
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

Can it be as easy as to prescribe “just change the music!”?

Throughout our countdown to the judgement by the midterms our generational modern conflicts are sure to percolate, and spill over our attempts to comity.  We will surely be introduced to a new polity of partisan politics sketched/drafted by like of zones of ignorance.

As we settle in and brace for the looming battles to a common truth it may be ignorance that falls before souls.  Our partisan divides are to get resolved to repaired to bipartisanship with our work to find, from the partisan political lies, a workable communicable common truth.

Those faith leaders of these united states of the Americas are our go to shepherds drilled to stand up sanctuaries in “the truth shall set you free!”.  It is our/their work we are liberated by - not liberated from - as where peoples stop doing the work of being a moral people no government is affordable.  We have our constituted by our old Peoples’ “Order” in that freedom is a concept of religions of religiousness is firstly tools of self governance - self governing.

We must locate and identify those zones of ignorance and bring masses back to a general common truth so that our originalism of morals is still our primary and general preserved of self-governance.

The perversions, however selfish and firstly self-serving, of the Clintons now can hardly escape a judgement day as their old trump of postured lies of “post-Constitution” now must be of our next generation reared to the understanding of so much of all of such decades of stuff is categorically - to simple stupid - of tag just as “textbook treason.”

Capitalism has defeated the Socialism of Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s vast failures are of she repeated mistakes of Clintons’ of 1993 to 2001 and with Obama’s team only offered American perversions to Socialism while such methods were those of recent years un-American and globally those most rebelled against.

Our Constitution by the Peoples’ “Order” is perverted from a general “innocent until proven guilty.  Our enduring constitution endears as counter to Powers to lawyers in love to laws perverted for graft and emoluments abuse racket schemes as to empower to intimidate with a “presumed guilty” their gestalt - their S.O.P..

The nails in the case to closure of Clintons’ perversions to such un-American self-serving political control are in the public consumption of Robert Galbraith as such of “Strike” is fiction on truths of a modern day Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” ‘on strike’ as worked, and as to in reality - of seekers for common truth - being a historical experience paradigm of such fact does best explain how “Hillary for President” went from thought too powerful and the “inevitable” to defeated twice - two times by the same strike against corruption.

Alexander Hamilton is still great - to best - go to former of agency to our Union as constituted of compassionate originalism of freedom as a concept of religion, and of none therefore can be free “from” religion - as religiousness is firstly self-governance and none is of a separation right from expected to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff.  Hamilton as Publius to counter Governor Clinton’s imperial empire state postured did explain our Constitution in “The Federalist Papers” essay #1 of against ‘Socialism’  and to Federal entitlements to be unconstitutional by that morals are to be the kept voluntary work of free people as caveat “for inducements of philanthropy” with “preservation… of property” anchor the Federalists’ intellectual and genuine opposition to such Clinton - as was earlier the music/beat of revolutionary opposition to British General Clinton.

Alexander Hamilton must not be dismissed as steadfast and articulated against present day Clintons too.  By how our Peoples’ “Order” constitutes our scope of the republic of these united states of the Americas the liberal Left’s ploys to pass small regulations to trump how originalism is compassionate must be recognized as laws not laws for do not trump the Constituted by ratified and/or amended.  We have currently that we need to also articulate a particular likewise common opposition to old Clinton foes and recent perversions premeditated postures to set asunder the Constitution - the essential protections from tyranny, especially, of justice (innocence) as for sale by elite “lawyers”.

The comity of republic is secured by the polity of parity so that now our faith leaders are those expected to shoulder and carry forth the pressing need to find a common truth for bipartisanship restoration from the dissection of partisan lies to now our extant is more a house of cards of two ”histories” - rival historical tales - worked premeditatively to the Constitution some to much to set asunder by the Clintons’ machinations perversions, and too by the seeming naivete of President Barack Obama of seemingly proceeded for his “personality based Presidency” in his arrogance and mistaken postured of with his good looks and modern technology the past failures of Socialism (Communism?) could be transcended/overcome to yet now a victoriousness from his likeness.

Again we may need now just change the music back to such as sung and martialed against each adherence to how constituted actually.

We smith still “Adams” and “Eves” best with originalism of our first self-interests are in community in voluntary morals - of living the American Dream realism from natural law to of the wealth of nations is best from seeing and living first and second liberating self-interests are to choose safety in numbers, and then to be moral in network.

We, barely now, survived to endure as constituted for self governance of religiousness primarily is of for self governing in voluntary morality.

We must endear to endure of Peoples’ songs of innocence - innocent until proven guilty.

Though Alexander Hamilton Federalist essay #1 joined with the Emoluments Clause Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 does establish that entitlements cannot be nationally constituted by grammar and particular emphasis leave if none are to be ”titled” none then are to be entitled.

The music of originalism preserves to jams to as our best panacea.  Now though we may have to en masse change our music from become popular to be presumed guilty!  

Our work forward now should be of us liberated to repaired to the American Dream and cognizant that our founding fathers’ public oppositions to Clintons of their days are now sadly current and again necessarily of establishments ordained done in that Year of our Lord as our burdens present to again constitute our Union as not in blasphemy - nor an absence for forgiveness secured with “equal justice” for all of “innocent until proven guilty.”

By Hamilton erudite proffered, to mass appeal, we have that to be taxed for “Socialism” or redistribution is not the work of our Federal government by, again, none are to be entitled, and the Constitution is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property.”

Simply these Clintons and Barack Obama, however treasonous, are less showy as against originalism than now exposed as seeming ignorant of the actual plain meaning, - and consistent grammar imported.

To tax for redistribution then and now amounts to contrary - to it of us more of a “presumed guilty” upon haves.

A simple query of voluntary morality remains as if one has a short game - can go day or week not due public shaming.

Alexander Hamilton in our day deserves more credit than Democrats heralding yet amassed newly.

        *     *     *      RIGHT!  MY STRIKE!     *     *     *      

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:04 am

Your summer starts with the most important midterms still ahead.

Will your education amass or amount to success to earned statuesque recognition? Perchance a park?

Is our way forward bound too fated by errant and wrongful of our leaders, present, and past?

Shall we just tag it all TREASON and be done with it?

For all the reading and recreation ahead for our summer hours such would be perilous and elementary - too simple - dangerously simple.

To excel forward perhaps these days of summer call us to comparative studies to be best formed and steeled to have our midterms attest of mettle tested?

Whom shall be toppled? And, whom newly deserves to be honored - memorialized?

We can hope that generations are now getting along these years after Green Agenda Green Minimalism of needed $4 gasoline pricing, and its political heavy handed, trapped/forced grandparents to move in with children, and their grandchildren to move back in with dad and mom.

Let us progress by making it teachable by making Connecticut an example to bar erection or topple that which has been set to memorialize Clintons or Obamas with bronze honors.

For now we can pass on beating a Bush as currently it is becoming far better known of how long attacked Bush name was of undue and for unearned beatings.

With very important midterms ahead let us Cliff Notes the core issues now as we progress an attempt to become responsibly informed to the GOOD vs. EVIL and the RIGHT vs LEFT towards whom deserves a bronze them.

It is of TREASON we must become quite learned of and as how trapping such crimes are set to be to many top Democrat operators for categorize as simply of textbook TREASON.

The old favoring of the LEFT wrongfulness cannot now be long still enduring as endearing slippeth more and more as greater amassed s the understanding that their “proffered” interpretation of the Constitution is established as blatantly erroneous and simply of clear misreading of the original and lawful plain meaning - intent of the Peoples’ “Order.”

Generations of moralists, while some liberated and repaired to the American Dream, will long work over how immoral it was how economies were set asunder for the Green Minimalism for the Green Agenda and how such leadership was illegal to treasonous.  American generations are behooved to garner how wrong LEFTISTS (with Saul Alinski?) been in their premeditated collaborations to set asunder the Constitution of our republic in ways in excess to how they’ve been found to have failed to comprehend the ratified original plain language.

The LEFTISTS, however now set to honored by schools in their name or public bronzes, do now suffer a real jeopardy due ignorance of the Constitution plain meaning is not a defense to even their accidental but incidental treasonous colluded.

Cliff Notes simple:

In the prior year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven on that seventeenth of September they did subscribe as “done” the Peoples’ “Order” by signed as to did “ordain and establish” the Constitution as the Peoples’ “Order” (noun) that did form our “more perfect Union” to it therefore cannot rightly be claimed to be the LEFTISTS’ “living document” as just a yuge loophole for mob rule of anything goes if just do claim it and it “more perfect.”

The actual Constitution is still the Law of our lands and to that so much by LEFTISTS was at least accidental TREASON in ignorance - but yet of a contempt for originalism of yet a basis also in ignorance of beauty of originalism as compassionate originalism fixed by “more perfect Union” by set to government also under our Lord’s Laws and not above their peers - the citizens.

Connecticut, ironically, is “The Constitution State” while yet a state that most failed and suffered under Democratic rule of such likewise LEFTISTS.

Connecticut, economically, can be said to have met such an unnecessary tough phase by being colluding to cottoned to the treasonous of the Clintons while such of frauds of took credit to honors for so much they didn’t inspire or make.

Connecticut failures under recent Democratic Party adherence and partisan collusion happened with President Obama due he too didn’t/wouldn’t tackle the Clintons’ misrepresentations for undeserved honor to known for it of economic science dynamic that such doesn’t work the ways Clintons long postured of claimed as if so many successes were made by them.

Connecticut was stuck under President Obama due Governor Malloy (and Obama Jobs Czar Jeffrey Immelt of GE) couldn’t proceed honestly for had to continue the cover-ups for the Clintons to protect many in leadership from criminal exposure in admitting dishonorable divisive partisan chicanery and treachery if offered truth.

As midterms our mile marker to be for an accounting we should brace and inform ourselves with the lessons of Connecticut’s failures as poignant and fresh.  There could be no music - singing together - these years - for unity to economic growth - due the legend and key for progress music actually had far from the true nature and smaller truths of the Clintons as its melodious harmonious; there could be little music with Governor Malloy due he went with discordance by lying with the Clintons, and, towards running betrayal of a Connecticut native whom Clintons an associated were long persisting in stealing from - in misappropriation of the core key vibe’s who of the essence of the how of how 90s economics arose as synthesized and choreographed.

Generations of moralists have, as our midterms loom, time enough to learn of and from the failures of Connecticut as a story of couldn’t due couldn’t do honestly - with honor?

Cliff Notes simple:

President Donald Trump may soon deserve to be memorialized and publicly honored in bronze statue(s) and for righting our songs from broached treasonous old coursing and yet firstly of tests of November are to be of post “post-Constitution” and post “I will not feel beholden to the oath I just swore” (paraphrased) eye openers and to votes that must be forward mature of accepting it is established and proven ordained that the LEFTISTS’ “interpretations” are not lawful but as per scripts of TREASON.

Generations are called upon while being still liberated and repaired to the American Dream to take all the time necessary to discuss and fully digest that any schools I their names or public bronzes in their likeness should be prohibited from our public spaces.

Remember Connecticut!

Remember though Hillary Clinton lost Governor Malloy was still stuck with President Obama  of trying to sing lies of the Clintons!!!

Cliff Notes simple:

*  Jeffrey Immelt was a Connecticut CEO while failed nation as a Jobs Czar!  Go figure an air conditioner company head missed global warming supply and demand calling!

*  I know of what I satire as long the Clintons got on by particularly stealing a lot from me, - only got by like in 90s when of slipping by becometh too their old selves and deployed coy ploy “we need to get back to the center!” as chicanery to needed to steal a solution and synthesized balance from me again.

*  So: Also: Yet no bronzes for Democrats?  - nor silver! - nor gold! 

                               *      *      *      *      *                 


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:09 am



#Politics #MondayMotivation ~ #TrumpRussia farce vs #PoetJPHogan #LawAndOrder:

#Justice #JeffSessions & #FBI #ChrisopherWray #FBIDirector #Wray on my bad side as long as sans #Clintons of #indictments!

#HOGAN, me, cannot accept employment as violate of my #ReligiousLiberty of #JOY #HOPE #GoodNews rights violated by Clintons rise & reign was of stealing my intellectual property & essentially my identity.

I know of no possible employment contract that wouldn’t subjugate me under other who is avoiding my #TRUTH and to then supporting #CRIME of helping Clintons get away with stealing from me. Before blaim #Russians any should consider my #STRIKE (roots to #RobertGalbraith - really) did more to defeat #CrookedHillary as I directed that none from me could be used to help the Clintons (get away with stealing from me) and as with what from me stopped the Clintons couldn’t repeat performance - performance level of what worked when worked of with mine.

There should be no employer or employment option where my story isn’t already known and to then my rank and value already established of good enough to have been stolen by the Clintons to be used for #economics & #NationalSecurity.

Personal problems of the Clintons unprosecuted are worse than that my “good news” wasn’t told of but of valor & glory stolen to as if only the work of others not the architects nor mechanics of the workability for as such of my “unmarried” years & #BIBLE basis for good news to flow in truth and such of unmarried men are to live for the Lord while married to live for their wives - it is my accomplishments others have stolen are also of how my work was perverted to as if caused by a woman - and a wrong women more convenient to their theft narative so that it couldn’t be of my chosen career stolen and of me of beating the Lawyers & Phds by that my lay work was of decade plus foundational work to that I was capable of such original solutions because I sacrificed and dedicated my self to doing the hard work to learn enough details of reality/realities.

I’ve had to fight the Cliintons since they moved with 1992 win to 1993 & beyond of stealing from me and to I was so persistant that Bill Clinton & James Carville finally resorted to a skit defense to now famous Clinton Machine method of hiding crimes in plain sight of “OF COURSE WE STOLE - WE STOLE FROM THE BEST” (paraphrased from visceral memories). There truth a plenty is stating during years of such battles I did spirit voluntarily around training town named #HogansAlley ideas for FBI on how future agents could be better & good enough to stand up to #CrookedClintons.

A conundrum of employment is to that I can hardly knowing how much was stolen from me means I know I cannot by any employment contract allows an employer to suppose rank on me and to then the access to how Clintons worked inappropriate unauthorized use of my intellectual property in naive ways of perverted the solutions I developed to that their many mistakes have been predictable yet to me the silenced to as if solutions couldn’t have come from me.

Essentiality the paradigm still persists of that I cannot be employed in my stolen chosen career for my truth - my good news - my Joy - cannot be acknowledged, and I can’t rightly without being an accomplice to crimes against my self - I can’t accept employment without helping the Clintons get away with crimes at least of stealing from me.

This gets more complicated due #Sept11 & #Bush of so much help I gave him after attacks that worked was of I fixed where & how I knew Clintons had perverted the solutions I had figured to defeat his father 41 so 43 had knowledge & guidance to fix the mistakes of 42 by the architect & mechanic. Bush gratefulness to me as once referrals of near “HE DID MORE FOR ME THAN ANYONE ON MY STAFF” is of such import.

By now, even as you try to ignore it, you likely already know of the Clintons’ “intent” they did it all for money.

By now, even as you do ignore it, that the Clintons’ “intent” of they dug out kick backs by monetized policies in that supposed to have been honorable as the work of the people - of not so grossly violate of like most protections in the Emoluments Clause.

I have been a victim - but that their crimes are not “victimless” is of basically all Americans and peoples of the world have yet also been victims of their gold digger “intent” and irregular to Constitution effected & affected.

Ignorance of the Constitution is not a defense and Originalism is of Clintons have long confessed indirectly to treasonous treachery beyond misdemeanors against the Peoples government by “post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery admits, beyond ignorance of the law, to actual intent to set asunder the written law - well out of due process and secured protections for civil procedures.

Of my victimhood is that the Clintons thefts of stolen from me need them to maintain their false history of me of mine and to that I can’t transition from single years so motivated to be a future media mogul of years as of “unmarried men are to live for the Lord” to the next phase of “married men are to live for their wife”.  Democrats, much - not just Clintons, live for denying me my JOY HOPE Good News years of chosen career to be akin a future “Mad Men” expert a skipped gen outcome from worked it building at least on respect for my elders, my grandfathers John W. Hogan, Sr. & Arthur M. Menadier to be at least to marketing towards becoming a future media mogul by learned from maternal grandfather a top advertising executive of the era of popularized in “Mad Men”.

This of course explains the effectiveness of my STRIKE and how such was synchronized to that me as the PHILOSOPHER of & to the “THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE” was motivated of my 7 books on magic challenge to be for and on morals as to be to prophylactically protecting at least a next gen - generation - from the crooked of the Clintons and the crooked Clintons.  Long story on how to set up such as to cloak from me & supported by me of use of vehicles of new used Dodge B250 cargo style white van driving to be yet in JK Rowling of cloaking around my earlier vehicle order special and new in 1988 as Ford F250 4×4 from “Stoneham Ford” of that I could drive ideas stealthily by as Philosopher while apparently just a contractor & she - Jo - like a door supplier who handled possible clients interest and dreaming of if door work needed or even new doors dreamt of.  My “philosopher” cloak was to we could think of “stone” as my old pick-up truck from “Stone - ham” while to “Hogan’s” wards to as to not grow up like “Hogan’s warts” as like to just dirt under my skin.

As Democrats, line en masse, need my story to be lied about by like made it still about a woman and the wrong women more convenient to their work posture as a legal bulwark as defense, there is yet that such if yet of my story of the years meant to be as of Lord’s work like dedication as yet for philosophy to yet become eventually married and to marketing then as near to as media mogul and to such of before & after to after as married media mogul of living then for my wife.

The “Gold Digger Democrats” is the rap and tag befalls the fall of Clintons and maybe realistically a #FOB52.

We know now the basically just did it for the money, - even as many try to ignore such, and, support crime of crimes therefore supported of crimes against me.

Forward I am supposed to be already by the core of my old plans that yet had so much stealable as usable as workable better than their own capacity be from to the “living for the Lord” of the “philosopher” phase and to like now living for my wife as a media mogul essentially humanly limited professionally to like ranking people - especially gold diggers - for how they rank, using new media & social media, as for how well each succeeding at built & maintain community.

Alas as long as the Clintons’ & associateds’ crimes are allowed to endure and repeat - to of SCOTUS precedence of reuse resets any statute of limitations - I am forced to stay focused more personally on the work of the people as a dedication to TRUTH and therefore akin “work of the Lord” singularity as witness to the Clintons of monetized policies & essentially just firstly primarily generally specifically did it in “intent” as just for the money, - I am forced to remain on STRIKE.

Yes, I am now long not to have been dedicated still as a single man of “living for the Lord” and while HARRY POTTER & HOGWARTS of also ROBERT GALBRAITH to of motivated protective of such years so a PHILOSOPHER cloaked we must get passed the unknowns of the crimes of the Clintons for such all came to be as cloaked and purposed to yet protect people from these criminals I’ve known of their motives since the early 1970s and from a bad first impression of our happenstance encounter while they were still just co-eds of Yale Law School out for a walk in my neighborhood.

President Donald J. Trump, Sr., at least due THE APPRENTICE idea from me is likewise complicated of to protect a next gen from political crimes in couple of conducts unbecoming a former first couple, please dedicate yourself and Justice towards that I can be freed from phase of living dedicated as philosopher as of living for our Lord, and so that I can complete shift to next phase of reparations in spirit, at least, to that I can be understood to living for “wife” phase as allowed to be the media mogul my own efforts built capacity and global enduring quite broadly.

Yes, you all, you can each help me transition in my religious liberty to from forced by Clintons crimes and gold digger Democrats way to living for the Lord against my rights and will.

Right?  You comprehend the prudence?

I.E.: & E.G.:  >> I should be free now to profits by populating say my own state of Connecticut media with ranking for at least social media new media and to volunteering a WORST rank for my own state as worst of “GOLD DIGGER DEMOCRATS” for though I can’t prove Connecticut is the worst state as of worst “gold diggers” I also for journalism cannot prove yet that my own state - hence my self-deprecating - isn’t the WORST state - 50th of 50!!!

Right?  You comprehend the prudence?

                     *  *        OH GOD - PART X?       *  *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:59 am



#TheHoganMemo ~ #FED #Dow #Olympics & #HOGAN material history:

“Moral Capitalism” is redundant as Jerome Powell seating & humanity in #economics doth suffice to explain #TrumpCorrection?

With change of #FedChair from #JanetYellen to #Powell market players of cosmic tumblers churning to reason through to get a feel for the NEW and while people of #WallStreet can be “generally good people” of loosening valuations as #Olympics2018 #WinterGames due liberated from fixed structuralism to a romantic (#NewRomanticEra) leveled playing field where any got to #SouthKorea to seek #GREATNESS has #economy heavens open for NEW achievers reaching.

I, J. Peter Hogan, had global success & networks established by time I challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 childrens book on #magic as around a #MagicSchool of before rise of #Clintons in 1992 as of my lead of “A DEMOCRAT CAN BEAT BUSH IF ONE CAN LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME” (paraphrased from memories) I had since 1982-83 senior high school year been of being a marketing wizard for sharing free a pal’s & my sleding snow day brainstormed as to how a new #SNOWBOARD could be designed of that I wanted one I could do #Snowboarding down hill more safely than #skateboarding down hilly roads. Where we were sleding of where I brought my wood plank like “snow board” with toe strap was already our favorite sleding hill for it was at least 70% already a natural #HalfPipe. We did reality check after we basically designed in our minds what is today the #OlympicGames #snowboards to that we were not the right people to launch idea. I forward did walk out a sharing to willing souls for free our worked through concepts and firstly for new boards and then of our ideas of wonders of use if on a 100% constructed to half pipe venue and then to whom could be a young new sport star to inspire - of seems it went from me a JP out walking a wizardry sharing to a young “JP Walker”. (Coincidentally I’ve learned #Hamilton #HamiltonTour villain #KingGeorge is played by a boyhood friend of same name.)

After Clintons elected as learned to sound like me of my press’n a new lingua franca a new political correctness a facilitation for an urban agenda for direction of “New World Order” #Detroit automakers found #BillClinton of deaf to their concerns and to I postured a direction for them and kept vigil for “direction” of sugg’d they anchor forward around small car lines as made to market to consumers music interests and yet to trigger baby boomers & older sympathies by if went towards small cars like made as shrunken 60’s & 50’s autos.

The internationalism of “#HOGAN” is mostly still cloaked while vastly YUGE across many different industries and per such there is that Stanley Tools invention & bringing to market of the “shortcut” handsaw as an “American Handsaw” as of teeth like Japanese saws but handle and blade form as yet of English handsaws is also from of my free shared from conception in late 80’s of while I was building houses on Block Island as a carpenter meant to become a #MADMEN marketing wizard as new gen of legend of learned from my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier who ran Johnson & Johnson accounts for last 25 years of his Madison Avenue career. Idea generated while building a railing on deck on home on Mansion Beach being built for Reinhardt (sp?) a top NYC PR exec who is of the Adams & Reinhardt legacies (if I recall of Olgilvy correctly).

The show on my grandad’s era & profession did spark from me after a reunion with an old pal of the island shared boyhood days of checking in on a friend who married (and now widowed due a cancer) the Dolan bride of ownership of AMC & Cablevision & Knicks & MSG & LA Forum…

Yes I did more than this/these and much of that is tangled into how my help did become of national security and politics progress. As for “marketing” snowboarding & American handsaw development such was cloaked as hobbies of mine I didn’t talk about of project my personal identity into while yet synchronized developmental progress to like nurture from the seeding seeded of the concepts to those unidentified souls of receptive to free ideas.

Developmentally this synchronized to Dr. Judith Herman book TRAUMA & RECOVERY in space-time relativity of the medical science changes to PTSD as while developing such - of with my own highly developed self awareness I did share ideas for how to better help people recover from bicycling accidents and if to of to wanting to curse inventive of new sport to origins of that I shared fitness & trauma recovery self knowledge considered to help any to injured in sport from my ideas was to of at least my entertainment mused of a support network already psyched and sync’d.

Of that most don’t know yet it was me and of how much was from me and worked for growth economics Clintons wrongly take credit there is that of for the development of sport & medicine for marketing launched I’ve at least 5 times, w/ anonymous cloak, work through rising new levels of over at least a year 5 times I picked up an new audience around a new issue as a new location/city of focus and wrote sharing a lead on developing and nuanced new and improved some separate as isolated yet from the earlier developed integrated differently yet similarly.

Of my brainstorm partner to snowboards he now is long a professor at the school that school Donald J. Trump, Sr. in business, - THE WHARTON SCHOOL.
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

You know things must be bad for Democrats when…

Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:

We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.

With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.

Our “Joe” has two problems:  Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks;  Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”!  These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”.  These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue.  Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”

The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.

Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.

As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.

You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.

I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.

You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too?  To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.

As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people. 

Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.

Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?

“Joe”?  Vice President Joseph Biden?  Really?

What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?

      *       *       *       WHO YA GONNA CALL?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am



#Discover #HOGAN #ColumbusDay #MondayMotivation of best sellers long:

Time to ask how J.K. Rowling @ #RobertGalbraith wrote #CuckoosCalling of me of #STRIKE to like now my concurrence of my story of now already told stealthily.

Time to figure past #Hogwarts #Potterdom of #HarryPotter of theme park as from son of one grew up across from amusement park #Playland and key’d to “Rowe-ling” energized to ghosted material around any read name of Pete Rowe, MD at front door of #Yale Students Health Clinton on Hillhouse Avenue.

#Gryffindor was key’d for energized to balance so much as around Yale as yet local to #Connecticut of #Derby of focused on #GriffinHospital of emergency room entrance doors and if legal for hospital to be operating/open (while I of friend then in their PR dept).

As per background stirred there is that about time Hillary Clinton prepared to enter 2008 run for President I instructed my arts #magic #magicschool associated to there to be no more #POTTERworld books due bad economics growing too much from John Kenneth Galbraith prudence to #Democrats leading an elite robbing economy - more to of #Scotland of Rob’n Galbraith for ill.

At such time, to protect Harry Potter readers from how I knew then alread tag #CrookedHillary fit’n #HillaryClinton, I didn’t tell Jo she had to go cold turkey from writing of mused energies from me but to if such still needed amusement mused energy she could move to covering me of a #STRIKE against #Dems machinations against #ORIGINALISM of #CONSTITUTION of times of #AdamSmith and for crooked economics I’d be trap’d to letting left steal from my work product if not to as to still be dedicated to pro-actively protecting a next gen from known as #CrookedTogether #CrookedClintons.

ps: Leon Uris last novel was book written as asked for as of “O’Hara’s Choice” as around a choice an heiress Amanda actually had to make, and to more time for real one to make decision.

pps: Tom Brokaw book on 1968 #BOOM was asked for to then anchor my restoration of a 1968 Cal 25 racer/cruiser sailboat to more like new than any restoration then in fleet in #Annapolis had effected. Of sailing near Naval Academy I did have thought it was time for a new academy movie and postured for one on #NAVY school while I then of self employed contractor doing boat restoration while still welding for building out skate board stores of then area chain own by friends called ASYLUM - WAKE, SKATE, SNOW!

>> And an earlier:

Greetings ~ on healing &
#HarryPotter curative due #Hogwarts:

@JK_Rowling story of a “half blood” is my mom’s story!

J.K. Rowling years ago accepted my 7 books challenge is for curators forward & backwards as of me blooded better from my mom’s side and to by #magic #MagicSchool challenge of able in stealth to mass produce procedures and disciplines to that my dad could, and his side of the family, prove my mom right to herself on choice of husband, of being yet of potential and learnable to be yet proficient in her loving complicated wizard like anchoring of her own family.

“Dumbledor” is my sugg’d of for the front door a Dutch style split door (double-door) of our neighbors’ door of that of the peers of Secretary Doctor Ben Carson of Yale likewised specialities in medicine while to around their children and one I nick-named for character development as “Pete Rowe-ling” of using his blood line of grandson to Dr Rowe the proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic then abouts.

So of course, and due a friendly connection of mine to Princess Di since announcement of her royal engagement, due process mom’s ailments yet much she as an overburdened caregiven essentially to overloaded on her magical capacity and timed as noted of when #BostonMarathon #Boston #STRONGER movie released while her/their routine of marathon pride & strong with a collage of dad’s old number & pictures hanging proudly in their home.

So yes that #Harry #PrinceHarry of #INVICTUS #InvictusGames is related & of stories necessary to family to keep pride in my parents’ first apartment of in #MarkTwain apartments next doors to #MarkTwainHouse.

#SiriusBlack is for my dad’s brother Charles my #godfather a one serious about black wires of watts & volts while #Patronus spells like “patron US” it also a spelling licenced for PETRONAS TOWERS my social set of ultimate Frisbee professionally involved in design & construction management of with senior architects of firms of my parents #NewHaven neighbors & social set.

My connect with #PrincessDi maintained of me playing like #Merlin, for little princes, from afar as a Connecticut Yankee yet in Connecticut while in spirit in the courtyards of play of “A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT”.

My brother healed himself too to become a spectacular father of music in the house and 3 or 2 budding talents of arts. Tad’s background helps to such autonomous success as well around parents of his boyhood best pal a audiophile while a VA psychiatrist of “SHELL SHOCKED” patients while also, unknown to us till far later, as of a Yale classmate and social pal society associated one to #GeorgeWBush.

On a medical & observed care note it was fun observing my mom go thru panel of questions on her first day in rehab & wellness center but glad attending doctor didn’t ask her “DOES SOAP FLOAT?” Such, if she recalls a story I’ld get Arthur M. Menadier (See Wikipedia), her father to recollect, would go to “YES” and let me tell you a story about that and corporate espionage. Mom’s dad in early career was involved in launch of first floating soap called ‘SWAN SOAP’ which was so novel and promising that “IVORY SOAP” came from rival stealing the recipe and making product whiter & lauching it against SWAN as the whiter floating soap - as if whiteness made soap cleaner cleaner.

Still as any sees Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo of “NO MORE TEARS” you are to looking at my grandfather’s work as tear drop embossed in plastic bottle was his idea during the product development of lauch he guided as not in house advertising & marketing by head of J&J account maybe by then of how he consolidated all of their advertising & marketing accounts to on firm and as his account even until mandatory retirement at 65 from Young & Rubicam.

     *       *       DON’T TALK ABOUT THE MAGIC?       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

When any people - democratic - cease or desist from doing the work of being a moral people - neighborly - no government can be affordable.

However you consider Donald J. Trump as high fallutin’ of Queens and extreme of New York values we have before us the most troubled as of so many tread upon to make ways for the litter messianic for Barack H. Obama and the akin a queen’s litter jackbooted martialed for Hillary R. Clinton.

Rudyard Kipling and “Star Wars” homage doth carries a relative moral in that of “Gunga Din” & ”Jar Jar Binks” to be as of, to paraphrase, so of ”municipal” prudent of “Mr. Binks” toil, and duty, of characters to keep the murder rates low by keeping the sewers clear.

Our best froward snares many as short from duty!

Our prescribed froward is for forwards expectant to commitments to the work of neighbors’ is “neighborly”!

Our blessed froward still asks all to see these summed as self-evident to that by that our rights are from our Creator the Liberals’ - Democrats’ - interpretation of the Peoples’ Order that formed/constituted our Union  does not hold water - does not stand.

As one accepts the prudence is liberating still of that our separation of Church and State doth secures rights to each by of rights from their Creator it reasons out to like enlightening that therefore Americans aren’t to worship their government but are still prescribed to sans any right to be separated from supposed to care for all and so constituted by Peoples’ Order to live for Posterity for Tranquility of general Welfare from worshiping our Lord - the inescapable vibe of our Creator’s essence.

As Donald J. Trump successfully joined to the restoration work of the established and revolutionary “Republican Movement” we have the wave for restoration as a new renaissance to further amass to escape carriages improper intellectually to similar to befit “Dark Ages”!  The Donald J. Trump of this discoursing is the “LIBERATOR” who has successfully joined to the well beat and marched soul of the restoration of “ORIGINALISM” and who is keeping his promises to “GIVE AMERICA BACK” to the people.

The self-evident summed is of that while of our rights from our Creator the Democrats’ interpretation of the Constitution of these united states of the Americas does not have standing in plain meaning and common sense!

The summed is to it should be self-evident if one’s rights are from their Creator it is counter productive to worship government - especially an administration of billionaire Donald J. Trump, Sr.!

Froward, still, we have it constituted of a written at least in the letters of Apostle Paul of that each is under our Lord before under any government we have our rights and yet are established to sans any separation right from supposed to care for all!

As truth and truths become liberated from the politics of suppression by the Left/Democrats it should be self-evident of a restoration vibe to how Donald J. Trump is joined still to the Republicans’ moral work of working through critical masses to see that the garbage is garbage and “sewers” are cleared and kept clear.  There is no escape from the plain truth of the CONSTITUTION that it could be so small and brief for it had at least the Christians and their New Testament as self-governance guidance to such as the Peoples’ “Order” done and subscribed in “Year of our Lord” henceforward need the government to be constituted for due process and civil procedures for when the matters the sum of the books of the Lord break down - broke down.

Plainly the legend of Donald J. Trump is indivisible from the successful progress renaissance of the “Republican Movement” of “ORIGINALISM” of his a pedestrian New York common sense now still to embattled against the litters of Bill & Hillary Clinton, & Barack Obama.

The litters of the messianic and too queenly martialed is of now we have Republicans for republican/republic as it stands still actually constituted still adjusting and organizing to peddle freedom - to walk the talk of the pathology of liberty to restored for max’d potential.

The litters of ”Messiah Obama” & “Queen Hillary” yet now are of however many segments a state a snake can be divided into theirs’ still is to trample and tread on and over any “segment” - “segments” - not assimilated and cowed to compliant/compliance.

Please do garner the scope of Donald J. Trump engagement isn’t “high fallutin’” but old school New York values in common sense, due separation of Church and State, of that government and corporations, therefore, are under Lord’s Laws before under Government and likewise of supposed to be abstaining from violations of the commandments - especially preset as prescribe to shall not covet, steal, bear false witness.

Please do garner the scope of reformed this Clinton Democrat - our President Donald J. Trump - is as secured to his “MAGA” “Make America Great Again” promised as to be “LIBERATOR” - not a false idol - a worshipped posed idol.

Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” in cats (categories) of queued for “#POTUS45″.

Please to assist to the full scope of a broad stroke and narrow finesse’d governance liberation by restorative to common sense and inescapably sworn to plain meaning and neighborly vigilance for “clean” ways.

Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” as recognizing whom is the problem and how their what remains problematic and contrarian;  The successful liberation to America returned to the people is dependent on the conscience raising broadly to amassed segments of our Union as together united morally locally and to suspicious of all things federal.

Donald J. Trump, President, is not and shall not be considered to be as ridiculous and high fallutin’ while supposition proffered to preposition for a pathology of Liberty as positioned in priors - established as ordained especially for economics of growth to morality of business is still expected to be moral like governments of subscribed to be sans violations of Lord’s Laws and to dedicated to the proposition of that all people have an expectation from their rights from their Creator of that the work of government and businesses are to be without violations of morality by being of covetous, stealing, bearing of false witness.

It is not “high fallutin’” that our governance is prescribed established to that Laws under of “shall not bear false witness” as per governance is of since politics is the business of treating all people as if neighbors of that government therefore is supposed by “shall not bear false witness” as to not proper or prudence or blessed to be of bearing false witness as to what especially is the property of a poet - even a “philosopher king” like - and to otherwise as if what belongs to the poet can be said and exercised as if it yet doth firstest belongeth to the Government!

There is no litter of Donald J. Trump if as President he keeps to the common core of the “Republican Movement” that restored “ORIGINALISM” and to such then forward of it yet still much just the litters of messianic Barack H. Obama and too queenish Hillary R. Clinton to be arrested from treading upon the people of the us.

The Republicans have good standing and are comprehendable with common sense and simple reading of the constituting founding established and ordained done by the founders sans blasphemy back whence in that Year of our Lord.

The GOP is blessed by their scope as postured within the lines of the ordained common sense structural essentials.

To be, all & each, still to keeping of the work of being a moral people we now must see it as reasonable and necessary that we accept the genius of Donald J. Trump as not being specious when tact martialed of tacking towards that our PEACE and HAPPINESS is dependent on that business, especially corporations, are like Government, federal especially, as only constituted to be as prescribed to be abstinent from covetous, stealing, lying.. - morals as litter!

As “HOGAN” (me, myself, my own press’d) has postured artful of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” long regards our froward of forward believing:

Fellow Americans “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED!”

              *       *        *       JUST BEGUN?       *       *       *

[This here now progress is just a work commenced.  Do please return & revisit as many times as necessary to be sure you are fully read in to be part of the solutions and desisted from joined as of the problem/problems.  This leading satire is a work begun expectant to much more to follow and amass from this time commenced for squib.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:38 am

Imagine you are seated knee deep in a modern discussion of bolsheviks and the loser party is in denial, and, it seems a cup runneth over imminent to a flooding looms to swamp any Holy copacetic.

Perchance a GRACE can be exercised due disciplines have been maintained in practices to build potential.

Isn’t it of our existentialism reality that HARMONY is more only from nurture and threatened by from nature?

Perhaps by this 4th of July, in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Seven, President Donald J. Trump will with erudity have orated a speech purposed to spreading the words necessary for a synergy in “WHAT IS FREEDOM”!

