembering piece of my #NeverForget too as one involved in minds of media talking heads on 9/11/2001 and forward with also volunteered but used guidance as to how to recover from Al Qaeda attacks.  President G.W. Bush was given separate advice than what was usually of my engaged mind and mind’s eye synchronicity for mass media guidance.  A key piece to first accept is that I had the NSC fax number since during the Clinton Administration and as used before 9/11/2001 some addressed to Philip Bobbitt as yet of some expressing concerns that politicians at least were missing a still - still sensed since 1994 or 1993 - sense that an attack on American homeland was looming.

When Condoleezza Rice was President G.W. Bush first National Security Advisor I was a licensed general contractor in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia who yet was subcontracted to personally install new closet doors for National Security Advisor Rice in her condominium at the Watergate complex.  On the morning of September 11, 2001 it is that I was driving across town from Capitol Hill near Eastern Market towards just north of Georgetown and on 17th Street NW nearly along side The Old Executive Office Building of The White House plantation at the very moment the first plane first struct a World Trade Center tower.

I story this as even more significant due I likely was Condoleezza Rice’s last conscious thought at that moment due professional referral wavelength to new client who used to be a tour guide for such building’s public tours.

I story this as it is material but not the most critical or substancial circumstance as my involvement and concerns and ability to be as said so used synchronizes to my political writing in early 1990s as to give “NEW WORLD ORDER” an actual defining usefulness by setting up a new better equality new political language evolution by creating a base line that such times were calling for an URBAN AGENDA.  Right!  Just as explains Governor Clinton 1992 run as sounding like my created original guidance and too as to how he ran though from Arkansas as so much running on New Haven, Connecticut focus I pressed my hometown to anchoring.

To be brief you will much have to accept and individually deal with that I know that in 1993 President W.J. Clinton first moves as per Iraq were wrong and so wrong that how they were wrong will satisfy most who learn to focus upon such to that so much that has gone wrong has happened because of mistakes grand errs of President Clinton so effected in 1993.  I was involved many months before the Clintons braved their very late entry into the 1992 race.  With this said I should posit it is prudent to look at 1988 Clinton Democratic Party Convention speech and as a “never ending” “Classic Bill Clinton” for whom and how he appeared for 1992 was more affected than to such was of a common core of Clintons’.

To get back to National Security decades of advice and guidance:  The advice that still holds up as that of what I provided after September 11 Attacks is simple to forensically discern a pathology for and to that the essence of such that worked and still works, but by how perverted by Clinton, Obama, Clinton & Obama’s military leaders, synchronizes to that essentially I taught through my strategic guidance that why and what I wrote for “NEW WORLD ORDER” to an “URBAN AGENDA” was to that what I figured as enough for a Democrat to win in 1992 is then what worked for after September 11, 2001 and yet as by then guiding how to fix to how it worked from repairing from how the Clintons did pervert the very same to that so much didn’t and couldn’t then work still as written for in early 1990s as yet as an organizing to proactively work as a prophylactic politics from so much I now for brevity tag of “so much that went wrong”!

So at the very moment that the first plane hit the first tower at the WORLD TRADE CENTER it is that I was driving by the WHITE HOUSE and of wired in thinking with my former construction client by a subcontract as to that it must have been Condoleezza Rice’s last thought before her aid walked in and told her that a plane had flown into the WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS.  This is minor to the why I was to driving cross town so by the WHITE HOUSE that morning while due traffic patterns that would likely mean the longest and slowest route reasonably available to get to where I was going.

There is at least a vast extant of moral depravity in the campaigning of Mrs. Clinton due at least omissions and games at lies to try to still maintain what are yet quite impossible now to still maintain cover-ups!

But, firstly primarily generally, Mrs. Clinton problem is that my story trumps their narratives and of a real story fit for textbooks on history of that how I thought to making an URBAN AGENDA became proving I was correct in telling leading Democrats that I could get a Democrat elected in 1992 if one could learn to sound like me.

And, again:  The what still holds up as was guidance postured after first learning yet later in that morning of the 911 Attacks is of it synchronizes in pathology of that essentially I advised President G.W. Bush how to use what I worked out for early 1990s not as President W.J. Clinton had yet worked undermining by perversions, - and to that what is still holding up is quite that I guided President Bush towards knowing how to use to recover essentially all the leading I had effected to yet defeat President Bush in 1992 when near an undisputed near about 87% popularity.  (I cannot really here, while for brevity, cover the “politics” of there “depravity” at least in how the Clintons are party to so few, yet a many, knowing already of this mine still mostly only available as like AUTO BIO’D.)

As I work to communicate essential history but too little know now quite evidently it seems by NBC interviewers there is that Savannah Guthrie at least should admit she has known of me since covering the George W. Bush Administration.  Yes most of the press if in national politics and entertainment likely all already know much - a whole lot about me - and yet while this sharing is of em of like not having done the math or followed the history (#DoTheMath_FollowTheHistory) by being of em who seem now yet to have forensically considered what sums up by looking for the common denominator, - yet figured the finding me/mine.

My knowing the NSC fax number synchronizes to that I met President W.J. Clinton National Security Council expert Philip Bobbitt in New Haven at a Yale Law School open to the public lecture in year before I moved to Washington DC to live there near Eastern Market on 7th Street at Independence Ave SW.  This is significant for I was to such event already of a still haunting since said 1993 grand erring by President W.J. Clinton’s first moves on Middle East and to paried querious upon “what about the dangers we cannot see?” as yet obliquely asking of being haunted of that attacks on America’s homeland had been in the planning as if just to our enemies as figured to respond to what I here tag of 1993 of big errs a grand mistake by Clintons.

I leave you to find and consult your favorite experts!  I leave such, though for brevity, to point out that I moved to DC some due concerns very much so a haunting sensed looming fear and have much how I lived and yet afforded still being a political writer and to that I was ready to help after the attacks much because I had so been haunted that no one was seeing what was coming that my primary hobby had been a private solution response readying for not being able to have shaken that I was right.

The many categories here on this site a blog off of my primary domain do confirm this story but without linking the personal story of how it all fits together with my story and to that Donald Trump is actually seeming fair to so criticized “Obama’s Generals”.  For now try to process that on September 10, 2001 I was of deep thoughts to fearing personal bankruptcy if I didn’t that night move on from near a decade of being so haunted and motivated to have a response ready, and, I was on the eve of the attacks of thinking one last time through why I thought I was right and yet to needing that night to decide to move on from such to avoid financial ruin - yet that night to deciding I would have to trust the “professionals”!

When on September 11, 2001 I was to deciding to drive by THE WHITE HOUSE to like pass the ball of needing to move on, and even as it was that since I was of sensing the big 1993 said perversion from the how and why in what I thought and wrote to a “CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” as the “big err” of President W.J. Clinton it yet forward yet that in since being haunted I had by 1994 had a visage some of that the Towers and Pentagon would be targets - and yet of such of my lay of yet thinking such would be already enough defended for such to, if I were right, be eventually viable.

So on September 11, 2001 I was just such a troubled haunted and still a District general contractor on his way to remove a front door near Georgetown and custom build out a new frame for a new door and too an installation of a new storm door.

As I passed THE WHITE HOUSE on 17th Street NW while thinking to a professional referral from Condoleezza Rice it yet was as storied here to for a passing of the threat ball (which fits to a deeper more involved bio of me as to worrying around Kuwait invasion at finding a lay understanding as hobby of Saddam Hussein and to asking myself to answer “WHY DID SADDAM HUSSEIN THINK HE COULD KEEP KUWAIT?”

My 1988 Dodge white B 250 cargo van was my ride and that morning with the radio off.  I didn’t know how much I knew until I had fully removed - as by demo’d out to beyond repair - the old front door and to hearing the homeowner’s radio as left on and on NPR start reporting of the attacks, and yet somewhere to near only as just before Flight 77 struck the Pentagon.

On the morning of September 11, 2001 but not until I became committed to getting a new front doorway built and new front door installed I became aware of how much I knew and did commence while yet “on the job” so to being back to my networking developed for 1992 as a voice of reason with guidance as such unfolding was playing out much more just like how I had feared and tried to communicate for nearly an entire decade.  I did not get the storm door installed that day and yet I did get home before President George W. Bush yet returned to THE WHITE HOUSE. 

You are advised to use site search pane function here on this blog off my primary domain to be to searching just by: DEPRAVITY!  There is too much to that the Clintons have a vast extant of “moral depravity” - I have only just begun teaching such!

                                *       *       *       *       *



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:18 am

And, in continuation:  There is still that there is a vast Left villainous conspiracy to impede, counter, sink!

It is diabolical such a vast threat has endured under estimated and under recognized so incredibly long!

Starkly:  Such a vast villainous conspiracy needs superheroes - SUPERHEROES - to reign righteous against the lot - the lots of akin “superdelegates”!

Starkly:  Whom are those among us that can now rise against such a villainous machine?  What kinda “SUPERHERO” is it these times need all most pray for - and to be worthy of?

The Delaware hasn’t been of such dire times since people of the olden days were of the times of Rene Descartes and Oliver Cromwell - the times of the Mayflower sailing with the lot of “Pilgrims” to be.  Oh my the vessel Clinton is threatening the waters dire about Moshulu - and for ghastly rigged - for such a ghastly vessel captained as for “rigged”.

The Delaware must be defended anew!  These times now as if such Left vast villainous is yet akin to old Britain angst that brought the War of 1812 so fundamentally up our rivers, and upon our shores, where not held back until their clocks ran outta of times of sufficient stowed.

Are not this times so akin!  Are not these times so dire newly as if the vessel CLINTON is upon that of Philadelphia constituted as if yet against Baltimore whence and to yet if we know if our flag may still be steady and proud?

The vessel CLINTON seems steadfast as “rigged” as against the Pilgrims - and especially the economic history of the lessons learned for “sociology” - for social sciences.

Mightn’t we fear we may only get what we deserve and not a SUPERHERO we fear we need and hopefully pray for?

It seems New York had to fall first before the vessel CLINTON could now be so firstly generally threatening Philadelphia, and likewise too that of Maryland, and likely especially Baltimore.  Ahh? - But has New York actually been set asunder? - is New York already lost as seemed covertly worked at by cloaked machinations to un-constitute it from its of Union common core?

May one SUPERHERO now actually be all that is needed for the work of “superdelegates” has been enough exposed already to mass protestant lots motivated and standing and enough maybe to get not what earlier they “may have deserved” but now what they may need - a what of which they have prayed longingly for?  Ahh? - As but now that only one SUPERHERO may be needed - and not SUPERHEROES - mightn’t at least the waters now of the Delaware find repose for it seems at least the fundamentals of the CONSTITUTION have been secured - anew?

Perchance to dream again that old Pilgrims impossible dream?  Perhaps to be newly liberated and restored to that risen from the original Plymouth Plantation indentured servitude of contracted to experiment with an early ’socialism’?  Perhaps the risen from the how the Pilgrims grew from contracted to experiment upon themselves as if a collective is now ripe to be learned from as to this times fitting likewise a “Liberation Economics”?

