
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:29 pm

Pick up your sense of time and place.

We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.

It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.

In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.

In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.

Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.

We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?

We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.

Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?

To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.

A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.

His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.

Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”

A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.

In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.

Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.

A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.

Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.

A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.

I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.

One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.

The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.

By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.

President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.

Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.

The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.

The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.

To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.

Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.

Harvard, God is not dead!

We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.

Harvard, God is not dead!

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.

E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?

Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.

Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.

What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.

The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.

Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.

It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.

Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.

By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.

Harvard, God is not dead!

Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.

Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.

Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.

Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.

A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.

As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.

Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.

Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!

Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.

Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.

I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.

My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.

Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.

There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.

Harvard, God is not dead!

And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Now, especially, serial students:

A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.

Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.

I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.

Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.

Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?

We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!

The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!

And, of to score in present time:

The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?

By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?

And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?

What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?

Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!

Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?

Harvard? God is not dead?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:33 pm
     As the existential threat seems of the essence & vibe of Speaker Pelosi much affecting like a big bee loose in a car of any driving while white or black: Happy New Year 2022: Let us nail down some of the historical problems of President Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong, & President Joe Biden bumbling on & on misunderstanding our new Civil War.
     It has been said that Joe Biden is scientifically incapable of any moral high ground.
     The Clintons have many problems & now how Joe Biden can’t even rank 42, 43, 44 to any scientific standard without himself being to self-incrimination to party to illegal cover-ups on far worse than Watergate - far worse than President Richard Nixon is just also a stinger likely ready.
     The coming elections for  2022 & 2024 must set out a field of battle of battle lines of troops - politicians positions - mapped out like John Madden long gave play analysis. A “TRUST THE SCIENCE” scope is due for many sciences from economics to behavioral sciences. These forward days are dangerous if any not behooved to study any party horsepower, and righteousness per candidate where ever seated. A ranking of 42, 43, 44, 45 in deep data with secured processes is extremely now necessary to frame in any understanding for concurrent o 46.
     President Joe Biden is predisposed to get it all wrong by he is of an intra-party civil warring for legacies between Clintons & Obamas where for which ever existential threat flying around there is historically to many contradictions to much the real problem is either Clinton or Obama can have been right but not both Clinton & Obama.
     While sadly the first self-proclaimed “First Black President” later did much punk all 8 years the first “Half Black President” also a self-proclaimed “First Black President” old white President Joe Biden has problems apparently operative in a history of “Black Lives Matter” as near known for seemed to have sold out to DNC from started as a protest against President Barack Obama as was failing blacks to activism martialed to riotous yet firstly to attempt to protect a billion dollar global brand potential for the Obamas.
     A worst education curriculum to be seen would be if especially black youths are not allowed to and encouraged to study the many mistakes of President Barack Obama. Scientifically First Lady Dr. Biden has a professional obligation - to all sciences & analysis logical from on real data - to be inconvenient to President Joe Biden attempts to claim the USA is more in a state of Civil War than even intra-party to Democrats Party.
     Otherwise beyond any new “Civil War” claimant must deeply probe & resolve around facts & collateral issues of President Bill Clinton much got the end of the Cold War wrong there simple stings to escape of firstly seeing a civil war means there two sides and language & terms disagreed upon dividing & amounting to one side must be more “REBELS” than the other. In these times it is complicated by simply in air of that Democrats are the party of anti-Constitution rebellions.
      To drive the issues, however white or black, there is while driving black each even more relevant in 2022 & to 2024 as there the divide in perversion of “democracy” where President Joe Biden party is at least of common cause to claims for “democracy” while more firstly of movements of the Left for authoritarian powers & while duplicitous & bifurcating to likewise be more for herding subjects to be counted as voted for a ruling class, than of real democracy as for the people as of the people. Democrats misuse “democracy” to be of their oppression & as citizens left more just subjects trapped under a tyranny of elites wanting authority to be only can discern what is “for” the people.
     Republicans have been offering fresh air and freedoms of old where individual liberty of rights from one’s Creator is the essence & vibe of 2nd Amendment “a free state” lingua franca. Likewise consider E PLURIBUS UNUM civilly is also erudite & common sense to we by how united pluribus are each to each of other an individual an unum of rights from their Creator.  There is a war inter-party a war on many other words too that amounts to a more networked CIVIL WAR with only the Republicans accurately reading the plain language that is the actual Laws of our Land.
     First though let us be prepared:
     President Joe Biden is incapable of ranking even just 42, 43, 44 without self-incrimination to he was as 2020 candidate Joe Biden yet unfit for office before election day. I will leave now for later that as President he effectively is impeachable for unbecoming conduct within his political predicaments of can’t honestly posture due there is a civil war intra-party to his Democrats web. The Clintons did punk Obama all 8 years and when real probative occurs it should much indict the Clintons - as selfish intimate collaborators - of pertinent variables in data rich histories of got the end of the Cold War wrong - thus the USA transition to being a sole superpower - thus too with veins of their self-evident white pride more broadcast finally as beyond the pale for these times and monumental due deconstruction.
    President Joe Biden is beyond it a “Biden Gaffe” that his official utterances tagged nation as in a NEW CIVIL WAR for it is his own party rebellious and the side of two which is ant-Constitution. The Clintons’ “post-Constitution” schemes were always anti-Constitution ploys and sadly still networked devoid a real networked & broadcast dissection of how stung many with their machinations in a white pride with how so much fronted as if for blacks was yet by them back doored set up to fail in classic & hybrid structural racism even self-evident in the color of their library as for Posterity in phallic/gun shape & in “Confederate Gray” structural building skin.
     There can be no “trust the science” level playing field for the contested on inter-party war of words until real play by play detailed on Democrats driving politics while white & too while driving black.
     Americans now are of a new frontier - especially for blacks patriotic consumption - of we now have the black existentialism of we have now all much also been betrayed, as unum & in plural by a black president.
     President Joe Biden can’t heal the stings of too many now driving about with like a big bee flying around in their car, and as defensively rebellious to the very protections against tyranny secured in Constitution plain language the Democrats are at war with, & while the Republicans still amass to counter Government upon.
     We need start, perchance, with confessions in how the Clintons so long publicly uttered upon “post-Constitution” schemes that were admittedly anti-Constitution that they self-identified as of textbook treason.
     We need end this war by firstly expecting President Joe Biden to fight the war of words intra & inter party.
     We must parse the language deeply to the roots of discord are of Democrats even more than bi-polar to tri-polar defying any simple bifurcation scientific.
     Since President Joe Biden has offered there must be two sides & one side more REBELS as more anti-Constitution there also prima facia evidence in how both Bill & Hillary by choice took Bill’s middle name “Jefferson” in pride of the old South Jefferson Davis, he by name change & she by marriage to he yet born William Blythe III.  The Clintons also diabolically moved into private residence in Washington DC after self-proclaimed a “First Black President” to their address on Whitehaven Place, Road, or Street.  The Clinton Foundation graphic in logo & flag is imperial art like Hitler Nazi Swastika flag; The CGI circle of stars is homage to old flag of the South while imperial like Nazi banner as of a circle like a globe to be dominant - not humble.
     Are you with President Joe Biden with the Obamas as with the Clintons while the white pride figures of them as it long - however passive aggressive racism - okay to politic with blacks as okay to respect black populace as evolved as long as whites allowed in same years & eras to be of pronounced also more evolved & even evolved enough to still be firstly a master class type?
     Might we hope whatever the January 6th 2021 patriots motives were as per a stolen election it hold ups that they were patriotic and engaged in a great battle to fight the dark side of the Democrats - the real REBELS of our time’s worst racism, & structural racism methodologies?  Might we hope that people accept President Joe Biden pronouncements of that our worst problems are in Democrats run metropolitan areas as more firstly of failures of Democrats on Democrats than that troubling also of “Black on Black” problems?
                                      *     *     *     *     *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:26 am

Welcome aboard! - the new year 2020.

We have much to discuss to achieve a potential for parity - comity in polity - just among Democrats.

The Democrats general liberal progressive definition of success is part of how President Trump is succeeding where otherwise President Obama at least failed blacks.

We can progress hardly further with it a primary general consideration for Democrats’ qualities debates if we do not all - a bipartisan “all” - face facts and realize it is high time to discuss how many crimes the Clintons committed against the Obama threat.

A basic truth of President Obama, his definition of success, to the dynamics of his legacy becomes daily more apparently of a valuation to it easily said “he failed blacks”.  The real crime in this - American crime - is maybe more of that of the stories of the Clintons rivalry as phat with crimes against Barack H. Obama.

The Clintons & Obama have both at least failed blacks with their American crimes of a definition of success as shared some of so much as if life is about TRY TO GET TO HARVARD & then accept your station for life as failed if didn’t go to Harvard.

As Michelle Obama is of Princeton & Harvard, & Barack Obama of a starter college then Columbian & Harvard it is they were supposed to be safe from crimes by Clintons of Hillary Clinton of just Wellesley & Yale, & Bill Clinton of Georgetown & Yale. But alas the Clintons essentially punk’d President Obama all 8 years.

To get “Trump” one must ponder the conundrum of his degree is more of Hard Knocks U. of learned Hospitality from the ground up and quite to of leaned on Apostle Paul of Bible said of capitalism - win win economics of parties to each deal later should be able to tip hats to each other in passings - as near ‘to have growth (economics) people must be able to sing together’.

President Donald J. Trump victory over #CrookedHillary was firstly much as was of unknown Senator Barack H. Obama vs #InevitableHillary of there just was enough support for one a THE UN-CLINTON.

It is now for all those emotional intelligence mid day television shows to bring up the battles between that for a legacy for the Clintons as versus what then left to be a legacy for the Obamas. There is more than the criminal essence of vibe of blackmail truly in the deep story of Clintons somehow made the first black American President accept their insubordination and real rivalry to he had to share his was so, because of Clintons, a house divided and he stuck of a team of rivals.

It so seems since Obamas have Harvard degrees & Clintons merely Yale degrees that something of a subterfuge was active to that of it still seems criminal how Clintons were able to have “rivals” status by it seems blackmailing a first black President yet before of hardly but one speech, and, a one speech most still don’t know he was to plagiarizing in its oration.

2020 is the year to see clearly this opposition to Republican Donald J. Trump, as he tries to be enlightened as also a #ModernRepublican, is yet of his is more #MoralsTrumpHate than #LoveTrumpsHate by the regularity of historical significance of LOVE is a concept of MORALS and we must get past the Clintons crimes of long worked anti-Constitution to too much success at having moved nation too far towards a Natural State & more a government by man - from better secured & just for all of government by laws.

The mid day television shows especially for female audiences with triggers for emotional intelligence engagement must now field the contested between especially Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama on just the FEMINISM roots.

This must be some how to at least be beyond blue areas as zones of ignorance, still, and to how this must also be proffered through to an erudite rendition for institutional copacetic of that Michelle Obama of Harvard is supposed to have been thus established as higher & better than Hillary Clinton of Yale - despite it seems her victim - their victim.

This is no time to talk about the HOPE of #RepublicanMovement as brought back government by laws with Donald J. Trump a joined & accepted leader so more of #MoralsTrumpHate.

To be brief, and forward more brief in 2020, we must first look at the apparent true crimes by Clintons against Obamas, and nation, as American crimes as contrary in essence to constituted protections.

The Clintons seems to have so grossly violated spirit & law of the Emoluments Clause - Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - such to that there is logically real legal jeopardy - far beyond their uttered long much confessions of textbook treason of utterances of “post Constitution” - in that of emoluments laundering by ploy coy of chicanery of play their cards devilishly as if emolument to Clintons could just be called “charity” instead.

It figures since of a Constitution clause that the violation of such triggers that then therefore the Clintons did forfeit and nullify any immunity from prosecution due of emoluments violations - and even any diplomatic immunity.

Blacks still have to fit into Democrats view of success of for most of them they have to accept they failed to get to Harvard & thru Harvard or a lesser still top school and have such lock them to a status their fate for life?

But firstly this new year of 2020 we must see to that it is raised and worked through how Hillary Clinton rivalry of Obamas too was of crimes against Michelle Obama - at least to women and FEMINIST causes shared sister to sister?

Right!  Let us see economy is working from one more of a Hospitality Degree from Hard Knocks U. by he sees American polity in common sense parity from comity with #MoralsTrumpHate - with reset to government by laws?

 *     *     DARE WE ASK THE NEEDED QUESTIONS?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:49 am

The civility of the summer of 2018 needn’t be about beating up on women and blacks as election 2018 midterms should be more squared off on how Trump beats Bill Clinton.

As we try to move past these alarming betrayals by officers of the courts as Clinton libs of Justice and FBI brass the heart of our matters do toe in justly as much ado about an evil in Bill Clinton.

A crisis in our democracy extant is illustratable and graphically with a late but long due accounting of Bill Clinton as of actually bad and diabolical politics.

The beats are up - let us now drop this story - let our summer be viral for trued justice!

Correctly we can go deeper than cross and bitter at the revealed associated scandalous of Bill Clinton head to protégé Anthony Weiner and wing man and fixer Harvey Weinstein as such of today’s dropping but adds shade and coloring to how the Clintons so regularly crossed our lines.  The picture should be clear enough to convict Bill Clinton as quite diabolical and to therefore never quite the man he was sold and packaged as time and time again.

Let us not forget what President “Hollywood” Bill Clinton did to Baltimore!

For Justice, despite troubled Chicago of close accomplice in Mayor Rahm Emanuel, starting with a case study of Baltimore will deeply rap a fated to HELL, it seem still, for Bill Clinton and how he administered for real crime/true crime in such major city.

A moral conundrum persists in the souls stirring sad story as seems President Clinton was afraid of seeming “too good” a President (person generally) and to therefore was willing to sell out Baltimore for a Hollywood pal so to have a blockbuster hook-up for real crime and true crime homicide as wired and anchored television.

Oh YEH - you are starting to see a different Bill Clinton - a real Bill Clinton - and as to it self evident such trued Bill Clinton has a rap of corrupted ranks of Justice while promoting himself while afraid of being a leader “too good” a person.

This is the Bill Clinton I have sensed since of a bad first impression in the early 1970s while he and Hillary were just out walking in my neighborhood as coed cohorts of Yale Law School days.

These stories of criminal behaviors associated through many he promoted to be of his team, in domestic collusion at least, have much to answer for which they should not get immunity for as times call for them to also tell us of this real Bill Clinton.

The names Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok are hardly enough to fill out the rap sheets we yet should be dropping shade on today!

The sold Bill Clinton unexpected 1992 rise was ahead of schedule to the ambitions of Bill and Hillary and by so does expose their plots to now an easier prosecuting to at least clearly indicted as diabolical in the court of public opinion they voluntarily changed venue to by candidacies.

More simply:  The Clintons’ schemes, frauds, and cons have been slowed down enough from suffice of popular energy needed to keep their diabolical compromises cloaked.

Personally, of my bad first impressions dropped story, it is that I have known their engagement was cored around a collusion intimate to be together from Yale forward to become each of an own Presidency as firstly ambitious to like become the most powerful lawyers alumni of Yale.

How Bill Clinton sold out Baltimore as while afraid to seem “too good” yet for of “community policing” backed for those leaders locally effective proponents for New York City and New Haven, Connecticut, plus, is almost as revealing as how they tried as they were leaving the White House to get big banks and banker pals to fork out near a million a year for sought near penthouse suites for his “foundation” in another tower on 57th Street - Not Trump Tower but that above the Russian Tea Room of as Carnegie Hall Tower.

Despite ethics - Senate ethics - for Senator Hillary Clinton as the due concern for peoples of New York protection from banks Bill Clinton after failed to get G.A.O. okay to hook taxpayers did, as I recall, pressure banking pals to pay such rent as like thanks for all the money he made them by forcing/pushing them into derivates gambling as only way to deal with his irresponsible economics of diabolical politics of having his surpluses by cutting 2 Trillion dollars at the same time pimping hyper consumerism and tricking peoples to committing to risky mortgages and to spending more than they had and ability to afford.

A devilish Bill is the true Clinton - the real Bill Clinton!

Though Weiner, Weinstein and other loyalists provide shade and color to how they crossed the lines we have midterms ahead at much of the work of cleaning out the ranks of “officers” of our courts who partied to and with these moral compromises as the political partisan standard operating procedures of the kept cloaked said “good” Bill Clinton.

The President who became saved by Harlem after all this - after failed to hook the taxpayers, thanks to the G.A.O., and failed to further bend the banks to his diabolical power scheming is so illustratable as a devilish character, likely fated to HELLISH for eternity, with how he was willing to use his power as President with Justice and walls of separation, at least, at the Bureau - The Federal Bureau of Investigation - to let Hollywood television pals profit grossly off a willingness to deprive Baltimore the revolutions in policing and community improvements he otherwise inherited good will with for of at least New York City and New Haven, Connecticut. 

Bill Clinton’s worst is of stories to drop of how his avoidance and inaction can be tagged as quite criminal while severely morally compromised!

Sadly the foreign aspects of so much that went bad does too relate for there is a commonality to Bill Clinton likewise a common denominator by storying how principally he chose avoidance and inaction instead of moral leadership particularly as around Saddam Hussein and simmering unrest known of Al Qaeda.

It is of the diabolical - the devilish - of Bill Clinton that historians and students must consider and try to fathom the reason chain as regards.  Globally President Clinton was more as was compromised for pals to profit off selling Baltimore as of true crime than he was as loyal and of integrity with the bravery for community policing revolution.

Notable for Posterity is a common denominator of for studious to affirm that Bill Clinton policies towards Iraq showed he was not an intelligent believer in “community policing” and allowed his fattened ranks t cloak and bury leads and stories from dropping on the commonality to so much that went south as of his diabolical deplorable moral compromises is as is/was evident of that the mistakes he made showed that he was never a believer in the “community policing” where even it was allowed.

Bill Clinton did not act alone!  What did they know?  When did they know it?

The path to indictments by old adage of “follow the money” convicts this time around more as to criminal by studies and affirmation to that he - Bill Clinton - is crooked by where didn’t let money go and actively worked to stop money from going.

Such a deplorable and diabolical President we had never had before and pray never get near to having again.  There are women and blacks beaten likewise (Mrs. Clinton & Barack Obama, at least) and due also to be accepted and notable as fallen.  Bill Clinton is still though their king - the king pin we need drop truth & light upon.

So true, for starters, is the rap that “Harlem saved President Bill Clinton!” for if not for the Harlem zip code as the Clinton Foundation ‘hood awful stories would have been regular news of a horrible leader ensconced in offices high up in a tower on 57th Street in NYC.  Only because Bill Clinton was dragged almost in tears to having to call Harlem home is it that the Clintons have even survived to now! - remember he asked bankers to pay his downtown near penthouse suite rent as thanks for his forced/pushed them into derivates - the huge (#YUGE) profits gross before the fall - the crash - the crashes - the economics that prevented a recovery due too much consumer confidence lost.

  *     *     WHERE WERE WOODWARD & BERNSTEIN?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:24 am

Hillary Clinton has done it - Hillary has so broken the Faberge egg there is now nothing beautiful left in Russian made?

As spring turns to summer in these associated united states of the Americas we may be passed the primacy of “women and children first.”  The price of her lies is the unsettled - the set asunder.

Between God and HR there is a commutable factoid of she, Mrs. Clinton, insisted on a subordinate roll on President Clinton’s staff.

What now is not a consumable aspect of American history of a negative story is of HR a “star” a “leading lady” yet as the revealed core a responsible antagonist?

Fertile fields for republic lay to juxtapose the HR - Hillary Rodham - (accidental?) gross destructive - even as while subordinate staff to WJC she can be tag’d an intimate to primal to how much her man’s reign set asunder/ruined.

While “candidate Hillary” HR closeted her regular near uniform fashion that, quite to fashionistas, is appropriately label’d “Mao Chic” before “pants suit.”

What that HR set asunder is not now of short enough political half life to be restored/regrown from in relatively concurrent space-time?

We progress now of our fate is turned from coy ploy chicanery of Liberals synonymous to “textbook treason” and to now less under their perverted to for government of laws turned to government by men to of then “movement” passions of “Republican Movement.”

The Democrats too with HR’s constitutional perversions did bring these united states of the Americas nearest to the brink of nuclear war than Fidel Castro and John Kennedy managed.

May we now keep happy gardens - each to their desire and time - to reflect we survived a worst generation rabble rebels of 60’s & 70’s becometh the experienced/witnessed leaders - the destructive and core malcontents.

As Donald Trump, President, and Mike Pence, Vice President, further the massive undertaken to turn us back from such brink gardens and manicured golf courses can be appreciated hallmarks of republic’s constitutional values proofed of deep enough roots.

Yes!  HR - “Hillary Rodham” prime - can be said to have been key and behind a great deal of the unsettled and set ruined, - and while as a woman coldly ambitious of enabled by offices.

Yes, HR’s personal old fashion was foretelling - but yet while “pants suits” was too overlooked as styled fashion firstly of Mao - “Mao Chic” postured.

As our republic recovers with Trump/Pence firstly movement figures leaders liberating citizens from over 25 years of coerced and manipulated to more existentially merely suppressed to just “subjects” we yet only recently walk a majority sufficiently enlightened cursorily to streaming threads real news of that HR - as declared “rival” - did much PUNK the first black President elected by republic.

If you are now in your rights a citizen and you know you are a citizen it becometh for Posterity that you join yourself to the from turned “subject” fully back to your home is your castle and our work is of reconstituting our gardens (as of #USC198 Emoluments Clause of “none shall be titled”).

As Thomas Jefferson opined - in continuity with his sworn upon the alter of our Lord his eternal hostility to all tyranny over the minds of men - we have HR and her associated partisan long of the intended perversions to our constituted Peoples’ “Order” to have that a “constitutional revolution” ”may be needed every 20 years” still of that - to founding - of that any those self serving too towards such behoove conscious any failure at such (anarchy?) is - to Jefferson too - still of textbook treason theoretically, and legally.

First Lady Barbara Bush has died - Mrs. Clinton is no Barbara Bush.

First Lady Barbara Bush has died - her #2 Jeb Bush took up the cause of defeating this HR - the Bushes might have rightly justly excommunicated this HR - rooted her outta from generosity betrayed long while as if “Hillary Rodham Clinton Bush” - a contrary yet as if family?

As Donald Trump traverses the weeds of if can be enduring and endearing despite historical status as seemingly  a “reformed Clinton Democrat” his movement progress with “MAGA” greatest hurdle is tat of over coming the republic as perverted particularly especially during the reign of intimacy as “First Lady Hillary” and to with Trump/Pence of our original work again to be as keepers of gardeners of our lands to states as Edens?

As tag “LIAR” tossed at President Donald J. Trump, Sr. our republic stands forward to that 5th graders in a mere few years generally conscious to it elementary and self evident at least of that the Clintons did PUNK the first black President (with their white pride coy ploys), and that their contrary machinations against the Constitution stand exposed as perversions of “post-Constitution” posit to plainly simply “textbook treason” and as of premeditated in-American self-serving partisan political deeds done.

HR’s fields are mined fields and at this time it is yet unclear if President can traverse while former Clinton Democrat.

That we now seem secured from turned back to the brink of nuclear war it may be inadequate to our necessity to be a garden of states of Eden keyed to sustain facility for “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” it is imperative we don’t short/skip the work of turn over - even turning out” - the roots and stemmed of that - the that - the perversions for “post-Constitution.”

While born as seed of a salt & pepper - ivory & ebony - of Soviet Studies conjoined - a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD - Barack Obama, President, did do more to bring our 57 Edens more to Communism than any war yet - and, even Clintons did dream.

How Clintons monetized our foreign policies was unconstitutional and perversion of/to our laws!

At the good news - a JOY a NEW HOPE - of the French associated for broader celebrations of republics for freedoms President Trump is set upon to have to educate the masses beyond the confusable of President Obama’s raw true historicals and how they mash with psychopathy of that he was born an American bastard conceived as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD and yet second to primacy of that the Clintons RESET for wars and profiteered while punk’d BHO.

This is a nuclear to the Bush family fusion - core to new clear press’d the forward froward from this day’s PEACE must be a study of if JB - Right: #2 Jeb Bush - had been he whom marched of republic an essence corrective the new taken to vibe of WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE (THE CLINTONS) ARE WRONG!

The RESET and the PUNKED - as generally before - is of the Clintons together, and each in their own ways, did stand and posit against the FREEDOM AGENDA! 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am



#Discover #HOGAN #ColumbusDay #MondayMotivation of best sellers long:

Time to ask how J.K. Rowling @ #RobertGalbraith wrote #CuckoosCalling of me of #STRIKE to like now my concurrence of my story of now already told stealthily.

Time to figure past #Hogwarts #Potterdom of #HarryPotter of theme park as from son of one grew up across from amusement park #Playland and key’d to “Rowe-ling” energized to ghosted material around any read name of Pete Rowe, MD at front door of #Yale Students Health Clinton on Hillhouse Avenue.

#Gryffindor was key’d for energized to balance so much as around Yale as yet local to #Connecticut of #Derby of focused on #GriffinHospital of emergency room entrance doors and if legal for hospital to be operating/open (while I of friend then in their PR dept).

As per background stirred there is that about time Hillary Clinton prepared to enter 2008 run for President I instructed my arts #magic #magicschool associated to there to be no more #POTTERworld books due bad economics growing too much from John Kenneth Galbraith prudence to #Democrats leading an elite robbing economy - more to of #Scotland of Rob’n Galbraith for ill.

At such time, to protect Harry Potter readers from how I knew then alread tag #CrookedHillary fit’n #HillaryClinton, I didn’t tell Jo she had to go cold turkey from writing of mused energies from me but to if such still needed amusement mused energy she could move to covering me of a #STRIKE against #Dems machinations against #ORIGINALISM of #CONSTITUTION of times of #AdamSmith and for crooked economics I’d be trap’d to letting left steal from my work product if not to as to still be dedicated to pro-actively protecting a next gen from known as #CrookedTogether #CrookedClintons.

ps: Leon Uris last novel was book written as asked for as of “O’Hara’s Choice” as around a choice an heiress Amanda actually had to make, and to more time for real one to make decision.

pps: Tom Brokaw book on 1968 #BOOM was asked for to then anchor my restoration of a 1968 Cal 25 racer/cruiser sailboat to more like new than any restoration then in fleet in #Annapolis had effected. Of sailing near Naval Academy I did have thought it was time for a new academy movie and postured for one on #NAVY school while I then of self employed contractor doing boat restoration while still welding for building out skate board stores of then area chain own by friends called ASYLUM - WAKE, SKATE, SNOW!

>> And an earlier:

Greetings ~ on healing &
#HarryPotter curative due #Hogwarts:

@JK_Rowling story of a “half blood” is my mom’s story!

J.K. Rowling years ago accepted my 7 books challenge is for curators forward & backwards as of me blooded better from my mom’s side and to by #magic #MagicSchool challenge of able in stealth to mass produce procedures and disciplines to that my dad could, and his side of the family, prove my mom right to herself on choice of husband, of being yet of potential and learnable to be yet proficient in her loving complicated wizard like anchoring of her own family.

“Dumbledor” is my sugg’d of for the front door a Dutch style split door (double-door) of our neighbors’ door of that of the peers of Secretary Doctor Ben Carson of Yale likewised specialities in medicine while to around their children and one I nick-named for character development as “Pete Rowe-ling” of using his blood line of grandson to Dr Rowe the proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic then abouts.

So of course, and due a friendly connection of mine to Princess Di since announcement of her royal engagement, due process mom’s ailments yet much she as an overburdened caregiven essentially to overloaded on her magical capacity and timed as noted of when #BostonMarathon #Boston #STRONGER movie released while her/their routine of marathon pride & strong with a collage of dad’s old number & pictures hanging proudly in their home.

So yes that #Harry #PrinceHarry of #INVICTUS #InvictusGames is related & of stories necessary to family to keep pride in my parents’ first apartment of in #MarkTwain apartments next doors to #MarkTwainHouse.

#SiriusBlack is for my dad’s brother Charles my #godfather a one serious about black wires of watts & volts while #Patronus spells like “patron US” it also a spelling licenced for PETRONAS TOWERS my social set of ultimate Frisbee professionally involved in design & construction management of with senior architects of firms of my parents #NewHaven neighbors & social set.

My connect with #PrincessDi maintained of me playing like #Merlin, for little princes, from afar as a Connecticut Yankee yet in Connecticut while in spirit in the courtyards of play of “A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT”.

My brother healed himself too to become a spectacular father of music in the house and 3 or 2 budding talents of arts. Tad’s background helps to such autonomous success as well around parents of his boyhood best pal a audiophile while a VA psychiatrist of “SHELL SHOCKED” patients while also, unknown to us till far later, as of a Yale classmate and social pal society associated one to #GeorgeWBush.

On a medical & observed care note it was fun observing my mom go thru panel of questions on her first day in rehab & wellness center but glad attending doctor didn’t ask her “DOES SOAP FLOAT?” Such, if she recalls a story I’ld get Arthur M. Menadier (See Wikipedia), her father to recollect, would go to “YES” and let me tell you a story about that and corporate espionage. Mom’s dad in early career was involved in launch of first floating soap called ‘SWAN SOAP’ which was so novel and promising that “IVORY SOAP” came from rival stealing the recipe and making product whiter & lauching it against SWAN as the whiter floating soap - as if whiteness made soap cleaner cleaner.

Still as any sees Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo of “NO MORE TEARS” you are to looking at my grandfather’s work as tear drop embossed in plastic bottle was his idea during the product development of lauch he guided as not in house advertising & marketing by head of J&J account maybe by then of how he consolidated all of their advertising & marketing accounts to on firm and as his account even until mandatory retirement at 65 from Young & Rubicam.

     *       *       DON’T TALK ABOUT THE MAGIC?       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:36 am

In the game of life there are losers and then there are LOSERS!

This day in the year 2017 we’re are at the subject of President Donald J. Trump at 100 days young; - let us commence now to prudently discern of a path back to NORMALCY!

What is germane today is timeless and alarming and politically long past due as relates to the maintenance of CIVILITY!

At 100 days young we are facing a Presidency as if by odd lot, relative to PROGRESSIVES worked, at that these united states of the Americas has a seeming mature and adult president after a hiatus considerable.  A stark reality is upon our consciences and sadly with our media as still under reporting or sans reporting these times are of a major and corrective change of course - direction.  Our consciousness of the totality of a polar differentiation of directional focus is immature and needing nurturing and accustomization to a called upon to see a greater scope and bigger picture.

The first black President of our Union did leave his successor nothing to do but to expedite a radical change of course near a full political 180; - it can and must be said of Democrats generally that Democratic Party leadership did leave Americans no way forward but to turn around and for a course correction to a polar opposite as back to a FREEDOM PATHOLOGY.

A measure of history - real history - is now a best next step forward; - however one agrees or disagrees ideologically it is that the Republicans have a major WIN as an old blow LOSS to President Barack H. Obama & his REDISTRIBUTION agenda.  The first broaching of the Obama administration dates to how they LOST yuge by losing initiatives to misuse Federal authority by establishing a new day of citizens near brought to their knees as subject to near 70% Federal taxation.

To step back in time to just 2009 we have such as measured and scored but under reported or sans reporting.

To step back in time to just 2009 we have that President Obama LOST big early and by being inadequate to such a task and marshaled more akin a anarchy with a major FLAW in his naivety as exposed of that while he postured to TAKE TAKE TAKE to give away as an AUTHORITARIAN of own bias of TOTALITARIANISM he fail to address JUSTICE and the INJUSTICE of being only upon HAVES across these United states of the Americas while the Russian Federation of notable of Moscow as score of home globally to a greatest number of BILLIONAIRES.

I don’t know how one of a CV - resume - like Barack H. Obama could have missed the essentials so badly - did miss so much a REDISTRIBUTION anarchy at home needed an INTERNATIONAL postured also of comity by polity to a parity by also establishing - even by wrongful measures - how the HAVES so vast as homed in MOSCOW were to also have their WEALTH taken and redistributed by Obama’s AUTHORITARIAN new TOTALITARIAN global grandstanding.

