
October 2024
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1787 - PLAN B?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:53 pm

A smash up for “Swifties” – perhaps:

And the song goes on of “We the People…in Order to form” of our “more perfect Union” established by that the People have divine rights, each, and the union of states is sans a monarch of divine rights.

Our origins song is still revolutionary; the plain language of our founding is much of the essence of the English version in print of the KJV – King James Bible – to thus though Americans are under their Lord Creator before under government – especially liberated from as under a King’s “Order” (noun).

Authoritarians across the globe are torturing our poetic for constituted liberated, and it seems to bring back powers for tyrants to enslave. Our beautiful original plain language cannot be abided in the authoritarians’ marshalling machinations as it as for “a free state” as human condition in Liberty still threatens any dictator’s preference that any is a subject – not a free citizen.

Please, carefully & methodically, give deep consideration to “Plan A” as of your rights from your Creator this Constitution Day 2024, and to what it may mean to sing anew of “I AM AN AMERICAN” with an intellectual learned voice.

Our founding in 1787 was likewise of a high standard that dared not any blasphemy.

When you sing, please sing of the logic for the passions of by constituted “E PLURIBUS UNUM” by how united pluribus each is an unum an individual of responsibilities with rights from their Lord Creator.

George Washington was not a prude.

The Washingtons practiced prudence of their era of weekly most were responsible to be present in their family pews for hours of morals ministering – a truly “original” exercise in democracy of self-governing in religious freedoms.

Our founding THINK - BEAT - is that each is inalienable from the realm of Lord’s Laws.

“Swifties” shouldn’t need a “Plan B”?

Deep care and methods shouldn’t have been dissed?

There is no right in the CONSTITUTION to violate Lord’s Laws.

George Washington spoke of prudence in a general’s humor in his 1st Inaugural but with a humorist’s twist of metaphorically spoke of “impregnable fortitude” vigilance as a part of “vicissitudes incident to life” at the birth of a new nation.

Our nation so conceived was inaugurated by a first president speaking of he and his wife having been like “repaired from retired” by becoming the first first-couple like of the responsibilities abiding in a vigilance to maintain the prophylactics of those days to have chance of “Plan A” prevention of unexpected inseminations – to have “impregnable fortitude” by proper care and maintenance. George and Martha are said to did inherit her parents books on sex.

Care and methodologies are required. A swift reading of our plain language in our Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious) an order ordained the constituted is unwise.

The 14th Amendment re-established the 2/3rds usage as important governance rests at where any may fail a 60% PASS/FAIL bar on public morals. The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln stayed true to originalism – the plain language yet firstly a liberating ordered.

Can you fathom this Republican’s republican adherence to common sense? Lincoln won as of the original righteousness as a new champion of it was established for “a free state” as the human condition of Liberty in religious freedom.

There is no 100% abortion in the ending of a life – even a conceived incidentally of backslid to naturalism from due an individual conscience as each indivisible from created a child of the Lord.

We are still each, and all, of bodies electric and biological, with the spiritual duties around each the intended civic responsibility of each.

A successful seeding is from a sown was while connected yet to all – as indivisible from all.

An aborting of a successfully seeded doesn’t kill the HOPE that was shared for of the energies exercised towards “future leaders” may be what we need even if not for which we asked.

This Constitution Day it is more acceptable to read the intent as of the language and import/prudence of the revolution, and especially as the 250th anniversary of our independence approaches, as of the divine right is shouldered to upon each individual, and removed from being a “divine right” of a monarch.

Perhaps just not swiftly considering Jeremiah 1:5 of KJV will trigger a civic reboot:

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.”

Swift, or Swifties?

Isn’t this as WOKE as it can get? Isn’t originalism of “thee” – “thou” as each a child of the Lord?

Our democracy is so thus established fundamentally to be principally and firstly of self-governing with disciplines of religious practice locally. You are each a child of the Lord and in America to under your Creator before government.

Vice President Kamala Harris, sadly, seems yet another in a long line of said “Democrats” now over a hundred years towards trying to set asunder originalism of “a free state” for secular SOCIALISM of each more a subject, scored and graded – more a caste system than ordered a free citizen – if yet can score 60% on public morals in own community.

Our separation of church and state is more vertical – the old “wall of separation” is too confused - is too perverted to as if could stand equal status for secular SOCIALISM.

Vertically, and as rationally grammatically, the textualism has us ordered by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious inalienable) that form our “more perfect Union” as without a “divine right” of a monarch as the constituted is the established “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord”.

With Jeremiah 1:10 perhaps:

“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

A deep and learned oration should be erudite if as to still proffered as if learned during our revolutionary spirit to the dynamism of a dynamic where each if of their own divine rights.

Our constituted vein is for glory in the inalienable and indivisible of each from being a child fo the Lord.

Any potential conceived new life starts a universal sharing of a whom a future thou as if could be already a thee to be a new “Golden Child” – future good shepherd. An aborting doesn’t also kill the HOPE while will haunt a never-ending doubt if CREATION had been blessed of that the needed FUTURE LEADER so conceived was but washed away.

Any bloodline in America is of the “I AM AN AMERICAN” civil responsibilities for of each action has an equal and opposite reaction where if life can be it may yet have been that life created due a star was calling.

In 2024 on CONSTITUTION DAY what was in 1787 is still leading & prudent.

There is no separation right from each is to be a neighbor to their neighbors.

As it takes 2 to tango the creation of a new life we yet are constituted as in a Peoples’ religious “Order” of each of individual responsibility of each is of their rights from their Creator – each is of divine rights and to be presumed innocent, and firstly potentially a more Holy.

Our CONSTITUTION is still most WOKE; To properly, not too swiftly cursorily just scan, our founding ordering trust it as an EDUCATION standard in common sense of for Posterity it has prescriptions for when any may be less than 3/5ths moral – of a below 60% PASS score of grading for “MORAL AUTHORITY”.

As since the tablets of MOSES there have been the if then what thens for where any could be reverted to enslaved if and when they were too in a naturalism or otherwise too much a disturbance in the ordered of civility that is the liberation from enslavement in THE WORD.

“In the beginning was the WORD…”?

The WORD and our founding are of each is not an animal – each is a child of God – each forever may become confused on yet thou how respectful and prudent any can be when a son or a daughter is also but a child of the Lord’s as per also their parent, their parents.

As the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence nears it would be awful to lose all the seeded that could have been the gift from God of a needed future leader – yet not then asked for burden.

The forces of our nature are yet ordered for a Peoples’ “Order” sans a “national religion” to that each might be that new mutt – mixed blooded – a conceived in spirit – constituted for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a freedom “of” religion, not a freedom “from” religion.

There are no rights to violates the Lord’s establishments of religion in our ordered for each an unum an individual to be related with as “A FREE PERSON” so much as by if of walk and talk a truth as one of achieved a moral authority – a learned civic demeanor.

Do not get lost in a rash rushed quick take of the CONSTITUTION use of “A FREE PERSON”.

As an EDUCATION STANDARD it fits with the times for those who had a proven achieved level of practiced disciplined MORAL AUTHORITY.

The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln was of a civic correction was needed due peoples in states, some near 100 years later, wanted children of God to be prejudged of a FAIL grade – of a score at 3/5ths MORAL or lower – based on the color of their skin. The 14th Amendment keeps originalism as of shepherds and over-watchers likely needed where any about whom scores less than 60% moral.

A native American was also projected while not prejudged for being moral in originalism was of meeting people at whom they were. As Washington letter to the Jews of Newport served as notice of meaning it is basically essentially un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.

We are ordered of a Peoples’ Order of there is above our nation and the government that PERFECTION standard of what is religious.

George Washington did jest and joke around the birth of our nation and did reference safe-sex and the care & methods minding prophylactics required.

Our founding though was not in blasphemy, did preserved for local and community nearness our self-governing in religious liberty.

Vice President Kamala Harris is now just another in a long line of “DEMOCRATS” long attempting to set asunder the most WOKE liberating constituted order of mankind.

“We the People…in Order to form” puts the fear of God first – calls each to become free by becoming achieved to even scored as a thee can walk and talk of a MORAL AUTHORITY.

A “Plan B” shouldn’t be needed with “Plan A” not sub-human.

Having a “QUICKY” for a “SWIFTIE” - however of the “Hook-up Generation” – has a dominos effect even more dynamically now as many wake assaulting global consciences “on-line” just with rash memes, and imprudent posts.

By constituted with an established ordained for a Peoples’ “Order” the fraternity is familial to all in essence and the vibe on creation activities is there is no “OFF-LINE” from inalienable individual responsibility – from civil endowment as each a thee a child of God.

The responsibilities for any “PLAN B” are of thou a thee must try to un-ring the “we” “share” bell.

As many get 3/5ths clause wrong it also that the 14th Amendment erred using “male” where “A FREE PERSON” as an EDUCATION standard allowed the original plain language to be of achievement that could be reached by any a child of God.

Persons who FAIL are due at least more regular shepherding. Our 3/5ths a 60%, in grammar, is color-blind. Killing off seeded potential future leaders should not be race-based as we all sing the body electric and could not possibly out-smart God?

To Washington, thou, would thee in a quicky with a “Swiftie” be yet in a “Marriage Act”?

To Vice President Kamala Harris what is yet still just “fornication” and “pleasures of the flesh” for local house of worship to be facilities for tolerance and forgiveness as of the Christian calling per trespasses?

To “Swifties” what is “climate change” new versus “acts of God” old?

As in “the beginning” was “THE WORD” the definitions are the establishments of religion our Congress shall make no law respecting – our Congress shall not re-spectacle/change.

In the eyes of the Lord – whom each a thee the thou a child of God – is who is to be responsible and more free the more they achieved applicable MORAL AUTHORITY.


I know to each I meet they are to be encountered firstly as a child of the Lord, inalienable so also!

Your national government is not to be your neighbor of first resort – by “PLAN A” even “PLAN B”!

As a citizen a “Swiftie” in 2024 you could be a new “class” limited to 3/5th status if graded/scored on if are FREE by achieved 60% or better PASSABLE.practicable MORAL AUTHORITY.

Grouping by race - skin colors - were abolished while a reality is we kept constituted there are grounds for voters to have vote be adjusted from 5/5th down to 3/5ths.

More importantly this 3/5ths, an allowed scoring on public morals sans being a religious test on if of the right organization, yet shall need the 2/3rds ar of amending regular order to change.

More blacks in 2024 may score as “A FREE PERSON” than caucasians maybe more stepped out on faith.

As a class blacks may be due - may have earned - may quantitatively score more moral than “Swifties” and rate more free.

Our originalism plain language is dependent on public morals - on smaller bands of folk locally self-governing their universal world in the Laws of the Lord Creator.

God is in the CONSTITUTION as more not in the Peoples’ Order - due respected as above it - as a vertical separation sets the government also under God - as “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord” without a hint of blasphemy.

George and Martha were also “repaired from retired” by became the first couple birthing our Union - as of their greatest fear/worry if still stayed retired was there is no plan “B” for ups and downs - “vicissitudes incident” to life.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:59 pm

As history may repeat itself to effect equally bad or worse outcomes what tumblers of time may be ominously clicking into place?

Imagine yourself present in real-time in Washington DC as near the 250th anniversary of 13 states independence declared, and commenced.

Are you inclined towards Psalm 92:10 for a pressing praying for your horn/powers to be blessed?

Is your first visceral emote on the forming 2024 Presidential race an evoked thought of Edvard Munch for his “The Scream”?

As Munch’s was of post-Civil War arts and President Biden uttered thoughts on that these united states of America are in a new civil war who is Munchy now is alarming and scary.

The California homeless may be praying already for relief from change as now seems as if too de facto under the reigns of the Vice President – of Governor Newsom can’t be acting independently – with a war against the homeless.

Democrats now seem to be screaming alarms against Democrats.

A pop image for reality if caricatured of VP Kamala Harris seems of a scream a war cry as if yet a helmeted head sticking out of a tank in mobilizations across California, with her Governor, for a “California Miracle” more successfully marshalled than whence of Massachusetts by old Governor Dukakis.

Like: Tank Commander Harris routs out all homelessness – all homeless pop-up encampments!

Glimpses of examples of German arts have been available at the National Gallery of Art. – Artworks of the years of the rise of fascism.

Our arts and specifically artists may be failing civilization too much.

These are dark times of black arts – arts noir – needing new moralists.

It is ominous that Governor Newsom’s war to rout out pop-up homeless encampments seems was a first real political news of the self-subjugation by President Biden, with apparent due cause, effected to anoint Kamala Harris.

To what degree can “Howard” now, from inside the beltway, endear or endure as once Irish and Celtic as a tag in honors as “high guardian”?

A Kamala Harris candidacy as if firstly the new party “SCREAMER” Howard Dean is dramatically fraught.

Such a Kamala Harris would near have to thematically be like an antagonist to any protagonist black panther.

Sound effects too would be much inconvenienced as should evoke concerns of old beaten overtones stirring up consciences to now should be deeply known warning notes echoes of disasters stemmed from Bill Clinton staged to seem “dovish” so later Hillary Clinton could seem “hawkish”.

Howard and the unicorn are now inflection points two of our Union’s greatest concerns.

All hopes that a Howard could propagate to future leaders at the ready to triumph from a purity - innocence a power – S.O.P. – to a legacy of legends by many became “high guardians” seems washed out.

The “Dean Scream” of the 2004 Presidential campaign seems spiritually recurring.

To candidate Kamala Harris, however more Indian or black, seems anti-unicorns – except as if are rhinoceros.

Are there even enough black doctors in DC for a containment of seems old – art noir – dark arts newly recurrent?

Is there anywhere an innocent enough “Howard” as “high guardian” potential to be towards finding a virgin to catch a needed mythical being even if a black unicorn more a horse than a rhinoceros?

Can there be any Harris & Newsom “California Miracle”?

If too many even once Kennedy Democrats are now much also mere “Cafeteria Catholics” as Joseph R. Biden, Sr. was Holy tag’d isn’t primal screaming to be expected as coincident to crossroads for devolutions from civilized to more barbarian? – thresholds crossed?

Are the apparent “SCREAMS” like from candidate Harris evidence of devolution?

The mobilization against California homeless is suggestive of psyche bipolar? – a beast two headed? Kamala as a Jekyll and a Hyde?

“Howard and the Unicorn” seems can only fit a law-and-order narrative.

Albeit alas if not yet a wolf in sheep’s clothing horror dramatic.

Yes, German art during the rise of fascism still evokes a “TROUBLED”.

Democrats’ nominee reasonably cannot be the virgin thought needed to catch a unicorn?

Her “Dean Scream” as set with context may shift more from Kennedy Democrats?

I recall Dr. Howard Dean admitted apparently to he amidst his campaign did “run afoul” of the profession’s MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY LAWS. I recall he fessed up to admitting his loss some was from he missed the mark on especially his professional standards – of he did harm by lying.

Once A.C.A. – Obamacare – became law – however it much firstly from thinking from The Heritage Foundation focus for healthcare reforms – presidents and lawyers or candidates, as of administration duties forward, like doctors, should also not be knowingly lying to win.

Washington DC divisions and partisan gridlock now some figure as from changes did occur before the laws were modernized to a suffice. Politicians changed practices, as were a convenience by different, newness didn’t have enough a due deeper modernization of laws to keep up our constitutional protections from even tyranny by our government. Like even in “Climate Change” politics legal liability can be now asserted versus Al Gore, it seems, for global initiatives that set asunder regular order and due process that in old days kept a farmer or rancher from damming up a waterway about their property. Proud “Prosecutor” Harris can’t run from that our laws have not kept up with the changes of our times – from that Democrats abused democratic regular order while apparently seeking more authoritarian to fascist control.

As I write to alarm and share, hopefully in time, please process Bill and Hillary did not try to be “right for their times” over attempted selfish schemes, even with a deep state facility, to just try to make the times fit their ambitions.

In the late years of the Clintons’ administration I was a self-employed general contractor in Washington DC, some Maryland, and some also Virginia, - even of built out skateboard stores – and after of earlier at 2833 Georgia Ave NW of months with a DEMO permit working on a ground floor across Gresham Street from “The Buffalo’s” Howard University gymnasium for “THE BISON”. I much was a contractor by day and a independent politics writer by night.

Bill Clinton much won 1992, after a late entry after Carville and Begala tested messaging with Harris Wofford, as he learned to sound like me – my volunteered political thinking to turn the phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” into a call for urban agendas.

Bill Clinton also stole “I TRIED IT ONCE – BUT DIDN’T INHALE” from me.

Still others also lied – fibbed too much – as politicians.

Howard Dean, himself, stole from me, sadly likewise with gall, for his talks – townhalls? – with black – with black communities – to, can you believe it, politic a posture his message to that IT IS WRONG TO STEAL.

Kamala Harris and Joseph Biden likewise during just the 2020 election could both have been exposed of unbecoming for lies frauds also violate of MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY laws.

I am related, btw, in Cody family to he was “Buffalo Bill” Cody.

In 2004 Democrat Party convention break-out speech Barack Obama plagiarized me to yet sound like/own being of, while black, what Clintons stole from me since 1993 inauguration for much of their seen as popular. Much of the recession and economics problems near the end of the Persian Gulf War had the fixes begun before the Clintons even entered the 1992 race, and such likely were mostly locked in before November to even George H. W. Bush would have had a recovery with which to govern forward in a 2nd term.

Candidate Harris problems are old and complex. And, however a political chameleon, she seems lacking a necessary personality dynamism for any legendary or bare minimum democratic republic suffice.

Candidate Harris’ politics as long some to much Democrats have lost when fraudulently took credit for what another owns as intellectual property – deeper story of “FALL OF CLINTONS” due theft by fakes – far before a lost in a FEMINISM.
Hillary was much defeated as unworthy by a creative strike that shut her out from further misappropriations/uses of what long had been working essentially by them stealing a large part yet of a larger a grand scheme for innovation – which could be then blocked because they failed to know how they stole something vast was yet controllable to originator as really part of larger broader movements for maximizing positive change.

Likewise, even if not of kryptonite to Clark, Kamala Harris doth cannot possibly be of a legend of a virgin needed to catch a unicorn. She seems to long merely more a chameleon a climber willing to be the party enforcer even of Democrats “structural racism” in California. “Harris vs Homeless” now is unsettling as like too unpredictable change/news.

What though is her politics of the one horned rhinoceros?

Are Democrats seem long too beset to naturalism of a “unicorn” story as if just of the sexual prowess of the male rhino?

Decades ago David Quammen, in OUTSIDE magazine, storied the male rhino ejaculatory prowess as told of for an hour mounted upon mate was near at 56 produced ejections in 60 minutes.

The Clintons did since 1993 much wage war against God – as of the 9/11 Report published incidentally as causal to Al Qaeda – and for a politics of “The Natural State” too global for naturalism.

She, her candidate Kamala Harris, of new interview style suggesting a “co-president Walz” dependency, seems devolved to also beset to primal screaming – too akin the specious emoting whence of Dr. Howard “The Scream” Dean.

She, her an anointed fall back nominee, is already quite late and absent on providing an intelligent rendition for politics in context with history on Israel and Gaza – on Gaza War – to a reasonable position of it smartly opined in a joint session as a struggle between civilization and barbarism.

Again, sadly, there seems no “high guardian” in Democrats – a sober “Howard” not too just a SCREAMER.

Perhaps, other than I did DEMO on Gresham Street near Howard University years ago for what had been ground floor offices of neighborhood physicians’ practices, I will see even of such a HOWARD rise up in open-eyed realism to that especially the GREEN AGENDA has long been marshalled as of movements of the LEFT for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

We may have a SWAMP of no mythical unicorns – and now too long of perversions from CONSTITUTION originalism for inventive interpretations yet lacking a “reasonable” standing – and now hopefully not too long from ORIGINALISM in rational textualism – but maybe there are still some “high guardians” in our midst able to stop such by definition essentially a new FASCISM – beyond inflection points of beginner AUTHORITARIANISM.

The long near a new FASCISM – even ushered of “CLIMATE CHANGE” near a “TROJAN HORSE” for LEFT’S strong-armed over-marching of their actual authority – intellectual score – now haunts from seemed framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

Her party is of the real story is DEMOCRATS have been undermining DEMOCRACY.

However now near a de facto President, by Joseph R. Biden, Sr. especially self-cancelled by anointed his Vice President as a back-up candidate, Kamala Harris, who seems needs a co-president for interviews, is at least a packrat to how “CLIMATE CHANGE” was long framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers – and how such now greatly undermines “CIVILIZATION” and “DEMOCRACY” with postured uttered for “GREEN AGENDA” as if it a new religion – while secular and even devolutionary as too for naturalism – a natural state devoid even a suffice of natural law.

It is a SWAMP to many.

Haven’t these radicals too long been marching of old secular guidance to “GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE – AND KILL THEIR GOD!”?

Oddly, perhaps too obviously an inflection point, is it seems her pack is to natural and sans mythical – her she is too long of Munchies – of a new SCREAM of Howard – and to even a biblical unicorn shall forward only be but a rhino.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:51 am

You have lived long enough to bear witness to one a new 2nd fiddle to Nero ascend a party soap box.

Your conscience should be shaken and stirred to the dark depths of President Joseph R. Biden was Holy tag’d a “Cafeteria Catholic”!

Our fate is our’s to make.

As our semi-quintennial approaches we should work for a rational textualism of the plain language that did form our Union – of independence in each, towards each, is set to be for each other’s rights come from their Creator.

And, our Independence 250th should include at least elementary math.

And, as Biden/Harris ticket was beat for a “BUILD BACK BETTER” an objectivism is due for a deconstruction perspective to see any building blocks of their partisan political constructs.

And, with now a Harris/Walz kick-off too we must referee upon what “a reasonable prosecutor” standard need minimally be.

Our fate is our’s to make.

President Donald J. Trump has owned and operated beauty pageants and casinos.

The psyche-profile, for one of a personality and professionalism to have had business successes with such industriousness heavy in the service sectors, if official, should prove quite contrary to the were Biden/Harris more constructs for partisan consumption of a “fake Donald”.

On math scores President Trump has a career long established record of having financial discipline – like especially as regards depreciation schedules.

“Prosecutor” Kamala Harris acumen seems isolated and limited more to mere case by case constraints, and personally devoid a math disciplined for from creation to completion as builders are supposed to account – be fully accountable.

Our fate is our’s to make.

We are above $34 TRILLIONS and growing.

President Barack H. Obama broke many records as bullied a new SPEND, SPEND, SPEND dogma partisan as towards, defeated tryingly, yet his attempted to get 70% taxes, and as if a patriotic duty.

Have we bore witness enough already to know for certain that VP Kamala Harris besides a co-conspirator in Bidenflation - of Bidenomics is Bidenflation in reasonable math sciences - scientifically is an Obama SPEND, SPEND, SPEND DEMOCRAT?

Mustn’t Harris/Walz ticket be to we find out, hopefully not too late, that they too are for 70% taxation – and even higher taxing?

If William Shakespeare had to have done this math could he have been Shakespeare – “The Bard”?

We must do the math! – Or else!

Kamala Harris has been 2nd fiddle to President Biden as vast sums amassed to new heights as their Bidenomics is Bidenflation and due everything just costs more with their half-baked policies.

What amounts to “high crimes and misdemeanors” – for 25th Amendment and impeachment?

Can there be no trump in a Harris/Walz run casino? – Are all their decks just stacked to protect government’s odds?

Is it just a buzz show?

$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY! – Harris/Walz?

We must do the math! – Or else!

In a time not too long ago, the message was different from these (radicals?) Democrats: Bill and Hillary whence were of their tune was “The era of big government is over!” – to budgeting priority for party seemed reasonable as near “It just takes a village!” – even as partisan politics deplorable with they cut an unnecessary extra Trillion for short term SURPLUS popularity – with protecting a rise for “Hillary for President” deep state scheming.

We don’t believe Nero did fiddle alone as Rome burned?

Larry Summers, of Harvard University, old proffered could be the needed new dramatic – that a due drama a new Shakespearean.

What fate has their contrary set up?

How long is your list of those rose as Democrats “First Female” “First Woman” who now needs to be objectively judged – even akin a “CRIMINAL MINDS” made for TV drama forensics of professional compliance – and to scored as now apparently proof of Harvard’s Larry Summers’ old uttered upon the female sex facility with (budgets?) mathematics?

What amounts to “high crimes?

The self-rapped tag on the House of Obama, the House of Bidens, the House of Harris is of admitted toking smoking – getting high – of “home” lifestyle - right?

“Impeachable Crimes” finding by House indicts Joseph R. Biden as a homeowner, at least, as owner of property where illegal drug use seems was regular?

Prudent barriers abide where?

Are the drama’s historical dynamics now inter-generational?

Did we fail to protect and preserve a better fate?

Is the jury in to that the “Baby Boomers” should be judged a “worst generation”?

President Trump also spent much of his career disciplined as sober-minded as firstly in proprietorship of residences – apartment and condominiums – and hotels – for a superior service standard for the brand “TRUMP” to endure.

“High crimes” is an albatross about the necks of Democrats – particularly “D” “Baby Boomers”!

While the 2020 Election was of Biden/Harris apparently perpetuated frauds by built a fake psyche profile and ran firstly against such a “fake Donald” their politics since sworn in also suggest “high crimes” – clouded judgement.

A Shakespearean on Larry Summers’ conclusion on female sex and math is overdue. We await the real story of it seems Nancy Pelosi is somehow uniquely whom is most politically culpable – 80% responsible? – for us of our Union as now of over $34 TRILLIONZ in debts.

The fall of the House of Biden didn’t need arsenic – as a plight to flight from power can be simply that his VP – in selfish ambitiousness – did dope him to too sleepy with pot brownies – and to performance to cloudy – apparently of clouded judgment?

Our Congress has sworn duty to look deeply into so much before Harris/Walz to prudently deemed even of standing to wax on was a “prosecutor” as even that standard triggers with “… for President”.

We should, to protect our fate, express deep concerns to rally our Congress to that suffice of probative expected for even serial bad actors of criminal minds.

There are jurisprudence tipping points – thresholds? – on now how “high crimes” involved more than a few admitted drug users in “leadership”.

What did the Veep – Vice President – know?

When, by James, should Kamala Harris have already loudly acted on such known? Perhaps now: KAMALA “ALSO CROOKS” HARRIS is as fit a tag as “Cafeteria Catholic”?

What should she have concluded as Cabinet members had duty to have followed the money directed by foreign agents towards into the hands of “Hunter”?

What is, for equal justice, a “REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard?

Also, legal jeopardy abounds around Biden/Harris for, at least per fentanyl deaths, as since the “New” at 2021 is they were the 1st administration that could have secured the border – yet are whom worked contrary and now can face at least their negligence.

A dramatic truth that seems also Shakespearean is as I have long posted as:

Biden’s “Catholic Guilt” seem to spur Biden’s gaffes!

Oh my! Presidential immunity?

Oh my! Not math? No Logic? No Venn diagrams?

On pot? The culpability for politicians is not on that they wrongly did it – partook in illegal substances – but on that they wrongly believed the ideas they had while influenced – under the influence – of altered chemical state(s) – with their used drugs could even exist – let alone be “more perfect” – in a sober state?

Perhaps VP Kamala Harris as Democrat Party nominee can craft a Venn Diagram for where real danger zones of as doped is to shows as covers all thoughts?

As 2nd fiddle to President Biden as Bidenomics was existentially and objectively always Bidenflation:

Where is there any rational party unity after Clinton administration “The era of big government is over!” and of twas Obama was not enough balanced and checked for SPEND, SPEND, SPEND – and then try to fix in a rigging a mortgaging of citizens’ future each more merely a subject to owe near 70% tributes to its government? – aka TAXES?

Otherwise it seems a “high crimes” that Biden/Harris are of seems akin negligent homicide for not having stemmed fentanyl when they were, reasonably quite firstly, who could have been the first to curb it substantially.

Besides Shakespeare:


CAUTION: Former Clinton NSC expert Philip Bobbitt in his book TERROR AND CONSENT did espouse near “When a White House and Hollywood work too closely together it begets terrorism.”

Sir Ridley Scott, and Larry Summers – are for perhaps that we learn from their histories?

Is Kamala “Louise”?

If Kamala Harris doesn’t know who drove “Thelma and Louise” car off the cliff is she out of touch?

If Kamala Harris denies knowing is she really a FEMINIST?

If Kamala Harris doesn’t see her economics as too “$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY!” reckless is this due “altered states” ruled her rise? – is her math unreasonable?

Is it about the math? Is it now firstly a to be staged drama about Summers’ “females”?

It is about the math!

It is inter-generational, too, of seems the “Baby Boomers” have made their legacy – their fate – due a scored as a “THE WORST GENERATION”!

Our fate is our’s to make!

It is also about the words:

As our 2nd Amendment is a clause to the 1st Amendment ends with “Government” and “grievances” with “a free state” as moral high standard of human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a real ‘it takes the village’ community-based humility:

We the People have right to free speech, assembly and revolts with militia(s) against our own government if it has become, reasonably evidently, too tyrannical.

Our constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “done” in “Year of our Lord” – this is reasonable word proof of rational textualism in plain language reading comprehension – as “ordained” “subscribed” humbly a constitution thus under God – not in blasphemy.

On our modern scales of Justice and the Posterity of the classical foundations bolster EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAWS terminated candidate President Biden, of home(s) of ill repute – of “IMPEACHABLE CRIMES”, can be scored a “NERO” – or worse. He may have more just fiddled on the beach – but, by James – my God – Harris should have and could have acted morally – not just played along a (negligent?) 2nd.

What must our “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard minimally be?

A “SLEEPY BIDEN” coup only needed pot brownies? Even for Shakespeare?

Kamala Harris, Vice President, toppling of Joseph R. Biden, President didn’t need arsenic?

The 250th anniversary of our revolutionary declaration of independence is nearing. At 250 years old our Union true blessing can be that TRUTH can reign – that with community-based tolerance and forgiveness fully our greatest protection from tyrannies we can be a People can abide TRUTH with each under our Creator before under Government – we can walk the written ratified words for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – freedom to worship secured to firstly of neighbors with neighbors.

What happened to the SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING on say President Biden not himself of immunity?

Is it just a buzz show?


How bad are the Democrats really?

What now is “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR”? – Even a correct “psyche profile”?

Nominee Kamala Harris is inconvenienced by “unfit” Joseph R. Biden recent attacks on the Supreme Court.

A rational deconstruction of such partisan formed priorities seems to associate the Office of the Vice President as also complicit in unsound politics as reasonably a willing “2nd fiddle”?

The math and the original words plain meanings now guide best.

How do we try to hold them to these words on immunity?

To sober legal minds is the strategic crossed – cloudy? Did Biden “Catholic Guilt” generate a new “Biden Defeats Biden” Biden gaffe?

To assuage cause to issues on justices seems firstly to raise the politics for reasonable prosecutors to that (accidentally?) incidentally these actions as their priorities of President Biden do self-incriminate – self-indict – even the whole Biden administration.

A simple “INTENT” test seems to scored as proposals with Biden fated(?) Harris to now the amending 2/3rds process is USC bar – and 2024 election NOT to suffice with merely a 51% plurality.

It seems crooked also that “REFORM” called for as a prima facia seems it was politically advanced as last defense possible as yet to confess to such imparts admissions to that their reign has been to date of actions still factually illegal.

Is it “high crimes” from duped, and doped? – incompetence – incompetencies?

Prosecutor Harris’ cards are now like:

We confess an amendment is needed for how we’ve governed to be actually not illegal!

Kamala Harris at least self-selected a full association as one of “Baby Boomers” generation!

William “The Bard” Shakespeare or Neil Simon could render horror or comedy on a prosecutor’s “reasonable”?  

The 6 to 3 Supreme Court bench, as with, by my 2 cents, a rational textualism in plain language comprehension, bolsters it reasonable to ourselves as see the Biden administration & Harris/Walz need 2/3rds amending even for what seems in the rear view mirror.                                                                                                                                              
Many sense a farce - and with James 4:17 still being reasonable?
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:49 pm
Whomever may be the chef of your ratatouille – delight and rejoice for that justice may be served.

Whence upon those times the orphaned Oliver dared ask for more, reflecting, apportioning due measures tis best meted elementary.

Worldly wise service is a drum major’s beat.

Today what may appear rude and rough may yet be an “A.I.” written under algorithms barring plagiarism; artificial intelligence, if too must live by the rules, may also be beset to be a bad copycat – of bad copy.

As English tomorrows in Annie’s of the rising sun to days clear – of shadows cast – American Phil’s may bode a longer winter.

Perhaps, still forward, we are best soled to preamble regular with the normative immaculate of Mary; it seems a soulful can be reaped best where souls well sown.

Perhaps, still forward, ladies and gentlemen can walk and talk a constitution orderly.

Perhaps, still forward, what is consummated – of songs of songs? – can mete a copacetic establishment of prudent commandments.

Sans worldly wise service there’s been betrayal.

Grief may be reaping where grievous sowed deep.

Forward, perhaps, drum majors must resound alarming new bodings foretelling discordance.

Quite charming still is that old sworn hostility by Thomas Jefferson to all “tyrannies over the minds of men.”

Rats!!! We’ve becometh an age of a SWAMP full of rats. Packrats of the caucus of Nancy Pelosi have cooked up some things awful – of a political stench – frightfully horrible.

It doth behoove no human to want a seconds – any further discombobulations – any backsliding to the errors of those her political eras – sad repeats of a “first woman…” did render partisan phats now massed as publicly scandalous in how not just the Biden’s wrongfully fattened up.

Rats!!! Can it all be just the stench of a “first woman…” composed?

Grief may be reaping where grievous sowed deep.

Rats!!! She is of the red sauce of Macbeth; Nancy Pelosi is bloodied – blood is on her hands.

Far from charming is of fattened Hunter Biden – that Hunter came up in the eras of Nancy Pelosi with her like a godmother or special aunt?

Constitutionally speaking nothing cooked up by the Bidens – in their scandalous – was by law allowed to be seen as not also of Pelosi’s kitchen.

Delight and rejoice for that justice may be served.

Our founding fathers put forth a spectacle in how conceived a republic not in blasphemy.

By the time our BILL OF RIGHTS became ratified clarity spread about resounding on revolutionary original beats for accord reiterated to more assuredly affirm a living conundrum of that though laws passed in prescribed regular order prudence by the federal government is to be honored as “supreme law of the land” and any understanding must thus too therefore abide such government is so truly limited by it shall not make any law to respectacle/change Lord’s Laws.

What can’t achieve any clarification – as was what Pelosi’s Democrats cooked up for partisan phats – is now to be judged of the fattened Bidens’ murky and rotten gray areas.

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi!!!

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi!!!

Forward, perhaps, drum majors’ beats were for “Crooked Hillary” of a “SWAMP” of nepotism through the 90s of the “Deep State”.

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi; - her “weaponization” of our government has been of real “tyrannies over the minds of men” Jefferson sworn hostility upon.

A fair critical review of all the bad stuff cooked up with Nancy Pelosi’s packrats – with her leadership – would take volumes.

To be brief: Let me be clear:

Many many Democrats are due perp walks.

The haunting beats echo with a stench.

About Pelosi’s wrought – sent – sent forth – due forensics can discern the particulars of and parties to.

For the innocent hopes of Olivers and Annies across our lands the modern Republicans are offering duly measured regularity.

A more woke is with the charming still of Mary’s orderly – written original beats?

As when any nowadays asked “What caused the Civil War?” a first right answer is a questioning “Which U.S. Civil War?”.

Forward perhaps ladies and gentlemen can walk and talk a constitution orderly.

We all now must table and prioritize a dissection of Pelosi’s phat – a thorough breaking down of how she cooked up/reigned over great and vast perversions to our Peoples’ Order our order ordained our Constitution.

How so ever Nancy Pelosi personally cooked up wretched perversions to our constituted prudent regular order, or set forth others with beats towards such:

Hunter Biden didn’t “CLEAN UP” in a political vacuum. The fattening of the HOUSE OF BIDENS could only have proceeded as within the duties the scope of the caucuses leader’s reigning.

Much of the wretched of the earthly missing of the marks, of Mary’s conceived jurisprudence inalienable, and how BIDENOMICS reaping inflation – BIDENFLATION – roots of pathways from Nancy Pelosi’s seeded perversions, and sent forth, with beats coyly insurrectionist, while orders marched to set asunder the constitutional.

Delight and rejoice that justice may be served.

Her wrought in the rear-view mirror of life is deplorable – deeply rebellious – soundingly contrary with particular perversions of constituted prudence.

Worldly wise service is a drum major’s beat.

Now even an artificial intelligence, allowed sufficient data sets, would concur.

Our founding fathers put forth a spectacle in how conceived a republic not in blasphemy.

Forward, importantly, we much purge or shun her harvests of fruits of poisoned trees.

Her’s has not been Mary’s of His way?

Politically we need to stew on what grew from and is still growing of her so so very very contrary.

In of her sent became much wretched:

In of truths can save and refreshen:

In of parity and comity of polity to abide:

See the table! Help prioritize!

However facts to dictate of Hunter’s just partly as enabled by her like a godmother, or special aunt:

She, Nancy Pelosi, has been a partisan witch of many sorts. A snared is growing.

The fall of the HOUSE OF BIDENS is to haunt and haunt as was only made possible by a sponsor an enabler a “first woman…” abuser of the powers of her highest office – with dereliction upon her EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE duties, for starters.

An inconvenient truth is that her perverted interpretations of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE are in the public records – archived as sent forth.

Though written is the prudence on pecuniary and foreign relations is of Congress must approve all emoluments “whatever” – she’s been – Nancy Pelosi has been - oh very contrary to His – our Lord Creator’s - by biased perversions to phat okay for D’s – but “illegal” if of for R’s.

Rats!!! We’ve becometh an age of a SWAMP full of rats.

Proper measures otherwise stay a bulwark of democracy of by our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by limited the Federal Government from theocracy – from playing God – from divine right of monarchs we are constituted Biblical as under our Lord Creator before under especially was the missing of the marks of the perpetuated false reading of originalism, and textualism still revolutionary – quite a supreme woke – superior WOKISM.

The WEAPONIZATION of our Government has been of real “tyrannies over the minds of men” Jefferson sworn hostility upon.

For the trash heaps of history:


Truths are to haunt for it is a “First Woman Speaker” was whom cooked up the sent out!

What happened, also contrary, in the HOUSE OF BIDENS did also happen in SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI’S kitchen!


For the Clintons the rules were mothballed in enabling of “post-Constitution”!

For the Obama Administration a partisan divisiveness became standard!

For the Trump term she cooked up old mothballed for the Clintons phat reaping a potpourri of contrariness to that laws long said no longer laws were reprocessed and reprocessed to concocted case loads versus Donald Trump by layering and layering unbecoming misinterpretations and perversions of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, for starters.

For Nancy Pelosi it is convicting; – Hunter Biden’s must now be tabled with discussant parity to laws reversed once defended Clintons as then becameth weaponized, as served toxic, politically, of proofed hoaxes at the expense of Donald Trump, for the real originalism and textualism of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, as with “no titles” spirited and written, imports that family of agents of our republic offices are also necessary and essential suspects – are whom too much there be full and regular knowing oversight.


Joe Biden should have known – down to every penny “whatever” - and, too should at least the FIRST WOMAN SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!!!

Hunter’s business was the Peoples’ – the taxpayers, at least – business!!! Whatever!!!

Hunter’s is now more like Bill Clinton’s unredacted - far from FAIRY TALE, and much ado shades of gray!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:27 pm

    In this year two thousand twenty and three we have reached the 75th anniversary of “THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS”.
    What, today, is the state of religious freedom, here, and abroad?
    How is it compatible with originalism upon our constitution?
    The other day I was a visitor seated in the House of Representative Gallery as a resolution was discussed and passed towards restricting Representative Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and as well for the passage of resolution H.R. Res. 9 offering the full House an opportunity to condemn the past horrors of socialism/socialists.
    The days before I attended the “International Religious Freedom Summit”- #IRFSummit2023.
    Representative Ilhan Omar history may too be in conflict on human dignity core of “The International Declaration of Human Rights”.
    To reach a consensus on the complexity of these discussions we are wise to consider what history relates and if there amidst such isn’t a biased incorrect partisan spin that also compromises committee assignments.
    Representative Omar is not firstly a woman of color, nor a Muslim.  This Minneapolis politician is principally a Democrat.  As a Democrat party operative her history can objectively be reconsidered upon where there are contradictions in her known biases, and even where such essentially admits into discussion/evidence past cover-ups for leaders of her party.
    Protecting human dignity, and also religious freedom of each individual, how issues relate, is a global goal.  These times have nationalisms and imperialisms rising as at least existential threats to what was written and agreed upon of the United Nations General Assembly 75 years ago.
    Let us not forget how clever the founding fathers were, especially James Madison, in the establishment of the Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution for uniting states.  Human dignity is in originalism much by that there is no right in this ordered liberty established “Order” for any to violate the 10 COMMANDMENTS.  Though Thomas Jefferson opined the nation was not constituted as a Christian nation he yet did not write it – it of it was subscribed “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.
    James Madison protected human dignity cleverly as well, shall we consider, to it of the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights generally, is redundant to the body of the Peoples’ “Order” established ordained a constitution.  To any understanding “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” the originalism of the constituted is that each is firstly of their rights from their Creator.
    The religious freedom constituted is not of the Nation is ordered as Christian, but yet is of the nation is a republic that secures each their rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws, and as vitally secured to be firstly particularly for neighbor amongst neighbor common neighborly considerations/jurisdictions.
    The constitution respects that each is under God before under government, and secures protections from tyranny for the people for which it orders liberty.  The real separation of church and states is not a “wall of separation” as Thomas Jefferson emphasized but the vertical separation written in by James Madison to the Government is also under God – not to be theocratic – not to play God – not even to say there is no God.
    In 1941 we can argue the interpretation of “wall of separation” was tweaked to legally attempt to legalize SOCIALISM – towards there could be a secular equal standing for Franklin D. Roosevelt to stand up a “NEW DEAL” phat with social programs.  Human dignity is firstly protected by originalism to such would be contrary to the constituted “Order” by to an otherwise stood up to as if citizens are more firstly just subjects and more to be presumed guilty – needing a NANNY STATE – and not innocent under God existentially.
    With originalism read of a vertical separation the redundant in the Bill of Rights rightly reads of a snarky grammar.  Any of an understanding that the American Revolution was fought for individual rights in the vein of each of rights from their Creator – of “a free state” as a human condition of LIBERTY in religious freedom – each by how united PLURIBUS is an individual an UNUM of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 COMMANDMENT against them, and of too such is of First and Second Amendments distinctively of rights versus their own government.

    The government is of and by the People in the spirit of that the American Revolution was just and legal, and existentially each is constituted as a child of the Lord presumed to be innocent, and also able to be redeemed, even daily.
    Religious freedom is protected by ordered liberty to there regular order for due process and civil procedures for if and when Lord’s Laws broken/break down yet secular by rights to trials put to judgement by one’s peers.
    It can be complicated to understand how each is allowed and even expected to consider DEMOCRACY to be firstly that of existential liberty in individual spiritual responsibilities to be in communities, self-selected, and self-governing in Lord’s Laws.  Our constituted Peoples’ “Order” is brief and can be due it, as written, is public morals dependent.
     None is divisible from “under God”!  In the days of the era of the founding such an idea would have amounted to blasphemy; citizens are constituted as indivisible from their Creator.
     Whereas “HUMAN DIGNITY” and “HUMAN RIGHTS” are to be understood with “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” there the puzzling of scope and breadth of “child of God” due with each can be redeemed and forgiven daily there a vast PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE for encounters with others, even travelers strangers; each essentially has no right to prejudge another as not a child of the Lord Creator – God.
     Though not every human being may be an individual consciously of the Kingdom of the Lord there is to be no prejudicing upon each from of a right to be considered still reachable.
     The “UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS” does articulate for equal justice to there to be a presumption of innocent if and when a person becomes charged of a crime.
     Representative Ilhan Omar has a party problem!
     If antisemitic remarks are affected such effectively contradicts George Washington letter to the Jews of Newport guidance spelling out a high moral standard for the much established existentially Christian to that each of the United States should consider it yet un-Christian if of bigotry.  Originalism allows each individual to self-govern in Judeo-Christian establishments/scriptures/Lord’s Laws.
     The 118th Congress rising story is for more than an existential revival called up!
     The constituted Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is of the Union is formed “more perfect” by structurally the people are sovereign and there is no divine right of monarchs; the PREAMBLE sets out “in/Order/to form” not as a future tense “in order to” then of “form” tweaked to modify “more perfect” out of present tense of a “done” humbly “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”.
     The CONSTITUTION is not as Democrats for over a hundred years have worked interpretive perversions to common sense in originalism; the Peoples’ “Order” is not of “in order to” in a future tense to an executive has a loophole to dictate in a tyranny with any idea they personally think is “more perfect” for the Union.
     At just 75 years old the declaration at the General Assembly of the UNITED NATIONS is still wanting compared to the articulated structures of the ordered liberty in originalism – in the CONSTITUTION still standing of the USA.
     The party problems of House Democrats is now that parity for polity to comity can much only come about by discussing the mistakes made by Democrat Party elected leaders at least since 1992.
     Before the barring from Foreign Affairs duty is an issue of race or sex it is partisan needing litigating – OBJECTIVISM ON HISTORICAL DETAILS – as Representative Ilhan Omar too should responsibly demonstrate a working understanding, before speaking to HOUSE purse strings requests, of which problems in past decades were actually fundamentally and particularly caused by Democrats.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong…?
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton compromised near every executive decision with a nepotism priority to check and bias towards each of his decisions had to keep his promise to his spouse that he would help her get her own named presidency – if and after she helped him get own.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton 90s was of era of AMERICAN ABANDONMENT in Iraq and Afghanistan, while Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, had feminism crusading in Middle East that yet incited and precipitated what became the attacks of September 11, 2001.  And while times of issues of Muslims were simmering and so stoked by a moral bankruptcy of the politics of the Clintons the history is while issues grew past simmering the Clintons yet vastly unfunded DEFENSE and INTELLIGENCE agencies, and worked for a “wall of separation” (bureaucratic) between FBI INVESTIGATIONS and ENFORCEMENT divisions.
     WHEREAS:  John Kerry & John Murtha undermined the war plans of IRAQ WAR from near day one of boots on the ground in country in Iraq towards the Iraqi were given a palpable fear that AMERICANS would just CUT & RUN and leave them again, like in the 90s, at the mercy of tyrant Saddam Hussein.  President Bush plan may still have been inadequate and how the war was sold, but without the Iraq War Americans would generally have been trapped, in the minds of Muslims youths at least, as on the wrong side of the ARAB SPRING era.  Revolutions by Irani would, seems, not be against their own government as likely still Americans to have been seen to much as a common ENEMY, to Iran Leaders and citizens, though USA is a nation constituted for religious freedom for all.
     WHEREAS:  Hillary Clinton was also party to smearing the work of the first blacks to be a Secretary of State but indivisible more deplorable for such of selfish fraud by lies evidenced in nature of partisan ploys of what Democrats smeared once of the first black Secretaries was then otherwise effected as if original by Secretary Clinton and to posturing of it affected by her to be pure genius, like, though much stolen plays like how much Hillary Clinton copied Richard M. Nixon foreign policy.
     There are some closet SOCIALIST it seems in the 118th Congress while generally a new McCarthyism is not needed due near 100 DEMOCRATS have voted apparently to be admittedly SOCIALISTS.
     Where nations now imperial and of new nationalism with expansionist efforts we have violations of the INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
     As we ponder Taiwan mustn’t we conclude near to that if CCP - CHINA - were to lay siege to such nation the world should firstly discern and tag the Chinese as expansionist of imperialism that represents more than an existential threat to religious liberty the world wide?
     The constituted of these united states of the Americas stays originally true to that each is of rights from their Lord Creator, and is firstly under God before under any government, and structurally so of an ordered liberty respecting Judeo-Christian scriptures/establishments of religion, but in “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” for a republic of each of individual rights to be in DEMOCRACY of locally self-governing in RELIGIOSNESS.
     Americans are more protected as each a “child of God” then regularly discussed.
     The party problem of FOREIGN AFFAIRS for Representative Ilhan Omar is far more populated within her caucus as now evidence by those voted to be admitted SOCIALISTS, – and thus therefore anti-Constitution.
     This all cannot be whitewashed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. coyly claiming CAPITALISM CAN BENEFIT FROM COMPETITION to suggest SOCIALISM, while contrary to originalism, is postured as yet okay by being at least his “competition” to CAPITALISM.
     There are distinctions to be kept between “religious” and “religion” as per freedom!
     A “religious freedom” is usually firstly that of interacting and synthesizing with a community – amongst neighbors.  A traveler yet to being a stranger in a strange land more firstly is of “religion” “freedom” of to be welcomed in a presumption of innocence with a peaceable modal prioritized.
     Consider beyond how if Taiwan is seized China can be broad brushed as a global threat to religious freedom, and as the numbers are there near as many of Islam in the world as Chinese under the CCP, and too near as many Catholics in world also to feel more than existentially threatened.
     Irani demonstrators have current events, in an objectivism, raising conundrums of it seems China should be seen as a greater threat to Iran than Americans of religious liberty originalism, - of seems due Saddam Hussein did get prosecuted Americans can be seen as brethren for human dignity for all – to a much young population in such nation.
     Originalism is bolstered by Alexander Hamilton as “PUBLIUS” in #1 of “THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” by the constitution is said to be for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” to that SOCIALISM of today is much set as illegal/unconstitutional in the Peoples’ “Order” that secures each individual a status of rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws.
     The “BILL OF RIGHTS” is in a snarky grammar that really, as understood of snark, does greatly limit the powers to be allowed the federal government.  As Congress to make now law to change/respectacle of in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction near every issue in scripture is yet preserved to be for governance as democracy yet in the local and state powers closer to interactive communities.
     The CONSTITUTION is conceived and subscribed done as a Peoples’ “Order” that respects the people declared a revolution was just and legal, and as for “a free state” as a high moral standard to each of a human condition of LIBERTY in RELIGIUOS FREEDOM – are of rights from their Creator.
     There is no right in such for any to be prejudiced – prejudging any as not of the Kingdom of the Lord – while the moral standard to it un-Christian if bigoted – while the “LORD” is recognized as that same “LORD” at least of JEWS, CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS.
     Perhaps the party in the minority, the caucus of Representative Omar, is willing now to fully table for open discussions all the issues around how the CCP have cut up the 10 COMMANDMENTS for quotes of “Xi”?  And too the collateral reframing to now Chinese are a global minority measured against persons of faiths – all current and future religiously free persons?
      Jews, Christians, Islamic all, at least, respect these 10 of Lord’s Laws.
     Under United States constituted ordered liberty each yet is allowed to be even born again daily – of a tolerance and even forgiveness to change their status often.
     Antisemitism sets asunder this basic liberty – religious freedom at its core!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:26 am

Welcome aboard! - the new year 2020.

We have much to discuss to achieve a potential for parity - comity in polity - just among Democrats.

The Democrats general liberal progressive definition of success is part of how President Trump is succeeding where otherwise President Obama at least failed blacks.

We can progress hardly further with it a primary general consideration for Democrats’ qualities debates if we do not all - a bipartisan “all” - face facts and realize it is high time to discuss how many crimes the Clintons committed against the Obama threat.

A basic truth of President Obama, his definition of success, to the dynamics of his legacy becomes daily more apparently of a valuation to it easily said “he failed blacks”.  The real crime in this - American crime - is maybe more of that of the stories of the Clintons rivalry as phat with crimes against Barack H. Obama.

The Clintons & Obama have both at least failed blacks with their American crimes of a definition of success as shared some of so much as if life is about TRY TO GET TO HARVARD & then accept your station for life as failed if didn’t go to Harvard.

As Michelle Obama is of Princeton & Harvard, & Barack Obama of a starter college then Columbian & Harvard it is they were supposed to be safe from crimes by Clintons of Hillary Clinton of just Wellesley & Yale, & Bill Clinton of Georgetown & Yale. But alas the Clintons essentially punk’d President Obama all 8 years.

To get “Trump” one must ponder the conundrum of his degree is more of Hard Knocks U. of learned Hospitality from the ground up and quite to of leaned on Apostle Paul of Bible said of capitalism - win win economics of parties to each deal later should be able to tip hats to each other in passings - as near ‘to have growth (economics) people must be able to sing together’.

President Donald J. Trump victory over #CrookedHillary was firstly much as was of unknown Senator Barack H. Obama vs #InevitableHillary of there just was enough support for one a THE UN-CLINTON.

It is now for all those emotional intelligence mid day television shows to bring up the battles between that for a legacy for the Clintons as versus what then left to be a legacy for the Obamas. There is more than the criminal essence of vibe of blackmail truly in the deep story of Clintons somehow made the first black American President accept their insubordination and real rivalry to he had to share his was so, because of Clintons, a house divided and he stuck of a team of rivals.

It so seems since Obamas have Harvard degrees & Clintons merely Yale degrees that something of a subterfuge was active to that of it still seems criminal how Clintons were able to have “rivals” status by it seems blackmailing a first black President yet before of hardly but one speech, and, a one speech most still don’t know he was to plagiarizing in its oration.

2020 is the year to see clearly this opposition to Republican Donald J. Trump, as he tries to be enlightened as also a #ModernRepublican, is yet of his is more #MoralsTrumpHate than #LoveTrumpsHate by the regularity of historical significance of LOVE is a concept of MORALS and we must get past the Clintons crimes of long worked anti-Constitution to too much success at having moved nation too far towards a Natural State & more a government by man - from better secured & just for all of government by laws.

The mid day television shows especially for female audiences with triggers for emotional intelligence engagement must now field the contested between especially Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama on just the FEMINISM roots.

This must be some how to at least be beyond blue areas as zones of ignorance, still, and to how this must also be proffered through to an erudite rendition for institutional copacetic of that Michelle Obama of Harvard is supposed to have been thus established as higher & better than Hillary Clinton of Yale - despite it seems her victim - their victim.

This is no time to talk about the HOPE of #RepublicanMovement as brought back government by laws with Donald J. Trump a joined & accepted leader so more of #MoralsTrumpHate.

To be brief, and forward more brief in 2020, we must first look at the apparent true crimes by Clintons against Obamas, and nation, as American crimes as contrary in essence to constituted protections.

The Clintons seems to have so grossly violated spirit & law of the Emoluments Clause - Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - such to that there is logically real legal jeopardy - far beyond their uttered long much confessions of textbook treason of utterances of “post Constitution” - in that of emoluments laundering by ploy coy of chicanery of play their cards devilishly as if emolument to Clintons could just be called “charity” instead.

It figures since of a Constitution clause that the violation of such triggers that then therefore the Clintons did forfeit and nullify any immunity from prosecution due of emoluments violations - and even any diplomatic immunity.

Blacks still have to fit into Democrats view of success of for most of them they have to accept they failed to get to Harvard & thru Harvard or a lesser still top school and have such lock them to a status their fate for life?

But firstly this new year of 2020 we must see to that it is raised and worked through how Hillary Clinton rivalry of Obamas too was of crimes against Michelle Obama - at least to women and FEMINIST causes shared sister to sister?

Right!  Let us see economy is working from one more of a Hospitality Degree from Hard Knocks U. by he sees American polity in common sense parity from comity with #MoralsTrumpHate - with reset to government by laws?

 *     *     DARE WE ASK THE NEEDED QUESTIONS?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

In a space-time not suffered as if in a Hawking black hole students marching must be prudent & of resolve.

As the hyper-networked of our universe & beyond is wired to its originalism as connected as synaptical of the brains of our Creator’s crediting the future of our work must consider manners and personal hygiene; as it is as it has always been to created humans:

What the world needs now is TRUMP SOAP - TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE?

Our American stateliness endures by blood, sweat, tears, consummated irregularly.

Our American leading must be of ORIGINALISM reset due jeopardy of #FOB52 reigning of DEMOCRATS have done it to themselves to NO WAY OUT left as IGNORANCE of the LAW - our CONSTITUTION - is NOT a defense.

You can THINK and presume to be but will you have been duly considerate & to actually reasoned beyond doubt to a solid believing to how chartable the scandals are even in a numerology of a Cartesian coordinated graphically amassed?

As the hope of our shared future amass to sweat gun control and their rights as if still individual rights indivisible, as like of 14th Amendment such is of our separation as vertical and our Federal governance, as equally set “under” “our Lord”, it is forward essential of structural objectivism ensconced in our regularity by due process of civil procedures that each is resolved as constituted to that we of the Washington Capitol Hill creatures are of meaning from government of laws.

Vice President Joseph Biden enticing President Donald Trump to social media TWITTER engagement is now as per SOAP as if clumsy & incarcerated of having DROPPED THE SOAP while a larger of #LawAndOrder standing up to railroad - drill - newly even President Barack Obama administration problematic back from government of man/whimsy/executive decrees.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for anything goes as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

For the purposes of TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE metaphorical let us forward not assuage “ECUMENICAL” as a term uniquely CHRISTIAN or own by and CHRISTIANS - crusading Catholics nor Evangelicals - and let it assert a spirit of togetherness by #MoralsTrumpHate of being akin to that prayer beads can connect as well as FACEBOOK.

I have postured that President Trump first year big question of IF HE DESERVED TO CARRY ON ON THE SUCCESS OF REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT OF TEA PARTY & A NEW GOP and to that this year as a second year should amount in our journal of IF HIS MOTHER RAISED HIM RIGHT - IF HE WAS/IS RAISED TO BE A GENTLE GIANT.

Again: Vice President Biden is quite self-exposed as regular order by Peoples’ Order our how constituted a Union is of jeopardy for any poser of as if IGNORANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION could yet be a DEFENSE to TREASON - even GROSS NEGLIGENCE by an administration in duty to LAW AND ORDER.

Favoring #NewGOP #TeaParty risen #TRUMP is the science of grammar & literateness as our Peoples’ “Order” is far less the living document of the work of the Founding Fathers is/was not #BLASPHEME as the founding consent was of “Order” in preamble to the constituting ordained & established body as usage as a #YUGE NOUN:

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you should be guided and have been so far reared institutionally actually from the wrongful “interpretation” of the CONSTITUTION as common across the Democratic Party entrenched Capitol Hill (Jenkin’s Hill per history) and of purity of originalism of respecting the spectacles of faith and to our Federal Government no less “under God” than yourself.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for ANYTHING GOES - ANYTHING WE CLAIM “MORE PERFECT” GOES - as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you must arrive & march clearer of mind and body than how Vice President Biden must clean up his “mis-interpretation” akin that President Obama actually oddly left the White House - even as a first former #ConLawProf - of still mis-reads CONSTITUTION.

Students it is that there is real JEOPARDY surrounding even especially Vice President Biden due specifically it its most errant and wrongful per science of grammar and literateness to ever, like he/his, proposed the work of the Founding Fathers can be of them of work at BLASPHEMY./

Students to be regular of these united states of the Americas one must read - read “Order” of preamble particularly - of constituting document less a living document than scriptures - of then still new was King James Bible “new edition” - and to that the science of the preamble as legend and key to the proper reading of the body is of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/… do ordain/&/establish/… done/… subscribed/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Again:  Back to basics:  As simple to be as TRUMP SOAP:

Of the BIBLE: Can/do you fathom “the meek shall inherit” of meek can be too “GENTLE GIANTS” as it imports to believers for believer that GRACE - of GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY at least for - subscribed as ordained and established done with separation vertical of government also equally under Lord’s Laws is to be regular as postured for civility of JOY, HOPE, GOOD NEWS, becometh from being of humility and humble (meek) before the Lord - of vulnerable (meek) by being resolved to wait upon the Lord - to wait for the sense of RIGHT - as to be steeled from WRONG/EVIL?

NOTE: #SPORTSMANSHIP > > Catholic former Vice President Joseph Biden does have of his BIBLICAL feminism guidance of BIBLE at UNMARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THE LORD, &, MARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THEIR WIVES of his better HALF doth have a degree from VILLANOVA.

NOTE: #SPORT > > It can be a still to be developed and understood BIDENISM of how ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is generic yet of Founding Fathers FEMINISTS OF THE FIRST ORDER of thinking & practicing of women are morally superior TO it may figure that MEN as ROMANTICS religious are supposed yet to believe their WIVES are born superior to other WOMEN.

NOTE:  #PHILOSOPHY > > I can posture one good thought for on Rene Descartes - “I THINK THEREFORE I AM” philosopher - Catholic Philosopher who wrote from where our Pilgrims departed as also of the times near upon that the governance deeds of Oliver Cromwell - by I am willing to respect CARTESIAN COORDINATES - CARTESIAN gestalt - due graphically it amassed in his mind then of a space-time relativity of that a four posted bed embodies the cubical of the universalism of that there can be discussed a civility in the X,Y,Z, each represented logically even of the existential & metaphysical meted through by the late Stephen Hawking.

            *       *       *        #ORIGINALISM       *        *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

You know things must be bad for Democrats when…

Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:

We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.

With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.

Our “Joe” has two problems:  Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks;  Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”!  These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”.  These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue.  Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”

The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.

Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.

As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.

You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.

I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.

You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too?  To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.

As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people. 

Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.

Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?

“Joe”?  Vice President Joseph Biden?  Really?

What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?

      *       *       *       WHO YA GONNA CALL?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

We are here - we are really here now!  Let us face it - let us begin to face our space time & Cartesian connective feminism.

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism - lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t the worst of the worst to connect the dots to attest a theorem - proofed hypothesis.

Nancy Pelosi due her protection has expired is now more than ever yet of an excommunication threat due Donald J. Trump has repealed the tyrannical anti-religious liberty Johnson Amendment that protected Catholic Pelosi from her own religion.

Nancy Pelosi is culpable and mashed by math of the real as yet caught too of that there isn’t enough water in the oceans to wash Hillary Clinton clean of “Crooked Hillary” prima facia as truly representative when graphically calculated.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminist until the math and comparative guilt is consummately laid out scientifically thoroughly.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminism icon until we discern her role as First Lady and the ends of the bad means of the years 1993 to 2001 of the Clintons’ administration.

Hillary Clinton greatest threat is Barack Obama due his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech spoke smack on Bill Clinton of the erudite orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world have the work called calling them each to see honestly that forward the religious froward to Hillary Clinton & her Judgement Day is now enough prefaced by facts & circumstantial persuading exposed to that we can now already begin planning the works of that she is fated to be at the gates of Hell due the blood on her hands than at the Gates of Heaven while of a band apropos as HILLARY AND HAREM FIDELITY.

The intellectual honesty challenge to a proper thorough accounting of the comparative guilt of the culpabilities of Mrs. William J. Clinton is daunting and testing even to Cartesian coordinated efforts science; - our space time is time sensitive as Hillary Clinton comparative guilt is shared ugly of Nancy Pelosi and much primarily mostly diabolical for the years as Speaker Pelosi.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi long partied to the partisan Democrat Party beat of it OK if Mrs. William J. Clinton is a “Manchurian Candidate” of our future as Hillary Clinton could be packaged and repackaged and attempted of pimp’n to the ENDS as “FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT” while minds of the world face a tyrannous suppression to bury awareness to the MEANS to such END by especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi were without the Johnson Amendment at near enough due crimes against our Lord as near enough for EXCOMMUNICATION.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world face a grand scope as of our task to probe the collective about “CROOKED HILLARY” as facts and supporting circumstantial knowns bolster the graphic Cartesian plotting.

The work of feminism is halted concurrently of especially Democrat Party leaders of tag “feminists” are negligent and remiss as obstructionists to prevent a due proper thorough accounting of how many dead buried at least in Arlington Cemetery are there as of the hands of the Clintons’ spousal husbandry of Mrs. William J. Clinton Shakespearean of her own hands deeply stained of “blood on her hands” collective culpability of the comparative guilt this broad scope is to scientifically call all able minds, however bodied, to.

A first broach of the swamped guilting of Mrs. William J. Clinton is of the “THE LONGEST WAR” & “FEMINISM” due we know Secretary of State John Kerry inherited the Obama war of choice on the Taliban in Afghanistan from Barack Obama first term & the “diplomacy” of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton; - Secretary Clinton has many to most of the dead in Afghanistan as blood on her hands of deep stains to at least responsible feminists think.

Secretary Clinton did leave Secretary Kerry the “THE LONGEST WAR” inheritance, and oddly of while tasked as chief Diplomat of President Barack H. Obama as supposed to find peace alternatives to war to that the situation of her final days had left Secretary Kerry one basic option yet not yet attempted shockingly.

Secretary John Kerry stands as evidence to “CROOKED HILLARY” as of how Democrat Party partied to her an ENDS justifying MEANS by simply that he inherited a war of which Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had not even tried that he then attempted of as a peace ploy - even diplomatic - of near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

Sadly FEMINISTS of the world have a comparative guilting to work through now to if I am wrong to of postured that Nancy Pelosi is a women of lesser guilt and a lower bodybags accounted culpability burden than Mrs. William J. Clinton.

Sadly FEMINISM must now face that as Speaker Nancy Pelosi did do more of the dirty work of the ENDS justify the MEANS of the diabolical Democrat Party set up for a President Hillary Rodham Clinton so it may be mature and considerable that Nancy Pelosi is more the BAD ACTOR and Mrs. William J. Clinton whom was then supposed to have the opportunity as a President then only to become worse and more guilty than America’s first female Speaker of the House of Representatives.

To know these women of their stories so complicated and historically diabolical is to be then of awakened of eyes open to that now forward a conscientious considerable froward is moral only if of asking and answering of the ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, as inherited from the Clintons’ administration by George W. Bush, of due President Obama erudite oration in receipt of NOBEL PEACE PRIZE of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”, to that therefore honesty of intelligence relates a comparative guilt amassed to be charted however Cartesian of that Mrs. William J. Clinton has all the dead of the 9/11/2001 attacks and resultant lost from collateral engagements for Justice as also blood on her hands and fittingly of her own personal guilt by an accounted real bodybags count for modern feminism in truth.

Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

No! REALLY!!!  Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

These years establish that forward Mrs. William J. Clinton, due accepting and intimate of being colluded long as END to justify Democrat Party shortcuts & negligence MEANS, is fated to meet the ferryman of HELL and without PURGATORY at all in play; - We have these days the modern INFERNO consideration to a dramatic to wake William Shakespeare ghost of that now there is needs akin LUCIFER finding DANTE reincarnate to be found and contracted for an EIGHTH LEVEL to be designed and constructed for at least BILL & HILLARY and likewise it seems near certain she whom sadly was ever honored as SPEAKER PELOSI.

These years can explain how much was never of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

These years equate the inequality and diabolical of SPEAKER PELOSI hellishly and fiendishly especially for such was always as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” RIDICULOUS and yet a cover-up illegal always and of its breadth of a scope so broad the size of the crimes equal TREASON of treasonous that the size of the cover-up suggests the size of the high crimes and misdemeanor - their full criminal gestalt.

These years present to bare just Mrs. William J. Clinton, for a parity necessary for any and all polity for comity of modern feminism, as calling all available intelligence still of an enlightenment potential to that we can get past these dark ages only by an intellectual honest and thorough rendition to effecting a deposed upon the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS as seemingly fitting as reservation to a new worse EIGHTH LEVEL INFERNO infernal.

We the People must be diligent and corrective now especially to adequately accounting of how many buried in at least Arlington Cemetary are firstly primarily of bodybags of blood on the hands of Mrs. William J. Clinton and back to 1993 as spirited of accepting corners cutting and even negligence as if she was ENDS that would (but didn’t) justify Demorat Party leadership MEANS.

We the People can hardly free or liberate William J. Clinton from a feminism culpability of a comparative guilt comparable for William J. Clinton did, as I recall, nearly undermine every foreign policy and domestic policy by sleeping on each with Mrs. William J. Clinton long enough to each consider how much of each had to be compromised so as not to inhibit their succession plan for setting up the “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” “HILLARY”.

We the People do now have at least enough public records and circumstantial amassed connective fibrous political historicals to render the GATES OF HEAVEN are outta the froward picture for how CLINTONS (AND PELOSI?) are now ominously fated; - The Clintons cannot escape SCIENCE of POLITICAL SCIENCE at least of future leaders of the world called to be studious to doctoral of mastering some to much of the evidence of that we have before us a greater truth now as at least corrective to near:  IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT!!!

It rests as calculable and to amass Cartesian how the Clintons cannot have their bodies separated of the mind and bodies separate for their souls did share intimately as a Power Couple to the spousal husbandry considerable tag’d by President Barack H. Obama in his erudite oration in receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize!

President Obama essentially undermined his whole party by alighting on an innocent by “inherited” for President Bush such as now leaves us of unfinished business of feminism of to be to assessing the comparative guilt especially as between Bill & Hillary - between POTUS & FLOTUS of 1993 to 2001 of the years to George W. Bush inheritance of DANGERS from the Clintons’ collective colluded of choices to be of inaction and avoidance especially as to where the what for the how of cutting corners was from putting the “MANCHURIAN” ahead of “PRUDENCE” by Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry so partisan and diabolically effecting by how much was set asunder due each political policy compromised was of a compromised to protect a succession planning for their to be by Clinton machine machination an inevitable PRESIDENT HILLARY!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for an INFERNO EIGHTH LEVEL rests in her story & roll in the THE LONGEST WAR due all the dead and injured are at least blood on her hands staining her/their soul due at least she did never even try that which Secretary Kerry found was a peace option still untried and available to President Obama - ya know! - that of that Mrs. William J. Clinton didn’t even try near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for DANTE reincarnate to be engaged in HELL ties their souls collectively for their solidarity of spousal husbandry likely is broadly to a 52 “FRIENDS OF BILL” snared to of a comparative guilt; - As they couldn’t have done it alone it does go past the BAD ACTORS females of leadership by NANCY PELOSI to also snare male Democrats.

So the TRUTH that attests a need grossly for a sustained new honesty for requisite honor for any modern feminism waits upon the accounting firstly of “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” Mrs. William J. Clinton and to that scientists of politics and history can make a case lawyers too can build out of that maybe all dead, - at least most nearly - died due to the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS was always (since 1993) #CROOKED!!!

“HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON” fit’n banding as “HILLARY & HAREM FIDELITY” begs now a starting point for #FEMINISM & #FEMINIST #FEMINISTSTUDIES of that the threshold to #TRUTH is of “HILLARY” - TRUTH BOMB of science is prudent and fair if to start with such overdue accounting by finding the number of dead since 1993 inauguration of First Couple Power Couple Bill & Hillary and then and only then subtracting from the tragic totals if there isn’t at least a 6th degree of separation from their “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” coy ploy chicanery quite simply TREASONOUS - OF PRIMA FACIA #TREASON!!!

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism!!!

Lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect!!!

                             *       *       *       *       *       *


                 *       *       *       BELIEVE!!!       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

This issuance is intended to be a global guilting, - none free from anywhere, - not an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett nor #WomanJaneDoe.

Women are having trouble with their messaging of the good news - their message, proper. Utterances, so past POTUS of eve, uttered of confusions.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Faith, not state, nor “citizen”, is all’s “global citizen” - - - religion is the state of the universal spirit - there no global citizen sans religious - ’tis a defined.

Women have trouble with Donald J. Trump that now must be explained - however troubling to easy.  As seems the ‘protests’ measure out coincidentally enduring as if endear as like a “FLOTUS” “Slovene Slumbered Parties’d” as it doth not register true that women of the world can actually be anti-Trump as anti-Freedom & anti-Liberation.

Women have trouble with “Women’s March” as is seems em doth hath protested “FREE AT LAST” and been gathered in a “solidarity” in protestation, to at least to Americans, of “America is yours again” in the attitude of ‘YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED’! Perhaps #FreeWithMilania!

An utterly comical precedent to the yin and yang of “Republican Movement” karma & balance is illuminated by listing Donald J. Trump business acumen of a daily regimen of timely accordance & attention to that fish and eggs - even Champagne - was, where ever of his properties scopes of arriving and time in the development for “grace” in service.

But utterly comical precedent in a historical is more of that Donald J. Trump is less a charming Benjamin Franklin than stout & steeled akin President George Washington & his general humor in his first inaugural.  Do you have any idea how prescient and froward our first President was with such erudite & common oration?  Do you accept even a President can have general humor akin a former General still besot to speak prophylactically to the moral of his troops?

