
September 2013
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

Where are the Governors?  As the contrast was set so loudly and transparently this week, with President Bill Clinton of regaling, again as if of the authority to so hold court, as if the Clintons’ Global Initiatives a seat of power already established, and such that he can Lordly be about, as if the Clinton Global Autocrat crowned, and titled, as if he (and his wife) were both promoted from the office of the President of The United States of America:  Where are the Governors?

In stark contrast to the too Lordly holding of Global Court by President William Jefferson Clinton was one who stood up for transparency, process, logic, and democratic patience whom if he had a colonial era powdered wig on likely would have firstly have been judged as if a George Washington impersonator.  It was in stark contrast that Senator Edward (”TED”) Cruz stood up so long and democratically as one more of the people and as a clear defender of the People all the while the Clintons were of putting on Lordish airs and taken to hosting as if of an established Power to hold Global Court under than banner as Clintons’ Global …

Where are the Governors?  What has happened to the common sense and governance theories of Hamilton, Madison & Jay?  How can the Clintons be succeeded as if in agreement with the “leadership” of President Obama all the while their recent documented history as of the Clintons’ Administration have so many official records of these two Democrat Party families of such different ideas of prudence?  How is it really, though, just that the Clintons are trying to be to the togetherness of the sovereigns of the world as Governor George Clinton tried to have set and secured otherwise than by the Constitution of The United States of America and its bolstering so as by Publius to educate and stir with that which is now of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS?  Where are the Governors?

It is the Governors of the loosely confederated states whom are put down most by the nationalist presumptions of the Affordable Care Act.  I has to be considered that the politics of Obamacare “justification” is that the federal government has to do all this because too many of our Governors are failures - are not capable of caring for their own resident peoples - but for.  In the federalist scheme of Constitutional prudence it is that an establishment like that for the Federal Government so far as set about the Affordable Care Act & its amending by regulations does much put the Governors out of the business of being governors.  By the ideals of Obamacare it is that the national governance of the Executive Branch is at least now supposed to have eminent domain over peoples bodies and their privacy rights to their personal medical histories.  The body politics of the states now soon will be Law as set not of the protections of a more nearly elected governor but to being of the purview and establishment of the domain of the nations executive.  In the spirit of Obamacare as necessary to work and establish and “affordability” somehow for healthcare (and oddly by adding new layers of management) the national government is set to be of an authority and duty to order the People to have full medical exams and with a right to say when and how often so that data as for costly Power from information can be adequately assessed for efficiencies.

Where are the Governors?  Is your Governor really such a failure and boob unable to see to a more neighborly caring and securing of health regulations?  Is it just that your neighboring state’s Governor is a bad boob who would avoid doing a right and just thing caringly for his/her state’s People as long as he could corral his sickly and herd them out over his state’s borders into the too neighborly and naive neighbor state for their more compassionate & neighborly community caring?  Where are the Governors? 

To understand the anti-Constitutionalism of the “BOGO” “two-fer” former First Couple Clintons you may actually have to have also, like the new Tea Party, have read THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.  Too how autocratic and Lordish the Clintons now appear all may need otherwise to check their doubting of economic pains as if for common sense & as by (doubting) Thomas Paine and his COMMON SENSE.  Too how courtly and complicit the Clintons are to their now being able, albeit less so now than their plans and strategizing had intended, to so like be to annually holding of a Clinton Global Court all may need to consider that they together have like always, since Law School, been of pillow talk spousally to figuring out how to get each of them elected President, despite Constitutional prudence being set in their way, and to figuring how one would or could be staged and established still with powers if and when delays and obstacles slowed them down.  It behoove all to consider the Clintons have always been united towards a possibility of becoming America’s first global (autocratic) leaders and too some of considerations that they would best be more like Governor George Clinton and as modern anti-Constitutionalists.

Where are the Governors?  With the ideals of the Affordable Care Act set so as a (too) temporary Law status far short of a more permanent Constitutional right, it is still critical for it as  a Nationalistic tool for power (and affordability) for it to remove the peoples’ rights from their state’s and governors’ more neighborly compassion and sense of community to the agenda(s) of a seated (& sworn) Executive as President.  For the meta data to be useful and sufficient to achieve the desired political efficiency or inefficiency by way of establishments authorized by the mere law of the Affordable Care Act there must be sufficient input for a calculus for any political prioritizing.  The Presidents will, it seems, be of the Power and Duty to decide how many times a year they should order the residents otherwise still of their state’s jurisdiction and Governor to show up at a doctors office for a new and however full medical exam so to update the national capacity to data mine for new efficiencies and more targeted political (partisan) platforms.  Where are the Governors?

Reading this it should become apparent to readers of the HARRY POTTER series that grew from my challenge to JK Rowling for seven books for seven separate years in schooling curriculum in magic that HARRY POTTER must be on the side so now established as of Senator Ted Cruz.  The courtly selfish spousal Power plotting and polarizing too courtly and lording too global partisan political reigning attempts by the Clintons just are not of the charm of that intended to be of a suggested good or necessary or proper in the worlds of Hogwarts.  Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz with their most public teaching by standing however long however of a filibuster democracy posturing are quite of the freedoms that allow local charm and community good will to be nourished more as if by neighbors and villages.

Where are your Governors?  It is more as if they are the SERIOUS BLACKS of your world and the Clintons too dangerously of regaling as if Lordish and Powered as Voldemort.  The godfather for HARRY POTTER as one a SERIOUS BLACK did come from me after JK Rowling while starting off on the challenge got back to me like complaining that I hadn’t yet given her enough to work with for even five books.  It was natural to me to suggest she give her lead character a godfather like mine who had to be serious about Volts and all wires as a lifelong union electrician - and, most serious always about the black wires and the primary “hot” wires to carry whichever volts.  R.I.P. my now late uncle godfather.  Like other characters of Hogwarts worlds there is that some came from playing with the spelling of iconic I channeled to JK.  Voldemort is a cautionary for young of the world and of days when my neighbors and friends were unknowingly of JK’s patron US so while as the firm of architects of design and construction management then of the Petronas Towers - Voldemort is of a concern of that which electricians have to be knowing of and guarded about while serious mostly about black as carrying volts - volts more than maybe even yet expected - volts d’ mor teed up like doubly in Europe than by USA standards.