Deep, deep, deep, to such effecting teachable occurrence, is a prudence extant discoverable by methodology if homework is assigned to all sworn of 115th Congress, as by election seated, to produced white_papers/briefs/essays from each regardless of party to firstly share an open personal ideological to help build a GRACE, yet for “WHAT IS FREEDOM” speech.

Rather so Donald J. Trump, President, then is of each’s communals broached, for working it out in the Executive parlance, by better firstly to general copacetic by being to listening by reading precedingly.

A prima facia lay postured core, for to a deep outlining, later to be waxed on, to finely honed rhetoric erudite on the “AMERICAN” vernacular yet Constitutional as true to the Peoples’ Order of laid right if laid out for the threshold to such discussant as scoped around particular for GRACE of people together to break bread ritualistically to ascribe a formality to a facility for gathered to be each’s RESPONDENT as physically later apart.

Aren’t you now among the seated meek of akin:


Aren’t we of a prudence still subscribed open of:


Perhaps now froward in our Lord best by commune’st in a spudsalicious?  Can froward near encounters best be prefaced as pre-built for Holy copacetic even by mounding up a temple versant with heaps of potatoes mashable? - Even a “Please pass the yams!”?

A yuge concurrence to temper not by the lot but by a spoonful at a time is that of the diametric to Tip O’Neill mass of prudence as set for Posterity in “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”! - I cannot explain by any definition of success that of since Barack H. Obama inaugural to the lot of Democrats seeming so opposite to prudence of former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill! - such as beared through hardly of since 2009, - of the now “Obama Lost Years”! - There seems an vast huge extant of devolution across the caste of “Democrats” of today which is not short of diametrically opposed to “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL!”!

The legacy of Barack H. Obama, President, cannot be measured until metrics amassed to account for his governance as effected was to vast extent at a negation of from Massachusetts Representative Tip O’Neill, - The former Speaker O’Neill (D).

I.E.:  E.G.:  The communing has been beared through as now liberated from a dark ages and black days where dictum federal ruleth’d to mandates that consummation cease as local and to becometh obedient and even prostrate to an infallible President as if yet otherwise constituted as:


I.E.:  An apropos tag’n seems justified as near:

“Obama of yin/dark” due worked set against “O’Neill of the yang/bright”!

A service on Hillary R. Clinton should generally deliver guilt upon the lot of “modern” Democrats due the statistical sad reality of the pockets of votage with her suffrage rising are yet categorically homogeneous as “local” of things - locals - where class systems are most entrenched; - The lot of for Hillary Clinton persists as a conundrum which has severe racial & race lines phat through the strada of eco-systems with the entrenched Liberal Elite caste system of University communals as held highest and worked as if “entitlements” of the federal level not a necessary federal program while an essentially structured rendition to that poor sub-class, subordinated to Liberal caste definition of “SUCCESS” reigning, have their angst & displeasure with “LOCAL” as removed to be yet of inequality as disassociated to then of a marshaled pathology of local class problems are yet Federal Social Welfare issues.  Them that amass of the votage so are those who must support Washington Democrats of face the outcomes to be rendered if instead the address the incivility and oppression by their own neighbors of the own community.

OMG!!! Things aren’t reported as appear to be actually consequential!!!

As the PSALMS set froward of “to the chief Musician” and riddle some too much I wonder if a return of THE FLYING NUN could work to suffice against such entrenched and be teachable generally to a rising from such escapism by ‘entitlements’.

We needn’t depend on a nun-such to such a drum beat of an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett, or even Whoopie as to be drum majors to restorative common sense in simple “local” communals.

There is a convenient cast set to be tasked generally as a lot of Clinton Democrats ensconced about the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD - NEW YORK CITY.  We have the lot of Schumer, Gillibrand, Cuoma, & de Blasio as starters all now cast to play it all out in the public expectation in the public realm as to how immoral the Affordable Care Act is for how it was designed to phatten their realms so fat in financials yet on HEALTHCARE costs as transferred to upon backs of other states earners tax dollars.

President Donald J. Trump needs a lot of answering by this cadre of the caste of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS, - and too a CHICAGO cast toasted of the THE HOUSE OF OBAMAS.

President Donald J. Trump seems best positioned if he now lets such caste of the of New York answer first for the injustice worked of OBAMACARE to that the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD could escape from setting a leading example on how to keep the LOCAL in POLITICS prudence by demonstrating otherwise to that the richest realm could actually find a way to cover all of em resident to the cosmopolitan. 

Oy - trouble we will have if New York major metropolitan area cannot find a self-contained home remedy while so of so many so high on the hog phat to be induced at least into Federalist #1 Alexander Hamilton broached PHILANTHOPY.

America, again, how can these united states of the Americas be great, - great again - if New York Values are not forced to be exposed and to otherwise working a replacement to “OBAMACARE” as the example seems to need be of accounting to that if such as the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD cannot afford healthcare coverage for all - then such is not possible but if limited to LOCAL isolated COMMUNES.

RESPONDERS:  Responsible how say you?

RESPONDERS:  Isn’t the toast of Donald J. Trump - toasts - to field the asking if Liberal politics hasn’t been long wrong & in wrong direction by effecting to that sub-class in entrenched class systems pockets of these united states are disassociated from living the asking of their local hierarchies to actually be and live morally?

            *       *       *       DISCIPLINES?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

… or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Men what are our blush points now as the 2016 election heats up?  Men what can we say definitively is our biggest problem, post September 11, 2001, and 9/11 II - aka “Secretary Clinton’s Benghazi”?  Men what might be our biggest embarrassment when solo and out to be cashed out at a convenient register?

Donald Trump is not our biggest “embarrassment” even if now the cover guy for which ever rag mag on the market.  DT, is one I hope didn’t respond to much from Mrs. Clinton yesterday.  I do hope DT didn’t stoop to the lowness and low level of Mrs. Clinton yesterday - as stumped.

It seems as much the problem of Democrats rising since 2006 as on the need to perform and deliver on the vast promised by Senator Obama and Senator Clinton, - as if clones for how they like promised so much near identical to the other, and as such like needed social engineering to trump economics, and as such like needed any Democrat elected to govern as the Socialist President Obama is now established as necessarily being to his core.

Though the biggest problem of Mrs. Clinton (leadership), and too as likewise for President Obama, is that she just never quite got right that size matters, - or that size doesn’t matter.  I will not here let this descend to being just about minies or maxies or adult diapers as apropos coverage maybe for Mrs. Clinton and President Obama.  We should accept the historical truth that essentially President Obama used the Clintons’ economics team to be his like “experts” after he beat the Clinton Machine, and yet while then of having insufficient experience to have an economics team of his own ready.

Mrs. Clinton greatest failure is beyond minies, maxies, or if only adult diapers are of a sufficient capacity, metaphorically, as the essence of Mrs. Clinton is firstly that she has like always erred in the realm of “size doesn’t matter”!!!

Again:  I do hope Donald Trump didn’t stoop to responding to much of how Mrs. Clinton was stumped on June 27, 2016!  That is I do hope Donald Trump, if with a morning coffee for the republic, was yet of attenuated maturity and not just to now as if “in the gutter” with Mrs. Clinton and Senator Warren.

We are, men - women - children, of a confederate republic - a “with federal” union of “republican states” - we are constituted to that “size doesn’t matter” - even as when better teased as “size does matter” as if “…for the republic” for a “small is beautiful!”.

Mrs. Clinton doesn’t present well with feminine products, or obviously as beset with adult diapers!  Mrs. Clinton’s capacity for prudence is more likely to cause men to blush than a quickie run to a convenience store for a SUPER PACK of products for his lady, or daughter.  Mrs. Clinton essentially has no real capacity for “small is beautiful”!!!

President Clinton is the problem of Benghazi, firstly!!!

President Clinton had President Obama’s Secretary of State so very compromised while under him to that on 9/11 II Mrs. Clinton like had to be loyal to her man before her boss, and before her country, and, to as if the spouse must never say “small is beautiful” comparatively as regards her man vs. her boss!!!

Again:  President Clinton is the problem of Benghazi, firstly!!!

The mess made is either now for the Republicans’ or “full committee” report to be to ruled as either more Mrs. Clinton’s fault or more the fault of President Obama!!!

The mess made is either now of that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” was a BIG lie or MEDIUM lie or SMALL lie not an IMPEACHABLE LIE AS WORKED TO EFFECT AN ILLEGAL COVER-UP!!!

The mess made is inescapably now to that essentially the report must present that Libyan “diplomacy” failed due Mrs. Clinton could never handle the size of their lies!!!

The mess made is inescapably now to that critically forensically forward Benghazi is a turning point as great as like Gettysburg, and Afghanistan to the Cold War, as a moment when “IT IS THE CLINTONS - STUPID” became trump to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!!!

The mess is a big mess of Mrs. Clinton’s personally at least as what died also (tragically for Clintons) on that tragic day is that “politicks” long postured by cover-up lies to as if President Clinton was “PERFECT” and any thing that went wrong was all the Republicans’ fault as like as if not ridiculous as “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!!!

It is likely now witness to that Bill Clinton is beyond a political or personal capacity to clean up even just this mess of Mrs. Clinton’s too loose “leadership”, and especially as it now is beyond a safe area for President Obama - and if as if an adult diaper could save him for a few moments.  Post 9/11 II it is established that at least the Clintons lied for cover-ups and of that cover-up lies so big are impeachable due they set asunder constitutional governance for any confederate republic!!!

As we wake these mornings to Donald Trump a late joiner to a winning Republican “for republic” movement near a new renaissance we so stir to our “joe” possibly to find “team GOP (of TRUMP) of sufficient breadth and mass for our “joe” each morning to be communal to the WHAT of the movement with enough sense of teamwork for the WHOM of rising to leadership.

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  It is “O” not “o”! aka #Its_O_Not_o as a first note to kick off each morning constitutionally tru’d.  The preamble of “We the People…in Order” is of “Order” as a noun so that the People’s Order is not subscribed to being a “living document” and so that it is a big err to read constitution so small like as if “in order to” while the essential import is “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” of “Order” of the big “O” to as only to be read as a noun!!!

Yes, your mornings with the for republic Republicans seem preset enough already to coffee with Donald Trump as to breakfast with confederate republicans of the established ordained as a confederate republic to “small is beautiful” as subscribed Union for a loose federation of republican states.  Today’s news is to be more difficult to process for a while as post the #BREXIT there will be crossed uses of “nationalism” where “republicanism” is more apropos and correct historically.

I can understand if Donald Trump did stoop to the “in the gutter” level of Mrs. Clinton (protocol proper for candidate whose last job was her highest paying job, even as officially Mrs. C. is not yet vetted for her last two jobs) and Senator Warren for though he may have had to dirty himself while so wrapped up in the processing of their ridiculous elementary diss’d such day was free enough to be petty too, - was free enough to like just play with Clinton and Warren like to hens to be pecked at by a bigger dog.

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  As my name is #HOGAN let me be clear:  Mrs. Clinton’s biggest problem is some of how small politically she has been as like to always politically to being wrong on issues of “small is beautiful” - of “size doesn’t matter” - of Americans, at least, are better together when loose and still as constituted as for republic, not “For Nationalism”, and so as Ordered as to as WITH federal not FOR National as union is a confederate republic!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Mrs. Clinton rates as an/the #EvilBarbie like a Marie Antoinette reincarnate - and, yes, repackaged, and while the darkest essence of #DroneQueen of her realistically a “plus sized” “Barbie” while much “Evil Barbie” of “Drones and bodybags NOT included!!!

As a man I would be embarrassed now to have to check out - cash out and be registered to checking out - if to being of in the cart as with a #DroneQueen #MrsClinton #EvilBarbie or yet #DramaQueen #MrsC as if just a #NutCracker!!!

Men, women, children of maturity suffice’n, Benghazi is now essentially forever the “turning point” from that even ever “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” must have been a big Clintons’ (at least) lie, and a lie illegal as for a cover-up that set asunder “small is beautiful common core of each republican state in our constituted Union as for “republicanism” not “Nationalism” as it is #WINNING like a renaissance to “NEW ROMANTIC ERA” that we are a confederate republic!!!

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER” you can be a small republic and be just as good as the biggest republican states in the Union of Americas’ ordered as these united states of the Americas!!!

#CupOfRodham is worse than it yet sounds!!!  #CupOfRodham is to flush the Constitution as ordained and to the Clintons still firstly “anti-Constitution” and for a “Post Constitution” false interpretation to as if there is a said workable “Democrats Constitution” as a “living document” that when compared to the originalism of the republican Constitution shows a mess of obvious conflicts all particular to the Clintons’ espoused as for that any and all protections from tyranny are essentially re-structured as if void - as if null - as if nullified!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!  May your mornings serve you well to trust any “republic joe”, - and NOT Mrs. Clinton, EVER!!!

After Benghazi none can ever look at Mrs. Clinton or President Clinton the same way - NEVER!!!

After Benghazi it is that Mrs. Clinton & President Clinton had struck the iceberg and to that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” floated while “IT IS THE CLINTONS - STUPID” became the new ESSENCE of POLITICKS as the new greater truth now exposed to being an incontrovertible TRUTH and a dominant TRUTH as an illegal lie for COVER-UP as a BIGGER lie!!!

After Benghazi Mrs. Clinton had President Obama in a pickle and compromised for “size doesn’t matter” when one tiny little LIE getting exposed then PROOFS an illegal COVER-UP and a CONSPIRACY TO COVER-UP!!!

After Benghazi, as we wait to read how if that the Obama Administration had no “HOT SPOT” United States Embassy or Consulate facility protected on a September 11 Attacks anniversary is for the historical record more a sole problem on Mrs. Clinton, we are beset still to process that the TRUTH was not and is not an option for Mrs. Clinton, especially as while Secretary of State, for as soon as tip’d to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” shredded there is that BIG and DOMINANT becomes a new mess as to #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!!!

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  Donald Trump is of the renaissance like winning for republic REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT of particulars of “small is beautiful” and “size doesn’t matter” as ordered!!!  Donald Trump seems ready to field your tips of your cups for a day’s constitution of LAW and ORDER and from the LAWLESS chaos of Mrs. Clinton, firstly!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Happy the TRUTH shall set us FREE!!!

May our FORCE as preset to RIGHT SIZED be present each morning ye wake and stir to if Republicans are with you and now the movement like a RENAISSANCE of CONSTITUTIONAL albeit now we are hoping Donald Trump can become, though late himself to the movement, a best leader for what seems upon us, if we can hold on to it, as if now we are past a first blush to actually stirring daily to be to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA, and the music for ECONOMIC GROWTH, as diverse in regional republican localism of music of the essence of the incident to life of George Washington’s worked inauguration to consecrate these united states of the Americas as for “politics” for what daily is “among the vicissitudes incident to life…”!!!

? … or his name isn’t TRUMP - isn’t DONALD TRUMP? - or he yet the larger is yet one still better even as yet he is to have presented a PRO-CATHOLIC agenda to get to a common core for winning with HISPANICS?  It is more how Mrs. Clinton errs on “SIZE MATTERS” more than WHAT “MACHISMO” to TRUMP VOTERS?

May the originalism of the FOURTH be with you now, and forever more, - evermore!!! Happy United States of America Independence Day!!!

Our best example is “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER” of that we are a CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC - we are republicans of republican states - loosely “with federal” - loosely 4 feds - loosely “con federales”!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

On “O” Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton must be embarrassed!!!

God Bless the USA of USC preamble as of only as “Order” a noun, & #Its_O_NOT_o!!!

Even as #DEMOCRATS err on #CONSTITUTION as if merely but small “o” for Powers of as if loosely written as if “in order to”!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:51 pm

I dread now reporting from these united states of America that the state of “American” politics is horrid - horrible.

It is dreadful that I must report that the state of the “American” media, at least, is as bad, - or worse.

Any Brown University Literature Department graduate should be able to know this without needing to read between the lines.

It is now established beyond any reasonable doubt! - such is beyond “self evident” and more like “uber evident”!

Allow me some exclamatory remarks, ye who hath carried “Hermione” now so far - a written (fictional) creation to the idea that one was better than two!

It is as if the merry populaces of the Democrat encampments and media tag-alongs are much sans magic, - perchance “muggles”!

Your fans may appreciate how I do very much like your recent twitpic of a book seeming otherwise about merry populaces, and as that to date I still haven’t seen most of your pictures. - Em likley to be surprised to learn that “Quid ditch” (sp?) developed from J.K. Rowling asking her muse doth challenged her to pen 7 books on magic “should we have a flying broom in the stories?” and to which upon quick consideration and a glance at my parents fireplace broom nearby I repliethed “YES, BUT GO BIG - MAKE IT OF A SPORT OF SORTS” (paraphrased near enough) and then processed further to its potential by wiringing JKR into my then athletic activities of my various ULTIMATE FRISBEE LEAGUES and covertly the sport energy even of my friends so about to while as architects and construction managers of the Kuala Lumpur Petronas Towers. (I appreciate “PATRONUS” spelled like “patron US” while picking up on basis.)

Yes Emma, I still refuse to read any of the HARRY POTTER books and too haven’t seen most of your pictures.  I didn’t asked for the books to be written to be to entertaining me, and I don’t still want to effect a creative feed back loop by interpreting the pictures past that I know I’ve seen the first two or two and a half.

Yes Emma, I must report on the ridiculous state of these politics and media of which I press opines eruditely; - there can be no Hillary Clinton as a candidate in any honesty if my own vastly more complicated personal historicals are not shared to be pared against her/their false claims.  As long as the politics and the media do not tell of my biographical relatedness at least as to the rise of the Clintons in 1992, and further staying power, then there is only dishonesty and immorality in our politics by lies, at least as lies by omissions.  And, this is complicated since due the depth and breadth of such known autobiographical to myself I know I shouldn’t ask to have any tell of such, I shouldn’t first ask to be more “published” even for then by the nature of these horrid states I yet would be aiding a sustenance to the machinations for lies to reign for bad actors, over core truths necessary to getting finally to rebuilding.

Oh Emma, some of this doth have a funny bone humorous tingle to it incidentally occasionally; - while I know I shouldn’t ask to have my story told to the depths needed to straighten many out from the lies at least keeping the Clintons’ machinations viable I do realize and accept that I have spelled out many times in writings publicly posted as to how to defeat them, and as can work by the bright light of Bernie Sanders and even the standards of Donald Trump; - before I ever got to challenging JKR to such now galactically famous seven books there is of this story that of a sibling rivalry with my older sister like of her facing the “Peter Principle” in 1994 politics when Senator Chris Dodd’s State Director yet on the losing side of the Republican sweep of 1994.

Emma, and JK Rowling, and Neil Blair…, it is an #ItsComplicated now as regards #HOLLYWOOD and some due even in 1994, or especially in 1994, I was of sufficient Power, or driving Influence, with HOLLYWOOD that I was able to pressure my older sister’s employer a Senator to that he need let my sister go from his employment, just to be able of a potential that my media magic could still work a bipartisan art for him, - for he now Chairman and CEO of the MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America.  I wasn’t being vindictive in a sibling rivalry, and as I did help sister transition to upward mobility outside of politics - restored, and, as it was just fundamentals to my art of entertainment magic, also freely mused, but with expectations of source to be noted and kept annotated for later credits, - to “honor among artists” - as it is that I had to pressure Senator Dodd to move my sister outta the way for due my dad’s and my sister’s “contributions” the “work” I was doing that such Senator was benefiting from was incidentally accidentally getting undone by family most unawares of my cloaked facilities and influence.

Y’all cool cats, yeh you all, especially one who has carried “Hermione” so far:  Fans should learn, eventually maybe, to appreicate two things about women at the core (of the success) of HOGWARTS storied basis.  Fans should consider that incidentally when I asked for a young female lead character as like a “HER MY ONE” it was as I considered though the real life basis was of two young girls in a small close knit “posse” one as that each had to choose one over two would work better fictionally.  Fans considering such might yet be old enough to ponder J.K. Rowling guarded herself by naming the school “HOGWARTS” as if my challenged setting didn’t pan out she was ready for the quick draw to that it was always firstly just “HOGAN - WARTS” of “J.P. Hogan basis in hopes like “wards” wouldn’t grow up to be like “warts” as dirt under his skin.”

Right, y’all cool cats, yeh, you all:  Fans I was shocked when I first saw a copy of the first book for by then so much time had elapsed since we crossed from trying to hide muse even from publishers to that JKR to get published was then of my agreeing to inform such who did publish her that she was acting under my direction that I was to be keep an unknown, for the book rights, and to then though a stipulated that if it ever got to movie rights we would have to cross that bridge later and to that I was giving away no rights to movies or even a theme park when directing consent to book rights.

Ok, now y’all cool cats, be cool:  Emma, it seems inescapable now that while I avoid reading these works of immense success in fiction it is becoming clear that J.K. Rowling despite the platonic nature of my challenge, due I disappointed, as I recall while to standing up that I didn’t have time to “date” as part of such, yet in the rearing and development of “HER MY ONE” musta written from my years of dedicated “platonic” musing of always finding new energies for next books to such as though for any one but “HARRY POTTER” as a female lead a leading lady akin to what my ideal woman seemed like - akin to what I would want in a wife, even.  (Yes “HERMIONE” was not to marry “HARRY POTTER” from the beginning for their basis is from a real young group whence then as young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete” of round black glasses and to then of commenced studies in magic, and with one of the two of such to a one in “HERMIONE” as yet his sister.) (The link up to J.K. Rowling did occur much because one evening I poured a Scotch and wafted a spiritual pre-Google search for an “unknown writer” willing to commit to “7 books on magic of each book of a next year of magic school”  and as around real youths I was renaming around to being of asking for “an unknown author willing to write about a Pete Rowe-ling, & posse” - to asking for someone willing to right about someone of a name like JK’s late father Peter Rowling, as incidentally it occurred - was created from thin air and blank napkins, to blank paper, to many rejections.

Emma, real woman of duties as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrid the state of such I press on about here as to it immoral to amoral that there can be a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” reported upon without a media and especially political leadership being insistent to that my story, my biography, my historicals be publicly related at least to 1990-ish.

Emma, real woman of honors as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrible that I can report such disregard for truth and honor across the ranks of em thought leaders in these united states of the Americas. There can be no learn’d honor among women if “with” this partially disrobed HILLARY CLINTON.  There can be no learn’d honor among women too now as President Barack Obama’s story is also crossed with my past decades of leadership to of such bipartisan advantage for Democrats that I was able to pressure a Senator to move my older sister along more due the “Peter Principle” than her younger brother “Peter” due he feared losing my entertainment magic she and my father were incidentally accidentally naturally beset to undermining, while yet needed as not errantly complicated to undermined.  There is no reporting morally or honestly on the storied of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, nor Bill Clinton, where such is commenced and carried as if I can be omitted from the story - their storied, even especially as such is still only still standing due lies have not been checked due em of omitting historicals that are of my motivation to such vast efforts for positive change that root at least to a decade before 1990 shares and strategizing for problem solving, and crisis management in extremely trying times.

Emma, real woman of global exposure as a United Nations leading woman as Ambassador for Women, dearly, again it was shocking when I first laid eyes on a first copy of the first book of the challenge for seven JKR did nearly beg could be yet just five books, at a moment, maybe just a phase, and nearly disastrous for such was cloaked by me by use of “doors” and “contracting” business from my father and my sister, especially, as hoped, personally in a cloaked, to be of a facility in my poetic to be yet a muse able to be like a “shrink” for my dad and my sister as a greater facilitator for FEMINISM advancement, a yet shared goal of all of ours. 

Emma, ye doth carried “HERMIONE” so far, - ye embodied/embodies what seems becometh clear without even reading the books by their covers, - ye so somehow written in the spirit of what I must have implied by mused energy and creative directives as to be an “ideal woman” to me: 

Right!  I did not ask for a cover a basis in the stories for my godmother who is married lastingly into the CROMWELL clan that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, though GILMORE GIRLS is that she was the basis for “GRANDMOTHER” as akin to YALE UNIVERSITY and a female cousin a YALE alum as an asked for mused for to entertainment as from so many brothers graduates of BALTIMORE GILMAN SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

Right!  I did instruct JKR post her complaint near “but you haven’t given me enough material even for five books” to add a “godfather” character for lead character and write it in as around dangers of watts, amps, volts, voltage, higher voltage, high voltage like to “volts d’ more” alarmism and to there dangers in not knowing European electrical standards use 220v normatively while American Electrical household use is yet but of a less amped for wattage of 110 volts.  The basis was to be around my own godfather a life long union electrician but fictionally developed also around “GO BIG - MAKE IT A SPORT - A TEAM SPORT OF FLYING BROOMS” as around my posse of ULTIMATE FRISBEE associations to of those of having been of the design and then construction management of the PETRONAS TOWERS and to them as serious about black live wires nearly as my uncle my godfather, the now late C. Hogan, was always.

OMG Emma!  Time flies.  I am saddened today by the passing of Edward “Tad” Sanchez III yesterday and Muhammad Ali today.  “Tad” Sanchez is a pal from my 1980s abouts on Block Island, and nail banging summers during Villanova University studies.  He passed due an illness he had fought for a while, he is for immortality besides his hobby as having been in the Screen Actors Guild and bit parts, the he from a reunion after years the core in old circle of friends basis that was to my asking for the “MADMEN” show as by asking to energies of my old Block Island circle of friends to be kept alive by art about the era I was predisposed then to in my art for positive change as that era when my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was a top Ad Man - a top Madison Avenue marketing executive of the serious accounts - as managed after consolidating their accounts all that was the Johnson & Johnson advertising business.  He is responsible for the ‘NO MORE TEARS’ product launch and too that the bottle has a tear drop in its form.  Of the “MadMen” creation it was fitting for AMC channel for “Tad’s” story was happy in marital union into the Dolan family - the family that owns Madison Square Garden, for starters.

OMG Emma!  Time flies, and this isn’t near as brief as I postured myself to a readiness to share.  It is a sad day for much of the above and coincidental to a puzzlement of how Muhammad Ali has now passed.  My godfather who is the basis for “Serious Black” did pass away a few years ago and yet on the same day a serious black I knew to be a hero of his did also pass - a few years ago my godfather electrician, retired, passed on the day his boxing hero “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed, and yet suddenly while amidst fall yard work on a day most of his brotherhood of electricians not retired were busy across Connecticut trying to restore power after a state’s maybe record blackout. And also sad note on politics and media is that such day David Brooks New York Times column was a political hit piece titled “THE SERIOUS ONE”.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real and make believe of the world of HOGWARTS it is real and relative to the American political scene that I have only given rights to the books and never gave away rights to the movies, or any theme park.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real magic of J.P. Hogan “poet” “squib” “pundit” “most successful muse” and also the basis for “Robert Galbraith” “STRIKE” as was to instructions to then there to be no more “HARRY POTTER” books but kindly to JKR of that her muse wouldn’t leave her hung out to blow in the wind for her muse then adjusted to allowing her to write from his energies but more biographically to a fictional work out.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the EMMA conundrum that though “HOGWARTS” was defensively penned as a double edged fictional for J.K. and maybe predefensive as if to of the “platonic” as if felt “jilted” there seems now that my ideals as to what a leading lady as to an ideal woman is (to me) that such may have been written to and dramatically carried off.  Puzzling, quite puzzling - but can any man really understand “woman”?


Ye cool cats, as more relative J.P. Hogan historical or trivial it is incidental to much that my first year at Villanova University was the first year my college had a MIDDLE EAST STUDIES department and to offering MODERN STANDARD ARABIC LANGUAGE among its language courses.  I mention such today for it is that my professor in such that I helped inaugurate by taking my language requirements by 12 credits of ARABIC was to a given name upon me for class purposes as “ALI” and not, for sure, due any boxing acumen, or facility.  I majored in Economics to a Bachelor of Arts, and to enough credits for a minor in Philosophy but cloaked from a “minor” but as an “undeclared minor” so as to keep the Philosophy Department less involved in my love of thinking of philosophizing.  I am that I also in 1984 was early of computers for I took for a mathematics requirement a course in Pascal programming, programming on mainframes.

Emma, J.K., Neil, et cool cats yet of the unknowing sorts now some to uncloaked eyes upon truths, let us proceed against the failings of the horrid media and leadership failures ghastly due the stories of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama quite can not be honestly said historical where there is omission of the very vastly related story of myself,  and at least to that my motivations in around 1990-1991 are vastly more complicated and engaging to what transpired than yet pared against Clintons even to a #RealBillClinton by reduction by honest comparisons.

Yes, Emma, it is true my godmother, and to many of my cousins so tru’d, is of my kin are married to descendant from, and begot by the Cromwell line that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, so I have lived their story as somehow true.

To be brief:  Yes the machinations of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT are horrid to horrible as rotten of lies, and especially to the core as to the #RealHillaryClinton is not storied if and when my biographical is not imparted, and as it remains due how vast my facility was I will not ask to be told of, - asked to be more “published” - asked to reveal more than my #squibs long at establishing current and past expertise and forethought none of such has ever earned a respect akin to - to full of.

Conclusion:  The state of these united states of the Americas media and political leadership is ridiculous, at least! - there can be no honesty nor duties done as per #Election2016 of these parties involved where there is any omission of the true story and contributions uniquely mine, and unique due what my motivation was/is.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:06 pm

Holy negations are not blessed good things - em more dark magic and trickery by bad lawyers.

There is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton should be declared enemies of the state - ROME - Enemies Of The Church.  I welcome the The Church of England to take a lead likewise.

This is a little beyond “NOAH 101″ - as but more about em as at Holy negations more as at bridges demolishments than builders.

“What is their chicanery?” is a good opener - a timely sighting to how their berg is far bigger than the tip of such iceberg we now maybe are sighting in to mark and twain in time suffice.

What is their chicanery?  Obvious enough now to some, not “NATURAL STATE FASCISTS, - not Democrats, maybe, is em “Holy negations”!

We will need get to “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” and to the “Adam” and “Eve” of Barack Obama natural born conceived a bastard spawned into the Kenya Muslim “House of Obama” to his father by wife number 2.  We will need pare down such as conceived bastard spawned as a love child of a pepper and salt - ebony and ivory - chocolate and white milky white - as like a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.  Son of Obama, so conceived a bastard “love child” of two studious to be experts in Soviet ways as if naturally Soviet, is a conundrum, - and to that the pair to such book should have been “THE WORK OF MY MOTHER - HOW I GOT EVEN THIS FAR!”.

Her chicanery, - right, - the chicanery of Hillary Clinton is quite problematic. Less NOAH - more like #VooDoo & Louise Cypher, - #HillaryInTheFlesh #Lucifer. Dark magic - it is - is she playing past innocent at unholy chicanery.

I do not know so cannot proffer to if Barack Obama was by Kenya tribal and Muslim traditions so conceived as “natural born” as the property of the father, and if only more so due the polygamy of his seeded a conceived bastard but as to a wife number 2, by how consenting - consented to conception as yet but a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.

I do not know so cannot proffer to how Barack Obama as so “natural born” was not first an American Citizen by birth due the polygamy or bigamy issues of law as to supposedly his mother’s “marriage” - so a “shotgun marriage” wasn’t necessarily kosher by laws of these united states of the Americas due her mated with as already being one married and to at least one of his allowed quantity of wifies.  So we are past NOAH to it yet Hillary Clinton is broached by the political waves of that Donald Trump old legal queries raised have yet to be fully answered - at least by our highest courts, - and as to the religiousness of if Father Obama by his laws and expectations at conception did properly own his son more than America had a right to try to claim for wifie number 2, as how consented to “natural born” as “under God”.

Oy, right!  Is it that Donald Trump has Holier ground now to stand on than Mrs. Clinton?  Mrs. Clinton hasn’t even tried to prove it otherwise - at least to any jurisprudence suffice. 

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of further attempts at Holy negations her recent “bridging” “demolishments” less an iceberg than just as if she were the riveter of her ship and her riveted popping due her riveting mostly faulty.

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of furthered anti-literature political for convenient whimsy to trump it is becoming evident their ruses can amount to it due that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton doth become declared as Enemies Of The Church, - Enemies of the State - still to it welcome if the The Church of England would take a lead for Kingdom, so.

Hillary Clinton has long been known to myself as considered arrogant enough to think herself and her husband, as since em of Yale Law School coed days, as to a “we must be smarter than the Founding Fathers were, - and the 80th Congress”.  It is a new consideration of the Clintons’ long exposed arrogance to that NOAH must be also thought trumped, - set asunder, - of it that Jewish Law must just be, to them, ridiculous.

The anti-Constitution Clintons are enemies of these united states of the Americas quite as whence in earlier days it would have been from the start as considered akin to insurgents and of engagements willful to treasonous, to em at treason by negations coy ploys.  The established “The Clinton” is of them of decades of fronting coyly a proposition that these united states of America are now become to a state of “Post Constitution” reality.  The American Laws of governance by law have been negated but not yet noticed as negated - due too many near wholly ignorant of Constitution negations.

The anti-Constitution chicanery, hers, and his, has been bedded to a super worm viral capacity, to so set asunder regular order inconvenient to their selfish ambitions, from near day one in 1993 whence then sworn otherwise to it the duty of the office to be dedicated otherwise - actually dedicated to upholding what they were line by buried line building a super virus to undo, - they were recoding stealthily to negate the inconvenient, and especially the Holy basis in such most inconvenient.

Her chicanery, - right: the chicanery of Mrs. Clinton, is of Hillary Clinton advanced enough through the ages so conspiring at cloaked Holy negations to joined efforts to set asunder government by laws by recoding to “Extra-Constittution” Powers by viral undermining, to crashes to em of “Post Constitution” Power to that she has amassed through spousal husbandry enough acquired wrongness to be arguably now due to be cast, at least, as an ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, - ENEMY OF THE STATE, - ENEMY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, - AND ALL OF NOAH, TO MOSES  - OF JEWISH LAW.

By her Holy negations I declare it common sense that she is flawed, and never as though in their arrogance as ever smarter than Noah, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay, Madison, even most of the Founding Fathers, - and not even smarter than Richard M. Nixon when just a member of the 80th Congress. 

Case in point to proof em been ridiculous:  If we go along with “Post Constitution” the natural outcome is then not that they get all these “Extra-Constitution” Powers and allowances for graft akin “Public Corruption” but that they then by their own coding for “Post-C” are an em to need face the common sense of the Constitution to that the default - THE DEFAULT TO LAST KNOWN WORKING CONDITION - is to that Power if the Constitution is so VOIDED defaults not to Powers to the most ready at hand willy to be AUTOCRATS of and for AUTHORITARIAN to (Natural State Fascism) rule - for it is deeply coded to be like Holy established and incontrovertible that Powers under such a conundrum do default to the People to their state’s constitutions and to that then the office of President Mrs. Clinton coyly seeking then has no legal basis for existence, - is illegitimate, - in whole there then by Clintons’ “reasoned” no basis for the courts or the federal government.

Case in point to further proof em been ridiculous:  Her/their work at Holy negations of roots to NOAH and MOSES - Jewish Law - as points to proof against them.  We have the said TOLERANCE recoding to decree and end to intolerance now also to POLYGAMY OR BIGAMY.  If not already then twil be by whence any trumpets waft waves of agreement suffice to a seating of Hillary Clinton, by all the irregular means necessary for such to be effected, the twas done to a suffice that TOLERANCE of POLYGAMY should be of no bigotry of tolerance, - POLYGAMY must forward be accepted without any prejudice.

President Barack Hussein Obama legacy cannot be respected if there is prejudice, also forward, to how he is as conceived as the son of his father to the House of Obama of Muslim & Kenyan tribal patriarchal law traditions and as “natural born” to (rightful) of bigamy with rights extant for polygamy.  Mrs. Clinton cannot escape that an election of Mrs. Clinton would also de-establish by Holy negations the nation from monogamy, and from against adultery.

Hillary Clinton’s character is to be questioned, and biblically, at least, at least to biblical establishments of “Adam” and “Eve”.

Hillary Clinton’s character should be under full frontal assault - evermore, - forever more. 

Hillary Clinton’s character as her casting stones - throwing stones - at Donald Trump on issues she has not innocence suffice to be to Christian while picking up and throwing stones. 

The core matters common to these displayed moments of Hillary Clinton of casting stones as if a Christian innocent enough to judge another are yet of the “The Clinton” as of compromised and unworthy by either to such acts of judging another for sins one is arguably more heinously compromised of guilt for as for many past deeds of past decades.  Hillary Clinton has been un-Christian while trying still to be Un-American by being for a “Post Constitution” Powers as if Clintons can be crowned of “Extra-Constitution” Power yet by decades at cloaked recoding efforts for Holy negations.

Hillary Clinton’s character is fitting #CrookedHillary and #HeinousHillary.  And, and especially, now still #ItsTheClintons_STUPID.

The “The Clinton” as for the “House of Clintons” is to that bigamy and polygamy cannot be now postured by Democrats as not also undone.  Any Democrat, if possibly electable, now to follow on the Obama story as a story of a first born bastard conceived yet to a Kenyan and Muslim man of rights to have such as a second wife/mother must not parse from the tolerance politics already forwarded to that polygamy must be legal and the law of the land by the extant recent of rulings by the Supreme Court on matters relating to what once was always firstly the jurisdiction of religiousness, not U.S. Congress or the Courts.