So utterly literate and literary and more humorous that what is sold as comedy these Saturday nights live is that as imbued & imported by George and as of a prudence to recall to “wash & re-use” practiced while of a mores affirmed of that his spouse his bride his wife his Martha was the essence of all the pecuniary emoluments he hath need and want of froward.

Do yourselves all a favor and make time for citation studious of such Washington humor and now as laid out convenient with a bitly shortcut here: http://bit.ly/1stInaugural.  You cannot ignore our start as of “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…”! Nor word for “ups & downs”!

We together can celebrate the preparatory prudence in “wash & re-use” preface of that “impregnable fortitude” is like what “George” had to be “repaired from retired” as not then like what George’s & Martha’s biggest worry as homebodies froward was to be. 

George & Martha are biographied of having inherited from Martha’s parents their library of books on sex and sexuality. 

“George” as General Washington consummating the birth of the nation as the first President most certainly set condom precedence by implying worrying of skins prophylactics of such day were a common vein each beseeched to attend to diligently for maintenance of “impregnable fortitude” facility.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of ribbing:

Material of my unique kinship to your sisterhood, - bear with me I am no cum laude - is a coming clean on how J.K. Rowling has since our moments over the famous napkins somehow got to her literal spite due the platonic core of holding a double edge sword to me as a safety net.

At times she protesteth that I pushed her too hard - of that I hath over charged her to be to committing to perform to seven books - in that she had her heated moments at beseeched to if five books could suffice, - and yet after complaints heard of “you haven’t even given me enough for five books yet!”

Ladies and gentlemen the start of “HARRY POTTER” of coverage in “HOGWARTS” is her literal double edged sword a sharp safety net for though mission was to write so that core youths didn’t grow up from like wards to be yet like dirt under the skin and Hogan warts.

J.K. Rowling in performance on charge to seven books yet developed appropriate of task to write as like of a mother’s perspective for a character basis in my end as set of as a “Pete Rowe-ling”.  J.K. Rowling had her safety net for a chance I wasn’t right about such if to seven as charged would “make her very rich, - if she stuck to how outlined” as covered for if such by how “HOGWARTS” failed/bombed she had it bound as ready to import of like “OH IT FAILED NOT BECAUSE OF ME BUT FOR IT SO HOGAN’S WARTS!”.

Ladies and gentlemen readers of the known & unknown world let me share I have since barring further “HARRY POTTER” books and allowing my muse energy to yet still flow but around STRIKE and economics sadly less of John Kenneth Galbraith as times needing guarding from Bill & Hillary Clinton crooked were known more to as if of ROBBING ECONOMICS fit’n her cloaked productions and performance on Rob “Galbraith” release dictum from stitching together more bounded voluminous of “HOGWARTS” and specifically as pressed and sent of yet an idea for a trilogy to be also furthered of patron o’ US conscience but as to years apart as different school years era particularly then of 7 girl wonders and of one of each of each a top study from each of the seven continents, and, as these 7 girl wonders were also particularly studied to the specific important of Dante’s INFERNO.

J.K. Rowling such has seemed covered and worked to if not even near as specifically this time around as outlined.

Readers of the vast world of unknown fans it is from “but you have not even given me enough for five books” protest that “Harry Potter” became of a godfather figure a “SERIOUS BLACK” and of volts dangers prudence due national electrical standard yugely vary, and as of PATRONUS another play on spelling, - though righteous as “patron US” - in that my circle of friends and local athletic compatriots in ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues were of the architecture firms of the design, and construction management of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and, yes my own godfather, the late “Uncle Charlie” Hogan was serious about black wires as his career was as a union electrician knowingly prepared for volts of more dangers, and racially sensitive in diversity quite as a serious fan of serious black pugilist “Smokin’ Joe” Joe Frazier.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Of the old adage “knowledge is power” I grant thee access to http://bit.ly/BEAVERWARShttp://bit.ly/PetersRabbits for since “TITANIC” I was not an idle muse otherwise to Potterdom commitments and as Leonardo Di Caprio of REVENANT was a performance on suggestion he could help preface a HOGAN new “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” tv series as on “BEATRICE BOXER & THE BEAVER WARS” by developing silver screen prologue on the epic era of the THE BEAVER WARS. I regret the inconvenience of such series also a ready to go Poet JP Hogan children series for popular books mass appeal of that any now considerate enough to be curious will yet find these links are to what was written chronological to regular readers of “Citizen Rosebud” in series and so present as linked now but in reverse chronological order. {As is problematic with old series thou ripe & popular links to such may present now with this current squip as the leading in otherwise old scroll/thread, and, but #BeaverWars link takes many back to earlier days of http://myblog.jphogan.org art of archived of the month of November in the year 2010.}

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of scribed for TV & books, at least:

For the proper respect to divinity and coincidence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson of dying on the same Fourth of July there now is a “Potter World” likewise for my basis for “Harry Potter” godfather in my own of the Brotherhood of Electricians is of that the date November 7, 2011 likewise shall live in infamy as such is the day the New York Times published David Brooks hit piece op-ed “THE SERIOUS ONE” and too somehow the same day that Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier died and my own godfather “Uncle Charlie” Hogan of the brotherhood died suddenly about yard work in retirement though his union brethren were all call to duty as such day is of record as a “Greatest BlackOut in Connecticut History”.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of new media social media facebook media shares:

I.E.: E.G.: Yesterday’s of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan “PUBLIC” share comment:

JKRowling @JK_Rowling J.K. Rowling ~ I am not studied nor read in on specifics — an American take thou from long known me for our collaborative successes is yet to read #Hamilton as #Publius in #FederalistPapers #Federalist #1 for #AlexanderHamilton spells out that the #Constitution is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” & “PRESERVATION OF… PROPERTY” so it wrong for USG to be so monied while yet USA is expected to be of COMPASSION and engagement via #CHARITY & #PHILANTHROPY - even as by #ReligiousLiberty of the religions the institutions & bureaucracies expectant to such adherence.  #PoetJPHogan

Yes!  Quid ditch did stem from J.K. Rowling prudence to ask if our books on magic should have a flying broom, and to that my answered was “Yes! Go big! Make it a team sport!” and to that I put about her the energy then of my recreation & sport in area ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of old school broadcast sharing methods in of reading with openness to Lord & peeps (as “meek shall inherit” meaning those strong in the Lord who “wait upon the Lord” by being open and patient for the guidance by the Holy Spirit) by at least being cotton’d to Old Testament of the Bible of that to the “chief Musician” akin the connectivity & interconnected eco-system of religions of the PSLAMS.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay, or a good ribbing?

A Psalms conundrum is “meek” in Psalm 37 as meaneth not weak or feeble but those strong in the Lord as open to a “meek” as open & patient to receive the Holy Spirit hook-up?  (Divined import by reading of Barnes & Noble collectors classic printing bound of King James edition.)

                   *       *       *       GRACE?       *       *       *

[This squib/essay is currently a work in progress - what you see may be just today’s beginning - do come again until satisfied it is all done.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:32 pm

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  Donald J. Trump has crossed the Rubicon and forded the heartbeats of New York City - generally!

New Yorker!  Yeh you!  Is your stairway to heaven blocked by your own preconceived so challenged?

My life is a mess; - Of that I grew up meaning to become a “MAD MEN” liketh my grandfather is maybe the prophylactic that got me safely through/across my own “Rubicons”; - The story of my good life is a mess, - as twice, while a third child the oldest Irish Catholic boy in family with two older sisters during the age of affirmative action akin feminism. I worked out autonomous space by setting out on seventeen year plans - - - there are years and decades vibrantly complicated of people involved yet so while essentially never garnering what they were involved in meddling regarding their postured.

New York City is a mess; - Likewise the cosmopolitan vibe for the future essence of President Donald J. Trump guidance has fogs too that need alighting on as for years a core of New York values have been ignorant of greater movements afoot.

You cannot apprentice your way through this/these - you must commit and dedicate froward to studying and learning!

That is right New Yorker!  The general dissonance about you is rebellion to the real and discerned since election day of that quite broadly the fall of Clintons equates to that the New York City export of services now is facing a learned truth that their client bases are more for the “Republican Movement” than with the candidate they are/were!  The nation is with “LAW AND ORDER” of bluing with the rise of Donald J. Trump with the progressed of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT”!

My life isn’t such a mess as you may think; - The story of my good life is a mess, - at least twice in my life I worked a realm of autonomy with influence yet cloaked from my own father, and especially so my older sisters; - the rise of Donald J. Trump fits to that the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” was successfully progressed by weaving in dominant past influencers of what I had done but which was generally cloaked from most Democrats, especially those nearest of my own family.

New Yorkers, I must presume to it concluding as to that New York City’s FINEST - the ordinaries uniformed in blue & service to serve and protect - must have sympathies - real - that measure out of a respect and fidelity to the promise of Donald J. Trump, President, of to be a “LAW AND ORDER PRESIDENT”!

It isn’t that you should fear that I can explain to a high proffer standard how the fall of Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton occured twice as primarily a first concern is that such is what was accomplished from what I had written, - of that I had pressed in cloaked and broadly public considerable efforts.  It is reasonable to accept that the rise and winning of “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” fits Donald J. Trump snuggly as by it told of that both occurred with a trusting of the written and shared of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” me of mine on and off of CitizenRosebud.org.

You would think, maybe, that my life must be a mess for such to be mine while having so thus grown up more a young Republican in the 1970s & 1980s in such as I did as was a Liberal’s enclave as a New Haven, CT Yale University prime neighborhood.  My complicated story succeeded in 2017 for how more true and thus dominant than that of the Clintons’ which was left to be just spin spun and more of false narratives quite “fake news” falsely pressed.

The people of the New York City major metropolitan votage demographics now have a complicated denial to work through to that now they should presume and then confirm that the police as “BLUE WITH TRUMP ‘LAW AND ORDER’” are against the old them, and, too each should collect their professional sense towards appreciating that the election of 2016 seems to amount to that froward God is in the details of TRUMP standards and their client bases aligned as expressed contrary to their old norms.

Yes, I did challenge J.K. Rowling, as an answering soul a sought “unknown writer”, to commit to write seven books on magic as set to a book a year for seven years of study at a magic school.  This is part of how my life is a mess, - the story of my life, that is!

Yes, I was to seeking an “unknown writer” willing to write around a character idea of a young magic student with dark hair and round black glasses as mused as a “Pete Rowe-ling” of a young click of a redhead pal and one ‘her’ though basis neighbors were of two girls “Hermione” became a composite femme froward around.

Yes, my story is a mess in that my dad and my oldest sister while cloaked from how much of mine was of 2 to 3 17 years plans strategized to that they reacted in the moment to incidents seeming only of the concurrent while such was to me pieces set out long term to which I was sensitized to have autonomous powers by a some understanding when such pieces in the future would or could be in play newly. 

My dad, nor my oldest sister, were yet aware especially of that worked successfully for “HARRY POTTER” and “HOGWARTS” from the day it was commenced with challenge accepted to until after the last movie was made and in theaters.  It can be a mess when my family involves themselves in a kinship of inadequate knowledge and consideration for of many years one’s use of another compassion was insufficient to the reality and then complicating again vice a versa when in such juxtaposed there were times of my oldest sister “compassion” as all wrong as by being based on a momentary reading by my dad of family situational considerations. 

And, I was a little off in my challenge and pledged cooperation to its completion in having thought that such could be easily rendered to yet seven books as to be all done in just five years; - oy!

I was off and yet regularly rededicated froward of spiriting cloaked energy and support even years and years onward as such made further mess upon mess in my seemingly real life.

As it is I only consented to publisher of her books the rights involved for a publisher as around source and identity of the muse with it conditional that movie and other rights would be a bridge to cross later if I was right as to how successful I thought the performance on the specific challenged did amount. 

J.K. Rowling didn’t find a publisher until I varied my instruction that she was supposed to keep her muse (patron US) cloaked and spirited clearance to that publisher recognized for assuring she was working within the honor among artists,writers,publishers by proceeding with her muse cloaked.  I, have stories to relate around my years seeming otherwise of a primary reality yet of what on the surface doth amount to my years of always learning new things and skills so that new energies would be out there for matriculating readers.

As it now may be difficult for many professionals Hillary R. Clinton voters to assess and amend their ways froward to being better with and divining their customer bases seemingly geographically substantially with TRUMP “BLUE” and beats reset of “LAW AND ORDER” it yet is where so many now are from denial towards maybe already near acceptance.

Right, to this date I have not surrendered or waived my muse’d art artists rights to the movies, merchandise, theme park(s) and seem copaceticly embraced daily still of like her - yes J.K. Rowling’s - past emoted of that fifty - fifty likely will be best.

You can learn much of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” now more settled and dug in to as a new establish establishment by reading through so much here still free.  I strongly recommend if you are yet still a had been Hillary R. Clinton voter a professional that you forthwith progress to categories left justified assorted of scrolls to that titled “AUTO BIO’D”!

Again:  The beats of NYC NYPD TRUMP “BLUE” forward need be froward to divining a connective marketability of that the nation went more with the popular art than yet covered for the nation seems to have stayed true to the mores and magic of that which has been just some from what was of cloaked and public concurrency in and out of my story of strategies at times kept to of autonomy only, or mostly, by being of setting out pieces to interact yet pieced out of 17 year plans.

The TRUMP “BLUE” may be those now all over your beats!  It is true that I set out since 1971, as one born in 1965, to be like my of the era of “MAD MEN” grandfather Arthur M. Menadier while it was more cloaked that such was to be of a political marketing acumen eventually developed in keeping with my named for grandfather John W. Hogan, Sr.. 

To complicate your professionals and political passions further it is that my biographical has that in my late teens I was claimed a “summer son” to the son of whom ran HEARST CORP in the years “CITIZEN KANE” was produced and originally popular.  I was so a “summer son” to Joseph V. Connolly, Jr. and Violette Connolly of Block Island, The Town of New Shoreham, Rhode Island in the years “Violette” was retired from bookkeeping for the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and to being a most popular NBC part-time executive who shortly after being hired became much involved with many employees of NBC by facility at new administer program where employees could borrow against their retirement plans for tuitions and mortgages.

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump so risen on the popular wave, is so of rising with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to that now many are to learn that “DEEPTHROAT” wasn’t an after-thought fall out of from the investigation botched some due J. Edgar Hoover feared going that much up against the Kennedy Powers.  There is a more background true story of that the very investigation became initiated with a case file named “DEEP THROAT” as to of what reason and rational there was to be even considering that there were FEDERAL cause to investigate the DEMOCRATIC PARTY HEADQUARTERS.

The Bob Woodward drama to that Mark Felt became revealed as “DEEP THROAT” while Federal Bureau’s number two yet is devoid the incriminating that the Democrats kept out of the story of that there was FEDERAL cause to investigate their HQ; - “DEEP THROAT” as played out by Mark Felt remains deceptive for it still sells as #NewsFromTruth what was much crisis mangagement damage control of “fake news” for witness protection.

The TRUMP “BLUE” beats may now be the your beats and unavoidable of deeper truth of that the ascendency of the “NewGOP” with the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” to Donald J. Trump your “THE CHOSEN ONE” has harmony with that the popular culture and artists did win with the REPUBLICANS’ winning.

My acumen became of nature and nurtured since 1971 initialized of my grandfather then months from forced retirement to agreeing to teach me to grow up to be “just like him” as with caveat I signed too of “yes, but without your vice of smoking!” and to that I started a development for autonomy despite a third child and oldest son in the era of affirmative action to invent a feminism for my older sisters and peers. 

Yes, by the time I was in my First Grade or Second Grade I had become partly organized for autonomous efforts by thinking to like seventeen year plans otherwise cloaked from siblings, parents, teachers, administrators.

My challenge, though cloaked from the world, to J.K. Rowling, was yet based to a confidence for a froward to forward vast global success that was core’d to my unique self of able to operate in and out of my past of cloak and of public concurrence; - I imported to such that if she performed on challenge and to a totality of seven books, though of that time she asked for five to be enough, to her that she would become “very rich” with my confidence that such would somehow to the world and publishing realm as seem to just magically fit into times that most didn’t consider of an orchestration yet co-operating around their reality.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  The messed up but most winning story of how Poet J.P. Hogan set out to be a New Yorker is breaking and generally getting out “News From Truth” and as the story of Donald J. Trump equates partially since it is also of these endeavors how DJT did get the APPRENTICE idea from me! 

I must abide your patience and await your understanding of that such was from times I was of helping President George W. Bush post the attacks of September 11, 2001 and so of myself without enough space to join with DJT enthusiasm, - for a more entertaining keep of my integrated orchestrations I stayed serious.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  If your police and your client base now are likely sympathetic and hopeful in “TRUMP” can you afford to not also be?

            *       *       *       PEACE! OUT!       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

There can be no intelligent species to matriculate as long as institutions of higher learning do so keep people on the “The Clinton Stupid Train”!

What is desperately needed now is an objectivism - an objectivist - a new generation of objectivists - objectivity!

I.E.:  Hillary Clinton has a Bill Clinton problem - it is not her only problem - it may be her biggest problem - like shouldn’t we do the math and follow the history - should we at least talk about them? - shouldn’t we go “textbook” on em finally and pare em down to statistics - cold hard numbers - at least to a body count of how many can be said became lost souls due Bill’s negligence, as versus due Hillary’s crusades, lies, and also specifically due negligence or incompetence?

“The Clinton Stupid Train” must not leave the station yet now another year!  Boys and girls must do their math for objective standards are their magic wand.  Boys and girls must do their math and as history is now the quick sand of 2016 politics that should be twained by longitude and latitude location and marked posted for perilous if attitudes sans logic and enumeration from Clintons floating false HOPE while each has a record to be developed that, for feminism angle, now demands accounting to how specifically more dead are on Bill’s hands or if more dead are on Mrs. Clinton’s hands.

It has been political madness that has mushed the brains of new generations attempting intelligent matriculation these long years a faux “CLINTON” has been floated while the dark truth rest in at least Bill Clinton deserves “SLICK” tag and every bit of wit in satire sorted via http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY - http://CitizenRosebud.com #SLICKWILLY #Cat - which now of this as 1st work - the lead satire in “SLICK WILLY” series.

The battle line of feminism in 2016 are definining but hardly drawn as too drawn out is a faux “CLINTON” that yet much is keeping “STUPID” training of young minds kept mush by political railroading away from looking for discernible truth - accountable and vast differentiation by objective enumeration.

It has been political madness! - Ours’ as if of legacy educations by said esteemed bastions of mental activity of a said highest order has been set asunder and corrupted by like old smokey back room deals to teach a convenient story however a false narrative whose math - objective enumeration - if ever endeavored committedly to check would suffice to bare as fictional.

Poor Hillary Clinton with Anthony Weiner story much akin to Bill Clinton sees potential in box of office cigars like Antony Weiner sees Twitter.

Perhaps now any need go to a Catholic University to still be asked to seek and find truth! That though is not what this new satire squib is digging at - digging to hopefully in time; - surely there is at least one building at Harvard University still somehow also dedicated.

We must pare the visuals from drama and staged with costuming down to the core Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton figures - we must dedicate ourselves newly to measuring and remeasuring to see that we get Mrs. Clinton’s numbers down & correctly.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must break the bubble from the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and like find for erudity what seems for “learning” as like “the missing years” of like for “learning” 1993 to 2001 are still like missing years!  BILL CLINTON WAS NOT AND IS NOT PERFECT!  There! I said it!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of “HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 TO 2001 YET?”!!!

No proper measure of Mrs. Clinton can yet fit the real Mrs. Clinton if we remain sans a discerning of their particular devilishness from 1992 to 2001 and beyond!!!  To get to the “LUCIFER CLINTON” for the Mrs. we must look more now to proffering of ‘THEY WERE RIGHT -WE WERE WRONG’ and to “WE’RE RIGHT -THEY’RE WRONG” put out everywhere for public shaming for essentially setting up a faux smartness devoid of morals of truths - truth actually.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask if we are to learn of the late night pillow talks of President Clinton & First Lady Clinton as to how irreconcilable our history remains due their legacy now is so much floating by lies of long worked false narratives.  Likewise it behoove all to understand that Al Qaeda and the September 11, 2001 attacks didn’t come “outta nowhere” as like as been the institutional taught!  Likewise it behoove all to fathom Al Qaeda of 2001 did much come from and out of the Clintons’ years of ‘AMERICAN ABANDONMENT’ & as President Barack Obama orated eruditely as from of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”. (See:  Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech!)

So again:  Surely there must still be one building at HARVARD UNIVERSITY still engaged in seeking and finding truth! Right?

Simply we must get people off the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and to masses - lots - whole schools of people still “intelligent” - the very person next to each right now - brought to acceptance at least of an extant to “THE MADNESS OF KING BILL”! - and as real feminism is begging around the candidacy of MRS. CLINTON to know now if it can be true that the CLINTON FOUNDATION was yet established so that BILL CLINTON had the facilitation to be a “puppet master” and to that his spouse was yet never more than “organized” and “operated” as a “CLINTON PUPPET”!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must now, however so very very lately, ask, and yet also answer, to discern the accurate body count for BILL CLINTON and for MRS. CLINTON and to back to January of 1993 - and - - - WARNING - - - and to so encompass all that died on September 11, 2001 and later due injuries on September 11, 2001 and too all that perished later due on September 10, 2001 all President George W. Bush had was still much that which he had inherited from the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION, - and quite to that maybe as never before a new President was saddled for a tough ride a rough ride due the previous President had worked from having numerous options and opportunities to settle more peace to having left the next President maybe fewer than a single option for timely resolutions!!!

As we commence to if intelligent and matriculated yet ponderances forward this times beg us to ask and answer to that reason can triumph as to a suffice of truth even if it means the faux “THE PERFECT CLINTON” falls and enough now “learn” it was ridiculous to ever teach or believe you learned “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for when you get to the devilish - the Devil in the details - the REAL HILLARY CLINTON - you must accept the evidentiary to that both Clintons now like have a reservation with HELL and to the lowest rings of the INFERNO - to as DANTE stars of the worst magnitude and lowest rank; - you must accept that forward the truth lieth nearer “IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” and - - - WARNING - - - such encompasses and specifically means also a fault of and for the Al Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of:



                 *       *       *       BEWARE !!!      *       *       *

[Considerable yet still a diagnosis in progress - do check regularly for further development of accountability for pathology - the work of persuading that masses are due to be to gettin’ past the smoke and to the math - an objectivity - doth endure - a ‘rap due within hours - stay tuned in.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

“Only the penitent shall pass!”* (*Archaic! - Old school! - Forgotten of enlightenment! - Above writer’s pay grade!)

To divine the “bigot” in core Hillary R. Clinton it behoove us to commence to dissect the methodisms to pare down to fulfilling a quest after the WHO WHAT WHY WHERE WHEN AND HOW as to repose a suffice upon understanding how the Clinton Machine is for machinations over sagacity.

To be understood to her core Hillary R. Clinton must be pair as indivisible from William J. Clinton and the political machine operations (of their bigotry) that yet carry on of a surprising ’still standing’ while rotten for structural for machinations to trump sagacious.

There should be no doubt in any learned person’s heart that the common core of the Clintons is festered rotten of bigotry!

What begs the understanding work to be done is much of the HOW as to what machine operations operate as designed for!

To be fair, if such can be fairly parlayed, we might posture that their planks are to not be WHITE SUPREMACISTS while yet as cored to be machinations of their WHITE PRIDE.

I.E.:  What is bigotry of the Clintons is complicated but some exposed generally by any getting to asking and answering some basic first questions; - The bigotry in today’s discussions is of their Southern roots and pride, especially of the William Fulbright ilk, as to beyond maybe the South could yet win the Civil War or change the United States to home autocratic over lording, and as to beyond whether blacks could be thought free by if ever could be thought civilized, to a simple evolution paradigm of that as blacks evolve to equal freedom whites like them yet should still have evolved and naturally then to still better ‘naturally’ to be leaders of such “blacks”.

With hope I press through and opine of it seems unlikely, at least, the obstacles of “Election 2016″ are inadequate to stop em!

A first alert first reflex for shared humanity is still supposed to be hair raising upon finding machinations used to trump sagacity!

The comment of Donald J. Trump upon President Barack H. Obama as if self compromised and guilty such to akin postured as from the lips of the President “ISIS - I AM YOUR FATHER” has more than tenticals - that “Obama founded ISIS” has roots in political history - the history our history!

You must decide for yourself how and why “bigot” rap fits the tru Clintons, and too how the precedent for Donald J. Trump’s remarks are in President Barack H. Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, and also “TERROR AND CONSENT” book written by President William J. Clinton’s National Security Council member Philip Bobbitt.

Firstly Philip Bobbitt essentially biographied his boss as having been a founder/fertilizer of Al Qaeda!

Secondly Nobel Prize recipient Barack H. Obama essentially tag’d President William J. Clinton as mashable as causal to there the Al Qaeda of then!

Firstly primarily William J. Clinton was biographied by Philip Bobbitt of his NSC with paragraph filling out as like specifically meant to convey a “WHEN CLINTON WHITE HOUSE AND HOLLYWOOD WORKED TOO CLOSELY TOGETHER IT BEGOT TERRORISM”!

Secondly generally Barack H. Obama rapped hard and heavy only on President Clinton as like a founder of Al Qaeda by ABANDONMENT his, as if ours indivisibly too, as if almost none the fault of President George W. Bush, as he orated eruditely his dictum against old Clinton ABANDONMENT (of Iraq and Afghanistan?) as expressly espoused postured to tag with “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” like his “hook” - his key’d note - his keynoted!

It now is like only by partisan and “Crooked Media” machinations that there isn’t generally a liberation to back to sagacious and to a general attitude akin surprise with acceptance of harmony and truth of it divinable that President George W. Bush must only have been at best half as guilty as worked over as if, - that President William J. Clinton must truly be dirty and for being actually of it at least half the Clintons fault, and for being dirty for of cold machinations to effect a bearing of false witness by false narratives.

Thirdly it behoove us not to commence without also accepting there must be much core’d bad in the First Lady Hillary R. Clinton effected history as of crusades of turf trespasses with clear intent (naive intent?) as imperialistic as also beyond of tenticals to being of roots too that tru’ up her “bigot” raps as like a founder not just of ISIS but indivisibly also as like the mother of Al Qaeda by all her seeded antipathies for anti-American sentiment in Middle East from her crusading on feminism of dictum to incite radicals on their home turf to a pride calling for a response!

But basically our first steps need be to look at the “Double Standard” core’d of William J. Clinton as the set up for machinations to trump prudence and sagacity as the mission of the Clinton Foundation as firstly primarily generally structured coldly as a key part of the “THE CLINTON MACHINE”!

The bigotry of the Clintons might just fall out upon the conscience public as soon as enough free people expressly pursue the querious undertaking to fathom WHY and HOW the Clinton “method” depends on keeping sagacious of sagacity prudence from trumping partisan and political “Cha Ching” machinations!

As you attempt to be a first successful across such a long established and even archaic moral obstacle and to divine how the Clinton mix, consume and sell their “Kool Aid” please use a buddy system to not over reach your own humanity naively.

As you attempt to be a first successful across to beyond the walls of machinations to prevent a mass divining of truer truths still extant of the sagacious realm be prepared that the “bigot” of the Clintons’ rap is of their dark side.

As you attempt to be a first successful through this likely to be still a long slog watch their footing and for their tells and trip lines; - watch out for what perils may be in your way to where still only the penitent are supposed yet to be capable of passing to to a knowing greater and cleaner.* (*If not long gone and too archaic - even too old school!)

                *       *       *       BEWARE !!!       *       *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:28 am

Bill Clinton if to try to put a pretty face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” still is as if his instinct is to try to put his face out there.

Let us talk about how to BLITZ presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in the year 2016: Now:  How to sack any or all “HOOLIGANS”:

If reality is supposed to matter now it must be like 79% for TRUMP GOP odds with a BLITZ to at best 20% for such a HOOLIGAN now as the AWAY team and as one firstly to a problem of staying between the lines.

Mrs. Clinton is known of so many lies orated, and suspected of far more unknown to date, such that her lips are red hot - her lips are smokin’ hot - her lips are her “smoking gun”!

Regular BLITZING should be of the GOP Party playbook now for any and all to field efforts forward for defending the movement now long winning WHAT that is the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” Donald Trump joined late, and yet is WHOM rising to be a primary general leader.

It is just accepted as fact that Mrs. Clinton lips are smokin’ - and HOT like a criminals hands when caught “red handed”!

Bill Clinton is still showing defense instincts to try to help Mrs. Clinton by putting his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” for as if his old populism can yet trump reality and trump the popular movement of WHOM Mr. Trump is still rising for the winning WHAT.

This is all quite mashable and as fitting for how much has been doctored from reality for Mrs. Clinton regular makeovers to that Mrs. Clinton’s known “smokin’” lies get laid down of a populism as yet mostly laid out in lies and deception.

As we should be prepared to score on BLITZ plays against “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” we should be drilled and training as prepared to cry foul if Bill Clinton presents too much as across the lines of term limited and feminism and as if needing to be an extra “player” on the field - necessarily.

As the tragedy of Benghazi are now smarting again and fresh newly to how Secretary Clinton’s lips were smokin’ they were so hot with lying let us yet now look to how we must also defend against President Obama & President Clinton, and while these two are regularly contrarian to the core of “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Mrs. Clinton.

To BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” any local party initiative or PAC mentality now seems to be needing a coordinated plan - a play common to the REPUBLICAN PARTY PLAYBOOK.

More dramatically, however maybe to base to be SHAKESPEAREAN, we can attest that Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton has more blood on her hands than “LADY MACBETH” - and to it likewise therefore evident such “HOT LIPS” has maybe never been good at triage, - politically speaking.

To cotten to this mash up of a small tent of  Mrs. “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” Clinton there is yet a gate to first cross of how such a “HOOLIGAN” can ever be rightly hospitably accepted.  The shenanigans of such a “HOOLIGAN” are much of she has been so irregular any rank for her should be questioned due its seems “HOT LIPS” has for a long long time had difficulty staying “between the lines”!

From the sidelines forward is where Donald Trump should be most seen when BLITZING called out for local or PAC mentality plays.  Donald Trump should not do the BLITZING himself - many many others should locally be called to action as called up to BLITZ “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - any DEMOCRATS “HOOLIGANS”!

“DRAB” is the color of these days with Mrs. Clinton as if needing for championship balling to have either President Obama as a “RINGER” or (also) President Clinton.  Yet we should concur to that President Obama and President Clinton are so contrary and not like able to be fielded of any one “SPECIAL TEAM”!

The GREEN BACKS of President Obama are not saddled any ways like how President Clinton ranks were saddled for “ECONOMICS”!  “MONEY” for “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” has long been vast - broadly political - very excessive!

Women, Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton is such a known “HOOLIGAN” she is DANGEROUS to package as but a repackaged “EVIL BARBIE” - even with DRONES and BODYBAGS not included.  One such as “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is not, prudently speaking for regular order jurisprudence core, is not one finely mashable to be a good ROLE MODEL for girls, - not even/especially as gender neutral as for “future leaders”!

The laid lies already known of Mrs. Clinton are enough to justify “WORSE THAN LADY MACBETH” for she can be rightly tag’d as one to of lies for cover-ups to therefore as one of more blood on her hands, comparatively, than Richard Milhous Nixon.

Bill Clinton keeps trying to put his face on this for a populism to trump the rising popularity of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that now should enthrall audiences all around the world when if BLITZ is called and effected, and with minions associated in REPUBLICAN unifying colors populating the lines to which Nominee Trump is yet known to be not a “RINGER” but one an honest broker a “manager” on the sideline.

It now may not be just wrong to put President Obama’s face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” as it now with President Clinton so obviously conjoined that it just would be quite improper to suggest President Obama is “in the tent” as with the camp of the “small tent of…” of “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS”!

Her lips are our “SMOKIN’ GUN” - that was established to a suffice as such needed to be established before the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE had due cause to so organize.  “HOOLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton were investigated by the HOUSE assigned honorable members because an illegal cover-up was determined to have occurred; - the HOUSE tasked honorable members were tasked to a duty to determine details of such “cover-up” and to assign measures of guilt upon various individuals so then party to the improper partisan political covers; - the committee has failed yet if it hasn’t reported it moved as far as it could against all the obstructionism to a finding of how President Obama is more to blame for Secretary “HOT LIPS” Clinton failures than Mrs. Clinton herself!

This is all so very mashable!  “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” is only made worse with Clinton/Warren tag team now presenting, relative to the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” as both so usually outside the lines we seems to be witness to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS” outta no where a real where.

It is just wrong in so many ways to allow Bill Clinton a populism if of distractions by coy ploys and chicanery to offering his face in lew of seeing more broadly the “SMOKIN’ GUN” is the red hot lips of laid lies of Mrs. Clinton to that it mashable and proper to tag Mrs. Clinton “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!

Forward, as BLITZING should be a popular and most used/called play of and for the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” - as yet with Nominee Donald Trump just of sideline, or manager’s box - we are now best conditioned as if to be most prepared around a simple truth that President Obama and President Clinton cannot both fit in the “economics” or “political” small tent of “NOTORIOUS HRC” - “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” - Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton - Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton!

It is just like as simple as President Obama and President Clinton have never like queued of bars - barring - barristers - baristas - garcons - ever as two of smoking the same cigar!! Em never fit in same “economics” tent!!

The known laid lies of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton may be trumped yet if the unknown also laid by lips of “HOT LIPS” as a political partisan “HOOLIGAN” ever become generally attested to - sufficed of adequately exposed!!

President Clinton stokes of be still’d to shining to a vast cutter of spending and too only common to President Obama core as to likewise being to masses to forced austerity; - President Clinton had populism in a grand naivete for he cut, cut, cut until $2 Trillion was removed from budgeted and afforded to that a crashing end to his burning of the wick of the “economics candle” of burning from both ends simultaneously - to the crash so big the candle was like fused as if TNT - as if of “BILL’S DYNAMITE” purposely mishandled.

President Obama stokes of imbibed concoctions spirits from otherwise still’d are yet but to a forced “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” a common core as yet street and common sense obvious to he of his methodology was yet for AUSTERITY too but yet by spend, spend, spend, as to then trump old progressive lines of “TAX & SPEND LIBERALS”!!

Though President Obama and President Clinton both like SMOKED you to a forced AUSTERITY they can never be passed as “RINGERS” for the worse than “LADY MACBETH” worse than President Richard “TRICKY DICK” Nixon contests for they quite like really can never both fit in the “small tent” of one now so “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN”!!

Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton has more blood on her hands than the spousal husbandry of 1993 to 2001 as yet of her spouse’s record unless prudence restored for jurisprudence to a GUILT upon President Clinton for NEGLIGENCE to even “NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE” for doctoring voters from TRUTH that he is culpable and to a real JEOPARDY due eight years too much of INACTION and AVOIDANCE as begetting DANGERS - as yet the core message common to President Obama erudite proffered oration known as his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!!!

That we now have BENGHAZI REPORTS and yet little satisfaction attests to “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” and “CLINTONS” “HOOLIGANS” established still in the self - evident so that a “CAPTAIN OBVIOUS” not even needed!  I.E.: Like rap is: “HOT LIPS HOOLIGANS”!!

Again:  Oy again:  President Obama and President Clinton cannot fit in the “small tent” of “HOT LIPS” as they are essentially, while so of both having wrecked havoc upon the middle and lower class People by forced AUSTERITY by different partisan economic methods, more than of different tents as they are more firstly economically speaking of different “camps”!

You and I, all of us, actually, may each be better off if we do not let Bill Clinton popularize the situation to it then his face on “HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN” scandal, and to yet be firstly between BLITZING of yet putting only President Obama’s face upon “HOLLIGANISM” of Mrs. “HOT LIPS” Clinton.

You and I, all of us, actually, must be smarter than the DEMOCRATS hope or expect of any voter, possible voter!

You and I, all of us, realistically, - oy that! -, should ascribe to restorations for common sense and regular order!

You and I, all of us, now dedicated for our republic should shake off the nationalism of these DEMOCRATS and commit ourselves passionately to regular exercised privileges for healing from the long long long laid lies of the CLINTONS, and too that which yet must be differentiated and pared separately for what is of the ‘THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” relatively.

You and I, all of us, now should see that regular BLITZ plays called against Mrs. “NOTORIOUS HRC” “HOT LIPS” Clinton should be enough, under the circumstances of just the known laid lies of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS” to yet suffice to halt or even arrest the BULL of President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton! - “HOT LIPS’” prime “BULL” “BILL”!

For our INDEPENDENCE and for our republic for which it stands still enduring by the People’s Order a constitution for Liberty and Justice for ALL let us be of our established and ordained and to holding “HILLARY CLINTON” from fielding improper “RINGERS” and to getting away, further, with any and all steppin’ out side of the lines, - being LAWLESS and for CHAOS as if AUTHORITARIAN CLINTONS can suffice to replace CONSTITUTION, - especially our sworn affirmed BILL OF RIGHTS! 

For our FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE let us recommit ourselves to seeing that enough now see past their laid lies and to be able newly to consecrate the nation as yet a loose union of republican states for TRUTH - for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - for RELIGIOUS LIBERTY!!!

Let us BLITZ against, as regularly as necessary, all further attempts to bed for eternity their TYRANNY by laid LIES! - GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

                         *       *       *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:11 am

SPAM!  Alex, What is SPAM?

Dear youths of the world, my readers, if only of my mused successes, and poetry, it is incumbent on me to share a sad state of “neighborliness” beset across “AMERICAN” with a seeming Democrat Party nom to Mrs. Clinton.

Dear the future of the world, hopefully ready if first alien contact needs us galactically prepared for evil of a first encounter, these days are sad days due that Mrs. Clinton is still standing in any public arena supposedly where PUBLIC MORALS are supposed to be a guardian from such.

I beseech ye our future leaders, hopefully readying a sufficient response and readiness for any alien invasion.

I beseech ye and warn ye now forthwith that reading of politics and views of streaming politics talk shows, however syndicated, cannot be good for your health, nor for your own battles with morality.

Our future, ye youths, and actually most intelligent life forms, I doth beseech you to stop reading of American politics and of viewing even if by old landlines of cable networks delivered (garbage?) (news?) - like immediately.

Most would benefit greatly from ceasing and desisting from any consumption of what is being fronted as news and of “campaign” politics forward.  Please cease and desist immediately from reading and consuming of “politics” “news”!

Now forward, let me be clear, as we worry to a readiness of a suffice for a defense of the earthly humanoid survival, we should worry about devolution - about devolving by believing in what we should know enough not to believe, - not to trust.

Forward a first issue for all humanity is the feminist import now broached to that before any prejudice upon #CrookedHillary there be moderation and compassion as pare through for feminism to if before judging Mrs. Clinton we need grasp if issue #1 isn’t more to #CrookedBill - to if President Clinton is the most corrupt.

Mrs. Clinton is so canned she can only be SPAM however served as if “news” - the Clintons’ playbook has fewer plays now available all the while their plays for a selling of Mrs. Clinton are stuck to needing to hold to how they scripted them in Arkansas before ever even entering the 1992 race for the American presidency.  Mrs. Clinton is being “spiced up” but she can only forward be so canned to be essentially just  SPAM - like a kinda “spiced ham in a can” just packaged enough to be still of a late “fresh by date” apparent comity for polity.

I do hope you all do stop reading of politics like immediately, - such will be better generally for your health and moral struggles.

Now forward, let us get down to the business of survival of the humanoid species as if still an intelligent life form.

Please treat it as a #DYI - do it yourself assignment - or at least kept tight to a close circle of friends mash up.  We all must broach for a parity for #FEMINISTS how there is a dynamic that must be processed for #FEMINISM forward to divine before judgemental or prejudiced for #CrookedHillary to if righteously the #TRUTH isn’t more endemic as of #TRUTHS more akin (firstly) (primarily) to President Clinton #RAP fit’n #CrookedBill.

Forward any consumption of “politics” “news” is set up as if a promise of “Nominate Hillary and News Will Sell” tag was intelligent and while the roots of the controversial is of the scandals extant per scandal more as if now any voluntary digesting of a “news” “political” “product” is to like tuning in to watch an active crime scene, and to morally challenged as like no one, not even yourself or the “professionals” are being good Samaritans - are of any like calling the #COPS.

So as we now move forward together, and try to find intelligent life but existent, and of at least written opines, however squibs, or timely broadsides, let us save our selves by better valuing our time.  Forward you must reconsider if any can be a trusted source.  Forward we must all help each other see through the (Authoritarians) cloaking of truths as truths are inconvenient to their playbook and how it quite canned to like SPAM how they must run Mrs. Clinton to have any appearance of electable.

Forward now “Ladies First” is improper and imprudent as I have revealed Mrs. Clinton should not be so prejudiced - President Clinton seems a he the him first most as sadly prejudiced by his own history, - his on paper “resume”.  Let us let President Clinton go first - it is better to judge the flaws of the man #ManClinton before even the prejudiced for #WomanClinton #MrsC.

I write this now for all - every one of my readers future leaders or just lifestyle entrepreneurs - and in a good mood to thinking I am now ready myself for a lifestyle fit’n my “resume” of mused and written successes, even my rap and poetry of http://CitizenRosebud.us near assorted of a collection of American Literature self styled near now of 100 pieces, original works.

Please let us commit to better using our time, to much avoiding the SPAM that any #Hillary2016 now can only be, however seemed spiced up and yet repackaged as if fresh.  Let us commit to giving in to our better instincts that a seeming Democrat Party nom as to Mrs. Clinton a presumptive nominee is now to us of that feeling to that watching at least political talk shows is a thought that can be a welcome prejudice as it is a sign of intelligence to not expose oneself to so much SPAM.

There is no #WomanCard for Mrs. Clinton to play as a trump card for prudence in that firstly the #ManCard a #ManClinton card must be played and judged for lack of suffice to trump’n for fit’n #CrookedBill.

I write this now for all - every good soul like copacetic to my success, and as most are already readers of my mused successes and as such still standing up better morals and calls to public morality than #Hillary2016 nor #PresidentHillary ever can, - can do how her on paper resume and record belay her spiced as for a “freshness” or “trustworthiness.”


Future leaders of at least earth bound humanoids we must secure ourselves as still of and for public morals, - mores!

Future leaders to know where my thoughts are, and as we accept we must reconsider our sources, and break from any habit of consuming “politics” “news” “products” let me impart a vision of hope to that I am like seeing myself not of an em “alone” but to like a happy lifestyle of like bicycling with company and even around Cannes and Tribeca even as the Sundance set too must try to find an actual fresh way forward. 

I am not alone in my thoughts for a hope for a better world.

I am still #StrongForTruth as #HOGAN of #SocialMedia #NewMedia.  I have long been your entertainer, and yet I write of knowing of sad politics for I had been of years entertaining while yet predisposed to trying to fix many of these now so canned to be like SPAM but the only DEMOCRAT option.

I am not alone in my thoughts for a hope for a better world.

I am still young and agile and liking thoughts of romantic bicycling even for day trips and tourism even where film festivals may be dormant, or out of date, - too PC dangerous - too of political correctness run a muck.

God speed to all our still intelligent of earthly humanoids.  The only way to win now may be to not play their game at all.

Sadly, I am a one most aware of besides how sad stale and out of date Mrs. Clinton is despite spiced up and repackaged, and as informed enough on the issues, - especially global and foreign policy issues - to know what Mrs. Clinton cannot say, and, of it that the TRUTH is not an option for #Clinton. 

This is a big clue to how she can only be really just SPAM.  Forward, it seems, I am happier as more just still your entertainer! Don’t you concur?

                                         *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:51 pm

I dread now reporting from these united states of America that the state of “American” politics is horrid - horrible.

It is dreadful that I must report that the state of the “American” media, at least, is as bad, - or worse.

Any Brown University Literature Department graduate should be able to know this without needing to read between the lines.

It is now established beyond any reasonable doubt! - such is beyond “self evident” and more like “uber evident”!

Allow me some exclamatory remarks, ye who hath carried “Hermione” now so far - a written (fictional) creation to the idea that one was better than two!

It is as if the merry populaces of the Democrat encampments and media tag-alongs are much sans magic, - perchance “muggles”!

Your fans may appreciate how I do very much like your recent twitpic of a book seeming otherwise about merry populaces, and as that to date I still haven’t seen most of your pictures. - Em likley to be surprised to learn that “Quid ditch” (sp?) developed from J.K. Rowling asking her muse doth challenged her to pen 7 books on magic “should we have a flying broom in the stories?” and to which upon quick consideration and a glance at my parents fireplace broom nearby I repliethed “YES, BUT GO BIG - MAKE IT OF A SPORT OF SORTS” (paraphrased near enough) and then processed further to its potential by wiringing JKR into my then athletic activities of my various ULTIMATE FRISBEE LEAGUES and covertly the sport energy even of my friends so about to while as architects and construction managers of the Kuala Lumpur Petronas Towers. (I appreciate “PATRONUS” spelled like “patron US” while picking up on basis.)

Yes Emma, I still refuse to read any of the HARRY POTTER books and too haven’t seen most of your pictures.  I didn’t asked for the books to be written to be to entertaining me, and I don’t still want to effect a creative feed back loop by interpreting the pictures past that I know I’ve seen the first two or two and a half.

Yes Emma, I must report on the ridiculous state of these politics and media of which I press opines eruditely; - there can be no Hillary Clinton as a candidate in any honesty if my own vastly more complicated personal historicals are not shared to be pared against her/their false claims.  As long as the politics and the media do not tell of my biographical relatedness at least as to the rise of the Clintons in 1992, and further staying power, then there is only dishonesty and immorality in our politics by lies, at least as lies by omissions.  And, this is complicated since due the depth and breadth of such known autobiographical to myself I know I shouldn’t ask to have any tell of such, I shouldn’t first ask to be more “published” even for then by the nature of these horrid states I yet would be aiding a sustenance to the machinations for lies to reign for bad actors, over core truths necessary to getting finally to rebuilding.

Oh Emma, some of this doth have a funny bone humorous tingle to it incidentally occasionally; - while I know I shouldn’t ask to have my story told to the depths needed to straighten many out from the lies at least keeping the Clintons’ machinations viable I do realize and accept that I have spelled out many times in writings publicly posted as to how to defeat them, and as can work by the bright light of Bernie Sanders and even the standards of Donald Trump; - before I ever got to challenging JKR to such now galactically famous seven books there is of this story that of a sibling rivalry with my older sister like of her facing the “Peter Principle” in 1994 politics when Senator Chris Dodd’s State Director yet on the losing side of the Republican sweep of 1994.

Emma, and JK Rowling, and Neil Blair…, it is an #ItsComplicated now as regards #HOLLYWOOD and some due even in 1994, or especially in 1994, I was of sufficient Power, or driving Influence, with HOLLYWOOD that I was able to pressure my older sister’s employer a Senator to that he need let my sister go from his employment, just to be able of a potential that my media magic could still work a bipartisan art for him, - for he now Chairman and CEO of the MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America.  I wasn’t being vindictive in a sibling rivalry, and as I did help sister transition to upward mobility outside of politics - restored, and, as it was just fundamentals to my art of entertainment magic, also freely mused, but with expectations of source to be noted and kept annotated for later credits, - to “honor among artists” - as it is that I had to pressure Senator Dodd to move my sister outta the way for due my dad’s and my sister’s “contributions” the “work” I was doing that such Senator was benefiting from was incidentally accidentally getting undone by family most unawares of my cloaked facilities and influence.

Y’all cool cats, yeh you all, especially one who has carried “Hermione” so far:  Fans should learn, eventually maybe, to appreicate two things about women at the core (of the success) of HOGWARTS storied basis.  Fans should consider that incidentally when I asked for a young female lead character as like a “HER MY ONE” it was as I considered though the real life basis was of two young girls in a small close knit “posse” one as that each had to choose one over two would work better fictionally.  Fans considering such might yet be old enough to ponder J.K. Rowling guarded herself by naming the school “HOGWARTS” as if my challenged setting didn’t pan out she was ready for the quick draw to that it was always firstly just “HOGAN - WARTS” of “J.P. Hogan basis in hopes like “wards” wouldn’t grow up to be like “warts” as dirt under his skin.”

Right, y’all cool cats, yeh, you all:  Fans I was shocked when I first saw a copy of the first book for by then so much time had elapsed since we crossed from trying to hide muse even from publishers to that JKR to get published was then of my agreeing to inform such who did publish her that she was acting under my direction that I was to be keep an unknown, for the book rights, and to then though a stipulated that if it ever got to movie rights we would have to cross that bridge later and to that I was giving away no rights to movies or even a theme park when directing consent to book rights.

Ok, now y’all cool cats, be cool:  Emma, it seems inescapable now that while I avoid reading these works of immense success in fiction it is becoming clear that J.K. Rowling despite the platonic nature of my challenge, due I disappointed, as I recall while to standing up that I didn’t have time to “date” as part of such, yet in the rearing and development of “HER MY ONE” musta written from my years of dedicated “platonic” musing of always finding new energies for next books to such as though for any one but “HARRY POTTER” as a female lead a leading lady akin to what my ideal woman seemed like - akin to what I would want in a wife, even.  (Yes “HERMIONE” was not to marry “HARRY POTTER” from the beginning for their basis is from a real young group whence then as young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete” of round black glasses and to then of commenced studies in magic, and with one of the two of such to a one in “HERMIONE” as yet his sister.) (The link up to J.K. Rowling did occur much because one evening I poured a Scotch and wafted a spiritual pre-Google search for an “unknown writer” willing to commit to “7 books on magic of each book of a next year of magic school”  and as around real youths I was renaming around to being of asking for “an unknown author willing to write about a Pete Rowe-ling, & posse” - to asking for someone willing to right about someone of a name like JK’s late father Peter Rowling, as incidentally it occurred - was created from thin air and blank napkins, to blank paper, to many rejections.

Emma, real woman of duties as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrid the state of such I press on about here as to it immoral to amoral that there can be a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” reported upon without a media and especially political leadership being insistent to that my story, my biography, my historicals be publicly related at least to 1990-ish.

Emma, real woman of honors as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrible that I can report such disregard for truth and honor across the ranks of em thought leaders in these united states of the Americas. There can be no learn’d honor among women if “with” this partially disrobed HILLARY CLINTON.  There can be no learn’d honor among women too now as President Barack Obama’s story is also crossed with my past decades of leadership to of such bipartisan advantage for Democrats that I was able to pressure a Senator to move my older sister along more due the “Peter Principle” than her younger brother “Peter” due he feared losing my entertainment magic she and my father were incidentally accidentally naturally beset to undermining, while yet needed as not errantly complicated to undermined.  There is no reporting morally or honestly on the storied of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, nor Bill Clinton, where such is commenced and carried as if I can be omitted from the story - their storied, even especially as such is still only still standing due lies have not been checked due em of omitting historicals that are of my motivation to such vast efforts for positive change that root at least to a decade before 1990 shares and strategizing for problem solving, and crisis management in extremely trying times.

Emma, real woman of global exposure as a United Nations leading woman as Ambassador for Women, dearly, again it was shocking when I first laid eyes on a first copy of the first book of the challenge for seven JKR did nearly beg could be yet just five books, at a moment, maybe just a phase, and nearly disastrous for such was cloaked by me by use of “doors” and “contracting” business from my father and my sister, especially, as hoped, personally in a cloaked, to be of a facility in my poetic to be yet a muse able to be like a “shrink” for my dad and my sister as a greater facilitator for FEMINISM advancement, a yet shared goal of all of ours. 

Emma, ye doth carried “HERMIONE” so far, - ye embodied/embodies what seems becometh clear without even reading the books by their covers, - ye so somehow written in the spirit of what I must have implied by mused energy and creative directives as to be an “ideal woman” to me: 

Right!  I did not ask for a cover a basis in the stories for my godmother who is married lastingly into the CROMWELL clan that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, though GILMORE GIRLS is that she was the basis for “GRANDMOTHER” as akin to YALE UNIVERSITY and a female cousin a YALE alum as an asked for mused for to entertainment as from so many brothers graduates of BALTIMORE GILMAN SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

Right!  I did instruct JKR post her complaint near “but you haven’t given me enough material even for five books” to add a “godfather” character for lead character and write it in as around dangers of watts, amps, volts, voltage, higher voltage, high voltage like to “volts d’ more” alarmism and to there dangers in not knowing European electrical standards use 220v normatively while American Electrical household use is yet but of a less amped for wattage of 110 volts.  The basis was to be around my own godfather a life long union electrician but fictionally developed also around “GO BIG - MAKE IT A SPORT - A TEAM SPORT OF FLYING BROOMS” as around my posse of ULTIMATE FRISBEE associations to of those of having been of the design and then construction management of the PETRONAS TOWERS and to them as serious about black live wires nearly as my uncle my godfather, the now late C. Hogan, was always.

OMG Emma!  Time flies.  I am saddened today by the passing of Edward “Tad” Sanchez III yesterday and Muhammad Ali today.  “Tad” Sanchez is a pal from my 1980s abouts on Block Island, and nail banging summers during Villanova University studies.  He passed due an illness he had fought for a while, he is for immortality besides his hobby as having been in the Screen Actors Guild and bit parts, the he from a reunion after years the core in old circle of friends basis that was to my asking for the “MADMEN” show as by asking to energies of my old Block Island circle of friends to be kept alive by art about the era I was predisposed then to in my art for positive change as that era when my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was a top Ad Man - a top Madison Avenue marketing executive of the serious accounts - as managed after consolidating their accounts all that was the Johnson & Johnson advertising business.  He is responsible for the ‘NO MORE TEARS’ product launch and too that the bottle has a tear drop in its form.  Of the “MadMen” creation it was fitting for AMC channel for “Tad’s” story was happy in marital union into the Dolan family - the family that owns Madison Square Garden, for starters.

OMG Emma!  Time flies, and this isn’t near as brief as I postured myself to a readiness to share.  It is a sad day for much of the above and coincidental to a puzzlement of how Muhammad Ali has now passed.  My godfather who is the basis for “Serious Black” did pass away a few years ago and yet on the same day a serious black I knew to be a hero of his did also pass - a few years ago my godfather electrician, retired, passed on the day his boxing hero “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed, and yet suddenly while amidst fall yard work on a day most of his brotherhood of electricians not retired were busy across Connecticut trying to restore power after a state’s maybe record blackout. And also sad note on politics and media is that such day David Brooks New York Times column was a political hit piece titled “THE SERIOUS ONE”.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real and make believe of the world of HOGWARTS it is real and relative to the American political scene that I have only given rights to the books and never gave away rights to the movies, or any theme park.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real magic of J.P. Hogan “poet” “squib” “pundit” “most successful muse” and also the basis for “Robert Galbraith” “STRIKE” as was to instructions to then there to be no more “HARRY POTTER” books but kindly to JKR of that her muse wouldn’t leave her hung out to blow in the wind for her muse then adjusted to allowing her to write from his energies but more biographically to a fictional work out.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the EMMA conundrum that though “HOGWARTS” was defensively penned as a double edged fictional for J.K. and maybe predefensive as if to of the “platonic” as if felt “jilted” there seems now that my ideals as to what a leading lady as to an ideal woman is (to me) that such may have been written to and dramatically carried off.  Puzzling, quite puzzling - but can any man really understand “woman”?


Ye cool cats, as more relative J.P. Hogan historical or trivial it is incidental to much that my first year at Villanova University was the first year my college had a MIDDLE EAST STUDIES department and to offering MODERN STANDARD ARABIC LANGUAGE among its language courses.  I mention such today for it is that my professor in such that I helped inaugurate by taking my language requirements by 12 credits of ARABIC was to a given name upon me for class purposes as “ALI” and not, for sure, due any boxing acumen, or facility.  I majored in Economics to a Bachelor of Arts, and to enough credits for a minor in Philosophy but cloaked from a “minor” but as an “undeclared minor” so as to keep the Philosophy Department less involved in my love of thinking of philosophizing.  I am that I also in 1984 was early of computers for I took for a mathematics requirement a course in Pascal programming, programming on mainframes.

Emma, J.K., Neil, et cool cats yet of the unknowing sorts now some to uncloaked eyes upon truths, let us proceed against the failings of the horrid media and leadership failures ghastly due the stories of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama quite can not be honestly said historical where there is omission of the very vastly related story of myself,  and at least to that my motivations in around 1990-1991 are vastly more complicated and engaging to what transpired than yet pared against Clintons even to a #RealBillClinton by reduction by honest comparisons.

Yes, Emma, it is true my godmother, and to many of my cousins so tru’d, is of my kin are married to descendant from, and begot by the Cromwell line that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, so I have lived their story as somehow true.

To be brief:  Yes the machinations of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT are horrid to horrible as rotten of lies, and especially to the core as to the #RealHillaryClinton is not storied if and when my biographical is not imparted, and as it remains due how vast my facility was I will not ask to be told of, - asked to be more “published” - asked to reveal more than my #squibs long at establishing current and past expertise and forethought none of such has ever earned a respect akin to - to full of.

Conclusion:  The state of these united states of the Americas media and political leadership is ridiculous, at least! - there can be no honesty nor duties done as per #Election2016 of these parties involved where there is any omission of the true story and contributions uniquely mine, and unique due what my motivation was/is.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:06 pm

Holy negations are not blessed good things - em more dark magic and trickery by bad lawyers.

There is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton should be declared enemies of the state - ROME - Enemies Of The Church.  I welcome the The Church of England to take a lead likewise.

This is a little beyond “NOAH 101″ - as but more about em as at Holy negations more as at bridges demolishments than builders.

“What is their chicanery?” is a good opener - a timely sighting to how their berg is far bigger than the tip of such iceberg we now maybe are sighting in to mark and twain in time suffice.

What is their chicanery?  Obvious enough now to some, not “NATURAL STATE FASCISTS, - not Democrats, maybe, is em “Holy negations”!

We will need get to “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” and to the “Adam” and “Eve” of Barack Obama natural born conceived a bastard spawned into the Kenya Muslim “House of Obama” to his father by wife number 2.  We will need pare down such as conceived bastard spawned as a love child of a pepper and salt - ebony and ivory - chocolate and white milky white - as like a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.  Son of Obama, so conceived a bastard “love child” of two studious to be experts in Soviet ways as if naturally Soviet, is a conundrum, - and to that the pair to such book should have been “THE WORK OF MY MOTHER - HOW I GOT EVEN THIS FAR!”.

Her chicanery, - right, - the chicanery of Hillary Clinton is quite problematic. Less NOAH - more like #VooDoo & Louise Cypher, - #HillaryInTheFlesh #Lucifer. Dark magic - it is - is she playing past innocent at unholy chicanery.

I do not know so cannot proffer to if Barack Obama was by Kenya tribal and Muslim traditions so conceived as “natural born” as the property of the father, and if only more so due the polygamy of his seeded a conceived bastard but as to a wife number 2, by how consenting - consented to conception as yet but a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.

I do not know so cannot proffer to how Barack Obama as so “natural born” was not first an American Citizen by birth due the polygamy or bigamy issues of law as to supposedly his mother’s “marriage” - so a “shotgun marriage” wasn’t necessarily kosher by laws of these united states of the Americas due her mated with as already being one married and to at least one of his allowed quantity of wifies.  So we are past NOAH to it yet Hillary Clinton is broached by the political waves of that Donald Trump old legal queries raised have yet to be fully answered - at least by our highest courts, - and as to the religiousness of if Father Obama by his laws and expectations at conception did properly own his son more than America had a right to try to claim for wifie number 2, as how consented to “natural born” as “under God”.

Oy, right!  Is it that Donald Trump has Holier ground now to stand on than Mrs. Clinton?  Mrs. Clinton hasn’t even tried to prove it otherwise - at least to any jurisprudence suffice. 

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of further attempts at Holy negations her recent “bridging” “demolishments” less an iceberg than just as if she were the riveter of her ship and her riveted popping due her riveting mostly faulty.

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of furthered anti-literature political for convenient whimsy to trump it is becoming evident their ruses can amount to it due that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton doth become declared as Enemies Of The Church, - Enemies of the State - still to it welcome if the The Church of England would take a lead for Kingdom, so.

Hillary Clinton has long been known to myself as considered arrogant enough to think herself and her husband, as since em of Yale Law School coed days, as to a “we must be smarter than the Founding Fathers were, - and the 80th Congress”.  It is a new consideration of the Clintons’ long exposed arrogance to that NOAH must be also thought trumped, - set asunder, - of it that Jewish Law must just be, to them, ridiculous.

The anti-Constitution Clintons are enemies of these united states of the Americas quite as whence in earlier days it would have been from the start as considered akin to insurgents and of engagements willful to treasonous, to em at treason by negations coy ploys.  The established “The Clinton” is of them of decades of fronting coyly a proposition that these united states of America are now become to a state of “Post Constitution” reality.  The American Laws of governance by law have been negated but not yet noticed as negated - due too many near wholly ignorant of Constitution negations.

The anti-Constitution chicanery, hers, and his, has been bedded to a super worm viral capacity, to so set asunder regular order inconvenient to their selfish ambitions, from near day one in 1993 whence then sworn otherwise to it the duty of the office to be dedicated otherwise - actually dedicated to upholding what they were line by buried line building a super virus to undo, - they were recoding stealthily to negate the inconvenient, and especially the Holy basis in such most inconvenient.

Her chicanery, - right: the chicanery of Mrs. Clinton, is of Hillary Clinton advanced enough through the ages so conspiring at cloaked Holy negations to joined efforts to set asunder government by laws by recoding to “Extra-Constittution” Powers by viral undermining, to crashes to em of “Post Constitution” Power to that she has amassed through spousal husbandry enough acquired wrongness to be arguably now due to be cast, at least, as an ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, - ENEMY OF THE STATE, - ENEMY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, - AND ALL OF NOAH, TO MOSES  - OF JEWISH LAW.

By her Holy negations I declare it common sense that she is flawed, and never as though in their arrogance as ever smarter than Noah, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay, Madison, even most of the Founding Fathers, - and not even smarter than Richard M. Nixon when just a member of the 80th Congress. 

Case in point to proof em been ridiculous:  If we go along with “Post Constitution” the natural outcome is then not that they get all these “Extra-Constitution” Powers and allowances for graft akin “Public Corruption” but that they then by their own coding for “Post-C” are an em to need face the common sense of the Constitution to that the default - THE DEFAULT TO LAST KNOWN WORKING CONDITION - is to that Power if the Constitution is so VOIDED defaults not to Powers to the most ready at hand willy to be AUTOCRATS of and for AUTHORITARIAN to (Natural State Fascism) rule - for it is deeply coded to be like Holy established and incontrovertible that Powers under such a conundrum do default to the People to their state’s constitutions and to that then the office of President Mrs. Clinton coyly seeking then has no legal basis for existence, - is illegitimate, - in whole there then by Clintons’ “reasoned” no basis for the courts or the federal government.

Case in point to further proof em been ridiculous:  Her/their work at Holy negations of roots to NOAH and MOSES - Jewish Law - as points to proof against them.  We have the said TOLERANCE recoding to decree and end to intolerance now also to POLYGAMY OR BIGAMY.  If not already then twil be by whence any trumpets waft waves of agreement suffice to a seating of Hillary Clinton, by all the irregular means necessary for such to be effected, the twas done to a suffice that TOLERANCE of POLYGAMY should be of no bigotry of tolerance, - POLYGAMY must forward be accepted without any prejudice.

President Barack Hussein Obama legacy cannot be respected if there is prejudice, also forward, to how he is as conceived as the son of his father to the House of Obama of Muslim & Kenyan tribal patriarchal law traditions and as “natural born” to (rightful) of bigamy with rights extant for polygamy.  Mrs. Clinton cannot escape that an election of Mrs. Clinton would also de-establish by Holy negations the nation from monogamy, and from against adultery.

Hillary Clinton’s character is to be questioned, and biblically, at least, at least to biblical establishments of “Adam” and “Eve”.

Hillary Clinton’s character should be under full frontal assault - evermore, - forever more. 

Hillary Clinton’s character as her casting stones - throwing stones - at Donald Trump on issues she has not innocence suffice to be to Christian while picking up and throwing stones. 

The core matters common to these displayed moments of Hillary Clinton of casting stones as if a Christian innocent enough to judge another are yet of the “The Clinton” as of compromised and unworthy by either to such acts of judging another for sins one is arguably more heinously compromised of guilt for as for many past deeds of past decades.  Hillary Clinton has been un-Christian while trying still to be Un-American by being for a “Post Constitution” Powers as if Clintons can be crowned of “Extra-Constitution” Power yet by decades at cloaked recoding efforts for Holy negations.

Hillary Clinton’s character is fitting #CrookedHillary and #HeinousHillary.  And, and especially, now still #ItsTheClintons_STUPID.

The “The Clinton” as for the “House of Clintons” is to that bigamy and polygamy cannot be now postured by Democrats as not also undone.  Any Democrat, if possibly electable, now to follow on the Obama story as a story of a first born bastard conceived yet to a Kenyan and Muslim man of rights to have such as a second wife/mother must not parse from the tolerance politics already forwarded to that polygamy must be legal and the law of the land by the extant recent of rulings by the Supreme Court on matters relating to what once was always firstly the jurisdiction of religiousness, not U.S. Congress or the Courts.

It has been torn asunder!  Most of the coy ploys to set asunder the governance by laws inconvenient to the Clintons’ ambitions have been mostly, albeit temporarily, set asunder.  Too many are now too accepting of the words of the Clintons as if righteous, holy, or even safe.

It has been set asunder!  Bigamy and Polygamy are proofs to it proofing proofed the Holy negations have been popularly, by simple majority, - writ not to be seriously trusted, propped up and are standing as if can actually be workable as law.

In his letter to the Jews of Newport, - George Washington’s letter to Rhode Island Jews - tolerance was parlayed - or pared - to that by the Constitution as under God as “ordained” “done” subscribed” People’s “Order” in the “Year of our Lord” there yet is the separation of Church and State as a vertical separation by that Congress was denied superiority and a right to interpret scripture as a greater right to be supremely held over the People.  There is the letter to the Jews to that there would be no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” is where there is the humble religious freedom for the separation set vertical to that Congress and the Government is under “our Lord” of the Christian Calendar but not above the People or the states in matters of religion - in matters of establishments of religion - in matters of the tenets of religion.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be even politically casting stones at Donald Trump for the records of the past decades are phat with circumstances of the Clinton spousal husbandry of planting and fertilizing arguably worse “business” practices.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be but to that POLYGAMY, if there ever enough majority for all the barriers prudently set to halt peoples of resumes of such deficient and unsettling “character” to be crossed, now for Mrs. Clinton must be President William Jefferson Clinton’s own right. Her “Hun The Enabler” rap is also to suffice to carry this as broached upon the vessel “HILLARY”. 

The issue for the soaps now, as if a Constitution set asunder as if times to “POST CONSTITUTION” and as not to the default as writ to then of the People to their rights and state’s constitutions, is of layers and layers of coy ploys at Holy negations, - her/their chicanery - dark magic - unholy machinations.

Case in point to her/their chicanery as “Holy negations” as of acts over decades of by lawyers at thought cloaked how em to trying to set asunder the Constitution to yet have a “POST CONSTITUTION” popularism for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers more akin to TOTALITARIANISM:  Besides the Constitution default is if VOID so to that People have their state’s constitutions and their religions there is that by the Clintons’ postured “reasoned” there is the fault to that if the Constitution is VOID there then is no legitimacy for the office she now if of em running to try to hold together again.

So whether to be a next Democrat to then honor a past Democrat(s) it is unwise to even nominate Mrs. Clinton for she would then, if ever elected and past the obstacles to bar inadequacy, be to the soapy next chapter great expectations, however a FEMINIST, to being expected to sooned, not later, be to a ceremony in the WHITE HOUSE and to give a share of her’s away by giving WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON some away to have his rightful and legal BIGAMY, - an actual wife number 2 then whom he could share their home with, - in perpetuity, - til death do em part.

The big issue of today, this political week, is quite though that Hillary Clinton has no Christian right to be casting all these stones at Donald Trump.  This is akin her other big problem that won’t go away as to that due a spouse of WJC she is not to incriminate President Clinton, like not allowed to even use TRUTH as stones against her spouse.  Though she isn’t clean enough to cast stones on these “business practices” questionable of Donald Trump she is still too dirty and sworn from truth as an option for any service as President for she where the truth is that is was/is President Bill Clinton’s fault she as dirty or clean as his spouse is not by law allowed to reveal the actual or dominant historical facts.

Generally it must be accepted that THE TRUTH IS NOT AN OPTION TO HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.

Dark magic they have been decades at to have an Un-Constitution popularism to suffice to be to a #NaturalStateFascism as the #ClintonFascism the #HillaryFascism for they cannot abide any questioning their authoritarianism - there necessary setting asunder of “liberal democracy” prudence in open and full debate, for starters.  They must only be further to Holy negations.

This is more mature than for just “HOGWARTS” or “HARRY POTTER” elementary magic studies, - this is long worked already much past “NOAH 101″ and also against “MOSES” and the “JEWISH LAW” in the “TEN COMMANDMENTS”!

We still have the prudence of George Washington as literate and illuminating on vicissitudes incident to life as to that the Constitution even for Newport, Rhode Island Jews is for no “bigotry of tolerance”! 

We still have the prudence of George Washington and to that the Clintons must never have been as recalled em thought as like to “we must be smarter than the founding fathers were” and …!

We still have the prudence of George Washington to save us from any fallen or already to bent to the Clintons’ coy ploys for a AUTHORITARIAN powers by Holy negations especially as to for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers by cloaked recoding to attempt to assuage enough popular blind faith for “POST CONSTITUTION” postured for more convenient power grabbing.

The American literature of George Washington must endure!  We must endear a commitment forward anew to that there shall be no bigotry of tolerance, - to that Jewish in these united states of the Americas doth too have religious freedom for the Constitution ordained the separation of church and state as veritical, though in the Christian Calendar.

Where Democrats may further abide the Clintons decades against the originalism for “liberal democracy” basis and to so be to FASCISM better in these times as defined as a “movement of the Left” there is much danger beyond any expectation that bigamy and polygamy should be legal forever more to honor the stories of President Clinton and the bastard conception consent to bigamy seeming his all so very personal story as a conceived “Soviet Studies Love Child”.

Where there are even just Democrats for Hillary Rodham Clinton there is DANGER, and beyond what hopes lives in that these united states of the Americas had yet seemed improved to it recently near only Hillary Clinton voters seeming em still believing the Clintons’ lies.

Democrats forward must embrace that any President Clinton forward means Hillary Clinton to be expected, due Bill Clinton’s nature, to be having to ceremonially in the White House to giving her husband away some to a legal marriage to an actual wife number 2. 

Democrats are in perilous times for such as much this all entails is of vast Holy negations that likely may set asunder what though a union of their own.

We still have the prudence of George Washington for now.  The Clintons due not abide his literate use of “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as if what “George” got from “Martha” could ever be enough compensation.  Hillary Clinton is unholy and un-Christian while casting stones at Donald Trump for the Clintons’ “business” “practices” have always too much put monetary values on like everything.  The “Public Corruption” tag on the Clintons “official” practiced is much to pivot on that “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as to foreign agents or foreign dollars is and never was definable as “of that just means money”!

There is we still should have the prudence of George Washington, and at least Alexander Hamilton, as guidance to how separations must be vertical, - not horizontal, - not of the federal Government as able to trump God.  Congress is to make no law respecting an establishment of religion for the tenets of religions are of the jurisdiction of the People as a trump card to their Federal Government. 

The First Amendment speaks to that Congress can make no law to have a superiority over tenets of faith - of over tenets of religion.

Jews also have religious freedom by our Constitution because the Constitution is humbly “subscribed” “People” “Order” “done” under God as set done by humble men in the “Year of our Lord”!

There shall be no “bigotry of tolerance” so scribed by George Washington as early American Literature for the Holy cannot be negated, even for popularism like of the Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry (cloaked) coy ploys and chicanery of ambition.

No first marriage is safe under the political practiced of the Clinton “two-fer”!

And, Donald Trump may find few are even clean enough to be even a Christian allowed to be righteous as if casting stones upon him, - even over how Barack Hussein Obama may be “natural born” as “under God” as firstly and dominantly the property of his Kenyan father, - even as “natural born citizen” may need firstly be to the Holy that was of the Creator about creation to a bastard conceived a “Soviet Studies Love Child” of an American women seemingly consenting to be at least by Kenyan and Muslim Law as but wife number 2.