Where are the Governors?  Hillary Rodham Clinton - most recently - but for being again as Bill Clinton’s First Lady for spousal global initiatives - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is still of dominant personality traits to firstly being to professionally protecting her husband regardless of how the USA Constitution might otherwise be set.  Where are the Governors? 

It seems implausible that Mrs. Clinton can yet learn any new tricks - it seems they are stuck for after all their years of plotting as if always and consistently with spousal pillow talk that they just never trained themselves or the other for the possibilities of a serious black like President Barack Hussein Obama.  It seems the Clintons do not have an answer to counter them as exposed as too courtly and too globally now of a hunger for a wishful autocratic Power - it seems quite implausible that they now can hide - that they can escape years of corner cutting and official negligence culpability or that “Hillary” is of a dominant personality trait of putting “Bill” first even it it to others may also appear to King-ish.

Whether as HillaryCare - Obamacare - or resurgence as if “UniversalCare” as ClintonCare it is that if the mere law of ACA allowed to be fully implemented the good in it will no longer be of the power or jurisdiction of the Governors.  By eminent domain of a too socialistic political power written and secured by ACA it is that future Presidents now have the power to tell all the People as if more subjects than citizens when & where to show up for a most revealing medical examination and so that they can mine all subjects personal medical records as meta data to know how to more efficiently politically prescribe or program (partisan) Nationalistic permanent solutions.  They won’t just want the medical histories of all as of their domain - they will insist they have the power to tell us all how often and fully all personal parts need to be probed for their “politics”.

Where is your Governor?  The charm of the French resistance as of the dramatic “round up the usual suspect” akin to “Play it again Sam” of CASA BLANCA has the Obama casa blanca “white house” is much of these too regal concerns.  To better work out a copacetic per dangers of Obama’s health posturing I for brevity direct you if so of a free will inclination to http://CitizenRosebud.org so that you can also find THE USUAL SUSPECTS.  For now as to the Lordly of the Clinton dangers it may behoove President Obama to use his ACA (”StormTroopers”) of his #IRS to leak Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons medical history as per at least her analytics that can attest to drug use or abuse and as well those however regular of her personal health papers to attest from full required mental examinations as to what is irreversibly of “dominant” personality traits. 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit to protect the Presidency from institutional corruption as from a power and mere law authority to as well have like eminent domain over People as subjects and to as per even dictates to ascertain and secure each person’s full mental work-up? 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit as even President Obama may now know each of his subjects per there meta data better than any might ever know themselves, and, as politically so empowered to call over members of the House of Representatives to go over their ward’s medical statistics by sex, race, personality, contrary meds in systems reports as checked against legal prescription levels so of the “data” now a keystroke away by keyword search targetable down to wards and streets and even by street numbers?

Where are you?  Do you have any power and freedom left if such violations of old privacy rights so set in however by the thinking of the Supreme Court as by a temporary mere law of taxing authority classifiable as a type of law that in America is always for a TAX most at risk of being politically reversed and removed, and even if not yet an established cancer on the economies of the USA or the world?  Where are you?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:22 am

What is missing is a chance for Harvard Law Review Latin Ted Cruz to be in a matched most public head to head debate with Harvard Law Review Black Barry Obama.  They have a century worth of changes to the legal world to discuss just for the few years of change between the older Obama’s graduation year and Cruz’s.  These are the days that need a fuller and more general understanding of the Rehnquist Revolution as for it critical to the economic growth of the nineties.  President Obama may have been of the last class year of Harvard fully of indoctrination and fidelity to the age old ways that then got upturned for progress. There is a world of difference not just in “legalese” standards to be pulled out for a good telling of “history” of President Barack Hussein Obama.

It is that blacks generally are now more at risk heading to post-Obama days of being judged more just by the color of their skin.  It seems that as we march forward a stereotyping by skin color will be unavoidable as long as blacks are too clumped politically as Obama’s blacks.  There are many more complications for blacks in future years if left to be so boxed and politically predictable.  There are days ahead that should be fearsome in a socio-political existentialism for blacks in the United States of America for a beat seems set for a new modern styling of a: LATIN IS THE NEW BLACK.

Beyond the color of any of the “melting pot” American Dream and protections we have actual economic history to worry about and such that is a much untold story of the early 1990s and how Democrats needed to be saved from themselves and many of the Corporate leaders also then in the USA jurisdictions too needed saving from themselves.  For President Obama and any or all of his followers or opponents it isn’t that I write from a dislike of his economics and high ideals as to social good but that since before these earlier days of such and until now I just have never figured a way that what has been his economics could or would actually work.  We are not beyond the economics of the 1990s and especially the truth that if the Clintons had been left to their ways - their desired political hopes to much have done to the politics and economics what has been done by President Obama - the economic mess would have been triggered sooner and with more serious damage and destruction.  The Clintons if they had been left to their ways would have caused this same mess much earlier.

Many top Corporate leaders were saved from themselves in the early 1990s and then the Clintons after much encouragement did have their late entry into the 1992 race and unexpected win.  The Clintons did then also need to be saved from themselves - David Gergen’s hiring is just a small bit of that story.  These as a set then didn’t finish the work of the saving of them and the US economy as by want of Clintons’ politics it became too much of a group think to just ride the wave as if the heroes and not the saved.  We are in an economy now that won’t reset to growth - hasn’t yet - much because there is too much false witness about the real histories and so that these in power now are not possibly or probably good stewards to the necessary restoration of consumer confidence.  Senator Harry Reid has power now quite only because this is so - as much of the untold story of these years of saving the economy of the United States of America also was defensively and of national security consideration about how the Persian Gulf War had to be wrapped up short of Baghdad and a prosecution of Saddam Hussein because Vegas and Time Square were so bad.