It has been torn asunder!  Most of the coy ploys to set asunder the governance by laws inconvenient to the Clintons’ ambitions have been mostly, albeit temporarily, set asunder.  Too many are now too accepting of the words of the Clintons as if righteous, holy, or even safe.

It has been set asunder!  Bigamy and Polygamy are proofs to it proofing proofed the Holy negations have been popularly, by simple majority, - writ not to be seriously trusted, propped up and are standing as if can actually be workable as law.

In his letter to the Jews of Newport, - George Washington’s letter to Rhode Island Jews - tolerance was parlayed - or pared - to that by the Constitution as under God as “ordained” “done” subscribed” People’s “Order” in the “Year of our Lord” there yet is the separation of Church and State as a vertical separation by that Congress was denied superiority and a right to interpret scripture as a greater right to be supremely held over the People.  There is the letter to the Jews to that there would be no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” is where there is the humble religious freedom for the separation set vertical to that Congress and the Government is under “our Lord” of the Christian Calendar but not above the People or the states in matters of religion - in matters of establishments of religion - in matters of the tenets of religion.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be even politically casting stones at Donald Trump for the records of the past decades are phat with circumstances of the Clinton spousal husbandry of planting and fertilizing arguably worse “business” practices.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be but to that POLYGAMY, if there ever enough majority for all the barriers prudently set to halt peoples of resumes of such deficient and unsettling “character” to be crossed, now for Mrs. Clinton must be President William Jefferson Clinton’s own right. Her “Hun The Enabler” rap is also to suffice to carry this as broached upon the vessel “HILLARY”. 

The issue for the soaps now, as if a Constitution set asunder as if times to “POST CONSTITUTION” and as not to the default as writ to then of the People to their rights and state’s constitutions, is of layers and layers of coy ploys at Holy negations, - her/their chicanery - dark magic - unholy machinations.

Case in point to her/their chicanery as “Holy negations” as of acts over decades of by lawyers at thought cloaked how em to trying to set asunder the Constitution to yet have a “POST CONSTITUTION” popularism for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers more akin to TOTALITARIANISM:  Besides the Constitution default is if VOID so to that People have their state’s constitutions and their religions there is that by the Clintons’ postured “reasoned” there is the fault to that if the Constitution is VOID there then is no legitimacy for the office she now if of em running to try to hold together again.

So whether to be a next Democrat to then honor a past Democrat(s) it is unwise to even nominate Mrs. Clinton for she would then, if ever elected and past the obstacles to bar inadequacy, be to the soapy next chapter great expectations, however a FEMINIST, to being expected to sooned, not later, be to a ceremony in the WHITE HOUSE and to give a share of her’s away by giving WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON some away to have his rightful and legal BIGAMY, - an actual wife number 2 then whom he could share their home with, - in perpetuity, - til death do em part.

The big issue of today, this political week, is quite though that Hillary Clinton has no Christian right to be casting all these stones at Donald Trump.  This is akin her other big problem that won’t go away as to that due a spouse of WJC she is not to incriminate President Clinton, like not allowed to even use TRUTH as stones against her spouse.  Though she isn’t clean enough to cast stones on these “business practices” questionable of Donald Trump she is still too dirty and sworn from truth as an option for any service as President for she where the truth is that is was/is President Bill Clinton’s fault she as dirty or clean as his spouse is not by law allowed to reveal the actual or dominant historical facts.

Generally it must be accepted that THE TRUTH IS NOT AN OPTION TO HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.

Dark magic they have been decades at to have an Un-Constitution popularism to suffice to be to a #NaturalStateFascism as the #ClintonFascism the #HillaryFascism for they cannot abide any questioning their authoritarianism - there necessary setting asunder of “liberal democracy” prudence in open and full debate, for starters.  They must only be further to Holy negations.

This is more mature than for just “HOGWARTS” or “HARRY POTTER” elementary magic studies, - this is long worked already much past “NOAH 101″ and also against “MOSES” and the “JEWISH LAW” in the “TEN COMMANDMENTS”!

We still have the prudence of George Washington as literate and illuminating on vicissitudes incident to life as to that the Constitution even for Newport, Rhode Island Jews is for no “bigotry of tolerance”! 

We still have the prudence of George Washington and to that the Clintons must never have been as recalled em thought as like to “we must be smarter than the founding fathers were” and …!

We still have the prudence of George Washington to save us from any fallen or already to bent to the Clintons’ coy ploys for a AUTHORITARIAN powers by Holy negations especially as to for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers by cloaked recoding to attempt to assuage enough popular blind faith for “POST CONSTITUTION” postured for more convenient power grabbing.

The American literature of George Washington must endure!  We must endear a commitment forward anew to that there shall be no bigotry of tolerance, - to that Jewish in these united states of the Americas doth too have religious freedom for the Constitution ordained the separation of church and state as veritical, though in the Christian Calendar.

Where Democrats may further abide the Clintons decades against the originalism for “liberal democracy” basis and to so be to FASCISM better in these times as defined as a “movement of the Left” there is much danger beyond any expectation that bigamy and polygamy should be legal forever more to honor the stories of President Clinton and the bastard conception consent to bigamy seeming his all so very personal story as a conceived “Soviet Studies Love Child”.

Where there are even just Democrats for Hillary Rodham Clinton there is DANGER, and beyond what hopes lives in that these united states of the Americas had yet seemed improved to it recently near only Hillary Clinton voters seeming em still believing the Clintons’ lies.

Democrats forward must embrace that any President Clinton forward means Hillary Clinton to be expected, due Bill Clinton’s nature, to be having to ceremonially in the White House to giving her husband away some to a legal marriage to an actual wife number 2. 

Democrats are in perilous times for such as much this all entails is of vast Holy negations that likely may set asunder what though a union of their own.

We still have the prudence of George Washington for now.  The Clintons due not abide his literate use of “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as if what “George” got from “Martha” could ever be enough compensation.  Hillary Clinton is unholy and un-Christian while casting stones at Donald Trump for the Clintons’ “business” “practices” have always too much put monetary values on like everything.  The “Public Corruption” tag on the Clintons “official” practiced is much to pivot on that “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as to foreign agents or foreign dollars is and never was definable as “of that just means money”!

There is we still should have the prudence of George Washington, and at least Alexander Hamilton, as guidance to how separations must be vertical, - not horizontal, - not of the federal Government as able to trump God.  Congress is to make no law respecting an establishment of religion for the tenets of religions are of the jurisdiction of the People as a trump card to their Federal Government. 

The First Amendment speaks to that Congress can make no law to have a superiority over tenets of faith - of over tenets of religion.

Jews also have religious freedom by our Constitution because the Constitution is humbly “subscribed” “People” “Order” “done” under God as set done by humble men in the “Year of our Lord”!

There shall be no “bigotry of tolerance” so scribed by George Washington as early American Literature for the Holy cannot be negated, even for popularism like of the Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry (cloaked) coy ploys and chicanery of ambition.

No first marriage is safe under the political practiced of the Clinton “two-fer”!

And, Donald Trump may find few are even clean enough to be even a Christian allowed to be righteous as if casting stones upon him, - even over how Barack Hussein Obama may be “natural born” as “under God” as firstly and dominantly the property of his Kenyan father, - even as “natural born citizen” may need firstly be to the Holy that was of the Creator about creation to a bastard conceived a “Soviet Studies Love Child” of an American women seemingly consenting to be at least by Kenyan and Muslim Law as but wife number 2.

To fight the bad dark magic, many should reconsider if Hillary Clinton isn’t as has been too beset to Holy negations as to now at least be declared AN ENEMY OF THE STATE, - EVEN AN ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, OF ROME AND THE UNITED KINGDOM.

Let us commit ourselves to not allowing this nonsense to get to President Clinton (D)(F) to giving away a share of her spouse President (D)(M) Clinton to a wife number 2 then of rights to also abide in marriage at the White House.  REALLY!!!

The tolerance for fellow man is best kept within the bounds of George Washington at American Literature to their is to be by the Constitution no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” and to how such has been as writ to that matters of such are not for Congress, not for the Federal Government, for such is to that Holy scriptures are like writ “living documents” so that the People’s Order that constitutes the more perfect Union needn’t be.

Peoples dirty laundry and individual community grievances are not to be considered the duty of the Congress, - such is for “community organizations” and firstly as to that such of “religion” is the attempt to be of the all for the all to that “neighborly” is possible and written to how disciplined can be forward to comity for community as “neighbors” yet e-together always e-gathered from divisible.

For now as a #Hillary2016 endures there is that we are becometh of a times already beset to a popularism to unsettled as if new law.  These times are already like ripe of the above as if a new “normal”! 

An only way left to defeat such dark magic at efforts decades cloaked of coy ploys for chicanery to as written to un-written by Holy negations maybe be for at least the CHURCH OF ROME to declare “HILLARY CLINTON IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE OF ROME!”

The Constitution as Order ordained and established done in “Year of our Lord” gives no power to Congress to be superior to the People in matters of religious establishment - in any interpretation of tenets of individual’s religiousity.  Much that the Clintons’ want for political convenience for popularism to AUTHORITARIAN Powers allowed for them are so forbidden.

In 2016 the definition of “FASCISM” must be better set out in these times as a movement of the Left, as against “liberal democracy” as the original intent, and as using a bigotry of tolerance to coy ploys on “tolerance” while using vast machinations to work an intolerance to any not swallowing whole their them to as if the only authority - of them the AUTHORITARIANS.

Oh, you can believe me to that Hillary Clinton is un_Christian casting stones at Donald Trump “business practices”!

Oh, you can believe my humbly pressed reveals to that the Clintons past “official” “practices” of at least that they cut $2 Trillion from 1993 to 2001 are arguable far more criminal to consciences than such Mrs. Clinton now a first casting stones upon.

Oh, you can believe me beyond all the revealed that substantiates in the #Cats (categories) here like of #QUEEN, #CGI, #SUSPECT, #CRUSADES, #QUIDPROQUO, #WARONWOMEN, #WHITEPRIDE, AND #TREASON, for starters, and, too because well I am he that challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 books on magic as to be to teach one year per book for seven years as too for morals of real life, and, too because #HarryPotter and #Hogwarts are still to my #HOGAN heart to that ward don’t grow up to be like warts under even HOGAN’S skin, and, too because, well, I have known these Clintons since the early 1970s and they personally kept me in the loop (accidentally to their purposes) over their decades plotting.

Yes ye of Emma,  I really did challenge J.K. Rowling to write seven books as around a character idea of a basis on young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete Rowe-ling” … “& posse”.  I did so without spelling out to J.K. Rowling that such as flowing from my musing was to then work good magic hopefully to protect a new generation, at least, from the Clintons, these Clintons, these efforts of the Clintons I now am of pressing in hindsight about, without contradiction to by foresight alarms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:47 am

I am a most qualified to speak to this paradigm and if a modern catastrophe akin a devolution of federalism, and, akin DOOM!

The good news of this year 2016 is that we seem improved as a nation to that near only Hillary Clinton voters, as the world spins, actually, are those, of these days of our lives, of still believing the Clintons’ lies.  We have much to celebrate, - but not nearly enough. May there be enough “political soap” to yet scrub & wash away these “sticky” layers of encumbering lies.

Settle in to this general bath discussant and accept the waters of the Clintons are to this Shakespearean of a #DramaQueen with it established these “waters” at least gray and with a dirt ring fully rounding the tub of politics so concurrent.

How Shakespearean is this querious to the campaign quarrelous of 2016 of now I must beg you to ask “HOW STUPID R U?” now - now I must, it seems, ask you to ask yourself?

You may be too much on your own for it seems the first conclusion to be drawn from that Hillary Clinton seems now even a viable nominee for the Democrat Party nomination is that the media, most generally speaking to near a condemnation of it wholly, has failed and is incapable of doing what was thought to still be its job, - its duty, - its purpose for civilization.


Let us now, necessarily, ourselves, work independently to play like the missing #MANCARD as the #BILLCARD!

There are many things that can now seem self evident to how much Bill Clinton will and must drag Mrs. Clinton down; - forward Mrs. Clinton cannot, I hope - oh do I hope, escape the self evident, if one looks, actual legacy of “man” Clinton for 1993 to 2001, at least; - still to not stop thinking about tomorrow mustn’t we see the politics scrubbed deep and rinsed thoroughly to see if a said faux innocence just washes away to general knowing then of a self evident “bad” “man” Clinton?

I will presume you want to start now with #ClimateChange:  Let us start therefore with “Climate Change & ‘Man’ Clinton 90s”:  Let us not be fooled by a over emphasized “history” of that “Man” Clinton played with being for “Climate Change” by played with Kyoto Accords!  Let us not be so stupid as to not consider that the economics of the Clintons’ politics of the 1990s is that of reckless hyper-consumerism much for an economics of waste and disposable few uses materialism “goods”!  The “Clintonomics” took us on a magical mysterious delusional tripping that wasn’t climate friendly, wise economics, or magical, actually!

Any now to offer a vote for Hillary Clinton mustn’t know how stupid such is if one believes in “Climate Change Science”!

Mrs. Clinton is already setting asunder the Obama Administration’s few actual good deeds for shared humanity by suggesting American should vote for her to bring us back to “Man” Clinton 1990s economics, as if there was any stewardship of responsible and moral capitalism in the partisan political affecting for the “THE CLINTON”!

#WomanCard “Woman” Clinton is compromised due “Man” Clinton and now for #FEMINISM & #FEMINISTS all, regardless of their sex, and politics, should be seeing to a paring through the layers of Clintons’ grimy legacy to hopefully let them and “THE CLINTON” be out with the bath water.  Clintonomics was faux economics of lies to establish short-term political popularity for holding of political Power by “Man” Clinton, at least while seeming it intimated “Woman” Clinton was intimately colluding.  The Clintons’ presiding from 1993 to 2001 saw vast rising in carbon wasting by their work for popularity by encouragement to hyper-consumerism and the more is more, - not less is more.

Too: “THE CLINTON” presided over a sad and vast increase across our lands of  the unhealthy increase in personal obesity - in a vast increase of the national obesity average.


I.E.:  Right!  “Woman” Clinton is campaigning away from liberal “Man” “Messiah” Obama by exercising a selfish defensive politics to suggest her “Man” Clinton must be thought still to be whom is the better President between half white Barack Obama or “First Black President” Bill Clinton.  “WomanCard” “Woman” Clinton is already too exercised to a selfish partisan divisive politics by her many positions to tease that you should be for her “moves” for such with bring back “Man” Clinton “reckless economics” drivers/driving.

As it now must be conclude that the media has near wholly failed modern civilization by getting the story - the real story - of the “THE CLINTONS” so wrong it is seeming I may have to further diss the said “press” to much operating as if bath attendants of the “Man” & “Woman” Clinton massaging and likely join forces with #TheDonald in hope the #TRUMP is that the #Constitution still stands and original recipes will yet again still endure, and as it that since the #Bible was in 1780s a known “living document” it seems the smart people get that People Order that constitutes the Union is not a “living document” for it doesn’t need to be a “living document” while “under God” as “done” “subscribed” of it in hierarchical association as under the #Bible as the “living document” easy enough to amend and revise for modern comity for community.

For now the “HOW STUPID” seems for at least fewer as yet for these a mass enough needing saving of maybe a twelve step program of which this squib can but be part of a first step toe in - toe’d in.

The intimate to the “Man” Clinton bad for the environment economics of #Clintonomics now seeming “Woman” Clinton - viable candidate for Hillary Clinton as if viable as a steward of the environment to Democrat Party nominee - is the Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, long of the “BOGO” “two-fer” embedded linked such that “Woman Card” is marked for bouncing, - right, metaphorically like to be “out with the bath water”!

You really are too stupid if you vote for Hillary Clinton and think that the Clintons legacy is that they were ever in the Clinton administration of being more good for the environment, and personal health individually speaking, than they were effectively as of the “THE CLINTON” “LEGACY” clear enough to see as dirty (CROOKED/CORRUPT) enough always, and as mostly BAD for the environment, and, again, for People’s obesity.

Thank you for at least trying to take a first step towards saving these united states of the Americas from #Too_STUPID!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

And, in conclusion the Clintons become imprisoned for heinous acts in treason.  Too Democrats, 16.1.21, we are read it may be life sentences upon each of their souls, for acts of collusion of their shared soul.

Too, of the collective opines of Davos, albeit as said as for world economics, 2nd Corinthians may be “Messiah” President Barack H. Obama’s best defense.  2016 is the year the “Messiah” must lock in his proffered NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as if to GREEN MINIMALISM as the new copacetic tao - the new POLITICAL CORRECT lingua, forward, as in lieu of POVERTY LEVEL. The messianic of this whom saved the world from the too “machinations” of the CLINTONS’ MACHINE now lives another day to days for responsibility for the forced austerity into retirement.

The world economics of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY have been established and ordained, like, - though wrongly for Americans in a secular SOCIALISM!  These days are to try souls, - in synchronicity with the devilish of the Clintons machinations for MACHIAVELLIAN Power for a ruling class.  President Obama may have been an accidental WIZARD towards CONGRESS convened and committed to CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY, and it may be accidental that the messianic too has brought peoples of the world closer to their “under God” and wiser from as if first “under Government”!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  To understand these, as AMERICAN, readings must be transgress morally of the old of PUBLIUS as the explainer of CONSTITUTIONAL as synchronized to ADAM SMITH for the then fresh WEALTH OF NATIONS.  Too, of the global, and of the collective opines wafting of Davos of #WEF, deference is due to a reading of holy scriptures for the People Order done was ordained and established “done” under God by subscribed “done” so respectfully of “Year of our Lord”!

Do you reject Satan?  Now in 2016:  Together: Yes! I reject Hillary Clinton (for her machinations devoid of prudent sagacious beingness)!  Together:  The “little princess” shall be no “Queen” despite her life’s shared work as of wants for autocratic global Power.  Together:  We the People, now 16.1.21, are wise enough to “BAD MAGIC” the proper tag for CLINTONOMICS!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  Too DEMOCRATS, 16.1.21, - SAVED DEMOCRATS!  Can you yet be #4College #READY if not intellectual to PROS & CONS, GOOD V. EVIL, RIGHT & WRONG by comparing and contrasting of the PILGRIMS era pride their works as then global - world economics, like - joined as an epoch or era, too of the core of Rene Descartes writing as a CATHOLIC from where they left from, and, too of the core, albeit martial to brutal of ENGLISH times, of OLIVER CROMWELL?

There is no securing the progress, however “accidental” of an “accidental wizard” President at a political spun as if “messianic”, forward, now, without people everywhere voluntarily committed and participant to their chose extra-nation morality and likely to the voluntary emoluments to financially buttress their home community as duly with celebrant structures as SANCTUARY. 

NEW DEAL AUSTERITY has begot GREEN MINIMALISM!  “An Accidental Messiah” may be a premature #TAG an not prudent to be bestowed as it seems un-Saintly how lies were worked by political machinations to falsely accuse more innocent political operatives to a BLAME & GO opportunism, - a politics, however to GOOD begot to a lesser materialism, as a Political too much of selfish ends for a RULING CLASS, particularly.  “LONG LIVE GREEN MINIMALISM!!!” ?

Forward:  Together:  For the social good to endure, however now a GOOD from bad magic of an “accidental wizard”, all, - all across these united states of the Americas, must fairly engage for discoursing upon an existential problema, concurrent to our votal decidings. 

Forward:  Together:  GREEN MINIMALISM, as a GOOD to less gauche or gaudy MATERIALISM for materialism’s sake, to be newly of the “right hand of GOD”, to be a lasting GOOD to endure (to save the shared planet from CLIMATE CHANGE, at least) must be embraced for world economics, - due local economies are of the People immediately pressed to the social problema of shared existence in this new year still kept of the Christian Calendar as a “Year of our Lord” Constituted!










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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:38 pm

The fatal flaw in the American liberal (progressive?) agenda is apparent in Secretary of State John Kerry struggles with legitimacy.

There is much guilt for any American Democrat in the unprincipled disengagement of the policies of Clinton Administration, and very much for arrogance at climate change, with a solutions tyranny, of a partisan politics, of that chided by Pope Francis with the Catholic “Climate Redirect”, of any agenda prescribed in a “WE’RE 100% RIGHT” and will claim you of an absolute to and “ALL YOUR FAULT.” Democrats have guilt to bare!

Many moons have passed to also attest long shadows of Democrats, in their affected while flawed, to a darkness to haunt.

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly so dark due to climate change tyrannical of social engineering.

Yes, children of the world, yes! It is true as Paris young father said: “There are bad people everywhere…”

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly economical in that statistics of jobs killed for GREEN AGENDA.

Senator Bernie Sanders may enough be not a true Democrat. He speaks of Islamic State of rising of climate change realities.

Senator Bernie Sanders may be less a Democratic Socialist than a Brooklyn Jew seeking a moral Judaic to exercised in like a Christian to Catholic social ethos. When Mayor Sanders, of Burlington, Vermont, he was not, it seems, of an errant attitude that his residents needed DC as a distant, too taxing, big brother / big sister depended upon to run their own town.

There is a legitimacy however now a twisted politics in candidate Sanders equating Islamic State issues tie to climate change (politics?).

Catholic Secretary Kerry struggles with a general to global to existential legitimacy is some rooted in how seeded in President Barack H. Obama known (& unknown) lies affected as lying to cover-up for Clintons transgressions from Constitutionals, - especially from due process.

Without the Iraq War, however the politics of how commenced & operated are complicated and erred, Saddam Hussein would be as if still in bed with the Clintons and as if of daily flowers, and forgiveness, and yet because he wasn’t yet prosecuted Iran would be justified to a legitimacy for a nuclear arms race against Iraq. Without the so late it was nearly too late prosecution of Saddam Hussein the logic to a pathological, some to a ready evident, seems that an allowance for forcing a still in bed with Saddam Hussein to be to forcing a geo-topo-theo-politics progression from the end of the Cold War to Iraq then allowed, due necessity to be then in an arms race with Iran. By the Democrats errs there would be no Justice for all exported.

The Democrats shadow is of the solutions tyranny in their GREEN AGENDA said due due climate change ALARMISM to being a major jobs and economies killer across the Middle East, so for now their is enough truth in candidate Sanders postt to move on back to the issues in Secretary Kerry’s own “legitimacy”! We cannot turn the clock back on the economic decimation affected as seeded by the Clinton Administration (in unprincipled disengagement) and then so decimated with the GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM tyranny of arrogance, - that we very much do need a prudence in a CLIMATE REDIRECT from.

Secretary Kerry, I presume, is of a plausible deniability (, like Mrs. Clinton before him,) for firstly just a tool of President Obama, however himself exercised for an actual National Socialism where the leader is to be thought not fallible. Issues of Secretary of State “legitimacy” are of the President’s.

There is issues of “legitimacy” for these horrendous acts said of affectedness in an obedience stately of the Islamic State, that do also test this pared of Secretary Kerry’s struggles as President Obama’s due Democrats fatal flaws, - for legitimacy.

America shares the French “we have flowers” - it is the common core less taught of a civics potential in a Republic for civility established as Ordered by the People of and for due process.  Any “free exercise of religion” within the domains of the Republic of these united states of the Americas is firstly secured contrary to the Democrats fatal errs, as secured it is even for, and especially of matters of refugees, especially if of Islam, in there duty for all to commit to the Pledge Of Allegiance to that of innocence until guilt can be proven, - of a constituted for a practiced even for religious in a specified republican due process, of enumerated civil procedures and processes.

Muslims have received many amazing gifts from Allah since the days of the vibrancy of Muhammad’s dedications to Islam. The acts said of “terror” in Paris beg for intelligence in the affected, - there is a clarity of “holy message” like missing in the tragic affected. There is plausible concern as to actual legitimacy that begs if any actors to such barbarism could have half a brain among them to the fullness of laid forward by Muhammad’s own.

There is that Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, - that their God is equally above them, - that Muhammad of Arabia was of deserts so severe he was fully aware to the difficulties of finding the Holy in the deserts and hills of lava rocks, even daily.

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad seems at least halved by the attacks of Paris so that their is that “legitimacy” issue Secretary Kerry’s own legitimacy is hampered by?

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad was before the days after gifts from Allah should have generally changed the civil landscapes everywhere, whatever a places religiosity or particular struggles locate of to practiced Holiness, - before the invention at least of air conditioning, and personal portable gps mapping and locating guidance equipment affordable as common accessories for most?

There is that Jesus and Muhammad as one not above the other yet have a geo-topo-theo-politics as of their sufficed, if, for practiced, to affecting religiosity.

Muhammad whole brain affected has a legitimacy that the Paris Attacks, said by ISIS seems less than half respecting.

Muhammad, with his God equally above him, did attest to a inadequacy of Christianity for God’s deserts so of a severity.

Muhammad, now after so many gifts from God, too gifts from Allah, seems more wholly reasoned and accountable than if ISIS is of legitimacy of a justification for Islamic action affected as if Jihad by Paris fatal blows, and mass affected vast injurious.

To Secretary Kerry and the pickle he is in of “legitimacy” there is the problem that the air of affectedness seems as easily more likely to if such was an duped to for a convenient crisis by a criminal mastermind of motives that now seem to affect an unreasonable amount of angst and counter action against any however seekers of actual justice joined of an Islamic State peoples movement yet for religious liberty, where Islam is yet adequate for Arabian deserts finding of paths to Allah as seems Muhammad realized and exercised to Christianity was inadequate even while Christ Jesus himself not an infidel. Before the inventions at least of air conditioning and affordable portable gps the practiced for core Islamic desert existential yet stayed true of a first prudence for a unity of brethren to be practiced to desert survival, and of cutting free weak links when too weak to so known weak to be a threat to any other, or a camel train of many.

It boggles a learned conscience on legitimacy even as Democrats fatal flaws of darkness in their long dark shadows of guilt.

It boggles how civil procedures were not exercised by any if actually true to an Islamic State as a peoples movement for religious liberty.

It boggles juxtaposed to the due process committed to by Pledge Of Allegiance of the Republic the French helped seed & grow.

It boggles to Secretary of State John Kerry’s opined confused on legitimacy, also, as it seems the outcomes from these Paris Attacks leave one thing self evident:


Besides all the gifts from Allah, as from God, this One equally above the flowers and deserts of Christ Jesus and Muhammad, it is yet that there is confusion in America for for too long the Democrats have undermined the Constitution as actually the People by Order to it Established in Christianity but disallowed from theocracy and to that Congress is to make now law respecting an “establishment” of religion. Any and all refugees must at least ask themselves if they can live in this Republic dedicated, in committed pledge to, of any free exercise of religion yet to be constituted in civil procedures for democratic civility established and ordained for due process, for of an innocence until proven guilty - by prescribed practiced ways kept.

The flowers are also everywhere, children of the world! Any practiced of Islam for desert survival too of paths to Allah is yet reasoned as reasoned wholly as for when in deserts do as Muhammad affected as allowable for survival of a holiest.

The “bad guys of everywhere” that boggles to confuses the legitimacy of the Democrats (of Obama administrations) is confused for it plausible to intelligent that the outcomes of these horrendous acts seem more to benefit entrenched leaders, not checked by democratic processes, firstly and mostly as if a convenient crisis to allow them more unthinkable acts as if justifiable.

The Islamic of Muhammad seems set forward for all Muslims to amended civil procedures themselves if gifts from Allah facilitate or enable respectfully.

The Islamic of Muhammad is so pared of Christianity as but inadequate for deserts severe of His severely tested for survival as with paths to Holy available and equitably, considering the complicated vicissitudes more incident to all from heat stroke, and suddenly upon sand storms, paired regularly to facts of life that alcohol under such temperate tested conditions is most recognizable as a threat to life to most, or all, - at least before the gifts from Allah of air conditioning, affordable portable gps, and at least satellite phones.

There is the legitimacy that there seems to be no apparent “flowers” for the Islamic State in if this was a reasoned and affected truly by ISIS committed souls. Unless depopulation of Muslims was the end game as the practiced and affected of believed.

There seems just to much plausible deniability for any of Islam even as if of a peoples movement for religious freedom as of the Levant as in an Islamic State.  The legitimacy if Islamic seems a message to Muslims refugees that they can be thinned out even if they leave the Levant.

The Obama struggles with legitimacy is of the fatal flaws of Democrats to an attempt to a post-Constitutional Union as if GOD was dead and any Pledge Of Allegiance could disrespect the common sense that “religion” is that which is of all things together as indivisible of a force conjoined as even the human species is like electric eels as themselves of a force that awakens in the bodies of religious as of embodied as bodies electric.

Secretary of State John Kerry, however errant or a rogue to President Obama, on legitimacy, yet is more, himself, than seeming half brained at best, for its seems contrary to Muhammad wholly exercised for prudence in desert survival of a keeping of paths to Allah. It just seems misdirected angst as it seems too likely “bad guys” may have been duped for (an)others’ machinations for (re)securing of their Power.

It seems seeded by “bad guys” that the sowing in Paris Attacks are yet no flowers for Muslims reaped! This is a legitimacy issue to concern all.

As Muslims seem free to celebrate Santa Claus as Christ Jesus nor Muhammad were neither above the other, while Christianity if practiced in deserts severe had inadequacies, as Christ Jesus was not an infidel while Christianity had geo-topo-theo-politics regional limitations that Islam has survived without, it begs, while refugees to too be to commitment by Pledge Of Allegiance to Republican civil procedures for due process, even as the Democrats of years against such to a post-Constitutional as a fatal flaw, - now hopefully fully repaired from forward, what legitimacy can there be of Muhammad laid for Holiness in such acts affected by seemingly likely duped “bad guys”?

There now can seemingly become a legitimacy legacy for these attacks of “Jihad” if by civil practiced by written or spoken articulations to a pathology to “flowers” also for any of Islam by seeming senseless acts of indiscriminate violence.

It now just seems that the Islamic State if truly guilty yet as justifiable now must at least affect poetry or rap to attest a Justice! It seems the violence wasn’t mighty to any clarity for legitimacy and now they if of affectedness must resort to the Power of words.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:06 pm

What was Quentin Tarantino thinking?

How did he get from “RESERVOIR DOGS” to “KILL BILL”?

How is it that the person the basis for “SERIOUS BLACK” (the “Sirius Black”of ”Harry Potter”) is like captured as channeled for scenes of David Carradine with Uma Thurman?

The GODFATHER figure that was the basis for “SERIOUS BLACK” (like “Dumbledore” start from ’double door’ & “Gryffindor” from ’Griffin Hospital’ doors “Sirius” for ’serious’) as a godfather figure is dead, - my godfather Charles “Charlie” did pass in recent years on the day that David Brooks released “THE SERIOUS ONE” opinion hit piece. My godfather Charlie died later in the day suddenly as of the day that Joe Frazier died, his boxing hero “SMOKIN’ JOE” passed.

On November 15, 2003 Army CWO Erik C. Kesterson was killed in the #IraqWar when as a Blackhawk pilot his helicopter collided fatally with another helicopter to so many killed in one day as to be the new record for deaths in one day in Iraq. Erik was a Marine in the Army for having re-uped after the attacks of 9/11/2001. To my godfather, my uncle, Erik was nearly a son, and to his loss in 2003 akin to a loss of a dear son.

My godfather became the basis for “SERIOUS BLACK” when after J.K. Rowling accepted my mused challenge to write 7 books on magic of a magic school with each book then for a next year and around a maturing curriculum.  My uncle Charles, never to be a king but of his own home a “castle” his, was then as mused to honor after JKR complained of a near: YOU HAVEN’T GIVEN ME ENOUGH EVEN FOR FIVE BOOKS YET!  To such a godfather for the lead was born and to as it of the of dangers of electricity like of volts & more for watts sons & daughters the world around, - my uncle my godfather was  a career union electrician always most serious about black wires for always firstly the live load carrier.  Though PATRONUS more like “patron US” it is so to fill out for the challenge I also wired JKR to my associated Ultimate Frisbee league circle phat of architects of world famous firms responsible for the design of the Petronas Towers, and the management of their construction.

It was clear in various scenes that for one reason or another, if only for their own Tarantino fandom, my uncle and his oldest daughter, a cousin not my cousin whom is who lost her significant other in Iraq on November 15, 2003, how present in the moments of film that Uma Thurman was looking to be channeling in peaceful scenes such cousin, and as well in other peaceful yet dramatic moments as if of with David Carradine (maybe yet as a father figure).

November 2003 was a tough month across my family as in days before Erik C. Kesterson died in duty and service to his country my brother on his way through Maryland to work in Pennsylvania had an unfortunate collision to a “Traumatic Brain Injury” (TBI) affected most seriously. My younger brother, my only blood brother, was a huge fan of QUENTIN TARANTINO’S “RESEVOIR DOGS” cinematic accomplishment. My brother an early 1990’s Tufts University graduate is now near back to 100% and the proud father of three splendid and still young boys, a 3 G’s - by names abreviated.

“KILL BILL VOL I&II” do stand as artful public shaming for a concert of conscience in 2003 to pressuring any to ponder if President Bill Clinton is essentially condemnable for all times as a seriously flawed person.  I say this as one whom President George W. Bush is recalled proud enough of to have, it seems, offered a referral to Victor Ganzi when head of HEARST CORP, as of myself rating “He did more for me than any on my staff.” 

Like of “chapter & verse” sound: I believe I got this quoted near enough to most accurately to speak to, some, how though NSA Condoleezza Rice had been a client by subcontract before September 2001, as for new closet doors installed by my hands into her WATERGATE condominium, it is that after 9/11/01 I was to still faxing the National Security Council fax number of concerns we/they were missing an attack likely coming, as feared coming since at least 1994-1993.  I have a record, - a paper trail of I think over 700 faxes sent to provide advice or direction by sentiment to the Bush administration, and as most of these then were after the attacks as useful for having found I tragically was proven right as to that attacks were coming and as to why, it seemed, seems.

I do not know at which point I may have dealt with Quentin Tatantino as for my younger brother’s enthusiasm and how then to maybe I might like him if he worked to a film with David Carradine, as to of the “KUNG FU” pathology his.  I know I had a thought like this at some point as a pointed yet before “KILL BILL” released.

My own story is of a pathology trued to forensically of record, enough, to that my helping of the Bush administration after the attacks of 9/11, however so unsolicited and voluminous, as via the NSC fax number, and as after I had had NSA Rice as a client while making an honest living living in DC working as a general contractor, as a very sole proprietor. 

My own story is of many chapters that sometimes play out better for comprehension if mixed up as if shuffled too.

My own story is that I was specifically useful to President Bush by having a rooted understanding that Al Qaeda attacks had roots in President Clinton 1993 bad first steps and his commitment essentially since 1993 to just try to ignore the messy Iraq issues that gave birth to Al Qaeda essentially as a bastard child of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

That I knew, and know well confidently, and still, that 9/11/2001 is a date that should live even more in infamy in coming years as a tragedy particularly taggable and mashable as much specifically mostly and uniquely of numerable faults of Bill Clinton, at least of his 1993 first steps on a Middle East posturing.

Which ever chapter we now of it is that essentially the GREAT TRUTH of the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is that he has been wrong, so very wrong, and so very wrong since his very first hour on his first day as a sworn President in 2009, and much for I know what you should already know, but likely don’t, that President Barack Hussein Obama lied in his First Inaugural and to such an extent that if the Congress had been Republican enough, it could have been yet news - newsworthy - of a First Black President as IMPEACHABLE from his very first hour as PRESIDENT, for lies so BIG they were otherwise yet actionable against as they were lies to affect a cover-up - a cover-up of the CLINTONS beyond a favor of hiding simple political negligence.

I didn’t not try to or even accidentally view any of “KILL BILL VOL I OR II” until years after the releases to theaters, - my brother was much in recovery and I, to being nearby support while living in the District of Columbia, and it just was an unknown seeming too coincidentally as if of somehow of my conscience stirred to art to me at least seeming a called for PUBLIC SHAMING, however coy.

I will now, when it feels right, be to adding an #IRAQ tag and likely an #AlQaeda tag to this essay on “KILL BILL” as biting satire on the faults, too little still known of, as still too little known of as very clearly of PRESIDENT CLINTON errs. There is much already filling out the #Cats (categories) of this blog satellite to http://JPHogan.org that this will smartly attest with to the guilts to long haunt the brand “CLINTON”!

To get your most cynical on, to find a frame of mind to best fig true the CLINTONS bads it may help to consider their selfish spousal husbandry to partisan politics is veined deep in their fidelity to each other to a pre-nuptual witnessed to a promised between them when they were still co-eds of New Haven as Yale Law School enrolled that if Hillary Rodham agreed to marry William Jefferson Clinton and helped him get a Presidency he would be held from infidelity to her to keep at least a promised witnessed to that he then would work to make sure she then, for letting him ‘go first’, would get her own Presidency.

To get your most cynicial on, to find the most dimensional “CLINTON” it helps to probe them each for every moment through their lives when to thinking and plotting, to planning, to affect such “agreed” it was of them measured and calculating to that to have such be at all possible they likely to need to “construct” an appearance of differences between their thems, - they were of moments, it seems recalled, of deciding “Bill” in going first would have to be a “DOVE” administratively and to that any truly “HAWKISH” had to be postponed for “Hillary” - whatever the cries for action were whenever, for if “Hillary” to have any chance “Bill” would have to avoid being a “HAWK” and they would have to write constructs and spin them, somehow, to until PRESIDENT HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON could then be “HAWKISH” as an action hero as different as a “HAWK”!