Oh the of the seven seas and the trepidations and warnings of storied and posted of Neptune?

Can of our shores now suffice?  Can a restoration of originalism pare the threats down to that maybe all we need is a hero an AQUAMAN? - albeit it as these times are ripe that we particularly must share the wisdom of that a black SUPERHERO is most needed as due of that which now has been most missing?

The passing is still too near and seeming of imminent fresh tacks of such villainous of Left’s vast “rigged” for lookouts and scouts about to be recalled or relaxed!!!

The vessel CLINTON most threatens still in the old revolutionary standard beset whence that of the East River, Hudson, New Jersey, the Delaware and at least Philadelphia of flying colors for independence for keeping at the learned from the Pilgrims of their having risen above being indentured to a social experiment in an early ’socialism’!

By what HOPE and for what powers of deliverance from such evil upon us anew can we let adequately pray for that singular “super” assistance - albeit it a calling for an assist against sea winds and currents and that which such may too impartially also afford save passage(s)?  By what powers of prayer may the Delaware and Philadelphia at least find in time an assistance by that of Powers like a “Black Aquaman”?

As was in earlier times we yet again are of a vast struggle - and as now against Left vast villainous conspiracy as for “rigged” against “free” and like as if new Clintons are but yet trying to finish old opposition to insurgency work of such of whence as of the United Kingdom as General Clinton, and, too that of the homegrown opposition to the constituting in Philadelphia by a Clinton then in politics of New York!

Let us not judge all women by one woman of the Left now of the villainous vessel CLINTON as quite as if the reincarnate of British General Clinton, - by one woman more favoring the ways and means of Oliver Cromwell than say of Rene Descartes, or/and especially the firstly primarily indentured “pilgrims” embarked on the Mayflower but with of being papered of debts to repay!

Let us remember our principles and lessons learned from the Pilgrims to what became constituted for regular order while not being naive to that concurrently we may need a SUPERHERO and especially need a black man to be like a “BLACK AQUAMAN”!

Let us remember our for “community” chosen values and refresh our morality and disciplines in moral law - even as mercy may be then called for and postured even for such of the vast villainous Left “rigged” of all aboard the vessel CLINTON - or at least for those not to a self evident of seeming expressly set against “AMERICAN” as willfully committed to set asunder its writs we have to constituted and amended as to how to exist as equals despite what ever is barbarous and upon the seven seas, or nearer!

How now can we prudently proceed to get what we need - to get more than we may deserve?

As a diabolical was extant in Philadelphia by the “rigged” set by “superdelegates” such abouts still may be enough forewarned that even by water greater threats do float and stay of course still quite dedicated as a vast Left conspiracy?

Has the threat of the vessel CLINTON been pared down enough so that one “Evil Barbie” “Drone Queen” is yet of her entourage as reduced enough for a single black man to now be just the needed “hero” & “friend” and even if such ship anti-state still is afloat too of with the colluder William J. Clinton?

For one black man to now be a prayed for “hero” mustn’t all the peoples still wanting to be free be dedicated and practiced to disciplined freshly for morals, and as prepared with their own defensive powers of “triangulation” to thwart any still deployed “Clinton triangulation”?  Beware now 1 woman?

Stand and pronounce - we must - we must now newly as the threat though “domestic” seems as foreign as in 1812!  Beware now all such Clintons!

                   *       *       *       MERCY       *       *       *

[Stay tuned! To be continued! This is just all just begun! It is commenced!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

The core dynamic setting up for November deciding of election 2016 is essentially that for all the books in say Princeton and Harvard the Donald Trump clear eyed common sense main stream American voters will get to the pivot - pivoting - for the change of direction, and as to back to basics - of American back towards plain truths & logic.

To expedite such civil process let us be of open eyes and ears, and clear minds while to dissecting the “Crooked Media” primary delusion akin to a bureaucratic sub-standard intelligence of a now infamous, some enough, “50 GOP former staffers”:

Generally Donald Trump is right - at least more right, simply - than a prima facia historical of most, to all, of tag’d of a “50 GOP”!

The “Crooked Media” is a complex conundrum needing to be pared and dissected from a dichotomy & duality also of “50 GOP”!

As we get to a simpler truer history may be a IS IS tag upon a “Bill’s domino effect” of culpability for “ISIS” and to “Al Qaeda” for inaction and avoidance of a general American abandonment in 1993 to 2001 of the peoples of Iraq & Afghanistan, - and as such guilt spoken to by President Barack H. Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance erudite oratory as the President specifically like anchored his beginning around “DANGERS from INACTION and AVOIDANCE” as could not be a rap on President George W. Bush - let us begin by exercising our openness by floating a:


President George W. Bush seems to have been vastly failed by these “50 GOP” former staffers, and especially in the years post 2001 to 2009 of ranked administering decidings.

Not now nor then should any of these leastly been to allowing even bureaucratically a dichotomy to be extant and all scandals not worked past a “house of cards” to reveal and expose the duality that intelligent shouldn’t abide of a co-existence of non-complementary rival “histories”! 

The tag’d “Crooked Media” only now survives and gets by as “Anti-Trump” by that a contrary “history” of “two histories” some how still suffices as if the whole truth and nothing but truth (all the news fit to print?) was quotable as if effected to reality news.


Firstly to the improper and quite ridiculous dualities as of “Crooked Media” rampant dichotomy as unprofessional aloofness:

The proper reading of the Constitution does not support the rival said “comprehension” of plain language to what is Law as “Constitutional” as writ large; - Simply hash it “#Its_O_not_o !!!

The proper reading of the People’s “Order” is that the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows harmonizes is to be pronounced and exclamated to capitalized for a noun!  The original plain complex text reads not as liberals wish for an alternate reality as if “in order to” but as STRONG and DEFINITIVE of such that follows is as ORDAINED and ESTABLISHED as “done”!  The People’s Order preamble is to be comprehended of “O” not “o” to “Order” as a strong NOUN to it written as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union”!

It is a “Crooked Media” that reads this contrarily for a standing for a “Democrats Constitution” versus a “Republican Constitution”!  We have one “People’s Order” and by “Order” as a strong NOUN it is not a “living document” (say like scripture - say like the Bible - say like just Puritan’s or King James’ preferred “Word of…” be ‘living’!)!

Secondly forward “TrumpPence16″ must somehow engage enough sarcasm and satire as “sharpest tools in the shed”!

To effect the paradigm shift from too too too many of the “Crooked Hillary” IS IS IS as if IS IS of what personal or classified as from now fixed to like of a granite state not living enough for a necessary and timely about face - a most direly necessary reset by a full stop and 180 degree pivot - the “Crooked Media” must be corrected from two halves of the story as non-complementary as if due “two halves” are being “reported” a ‘whole story’ is being told!

Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth” - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:




What we must stop and pivot away from if a common sense main stream politics can yet be restored is these very dualities extant of how “Crooked Hillary” is bloated by a half truth press’d as if a whole truth, and, these very dualities of a “Crooked Media” sans coverage of all that fits as historical facts and supporting evidence for that of a “Bill’s domino effect” continuum still effecting mostly for still yet too cloaked - un-covered - not covered!

There are not enough books in Princeton, Harvard, and Yale, now to stop the common sense patriotic freedom loving main stream learned compassionate supporters of #TrumpPence16 #NewGOP from getting US to the needed #StopAndPivot!

It is “DOOMSDAY” lurking upon #ClintonKaine of like soon the media will be turned on and tuned in to that the “dominoes” of the Clintons are not separate and isolated from history and that the fallen much covered as if of a politics gestalt have yet not explained a much covered of “dominoes” of Republicans - of George W. Bush - did fall and with vast tragedy and undermined economic standing as but having fallen in reaction to what Bill Clinton unsettled as to setting of such a cascade yet still press’d as but a “half truth”!

All votes matter!!! But may the smarter votes win!!! May the duality sustaining “Crooked” be now educated from!!!


As we must get to the gestalt and to from away from concurrent contradictory conflated “news” to back enough to a “reality news” we have two core premises to reset for needed #StopAndPivot as to enough forward wise to proper reading of #Its_O_not_o of the Constitution of the United States of America of “Order” capitalized because it is a strong NOUN, and, essentially required that the faux paradigm for “Crooked” be busted to enough arrested from accepting “half truths” as if “whole truths”!

All votes matter!!! And yet “50 GOP former staffers” to 75 disaffected and defecting amounts to a lot a small affected cadre of whom maybe more to blame than President Bush - yet still to wonder if say more to blame than either “Crooked Bill Clinton”, “Crooked Hillary Clinton”, and/or the tag’d fairly “Crooked Media”!  It has not been dutiful for their duty that they did abide near 16 years of them years of rationalizing an acceptance of “two halves” non complementary as if story wasn’t of “two wholes” further non complementary and as from performance of defense and intelligence core mission thought to be (of common sense) to finding “all the news fit to print” yet to a “reality news” for “reality politics” of governance in “truth” by dedicated dedicants in service to find the “gestalt” of each matter - to find more that which is to be each story’s “WHOLE TRUTH”!


GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!


Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth”? - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable? - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:





GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!  OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:39 am

BLACKS of these still united states of the Americas what follows is much ado about your class and especially of how Clinton Democrats, at least, don’t want “low information voters” to learn it is much ado about them.

The first hook to rap the #IAmHillary #RealClintons can be to thrown down the “TEAM OF RIVALS” the Clintons forced Obama, as the President-Elect to accept!  Hook:  Clintons forced Obama to concurrent to his administration accept them as RIVAL/RIVALS in the house - in the building - and to as if they divided the world up to that they go “global initiatives” and he but “domestic” peddling.

Blacks of these still united states of the Americas your engagement and intelligence is now most fully needed if our Country as Constituted can now still endure.

A chorus forward of “Cha Ching Hillary” needs be mashed and pump’d out to masses - even hashed up #ChaChingHillary!

Perchance now a universal exclamation fit’n a deep dive to tru “ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS” rap!

Together we are smarter when we exclamate:


Hillary Clinton now should be sleepless and restless as “WHAT YA GONNA DO WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU” has verb! - heart! - core of established culpability, - got a tru & deep core common of both Clintons!

How is the being exposed as like rotten core of the Clintons’ global initiatives as of co-operators of co-mingled systems, at least, now beggard for Justice to a so late ask as to:  WELL? WHAT ABOUT IN THE BEGINNING?  YA KNOW - LIKE WHAT ABOUT WHEN MRS. CLINTON JUST A NEW NEW YORK SENATOR AND PRESIDENT CLINTON ‘INITIATIVE’ OF LIKE RAKING IN DOUGH FROM THOSE (OBVIOUSLY) WITH BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE?

Surely we cannot forget Harlem, and the first days such contrivances for Power by machinations as if for “charity” were commenced not as so desired by President Clinton as yet on 57th and high above the THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM as ensconced in nearly the penthouse suites with so desired but not afforded location as in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWER?

#OMG ~ Oy the “CHA CHING!!!” to rap more easily if Harlem hadn’t been the saver of the Clinton Foundation!