The Clintons were pawns in much of this in the first half of the 1990s - The Clintons were just the “do nothing” couple though we may have needed as otherwise the United States of America was at risk of seeming to dominant or arrogant as it struggled with its first steps as a sole superpower.  It likely would have been to politically difficult for President Bush if re-elected to be himself more a “do-nothing” President though those times were better for delay - for a wait and see not too patronizing posture.  Much, if not all, that worked for the Clintons in their first term was inherited by them from the work before they even entered the 1992 race.  Much is considerate politically of such days of a pickle that the USA was in as per Saddam Hussein and “justice” as the Persian Gulf War seemed set of a trap if we moved on Baghdad too soon.  Much is still relevant that with the saving of USA Corporate Leaders from themselves and then instincts to fold to new “management” styles as if too dominant and only option available - as if that they were quite already beaten by the Japanese and Germans and nearly to telling Americans that they all needed to learn to become more like the Japanese - at least.  Much is still relevant, and especially per Senator Harry Reid, that for national security purposes related to Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda the United States of America had to first prove it could fix its own cities - fix Time Square and Vegas especially - before it even attempted to assert that it could be right to over-turn Saddam Hussein and offer a hope that Baghdad could be better after Saddam.

Too many Americans and others of the world have been just cruising along too unaware of the history of the politics of the past two plus decades.  The Clintons have been surviving much just because so many of these that are of the “Corporate leaders” of these concerns too decided to just ride the waves too carelessly with the Clintons.  In the untold story is the basis of a back to basics new federalism marketing push much that needed or justified the Rehnquist Revolution as too quite a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.  What may be said to be keeping the economy from working again as it did without that which was just of the Clintons of phattening the growth the inherited to have positions to be able to show as if they caused the growth and weren’t just adding dangerous fat to it and with a risk of economic diabetes.  We may all be stuck now because the economics of the Obamanomics cannot work, and, that the economics of the Clintons years that did work were actually of what they inherited and then damaged and put in jeopardy with their effectings by Clintonomics and the hyper-consumerism and irresponsible and unnecessary extra trillion cut for surplus popularity.

To park these thoughts for now let me just add that since 2007, if not 2006, I was aware of where it seemed the Democrat party wanted to stake a national political and economic platform.  I have not yet been able to curb my original analysis that such if pursued so would drive the economy into a ditch - that they would drive the economies exactly to such a down and depressed course change from where we were actually routed better.  I have stayed confident in my original balancing of their spinning as to believing it was so likely that such a road/path/march/beat would lead to such a down & depressed economics.  I have yet though figured out if they have gotten here intentionally or accidentally — it seems that though I saw their “ideals” as only possibly leading to such a crash it may yet be that they had rosy glasses on and saw it as to a coming spectacle that just never took off.  It seems the Dem have been cruising along not yet properly tagged for having caused the crashes.  It is a wonder, for how confident I was that they were doomed to such, from the very start with the primarying party contesting roll-outs, that they either have been ignorant of it or of political shenanigans of a belief that they could only have their change if they could blame others/the other party.  To curb your enthusiasm if still cruising with Obama Democrats you too may want to park your GREENNESS and look in the rear view mirror - you may want to consider that it isn’t that the Democrats caused the economic mess that is most worrisome but that they yet may be in so much denial that they haven’t yet to accept that they did cause the crashes.

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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:54 am

First order of business now is healthcare.  Recently there have been reports quite contrary as “new” with the reports of old as per the fundamental thinking and politics of President Obama.  That President Putin is now at times heckled for punk’n President Obama leaves this may all just be a presser for a coming schooling on how Obamacare, by Putin’s “American”, is actually Un-Constitutional by the First Amendment.

Before we get to where President can go next - can next punk President Obama per his Socialism - it is most pressing and critical that the first reports from the White House Press Room were not bolstered with a notation that President Obama did just for precautions political have a full mental health examination.  It is that there is a new Obama now fundamentally and elementarily contrary to the old Obama - it seems he may have just changed his mind - not lost it.

To what Stalin may have to do with this:  It seems Stalin did actually tear down a Moscow Cathedral and towards a permanent enshrining of himself with so a less “sanctuary” quality.  As President Vladimir Putin is now fashioned politically fittingly for his times more religiously traditionally it seems it has been he more than President Barack H. Obama that has been lifting and raising up “church” while it President Obama quite to putting them out of business with Obamacare.

The First Amendment of the Constitution that unites the states in a loose federalism workable around the world for most reasonably sized States does stand apart though exceptionally as it for Americans is a freedom of religion that is not at all a freedom from religion as originally reasoned.  Obamacare fundamentally decimates the First Amendment.

It seems President Obama has been as by ACA coughing up of a rushed most desired tool for a new nationalism has proven himself more as if a Stalinite than as of a Christian “messianic.”  There is existential jurisprudence in the First Amendment that for now is still not yet of the Supreme Court challenges to “Obamacare.”  Essentially the Supreme Court hasn’t yet been asked to rule past “it’s a tax” of a bully power of the Executive and Congress in case of a need to like wage war on health and to rule if such were to be institutionalized as if a permanent new federal Power it then would be essentially and elementarily in real and critical conflict with the First Amendment as an essential structural node of what is Constitutional and “American.”

President Obama cannot have his (Stalinistic) American new New Deal foundation with “Obamacare” as permanent without such being in violation of the pragmatic and essential of the Constitution as affirmed by the Bill of Rights and especially just the First Amendment.  It is a civil procedure jurisdictional conundrum of the enduring affirmed paradigm of freedom from ones Creator that renders Obamacare a souffle sunken and ruinous — Our National Federal Government by our Freedom of Religion - not from religions - cannot be to a permanent institutionalization of healthcare (covering) without being violate of the People’s rights and states’ autonomy about “faith” and even the moral pressures subscribed about the seven deadly sins and their important civic imports.  Obamacare is a civil procedure wreck about the US loose federalism foundation for and in morality by the People.  The First Amendment secures to the People a greater right than for Congress in much if not all of an “interpretation” of God’s will.  It is too atheistic how Obamacare seems actually on a road to be “permanent” as if the Congress otherwise is of the authority to interpret and rule over the People and their spirited communities as to what is an establishment of religion - as to the seven deadly sins and their moral imports and all tenets of religion a ministering is to Power of for at least effective local community based unity with peer pressure.