To fight the bad dark magic, many should reconsider if Hillary Clinton isn’t as has been too beset to Holy negations as to now at least be declared AN ENEMY OF THE STATE, - EVEN AN ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, OF ROME AND THE UNITED KINGDOM.

Let us commit ourselves to not allowing this nonsense to get to President Clinton (D)(F) to giving away a share of her spouse President (D)(M) Clinton to a wife number 2 then of rights to also abide in marriage at the White House.  REALLY!!!

The tolerance for fellow man is best kept within the bounds of George Washington at American Literature to their is to be by the Constitution no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” and to how such has been as writ to that matters of such are not for Congress, not for the Federal Government, for such is to that Holy scriptures are like writ “living documents” so that the People’s Order that constitutes the more perfect Union needn’t be.

Peoples dirty laundry and individual community grievances are not to be considered the duty of the Congress, - such is for “community organizations” and firstly as to that such of “religion” is the attempt to be of the all for the all to that “neighborly” is possible and written to how disciplined can be forward to comity for community as “neighbors” yet e-together always e-gathered from divisible.

For now as a #Hillary2016 endures there is that we are becometh of a times already beset to a popularism to unsettled as if new law.  These times are already like ripe of the above as if a new “normal”! 

An only way left to defeat such dark magic at efforts decades cloaked of coy ploys for chicanery to as written to un-written by Holy negations maybe be for at least the CHURCH OF ROME to declare “HILLARY CLINTON IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE OF ROME!”

The Constitution as Order ordained and established done in “Year of our Lord” gives no power to Congress to be superior to the People in matters of religious establishment - in any interpretation of tenets of individual’s religiousity.  Much that the Clintons’ want for political convenience for popularism to AUTHORITARIAN Powers allowed for them are so forbidden.

In 2016 the definition of “FASCISM” must be better set out in these times as a movement of the Left, as against “liberal democracy” as the original intent, and as using a bigotry of tolerance to coy ploys on “tolerance” while using vast machinations to work an intolerance to any not swallowing whole their them to as if the only authority - of them the AUTHORITARIANS.

Oh, you can believe me to that Hillary Clinton is un_Christian casting stones at Donald Trump “business practices”!

Oh, you can believe my humbly pressed reveals to that the Clintons past “official” “practices” of at least that they cut $2 Trillion from 1993 to 2001 are arguable far more criminal to consciences than such Mrs. Clinton now a first casting stones upon.

Oh, you can believe me beyond all the revealed that substantiates in the #Cats (categories) here like of #QUEEN, #CGI, #SUSPECT, #CRUSADES, #QUIDPROQUO, #WARONWOMEN, #WHITEPRIDE, AND #TREASON, for starters, and, too because well I am he that challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 books on magic as to be to teach one year per book for seven years as too for morals of real life, and, too because #HarryPotter and #Hogwarts are still to my #HOGAN heart to that ward don’t grow up to be like warts under even HOGAN’S skin, and, too because, well, I have known these Clintons since the early 1970s and they personally kept me in the loop (accidentally to their purposes) over their decades plotting.

Yes ye of Emma,  I really did challenge J.K. Rowling to write seven books as around a character idea of a basis on young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete Rowe-ling” … “& posse”.  I did so without spelling out to J.K. Rowling that such as flowing from my musing was to then work good magic hopefully to protect a new generation, at least, from the Clintons, these Clintons, these efforts of the Clintons I now am of pressing in hindsight about, without contradiction to by foresight alarms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:57 am

Do you understand Clinton Fascism?

Can you understand Hillary Clinton’s Fascism?

Bernie Sanders is a swell option away from Clintons’ needs for Democrats as locked step’n like booted loyalists.  Times to as such for us to be able to believe in is like an un-Clinton.

This Memorial Day Weekend it is again to us timed to ask if all the dying and sacrifice was worth it, - if our politicians and political leadership was and is worthy of respect, too, - especially.

The logo of the Clintons’ foundation for global politicking is so that their flag and standard is imperialistic and of graphic art to such as like not seen since the Third Reich of the Nazi flag as of a round circle as if of “global” for worldwide domination.

The logo of the Clintons’ foundation for family (partiarchal) control of as much as could be brought under them is racist and racial as the circle of stars - yet aborted to be a “C” - is akin the ilks of William Jefferson Clinton as an old Southern boy for such is art so graphically significant as harkens back to the flag of the Confederacy.

Bernie Sanders is like ahead of President Obama, as he now late in last year of term, to suggesting times ripe for a “MORALS REVOLUTION”!  Can Bernie Sanders be MORAL and be able to defeat Hillary Clinton, and generally the vast global Clinton machinations?

This Memorial Day we must ask if all the dying while Secretary Clinton was tasked to diplomatically finds peace alternatives was ever worth it, and if it is now like losing such dynamic.  Secretary Clinton cannot be immune from answering for President Clinton either and to how since 1993 the proper informed tag to be mashable for them is like worse than rapped on President George W. Bush.  The Clinton tag “Clintons lied and more than just soldiers died!” is fitting, historically, and forensically, - seems.

Queens’ Presbyterian Donald Trump may be firstly of the book of KING JAMES and hopeful his is at least a gateway faith as at least an entry level religion for any a seeker not quite with a good fitting spiritual home - a prudent voluntary extra-nation organized morality.

Is there light for Bernie Sanders’ “BERNERS” and work suffice to there to be a BOOK OF MORMON competitor of a dramatization like bound to a “BOOK OF BERNERS”?  Is Bernie Sanders at least known as not remotely akin to being a “Clinton Fascist”?

Queens’ Presbyterian Donald Trump may be firstly to that all establishments are not bad, - that every success must be deconstructed or set asunder.  The Trump dynamic is that some establishments, however corporate, are defining to what “success” is, - what is as built that which was good and is good that as is from how people labored together to it so organized.

Bernie Sanders definition of “failure” may be the example of Hillary Clinton, and as indivisible to such irreconcilable of in union with Bill Clinton.  Berners may be prudent to mash tagables upon the Clintons as like defining what “failure” amounts to.

Mrs. Clinton cannot escape there are many things that can be pressed out or campaigned on for “morals” as like against them for their is enough truth in statements, - even opines like these:

> Afghanistan became a new Vietnam because of President Clinton inaction and avoidance from 1993 to 2001.

> Hillary Clinton & Chelsea dos at Vince Foster funeral service (as seen due recently rebroadcast bits) suggest HIGH ADULTERY DO, and with daughter of a braided tail as if the tail of the Vince Foster Hillary Clinton ride/mount.  A scarlet “A” was like maned out all over the head of Hillary Clinton.  Was Marcy Park but do depression of hearing Hillary Clinton had to become appearingly discrete and that dalliances, however bosomed, had to end? Like: Didn’t Mrs. Clinton break V. Foster’s heart?

> President Obama speaking to a need for a “MORAL REVOLUTION” so late in his last year suggests Secretary Clinton, at least, failed him, and, as to suggesting a revolution needed there seems the lawyer and Con Law Prof in him is at mea culpas, - at confessing years of moral inadequacy.

> President Clinton knows he cut too much and even much too quickly and he has implied that such time of rash budgeting can wound and economy to that it then will take years to effect a recovery.  President Clinton has essentially confessed that his surpluses too wound the economies of the world by cutting too much from budgeted future spending such that four to eight years after Clintons left office there was hardly any regular way available for a recovery.

> President Clinton was hit with Monica Lewinski scandal much, as it was by those who had much made them electable, it seems because, at least to myself as I recall sentiments and disappointment, some due it was already sensed he wasn’t doing the job elected for as to attending to issues of Iraq, and so too Al Qaeda, and then to that as it was felt he wasn’t enough “on the job” a scandal of real moral shortcoming had press basis to expose, at least, that he was busy with something that was of it that he must not have been “doing his job” sufficiently.  Bill Clinton may have gross negligence for 9/11 attacks due time at dalliances.

>  Hillary Clinton can be proffered as having incited Al Qaeda and even Taliban anti-American angst and to levels where responses seemed justified.  Hillary Clinton feminism crusading can also be proffered to First Lady Clinton of some kinda negligence as to the Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001.

Any “MORAL REVOLUTION” of even the #4College drum beats of First Lady Michelle Obama now must include critical thinking and intellectual honesty to what was amoral, immoral, and negligence of ignorance of Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.

> Also:  It is to the Clinton Fascist dynamic of queries to what two people two like as two most ambitious for national and global Power that we should accept that there were things they don’t what to be on FBI polygraphs while asked about; - President Obama inherited a cover-up of and for the Clintons from President Bush but deeper than what was of protecting a presumption of innocence there is that in hindsight it must be accepted that Mrs. Clinton is the woman of the world of most fault as regards the Al Qaeda attacks, and, it definitely must be mashed about that Mrs. Clinton is the American politician who most benefited professionally from the aftermath of the crisis and as if completely of an extreme make-over as an international sympathetic figure as a GROUND ZERO SENATOR.

But to any “MORALS REVOLUTION” and if a “BOOK OF BERNERS” becoming consummated and if such is bringing some or many into the LIGHT:  The Donald Trump cannot be all EVIL - even much EVIL - while a BUILDER for his establishments are successes as by what Bernie Sanders must allow a definition of “SUCCESS” to abide.

And to any “MORALS REVOLUTION” there is the economics and maybe sociology of soft sciences that the best export a Republican administration could effect to best effect a winning for “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is to be of exporting masses akin to “BERNERS” - America may need to export Bernie Sanders supporters as labor organizers for foreign lands to best advance progress to bringing jobs back to these united states of the Americas. 

OMG! ECONOMICS:  We need labors of #FeelTheBern agitators but now it near to that we need them abroad more than at home for to get wages to increase globally, even if to a MINIMUM WAGE global standard, and while a livable wage not to be yet believed in, for a common sense way to seeing higher wages and higher employment within the borders of the USA is to see work done to celebrate at least an entry level morality - at least a “gateway faith” of Presbyterianism - a humanity of good works to moral capitalism is of 1&2 Corinthians - least a common core of Bible Paul on economy depend on people able to sing together - be as united in song - songs of that which celebrates what is there tipping of caps to each tall at commerce deals, - as the purpose.

> Right! Also:  Yes there seems enough exposed of the Clintons for a “Clinton Fascism” tag to stick and linger, and last.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:26 am

Don’t BUY - SELL! SELL! SELL!  We are long past the days it safe or prudent to buy the Clintons’ crap!!!  We have standards to keep!!!

A guidance on taking tru’d stock of the Clintons’ valuation is to embrace it is known, not contested, that they are #BigLiars, and, it should be self evident to that America has been improving this past year as it appears to be that we are reduced down to that near only #HillaryClinton voters are them showing signs of still believing #ClintonsLies!  We have standards to keep!!!

A guidance on seeing how #MORALS trump #HillaryClinton:  The #NewGOP is risen in the old, very old, adage of #Paul, as our founding fathers so constituted the Union, of that:  PEOPLE ARE UNDER GOD BEFORE UNDER GOVERNMENT

A guidance on seeing how #MORALS trump #HillaryClinton:  Learn it! Understand it! - There is like a #RepublicanConstitution and a #DemocratsConstitution!  The #TRUMP is that #Republicans are under God before under either #CONSTITUTION, too!

The Clinton crap is being shovel ready & spread broadly about as if #BillClinton is and was #PERFECT and that #MrsC is an #IDEAL #CANDIDATE for #MrsClinton has the #OLIGARCHIES behind her, - covering her “SIX” - so that she can seem believable while struttin’ and posturing so as a PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES - of her still like “WE’RE RIGHT - YOU’RE WRONG” arrogance, but pancaked and built over to a PRETTY CON seeming sold as a GOOD BUY!!!

It is not a dressing down of Hillary Rodham Clinton to pop the broaching, to bare, - to bare her bearing - that underneath all her built up over her base is sheer cover - a protective faux esprit d’ corps!  O’? Bare to the #TRUTH?

It is not a dressing down of Hillary Rodham Clinton to pop the broaching, to peel off the layer of covers - it is a #REVEALING!!! a #PROBATIVE!!!

If #ELECTION2016 were a remake of movie “ANGEL HEART” the villainous would be a femme as a “Louise Cipher” - a #HillaryInTheFlesh like a #LUCIFER! - mustn’t it be so? - so sold, as now so much revealed?

So it is accepted as known! And: Quite important to the historical of the #HILLARY2008 loss: Due #CLINTONS tagged #BIGLIARS was the mantra that lead them to lose: Loss: Near half of their dramatic support, - half of their dramatic friends, - half of #HOLLYWOOD!!! #EMOTE IT!!!

A guidance on feeling the #4RealHillary forward: Do not stop thinking about yesterdays!!!  Do not buy into their only look forward so you don’t look back at naked truths so mashable as still freshly taggable of errant behaviors, political, to negligence, and even gross negligence so more like crap on the soles of their shoes, - not diamonds! BEWARE THE “PRIMA DONNA”!!!


Evident in the PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES these bared enough to naked truths?

Evidence in the GRAPHIC #HILLARY2016 a legacy of #POLITICAL by ways of “CONVENIENT CRISISES”?

Self evident of the GRAPHIC YET A PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES A LOUISE CIPHER is the “H” hellish of like WORLD TRADE CENTER TWIN TOWERS with something(s) POWERFUL to a blooded RED jet streak struck thru?

Late - very late - #PLOTTWIST:  Late to a #SELFEVIDENT of a #HillaryInTheFlesh it so like of a #LUCIFERINTHEFLESH how #MRSCLINTON can so clearly be postured of a galactic existentialism to be, and always have been, the woman in the known world who has the most FAULT for attacks of SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 (YES, AND NOW ALSO 9/11 II OF 2012) !!! - AND, as she is, while a #FEMME #FEMALE #WOMAN of #WOMANCARD, is most notable still as a fair accounting of the historical of the political renders a clarity to that starting with as SENATOR CLINTON it traces forensically and an easy pathological to that #MRSCLINTON is the AMERICAN POLITICIAN whom most politically benefited from the CRISISES of the AL QAEDA ATTACKS.

#NAKEDTRUTH #DOMINANT:  The attacks of 9/11 I (the first 911 ATTACKS in 2001) did give a former First Lady a jumping off point to break the #SENATE seniority system by being a newly cooked INTERNATIONAL SYMPATHETIC UNTOUCHABLE POLITICIAN as the FEMALE GROUND ZERO SENATOR then to like the senior NEW YORK SENATOR for as made over - as of such to an EXTREME MAKEOVER - as for as a FORMER FIRST LADY her cache was already global so for her to be a DOMINATRIX even over SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER.

It is down right #DEVILISH and #HELLISH how graphic PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES “LOUISE CIPHER” reveals when bared broached as the #H looks intentionally, not accidentally, or even negligently, like the struck towers of #NYC #WTC & #NJ #PATH!!! 


LIKE FROM:  #HillaryInTheFlesh as “Louise Cipher” a #LuciferInTheFlesh a not an #ANGEL for #DEVILISH pol?  #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?





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[This new column, to be pressed throughout the day (NOW DONE)! - please check back regularly for guidance! And, site search by FEMINISM in mean time! Also search by FIDELITY!!!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

What is in a name?  Is Trump the milk in your cereal? - the butter on your artisan breads? - the aged in your Kentucky staved stayed oaken barrels banded spiriting? - the “UN-CLINTON”?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - are revenant - are of an American Renaissance passing to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA.

The waddles of the “THE BEAVER STATE” to the “THE BLUEGRASS STATE” are strummin’ “DIXIE”? - “YANKEE DOODLE”? - HALLEJULAH? - SHAKE IT OFF?

The legends of the beaver’d states of Kentuckians and Oregonians are embattled to if any American standards remain “under God”!  Hillary Clinton is pimpin’ Bill Clinton as an “AMERICAN PUTIN” - a thought kept from more presidencies yet restored to Powers.  Hillary Clinton is setting asunder regular order and common sense, with (accomplices) like of Chris Wallace of FOX, as any whom posture that Mrs. Clinton, as per 2016, is “HAS BEEN VETTED” is abridging due process and prudence.

For history by legends of/about the “THE CLINTON” isn’t it like Governor Daniel Malloy (D) (CT) is akin like a “CLINTON LOYALIST” - -Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) (NY) as profferable as like a “REFORMED CLINTONITE” - - Governor Jerry Brown (D) (CA) as a counter as still like a died in the cotton JESUIT anchored?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - Kentucky & Oregon are beset of HILLARY CLINTON seeming in a “DELUDED STATE”!  I.E.:  The Clintons inherited the 1990s recovery and it of set up for a new urban agenda to develop a unity forward from the Reagan Revolution, and the Rehnquist Revolution, of my HOGAN restoration scribing of like the little known “HOGAN REVOLUTION” of setting up the postured “NEW WORLD ORDER” around my “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” and as it was to creating a focus on NEW HAVEN and for URBAN AGENDAS for whomever was President - a re-elected or elected.

Mrs. Clinton has a problem pimpin’ “Bill” so as if a GREAT WHITE HOPE for he didn’t build what she is bustin’ moves to posture they did.  A THINK to such solutions doesn’t seem to have a historical forensics to that a pathology to such can come from lifestyles so political as is the core common to the psychological profiles seeming rooted in the “THE CLINTON” as as Clintons of the SOUTH.  The THINK to what worked in the 1990s to have been of a synchronicity of national harmony, at least, was only possible from years to a decade of preparations - of years more in self sacrifice than flamboyant self/selfish aggrandizement - spoiled lots.

In sports terms it is more less like a JESUIT discipline won the days for more august of a “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS” methodology of AUGUSTINIAN BROTHERHOOD of HIPPO THINK of “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” secured the neural pathways for a shared humanity - A VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY roots tolled the bugles, bells, and drumbeats.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me, and especially since the three of us have a history of knowing each other since the early 1970s and to when they were still just Yale Law School co-eds dating, and on a walk about through my neighborhood - as when I was near a first grader.  Their first impression wasn’t good - but was concerning for it included them asking me if they both could become a President some day.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me even more so for my political strategizing since 2008 was to advising the “Grand Old Party” they should, to defend the Constitution, work forward as a “PARTY OF NO” so that a clear line of demarcation would become self evident between say the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” held views.  And, because I asked CNBC, while considering if I were to join their ranks, to have one of theirs pronounce to the world like a “AMERICA COULD USE A NEW TEA PARTY”!

DEMOCRATS your leaders would have you believe this means that I must be a RACIST for opposing the first black President - for setting up a workable opposition lines of separation between ORIGINALISM and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S quasi “constitutionalism”!  I AM NOT A RACIST!!! - - - CASE IN POINT:  E.G.:  THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS THAT WON THE DAYS OF 1992 AND BEYOND FOR THE CLINTONS WAS MY “BACK TO BASICS” EMPATHY RENDERED GLOBALISM OF MY RENDITIONS IN THE CORE OF MY #TCONF.


Kentuckians and Oregonians:  Back to basics of 2016:  It is improper and sloppy for any, especially a Wallace, to posture that Hillary Clinton has already been “VETTED”!!!  Mrs. Clinton as of May 2016 is in the throws as unvetted and being investigated for the years as Secretary of State and then as like just “First Mate” of the CLINTON FOUNDATION.  Mrs. Clinton can NOT be said as “VETTED” for her last two jobs at least until the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE report is finalized, and at least as well until the investigation(s) into the #CGI “CGI” “CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES” and their email practices have been rendered judged and meted to the “JURY OF YOUR PEERS” prudence of established jurisprudence processes.

Kentucky and Oregon:  Please let they world know you are now induced to a #Vote4Hillary due a suppression by the imitation sweetness pimp’d of “CLINTON COOL-AID”!!!

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats:  Mitch McConnell as a Republican Leader of the Senate did well by CONSTITUTIONALISM - not by a #IAMRACIST - as while standing up a dichotomy by a “PARTY OF NO” to a separation to be self evident between the legal school of say a “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the quasi legal “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!

I am the soul to be first tried as NOT #RACIST for dedication upon the politics of opposition against the first black President!!!

I am for the #BEAVERWARS so for it is too a long story that after Leonardo DiCaprio as “GATSBY” I did again push him, and this time towards bringing back the AMERICA era of the “BEAVER WARS”!  In the http://myblog.jphogan.org blog archived for NOVEMBER 2010 there is chronologically that which scrolls in the mix of the months essays in reverse order my series of “BEATRICE BOXER AND THE BEAVER WARS” set some around Kentucky for McConnell, and Ohio, for Boehner. 

Such is in a holding pattern to be maybe a TV series akin to the genre of “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” as wholly around beavers. 

Such is in my holding pattern yet while of a “NANCY POTTER” of topiary bushes and a “bad teacher” “HILLARY”!

If you think that the new “TEA PARTY” was “RACIST” as CLINTON DEMOCRATS are still abiding an ignorance to shallow over a deep probative you should think guardedly to like Bill Clinton like “PUT THE BANANA IN YOUR TAILPIPE”!!!

The lure of “DONALD TRUMP & THE NEW GOP” is like a grand old party for afternoon teas about the republican tea leaves formed for daily analysis to be girded and guarded from more HILLARY “tempests”!  There is a growing dynamic of “NEW REPUBLICANS” for afternoon teas about the believable of one of QUEENS’ PRESBYTARIANS!!!

Of HIPPO of brotherhood of AUGUSTINIANS there is a modern hip hop beat more to a rap HAMILTONIAN of SAINT AUGUSTINE from “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” to street and beat poetry more as outta breakfasts of as if “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS”!!!  Jesuit Governor Jerry Brown of California may have already helped Governor Mary Brown of Oregon to a Christian regional sufficed.

How one now practices their shared humanity in “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is reset to that there can be no “FREEDOM FROM RELIGION” as “religion” is that of the all of interpreted for all (neighborly)!  2016 and beyond may be reset to a “hellish” trepidation of thresholds of levels of “devilish” and taggin’ of “LUCIFERS” and in a good way as for the global economics to sing like of 2 Corinthians of the capitalism of Paul’s letters at least of the KING JAMES BIBLE and recover to harmonics for growth in how said economics are of that peoples must be like of singing together.

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HAMILTON nailed the beat for 2016 when he scribed his FEDERALIST squib as FEDERALIST PAPER #1 to that the CONSTITUTION is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!!!















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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:54 am

Women, you need to read this!!!  I am one maybe uniquely qualified to “talk” about all this!

You cannot have it!!!  You cannot have your “Hillary” and your “Obama” “Michelle” - forward!

You must choose now!!!  You can have either Clintons were best or Obamas were best!

This is about the betrayal - the dynamic setting up in 2016 with how cast a Clinton vs. Obama!


Warm up your likes on Michelle Obama!  Embrace your #4College loyalty share of #FLOTUS!


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Imagine your way through this; - try to see yourselves in Bill Clinton’s shoes, and, in Barack Obama’s.  This is not a “Michelle” vs “Bill” / “1st Gent”!!!

Any support of Hillary Clinton to as President is contaminated with latent vibes to fester to many at “Michelle” betrayal, too - “Barack” not immune!

The game of being a “first female President” is a mine field daring much ado about Mrs. Clinton specifically; - “Hillary” game seems that the standard when elected for the #womancard is that a first female need just be as good as the worst past male leader to have held office, and to not, at least, have been impeached.  Mrs. HRC game is quite unfashionable, and while it seems so the “got game” of “Bill” he as “1st Gent” loves that she can be a HAWK to his DOVE played and as if none of his past is admissible due like that wouldn’t be fair to a first female President.

You’ve been set up to like long for new episodes of a White House Soaps of living for a new fix on a “Michelle” vs “Bill” dramatization soapy(- detached from reality).

Hillary Clinton, as “First Lady Clinton”, doesn’t hold water to Michelle Obama, as “First Lady Obama”!!!

Any pretty in pink is quite “dark” - darker than fit’n a midday soapy drama, fictional.  For now it is important we do broach the getting a full measure of each Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama and to being to the business of fully discriminating thru any shallowness to the depths where TRUTHS set up for the BETRAYAL are the MINE FIELD of at least FEMINISM forward.

Mrs. Clinton’s numbers, in a fully discriminating prudent discovery process, like, are not flattering!  Mrs. Clinton’s resume is beset with excess covers to hide as prophylactics to Constitutional articles of bodies robust baring how unflattering in a corrupted engirthed loose crooked reading of at least Article 1 protections from totalitarian monarchical extra-constitutional trespass and setting asunder of the constituted body of the People’s Order Union subscribed as formed by - born with. Mrs. Clinton numbers do not lie.

First Lady Michelle Obama has been building a wonderful legacy for the first black First Lady of these united states of the Americas.  Mrs. Clinton legacy pales in comparison, and to those in the know as ripe to peak-ed as beset flushed by the burden of the inescapable true measure of the body of “Hillary” engagements, official, - by the burden of her engirthing, - resume!!!

Hillary Clinton, as “First Lady Clinton”, doesn’t hold water to Michelle Obama, as “First Lady Obama”!!!

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To wear, like the shoes of Bill Clinton, must seem oh so contrary and foreign - too foreign - so foreign quite these todays!!! Read you Article 1 - yet?

The folds and naps of the decades of Clintons hemming and hawings are not flattering - maybe for how worn too as covers!!! How discriminate - now?

Now even as with a GLOBAL BRAND “CLINTON” it is is now that how engirthed “HILLARY” TRUTH so it is is Mrs. Clinton deficient from able to be sized up against #4Real “Michelle” - to hold up long for a walk of the talked - to endure to endear - to survive a fully discriminating fully measured accounting of the body of “HILLARY” beaten - from able to be a BETTER or a BEST in class against the class long carried smartly by Princeton University, and Harvard Law School, accomplished FIRST LADY “MICHELLE”!


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There is a real conundrum much present in all this now cast and set up as regards 2016 decidings and beyond!!! Can the “GOOD” “Michelle” survive #VOTE4HILLARY? 

Mustn’t Mrs. Clinton keep struttin’ her politics at beatin’ her “drums” to a: BILL CLINTON IS PERFECT?  “BILL” BETTER THAN OBAMA(S)?

So:  As by now you should have warmed up your “like” on “MICHELLE”:  Can you be full discriminating to a full measure of how “HILLARY” pales in comparison to “FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA” - how Mrs. Clinton doesn’t measure up while yet playing the game as if a first female President must only be firstly held up against the historical standard of secured of whom’s what was of “THE WORST” of the “WORST WHITE MAN EVER PRESIDENT” accounting?

                                  *       *       *       *       *

> > >  In Bill Clinton & Mrs. Clinton shoes there is that they presided over these united states of the Americas with an unhealthy example and politics to that the national average personal obesity girth grew and grew to new record of more then to  OBESE in that measurable, and now long countered by the Obamas, of statistics on NATIONAL OBESITY!!!

> > >  Women, of the #WOMANCARD 2016 politics:  NEED I SAY MORE?  You got yourselves checked from also BETRAYING “MICHELLE”?


> > >  Women, NEED I SAY MORE?  You got this?  You are ready and planning to share to a sufficed?



                           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:10 am

Perhaps President Barack Hussein Obama, born on the fourth of August, in the Year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, sixty and One, will tonight, amidst the White House Correspondents Dinner esprit d’ corps, speak to a Constitutional issue of #Election2016, - speak to if the United States Department of Education is unconstitutional by the First Amendment.

What could be funnier tonight for all #WHCD than the #TRUTH - the #TRUTHS?  Can the people not handle the covered up too little known Clinton damming actual history?  Can the people not handle yet how President Obama, to this blogger, so historical, is likely to face a first published book form @jphoganorg in 2017 of a collection of columns to proof to “THE BAD PRESIDENT” and with cover jacket #ART of “BAD” printed superimposed over a photograph of President Obama?

This is more about raising alarms Donald Trump and Clinton voters, for the time being. President Obama is in jeopardy but before such can be “concluded” essentially the real Clintons must be attended to; - President Obama’s jeopardy is firstly in being too much of having worked a cover-up to protect a sense of innocence for Clinton Democrats. 

To attend to raising alarms let us “un-cover” the Clinton Democrats in a Socratic political:


















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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:47 am

I am a most qualified to speak to this paradigm and if a modern catastrophe akin a devolution of federalism, and, akin DOOM!

The good news of this year 2016 is that we seem improved as a nation to that near only Hillary Clinton voters, as the world spins, actually, are those, of these days of our lives, of still believing the Clintons’ lies.  We have much to celebrate, - but not nearly enough. May there be enough “political soap” to yet scrub & wash away these “sticky” layers of encumbering lies.

Settle in to this general bath discussant and accept the waters of the Clintons are to this Shakespearean of a #DramaQueen with it established these “waters” at least gray and with a dirt ring fully rounding the tub of politics so concurrent.

How Shakespearean is this querious to the campaign quarrelous of 2016 of now I must beg you to ask “HOW STUPID R U?” now - now I must, it seems, ask you to ask yourself?

You may be too much on your own for it seems the first conclusion to be drawn from that Hillary Clinton seems now even a viable nominee for the Democrat Party nomination is that the media, most generally speaking to near a condemnation of it wholly, has failed and is incapable of doing what was thought to still be its job, - its duty, - its purpose for civilization.


Let us now, necessarily, ourselves, work independently to play like the missing #MANCARD as the #BILLCARD!

There are many things that can now seem self evident to how much Bill Clinton will and must drag Mrs. Clinton down; - forward Mrs. Clinton cannot, I hope - oh do I hope, escape the self evident, if one looks, actual legacy of “man” Clinton for 1993 to 2001, at least; - still to not stop thinking about tomorrow mustn’t we see the politics scrubbed deep and rinsed thoroughly to see if a said faux innocence just washes away to general knowing then of a self evident “bad” “man” Clinton?

I will presume you want to start now with #ClimateChange:  Let us start therefore with “Climate Change & ‘Man’ Clinton 90s”:  Let us not be fooled by a over emphasized “history” of that “Man” Clinton played with being for “Climate Change” by played with Kyoto Accords!  Let us not be so stupid as to not consider that the economics of the Clintons’ politics of the 1990s is that of reckless hyper-consumerism much for an economics of waste and disposable few uses materialism “goods”!  The “Clintonomics” took us on a magical mysterious delusional tripping that wasn’t climate friendly, wise economics, or magical, actually!

Any now to offer a vote for Hillary Clinton mustn’t know how stupid such is if one believes in “Climate Change Science”!

Mrs. Clinton is already setting asunder the Obama Administration’s few actual good deeds for shared humanity by suggesting American should vote for her to bring us back to “Man” Clinton 1990s economics, as if there was any stewardship of responsible and moral capitalism in the partisan political affecting for the “THE CLINTON”!

#WomanCard “Woman” Clinton is compromised due “Man” Clinton and now for #FEMINISM & #FEMINISTS all, regardless of their sex, and politics, should be seeing to a paring through the layers of Clintons’ grimy legacy to hopefully let them and “THE CLINTON” be out with the bath water.  Clintonomics was faux economics of lies to establish short-term political popularity for holding of political Power by “Man” Clinton, at least while seeming it intimated “Woman” Clinton was intimately colluding.  The Clintons’ presiding from 1993 to 2001 saw vast rising in carbon wasting by their work for popularity by encouragement to hyper-consumerism and the more is more, - not less is more.

Too: “THE CLINTON” presided over a sad and vast increase across our lands of  the unhealthy increase in personal obesity - in a vast increase of the national obesity average.


I.E.:  Right!  “Woman” Clinton is campaigning away from liberal “Man” “Messiah” Obama by exercising a selfish defensive politics to suggest her “Man” Clinton must be thought still to be whom is the better President between half white Barack Obama or “First Black President” Bill Clinton.  “WomanCard” “Woman” Clinton is already too exercised to a selfish partisan divisive politics by her many positions to tease that you should be for her “moves” for such with bring back “Man” Clinton “reckless economics” drivers/driving.

As it now must be conclude that the media has near wholly failed modern civilization by getting the story - the real story - of the “THE CLINTONS” so wrong it is seeming I may have to further diss the said “press” to much operating as if bath attendants of the “Man” & “Woman” Clinton massaging and likely join forces with #TheDonald in hope the #TRUMP is that the #Constitution still stands and original recipes will yet again still endure, and as it that since the #Bible was in 1780s a known “living document” it seems the smart people get that People Order that constitutes the Union is not a “living document” for it doesn’t need to be a “living document” while “under God” as “done” “subscribed” of it in hierarchical association as under the #Bible as the “living document” easy enough to amend and revise for modern comity for community.

For now the “HOW STUPID” seems for at least fewer as yet for these a mass enough needing saving of maybe a twelve step program of which this squib can but be part of a first step toe in - toe’d in.

The intimate to the “Man” Clinton bad for the environment economics of #Clintonomics now seeming “Woman” Clinton - viable candidate for Hillary Clinton as if viable as a steward of the environment to Democrat Party nominee - is the Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, long of the “BOGO” “two-fer” embedded linked such that “Woman Card” is marked for bouncing, - right, metaphorically like to be “out with the bath water”!

You really are too stupid if you vote for Hillary Clinton and think that the Clintons legacy is that they were ever in the Clinton administration of being more good for the environment, and personal health individually speaking, than they were effectively as of the “THE CLINTON” “LEGACY” clear enough to see as dirty (CROOKED/CORRUPT) enough always, and as mostly BAD for the environment, and, again, for People’s obesity.

Thank you for at least trying to take a first step towards saving these united states of the Americas from #Too_STUPID!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:18 am

As we come to terms to that the national media, at least, hasn’t found the beat of #Election2016 yet let us now e-gather together to discern a soulful for the new #FUNK or #ROCK, as well about a #CLASSICAL so akin to #Shakespeare400.

[What is written here now live is “penned” as pressed in Connecticut for Connecticut, and too at least Pennsylvania.]

A river runs through it; this is about what fall to be - a “Constitution State” of legends of the fall; the Hartford insurance for more a Mr. Smith, or a Mr. Bailey true to Trumbull & Griswold points for guards up protections from say a “King Clinton”!  How twain? and to mark? - to get a prudent timely measure - of what political perils may lay on the courses now maybe upon! Oh Connecticut!

I speak, in how I write, how I press & satire, of Connecticut as of the Wilbur Cross Governor’s pride of New Haven, of class - of such New Haven class circa 1983.  I strike the keys for that of Key - I scott the wilds of the politics to the pauls of the early Federalists, while now I press the media too of Milford, as sold by “THE SMALL CITY WITH A BIG HEART.”

Connecticut, have you heard the one about Pennsylvania and the Clintons?  That when they are of heard “you have a friend in PA” wafts of irony roll over the lands aloud with like:  Oh!  Did Bill Clinton bring his mistress?  Who is Bill Clinton’s “friend” in PA?

In all seriousness my Connecticut we are a state divided, our Hartford split if of where our Connecticut runs through.  Where is the cut between the Clintons?  Is there yet the river between the Mrs. Clinton suffice for an independent Constitutional presidency? or, yet, is there no real cut of “waters” of an independence between, among, the Mr. & Mrs. Clinton?

No marriage, by the spirit of the common vows and laws for Posterity of such union of souls to as one soul, may be set asunder, - is to be set asunder by other laws as if superior to such a union “under God”!  Our nation, and its constitution, also a People’s Order so established to be the laws set forth, is of that the nation is under God, is subscribed as under god as an established hierarchy by it ordained done subscribed in the “Year of our Lord” whence, and then to that by the First Amendment Congress is to make no law respecting the tenets (an establishment - of in lower case “e”) of religion an to disrespecting the body constituted of the Constitution as of such hierarchy of “one nation under God”; - The First Amendment “establishment” dictates that the “Order” was constituted of an ‘Establishment’ of the nation under the God of our founders, - the Christian Calendar Lord, whom is the same God as of Muhammad - and no more above Jesus than as above Muhammad.

In his letter to the Jews, George Washington, as President, as pressed to spell this out to Newport, Rhode Island faithful, it is that the freedom of religion is that so Congress is to not have the power to be to a “bigotry of tolerance” and as it is left to states so Constituted states to be the jurisdictions of the tenets of religion, - to states to each be of the jurisdictions of matters of at least the Ten Commandments law - at least the “Seven Deadly Sins”.

The Bill of Rights does not set asunder the marriage union of the Clintons even with the 22nd Amendment!  The Bill of Rights can be said to be an empowerment an enabling in rights enumerated to that all people so constituted by such Order as theirs is of the right to defend themselves from any person, persons, and even government when such is violate of the Ten Commandments against them.  Like a ten for ten - states and their constituted “state” must figure for and govern of that they not the federal representatives are of the jurisdictions of religiosity; - the federal representatives are there but to be elected reps of people - free people - exercised in voluntary extra-nation organized moralities so firstly in self governance of morality as hierarchically above Government(s) everywhere.

The Clinton union is indivisible and not to be set asunder even by popular elective machinations - thought legally objectively enough of a practical separation.  The marriage of them is like the Holy Matrimony of all others! - they are two souls joined as one, to say “have and to hold” for holding like of such as an “office” until “death do they part” while always supposedly to them firstly for each other “in sickness, and in health” without it that a professional license say for “law” practice means their union is two from say 9 to 5, and maybe then one the other 2/3rds of each day.


Such now thou more modern than whence years of lore before yet not too long ago, - these are words in a terms of endearment.  Whom is the driver? now? still? ever was? evermore? - there is the rub! - there is the question! the irony!

Oh my Connecticut if you only knew all the spousal husbandry of that thought truthful while long sold as of the Clintons’ creation, - for if you knew such you would know them more to be frauds, - to be a is be a it of their said “it” as not now nor ever was the lawful property of their holdings, - not their baby, - not their created.

Oh my Connecticut!  You might be to voting for Hillary Clinton in ignorance and naivete!  You likely if you are one to vote for such as sold as of the “THE CLINTON” are likely unawares you are betraying the property of a native of the Nutmeg State, - The Constitution State, - a state divided by the Connecticut River, - a #HOGAN of these lands of New England who can confess to having made the Clintons electable in 1992 but accidentally more electable than intended, as the strategy was for national security and protection of life for President Bush, - for the Reagan revolution core firstly - without it sufficiently pared to allow for the disturbance all the waiting and waiting for Perot effected. 

You are wrong if you think Mr. & Mrs. Clinton are the fathers of their claimed “spousal husbandry”! - It is more born of Connecticut, and birthed otherwise, and more of New England and the Constitution State values than ever that engirthed by the Clinton union, - by the Clintons when “together” 9 to 5 and the rest of the hours of each day for their shared soul and its trespasses, however criminal, - of the “crooked” now being determined, - of that of their “crooked” now of no open cases yet getting closed around them while closing in around them are regularly, it seems, more and more scandalous instances seeming of an integrated and willful premeditated - to public corruption - assumption of assuaging for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as still, despite global progress for all around cause of #HeForShe, likewise, while yet too morally otherwise, of the run on of the union of the Clintons as so “crooked” to be that to treason for by effecting to set asunder at least the Constituted “state” of the Union of People by the “Order” of the “We the People…” of “do ordain & establish” “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”!

Connecticut, like Pennsylvania, could now have one or more qualified women as a woman Democrat candidate for President! - instead we have the indivisible protected union of the “Mr. & Mrs. Clinton” of the story that their story is of it historical, - to be twained and marked through all its coursed - their ran on run ons too - that there can be said no qualified female Democrat Party candidate in this 2016 election cycle because there was the truly actual (crooked? corrupt? illegal?) political and intra-party suppression of any female who could be a threat to Mrs. Clinton, - any women qualified who could rival the driving of the Clinton machine (globally) towards buying a Presidency for “his bitch” (endearingly) if they could get away with such so contrary to the federalism of Trumbull & Griswold.

Hillary Clinton, endearingly, to the “Mr. & Mrs. Clinton” shared hip soul rap, is still “his bitch”!  Their union of their marriage as like a contract for the “holding of office” of spousal responsibility, is inviolate, not even the electoral process for a popular rising is to set asunder that (endearingly) no river runs between them, the legends of their fall, is that their fall is Shakespearean (still @ 400) for it wasn’t as good as “MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON” how they have had their ‘MR. & MRS CLINTON WENT TO WASHINGTON”!

Oh my Connecticut!  The story of #PoetJPHogan born of New Haven, Connecticut, does actually better explain, while mine of #CitRB of CitizenRosebud.org CitizenRosebud.us CitizenRosebud.com CitizenRosebud.net … are of volumes, and archives that record in real time how - hows and whys - to it demonstrated that the “THE CLINTONS” has been of fraud, at least, while so at least “crooked” for having taken improper and unauthorized liberties (and still) with the intellectual property mine.

As Hillary Clinton, endearingly maybe still to Bill Clinton, is yet “street” as “STILL HIS BITCH” she can explain and try to explain all the feminism and feminist “angles” to such as of her contract to be two as one.

As Hillary Clinton is “still standing” the question for the voters is isn’t this only because Bill Clinton is still her “driver”?  And, yet because too few know of the words and thoughts of my me mine of old “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” hip now as #TCONF, some, and how years of my riding did use the Clintons as a tool meant yet to be a disposable singly use prophylactic from their extra-Constitutional wants to “Post Constitution” powers more akin to William Shakespeare as if of being a bard on “King Clinton” as if a “Queen Clinton” could be inevitable.

Are, you perchance bent to siding with Hillary Clinton just now still some because you are unawares to how the Clintons, historically speaking, as intellectual property and Connecticut (and Pennsylvania) values stand for Posterity, were more just tools “bitches” of Connecticut #HOGAN so wrestled in the political philosophicals for a new multi-national integrated marketing concept for a popular rendering of a workable new urban agenda as a natural child to the postured “NEW WORLD ORDER”?

Oh, my Connecticut, and my Pennsylvania: - as I, born of the “Constitution State, am Class of 1987 Villanovan of a B.A. in Economics from Villanova University, albeit with a Philosophy minor covertly recorded by the credits counted although such was to an undeclared minor as I thought better to not mix my think too much with departmental bureaucratic by a filing of papers to declare my self one to forever be recorded as a lover of so much thoughtful, - of thought, - of thoughtfulness (attmept(s)).

As Hillary Clinton, endearingly maybe still to Bill Clinton, is yet “street” as “STILL HIS BITCH” she can explain, and try to explain all the feminism and feminist “angles” to such as of her contract to be two as one always united/integrated.


So says Connecticut squib pundit poet writer satirist J.P. Hogan of http://jphogan.org

Note:  Thanks for the scenery bard William Shakespeare!  Happy 400th birthday William of England.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This is not hyperbole!  Voters of New York City & Long Island, largely, who voted for Hillary Clinton are now affected as stamped “STUPID”!  Trust the science!  We will get to the science!  For now top out realizing where at is not top shelf.

That Mrs. Clinton as a former First Lady and Senator and Secretary of State did only amass such an anemic number of Empire State votes foretells a HOPE for the Big Apple, yet, - still.  1.1 Million votes should have Mrs. Clinton embarrassed!

We should be able to peel and pare a “NEW YORK STATE OF MIND” from such a voting block as now stamped “STUPID”!

If you can remember the anti-tobacco ads that used to run while dedicants to evolutionary civility moved piles and piles of stuffing filled body bags to near building entrances of “Big Tobacco” corporate locations you can now more easily visualize that #Hillary2016 should have “TRUTH” bags likewise moved around the country to greet her every appearance of an asking to how many dead is Mrs. Clinton responsible to - as back to 1993 as claimed the “better half” of the Clinton “two-fer”!  Feminists should insist on a public demonstration of a respectable number of dead that are dead all around the world either due Clinton inaction & avoidance, or and specifically due her disastrous actions officially furthered; - it can’t be fair to men, or women, if feminism cause doesn’t separate the dead due Mrs. Clinton from the dead more dead due President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama.

Hillary Clinton is not TOP SHELF!  Bill Clinton never was TOP SHELF!  Mrs. Clinton attempts to break a “glass ceiling” is still of her not hot enough, - not competently pertinent sufficiently - not of a elevated level enough - at the ceiling like now falling down upon her.  It is a constituted constitutional thing:  Bill Clinton’s constitution is no longer (if ever truly) American! -  the constitution of Mrs. Clinton “glass ceiling” hyperbole is also not American! - Truth is constituted to reign over the United States by set in the People’s “Order” to that as ordained “done” in the “Year of our Lord” all are expected to be moral under God of a nation under Faith and always as before “under” Government.  It is still “STUPID” and now more visibly self evident that the Clintons’ machination have been un-American as for them of posturing that Mrs. Clinton can break the FAITH ceiling and become as above the reign of and for TRUTH.

Yes, to go back to 1993, in a moral way to morals accounting, there is that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton street cred should be of a truly vast number of dead now fit to be showcased and highlighted across the nation with masses and masses of dramatically stuffed body bags to greet the “real” “Hillary” a #DramaQueen #DroneQueen #SurplusdQueen with “#TRUTH” in bold unyielding font printed graphically, - printed LOUDLY.

Trust the science!  We are getting to the science!  We are getting to how voters who voted for Mrs. Clinton are now forward as affected as if stamped “STUPID” - as goes how goes that New York City & Long Island went.

It is like CLIMATE CHANGE “science” said!  The numbers and claims of and for Mrs. Clinton are damming, - conclusively! -  let there be no “STUPID” deniers!

People (devolved) of New York & Long Island who voted for Mrs. Clinton:  You’ve been stamped! You are affected as stamped “STUPID”!  It is too some as of #MIT #GRUBER confessed whence #GRUBERGATE was politics news, and more specifically now, that those who are “Hillary Clinton” voters are thought by Democrat Party leadership to be so “TOO STUPID” for their opinions to be actually considered.  Professor Gruber revealed akin to Mrs. Clinton, on OBAMACARE sell, that such setting asunder of regular order and generally Constitutional process was a claimed as “necessary” because their voters were too stupid to be politically engaged, educated, re-educated, updated, consulted, re-consulted, worked with for amending, and considered as relevant to their “leaders” dictum/decisions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren can proffer a teaching of how responsible Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton are, as in support of the science you should trust, but I fear that may have to be only for you if you can afford Harvard University prices for knowledge.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, if she will educate the People for free, can very professionally posture in a scientific accountable, even a lay & clear prosecution, of the culpability fit’n “STUPID” stamped upon followers of the Clintons.  Senator Warren can further her past tagging of bad economics by the Clintons to it generally and primarily mashable for #Election2016 to it of “science” forward that it is to be known that the Clintons rap is more TRUTH @ “ALL CLINTONS’ FAULT” than yet postured in their politik of bearing false witness and falsely accusing with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Perhaps a story, personal, involving Vice President Joseph Biden:  On constitutionality, - or not:  When Senator Biden in the mid to late 1990s the Senator was witnessed by myself as a member of the local public in attendance at a Yale Law School symposium on the CONSTITUTION - on FEDERALISM - as to be to concluding, if I recall correctly, “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”  This relates specifically now to how affected a stamped “STUPID” is fit’n on any who voted for Mrs. Clinton in New York, - who voted for Mrs. Clinton in her adopted home state.  When you get to an understanding of Vice President’s conclusion to that “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” you won’t/can’t be to deniers of the science of such so mashable as of a bad rap for Mrs. & President William Jefferson Clinton.

The “JOE” of “Joe Biden, Vice President” is also useful for though it was (innocently) a smack upon his boss President Barack Obama (accidently), when heard, over a live, or late rebroadcast tv spot, it is/was as like near “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BROKEN!” or “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”!

Mrs. Clinton, scientifically posturing for a lay, doesn’t get it that she is more the problem than the solution.  Mrs. Clinton is blind to her own limits and potential, as her record can show more scientifically, - more fully.  Mrs. Clinton is of the problem now much still too long upon the United States of that a “CLINTON PLAN” is still being furthered and while so flawed there is an evidence trail to be processed to that the Clintons both were never as smart as they thought themselves to be since bonding in law school, and, that the Clintons have not ever been smart enough for there thought “GRAND STRATEGY” to succeed.

Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren can still save you!  They have exposed themselves of wits of erudite roots than can more than just entangle the CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS - #BIDEN & #WARREN with more leadership from #SANDERS can more than entangle the CLINTONS’ & expose their vast accountability!  these can arrest the duo’p'd triangulations of cold calculators for global autocratic domination!  these can arrest the CLINTON FOUNDATION as too much a “RIVAL” and/or “SHADOW GOVERNMENT”!

Of those of Mrs. Clinton’s “home state” - adopted from whence she married into the “NATURAL STATE” it is much no self afflicted to you being en masse affected as stamped “STUPID” - scientifically in a lay posturing.

Like “JOE” has (innocently) declared (as remembered):  “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”

You are dedicated now with Mrs. Clinton for Democrat Party unity to the science! - the science must rule! - you are not alone now in being stuck also with President Obama’s #CLIMATECHANGE #SCIENCE to that because the planet is getting worse you now must still accept their tyranny of solutions, - you must accept their politics of their #GREENAGENDA for #AUSTERITY as for more sacrifice (so claims your “MESSIAH” figure(s)) to a greater saturation of #GREENMINIMALISM.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

For now you can try common sense to fathom that Mrs. Clinton’s “glass ceiling” is competency! - and that the office of the President is too above her at least because the Clintons’ duo’p'd constitution is quite not American in its hierarchy to that God & truth are supposed to be by politics of convenience as under them, - as under Democrats at least Yale or Harvard Law Schools Alums.

For now there is still time to save Senator “candidate” Bernie Sanders!  Vice President “Joe” Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren, if true to their oaths of offices to the actually Constituted, can help now save #Bernie2016 and maybe even by being morally effecting to an arresting of the CLINTONS FOUNDATION as so irregular as to much too much like a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! - or at least a vast #YUGE (#HUGE?) perversion of campaign finance good practices as operating much like a grand new TAMMANY of an organized for campaign like “CLINTON” branding as by a scheme of global patronage claimed, it seems, yet to be just conveniently otherwise as if just #CHARITY.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

It is not too late to save the DEMOCRAT PARTY! - - - it is not too late to save BERNIE SANDERS! 

TRUST THE SCIENCE!  Senator Elizabeth Warren can explain the economic science to rap Mrs. Clinton, too!

I must leave it to you, each of you, yourselves, to actually discern if #BIDEN #SANDERS #WARREN are fit to help you appreciate the American spirit(s) of TOP SHELF politics.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

You are either “THE PEOPLE” or you are of your lot precast as a “SUPER DELEGATE”!

Hillary Clinton is not running as an innocent, - the Clintons have much confessed to vast high crimes but somehow maintain them are kingpins as too big to fail for if they fall they promise they will take others down with them.

If you are prone to like Mrs. Clinton for “I DIDN’T STAY HOME AND BAKE” brace yourselves for today you may learn much, - and much to how there is this big bad WHAT of which “Bill & Hillary” are of having “cooked it up” since Yale Law School days.

You don’t need the Obama Justice Department to move in an expedited manner complete of due process, - have already moved so - to be “THE PEOPLE” in judgement of so much seeming self evident and as of confessed bad by the Clintons;- you are “THE PEOPLE” unless biased for a weak defense as in jeopardy just be being sided now with the “HILLARY CLINTON” lot.

Shake off the long ridiculously worked spun of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Accept there is to the “THE PEOPLE” the parity that 50% BUSH’S FAULT is still VERY BAD, - but not maybe equally BAD as that you now should accept “IT” is that it was that at least 50% is the CLINTONS’ FAULT.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us start with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support.

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED.

The Clintons’, contrary to originalism, plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified.

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS.

As Al Gore was expected to be President on September 11, 2001 there is much you should already have asked and answered and yet much haven’t. For starters:  Was how the Clintons packed the Washington bureaucracies with CLINTON LOYALISTS privy to a promised like a CLINTONS - we will return (SOON) - to have much have slow walked “government” as it seems to have done to REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH when whence to the unexpected triumphant?  Aren’t the days of 2001 (or November 2000) from the forced departure of the CLINTONS from the WHITE HOUSE to September 12, 2001 they most concerning days for the proper and full judging of the “HILLARY CLINTON” as against the “THE PEOPLE”?

In that it is #RIDICULOUS to assert or believe it is/was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” the “HILLARY CLINTON” on “TRIAL” tonight in #BROOKLYN versus SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS is in jeopardy as he or the moderators need as Mrs. Clinton to fully explain how it is that it was just “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!  There has been a cover-up since hour one of the OBAMA administration to effect a like BIG LIE to a like: “IT WAS NONE OF THE CLINTONS FAULT - BILL CLINTON WAS A PERFECT PRESIDENT”!  If Mrs. Clinton has to answer so she will be confessing by voiding the absolute to that she at least was engaged in a (TREASONOUS) cover-up akin to high crimes and misdemeanors.

Of what is left of the said “CLINTONS’ PLAN” (to be anti Constitution and to affect essentially a King & Queen firsts for the U.S.A.) as but now at most 50% effected, and to then it now harder to see and comprehend its full diabolical depths because the worst half’s essence was yet BLOCKED there is that the worked 50% still enough to float a #HILLARY2016 with vast (unreasonable but of guilty cohorts too compromised) mass of #SUPERDELEGATES is more to that Mrs. Clinton can be said by President Barack Obama (somehow) to have not “JEOPARDIZED NATIONAL SECURITY” it is like beyond reason that it is that the CLINTONS did not PERVERT NATIONAL SECURITY!

Of the said PLAN:  The second term of the CLINTONS was bent much, it seems, to bending any threatening politician, and especially enough REPUBLICANS, to also corrupted so that they could not in the future be to incriminating the “HILLARY CLINTON” without also self incrimination.

Of the said PLAN:  The days from when the CLINTONS were forced outta the WHITE HOUSE until at least 9/12/2001 are maybe the most questionable and ripe for deep probatives and prosecution.  It still seems that when surprisingly become President it was that for like his first 8 months GEORGE W. BUSH had a government of vast bureaucracies that just weren’t responding to his lead - his direction - his leadership (and as if the “THE CLINTON” was happy their CLINTON LOYALISTS they packed into the Washington bureaucracies were cooperating with their plans to be back in Power ASAP for the second round as by a PRESIDENT HILLARY. 

Of the said PLAN:  It still seems the CLINTONS obstructed the BUSH ADMINISTRATION (as they likely woulda Al Gore’s for succession had to be forwarded (by any and all means possible) to a PRESIDENT HILLARY.  It still seems President Obama’s NOBEL PEACE PRIZE SPEECH is enough to tag that it wasn’t actually or effectively “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for he chided and blasted the “THE CLINTON” each time he proffered erudite oration about DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE.  RIGHT! - - - IF IT WAS BECAUSE OF PRESIDENT CLINTON INACTION & AVOIDANCE THEN “IT” COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN, OR BE YET, “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Of the said PLAN:  SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS & his welcome REVOLUTION were not planned for, as wasn’t that an actually BLACK PRESIDENT could get between BILL CLINTON, & HILLARY CLINTON.

Of the said PLAN:  It seems we “THE PEOPLE” must now accept that PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON musta used the #CIA to lie about PEACE for his reckless budget cutting of DEFENSE, & INTELLIGENCE, as said justified as PEACE DIVIDENDS!  RIGHT? - - - Like it only in “HILLARY CLINTON” spun that AL QAEDA like came outta no where and some how so while outta no where as like only the fault of he who wasn’t even supposed to be PRESIDENT on 9/11/2001!

Poor Bernie Sanders having to battle such a corrupt political machine long of machinations figured much as “cooked up” in the kitchen of the Clintons since before they were yet Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (to like the same anti Constitution political ambitions as whence New York Governor Clinton opposed the new American Constitution and to that Hamilton, Madison, and Jay then busied themselves all as PUBLIUS to present to the “THE PEOPLE” the cases as to why CLINTON was wrong and the work of the FOUNDING FATHERS was RIGHT/CORRECT!

“HILLARY CLINTON” is in vast jeopardy - such vast exposure even the #ICC - INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT is of jurisdiction.

“HILLARY CLINTON” is yet trapped:  #MrsC can run but she cannot hide.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us continue with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support!

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically/sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED?

The Clintons’ plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified?

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS?

Ask yourselves:  Could that #TeaParty have been racist while firstly being to #RESET that we are not now nor have ever been in the POST CONSTITUTION world of the CLINTONS’ PLAN effectings?  Mustn’t the #TeaParty have been more against these machinations of the CLINTONS’ PLAN more than ever as against a BLACK PRESIDENT committed to also affecting the CLINTONS’ machinations?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t #CONGRESS suffered a record UNPOPULAR tag and really firstly because there was the CLINTONS’ PLAN of the CLINTON FOUNDATION ever since CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE became (chartered) so that BILL CLINTON could rival the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT?

Ask yourselves:  How much assistance does BERNIE SANDERS now need to proceed against “HILLARY CLINTON” while #JUSTICE beggard for thorough due process and regular orders for diligent investigations and prosecutions?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t your CONSTITUTION but yet too trumped? - to set asunder, and by conscious premeditated will full machinations partisan/selfish political of and by the “THE CLINTON” albeit now critically much as the “HILLARY CLINTON”?

Mustn’t we “THE PEOPLE” concur that the CLINTON FOUNDATION work is to obstruct good governance, and while perverting NATIONAL SECURITY (at least) to rivaling the #CONGRESS as in the old worked sell to that AMERICANS (at least of the SOUTH) still would prefer AUTOCRATS to DEMOCRATS of limitations and terms for office holding Power?


Can BERNIE SANDERS, OR DONALD TRUMP, yet save the UNITED STATES CONGRESS from the willful Constitutional perversions by the machinations of what the Clintons cooked up so very long ago?

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  While here site search with search pane by:  GULF COUNTRIES; ABSOLUTE; PERFECT; FEMINISM; and, AL GORE.  I essentially have the unrecorded record for the most full pieces written on why/how Hillary Clinton cannot win!  I have this probably still just for all that I blogged publicly to effect the 2008 Clinton DEFEAT.

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  And while you do please remember it seems the Clintons jeopardy is greatest for the days and months between the CLINTON WHITE HOUSE and SEPTEMBER 12, 2001!

- - - There is still at least a negligence seeming a GROSS NEGLIGENCE tag fit’n them as for the WALLS OF SEPARATION than can be said to have kept the INVESTIGATION side of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS from having a chance at catching those FIRST LADY HILLARY CLINTON much incited in their own turfs with her FEMINIST FEMINISM CRUSADES of DICTUM by DICTATES to ‘YOU SHOULD TREAT YOUR WOMEN AS I SAY”!

- - - There is much to, it seems, that the Clintons while no longer of EXECUTIVE POWER were to influence across the federal bureaucracies by minions vastly staffed into such ranks in a belief and HOPE a PRESIDENT HILLARY would soon be there (instead)!  It is for agents and officers of the Government and Courts now to assess and assuage how 2001 is the year for which the Clintons will have the greatest legal and Constitutional JEOPARDY!

Like hip to you, - are you hip to: #‎NY‬ ‪#‎NYValues‬ ‪#‎NYC‬ #‎NewYorkValues‬ ~ ‪#‎BillClinton‬ operates ‪#‎CGI‬ ‪#‎ClintonFdn‬ as obstruction to good governance & a perversion of regular order!  ‪#‎USC198‬

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:31 am

The Jeb Bush problem is his brother let the Clintons drag the Bushes into the gutters where Bill & Hillary have the home court advantage. As this becomes more apparent it becomes extant of 2016 such too a scandal keeping Hillary2016 from say a “clean sweep”!  Are we possibly at that Bernie Sanders may be the best janitor King?

Though Star Wars Ja Ja Binks was quite a Gunga Din 2016, and the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, are so very much ado about Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘MUNICIPAL” to how important it is that the sewers be kept unclogged.  As we awaken forward mustn’t we question a fidelity of Constitutionalism and any fidelity, if any, of Bill & Hillary, to the established and ordained?

Which is the real William Jefferson Clinton?  Mustn’t he endure as more a gutter snipe than Binks to the Gunga Din?

What is the real Mrs. William J. “Hillary” Clinton?  From Rodham to Clinton there is critiques of her fashion that lay contrary to her worked as if homespun. Let us consider the Clintons, how fashioned, on the day the George Walker Bush Presidential Library was officially and of ceremony opened.

To preface this scandalous of the fashion of Mrs. Clinton, it behoove us to be joined to clarity in recalling how after brought low by impeachment proceedings President Clinton worked to clean up his image, - worked penance - worked across Africa as if a “Condom King”!

Enter President Jimmy Carter, and his most public remarks in celebration of President George W. Bush in the ceremonial of opening the Bush Library.  Enter the remarked of Democrat President Carter as they juxtaposed a “Bad Clintons” vs a much better “Good Bush”!  President Carter cannot be taken lightly - there should be a global fidelity to the honesty and import of his remarked to like “BUSH WAS WILLING TO DO MORE FOR AFRICA IN HIS FIRST DAYS AS PRESIDENT (THAN THE CLINTONS HAD BEEN WILLING TO DO IN ALL THEIR EIGHT YEARS)”!

Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has a greater credibility as to promised to committed to clean up a gross lack of parity across banking practices, as like a soldier on the front lines willing to charge at the years of the Clintons too of a “CLASS FASCISM”?  Whom Bernie Sanders is is what this is all about, - what 2016 is for you - for us - to decide.

“President Sanders” can be of a rings of truth to a committed forward politics as against the banking status quo.  He may not be able (as a Democrat candidate) to sell enough the truths around what gutter-all is endemic of Mrs. Clinton is compromised to of plain and simple conflicts of interest though of promising she could yet be strong against banks corruptions.  “President Sanders” can have rings of truth that Clintons reaches for “rings of Power” cannot cleanly abide. 

Candidate Sanders has latitude for his attitude that banks need a reformation for equal justice for all to endure.  To endear the country to his revolution against corruption there is that “criminal” tags may be harder to see rendered while “rehab” and court ordered “rehab” - “rehabilitation” - may be perfectly workable, like in the model of repentant fallen President William J. Clinton as to across Africa as if a “Condom King” to “community service” for “rehabilitation” by showing a commitment to moral messaging much ado about dangers at least from extracurricular say extramarital coital physical engagements.

How Mrs. William J. Clinton was fashioned on this day that Democrat President Jimmy Carter raked praise highly upon Republican President George W. Bush is for wax museums to curate on/for feminism, - on infidelity of women to other women.

Plainly speaking to press how Mrs. Clinton was styled/fashioned for the Bush Presidential Library inaugurating ceremonial there is little latitude for forgiveness or excuses.  Mrs. Clinton dressed as if President Clinton’s “China Doll” and carried herself demure to almost submissive yet geisha in how like postured the chic as a subordinate spouse with shuffling befitting a styled obedient.

Bernie Sanders is no Hillary Clinton.  He doesn’t have spousal baggage of a husband as remade by penance as if though yet still “Bill” as yet a “Condom King” across Africa - the continent Democrat President Carter so clearly remarked praise upon Republican President Bush as for having in just his first few days of actions that proof he was willing to do more for Africans than the Clintons had been in their eight years of 1993 to 2001.

Hillary Clinton can hardly offer a fidelity to her own promises to like “rein in the banks” for the historical forensics is complicated beyond if as while Senator there were peer ethics of an institution to have been address as to if how the opening of the Clintons’ foundations as to “Clinton Global Initiatives” as for Bill Clinton to play at being “President of the World” is conflicted as it is recalled that the Banks who made so much during the Clintons’ reigning were some approached specifically in requests to in gratuity yet cover the near million dollars a year rent WJC wanted to afford as for the near penthouse suites of the Carnegie Hall Tower on 57th Street (just blocks from TRUMP TOWER).

Can it have ever been that their foundation opened or operated morally or ethically as it is so of the recalled that “Bill” wanted banks to thank him by gratuitously paying his rent as to publicly thanking the Clintons for their pushes of bankers into the very “gambling” practices of derivatives?

However much President Carter did praise President Bush there is it may take 30 years still to separate the Clintons errs and infidelity to regular order and original intent as from how the Bushes did long embrace a cozy upon Bill & Hillary as like so close and clean enough that they were held out as like “family” too.

Bernie Sanders can go where Hillary Clinton cannot!  Bernie Sanders, like some still in the Republican field, can go at the banks at also at the Clintons and to that at least bad bankers can be assign to “rehab” to “rehabilitate” with community service in third world regions and or at least with the indigent across these united states of the Americas.

Bernie Sanders, is no Jeb Bush, and like for the other Republican candidates that is a good thing, even a lucky thing we are like blessed to be allowed to be free of and party to.  “Slick Willy” beset Bill & Hillary are those who should be expected to turn on President Barack H. Obama much so very much as they did like stab the Bush family in the backs as soon as was seeming (to them) as if there was short-term political gain to be had in being back stabbers of those who very much (until now) did surround them with caring and protection as from their selves and a still very pressing rap of negligence theirs for at least the attacks of September 11, 2001.

What ever model can be made of “Slick Willy” President Clinton as reformed from impeachment by years at (penitent?) public (good) deeds across the African continent as like a “Condom King” it is yet to be cleaned up from how the Clintons’ rap is mashable of them “too in the gutter”!  Any candidate now but Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush seems enough of clean hands to move a revolution forward against the still status quo of bankers as not allowed to be tagged officially as “crooks” by at least some building on a model for reformation by rehabilitation by court assignments to that “rehab” is prudent.

As we awaken forward, let our forces be united and cleaned up from a too “vote for Hillary” as if lured of bling from the ravenous prophetic of Poe, and think more of Finn as to how it actually progressive to be equals on a raft of state with African Americans, however “enlightened” when enslaved as if having been outta Africa without a book or a faith?

Oh San Louis Rey, what bridge of blues - blue notes - can you raise to a new HOPE?  Are we anew of THE BRIDGE OF SAN LOUIS REY?  And, yet still cosmopolitan to metrosexual of Nubia - Nubians and Indian - Indians so loyal of service as like of Ja Ja Binks as like a Gunga Din while best to how murder rates can be kept low if the sewers are kept clean?

President Bill Clinton is of a fidelity to Mrs. Clinton, as long known and recalled, as to keeping like it as a pre-nuptial promised that he would assure her her own Presidency if she helped him have his own, and did let him work to being a President first. “Slick Willy” is akin to this as his legacy is too complicated now for Mrs. Clinton herself to be sold as “clean enough”!

President Bill Clinton is of infidelity to the Constitution that is the what that made Justice Antonin Scalia timely of a greatness;  “Slick Willy” essence as been so of an infidelity to the Peoples “Order” that it can by that the 22nd Amendment is undecided Law as freely to pronounced to have been willful treason;  “Slick Willy” is seemingly now copacetic to “saved” for having been a “Condom King” and as if that suffice as penitence!

“Slick Willy” was so to work regular to set asunder not just Justice Scalia’s defense of the work of the “Founding Fathers” that none now should be enough ignorant of that “treason” may stick to properly label and file the years the Clintons joined to work to a claim for “extra-Constitutional” Power by politics partisan to projecting an attempt to as if strong enough to affect to that the Constitution wasn’t and “living document” but that it was is so dead that “King Clinton” could be heralded by postured politics with foreign influences to a convenient “POST CONSTITUTIONAL”!

“Hillary2016″ is permanently undermined by past regular fashioned styled of Mrs. Clinton, - not just for so as like a “China Doll” in a demure obedient of a shuffles (like a geisha) as the accompaniment to President William J. Clinton at the opening ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Library.  “Hillary” Clinton is forever controversial (especially to feminists (patriots)) for so regularly of be dress as if owned by Chinese as to when pantsuits were yet so hemmed and cut to fashion her of “Mao Chic” foreign spun. 

As to her “Slick Willy” our “Condom King” (penitent) across Africa there yet is that question to of the impeachable lie to how it seems the big lie was such as only Mrs. Clinton herself could have proposed/counseled. 

As, however “Slick Willy”, her spouse fidelity remained most to his promise recalled a pre-nuptial witness in early 1970s there is the sticky wicket of politics for #Election2016 of how there could not have been even a “Hillary2008″ if “Bill” had called what he inappropriately dallianced intimated was yet to his spouse his “First Lady” had been tagged in the cliche of “sex” of “see X” as exercised of her of such acts as to the nation as the “X” and more inadequate than “enabler”!

To that Justice Antonin Scalia was of embattled terms it is apropos his interpretations were legitimate to it that the Liberals agenda has been postured as if God is not in the Constitution.  There is that the Tea Party progressed enough to that it is reconsecrated that the Constitution is originally the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “in the Year of our Lord”! 

As such every free man is free to rap that the Clintons have been long so willfully working to set asunder and undermine regular order that #TREASON may endure, and to that Justice Antonin Scalia may long endear, forward.

                                          *       *       *

Note: See also sorted set of http://bit.ly/WHITEPRIDE

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

Philadelphia is lost!  The foundations of freedom have been forsaken!  Conventions lots now as cracked from prudence as the Liberty Bell from original tolls concordance!

In this new year so the Year of our Lord, so calendar proper, as established by the “Order” as a new more perfect Constitution, and now advanced to two thousand ten and six, the imports of “American” are set asunder by posturing as if Mrs. Clinton endears and to enough of clean hands to wear white to a Philadelphia Convention, and its Balls.

No American’s six is covered if em not participant in doubting, and intellectualizing of a conundrum too enduring of it that: Republicans and Democrats approved new President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State when it was Senator Mrs. Clinton up for review.  That inadequate intellectualizing of the “its complicateds” was a new much lower standard than was the practice when the founding fathers worked through philosophies of governance for freedom to endure.

No American’s six is covered if em has not worked it through that there is a position of prudence unresolved of that Senator Mrs. Clinton was not constitutionally allowed to be Secretary of State. That there was a bipartisanship to voting Mrs. Clinton out of the Senate like at the first opportunity is yet alarming not comforting.  Such a “collective” was wrong and greatly erring in governance, not just politics, by signing on favorably to that Mrs. Clinton could be, by their agreement, a Cabinet Secretary.

Candidate Donald Trump as broached that there must be particulars to reign forever forward as examples after the fact to why this must have been wrongly agreed to, - the examples set by Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State do rate near enough to “WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” and yet Donald Trump is being as much still just a tease upon the culpas of Clinton, and as weak, or light, (on political facts) as say candidate Governor Jeb Bush while posturing that Mrs. Clinton would “squash” candidate Trump.  Yet, it is most appalling, and to that I, personally, am tired of Chris Wallace as on Mrs. Clinton so regularly as to that he postures Mrs. C. as if so clean enough to wear that white gown to Philadelphia for a crowning at the 2016 Democrat Party Convention.

We all are still suffering from the collective stupid, that is most haunting still, as it is by Congress by the Senate by 98 to 2 that Mrs. Clinton was approved to be a Cabinet Secretary, while the prudence of the foundations of freedom, and too the nation wide work of the eightieth Congress to the 22 Amendment ratification, for it now riles, especially on the issues of feminism, and where equal rights must have limits, for it now riles that besides her troubling “legacy” there is yet that there is a clear logic to the meaning and intent of freedoms protection by constituted greatest Law that Mrs. Clinton was never Constitutionally allowed to be a Cabinet Secretary.  This we must intellectualize and discuss through just to now have a chance to protect our sixes.

There is no intelligent rationale for support of Mrs. Clinton!

e.g.:  Besides President Obama Nobel Peace Prize orated of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance” as a slap on President Clinton there is the most ironic, so irony too of politicals extant, that it isn’t already just scandal that there is a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

e.g.:  President Clinton somehow is so cleaned up he isn’t cause for Mrs. Clinton, at least to FOX Chris Wallace “news” floating, to not be tarred as improper to be broadcast in white. 

e.g.:  President Clinton is oddly fronted by too many, by too many as even of both parties still, in a ridiculous 2016 politics for HILLARY2016 as if he was and is PERFECT.

e.g.:  It is politically and historically ridiculous that a white gown for Mrs. Clinton is plausible fashion especially because though the Obama foreign and domestic policies were based on a new foundation of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” Mrs. C. herself as if Diplomatic is now evidently of the story that President Obama did govern more like George W. Bush and Richard M. Nixon for his (few?) successes than any where as if like William J. Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton, like President Obama, is ridiculous now in new year at politics forward as if President Clinton can be a good front man for either global diplomacy or growth economics.  Mrs. Obama, as First Lady Michelle, must be riled to steaming that all her work to lower youth obesity could be set back by letting the Clintons’ together reset irresponsible dietary behavior, by their example.  Mrs. Obama seems to be stuck in a pickle to that at least President Clinton is a barrel of lies before the collective conscience, however too many not yet conscious to such scandalous so extant.  Mrs. Obama should be the last fashionista to ever, if ever, support the propping up of Mrs. Clinton as if now forward as of any Propriety for a white gown for Philly conventions.