#OMG ~ Oy the self evident “GUILT” to be already have arrested Mrs. Clinton if now the Clinton Foundation were yet in CARNEGIE HALL TOWER and not HARLEM and due Bill Clinton tried to, as recalled reported, get the BIG BANKS to like pay the rent he (they) couldn’t get GAO (Government Accounting Office?) to allocate on tax payers earnings and to that concurrent to the HOUSING and ECONOMIC crashes the whole world could have seen (as reminded) that Clintons were of Bill Clinton of asking banking friends to like pay his foundation’s near $1 Million/year rent in gratuity for like recalled “ALL THE MONEY HE MADE THEM WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”!



Donald Trump isn’t just a #LawAndOrder alternative to #CrookedHillary:


We can be harmonizers with Trump-Pence! 

We can be entrusted of our Bill of Rights and of the 2nd Amendment and accept Donald Trump incidentally spoke the words as 2nd-A is signed and ratified and incidentally as alarming for Clinton camp to that enough defensive sentiment already in the air as awares Hillary Clinton may definitely be to trying to carry Barack Obama torch forward as for further warring against the people to steal their Union/Country/Freedom from them to yet have a voided CONSTITUTION so that there can be yet an AUTHORITARIAN RULING CLASS of AUTOCRATIC power by negating by war against the constituted most to all clauses that are to protect the People “citizens” from TYRANNY. 

We can bolster and reinforce #TP2016 as random roll outs seem now of the leaders of incidentally orating, while of “the pen is mightier” postured, the warning in the Bill Of Rights by the Second Amendment as written to be a warning to any (political) leader intent on disrespecting the ‘We the People’ constituted essential common core!


Remember Harlem!  Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton, to date back to when “Cha Ching Clintons” seems to commence with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton sworn to the oath of the Senate of Senator’s pledge for integrity and honor, have “Cha Ching” in their earliest of foundation days yet cloaked as if “HARLEM SAVED BILL CLINTON - SAVED THE CLINTONS!”!

This rap of self evident guilt would be moot if #CGI was of #FOB - even #FOB52 - of yet that the Clintons had gotten “friends of Bill” bankers to gratuitously pay his most desired near Penthouse lease rent as recalled asked for as in “THANKS FOR ALL THE MONEY MADE WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”! Keys to WJC #HOUSINGBUBBLE!


To key a fit’n curb’n for TRUTH rap’n of Mrs. C. so “CROOKED” is seems we are best measured for words to pique by G - to key measures for GOVERNMENT - of “Of The People” as still actually constituted!

While it seeps out that Donald Trump has passions - is passionate - is trying to RESET civil heart beats for chevrons for HEART - and has an apparent deep HATE for bad management - especially DEMOCRATS BAD MANAGEMENT:

Let us firstly consider how “Cha Ching Hillary” cannot be now ENDS that justified such vastness of so many years of MEANS for “CHA CHING CLINTONS” initiatives (to never surrender the Power of the Presidency even though term limited by 2000)!  Seems we’re rap’n TREASON &/or MUTINY !!!

Sadly their have been victims - many victims! Today brightest must attest:


So let us progress now to ART for all this sadly so many must deal with!  Let us harmonize and synchronize to the beat’n of Hillary Clinton as indivisible from the THE CLINTON and Bill Clinton!  Let us be measured and civilly tru’d!  Let us be of measures civil and effective to arrest the “Cha Ching” at least now civilly with support for standing for the families of fallen of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton house as they proceed to sue private citizen HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON! PLEASE !!!

A monetary sum cannot suffice to repair from losses due her admitted known, and unknown yet culpable negligence of GUILTY by the jurors by monetary valuation even as to “EXTREMELY CARELESS” now equates to GROSS NEGLIGENCE amounts.

There seems a suffice for case to have standing!

The story of how HARLEM and its BLACKS saved Bill Clinton from himself should be just a citation cite to footnote!  The story of HARLEM and the ‘THE CLINTON’ is much proof enough for standing for #CHA_CHING_CLINTONS suing !!! PLEASE! NEVER FORGET !!!

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BLACKS - ET ALL:  For more “core’d” please follow #HOGAN link http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=RIVAL and be forewarned it due this column now keyword associated you will experience a deja vous while this “CHA CHING !!! :-( (MUY SAD!)” will queue newly to as first yet in a deep and vast collection collation sadly rich in detail assortment of the Clintons as #RIVALS of Obamas and for “Cha Ching” facilitation for initiatives global from like the first day of the administration of President George W. Bush.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:10 am

A question for Democrats this 2016 election cycle, though not a first question, must yet be to if they can have an ego in 2016, and beyond, or if fated under a “Clinton-Kaine” to just of id(s), and dogged compliance.

A first question for Republicans will be more specifically economical and pragmatic to how if Donald Trump’s economic plan resets American & international economics to growth economics of a necessary core of “freedom of ego(s)” but in capitalism! - “moral capitalism” is supposed to be redundant, - always!

As “Clinton-Kaine” seems not to be even offering a believable plan for a back in black with economic and political unity a first question of all is like of the conundrum becoming primarily generally present of that by November there should be none surprised by October of most becoming learned more to the economic history as gone from incorrect of “all Bush’s fault” to then firstly as broadly known as truer as “half Clintons’ fault”!

A broad concern latent in the Hillary Clinton “campaigning” seems most assuredly of that Mrs. Clinton does not want Democrats egos apparently engaged! - Mrs. Clinton seems most depended on only id(s) accessed and to Democrats more as yet shepherded blind mice, to the lot!

What liberates Trump-Pence “New GOP” Republicans forward is much that which primarily and generally should dog dog dog Democrats forward, still forward, - likewise now as has since 2009 inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.

The overarching question for all - local to global ALL - is of the asking towards understanding around that generally it is the Democrats that have grossly failed at economics - not merely the “First Black President” alone!

We are on a “Clinton Trainwreck” as tracking unavoidably from “all Bush’s fault” becoming truly reset to “half Clintons’ fault”!

To dress down Mrs. Clinton until such pares out as a self-evident truth it is easier to firstly freshen up the “Bill Clinton” facts!

What may dog Mrs. Clinton the most is what now can be pressed and bound of at least President Clinton & Speaker Pelosi to that Representative Nancy Pelosi as some to much dramatically historically of economically of an “Axis Of Evil”!

Any vote for “Clinton-Kaine” logically must firstly to the knowing conscious be another Democrat Party compliant vote for more “New Deal Austerity” as otherwise Mrs. Clinton is abandoning the “Green Agenda” “Climate Change” ship of state to being so for a new industrialization that she primarily firstly is hard wired for work more akin to “Climate Deniers”!

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

A fair dramatization of errant President Obama said efforts at “compromise” is to ask all to try to visualize the politics worked and to see clearly how unlikely it is that how they postured as if for “bipartisanship” was so flawed their “ship” never floated when launched.  President Obama essentially locked up the Republicans as “others” again of a Democrats “We’re Right, They’re Wrong” divisiveness and as to then as like actually chained lead detestable efforts said for a “compromise” by like only offering Republicans the fixed singular option to like sign a false confession and to that such while a false confession also was forward of a contracted commitment to forward be to shouldering 100% of the blame for what ever had been 1% to 50% or more the errant under at least President Clinton and of the political blocking by Speaker Pelosi.

Contrary, much, there is that what ever the TRUMP-PENCE ECONOMIC PLAN is to be specifically it in keeping true to apparent lifetime standard operating procedures of the “TRUMP” operations must be firstly to a core for core strength as keyed around a “freedom of the ego(s)” and even before still respectful of “Religious Liberty” and “Religious Freedom”!

Mrs. Clinton seems not “short circuited” on this point but hard wired and truly for all more just dogged, and compliant!!!

Any though wanting to share in the fruits of the methodology of success likely to be shared by how an economic plan is structured and disciplined as for the “New GOP” under the colors and standard of “Trump-Pence” will have to believe firstly, and generally secondly be to probative to what and where key false histories and false narratives are yet obstacles as past Democrats lies yet forward as likely to surely, for thought historical - but not, be still obstacles to progress.

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

Are we yet stuck now even if a believing in “Trump-Pence” is well developing and due like because Democrats have some how rigged it - locked it up - stuck us to too like “Commies” at a “ONCE YOU GO RED YOU CAN’T GO BACK!”?

So firstly a question for Democrats is to what their actual guilt and culpability is more truly historically pathologically forensically to be now corrected from to that by November an “October Surprise” should be over and enough of the free People of these united states of the Americas then as still citizens exercised with knowing we have moved from “all Bush’s fault” to “half Clintons’ fault”!

There must be a cat fight for corrective historicals between a culpability generally for “Nancy Pelosi” and if and when firstly primarily for “Mrs. Clinton”!

A Republican prophylactic to what “Clinton-Kaine” seeded with #DemsInPhilly at #DemConvention of #Philadelphia is this here now by simple notation - noting - of that “HILLARY CLINTON” poll numbers should have tanked since Mrs. Clinton announced the new #Democrat #EconomicPlan - aka #100DaysJobs!

Mrs. Clinton is no “Teflon Democrat” as she has worn thin her scripted convention faux “Perfect Clinton” in just one week!

A general analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s #100DaysJobs must be of it so so so very very very contrary - radically divergent!

A simple cursory postured is that “Mrs.Clinton, of Clinton-Kaine, has tried to preempt Trump-Pence Republican economic solutions by trying to just steal what she fears the “NewGOP” is promising to present - stand up - soon and to long stand behind!

A cored to the historical rendition must though be for those more than “blind mice” merely of id(s) stirred, and em prone also to “short circuiting” of their exercised rights to have ego(s) and practiced to freedom with shouldering citizen’s responsibilities, and engaged upon forthwith to fathoming deeply that of which Mrs. Clinton has fronted as to “more jobs created than since WWII” there is the conflicted individual guilts of the actual historical politics of that essentially Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like firstly a stealing from “Builder Trump” is yet contradictory to the long partisan of that Bill Clinton, as President, cut $2 Trillion dollars in lieu of spending (for blacks especially?) on books, schools, road, bridges, tunnels, levies, or reparations, and, to complicate the truth fairly to more honestly set, there is too that Mrs. Clinton proposed also sets asunder how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did keep President George W. Bush from fixing the economy with similar measures by how partisan she was to standing up that no one would be allowed to undo that Bill Clinton cut $2 Trillion - and of just $1 Trillion as unnecessarily cut as cut just to have the popularity from having a YUGE surplus.

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!

To be brief now on this becoming most apparent contradicting conundrum let me simply broadly add to problems of Mrs. Clinton as admitting she “short circuits” by pressing out these simple political truths yet wearing clear as the convention efforts for a “Teflon Hillary” wear to frayed to the core at least too near true as “Crooked Hillary” so tag’d!

To be of a polite brevity for polity and comity to an economic plan parity near impossible let me here now close by posting the DANGERS of Mrs. Clinton if allowed at our economics of being that Mrs. Clinton has no road/path/passage forward to a bipartisanship to cooperation or compromise on matters of the economy/economies!  Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like stolen from what feared Trump to win with is diabolical as like an abandonment of President Obama’s “New Deal” while also diabolical for it proposes Mrs. Clinton can do (together) what Democrats Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have since like November 2000 - post election - been specifically to keeping Republicans from doing - of long since 2000 of specific partisan politics particularly worked to keep such “solutions” from being exercised by Republicans!!!