Our exceptional American establishments are still Constitutionally secured as by the recent DOMA and Same Sex Marriage Supreme Court rulings - our Constitution did with these decisions scroll out a deeper understanding of a lacking of standing for Obamacare if as to a permanent new “institutional” as it is that such has with such shown a fundamental and elemental contrariness of the enduring Right being of the states as to the jurisdiction of the seven deadly sins as writ large to be a or the bulwark of communities, not a nationalism.

American exceptionalism may be of a political jeopardy these days as embraced by editorializing by President Vladimir Putin to be illuminative of President Barack Hussein Obama as maybe too Stalinistic or too of a state secular atheism.  Putin may beat Obama to the elementary and fundamental new messianic of the global trends about a new federalism, however American in historical origin, and so too be again able to punk @BarackObama on the world stage about the American First Amendment limitations as bars for the United States of America from Socialism and Stalinism.

Obamacare by way of the politics of President Obama has been to be a threat to religion and the existential and metaphysical community and social securing for communities as by a structured around religious nodes for sanctuary.

As Thomas Paine grew up a “doubting Thomas” necessarily he somehow came to feel destined or too Jobian of a fate to write large and generally about common sense and effectively fundamentally as seated firstly inescapably from a sensical about pain and a danger from ignoring or doubting pain.  President Obama has been quite too idealistic in a escapist high-falutin as he has steamed up and down our rivers of politics.  There are Siren calls for the ship of Obamacare and unlashed Captain President Obama - he is not allowed to permanently institutionalize a federal power to have people of the Peoples’ secured communities of rights from their Creator where a citizen (now “subject” so (reconstituted) but) can visit a doctor - a National ystem doctor say for a Prozac to over-ride or trump the peer and ministered moral righteous “pressure” of his community and its civic foundations.

Our economics are secured only when fashioned or permitted to still be of the religious sanctuaries as essential and critical nodes of the constituted and consecrated long as enduring and exceptional as “American.”

Obamacare must fall if set now past a taxing right to bully a better way for all forward to a permanent federal institutionalization.  Obamacare is Un-Constitutional for it is violate of the necessary sanctuary for sanctuaries religious by the First Amendment bar of Congress from making any Law that would give it more authority than the People or the states at interpreting the tenets of religion - any establishment of the Founders Christian God - any moral community pressure around “sin” and repercussions due of from just peer pressure by way of a “community” enduring constituted under God and the seven deadly sins. 

The Federal Government by the American Constitution doesn’t have the right to trump the states as per the health of those that have decided to call such their home state.  President Obama by the already existent Supreme Court challenges to the unaffordable Affordable Care Act has only a short term power to bully the states for not having like already competed with Massachusett’s and to a state based more moral covering of all their residents as at least by a Romneycare.

It is troubling that Candidate Governor Mitt Romney too missed the essential importance of sanctuaries religious as critical and fundamental nodes for a workable economic for America - it is remembered that Candidate for President Mitt Romney was too too much too a desire to Un-Consitutionally bully the exceptional American People people.  Mitt Romney deserved to not win the Presidency as soon as he was to promising that he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with Romneycare. 

Romneycare is not a national workable solution either - it is only Constitutionally workable as a state solution. 

And, yes I am still of my reasoned opinion and a faith in it that economically speaking our sanctuaries are fashioned as critical nodes even around healthcare for all morality - that essentially the only just, right & nationally Constitutional “affordable” reformation is to be protestant and regular in practice to a urban and suburban new “community” figuring so as if a Count not a Czar the apropos to a new economics of a COUNTY-WIDE not COUNTRY-WIDE revolutions for healthcare (covering).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:58 am

I am not now harboring - nor have I ever harbored a fugitive Catholic Priest.

William Stringfellow is remember from near three years before he gave up his ghost.  He is remembered for having been a client and he that taught me how to use a weed wacker - his weed wacker.  I was a college student at the time of summer days to work and earn - I was a Villanova University student unaware though of Daniel Berrigan ties to nearby to V.U. King of Prussia - I was willing to work a month to tame his overgrown yards and landscaping after it seemed disloyal or immoral to stay a bike and moped mechanic so summered on Block Island.

Perchance it need not be just in a dream to learn from a once fugitive of the FBI Most Wanted list oddly or not as a Catholic Priest how one old anti-war activist may now judge the hawkish like ‘converted from’ Catholic Secretary John Kerry.  By Wikipedia alone a presence seems still embodied for Daniel Berrigan though born in 1921 - by his Wiki page it may even still be teaching at Fordham University.

Secretary of State John Kerry, however once more seemingly in line with Rome as Catholic, and cats, now have Latin rivals for innocent cuteness in Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.  The more hawkish and like converted and near due excommunication it may seem that former anti-war John Kerry steps these two Latins may only have that they are not Kennedy Democrat Catholics shorting their illuminosities.  It wasn’t long ago that there was a dovish Catholic Senator John Kerry of the Rome writ Iraq posture that Catholic citizens of the United States of America were not called as of the global Catholic family to support Operation Iraqi Freedom - as it seems it was written that Catholics where ever are not as a family set called to intercede in a Muslim country to help save Muslims from Muslims - to help bring Justice to some Muslims as for or from the injusticed of other Muslims.

Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz are now being posted comparatively as LATIN LOVERS more of a MAKE LOVE NOT WARS politics that can rival on YouTube much the cuteness of cats - or at least puppies.  That said:  Senator Rand Paul may have enough coquettishness in a more dovish and prudent playfulness himself in an alternative politics.

It seems there as been a conversion by Secretary of State John Kerry.  I don’t know how Jesuits and any trained and adorned of black robes can justly conflate the anti-war Kerry and the Diplomat Kerry.  It seems that Rome is still frankly of a Catholic family as not set or called of a morality to beckon Christian souls to be heralded to hawkish warring if and when most considerately as if of a problema of a politics to interceding into a Muslim state in a conflict between Muslims.  It seems at this point someone more in the know, say Secretary John Kerry, might explain that there are more Christian souls in jeopardy in Syria than there were in Iraq.