Mrs. Obama is maybe the person in the whole world to most lose by a repackaging of Mrs. Clinton! - the repackaging so, personally, reprehensible as also witnessed present too unprofessionally by FOX in regularity by Chris Wallace!  Mrs. Obama has more than her own six to worry about as the floating for Mrs. Clinton is of so many institutionally compromised!

It must have been wrong, but more symptomatic of a disease in the body politics of these united states of the Americas, than endemic as a one off when the Senate by 98 to 2 did wrongly approve Senator Clinton into a Cabinet Secretary spot in the line of succession to the Presidency.  It was of a collective stupid already then advanced to the onset of the foundations of freedom as set asunder by popular unsettling of prudence in jurisprudence, especially as to the great Law as Constitutional Law.

All must now deeply dig into their own intellects to discern that feminism populars and to how popular spin was broadcast to brainwash even them from seeing the right and from stopping the wrong. 

Remember it is as it was written that President Clinton is whom President Obama berated with his Nobel Peace Prize oration and as it is historical that Mrs. Clinton would be wrong, and ironic, if to selling Mrs. C. to a third term, like, like as a William J. Clinton third term as her’s, most particularly because though she survived by the blame and go politics, as materially political as a Secretary that wasn’t supposed to be political in “office” while her/their dictum was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as it mostly so that the successes of President Obama have been, even while of the Clinton State Department, as while politically secured for “politics” at State by the “TEAM OF RIVALS” acquiesced to by a weak new President Obama!

It was all along that mostly to succeed they had to govern as more like George W. Bush that William J. Clinton, that they/she did have to avoid the truth as the truth wasn’t an option to Mrs. Clinton, and while ironically also needing to be more like the good Richard M. Nixon, for as like it was collective stupidity that she even just had any Republicans affirm her to State, it yet is reigning in still a general collective stupid for as a spouse (regardless of sex) she wasn’t allowed to “work” the angles of her duty where such was properly to the intelligence at how it was more ALL CLINTON’S FAULT for she like Bill Cosby’s wife, as of personal and work relationships blurred, was set by marriage laws to that a spouse (regardless of sex) is not supposed to incriminate the other spouse.

As we wait to see if Donald Trump is also as ineffective at defeating his proclaimed as “THE WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” as Governor Jeb Bush has been at defeating the HILLARY2016, and as it ridiculous that Jeb Bush hasn’t been able to defend his brother or his father while the Clinton Machine yet floats William J. Clinton as “BILL CLINTON WAS/IS PERFECT”!

It was madness that the Senate ever approved the Obama nomination of Senator Clinton to head the State Department at a Cabinet Secretary level duty.   It is clearly logical and simply arguable that it was never even constitutional that President Obama did nominate Mrs. Clinton to a post of duty in the line of succession, and particularly specifically  because by marriage laws she was then a spouse whom had truth not as an option for she was by laws one not supposed to incriminate William J. Clinton!

It has been ridiculous to watch Governor Jeb Bush inadequacy at defeating the Clinton machine! It has been sad to see FOX Chris Wallace of a regularity to also treat Mrs. Clinton too as if a dear sister, yet somehow floatable as if she could be ever proper in a white gown say for Philadelphia, of old, and especially as near tolling a commencing for the 2016 Democrat Party Convention. 

Now, it forward in this year, seems Donald Trump may just be a weak lightweight just too a tease when of bloviating to “HILLARY CLINTON WAS A WORST SECRETARY OF STATE!”

Now, it forward in this year, is that the politics are dire and compromised from especially that Mrs. William J. Clinton did when Senator receive that 98 to 2 affirmation to President Barack H. Obama nomination.  We cannot fix what threatens our sixes if we do not break away from the popular and re-establish a prudence even around the floated feminisms as fashioned for extra-Constitutional exceptions.

i.e.:  Right!  That is!  This is spot on to how Mrs. Clinton is more fitting a blood stained shawl, with gauche as broached, for as by law truth was not an option to her while tasked to the duty and service and trust of the State Department, as to Diplomacy without the politics, she was then never not Political, and always firstly a rival to the President, beyond he acquiesced to a “TEAM OF RIVALS” empowerment of the Clintons as ‘working’ “rivals” as to working it as their rivaling globally regularly, for Mrs. William J. Clinton needed to avoid the truth that much wasn’t ever BUSH’S FAULT and as she intimately must have always known such was a necessary political cover-up cover-story to protect her from having to officially incriminate her spouse, and herself for her days as that engaged First Lady Hillary.

RESOLVED?:  Mrs. Clinton was Constitutionally never allowed to be elected President after the 22nd Amendment limited the Clinton Administration from more Executive Power sharing!  Mrs. Clinton also therefore was never Constitutionally allowed to be nominated nor approved to be in the line of succession to the Presidency, and so to further Executive Power spousal sharing.  Mrs. Clinton in service as Secretary of State has set the example that proofs such the Rule, and in it particularly specifically that while head of the State Department truth was not an option, and every decision had to be political, spousally firstly.

RESOLVED?:  We now, though witness to it ridiculous Governor Jeb Bush has flailed at defeating, one so like a sister, are also now bearing witness to it ridiculous Donald Trump is showing still as like a lightweight tease to weak in politics to have himself yet have defeated so easy to defeat yet of the machinations of a said great political “Clinton Machine” (like a new and now global Tammany scheme for patronage to partisan biasing internationally).

Key too: http://bit.ly/TwoHistories
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:08 am

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old!’

‘How old is he? - how old is Bill J. Clinton?’

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old - blah, blah, blah, blah.’ BORING!

You have the wars all wrong, - you really do, - yes most of you really do!

On the road of the Afghanistan poppy fields, as Mrs. C’s - drone queen’s - killing fields, her old man “Bill” of these ages yet he most of ages posts, as mile markers of strife’s roots, as an elder, so of such a shoddy past so long that he is as her old man yet a the most present in the concerts of conscience so many times, in retrospect, as the he/she present so consistently that such the he/she all should first see meted through to accurately measured for the depths of ownership of a proprietary in culpability for so many “strifes” of record so tragic, and linkable to one more than any other.

It is not preposterous, even in hindsight, to posture the years 1993 to 2001 are too ‘missing’ from the measured of these times, - that Bill J. Clinton & Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton ‘leadership’ is most clearly seen forevermore in the negative, - their measured for history as accurate for the eternal records is negative as there greatest burden of guilt is for what they didn’t do, and whom they abandoned, or left feeling abandoned.

It may, for Posterity, help to to think Bill J. Clinton so old that he now if of so much negative in his lifetime he is as if of ages posted statistically of enough average years lived to be as old as the Barbary Pirates.  As so much of the reality of the culpables of the Clinton are still much cloaked by politically worked domestic (and foreign?) cover-ups any Tranquility may be yet as safe and for enduring as quicksand.  To bare the politics of the Clintons to them naked before the world - un-cloaked to their interior domestic homespuns - would be to frighten the world with honesty and truth, - the dire to diabolical of the ages in their ‘works’ for what they didn’t work.

You do have the wars mostly to all wrong!  It firstly essential to ask if these wars today are so bad due the wars the Clintons didn’t commence, - the ‘warring’ they shoulda even if as then as timely ‘peace keeping’ avoided.

To discern a “REAL CLINTON” a fact based “HONEST CLINTON ASSUAGED” essentially all must much look at them in the negative, to whom they are most errantly truthfully for history due that which they didn’t do, and why they wouldn’t do suches.  It may too help to think Afghanistan was a Gettysburg of the Cold War, - in a pre-Clinton all seriousness.

The affectedness of the vast partisan and selfish brand maintenance of the machinations of the Clintons’ machine politics is to it still too much so that most people by not looking closely enough at their them are to missing how the Iraq War - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM - musta been the right thing to do for to Shia of Iraq and Iran, Al Qaeda of Sunni of Arabia, and the Islamic State, ISIL, ISIS, it is as it was right for Americans to effect.  The war that Al Qaeda (and ISIL) to stand still in objection to would be THE PERSIAN GULF WAR, not OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. 

ISIL, Shia, and Al Qaeda should object less to the later war & coalition than the former; the former war is the war they wanted to fight or not need others to fight for them that yet after fought by others to a point, was then left not finished by Bill J. Clinton.  It figures that the Shia of Iran and the majority populace of Iraq must have been, and remain as for, the “Iraq War” so many Americans now wrongly posture as having been wrong to have commenced.

Oh it gets worse!  Let us liken her “old man” to as her “pop” to better sync the mashable of “Drone Queen” & “killing fields” - the of  Mrs C.!

So, it seems perfectly clear, let me be clear, so that right OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM despite common perceptions must now and forevermore be seen and heard as right!  We then are left with minor issues as to though right it may have been done wrong and commenced inconveniently in a time of politics too phat of lies hiding the negatives of the Clintons.  We then, say now, have it must be seen as a good war however a badly done war, and too as it was nearly wrong to do just because it was commenced so long after it should have been done - not avoided - as in the Clintons’ terms as ripe to have been affected by 1996 and still beyond.

What must be her body count? - how many dead were lost due just to Hillary R. Clinton and her hand in the politics of avoidance and inaction so phat, as with her pop, during 1003 to 2001? - what is the most accurate body count, a truthful number of bodybags filled, that should be first accounted from present to 1993 as most on the conscience due culpability of the Clintons, and then to how must such, and as seeming a vast tragic number of lost souls, is best to be divided statistically fairly between a HIS & HERS accounted for?  First Lady Mrs. Clinton was intimately engaged in the foreign and domestic decidings of Bill J. Clinton, and so much so that her whence ‘global initiatives’ were quite as a feminist crusading intentionally at inciting those already radical and other able to be radicalized across the regions now battlegrounds abroad.

Feminists owe the world an accounting - an if to at the years back to 1993 for accurate historical placement of burdens of guilt that actually must rest even tragically first upon First Lady Mrs. Clinton even before on the Presidency of the Clintons together.  Women owe the world a shedding of the ridiculous long postured to that it could be ever “ALL BUSH FAULT” because their pride in their sex should have Mrs. Clinton owning up to how much today is lost and bad due to her own personal participation in both the positive negative as actions bad acts, and the negatives most negative as from avoidance and inaction their her worked.

The poppies fields as Hillary R. Clinton as “Drone Queen” to as “killing fields” is complicated and to needs that it needs be for a full accounting parsed and pared by the ages by fitting postings as well to the days of the era of her “old man” so old to many he is like the “pops” of the country for those seeming so distant years 1993 to 2001. 

As First Lady Mrs. Clinton the poppies fields can too be “killing fields” on the Clintons’ conscience for those were years post Afghanistan as the Gettysburg of the Cold War of the where the battle against the spread of Soviet expansionism in Communism Socialism was turned back or stopped, and to those were the years on them of ignoring the cries coming from Afghanistan and of the United States of a culpability for an “abandonment” by of having left too early and to it simmering to festering during 1993 to 2001 as to how Americans, at least didn’t return when the Taliban was overwhelming such a heroic history as a people of a new Gettysburg.

It is frightful to think that the record of the Clintons when finally honestly set of truths not worked false narratives (to hopefully from culpable tales, to a purgatory while two histories extant, to whence then their lies from cover-up to accepted as truth, - though lies) will fully need be perceived and accepted.  It is scary that there can be so much guilt to be shouldered as a burden for two while for so many ages so posted others have been smeared innocently (at least innocently enough) while the dark side is an evil that really is seeded in the Clintons spousal husbandry of affectedness to effect for Power firstly, - first personal.

Case in point in beggard for truth at what to make of Vice President Al Gore and the Democrats after the attacks of 9/11/2001 as it seems ridiculous to not look cynically at the Democrats as to what they gained and seemed ready, oddly, to reap from such as a convenient crisis while so tragic to others. 

It may be better to think that President Barack H. Obama mission creep in Afghanistan from the War On Terror of safe passage for foreign troops to trespass Afghanistan, as traded for with agreements to build roads and schools, to the war of choice as if a dream come true of First Lady Clinton, as effecting to a WAR ON THE TALIBAN as a war on women finally commenced, is yet too congested a mass of Bill J. Clinton culpas akin to that guilt that if spread out over ‘average’ ages postings, and so to it so complicated as if a “convenient crisis” for, right, Vice President Al Gore was expected (globally) to be the next American President, at the time of September 11, 2001.

A most cynical of also that Afghanistan is of a “wrong war” is yet that Al Gore if then President woulda had outta Afghanistan a war so naturally blessed for a former war photo journalist like himself of it like perfectly set to sell convenient crisises forward as akin, too, to the old slight of a pop to as “YOU PROVIDE THE PICTURES & I’LL PROVIDE THE WAR.”

You do very much have the wars all wrong if thinking the Obama & Clinton war of choice as the war on women as their WAR ON TALIBAN was a more right war than OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  See it also figures that the justification used to sell the affectedness for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR (seemingly just the type Vice President Al Gore was oddly ready for) is yet a better workable SELL for the IRAQ WAR than that used by the George W. Bush. 

The Iraq War is justifiable as also due as a war on women as a liberation, as a liberating at least of the majority Shia under Saddam Hussein as a liberating for at least Shia women, and girls. 

Al Gore seems as if only was ready for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR.

To Al Qaeda (and ISIL) it seems George W. Bush did much with his wars (not any of choice) save America and some coalition countries by affecting OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and as more important in the WAR ON TERROR than a greater WAR in Afghanistan, as yet not justified by September 11, 2001 attacks, as the WAR ON TALIBAN figures as necessary do the objections to the Clintons’ years of abandonment to the poppy fields their shared “killing fields” for concerts of conscience evermore, as rightly in the negative they ignored the cries, and tears as they chose inaction and avoidance, while unconscionable to so many others.

It is frightful too to consider how morally depraved it seems it arguable as a past and present danger exposed of a moral depravity that befits a like burdened of balls and chains for the likes of Bill J. Clinton, Al Gore, & at least also Hillary R. Clinton.  The dire and tragic of our here and now is very much seeded in their then whence of decidings to it as if right to ignore the cries and tears, and global guilty about their worked abandonments.

To see the Clintons for their negatives, for them of their not done, is to see them maybe too much as frightful due negatives.

The vast extant of a mass of gall is so enumerable it is perilous to many to have to consider so much frightful and true.  Thee is so much taggable as bad at least in a negative that it is that the is a galore in a HIS & HERS culpability that forward must be paired for a fair feminism in an actually truthful accounting of what affected and not affected for Hillary R. Clinton “feminism”!

Not can it be separated!  How can the frightful culpability of Mrs. Clinton be separated from her “old man” her “pop” driver “Bill’s”?

Maybe now you can give thanks more truthfully for better to understanding how so many have too long had the wars all wrong?

RESOLVED?  Isn’t it time to give thanks, not still wrongly to either Clinton, or Al Gore, or President Obama, as to those you can see your way towards as more of a heroic and necessary engagement and especially if you have been fooled for ages by postings of actual lies and willful acts to cover-up inconvenient truths to the climates of the attitudes for Democrats political machinations for a holding by a Power of a ruling class?

CONCLUDED, - FOR NOW:  It may be Bill J. Clinton is respectively of enough guilt to be so old as older than the Barbary Pirates of Thomas Jefferson’s effectings against, to so old he is more of the time of the Pilgrims but more akin to the power grabbing of Oliver Cromwell, and too less for a contemplative of such times that date Rene Descartes to having begun writing for his times only after he so relocated to where the Pilgrims did depart from.  As old say this trued Bill J. Clinton the lesson now is that it is served that his “old lady” must near be so said at least as meted as old.

THANKSGIVING SHARE:  It seems the gall of the Clintons is phat to their turkey is contrary - oh so contrary as practiced to be as if of works to have negated the prudential of the Pilgrims and Puritans, and much to that evolved from as of the founding fathers for the Clintons’ seems as but of a spousal husbandry coyly to affectedness luckily short of their goals, as seeming to frightful that their goals must have been to be to being to a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional Powers, as willfully worked to and as to premeditated work to set asunder the Constitution, so to that they could be more successful than Clintons before them and to reaping yet an autocratic, maybe actually global, for a regaling “pop” of a CLINTON AUTOCRACY effectedly enough “crowned” upon them, - each.

NEVER FORGET:  It is complicated, - even more so!  What was the United States “poppies” politics under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?

                                   *     *     *     *     *

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U 2 R NOT 2 OLD!
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:58 pm

Bill Clinton has lost control of the Democrat Party to a staying power, homely, of First Lady Michelle Obama.

Perhaps that should be as a question! e.g.:  Has Bill Clinton lost control of the Democrat Party? To a black woman?

There are many ways to interpret Tuesday night Democrats Debate in Las Vegas hosted by CNN!

Were there two giants missing from such ‘politics’ - two Power personalities of sway & import? - VP Biden, & First Lady Michelle Obama? Wasn’t that attitude of Mrs. Clinton that President Barack Obama could be over looked? - that the promising of a “I am BACK” Bill Clinton doth trump any President Obama present?

To step easily into such a quagmire let us rock the constitution some:  “Hillary” the candidate has problems with the “Federalist Papers” - for now we will limit it just as to real trouble with “Federalist” numbers 1-5. Mrs. Clinton has trouble with Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8, and much with the First Amendment.  Mrs. Clinton can not abide the preamble to be read as written with “Order” in it as a noun, - as a noun a synonym for “constitution”!  Mrs. Clinton must read the Constitution preamble contrary to have her “interpretation” friendly to her assaults for a “post-Constitution” win; - Mrs. Clinton, right confusing, is while so contrary to reading the preamble as “/in order to/form/a/more perfect/Union/” while the grammar and pathology historical is for it as “/in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/”!

Let us also broach the Article V relativity in Mrs. Clinton’s problem with the preamble established & ordained. Two thirds, as needed, is not antiquated/passe! Two thirds is the Clintons’ Achilles heels.

Personally, first, let me add the Senator Joe Biden has been a me, Hogan, thought of since my sister in her ’80s, & some ’90s, was of the ranks of Senator Chris Dodd’s offices.  Also, yet of “Michelle” FLOTUS, let me date to such years to the winter of 1987-88 how it is that I have known M.O. since before she and the President ever knew each other, and, again, that it is that I have known of President Obama since the late ’70’s due an awareness of his interest in Presidential oratory.

“Hillary” the candidate grasped at Senator Bernie Sanders as if her vessel sunken & he was generously offering her a life preserver ring from a USS Sanders. It is hard to judge a “WIN” for debate for Mrs. Clinton for how desperate her grasping at the Senator was as if desperate.

Mrs. Clinton in poise for “Hillary” the campaigner of #Hillary2016 machinations was devoid a natural or becoming sagaciousness. The debate is to be archived for eons and eons to how Mrs. Clinton, beyond “desperate”, was yet set asunder as if of a sunken vessel by posturing for politics in an ignorance of the relativity of the “reset” Constitutionals.

Mrs. Clinton in poised debate stands did collapse the logic of a workable “politics” as if the Constitution was irrelevant!  Mrs. Clinton has no general election poise is how postured as if it were inconsequential that her “GOP” “haters” have her, by the plain language of the Constitution, and some restored original intent, as contrary to constituted Order by a simple majority and on many of her postured stands most definitely by the Article V protections in a 2/3rds majority necessary.

“Hillary” the candidate grasp at Senator Bernie Sanders is beggard to: Bill Clinton has lost his power, his mojo, his standing?

Perhaps that should be exclamatory! - - - Perhaps that should have an exclamation for punctuation!

Where First Lady Michelle Obama has been sagacious and warm Mrs. Clinton has reigned in too institutionalized machinations!

I do not know the full history of how the Iran Nuclear Agreement, thanks to Senator Bob Corker (?), became less important to only a majority needed for an agreement of such gravitas that unity was called for Constitutionally to yet the 2/3rds bar. The Clintons can not go forward, much successfully, against the deep field of Republicans for President, as so set against the plain language of the Constitution, and especially much the reset to restored original intent prudence behind the 2010 & 2012 big wins.  Young and middle aged, and aged, however employed or retired are not the UNIFORMED VOTERS OF PAST CLINTON MAJORITIES.

So, beyond candidate “Hillary” as debate poised until her desperate grasp at Senator Bernie Sanders, as if Mrs. Clinton knowing she of a sunken vessel, it seems however aged the voters have split from Bill Clinton & Mrs. Clinton as independents and centrist Republicans in unrecoverable ways due the “post-Constitution” reach of the Clintons’ machinations has not begotten them their desired more autocratic powers in a said needed “extra-Constitutional” interpretation. “Bill & Hillary” (whom I have known too, but since the early 1970s, but due they polled me querious to if I as that “charming boy in the school yard” thought they both could become President of the United States of America, each, some day.) (REALLY!!!)…!  Right! “Bill & Hillary” need the Constitution to not be the Order “done” as “subscribed” in under God as by in “Year of our Lord”!

America, of these united states, so Ordered, as Constituted, are in an establishment of a freedom of religion by an establishment of separation verticle to as under the Christian Calendar but so that the Federal Government could not be theocratic. The “American” most in the way of the Clintons perverted interpretations is to that before any is under their Government they are as Bible Paul wrote to firstly under God their Creator. The “Conservatives” are not as scary as it seems David Brooks has opined; The Conservatives are maybe more set back to mere state’s power by such reset in original intent, than the Clintons.

America, of these united states, so Ordered, as Constituted, are in an establishment for religious liberty where the citizens are expected to be moral under God before ever governed under their Governments. The “American” is that, as much as it may set Conservatives as much back from a Christian Nationalism, or as much as it does set the Clintons back from further National Socialism, akin to Obamacare as like a revised improved Hillarycare!

This “American” - ours - if for state’s rights of some supremity in religious liberties of it the core Constitutional Ordered that each should have a voluntary extra-nation established morality practiced enough for “community” - and for “community” in such to be based still as fundable by a tithe to such “community” voluntarily adhered to for the Freedom in Posterity for Tranquility & general Welfare is beggard to each for the Constituted “Federal” to abide Union of a basic citizenry need to be of a voluntary morality before under Federalism, - so to not give Powers to a few to justify Power over many because they stopped living for “community”!

Bill Clinton is antiquated! Bill Clinton wasn’t in the room - the hall of the Vegas debate for fear of seem too Mrs. Clinton’s puppeteer!

Bill Clinton idea of what is Constitutional for the hard to define business model of Clintons’ Global Initiatives is specifically contrary to Federalist 1 by Alexander Hamilton, but much more so due Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 and with John Jay as Publius in his important writs against tyrannical power in Federalist 2-5.

First Lady Michelle Obama has to much natural power to abide the Clintons politics much more, forward!

Mrs. Clinton can hardly hold herself up as having been a better First Lady, and to Bill Clinton’s ambitions disappointment to as if having been a better Secretary of State than John Kerry, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and at least also Madeleine Albright.

Most damming to the Bill Clinton for President “Hillary” fidelity as he to firstly to keeping his long ago heard promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his, if she cooperated to he getting his first, is that the Constitution is an Order that the Republicans forward will not compromise by acquiescing to a simple majority where a 2/3rds votage the prudent bar?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:59 am

Let us consider how wrong we were, - - - and how OCCUPY should have occupied CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES - as much as any where else!

Let us consider that Michael Moore may have confused 911 accidentally, - - - Michael Moore may have grossly erred thinking President Bush seemed of some one able to advise his as too prepared with a supposition that since “W” seemed so prepared he must then have been behind the attacks by Al Qaeda.

Let us consider why after 911 I the Clintons blamed Americans, - - - how journalists seems devoid of sufficient pressed queriousness as to why it was Bill & Hillary, elected as the smartest in America, bounced bucks down with near “blue states said do this, and, red states said do that”?

Now!  How much truth is needed in a nations daily business for there to be a “shining city”?  How much lying and basis in lies is too little truth to too much dark energy gigs?

The dark days after the attacks of 911 I are not remember enough in a politically correct historical;  - - - Too many know only the lies and the spin and have been amiss devoid of deeds at digging for greater understanding of American players.

I do not offer a metric for how much slack President George W. Bush, and his cadre as GOP Establishment, deserve; - - - To you it is vital - vitally important - presently critical that you do consider THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON; - - - To you there is the we - the global we - presently collective us betwixt a REAL CLINTON, &, THE YARN, CLINTONS’!

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is like of the movie THE DOUBLE; - - - The real Hillary Clinton is like in all the pictures of all the big disasters, and yet no one is asking the right questions as to such coincidences!  Mrs. Clinton as New York United States Senator is quite simply tag’d as THE WOMAN IN WORLD OF MOST 911 FAULT, AND, THE AMERICAN POLITICIAN WHOSE CAREER MOST BENEFITED FROM THE CRISIS.

President George W. Bush will have to defend himself !!!  President Bush was of elected of a ambition to prepare for prosecuting Saddam Hussein, and to bluffing him to full compliance, but, the attacks of 911 made this more difficult, not less! The Clintons benefited from the attacks politically most; - - -  Bush wasn’t ready for Afghanistan, even if he is thought to have been ready for Al Qaeda “justice.”  President Bush had 911 attacks complicate his ambition to see Saddam Hussein fully prosecuted.

Behoove ye forevermore to always now firstly forward be keyed to a consideration of Clintons’ culpability, & too motives!

Perk up global citizens!  Become more intelligent (than the Clintons want you)! Become questioners of the obvious!

Perk up America - citizens of these united states! Bush didn’t need 911 attacks to fulfill ambition to prosecute Saddam H.!

It can be quite depressing tag’g the Clintons in a fuller more apropos historical; - - - Did the Clintons need Al Qaeda attacks so Mrs. Clinton could have an extreme makeover to overcome the Senate seniority traditions, by as an untouchable as GROUND ZERO SENATOR, and, as to gravitas beyond First Lady pomp & ceremony?

What questions should CNN have ready when Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton presented for Democrats Debate in Vegas?

How sad is it that the Clintons since 1992 campaigns were of running together as if they were the smartest two people in at least the United States of America proper?  How sad is it that two so proud and narcissistic did after the Al Qaeda attacks in “holy war” so as “jihad” were so not to be firstly to terror for terror sake but were to acts for JUSTICE even if in terrorizing?  How sad is it still that, though elected as promised to be leaders smart enough to make best most intelligent decisions, Bill & Hillary, and their teams of minions, were to blaming United States citizens firstly?  how sad the Clintons, thanks to Michael Moore?, have been getting by on ridiculous lies so ridiculous their lies suggest an impossible truth of a “PERFECT CLINTON”?

The simplest explanation, that also rings true, of the Al Qaeda attacks as most benefiting the Clintons, is in the lay of “Jihad” as “HOLY WAR” for “JUSTICE” and so enough to support a tag THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON, - but not exclusively. Al Qaeda to suicide attacks in “Jihad” were then on a mission for JUSTICE, - RIGHT?  Al Qaeda so as for “JUSTICE” have their simplest explanation that which times to 1993 and to a deciding that the USA homeland deserved to be attacked because President William J. Clinton had decided that he would NOT prosecute Saddam Hussein, or reconstruct Iraq like Japan & Germany after an earlier world warring as akin to the coalition for the Persian Gulf War.

Right it is very sad and very complicated, as per The Clintons, or just Mrs. Clinton as Richard Gere in THE DOUBLE.  Right!  President Clinton in 1993 decided since he had Bosnia war left to him he much was like not wanting to have to bother with Iraq and another war, - and for all of his years, - and as he and his wife were so like self casting to be BILL THE DOVE, and to later a CLINTON HAWK in the being planned for HILLARY THE HAWK. (Again: I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s and specifically because they each then as Yale Law coeds wanted to know if they both could have their own presidency some day. This is how I know such as Bill & Hillary.)

In a limited President Bush defense:  He ended up bluffing Saddam Hussein into the need for war, yes, but it is more on the Clintons’ surpluses as of $2 Trillion cut, at least far to vastly and quickly, and on the Clintons at least for defense cuts that to prosecute the United Nations sanctions fully when so it was the Military he went to war with was that which the Clintons’ administering had rendered to unprepared for modern times as of lacking in sufficient body armor, and too vehicle armoring. (How much the problems of Bush’s Wars is rooted in Clintons 1993-2001 and to a gross negligence is really too much to detail in this cursory expose as a pre-debate exclamation for a restoration of common sense.)

If I yet am acknowledged for how long I have known such perspective and to how much guidance to making the Clintons electable in 1992 then syncs to how much I did help advise President Bush after Al Qaeda attacks, and shortly, there is a new way to an American President I hadn’t known of.  The Speaker of the House surprises have been surprising, - - -  I was unaware the House could elect a non-member, even a one like myself a privately sharing poet, +++. It seems I have had waking thoughts in teasing the House should elect me to how if they did the Clintons would have to be indicted, as finally exposed, and too that President Barack H. Obama (, & VP Joseph Biden,) would be due impeachment.

Michael Moore may appreciate how Bush some seemed too ready after Al Qaeda attacks because I had since 1993 been wondering what I heard when I heard of Bill Clinton decision to not prosecute Saddam Hussein, and to the viscerally experienced thought of: IF WE GO THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME.

Michael Moore may, though, be needed now to straighten out a Clinton culpability washed over by FAHRENHEIT 911, and while it is that on September 10, 2001 I was not unprepared but thinking I had to accept that I had been wrong to believe that I was right in preparing.  Seems, due the Speaker rules, the HOUSE could elect me to SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE even as such acknowledgement should necessitate an impeachment of President Obama (,& VP Biden) to that then it would be Constitutional, if so honored, that JP Hogan could become SPEAKER and then shortly there after PRESIDENT, and all before November 2016 general elections. I would have to insist for my potential for bipartisanship restoration that if so how so as me as currently as, I believe, a registered Connecticut (I) “independent” though maybe as “unaffiliated” by registration.

There is for the CNN Debate of the field of Democrats, small and limited, by comparison, that Bill and Hillary have earned the doubt and queriousness to forevermore tag’d as per Al Qaeda and Terrorism, generally, of this titled as “BILL’S & HILLARY’S 911S”!

There is far more to this in the categories & searchable archives of http://CitRB.com - - - far more in #Cats of #BENGHAZI #SYRIA #KERRY #QUEEN #CGI #SUSPECT #IRAN #IRAQ #LONGESTWAR #TREASON #AFGHANISTAN #QUIDPROQUO #CRUSADES #22NDAMENDMENT #ALQAEDA #AUTOBIOD. +++

The Clintons prevent any “SHINING CITY ON A HILL” potential for, as Pope Francis seems of tag’d, Bill Clinton is too a Aaron of golden calf (original [sic] as typed Barabas), - his hyper-consumerism and risky loan “economics” were also of the Clintons having so fattened up the children of these united states that it wasn’t just as in http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT that the Clintons together fosters a diabetic problema, and later attacks, of them of a mea culpas!

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe enough, - - - But! But then how can he be enough removed from dark energy of the Clintons’ machinations in decades of lies, and also not to in bed with the Obama Administration, of a Clinton #FOB52 at least, for having since inauguration in 2009 having been thence since President Obama hour one as impeachable for lies effected to effecting a greater cover-up of the Clintons, and as 911 II was of such failing and falling to new cover-up(s) efforts so needed?

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe now even if Michael Moore historically corrects bias of FAHRENHEIT 911!

Vice President Joseph Biden seems not for a moment to have benefited like the Clintons since 911 I to what now is fodder for true journalists freed from the Bill & Hillary seductions?  The Clintons did blame Americans, not Senator Biden, after 911 I, - - - Vice President Biden may yet get to be President if only for months leading up to the November 2016 general election?

Bill’s & Hillary’s 911 I&II are of an already admitted culpabIlity and the ridiculous still postured proposition of a “PERFECT CLINTON.”  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate seems being corrected from “PERFECT” to “INDICTED” and as it is becoming more preposterous that there could ever have been a Bill Clinton but as too a Barbaras, - not “PERFECT” or suited to any SHINING CITY ON A HILL (metaphor)!  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate is that already it is extant that the scandal is of a house of cards of the Clintons as if allowed to be autocratic in a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional game of thrones Power.

Michael Moore, you at least did not figure the how, and why, to the who, when & betwixt of JP Hogan story when biasing 911 I as to all President George W. Bush’s fault.  The Clintons post attack behavior does still suggest greater a priori awareness, - premeditated low/base politics in a personal mantra/tao as if their law JDs were licenses to lie.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

Hubris or humility?  Hubris and humility?  Where to start?  How to start?

Some are already said press’n to: ALL TRUMP - ALL THE TIME media! - not HERE! not NOW!

Perchance a requisite toe in is to front an asking regarding marriage as to the Clinton marriage union. Is the professional union of the Clintons contrary to the essence of Catholic Marriage for the airs of them are that they as professional lawyers can, despite souls joined as one, be to annulled imports of the establishment of tenets of married, as per what Catholic?

Is it that the Clintons are too institutionalized even from Catholic think of separations by Rene Descartes as to too much of machinations, and as primarily devoid of a sagacious commonality?  Are there Descartian separations of the mind and body in how they, the Clintons, parse a convenient import of annulled to their them yet supposedly married - one united soul?

Is it that the Clintons as too institutional as firstly of machinations are un-Catholics more of Descartian but too of Oliver Cromwell, as too of that era so of the days of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower, - as to the Puritans of the colonies?  How can the professional separations abide of the Clintons as if they can willy nilly annul inconvenient unions in their Union; how can the Clintons have a personal marriage and too have a off switch for a professional as if their Union can be “UN” to separations of their soul?

But!!!  But this is too not supposed to be to ALL ABOUT THE CLINTONS - even most about Mrs. Bill Clinton!!!

Catholics are on the spot!  With every refugee story there is aired an expectation that with there now an American Pope there should be less a border between nations of the continents of Americas!  With every refugees story as related to Catholic morality there yet then in a money question for observance to an “if then” to a consideration that Rome should likely commit to more than just corner stones in the United States southwest but to a larger “bridge” for faithful of a dedication to a new great cathedral maybe for New Mexico.  With every refugee there yet is only some commonality to the politics necessary for civility as with property rights and of established and kept borders!

To Catholics we yet must be guardians as too for borders not UN-kept and too for marriages and not too like Clintons of a professional collusion as if professional in as of an UN-union!!!

Donald Trump to the Reagan Library CNN hosted GOP Debate is now off to the #TeamReagan races paradigm web as yet in a Romanticism rise marched and beat out by the “others” to a New Romantic Era into the void, and, forward, for now, Donald Trump is late to the races and still to proof a comity and copacetic of the basis for this new era as keystoned in President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II - for their professional unity.

Clinton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. are yet set asunder by their own, and historical, false pride;  Bill and Hillary are remembered as thinking they did since Yale Law School believe so in each other that they did believe each were smarter than the Founding Fathers, and the sum of the product of the Founding Fathers union.  It seems also remembered of the “air” of the, as I hash ‘em, as the #TheFullBillary, when necessary, that this divisible union, as for professional convenience, did also consider since the 1970s that they too were like of “we must be smarter too than the 80th Congress.”

The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library is an erection in poor taste too also skinned for the South, of Polshek drafted, as established as phallic and in a Confederate gray.  The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is artful and Presidential while the “ART” or “ARCHITECTURE” of the Clintons’ is an abomination, - as least to #Cats (categories) of “PRESIDENTIAL”!

The union, under our Union, yet of the Clintons’ joined soul, seems divided when convenient - quite so - YES!  The joined soul of the #TheFullBillary yet seems annulled only when they attempt to UN- to collusion and intimate knowledge a priori from mea culpa’s too clear/transparent.  We are at the posteriori with their a priori from moral the problema - concurrent - presently unresolved. The Supremes have ushered Same Sex Marriage to the states, albeit ahead of the donkey of due process and regular order, albeit ahead as “ordered” before states and localities yet of adequate time to review & amend related statutoried regulations. The Supremes have ushered yet of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender #LGBT ideologicals to that marriage is a union not as divisible, even for professional convenience, as the Clintons posture their own “union” as consummated.

Too simple for Catholics, but not parochial to fifth graders, however more in public than private, is the Clintons’ scandal of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton of a non-government server, for the Clintons “marriage” is yet half the picture of the improprieties while it seems a simple criminal possession can first be ruled against President Clinton for it has been from the beginning claimed that Mrs. Clinton did choose to use “Bill Clinton’s” server in lieu of the propriety in a proper and expected use of the Obama Administration records in-house methods; - - - it is that Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton did, also in a contrary to/for feminism, choose to have her emails seem/be the property of her husband, and not specifically property of her job or her BOSS’ Presidential records archivables.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now more than as if just a Republican mascot.  He is acceptable now, it seems primarily, as also apart of the long beat to and marched movement of the “others” to a new copacetic of comity with humility to a new regionalism in allowed federalism to a New Romantic Era.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now yet clear of a juxtaposed proposition that he will fall as like in a romance soap/novel as too the jock to Homecoming King who yet loses the charming Queen, of Homecoming, or cheerleader(s) to hard working nerd(s).

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

To the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library millions are, by the tens of millions expected, - - - even as millions who “couldn’t get in” who are “outside” but yet like still on their sea-side decks in New Jersey or Georgia.  Right, those who like can’t get in for they are yet willing and desirous but still thousands of miles away.  Is Donald Trump “pop” now as like proof of the “species” most targeted by the Administration of Barack H. Obama, for extinction, as not yet extinct or yet on the endangered list enough?

Senator Bernie Sanders while at Liberty quoting the Pope did enlighten this blogger to remarks from the The Pontifex I was not yet illuminated of while the brightness/lightness of such quothed yet harkened familiar to my own earlier espoused, and posted to shared with hashtags whence inclusive of at least this Catholic link: #Pope.

I have searched, and searched but cursively, or rashly, for my old remembered allusion to these times as wrong as if set to a new too institutionalized in a celebration wanting in a “Golden Calf” by Barabas.  I have so far only lighted upon scrolls on my tablets as by “GOLDEN” and yet likely metaphorical on my primary domain in the piece work of “GOD IS DEAD: AN AMERICA OF LIARS, CHEATS, & FRAUDS.”  I am left for now wondering if I but did hash #Pope to a Facebook.com/JPeterHogan quip on morality, or if I yet edited out my think as trite if too also clearly as of a GILDED CALF.

There are the 1-33 of economics treatments set aside anchored by WHITE COLLARED POSSE, as it introduces new economics theory of SUPPOSITYORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS, to THE KRUGMAN FALLACY yet for me and others to generally comb through for such catholic or Catholic metaphoricals on these problema concurrent to scandalous of Union(s). - - - The 33 #economics set aside and satellited from http://JPHogan.org of http://CitRB.net are free good reads maybe a BEST ON WEB FREE, as set in satire from 1-33 degrees of catholic considerations, - en massed to global intellectualism, hopefully.

These times leading to the CNN Debate of Donald Trump, beyond just a mascot, and the “others” is now yet synchronized to pop politics forward as to the “Post Obama Recovery” yet in a morality worked to newly by protestations concurrent by Jewish Senator Sanders, Catholic (Jesuit?) Pope Francis, and Protestant Trump.  Forward to win the future #WTF our #WINNING to yet arise to a “Post Obama Recovery” as from/to a GREEN MINIMALISM as the new “poverty level” in “PC” “political correctness” lingua franca, - - - and as to repaired from too retired of Democrats (necessary?) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!

I behoove the considerations of IMMIGRATION vs REFUGEES for all as to be considerate to a civil comity, yes for a liberal copacetic akin the Bible “nonsense” yet is par to “Democrats” “liberalism” and as the Nation the Union was subscribed to be a “liberal democracy” by way of being constituted by the People’s Order as a confederate republic, in form.

Practiced Christianity in suffice to nonsense! The Democrats did harm to Catholicism by Obamacare in National Socialism and for healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion, that the First Amendment was supposedly to bar Congress from any Law respecting.

The Democrats for Obamacare were for the Golden Calf of Barnabas as for a new “government” extra-Constitution yet consummated to a pop media modeling for a methodology from “religious” to centralized National Power more to a “just take a pill” corner stoned key’d methodologicals as to an end for parish or community by decreed jurisdiction over all bodies as subjects to which each so with then were to see their “neighbors” as the President’s subjects not to be cared for otherwise for then to be supposing that the President was fallible, and failing so bad his “patients” yet needed their “neighbors”!

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

And, now, with as much humility as seems apropos, I do accept that #FeelTheBern so upon #PopeFrancis as so been to being akin to blogged of me, of John Peter Hogan, - JP Hogan, even as I yet, for your convenience, am to finding that specifically I already so press’d “public” and to likely then of a #Hashtag’d #Pope, and yes @Pontifex, whence. 

I do not know if I yet will find the requisite historical for you, please feel free to look yourself, and in your own way!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:19 am

Girl, you got problems! Girl, there is no way your old man is perfect - - - even near PERFECT!

Straight outta common sense, street, — ain’t hip to jive so, - so mis-stressed.  He may be your beast of burden to your “Belle” - your evermore - ever since… - but outta the gutter’d his, - your old man’s as betwixt, and of so many to, between the donkey and the elephant, - http://bit.ly/DonkeyGonghttp://bit.ly/TheElephants - Politics!

Let us all beat the heck outta President Obama’s sandbox politik, - - -  We must! we must now! we must now smarten outta the “O ZONE” pedestrian of walking the mis-stressed of your old man, - The “Bill” - - - Your old man Clinton!  Girl, really, you got problems!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

The set asunder, to unrecoverable in the politik, too long from politics, - by Clintons’ dramatized real - though cover-ups!  Be gone!

Mrs. Bill Mrs. C “Hillary” - - - perchance too global already, not to be toyed with, the at http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubbyhttp://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY #HOGAN shared & tweeted - - - linked?  {* Linked here when to “hogan” here, but assorted not chronological, may at times open to first in scroll feed as the column from which found linked, - to like this one showing firstly though paired differently.}

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however titled, by now you must have tried to break free of a 3rd Clinton Presidency, Yes?  I don’t know how that can be possible for a “two-fer” and yet muse along with you, momentarily: 

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!

Toss out, - be done with - Mrs. Bill as if possibly ever to be a President Obama third’d - or repeat!  Let us limit the complexity to how we all are amongst a local and global conundrum set in a paradigm coy to your old man as a “PERFECT BILL”!

STREET! 4 ya old man:  Street! Bill Clinton cred is set asunder by presumptions, so ridiculous!

STREET! 4 ya postured quite dramatized #4real #OUTTA your thought buried by coy sandbox politik as assorted at http://JPHogan.org yet particularly as sampled by PUSSY RIOT? / THE AWAKENING / THE O ZONE / THE SUPPRESSION? / SURPLUS’D QUEEN / GUNS OF RODHAM, - - -  for starters.

Girl, more gonna read and to then outta stuck - OUTTA UNIFORMED VOTER - by of your contrary that just don’t jive complementary to each other or any lasting TRUTH - - - em sooner of later to be enough read in to a dichotomy at least some of Clinton triangulation, even to its coy by trichot’s, for Shakesperean in shared of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories - Oh yeh!!!

Girl, your days of postured playful as if it were intelligent play your sandbox elementary politik, are OVER!!!

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful (ignorance)!

President William Jefferson Clinton was an American president from 1993 until 2001!  It is not possible nor plausible that President Clinton was PERFECT!  Mrs. C. has problems, - that Mrs. Bill Clinton has PROBLEMS!  “Hillary”, however titled, has PROBLEMS!

Mrs. C. is for the campaign trail supposed to be honored with intro’s of her most recent job, and especially for mentioning as the highest paying job;  Mrs. C. @ #Hillary2016 is then supposed to be introduced not as Secretary of State … but as, if STREET!, as “First Mate Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton of the William Jefferson Clinton (family) Foundation…”!

Feminists your feminism however associated with the Clintons, is undermined as associated with the Clinton Foundation!

Feminists, have you yet been to http://CitRB.com and through its #Cats (Categories) at least to through its: WAR ON WOMAN?

If it is said “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” then the complementary #TRUTH figured is then that your old man “Bill Clinton” must be, and have been, PERFECT, - must then be 100% INNOCENT!  Let us play with this a little bit, - with you so coy in playful IGNORANCE!

Girl what have you got to say for your self re: 1993 - 2001, in defense of your old man, and in mea culpas for intellectual honest for #FEMINISM?  As First Lady Clinton you did crusade globally on women angst and some on women issues, - crusader you were and to inciting especially, STREET! - seems! - to Islamic marginal to radical.



                                          *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:27 am

Jeez Louise Mrs. Hillary Clinton! you have a Presidential Library designed (supposedly) for OFFICIAL RECORDS proper keep!

A great General is retiring today as the American flag is to be hoisted above Cuba! now General Ray Odierno deserves the defense in how Iraq engagement by Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and proper, albeit late, very late, - albeit as compromised by political activism of Senator John Kerry (for an anti-war revival #POP) from near as soon as President George W. Bush, with Congress support, had so many boots and equipment on the ground committed.

A great General is retiring today and so today is a great day to talk about how bad a Presidency the Clintons’ Administration was! now is a most appropriate moment to discuss the errs by “political” leadership as more long at fault than that at all of our Military decidings! today is a day to assess more than a prima facia due Clintons’ records hanky panky as per Cuba for today is like a fresh day we can all be cleaner with if to washing our thoughts and to ringing them out as of an if Camp Gitmo is where the Clintons deserve to be assigned! today is a day to wonder if there mustn’t be a #FOB52 - a full deck of 52 known accomplices - a “Friends Of Bill” too associated with that relates capitally to issues that go between “patriots” and if to “military tribunals” most apropos.

To how a great General is retiring, on the day that Secretary of State John Kerry is embattled for the #BadIranDeal, and to hoisting for the American Embassy in Cuba, - ceremonially, is good karma for freedom, due the juxtaposition(s).

Today is a good day to be here! today is a good day to use the #HOGAN #Cats (categories) for historical background (and to better reporting, and historicals)! today is a good day to start with bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/KerryByHogan ~ really! REALLY!

Our Generals, - Military Command Leaders - are admirable beyond an appreciated concurrent to these days of President Barack Obama compromised by Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry! generally it is lesser known, to unknown, how important the story of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories*  broaches, by the time you are washed over by enough of its particulars, of it of and related to Senator John Kerry undermining OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, that the tag line for Democrats #TRUTHS is quite simply they have been working to defeat the #USA defeat of #SOCIALISM since the end of the Cold War.

*[Yes, some #HOGAN links do open to sorted sets yet from a column newest, like now, as its opener/first, in scrollable.]

Generally it is so not admirable of a set of Democrats, at least Clinton Democrats, at least some to much a #FOB52 associated, by a conventional measure, as by of citizen review, how yet we can/must now clean ourselves up by cleaning out a that of the Clintons! these days are due an awakening superior to Hans Solo as encased justly, if, in carbonite, for his bad debt(s)! these days are capitol for a distinction between the political and military leadership, to the culpabilities at least rating “NEGLIGENCE” upon the decidings, political, by the Clintos’ Administration.

Rest in peace Robert Conquest! LONG LIVE Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice! long live! ~ LONG LIVE THE FREEDOM AGENDA, and however it still relates to #HOGAN #TCONF - “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM”!

Today is an especially apropos day, this August day, 14th solar, moon adjusted, in the Year of our Lord 2015, to be to and read through of the important of auto-bio’d as sorted of #CitRB by “Serbian” organized by bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary* — I can tell of having explained the FREEDOM AGENDA to Ambassador Ivan Vujacic, after I incidentally** ended up at the American Enterprise Institute for a lecture by Robert Conquest, and for the Serbian Ambassador sat down next to me — to that we sat through lunch talking for a half hour, - I do tell, — speak as a lay contributor of having shared so much originally his own strategery such that OFFICIAL RECORDS prudence has no gag order Power over my own historicals, - my so told, and still telling to deep background for so much.

**[I say so “incidentally” for my attending AEI even with Conquest was yet of me a day late for event I thought I was @!]

So President William Jefferson Clinton completely messed up the Middle East by too personal decisions in 1993 that then set up the rest of his term(s) as too compromised from a reasonable justice for all in a tradition akin our Constitution and Bill of Rights! today Secretary of State John Kerry is so to his hoisting as our hoisting above Cuba much yet as compromised for his personal politics to an anti-war revival that is rotten in his setting asunder OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, when in the Senate as Massachusetts’ Senator, in a treasonous for commenced really only after the brave of America and coalition countries had become boots on the ground committed! it is really important we at least now become behooved to beneficial truths now less a political mine field, of Clintons political machine defensives, to how smartly the warming with Irani, and Cuban, can be real - REAL!!!***







For today, I, John Peter Hogan, always just a private citizen, do offer too the shortcut bitly http://bit.ly/PettyTreason and as it behoove us all to consider TREASON of HIGH CRIMES, AND MISDEMEANORS, beggard to capital punishment debates!  today, now, is an apropos day of politics fit’n the fig’n forthwith of a #DEATHPENALTY good off the tables at least as long as CAMP GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Detention facilities - and freezing in carbonite are alternatives.

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, of @jphoganorg, of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan, do offer that it may only seem extreme to serve the Clintons and Kerry before President Obama, and yet that such is more better #BlackLivesMatter, and #feminism, - of for #equality!

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, globally know blogger of http://JPHogan.org, as my primary domain/homepage, suggest that we too as per #Iran, & #Cuba, must/can be considerate, newly, as regards any #DEATHPENALTY, that it may be just/justice for some to be condemned to death for their sins while yet improper, where alternatives extant, to ask any other to by premeditation do such as a killing.

For today, and forward, I, #PoetJPHogan, do stand by all my press’d words, albeit their may be typos, to it that we should consider an actual guilt of vast criminality, and long so by the Clintons machinations, and to it that it would be better to see them “Bill & Hillary” publicly shamed (for eternity?) by public display of them as by a sentenced:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 pm

As any art of “Hilary” when there a “Hillary” in the “rabbits” seems at least subconsciously of a “puritanical” objection of one woman of too many “L”s?

Mustn’t a prima facia of #ItsMeHilary” be a caked to wild protestant of a Hillary of too many (political) positioned postured?  Aren’t there two Mrs. Dunhams in one a #Girls of a one “L” Hilary?  If we must talk about rabbits mustn’t we tussle a warren two as an Ann Dunham?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

As President Obama is near the age most fathers of even one daughter think to having a shotgun, and VP Biden still, we have that Sasha and Malia are of a black father who has no sons.  To be hip to Lena Dunham however as a “Princess Leah” or “Padme Amidala” we can flush out a posterity that she yet is like “Ja Ja Binks” as quite a “Gunga Din” and more the “grandmother” than Hillary.  As this will be of a brevity of a President without sons it to be of a je suis satirism of what American daughters have born witness to (too much) of a world of “rabbits”!

I know not if President Obama is a father who would allow a son to get even one tattoo.  This is not about his daughters - it though must be about President Obama’s mother figures during his administration wanton now as if tagged of too many too “rabbits”!

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

Before President George Washington letter to the Jews, now still living in infamy of America as a land not to seed or grow a bigotry of tolerance, there was how is so claimed to have been he “repaired from retired” to be then from concerns of “impregnable fortitude” of their prophylactics (skins) of the day in sexual at home (with the books on sex he and Martha got from her parents library when they passed*) (*Read in a recent book about Washington) to established for the nation as best ready for governance inaugurated as Constituted for “among the vicissitudes incident to life…”!* (*See George Washington First Inaugural Speech text)

I do not recall if among Martha Washington’s parents books on sex so read of there was an original copy of a KAMA SUTRA.  The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s yet seems the Dunham the younger though old enough still. The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s seems to have been to President Obama as the older white surrogate mother figure in an Oedipal!  Lena as to a “Hilary” of a modest of one “L” seeming now an of #Girls and #ItsMeHilary yet seems the younger the older as a Dunham more like of an Ann Dunham alive and/or living on as a body guard to her granddaughters.

Secretary Hillary Clinton did amass a public record of seeming at times too emotional and too “(sexually) frustrated”!

I know not if Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton has a tat - has been tattooed!  She seems of a record of envy!

Dunham - Lena Dunham - Has yet been so as if of Tatooine “star wars” as well as if a “Nubian”? How of India tao?

Lena Dunham on “puritanical” stirs the “rabbits” of Rome linqua franca respecting procreation pros #creation.  Dunham as a body guard of #Girls as if the living Ann Dunham yet now seems conflicted of #ItsMeHilary of a prudence of “L”!  Hillary - How say you (as Oedipal’d)?  Who is R. Kipling’s MUNICIPAL “Mr. Binks”?  “LL” Hillary of Tripoli been “G” hazy? “LL” Hillary of Behouins “bed o’ wins” tri-pol-i?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There have been binders of women!  Muamar Qadhafi found of a binder of Ms. Rice but not of “LL” “Hillary”?

Who can deny that Mrs. Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton hasn’t performed like a cloaked Sith Lord devilishly?

America of these United States of America Constituted have a sworn President who negated his swearing near as soon as it was orated lastly so in his Second Inaugural Speech and moments of recorded oral exposits.  In such he near as soon as swearing to be Constitutional he did posture that he wouldn’t feel “beholden” the the “oath” just taken.

I must leave it now for furtherance of any imports to the women of Ann Dunham however as if of Ann Dunham as a grandmother surrogate or as a missed older white mother figure - as a “L” or “LL” tat’d of #Eloise Dunham.  Or yet for he President so w/o sons, of an age of “guarded”!

The world is now the “bunny ranch” common to President Obama’s postured, and as well of Pope Francis’ frankness.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the Hillary we all must dissect metaphorically and theoretically smartly firstly!

How is Mrs. “LL” Clinton so everything of the early feminist heft? of envy? so emotional? very moody? historically (bitter)?


Is it tea time for puritanical #reset #resets?  What of the “envy” of Mrs. Clinton, however, as a public figure due dissection and however much “gutting” to delve the depths for “psycho babble” en familia of a je suis Bill “LL” Clinton committed union?  Mrs. Clinton feminism is in jeopardy for the politics reigns of her disexpected to be of truth an option for as a spouse she is like sworn of oath and vows to not betray or incriminate her spouse - she is like disallowed from truth for the history is so much was her husband’s fault and she even as President Obama’s Secretary of State had to like be President Clinton’s lawyer first and to finding lies for the truth wasn’t allowed by her to be expressed even if prudent.


Like President Barack Hussein Obama’s Vice President “Joe” Biden has spoken to as like “home” security need just a shotgun - a shotgun to just shoot off into the air - he too as stood up a parable like in “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT”!  Vice President Biden postured is however as also of leading from behind yet a good tat upon the failures now of his own administration.  It seems beyond where Secretary of State had to avoid the truth and try to find lies to now violate her spousal vows to the improper husbandry of President Clinton - of all his years, not just the too ignored/forgotten of 1993-2001.

The future is rabbits! There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There too is an observation that those of the right as so amassed too in the new “TEA PARTY” have not shown any of the signs of sexual frustration.  There is these days #forward are for #Repubs much of a new #Washingtonian more than a new “puritanical” “oppressive” too of them like liberated (but as bad #rabbits) to now beat the beats for like a Republican “Woodstock”!  Even as TEA PARTY too of some “repaired from retired” too? And, too as of “impregnable fortitude” positioned?

I must leave it now for furtherance of any political or global imports to the posturing and positioning of President Barack Hussein Obama, the 114th Congress, any now public as if to 2016 as a contender.  It does seem the record shows “LL” Hillary has been of a clean and present record of having been too emotional and publicly of envy.  It yet though is to be seen if Repubs now are actually to an American Kama Sutra to share how they have endured to still endear as Constitutional, and if such then will be just a re-printing of an original original of a copy that George and Martha begot from her parents private library.  “Vicissitudes…”?



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

Women - yes, women most specifically - these times are different;  these are times now of #EqualPay with a new conundrum;  these are times of a paradigm for equal justice for all newly due an algorithm for feminism forward;  these are times for women to look at women as hard and long as any man should now judgementally;  these are times for all to look at women, however themselves a feminist or female lawyer of “professional” service, and frankly to discern that some women now should be so “accomplished” that it is fair for Posterity to decide them equal the worst men in history - due paying equally for being practicable as due the most severe penal!  Women, most specifically women, these times are different.

To preface the dire to follow, of straits most trespassed, and as to pay equal now as equal a worst man, let me suggest this link for a quick view of a YouTube entombed to help tune all to a solemn mood.  Here is a link to an old SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE #SNL skit;  http://bit.ly/PAXIL_SNL!

To be “in a Christian mood” let us see the beginning of life outside of Chelsea’s womb of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky as blessed in being of a good Christian name and the responsibility of communities and even villages therefore expectant;  To be “Christian” now, and yet judicial and prudent of a fair feminism forward, let us consider she a newest female of “Clinton” is named with premeditated Christian intent of a good Christian name - not just of a (secular) Power moniker;  To be “Christian” forward let us welcome #CCM “Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky” but recognize a Duty therefore may be to be to many, many, many prayers for her grandparents that they can yet be redeemed - let us, for Charlotte, accept a need, forward, of her grandparents of redemption beyond mere “political redemption”!

To be judicial this too is now prescribed by concurrence of women now so progressed in feminism gains that Attorney General Eric Holder as a first black of such high office may find it unwise to leave office without preceding legally against top women.

Not to do the work of Eric Holder, as the Attorney General of the Obama Justice Department, and however firstly black and so also of concerns like around Mrs. Clinton, of pitfalls in practice from racing to the top in affirmative action plus plus banding, it is that this is to be structural for Justice but more in a #TopTen or #DirtiestDozen befitting a comedic satirical of late night television, but not only for paid cable channel standards.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, as #FLOTUS - First Lady of The United States - is more now as if in a pickle barrel than merely “in a pickle” judicially.  Mrs. William J. Clinton, as #FLOTUS, did incite across the Middle East, at least, and as chided by President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech targeting of a foreign policy adage of there dangers from avoidance and inaction.  Mrs. Clinton, however, is now no longer of a staff position in an administration nor a seat in Congress;  Mrs. Clinton is now herself also removed from National Security buffers for personal liability in culpability;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite rather than act during her reigning with WJC in their Power intimacy;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite across the Middle East, at least, and when it was more dangerous even than the real dangers palpable from their (joined) decision to be more of avoidance and inaction and of the tag of “American abandonment”!

See, now, why it may help to have viewed the Paxil_SNL video?  See, now, how it may behoove all to review too President Barack H.Obama oratory as archived as his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech?  Or as conveniently bitly here with http://bit.ly/Nobel_Obama?

Though President BHO did admonish and chide the Clintons’ eight years he didn’t specify how his Secretary of State choice was too compromised for having a legacy already too much of marshaling greater dangers and more dangerous times by at least a collusion in intimate avoidance and inaction - of being of eight years of abandonment of just the women of Afghanistan and Iraq while it was simple “diplomacy” that the The United States of America for recent past of in country involvements was thus of a right to return and show timely care - timely caring!

We are now progressed with feminism so far that we must also look at there being problems in any Mrs. Clinton, candidate, of at least ten realities also necessary of a due querious too in lingua franca concurrence that are irreconcilable from all discussions of perils of too much affirmative action for any.  I do not, in my lay, see how the “First Black Attorney General” can leave his office with chin up and of pride if he isn’t to looking at Mrs. WJC, at least, as a woman now equal some of the worlds worst ever men and due to pay equally for being equally of guilt;  I do not, in my lay think, fathom any twaining for the last stretch of AG Eric Holder if it without marking off a comparable while others have jurisdictions to compete per rending justice upon Mrs. WJC, at least.

A child has been born - a new Clinton has begun its life/living outside of her womb - a child may now to be of the Hope in Christianity of people of the known world, where ever, of praying and prayers that her grandparents despite these #TopTen tags of culpability are yet enough of a potential for redemption however such beset in the reality of politics and Justice that Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC are soiled in a stink of their own historical at least as for being of a clear pathology of PBHO’s “dangers” from “avoidance” and “inaction” as if the parents of the terror attacks of 9/11 I & II.  It is inescapable, for any redeeming for Charlotte of her grandparents, how the logic Nobel of PBHO is that their historical avoidance and inaction was at least causal to catastrophes of them at least of negligence to gross negligence each in their own ways, however, manly or feminine.

RELIGION:  For Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky to have the potential of a great Christian life now and forever forward many many many prayers will be needed for redemption to be of Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC if and when they too join in a penitence practicable to being redeemed, however. 

FEDERAL ELECTIONS:  For parity and Justice there can be no candidate Clinton for a new HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, and as it is that there never was any for the first of 2008.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is undecided Constitutional writ it remains that a wife is a spouse and equal under the Constitution inseparable as a half an equal and so that until the Supreme Court renders some specifics to decide initially its import to elections it is fair and a People’s Duty to tag any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL, even TREASON.

AFGHANISTAN:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the women, of Afghanistan.

IRAQ:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the Shia women of Iraq.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT:  Mrs. WJC did by insisting on having a West Wing staffer job while the #FLOTUS did undermine feminism and workplace standards for equality.  It was a big mistake that Mrs. WJC was of a “staffer” position while the spouse to the Presidency indivisible.  It is a big mistake to not look at her so as of a bad “feminist” model for workplaces anywhere, however, for having asked to be officially subjugated under her husband while “officially” indivisible as an equal by the marriage laws of their union. As First Lady the President as a male spouse was yet of the Law of the lands that his practices political, however “executive” precisely, were so that marriage equality wasn’t allowed to be set asunder even as so in tasking his spouse as an “official” underling subjugated in Duty in an office hierarchy of the West Wing structures.

SECURITIES/SHARED WEALTH:  Whether for the FBI, SEC, FEC, or just Justice we have it now that all the finances of the “The Clinton” are fair game and of a Duty too of Congress in oversight in rights to preserve and protect the Union under Article One prescriptions.  These days post a QUID PRO QUO rendered upon one Virginian Governor now alights it too of the Clintons that another Virginia Governor has too long also been like too much of political QUID PRO QUO, however it more the Clintons in his pocket then him firstly in their pockets.  It is that was have the Clintons move to New York and as if the New York Senate seat of Senator Patrick Moynihan had been arranged to be next for Mrs. WJC - by political partisan dealing done, it seems, from within the Clintons’ White House.  It is that there is said a “DEAD BROKE” motivation behind all the potential servable as improper QUID PRO QUO how the Clintons to be in New York City, however as carpetbaggers charm, were to asking Big Bank friends (political associates merely?) to be to like gifting PWJC for Carnegie Hall Tower near penthouse rents as gratuities for the Clintons have like made them all so much money with their derivatives politics.  Mrs. WJC is inseparable for a bad feminism for being so to being Senator at least for having been too nearly so clearly and like permanently of an obvious QUID PRO QUO just of being party to the asking of banks to be to paying, again gratuitously, as much of the rent for a Time Square near penthouse suite for her spouse.

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS:  #ICC is now likely of a jurisdiction around and ready to be over Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as corporate global people of their meddling international “initiatives” of their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES.  It seems the ICC can rival even Attorney General Eric Holder now for prudence more judicial of the “The Clinton” as arrestable at least some for fraud, and more maybe for negligence of conduct(s) unbecoming a former First Couple of The United States of America.  It seems even if the Clintons do not step across newly the threshold of candidacy for President they are of such a fog of culpability that the ICC should at least be to considering an officially worked airing through “audits” to discern in a spirit of trust busting some being allowed to much trust internationally.

CONGRESS:  Per the Duty of the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE there is that beyond a cover-up having been enough found to proceed towards a “HOW CRIMINAL” such as a new criminal cover-up it is that the “feminist” in Mrs. WJC is long inconveniently proud of a hard line against President Richard Milhaus Nixon of it that people need go to jail when a President is determined even of such as a lesser and less tragic cover-up practices.  Mrs. WJC has much floated the boat that now is rightly of her to be beset upon as a prison ship however;  Mrs. WJC had vast motives to be so necessarily of a cover-up after the Benghazi attacks and so that the President now may be more protected than President Richard M. Nixon was whence priorly.  Though a cover-up was seemingly necessary, even though a worst case scenario always, especially, it is that it wouldn’t be fair to prosecute the President until his Secretary of State firstly is fully implicated beyond an already admitted sad culpability.  It may not be fair considering the fog of marriage of a joined culpability for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, due their political ambitions and on going selfish global machinations for Powers, to even ever maybe specifically dissect PBHO as much as PRMN was for it would be too complicated and unfair of all affirmative action standards to separate an clear Obama guilt from the already broached and confessed iceberg of Clinton culpability, at least also of an executive negligence.  It seems prescribed by the Clintons own history and campaigned on pride that the House is well within its rights and of a Duty to actually move that Mrs. WJC at least is due prison time;  Mrs. WJC had the mean, motives, and opportunity so of the already enough admitted improper (illegal) cover-up.  Mrs. WJC essentially had to lie from the start to hide how the Clintons had (trapped?) PBHO into lying for them from hour one of day one and so by a cover-up effected as initialized within his First Inaugural oratory.  She played, however if “feminist” as in feminine, yet with absolutes that makes Congress’ work at imprisoning simple and easy;  Mrs. WJC dangerous set up the “The Clinton” in an absolute as if “IT COULD BE NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” by being party to it as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as taggable as an illegal and imprudent actual “cover-up” where only a simple lie like now being investigated around any lies just of the Benghazi Cover-Up as a lie big enough in a contrary that was needed to repair and maintain newly the bigger cover-up of the Clintons then to fall apart if a new cover-up not affected.

BREAK:  So where were we?  So where are we?  Need I spell out a ten of a #TopTen or even be to a dozen of a #DirtiestDozen?

RACISM - EQUALITY:  Can we yet imagine that Attorney General Eric Holder, however or especially for being a “first black”, is possibly to leave his high office as said in December without moving ranks towards a servicing on the Clintons even maybe justly for charges of TREASON?  AGEH has competition and a clock running for legacy;  AGEH may not want to let even the Congress or the ICC steal the show now seeming staged and quite ready for a rending of justice, however lately, upon the “The Clinton” at least as on Mrs. WJC but as is seems inconscionable that Mr. & Mrs. Clinton aren’t enough from sharing, however - however a parity to be figured beyond comity in comedy of what would be equal paying for the man or woman?

ME / MINE:  And this now, all in the light concurrent that both Clintons are not of “official” executives, or of Congressional Duty, or offices but of the offices of Trust and Profit they are maintained in, with vast taxpayer allowances, there is that I must consider I have been two decades plus at defending my intellectual property from seemingly provable felonious premeditated property “theft” by the BOGO “two-fer” First Couple and since Clintons, and so that I may be now well in my rights to move to sue them and maybe for damages in lossed profits that could be fairly measurable as just even if over $100 Millions.  See Attorney General Eric Holder did support my rights so to such while initially with PBHO of a dictate to him that I was in my rights to stop him from use of my intellectual property.  This is a story now of the Clintons also more easily in my reach as the Government of the The United States of America is Constituted to be likely soon to rivaling what we could too be seeing to ragging on any righteous “feminism” of Mrs. WJC, as if such should trump - trump especially as due her in affirmative action.  This is now a story of 2008 of the struggles mine to protect me/mine from further uses and reuses, improper and unauthorized by the Clintons, specifically yet as it is that the Bush Administration, towards Justice Posterity, and too Attorney General Eric Holder, have stood up my rights such that the Clintons old uses and attempts, however successful, in reuses were of them now seemingly affirmed as necessarily then, however, of such that I can now pursue maybe too as if felonious premeditated thieving.

NOTE:  For now as it though seems I could seek #DAMAGES of $100 Million plus from any assets “CLINTON” it may too I have many other agencies who could get in line first and firstly lay claim to that much or actually all of the personal wealth of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  For how many can now maybe compete and to fines or compensation from the assets of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton it may not be rational for me myself to yet pursue for a mine in Justice due to how many official NEGLIGENCES may also need be proofed towards such to maximizing damages from exposing all aspects of cover-ups and negligence - at least all motives for a Benghazi cover-up to further hide too many lies also maybe righteously of fraud that SIMON & SCHUSTER could join against “HILLARY” just for false representations in her HARD CHOICES.

GUIDANCE:  PLEASE RESPECT - BE REPSECTFUL - RE: http://JPHogan.org!!!  Many also conveniently sourced by http://bit.ly/TheElephants could be just as easily ordered as a DIRTIEST DOZEN in object and satired yet - especially links of http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY; http://bit.ly/PettyTreason; http://bit.ly/TheEnabler; http://bit.ly/ReadyForHillary; http://bit.ly/LongestWarhttp://bit.ly/RUNFORCOVER; and, http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary all can yet be ranked at least for a fuller #TopTen causal to any praying now for any possible redemption metrics if right to be however meted for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  Note: It is now for these so linked that this new column presents on many of these links yet as the newest now sorted among such collections, however some are quite more damming and voluminous than others.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:11 am

Teach a child, a boy, how to be in service as a gilly and you’ve taught a boy how, also, to teach others to fish.

There are politics in it that Chris Christie is the Governor of the PORCELAIN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

There are scandalous in the Posterity Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, permitted in a clear phallic, as long as it may endure, for the Clintons’ legacy of Presidential so inartfully established, as figured by Polshek, to satisfy William Jefferson Clinton, and as so Southern clad in a Confederate Grey, as their “library.”  Mrs. Clinton, however, is culpable, in it established, in architecture, in the The Natural State, that there is a gross fulness for studying “Bill” forward, and as proudly of infidelity and as a ‘THE BLOW JOB PRESIDENT”!  It is hard to see Hillary Rodham Clinton, now however, if in politics, as in politics however merely intra-party and polarized, yet as being to asking Democrat women to think - to think freely - to think independent of a hierarchy of and for William Jefferson Clinton - to think freely from her Posterity legacy, however structural.

There is morals to speak to, and think about, before any to a blind faith forward in compliant Clinton partisanship.  There is a less civil “popular” to be restored to Posterity for Tranquility in general Welfare ordained and Ordered in popular governance in republican establishments.  There are amorals to tag - to reduce to outlet after-market branding as if of cut retail branding - to cut the tags of for more honest retail politics marketing.  The Clinton brand must be discernible not to enough as being DAMAGED - of too many damaged “goods”!

Teach a young adult, enough yet educated, and female, to be of consideration of service and now aware there is a warring commenced that must broach what civil is, and what civil was, and such young women may be able to be reason as now more free if able to use learning - to use learning for politics that one can be freer if now in “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” assimilation to Mrs. Clinton and her “politics” selfish for sustainable “legacy.”

I do not know whom now may be a modern Mark Felt to Director James Comey.

I do get that the legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi still rivals, in devotion to the “politics” of President William Jefferson Clinton, greatly all “loyalty” and “devotion” thought otherwise as rivaling the Power(s) by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

It seems that to President Clinton at least a drama persists that for though Hillary Rodham was of impeaching President Nixon for less deadly cover-ups the legacy of Deep Throat politics plays out with all expected to ask if George Stephanopoulus more a “Deep Throat” than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and if so how David Gergen may be more of a “Girl Friday” to Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton, even as she may yet have been for Posterity in legacy yet the most a “Deep Throat” to “Bill”!

It is true that I knew Mark Felt’s secret since before the Watergate break-in was a bungled Federally justified probe.  It is true that I was motivated to protecting a new next gen from the Clintons when I challenged JK. Rowling to write seven books for magic study with each book a next school year with more advanced evolved curriculum.  It is also true the THE GILMORE GIRLS show evolved as from creationism mine, for some my female cousins of Baltimore, Maryland, from that day I drove through and by the Gilman School for Boys and wondered what type of show could be sustained too of my guidance, some, to be yet entertaining specifically firstly for my female cousins, however one a Yale graduate, while of siblings who were of the Gilman School, and as it known of a legacy as an Ivy League feeder/preparatory school.  My oldest sister grew up, however otherwise partisan, to be now married as a Gillman and in cable media sales as a top female executive.

It seems though maybe sad to Democrat women, yet free to think “politically” that Governor Sarah Palin is, though of LIPSTICK ON A PIG adage, yet now a woman liberated politically and doing more to ask all women to think - and to think more.  It seems Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is an island among Democrat Women and actually to asking Democrat women to think more than Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton ever will ask men or women.