The most cynical but maybe also a most true “politics” is that such now seems as if Democrats have worked to keep the economy suppressed since Bill Clinton was President and until, as may still surprise President Obama, now yet until like Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be like the hero a hero as not since President Clinton was a last hero to be a President Clinton now the only hero since then to now also be an economic hero!!!

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!  And while specifically her proposal is much simply that which Republicans have tried and failed to get passed, thanks to Democrats’ obstructions, and like since before the Clintons unnecessarily cut a second trillion to $2 Trillion then cut after $1 Trillion of Republican cuts was sufficient to balance the federal budget.

Forward there is maybe no “back to black” unless we shake off or more effectively mechanically remove the shackles as if chained to a “ONCE YOU GO RED - YOU CAN’T GO BACK”!!!

#TP2016 roll out of #TrumpPence #TrumpJobsPlan may seem all “HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” but yet this now as “Clinton-Kaine” plan is out there can maybe be actually believed as of a new POSSIBLE. 

#TP2016 roll out now should seem so similar to “Clinton-Kaine” and as also maybe more honest on #ClimateChange such that the Congress convened of these United States should expedite much of the common cores and to forcing President Barack Hussein Obama to have to, if he dare, be then to VETO - to vetoing Mrs. Clinton’s abandonment of “Green Agenda”!

#TP2016 roll out now is prefaced!  Essentially soon most should understand the truth is more “half Clintons’ fault” and President George W. Bush, though not “liberated” can forward at least feel lighted from “all Bush’s fault”!

#TP2016 roll out now promises to be refreshing and softening however if a “freedom of the ego(s)” yet to a contrary to #ClintonKaine as for merely politics for a ruling class over blind mice but corralled to id(s), and dogged compliance!!!

#TP2016 roll out promises to right how the self-proclaimed “First Black President” is more guilty for more culpable and errant and to how the more “First Black President” now has to face a “First Woman President” maybe as if a scheme to be a first “Back In Black” Democrat by means maybe of a scheme with he just a self proclaimed white a said “First Black President” - right?

#TP2016 roll out seems entirely packaged of that Trump and Pence are of stock and traded - of truth in advertising - of a common core as Republicans - as an em them now clean and fresh and ready for ALL and on a reseating of the politics and economics to permit good times to now rock on newly again - to see us all ship shape back to back in the black!!!  Right?

#TP2016 roll out is more than just an “UN-HILLARY” a the “UN_CLINTON” for it more as if “OBAMA” has been the “NEW COKE” and now “TRUMP” is on the job to bring back “OLD COKE” - THE ORIGINAL RECIPE!!!

#TP2016 roll out is at least not the contradictory of #100DaysJobs of #ClintonKaine for it isn’t of them party to blocking such methods and strategies for a real recovery now such as the Democrats are guilty to “DARK” “EVIL” - even of an “AXIS OF EVIL” - for having firstly been to divisive most dividing partisan politics for social engineering and selfish intra-party soapy drama now as like dead set against such “economic policies” since 1999 when the Clintons’ administration became term limited, - kept away until maybe Bill Clinton could be a “Russian Bear” like Vladimir Putin and to back in the White House though thought technically legally barred from more time in the EXECUTIVE suite!!!

#TP2016 roll out however smooth and believable of being of a team for economic recovery - REALLY - is yet to be shadowed by these dark facts that must be probed and placed in textbooks forward to how much President Obama as such a more “First Black President” can yet rightly more blame he self proclaimed a “First Black President” at least for how the Obama Administration too may have been chained from such economic solutions no somehow as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s! Right?

#TP2016 roll out must abide We the People now to again more fully engaged past corralled id(s) of dogged to compliance!

#TP2016 roll out now will seem comparable to rolled out of #ClintonKaine but for the contrariness for Democrats as to how and why new industrialization can be good or copacetic and not anti-CLIMATE and a betrayal of President Obama! What DANGERS for back to BLACK?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

A first beat for a cementitious pedestrian cracking of the subject of civil rights and how hip if curb’d enthusiastically of Trump now may be sotto voce of better how from G - government to A - autonomous.

An attitude for a striking chord to harmonize a soul of the politics, national and local, might need be to be all about the base.

A first crack at the Dallas Police ambush, as of civil rights writing, should set up, tuned hopefully, to encompass eventually a gestalt devoid of a forced nationalism.

How has the first black President of these united states of the Americas, to his historical core, failed blacks, definitively?

Can we tune up our bands newly to beat a new direction - a change of music - a change of direction - near a one hundred and eighty degree about face sharp reset - to a hope of happy bottoms up with Donald Trump in front of a winning Republican movement?

How hasn’t Barack Obama failed blacks?  How isn’t it that he failed blacks just as Senator Hillary Clinton’s promises,  if likewise those the Democrats as “leaders” otherwise, promised to be to the structural same to the effected same institutionalized nationalized failing?

Blacks are not the only victims but how the Democrats as nationalist leaders moved in 2009 to keep those promises near identically promised of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton does account historically as that there was no plan to help blacks - from the bottom up.

A vote for Hillary Clinton now must be a vote for austerity!  Keeping an Obama or Clinton Democrat to the reigns of administering the ship of state means that “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” must endure to save the planet and to keep up a loyalty to the “GREEN AGENDA” party solutions for said extent of “CLIMATE CHANGE” as of dire “GLOBAL WARMING”!

A vote, even a local endorsement of an Obama or Clinton Liberal, likely must be for “GREEN MINIMALISM” as if the “EARTH FIRST” nationalism only economic option if a MORALITY to be considered and to that the Progressives politics are to have a soul - to have a common good structured morally!

A prejudice against police officers now as we morn the tragic loss of lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the honor call of fallen in public service for Dallas, is most inappropriate given how blues should still beat for Liberty and Justice as of an innocent until proven guilty!

As we progress to the plight of blacks due how President Obama politics set up failing blacks premeditatively and predictably structurally from day one we must see the “GREEN” as the problem forward, primarily, and as we can float a reasonable “just cause” of “extenuating circumstances” of Baton Rouge shooting a grand psychic SNAFU of Sterling at a convenience store of a reported threatening weapon and while it seemed gibberish or a nonresponse with his mother’s name like “win yetta McMillions” seeming insane nonsense of the scene’s spirit.  In Minnesota an officer was committed to a traffic stop for a broken taillight and soon found driver and passenger seeming not complying to produce license and registration while firstly being to saying, each, “he/I has/have a gun” and to instead of the driver moving to produce documents the passenger being said to have a weapon yet then, as one not asked for documents, was to reaching behind his back.  These incidents were escalated from reasonable coverage to that President Obama may have incited by inflaming the police involved shooting incidents to that President Obama must be said/considered to have begot the terror of the “DALLAS AMBUSH”!

The Democrat’s “GREEN AGENDA” was always firstly to secure anew an economic dominance for college graduates and to job security then firstly only for those able to get college degrees.  The rapid fire radical Left agenda, while for a new nationalism for a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” was from the start an elite ruling class program to move the economy to more college education dependent.  The hysteria worked to effect compliance and assimilation to the “GREEN AGENDA” was always sans benefits for a majority of blacks.

So firstly, let us accept that President Obama is black only helped sell the marching of this radical Progressive program that otherwise is what a President Clinton necessarily was always firstly to beating all into obedience with generally.

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” has enough soul to now echo of truth - forward!

“UP WITH RODHAM” would necessarily be yet of more forced compliance and assimilation sans benefits for a majority of blacks, - Hillary Clinton must continue structurally in methods of how and why Barack Obama failed blacks.

It is so wrong to blame George W. Bush that now to all he can be a cultural hero akin James Brown as his soul has never been as dark as President Obama has immorally mislead peoples of the world to believe.  It is wrong to rap “ALL BUSH FAULT” even though George W. Bush may still be yet of much fit’n a tag of “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT”!

There is enough truth and soul in how historically “IT WAS/IS HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” sucht that your vehicle too maybe should have a bumpers sticker to the left and another to the right to read like:

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

Born of the Southern plantation traditions Al Gore, raised of the tobacco plantation “Master Gore” pedigree, is now one even less to be considered an innocent.  There is too much in how he force marched obedient assimilation to American compliance as with a tyranny of limited solutions for Al Gore not to be a first named to have been to pulling one over on the majority of blacks.

The “Republican Movement” has been now years at advancing to winning battles after battles because it is true there were and are better “climate change” solutions available, - and were and are Republican solutions the radical Progressives as Left Liberals would not cotton to seeing free upon the tables of politics - of any opportunity for regular in order in advice and consent basis for open and free discussions, and debate.

What ever the mistakes President George W. Bush made - as if now he is fit’n tag of rap at least “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT” - there is yet that the radical agenda of President Obama was always premeditated to structurally disadvantaging the majority of blacks the most. 

As President Obama more innocent economics were more like copying President Bush there is then the conclusion that President Bush must be more innocent than President Clinton by developing the logic to that if Obama copied Bush it must be wrong to copy Clinton.

Here Mrs. Clinton has a contracted problem for she as a spouse is not supposed to incriminate her spouse, regardless of sex!

Here Mrs. Clinton has a big problem for if it was even a little bit contrary historically to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” however to at least the “IT WAS/IS HALF CLINTON’S FAULT” the truth is not an option and any political decision then, if made by her, must be to avoiding the facts and relevant history, as she would either be of “TREASON” or of contractually violating her marrital promise to not incriminate her spouse. 

Essentially Madam Secretary Clinton was never able to honestly and dutifully serve President Obama for so much in foreign policy was actually of a basis yet in what is/was due errors of President William J. Clinton.  No REALLY!!! We are looking at clear and present “SIMPLE” & “STUPID” developed with evidence!!!

So simply, primarily, the case of the black condition in 2016 for politics is that historically it is very accurate to tag that the first two “FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT” persons are of a record, each, that to its core if that they did fail the majority of blacks more than most Republicans can be asked to properly shoulder any guilt respectively.

Blacks now must think about the “GREEN” as the economics forward must now be that Democrats embrace a forced message to that President Barack H. Obama should be memorialized and immortal as if he a one fit’n “HE SAVED HIS ENTIRE PLANET SINGLE HANDEDLY!”!!!

The only real hope for the majority of blacks now is to see that the “SUPER HERO” theme is stripped from “BARACK OBAMA”!!!


Embrace “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” with new conservationism to sole’d for “MINIMALISM” soul!!!

President Barack Obama may not have been able to ruin so many - at least so completely and quickly - if not at least for the “leadership” of radical Progressive Al Gore!  We should consider if the former Vice President was so radical of Left and a Liberal that now his personal behavior of so much so forced it was of a “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” is fit’n tag to rap “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A FORMER VP”!!!

The Democrats after the rise of Illinois, of Chicago, Senator Barack H. Obama, to rising barely above the Clintons’ machine, did much force too many, not just the majority of blacks, to sing the blues, - to cry and cry much too.