We have by the conversion to most hawkish “Diplomat” he born Catholic of Rome - John Kerry - must be conflicted.  I don’t know past this queriousness a/the religious specificity appropriate to such.  It is that President Obama, his Boss, and the servant of the People presiding anew in the plantation of the White House, may be calling the shots solely politically and irregardless of “moral” traditions but as by “international norms” of a conversion now of his own.

It isn’t with a coquettishness that the lights are bright upon Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (see CV hers).  The new “muscular” “Diplomacy” of the Obama administration by the chairing guidance of her successor Catholic John Kerry begets many to behoove apparent and mystical contradictions.  It is that while the hawkish and converted march of guns of Obama by his loyal Catholic Secretary persist that all souls are confounded about how if it is now necessarily “muscular” in post “Hillary” days than what abomination are the days of Secretary Clinton to be decried of? 

Has the United States of America while of the ‘leadership’ of President Barack Hussein Obama only gotten to such a moral - religious - political pickle by way of Mrs. Clinton “Diplomacy” of lacking in “muscle”?  She has a record - a very public record - that makes in dangerous and inappropriate to proffer her a place to stand or sit each day as if each day is just a new day - and her of no troubles - and her of a clean slate without the reality of the Clintons together of a troubled past.

Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz are now being illuminated and posted comparitively of such an innocence that it is a wonder if they now are not now quite adorable globally as LATIN LOVERS possibly inevitable to be natural new heirs to the mystique and charm at least of Catholic Kennedy Democrats.  It may be that as LATINS, however blooded so, that they will have a Catholic bump and a quite pedestrian and catholic embrace as if parochial and Catholics of the LATIN AMERICAN POPE - The new Pope - Pope Francis.

The hawkish interventionist “Diplomacy” of Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry is seeming of such a conversion for him and his storied anti-war activist past that there is a story somewhere maybe quite near of a threat of excommunication.

For now it is that he is being asked to be more moral than his predecessor Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and to be of a “Diplomacy” less of her abortiveness and misbegotten bastardly “rival” spousaled selfish political machinations.  Both John Kerry and Hillary Clinton seem to have been appointed by President Obama to impossible politics - to duty calls conflicted by them each some of instincts to try to serve at least two Bosses at the same time.

It is hard these days as so much of the fabricated propaganda of the Clintons’ Admin declarations of PEACE before its time lay decimated.  President Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech decried the Clintons quite publicly of his posits of dangers to arise from inaction and avoidance.  It is that President Obama has been quite poetic in his raps on the still rivaling Clintons and methaphorical about their administering of having been too morally flawed as of a political abortiveness as if of the “danger” of his orations writ Nobel to illuminate regarding their years of “inaction” and “avoidance.”

As we have that there seems to be a conversion or momentary weakness about a worshipping of a false and political idol of Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry and as a new “muscular” posture for the servant of the People President Obama - Latins and Catholic Kennedy Democrats are finding it easier to bear witness to a truth that much of the current calls to “morality” have arisen as of a  misbegotten and bastardly conflicted politics of the Clintons - and more of the Clintons personally than generally of a Democrat Party ideological arresting by a stereotyping classification as by “The Clintons’ Administration.”

Hillary Clinton has baggage as a ball and chain to follow her dusk to dawn to work every day.  She isn’t due a “clean slate” each morning as for these are days most trying for too many and of her quite of a denial that she gave birth to so much by her own forensically confirmable political intercoursing.  As long as Hillary Clinton asks to be benefited an innocence and a clean slate because she is like just “still standing” it is immoral, it seems, to not talk about a need for a more hawkish and muscular “Diplomacy” as something at least bastardly theirs as long as they attempt a denial of origins.

Rest in peace William Stringfellow.  You are remembered by many as a very short white guy whom after acquiring a Harvard Law Degree did break bread differently than most of his classed set as elite educated when you took to the street corners of Harlem to bring a equal jurisprudence and practice to its streets and street corners.

Daniel Berrigan - once notorious anti-war FBI most wanted fugitive - and endeared to some how while a Catholic Priest born of the year 1921 - Your Wiki page has you listed as undead and teaching - Daniel Berrigan has John Kerry “lost his stripes”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

Despite which political camp you now find yourself in or towards your President has called you to now start being moral.

As many have long heard of “trying times” President Obama is an usher in farcical times.  We all would be behooved if of tent poles pitched more pedestrian to doubting pains of these times anew of necessity at common sense and general Welfare.  President Obama has staked his cover(s) of lines of a contrariness more as if by knots granny than squared. 

A well suited for the deconstruction of the camps of Clintonomics and Obamanomics seems maybe now either Bill de Blasio or Joe Lhota.  Vladimir Putin while either the insurgent resurgent deputy of President Dmitry Medvedev or as a real “The Leader” of writs official has been of a comity quite considerable of leadership rivalry to President Barack Hussein Obama.

If expansionist State Socialism was defeated by the designs and strategery of President Ronald Reagan with Capitalism it figures that Vladimir Putin, however, the Russian “leader”, was as much or more an expert in the fall of Soviet style Socialism.  There may be comfort in the political camps of Putin’s now in a collective pride that he has proven to be more expert in Soviet Socialism (and its demise - its humbling to more “community” organized relevance) than President Barack Obama.  It seems of an inescapable political philosophical historical that V. Putin knew that B. Obama didn’t have a “Socialism” that could be — It seems too that both may have missed that 2009 was too soon for a “new foundation” renaissance for America and the world economies as it was then that the renaissanced rebirth in the Reagan Revolution inheritance of the Clintons pathological ride was still too young at near only seventeen years old.