Senator Warren is nearly to be more insurgent against the “THE CLINTON” than blind partisan as now of fidelity to the idea that BANKERS SHOULD GO TO JAIL.  It seems better to think of Governor Palin and Senator Warren forward of an cause crossed for liberation;  It seems carroling Patriotism is yet joined La Femme Feminist at least for forward progress of among certain to life vicissitudes incident to daily local and global politics; it seems two women are asking at least all women to look beyond lipstick or however caked on merry Kay Clinton base pancake - and as if now pancake cover on donkies; it seems there are liberated women at least of Governor Palin and Senator Warren whom are asking women to think and to AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL yet of banking scandals for Democrats too of North Carolina - to till’d cleaning up for more, forward, bountiful more natural harvest seeded by better tilling forward of seeds, however for waves of grain, yet to endear and endure for purple mountains majestics.

Senator Kay Hagan, and Mrs. Clinton, however of politics so long, of politics so long it as if she is so for legacy, and Posterity, of HRC of oldest profession.  Where there now may be feminism as liberated and so that the old boys club of back rooms, and coed gyms, are now to “civility” at if and when Senator Kirten Gillibrand said pressured as if now “too porky” there yet still has to be the old boys on old boys humor whence “peer pressure” expected “peer pressure” if any of politics however partisan to any concern of a brethren yet become too much - become to engirthed as of pork as “porky”!  Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, like Senator Kay Hagan for both being of BIG BANKS banking states seem irreconcilable from the Clintons and of H. Rodham Clinton when Senator H. Rodham Clinton, herself, as now of a war between Democrat women where Massachusetts’ junior Senator, also Democrat woman Elizabeth Warren, is blazing a herding even as it may clearly brand at least Gillibrand, Hagan, & Clinton as too close to any BIG BAD BANK - any BIG BAD BANKERS.

Beyond how compromised Mrs. Clinton is, however of all the “CLINTON BOGO ‘TWO-FER’” irreconcilable culpabilities, it firstly is a concern that the Posterity for the “THE CLINTON” is yet supposed to endure as if even right that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library was worked and erected so phallic and gray and to endear and/or just endure for a popularity for Democrats, at least, of “Bill” a BLOW JOB PRESIDENT.

How are we to discuss or discern Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton of an ability to catch fish, fish, or guide and teach fishing?

It seems she a woman a Democrat now too close to BIG BAD BANKS and already hooked quite by Senator Warren and her terra firma for a new Eden (even for North Carolina)!

Maybe by investigating the partisan tills to catching any too much of such till’d to better seeding and harvests forwards with more honest “farming” and “fishing” cornucopias cultivated in better popular governance in republican banking?

Yet to till is IS - is establishments of the apples of Eden are ripe - ripe for a more civil popularity - carefully reset now firstly about Democrat women at least seeming too loyal to “Bill” to be forever forward as loyal as Mark Felt was thought in partisan attack politics as a man so of President Richard Milhaus Nixon he now is like a model for understanding the more “boy” George, George Stephanopoulus for Posterity for President William Jefferson Clinton.

As Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is at least now seemingly enough a peer to Governor Sarah Heath Palin for being a leader, an example for girls and women, engaged to seeding future harvests for AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL cornucopias stockable with banks cleaned out from politics of too many to much on Democrat fields not tilled to new and less caked prima facia governance:



Are things ever again to be possibly to “going swimmingly” if Democrats school as if schooled only for swimming together under a branding to branded yet first devotional to the Posterity of William Jefferson Clinton?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:55 am

What are the attributes pertinent?  What is the full range, and diversity, of so much this attributions valuation for corporate responsibility must be towards navigating?  Has Time Warner persisted in undermining the value of some great assets by the too regular airing of CNN yet as if a “Clintons’ Nonsense Network”?  This is serious business for this fall it isn’t just Dinesh D’Souza after his book “AMERICA” touring highs to be an author set low and to some time of arrested imprisonment.

So Jon Stewart is entertaining (with) thoughts of CNN worth buying as worth near $10 Billion smackers.

Indian born Dinesh D’ Souza is said to be staring down a possible two years in the “BIG HOUSE.”

For now not even CNN is known to have attributed enough seriousness to the Clintons’ cover-ups and the Benghazi Select Committee looming now ahead of Mrs. Clinton, author, for a fall of a very public fall too.

For now not even CNN is known to have asserted that Mrs. Clinton while “HARD CHOICES” bombing compared to the expectations as inevitable to success such that a $14 Million reported advanced (not as political - quid pro quo - patronage - campaign covert funding through CGI).  So much is attributable to Mrs. Clinton that as Dinesh D’ Souza book, with accompanying movie, top her book he may take solace in how she, of the uncovered cover-up, and for her career of helping set and keep a Democrat standard for imprisonment of any of an admin found to be of a “cover-up” without murder.

This fall however of a fall for author D’Souza is justly now set up to be a fall too for a fall of author Mrs. Clinton.  Mrs. Clinton is at risk of judgements rendered of the “WATERGATE” political standard seriousness and for the yet already partially uncovered cover-up that involves murdered far more significant that the possible two years for “AMERICA” author.  Mrs. Clinton has already (inadvertently) admitted incompetence and too before Congress, while of her outbursts seeming of a contempt for Congress, of admitting culpability for the events of a prosecution due for illegal cover-up of the jurisdiction of the Benghazi Select Committee.

How and why is any attribution for considerations of the HARRY POTTER licensing now pertinent to CNN valuation? Who’s his daddy?

Is it that Mrs. Clinton, at least, has been uncovered to be a mortal more just a “muggle”?  Is it also inconvenient that Mrs. & Mr. Clinton have too long been cloaked in attributions, generally, that cannot now be established as honestly fitting them, and so exposed uncovered from being able of use to mitigate comparative guilt in a spectacle to any “good character” - really?

To protect its licensing and grand asset associations with the standards and honor of “HOGWARTS” & the “HARRY POTTER” casts mustn’t CNN, at least of Time Warner, to be now ceasing and desisting from being too “CLINTONS’ NONSENSE NETWORK” forward and specifically away from attributions presumptions cloaking still?  Right!  It is that the idea of “HOGWARTS” was to fill a void in my neighborhood for a likewise small group of children when about 7 years from college and to opines of “don’t move away Peter - we have fun when you are around”?

The facts are that the legend of HARRY POTTER was fig’d and to the challenge to JK Rowling so to, for my benefit some, be yet (covertly) to proving I could repeat the breadth of musing I did before 1993 to make the Clintons seem electable enough, and, too to be to, while so knowing of the Clintons, to working a way to protect a new generation of the world’s youth from the Clintons.  I have, as many of CNN must have born witness, however whence as my Facebook friends, or otherwise social media associated, yet established the point that where the Clintons have again and again proven themselves incapable of a repeat I have yet repeated and repeated but not towards maintaining still a cloaking of their errs.

It is too much so that CNN can be said to have long been too much to cloaking the Clintons and with attributions not pathologically honestly theirs or any theirs deservingly.  It is too reasonable to posit that CNN has too long, to the detriment of many, been too much as if more a CLINTONS’ NONSENSE NETWORK than of agents for the real attributes of many of the stories yet worked and produced to much to cloaking them, & undermining my rightful too.

It is historical that “HOGWARTS” were so mused from me to me as the father of “HARRY POTTER” as he of the prophecy in marketing with confidence in vast and great reaping of sown to profits.  To be what it was as both a filler of the void I was to leave such youths of my neighborhood, to be defensive against the Clintons as proof of my ability to repeat at such a global level, to also be a bulwark for a new generation as protection from the Clintons I know with any “cloaked”, and to protect how much else I was still doing politically for positive change, it is and was that JK Rowling was under directions to not attribute me at all as the muse and supporting source of so much about the challenge to 7 books to so replace me and have her as a distant mother yet towards my aim that such be to helping my young neighbors survive my absence and be yet to growing up less as dirt under my skin as if a wart and to being good wards, hopefully.  And yet as JKR was under instructions to not attribute or expose me such was, as recalled, only contractually address for the publishing rights for the seven books, with any movie or theme park rights, and any merchandizing rights, too yet then of first book contract yet of such to be a bridge to maybe cross later.

I have no idea yet how or what I mean to do about all this.  I have been also a musing of STRIKE known to JKR and so since Clintons first initiated HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.  I haven’t felt my rights at risk while yet it has been quite complicated for me to move to expose my attributes per such as to do so I much have to expose the Clintons firstly more as frauds of having been cloaked much.  Yes, it was my hope that the seven book challenge as originally outlined would yet work without such a focus by JKR to yet be to my benefit - to be of my hopes to protect a new generation from the Clintons I have known since before “WATERGATE.”

It is still complicated news for my story to be told broadly without it of my history of more credibility to so much still too attributed to the Clintons.  Right - HOGWARTS, however if from “HOGAN & WARTS” and of the new unknown author JKR of guarding herself if it were to fail by it so conveniently named yet to tag the muser of the 7 book challenge, is from my looking for an unknown foreign author willing to right about a “Peter Rowe-ling” and posse, as I started it, and around he then of starting magic study and while of round black glasses and black hair.  “DUMBLEDORE” was animated for such basis for “HARRY” as for his home’s front door a double “Dutch” door to be also magical as of it a double door, and purple, where the top could open separate from the bottom.

So really Jon Stewart how can Time Warner or its CNN be worth clearly now any certain amount?  Did you know “EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND” is also from a basis around a old New Haven, Connecticut friend as how GRIFFEN HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM DOORS became those animated for GRYFFINDOR and so to also balance how so many of the root character were so “medical” of Yale University Hospitals?  This friend was in PR and yet because of having offered me a half a egg salad sandwich while concerned that I as Director of Support Services for the then commenced New Haven Area Special Olympic Games may have been forgetting to eat to my later cross-seeding for JKR and too the EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND as also around a real Officer Barone then also of games volunteering.  Raymond was a fitting character name for such to be supportive of my media career while one of 28 grandchildren of Arthur M. Menadier who started his career as a Boston sports writer.  Some of my cousins, much more of the global music scene then resided on a Raymond Place.

As I can and should uncloak the Clintons and for a full rendering of an arresting justice for at least Mrs. Clinton via the jurisdictions at least of the House Benghazi Select Committee it remains a conundrum for attributions as per CNN at least to how to now tell the truth without at least myself being to any inadvertent revaluation of the good of “HOGWARTS” and all about “HARRY POTTER.”  It is some simplified as “CORMORAN STRIKE” now is alive to live a related characterization more as if the founder of “HOGWARTS” than as if a new “HARRY POTTER.”  It is interesting too that my friend who used to be a chief accountant for ESPN is whom my friend who incidentally sparked me to concerns to concerns pushed for the creation of “EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND” - He now I believe is the top accountant for Ann Taylor.

Though I first crossed ambitious wiring with Commissioner Bill Bratton in 1987-1988 in Boston when news was that he was to be heading up Massachusetts state wide municipal force that was the most neglected and maybe ignored in the state - though I first crossed and worked ambitions collaboration with a wiring with him whence it is interesting and related that though his first thought was to me “don’t laugh at my fleet of green cruisers” (like) it is later when I emailed him while he was Commissioner in Los Angeles with my advice that he retire or resign so not to be caught as the Obama administrations top scapegoat for what I then was expecting to be statistically true for increases in crime - though, that is, while he first said not to laugh so to me it is while he was considering my later advice that he seemed to burst into a laugh realizing my “politics” was of taking on the “The Kennedy” - as if taking on the legacy of the late Kennedy brothers.

So, at least to me what can a value be for CNN?  I mean it seems that there are historic corporate responsibility issues that may be justifying a “official” courtly to remediate if an amicable way not forthcoming as much of a prosecution for the fall of Mrs. Clinton should necessitate a revaluation of all said as if “news” as if properly attributable to either Mrs. or Mr. Clinton.

My “Mad Man” grandfather was an “Arthur” whose standards, however liberal American as Washington’s, yet seemed to be for me to be if likewise to his success as needing a courtly and general corporate standard even greater than the Kennedy brothers lost, and so really much higher that especially those said as of the “The Clintons” that they oddly are not generally known in “news” as long unable yet to repeat.  What can any valuation of CNN be without a more honest one of Mrs. & Mr. Clinton and for not themselves enough at least of the higher standard of the “The Kennedys”?  I was born to choose to be as much of any legend of my grandfather “Arthur” as I might yet attempt and maybe succeed to as of a wizardry in marketing prophecying.

Chances are there are very amicable ways for me, when clear of the inappropriate cloaking of the “The Clintons” “politics” not enough “news” and “history” to yet be known for that which was of my broadly and globally repeating with my 7bk challenge to JKR yet of my first go at it of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that now still best explains the successes and unexpected rise of the Clintons - yes, the Clintons I have known since about a first grader and they Yale Law co-eds not married and just Bill and Hillary.

It seems CNN isn’t alone now in a duty at “news” to separate the “The Clinton” from at least all this just shared of the “The Hogan” more pathologically honest and truly to the genesis or origins related.  But, again, CNN isn’t supposed to undermine the valuation of the necessary and proper attributes of Time Warner vast licensing of assets, however, in the “HARRY POTTER.”

                                         *     *     *

And, yet otherwise, to news of plagiarisms, by Democrats, but as for these imports, of Clintons’ inappropriate uses, and outright misuses, we have that Democrat Senator John Walsh story has refreshed my visceral experienced smarting of the 2004 Convention speechifying of “Barack Obama” as some of his breakout speech had me stirred in objection as the original thinker and writer of the rhyme and reasoned verse I was of hearing from afar a someone (maybe then Senator John Kerry) be to saying nearly “use these lines” “make them your own” and “put a black face on them.”  I at least have learned since reading “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” very early “memoir” that the “Barack Obama” if that his authentic personal style was so remarkably away from his own style when to that I so experienced with visceral smarting about he of his break out at the Democrat Party Convention of 2004.  Such is of the essence of the above mentioned so yet of the actual written words in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM which so later also had me needing to flex a polite cease and desist to Howard Dean when he wasn’t just misappropriating from such but so was to me, knowing my original compositions, was yet using my improved race relations new media writing yet by unauthorized use in speeches to inner city black youths with his message yet DON’T STEAL.”  Again, I have known “Barack Obama” at least as “B.O.” of Hawaii to be four years older than me and of an interest in Presidential oratory since the late 1970s.  He in now way, and still nor did the Clintons after the 1992 election, have any authorized use to present as if their own material so significantly or vastly similar in tone, timing, and message mine.

For now I too have yet to decide what to do about the specifics of President Barack Hussein Obama’s breakout speech of the Democrat Convention of 2004 and to the specifics of how with it experienced as an attempt to present mine as his and with it then forward as Democrat and black it is yet of them thinking lawyerly defensible as if similar and flattery and not identical - while yet so that such was visceral and smarting to me knowing the origins and political workability and practicable benefit in being enough just like to identical.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:37 am

Once we all broke the banks, however lately, in the early 1990s, from their too @ “untouchables” zoning with red lines we were free, more together as equals, and set on these paths to all homes a castle of where the hearts are.  Once we all broke the banks so of their old tired and too true as zoned in differents aparts walled we were too on the path to a politics now firstly to asking if at least successful blacks are not now guilty, as guilty, for not “giving back” enough.

We are all too much of a 99% as an ignorant people to how much of all this the Administration of the Clintons just inherited.  We are fit to be reunited to truths, more reasonable, than the politics since, now sooner than later.  We are fit to be freely pressed to a new awareness of the Clinton 1990s more historically accurate as a THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.  As much as the “The Clinton” inherited blessings of so many of so many chains coming off the old of banking zone defenses it is yet too true how the Clintons are of an essence, political, and as if economic, to setting up days for the old bondage to be resecured.

This essay is for a treatment of corporate responsibility and parameters not to be to fully undressing the history of whether successful blacks or the Southern white “Clinton” most to blame for such bad times returning - for so many of times of assets appreciated to heart filled homes depreciated.  #FORWARD our first steps are best at the threshold of how so much of these days of suffraged suffering of from the “House of Clintons.”  This would be more self evident if “The Clinton” not now so #HARLEM and to having had the #Clinton #BigBank “friends” agree to cover the near penthouse suite rents of his desires so high above the THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM of CARNEGIE HALL TOWER.  There is little for them to deny while so much they may first and for years attempt to deny;  The Clintons, so, would be so more self evidently if of CHT and set in their splendor so regally of public knowledge of rent paid gratuitously by the Big Banks as emoluments for their “politics” of asking for the derivatives gambling.

It is not now of IF WE NEED BLAME THEM but to now, finally - near finally of our national politics - that we discern for Posterity how much we all everywhere need realize they are all or mostly actually to be squarely blamed.  It is time to curb the blessings of what they inherited so that the doors are open so all can more clearly see what was of their times beneficial and that which was just of them and their own capability.  Right!  Instead of being in Harlem so like of a political camouflage the “The Clinton” could be so high above the “PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!” prudence ensconced in luxury afforded seemingly as from bank quid pro quo, or maybe derivatives graft.

What is a JOB?  What if you were the founding framers with GOOGLE or BING and a BIBLE app would you find if of searching the Testaments by “JOB”?  Is a “JOB” but that of People’d people and the shared human electric as poetry electric as “religion” of the forces and wattage/voltage of the electricity of shared humanity songs of bodies electric?  By what ones find in “JOB” searching mustn’t all be so of doubts and doubting of a reality that there can only be freedom “of religion” not freedom “from religion” for it of a He as of a shared “Force” field where all are apart however not wholly?  Mustn’t a “JOB” in any corporation yet be of a fit to the rights in commissioning of a mission corporal in at least the rights by The United States of America constituted as in rights established and ordained of rights at assembly and expression?  Can any said “JOB” be separated from His “JOB” and His rites?

The “The Clinton” may have cornered the political benefits of them more at inheriting the undoing of the zoned bondage in the old chains of banking with discriminatory red lines.  Seems!  But, the “The Clinton” showed truer colors for traditional ways to their vast patronage banking - as now so questionable while however clearly evident of CGI accountability - of a common core so intimate and rotten in the selfish politics for short-term gains from unnecessary and dangerous surpluses.  Again, we are much past the threshold of it actually more the Clintons fault than yet the fault of the Republicans or just the Administration of George W. Bush.  We are now to metrics of straws - of straws weighing one by one anewly accounting more fairly so that none under such so Constituted is yet communally befallen too alone as if pre-destined or fated to carry more than their fair share.

What did I know?  When did I know it?  How did I actually helped the Clintons become electable in 1992 yet of a defensive awareness that we of We the People needed to be protected from them and their selfish political wants to presidency firstly for each a spouse and a spouse?  To all corporate I have my options tied or limited as for any “employment” I have my “JOBIAN” of my historicals where I firstly think and write of the truths so regarding respecting so much just inherited by the Clintons, and personally as set about for once inaugurated in 1993 their use and reuse was unauthorized and inappropriate so much so that I firstly am of any “JOBIAN” to “JOBS” of a truth self evident that to me the Clintons have been long of thievery.

THIEVERY is a big word to pen or press so publically.  These days of the Courts and United States as of barristers have a trending to my favor of such tagging.  These days have it Courtly that “reuse” must be as authorized, it seems, as any “first use” such that the “The Clintons” may be further know more of the differentiation between what is of “THE HOGAN” - “THE CITIZEN ROSEBUD” - and yet ever again as rightly of the “THE CLINTON.”  The barred and esquired set too are in the mix towards restitution of artful properties as evidenced by a recent cursory read of the ABA Journal as to trends in “repatriation” in the ranks of officers of the Law.  I have since 2007 been of intellectual property defensive postures against many attempts at reuse further of that which I still claim the Clintons never garnered first use rights for, and so with the honor and duty of the Administration of George W. Bush and too by the judgment proffered by Attorney General Eric Holder, as recalled from early in the Administration of Barack H. Obama.

As big a word as THIEVERY it is the word I have to wrestle with for any and all “JOBIAN” mine towards corporate however of “JOB”!  I must, forward, yet always be firstly of a reboot to the days of the early 1990s that pre-date the late entrance of Governor William J. Clinton to the trying contestations of what is Presidential and critical nationally.  I know what the Clintons did more inherit than wrought themselves - I know what I know from what I know that came originally from me, and sadly I know from their misuse so unauthorized and inappropriate how it made future problems for so many predictable for their use never amounted to the fullness and prudence of the whole from which they took use and reuse and attempts for years at reuse wrongly pf in just partial appreciation of the full gestalt qualities.

There is in the inappropriateness of the Clintons’ first use also the selfish politics of their attempts to pass reuse rights never yet acquired from spouse to spouse, and to such complication then of so much also reasoned as of a J. P. Hogan feminism boosting in a pressed affirmative acting.  Sadly, I cannot look or speak well of the Clintons and am likely to be to documentary shows to how the Clinton 1990s are in the GOOD less as a rightfully possessive as the “Clintons’ 1990s” and quite of a bad so bad and destructive to the progress they inherited that such is fitting for Posterity the above title as THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.

To be so to a greater - a better - a yet more defining of #LOVE not earned but yet given in #BLESSING:  There is the not enough evident of the politics so these days to be for a while confused as also of the quandries IF SUCCESSFUL BLACKS ARE NOT “GIVING BACK” ENOUGH while too towards a more transparent #FORWARD knowing how so much inherited as built and restored of a pre-Clinton 90s is of an architecture grander than convenient to their selfish and too partisan politics.

Towards a #FORWARD better and more defined #LOVE there is for any “JOB” mine a “JOBIAN” modern of a couple decades struggling to keep a wholly about so much for maximum positive change convenient and of opportunity from the end of the COLD WAR as to a NEW WORLD ORDER.  I, not they, firstly set up so much for a pre-Clinton Clinton 1990s recovery by marketing with a penning and pressing for a new urban focused @ NEW WORLD ORDER parlance around NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.  I, not they, so it seems, know of what the full potential - gestalt - of such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM - was structured to see established of a more global more level playing field metaphorical, and how, sadly, I know for such while of the unauthorized use and regular inappropriate misuse that much was rendered of less value to a lesser greater good by the decidings so selfish and self serving politically of or by the Clintons.

My first “JOB” forward is now still too “JOBIAN” as for any and all “corporate” I am so of a knowing that I must firstly be to tagging the historicals of how the Clintons undermined progress in medicine around POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER new media enabling and too how they did also undermine improvements to a more level and broader more fair law and order with at least their vast defunding of intelligence and defense budgets, and too their politics administrative to walls of separation at the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS between the intelligence and enforcement arms.  (Such is of details that are really a much longer story - such is of what I hope, personally, however JOBIAN yet isn’t of too many straws.)

It is established and ordained as “done” by the People’s Order with “Order” a noun in the preamble that the founding framers structured the Constitution as at least of an accompaniment of religion with separation “of religion” that is with the NEW TESTAMENT as unanimously subscribed that Year of their Lord as the “Year of our Lord” whence.  Any “JOB” “American” must be to as of “JOB” and “JOBIAN” however corporate or of individuals together of #LOVE initiatives #FORWARD.

It is of their KING JAMES version by their CORINTHIANS, it seems, that any man only  to profits if successful as established forward in prophecy.  To which any “not for profit” endeavor is of taxing standards of too much of reality of the here and now predicaments certain while “for profits” are yet of missions in unions of people of rights in assembly and expression of hopes at least for change from proofed positive reaping of from having sown in prophecy with planning and organization to what yet might be of a general Welfare for Posterity and Tranquility - of the unknown work at doing good forward.

However one defines #LOVE - more defines #LOVE - we each may be of a “JOBIAN” “JOB” however yet if of a tax paying for profit endeavor or yet in the daily grind where “not for profits” must endure.  I myself get to struggle knowing personally I cannot abide the past decades of Clintons’ use and reuse, and regular yet attempts at even further unauthorized reuse as but of art that I am some to much of entitlment to official repatriating valuation, at least.  #FORWARD yet it seems we all need to reboot around what was more just “inherited” said of the “THE CLINTON” and yet still really more and more vastly as really originally the property, intellectual, of the lesser known the “THE HOGAN.” 




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:13 pm

Please don’t be so vain to think, by the end too, that this isn’t in some way also about you.  We’re of a days an epoch fit for hecklings to help assuage and discern gradients of culpability, and for years all the way back at least to 1993. I have no intention of insulting my great readers, unless of course they are thee meant to be critically reviewed.

To set the stage to how the sets can be staged for a greatest modernity in modern media interactivity for the ecosystems of representative democracy and freedom of expression and participation rights in free assembly let me strongly recommend a new bipartisanship can be possible if a united goal can be tabled and agreed to.  A most illuminating potential for a new bipartisanship likely needs an agreed about “common enemy” or “common cause” - we seem to have that available in Bill & Hillary Clinton. 

With the stage so now set for a real potential in the possibility of a public dissection of all things “post-Presidency” and at least as “global,” it is our initiative, not to be lost now, to restore the republic with forensic lay pathology, at least, while any ambitious Democrat too can benefit from a rendering of the Clintons as corporate, and evil money grubbing globalists.

There is a party to divide by their personal and state ambitions and the Clintons as a “common enemy” or “common cause” is already primed and topped off of greased by as if by a real McCoy.  Really the post-Presidency of the Clintons is representative quite also of executive over-reaching and too to imperial wants in autocratic powers.  It isn’t a question of the Congress lacking Constitutional power to roll the Clintons out as if committed to public shame by stocks fit for old chicken thieves;  The Congress is sufficiently endowed to arrest and account for all things foreign of the Clintons’ global initiatives at least by their Constitutional specific duty and charged by Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph eight for any so exercised of offices of profit.

How to parry a comity for a “FORWARD” with a “common enemy” Duty as with the Clintons together rolled in and tabled?

We must have it convenient as if they are rolled in with their fate already known now as if ducks in a barrel in duck hunting season.

We must have it convenient and focused as so not to be of so so many like caught also in a net indiscernibly from justice due to be a mob a blob indiscriminatable from itself.  President Obama is seemingly such an “ambitious Democrat” and maybe a whom singularly most to be politically to some benefit from a Congressional Constitutional Duty to a public dissection of at least the top executives of the Clintons’ Global Initiative.  It is hard to imagine President Obama could yet be a fence sitter to such of an opportunity knocking that could clean up his own post-Presidency ambitions.

There is real political science to consider at how the failings of President Obama have been because neither he nor the represented as the People’d people knew enough about many mistakes of the Administration of the Clintons.  We can be gathered at least in an interactive ecosystem for a new bipartisanship as suggested - as it seems such of a Constitutional Duty that the Congress but for same party controls should have been at by 2009.  President Obama is of his idealism and as reckless and disastrous as such has been with its effecting executive direction yet still he has made mistakes while of his ideologicals, however mismatched to real conditions, solely for he made mistakes of repeating history for not knowing enough the real history of substantial culpability and excessive grandstanding in false credits of the Clintons.  It is for the scientists and historians to eventually get it all righted yet we must act and soon somehow to return to a politics more of truths and a workable bipartisanship.  It is hardly yet considered that some of how the Dems ideological “governance” failed was for it was exercised as timely while at least 20 years too early for the real conditions, and, otherwise discerned it was yet about ten to fifteen years too soon after something so similar was set about at least for the republic to it mostly of an extant established before the Clintons yet caught it as the train that best explains their unexpected upstart election in 1992.

Right, I am one to raise the issue of culpability for President Obama and the “Bill and Hillary” and maybe too any an of an executive level also culpable association due to sharing the Clintons’ offices of profit of their global initiatives.  It is that maybe President Obama must be discernible from a mob a blob also caught in a net deployed at the Clintons and also too associated and due at least a common suing by the same Congress.  It is though considerable that both these Presidencies somehow have been together wrong to many errs in errors from repeating a history we all should have learned of and from;  it is considerable that the Obama “revolution” was so too soon upon the revolution more a renaissance and figured in national security prudence related to transitioning from the Persian Gulf War, and so as suggested for science as at least twenty years too soon upon an earlier proven effective one.  Right, I am speaking to new ideas seeming cheap for seeming more as if borrowed and used than new and revolutionary - it was just dumb that the Democrats proceeded as if smartly to such so too soon after that which yet can be explained to explaining the Clintons unexpected election was far less of their doing than yet published and known.

We must look to Congress and maybe nudge them to a like very convenient and bipartisan tabling of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as a common enemy however lately to such Constitutional defense.  It can get interesting if to how President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s CAMELOT may have been legal as a spun metaphor for a new chivalry and yet now is to be defeated for being as practiced in a CLINTONS’ CAMELOT in a post-Presidency it yet is unconstitutional as violate at least of the anti-titling anti-nobility protections of mentioned Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 of the USA USC.  President Obama may not be as free to benefit from the Clintons as, however lately, to being like litigated and relitigated at least for improprieties in a corporate imperialism by global initiatives set up as if chartered to be an AMERICAN CAMELOT - or just a CLINTONS’ GLOBAL CAMELOT.  To look at the plight of President Obama in his post-Presidency years it behoove all to just try to understand how the Constitutional dilemmas to be real if the Clintons are not first publicly dissected and for much of every day of every week of every month of each year at least back to when President George H. W. Bush worked his transitioning to closing down the Persian Gulf War.

There is no place to go for President Barack Hussein Obama to a post-Presidency even if he can’t go home to Chicago.  President Clinton as the market locked up still from it reasonable for there to be an equal a peer in a post-Presidency, and likely especially his rival of said “BLOOD FEUD” concurrently President.  If the Clintons and their meddling global initiatives are not at least arrested by the end of the Obama Administration really the Obamas’ best option may be to accept Executive Vice President positions at the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES offices of profit and however humiliatingly if it so with Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton their incorporated and fixed superior officer.  It really was a problem that the Obama “revolution” was ignorant of problems from being so only too few years after a most effective renaissance rebirthing and so as well of a dumb (party wide) for yet being nearly twenty years too soon.  It may have been of dangers from pride in an over-confidence in “personality” and yet of new technological potential to firstly be of a real possibility to fool nearly every and fool them all at once.

Please write your favorite media and interact likewise with your national representation.  There is much to learn of what we already should have learned of and learn about so not to dumbly make mistakes at least from ignorance.

The words escape me to how to best title the predicament President Obama must at least sense himself as towards while he at least is considering if he too shouldn’t go home and must otherwise try to make it to New York City.  It must be dumb or yet will be dumb for him to consider he can rival the Clintons and their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES at least while he is supposed to be a competent defender of the Constitution and of the office as of tens years whence his as a Constitutional Law Professor.  It seems he must be thinking he too shouldn’t or can’t go home - but yet how can New York City offer him hope if the Clintons are not soon yet seen as a “common enemy”?  The Country cannot survive two past-Presidents as corporate giants battling each other for dominance on the world stage as if allowed by the People to be both imperial as titled and quite as if first American autocrats.

The KENNEDY CAMELOT yet may have been of Constitutional chivalry whence while now at least for the Clintons such is too akin as if un-American.  The Congress has already been suffering for the meddling so global of the post-Presidency of the Clintons - it and WE THE PEOPLE cannot abide an OBAMA GLOBAL INITIATIVES now seeming the train wreck ahead as the only manly option maybe available for President Barack Hussein Obama, however also quite too titled and un-Constitutional.

The founders were no dummies - by the wrap of article one they had set the USA to be essentially protected yet from such.  Really any ambitious Democrat must by now see opportunity for themselves in a new “common enemy” of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as too corporate and evil examples of dangers in greed.  Our best hope now, as a republic, seems to be in yet discerning and assuaging all the culpability of all the days of the Clintons on the national stage since they caught the train and got “blessed” unduly to the Presidency they still may yet not be of any readiness.

There is history to be learned yet that can explain how such much went wrong and how it is sadly ironic to dastardly that such is a truer history to explain the unexpected election so of the Clintons in 1992.  There seems no way out now for President Obama and especially in any post-Presidency unless the Clintons reign is now finally, however so lately, checked and balanced. Irregardless of if it all was twenty years too early:  It was all at least near ten years too early! It is harder now to remember such with enough specifics to yet maybe fix all their known mistakes.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:00 am



Like a dog to a bone?  Like a cat to a mouse?  Like a anteater to ants?  Like a crocodile to pray?  Like a bluefish to bunker?

The political beast that is Bill Clinton is not separable from his “beast” now so eyes on Barack Obama.  How sweet it is - - -  WOOPS!!! - - - I mean:  How sweet is it?

How hasn’t Bill postured as the dominant even/ever since Barack so got over (politically) on his Mrs.?  Can it be L-O-V-E-?

The ring of his power is yet on Hillary’s finger - his ring is her - is her M-Y   P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S - - - her MY PRECIOUS!.  She has described her troubles at times of “careening” haphazardly in a like uncontrollable back and forth.  Her ring’s power may be explanatory as having been thought sufficient but determined time and again to be yet insufficient.  Is it really, or only, just the Power of the Presidency she wants back?

Can it be that Bill is just trying to stare down Barack - one too still as if a peer?  Mustn’t it be more personal than that - than if Bill can control his “beast”?  Its seems current events that there is incivility in the intra-party Democrat Party “politics” - - - that it is that Bill is strutting (too much) as if he, and he alone, now again, is the only titular head of the Democrats.

Really?  Isn’t he being so obvious?  Isn’t he being too proud and politically (at least) assertive at least while the traditions favor Barack as still the main man proper dictate of all things Democrat Party as its head for its pourage?

There are woman issues in these days so much of an apparent weakness of President Obama - of the “The Barack”!  Despite the aspirations of Bill and how it seems he is supposed to be an indispensable former President for the world to thank and praise for he willing to suffer the imperial of having a CGI and a CGI America - - - for women of the known world, and yes in Clintons’ America, these are of moons in their own times for a querious probative interogatory to at least this:

“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?

We are in a new world of new human potential for greater humanity and civility more due to mysteries of faith having been reduced to bits and bytes and rams - - - of faith’s mysteries being computable as just as real however the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller.  That the internet and social media was rising to the Arab Spring long before Operation Iraqi Freedom is CONTEXT & TEXTURE to how “GAY” Bill can be said to be seemingly now.

How querious now to so much trans-political in the “THE BILL”?  What is “THIS MEANS WAR” and/or “THIS IS WAR” and what is just Bill wanting to dominate Barack - the “THE BARACK” - at least?  Can this become more comely and civil or only (due to politics and human nature) just more comely and less civil?

Whatever his - the “THE BILL’S” - positions are, and of hopes to be, when is a FIRST ALERT supposed to alert the “THE BARACK” to it at least violate of a “frenemy” of a hostility while becoming, when firstly, a pain in his rear?  How and when is the President to be notified or conditioned to a violate and to stay clear eyed especially while his ranks had been fogged with a “spouse” of an aggressor rival in his “house”?

It seems however happy he may have been with her around it too can be confused as “gay” to be welcoming of her man?  “GAY” still seems in a legend of protest lingua - in protest language - and much these days when normalizing is of the pride and the other worldly of the CGI America provincial.  Is there now a greater normalized/normalization tone for a clearer less foggy civility in a post-protest lingua where what it is is what it is called more specifically and with pride as if “HEWS” for “HAPPY EVEN WHEN SODOMIZED” as like ‘HETEROSEXUAL” for “HETEROSEXUAL”?  “GAY” is a risky misnomer as the story of “BILL CLINTON IS GAY” lights - it seems a risky misnomer that can fade away as “protest language” no longer civilly most appropriate for any copacetics.

Just airing an intellectual proffer attempt can not now be sufficient or like equanimous if of dictates or bullying.  A question can be tabled now as just a question while the answers may prudently take some time.  But, really, how is the “THE BILL” now posturing despite his Mrs. “careening” confessed in her culpability of short comings as his Secretary - as the “THE BARACK’S” Secretary - to be dominant and now already the “TOP DOG” of the pack mentality of the Democrat Party?

If Bill isn’t actually of KICKING BUTT AND TAKING NAMES per an insurgency of the rivalry to Barack isn’t it that the “THE BARACK” should be daily waking cautious and defensive anew to worries of a party violate of his “See” and to flexing however a “BACK OFF” at least to the “THE BILL” however fronted as if of the bosom of his Mrs.?

There may be an out for Barack - for President Barack Hussein Obama.  Feminism and its pride may be an out for the “THE BARACK”.  Feminism shouldn’t miss the obvious and clear “POLITICAL” in how:

“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?

IF Bill isn’t a “HEWS” if acceptable as a post-protest normalized more proud and specific “GAY” than what and how is his “business” with his trying now again to so parade himself as if rightly taller - taller even in the saddle - than Barack?  Peer to peer as if Bill to Barack is still “POLITICAL” and “PERSONAL” as DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT to DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT and LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS to LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS.

Concurrently we are very publicly at Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is so bad besides her many admissions in ignorance and incompetence while of “accpeting” “responsibility” and come “culpability” she has yet attempted a proffer in a passing the buck to where the buck supposedly stops.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, while parading of a #HardChoices book pride, is yet of a false or improper “proud” when suggesting it was of a “getting the job done” by her of her (defensive) parries with her view voiced of that she like:  delegated the decisions to the experts since she wasn’t expert enough for her office and well the buck stops with the President so it was either his rear on the line or her experts - NOT HERS.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can make women proud for being so accomplished as if now a new WORST of the femmes of history.  But, so yet, where is Bill? and what are his feelings? what are his intentions? what would be his unbridaled?

If the buck is so?  If the buck is so to be for Posterity and Tranquility at least as stoppable in a resolute civil at the desk of the President of The United States of America when is a buck a buck and a buck firstly to be like stopped if frisky - too frisky for a proper and prudent greater civility?  How is it that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is so publicly of a pride just of her own being as a officer of the Cabinet of the “THE BARACK” yet as one so regularly of passing the bucks?

{readers:  I think I mean to find other earlier thoughts for this treatment and essay that now escape - I will break away now to consider and discern per this context what else I thought to embed here that yet is here as probative.  Please check back later, and then maybe later again to this as DAS FEMME SMEAGOL.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

What is a Democrat today?  I mean it seems established that President Obama nor President Clinton are or have ever been ‘Philosopher Kings’.  And, today we are of a fallen Mrs. Clinton of having been allowed to fail - luckily in a lesser job than President - who failed.  I do not know if I can be charitable to President Obama - now - now following his address in commencement at the West Point Military Academy.

Before we break bread for a old civility too around feminism we have it maybe that we need to avoid asking if ever there has been or yet could be any “philosopher queen(s)” - philosophically speaking.  And so let it be written that we can here dispense with Mrs. Clinton at least for never yet having been a “queen” however.

It yet isn’t lucky for Mrs. Clinton that President Barack Hussein Obama’s Commander in Chief grandstanding as if of a new foreign policy also has to be considered as an inappropriate “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”.  Mrs. Clinton’s pedestrian hands are dirty of the likes of it and with culpability in carbon dating that long precedes even Senator Obama’s getting his feet the least wet per.

As she has yet never been a “queen” however it is too that we cannot quite tag her even as a “philosopher queen.”  No!  No she is an embodiment of the “COMPROMISE” - she is yet, however not a queen, of the same tag of her former boss as one, though a male, whom has been said to have been evidently witnessed as not having a philosophy of governance.

I concur.  I too have never seen enough premeditation of an intellectual beyond knee jerk defensive convenient compromising from at least President Obama for even a hypothesis at a “philosophy” of governance.  Though attempted at “proffered” the former Constitution Law Professor President Obama waned globally while commencing at West Point as if of a shouldered pride full of personal doing/building as if of all the pomp and circumstance as his “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”.

Should we talk about the women?  Need we talk about the women differently?  Mustn’t we now at least talk about the women as differently and globally as Mrs. Clinton has in her practiced political & ‘diplomatic’?  Is a life of the soul of an Afghani women so worth more than Mrs. Clinton, however, treated the value of Iraqi women?  Mustn’t it be female Clinton’s fault that President Obama had a foreign policy that too allowed Iraqi women to be devalued relative to Afghani women?

So if she is all about the “COMPROMISE” where are all the compromises sold or pimped as greater goods as if intelligent?

To all the brave souls as of the The United States Armed Forces, however, and however if too much as collateral to the Democrats as family of the bravest:  Right - philosophically speaking the Democrats have devalued Iraqi women while using an excuse for a war of choice against the Taliban as by lies about 9/11 deductions and so that the intelligent and any of common sense can discern that the argument for the Democrats said “necessary” war of choice against the Taliban does smartly work for Operation Iraqi Freedom justifying, but.  When we now accept the Democrats lied and soldiers and diplomats, at least, died it is odd that their lie for a war of choice as if deduced from 9/11 “politics” is actually, however an “argument”, a better justification for the involvement, prior to the Obama Iraqi abortive, of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.

Right - best for now to leave it to the still much unconsidered intellectual contrasting as too how the Clintons, at least together in their 8 years of the Administration of the Clintons, were to likely then also of devaluing Iraqi women while of abandonment of both Afghani and Iraqi women & children.  It is odd that Mrs. Clinton as “@HillaryClinton has her avatar of publicly stating she isn’t an advocate for men - that she is self bio’d as just an “advocate” of “women & kids”.

We should have asked the Clintons years ago for seeming lies about “PEACE” to justify their convenient compromised politics of “PEACE DIVIDENDS” while the women and “kids” of Afghanistan and Iraq suffered in the ABANDONMENT by the The United States of America.  It seems, but seems as yet to be “officially” concluded, that the Clintons must have used the CIA to lie about “PEACE” so that they could sell abandoning so many souls in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now, as the commenced MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (false) pride of President Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama falls even flatter, it has us called to march for freedom, and renewed honesty;  Now, as the commenced extant in that Mrs. Clinton likes to tag as at “evidence based deciding”, we have the globally evident contrariness to discern.  I am not now willing to assert that President George W. Bush was greater than working to a standard operating methodology, even such as he was to yet being of a “philosophy of governance”!  Such may have to wait for the discussion of any woman if a woman yet a “philosopher queen.”

Let me be clear: to keep it simple: to let us work at stupid simple:  The Democrats lied worse as at a lying to the People for a war of choice not a war of necessity so such as Afghanistan now as a “longest war.”  There is no argument for their war of choice that needed a clever misdirection deduction from the events of 9/11 that isn’t more real as so of how it so then was proper and justified more so for the Administration of the Clintons to have been in Afghanistan for such reasons even as early as their 1993-1997 term.  We avoid talking “common sense” if we disavow ourselves from talking about how we were justified if so justified by such a justifying to have been there in Afghanistan before 9/11.  Let me be clear, and to the “evidence based deciding” Mrs. Clinton is loosely posturing:  Because the Clintons, however, so seemed at best to have been lying about “PEACE” and for political popularity in “PEACE DIVIDENDS” that they lied is that they lied worse than any of the Bush Administrations.

I leave you to accept that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has never yet been a “queen” however, and, to ask yourselves how bad the Democrats have been as their arguments as if of a justifying do “evidently” undermine their own (if an attempt at philosophy) “philosophy.”  The lies told so the Democrats could have timely “operations” in Afghanistan for the “women & kids” do work as a better argument for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and yet though for how the said “lies” of the Adminstration of George W. Bush were evidently told in a “BLUFFING” to show a seriousness and towards avoiding any operation so better justifiable if justified by what was more lies by the Democrats as if “proffered” as able to justify a longest warring in Afghanistan and not though any operation even for the long abandoned “women & kids” of Iraq.

There now can hardly be any due “evidence” fairly at a justifying of sanction for any of the Clintons, and some of the Obama “Democrats”, for the failure to stand up a defense of the United Nations agreed sanctions in a timely manner in an enforcement of Saddam Hussein.  I disagree with President Obama’s commenced remarks that there is “history” that can defend both sides’ sides, and I assert that “evidence based deciding” is not a civility nor weapon ready at his chest - ready to support any “philosophy.”

For more reading please visit http://JPHogan.org and at least attempt to juxtapose OBAMA’S RETREAT.

The said lies about “evidence” of/for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM are also more excusable as well for while of a due “enforcement” flexing of United Nations’ agreed sanctions such were preparatory for a worse case scenario state of mind that should be reasonable and acceptable before any commencing that could go as wrong as such could be considered wrong and then considered as if whom was yet of underestimating the risks.  Those we now accept as “Democrats” told worser lies and so as if their lies could only work on a local “evidence” convenient and not generally at all the areas they had already equally been of unjust abandoment.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Despite the fallen President Barack Hussein Obama it should live in an eternal that his election did say a lot good about the people People’d of The United States of America.  There seems no way out! for either he or Mrs. Clinton a trapped! though 2008 brought a rising around the Obama the Obama has brought a fall about The Obama! he can only blame Mrs. Clinton so much!

How it yet can be reasoned or intelligible that the first election of President Obama should forever speak well in its extant as a People’s act will so remain, if to accomplishments, to be pared and disputed - for accolade - for discernations - for judgements! at the core of “The Obama” will live a storied in contrast between a fallen messianic and a risen messiah! as an Obama by the color of his election rises a nation, a People, in voluminous said of them at a good! as a The Obama by the color of his administering Obama has let it be done and written - into the records - his Law is a lesser Law!

A starting point to any “making an example” of Mrs. Clinton, however, tis at the black & white - at the good & bad - at a fallen Obama at these times refreshed of a risen Lordly.  These are not the times to be at making the record in a praising or burying of “women” of “Mary.”  A brutality can be judiciously writ lay at the “man” of “Obama” - The Obama - a honest can be so scribed presumptuously at the feminisms.

To get to any common core of the fallen and risen apropos The Obama messianic (lost) needn’t these days, after the Sunday of Easter wrap of Lenten, be fore cast in a retro interpretive as if a new prophetic? apropos these days newly prudent to considerate interpretives of just the meanings of some of the Word of the words of 1Corinthians? apropos these days to yet mark a conscious twain of the depths of Corinthians and so Christianity in the risen? apropos these days to discern a smartly & rightly core understanding of peculiarities in speciality’s usage of just “fornicators” and “prophets”? apropos these days to decide a catholic v Catholic, however parochial, to a meant of “prophecy”?

We should not negatively judge or prejudge The Obama for the color of President Barack Hussein Obama but in the safe general Welfare as that the act of the People so as the act of the election of a first black will forever, despite any judgements to a lack of later sufficiency in character, forward forever as the save rule for the people of the People that such act will forever speak well of the People’d people secured so Constituted.  It would not be well predicated to reason forward if now any rash in prejudgement of The Obama as by a prima facia black while it remains still too much possibly of a great untold more reasoned about how Mrs. Clinton is just a white female Obama and his he so too like just a male black Mrs. Clinton.  It is too soon to proceed to any crucifying of the Black of The Obama as the fallen still may be for poorly shod footings of the wheeling and heeling of politics more of the legs of Mrs. Clinton - more of a culpability in the White - a negative and a feminine more Clinton!

There is still an “honor thy father” aspect “it’s complicated” about any The Obama and too here of myself in a discourse masculine and historical at the Hogan feminisms inter-yarned in any timely associating of a political example being made of just Mrs. Clinton.  To honor my father betwixt this attempt at a lasting parity I need to pine diamonds and averages of humanity pass-times of The Union of the U.S.C. constituted! to broached a feminisms I can honor my father by speaking of his shortcomings in “modern” albeit “inventive” feminisms with his oldest his first daughter born!

I can and should honor my father, too, and respect the honest truths of shortcomings witnessed his while he as of attempts to a good at bat average as a progressive Christian People’d person - and as a father of (liberated) eldest a daughter yet with his oldest son of the male of Corinthians writs as his oldest born also to be of the head of Christ!  There is an interesting trinity just in how since the late 70s due my own competitive in a Presidential oratory my father, my oldest sister, and myself have all three known of the Obama of Hawaii now know as The Obama of the Obama, and as nearer the age of my oldest sister than myself (though of my same birth date but four years precedently), and for too then as one of an interest in the airs about (Presidential?) oratory.

To make a due example of the flaws of Mrs. Clinton as of the “Mary” and “feminisms” I should avoid a discoursing here at any “honor thy father” of the The Obama The Obama per father and son - due a general ignorance - due too great a need to be if so at so such of assumptions and presumptions, too much.  But for myself these are the days to speak to honoring my father by assessing his at bat average of the “masculine” & “father” at feminisms and Mary! and for myself it seems associated to baseball as too about human expectations and too of Corinthians - its “fornicators” and “prophecy” suggestives preparatory for a scoring about the Risen!

And for myself, it is I am, as to honor my father, that I should celebrate his attempts to be good, modern, and of the Risen, albeit with an oldest a daughter! it is I am, and yet his oldest son, so named too of his name, as his father’s name - too! and for myself as per a study of The Obama and any “Mary” and/or “feminisms” of his he and his Mrs. Clinton I necessarily must parse a parity and relativity to honor my dad for his good average and yet with a discussion of mishits and fouls, at least! and to honor my father there is a duality here necessarily of me his son a writer duly at explainatives best not to be over-simplified - I best, it seems, need be to a personal attempt at erudity familial about the “Mary” and any “feminisms” while her prudently to timely airing of The Obama, irrespective of the color of his skin.

And so in a humility of the keep of the past-times of baseball it is I while prudently to a making an example of the flaws of the Clintons as evidence against a pure guilt for The Obama it is that I here tee-up a sport of honoring my father not to a “what he got wrong” for here I try at a uniformity apropos Christianity yet of a duality where I attempt to be at “what he didn’t also get right!” - and still so at the “Mary” the “feminisms” the “fornicators” the “prophet” the “prophecy” of at least Corinthians structured recipe writ for homing it of Risen.

When my oldest sister so was born President of The Obama was already born of his father and mother - of his black & white - of his good & bad - of his ebony & ivory yet of the romance as a Soviet Studies love child spice’d of his Kenyan’ patriarchal.  When my oldest sister was born President John F. Kennedy Jr. and his Attorney General brother Robert Kennedy were risen of the Catholic Risen and yet still alive as their pedestrian People’d office holdings.  When my oldest sister was born men still had Camelot and women had the Mary of The Jackie and chauvinisms were more alive than feminisms.  Things did change! things really did change, say since Barack Hussein Obama was born!  When my sister was born I yet, however appropriately, hadn’t also been born in the old fashioned as the Christian oldest son of the oldest son also of the name of the father of the father.

This to me has some potential in a comedic extant though of years too Jobian - more Jobian of struggles - more of times at times needing 2x to 3x the energy and dedication of/with my “individual” “individuality” - my separate “purpose” - because!  It seems that “fornication” by Corinthians is meant more of an existential comparative in contrast to “prophecy” and so to a structure to built a complexity in the Risen of a pedestrian consciousness about “man” and “woman” and sex versus love - of sex versus love as of living of temptations or tricks of the moment of the flesh and that in a spiritual forward concerned shared contemplation between men and women - as of man and women equal but yet of the man thee of the head of Christ.

And, of the head of the woman the head of her man, married, as her head as the head of Christ we have to now too discuss the apropos of the fallen of Obama at The Obama as of his at a Mary and feminisms! he too would be of attempts to be prudent, seems, if to taking swings too at making an example of Mrs. Clinton by an attempt at reasoning her of any feminisms and however of her of a Mary! the Obama has a fallen The Obama it seems for of a partisan political selective secularism too akin to writs in socialisms contrary just to Corinthians structured of a neighbor wrong if to the police or Saints over a neighbor “neighborly” dispute if to them before firstly attempting a “neighborly” resolute with such neighbor so of conflict.

What is something my dad and sister may have not also gotten right in the decades since Camelot and chauvinism still reigned even for “Barry” of his father and too of Hawaii is some what may help explain his rise and his fall as of them of a trinity that conflicted the Trinity of the family of father and son!  How my dad tried to be modern of the at bats for the new feminisms for my sister - et al professionally in the plying of Law - is of the partisan of the Democrat Party divide between just the The Obama and the The Clinton!

It is of this that I am familiar to those also of a kept memory of the extant Hawaiian B.O. of oratory crossroads passions in speechifying as a father yet progressive in their politics as also of the Democrat Party as he of The Obama of the Obama all the while yet myself since the earlier 70s of having taken to the structured more reasonable problem solving potential yet of Republicans.  It was too late when I realized Senator Obama at 2008 was yet he kept welcome in the family intra-party hopes for a better Union so many decades and of a compromised strategy for protecting People’d people not from one of his color but from one of his Democrat Party “character”! it was too late into 2008 contest at the Presidential selective process before I properly associated the long known “B.O.” of Hawaii whence as he then as a convenient alternative to the known of the Clintons The Clinton of its experienced flaws.

Motion Picture Association head Christopher Dodd did for ten years rule as my sister’s, so, boss, while he a Connecticut Senator! this is historically of my politics and powers at contemplative politics as a “prophecy” as basically as in Corinthians - as it seems (now) - and of that of the 1992 & 1994 specificities about my guidance by poetic forward and backward renditions of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM pro-active attempts at national and local problem solving! as that I struck home uns with my #TCONF in its private and strategic limited sharing is of my average maybe an honor to my father and yet while at least for that decade as a better average than his at progressive feminisms - not just of the Mary! my sister is of a complex “it’s complicated” intermixed past politics tale of times of profiting with Senator Dodd from my marketing at bats in attempts to be good at needed “prophecy” - at pro-active political and language problem solving.

There is to be separated from my making the due example of the The Clinton when while at least to the due making an example historically of the experienced Mrs. Clinton! separate from the fall of Obama as from team work with the Clintons is yet a Mary of the feminisms I am familial of and original about while as a Rosebud Architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90s recovery! there is that I was (unnecessarily) of a need to be 2x to 3x of the effort to a better “average” in “prophecy” so akin too and so for the complexity of being progressive too for my sisters in a Mary and the People’d Union about feminisms while masculine and as it when told more fully, also of an honoring of my father, yet to be of discussing a political need like for Senator Dodd to let my sister be liberated from politics as like of a “Peter Principle” for such progressions in equality so that I could keep working greater improvements for her than she so was proving able to work while I had gotten to working them so well, and firstly, more broadly precedently!

To honor my father in the Risen and the Mary I will necessarily be to discussing the fall of The Obama still while the rising of the Obama eternally to speak well of the people of the People’d Ordered Union! it for now is premature for me to while making the due example of Mrs. Clinton in her negatives, and, while so in the spirit of judging The Obama not for the color of the inherited skin from his father but for explainables due his character and her character, and, while so in a historical still confused of a thought progressiveness in feminism as if it had become time for an oldest daughter to get to be the senior head of Christ in a family hierarchy and to a right to profits actually accruable from the (progressive) (general) (general Welfare) of the worked at prophecying only some in its whole as of the Politics of a younger brother - a brother still born named of the father of his father!

Of my Corinthians recent reading I am puzzled still and of the Risen even of these of their rising and falling! I am still he that has watched his sister be able to profit since liberated from a Peter Principle like time best to have parted from Senator Dodd’s politics respects yet however in accruing as so many too have profits from my original endeavors even so when more at timely worked “federalisms” more secular in yet a pro-active akin to what seems a “prophecy” common of Corinthians!

So it seems we are all now predicated some to a preparedness to discuss the fallen of the Obama of The Obama and objectively and even spiritually without confusing the Clinton WHITE with the Obama BLACK, and specifically as we are prudent to gird ourselves (in our faith) for the duration forward in making the due example of the The Clinton of Mrs. Clinton - the The Clinton endemic of the The Obama - of the The Obama now politically passed at bats remaining, effectively, and a political or historical save by righteous hails at Mary! it is apropos (and of a proper) actually such is far more complicated of the feminisms I am so akin yet while honoring my father, and in speaking to his averaging about Marys as of the Union and Law - progressive!


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

Some days you are asked to think - Yes, some days one is asked to think more than even the day before - even in days before.

As it has become re-established as a spectacle of faith like of the founders as new apostles as by 1Corinthians4, 9 of the body of the Constitution as beset to beget a morality in accompaniment with the New Testament we newly need be wary of thresholds however concordant and extant to dangers in generalized pontifications, however set “political.”  And, still, as of older whence, it best we be thorough of such concords with a pre-set and reset wariness in harvested of bearing of false witness, however set “political.”

Maybe we should start with Noah.  As “Ila” now the newest Biblical character, of it at least a morality play, we have that in play is the “fornication” of 1Corinthians5, yet moderated from a forced Oedipal. Seems!  (I have a new Bible app - I am not a theologian nor a Bible scholar.)  For Emzara not to be violate herself of such “fornication” “Ila” needed to be born?  Of Noah of three sons originally Emzara could hardly be a Susan B. without “Ila” in modernity so evolved, supposedly?  Let us be wary enough prophylactically in meditations to not generalize to a tri-poli - a three briefed - when a singularity enough to broach any “false witness” impropriety — let us not rush.

There are gray areas of concern, to be brief, that syllogisms of metaphoricals in visual graphic renditions can forewarn and inoculate as if by use of drawing out the Clintons by their “design” and “examples.”  For the purposes of morality it may now to proceed as if at lessons by way of making an example - making examples - of the Clintons.  Whether firstly to thinking of Susan B. Anthony or the Clintons’ protege Anthony Weiner it is most concerning that the Clintons’ permanence is set so in Polshek parlance so suggestive to be Rorschach-esque so of the racks of their library Freudian in a phallic too as ready “gun” shape too publicly banded as a public visage in a gray, a gray said too suggestive as if a Confederate Gray.

The apple of immorality seems to have been handed from mentor to protege - from “Bill” to “Anthony.”  To be brief, yet still to adequately cover, the chief courting of this treatment is to be to a rendition to concordance by making an example of the examples of the Clintons, courtly — Have you yet heard of Ohioan Steven Driehaus?  It’ld be prudent to not generalize, and precious to check the too generalized.  To cover yet the “feminine” & “morality” of Susan B. Anthony, perchance with/to success, by comparative scoping of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however, citizens may need not just an entire book but a movie - but movies.  There should be trepidation in presumptions at ‘”Hillary” a “Susan”‘ for “fornication” besets a uncovering of improper nepotism in her example — Wasn’t it wrong in a “feminist” & “human resource” propriety that Mrs. Clinton was so subjugated as a subordinate of the Clintons’ West Wing at least as per nepotism in a work place?

It is already established, and long self-evident by the tombs of history extant as of historical public documents, at least, that the Clintons are of the lies - are known to lie - are said to be even “Big Liars.”  We can move from the brevity of them of their lays of lies to snare their lairs like as monsters of complex duplicity in clever triangulated transference as well of trichotomy’s grays.  As it is largely a matter of established public record that the Clintons are known liars they are the tools best now to ply a morality discerning by ways of making an example by way of making an example of them. 

How wrong is it to bear false witness?  How wrong is it to be violate of civil truth firstly as if of “campaign rhetoric” and secondly when to lies yet spoken as if “official speech”?  Do you know how The Supreme Court of The United States of America should now rule upon the soon to be heard standing in relevance as by Susan B. Anthony list v Driehaus?  Aren’t lawyers trained supposedly to be forewarned and disciplined away from the dangers in generalizing, at least rhetorically?  What are the minimum standards even albeit as “double standards” like now a false flag bearing by the Clintons pols?

How wrong is it to bear false witness?  Minimally:  What is a lie?  How important be the lay of any lie?  How important be the general concern of a public lie if a “campaign” falsehood?  How important be the laid lies if whence from any “allowed” campaign falsehood to altered historical extant context as if a lie no longer a lie for it spoken as “official” speech?  Due the purview of S.C.O.T.U.S. as their duality conflict rises in standing soon with such pertinence of such so laid about Anthony it is like now impossible to separate President Barack Hussein Obama example from this ‘making example’ of his “rivals” President William Jefferson Clinton and his Mrs., however whence “officially” appropriated.

How wrong is it to have born false witness - how wrong is it if/when a known politician is known/unknown of a laid lie?

It is already established that the Clintons, however indivisible or divisible as a B.O.G.O. “two-fer” political power couple, are of the public record, at least, as known to be long of laid lies, and too as “Big Liars!!!” from ‘em thought to have been their friend(s).  So to be brief and prudently at the immorality embedded in the Anthony v Driehaus:  How and when is a generalization a premeditated with malice intentional itself a born false witness and improper lie?  When if to three when only two be moral is the spreading to an embedding in a tri-political not but a triangulated transference as if of smoke and mirrors allowances/arrangements?

The Clinton “Presidential” Library begets an interesting prima facia read - enough to make many really blush if caught unprepared for its net gross bottom line contextual.  Steven Polshek must be the go to expert in his rendered permanence of the Clinton public visage parlance - needn’t he be?  If at first blush one is exposed the a Rorschach of a gun shape phallic & Freudian, and secondly to a visceral disgust that it also be in gray - and especially in Confederate Gray - the remaining concern must be that it is laid already foundationally that the pac’ runneth with Mrs. Clinton, however, so that it behoove us to be already saddled up of a queried to if such is how we are supposed to see the “permanent” Bill Clinton, President how is the vessel of a Hillary Clinton, President, already figured to be a yet architecturally & yet paired also public visage and yet in a feminine?

To be respecting of Susan B. Anthony we need contrast with the nepotic example of, at least, the Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and her public examples.  To be respecting of the progress of women we should consider that the “example” of Mrs. Clinton has been devolutionary to Ms. Anthony.  How can women reason - how can any woman reason a appropriate “officially” for Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs, William Jefferson Clinton, however previously appropriated - for her submission as if apropos feminism and work place parity and reported insistence that she as a FLOTUS need be formally subjugated as a West Wing subordinate to her spouse and so of her example that staffers should be tolerated however they are sleeping with their “boss.”  To any Anthony legacy mustn’t women, at least, be to reason - be somehow to discerning for themselves that Hillary got her healthcare West Wing job at least through improper nepotism?

Bear with me, please, this is supposed to be simply reasoned for the standing of Anthony now set up for the orals duality soon upon the honorable Justices and across their thresholds, and too their tolerance(s) at least of the logic and syllogisms allowable of laid lies in “politics.”

Surely there is much to be relatively concerned hidden behind such effrontery by just the Clintons and in their not yet public enough permanent records of the stowage of the embedded that can wait, for now.  We have that Anthony v Driehaus ushers us past so much that may yet spill out from later of due course as per politics versus lying - we have simply, to be brief, that we can reach easily a concordance thoroughly of civil disobedience by examples of dangers from generalized rhetoricals.  Literally speaking we can be plain and simply at a conclusive dispositive however a lie is supposed by making an example of Presidents Obama & Clinton.

To keep a fidelity of and to Susan B. Anthony we can yet avoid too much, for now, the transgressions of Mrs. Clinton - women themselves can especially be so set and fashioned.  We - the all of us, of man & woman electric shared humanity extant, need not only the men to reason it — but too we needn’t reason Mrs. Clinton’s reasons as we can considered the core of even Corinthians as the common core of the founders as of bearing false witness enough to expose a bad of President Obama and as at a cover-up of the bad just of the lies of President Clinton.  It behoove us though to not fail to ask:  What is Mrs. Clinton’s figured inevitable presidential library supposed to be in a public visage & yet apropos supposedly as a Freudian “vessel” a vessel Clinton too graphically suggestive too as?

So to do justice to Susan B. Anthony and as well so if by a prudence (re-established) of Steven Driehaus as of the founders’ of bearing false witness establishments ordained to in their People’s Order as a more perfect Union “done” under God in the Christian calendar unanimously:  We can expect it simplest to make an example of dangers from civil disobedience in laid lies at least as per the example of President Obama by ways of cover-up perils from imprudent generalizations as falsehoods premeditated.

As a matter of soon newly courtly it is considerable the literal traditions of fallen from transgressions of disobedience.  President Barack Hussein Obama is necessarily also on trial for lies of campaigns as of exercised premeditated falsehoods and yet as one a Harvard Law trained disciplined to be forewarned from dangers in generalizing and too in cover-ups.  We can for now leave any reasoning of Mrs. Clinton out of this example that seems more fittingly of President Clinton and President Obama, and still be thorough enough for Justice.  We need be wary of generalizing and smoke and mirrors of fogs of triangulated transference political gray areas so it seems prudent to separate out any “false witness” of/by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for a clarity and parity in process - in civil and due process.  We need be wary of thresholds though between civil disobedience simply housed and such as would yet be mounted as of saddled whence sufficiently to be across the tolerable to criminal politics.

For process and a fidelity to prudent procedures we have that it for now behoove us to separate the men from the women and Ms. Anthony from Ms. Clinton.  Susan B. Anthony list v Driehaus standing for orals assuaging judiciously seems to rest on whether a morality can be a morality if not yet perceived as extant in a the moral forest — it seems the courtly of supposedly just “Bill Clinton” is pertinent as it seems as per a politics of laid lies besides a premeditation there is the existential that firstly need be discerned as to whether a “morality” is amorality if “morality” isn’t yet publicly contested as if not a “morality.”

There is an apparent jeopardy beset to be begot by the Justices though that should give real fright to President Clinton and President Obama.  They both, and their spouses, were supposedly judiciously disciplined away from bearing false witness - perjury, at least — and to the dangers in generalizing.  Simply to keep this as contextual as grossly briefed as for recourse by making just an example of the Clinton(s):  However corrupted by President Clinton President Obama was as the yet unsworn newly elected President so that he was willing to transgress from “campaign” rhetorical of convenient yet ridiculous generalization at his ‘IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT’ as if dictates truthful it is that such as a generalization is also a laid lie simply proven, however, the honorable Justices might find tolerable political falsehoods.

There is an apparent jeopardy beset to be begot by the Justices though that should give real fright to President Clinton and President Obama.  We for now are best to limit our process to procedures about the jeopardy of laid lies and the duplicity, however, yet of triangulated transference by grays of trichotomy’s doorways.  It is that how Senator Barack Hussein Obama may have thought it allowable to so ridiculously bear false witness upon the People with “campaign” assertions that an so involved “it” could be an “it” so as an “it” of their “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” he crossed what seems the clear and still present criminal trespass point of no return when he said like proffered the same as if then newly rendered “truthful” with it so orated and posited with his posturing in his first moments so sworn of the Constitution as the new President and so of his First Inaugural of he of carrying a “campaign” laid lie into the “official” realm jeopardy for impeachables whence he seemingly voluntarily spoke the impossible truth - the unreasonable proposition - the ridiculous assertion - the simply dumb syllogistic not ever capably beyond a hypothetical.

Right to be brief and yet of a fidelity to Anthony as of these mis-stressed ‘politics’ as to what can and will be of the forest of “morality” we can for now skip the contrasts between Susan B. Anthony and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Right to be brief:  But we cannot abide still not being beset to the begot amorality known of Clinton of the public records and generally already known.  President Barack Hussein Obama has gone farther than “campaign” falsehoods and seemingly imprudently as to attempt a historical rewrite to specifically benefit President William Jefferson Clinton  and Mrs. Clinton, however still appropriated.  As he generalized to the ridiculous President Obama is of a jeopardy from the Justice possibly expressly refreshed by the Justices as per any campaign falsehoods however yet they are standing alone and yet uncontested, otherwise.

If it criminal for a politics to be of premeditated laid lies in campaigns it must be criminal that once President President Barack Hussein Obama transgressed the People by his orations in inaugural literations with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as still an impossible truth — mustn’t it be of an amorality that at least just President Clintons asked President Obama to be of, and as if smartly to a needed cover-up?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

We are gathered now at a congested crossroads in the evolving of The United States of America of President William Jefferson Clinton’s innocence a great danger - a clear (hardly) and present (really) danger.  There are hazards in any “sport” of WJC.  There are traps and boundaries of enervated Americana violated in a ‘moral hazard’ of the innocence of WJC.

Though this has to be of his displacement of blacks from Harlem by gentrification it must be more essentially more global and even of the Ukraine so undermined by the old shifty economics of WJC as by “Clintonomics.”  It seems for President Barack Hussein Obama to escape what seems an inevitable tagging by the Clintons’ new political machinations as by prejudiced IT IS ALL OBAMA’S FAULT he too must now be willing to flex some push back against rising dangers of a WJC innocence.

It is possible that WJC has driven more blacks from Harlem than any past selective service politics of a draft did.  As it has been reported his gentrification of Harlem has affected a near doubling of rental rates his efforts may be yet more permanent to some than however removed from home by government drafts.  Yes if we have to discuss an errant innocence for any as of a culpability for the Crimea & Ukraine ‘economics’ it should be to flush out WJC as if an American Putin.  It is yet a presumption of innocence for WJC and his times as the Constitutional top decider that now obstructs an necessary understanding of the roots of the Ukraine dilemma as in the failure of his guidance and national administering.

It doesn’t help the current congested civic mindedness to be however at a “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” exclusivity as it really is hardly reasonable that Bush’s “fault” can but be more than near half of the real story with it that WJC at least must not be of the innocence his, oddly still.  Though BHO did in his 2nd Inuagural actually take the USA USC Constituted oath of office again for the office of the President, and then orate an addendum lacking a fidelity, we are of trying crossroads now for thinking too much of a WJC innocence, even though the roots of BHO’s 2nd’s addendum like as “I WON’T FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE OATH OF OFFICE I JUST SWORE I WOULD” are of the politics and economics of the Clintons’ Presidency.

WJC like invented the infidelity to the Constitution that BHO now postures still as the moral hazards rot the games of life possible by fidelity and honesty to freedom at least of the jurisdiction of the Constitution.  WJC’s greatest Constitutional infidelity likely has to be in the still too untold story of the scope of the trials of his monkey business about Saddam Hussein and Iraq.  The Crimea is nearly a neighbor of Saddam Hussein’s old Iraq;  The global economic collapses were set up by selfish partisan politics of WJC during the Clintons’ Presidency;  The current day problems with the Ukraine economy likely wouldn’t now exist if not for how WJC rowed and waded in with derivatives like his own bastard child & as to gamble away known risks of his politics at economics by having a surplus from cuts when spending was needed to make his housing bubble viable.

WJC greatest infidelity has to be, it still seems - still seems as since like 1993, to the First Amendment prudence and so to the Constitution as per his foreign policies and interpretive renditions of a post-Consitutional rationalized.  It seems our moral hazards have us already of civil congestions and new crossroads dangers growing.  It seems we are now of growing dangers now so specifically of a President William Jefferson Clinton innocence.  It seems we are running out of time as the low information voters are now maybe too long seated and stilled believing it even possible that “it” could have been all of GWB’s fault even though there are still the eight years before GWB of WJC and his many great infidelities that better assuage a guilt to his ship of state tacks.  Yes even though BHO pledged a fidelity to the oath, and then pulled a Clinton, as if his swearing wasn’t legally a swearing, it is now still too much that WJC innocence is the infidelity to be arrested - arrested firstly.

When foreign orations arose after 9/11 attacks about “American Infidel” too few considered a mass of citizens were being tagged as guilty by association unawares mostly with the WJC monkey business scope of his infidelity to just the Constitution of The United States of America and with just his decidings about Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  It is hard to render that the WJC innocence can long endure now unless innocent Americans don’t defend themselves from guilt by association with the years of the Clintons’ Presidency of the leader WJC as an “American Infidel.”  The Cold War geo-political justifications for engagements in Iraq changed when Kuwait was invaded as more like a secular crime, but really they became more dangerously left to be more about sectarianisms and religiousity when Afghanistan became the Gettysburg turning point of The Cold War with its defeat of expansionist Soviet communism.  The Clintons were the new USA administration so firstly to having to handle Iraq and the Middle East otherwise than as of Cold War secular geo-politics and as to a new engagements more respective of the USA USC establishments ordained for matters of Law pertaining to religiosity.

The WJC deciding was, it seems, mostly of the dangerous infidelity to the Constitution as if rightly an “American Infidel” by personal and selfish choice;  President William Jefferson Clinton is remembered for like whining about President George H.W. Bush having like “left him a war - left him the Bosnia - Herzegovina War” and then to having played loose with the imports of the Constitution and the First Amendment so that he could decide as of a ‘I don’t want to so won’t’ per Saddam Hussein and not row a due wade prophylactically in a ’should/shouldn’t’ conscious consciousness.

Poor BHO, as now with Mrs. WJC on his tail, and on the trail, she, so as WJC’s spouse, isn’t spousally supposed to incriminate her spouse, and nor so their deciding days as the Clintons’ Presidency.  It seems Mrs. WJC now has to run of cover as if it like “ALL OBAMA’S FAULT” and much because she really quite is hardly allowed to posture any other bias as near any other claims would be like violate of her marriage union and their oath to be one together forever to like have and hold so no government can set asunder until death.  It seems Mrs. WJC must still posture the above aforementioned WJC “innocence” even though such hides truths of the public ways so as not to incriminate herself, unnecessarily, nor her spouse. 