In the moment, these present times so concurrent to essaying on “KILL BILL” as “ART” in a metaphor for Clintons guilts, it helps to posture for better politics, for a potential to better politics as returned, that Donald Trump is wrong in his opined about the Iraq War.  You must for yourselves figure how this is not of TRUMP as wrong to a ‘BUSH WAS WRONG’ and as different than my imported to that:











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>>> On a happier note:  I think it was before JKR complained I hadn’t yet given her enough for even five books that she wisely asked as to be books on magic if there should be a flying broom in stories.  See: As she performed on a challenge to seven books roughly “outlined” and of years, and years, and years, of mused energies of support, it is that she created a sport of flying brooms, - but after my answer sync’d her to my Ultimate Frisbee leagues and the straw broom at my parents fireplace as with a “YES” to a flying broom but with the caveat to:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:43 am

Dear ye of the Pilgrims pride, however pigment challenged, yet believers in original intent. Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core.

Not since the papered Pilgrims sailed as too English from Amsterdam, if ironically upon the Mayflower, have a general mash of individuals been to a needs to reflect to purer original intended of the writ Laws.  It is arguable that there wouldn’t have been the freeing Independence (not Inter-dependence) declarations to the “People” “Order” “done” constituting if not for the lessons of the Pilgrims how they did start to freer yet as if slaves to the holding the papers of their conditioned debts.

A Socialism came later to others not people constituted in the Pilgrims lessons learned from the practice of that later “Socialism” while you were kept free from being too slaves to “papered” as guinea pigs to your paper holder’s “social” progressive ideas for “common” property and to it how colonists Pilgrims, however Puritans, were to be tested as if idyllic in an ideology of a “socialism” tried and tossed, and, a commune-ism barred later by the Constituted, — by the People’s Order done under “our Lord”!

The is a perfect elementary extant in this as purer for to freer even as these times runneth corrupt of a Clinton mining for King, and Queen, to a befallen to a votal animus surging.  There are great depths to these times as anew of a Clinton at governance contrary to the Constitution from the lessons of the Pilgrims, and anew as these united states have endured as of Bible Paul and his methodolocials.  For the Constitution the People’s Order done subscribed under “our Lord” is Paulist is a still acceptable purity of/for original intent.  From the lessons learned of the Pilgrims, however Puritans while too “papered”, it figs to dates simple, long, true, elementary, that it makes perfect sense that these United as a “more perfect Union” “done” are so by a government that chiseled it deep that Paul’s letters were right that people are first under God before under any government.

Do you know who Publius is/was? Do you know as said that the Publius, as Hamilton, - Jay, - Madison, were the was unified then against an earlier Clinton, as set in print for all to be freer by the Constitution, however Federalist 1 confounds as said Order is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?  Do you simple get the Clinton then set against the Constitution as the voice of New York as its Governor, may now be a lesser to for “empire” or “king” Power as regards a chronic animus settling in regarding a too likewise contrary to Constituted whence Clintons?

These are the beat’n time’d for a new harmony in the ivory and ebony America pot, steel the drum’d melodic for the methodology is sharable and better in the purer cuts, — WORD!  Socialism is unconstitutional to a Federal where though Bernie Sanders smoke’n #FeelTheBern may jive with the federalism prudence of the Tea Parties, and as #BlackLivesMatter choral’d chimes readied to blow their pipes for Pilgrims, too newly purer for Freedoms ballads/songs. There is a common core to these times where, however #BlackLivesMatter jive as a “Black Tea Party”, in the federalism quandry of Federalist 1 as to be fig’d always apropos the conditionals in “American” as by “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”! The shared beat from ivory to ebony spectrally is a prismatic edgy yet for concordance more than continued protestant discord.

The Socialism of proofed Socialist President Barack Hussein Obama now re~verbs the set asunder, colored neutral. His sidekick #MrsC is as proofed out to it strung out public her dirty laundry is beset bad of Clinton’s revolutionary “against” and too as so alike any differences to “Socialist” are irreconcilable between the THE OBAMA, and the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.  Bernie Sanders is now as stand up as those unifying civil leaders of #BlackLivesMatter; — Forward the common core is in the workable “federalism” of “socialism” in the ideological is yet the purview of those of their own states; — Forward their is the mashable as if 2016 of a BLACK TEA PARTY and gatherings for BERNIE FOR PRESIDENT of solidarity to where “socialism” may be unconstitutional at the federal level the freedom of religion is of the state’s - each state’s - jurisdiction for prudence in community, however “religion” always yet likewise of a “chosen” “voluntary extra-state morality.”

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Community was not writ unconstitutional as the Pilgrims walks in purer of original intent became a colonial constitution walkable by any willing to be some “Paulist” by “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord”!  Socialism, as it became later known, was of the pilgrimage by the papering to the “Pilgrims” contracted to common property (guinea pigs) enslaved by debts.  Socialism as it became later known is constituted by the Pilgrims’ pride and the Constituted “more perfect Union” as the “People” “Order” “done” subscribed under “our Lord” as writ ordained to established that the United States of America would be a Union of People’d people formed of the methodology in Paul’s letters for Christian governance in the basic truth that all people are firstly under God before ever secondly under a government, any government.

There is much to the probative investigatory to a likewise proofed CRIMINALITY for these todays’ Clintons for of little yet known plotting to be more like the Clintons whence of the more perfect Union built too of contraries to earlier Clitnons of Power.  There is that Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton are both of such their chose’d name for “Bill” was born to a Christian name as William Blythe III, and, she took his chose’d name of Clinton branded by consummating “marriage.”  Do not forget General Clinton defended British King against Pilgrims’ pride, and too as it is “history” another a Governor Clinton, of New York, did likewise call out the Publius for Constitution of Hamilton, -Jay, -Madison, — as originally against Clinton.

Does it really matter now if fate is the shared destiny of Bernie Sanders as a “THE FACE OF THE BLACK TEA PARTY”?

Your Governors are your future in any “socialism” as proofed and re-established the “community” is protected by the Constitution so that it is your community that must fix your socialistic ideological methodologicals as if yet another Tea Party too of taxed enough, yet by a too distant “federal” - so distant in Washington, D.C.!  It seems the common - COMMON SENSE -, to the core, for the forward to 2016, is already jive to a harmony in a learned from it proofed “OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST” and that of it now too of a for “king” mined for Clinton global autocracy, newly, surging bad for settling votal animus.

America 2016 may be now already to the Clinton prison beset, and to Donald Trump trumped by years of a new Tea Party of long years of the hard labors to making the real America the great REAL AMERICA a newly; — America 2015 yet now of asking if the #BlackLivesMatter concord is forward irreversibly as yet to a new NEW TEA PARTY as too for a purer original intent, as too in their best interests for preserves of freedoms, as a BLACK TEA PARTY?

It isn’t if the TEA PARTY is against Bernie Sanders ideology in a “Socialism” prima facia, nor that any too pigment challenged must bow to an inevitable CLINTON Power machinations, nor that any should let be locked down to machinations temptations and then foresworn from benefits of a republican sagacity/sagacious/sagaciousness! — It is is now the is is that the ivory and ebony are not too disparate as locked away from a sensical religiosity of WORD still of Jesus nor Muhammad as above the other, seems, as their God is equally above them and accepting that Muhammad proofed for Islamic that Christianity was inadequate for His tested of his deserts severe, as of Islam of a geo-topo-theo-politics divine’d wisdom, too.

New York et all American:  Donald Trump did not make the Tea Party, - He is late to the work of restoring the how and why America is Great, and to being Great Again!  Our ISIL / ISIS strategy is better from his bombastic of offensives make a great defense necessary to again more conservative in a Pilgrims’ pride of a “STRONG DEFENSE IS THE BEST OFFENSE” where rationality is generally still constituted of “socialism” of the jurisdiction of “community” “communities” — at best of the keeps of the Governors and Legislatures of these United states - more perfectly United in the set ordained “done” People’s Order so that the “American” forever, as secured, was purer in Paul at least to his letters as that each is under God before under any Government, even the Federal Government now beset as occupied by too many too proofed “SOCIALISTS.”

Don’t you concur that neither the “socialism” of Bernie Sanders is too for structural beyond “community” and that #BlackLivesMatter is enough secured in community to not have 2016 be of these united states as of the general problem of the levant where Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine can all be historically tagged as more failed Socialists states at some point to crossing the “straw the breaks the camel’s back” of civility of beyond that hard to see line between “secular socialist” and a nation of a people too too become an is is is really too irreligious?

Aren’t we now secured, safe at home, in our homeland, from those lurking, near til now, dangers, to the “more perfect Union” of these united states, such as was virulent of the Clintons’ machinations, to too many from reachable in a sagacious, of likewise an American societal danger in peoples to too irreligious so that their was no workable “community” left?

Ye, however of #BlackLivesMatter and #FeelTheBern and #TeaParty do have so much #LOVE and #RESPECT in common, to core?

You can now figure to a “local” not beyond “state” - your state specifically - for a mashable jive Constitutional, and so as a Federal Socialism barred - writ NOT allowed by it that the Constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”?

                                             *       *       *
[Note: For more “similar to” fill site search pane with ‘geo-’ (just: geo-) & press “SEARCH”! And then likewise especially also by “geo-” to the #CitRB sorted set yet of #politics & #economics http://CitRB.net treatments!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:41 am

Ok, - Jon Stewart has left a void, Stephen Colbert is not ready for Late Show, and Schumer now is big in real news.

As it is August in New York we must be girded forthrightly that this is wrong if biased a vagina monologue, or of a Trump “menstral” “bloody”, — though of a train wreck yet more prostrate to a Schumer of just saying NO!  Has President Obama foresaken a metrosexual in a rush to a trans-national pop grand parading grandstanding sandbox politik?

Schumer is august in just saying NO! Obama has been reckless to nuclear without sufficient courtship; to his YES YES ~ blush’n. Obama needs to labor days forward more as if in the real politics of the deserts than gleefully in sandbox politik.

How is the box blocked, to an irascible, while Schumer is present crossing guard for a mediated copacetic?  How is there too much trafficking for a YES YES ~ assimilation now congesting the prudence for even just a measure more than once, and look before you sign to leaping off?  Is Schumer now a necessary voice of reason, — a moderated for a rushed nuclear to devoid of courtship and standards for comity?

Before you get all blood drawn or to bleeding of Trump let us be good citizens and to a querious, before too honest, to if Governors standing up to The Donald grandiosity don’t themselves have more golf courses and hotels, and especially housing units, under their licenses than he, however trans-state & trans-national?  Before we compare his sour grapes to the protestant of the others opines aren’t we all behooved to see it comical that what his “show” is now is of plane, suits, & helicopters branded as state peoples long scoff at to extravagance for any yet of the public contracted duties?  Can we get past disliking lesser showmen of equal or greater licenses and budgets now wisely in a knowing that they have only been so for kept by us from being too like The Donald while on taxables?

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?

In this void we have it just wafting in the air the scent of the The Donald post the prostrations of the GOP Debate as if he more than Foxy Megyn Kelly were the present too as if with blooded eyes, and as if at least menstruating least by steam or smoke from (his) ears?

To be more august to the real news, and of Schumer the hot smack stand up guy, we can get comparative to problematics too of the Republican (establishment) in field of GOP Debate Top Ten:  We can wax on and wax off of Bush “The Jeb!” to see if he a parable for Party luster, beyond if repairable to Florida, or Texas.  It wasn’t as if and anti-Nixon perspiration ph balancing was super-evident in an extant of a beading up of his porous to a blocking but there was much blushing of the Bush a Jeb of the heat!

Flat was the stand up of the “Republican Establishment” Bush alternative, even as if trumped, merely by a whimpish bluster too also of legs of a walk not too sandbox politik played. Flat is the ride, and bugs ended the Jeb grill, - and the bonnet, and windscreen of the Bush mobile.  “Illustrious” is foreign to the foreign policy diatribe of Governor Jeb Bush.

Did you hear the one about Hillary Clinton by Governor Jeb Bush?  Did you hear the one about Bill Clinton by Governor Jeb Bush?  Did you only, too, hear the one against President George Bush by Governor Jeb Bush, — and even as 1993-2001 rest of mine fields still explosive of Clintons’ culpabilities, and even more so than opined as only against his real brother?

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?

How remarkable is it now today there is a Democratic Party future leader necessarily now standing up against the real Clintons, and to the nuclear stocks, more than a Republican Bush, as too while stand up for New York of a “NO!” to President Barack Obama?

Senator Chuck Schumer is like circumcising the Bush brethren while pulling a sold as “magic carpet” out from under a rushed OBAMA & THE PERSIANS parading.  Do we have to atone to a resonance too that Schumer seems to be trumping The Donald?

Too, now, concurrent to the Republicans as flat on Iraq and so to of an unknow of their unknown of deserts & Persian knowns, — NEW YORK VOTES NO!  Go Chuck go?  #StandWithSchumer?

Senator Chuck Schumer has legs to stand up CHECKS AND BALANCES are alive!  Schumer can stand up with the best of them, even all of them (as his Party’s next leader) that Congress should, before to YES YES ~ blush’n (appeasing), too as if of ‘a weak deal as if better than a good deal’ prostration, be to availing the discourse of the phat of “American” as a confederated republic, morphed to more representative of all people, to the rich experiential potential in thorough debate, — in thorough civil procedures to delve, delve, delve, and trust if can verify.

Oy! Schumer!  Mustn’t Congress call both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton before the Iran Nuclear Agreement review boards as “experts” - “expert witnesses” - to be for the heat of these trans-national momentous to espoused experience on the history of sanctions success at least as against Iraq during 1993-2001?

Oy! Governor Jeb Bush!  It was not tremendous but HUGE you like only blamed your brethren while a greater culpability lies in the preceding years of the intimate administering of issues per Iraq and Iran so those as the THE CLINTONS’ YEARS.

Who is this Schumer now so pressing a heroic in real news?  Why does this Schumer relate comity by “NO!”?


There is at least a union of these united American states of the confederate republic now more representative of all people forwith that should stand with Schumer and this NEW YORK VOTES NO! punctuation of his August exclamations, for really at least before a force assimilation driven executive order style freshly there is at least that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of #Hillary2016, #Benghazi, #HillaryEmail, #GruberGate, #BIGLIAR, #Impeachment!

And so now there is #MrsC, whom is a self claiming “expert” whom the People’s Congress shouldn’t waste — shouldn’t waste an opportunity to pick and pick at — as too so “expert” — so available at least to how  these worse or better days are, as from her experience, and of hindsight of/for Secretary of State, so if rooted in mistakes made by President William Jefferson Clinton in too much avoidance and inaction, and quite a general abandonment of assurance that United Nations #SANCTIONS were to be demonstrable of teeth to Saddam Hussein, and Iraq, and too Iran.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement smacks as if rushed for partisan or intra-partisan political gain; Thank you Senator Chuck Schumer of New York for standing up (for a restoration of Congress) your blocking of President Barack Obama YES YES ~ BLUSH’D as if it could only be GOOD and while politics beckon it is prudent to also call at least Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as a supposed “expert” for all the years at least since Iraq invaded Kuwait!

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about the “woman” and “female” so much about Obama’s nuclear prima facia.

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about the “nuclear” of the THE CLINTON, and too of the THE BUSH(ES)!

Yes, Schumer there is a lot to stand up about a good for New York in just saying “NO” until #Hillary2016 asked re:!

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Filed under: POLITICS, #MAGIC
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:51 pm

Toad Rabbit is a humble young bunny - a hare fare the well of innocence all the fluff.  Toad Rabbit isn’t a man or woman Rabbit but a child so young a hard to say when heard if a young boy or a young girl specifically. To add now may be Toad’s biggest societal challenge.

To add at this time of the year for any bunny so young is to be difficult like of A.D.D. when supposed to be adding for the smells of spring - of a renewal like a first born metaphysical.  March is a time of madness now for young Toad - a whiff of this and a whiff of that and off from adding to just live the life of his measured warren.  March is a time of madness for all young bunnies of the Rabbit’s kin and their warren as buzzing like politics wafts and wafts through its days.

Best as the Rabbit’s can tell their young Toad is not evidently of a bad A.D.D. while about normal tendency to fly off with spring fever, like bunnies ways. The Rabbit clan is long in pedigree as of a keep of cred as a humble lot of contrite spirits.  Whenever it has been that they as a lot have been of any said august yet to the one of the lot a penitent did not rate but a new high minimum.

This though is the first spring any of the Rabbit clan has been a foot of Toad and of echoes on the wind of mumblings to puzzlement of what chocolate toads could be celebrant of. It is important to this warren of the lot of Rabbits of community with the neighbor bunnies that democracy reign and no aires of regal titling or grants for Penthouse suites on their backs be otherwise contrary.  The only titles much allowed are seasonal and sporting and sporting for seasonal of at most HAREY GAMES sorts.

Long has it been in this warren that titling was as ignoble as czars to their democratic - - - Toad Rabbit is to grow up where any title must be won and merely in games of the seasonal, however of rites.  No Mayor is, however the warren’s Warden, as the People’d bunnies top guardian, against the too hairy chance, is by any means what ever to become so full of themselves to expect a post-office retirement to an Office of Trust with all the such perks as if titled by as if entitled to a Penthouse Suite and to such as with such of a math of even simple adding that should scare all hares as if “retirement” “allowance” in excess of “salary” + C.O.L.A.!

It was fig’d long ago in this warren so Constituted from titling that any math of hubris of arrogance of any “leaders” was a danger for the young at learning their numbers and math - at learning their adding.  This warren is so humble a People’d bunnies that the is seldom heard the specific name of the ancestor from whom too many clans learned that such as if “titled” begot a next gen too of A.D.D. especially when to their assigned adding.

Has the young were well reared and to be contrite souls throughout this warren near a utopia for their lots it is though that spring titles were most encouraged to be sought somehow - someway - someways to show you yet like feel the oats of your springing to spring sprung.  Toad Rabbit is at that age among such traditions that it is new to him the to fig how 64 = 1 “math.”

As 64 = 1 is “math” for Toad to join in adding to it yet is he is protected by the warren Constitutional from yet having to add up as if real math how a “retirement” to Penthouse Suites (however of “hubris”) can be of needing multiplication for faster math for the adding up to how a former Warden could be to 5X to 7X as post-office “allowance when “X” is the value of the pay of the job - the salary of the duty of office. Such does not respect the contrite in seasonal titling and the traditions, however bunny rites, of such warren of the Rabbit clan as it too begs how such to then be yet and “Office of Trust” too as if improper as yet a Titled for gains as both an “Office of Profit” and an “Office of Trust” oh so contrary to their rights and celebrant.

There are rules the the warren of the Rabbits of the lot of Toad’s kin and neighbors - that have been reset to preserve the protections from “leaders” gone astray to too as if Titled for life and entitled for Titled with “allowances” so affirming of a relevance forward sheerly for the value of the “perks” secured as if for the “retirement” to “non-partisan” and “non-political” limited activities promised promises - as the story the history goes.

As Toad Rabbit is still so young and innocent his immediate kin are most responsible for rearing him to a possible later day rising around a seeming confusing math of 64 = 1.  The standards in their rites of spring are for traditions forward to Toad someday to be encouraged and reared to be participatory in seasonal contests to those titles yet permitted.

The HAREY GAMES are not all of bushel baskets converted for sport - Toad Rabbit will have a chance to show his oats for sport when he is ripe to feel his oats in yet a variety of seasonal challenges.  If ever he yet shines bright of as a People’d bunnies beacon he may yet become the selected Warden for his ability to glow while still contrite of his lot, and their lots.

For now may it only be news of distant tyrants that stir confusion in the warren, and let pressed, and read, with some positive notes, of hope from any so a journalist, that where ever former “leaders” have been found too titled, and to regal too royal of keeps of Penthouse Suites, as a worst case scenario, that too there be news of a People’d people a foot and gaining against such excess to a expectant restoration of Constitutional democratics methodology.

By what rites these bunnies become celebrant when seasonally at least to rights kept of People’d O hares isn’t particular yet to the math of the to adds of Toad Rabbit concurrently.  There is to be magic in the air as by the traditions that to Toad Rabbit some day - God willing - may become measured and accountable of his matured rights too of a contrite and prudent knowing - a knowing of the ways of the busy bunnies as the adult Rabbits are want as his lot his kin are his primary guardians and nearest exemplars forward.

So as Toad Rabbit joins the fun of the spring springing sprung he yet is to have to worry of adding to gambling of how science and mathematics is poor judge to the contests of souls bracketed for contests seasonal of 64 to equal 1.  For now young Toad Rabbit is stirred to be traditional to contrite and humble as the hares way yet of a NOT TITLED lore of dire danger by “X” whence in their warren of a Warden whose name shall not be heard. For now the lore of the Wardens past of the Rabbit clan warren is yet of one so contrary of fig’n while in office some outrageous fig’d for post-office self gratification as if “entitled” to “TITLED” not just in the traditions of rights to rites kept to seasonal contests.

Toad Rabbit is a humble young bunny - a hare fare the well of innocence all the fluff.  Toad Rabbit isn’t a man or woman Rabbit but a child so young a hard to say when heard if a young boy or a young girl specifically.  To add now may be Toad’s biggest societal challenge.

If perchance you spot him please for now respect the talk of chocolate toads, 64 = 1, and old Mr. Warden no name now NOT TITLED is for his parents as his primary guardians to broach, by their traditions, rights, and even just seasonal rites.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:11 am

Teach a child, a boy, how to be in service as a gilly and you’ve taught a boy how, also, to teach others to fish.

There are politics in it that Chris Christie is the Governor of the PORCELAIN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

There are scandalous in the Posterity Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, permitted in a clear phallic, as long as it may endure, for the Clintons’ legacy of Presidential so inartfully established, as figured by Polshek, to satisfy William Jefferson Clinton, and as so Southern clad in a Confederate Grey, as their “library.”  Mrs. Clinton, however, is culpable, in it established, in architecture, in the The Natural State, that there is a gross fulness for studying “Bill” forward, and as proudly of infidelity and as a ‘THE BLOW JOB PRESIDENT”!  It is hard to see Hillary Rodham Clinton, now however, if in politics, as in politics however merely intra-party and polarized, yet as being to asking Democrat women to think - to think freely - to think independent of a hierarchy of and for William Jefferson Clinton - to think freely from her Posterity legacy, however structural.

There is morals to speak to, and think about, before any to a blind faith forward in compliant Clinton partisanship.  There is a less civil “popular” to be restored to Posterity for Tranquility in general Welfare ordained and Ordered in popular governance in republican establishments.  There are amorals to tag - to reduce to outlet after-market branding as if of cut retail branding - to cut the tags of for more honest retail politics marketing.  The Clinton brand must be discernible not to enough as being DAMAGED - of too many damaged “goods”!

Teach a young adult, enough yet educated, and female, to be of consideration of service and now aware there is a warring commenced that must broach what civil is, and what civil was, and such young women may be able to be reason as now more free if able to use learning - to use learning for politics that one can be freer if now in “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” assimilation to Mrs. Clinton and her “politics” selfish for sustainable “legacy.”

I do not know whom now may be a modern Mark Felt to Director James Comey.

I do get that the legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi still rivals, in devotion to the “politics” of President William Jefferson Clinton, greatly all “loyalty” and “devotion” thought otherwise as rivaling the Power(s) by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

It seems that to President Clinton at least a drama persists that for though Hillary Rodham was of impeaching President Nixon for less deadly cover-ups the legacy of Deep Throat politics plays out with all expected to ask if George Stephanopoulus more a “Deep Throat” than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and if so how David Gergen may be more of a “Girl Friday” to Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton, even as she may yet have been for Posterity in legacy yet the most a “Deep Throat” to “Bill”!

It is true that I knew Mark Felt’s secret since before the Watergate break-in was a bungled Federally justified probe.  It is true that I was motivated to protecting a new next gen from the Clintons when I challenged JK. Rowling to write seven books for magic study with each book a next school year with more advanced evolved curriculum.  It is also true the THE GILMORE GIRLS show evolved as from creationism mine, for some my female cousins of Baltimore, Maryland, from that day I drove through and by the Gilman School for Boys and wondered what type of show could be sustained too of my guidance, some, to be yet entertaining specifically firstly for my female cousins, however one a Yale graduate, while of siblings who were of the Gilman School, and as it known of a legacy as an Ivy League feeder/preparatory school.  My oldest sister grew up, however otherwise partisan, to be now married as a Gillman and in cable media sales as a top female executive.

It seems though maybe sad to Democrat women, yet free to think “politically” that Governor Sarah Palin is, though of LIPSTICK ON A PIG adage, yet now a woman liberated politically and doing more to ask all women to think - and to think more.  It seems Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is an island among Democrat Women and actually to asking Democrat women to think more than Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton ever will ask men or women.

Senator Warren is nearly to be more insurgent against the “THE CLINTON” than blind partisan as now of fidelity to the idea that BANKERS SHOULD GO TO JAIL.  It seems better to think of Governor Palin and Senator Warren forward of an cause crossed for liberation;  It seems carroling Patriotism is yet joined La Femme Feminist at least for forward progress of among certain to life vicissitudes incident to daily local and global politics; it seems two women are asking at least all women to look beyond lipstick or however caked on merry Kay Clinton base pancake - and as if now pancake cover on donkies; it seems there are liberated women at least of Governor Palin and Senator Warren whom are asking women to think and to AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL yet of banking scandals for Democrats too of North Carolina - to till’d cleaning up for more, forward, bountiful more natural harvest seeded by better tilling forward of seeds, however for waves of grain, yet to endear and endure for purple mountains majestics.

Senator Kay Hagan, and Mrs. Clinton, however of politics so long, of politics so long it as if she is so for legacy, and Posterity, of HRC of oldest profession.  Where there now may be feminism as liberated and so that the old boys club of back rooms, and coed gyms, are now to “civility” at if and when Senator Kirten Gillibrand said pressured as if now “too porky” there yet still has to be the old boys on old boys humor whence “peer pressure” expected “peer pressure” if any of politics however partisan to any concern of a brethren yet become too much - become to engirthed as of pork as “porky”!  Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, like Senator Kay Hagan for both being of BIG BANKS banking states seem irreconcilable from the Clintons and of H. Rodham Clinton when Senator H. Rodham Clinton, herself, as now of a war between Democrat women where Massachusetts’ junior Senator, also Democrat woman Elizabeth Warren, is blazing a herding even as it may clearly brand at least Gillibrand, Hagan, & Clinton as too close to any BIG BAD BANK - any BIG BAD BANKERS.

Beyond how compromised Mrs. Clinton is, however of all the “CLINTON BOGO ‘TWO-FER’” irreconcilable culpabilities, it firstly is a concern that the Posterity for the “THE CLINTON” is yet supposed to endure as if even right that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library was worked and erected so phallic and gray and to endear and/or just endure for a popularity for Democrats, at least, of “Bill” a BLOW JOB PRESIDENT.

How are we to discuss or discern Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton of an ability to catch fish, fish, or guide and teach fishing?

It seems she a woman a Democrat now too close to BIG BAD BANKS and already hooked quite by Senator Warren and her terra firma for a new Eden (even for North Carolina)!

Maybe by investigating the partisan tills to catching any too much of such till’d to better seeding and harvests forwards with more honest “farming” and “fishing” cornucopias cultivated in better popular governance in republican banking?

Yet to till is IS - is establishments of the apples of Eden are ripe - ripe for a more civil popularity - carefully reset now firstly about Democrat women at least seeming too loyal to “Bill” to be forever forward as loyal as Mark Felt was thought in partisan attack politics as a man so of President Richard Milhaus Nixon he now is like a model for understanding the more “boy” George, George Stephanopoulus for Posterity for President William Jefferson Clinton.

As Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is at least now seemingly enough a peer to Governor Sarah Heath Palin for being a leader, an example for girls and women, engaged to seeding future harvests for AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL cornucopias stockable with banks cleaned out from politics of too many to much on Democrat fields not tilled to new and less caked prima facia governance:



Are things ever again to be possibly to “going swimmingly” if Democrats school as if schooled only for swimming together under a branding to branded yet first devotional to the Posterity of William Jefferson Clinton?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:55 am

What are the attributes pertinent?  What is the full range, and diversity, of so much this attributions valuation for corporate responsibility must be towards navigating?  Has Time Warner persisted in undermining the value of some great assets by the too regular airing of CNN yet as if a “Clintons’ Nonsense Network”?  This is serious business for this fall it isn’t just Dinesh D’Souza after his book “AMERICA” touring highs to be an author set low and to some time of arrested imprisonment.

So Jon Stewart is entertaining (with) thoughts of CNN worth buying as worth near $10 Billion smackers.

Indian born Dinesh D’ Souza is said to be staring down a possible two years in the “BIG HOUSE.”

For now not even CNN is known to have attributed enough seriousness to the Clintons’ cover-ups and the Benghazi Select Committee looming now ahead of Mrs. Clinton, author, for a fall of a very public fall too.

For now not even CNN is known to have asserted that Mrs. Clinton while “HARD CHOICES” bombing compared to the expectations as inevitable to success such that a $14 Million reported advanced (not as political - quid pro quo - patronage - campaign covert funding through CGI).  So much is attributable to Mrs. Clinton that as Dinesh D’ Souza book, with accompanying movie, top her book he may take solace in how she, of the uncovered cover-up, and for her career of helping set and keep a Democrat standard for imprisonment of any of an admin found to be of a “cover-up” without murder.

This fall however of a fall for author D’Souza is justly now set up to be a fall too for a fall of author Mrs. Clinton.  Mrs. Clinton is at risk of judgements rendered of the “WATERGATE” political standard seriousness and for the yet already partially uncovered cover-up that involves murdered far more significant that the possible two years for “AMERICA” author.  Mrs. Clinton has already (inadvertently) admitted incompetence and too before Congress, while of her outbursts seeming of a contempt for Congress, of admitting culpability for the events of a prosecution due for illegal cover-up of the jurisdiction of the Benghazi Select Committee.

How and why is any attribution for considerations of the HARRY POTTER licensing now pertinent to CNN valuation? Who’s his daddy?

Is it that Mrs. Clinton, at least, has been uncovered to be a mortal more just a “muggle”?  Is it also inconvenient that Mrs. & Mr. Clinton have too long been cloaked in attributions, generally, that cannot now be established as honestly fitting them, and so exposed uncovered from being able of use to mitigate comparative guilt in a spectacle to any “good character” - really?

To protect its licensing and grand asset associations with the standards and honor of “HOGWARTS” & the “HARRY POTTER” casts mustn’t CNN, at least of Time Warner, to be now ceasing and desisting from being too “CLINTONS’ NONSENSE NETWORK” forward and specifically away from attributions presumptions cloaking still?  Right!  It is that the idea of “HOGWARTS” was to fill a void in my neighborhood for a likewise small group of children when about 7 years from college and to opines of “don’t move away Peter - we have fun when you are around”?

The facts are that the legend of HARRY POTTER was fig’d and to the challenge to JK Rowling so to, for my benefit some, be yet (covertly) to proving I could repeat the breadth of musing I did before 1993 to make the Clintons seem electable enough, and, too to be to, while so knowing of the Clintons, to working a way to protect a new generation of the world’s youth from the Clintons.  I have, as many of CNN must have born witness, however whence as my Facebook friends, or otherwise social media associated, yet established the point that where the Clintons have again and again proven themselves incapable of a repeat I have yet repeated and repeated but not towards maintaining still a cloaking of their errs.

It is too much so that CNN can be said to have long been too much to cloaking the Clintons and with attributions not pathologically honestly theirs or any theirs deservingly.  It is too reasonable to posit that CNN has too long, to the detriment of many, been too much as if more a CLINTONS’ NONSENSE NETWORK than of agents for the real attributes of many of the stories yet worked and produced to much to cloaking them, & undermining my rightful too.

It is historical that “HOGWARTS” were so mused from me to me as the father of “HARRY POTTER” as he of the prophecy in marketing with confidence in vast and great reaping of sown to profits.  To be what it was as both a filler of the void I was to leave such youths of my neighborhood, to be defensive against the Clintons as proof of my ability to repeat at such a global level, to also be a bulwark for a new generation as protection from the Clintons I know with any “cloaked”, and to protect how much else I was still doing politically for positive change, it is and was that JK Rowling was under directions to not attribute me at all as the muse and supporting source of so much about the challenge to 7 books to so replace me and have her as a distant mother yet towards my aim that such be to helping my young neighbors survive my absence and be yet to growing up less as dirt under my skin as if a wart and to being good wards, hopefully.  And yet as JKR was under instructions to not attribute or expose me such was, as recalled, only contractually address for the publishing rights for the seven books, with any movie or theme park rights, and any merchandizing rights, too yet then of first book contract yet of such to be a bridge to maybe cross later.

I have no idea yet how or what I mean to do about all this.  I have been also a musing of STRIKE known to JKR and so since Clintons first initiated HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.  I haven’t felt my rights at risk while yet it has been quite complicated for me to move to expose my attributes per such as to do so I much have to expose the Clintons firstly more as frauds of having been cloaked much.  Yes, it was my hope that the seven book challenge as originally outlined would yet work without such a focus by JKR to yet be to my benefit - to be of my hopes to protect a new generation from the Clintons I have known since before “WATERGATE.”

It is still complicated news for my story to be told broadly without it of my history of more credibility to so much still too attributed to the Clintons.  Right - HOGWARTS, however if from “HOGAN & WARTS” and of the new unknown author JKR of guarding herself if it were to fail by it so conveniently named yet to tag the muser of the 7 book challenge, is from my looking for an unknown foreign author willing to right about a “Peter Rowe-ling” and posse, as I started it, and around he then of starting magic study and while of round black glasses and black hair.  “DUMBLEDORE” was animated for such basis for “HARRY” as for his home’s front door a double “Dutch” door to be also magical as of it a double door, and purple, where the top could open separate from the bottom.

So really Jon Stewart how can Time Warner or its CNN be worth clearly now any certain amount?  Did you know “EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND” is also from a basis around a old New Haven, Connecticut friend as how GRIFFEN HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM DOORS became those animated for GRYFFINDOR and so to also balance how so many of the root character were so “medical” of Yale University Hospitals?  This friend was in PR and yet because of having offered me a half a egg salad sandwich while concerned that I as Director of Support Services for the then commenced New Haven Area Special Olympic Games may have been forgetting to eat to my later cross-seeding for JKR and too the EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND as also around a real Officer Barone then also of games volunteering.  Raymond was a fitting character name for such to be supportive of my media career while one of 28 grandchildren of Arthur M. Menadier who started his career as a Boston sports writer.  Some of my cousins, much more of the global music scene then resided on a Raymond Place.

As I can and should uncloak the Clintons and for a full rendering of an arresting justice for at least Mrs. Clinton via the jurisdictions at least of the House Benghazi Select Committee it remains a conundrum for attributions as per CNN at least to how to now tell the truth without at least myself being to any inadvertent revaluation of the good of “HOGWARTS” and all about “HARRY POTTER.”  It is some simplified as “CORMORAN STRIKE” now is alive to live a related characterization more as if the founder of “HOGWARTS” than as if a new “HARRY POTTER.”  It is interesting too that my friend who used to be a chief accountant for ESPN is whom my friend who incidentally sparked me to concerns to concerns pushed for the creation of “EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND” - He now I believe is the top accountant for Ann Taylor.

Though I first crossed ambitious wiring with Commissioner Bill Bratton in 1987-1988 in Boston when news was that he was to be heading up Massachusetts state wide municipal force that was the most neglected and maybe ignored in the state - though I first crossed and worked ambitions collaboration with a wiring with him whence it is interesting and related that though his first thought was to me “don’t laugh at my fleet of green cruisers” (like) it is later when I emailed him while he was Commissioner in Los Angeles with my advice that he retire or resign so not to be caught as the Obama administrations top scapegoat for what I then was expecting to be statistically true for increases in crime - though, that is, while he first said not to laugh so to me it is while he was considering my later advice that he seemed to burst into a laugh realizing my “politics” was of taking on the “The Kennedy” - as if taking on the legacy of the late Kennedy brothers.

So, at least to me what can a value be for CNN?  I mean it seems that there are historic corporate responsibility issues that may be justifying a “official” courtly to remediate if an amicable way not forthcoming as much of a prosecution for the fall of Mrs. Clinton should necessitate a revaluation of all said as if “news” as if properly attributable to either Mrs. or Mr. Clinton.

My “Mad Man” grandfather was an “Arthur” whose standards, however liberal American as Washington’s, yet seemed to be for me to be if likewise to his success as needing a courtly and general corporate standard even greater than the Kennedy brothers lost, and so really much higher that especially those said as of the “The Clintons” that they oddly are not generally known in “news” as long unable yet to repeat.  What can any valuation of CNN be without a more honest one of Mrs. & Mr. Clinton and for not themselves enough at least of the higher standard of the “The Kennedys”?  I was born to choose to be as much of any legend of my grandfather “Arthur” as I might yet attempt and maybe succeed to as of a wizardry in marketing prophecying.

Chances are there are very amicable ways for me, when clear of the inappropriate cloaking of the “The Clintons” “politics” not enough “news” and “history” to yet be known for that which was of my broadly and globally repeating with my 7bk challenge to JKR yet of my first go at it of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that now still best explains the successes and unexpected rise of the Clintons - yes, the Clintons I have known since about a first grader and they Yale Law co-eds not married and just Bill and Hillary.