The fare of the galleys of the etiquette of the “camp” of Obamanomics is raw with irregularities.  It seems until the urban uprising of a public advocate secured in a reality of his times that is of the colors of the Bill de Blasio camp all have been of conundrums from a contrariness of the entrenchments of the trenchant National Democrat lots.  It seems uncertain for just New York City and its five boroughs now if a Republican or a Democrat is of a more “campy” philosophical for a times where the economies are stalled from a New Nationalism drum beat and march to a centralization in a Socialism.  It seems V. Putin, however Russia’s leader, saw that President Obama as the camp director to a attempt to evangelize and assimilate citizens more as subjects to a New Nationalism and figured that America at most could move nearer to Socialist governance in a break up to six new regional sized appropriately realms.  It seems that where the nationalistic Democrats of the Clintonomics and Obamanomics have failed has been predicable to others more expert on the Reagan Revolution and the defeat of expansionist State Socialism by Capitalism.  It is that by being so bent with their tent polls all pitched on too shifty and slippery philosophical grounds Obama camps have been storm tossed again and again by such more pedestrian and of a more general Historical common sense.  We have that what has been cooked up by President Obama is of a suffrage story that relates it seems to Hillary Clinton for not being a “builder” or a “cook” — it seems that what Hillary has cooked up of all of this, however officially of leading, has been want of her of not having had building or cooking experience.

A learned response to such as well as of a call for a new foundation as if a call for a new renaissance too soon upon the developments of a more successful still young earlier national rebirth is to be considered from a fathoming of the paradigms in play in THE KRUGMAN FALACY at http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  If you find yourself too new to the consideration that V. Putin as a better expert in the fall of expansionist Soviet Socialism and that he knew President Obama’s Socialist agenda was likely to only have economic growth potential if it were not affected more generally than regionally in a new national divide by maybe six new American economic regions it is that maybe you need to visit the satellite blogs off of http://jphogan.org of “myblog” “2012us” & “hogan” and to the extensive reading by keyword and subject sorting three times so by local site searching with: NEW NATIONALISM.

The too nationalistic (Socialist) Democrats of the game change of the 2008 election have been about too freely in a “campy” of the Presidents pitched polling popularity propaganda.  It is that they have taken apart far more than they have built and that they undermined a post Reagan Era economic that was ready to be occupied with a general equity more established - they undermined with their calls for a “new foundation” an economic structure that was ready and more permanently platted.  It is that for now we may be of times where for a decade we have to look at our local and community governments to be more socialistic and to increases in spending and taxing just to fix the decimation that has been affected by the too nationalistic Democrats however loyally of the Clintons’ camps or the Obama camp.

It seems we are all now to a decade of slow growth that will be of a deconstruction of President Obama and his politics and economics and so that locally we are in need of a new generational “campy” of “builders” or “cooks” to fairly fare out so much that was destroyed as a New Nationalism was wrought at least so as foundationally unwise for at least another decade.

We have that President Obama is now committed in his politics at Morals of his call for solidarity that is of him asking people to start being moral with him.  A base line for a new “campy” political, however partisan, now must be that if to Morals and of the general Welfare Posterity of the Constitution of the United States of America it follows that your tent polls can either be set as that the Clintons were moral or that President Obama is now being moral - it is to be un-covered much still how they cannot both in Posterity of common sense of pedestrian doubting and pains be right - be moral.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:17 am

Because of Bill Clinton - President William Jefferson Clinton - it is most improbable now that any national Democrat can offer a bi-partisan road forward.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton oddly, for her purported “feminism”, is secured it seems as FLOTUS Hillary of the Clinton Foundation - as First Lady of the Clintons’ global initiatives.

Because of the partisan political first steps of the Clinton administration per the Middle East as it dates to the Year of the Founders’ Lord one thousand nine hundred and Ninety three the politics of the People of the United States of America are undermined.  President Clinton is remembered for a lawyer trickery like a used car salesman of the lower ranks of strategery for pushing lemons as sound vehicles. 

The threat reports of the United States as per the Middle East and our long history of Cold War involvements are yet corrected or properly of sufficient factoring for the variables related to the first move of the Clinton administration with a group of Middle East leaders so of he requesting that they contractually agree to just blame all ‘anti-American’ sentiment and justifications on Republicans.  It was a cheap trick to akin to the low ranks of thought stereotypes for used car salesmen.  It is a wrench still in the gears of the foreign affairs of the United States and as well all “intelligence” derived within.  It is that President Clinton is remembered for locking in a group of Middle East leaders to not blame him or Democrats for any or all of the Cold War years, at least, and to give him a clean slate - and that such to him was for a way to then avoid the action and commitment for the US relationships that better would have been with him to working to resolve in lieu of just blaming.

A slippery slope or an impossible oil slick for even a pedestrian navigation of current US relations across the Middle East is much the crash lawyering trickery of President Clinton akin to his reputation as “Slick Willy” for it seems having a slippery fork tongued (disbarred) esquired willingness to stand and present himself of an innocence while more of a guilt.

The people of the Middle East are of an honor and pride themselves in being honorable for their sense of honor.  The leaders of the Middle East seem foremost among those that pride themselves on being honorable for their sense of honor. 

President Clinton’s crass cheap tricks in politics to bias history of his first year and first steps developed to be much lacking in honor.  President Clinton’s “diplomacy” haunts now our foreign relations and ability to properly interpret intelligence — He as remembered so was to trapping a people of their sense of honor in a contract he then enforced to his selfish purposes and in ways that then held other “leaders” to a performance to keep up their end of his “bargain” to just blame Republicans. 

This is remembered while remembering also that such fits with my first bad first impression of Bill and Hillary from the early 1970s in the year or two before Watergate.  I have known Bill and Hillary since their law school days for it was that they polled my as a young youth to whether they could both become President of the United States of America some day.  It is remembered that from my first meeting of Bill Clinton I found him willing to lie and as well to ask a near first grader to lie to and in support of his lying as to what such’s God’s honest answer was to his querying.

There is a much longer story in the how and why of their rise in the 1992 election cycle for me to tell in coming years as of how for all the leading help they got from me after my initial guidance to Democrats as to how they could win in 1992 it was that much that came from me that has long benefited the Clintons after getting on such a wagon of mine was long firstly figured otherwise to be to protecting people from them specifically.  For now let me just say that though I did tell them that if they entered and learned how to sound like me they could win, and, that I wasn’t intending my help and guidance for Democrats to be enough to get them elected.  I was meaning to make sure President Bush had an actual credible opponent in the 1992 race and hadn’t figured the entrance of Ross Perot.  I was of my original opinion of the Clintons then and yet helping them to seem more electable than even I thought they were as a matter in my mind about national security.  I was of such opinions and a hope to flush these two out for a single use as disposable politicians.