Poor BHO, as it seems Mrs. WJC must run, as if it wasn’t all her fault, and even, however, she whined before Congress of a “what difference does it make…”, and postured that she should accept some culpability for her following her President boss’s orders.  It seems Ukraine now cannot be explained but with a full rendition of the Clinton “two-fer” however they seem to have their eight years like out of the way as like a “the missing years 1993-2001.  However the Clintons’ innocence now is a late congested politics we are on this infidelity necessarily as though it may be that per Iraq and Saddam Hussein there is the “greatest” of WJC deciding we must fathom how it is twained and marked that their economics were failures that best mark an understanding of these crossroads in politics of Crimea as risen from the failures economic and political of the moral hazards in Clintonomics.

Poor BHO, as really Mrs. WJC has a simple case at a righteousness basis in his example to it more his fault than her fault for she and Mr. WJC didn’t make him attempt the failed cover-up rewrite of history that they seemed to necessarily yet have asked him civilly enough to attempt to drive over truth and greater truths.  I don’t know if BHO should think he owes black Americans more truth and specifically, and now so lately, an explanation to how it was the Clintons, besides the gentrification of Harlem and its displacement of blacks, whom through too political and selfish ‘economics’ did both set up the housing collapse in the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, and then trigger it, with their Vice President Al Gore, as Hillary and Al were like synchronized, and as domestic insurgents both at undermining GWB, and, as globally at imprisoning GWB, and most Republicans, in false insinuations of improper guilt.

Long they seemed at such complicated efforts to camouflage the “American Infidel” President William Jefferson Clinton with an all powerful cloaking as if a new suit of innocence.  But, mustn’t it be the failure of President William Jefferson Clinton so taggable as an “American Infidel” for his too effecting and too selfish political decidings in foreign policies pertaining to a jurisdiction around Saddam Hussein that should be his “GREATEST INFIDELITY”?  We now are too stuck and so BHO for of the:

‘If he had been more to “should/shouldn’t” and away from a wrongly convenient seeming “don’t want to so won’t” so much could have been remedied more civilly with less global economic congestion, and worse, by ways some how otherwise more prudently of a Constitutional fidelity albeit if so then to a new Nuremberg Trials for the criminal Saddam Hussein!’

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:15 am

What, perchance, is the recipe for disaster?  How is it we are now cast so adrift newly as if in the old times of NOAH of bodies electric signing safely to discern if forsaken?  If it is that we are of forces of good and even in our domestic politics mustn’t it be that we yet are of fields of danger from excess catalytics?

For now it seems safe to particulate that Russell Crowe seems to have chosen wisely, and yet that George Clooney, for his own deciding, erred for going out too much as if all entertainment and all for one only with the Clintons.

We are not just in Kansas when risking the forces of the People in politics and campaigns.  But May of 2007 should be remembered with prudence trepidations of Greensburgs and Greenbergs, seems.  As Walt Whitman penned of the Civil War era: “We sing the body electric…”  As Alfred Lord Tennyson scribed for all to fret of fate and powers of ‘God’ when sons so seem to be so humbled to be so tinny and of the Crimean War:  Some things are past reasoning - Some things are of ‘charges’ of ‘Light’ too of wars.

Can any storm be a Perfect Storm?  How poorly did George Clooney choose for himself when siding with the loose wires and fields of the Clintons?  The Charge Of New Federalism is actually historically about such storm and its foreign and domestic energies - George Clooney may have been fated to a metaphor as a captain of such storm but doomed only for having chosen a siding to the negative grounding of the Clintons.  The Perfect Storm was cheered in the Middle East by some nearly as much as 9/11 - The Perfect Storm took like dead aim at Kennebunkport as by a polarity serious upon the Bush dynastic shored.

In The Charge Of New Federalism as per the reasoning it too harkens to the Crimean valleys of death however covered as by Balaclava yet to a greater freedom potential resolute energy as with OUR’S IS TO REASON WHY, NOT, TO DO AND DIE, LEAST, BEFORE OUR TIMES.  (Pardon the absence of quotes — these are my own words, however poetic.)

From a quicky search via Wikipedia to confirm the year of energy and trepidations of The Perfect Storm I offer you, however eruditely, that such was also appropriately, it seems, tagged as THE HALLOWEEN NOR’EASTER OF 1991.  What complicates the The Charge Of New Federalism more currently than the Crimean War of those made “tenny sons” of the “valley” of “death” is that it is also more towards a lay Freudian as its “charge” to is a concern for the capacitors and capacity of the neurons and electrons of the mind of President George H. W. Bush as vesseled in his body of Kennebunkport seriousness.

Global Warming as fronted in the CRISIS DOOM ALARMISM by Al Gore is yet but more as if a lark - a worked fraud to addict people newly to a Gore “product” of nick of time tricks quite like the legend of the Gore Plantation & its capitalism in Tabacco.  It seems his “END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT)” alarmism should have him now personally liable for storms and damages from a gross negligence and leadership unbecoming a former Vice President as lacking in a proper grounding in democratic debate.  It seems man made carbon reductions too cause climate change - shouldn’t be carelessly rushed.

The Charge Of New Federalism has moderated, and however when of forecasting much of the global political change since the stirrings of those three storms, that infamously joined to be such a dire and focused THE PERFECT STORM, quite accurately though Democrats and persons of the Clintons’ junctions have remained hell bent to positing that like “no one saw such coming” and while what explains their 1992 “coming” is that such still well explains both, however if in a “moral” context.  As you can read of a “Bush on fire” in LOS ANGELES poem of The Charge Of New Federalism it is otherwise than homage to Moses or Noah as of attempt cerebral to be considerate of the angels gathered about the mind of man of President Bush to be forewarned and temperant to the possibly excesses of the day and how such could quickly become of energy too excessive for the electrical fields as the battle fields of the wiring he only has of his one mind, under God.

However, now The Charge Of New Federalism may be presenting as a trap for the Clintons it can only be by them of deceit and envious coveting of goods not their own, and politically, and as a running con of cover-ups of their years of impropriety.  The Clintons seem to sense themselves now as if of walking into a trap, politically, and now as set almost with sufficient field strength and wattage and voltage however years covertly more on low voltage systematics.  The Clintons now are likely in a real jeopardy but of a civility in a “managed storm” of People’s Governance of prudence of jurisprudence kept Constitutional and honest.  The Clintons if now “trapped” (as they seem to fear) can only be trapped from years of misappropriations and of a political whimsy truly at only thinking “bush on fire” could only be about sex - sexual energy, and at times about a ‘the wrong woman.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe.  He may have been fated to be a captain in THE PERFECT STORM but how he let himself get played as if cast in a partisan to be firstly polar for the junction boxes of entertainment of the Clintons has to be on him as Noah now is on Crowe.  Write my old neighbors, yes, of the times I attempted an in time energy management by grounding serious series in poetry by The Charge Of New Federalism, in the early 1990s, are the Greenbergs of the front lines too for of the Clintons newly in 2007.  I was of the Mad Man attitude since the early 1970s as for having asking a great one to be my guide and mentor as my soon to retire grandfather.  The coincidental is that from about that same day I also became knowing of Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham though quite still a First Grader of Hooker School.  Stanley Greenberg’s daughters were behind me in school but friends and also of my Wilbur Cross Governors High School swim team when I was one of three of the Co-Tri-Captains of the 1982-1983 season.

My grandfather who kept his promise to teach me how to become a “Mad Man” (colloquially) like himself actually grew up in or near Gloucester. Some one of my heritage did die early by slipping on the ice near his boat an to have a watery winter fate/end.  My grandfather wired me into the standards and standard bearers of his legacy and so to higher standards than I yet have witness the Clintons ever consistently of - of an extant.

That I did set up the FRIENDS show request as around the friendship of the other two of my Governor’s HS swim team - a female Geller, and another swimmer, David - was of the respect for the standards and authority of Madison Avenue as I still managed to walk among while outside gracefully as guided from lessons from my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier.  By setting up shows that would succeed around my (moral?) anchoring of feeding plot lines for known casts I was able to maintain good energy around me and my associations as though neutrally as about a great good, like.

I know the Clintons to be beneath their skin “bad apples” at least as of a compromised Constitutional common core.  I have known them to be presidential in a bad way since we first met in the early 70s when I was but a First Grader as they asked me point on seriousness if they could each become President someday.  I know them of being so more goal driven ambitious than naturally set to surf their times and ride their times as their times dictated most - I know Bill Clinton as of a willingness and core rotten of a easy baugh broken from morality - I know Bill Clinton was willing to ask a First Grader like myself to lie and to lie about what his revised “God’s honest answer” had actually been rendered truthfully as.

Religion is inescapable.  The THE PERFECT STORM maybe was more “biblical” to those who walk in Islam and cheered on as much by some as the later storms of the 9/11 I & 9/11 II - as yet still to be discerned and timed of the Clintons too of a gross negligence and a more civil jeopardy than that which lifted all those, however, of the flood but not of the ark.

Right, the The Charge Of New Federalism is poetic of the valley of death akin to the neurons and electrons of the field of the mind of man, and specifically one President Bush pushing and pushing the grounding of a greater morality - in war’s time.

“We sing the body electric” and we now are like in a new civil war energetic domestically in the bushels of Mrs. Clinton, however, and her American pie(s).  The Clintons may be justly trapped and for them of walking themselves into their own jeopardy.  The Clintons deserve (each, and together) their days in court.  We should be more prudent than them or ourselves lately when of thinking them of good fruit while quite dangerous more of poison fruit of hedges and bush rows.

Does Hillary Clinton - Mrs. Clinton, however - yet know of any ‘recipe’ not a recipe for disaster?  Isn’t the “storm” of the Clintons already experienced by too many, and disastrously?  It wasn’t only for those of May 2007 of Greensburg of the Clintons of the Greenberg familiarity of wrought political endangermeants about the imprudent resurrection of their global initiatives of wants to being more like a “First American Autocratic Clan” rooted too much in (morals) hedging.

It seems the story of the Clintons and storms has already by experienced yet not yet told, however, lesser than Biblical.  It seems, as I recall, that the seasons of the insurrections, political, to the process, and prudence, of the common righteous more perfect core of the Constitution, such as that of their “social welfare” socialism chargings, were to a popular power, albeit, yet, a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional ‘electric’ ‘power’, and of the Clintons, as of Mrs. Clinton more than 3/5th as person, though just half of President Clinton - and it seems not the better half - as I recall - it seems:  There was devastation and destruction of The Natural State of the Clintons as if they were of forces of an axis polar to them of evil as “God” it seems to at least rain heavily down in tormentuousness upon each of the many places they did rise from and abide in. 

It seems as I recall, as per “biblical” storms that the Clintons as like of a complicity for a doom upon Greensburg, if the charges of the Bible, Tennyson & at least Whitman are factual, was of a too polarized excess of the energy electric but not (morally) grounded of the ambitions and wants to more “pie” of the Clintons.  Little of this is new to me for much of the above history here shared is that once I crossed the threshold of from “marketing ambition” to “poetry” and “poet” I was at least knowing of the fields of politics if but as like a non contact volt meter potential.

The poem of the The Charge Of New Federalism as timed and regulated as LOS ANGELES has a happier ending than that of Tennyson’s THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE.  As it closes as a ponderance in morality of a realm of earthly angels with WITH A BUSH - ON FIRE - WHAT DID WE SEE?  It closes with President George H. W. Bush still alive though of times like a new more global civil war of Walt Whitman’s Captain Lincoln carpe diem bodies so “electric” and to live on to tell the tale contrary to the Clintons and President Barack Hussein Obama of old storms at least ‘biblical’ like to people of Islam more about the real risks that Saddam Hussein presented and as like the father of a bastards brotherhood of Al Qaeda.

It seems the Clintons were those who, however dimly, yet alighted to the coincidences like of Greensburg storms such as it was of their historicals like laid low all across their old “arks” as “homes” of Arkansas.  It seems it was either the better half as Bill Clinton or the better half as Hillary Rodham Clinton that opined a ’storm’ reflective, short of an admission of guilt, to how it seemed that like every place they had earlier lived had been “targeted” by “God.”

For now there may be a recipe to avoid disaster - there may be more than a few long set and kept long in a “HOLY” however particular and specifically somewhat “regional” or of “regional” “success” to be metered still and when sifting through in an a priori.  It seems inescapable that the Clintons seem in a real political and civil jeopardy and for how they ‘chose’ to walk and talk.  It seems that there have been many storms about the Clintons as “bad apples” in just American politics of the northern continent of The United States so still Constituted in ‘prudence’ a portioned.  All that may now be missing is like the guillotine of Marie Antoinette and/or the hangmen of a new ‘apocalypse’ and as for a common core of trees of civilly rendered jurisprudence.

LOS ANGELES, poem, however, is otherwise also poetic and news as it parallels its self in multiple interpretive threads as firstly structured to ‘journalism’ of covering the beats of Rodney King and so of also the streets of the angels “on fire.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe - they both may have been fated to ‘valleys’ of ’storms.’  The Clintons have paths of past destructiveness still to bear witness to them too much in some fields as of forces electric too ungrounded - it seems hands of fate have leveled them by a lighting their auras as if as them as “bad apples” of having reigned ruinousness in rains, at least, in the temperments of shared morality by recipes about pies, some, of bodily charges, however neuronic.

The Clintons seem to have been those most at fault of a said foulness by ruining bushels of so many now so long.  It seems Mrs. Clinton, herself, knows but recipes for disaster and still just can’t bring herself to judiciously being grounded in the common core of the Constitutional constitution.  To all of The United States we are set “ordained and established” by the “People” “Order” as one nation under God, and so then however industrious or hobbied/crafty, as formed with all corporations under the “Union” but so by the First Amendment that all corporations must therefore be “religious” as under the nation under God and yet with the Congress of the “Union” barred from any Law to discern how a corporation is respecting an establishment of religion.

Personally, it seems, still too “biblical” how the energy of truths worked also poetic of the THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM beget an understanding of the times that otherwise show to strongly as misbegotten and misunderstood by President Barack Hussein Obama  — it still reads, to me, that President Obama has been so wrong about Iraq he has hardly had even a chance to be right about anything ‘political’ and ‘historical’ across the Middle East.

Personally, it seems served that Mrs. Clinton, however Bill Clinton maybe the better half of their “apple” BOGO, and as Secretary Clinton, however imprudently and Constitutionally improperly ((long story for later too)), did electrify the People and debates by her exposure on Benghazi while Libya was her baby expected to be carried more prudently to term.  It seems undeniable that her Benghazi has rendered her of no “recipe” but for disaster as it seems her “baking” “diplomatic” can only fall and collapse upon itself.  It seems by her “fruit” President Obama “politics” became poisoned and it like “biblical” how her baby Libya by the abortive about Benghazi stands extant and evidential that she before, during, and after was deficient, unknowing, and, yes, even grossly negligent - by the bushels.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:56 pm

Storms are as old and older than the Bible.  Some old platonic electron colliding have been of past “big bang” metaphorical significant events in creationisms. Distant bodies can have platonic e-intercoursing and still have been of no inceptions passed of a creative from such colliding and sharing.  Where there are sparks there may be yet no embodiment extra-electical of biologicals also entangled to new life.

This will eventually fall itself to a class categorical within the works of http://JPHogan.org as fittingly of AUTO-BIO’D of #CitRB.

J.K. Rowling and myself are within 7 days of the others biological flooding of the wombs breaching to us each more than lively swimmers so seated and at times kicking of our mothers’ bosomed beingnesses.  It is more than Socratic that J.K. Rowling and I are the parents of Hermione and now it seems the extra-Biblical “Ila” as though so of a sparked only platonic distant e-colliding in collusion to that which seems magical.  It is that by Aronofsky’s “NOAH” “Hermione” as “Ila” is yet a new virgin birthed of the Bible stories as so that a platonic e-colliding in a non-biological creativity off-sprung so.

Right, I am an American of the Northern American continental and baptized a Catholic and so familial to Pope Francis as the first American Pope.  Right, I am he as such that in a distant e-colliding did spark a directed blessed birthing by musings platonic of that which J.K. Rowling did so mother like as a surrogate.  Right, J.K. Rowling was unable to get published as I first instructed in the distant kept platonic directiveness of mused challenge to 7 books as of 7 separate years in curriculum of magic studies as I hoped as without even her publisher informed as to the origin of its creative conception.  Right, it is of the story that she did only find a publisher in her storied trespassing upon publishers when I agreed she could inform of our platonic conceptions and distant colliding in creative electron sparking as though as yet not generally informed of such publisher once of an also shared knowing of a promise to keep the wizardry source, myself, hidden as less than anonymous.

But to boats and vessel of the seas set of Russell Crowe, and how we did meet over crossing paths of BODY OF LIES in Washington, D.C.:  I do not know, with any certainty, if yet how when I took up boat building in DC, Annapolis and ports otherwise of the Chesapeake and was to musing too in a kept habit of mined in sparking shared humanity floating in arts if how I was to thinking Hollywood should be good and profitable if to a new Tall Ship tales and so of seamanship captaining how such otherwise while earlier than a known as for of the production of MASTER AND COMMANDER.  I have built and rebuilt boats, and I have thought of what new for Hollywood could be prophetic to future rewards in proofed profits through art at least of Russell Crowe.

But to boats and vessels we should broaden our strokes at least in a keep for a kept heel of the poetic keel about such passages.  It is that though I (naively) thought J.K. Rowling so accepting of the challenge for birthing seven books and each of such character, and specifically a “Hermione” as of the one of two conundrum of situational originality could then carry and deliver all seven in less than seven years I did even as about my years in Washington, D.C. struggle to keep while deeply years passed seven to finding ways in new ways of learning new things to develop and apropos air for newness, and, too as with my boat building while still a political thinker/writer getting by as self employed as a carpenter contractor, mostly.

I know Hermione like few know Hermione - I know how & why I worked a platonic distant e-colliding to spark the Big Bang of Harry Potter of her of a posse so mainly set, and heroic.  Right, J.K. Rowling, though older actually than myself by mere days of our 1965 biological vintage as pedestrian beings more than just earlier born swimmers is of this now also Biblical storification as parents like of “Ila” as the actual in like a virgin birth of “Hermione.”  The story of the Big Bang of Harry Potter so distant and platonic in the sparking so of e-colliding is as it originated directionally to her as the daughter of the late patriarch Rowling - Peter Rowling - as I sent out the message from a Scotch bottle, like, of looking for an unknown wanna bee writer willing to accept a 7 book challenge centered around a magic student character with black hair and round glasses as yet a only considered so far as “Peter Rowe-ling” character with a posse of a her my one and a blond male classmate as the original situational to such from me of it seeming better than to also have two star heroines as it better to have one of a “her my one choice of two.”

So to be brief as NOAH like sets sails anew and as if of a pathology of “Ila” as from “Hermione” so as with “Hermione” like now a new Biblical as of a virgin birth but more platonic just sparking to the Big Bang of Harry Potter e-colliding carried long together conception.  There is a long story in how many years I kept finding new things to do and learn about and professionally as to be to new useful musable passable instructive energy for the realm of out of the air creating of J.K. Rowling.

So to be brief, and as I really hope you go and see and so experience a physicality with others of your own species with the trip that NOAH is still promising, please consider your roots and others.  Please consider that every business is a “religious business” though some “religious businesses” are more specifically and particularly “Religious businesses.”  And, as per “Ila” so born both of the Bible and Harry Potter it is literally that her creation about the vessel of the Ark doth protect Noah’s son from be cast of a lot of a Jobian struggle as one otherwise possibly only lined to be (new) OEDIPUS REX’S of an Oedipal.

                                             *     *     *

I do wonder now if Emma Watson as of NOAH refreshments isn’t as also nearly done with university at Brown won’t find herself so blessed to be by so many dramatic circumstances to a future as one more a new J.K. Rowling as a creator of original characters more than otherwise to being yet a tool just of others’ minds and bodies as an actress of others’ words and words smithing.

Mightn’t it be better for Emma Watson that she be of, at best she may, at the pre-selection of terminology potentially to be influential, where variable, to her fate?

Note:  History is that the first time I saw a copy of the last book of the seven I was in DC and in a court yard outside the Hart Senate Office building on a rest from a contemplative long walk about the Mall and DC generally.  History is that all of this just partly here shared was of a consideration that there was too much to spill out if I approached the young female Capitol Hill staffer with a queriousness about Harry Potter as she seemed engorged in the last of the new fiction.  It, as I recall, almost seemed like she had the book less than a day and was like on her cell phone reading it to her mother.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:36 am

As a (political) platypus we should be looking for her stinger.  As a (political) Draculette we should be carrying wooden stakes and not surprised she is not apprised of her self as she wouldn’t be seen near mirrors.  As a new Marie Antoinette it would behoove all to consider her and that which is her’s in historical collateral damage.

Got spit?  She might be splashy and a whale at the tables of the gambles of politics, and, she may most fear the Constitution of the Founders’ original bite, for it seems, though unexpected, to still have its original teeth.

Got spit?  She, however a mammal, and evolved however, has gummed up the body politic about vicissitudes neglected as like of viscosities degraded of essential lubricants of critical mechanisms in the push and pull of governance engineered.

Got spit?  She, regardless, however a woman, has mileage on her, as trumpeted - much heavy baggage and a cacophony in discord, strongly drummed, too - She has eight years on her of consummated parity in Presidency still too lacking a fitting right sized comity homespun.

For scores and for her eight years not too long ago there is that many have been buried and wounded as her consummated powers so intimate and intimated were consecrated and metered.  Her’s is and is a union the Union cannot divide — she is set as protected as an equal partner of indivisible stature due marriage unions, however, this Union is not allowed to set asunder, by Laws.  What feminist angst and envy is tolerable by Law after first so expressed as intimated as Executive heft by a kept equal in marriage First Spouse?  Mustn’t the plates so served upon as of politics of the Executive stay in the Executive - stay to the proper side of the thresholds of democracy as preserved in the Executive’s walls?  Where a team of rivals worked for President Lincoln it now already endures that for President Obama his gamble with an embrace of the Clintons as rivals has been much to the frays causal to his unraveling.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is the proper politician to tag about the past hashable as a said “Messiah” it is that he, not she, has played out more as if a SON OF GOD, and too with an EXODUS - an exodus in Hollywood of at least half of those thought to have been loyal to the Clinton marital union accordance as a set so poised as those their most dramatic friends.  It must rank with President Obama that however possibly as a female gladiator the people of the known world is behooved too to consider that she is more as if a Joaquin Phoenix - a Commodus. She seems to already have failed with, and in, too many “fight scenes.”

Her envy - oh her envy?  But for being like born and bread of Chicago, Illinois, true so through, she otherwise claimed The Natural State as hers.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But as for having been reared and trained to a juris doctorate she as a J.D. seems still too dramatic and lacking in a believable as it is she too seems to want “ORDER” pre ambled to be a verb and not the noun of its writ large People Order original intent.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But how to accommodate - how to moderate - how to justify - how to arrest her insensibilities and properly grid her out graphically and chronologically to meter in digits her past footing, of her beaten, to within inches so more American?  How are any now to properly weigh the existent legacy of she as the equal to her he and of shared intimate and intimated Executive Power - how she a Commodus or a modern day Marie Antoinette?

Among the vicissitudes very publicly incident to her reign is much of personal emoluments and marital entanglements.  The faux she is to be the is she soon of the record for curation for all those fallen and of risings indivisible from the real she of the his her of the Clintons’ Presidency “two-fer” Union - when the Ground Zero Museum opens it will have a curatorial duty to the realm of truth and probative curiousity which she should have trouble long enduring.  When the Ground Zero Museum opens the Ground Zero Memorial will become more a living tribute to truth and towards honoring the memorial as a memorial, however constructed, as a construct to display the real she and he Clinton as the ticker ticks that the priors are for President Bush but eight plus months, and for the Clintons’ Presidency eight years plus eight months plus.

Our Constitution has been shaken.  Her constitution is set to be permanently shaken and likely exposed as truly culpable at least in a shared executive negligence, at least.  The Ground Zero Museum may not be prudent or charged to exposing a “The Real Hillary Rodham Clinton” or at all the she of her of feminine “envy” but it will at least have the justification to undermine a too dramatized she with a timeline chronology showing the attacks of the first 9/11 had plans commenced while she reigned as (a too imperialist) First Spouse.  It should shake her to the ashes, at least to the bones of her “legacy” - it should be an open and shut to a irreconcilable coincidental to shake her truly about a due consideration of a museum curative charge for the people - all people - that there are at least a couple per the Clintons’ administering of a public record that can and can more still incriminate them, and much for the dangers of inaction and avoidance specific to the Middle East and more so Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our truths?  God is in the Constitution as ordained and established as the People’s Order in their forming the more perfect Union so as “done” that Year of the founders’ Lord whence.  God isn’t just established by the Constitution as the God of the New Testament — the founders established the government of the People as so humbly under God and their order to it so as a more perfect Union as “done” so before subscriptions unanimous so effectingly.

Our truths?  God has been bearing witness to the bare she as honestly politically of the indivisible union in marriage with her he the Platypus stinger of her of her consummated and consecrated intimate intimations of the Clintons’ Executive and to as the said rival of a team about President Obama that is of a legacy now of dividing a nation more than unifying one.

Our truths?  God is not alone - God so Constituted is empowering freedoms and too soon by a curated memorialized to it a inconvenient truth that the Ground Zero Museum will have its charges to a duty to float the whale of she - the whale of her issues - as it that such is consecrated as hallowed ground to be forever considerate and a sanctuary for honesty about how such is of an ashes of sacrifice not to be seen at all as acceptable collateral damage for the politics and policies of the Administration by the Clintons will long cascade visuals to truths about them of a culpability.

However madly hatted in a public spectacle, it is sad - not spectacular - that Hillary Clinton has been, and is, a person of interest for so much that has gone wrong.  However madly hatted the Ground Zero Museum will make the sanctuary of the Ground Zero Memorial a living testament to a due queriousness near to and regular as:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG (IN THE MIDDLE EAST)?

However:  Now of a refreshing of the scares of SON OF GOD and the Biblical EXODUS we have to too consider anew the civility and prudence, at least of economics, if to a returned growth paradigm, in how it can still be said that the Republicans are naturally better for a JOB for you for they sell sin, sex, sanctuaries, and justice and/or forgiveness, and, in a simplicity for Democrats they apparently have been too much too slick in just a pedestrian selling of sin and escapism.  The original he and she we are asked to be to seeing is an Adam and Eve as Bill and Hillary of their inescapable intimately consummated soon to be more lively consecrated by their intimations and political intimidations by the duties curatorial expected with all those of charges about the soon to be open Ground Zero Museum.

Perhaps, we can reduce for reader digesting the whale of Platypus, Draculette, Antoinette and Commodus Clinton by using a quote by paraphrasing one whom was of the Clintons’ National Security Council.  Perhaps this thought too should be boldly set and illuminated sharply at least in the new museum when it is open:  Perhaps so:  As written in TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt nearly:  WHEN THE WHITE HOUSE SETS ABOUT WORKING TOO CLOSELY WITH HOLLYWOOD SUCH BEGETS TERRORISM.

Perhaps, we just need to question her wardrobe as if it was ever even magical?  Perhaps the threshold of a “honest” “Hillary” is at just remembering how President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did tag the Administration of the Clintons’ smartly for having begotten problems by ignoring too much that dangers arise from avoidance and inaction?  It is that President Obama should maybe too be memorialized at such museum and for the wisdom and prudence however 20/20 of hindsight about even 9/11 I of the attacks on 9/11 of the Year of our Lord two thousand and One — Perhaps an @BarackObama quote should too endure by public displays of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance heedence of credence in proffered his as there are DANGERS from AVOIDANCE and INACTION?

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[If Hillary Rodham had married William Jefferson Clinton by his Christian name firstly given she’ld, however becoming she may have become, would have been so too as more just Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:33 am

With the shadows of doubt seen so about President Obama a fable of he still shouldn’t be (yet) that he should have stayed home and say vacuumed/cleaned.  These are days that are darkened by Mrs. Clinton, however, as too long yet of insufficient common sense possibly from not having enough stayed home to bake even some cookies.

I do not advise Republicans or even GOP women to be now at a WAR ON WOMEN.  I may not advise them or any of them to be so at war politically yet, however, I do have a history of progressive feminism and effected political positive change specifically for women that allows me latitude for attitude myself as if of a WAR ON WOMEN political punditry.

This February 2014 as the second month of the Year of the founder’s Lord two thousand ten and four as a new BLACK HISTORY MONTH is economically historical of a politically long dark shadow about President Obama that much belongs to the girth of the effectings by Clinton - by the Clintons.  President Obama, it seems, is now mostly of a culpability by association with an inherited darkness now affecting like a black hole made by the inferior orbits much still too polarizing of the Clintons’ presidency.

I may even now be near to cherishing a natural role, myself, for a WAR ON WOMEN open discourse about feminism and a guilt due political feminine.  We all need an emotional empowering to the days before the Clintons’ unexpected 1992 showing and placing to yet find a sufficiently empowering as like finding the leverage - as like finding the spot to move the world by a simple lever.  I may be uniquely of a history to generally discuss a Welfare of feminism of the science medical and as well a socio-economic of the politics of change at least of the early 1990s.  I may cherish a timely WAR ON WOMEN if only to air out as dirty laundry some issues about any progressive feminism now of a darkened economic shadow as if of a incomplete grading as I should be able to recall in due time many ways at how it seems women have avoided finishing some of their movements.

But really this today is supposed to be satirical to how it may yet not be fair for President Obama to be so blackened and trapped in a long economic shadow vacuous primarily made of the baking of the Presidency, at least, of the Clintons. Though we should be (morally) concerned about President Obama as seemingly of his own pen and powers at apparently self darkened by a Presidency violate of the ten commandments but by nine - it seems yet he hasn’t proffered at adultery and so all ten.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd he proffered at all near that it could be Constitutional for Congress to make any Law respecting that there is no GOD.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd that he as a “messianic” was as it still appears of a attempt at a bright aura as if a messiah of more than one GOD - and yet now of a darkened shadow at least about Christianity.

This economic mess is much so of a vacuous morality nearest yet to a lacking morality as to be expected by a statist polity by polarized partisan politics so shared intra-party in a Socialism like New Deal Austerity.  How such is a blackened shadow of Democrats girth and casting is still to be parsed and metered — President Obama may be as a black shadow yet by an associated it may be us all so blackened by a darkness about a general Democratic Posterity.  Mrs. Clinton, however, need be looked for a culpable darkness of such girth and extent as like for not enough common sense from like enough time at home and baking cookies — it is palpable how unsavory these economics of the Democrat Party New Deal Austerity in an olfactory premonition for visuals have now too long shown that Mrs. Clinton doesn’t per intelligence at least know what things can or shouldn’t be mixed together.

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity. 

I have likewise a consideration for economics that I am one whom shouldn’t be expected to make a next move or even a request to others as per my history and vast successes I have a Posterity that need others to at least presuppose a political condition that I am one who should be reached out to and not waited upon.  There is that for what I know of my own past means, motives, and used opportunities for effecting economic growth and even a feminist progressive there is so much in such recollections that to see my affecting shadow and as truly relevant a capacity factor necessitates a protocol to waiting on others.  It seems that I must wait until approached by at least written email or phonography and a due protocol to preserve a capacity for sufficient detail remixing.

The politics or civility for a fair exposing of any long shadow as mine and made by me is of a necessity it seems for a sufficient capacity for Posterity because until others try to explain my story even to me I won’t yet be able to adequately discern a say leverage position towards rendering a new progressive bi-partisan affecting.  Until some others approach me either by at least written email or phonography it seems it would be self-defeating to public hopes even if I were to make efforts to ask to be more broadly read of my blogging yet so now of a brightness to expose Democrats of a darkness as their shadow economic and political. For now my blogging isn’t supposed to be of the answers but to a corralling or desperado range of miles and miles of fences to keep — for now my blogging is for justice and history as it seems a necessary politics that a justice for the darkened shadows by Democrats needs a public rendering firstly.

The Clintons can be said to mostly have affected a vacuous economics of the darkened or blackened shadow at least now economic of President Obama however if mostly yet of only an associated culpability.  How blackened is this vacuous now in an inescapable personal and political guilt for President Obama?  How now isn’t President Obama the THE ESTABLISHMENT and so of a liberating not occupying affecting for the Republicans?  How now isn’t President Obama mostly culpable by standards of leadership for even so much a trapping vacuous economics rendered primarily before the Presidency of George W. Bush by the too political and opportunist economics of the Clintons?

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity.

Speaking personally and yet politically to not get in the way of the first black President at his desires and attempts to have a personality based #OBAMA PERSONALITY presidency:  I speak personally of how I will not knowingly help even President Obama help the Clintons succeed in what has since their 1993 inauguration seemed too much to me as if of them of thieving knowingly in a clever (spousal) lawyering from me.  There is that for the vast past effected capacity and length of a shadow I cast economically and for a progressive feminism it is too that I am in a position that has me needing to wait on others to be firstly to attempting to assuage my past volunteered economically mused affecting generosity before I could have a chance yet to be to a restorative economics however with any reset using specifically that of the past successes.  There is that until I respect that President Obama wants to live or politically die by his “personality” and that for such too I am politically wise to avoid any reboot of my now off-line synchronicity for economic growth at least unless asked specifically by parties sufficient in a political girth for there to be any progress not too self defeating per any gross efforts.

I do have to some blame President Obama yet it really is the culpability of the Clintons for such a darkened economics and polarized partisan politics that I must most and most knowingly tag.  It is that however the Clintons may have thought justified in their unauthorized use and misuse of my past political and economic effectings - including some still quite empowering of progressive feminism - I personally have and still feel justified in tagging them of at least imprudent and unnecessary unwise thievery of that once more mostly my originally timely figured business plan an the greater ambition that still better explains it.

However Mrs. Clinton, however, now is of a history of failing at a proper intelligence before and after Benghazi it remains that such can be said as of her at least of not having enough time at home and baking — Mrs. Clinton, however, just seems for Posterity a public figure who hasn’t yet figured what can or shouldn’t be mixed together and/or cooked together.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:56 am

What is intelligence?  What might be the results of an IQ test today in Davos of those gathered of the World Economic Forum?

Are they smarter than an average white American Democrat woman?  Any American woman over the age of 50?

It seems multiple choice queries would complicate what can now be limited to point and counter point and as focused around one current public figure and even so as such representative of the sex of female.

These may be better to be presented as a bulleted list as if for essays on point and counter points:  Discuss:

  1. Hillary Clinton of 1992 race did how oddly help Governor Clinton so succeed yet while they can be said to have run against family values.
  2. Hillary Clinton is a conundrum in a postured “feminism” how was it wrong in a management methodology for a First Lady to be otherwise structured in a West Wing job of a bureaucratic submissive duty to a President as spouse?  Wasn’t she an equal in marriage as First Lady but by choice just an underling as of a “job” in the Clinton Administration?
  3. Hillary Clinton has seemingly made a career of putting her husband and his career first - discuss how this now can be seen as an “example” of feminism.
  4. Hillary Clinton as First Lady did crusade across the world quite imperialistically of dictates as to how people of different cultural regions yet should be treating their women as she said.  Did she think about “turf” and “turfs” and enough how she was rabidly being inciting and incendiary to those more orthodox or radicalized?  How but for a surge in Afghanistan could she have seen her crusading not just have been of talk say for about fifty years — how was her crusading as First Lady supposed to have any muscle to it if not by future military intervention by armed forces of The United States of America?
  5. Hillary Clinton seems set up by spousal husbandry in executive decisions biased for selfish political positioning to be arranged to be inevitable and yet in a worked dramatic to be to cast to be a HAWK to a DOVE/Lover Boy image for her Husband.  Now in hindsight how dangerous was it that the Clintons seem to have postponed prudent global engagements during their eight years too much just because they though it might be more fun if such saved for a Presidency for HAWKISH Hillary?
  6. Hillary Clinton talked tough as First Lady and tougher in ways that her spouse the President.  Was President Clinton of avoidance and inaction because he was yellow at the helm of the ship of State or was it a more dangerous politics of thinking time could wait upon their plans for his/their return via an election of them by a ticketing of his wife?
  7. Hillary Clinton did try to sell Hillarycare as if “universal” though just for a nation - but now how is it that the Democrats supposed leading authority/expert on healthcare asked to be Secretary of State and not the Secretary of Health and Human Services responsible for showing Obamacare could and would work?
  8. Hillary Clinton asked to be Secretary of State — How for feminism does this complicate a “feminist” tag for her?  Isn’t it that at State she seems to have been to being a facilitator for her husband and his global initiatives and like yet a travel office still for his priorities?  Isn’t it that at State she was supposed to be a “rival” to President Obama and that so there her loyalty has to be questioned as it seems reasonable that Clintons did want her at State to help them be together in global initiatives of a rivalry to President Obama?  How is it feminism for her to have been so compromised by CGI and especially as she was then the officer of the Obama cabinet most responsible for oversight duty to the People about Bill Clintons’ vast meddling by global initiatives?
  9. Hillary Clinton did not have any executive experience until she was President Obama’s Secretary of State, right?  Though she pledged if President she would be ready from day one and even at any 3am/crisis moment isn’t it that even with lesser and more focused duties just of State she did fail to live up to her promises? 
  10. Hillary Clinton did serve a few years as a Senator from New York state.  Isn’t her time as Senator really now historically her only resume stuffing as her as a politician?  How many years as a politician should we think necessary for any candidate for the Presidency?  Have we learned yet that as few as she and President Obama had really is too little and as it also so it seems devoid in executive instinct and experiences?
  11. Hillary Clinton didn’t insist on being HHS Secretary — could she have done at least as good a job as the executive in charge of launching a workable Obamacare?  She supposedly was the Democrats top expert due to her years attempting to bring a national Hillarycare said “universal” likewise to The United States proper — wasn’t President Obama best chance for healthcare reform to have been if Hillary Clinton had been at HHS and firstly to caring about the People and their healthcare?
  12. Hillary Clinton is of the plurality of “The Clintons” as per their former NSC member Philip Bobbitt and his book TERROR AND CONSENT.  She insisted on being part of the bureaucracy of the administration and not yet safely private and equal as just First Lady Hillary — any candidate Hillary now is of the title as TERROR AND CONSENT and not TERROR OR CONSENT and how he as a national security expert was to explaining that the Clintons lies do beget terrorism.  Philip Bobbitt’s words were known before half of her Hollywood thought friends publicly humilated her with tagging of the Clintons as BIG LIARS — but as per his warning per terror like that when a White House and Hollywood work too closely together (in posturing lies) such does dangerously beget terrorism.  It seems the Clintons in 2008 were defeated by themselves - by truths and warnings from their own circle of friends and national security experts - it seems still that Hillary Clinton lost in 2008 because enough new by Hollywood fractured friendships and TERROR AND CONSENT that the Clintons were BIG LIARS and that their lying was by at least one expert said to be of begetting terrorism.
  13. Hillary Clinton, however really a feminist or not, seems, however set up to be a HAWK to a DOVE earlier by her husband administering, too much still as of a yet unexplained “inevitable” as if she was best to be elected because she already had a working relationship with so many of those now deposed across the world that could last.  Right?  Hillary Clinton though of no executive experience and no personal experience as a politician but her few years as a Senator was in 2008 of suggesting she was the best candidate because the Clintons were still better friends around the world with socialists, tyrants, autocrats, and even specifically dictators more now of the deposed?

Ok, all can participate.  Please work up your 13 essays to at least develop your own critical thinking.  It seems we have to dissect Hillary Clinton at least and now as we can be said to of economies that haven’t been able to recover while of days newly where a dynamic of the economics is that more women are now in management and executive duties these days as recovery has been slow or barely existent.  Across all thirteen essay teased posits we have a consideration that maybe women are more to blame and as these days are of a new dynamic so of a record number of women now, however, running things.

Ok, with all this said it may be and should be polite to let the women go first.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

*As I start today’s satire/punditry on heavy issues about a/the real Hillary Clinton, and so live, here is a link to SUMMER FARE oldie as of SAMPLER of JPHogan.org @ http://jphogan.org/113201.html.


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There are times for comparative political literature and then there are TIMES for critical political literature.  If and/or how what now may transpire can be said (at all) to be literature is for you and others - not me - to wax upon, figuratively.

We all have our temptations.  Fewer of us of a global we though have equal freedoms.  Discretion and prudence may be a better part of democratic politics than Democrats like Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may care to admit.

Well WORLD today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s 50th Birthday, and today is the first day I have considered the it isn’t too timely a stretch to assuage a shared historical as now:  Michelle Obama and I spent near a year in Cambridge together. For now this is here as a memory trick — I had been lax in thinking President Obama had a thing for an earlier graduate of Harvard Law School as a thing for an older woman - I have now realized that like myself she was in the Boston and Cambridge area before her husband, as was I.  It may be that we were actually together even in Grendel’s Den a time or two and maybe even socially flirtive.

But more seriously, today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

It is more biographical if I can be objective or accurate in an auto’d bio’d to offer that the me/I of 1987-1988 year of Suffolk University Law School was like most of my years of a white guy just under 5′ 9″ whom though athletic still was generally not of a fear of black women (any more than women of other colors) while to a trepidation though (maybe of insecurity) albeit about tall/taller women.  Though First Lady Mrs. Obama and I can nearly be said to have spent a year in Cambridge together I cannot profess to know her politics, and nor will I presume to.  I did leave law school the spring before her husband started at Harvard and so the same spring she did graduate.  I did leave law school after confirming with one year that I was correct that I wanted to stay more creative and not barred at lawyering.  I did leave law school to creatively and originally be to setting myself up with experiences to be the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution that I could manage.

My story that supports my critical writing about even just Hillary Clinton is especially of such year and my reasons for leaving law school to be a marketing and politics caboose to Reagan’s Revolution freedom train.  I have know NYPD Commissioner/Chief William Bratton since such year in the Boston area.  Again, I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s, Sarah Palin since about 1982, and the Clintons since the early 70s.  I have not been able to support the politics of President Obama because of his choice of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for any spot in his cabinet, and especially for her selection to be his top diplomat.

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So more seriously:  Today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

I welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department per Secretary Hillary Clinton, her admitted culpability, and a general diligence due for the tragedy of Benghazi.  I welcome the new politics from such by the Senate that now should work as a better political check on President Obama as a Senate willing to rebuke the Clinton State Department is a Senate not to be presumed still as if unwilling to consider a possibility that an impeachment might be prudent.

For now while all of so much tragic is yet so fresh anew it behoove us to consider that at least First Lady Michelle Obama knows that her husband’s first Secretary of State can be blamed for most of his global failings.  You can say there is beauty - political beauty in this concept.  A historical Hillary Clinton is a dangerous political Clinton.  She doesn’t really come in many colors - her legacy is black with tragedies, and darkness.

All Americans of the northern continent Constituted in united states of a measured federalism prudence as a confederate republic have still (if Democrats) the Clintons firstly and mostly to blame for Vice President Al Gore 2000 loss.  A lesson for today is that the Clintons cannot likewise be trusted to not turn on the Obamas at least towards 2016.

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First Lady Michelle, it seems I still recall a flirtatious glance to a pretty black coed whence thence of a rendezvous at Grendel’s with other law school singles and yet until today had consider it as impossible that it could have been timely as of with you.  In any smile from me then at or near Harvard would have been that I was of inner city public schooling of New Haven, CT; that William Stringfellow whom recently likely had passed had been a client of mine; that when I was about five I shook hands with one whom still is likely both the tallest person I have shaken hands with and as well the tallest black person —and as Augustus A. White M.D. is most certainly the tallest doctor, however then when met quite still the renowned physician of the Black Panthers; and that I was thinking to be a great caboose to all and a outside facilitator for improvements in civility for law enforcement.  As it is I have known Dr. White since about age five and as socially introduced on the New Haven green in a happenstance reunion of he and my dad as “friends.”  Of my year so nearly spent about Cambridge with Michelle Obama of 1987-1988 it has been that I have recalled a casual flirtatious smile at Grendel’s thence whence with a black coed however of a different law school maybe that was abridged when such rose from seated to standing, and yet have until today never really considered that such could or might have been she.

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Dear readers this is becoming bulleted about Hillary Clinton even though originally meant to be more bulleted about Hillary Clinton critically — this is not supposed to be a beating about a bush of Mrs. Clinton but a beating at a/the real Mrs. Clinton.

Again:  I will not even now after five years of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama yet presume to know the politics of First Lady Michelle Obama.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama as per a rivaling First Lady Mrs. Clinton nor soon forget how the Clintons in politics even turned on the quite familial postured real friendship bosomed by the Bush clan and with dark back stabbing when politically convenient for the First Couple’d Clintons.  I don’t see how any Democrat can expect anything if a support of the Clintons towards 2016 as anything but severely guarded and restrained if by the First Couple’d Obamas.

To Mrs. Clinton, despite her spun propaganda for feminism, President Clinton is still too much her “Russian Bear” too over-coddled as if too meant to be like an American Putin of a return to the Power of the Presidency even as a Constitution seemed dead set writ against such.  It just seems a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is still of her personal and professional story of like always of having been to a predilection at wanting her “Bill” on top.

It is dark politics to delve into a depth of a/the real Hillary Clinton as one whom it seems has worked to undermine a Presidency for Al Gore and as well did work to undermine the Presidency of George Bush.  It seems simply clear that Secretary Hillary is supposed to reign as being a rival to the Presidency of Barack Obama and as yet still one whom politically can try to claim that those successes he did have were really of a pathology of her skill and not any really of his.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama or her ability to check an expected smack from Mrs. Clinton if she enters 2016 officially.

Giving such a confidence in a political and legal acumen for First Lady Michelle Obama I will now try to wrap this up albeit with less brevity than the brevity I did firstly intend.

Looking back to 1993 it is arguable that there hasn’t been a disaster or a tragedy that doesn’t have Hillary Clinton some at the heart of it.  There are too many political and historical layers caked upon Mrs. Clinton, however, for her to be to 2016 as a natural beauty.  A/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is to be discerned best maybe by understanding Vice President Al Gore’s failed 2000 campaign as principally due to the betrayal by the Clintons towards a selfish husbandry to protecting themselves over their own Party towards a securing of more terms as Hillary’s terms.  It is that only if you like tragedy can you possible see a visible historical darkness of a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton anyhow as beautious.

There is a beauty in the rivalry between the Clintons and the Obamas - but then you know by now today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s anniversary of her 29th birthday.  She shines bright today and as a darkness and doom lingers over Mrs. Clinton, however.  I do welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department, REALLY!  It helps it be crystal clear that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was no gem.  It seems she didn’t even master being a master of part of the house of Obama.  There seems an unflattering dirt and blood of many beneath the political nails of Obama’s first Secretary of State, and, yes, it seems some of it of stains she hasn’t been able to wash away from the first term hers of 1993-1997.

It seems Congress can do itself one better by First Lady Michelle Obama and now be of its Constitutional right and duty at checking more than just 2016 political smack by the Clintons - it seems Congress now by two houses bicameral can be to a very public investigating intrusion into the Clintons and their political machinations by ways of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives CGI, both by foreign and domestic jurisdiction.  The Clintons are in jeopardy by the Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the Constitution or by the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Courts — they are either now of the jurisdiction of one or both, and especially for a consideration of what could or can not be “legal” as per the months between their departure from the Executive plantation and that of September of 2001 of 9/11 I.  It is that the Clintons are likely still “legally” in reach of Congress, however bicameral, as by the Constitution bar of titling and checks on all whom can be said to be “agents” of The United States of America.

But to be brief it is a beauty how simply the Clintons can and should be now publicly dissected LIVE.

You do not need to be a lawyer to fathom that by the 22nd Amendment all People have a right and a duty to assert that the Clintons if to a Presidential campaign are in violation of the yet undecided Law of the term limits amendment and so taggable as criminal/un-Constitutional/treasonous.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is still undecided Law it is open to an original interpretation that its language of heralding in holding of office as if inseparable from a holding of a spouse is meant to be of an accounting prudence akin to petty cash safeties as also barred from an electing to the Presidency.  As a spouse has a right in marriage to hold their spouse the 22nd Amendment by the 80th Congress set with Richard Nixon an election of a spouse after a term limiting would simply in a logical be of a barred returning by election of the other to the barred holding.

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Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama.  It seems a simple truth quite beautiful that you have it in your power to easily check the threat of the Clintons to all the People and to defend your legacy - you and your husband’s yet still possibly net positive Presidential legacy.

People it is that the President and First Lady can still blame Iraq and Afghanistan failures most recently on a failure to measure up by First Lady Senator Secretary Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems as per our longest war that President Obama just had a top diplomat not capable of a diplomatic solution alternative to war, and likewise it is that it seems the President Obama’s early departure as a retreat from Iraq is likely historical as of a Secretary of State of having over estimated and under delivered on any promise that she with her “personality” could handle it all.

And simply there seems hope again as the Senate has proudly stood up dutifully and rendered a rebuke on the Clinton State Department - I mean at least for now the Clinton State Department of the Obama administration.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

A FEMIFEST DESTINY to excuse even the past twenty plus years of Democrat Party national politics is far more inexcusable than a charge up San Juan Hill as if a Roosevelt’s convenient wag the dog war of choice.

Is Hillary Rodham Clinton forgivable as a MASTER OF DISASTER if it is to be politically excusable as figured and affected as if a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY?  I think not!

How in a Constitutional jeopardy are the People of The United States of America now free and proper to asserting if to asserting such just about Hillary Rodham Clinton?  There must be considerable jeopardy hemming in the Clintons and remarkably for times they were not actually of the Executive in the months between their departure from The White House and the very moments of the first 9/11 attacks.  These times are maybe as critical to understanding the real Clintons as the those unread missing Faulkner chapters may be to understanding him.  There is a jeopardy for the Clintons much just in the public record theirs since 9/11 and especially about those remarks they shouldn’t have made at all unless they needed to cover-up a reality wrought of their own knowing and willful politics.  The most serious jeopardy possible for the “two-fer” Clintons likely has to be for these months between their exit and the commencement of the long planned Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I. 

It may be that a MASTER OF DISASTER may have been a best hope for a global war on women politics, and, yet it may be that it is that at least Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to master a mastery if so of any ends justifying the means disaster ‘politics.”  I believe there are enough public statements made by either President or Mrs. Clinton now that compromise a possible forgiveness for even inciting discord abroad theirs — it seems that the Clintons have already said too much and so enough that the months here broached of their firstly without Executive privileged are smoking gun days to a negligence for them and at least for their surpluses as per 9/11 attacks.  It seems the Clintons did not let go of executive power as expected and have since compromised a presumption of innocence defense for themselves for the months before 9/11.  If a MASTER OF DISASTER either or both of the Clinton “two-fer” would not have to still rate as if the smartest person in the room about such — this ship of superiority has sailed long ago without them.

The 9/11 Commission Report was seriously flawed and somehow maybe by a political defensiveness coy enough by the Clintons as by only looking back 10 years at Al Qaeda that was then at least 2-3 years older than 10 it became possible to look away from the Clintons when looking for negligence and/or gross negligence of/by any Presidency.  I still have no idea how Congress did abide or sanction a 9/11 Commission Report that would not at least look back far enough to be looking at it as it was born/conceived firstly.  If one looks back to the birth of Al Qaeda as so to be an Islamic response to Saddam Hussein and his invasion of Kuwait and so to at least more years than the Commission did then one likely has to then grapple with a conundrum about a negligence for the Clintons more specifically as of an idea that The United States of America did get attacked on 9/11 because the Clintons’ Administration had failed to sufficiently bring justice upon Saddam Hussein by a thinking of justice by Al Qaeda ideology.

Wars on women rights and for literacy if of a core scheme since the Clintons’ first days at the helm can only maybe offer a political forgiveness - can only go so far politically.  It seems that if their is a core like of a FEMIFEST DESTINY as like a Presidency set-up as Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riding coincidences there is now a problem that the Clintons seemed to have failed to be smart enough to pull off what might yet be also now of a means justifying the ends forgivable politics.  There are really a trillion reasons why the Clintons can be said to have come up short from being smart enough - say from being as smart as they needed to be and as smart as they may have thought that they were.  We can hardly now justify Afghanistan as a just war of choice in keeping with the too imperialist feminist crusading by First Lady Clinton whence — As convenient as such seemed for her if due a Presidency we all have to query how it can be right to have been at such and yet not right to have been as well firstly in Iraq for the majority of its women so of its majority Shia populace.

To really be condemnable as a MASTER OF DESTRUCTION we must look at Hillary Rodham Clinton as possibly or likely causal to 9/11 attacks by an incited Al Qaeda.  We have a trillion reasons to justly tag the administration by the Clintons as negligent due to their surplus at near a trillion cut that can be said to have been necessary spending cut that time has established  a Posterity about as best if yet it had not been cut.  Yet as per 9/11 attacks we have to consider that the Clintons were smart enough, albeit, to know they international crusading on women’s rights was also incendiary and inciting and especially for those times that First Lady Clinton when into the turf of the quite radicalized and dictated that they needed to learn to behave and treat women the way she said so.

It seems in light of public comments made by the Clintons and their old team that such were only justifiable or rational comments as per past disasters if they were that the Clintons knew they had at least a negligence about such.  The Clintons and their people have a trail of remarks that shouldn’t have been made unless they had to be defensive in/of a known guilt.  As for the months between the Presidency of the Clintons and 9/11 it seems due to later made comments that these are days they may have been enough in a know about threats and yet immoral in an acquiescence at least of a negligence for a silence — the Clintons seem to have done enough knowingly to have knowingly been about a premeditation at taunting radicals in the Middle East towards action by way of First Lady Clinton and her crusading for her idea of women’s rights.

If she is of a grand plan like a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY suggested, as coined by me, we have that though she maybe forgivable for noble ends her means can hardly now be forgiven.  She has been far from uniform or universal in a general Welfare application, however.  She is now of a history of remarks her own that can condemn her and seriously self incriminate however lately yet.  She it seems hasn’t been as smart as she thought herself to be nor smart enough for what at least became duties of her political charges.  Whether she had a master plan to expedite her universal feminist crusade we have to be doubters as now it seems however if so there yet never has been enough uniformity globally.

There is a problem now just because the Clintons have a record of saying things that no politician should have said rationally unless they had something very serious to hide.  We have that for all these years that President Barack Obama compromised his own Presidency with a cover-up like “all Bush’s fault” presumption of immunity and innocence for the Clintons there yet now is a public trail of remarks by the Clintons that stand as contrary and self incriminating.

I do not believe Hillary Rodham Clinton has it in her to sufficiently explain her political life of at least the past 20 plus years as if of an ends justifying the means and as if a FEMIFEST DESTINY dogmatic where intervention anywhere is to be justified for her if she asserts a political purposefulness as about a liberation in feminism.

To Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as taggable as a MASTER OF DISASTER we have 2014 & 2016 politics to work a discover about.  It seems that for her to be actually electable she herself has to present and sell herself as if a MASTER OF DISASTER for otherwise it seems she has failed her way to the top so far and otherwise of a tragedy of errors culpability that must be said to have bordered on incompetence.  And, since her she wrapped up her first Benghazi attacks remarks from outside the office of the Secretary of State with near “I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THIS COULD HAPPEN IN A COUNTRY THAT I LIBERATED” it may be that she has herself admitted to not have been a master of the many disasters or even the two 9/11s, and that she has basically since 9/11 II admitted an ignorance and incompetence as per the Middle East politics and especially all things relating to Al Qaeda.

But yet it behoove us all not to yet fully consider that the Clintons do have a incriminating past as per a negligence to gross negligence prior to the first 9/11 attacks.  As per any candidate Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton now it must be that we be thorough and diligent and to seriously considering how the administration of the Clintons does better explain how and why so much went wrong - does still better explain causals that the here to fore tagging of just the President Bush decidings.

It is hard to say the Clinton Presidency wasn’t knowingly to inciting Al Qaeda as if by cornering in trapping.  It may be that 9/11 did happen because of a crusading too imperialistic First Lady Clinton, and so that we should think that she must have been intelligent enough to know that at least while she was so crusading it was then negligent to grossly negligent for she to be back in the US then knowingly supporting President Clintons defunding of so many budget items that secure the USA from threats foreign and domestic.  It seems that a MASTER OF DISASTER wouldn’t have knowingly incited and as well partaken in such as it was the great defunding of intelligence and defense programs coincidentally, the coupled and compromised further with the real work of the Clintons to establish walls of separation at the FBI between intelligence and enforcement.

If she has felt justified as if of a FEMIFEST DESTINY to be as a steward of disasters it at least now for political purposes seems as if looking forward we can all say that looking back she has failed to be a master of many past disasters.  For forward or backwards if she/they didn’t understand that First Lady Clinton’s global feminist crusades were inciting and incendiary these disasters are likely it seems more to a gross incompetence and not mere at a gross negligence.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

This is likely going to take a while.

President Barack Hussein Obama has three years roughly to rain revenge and retribution upon New York City.

President Barack Hussein Obama, unless the Obama women are too weak, has to hit back against the punking of him by the brand new mayor of New York City at least for his ceremonial swearing in by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

President Barack Hussein Obama now should be drying up or dry docking as much or all the funding he has within his reach as federal that can be allotted to New York City.  It is a punking of the current Democrat President by a former Democrat President and such current President’s former Secretary of State and nothing less that transpired today.  President Barack Hussein Obama due to the persistent insubordinate politics of President William Jefferson Clinton should where ever and however he can be to blocking and stopping any or all federal funding for the new mayor Bill de Blasio.

I have long warned President Obama not to trust the Clintons and sometimes by making an example of how they turned on the too generous familial friendship the Bush clan offered the Clintons regularly and quite as if willing to ask to be treated like family and then forgiven as “family” after turning on the family and politically by like stabbing many of the clan in the back.

I have long tried to educate enough and have met a minimum moral standard by a public availability for all via my blogs towards a prepositioning alarming and at times dramatic alerting of danger in and of trusting either Bill or Hillary Clinton.  It is basically summable that Bill Clinton has Hillary Clinton loyal and supportive in he as an American Russian Bear like V. Putin and able even through her feminism, however, to again being President and even if it means that the First Black President of The United States of America is then more punked and while black than “President” Medvedev ever was actually.

It should be a new political reality for New York City that the current actual President is now cornered by his former Secretary of State and the former President Clinton to a new politics of being as cheap for New York City and maybe likewise New York State at least as the Clinton co-Administration was when of cutting an extra and unnecessary trillion from budgeted spending to have a thought impossible short term political popularity and while that of near all of their extra trillion cut for surpluses was later confirmed to have been cut from necessary spending that was needed to then actually support all the devilish hyper-consumerism of short term home economics thinking as specifically of the political leadership by the Clintons to so many off the financial cliffs from believing in the Clintons while they pimped them and pimped them into loans and spending however for mortgages that were known to be too risky at least to the Clintons.

President Barack Hussein Obama is politically now justified due to insubordination by the Clintons and their political machinations to create New York City as like a Federal “dry” zone free as much as yet possible from any funding he has yet control of.

Politics lives!  Politics must live!  Politics must live on!

It should be fair, politically, and however progressively, to point out that the Clintons have given the First Black President good cause and reason to see how much New York City can and will be able to afford now more by its lonesome Clinton associated mass.

National politics still has to be about whom and from where they of their whom as to whom is in power in DC and now as President Barack Hussein Obama should have Republican bi-partisan support to even move money from New York City and state and at least to nearer to Chicago, and, as it is what politics is all about maybe seriously for the next three years.  Seems!!!

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          >>>  TO BE CONTINUED  <<<

{It should only get worse from here.  Please if you are brave enough check back to learn how much worse the Clintons have likely now made it for New York City than progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio was likely to have accomplished all by his lonesome.}

                     HTTP://CITRB.NET   #CITRB

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads as President William Jefferson Clinton needing to reach for an appropriate Bill for the solemn and mournful of the passing of President Nelson Mandela.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads and as per white pride in American politics (the politics of the unified confederate republic of North America) and how we are much stopped here with too many alternate route options to choose from for President & Mrs. Clinton and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives, at least.

Nothing quite brings out how much The United States of America is at a crossroads for myself of my personal memories of the Clintons that date back to when I was near a first grader in New Haven, CT.  I know from our experiences that Bill Clinton as a Yale Law student was quick to lie and to as well then ask one as myself near first grade to lie - to lie about his lying about my God’s honest but inconvenient answer.  I still know this Bill Clinton as a real Bill Clinton.

“White Pride” is a good term to anchor a historical discussion on the person and politics of William Jefferson Clinton.  I know from our first encounter and the bad first impression that he was willing to lie to Hillary Rodham to her face and about what my answer had actually been.  That by marrying Bill it seems that William Jefferson Clinton was saved by Hillary Rodham from having to become a feminist himself — by getting Yale’s top feminist to marry him and put him first he was protected from feminism himself, quite.

“White Pride” is a good starting point perchance to see what seems as many different ways forward as if with the “Clinton Option” as really most of the routes best to be avoided.  As by getting Yale Law School’s top feminist of the Clintons’ years to be his bride Bill Clinton did escape having to let women be above him for Hillary Rodham had agreed to put him first and as it seems until he himself was no longer legally allowed to be elected President. 

“White Pride” is a terrible consideration to have in this day for any current or former President of the confederate republic of The United States of America.  But as per his trickery around feminism he has his story as well of a say “competitiveness” to be a white above blacks, and as it seems a real part of his modus operandi.  It seems we have that President Nelson Mandela was a friend to the Clintons while they had power — it seems he couldn’t run for Governor of Arkansas nor President of The United States of America, and that such is considerable.

I have more problems with the Clintons and their Clintons’ Global Initiatives than can fit here.  When I heard from Randi Weingarten via a broadcast of the Monitor’s breakfast minutes tour that their CGI is also being a shadow/parallel like government alternative for her teachers realm it became even more concerning how there really is too much concerning and as if a shadow government by the Clintons & associations by CGI to fit in a single column.

One President said of another President while so many were gathered at the dedication of the opening of the President George W. Bush Library that President Bush was willing to and did do more for Africa than the Clintons co-Administration had been willing to do during their 8 years.  It is telling that President Carter praised President Bush and so bashed both President & Mrs. Clinton so.  It is telling that it could be so and that as well that it can be partly explained as a “White Pride” and as of a seriousness of a trillion in surplus as reckless and unnecessary cuts.

After President Clinton’s embarrassing impeachment and disbarrments it seemed that his AFRICA focus was PR damage control as if a tour in penitence.  It is considerable that President Clinton to restore some honor to his family was oddly to focusing on AFRICA in ways though that were to population control of blacks.  How many blacks can we say were not born because President Clinton spread his ways via a message of dangers in extramarital coital and prescriptions political for prophylactics?  Really the Clinton shift to AFRICA focus also played into his autocratic (global autocratic) wants as he while so seemingly was so that he could be bowed to as the Condom King - even and AFRICAN CONDOM KING.

We must duly consider the permanent record of William Jefferson Clinton as much as we can by the architecture of the Clintons’ presidential library while for decades still that more specifically real remains secured and quite locked away from us.  By the name of their choice of architect it is undeniable that the design was meant by its “cantilever” to be washed for the ages as it is in a color of the Old South as considerable so as a Confederate Gray.  The Clintons did set their foundations in a permanent architecture that is what it appears to be as exposed phallic as a driving Sherman tank or a BIG Navy Gun.  The Clintons can get school children, anywhere, now in trouble for if any were to say bite or tear their sandwich into the erected design of their library they too would have rendered inappropriately a “gun” shape — children can get suspended in this day an age, yes, for trying to depict the made permanent face of the Clintons.

How much information is too much information — How much information is uncomfortable and yet too true to yet maintain the covers of their say “White Pride”?  Is it TMI already that we can be yet at a crossroads and so that we are still even talking well of either President or Mrs. Clinton?  Isn’t it that their story writes itself now even without their co-administration protected official records?  Isn’t it that their story has been stressed enough these years that beyond their obvious establishments the faults and flaws of their designs have been brought out and set out before us all?

Born William Blythe III he whom became William Jefferson Clinton stayed yet by name of the era of the US revolution and independence, yet so in ways he/they avoided teachable moments as teachable moments presented during their co-Presidency.  (I have to use “co-Presidency” as the Clintons’ game of politics and administering is too embedded and personal to separate to be more honestly other than a power-couple intimate collusion.)  Captain William Bligh was he so of the HMS Bounty as made legendary and as about mutiny — the Bounty so as of the record did set sail in the days soon after the British had to find ways then forward with its American colonies declared independent.  Governor Clinton of New York is a he of those days that may be most the model of “Clinton” for both of the Clintons and too too of a anti-federalism politics.

William Jefferson Clinton, however born Christian in name, did grow up a white man of the South.  It may be that he has had black friends and been willing to master as best he could over many politically, and, Nelson Mandela may have been a friend beyond the politics of the Clintons being white people with power he couldn’t ignore.  It is that whom Hillary Rodham is to this of Bill Clinton of a struggle in a “White Pride” must be left mostly for a later but not too late consideration.  She agreed to put him first though she then much the top feminist of Yale Law School of their years, and as it seems until he was no longer legally able to be elected President of The United States of America.  She, to be brief, must have been a collaborator in the choice of architect and design for the library for their co-Presidency and that it is permanently set in a phallic charging state in a Confederate Gray.

But as we are stuck at this a crossroads, it is that, beyond being so toppable by President George W. Bush, as by commendation by President Jimmy Carter, at the opening of the honorable and conservatively set 2nd Bush Library, President William Jefferson Clinton of his Presidency is/was as joined with another Southern white Albert Gore in the Vice Presidency - Al Gore the son of a Southern plantation - a Southern white son of a White owned and operated tobacco plantation whom is reported still to keep only blacks about the house for domestic services.  What really says politically a “we are of ‘White Pride’” but to men of the South as a President and Vice President?

As yet I haven’t said that William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, nor Albert Arnold Gore are actually racists.

As yet and forward I don’t expect that I will say what you should decide for yourselves - I am offering here what is of the permanent and customly set permanent records now yet available for the Clinton/Gore “politics.”

We should feel for Detroit - we should really feel for Detroit and as of a black & white politics one penny at a time of consideration of how unnecessary and irresponsible the Clintons’ trillion in cuts for the Clintons’ Surpluses actually was.  Detroit may now be the clearest road forward for those with open eyes as it may be the real Ground Zero of the “racism” that may be beyond yet now only as a worked “White Pride.”  It is to be yet fully considered that Detroit may be the best contrasting visible example of how the Clintons and their “economics” did hurt blacks the most.

It is an inconvenient truth that we are too many by the ways of Hillary Rodham Clinton - the Feminist that doesn’t cook/bake - kept from the real “kitchen” of the Clintons (and Gore?) “politics.”  We could not have had the housing collapse without Al Gore globally trotting politicized “science” in a most alarming “END OF THE WORLD” preponderance and nor if then Senator Mrs. Clinton wasn’t to a collusion in GREEN alarmism “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” polarizing partisan politics with he socialistic pledge to disrupt economies by a Government seizing of all the profits of all the oil companies.  The price of gas as it spiked with the campaigning crusading by Mr. Science Gore and President wanna be Senator Mrs. Clinton did trigger the housing collapse that was essentially set up by the Clintons surplus cuts and their pimp’n of the risky mortgages albeit with still their hyper-consumerism. 

It is a political point to be queried still if it were not the American blacks that have suffered the most financially and spiritually from the housing collapse.  It is an equally considerable concern that it may be that the blacks of the Clintons & Gore South were those that hurt the most personally and financially first though by the guidance of the Clinton/Gore co-Presidency of the Clintons as it was to those at least “poor” of their realms being those whom have lost the most while gaining the most - while gaining so much that the average personal weights for Americans is so noticeably higher as measurable just for the Clinton/Gore years.  It has been heard on TV years ago from one said a “doctor friend” of the Clintons that the USA could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just get back to the average personal body weight as it was before Bill and Hillary became the First Couple.

We are at a crossroads and yes there is too much information.  To be brief as per TMI here now:  It seems considerable that William Jefferson Clinton is still as he was that first time we met and as one whom is quick to lie and willing then to ask a child of near first grade to then lie with him as it was to Hillary Rodham about what he/I had given firstly as my God’s honest answer.  As per Detroit there are a trillion ways the Clintons are responsible and as it is that blacks may have been those most ill effected - and there are more than a trillion ways if we look more closely in a pecuniary smaller than per dollar.

We have to get the Clintons to own the housing collapse.  Such as the housing collapse may reveal them of a “White Pride” in more than a few ways and with that information already of a public purview.  Such as the housing collapse was only possible because of the spiking of gas prices that arose from the crusading of Vice President Al Gore and Senator Mrs. Clinton so as it was of them putting polar bears and the earth ahead of many or most humans.  The Clintons may be said to have helped fight the old banking practices of red lining but in the end it seems that they had obvious hands together in making sure that such couldn’t and wouldn’t last. 

Who really are the Clintons?  Are they more Governor Clinton whence of New York State and his objections to the proposed Constitution, and aren’t they so now as quite remarkably internationally with their too autocratic initiatives now globally as if as much anti-federalist opportunists?

To be brief as really these are days so trying as us all stopped at a crossroads with too much TMI before us just about the Clintons to know where safely yet we can head:  The Clintons are yet by floating “Hillary” for 2016 are firstly to positing that she can easily be better as a President than Barack Hussein Obama, was a better FLOTUS than First Lady Michelle Obama, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Colin Powell, was a better Secretary of State than Secretary Condoleezza Rice, and too is to be “politically” an inevitable of more HOPE and potential even say than what seems a timely poetic possible 2016 teaming if by US towards our future otherwise with a “PATRICK - BOOKER in 2016 - LET US SHOW YOU HOW ROMNEYCARE CAN WORK FOR YOUR STATE TOO.”

We are stuck at a crossroads and yet as per the “information” considerable it is that the “cooking” of Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives is available for criticism by a sum of its parts - by a review of the proposed “ingredients” and as it is that times are showing that when combined they can only really congeal to this our current mess.


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Note:  Randi Weingarten - your remarks of the Monitor and its minutes tour so seen pass are very concerning.  For the sake of story and structure and brevity I have to now leave your dissection much for a later rendition.  It is that you too made it sound as if the Clintons are gainfully engaged in operating a rival and much shadow government, and, this yet is politically confusing for as they are “privatizing” more in a global autocratic President Barack Hussein Obama is yet embracing them “politically” as if friendly and while he though is working to centralize and socialize to Government only - to BIG GOVERNMENT knows best “governance.”  I could not follow your reasoning as it seemed to forget or ignore that the teachers supposedly were those of a lot whom were tasked to teaching so many or just enough how to avoid the very messes that their ignorance or biases did construct.  I have to leave your contrariness for later and likely find ways in my waiting to discuss too more fully how it is that William Jefferson Clinton, at least, felt it right to try to stay politically above blacks and for as long a possible and had at least Hillary Rodham originally embedded in such as a “White Pride” “politics.”  It is more for you to decide how to teach this “politics” of the Clintons and too how President George W. Bush seemed also to have a more racially balance and say “integrated” cabinet.  President of teachers association Randi Weingarten:  BEWARE OF THE AMERICAN BORN AUTOCRAT WANNA BEES!

Note:  The use of “CROSSROADS” in this piece is partly musical as a recollection of an old competitive musical silver screen dramatization and anchoring as it is that I was graduated in 1983 from Wilbur Cross High School (The Governors) and after also having been the Business Editor for our CROSSWORDS literary magazine and a staff photographer for our CROSSROADS yearbook.  My high school is an inner city public establishment of the now much revolutionized New Haven Public School system.  I was in high school, though it was then a block from my home in a mostly white and professional middle class neighborhood, considerable as a minority while white among its student body, though not as per the overall general city populace.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:16 am

How she wasn’t for the garden, the solar @ home, the kitchen, & stitches in time is much the humble pie of these humbled Thanksgivings.

Beware a missing Puritanical marbling in you marbled cakes.  From whence they came arose did whole-istic so Oliver Cromwell and a odd fellow divider Rene Descartes rise.  Of the still living and passed First Ladies of The United States of America 2013 should be the most trying re-ordeal social mashable for Mrs. Clinton.  Benghazi is far beyond a simple humble pie now for any and/or Mrs. Clinton.