It seems CNN isn’t alone now in a duty at “news” to separate the “The Clinton” from at least all this just shared of the “The Hogan” more pathologically honest and truly to the genesis or origins related.  But, again, CNN isn’t supposed to undermine the valuation of the necessary and proper attributes of Time Warner vast licensing of assets, however, in the “HARRY POTTER.”

                                         *     *     *

And, yet otherwise, to news of plagiarisms, by Democrats, but as for these imports, of Clintons’ inappropriate uses, and outright misuses, we have that Democrat Senator John Walsh story has refreshed my visceral experienced smarting of the 2004 Convention speechifying of “Barack Obama” as some of his breakout speech had me stirred in objection as the original thinker and writer of the rhyme and reasoned verse I was of hearing from afar a someone (maybe then Senator John Kerry) be to saying nearly “use these lines” “make them your own” and “put a black face on them.”  I at least have learned since reading “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” very early “memoir” that the “Barack Obama” if that his authentic personal style was so remarkably away from his own style when to that I so experienced with visceral smarting about he of his break out at the Democrat Party Convention of 2004.  Such is of the essence of the above mentioned so yet of the actual written words in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM which so later also had me needing to flex a polite cease and desist to Howard Dean when he wasn’t just misappropriating from such but so was to me, knowing my original compositions, was yet using my improved race relations new media writing yet by unauthorized use in speeches to inner city black youths with his message yet DON’T STEAL.”  Again, I have known “Barack Obama” at least as “B.O.” of Hawaii to be four years older than me and of an interest in Presidential oratory since the late 1970s.  He in now way, and still nor did the Clintons after the 1992 election, have any authorized use to present as if their own material so significantly or vastly similar in tone, timing, and message mine.

For now I too have yet to decide what to do about the specifics of President Barack Hussein Obama’s breakout speech of the Democrat Convention of 2004 and to the specifics of how with it experienced as an attempt to present mine as his and with it then forward as Democrat and black it is yet of them thinking lawyerly defensible as if similar and flattery and not identical - while yet so that such was visceral and smarting to me knowing the origins and political workability and practicable benefit in being enough just like to identical.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!

This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.

We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders.  It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”

This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world.  This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians.  This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.

Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear.  Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”

My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan.  My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic.  The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.

There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats.  There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.

The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007.  There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade.  Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.

When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving.  Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him.  I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so.  It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.

I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate.  I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell.  But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.

President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value.  As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses.  As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”

For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as.  Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions.  To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.

There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”.  I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.”  I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”

There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.”  James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.

For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself.  President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.

Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day.  And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming.  This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.

There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully.  There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at http://CitizenRosebud.info of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”

WARNING!!!  Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:56 pm

Storms are as old and older than the Bible.  Some old platonic electron colliding have been of past “big bang” metaphorical significant events in creationisms. Distant bodies can have platonic e-intercoursing and still have been of no inceptions passed of a creative from such colliding and sharing.  Where there are sparks there may be yet no embodiment extra-electical of biologicals also entangled to new life.

This will eventually fall itself to a class categorical within the works of http://JPHogan.org as fittingly of AUTO-BIO’D of #CitRB.

J.K. Rowling and myself are within 7 days of the others biological flooding of the wombs breaching to us each more than lively swimmers so seated and at times kicking of our mothers’ bosomed beingnesses.  It is more than Socratic that J.K. Rowling and I are the parents of Hermione and now it seems the extra-Biblical “Ila” as though so of a sparked only platonic distant e-colliding in collusion to that which seems magical.  It is that by Aronofsky’s “NOAH” “Hermione” as “Ila” is yet a new virgin birthed of the Bible stories as so that a platonic e-colliding in a non-biological creativity off-sprung so.

Right, I am an American of the Northern American continental and baptized a Catholic and so familial to Pope Francis as the first American Pope.  Right, I am he as such that in a distant e-colliding did spark a directed blessed birthing by musings platonic of that which J.K. Rowling did so mother like as a surrogate.  Right, J.K. Rowling was unable to get published as I first instructed in the distant kept platonic directiveness of mused challenge to 7 books as of 7 separate years in curriculum of magic studies as I hoped as without even her publisher informed as to the origin of its creative conception.  Right, it is of the story that she did only find a publisher in her storied trespassing upon publishers when I agreed she could inform of our platonic conceptions and distant colliding in creative electron sparking as though as yet not generally informed of such publisher once of an also shared knowing of a promise to keep the wizardry source, myself, hidden as less than anonymous.

But to boats and vessel of the seas set of Russell Crowe, and how we did meet over crossing paths of BODY OF LIES in Washington, D.C.:  I do not know, with any certainty, if yet how when I took up boat building in DC, Annapolis and ports otherwise of the Chesapeake and was to musing too in a kept habit of mined in sparking shared humanity floating in arts if how I was to thinking Hollywood should be good and profitable if to a new Tall Ship tales and so of seamanship captaining how such otherwise while earlier than a known as for of the production of MASTER AND COMMANDER.  I have built and rebuilt boats, and I have thought of what new for Hollywood could be prophetic to future rewards in proofed profits through art at least of Russell Crowe.

But to boats and vessels we should broaden our strokes at least in a keep for a kept heel of the poetic keel about such passages.  It is that though I (naively) thought J.K. Rowling so accepting of the challenge for birthing seven books and each of such character, and specifically a “Hermione” as of the one of two conundrum of situational originality could then carry and deliver all seven in less than seven years I did even as about my years in Washington, D.C. struggle to keep while deeply years passed seven to finding ways in new ways of learning new things to develop and apropos air for newness, and, too as with my boat building while still a political thinker/writer getting by as self employed as a carpenter contractor, mostly.

I know Hermione like few know Hermione - I know how & why I worked a platonic distant e-colliding to spark the Big Bang of Harry Potter of her of a posse so mainly set, and heroic.  Right, J.K. Rowling, though older actually than myself by mere days of our 1965 biological vintage as pedestrian beings more than just earlier born swimmers is of this now also Biblical storification as parents like of “Ila” as the actual in like a virgin birth of “Hermione.”  The story of the Big Bang of Harry Potter so distant and platonic in the sparking so of e-colliding is as it originated directionally to her as the daughter of the late patriarch Rowling - Peter Rowling - as I sent out the message from a Scotch bottle, like, of looking for an unknown wanna bee writer willing to accept a 7 book challenge centered around a magic student character with black hair and round glasses as yet a only considered so far as “Peter Rowe-ling” character with a posse of a her my one and a blond male classmate as the original situational to such from me of it seeming better than to also have two star heroines as it better to have one of a “her my one choice of two.”

So to be brief as NOAH like sets sails anew and as if of a pathology of “Ila” as from “Hermione” so as with “Hermione” like now a new Biblical as of a virgin birth but more platonic just sparking to the Big Bang of Harry Potter e-colliding carried long together conception.  There is a long story in how many years I kept finding new things to do and learn about and professionally as to be to new useful musable passable instructive energy for the realm of out of the air creating of J.K. Rowling.

So to be brief, and as I really hope you go and see and so experience a physicality with others of your own species with the trip that NOAH is still promising, please consider your roots and others.  Please consider that every business is a “religious business” though some “religious businesses” are more specifically and particularly “Religious businesses.”  And, as per “Ila” so born both of the Bible and Harry Potter it is literally that her creation about the vessel of the Ark doth protect Noah’s son from be cast of a lot of a Jobian struggle as one otherwise possibly only lined to be (new) OEDIPUS REX’S of an Oedipal.

                                             *     *     *

I do wonder now if Emma Watson as of NOAH refreshments isn’t as also nearly done with university at Brown won’t find herself so blessed to be by so many dramatic circumstances to a future as one more a new J.K. Rowling as a creator of original characters more than otherwise to being yet a tool just of others’ minds and bodies as an actress of others’ words and words smithing.

Mightn’t it be better for Emma Watson that she be of, at best she may, at the pre-selection of terminology potentially to be influential, where variable, to her fate?

Note:  History is that the first time I saw a copy of the last book of the seven I was in DC and in a court yard outside the Hart Senate Office building on a rest from a contemplative long walk about the Mall and DC generally.  History is that all of this just partly here shared was of a consideration that there was too much to spill out if I approached the young female Capitol Hill staffer with a queriousness about Harry Potter as she seemed engorged in the last of the new fiction.  It, as I recall, almost seemed like she had the book less than a day and was like on her cell phone reading it to her mother.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:36 am

As a (political) platypus we should be looking for her stinger.  As a (political) Draculette we should be carrying wooden stakes and not surprised she is not apprised of her self as she wouldn’t be seen near mirrors.  As a new Marie Antoinette it would behoove all to consider her and that which is her’s in historical collateral damage.

Got spit?  She might be splashy and a whale at the tables of the gambles of politics, and, she may most fear the Constitution of the Founders’ original bite, for it seems, though unexpected, to still have its original teeth.

Got spit?  She, however a mammal, and evolved however, has gummed up the body politic about vicissitudes neglected as like of viscosities degraded of essential lubricants of critical mechanisms in the push and pull of governance engineered.

Got spit?  She, regardless, however a woman, has mileage on her, as trumpeted - much heavy baggage and a cacophony in discord, strongly drummed, too - She has eight years on her of consummated parity in Presidency still too lacking a fitting right sized comity homespun.

For scores and for her eight years not too long ago there is that many have been buried and wounded as her consummated powers so intimate and intimated were consecrated and metered.  Her’s is and is a union the Union cannot divide — she is set as protected as an equal partner of indivisible stature due marriage unions, however, this Union is not allowed to set asunder, by Laws.  What feminist angst and envy is tolerable by Law after first so expressed as intimated as Executive heft by a kept equal in marriage First Spouse?  Mustn’t the plates so served upon as of politics of the Executive stay in the Executive - stay to the proper side of the thresholds of democracy as preserved in the Executive’s walls?  Where a team of rivals worked for President Lincoln it now already endures that for President Obama his gamble with an embrace of the Clintons as rivals has been much to the frays causal to his unraveling.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is the proper politician to tag about the past hashable as a said “Messiah” it is that he, not she, has played out more as if a SON OF GOD, and too with an EXODUS - an exodus in Hollywood of at least half of those thought to have been loyal to the Clinton marital union accordance as a set so poised as those their most dramatic friends.  It must rank with President Obama that however possibly as a female gladiator the people of the known world is behooved too to consider that she is more as if a Joaquin Phoenix - a Commodus. She seems to already have failed with, and in, too many “fight scenes.”

Her envy - oh her envy?  But for being like born and bread of Chicago, Illinois, true so through, she otherwise claimed The Natural State as hers.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But as for having been reared and trained to a juris doctorate she as a J.D. seems still too dramatic and lacking in a believable as it is she too seems to want “ORDER” pre ambled to be a verb and not the noun of its writ large People Order original intent.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But how to accommodate - how to moderate - how to justify - how to arrest her insensibilities and properly grid her out graphically and chronologically to meter in digits her past footing, of her beaten, to within inches so more American?  How are any now to properly weigh the existent legacy of she as the equal to her he and of shared intimate and intimated Executive Power - how she a Commodus or a modern day Marie Antoinette?

Among the vicissitudes very publicly incident to her reign is much of personal emoluments and marital entanglements.  The faux she is to be the is she soon of the record for curation for all those fallen and of risings indivisible from the real she of the his her of the Clintons’ Presidency “two-fer” Union - when the Ground Zero Museum opens it will have a curatorial duty to the realm of truth and probative curiousity which she should have trouble long enduring.  When the Ground Zero Museum opens the Ground Zero Memorial will become more a living tribute to truth and towards honoring the memorial as a memorial, however constructed, as a construct to display the real she and he Clinton as the ticker ticks that the priors are for President Bush but eight plus months, and for the Clintons’ Presidency eight years plus eight months plus.

Our Constitution has been shaken.  Her constitution is set to be permanently shaken and likely exposed as truly culpable at least in a shared executive negligence, at least.  The Ground Zero Museum may not be prudent or charged to exposing a “The Real Hillary Rodham Clinton” or at all the she of her of feminine “envy” but it will at least have the justification to undermine a too dramatized she with a timeline chronology showing the attacks of the first 9/11 had plans commenced while she reigned as (a too imperialist) First Spouse.  It should shake her to the ashes, at least to the bones of her “legacy” - it should be an open and shut to a irreconcilable coincidental to shake her truly about a due consideration of a museum curative charge for the people - all people - that there are at least a couple per the Clintons’ administering of a public record that can and can more still incriminate them, and much for the dangers of inaction and avoidance specific to the Middle East and more so Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our truths?  God is in the Constitution as ordained and established as the People’s Order in their forming the more perfect Union so as “done” that Year of the founders’ Lord whence.  God isn’t just established by the Constitution as the God of the New Testament — the founders established the government of the People as so humbly under God and their order to it so as a more perfect Union as “done” so before subscriptions unanimous so effectingly.

Our truths?  God has been bearing witness to the bare she as honestly politically of the indivisible union in marriage with her he the Platypus stinger of her of her consummated and consecrated intimate intimations of the Clintons’ Executive and to as the said rival of a team about President Obama that is of a legacy now of dividing a nation more than unifying one.

Our truths?  God is not alone - God so Constituted is empowering freedoms and too soon by a curated memorialized to it a inconvenient truth that the Ground Zero Museum will have its charges to a duty to float the whale of she - the whale of her issues - as it that such is consecrated as hallowed ground to be forever considerate and a sanctuary for honesty about how such is of an ashes of sacrifice not to be seen at all as acceptable collateral damage for the politics and policies of the Administration by the Clintons will long cascade visuals to truths about them of a culpability.

However madly hatted in a public spectacle, it is sad - not spectacular - that Hillary Clinton has been, and is, a person of interest for so much that has gone wrong.  However madly hatted the Ground Zero Museum will make the sanctuary of the Ground Zero Memorial a living testament to a due queriousness near to and regular as:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG (IN THE MIDDLE EAST)?

However:  Now of a refreshing of the scares of SON OF GOD and the Biblical EXODUS we have to too consider anew the civility and prudence, at least of economics, if to a returned growth paradigm, in how it can still be said that the Republicans are naturally better for a JOB for you for they sell sin, sex, sanctuaries, and justice and/or forgiveness, and, in a simplicity for Democrats they apparently have been too much too slick in just a pedestrian selling of sin and escapism.  The original he and she we are asked to be to seeing is an Adam and Eve as Bill and Hillary of their inescapable intimately consummated soon to be more lively consecrated by their intimations and political intimidations by the duties curatorial expected with all those of charges about the soon to be open Ground Zero Museum.

Perhaps, we can reduce for reader digesting the whale of Platypus, Draculette, Antoinette and Commodus Clinton by using a quote by paraphrasing one whom was of the Clintons’ National Security Council.  Perhaps this thought too should be boldly set and illuminated sharply at least in the new museum when it is open:  Perhaps so:  As written in TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt nearly:  WHEN THE WHITE HOUSE SETS ABOUT WORKING TOO CLOSELY WITH HOLLYWOOD SUCH BEGETS TERRORISM.

Perhaps, we just need to question her wardrobe as if it was ever even magical?  Perhaps the threshold of a “honest” “Hillary” is at just remembering how President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did tag the Administration of the Clintons’ smartly for having begotten problems by ignoring too much that dangers arise from avoidance and inaction?  It is that President Obama should maybe too be memorialized at such museum and for the wisdom and prudence however 20/20 of hindsight about even 9/11 I of the attacks on 9/11 of the Year of our Lord two thousand and One — Perhaps an @BarackObama quote should too endure by public displays of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance heedence of credence in proffered his as there are DANGERS from AVOIDANCE and INACTION?

                                        *     *     *

[If Hillary Rodham had married William Jefferson Clinton by his Christian name firstly given she’ld, however becoming she may have become, would have been so too as more just Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

It seems an impossible mission. President Barack Obama, can you be brought back from a political deadness - can you be resuscitated from BIGGEST LIAR?  For those more of HARRY POTTER first gen now matured and politically conscious this can be a quite worrisome troublesome.  Many have wanted “Barack Obama” to be a half blood’d prince and yet now as the play of his “legacy” solidifies he seems not alone in being not a squib even and yet merely one among many of muggles. Robin Hood likely had to be, though of basic thievery and mugging, at least a squib as he had dramatics and an artful ability to dodge and as well split an arrow.  It seems the only way now for President Obama to clean up his presidency is to clean up his own party - it seems he has failed to prove that the “dirt” under the body politic and body economic is Republican and well simply that means that the “dirt” must be Democratic and embedded as truly of his own party.

That there is no magic in President Land begets a ponderance of if there really ever was - if there ever was any real “magic” in Obamaland. To be brief - to be clear:  Let me be clear:  Their lies were not artful - they kicked the can down the road — they lied, and, it is that there lies were not artful dodging - there is a selfishness too institutionalized that should not be confused with “magical” in how their “dodging” was political as if only of a capacity of muggles.  Is it too late though for at least President Obama to learn of himself as of a capacity for “magic” as at least a squib - as one though late to learning of learning that he is some at least a half blood’d for good?  For a spell for President Obama mustn’t we be able to establish that he has been crudely but effectively burdened and or shackled by others say like the Clintons and so burdened as to be impossibly arrested from any use of any mere “magical” potential he may have as latent qualities?  Have the Clintons - has just Hillary Rodham Clinton - been of such a overwhelming muggleness that President Obama was forlorn to failures so common and commonplace in political orbits?

President Barack Hussein Obama has real problems!  President Barack Hussein Obama has real political and character problems yet are his five + years of him willfully and knowingly of having not been squared away himself and not on the level by his own affectings or has he been yet trapped by those of his own party?  It seems the logical dodge left as the only one feasibly remaining is to show that his own party should and can be cleaned up — it seems that he has spent his free chits of credibility as of the traditions of his office “cloaking” by having been party to what now has failed even as common artful (lawyered partisan political) dodging.  The real world isn’t about RACE TO THE TOP as for a common core to ignore your neighbors and their plights firstly - the real world has to be about community and civility at home and near home primarily.  There can hardly be any “magic” or traditional “faith” in the COMMON CORE of the curriculum of the Democrats.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with no cloak of invisibility nor any due prefacing as to invincibility.

The point of a HOGWARTS education is to learn and develop at least an ability in dramatics and artful dodging that too can wield an affecting as if that of precision in archery as for splitting an arrow.  The point of HOGWARTS is some in the name albeit rife with with a keen and sharp double edge as HOG-WARTS and not HOG-WARDS — yee of such curriculum however yet matured and matriculated are to be of the hope for a potential to grow not as dirt under the skin of others as if a wart on them or a more general body politic. Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to as originally set for the tradition and legacy to be above such commonality and away from sweeping dirt under a carpet or lawyering to keep it from a general airing for a prudent (civic) cleaning.  Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to be schooled and read to a capacity and discipline to shine locally and globally as of a “magical” civility learned to ways in being good wards of good wards.

Hillary Rodham Clinton may be more “CHICAGO” than yet the ward heeled late comer now President - Mrs. Clinton of the CGI is more “CHICAGO” than President Barack Hussein Obama.  It is recorded that she was raised to embrace violence and to not just hit first but to hit the boys there about her ward and to hit them first.  She was raised tough but seemingly without a civil ward “magical” and to be a FIRST STRIKER.  As President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State she may now be due a timely exposure as one a muggle and a wart. His Madam Secretary has been out from officially of his “skin” now about a year and it seems that some “magic” has returned to what is foreign policy of The United States of America.  It is for history and others to conclude if such is more for a released and cleaned up President Obama as maybe one capable himself at least of some half blood’d magic or if it is that he has a glow about him from having Catholics more now at his affectings.  Mrs. Clinton should be seen and read as one whose story is too polarizing and partisan and still a troublesome “wart” to President Barack Obama and of a legacy quite so lacking in “magic” that all should easily conclude she must be a muggle.  Mrs. Clinton, of her own Twitter Avatar, shows her linguistic capacity to be common and dirtied and cold for she not only lately tags herself as a “dog owner” she only tags herself as a “dog owner” and not in a little part a “dog lover.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton shows much so common as to be expected to be only of a capability of muggles with her Twitter @HillaryClinton and so that @BarackObama can make an example newly for himself as liberated and no longer occupied by the Clintons and now offer a civil and thorough promise to clean up his own party.  It is that he is tagged now like the Clintons as a BIG LIAR and yet for now it seems he has time to learn of a latent quality in himself to be actually of some political “magic.”  It may not be too late for President Barack Hussein Obama to show himself liberated and freely at finding (surprisingly) (himself) a capacity even half blood’d for a “magic” in politics.  It seems if he is more than a muggle and not so just a muggle like Mrs. Clinton of CGI than he now has a duty and honor calling him as it is exposed that the Republicans were not as tagged of exclusive culpability or guilt per the “it” as the “BIG IT” — it seems President @BarackObama can at least move the Twitterverse now to a public and effective “wart” cleaning and removing - It seems we all have Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART” to work a still possible mission about as a general and thorough liberating political deep cleaning.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with a political broom to wield even if himself actually just a muggle too and at least now to a mea culpa in poor judgement in associations so long with the Clintons and their too institutional lawyered political muggleness.  He can show himself with a broom at least now of a willingness to cease and desist from further sweeping under his “rugs” of a not squared away or on the level corner cutting partisan polarizing politics. He has himself now evidently of regular traffic about his past five years now with his embedded dirt now as visible as if a wart on his “rugs” as everywhere he goes it seems his “rugs” have hills and valleys.

President Barack Hussein Obama, as impossible as it may now seem, is apparently yet of an ability to tag at least “Hillary” of the Clinton clan core body politics as if an embedded and too long occupying “dirty” he yet can magically or by due diligence yet remove forever from under the skin of the nation.

President Barack Hussein Obama now without a cloaking left but yet still with at least a affecting broom of a muggle.

Harry Potter of his story as with a godfather Serious Black is one at least above such “common” and “core” as of a lacking in “magic.”  As human beings however are fated to sing of at least their habitats “electric” it is more of “magic” to understand the dangers of being of bodies electric and of different electrical standards of some of volts de more highly powered and more seriously dangerous.  It is that for any or all of the magic of even political “electricity” Voldemort is a DANGER daily for all those of a brotherhood of electricians — as of a brotherhood for the magic in the dangers of POWER it is keen that Harry Potter also has a godfather like a union electrician firstly reered to a seriousnous most especially for the black wires as those primarily structured as the HOT WIRE.  Yes Harry Potter (matured first gen) readers I speak in words now as one whom first had the magic of a brotherhood about him as faith allowed by a godfather a union electrician.  Yes readers and aficionados of HOGWARTS I can attempt to educate you about a core of the Clintons “politics” as lacking in “magic” and alert you to how the curriculum was originally set to be a political prophylactic to endear and endure as protection from the Clintons (as muggles).

There is little HOPE left for the once HOPE & CHANGE candidate to now offer as a second term President.  It seems he is left to tagging the Clinton “two-fer” as having been dirt under his and our skin that he couldn’t clean away for these five years so.  It seems he is left to offering that he was shackled to their past (unmagically) and so that he was occupied more than liberated by his close and embedded associations with at least Mrs. Clinton of CGI while former Senator and Former First Lady and Former First Lady of Arkansas as his Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

I do not know if President Barack Hussein Obama can now rise as if of a yet unknown latent quality blood’d however for “magic.”  I can though explain that yee and all however of a knowing of the curriculum of HOGWARTS are supposed to be inoculated from the Clinton “two-fer” and as by the original intent and mission set for J.K. Rowling when whence firstly of her famous napkins usage due to mused stirrings.  The Clintons - for these purposes Hillary Rodham Clinton CODE NAME:  “THE WART” - are inseparable and now as President Barack Hussein Obama’s last chance to clean up the body politic by offering to clean up his own party.

It is complicated.  IT’S COMPLICATED!!! Right! President Obama to save his political skin now must be able to show demonstrably that he forever since whence in post primary reckoning when he so was to the ill fated embrace of the Clinton machine and however to that “work-out” that the Clintons would then like get to keep the world when he became visibly the first black president was a fool for letting the Clintons bury themselves under his/our skin so while so politically compromised and “dirty.”  Right!  The first black President now must be able to show demonstrably that he effectively has been enslaved and occupied by the Clintons and not in any way or especially in any magical way of a liberation of or by the Clintons.  Right!  President Obama did lie, and his lies exposed now expose the longer bigger lies that were set from day one necessarily to attempt to cloak the Clintons. It is by one lie his other bigger lies have been called out and are still much to be aired duly.  It is that President Obama failed to “cloak” the Clintons (and associated Democrat Party) guilt by false flagging the history and complicated as if of Republican fault and guilt. 

President Barack Hussein Obama now must be to a cleansing mea culpa as little as possible of self immolation and as much as possible to a “magic” in a fresh and artful confessional at least to a new muggled posturing of he as having been stuck as too enslaved or occupied by a still too powerful and dirty “politics” of at least Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART.”

                                     *     *     *

[NOTE:  Yes readers akin to the magic of Harry Potter and even the volts concerns magical of Serious Black,  you were supposed to have been protected and even cleverly inoculated from the Clintons’ political machinations and from the very seed of the conception of HOGWARTS as to a curriculum set for rearing next gen’rs to be wards not warts about their community - that it could be and should be “magical” to grow up clean and bright so as not to just be dirt under your family and/or community’s “skin.”  I know of what I speak in visible written spoken words as it is I that can tell of a Patron US of musings fo’ napkins whence thence for J.K. Rowling, and, I know that as per the above as to a too present but still embedded “dirt” of the Clintons it is that I suggested that if the seven books did stay true to the challenge as for seven years of magic curriculum then she as the “mother” author would become rich - would become very rich.  It is that by staying true to the original outline it was that such was originally intended and balanced to be effectively though effectively foreign born yet an American made inoculation to the Clintons, as best as was possible due to the entrenched complexity of their “dirt” and as such not quite the best tool for such a mission even maybe impossible for one like President Barack Hussein Obama.]]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:33 am

To pop the magic puffery of modern populism necessity necessitates a consideration of the mysticism beats pedestrian and parochial, and however catholic.  All nativity scenes can also be cultural and scientific neuro iconics as of the double helix of a humane literal deoxyribonucleic evolutionary marker for a birth in expansive literacy and culturally wired expression.  So much that is American - of South America - of Central America - of North America - is evolved inescapably with what can scientifically to be a Jesus cultural “dna” marker.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  Historically he can be said to be like a mason without a plumb bob nor a level or any trowels.  President Obama has had so much trouble being “pop” even as shovel ready he is akin to masonry as if a double naught - he is akin as if not even toed up to a first degree towards a thirty third degree.  He can point in thin air but to associate his “Obamacare” metaphorically we need not consider it set with mortar even as though it was supposed to be so squared away and ready - so ready that he could stand up as if a foreman due respect if and when saying “I will not negotiate.”  It is popping now and as of a President hardly a mason that what was supposed to be all squared away did just roll out with too many corners cut.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  It seems set in stone though that he did build this and yet it seems it is not safe for he nor any other to reliably stand upon.  As words and codes were supposed to be his bricks and mortar it is considerable that his “lawyering” for the People is as polls are posting believed to not even be on the level.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  Politically his puffery has blown his own constructs down, you could say.  Politically his governance has been lacking in a mysticism realm of any discernible political philosophy ranking way and as if of a foundation as if in loose sands as by an absence in sufficient service as per property rights.

Da Fence!!!  Da Fence???  Defense???  Though President George Washington is recollected and accounted for as of a advanced degrees in masonry and as he that dictated to the to be capital city of Washington DC that it should be mostly set as of connected town homes without grand yards we should mix it to a mashable now to talk about keepers of gates and fences as a starting point prior to a full and effected condemnation and deconstruction of that which is “built” of President Barack Obama.  To get just the economics of The United States of America back to a parity in evolutionary not devolutionary economics we have to draw many lines more clearly - we maybe have to suggest people so a solidarity in individuality and personal property rights by putting a single fence section in their yard of the “pop” of “defense” by “Da Fence.”

[note:  I just to check a spelling of devolutionary happened upon finding that Google has a page for “Devolutionary federalism” that has to be related to all this that I write now while having considered Reagan’s New Federalism but not as a new federalism as exclusively his.  I will be heading back to such page after this column.  I remember VP Biden from an open to the public Yale Law symposium in the 90s when Senator Cory Booker and his son were law students there - I remember waving him off on one perspective and though remain confused some as to how he may have concluded that Federalism was devolving.]

President Barack Obama has problems of a mysticism mash — there has been a blurring of the realms and venues as specifically kept for spiritual sanctuary of jurisdictions however base civil or catholic.  The political economics of the Obama & Clinton shared “expert” “guidance” is as flawed in a related personals apropos as I have broached in THE KRUGMAN FALLACY at http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL — The “pop” politics as if a squared away economics has been set asunder by nature as much as any “structure” to be expected to be if and so built, however, on shifting sands. Every state of the confederate republic kept as conceived by the subscriptions under God by the Founding Fathers in that Year of their Lord now should be even of marches and “pop” parading to reestablish a state mysticism realm - even if by a proud and ordered National Guard mustering tuned out with a keying in the state legends by way of a state hymn or fight song.

To puff on the puffery of a “pop” keynoting by President Barack Obama one too can likely become addicted in nicks of time licked, however, into the wind more than of a better direction of riding with the winds of evolution and the markers of cultural integrations.  I personally do have masonry tools and have pointed in more than just thin air and believe I have been on the level and of an aplomb however permanent my artistic structuring was.  I have even used my masonry tools in Virginia and bought their from trade suppliers — I have no idea how or where I would though if in the Masonic Order would then or now yet rate of any if any degree myself above a double naught.  For me I have a kinship with “gate keepers” even maybe in a global mysticism way (at times - at rare times) for though I may write and sound as if an Irish American my personal double helix has markers maybe dominant of my French German one eight and so of it as of a French name that is purported to be translated as “keeper of the gate.”  This is of my dna of the blood line that is of my by 1971 asking my maternal grandfather then near mandatory retirement even after 25 last years running the consolidated Johnson & Johnson marketing and advertising account as it then was with him at Young & Rubicam.  He with his French name as of the Alsace Lorraine region seemed well named to be however an author of proactive and reactive copy for J&J as well as an Arthur necessarily considerate of other Arthurs.

To puff on the puffery of a “pop” keynoting by President Barack Obama one too should consider what is local - what is community - what is county set - what is state set - and then and only then if your beats pedestrian permit to be looking beyond in the more “cloudy” of a national or nationalized State or Nation composition.  Surely your own, or just your immediate neighbors legend in markers of deoxyribonucleic acids by double helix structuring has a measured and on the level composition at least as economical or copacetic as that being mashed mostly now by too many of the bands of Obama.  I have heard and/or read that God and/or the Devil can be found in the details.  I have also heard though maybe not read that a person should realize of a mysticism of humanity that every decision one person doesn’t make for themselves another person somewhere or somehow may then incidentally make for them, and even some or too much unconsciously and without sufficient or any composed consideration.

The music of the Obama & Clintons of their too political “economics” and it so as of their “experts” has been too much of ad venting in a devolutionary directional.  Their “pop” has crashed and for having been mashed instead say of offered metaphorically in a cultural otherwise as composed and presented as carefully measured and diced for that real buffet of evolutionary and marked culturals.  These have more been by their graying - their graying of prudent jurisdictionals of the purview and gates of community iconics - to a cacophany truly of discord in discordance.

Perchance to be for you and your realm of a robust reset in pedestrian localized community and even a not too lonely chorus of compatriots it is that the grayed of mysticism can be straightened out for a modern as symphonic and acceptable yet as such of the cultural traditions in the iconic of even Jesus as a born marker of scientific and helix’d evolution.  I hardly know what to say of what is known or unknown or how Saint Augustine may have known as well as Nicholas of Cusa or Dionysus the Areopagite how they and others needed to learn to not know what they knew - to unknow the known.  I in my paul - my humble and small philosophical - am behooved to a civil prudence that mysticism is for your musical tonnage of a cultured and necessary free will and that I know to not presuppose in my ignorance of the mystical of others yet which way or even Tao may flirt and float your notes - your notables.

Perchance to be for you and your realms of an evolutionary cultural however iconic with historical markers of others and/or earlier set beats you still haven’t blurred your common sense too far in the Nationalists marched heavy booted cacophany wafted for assimilation and obedience.  Perchance we just now need to protest enough for changes in music so that even details of greatness however threaded in times can burst out as God wills a “pop” however set - however set at least by a say gaggle of Homo sapiens yet differentiated and even in a discernible variation of a mysticism.

Perchance the details escaping the Obama & Clintons teams akin as “economic” “guidance” as if “experts” is that they just missed the music of their times, and while too much of wanting the times to bend to their beatings instead of being humble and synchronized as right for their times.  To dream the American Dream - perchance to dream again - mustn’t we quit the beating of a blind mice nationalism and key anew to local and pedestrian harmonics - however base and civil or enlightened and mystical?

Our music, whomever we be, should in general be sanctioned mostly in an accepted spiritual realm as of firstly doing no harm.  To be to and of the secured Union as to a people more People and perfect of a general Welfare the Tranquility and Posterity resonance seems of the keep of the humble and local.  When instead of these cacophanies national we have even fiddled competitions musical of individuals trying to shine in all their prescribed potential or yet arisen learned glory and of that of God lives on and on in the details long progressed with mightn’t we be restored and reset even to a growth economic and even a New Romantic Era?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

There is the question of “permanence”!  There is the Constitutional prepositions for and against permanence!

Some stories just come out as if they were meant to be of a magic of a tingle down Chris Matthew’s leg(s) - some times a story just is about how the story writes itself in a prophylactic preparatory.

When I moved to Washington DC in 1998 there was no Department of Homeland Security across the street from American University.  When I moved out of “The Beltway” as 2008 elections were of their 2007 stirrings it did exist and I had been incidentally to explaining to Ivan Vujacic, the then Ambassador to the United States of America from Serbia , during an accidental meeting at an American Enterprise Institute event how Senator Hillary Clinton should not and would not win the 2008 elections.  What was most odd to the Ambassador at first was that my opinion ran counter to what he said he was hearing from “top Republicans” that he should like “prepare for Hillary Clinton to be the next President.” 

2008 was of election cycles where the Republicans seemed defeated and just campaign puppets for the Democrats to play with from the start.  For me though it was as it was that I was able to explain a defeat logically to the Serbian Ambassador;  for me it was that I knew that the Clintons did not have the integrated marketing concept or rights to that of the nineties that was still making them appear to be better - far better - than they ever really were. 

2006 was of a politics of Iraq and a surge debate that had me behind the MIRROR cover for TIME Person of Year cover as a recommendation in lieu of a YES to TIME for query to a picture of me as “uc” for such cover.  I was very publicly blogging with commentary in 2006 for the IRAQ surge and then in defense of it and as it was many times directly it seems in a contrary and superior logic to that of Chris Matthews.  2006 was my first year of internet “blogging” and was mostly exclusively on the media watchdog site http://newsbusters.org — by 2007 I was better known and as J.P. Hogan for blogged commentary mostly across the treads of http://politico.com.  I have been my “more a Citizen Rosebud than a Citizen Kane since 1983 - at least.

For decades I have fought a Holy Cross group think that may only partly explain Chris Matthews - I exist beyond a metaphysics with many of The Crusaders as kin.  I’ve been of years of helping Democrats and Republicans by fixing and/or moderating what I saw as flaws in what was identifiable as of a group think of Holy Cross College and maybe prepared so myself beyond my self learning gains as by my Augustinian, not Jesuit, Villanova University BA.  I have a BA in Economics and the credits for a minor in philosophy that is of my “undeclared minor” in Philosophy for I took them to such but without informing the Philosophy Department of my intent or motives for minoring in Philosophy.

But this is supposed to be a prophylactic satire on a scheduled lap dance at American University - at least metaphorically speaking.

Right the Clintons successes where they were and if they actually lasted may much be of my shared story of them of using my guidance of the 1992 primary problematic years.  They were not of authorization to use such so as they much did from me after their unexpected election in 1992 — I say such much because had they asked for permission for a proper use I would have said no and in an expressed spirit of that I wouldn’t even use them to govern as they had been workable yet for campaigning.  The Clintons are known by me for making a mess of a whole lot and some to much to me knowing such just because they proceeded to use without permission that they should have asked permission for and so in the ways that I as an architect about them never meant or was for guidance in further use there of.

So it seems that it must be more akin to a LAP DANCE scheduled between “HARDBALL” host Chris Matthews as the stage is being set politically with teasing as if a grand SLOW PITCH SOFT BALL SOFTBALL “HARDBALL” the “journalism” to be pressed.

American co-eds when I graduated from Villanova University in 1987 after having grown up in a prime Yale University & New Haven Professionals neighborhood with Yale Professors in Economics my neighbors and ‘rents of my peers I did not yet figure that one would later become a first client and then become a twenty year reigned President of Yale.  I did while at Villanova know Pat McPherson the President of Bryn Mawr as a family friend through her father.  But I regress to share as it seems timely to refresh that I do post and update at times with some that were college papers I wrote whence that have been relevant now during much of these trying times, and as I did also graduate with 12 credits in Modern Standard Arabic and a politic science elective that taught me “there is no such thing as permanent enemies or friends - just permanent interests” & another that was full of content related to course title as about the United Nations and International Organizations.  Yes, my BA so amassed at Villanova though with hardly a chapel or church visit or physical participation too with me of one course in computer programing in Pascal.