Likewise now it is relevant and considerable that it must be said that the state of journalism in these Unites states of the Americas is:


So now to the scope of the real historical valuation of DEMOCRATS errant and as too ANARCHISTIC we introduce William J. Clinton as worse - a great antagonist also - a dirty figure in history much to shoulder responsibility for how BIG a LOSER we too have Hillary R. Clinton concurrently while “news” yet tries to find direction and catch up.

William J. Clinton doesn’t belong in any Healthcare SECTION nor on any Self-Help shelf!

It begs a conscious American’s mind!

It cannot be reasonable, nor true that a President like Clinton of cuts so vast $2 Trillion was the metric, can be a GOOD GUY, since, of CHARITY or PHILANTHROPY (not as merely a cloak for smoke and mirrors imperial authoritarian shadow government effected) due his pride as President is as a CUTTER not an OBAMA vast SPENDER; - a REAL William J. Clinton presents honestly in that he shepherded cutting $2 Trillion in lieu of keeping or adding budgeting for:


On this day our political consideration must therefore be to accepting and concluding that Hillary R. Clinton is our biggest LOSER!

Forward if otherwise of a President Clinton we have the LOSERS to corral literately by pressing a pointing out of relevance that Hillary R. Clinton couldn’t be a new Obama nor another Bill Clinton - she couldn’t have even been still the old “Hillary”!

In the brief history - but great experiment - of these United states of democracy in a “liberal democracy” akin understanding era of our Revolutionary the history of LIBERALS now is contrary to old “liberalism” of John Locke and quite newly a NEW FASCISM defining a redefined of “FASCISM” best marched as defined:


Donald J. Trump, President, at 100 days young stands a HOPE a stark contrast to pimp’d with “HOPE” by antagonists Democrats’ anarchy!

For the sake of brevity do now please accept as a workable premise that Hillary R. Clinton is our BIGGEST LOSER!  Of her LOST is our SAVED!

The LOSING in FASCISM, luckily - as by CLINTON MACHINE of Mrs. Clinton a “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” regularly before campaign as favoring MAO CHIC, of pants suits, “LOSING” - is settling LOUDLY as forward we must now be of polar opposite direction and back to a FREEDOM PATHOLOGY - newly to LIBERAL DEMOCRACY!

The wholistic psychology to be hailed forward is befitting “CROOKED HILLARY” of chorus in singing together for restoration to parity and song in economics of old - ancient - adage of to have growth economy people must be able to sing together.

The wholistic psychology to be hailed forward for a post 100 day young of President Trump needs masses joined to chorus of “CROOKED HILLARY” due all of the above secures a premise soundly so for effected extant in politics violate by emoluments abuse and trashing of Constitution Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 8!

The wholistic psychology to be hailed forward has no way out for Hillary R. Clinton to be my arithmetic multiples to vastly yugely more CROOKED than is reasonable to ever rap a tag upon General Michael Flynn reputation!

The Clintons’ compromised positions compromised far more than just DEMOCRATS and the first black President!

The Clintons’ “CROOKED” at least of EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE violate practiced compromised all Americans and to so set up the new direction, as now imminently prudent/necessary, and BEST COURSE for 100 days young President Donald J. Trump is POLAR OPPOSITE to “Hillary’s”!

Our national wherewithal concurrently is refreshed and restorative by that it is of “TRUMP” promise to give AMERICA back to the PEOPLE!

We have many reasons to embolden an embodiment of HOPE now that we have just one seems less an ELECTED anarchist, and, actually a mature responsible skill adult/senior!

“CROOKED HILLARY” is the pressing 2017 “gestalt”!  The Clintons’ psychology of triangulation & projection & transference have long cloaked their REAL & DIABOLICAL imperial ambitions to be more powerful than a Constitutional President!

The spousal husbandry of coy ploy chicanery wasn’t clever enough or effected to a suffice to reign above our Constituted by Peoples’ “Order”!

The Clintons have much written their own FATE as to they shall reap they sowed “CROOKED” wholistically in their contraryism!  Doth concur:






So our best practices at 100 days young are now to celebrate that the TRUTH can reign - can again even be marched/embraced!!!  #OMG we can arrest Clintons (pride - white pride)!

          *       *       *      BODIES ELECTRIC?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:46 am

We must move the mountain.

By the end you too will likely concur that Oprah Winfrey should mount an “O APOLOGY TOUR”.

As a new Smithsonian Museum venue is opening as a museum of the African American stories there is much to admonish the current President for and to that he may be frightful as due memorialized.

As a debate near for the process of picking a successor to President Barack H. Obama we necessarily are behooved to be prudent with eyes and ears wide open to the deeper truths however now especially dark and of failures.

First Lady Michelle R. Obama is a black she whom can be said to have removed many of the first Jenga pieces of the Mrs. Clinton constructs for vertical power;  The first black FLOTUS with her movement with Chance the Rapper did unsettle the constructs of the Clintons for vertical and hierarchical power for Mrs. Clinton by with ‘em #4College marshalling they have undermined a standing for Mrs. Clinton by empowering blacks to be “FOR COLLEGE” and so to critical thinking;  Michelle R. Obama and Chance the Rapper have set asunder Mrs. Clinton by being “FOR COLLEGE” insists that any so aspiring need learn to study to seeing the CONS and PROS - the BAD and the GOOD - the WRONG and the RIGHT - a EVIL vs GOOD.

Any aspiring to be “FOR COLLEGE” has been asked to engage in the processes for critical thinking;  Any with such movement need be prudent and to a core strength as developed by being critical and understanding of the flaws of Mrs. Clinton;  Any with such movement must also marshal a self discipline to not just accept the favorable spin spun to repackage the flawed Clinton nor to be weak and compliant by just dog whistle partisan lurings.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama likewise has undermined the first black President’s legacy and generally primarily asked even a Smithsonian curation to exhibit querious contradictory aspects to ask visitors to at least question coincidentals.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama a black woman has already started such work I suggest now should be of the work of Oprah Winfrey and HARPO forward as of accepting a moral charge to teach and lecture on posit “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS!”.

As First Lady Michelle R.Obama one black woman has already struck the first drum beat and toe’d in a first step;  The current FLOTUS should be accentuated at least in the opening exhibits of the new Smithsonian museum for having asked for an intelligent and critical review of the first black President, and at least as while asking if it can have been just all Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton’s fault.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is another complicated woman figure now engaged in the current problematic jeopardy of Clinton constructs for hierarchical and vertical power.  At Harvard University such woman was an expert, it seems, in that the very Clintons she now professes proffered support for were yet ‘em a quite guilty of history of that a true endures that the Clintons did much cause the CRASH.  At politics such woman now is becoming undermined by her own expertise with each moment she endorses Mrs. Clinton to succeed the first black President.

As a first debate nears to educate in the process of picking a successor to Barack H. Obama his blackness is becoming tragically more and more an issue and to that a first question for any museum of history curation need be near to “DID THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT FAIL BLACKS BECAUSE HE WAS NOT BLACK ENOUGH?”.

None of this bodes well for Mrs. Clinton nor President William J. Clinton and his/their legacy.

As a first debate nears to educate from obfuscated and suppressed - hopefully - we are left the open wounds of September 11 the II - 911 II - September 11, 2012 tragedies of the State Department consulate of Libya in Benghazi.  To think critically enough just to maybe matriculate to into a college each soul must challenge its comfort levels and be to realizing a question that still must be answered of the “The Buck Stops Here” adage or deeper history remains as to how the House Select Committee form to investigate the found cover-up around 911 II is tasked of a duty to assuage if the first black President is more responsible and therefore more guilty than his first Secretary of State.

What bodes not well for Mrs. Clinton is that it seems ridiculous that the first black President, by any morals expectation, shall yet be figured as being more culpable guilty and at least so negligent as seems the inescapable history bit for Secretary Clinton.

The very history of the Clintons as of official days as bigots begs the conscience and sets up for “FOR COLLEGE” a seeming self evident diabolical to endure forward now for all days;  The Clintons’ official policies from 1993 to 2001 were contrary to the First Amendment as they were bigoted as regards peoples and sects of the Middle East - or at least of the Arabian peninsula;  The very “global initiatives” valuation of William J. Clinton to worth more per performance than the first black President is set as worth per year seems of a rotten core of bigotry by that it seems “Bill Clinton” needed to be monetized as worth so much more than the first black President.

Perchance their can now be HOPE forward in a actually constituted and classically workable fashion?

History shall record that President Barack H. Obama was a failure and a fail President with it open to debate now already as to how much the “rivals” Clintons can be historically tagged as guilty for wilful and premeditated intra-partisan shenanigans as that of ‘em to having set up a failing for the first black President.

It behoove us all to not be dissuaded from evaluating the mountain of lies of the for hierarchy machinations of the Clintons and their political machinery.  Let us not be so stupid as to not at least analyze the obvious times the Clintons by rivaling President B.H. Obama as moments in history of them quite to setting asunder the Obama First Family from being able to have a legacy equal to or greater than the “THE CLINTON LEGACY”!

As key aspect of the “THE CLINTON” is a core common in the family as ‘em professionally of methodologies to be hedgers;  To key to the core beat of the “THE CLINTON” controversies one should critically dissect the fence riding of ‘em all as of machinations for Power by cold calculating for selfish safe zones by hedges and hedges and generally primarily hedging on all matters private or public;  The “THE CLINTON” is ready for museums where ever now - however old and new - new and new - and to that the Clinton Foundation of course if of the mountain of controversies as being of as much personal gain to them as like a property management company is to TRUMP.

Do the math - - - Follow the history!!!  The Clinton foundation cannot be firstly generally presumed to be a “charity” due the enduring legacy of the Clintons as them who from 1993 to 2001 did cut cut cut $2 Trillion from budgeted and in lieu then of funding for blacks, poverty, books, schools, roads, levees, tunnels, bridges, or even more public libraries.  It is ridiculous to accept the Clintons as now of “charity” with such a cold cutting and slashing through what was so much then budgeted as passed to be then to helping all it could have helped.

Do the “FOR COLLEGE” - #4College - #DoTheMath_FollowTheHistory as a new “follow the money” to how Clintons have been worse than worst of “NIXONIAN”!

Do as First Lady Michelle R. Obama has beaten and toe’d first beats for and do ask the tough questions on that President Barack H. Obama, as the first black President, is yet one whom compared to Mrs. Clinton just couldn’t save even blacks from so much set asunder by floating the “THE CLINTON” as a GOOD while rotten to their core of BAD/EVIL.

The “mountain” of controversies of the Clintons is now so visible and obviously here/there that all must try to be critical in thinking and to seeing the Clintons’ controversies as the mountain in the way of progress and even now HOPE!

It is stupid for any now to believe that postured spun or whistled of for by the Clintons’ machinations & machinery politics!!!

It ranks up there now with some horrendous past moments in history that Oprah Winfrey ever endorsed Mrs. Clinton!

The “personal gain” of that the Clintons’ foundation is a huge YUGE scandal is again of that they are afforded so much emoluments and pecuniary beni’s from such it is in plain sight that they violate the very prudent constitutional protections of Article 1 - especially Section 9 Paragraph 8.  The Clintons by their “charity” can afford an imperial authoritarian shadow government as a body together of experts able to be together in purposes of protecting the Power and brand of the “THE CLINTONS” globally, and as quite more a global partisan Tammany Hall like patronage scheme.

It should rile generations to come that blacks may learn more now from how prodded by the first black First Lady to be to thinking critically and to asking at least ourselves to be studious until can see the GOOD vs EVIL - RIGHT vs WRONG - PROS vs CONS.

It should rile our current populaces with the opening of a new AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM if such is opened without presentations to ask for a greater consciousness around the legacy seeming etched eternal for the first black President at least to have been being of a failed President for not having checked the rivals in his own house.

It should rile and endure to rile future generations that now there is a conundrum to spell out of that it may in the long term prove better and more easily rectified through remedial civics education if lessons are commenced around facing facts of the the first black President did much fail - and to how it endures that Barack H. Obama legacy is of that he at least failed blacks by being not black enough - by being too white.

How now should most concur on a problem of President Obama as if too a “KING AMABO” and to that HARPO as backwards OPRAH now is like called to an “O APOLOGY TOUR” of “AMABO” a backwards OBAMA yet emphasized and exclamated for history as somehow too many were like herself and to missing the perilous “mountain” when whence of a not critical enough posturing with an “endorsement” of Mrs. Clinton?  And too for white Michael Bloomberg so caught?  And the newest of Smithsonian?

President Obama is clearly stuck!  It behoove us all to ask, for legacy, how, while it some seems self evident, we have born witness to that President Clinton (white pride) did much punk Barack H. Obama all the years he was the first black President! Bill Clinton clearly punk’d Barack Obama!

                 *       *       *       BELIEVE?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:05 pm

Sweat it!  There is no where to hide! - there is no where to run to!  Sweating it is what we all must now honestly facilitate!

We have reached a crossroads in the American story! - We are at the crossroads still of options to turn from “GOING TO HELL”!

These are no times to sit back and avoid the Musk as maybe to an unchallenged facilitation by ComSats for a “Big Brother” new paradigm akin to Hillary Clinton of long doing as her good book says (Alinski’s) - long doing the leg work of: GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE & KILL THEIR GOD! 

I.E.:  Not that “SPACE X” isn’t copacetic to also under our “Lord” - But that the loose lingua enables too much “mush brains” devoid of disciplines to still be able to discern moral nuance/nuances between sectarian Christian dictums - at least!

E.G.:  As that Donald Trump proposals are for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” as a Protestant a Presbyterian Catholics too must be readying their moral game for us if to “Liberation Economics” and to stirring ghosts around of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as ghosts’ stories of succeeding President Lyndon Baines Johnson may have specifically gotten such anti-religious freedom amendment passed as a check on “Kennedy Catholics” - against “American Catholics” - against “Catholic” heat!

And, in conclusion…! - - - Oh Right! - As if it can now be that easy to come up with “GOOD” or “RIGHT” answers!

Donald Trump on immigration, for starters, has so abraded the Hillary Clinton control lines we have that em have been flushed out as new “Manchurian” puppeteers now also need be on stage to re-tie Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s knot.

Forthwith let us pare the “MUGGLE” for a shame of “Democrat men” with such to showcase the “White Bill Clinton” as in opposition to any superior legacy for the “Black Barack Obama”!  Let us play the cards their shame has on the table as it seems Donald Trump immigration plan has exposed two Democrat men as necessarily firstly “MUGGLES” complicating Mrs. Clinton’s “performances” by being historically two whom can be said to have never had a real “IMMIGRATION PLAN”!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward now needs be all the necessary pairing to separate the “White man Bill Clinton” from the “Black man Barack Obama” for any parity essential to comity!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward is a critically important pressing need to face the failures of BLACK Barack Obama! - to assuage the politics of her “captain” must go down with her ship, - like!

President Barack Obama’s face does not fit on President Bill Clinton’s!  That is what all this now is firstly primarily generally much about!  Forward this is much ado about how Mrs. Clinton was torn between her “White Bill” & “Black Obama” her “Boss” and dramatically to show how her performance was of the low “Hillary Standard” but too much of her new “Manchurian” puppet strings of being over worked and to abrading all the way through!

Vice President Joseph “Joe” Biden is a walking conundrum of a complicated “politics” between the “WorkingJoe” and the “CatholicJoe”!  VP Biden today as with Union organized in Ohio was firstly the political partisan lesser “WorkingJoe”!  It isn’t convenient for VP Biden to have to speak on the auto industry as the unraveling truth is becoming most worn and visibly to that the “Auto Bailout” wouldn’t have been needed if Left Democrats with Al Gore “ALARMISM” hadn’t had the $4 gas long since the 1990s as though essentially necessary to effect the Green Agenda Authoritarian social engineering.

Donald J. Trump is no George W. Bush! - The Clinton Machine is not able to stage “Hillary Clinton” as against the “Old Republicans” - The Democrats forward must pare too the battle extant already but still a developing greater scandal now toed in here as between the “White Bill Clinton” versus the “Black Barack Obama”!  And, as it is becoming certainly known of that President Barack H. Obama wouldn’t have needed the “Auto Bailout” if Republicans had yet gotten the lower gas prices by 2008 that they were fighting for!

As to that President Obama’s face cannot fit on President Clinton’s there is we are much gathered now to discern what ranks between these two Democrat “MUGGLES” and necessarily along “BLACK & WHITE” lines!  This is much because Mrs. Clinton candidacy begs to demands we all now take a fresh look at 1993 to 2001 years!

What must at least separate these two very different politicians goes beyond that one is supposedly GREAT for having cut $2 Trillion dollars - and much arguable actually from “necessary spending” already budgeted even for 4 to 8 years forward - while the other the “BLACK” must be faced as contrary to “WHITE” greatness specifically because the contrariness of Democrats is that the “Black Barack H. Obama” is supposedly now also GREAT but yet for having vastly increased spending by TRILLIONS!

Firstly primarily we should generally accept that since Mrs. Clinton was President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State she must rank as a/the top expert in all the particulars of how the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2001 did err and grossly set asunder so much by imprudence to infidelity - infidelity at least to the Constitution and expressly the First Amendment!

Donald Trump is running on much that cores to President Barack H. Obama was a failure - is a failed President!

Hillary Clinton isn’t yet being forced to run responsibly on facts indisputable of now established history of that President William J. Clinton really erred a lot and vastly set asunder so much of the foreign, and the domestic realms!

“WorkingJoe” will still persist to have the “ClassicJoe” problem with “CatholicJoe” as long as the said “Crooked Media” is compliant to the new “Manchurian” of co-producing only the “show” times of “The Hillary Show” and not the prop-isms and malfunctions regularly seeming not news!  The real story must fit the history that the “Auto Bailout” was only needed due “Clintonomics” for “hyper-consummerism” - the Clinton “Housing Bubble” - the Clinton too much cut by $2 Trillion cut too quickly and carelessly, and the later - for 2008 politics - contrary to global conditions spiking of oil & gas prices!

The guilt, it seems, must rest now forward more on “White Bill Clinton” and now the face of “White Hillary Clinton”!  It just seems unfair to let any Clinton Machine machinations succeed (further) to tagging the mashable as if “IT WAS THE BLACK MAN THAT DID IT!” - “IT IS ALL BLACK OBAMA’S FAULT!”!

Though this gets to very complicated past history we can suffice for now with some commuting pro-actively for Barack H. Obama as it the simple economics once enough “Do the math! - - Follow the history!” the greater culpability should rest more lightly on the face of President Obama than on the shoulders of either Clinton due what we now must face to “faced”!

President Barack H. Obama was still too young in his britches to be nearly enough culpable for us to allow the Clinton machinations to stereotype President Barack H. Obama - also!  It now is more true to say:


“RED FACED” is the problem now for the Clintons generally!  How “red faced” to “RED FACED” is of the evidence being still developed at least by vigilant for freedom - data miners vigilantes!

As we sweat now the perils of at such crossroads and it evident the “HILLARY CLINTON” is so abraded and not wearing well we must press ourselves to become disciplined to seeking and finding deeper greater truths!

As we sweat a “PERILOUS” in an if ever there were a “President Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton” we abide that the current issuance begs us to ponder deep and thorough a vast divide between Republicans and Democrats dating at least to the days of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as relevant to of the end of the Cold War and to how lines of separation can be detailed that of an ever since there has been Democrat Party unity to like try to defeat the defeat of expansionist Socialism by that worked strategically by President Ronald “Ronnie” Reagan with Capitalism the winning tool/way!

It seems though, to be brief, however wrong Mrs. Clinton is about “BLACK FACED” we must accept we are on a path a road to seeing that we must face to “faced” that President Barack H. Obama legacy amounts to he too should be “RED FACED”!

Keeping sweating it!!!  The legacy of Barack H. Obama has been already must set asunder by Clinton machinations to protect a legacy for William J. Clinton!  We may shortly be all more united by an understanding of just how much all three of these have been wrong for being more for foreign’s than citizen’s and as for years of some attempting to defeat the defeat of Socialism (by Capitalism) (and Constitutional regularity in originalism)!

Keep sweating it !!!  After all as long as Donald J. Trump stands up for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” he is some to “Liberation Politics” - and like to “Liberation Economics” of that he himself must be wondering if he too can take CATHOLIC heat - renditions of judgement of American pulpits!

Straight up it seems this crossroads, to be brief, is as said as too of a “Road to Hell” & of “Crooked Hillary” ’street’ “white pride”! Yet? Faced yet “Crooked Obama”? Yet? Faced, to be brief, a “Crooked Bill Clinton” tops?

               *       *       *       OH MY GOD!      *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

“Only the penitent shall pass!”* (*Archaic! - Old school! - Forgotten of enlightenment! - Above writer’s pay grade!)

To divine the “bigot” in core Hillary R. Clinton it behoove us to commence to dissect the methodisms to pare down to fulfilling a quest after the WHO WHAT WHY WHERE WHEN AND HOW as to repose a suffice upon understanding how the Clinton Machine is for machinations over sagacity.

To be understood to her core Hillary R. Clinton must be pair as indivisible from William J. Clinton and the political machine operations (of their bigotry) that yet carry on of a surprising ’still standing’ while rotten for structural for machinations to trump sagacious.

There should be no doubt in any learned person’s heart that the common core of the Clintons is festered rotten of bigotry!

What begs the understanding work to be done is much of the HOW as to what machine operations operate as designed for!

To be fair, if such can be fairly parlayed, we might posture that their planks are to not be WHITE SUPREMACISTS while yet as cored to be machinations of their WHITE PRIDE.

I.E.:  What is bigotry of the Clintons is complicated but some exposed generally by any getting to asking and answering some basic first questions; - The bigotry in today’s discussions is of their Southern roots and pride, especially of the William Fulbright ilk, as to beyond maybe the South could yet win the Civil War or change the United States to home autocratic over lording, and as to beyond whether blacks could be thought free by if ever could be thought civilized, to a simple evolution paradigm of that as blacks evolve to equal freedom whites like them yet should still have evolved and naturally then to still better ‘naturally’ to be leaders of such “blacks”.

With hope I press through and opine of it seems unlikely, at least, the obstacles of “Election 2016″ are inadequate to stop em!

A first alert first reflex for shared humanity is still supposed to be hair raising upon finding machinations used to trump sagacity!

The comment of Donald J. Trump upon President Barack H. Obama as if self compromised and guilty such to akin postured as from the lips of the President “ISIS - I AM YOUR FATHER” has more than tenticals - that “Obama founded ISIS” has roots in political history - the history our history!

You must decide for yourself how and why “bigot” rap fits the tru Clintons, and too how the precedent for Donald J. Trump’s remarks are in President Barack H. Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, and also “TERROR AND CONSENT” book written by President William J. Clinton’s National Security Council member Philip Bobbitt.

Firstly Philip Bobbitt essentially biographied his boss as having been a founder/fertilizer of Al Qaeda!

Secondly Nobel Prize recipient Barack H. Obama essentially tag’d President William J. Clinton as mashable as causal to there the Al Qaeda of then!

Firstly primarily William J. Clinton was biographied by Philip Bobbitt of his NSC with paragraph filling out as like specifically meant to convey a “WHEN CLINTON WHITE HOUSE AND HOLLYWOOD WORKED TOO CLOSELY TOGETHER IT BEGOT TERRORISM”!

Secondly generally Barack H. Obama rapped hard and heavy only on President Clinton as like a founder of Al Qaeda by ABANDONMENT his, as if ours indivisibly too, as if almost none the fault of President George W. Bush, as he orated eruditely his dictum against old Clinton ABANDONMENT (of Iraq and Afghanistan?) as expressly espoused postured to tag with “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” like his “hook” - his key’d note - his keynoted!

It now is like only by partisan and “Crooked Media” machinations that there isn’t generally a liberation to back to sagacious and to a general attitude akin surprise with acceptance of harmony and truth of it divinable that President George W. Bush must only have been at best half as guilty as worked over as if, - that President William J. Clinton must truly be dirty and for being actually of it at least half the Clintons fault, and for being dirty for of cold machinations to effect a bearing of false witness by false narratives.

Thirdly it behoove us not to commence without also accepting there must be much core’d bad in the First Lady Hillary R. Clinton effected history as of crusades of turf trespasses with clear intent (naive intent?) as imperialistic as also beyond of tenticals to being of roots too that tru’ up her “bigot” raps as like a founder not just of ISIS but indivisibly also as like the mother of Al Qaeda by all her seeded antipathies for anti-American sentiment in Middle East from her crusading on feminism of dictum to incite radicals on their home turf to a pride calling for a response!

But basically our first steps need be to look at the “Double Standard” core’d of William J. Clinton as the set up for machinations to trump prudence and sagacity as the mission of the Clinton Foundation as firstly primarily generally structured coldly as a key part of the “THE CLINTON MACHINE”!

The bigotry of the Clintons might just fall out upon the conscience public as soon as enough free people expressly pursue the querious undertaking to fathom WHY and HOW the Clinton “method” depends on keeping sagacious of sagacity prudence from trumping partisan and political “Cha Ching” machinations!

As you attempt to be a first successful across such a long established and even archaic moral obstacle and to divine how the Clinton mix, consume and sell their “Kool Aid” please use a buddy system to not over reach your own humanity naively.

As you attempt to be a first successful across to beyond the walls of machinations to prevent a mass divining of truer truths still extant of the sagacious realm be prepared that the “bigot” of the Clintons’ rap is of their dark side.

As you attempt to be a first successful through this likely to be still a long slog watch their footing and for their tells and trip lines; - watch out for what perils may be in your way to where still only the penitent are supposed yet to be capable of passing to to a knowing greater and cleaner.* (*If not long gone and too archaic - even too old school!)

                *       *       *       BEWARE !!!       *       *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:10 am

A question for Democrats this 2016 election cycle, though not a first question, must yet be to if they can have an ego in 2016, and beyond, or if fated under a “Clinton-Kaine” to just of id(s), and dogged compliance.

A first question for Republicans will be more specifically economical and pragmatic to how if Donald Trump’s economic plan resets American & international economics to growth economics of a necessary core of “freedom of ego(s)” but in capitalism! - “moral capitalism” is supposed to be redundant, - always!

As “Clinton-Kaine” seems not to be even offering a believable plan for a back in black with economic and political unity a first question of all is like of the conundrum becoming primarily generally present of that by November there should be none surprised by October of most becoming learned more to the economic history as gone from incorrect of “all Bush’s fault” to then firstly as broadly known as truer as “half Clintons’ fault”!

A broad concern latent in the Hillary Clinton “campaigning” seems most assuredly of that Mrs. Clinton does not want Democrats egos apparently engaged! - Mrs. Clinton seems most depended on only id(s) accessed and to Democrats more as yet shepherded blind mice, to the lot!

What liberates Trump-Pence “New GOP” Republicans forward is much that which primarily and generally should dog dog dog Democrats forward, still forward, - likewise now as has since 2009 inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.

The overarching question for all - local to global ALL - is of the asking towards understanding around that generally it is the Democrats that have grossly failed at economics - not merely the “First Black President” alone!

We are on a “Clinton Trainwreck” as tracking unavoidably from “all Bush’s fault” becoming truly reset to “half Clintons’ fault”!

To dress down Mrs. Clinton until such pares out as a self-evident truth it is easier to firstly freshen up the “Bill Clinton” facts!

What may dog Mrs. Clinton the most is what now can be pressed and bound of at least President Clinton & Speaker Pelosi to that Representative Nancy Pelosi as some to much dramatically historically of economically of an “Axis Of Evil”!

Any vote for “Clinton-Kaine” logically must firstly to the knowing conscious be another Democrat Party compliant vote for more “New Deal Austerity” as otherwise Mrs. Clinton is abandoning the “Green Agenda” “Climate Change” ship of state to being so for a new industrialization that she primarily firstly is hard wired for work more akin to “Climate Deniers”!

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

A fair dramatization of errant President Obama said efforts at “compromise” is to ask all to try to visualize the politics worked and to see clearly how unlikely it is that how they postured as if for “bipartisanship” was so flawed their “ship” never floated when launched.  President Obama essentially locked up the Republicans as “others” again of a Democrats “We’re Right, They’re Wrong” divisiveness and as to then as like actually chained lead detestable efforts said for a “compromise” by like only offering Republicans the fixed singular option to like sign a false confession and to that such while a false confession also was forward of a contracted commitment to forward be to shouldering 100% of the blame for what ever had been 1% to 50% or more the errant under at least President Clinton and of the political blocking by Speaker Pelosi.

Contrary, much, there is that what ever the TRUMP-PENCE ECONOMIC PLAN is to be specifically it in keeping true to apparent lifetime standard operating procedures of the “TRUMP” operations must be firstly to a core for core strength as keyed around a “freedom of the ego(s)” and even before still respectful of “Religious Liberty” and “Religious Freedom”!

Mrs. Clinton seems not “short circuited” on this point but hard wired and truly for all more just dogged, and compliant!!!

Any though wanting to share in the fruits of the methodology of success likely to be shared by how an economic plan is structured and disciplined as for the “New GOP” under the colors and standard of “Trump-Pence” will have to believe firstly, and generally secondly be to probative to what and where key false histories and false narratives are yet obstacles as past Democrats lies yet forward as likely to surely, for thought historical - but not, be still obstacles to progress.

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

Are we yet stuck now even if a believing in “Trump-Pence” is well developing and due like because Democrats have some how rigged it - locked it up - stuck us to too like “Commies” at a “ONCE YOU GO RED YOU CAN’T GO BACK!”?

So firstly a question for Democrats is to what their actual guilt and culpability is more truly historically pathologically forensically to be now corrected from to that by November an “October Surprise” should be over and enough of the free People of these united states of the Americas then as still citizens exercised with knowing we have moved from “all Bush’s fault” to “half Clintons’ fault”!

There must be a cat fight for corrective historicals between a culpability generally for “Nancy Pelosi” and if and when firstly primarily for “Mrs. Clinton”!

A Republican prophylactic to what “Clinton-Kaine” seeded with #DemsInPhilly at #DemConvention of #Philadelphia is this here now by simple notation - noting - of that “HILLARY CLINTON” poll numbers should have tanked since Mrs. Clinton announced the new #Democrat #EconomicPlan - aka #100DaysJobs!

Mrs. Clinton is no “Teflon Democrat” as she has worn thin her scripted convention faux “Perfect Clinton” in just one week!

A general analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s #100DaysJobs must be of it so so so very very very contrary - radically divergent!

A simple cursory postured is that “Mrs.Clinton, of Clinton-Kaine, has tried to preempt Trump-Pence Republican economic solutions by trying to just steal what she fears the “NewGOP” is promising to present - stand up - soon and to long stand behind!

A cored to the historical rendition must though be for those more than “blind mice” merely of id(s) stirred, and em prone also to “short circuiting” of their exercised rights to have ego(s) and practiced to freedom with shouldering citizen’s responsibilities, and engaged upon forthwith to fathoming deeply that of which Mrs. Clinton has fronted as to “more jobs created than since WWII” there is the conflicted individual guilts of the actual historical politics of that essentially Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like firstly a stealing from “Builder Trump” is yet contradictory to the long partisan of that Bill Clinton, as President, cut $2 Trillion dollars in lieu of spending (for blacks especially?) on books, schools, road, bridges, tunnels, levies, or reparations, and, to complicate the truth fairly to more honestly set, there is too that Mrs. Clinton proposed also sets asunder how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did keep President George W. Bush from fixing the economy with similar measures by how partisan she was to standing up that no one would be allowed to undo that Bill Clinton cut $2 Trillion - and of just $1 Trillion as unnecessarily cut as cut just to have the popularity from having a YUGE surplus.

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!