We have bared witness these past weeks to honors for past Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy; we have had a reconsecration of a 150th of the Gettysburg Address and a solemn soulful expounding of the 50th of the tragedy of President Kennedy’s last living day.  President Richard Nixon was firstly of the 80th Congress and so ever present while it so concerned with term limiting the Executive and in many ways to prohibit another President Roosevelt.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is a hemmed and hawed buttered and stewed roughly booted Foggy’d Bottom of a political figure.  It hasn’t been churned enough how she as “management” her yarns have unfurled as poorly figure’d and concocted.  There is too much of her “ingredients” of feminism still set out and passed of her as Mrs. Clinton however of a “feminism” haltered and bridaled yet so bunched up and clumpy as an unmixed and never synthesized whole.  For FLOTUS Clinton her “feminism” is a sunken souffle at best — in reality it is a pile of unused yet parsed divided bits on her carts served as together while kept separate for her spousal’d “two-fer” Descartean political defensiveness.

The tragedy of the Kennedys is also of John F. Kennedy Jr. who may have been too great of a Catholic morality on the night he died and not alone.  He may have been goofing before night flight certified and dropped like a cued brick of his eyes wide shut.  It may be more on FLOTUS Clinton for the wayward ways of JFK Jr. — as First Ladies go Mrs. Clinton may have killed JFK Jr.  The night was set for controversy though anticipatory for Rory Kennedy and the gathering family for it was expanding through marriage - through a love story of Rory’s.  The night was set for controversy about publisher of GEORGE magazine so of John F. Kennedy Jr. and how such was intermingled with a too great moral laxity of Kubrick and the Cruise - Kidman EYES WIDE SHUT.  The night of fall of JFK Jr. and his familiar trusted passengers of their night flight some so of near Gay Head was the night of the rise of the Kubrick EYES WIDE SHUT.  I don’t know how these two can relate as per the tragedy of a Kennedy gathering set to be of hope and marriage.  It was under the “mothering” of FLOTUS Clinton that prudence and morality was stirred as it was said to be art and still acting for a husband and wife to be in EYES WIDE SHUT as teased of being husband and wife porn.

In the expectations of a FLOTUS or a POTUS as a woman there is still a duty to be hard and soft but definitely “white” in a “morality” to bring out the brightness of The White House.  I remember being most strategically and politically annoyed with all the liberal teasing for EYES WIDE SHUT as one whom still cannot serve up an “art” of “acting” for such as it was being sold and opened so controversially and dominantly until the new Kennedy tragedy took center stage.  I have yet to want to or end up seeing EYES WIDE SHUT by Kubrick, Cruise, & Kidman and still since JFK Jr. and company seemingly dropped from heights as if a brick accidentally or by goofing of and eyes wide shut. The year was more recent than 50 passed - it was 1999 - First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was supposedly the feminine better half and moral anchor of the liberal and/or Democrat family large.

I only know how EYES WIDE SHUT was being teased.  I was receptive to it being interpreted more as a new immoral social mores for the Clintons’ America - of the FLOTUS’D “universal” - as started too much in a partisan with Madonna as George on GEORGE - maybe.  These were the years the Middle East was saying America was of infidels — time has established it was FLOTUS’D Clintons’ harvests of an American Infidelity and of her POTUS’D as an infidel as per such very much to the Constitution. {Ok that was funny.  I just to check started a search “Madonna on…”}  It was American infidel-ism of the FLOTUS’ & POTUS’D blessed Kubrick EYES WIDE SHUT and part of the evidence against Mrs. Clinton of the serving trying cornucopia of this Thanksgiving another year to doubt being thankful for Mrs. C. — It is of our trying struggles served now in the spirit of her not of a wisdom of the garden, a solar house, the kitchen, and being true of stitches in time.

She helped steward a quite un-American revolution to a hyper-pop-entertainment-monarchistic autocratic new world order and by using as pawns maybe the though un-impeachable “American” of John F. Kennedy Jr.  The FLOTUS’D & POTUS’D Clinton have been not yet guarded well enough against.  The Clinton Presidency is best to be served as having been of an infidelity to America as “American” of the actual Constitution — they still need the People to bend with their need to be of a post-Constitutional world so that their extra-Constitutional ways stay save and secured from prosecution.

There is still a fallen 4th estate, however also of esquired squiredom, entrenched and trenchant as compromised into collusion with the Clintons revolutionary corruptions as a smitten and softly over coddled FLOTUS’D Clinton seduced media.  The Clintons are still trying to become effectively the global autocrats apparently to too few of their original sinning since Yale Law school of plots to get around or over the 22nd Amendment of Richard Nixon’s 80th Congress.

This Thanksgiving the original story is better set and celebrated in its originality however such also of the times of Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes than at all served but of “humble pie” in still humbled times in anything pro-Clintonian.  FLOTUS’D Clinton did render POTUS’D Barack Hussein Obama an unhappy lark of lard more than pork. FLOTUS’D Michelle Obama may have little reason to give thanks for SECRETARIALIZED FLOTUS’D Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

FLOTUS’D Obama did throw here better half support behind a reckless and unnecessary trillion in surpluses of cuts that removed the very pipe line spending from being there years later when needed for the risky loan pimp’n of POTUS’D Clinton - FLOTUS’D Clinton did not serve well as “Bill’s” “better half” - “Bill” may be the better half or separated whole of the Clinton “two-fer.”  Even FLOTUS’D Clinton “feminist” “cooking” is still a mix of separated and unsynthesized parts that have to be mashed for her revolution to progress or conclude.  It seems “Hillary” needs her “recipe” to be just a “recipe” for her to present well and to keep it even from others from trying to be of a real consecration for public and/or private consumption.  Feminists, however, have stopped short of finishing their revolution and for unfair political practicalities inconvenient maybe if otherwise.

RIP John F. Kennedy Jr. and your trusted also fallen airborne familial keeps - it may be that you were just goofing and unprepared, and, yet it was FLOTUS’D Clinton whom can be said of the boson that led you stray too far.  These still may be years we are better to be “governed” by only a free press or the first 100 people in the Boston phone book than by a rile’d and spoiled POTUS’D Obama fraught long and long compromised by the FLOTUS’D Clinton.

How she wasn’t for the garden, the solar @ home, the kitchen, & stitches in time is much the humble pie of these humbled Thanksgivings?  Again? 

Times of these of the humbled Thanksgivings of the years of attempts to keep the promises of candidates Clinton & Obama of the 2007& 2008 servings leave too many again anew of humble pie best it seems at least served firstly to FLOTUS’D Clinton and then only maybe secondly to POTUS’D Obama.  It seems President Barack Hussein Obama was trapped by the Clintons and their too clever carting in a covert Descartean Cromwellian.  It seems President Barack Hussein Obama may have been forced to make all the campaign promises that his peer Senator the FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton had and then as well trapped into these years of trying to make contradictory and contrary programs work at all and work together while of a natural economy to be set to be in opposition and counter productive to a harvest good of either.

The lacking cornucopia of the FLOTUS’D Obama is much for the spoiled and ruined fields and field work of Mrs. C.

You and I may still too much be the “turkey” this new FLOTUS’D & POTUS’D Obama Thanksgiving - if we do not yet account for it that President Barack Hussein Obama has trapped us all in how he seemed caught and plucked by Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of CGI  then next year too may just be more of same humble pie of humbled days rolled out by the Clintons’ economic “experts” under POTUS’D Obama.

Until President Barack Hussein Obama or Mrs. FLOTUS’D Obama scour the global media and scrub away any remaining lard or vestiges of the once substantial subverted 4th estate of the colluded to a hyper-pop-entertainment new revolutionary “governance” to again be superior as the first 100 of the Boston phone book.  The attempt to bring the Constitution to a trash heap of history so that a few elite esquired (lawyers/lawyered) could consecrate and affirm a new “media” model disrepective of Federalism and Prudence is still a real and present threat to the Constituted in democratic republican Jeffersonian independent ways.

By the Clintons harvest was supposed to come a new infidel “American” of President William Jefferson Clinton’s (at least) infidelity to the Constitution.  It may be we have all been saved as a nation from being THE AMERICAN INFIDEL but only if and when we realize that the Clintons are at least still busy trying to hide how at least “Bill” was of a governance and a presidency as an American infidel.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all - irrespective of which side of our tables you now prefer or by happenstance find yourself on.  It is that Obamacare is served and served also as “not ready.”  It is that Obamacare is served and yet little “cool” as it is more a tool for a new “governance” of a post-Constitutional hyper-pop-entertainment borderless Hamiltonian autocrat monarchisms. 

The fight of Obamacare is a fight to keep this from being a tool in the shed of the anti-Constitutionalists and so that too many become mere pawns or socialist subjects anew that would wrongly blur the country well beyond 50 shades of gray - a blob of blobs of tasteless whatevers.

One is not a “crazy uncle” of a Thanksgiving however unread of 50 SHADES OF GRAY to explain a historical and dramatic in “ART” and “tragedy” if of talk of the silver screen as no place for a husband and wife to team up actually for bedroom scenes teased as if to be actually porn.  “Acting” has to be less of “foggy bottoms” and of some unimpeachable lines at least so that there still a word mores even if not pure as Puritanical of a return to what the Bible specifically says.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:03 am

Some how Speaker John Boehner has made the Virginia Governors race much ado about Elizabeth Taylor.  It seems he has established that in 2013 the Republicans are a Party less sexually uptight - less frustrated.  Speaker Boehner is standing tall as if the nation’s stout barkeep of a DC based BULL & FINCH tweaking, stirring and/or shaking.

It seems reported as of November 1st, 2013 that candidate Terry McAuliffe is paying near 25x the price for Virginia Lover voters than what seems yet liberating and “market” fair with teh offering of candidate Ken Cuccinelli.  But this is more about today as All Saints Day and to be of a feminist ideal comparative.

We can set the stage today recognizing that Speaker John Boehner has pinned up Elizabeth Taylor in good CHEER and as of these days where it seems the Republicans are a party of people less sexually frustrated and likewise its seems more “liberated” sexually.  Viewers of Fox News Channel five o’clock hour The FIVE are likely those already most hip to these days so politically stirred and with it more Republicans liberated in loose but socially acceptable speech.  It seems the Republicans are more “loose” as in relaxed and wholesome in a sexual “liberated” and considerate that in comparison the Democrats seem quite uptight and frustrated.

It isn’t I to prove the hypothesis about a feminist ideal as per Democrat Party politics and example.  For a theory to come from a hypothesis likewise Democrats will have to answer to an “objective” and “scientific” how say former Speaker Nancy Pelosi is better or worse than Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Again, viewers of the Fox News Channel five o’clock show The FIVE are already likely hip to a eased lexicon in Republican social dialogue and Party political discourse.  It seems confirming that a new romantic era has begun at least within those ranks more Republican.  It seems there is a more relaxed and socially stimulating and rewarding language now in apparent in a more easily speaking right of center politics. 

To get to the bottom of this to a proving of a comparative hypothesis it may behoove any to start with a consideration quite dramatic (in an anticlimactic?) that such if so likely means as well conclusively that Democrat women are now at least during 2013 of having faked more climax moments and while as of summations been possibly of fewer however heated engagements.  I don’t know how or why this may be a faith and community based problema in a hypothetical or yet theoretical proofed.

Former Speaker of The House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, this All Saints Day, is to be a politically sensitive but necessary person to opening discern and discuss in both a pro and con considerate.  There is a time sensitive nature to this headlining or spotlighting for her as today is a day that still has Obamacare debatable — in just a few days it may be preposterous to discuss a NANCY vs. HILLARY 2016 engagement political — in just a few days it may be quite preposterous to suggest Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as having President Barack H. Obama & Obamacare coattails to shuffle a waggle about to a President Nancy Pelosi - to “America’s First Female President Nancy Pelosi” - to “America’s First Female & Catholic Female President Nancy Pelosi.”

There is an easy and entertaining socially acceptable like new romantic era Republican guttural liberated speak now to be considered and acknowledged.  It may be some how down to earth Speaker John Boehner of Ohio is and as from such a large family and the old familiar bar keeping business;  it may otherwise be as exposed by Fox News Channel in the five o’clock spot with the personalities and characters of such Republicans that such a renaissance in easy speech as if Republicans more of a new romantic era and so more relaxed and satisfied in a new guttural suggesting them more “liberated” for now.

Yes, it seemed reported this morning by a MSNBC show that Terry McAuliffe is now at spending near twenty five times as much for Virginia lovers/voters.  But today we still have reason to discuss how it seems Minority Leader Pelosi must have something to hide or for some reason, this All Saints Day, too much Catholic guilt if she is not herself to entering the 2016 Presidential race and to so be of offering a vigorous primary challenge to the Clintons’ Political Machinery.  It is a question of feminist ideals - for feminists and feminism;  it is a serious political concern that a former Speaker with Obamacare as yet said a success and a Party’s President’s coattails expectantly her’s to grab if not now to being herself to a run at the Presidency likely must be uptight and frustrated about something very concerning and so that it should figure that she shouldn’t be trusted if she doesn’t think she should run for higher office.

I have to leave it to women regardless of their party and politics now to spread out the issues that should be at least discussed to a full “objective” and “scientific” settling of pros and cons ranking now as if a NANCY vs. HILLARY was real and to be a most expected evolution for the Democrat Party.

If you missed how Speaker John Boehner recently alighted upon his own romantic reset by pinning up Elizabeth Taylor in a “liberation” guttural maybe uniquely of his capacity then her I can paraphrase he of likening his brevity among the honoring in the tradition of Jack Kemp smartly by way of an reported Elizabeth Taylor (easing) remark to her third husband of like:  “Don’t worry dear you won’t be here long.”

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for today however All Saints Day, yet presents a most interesting and yet stressing and embattled political conundrum to beat out as she likely should be more an heir apparent to President Barack Hussein Obama for her Party of 2016 legacy considerations.  It is that she is even more interesting and accomplished it seems than Mrs. Clinton now as a ranking member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and, especially for such necessitates a Christian sectarian probative as to whom to be a better first female President a Catholic or a Methodist.

It is worrisome that Terry McAuliffe may need the Clintons to be the heir apparent for Democrats despite it for now that Obamacare coattails are mostly hemmed and stitched mostly by the political machinations and laboring of she whom should firstly be Mrs. Clinton’s greatest 2016 rival.  It is worrisome that one supposedly of Clinton and Obama coattails like Terry McAuliffe now though is seeming entrapped in a Virginia politics and exposed himself as too much it seems just in the gutter of politics for having to or being at twenty five times a “market” price for Virginia “Lovers.”

Maureen Down has already been quite pressing and leading in a forward discussion of how today rolls seem reversed and historically upside down.  I may have to defer to her lot as more integrally feminist to play out these issue of what at least can or should be reasonable now of a Democrat “Feminist Ideal.”  Seems!

Speaker John Boehner did seem quite comfortable with Elizabeth Taylor and his party the seeming more liberated and less frustrated and to a new romantic era, and even so as it now developing much with the The FIVE as its most public ambassadors of a new lexicon and Party guttural.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It was Obama times, it was Clinton times, it is of tales of two - two #pity.  It isn’t the nation as seated in Washington DC that is now divided smartly, just - justly — there is the new “global citizen” game afoot — these are the trying times of international partisan “vote” buying to a voluminous politik of souls bent to Clinton propaganda

Was Hillary for Senate, as NY carpetbagger, as transported in pomp & ceremony of Bill’s Secret Service detail, outright political nepotism & affirmative action?


As unified as the Democrat Party machinations just of Washington DC are said to now be it is tortuous how shallow the cohesion of their romanced troika embeds.  There is a #WAR inherent in the richness of the stressed party drama as if the Clintons and President Obama can be merry bedfellows, actually — there is the #WAR for legacy that can have only one clan the victor.  The dirty laundry of the Democrats isn’t ready for airing - isn’t ready to be publicly hung to drip dry and be puffed & fluffed dry and ready for use.  There can only be “The Clintons Won” or “The First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama Ruled Successfully” - it is tortuous and scary that the public arena hasn’t yet suffered them fools as of the proffered possible quite the ridiculous that it can be that the Clintons and their vast cuts for their trillion in surplus can be just and right, and, have it be true to that the Obamas can be to a legacy that their out of control spending so contrary can also be right.

The greatest risk to First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama, and the nation (and world), is a resurgent Clintons.  The Clintons do have insurgents - the Clintons’ insurgents are not say, walled in to be restrained, and checked, as solely of the lands sovereign of The United States of America.

There is trouble in their “troika” as well as there is the dichotomy of the Clintons near of an obvious and forced structure in their demonstrative prosaic tales that have a plot dependent on “followers” blindly accepting it reasonable for President Clinton to be a “Clinton Dove” and “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker” @HillaryClinton to get to be the “Clinton Hawk.”


To wax Constitutional:  Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8:  “No title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States.  And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” 

Hmmm?  There wasn’t a United Nations at such time!  Hmmm?  Is the Clintons #CGI, though seeming improper as too much too, and of, attempts to be effectively global autocrats, as chartered quite as THE CLINTONS’ GLOBAL AUTOCRACY INITIATIVES engaged improperly and un-Constitutionally as they as a former First Couple are of honoraries and serious stipends to afford them livable wages while carrying the burden of evermore and forever being technically persons of holding of at least Trust under the Constitution of the United States?  It is as if the entire concept and chartering of and for the Clintons’ Global Initiatives are violate of the intent and secured protection of Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8.  It has to be it seems that the truth - a necessary “naked truth” - is that former Presidents and their First Partners are forevermore @ ‘Person holding Office of Profit & Trust under the Law of the Land’ of the Constitution of The United States of America.

It seems President Obama and the Kennedy clan did work @Hope for @Change that Senator Barack Hussein Obama could be a new John F. Kennedy and restorative of Camelot.  There is the rub.  The Clintons until their honorariums are humbled by Congress at least by its rights @Consent of all “gifted” monies at least of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives have a lock on the regal and royal American affectations to proffer that Nobility is not extra-Constitutional and barred from them.

President Obama is not alone in having a royal problem with resurgent and insurgent Clintons.  The entire world has been compromised and at these trying times where so many are trying to prove that they and their sovereign peoples are like Iraqi People able to affirm a new Constitution theirs as also better than the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Clintons are still benefiting as saved by the camouflage that Harlem has unexpectedly secure them covertly in.  The Clintons were have a prima facia #guilt as a #SHADOW long about them as too causal of too much but for.  The Politics of the Clintons so oddly for now still safely secured in Harlem is that they owed Harlem People after their Presidency more than all the people of such streets and curbs owed them.  It is that it would seem a condemning “NAKED TRUTH” the it - that much - was undeniably mostly all the fault of the Clintons.  There were always dangers in them while as if setting themselves each up for a Presidency with it so of considerations that they, even if to a forced structure of their too prosaic plotting, should divide themselves publicly as if possibly endearing in a contrary to have first blush be that Bill Clinton was the “lover boy” “Clinton Dove” and Hillary Clinton “charming” yet stern radical feminist inciter forever as the “The Clinton Hawk.”

Harlem is still covering up for the Clintons of them otherwise of efforts that should have raised eternal red flags of heated protests as while about securing Mrs. Clinton as a New York “carpetbagger” for Senate they were trenchant and desperate to begging their Big Bank pals for Emoluments so grand and thankful.  It is still much behind the curtains of their faux OZ and not to being a “naked truth” that President Clinton did ask the Big Banks to find their way to the derivative mess while asking them to find a way to gamble in their banks so that he could pursue his reckless surplus of cuts to a matching trillion and knowingly to such being to undermining the risky loaning his wanted to pimp while sustaining his Clintonomics as careless hyper-consumerism.  Right!  President Clinton wanted to cut a trillion that was not needed to be cut so that he & his spouse could save their plans to days where she could still get to appear to be the “The Clinton Hawk” President.

The real NAKED TRUTH is that of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution for The United States of America was ordained and subscribed under God in such Year of their Lord, specifically, and by design to protect all peoples so about from the very types of effort to “change” as a troika of Democrat souls have been entrenched and foolishly engaged during the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, their years of extra-Constitutional “Executive” meddling betwixted and between, and now during their odd years as all merry bedfellows during the Obamas’ Presidency.

The Clintons were, while supposedly to integrity for Senator Hillary Clinton, to asking the Big Bank pals for gratuitous rent payments to allow their Clintons’ Global Initiative to eventually become of Home high above the Russian Tea Room in that near Penthouse suite of the Carnegie Hall Office Tower.  When the economies around housing all started collapsing as “Hillary” too “hawkish” at GREEN ENERGY gas price spiking the Clintons should have been #Truth obvious as compromised better if their Big Bank pals had agreed to gratuitously pay the eventual CGI suite rents - as thanks for having made them all so much money with Bill’s request that they find a way to gamble away the risks they knew to be in his Clintonomics - as thanks for his pushing them into derivatives so recklessly.

The Southern White President born William Blythe III did end up in Harlem against his much royal designs.  He/they ended up in Harlem and so of a political camouflage protecting them from #Truth of their covert and overt affairs and plots much because some more representative of the Tax Payers as their guardians about such nixed that the Clintons asked the Government to so treat them as if still of Office holding for Profit and Trust by granting them just such a regal rent as asked for in the Carnegie Hall Office Tower that was a sum reported as in one year - in just the first year to be a sum greater than that from adding all the rents of all past Presidents together.

The danger is global and real.  We of America so Constituted actually are now arguably not safer than we were before the Clintons and Obamas tried to resuscitate a Nobility of Camelot.  There is a #WAR for legacy and real Power between the clans Clinton and Obama.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:17 am

Because of Bill Clinton - President William Jefferson Clinton - it is most improbable now that any national Democrat can offer a bi-partisan road forward.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton oddly, for her purported “feminism”, is secured it seems as FLOTUS Hillary of the Clinton Foundation - as First Lady of the Clintons’ global initiatives.

Because of the partisan political first steps of the Clinton administration per the Middle East as it dates to the Year of the Founders’ Lord one thousand nine hundred and Ninety three the politics of the People of the United States of America are undermined.  President Clinton is remembered for a lawyer trickery like a used car salesman of the lower ranks of strategery for pushing lemons as sound vehicles. 

The threat reports of the United States as per the Middle East and our long history of Cold War involvements are yet corrected or properly of sufficient factoring for the variables related to the first move of the Clinton administration with a group of Middle East leaders so of he requesting that they contractually agree to just blame all ‘anti-American’ sentiment and justifications on Republicans.  It was a cheap trick to akin to the low ranks of thought stereotypes for used car salesmen.  It is a wrench still in the gears of the foreign affairs of the United States and as well all “intelligence” derived within.  It is that President Clinton is remembered for locking in a group of Middle East leaders to not blame him or Democrats for any or all of the Cold War years, at least, and to give him a clean slate - and that such to him was for a way to then avoid the action and commitment for the US relationships that better would have been with him to working to resolve in lieu of just blaming.

A slippery slope or an impossible oil slick for even a pedestrian navigation of current US relations across the Middle East is much the crash lawyering trickery of President Clinton akin to his reputation as “Slick Willy” for it seems having a slippery fork tongued (disbarred) esquired willingness to stand and present himself of an innocence while more of a guilt.

The people of the Middle East are of an honor and pride themselves in being honorable for their sense of honor.  The leaders of the Middle East seem foremost among those that pride themselves on being honorable for their sense of honor. 

President Clinton’s crass cheap tricks in politics to bias history of his first year and first steps developed to be much lacking in honor.  President Clinton’s “diplomacy” haunts now our foreign relations and ability to properly interpret intelligence — He as remembered so was to trapping a people of their sense of honor in a contract he then enforced to his selfish purposes and in ways that then held other “leaders” to a performance to keep up their end of his “bargain” to just blame Republicans. 

This is remembered while remembering also that such fits with my first bad first impression of Bill and Hillary from the early 1970s in the year or two before Watergate.  I have known Bill and Hillary since their law school days for it was that they polled my as a young youth to whether they could both become President of the United States of America some day.  It is remembered that from my first meeting of Bill Clinton I found him willing to lie and as well to ask a near first grader to lie to and in support of his lying as to what such’s God’s honest answer was to his querying.

There is a much longer story in the how and why of their rise in the 1992 election cycle for me to tell in coming years as of how for all the leading help they got from me after my initial guidance to Democrats as to how they could win in 1992 it was that much that came from me that has long benefited the Clintons after getting on such a wagon of mine was long firstly figured otherwise to be to protecting people from them specifically.  For now let me just say that though I did tell them that if they entered and learned how to sound like me they could win, and, that I wasn’t intending my help and guidance for Democrats to be enough to get them elected.  I was meaning to make sure President Bush had an actual credible opponent in the 1992 race and hadn’t figured the entrance of Ross Perot.  I was of my original opinion of the Clintons then and yet helping them to seem more electable than even I thought they were as a matter in my mind about national security.  I was of such opinions and a hope to flush these two out for a single use as disposable politicians.

On the honor of the code of honor honorable among the people and leaders whence and now of the Middle East it is that our systems are still corrupted by the first steps and the performance President Clinton insisted upon as per the improper “contract” he worked so of a promise that only Republicans would be blamed for the past problems and that too he would have it interpreted that such promise was to avoid blaming him as long as he was still in office.

There is very little honor in this as how President Clinton (the Clintons) can be remembered.

As for our story and how it was of years and decades of Bill and Hillary checking in while of their political plotting at times of wondering if ‘that charming boy from the school yard’ was of thinking they then were trying to go too far - we have a special relationship - and especially special relationship since so much good I worked was actually firstly figured in parts to be bulwarks against them and their shared plotting.  It is ridiculous how they are still too well considered for “successes” that only came to be from work long as prophylactics against them.  It is ridiculous but how when I stopped protecting us and them from themselves they weren’t even then able to defeat the near unknown junior peer of Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race.  I have comfort in my knowledge of the decades about such conflicted politics of how I did help and then not help in order to asses and know how when I helped them they looked good or great and when I withheld pro-active voluntary efforts they mostly stumbled and bumbled.

There is an honor I hope in my years of work after my efforts at knowingly helping the Clintons seem better and more electable than even I thought they were for it of voluntary and proactive work to many years and trying times at then a business too “proactive” and “voluntary” to mediate and reduce the risks of and from the Clintons if and when left to be themselves politically.  There is that after they were unexpectedly elected (for the lack of a factoring of Ross Perot) I thought I had a responsibility to keep trying to save Democrats from themselves to then save what could be saved of the People more generally.

Essentially it may be the worst of Bill Clinton as “Slick Willy” that he proceeded as President in foreign policy that not only asked the Middle East to bias history with sole blaming of Republicans for all that was wrong but to then put them on their honor to continue just blaming the Republicans for all those years that the Clinton Administration’s avoidance and inaction was diabolical “politics” actually of his hands not Republicans. 

It is so also remembered and due finally a dealing with that while holding such some remembered Middle East leaders to he secured promise to not blame him or Democrats he was then firstly of his work to have such be a contract also of a promise that with such would be a promise to not attack America - The homeland of the United States of America - about such as they were to just blame Republicans about - as long as he was still in office.

Syria now presents and opportunity for the known world and all of the United States of America to get the history and politics of their times all wrong anew.  These days are the days we need to open a dialogue about what did and has gone wrong because President Clinton thought his “lawyering” trickery of his reputation of short of honor as “Slick Willy” could provide a foundations for lasting understanding and lasting growth.

It is that I just hope that how the 911 Commission work has been flawed from their start and so about a “prudence” proffered, however, as if looking back just ten years to understand Al Qaeda would be intelligent or telling isn’t of a politics of the Clintons at a lobbying about such to keep the Government of the United States of America from looking far enough back - to looking just back 12 -14 years - to looking just back to the conception/birth of Al Qaeda - to looking far enough back to clearly unearth a (legally) buried “contracted” culpability or just gross negligence.

It is that it seems while near another anniversary of the attacks of 9/11 by Al Qaeda it figures most simply that we got attacked because President Clinton had failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein even just for his invasion of Kuwait.  It is slippery more though and still how our paths for an understanding as it now is needed most with Syria conflicts stirring are of risks for a lack of understanding that President Clinton actually spent his eight years trapping Middle East leaders, as remembered, on their honor of his worked promise to just blame Republicans and to not be to any attacks on the homeland of the US while he was still President.

It is simply now also important to consider and debate how it seems the attacks of 9/11/2001 were planned and prepared for for years before those first months of the Administration of  George W. Bush and as it was that globally those times were of an expectation that the next President of the United States was most likely to be Al Gore.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:00 pm

It is that she is more a hack imposter of paint thrown about a floor as art.  For her and the strands of any “web” her’s is less as if an imitation Jackson Pollock and more as if spaghetti thrown on the floor.

She has been about a lot of flash but little lasting energy of success - as a Diplomat - seems.  She has been it seems of only porridge too hot or too cold - as if all she has served has never been served “just right”!

Her yarns can’t be silk as she has run too rough shod as a herded donkey more akin to burlap “home spun” of her “villages” - the glory of South Carolina mulberry trees of their fruitless harvests seem far from a bolstered “engineered” weave of her ragged husbandry.

Her “It’s Takes A Village” at first blush of a new “inevitable” towards 2016 seems tabled and secured away.  Her infamous book seems of the years still too missing of our current political historical dialogues and now too barred for any “approved” Hillary celebration such as rumored for political timing by NBC and CNN.

She is now as if an earlier contestant of a “Who am I?  Why am I here?” as if of a WAITING FOR GODOT more than a NEW Perot yet out again too similarly of non-answers akin to “To know me is to love me!” and that other of his answers near:  It is in the book - read the book. 

Can Hillary Clinton for 2016 even be a NEW Admiral James Stockdale - at least?  She may be cozy with a Vladimir of Godot and ready to cook up faux art for arrivals of performance on promises that likely can and never will be.  She has history of being to her “village” quite as if a socialist propaganda while maybe more of estrogen than Estragon - and with much posing.

How far are you willing to go with Hillary Clinton to her of her “village” oddly more then too as if a global village fundamentally contrary to the shining city on a hill known of the Reagan yarns?  She has hot flashes to doctor for her prescribed propaganda of the teasing by NBC and CNN but what she is already of all her years is more as if a Humpty Dumpty so broken and scattered that there is no putting her back together even if she were to allow the more controversial years of her saga to also be fairly dramatized.

She can be said to have had her “hot flashes” while of “official” duties but time has shown she failed to spin a web of lasting networked energy of “success.”  Little is being caught by her woven “home spun” as “artful” but inconvenient flies as if to thrown spaghetti - left - and left.

There is much in the years from 1990 - 1998 to cause a reduction to authority of the Clintons as still floated and packaged.  She is the spouse of the member of the most elite of “clubs” in The United States of America - she is a member by marriage in the club of former Presidents.  At the last main gathering of such “club” as it was, as I recall it, for the GRAND OPENING of the stately George W. Bush Presidential Library ,  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was controversial and concerning so adorned as if of a state uniform garb - as if owned by the Chinese.

Have you at least found the missing years 1993 -2001 yet? 

Have you become awakened to a Hillary that is not capable of an artful engineered weave of a catchy web and how 2016 now will hopefully not be a sad repeat of 2008 or 2012 with the Bushes as members of such elite club again too much as if Clinton Republicans?  2016 now sits out there as a horizon of a promise of an American Spring — 2016 is not now set for the Bushes to be again abused by the Clintons with their calling on loyalty in “membership” to have it that the Clintons are again able to use the Bushes generous loyalty to serve up dramatizations cooked up from lies.

The best way to defeat the Clintons now is yet again a way that has been too avoided - it is critical to a successful defeat of the Clintons that a RESET be affected to a nationwide to global general and public discourse on the years just between 1989 - 1993 - the years that oddly historically have trouble explaining the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.

The Clintons have kept Hillary’s hopes alive - have kept the hope’s of the Charlotte Charlatan Bill Clinton of the recent Democratic Party Convention “brassy” stoked - with a network of deception and a sad but effective betrayal of the Bushes while of a dependence on the honor of the Bushes as if a secret recipe of their home spun polarizing partisan political fabrications.

The Clintons are now only politically serviceable because the Bushes have been generous while being betrayed - and of enough honor such that their “friendship” for the Clintons was effective to selling the faux yarns of the Clintons’ spaghetti logic.

There was energy in Jackson Pollocks threads of paint and there is that the Clintons cooking setting them now up too much as if of a Politics of THE LORD OF THE FLIES.  Again: it seems telling that a board game can not quite be made to play a “game” as the Clintons play “politics” as though you may agree on what a board should look like there can be no rules as they persist in having every piece theirs set selectively as Clinton Wild Cards/Pieces.

It has been for too long that the Bushes have been saving the Clintons and because the Clintons asked them to indirectly as if one member of their elite “club” deserved protection from the others.  The Clintons have already been diabolical as members of such once more honorable “club” for of being to stewing of political consumables with hidden ingredients set to leave game changing after tastes or permanent stains from a general spillage.

The Clintons have persisted in lingering too long and now necessarily will be due a complete and serious audit of all the financials of all their private and public (however) engagements.  It was that it was too cursory how President Obama was to his “review” of the books of the Clintons and threateningly near a white washing as inappropriate in a time where global and foreign entanglements should have been more scrutinized.  It was a great disappointment how cursory President Obama was with his “review” of the financial engagements of the Clintons while about the seating of Mrs. Clinton as his Secretary of State.

Republicans and Democrats as these days are afoot as if the recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be of her “village” and yet be of our “shining city on a hill” if so to being proffered a cozy capitalistic support of a favorable rendition of years selected or block by her for the now teased Hillary Clinton miniseries (propaganda).

As the Governors of the states of the United States can be of the “government” alternative to Obamacare our Congress in light of necessary Sequestration should be able to defund or suspend the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare has be to an established network to a nationalized socialized alternative option for something that has many other options already available including Romneycare.  If it doesn’t have the votes to be veto proof for a defunding our Congress still is firstly more responsible for our National Defense and therefore must have some way to suspend optional alternative programs in times that an economy is forcing defense and intelligence spending cuts that can and might be threatening to the National Defense.

If there is a “web” of the Hillary Clinton now being remade and repackaged it is of her and Bill of cooking up ugly past “porridge” about the tables of the Bushes.  The Obamas should learn from the betrayal of the generous friendship publicly maintained for the Clintons by the Bushes that was on parade by the Clintons.  All should be now savy to how the Clintons have succeeded with flashes of hot spots from lies they only were able to concoct on the strength and honor of the Bushes and while depending, it seems, as figured, on the Bushes staying stately and silent per such. 

The Bushes were not caught in a web of the Clintons - mostly at least - but they have been smeared by the Clintons by their own silence as a family while members also of a most elite club abused its honor.  The Clintons when seen of all their years - at least of the years from 1989 to the present day - are in jeopardy — They reek of a desire to use the elite membership in the “club” of past Presidents to cover them for global meddling for selfish partisan and polarizing politics too much of “executive Power” while not officially any longer the “Executives.”

The Republicans have now lost more elections than they should have because the Bush family stayed silent while the Clintons were basically stabbing them in the back.  We can gather from this that the Obamas should have no expectation of loyalty from the Clintons or any trustworthiness.  It may be that if Hillary Clinton is hoping she can bend the Constitution even far enough to turn Obamacare into a single payer system - into an improved Obamacare then to be named Hillarycare.

If she does have a web and not just faux artistry of hot spots too Lordish - such a web should be glimmering and most visible in the lights and environment of the Clintons as too much of the “danger” of “avoidance” and “inaction” of all their years and all their foreign monetary entanglements however either white washed once by President Obama or of his oratory of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech.  He did rightly slap at the Clintons with his Nobel speech so as he was to speaking of dangers of inaction and avoidance as if his “inaction” and “avoidance” was a tag on the Clintons as a due sad rap on their years 1993 - 2001.

For now whatever the Clintons are now trying to cook up or spin anew is dangerously too much like former Speaker Nancy Pelosi of her healthcare bill comments to the effect that you don’t need to know what is in it until after it is made law.  It seems too dangerous now to accept that Hillary Clinton is being to a RESET and make-over such that no one will know what to expect as a NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton until it is too late.

There is only a spaghetti logic at best to that which must be the real “legacy” of the Clintons.  We waited and waited for her to appear as electable in 2008 and now it seems such is even less likely now to be but as a promised “inevitable” that can never actually arrive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:22 pm

The news of the day is …


For starters this may be good new for First Lady Michelle Obama - even great news.  The brew ha ha of this summation is of the bosom of truth about how Hillary Clinton can not run as a former First Lady and former Secretary of State without every talking point needing a fem on fem dissection.  Hillary Clinton cannot run now without Michelle Obama being put on the defensive and called out to tell the world that Hillary as First Lady was inferior to herself as such and that her “successes” as her husband’s Secretary of State were only possible as a tool blessed by the Glory of the personable and charismatic First Lady Michelle Obama.


This started a long time ago when a wiser President started the United States of America off as its First President not with a Declaration of Codependency but so as a chesty new frontier of Independence and a government of and for a People of their necessary to life vicissitudes incident to life.  President Obama is no George Washington.  Michelle Obama is more a Martha Washington than Hillary Clinton.  It was economic nonsense in the gestalt of the recent exhibitionism of President Obama however confusing with himself already quite tarred as a Socialist.  It is quite confusing for sure!  Among the Washington embrace of inescapable rights of and for the vicissitudes incident to American (colonial) life is a better understanding of economics than that yet walked or talked by President Obama.  America as Constituted can not be programmed politically for a even keeled economy - for his socialistic dreams of an economy without ups and downs.  And by the way it was the ups of the Clintons irresponsible extra trillion cut for unnecessary surplus popularity that set up the unstable bubble and then was to the down times so triggered by the Democrats while just of the campaign politics leading into the 2008 race — the Democrats caused both the excessive up time and the deep and depressing fall to such long since seen lows.  Having an economy with ups and downs isn’t the problem - the politics of the Democrats as socialistic or selfish elitism if allowed is the problem.


BREAKING ECONOMIC NEWS >>> A fresh start is possible if we just accept that we are best to not listen to the economics of the White House of Obama.  Being against Fannie or Freddie is poetic fright much of the timid story of Barack Hussein Obama so a caricature in name as if a metaphor to one that if afraid of being hit (bammed - O bam’d) too hard.  He may be not doing unto others has he would like done not done to himself  - but such is from a latent timidity not a bravery or bold embrace of economic freedom.  I don’t know how he can be for national insuring of health concerns and yet now be against keeping up with an insuring of mortgage fears.  It is of the record of at least the Republicans that this recent collapse was made by the Government and not a bad market economics Capitalism.  It was the political partisan dreamy crony economics of the Democrats of effectings from whence Hillary for President commenced that triggered the impossible personal financials that led to the housing crash after if first over inflated gas prices and after such then over inflated most household prices with new energy and transportation costs added to the old lower retail prices.  President Bush did not cause the economic collapse - not even did his Bush Tax Cuts — The Clinton Surpluses justified the Bush Tax Cuts as they were pre-9/11 figured.  The Democrats caused the economic collapse and by that we have much that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quite herself specifically causal as she wouldn’t let President Bush spend the necessary apportionments to save the economy as the areas he would have needed to spend money if available were off the table as sacred successful cuts of the Clintons and their surpluses.  Right - even without the Bush Tax Cuts the Pelosi Congress would have still blocked the Republicans from the necessary spending to save the economy before election day 2008.


Hillary Clinton is now mostly self-reduced to being a sad footnote in American History.  She is forever caught now in an eternal struggle for legacy between the Presidency of the First Black President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton and the First Black President Barack Hussein Obama.  As a women she has a lot to answer for in this era of successful feminism by others - As a women she much has herself to blame for how she got trapped to being quite just a footnote to two said “black” Presidents. There has been this civil war ongoing among these rivals since at least the moment that Barack Obama too became a sworn in President.  There can be no near end to this civil war between these two Presidents as long engaged over a struggle for lasting legacy.  As Hillary has reduced herself to being more just a footnote it is remarkable how she complicates and confuses the legacies of both Clinton & Obama.  Because of Hillary these Presidents have to long suffer beyond the old more traditional controversies from comparing First Ladies - Because of Hillary only Clinton or Obama can be right - They cannot both be right. President Obama cannot now say it was Hillary that was responsible for his successes without saying then that it was Bill Clintons First Lady that was better than his First Lady.


The Commmander in Chief President Barack Hussein Obama went beyond the pale with his war nonsensicals orated too grandly from Camp Pendleton in California.  He is still stuck for being wrong about Iraq always - and confused by his former Secretary of State and her personal legacy of having been for OIF then against OIF then for OIF and then again against OIF… and with her as Obama’s “rival’ Secretary who by his control or not was to being more as if a Secretary of War than a secretary of diplomacy.  It was shameful what I saw and heard while watching the speechifying of the President in his colors as Commander in Chief while about the gathered pride of proud Marines of The United States of America. For more on this subject please find and consider OBAMA’S RETREAT at least as it is covered at http://www.jphogan.org.


*In the years of the biography of Hillary Clinton she is said to be allowing NBC to glorify in a four part miniseries we have the late exclamation of her twid bio of @HillaryClinton of her best as self tagged as “women & kids advocate” and as a “cracker” while The First Black President’s white Secretary of State her “glass ceiling.”  She so is self describes as not being or planning to be an advocate for men - she could have said more with less and room for a word other than “cracker” if she had been willing to profess with her twid (Twitter ID) to be otherwise promised as “an advocate for all.” 

*But to 2016 with any and all possible miniseries we have that it would be improper for NBC to celebrate First Lady Hillary Clinton in four parts without also grandly be at least so to at least a four part celebration of First Lady Michelle Obama. 

*For regular folk maybe more of entertaining options to NBC it is still to be considered that Vice President Joseph Biden as well should rank a four part miniseries before 2016. 

*For now though we can tease what it could all look like in a field of three to 2016 as if Hillary Clinton unwisely enters all should cry out for a re-election of Barack Hussein Obama by the accolades that can allow such with a celebration of their special example as a married black power couple as by a campaigning this time under Michelle for President 2016. 

*Most towns across America likely would hardly be able to handle just the traffic if candidates Michelle Obama, Joseph Biden & Mrs. Clinton were to arrive simultaneously — Poor “Joe” would have his large but thought much still too beat up motorcade while First Lady Michelle Obama would have the best and newest of the current full details that the Secret Service provides a President and Mrs. Secretary Senator FLOTUS Clinton would have what is left of the detail hers by marriage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

To wake in Gracie Mansion with the City on your shoulders - perchance as not judged “lesbian” by the Pope as dawn breaks after dawns - Christie Quinn may have a yoga mat for that - a set of rosary beads - actual candles to light each morn pro-procreation.

The Big Apple has big hopes and wakes each day strongly of a pro-procreation metrosexual - at least.

You likely at this moment are more afraid with where I might be going with this new column so titled than where I am as set of considerations about how much political capital I still have banked and unspent as a feminist.

There is good news quite in that a Mayor Quinn can be no Hillary Clinton, nor a reborn Governor Clinton, or General Clinton.

Poor Diane Lane - oh the thumping she will have to take just to get into character.  Oh, My!  It is almost as bad as A. Weiner leaving nothing left to one’s imagination.  The Clintons’ apples haven’t fallen far from their tree.

A four part miniseries of the “vessel” Clinton that is Hillary must embrace farce to be realistic.  Hillary has long willingly been subservient to Bill Clinton’s ambitions and as I have known since I was of, to her, in the early 70s of an answer:  “If you want to be President be careful who goes first.”  I have known since the Clintons were law students that Hillary Rodham Clinton wanted to be President and am among a few I figure that told her to run first if she wanted to ever actually realized such.

Yes, I am banking on having most if not all of the political capital from my decade(s) as a feminist now to work with especially now as per THE BUSTED VESSEL here.  It is a long story as to how I can and should have so much feminist political capital such that even NBC is quite on a list of debtors fittingly, if of an artists’ code, to me due eventually much credit as a most successful and entertaining muse/wizard.  A miniseries of Hillary Clinton should tell of me at least as per my extensive strategizing that can be reprinted/rebroadcast to show how effectively I was strategic in the 2008 defeat of the Clintons.

I expect that a Mayor Quinn can great each dawn as well as any straight mayor with a lighting of candles of a grand energy in celebration of a pro-procreation civility.  She can say she has a yoga mat for it without having a personal natural penchance of it, and yes guys (& A. Weiner) she can light actual candles, as well.  I do not know how a Mayor Quinn has designs on dusk and dawn Gracie celebratory ops - I do wonder how she would too great each day so pro-living and pro-life in a survival of the species natural pro-procreation (lobby) posture - and if by rosaries or candles or even if by community calisthenics or yoga.

As to the thumping Diane Lane now is teased to professionally having to be to:  As the Weiner couple are apples fallen from the Clintons’ tree we have to consider that Hillary Clinton is already outed as a busted political vessel.  It is farcical how she has been a Bill’s is not an is herself and such that it is her legacy that she has been submissive as his Mrs. quite of a husbandry, however, of a readiness to be whomever her husband wanted or needed her to be.

There are foreign and domestic problems with Hillary and Diane as vessels of Bill Clinton - as either Ambassador to the World Bill Clinton or President of the World Bill Clinton.  It seems Hillary already has been a vessel as to be beyond domestic and to being an international “boat” partner to President Clinton as a globalist firstly.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton and Diane Lane can only use farce now to sell the Clintons as a suspended historical - a suspended reality - is necessary for an acceptable Posterity.

Little known of the Clintons humiliating defeat in 2008 whence thence commenced so publicly with Mrs. Clinton as “inevitable” is how I was able with my bankable political capital to prevent them from sounding like themselves as they were thought to be of their eight years as first couple.  I was able to protect what was originally mine and while motivated then (and still) to avoid at all costs any knowing effort that would be to me helping them succeed in stealing from me.  2008 was a year of a defeat of the Clintons that I predicted many times while otherwise mostly of having been to explaining why they shouldn’t win.  I am not sure I explained it better to any one person than when that day in 2007, if I recall, that the Serbian Ambassador to the United States sat down next to me at an American Enterprise Institute public event.  When Ivan Vujacic and I got talking over the lunch break we got talking about Hillary and the 2008 race.  I did take issue with his remark that top Republicans were telling him he should expect that Hillary Clinton would be the next President and did work through my opinions with adaptations so to fit his State interests as per Serbia.

With the Clintons - I am to wondering how many times must I so defeat them.  I have succeeded many times since having worked to make them the promised “electable” for 1992 I teased to Democrats like Representative Gephardt, Representative Rosa DeLauro, and some too when then as well of a meeting with Doug Sosnik in Senator Dodd’s office in months prior to the Clintons very late entry into the 1992 race.  Right!  George Stephanopoulus was then with a Koch as peers running Representative Gephardt’s office - Representative Rosa DeLauro was a long time neighbor and my rep - Doug Sosnik was Senator Christopher Dodd’s AA and my sister Joan’s boss.  (Yes, my political capital as a past feminist is still largely unspent - and there is much that relates to my sister and her professional story)  The Greenberg - DeLauro family is that of such as my old neighbors with their wards/children my peers and friends.

But back to THE BUSTED VESSEL as a problem for Diane Lane and the world:  Hillary Clinton has now too long been borderless with Bill Clinton’s post presidency global internationalism such that she has been his boat sailed too long tackless and much adrift as to Constitutional propriety of important lines and visceral dimensions between foreign and domestic.  The Clintons have together busted out beyond “American” as per Hillary as a political “vessel.”  It seems evident already that Hillary can no longer discern the difference between American and Global as per politics - that she is a “boat” too long sailed with the international thumping of Bill Clinton either as Ambassador to the World or President of the World.

Diane Lane may be able to sell that Hillary Clinton need only too have a candle to light or a yoga mat specially designated - but Hillary to be real is herself quite already sailed past a point of safe return.  Her Benghazi and her A. Weiner scandals show that the Clintons quite are already too much a vessel hard on the rocks.

As per Hollywood and a miniseries somehow created to try to pimp Hillary Clinton as fresh and usable - I have beaten her before - I have beaten her badly - she broke bad so long ago it was easy to break them publicly down enough for Senator Obama to have had such and unexpected opportunity.  It was that I was able to defeat them with Hollywood without spending my political capital that should be bankable as long as there is an artists’ code - In essence I needed the legal authority of the Bush Administration to protect my rights to my original works and such as my intellectual property - I did need for Bush to be pro Law and Order in order for me to keep the Clintons from hiding their bad again by taking credit for so much that was originally of me and as my good.

As per Hollywood I still mean to work to historical documentaries of a more honest portrayal of the Clintons’ 90s as years fit a title that should surprise yet inform as:  THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.

As per Hollywood and my said defeat of the Clintons it is that before they so publicly lost half their Hollywood friends and such have of their expected silver screen booty I had put out to such artist realm a personal dictate than none of the many who benefited from my years of entertaining musing were authorized to interpret any of it then or forward anyhow as in a support of the Clintons.  I heard the cries that thousands would lose their jobs there - I was insistent quite and because I have no intention of ever knowingly being to helping the Clintons succeed in stealing from me.

Yes, Diane Lane and others - I know GAME CHANGE movie is a big lie about and for Hillary and Bill Clinton, and, I hope there is still a working artists’ code.  I did before Hollywood turned half against the Clintons so instruct that those especially to millionaire celebrity status via NBC sitcom successes be respectful of my personal dictate that nothing that had come from me was to be interpreted anyhow or used to help the Clintons.

When I was to telling many that they shouldn’t expect Hillary Clinton to win in 2008, and as it was at times while such seemed a politically insane posturing I was of special and unique knowledge of how much I should be able to keep the Clintons from sounding like the Clintons of old - I was confident I would be able to keep them from sounding again like me.

Yes, I was amazed after the Clintons did succeed as I had said a Democrat could in 1992 when then as well of speaking against what seemed the pollable obviousness — I was though really amazed that they proceeded to govern then too much on what had come from me without approaching me to acquire any or all rights to such.  But really I was more amazed and scared that they then would proceed to pervert such that had worked as promised as from me without consulting with its originator as to whether it had pitfalls or dangers set to unfold if it were used otherwise or used past “campaign” worked posturing.

The Clintons have been of Hillary a loyal spouse a vessel too long thumped, however, however political, however international, such that a Hillary For President 2016 is a busted vessel too dangerous to actually float.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

There are three types of columns - Corinthian, Doric & Ionic.  What may be all Greek to you is that Hillary Clinton is not a pillar of Justice as fronted but more as if just a lazy arch in a non-structural facade.

Like all summers these are here much towards warm and friendly eggs and darts, hopefully, mostly.  I don’t know how male Presidents have survived their entombment as Presidents in the Oval Office all these decades.  As form follows function when to its best I cannot imagine that women when elected President won’t choose a different “office” from among all those available or possible on the grounds of The White House.  An oval shaped office with so much “egg & dart” adorning about has been but a reminder daily for occupants of such home office that they are but enslaved to the female - to their female. 

I do know of no… {Break}

If Hillary Clinton were to unwisely enter the 2016 Presidential Race the first next thing feminists, at least, should do is to organize to put FLOTUS Michelle Obama’s name also on every ballot.  If Hillary Clinton is for now to be considered an eligible and possible candidate then President Obama has the doors wide open to a third term as by a campaigning to be kept so yet by a mere inconvenience or convenience - but a simple run as a Obama “two-fer” on the proper name of his spouse.

I do know of no…  {Break}

Have you considered that there is likely no law that says that if say FLOTUS Michelle Obama were to be elected in 2016 as Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama that she would have to choose or accept The Oval Office as her official place of work - as her home office on the White House Plantation?  She could by our seeming lack of laws actually decide that architecturally speaking it would be symbolically inappropriate for a woman to govern from an oval office.

I do know of no…  {Break}

“Form & Function” do seem to be lost about Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of the Clinton Foundation patriarchal bureaucratic ranking structure and as well in a thorough telling of her “story.”  I am not speaking that on the face and at first blush she has just apparently slept her way to the top - or to that ceiling she prefers with her husband held superior over her, and still.  It was a blow to feminism that she insisted in diminishing the lore’d honor of our many esteemed past First Ladies when she insisted in being structurally under President Mr. Clinton while First Lady with a submissive ranking to less than equal in marriage officially with her and her West Wing “JOB.”

Oh Hillary!  Oh Hillary what a mess of so much you have made.

It is too arguable that Hillary Clinton has been a faux feminist, and, it is especially important to consider that as Secretary of State she needed Mr. Clinton, former President, to be seemingly free and superior globally with their Clintons’ global initiatives to smooth the way and fix the ways for her as if much a necessary “Sugar Daddy.”

I do know of no…  {Break}

Oh Michelle dear FLOTUS spouse of a seated current “two-fer” co-Presidency yourself — If Mrs. Clinton enters the 2016 Presidential race you should too.  If it is to be seen as legal for her to do so irrespective of the term limits on her husband than time isn’t of the essence and you too have a trail blazed to keep offices highly on the White House Plantation, however you may prefer.  Right, if elected in 2016 it does seem it would be inappropriate for a women to entomb herself as a first elected First Mother of the USA in an oval shaped and spirited architecture.  It seems by law you likely could if elected decide to let your husband keep to using the oval Office and even choose yourself a styling more if you please as if of the running of the whole shebang as from its hearth or kitchen(s).

Oh Michelle - his Michelle? 

It does just seem that a woman when elected the First properly named Female President, regardless of sex - sexual preference - she just would be ill advised to think that it would be of sound “Form & Function” to settle into The Oval Office as men have for centuries as if accepting they were slaves to their better half - the female - their female - and to be measured as a metric as if best to work while thinking and feeling at least subconsciously as if in her soul and womb.

I do know of no…  {Break}

Oh there are too many problems with Hillary Clinton aka Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton aka Hillary Rodham Clinton, FLOTUS aka Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to consider as but for an obvious career now so able to be mortared in as if of having slept her way to the top — It is at first blush that she has quite failed her way oddly so while to that we have long referenced as honorable “heights.”

I do know of no…  {Break}

Right!  She may now be able to Tweet her propaganda and dress as if all of the Dancing Bears and/or all of the Teletubbies and then some - but at which point to we dog her and call her a dog for base and demeaning CHILD PROPAGANDA?

As we are near now to the Summer of 2013 START - how nuclear their families and values?  If for “Hillary” how not also for “Michelle” unless racist?  If for “Hillary” how not also and better for “Michelle” as Princeton and Harvard seems to trump Wellesley and Yale?

I do know of no law that says a woman when elected by her proper name as the First Female First Mother of the United States of America as a First Female President will also have to entomb herself as if in the womb of her mate in The Oval Office.  I do also know of no law that says a First Mother has restraints on her that dictate that she must govern as if a man.  I do also know of no law that say a First Female President won’t be free to delegate to her spouse (regardless of sexual orientation) and even so however “symbolically” with a personal preference to entomb them still submissively as by making the Oval Office their “home office.”

Oh Hillary! 

Oh Michelle!!! ???

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:06 am

By now you should have heard of Obamacare.  The Affordable Care Act has been said to be Obamacare, Romneycare and Hillarycare.  President Obama is in a pickle with Obamacare with the recent Senate passage of legislation for Immigration Reform.

The politics of the moment are to be imagined quite as if President Clinton has President Obama over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.  With that said, however seemingly unfair, it may be a pickle barrel of politics which at any moment could have it more justly as President Obama with President Clinton over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.

These days of the politics of Obamacare, Immigration. the know scandals, and the seeming dammed and ready to burst new scandals have us waking this Wednesday with the House having the con now to call Immigration as it sees it.  President Obama yesterday was petty with his politicking on Immigration so when of asking that procedural battles don’t now scar the bold moves by the Senate per such.

There is race involved in today’s politics besides however with Obamacare, redistribution as reparations, immigration and executive branch power and corruption;  Attorney General Eric Holder is black and of talk as to whether he should resign.

We may have to go back and forth on the imagery of whom (which President) now figuratively has the other President like over a barrel;  It is race related as it seems simply that AG Attorney Eric Holder has been loyal to this point to the impossible politics of the Obama administration as it stayed of a trichotomy of Power between Barack, Bill, and Hillary.  It is that I am not yet to suggesting that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign just mostly because it seems it would be both unfair and racist to have him so like drawn and quartered before or in lieu of at least Hillary Clinton.

There is much in today’s politics so that we all might miss some important elements, however Shakespearean, tragically while what is more visible and on the table stirs us too comically.  We cannot forget the Supreme arguments for Obamacare as essential to ACA (Affordable Care Act) as per SPILL OVER;  Obama is over a barrel at least as per Immigration due to his lawyers of having argued in defense of his Romneycare as per interstate SPILL OVER.

The political enslavement now about our black President is of a roots in the whoopie of Bill and Hillary at least of their second term.  Though Vint Cerf actually is the father of the internet it may be Al Gore that “invented” the political misuse we are now to discussing, hopefully not too late and after the fact.  It may be that President Bush and the Patriot Act gave political cover to such machinations short of artificial intelligence of an NSA of machines theirs doing it but not them, however. If it is just the machines doing it and they so far as not yet capable as of an artificial intelligence then it figures accurately in still acceptable political jargon that the NSA is not “wittingly” of its human elements to such as per citizens of the United States of America.

It is a complicated day for politics as many of President Obama’s roots as per this political enslavement do till of days of the executive whoopie of Bill and Hillary.  He is trapped with his ACA and it as argued for as per the interstate SPILL OVER costs dilemma.  His Obamacare however a Romneycare, or worser yet as a Hillarycare II, is still fit for Constitutional challenges at least as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.  The lawyers for Obama with their briefing supreme per ACA introduced fallacious rendering of an appropriate right or wrong at least as per SPILL OVER;  Obamacare is in jeopardy as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.

We are of an era of a corruption in our national politics much set so and consummated and consecrated about the times of the Clintons and such of a “two-fer” Bonnie and Clyde intimacy, however of spousal whoopie.  It would be largely unfair to ask that Attorney General Eric Holder be now drawn and quartered or tarred and feathered before Hillary and/or Bill, or in lieu of President Obama, President Clinton and now former but yet recently NSA entwined Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

Again:  President Bush may have given political cover to such as we are discussing as a Big Brother over-reaching of Federal Authority - as by the Patriot Act.  But the roots of the political enslavement of President Obama and some now as well his black Attorney General are of the establishment of such e-potential from the days of Clinton and Gore.

Right!  SPILL OVER!  Right!  Obamacare without immigration reform is subject to a Supreme review anew as with the arguments for it used to argue just so against it;  Without Immigration reform there is and will be “INTERNATIONAL” SPILL OVER to be as fiercely posited against ACA as the “interstate” SPILL OVER was to posture for it.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I may have a race problem or two with the still being written “legacy” of/for the Clintons.  Again, as per much of the issues towards any proffering that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign there is a reasonable consideration that he as per such has shown himself to have tried to work with the impossible politics of a justice that was supposed to be judiciously able to mash a workable intelligence while loyal to both President Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” - still stomping.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I have been arguing against Obamacare a long time and so long if it too a Hillarycare II as I did argue against Hillarycare since before there was the Clintons in the 1992 race and to then such so.  I am not against Romneycare quite so accept though as Romney posited that a Federal repeal of Obamacare was possible as if replaced by Romneycare.  Yes I am only in support of Romneycare as it stays a state based solution and with other states of a morality and economic condition to be set themselves likewise, however, in a competition with Massachusetts’ methods of covering all - and as with a justice possible around interstate SPILL OVER problems.

Obamacare should be Un-Constitutional by the lawyers’ for its arguments as until there is an immigration reform there remains a bigger SPILL OVER cost problem for affordable care than that of the “interstate” SPILL OVER posits postured and proffered to defend a “necessary” federal socializing centralized new Big-Government authority.

It is that our national politics are now still too corrupted by the potential to corruption of the then much newer e-watching capability that the Administration of the Clintons ushered into our national systems.  It may have been President Bush who gave a new political cover to such as the capacity that the Clintons like drooled over with considerations of new Political Power grabbing and holding potential, but, it is still that we have roots of this political enslavement of President Obama as of the days of Clinton whoopie, and, machinations political of bending too many Republicans to a colluded corruption along the power lines of like:  “We the Clintons now have the technology to fool all of the People all of the time (or nearly) so get on board or get left behind!”

Economically speaking the United States of America should have first reformed immigration then worked to restart an grand new era for economic growth and then and only then proceeded at the national level with healthcare reform if and where states were themselves refusing to see a morality about competing, however, with Massachusetts efforts about their Romneycare.

“It’s a Tax!” speaks not to the SPILL OVER international or interstate but to a common sense practicality that a President and Executive Branch must have as well a right to wage war on health and to tax however necessary if a war so is just.  It may be that as a Tax it is not Constitutional if it is to be permanent and to a new Federal bureaucracy at least until an amendment to establish a national right to healthcare is successfully through all proper procedures for such.

The House now too seems to have President Obama over a barrel.  It is quite a pickle that there may at least be three barrels and that the House now also has former President Clinton also prostrate over a figurative political barrel.

As per Attorney General Eric Holder it still seems to impolite or racist to suggest he should resign before at least Hillary Clinton as for her days so entwined with the NSA knowingly as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is at least also to a more civil public and political tarring and feathering, likewise.  It also figures that AG Holder might also be said to be rightly and justly to withholding a resignation at least as long as President Obama refuses, likewise, to bend with an offering of one himself.

Obamacare can not possibly be “affordable” while the INTERNATIONAL SPILL OVER costs dilemma reigns supreme and superior as a threat to affordability likewise as the interstate spill over problema was postured as proffered and erudite posits.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:24 am

Poor Obama for he seems to have been played by the Clinton “two-fer” - really played. 

It seems considerable that the Clintons did together what GOPers sought to.  The Clintons in their own way seem to have effectively made Obama a one term executive and a second term Clinton stooge as some a “lame duck” executive.

Nothing POPS a “whose your daddy?” now better than a new DPRK CRISIS.  It seems that President Obama is now stuck having once needed the superior political skills of President William Jefferson Clinton to bring USA back from a nuclear brink again.  This is the President Obama who had to visit President Clinton in his Harlem office and as I recall bow before him and with a recording of him calling President Clinton “The President” who then needed the Clintons’ superior political skill to save his administration from the crisis brought on after Clintons’ VP Al Gore as a private citizen had his babe private spies caught in North Korea with inadequate training.

In the coming days it will be as if a trial has started and the Clintons are burying President Obama as if a weaker lawyer - if not already.

Where is Bill?  Where is nearly self proclaimed “PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD” Bill Clinton?  Where is Bill and how is he now coping without his spouse his overseer at State there more effectively as if just running another Clinton Travel Office?  We now have Secretary John Kerry charged with overseeing the foreign policy meddling of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE - Where is Bill?

He called them rivals.  How much is that turning out to have been an understatement?  I called the Obama save of the first DPRK CRISIS of this administration the BAY OF BABES for it seemed meant to be sold as if as dramatic and as a sequel so to our old BAY OF PIGS.  And, yet young and inexperienced President Barack Hussein Obama needed to call in President Clinton to save the day and bring us then back from the brink of WAR - yet just by being a grand escort service to collect and babysit Al Gore’s private spies who got caught maybe for having had the wrong training, or not enough training.

These days stories just don’t write themselves naturally about the Clintons to present them in a good light.  I mean unless you like the idea that the may have until now succeeded in high-jacking USA executive power since they were thought to have been officially term limited from such, from such anymore for evermore.  I don’t have time now to discuss the “HOW” about that they may have successfully high-jacked USA foreign policy at least since 2001 - that does now though some want to write itself unlike stories that would be readable as of a “good light” for the Clintons.

But what about Mrs. Clinton’s private Hell these days?  If you are on the road or a run with her (political run not “exercised”) can you figure out who or what she is?  It writes itself that she isn’t a good example for an independent feminism as she has put being under her husband as her primary ceiling her whole life since Yale Law School.  She is the enabler of Bill Clinton most obviously — her primary character is that of having made herself and her career submissive to the ambitions and career of her husband and only stepped out as if maybe otherwise when our 22nd Amendment got in the way of his being able to “officially” stay her visibly dominant main man.

But what about President Obama’s public Hell these days?  Did he miss that Mrs. Clinton was firstly loyal to her husband with her earliest of public decrees as his Secretary of State and top “rival”?  I mean he had to humble himself before President Clinton in the Harlem office of the Clintons’ continuing global political activities and for public consumption with a record of a bowing some then with a calling of a former President as “The President” - such that I recall.  I mean when former First Lady Clinton started as promised “rival” in his new Cabinet she set up a Hellish but clever insubordination on her new boss by using Dante.  One of his first mile markers on this road to Hell with the Clintons must still be of record of her saying that as Obama’s Secretary of State she would be taking her direction from that whom Dante did and much more so than as if listening to her new most inexperienced upstart of a politician boss.

Is President Barack Hussein Obama now stuck again in a political dependence that again will have him have to call in President William Jefferson Clinton to restore world peace at least as per the DPRK new but familiar CRISIS?  If it will make her man happy Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now more as just a public private person as now a First Lady of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INIITIATIVES, as it seems, is likely to be fully submissive again in her man getting all the credit and pomp and circumstance.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a dangerous and quite faux feminist figure.  It is not a fair lesson or example to sell her other than as her story wants to write itself respective of all the conflicting details.  It is not even fair that to be for Hillary For President you have to explain to young girls everywhere that to be like her is to put your husband first and for as long as your government will allow and then be to needing the full pomp and ceremony at least of a full Presidential Secret Service division in order to win any office registered for with your name more than his.

There is that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s story doesn’t write itself well but as a blob of FRIENDS OF BILL still somehow holding on and moving forward as a political mass. 

We have maybe that we should hear of still political Clintons that they will at least take a lead from President Barack Hussein Obama and to a doubling down rivaling with a promise to give back 10% of the Federal Funds being spent annually at least for New York rents for former President Clinton.  I do not know how we tolerate so much foreign policy meddling from a former President and especially for those years that his spouse was running the real State Department - but for us to be however to paying the rents for operations of such and with such allowed an grandstanding of an annual meeting schedule to rival the United Nations as also a politically mandatory meeting is quite ridiculous in an American traditional consideration.

What seems to write itself now is that the Clintons have been the bigger rivals to President Obama than the GOPers and that now we have it on our plates too that Mrs. Clinton’s culpability for Benghazi as Secretary of State should be forever joined with a tag for the DPRK CRISIS as necessarily some or much of other failures in her while charge with being Obama’s Top Diplomat.

What has happened to President Barack Hussein Obama - how has he come to looking so much as if just a stooge of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and under Dante still as she decreed she’ld be, however inflaming.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:28 am

There are lessons in architecture - there are whole schools of how good architecture is related to human form and function.

Soon we all should be stirred to palpitations and warm pulsations as the new Bush library opens and so most sternly.  It will be hard to avoid a judgmental attitude and strong bias about Bush’s contrasting of Clintons’ library architecture in Arkansas.

I don’t know how much you know of Kentucky’s and Ohio’s standards of a keying and securing past the Beaver Wars.  We have that top hats like President Lincoln’s were of beaver pelt constructions.

These are days when our architecture has to be considered anew as per jurisprudence and jurisdictions (even of prudence if/when droning) as of International Law and the reach of International Courts.  How Sam Powers (Samantha Powers) was an “architect” of President Obama’s attempt for a rushed RESET to copacetic collusion with Russian powers is as well much of this consideration.  We cannot un-consecrate the old Georgian structures/borders post the rushed juxtaposing of bordering sovereignties and how so said of a South Assetia (Ossetia?).  There is a Bardish Shakespearean casting about such so dramatically and geographically set as with a President Medvedev and a President V. Putin.

Our set and cast about Obama’s war of choice in Afghanistan as of their mission creep from Bush’s War on Terrorism to be a warring on feminism and illiteracy in Afghanistan and Pakistan has Bardish constructs too, and as well so a “New Vietnam” plot, it seems.  Geographically Afghanistan news of war has been as “architectural” or “Freudian” as of Helmand Province and as it like the discarded Soviet State of Georgia for looking in shape like a prophylactic.

You should ask Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, how to interpret the physical architecture of their library in Arkansas (The Natural State) now publicly due a critical review and contrasting as the new Bush library readies in all its sterness to open.  It seems more prudent to ask her how “Bill’s” library got to looking phallic and Freudian and too suggestive in a skin of Confederate Gray - right?

President Karzai’s Helmand Province of Afghanistan seems to have a sovereign and proud history as if of a meant structural difference as between South Carolina and North Carolina.  The province to the South East of Helmand Province seems more like our West Virginia and of a destiny or fate to be more of a protectorate about shrinkage. 

I do not know how the Clintons’ library got its shape, nor do I know how Helmand Province or South Carolina got theirs.  I do get that President Medvedev and President V. Putin did nearly return discarded Georgian State to the drawing board to be more otherwise a checked South Assetia (Ossetia?) reshaped from being more like Helmand and at least Trojan brands to being more like a new seat of a new ham shire and as of pipe line concerns, at least.  It seems Georgian styling got made nearly more symetrical by Presidents Medvedev and Putin as if so publicly made a butt of an separatist joke (governance?).

I don’t know how to Constitute specifically for each of these regions the differences about sam powers and Samantha Powers of Obama’s casting and setting even with it of a legacy reach to be more Soviet like with a friendly apologetic RESET.

Church steeples are also considerable architecture and how other places of worship and sanctuary are structurally welcoming as if a great big bosom of offerings of compassion.  It is clear that our Ground Zero Memorial sits as if our World Trade Center has had a double sex change.

I did nearly submit a design concept for the Ground Zero site myself to having two towers rebuilt in there original footings and as tall but taller by some and as pentagonal obelisk twin towers with memorial glass topping where more a obelisk’d pyramid high above and open to heaven’s lights.  I didn’t.  I did think about the concept some and share thoughts with at least one friend then an architect with Cesar Pelli as I considered that if I did offer a submission I might have wanted to pair up with George Knight of Cesar Pelli firm. 

I had many friends from the mid 90s associated professionally with the design and construction management of the Petronas Towers - and such is part of the story of the birth of Quid Ditch, Voldemort and Patronus Spells.  (How cool > I hadn’t seen Patron US in Patronus Spell before now.)

I would have had to answer George Knight’s first (only) profession design query about my idea for rebuilding two towers at least as tall and as twin pentagonal obelisks.  I would have had to (with him?) figure out how to skin the new towers for such a shape to either be all in glass or somehow much as if skinned like the original twin towers.

If Hillary Clinton had become President after having been that carpet bagger Senator it is probable and too possible that she would have insisted that the nearly winning idea of a LADY LIBERTY glass and steel tower replacement be named forever as the HILLARY CLINTON LADY LIBERTY TOWER.  Yes the 9/11 Memorial now is architecturally as if our World Trade Center site (our’s as of all global citizens) has had a double sex change from phallic in the male twinness to feminine in twin wet ports as “memorials.”

Yes there was too much too graphically and Bardish dramatized for TV teasing about the mission creep to Obama’s warring of choice in Afghanistan on feminism and literacy.  There were days were it was there was either a story of shrinkage and reservation of one province or a strong or too strong (too proud) story as from Helmand Province.  What does Kandahar sound like when said once?  What does Kandahar sound like when said ten times quickly?

If the Clintons were behind 9/11 by willful plotting and clever inciting of radicals and then with their new walls of separation between FBI intelligence and FBI enforcement branches there is some incredible and dangerous or diabolical genius about such.  For them to have been behind it knowingly it may have been as a team of taunting inciting provocation to have pushed a known enemy enough to have forced them into a corner for a predicable acting out and not by a buying of “terror” or “terrorism” or a specific machination for a specific outburst.  For if the Clintons were behind it they figured a way to get US attacked by an enemy so that such enemy would be justifying the very type of convenient crisis that they of a “justice” seeking Jihad would not have wanted;  If the Clintons were behind 9/11 it might only have been by inciting a set of radicals to a predicable outburst to then justify the war on feminism and literacy that was needed for “Hillary’s” fem imperialist crusade needed for her to be more than just full of hot air talk.

I don’t know how President Obama will orate or proffer an attempt at erudite architectural review at least of the Clintons’ library in The Natural State down south.  I don’t know if he will care to join the due comparing and contrasting and judging of the two newest of our Presidential Libraries when the new most stern Bush library does soon open to the public.

Presidents Medvedev and V. Putin did hold court for a while internationally about whether Georgia needed to be reshaped from being like a separated and discarded used prophylactic to a visibly exposed butt of a new regional inclusiveness.  Again, it was somehow also about pipe lines and some acting up too much without enough respect for a sanctuary in morality whether secular or religious.

President Obama may be more willing to broach his war of choice in Afghanistan as a new Vietnam than to be orally committing to discussing the architecture of the library for the legacy of the Clintons, and it so skinned in Confederate Gray.  He did wax a strapping erudite philosophical oration with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech while whipping up a frenzy of youths the world over with his slights directed at the Clintons’ and their eight years of “avoidance” and “inaction.”