The sad truth is that I while using other more self taught disciplines in my years of self employment did as a successful and engaged hobby maintain an ambition of my Villanova Economics BA towards at least and existential or metaphysical better earthly realm for a philosophical in an integrated marketing mine to widely/broadly facilitate hopes and thought to and for economic recovery and record low unemployment.  From my knowing of the Clintons personally since early 1970s when they were still in the neighborhood as Yale Law students I have been keenly aware of how they have gotten credit for much that since they haven’t been able to repeat while of yet being again of using as much “governance” energy as they thought the past good times had taken to be.

But this is about the concern and dangers of what may be conceived tomorrow between Chris Matthews and President Barack Hussein Obama at the venue of American University.  This is about bad seeds maybe but as timely now of it more of dangers of bad and flawed logic much too of the flaws in reasoning and marketing of the THE KRUGMAN FALLACY @ http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  The shared “politics” of HARDBALL’s  Chris Matthews and President Barack Obama are of the economic mess, and of it as that their NEW NATIONALISM is so also of the new deal austerity mashed GREEN to a green minimalism mantra; they share in how it was of a predictable to the said near depression recession.  The economy actually was poised to recover and take off in 2008 & 2009 otherwise if “nationalism” was not encourage and if Congress would have moved to restore consumer confidence by seriously affecting bank reforms.

All are welcome at my still free to read e-sampler of JPHogan.org > http://jphogan.org!  There there are many pieces that explain the politics and economic history that can be a prophylactic to what is being teased as “journalism” worthy tomorrow between expectantly seated HARDBALL Chris Matthews and rightfully embattled President Barack Hussein Obama at American University.  There there are also some poems some original rap and some odic renditions as of a lyrical tradition as poetry or song as meant to be sung or at least read aloud with attitude and pace. 

The THE RICE SISTERS is one at JPHogan.org that is meant to be sung. 

As to the complexity of my integration of my (hobby) of marketings what the Clintons and most others cannot be is me whom synthesized local New Haven new world order pro-active writing for “jounalism” and the politics of city and state with a global post Persian Gulf balance while as well moderating original concerns related to Stanley Tools for new handsaw evolution revolution; Snowboard and half-pipe pathology of origins from a high school brainstorming with a sledding pal; LIFE IS GOOD take off after VU classmate Bert Jacobs & I met at our fifth reunion and he told me he and his brother after three years were ready to give up; and even much the major changes that fit with even just these few as was of the IBM saving.  I could list shows that can be said to have been conceived and anchored in the spirit of all this as of my mused from a far maybe golden touch - I’ve already filled in/out too much for today - for here.

The “permanence” tease is of the Constitutional abuse of power purview due about President Obama and Obamacare.  A First Amendment challenge can be yet about a legality and Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act as it was passed only as a Law and not yet as even an Amendment or a Right of the Constitution but as a tax while taxing is basically specifically only expected to be non-permanent and not Constitutionally, it seems, to be a allowable basis for such a permanence in new social welfare centralized socialistic entitlements as an establishment for eternity.

To read the First Amendment and get to the use of “establishment” and “respecting” as just specified as a bar to Congress per Religion should have any student of America at least to firstly wondering like:  Ok, why did they use “establishment” - why does “establishment” sound so familiar - Oh my! Why is “establish” in the preamble with “ordain” and so that the founders writ it permanent as greater than a Law of Congress so by their unanimity in subscriptions under God by signage so eternal as might endure so of it keyed for legend in “the Year of our Lord” and with “our” not also or otherwise capitalized? 

To read the First Amendment and its quite unusual grammar and capitalizing there is also that the word “respecting” is odd unless there is firstly the body of the Constitution as set as an establishment in the New Testament by way of subscriptions in unanimity under God by rooting in the Christian calendar.  It seems it is playful and instructive and to how Obamacare aka ACA has a First Amendment violation that is coming to a head - politically.  I do not know prematurely what will be beyond teased at American University this Thursday in December 2013 but I do wonder why “respecting” is used if not to affirm the above of the body of the Constitution as writ larger than a mere Law by Congress as a Constitution of the People and to demonstrate the spectacle of the body by an amendment barring Congress supposedly from the very type of governance being more than tease by a too “post-Constitutional” advocate as President, President Barack Hussein Obama.

It seems to reason out and be pre-figured and secured that if just as “It’s a Tax” then Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act is not to be considered by The Supreme Court of The United States of America as of an established right to permanence.  If you also have not refreshed your American history even by Jon Meacham’s THOMAS JEFFERSON - ART OF POWER than you may still be missing the folds of history as of he that penned the Declaration of Independence was of duties to new nation with stationing in France at the time of the Founding Fathers’ penning of the body of the Constitution for a greater than mere Law of Congress eternity if it could endure. 

The First Amendment is a wonder to be sorted some to much by the spring calendars of our governance;  It seems to have been requested by a returned Thomas Jefferson as part of a Bill of Rights and yet it seems to have been cleverly written to yet affirm much of what Thomas Jefferson so more of his deism and “Age of Reason” preponderance found offensive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:45 am

The best thing that Ayn Rand did with Objectivism in her own novel way for all her readers was that she asked them all to consider and figure how they themselves would design and/or build a better church - how they would built the bestest house of worship ever built

As I tweeted this morning:  “One of these days I do mean to ride around France on my bicycle even if near 100 miles a day to stop for wines & cheeses.”

Woops!  Wrong tweet.

As I tweeted this morning:  “Hillary Clinton “cooking” weighs heavy on world evolved to humans flying in & skateboarding at least. GOP need longer masses?”

That’s more like it.

Because of the evolution of the human race to more Godly flights and heights it may be that the “community” & “communities” of humanities in religiousness are now of days too much of old shortness with religious services of a dangerous brevity.  It seems, to this of #DemsAgainstHillary centrism, that the Republicans are more secure and secured to a harmonic in faith based flights and heights but yet too now not sufficiently of a copacetic for sport for all.  It seems an open book - its seems of a open book obviousness that the Republicans have sustained heights for #ExtremeSports even now as all may be bettered if their servicing is of ministering with longer and more acoustical odic chants/rants and incantations however spiritually apropos of a synthesis for this new age of fast and slow and high and low.

It may be racist to ride a bicycle fast - to want to ride a bicycle fast.  There is better a way to agility and speed than training any or yourself to ride fast and be of good acceleration if you are so in a preparedness only for fear.  I did train myself from a necessary need preparedness in my cycling, to be urban, as difficult as it may have been, by being long of an over-riding thought that I would ride to ride anywhere and find someone interesting — I wouldn’t firstly be to riding fast and of agile acceleration to like be of a urban preparedness to out pace a stereotypical “black” fear.  I personally do not want to see my ability to accelerate and ride fast as a skill to get away from trouble and badness.  I want my riding still to be to be able to ride anywhere and find “community” newly where ever — I want to at least think that one can ride anywhere at anytime if they are able to relate somehow in an established common spirit and with a philosophy of governance girded in an innocent until proven guilty netherlands.

It seems to suggest the Democrats have been now too long of “there is just a pill for it” “traveler” coping, and that may be generally the Welfare problem too many are now beset of.  There may be that the antidote to the Democrats is a return to the Democrat center around faith and community “roaming” “traveler” “teaching.”  However Democrats or Republicans there is that we of this new age of bearing witness to #ExtremeSports or as those of a regular practice have that our community service is still behind the times and to much of the old brevity to fully encompass the radical celebration of so many everywhere of such new heights and flights.  It seems regardless of party the Party to be rocked, to be objective about it, is that everyone everywhere at least near of a time and new world order where they too have to wonder how to design and build (say) a better church.  It seems for of community copacetic to be sufficiently sporting these are days to try and clean souls well enough if only yet at longer and long enough community service regular integrated practice.

One should be proud of one’s ability to get away from danger.  I will remain proud of any abilities I of from instinct, training, and preservation of talent such as they are also ready and sufficient for “escaping.”  I will not though be of a faith that such should be the esprit de corp of at least my bicycling and living.

My cycling interests pre-date the Reagan Revolution.  My cycling interests seems very well supported and secured by the Reagan Revolution and as well by the more common lay of the Rehnquist Revolution.  I haven’t broached sport or cycling with Senator Ted Cruz or any of the new young guns of the Republican Party nor much any of the old tired establishment of the Clinton Political Machine.

I do not know nor have I ever been in support of doped sport & specifically doped competitive cycling.  I with that said would rather believe that Lance Armstrong didn’t needed his admitted doping for his victories as he is preferred to be considered as having been of sufficient benefactoring in his times.

Yes, after getting my BA in Economics from Villanova University I proceeded directly to Suffolk University Law School on Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts when then behind the Massachusetts’ State House.  I proceeded directly for I fig’d if I didn’t I would never have so commenced a year of Law School.  It is that I wanted to protect myself and my ambitions from lawyers and insurance companies and that I was of thought that a year of law school would be prudent but three might be unnecessary while of more entrepreneurial and more creative media ambitions.  As it is I did take a year of law studies rightfully and did withdraw so “officially” as of after the last class on the last day and before exams so that I would then officially be and remain an “accepted” Suffolk University Law School student on the books for seven more years. Such year I left after one year of prudent law studies and so that I triggered a “community” in acceptance for seven further years with my old law school was the spring in Boston before the fall that “Barry” Obama started across the Charles River in Cambridge of Harvard.  (Yes, for seven years I annually at least once had my old law school acceptance in community refreshed and usually with a questioning and answering about the if I wasn’t yet coming back why was it I wasn’t coming back to law studies and what about the law profession in my opinion needed fixing before I might return.

In some ways it is of my “community” “acceptance” of such seven years better than as if a pergatory as I was outside in my thinking that I needed to be outside and independent to be eventually ready and in the right place to best then be to my more creative media ambitions at being the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution I could yet be.  In some ways it may be that but for my “community” of seven years “acceptance” where I could return to Suffolk University Law School without re-applying, but basically, there wouldn’t have been a Rehnquist Revolution.  It was that while of the days of my second and final semester in Boston I was happy to wiring my ambitions with those of William Bratton after nearly laughing at his new most old and dilapidated fleet of Mass “cruisers” after he was of “don’t laugh.”

Ed Logue was in urban redevelopment at much of the Roosevelt Island restoration and as well the Faneuil Hall Market Place grand plan. He was also from New Haven and a part of the Lee Administration when it was first to programmed traffic lights used to recondition their populace to different driving route habits.  Professor J. Logue was his brother and a sought out Villanova Professor by me for his course on International Oranizations inclusive of the United Nations in the VU Political Science department, as an elective in my liberal arts curriculum.  Frank Logue was also their brother and did become Mayor of New Haven for a quite short while.  Frank Logue and his family lived directly across Livingston Street in a very Yale neighborhood in New Haven from me and my family.  I do not know the first name of the Logue that was Richard Milhaus Nixon’s rival for Whittier High School class presidency and the victor is such of Nixon’s earliest campaigns — To the best of my knowledge it was only Nixon paranoia that related otherwise unrelated Logues prior to Watergate.  Ed Logue probably was the biggest of the Logues then a specifically related to powers emanating from Washington and the so based Democratic Party Head Quarters in the Watergate - though.

There is cross-over in the desire to maximize positive change in my decision to leave law school for my ambitions and my synchronicity with the ambitions of William Bratton for his name poetic for general Welfare and more civil policing as more “brat on basis” than “race” “basis.”  And, as it was that honor would be in competition with the Logues, all Logues, to be somehow at least as good or eventually better even than Ed Logue so responsible for so much urban improvements and even as he and Mayor Lee did use programmable traffic lights firstly to guide their people to new pathologies experimentally.

By now you should know how little I have to say good about Bill and Hillary Clinton.  There is though that for being so busy with them I have yet hardly gotten to my truths that Al Gore is a layer of the onion beneath them that I find closer and more core to at rottenness in the Democrats of the Clintons Political Machinery.  I have held back from yet being to barely broaching very historical problems in the American body politic that are specifically of a faulting due justly a tagging upon Al Gore.

Right!  The truth may now be that regardless of one’s Party, and as seems today’s Politics, these may be days to try and refresh souls and secure a readiness locally in sport and comity, and quite days that call all to longer “community” service to better a harmonic agility for lasting acoustics in an establishment and preservation for a regular lightness and magical beingness.  It seems these are days that are calling all to longer “community” service, however, and that places or worship as sanctuaries for humanity and community now may be forced to do what is needed and right by way of figuring, preparing and practicing with an offering of longer services.

Can it be?

I am hip to it being cool that this is all in the spirit of a new and improved more perfect establishments, however, for better hang times.  That said:  I have to believe Ayn Rand would agree that Martin Luther King Jr. would be better honored if public buildings at least in of The United States of America were to specifically honor him with associated Public displaying of the Ten Commandments. 

                                                         *   *   *

{For the record: Yes I was born into an apartment in 1965 in New Haven, CT that so is less than a mile from the “home” President George W. Bush was born into.  I was born to half of my grandparents being by then from Greenwich, Ct.  I did first meet President Clinton when I was in First grade in same neighborhood and as it is I was polled by Bill and Hillary as two equal but legally still separate Yale Law School co-eds as to my God’s honest answer as to if they both could become President of the USA some day.  I have known of President Barack “Barry” Obama since I was in seventh grade and preparing for school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration of War Day of Infamy speech.  Before Greenwich my maternal grandparents had been of Rye, New York and as of the “family home” my mom grew up most of her years about as situated on Roosevelt Ave.  I have as it is also known of Sarah Heath Palin since the winter of 1982 and for she of a cadre in basketball of a Conn, Bush, Heath charmed set.  It is that I pre-Googled “Sarah Heath” name to such recognition of her voices from afar akin to my queriness of concern that if I did choose to become a professional photo-journalist was there another “Sarah Heath” other than she that tought me middle school elective lessons in photography and dark room skills to be then ever aware of.  My high school is that of Wilbur Cross in New Haven and still THE GOVERNORS - as it is my curriculur and extra-curriculur sports and activities much had a basis in fairness and sport around the New Haven Parks lands of Rice Field.  I’ll stop here as of addendum “for the record.”}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

Where are the Governors?  As the contrast was set so loudly and transparently this week, with President Bill Clinton of regaling, again as if of the authority to so hold court, as if the Clintons’ Global Initiatives a seat of power already established, and such that he can Lordly be about, as if the Clinton Global Autocrat crowned, and titled, as if he (and his wife) were both promoted from the office of the President of The United States of America:  Where are the Governors?

In stark contrast to the too Lordly holding of Global Court by President William Jefferson Clinton was one who stood up for transparency, process, logic, and democratic patience whom if he had a colonial era powdered wig on likely would have firstly have been judged as if a George Washington impersonator.  It was in stark contrast that Senator Edward (”TED”) Cruz stood up so long and democratically as one more of the people and as a clear defender of the People all the while the Clintons were of putting on Lordish airs and taken to hosting as if of an established Power to hold Global Court under than banner as Clintons’ Global …

Where are the Governors?  What has happened to the common sense and governance theories of Hamilton, Madison & Jay?  How can the Clintons be succeeded as if in agreement with the “leadership” of President Obama all the while their recent documented history as of the Clintons’ Administration have so many official records of these two Democrat Party families of such different ideas of prudence?  How is it really, though, just that the Clintons are trying to be to the togetherness of the sovereigns of the world as Governor George Clinton tried to have set and secured otherwise than by the Constitution of The United States of America and its bolstering so as by Publius to educate and stir with that which is now of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS?  Where are the Governors?

It is the Governors of the loosely confederated states whom are put down most by the nationalist presumptions of the Affordable Care Act.  I has to be considered that the politics of Obamacare “justification” is that the federal government has to do all this because too many of our Governors are failures - are not capable of caring for their own resident peoples - but for.  In the federalist scheme of Constitutional prudence it is that an establishment like that for the Federal Government so far as set about the Affordable Care Act & its amending by regulations does much put the Governors out of the business of being governors.  By the ideals of Obamacare it is that the national governance of the Executive Branch is at least now supposed to have eminent domain over peoples bodies and their privacy rights to their personal medical histories.  The body politics of the states now soon will be Law as set not of the protections of a more nearly elected governor but to being of the purview and establishment of the domain of the nations executive.  In the spirit of Obamacare as necessary to work and establish and “affordability” somehow for healthcare (and oddly by adding new layers of management) the national government is set to be of an authority and duty to order the People to have full medical exams and with a right to say when and how often so that data as for costly Power from information can be adequately assessed for efficiencies.

Where are the Governors?  Is your Governor really such a failure and boob unable to see to a more neighborly caring and securing of health regulations?  Is it just that your neighboring state’s Governor is a bad boob who would avoid doing a right and just thing caringly for his/her state’s People as long as he could corral his sickly and herd them out over his state’s borders into the too neighborly and naive neighbor state for their more compassionate & neighborly community caring?  Where are the Governors? 

To understand the anti-Constitutionalism of the “BOGO” “two-fer” former First Couple Clintons you may actually have to have also, like the new Tea Party, have read THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.  Too how autocratic and Lordish the Clintons now appear all may need otherwise to check their doubting of economic pains as if for common sense & as by (doubting) Thomas Paine and his COMMON SENSE.  Too how courtly and complicit the Clintons are to their now being able, albeit less so now than their plans and strategizing had intended, to so like be to annually holding of a Clinton Global Court all may need to consider that they together have like always, since Law School, been of pillow talk spousally to figuring out how to get each of them elected President, despite Constitutional prudence being set in their way, and to figuring how one would or could be staged and established still with powers if and when delays and obstacles slowed them down.  It behoove all to consider the Clintons have always been united towards a possibility of becoming America’s first global (autocratic) leaders and too some of considerations that they would best be more like Governor George Clinton and as modern anti-Constitutionalists.

Where are the Governors?  With the ideals of the Affordable Care Act set so as a (too) temporary Law status far short of a more permanent Constitutional right, it is still critical for it as  a Nationalistic tool for power (and affordability) for it to remove the peoples’ rights from their state’s and governors’ more neighborly compassion and sense of community to the agenda(s) of a seated (& sworn) Executive as President.  For the meta data to be useful and sufficient to achieve the desired political efficiency or inefficiency by way of establishments authorized by the mere law of the Affordable Care Act there must be sufficient input for a calculus for any political prioritizing.  The Presidents will, it seems, be of the Power and Duty to decide how many times a year they should order the residents otherwise still of their state’s jurisdiction and Governor to show up at a doctors office for a new and however full medical exam so to update the national capacity to data mine for new efficiencies and more targeted political (partisan) platforms.  Where are the Governors?

Reading this it should become apparent to readers of the HARRY POTTER series that grew from my challenge to JK Rowling for seven books for seven separate years in schooling curriculum in magic that HARRY POTTER must be on the side so now established as of Senator Ted Cruz.  The courtly selfish spousal Power plotting and polarizing too courtly and lording too global partisan political reigning attempts by the Clintons just are not of the charm of that intended to be of a suggested good or necessary or proper in the worlds of Hogwarts.  Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz with their most public teaching by standing however long however of a filibuster democracy posturing are quite of the freedoms that allow local charm and community good will to be nourished more as if by neighbors and villages.

Where are your Governors?  It is more as if they are the SERIOUS BLACKS of your world and the Clintons too dangerously of regaling as if Lordish and Powered as Voldemort.  The godfather for HARRY POTTER as one a SERIOUS BLACK did come from me after JK Rowling while starting off on the challenge got back to me like complaining that I hadn’t yet given her enough to work with for even five books.  It was natural to me to suggest she give her lead character a godfather like mine who had to be serious about Volts and all wires as a lifelong union electrician - and, most serious always about the black wires and the primary “hot” wires to carry whichever volts.  R.I.P. my now late uncle godfather.  Like other characters of Hogwarts worlds there is that some came from playing with the spelling of iconic I channeled to JK.  Voldemort is a cautionary for young of the world and of days when my neighbors and friends were unknowingly of JK’s patron US so while as the firm of architects of design and construction management then of the Petronas Towers - Voldemort is of a concern of that which electricians have to be knowing of and guarded about while serious mostly about black as carrying volts - volts more than maybe even yet expected - volts d’ mor teed up like doubly in Europe than by USA standards.

Where are the Governors?  Hillary Rodham Clinton - most recently - but for being again as Bill Clinton’s First Lady for spousal global initiatives - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is still of dominant personality traits to firstly being to professionally protecting her husband regardless of how the USA Constitution might otherwise be set.  Where are the Governors? 

It seems implausible that Mrs. Clinton can yet learn any new tricks - it seems they are stuck for after all their years of plotting as if always and consistently with spousal pillow talk that they just never trained themselves or the other for the possibilities of a serious black like President Barack Hussein Obama.  It seems the Clintons do not have an answer to counter them as exposed as too courtly and too globally now of a hunger for a wishful autocratic Power - it seems quite implausible that they now can hide - that they can escape years of corner cutting and official negligence culpability or that “Hillary” is of a dominant personality trait of putting “Bill” first even it it to others may also appear to King-ish.

Whether as HillaryCare - Obamacare - or resurgence as if “UniversalCare” as ClintonCare it is that if the mere law of ACA allowed to be fully implemented the good in it will no longer be of the power or jurisdiction of the Governors.  By eminent domain of a too socialistic political power written and secured by ACA it is that future Presidents now have the power to tell all the People as if more subjects than citizens when & where to show up for a most revealing medical examination and so that they can mine all subjects personal medical records as meta data to know how to more efficiently politically prescribe or program (partisan) Nationalistic permanent solutions.  They won’t just want the medical histories of all as of their domain - they will insist they have the power to tell us all how often and fully all personal parts need to be probed for their “politics”.

Where is your Governor?  The charm of the French resistance as of the dramatic “round up the usual suspect” akin to “Play it again Sam” of CASA BLANCA has the Obama casa blanca “white house” is much of these too regal concerns.  To better work out a copacetic per dangers of Obama’s health posturing I for brevity direct you if so of a free will inclination to http://CitizenRosebud.org so that you can also find THE USUAL SUSPECTS.  For now as to the Lordly of the Clinton dangers it may behoove President Obama to use his ACA (”StormTroopers”) of his #IRS to leak Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons medical history as per at least her analytics that can attest to drug use or abuse and as well those however regular of her personal health papers to attest from full required mental examinations as to what is irreversibly of “dominant” personality traits. 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit to protect the Presidency from institutional corruption as from a power and mere law authority to as well have like eminent domain over People as subjects and to as per even dictates to ascertain and secure each person’s full mental work-up? 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit as even President Obama may now know each of his subjects per there meta data better than any might ever know themselves, and, as politically so empowered to call over members of the House of Representatives to go over their ward’s medical statistics by sex, race, personality, contrary meds in systems reports as checked against legal prescription levels so of the “data” now a keystroke away by keyword search targetable down to wards and streets and even by street numbers?

Where are you?  Do you have any power and freedom left if such violations of old privacy rights so set in however by the thinking of the Supreme Court as by a temporary mere law of taxing authority classifiable as a type of law that in America is always for a TAX most at risk of being politically reversed and removed, and even if not yet an established cancer on the economies of the USA or the world?  Where are you?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Forensic historians have a disarmed mine field of political content to safely now work in to unearth new more realistic understandings of Bill and Hillary Clinton - without needing to be whistle blowers.

From Bunker Hill and our Constitution - USS “OLD IRONSIDES” - to Manassas the bull that has run - run long of the Clintons - can now be more civilly chocked.

As Massachusetts goes so the nation may not go - today.  In the eyes of the voters a justice for a Beer Federalism is brewing — If the President can have a nationalist brew - can’t and shouldn’t Governor Patrick at least have a hard cider state federalism spirit on tap?  The Clintons may both have gone all egg whites only after having had to check their ambitions to four co-presidencies of the old sold saw too British with its twine so tuned too totalitarian by plots strung to be of a reign too autocratic by political arrangement to bypass a more American standard general electoral refreshment/refreshing.

From the Pilgrims to the shores of Syria the Constitution as written stands of its ordaining and establishment in religion of the founders as so unanimously subscribed by all under God so then as “in the Year of our Lord…” clearly.

It is best to try to imagine a new board game of the Clintons if to success in seeing through them of a Bunker mentality and a bunker mentality clever coyness quite selfishly political.  It can be begun to be imagined but since recent Benghazi and IRS scandals have blown up on paper and tablets most can find from the first blush - first sighting - their board(s) are like TILTED as it seems impossible that all their operations and foundations and numerous “legal” or “tax” status can be LEGAL as besides being too Political their marching beats seems too irregular as if all of WILD CARD rules not rules.

It may not help to try to paint a picture of the Clintons up close as a portrait clearly showing the whites of their eyes - perspective may be better if from a distance to see all the trees (pieces) as of the forest (plots/strategies) theirs.

From up close the former enabler FLOTUS, of at least a fat food fad political fashion for POTUS, she, Hillary, served up rations as if it wouldn’t kill you to live as of her kitchen not a kitchen with a husband said of a preference for like two Big Mac Super-sized Value Meals per day cooking of others.  Surely there is more to look at than the eyes of the Clintons that should be considered and safely civilly revealed as it seems we have to still pound at Benghazi as of a cover-up some or much necessary to maintain old lies of at least the Administration of the Clintons.

It is haunting, maybe just for all the body bags that piled up as tributable to Madam Secretary of State Mrs William Jefferson Clinton, how she of the intimate bunkering as FLOTUS, with POTUS, whence of those midnight hours and such as so thence with a third of each day theirs together for spousal husbandry plotting, how she as Obama’s chief Diplomat left a legacy as if more a Secretary of War than a Stately Diplomat.

However you begin to bridge more safely the historical marching beats of the Clintons, and forensically, back to what they inherited as fundamentally already set to much peace while still less peace than they hoofed, her cooking may have been worse for Bill and us, and a mine field still best avoided at least per bad cholesterol.

It is that Massachusetts itself has a new contest about like a new Bunker Hill but for too little ammunition to guard against Clintons and their ilk now again.  Their pens should be mighty enough, and more set to scholarly unearthing safely of what is quite a once more dangerous mine field of the Clintons and their careful spousal selfish political plotting — Truths are marching on like whence of the first Tea Party to the revelations that the new Clintons are as bad as the old Clintons and as much against John Adams as that early New York Governor Clinton, must have been.

A lay of the embedded fielding of bull did depend on like flying buttresses of media support to their propositions (of the Clintons’ seduction of the main stream media) that they were of an opinion of race and affirmative action per all voting rights that Americans should be sold that a white women deserved to be President at least before a black man.

The Clintons did boldly seem to go about a mine field in our politics too much as if knowing of its bulwarks specific grid lay and even hardly civilly as if with at least New York City Democrat Party deep pockets as of a retailing of the BOGO Clinton “two-fer” as the best way to arrange a postponement in America of Black rule in Washington.  Just seems too hauntingly real that such bull of the Clintons did fly in the early 90s as if of a collusion and conspiracy to somehow arrange an un-American reign for them as if American NEW Camelot royalty able to be prescribed to contiguous supremacy in lieu of Constitutional standards more Jeffersonian for regular resets by refreshing democratically by Republican People.

As of Hillary hardly disciplined as if from the halls of or near Montezuma to the shore lines Google-able remotely of Tripoli yet we got images of Marines too - yet hardly enough as to whence Benghazi.  And, all the while non Marine rapid response teams hers to conjure timely duty forthwith in times of crisis of imminent need.

It was in the primary in Massachusetts in the year of the great defeat of THE INEVITABLE HILLARY 2008 that those Boston Brahmin to Berkshire’d Pillow’d and Tangled’ did but divide themselves state wide as the more socialist of the Commonwealth to that spread where as many divided on white women vs. black man as that was near the total number of US brave deployed to liberate but not occupy Iraq.  There is a wonder in the details that a forensics too can civilly record for Posterity about how magic a number 150,000 can be or might not be — it was only about 150,000 of the more socialist of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that haunt John Adams (still) since 2008 that divided the lot for “Hillary” and that for “Barack” and while it to was just that number tasked to stand with all Iraqi people in an overdue liberation so successful.  It is quite odd though that such a number then was what President Obama and Secretary Clinton thought wasn’t excessive to chase about 50 Al Qaeda though to be otherwise quietly camping in Afghanistan.

Amateur forensic historians hopefully won’t now beat the Boston forces too long bent to a cover-up bunker mentality for the not too long past administering of the Clinton “two-fer” - won’t be now to going more civilly into the past of the Clintons and their embedded seduced media fields of camouflaged intent and able to be to embarrassment for said more learned of said of a supremacy of and from a more elite degree benefactor cadre. 

Right?  We are to hope that those said to be our smartest are our smartest and most learned and that they won’t be late to the coverage now more safely and civilly possible and necessary (and proper) for such a still campaigning conundrum of “Bill and Hillary”?

{NOTE:  Seems I need, while having so much fun - too much fun - civilly writing this broadside, to take a break and revisit the Bunker and bunker histories fit for close and thorough historical forensic grid metric analysis at a later time today.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:28 am

There are lessons in architecture - there are whole schools of how good architecture is related to human form and function.

Soon we all should be stirred to palpitations and warm pulsations as the new Bush library opens and so most sternly.  It will be hard to avoid a judgmental attitude and strong bias about Bush’s contrasting of Clintons’ library architecture in Arkansas.

I don’t know how much you know of Kentucky’s and Ohio’s standards of a keying and securing past the Beaver Wars.  We have that top hats like President Lincoln’s were of beaver pelt constructions.

These are days when our architecture has to be considered anew as per jurisprudence and jurisdictions (even of prudence if/when droning) as of International Law and the reach of International Courts.  How Sam Powers (Samantha Powers) was an “architect” of President Obama’s attempt for a rushed RESET to copacetic collusion with Russian powers is as well much of this consideration.  We cannot un-consecrate the old Georgian structures/borders post the rushed juxtaposing of bordering sovereignties and how so said of a South Assetia (Ossetia?).  There is a Bardish Shakespearean casting about such so dramatically and geographically set as with a President Medvedev and a President V. Putin.

Our set and cast about Obama’s war of choice in Afghanistan as of their mission creep from Bush’s War on Terrorism to be a warring on feminism and illiteracy in Afghanistan and Pakistan has Bardish constructs too, and as well so a “New Vietnam” plot, it seems.  Geographically Afghanistan news of war has been as “architectural” or “Freudian” as of Helmand Province and as it like the discarded Soviet State of Georgia for looking in shape like a prophylactic.

You should ask Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, how to interpret the physical architecture of their library in Arkansas (The Natural State) now publicly due a critical review and contrasting as the new Bush library readies in all its sterness to open.  It seems more prudent to ask her how “Bill’s” library got to looking phallic and Freudian and too suggestive in a skin of Confederate Gray - right?

President Karzai’s Helmand Province of Afghanistan seems to have a sovereign and proud history as if of a meant structural difference as between South Carolina and North Carolina.  The province to the South East of Helmand Province seems more like our West Virginia and of a destiny or fate to be more of a protectorate about shrinkage. 

I do not know how the Clintons’ library got its shape, nor do I know how Helmand Province or South Carolina got theirs.  I do get that President Medvedev and President V. Putin did nearly return discarded Georgian State to the drawing board to be more otherwise a checked South Assetia (Ossetia?) reshaped from being more like Helmand and at least Trojan brands to being more like a new seat of a new ham shire and as of pipe line concerns, at least.  It seems Georgian styling got made nearly more symetrical by Presidents Medvedev and Putin as if so publicly made a butt of an separatist joke (governance?).

I don’t know how to Constitute specifically for each of these regions the differences about sam powers and Samantha Powers of Obama’s casting and setting even with it of a legacy reach to be more Soviet like with a friendly apologetic RESET.

Church steeples are also considerable architecture and how other places of worship and sanctuary are structurally welcoming as if a great big bosom of offerings of compassion.  It is clear that our Ground Zero Memorial sits as if our World Trade Center has had a double sex change.

I did nearly submit a design concept for the Ground Zero site myself to having two towers rebuilt in there original footings and as tall but taller by some and as pentagonal obelisk twin towers with memorial glass topping where more a obelisk’d pyramid high above and open to heaven’s lights.  I didn’t.  I did think about the concept some and share thoughts with at least one friend then an architect with Cesar Pelli as I considered that if I did offer a submission I might have wanted to pair up with George Knight of Cesar Pelli firm. 

I had many friends from the mid 90s associated professionally with the design and construction management of the Petronas Towers - and such is part of the story of the birth of Quid Ditch, Voldemort and Patronus Spells.  (How cool > I hadn’t seen Patron US in Patronus Spell before now.)

I would have had to answer George Knight’s first (only) profession design query about my idea for rebuilding two towers at least as tall and as twin pentagonal obelisks.  I would have had to (with him?) figure out how to skin the new towers for such a shape to either be all in glass or somehow much as if skinned like the original twin towers.

If Hillary Clinton had become President after having been that carpet bagger Senator it is probable and too possible that she would have insisted that the nearly winning idea of a LADY LIBERTY glass and steel tower replacement be named forever as the HILLARY CLINTON LADY LIBERTY TOWER.  Yes the 9/11 Memorial now is architecturally as if our World Trade Center site (our’s as of all global citizens) has had a double sex change from phallic in the male twinness to feminine in twin wet ports as “memorials.”

Yes there was too much too graphically and Bardish dramatized for TV teasing about the mission creep to Obama’s warring of choice in Afghanistan on feminism and literacy.  There were days were it was there was either a story of shrinkage and reservation of one province or a strong or too strong (too proud) story as from Helmand Province.  What does Kandahar sound like when said once?  What does Kandahar sound like when said ten times quickly?

If the Clintons were behind 9/11 by willful plotting and clever inciting of radicals and then with their new walls of separation between FBI intelligence and FBI enforcement branches there is some incredible and dangerous or diabolical genius about such.  For them to have been behind it knowingly it may have been as a team of taunting inciting provocation to have pushed a known enemy enough to have forced them into a corner for a predicable acting out and not by a buying of “terror” or “terrorism” or a specific machination for a specific outburst.  For if the Clintons were behind it they figured a way to get US attacked by an enemy so that such enemy would be justifying the very type of convenient crisis that they of a “justice” seeking Jihad would not have wanted;  If the Clintons were behind 9/11 it might only have been by inciting a set of radicals to a predicable outburst to then justify the war on feminism and literacy that was needed for “Hillary’s” fem imperialist crusade needed for her to be more than just full of hot air talk.

I don’t know how President Obama will orate or proffer an attempt at erudite architectural review at least of the Clintons’ library in The Natural State down south.  I don’t know if he will care to join the due comparing and contrasting and judging of the two newest of our Presidential Libraries when the new most stern Bush library does soon open to the public.

Presidents Medvedev and V. Putin did hold court for a while internationally about whether Georgia needed to be reshaped from being like a separated and discarded used prophylactic to a visibly exposed butt of a new regional inclusiveness.  Again, it was somehow also about pipe lines and some acting up too much without enough respect for a sanctuary in morality whether secular or religious.

President Obama may be more willing to broach his war of choice in Afghanistan as a new Vietnam than to be orally committing to discussing the architecture of the library for the legacy of the Clintons, and it so skinned in Confederate Gray.  He did wax a strapping erudite philosophical oration with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech while whipping up a frenzy of youths the world over with his slights directed at the Clintons’ and their eight years of “avoidance” and “inaction.”

President Obama was a wise man while of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech to speak so barbed and pointedly about “dangers of inaction and avoidance.” 

Yes Petronas and Patronus belong together like Dorothy and Ultimate Frisbee and my parents fireplace broom whence.  Those were the early days long before JK Rowling had her struggles finding a publisher — those were the days so early she was of asking for more as of “you didn’t give me enough for five books” and as well so early she was of asking “should we have flying brooms?” and me to a pondering and then answer of “yes, but go big make it a team sport.”  George Knight was one of my many architect Ultimate Frisbee Leagues friends when I put an attitude of frisbee flying disk sport to an echo for creativity for JK in Scotland.

Dumbledore like Gryffindor come from the earlier days than these and as from “double door” a couple doors away and from Griffin doors as of a balance to so many of Yale Hospitals and Yale about such with a working about Derby’s Griffin Hospital Emergency Room Doors.  JK Rowling is about 5-6 days older than me.  Her late father Peter Rowling was a critical part of she being the one to answer a like Googling pre-Google for an unknown writer willing to write about a character “Peter Rowe-ling” and about magic learning with seven books for seven separate years of curriculum.

You may want to visit the Borough of Jeffersonville as of Ohio and the Beaver Wars.  There is a short initial series still to be developed when I have the time and professional inclination in the archives of my blogs that covers November of 2010.  As since November 2012 elections I changed styles and moved to a poetry working with Citizenrosebud.us link I had in 2010 as well post the election results changed my writing to be long prose as if a new LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE some with my BEATRICE BOXER AND THE GREAT BEAVER WARS series so archived off of jphogan.org.

I did protest but without working to distroy public state or religious property when it seemed that the “LADY LIBERTY” towers replacement design had been picked.  I do appreciate and celebrate the whole hearted and compassionate architecture of the new towers and the 9/11 Memorial about Ground Zero - yet will have to wonder on how the sight seems to have had a sex change.