To be brief now on this becoming most apparent contradicting conundrum let me simply broadly add to problems of Mrs. Clinton as admitting she “short circuits” by pressing out these simple political truths yet wearing clear as the convention efforts for a “Teflon Hillary” wear to frayed to the core at least too near true as “Crooked Hillary” so tag’d!

To be of a polite brevity for polity and comity to an economic plan parity near impossible let me here now close by posting the DANGERS of Mrs. Clinton if allowed at our economics of being that Mrs. Clinton has no road/path/passage forward to a bipartisanship to cooperation or compromise on matters of the economy/economies!  Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like stolen from what feared Trump to win with is diabolical as like an abandonment of President Obama’s “New Deal” while also diabolical for it proposes Mrs. Clinton can do (together) what Democrats Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have since like November 2000 - post election - been specifically to keeping Republicans from doing - of long since 2000 of specific partisan politics particularly worked to keep such “solutions” from being exercised by Republicans!!!

The most cynical but maybe also a most true “politics” is that such now seems as if Democrats have worked to keep the economy suppressed since Bill Clinton was President and until, as may still surprise President Obama, now yet until like Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be like the hero a hero as not since President Clinton was a last hero to be a President Clinton now the only hero since then to now also be an economic hero!!!

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!  And while specifically her proposal is much simply that which Republicans have tried and failed to get passed, thanks to Democrats’ obstructions, and like since before the Clintons unnecessarily cut a second trillion to $2 Trillion then cut after $1 Trillion of Republican cuts was sufficient to balance the federal budget.

Forward there is maybe no “back to black” unless we shake off or more effectively mechanically remove the shackles as if chained to a “ONCE YOU GO RED - YOU CAN’T GO BACK”!!!

#TP2016 roll out of #TrumpPence #TrumpJobsPlan may seem all “HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” but yet this now as “Clinton-Kaine” plan is out there can maybe be actually believed as of a new POSSIBLE. 

#TP2016 roll out now should seem so similar to “Clinton-Kaine” and as also maybe more honest on #ClimateChange such that the Congress convened of these United States should expedite much of the common cores and to forcing President Barack Hussein Obama to have to, if he dare, be then to VETO - to vetoing Mrs. Clinton’s abandonment of “Green Agenda”!

#TP2016 roll out now is prefaced!  Essentially soon most should understand the truth is more “half Clintons’ fault” and President George W. Bush, though not “liberated” can forward at least feel lighted from “all Bush’s fault”!

#TP2016 roll out now promises to be refreshing and softening however if a “freedom of the ego(s)” yet to a contrary to #ClintonKaine as for merely politics for a ruling class over blind mice but corralled to id(s), and dogged compliance!!!

#TP2016 roll out promises to right how the self-proclaimed “First Black President” is more guilty for more culpable and errant and to how the more “First Black President” now has to face a “First Woman President” maybe as if a scheme to be a first “Back In Black” Democrat by means maybe of a scheme with he just a self proclaimed white a said “First Black President” - right?

#TP2016 roll out seems entirely packaged of that Trump and Pence are of stock and traded - of truth in advertising - of a common core as Republicans - as an em them now clean and fresh and ready for ALL and on a reseating of the politics and economics to permit good times to now rock on newly again - to see us all ship shape back to back in the black!!!  Right?

#TP2016 roll out is more than just an “UN-HILLARY” a the “UN_CLINTON” for it more as if “OBAMA” has been the “NEW COKE” and now “TRUMP” is on the job to bring back “OLD COKE” - THE ORIGINAL RECIPE!!!

#TP2016 roll out is at least not the contradictory of #100DaysJobs of #ClintonKaine for it isn’t of them party to blocking such methods and strategies for a real recovery now such as the Democrats are guilty to “DARK” “EVIL” - even of an “AXIS OF EVIL” - for having firstly been to divisive most dividing partisan politics for social engineering and selfish intra-party soapy drama now as like dead set against such “economic policies” since 1999 when the Clintons’ administration became term limited, - kept away until maybe Bill Clinton could be a “Russian Bear” like Vladimir Putin and to back in the White House though thought technically legally barred from more time in the EXECUTIVE suite!!!

#TP2016 roll out however smooth and believable of being of a team for economic recovery - REALLY - is yet to be shadowed by these dark facts that must be probed and placed in textbooks forward to how much President Obama as such a more “First Black President” can yet rightly more blame he self proclaimed a “First Black President” at least for how the Obama Administration too may have been chained from such economic solutions no somehow as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s! Right?

#TP2016 roll out must abide We the People now to again more fully engaged past corralled id(s) of dogged to compliance!

#TP2016 roll out now will seem comparable to rolled out of #ClintonKaine but for the contrariness for Democrats as to how and why new industrialization can be good or copacetic and not anti-CLIMATE and a betrayal of President Obama! What DANGERS for back to BLACK?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:28 am

Bill Clinton if to try to put a pretty face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” still is as if his instinct is to try to put his face out there.

Let us talk about how to BLITZ presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in the year 2016: Now:  How to sack any or all “HOOLIGANS”:

If reality is supposed to matter now it must be like 79% for TRUMP GOP odds with a BLITZ to at best 20% for such a HOOLIGAN now as the AWAY team and as one firstly to a problem of staying between the lines.

Mrs. Clinton is known of so many lies orated, and suspected of far more unknown to date, such that her lips are red hot - her lips are smokin’ hot - her lips are her “smoking gun”!

Regular BLITZING should be of the GOP Party playbook now for any and all to field efforts forward for defending the movement now long winning WHAT that is the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” Donald Trump joined late, and yet is WHOM rising to be a primary general leader.

It is just accepted as fact that Mrs. Clinton lips are smokin’ - and HOT like a criminals hands when caught “red handed”!

Bill Clinton is still showing defense instincts to try to help Mrs. Clinton by putting his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” for as if his old populism can yet trump reality and trump the popular movement of WHOM Mr. Trump is still rising for the winning WHAT.

This is all quite mashable and as fitting for how much has been doctored from reality for Mrs. Clinton regular makeovers to that Mrs. Clinton’s known “smokin’” lies get laid down of a populism as yet mostly laid out in lies and deception.

As we should be prepared to score on BLITZ plays against “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” we should be drilled and training as prepared to cry foul if Bill Clinton presents too much as across the lines of term limited and feminism and as if needing to be an extra “player” on the field - necessarily.

As the tragedy of Benghazi are now smarting again and fresh newly to how Secretary Clinton’s lips were smokin’ they were so hot with lying let us yet now look to how we must also defend against President Obama & President Clinton, and while these two are regularly contrarian to the core of “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Mrs. Clinton.

To BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” any local party initiative or PAC mentality now seems to be needing a coordinated plan - a play common to the REPUBLICAN PARTY PLAYBOOK.

More dramatically, however maybe to base to be SHAKESPEAREAN, we can attest that Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton has more blood on her hands than “LADY MACBETH” - and to it likewise therefore evident such “HOT LIPS” has maybe never been good at triage, - politically speaking.

To cotten to this mash up of a small tent of  Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton there is yet a gate to first cross of how such a “HOOLIGAN” can ever be rightly hospitably accepted.  The shenanigans of such a “HOOLIGAN” are much of she has been so irregular any rank for her should be questioned due its seems “HOT LIPS” has for a long long time had difficulty staying “between the lines”!

From the sidelines forward is where Donald Trump should be most seen when BLITZING called out for local or PAC mentality plays.  Donald Trump should not do the BLITZING himself - many many others should locally be called to action as called up to BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - any DEMOCRATS “HOOLIGANS”!

“DRAB” is the color of these days with Mrs. Clinton as if needing for championship balling to have either President Obama as a “RINGER” or (also) President Clinton.  Yet we should concur to that President Obama and President Clinton are so contrary and not like able to be fielded of any one “SPECIAL TEAM”!

The GREEN BACKS of President Obama are not saddled any ways like how President Clinton ranks were saddled for “ECONOMICS”!  “MONEY” for “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” has long been vast - broadly political - very excessive!

Women, Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton is such a known “HOOLIGAN” she is DANGEROUS to package as but a repackaged “EVIL BARBIE” - even with DRONES and BODYBAGS not included.  One such as “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is not, prudently speaking for regular order jurisprudence core, is not one finely mashable to be a good ROLE MODEL for girls, - not even/especially as gender neutral as for “future leaders”!

The laid lies already known of Mrs. Clinton are enough to justify “WORSE THAN LADY MACBETH” for she can be rightly tag’d as one to of lies for cover-ups to therefore as one of more blood on her hands, comparatively, than Richard Milhous Nixon.

Bill Clinton keeps trying to put his face on this for a populism to trump the rising popularity of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that now should enthrall audiences all around the world when if BLITZ is called and effected, and with minions associated in REPUBLICAN unifying colors populating the lines to which Nominee Trump is yet known to be not a “RINGER” but one an honest broker a “manager” on the sideline.

It now may not be just wrong to put President Obama’s face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” as it now with President Clinton so obviously conjoined that it just would be quite improper to suggest President Obama is “in the tent” as with the camp of the “small tent of…” of “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS”!

Her lips are our “SMOKIN’ GUN” - that was established to a suffice as such needed to be established before the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE had due cause to so organize.  “HOOLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton were investigated by the HOUSE assigned honorable members because an illegal cover-up was determined to have occurred; - the HOUSE tasked honorable members were tasked to a duty to determine details of such “cover-up” and to assign measures of guilt upon various individuals so then party to the improper partisan political covers; - the committee has failed yet if it hasn’t reported it moved as far as it could against all the obstructionism to a finding of how President Obama is more to blame for Secretary “HOT LIPS” Clinton failures than Mrs. Clinton herself!

This is all so very mashable!  “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is only made worse with Clinton/Warren tag team now presenting, relative to the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” as both so usually outside the lines we seems to be witness to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” outta no where a real where.

It is just wrong in so many ways to allow Bill Clinton a populism if of distractions by coy ploys and chicanery to offering his face in lew of seeing more broadly the “SMOKIN’ GUN” is the red hot lips of laid lies of Mrs. Clinton to that it mashable and proper to tag Mrs. Clinton “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!

Forward, as BLITZING should be a popular and most used/called play of and for the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” - as yet with Nominee Donald Trump just of sideline, or manager’s box - we are now best conditioned as if to be most prepared around a simple truth that President Obama and President Clinton cannot both fit in the “economics” or “political” small tent of “NOTORIOUS HRC” - “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton - Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton!

It is just like as simple as President Obama and President Clinton have never like queued of bars - barring - barristers - baristas - garcons - ever as two of smoking the same cigar!! Em never fit in same “economics” tent!!

The known laid lies of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton may be trumped yet if the unknown also laid by lips of “HOT LIPS” as a political partisan “HOOLIGAN” ever become generally attested to - sufficed of adequately exposed!!

President Clinton stokes of be still’d to shining to a vast cutter of spending and too only common to President Obama core as to likewise being to masses to forced austerity; - President Clinton had populism in a grand naivete for he cut, cut, cut until $2 Trillion was removed from budgeted and afforded to that a crashing end to his burning of the wick of the “economics candle” of burning from both ends simultaneously - to the crash so big the candle was like fused as if TNT - as if of “BILL’S DYNAMITE” purposely mishandled.

President Obama stokes of imbibed concoctions spirits from otherwise still’d are yet but to a forced “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” a common core as yet street and common sense obvious to he of his methodology was yet for AUSTERITY too but yet by spend, spend, spend, as to then trump old progressive lines of “TAX & SPEND LIBERALS”!!

Though President Obama and President Clinton both like SMOKED you to a forced AUSTERITY they can never be passed as “RINGERS” for the worse than “LADY MACBETH” worse than President Richard “TRICKY DICK” Nixon contests for they quite like really can never both fit in the “small tent” of one now so “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!!

Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton has more blood on her hands than the spousal husbandry of 1993 to 2001 as yet of her spouse’s record unless prudence restored for jurisprudence to a GUILT upon President Clinton for NEGLIGENCE to even “NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE” for doctoring voters from TRUTH that he is culpable and to a real JEOPARDY due eight years too much of INACTION and AVOIDANCE as begetting DANGERS - as yet the core message common to President Obama erudite proffered oration known as his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!!!

That we now have BENGHAZI REPORTS and yet little satisfaction attests to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” and “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS” established still in the self - evident so that a “CAPTAIN OBVIOUS” not even needed!  I.E.: Like rap is: “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS”!!

Again:  Oy again:  President Obama and President Clinton cannot fit in the “small tent” of “HOT LIPS” as they are essentially, while so of both having wrecked havoc upon the middle and lower class People by forced AUSTERITY by different partisan economic methods, more than of different tents as they are more firstly economically speaking of different “camps”!

You and I, all of us, actually, may each be better off if we do not let Bill Clinton popularize the situation to it then his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” scandal, and to yet be firstly between BLITZING of yet putting only President Obama’s face upon “HOLLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton.

You and I, all of us, actually, must be smarter than the DEMOCRATS hope or expect of any voter, possible voter!

You and I, all of us, realistically, - oy that! -, should ascribe to restorations for common sense and regular order!

You and I, all of us, now dedicated for our republic should shake off the nationalism of these DEMOCRATS and commit ourselves passionately to regular exercised privileges for healing from the long long long laid lies of the CLINTONS, and too that which yet must be differentiated and pared separately for what is of the ‘THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” relatively.

You and I, all of us, now should see that regular BLITZ plays called against Mrs. “NOTORIOUS HRC” “HOT LIPS” Clinton should be enough, under the circumstances of just the known laid lies of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS” to yet suffice to halt or even arrest the BULL of President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton! - “HOT LIPS’” prime “BULL” “BILL”!

For our INDEPENDENCE and for our republic for which it stands still enduring by the People’s Order a constitution for Liberty and Justice for ALL let us be of our established and ordained and to holding “HILLARY CLINTON” from fielding improper “RINGERS” and to getting away, further, with any and all steppin’ out side of the lines, - being LAWLESS and for CHAOS as if AUTHORITARIAN CLINTONS can suffice to replace CONSTITUTION, - especially our sworn affirmed BILL OF RIGHTS! 

For our FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE let us recommit ourselves to seeing that enough now see past their laid lies and to be able newly to consecrate the nation as yet a loose union of republican states for TRUTH - for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - for RELIGIOUS LIBERTY!!!

Let us BLITZ against, as regularly as necessary, all further attempts to bed for eternity their TYRANNY by laid LIES! - GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:18 pm

Her “I am not a crook” train should not be allowed to leave the station. 

You could look at just how she is being packaged but how stupid would that be considering how she a walking disaster when looked at on paper chronologically, by dates - even dates picked at random.

There is like no good news for blacks in America, maybe anywhere in the world, if it is that the real Hillary Clinton somehow gets elected, and past legal barriers of allowed challenges, to actually lawfully seeming sworn in.  There may yet be comfort in it tell tale now to that any Democrat now a Democrats nominee should be only running on a ticket of as of Joe Biden still to be Vice President, - and so not to be evicted at his age unnecessarily from his current, however comforting, only Washington DC option for public housing.

She has no natural story now to benefit blacks forward even as a Democrat Party nominee; Hillary Clinton is only now presented as if a prima Donna of platitudes as if each day a new day with a clean slate like a lawyer, as like a lawyer always but each day with a new case; Donald Trump may need a wall of women against such as if Mrs. Clinton gets free kicks on goal, just because she is a woman.

Blacks what ever “dancing days” there has been your dancing days are maybe now nearly over; to Mrs. Clinton you can have no soul and President Obama must go from never being even 4/5ths as good as Bill Clinton to soon never even 3/5th as good as President Clinton was.  Forward, if it the Clintons the masters of the Executive plantation, it is beyond that blacks will en masse be set about to but minor roles, relatively; - No dancing for blacks may be the new normal and as likely Mrs. Clinton never firstly will give, generally, blacks much to still dance about.

If a Trump “WALL OF WOMEN” is not enough to level the playing field, generally, there is yet before to seal the deal on #CrookedHillary there is still of Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee, said to that Secretary Clinton was near a worst Secretary of State of the history of these united states of the Americas; - there is that “The Donald” is near to rapping that Secretary Clinton was so bad a Diplomat that a chimp, - a chimpanzee - coulda done as well or better a job at finding alternatives to war - to finding opportunities for peace.

It is ridiculous that Mrs. Clinton is on the field so unharassed an to like expected of a polity to parity for feminist comity that she is like to be able to take free shots on goal, as befitting getting away with fronting as a “Prima Donna Of Platitudes”!

Besides that blacks may need Donald Trump to have a “WALL OF WOMEN” there is much that a prop-ism is due on the trail as if “The Donald” has a chimpanzee in a pastel pantsuit to battle with - and with him like always, as fitting as a political prophylactic drama device.

Blacks I am sorry to report, but that now may be in time to be not too late, that Mrs. Clinton must always put her spouse and their spousal husbandry as above the Obamas’ and superior, to satisfy her own spouse wants for legacy.

Blacks I am sorry the obvious is what should be trusted and not the slick props and attitudes of controlling drama/narrative that is of how Mrs. Clinton is now being doctored up and repackaged. 

Blacks President Obama for history can be shown to never have amounted to being any more than just a tool of the Clintons’ global schemes for Clinton Machine husbandry for intra-party rivalry and to effecting to as of superior international Power.

If you, blacks, feel this is something you can dance to, I am further worried and saddened.  If you are down with such I must concur you are like of without any soul.

The Clintons boxed the “first black President” in and to having forced - maybe blackmailed - him into accepting them as rivals and to then that his administration was of rivals, Clintons sworn, on his team as then set asunder from within to but a “TEAM OF RIVALS” - - - Right! Abraham Lincoln “team of rivals” wasn’t of staffed by them that forced him to fold to them as rivals, his was forward thinking, as I understand, of himself confident he hadn’t seated any with more global power than himself.

Harlem, sadly is what has saved the Clintons, to date, from themselves, to now able to be yet still standing up some kinda doctored repackaged Mrs. Clinton.  If Bill Clinton had had his way,after the government said taxpayers do not owe him a mid town New York City near penthouse in the new Carnegie Hall Towers rent, and to just if the Big Banks of ranks staffed with Clinton FOB (FRIENDS OF BILL) then had agreed to his request for gratuities in thanks for all the money the Clintons had made them (due friendly deregulation and asked for “gambling” on housing as to the derivatives mess) he then when the George W. Bush late in administration crashing occured been high up and obviously caught up in the scandal as to then so guilty he was of banks, had they agreed to his request for covering a million dollar a year lease, if Harlem hadn’t saved him from himself as to being then caught of being so tied to the corrupt banking that it was the banks were, as once then asked, to but paying his rent, gratuitously for the very problematic as backed and or initiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Oy!!! Oy!!! Right! - - - And that is of this woulda been as outta the obvious and too scandalous as but then of that a New York Senator had her spouse not to just asking constituent Big Banks for gratuities, but of maybe them of caught as to having asked for them as so in thanks for like making it legal for banks to operated without any consideration for business ethics or morality.

Blacks, we all got played, - but maybe none more than African Americans.  The Clintons encouraged the risky loaning and hyper-consumerism and while undermining the economy from being budgeted still to create or save enough jobs to give any lasting success any real possibility.  Too the Clintons beside such undermining of what was seeming a helping hand so then it is that later as #Hillary2008 geared up Al Gore and Mrs. Clinton were to like setting up the impossible economics that triggered the crashes more than President Bush ever coulda or woulda.  See http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net - - - such is to a #HillaryInTheFlesh a #LUCIFER dramatically like in “COVERT CYPHER” as like a “Louise Cypher” of a feminist #AngelHeart.

Blacks your dancing days are near over and as either way it seems set up that President Barack Hussein Obama will be forward like stuck to singing the Blues and much as if back in Langston Hughes poetic record.

Sad it is - for all of America, the legacy of President Obama, as necessarily constructed for an electable Mrs. Clinton must get past #ClimateChange problem of loyalty to Mrs. Clinton needing to sell austerity to keep moving the masses to saving the planet as loyal to yet “rival” and the “Obama Green Agenda” quite as: TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY FOR NEW CONSERVATIONISM IN A GREEN MINIMALISM.

The legacy of President Obama is so easy to spell out as if he was never above being just a tool to the Clintons and an inferior dependent on the global initiatives of President Clinton as if a needed international “power broker”. 

Heck, President Clinton, while secured in rights to act as a sworn rival to the President, was worth so much he was billing more per hour than President Barack H. Obama took home as a year’s salary.

The obvious “history” for the “first black President” seems to that he was always dependent on two old white Southern men to be global power brokers of over lording the world, - Al Gore and Bill Clinton seemed two Southern white men that black/mulatto President Obama never could get out from under, nor afford to.

It is arguable due the vast sums involved and to that Mrs. Clinton is running on that her husband it seems musta been always of President Obama never more than 3/5ths her man - at least as President, that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were so in over their heads as of inadequacies in leadership that Southern white Christian born William Blythe III just had to compensate globally for both of them, and conveniently of that such seems to have paid very well, considering he like was profiteering on public service while still trafficking as like of an “office of trust.”

Too much money has moved through the Clintons’ and Al Gore’s global initiatives for any history of President Barack Hussein Obama to be anything for blacks to like dance about, to find soul in. 

It seems at least the Clintons have beaten Obama badly to legacy and to that due how much Bill Clinton has been billed as worth it must firstly be, as he was accepted as a sworn rival, that such was only politically possible because President Obama himself like thought himself not even 4/5ths as good as William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:47 am

In some ways this must be mostly about a token white female, - a femme reared more a Chicagoan urban ruffian than a Southern belle, and, juxtaposed to Brian Cranston “ALL THE WAY” rendition of Lyndon B. Johnson, sworn to President due the assassination of “JFK”!

The question is if there is a deep core of potential for phenomena, common of Donald Trump, to relate an Abraham Lincoln reset.

There is much bad to break still of such a token white female.  The drama of “ALL THE WAY” is unsettling.

The art of the bad must be synchronized: - - - People must place history in space-time of that the Washington DC performing arts center on the Potomac just up river from the Lincoln Memorial was designed to be a modern interpretation of the Lincoln Memorial before it ever became the THE KENNEDY CENTER.  Born of the South William Blythe III, of Jefferson his middle name as for, it seems certainly, JEFFERSON DAVIS, there is unshackled bad of “ALL THE WAY” that such was deep of Senator J. William Fulbright hard set ARKANSAS sided.  William Blythe III was at least reared to be a hard sell as per the KENNEDY CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, so seems - politically & historically.

What are Donald Trumps angelic qualities as a Northern Yankee?  Can Donald Trump reset common sense as dominant? - in time?  It is Sunday - the week of the release of 11 Supreme Justices to be as suspected future nominees to the highest bench.  It is odd it is midday now on such a Sunday and that the political news shows didn’t make such on Justice the weekend leader;  It is most odd now midday on such Sunday that we haven’t already had hours of news leaders discussing the extant to scandal concurrent of that there is like the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the postured “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!

Brian Cranston L.B.J. seems to absolve TEXAS Democrat Johnson from being suspect still (ever rightly?) as to a HE WHO KILLED JFK!  Brian Cranston so to “ALL THE WAY” did soberly (literary license) break bad to haunt the politics of 2016 and beyond, forward.  Brian Cranston L.B.J. dragged Southern White Democrats through their muddy waters and seated different apparent levels of enlightenment.

The art of the THE KENNEDY CENTER is apropos a martyred PRESIDENT KENNEDY yet while it is that the stylized LINCOLNESQUE architecture was pre-determined as to pair, in a modern, to the like entombed down river, just down river, of the memorialized ABRAHAM LINCOLN.  Brian Cranston L.B.J. busted out a haunting to that maybe a truth is KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY?

Could this token white female akin to as if married to a Southern White Male of the J. William Fulbright camps have ever become so know for public failures if yet she were of such attempts by his Christian name to Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III?  THE PLOTS THICKEN!  OY, THE RHODES LIKE PLOT TWISTS - EM FLUSHING OUT AS FALSE NARRATIVES!

How, in reflection, against such Chicago reared urban ruffian, is there the angelic moral, like a heaven on earth gold standard, seeming gilded for all of Donald Trump’s TRUMP brand establishments, of yet a chance for good to triumph over evil?

Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Blythe III is a revealing, honest to the Christian born, tag for such a token white female.

Cover-ups are bad! - - - COVER-UPS ARE ENEMIES OF DEMOCRACY - DEMOCRACIES!!! - - - Mrs. Blythe’s BENGHAZI story is of one of the most diabolical kinds of cover-ups let determined to have occurred.  Either she or President Obama is to be ruled as more to most responsible/culpable for this heinous and diabolical cover-up that the People’s House is still trying to investigate sufficiently.  Mrs. Blythe, she so, is party, to dominant suspect, in a worst kind of cover-up in that the seeming purpose of the Rhodian false narratives was to render American voters ignorant, - most ignorant, as an election was near, nearing fast.  The seeming sole guiding purpose of this “OBAMA COVER-UP” or “OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT COVER-UP” seems to have been to undermine the election by working a vast ignorance upon and over the electorate!

And, back to what good can come from one now so mostly just a token white female of too much affirmative action it seems more to have been to a #4Real #CrookedHillary as too much like of political nepotism - of buying of offices - and quite irregular seeming crooked most corrupt “CHARITY” covers of what seems always CLINTON BRANDING as merely newly broadly global campaigning for the “THE CLINTON” name recognition but by calling it something it wasn’t to its core.

How can Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Blythe III fair the at all well now thanks to Brian Cranston to at the good JOHNSON, PRESIDENT LYNDON B., and as it seems of bad broken out, some to a soberly, that maybe the truth is not so LINCOLNESQUE while yet of a MARTYR - MARTYRDOM twist - political for historicals to a that KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY!?

This Chicago reared urban ruffian later married into the Blythe Southern legacy, and to also by choice to a taken new name as “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” - this a said token white female - this as if a great white hope - this of such much broken bad about since she was charged to the POPPY duty as charged for the OPIUM diplomacy since AFGHANISTAN was her baby and any OPIATES then to still of it AFGHANI OPIUM production was before her tasking of at said supplying near 80% of the global demand for legal and illegal OPIATES.  Can it be President Obama legacy is that his first Secretary of State, while charged to handle OPIUM DIPLOMATIC ISSUES was negligent if global commerce continued of AFGHANI AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS heavily focused on flowers wasn’t arrested from too much OPIUM based product crossing AFGHANISTAN borders?

So again we are at a juxtaposed of if Donald Trump is of core angelic as for a heaven on earth moral gold standard where security is drilled to be firstly to keep a trumped to GOD IS IN THE DETAILS, and, sadly again necessary to discussant of one though become of SOUTHERN aires is yet compromised even while being pimp’d as a Southern token white female.

Though the building THE KENNEDY CENTER is architecturally in a LINCOLNESQUE we must fashion a comity for modern polity now, thanks to Brian Cranston, to if KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY - FOR MARTYRDOM WIN.

If it wasn’t to just another President Johnson risen after an death (convenient) of their President coincidence, and that the real LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON is innocent in the matters of the assassination of his President, JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, then the broken out haunting to waft over 2016, while lingering long, must be of the query to if THE KENNEDY CIVIL RIGHTS BILL could only have been passed by a SOUTHERNER?  And, to if it was simply known to PRESIDENT KENNEDY that a Northerner Yankee could never himself, while male even, see enough of the South come around to the sold JOHNSON righteousness as sold as if of having “JESUS IN YOUR HEART” - like of being “ENLIGHTENED”?

How can the good of Donald Trump now prevail?  How can an angelic of a serious business plan for “EDENS” of “HEAVEN ON EARTH” mission statements survive against so much evil to be deeply probed?  How can the good, the good standing, still, of TRUMP yet endure against the so political machinations of them known to our Lord as #BigLiars now broken as bad as due the tag, and all yet mashable, still, of #CrookedHillary?

We have long accepted that PRESIDENT KENNEDY died for his country some like PRESIDENT LINCOLN did, and yet now an unthinkable in the air thanks to said Mrs. Blythe III and Brian Cranston. 

Forward as Mrs. Blythe III, so by originalism to PRESIDENT CLINTON Christian name, is beggard for presumptions of innocence, despite the self evident facts and admissions, there is we will be burdened to reconsider her SOUTHERN as she tries to posture she has been, at least while #FLOAR, quite the SOUTHERN BELLE from the J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT sided SOUTHERN politics.

An art of politics juxtaposing is fitting here due the CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY by architect POLSHEK was commissioned and Christened as designed in it clad quite in CONFEDERATE GRAY and while phallic - or just a “gun shape” quite genres away from any “HEAVEN ON EARTH” gold standard.  A treatment of this is (satire?) at http://JPHogan.org or via shortcut CitRB.org in the essay/column titled “PUSSY RIOT?” see: http://bit.ly/186aq6O

One, while pondering THE KENNEDY CENTER as of LINCOLNESQUE, should ask, since BILL & HILLARY since YALE LAW SCHOOL have been working to each have a named Presidency and to a definition of SUCCESS for them to be then likely SUCCESSFUL as for having like become the two most POWERFUL lawyers to ever graduate from #YLS.

Could book depositories ever have been filled to stories of KENNEDY’S CIVIL RIGHTS ACT if not for as passed by a SOUTHERN WHITE MALE?  THIS BROKEN BAD OF CRANSTON’S “ALL THE WAY”?

                        *       *       *       *       *       *       *



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:21 am

Pilgrim, this is about you. What follows is inescapably about you, pilgrim. 

Pilgrim, there is no where right to run to, it is time to stand and defend with social media your nonviolence weapon.

Whether you take a cotton to Mr. Trump these times are bigger than all of us, - so big there is no where right to run to. THINK, and STAND.

Personally I, myself, I, he whom Donald Trump got the APPRENTICE show idea from, - I J. P. Hogan - accept that I mustn’t be a first Catholic to get along with a Queens’ Presbyterian.  It is that I was too seriously engaged in unsolicited national ‘work’ of helping America be great, or still survive, when I shared such idea, - it is that Mr. Trump liked the idea too much for me to be part of it due I was then too seriously at the ‘work’ of political writing, and in a tight loop.  I, at most, saw 1 1/2 episodes, only.  The Protestantism of Mr. Trump seems to secure him from being a fascist.  More and more each day it feels as if I will soon yet be working closely with “Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump” - and not as an apprentice.

I accept that I mustn’t be a first Catholic (as like of regular respect as a not an attendee) (of Irish American Catholic tags) to get along with the ilk of Mr. Trump - with the ilk of Queens’ Presbyterians.

Pilgrim, you are secured by your bible and your 2nd Amendment rights, - your Bill of Rights is like 10 for 10 as an enumeration that all of People are secured as of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 Commandments, and especially, by the 2nd Amendment, if it is a government violating the 10 Commandments against your rights from your Creator.

FACEBOOK may not be the best media, a best social media platform for what you stand for, and need stand and defend against, but it, as a weapon of nonviolence in the hands of conservatives, is and is locked and loaded for your efforts to great civil obedience, and any civil disobedience intra-party to the Democrat Establishment that candidate Bernie Sanders supporters will hopefully need, - the likes of FACEBOOK, - not the exclusivity of just one of a kind of populated interactive social media platforms, and the linked web of them of ecosystems.

Pilgrim, it is a reset supreme for high intelligence that the say “Democrats Constitution” has been shown as no constitution actually established, - actually ordained.  Your constituted People’s Order endures!  Your protections writ so that you have rights to defend against any violate of the 10 Commandments against you, are to endear, - as secured.

Donald Trump, pilgrim, still has problems with his think on the Middle East, these are being worked through and worked to a higher workable intelligence, as time allows. 

A quickie with Mr. Trump, for each pilgrim, who still believes in their freedoms as of “GREAT” of America, is yet to consider Iraq, Syria, & Ukraine synchronize of a commonality as like three more secular socialist states that effectively crossed lines to being too irreligious, - as a toe in to that leaving Saddam Hussein in power as President Clinton like left as the only option, was not ever an actual workable option.