On the honor of the code of honor honorable among the people and leaders whence and now of the Middle East it is that our systems are still corrupted by the first steps and the performance President Clinton insisted upon as per the improper “contract” he worked so of a promise that only Republicans would be blamed for the past problems and that too he would have it interpreted that such promise was to avoid blaming him as long as he was still in office.

There is very little honor in this as how President Clinton (the Clintons) can be remembered.

As for our story and how it was of years and decades of Bill and Hillary checking in while of their political plotting at times of wondering if ‘that charming boy from the school yard’ was of thinking they then were trying to go too far - we have a special relationship - and especially special relationship since so much good I worked was actually firstly figured in parts to be bulwarks against them and their shared plotting.  It is ridiculous how they are still too well considered for “successes” that only came to be from work long as prophylactics against them.  It is ridiculous but how when I stopped protecting us and them from themselves they weren’t even then able to defeat the near unknown junior peer of Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race.  I have comfort in my knowledge of the decades about such conflicted politics of how I did help and then not help in order to asses and know how when I helped them they looked good or great and when I withheld pro-active voluntary efforts they mostly stumbled and bumbled.

There is an honor I hope in my years of work after my efforts at knowingly helping the Clintons seem better and more electable than even I thought they were for it of voluntary and proactive work to many years and trying times at then a business too “proactive” and “voluntary” to mediate and reduce the risks of and from the Clintons if and when left to be themselves politically.  There is that after they were unexpectedly elected (for the lack of a factoring of Ross Perot) I thought I had a responsibility to keep trying to save Democrats from themselves to then save what could be saved of the People more generally.

Essentially it may be the worst of Bill Clinton as “Slick Willy” that he proceeded as President in foreign policy that not only asked the Middle East to bias history with sole blaming of Republicans for all that was wrong but to then put them on their honor to continue just blaming the Republicans for all those years that the Clinton Administration’s avoidance and inaction was diabolical “politics” actually of his hands not Republicans. 

It is so also remembered and due finally a dealing with that while holding such some remembered Middle East leaders to he secured promise to not blame him or Democrats he was then firstly of his work to have such be a contract also of a promise that with such would be a promise to not attack America - The homeland of the United States of America - about such as they were to just blame Republicans about - as long as he was still in office.

Syria now presents and opportunity for the known world and all of the United States of America to get the history and politics of their times all wrong anew.  These days are the days we need to open a dialogue about what did and has gone wrong because President Clinton thought his “lawyering” trickery of his reputation of short of honor as “Slick Willy” could provide a foundations for lasting understanding and lasting growth.

It is that I just hope that how the 911 Commission work has been flawed from their start and so about a “prudence” proffered, however, as if looking back just ten years to understand Al Qaeda would be intelligent or telling isn’t of a politics of the Clintons at a lobbying about such to keep the Government of the United States of America from looking far enough back - to looking just back 12 -14 years - to looking just back to the conception/birth of Al Qaeda - to looking far enough back to clearly unearth a (legally) buried “contracted” culpability or just gross negligence.

It is that it seems while near another anniversary of the attacks of 9/11 by Al Qaeda it figures most simply that we got attacked because President Clinton had failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein even just for his invasion of Kuwait.  It is slippery more though and still how our paths for an understanding as it now is needed most with Syria conflicts stirring are of risks for a lack of understanding that President Clinton actually spent his eight years trapping Middle East leaders, as remembered, on their honor of his worked promise to just blame Republicans and to not be to any attacks on the homeland of the US while he was still President.

It is simply now also important to consider and debate how it seems the attacks of 9/11/2001 were planned and prepared for for years before those first months of the Administration of  George W. Bush and as it was that globally those times were of an expectation that the next President of the United States was most likely to be Al Gore.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:41 am

Uncle Sam recruitment:
- - - VOLUNTEER NOW! - - -

The Armed Forces of the United States of America are battle worn, tired and depleted.  President Barack Hussein Obama has a case for flexing of moral authority at least now as per Syria as by its current leader Bashar al-Assad.  It wouldn’t be prudent for our Congress to authorize action along the lines of the moral persuasion of a President without seriously being to midnight oil burning at considerations about refreshing its forces.

A few good men and women are needed.  Those most ready but on the sidelines yet enlisted are much those as of the BOYZ N THE HOOD.  President Obama, just in his Chicago, has neighborhoods and neighborhoods full of those already conditioned to a home life - daily life - that would otherwise have to be drilled or trained into others.  Is Obama’s moral stand and red line on Chemical Weapons prosecutions their CALL TO GLORY?

There are “moral” and “legal” obstacles to “recruiting” based on such - of a ready and able set of already sensitized to turf sensitivities and of a gun culture while it also a selection based too much also on racial superiorities.

President Obama is at the threshold of a new frontier for American engagements in global policing.  He is at the doorstep of a need for a new type of Army - a new readiness for a urban attrition warfare secured by need in a morality his - to be justified by him, now, and forever. 

These are not the days to hear of a propaganda like as “O’S DIRTY 300″ but as of honor and a call to duty.

In America the already most ready for this new type of warfare by its President’s spoken to morality just happen to be conjested mostly already in urban areas of America’s largest cities as areas sometimes to often left to be stereotyped as “hoods.”  If the President cannot now refresh the Army and infantry of the United States with those of the already developed most needed skill sets by volunteerism it seems a new draft will be necessary in a cautious preparedness.

If the President moves on Assad for his violations of international norms he and we citizens won’t be able to skirt his red line and its (presumptive) standing of the United States as of a higher and greater morality.

The honor and calling of military service has long been a way up in ones community and nation’s eyes.  It would be better if the United States of American can continue and persist still now forward with an all volunteer armed forces. 

Chicagoan Barack Obama, as President, is a foot in a new march to establish a great moral authority and legacy for himself.

What our Armed Forces are now lacking or tired of is likely mostly that which exists habitually and homogeneously in at least the largest of the urban concentrations of loyal Democrat Party “hood” black neighborhoods.