It is hard to believe that the Clintons are smart enough to have been actually behind 9/11 so that they incited the known radicals to an outburst that they could use to overwhelm and then defeat them and with a response an actual ushering in of an imperialism in a new global feminism as per FLOTUS Clinton’s heated and stirring walking and talking, whence.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:53 pm

To not be ad hominem, too specifically tet a tet from a distance, with Paul Krugman, as he licks his wounds, of his not too rosy Charlie Rose match fight, with Joe Scarborough, maybe I should start with it that Democrats generally are missing that what is a void in our economy is the Republican market music we all used to enjoy in an Adam Smith invisible hand kind of way.

We are of and American pie of music that has died with the Democrat Party assault on the Republican arts of good will by pursuit of self interests and how they had been making the world better for others, albeit too much as a rhythm from invisible hands.

Now that the Dems have much killed Adam Smith’s proven theorems, practically, these past four years, with their ideological over-reaching, there are matters so confused, and confounding, to air, discuss, and resolve many about, visibly of a drum beat not musical of or for economic growth.

I guess it is probably best to start with how the Democrats did work specifically to create a polarized and partisan new economic that had them hopefully to appear as if the only good guys in DC, and, that the Clintons are too little considered for which ever of their spousal efforts as foreign or domestic as they were.  If one doesn’t get the confounding of that Bill Clinton while embraced and treated as if another Bush kin would lie and go all “brassy” politically in a polarizing partisan construction standing on a character reference from the Bush friendship and to using such to get away with more than a few misstatements to aid those aligned against the Bush clan.  He essentially would as well call a Bush a liar and get away with using the Bush name as a “good” character reference to get away with “brassy” new lying and bolstering of his old falsities.

There are structural problems now in our body politick not exclusively of the domains of the Clintons.  On about the only light note here we can parlay that President Obama has since a youth felt a need to turn the world to Soviet “socialism” as if to fix his own family - as if to reunite his parents in the here or their hereafter - as if to go backwards to when his parents made him as a Soviet Studies LOVE Child.  Oh, but Paul Krugman went to never never land or no man’s land economically with his less than rosy notables tonight on PBS.

I can be reasoned that though Adam Smith’s economic theorems did get proven to be correct at least at times and quite workable for years we may now be of a time where they were assaulted so much that we cannot use that around the prudence of his premises that markets should let people individually act in their own self interest as if such would benefit all as if a grand economic music for growth by invisible musical composition and renderings.  We cannot now use “invisible hand” theory to get us back to where “invisible hand” economics had been grandly established to a global Republican artful co-habitated earthly era of potential in growth enabling notations.

What there is of a workable sense in spinning by Paul Krugman today, as he asked to only be questioned about today and not the inconsistencies of his body of work and history of past analysis relates to a heard comment about spending cuts not being needed for the next ten years, like. 

Before it can be politically feasible to move forward on such “analysis” it would be prudent to consider that we may have record revenues now only because President Obama didn’t get the vast additional amount of “stimulus” spending he wanted and that markets believe that Republican music will be visibly be allowed to get reconstructed so that our growth economy can return sooner rather than later.  We have to consider that additional stimulus spending now would be dangerous as so much of his earlier supported vast sums were because the marketing arm of Demonomics has stronger messaging to a new conservationism based on the sold GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM of an end of the world as we know it import preciously based on politicking on the emotions and undeveloped intelligence and reasoning of America’s youths. 

I am not saying:  You can only lie to our children so many times in a term, or two!  But, I am suggesting the marketing wing of Demonimics (Obamanomics) has been pushing such a note too long and too hard dangerously in a false advertising no man’s non musical conduction construct not synthesized to “artful.”

Again, it seems now certain that Democrats do not yet have an understanding of the economy of the 90s, and, that the political credit they have long claimed for its successes cannot be due them, actually.  These many mistakes do suggest that they at best lip synced there way along until now and that now it is time to like pay the piper - the actual pipers - however - however invisible.

What the Clintons brought to the economics of the 90s was too much growth and fattening about a good economy they had inherited as improved and taking off that didn’t need what they were selling to be able to sell them to a getting the credit for what they had actually just inherited from many more like of Republican music of growth in Adam Smith’s notation and beats.  Essentially the Clintons instead of selling regular sized McDonalds portions did sell instead the thought habit and addiction of “Bill” as if it were patriotic to also SUPERSIZE two Big Mac meals at least once a day. 

Their Clintonomics was of fattening an inherited economy that would have been better and more stable if the Clintons had not been elected to inherit it.  Someone some years ago presented himself as a doctor friend of the Clintons while about the Clinton vs Obama primary with a statistic that the USA could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if we could just reverse the onset of obesity during the Clintons’ guidance as First Parents - this person did “report” that the USA would like be able to save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could be back to the average personal body weight from just before his friends took office.

Essentially it may be easier to take apart Krugman and the Clintons and especially the attempt tonight to offer that in 1997 we like should have thought to consider paying down our debts if we see it as a “fattening” and then so much as the clogging of arteries and such like that which might have killed President Clinton while of actually living like that badly himself.

To address though the proffered posit that economically we now do not need to address spending cuts for like ten years:  It is a loaded postulate proffered coyly - It is offered by Paul Krugman with the condition necessary to complement it of us actually getting back to having a growth economy.  By such we have the intelligence quotient consideration that though we may not need to address spending for ten years if we can get our economy growing again we may need to address it and effect such just to get our economy actually growing again.

This is in many ways someone or someones problem now as it wasn’t specifically before - eg Jack Lew.  Or is it “ie Jack Lew”?  Some parts of this that is of the Dems having polarized our economics in an real partisan visible new tao - for sure.

Odd, yes to think we have to explain to Democrats that they killed the music - a globally embracing not too government of man Republican music that was whence thence synthesized in Adam Smith notations of invisible uncredited hands.  And yet Adam Smith seemed so misunderstood recently with some commentary that had me stirred for speaking of Dem economics without fair enough regard for “costs” of general industry wide numbers for now being figured as the “costs” that are there providing jobs from competition and to the competition that then works to keep prices lower in such industry.  It is confusing to talk healthcare numbers and healthcare numbers if one in talking seizing gross industry revenue figures without figuring which part of such are industry costs that provide the jobs that are to the invisible benefits from a competitive intra-actions that are not redistributable to a government replacement without such removing the cost saving benefit from the competition that such jobs and competition keeps in the industry. 

Odd, quite that Paul Krugman can offer that it was wrong not to have back in 1997 instead focused on debt reduction when instead President Clinton took off dimly to burning our economic candle from both ends at once with his (”fattening”) chase of rare short-term political popularity possible if he did the thought impossible of running a surplus that grandly and also a new massive unfunded federal social program such as his risky loaning pimping was much set about also dimly as.  Unlike Paul Krugman tonight - I don’t mind if you ask me about any of my opinions about this back to the early 90s and to before the Clintons entered the 1992 race;  I do not mind you asking me since I still am much of the same confidence then as now and with little if any changes in my opposition to this mentioned economic “fattening” by Clintonomics even from those days as it happened.

I will have to explain though when it gets confusing like around Paul Krugman’s recent comments about spending cuts like not needed for the next ten years since I have been warning some away from too much cutting too quickly thinking if it is done thinking that the 90s cutting wasn’t of having cut too much too quickly.  These days to cut too much too quickly is actually likely safer that that which was cut so that Clintons could have that rarest of short term political popularity from having cut an extra trillion after the Republicans had found that thought impossible first trillion of cuts to that magical balancing whence.  See, now cutting too much too quickly has already caused the worst of the dangers it could have and a discussion now for these economic times necessarily is fundamentally different than that which is about discussing how the Clintons with Clintonomics did cut too much too quickly and oddly so as a way to sell a lack of discipline good for getting more to fatten up even if also like on two SUPERSIZED Big Mac meals a day.

Detroit types may remember knowing there fears were real after Clintons became our new First Parents without enough economic sense to know to try to listen to them asking for some “marketing” guidance as of a theme or direction for them to work invisibly and magically around.  That President Obama has wanted everything to be visible and visibly from and of him is a different problem than this I remember - than this I remember for having been the one that knew to listen to Detroit types and to offer to them that they should try to anchor around a new styling of 50s & 60s car styles but as compacts to help sell fuel efficiency indirectly with pop culture mashing and subliminal curb appeal. 

Right - It was the type of advice to Detroit one shouldn’t expect could or would have come from Bill Clinton as so then of SUPERSIZING life style of scandals as if of too many big car back seats recreationally used even if officially a State vehicle. 

Right - Bill Clinton as President was not at all naturally inclined to suggest that he could be involved in selling smaller back seats. 

Right - I may know what I am talking about when talking about the Democrats not knowing how the economy of the 90s actually worked but where it was being “fattened” by public visible efforts of the Clintons to provide a way for them also to be able to stand up and take credit for all of it - even that which they still seem not to understand that was inherited by them as a fix and ready to take off economy of real Republican invisible rhythmic notes and good beats.

Before it would be prudent economically to say that we don’t need to worry about spending cuts for the next ten years we have the category more to sociology to worry about as a real concern around us needing spending cuts just to restore market confidence enough to get the markets moving again - but only if we can either proclaim that President Obama has already successfully and heroicly saved the entire planet from GLOBAL WARMING or that we didn’t need to worry about that so much for tens year, as well.

Right - I have already shared in earlier recent columns some how the Clintons didn’t enter the 1992 race until after stuff I was already saying semi-publicly was tested with the Carville and Begala campaign management for Harris Wofford in Pennsylvania.  I had sent letters to Representative from Missouri offices of Richard Gephardt with concerns and a confidence that Dems could win in 1992 if they took to sounding like my shared notes and reasoning. 

Yes those were the days that George Stephanopoulus and Charles Koch’s son worked together side by side as equals in Gephardt’s office, and, that I was of a local connection long in New Haven wise to that my neighbor Stanley Greenberg was a political pollster while married to Rosa DeLauro.  At this time though she was no longer Senator Christopher Dodd’s AA and she that gave my sister an entry level opening as a receptionist when fresh out of college a couple years ahead of me.  By such time my friends’ step mom was our Congressional Representative.

Even Jack Lew should consider flushing all or most of what Paul Krugman is saying now - and try to ignore that Bill Gates even quoted him recently.  We seem stuck both by the Dems for having tried to polarize our foreign and domestic economics in a partisan new Government Handing, and, for that Dems seemed to have confirmed that they cannot yet know how or why the economy worked in the 90s but that by the “fattening” artery clogging “math” so “brassy” of Bill and Hillary guidance as our First Parents, how so our First Couple, indivisible in their “two-fer” co-holding of our office of the President.

Did I make my point in not too too ad hominem a way so suggesting just that so much now should just get flushed, and, that though we if we can get our economy growing again may not need spending cuts for ten years do definitely need them not towards getting a music of growth just playing softly again?  And, yes we are at a different kind of risk of cutting too much too quickly now than of my comments of the 90s economy of a historical remark that the Clintons did cut too much too quickly then and so by at least maybe an entire trillion.

If you are trying to sing now about Lew you may yourself be catching yourself wishful for days passed and missing what was much an invisible chorus of Adam Smith “invisible hand” (Republican) art magically working inspite of Clintonomics - knowingly.

And on heathcare ACA - Obamacare:  Yes it seems it would be wise to unfund it at least until the economy can start growing again and have time to get to where it is even possibly affordable.  Yes, it is reasonable to consider that our states all can find a way to compete locally with Romneycare in the mean time while Obamacare unfunded for National Security reasons.  Obamacare is an alternative system to an existing system that provides care more expensively - it is not a necessary system like much of our defense and intelligence securing budgets.  We should defund Obamacare as long as our economy is stuck and unable to afford it, and, because as well our states may actually be able to come up with a better way to resolved their local healthcare coverage neighborly and community inefficiencies if just given the time that a necessary defunding of ACA might afford.

This is just some of what President Obama has seemed to stick Lew with.  Does Congress yet have the Power to flush clean enough of this, and in time?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It is now a quiet late Friday morning near the shores of America, feet dry.  I am a good “white” and President Obama seems to be a bad “black”!  Do not worry this isn’t supposed to be about race nor “racist” — we have cause to check on President Barack Hussein Obama as for driving “white” as a “bad”!

It must have been a tough 100th birthday for the President - considering the implications of these times;  It must have been a tough week as his past term as President is remembered too much of a “cover-up” politics while lessons so fresh that it is still “the cover-up” to be the ruinous.

It seems President Obama is still in a ditch and while of a “driving while white” Democrat Party economic think.

President Richard Milhous Nixon did, surprisingly to many, have a very good week.  Again: As I have posted for a while:  “It is not that Nixon was guilty but that Democrats are at least as guilty.”

The anatomy of Hillary of these times is this week again of echoes of her once of part in taking down President Nixon (though no more guilty than say the JF Kennedy Presidency) as the Watergate saga was.  The specific considerations of problema of our times as to covers of and for at least “Hillary” are of an anatomy of scandal more murderous and unchecked.

The anatomy of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is now of “FLASHING RED(S)” as if she pinned to have been President herself with RED “hot phones” to the Kremlin as if a magical “Bat Phone.”  (Right - It doesn’t seem she wanted to be a Cat Woman)

Her gifted and scandalous “RESET” of actual translations as “OVERCHARGED” by their tongues might have been another “FLASHING RED” per her activated imagination.  We have though that we are of murderous times with she of an anatomy of “assault” at least.  We have that it is undeniable that he once of Hope and Change started his administration with a “COVER-UP” messaging too CYA just for the former first coupled “two-fer” Clintons, we have that it is undeniable that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” was an overwriting attempt to cloak the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons (in a preposterous impossible innocence quite unreasonable).

As pop culture goes we are stuck if of those that watched the last season of “24″ with shock and awe of a ridiculous that such a plot could have been so aired as if a prophetic warning of what was to come if “Hillary” were to be elected, and yet us now all to such real times as now (so similar).

President Barack Hussein Obama did get elected as foretold to a mandate to austerity and grid lock, by my perspective and past commentary.  He did not get re-elected for having succeeded in his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons and at least their “executive” like “two-fer” power plays.  He did fail to rewrite the facts of our past couple decades to affect the attempted yet ridiculous (desperate) preposterous irrational impossibility that his too generous polarizing partisan political “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” did attempt.

It does seem that blacks around the world are now getting a bad associated incriminating rap however about traversing metaphorically or politically vehicled;  it does seem it isn’t fair that President Obama is so “pulled over” as if he is “driving while black”!

There is that President of Hope and Change “Barry” Obama by embracing the beat’n as “BIG LIARS” Clintons did himself pick the “whitest” of “white” of all possible nominees for the special “Obama” representing charge of our State Department.

Did you see the last season of “24″?  Are you puzzled now as to how we could be in this pickle now?

President Barack (”Barry”) Hussein Obama, as of his tales of earlier rise as not too innocent to have avoided at least political confessions of personal failings per illegal substance abuse, did fail as a first term President to rewrite our actual history and enough of the facts of the past twenty years of specific plotting and rascalishness for his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons to now flash but “RED!!!”!

We can leave that the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE is a danger to our State and our Constitution as it is to a purpose and practice now too long of a privatization of some of our reserved to just “EXECUTIVE POWERS” at a loss of potential prestige now for any actual sworn President.

This week must have President once of “Hope and Change Obama” smarting with Nixon turned 100 and having by most reports, it seems, a very good week.

I don’t know how there could have been enough “wool over their eyes” and/or plain ignorance or arrogance to have thought that they could have all rewritten enough of the past “hands on” by the Clintons’ “two-fer” to have effected the needed vast conspiracy to a partisan man made “innocence” for such now exposed of anatomies of negligence - even gross negligence.

With it this week that President Obama has President Nixon in his face to remind him “it is the cover-up” STUPID! — we have ourselves to likely seeing “red” otherwise just about the economics of Obama far longer for the loyalty and fidelity to Jack Lew once of the blunders that were the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.

Is President Barack Hussein Obama “in the ditch” still because he is “driving black” or because he has been “driving white” - as white or whiter than the Administration of the Clintons?

[I can write here that I am “good ‘white’” as per this new battle between good and evil - a ying and a yang, political - for I write of the Clintons of having been so wrong and for so long without now having a different perspective from when they made the decisions towards us being now stuck so by their say “negligent” governance whence.  I write of the perspective that I thought their decisions were this bad when they made them whence in the 90s, and, now, with affirmation that they did end up near as bad as feared.]

This Friday a morning thought to help focus anyone stirred to read it as shared via Facebook and Twitter was about how we could all become safer suddenly if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia. 

A reasoning about such could be bolstered for the shame they should share for having asked or maybe coerced a new Hope President to an Adminstration to “COVER-UP” for them and their co-Administering as a political “BOGO ‘two-fer’”.  If either Bill or Hillary were a Samurai an “honor code” could have had them of “seppuku” a hundred times each already.

Though it was politically selfish of the Clintons to have however worked a “New Hope” to a contagion of an anatomy of negligence covering for them it is hard to understand how but by coercion they could have bent President Barack Hussein Obama to such a ridiculous and preposterous attempt at such an irrational impossible political “COVER”.

It is hard to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

Flashing hot spots of “Hillary” still “Hillary’s” and not yet ever, hopefully, to be as well negligence of or by succeeding likely Secretary John Kerry - now have us wise to consider and long debate how we could be safer if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia now for it seems we might be safer if we were to open up all the files of the co-Administration of the Clintons NOW and not hardly put at risk more so by what they could or might willingly be able to “share” as if “intelligent” as “Russians”!!!

Happy 100th Birthday President Richard Milhous Nixon!!!  It is hard, this January 11th in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three, to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:33 am

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Leader Nancy Pelosi?  Have you come up with an explanation for so much that roots in your time as Speaker?  Can this be mostly that of the global influence of a stale Clinton - at least one Clinton too long in power?  Mustn’t it be more all just your fault?

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?  Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

Speaker Nancy Pelosi it part of a triumverate of circa 2007 effectors whom can be considered a dark “charmed” troika to an economic slide for all.  For Leader Pelosi her necessary role was to keep President George W. Bush from being able to do the spending he would need to if to being able to fix the economy in time.

Two others, at least, had to play equally diabolical roles yet more to subjectifying our economics and at least the price of vehicle fuels.  We can get to them later - they can run, but can they hide now?

We are here now with a threat for a new recession or depression quite possible.  I don’t know if technically such would be now a quadruple dip if since the day of Senator Clinton and her announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT - or just a triple or double dipping.

2012 was a big WIN for Republicans - it isn’t hard to figure it so, already.  President Barack Hussein Obama may not yet provide us copies of his ideological college or law papers but to go forward PC he should avoid being PG (Politically gouche) and work us all away from insensitive discussions of a “POVERTY LEVEL” as he creeps forward with his dream NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and to a new patriotic Obama “GREEN MINIMALISM”!

Yes, while Speaker, Nancy Pelosi did carry on as a devotee to the Clintons and a dark celebrant of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES and to such an extent that she governed to keep President George W. Bush from being able to reverse enough of the spending cuts of two trillion in eight years in time to fix our economy in time.  Yes, Speaker Pelosi was part of a triumverate as a purposeful dark “charmed” troika of sorts hell bent to keep a down economy so that Dems could win again on:  IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPIDS!!!.

This is like a period made more for a political enlightenment than expected new renaissance.  Republican have at least their 41 votes in the Senate to hold back any new reconciliation moves however already impossible with their holding of our House so this 2012.  Democrats now to move forward must establish a base line more PC than “POVERTY LEVEL” as their mandate seems to be of from a youth movement willing to have less if it will save our planet.  Democrats now to move forward must first be from the desk of newly elected President Obama be to establishing a baseline for their GREEN MINIMALISM PC.

Let me be clear:  There is no way this black FDR wanna be didn’t want an excuse to bring in anew the white FDR’s social programs and socialistic powers.  He even is obvious for the name of the Chicago area he chose to live in.

The con is up!!!  Let me be clear:  President Obama is now re-elected with a mandate to save the planet with any or all austerity he thinks needed.  He now logically needs his first step to be to a most public dictate as to a minimalism for all, a GREEN MINIMALISM at least for those that stood up for such to be his mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The attempt at a RUSSIAN “RESET” may have been doomed from the start for there were already three as a dark “charmed” troika in America.  Clinton and Powers may have had no real chance to bring Russia in as a forth.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

For the Honorable President George W. Bush to have fixed the economy while President he would have had to have very publicly reversed much or most of the unnecessary extra trillion in spending cuts by the Clintons for their SURPLUSES.

We are now of a day(s) with President Obama with an election mandate near solely for a new GREEN MINIMALISM as if a black FDR to a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We have that the like “GREEN REVOLUTION” he just rode to re-election is of a mandate loudly that his people are ready to have less if it will save the planet.

We are now, so it should be, of just a brief waiting upon newly elected President Obama for his dictates on minimalism levels so spoken and voted in as a mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The planet must still be in serious, even most serious, peril since the Obama campaign didn’t back down or away from any earlier claims of dangers of an “end of the world…” coming.  It now must not be PC to speak of “POVERTY LEVEL” as a NEW DEAL shared sacrifice era has been run on and voted in enough so for us now to learn to become of a new speak of GREEN MINIMALISM PATRIOTISM.

And the other two of the dark “charmed” troika or triumverate about Speaker Pelosi 2008 economic hobblings are simply then just Senator Hillary Clinton and new “Mr. Science” and “ALARMIST” Al Gore.

We are not talking “conspiracy theories” here - awaken to GRAND STRATEGIES possibilities, please.  Become enlightened as much as you might now, please.


But how?

It is quite simple when you have opened your mind to how bad the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were together with what else they passed off as good economics, and, it is quite simple when you understand that Speaker Pelosi did keep President Bush from being able to do the spending necessary to fix the very fundamentally troubled economy in time for 2008 elections.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?


Can President Barack Hussein Obama now govern with his con up?  Can he carry just his believers forward to his new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as many find out it is now only necessary because the Democrats worked it to be necessary?  Will they accept a timely austerity and it’s necessary new PC of patriotism to a GREEN MINIMALISM?

Can President Barack Hussein Obama even convince his own to suffer and figure ways to get by on less - if only to save the planet?  Can he govern with his con up and it obvious that it was Dems fault and from a trying and it no longer a “inheritance” inconveniently left just magically for a black FDR wanna be by a Republican predecessor?

Sure much good can come from a new austerity now regardless of how wrought actually by hands of leading Democrats.  It may be inconvenient that they now have to move forward not as convenient “inheritors” of a perfect set of crisi, but, still we are reportedly able to save a trillion dollars in new healthcare costs if we can just get our nation’s average for personal body weights back down to or below the pre-Clintons’ presidency levels.


But how?

Simply it was all about oil or “carbon fuels” for the Democrats.  (Yes not as thought so as simply all Republicans were only about.)

What Paul Krugman has seemingly refused to tell you is that HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT dictates and the alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING by Al Gore did cause a serious spike in gas prices. 

What figures out forward is that the housing crisis though fundamentally set up flawed by the Administration of the Clintons was triggered to collapse by the spike in gas prices.  First came the higher gas prices and then came the collapse of the Clintons’ worked hyper-consumerism that kept the economy bloated.  First came the higher gas prices and then that so many on fixed incomes that had bought into Clintonomics and their hyper-consumerism were then no longer able to pay for the gas to get to work and their mortgages.

Second came that once the housing bubble economics of the Administration of the Clintons and the pimped out hyper-consumerism met the spike in gas prices caused by the dictates and subjective partisan political rhetoric of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM people first couldn’t pay for gas and their mortgages on their fixed incomes and then couldn’t afford the continued hyper-consumerism needed to keep the bloated economy bloated.

Third came that with the dictates of Candidate Hillary Clinton toward seizing all oil company profits, coupled with Al Gore’s ALARMISM and the partisan politics of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a devotee to the spending levels of the the Clintons’ SURPLUSES even more then were stuck - WERE STUCK!!!

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

President Clinton did ask bankers to delve into derivatives for the purpose of allowing him to run his risky loan housing bubble economics as an unfunded federal social program.  President Bush could only have fixed the economy and saved us from a recession or new GREAT DEPRESSION if he could have publicly have explained how bad the spending cuts of that extra trillion cut for the Clintons to have a thought impossible political popularity were.

We do now seem to need a new AUSTERITY if only because that is the mandate President Obama just secured with his re-election.  It may now be too late for us not to have a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY. 

It may be very difficult now though for President Barack Hussein Obama as outed as a black FDR wanna be for it seems most will soon realize that Democrats caused this mess and that it wasn’t Republicans or Bush - but as of those corrupted in the nineties by the Clintons while about setting up this mess.

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?   Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

First the Administration had to set up fundamentally flawed economics and pimp them out and then only three of a dark “charmed” troika or triumverate were needed to spike the price of gasoline while as well being devotees to that unnecessary extra trillion cut for the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.  After that 2008 was a lock since so many were trapped in the Dems’ hyper-consumerism with fixed incomes unable to afford new higher gas prices.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Are we here now because too many became loyal to Bill Clinton and stayed such for too long?

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!


*{new columns now should be looked for via http://citizenrosebud.us or directly at http://jphoganorg.jphogan.org}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am


And, so we find the Forth Estate still “urban” and now a better social referee.

And, today you have to pick the club or the honey do - the honey do or the hubby do.

And, all the while the institutionalization of “Hillary” stays juxtaposed here in America most against a regularness where a hook to the left too much, quite too much - as community members should still be allowed to walk down their streets and wonder on why their community cannot fix itself.

To have witnessed just the DESPERATE “SHOW” WIVES OF OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT this week was one thing - to have seen/witnessed some of the rest was too much - too much even for just one of our institutions — It will help that you have already read “HE GOT HIS!” column from this point on.

So we have again this week to have to deal with some or much “Hitler” in our play — even his institutions no matter what they were called.  It may be a good day to find some more trophies for interior decorations of ego walls or trophy rooms for Forth Estate, but vigilance about such and referee duties may not allow - allow at least a co-ed and personal effort about such today — On the teas and in the sands today is still that Peter Orzag tried to chip in, for Obama and Hillary, an institutionalization for both of them, for Obamacare and/or Hilllarycare III, of a massive and invasive IMAC — and, oh, the Congressional roars, now still, about such mac ill roiling— oh, and yes on the tees too.

As “HE GOT HIS!” drove straight to the ‘greenness’ of “Hillary” and her ‘game’ and “experience” and her necessary institutionalization now this reporting of HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED notes more concerns and abuse by “Hillary” much contrary to many of our institutions and even fair play in golf sport and political competitions.  Charlie Rose reported recently with his series of interviews with past and present Secretaries of State - actually showed more than “reported” more institutional delusions by “Hillary” our current Secretary of State.

The “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new problema is an old problema much to do with “Hitler” and others of lesser “selling of their souls.”  You should have seen Henry Kissinger’s expression when “Hillary” went of to “institutional” with her abrupt and inappropriate blurting to Charlie Rose with an irrational and unreasonable proposition that like “there has been a ’smooth’ transtition between all Secretary of States throughout the history of such institution.” (paraphrased, most certainly.)

As the new problema establishes, for global citizens, and, for their referees, and such that is their Forth Estate, the “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new diet for all as towards limiting need for further institutionalization for Americans - and better criteria for admittance around operations and dictates.

Rumors of “Hillary” as of a “medical bag” to rival JFK’s storied “medical bag” also from White House “maintenance” doctoring are still sparse and hard to confirm - is it bigger, was it term - limited, has one magic pill been enough?  And, so Hillary may not be also of such a “magical” medical bag as JFK was known to be of as ‘necessary’.

Whether you tee-off teed-off set off still about old and new Tea Party rights - today is much a Congressional and leadership day about Hitler and his institutions.  “HE GOT HIS!” broached part of abuses around “Hillary” of “institutionalized” - but hardly the ridiculous preposterous answer she asserted to Charlie Rose and the world so with her defensiveness with her offensive posturing as the former First Lady that left the next Secretary of State the not so “smooth” transition from Clintons’ 8 we refer most often to as just “9-11? – and so as to have gotten Henry Kissinger “britches in a sudden bunch” as a “johnny on the spot” called to defend her ridiculous proposition that power has supposedly always transfered “smoothly” from one Secretary of the State to the next.  See how “Hillary” deludes more with her “instutional” defense about our institution and traditions about Secretary of State now as well as how she has been deluding many with her “don’t touch me” institutional preposterousness around our lored Institution of the First Lady?

Whose rights still at our “Congressional” - our play about our institutions?  How will Speaker Boehner or President Obama stike also at institutionalization of “Hillary”?  It is also about golf, and still “Bill” - where is Bill, by the way?  What was his scoring of these past two weeks of his officiated Weiner and to it a DESPERATE SHOW WIVES OF STATE inconvenient exposure?

With the new problema to an new walking and talking - a more honest and accepting walk of personal freedoms and individual responsibility - the “institutional” of “Hillary” is now much a grand or greater concern than that yet from President Obama, even with his IMAC of Orzag over-reaching, now much in play.  Everywhere people should be reading - reading to address and guard - to stand tall but honestly and without the offensive institutionalization that is “Hillary.”  Everywhere we are all to first a walking and talking to a new urbanism with a honest teeing to a Tea Party or even New (Democrat) Independence Party - to a walking first and foremost with a “why can’t we fix our own community - without it becoming a greater borough burden - or city burden - or county burden - or state burden - or regional burden - or most shouldn’t be necessary “failed all the way to the top” nationalembarrassment?

It is preposterous!  “Hillary” survives only with her “preposterous” postulates that put the entire “institutions” of State and our even more lored and celebrated Institution of our First Lady at her defense, and to create a fog about her of “do not touch!”

I am getting to the “Hitler” in all this.  First we have to absorb how “not a smooth transition” was the transition from the Clinton years to the Bush years for our foreign policy - it may get confusing to see such due to the characters involved but the preposterousness is certainly there.  First you may be best to consider how much the years of crusading by First Lady Hillary Clinton was to inciting the very disruptions that the Bush administrators inherited — her popular imperialism much of her traveling dictates for her brand of feminism.

You really should try to find a viewable snipet of Charlie Rose show that was first in series with Secretaries of State - that then due to Charlie’s acceptance of “Hillary’s” preposterousness, that which got the most unusual expression from Henry Kissinger, when he was demanded to defend “Hillary’s” ridiculous postulation, by “Hillary’s” asserting, was then to me deciding to avoid the rest of such series and even most of the rest of such “first episode.”

The only joke in all this may be Irish humor of sorting type - as Rory McIlroy at Congressional is maybe in Gaelic quite the “lion in the woods” - “a tiger in a hedgerow” and now as Speaker Boehner and President Obama play through the “selling of souls” and the “Hilter ghost” in Obamacare/Hillarycare III and their IMAC over-reaching — the only joke may be that Rory McIroy may essentially translate as “tiger woods” in Gaelic.  Better though to stay focused on our institutions and our new problema about our developing new “urbanism.”  It is to Speaker Boehner and President Obama that institutional concerns about “Hillary” are really all about “Hitler” and government over-reaching.

And, so the Forth Estate stands still free and able to referee and celebrate.

And, so the propositions that are Obamacare revival of Hillarycare to such new institutionals necessities, are of a suggestion that “We the People” accept “government care” as a God given right and though all the while in ways counter to decades of people selling their souls in some ways to get some of it for themselves with personal liberty and individual responsibility.

And, so Speaker Boehner and President Obama, time to tee this off:  That it is immoral for America, these United States of America, to suggest healthcare for all, and as so institutionally yet devised, and at all to a God given right, since still we have issues, we have Hitler issues — we have all the medical advances in our medical industries and institutions (only) made possible by Hitler and his institutions persistent and well documented years of medical experimentation on some/many/very many humans?

And, so it may still be more “moral” to let our free markets stir the individual responsibility and personal liberties and market value discussions with a new urbanism also about how much selling of your soul may actually be worth.  

HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED!:  That Hillary is “institutionalized” is both so of her “fog of Hillary” positing such that her “experience and judgement” cannot be questioned and shouldn’t be without her threatening to smear all past First Ladies as like a identical class due such action, and, as well for her “preposterousness” with daily asserting and visible posturing as well with her public blurting asserting to former Secretary of State on Charlie Rose show, as a bubble defense as well, that there has always been a “smooth transition” from Secretary to Secretary throughout our history as a country.

The new “urbanism” of the new problema that is as well our current “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” is much to a walking and talking and tea times of persons, together, wondering locally why they cannot fix their own communities.

Rory, hopefully you have sufficient institutional support - most notable about you so far is you look like my high school girl friend - whose X-Step-father once was a police chief.  Good luck to all the golfers - maybe a momentus day for freedom for President Obama and all things “Congressional”!

Again, where is “Bill”?  Oh, yeh, and where is “Hillary”?

* [Filed under: MYBLOG - JUNE 18, 2011]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:26 am

ORIGINAL TO 12/27/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:39 pm

These days that start anew short like all the rest in this Year of our Lord 2011 we try to go back to sleep each morning un-alarmed and yet with concerns due for a lost generation redux.

We wake as challenged Americans and anew, as it lies, some many as Christians and even Catholics, we wake worried about Mother Mary and milk for young Jesus, we try to rise later especially when naturally of days so short.

To be alarmed unnecessarily - or not to be, not to be too early stirred — he must crawl before he can walk, luckily.

Bells do tell, then and now, they tolled for some more than others, to some more in keeping for pace and grace, and dining/meals.

From whence I sat and from where, now, some Knights are regular and near their original intents - their founding halls, and many papers.  For from where I am now near is near a Columbus enclave of Knights and their original founding parish.  I don’t know what should be said of me now or later, and wonder though on the “already” but it seems my Grampa Hogan was indeed a Knight, a Knight of Knights of Columbus - I can remember his passing and his wake and the presence of compadres or brethren.

From where I write now so four years “global” yet “local” and four years so since henceforth from whence the where of near then years so hence as whence near the realm of Capitol Hill and its original parchments — I can bike, bus, or even walk just ten miles to be near the Saint Mary’s Church of Hillhouse with memories of such the officialdom for my sisters marriages.  I am but so few miles even if afoot to be near the base and bulwarks, as they may be of the “court” of my Grampa Hogan’s Knightness in Columbus of Saint Mary’s Church.  Yale School of Management is now just up the street and a Yale Museum for musical instruments and the Henry Luce Institute.  I did crawl first a little nearer yet far enough so to be of a more local parish originally.

Are we now fearful and cautious - are we guarded enough now to fears reasonable that we may be of a new generation born already and to a political concern, at least, as a new “lost” generation?  We must crawl before we walk - we carry still a standard of/for Columbus however a story told - Americans have parchments long of history and Christian crawling.

Where has Joe gone - is Mary now too forsaken - has Jesus GOT MILK?  I am of a story of parish first of Saint Joseph’s and then a family anchoring more of Saint Mary’s - Has Jesus GOT MILK?  Oh, for due to matters of timing and grace - grace kept for a story telling foundational more in wizardry and witchcraft arts and such as related to America’s “Watergate” personalities - I did but visit Saint Peter’s Parish Church on Capitol Hill while there so localized near ten years.  This internet stuff is confusing enough when trying to live and write for multiple parchments follow on entertainments, a single parish participation when a muse for magic curriculumizing of seven years thought possible in five that then took nearer 12 - I was doing an American time warp, and not a Knight myself.

Does Jesus have shoes - are these of Christian crawl storification standard then to just swaddled feet?  Will yours be over swaddled and over coddled now?

Was Jesus swaddled and coddled enough as born in a manger and then to days …

His Metachlorian  count must have been sky high - but do we now have to worry of a lost generation anew - a new batch to crawl Christian and American before they walk?  Mother Mary must have done something right - at least to quench the thirst - to negotiate the manger and then …

A Global we now reset around our shortest days - a “Christian Crawl” now at least rolled out - a grand thirst soon afoot?

These are not the ways of a “FORCE” to RACE TO THE TOP — this is at least a crawl for Christians, yet for many parched out as American as well — We have differing original intents - we have original crawls from abroad more once of mere swaddling of coddling.  We have a prescribed “details matter” spouting anew - we have happenstance retro to a redux - we have an American “RESET” now much afoot.

Our states can do “an” or “the” CHRISTIAN CRAWL and yet our Congress cannot itself “establishment”!

Our states can adjust its “FORCES” to a better and slower more massive hike!

Our states can be beholden less to a slim and light RACE TO THE TOP parsed meant of ECONOMIC “SUPPRESSION.”

His Metachlorian count must have been sky high!  

My Grampa Hogan became a Knight - I know not of which order, but know the Order of Knights of Columbus existent so as his order but not his “rank” or “standing” - his own “ordered” order in such order.  I bore witness at his wake - he had brethren - he had Knights also witness in their regalia.

I have less cause now myself to be of a time warp, the musing near twice as long as considered or expected where whence then nearer some I did - I did muse a challenge for seven books of seven years of magic and wizardry curriculum.  An entertainment endeavor now scientific and to developmental and for me and J.K. to a life of its own, as yet before impossible.

This is a new world to me, and for many just now born hopefully swaddled enough and not over coddled and not to now a new “LOST GENERATION.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:45 am

We have heard from the wonderful and dynamic Condoleezza Rice, Professor of Political Science(s). 