Deeper to the general paradigm complexities, of Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump progressing through the “It’s complicated!”, remains a great embarrassing failure of the left, of Obama, of what would too to have been President Hillary Clinton’s grand failures inescapable imports. The Democrats attempt at intellectualizing on the Middle East by yet trying to bend truths to fit with their partisan agendas has failed and stays failing much for they have yet to confess to that their big miss, - their BIG OMISSION - remains that it seems they just never saw to blame themselves, and for their tech agenda strong armed partisan dictum, while they progressed as if the unrest in the Middle East couldn’t be due people having more internet access, and such to youths across the Gulf Countries feeling inklings for greater freedom(s).

Donald Trump seems immune enough to the past ridiculousness of the dictums so strong armed of the LEFT - and recovering daily from how such was carried by too many biased media, old and new, and to them now like taking defensives stands by ad hominems quite substandard as like “yellow journalism” without cause, - justification but as a needed defense.

Deeper, again, to the general paradigm complexities, of Gulf Countries and the #NewGOP of #TRUMP, is it has always been quite an ignorant policy to just blame President George W. Bush as the ignoramuses have shown themselves wrong at “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” unless the DOT COM BOOM and new e-stirrings to that the INTERNET of things also reached the Middle East are so to have only happened thanks to President George W. Bush.

Cursory for a easier copacetic to how the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, has been more jack booted of a politics of to partisanship more dangerously close to #FASCISM please jog your neural pathways, - THINK - intellectualize to if battles concurrent across the Levant are as can be historical as like a MUSLIM TEA PARTY, or, as like a PEOPLES MOVEMENT FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY - RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.  Wonder with the INTERNET OF THINGS to having also reached so many youths and agile of ISLAM how AMERICA DEMOCRATS didn’t report on having considered like how PRESIDENT BUSH was more an innocent for such of these troubles can figure as naturally having occurred due the liberating effects of so much power in every individual’s own palms.

A conundrum to pare:  Are there now more QURANS being carried about around the world daily - as like a most popular and relied upon “pocket book” “paperback” - than BIBLES or just NEW TESTAMENT books?  Are there more QURAN apps in daily use than BIBLE apps?

I am comfortable that Queens’ Presbyterian Donald Trump, the Republican Presumptive Nominee, is enough a friend to Catholics and of all of the Americas, and too the not too stoked of Islamic - to of princes of peace, however booked, as yet not stoked to inflamed to as if called to be vigilantes.

The Republicans also some still have Donald Trump’s Middle East rendition as a problem across their ranks, - Saddam Hussein would also have been powerless, while more a powder keg, to the liberation by the invasion of the internet - “internet of things”!

There is much here more deeply, and as archived, or sorted by #Cats (categories) by subject or keyword, to sustain these shares; there is much in “IRAQ WAR WAS WRONG” that can be pared and corrected; there is much to that Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine have been firstly as like having happened, due the “internet of things” liberation, as to it now three more secular socialist states have also failed and for having some time been to some how like across the Rubicon of having become too irreligious.

It should be so embarrassing how to more they were ignoramuses and not intelligentizers of intelligent politics, now, - now as they have droned warfare near eight years on false premises and erred narratives while like not even considering bible editions while wielding their guns - their Powers as of office of Commander in Chief. 

Perchance you know, pilgrim, if their “Rhodes” standard was so substandard to be below the Rhodes Scholarship’s.

Perchance you should now, really by now, if Bill Clinton used his FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP and time in the United Kingdom as but to be contrary to the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” as by being studious, and thought prepared, to like set it asunder so that the CIVIL WAR could have a new ending and to that at least SOUTHERN WHITES could have the CLINTONS as like KING & QUEEN, - as like as under AUTOCRACY and TOTALITARIANISM due subversive willful acts to subvert country to more just of subjects under a POWER as if an actuable “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”?

Pilgrim, please shake off any old thoughts and inclinations to be with the LEFT as against clinging to “BIBLES AND GUNS”!

Pilgrim, please, intellectual, however now needed to suffice, from the ignorant ignoramuses politics that ignored that the ‘INTERNET OF THINGS’ is more rightly to blame than PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH.

Pilgrim, please, flex your neuronic muscles - your mental mass - your high intellectualism - your faith in humanity - for to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN we must have critical masses, ecosystems of at least e-gathered together, respectful to that a SIMPLE TAG also upon such which must be most embarrassing to the LEFT is now as well:


Note:  Peoples of the Levant are maybe a least likely to have missed BIBLE originalism of imports of “neighbors” or ”neighbor’s” of TEN COMMANDMENTS to that princes of peace brethren are of brotherhood and sisterhood but where and when bearing false witness and covetousness are legally limited to like only BAD when effected against or upon “neighbors”! - and as kindred to QURAN! ???

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

You are either “THE PEOPLE” or you are of your lot precast as a “SUPER DELEGATE”!

Hillary Clinton is not running as an innocent, - the Clintons have much confessed to vast high crimes but somehow maintain them are kingpins as too big to fail for if they fall they promise they will take others down with them.

If you are prone to like Mrs. Clinton for “I DIDN’T STAY HOME AND BAKE” brace yourselves for today you may learn much, - and much to how there is this big bad WHAT of which “Bill & Hillary” are of having “cooked it up” since Yale Law School days.

You don’t need the Obama Justice Department to move in an expedited manner complete of due process, - have already moved so - to be “THE PEOPLE” in judgement of so much seeming self evident and as of confessed bad by the Clintons;- you are “THE PEOPLE” unless biased for a weak defense as in jeopardy just be being sided now with the “HILLARY CLINTON” lot.

Shake off the long ridiculously worked spun of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Accept there is to the “THE PEOPLE” the parity that 50% BUSH’S FAULT is still VERY BAD, - but not maybe equally BAD as that you now should accept “IT” is that it was that at least 50% is the CLINTONS’ FAULT.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us start with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support.

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED.

The Clintons’, contrary to originalism, plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified.

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS.

As Al Gore was expected to be President on September 11, 2001 there is much you should already have asked and answered and yet much haven’t. For starters:  Was how the Clintons packed the Washington bureaucracies with CLINTON LOYALISTS privy to a promised like a CLINTONS - we will return (SOON) - to have much have slow walked “government” as it seems to have done to REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH when whence to the unexpected triumphant?  Aren’t the days of 2001 (or November 2000) from the forced departure of the CLINTONS from the WHITE HOUSE to September 12, 2001 they most concerning days for the proper and full judging of the “HILLARY CLINTON” as against the “THE PEOPLE”?

In that it is #RIDICULOUS to assert or believe it is/was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” the “HILLARY CLINTON” on “TRIAL” tonight in #BROOKLYN versus SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS is in jeopardy as he or the moderators need as Mrs. Clinton to fully explain how it is that it was just “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!  There has been a cover-up since hour one of the OBAMA administration to effect a like BIG LIE to a like: “IT WAS NONE OF THE CLINTONS FAULT - BILL CLINTON WAS A PERFECT PRESIDENT”!  If Mrs. Clinton has to answer so she will be confessing by voiding the absolute to that she at least was engaged in a (TREASONOUS) cover-up akin to high crimes and misdemeanors.

Of what is left of the said “CLINTONS’ PLAN” (to be anti Constitution and to affect essentially a King & Queen firsts for the U.S.A.) as but now at most 50% effected, and to then it now harder to see and comprehend its full diabolical depths because the worst half’s essence was yet BLOCKED there is that the worked 50% still enough to float a #HILLARY2016 with vast (unreasonable but of guilty cohorts too compromised) mass of #SUPERDELEGATES is more to that Mrs. Clinton can be said by President Barack Obama (somehow) to have not “JEOPARDIZED NATIONAL SECURITY” it is like beyond reason that it is that the CLINTONS did not PERVERT NATIONAL SECURITY!

Of the said PLAN:  The second term of the CLINTONS was bent much, it seems, to bending any threatening politician, and especially enough REPUBLICANS, to also corrupted so that they could not in the future be to incriminating the “HILLARY CLINTON” without also self incrimination.

Of the said PLAN:  The days from when the CLINTONS were forced outta the WHITE HOUSE until at least 9/12/2001 are maybe the most questionable and ripe for deep probatives and prosecution.  It still seems that when surprisingly become President it was that for like his first 8 months GEORGE W. BUSH had a government of vast bureaucracies that just weren’t responding to his lead - his direction - his leadership (and as if the “THE CLINTON” was happy their CLINTON LOYALISTS they packed into the Washington bureaucracies were cooperating with their plans to be back in Power ASAP for the second round as by a PRESIDENT HILLARY. 

Of the said PLAN:  It still seems the CLINTONS obstructed the BUSH ADMINISTRATION (as they likely woulda Al Gore’s for succession had to be forwarded (by any and all means possible) to a PRESIDENT HILLARY.  It still seems President Obama’s NOBEL PEACE PRIZE SPEECH is enough to tag that it wasn’t actually or effectively “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for he chided and blasted the “THE CLINTON” each time he proffered erudite oration about DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE.  RIGHT! - - - IF IT WAS BECAUSE OF PRESIDENT CLINTON INACTION & AVOIDANCE THEN “IT” COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN, OR BE YET, “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Of the said PLAN:  SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS & his welcome REVOLUTION were not planned for, as wasn’t that an actually BLACK PRESIDENT could get between BILL CLINTON, & HILLARY CLINTON.

Of the said PLAN:  It seems we “THE PEOPLE” must now accept that PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON musta used the #CIA to lie about PEACE for his reckless budget cutting of DEFENSE, & INTELLIGENCE, as said justified as PEACE DIVIDENDS!  RIGHT? - - - Like it only in “HILLARY CLINTON” spun that AL QAEDA like came outta no where and some how so while outta no where as like only the fault of he who wasn’t even supposed to be PRESIDENT on 9/11/2001!

Poor Bernie Sanders having to battle such a corrupt political machine long of machinations figured much as “cooked up” in the kitchen of the Clintons since before they were yet Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (to like the same anti Constitution political ambitions as whence New York Governor Clinton opposed the new American Constitution and to that Hamilton, Madison, and Jay then busied themselves all as PUBLIUS to present to the “THE PEOPLE” the cases as to why CLINTON was wrong and the work of the FOUNDING FATHERS was RIGHT/CORRECT!

“HILLARY CLINTON” is in vast jeopardy - such vast exposure even the #ICC - INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT is of jurisdiction.

“HILLARY CLINTON” is yet trapped:  #MrsC can run but she cannot hide.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us continue with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support!

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically/sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED?

The Clintons’ plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified?

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS?

Ask yourselves:  Could that #TeaParty have been racist while firstly being to #RESET that we are not now nor have ever been in the POST CONSTITUTION world of the CLINTONS’ PLAN effectings?  Mustn’t the #TeaParty have been more against these machinations of the CLINTONS’ PLAN more than ever as against a BLACK PRESIDENT committed to also affecting the CLINTONS’ machinations?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t #CONGRESS suffered a record UNPOPULAR tag and really firstly because there was the CLINTONS’ PLAN of the CLINTON FOUNDATION ever since CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE became (chartered) so that BILL CLINTON could rival the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT?

Ask yourselves:  How much assistance does BERNIE SANDERS now need to proceed against “HILLARY CLINTON” while #JUSTICE beggard for thorough due process and regular orders for diligent investigations and prosecutions?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t your CONSTITUTION but yet too trumped? - to set asunder, and by conscious premeditated will full machinations partisan/selfish political of and by the “THE CLINTON” albeit now critically much as the “HILLARY CLINTON”?

Mustn’t we “THE PEOPLE” concur that the CLINTON FOUNDATION work is to obstruct good governance, and while perverting NATIONAL SECURITY (at least) to rivaling the #CONGRESS as in the old worked sell to that AMERICANS (at least of the SOUTH) still would prefer AUTOCRATS to DEMOCRATS of limitations and terms for office holding Power?


Can BERNIE SANDERS, OR DONALD TRUMP, yet save the UNITED STATES CONGRESS from the willful Constitutional perversions by the machinations of what the Clintons cooked up so very long ago?

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  While here site search with search pane by:  GULF COUNTRIES; ABSOLUTE; PERFECT; FEMINISM; and, AL GORE.  I essentially have the unrecorded record for the most full pieces written on why/how Hillary Clinton cannot win!  I have this probably still just for all that I blogged publicly to effect the 2008 Clinton DEFEAT.

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  And while you do please remember it seems the Clintons jeopardy is greatest for the days and months between the CLINTON WHITE HOUSE and SEPTEMBER 12, 2001!

- - - There is still at least a negligence seeming a GROSS NEGLIGENCE tag fit’n them as for the WALLS OF SEPARATION than can be said to have kept the INVESTIGATION side of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS from having a chance at catching those FIRST LADY HILLARY CLINTON much incited in their own turfs with her FEMINIST FEMINISM CRUSADES of DICTUM by DICTATES to ‘YOU SHOULD TREAT YOUR WOMEN AS I SAY”!

- - - There is much to, it seems, that the Clintons while no longer of EXECUTIVE POWER were to influence across the federal bureaucracies by minions vastly staffed into such ranks in a belief and HOPE a PRESIDENT HILLARY would soon be there (instead)!  It is for agents and officers of the Government and Courts now to assess and assuage how 2001 is the year for which the Clintons will have the greatest legal and Constitutional JEOPARDY!

Like hip to you, - are you hip to: #‎NY‬ ‪#‎NYValues‬ ‪#‎NYC‬ #‎NewYorkValues‬ ~ ‪#‎BillClinton‬ operates ‪#‎CGI‬ ‪#‎ClintonFdn‬ as obstruction to good governance & a perversion of regular order!  ‪#‎USC198‬

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:52 pm

Spring is not the time of the year of the festival - the seasonal festival THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST for all wards in Bunnytown.  When it happens it is a battle culinary not just of the freshest catches but too the BEST WHITE, and BEST DARK, and too a top 5 for OTHER CHOCOLATES.  The STRAWBERRY TEASE is too a battle festive of all chocolate these bunnies may sheet, dip, or barely coat of a celebrant seasonal harvest.

The four seasons may touch each ward of Bunnytown more aspecially throughout the years - it seems to many outsiders that these bunnies need little excuse to “party” - they are so well rectoried that too their partying can be very regular.  This is the legend of the warren of Art Harey a seeming naive to it bunny oddly showing tendencies to be a natural weatherman.

Art Harey is a young bunny.  He is still looking forward to his first HAREY GAMES and as he seems sporting while seeming a most likely to be a future weatherman.  This rabbit is a hare still quite green and shy to talk of so many “greys.”

The elders of all of Bunnytown this year are proudly embracing an onset of spring springing for it seems sprung from a quiet winter known that all the wards are reporting apparent civil copacetic conditions among all the generations and especially the frosty young not too young for beginning “bunny ways.”  The elders, as tradition would have it, are yet ahead of the games for the new spring and coming summer for the frisky bunnies of their entire warren;  The elders have already found a new natural metaphorical seeming deep enuf for a parental lingua code to keep hopefully near 99% of the immature bunnies from too much know’n.

Bunnytown is a literate town still proud and celebrant of oral traditions as well as full and robust expression by written word play.

Part of the mystery of Art Harey is how out of sorts it seems for he to be from his clan and so yet a seeming natural future Bunnytown weatherman - even while still so green.  The hares O Harey though musical in a proud amateurish accomplished in his parents, and grandparents generations, across the 12 & 16 rabbits begot of each so, and while their priorities were more to terra firma pragmatic grounded basics, are yet too surprised to see a general “painting” in broad brush’d heavenly interests in young Art.

Young Art has been particularly concerned around the various seasonal festivities to how the lot are to their coloring and if one pride or ward or bunny seems to be a BEST WHITE - BEST DARK - or so a top 6 of the “greys” OTHER based on weather ominous storied of their legends.  Art has been all about the dew points and quite green in a naivete on talk of pressure systems and cold fronts.  The elders cherish bunnies like Art for how easily they can be teased to a “lost in the clouds.”

Art can grow up expecting to get paid for any work however such plays out as now “predicted.”

As natural to learn math in Bunnytown is that a civility is taught from the earliest tablatures of nearly teaching an economics of a social science before the first arithmetic.  #NoFreeLunch is learned even before THE ESCARGOT & THE FROG;  An economics of for bunnies persists in a taught reared for all of:  “MUST SPEND TO MAKE” as if natural law in a surety as likewise in sciences:  “MUST SPEND ENERGY TO MAKE POWER - TO EXPEND POWER”  There have never been chocolate frogs served up celebrant at any of the season festivals of Bunnytown.

Across the wards of Bunnytown each spring an expected test question for shooled of Art Harey age specific pride is somehow always some form of question like a math question somehow about journalists while really not about math.

A form of this question is regular - please understand the posting here is short-handed as of the traditions of the elders of for talking over or around “mature” matters:

> #‎MarchMadness‬ ‪#‎millennials‬  #‎IQTest‬ • Y/N?  ‪#‎Journalists‬ smart enuf to fig press’d @ em too 2 b ‪#‎FREE‬ whom believe their words/work 2 b FREE?

For this audience it is a simple, we hope, as likewise #NoFreeLunch - and as quarded for the young bunnies like Art whom are told they do get free lunches.  Adam Smith is known to the warren of Bunnytown and all its wards - if only tradionally so by the mature hares;  Protected speech is about for a wealth of the warren in a comity so reared to mature learn some basics and too get guided locally in their wards if like showing tendencies to be a natural future weatherman - to of heavenly broad brush’d strocking erudity nuancing.

Art at the seasonal festivals and feasts has been regularly quite touchy when it comes to cooking conditions and any to be preferred expected warming and cooling and always, always, so far, of being persnickety as to relative humidity and dew points.

As spring is springing to oddly sprung of a fresh snow - these things are thought certain of Art.  Young Harey is prepped among the elders and enuf mature to as subject such that his ears should already be ringing however confused of song like but too much to understand beyond a seeming carefree and upbeat melodic.

Of Art, now as the HARE GAMES approach, and the later days to an elders fav feast wafts in as the THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST, Mr Harey is quite proud of hearing of his Art:

> #‎MarchMadness‬  #‎RaceTogether‬‪#‎CitRB‬ “Art Harey” yet so green rear’d GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE! - ‪#‎Millennials‬ #‎free‬ ‪#‎news‬ to em too FREE!

To most this will at first maybe seem confused as of “mature” protected speech of bracket bunnies sorted by their numbers and statistics of predictions of 64 = 1 to 32 = 1 in a variety of confidences.

Art feels proud to be so talked about - even as his ears are barely of O hare hearing enough to make em rings.  Mr. Harey was insistent upon hearing his bride wanted Art that he as their third bunny would best be from Arturo rather than Arthur.

Mr. Harey is a bull of a bunny a first pick oft about the mid summer ELDERS FIDDLING SHOWDOWN.

Young 3rd bunny of the clan of Harey hares, Arturo “Art” Harey is a rabbit of the first order, as it seems, so far.  The “Art” of the Harey clan is still so green it yet is uncertain if to be to bearing as a bull rabbit like his father’s side or more a bear minor to such and shorter, as the genes have set, but not too petite.

In Bunnytown across all the wards and prides journalism is as good a profession as any, even the profession of weather peeps.  It is still of their ways to of Adam Smith that respect is shown (for reared in) a contrite common sense economics for a wealth of the warren of self interest feasted and contested so each to a rabbit not to be O hare doesn’t get GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE!

Stories are not seasonal to no bunny should rear up as if news or music should be their for free - that they should ever think they are being “intelligent” if thinking some more senior are not smart enuf to moderate their commentary and and sharing to however by blog or broadsides be to “editing” to give any too to #FREE as much coverage as to affect them of any efforts theirs therefore to for however long should also be made free.

For now Art is captivated of raptures precedent and anticipatory the the HAREY GAMES as those in the know have shifted from their confusing math of 64 = 1 to what simply seems to make more sense of 32 = 1.

No!  Art doesn’t have a prediction, concurrently.  He is that green - he is so green he is naturally naive & protected.  The Harey are prudently economical.  The keep of their pride is too of the adage quite well kept of their ward, especially, a pretty for its white picket fences, that too across their warren the Harey Clan is TOPS in neighborly of the example of:


And, akin to “Art” as Arturo, no one yet surprised he of teasing:


What is known is in Bunnytown Art is sure to grow up learned of Adam Smith and too wise it prudent to fig all decidings and predictions around the INVISIBLE HAND as it is blasphemy in their warren to ever be to speaking but of one’s “self interest” is to the preservation of the self - never to the gratification of a selfish as if an island in a community.  Art is in the legend of one’s self interest is smartly of the “economics” rites of social science to business science as to if to a wealth of warrens then firstly each to choose to be of a self in “community” and secondly to “choose” to be “moral” in such (chosen) community.

Art will be confused, maybe when in later years, when of sufficient maturity, he learns of an earlier “Art” of Arthur Strike who seemed called to right economic injustice and like blasphemy to Adam Smith and some too Kenneth Galbraith.

Some day Art will grow up and be expected to learn some basics of and earlier “Art” as it is a tale of the years in Bunnytown fictionalized of how economies and economics did go south for too many seasons and to such “Art Strike” and his novel story of like being the first Private Detective ever needed in Bunnytown for economic injustices from bad bunnies to at a cozy capitalism too in a materialism of gratification of selves work’d politically be really bad bunnies then of enuf power to affect a political “economics” suppression - the story is of a suppression that so moved “Art Strike” for said to be an accidental depression - yet not.

Art of the Harey Clan will have to get his learning straight if even to be yet of the success of “Art Strike” as told as good with the bunnies - as a gentleman bunny with the lady bunnies - quite.

This Art is still so green thou oft of spring predictions among those more mature, and especially his elders.  For now as spring spring and sprung yet of snows it seems the HAREY GAMES are holding their promises mostly foretold believed.

> What’s that young Art?  (Papa Harey asks.) Oh yes that is artful Art - there is a “frozen 32″ inside the bracketed.  (Papa)  Art - but remember there are a frozen 32 outside too.  (Papa too)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

Women - yes, women most specifically - these times are different;  these are times now of #EqualPay with a new conundrum;  these are times of a paradigm for equal justice for all newly due an algorithm for feminism forward;  these are times for women to look at women as hard and long as any man should now judgementally;  these are times for all to look at women, however themselves a feminist or female lawyer of “professional” service, and frankly to discern that some women now should be so “accomplished” that it is fair for Posterity to decide them equal the worst men in history - due paying equally for being practicable as due the most severe penal!  Women, most specifically women, these times are different.

To preface the dire to follow, of straits most trespassed, and as to pay equal now as equal a worst man, let me suggest this link for a quick view of a YouTube entombed to help tune all to a solemn mood.  Here is a link to an old SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE #SNL skit;  http://bit.ly/PAXIL_SNL!

To be “in a Christian mood” let us see the beginning of life outside of Chelsea’s womb of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky as blessed in being of a good Christian name and the responsibility of communities and even villages therefore expectant;  To be “Christian” now, and yet judicial and prudent of a fair feminism forward, let us consider she a newest female of “Clinton” is named with premeditated Christian intent of a good Christian name - not just of a (secular) Power moniker;  To be “Christian” forward let us welcome #CCM “Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky” but recognize a Duty therefore may be to be to many, many, many prayers for her grandparents that they can yet be redeemed - let us, for Charlotte, accept a need, forward, of her grandparents of redemption beyond mere “political redemption”!

To be judicial this too is now prescribed by concurrence of women now so progressed in feminism gains that Attorney General Eric Holder as a first black of such high office may find it unwise to leave office without preceding legally against top women.

Not to do the work of Eric Holder, as the Attorney General of the Obama Justice Department, and however firstly black and so also of concerns like around Mrs. Clinton, of pitfalls in practice from racing to the top in affirmative action plus plus banding, it is that this is to be structural for Justice but more in a #TopTen or #DirtiestDozen befitting a comedic satirical of late night television, but not only for paid cable channel standards.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, as #FLOTUS - First Lady of The United States - is more now as if in a pickle barrel than merely “in a pickle” judicially.  Mrs. William J. Clinton, as #FLOTUS, did incite across the Middle East, at least, and as chided by President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech targeting of a foreign policy adage of there dangers from avoidance and inaction.  Mrs. Clinton, however, is now no longer of a staff position in an administration nor a seat in Congress;  Mrs. Clinton is now herself also removed from National Security buffers for personal liability in culpability;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite rather than act during her reigning with WJC in their Power intimacy;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite across the Middle East, at least, and when it was more dangerous even than the real dangers palpable from their (joined) decision to be more of avoidance and inaction and of the tag of “American abandonment”!

See, now, why it may help to have viewed the Paxil_SNL video?  See, now, how it may behoove all to review too President Barack H.Obama oratory as archived as his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech?  Or as conveniently bitly here with http://bit.ly/Nobel_Obama?

Though President BHO did admonish and chide the Clintons’ eight years he didn’t specify how his Secretary of State choice was too compromised for having a legacy already too much of marshaling greater dangers and more dangerous times by at least a collusion in intimate avoidance and inaction - of being of eight years of abandonment of just the women of Afghanistan and Iraq while it was simple “diplomacy” that the The United States of America for recent past of in country involvements was thus of a right to return and show timely care - timely caring!

We are now progressed with feminism so far that we must also look at there being problems in any Mrs. Clinton, candidate, of at least ten realities also necessary of a due querious too in lingua franca concurrence that are irreconcilable from all discussions of perils of too much affirmative action for any.  I do not, in my lay, see how the “First Black Attorney General” can leave his office with chin up and of pride if he isn’t to looking at Mrs. WJC, at least, as a woman now equal some of the worlds worst ever men and due to pay equally for being equally of guilt;  I do not, in my lay think, fathom any twaining for the last stretch of AG Eric Holder if it without marking off a comparable while others have jurisdictions to compete per rending justice upon Mrs. WJC, at least.

A child has been born - a new Clinton has begun its life/living outside of her womb - a child may now to be of the Hope in Christianity of people of the known world, where ever, of praying and prayers that her grandparents despite these #TopTen tags of culpability are yet enough of a potential for redemption however such beset in the reality of politics and Justice that Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC are soiled in a stink of their own historical at least as for being of a clear pathology of PBHO’s “dangers” from “avoidance” and “inaction” as if the parents of the terror attacks of 9/11 I & II.  It is inescapable, for any redeeming for Charlotte of her grandparents, how the logic Nobel of PBHO is that their historical avoidance and inaction was at least causal to catastrophes of them at least of negligence to gross negligence each in their own ways, however, manly or feminine.

RELIGION:  For Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky to have the potential of a great Christian life now and forever forward many many many prayers will be needed for redemption to be of Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC if and when they too join in a penitence practicable to being redeemed, however. 

FEDERAL ELECTIONS:  For parity and Justice there can be no candidate Clinton for a new HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, and as it is that there never was any for the first of 2008.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is undecided Constitutional writ it remains that a wife is a spouse and equal under the Constitution inseparable as a half an equal and so that until the Supreme Court renders some specifics to decide initially its import to elections it is fair and a People’s Duty to tag any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL, even TREASON.

AFGHANISTAN:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the women, of Afghanistan.

IRAQ:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the Shia women of Iraq.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT:  Mrs. WJC did by insisting on having a West Wing staffer job while the #FLOTUS did undermine feminism and workplace standards for equality.  It was a big mistake that Mrs. WJC was of a “staffer” position while the spouse to the Presidency indivisible.  It is a big mistake to not look at her so as of a bad “feminist” model for workplaces anywhere, however, for having asked to be officially subjugated under her husband while “officially” indivisible as an equal by the marriage laws of their union. As First Lady the President as a male spouse was yet of the Law of the lands that his practices political, however “executive” precisely, were so that marriage equality wasn’t allowed to be set asunder even as so in tasking his spouse as an “official” underling subjugated in Duty in an office hierarchy of the West Wing structures.

SECURITIES/SHARED WEALTH:  Whether for the FBI, SEC, FEC, or just Justice we have it now that all the finances of the “The Clinton” are fair game and of a Duty too of Congress in oversight in rights to preserve and protect the Union under Article One prescriptions.  These days post a QUID PRO QUO rendered upon one Virginian Governor now alights it too of the Clintons that another Virginia Governor has too long also been like too much of political QUID PRO QUO, however it more the Clintons in his pocket then him firstly in their pockets.  It is that was have the Clintons move to New York and as if the New York Senate seat of Senator Patrick Moynihan had been arranged to be next for Mrs. WJC - by political partisan dealing done, it seems, from within the Clintons’ White House.  It is that there is said a “DEAD BROKE” motivation behind all the potential servable as improper QUID PRO QUO how the Clintons to be in New York City, however as carpetbaggers charm, were to asking Big Bank friends (political associates merely?) to be to like gifting PWJC for Carnegie Hall Tower near penthouse rents as gratuities for the Clintons have like made them all so much money with their derivatives politics.  Mrs. WJC is inseparable for a bad feminism for being so to being Senator at least for having been too nearly so clearly and like permanently of an obvious QUID PRO QUO just of being party to the asking of banks to be to paying, again gratuitously, as much of the rent for a Time Square near penthouse suite for her spouse.

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS:  #ICC is now likely of a jurisdiction around and ready to be over Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as corporate global people of their meddling international “initiatives” of their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES.  It seems the ICC can rival even Attorney General Eric Holder now for prudence more judicial of the “The Clinton” as arrestable at least some for fraud, and more maybe for negligence of conduct(s) unbecoming a former First Couple of The United States of America.  It seems even if the Clintons do not step across newly the threshold of candidacy for President they are of such a fog of culpability that the ICC should at least be to considering an officially worked airing through “audits” to discern in a spirit of trust busting some being allowed to much trust internationally.

CONGRESS:  Per the Duty of the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE there is that beyond a cover-up having been enough found to proceed towards a “HOW CRIMINAL” such as a new criminal cover-up it is that the “feminist” in Mrs. WJC is long inconveniently proud of a hard line against President Richard Milhaus Nixon of it that people need go to jail when a President is determined even of such as a lesser and less tragic cover-up practices.  Mrs. WJC has much floated the boat that now is rightly of her to be beset upon as a prison ship however;  Mrs. WJC had vast motives to be so necessarily of a cover-up after the Benghazi attacks and so that the President now may be more protected than President Richard M. Nixon was whence priorly.  Though a cover-up was seemingly necessary, even though a worst case scenario always, especially, it is that it wouldn’t be fair to prosecute the President until his Secretary of State firstly is fully implicated beyond an already admitted sad culpability.  It may not be fair considering the fog of marriage of a joined culpability for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, due their political ambitions and on going selfish global machinations for Powers, to even ever maybe specifically dissect PBHO as much as PRMN was for it would be too complicated and unfair of all affirmative action standards to separate an clear Obama guilt from the already broached and confessed iceberg of Clinton culpability, at least also of an executive negligence.  It seems prescribed by the Clintons own history and campaigned on pride that the House is well within its rights and of a Duty to actually move that Mrs. WJC at least is due prison time;  Mrs. WJC had the mean, motives, and opportunity so of the already enough admitted improper (illegal) cover-up.  Mrs. WJC essentially had to lie from the start to hide how the Clintons had (trapped?) PBHO into lying for them from hour one of day one and so by a cover-up effected as initialized within his First Inaugural oratory.  She played, however if “feminist” as in feminine, yet with absolutes that makes Congress’ work at imprisoning simple and easy;  Mrs. WJC dangerous set up the “The Clinton” in an absolute as if “IT COULD BE NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” by being party to it as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as taggable as an illegal and imprudent actual “cover-up” where only a simple lie like now being investigated around any lies just of the Benghazi Cover-Up as a lie big enough in a contrary that was needed to repair and maintain newly the bigger cover-up of the Clintons then to fall apart if a new cover-up not affected.

BREAK:  So where were we?  So where are we?  Need I spell out a ten of a #TopTen or even be to a dozen of a #DirtiestDozen?