To now be to grand headlines of great urban (attrition) warfare victories of a new BOYZ OF THE HOOD rendition is much where it seems President Obama is leading us.  A header of “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be prejudged henceforth not as if he emptied the prisons to fight his wars - to stand up his morals globally — it as well shouldn’t be a slight for the color of their skin.  A “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be of a glory and praise for volunteers of the Obama morality now forward for of a courage and endurance of a readiness and willingness to do the hard (dirty) work of peace making.

It may or may not help that today in these journeys of man it is truer that Jesus was a black man up from Africa too and as well of the original “Adam” of our stories of humanity of an “Eden” firstly of the African continent.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:54 am

As we are near into the breach again - however “morally” now indeterminate - it is appreciable that President Barack Hussein Obama would now be a better servant of the peoples if he had forgone his Harvard Law degree but for a Harvard Divinity doctorate.

We can see him of his youthful Hawaiian “surf’s up” random whimsy as if of having grown up with a surf board shackled 24-7 to his ankle however branded by his Sex Wax — as if a pod racer named DARTH HUSSEIN.

He seems post occidental as a bigger Kahuna these days that try so many souls with the suffrage and suffering about his (inconvenient) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We are of tides and ebbs cycling with the youthful idealism of @BarackObama where his ends are supposed to be able to justify (eventually) his means.

As of the estranged racism of his pacific black man rights of passage “Barry” was maybe more a greaser than establishment and yet while accepted by the color of his skin as if more a native local just with funny hair.  Seems.  I can attest that he by near 11th grade had a competitive interest in oratory of at least President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and that for a declaration of war infamy related to some of the surprised history of the Hawaiian islands.

His “sled” his “pod racer” however named for he as a  DARTH HUSSEIN dark force “surf’s up” idealist may have had him less of time warps and warp speed as still of the era of pedestrian raciness less “back in the saddle” and more “doggy paddle” beach bum.  He may have howled at the moons and danced hung by leis with time in between to honor the fallen of Pearl Harbor and the Pacific campaigns of World War II - at least — he was/is still though of the “ebony and ivory” the “salt and pepper” of his parents stories as so conceived a Russian Studies LOVE CHILD “Barry Obama” - American.

He hasn’t purported a “morality” of a modern struggle against an axis of evil - he hasn’t recused himself from his personal story of a divided home that for his youthful reflections likely had him pining for a Socialist Soviet styled America as if it were the only way to bring his parents - his “ebony and ivory” - his “salt and pepper” - his “black and white” - back together. 

We are at the yet unwritten chapters of his memoirs, oddly, that should have most much concerned as to who Barack “Barry” Hussein Obama really is.  It really seems that at least we all could feel safer and believe he has a plan better if he had a Harvard Divinity Doctorate and not his Harvard Law JD.  He up to now has seems lacking in a philosophy of governance or a call to a general “morality” but to a politically rendered pop New Nationalism evangelizing towards secular Socialism.

Who is “Barry” the wave rider racer likely accepted in Hawaii as if a native just with funny hair?  How long did he paddle - paddle necessarily doggy styled to try to be a big Kahuna?  Did he yet catch enough wave before he was Senator Obama to be said to have HUNG TEN?  Is he from his troubled youth of his split family of a pining to be again firstly of the love as a SOVIET STUDIES LOVE CHILD of such “ebony and ivory” - “salt and pepper” - “black and white”?

For the sake of political simplicity it behoove many to broach the waxing of President Barack Hussein Obama as per Syria as SPLASH than a STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK.  We have that the Middle East used to have been subjected to a over-lording some as the United States of America fought many places and many ways to stem the attempts by the U.S.S.R. to reign an expansionist State Socialism across the seven seas.  Syria of today can be said to be one of those places that has lost its global cache with the end of the Cold War and the retreat of Obama’s endearing Soviet Socialism.

There are histories now contrary to histories and oddly yet coexistent as if both or all could be true and accurate.

President Obama didn’t catch the waves of the defeat of his endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.

There are stories to be told of how President Barack Hussein Obama and the lot of the Clintons’ “two-fer” BOGO political machinations bet the boards and tides too much to the very crashes of the years of suffering under the idealism effected with the Democrats of the Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  He may be “successful” for having whipped enough - for having whipped so many so long and severely such that he has affected a new leaner “American” that is of the worked for conditioned response to be to eating less - spending less - saving more of his Green Energy Agenda of a “Vader” quality some too much for having put the earth and its environment above the people and their humanity.

He must have been a young dandy of a youth.  How did he paddle - how often did he paddle?  How keen and/or bright were his stands at trying to stay upright and moral while young “Barry” Obama?

As he nears us to a breach anew it is that he seems nearer to accepting that expansionist State Socialism was defeated by Capitalism and Reagan Revolution political activism and endurance.  He nearly seems a new man - not quite “born again” but now more cautious and suspicious of that of his old most endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.  He has to be torn internally with such a American story — but it is that Al Qaeda may have felt justified in attacking the United States of America because of the abandonment (of principles) and inaction and avoidance of the Clintons’ administering for it of having provided an insufficient prosecution of Saddam Hussein (as like an earlier Assad - as a new Hitler (lite)).

Assad is like a Saddam Hussein as a Middle East secular dictator who couldn’t or wouldn’t change with the world when the world reset to a new order after the end of the Cold War as it was with Afghanistan a Gettysburg turning point of it.  They are like of the history of Ba’athism some together - they both seemed to some have “perverted” the original idealism of the Ba’athist ideologicals to be towards a beautiful unity of all Arabs into a United Arab Socialist State.  (I still lean on the book by Alan Hart - ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER — when speaking to the history of the Ba’athist Party and to suggestions that its Socialistic ideology would and could be perverted by ‘politicians’ for more selfish and tyrannical ends.)

We are decades from the days “Barry” Obama however torn and challenged as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD waxed his days away on the tides of the then news and issues of the days.  He seems now of days to paddle anew a dandy of a freer way for the tides are lifting with federalism debates and new Constitutions in the winds. 

Today who is President Barack Hussein Obama - is he a fresh American dandy or too much a DARTH HUSSEIN?

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