President Obama was a wise man while of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech to speak so barbed and pointedly about “dangers of inaction and avoidance.” 

Yes Petronas and Patronus belong together like Dorothy and Ultimate Frisbee and my parents fireplace broom whence.  Those were the early days long before JK Rowling had her struggles finding a publisher — those were the days so early she was of asking for more as of “you didn’t give me enough for five books” and as well so early she was of asking “should we have flying brooms?” and me to a pondering and then answer of “yes, but go big make it a team sport.”  George Knight was one of my many architect Ultimate Frisbee Leagues friends when I put an attitude of frisbee flying disk sport to an echo for creativity for JK in Scotland.

Dumbledore like Gryffindor come from the earlier days than these and as from “double door” a couple doors away and from Griffin doors as of a balance to so many of Yale Hospitals and Yale about such with a working about Derby’s Griffin Hospital Emergency Room Doors.  JK Rowling is about 5-6 days older than me.  Her late father Peter Rowling was a critical part of she being the one to answer a like Googling pre-Google for an unknown writer willing to write about a character “Peter Rowe-ling” and about magic learning with seven books for seven separate years of curriculum.

You may want to visit the Borough of Jeffersonville as of Ohio and the Beaver Wars.  There is a short initial series still to be developed when I have the time and professional inclination in the archives of my blogs that covers November of 2010.  As since November 2012 elections I changed styles and moved to a poetry working with Citizenrosebud.us link I had in 2010 as well post the election results changed my writing to be long prose as if a new LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE some with my BEATRICE BOXER AND THE GREAT BEAVER WARS series so archived off of jphogan.org.

I did protest but without working to distroy public state or religious property when it seemed that the “LADY LIBERTY” towers replacement design had been picked.  I do appreciate and celebrate the whole hearted and compassionate architecture of the new towers and the 9/11 Memorial about Ground Zero - yet will have to wonder on how the sight seems to have had a sex change.

It is hard to believe that the Clintons are smart enough to have been actually behind 9/11 so that they incited the known radicals to an outburst that they could use to overwhelm and then defeat them and with a response an actual ushering in of an imperialism in a new global feminism as per FLOTUS Clinton’s heated and stirring walking and talking, whence.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Her footprints are huge…

It seems a great naivete to believe Secretary Clinton was just a tool of President Obama.

It seems dangerous to risk an escapism for the rule of Clintons now as if not of the rule of Obama, however confusing and confounding her first steps about such are dramatized.

I do not want to tire my readers here by ruining a great title as if Hillary Clinton deserves it all to herself.  Others may be deserving of any higher orderings about any new Manifest Destiny as set as a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” as a discussion of whom women have a right to conquer as if to “liberate” them.  Hillary Clinton has a history to suggest she is a fem like the three me most of Evan Thomas’ THE WAR LOVERS - as a “war lover” herself.

Many body bags have been piled, however, up full from failures and sacrifices about a crusading of and by Hillary Clinton though more as if by remote control coddled distant safety.  In her huge footprints are many lost souls - and as these some of her still as if walking in Bill Clinton’s shoes, spousally.

She seems not to have even “ducked and ran for cover” let alone had a charge up a San Juan Hill all her own.

Yesterday on the Thirteenth day of the Third month of the Year of our Lord two thousand Ten and three our Constitution stood ratified and witness to a first Jesuit become Pope.  America of the North of The United States of America did become subscribed unanimously as preambled to be ‘ordained’ and ‘established’ as of “…the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”  The U.S.A. was so Constituted by its ratification so as a Union under one Lord as a Christian Lord of a Christian calender.  These American states, though, were not Constituted to be allowed to be by laws of Congress established along sectarian lines even to being a Catholic State by establishments of religion.

The Church so now of Peter of Francis has its pastoral charities loopholes for acceptance of a contrariness.  The United States of America though may actually be written such that our First Amendment is meant to follow the stoicism of George Washington’s First Inaugural orations and such that ACA - Obamacare - is not allowed as by our Bill of Rights for it imbues an “establishment of religion” barred even for Christian Charity from acts of The Congress.  Obamacare can be Un-Constitutional if it exists to be an establishment by Law that there, like, is no God and so a secular socialist Government program is needed.  The Congress by our First Amendment seems to be not allowed to pass any Law as if an establishment that there is no God.

Again, it is naive to believe Hillary Clinton.  Again, it is dangerous to accept blindly on a faith in the speak of President Obama that Hillary was just his tool about His foreign policies.  His as her’s of his is exceptional as a conundrum confounding of these times - and maybe as of a comparative ranking for all times.  Her of his (thought His of Obama’s) is a she of fem past of like a missing 8 years - a missing 1993 - 2001.  Her years of those year more of the big footprints, literally, comparatively, of Bill Clinton of His about such foreign realms do exist actually as in a real contrariness to a proposition that President Obama’s claims can be truthful.

The House of Obama has the House of the Clintons to rival it and battle it now for “LEGACY” and more or their regular lots of transference and projection strategics.  Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by letting it be used here as if forever only about Hillary Clinton.

It is hard not to tag Hillary Clinton as a “lover of war” and one as if of a “lover of war bar none.”  We have that it gets complicated with Bill Clinton’s footprints so huge and causal to the vast numbers of filled and piled, however, body bags with Hillary Clinton’s name due on them, officially for Posterity of Records — it is complicated that Hillary’s love of war may too much be of the “school” of “politics” of the “Wag the Dog” “convenient” “crisis” “escapists” set.

As First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton FLOTUS Hillary did crusade as a fem imperialist - not as an anti-imperialist.

It is naive, again, to accept blindly or on the word of President Obama that Hillary Clinton was just his tool in a Foreign Policies all His (his as Obama, President).  By offering in his first hours and by his orations of his inaugural that “it” could be of a ‘none of the fault of the Clintons’ as with his then official Presidential speak as of “it is all Bush’s fault” he trapped himself and us all into a realm for foreign policies for whomever might be his Top Diplomat then limited by half a potential hope or possible range of diplomatic flexibility/nuance.

Hillary Clinton cannot have been just a tool of a superior President and his orderings by his figurings, logically, for it follows that he was a prisoner to the Clintons since his inauguration so of such a ridiculous posturing as if “it” could be of a “none of the fault of the Clintons.”  Hillary cannot have been a bit player and just a tool as President Obama was trapped and so as if a tool of the Clintons for having proceeded from day one with a cover-up for the Clintons as a Governance PRIORITY.

Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by making it all about Hillary, just yet, just now before the whole story can be told.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:26 pm


These are days, again, it seems, difficult to be kind to Hillary Clinton.  These are not days of a happy “swan song” of Mrs. Clinton nor her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  Much is afoot and now exposed though long presented as if a good gift of gentile art.

These are not days (again) for hailing her a good “chief” or “teacher.”   She “Hillary”  - daughter of “Rodhams” - the daughter of a “Hugh” and a “Dorothy” and raised a first striker - raised to strike first.  It is an odd immunity she as “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton” is being afforded with so much costs and so much blood upon her hands as if more long a “Secretary of War” than of “Diplomacy.”

A dichotomy of our “Hillary” that has legs so long that these days her stride steps all of “All Bush’s Fault” false titling and clearly back to walks and talks of her crusading 90s’s as “FLOTUS.”

With Ambassadors like her “children” she is now suffering us all too much as freshly wounded of her as a bad “mother.”  Where wasn’t she?  How long wasn’t she there?  How did she miss all the cries of her Ambassadors as she had as First Lady “Mother” Clinton once those eight years deaf to or avoiding the cries of the women of Afghanistan and Iraq, at least?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP of her Boss and his other department(s) we seem at least safe from also having been hers, as once feared as sold and as “inevitable” yet however taint her too as of a removal of GOD from classrooms?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality with a like “catch of day” Politics with fidelity to our President as never written or intended? 

Does the RACE TO THE TOP as of its dictates these four years have a dangerous dichotomy quite diabolical too — Does it  oddly preach a greed and competitiveness for a TOP while though also oddly dictating that any where above the “middle” is evil?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality more though with peer pressure “corporate ladder” like daily status boxing based just on video game aggressive cultures?

It seems that Hillary has been exposed at least for lying for over four years and as a bearing of false witness knowingly and politically in a partisan and very polarizing methodology.  We should consider that since she was once packaged as “inevitable” as a new first “Mother” of our federal provinces now are the days to ask if we weren’t saved from her much - if she wouldn’t have been a worse President than Barack Hussein Obama.

Valerie Plame had her husband as an outer quite like Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton had her “husband” trap her by boldly stepping into Charlotte as the charlatan with economic voo doo and/or snake oil as he did.  And, Hillary Clinton has been so bold to as well have been being as if a Joe(sephine) Wilson of national warring of a personal agenda.

Our “Hillary” - however - is a reigning Constitutional conundrum of management and/or accounting best practices.  She is as not taught to be for safeguards even for petty cash in corporate endeavors.  She reigns as if a CEO were allowed to have a private residence off his Corporate Offices and with their spouse free to come and go with shared power and an expectancy to succeed just because they were able to mix business and pleasure with a office based home.

It seems to confusing to try to explain Mrs. Clinton as other than a faux feminist - for with her husband she put the glass ceiling over herself for most of her adult life, and, while her husband by marrying her was able to avoid becoming an actual feminist.

We are gathered about these issues now as a year end and term ending consideration and much of a Madam Secretary of State that could have been worse and worse with much more of our “governance.”   She was not born “Adam” son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and then to schools where the story of your self is declared regularly, by a Government, to be nonsense.

“Hillary” was only promised a Rose Garden by her husband and yet conditional upon her being diminutive as if of a self elected “glass ceiling” of a necessary faux feminism for her until such time as he were to Constitutionally not being able to have it as his firstly.  That she tolerated a reigning of her “Bill” with his CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE and while it made her look smaller as if just a bureaucrat of a travel office secretarial “job” is a puzzle not too dangerous as if a TROJAN HORSE before the first TROJAN HORSE.

We have that as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR, whom we also should never forget, we also have that we have a 22nd Amendment and the legacy of prudence of “George” and “Martha” of a togetherness where eight years set to be enough.  We have that by trying to have more than eight years between them “Bill” and “Hillary” may have quite seriously, and to great costs to us all, have hidden for a long time how much was “all their fault”. 

For “Adam” - son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” - it may be that when God was taken from our classrooms his life went to Hell.  For “Hillary” - Secretary of State - she now only has to answer for THE BENGHAZI FOUR and how that she by so wrong about such now is of an exposing of her years of having beared false witness at our expense. 

The whole Truth of our “Hillary” now seems that THE BENGHAZI FOUR exposes her and her “Bill” (and President Obama) as having been very wrong about Al Qaeda since back to the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.

Our classrooms now with or without God have to consider a revisionist “history” of the Administration of the Clintons and our entire era of “the 90s” - it seems.  Poor “Adam” son of a “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and all joined to his Hellishness.  May he not have been long of a tag of the slang for “Nancy” as well as rapped upon by Government busy at taking “Adam” out of classrooms.  Our classrooms are fraught with troubles to last a while for the ill considered race of RACE TO THE TOP.

And, though where can our “Hillary” now sit in our classrooms with our without God? 

She has long beared false witness against many of the Administrations of the Bushes and while her husband kept up a like “ceiling” above her of a reign extra-Constitutional in many ways much as if he alone had been “promoted” out of our Office of the President and to where he is globally as if an unchecked and unelected President of the World.

At least if RACE TO THE TOP has any redeeming qualities all our schools should now be mandated to ask and discuss how if “Hillary” as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR could be so wrong now then mustn’t she also have been so wrong about Al Qaeda while First Lady “Mother” Hillary Clinton too?  And, to a scholarly crediting if as well of asking if she mustn’t have been so causally wrong as a crusading FLOTUS to have been more wrong then than presently?


President Bill Clinton should not have participated in the Dem Convention in Charlotte both because of his conflict of interest with his wife sworn to “not be in politics” while Secretary and he of his Clintons’ Global Initiative of a promised mission to not be partisan nor political with such.  His presence and proffering much worse for of new fuzzy math and economic constructs quite farcical as bold brassy lies. 

Bill Clinton did maybe lie President Obama to a victory. And, he as well to assuring a new and more polarized grid lock as their cover-up of themselves as if just a beautiful and innocent wooden horse of a “none of the Clintons’ fault” now becomes exposed as now a danger and for long having been a danger we should have seen from the start.

With or without God in our classrooms may we at least now to having the lies of the Clintons in there as “lies.”

And, again:  Bill Clinton should not have even without his being a Charlotte charlatan have spoken at the Democrat Convention for to speak was inappropriate while his spouse was/is our sworn Secretary of State, and, because he stood up and told more economic lies. 

That it was proffered as “All Bush’s fault” stands logically as such a preposterous impossibility that on its face it has been confessional by Dems - and yet supposed to work as a “cover-up.” 

Oddly when you accept that Bush did it seems take the easy way to Operation Iraqi Freedom with “lies” offered to a willing Congress and enough to get the desired vote we have that it is the Clintons that both end up looking worse that President Bush.

It is teachable that President Bush chose the easy path of lying for a vote from Congress for a necessary and quite complicated “operation” for a very late prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and, that such was while he could have sold it more honestly and necessary if he needed to. 

But by “lying” President Bush didn’t otherwise have to mess with the politics of calling out the Clintons for their failures as earlier “Father” and “Mother” of our Country - nor for them of a TROJAN HORSE dimensional as like a bearing of false witness.

                                                *       *

*[This prefaced piece while a public work in progress Sunday before Christmas.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:24 pm

[A copy of a college philosophy course paper of mine - not sure I gave the expected or popular analysis and/or answers to assignment - yet do think I still hold this opinion as then conceived as mine - I am though now posting this before re-reading it - having re-read it even recently.  Don’t at the moment remember the name of the course then while at Villanova in mid eighties - I acquired an undeclared Philosophy Minor - got the credits for minor without registering such intent or achievement within Philosophy Department bureaucracy.]

                BY: J PETER HOGAN

Plato, Machiavelli, Marx and Fanon all spoke about ideal
societies in the form of relatively small communities.  Does
this mean there can be no utopias on the global scale?  or,
were they just limited by their time and environment?  Today
we are concerned about global societies.  Our primary concern is
the path of international relations:  How the hundreds of
nations in the world can and will relate peacefully.  We are
striving for world peace while we also strive to improve our
ability to destroy our world.  World peace is a slow process
and cannot and will not occur until all nations have a common
link.  I believe the threat of global destruction is not enough
itself, that something else is also needed, something tied to
everyday life.  The market is such a thing; the international
market is unifying the world.  The industrial giants have
gotten away with some atrocities yet still they have
successfully done more to further world peace than any other
body.  The atrocities occurred because these firms were
breaking new grounds which existing laws were inadequate to
control;  there were not internationally accepted laws
protecting the rights and property of all human beings as
equals.  Today an international body is needed to establish a
global justice system.  As more and more nations begin to
compete in the international market, general principles of
proper and acceptable behavior must be agreed upon and
practiced.  These also must be enforceable.

I propose to study how these philosophers saw their ideal
societies as well as show how and why some are realistic
and others will remain dream  I will also explain how I see the
path of international relations with a view towards future utopias,
and will show that only one of these four philosophers presented
a plan for society that when applied to the real world can work
efficiently and peacefully in the international arena.

Plato’s republic can be seen as the forerunner to
capitalistic society.  In the REPUBLIC each person is
encouraged to pursue his own interests and to specialize in
this interest in order to maximize his happiness and the
society’s well being.  This very closely resembles Adam Smith’s
justification of the free market system with his “invisible
hand principle.”  The theme is identical while the motives for
the individuals are expressed differently.  Socrates wanted the
individual motivated solely by his love for his art, not for
material gain nor for the acquisition of wealth.  In the
REPUBLIC Socrates set up a city which had not been “bloated by
the fever,” but instead remained a very plain community,
content with subsistence level existence.  Even the rulers of
the city refrain from luxuries and fancy foods.  Socrates
believed that wealth as well as poverty was detrimental to the
community, so he eliminated them from his ideal society.  As an
ideal society we do not necessarily expect it to match natural
human tendencies.  Socrates refused to admit a human desire for
private property.  I can understand his efforts to omit this
since it seems that most wars have occurred over questions of
property rights;  the have-nots wishing to acquire the goods of
the haves.  If we go back to Socrates’ ideal society and
recognize materialism as a natural human tendency, then what we
have is a capitalistic society.  Each individual would be
motivated not only by the love of his art but also by his
desire to increase his possessions, leaving society to be
controlled by the pursuit of individuals’ self interest.  This
can only peacefully occur where there are well defined and
accepted laws governing property rights.  Still, as in the
REPUBLIC, justice would be the minding of your own business but
might be extended to include the minding of your own property
and respect for the property of others.  Plato was not alone in
his omission of the human desire for private property;  many
other philosophers have done the same.

Machiavelli, however, did not omit human materialism.  The
prince was a wise man solely because he understood some basic
principles about human nature and about the nature of the
masses.  Machiavelli, in THE PRINCE, wrote not as a
philosopher about how things ought to be but as a political
scientist about how things were.  His prince realized that the
majority of people have very simple desires and that as long as
a ruler could satisfy these desires he would be able to
maintain control.  He realized that most people actually desire
to be ruled so that they themselves don’t have to worry about
the everyday issues of controlling a society.  They just want
to concentrate on their own desires, their immediate self
interests.  The combination of these two facts leaves a ruler
a lot of leeway to do what he wishes.  As long as the ruler
protected the rights of his subjects, they would be willing to
do his work, work his lands to produce products which he could
sell for his personal profit.  The prince got wealth off the
labor of his subjects; he had title to the resources, the land,
and traded with his subjects for their labor.  Of course he
owned the land on which they lived and the homes in which they
lived, so this he considered as part of their wages while the
other parts of it were the food they ate, the protection he
provided, and the justice he enforced among his subjects.  The
Prince will be able to keep his subjects content as long as
their limited desires can be met; but, when technology and
invention create new products to tempt their desires the task
becomes more difficult because they will all desire to increase
their standard of living.  If the prince cannot satisfy their
new desires then he will most likely have to resort to fear to
keep them in line, and can do so because he controls their
rights.  Fear is, according to the prince, the most effective
way of keeping people in line.  Fear will always be a means of
effecting human behavior, while ideally we wish it wouldn’t be.
Ideally, we would like respect to be the only true motivator.
But, unfortunately it is not.  As a result we must make and
accept laws which will protect the rights of the people and
their property.  We should not ignore or dismiss the human
tendency to desire property and increased comfort.  When such
is done a realistic picture is not possible.

Karl Marx, for example, based his whole community on the
premise of public property.  It takes a revolution to bring
about his “communistic ideals.”  A revolt by the”have-nots”
against the “haves.”  The have-nots revolt because the
possessions and rights of the haves are protected while their
rights are ignored.  There is obviously an imbalance of power
and wealth.  Marx saw the solution as a revolution in which the
haves are over thrown and all capital possessions are entrusted
to the society as a whole.  Marx too ignored the human desire
to possess property.  His ideal falls apart after the
revolution when some of the revolutionaries, usually the
stronger use their might to obtain for themselves the
possessions conquered.  It usually turns out that the new
capitalists, who were the leaders of the revolt, used the
revolution solely to achieve personal wealth.  Is this much
different than before the revolution?  No, because it is the
same play but with a different cast and the price of the change
includes the lives of many.  Marx envisioned an altruistic
government; one that had the responsibility of making sure that
everyone was doing what they were best at, while also making
sure that everyone got equal pay.  Marx failed to admit that
the individuals know best their own interests and abilities and
that they should pick their own career from those offered in
the society.  Marx saw equal distribution of wealth as the
answer to property disputes.  Yet, this can only succeed where
all individuals desire the same things and have some other very
powerful motivation to do their best in their endeavors.
Usually it requires promises of great returns to motivate
people and empty promises can only work a few times.  Attempts
to actualize his ideal society has failed.  They have put the
ownership of capital in the hands of the public, in very loose
terms.  The wealthy class previously were the owners of capital
and the means of production but now are the new controllers of
the means of production, the government.  The general populace
usually becomes worse off;  they no longer participate in a
Society focused on the individuals’ interests.  Instead of
having a competitive state they have a monopolistic state.
Marx’s ideals and observations did little in the long run to
greatly improve the well being of its subjects.  Where it has
been attempted it has been corrupted.

Frantz Fanon was confronted with oppression and wealth
inequality problems in Algeria.  The colonized state was
experiencing greatly uneven wealth distribution; the natives
were very poor and becoming worse off while the settlers were
getting even wealthier.  Ideally this should never have
occurred to such an extent.  The natives’ rights would have
been protected.  If this had been the case any development in
country would necessarily have been approved by the leaders
among the natives.  The natives would have most likely demanded
payment for land desired by the settlers.  If this had been the
case the revolution would not have been necessary because the
settlers would have been there with the consent of the natives.
This obviously did not happen, and did not happen because the
natives had a lifestyle with very simple laws and the settlers
came from a society with very complex laws and one that saw
peoples like the Algerian natives as barbaric and uneducated.
I propose, however, that even with these differences in culture
had the settlers made reasonable deals with the natives to
fairly reimburse them for land and labor the natives would have
grown to accept and coexist with the settlers.  This would
necessarily have occurred if there were internationally
enforceable human rights and property rights for all alike.
Instead the natives were exploited and excluded to the point
where their only option was revolution.  This was the surest
way to educate the mass of natives about the ways of the
settlers.  The natives would have to understand their foe
before they could beat them.  As we know from reading THE
WRETCHED OF THE EARTH, the end results of the revolution were
primarily negative: The economy was worse off; many people
were dead; and now the native elite were exploiting the masses,
as the settlers had done before them.  The few positive aspects
were that the native population had been brought together under
a common cause through which they were educated about
themselves and the settlers and through which they gained
national character.  Education is the first major step to
realizing equality and freedom.  Fanon saw the struggle as a
third world nation against an industrialized nation.  Algeria,
however, did not gain control over the industrial nation but
instead regained some control over itself.  Algeria cannot win
this battle against oppression until all property rights are
protected and property transfers are left to the open market,
where the buyer and seller will have to reach a mutually
acceptable deal.

Following what Machiavelli had to say most people are
content working for other people, as long as they are treated
fairly and respected as human beings.  As Plato also believed
some people are naturally referred to be the rulers, not
everyone, nor most people have the inclination to rule.
Recognizing these as realities leaves every society, past and
present, with the dilemma of class systems.  Marx tried to
avoid this by having an equal distribution of wealth.  In the
real world this does not work; people like to be paid according
to the amount of work performed, not less.  Some people prefer
to work more and harder than others there will be uneven wealth
distribution, due to human nature.  Some people start preparing
for the future at an earlier age and are thus better prepared
to succeed when their time comes.  Others who only played as
children may be limited to being laborers for the rest of their
lives.  After generations some families will be better off
because they have consistently prepared for the future and now
as a result have many more opportunities than families who have
not.  The inequality of opportunity then is an accumulation of
behaviors and influences over time.  Yet, for those whose
opportunities were effectively limited through exploitation,
such as the slaves, steps should be taken to try to increase
their class’s opportunities, to partially balance out the jump
the exploiters got on them.  We must be sure, however, to
ensure that it will still be up to the individual to improve
his own position and the future position of his descendants.
Yet still we will be left with a concentration of wealth by a
minority.  The difference between each society then is left to
the structure of its government.

Monarchies, as we saw in THE PRINCE, keep the wealth among
the rulers.  The government has absolute control over its
subjects because that is what they truly are: their subjects.
The peasants had no means of recourse for evil or harmful acts
by their master; their masters chose what rights they had.
Attempts to actualize Marx’s ideals have turned out no better
than monarchies.  Here there was a larger government which
still held control over the citizens.  The government lived off
the labor of the citizens as the monarchs had done.  In both
these cases it is interesting to realize that the rulers often
resorted to fear to keep the citizens in line.  These problems
cannot be resolved until the interests of the masses are
represented in government.  Concentration of wealth is natural
and acceptable as long as the wealthy do not control the
government.  It is necessary, however, that the government not
only look after the welfare of the citizens but that they
also look after the interest of the society to see that
businesses thrive in a competitive market.  Where competition
cannot feasibly exist the government would regulate the
monopolistic industry to keep it from exploiting the masses.
Ideally, government’s responsibilities should be limited strictly
to the establishment and enforcement of human and property
rights.  Other responsibilities of government as we know it
today would not be necessary.  The market would control these
through the voices of the educated consumers, while the
government is left responsible for guaranteeing the rights of
its citizens.

When we look at different forms of government we should
remember their fundamental purpose: The protection of the
people and their rights.  All governments recognize this, yet
some only affirm and protect a select few rights.  Societies
were formed for the benefit of individuals.  The individuals of
the society determine its success or failure through their
efforts, production, and behavior.  History shows that a
society’s success is directly related to the degree of freedoms
enjoyed by the individual citizens.  Where citizens have
freedom of choice and their property rights are protected we
have seen economic success.  Governments, such as in Russia,
that suppresses the rights of the people and keeps the citizens in
fear has much less economic success.  These oppressive
governments have ignored the fundamental purpose of government;
they are not pursuing the interests of the individual citizen
but instead are exploiting these people to further their own
cause and interests.  Government should be for the people and
should emphasize and protect human and property rights.  The
individual is best able to make decisions concerning his self,
so leave the decisions to the individuals, and hold them fully
responsible for their decisions.  As more and more governments
become primarily concerned with the well being of the
individuals a greater degree of world peace will be achieved.
All this simply because more people would have to respect the
rights of others.  Governments, however, can only do so much to
further the cause of freedom.

The individuals of all societies must pursue the path of
freedom, whether they are garbage collectors, business
executives or the political leader.  Otherwise we will never
fully achieve world peace.  There can be no global peace until
we all think of the globe as an entire society.  There has to
be a focus on the whole.  This is highly possible and is
actually occurring at a rapid pace, thanks to industry.  As I
mentioned, governments can only do so much; well, the private
sector can do a lot and has.  The international market for goods
and services is unifying the globe as well as increasing the
standard of living across the world.  Through the ventures of
international businesses countries have united to better their
own positions; just as individuals came together to form the
first society.  The international market has provided a link
among all those countries that chose to participate.  The
expansion of industries, however, should not go unchecked; it
is vitally important that these firms be held responsible to an
international authority concerned with guaranteeing the human
rights and property rights of all equally.  Without such, these
firms would be able to exploit the ignorant and oppressed.  We
would be left with situations similar to Algeria’s, as
described by Fanon:  The natives were naive to the ways of the
West when the settlers came, and the settlers came believing
the Algerian natives to be almost subhuman and not deserving of
the rights recognized in western societies.  Had their rights
been respected they would have been able to negotiate with the
settlers to reach a deal that would benefit both parties.  This
would only work if the rights of the people within the country
were protected.  When these conditions are not met the natives
might be limited to revolting in order to regain their
freedoms.  In such cases violence may be the only means to get
the ball rolling towards freedom and world peace.
Lasting peace can only exist where individuals respect
Each other’s rights and compete not with their might but with
their minds.

THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH discussed the problems
that result when rights are denied and people can only compete
with one another with force.  Fanon seems to be encouraging the
protection of human and property rights but spends most of the
book complaining about the oppression, and venting his anger
against the capitalistic system that caused the unrest.  He
generalizes to conclude that capitalism is to blame whereas the
real culprits are those capitalists who behaved like
Machiavelli’s prince.  Fanon should have realized that
capitalism was Algeria’s best path towards increasing the welfare
of the people and the country, to bring the country out of the dark
 ages.  Capitalism can, however, only flourish where the
rights of the people and their property are protected.  Marx
did not recognize the benefits to society of the evils attached
with private property and saw the best way to achieve this as
the abolition of private property.  He failed to acknowledge
that this was fundamental to human progress, that people use
the promise of acquiring property as motivation.  People
compete to prove to themselves but also to better their condition
with the rewards of victory.  Without the private property and
with equal pay for all there would be no real incentive to
produce above minimum subsistence levels.  Machiavelli spoke
often of competition but never applied it to society as a whole
(at least not in THE PRINCE).  He was concerned with
competition, among rulers, for power.  THE PRINCE is not
concerned with the structure or fairness of societies,
but is concerned with the means and methods of achieving and
maintaining power.  The prince was only concerned with his own
rights and interests.  Plato, on the other hand, was concerned
with how to construct and maintain a peaceful and efficient

Plato’s ideal society laid the foundation upon which
capitalism developed.  Plato was the only one of these four
philosophers who described an ideal society that when injected
with a bit of reality would produce a successful free society.
Plato’s ideal society has over the years become a reality in
essence:  Capitalism as we know it today is a direct descendent
of Plato’s ideals, but with luxuries and without his population
control methods.  The fundamental principle that capitalism and
Plato’s ideals have in common is what Adam Smith described as
“the invisible hand principle:”  That the pursuit of self
interest is in the best interest of the whole society.
Societies have been founded by individuals to permit specialization
and increased production in order to increase every
participant’s standard of living.  The well being of the society
will be protected as long as the individuals of the society
continue to recognize the benefits to be gained.  Since
capitalism is a system based on the individual and his/her
desires, then the individual is most likely to remain content
with his condition.  The expansionary trends of capitalism
have, though with some negative side effects, done much to
unite a large portion of the world so far.  The nations of the
world are beginning to concentrate more on economic competition
than military, and are learning to exist peacefully with one
another.  Today those oppressive governments are initiating
actions to make themselves more competitive in the
international market.  The rulers of these countries are
motivated by their self-interests to improve the economic
position of their country and in so doing are necessarily
increasing the well being of the citizens.  This process has
been progressing throughout history and will continue to at an
increasing rate as more people become educated about and demand
the benefits of a society designed primarily to increase their
own freedom and well being.  A society whose success demands
the respect of other’s rights and property.  The beauty of
capitalism lies in this fact but also in the fact that it works
for societies of all sizes and that we can achieve world peace
through the peaceful pursuit of our self-interest.        

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am


And, so we find the Forth Estate still “urban” and now a better social referee.

And, today you have to pick the club or the honey do - the honey do or the hubby do.

And, all the while the institutionalization of “Hillary” stays juxtaposed here in America most against a regularness where a hook to the left too much, quite too much - as community members should still be allowed to walk down their streets and wonder on why their community cannot fix itself.

To have witnessed just the DESPERATE “SHOW” WIVES OF OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT this week was one thing - to have seen/witnessed some of the rest was too much - too much even for just one of our institutions — It will help that you have already read “HE GOT HIS!” column from this point on.

So we have again this week to have to deal with some or much “Hitler” in our play — even his institutions no matter what they were called.  It may be a good day to find some more trophies for interior decorations of ego walls or trophy rooms for Forth Estate, but vigilance about such and referee duties may not allow - allow at least a co-ed and personal effort about such today — On the teas and in the sands today is still that Peter Orzag tried to chip in, for Obama and Hillary, an institutionalization for both of them, for Obamacare and/or Hilllarycare III, of a massive and invasive IMAC — and, oh, the Congressional roars, now still, about such mac ill roiling— oh, and yes on the tees too.

As “HE GOT HIS!” drove straight to the ‘greenness’ of “Hillary” and her ‘game’ and “experience” and her necessary institutionalization now this reporting of HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED notes more concerns and abuse by “Hillary” much contrary to many of our institutions and even fair play in golf sport and political competitions.  Charlie Rose reported recently with his series of interviews with past and present Secretaries of State - actually showed more than “reported” more institutional delusions by “Hillary” our current Secretary of State.

The “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new problema is an old problema much to do with “Hitler” and others of lesser “selling of their souls.”  You should have seen Henry Kissinger’s expression when “Hillary” went of to “institutional” with her abrupt and inappropriate blurting to Charlie Rose with an irrational and unreasonable proposition that like “there has been a ’smooth’ transtition between all Secretary of States throughout the history of such institution.” (paraphrased, most certainly.)

As the new problema establishes, for global citizens, and, for their referees, and such that is their Forth Estate, the “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” new diet for all as towards limiting need for further institutionalization for Americans - and better criteria for admittance around operations and dictates.

Rumors of “Hillary” as of a “medical bag” to rival JFK’s storied “medical bag” also from White House “maintenance” doctoring are still sparse and hard to confirm - is it bigger, was it term - limited, has one magic pill been enough?  And, so Hillary may not be also of such a “magical” medical bag as JFK was known to be of as ‘necessary’.

Whether you tee-off teed-off set off still about old and new Tea Party rights - today is much a Congressional and leadership day about Hitler and his institutions.  “HE GOT HIS!” broached part of abuses around “Hillary” of “institutionalized” - but hardly the ridiculous preposterous answer she asserted to Charlie Rose and the world so with her defensiveness with her offensive posturing as the former First Lady that left the next Secretary of State the not so “smooth” transition from Clintons’ 8 we refer most often to as just “9-11? – and so as to have gotten Henry Kissinger “britches in a sudden bunch” as a “johnny on the spot” called to defend her ridiculous proposition that power has supposedly always transfered “smoothly” from one Secretary of the State to the next.  See how “Hillary” deludes more with her “instutional” defense about our institution and traditions about Secretary of State now as well as how she has been deluding many with her “don’t touch me” institutional preposterousness around our lored Institution of the First Lady?

Whose rights still at our “Congressional” - our play about our institutions?  How will Speaker Boehner or President Obama stike also at institutionalization of “Hillary”?  It is also about golf, and still “Bill” - where is Bill, by the way?  What was his scoring of these past two weeks of his officiated Weiner and to it a DESPERATE SHOW WIVES OF STATE inconvenient exposure?

With the new problema to an new walking and talking - a more honest and accepting walk of personal freedoms and individual responsibility - the “institutional” of “Hillary” is now much a grand or greater concern than that yet from President Obama, even with his IMAC of Orzag over-reaching, now much in play.  Everywhere people should be reading - reading to address and guard - to stand tall but honestly and without the offensive institutionalization that is “Hillary.”  Everywhere we are all to first a walking and talking to a new urbanism with a honest teeing to a Tea Party or even New (Democrat) Independence Party - to a walking first and foremost with a “why can’t we fix our own community - without it becoming a greater borough burden - or city burden - or county burden - or state burden - or regional burden - or most shouldn’t be necessary “failed all the way to the top” nationalembarrassment?

It is preposterous!  “Hillary” survives only with her “preposterous” postulates that put the entire “institutions” of State and our even more lored and celebrated Institution of our First Lady at her defense, and to create a fog about her of “do not touch!”

I am getting to the “Hitler” in all this.  First we have to absorb how “not a smooth transition” was the transition from the Clinton years to the Bush years for our foreign policy - it may get confusing to see such due to the characters involved but the preposterousness is certainly there.  First you may be best to consider how much the years of crusading by First Lady Hillary Clinton was to inciting the very disruptions that the Bush administrators inherited — her popular imperialism much of her traveling dictates for her brand of feminism.

You really should try to find a viewable snipet of Charlie Rose show that was first in series with Secretaries of State - that then due to Charlie’s acceptance of “Hillary’s” preposterousness, that which got the most unusual expression from Henry Kissinger, when he was demanded to defend “Hillary’s” ridiculous postulation, by “Hillary’s” asserting, was then to me deciding to avoid the rest of such series and even most of the rest of such “first episode.”

The only joke in all this may be Irish humor of sorting type - as Rory McIlroy at Congressional is maybe in Gaelic quite the “lion in the woods” - “a tiger in a hedgerow” and now as Speaker Boehner and President Obama play through the “selling of souls” and the “Hilter ghost” in Obamacare/Hillarycare III and their IMAC over-reaching — the only joke may be that Rory McIroy may essentially translate as “tiger woods” in Gaelic.  Better though to stay focused on our institutions and our new problema about our developing new “urbanism.”  It is to Speaker Boehner and President Obama that institutional concerns about “Hillary” are really all about “Hitler” and government over-reaching.

And, so the Forth Estate stands still free and able to referee and celebrate.

And, so the propositions that are Obamacare revival of Hillarycare to such new institutionals necessities, are of a suggestion that “We the People” accept “government care” as a God given right and though all the while in ways counter to decades of people selling their souls in some ways to get some of it for themselves with personal liberty and individual responsibility.

And, so Speaker Boehner and President Obama, time to tee this off:  That it is immoral for America, these United States of America, to suggest healthcare for all, and as so institutionally yet devised, and at all to a God given right, since still we have issues, we have Hitler issues — we have all the medical advances in our medical industries and institutions (only) made possible by Hitler and his institutions persistent and well documented years of medical experimentation on some/many/very many humans?

And, so it may still be more “moral” to let our free markets stir the individual responsibility and personal liberties and market value discussions with a new urbanism also about how much selling of your soul may actually be worth.  

HILLARY IS INSTITUTIONALIZED!:  That Hillary is “institutionalized” is both so of her “fog of Hillary” positing such that her “experience and judgement” cannot be questioned and shouldn’t be without her threatening to smear all past First Ladies as like a identical class due such action, and, as well for her “preposterousness” with daily asserting and visible posturing as well with her public blurting asserting to former Secretary of State on Charlie Rose show, as a bubble defense as well, that there has always been a “smooth transition” from Secretary to Secretary throughout our history as a country.

The new “urbanism” of the new problema that is as well our current “UN-OBAMA” & “UN-HILLARY” is much to a walking and talking and tea times of persons, together, wondering locally why they cannot fix their own communities.

Rory, hopefully you have sufficient institutional support - most notable about you so far is you look like my high school girl friend - whose X-Step-father once was a police chief.  Good luck to all the golfers - maybe a momentus day for freedom for President Obama and all things “Congressional”!

Again, where is “Bill”?  Oh, yeh, and where is “Hillary”?

* [Filed under: MYBLOG - JUNE 18, 2011]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:31 am

ORIGINAL TO 11/01/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 9:52 am

Well, it now seems obvious that Democrats of today would have been able to keep “Ronnie” from a Hollywood style to actual real roles in politics, whence.  Having “character” or “getting into character” would have been admissible and confusable.

These are the early days of a week of opening up WOOP (SEE: DONKEYS) with some kick back and color.

Women everywhere are at risk, and in the “hot seat” especially this week, these early days of November’s first week, 2011.  There can be no real claim to equality - the barriers are dimensional - Women everywhere have a corporateness  unequaled and yet unrivaled by them - by women enough.   “Rosie the Riveter” may have hammered out a song - and long and proud and tough song, but today women have a can of worms their own to open before them for all to see.

There hasn’t been enough feminism yet for them to claim equality - they haven’t gone the distance nearly yet.  Where Herman Cain may be lucky not to have been a bad actor of Hollywood set or another Reagan stamped out with cookie cutter now women have the runways.  Can they claim equality and call for more corporate ratings for themselves without calling all women to at least a decade of hard times to prove they can socially handle chase?  Can women ever be “equal” to societies historical expectations for men as hunter gatherer providers of the long slog willing to come home week after week even when so of such social burdens during depressing times even just recessionary?

When will women be able to call themselves equal - can it only be after a decade allowed to be sole proprietor of a family unit in tough times and willing to week after week come home to husbands that spent a day shoe shopping again - say for climbing shoes one day and new golf shoes another and well new flip-flops or water socks another?

What are our current social and societal expectations - is the recession a once in a century opportunity for women and more specifically feminists to step forward and test their mettle, as equally?

There is much color about all this now in early November 2011 - Condoleezza Rice with her memoir NO HIGHER HONOR is out with her version and edition of “black power” either of shelving “WOOP” upon Colin Powell or of holding back or showing “compassion” and/or “empathy.”  This week we could actually say you can have your news any color you want as long as you want it black.

Mr. Herman Cain is in battle of his life yet not so much reported as sparring against feather weight (?) President Barack Hussein Obama.  (note to self:  Find out if Herman Cain has a middle name and if news worthy or column/punditry fodder.)

Without a decade just to themselves women may never be able to prove themselves as a full set or class as equals at least in the world of games and contests once called “men’s work” that just started for societal and home pressures for men to find something to do to get them out of the house so not to bother or contest their women from their things (work?).

As of now it doesn’t look like this will get to be too graphic with daily bar charts or fun raising graphs to side by side compare life of Bill with life of Herman, even just year by year.  It as of now isn’t even looking like a story of black power in Washington of keeping an illegitimate white bastard child hidden away off on some family plantation.  It is a week with many expected cans to be opened of worms or “WOOP.”

The nineties was an easy time for women into men’s work world - a bubble economy was about that created entry opportunities the belied more historical and competitive modeling for showing a leg through the doors of man’s world - into corporateness to equal opportunities in what had been the man’s side of surviving home life.

Sure Colin Powell was part of the BUSH FREEDOM AGENDA but he was also much of the CLINTONS’ laxity about global equality more of words and rants than walk or steps.  Will NO HIGHER HONOR now offer up enough color and “WOOP” - Do female black scholars make better secretaries than retired generals?  Did she?

We are now to the competitive corporate equality that Clintons’ bubbles of teased and unscientific economic policies basically ignore - we are too a bubble that let women more into man’s word of work and to breaching old societal expectations for men to find something to do to get out of wife’s way and so out of the home.  (R.I.P.  Mrs. Rodham, mother of Hillary Clinton - I just now heard the news.)  I tend to be a workaholic and have many hobbies and much professionalism, much of this cannot apply to me - I can “work” most anywhere - I have been meaning to find time to learn rules of golf better and develop my first scoring “handicap” - still have to find and arrange a home course eligible when time allows, though.

I know, this just isn’t seeming fair.  I am really wondering though on size of “WOOP” (again see:  DONKEYS) scholar Condoleezza Rice may have writ upon Secretary Powell.  That said,  Herman Cain is a rare racial window now into corporateness of at least the past twenty years - not sure whom has gotten a leg through his doors or for what or why, or how, where, or as whom or for whom.  Why didn’t a woman, at least a white women get his jobs when he got them or had them - are some jobs just better for men than for women and other corporated ranks better in places for women than men?

Yes, it seems Ronald Reagan could never have been elected today - bad actors in character now would have played out his “getting into character” likely as the real thing - as the Godfather to his “pie” - the Cain to his Abel.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:24 am

The question of the week may now be:  Can Bill and Hillary defect from the USA to even Russia and not be a threat to Americans or our national security? 

I posit here that the answer has to be “YES”!

It may be too soon to offer that if they defected to Russia it might actually help secure Americans and make us all safer.

That said a cut and run by the Clintons might reinforce a perspective upon them as of a white supremacy.

It is not too soon to profess that their choices for Secreataries of State for the Presidency of the Clintons couldn’t possibly have been more white.   In many ways though it is too late because of such as a realistic historical “perspective.”

It is that William Jefferson Clinton born William Blythe III and to a “never knew my father” but if he shared dreams did go to Oxford and was of a Fulbright.   How did he though choose to be so to more full white and the United Kingdom’s rearing as a white man of the south still of civil rights days of struggles for less fortunate?  Did he want to learn how to be a loyal Southern “gentile” within a royal blessing?  Did he have to go to England to learn how to be more totalitarian and/or autocratic?

Most troubling of the Clintons most white Secretarial postings to State of the Presidency of the Clintons may be how they let official state language be in violation of our 1st Amendment protections at least abroad.  It was official bigotry and bias religious as if an Un-Constitutional establishment respecting religion that best marks their politics and policies as regard Saddam Hussein and Iraq — They governed bigoted and biased so that the USA was of officially preferring Iraqi Sunni or Ba’athists over Iraqi Shia.

The most white they likely could have found as selections for Secretarial leadership to carry the Clintons’ State were poetically poorly chosen unless to be LOUD as of a white supremacy, Christian.   We have that they presented first with a “Warring” like Warren like warring as a “Christ O for” Christopher.   We have then that they proceed maybe even more arrogantly still while officially standing America up as bigots biased against the Shia as inferior people to the Sunni, at least.  We have that after being as white as possible with Warren Christopher in such times of strife and unsettled sanctions they followed up with one more for all madams to be all white like bright - a white like call to their “brightness” as if all bright about all madams and all mad lines.

Regardless of how the white supremacy may have hidden itself as long as Bill Clinton’s classic male chauvinism may have more to do with their earlier days together both studying to be lawyers to get above their times and stay above their times with as much supremacy while white that they could consecrate.

Officially we have we may be safer if the Clintons do defect and even if they defect to Russia.  We are still living with their mistakes and bias and bigotry that violated our 1st Amendment standards - we are still living with a mess from them presenting us all as bigoted and biased against at least the Iraqi Shia as inferior people - as inferior an “incapable of governing themselves”.

It may be a stretch to call the Clintons both “racists” but we cannot now escape the mess they caused being in violation of our 1st Amendment principles as per the Iraqi Shia, at least.  To call the “white supremacists” is not to call them “racists.”  To call them “white supremacists” is to suggest that they wanted to always be supremely over others not them, at least.  I don’t know how or why they could have been to buying a house in DC on a Whitehaven Road or to together having cherished a permanent Library to memorialize them while publicly choosing to let it be phallic and in Confederate Gray.  That it is phallic as a gun or half bridge may be their most honest statement ever for being suggestive that they never meant to consecrate any full bridge about issues of their times.

The only thing that can honestly be said of “it is all Bush’s fault” is limited to an all that of Bush being a road block to attempts to pervert socialist or totalitarian ideals by Dems to get and hold power by a few elite.   I is maybe all Bush’s fault that a spread of SOCIALISM to Americans at home and abroad has been failing.

Yes, it was official language of the Presidency of the Clintons that had the Shia people of a majority in Iraq officially declared so inferior a people based upon “religious” establishments by the Clintons that the most white possible Secretarial selections of the Clintons were regularly of proclamations or declarations like:  THE IRAQI SHIA ARE INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

Yes, we all might be safer without the Clintons - please defect Clintons.  Even, please defect to Russia if they will have you now.

We can see by your very public histories that when your “supremacy” weakened or became challenged or ready for permanent public memorializing you chose or inadvertently showed yourselves to have wanted to be your white selves supremely as long as possible or at least as long as you could legally manage.  

And, it seems that “Bill” to manage to hide his natural dominant desire to remain above feminism as long a his “Hillary” could help him stay her “Russian Bear” in whiteness and with his American chauvinistic charm to here fully enabled and secured.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:31 pm

As billed we are to expect to hear or read of a week of Dems convening some how all about women and all about population controls.

But what about some simple governance sense - some not too old fashion common sense? 

What about the labors of Hillary Rodham Clinton?  Did she sleep her way to the top?  Did the Clintons blackmail topping candidate Senator Obama with “or elses” and “or elses” if he didn’t leave the world to them and settle himself in more as a domestic?

We have to consider that in home improvement contracting a husband and wife are treated with great powers under consumer protection as about their “homes” and “nesting” and so much so that such suggests a sharing of our White House must necessarily not undermine those laws with them treated any less as one and both term limited as of January 2001.

It is scandalous in a clearly Freudian consideration that President and First Lady of Clinton did visualize in permanent architecture for a Presidential Library an ice breaker for psycho babblers - that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library could be phallic like a gun or a half a bridge, and gray for a white male of the south adorned as if Confederate gray.

This raises an interesting artistic and legal consideration.  For this convention week the prime question might be if Hillary has “female intuition” - or if she has any how little must she have?   And, did she sleep her way to the top?

If she has “female intuition” did she have it while First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and refuse to offer any possible benefit from such to her husband?  Does she have a soul?  How did she get her first staff job in the west wing?

If she has “female intuition” how can the Presidency of the Clintons in hindsight, just, look so devoid of any?

Is she as a lawyer of a “not in marriage” professional right to withhold from her husband while of a Clintons’ Presidency?

If she has “female intuition” and the nineties that left us 9/11 are a result of such - how did she get another White House job?

How do we understand Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?  If she had “female intuition” and did sleep her way into a west wing staff job is that RIGHT or WRONG - GOOD or BAD?  Just UGLY?

How has she while first lady most demeaning to the contribution in just female intuition of all our past strong and powerful and involved first ladies with her (sleeping her way) into west wing staff job - while FIRST LADY of her own higher office?

Clearly but for that “Bill” of the Presidency of the Clintons did adorn his official library in color quite a Confederate Gray we can look back and see that what he could have used more of in the 90s was a strong maternal caring and considerate counsel - a more aware female intuition?  

So, was it arranged for a “performance” for “Bill” to be all male and leave “Hillary” to be all female when she got to be the “inevitable” President Hillary they thought they had coldly and mechanically arranged?  Did she deny “Bill” female counsel by an arrangement to have a marriage not a marriage?  An is not an is?

I don’t know that President Clinton should or could fairly speak to much of this at what seems a CHOCOLATE POPULATION SUMMIT set for Charlotte exclusively for Democrat Party members.

How are “Bill” and “Hillary” not two of same Confederate Gray of the library of the Clintons’ Presidency?  How are they not each a shade of gray themselves as “married” and one?  Do they think that since they are each others lawyers and their own that they have no conflicts of interest personally or politically?

How are we to letting he have trashed so many great former First Ladies by thinking she should and needed to take a staff job in the west wing and be professionally then inferior to one an equal otherwise in our highest office of one of our three equal branches.  How much intellectual has been lost and how much common sense perverted?   As married by marriage the Presidency respects a wife as a equal half that with traditions up to FLOTUS Clinton had stood cherished and upheld.  To ask for an take a staff job while FLOTUS demeans the office of First Lady and all before her for by “office” “politics” it was Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that thought it “female” power to submit herself as an inferior staffer officially per protocols.

Can Hillary be said to have been ever an actual “feminist” with this having happened and so?  Can she have any “female intuition” - really?  And then if so and we haven’t had it admitted as of her “resume” for employment  was is ever recognized as good enough by her husband “Bill”?

His library is architectually maybe a “half a bridge” that just looks phallic and yet still Confederate Gray more than Union Blue or a color of a chocolate?  And, he is without doubt may too insensitive a white man of the south.  How did Hillary get her jobs?

Did Hillary sleep her way to the top - dear feminists still feminists and Bolsheviks - how did she get her jobs - what type of law did she practice at the Rose Law Firm - mustn’t it mostly have been that to empower “Bill” in all his ways until he couldn’t legally be elected President again?

If she has a soul and “female intuition” how as married wasn’t she and all spouses to be firmly to be considered also term limited?  If the lived intimately and worked as one - how are they not then wisely limited as one?

Could “Bill” have decided to adorn his “Library” so nearly Confederate Gray without “Hillary” of a veto power and opinion?

And when the bought their house in DC on Whitehaven Road?  Shouldn’t one of two have vetoed the other too?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:45 am

We have heard from the wonderful and dynamic Condoleezza Rice, Professor of Political Science(s). 

I have acted for two days as an extra from a cattle call screening with Morgan Freeman for Steven Spielberg’s production of court room scenes in AMISTAD.  If you go to imdb.com and AMISTAD credits page I am in the photo on the left about five people away from seated Cecil B. DeMille award winner Freeman - just up the isle in the middle of the isle at the end of the isle next to a lady in a bonnet.

But when it comes to fertility and Oscars and forgiveness I have to think more of Freeman’s side kick Clint Eastwood.

To be as dramatic as the moment was now years after the actual experience may seem to be too dramatic — As Condoleezza Rice spoke last night at the 2012 Republican Convention and to the very moments of her aid walking in and telling her of a plane and then another plane I have the memory of her that may have been her morning thought from just before such.  On the morning of September 11, 2001 I woke thinking I must have been wrong to think our government was missing a threat and since the first term of the Clintons and decided to drive up 17th Street by the Old Executive Office building on my way to Georgetown area to install new doors - new front door and storm door for another client.  I had already installed new closet doors for NSA Rice in her Watergate condo months before.  This was months after I had started faxing the NSC under the Clinton admin and to the attention of Philip Bobbitt whom I had met in New Haven and with some of above concerns spoken to whence.

It may be too dramatic to dramatize that I remember that as I drove up 17th Street by the White House on the morning of 9/11 I had my former client NSA Rice on line in my thoughts of professional relationship as if a reference for today’s client with “you took the heat” and as it turns out very nearly at the very moment the first plane struck first.

Yes I guess I am lucky the first strike wasn’t first on the White House and at that hour or moment.

By 9/12/2001 it seemed I had faxed most of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM newly to the National Security Council and via the number given as a fax number whence for Philip Bobbitt of the Clinton Administrations National Security Council.  And, to then thoughts from Secretary Donald Rumsfeld seemingly in a Cabinet gathering of concern of:  “is he trying to pull rank on me?”  My and there answer appropriately was “NO.”  I had faxed over such as TCONF with thoughts penned somewhere of nearly:  ‘It worked in the early nineties to balance political thoughts - it should now be ready to work again.’

By the time I left DC after nearly 10 full years a resident there I had also by then been to building a doll shelf for Secretary Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff Da Rita and as well to installing a new bathroom door and some cabinet doors for shelves which I made from scratch to be raised panel cabinet doors.  But, really it was his wife our then former Ambassador to Taiwan that was most affecting the “client.”

So yesterday I via Facebook.com/jpeterhogan and Twitter did share a:  Nixon lives — “DEEP THROAT” explained truthfully NOTE with notes.

But as to fertility and MILLION DOLLAR BABY and as well the dramatization of the only other film Clint Eastwood in such a category has an Oscar for >> I do remember having concern and reasoning as cause to have asked him to make those movies by not asking for those movies but by asking him to make movies to handle such issues.  UNFORGIVEN was asked for more as I realized in 90s that I should need help holding to a position more responsible and safe of a consideration that IBM and its former CFO Metz were to be kept in thoughts as “unforgiven.”   Unforgiving due as a state of “forward” proceeded still each day as it shouldn’t have by my thinking and fuller knowledge of facts related to such worked to be kept from being too dramatic or out of place and/or out of times.  This Metz did host me as the member for the only dinner I have had at his exclusive dining club that Nixon was also among membership of - President Richard M. Nixon, and as well as far as I recall Anne Hearst and members of her larger family.

I have already blogged about Akin controversies and 2012 as for women the year of Republicans of a TAMPA X  FACTOR maybe more dramatic if titled a TAMPA XX  FACTOR.   But I haven’t yet summed the cause for MILLION DOLLAR BABY movie making for silver screen dramatized magic as it was to and for my sister who may have while climbing professionally as a somewhat liberated woman was witness at times more viscerally than others of moments of like cursing away her fertility as too inconvenient for her “professional” soul.  Something happened of my sister when finally in her mid forties of her late efforts to have the children she always wanted, and, from such I realized I should be pulling strings or asking favors for stuff she usually didn’t see as necessary - I realized I should ask someone to make a movie to help her “get her fight back.”

Her “Hillary ’swank’” had to be reset and reworked by Hillary Swank and not by Democrat Party regular think or preparedness.  I did so as when I usually would attempt magic or wizardry be to following on to assure a proper and fit mood fully communicated in the spirit(s) to which it should be received.   There are times though when I might say something and then let go and let it live or die on the merits of itself as picked up by others however.

While viewing CNN hour plus on the life of Governor Mitt Romney it dawned on me I haven’t yet figured out just how long we were moving together sympathetic and united in care and concerns political for Republicans.  I did realize it much predates my having considered many times asking him for a job with the 2002 Olympics - to build some on my earlier years with games organizing in New Haven and otherwise about Connecticut with Connecticut Special Olympic Games events but yet I have not yet figured out the bain of all that of Bain days and how I was about Boston some during his Bain days.

Yes, I remember being sympathetic and purposeful in my thinking when of news of someone running as a Republican against Senator Edward Kennedy.  That may be where and when it started. 

Though it seems from the above I could be tagged as an elitist - that would be incorrect.  If you are aware that I did muse the challenge for seven books for seven years of magic curriculum to JK Rowling than you likely have enough to realize I was usually considering good for good sake and working to market to the masses, to global citizens everywhere.

RIP Robert Urich of SPENCER FOR HIRE >>> Where is “HAWK” today - would he be a better “surprise” speaker for tonight at the GOP Convention?  Would the late actor Robert Urich have been?  Gotta wonder - what a wonder that Boston based cop & private detecting show was.

I have to make this some about my sister Joan Hogan Gillman now a President of Media Sales at least at Time Warner Cable.  For of my story is that I was in a family much “locally” of  party loyal Democrats while me a dedicated Nixon Republican however so closeted as a Reagan Democrat or Connecticut Independent.  I would tire of trying to explain better ways to my sister especially during her near ten years working for Senator Dodd and be then to spiriting at times in the maintained auro of Title IX to Sarah Palin of Alaska whom I had since she was just another Sarah Heath known to be conservative been to tagging only as nick-named “Title IX.” 

You see I have known of Barack Obama since the late seventies and since a classmate asked me if my “readiness” to compete in school oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech was also a “readiness” to compete against any or all oratory challengers so asked of Hawaii?  You see I buffered the query and catching of a named older challenger with initials “B.O.” of Hawaii and parlayed the “Hi” from him as an older classman to my older sister who was more his age and had two years earlier competed as well in such schools oratory contests.  You see I didn’t mean for my sister to then like her new distant friend and to give him safe harbor from her brother who meant to get to that challenge another day - another year.  My sister did more ally (wrongly) with this distant friend those years she would rather work with someone older that admit to having needed her younger brother’s help.  I did in the mid nineties warn Senator Joseph Biden when we met at the Joseph Slifka center as he participated in the Yale Law hosted symposium on an evolution or devolution of federalism to be aware and wary of sisters - meaning my sister Joan. 

Some have already been witness to my recent comments that Democrats were left by me to be as good as they thought they were while prohibited from using my works as theirs again - again as if a gravy train they could own and ride on but yet so still without an understanding of how or why it was actually working.  My sister isn’t as much a part of this political machine that failed to understand the “machine” so of their “gravy train.”

I believe my sister Joan Gillman keeps her personally autographed copy of a picture of Condoleezza Rice, my former client and my first client known to be a member of standing with Augusta upon her desk at Time Warner Cable.  I don’t know if my sister Joan is now a Republican or considering finally changing parties.

I did ask Clint Eastwood for a movie to be produced and directed with enough energy in production at least to help my sister, this sister, get her fight back to try again to become the mother of the children she wanted, and so so late in life.  I am the proud uncle of her two children - my only niece and her son my fifth or sixth nephew.

And, well if you like MAD MEN - that has a conception from another family in cable company tax ID status.  I have an old friend also a “TAD” like my brother otherwise is also named “TAD” and was to this friend upon our last reunion on Block Island was to our future and best feet forward to consideration the best way to celebrate our friendship forward would be to base it more on my grandfather’s era at Young & Rubicam but not on accounts for Madison Avenue men quite as serious has his were.  This Tad is family to the Dolan family of Cablevision - we started out more humbly together, much so and as old volleyball and mountain biking pals summers on Block Island of Rhode Island.   I don’t know how or when he met his bride Dolan, specifically.  I did suggest a retro show for Madison Avenue ad business as that was still most where I was heading or professionally focused though wrapped up in so much more of political crisi of our days.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:16 am

May Day has passed.

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

A long view towards a fresh self-helping all about our confederated republic is now a view towards November.

It may be more telling to a new HOPE - a NEW HOPEFUL - that Ann Romney has two Cadillacs than that First Lady Michelle Obama is farming out austerity - tilling a new agri-state for all with shovel fulls from our White House.

We should have expected trouble - troubling leadership from an American born William Blythe III - especially after learning of such having sought English lessons.  We should have been forewarned by one taken to the last name Clinton as well for history we could have learned from of the time of Governor Clinton of New York State that necessitated Hamilton Madison and Jay to works as Publius.

Independence Day is coming.  Long live Independence Day!  Was Oxford the best place for a new Clinton to learn to be more directed to Autocracy or totalitarianism?  For a Clinton born a Blythe there must have been a predominant penchant for our revolutionary days yet so for one then less of a special relationship but a relationship non the less.  If he wanted to keep control of the BOUNTY shall we say he had better been wise to ways early American of such as other Governor Clinton above mentioned - he had better learn to appear different and differentiated from his command wants - so it seems.

It is clear as day that our summer is started with our fresh faces of our Executive much ado about austerity and home grown.

Pie may spoil President Obama’s diet - but weren’t we led to believe in Clinton as a two Big Mac & two packaged McDonald’s apple pie a day Executive?  We can warm to Michelle Obama, First Lady of our United States of America, actually of a maternal rule with kitchen and baking time as still we can’t really for Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

We have not heard though of a REZCO PLANTATION or a REZCO VICTORY GARDEN in Hyde Park or that the four car garage of the Obama Chicago Estate largely dedicated to field and garden passions or dedicated self-help American self reliant particular tilling.  We do have that Ann Romney by having two Cadillacs stands in Americana as an American Women who wouldn’t have let her husband, if means were present, to let her standards fall to disgrace of an industrial and conceptual failing.

May Day has passed and only some of our Memorial Day echoes now to a long view forward with left-overs.

May Day has passed and we have that “homegrown” for our Obama’s seems maybe a very new thing.

May Day has passed and you too can consider a women with two Cadillacs knows a private save of General Motors might have been a new chivalrous for her husband and/or his ilk and not of a new necessary hailing towards totalitarianism or a “Big Government” take-over.  It does seem clear we are of a 2012 long view now with two very distinctly different economic theory views and so too a public - private governance workings.  We do seem to be much of an age essentially called to a buffet Americana or less so much newly to a serving or service to a new federalism.

I do not know if you know your state’s Governor’s name - the name of your neighboring state’s Governor or your neighboring town or cities mayor.  You may be in too limited a minority if you actually do.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.

We can say that we wouldn’t have had THE FEDERALIST PAPERS without Governor Clinton, and, we can say that we would be now to this essential NEW FEDERALISM but for Governor Clinton (President Clinton - of a Presidential wants too much as Gov. Clinton earlier kept to New York empire wants).

President William Jefferson Clinton was born William Blythe III & and earlier Governor Clinton of New York that gave rise to a mediated need for such as was of Publius moniker for Hamilton Madison and Jay was of the era too post our Revolution as was Fletcher Christian of THE BOUNTY and the questionable leadership and commanding nature of Captain William Blygh.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.  Clearly there are many actual now expert in the liberal feminism model and as well in the conservative feminism model.  I am likely (hopefully) still a man of the middle - but you too may now be puzzling as to this for 2012:


Two Cadillacs suggests a women that wouldn’t have let her car company of shared standards actually fail - and how.

A gardening by First Lady Michelle Obama does till austerity and how - but did she ever have a garden before?


We do still much have the leadership of President Clinton to worry ourselves about - even more so than Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William J. Clinton - why have they created as much a need for THE FEDERALIST PAPERS now as an earlier Governor - Governor Clinton once of New York State did himself? 

Is it just the misses Clinton of serving up such a need for a NEW FEDERALISM - reactively against her philosophy and practices in governance?   And, how have we gotten here, so far dangerously along to here now, for one once so of a Rose Law Firm while her husband was Governor that even that job for her seemed of political nepotism and affirmative action?

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:42 am

For starters all this fresh talk by women about women as per 2012 golf and “politics” has me a decade near of affirmative action workings, mine, and now with a non-bitter consideration that so many didn’t deserve so much whence.

As for a feminist modeling from Hillary Clinton it can be said not to actually exist.

As for a feminist modeling from Hillary Clinton it may be a trap and not at all what it is said to be.

On her face we have a blank slate sold daily as more than it really is.

On her face we have a blank slate worked anew each morn as a lawyer reinventing her history each day.

We have now a first for IBM behemoth as it now can be said more to be a data service and/or near secretarial blueness.

We have now a first for IBM behemoth as it now may be more appropriate for it not to be biggest sponsor of Augusta.

Women are not finishing the initial post-affirmative action cat walks of feminism.

For starters we have that …

For starters we have that…

For starters we have that…

I am against the calls for Augusta to admit feminine members.

I can look back on at least a decade of efforts mine empowering and leading to affirming feminism.

I do look back and philosophize without bitterness that I did help many more than they have proven to have deserved.

Women have been avoiding finishing their own feminism efforts.

Women have if like Hillary Clinton have been faux feminists - & empowers of Bill Clinton’s chauvinism.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been long riding Hillary’s faux feminism shroud over her enabling submissiveness.

On her face we fail to see the missing actual feminism or just it applying to him.

On her face we fail to see her modeling is not an actual fully thought through marketable feminism.

If organized for a book - so much of this would be of my “THE EARLY YEARS” and not now a primary consideration.

If organized for a book - so much left unsaid while apart to so much made cherrier and peachier could be worked plainly.

Moving on with the present years and current conditions my “THE EARLY YEARS” are not now possible.

As for a feminist modeling from Hillary Clinton it can be said not to actually exist.

As for a feminist modeling from Hillary Clinton it may be a trap and not at all what it is said to be.

On her face we have a blank slate sold daily as more than it really is.

On her face we have a blank slate worked anew each morn as a lawyer reinventing her history each day.

Women are not finishing the initial post-affirmative action cat walks of feminism.

For starters we have that …

For starters we have that…

For starters we have that…

I am against the calls for Augusta to admit feminine members.

I could become bitter from discovering that so much past volunteered very well worked affirming “wasn’t worth it”.

I could become bitter from discovering that so much wasn’t worth it - but I volunteered it and hit it - no point in such now.

If organized for a book - so much of this would be of my “THE EARLY YEARS” and not now a primary consideration.

If organized for a book - so much left unsaid while apart to so much made cherrier and peachier could be worked plainly.

As per IBM and women - that is a can of worms - IBM and women was part of my efforts not meant to be volunteered.

When are we best now while women avoiding finishing their feminism to avoid using female or women or woman?

There used to be a social norm about being to a social contract as per men and women.

Women are avoiding fairly finishing their revolutionary and assisted feminism.

There used to be a social norm about being to a social contract as per man and woman.

Women are avoiding the selling of themselves now as offering men maybe half as much but at the same cost.

For starters we have that …

For starters we have that…

For starters we have that…

I am against the calls for Augusta to admit feminine members.

On her face we have that Hillary Clinton was a catch as a feminist for Bill so that he could stay a chauvinist much.

On her face we have that Hillary Clinton was a dedicated house wife, submissive, yet otherwise also employed.

On her face we have that Hillary Clinton always let her husband go first and much walk over her REAL feminism.

On her face we have a blank slate sold daily as more than it really is.

On her face we have a blank slate worked anew each morn as a lawyer reinventing her history each day.

I am not sure any really want to know how much of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM was feminism.

I am not sure any really want to know how much past affirmative action was fronted cleverly by me.

I am not sure any really want to know how much so much as well was as per feminism mine to a new understanding of PTSD.

I am not sure I want to remember how much was me helping many stand up to the Church yet not against the Church.

Gone are the days I had time to consider what otherwise done today could make me bitter.

Gone are the days for so many women stealthily helped to “return the effort - return the favor” — I am knowing - not bitter.

Still unfinished is the change of old social contract where fairy tales lived for boys and men were to get twice as much.

Still unfinished for our American political and business change is that women still want it all while offering a promise of much less.

As for a feminist modeling from Hillary Clinton it can be said not to actually exist.

As for a feminist modeling from Hillary Clinton it may be a trap and not at all what it is said to be.

On her face we have a blank slate sold daily as more than it really is.

On her face we have a blank slate worked anew each morn as a lawyer reinventing her history each day.

Where the feminists have gone with their cat walks fairy tale courting has been a changin’.

Where the feminists have gone with their cat walks for business equality a social reset to social equality wants.

And, you may not want to under-consider or under-estimate how much of my efforts of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM was actually leading and ground breaking and quite affirming as a well worked new feminism.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:20 pm

Recently I asked:  How did we get from the Six Million Dollar Man to the 16 Trillion Dollar Women?

To read Maureen Dowd today one seems to be asked to forget President Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech and its admonition of the “avoidance” and “inaction” of the Clintons’ Presidency as it seemed about women’s rights and their talking it but not walking it at least as per Afghanistan. 

We have now just to see Ground Zero and even with all the beautiful restoration about it and the splendor planned to be to an instinctive reaction to a pronouncement thought at least that our 90s must have been a mess - that the Clintons’ 90 were really a mess.

President Obama now persists with his attempt to cover-up for the Clintons inaction and avoidance yet when he actually did seem to so admonish them so.  We have historically that Obama’s Iraq position though oddly unchanged as history more revealed begets a contrariness as per Madam Sec Mrs. Clinton and feminism.  As per Clintons’ 90s and feminism we have that now by President Obama’s own edicts that we should have helped women of Afghanistan but ignored the women of Iraq.

We have that the Clintons’ “globalism” now is to spreading the big “D” not the small “d” and with their big “D” for Democrats and all the while President Bush’s Operation Iraqi Freedom was about spreading small “d” democracy, and as well his trading of school and road construction for permission in Afghanistan to trespass their sovereignty in our chase of about 50 Al Qaeda members thought to be camping in their country.

We have, looking to Tampa Convening, that even Candidate Mitt Romney is running to be a better democrat than the Obama administration has been and the Clintons’ administration actually was.

There was not majority representation in Iraq until after President Bush stayed the course, and, stayed the course some more.  President Obama still today held to his cobbled “foundation” on his own otherwise shifting sands that is his dedication to an elementary premise his, about Saddam Hussein and the regional geo-politics involving Iraq.

As per Thomas Friedman and his waxing about capitalism and communism it is still plausible that we are now engaged in the last battles of the “Capitalism v. Communism” entanglements as those at “home” have been teased/drawn out as Obamacrats too socialistic.  We seem amidst the battle between the “Communists” sympathies thought about our sixties and seventies at “home” and the survival of the “capitalist” free market traditions now still kickin’ it quite well.

The Clintons’ 90s must have actually have been a mess!  By Tampa their “X” factor likely to be on parade as much as the for being of an entirely separate school of thinking as Obamanomics is from economic direction Republicans are of a new promise.

We have a simple allegorical to suggest Obama has problems with Saddam Hussein still:  If Saddam Hussein were a Chicago crack lord as much a tyrant to his turf he too then under Obama likely would be as deserving to escape justice.

We are now to a Democrat suggestion that the Clintons were right to avoid Iraq and Afghanistan even though their intelligence estimates likely defied their public messaging suggestive that we of America were to a moral right to have PEACE DIVIDENDS.  We have by the suggestion that Iraq was a war of choice that Obama’s choice to war on Afghanistan more than just in Afghanistan belies the Clintons’ avoidance and inaction and raises queries as to how or why we should be fighting for the women under the Taliban and not have for the women under Saddam Hussein?

And we have the “feminism” example of “rouge” Sarah H. Palin too as Tampa X  Factors rear near.  We don’t have an all or nothing hit the roads with “Hillary” or just hit the road - we have striking comparisons just between “Sarah” and “Hillary” as per feminism and action, family values and politics, Title IX & Title X, and, two parties with different foreign policies and economic options separable as two remarkably different schools of thinking.

It may help that so many men are still contesting for the Republican nomination since it seems the Tampa 2012 Convention could be much or mostly about women.  And, why President Obama was willing to try to cover-up for the Clintons with his elementary white paper speak suggestive that Saddam Hussein was to be allowed to fully escape justice from his subjects.

As I recall, this now may be part of “rogue” Sarah H. Palin’s Southern Strategy.  And WOW I really still cannot believe that we have Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton our first or last line of defense and over-sight over Mr. Clinton, former President, and his global initiatives and mass money moving efforts that to some at least somewhere are likely considered “material support of terrorism” and all the while it seems the Bush administration pushed small “d” democracy and the Clintons both more to pushing a global partisan spread even with US tax dollars of big “D” Democrat machinations to global partisan political support and development of Clinton power.

Separating Saddam Hussein from crimes against his people and war crimes is like separating either Clinton from PARTISAN politics.  I still hold to my complex thinking about Operation Iraqi Freedom and that where it was a Bush Freedom Agenda that such was to spreading equal rights more equally and without it being “religious” or “partisan” as per American Republicans or Democrats.

 I was though back in 2007 maybe that I did explain it best and as that Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary like because the Middle East could be having a democratic awakening that if we were not to first having attempted to remedy our past entanglements with Saddam Hussein could have US forever on the wrong side of Middle East peoples wanting as much freedom as we claimed for ourselves.  But this memory is of my conversation with Ivan Vujacic, Serbian Ambassador to the US after he sat down next to me at an American Enterprise Institute lecture and we got talking over lunch and with me to offering this as applicable for Serbian interests too.

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (born William Blythe III) was to official first days as President Obama’s Cabinet ranked official for diplomacy to saying near:  “We won’t be making human rights a priority.”

I don’t know where this “Hillary” has come from - and I have been wondering if she were dressing herself.

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