The only theoretical possible explanation for the “GREEN AGENDA” as so forced and with its “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” seem now primarily to it only reasonable while prosecuting this issue to conclude that the program of these Progressives was always sans benefits for the majority of blacks.  All People without an elite degree from an ranked institute of higher education was to be more brainwashed away from seeing the foibles and nonsense while compliance and assimilation beat for all.

The Democrats’ economics was never truly “economics” for such was “social engineering” to forcing planned top down centralized prearranged “SOLUTIONS” down on the masses.  The was not “e-co” for “shared humanity” as it was always to a “trickle down” new austerity for a new conservationism to a smaller economy for “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” may now be a liberating soulful tune of believable chords and notation, with room to breath again structured in where discussion and debate is supposed to be a supported right for freedoms to endure, and endear.

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

The radical ’second black’ President never had helping the majority of blacks as part of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!!!

It seems impossible to see it otherwise, now as masses seem of eyes opened wide enough on “BLACK PROBLEM”!!!

The Democrats radical Progressive movement of Left Liberals is the new “FASCISM” as in 2016 “FASCISM” is best defined as a “movement of the left against the original founding principles for a constituted as a “liberal democracy” as for regular order in a structured of due process with advise and consent with honest and open debate.

I attest it should be easier to accept Al Gore as a “FASCIST” before such as the tru’d rap for Barack Obama, though by now not likely, or fairly should the same be said of/for Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

There goal must have been to force a “GREEN” - “GREEN MINIMALISM” - while their methods since Madam Senator Clinton threatened to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS” has been to their common core of AUTHORITARIAN beats for radical DEMOCRATS’ programs.

If now any try to walk a talk of “UP WITH RODHAM” please do consider that redistribution must be still not on her tables of politics as “social engineering” was to a a new “trickle down” faux economics as “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” for “GREEN AGENDA” always primarily sold “GREEN MINIMALISM” in a gestalt, and like never any thing of the radical Progressives as being to turning the economic spigot to a trickle until assimilation to obedience and compliance effected for a new conservationism to save the planet - from said “GLOBAL WARMING” said “CLIMATE CHANGE” dire straits stuck of heading to as if an about face one hundred and eighty degree change of course wasn’t actually possible.

President Barack H. Obama should own, as Madam Democrat Party Presumptive Nominee tag’d Mrs. Clinton also should, that their “GREEN MINIMALISM” must be complied to and even as it was always firstly primarily a program marched for brainwashing less educated so that the future economy was more dependent on “higher” education and “college degrees” and so that “WTF” (Winning The Future) was biased against the majority of blacks by how radical Progressives as Left Liberals did only effect a “GREEN AGENDA” that was structurally for an economic security for those who get a top liberal education by buying into the solidarity of elitism of ranking by top liberal institutions of (higher) learning.

A problem we all have now as regards real issues of #BlackLivesMatter is yet on that each waking by a President Donald Trump will need assuage for “HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” to be structurally re-established as possible by changing the direction and the music essentially to a full about face from Obama Democrats, and Clinton Democrats!!!

The “GREEN AGENDA” has simple ruined too many while sadly the majority of blacks were never given a chance!

The “OBAMA GREEN AGENDA” is your/our enemy!  Yet parity for equality now is of the “Republican Movement” winning on reseting the autonomy for all secured in the Constittution while yet forward any winning solutions for comity must pare to the core on the issue to be queried generally as to if “ARE SUCCESSFUL BLACKS NOT GIVEN BACK ENOUGH?”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, forward, one must be to thinking “GREEN” and to owning that the DEMOCRATS GREEN AGENDA was never set up for equality - or quality of think at “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, now, seems ridiculous for any for “EQUAL RIGHTS”!

To think “GREEN” now for compliance means one buys into “GREEN MINIMALISM” forward!!!

And, sadly, in a seeming informed historical perspective, as mine, as fit’n a tag as a “civil rights” “writer” still, and as since, for politics, as since at least 1990, - and as since of leading thinking and writing that predates the Clintons 1992 race late entrance, let me attest that another serious flaw with the radical Progressives, as Left Liberals against “liberal democracy” our common core by original intent, is much of that which I attest of their “GREEN” of that it was at least a ten year old plan they commenced with in 2009 despite fresher and better plans were than possible and plausible, - and those we can say yet not considered.

#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?

It may smart now how beyond “GROSS NEGLIGENT” as if too archaic to rap upon #HillaryClinton there yet is that #TREASON is being seemed as even more archaic to the #FBI to that #Congress may have to specifically ask #DirectorComey to proceed to develop charges now based on readily available evidence, - based at least on the developed evidence in the PUBLIC RECORD!!!

#WTF #FORWARD maybe smarted at not beating “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS” as the damage done is more premeditated and purposeful to be of “FAILED” as implying destruction by “NEGLIGENCE” and not as seems established of CRUSHING by DESIGN to for an assimilation to “GREEN” by a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” even for “BLACKS” as to needing to obey and comply to a LESS IS MORE essentially inescapable as for a “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!



#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

A petite black man as small of stature as Kevin Hart can still be a truly scary bastard!

Today we have the politics of uniform standards to try to exercise our liberal democracy originalism as regarding!

The first position maybe should be:  “BOTTOM’S UP WITH TRUMP”?

Secondly, maybe as still foreboding, primarily:  “UP WITH RODHAM”?

This, now as President Obama, on NATO, with Poland, in Warsaw, primarily is of the President of the USA of making the same foreign policy errs which also beget domestic terror.  The NATO with President Obama is not an organization that seems to have and understanding of how President Reagan and Pope John Paul II were effective bridge builders to a greater world peace.

To preface this to expose and detail how the years 1993 to 2001 are of years when President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton did much to make structural racism a new normal, and as of them earlier than President Obama, of also leading away from the peace built by President Reagan and the Polish Pope, let me suggest that if the Federal Bureau of Investigation was of having developed on the evidence - even the self evident of public records - a profile - a criminal profile - of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton it likely now might be public of containing terms like:




Let us digress now to what will most definitely not seem a joke also to the Polish people!

The problem, primarily, is easy to argue as being TOP DOWN and of that President Obama has failed the blacks and for having much for having willfully gone further along with developing the Clintons effected structural racism politics.

A problem is that President Obama has actually endorsed Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and since besides he is as easily arguable for failing blacks his backing is yet of a Democrat Party leader who blew off #MLK50, #Selma50, and, #Ferguson!

President Obama, while now in Warsaw, Poland, as with NATO, is yet exponentially broadening and escalating problems by continuing to be as anti-Constitution as the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.  President Obama is continuing what can be simply tagged as of structural racism, as by how such Liberals set to define “success”, by continuing the setting asunder of Constituted rights - and now as by furthering the very setting asunder worked long by the Clintons.

President Reagan and the Polish Pope John Paul II were to doves of a feather compared to how Democrats doth crow a lot and now defensively to try to bury the ledes as to that it has been fairly reportable since before Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown police involved shooting that the first black President is enough already for history books as one to be tagged for having failed blacks.

What we have here is a Constitutional problem now of a TOP DOWN dynamic and as it is like the antithesis of the walk and the talk of bridge builders for greater world peace President Reagan and Polish Pope John Paul II!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The American success story only works as by how these united states of the Americas are actually constituted by the People’s Order - and how celebrating it as originally intended was a secret to the success of President Ronald Reagan, and all parties of such grand advancement of unions potential.

The fall of President Obama was written long ago!  The falling of President Obama has been less do to being a bastard conceived a Soviet Studies love child to a dark & light, - an ebony & ivory, - a pepper & salt paired intimate coeds whence for firstly, primarily, he is of falling (while black) due his poor judgement in too closely associating with the Clintons and their old works for structural racism, as a hidden but true core, and to his acceptance of their very white definition of success.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The story of the mistake of President Barack Hussein Obama are now necessary to be reported and fully aired yet for how it will always be historic that he has failed blacks so vastly, - truly!

Should President Obama resign?  Isn’t his interpretation of the Constitution an inhibitor to law & order?  Isn’t it that discussion now that ‪#‎CrookedHillary‬ is so exposed as ‪#‎4Real‬ we can say President Obama should resign, and yet as while of a bad, to just cause, in historically yet gets a US adjusted to facts he, though he should resign due his effected constitutional interpretation, of he yet can be said already amidst these scandals as having been a better President than the real ‪#‎BillClinton‬?

“ASSUME THE POSITION” is not just be a criminal perspective but one to query how a Constitutional is dangerous and improper where “Order” in preamble is not a noun and to that “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” is not and cannot be for mob rule and AUTHORITARIAN rule by executive order as yet of nullifying the body constituted as by effecting USC of “in order to…”.  This attempts to put the blame at the top and on President Obama and President Clinton due “positions” below them cannot communicate freedom in Liberty and Justice for All where their postures have been effected (purposely) wrongfully (in political self serving narcissism?) to that law and order is not in the ranks because it is not facilitated as constituted from the top down for better bottoms up with more self governance.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” now asks to if ‪#‎HillaryEmail‬ & ‪#‎FBI‬ newly charged does need us to consider that President Obama is already too compromised as part of such of cover-ups so that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama should be perp walked after officially being marshaled to compliant of “ASSUME THE POSITION.”

Do understand President Obama has failed blacks, much, - and, this I even wrote of in days just before ‪#‎Ferguson‬ and then necessarily again in days just after ‪#‎Missouri‬ incident with Michael Brown.  The satire of “COVERT CYPHER” of 33 economics treatments at CitizenRosebud.net! And, also via bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT.

Do understand the Democrats said as if the “Constitution” is more anti-Constitution than within the lines as either “Federalist” or “JeffersonRepublican” and so that they want communities to see Executive as a GREAT Federal leader even as the constitution they posture unsettles freedoms and expects everyone (more subjects than citizens) to be more subject to their whimsy and moods and to them as expected to just tie rants however they feel like creating a solution.

We have less law and order under the Obama & Clintons “interpretation” and dangerously now as em like being fit’d for arresting accessories as like already so exposed that an ‪#‎IMPEACHMENT‬ on the table as soon as the FBI meets Congress’ new filing duty to attesting ‪#‎MrsClinton‬ also lied under oath.  ‪#‎MrsC‬ is caught and so then must it be considered that Bill Clinton is enough implicated, at least as the improper owner/operator/admin, and so that President Obama is caught for having at least been an accessory too much.

The Democrats’ idea of “Federalism” is more “anti-Constitution” and therefore actually not legal, and quite arguably as of #‎TREASON‬‪#‎PoliceShootings‬ are to the core of a TOP DOWN problem and in that Freedom as “of religion” of “all are created equal” is set asunder by Democrats, and as to have a way to imperial and authoritarian Power for crony graft not of “our Lord” of “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” as that nation is to be under our Lord not forced to make do as but under machinations for Powers and reigning in lies that demote TRUTH and HONESTY.