RACISM - EQUALITY:  Can we yet imagine that Attorney General Eric Holder, however or especially for being a “first black”, is possibly to leave his high office as said in December without moving ranks towards a servicing on the Clintons even maybe justly for charges of TREASON?  AGEH has competition and a clock running for legacy;  AGEH may not want to let even the Congress or the ICC steal the show now seeming staged and quite ready for a rending of justice, however lately, upon the “The Clinton” at least as on Mrs. WJC but as is seems inconscionable that Mr. & Mrs. Clinton aren’t enough from sharing, however - however a parity to be figured beyond comity in comedy of what would be equal paying for the man or woman?

ME / MINE:  And this now, all in the light concurrent that both Clintons are not of “official” executives, or of Congressional Duty, or offices but of the offices of Trust and Profit they are maintained in, with vast taxpayer allowances, there is that I must consider I have been two decades plus at defending my intellectual property from seemingly provable felonious premeditated property “theft” by the BOGO “two-fer” First Couple and since Clintons, and so that I may be now well in my rights to move to sue them and maybe for damages in lossed profits that could be fairly measurable as just even if over $100 Millions.  See Attorney General Eric Holder did support my rights so to such while initially with PBHO of a dictate to him that I was in my rights to stop him from use of my intellectual property.  This is a story now of the Clintons also more easily in my reach as the Government of the The United States of America is Constituted to be likely soon to rivaling what we could too be seeing to ragging on any righteous “feminism” of Mrs. WJC, as if such should trump - trump especially as due her in affirmative action.  This is now a story of 2008 of the struggles mine to protect me/mine from further uses and reuses, improper and unauthorized by the Clintons, specifically yet as it is that the Bush Administration, towards Justice Posterity, and too Attorney General Eric Holder, have stood up my rights such that the Clintons old uses and attempts, however successful, in reuses were of them now seemingly affirmed as necessarily then, however, of such that I can now pursue maybe too as if felonious premeditated thieving.

NOTE:  For now as it though seems I could seek #DAMAGES of $100 Million plus from any assets “CLINTON” it may too I have many other agencies who could get in line first and firstly lay claim to that much or actually all of the personal wealth of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  For how many can now maybe compete and to fines or compensation from the assets of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton it may not be rational for me myself to yet pursue for a mine in Justice due to how many official NEGLIGENCES may also need be proofed towards such to maximizing damages from exposing all aspects of cover-ups and negligence - at least all motives for a Benghazi cover-up to further hide too many lies also maybe righteously of fraud that SIMON & SCHUSTER could join against “HILLARY” just for false representations in her HARD CHOICES.

GUIDANCE:  PLEASE RESPECT - BE REPSECTFUL - RE: http://JPHogan.org!!!  Many also conveniently sourced by http://bit.ly/TheElephants could be just as easily ordered as a DIRTIEST DOZEN in object and satired yet - especially links of http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY; http://bit.ly/PettyTreason; http://bit.ly/TheEnabler; http://bit.ly/ReadyForHillary; http://bit.ly/LongestWarhttp://bit.ly/RUNFORCOVER; and, http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary all can yet be ranked at least for a fuller #TopTen causal to any praying now for any possible redemption metrics if right to be however meted for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  Note: It is now for these so linked that this new column presents on many of these links yet as the newest now sorted among such collections, however some are quite more damming and voluminous than others.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:49 pm

Let me be clear:  It seems a convenient truth, for a return of evolution to the known world, that Democrat woman Representative Nancy Pelosi, and also Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton, however, while busy as opposites, have yet both been critical of Republicans as against evolution, and while themselves effectively, to a measurable devolution, each differently causal of devolutions for their species;  It seems there need be something akin to a war on women - a warring at least on two women both “Democrat women” but so clearly differentiable.

It cannot now be all on President Barack H. Obama that a measurable onset of devolution can be registered as having occurred due to Democrat leadership - we must also war on women of his party, at least where there are clear and present differences that contrast or conflate reason.  It seems beyond just a matter of National security that we have to look at risks and dangers specifically of the political domains, however eminent, to be politically of specific ownership as of “Pelosi” or “Clinton” dirty hands.

I write not here to celebrate a coding for humanity in a shared body electric force fields in polarities assessing civil common humanity by rites and rituals around a poetry of creationism and morality.  It would be a luxury now to talk here only of humanity held together for peace Posterity by strung theories kept general and poetic as a programmed civil code yet maintainable.  We have clear and present dangers to cut away the fog towards if we are to reverse what is now advanced under Democrat women quite to a measurable, it seems, devolution at least of the Politics of Democrat President Barack H. Obama.

It is timely with the referendum for independence of the Scottish people, however, merely near of 4 million souls, that America alone isn’t now asked to consider even the prudence of John Jay as PUBLIUS in Federalist Papers 2-5, and as it pertains to Scotland independence whence as if concurrent and fresh now.  It may be we have a war on women due to carefully separate those of a domains of “Pelosi” from any of “Clinton” and for each has history of too much whimsy in their deciding.

Since this is really more of a concern for Justice and Truth let me defer from here to fore established as firstly a concern for being of Democrat women too much to devolutionary politics.  Let me get down to brass tacks specifics to a culpability for each so that it won’t be of “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” that any joins as if ordered to a certain offered opine.

But where to start?  Is it that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as a first female Speaker of The House of Representatives has caused greater devolution and economic collapses?  Or:  Is it Mrs. Hillary Clinton, however, since First Lady and towards being an inevitable first female President yet is even more a Democrat woman a most culpable human yet responsible for a devolution that has coincided, however, with economic collapses due to her specific “politics”?

Do you perchance doubt either has been devolutionary as first women so Political?  Have you yet considered how ridiculous it is strategically that Democrat Senators did offer up a Politics that the Senate should move forward an attempt to amend the Constitution by altering the Bill of Rights so to seemingly address inequality in campaign finance allowances?  But for the Democrat President may have needed such Senate activity against the Constitution to appear to have yet “Constitutional” legs for his White House declarations against ISIS there is that the Democrats, at least for their circa 2008 “campaign” “politics” have invited a general inquiry that should be more to arresting their own improprieties than just being like shooting themselves in their own feet.

Fight the onset of devolution now epidemic of the Congress!  Write the Republicans to ask them to entertain for a while the Democrat Senators suggestion that a Constitutional Amendment be thoroughly debated as regards at least a problematic “influencing” discernible over at least the past couple decades.  Write either Republicans and Democrats and actually ask that a thorough debate be commenced for it is essential that any Justice to such must first entail a resolute probing of the economic factors preceding the 2008 election and especially now all things money of the Clintons, and especially since their CGI seems to be being operated globally as if a PAC for the Clintons and facilitated not for “charity” but for “patronage”.

If we are not generally now witnessing a devolution of Americans we at least have clear examples of Democrat leadership seeming devolved for they are asking Republicans to open investigations into them even while President William J. Clinton has been with Maria Bartiromo on economics of explaining he knew, essentially, and knows, specifically, that his surpluses were wrong when effected.  Essentially we have been asked, as a People’d people to actually war on women - to war no at least separately and differently against Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi, and Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  It seems essentially devolved too much already - our National Politics - for essentially Democrats generally, not just President William J. Clinton, are of years of public statements that combine to be confessions for the very faults they yet persist of a “politics” as if properly of the work of their opponents - of Republicans to be specific.  (Right, “specifics”!  Yes Mrs. Clinton recently in Iowa parsed on Obamacare as a late Romneycare quite a confounding “our opponents are against …” for such didn’t declare that Republicans were so against any Romneycare for each state but just that any against it was then an “opponent” of “theirs” specifically.)

Brace yourselves “Americans”!  Beyond where it may be all “Bill Clinton’s” fault, and he now maybe of domestic abuse, of dragging his Mrs. across the country to try to return him to TOP DOG, or TOP GUN, National status, we may be quickly approaching a general understanding that two Democrat women are each near most responsible for so much that has gone wrong, and, we may soon have to agree to agree, to return to evolving, about which yet is actually more culpable even if by negligence.

Right essentially they or another Democrat now has enough public statements in the record books essentially confessing to being those most culpable for general collapses, however specifically also causal to a devolutionary.  I seems it behoove the civilized yet prescient enough to actually write to Republicans to ask them in the Senate to thoroughly entertain the Democrats wishes for a consideration even to amending the Bill of Rights as if for “campaign finance” purports.

Let me be clear, again:  We need to work to agree to agree now after careful investigation and forensics based debate as to whom is most responsible, and now firstly to if it Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi or Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton.  To get to such we much open two boxes, however if like Pandora’s, and yet around discerning how much Democrat male Bill Clinton is himself yet dominantly culpable.

As we should agree to proceed to finding agreement thus let me close for now with some details to how Speaker Nancy Pelosi was personally more responsible for the economic collapses that started befalling the Nation during the second term of the administration of President George W. Bush.  Yes, essentially President Clinton, has publicly left a record confessing to knowing his “economics” of “surpluses” at least were known to be risky and wrong when yet commenced, but for matters of real guilt of dirty “political” hands instrumental to such we have to look at one Democrat woman specifically - we firstly must rightly look primarily at the “leadership” of Speaker Nancy Pelosi - at the first female Speaker of The House of Representatives.

Some facts remembered are that Democrat Speaker Pelosi, regardless of her sex, was a greatest defender of the Clintons’ surpluses from the 2 Trillion cut so rashly during the 1990s.  How she specifically affected “Politics” so that President George W. Bush had to run wars on credit cards, like, as she prohibited him from declaring there was culpability for the Clintons for 9/11 and however their surpluses needed to be reversed to start rebuilding the economy.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush could only get votes for Operation Iraqi Freedom if he didn’t assuage any fault upon the Clintons’ Administration.  Right!  It seems the only way to have proceeded to the late and due prosecution of Saddam Hussein was to lie for to tell truths to such it would have been publicly necessary to discuss an at least “negligence” for the Clintons.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, essentially President Bush had set up Operation Iraqi Freedom to be yet paid for otherwise than by condemming the Clintons’ surpluses, reversing them, and moving forward with Congress of the purse strings more appropriately - - - Right, Operation Iraqi Freedom, to be brief to a need now for such a war on women, was to be paid for otherwise than by specifically assessing guilty upon the Clintons by yet having a liberated Iraqi People compensate the coalition nations with their recovered and then available quite profitable National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, it is recalled that Democrat first female Speaker of The House of Representatives is most repsonsible for stopping how Operation Iraqi Freedom was to be paid for from compensation with National oil revenues of a liberated more free Iraqi consenting.  Right!!!  Oh MY!  Secretary of State Democrat woman Mrs. Clinton did try to have Libya, by her ODYSSEY DAWN, be of such a gall that it was she proceeded as if also at monsters, rightly, as if of her own “Bush’s Iraq” but then done right by a woman a Democrat and yet then rightly done with it OK! that such “liberation” was to be supposedly paid for with Libyan National oil revenues.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please write all the Senators and ask for them to proceed to a thorough debate however if seeming to amend the Bill of Rights for “campaign finance” purposes.  Democrat male President William J. Clinton is actually of sufficient public record at confessing to being wrong to what Democrat woman Nancy Pelosi prides herself yet in being still defensive of as if ever and always right - right of Clintonomics and Clintons’ foreign policies at least as per Iraq.

Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, but necessary now, and particularly after hearing Democrat woman Pelosi speak to New York Law School gathering as if more innocent than actually quite a she most the guilty.  For now as we wait for the Senators to take the initiative to digging deep at a greater guilt, however in negligence to gross negligence, for two women clearly of different specific culpabilities let me just remind you all of the conditions in the 2008 election reviewable as to “Democrat” “money” & “influence” smartly:





Hmmm!  It’s complicated!  Right, please yet us now just agree that it is necessary to now finally start this discussion!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t alone in a blasphemy to the Founding Fathers’ ordained Order;  Democrats generally have been afoul of “Constitutional” in all their attempts to a progressive when as if justified because thought to a more perfect Union.  The Constitution is the is that is the Order that forms the “the more perfect Union.”  It has been nearly arrested how Democrats since 2009 have been of erring for process and practices as if the mere thought that an initiative can be said  to a “more perfect” than the Constitution as if forward by “in order to…” as active forward as licensed as of a trumping of “Constitutional” yet.

I may be impossible to combat, or debate, an Islamic State, any IS too insurgent, if and when such as “American” is undermined and diminished from more prudent practice and proper established republican procedures original and foundational to national morality.  Blaspheme may be too strong but as allegorical but yet poetic for a brevity like of reduced instruction set computing coding.  Blaspheme may relate for it seems to have endured and endearing that the Founding Fathers’ thought themselves of apostolic work in convention so dedicated to it the Constitution as a SPECTACLE of faith set forward as a THE MORE PERFECT humbly subscribed as established as “done” so ordained that Year of US Lord.  If it is then that the Constitution as the “Order” “to form a” such “more perfect Union” is so a SPECTACLE apostolic in harmony to the Lord of the New Testament morality then it may be some but not too severely yet of a blaspheme - seems!

Though as seeming meant as a bar to any so now of a “Socialism” the “Order” so is for a Nation a Union under God and so that such as ‘in order to form a more perfect Union” is as so of “Order” originally and not a license as if a loophole for any new (progressive) idea to be as if Constitutional by being as if profferable as “more perfect”!

So the most alarming Democrat Party posture is now that with their any Islamic State however Islamic there is the is that if she is, as Mrs. Clinton, posited as a desirable for again of high office that she then is an is to the is the ISIS that is an embodiment political and historic to amount to the worst thing the The United States of America could yet proceed to in their interests to becoming yet safer, if safer by Democrat Party leadership can amass more security.  Yes, if there were not the 22nd Amendment and so the affected term limits to William J. Clinton being a “TOP DOG” or “TOP GUN” political newly to the offices at the The White House it would be considerable as a task to yet discern if a return of Mr. Clinton wouldn’t increase the risks to safety yet more than the return of Mrs. Clinton.

For some perspective to such, and by way of historical coincidences, please first consider there are now two 9/11 events to anniversary of a common enemy.  And, that due to the rise of the “THE CLINTON” in Charlotte, North Carolina at the last Democrat Party Convention, and such rise as of a “RETURNED” President Clinton (however to introduce President Obama) it is too coincidental that the attacks on the “STATE” “HOUSE OF CLINTON” as the “STATE” “BENGHAZI COMPOUND” seem to relate 9/11 II to 9/11 I and as if of a vigilantism and response to it then global of too much of a return (of unrepentant) President Clinton.  For perspective:  If ISIS is an is at all an is like Al Qaeda was/is and is then the worst thing any of such “American” can now do is to promote that there should be a return of either Clinton and any resurrection of either while at least the Democrat Party Convention speech by President William J. Clinton showed him as unrepentant and RETURNED.

There is that if we are at all “more safer” now it may only be an is and is because the Clintons seem enough arrested from renewed insufficient global executive decidings for the People’d people Constituted by the Order that formed the “more perfect Union” so.  9/11 II was the first anniversary after that Charlotte convened that promoted the too charlatan “Bill” as RETURNED and UNREPENTANT.  It stands to be at least long queried that 9/11 may have been kept in a (vigilante) pride as of “Jihad” so “Holy” it was to be a (Terrorist) Holy Day forever where any of Allah then could only proceed if of proceeding in the same Holy cry for Justice original to the (thought) injustices motivating the first. 

We at least have a problem for “TRUTH ROLLING ON” #TRUTHS for a National Posterity so Constituted “more perfect” in how there now is a politics so divided and necessarily for there are two rival histories now operational concurrently to all governance deciding.  It is that there are two histories now concurrent and incompatible that go beyond a “freedom of opinion” and straight to why and how any administration cover-up could and should be considered illegal.

We can hardly actually be now a Nation a Constituted an is an is now safer, however as if an is an enemy actually of an ISIS.  As we are of two histories and one quite workable of TRUTH yet politically workable for governance forward, and then the other “history” of the false narratives long postured Democrat as if TRUTH and as evidenced, yet, of the impropriety in cover-ups, we cannot be of one face, however United, or broadly of a coalition of 9, for the lies of the Democrats are not matters of opinion but of long worked false narratives constructed in attempts to succeed in cover-ups at least for all the ways the Clintons were wrong and are culpable at least of some negligence for at least the days from their first inauguration to the eve of the first - the eve of 9/11 I.  Not in their cover-up rival “history” is that it makes simple sense that 9/11 I & 9/11 II are related and that it makes sense in a most common sense that Mr. and/or Mrs. Clinton are a common denominator a motivation to a vigilantism as if justifiable as “Jihad.”

I do find it far easier to find, however, that President Obama is likable - more likable than either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Clinton.

But to the issues of ISIS as an is an IS and even if actually religious and Islamic as if more or most firstly an enemy to the The United States of America as it can endear and endure as originally ordained and established so Ordered:  To be or become - to become as if more “safer” conscionably - there are some interest thoughts to posit as hypotheses to test to see if they can yet surmount doubts as workable theorems.

It seemed reported just the other day that the Islamic State stood on Islam as of a religiosity that constitutes terrorism as a methodology for greater civility in community for Posterity.  It seems though then that if such is so then they are of an think that then presumes upon even the Constituted United States not just a right to act as if with terrorism themselves but to be expected as a Nation of such secured People that such of “terrorism” is an acceptable not first objectionable methodology for such.

It seems for there to be an US an us more safer it has to be structural in a moral footing of the People of the United States not associated as also of any guilt or culpability yet motivational to any Islamic in an is an is ISIS as an Islamic State.  It seems if we are safer it can only be for our thought enemy sees our current or former “LEADERS” as more personally wrong if wrong at all and not any a People’d person just generally.  If we support a resurrection of either Mrs. or Mr. Clinton anewly to a Constitutional high office - such hypothesis cannot endure as a workable theorem in practice for so then forward the People’d people will have become also first culpable for having decided by votaries sufficient to put two wrongs ahead of a thought necessary right.

It shouldn’t just be a mistake to allow a rise to resurrection of either Clinton - - - IT LIKELY WOULD BE A HUGE DISASTER OF A MISTAKE - logically speaking.

There is some interesting history in the first history of TRUTHS that rival for safety the false narratives of the cover-up lies so constructed and too long enduring as if believable for it is that unless US an us to being become so compromised, abroad, and broadly, by a mashable hashable taggable, associated with, it reigns a truth that President William Jefferson Clinton was and is still rappable as an AMERICAN INFIDEL for his own unique insurrections against Constitutional.

Without a resurrection for either Clinton we can yet be safer for that which could justify further “attacks” as if justified in “terrorism” by a motivated vigilantism for though the Clintons may have a personal fault and guilt it isn’t generally yet transferable to the People generally, and much because leaders of the Middle East for the duration of the Clintons’ years and hence forward are to be firstly morally associated with a guilt superior for having remained silent at least to their own peoples as to the specific problems unique of the Clintons hands.

So there is that the People’d people, of the The United States of America, at least as enduring, as endearing, as originally Constituted to moral people, as by reasoning, structured also of Adam Smith philosophy, and economics, where the first selfish interest of an individual is to decide it best to be of a community, and of a morality hence with forward in any industriousness, or even, maybe, merchantile work.  It seems prescribed that there can be a blaspheme to the Founding Fathers as if too it wouldn’t be necessary and proper for any wealth of nations if any and all individuals not just nomads tribal or an island unto themselves not to be whenever possible of weekly community gathering at least to commune of a common market place to sing together and at least say once “PEACE BE WITH YOU.”

It seems fraught with peril to even publicly entertain a resurrection, even just political, for any too of the BOGO “two-fer” of the union (not as perfect) of Mrs. & Mr. Clinton.  For now the us in US to a person may be safer and with it that to the is as ISIS, however if truly Islamic and religious, we so are not firstly or yet philosophically primarily an “enemy.”

For now it is more any a “TOP DIPLOMAT” of the Obama diplomacy by distants hands at any questionable droning “morality” whom are to be firstly dressed down with specific words for it is that the People’d people have a safe harbor from too associated guilt as long as it endears that the Saudi Arabian Powers did ask the Christian Constituted so “AMERICAN” whence to become so enmeshed forward from a necessary push-back as the Persian Gulf War to correct the wrongs unleashed by Secular Socialist Ba’athist (Sunni?) Saddam Hussein.

And again:  Yes we can now be safer as long as we prohibit ourselves from promoting the Clintons as clean politicians.  Yes we can be safer for in the convenience that TRUTH can endure as more workable than yet the still concurrent rival history of the failures to affect a permanent false narrative just in the complicated of the Clintons years of having asked Middle East leaders generally for promises to like just blame Republicans, and then more truly for how the Clintons seemed to ever since hold these so of assuaged promises to lines more lies than truths due to the hows and whats of the Clintons post the intitial promises securing.  We are safer now from an associated guilt for there seem to be some Middle East leaders whom should have long ago or more recently exposed the Clintons even as the Clintons persisted seemingly of selfish promises in holding such honorable on their honor for a promise made even as the promise became corrupted by those who asked for the promise as an is as if an is forever to be the is despite however Islam may have suggested morals trump selfish politics.

As John Jay warned like of alarming when of totalitarian rule whimsy it behoove all to realize if America so foolish to promote even just Mrs. Clinton newly it to it then moral to any so argued an “enemy” that then President Mrs. Clinton, however Un-Constitutional, would yet have 300 Million plus souls beholden to (fight and) die as if for her “HONOR.”  Any promotion now however of either Clinton, Mrs. or Mr., does yet risk peril so to it maybe a dream for any so arguably to “our enemy” that we by such “politics” allow all of the People’d to each personal soul to be called to defend the Clinton honor however even if HONORABLE.

It really is most important that the 1-5 of PUBLIUS of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS are to be considered important and forever warning and critical.  A promotion of the Clintons, yes, could really be more in our possible (just foreign?) enemies interests than at all actually to any “American” individual’s self interest.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

A plain dealer to a common sense broadside of Yankee ingenuity, of these days, is beset to be pressed of a New England prudence to be of the Democrats austerity to green minimalism.  Long Live President Barack “Green” Obama!

Democrats, however of New England, are the sherpas of the party “messianic” of the base campy beaten way to less is more, of the race to the top, especially.  New Hampshire has been directed to be more from LIVE FREE OR DIE to a new politics of a new nationalism more of LIVE WITH LESS OR BE ASSIMILATED TO OBEDIENCE OF “GREEN IS GOOD.”

Whomever is a Democrat now is beholden to the Party of Obama as in/of the somber nationalized guilting from excess, and from the hyper-consumerism of the Clinton Democrats, to these days of greater efficiencies of the new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY dictates.

Despite how native and rugged a “New Englander” a Democrat Party loyalist may yet pan out isn’t it that between President Barack “Green” Obama and Mrs. Clinton, however, are two among the lot whom likely couldn’t make it two to three days in New Hampshire mountains - on New Hampshire trails?  Right!  I imply such as if it to be considered as them without their Secret Service details they have long been dependent upon.  Really, if either heard “LOON! LOON! LOON!” in the woods, or on the waters, wouldn’t they be too thin skinned and ignorant and to thinking they were being called names?

Can there, in a Granite State concord, be any concordance for the gaggles of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats as birds of a feather, at least of an above the surface, of their flocking?  Isn’t there a general discordance, really of the established rivalry, quite of a blood feud of attempts to reset and reset and reset the pecking order?

I can remember how easy it was to bring candidate for President Senator Mrs. Clinton to her New Hampshire tears.  I had blogged and blogged to press and press to her so then so visibly on the ropes and quite disturbed/beaten.  Her “New Hampshire tears” shouldn’t have been so generously wiped away as if nothing - nothing telling.  Her “New Hampshire tears” were shed when on the ropes and pressured to a old manly standard of an equal standard progressive with a made general queriousness to if she was at all well rounded and actually of any hobby/hobbies.  Mrs. Clinton’s tears were shed due to a quite soft-balled 4th Estate pitched fair question to discern if she wasn’t just a workaholic in a bad and too limited way.

President Barack “Green” Obama may be the first American black to be such a hero to the Green Mountains state of Vermont with it so differentiated from its across the Connecticut River sister state New Hampshire as so generally a “most white” and “most Socialist” however sovereign state.  I do not know Vermont’s history of or with black heroes.  I have hiked a week in the White Mountains without yet being then in the 70s of being also in the Presidential Range.  I have not climbed by foot or car that peak of the range Mount Washington.  I was a camper of the Massachusetts’ Y.M.C.A. system of Camp Becket in the Berkshires whence. We could see the Presidential Range but yet we couldn’t touch it from where we were.

If I have ever water skied but on “Golden Pond” it wasn’t memorable enough to be of a memory of having ever water skied but that week spent on and around Squam Lake. I have lived in the Boston area and too on Block Island of the Town of New Shoreham of The Ocean State of Rhode Island, and off course my mother state Connecticut, and too yes I lived near ten full years on Capitol Hill near Eastern Market in Washington DC and those years about Philadelphia of Pennsylvania as were of my four years at Villanova University on the Main Line.  I have know Bill and Hillary since they were in Yale Law School and they polled me as a “charming young boy” at play after school in the school yard across the street from my home then while I was near just a first grader.  My answer remains for “Hillary” that if she married “Bill” and let him be to a Presidency first then the answer was “NO” - my God’s honest answer was nearly: “No! You will not be able to become President if you let him go first.”

As the rival Democrat gaggles stir these days per New Hampshire isn’t it that it is anathema to ‘LIVE FREE OR DIE’ beats that President Barack “Green” Obama has marched and marched for an obedience in new nationalism to an assimilation more as the People’d people forward more as subjects than citizens?  As the gaggle roosts of discordance towards 2014 and beyond mustn’t more press a restorative common sense Yankee prudence?  There is so much that is anti-coal that otherwise is as much or more to raping mother earth by abusive mining otherwise for “GREEN” for it necessary to, in lieu of coal, be yet to harvesting vast amounts of rare earth minerals.  The processes for a said “progressive” of the Green Agenda seem at least as destructive, and while, at least for now, quite more expensive and costly to jobs and growth economics.

Fellow People’d people, however of New Hampshire, have you heard the one about how besides austerity the roots in the new New Deal New Nationalism it is that the economics common sense is plain and concordant that Obamanomics sets asunder Obamanomics for the politics, if too growth, needed Republicans (and Independents) to not do as President Barack “Green” Obama said but to yet persist in being, as he said they were, bad and at still being however industrious?  Have you yet twained how what has hurt the Green Agenda most is that the Republicans have complied - that Republicans (and Independents) have led the way in an obedience about the general concern of the alarmism that the world as we know it was going to end?  President Barack “Green” Obama to have otherwise succeeded in some economic recovery to growth has been long impossible for the Republicans (and Independents) were complying and being more of such as GOOD and NECESSARY as “proffered” by the President.

The gaggles of Democrats now however discernible of a rivalry more a “blood feud” are yet of defeating themselves faster that the Republicans (and Independents) could yet of defeated them if they otherwise had persisted in being as BAD as tagged, and so not as GOOD in obedient “GREEN” new leading conservatisms compliance.  And, too there is yet that if the Republicans (and Independents) yet weren’t also so patriotic and industriously of the prior administrations guidance towards energy independence any of the flocks of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats quite should be hunted akin of a hen pecking reset of wings of New England prudence and Yankee common sense to any plain dealing wised to it that that which has been of “economic growth” during the flights of Obama on point with Obamanomics has mostly and primarily been of Republicans (and Independents) so in compliance to ‘GREEN’ and progressive in “ENERGY INDEPENDENCE”!

Frankly it seems any New Hampshire Democrat “goose” must now be of ducking and running or being quite cooked.

Frankly it seems the so “messianic” of the Obama Democrats must have meant for an austerity Franciscan for it still seems that his “economics” were so likely to lead to such for his new New Deal Nationalism that he must have meant, however “robed” or “sandaled” to have brought us to these so beaten paths, and faster if not for the Republicans so of being so leading in practice to compliance, short of assimilation, about the so pressed towards saving the planet first from that “proffered” of a doom and alarmism of those notes so of shots of concord about an end of the world as we know it near.

Frankly it seems any of a gaggle of either Obama Democrats or Clinton Democrats, however of New Hampshire, must be firstly or primarily considered a bird more for the table(s) than for any parading.  It is quite true in an economic pathological that an economic fattening however unlikely with a new New Deal New Nationalism Austerity was even less possible for the Republicans (and Independents) so complied in practice and so as by doing what the President said should be done of any of private or public industriousness.

President Barack “Green” Obama and his gaggle, at least, is of the irony that his austerity has worked too well because the Republicans (and Independents?) proved themselves not to be as bad as they were feathered as a flock (too generally) as.  But can the rivalry so a “blood feud” separate the economics of Obamanomics from of those its “experts” firstly (loyally) while so also yet the Clintonomics “experts”?

It seems quite ironic as of a truth now contrary to the messaging long of the “messianic” that so many People’d people impressed more as if subjects of new nationalism than preserved as free citizens that President Barack “Green” Obama has with his “messianic” austerity brought a nation to so many flats as if more basically communal in a sandaled new Franciscan.

Is it now safe or prudent to presume or assume that this new “flocking” isn’t of necessity due to the “messianic” however paraded of a pride in a fan tailed Obamanomics otherwise as if for economic growth good for a middle class, at least?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:47 am

What gave rise to the Clintons in 1991 does and will best explain their now so public arresting falls.  Iraq of today is far removed from the Iraq the Administration of the Clintons inherited - and then it is not. We can learn from Vice President Cheney’s recent air time, historical and personal, about those years of “exiting” the Persian Gulf War.

The reputation of William Jefferson Clinton may weigh heavy now on all “Americans” however a spotlight may now locally or globally be lit to highlight their personal honor and acuity and agility.  Where Republicans and Richard Cheney may have “gone wrong” it now is very late breaking news that WJC yet didn’t “go right.”  1993 may be the most important or just easiest year to focus on to have it be copacetic and sporting - and intelligent and honest - while of retrospectives of “war(s)” talk.

It is now more publicly known as of a reputation of Republicans or just Richard Cheney that Saddam Hussein was underestimated as a “spin-doctor” as we have the Cheney versus Clinton histories fielded.  [I have long (for sanity) tried to downplay myself, to myself, how it seems I of regular experiences of my reputation preceding me in an air of tongues at “He took down Saddam Hussein.”  Today it seems a more sane “reputation” even for me to accept.]

Most people do not know a real history of such times and are too much of many mornings and dusks of fresh fogs of war.

For a sake of brevity with so much kicked off now as if possibly sport (in politics) (and philosophy) let us entertain that for Posterity it should be that WJC was worse at leading - leading by example specifically too - than RBC (Richard Bruce Cheney). And that there is an honor legend too of such spotlighting where a father and son tale can echo for all times in how President Bush was able to pick up his father’s “sword” of him too President Bush as if from a stone that WJC hadn’t even thought to look for and look as if too for a higher caliber of Camelot.  It may be much either all Germany’s fault or of it also much Germany’s fault that President Bush could be later honored by his son as if to his “x” caliber years after the USA started suddenly to learn how to be a sole superpower in the known world.

The United States of America is the sole superpower of the known world!  Right!!!  These are the days the USA began to have such a target upon it where ever the idea and presence of “American” colors heralded.  We shouldn’t completely forget the Japan of such days, as there is still a haunting of Japanese like Germans (maybe as “leading” “private” citizens in pride) to how especially in these past days a new Axis was stirring as if to yet win WWII and by other means.  As the Persian Gulf War was oft reckoned as if a World War III we too are behooved to reconsider it was at times still World War II all over again.  But we shouldn’t forget to at least consider that Saddam Hussein post the wrap of the Persian Gulf War may have had a new Franco-French siding towards assistance with Iraq towards them of their own nuclear program - forward.