I have acted for two days as an extra from a cattle call screening with Morgan Freeman for Steven Spielberg’s production of court room scenes in AMISTAD.  If you go to imdb.com and AMISTAD credits page I am in the photo on the left about five people away from seated Cecil B. DeMille award winner Freeman - just up the isle in the middle of the isle at the end of the isle next to a lady in a bonnet.

But when it comes to fertility and Oscars and forgiveness I have to think more of Freeman’s side kick Clint Eastwood.

To be as dramatic as the moment was now years after the actual experience may seem to be too dramatic — As Condoleezza Rice spoke last night at the 2012 Republican Convention and to the very moments of her aid walking in and telling her of a plane and then another plane I have the memory of her that may have been her morning thought from just before such.  On the morning of September 11, 2001 I woke thinking I must have been wrong to think our government was missing a threat and since the first term of the Clintons and decided to drive up 17th Street by the Old Executive Office building on my way to Georgetown area to install new doors - new front door and storm door for another client.  I had already installed new closet doors for NSA Rice in her Watergate condo months before.  This was months after I had started faxing the NSC under the Clinton admin and to the attention of Philip Bobbitt whom I had met in New Haven and with some of above concerns spoken to whence.

It may be too dramatic to dramatize that I remember that as I drove up 17th Street by the White House on the morning of 9/11 I had my former client NSA Rice on line in my thoughts of professional relationship as if a reference for today’s client with “you took the heat” and as it turns out very nearly at the very moment the first plane struck first.

Yes I guess I am lucky the first strike wasn’t first on the White House and at that hour or moment.

By 9/12/2001 it seemed I had faxed most of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM newly to the National Security Council and via the number given as a fax number whence for Philip Bobbitt of the Clinton Administrations National Security Council.  And, to then thoughts from Secretary Donald Rumsfeld seemingly in a Cabinet gathering of concern of:  “is he trying to pull rank on me?”  My and there answer appropriately was “NO.”  I had faxed over such as TCONF with thoughts penned somewhere of nearly:  ‘It worked in the early nineties to balance political thoughts - it should now be ready to work again.’

By the time I left DC after nearly 10 full years a resident there I had also by then been to building a doll shelf for Secretary Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff Da Rita and as well to installing a new bathroom door and some cabinet doors for shelves which I made from scratch to be raised panel cabinet doors.  But, really it was his wife our then former Ambassador to Taiwan that was most affecting the “client.”

So yesterday I via Facebook.com/jpeterhogan and Twitter did share a:  Nixon lives — “DEEP THROAT” explained truthfully NOTE with notes.

But as to fertility and MILLION DOLLAR BABY and as well the dramatization of the only other film Clint Eastwood in such a category has an Oscar for >> I do remember having concern and reasoning as cause to have asked him to make those movies by not asking for those movies but by asking him to make movies to handle such issues.  UNFORGIVEN was asked for more as I realized in 90s that I should need help holding to a position more responsible and safe of a consideration that IBM and its former CFO Metz were to be kept in thoughts as “unforgiven.”   Unforgiving due as a state of “forward” proceeded still each day as it shouldn’t have by my thinking and fuller knowledge of facts related to such worked to be kept from being too dramatic or out of place and/or out of times.  This Metz did host me as the member for the only dinner I have had at his exclusive dining club that Nixon was also among membership of - President Richard M. Nixon, and as well as far as I recall Anne Hearst and members of her larger family.

I have already blogged about Akin controversies and 2012 as for women the year of Republicans of a TAMPA X  FACTOR maybe more dramatic if titled a TAMPA XX  FACTOR.   But I haven’t yet summed the cause for MILLION DOLLAR BABY movie making for silver screen dramatized magic as it was to and for my sister who may have while climbing professionally as a somewhat liberated woman was witness at times more viscerally than others of moments of like cursing away her fertility as too inconvenient for her “professional” soul.  Something happened of my sister when finally in her mid forties of her late efforts to have the children she always wanted, and, from such I realized I should be pulling strings or asking favors for stuff she usually didn’t see as necessary - I realized I should ask someone to make a movie to help her “get her fight back.”

Her “Hillary ’swank’” had to be reset and reworked by Hillary Swank and not by Democrat Party regular think or preparedness.  I did so as when I usually would attempt magic or wizardry be to following on to assure a proper and fit mood fully communicated in the spirit(s) to which it should be received.   There are times though when I might say something and then let go and let it live or die on the merits of itself as picked up by others however.

While viewing CNN hour plus on the life of Governor Mitt Romney it dawned on me I haven’t yet figured out just how long we were moving together sympathetic and united in care and concerns political for Republicans.  I did realize it much predates my having considered many times asking him for a job with the 2002 Olympics - to build some on my earlier years with games organizing in New Haven and otherwise about Connecticut with Connecticut Special Olympic Games events but yet I have not yet figured out the bain of all that of Bain days and how I was about Boston some during his Bain days.

Yes, I remember being sympathetic and purposeful in my thinking when of news of someone running as a Republican against Senator Edward Kennedy.  That may be where and when it started. 

Though it seems from the above I could be tagged as an elitist - that would be incorrect.  If you are aware that I did muse the challenge for seven books for seven years of magic curriculum to JK Rowling than you likely have enough to realize I was usually considering good for good sake and working to market to the masses, to global citizens everywhere.

RIP Robert Urich of SPENCER FOR HIRE >>> Where is “HAWK” today - would he be a better “surprise” speaker for tonight at the GOP Convention?  Would the late actor Robert Urich have been?  Gotta wonder - what a wonder that Boston based cop & private detecting show was.

I have to make this some about my sister Joan Hogan Gillman now a President of Media Sales at least at Time Warner Cable.  For of my story is that I was in a family much “locally” of  party loyal Democrats while me a dedicated Nixon Republican however so closeted as a Reagan Democrat or Connecticut Independent.  I would tire of trying to explain better ways to my sister especially during her near ten years working for Senator Dodd and be then to spiriting at times in the maintained auro of Title IX to Sarah Palin of Alaska whom I had since she was just another Sarah Heath known to be conservative been to tagging only as nick-named “Title IX.” 

You see I have known of Barack Obama since the late seventies and since a classmate asked me if my “readiness” to compete in school oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech was also a “readiness” to compete against any or all oratory challengers so asked of Hawaii?  You see I buffered the query and catching of a named older challenger with initials “B.O.” of Hawaii and parlayed the “Hi” from him as an older classman to my older sister who was more his age and had two years earlier competed as well in such schools oratory contests.  You see I didn’t mean for my sister to then like her new distant friend and to give him safe harbor from her brother who meant to get to that challenge another day - another year.  My sister did more ally (wrongly) with this distant friend those years she would rather work with someone older that admit to having needed her younger brother’s help.  I did in the mid nineties warn Senator Joseph Biden when we met at the Joseph Slifka center as he participated in the Yale Law hosted symposium on an evolution or devolution of federalism to be aware and wary of sisters - meaning my sister Joan. 

Some have already been witness to my recent comments that Democrats were left by me to be as good as they thought they were while prohibited from using my works as theirs again - again as if a gravy train they could own and ride on but yet so still without an understanding of how or why it was actually working.  My sister isn’t as much a part of this political machine that failed to understand the “machine” so of their “gravy train.”

I believe my sister Joan Gillman keeps her personally autographed copy of a picture of Condoleezza Rice, my former client and my first client known to be a member of standing with Augusta upon her desk at Time Warner Cable.  I don’t know if my sister Joan is now a Republican or considering finally changing parties.

I did ask Clint Eastwood for a movie to be produced and directed with enough energy in production at least to help my sister, this sister, get her fight back to try again to become the mother of the children she wanted, and so so late in life.  I am the proud uncle of her two children - my only niece and her son my fifth or sixth nephew.

And, well if you like MAD MEN - that has a conception from another family in cable company tax ID status.  I have an old friend also a “TAD” like my brother otherwise is also named “TAD” and was to this friend upon our last reunion on Block Island was to our future and best feet forward to consideration the best way to celebrate our friendship forward would be to base it more on my grandfather’s era at Young & Rubicam but not on accounts for Madison Avenue men quite as serious has his were.  This Tad is family to the Dolan family of Cablevision - we started out more humbly together, much so and as old volleyball and mountain biking pals summers on Block Island of Rhode Island.   I don’t know how or when he met his bride Dolan, specifically.  I did suggest a retro show for Madison Avenue ad business as that was still most where I was heading or professionally focused though wrapped up in so much more of political crisi of our days.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:00 am

George Washington was from Virginia, one of America’s - the United States of America’s - first states.  When he married at some point after that his in-laws library some became his - his in-law’s sex books became his/theirs.*

Lower on the river earlier in his youth it is told of “George” and cherries not that he was cheatin’ with eating of cherries that were not his nor a tree he had full rights to but that he somehow was not able to lie about having “cut down” or “not cut down” a cherry tree however possessed.

I am not sure where Mitt Romney is actually from.  There are stories near enough of his origins of acceptance and localities that it seems at time he was born in Mexico.  Do we have to celebrate his machismo like as if a Mexican?

There is construction and dramatic writing of good and better grammatical construction - and deconstruction and abortive writing.

The politics of the moment are now prefaced for the Democrat Party Convention beggarly in reality but for now rank without clear “rank.”  It seems out of order and sans chains that President Clinton can or should key-note for President Obama.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Period!

Since it seems the Party of Obama has surrendered to a Clinton we should be vigilant not to presume or prejudge that he as prostrated himself to both Clintons. 

Though President Clinton as key-noter politically can be carved into history books for a coup and a successful playing to get President Obama essentially at least “on his knees” it seems if so we have the “machismo” and chauvinism of President Clinton most to also celebrate.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Is it “Bill” more than “Barack” - though?

Period!  This is not the old story of George Washington not being able to lie.  Period!

Our 22nd Amendment is not the Women Suffrage Amendment.  Our 22nd is supposed to chain President Clinton.

An akin comment now may be more stressing - even after the fact - even long after the facts.  It can be a matter of kin and a killing of family as soon as one moral moment has passed with a life accepted as a life and so as kin to the kin but how.

The Democrats are heavy booted now even though of imagery of bare footed and in chains.  The Democrats are like all:  IT’S ALL JUST EVOLUTION BABE OR DUDE!  The Democrats seem devoid of lobby or belief that there is still potential at least - at least unexplainable in “miracles of faith.”

I am not saying the Democrats have now prefaced their 2012 convention with a suggestion that they would also have crucified the Virgin Mary.   I have heard there can be droughts and deluges - hot and cold “seasons.”  I figure you can say of “rape” or “rape” grade “assaults” that such may be one of few times one can be completely alone though not really alone.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Period!

As EVOLUTIONISTS first and “just take a government pill” second we bare witness to the Democrats quite out of sorts at least on chains of commands as per their convention.  Is it President Clinton on his knees beggarly for his wife to be able to keep her job?  Is it a visual aid that Obama has been a victim of a coup by the Clintons and essentially and “legitimately” raped of his “higher” power?

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  Where is Hillary Rodham Clinton - really, politically?

I don’t know how if when - I don’t know why if how so - I don’t understand Democrats embracing just being “subjects” as “#s” either.  But, can they actually legally and legitimately legislate away miracle of faith?  Can they remove the BUDDHIST FROM BUDDHA and the “golden” from “GOLDEN BOY”?  Can they treat us all as if needing union cards as papers to travel and exist?

Akin to all this is still that miracles are not always on time and faith may be better than socialistic obedience to a distant and cold government too nationalistic.  Also a kin to this again is that though a “legitimate” rape may or may not cause pregnancy the power talked of intelligently some though of mysteries of life mostly is still of an Evolutionist and Creationist purview.

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  They more than most seem subjects more than citizens.

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - a physical triangulation can be Government with just a pill.

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - “There is no God” by Congress violates our First Amendment as being clearly if a law or in a law an attempt at “establishment respecting religion.”

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - Women regardless of your parties - this year is for you.

Akin, again to all this is that a “rape” however might just as well increase the chance of pregnancy as it might self abort - so I would think.  And, again as per “rape” or “rape” grade assault one may never be alone but not alone but when.

And still akin to all this timely as 2012 for both parties seems a year made for women or at least their issues:  The power to prevent a fertilization however if only a magical power of higher human development in faith and seeking may also be evolutionary as a concern that women who curse that they can become pregnant and again and again have been evolving to be less able to become pregnant if they actually curse in ways they would better be not too as they may put cold or trying work above a holistic faithful attitude about whatever they may be employed about doing.  If there is a “power” not even “super” or “magical” and like as if a human internal “over-cooking” or “drought” then women have the power to curse themselves to being less fertile - so it figures. 

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  Period!

And akin to all this raised up unexpectedly by Senate candidate Akin, besides the trying decisions about abortion after even just one moment of carriage morally as if kin however, is that some remains that if this “selectivity” exists for women it may be the norm more than a new normal and be a general attitude for some when entwined but not in rape - when with their husbands in the usual course of affairs. 

Period!  2012 is a year at least for women’s issues - Democrats have at least political problems convened for Hillary.  Period!

Was/is George Washington parable about lying or laying - about cheatin’ and cuttin’ and running?

Seems we have at least now to figure is it towards the Democrat Convention that President Obama is on his knees and not term limited President Clinton even as he should be billed for being there on his knees to beg for Hillary to keep her job - like?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:03 am

I accept that some new readers are finding my blogs due to links about Harry Potter - I accept that some are wondering now with “I thought it was about Prince Harry”!  That said:  It still was and is but in the spirit of Mark Twain’s A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT and from another from Connecticut with wizardry a guidance - yet as much for a second son of another Charles maybe never to be a King. 

Yes J.K. Rowling has a sister named Di and I at times thought myself a kept “friend” of Princess Diana since youthful floating of “are you sure you would rather be with an American” well considered before she was Mrs. Charles… - Princess Di.  I will for a long time remember the day of her passing for the unusual happenstance that occurred to me with the Queen in my beingness with a “you are on the Queen’s notify list.”  It was so moving that I walked inside and turned on the TV to try to figure out such a concerning happenstance. 

Yes, my challenge to J.K. Rowling for seven books for seven years of advancing curriculum in magic and such can be said to have been “for” Prince Harry” but not “about” Prince Harry any more than most others - but as one ambitious to be a future top Mad Man (Madison Avenue Marketing Man Wizard) or media ideas person professionally as myself a fan of A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT and also from Connecticut and with a maternal grandfather who had been and “Arthur” and a once top Mad Man himself - to a friendship kept along the lines of being as if a lay wizard to the sons of Princess Di.

But this is about borders and distant states and whom people belong to actually as “citizens” or “subjects.”

Yes we have that the Clintons and their eight years are seeming a vacuous waste - a wasted eight of ambitions and plotting and worse of wants and workings to a hoped for post-Constitutional era with less limited Powers and opportunities to spring surprises contrary to that we once practiced jurisprudently as a Constitution - a Constitutional.

A mass of donkeys full of surprises - even a construct of one big “DONKEY” for Constitutionals surprise and less restraint - we now still may see and hear in time.  Who are they?  Where did they come from?  Are they subjects - are they of distant small cells of non-state actors of ill intents?  Where oh where were the Clintons during their eight?

Are we now of a vacuous waste - a wasted eight of the Clintons eight - not but for the attempts to a post Constitutional new age of laws of person(s) few more than governance of laws?  A Query: THIS DECISION IS THAT LOCAL OFFICERS ARE STILL ALLOWED TO BE “AMERICANS” AND NOT OTHERWISE A SUB CLASS IN AN EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL NEW CLASS SYSTEM?

The Constitution of the United States of America does bar us all from a class system of “titling” and “knighting” and the like.

Is there now obviously a likeness of a great “DONKEY” rolling about to surprise us to a HOPED and WANTED post Constitutional era - a new era of Czars at least as if a titled class above at least local officers, and untouchable?

And the next case as much a TROJAN DONKEY ??? >> ACA - Obamacare not about an economic tending to the forgotten elderly and forgotten youth as other Government programs have been - but a move to be all reaching and to the “of age and able bodied” masses and their freedoms.  A right to help different for each class - economically and socially speaking - judiciously - RIGHT?

This is not about a new THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!! or a THE BRITISH ARE INTOLERABLE and too quartered in our quarters.

We definitely are of a time of concerns about seats of power and distant meddling in local affairs and with a wonder about how - a how can we be here now without the Clintons and their eight a vacuous waste.

And if you were yourself to put in “messianic” into 2012us search pane this trinity you would find?  THE BOOK OF BARACK & … @ http://2012us.jphogan.org/

There is a big diff between how CGI was set up and how it is being run - Mr C. claimed he would not use it to partisan or political powers - and yet really he is and is regularly - most regularly to an irregular especially when of his annual mandatory meeting of world leaders then able to be in town also for the meeting of the over-shadowed so United Nations???

Is the Clintons’ Global Initiative another TROJAN DONKEY - the biggest and most Constitutionally concerning of all the TROJAN DONKEYS?

Yes, I started the link up to J.K. Rowling with a “searching” pre-google for an unknown author willing to write about a characterization of a Pete “Rowe-ling” and his magical posse and for seven books for seven years of advancing curriculum in magic and to seven because after that click of youth did protest my announcement of a planned moving away were of a “but we don’t want you to move away - we have fun when you are around” for those all aka to “Rowe-lings” were then about seven years from likely attending Yale University and its castle like halls if they so chose.  It was to “Rowe-lings” for a protection under Pete Rowe M.D. the late founder and proprietor of the Yale Student Health Clinic - a grandfather to two of original “Rowe-ling” characterization.

Yes, I found an unknown author remarkably just a few or so days older than myself, as I had hoped when looking for one willing to write about a “Peter Rowe-ling” and as if a second son of a Charles that might never be a King with concerns heartfelt for Di.  Yes as per J.K. Rowling she was then a single mother who with a sister Di and they with their father Peter Rowling already among the passed souls of our world.

Yes, as I worked it out so much of my musing was purposeful most to protecting at least one generation from the Clintons I had already known since the early 70s and as well from concerns that at least a generation might need protections from their works and hopes and wants to a post Constitutional era and days with more flexibility for them and maybe TROJAN DONKEY politicing.

Yes, as per the seven books - which I still have not read and likely won’t until I know a first generation of readers have read more of me and such as above and now known to be real Constitutional concerns once considered maybe too much a fancy or distraction, mine - J.K. Rowling had hoped I would give her as much for the last two books as I had for the first five.  Yes, J.K. is remembered for not liking my instructions that she had to find her way to the last two herself even if it meant more worked than she first expected - for I needed an objectivity and distance that I would only get if she read her audience and fans and figured in a feminine “maternal” way how much she should offer and how much she should avoid offering a disillusioning.

And so still yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and necessary and yet not to cause a peoples movement across the Middle East but so that we didn’t get trapped morally and hypocritically on the wrong side of it - and maybe as Saddam Hussein had considered or hoped he could trap us and as of a thinking that he had a way to keep Kuwait after invading it.  Hmmm?  Yeh a re-election of the Clintons would have been maybe America’s biggest ever mistake too - a return of the Clintons with suggestions that they were wise of a Grand Strategy needing continuity even though there was an actual ‘GRAND’ strategy - and nor a left entrance or exit plan for dealing with Iraq to leave to their successor whom ever - and so no real alternative by the Clintons and only a weak supposition of “bite” by Clintons for sanctions even just for human rights violations.

And so as this was written we are forewarned to look at the Clintons and their eight and all that may be about them as of dangers and of a vacuous waste.  


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:01 pm

Sure Cory Booker has potential to a INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY - even a LAST INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY.

He may be being too modest.  He may be the world of economist dream boy at least - a real GO TO GUY - man’s man.

By now you all should be versed in JOBIAN ECONOMICS some how - some way.  You should have already had the inkling that Mayor Booker a leading man - leading political figure in our new economics.  He may be both the anti-Clinton and an anti-Obama.

Mayor Cory Booker may know his city well enough to be successful but not know yours well enough to be a cookie cutter one size fits all obamanation for you and yours of your community.

In contrast to President Bill Clinton who worked to be an international play boy we still have Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary President wanna be, almost like clockwork to be playing a bad cop to his old jolly good cop in otherwise bad times.

Yes we have President Clinton in contrast to Secretary Clinton — both are in contrast to Democrat Mayor Booker in many ways and maybe more than now Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo.

Like in the realm of international play boys we have many contrary ideals seemingly able to exist as only drugs allowed so much of pop America 60s ideologies to.

Unlike Governor Cuomo Mayor Cory Booker to a miracle doesn’t personally have to unlearn so much from days of the Clintons 8 and now learn new ways that can actually work long term for New York.  Mayor Booker was schooled and of an era of LIVEABLE CITIES and moves to decentralize policing to COMMUNITY POLICING but I should leave to he now how it is that Governor Cuomo to a New York Cuomo miracle has to find ways contrary to ways of Clintons and their 8.

(I have not met Mayor Booker but one of his past Deputy Mayors (title?) and I did meet back in 90s when he was working in New Haven about Community Policing and Liveable Cities Initiatives and to hosting a road trip to Richmond, Virginia for volunteers like myself interested in putting in some time helping rebuild a black neighborhoods church that had been a victim of arson.  I do believe they were law classmates.  I, again, have been thinking some of Community Policing since late 80s when I learned of William Bratton and became wired with him to positive change shared ambitions, and then my days back actually living and working in New Haven as such was new policies to new practices.  Yes, last I checked his former Deputy is still a Facebook friend.)

President Obama is more a dud than a dude as a believable International player - he today ran into problems that even fifth graders wouldn’t likely - even some Sesame Streeters skilled at seeing which thing doesn’t belong with the others.  President Obama now has historical troubles as per Afghanistan as of today with his NATO grandstanding.  He has presented our involvement and his strategizing as if it couldn’t have been any or much at all Bush’s fault but that which he just inherited from the Clintons’ 8.  As per “Sesame Street” it does seem inappropriate with these truths now slipping from Democrat Party cover-up that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary, has any logical or appropriate “calling” to any involvement now regarding at least Afghanistan.

With Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton involved at all we are so “tilted” and so irregular that our Central Intelligence Agency is better to be retitled at most our CENTRAL INFORMATION AGENCY.  We with Clintons so preposterously proffered still as reasonably innocent are not of an “intelligence” as per our discussions at least about Afghanistan.

We need a Cory Booker in every city for JOBIAN ECONOMICS to be to the long awaited return to growing economy.

We don’t need Cory Booker in every city and town - we need a Cory Booker also of actual community sensitivities and global awareness for each.  Each and all need someone who can also hear or see those of struggles too great that their faith shouldn’t be that tested alone and work magically at least to help one neighbor find another neighbor and maybe a way to earn and even profit, each, with one or more then to seeing a struggle that if helped with could be to economic gains for all.

I have said before that we may want to get back to Adam Smith economics of “Invisible Hand Theoreticals” and that we are now of a time and economic condition where we cannot use Adam Smith to get back to Adam Smith.  We seem to be of a new time now and because grandstanding national Democrat leaders did work too hard to be international global play boys.

If you have ever heard of or spoken the creed of the Jaycees - Junior Chamber of Commerce - you may be near a creed that Mayor Cory Booker has specifically developed and worked out in practice - past the theoretical.  I don’t know if Mayor Cory Booker has ever been a Jaycee himself.  I did in late 80s and early 90s consider that the Jaycee creed did seem similar to Adam Smith economics.  But now we may need to call it all something new to balance how for too long some that raced to the top like hares of O’Hare have been beaten by themselves so that tortoises are out pacing them.  We could all be to calling it a JOBIAN ECONOMICS and in part for it also seems to raise Steven Jobs and our new Jobian tablets and some of the many ways some could and should suggest this Obama administration has been of obamanations with their picked economics and politics as so wrong for a new economy with so many with so many tablets.

Our President is not being intelligent suggesting with NATO at all to an “it is all Bush’s fault” and with the history of the matter that he so has positioned himself to focusing on the very problems that the Clintons left as an inheritance to President Bush.

It seems if we are to find a way back to a growth economy we are better to be listening to Mayor Cory Booker than Governor Andrew Cuomo or either of the Clintons or President Obama.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” but that again is a problem theirs as per “intelligence” and from their use of central information dissemination e-works to have been of hopes to a Big Brother evangelizing to Obama Zombies with their pad connections.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” when the intelligent know to remember this started to a new conservationism to help save the planet from an end of the world as we know it due to global warming or climate change. 

We are, as many fifth graders now eighth or ninth graders can recall, of days remembered, where they were all patriots, even more than Democrats hearts could imagine, with the evangelized e-messaging by hopeful President Obama so their new godly calling, and the school worked new conservationism revolutionizing to an actual effective austerity otherwise a globally patriotic new conservationism that obviously was more important a priority of our President and his visible hands of governance than a policy actually not to austerity - a policy actually towards the future and growth with confidence that our colleges at least were already well along on working on necessary engineering solutions.

It is more just an odd centralized information servicing this admin has been to and as concerning today as on any day due to NATO gathering to decide the fates of so many others.  It is necessarily just a centralized informing contrary to a historical intelligence that we have all been now at least three years victims to.

A remembered part of the Jaycees Creed is “service to humanity is the best work of life.”  I cannot myself separate such from a consideration of Mayor Cory Booker nor from my suggestion that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” is what we are now unfortunately of struggles with.  I can with some confidence suggest that we have been of Democrat Party nationalistic centralizations more of misinformation than intelligence and that they have worked us to a separation from Adam Smith’s economics and as well from much long of our junior chamber of commerce such as the Jaycees still carry torches for humanity with.

It does seem there can be no Cuomo miracle for New York State that doesn’t necessarily repudiate the Clintons and separate Cuomo politics from Clinton politics. 

It does seem that every city, town or hamlet now needs their own Cory Booker in ways that only Newark can be an incubator for Mayor Cory Booker success otherwise.  They need their own Cory Booker for a clone won’t relocate well - they need one willing to do “the best work of life” and be of “service to humanity” in what could be a JOBIAN ECONOMICS at least as a descriptive theoretical for these times of struggles.

It is not “intelligent” that we are letting this un-elected political appointee Clinton have so much power and sway as her “two-fer” also may be effecting quietly over our young and inexperienced President.  We are not being “intelligent” for letting this obamanation of a “diplomacy” ours so about NATO and Afghanistan be so of either Clinton involved since it was the inheritance they left President Bush with their eight years of abandonment with avoidance and inaction that was of the heart and sole of the mission President Obama was grandstanding to today, just today with NATO and globe watching.

Yes it seems they have been misinforming us - it seems the INTELLIGENT understanding is that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons played too much back whence - that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons didn’t do it earlier - we need to be doing this now because the Clintons let it get so bad that it is quite horrible still what the “inheritance” they left us and President Bush actually was.

President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did at least play at chiding the Clintons and their eight years while speaking of “dangers” of “avoidance” and “inaction” but now again he seems to be back to playing with cover-ups for the Clintons and misinformation than intelligence.

Can you find your own Cory Booker?  Do you have one sensitive and intelligent enough to help those with great struggles find others about them able to help them and work with them without compromising their story and seeking and to a benefit commercial for each together?

We can not expect to use Adam Smith economic theory to get back to a workable Adam Smith economics, can we?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:09 am

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the land of — WAIT!!! - HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

Once upon a time in the landing of President Clinton with his TOUR D’ PENITENCE about Africa speaking in a penitent to so many about dangers of adultery and multiple partner politics.

Possibly but for President William Jefferson Clinton scandalous second term we might have looked in time at how his politics were wrong and dangerous, all by themselves.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Operation TOUR D’ PENITENCE did commence post Clinton - Lewinsky follies — to COME BACK?

Operation TOUR D’ PENITENCE was of President Clinton in a penitent, so it appeared, selling/pushing safe sex.

Possibly never before had a President owed so much to his wife - to the other in a “two-fer” BOGO.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and repackaging.

On this day that has France returning to a Socialist leader for first time since Clintons’ years…

On this day that has France returning to those ways they can do things not protected by our Constitution…

Possibly the France can run a socialism system just because of their size - or because they tax differently.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton
because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was
themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how
greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly
named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Our Constitution and our federal revenue basis off income and profits doth limit so much “Obama”.

Our Constitution and our representative system seems to have President Obama trying to avoid work of politics.

Possibly he, President Obama, is only President because Clinton BOGO “two-fer” was too spoiled and rotten so.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the land of — WAIT!!! - HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

Once upon a time in the landing of President Clinton with his TOUR D’
PENITENCE about Africa speaking in a penitent to so many about dangers
of adultery and multiple partner politics.

Presently we have President Clinton again of the years 1993 - 2001 — without a chance of a comeback.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Over the weekend and over the world we had suggestion that “OFFICIAL LAUNCH” was new.

Over the weekend and over the world - WHAT?  Is Pres O accounting like GSA for partying?  A new fiscal year - a what?

Presently we have a confusion with “OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES” as if a DO OVER - not accountable as NEW PARTY time.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Our ways Constitutional may not be France’s more flexible - Socialism here better only at state level and on wealth taxing?

Our ways Constitutional may not be France’s more flexible - Socialism here better only at state level and on wealth taxing?

Possibly our economy is down for these Jobian days of Obama’s un-magical hands on economic based on income, on profits.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.



President O - Oops?

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Obama’s austerity only as complicit as Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” being repackaged and sold again past a freshness?

Obama’s austerity only as complicit as Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” being repackaged and sold again past a freshness?

Presently past TOUR D’ PENITENCE come back effecting CGI should be in jeopardy for new politics!!!

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton
because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was
themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how
greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly
named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Over the weekend we were asked to accept “OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES” — How GSA in party accouting!

Over the weekend with “OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES” a “Do Over” sold as well beyond it accountable freshness!

Possibly now it is as much the fault of a spoiled Obama as it is the past freshness repackaged BOGO “two-fer” Clintons.

Seriously - let me be clear — they sold the BOGO “two-fer” first in 1992 - Now it anew is seconds spoiled and sloppy.

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton
because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was
themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how
greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly
named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.



President O - Oops?

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and repackaging.

Exclamation — HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET? — Exclamation.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:19 am

Paul Krugman continued pack mentality suggests he too may have too long eaten of the dog. 

You have heard of THE BUSH TAX CUTS and yet maybe not wondered why feminists haven’t rallied around such just for its name and suggestion of a life less taxing, men too.

You have heard of Keynian Economics — oh, ha, ha, ha - that’s a funny one.

You have heard of Reagonomics and Trickle Down Economics. 

Clintonomics may have had little to do with “economics” if “science” has to be in “science” of “economics”!

President Barack Hussein Obama is still trying to deny ownership and culpability for “economics” of his charge — with his disowning of his own visible hands afoot we seem to still need a “title”/”headliner” for this era of deconstruction to his “new foundation” and “new nationalism” and “new deal austerity” and near: You are too fat, using too much gas, not saving enough, and beyond that actually spending too much and generally wasteful and slothful Americans.

Should we be looking for an Obama “Cultural Revolution” and a strategy and science or are we better to now label and tag his “economics” a new economics and now JOBIAN ECONOMICS?

I can speak from a couple decades of involvement to stimulating demand various ways and even so as to defend freedom — I even can remark that President Bush seemed to like most my old:  He came into office neck deep in the wrenches in the gears of government the Clintons jammed about and looks to be leaving office after only enough time to get to being only knee deep.

I shouldn’t be laughing, this isn’t very funny — but if you are me and of the Clintons starting off back whence treating what was mine and “economic” as if theirs and their State gravy you might as well see the sad humor now if also of a BA at least in economics for now it seems that no known past economic school or science can be right for our times.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS seems maybe of the most transparent poetic suggestive tagging possible for these works from the charge to “economics” by the hands of President Barack Hussein Obama that for his pattern of coy and crass denials are best not more greatly confused with a suggestion that “Obamanomics” might have to their being “strategy” or “science” in such unless maybe his purpose was austerity and to mass unemployment for an American Cultural Revolution.

We can’t go back to CLINTONOMICS for the world they were proffered for never really existed - and the Clintons corrupted its the working invisibility of hands about growth economics and machinations fluid and smooth yet without too many wrenches jammed, selfishly in a political partisan, crassly.  The Clintons may not have started then admin off on wrong path as early as President Barack Hussein Obama did with partisan lying in his inaugural speech  - but then it may have been within their first few days that they went astray and started our economics and national security off to the dogs, shall we say.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS would need to be scientific with a recording and consideration that THE BUSH TAX CUTS were right for their time and justified as CLINTONOMICS could only justify.  THE BUSH TAX CUTS were justified by the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES of near a trillion extra found to be cut so that spending that could have been done if their was not THE BUSH TAX CUTS was already moved and decided as wrong and unnecessary and strongly defended by Democrats.  Since the spending side of the two trillion the Clintons cut, while the world was dangerously warming, and our schools, and bridges were falling apart, and duly noted as nearly ready to fall apart or down so already, was the pride of the Dems for it was it is questionable that CLINTONOMICS should or can be tagged of “economic science”.

This is where as we discuss that we need now to discuss an economic solution around JOBIAN ECONOMICS in order to spirit enough of a shared perspective to facilitate a common cause new middle ground I have to remind you that I am not writing to be PARTISAN though I do often seem partisan - that I am writing to defend my own intellectual property and past economics workings that date back to before days of the Clintons deciding to brave and entry onto such field as the 1992 national race.  Again, I am writing not to specifically be Partisan - am writing to share that the Clintons were wrong to misappropriate my work of original thinking/strategizing, and wrong in ways I may be uniquely be able to explain, and for so much for how they misused what they were misappropriating.

I should get going on a bumper sticker for 2012 >>> HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

If I otherwise was “in politics” or intentionally “partisan” I would likely be a candidate somewhere against all my ambitions and media plans and be maybe now:  HOGAN - ENOUGH OF STUPID!

Keynesian Economics is out — A CULTURAL REVOLUTION may be in — Adam Smith is out - since crass “new foundation” and “new nationalism” worked with austerity of other man from a Hyde Park President Barack Hussein Obama of wants to a new New Deal Austerity has deconstructed most of the magic structure so that “invisible hand” economics may be where we should get back to but not a workable how towards such. 

As per JOBIAN ECONOMICS we have that so many are now in struggles too like Job and while another Jobs responsible much of new tablets and a mass effect on volumes and volumes of economic considerations that those of the administering of our economy about an Obama team and a general denial of ownership of fault have just been getting wrong, wrong, wrong.

As I still ponder that old puzzlement that women, especially feminists, hadn’t jumped all over tagging “BUSH TAX CUTS” lovingly with dedication of the hopefulness in its poetic I am certainly left remembering that the Clintons’ unnecessary and crassly irresponsible cutting of an extra trillion when revenues were available to their too popular SURPLUS just for the pride in its worked spending side did and still intellectually does justify THE BUSH TAX CUTS.

If it can be as simple that our economy isn’t improving because we don’t have the words for it - I now freely offer we are now of a new science era for economics and so that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” has an air of hope that we can get to and past the corruptions by the Clintons and these years of naive denials by President Barack Hussein Obama necessarily so unless of course his purpose was this and strategized invisibly to be to so many now so like Job in their struggles and he to be praised for his leadership specifically designed and worked to bring the USA as near a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as he could and as only a new “nearest a Great Depression” could effect.

I don’t know what President Obama can or should take credit for - I do personally have a story to tell of how the Clintons from their very first days did set up much of this mess and not just for misappropriations or misuse of works not theirs or our State’s - I do still in a non-partisan economic expression stand on a simple truth that as bad as THE BUSH TAX CUTS are made out to be the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were worse and factually to politically and naively justifying a reduction in taxes about those days - those days when the inheritance from such by the Clintons was still uncertain yet gutterly felt enough to be expected.

There may be something to working with a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as a best way forward to a new “invisible hand” working economic again of Adam Smith - we have that it might be better to call it JOBIAN ECONOMICS for now what may seem socialism may actually be a restoration of capitalism and a return to grass roots community based economics and banking much so that Obamacare would naturally become ridiculous intellectually speaking and so would foreign policies that pushed expansive socialism over community spirit raising and community organizing.

We have again that it better to think of me as acting as an individual trying to protect my intellectual property and pursue the bad actors common now to later bad acts more generally of the People of at least our nation.  We have that it may seem I am acting and writing in a Partisan while I am more acting knowing whom I should be disappointed in more factually and personally.  We have that it wasn’t Partisan that I advised Republicans and conservatives early to be to what got tagged “the party of no” and from a independent perspective and analysis shared that the fastest way to defeat these Democrats would be to letting them have all the room “no” in a “partisan” would allow so that them defeating themselves would be transparently clear.

If you did read or view Paul Krugman yesterday - I do hope this may help restore your sanity and work as an antidote to his ridiculous “economic” commentary.  Yes, I did suggest after Dems won in 2008 that they would be defeating themselves and that Republicans would be wasting energy if they tried to expedite the failure of the Dems political strategies - for it seemed that the fastest way for Republicans to win would be to let the Democrats defeat themselves all by their lonesome.

Unless we with these modern struggles are to hearing Dems fully explain how we are all now right where they meant to bring us and to such austere times of real struggles for so many all around the world - then we actually are at a time of a clear and certain failure in Dem Liberal “economic” “science”!

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