‪#‎Its_O_not_o‬ >> ‪#‎USC‬ is not a living document as “Order” in preamble is a noun, and of that founding fathers were of an apostolic spectacle to the constitution is a Peoples’ Order “Paulist” to that it is that Freedom is “of” “religion” as religion/faith how people be above being ‪#‎barbarians‬ and as to that ‪#‎Paul‬ established a long time ago that every individual is under our Lord before ever under a government; - - - We must self govern in a voluntary morality - a voluntary extra-nation organized morality - for any government to have enough moral authority, in representation, for law and order to be possible.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways, but not now politically!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to Democrats methods as of a core for structural racism with its deepest roots now in the years 1993 to 2001 as by the effected by the hands of the Clintons, and their core associates!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works off a simple definition to be developed of pertinent evidence of what is how em define “SUCCESS” and as such is so very very and old WHITE definition of IVORY TOWER elites!

Sadly President Obama has been such a bad Leader and one you will have to argue as maybe worse (structurally) than President Clinton such that now due how he, for the history books, has fundamentally, and too the deepest common core, failed blacks, - and yet just most failed blacks while pretty much upending any not bought into the IVORY TOWER so WHITE definition of SUCCESS!

In any criminal profile at least of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton there should be a record of what is believed to be how Mrs. Clinton defines “success”!  And so her record and profile should account for it seems that any can be suppressed and oppressed who didn’t try to get to at least Yale Law School, and to how then for life each is a lifer to be of a forced “community” not “FREE” “UNDER OUR LORD” for the gentile fragile egos of the elite akin such as IVORY TOWER essentially demands that where you manage to advance to, once you buy into you must try to at least get to Yale Law School, is then where you must be “oppressed” to only being so by class structures!

There are not enough Democrats “BLIND MICE” to now lead enough managed “popular movement” events to now bury the historical of the first black President failed blacks (more than any other - by race)!

There is enough now to tag a rap on President Barack Hussein Obama for having played to lily WHITE defined IVORY TOWER success as like a TOKEN BLACK then that could be puppetted and marched for a compliance drum beating to reinforce “SUCCESS” by “LIBERALS” must be only from playing in their (SECULAR (BOOKISH)) structurally bounded and forward by the example of a FIRST BLACK, however mulatto, however half white, however raised by whites, as a TOKEN example to be enforced as the example to that any must try to at least try to get into Yale Law School, and then be to accepting for life they will then be suppressed structurally in secular methods for LIBERAL machinations for CLASS dividing.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” must depend on the archive in the sorted vast #Cats (categories) here marginalized as readily available as a resource with use limitations.

For now the position is that President Obama aggravates law enforcement and #BlackLivesMatter by every meddling now to more defensively CYA his six due he has failed mostly blacks.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” defends recent officer involved shootings as even petite Kevin Hart can be a scary bastard of deadly force too apparently flexed. 

Resisting arrest after reports of like “his gun was threatening” must be of innocence to first be presumed for the officer(s)! 

In Minnesota it seems a sadder case but (for now) defensible as it seems when the officer asked the driver for “license and registration” any movement by a passenger was suspect, and especially while the driver was asked to produce the documents. 

The Castile case seems to have a suffice to just cause for a presumption of justification (maybe) for this officer, and from a presumption of racism, as he reasonably expected the passenger to not move and especially for them to not say he “has a gun” and for their to be movement of his hand to behind his back while he wasn’t being asked for “broken taillight” incident “documents”!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to how officers are of rank and file now in a corrupted way to President Obama as a too “federalist” BOSS yet of a contrary interpretation of the CONSTITUTION which set asunder regular order and law and order by creating room by claims of a “living document” to essentially be of a POLITICS for tyrannical Power and mob rule, in essence!

President Barack Hussein Obama is now really really doing more harm than good!  President Obama “constitutional” is FLAWED!

PLEASE RESIGN! Please resign President Barack Obama - you whom I known since the late 1970s!  Like said of Clintons: You “beget terrorism”!

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[This essay is a work in progress!  Please do not consider it as finished, final, or even mostly concluded, - yet!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:28 am

Bill Clinton if to try to put a pretty face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” still is as if his instinct is to try to put his face out there.

Let us talk about how to BLITZ presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in the year 2016: Now:  How to sack any or all “HOOLIGANS”:

If reality is supposed to matter now it must be like 79% for TRUMP GOP odds with a BLITZ to at best 20% for such a HOOLIGAN now as the AWAY team and as one firstly to a problem of staying between the lines.

Mrs. Clinton is known of so many lies orated, and suspected of far more unknown to date, such that her lips are red hot - her lips are smokin’ hot - her lips are her “smoking gun”!

Regular BLITZING should be of the GOP Party playbook now for any and all to field efforts forward for defending the movement now long winning WHAT that is the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” Donald Trump joined late, and yet is WHOM rising to be a primary general leader.

It is just accepted as fact that Mrs. Clinton lips are smokin’ - and HOT like a criminals hands when caught “red handed”!

Bill Clinton is still showing defense instincts to try to help Mrs. Clinton by putting his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” for as if his old populism can yet trump reality and trump the popular movement of WHOM Mr. Trump is still rising for the winning WHAT.

This is all quite mashable and as fitting for how much has been doctored from reality for Mrs. Clinton regular makeovers to that Mrs. Clinton’s known “smokin’” lies get laid down of a populism as yet mostly laid out in lies and deception.

As we should be prepared to score on BLITZ plays against “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” we should be drilled and training as prepared to cry foul if Bill Clinton presents too much as across the lines of term limited and feminism and as if needing to be an extra “player” on the field - necessarily.

As the tragedy of Benghazi are now smarting again and fresh newly to how Secretary Clinton’s lips were smokin’ they were so hot with lying let us yet now look to how we must also defend against President Obama & President Clinton, and while these two are regularly contrarian to the core of “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Mrs. Clinton.

To BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” any local party initiative or PAC mentality now seems to be needing a coordinated plan - a play common to the REPUBLICAN PARTY PLAYBOOK.

More dramatically, however maybe to base to be SHAKESPEAREAN, we can attest that Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton has more blood on her hands than “LADY MACBETH” - and to it likewise therefore evident such “HOT LIPS” has maybe never been good at triage, - politically speaking.

To cotten to this mash up of a small tent of  Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton there is yet a gate to first cross of how such a “HOOLIGAN” can ever be rightly hospitably accepted.  The shenanigans of such a “HOOLIGAN” are much of she has been so irregular any rank for her should be questioned due its seems “HOT LIPS” has for a long long time had difficulty staying “between the lines”!

From the sidelines forward is where Donald Trump should be most seen when BLITZING called out for local or PAC mentality plays.  Donald Trump should not do the BLITZING himself - many many others should locally be called to action as called up to BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - any DEMOCRATS “HOOLIGANS”!

“DRAB” is the color of these days with Mrs. Clinton as if needing for championship balling to have either President Obama as a “RINGER” or (also) President Clinton.  Yet we should concur to that President Obama and President Clinton are so contrary and not like able to be fielded of any one “SPECIAL TEAM”!

The GREEN BACKS of President Obama are not saddled any ways like how President Clinton ranks were saddled for “ECONOMICS”!  “MONEY” for “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” has long been vast - broadly political - very excessive!

Women, Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton is such a known “HOOLIGAN” she is DANGEROUS to package as but a repackaged “EVIL BARBIE” - even with DRONES and BODYBAGS not included.  One such as “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is not, prudently speaking for regular order jurisprudence core, is not one finely mashable to be a good ROLE MODEL for girls, - not even/especially as gender neutral as for “future leaders”!

The laid lies already known of Mrs. Clinton are enough to justify “WORSE THAN LADY MACBETH” for she can be rightly tag’d as one to of lies for cover-ups to therefore as one of more blood on her hands, comparatively, than Richard Milhous Nixon.

Bill Clinton keeps trying to put his face on this for a populism to trump the rising popularity of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that now should enthrall audiences all around the world when if BLITZ is called and effected, and with minions associated in REPUBLICAN unifying colors populating the lines to which Nominee Trump is yet known to be not a “RINGER” but one an honest broker a “manager” on the sideline.

It now may not be just wrong to put President Obama’s face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” as it now with President Clinton so obviously conjoined that it just would be quite improper to suggest President Obama is “in the tent” as with the camp of the “small tent of…” of “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS”!

Her lips are our “SMOKIN’ GUN” - that was established to a suffice as such needed to be established before the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE had due cause to so organize.  “HOOLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton were investigated by the HOUSE assigned honorable members because an illegal cover-up was determined to have occurred; - the HOUSE tasked honorable members were tasked to a duty to determine details of such “cover-up” and to assign measures of guilt upon various individuals so then party to the improper partisan political covers; - the committee has failed yet if it hasn’t reported it moved as far as it could against all the obstructionism to a finding of how President Obama is more to blame for Secretary “HOT LIPS” Clinton failures than Mrs. Clinton herself!

This is all so very mashable!  “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is only made worse with Clinton/Warren tag team now presenting, relative to the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” as both so usually outside the lines we seems to be witness to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” outta no where a real where.

It is just wrong in so many ways to allow Bill Clinton a populism if of distractions by coy ploys and chicanery to offering his face in lew of seeing more broadly the “SMOKIN’ GUN” is the red hot lips of laid lies of Mrs. Clinton to that it mashable and proper to tag Mrs. Clinton “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!

Forward, as BLITZING should be a popular and most used/called play of and for the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” - as yet with Nominee Donald Trump just of sideline, or manager’s box - we are now best conditioned as if to be most prepared around a simple truth that President Obama and President Clinton cannot both fit in the “economics” or “political” small tent of “NOTORIOUS HRC” - “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton - Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton!

It is just like as simple as President Obama and President Clinton have never like queued of bars - barring - barristers - baristas - garcons - ever as two of smoking the same cigar!! Em never fit in same “economics” tent!!

The known laid lies of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton may be trumped yet if the unknown also laid by lips of “HOT LIPS” as a political partisan “HOOLIGAN” ever become generally attested to - sufficed of adequately exposed!!

President Clinton stokes of be still’d to shining to a vast cutter of spending and too only common to President Obama core as to likewise being to masses to forced austerity; - President Clinton had populism in a grand naivete for he cut, cut, cut until $2 Trillion was removed from budgeted and afforded to that a crashing end to his burning of the wick of the “economics candle” of burning from both ends simultaneously - to the crash so big the candle was like fused as if TNT - as if of “BILL’S DYNAMITE” purposely mishandled.

President Obama stokes of imbibed concoctions spirits from otherwise still’d are yet but to a forced “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” a common core as yet street and common sense obvious to he of his methodology was yet for AUSTERITY too but yet by spend, spend, spend, as to then trump old progressive lines of “TAX & SPEND LIBERALS”!!

Though President Obama and President Clinton both like SMOKED you to a forced AUSTERITY they can never be passed as “RINGERS” for the worse than “LADY MACBETH” worse than President Richard “TRICKY DICK” Nixon contests for they quite like really can never both fit in the “small tent” of one now so “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!!

Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton has more blood on her hands than the spousal husbandry of 1993 to 2001 as yet of her spouse’s record unless prudence restored for jurisprudence to a GUILT upon President Clinton for NEGLIGENCE to even “NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE” for doctoring voters from TRUTH that he is culpable and to a real JEOPARDY due eight years too much of INACTION and AVOIDANCE as begetting DANGERS - as yet the core message common to President Obama erudite proffered oration known as his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!!!

That we now have BENGHAZI REPORTS and yet little satisfaction attests to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” and “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS” established still in the self - evident so that a “CAPTAIN OBVIOUS” not even needed!  I.E.: Like rap is: “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS”!!

Again:  Oy again:  President Obama and President Clinton cannot fit in the “small tent” of “HOT LIPS” as they are essentially, while so of both having wrecked havoc upon the middle and lower class People by forced AUSTERITY by different partisan economic methods, more than of different tents as they are more firstly economically speaking of different “camps”!

You and I, all of us, actually, may each be better off if we do not let Bill Clinton popularize the situation to it then his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” scandal, and to yet be firstly between BLITZING of yet putting only President Obama’s face upon “HOLLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton.

You and I, all of us, actually, must be smarter than the DEMOCRATS hope or expect of any voter, possible voter!

You and I, all of us, realistically, - oy that! -, should ascribe to restorations for common sense and regular order!

You and I, all of us, now dedicated for our republic should shake off the nationalism of these DEMOCRATS and commit ourselves passionately to regular exercised privileges for healing from the long long long laid lies of the CLINTONS, and too that which yet must be differentiated and pared separately for what is of the ‘THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” relatively.

You and I, all of us, now should see that regular BLITZ plays called against Mrs. “NOTORIOUS HRC” “HOT LIPS” Clinton should be enough, under the circumstances of just the known laid lies of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS” to yet suffice to halt or even arrest the BULL of President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton! - “HOT LIPS’” prime “BULL” “BILL”!

For our INDEPENDENCE and for our republic for which it stands still enduring by the People’s Order a constitution for Liberty and Justice for ALL let us be of our established and ordained and to holding “HILLARY CLINTON” from fielding improper “RINGERS” and to getting away, further, with any and all steppin’ out side of the lines, - being LAWLESS and for CHAOS as if AUTHORITARIAN CLINTONS can suffice to replace CONSTITUTION, - especially our sworn affirmed BILL OF RIGHTS! 

For our FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE let us recommit ourselves to seeing that enough now see past their laid lies and to be able newly to consecrate the nation as yet a loose union of republican states for TRUTH - for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - for RELIGIOUS LIBERTY!!!

Let us BLITZ against, as regularly as necessary, all further attempts to bed for eternity their TYRANNY by laid LIES! - GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

… or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Men what are our blush points now as the 2016 election heats up?  Men what can we say definitively is our biggest problem, post September 11, 2001, and 9/11 II - aka “Secretary Clinton’s Benghazi”?  Men what might be our biggest embarrassment when solo and out to be cashed out at a convenient register?

Donald Trump is not our biggest “embarrassment” even if now the cover guy for which ever rag mag on the market.  DT, is one I hope didn’t respond to much from Mrs. Clinton yesterday.  I do hope DT didn’t stoop to the lowness and low level of Mrs. Clinton yesterday - as stumped.

It seems as much the problem of Democrats rising since 2006 as on the need to perform and deliver on the vast promised by Senator Obama and Senator Clinton, - as if clones for how they like promised so much near identical to the other, and as such like needed social engineering to trump economics, and as such like needed any Democrat elected to govern as the Socialist President Obama is now established as necessarily being to his core.

Though the biggest problem of Mrs. Clinton (leadership), and too as likewise for President Obama, is that she just never quite got right that size matters, - or that size doesn’t matter.  I will not here let this descend to being just about minies or maxies or adult diapers as apropos coverage maybe for Mrs. Clinton and President Obama.  We should accept the historical truth that essentially President Obama used the Clintons’ economics team to be his like “experts” after he beat the Clinton Machine, and yet while then of having insufficient experience to have an economics team of his own ready.

Mrs. Clinton greatest failure is beyond minies, maxies, or if only adult diapers are of a sufficient capacity, metaphorically, as the essence of Mrs. Clinton is firstly that she has like always erred in the realm of “size doesn’t matter”!!!

Again:  I do hope Donald Trump didn’t stoop to responding to much of how Mrs. Clinton was stumped on June 27, 2016!  That is I do hope Donald Trump, if with a morning coffee for the republic, was yet of attenuated maturity and not just to now as if “in the gutter” with Mrs. Clinton and Senator Warren.

We are, men - women - children, of a confederate republic - a “with federal” union of “republican states” - we are constituted to that “size doesn’t matter” - even as when better teased as “size does matter” as if “…for the republic” for a “small is beautiful!”.

Mrs. Clinton doesn’t present well with feminine products, or obviously as beset with adult diapers!  Mrs. Clinton’s capacity for prudence is more likely to cause men to blush than a quickie run to a convenience store for a SUPER PACK of products for his lady, or daughter.  Mrs. Clinton essentially has no real capacity for “small is beautiful”!!!

President Clinton is the problem of Benghazi, firstly!!!

President Clinton had President Obama’s Secretary of State so very compromised while under him to that on 9/11 II Mrs. Clinton like had to be loyal to her man before her boss, and before her country, and, to as if the spouse must never say “small is beautiful” comparatively as regards her man vs. her boss!!!

Again:  President Clinton is the problem of Benghazi, firstly!!!

The mess made is either now for the Republicans’ or “full committee” report to be to ruled as either more Mrs. Clinton’s fault or more the fault of President Obama!!!

The mess made is either now of that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” was a BIG lie or MEDIUM lie or SMALL lie not an IMPEACHABLE LIE AS WORKED TO EFFECT AN ILLEGAL COVER-UP!!!

The mess made is inescapably now to that essentially the report must present that Libyan “diplomacy” failed due Mrs. Clinton could never handle the size of their lies!!!

The mess made is inescapably now to that critically forensically forward Benghazi is a turning point as great as like Gettysburg, and Afghanistan to the Cold War, as a moment when “IT IS THE CLINTONS - STUPID” became trump to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!!!

The mess is a big mess of Mrs. Clinton’s personally at least as what died also (tragically for Clintons) on that tragic day is that “politicks” long postured by cover-up lies to as if President Clinton was “PERFECT” and any thing that went wrong was all the Republicans’ fault as like as if not ridiculous as “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!!!

It is likely now witness to that Bill Clinton is beyond a political or personal capacity to clean up even just this mess of Mrs. Clinton’s too loose “leadership”, and especially as it now is beyond a safe area for President Obama - and if as if an adult diaper could save him for a few moments.  Post 9/11 II it is established that at least the Clintons lied for cover-ups and of that cover-up lies so big are impeachable due they set asunder constitutional governance for any confederate republic!!!

As we wake these mornings to Donald Trump a late joiner to a winning Republican “for republic” movement near a new renaissance we so stir to our “joe” possibly to find “team GOP (of TRUMP) of sufficient breadth and mass for our “joe” each morning to be communal to the WHAT of the movement with enough sense of teamwork for the WHOM of rising to leadership.

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  It is “O” not “o”! aka #Its_O_Not_o as a first note to kick off each morning constitutionally tru’d.  The preamble of “We the People…in Order” is of “Order” as a noun so that the People’s Order is not subscribed to being a “living document” and so that it is a big err to read constitution so small like as if “in order to” while the essential import is “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” of “Order” of the big “O” to as only to be read as a noun!!!

Yes, your mornings with the for republic Republicans seem preset enough already to coffee with Donald Trump as to breakfast with confederate republicans of the established ordained as a confederate republic to “small is beautiful” as subscribed Union for a loose federation of republican states.  Today’s news is to be more difficult to process for a while as post the #BREXIT there will be crossed uses of “nationalism” where “republicanism” is more apropos and correct historically.

I can understand if Donald Trump did stoop to the “in the gutter” level of Mrs. Clinton (protocol proper for candidate whose last job was her highest paying job, even as officially Mrs. C. is not yet vetted for her last two jobs) and Senator Warren for though he may have had to dirty himself while so wrapped up in the processing of their ridiculous elementary diss’d such day was free enough to be petty too, - was free enough to like just play with Clinton and Warren like to hens to be pecked at by a bigger dog.

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  As my name is #HOGAN let me be clear:  Mrs. Clinton’s biggest problem is some of how small politically she has been as like to always politically to being wrong on issues of “small is beautiful” - of “size doesn’t matter” - of Americans, at least, are better together when loose and still as constituted as for republic, not “For Nationalism”, and so as Ordered as to as WITH federal not FOR National as union is a confederate republic!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Mrs. Clinton rates as an/the #EvilBarbie like a Marie Antoinette reincarnate - and, yes, repackaged, and while the darkest essence of #DroneQueen of her realistically a “plus sized” “Barbie” while much “Evil Barbie” of “Drones and bodybags NOT included!!!

As a man I would be embarrassed now to have to check out - cash out and be registered to checking out - if to being of in the cart as with a #DroneQueen #MrsClinton #EvilBarbie or yet #DramaQueen #MrsC as if just a #NutCracker!!!

Men, women, children of maturity suffice’n, Benghazi is now essentially forever the “turning point” from that even ever “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” must have been a big Clintons’ (at least) lie, and a lie illegal as for a cover-up that set asunder “small is beautiful common core of each republican state in our constituted Union as for “republicanism” not “Nationalism” as it is #WINNING like a renaissance to “NEW ROMANTIC ERA” that we are a confederate republic!!!

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER” you can be a small republic and be just as good as the biggest republican states in the Union of Americas’ ordered as these united states of the Americas!!!

#CupOfRodham is worse than it yet sounds!!!  #CupOfRodham is to flush the Constitution as ordained and to the Clintons still firstly “anti-Constitution” and for a “Post Constitution” false interpretation to as if there is a said workable “Democrats Constitution” as a “living document” that when compared to the originalism of the republican Constitution shows a mess of obvious conflicts all particular to the Clintons’ espoused as for that any and all protections from tyranny are essentially re-structured as if void - as if null - as if nullified!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!  May your mornings serve you well to trust any “republic joe”, - and NOT Mrs. Clinton, EVER!!!

After Benghazi none can ever look at Mrs. Clinton or President Clinton the same way - NEVER!!!

After Benghazi it is that Mrs. Clinton & President Clinton had struck the iceberg and to that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” floated while “IT IS THE CLINTONS - STUPID” became the new ESSENCE of POLITICKS as the new greater truth now exposed to being an incontrovertible TRUTH and a dominant TRUTH as an illegal lie for COVER-UP as a BIGGER lie!!!

After Benghazi Mrs. Clinton had President Obama in a pickle and compromised for “size doesn’t matter” when one tiny little LIE getting exposed then PROOFS an illegal COVER-UP and a CONSPIRACY TO COVER-UP!!!

After Benghazi, as we wait to read how if that the Obama Administration had no “HOT SPOT” United States Embassy or Consulate facility protected on a September 11 Attacks anniversary is for the historical record more a sole problem on Mrs. Clinton, we are beset still to process that the TRUTH was not and is not an option for Mrs. Clinton, especially as while Secretary of State, for as soon as tip’d to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” shredded there is that BIG and DOMINANT becomes a new mess as to #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!!!