The good news, but for how little this is all copacetic in a public governance, and for too few yet have even pondered how much was of fields of battles and regular fresh fogs whence, is that we are now in the stadiums of history with it that such of such times (however of a pride of private French, German and/or Japanese citizens’ hopes) are now too also “old” thems - these days are times of at least France, Germany and Japan of having moved past such days haunting in a deja vu to renaissances, like, of their “nationalisms” to teams of better Posterity.  RBC did, with Charlie Rose, admit to having been surprised at how Saddam Hussein had been able to turn a “BFD DEFEAT” into a win after the “exiting” from the Persian Gulf War.

As I have fielded for a pro USA Tranquility of old and new challengers:  Check your goalie gloves of civil sport and too your 100% ID check systemology.  However whence there may have been global initiatives of a resurgent “GERMAN” and “JAPANESE” by strategery of private citizens and their personal ideas of national pride we have that as RBC refreshed Saddam Hussein and Iraq have had years when they were very near to having a nuclear arsenal ready.  Whom were those willing to be of a nuclear axis with IRAQ’s Saddam Hussein then in those days when the USA was concurrently like a too big and newly so sole superpower of the world - a target?

We should not forget whom the French were as French whence and how they were (stereotypically) ready for a new Franco even if a Euro-centric new Franco-German within an axis global with Iraq as nuclear and secured in oil Power.  RBC has, with his recent challenging of the too long accepted WJC talking points, torn the “American” colors honor off of WJC and the Administration of the Clintons.  That RBC is now talking so calmly in a historical begets that WJC has been too long just full of hot air and more just careening in “fogs of warrings” dated to whence and then forward to concurrently.  The French are remembered now for having had a leader who seemed at least willing to work with Saddam Hussein and with he to a nuclear program in a shared “war” motive to reset the global balance of power from of the USA as the sole superpower to a new Euro-centric axis possible if at least a few European “leaders” could shift the economic Power of oil supplies and demand valuations upon their colors.

That RBC had expressed sincere past surprise to how Saddam Hussein turned a thought “BFD DEFEAT” by a world wide coalition as if in a World War III into his “VICTORY” is “NEWS”!  I was after Saddam Hussein first invaded Kuwait to a personal intelligence exercising of philosophizing cause and effect scenarios as if to wondering on SH’s “chesss” and specifically to asking and attempting to answer “WHY DID SADDAM HUSSEIN THINK HE COULD KEEP KUWAIT?”

RBC is showing the WJC “Clinton” colors to be soiled and near already of a tag of “FOOLS”.  But now we have it we need to consider there were whence possible new axis muscle ready for at least a new balance of powers in a SADDAM-GERMAN.  But now we too have to consider that RBC has been admitting he and the Bush Administration so charged more specifically had been to underestimating SH.  RBC has reminded many now already that Saddam Hussein was nearly whence to becoming (too powerfully) of a new axis of Power with help to being a nuclear power.

What RBC seems to be admitting now is news and yet of that which I had myself considered whence. RBC has now exposed the Administration of the Bushes as likely both of having not figured fully enough that SH’s surprising reversal of “BFD DEFEAT” shouldn’t have been a surprise for it likely was of his strategy and plans as I considered as to the hows and whys he invaded Kuwait and seemingly thinking that he would be able to keep Kuwait.  We have hardly talked of all the airs and fogs of war that now are yet explanatory to how HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) could have been so regularly “careening” due to a general and pervasive ignorance.

For now the resurgent national prides so fielded as of the era of when the “AMERICAN” was maybe to an intolerable globally of many willing to be newly “friends” as from feeling sympatico as if common in “enemy” as also “enemies of their enimies” seems bettered and bested and quieted to gone for good.  OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM though too was necessary for without it Saddam Hussein, as excused by WJC (& HRC) “policies” of the administration of the Clintons, was ready to start anew, it still seems, and with some global “axis” alliances, to being to a nuclear power and arms race with IRAN.

In RBC defense:  The Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I & II do justify a OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM WAS NECESSARY.  That it was right and just to be to such a late prosecution of Saddam Hussein though is complicated as 9/11 I made the public selling that SH needed prosecution and an intervention so much more complicated.  It is telling that such attacks have shown WJC and HRC to have benefited politically specifically from such and far more than any Republican especially as the attacks made doing the right thing, however so “lately”, so much more difficult to do and sell.  The only other way to “sell” OIF was likely to directly explain how there is and was a gross negligence in foreign policy at least of the Administration of the Clintons while looking to bipartisan support in Congress to do a right thing by standing the “AMERICAN” up with a sole superpower status so with it as the USA wouldn’t compromise EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL still abroad so.

[Right!  I have decades now of sharing my thoughts with administrations and especially with the Bush Administration of Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney from like moments immediately after 9/11 I’s THE DAY AFTER.  As recalled:  After faxing the White House number for the NSC offices my circa such old times THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM with note like  “It worked for such issues global nuancing then much and is now ready to work again.” my visceral awareness was alighted with a seeming smarting Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to whomever then in that company across town of he with a “Is he trying to pull rank on me?” and me to in unison from afar so near with “NO!”]

For now any USA versus GERMANY seems safely sporting in a post adjustment era of times when the “AMERICAN” may have actually deserved new axis mainlining to check as if by a bold “intervention” a too proud sole superpower “AMERICA.”

But if we do not know history and learn from history and especially are to burying inconvenient historical resurgent colors and fogs then we may still have new problems too much as if the old problems.  By the wrap of the PERSIAN GULF WAR it was wrong for the USA and Coalition nations to not have more fully considered that the surprising “spin doctoring” by SH acumen was part of his plan and strategy from the start when he tipped the scales of civility and justice with his invasion of Kuwait.

[Of my strategy so private and individualistic at endeavoring to understand SH’s chess I was to thinking that the USA was maybe to a bait and switch fitting such concerns and to a electoral upset of President George H.W. Bush, as a new Lincoln of having yet though held the world together, with the propositions that WJC could be right as the USA may then be best to a weak President and a do nothing Presidency.]

[Right!  As I am of my Menadier genes - I am maybe while however of “Irish” character and pride of dominant traits in Franco-German blooded lines.  It may be my worked at “Irish” comity that had me like Reagan of his times in his times of an “IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE” at least as per “spin doctors” as “Mad Men” as my maternal grandfather had been a top Madison Avenue Ad man until his retirement from having run a consolidated Johnson & Johnson account for his last 25 years so wrapped as of Young & Rubicam (Y&R).]

[Right!  To the raising of my blind ear to a reputation mine preceding me at times and at times very regularly:  I have the memories still of my surprise one night years after I started a private sector spinning to close breaches in our “AMERICAN” artfully and voluntarily and quietly, however some of my pushing to pull likes of the Clintons into the 1992 race, as for an option to a needed weak Presidency, and one of time for a DO NOTHING PRESIDENT, now less haunting of how I was surprised by a bedtime presence of no other than Saddam Hussein smarting with a “YOU DEFEATED ME” - “WHAT IS NOW TO HAPPEN?” and my at least while tired and near sleep among things about so to “responding” “WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO COME FOR YOU.”]

Go USA - you have survived the convenient years of WJC being perfectly and naturally a weak President much of a do nothing Presidency, and yet hardly know it historically for what it was, and how WJC & HRC were tools not leaders, and yet chosen by the public freely - however ignorant of “wars” and “fogs of war” causal to political careening. Go USA!!!

However SH had at least French, German or Japanese governments or private citizens of global initiatives ambition at the ready to help him whence reset the balance of powers and too as it still haunts to a new Euro-centric it is that RBC is right that OIF was right and that the PERSIAN GULF WAR was right to wrap (temporarily) short of Baghdad.  It is too true and historical that SH if allowed to escape JUSTICE as bedded forward as possible and likely by WJC & HRC we instead now would have it that the world was generally behind SH and IRAQ having a right to be a nuclear state to balance, however a new COLD WAR, that IRAN asserts (in historic victimhood at least) that it has a right to be NUCLEAR.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:43 am

Now he’s done it!  Bill Clinton has subjugated Hillary Rodham in all matters - even 2016.  A reading of Bible App American Edition of 1 Corinthians 14 now too is of a: ‘How profit Mr. Clinton by stepping with tongue proudly over Mrs. Clinton?’

As lyrical of old MY BONNIE LIES OVER THE OCEAN as tonalistic first a beaming with “D | B A G | A G E | D …” WJC born WJB III has always had too much General Clinton and Captain Blygh in him.

At this moment we all may be most progressive to if of 1 Corinthians 14 as if just a chapter and versology as a guide book for male Posterity and foreplay - for males - to be bolstered and buttressed for the natural power of women of the powers of the female.  But how to cover the trumpet blurts of the Administration of the Clintons, and if them of a soul - a married soul of two as one?

Was it that Bill Clinton’s sax-a-phonics was always of harmonics to fill a blasphemy to profit from tongues not in prophecy-ing but in edifying only a new too socialistic totalitarian economics only to be timed to key a selling of SIN & ESCAPISMS?  Isn’t it, however, that the corporations of the world as under the Government of the The United States of America by the USA USC plus are so then not in business “just to make money” but to bear fruits as evidence that their endeavors in prophecy-ing sowing are prescribed to rightly account to profits collectable?  The Clintons united soul is dually culpable for compromises of EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL and too of a common erring illuminable by economic prophecy standards more Republican of selling SIN, SEX, SANCTUARY, JUSTICE, AND FORGIVENESS.

It is now all President Clinton’s fault that he has edified himself as to be the most criticized at least as per operations to liberate the Iraqi people(s).  Clinton, like President Obama as satired in http://bit.ly/BookOfObama, is now of a prophecy bust - President Clinton and Obama now are two, however four, afoul of the three in such guidance writ long.  Clinton too is of a political prolegomena afoot before any philosophizing of heathen brethren or established faith - President Clinton is now anewly offering a pride in a way that is yet not described or enumerated as of his supposed establishment and its tongues in prophecy.

As per the mused guidance, however chapter and verse for males to buttress them for the Tranquility of the woman and female powers, it is much of 1 Corinthians 14 as prophylactic for Iraq - nows and befores.  How their trumpets may be horned in a ready the Presidents Clinton and Obama are evidenced - are showing in a gaudy pedestrian infidelity to at least the “American” concept of EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL - - - These two are two at least alike in undermining the honors and traditions of the United States defenses by politics and playing politics so that a military discipline, even just in horns, is less than ready to march.

This specific discourse on the culpability so historical of Bill Clinton if however or now of a heaven in Hillary Rodham is now conveniently to be found via its own bit.ly by THE FOOL only in all caps as: http://bit.ly/THEFOOL.  At JPHogan.org however via http://bit.ly/JPHogan there is more to edify this “FOOL” edifice of tongues to selfish in a spousal playing of politics of the House of Clintons - - - See:  OBAMA’S RETREAT; SUMMER FARE; SURPLUS’D QUEEN; FUZZY MATH; SWADDLED TOGAS; MARXISM; C.C.C.P.? - and at least to edifice a separation of the Clintons’ mind(s) and soul(s). [At, though, CitizenRosebud.net or CitRB.net however via http://bit.ly/CitRBnet at least a more grammatical and literate CHARITY & THE C.C.C.P.? can be “discovered.”]

It is impossible, Constitutionally with fidelity to governance by LAWS, that William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton can be right about having been right about either Iraq or it as about Saddam Hussein.  There are serious woman issues in this tag.  There are serious EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL precedence too in this tag.  There is that even Vice President Richard Cheney can be edified as “more right” per what is and was right than WJC born however WJB III - and as a white man of the South - the old Confederate States once of President Jefferson Davis.

It is complicated how complicated the “Bill Clinton” is and now quite time for all to strip him of his convenient covers long too much as seeming good while seeming about being about so many simultaneous and politically.  There are dichotomies and trichotomies to discern for infidelities at least to the establishments in Law as the Constitution of the The United States of American as a written and subscribed under God “Order” of the People’d people since that year so the “Year of our Lord” since the apostolic spectacle the spectacle edified by the founding fathers was posted for Posterity and Tranquility.

It is complicated how duplicitous the “Bill Clinton” can present and especially when of triangulating and projection.  It is complicated, yet now of a convenient, how WJC of the “Bill Clinton” is now exposed in infidelities more systematic than intimate or personal and for the years he now opens a Pandora’s Box of as too the years of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton as First Lady and global imperial CRUSADER.

President Clinton cannot be right about being right about Iraq for his avoidance and inaction in his (their?) eight years too was of how she was traveling to turfs known as hot spots for radicals to incite in incendiary spurring that logically and in a lay psychopathy seem most taggable and mashable as causal to “responses” to how the Clintons were at least to undermining EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL by ignoring for his (their?) eight years the sentiments of American Abandonment of its own and expected principles by at least the Afghani and Iraqi peoples.

President Clinton cannot be right, at least as per a Christian and Islamic commonality in how men are like said as buttressed to female powers at least by commonality in 1 Corinthians 14, for it was less than edifying and imprudent how he, while she his abroad inciting to incendiary with her imperialistic incendiary cornering in pride of prides, was to staying at home and busy like a bee to so much un-funding of the budget specifics to bolster a harmonics base for a intelligent and disciplined defense. 

President Clinton(s) cannot be of a he (they?) right about Iraq at least for how complicated it is to how it seems these fires burn for his she lit them and because he impeded by his budget sword too much necessary for any intelligent intervening and too an actual preparedness in an armed forces readiness to march.  He much left his successor that seemed at first expected to be a subdued Al Gore little maneuverability in all domestic and foreign realms for they left nearly only one option left on the tables of established establishments as long only tonalistic when the Constitution was seen and read as an accompaniment to the New Testament, at least, and especially the idea of “profit” as in 1 Corinthians 14.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

We’ld be fools and unfairly so (and racist) if we are to ignore all the flip flops of Mrs. Clinton, however, and if to an affirming posit that it she be presumed that she was a better Secretary of State than the two most previously.  Right?

We’ld be fools and unfairly to discerning differences in old white political elites and new white political elitism if to an avoidance to pare the pair of Secretaries of State of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama.  Both Clinton and Kerry brought hypocracy and baggage to the office for diplomacy - both Clinton and Kerry were inappropriate or devolutionary choices for such high office due to their personal conflicts - conflicts of interests - past positions as of entanglements.

We to start any due probative of Mrs. Clinton as a worst, at least of three, by remembering all her flip flops and too her executive decidings while crusading with the Powers of her office as First Lady.  We should be aware of whom are Bedouins or Nubians and how Ja Ja Binks seems to have been cast as a new good Gunga Din.  If I recall the setting correctly then it was when Lara Logan interviewed General Petraeus in Afghanistan when he spoke of then in his readings of reading Rudyard Kipling.  It seems to be accounted of an if true how true that Mr. Binks was right when of parrying that if a people keep theirs sewers clear from clogging their murder rate should be lower.  President Barack Hussein Obama in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech tagged the Clintons while parsing in oratory how there are dangers from inaction and avoidance (as like evident now from the Clintons’ own years of avoidance and inaction).

The Congress so far has the House nearly ready for the rendering of justice per the discovered and confirmed cover-up post Benghazi.  I do not know when the Senate will also be ready.  I expect due to the seriousness of any “cover-up” our Congress must soon be bicameral and in too a bipartisanship in the Senate, so charged, to also looking to how guilty Mrs. Clinton, however, and to how diabolical it is that a “cover-up” was thought her best strategy.  Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton is the prime suspect in a commencing investigation to the extents in criminality and so that it must be now presumed that she was a worse Secretary of State than at least Condoleezza Rice.

To preserve some “innocent until proven guilty” for Mrs. Clinton, however, we should look firstly at the life and politics - war/anti-war politics of her successor Secretary of State John Kerry.  We should look first at a comparative for prudence secured in “jurisprudence” to his positions re: “BOOTS ON THE GROUND” and her’s, however.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we can make this more about the life and story of John Kerry as of a query:  TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER?  But we should behooved of another believed remembered Lara Logan interview that was with a supposed top Taliban leader - yes! before 9/11 II in Benghazi - as contradicting President Obama and Secretary Clinton with his pronouncements to it that the Taliban and Al Qaeda were now much as if one, and, yes, newly.  For a sake of tonality and the horse race of this to a due fair measurement of the saddled guilt just of Mrs. Clinton let us just acknowledge that part of the cover-up relates to it that Benghazi could have been and may be a widening of the theater of war and a “counter-attack” in the Obama/Clinton war of choice in Afghanistan against primarily the (said) Taliban.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we should be organized as a posse for truths, and too bicamerally in a new bipartisan, yet recognize the evidence that she has set her self (themselves in Clinton) up as if the bad guys in a season of SOPRANOS.  We can’t just jump on her successor if to keeping prudence in jurisprudence for she however measured for her guilt is still of her years as FLOTUS where she did go into rivals turf and incite with incendiary imperialist rhetoric the locals, however tribal, and to such inflaming that those radical already were more radicalized and pushed into corners as if called out by Mrs. Clinton, so, in a pride to a need to “respond.”

So about how bad a Secretary of State John Kerry is, and, too to how he was a most inappropriate selection for any high office in foreign affairs regarding the Middle East, and due to his past pulling of the rug out from under any real potential for success in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and so from near the very day and hours the country, with President George W. Bush, had become “committed” with boots on the ground - committed beyond the point of quiet return:

Secretary of State John Kerry while the primary ANTI-WAR SENATOR did do more than any other in the known world to undermine the potential and any ready success for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  Mrs. Clinton can hardly have to shoulder all the blame for so much that went wrong much do to the betrayal in a late response as a revival in ANTI-WAR demonstrative tonality, but for her own flipping and flopping fickleness to prudence and loyalty to a committed administration too.  Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha were a tag team that did by their politics so partisan (interpartisan too) were to being those, even more than the Clintons, that did put the lives of all with boots on the ground in Iraq into their unexpected greater peril.  At the time Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha started their ANTI-WAR REVIVAL it was no longer appropriate to take issue with the matter Congress had already voted with, and however Senator Clinton is remembered for admitting that she herself didn’t read the intelligence reports regarding such before her vote.

Mrs. Clinton yet cannot escape that the cover-up seems still to have been necessary to save the cover-up of the culpability and negligence of the Administration of the Clintons.  As it is the known “Benghazi Lies” seem of the worst case scenario need for the dangerous strategy of cover-up, and by Mrs. Clinton who had worked on the committees to impeach Nixon and as of the Clintons’ own Lewinski cover-up, arguably and in an seeming evidence based deciding for if not, as the lies of the Clintons’ cover-up were failing, only lies about their lack of intelligence and understanding about Al Qaeda, at least, needed more lies to preserve any chance of future electability of the Clintons for a retaking of the The White House.

Right!  This is supposed to be an attempt to transfer Clinton guilt, presumed, unto her successor Secretary of State John Kerry, and however as necessary by a looking deeply back at least at his “politics” of his ANTI-WAR REVIVAL as causal to such that maybe can be said to be more, at least, of a Kerry negligence than a Clintons’ gross negligence.

We, if of the lay, should behooved to let the Federal Bureau of Investigation profilers and Defense Department Armed Forces Psychological operations experts take the lead to explaining how devastating Senator John Kerry’s ANTI-WAR REVIVAL, from hour one, was to moral and cooperation of the Iraqi people.  We should expect that experts will be called to parse the level of negligence, at least, to the full measure of at least the guilt of Mrs. Clinton, however, and even towards passing the buck if passable to her successor for his past own culpability for lighting the fire of a belief that the U.S.A. was, due to his lead, ready to CUT AND RUN - REALLY!!!

RIGHT!!! Still, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, just for the impeachment and disbarrment of the half she supposedly is the better half too, and however of a “great man” she supposedly the “great woman” behind, is even without her experience as Hillary Rodham Clinton of the committees to impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon like the political figure of the modern United States of America whom best should know cover-ups are to be avoided but in worse case political scenarios - She is whom seems best knows how bad things must really should be thought as bad if and when a cover-up is the uncovered strategy.  That Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton herself chose to front with a cover-up does itself suggest so much guilt and a necessity that it may not matter how much blame we can yet transfer to her successor or continue to project upon the Bush Administration. SEEMS!!!

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

The sheer tonality of the remarks from Secretary of State Clinton since the Benghazi lies started did, despite her strategy to run out the clock with Congress, yet have her of self-incrimination and even much that was admitting of ignorance and incompetence at least as to her (like the Administration of the Clintons’ too) as lacking in intelligence.  It seems Congress has her already fit for orange and is now only ready for the House to assess its duty to a determination as to how long she should be fit to only wear orange - however a pants suit or jumpsuit.

NOTE:  There is much to a much longer list if and when to looking only at Mrs. Clinton, however, and of the when-evers, to how that she risked a cover-up over her culpability for the keep of State per the Benghazi consulate, and personnel, that to must reach with the long arms of justice, by the charge and reach Constitutional of the Congress, straight to and also through Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, and any and all of his “foundations” and “initiatives.”  It must be presumed due to a cover-up strategy that Mrs. Clinton while responsible for State & USA oversight of CGI likely was as a spouse afraid to incriminate herself for such seems naturally to also implicate her spouse for his “HOWEVERS” and “WHEN-EVERS” — and for just as long.

However, a STAR WARS defense a greater defense now for the Bushes and Reagan, it seems fair to illicit an imagery for the Clintons as now it seems of them of: A HOUSE OF CLINTONS WITH THEIR SEWERS CLOGGED!

RIGHT!!!  It to Secretary of State John Kerry’s benefit that Mrs. Clinton is taggable, and mashable, and hashable as too much of:  MRS. CLINTON LIED AND SOLDIERS AND DIPLOMATS, AT LEAST, DIED — SHE WAS MOST INDISCRIMINATE IN DRONING WARRING AND AS IN LIEU OF BOOTS ON THE GROUND PARITY OF MISSION.

NOTE:  FOR MORE HISTORY & “BACKGROUND” SEE SORTED BY “CARNEGIE HALL” @ http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubby.  Please get past confusion of voluminous thread opening yet with this same column as its lede or leading piece.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!

This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.

We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders.  It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”

This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world.  This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians.  This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.

Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear.  Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”

My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan.  My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic.  The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.

There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats.  There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.

The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007.  There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade.  Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.

When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving.  Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him.  I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so.  It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.

I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate.  I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell.  But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.

President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value.  As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses.  As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”

For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as.  Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions.  To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.

There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”.  I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.”  I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”

There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.”  James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.

For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself.  President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.

Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day.  And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming.  This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.

There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully.  There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at http://CitizenRosebud.info of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”

WARNING!!!  Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads as President William Jefferson Clinton needing to reach for an appropriate Bill for the solemn and mournful of the passing of President Nelson Mandela.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads and as per white pride in American politics (the politics of the unified confederate republic of North America) and how we are much stopped here with too many alternate route options to choose from for President & Mrs. Clinton and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives, at least.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads for myself of my personal memories of the Clintons that date back to when I was near a first grader in New Haven, CT.  I know from our experiences that Bill Clinton as a Yale Law student was quick to lie and to as well then ask one as myself near first grade to lie - to lie about his lying about my God’s honest but inconvenient answer.  I still know this Bill Clinton as a real Bill Clinton.

“White Pride” is a good term to anchor a historical discussion on the person and politics of William Jefferson Clinton.  I know from our first encounter and the bad first impression that he was willing to lie to Hillary Rodham to her face and about what my answer had actually been.  That by marrying Bill it seems that William Jefferson Clinton was saved by Hillary Rodham from having to become a feminist himself — by getting Yale’s top feminist to marry him and put him first he was protected from feminism himself, quite.

“White Pride” is a good starting point perchance to see what seems as many different ways forward as if with the “Clinton Option” as really most of the routes best to be avoided.  As by getting Yale Law School’s top feminist of the Clintons’ years to be his bride Bill Clinton did escape having to let women be above him for Hillary Rodham had agreed to put him first and as it seems until he himself was no longer legally allowed to be elected President. 

“White Pride” is a terrible consideration to have in this day for any current or former President of the confederate republic of The United States of America.  But as per his trickery around feminism he has his story as well of a say “competitiveness” to be a white above blacks, and as it seems a real part of his modus operandi.  It seems we have that President Nelson Mandela was a friend to the Clintons while they had power — it seems he couldn’t run for Governor of Arkansas nor President of The United States of America, and that such is considerable.

I have more problems with the Clintons and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives than can fit here.  When I heard from Randi Weingarten via a broadcast of the Monitor’s breakfast minutes tour that their CGI is also being a shadow/parallel like government alternative for her teachers realm it became even more concerning how there really is too much concerning and as if a shadow government by the Clintons & associations by CGI to fit in a single column.

One President said of another President while so many were gathered at the dedication of the opening of the President George W. Bush Library that President Bush was willing to and did do more for Africa than the Clintons co-Administration had been willing to do during their 8 years.  It is telling that President Carter praised President Bush and so bashed both President & Mrs. Clinton so.  It is telling that it could be so and that as well that it can be partly explained as a “White Pride” and as of a seriousness of a trillion in surplus as reckless and unnecessary cuts.

After President Clinton’s embarrassing impeachment and disbarrments it seemed that his AFRICA focus was PR damage control as if a tour in penitence.  It is considerable that President Clinton to restore some honor to his family was oddly to focusing on AFRICA in ways though that were to population control of blacks.  How many blacks can we say were not born because President Clinton spread his ways via a message of dangers in extramarital coital and prescriptions political for prophylactics?  Really the Clinton shift to AFRICA focus also played into his autocratic (global autocratic) wants as he while so seemingly was so that he could be bowed to as the Condom King - even and AFRICAN CONDOM KING.

We must duly consider the permanent record of William Jefferson Clinton as much as we can by the architecture of the Clintons’ presidential library while for decades still that more specifically real remains secured and quite locked away from us.  By the name of their choice of architect it is undeniable that the design was meant by its “cantilever” to be washed for the ages as it is in a color of the Old South as considerable so as a Confederate Gray.  The Clintons did set their foundations in a permanent architecture that is what it appears to be as exposed phallic as a driving Sherman tank or a BIG Navy Gun.  The Clintons can get school children, anywhere, now in trouble for if any were to say bite or tear their sandwich into the erected design of their library they too would have rendered inappropriately a “gun” shape — children can get suspended in this day an age, yes, for trying to depict the made permanent face of the Clintons.

How much information is too much information — How much information is uncomfortable and yet too true to yet maintain the covers of their say “White Pride”?  Is it TMI already that we can be yet at a crossroads and so that we are still even talking well of either President or Mrs. Clinton?  Isn’t it that their story writes itself now even without their co-administration protected official records?  Isn’t it that their story has been stressed enough these years that beyond their obvious establishments the faults and flaws of their designs have been brought out and set out before us all?

Born William Blythe III he whom became William Jefferson Clinton stayed yet by name of the era of the US revolution and independence, yet so in ways he/they avoided teachable moments as teachable moments presented during their co-Presidency.  (I have to use “co-Presidency” as the Clintons’ game of politics and administering is too embedded and personal to separate to be more honestly other than a power-couple intimate collusion.)  Captain William Bligh was he so of the HMS Bounty as made legendary and as about mutiny — the Bounty so as of the record did set sail in the days soon after the British had to find ways then forward with its American colonies declared independent.  Governor Clinton of New York is a he of those days that may be most the model of “Clinton” for both of the Clintons and too too of a anti-federalism politics.

William Jefferson Clinton, however born Christian in name, did grow up a white man of the South.  It may be that he has had black friends and been willing to master as best he could over many politically, and, Nelson Mandela may have been a friend beyond the politics of the Clintons being white people with power he couldn’t ignore.  It is that whom Hillary Rodham is to this of Bill Clinton of a struggle in a “White Pride” must be left mostly for a later but not too late consideration.  She agreed to put him first though she then much the top feminist of Yale Law School of their years, and as it seems until he was no longer legally able to be elected President of The United States of America.  She, to be brief, must have been a collaborator in the choice of architect and design for the library for their co-Presidency and that it is permanently set in a phallic charging state in a Confederate Gray.

But as we are stuck at this a crossroads, it is that, beyond being so toppable by President George W. Bush, as by commendation by President Jimmy Carter, at the opening of the honorable and conservatively set 2nd Bush Library, President William Jefferson Clinton of his Presidency is/was as joined with another Southern white Albert Gore in the Vice Presidency - Al Gore the son of a Southern plantation - a Southern white son of a White owned and operated tobacco plantation whom is reported still to keep only blacks about the house for domestic services.  What really says politically a “we are of ‘White Pride’” but to men of the South as a President and Vice President?

As yet I haven’t said that William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, nor Albert Arnold Gore are actually racists.

As yet and forward I don’t expect that I will say what you should decide for yourselves - I am offering here what is of the permanent and customly set permanent records now yet available for the Clinton/Gore “politics.”

We should feel for Detroit - we should really feel for Detroit and as of a black & white politics one penny at a time of consideration of how unnecessary and irresponsible the Clintons’ trillion in cuts for the Clintons’ Surpluses actually was.  Detroit may now be the clearest road forward for those with open eyes as it may be the real Ground Zero of the “racism” that may be beyond yet now only as a worked “White Pride.”  It is to be yet fully considered that Detroit may be the best contrasting visible example of how the Clintons and their “economics” did hurt blacks the most.

It is an inconvenient truth that we are too many by the ways of Hillary Rodham Clinton - the Feminist that doesn’t cook/bake - kept from the real “kitchen” of the Clintons (and Gore?) “politics.”  We could not have had the housing collapse without Al Gore globally trotting politicized “science” in a most alarming “END OF THE WORLD” preponderance and nor if then Senator Mrs. Clinton wasn’t to a collusion in GREEN alarmism “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” polarizing partisan politics with he socialistic pledge to disrupt economies by a Government seizing of all the profits of all the oil companies.  The price of gas as it spiked with the campaigning crusading by Mr. Science Gore and President wanna be Senator Mrs. Clinton did trigger the housing collapse that was essentially set up by the Clintons surplus cuts and their pimp’n of the risky mortgages albeit with still their hyper-consumerism. 

It is a political point to be queried still if it were not the American blacks that have suffered the most financially and spiritually from the housing collapse.  It is an equally considerable concern that it may be that the blacks of the Clintons & Gore South were those that hurt the most personally and financially first though by the guidance of the Clinton/Gore co-Presidency of the Clintons as it was to those at least “poor” of their realms being those whom have lost the most while gaining the most - while gaining so much that the average personal weights for Americans is so noticeably higher as measurable just for the Clinton/Gore years.  It has been heard on TV years ago from one said a “doctor friend” of the Clintons that the USA could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just get back to the average personal body weight as it was before Bill and Hillary became the First Couple.

We are at a crossroads and yes there is too much information.  To be brief as per TMI here now:  It seems considerable that William Jefferson Clinton is still as he was that first time we met and as one whom is quick to lie and willing then to ask a child of near first grade to then lie with him as it was to Hillary Rodham about what he/I had given firstly as my God’s honest answer.  As per Detroit there are a trillion ways the Clintons are responsible and as it is that blacks may have been those most ill effected - and there are more than a trillion ways if we look more closely in a pecuniary smaller than per dollar.

We have to get the Clintons to own the housing collapse.  Such as the housing collapse may reveal them of a “White Pride” in more than a few ways and with that information already of a public purview.  Such as the housing collapse was only possible because of the spiking of gas prices that arose from the crusading of Vice President Al Gore and Senator Mrs. Clinton so as it was of them putting polar bears and the earth ahead of many or most humans.  The Clintons may be said to have helped fight the old banking practices of red lining but in the end it seems that they had obvious hands together in making sure that such couldn’t and wouldn’t last. 

Who really are the Clintons?  Are they more Governor Clinton whence of New York State and his objections to the proposed Constitution, and aren’t they so now as quite remarkably internationally with their too autocratic initiatives now globally as if as much anti-federalist opportunists?

To be brief as really these are days so trying as us all stopped at a crossroads with too much TMI before us just about the Clintons to know where safely yet we can head:  The Clintons are yet by floating “Hillary” for 2016 are firstly to positing that she can easily be better as a President than Barack Hussein Obama, was a better FLOTUS than First Lady Michelle Obama, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Colin Powell, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Condoleezza Rice, and too is to be “politically” an inevitable of more HOPE and potential even say than what seems a timely poetic possible 2016 teaming if by US towards our future otherwise with a “PATRICK - BOOKER in 2016 - LET US SHOW YOU HOW ROMNEYCARE CAN WORK FOR YOUR STATE TOO.”

We are stuck at a crossroads and yet as per the “information” considerable it is that the “cooking” of Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives is available for criticism by a sum of its parts - by a review of the proposed “ingredients” and as it is that times are showing that when combined they can only really congeal to this our current mess.


                                                *     *     *

Note:  Randi Weingarten - your remarks of the Monitor and its minutes tour so seen pass are very concerning.  For the sake of story and structure and brevity I have to now leave your dissection much for a later rendition.  It is that you too made it sound as if the Clintons are gainfully engaged in operating a rival and much shadow government, and, this yet is politically confusing for as they are “privatizing” more in a global autocratic President Barack Hussein Obama is yet embracing them “politically” as if friendly and while he though is working to centralize and socialize to Government only - to BIG GOVERNMENT knows best “governance.”  I could not follow your reasoning as it seemed to forget or ignore that the teachers supposedly were those of a lot whom were tasked to teaching so many or just enough how to avoid the very messes that their ignorance or biases did construct.  I have to leave your contrariness for later and likely find ways in my waiting to discuss too more fully how it is that William Jefferson Clinton, at least, felt it right to try to stay politically above blacks and for as long a possible and had at least Hillary Rodham originally embedded in such as a “White Pride” “politics.”  It is more for you to decide how to teach this “politics” of the Clintons and too how President George W. Bush seemed also to have a more racially balance and say “integrated” cabinet.  President of teachers association Randi Weingarten:  BEWARE OF THE AMERICAN BORN AUTOCRAT WANNA BEES!

Note:  The use of “CROSSROADS” in this piece is partly musical as a recollection of an old competitive musical silver screen dramatization and anchoring as it is that I was graduated in 1983 from Wilbur Cross High School (The Governors) and after also having been the Business Editor for our CROSSWORDS literary magazine and a staff photographer for our CROSSROADS yearbook.  My high school is an inner city public establishment of the now much revolutionized New Haven Public School system.  I was in high school, though it was then a block from my home in a mostly white and professional middle class neighborhood, considerable as a minority while white among its student body, though not as per the overall general city populace.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:43 am

How pleasant an American political consideration is it that any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT caressing is firstly and primarily trenchant of her in the corner of hedge fund managers and trial lawyers?

There must be only one Hillary Clinton - what pray worked to moderate a true jeopardy of the Clintons when spotlighted of MONICA BEACH isn’t “campaign” stock.  Hillary Clinton can not be in defense of/for herself Presidentially as if “is Mrs. Clinton” and “isn’t Mrs. Clinton.”

The charm of Hillary Clinton is much in a well worn highly maintained suggestion of innocence - a presumption maintained somehow much of only an innocence.

An essential Clinton campaign fashioning must need be in a flattering defensive offensive.  Any “REAL” Mrs. Clinton exposing likely of a rawness - a heaviness.  An essential politically fitting caricature of Hillary Clinton seems justified if of showing herself of a struggle at/for any dashing — she rightly has a ball and chain braced to each of her ankles to a public eye - a critical minds eye respecting just admitted as yet culpabilities.

A charm and polish of Mrs. Clinton is too frayed and tarnished for her not now to have one ball and chain rightly fashioned for her personal absence of timely styling for prudent guidance and duty of her Odysseus pride — her pride has been set asunder in the public eye, however she may yet be of a personal and political denial.  She is fixated upon the public conscience of her Odysseus dawning pride of more than character assassination in Libya.  She is fit for a Benghazi 10 pounds of cold steel of an anklet with matching chain attachments in pillorying Hillary Clinton by at least an apparition of justice rendered with a ball and chain.  She is admitted of a culpability for such cold steel fashioning.

A charm and polish of Mrs. Clinton is too frayed and tarnished fro her as well of her first ball and chain - her Bill Clinton - her Clyde to her Bonnie - her intimate partner President William Jefferson Clinton.  She is so intimate in the matters of the Presidency theirs that it seems inappropriate to allow her a degrading of all other First Ladies of a suggestion that she too hasn’t already broken the greatest said “glass ceiling” of the Clintons’ BOGO plotting.  Their intimacy begiles so much of how it should be considerate much for such as their old and compromised “two-fer”, as it  be, and so established/proven, that she - Mrs. Clinton - may be justified to a public modeling more transparently truthful as with this ball so of marriage soul due a re-fitting with a rendering so heavy of a ball and chain and anklet respective of their political culpabilities.

How politically dashing can Hillary Clinton, however - however historically - now manage to be?

Whom cannot now bare witness to a real difficulty to hedge and/or defend Mrs. Clinton if she/they soon by free will  are to toeing in a start for such as a long and most public trial of all things Clintons now as a re-opening of all things Clintons especially since 1993?  And, if the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” doesn’t shelve 2016 itself?

She is well fashioned forward in a difficulty to any dashing as she herself is due at least transparent apparitions of her with two balls so chained such that firstly and primarily she as if pilloried for travels in a need to like pick up two 5-10 pound steel balls and carry likely near her bosom if to manage any more modern justified styling of/as “dashing”!

It isn’t really pleasant at all how we are all due an un-hedged ghosting about her Odysseus like Benghazi dawning originality.

To what or whom may yet be of Barack Obama coat tails it seems Mrs. Clinton is stuck as to being whipped up for trial lawyers more than they may yet be prudent/affording if of an exposure of a toeing the lines in defense of her.

Any due critique of a soon maybe justified opening and re-opening of all things Clintons and too of all things of the Clintons’ Administration will likely leave too little for the public imagination and consumption for hedgers or pal’d trial lawyers to yet much defend, and/or hide.

The Clintons have put themselves in jeopardy quite of the foreign and domestic.  Any official entrance as if self selecting to 2016 again as a like clean slate start need be now to a new transparency fitting for such a public trial.  Any official step past just teasing with a toeing of the 2016 Presidential campaign lines may yet render them safer from sedition charges but possibly though yet net otherwise albeit without trimming or thinning down what seems a real jeopardy - even maybe a clear, present and too certain global jeopardy.

Can you proffer a defense for Mrs. Clinton now to a charge due if so afoot officially past a Presidential teasing for 2016 and as if for an effective whitewashing about any “Justice” for Mrs. Clinton just for starters to hide further tarring culpability from a re-heating of all things Clintons specifically in a forensics for a believable pathology that now can yet explain what “all Bush’s fault” has proven to fail at explaining?

Can you now proffer or just posit any defense for the Clintons to a due charge that they for all the years of the Clintons’ 90s administering and such of the new millennium the Clintons in a selfish spousal political styling did arguably put their plans for a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT and to a fig’n for a political A.S.A.P. ahead of their sworn duties in the charges of their Presidency?

If a defense of Hillary Clinton is even possible it now though must be vacant of assertions that the Clintons are pre-cleared for 2016.  The Clintons have put themselves in a to be determined original jeopardy by way of one and now both of their Clinton Global Initiatives.  The Clintons otherwise are of the People of a jurisdiction to a new “all things Clinton” just now as Justice still calling as a ravenous upon Mrs. Clinton and her Benghazi open door just now trimmed as yet with a primary culpability.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:22 pm

The news of the day is …


For starters this may be good new for First Lady Michelle Obama - even great news.  The brew ha ha of this summation is of the bosom of truth about how Hillary Clinton can not run as a former First Lady and former Secretary of State without every talking point needing a fem on fem dissection.  Hillary Clinton cannot run now without Michelle Obama being put on the defensive and called out to tell the world that Hillary as First Lady was inferior to herself as such and that her “successes” as her husband’s Secretary of State were only possible as a tool blessed by the Glory of the personable and charismatic First Lady Michelle Obama.


This started a long time ago when a wiser President started the United States of America off as its First President not with a Declaration of Codependency but so as a chesty new frontier of Independence and a government of and for a People of their necessary to life vicissitudes incident to life.  President Obama is no George Washington.  Michelle Obama is more a Martha Washington than Hillary Clinton.  It was economic nonsense in the gestalt of the recent exhibitionism of President Obama however confusing with himself already quite tarred as a Socialist.  It is quite confusing for sure!  Among the Washington embrace of inescapable rights of and for the vicissitudes incident to American (colonial) life is a better understanding of economics than that yet walked or talked by President Obama.  America as Constituted can not be programmed politically for a even keeled economy - for his socialistic dreams of an economy without ups and downs.  And by the way it was the ups of the Clintons irresponsible extra trillion cut for unnecessary surplus popularity that set up the unstable bubble and then was to the down times so triggered by the Democrats while just of the campaign politics leading into the 2008 race — the Democrats caused both the excessive up time and the deep and depressing fall to such long since seen lows.  Having an economy with ups and downs isn’t the problem - the politics of the Democrats as socialistic or selfish elitism if allowed is the problem.


BREAKING ECONOMIC NEWS >>> A fresh start is possible if we just accept that we are best to not listen to the economics of the White House of Obama.  Being against Fannie or Freddie is poetic fright much of the timid story of Barack Hussein Obama so a caricature in name as if a metaphor to one that if afraid of being hit (bammed - O bam’d) too hard.  He may be not doing unto others has he would like done not done to himself  - but such is from a latent timidity not a bravery or bold embrace of economic freedom.  I don’t know how he can be for national insuring of health concerns and yet now be against keeping up with an insuring of mortgage fears.  It is of the record of at least the Republicans that this recent collapse was made by the Government and not a bad market economics Capitalism.  It was the political partisan dreamy crony economics of the Democrats of effectings from whence Hillary for President commenced that triggered the impossible personal financials that led to the housing crash after if first over inflated gas prices and after such then over inflated most household prices with new energy and transportation costs added to the old lower retail prices.  President Bush did not cause the economic collapse - not even did his Bush Tax Cuts — The Clinton Surpluses justified the Bush Tax Cuts as they were pre-9/11 figured.  The Democrats caused the economic collapse and by that we have much that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quite herself specifically causal as she wouldn’t let President Bush spend the necessary apportionments to save the economy as the areas he would have needed to spend money if available were off the table as sacred successful cuts of the Clintons and their surpluses.  Right - even without the Bush Tax Cuts the Pelosi Congress would have still blocked the Republicans from the necessary spending to save the economy before election day 2008.


Hillary Clinton is now mostly self-reduced to being a sad footnote in American History.  She is forever caught now in an eternal struggle for legacy between the Presidency of the First Black President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton and the First Black President Barack Hussein Obama.  As a women she has a lot to answer for in this era of successful feminism by others - As a women she much has herself to blame for how she got trapped to being quite just a footnote to two said “black” Presidents. There has been this civil war ongoing among these rivals since at least the moment that Barack Obama too became a sworn in President.  There can be no near end to this civil war between these two Presidents as long engaged over a struggle for lasting legacy.  As Hillary has reduced herself to being more just a footnote it is remarkable how she complicates and confuses the legacies of both Clinton & Obama.  Because of Hillary these Presidents have to long suffer beyond the old more traditional controversies from comparing First Ladies - Because of Hillary only Clinton or Obama can be right - They cannot both be right. President Obama cannot now say it was Hillary that was responsible for his successes without saying then that it was Bill Clintons First Lady that was better than his First Lady.


The Commmander in Chief President Barack Hussein Obama went beyond the pale with his war nonsensicals orated too grandly from Camp Pendleton in California.  He is still stuck for being wrong about Iraq always - and confused by his former Secretary of State and her personal legacy of having been for OIF then against OIF then for OIF and then again against OIF… and with her as Obama’s “rival’ Secretary who by his control or not was to being more as if a Secretary of War than a secretary of diplomacy.  It was shameful what I saw and heard while watching the speechifying of the President in his colors as Commander in Chief while about the gathered pride of proud Marines of The United States of America. For more on this subject please find and consider OBAMA’S RETREAT at least as it is covered at http://www.jphogan.org.


*In the years of the biography of Hillary Clinton she is said to be allowing NBC to glorify in a four part miniseries we have the late exclamation of her twid bio of @HillaryClinton of her best as self tagged as “women & kids advocate” and as a “cracker” while The First Black President’s white Secretary of State her “glass ceiling.”  She so is self describes as not being or planning to be an advocate for men - she could have said more with less and room for a word other than “cracker” if she had been willing to profess with her twid (Twitter ID) to be otherwise promised as “an advocate for all.” 

*But to 2016 with any and all possible miniseries we have that it would be improper for NBC to celebrate First Lady Hillary Clinton in four parts without also grandly be at least so to at least a four part celebration of First Lady Michelle Obama. 

*For regular folk maybe more of entertaining options to NBC it is still to be considered that Vice President Joseph Biden as well should rank a four part miniseries before 2016. 

*For now though we can tease what it could all look like in a field of three to 2016 as if Hillary Clinton unwisely enters all should cry out for a re-election of Barack Hussein Obama by the accolades that can allow such with a celebration of their special example as a married black power couple as by a campaigning this time under Michelle for President 2016. 

*Most towns across America likely would hardly be able to handle just the traffic if candidates Michelle Obama, Joseph Biden & Mrs. Clinton were to arrive simultaneously — Poor “Joe” would have his large but thought much still too beat up motorcade while First Lady Michelle Obama would have the best and newest of the current full details that the Secret Service provides a President and Mrs. Secretary Senator FLOTUS Clinton would have what is left of the detail hers by marriage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:57 am

Happy Memorial Day 2013.

Today seems a very good day to press out some not too simple reasoned thoughts about the state of the United States of America and/or it Politics - political history.

I don’t want this piece to be about race or specifically about failures of the first actually “black” President of the United States.  It may be beyond a pale to discuss his darkness as of his darkness, however black enough or maybe not black enough.

It isn’t on a proud readiness of the citizens of the United States of America to which this presser broadside is primarily to be worked through as about the “pride” citizens should have that the USA was ready to elect a black president.

It is inescapable that Barack Hussein Obama is black and also now too much that he is justly being compared to a white tagged as “Criminal” Richard Milhous Nixon.  Impeachment may be looming - looming large and realistically for Harvard Law Grad and former Constitutional Law Professor B. Obama.

So let’s just look at the whites of the team of rivals of the USA’s first black President. 

All that now is actionable, however just this far, and just as for an administration a “the most corrupt ever” as beyond a pale of political decency may be most of a culpability of the paler whiter of his careful selection and management.  It may be hard to step so far so fast as to a “it is all Hillary Clinton’s fault” but yet that may be a more just broadcast presser.  It could be too much affirmative action for a hoped for 1st female to assert first an affirmative action for a US executive to be slammed firstly though as due at least an equally affirming action as a 1st black as a 1st female might get, however wrong or right.

It wasn’t the first black President whom after 9/11 II showed a deep ignorance still about 9/11 I and intelligence per the Middle East since.  No!  That was his paler white female Secretary of State Madam Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - Former First Lady.  It is worse than all the “PLAYING POLITICS” both are now seriously suspect of while officially expected to be above such a pale - embarrassment;  President Obama’s Secretary of State though with some outburst @ Congress did admit to a culpability for the senseless loss of the Benghazi Four. 

It was Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Former First Lady Hillary, who embarrassed herself and the United States of America or at least its State Department with her first official remarks after the dreadful tragic loss of the American Consulate in Libya and the Benghazi Four.  It is unthinkable how she could have had such a naive perspective in her official remarks posited from the dais of the seventh floor at State. 

It was Obama’s “Hillary” who wasn’t ready for a 9/11 II whether on day one or at 3 am - as it turns out.  It was naive and embarrassing that she officially spoke about the attacks of September 11, 2012 with a too personal addendum integral to her speechifying like:  I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS COULD HAPPEN IN A  COUNTRY I LIBERATED.

For now it seems that black President Obama is above the fray and beyond the pale - whites - more central to the too criminal sloppy management across different departments within his team of rivals officialdom.  It may not be quite believable that he as his long shown self of a desire to have a “personality based” Presidency and to need BEER SUMMITS for speaking out too early as if a ready judge, jury and executioner can not get pulled down at least by white Hillary Clinton for her also sloppy “customer service” (management).  His “Hillary” showed her intelligence and foundation was flawed with her too personal official and naive remark after the tragic loss of Americans in Benghazi.  Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State in President Barack Hussein Obama’s TEAM OF RIVALS admitted to having a ridiculous and impossible view of the Middle East and for her Diplomatic Mission when of orating that she couldn’t believe such an attack could happen.

This has to go above the seventh floor of the State Department and all the way up to however raised a dais of the President is.

He has to himself really be wondering sure like:  WHAT DID SHE KNOW AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT.

But he has to be able to have the buck stop at his however raised dais of the Presidency as well with a consideration that he is not beyond the pale & beyond a due process for official embarrassment at least for his “Hillary” for having had on blinders - so it seems.


President Barack Hussein Obama, however black, and due an American celebration by its people for themselves of having shown the world that citizens of the United States of America are modern and compassionate already enough to be beyond accepting black leadership. 

But “Hillary” isn’t alone in being a more pale embarrassment while of the Black President’s TEAM OF RIVALS. 

But with that said we can this Memorial Day remember that Governor Mitt Romney cost himself the last election and maybe for driving to much as if black Obama - on healthcare. 

It is difficult to believe that after Governor Mitt Romney suggested that if white he were elected and black President Obama defeated he would repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE he had a chance with common sense citizens.

Governor Mitt Romney only offered basically that citizens of the United States should elect him to solve healthcare because he was white, maybe.  It could be a fairness thing that since he was white when he got ROMNEYCARE passed in a liberal Massachusetts he thought that as long as President Barack H. Obama was saying OBAMACARE IS ROMNEYCARE then he should be voted to a defeat of black President Obama because it wasn’t honorable for his ROMENYCARE to be stolen from him and taken as if that the work of another.

But beyond that Governor Mitt Romney may have had a moral case, after President Obama himself asserted that OBAMACARE is ROMNEYCARE, such that since so it should be returned to its rightful owner and he that admitted/confessed a stealing should at least be defeated it rests that as long as OBAMACARE WAS ROMNEYCARE and Governor Mitt Romney yet was saying that if he was elected he would repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE it actually seemed simply political that it would have been racist to have elected Mitt Romney unless of a moral standing that OBAMACARE was a theft of ROMNEYCARE.

So simply the field is set and there seems an impossibility in our modern politics that Democrats can offer a road of any sort back to a bi-partisan politics in Washington DC.

It is impossible to believe that Obama’s Secretary of State couldn’t have known about Iraq and years of attacks on State Department facilities or people.  It is irrational to believe that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as former First Lady or Secretary of State had any reasonable basis to believe an attack like that of 9/11 II couldn’t happen in a country she liberated.

It is beyond a pale for US politics and Diplomacy that “Hillary” however now culpable also for PLAYING POLITICS at least with the deaths of the BENGHAZI FOUR isn’t of having been at President Obama’s side for so long, however in a TEAM OF RIVALS, is an embarrassment due a subpoena by Congress and with her Middle East expert too, as the wife of Bill Clintons’ protege Anthony Weiner, if “Hillary” wasn’t just PLAYING POLITICS, must, it seems, have been the Secretary’s go to person to be best able to explain the events of our second 9/11.

It may have been all the white people whom have seemingly taken black President Barack H. Obama beyond the pale to such official and embarrassing days as these with a potpourri of scandals, and, all worst when each looked at as to consider if the President of the United States wasn’t just PLAYING POLITICS.

And, yes!  Yes Governor Mitt Romney lost the last election less because he was white and the President was black but that he himself blurred the lines and issues while maybe too prideful with his campaigning on his desires to basically repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE and while the country was believing that OBAMACARE was ROMNEYCARE.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

HONEST JOHN, of the Beaver Wars pride, stands tall of the felted beaver pelted topping of Abraham Lincoln as a bundle of flesh and bones quite more an embodiment of personality as to the HEDGER TYRANNICAL HILLARY now being processed as too institutionalized.

The hide of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is being metaphorically, at least, justly processed/peeled back not as if a quite dry autopsy of the Republican Party but as if of long due deep cutting for a not too political live dissection of so much of/from the Clintons inhibiting much as if a cancer on our politics and economy.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is Hillary Clinton more of a hedge fruitless global Diplomacy such that it has hardly been “Diplomacy” baring?

Is President Bill Clinton nearer to admitting it was more all his fault?  What of their foggy bottoms of Clinton two-fer?

{Enter President Barack Hussein Obama - as if newly present at Ohio State as if erudite about tyranny:   Puffed up.}

It is like a new kind of Beaver War that young Ohioans have been pulled into with their President of no tyranny claims while a tyranny of the Clintons reigns within his own Democrat Party for Party control and for rants of keeping whom they mean to as lower Democrats barred from higher Party status or institutional acclamation and rank.  It seems it is quite tyrannical how the Clinton have been trying to hold onto inappropriate executive power since leaving office in 2001.  It seems President Obama has a tyranny of his “team of rivals” and that this is some revealed in the live dissection of the Democrat’s cover-up pertaining to Benghazi.

If Americans are to find justice from the commenced live dissection of some rants of Mrs. Clinton and her keeps - of others less politically favored or protected while also her keeps - and a Shakespearean JUSTICE of a pound of flesh from around her heart it must now be set before that her blood may spill however while accruing the just full pound of flesh and no more — that her blood may now spill too if and when it a pound of flesh, a half pound or pounds of flesh judged fair.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  House Speaker John Boehner is both of these new Beaver Wars and of Ohio and the old Beaver Wars pride and tall honor much of Abraham Lincoln standing long so tall as a Republican in beaver felted pelted topping.  I do not know if Ohio can claim to have been the home of Lincoln’s own beavered tall standing.

Are the Benghazi hearing now as a live dissection of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton also about how the Clinton two-fer is now long as a tyrannical political power of a reigning about just Democrats as the keepers of the party gates for passage of young to Party places and classier ranks?  In Ohio President Barack Hussein Obama spoke as if there was no tryanny to worry about and not even that long now of the proximity of his “team of rivals” Clintons.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  There is a tyranny over at least the minds of Democrat Party women now just of and by the concerned “Diplomacy” of Hillary Clinton as fruitless in hedging it has been.  There is a more political and partisan tyranny as well over at least Democrat Party women of and by the reigning of the Clinton two-fer however concerning as of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “team of rivals.”

With Benghazi the first real surgical cutting of the now much late live dissection of the political and “Diplomacy” of just Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton we have peeled back the ribbing and spine of a Party tyranny, much - already.

I dug out this of 9/18/2012 called TREASON SELLS while looking for a specific different piece more about #Benghazi > http://bit.ly/10jc6kk
.  I still recommend stretching your mental muscles against tyrannies over minds of men, and women too, with a visit to http://CitRB.com and a reading of all that queues after a local site search by BENGHAZI.

“Of #Hillary #Benghazi “WHAT DIFF …” IF THIS OR THAT clever defense - Really if that or that not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR BIG DIFF.“*

#Hillary LIKE REALLY? BEST YOU HAD FOR #CONGRESS #BENGHAZI WAS LIKE “or maybe just some guy walking down the street” possibility?”*

#Benghazi is about same Clintons that had their Prez Library designed in a gun shape & skinned in Confederate Gray & who planted on Whitehaven?”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This in not just a literary technique!  There is a diabolical dichotomy nearer a trichotomy of the Clintons and their triangulations.

Re: #Benghazi much that GAME CHANGE book a vast lie about Hillary as she & Bill consummated their marriage towards both becoming President.”*

Re: #Benghazi “it’s for the video” - but isn’t it more insulting to Muslims to say brutality of video motives so more than insult video actually was?”*

[note: an “*” here denotes a quoting reposting of a recent #Benghazi related tweet of me with my twid (Twitter ID) @jphoganorg and as readable in bulleted of http://citizenrosebud.mobi]

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has been a hedger and arguably of a Diplomacy that hasn’t been baring fruits - at least as promised or as her rants and tying of rants bosoms yet of cold suggestions too institutionalized.

It is not fair to even just the young of Ohio State to let Hillary Clinton be as if of a new pride in a new Beaver Wars - it is safer and politically more prudent to still talk more of her as tyrannical in an imperialistic socialism as a Crusader with a history as FLOTUS as having been globally to much too inciting and too polarizing.


Seems an important day to remember Operation Iraqi Freedom as figured originally to be a new bold step for global relations with the liberation not to be an occupation and it to be of compensation after the fact by a freed Iraqi People with their profits from their oil output.  Odd how Dems say Iraq wasn’t paid for while it was Pelosi Congress that mostly killed how it was to be paid for by those liberated.  Even odder that we were supposed to believe that Hillary’s bold State move on Libya of her Odyssey Dawn was then set up and sold as if it were a brand new idea and a Democrat idea to have a liberation of a sovereign people and to have it set up supposedly to be as if a liberation compensated for by oil outputs of such country and its people. Hmmm?  Something not quite politically right about this as it seems at least Hillary can not hide she was playing politics with Libya & Benghazi.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

[Note: a “*” could as well be for a posted sharing longer than 140 characters and yet also a tweeted by me as with twid @jphoganorg as originally a Facebook status update that re-posted to Twitter.]

House Speaker John Boehner is an honorable man and maybe due a tag too as of “honest” like say HONEST JOHN.  We have that the known history and legacy of the Clintons’ two-fer is now of the commenced late live dissection inseparable from their personal reputations as known liars and “Big Liars.”

#SecClinton per #Benghazi may have been too busy trying to usurp legacy global powers of Treasury & Commerce to do Diplomatic Mission well!”*

Oh #SecClinton per #Benghazi I guess it just used to be AMERICAN to think that our SoS would take daily threat ass. in countries they invaded?”*

I think that like Economic Statecraft idea of Hillary’s Diplomatic nonsense & dangerous as necessarily a restructuring of Exec Branch.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is President Bill Clinton now nearer to admitting it is much really all his fault?  Would that be fair or accurate analysis of the diabolical dichotomy of the Clintons’ two-fer triangulating trichotomies?

President Barack Hussein Obama as now still as if of Ohio seems to have missed the very dangers of his own “team of rivals” as of an actual and affecting modern tyranny of and by the Clintons at least still within his own Democrat Party.

“It was a cover-up method of & tall tales > but so they could avoid an appropriate necessary measured RESPONSE?”*

“The hardest hitting tweets - tweets with background to stand on links - on now threaded at - “*

“Of lies that if TERROR or ACT OF WAR then they might have had to bomb Meca or all the Afghan opium stores/crops.”*

“1/2 million may have already read my THE BIG TENT here linked > REALLY speaks to & Clintons as haphazards > “*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

& foggy bottoms of two-fer intel > so wrong about it still hard for him to be right bout anything in region”*

“Per & best we’d prosecuted Saddam in Clintons’ 1st term with a bring of Community Policing then & not just when SURGED”*

“Of “WHAT DIFF” If THIS or THAT clever defense - Really if THAT or THAT not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR -BIG DIFF”*

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really it seems a tyranny over minds and bodies of Democrat women at least that we are of a President Obama embraced by a tyrannical rivalry he may not even recognized as such.  Really it seems a tyranny over at least minds and bodies of Democrat women how the rants of Clintons’ two-fer are of their attempts to keep a party keep by rants tying and lashing down to hopes of so many they institutionally need to keep as a keep beneath them

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of Benghazi we see cracks in the cover-up of the Clintons by President Obama as well as an actual “played politics” tyranny of a political election count-down fields of conflicts and competition.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of the modern sit rep of just Democrat Party politics, however of a tyranny while our President says to not worry yourselves about tyranny, it is ridiculous that with #Benghazi streaming, however now commenced as a late but due “pound of flesh” live dissection, of at least an arguable fruitless hedged “diplomacy” by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, that you are not alone in a time of tyrannies.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really!!!  And how can it not be so while Hillary Clinton is so INSTITUTIONALIZED!?  How now as maybe we have that President William Jefferson Clinton may be nearer to admitting it was much all his own fault?  And, how, now as we have a state of Democrat Party Politics such that a tyranny likely explains best how it seems there are no other women than Hillary Clinton now allowed to be see as capable of becoming President.  And, how, as it is prudent and important to ask if there is even another women that hasn’t slept with Bill Clinton whom can be said now to be at least as capable as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:41 pm

The high drama of the SEQUESTER has its roots in the first round - the FOOL ME ONCE round - of the politics of the Clintons in the second term of the co-Administration of the Clintons.  This is the shame on us round now - the round two - of at least the Republicans no longer able to say “shame on you” as round one tolerates - or expects.

Hillary Clinton was not an alternative to this.  A President Clinton, as irregular and ill advised as it was, would have been of these same polarizing partisan politics but more clearly as a round two now longer a shame upon the foolery of the Clintons on the Clintons.  She wasn’t born to this polarizing harkening to Soviet styled socialism as President Barack H. Obama was as born so salt and peppered beautifully as a Soviet Studies LOVE child.  Hillary Clinton made nearly all the same impossible spending promises that “socialist” @BarackObama did - Hillary Clinton started off maybe more “socialist” than he has actually has been with her first parlay her promise to seize all oil company profits if she is elected.

Yes this is an era of political high drama.  And, yes, this time around for the Republicans to play “bi-partisanly” well with these Dems they would now be the party of the shame of round twos as of “FOOL ME ONCE - SHAME ON YOU — FOOL ME TWICE - SHAME ON ME!”

I really don’t know how much of this I have to explain to new or old and loyal readers of my blogging, now.  The era of an administration of the Clintons as “bi-partisan” would have been over as soon as if it were actually she that got elected.  There are serious concerns as too how much the spousal husbandry of the Clintons’ political strategizing to have successfully lined both of them up each for their own Presidency did get in the way of regular and prudent governance and did undermine our general stability - economically, at least.

Some perspective to how similar, not dissimilar this all might have been, if yet otherwise and successfully of the spousal “two-fer” power grabbing political machinations, so also of global plotting, of/by the Clintons, is achievable with a consideration of 2008 all over again.  Simply the Democrats and especially the Clintons wanted and needed gas prices to be high - much higher heading into November elections.  Simply President Bush, and the Republicans, if “stupid” and “unelectable” as “liars” for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM cannot be thought to have been so dumb that they are considered have wanted higher gas prices in 2008 or that they would have worked to effect such without knowing they were effectively making Republicans unelectable in November.

It is hard to decide which aspect of the roots of this high drama about the sequester to now broach next.  There could not have been a repeat of the Clintons’ “bi-partisanship” of their second term had she been elected and promised to as much irresponsible nationalizing of so much “governance” as well without a workable philosophy.  She campaigned to polarized Washington along the very same idealistic “spending” lines as President Barack H. Obama. 

The Clintons are remembered for seeming to think at least by their second term that they now had the technology to fool all of the people all of the time and had the advantage of incumbency and newness of such to the order of thinking that the Republicans had to get on board or get left behind forever.  There are enough public statements by the Clintons and especially from the years afterwards that are yet before much of this mess, but about it all, and of those days they said stuff more defensively as their plans for reigning seemed most to be falling apart.  What is less considered is how much fell apart because it was considered and affected of a plot by spouses to line one up to be intentionally different than the other publicly while of the Powers of incumbency.

But how to be brief now about so much that isn’t now an alternative to this gridlock of prideful and defensive NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - how to talk about any “alternative” while realizing the Clintons are not and were not actually an “alternative.”  It is some that he was born “Barry” Obama as a Soviet Studies LOVE child who then had to twist and turn thorough at least his developmental years about what went wrong between his ‘ebony’ and ‘ivory’ parental Soviet specialiality melodies.

There is the objective lesson of LOCATION & LOCATION of the Clntons and yet hardly with enough curiousity even as to how Senator Clinton become such as if by political nepotism and patronage as a carpetbagger to New York.  Of the “LOCATION” con, shall we say, we have that one can discourse on how Harlem did save at least Bill Clinton from himself.  He did not choose to locate in Harlem - I seem to recall he was dragged up there crying or whining - and after having gone to his banking friends he made so rich with his derivatives “guidance” as a back up plan to such bastion of Power basis he sought originally high above the Russian Tea Room in the then new Carnegie Hall Towers near Time Square. 

I don’t know why or how Arkansas couldn’t have still been good enough for Bill or Hillary.  But oddly there is LOCATION and ‘architecture’ now more to be discussed as the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of President George W. Bush readies to finally open.  It seems by his first choice and his remembered (reported) fights with our government for massive annual sums for his post-office holding convenience in excess originally of the sum of all past President’s ‘allowances’ combined for first year expenses that there must be a lot he wanted from the sought most regal location still available in CHT and that it to him may have been one of the last bastions of white male power holding that was domestically available to him.  It seems too coincidental that by his words and designs he has raised a due queriousness as to his own true “evolution” and reputation.

Again, President Clinton did not want to end up in Harlem.  Harlem was the nearest we would afford him when after our Government accountants realized we couldn’t or shouldn’t afford him that million dollar a year rent for life depression was setting in after he sought and then fought publicly and privately to be high above Time Square and able to dominate our Forth Estate however it then may have been still a last great bastion of white male power.

I do hope you will soon participate in a due intellectual and patriotic exercise about comparing and contrasting the LOCATION and ARCHITECTURES of the libraries of the Clintons’ Administration and the soon to be open library of the Presidency of George W. Bush.  I do not, again, understand how even his Mrs. would have signed off on the Clintons’ legacy so for it phalicly like a gun, at least, and seemingly forever clad/skinned in colors of Confederate Grey.

With the banking and housing crisis what it has been and now this sticking NEW DEAL AUSTERITY we all can consider how lucky both Clintons have been that Bill Clinton did basically get dragged kicking and screaming/crying up to Harlem.  Had he been situated as hoped and long fought to be in CHT the story really should maybe be now that the BIG Bank FOB (Friends of Bill) are paying his rent for life at near a million per year in thanks for all the money he made them with his original guidance to and of derivatives cons. 

I see that President Obama is not a Hillary Clinton and that she as of ODYSSEY DAWN broaching of America’s legacy to be not the “offensive” “first striker” may have been more just a tool of a died in the wool Clinton Democrat, however otherwise.  It is the Obama administration not the Bush administration that set out to a new frontier of global “politics” of “first strike” “offense” as to be to a willful hunting of “monsters” without regard for regular American due process.

The Republicans and George W. Bush cannot be as stupid/dumb or corrupt as Dems have suggested.  A point to such case is that it is ridiculous it seems to think that they would not have lowered gas prices in 2007 & 2008 if they could have to so save or prevent the economic slide from subjective & political market affectings of a “GREEN” and “PARTISAN” idealism.

The fastest or only way to have stopped the housing crisis as it broke was to get the global price of gas back to normal and more objective rational basis and as the successes of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA was then of having made possible and reasonable.  It was from the higher prices, and how they kept climbing, that those who had bought into CLINTONOMICS, and their (political) hedging, and its a “patriotism” of spending far more than every penny they had, and while on fixed incomes, that the domino effect started to the full blown housing crisis and then the related CRISIS OF VALUATION. 

These are days where the Republicans can still say “Shame on the Clintons!” and/or “Shame on the Clinton Democrats!” for round one as it of those days too much of them thinking they now had the tools and technology, so it seemed/seems to fool all of the people all of the time. 

There is no alternative now in the Clintons - this is much an economic mess of CLINTONOMICS II as not at all likely to have been less “polarizing” and “socialistic” in a unnecessary “New Nationalism” than OBAMANOMICS.  The Clintons have enough water under the still too condemned bridges of America for most now to not see that CLINTONOMICS II if Hillary had been elected would have too been devoid of “partisan” balancing of CLINTONOMICS I.

Yes, we are kinda of stuck now with too few ‘alternatives’ and some not because the Bush administration could have lowered the gas prices from the spiking of the market supply and demand subjectivity from GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM in time to have prevented the housing crisis above scratched at that then did cause too great a loss of consumer confidence in banks and Washington based Politics. 

We are still of the CRISIS OF VALUATION and in ways that our Republicans cannot step back from with having let themselves all be played out as fools.  Please remember it would have been dumb for Republicans to support higher gas prices even privately with investments then for Hillary was the “inevitable” next President of very strongly of promises to seize any or all oil company profits - especially those then conveniently of unnecessarily inflated market pricing.

And, Please remember to consider how you would now be thinking of the Clintons if his back up plan to have had those BIG BANKS “friends” cover his million dollar a year lease had worked.  It is remarkable that in a consideration of his “architecture” of his own library he sets us up now to a discussion of his life of having until Harlem been able to stay “white” and “chauvinistic” as a master above most of it personally while able to stay a white southern male above such movements. 

Yes there are different ways to look at the obvious and historical trails of Bill Clinton.  By marrying Hillary and with her legacy as a feminist and her willingness to subjugate herself with a putting of his career first he never really had to become a feminist in practice himself.  As well it is quite remarkable still that such can be said of “race” politics too as now later in his career he has left enough record to bring questions out at least as per his library “design” and their choice of Washington residence on Whitehaven Rd that he talked so much as he did about race (until in Harlem) as a southern white male who in his day had stayed ahead of being less than an accepted “master” - right?

How much is in William Jefferson Clinton’s public displays and those reports about him like as if he had been dragged kicking and screaming/crying all the way to Harlem, and, now how that has actually saved his and his wife’s political street cred at least until this #sequester started? 

#Obama #FORWARD has to be out the door - thrown from the train - whipped to death!  We/he now are engaged in a new conflict much of old days now to be reconsidered and finally judged in a due litigation or a re-litigation.

For the record here it seems still that so much of new President Obama’s early pleading to be of us not “re-litigating” the past was actually politically and judicially of injustices that had hardly yet even been litigated once.

If this were Nixon’s era and that Congress we likely already would have impeached Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton and be still about or done as well with one for President Barack H. Obama.  So it seems.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:50 am

My father is a lawyer so though we are both fans of Clint Eastwood I should start this as like a “NIGHTMARES FROM MY FATHER” study in contrast.

I cannot write this as if I was born a poor black boy;  I can only write this as I was born of an Irish Catholic up and coming family with eyes to being middle class in New Haven Connecticut. 

I can write this as well as an Irish Catholic American story of struggle and social climbing from a daily risk of ending up poor;  I can write this as well personally as the oldest son but third child of the second Catholic family ever admitted to club membership of New Haven’s exclusive New Haven Lawn Club, and, so personally of the responsibility as the oldest son while otherwise the first Irish Catholic family to be then ever joined as members.

As I said:  My father is a lawyer. His father was not.  He and his oldest sister his family could afford college for as first in such family’s history but the two younger brothers of my father had the Electrician vocation to best advance with.

Beyond my father being a lawyer and his father having been of the Knights of Columbus and political in the Democratic Party I grew up with life long and very successful in New York City Republican conservatives on my mother’s side.  My grandfather John William Hogan Sr. whom I carry the first name John for was the “Hogan” pal from childhood of Al Capp that was honored with a “Hogan” character for L’il Abner.  My Grandfather Hogan was with Al Capp (with born name then) that fateful day that Al fell of the ice trucked they both had hitched a free ride on and to his loss of a leg by the wheels of a trolley car too close behind.

I believe there is some distant Hogan family shared lineage via Waterbury, Connecticut, with the former Manhattan District Attorney years then hailed as Hogan DA “Mr. Integrity” for whom One Hogan Place now is set as the address of currently charged Cyrus R.Vance Jr.  I am now wondering if I have the current title for Cyrus R. Vance Jr. correct.  I believe I am writing about Frank S. Hogan DA and former Senate candidate for the seat Robert Kennedy got to holding.

Now, about those nightmares from my father.

As I have said:  My father is a lawyer.  And as I implied I do have two older sisters and was of a 70s and 80s of Government experimentation with public teaching to equal rights, and while still an oldest son of the oldest son in an Irish Catholic family.  All I will say to much of that is I could tell many were just making it up as they went along.

Don’t worry about my Dad.  My dad is now a still recent former President of the Connecticut Bar Association and now in his 70s “of counsel” with Berchem Moses and Devlin of bmdlaw.com and its continued representation of Newtown, Connecticut and its Department of Education now with charges about a development of a Foundation for Sandy Hook Elementary School contributions and caring. 

I have a dad whose business was in reacting after usually bad news professionally;  I grew up to work to being proactive not to reduce work for him or his profession but to help grow economics with better forethought and wiser capitalist free market fairness.  I chose to be of those years of after leaving Suffolk Law School at the end of classes of my first year and to then staying an “accepted” student for seven years who wouldn’t need to re-apply to return to be more to hands on construction and in work boots more than my wing tips or my suits.  Many of those years my favorite boots were my darker leather gore tex lined Dunham boots with Vibram soles - if I recall the soles correctly.  I did miss these after they were among a mix of stuff stolen from my van while parked overnight in DC on Capitol Hill near my apartment of 10 years there across from Eastern Market.  I do not recall if that was the break-in that had the near thousand dollars worth of power tools also lifted that had been of my running so late that day that I had to risk leaving them visibly inside a parked vehicle.

I did want to help improve the law profession and started my “rebel with a cause” better able to work from the outside after leaving Suffolk Law School via my fraternal association so paternal and legal about my father and son existentialism.  I did work to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and since from the spring before the fall that “Barry” Obama son of Anne Dunham started at Harvard Law School.  I have figured that “Barry” Obama is the B.O. from Hawaii I have known and networked around politically since the late 70s after a pal asked me if I was ready even for my School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech to compete against all comers in Hawaii and as if he was opening up the phone lines all across Hawaii to find all willing challengers.

My dad did very much help me prepare for and stay encouraged to my competition in oratory so and did as well find time to come and be in the audience then at East Rock Community School that Oprah Winfrey many years later also visited at least via a show guest.

Yes I grew up fearing poverty and for my whole family as we were Irish Catholic climbers with little or no safety net.  I did fear sports some for a fear was in my dad that a medical injury or any liability could suddenly bankrupt the entire family beyond just over extending it to prohibit funding college educations.

Though I grew up with a father a very involved and loyal Democrat I did work it so that I could use my more right of center economic sense as more of Reagan era Republicans as if a Reagan Democrat to help him as and when I could as of times I saw that his party sense and loyalty seemed to lack its own ways forward to match his desires to be to betterings for others, and he and his family.

So our first president President George Washington did commence our consummation of independence in a new union of our United States of America by 13 with “Among the visiccitudes incident to life…” first official oration.

Before there was and internet wiz of a candidate Senator Obama for President with wonders of small internet donations I was of my ten years living on Capitol Hill of strutting with a pride of a confidence that I could be a wonder in democracy as a small contribution personality for more positive bi-partisan change.  I did not like Senator Obama’s convention oration as it haunted me with “flattery” supposedly from imitation in rhyme and reasoning of my much earlier Reagan “caboosing” efforts of my works to revitalize our public speak and language (diction) of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. I did not like “flattery” of “imitation” as it was more theft like with echoes of ‘make it your own’ like and “put a black face on it” while without my consent nor opinion that it needed a more black face consideration than how I had much worked it to be color blind.

As I tweeted this morning and with mention of Lance Armstrong and Oprah I am one that knows enough about our politics and our economy over the past twenty years to consider it quite so that both William Jefferson Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama have President titling yet are now both of enough lies just about our economy to have lost them seven titles.

I have built to this ability to be a prolific political scribe intentionally with my hands on years in construction as a general contractor sole proprietor of tools and skills in most of the trades.  I have built Rhode Island mansions and as well have been employed across DC in past years to securing doors and repairing doors and locks as well in low income neighborhoods then some of the city’s worst.  I also while such was of a near third of my contracts as small contracts from Home Depot as a certified window and door installer such that there are many storm doors, doors and windows across the area that I did install myself.  I also of course did install new closet doors for then early to DC National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice but from the work stream that came from my sailing networks as of my ability to also rebuild boats.  And, then in my last years about DC and past my work on the town home that Grover Norquist leased then but a few doors from my own I was as well to building a doll shelf for American Girl Doll collection for Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff.

Yes I set out to be pro-active professionally to growing our economy while otherwise regularly about wearing my Dunham gore-tex lined work boots in lieu of my Church’s or Johnston Murphy wingtips and suits.  I am now of disappointment much of President Barack Hussein Obama and still mostly for he of like failing “Politics 101″ in my mind by embracing the Clintons in 2008 race and then especially for a political naivete of his nomination of “Hillary” to Secretary of State. 

Sadly I now know enough to like have a different political chore more of our Forth Estate (as per my career plans timing) of a morality to not encourage anyone to economic activity as too many seem too corrupt economically politically still about DC.

Dunham booted from infancy Barack Hussein Obama, however he dreamed while accepted as a known person in my families dreams since the late 70s, is now of a DC and a first term that I have to stand up to with my knowing and independence, and now as this is the part of my life I meant to have gotten to being of the Forth Estate or Mad Man world.

President “Barack” #Obama did want to lead as of a “personality based” President.  With both somehow spent years as Dunham booted people towards “change” and now with most of my past years of “positive change” effecting undermined by his more recent efforts seemingly towards goals thought to be yet quite similar.  I cannot abide his bad judgement in embracing the Clintons instead of politically and judiciously challenging them and towards a needed “cleaning up” in DC especially across the high ranks of his own party at least just four years ago.

I stayed independent these years since I stopped construction part of my intended and figured career path that are of such political timing that you can figure my ceasing and desisting from a tax identity for construction was near to the day that the Clinton “two-fer” announced HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

The story of my bootedness remains now that I once of favored Dunham work boots did legally apply pressure against the Clintons via the honor and diligence of the Bush administration towards the proper protection of my intellectual property of my decade plus of efforts and strategizing to more positive change and jobs than Governor Mitt Romney can claim himself to have been of such that the Clintons were to much real angering of Bill Clinton especially and some remembered fits I shall never forget that do best explain how young and little known also most junior of Senate Barack Obama was able to defeat the thought mighty and inevitable Clintons and their vast left wing political machine.

My bootedness for so many years hands on in making an honest living did allow me the flexibility and resolve to be able to stand up with officials of badges of honor of duty under President George W. Bush in defense of my own intellectual property and earlier rhyme and reason such that I could keep the Clintons from running as the Clintons as me again without authorization or agreement in usage of what was mine and figured, by my opinion and as time as recorded some, much better.

While of my replacement boots and my shift to full time writing and blogging to prevent the Clintons from returning to possession of our White House I was regularly of feeling as if I was near of a minority of one in official circles around DC as one that thought that the Clintons wouldn’t win and shouldn’t win in 2008. 

I did live up to my very many public and private statements and worked explanations as to why they shouldn’t and couldn’t or wouldn’t and all the while my dad and oldest sister were deeply set and professionally linked up as loyal Democrats too much abiding being more soldiers of the Clintons and their machinery. 

I could say I don’t know how this story of Barack Hussein Obama was and is possible in America of these still somewhat loosely affiliated states - but well it seems I know better about much of such and so that now I have a moral duty it seems to not be again to my past efforts to stir economic growth as long as Dunham boot’d President #Obama persists in his “personality” based presiding as President without the due standing up against corruption just too much about his own party - economically speaking.

When this “Dunham boot’d” President set off to his “personality based” Presidency and “new foundation” heralding he did at least two things.  Firstly he effected a posturing that my past efforts of my personality in capitalism though of much growth and booting for him had to go so that he could have his ideology and a legend of his own by his own personality.  And secondly he — well you can get busy trying to figure that out yourselves - for now.

*Please share your thoughts of his first term, his inauguration now near, and your considerations for his second term.  I am now as hoped enough into the Forth Estate such that I had hoped to be for this part of my career ambitions such that I now am to an objectivity for journalism and fairness even if it means criticizing President Barack Hussein Obama that I have been of an awareness of since the late 70s.

NOTE:  In my opinion President Obama with such agenda as his did come on the scene with such ten years too soon as of a ten years before the efforts about my works to a new political correctness and public language revolution needed ten more years before a similar “change” could be effected following on from such with undermining both by too much and then obviously much about not otherwise kept artful and of a until then working capitalism.  Yes, there is little I can now do that all our Governors shouldn’t be able to already be doing better, and, yes because President Obama is now of politics ten years too soon upon so much I had earlier been building that had been working and not yet done in some important ways.  I stand by my previously expressed opinion and as it relates to this that our best foreign policy posture and foreign and domestic economic foundations are best to be of a renaissance in state’s rights, and, at least because our Governors haven’t so earned our distrust with too much centralizing while de-centralizing the rage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:24 am

The question of the week may now be:  Can Bill and Hillary defect from the USA to even Russia and not be a threat to Americans or our national security? 

I posit here that the answer has to be “YES”!

It may be too soon to offer that if they defected to Russia it might actually help secure Americans and make us all safer.

That said a cut and run by the Clintons might reinforce a perspective upon them as of a white supremacy.

It is not too soon to profess that their choices for Secreataries of State for the Presidency of the Clintons couldn’t possibly have been more white.   In many ways though it is too late because of such as a realistic historical “perspective.”

It is that William Jefferson Clinton born William Blythe III and to a “never knew my father” but if he shared dreams did go to Oxford and was of a Fulbright.   How did he though choose to be so to more full white and the United Kingdom’s rearing as a white man of the south still of civil rights days of struggles for less fortunate?  Did he want to learn how to be a loyal Southern “gentile” within a royal blessing?  Did he have to go to England to learn how to be more totalitarian and/or autocratic?

Most troubling of the Clintons most white Secretarial postings to State of the Presidency of the Clintons may be how they let official state language be in violation of our 1st Amendment protections at least abroad.  It was official bigotry and bias religious as if an Un-Constitutional establishment respecting religion that best marks their politics and policies as regard Saddam Hussein and Iraq — They governed bigoted and biased so that the USA was of officially preferring Iraqi Sunni or Ba’athists over Iraqi Shia.

The most white they likely could have found as selections for Secretarial leadership to carry the Clintons’ State were poetically poorly chosen unless to be LOUD as of a white supremacy, Christian.   We have that they presented first with a “Warring” like Warren like warring as a “Christ O for” Christopher.   We have then that they proceed maybe even more arrogantly still while officially standing America up as bigots biased against the Shia as inferior people to the Sunni, at least.  We have that after being as white as possible with Warren Christopher in such times of strife and unsettled sanctions they followed up with one more for all madams to be all white like bright - a white like call to their “brightness” as if all bright about all madams and all mad lines.

Regardless of how the white supremacy may have hidden itself as long as Bill Clinton’s classic male chauvinism may have more to do with their earlier days together both studying to be lawyers to get above their times and stay above their times with as much supremacy while white that they could consecrate.

Officially we have we may be safer if the Clintons do defect and even if they defect to Russia.  We are still living with their mistakes and bias and bigotry that violated our 1st Amendment standards - we are still living with a mess from them presenting us all as bigoted and biased against at least the Iraqi Shia as inferior people - as inferior an “incapable of governing themselves”.

It may be a stretch to call the Clintons both “racists” but we cannot now escape the mess they caused being in violation of our 1st Amendment principles as per the Iraqi Shia, at least.  To call the “white supremacists” is not to call them “racists.”  To call them “white supremacists” is to suggest that they wanted to always be supremely over others not them, at least.  I don’t know how or why they could have been to buying a house in DC on a Whitehaven Road or to together having cherished a permanent Library to memorialize them while publicly choosing to let it be phallic and in Confederate Gray.  That it is phallic as a gun or half bridge may be their most honest statement ever for being suggestive that they never meant to consecrate any full bridge about issues of their times.

The only thing that can honestly be said of “it is all Bush’s fault” is limited to an all that of Bush being a road block to attempts to pervert socialist or totalitarian ideals by Dems to get and hold power by a few elite.   I is maybe all Bush’s fault that a spread of SOCIALISM to Americans at home and abroad has been failing.

Yes, it was official language of the Presidency of the Clintons that had the Shia people of a majority in Iraq officially declared so inferior a people based upon “religious” establishments by the Clintons that the most white possible Secretarial selections of the Clintons were regularly of proclamations or declarations like:  THE IRAQI SHIA ARE INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

Yes, we all might be safer without the Clintons - please defect Clintons.  Even, please defect to Russia if they will have you now.

We can see by your very public histories that when your “supremacy” weakened or became challenged or ready for permanent public memorializing you chose or inadvertently showed yourselves to have wanted to be your white selves supremely as long as possible or at least as long as you could legally manage.  

And, it seems that “Bill” to manage to hide his natural dominant desire to remain above feminism as long a his “Hillary” could help him stay her “Russian Bear” in whiteness and with his American chauvinistic charm to here fully enabled and secured.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:11 am

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

This is one of the first weekends - at least it seems a first full weekend - since New York City has been generally and civilly a new kind of Eden.  Yes, dare I say it is still a place where snakes do play.

You may not be able to park in a park or smoke in a garden - it may even be illegal for excessive PDA in any parked vehicle anywhere public within this new Eden’s city limits.  If you have got salt may it be literately as a metaphor for sea-worthiness and grit.

If your apples are in a barrel still beware of bad apples and Bernoulli.  It is better to avoid flight - lift offs with bad apples, anywhere.  Note to self:  Hmmm?  Again, how was it you once heard Bernoulli Principle as also about economics and determinings for bad apples?  Hmmm?  How was that again?

We have it self evident that Memorial Day was created equal to Independence Day as a day goes except that it more often can partake to a three day weekend pressing.  How are the Cider Rules - how goes our Declaration of Independence still?

We have it a concern though that President Barack Hussein Obama on his special inaugural day did commence from our historical Philadelphia full of brotherly love but for our Declaration of Independence.  It was clear on that day that he might as well not like Memorial Day as too much like Independence Day and also of a celebration of our Declaration which he declared we could do without now when of his own declaring that we needed a new “Declaration.”

Enough about New Jersey!  I don’t know how New York City has beaten it to being a new Eden - a new more civil “apple.”

Enough about New Jersey!  Can’t yet figure why President Obama passed on credit for spending that saved the world from a new Great Depression on to President Bush, and especially to so publicly preface our Memorial Day Weekend 2012.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

You have figured that since inaugural day Obama declaration that we needed a new Declaration he is figurable to dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day - as for it so long a monumental holiday to struggles to defend and protect what our Independence Day more just about a conception for - for all more equally.

The New York City Council has counciled all to new ways of counseling.  The where of such new abouts may be more a concern, civilly, than the habits natural otherwise on display or in the air publicly as of displays of affection. 

I don’t know what this says about Chicago or NATO of Chicago and President Obama about Afghanistan.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Long live our Declaration of Independence!  It does figure President Obama must dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day.  I don’t know why his Cairo speech as SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD had him a Civil War denier of our American Civil War except as maybe an import to progressive movement liberal theology speechifying to avoid speaking of great losses of mostly white men in struggles for freedoms for others.

In President Barack Hussein Obama’s SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD from Cairo as approved with all desired edits of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s political capability we still have that he told the world that American slaves got out of their bondage “peacefully and without violence.”

This Memorial Day Weekend as per our new globally reset economy of such New Deal Austerity we have that President Obama with his recent “spending” thrift claims has missed the boat of Laffer’s titillating curve civility all the while seeming to pass credit for the actual spending for “save” from new Great Depression to President Bush and his too generous and unprecedented cooperation during transition months of 2008. 

Off the gang plank he went - off the short plank he took too long steps - however he seems all wet now on his own “economics” - his own governing without a budget his.

Emboldened and secured in our Declaration of Independence whether liked or not is the pride and story of our first capitalists of Plymouth Plantation.  We have that they learned some basic taxation civility and all the while then too of too much expected to be earned and just passed along to others thousands of miles away and distant.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

This Memorial Day Weekend we all would do better to discuss the current global warming climate change crisis and the vast deposits of rare earth minerals discovered in Afghanistan just as a global need for such to maintain or save our green tech businesses rolls in the hay of our politics and economies.

President Barack Hussein Obama - who is maybe our first President to have publicly denied the efforts not peaceful or non-violent that is our shared history of at least our Buffalo Soldiers and the entirety of our Civil War is now more critically a spokesperson with thought economic impact who has left the recent staged battlegrounds of a G8 Summit and NATO Chicago gathering without a declaration of the current progress mostly his in saving the entire planet from the professed end of the world as we know it for the world as he proffered it as our actual world and the DOOM about our climate due to warming.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

I mean if you get the Laffer titillating curves as per maximizing public benefit and performance than you may be more economically agile and adept than President Barack Hussein Obama. 

As he shifts his pride from having saved the world from a new Great Depression onto President Bush for actually having figured and done most of such spending during those months of unprecedented and civil cooperation during a transition we have that he has missed how taxing he has been and how discouraging his otherwise preening public has been.

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

As President Obama traipses too State’s rights to over-lord we have that you all can celebrate Laffer and his more civil and titillating curves still adrift to sail with free markets in the spirit of Adam Smith and selfish pursuits best.  I don’t know if a apple of creationism is depressing for some and now as the apple of New York City more civil otherwise for all.

As per some simple truths evident expectant or pregnant in all economics each may see JOBIAN ECONOMICS more selfishly or specifically robust of a more individualistic supply and demand public display.

This is a brave new day in a new world order for those of the apple that is manicured and fertilized as an Eden of NYC.

Not all apples maybe be as bitter as a granny - your granny smith - and some may not at all be depressing.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for Afghanistan as a new great frontier with new world orders for rare earth minerals needed to sustain and celebrate energy independence.

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for any of G8 specific to a current DEFCON concern status for the fate of the world as per the long proffered DOOM to the professed end of the world as we know it declarations so taxing to our economies.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression? 

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean we have a President that on a global stage acted as if a Civil War denier and before that of his proffered professing as a former Constitutional Law Professor that we needed a new declaration.  I mean we have that this law studies hare of a racer isn’t looking to finish well and as we have he as “most taxing” so contrary to Laffer and his public displays.

We still have Adam Smith - at least in our text books - but what are our minimum standards for a President at least as per “economics” or “budgets”?  How will Texas text book boards be allowed to tell the tale of President Barack Hussein Obama?

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced both as a “messiah” shouldering a call to a different Declaration and such and with his Big Brother seeming secular daily interruptions of regular scheduled broadcasting to near an hour of evangelizing sermonizing spewed out globally to not being of violating our 1st Amendment for his tense timing was to new laws to religiousness and establishments as per religion but in a future tense not seemingly literally forbidden.

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced what would he have called it - how would we now be addressing him?  It is clever in a Constitutional Law kindly way that our 1st Amendment seems to allow a messiah to rise to a new religion and a new evangelizing governance with laws then allowed to respect such as an establishment for until or unless such revolution seeming secular otherwise were to succeed it couldn’t be a “religion” nor of existing “establishment” as per “religion” - quite.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Especially if this finds you in New Jersey - in its politics of this week - Happy Memorial Day Weekend where ever you are and this column may have found you still celebrant but monumental in memorials to our fallen and our long struggles for freedom for us and for others.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:19 am

*So how can we discuss “bite” in sanctions on Iran if we aren’t discussing and emphasizing that United Nations sanctions on Saddam’s Iraq should have only have been given 3-4 years for full compliance?  How can we now so but without very publicly discussing how we should now to at least be claiming we should have been to so prosecuting Saddam Hussein within the Clintons’ first term?

*Well as per Trayvon comments by Pres O about “if I had a son he would look like him” it seems that he spoke inaccurately — I do believe he might have had a son or daughter that would maybe have looked white or at least Hispanic.  I am commenting here on this in part because Bill Clinton hasn’t seemed to want to shake or give up the mantle of “First Black President” even for President Obama.

*To cover 2012 Romney vs. Obama race as if against Obama but Clintons would have been better is to play to racism and sexism - There seems no basis or rationale to suggest that Hillary though white and a woman would have been any better than first black President Obama.  We have that most of what we find disagreeable about our first black President isn’t his high popularity for good personality but everything else more accurately about Washington Democrats and first white woman Speaker Pelosi governance and spinning.

*We have learned since Odyssey Dawn that Dems are now supportive of such idea that help from American and coalition countries can be with a compensation from people being “liberated” not “occupied” - right?

*It may have been better to be foggy on WMD with Saddam Hussein per cause and selling of war just for it helped assure that our efforts couldn’t be and wouldn’t be seen otherwise as if of “Holy War” bias following on Clintons’ years of becoming of un-American establishment of religion foreign politics and policies with religion and sect based bias new where old Cold War geo-politics had been otherwise long economic or Cold War-ish.  The Clintons’ were wrong to be biased and bigoted much of their 8 years with pro-Sunni anti Shia “official” speak and policies.  It was the Clintons who governed with this an American establishment to their avoidance and inaction: Iraqi Shia are incapable of governing themselves.

*If Madam Sec of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton shows strategizing to being next Dem Pres we are likely to have 2012 of the year we discuss how bad the Clintons actually were and how it is surprising they are both not guests of Gitmo already? We cannot see race against Obama with it also about Clintons even if only of the Clintons having been “A Couple of No - actually” and saboteurs of Obama admin since they most have been withholding advice and efforts to be separable and different from our first black President?

*You do get that if Saddam Hussein hadn’t gone into Kuwait they may never have been an Al Qaeda so organized to be reactive to Saddam Hussein and then America?

*I do believe WMD prefacing was important to giving Saddam Hussein a way out and to prepare America and Coalition states and their forces for what could be a soon upon us worse case scenario if Saddam Hussein failed to fully comply cooperatively.  I do acknowledge we shouldn’t have given Saddam Hussein more than 3-4 years to comply and so that we should have had this discussion within the first term of the Clintons’ admin.

*Remember it was the spending side of Clintons’ Surplus that got us into much of this mess - and how Speaker Pelosi held such inviolate when President Bush was looking for ways to fix growing mess in time.  There is little or nothing moral in the Clintons’ Surplus that took their cutting to near two trillion and at a time two trillion was available and otherwise budgeted.  If you see a run down school or old school books - thank the Clintons - If you see a bad road or bridge - thank the Clintons.

*Because of the CLINTONS’ TRILLION cutting of two trillion - the BUSH TAX CUTS would have been just fine if 9/11 hadn’t been an actual inheritance left the President after the Clintons “two-fer” foreign and domestic administered meddling - well except how that it likely could have been the Al Gore Tax Cuts - since Clintons’ Surplus did justify them.

*The biggest problem with THE BUSH TAX CUTS is that they were justified by the Clintons’ SURPLUS - the moral was put into them by the two trillion the Clintons cut out of government spending all the while schools went needing and even bridges on or near condemned list were left otherwise unfunded “morally” and to attempts to “repair” too late what needed to be replaced.

*I know Pres Clinton set this mess up - do you?  I know political trillion surplus unnecessary and shouldn’t have coexisted with his desire to have a housing boom economy with hyper consumerism.  I know he willfully burned the economic candle from both ends at once to chase rare political popularity.  I also get that without AL GORE GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM the spike in gas prices might not have been as bad and sudden and so this mess that Pres Clinton set up might have been more manageable while about an attempt to fix it.  I did advise Pres Bush not to try to fix it and to just work to postpone what seemed a coming crash, and as long as he could so as not to also lose Iraq and other critical battles by trying to fix an impossible economic set-up.  Bush never would have been allowed to fix it anyway since to fix it he would have had to demonstrate just how wrong and bad Clintonomics had been and by finding a way to counter Speaker Pelosi pride in Clintons’ surpluses and all its spending cuts - its spending side.

*We can say that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “DIPLOMACY” has been so questionable that she could be called a Secretary of War - we can say that and now worry about her attempts to global over-reaching with something cleverly called “JOBS DIPLOMACY”.


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