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  Donald Trump is of the renaissance like winning for republic REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT of particulars of “small is beautiful” and “size doesn’t matter” as ordered!!!  Donald Trump seems ready to field your tips of your cups for a day’s constitution of LAW and ORDER and from the LAWLESS chaos of Mrs. Clinton, firstly!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Happy the TRUTH shall set us FREE!!!

May our FORCE as preset to RIGHT SIZED be present each morning ye wake and stir to if Republicans are with you and now the movement like a RENAISSANCE of CONSTITUTIONAL albeit now we are hoping Donald Trump can become, though late himself to the movement, a best leader for what seems upon us, if we can hold on to it, as if now we are past a first blush to actually stirring daily to be to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA, and the music for ECONOMIC GROWTH, as diverse in regional republican localism of music of the essence of the incident to life of George Washington’s worked inauguration to consecrate these united states of the Americas as for “politics” for what daily is “among the vicissitudes incident to life…”!!!

? … or his name isn’t TRUMP - isn’t DONALD TRUMP? - or he yet the larger is yet one still better even as yet he is to have presented a PRO-CATHOLIC agenda to get to a common core for winning with HISPANICS?  It is more how Mrs. Clinton errs on “SIZE MATTERS” more than WHAT “MACHISMO” to TRUMP VOTERS?

May the originalism of the FOURTH be with you now, and forever more, - evermore!!! Happy United States of America Independence Day!!!

Our best example is “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER” of that we are a CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC - we are republicans of republican states - loosely “with federal” - loosely 4 feds - loosely “con federales”!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

On “O” Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton must be embarrassed!!!

God Bless the USA of USC preamble as of only as “Order” a noun, & #Its_O_NOT_o!!!

Even as #DEMOCRATS err on #CONSTITUTION as if merely but small “o” for Powers of as if loosely written as if “in order to”!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:12 am

President Barack Obama can now be judged, in hindsight, of having been of a pathetic response post the PULSE tragedy in Orlando, Florida.  There is no two ways about the partisan political played out by Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton.  There is now no better way to preface this in hindsight journalism than to liken it to of a soccer field and the game of football as if of morals - of players agreed engaged in sport with moral commitment; - on a field a thought “level playing field” we shoulda have witnessed yellow cards on “OBAMA” and “CLINTON” and in sport of them to firstly of putting their hands up and to each of each to voicing a “MY BAD!”.

In life you, none, are born to a level playing field for any “individual” over the greater wholeness! - most are conceived as seeded, to carried and born, to as named (say Christian named) to that then the story of their lives is begun written upon them, long befores any then can mount a solo effort to try to shape or define an independent or free soul.

In life most are predestined at least by how they become named (, say Christian named) and to how not even then may their own parents of such designation to as named as yet strong enough to guide any to safety for how so named, - not even parents after naming a child may yet be able to control the developing soul of their own due how thought named by others of encounters to such named, or even of kin to puzzlements as to wonderment of “what were they thinking naming their child (so ambitiously)?”.

We live now in a world of more e-clarity for how we have always been connected, or connectable, or able to be enlightened!

We live now in a NEW MEDIA world still the old world of how one is named is much just some to how predestined, - fated!

We live in the #NewMedia same old world essentially, but as fewer need rely masses for “speaking in voices” to try to find clarity of say apparent wafts of imports - even apparitions of good souls maybe of from whom a timely increases clarity is prudent to be to works at appreciating, somehow.

Likewise here is a morning http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan set as “PUBLIC” wall share:

“#‎TRUMP‬ v ‪#‎CLINTON‬ polls relate ‪#‎BlameTheVictim‬ > ‪#‎HillaryClinton‬ (lawyers) like prep school boys all ganged up - and to ‪#‎BULLYING‬ on ‪#‎TheDonald‬ last couple of weeks - and now to #Clinton of lead in ‪#‎POLLS‬ as by like ‪#‎Criminal‬ ‪#‎Defense‬ #‎PLAYBOOK‬ of using “BLAME THE VICTIM” methodism to try to defend ‪#‎HILLARY2016‬.”

We live in a world where hopefully it is now not too late to yet “CRACK THE NUT” of the real “BILL CLINTON” - before @ “nut” Mrs. Clinton!

I have a pseudonym ready - a pen name I some wasn’t surprised was whence created as one yet available.

To illuminate problems of predestined as fated by one’s name to a pre-destined destiny I can use “PETER W. TOWER” maybe enough, - and uniquely especially for when I tried to better create my own fate by a construct of a pseudonym I was able with “PETER W. TOWER” to both secure @peterwtower http://twitter.com/peterwtower and as well http://peterwtower.com.

Now as we each play ‘THE NUT CRACKER” let me spell out that though J.P. Hogan is primarily of Irish descendants it is a puzzle unsolved, as to of nature vs. nurture, if I am not of my French & German genes as of such my dominant.  Let us forward though in (wisdom) an apriori embrace a pedigree for of “Peter W. Tower” as if “de Portugal” - Portuguese - say to like me llamo es “Peter W. Tower de Protugal” - or at least the “W.” to named of a proud heritage rooted in a pride of a Portuguese parish. Or if you insist: ‘Chamo-me Peter W. Tower de ______ de Portugal.’

How many times should we have yet heard “MY BAD!” from President William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton - he born of Christian name “William Blythe III” - and yet to this day are to falsely blaming others because he showed a lack of honor many times by not yet being of mea culpas by loud “MY BAD!” on so much we have long considered for penal treatments?

Now as we each play “THE NUT CRACKER” upon “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” let us toe in to tip toeing prudence of it wise to try to tip-toe into any trespass - any even tooling to prepare to ask even a question one doesn’t already know the answer to.  We do not know the answers of the “NUT” Clinton/BlytheIII we already long shoulda been of knowing and to calculating understanding forthwith of a duty to try to be informed citizens.

Our Power of Freedom has like been stolen - robbed/mugged/muggled - from us by a cloaking by a “shell” still extant around a truer “real Bill Clinton.” - Like left play’n on crooked tables like too of half a deck dealt.

Let us wax blithely - to Shakespearean - on this pickle of “THE NUT” A “NUT” “BILL CLINTON” for our “THE NUT CRACKER” forward:

Coulda it ever be in our times Mrs. Clinton could be so now held up of Chicago, so gangsta Democrat piped, if she now were Mrs. of their spousal husbandry, the already known - leastly - for now, if she were like her “Bill” as self fated by having chosen the name “CLINTON” and to years hiding em both of born Christian names, - and sucha predestined, but cloaked from “inevitable” to otherwise then more “impossible” if Mrs. Clinton were yet now but “HILLARY RODHAM BLYTHE III”?

Where is the “THE CLINTON” really “STRAIGHT OUTTA” if not a cloak and dagger shop for covert and dramatic deception from an how born to be inescapably CHRISTIAN?

Madness?  Sheer MADNESS?  REALLY?

I mean: Let me be clear:  Can you believe and endure any endearing to that “HILLARY RODHAM” if to just a story as a “DEMOCRAT PARTY NOMINEE A FIRST WOMAN” sucha now playing out were yet to Mrs. Clinton living it straight as to running as “HILLARY BLYTHE III”?


Of the storied as biographical leastly of the “HILLARY RODHAM” there has been told tales of how “Miss Rodham” say was raised a Chicago urban ruffian raised not to just hit others but to hit first, to “hit boys first”!  I am not sure the source matters concurrent to this essaying, - at least as @HillaryRodham avatar for @Twitter bio’d tag line profiling states she is an “advocate for women & children” to  it at least self proclaimed she is NOT an “advocate” for men.

For the record:  Let me be clear:  The @Twitter http://twitter.com/hillaryclinton @HillaryClinton bio’d is near a worse peace of “new media” grammar and autobiographical that can maybe ever witnessed.  There is no structure to Mrs. Clinton “I AM” set forth and no prioritizing of if one part is more important than another part, - I mean hopefully the order in which she lists her “I AM” is not how she doth rank a reality outta twitteratti shallowdom.

Right:  From the very beginning Mrs. Blythe III, with license in how Christian fated by spouse predestined, as Mrs. Clinton on TWITTER was so of “dog owner” as so cold and distant, and not normal to social media where most or all others to then rather more passionate and approachable as “dog lover”.

Right:  But back to our task as to be each of a duty in “THE NUT CRACKER” forward and to how BILL CLINTON “NUT” is needing to be cracked as he shoulda long been now as firstly always otherwise as straight outta CHRISTIAN truth and fated by how born “WILLIAM BLYTHE III” and not so now so still escaping a proper legacy as now sans his shell created and postured with long as facilitated in the art of self destiny by fating some of one’s “biography” to be as if self written.

Still though:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: 


As we now trespass with a toe-in to tip-toed across the threshold as cast of “THE NUT CRACKER” it is predetermined that the of the VILLAINOUS is now at least “WILLIAM JEFFERSON (DAVIS?) CLINTON”!

Now as it must be SHAKESPEAREAN forward, and backwards, for that thought he BILL” chose - proceeded in a premeditated self determining to have name as - “JEFFERSON (DAVIS)” - and as of record so did “HILLARY RODHAM”, - however seduced and/or corrupted/co-opted - and while scraping own CHRISTIAN name, as if so bad “BILL” thought but  like born “cursed child”, let us not forget, now “BILL” still of  predestined as conceived and born to “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”, and even if such due a rap of one from outta “BLYTHE” cursed to be from straight, - from honest, leastly. Long live the legend of “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”!!!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is so corrupt it is known as so compromised to be needing investigations by our FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and at least for now the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for cover-ups are dastardly deeds and “HILLARY BLYTHE III” so soul’d was found to at least been a primary party to a most diabolical of cover-ups, - a cover-up deadly - as one worse than of RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON due it was of Clinton hanky panky of lies and cloaking of matters relating to deaths of brave Americans in Mrs. Clinton’s service, - of in service to “THE SECRETARY”!

To now “CRACK THAT NUT” even the meek are enabled as such is much ado about paper work or reviewing of the public domain of an obvious, when one knows how to decipher the in the footage, as that there is a “paper trail” a “smoking gun” however now seeming yet as innocent as if a “gingerbread trail” - - -  essentially the “STRAIGHT OUTTA” of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is that the have hidden their rap in plain sight, by usual method of operations, of by sticking a confessing as if a news story, as yet otherwise than that it was only news as they shoulda been of another “MY BAD” and direct CONFESSION(S), - of MEA CULPAS!

So why is it that maybe no parent had yet named their pride to be of a challenge to live as if fated and of a predetermined challenging destiny as if named “PETER W. TOWER”?  I can and will surmise, forward, guardedly!!!

For now let us work a hip beat’n for all to that each are named, if not actually seeded to conceived, as predestined, and some maybe to ambitions or Hope beyond an ability of parents’ gifts for being global citizens, to guardians of the galactical.

Right!!!  Fit’n:  “WHO AM I TO JUDGE?”

Right!!!  Fit’n:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: