A smash up for “Swifties” – perhaps:
And the song goes on of “We the People…in Order to form” of our “more perfect Union” established by that the People have divine rights, each, and the union of states is sans a monarch of divine rights.
Our origins song is still revolutionary; the plain language of our founding is much of the essence of the English version in print of the KJV – King James Bible – to thus though Americans are under their Lord Creator before under government – especially liberated from as under a King’s “Order” (noun).
Authoritarians across the globe are torturing our poetic for constituted liberated, and it seems to bring back powers for tyrants to enslave. Our beautiful original plain language cannot be abided in the authoritarians’ marshalling machinations as it as for “a free state” as human condition in Liberty still threatens any dictator’s preference that any is a subject – not a free citizen.
Please, carefully & methodically, give deep consideration to “Plan A” as of your rights from your Creator this Constitution Day 2024, and to what it may mean to sing anew of “I AM AN AMERICAN” with an intellectual learned voice.
Our founding in 1787 was likewise of a high standard that dared not any blasphemy.
When you sing, please sing of the logic for the passions of by constituted “E PLURIBUS UNUM” by how united pluribus each is an unum an individual of responsibilities with rights from their Lord Creator.
George Washington was not a prude.
The Washingtons practiced prudence of their era of weekly most were responsible to be present in their family pews for hours of morals ministering – a truly “original” exercise in democracy of self-governing in religious freedoms.
Our founding THINK - BEAT - is that each is inalienable from the realm of Lord’s Laws.
“Swifties” shouldn’t need a “Plan B”?
Deep care and methods shouldn’t have been dissed?
There is no right in the CONSTITUTION to violate Lord’s Laws.
George Washington spoke of prudence in a general’s humor in his 1st Inaugural but with a humorist’s twist of metaphorically spoke of “impregnable fortitude” vigilance as a part of “vicissitudes incident to life” at the birth of a new nation.
Our nation so conceived was inaugurated by a first president speaking of he and his wife having been like “repaired from retired” by becoming the first first-couple like of the responsibilities abiding in a vigilance to maintain the prophylactics of those days to have chance of “Plan A” prevention of unexpected inseminations – to have “impregnable fortitude” by proper care and maintenance. George and Martha are said to did inherit her parents books on sex.
Care and methodologies are required. A swift reading of our plain language in our Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious) an order ordained the constituted is unwise.
The 14th Amendment re-established the 2/3rds usage as important governance rests at where any may fail a 60% PASS/FAIL bar on public morals. The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln stayed true to originalism – the plain language yet firstly a liberating ordered.
Can you fathom this Republican’s republican adherence to common sense? Lincoln won as of the original righteousness as a new champion of it was established for “a free state” as the human condition of Liberty in religious freedom.
There is no 100% abortion in the ending of a life – even a conceived incidentally of backslid to naturalism from due an individual conscience as each indivisible from created a child of the Lord.
We are still each, and all, of bodies electric and biological, with the spiritual duties around each the intended civic responsibility of each.
A successful seeding is from a sown was while connected yet to all – as indivisible from all.
An aborting of a successfully seeded doesn’t kill the HOPE that was shared for of the energies exercised towards “future leaders” may be what we need even if not for which we asked.
This Constitution Day it is more acceptable to read the intent as of the language and import/prudence of the revolution, and especially as the 250th anniversary of our independence approaches, as of the divine right is shouldered to upon each individual, and removed from being a “divine right” of a monarch.
Perhaps just not swiftly considering Jeremiah 1:5 of KJV will trigger a civic reboot:
“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.”
Swift, or Swifties?
Isn’t this as WOKE as it can get? Isn’t originalism of “thee” – “thou” as each a child of the Lord?
Our democracy is so thus established fundamentally to be principally and firstly of self-governing with disciplines of religious practice locally. You are each a child of the Lord and in America to under your Creator before government.
Vice President Kamala Harris, sadly, seems yet another in a long line of said “Democrats” now over a hundred years towards trying to set asunder originalism of “a free state” for secular SOCIALISM of each more a subject, scored and graded – more a caste system than ordered a free citizen – if yet can score 60% on public morals in own community.
Our separation of church and state is more vertical – the old “wall of separation” is too confused - is too perverted to as if could stand equal status for secular SOCIALISM.
Vertically, and as rationally grammatically, the textualism has us ordered by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious inalienable) that form our “more perfect Union” as without a “divine right” of a monarch as the constituted is the established “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord”.
With Jeremiah 1:10 perhaps:
“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”
A deep and learned oration should be erudite if as to still proffered as if learned during our revolutionary spirit to the dynamism of a dynamic where each if of their own divine rights.
Our constituted vein is for glory in the inalienable and indivisible of each from being a child fo the Lord.
Any potential conceived new life starts a universal sharing of a whom a future thou as if could be already a thee to be a new “Golden Child” – future good shepherd. An aborting doesn’t also kill the HOPE while will haunt a never-ending doubt if CREATION had been blessed of that the needed FUTURE LEADER so conceived was but washed away.
Any bloodline in America is of the “I AM AN AMERICAN” civil responsibilities for of each action has an equal and opposite reaction where if life can be it may yet have been that life created due a star was calling.
In 2024 on CONSTITUTION DAY what was in 1787 is still leading & prudent.
There is no separation right from each is to be a neighbor to their neighbors.
As it takes 2 to tango the creation of a new life we yet are constituted as in a Peoples’ religious “Order” of each of individual responsibility of each is of their rights from their Creator – each is of divine rights and to be presumed innocent, and firstly potentially a more Holy.
Our CONSTITUTION is still most WOKE; To properly, not too swiftly cursorily just scan, our founding ordering trust it as an EDUCATION standard in common sense of for Posterity it has prescriptions for when any may be less than 3/5ths moral – of a below 60% PASS score of grading for “MORAL AUTHORITY”.
As since the tablets of MOSES there have been the if then what thens for where any could be reverted to enslaved if and when they were too in a naturalism or otherwise too much a disturbance in the ordered of civility that is the liberation from enslavement in THE WORD.
“In the beginning was the WORD…”?
The WORD and our founding are of each is not an animal – each is a child of God – each forever may become confused on yet thou how respectful and prudent any can be when a son or a daughter is also but a child of the Lord’s as per also their parent, their parents.
As the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence nears it would be awful to lose all the seeded that could have been the gift from God of a needed future leader – yet not then asked for burden.
The forces of our nature are yet ordered for a Peoples’ “Order” sans a “national religion” to that each might be that new mutt – mixed blooded – a conceived in spirit – constituted for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a freedom “of” religion, not a freedom “from” religion.
There are no rights to violates the Lord’s establishments of religion in our ordered for each an unum an individual to be related with as “A FREE PERSON” so much as by if of walk and talk a truth as one of achieved a moral authority – a learned civic demeanor.
Do not get lost in a rash rushed quick take of the CONSTITUTION use of “A FREE PERSON”.
As an EDUCATION STANDARD it fits with the times for those who had a proven achieved level of practiced disciplined MORAL AUTHORITY.
The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln was of a civic correction was needed due peoples in states, some near 100 years later, wanted children of God to be prejudged of a FAIL grade – of a score at 3/5ths MORAL or lower – based on the color of their skin. The 14th Amendment keeps originalism as of shepherds and over-watchers likely needed where any about whom scores less than 60% moral.
A native American was also projected while not prejudged for being moral in originalism was of meeting people at whom they were. As Washington letter to the Jews of Newport served as notice of meaning it is basically essentially un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.
We are ordered of a Peoples’ Order of there is above our nation and the government that PERFECTION standard of what is religious.
George Washington did jest and joke around the birth of our nation and did reference safe-sex and the care & methods minding prophylactics required.
Our founding though was not in blasphemy, did preserved for local and community nearness our self-governing in religious liberty.
Vice President Kamala Harris is now just another in a long line of “DEMOCRATS” long attempting to set asunder the most WOKE liberating constituted order of mankind.
“We the People…in Order to form” puts the fear of God first – calls each to become free by becoming achieved to even scored as a thee can walk and talk of a MORAL AUTHORITY.
A “Plan B” shouldn’t be needed with “Plan A” not sub-human.
Having a “QUICKY” for a “SWIFTIE” - however of the “Hook-up Generation” – has a dominos effect even more dynamically now as many wake assaulting global consciences “on-line” just with rash memes, and imprudent posts.
By constituted with an established ordained for a Peoples’ “Order” the fraternity is familial to all in essence and the vibe on creation activities is there is no “OFF-LINE” from inalienable individual responsibility – from civil endowment as each a thee a child of God.
The responsibilities for any “PLAN B” are of thou a thee must try to un-ring the “we” “share” bell.
As many get 3/5ths clause wrong it also that the 14th Amendment erred using “male” where “A FREE PERSON” as an EDUCATION standard allowed the original plain language to be of achievement that could be reached by any a child of God.
Persons who FAIL are due at least more regular shepherding. Our 3/5ths a 60%, in grammar, is color-blind. Killing off seeded potential future leaders should not be race-based as we all sing the body electric and could not possibly out-smart God?
To Washington, thou, would thee in a quicky with a “Swiftie” be yet in a “Marriage Act”?
To Vice President Kamala Harris what is yet still just “fornication” and “pleasures of the flesh” for local house of worship to be facilities for tolerance and forgiveness as of the Christian calling per trespasses?
To “Swifties” what is “climate change” new versus “acts of God” old?
As in “the beginning” was “THE WORD” the definitions are the establishments of religion our Congress shall make no law respecting – our Congress shall not re-spectacle/change.
In the eyes of the Lord – whom each a thee the thou a child of God – is who is to be responsible and more free the more they achieved applicable MORAL AUTHORITY.
I know to each I meet they are to be encountered firstly as a child of the Lord, inalienable so also!
Your national government is not to be your neighbor of first resort – by “PLAN A” even “PLAN B”!
As a citizen a “Swiftie” in 2024 you could be a new “class” limited to 3/5th status if graded/scored on if are FREE by achieved 60% or better PASSABLE.practicable MORAL AUTHORITY.
Grouping by race - skin colors - were abolished while a reality is we kept constituted there are grounds for voters to have vote be adjusted from 5/5th down to 3/5ths.
More importantly this 3/5ths, an allowed scoring on public morals sans being a religious test on if of the right organization, yet shall need the 2/3rds ar of amending regular order to change.
More blacks in 2024 may score as “A FREE PERSON” than caucasians maybe more stepped out on faith.
As a class blacks may be due - may have earned - may quantitatively score more moral than “Swifties” and rate more free.
Our originalism plain language is dependent on public morals - on smaller bands of folk locally self-governing their universal world in the Laws of the Lord Creator.
God is in the CONSTITUTION as more not in the Peoples’ Order - due respected as above it - as a vertical separation sets the government also under God - as “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord” without a hint of blasphemy.
George and Martha were also “repaired from retired” by became the first couple birthing our Union - as of their greatest fear/worry if still stayed retired was there is no plan “B” for ups and downs - “vicissitudes incident” to life.
You have lived long enough to bear witness to one a new 2nd fiddle to Nero ascend a party soap box.
Your conscience should be shaken and stirred to the dark depths of President Joseph R. Biden was Holy tag’d a “Cafeteria Catholic”!
As our semi-quintennial approaches we should work for a rational textualism of the plain language that did form our Union – of independence in each, towards each, is set to be for each other’s rights come from their Creator.
And, our Independence 250th should include at least elementary math.
And, as Biden/Harris ticket was beat for a “BUILD BACK BETTER” an objectivism is due for a deconstruction perspective to see any building blocks of their partisan political constructs.
And, with now a Harris/Walz kick-off too we must referee upon what “a reasonable prosecutor” standard need minimally be.
Our fate is our’s to make.
President Donald J. Trump has owned and operated beauty pageants and casinos.
The psyche-profile, for one of a personality and professionalism to have had business successes with such industriousness heavy in the service sectors, if official, should prove quite contrary to the were Biden/Harris more constructs for partisan consumption of a “fake Donald”.
On math scores President Trump has a career long established record of having financial discipline – like especially as regards depreciation schedules.
“Prosecutor” Kamala Harris acumen seems isolated and limited more to mere case by case constraints, and personally devoid a math disciplined for from creation to completion as builders are supposed to account – be fully accountable.
Our fate is our’s to make.
We are above $34 TRILLIONS and growing.
President Barack H. Obama broke many records as bullied a new SPEND, SPEND, SPEND dogma partisan as towards, defeated tryingly, yet his attempted to get 70% taxes, and as if a patriotic duty.
Have we bore witness enough already to know for certain that VP Kamala Harris besides a co-conspirator in Bidenflation - of Bidenomics is Bidenflation in reasonable math sciences - scientifically is an Obama SPEND, SPEND, SPEND DEMOCRAT?
Mustn’t Harris/Walz ticket be to we find out, hopefully not too late, that they too are for 70% taxation – and even higher taxing?
If William Shakespeare had to have done this math could he have been Shakespeare – “The Bard”?
We must do the math! – Or else!
Kamala Harris has been 2nd fiddle to President Biden as vast sums amassed to new heights as their Bidenomics is Bidenflation and due everything just costs more with their half-baked policies.
What amounts to “high crimes and misdemeanors” – for 25th Amendment and impeachment?
Can there be no trump in a Harris/Walz run casino? – Are all their decks just stacked to protect government’s odds?
Is it just a buzz show?
$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY! – Harris/Walz?
We must do the math! – Or else!
In a time not too long ago, the message was different from these (radicals?) Democrats: Bill and Hillary whence were of their tune was “The era of big government is over!” – to budgeting priority for party seemed reasonable as near “It just takes a village!” – even as partisan politics deplorable with they cut an unnecessary extra Trillion for short term SURPLUS popularity – with protecting a rise for “Hillary for President” deep state scheming.
We don’t believe Nero did fiddle alone as Rome burned?
Larry Summers, of Harvard University, old proffered could be the needed new dramatic – that a due drama a new Shakespearean.
What fate has their contrary set up?
How long is your list of those rose as Democrats “First Female” “First Woman” who now needs to be objectively judged – even akin a “CRIMINAL MINDS” made for TV drama forensics of professional compliance – and to scored as now apparently proof of Harvard’s Larry Summers’ old uttered upon the female sex facility with (budgets?) mathematics?
What amounts to “high crimes?
The self-rapped tag on the House of Obama, the House of Bidens, the House of Harris is of admitted toking smoking – getting high – of “home” lifestyle - right?
“Impeachable Crimes” finding by House indicts Joseph R. Biden as a homeowner, at least, as owner of property where illegal drug use seems was regular?
Prudent barriers abide where?
Are the drama’s historical dynamics now inter-generational?
Did we fail to protect and preserve a better fate?
Is the jury in to that the “Baby Boomers” should be judged a “worst generation”?
President Trump also spent much of his career disciplined as sober-minded as firstly in proprietorship of residences – apartment and condominiums – and hotels – for a superior service standard for the brand “TRUMP” to endure.
“High crimes” is an albatross about the necks of Democrats – particularly “D” “Baby Boomers”!
While the 2020 Election was of Biden/Harris apparently perpetuated frauds by built a fake psyche profile and ran firstly against such a “fake Donald” their politics since sworn in also suggest “high crimes” – clouded judgement.
A Shakespearean on Larry Summers’ conclusion on female sex and math is overdue. We await the real story of it seems Nancy Pelosi is somehow uniquely whom is most politically culpable – 80% responsible? – for us of our Union as now of over $34 TRILLIONZ in debts.
The fall of the House of Biden didn’t need arsenic – as a plight to flight from power can be simply that his VP – in selfish ambitiousness – did dope him to too sleepy with pot brownies – and to performance to cloudy – apparently of clouded judgment?
Our Congress has sworn duty to look deeply into so much before Harris/Walz to prudently deemed even of standing to wax on was a “prosecutor” as even that standard triggers with “… for President”.
We should, to protect our fate, express deep concerns to rally our Congress to that suffice of probative expected for even serial bad actors of criminal minds.
There are jurisprudence tipping points – thresholds? – on now how “high crimes” involved more than a few admitted drug users in “leadership”.
What did the Veep – Vice President – know?
When, by James, should Kamala Harris have already loudly acted on such known? Perhaps now: KAMALA “ALSO CROOKS” HARRIS is as fit a tag as “Cafeteria Catholic”?
What should she have concluded as Cabinet members had duty to have followed the money directed by foreign agents towards into the hands of “Hunter”?
What is, for equal justice, a “REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard?
Also, legal jeopardy abounds around Biden/Harris for, at least per fentanyl deaths, as since the “New” at 2021 is they were the 1st administration that could have secured the border – yet are whom worked contrary and now can face at least their negligence.
A dramatic truth that seems also Shakespearean is as I have long posted as:
Biden’s “Catholic Guilt” seem to spur Biden’s gaffes!
Oh my! Presidential immunity?
Oh my! Not math? No Logic? No Venn diagrams?
On pot? The culpability for politicians is not on that they wrongly did it – partook in illegal substances – but on that they wrongly believed the ideas they had while influenced – under the influence – of altered chemical state(s) – with their used drugs could even exist – let alone be “more perfect” – in a sober state?
Perhaps VP Kamala Harris as Democrat Party nominee can craft a Venn Diagram for where real danger zones of as doped is to shows as covers all thoughts?
As 2nd fiddle to President Biden as Bidenomics was existentially and objectively always Bidenflation:
Where is there any rational party unity after Clinton administration “The era of big government is over!” and of twas Obama was not enough balanced and checked for SPEND, SPEND, SPEND – and then try to fix in a rigging a mortgaging of citizens’ future each more merely a subject to owe near 70% tributes to its government? – aka TAXES?
Otherwise it seems a “high crimes” that Biden/Harris are of seems akin negligent homicide for not having stemmed fentanyl when they were, reasonably quite firstly, who could have been the first to curb it substantially.
Besides Shakespeare:
CAUTION: Former Clinton NSC expert Philip Bobbitt in his book TERROR AND CONSENT did espouse near “When a White House and Hollywood work too closely together it begets terrorism.”
Sir Ridley Scott, and Larry Summers – are for perhaps that we learn from their histories?
Is Kamala “Louise”?
If Kamala Harris doesn’t know who drove “Thelma and Louise” car off the cliff is she out of touch?
If Kamala Harris denies knowing is she really a FEMINIST?
If Kamala Harris doesn’t see her economics as too “$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY!” reckless is this due “altered states” ruled her rise? – is her math unreasonable?
Is it about the math? Is it now firstly a to be staged drama about Summers’ “females”?
It is about the math!
It is inter-generational, too, of seems the “Baby Boomers” have made their legacy – their fate – due a scored as a “THE WORST GENERATION”!
Our fate is our’s to make!
It is also about the words:
As our 2nd Amendment is a clause to the 1st Amendment ends with “Government” and “grievances” with “a free state” as moral high standard of human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a real ‘it takes the village’ community-based humility:
We the People have right to free speech, assembly and revolts with militia(s) against our own government if it has become, reasonably evidently, too tyrannical.
Our constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “done” in “Year of our Lord” – this is reasonable word proof of rational textualism in plain language reading comprehension – as “ordained” “subscribed” humbly a constitution thus under God – not in blasphemy.
On our modern scales of Justice and the Posterity of the classical foundations bolster EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAWS terminated candidate President Biden, of home(s) of ill repute – of “IMPEACHABLE CRIMES”, can be scored a “NERO” – or worse. He may have more just fiddled on the beach – but, by James – my God – Harris should have and could have acted morally – not just played along a (negligent?) 2nd.
What must our “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard minimally be?
A “SLEEPY BIDEN” coup only needed pot brownies? Even for Shakespeare?
Kamala Harris, Vice President, toppling of Joseph R. Biden, President didn’t need arsenic?
The 250th anniversary of our revolutionary declaration of independence is nearing. At 250 years old our Union true blessing can be that TRUTH can reign – that with community-based tolerance and forgiveness fully our greatest protection from tyrannies we can be a People can abide TRUTH with each under our Creator before under Government – we can walk the written ratified words for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – freedom to worship secured to firstly of neighbors with neighbors.
What happened to the SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING on say President Biden not himself of immunity?
Is it just a buzz show?
How bad are the Democrats really?
What now is “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR”? – Even a correct “psyche profile”?
Nominee Kamala Harris is inconvenienced by “unfit” Joseph R. Biden recent attacks on the Supreme Court.
A rational deconstruction of such partisan formed priorities seems to associate the Office of the Vice President as also complicit in unsound politics as reasonably a willing “2nd fiddle”?
The math and the original words plain meanings now guide best.
How do we try to hold them to these words on immunity?
To sober legal minds is the strategic crossed – cloudy? Did Biden “Catholic Guilt” generate a new “Biden Defeats Biden” Biden gaffe?
To assuage cause to issues on justices seems firstly to raise the politics for reasonable prosecutors to that (accidentally?) incidentally these actions as their priorities of President Biden do self-incriminate – self-indict – even the whole Biden administration.
A simple “INTENT” test seems to scored as proposals with Biden fated(?) Harris to now the amending 2/3rds process is USC bar – and 2024 election NOT to suffice with merely a 51% plurality.
It seems crooked also that “REFORM” called for as a prima facia seems it was politically advanced as last defense possible as yet to confess to such imparts admissions to that their reign has been to date of actions still factually illegal.
Is it “high crimes” from duped, and doped? – incompetence – incompetencies?
Prosecutor Harris’ cards are now like:
We confess an amendment is needed for how we’ve governed to be actually not illegal!
Kamala Harris at least self-selected a full association as one of “Baby Boomers” generation!
William “The Bard” Shakespeare or Neil Simon could render horror or comedy on a prosecutor’s “reasonable”?
A promised land, perhaps.
A literate promise also of 2024.
We are near the semi-quintennial.
Writer Barack Obama cannot now well be President Biden’s drum major. We do now need score one of Obama’s books more than any other. His tome is contrarian.
President Joseph Biden’s administration is due shade – judgement on his apparently formed – vocal criticisms.
We are by “Order” into a “more perfect Union” as better than of parting ways with of the United Kingdom.
We are formed as Ordered to our government is seriously limited by it is set separated from the in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction of all commandments of a promised land under alike “God Is Love = God is Laws”!
We are formed “more perfect” with a holy riddle as by “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” the federal government is separated vertically from any authority to respectacle/change the commandments scripture the establishments fo religion.
Our riddle has confused and confounded countless masses since it originally appeared for the ratification of a suffice of thirteen new states.
The riddle must now be taught as an antidote to unruly now from the Biden administration.
It seems more puzzling our nation near a 250th anniversary has “A Promised Land” authored by one a former president now still seemingly a misreader of the Constitution – even some Biblical.
Please amass your own local experts.
Our formative riddle is of the moral grammar in our Peoples’ “Order” and how ratified as in the “Year of our Lord”.
Riddle: On originalism textualism:
Lord God is in our Constitution – signed under Christian calendar Lord – but grammatically to God then is not in the Constitution?
By how composed God is respected in the Constitution by humble not committing blasphemy but to structurally recognized as above government.
By how composed God is respected to recognized as of a Lord’s jurisdiction where for the eyes of the Lord the Peoples and the government are all equal ordered more perfectly as subscribed to ratified – under God.
These anew are days for understanding in promised what should be most elementary.
Please ask amongst yourselves a suffice of queries to dissect especially how President Obama earlier must have even proffered on Con Law very errantly.
Many are due tagging amongst the epoch – 100 plus years era – of has been of Democrats seeking to fabricate an equal standing for their contrary secular Socialism.
For a rational textualism each should be scored – even on essays due – upon resolving an originalism with a moral grammar that constructed a Union where that today often described of “Socialism” is yet firstly under U.S. religious freedom.
Grammatically “Socialism” is unconstitutional – but the high hopes for solutions are preserved to as of the works as religious – of work re: legions – your chosen local associations.
A promised land, perhaps?
These united states separated from a less perfect united Kingdom which did not respect each is an UNUM as under God before under a King?
We are by “Order” “to form” “Union” as constitutional republic to each is due to respect another as also of their rights come from Lord – as Creator’s is promised – as ordered way in Laws.
Consider textualism in:
“Blessed is he whose way is blameless.”
Do you read it as with a perfect blameless Lord – one whose way is the Lord’s way is whom to be blessed?
The promise of our land is Ordered as under Lord’s universal inalienable is cleverly in the Second Amendment.
Consider textualism in:
To maintain “a free state” a militia can be activated against the Peoples’ government if it is unresponsive to grievances of it became too tyrannical.
Constitution 101 should resolve to elementary moral grammar of use of “a free state” is as for the human condition of Liberty in religious freedom.
Lest one be deemed not worthy for forty years alike earlier apocryphal era it is since July 4, 1776 Peoples of these states were to be lawful if respectful to each another to a promise of rights are inalienable and each thought and action shall be to protect “a free state” as each to self-govern disciplined in Laws of the Lord.
Elementary politics explain George Washington letter to the Jews of Newport, RI expounded on such cleverly to if of Lord then of a shared perfection (blameless?) standard – thus therefore it would be unchristian for Christians to be bigoted – to be sans tolerance.
A literate promise anew of 2024?
Consider textualism in:
Jesus authorized he 12 disciples to go forth to sow and reap for a bountiful of a Lord’s harvest.
And then progressed with 72 others one town at a time – presenting as ordered two by two – to fish for believers.
Now do you yourself find that of books of Matthew and Luke to resolve with fresh minds.
How did Jesus proceed with 72 “two by two”?
Do you see troop formation?
A flock of lambs – believers off to cold call and visitations to help reap a great harvesting of kindred souls? – perhaps?
Our Constitution is not in blasphemy and has a moral grammar.
President Biden FAILS as scored on “IDEA OF AMERICA” basics.
President Obama FAILS as errant from textualism – only partially with intent to help wrongly bias politics - to as if Socialism isn’t actually Ordered as of the jurisdiction for religiousness – the morality supposedly of Socialists is indivisible from separations vertical that affirm such matters are our religious freedom protected matters.
Our promised land can at any time be of persons maybe still of some of forty years from worthy?
Troope Jesus – was double files 36 deep – in flocking unity as friendlies?
Troope Jesus – progressed as Jesus a shepherd behind a column of 72 lambs/believers flocking into wolves regions one town by one town?
Lord’s Laws are our Peoples’ trump?
We are near the semi-quintennial – really!
After 250 years isn’t the Union now still “more perfect” by government is set not above the People – is set equally under Lord’s Laws – is set to our federal government is sans divine rights – theocracy power – evens sans a right to say THERE IS NO GOD?
After 250 years are we still each an UNUM by how PLURIBUS united to each, and each to another, is cognizant and disciplined principally of they are under God before under government – and the supreme law of land is firstly inalienable of rights from Creator – and then, as Bill of Rights amends Article 6 powers, of government very limited by it shall make no law to respectacle/change Lord’s Laws our establishments of religion?
Isn’t it a liberalism must exist if just to facilitate tolerance and forgiveness – a methodology for having sanctuaries – safe spaces for managing voices & trespasses – and that bearing false witness can be from taking liberalism too far?
Of our riddle of while “Lord” is in our Peoples’ “Order” as to God is not in our constitutional lesser limited laws just of the land – but separated as above with a universal inalienable authority – ties to George Washington motivations towards his penned famous letter on Union is in there to be no “bigotry” of “tolerance”?
Ordered as we are from founding we have Jesus still to consider near 250th while with the puzzling on Union standard is at least of it unchristian for Christians to be bigoted.
Pick up your sense of time and place.
We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.
It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.
In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.
In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.
Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.
We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?
We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.
Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?
To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.
A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.
His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.
Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”
A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.
In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.
The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.
Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.
A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.
Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.
A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.
I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.
One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.
The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.
By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.
President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.
Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.
The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.
The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.
To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.
Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.
Harvard, God is not dead!
We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.
Harvard, God is not dead!
It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.
E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?
Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.
Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.
What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.
The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.
Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?
Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.
It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.
Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.
By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.
Harvard, God is not dead!
Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.
Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.
Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.
Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.
It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.
A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.
As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.
Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.
Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!
Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.
Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.
I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.
My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.
Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.
There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.
Harvard, God is not dead!
And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!
Now, especially, serial students:
A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.
Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.
I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.
Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.
Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?
We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!
The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!
And, of to score in present time:
The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?
By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?
And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?
What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?
Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!
Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?
Harvard? God is not dead?
Is it time to sweat the stones?
Working with the dead who were a part of Jack’s and Jackie’s celebrations, in district life, of Jesus, means raising the patron saint of stonemasons.
The Kennedys Catholic regularity was normative, in Washington DC, around one also the patron saint of deacons.
As a cornerstone setting is akin to Albert Einstein “Theory of Relativity”, applied to a “Trust the Science” logical origin, to that a spiritual life begins when particular matter of two bodies collide, and becometh in union conceived, to forward measurable in common time, to Saint Stephen likewise a building starts living spiritually as the first material seed is set?
In our Federal City our nation’s capital such church of the martyr Stephen is near eight blocks from the White House while an earlier earliest church for Catholics Saint Patrick’s is near just six blocks away. Saint Patrick’s Church was first founded for the flocking Irish Catholics laboring in the creation – the stone-by-stone erecting - of the structures for governing.
How far have we fallen since the chivalry and honor of Camelot? From King Arthur to King James to King George and now to the early times of a new King Charles?
America’s first state is religious liberty – “a free state” as the human condition of liberty ordered secured to a pluribus of each unum as respected as a child of the Lord Creator – as of their rights are from their Creator – as it inalienable each conceived as equal and destined to be scored to if, amongst community peers, hopefully as has achieved an enlightened moral authority above the 3/5th 6/10ths 60% FAIL grade threshold.
The Kennedy’s Saint Stephen respects a Catholic practice of that buildings built as conceived are not able to be renamed due of that all the souls and spirits sweated the development – especially from the first cornerstone, live on – may live on - to spiritually from first intent the life stays respected – it thus to an education “Trust the Science” degree therefore life begins at the big bang – the kick-off cornerstone engagement – or either wise the big conjoining of particles that is of knowing – as regards seeding sets sizeable - sequences spiritually significantly soulful.
Thomas Jefferson wasn’t present. Jefferson can’t save the Bidens?
Jefferson was living in Paris France as the Union of states became ordered more perfect by a vertical separation of church and state established by a Peoples’ “Order” an order ordained a constitution.
Doubting Thomases were too set by a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” for each unum allowed a constitution as by how pluribus each is under their Lord before under government as set also to a “more perfect” existentialism as there no divine right of monarch. As ordered doubters could question “God” while yet Lord’s Laws were set respected as establishments of religion Government was not allowed to change.
Thomas Jefferson though abroad, while founding ordering was to a Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution, seems was yet with the “Order” as not in blasphemy.
The principle core to fundamental individual liberty foundation is “a free state” is real woke of wokism truly each is equal by created each from moments of seeding to be spiritually equally conceived.
Washington – George Washington – forward instructed the world with his words put to paper in his historic letter to the Jews then concerned of Newport Rhode Island.
The first President respecting the true nature of the developments in the American northern continental since the first colonies of first pilgrims en masse, and settlers in Jamestown, inked an explanation on separation of church and state as vertical.
To the concerns of the Jews of Newport Rhode Island the States’ first Union leader wrote presidentially to the states are constituted ordered under Lord’s Laws – a perfection standard of establishments – where “a free state” to reign as akin an “A Promised Land” sans sanction of bigotry – due to a perfect God bigotry is not to be – as each is to be of the questioning - of it thus un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.
The ifs and whens to take up arms perchance versus troubled tides is for those common and neighbors – not of nobles – nobility – divine said superiority – nor a presumed uber authoritarian.
Now presently on public enemies: How Shakespearean the Education “Doctor”?
Where did the education of Hunter Biden FAIL – come up short – miss its mark?
Did he flub a First State comprehending of the Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” without titles, and sans any stacking assembling for structured order as to if a human leader is prescribed to be presumed infallible?
However Hamlet and Lady Macbeth predate Hunter Biden fallen existentialism raps a portrait of Hunter should abide “Dr. Jill” is the named First Lady as in education so Dr. Biden – and now to haunt, and haunt.
To artfully and critically now score Hunter Biden any must reach to some very basic elementary complexity – akin like: Do not pass over the simple facts.
Can Hunter Biden be now scored as fallen causally from ignorance?
Is that First Lady Biden is too “Dr. Jill” an albatross about President Biden’s neck?
Isn’t a Doctor in Education presumed to be sworn to telling/teaching the truths?
Where 42 & 44 had intimate allegiance with say Devil’s Advocates – whom were lawyers, some think, as in a profession of lies – Liberalism taken too far – 46 has self-selected First Lady to be a model of propriety towards charged to be to the truths, and as to not arrest development of youths.
And thus by our Peoples’ “Order” we are as conceived to by how pluribus each, to be scored and graded an unum on if achieve beyond a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% FAILING - on if earned a common moral authority, it therefore to yet now seems the Bidens are quite contrary – short of measuring up to PASSING scores on moral authority.
The story of the union of states respects that since King James the Biblical became available in the English generally accessible to masses, and to how constituted established liberty for religious freedom respecting frontiers pilgrims empowerment to have Democracy firstly in locally English speakers could self-govern in communities with own interpretated yet from English language editions of Lord’s establishments commandments scriptural.
Of due noting: The BILL OF RIGHTS is instructive especially to Article 6 of our Peoples’ “Order” as by amending it reiterates however Federal Laws to have “supreme” status such is of much ado about how limited a Federal Government is constituted as by 1st Amendment it spelled out Congress is not allowed to change Lord’s Laws. What is left to the states is far greater than what is allowed to be federal – the 10th Amendment resounds upon so much is not of Federal jurisdiction – is left to states and within scope of religious freedom.
Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden seems of a Kennedy “Camelot” and Catholic dilemma. And “Dr. Jill” and education conundrum an albatross about President “Joe” Biden’s neck.
An American “Camelot” as lived on since the murder of “Jack” – President Kennedy - is more contrary to “a free state” core and arguably unconstitutional.
The knightly of Kennedy’s was more Catholic than Lordly of titles? Since the passing due assassination of President “Jack” Kennedy even other Catholics have betrayed “JFK” – “Jack”?
The “albatross” is much ado about an education “Trust the Science” mantle of “Dr. Jill” “Joe” self-selected to be in union wholly with until death. Hunter Biden too is stuck to be scored by First Lady “Jill’s” profession – professionalism.
There is no real comparison in present time rational between a “Contempt of Congress” grade – score – measurement of Hunter Biden if opines for a parity to Representative “Jim” Jordan.
Rep. Jordan is innocent of “Contempt of Congress” structurally by when a newly sworn executive President Biden uttered official remarks asserting the Union is “in a new Civil War” - for thus by such Democrat did frame the issues to there thus are two sides, and one side is necessarily more the rebels anti-Constitution.
The House of Representatives is seated with swearing – sworn oaths – into regular order of limited government constituted. Again akin Article 6 is defined away from loose language of “supreme” by the BILL OF RIGHTS resounding upon how limited our federal government is yet supposed to be.
Republican Representatives – Representative Jordan, yes, - versus past Democrats’ issuances had basic rights to ignore subpoenas written in anti-Constitution rebellious tones by Democrats illegally much whom insurgents as those of the side (of Biden’s “Civil War”) particularly anti-Constitution.
Hunter Biden’s “Hamlet” is more of a rap vibe essence of real deep beats of CONTEMPT attitude viscerally self-evident due a public enemy #1 now caught, and stewing? Smartly, a Doctor of Education professionally must likewise concur?
While the Doctor of “Dr. Jill” indicts “Joe” in principle, with son, the SNARED existentialism roots of “Hunter” statements – theater in the defensive – miss also that past administrations, at least on oversight obligations to check for even incidental material support of terrorism, and past Congresses “Emoluments Clause” auditing duties, have essentially that Hunter’s father “Joe” – however “The Big Guy” – had a sworn duty to know the details of his son’s business just to clear it. Right! Hunter’s father was supposed to be all over his son’s business, and is more impeachable if yet proofed as was derelict in such “oversight” professional duties.
Oh Shakespeare? – Oh Shakespeare?
Tis it the House of Biden fell? Tisn’t it too many others knew – should have known too – and for far too long? And fallen likewise, after clearly in Ukraine “Hunter” (and pals) got in bed with the “a known most corrupt” Ukrainian oligarch? And by definitions of “collusion” & “emoluments” as regards with Chinese as more of selling out – than railroading with abuse of powers?
However Catholic “Camelot” may too have fallen due other Catholics ignored the protections from tyranny of the Emoluments Clause to as if more entitled – set titled – despite prudence ordered by scoring established to even family not titled and any “emoluments” “whatever” must be approved by Congress.
However Catholics Doctor Biden defeats President Biden as his self-selected metric with which to be scored/graded truthfully? As Catholics it even more so?
Past administrations too had duty to fully know Hunter Biden’s foreign entanglements/engagements down to the first penny.
“Jack” and “Jackie” worshipped at Saint Stephen’s Church.
“Hunter’s” practicing seems yet eons apart from moralism - moralistic – while yet first gray areas/realms materially.
By the Kennedy’s honors on whom can be Saint – saintly – Hunter Biden fallen is unfit for martyrdom claims?
From Camelot to presently seeing the tree from the trees of the forest where can rest the “PUBLIC ENEMY #1” to be sweated of honest prosecution due?
Perhaps due we are to rap first more dire that grades due the Clintons & Al Gore? - even eventually just Barack Obama’s own score?
As, again, Representative Jim Jordan was of “Contempt of Congress” slung by those real rebels to regular order – the actual constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” - he was quite politically cast stones upon unjustly as sweated the truths of partisan discord from Democrats oh so very very contrary.
Yet again: What are the roots of Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden’s fallen?
Any Doctor in Education should professionally fully consider how Shakespearean – uber dramatic – it is comparatively that it is simply teachable that the Clintons, in their proud anti-Constitution “Post-Constitution” schemes, have proofed themselves even DIABLOLICAL – even DEPLORABLES – for decades devilishly working to set asunder the CONSTITUTION – so busily that now compared to founding days of British General Clintons, and then New York Governor Clinton it is now that Bill and Hillary score as the most ANTI-CONSTITUTION of 3 Clintons of American History.
Al Gore, however indivisible from was of professional obligations to have turned in Bill and Hillary, is of he personally may have represented a greater threat to the ideas of America of our established constituted order. Al Gore as a private citizen has done tons and tons of material affecting towards forcing presidents’ hands on foreign, and domestic, policies. Al Gore may have taken violating the Logan Act to a level some still might consider due indictments with capital punishment – modern stoning a fair judgement – on the table.
Joe Biden failed his son?
Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden – however of education fails – failed his father?
The self-selected Education professional standard – as for TRUTH – convicts?
Any equal justice must yet rest on comparisons now particularly to Bill and Hillary for parity in judgements, however in lieu of sweating a stoning, and as it near self-evident their “Post-Constitution” schemes involved perverting the Emoluments Clause to, though becameth term-limited, they were facilitated to rake in emoluments as if just now called “charity” to be endowed to violate the Logan Act - as banked to be global power brokers – even play about as if autocrats – at least to Bill was supported, quite contrary to ORIGINALISM, to posture as like titled – to posture too as if a first unelected President of the World – to even hold court annually as if more a monarch to which other world leaders were obligated to prostrate.
Again, while Clintons can be convicted by prosecutions asserting that the Constitution never stopped being the law of the land, the house of Bidens is beset as snared by a real CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS – by their own self-selected, and elected to standards.
As Joe Biden ‘Catholic Guilt’ long seems triggered regular “Biden Gaffes” where is a moral score - a #TRUTH ESG - a Kennedy & post-Camelot Catholics judgement/grade?
Can ‘Bidens sold out some!’ be mitigated by perhaps ‘The Bidens sold out but a mere fraction of apparently what the Clintons did?
OH SAM? - - - OH LORD? - - - MY COUNTRY?
Enter Georgia!
Within our sphere - our global - our nation is being taken to tasks to moderate for post racism.
Locally jurisdictions are effecting prosecutorial discretion. From New York to the District, and again to Georgia we are beset to thoroughly debate what are just fruits - what can be for a parity equal in citizens minds and hearts.
Georgians do not have a monopoly on “created equal” while also of nation’s pledge is to, and for, allegiance to civil procedures and due process. Our pledge is to the ordained and established constituted a Peoples’ “Order”.
Morally we all start “CREATED EQUAL” conceived in Liberty from of religious freedom - as of a Kingdom (of Laws) of Lord Creator’s. Such is of an obligation to each to be active parties to local self-governing in public morals, and for facilities for sanctuaries - institutions for the moral work of tolerance and forgiveness - akin rights fit with Christian to be daily born again.
A first contact founding principle is none is of a separation right from to be a neighbor to your neighbor. We are constituted a republic by a Peoples’ “Order” of a brevity for otherwise it is public morals dependent for democracy is firstly local to self-governing under Lord’s Laws.
Our Peoples’ “Order” ratified as humbly “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” leaves intact a Creator jurisdiction - Orders U.S. for self-governing in Lord’s Laws - eyes of the Lord jurisdiction.
Georgians, though not alone, are now fated to have to judiciously consider much basically firstly mathematics.
The Georgia Senate seat run-off between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker must be dissected to objectively figure datum that is either wise in math of reparations jurisprudence.
A southern black male ran against another southern black male for a United States Senate seat. Now: How many times has this happened before?
Solving a mathematics problem of these two black candidates is now essential for understanding an essence of originalism for post racism.
The Warnock vs Walker run-off can be contested numerically- and for corrections on data on characters.
The Georgia (Biden?) vs Trump is a different drama - yet mathematically associated across all bars - ways and means polity. We can carve up on Washington national variants later:
Though Trump vs Biden necessarily involves mathematics to whom of a 60% passing grade at least:
Though Trump vs Biden also is supposed to be about reparations:
Though Trump vs Biden firstly is to if actions exceeded Americans’ core rights to robust legal exhaustion of all species of defense:
For Georgians there is their state is fated to be to clarity for prudence - to a “trust the science” professionalism - to resolve around originalism of constitution has a grammar with plain language to use of “A FREE PERSON” is an education standard - not negating “CREATED EQUAL” an inalienable root.
What is to be done with any whom fails to present regular and ordered to with at least a 60% PASS grade as a metric on if achieved “FREE” by reached a moral high standard to is one with MORAL AUTHORITY?
There are bad peaches not to be left in general circulation - so to be pulled - culled out.
There are peanuts - nuts too just pieces, shells, or bads - not to be in a net weight.
Though emotions factors are stirred to peaked on Trump vs Biden on topics of reparations the constitution - our Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” - leaves, like scripture, that enslavement is legal for those of some math metric of do FAIL at achieving (learned?) moral authority.
Thus therefore, due founding principle for innocent until proven guilty, the matters of reparations are prudently due case by case proving of which whom(s) were bad actors - illegal enslavers.
As 60% in a public morals dependence jurisprudence is written to a PASS or FAIL - 60% = 3/5ths - there are mathematics yet too quality of character vibe variants.
Georgians Senator Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker have results fated to be disputed - publicly and judiciously mathematically resolved.
Georgians, now because of mug’d up Trump especially, must demonstrate an equitable prudence relative to BLACK vs BLACK polity. What is of Caesar’s? What is of Lord’s?
That originalism is of there is a color-blind plain language, with grammar of our Peoples’ “Order” as with “A FREE PERSON”, “NATIVE” and “3/5ths” as expressions of mathematics, to measurement on education after “CREATED EQUAL” is an of morals and of law prudence variable.
In vibe “the eyes of the Lord” it seems our nation is seeing an essence “Thug Joe” as more a spectacle of guilt - guilty - than accused suspect “Trump”?
The principles crossroads vibe though is the essence of parity - an equal measure score - for if Herschel Walker, in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction, corrects to whom morally was triumphant/victorious.
After CREATED EQUAL under your Lord Creator - to American as under God before under government - each becomes measurable to a PASS or FAIL quantity with local peer review. Founding era church times ran hours - to it near a day’s work of self-governing weekly endearing for enduring.
We are constituted of a Lordly - a perfection standard - none is of a separation right from.
We are constituted of a common sense as indivisible from existentialism of are a neighbor of neighbors - of inalienable rights by ordered “FREE” - of “A FREE STATE” by under our Lord Creator - a Kingdom of commandments and commanders - before of a government jurisdiction.
Our founding of ordering by a Peoples’ “Order” and order ordained a constitution established that now Georgians are supposed to know how to do the 3/5ths - 60% PASS / FAIL - scoring.
And albeit while with local +/- facilities for sanctuaries of tolerance & forgiveness - believing.
What laws are of your inalienable rights to of “A FREE STATE” as human condition of Liberty - in a religious freedom? How are courts and elections to correct with 3/5ths as polity standard a higher comity calling public morals metric written into constituted without otherwise racial grammar?
A correction of votes for Warnock vs a correction of those for Walker? - is due?
Which candidate was more moral?
Which of voters do PASS as moral?
As constituted matters of Lord’s Laws are not to be infringed - Congress is to make no law to change Lord’s commandments - scriptural.
Is each voter due an ESG score either wise to due counts as deficient? And is ESG “scoring” but a tool now of authoritarians marched niche issues coyly as a new “Trojan Horse” for a fascism of the left - for their elitest movements of Left for authoritarian power? And if ESG scoring is corrupt it yet if that constituted 3/5ths is prudent to that “CREATED” to if “EDUCATED” is, in our republic, of some metric of morally to be effected - amassed - locally scored week by week?
Governor Ron DeSantis, a Floridian, seems math crazy - but more so mindful to of reparations drumbeats lack class action mob power as some/most enslavement histories - shepherding? - must be taken case by case within principles (for tolerance and forgiveness) of each innocent until proven guilty.
To Georgians there is the new drama to if Trump exceeded rights to robust legal defense on election parity.
BLACK vs BLACK though is more biblical - while Shakespearean - yet less dark Shakespearean.
Georgians Democrats aroused and stirred/agitated to show up for Senator Warnock were publicly measurable by public association as openly anti-Constitution - some/much activists for power with yet a simple mob majority (towards “illegal” could be called “legal”?).
Senator Raphael Warnock organized for as if only commanders - those who obey and enforce Lord’s Laws - needed for as if there only 6/10ths - only 60% - 6 of 10 of Lord’s commandments to comply with daily, and weekly? 13/20ths? Only Nth of comity?
Relatively the math for vote correction starts near to a times 60% as moral for Dem.
Candidate Herschel Walker on the other side - as Republican - had self and his supporters firstly measurable as 100% with the as ordered Laws - maybe though +/- to more 9/10ths - 90%/
Herschel Walker, Republican, had past personal factors in public measurement for candidate qualifying moral character/authority.
We are constituted in an originalism of plain language grammar to words as colorblind.
We have dark history with stories of bad interpretations that empowered maliciousness.
Today though the Georgia character politics math is BLACK vs BLACK of yet Democrats were near confessing their side was only of 3/5ths 60% or less for what oath of office swears fidelity is to be ruled/measured PASS/FAIL.
Republican Herschel Walker, however within strictures for local tolerance and forgiveness endearing and enduring, with democracy firstly self-governing in religiousness, may thus therefore be due his total vote count to be adjusted by only times near 90% +/- a few/point.
Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?
As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?
As reiterated in the First Amendment Congress shall make no law to respectacle of scriptural establishments of the in the eyes of the Lord (religious) jurisdiction?
As God is the Light?
As God made us in his image?
As God made us of the “Light”?
The mathematics are of our inalienable rights from all created equal and called to rise to a passing moral authority measured in local essence vibe?
Is it that any whom doth obey the Lord’s Laws is then capable of the positive energy - the “Light” potential?
By how ordered - united PLURIBUS - each is established as an individual an UNUM firstly of their rights from their CREATOR.
Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?
As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?
Georgia’s jurisdiction is also as ordered with founding republic of small “r” baby steps so thus is all quite elementary/simple civics.
We are not of a state religion but hourly - daily - weekly … must abide we are under a perfection standard where it/U.S. root value is audible for celebration as it is un-Christian for Christians to be bigoted.
We are to cull and defend against fruits of poisoned trees - like too roots of old Southern Democrats in life of Bill Clinton and others still to if could fool another - even a race class - then thus them fooled mustn’t be worthy of a PASS grade? U.S. for good shepherds - polity by Laws - not immoral bad actors rising coy ploys bearing unjust fruits?
Is 60% of Warnock’s total < (less than) 90% of Walker’s counted?
As there is no right in the Constitution for any to violate the Lord’s commandments?
In this year two thousand twenty and three we have reached the 75th anniversary of “THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS”.
What, today, is the state of religious freedom, here, and abroad?
How is it compatible with originalism upon our constitution?
The other day I was a visitor seated in the House of Representative Gallery as a resolution was discussed and passed towards restricting Representative Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and as well for the passage of resolution H.R. Res. 9 offering the full House an opportunity to condemn the past horrors of socialism/socialists.
The days before I attended the “International Religious Freedom Summit”- #IRFSummit2023.
Representative Ilhan Omar history may too be in conflict on human dignity core of “The International Declaration of Human Rights”.
To reach a consensus on the complexity of these discussions we are wise to consider what history relates and if there amidst such isn’t a biased incorrect partisan spin that also compromises committee assignments.
Representative Omar is not firstly a woman of color, nor a Muslim. This Minneapolis politician is principally a Democrat. As a Democrat party operative her history can objectively be reconsidered upon where there are contradictions in her known biases, and even where such essentially admits into discussion/evidence past cover-ups for leaders of her party.
Protecting human dignity, and also religious freedom of each individual, how issues relate, is a global goal. These times have nationalisms and imperialisms rising as at least existential threats to what was written and agreed upon of the United Nations General Assembly 75 years ago.
Let us not forget how clever the founding fathers were, especially James Madison, in the establishment of the Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution for uniting states. Human dignity is in originalism much by that there is no right in this ordered liberty established “Order” for any to violate the 10 COMMANDMENTS. Though Thomas Jefferson opined the nation was not constituted as a Christian nation he yet did not write it – it of it was subscribed “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.
James Madison protected human dignity cleverly as well, shall we consider, to it of the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights generally, is redundant to the body of the Peoples’ “Order” established ordained a constitution. To any understanding “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” the originalism of the constituted is that each is firstly of their rights from their Creator.
The religious freedom constituted is not of the Nation is ordered as Christian, but yet is of the nation is a republic that secures each their rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws, and as vitally secured to be firstly particularly for neighbor amongst neighbor common neighborly considerations/jurisdictions.
The constitution respects that each is under God before under government, and secures protections from tyranny for the people for which it orders liberty. The real separation of church and states is not a “wall of separation” as Thomas Jefferson emphasized but the vertical separation written in by James Madison to the Government is also under God – not to be theocratic – not to play God – not even to say there is no God.
In 1941 we can argue the interpretation of “wall of separation” was tweaked to legally attempt to legalize SOCIALISM – towards there could be a secular equal standing for Franklin D. Roosevelt to stand up a “NEW DEAL” phat with social programs. Human dignity is firstly protected by originalism to such would be contrary to the constituted “Order” by to an otherwise stood up to as if citizens are more firstly just subjects and more to be presumed guilty – needing a NANNY STATE – and not innocent under God existentially.
With originalism read of a vertical separation the redundant in the Bill of Rights rightly reads of a snarky grammar. Any of an understanding that the American Revolution was fought for individual rights in the vein of each of rights from their Creator – of “a free state” as a human condition of LIBERTY in religious freedom – each by how united PLURIBUS is an individual an UNUM of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 COMMANDMENT against them, and of too such is of First and Second Amendments distinctively of rights versus their own government.
American first principles of these united states of the Americas ordered liberty for frontier pilgrims; these The United States of America have a constitution a peoples’ Order where one is of democracy with how they self-govern in Lord’s Laws.
Where with W.E.F. - Washington Emoluments Fraud – there is prescribed civic duty for solidarity versus as Thomas Jefferson wrote “tyrannies over the minds of men”.
Ethics are to be the walked and talked of citizenry; dishonor and conduct unbecoming are to be of public notice – posts broadly available.
Our Peoples’ “Order” in Posterity is an Order ordained a constitution “done” in “Year of our Lord” gives cover to “global citizen” - but as still under religious liberty and a deep dependence for our systems of governance, so ordered, in the public morals of the populace. Our writs of government are public morals dependent.
None is separated from the Kingdom of the Lord.
Our separation of church and state is vertical to that the Federal Government is sans any divine right of monarchs and is fundamentally set to also under our Lord – Creator – Lord’s Laws.
Each is constituted a global citizen, yes, but as children of God unums of under their Lord before under government.
By how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator.
Frontier pilgrims are to stay protected from taxation without representation by the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and especially particularly it written of none to be titled; each is to be able to be a traveler a pioneer a pilgrim to self-govern firstly in Lord’s Laws.
Our modern pledge of allegiance places “indivisible” to modify “under God” to that in each iteration of allegiance a person is accepting and attesting of themselves and others that by our ordered liberty of our established constituted Peoples’ “Order” we are of a union where we are indivisible from being a child of the Lord – a universal citizen.
Nationalism is of secured checks and balances for a populace effected when Lords’ Laws broke down - seemed to malfunction – broken; our nationalism is ascribed to principles of limited government.
Washington emoluments are to be policed by Congress in principles of ethics and accountability to value “whatever”! Each Congress has a duty to approve any emoluments “whatever”! Emoluments are not presumed to be criminal.
Washington emoluments frauds are to be prosecuted. Apparently, Washington emoluments can be of actionable wrongdoing even to a penny in value! A corrupt soul can be too great a civic risk by crossed the line at all.
There can be no other “global citizenry” constitutionally than that each is a child of the Lord – and of rights from their Creator – of the Light of the Word of in a joy of Truths. Nationalism much can be a fallacy; nationalism can be fallacious for ordering liberty has more facility in the local of community and the universal - the all-ness.
No President of this Union of states has the authority to suborn, or/and subjugate citizens under another government. Alexander Hamilton in article 1 of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS explains our ordered liberty is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” as of limiting principle.
Washington emoluments frauds - W.E.F. - must be discovered, dissected, exposed!
A kingpin corruptor now is necessarily present in machinations political since 1993.
A Washington “swamp” dragged net now seems populated of smaller fish yet of schooled with this a BIG FISH to headline of too crossed the fine lines for protections from tyranny such are of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE.
William Jefferson Clinton – Bill Clinton born William Blythe III - is for Posterity taggable as such a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
Washington emoluments frauds forward need to be measured against all the perversions of the constituted Peoples “Order” our CONSTITUTION with the Clintons’ “post-Constitution” machinations.
Global economics have been perverted and corrupted by this “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
Whom did he associate with? When did such know of his anti-Constitution ploys for authoritarian power contrary to limits of especially the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE of none to be “titled”?
How can present news of dishonorable behavior by Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as of conduct unbecoming be too as associated to how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” tried to change the rules on emoluments at least for he and his spouse? Was Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. a bad actor but a sad copycat? Is our current President yet associated with the “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” back to 1993?
Is there any global economics not set asunder by having by some to much corrupted by the worked perversions to the Peoples’ written protections from tyrannies over citizens?
How much did President Biden know and at which moment did he become too jealous?
We need a solidarity of the children of the Lord across this planet as global economics have become slaved to corrupt influences/influencers; Global citizens of these inalienable universal rights must connect for a reset to ethical standards as seems by an overdue policing of a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
How much did Vice President Biden know and at which moment should he have pounded 77 or 911 in a civic & civil service duty?
Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder!
Too much was perverted in the name of the Clintons!
More was perverted in the name of the Clintons than a Biden can compete with in Posterity!
President Biden cannot be to a BUILD BACK BETTER accolade if building blocks with small r republic baby steps are not a cornerstone to a facility of understanding; as a builder what he is building must be, like brick by brick, comparable to what were structural before.
American first principles did not allow a former President - however also a term-limited executive - to do what the Clintons effected even just through the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES aka THE CLINTON FOUNDATION; our principles of Union do not allow a president to be titled even after office – to thus act as if an authoritarian – to carry on as if able to fund and organize to globally hold court.
As our standard is “whatever” that President Biden crossed the line is more importantly now of the when – not a by how much or how or why.
Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder until these particulars are rectified upon.
Washington emoluments frauds are a greatest of threats to our civil liberties – our freedom secured for democracy in principle to be firstly as each a child of the Lord expected to self-govern in ethics within a community basis.
He born William Blythe III has been of mutinies on his bounties? Barack Hussein Obama, a man said of 1 speech, was able to undermine their expected inevitable. Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. likewise succeeded to a presidency supposed to have been prescribed by perversions as inevitably to be for Mrs. Clinton to call her own.
William Jefferson Clinton is for Posterity a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
What was done in an END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS collusion around the also NEPOTISM worked to effect a thought suffice of collaborations to seat Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - to an own named presidency is now defeated.
Yet? Washington emoluments frauds snare President Biden in a swamp dragged net with it all.
President Biden is no President Clinton! President Biden Justice Department must make that clear.
Our nation has been in the wrong direction with and since the Clintons changed the retirement package conditions for former Presidents. Mustn’t we now the world over admit such was too great a perversion of American - the United States of America – principles, and protections from tyranny?
The devilish haunts in the details of how newly valued former President Clinton got to be to as if worth more per day than even President Obama was, by the same government, valued per year years later.
Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
The systematic perversion of our EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and more generally our founding principles is of that President Clinton got so much taxpayers’ monies after office to that it seems enough to have felt promoted from President of the United States to the first President of the World.
Frauds have been perpetuated over the history of our Union of states - its years of ordered liberty by a Peoples’ Order an order ordained a constitution. Yet it seems President Biden cannot ever, however also criminal by crossed a fine line, compare to how now for three decades Americans have been in a wrong direction by being in step with President Clinton machinations.
President Obama, due was a first Harvard Law Review President and later a Constitutional Law professor, should welcome, albeit such to risk self-incrimination, joining discussions on each particular that corrupted worldwide economics foundations too while being firstly of the machinations of the Clintons, point by point, to have fraudulently been allowed to call EMOLUMENT more as if just CHARITY not policed and to be able to themselves live and breath more as if authoritarians yet titled and funded by taxpayers.
Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
Since the end of the 2nd term of the Clintons their success at having changed the system to have had President Clinton collect more from taxpayers than all past Presidents combined has corrupted maybe all succeeded to President since, and especially market elements of global/world economics foundations.
Washington emoluments frauds were normal for Democrats of Democrats with the reign of Nancy Patricia Pelosi, in representation of California, and as Speaker of the House.
Speaker Pelosi was publicly so biased for EMOLUMENTS abuse in her party she allowed the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE duties to be only apparently applied to REPUBLICANS.
Versus REPUBLICANS we were witness to The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi offering versus Donald John Trump, Sr. while President a biased perverted interpretation to as if the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE did not say “without the consent of Congress”! Speaker Pelosi is snared in the swamp dragged net! Speaker Pelosi was for decades of the dereliction of duty to have applied the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE fully upon the Clintons!
Now how we measure Washington emoluments frauds is involved in measuring President Biden, even upon CLASSIFIED documents when Vice President; the Bidens as bad actors for Posterity seem yet of jealousy upon the vast sums the Clintons managed contrary to our written protections.
The world over we must discover who are globally ignorant at least of such violations!
The worldwide economic foundations are still set asunder by how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” held court and expected and collected commitments emoluments while reign of Nancy P. Pelosi looked the other way to let a cloaking occur of abuse of authority of office of conduct unbecoming as if could be just CHARITY while yet the means and methods for a term-limited President to not let go of power.
Sadly our President received a recent New York news agency headline as a poll of a “single digit” score. I am now writing from the Library of Congress Law Library Reading Room in the Madison Building.
It is now near 10am Wednesday morning the eve of Thanksgiving 2021. I am seated in the Jefferson Building main reading room of the Library of Congress.
Beware the Tea Party Deniers!
The Americans the real neighbor just next door over may not be nearly whom you believe them to be.
There are ghosts in our machineries of cosmopolitan, rural, and originalism writs. To breath right as “American” your constitutions (walks) must be exercised of regularity of breathing of each’s rights come from their Creator. Walk the adage of Golden Rule directives for comity in polity of be towards others as you wish others be of parity and civility towards you.
To exorcised these perversions of our plain language established order by rights from one’s Creator each must breath through constitutions primed defensive against tyrannies over the free state for individualism/humanity.
Fascist movements must be identified and exorcised!
Our established Peoples’ “Order” our ordained a constitution does not allow a right to healthcare that is not yet preserved as of and within religious freedom. Our Federal Government though of responsibilities as regards “medical” and “medicines” is not for the general welfare by to be in healthcare. Health and wellness is of local jurisdiction preserved.
Consider none is of your Federal Government is supposed to trump ill at ease from just peer pressure local management for polity and comity - parity can’t be in Federal Government offers an escape in say just a pill. Where like of Federal crimes jurisdiction there yet of healthcare must be preserved righteous pressures of/for local jurisdiction - a proprietary right of power through discomfort through pressure - public shame and peer pressure - is localized. Our Federal Government is not allowed blanket jurisdiction to trump neighbors of others justly of being a headache to them.
Philosophically speaking our Federal Government is constituted by ordained established Peoples’ “Order” to barred from FASCISM - any fountainhead of authoritarianism - campy of authoritarians wanting all to see their face in your’s - your compliance to them as authority more akin government by men than rule by laws.
Presently there are three movements of Left for distinct authoritarian power - there are three movements of Left firstly a new FASCISM. Such now in hindsight illuminates why and how so much went wrong. These three sects of FASCISM are movements of the Left wrongly for authoritarian powers, at least. The dictionaries defined is outdated where published definitions of FASCISM equate it a “movement of the right for authoritarian power.”
Your rights come from your Creator - walk it - breath it - don’t be taken - don’t be fooled!
Though the Clintons & 90s of maladministration and moral depravity at least with surpluses and “American Abandonment”, and of their “post-Constitution” ploy was/is anti-Constitution simply textbook treason it remains their methods also a movement of Left for authoritarian power - they are principally FASCISTS.
Though Al Gore methods and practices are elitist and he personally from private comforts from masses addicted to Gore tobacco plantations fixes, and his “Global Warming” schemes predominantly a new “Gore Fix” racket fronted in machinations to newly addict masses to his movement of the Left for authoritarian power - his posterity is as a “NEW FASCIST”.
Though our first black president Barack Obama wrongly proffers Constitution as if it yet can be an authoritarian’s tool for “personality based presidency” - rule by man - not governed by laws - we have he has a record as a narcissistic Stalinist of yuge/vast movements of the Left for FASCISM in homeland - and though psycho-babble can illuminate a new “Stalinism” was his likely only emotional safe space for of a broken home youth, and for any hope to reunite his parents - it yet is of standing his presidential methods ordain him a FASCIST.
It is now as of like we need to - must - play a game “PIN THE TRUTH TALE ON THE SCHIFF TAIL”!
Concurrently the Corona Virus pandemic is working it of our Federal Government of duties in “medicine” while not of right to trump freedoms of healthcare rights secured in religious freedoms.
We are not coldly constituted so by founders’ founding works due such were not done in blasphemy!
Though it reasons Congress shall make no laws respecting establishments of religions firstly as tools and disciplines of self-governance, and while of acknowledgement of there are “DEADLY SINS”, our established ordained Peoples’ “Order” is of none of a separation right from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and created stuff.
Our separations of church and state are vertical; our Federal Government is not allowed powers over neighbors to neighbors of healthcare is supposed to stay judiciously firstly of neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods.
Our plain language in our constituted Peoples’ “Order” iterates there shall not be a healthcare racket for more to profit off illnesses and phobic of others; originalism respects Americans know better than to allow a social disconnect that happens with that “SOCIALISM” of today; common sense dictates healthcare starts becoming unaffordable as soon as allowed to be just a for profit racket, and, as such creates a real unhealthy social disconnect of neighbors to then more expected to be accepting of FASCISM - which ever pole or flavor - and to abstaining from compassion among community (neighbors).
Our Federal Government though has “medicine” duties cannot legally have healthcare responsibility generally!
It reasons as unconstitutional to put fidelity and prostrating to a FASCIST leader as if an infallible supreme leader as normal/regular - due that would trump each of rights of a free state existentialism for humanity of “rights from their Creator”!
Think it through: - hopefully as party to due new game of “PIN A TRUTH TALE ON SCHIFF’S TAIL” - think it to fathom the reason chain of an unhealthy social disconnect occurs as soon as one is to believe firstly in a rule by man authoritarian a FASCIST as an infallible supreme leader.
Right - to celebrate any FASCIST is wrong and dangerous; Right under FASCISM one insults the infallible supreme authority - authoritarian leader - as soon as to even thinks a compassionate thought needed by their neighbor due such betrays the rule by “infallibility” of governed under with FASCISTS.
As soon as healthcare breaks from of self-governance protections of neighbors do care for neighbors in own neighborhoods compassion and its “healthcare” starts to become unaffordable and a racket.
It doesn’t matter how bad this new FASCISM and how disturbing to party unity and mental health clarity in the party:
Across the variated say spectrum of TRI-POLAR extant in Democrats “Party” each FASCISM is evil otherwise in own unique way.
Per healthcare though all three yet equally bad and a diabolical disturbance of our greatness in each of rights not from a FASCIST or an otherwise authoritarian government.
Our individual Liberty - our existential a free state of humanity - is of our rights are from our Creator - to breath right at your constitutions you are expected to breath Liberty of Prudence with self-governance in acceptance of at least the The Golden Rule.
You are not supposed to obey a FASCIST!
You are secured as a “neighbor”!
The new Schiff game is due! It is not coincidental that uncovering these of long long of cover-ups of extant of FASCISM, as of movements of the Left, for it truly is, of these crooked of Democrats, Democrats’ real histories actually better fit the narratives of Adam Schiff and as should due tactic was authoritarian strategy of attempted projection and transference of wrongness of Left to onto Right as if their wrong was others’/innocents’ wrong.
Our second great TEA PARTY did stand against all three of these movements of the Left for poles/sects of new FASCISM - to hear any deny - be TEA PARTY DENIERS - is to be called to stand up righteous for the real existential of a free state for individuals our “a free state” as our human condition rights. President Trump has standing to tag Barack H. Obama as a “most crooked president ever!” due his maladministration record is of illegal & partisan cover-ups to hide these truths from the People.
Our “more perfect Union” is “done” ordered established as ordained by that an order a constitution ratified by the People of is of us constituted a government not above the people and as our separation is vertical to Government is also under our Lord and expected to be moral (too). - It - our Government - is not allowed to be theocratic.
* * * JUST THINK ABOUT IT! * * *
These are matters of grave importance - a continuity for the fabric of Liberty is threatened.
There must be limiting principles in any system of government by laws.
Since the Rehnquist Revolution that followed on the common core of the Reagan Revolution for Main Street common sense to trump Ivy Tower elitist authoritarianism there has been the renewed American standard for laws and governance to have lay basis - laymen accessible lingua franca.
“Global Warming” politics have marched the world into lawless areas to where peoples belittled for elitists to play God - be at least terribly authoritarian.
There are new laws that must be written that should have been written before climate change.
America is supposed to be about the People first - about trusting in keeping citizens fully informed to don’t just fold in the whirlwinds to propaganda.
It has now been a long time since Democrats governed rightly - put fully informing citizens first. Our Liberty integrity depends on trusting informed citizens.
Al Gore is a problem for candidate Joe Biden:
Al Gore’s methods at climate change were of such an institutionalized global collusion of elites that such of what President Trump just accused of is relatively at best just ‘Petty Collusion’.
It is for debates to air discussions of which worse between Speaker Pelosi at Obamacare of voters “too stupid” to be rightly informed and engaged, and now how diabolical the lawlessness of Al Gore “Climate Change” authoritarian tyranny of global elites specifically trying to influence campaigns & elections.
There are laws now needed to counter and check Democrats un-American methods of years trying to play God - even “Weather Gods”.
Our civilizations have Joe Biden supposed to be arrested from such as such represents abuse of office - and with bold lying.
Whether running for Senate or Vice President - there are still supposed to be limits on Joe Biden akin a “ceiling”.
A longer fuller discussion to on we need to raise the concerns of it now seems obvious that truly Barack Obama left the White House still misreading the Constitution - while yet was a Constitutional Law Professor and a Harvard first black head of its Law Review.
President Obama somehow misreads a “Socialist” interpretation into our USC by firstly avoiding the grammar of preamble of “Order” use is as a noun to give each person a sense of owning their “Order” an ordained a constitution.
There is no legal “Socialism” interpretation - that of now called “Socialism” is set as illegal in plain language of originalism.
Candidate Joe Biden must admit such a ceiling exists lest he finds it the hard way like candidate Hillary Clinton.
Our “more perfect Union” is novel while subscribed “done” “in the Year of our Lord” by that a proper reading negates Democrats’ errant of “God is not in the constitution” coy ploy by by rights from one’s Creator it follows the “ceiling” is of separation of church and state as vertical - of that government is “more perfect” by Union’s constituted sets government as also under Lord’s Laws.
Al Gore was fully of wrongfulness playing God with our weather.
For Joe Biden to play with running for President it must be enforced he is to ordered to arrested from playing God - being elite authoritarian - he is supposed to walk and breath the constitution as the Peoples’ “Order” and of it and he barred from being theocratic.
New laws or prudence of old must be raised and discussed per climate change due there can be yuge liabilities from playing God.
With weather as like healthcare Americans are supposed to be of Liberty secured by general practices of firstly governing for and of having an informed and engaged electorate - citizen base.
For example by spirit of our history of jurisprudence there is standing for Al Gore, due his un-American methods so of solutions tyranny with authoritarianism quite simply a new fascism, to be personally liable for storm damages like at least of Super Storm Sandy.
Points of law of this an established supposed “ceiling” to Al Gore global methods of authoritarian tyrannies develop a case against “Weather God” Al Gore” at least for gross negligence at “science” without controls to study dangers from cuts - from man made changes like to 10%+ of CO2 reduction from EU & US cuts since 2006 (and due such of foreign agency towards manipulating a USA election through collusion at least?).
All this should have been of citizens informed - not just propagandized with biased solutions tyranny. But alas Al Gore worked more an institutionalized authoritarian collusion with foreign agency of collusion to interfere in present election cycle - the next elections.
Global warming science was to date marched as actually bad science due no controls on methods to discern what dangers there could be from playing “Weather Gods” by rushing CO2 cuts - of since 2006 as real man made climate change.
Can Joe Biden yet somehow now become a statistical anomaly as like an old dog that can learn even one new trick?
Our Joe Biden is as far as he can progress legally - as high as he can get due there is our “of laws” “ceiling”?
To preserve the fabric of Liberty the real Joe Biden should be arrested from being any further as willing accomplice to Al Gore cadre of elites and machinations for such authoritarian power it has already redefined “FASCISM” as essentially ‘a movement of the Left’.
The social media threads are our modern new ecosystem much now needing new laws - laws evolved.
To keep it simple for Democrats candidates let us lead with one primary issue lesser than “Played God treasonously”.
Due since 2006 the EU & US began rushing man made CO2 cuts as man made climate change without informed and derived consent of free people and that there no science controls set for safety Al Gore can be personally liable for costs from Super Storm Sandy - for starters.
It figures simply so, due that he lead rush to a 10% cut in CO2 levels, that he responsible for moved the there to fore greenhouse effect daily from firstly Atlantic centric to Asia centric.
By that by Al Gore firstly progressive with a new fascism of authoritarian solutions tyranny he can be liable personally, as of was of conduct unbecoming a former Vice President too, and as simply basically it figures the man made climate change by rushed CO2 cuts say enough caused a shift in altitudinal thermals to have by such made the very path of Sandy possible.
The shift from man made rushed cuts devoid of advise and consent American fabric of Liberty prudence is of daily greenhouse were effects flipped to the other side of globe - other side of the northern hemisphere and thus is prosecutable it seems civilly and criminally.
That such man made change caused greenhouse shift also now seeds the conditions for warm air rising now differently to displacing polar region colder air more regularly adds concern & jeopardy.
Al Gore, to candidate Joe Biden, must be accountable at least for gross negligence, and firstly though of Super Storm Sandy as his fault, while of yet it more alarming we have Al Gore also liable for polar warming of this about his rushed cuts by a global elite working authoritarian collusion seem simply to have changed daily thermal wind patterns enough, and altitudinally, to be causing more “Polar Vortex” events that threaten polar ice cap extant due warm air rising differently now on two sides of the northern hemisphere and displacing polar colder air then that dives south.
Old Joe?
Al Gore at least liable for negligence around old science of basic natural law of it known that heat rises!
Should we call this a “The Orange Ceiling” so apropos to #CrookedHillary short comings in past also fitting #LockHerUp?
Old Joe can you learn a new trick?
Can you only yet be the established crooked Socialism Joe Biden?
You are not allowed above our “advise and consent” constituted by our Peoples’ “Order” secured rights - “ceiling”!
Americans can see the limits of like Hunter Biden story is of at least he didn’t, per Ukraine (emoluments?), have to become overcompensated by hired by the/a “most corrupt” Burisma? Surely Ukrainian non-profits were seeking “experts” too?
It is now becoming obvious “Climate Change” had other political methods available and even better solutions.
Where is the “ceiling” - the prudence in old laws - the jurisprudence for new laws?
* * * OUR 1ST “STATE” IS OF LAWS? * * *
*Replying to @business A real @POTUS @SCOTUS query:
As “MEEK SHALL INHERIT” figs @ believers shall inherit of “meek” humility & “wait upon the Lord” faith in patience - however vulnerable waiting: #TRUMP #MAGA & #LeadRight ready to debate #SOCIALISM as only Gov can originate/build ideas for progress?
*Replying to @realDonaldTrump @GOPChairwoman
*Replying to @GOPChairwoman and @realDonaldTrump
Ronna a fun year ahead especially if college campuses engage with #LeadRight in almost #UtopianWay of #Constitution #originalism of seems w/ Gov also under Lord work to spread the GOOD NEWS honestly NOT celebrate lawyers for power to help steal credit from originators for others?
*Replying to @jphoganorg @GOPChairwoman and @realDonaldTrump
Ronna #LeadRight can understand old FROM EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY TO EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEED as of supply & demand #economics due asking of needs should help establish fair market price in win win #capitalism?
*Replying to @jphoganorg @GOPChairwoman and @realDonaldTrump
Ronna #LeadRight can have challenge debating THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH of “meek” less of physique than humility a faith “to wait upon the LORD” (patience - not serve) to garner a right from wrong of vulnerable (meek) as one of faith willing to risk not being firstly bullish.
*Replying to @jphoganorg @GOPChairwoman and @realDonaldTrump
THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH is firstly more meaning it seems BELIEVERS WHO WALK HUMBLY WILL INHERIT THE EARTH? #RepublicanMovement & #LeadRight #GOP?
*Replying to @jphoganorg @citizenrosebud and 2 others #SCOTUS FURTHER:
*Replying to @jphoganorg @citizenrosebud and 2 others #SCOTUS FURTHER:
*Replying to @citizenrosebud @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS
IE: That is there is an oddity at times “SORRY THAT TWEET HAS BEEN DELETED” of somehow the number of LIKES & RETWEETS sees number lower - reverse even on accounts I know didn’t do it proprietarily - themselves.
*Replying to @citizenrosebud @jphoganorg and 2 others
EG: Here an @CitizenRosebud comment post that gets by banning of @JPHoganOrg of it shows in #hashtag trending while #HOGAN see #hashtags missing tweets in chronological posting of primary thread.
*Replying to @citizenrosebud @jphoganorg and 2 others
Oy #Justice #AGBarr & @POTUS
#Twitter #ShadowBanning @JPHoganOrg???
In RT - retweeting - up pops “SORRY THAT MESSAGE HAS BEEN DELETED” that needs page to be refreshed for success at RT - and coincidentally when tweets stop showing in ‘latest’ thread on #hashtags “trending on”
*Replying to @realDonaldTrump
#TRUMP #MAGA #LeadRight #SundayMorning:
#ImpeachKavanaugh #SCOTUS #SundayThoughts
RE: #Gorsuch book
Roadside #Utah cross & ‘reasonable observer’ misses crosses legal if faith honest to lost souls:
Founders not at blasphemy - “establishment” is tenets & crosses of free exercise!
*Replying to @jphoganorg and @realDonaldTrump
#TRUMP #MAGA #LeadRight #SundayMorning:
#ImpeachKavanaugh #SCOTUS #SundayThoughts
RE: #Gorsuch book & trespass
#NeilGorsuch it seems def of #trespass of if in disregard for owner - “DO NOT ENTER” & “NO SOLICITATION” needed to bar curbiture & cross to engage with owner! ???
*Replying to @jphoganorg and @realDonaldTrump
#TRUMP #MAGA #LeadRight #SundayMorning:
#ImpeachKavanaugh #SCOTUS #SundayThoughts
RE: #Gorsuch book
A public cross case is like “more perfect Union” of Government set also under our Lord - Of gov not supposed to violate Lord’s Laws, & a cross is then FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION!
*Replying to @jphoganorg and @realDonaldTrump
#MAGA #LeadRight #SundayMorning:
#ImpeachKavanaugh #SCOTUS #SundayThoughts
RE: #Gorsuch book
@POTUS faces #Democrats can’t admit founders not at #blasphemy & “establishments of religion” tenets, & laws Gov not allowed to change - re-spectacle that in eyes of Lord jurisdiction!
*Replying to @jphoganorg @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS
#TRUMP #MAGA #LeadRight #SundayMorning:
#ImpeachKavanaugh #SCOTUS #SundayThoughts
RE: #Gorsuch book
*Replying to @jphoganorg @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS
#LeadRight #SundayMorning:
#ImpeachKavanaugh #SCOTUS #SundayThoughts
RE: #Gorsuch
*Replying to @jphoganorg and @realDonaldTrump
Oy #SaturdayThoughts @ #Twitter #ShadowBanning:
Mr @POTUS & #JUSTICE #AGBarr how is it I seem
re-algorithmed this morning?
@TwitterGov @TwitterSupport?
Number of IMPRESSIONS seems awfully low & while see says I am in trending #hashtags
& yet can’t see own in “latest” threads!
*Replying to @realDonaldTrump #Election2020 homework - #SaturdayMotivation #SaturdayMorning #coffee & #LeadRight studies:
#HOGAN #Cats “#BLACKS” #SaturdayThoughts > http://hogan.jphogan.org/?cat=19 #Socialism test:
#Democrats only justified if for past 30 yrs successful blacks haven’t been giving back enuf to own?
(Posted with screenshots of BLACKS THINK GREEN, THE FIRST BLACKS, BLACKS CAN’T DANCE, & HER BLACK PROBLEM of in thread linked.)
*Replying to @jphoganorg and @realDonaldTrump #Election2020 homework - #SaturdayMotivation #SaturdayMorning #coffee & #LeadRight studies:
#HOGAN & #BLACKS #SaturdayThoughts: http://UNBECOMING.US
(posted w/ screenshot of DROP THE STORY column/esssay).
*Of day before - Sept 14:
Replying to @RBReich
But! But!
*Replying to @RBReich
#Orange did you mention #Orange?
Here is an oldie lyrics a politics ditty song:
#OrangeDude via http://NonsenseSquad.org of http://JPHogan.Org
(posted w/ screenshot of #OrangeDude #TRUMP DITTY.)
The Republicans have how they can say - speak - Republican with pride.
Democrats are incidentally helping grand ole party be small “R” republicans in the essence of Abraham Lincoln.
Thomas Jefferson’s and James Madison’s worked of it by a Peoples’ Order a constitution ordained and established by state’s conventions of People is a prima facia vibe of the modern Republican Party.
By August in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Nine one can bet top Democrats will be off to prison times.
The “circular firing squad” Democrats are historically such of that in 2000 the Clintons cost Al Gore the Presidency by holding back of selfish plans to see Mrs. Clinton get her own named presidency.
This squad is inconveniently near of two compromised dozen expected respondents also supposedly to be able to answer to how in 2016 the Obamas did cost the Clintons the general election by emotionally, at least, not all there for those sworn rivals who forced his house to be divided from the outset.
Democrats have the 2008 race against the “inevitable” but sunk Hillary Clinton as a still to be studied of the Clintons’ Achilles’ heel was their plans since law school concocting never figured for if a black could rise between their presidencies.
The crooked of Bill Clinton is vast long crooked of them together bad actors.
That Bill Clinton can seem innocent by of that he operates a charity is countered by that such doesn’t seem plausible for a former President who cut $2 Trillion in lieu of caring.
The bad - very bad - Bill Clinton is whom we are being called to discuss now seems Robert Mueller seems more to have been near a Clintons’ Gestapo.
The squad of near two dozen all each must be able to dissect the Clintons for discourse of pros & cons and crooked to diabolical.
Bill Clinton and Al Gore seem for Posterity as both firstly sons of the old South.
While white leaders they either accidentally set asunder black fortunes by not considering likely collateral damage or incidentally figured such to be worked by design.
Bill Clinton’s racism is easier to teach as white pride though it seems racist that most of his worked supposedly for blacks for independence was set up to fail.
Al Gore’s agenda, it seems, likely could not have been worked to yet be more injurious to blacks employment and wealth.
Al Gore was in a pickle due deep state seeded by Clintons was supposed to lock out and block essentially everyone from between the administration of 1993 to 2001 and the worked for colluding to Bill keeping his pre-nup to Hillary of that she would get her own presidency after his - because she had helped him get his first.
Afghanistan still seems to be convenient crisis yet left for President Gore by the plotting Clintons and for such old war photo journalist to easy forward to provising the Afghanistan war by providing the photographs.
As FLOTUS the crusading feminist Mrs. Clinton much set up she needed a war on women as a war of choice against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
A principal primary element of the machinations of the “The Clinton Machine” is the simple truth that neither Bill nor Hillary governed of to be right for their times as their plotting long needed running rackets - needed executive decisions to try to make the times fit their ambitions - their set goals of what history books would record them of firsts.
Robert Mueller seems to have revealed his team acted as of Gestapo tactics to protect the Clintons and their seeded deep state bad actors.
Robert Mueller is evidenced of that the “911 Report” is some to much a sham report by that the FBI Director also let it only look back 10 years at Al Qaeda history and didn’t look at Mrs. Clinton feminism crusading while FLOTUS as inciting and precipitating like Bill’s eight years of American Abandonment and impeachment of found to have been doing intern(s) in lieu of work on Persian Gulf tensions he was elected to pursue.
Bill Clinton actually does have a record as a master of disasters akin racketeering akin notorious “godfather” figures. We hope our Presidents try to be right for their times and more naturalists than detached natural staters firstly of machinations to try to make times fit their ambitions - selfish goals.
Al Gore was raised on nicotine addictions and though we were saved from a “President Gore” the Clintons’ deep state and rackets may have it we weren’t yet saved from what was to have been preplanned and set up rackets for Al Gore.
The Clintons since law school plans and pre-nup tit for tat on presidencies were of they needed to have a plan for every thing.
Little since 1993 could happen with of for Democrats without Bill Clinton godfathering a grandfathering of it to sync to machinations and rackets for him to keep his pre-nup to Mrs. Clinton of that she would get her own presidency after she helped him get one first.
Again, though, since 1988 I had thought to how one black could interrupt their succession rackets it is still relevant and to Clintons of white pride that they lost to Obamas much by that they never, it seems, entertained the chance that a black Democrat could come between them - their colluded to and strategized of to be in history as first husband and wife with own presidencies.
It is diabolical and seemingly evident of Al Gore global warming climate change coordination of that it was racist - racism even worse so if by that collateral damage to blacks employment and wealth happened as it was planned but that of that such plans didn’t even consider if to harm blacks.
What Attorney General William Barr now has to fathom and usher Justice against must consider Robert Mueller as was compromised special prosecutor as party to the cover ups for the Clintons of that “911 Report” some to much a sham.
The squad of near two dozen supposed to be respondents have their times calling them to also be of the needed work to clean up the Democrats party. Each should be able to compare and contrast the Clintons’ and the Obamas’ administrations and especially Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack H. Obama’s (erudite?) remarks as shade on 1993 to 2001 with near “dangers from inaction and avoidance” a tagging of Clintons.
Didn’t Robert Mueller as FBI Director help cover up for the Clintons of that their crusading and American Abandonment of inaction and avoidance did incite and precipitate attacks of Sept 11th?
(Personal note: In 1993 after Clinton defeat of Bush by Bill Clinton learned to sound like my writing - like me on the new world order needing an anchoring in an urban agenda as best politics forward while America learned to become the sole superpower - it is that I smarted from a Clinton administration move on policy divergent from what got him elected and to then I became haunted by thought < If he goes that way America will get attacked on its homeland! >. On September 10, 2001 my evening in DC renting on Capitol Hill near Eastern Market on 7th St SE since early 1998 thoughts were of haunted again and yet of my realizing if I didn’t consider myself was wrong it would likely soon bankrupt me from of spending personal time considering what ifs of if yet right.)
To the Clintons since early 1970s I was of knowing of their arrangement as a pre-nup of that to them I was that “charming young boy from the school yard” in New Haven they like remembered and went to as per planning to like poll me forward of if they were not “going too far” with latest considerations of planning. I know this “Clintons” by that they for decades shared such themselves & then shocked me going to plans after elected while better situations natural of their times made such unadvisable.
The Clintons’ 1993 to 2001 policies burned the economics candle from both ends at once. They knew they shouldn’t encourage hyper consumerism and risky loans while yet cutting $2 Trillion for surplus in lieu of caring.
By seeding a deep state and seems left a war of choice as a war on women a convenient crisis for President Gore they likely thought themselves inoculated from negatives even from how Bill Clinton asked banks to come up with derivatives schemes to answer his ask that they find a way to “gamble away” known risks of so burning the economics candle from both ends simultaneously.
Republicans of Congress should move selves to hearings on anti-discrimination grounds to probe and measure Clintons’ white pride and Al Gore global warming climate change agenda for intent to be racist and versus how accidentally racist of just didn’t consider how even blacks would have employment and wealth set asunder.
The $4 gas price was a since 1990s figured as necessary variable for any behavior change politics of by solutions tyranny of climate change dictates.
The $4 gas price cost Republicans the 2008 election while it wasn’t due “it is all about oil Republicans”. Republicans wanted lower gas prices then while green agenda needed like price fixing to have $4 gas price thought necessary for working change not by collaboration with the People citizens but by solutions tyranny authoritarianism.
Simply Sept 11th 2001 attacks were problem for Clintons’ machinations of seeded deep state rackets by that Al Gore didn’t become the next President - whom thought to be America’s next President by much of the world all the time attacker plotted and trained. Sept 11 attacks made President Bush’s plans to curb Saddam Hussein and bring him to Justice - of at least also under laws - more difficult - not easier.
That crooked together crooked Democrats fought with crooked Hillary to justify only a war of choice in Afghanistan is party to that was all they planned for while trying to make times fit their selfish ambitions. (?)
In recent testimony Robert Mueller looked like one resigned to accepting that the Clintons’ deep state seeded rackets could no longer protect him - and for cover ups for Clintons while FBI Director. (?)
The $4 gas price fixed somehow - to be determined - wasn’t only way 2008 election was stolen from Senator John McCain.
McCain/Palin loss was also from .edu seeming colluded to tank election day economics by shorting of endowment funds in public markets.
Too many voters voted ignorant in 2008 of that $4 gas was a climate change needed price fixing and that it wasn’t the Republicans fault the economics were down due $4 gas triggered the housing and banking collapses by Clintons’ rackets were not fit to their times but were worked selfishly to try to make the times fit their ambitions. Liberals much buried how universities shorts was of tanking election day economics as a last minute save yet to 2008 stolen from Republicans.
There is now so much so just wrong to look at of Bill Clinton, for starters, and beyond back just to 1993.
President Donald J. Trump, Sr. should see Justice guidance and Congress to also rectifying how it seems Clintons and Gore of white pride and coyly effected quite racism.
Democrats history phat now of essence fact that much of all what Clintons did to say help blacks was set up to fail - even especially as expected not until during that of days of the next administration.
The party vibe for squad of near two dozen is to be open respondents to if they too can now help clean up Democrats party.
2020 is much now necessarily, at least for of courts of public opinion, of if Trump can keep his law and order promise and of such is firstly a United States v. William J. Clinton calling.
To small “R” republicans black lives must still also matter! (?)
* * * AMERICANS CARE? * * *
This summer of 2018 of EAST meets WEST fanaticism is cored to Christian values faced off to YING and YANG.
As pacified the old “ON THE BEACH” alarmist literature reduces currently yet to islands postured “CHINESE.” Though war now is less likely and peace mashable warring may still be necessary navally.
Titular heads of states new parity abides Washington’s usage of “among the vicissitudes incident to life” concurrently. Though cored in primary “Order” our documented constituting freedoms as from our CREATOR beget comity with EAST as the balance of GOOD & EVIL isn’t always LIFE & DEATH for where there is RIGHT a balancing WRONG can be ten people J-walked and two others “Litter Bugs.”
Americans have polity with the pledged of allegiance to the flag as for the republic for equal justice of innocent until proven guilty.
What is of the soul of a NORTH meets SOUTH - an above the belt and an of below the belt diplomatically pares to universal of the pledged by ways to copacetic so illustratable by discourse to that SHARIAH - Sharia Law - must be unconstitutional in these united states of the Americas due the pledged allegiance is to due process and civil procedures anchored of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
Likewise the laws of originalism as compassionate originalism are by plain meaning particularly simply read to that founders’ work was NOT in blasphemy and so NONE is of a separation - a separation right from supposed to care for all of CREATOR’S creatures and created stuff.
Likewise the established compassion synchronizes to a healthcare as a right is settled by founding as ordained and ratified as done by consideration of healthcare seems an oldest of the establishments of religions.
Therefore likewise the Federal government is to make no laws respecting - to change from spectacle of faiths gestalt and Lord’s Laws as caring for souls and vicissitudes remains the purview of like that of what belongs to our Lord - of “in the eyes of our Lord” the jurisdiction proper.
An equitable resolved to parry the NORTH to the SOUTH of Seoul tables for diplomacy, however, around Washington’s inaugural wisdom of evoked hearts and minds with his opening of our nation as akin on the beach normity by commenced whence as with his “among the vicissitudes incident to life.”
A mashable “ONE KOREA” likewise is less complicated of LIGHT & DARK as again a balancing to JOY and HOPE can be pedestrian and global yet as of too many J-walked and littered.
Let us not over complicate world peace by devalue CHINA of claiming islands can be a real precursor to real war though may be more peaceable by facility to more CHINESE less homogeneous and on the beach COSMOPOLITAN.
President Donald Trump business experience as an operator of destinations suits him well of this “on the beach” and “world peace” analogous. Other operators too may fathom a reason chain of a new CHINA - too can be of awakening through at home diversification by creating and building out/up new safe spaces for metrosexual communities up from nothing to international - as to like it may be easier than like remaking historical CHINA through forced busing.
The scope and joy and potential for hope is universally better secured with originalism plain meaning kept to our separation of church and state I vertically moral and internationally acceptable by that the FIRST AMENDMENT reinforces the body of the peoples’ “Order” as a fixed done “more perfect Union” by that the federal government is set as also under universal morality - also under religiousness as firstly tools and disciplines of self-governance - also so therefore UNDER our Lord as subscribed and ratified.
The presumption of innocence works to this current on the beach to natural reflexology is fastest and truer by peoples firstly in self governance at least by international morals for vicissitudes - lows and peaked.
The break through for NORTH and SOUTH to “ONE KOREA” souls anew may be much due Trump as a president with experience in keeping a peace but too may be of in the breadth of broader scope too as of discovering originalism and tat by the pledge of allegiance Muslims render SHARIAH as inappropriate in these states of bounty by that sworn is to due process and civil procedures of government is established NOT to replace our LORD but to buffer communities for when Lord’s Laws some to much set asunder.
Likewise it is an important figure to mash and measurably fathom that compassion is in our founding by the healthcare as a right didn’t need recent winds and torrents of disruption for as an oldest of the establishments of religion it is fixed as set by real federalism to that healthcare as of religiousness is prudent of morals and laws for keeping a peace among souls is NOT a federal power but of the common sense for self-governance of as an oldest establishment of religions it is too also best primarily secured to left to good economics as by resolved set of principally about neighbors caring for neighbors in own ‘hood - neighborhoods.
However now politically postured for peace of on the beach with tides of JOY our work of HOPE our cores of areas remain as for inaugural of vicissitudes of preparedness for what is of (in PUBLIC & CYBER) of above the belt and below the belt.
Our nation was founded in prophylactic humor generally by retired General George Washington as “repaired from retired” to now a first President of the former colonies to yet a more stately concern over vicissitudes (UPS & DOWNS) and pertinent “impregnable fortitude” as like a Martha & His personal directive/joke for comity with comedic reference to real concerns of a budding nation to prescribed preset by orated “FIRST INAUGURAL” as coyly suggestive to prudence in ‘WASHING’ AND ‘REUSING’ skins/condoms of their times, - an also of the “repaired from retired” leadership of change in status to FIRST PRESIDENT from retired and to from His and Martha’s concern of begetting too many children in retirement.
Of what I spin with these lines a hook remains compassionate if stay within originalism of the constituted peoples’ “Order” that formed our confederate republic.
As a POET PUNDIT on the beach this summer of two thousand ten and Eight I will travel in time whence I fish and row about for decades ago I found the other side of Washington’s Potomac as a fisherman recreationally new to the capital city area as a new resident of Washington DC near Eastern Market at 133 7th Street SE & Independence Ave.
Though my father and son story is of my fishing from my grandfather’s passion I did overcome childish regret when family vacation introduced us to Mount Vernon.
Yes it is TRUMPISH of his business experiences as an operator of destinations yet historically my story overlays and even with of Washington metaphor in comedy carries of “Mount Vernon” equates of ”vicissitudes” to parry for comity from polity to parity of lightened from “mounting” of “green” souls vigilance.
R.I.P. Charles Krauthammer! Our orbits have shared space time relativity even of though as a child I couldn’t get family on vacation to “explore” across the Potomac River from FIRST PRESIDENT’S home. Yes decades ago now I did in my early 30s take up day trips from DC for catfishing in Maryland just there abouts specifically across from Mount Vernon in Virginia.
However you, my readers, to “I RAN” and “I ROCK” yourselves this summer, where ever, PLEASE do keep your pledge!
We have a prudence with Einstein too of relativity with E=MCsquared as Albert spirited a common sense too of vicissitudes incident as really as a fist may travel and impact is it the mass of the fist at constant of speeds or is it just the energy of the fist to be vigilant as regards? It is simply relative that a body of a fist at impact is of it equal whether it is the energy or the mass at speed.
* * * ALL SOULS SUMMER? * * *
Can it be as easy as to prescribe “just change the music!”?
Throughout our countdown to the judgement by the midterms our generational modern conflicts are sure to percolate, and spill over our attempts to comity. We will surely be introduced to a new polity of partisan politics sketched/drafted by like of zones of ignorance.
As we settle in and brace for the looming battles to a common truth it may be ignorance that falls before souls. Our partisan divides are to get resolved to repaired to bipartisanship with our work to find, from the partisan political lies, a workable communicable common truth.
Those faith leaders of these united states of the Americas are our go to shepherds drilled to stand up sanctuaries in “the truth shall set you free!”. It is our/their work we are liberated by - not liberated from - as where peoples stop doing the work of being a moral people no government is affordable. We have our constituted by our old Peoples’ “Order” in that freedom is a concept of religions of religiousness is firstly tools of self governance - self governing.
We must locate and identify those zones of ignorance and bring masses back to a general common truth so that our originalism of morals is still our primary and general preserved of self-governance.
The perversions, however selfish and firstly self-serving, of the Clintons now can hardly escape a judgement day as their old trump of postured lies of “post-Constitution” now must be of our next generation reared to the understanding of so much of all of such decades of stuff is categorically - to simple stupid - of tag just as “textbook treason.”
Capitalism has defeated the Socialism of Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s vast failures are of she repeated mistakes of Clintons’ of 1993 to 2001 and with Obama’s team only offered American perversions to Socialism while such methods were those of recent years un-American and globally those most rebelled against.
Our Constitution by the Peoples’ “Order” is perverted from a general “innocent until proven guilty. Our enduring constitution endears as counter to Powers to lawyers in love to laws perverted for graft and emoluments abuse racket schemes as to empower to intimidate with a “presumed guilty” their gestalt - their S.O.P..
The nails in the case to closure of Clintons’ perversions to such un-American self-serving political control are in the public consumption of Robert Galbraith as such of “Strike” is fiction on truths of a modern day Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” ‘on strike’ as worked, and as to in reality - of seekers for common truth - being a historical experience paradigm of such fact does best explain how “Hillary for President” went from thought too powerful and the “inevitable” to defeated twice - two times by the same strike against corruption.
Alexander Hamilton is still great - to best - go to former of agency to our Union as constituted of compassionate originalism of freedom as a concept of religion, and of none therefore can be free “from” religion - as religiousness is firstly self-governance and none is of a separation right from expected to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff. Hamilton as Publius to counter Governor Clinton’s imperial empire state postured did explain our Constitution in “The Federalist Papers” essay #1 of against ‘Socialism’ and to Federal entitlements to be unconstitutional by that morals are to be the kept voluntary work of free people as caveat “for inducements of philanthropy” with “preservation… of property” anchor the Federalists’ intellectual and genuine opposition to such Clinton - as was earlier the music/beat of revolutionary opposition to British General Clinton.
Alexander Hamilton must not be dismissed as steadfast and articulated against present day Clintons too. By how our Peoples’ “Order” constitutes our scope of the republic of these united states of the Americas the liberal Left’s ploys to pass small regulations to trump how originalism is compassionate must be recognized as laws not laws for do not trump the Constituted by ratified and/or amended. We have currently that we need to also articulate a particular likewise common opposition to old Clinton foes and recent perversions premeditated postures to set asunder the Constitution - the essential protections from tyranny, especially, of justice (innocence) as for sale by elite “lawyers”.
The comity of republic is secured by the polity of parity so that now our faith leaders are those expected to shoulder and carry forth the pressing need to find a common truth for bipartisanship restoration from the dissection of partisan lies to now our extant is more a house of cards of two ”histories” - rival historical tales - worked premeditatively to the Constitution some to much to set asunder by the Clintons’ machinations perversions, and too by the seeming naivete of President Barack Obama of seemingly proceeded for his “personality based Presidency” in his arrogance and mistaken postured of with his good looks and modern technology the past failures of Socialism (Communism?) could be transcended/overcome to yet now a victoriousness from his likeness.
Again we may need now just change the music back to such as sung and martialed against each adherence to how constituted actually.
We smith still “Adams” and “Eves” best with originalism of our first self-interests are in community in voluntary morals - of living the American Dream realism from natural law to of the wealth of nations is best from seeing and living first and second liberating self-interests are to choose safety in numbers, and then to be moral in network.
We, barely now, survived to endure as constituted for self governance of religiousness primarily is of for self governing in voluntary morality.
We must endear to endure of Peoples’ songs of innocence - innocent until proven guilty.
Though Alexander Hamilton Federalist essay #1 joined with the Emoluments Clause Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 does establish that entitlements cannot be nationally constituted by grammar and particular emphasis leave if none are to be ”titled” none then are to be entitled.
The music of originalism preserves to jams to as our best panacea. Now though we may have to en masse change our music from become popular to be presumed guilty!
Our work forward now should be of us liberated to repaired to the American Dream and cognizant that our founding fathers’ public oppositions to Clintons of their days are now sadly current and again necessarily of establishments ordained done in that Year of our Lord as our burdens present to again constitute our Union as not in blasphemy - nor an absence for forgiveness secured with “equal justice” for all of “innocent until proven guilty.”
By Hamilton erudite proffered, to mass appeal, we have that to be taxed for “Socialism” or redistribution is not the work of our Federal government by, again, none are to be entitled, and the Constitution is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property.”
Simply these Clintons and Barack Obama, however treasonous, are less showy as against originalism than now exposed as seeming ignorant of the actual plain meaning, - and consistent grammar imported.
To tax for redistribution then and now amounts to contrary - to it of us more of a “presumed guilty” upon haves.
A simple query of voluntary morality remains as if one has a short game - can go day or week not due public shaming.
Alexander Hamilton in our day deserves more credit than Democrats heralding yet amassed newly.
* * * RIGHT! MY STRIKE! * * *
Your summer starts with the most important midterms still ahead.
Will your education amass or amount to success to earned statuesque recognition? Perchance a park?
Is our way forward bound too fated by errant and wrongful of our leaders, present, and past?
Shall we just tag it all TREASON and be done with it?
For all the reading and recreation ahead for our summer hours such would be perilous and elementary - too simple - dangerously simple.
To excel forward perhaps these days of summer call us to comparative studies to be best formed and steeled to have our midterms attest of mettle tested?
Whom shall be toppled? And, whom newly deserves to be honored - memorialized?
We can hope that generations are now getting along these years after Green Agenda Green Minimalism of needed $4 gasoline pricing, and its political heavy handed, trapped/forced grandparents to move in with children, and their grandchildren to move back in with dad and mom.
Let us progress by making it teachable by making Connecticut an example to bar erection or topple that which has been set to memorialize Clintons or Obamas with bronze honors.
For now we can pass on beating a Bush as currently it is becoming far better known of how long attacked Bush name was of undue and for unearned beatings.
With very important midterms ahead let us Cliff Notes the core issues now as we progress an attempt to become responsibly informed to the GOOD vs. EVIL and the RIGHT vs LEFT towards whom deserves a bronze them.
It is of TREASON we must become quite learned of and as how trapping such crimes are set to be to many top Democrat operators for categorize as simply of textbook TREASON.
The old favoring of the LEFT wrongfulness cannot now be long still enduring as endearing slippeth more and more as greater amassed s the understanding that their “proffered” interpretation of the Constitution is established as blatantly erroneous and simply of clear misreading of the original and lawful plain meaning - intent of the Peoples’ “Order.”
Generations of moralists, while some liberated and repaired to the American Dream, will long work over how immoral it was how economies were set asunder for the Green Minimalism for the Green Agenda and how such leadership was illegal to treasonous. American generations are behooved to garner how wrong LEFTISTS (with Saul Alinski?) been in their premeditated collaborations to set asunder the Constitution of our republic in ways in excess to how they’ve been found to have failed to comprehend the ratified original plain language.
The LEFTISTS, however now set to honored by schools in their name or public bronzes, do now suffer a real jeopardy due ignorance of the Constitution plain meaning is not a defense to even their accidental but incidental treasonous colluded.
Cliff Notes simple:
In the prior year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven on that seventeenth of September they did subscribe as “done” the Peoples’ “Order” by signed as to did “ordain and establish” the Constitution as the Peoples’ “Order” (noun) that did form our “more perfect Union” to it therefore cannot rightly be claimed to be the LEFTISTS’ “living document” as just a yuge loophole for mob rule of anything goes if just do claim it and it “more perfect.”
The actual Constitution is still the Law of our lands and to that so much by LEFTISTS was at least accidental TREASON in ignorance - but yet of a contempt for originalism of yet a basis also in ignorance of beauty of originalism as compassionate originalism fixed by “more perfect Union” by set to government also under our Lord’s Laws and not above their peers - the citizens.
Connecticut, ironically, is “The Constitution State” while yet a state that most failed and suffered under Democratic rule of such likewise LEFTISTS.
Connecticut, economically, can be said to have met such an unnecessary tough phase by being colluding to cottoned to the treasonous of the Clintons while such of frauds of took credit to honors for so much they didn’t inspire or make.
Connecticut failures under recent Democratic Party adherence and partisan collusion happened with President Obama due he too didn’t/wouldn’t tackle the Clintons’ misrepresentations for undeserved honor to known for it of economic science dynamic that such doesn’t work the ways Clintons long postured of claimed as if so many successes were made by them.
Connecticut was stuck under President Obama due Governor Malloy (and Obama Jobs Czar Jeffrey Immelt of GE) couldn’t proceed honestly for had to continue the cover-ups for the Clintons to protect many in leadership from criminal exposure in admitting dishonorable divisive partisan chicanery and treachery if offered truth.
As midterms our mile marker to be for an accounting we should brace and inform ourselves with the lessons of Connecticut’s failures as poignant and fresh. There could be no music - singing together - these years - for unity to economic growth - due the legend and key for progress music actually had far from the true nature and smaller truths of the Clintons as its melodious harmonious; there could be little music with Governor Malloy due he went with discordance by lying with the Clintons, and, towards running betrayal of a Connecticut native whom Clintons an associated were long persisting in stealing from - in misappropriation of the core key vibe’s who of the essence of the how of how 90s economics arose as synthesized and choreographed.
Generations of moralists have, as our midterms loom, time enough to learn of and from the failures of Connecticut as a story of couldn’t due couldn’t do honestly - with honor?
Cliff Notes simple:
President Donald Trump may soon deserve to be memorialized and publicly honored in bronze statue(s) and for righting our songs from broached treasonous old coursing and yet firstly of tests of November are to be of post “post-Constitution” and post “I will not feel beholden to the oath I just swore” (paraphrased) eye openers and to votes that must be forward mature of accepting it is established and proven ordained that the LEFTISTS’ “interpretations” are not lawful but as per scripts of TREASON.
Generations are called upon while being still liberated and repaired to the American Dream to take all the time necessary to discuss and fully digest that any schools I their names or public bronzes in their likeness should be prohibited from our public spaces.
Remember Connecticut!
Remember though Hillary Clinton lost Governor Malloy was still stuck with President Obama of trying to sing lies of the Clintons!!!
Cliff Notes simple:
* Jeffrey Immelt was a Connecticut CEO while failed nation as a Jobs Czar! Go figure an air conditioner company head missed global warming supply and demand calling!
* I know of what I satire as long the Clintons got on by particularly stealing a lot from me, - only got by like in 90s when of slipping by becometh too their old selves and deployed coy ploy “we need to get back to the center!” as chicanery to needed to steal a solution and synthesized balance from me again.
* So: Also: Yet no bronzes for Democrats? - nor silver! - nor gold!
* * * * *
Hillary Clinton has done it - Hillary has so broken the Faberge egg there is now nothing beautiful left in Russian made?
As spring turns to summer in these associated united states of the Americas we may be passed the primacy of “women and children first.” The price of her lies is the unsettled - the set asunder.
Between God and HR there is a commutable factoid of she, Mrs. Clinton, insisted on a subordinate roll on President Clinton’s staff.
What now is not a consumable aspect of American history of a negative story is of HR a “star” a “leading lady” yet as the revealed core a responsible antagonist?
Fertile fields for republic lay to juxtapose the HR - Hillary Rodham - (accidental?) gross destructive - even as while subordinate staff to WJC she can be tag’d an intimate to primal to how much her man’s reign set asunder/ruined.
While “candidate Hillary” HR closeted her regular near uniform fashion that, quite to fashionistas, is appropriately label’d “Mao Chic” before “pants suit.”
What that HR set asunder is not now of short enough political half life to be restored/regrown from in relatively concurrent space-time?
We progress now of our fate is turned from coy ploy chicanery of Liberals synonymous to “textbook treason” and to now less under their perverted to for government of laws turned to government by men to of then “movement” passions of “Republican Movement.”
The Democrats too with HR’s constitutional perversions did bring these united states of the Americas nearest to the brink of nuclear war than Fidel Castro and John Kennedy managed.
May we now keep happy gardens - each to their desire and time - to reflect we survived a worst generation rabble rebels of 60’s & 70’s becometh the experienced/witnessed leaders - the destructive and core malcontents.
As Donald Trump, President, and Mike Pence, Vice President, further the massive undertaken to turn us back from such brink gardens and manicured golf courses can be appreciated hallmarks of republic’s constitutional values proofed of deep enough roots.
Yes! HR - “Hillary Rodham” prime - can be said to have been key and behind a great deal of the unsettled and set ruined, - and while as a woman coldly ambitious of enabled by offices.
Yes, HR’s personal old fashion was foretelling - but yet while “pants suits” was too overlooked as styled fashion firstly of Mao - “Mao Chic” postured.
As our republic recovers with Trump/Pence firstly movement figures leaders liberating citizens from over 25 years of coerced and manipulated to more existentially merely suppressed to just “subjects” we yet only recently walk a majority sufficiently enlightened cursorily to streaming threads real news of that HR - as declared “rival” - did much PUNK the first black President elected by republic.
If you are now in your rights a citizen and you know you are a citizen it becometh for Posterity that you join yourself to the from turned “subject” fully back to your home is your castle and our work is of reconstituting our gardens (as of #USC198 Emoluments Clause of “none shall be titled”).
As Thomas Jefferson opined - in continuity with his sworn upon the alter of our Lord his eternal hostility to all tyranny over the minds of men - we have HR and her associated partisan long of the intended perversions to our constituted Peoples’ “Order” to have that a “constitutional revolution” ”may be needed every 20 years” still of that - to founding - of that any those self serving too towards such behoove conscious any failure at such (anarchy?) is - to Jefferson too - still of textbook treason theoretically, and legally.
First Lady Barbara Bush has died - Mrs. Clinton is no Barbara Bush.
First Lady Barbara Bush has died - her #2 Jeb Bush took up the cause of defeating this HR - the Bushes might have rightly justly excommunicated this HR - rooted her outta from generosity betrayed long while as if “Hillary Rodham Clinton Bush” - a contrary yet as if family?
As Donald Trump traverses the weeds of if can be enduring and endearing despite historical status as seemingly a “reformed Clinton Democrat” his movement progress with “MAGA” greatest hurdle is tat of over coming the republic as perverted particularly especially during the reign of intimacy as “First Lady Hillary” and to with Trump/Pence of our original work again to be as keepers of gardeners of our lands to states as Edens?
As tag “LIAR” tossed at President Donald J. Trump, Sr. our republic stands forward to that 5th graders in a mere few years generally conscious to it elementary and self evident at least of that the Clintons did PUNK the first black President (with their white pride coy ploys), and that their contrary machinations against the Constitution stand exposed as perversions of “post-Constitution” posit to plainly simply “textbook treason” and as of premeditated in-American self-serving partisan political deeds done.
HR’s fields are mined fields and at this time it is yet unclear if President can traverse while former Clinton Democrat.
That we now seem secured from turned back to the brink of nuclear war it may be inadequate to our necessity to be a garden of states of Eden keyed to sustain facility for “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” it is imperative we don’t short/skip the work of turn over - even turning out” - the roots and stemmed of that - the that - the perversions for “post-Constitution.”
While born as seed of a salt & pepper - ivory & ebony - of Soviet Studies conjoined - a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD - Barack Obama, President, did do more to bring our 57 Edens more to Communism than any war yet - and, even Clintons did dream.
How Clintons monetized our foreign policies was unconstitutional and perversion of/to our laws!
At the good news - a JOY a NEW HOPE - of the French associated for broader celebrations of republics for freedoms President Trump is set upon to have to educate the masses beyond the confusable of President Obama’s raw true historicals and how they mash with psychopathy of that he was born an American bastard conceived as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD and yet second to primacy of that the Clintons RESET for wars and profiteered while punk’d BHO.
This is a nuclear to the Bush family fusion - core to new clear press’d the forward froward from this day’s PEACE must be a study of if JB - Right: #2 Jeb Bush - had been he whom marched of republic an essence corrective the new taken to vibe of WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE (THE CLINTONS) ARE WRONG!
The RESET and the PUNKED - as generally before - is of the Clintons together, and each in their own ways, did stand and posit against the FREEDOM AGENDA!
Historians must be quaking in their Birkenstocks this 18th of April.
As you settle in for your Republic joe coffee jolts an express o’ our times the “EXTRA-EXTRA” in banners streaming.
As we shall try to get to the metaphor of as if politics and life is but what one can divine from a bird feeder:
The concentration in the Democrats camps is confused! - each - to all - really confused!
Our Republic and eyes ’round the world have eyes on the scrambled pecking order of these huddled Democrats; the first order of Democrats is self-destructing.
We simultaneously bear witness to akin a circular grizzly pecking order bi-polar in pressed barbs liberating to a “President Mike Pence” is welcome to their prime resistance rose of the new GOP and it’s movement - The Republican Movement.”
It behoove partisans to consider if lot of Democrats so confused, and circular post first ordered past somehow sustained, are but accidentally incidentally feeding on their selves - own flock/rank.
A free for all feeder set doth not equate (particularly by Hamilton) to justified for conscious civil - civilized - as to their entitlements bantered.
Why are we of our Republic of these united states of the Americas now witness to the Democrats parried anti-Trump as primed to enable Republicans of originalism - compassionate originalism - to dream of seeing promoted “President Mike Pence” and as by attacking as if seemingly Donald J. Trump, Sr. beith not actually a “Reformed Clinton Democrat”?
The civilized reasoned strong of the new GOP Republican Movement are not disturbed in the prospects from Democrats unity of effort to promote a clean partisan true of originalism roots - it seems.
Tho diabolical to humanity as conscious and chosen to “civilized” the Democrats so dissolved to devolved to an order in a circular pecking order- near a feeding upon their own - it is considerable little hope is in their facility.
Historians shall eventually also learn to walk the talk of “GO AHEAD DEMS, MAKE MIKE PENCE PRESIDENT” apparently!
An EXPRESS to justify your attention to fair streaming:
The many benefits accruing to citizens, and associated of clean hands, with the “Liberation Economics” of worked through by the Trump administration are natural fruit pitched of the wave of unified counterpoints to the Socialism anti-constitutional by dictum of President Barack H. Obama.
The waves of from barren austere, so of forced by Obama administration, to harvest bounties as the current joy and future hope of forecasts - the green minimalism of green agenda - bear truths of Trump administration is surfing the inheritance his way but as the greatest truth is that such of his liberations is but naturally evolved and bearing fruit from the organized movement the Republicans’ restoration of originalism - compassionate originalism.
The deep bench of modern Republicans rightly welcomes the converted TRUMP as a most enthusiastic fountainhead of a general Party’s resistance facilitator/facilitated.
As Donald J. Trump, Sr. surfeth like a new Paul Revere the fruit of our plated was sown by ranks off for common sense Republicans and success at a restoration movement - to us together of a unity a new ROMANTIC ERA.
We are wise to revere such firstly as a conversion story!
What historians now cannot escape is the purity of such truth of our modern history (of Trump) is that a new GOP turned us from Federalism devolving to the grace of the founding fathers’ passion represented in their lasting work.
The sad state of our Democrats so of a first order a circular pecking order can be broken up to those too stuck blinded by their partisan spectacles; Democrats can choose to see the errors and errant in their’s ways (with a little help).
The “EXTRA-EXTRA” free for all is the stocked of our times.
How are Democrats now so politically grizzly as not reverent of the revenant plain language, and amassed success and growing bounteous from the Republic resolved back to compassionate originalism?
By that the founding fathers work was not to us as prescribed in blasphemy the light is about to also be seen by Democrats and of separation is vertical of that none is of a separation right from under our Lord Creator and supposed to be of a re: legion (of neighbors) set of to care for all of Creator’s created creatures, and stuff.
Somehow it is a real truth that Barack H. Obama and many associated partisans ended his primacy still while misreading the Peoples’ “Order” our constituted “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord.”
Historians must now try to reason through and commit to a retelling of the history of the austerity as also of opposition and intentional efforts to set asunder the constituted but as an ignorant opposition to what they and their lot thought it ascribed.
Forward students will get the chance to discuss and understand, at least of President Obama’s failures, that such executive was of his first order as amassed in at least a seeming ignorance of originalism - our letter of the Law actual plain meaning.
While many justified to be reverent otherwise of President Trump historians must evolve from shock troops partisans towards evolving too.
President Trump inherited most of the facility in these new Republican economic and political successes?
The revenant missed that is in the Democrats circular grizzly partisan is of the Revere ware of the Republic baked success with the reasoned and organized of the Republican Movement.
The conversion story of Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, helps sell his inheritance as from GOP reset!
The old swaddled togas of the Greek sandaled - near Hellenists - Democrats are rivals to the endearing and enduring truth of Trump is barely rebranding the Tea Party restoration of our Uniting - the restoration of our Uniting principles common sense prescribed intolerance to all tyranny “over the minds of men” constituted in the vertical separation of religions are firstly tools for self-governance and to that of Federalism is secured to that a national governance is also equally under our Lord Creator - Lord’s Laws.
Our banners thread true where explain our history as growing hope as that now both evolutions from past on Syria and North Korea reign of Trump - Donald J. Trump, Sr., President - the fountainhead firstly by inherited Republicans’ success with true Republic core Liberty values.
Whether by Democrats self-destructive facilitation if to yet to an acceptance expressed by scandals expedited of the Trump conversion story of rose as seemingly a reformed Clinton Democrat, or, if in regular order of discovery we broach “PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE” as our “EXTRA-EXTRA” bannered it for Posterity resolves that the core of Republican Movement is of making the peace and hope, more so than the ready helmsmanship of convert President Trump.
We perhaps need wait upon the historians to a consummate history; Where our TRUMP is shining has counterpoints of Democrats’ failures can be wrapped/summed up and disseminated of from betrayed the actual plain meaning of our Peoples’ “Order” and not justly by ignorant and wrong readings.
I expressly can posit and attest we need to be resolved from prematurely reverent of a TRUMP EXPRESS due the wave trumps a railroading as one garners George W. Bush Iraq War and Freedom Agenda was more constitutional than Clintons’ inaction and Obamas’ wars of choice.
And, Constitutionally true to Liberty, as too healthcare, such are literally oldest establishments, and core purposed, of religions!
An “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” explains it! - Reveres it!
And, Constitutionally true to the pathology of Freedom before any “under Government” each still reset & restored to originalism - compassionate originalism - firstly as of under our Lord as of rights not from Government of men - as still now due restored to of government of Laws - of Freedom & Liberty as established as actually original concepts of religions.
Again: This new “A NEW ROMANTIC ERA” is enduring as endearing that religions of separation of Church and state of religions trump by that firstly religiosity is disciplined adherence of for and for of self-governance.
* * * REVENANT TOO? * * *
By this point Donald J. Trump, President, should be raising hell with the American religious leaders he liberated by how turned back the oppression & suppression by Government by the Johnson Amendment. President Trump must tread upon those who at least affix a responsibility upon themselves by as “interfaith leaders” with moral outrage appropriately separated from the politics of the issues the realm of faith has as regards Russia & Syria.
By this point those of these united states of the Americas who hold selves up as moral &/or moral leaders should be leading to that President Trump can follow from behind representative of the moral outrage in interfaith tongued.
The Trumpian economic principles matching originalism are of the compassionate of founding constituted economics prudence of Adam Smith and “self-interest” manifest of scriptural old guidance at, to paraphrase, to have a growth economics people must be able sing together. Trumpian it is now also as of compassionate originalism of the structural objectivism of “self-interest” as each is expected to be of a common sense to that each dawn a responsibility presses to ask if there is a suffice to ”safety in numbers” and adherence of “moral in network” as to be precedent to “self-interest” passed corner stones - as to be prudent to ask first each dawn if safe to proceed to individual interests before assuaging a responsibility for community’s fabric of society.
At this crossroads still now of if President Trump should be able to lead from behind as versus that questionable of leading of Bashar al-Assad & leading of Vladimir Putin we have proprietary duty as citizens of these united states of the Americas for a representative common core to be respectful to that our separation of faiths & state is vertical to that our President and Federal Government are set as equally under our Lord. President Trump should be raising hell with the American religious leaders - at least of responsibility as “interfaith leaders” for it seems well apparent that the amorality of apostates isn’t yet the fodder for the news stories on Syria, at least.
President Trump personal history on Middle East may be disabling to best judgement on Syria - Russia Putin & Syria Assad - by that his long postured opinions on Iraq War & the removal of Saddam Hussein seem flawed per the “internet of things” space-time coincident of the Arab Spring inevitability. It may be prudent to test on if President Trump is actually wrong for national security in his opinions of the Iraq War as if just a “war of choice” that could have and should have not been taken on.
Barack H. Obama, President, flaws were far more structural and impotent due naiveté and personal commitment to a secular Socialism dogmatic contrary to originalism - actually unconstitutional by plain meaning interpretations. President Obama had no solution to Syria & Assad as possible for such was basically a situation of one more failed Socialist state & he was only offering Socialism machinations ideologically & politically.
For the purposes of this essay we are to discuss that President Trump, however wrong, is not impotent as President Obama was by how wrong he was and inadequate to the cause by that he postured as a poser only of Socialism & secular as his resolved to that then for all of a limited and insufficient objectivism to only able to offer subjective mandates to akin to the problematic in the failing of one more Socialist state.
Americans by how set of religious liberty by how constituted by Peoples’ “Order” as of rights from our Lord Creator do have a responsibility upon at least those self ascribed to as “interfaith leaders” to be leading morally in the collective inescapable bodies electric universal & global connectivity to be posturing to perhaps of guidance on Russian Putin & Syrian Assad as posers apostates too also mendacious in leadership.
It may be smarter than President Trump’s long postured view on Iraq & Saddam Hussein to reason and codify a believing in that of the inevitable of the Arab Spring as due the amounting progress of the “internet of things”!
Essentially it may be prudent to accept and not bother the time to attempt to reason to a “logic” that President Obama & especially Secretary R. Clinton were never for a single day right and proper as per at least Syria & Ukraine.
Of these I persist to articulate upon doth now pertain historically to date John R. Bolton views to the dynamic of the Bush years & my earlier opined and reasoned (as against this I press as Trump’s errant) of that without the Iraq War, however a “war of choice” - we of these united states of the Americas would have been trapped on the wrong side of the progressing of the “the internet of things” and to trapped as a common enemy otherwise by inaction - avoidance of assistance to sharing in the new connectivity globally spreading.
Donald J. Trump as a businessman was of the business acumen and attitude to success as a provider of destinations. President Donald J. Trump likewise is well suited, when shakes off errant, to be a peace time administrator.
Our religious leaders have the responsibility of all Americans of constituted “Order” to religious liberty secured basics of that we the People are supposed to wake each dawn to first consider the general morality of coexistence to if of the suffice in cooperative socialisms to maintain the safety in numbers & in network morality that must be of a daily extant for there to be selfish pursuits not self defeating.
As a provider and marketer of destinations his mettle has been proofed. President Donald J. Trump natural management style as apropos even Syria now is of respecting the individuals’ liberty and with expectations that moral leadership should be from the people in their participatory work of maintaining a morality with particular expression by leaders on the prudence (divined) of the practicing engaged specifically also to how Christian is the work of Vladimir Putin and as well how adherent to Islam for Muslims of Muslim Bashar al-Assad.
President Trump should but be needing echoing the maintenance of values of the People as to if tag’d for the global universal connective fabric of society an if and how if two leaders are but so secular and cold calculators their rap is as mendacious apostates firstly.
If the leader of Russia and the leader of Syria are not behaving in governance morally by their own claimed faith we as Americans would be of un-American practices if our religious leaders of our re: legion as citizens of religious liberty are silent on their re: legions as if not moral by self-identified morality as per how they doth manage their legions of followers/adherents to secular amoral effected.
We the People have a duty to maintain the morality - to consider each morning before more selfish interests the first self interests of attending to if and how if their is still a suffice for safety in numbers and of the foundational basic of called to be moral in network.
President Trump should not also hobble us by only offering more of the failing them of secular Socialism?
* * * HAVE FAITH? * * *
To get what they want they are willing to give up what? Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!
Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.
The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.
It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.
Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.
It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)
This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.
To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.
This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.
This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!
NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign. Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.
Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control
Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.
Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!
Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.
Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?
Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?
To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!
Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?
The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun! Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?
In a space-time not suffered as if in a Hawking black hole students marching must be prudent & of resolve.
As the hyper-networked of our universe & beyond is wired to its originalism as connected as synaptical of the brains of our Creator’s crediting the future of our work must consider manners and personal hygiene; as it is as it has always been to created humans:
What the world needs now is TRUMP SOAP - TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE?
Our American stateliness endures by blood, sweat, tears, consummated irregularly.
Our American leading must be of ORIGINALISM reset due jeopardy of #FOB52 reigning of DEMOCRATS have done it to themselves to NO WAY OUT left as IGNORANCE of the LAW - our CONSTITUTION - is NOT a defense.
You can THINK and presume to be but will you have been duly considerate & to actually reasoned beyond doubt to a solid believing to how chartable the scandals are even in a numerology of a Cartesian coordinated graphically amassed?
As the hope of our shared future amass to sweat gun control and their rights as if still individual rights indivisible, as like of 14th Amendment such is of our separation as vertical and our Federal governance, as equally set “under” “our Lord”, it is forward essential of structural objectivism ensconced in our regularity by due process of civil procedures that each is resolved as constituted to that we of the Washington Capitol Hill creatures are of meaning from government of laws.
Vice President Joseph Biden enticing President Donald Trump to social media TWITTER engagement is now as per SOAP as if clumsy & incarcerated of having DROPPED THE SOAP while a larger of #LawAndOrder standing up to railroad - drill - newly even President Barack Obama administration problematic back from government of man/whimsy/executive decrees.
I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for anything goes as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.
For the purposes of TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE metaphorical let us forward not assuage “ECUMENICAL” as a term uniquely CHRISTIAN or own by and CHRISTIANS - crusading Catholics nor Evangelicals - and let it assert a spirit of togetherness by #MoralsTrumpHate of being akin to that prayer beads can connect as well as FACEBOOK.
I have postured that President Trump first year big question of IF HE DESERVED TO CARRY ON ON THE SUCCESS OF REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT OF TEA PARTY & A NEW GOP and to that this year as a second year should amount in our journal of IF HIS MOTHER RAISED HIM RIGHT - IF HE WAS/IS RAISED TO BE A GENTLE GIANT.
Again: Vice President Biden is quite self-exposed as regular order by Peoples’ Order our how constituted a Union is of jeopardy for any poser of as if IGNORANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION could yet be a DEFENSE to TREASON - even GROSS NEGLIGENCE by an administration in duty to LAW AND ORDER.
Favoring #NewGOP #TeaParty risen #TRUMP is the science of grammar & literateness as our Peoples’ “Order” is far less the living document of the work of the Founding Fathers is/was not #BLASPHEME as the founding consent was of “Order” in preamble to the constituting ordained & established body as usage as a #YUGE NOUN:
Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you should be guided and have been so far reared institutionally actually from the wrongful “interpretation” of the CONSTITUTION as common across the Democratic Party entrenched Capitol Hill (Jenkin’s Hill per history) and of purity of originalism of respecting the spectacles of faith and to our Federal Government no less “under God” than yourself.
I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for ANYTHING GOES - ANYTHING WE CLAIM “MORE PERFECT” GOES - as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.
Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you must arrive & march clearer of mind and body than how Vice President Biden must clean up his “mis-interpretation” akin that President Obama actually oddly left the White House - even as a first former #ConLawProf - of still mis-reads CONSTITUTION.
Students it is that there is real JEOPARDY surrounding even especially Vice President Biden due specifically it its most errant and wrongful per science of grammar and literateness to ever, like he/his, proposed the work of the Founding Fathers can be of them of work at BLASPHEMY./
Students to be regular of these united states of the Americas one must read - read “Order” of preamble particularly - of constituting document less a living document than scriptures - of then still new was King James Bible “new edition” - and to that the science of the preamble as legend and key to the proper reading of the body is of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/… do ordain/&/establish/… done/… subscribed/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!
Again: Back to basics: As simple to be as TRUMP SOAP:
Of the BIBLE: Can/do you fathom “the meek shall inherit” of meek can be too “GENTLE GIANTS” as it imports to believers for believer that GRACE - of GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY at least for - subscribed as ordained and established done with separation vertical of government also equally under Lord’s Laws is to be regular as postured for civility of JOY, HOPE, GOOD NEWS, becometh from being of humility and humble (meek) before the Lord - of vulnerable (meek) by being resolved to wait upon the Lord - to wait for the sense of RIGHT - as to be steeled from WRONG/EVIL?
NOTE: #SPORTSMANSHIP > > Catholic former Vice President Joseph Biden does have of his BIBLICAL feminism guidance of BIBLE at UNMARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THE LORD, &, MARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THEIR WIVES of his better HALF doth have a degree from VILLANOVA.
NOTE: #SPORT > > It can be a still to be developed and understood BIDENISM of how ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is generic yet of Founding Fathers FEMINISTS OF THE FIRST ORDER of thinking & practicing of women are morally superior TO it may figure that MEN as ROMANTICS religious are supposed yet to believe their WIVES are born superior to other WOMEN.
NOTE: #PHILOSOPHY > > I can posture one good thought for on Rene Descartes - “I THINK THEREFORE I AM” philosopher - Catholic Philosopher who wrote from where our Pilgrims departed as also of the times near upon that the governance deeds of Oliver Cromwell - by I am willing to respect CARTESIAN COORDINATES - CARTESIAN gestalt - due graphically it amassed in his mind then of a space-time relativity of that a four posted bed embodies the cubical of the universalism of that there can be discussed a civility in the X,Y,Z, each represented logically even of the existential & metaphysical meted through by the late Stephen Hawking.
* * * #ORIGINALISM * * *
President Donald J. Trump, Sr., at least due THE APPRENTICE idea from me is likewise complicated of to protect a next gen from political crimes in couple of conducts unbecoming a former first couple, please dedicate yourself and Justice towards that I can be freed from phase of living dedicated as philosopher as of living for our Lord, and so that I can complete shift to next phase of reparations in spirit, at least, to that I can be understood to living for “wife” phase as allowed to be the media mogul my own efforts built capacity and global enduring quite broadly.
Yes, you all, you can each help me transition in my religious liberty to from forced by Clintons crimes and gold digger Democrats way to living for the Lord against my rights and will.
Right? You comprehend the prudence?
I.E.: & E.G.: >> I should be free now to profits by populating say my own state of Connecticut media with ranking for at least social media new media and to volunteering a WORST rank for my own state as worst of “GOLD DIGGER DEMOCRATS” for though I can’t prove Connecticut is the worst state as of worst “gold diggers” I also for journalism cannot prove yet that my own state - hence my self-deprecating - isn’t the WORST state - 50th of 50!!!
Right? You comprehend the prudence?
You know things must be bad for Democrats when…
Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:
We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.
With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.
Our “Joe” has two problems: Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.
Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks; Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”! These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”. These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue. Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”
The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.
Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.
That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.
As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.
You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.
I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.
You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too? To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.
As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people.
Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.
Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?
“Joe”? Vice President Joseph Biden? Really?
What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?
* * * WHO YA GONNA CALL? * * *
We cannot long still deny Hillary Clinton is in a pickle - Bill & Hillary may be stuck akin in the same pickle barrel.
These times oddly of James Comey not of trying souls when reasonable souls saw due course affirm a failed copacetic had become, among Democrats, a new normal more convenient.
Aren’t we, mustn’t we, consider how such times may have been apparent to foreign leaders too much in the know as Vladimir Putin, for example, may have felt pinched and of no legal recourse against the Democratic Party corruption short otherwise of asking the International Criminal Court to open charges against ranks of American leadership, Democratic, as too corrupt Socialist.
We are not faced with Mitt Romney, as President, a one victim of the Peter Principle limitations for as to if a Utah Senator their is ample evidence to offer hope that he too yet can serve as a good Mormon.
We have particularly concerning the old Director Comey ad lib’d to evidence is of a Russians’ leader’s dilemma - as specifically parsing parameters for Justice - that James Comey FBI that couldn’t find “intent” of ”Crooked Hillary” amounts considerably as to have been in over their heads to find Vladimir Putin, if of improper collusion, of criminal or crooked intent.
What recourse for justice was then available to any foreign agent of foreign moral agency where a justice department of these united states of the Americas was so “Godfathered” to ascendency overwatch by Bill Clinton keeping offices as the unelected President of the World with strings attached to so so many he and Hillary doth did so appoint?
The “Putin Dilemma” is illustratable of a Harvard complictry of the “intent” sans rising to Director & Justice assuaged.
The “Putin Dilemma” is like of Russell Crowe and a trunk full of millions in cash, per Hollywood metaphors.
The “Putin Dilemma” is also a sad feminism Harvard future case study as “intent” arises to Elizabeth Warren’s old Ivy League area of expertise to of she though much muted to silent when of the peoples’ business she yet remained an expert of that the housing collapse & banking problems were actually much caused by Clintons, and, as historically significant for future scholars to easily now better than Senator Warren of also relevant to that it can be studied of yet bad times of ”TRUMP” business days at least coincide with months and years Democrats economics did actually undermine predictable and fair economics by government meddling imprudent for democratic economics of times.
It is, it truly is, as if now we are yet of a flood of Bidenisms and yet oddly none just from ”Joe” Biden.
To be just on Justice compromised and of by Clintons’ ‘Justice’ a charlatan there is the Biden miss?
Joe Biden coulda have been President by if stood up for Originalism & Constitutional Governance he could have called his Congress pals to impeach the first black President for in-American intent. Oy?
“Leave it to Joe!” was a big fail for beyond “inside the beltway” wasn’t it established of Bill & Hillary personal intent that their own union was conceived & consummated on the ambition for Power to be “the most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School” and to be likewise bent for Power as the first husband & wife to each have a named own Presidency?
Consider poor Vladimir Putin of “Joe” Biden & Director Comey somehow missing the gross corruption or organized contrary politics of the Bill & Hillary “intent” as enough near “ABSOLUTE POWER” to have the intent condemn a mass for crimes different from those Vice President could have risen to President by prosecuting against Barack H. Obama.”
Our “Joe” Biden coulda been a hero - he coulda contended for Justice against the said “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery of the said “first black President” as “Bill Clinton” (oddly if you look objectively at Southern white male core) and the blatant disregard for the Constitutional oath of office of the first half black President one yet more a first black President than William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.
Where oh where was, and is, our “Joe” Biden on the oh so so contrary of Senator Elizabeth Warren as one while so supposed to be of the peoples’ of Massachusetts work while yet the expert too silent as the (former) Harvard expert on how the Clintons’ selfish politics (for near “ABSOLUTE POWER”) does better explain why & how economies failed and Donald J. Trump was able to rise as a reformed Clinton Democrat?
How was our dear “Joe” not enough a ‘go to’ for Vladimir Putin to find justice for at least Russians against the Clintons machinations of intent for global supremacy as part and parcel to their “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery and quite of long of confessed criminal intent - as our “Joe” could Bidenize a Bidenism - due essentially Justice perseveres an enemy of the Clintons and not their charlatan made as simply, but for entrenched (& “deep state”) corruption of complitry all Vice President Joseph Biden needed do to defeat the Clintons and restore Justice was,however inconvenient to President Barack Obama, to assert officially that it is clear that with the “intent” of the Clintons long known as akin wants after “ABSOLUTE POWER” we have simply - so simply to not be lost in translation to Russians or Greek - that the Clintons’ have long confessed to TREASON with ever uttered “Post-Constitution” - utterances for justifications for extra-Constitutional Power by posturing as if the CONSTITUTION was dead.
Our “Joe” knows - our “Joe” Biden knows our CONSTITUTION isn’t dead? Right?
The Tea Party to Republican Movement successes evident in the seating of a for “Law and Order” new President does offer at least Russians & Greeks Justice and a trump to old coy ploy chicanery a Bidenism not Bidenized.
A Bidenism we can concur: For simply the “intent” is diabolical and there have been confessions that are established simply by asserting that the CONSTITUTION is still the law of the land - that our old Peoples’ “Order” did form our Union is our CONSTITUTION still and is NOT dead.
Was the ICC a better avenue - even an open avenue - for say just President Putin to effect corrective Law upon Clintons as too “dons”?
As Clintons “intent” was long uttered to confessed President Obama’s Justice needed just assert the CONSTITUTION was still the law of the land to move to sentencing of too two “dons”?
Forward Donald J. Trump, President, of Attorney General Jeff Sessions is secured as seated by what said “collusion” if ever rose to as accused is yet of a plain language & Bidenism to suffice a defense even while conundrum remains of if FBI couldn’t find “intent” per “Crooked Hillary” they then must be over their heads to establish any honest “intent” per accused of Russians?
A Bidenism also not Bidenized is Hollywood metaphorically of Elizabeth Warren no Russell Crowe for she hath by silence dominant while of Harvard expertise on the Clintons economic crashes complicitry has been more like a bad cop on the take and one who didn’t turn in evidence of Clinton Cash in Democrats’ trunk?
* * * #LockEmUp? * * *
It is empirical to our concurrent space-time that matter may weigh heavier on our existential.
The arc of humanity isn’t tangential to the pull of a planetary situational gravity.
Before any attempt to tag ‘imperial’ upon any of these united states of the Americas we have our republican standard re-established about the North Pole connective meta.
The republican of our national orbit fits within the Moscow of Russian Saint Basil spiritual communal and as a good counter to President Putin (a not inevitable next elected President of Russia)?
Aren’t we with President Trump and his effecting stand a posture against a new fascism and for a needed reset for spreading the copacetic of the holidays by refreshing a politics for the pathology of freedom?
A dictionary, any dictionary, can now confuse our celebrations & reaching for better understandings; with only a dictionary, even many an encyclopedia, masses can be wrought ignorant and misguided and unprepared to take on and take down the new fascism long now arising contrary to how long defined since the perversion of the old fascism the Hitler Nazism rode rising in concert whence.
Our discussions can now not suffice if sans a broaching of “imperial” vs “new nationalism”!
Our holidays guidance can be of a united front for Donald J. Trump inherited the march of the Republican Movement to restore “compassionate originalism” and to effectively anew draw the line in the sand as for republican, less of empire, due mass of intellectualism surrounding such is as to renaissance for the pathology of freedom.
I do not know which dictionary President Vladimir Putin uses and if now fitting a New American lexiconography to redefine FASCISM from old as “a movement of the Right” to so now apropos as yet clearly the threat - especially domestic threat - as the too long advanced ‘movement of the Left’ to effect to subordination of subjects to see world like the faces of the Authoritarians of a tyranny tyrannical of whom can be present authorities on political issues.
The republican of the Republicans is a celebration at least of the Christian conceptual to that the poor can become rich and the wealthy can become enslaved - slaves - due incarceration/enslavement.
Again: Of “SOFT POWER - SOFT SELL” espoused priorly there is the conundrum in that to fathom President Trump we must consider what President Putin has done or afforded allowance of to the churches of Moscow as since the 1990s; We are of the complication of faith in matters of fears of old Soviet methodologies as what was torn down to make way for a shrine to Joseph Stalin is now again a great Cathedral in Christianity in Moscow (- thanks to President Vladimir Putin?).
The real Santa Claus is the Kris Kringle of Russians if not of a lost in translation from apropos - appropriately named a one the accountant of the naughty list whose accounting can spirit forgiveness anywhere as we together of matter of weighing our orbits consequence around the winter equinox and holding to the pulled towards another tracking universal bound as gravity secures us again as subjects of our sun.
We republican of our holidays responsible celebratory must adhere to that fascists can be enslaved - even as by example leaders of Democrat Party past and present can be judged deficient and rightfully too of effected machinations akin empire by Authoritarian tyranny quite by definition as FASCISM - but of the new FASCISTS of the Left, not on right.
Our Republicans are in the right of our republican if now to posture, at least Christian of Christmas time, to that political leaders of the left are now of the “rich” of Christ who can become the “poor” and those of Moses who can by violate of the commandments towards being above slavable -slaves - be now secured to incarcerated as enslavable due violate of the pathology of freedom and quite by definition new FASCISTS of a new FASCISM evidenced.
How just Al Gore machinated for “GLOBAL WARMING” was ALARMISM and towards a base fascism by rendering citizens more just subjects expected to be assimilated to be of seeing the world as in his face - as his spected - a spectacle set by Gore-isms. There is/was no apostolic spectacle in the fascism of the fascist methodology for “CLIMATE CHANGE” while there was a worked suppression and oppression to move people from their faith.
This far exceeds the evidence of Hillary R. Clinton as seemingly held to long supposed of “HILLARY DID AS HER GOOD BOOK SAYS (ALINSKI’S) - THEY GOT CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE, AND KILLED OFF THE MORAL PEOPLES’ GOD!”
We can be empirical on their NEW NATIONALISM as versus a defense of TRUMP against PUTIN “imperial”?
Our republican basis can continue to be reborn of the new Tea Party & otherwise long successful popular movement of the “Republican Movement” enduring and endearing.
Al Gore wasn’t alone since leaving Clinton White House & Clinton Administration of being a former of such then forward of froward misbehavior in-American as of to in-democratic conduct unbecoming a unseated former executive of the People’d; To understand concurrent fascism parties we must look honestly at the dishonesty of President Clinton and Vice President Gore backwards and forward as white men of the South who had means, motives, and opportunities of ulterior motives.
Our proper Christmas spirit for how the spirit an enunciation and articulation, even exclamatory, with “Merry Christmas” is that thanks to Moses, Crist, our republic’s founding fathers and the Peoples’ “Order” the constituted constitution ratified by the peoples we have that it is Christian that slavery is allowed in the Bible and our republican secured “Order” the peoples constitution.
However you consider breaking bread “with” Donald J. Trump, President, we yet have evidenced our concurrent political set of Republicans are republicans post Democrat Party “New Nationalism” advanced.
However you party these holidays it is still especially Christian that we accept and celebrate that those our “leaders” can become enslaved - incarcerated - slaved, and, in 2017 we have the situational paradigm of that we have that (former) leaders are evidenced to be now, particularly President Clinton, Vice President Gore (and first black President, Barack H. Obama) are with “Crooked Hillary” as a set - a variety of partisans - whom now should be considered as due exercised democracy sans prejudgement within the scripture & constituted due process towards due to become slavish due in-American Authoritarian tyrannical methodology akin the new best definition of FASCISM.
We should be vigilant and consider of the Christian (sympathizer) Russian President Vladimir Putin “imperial” if it is proper & safe to tag American President Donald Trump as not ‘for empire’ but as one a new Republican firstly consequentially as a “republican”!
As we share our humanity connective & communal of the holidays of our existential & metaphysical as bodies electric we have that matter reasons to weigh heavier as gravity of the equinox pre-supposes since not tangential we yet are all pulled back to our core generally equally maybe with greater force as earth holds to a universal sun orbit.
As we weigh our politics we may find relief in the holidays of our weight may increase not due to family, community, political stress but due our terra firma of our celestial specific planetary is of we are more pulled together as we are sans tangential and our orbit gravitationally normal for a passing thru the nadir and towards recycling to the apex.
Our smallness is of our greatness as we celebrate the particulars of our universal and considerate of the march restorative for the Peoples’ “Order” did “form” our “Union” and while we face (honestly devoid assimilated to a Left “fascism”) that our progress is joined by MAGA amassed united forces of humanity in furtherance of the “Republican Movement” of which President Donald J. Trump is a more “republican” of than an “imperial”?
Let me be clear: By the way: Are we all heavier at the holidays tangential to our consumption for due the gravity of the holidays if significant to that we are regular in our cyclical at the nadir equinox of the matter heavier consequentially of we to not be tangential bodies are yet bodies pulled closer harder to our common core - our local “home” planetary?
Let me be clear: Yes, by the way, again: It is Christian & Constitutional that President Clinton, Vice President Gore, & President Obama have evidenced variant methodologies so contrary to our constituted protective prudence that they have been violate of the commanded through Moses and now considerably upturned & legally allowed to become slaved/slaves/enslaved and so the “poor” can be rich again to a restoration renaissance for the pathology of freedom!
Let me be clear: As Donald J. Trump, President, brings back “Merry Christmas” for Mormons we have the paradigm of our time’s politics of Hillary Clinton as “Butch” and Barack Obama as “Cassidy” a metaphor.
We have alarms to raise against careers of evil of complicitry to set asunder the pathology of freedom enshrined also of Apostle Paul successes at furthering the work of our Lord. We must raise enough alarm to ensure their crimes against humanity have a suffice of respondents to encircle and attest with testimonies of motivation of appeared to ensnare and arrest.
Some baby steps around the elementary of the birth of Christ is to sock it to “BUTCH” & “CASSIDY” for wrongful ways to just ways for a short term sun dancing devoid of morals and a core value.
Catholics must be alarmed of New York Presbyterian likewise emboldening of Book of Mormons for reasoning through how worthy a Queens’ Protestant amounts before Truth is the work of everyday - the work of humanity - the work of living moral - the short game of if any can make it a week sans due public shaming in a weekly service accountancy.
“Butch” & “Cassidy” have had careers of evil by being of and for being oh so contrary to the prudence & philosophically reasoned of at least John Jay & Alexander Hamilton; “Hillary” & “Barack” are two individual souls likewise violate of the humanity of faith by long dedicated to set asunder the pathology of freedom as said of Apostle Paul in furtherance of the education in the way & laws of our Lord.
As a metaphor of ensnared but for the comity of polity for parity we have their too just sun dancing now as crimes against our constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” our Constitution to account them assuaged of careers in evil effectively.
It behoove us, however catholic (worldly), to consider if a New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant a President of these united states of the Americas is yet a topper to Catholics - to even American Catholics - to especially Kennedy Catholics.
I’ve nothing against Donald J. Trump martialing a “Merry Christmas” reset for Mormons.
Forward we must stir our alarms of our consciences & connective metaphysical of that the American founding fathers were not as seems presumed by Democrats of stray from apostolic spectacle and to basely earlier of a blasphemy of being generic of a sun dance primal regression politics.
The metaphor fitting “careers of evil” tag is of “Hillary” as “Butch” & “Barack” as “Cassidy”!
For polity and comity we can affix a parity though seasonal polite now as if we are yet see them as surrounded by peaceful protestors now muscling in on against how they have long wrongly worked to set asunder the mystery of faiths of the pathology of freedom of at least the basics of Apostle Paul furtherance in educating on the ways universal of caring of our Lord.
In tatters is the Law the Justice of Obama’s reign as related to the endemic of the duration of James Comey for to respect the rule of law each must cotton to the American prudence of innocence held high of protections in the presumption of innocence and at least how so long contrary and evil it has been by careers of leaders of Democrat Party of missing the prejudice & discrimination in their own common core.
In tatters is the politics of ”tax the rich” Liberalism for the Left elite ruling class is now encircled and to be clowned over until alarms can be quieted by a suffice of worldly arisen to knowledge in their wrongful setting asunder of the essential metaphysics of the pathology of freedom as tied to truth and honesty.
We must leave Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant, to explain himself on “Merry Christmas” to evidence if actually worldly with his attempts at parochial politics reset.
In tatters they unite and yet evidence their crooked and as of careers of evil and fraying to frayed of their high fashion long hemmed irreligious.
Let us all ensnare to even clown around with metaphors for crookedness arresting.
At least the basic question of if and how devoid of a philosophy of governance was/is the likes of “Butch” & “Cassidy” for too of just pimp’n out sun dancing of a devolution to a natural state contrary to the ten of seen of the ark of old saws religious & moral written.
This metaphorical isn’t set to be commentary on how to be of a copacetic by self-governance in a shared established morality particular to coexistence of a metaphysical existentialism of particularly the Catholic YUGE family; this is merely an essay on brotherhood & sisterhood as universally governed for a pathology of freedom.
To maintain order of old saw an adage of old times of “give to Caesar” & of differentiations between that of government from that of Lord’s - that of morals indivisible from of universal humanity and moral of all let us consider taxation of our times and the American creed as constituted of founding fathers not at blaspheme but as yet anew of an apostolic spectacle respecting separations vertical between of under our Lord and of equal in rights to our government.
American civil liberties are of our Union of own indivisible from the universal union however yet keepers of it within a smaller family either the Catholic mass or that Mormon amassed, and or Trump’s of Queens’ Protestants as New York Presbyterian.
The Liberals’ sun dances for taxing the rich & redistribution by claiming power to be redistributors doth as spaketh and martialed betray our common core in the pathology of freedom and by crookery of complicitry forwarded of wrongful by having asked to be entrenched to Power as if just to be prejudice and discriminating against the HAVES - any rich enough to be TAXED - by attacking their civil liberties by assuaging GUILT not INNOCENCE as pre-judged.
“Butch” & “Cassidy” likewise are tag’d for of a BIGOTRY a PREJUDICED an inconsiderate politics un-American and contrary to faiths by working a base endemic for their own sun dance pimp’d for popularity over morality.
And now: How threatening is “Merry Christmas” to your comfort level American?
How cotton ye to how established the founders’ effected as the Peoples’ Order as the American long game, and, now how doth ye in testimonies sayeth ye selves of how Trump short game arrests the politics of the Left Leftists much fully ensnared and encircled by own so to circular reasoned devoid a philosophical?
“Merry Christmas” is pronounced how? Mustn’t we face the evil amongst us if to articulate it particularly morally?
Arrest them with the “SHORT GAME” and shed your partisanship to their BIGOTRY & PREJUDICED against the HAVES for HAVE NOTS & HAVES in America must toe to the same morality of it wrong to entrench a structural discrimination against any (class or persons) and so it is in-Constitutional & un-American to posture & govern for any REDISTRIBUTION by TAX THE RICH dictum?
Our “SHORT GAME” is President Trump’s, however personally religious, “LONG GAME” and the over due reset an example American modal now pressing and welcome?
We the People by our Peoples’ “Order” do coexist to govern of religions as first tools for self-governance and now must attest with encircling alarm by testimonials of that we are constituted under our Lord’s Law not a sun dancing blasphemy to that it improper and irregular to entrench a structural bigotry against the taxable for the separations of of Caesar’s from of Lord’s is our separations vertical constituted our more perfect Union “done” “subscribed” in past “Year of our Lord” whence.
The HAVES are established and ordained to equal rights of the HAVE NOTS and to then our “SHORT GAME” the “LONG GAME” constituted American for these united states of the Americas to that “MORALITY” of “INEQUALITY” & “EQUALITY” is not the work of Caesar but that the work of ALL and set dogmatically prudently to be forward of the humanity froward of doth behoove all to redistribution is as of (John Jay and?) Alexander Hamilton as espoused by “PUBLIUS” of constituted for “INDUCEMENTS OF PHILANTHROPY” reasoned as constituted also for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY” so that HAVES shall not be prejudged and discriminated against with any structural bigotry by any TAX THE RICH politics.
For it only is calculable that the presumption of innocence governs and so redistribution is only constitutional where voluntary or of peer pressure by “SHORT GAME” prudence exercised of to now of any separation from of supposed to care for all and of existential community in believing buttress by a weekly test to if any can make it a week (even days) without being due PUBLIC SHAME & SHADE of being singled out for public shaming by participatory democracy in keeping faith in maintaining the PATHOLOGY OF FREEDOM of “each is under our Lord before under any government?” (Your source? Also of Apostle Paul for any “Merry Christmas” however secular to a faith family particulars.)
No HAVE shall be of HAVES structurally prejudged as if GUILTY due a BIGOTRY of PREJUDICED/PRE-JUDGED!!!
None said a ”HAVE NOT” shall be PRE-JUDGED and PREJUDICED in a STRUCTURAL BIGOTRY to as if presumed to be of “HAVE NOTS” as dictated as if NOT of a “GREEN MINIMALISM” an otherwise living plainly and “CLOSER TO OUR LORD”?
* * * NOT GUILTY? * * *
[As publicly shared on facebook.com/jpeterhogan wall & @jphoganorg linked.]
[As posted “public” on wall @ http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan sans edits (for now).]
#Marshall #Justice #FridayFeeling
#EvolveTheLaw #4College #FlashbackFriday #politics
#POTUS #TRUMP need assert objectivism structuralism originalism to counter how #BarackObama helped set asunder #ThurgoodMarshall considerate legacy?
The #SolutionsTyranny of #ClimateChange partisan politics was marched of #AUTHORITARIAN governance by men, not Laws, of that #Democrats held selves out as the INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY - AUTHORITIES.
#DonaldJTrump should reassert Government must have highest realm of able to look at authoritarian abominations objectively as still under Law/Laws/#SCOTUS.
Legal liability should be assuaged at least upon Al Gore (#AlGore #Gore) for tyranny in a subjective marched marshalled inartfully to of a yuge culpable in GROSS NEGLIGENCE for how politics of #EarthFirsters did set asunder economies, and immorally by of a #BlameAndGo partisan martialed over-lorded subjective as if objective and of due diligence to check from too much collatoral damage.
#115thCongress has “evolve the law” tasks to seriously get at for we have now how eight years of #Obama did set asunder the professional standards at least of former Chief Justice Thurgood Marshall?
We together as a nation of “global citizen” anew as preset of what is the “under our Lord” natural scope and universal realm. We needeth consider our structural originalism is undermined and needing shoring up to restore the standard at least of Justice Marshall. Objectivism is calling to that there is the “under God” check on too authoritarian & tyrannous exercised politics power where now the People can expect and become exercised of #TRUTH #TRUTHS on the table & to legal jeopardy allowed a consideration to upon those actors in authoritarian solutions tyranny as yet of having been crooked of democratic treachery even if #TREASON.
Likewise for objective reset:
Was Al Gore “politics” of conduct unbecoming a former Vice President?
Was Al Gore “science” pure Authoritarian treachery as if infallible authority?
Was Al Gore “subjectivism” unconscionable to our “originalism” prudence and oh so contrary to even Thurgood Marshall defense of #CONSTITUTION?
Is Al Gore liable for Super Storm Sandy & other “Man Made” “Climate Change in a gross negligence for no CONTROLS in “scientific” method to check and moderate solutions of how carbon cuts could change altitudinal thermal currents and patterns so such to new (bigger) storms as to be expected due new wind & thermal patterns effected by man made cuts did flip #GREENHOUSE effect from primarily over #ATLANTIC of USA & #EuropeanUnion to yet then changed to Asia of China & India centered?
It is American and citizens duty to expect our Government to consider how to now “evolve the law” and of new areas of ‘playing God” with weather & climate as effected irresponsibly and coldly by Al Gore and his climate colluders who did put the People & economies second to the subjective, yes, solutions tyranny.
* * * * *
When any people - democratic - cease or desist from doing the work of being a moral people - neighborly - no government can be affordable.
However you consider Donald J. Trump as high fallutin’ of Queens and extreme of New York values we have before us the most troubled as of so many tread upon to make ways for the litter messianic for Barack H. Obama and the akin a queen’s litter jackbooted martialed for Hillary R. Clinton.
Rudyard Kipling and “Star Wars” homage doth carries a relative moral in that of “Gunga Din” & ”Jar Jar Binks” to be as of, to paraphrase, so of ”municipal” prudent of “Mr. Binks” toil, and duty, of characters to keep the murder rates low by keeping the sewers clear.
Our best froward snares many as short from duty!
Our prescribed froward is for forwards expectant to commitments to the work of neighbors’ is “neighborly”!
Our blessed froward still asks all to see these summed as self-evident to that by that our rights are from our Creator the Liberals’ - Democrats’ - interpretation of the Peoples’ Order that formed/constituted our Union does not hold water - does not stand.
As one accepts the prudence is liberating still of that our separation of Church and State doth secures rights to each by of rights from their Creator it reasons out to like enlightening that therefore Americans aren’t to worship their government but are still prescribed to sans any right to be separated from supposed to care for all and so constituted by Peoples’ Order to live for Posterity for Tranquility of general Welfare from worshiping our Lord - the inescapable vibe of our Creator’s essence.
As Donald J. Trump successfully joined to the restoration work of the established and revolutionary “Republican Movement” we have the wave for restoration as a new renaissance to further amass to escape carriages improper intellectually to similar to befit “Dark Ages”! The Donald J. Trump of this discoursing is the “LIBERATOR” who has successfully joined to the well beat and marched soul of the restoration of “ORIGINALISM” and who is keeping his promises to “GIVE AMERICA BACK” to the people.
The self-evident summed is of that while of our rights from our Creator the Democrats’ interpretation of the Constitution of these united states of the Americas does not have standing in plain meaning and common sense!
The summed is to it should be self-evident if one’s rights are from their Creator it is counter productive to worship government - especially an administration of billionaire Donald J. Trump, Sr.!
Froward, still, we have it constituted of a written at least in the letters of Apostle Paul of that each is under our Lord before under any government we have our rights and yet are established to sans any separation right from supposed to care for all!
As truth and truths become liberated from the politics of suppression by the Left/Democrats it should be self-evident of a restoration vibe to how Donald J. Trump is joined still to the Republicans’ moral work of working through critical masses to see that the garbage is garbage and “sewers” are cleared and kept clear. There is no escape from the plain truth of the CONSTITUTION that it could be so small and brief for it had at least the Christians and their New Testament as self-governance guidance to such as the Peoples’ “Order” done and subscribed in “Year of our Lord” henceforward need the government to be constituted for due process and civil procedures for when the matters the sum of the books of the Lord break down - broke down.
Plainly the legend of Donald J. Trump is indivisible from the successful progress renaissance of the “Republican Movement” of “ORIGINALISM” of his a pedestrian New York common sense now still to embattled against the litters of Bill & Hillary Clinton, & Barack Obama.
The litters of the messianic and too queenly martialed is of now we have Republicans for republican/republic as it stands still actually constituted still adjusting and organizing to peddle freedom - to walk the talk of the pathology of liberty to restored for max’d potential.
The litters of ”Messiah Obama” & “Queen Hillary” yet now are of however many segments a state a snake can be divided into theirs’ still is to trample and tread on and over any “segment” - “segments” - not assimilated and cowed to compliant/compliance.
Please do garner the scope of Donald J. Trump engagement isn’t “high fallutin’” but old school New York values in common sense, due separation of Church and State, of that government and corporations, therefore, are under Lord’s Laws before under Government and likewise of supposed to be abstaining from violations of the commandments - especially preset as prescribe to shall not covet, steal, bear false witness.
Please do garner the scope of reformed this Clinton Democrat - our President Donald J. Trump - is as secured to his “MAGA” “Make America Great Again” promised as to be “LIBERATOR” - not a false idol - a worshipped posed idol.
Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” in cats (categories) of queued for “#POTUS45″.
Please to assist to the full scope of a broad stroke and narrow finesse’d governance liberation by restorative to common sense and inescapably sworn to plain meaning and neighborly vigilance for “clean” ways.
Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” as recognizing whom is the problem and how their what remains problematic and contrarian; The successful liberation to America returned to the people is dependent on the conscience raising broadly to amassed segments of our Union as together united morally locally and to suspicious of all things federal.
Donald J. Trump, President, is not and shall not be considered to be as ridiculous and high fallutin’ while supposition proffered to preposition for a pathology of Liberty as positioned in priors - established as ordained especially for economics of growth to morality of business is still expected to be moral like governments of subscribed to be sans violations of Lord’s Laws and to dedicated to the proposition of that all people have an expectation from their rights from their Creator of that the work of government and businesses are to be without violations of morality by being of covetous, stealing, bearing of false witness.
It is not “high fallutin’” that our governance is prescribed established to that Laws under of “shall not bear false witness” as per governance is of since politics is the business of treating all people as if neighbors of that government therefore is supposed by “shall not bear false witness” as to not proper or prudence or blessed to be of bearing false witness as to what especially is the property of a poet - even a “philosopher king” like - and to otherwise as if what belongs to the poet can be said and exercised as if it yet doth firstest belongeth to the Government!
There is no litter of Donald J. Trump if as President he keeps to the common core of the “Republican Movement” that restored “ORIGINALISM” and to such then forward of it yet still much just the litters of messianic Barack H. Obama and too queenish Hillary R. Clinton to be arrested from treading upon the people of the us.
The Republicans have good standing and are comprehendable with common sense and simple reading of the constituting founding established and ordained done by the founders sans blasphemy back whence in that Year of our Lord.
The GOP is blessed by their scope as postured within the lines of the ordained common sense structural essentials.
To be, all & each, still to keeping of the work of being a moral people we now must see it as reasonable and necessary that we accept the genius of Donald J. Trump as not being specious when tact martialed of tacking towards that our PEACE and HAPPINESS is dependent on that business, especially corporations, are like Government, federal especially, as only constituted to be as prescribed to be abstinent from covetous, stealing, lying.. - morals as litter!
As “HOGAN” (me, myself, my own press’d) has postured artful of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” long regards our froward of forward believing:
Fellow Americans “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED!”
* * * JUST BEGUN? * * *
[This here now progress is just a work commenced. Do please return & revisit as many times as necessary to be sure you are fully read in to be part of the solutions and desisted from joined as of the problem/problems. This leading satire is a work begun expectant to much more to follow and amass from this time commenced for squib.]
Most people are in a state of disbelief as to where concurrently the American state of mind resolves.
We have some basic postures to hold - a basic need some for a blotter of the pressing cores.
What follows here as raised should parse through as not contradictory however seeming contrary.
The preparatory stages have gone missing to now easily garnering “COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM” rye!
You may prefer to start with Donald J. Trump and on foreign policy but to get there we do require an open mind collectively to now getting to appreciating that in 1993 William J. Clinton first steps in the Middle East with Gulf Countries was erred & too slick.
To tolerate the promise of Donald J. Trump we must cotton now very lately to a mirage has been long affected to keep Americans from seeing and measuring the scope of how wrong William J. Clinton was, and, how by being that wrong how he did set up by its scope and breadth so much so many so long have falsely and ignorantly yet partied vastly to a blaming just his successor/successors.
It is imaginable that Donald J. Trump is already getting past that of the campaign postures his on George W. Bush of the Iraq War as wrong was wrong. Let me be clear: Donald J. Trump at least was wrong on that George W. Bush was wrong.
And how: To understand this postured posit one may need to find some works of a proffered that can also attest that due that William J. Clinton first steps in 1993 on the Middle East were horrible so much isn’t understood and to that Donald J. Trump understanding is still also as uninformed by the shenanigans of Clintons’ smoke and mirrors and #BlameAndGo projection and outright misrepresentations of reality.
A good turn of phrase for such a diabolical political reality is of use of “alternative facts” to cover quite “lying” by Clintons.
But really this if of such as these of issues for a blotter to be kept until a thorough prosecution against general ignorance is accomplished.
On the art of “COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM” we are to deal of the real - even to entitlements are illegal.
William J. Clinton cannot stand as a hero - even a good figure politically historically!
William J. Clinton cannot abide an honest or structural presentation of events in history as to a gestalt of history through an apparently worked by seeing how the pieces move and culminate to actions having reactions and outcomes indivisible from the events when not over-lorded as if a telling of a legal turn of phrase could make any is and is not that is.
Donald J. Trump is at risk of making the same mistakes George W. Bush made if he does now also not address the reality - the real - the deeper scope of such of so much that went wrong started wrong when William J. Clinton made bad and horrible wrong first moves so with the Gulf Countries of the Middle East.
The primal constitutional core relates with: William J. Clinton’s Iraq policies did violate the First Amendment; - George W. Bush Iraq War was Constitutional and respectful of Islam and Muslims generally for the United States Constitution is under “our Lord” and to a Peoples’ Order constituted to allegiance pledged for due process.
At this point I join you to be braced by the Constitution for the Constitution as the Peoples’ Order originally ordained.
Grammar of an order - especially such so important and enduring as the “People” of their “Order” that formed the Union a confederate republic - is now where we best test ourselves with a probative and open consideration of the structured as written.
Please now coax yourselves away from how wrongly long coaxed to mislead and poorly instructed on the real Constitution.
The Liberal’s want has been to claim long that the preamble is not Law and that God is not in the Constitution.
The preamble is the key the legend to the Peoples’ Order such as set on any map for reality in cartography; - the preamble is Law by greater than Law as by the diction and emphasis and with otherwise odd grammar used to key that there is a Peoples’ Order by the “do ordain and establish” with it critical for comprehending of “Order” is capitalized due a noun emphasized.
What really gets the Liberals goat is that the First Amendment can be used against them and to proof and ignorance and wrong reading comprehension - like always; - the First Amendment grammar, like all amendments, must be consistent to the use and diction and emphasis in that being amended; - the Liberals are inconvenienced by the reality that “do ordain and establish” preceded “no law respecting an establishment of religion” usage.
Consider: As the preamble uses “do ordain and establish” of the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” in “Year of our Lord” by the time one gets to that the Bill of Rights first alteration presents of “establishment” of “an establishment” not “the establishment” or “Establishment” it becomes a conundrum a mystery of faith of sorts for how structured and emphasized all the while the preamble use capitalization for Posterity, Tranquility, and mixed so of “general Welfare” of the ordained and established.
To be brief but a trigger for a coaxing from the coaxed to improper and ignorant comprehension let us mix in that Donald J. Trump, Sr. is closer to the truth while yet wrong on the Iraq War for it hasn’t been fielded or worked through of how William J. Clinton errs on Middle East were grossly horrible and to much set asunder quite tragically by how Clintons are still as then wrong on ORIGINALISM and so blind to the new Republican Movement effected to the new “COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM” now being tweeted as regards what right and proper governance.
It gets more complicated likewise by reading, however coaxed, to the correct and proper reading of that the founding fathers’ work was not a work for secular SOCIALISM and so a work in BLASPHEMY; - by reading the First Amendment correctly of by that “establishment” is as “an establishment” and not “Establishment” or “the Establishment” there is that the use to consistent to the body of the constituted better reads of “establishment” as meaning any tenet/tenets of religion.
Here is where the mystery a conundrum become interesting and of that some thought rightly that the Bill of Rights was not necessary; - such fits perfectly with the view that the Bill of Rights is redundant and unnecessary for as it of “do ordain and establish…” we are set under our Lord and Lord’s Law as to reign to that each to know their rights of that each is endowed to defend themselves from any violate of the Ten Commandments against them, and especially if a government - any tyranny.
Yes, it simply figures that the Iraq War and George W. Bush of standing with Iraqi liberated peoples was being Constitutional and prudent in standing with their attempt to write a constitution yet a better constitution still on shared principles to be garnered with a true and correct reading.
The founding fathers were not, it seems, even at all disposed to the Peoples’ Order as a work in BLASPHEME and BLASPHEMY - such is not in their historic character still.
To wrap for a brevity let me be clear but brief: The Bill of Rights as ratified of ten do stand quite similar to the Ten Commandments for basically instructs forward that of each is of endowed rights to defend from any, even a government, violate of Lord’s Laws against them. But to offer a proofed to clarity may need more coaxing of yourselves from how long coaxed to a cloaking of the right and correct meanings. Consider that “establishments” of meaning tenets then does better set up and understanding for the amendments 1-10 by leaves to states any law making as regards sin and Lord’s Law jurisdiction; - consider as “establishment” must be consistent to “do ordain and establish” there is that “respecting” is outta place by a “re…” word belongeth not in an amendment unless a spectacle likewise relates as establish prior in the body.
Let me be clear: Taking the First Amendment as “respecting an establishment” reads best as eitherwise as “make no law to change/alter Lord’s Law - the spectacle - the spectacle of the founding fathers work as an apostolic spectacle in cliche.
The founding fathers and how the First Amendment is coy and mysterious is guidance to that they held their efforts as akin an “apostolic spectacle” and respected that of the spectacle of the realm of law of in the Lord’s eyes; - as it reads so the First Amendment partly establishes that entitlements, consistent to the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, are not legal for if none can be “titled” none are to be “entitled”.
Work with Alexander Hamilton through this reasoned erudite postured by keeping to FEDERALIST PAPERS #1 by “Publius” as to affirming entitlements to be such a foreign concept to reasonably illegal by that it is by second paragraph leading we are still to learn of that the Peoples’ Order is of the constitution as for “INDUCEMENTS OF PHILANTHROPY” and as worked through to conclusion as critically to as for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY” written, published, circulated.
The separation of church and state is better defined by George Washington’s famous letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island!
The separation of church and states works, coincidentally, quite the same as by how wrongly long coaxed to mistaught and unlearned by that of “no law respecting an establishment of religion” as to Congress shall not change the Lord’s Laws and of the separation as vertical of that no one individual is to be ever seen as a politician of a government as of an interpretation - any re-spectacled to that set at least as sins and of the Ten Commandments.
The inconvenient truth for Liberals is that by reading the Constitution and Bill of Rights correctly much stays the same except for that SOCIALISM and ENTITLEMENTS are now still illegal and however as barred as protected from since before such were ever new names for old considerations MACHIAVELLIAN, even.
William J. Clinton did much damage that we now must uncloak and coax masses from being ignorant as regards reality for the realness to the real to face Donald J. Trump now necessitates this interpretation reigns supreme for it, like as set in the “LETTER TO THE JEWS” does preposition the nation for better TOLERANCE and a social conscience that is our old prophylactic even to Islam ideals short of barbarism perversions.
Again the constituted ratified simple common sense is not of a supposed upon the founders of founding as an act and order in BLASPHEMY; - read forward: Congress shall make no law to change Lord’s Law for that is by at least the Bill of Rights as prudently kept secured to localities and of states’ rights; - if it pertains to sins and the Ten Commandments it is not the jurisdiction of the federal government a confederate republic - but for collective protections from groups domestic and foreign organized against the shared united interests of the constituted under our Lord before under any government Americans.
It is keeping it real to coax you to a however very late consideration of that George W. Bush Iraq War was Constitutional and necessary at least because William J. Clintons entire eight years carried ruinous forward of his first steps were WRONG and to of to their core of that the Clinton Iraq policies did violate the Constitution - even the First Amendment though redundant.
When you get near to it it shall likely boggle your mind how much Liberals have been wrong for “establishment of religion” as meaning “tenets of religion” fit to the of “do ordain and establish” and to that so much was always just necessarily supposed to stay of powers as left to the states and their peoples’ “local”!
Likewise of brevity: There shall be no federal entitlements for such violates the states rights to build communities - moral communities?
* * * WORLD PEACE? * * *
“We are Republicans - we are here to help!”?
A Rabbi, Priest, Imam walked into an opium den in Pittsburgh!
(Or: Chicago!)
At last report they still have not exited/left!
While we still wait let us field a big question pressing on our politics; - while we are waiting let us discern on something lighter:
Can a Republican Movement GOP popular new music be of to saving the world with Donald J. Trump, Sr., - as with #TrumpMusic?
The legend to understanding the scope of COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM is of measuring the founding fathers not as at the constructive work to the People’s “Order” that constitutes our union of states, as a confederate republic still, as of at the work in blasphemy of our Lord. To measure consider space time of ORIGINALISM and how the preamble is the key a legend towards fathoming the artistry - the not blasphemy constitution ordained and established “done”.
It is beyond cute and cliche that our legend of our Peoples’ Order demands a measured accounting of that of our period still of the moral of Lord’s Law set under of that of the rights of the People as from Lord God their Creator of that none is of a separation right from supposed to care for all.
Republic Republican music is likewise challenging still of that none can be titled nor anywise to violate “EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE” (#USC198) as set so of none can be separated from that of our morals of none is of a separation right from supposed to care for all - all that of creation - all that of our Lord.
Sadly the historical of “LIBERAL DEMOCRATS” otherwise in modern space time has been oh so contrarian and contrary to plain language simple reading true intent of the CONSTITUTION and to trying to force march drum beats to an AUTHORITARIAN ruling class of LEFT elites by assimilation to the AUTHORITY in secular SOCIALISM.
The music of the DEMOCRATS is ‘rotten’ to our core - our common prescribed humility state - our constituted.
Any drum major of the republic Republican beats must already know it - know the RIGHT righteous & of up beats - up-lifting universals measured and noted to be sounded - sounded out proud & heralding.
It has been said, at least by my own works, of that most successful economists - even especially Scot Adam Smith - did essentially steal from the Bible! So Paulist it is to assert as science of that of Apostle Paul’s original structuralism of that now paraphrased of that ‘to have a growth economics people must be able to sing together’!
Still: At last report they have not left the opium den!
As we now face reality and with Americans as liberated back to COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM by the Tea Party and of the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” we are keen to see that we should be hearing of TRUMP beats - old new again vibe beats.
Many now can continue the beating of Barack H. Obama whom can be said to have left the THE WHITE HOUSE still never having read the constitution correctly - as the grammar & consistent usage begs to true. Such though is now more the work of the Rabbi, Priest, Imam - Yes of em still have not, by last report, exited/left from being at the work of the Lord in the opium den.
Comparative history can relate when you figure “in order to” is how President Obama read it to as if “in order to form a more perfect Union” was a YUGE loophole for Executive Power boosted any time one thought they had a claim to a “more perfect”!
Comparative history now seriously relates to the United Kingdom and Prime Minister Theresa May as it seems prudent, in light of BREXIT, that the “#GE2017″ was scheduled and effected for the future lay in the past by times concurrently relate of these times are for solutions of and from the middle - of none of a separation right from that of the old Magna Carta.
It behoove Prime Minister Theresa May to now, if of never again especially, read or believe the CONSTITUTION reads as read by President Barack Obama of as if “in order to” while actually articulated as emphasized by capitalization as a noun for constituted the work of a Peoples’ “Order” as to still read of COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM legend as key’d as “in Order to” as charted “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union…/ordain/and/establish…/done…/subscribed…/Year/of/our/Lord”!
Still: At last report they have not left the opium den! - em those likely best skilled to parse & curate on how Barack H. Obama did reign and depart as storied as having by way of COLUMBIA (old KING’S COLLEGE) and HARVARD LAW SCHOOL risen to yet as it is what it is of true that still he needs curing for still he misreads the legend, - the preamble!
Better days are ahead, comparatively, it seems for Prime Minister May, - she is of days best again for solutions of and from the middle, - her call to the United Kingdom for a fresh vote likewise should net be a plus!
So: Can a Republican Movement GOP popular new music be of to saving the world with Donald J. Trump, Sr., - as with #TrumpMusic?
* * * MORALS TRUMP HATE! * * *
Where are all the philosopher ants?
We have these days an allegro dynamic with sounds of patriotism key’d anew - key’d of NEW COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM - for to build to the presto and celebratory bombastic.
Who is Donald J. Trump, Sr., and what is the depth of his patriotism?
If we are all ants and yet not builder ants all of the same colony under one OHM - unique bodies electric - of how do we key to songs of republic and solidarity of community?
With duly elected geographical surmounted victorious Donald J. Trump, Sr., candidate of the movement - the Republican Movement, we wake individuals liberated of promises kept to that these united states of the Americas does belong to the citizens, whomever/whatever, again.
An orchestration synergy is ours anew as ants in solidarity akin Adam Smith “THE WEALTH OF NATIONS” and as individual ants cognizant to that our “SELF-INTEREST” is a great economic motivator due our first such naturally is to choose safety in numbers, and with our second then to choose to be moral in network. I.E.: An individual ant working in their own selfishness is doing what is best for the colony due their unique self interests are firstly safety in numbers with second morality, and of third then of to find a calling - an individual ant’s VOICE.
Hasn’t President Donald J. Trump, Sr. progressed and in keeping his word to be beholden to the actual oath of office duty akin now to being of an essence elementary & respectingly as a new VOLTAN KODALY?
Let us moderate our work output and consider, for now, a sotto voce yet in a staccato to be the old well healed spirited worker ants our colonial scripts measured to patriotism of with common core of dictionary & King James Bible originalism relative.
The antagonistic is of antagonists to our progress to keep the old scores still heartfelt moral meaningful as first well written.
The antagonistic is of antagonists to our vital spirit as of rights from our Creator & our Creator Lord as kept seated above Government/Governments/Politicians.
The antagonistic is of antagonists to our renditions patriotic as still rightly justly key’d of COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM while the bodies of our enemies are like of President Barack H. Obama a too white termite due rates as one among many as destructor pests. President William J. Clinton may be the contrarian for the historicals as a to a too yet progress anti-ORIGINALISM rebel with a cause of clear intent to set asunder the CONSTITUTION however such sets asunder the true solidarity and heartfelt of our nations legends & musical scores.
Let us stay positive and focused to our work to progress of us holding ourselves of the ants work, and, disavowing to termites of them that shall not be named but to be judged and truly ostracized with each sentence - to that our old heartfelt patriotic lyrics hold still their full dynamic and core purposeful celebratory meanings.
Let us move beyond where termites who shall not be named have been to destructors and too long of intent as destructor pests!
Philosopher ants where art tho’? Philosopher ants how now are we organized still of community/solidarity?
The sounds of our music do begin now anew and elementary as if Donald J. Trump, Sr. is at least a new Voltan Kodaly!
There are many ways the King James Version is more than hoopla for ordinaries and restorative as a first texts response to rebuilding a renaissance a restoration from how those the shall not be (for now) named termites set asunder quite even especially common sense for their selfish designs of purposes of intent to change the ebb & flow of how each CONSTITUTED and articulated to Powers as from their CREATOR still actually above any Government yet of oppression to be SECULAR & SOCIALIST - even especially AUTOCRATIC.
We can rebuild her! We have the songs, - we have the collective will! We can erase the ALTERNATIVE FACTS and each misrepresentation of when a song in a lyric has been supposed to not be the is is is to an isn’t how a dictionary or scripture bound!
There is a juxtaposition among the ants of the world between a Saint Frances plain and a celebration of arts and artisans efforts even to that a gilded but moral as even for private individuals habits.
There is gilding and gilded and then their is devilish and details gaudi - excessive and troubling due not kept as a celebration of our LORD CREATOR is in all the details - and however long tirelessly worked to a product that from work did become more heavenly due blessed by honest and dedicated commitments to developments in a greater understanding of all facets of living life from colonies tunneling to earth-breaking stardom consummated in arts.
To any philosopher ant President Trump is still an ant among ants however of gilding & keeps that celebrate so many of so much long worked of high heavens commitments celebrations by artisans ants!
There be now time and place - concurrent in space time - appreciation for “GREEN MINIMALISM” and newly rededicated plain of Saint Frances, at least! The Pope & the President can both be GOOD!
We have our solidarity to such philosophical established of our heavens and LORDLY still now again in how our songs and ballads are scored and actually meant to be of renditions sans perversion of the morality measured and meted/noted!
Our lore and legend allows use to see Donald J. Trump, Sr. yet as a tiny - a “tiny, tiny, little man” - for we have the morality and solidarity in our morals much of that as we all are born equal we are yet as if we much still sing songs as if all are each still firstly just a worker builder ant - of the size of “TRUMP” is relative and still of our morals, and heavenly?
Beware the termites!!! They - the many of them - have to the lot - acted with intent to set asunder our foundations moral!
Ordinaries together: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do: We have our songs! We anew have our elementary scores! Clap your hands - use Kodaly hand signals to! We still have our songs! Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do: Sounds of United State’s music - scores! - Even Ecclesiates 3 “For a time…”!
Ordinaries together: God Bless America! And newly blessed be still our COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM! God Bless America!
* * * ORIGINAL RECIPE? * * *
[Such of our concerns as of our songs is now a commenced composition in prose reflection; - We have begun here what may take some hours to build up and out; - We have that many trips may be needed to see to such work is concluded; - Memorial Day awaits to remind our old heartwarming ballads & songs are sung best when effected in full originalism of old words still used in the moral scope and not perverted by past 25 years of efforts to redefine the dictionary use.]
This new column may, now, take you where you, for long, have particularly needed to go; - metaphorically you may be taken aback to concord.
It is a sad, but true, reality in our modern times of so too many souls have been suppressed from a wherewithal to having, or understanding, what the healthy pathology of Freedom requires; - our old marching has been perverted so that people can, as subjects merely, be marshaled away from any faith in common sense, and attenuated participatory citizenship of an actually sufficient knowing - a base valued for “informed citizenry”?
The discord of concurrent times relates to problem solving for concord whence prior to days of 1775 & Concord marshaled defensive significance; - might not today be again time to revere more gold than silver - a how, & why, first place better - a primacy in humility is our better for Union?
These are not the days to kid yourself; - there is a right & wrong, - a good & evil, - even seems: an Axis vs. Allied. Shake off the false narratives!
Of these times we sadly opine we must again rise from a dark con - any set upon to base each from risen too; - may we find still the crucifix is ours to freely lean upon still froward; - may it be still as John Wayne produced for a 1980s motivation tape: “Responsibility is the cross a free man must bear.”
Despite YUGE & long VAST efforts of Democrat Party you are still FREE as Lord is as it was subscribed whence to now still so significant to a suffice of that our rights do indeed come from our Creator and our shared worldly (say catholic?) Lord is still actually reigning above our Peoples’ “Order” & how we are constituted of our Government especially as under the Ten Commandments to proceeding as framed to be sans irregularity by “governing” by stealing, lust, coveting, & or LYING - FALSE WITNESS.
How em have long been of posturing and pontificating quite contrary shows these days less of PEACE on a pond and to quite troubled by a swamp - even political swamp MONSTERS.
We quite, due em such so, now are dire situated to a communal need for muck rakers to cull through how dense of “mucky” ’tis such swamp thoroughly “mucky” of their phat clogging!
Pilgrims, - our Pilgrims, have thoroughly had their prudence and healthy pathology of FREEDOM perverted from copacetic & may quite so too “popular” just for a rash of popularism and a partisan fix, - short term high.
Pilgrims still should have US of no where for CHRISTIANS to go without a cross - a crucifix to bear, - to lean upon!
Pilgrims froward still keys best of back to old forward of colonial puritanical originalism of all forward now still froward best as CHRISTIAN forward?
It was struggled at to struggled for to constituted and many times dearly consecrated! It is our written of under Written - our Law under Lord’s!
William J. Clinton was and is whom we most have had as a THE BLASPHEMER KING! William J. Clinton does not abide the Constitution as written as the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”! William J. Clinton is not alone as among conspirators and decades with conspiracy to set asunder the ordained and established to only that we are said as into a “post Constitution” new paradigm where we should count ourselves just lucky that at such times that so more call for AUTOCRACY & IMPERIAL AUTHORITARIAN Powers that “Bill & Hillary” were & are here willing to be our crowned AUTOCRATS. William & Hillary shenanigans of coy ploy chicanery have long amassed en gross such truths as conspiratorial to treasonous as by yet hopefully only of success by having cloaked how to have their LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTY “interpretation” the founding fathers must be postured of having willingly & purposefully been to being contrary and of blaspheme - of BLASPHEMY with the constructs for our LIBERTY & POSTERITY.
William J. Clinton has long proofed himself to much be an AMERICAN on the GLOBAL STAGE yet as so tag’s as a disrupter with insurrection and much confessed upon at least by public statements that only exist do a political heat whence then abouts of calling him/them out so much they rendered attempts to hide evil/bad/wrong in plain sight as but to yet claim it isn’t what it is/was. The betrayal of the CONSTITUTION the Peoples’ “Order” done is of BLASPHEME at least do it so necessitates a figuring upon the founding fathers as if their efforts were diabolical to the core and actually works BLASPHEMY.
The Clintons have practiced decades of clever sedition and double speak of suggesting they could & can have EXTRA-CONSTITUTION powers contrary to everything in the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, for starters, by how they BLASPHEME with “post Constitution” as such inherently is deeply veined and phat of the supposition that we are not “under our Lord” despite how constituted of “#Its_O_not_o of preamble is what is key’d for legend to subscribed as established and ordained of “We the People… is of the Peoples’ “Order” of “Order” is a NOUN and so that the constituted Order constituting a “more perfect Union” is that “Order” “done” signed to & ratified.
The Clintons blaspheme by postured proposition as if our great preamble is yet a facility for loophole that offers a full nullification by as if penned otherwise as small & by “o” to just of “in order to” as if a trump to all that follows as Established.
The Clintons’ SEDITION & BLASPHEMY proof errant! We are best not “Post Constitution” & too of BLASPHEME!
The proper reading of our constituted of Pilgrims & not of BLASPHEMY is here structured of grammar illustrating:
“We the People…” “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union…” “ordain/and/establish…” “done…” “subscribed…” in “Year/of/our/Lord”!
Any concordance forward is at least measurably honest and straight in common sense as to AMERICA GREAT AGAIN made possible by free people voluntarily committed to keeping the flame of FREEDOM key’d true for self-governance of passions is our work not BLASPHEMY when of religions are of and for the tools for concord & community as for tools for self-governing of our passions - all that of passions so sans of that which is of Caesar’s and to newly recognized as that of realm above Government as of that of our Lord - Lord’s Law & required disciplines for any facility of exercising a copacetic by morals! - voluntary & organized morality!
[Begun here this morning of the 18th of April years past 1775 is a new INDEPENDENCE prudence for concord from too many years now of discordance and as why of discordant & divided partisan politics. As you bear witness with your first visit to such site for history do brace yourself to return to recharge as oft as be necessary to reappreciate our AMERICA.]
Half way to STUPID is about the best news I can now offer on decline of American experiment.
We should hope that the scope of this probative can be said of endemic more to just New York City & Presbyterians and not nearly also relative to Catholics - any American Catholics.
President Donald J. Trump has become fallen from the promise he can be a “Law and Order” moralist.
American exceptionalism now must be dying on the boughs of the orchards thought able for to be an of Eden.
All knowledge is now circumspectually pied and pared from rationality due fallen in political germain disgorged.
Alfred E. Smith cannot dine on democratic prowess concurrently for New York City due a Presbyterian.
Our only standard now for a healthy pathology of Freedom may need all in Roman collars men in black.
The space time cartesian can be impressioned of the “Crooked Hillary” of methodisms too Soviet & monied, &, yet, the flare of the endemic problematic is more of how froward in their forward the Clintons’ spousal husbandry advanced a backwards by dividing their marriage union as if divisible like Rene Descartes “I think! Therefore I am!” of a duplicity contrary to the incarnation & Justice Antonin Scalia originalism of accepting one’s soul cannot be separated from one’s words.
New York City may now need all the Roman collared men in black & associated likewise committed Catholic women dedicated leaders, however garbed or cloaked, as the corrupted knowledge has devilish roots in the husbandry akin Democrats as if any, especially a raised ‘leader’, can ever realize an existential as if the Clinton union is divisible from 2 equals 1.
The Democrats have shown their hands of playing rule cards as like “WILD” and while holding Jokers in their hands as if high at cards can be just of alternative facts to as if a trump hand is a trump hand if they so just say it is.
To pare the originalism, in a last attempt to save New York City, from an American Crooked Hillary Taliban joined to the postured as if Clinton Democrats are prepositioned to prejudiced against any of republican Originalist Donald, we are to the proposition that as a party their party is against any and all established success - any vertical corporate structure - only for the “little guy” as likewise an any against an amassed corporation surviving at least much do having been to profits as prophetic when in early stages and developments to their effected built assembly as a incorporated success.
People of New York City as it seems the Presbyterian HOPE - the Original Donald - the “Law and Order” Republican - is embattled to supposed fallen we may have the intellectual capacity secured of Rome See, and intellectual honesty of shepherds in Roman collars men in black of the men who now can save the metropolis of Gotham.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is so flat on reason & intelligence she is, however also incorporated to protections of assembly & free speech, of such RIDICULOUS postured generally there can be near no foundation for Welfare specifically & particularly. Hillary Rodham Clinton may as well be said of a politics as an “American Crooked Hillary Taliban” for the metaphorical risks are as real as the flattening of the accomplishments of the five boroughs of New York City.
The only trump left to save New York City from flattened and ruinously declined may be at least the shepherds trained and disciplined for the healthy pathology of Freedom we recognize respectfully as Roman collared men in black.
Aren’t we near at accepting the Presbyterian Solution is fallen and declining from secure for HOPE?
Sure, simply, a clear mind can discern Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian, has been mostly just politically punk’d on Russians to tag’d as Crooked so that Republicans are arrested from clean enough to advance “Law And Order” v. “Crooked Clintons”!
But! > But? Aren’t we necessary now predisposed to discover if New York five boroughs Catholics can shepherd a save?
Duh! > Duh - like come on! It doesn’t take a punk to see and get a know of that the tru’ story more now of “CROOKED NANCY” & “FALLEN CHUCK” as party to the parties of “CROOKED TOGETHER” of “CROOKED HILLARY” and articulate a fathomed from twained of that “ORIGINALIST DONALD” has been punk’d to as if so CROOKED he cannot now advance any arresting on the “CROOKED CLINTONS” even as likewise the intellectual honesty abides a factor of 10X nearly to a most guilty upon (D)s vs the imposed suggested pump’d & dump’d on President Donald John Trump? Yes? Right?
Our cementitious and articulation back to SIMPLE - common sense - SIMPLE STUPID - as our secured default present American core for exceptionalism to any GREAT again must be toe’d to as to enough toe’d in for rationalism that now may need a clear and present stand by any a shepherd in Catholicism, - or a SAMARITAN’S strong arm with just hand as lifting for fallen it seems so now precisely of cosmopolitan of Gotham whom Presbyterian too.
We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons - however irrational of a divisible marriage Cartesian - duplicitous measurably of bodies & souls convenient by dichotomies postured!
We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons by the elementary intelligent rap is pared of their pie’d of New York City now froward must be forward as of to be “NYC IS FLAT” for their “little guy” cohesion is scope defined as if any vertical structure corporate to proprietary in personal must be prejudged as any an established success however in freedom of speech and assembly must be the ENEMY of the party.
We have a common enemy of the spousal husbandry of the Clintons for their effected is much unintelligible to any qualified to be a woman dedicated, or just a man Roman collared men in black.
These are they whom have punk’d a New York Presbyterian, - - - BEWARE - the healthy lanes for clarity in pathology of Freedom have many picket lines and picks of CLINTONS’ partied for blocking lanes of rationality - divining to intellectual accounting - lanes of normality to how ORIGINALISM constituted FREEDOM is from one’s Lord Creator - lanes from political tyranny of SOCIALISM and corruption of “CHARITY”!
Ours’ now is beckoned to God speed for an “in a New York Minute” immediately necessary RESET!
The politics of Hillary Rodham Clinton aren’t just FLAT & now posture predisposed to a mass FLATTENING - they are enough CROOKED to that Gotham Presbyterians may still NOT be able to hold HOPE in one of their own and to that he is at least NOT nearly as FALLEN & CROOKED as supposed accused, and IS now still at the ready to at least arrest further advances of the diabolical spousal husbandry of “CROOKED TOGETHER” - the now FLAT on the scope and to parable as akin to a sad reality, as limited and tyrannical, as if “AMERICAN CROOKED HILLARY TALIBAN” of conspiracies to set asunder HOPE, & the healthy pathology of Freedom as in voluntary and considerate democratic civil procedures of original due process core.
Ours’ now is beckoned to God speed for an “in a New York Minute” immediately necessary yuge RESET!
President Donald John Trump has become fallen from the promise he can be a “Law and Order” moralist?
None of Alfred Emanuel Smith shall now rest until the Metropolis of Gotham flattening of such partisan selfish husbandry is effectively arrested?
Our only standard now for a healthy pathology of Freedom may need all of Roman collars men in black, and, femmes moral, of the beat?
As Missouri celebrates, hopefully, that it has its first ever elected Jewish Governor the rest of the world is yet in a Trumpian fog demanding a material visceral threshold of a show me state to be crossed. Americans are being led astray and from beaten paths of the erudite, in the orated by President Trump, if one already considerately learned from read of George Washington’s letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island.
Nixon is gone! Long live Richard M. Nixon! Now too this must be broken down, to the building blocks, of the kinder world, Donald J. Trump is strongly standing up anew. The Nixon of the Ferguson fiascos is gone! The Nixonian not spoken of with the storying of Hillary Clinton is bust’n through to the general consciences of politicos and exposed to politics; - Secretary Clinton few successes can simply be registered of having been of when she like copycatted Bush & Nixon without credits, and quite coyly as of preset to such proven methods she was by firstly blanketing markets with a pushed idea of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” and as if “REPUBLICANS” generally only made mistakes. Yes Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton did have many failures and did fail generally but it is still significant to that where successes occurred it can be pathologically & forensically pointed out that she was at least stealing from Richard M. Nixon.
Do how many blocks and neighborhoods Donald J. Trump some gentrified or just improved over his consistent career it is much impossible that he can be whom pressers are smearing his as - or as pressed are misunderstanding him. Trump cannot be whom he is being plastered as for by being such a person he never could have had the business successes he did by being himself.
The building blocks are kinder now than under the 8 years of Left FASCISM at authoritarian tyrannies for solutions tyranny for healthcare & climate change politics. Donald J. Trump core, to be whom is was as what he was to be successful to date, is more, relative, to Democrats of reigns recent, as akin kindergarten sharing & pluralism.
Donald J. Trump has spent his career as of building blocks for kinder blocks, - of kindergarten Golden Rule steady ways.
Donald J. Trump is being more egalitarian to a reset to “all politics is local” of not bringing any unless bringing enough for everyone so shepherded for advancement by sharing learning experiences.
Donald J. Trump is no Bill Clinton nor Hillary Clinton; - Trump doesn’t define success as Clintons have long embued of their shared ambition since law studies as to become above everyone else and as toward becoming the two most powerful lawyers to ever have graduated from Yale Law School.*
With Trump at the helm of the decades long advancing “Republican Movement” the true news is for real stories of that Donald J. Trump election is to as orated in inaugural of that the country belongs to the People again, - of the idea that the state of mind is a state of reality of that we are now across the threshold and to “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED”!
To fathom what a wreck Madam President Clinton to have been do now take moments to ponder what her definition of success personally has only always been, - PLEASE!!! She is like of no acumen or agility even with basic building blocks for egalitarian politics; - she must reign conflated a superior as Prima Donna of platitudes as authoritarian castes only tolerate.
The lay of the land of that which President Trump is commenced to with for kinder blocks has troubling vibe for essence of that “mess” he has inherited is, until/unless the Clintons are judged more culpable/guilty, properly concurrently tag’d to near or specifically akin to “IT IS ALL THE BLACK PRESIDENT’S FAULT!”.
Or: As if metaphorical to as when is it firstly a turf war? When does any have a right to think what is beyond what of their ‘hood - neighborhood - and neighbors can be rightly theirs or even much on their minds, by morals, if not of an occupying or trespassing oppression? The big picture is back, nearly, to be “all politics is local!”? Semantics is like politics and inseparable from a discussion on limits of Ten Commandments and Jihad of both seem to say you cannot lie to a neighbor or covet a neighbor’s only? As if - if politics not the “bigger picture” of a profession at treating all as if “neighbors” - any beyond ‘local’ can be raped and pillaged?
Kinder blocks is more complicated since originalism has been reset by new Tea Party as Liberal worked of as if GOD not in CONSTITUTION is defeated by simple reading and to as preamble “Order” is a noun due capitalized to as not “in order to” but as “in/Order/to form…/done…/subscribed…/in/Year/of/our/Lord”. Separation is back to being vertical of our nation is under our Lord & Lord’s Law and Congress shall make no law to change the tenets of religion.
A crucial get to the Trumpian scope is as well while appreciating kinder blocks acumen of “Kindergarten Golden Rule”** and legacy it is that it may be scary to some or many now to be liberated so and to the “AMERICAN” back as Americans to govern first in the “GOLDEN RULE”!
Concurrently Fascism in 2017 is defined best as a movement of the Left of Liberals for an elite ruling class entrenched to block old “liberal democracy” originalism and to be able to protect own class ranks by an authoritarian tyranny akin long now witnessed of said “experts” used to march a solutions tyranny in climate change & healthcare. People have been liberated and now should be less scared.
Sadly the coverage of Donald J.Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, as been of old Clinton projection & transference machinations: >>> He is being reported as what the Clintons have been coyly always firstly about as to have Power and to become the two most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School.
And, yet now, a crucial get is also to see the obstacles to progress, for the egalitarian Trumpism, of constructs with kinder blocks, to kinder communities, and, see the first prime political obstacle is of vast moral scope, as progress to be considerate, to parity, is now stuck of a conundrum to the current paradigm, of that we all must be vigilant, and fully discriminating on social progress, by exposed to the particular impedance possible if it is in fact measurably true of as if successful blacks are, for some reason, not giving back - not giving back enough to their own communities.
However the “real Donald Trump” legacy is of acumen and great agility in politics to permits to approvals to turn key turn-overs akin the “Kindergarten Golden Rule” played out local of “kinder blocks” scope forward our froward plans must be developed and considerate especially as the “mess” he is dealing with as “inherited” for now remains, unless a greater guilt proofed upon the Clintons, as of that it trues up near:
* * * KINDER? * * *
* [This is of my personal knowledge of having known due they shared their ambitions for years after having asked me, in early 1970s, if they could both become President some day.]
** [Hoganism of “Kindergarten Golden Rule” is of that “Don’t bring any unless you bring enough for the entire class!”]
Imagine you are seated knee deep in a modern discussion of bolsheviks and the loser party is in denial, and, it seems a cup runneth over imminent to a flooding looms to swamp any Holy copacetic.
Perchance a GRACE can be exercised due disciplines have been maintained in practices to build potential.
Isn’t it of our existentialism reality that HARMONY is more only from nurture and threatened by from nature?
Perhaps by this 4th of July, in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Seven, President Donald J. Trump will with erudity have orated a speech purposed to spreading the words necessary for a synergy in “WHAT IS FREEDOM”!
Deep, deep, deep, to such effecting teachable occurrence, is a prudence extant discoverable by methodology if homework is assigned to all sworn of 115th Congress, as by election seated, to produced white_papers/briefs/essays from each regardless of party to firstly share an open personal ideological to help build a GRACE, yet for “WHAT IS FREEDOM” speech.
Rather so Donald J. Trump, President, then is of each’s communals broached, for working it out in the Executive parlance, by better firstly to general copacetic by being to listening by reading precedingly.
A prima facia lay postured core, for to a deep outlining, later to be waxed on, to finely honed rhetoric erudite on the “AMERICAN” vernacular yet Constitutional as true to the Peoples’ Order of laid right if laid out for the threshold to such discussant as scoped around particular for GRACE of people together to break bread ritualistically to ascribe a formality to a facility for gathered to be each’s RESPONDENT as physically later apart.
Aren’t you now among the seated meek of akin:
Aren’t we of a prudence still subscribed open of:
Perhaps now froward in our Lord best by commune’st in a spudsalicious? Can froward near encounters best be prefaced as pre-built for Holy copacetic even by mounding up a temple versant with heaps of potatoes mashable? - Even a “Please pass the yams!”?
A yuge concurrence to temper not by the lot but by a spoonful at a time is that of the diametric to Tip O’Neill mass of prudence as set for Posterity in “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”! - I cannot explain by any definition of success that of since Barack H. Obama inaugural to the lot of Democrats seeming so opposite to prudence of former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill! - such as beared through hardly of since 2009, - of the now “Obama Lost Years”! - There seems an vast huge extant of devolution across the caste of “Democrats” of today which is not short of diametrically opposed to “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL!”!
The legacy of Barack H. Obama, President, cannot be measured until metrics amassed to account for his governance as effected was to vast extent at a negation of from Massachusetts Representative Tip O’Neill, - The former Speaker O’Neill (D).
I.E.: E.G.: The communing has been beared through as now liberated from a dark ages and black days where dictum federal ruleth’d to mandates that consummation cease as local and to becometh obedient and even prostrate to an infallible President as if yet otherwise constituted as:
I.E.: An apropos tag’n seems justified as near:
“Obama of yin/dark” due worked set against “O’Neill of the yang/bright”!
A service on Hillary R. Clinton should generally deliver guilt upon the lot of “modern” Democrats due the statistical sad reality of the pockets of votage with her suffrage rising are yet categorically homogeneous as “local” of things - locals - where class systems are most entrenched; - The lot of for Hillary Clinton persists as a conundrum which has severe racial & race lines phat through the strada of eco-systems with the entrenched Liberal Elite caste system of University communals as held highest and worked as if “entitlements” of the federal level not a necessary federal program while an essentially structured rendition to that poor sub-class, subordinated to Liberal caste definition of “SUCCESS” reigning, have their angst & displeasure with “LOCAL” as removed to be yet of inequality as disassociated to then of a marshaled pathology of local class problems are yet Federal Social Welfare issues. Them that amass of the votage so are those who must support Washington Democrats of face the outcomes to be rendered if instead the address the incivility and oppression by their own neighbors of the own community.
OMG!!! Things aren’t reported as appear to be actually consequential!!!
As the PSALMS set froward of “to the chief Musician” and riddle some too much I wonder if a return of THE FLYING NUN could work to suffice against such entrenched and be teachable generally to a rising from such escapism by ‘entitlements’.
We needn’t depend on a nun-such to such a drum beat of an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett, or even Whoopie as to be drum majors to restorative common sense in simple “local” communals.
There is a convenient cast set to be tasked generally as a lot of Clinton Democrats ensconced about the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD - NEW YORK CITY. We have the lot of Schumer, Gillibrand, Cuoma, & de Blasio as starters all now cast to play it all out in the public expectation in the public realm as to how immoral the Affordable Care Act is for how it was designed to phatten their realms so fat in financials yet on HEALTHCARE costs as transferred to upon backs of other states earners tax dollars.
President Donald J. Trump needs a lot of answering by this cadre of the caste of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS, - and too a CHICAGO cast toasted of the THE HOUSE OF OBAMAS.
President Donald J. Trump seems best positioned if he now lets such caste of the of New York answer first for the injustice worked of OBAMACARE to that the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD could escape from setting a leading example on how to keep the LOCAL in POLITICS prudence by demonstrating otherwise to that the richest realm could actually find a way to cover all of em resident to the cosmopolitan.
Oy - trouble we will have if New York major metropolitan area cannot find a self-contained home remedy while so of so many so high on the hog phat to be induced at least into Federalist #1 Alexander Hamilton broached PHILANTHOPY.
America, again, how can these united states of the Americas be great, - great again - if New York Values are not forced to be exposed and to otherwise working a replacement to “OBAMACARE” as the example seems to need be of accounting to that if such as the THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD cannot afford healthcare coverage for all - then such is not possible but if limited to LOCAL isolated COMMUNES.
RESPONDERS: Responsible how say you?
RESPONDERS: Isn’t the toast of Donald J. Trump - toasts - to field the asking if Liberal politics hasn’t been long wrong & in wrong direction by effecting to that sub-class in entrenched class systems pockets of these united states are disassociated from living the asking of their local hierarchies to actually be and live morally?
* * * DISCIPLINES? * * *
To understand a statesmen in Hamilton, one, today, must consider what has happened to churches in Moscow since the 1990s.
Neither a Queens Presbyterian nor a Congregationalist Christian can deny the “HOLY” anew Russian aspect as if Vladimir Putin has been a dedicant to be a “Merry Templar” Moscow garbed.
We can and must consider Alexander Hamilton and of if Rex Tillerson is already ready to fend off Barbarians - akin to Barbary Piracy of the terms of Thomas Jefferson associated.
The Donald J. Trump nominee to be our top Diplomat seems of the crown of thorns and as ready at thorns in one’s side strong lines and if even a need to brine dried beans over-night a necessary remedial prescription. To say brines for thorns a tool in his bag of tricks may be basic it though remains of that he is to inherit vast problems from eight years rebellious from common sense.
The Donald J. Trump nominee to be Secretary of State of these united states of the Americas presents of that a Congregationalist Christian is a easier fit under a Queens Presbyterian than a Mormon or a Catholic.
The Donald J. Trump cabinet is coming together as matured beyond the ocularity suffered lots of born witness to President Barack H. Obama so much of but “sandbox” diplomatic play sans effect as sans morality plays dynamics.
Russia is not of the paradigm President Obama wanted it to be as he commenced to be to his “Personality Presidency” his suggested guidance as if of his “personality” of a suffice for all moderation of world’s affairs.
President Vladimir Putin and Party Leader of China Xi Jinping predecessor Hu Jintao are to be commended for their early rebukes of new President Obama and of their attempts to turn him from his wrong direction - to turn him to capitalism and as from his Socialist megalomaniacal aspiration to bring Americans outta their constituted and into his like a “New Stalinist” dictum and Climate Change Tyranny.
It more falls now on President-Elect Donald J. Trump to set the table of Diplomacy for Secretary Rex Tillerson by serving up criticism historical of such President Obama whence chided to turn from doing as their countries had done and to being more capitalistic of how they now forward were to trying to be to evolve their own systems of government and economics.
A making of America “GREAT AGAIN” is a Hamilton conundrum; - To be “GREAT AGAIN” we all must accept that President Obama many errant effected in officialdom were exercised in anti-Hamilton and un-Hamilton methodisms. President Obama’s greatest flaw may endure as a criticism of that he erred by governing near opposite to how Alexander Hamilton prescribed and affected.
Yes!!! We must consider the unexpected as possible and that the new Russian paradigm is of President Putin effecting as if to be eventually a “Merry Templar” and a new evangelizer of the rebirth of Christianity in Moscow and its parishes. We must also respect what Moscow has done to churches - even for churches - since the 1990s. Even if shy of being an Orthodoxy evangelizer President Putin is back to basics in embrace of Crimea and Ukraine portions that are historically of majorities as consecrated from the Moscow Christian Orthodox See - of Saint Basil* and even the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
Yes, it wasn’t only President Putin who tried to warn President Obama off from heading in the wrong direction - from not learning from past mistakes of Russians. President Putin wasn’t wrong, now even in hindsight amassed ocularity, of that America would divide under President Obama if he did persist to be so old Russian. Yes, it is recalled that even the President of the Peoples Republic of China was also expressant sans a suffice with admonishment upon President Obama of attitude that he was commencing on a path of turning America and Americans to too Socialist.
On Alexander Hamilton opportunities to be a good example and catalyst for learning of vast erring by President Obama let us consider a querious of if Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is naturally strong, otherwise, and of respecting that the “banking” and “Constitutional” designs of Federalist Hamilton as to us of a confederate republic a liberal democracy was design not to firstly have POWER but primarily to be of a Federal to agility with a system of banking for liquidity & readiness.
President-Elect Donald J. Trump must now, as necessary, say to brine of the thorns to be inherited can be a remedial prescribed still yet in time of the pork, turkey, fibrous legumes passed, and, table a prudence for inheritance of crown of thorns morality plays to arts of diplomacy restorative from backwards and inadequate of pea brained spillage of vast collateral rendered mashable passed.
We can toast to a HOPE in a new Secretary of State as from the lot as risen to be duty charged for Diplomacy Rex Tillerson. Rex Tillerson may not, like myself, need still try to live up to having played some squash - club squash - in youth and to having bought a Slazenger Diplomat as my racket of choice, nor may Secretary Tillerson have to personally try to live up to an old college Philosophy paper I have shared as “CAPITALISM: THE PATH TO WORLD PEACE” as a long essayed some upon the “THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH” by Frantz Fanon. I in past year did opine to my godson a current college studying of that I set out to counter of such paper grading of noted proffered near “IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE” (paraphrased of by Villanova Univerity Professor Ed Goff) to not have to edit such paper’s import by setting out more dedicated to proof it as possible and well reasoned.
The portion of the Ukraine “reclaimed” by President Putin is statistically historically of that figured of the the Eastern third of Ukraine is Moscow Orthodox Christian while the Western third is Greek Orthodox and with the middle third like the problem leading area as too “irreligious” and of to that like Iraq and Syria it can be calculated and summed of that Ukraine became also too “irreligious” and became of these as a third a then to an also failed secular Socialist state.
President Putin does appear more “HOLY” at least when rationally measured against President Obama and his Secretaries Secretary Clinton and Secretary Kerry; - President Putin embrace of old Soviet regions of Ukraine as of which are historically See’d of the Moscow Orthodox Christian Church was not an offensive effected for it became a responsive defensive counter to the NATO & European Union meddling President Obama and his hench people were party to as a trigger.
America was GREAT in the time of Alexander Hamilton of the how “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is showing a constituted suffice to be restorative to forward. President Obama failed to learn the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Union and became vastly errant while so also be an Un-Hamilton. President Trump is consummating a new consecration of the “HOLY” in Federalism as originally of a confederate republic for a liberal democracy, and as his selection of the many called to Rex Tillerson the chosen one abiding the truth of a resurgence in Christianity within at least Moscow, - of Russia, Russians.
Alexander Hamilton must be dissected, primarily it seems for an understanding favorable to Capitalism, as being saintly to the structured for National of that banking systems were designed not by firstly working an architecture for POWER as it seems the enduring prudence endears of that such worked to must have come from designing firstly for agility in liquidity for readiness.
Though as a Washington DC general contractor, and as a carpenter, I did before the attacks of September 11, 2001 - months before - install new closet doors in the Watergate condominiums for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice it can be proffered of that President Trump and his cabinet with Secretary Tillerson are to inherit problems from how the Left since 1993 has been of Democratic Party leaders as missing the whole “irreligious” paradigm problem.
President Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump will be arrested from progress if Secretary of State Tillerson doth not side to BREXIT as due for triggered by naive and backwards leading by President Obama con NATO & con the European Union as per moves on/with Ukraine.
Even Crimean can be said to be of valleys of liberation in spirit of a “HOLY” in the “Putin Complex” Rx**. Russian can be said to have created safe spaces in old Ukraine in the basic truth of Moscow Orthodoxy as rooted in the social construct and concept of that “religion” is firstly self-governance.
The light of the Russian battalions and their charges can be deemed LIBERATING as President Obama lead triggered the BREXIT as party to the problem of like Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine old secular Socialist (Ba’athist perverted) three are historically measurable as considerably just three more failed Socialist states somehow of becometh too irreligious - too blinding subscribed to failed secular Socialist dependency ideology.
To understand Rex Tillerson we must cotton to “Mr. BREXIT” into the Presidency of Donald J. Trump! Yes, of a “HAMILTON II” redux’d!
There is prudence and common sense if this “LIBERATION” mashable on Crimea & Ukraine’s Eastern third as Moscow See’d! Honestly!!!
The rap of President Barack H. Obama as I work it out as hashable as #TheBadPresident to http://TheBadPresident now holding for a book so titled, as a compilation of the necessary mass of http://jphogan.org collections related, will be profferable and deep into his greatest failures to having near been always wrong on at least ISIS and Ukraine by missing the “irreligious” inherent fundamental causal rooted.
The American participation to as if Ukraine should move West to NATO and the European Union was a just trigger as an offensive ill considered first strike to which President Putin had a response that relates to a new Russian evangelism! Possibly! Donald J. Trump has been more right than who he inherits a vast mess from in the new Year! Democrats have been WRONG!
President Barack H. Obama legacy seems ready to endure and persist to concluded of that he was always wrong not to have heeded Russian and Chinese admonishment of his professed direction at to be away from moral capitalism and backwards to ways of their learned from failed in Socialism governance. Trump rise is on that President Obama failed to heed President Putin, at least, as to hand of opining postured to advise a turning away too from secular Socialism.
President Trump and Secretary Tillerson will principally need to guide from the errant and excesses of President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry of to like being restorative as curative in a premeditated of prescribing fixes to how besotted President Obama cabal was to trying to defeat the American lead defeat of Socialism. - of secular Socialism!!!
Yes we need to get back to Alexander Hamilton! Yes we need a new popularity and plurality with the pop of Alexander Hamilton! Yes! After President Barack H. Obama not just the People of these united states of the Americas are prudent towards fathoming much went wrong just because, simply, the Left tried to govern opposite to Hamilton’s prescribed.
To be support crew the Trump Cabinet need be joined to the experience and acumen of Rex Tillerson and just so the President can forward be Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump, President of these United States of America - as actually constituted - a leader wise to “irreligious” widely problematic!!!
To this teased as though improbable to impossible as yet a consideration necessary to fathom President Vladimir Putin we must endear a full consideration for Russia, like Syria, has no choice but to find ways forward from problems developed from somehow crossing a fine line in secular Socialism as to having a nation become of a people amassed to too irreligious.
America, itself, can not possibly be restored to “GREAT AGAIN” if the basics are not reconstituted also to that religion is respected as firstly self-governance and a keystone to that governments can actually be of the People free by religiosity, by the People voluntarily dedicants to organized extra-nation organized morality, and for the Peoples to general Welfare and Posterity!!! Our pledged allegiance to flag is for due process and Justice.
God Bless America - our Lord is the same of Jews, Christians, Muslims.
* * * BELIEVE? * * *
* [I confess I am still ignorant of whom Saint Basil is, even as since I spotted his bust in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, NYC, NY, USA.]
** [See at http://CitizenRosebud.com - here - the categories left justified for the collections of “#SOCIALIST SQUIBS” “#PUTIN ESSAYS” & “#ISLAM SQUIBS”]
‘WRONG DIRECTION JOE’ needs some “HOLIDAY’S” tough love!
A primary vice of the Vice is of “Joe” has been naughty - and long too naughty - as party to the training to “divided states” of how conducted in collaborations to the People railroaded in the wrong ties.
However “Joe” is like family there is that prudence must be a kept keep of the keeping for pillars of Justice, and that the vice of the Vice, however as akin to like within “family” is substantial and considerable to being beyond coal to to endure sans gift(s).
We of these “divided states of America” have many problems to “class” and “rude” of Republicans & Democrats that “family” now must field and table however now in 2016 family should abstain from tabling with family of the “Holiday” of “Christmas”!
We of these “divided states of America” have “Joe” & his vice as Vice now as fermented plums at best in the larder and gasing out “rotten” overtures of odious yet kept.
We of these “divided states of America” have vice of the Vice akin to “Joe” as #CROOKED to tru’d rap “CROOKED HILLARY” - - It is not of “Joe” as like “family” of if he supported “Hillary2016″ but that if now so “naughty” to rating sans gift(s) due was so inconsiderate in position to be unable and unwilling to be open to reason and discussion of the “BAD” in “CROOKED”!
United of America of these united states of the Americas - our 50 - it behoove this “HOLIDAY” be most considerate and respecting the Santa Claus as the accountant of the naughty list and to that any “family” to too of “Joe” has rendered their status as befitting no gift(s) due they while corrupt as for “CROOKED HILLARY” were shut down from reason and discussion of the implication and vast issues to haunt and destruct if ever from 2016 there was Unity suffice to a “President Hillary R. Clinton”!
Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” must stay of the accountancy of the “NAUGHTY LIST” to keep the keep of prudence and a copacetic for United civility; If you have real family akin “Joe” as like “family” you may be one who must steel themselves for thru advent and into the new Year as a keeper of standards and to not also slacking and acquiescing to undermining foundations for HOPE; If you have been invited or considering inviting politically “RUDE” family do steel yourself to it akin knowing now ‘TOUGH LOVE’ is necessary and as if you had to say “NO” or maybe even un-invite “Joe” - the Vice of vice!
Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” can hardly be of unity to Joy & Joyous if of a gathering there are in it of such vice of an election year “RUDE” to having not just supported and so colluded to “CROOKED HILLARY” but whom can be listed and tag’d as having been closed to reason and impolite as disposed to shut down discussion of facts of history!
The HOPE of President-Elect Donald J. Trump to be the President of these united states of the Americas now rests in a necessary prescribing to days and as many months of “TOUGH LOVE” upon the “divided states of America” as the losers are the most ignorant and too railroaded to past just sidings to being in a bad way as in a wrong direction for “ELECTION 2016″ is for the history books to endure as a “THE CORRUPTION ELECTION”!
Liberal policies forward will need be switched a turned from by education and debate, as away from the years of diabolical “leading” by once “Speaker Nancy Pelosi” of standing up “Grubers” for Gruber arrogance to trump democracy - liberal democracy originalism - and “advise & consent” of engaged of “demos” - The People!
The YUGE of mashable “divided states” amounts to a moral challenge and education conundrum for President-Elect Donald J. Trump forward; The YUGE is not of a divide to “bridge” but to administer psychology and even psychiatry upon for behavioral sciences must be used to mediate a enlightenment of “Grubers” as akin “Hillary Voters” vastly remedially and fundamentally upon.
It is YUGE and before the class of TRUMP VOTERS that we must consider “it” DESPICABLE - not them, however rude and wrong! The vice of Vice in the “CROOKED JOE” relates to the “American” errant of Representative Keith Ellison more than his bias as Muslim for Islamic over-riding of Constitution originalism - still.
Likewise a YUGE primary concern in: Minnesota Representative hankering for post at DNC - Democratic National Committee - if you cannot explain the grand errant in President Bill Clinton’s first steps in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the Gulf Countries Council how can you be qualified to unite and lead the losing Party?
Donald J. Trump, President-Elect, cannot now run away from the “NAUGHTY LIST” nor “CROOKED JOE” for to bring back an enlightened state for these united states of the Americas President Trump will need to table and serve renderings pared for comity as educated and intelligent and as of “lessons” from away from moronic years of ignoring how much went wrong just because President Clinton did do bad while doing wrongly and errantly his duty as charged.
I, “Citizen Rosebud” blogger, of having said “NO” to TIME in 2006 as regards ‘em so querious for a photo of me for 2006 POY - Person of the Year - cover, as noticed for blogging publicly, from DC, as “uc”, with threads of the newsbusters.org site hosted by the brother-in-law to William F. Buckley, as to arguing that President Bush had to consider an Operation Iraqi Freedom Iraq War SURGE and as of reasoning it through, and then to supporting its initiating and to then supporting it with further reasoning worked and shared up at least to time of picture request I said “NO” to as thinking was expressed as near “I am not half done, and you don’t have the space for my whole story!”
Oh right!!! … I, blogger who offered to work with Time Magazine apparent story intent for 2006, but of “NO” to “photo of me” as “uc” blogger, was he who suggested they should put a “MIRROR” on the cover if they could.
TIME POY President-Elect Donald J. Trump is one still some on my “NAUGHTY LIST” and not only for being as I know it to be of he as one now elected President while yet of being wrong on “IRAQ WAR”! His situation as on the “NAUGHTY LIST” is less certain and secured than “Joe” for the vice as the Vice President, and any family who while supporting “CROOKED HILLARY” were to as such yet “RUDE” and “GRUBERS” for having no willingness (or ability) to reason and intellectualize!
I, “Citizen Rosebud” experienced blogger, now as much #NeverPelosi as was #NeverHillary, am now tracking help heal the vast of the divided states of America by educating, - not “bridging”! As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California did vast harm to the mental health and clarity for intelligence of way too many Americans!
Nancy Pelosi is more on my “FALLEN SOULS” list as never off a seasonal “NAUGHTY LIST” and this is much of the “TOUGH LOVE” President Donald J. Trump will likely necessarily render upon any now predisposed to be joiners in support of a DNC headed by Keith Ellison or a Party apparatus of if being moved by “CROOKED JOE” has any potential!
Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump as inheritor of the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” is that its reset as for “FOR THE REPUBLIC” will endure and amass conversions via enlightenment - and not of sad self-defeating efforts of like of trying to beat dead horses for a ride.
Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump is much that there is a “FOR THE REPUBLIC” measurable mass of “ROGUES” now willing to learn of finally and diligently learn thoroughly of the perils old and new in still heading anywhere unawares of the HUGE mistakes President William J. Clinton made starting with his first policy moves in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the GCC - Gulf Countries Council.
Our HOPE now in a NEW HOPE is of Donald J. Trump story to persist and yet endure as to winning as a ROGUE ONE?
We, firstly must respect the Santa Claus as the keeper of the “NAUGHTY LIST” and abide it now may be constituted for the Vice of vice, and even “family” as “listed” in such a way of “NEEDS IMPROVEMENT” and so due “HOLIDAY” sans gift(s)!
We, primarily, have our keep for MORALS as pressing and prescient in there is a “ROGUE ONE” of a NEW HOPE such as “JOE” - “CROOKED JOE” - Vice President Joe Biden - forward does not alight likewise of possibilities, and as Keith Ellison is not, it seems, a fared to parable for heading the DNC as the “BAD” and “CROOKED” of DEMOCRATS has been of President Clinton’s 1993 errant politics still and of multiplying the collateral damage as from evolving intelligent reasoned to errant as seeming blind mice for having ever supported SHARIAH, as they have, while being to domestic politics for centralized secular Socialist Authoritarian Powers by effecting a nullification of the Constitution and by subjugating Christians and Christian moral law to yet stuck submissive as “under Government”!
In 2016 we still have time to face what President Donald J. Trump must face to enlighten the nation from “divided states of America” of that we’ve been wrong and they’ve been wrong all these years we’ve let ourselves be tracking and heading in the direction as if our nation is not as constituted by People’s Order as established and ordained as under Lord’s Law - as indivisible as one republic under God.
Simply “JOE” - Joe’s bad “NAUGHTY” - fits Keith Ellison’s all these years of these united states of America, as since 1993, been to postured and secured as if world can accept a spreading of SHARIAH while in these united states of the Americas, and elsewhere, Judeo-Christian “MORALS” - “MORAL LAW” - “TEN COMMANDMENTS” are suppressed and the created subjugated from “free” and “citizens” to just subjects “Grubers”!!!
* * * NAUGHTY? * * *
A first supposition to consume is that Hillary R. Clinton just rubbed too many people the wrong way!!!
The cake is baked! Hillary R. Clinton just didn’t see enough coming - didn’t see the horror shows premonitions though such was her job to get done!
New York City, you of Democrats solicitations are not alone! - You’ve been liberated! - You’re saved from a looming descent to “GOTHAM” - devolutions!
The problems forward for Republicans to shine and glow of a “shining city on a hill” brilliance now are concurrent to the issuance of Donald J. Trump; - Does the future of these united states of the Americas now depend on if Donald J. Trump can stay in the lines of as if out of a time machine and for Liberty as stepping out as either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or as either Alexander Hamilton or James Madison.
To shine - to renew and brighten from how Hillary R. Clinton abraded and dulled by rubbing too many the wrong way - mustn’t we collectively consider civility concordance consistent to the consecrated as constituted now is asking Donald J. Trump to be of the bodies electric secured of that to be to “shining” an electric brilliance must be of from bodies to honesty & electric in truth?
To shine - forthwith forward furtively, and foundationally, frankly - Aren’t we at “father” Trump must present daily as if stepping out as a founding father revisiting their ordained and established created Order “done” in humble under God dedication in such past “Year of our Lord”?
To shine - restoratively reset regarding revolutionary reposits, remedially - respectfully it is significant that Donald J. Trump also forward does present as if so “modern” is like in the THE JETSONS, and accustomed to at least the now available flying cars!
It is what it is! Scary is what we have been brought back from the edge of! - Scary is what coulda/whoulda been if Hillary R. Clinton had amassed enough collaboration to a post election lede: ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!
We have been turned back from, and saved from the abyss! Some may now sadly do an about face and blindly turn back to a fateful short plank conundrum diabolical. Some should be vigilant to try to save even these near lost souls of having believed too much that which was so “crooked” it was never safe to ever have believed! Some must teach and shepherd to a learned to a suffice from that which was at best just RIDICULOUS as posited for machinations for CLINTON-KAINE.
Doesn’t Donald J. Trump now just need be the kindly gentle giant surrogate father to the new Tea Party & Constitutional restoration dedicants? Needn’t Donald J. Trump essentially, to shine, now just be as if George Washington or Thomas Jefferson as a reincarnate or revisiting?
It is baked in Hillary R. Clinton’s pudding that baked in her cake is that hauntings will persist as from her resume to rise and gather darkly dark spirits as if here to stay of her while in Purgatory and likely fated to maybe a new 8th level of Hell’s inferno!
The basics for any “THE SHINING CITY ON A HILL” is of bodies electric even as Walt Whitman strung a poetic around embattled “Captain” President Abraham Lincoln, and the Civil War. It is from humanoids gathered in morality of Lord’s Law of a unity in honesty from such as an electric brilliance can endure to emanate as if of actual structuralism.
It seems Donald J. Trump need not posture as if Moses to Barack H. Obama as a self proclaimed Messiah; - Important - most important - forward to a restoration for the brilliance of original constitutionalism is how key it is President Trump be firstly scholarly as if akin to founding fathers and their prudence and exercised as an apostolic spectacle affected.
I do not know if President Trump is better now as if it is 1800 all over again as per prudence & jurisprudence, nor if being of George Washington by his prefacing by his first inaugural begun “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” is to a better polite to a more workable civil, nor if President Trump can be either as on Moses & the Ten Commandments without much being to like snatching an embodiment specifically of Alexander Hamilton or the John Jay of such critical essays as of the opening salvos by the THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!
Flying cars are here and an inevitable ingredient to any and all for the republic infrastructure allotments debates and votage.
The issuance from Hillary R. Clinton “resume” will haunt as dark spirits rise and amass of so much of an on Earth and yet in Purgatory political reality of the fall of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.
Infernal is that there ever was a 2016 “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT”! - The apparatus and machinations for “CLINTON-KAINE” have not, nor ever can, amount to as if by running (for cover) (of strategery by campaigning depended on like the criminal defense playbooks) the legacy of Mrs. William J. Clinton become scrubbed to as if now and forward of all the darkness bleached out to that Mrs. Clinton could be postured as if a clean white & girded as if all haunting dark spirits of Hillary R. Clinton resume were not co-existent and incontrovertible from “crooked” and guilty!
It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be me! - President Trump mandate is to be maybe a founding father reincarnate, and a gentle giant, of dedication to the simple truth of that our originalism constructs of the Constitution as the People’s “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” maintains, -again self-preserves - such that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, & even Jay can be of guidance and to a lightness in being in opposition to Clintons’ dark extant of pregnant or bloated of souls dark of Purgatory & Inferno - of comedy of that essence of the realm of the energies electric of divination - the divine - the divined!
It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be a like rapper to endure as a “Biggie Hogan” as a rival to #HAMILTON by across the space time continuum! - So much now are triggers to me as of that akin maybe to a poet’s conditioned of from real world exposure to of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - #PTSD - if I were to even try to be me - the me President Trump could be if it weren’t also available to him to be reincarnate of the great minds and soul’d of these united states of the Americas original consecrators extradinaire! - Much as we are now here abouts in real time equates to a deja vue possible traumatic to myself if to re-engaged to the officialdom of governance devoid the flexibility and agility of the arts realms! - Much as President-Elect Donald J. Trump now is tasked to render and serve forward is of that to me of my real work to such was done before 1992 - to set up to working, as Clinton 1992 win attests, and then as I viscerally sadly bore witness to of such HOPE and OPPORTUNITY now as concurrent to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is yet to that of which I succeeded to USA as again too whence and of then it that William J. Clinton & the machinations of the “Clinton Machine” did by their devilish hands for years decisively set asunder.
Simply the HOPE & OPPORTUNITY to cakes of the future when empowered of the President Donald J. Trump sworn and rededicated are of the darkness of Hillary R. Clinton must be thoroughly sifted and to the dark energies obstructive to a new “shining” must get sifted out! - President Donald J. Trump must reset to the 1992 election and be of win as if how won unexpectedly by the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON and then to proceed, yes, - not as if me - as but to being again to of the original recipe as by a sole d.o.d. or a smorgasbord, or a worked ratatouille of a harvest’s bounty.
Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to be me! and, it yet remains a conundrum of if he and these united states of the Americas do now forward have a parallel need for me, an also now LIBERATED, to yet shine again as me being firstly me, and of saved from a daily fight of decades, - an at times traumatic struggle - of defenses needed daily to stand against the Clintons and their machinations to of effecting successful and failed attempts to succeed by absconding to popularity by thefts and misappropriation and misuse of that originally and still my own intellectual property!!!
You are now asked to become learned to a suffice to be so then educated enough to be able to reason a position - reason to a position on how President Donald J. Trump though throughout the campaigns was of likewise to the public “Strong For Truth” me is yet now pre-positioned to be more as if a founding father on Moses than as if Moses to the Obama black Messiah!!!
By Dante Alighieri’s divine humor it seems Hillary R. Clinton is not an alone of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON to be like cast incontrovertibly to be forward cast as reserved to the domain of Lucifer and to that we should now all reason if due the vast dark spirits that rise of Mrs. Clinton resume if we are not now of a times of so much so contrary & diabolical as having been politically exercised conversely to Constitutionalism such as that there are reservations for the Clintons as fated to shine not - and walk a fated of Purgatory to as if not in Hell yet for an fitting “EIGHTH” level is still just under construction!!!
Are we now though at that it is best that President Donald J. Trump effect governance as if it is 1800 all over again? - Aren’t these times of hankering for Jeffersonian Republicans and for how he stood tall the compliance for the TEN COMMANDMENTS even as his work to such was of a special “Jefferson Bible”?
It seems incontrovertible that we’ve been LIBERATED and turned from fated to join a condemned thee as THE HOUSE OF CLINTON! - Forward let’s use respect (as Thomas Jefferson worked it?) that religion is firstly self-governance of that of the apostolic spectacle that the founding affected was of that the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the codes for the bodies electric and the recipe for HEAVEN ON EARTH, and as so for at least 3 religions - as at least of Jews, Christians, & Muslims!!!
Forward rub: - Of that our fine and glorious originalism is of our “code” as it such “code” is essential and of written as still the Law which enables there to be such of that of bodies electric as not condemned certain and of structuralism possible to even a nation’s capitol as able to be facilitated to be of good shining? Of that we’ve been LIBERATED from rubbed errantly?
Forward rub: - It is what it is! Our “code” is of we share across religions & religiosity that Lord’s Law is our Moral Law our Nation is also humbled as set under! “Bible “nonsense” equals liberalism - not immoral lies!” & as “PRACTICE CHRISTIANITY IN SUFFICE TO NONSENSE!” The BIBLE is among the “living documents” that our Constitution was set as harder to amend or nullify than, and, now forward our “Politics” are to stand against government over-reach and of the beat to notes to that the People are to now consider if “King James” edition of the BIBLE isn’t too out of date, at least!
Forward rub: - The Supreme Court “decided” on equality of marriage rests as so on point to that the scriptures are to be the “living document” the the Constitution the People’s “Order” of for that which is not of establishments (tenets) of religions; - The Justice is rededicated even by same sex marriage ruling to that the “living” work isn’t finished for at least the #KingJames edition hasn’t been rectified to concurrent vicissitudes to be adjusted to rule on that many people now are to live even 75 years longer past the trials of discovery of youth become settled, and individuals to having “discovered” a immutable “self” to endure and endear as their’s (fated?)?
* * * * * * *
There comes at least one time in a snookered person’s life where they ask if there may be somewhere a trump available to them to get over a “too stupid”!
A worst thing, at this moment, that seems able to be discussed about Donald Trump is that of he is repping that it takes one to know one and as like a reformed old Democrat now standing tall and shouldering a fight against tyranny over minds - standing tall for “law and order” as a one willing to be the new sheriff in town.
Let us discuss what he is willing to stand tall against, still; - let us do a reckoning to how diabolic the threat is.
Hillary R. Clinton is of great debates fails every time she lashes upon Barack Obama as if he should be ever of insulted by Donald J. Trump maneuvers to have him release legal documents detailing the time and place of how conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child of a pepper & salt vicissitudes incident of yet of what may have been his mother of prior consent to conceive him as a son as property to a tribal Kenyan Muslim father by a second “wife” acquired to his “house”.
Hillary R. Clinton misrepresent Barack H. Obama every time she assaults the Trump name as if such was effecting an insult upon him. The birth certificate - the legal document eventually released - did confirm he was conceived before his birthday of a mother it seems who consented to be his father’s Tribal Kenyan Muslim “wife” number two to his Kenyan “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA”.
Hillary R. Clinton misrepresents how Barack H. Obama so proudly represents himself with his memoir “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” as, to Donald J. Trump credit, he seems of posturing that he, however born in America, is to be thought of and supported as if firstly of his father and so firstly by his scribed memoir’s direction to be essentially Kenyan, tribal, and Muslim firstly - however also carried as some Christian.
Donald J. Trump was of the essence of the man as a lawyer - and so righteous - for as a lawyer of coy ploy chicanery by attempts to carry forward interest in his ‘uniqueness’ by keeping a deal in negotiation by delaying closure for closure of a deal requires, for any smart in arts of deals, to have those contrary clauses exposed and corrected.
Barack H. Obama has been a bad lawyer though in ways politicians may like to call being a clever and successfully duplicitous politician - in their “private” speech, not in their intentional “public” banter.
What has been of insulting to President Barack H. Obama isn’t as storied as if insulting by Hillary R. Clinton; - the insult upon Barack H. Obama is for having been a bad lawyer and to being likewise in such mold to being since 2008 trumping of Hillary R. Clinton yet to being likewise as bad a President as her promised was trapping to her only too able to be.
It has been the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” that has brought Donald J. Trump from the Democrat Party folds to against their tyranny over minds as against the new fascism as now too of the Right as against his old Left and only by years and years of dedicated work at actually upholding the spirit of the oaths taken to defend the Constitution from “all enemies foreign and domestic.”
The dangers lay not in Barack H. Obama as self structured to requests to be considered as if more of Kenyan and tribal of his father’s patriarchy than that how he has been contrary to the Constitution and a domestic - right! NOT foreign - threat to the Constituted, and, as boldly so contrary for it is public knowledge in the public domain that he has loudly and quietly attested to not feeling “beholden” to defend the People’s Order as done in that “Year of our Lord” ordained and established.
The ‘DANGERS’ lay in Barack H. Obama is a “bad lawyer” and as confessed to of premeditated affecting as against the Constitution, however he is less threatening due the scandalous (, especially for the times) nature and details of his birthing, and beyond just as such certifies the timeline to that he was conceived a bastard Soviet Studies love child maybe of his mother’s consent that he be forever firstly the property by the second wife in the “HOUSE OF OBAMA” of his father.
Because of the memoir by Barack H. Obama “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” Hillary R. Clinton is more insulting the intelligence of President Obama than Donald J. Trump has ever been by asking for contrary clauses to be removed from his “O” dealt by a lawyer Barack H. Obama of published notoriety and pride akin to asking to be thought to be more tribal, Kenyan, and Muslim by his like work - ‘dreamworks’!
What is in his perversion from regular order and originalism of these united states of the Americas as organized as a confederate republic for to be a liberal democracy is that which the “Law and Order” movement is standing against, and will with whomever next carries the standard if and when passed from as shouldered now by Donald J. Trump.
“Crooked Hillary” doesn’t do justice to their vast collusion and conspiring to set asunder the constituted to usher in more of an empire for AUTHORITARIAN control by a ruling class Liberal elite as yet essentially a the “THE NEW FASCISM” as a the “NEW TYRANNY” as over minds of men and women, and especially children - everywhere.
In 2016 the political lingua franca to best document the effecting politics of the combined efforts of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton, as of them since 2008 spun promised as trapped to be to to just be to keeping their promised, is that they have been to premeditated threats of the domestic nature as committed in mind and body to setting asunder the Constitution as if because inconvenient it can be trampled.
In 2016 the political lingua franca that best documents that actual common core of Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton doth extend far beyond a simple rap as #TheBadPresident “THE BAD PRESIDENT” for in this year it must be reasoned to that “FASCISM” is now best defined as a movement of the Left as for AUTHORITARIAN Power for a ruling class Liberal elite to have Powers as the Authority of “FINAL SOLUTIONS” and as such is in public and private records to that they of the “Democrat Party” are now dedicated in a joined opposition to fundamentally against that these united states of the Americas were subscribed as ordained and established “done” to be for a “liberal democracy” of a loose federation of states by constituted as organized by the People’s Order (Yes! Preamble “Order” is a noun a synonym like as for “constitute”!) as to be a confederate republic.
It is indisputable that the legacy of “President Barack H. Obama” is firstly that he by definition has been as “THE BAD PRESIDENT” at least incidentally for the rap is true that he has been a “bad lawyer” by not practicing due process and regular order and to that he wasn’t even practicing the subscribed core of the constituted by the People’s Order that it be a protection from all “tyranny over the minds of men” and from that today especially as rappable as of “FASCISM” as currently a “movement of the Left” as purposefully anti-Constitution.
J. Peter Hogan’s, me, of mine posted just today, as confirming to such a history if of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan and of “WALL” mostly posted as “PUBLIC”, for example to that is:
“#CSPAN #cspanchat #Election2016 #TP2016 ~ When #GreenAgenda recognized as of ‘a tyranny over minds of men’ of #ClimateChange a new #FASCISM as of elites effecting to be the authorities to #AUTHORITARIAN tyrannical isn’t it #Trump and #ThePeople who forward must be seen as them more right? However climates are changing doesn’t change that the #politics of the day are of a #Democrats as #FASCISTS to saying ‘our way - or else’ and to that #Republicans are said to as have been en masse against protecting the environment even as but have been against forced marching to adherence to solutions as only as if #Dems can offer the FINAL SOLUTION. CitizenRosebud.com #StrongForTruth #HOGAN”
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[As I have posted and publicly shared via my social media platforms as publicly available to the internet eco-systems “THE BAD PRESIDENT” “#TheBadPresident” of TheBadPresident.com and http://bit.ly/TheBadPresident are now of holding usage to yet be for a pared down from over 6,000 pages in book form maybe as soon as early or mid 2017. What is read here is some in response to a query to if such dot come was “up?” - up yet. Material here available is just part of the “BAD” story.]
We need to see the dead people!
As case can be made to that Donald J. Trump is attempting to finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Luther - but as a Presbyterian: - It seems we must key seeing two that died on July 4th in 1826.
We need to see beyond just seeing Alexander Hamilton as hip!
Though the metropolis heeled/curbed set are 2016 cosmopolitan of class struggles we have to accept these may be among the last to step out and rock the politics of that we have been heading in the wrong direction for too long.
Akin to the metropolis cosmopolitan 2016 conundrum would be that essentially we must now change the music!
To right ourselves from too long off course and at least near broached it is imperative that we tag the drum beats of Barack H. Obama of too majored in steering us off course! To parlay the politics of music perchance we accept such has been too long cliche and cliche Socialist - too “Old Stalinistic” marched! - too sans the hip of at least Alexander Hamilton as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #1 as keyed that the People’s Order a constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”!
“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP” is the life long business struggle dynamic still core to TRUMP now as a candidate.
A “LIBERATION” is cored to such dynamism even indivisible from the “PRESIDENT TRUMP” promise.
The “LIBERATION” is in that the life long human story now can only bear fruit if the new “music” rises bottom up - and ’street’ cool/hip.
I posture that all should prepare themselves for TRUMP delays akin to working an engagement and sagacity SOP of disciplined patience to wait for the new good music to rise bottom up.
What may be the chord or beat apropos a restoration to righteousness and practiced common morality?
What can be the hook - how for beat tragic and dire Barack H. Obama rap - to cover the wrecked havoc of so many years wasted with cacophonies discordant as forced measures clamors stacked for “Obama Comrades” of beatings to a crony elite ruling class solidarity effected tonage?
I posture newly we need to see the dead people!
The trump in the “THE TRUMP” is as restorative of “again” for “America” as constituted by the People’s Order done in the “Year of our Lord” whence so soundly and definitively as a formed “more perfect Union”!
For your liberation which beat is your own best tool? which dead person’s harmony can fit your melodic patriotism?
Pitty the fool who knoweth not their “A” game now best to also reconnoiter the triptick souls’d of our Pilgrims & Mayflower, to the Plymouth Plantation, but of score’d to a commonality as also of the times but different conditions to the risen works of Oliver Cromwell, and also Rene Descartes. Yes! a “Cartesian” gestalt might help any calculable scoring.
There yet is the one soul common to “Dana” and “Kimberly” to synchronize forward with progressing beats of the Republican Movement; - Dana Plato as “Kimberly Drummond” - may she rest in peace - fits to if to doubt Donald J. Trump Republicans as the success of Donald J. Trump up from like a Queens’ Presbyterian orchestration now is yet for cites of precedence set but that Donald J. Trump here to fore has been “succeeded” near only a the scale and scope of Plato’s “REPUBLIC”; - Donald J. Trump has been a builder of buildings and communities - even neighborhoods - but yet is he proven as a keeper of a nation. Donald J. Trump will need a “Willis” and an “Arnold” for his winded, beaten, & stroke’d new improved “different” for these ways to have the will’d.
For Donald J. Trump to amount to more than the limited of Plato’s worked he must be keenly seen as for “movin’ on up” for any who think they can survive the itches of responsibility in trying to find if able to take the heat of riches. The “New GOP” may hoot and holler also with “TRADING PLACES” while not em must prove themselves for “LIBERATION ECONOMICS”.
Actually most voters, if they have heard of Jack Johnson or read enough of F. Scott Fitzgerald, should be sympathetic for TRUMP business dynamic of that every morning as a properties operator as souls stir newly of “bottoms up” there may yet be alarms and sirens harkening at least of a too demonstrable “Eloise” roaming the halls mischieviously or a “Dennis The Menace” too proudly loudly apparently in violation of the Mann Act.
America, to be great again, now essentially must learn to come to terms with a great embarrassment for Harvard & Harvard Law School as it seems self evident now that the “first black President of Harvard Law Review” to this very day is still somehow, by nature or corrupted nurture/guidance/teaching, of having, it seems, NEVER read the Constitution correctly.
“O” Barack H. Obama will be haunted by #Its_O_not_o for the rest of his life! The Constitution only makes sense as with preamble “Order” a noun and for that reason as capitalized. The proper reading of the Constitution is akin to how the Republicans have protested for decades as to that it cannot be the “living document” as Democrats protestant for as because “Order” is of “O” and not “o” it reads as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…/done/…/Year/of/our/Lord”!
Essentially it has been necessary, while technically treasonous, for the Clintons to posture as if in a “post Constitution” new “order” and for President Obama to proclaim, even during his 2nd inaugural, that he “wouldn’t feel beholden to the oath of office” he just swore to be! The Democrats have failed for by not knowing the proper reading of the Constitution they have thought it necessary to try to reinvent the wheel and now obviously have greatly failed!
The Constitution cannot be read for a “living document” as attempted, and yet progressed to ill effect now so long, in part because to the founders the work for the People’s Order to constitute the new better Union was like a apostolic spectacle - and so of humbly respecting that the scripture of “our Lord” set was at least by the King James Bible the “living word”! It seems critical that to join in “Make America Great Again” we too must be so respectful and to that the People’s Order was constituted to be harder to amend or void than it was/is to edit and revise an edition of the Bible.
Sadly so much has gone so wrong by that the Democrats Left Liberals seems to have read to read what they wanted to read and missed reading truly to the only way the entire document can make sense. It was/is lazy reading and “interpretation” to posture as if the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows must be measured is ever as if just as “in order to…” and weak as like a loophole for Executive tyranny by Executive Orders as if “legal” if something just seems “more perfect”!
E.G.: Take healthcare - for example: Democrats if read the Constitution correctly would have avoided all these years of trying to create a “right to healthcare” for such is in the Republic already as constituted “under God” and to that what Democrats have come up with actually violates the First Amendment. By the accurate Republican traditional reading of original intent everyone already with religion then already has a right to healthcare as health of souls is one of the oldest establishments of religion. Hence Republicans have been logical and faithful to the genius of the founders by working contrary to Liberals’ efforts for centralized secular Socialism by insisting that faith based solutions are affordable for existing structures, if now too dust covered, are yet already available. It is at least Christian and for crisis redistribution among communities how every religious American already is constituted of a equal right to that of healthcare of that of yet society together at discerning understanding of how God or the Devil is yet in the relative details.
I.E.: Consider the Obamacare irony: By the powers vested in “ACA” the confederate republic of these unites states of the Americas has mere laws boldly contrary to Constituted prudence with Religious Freedom & separation of church & state. By the powers vested in “ACA” if the Federal Government goals was actually “affordable care” it would/must mandate all citizen subjects voluntarily commune weekly, at least, for lite calisthenics of sit, stand, kneel, prostrate, sit, kneel, prostrate… and with aerobic work out of song with community harmony, however that day able to achieve heavenly harmony, by singing mixed in with meditations by readings and tough “medicine” with guilting & public shaming. For healthcare to be ever affordable it must be likewise of all spokes in helm’s wheel of state of each part of community in services together as equals - as of rights to their work as individually as critical a spoke to keeping the wheel of community true - trued. Essentially “Obamacare” must be UnConstitutional for that it gives the Federal Government the Power to mandate that subjects must (voluntarily) commune as to believe in each other that together in faiths they can yet be upstanding and moral (compliant assimilated subjects) citizens.
A simple Constitution teachable note: It is easier to find GOD in the Constitution than that the Clintons, nor any other, have a right to be of an imperial authoritarian shadow government (such as Clinton Global Initiatives apparently has proceeded since organized)! It is ridiculous pure fiction any interpretation likewise effecting for there in Article 1 is the prohibition from titles of nobility and as well by Section 9 Paragraph 8 powers vested in Congress to highest standard low bar of “whatever” to audit and approve even the least seeming just personal emoluments for any banking on offices of trust. To see the prima facia of “Clinton Shadow Government” think of Clinton Foundation annual meetings as synchronized to United Nations gatherings and to that it like mandatory to also attend presiding by “King Clinton” of “CGI” holding court even if just firstly primarily generally posturing as if President of the World promoted from having earlier been just President of the United States.
Sadly Mrs. Clinton’s foible related can be summed out as like Mrs. Clinton did as her good book said (Alinski’s) and with false “messiah” Obama did effectively get control of healthcare, and killed off their God.
Donald J. Trump may not have a past as one who has created rising tides yet he does relate as one who has like built sound vessels to be party to “rising tides” and has shared methods via books to others keen to building “boats”.
Even concurrently Donald J. Trump is more building a vessel for a ship of state on the “rising tide” now building long of that real and concrete as the “Republican Movement” as encompassing restorative by Tea Party sweated!
Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to know how to create an economics rising tide for how America is constituted sets up a natural dynamic for such to occur! - - - if not actively impeded!
As we individually should ponder which dead people we need see and respect newly the core common to all is “freedom” is “of” religion for religiosity is what amounts an any as above barbarian or animalistic barely.
Every core to the great American is of that of sans borders (spirit) is of religion while that which is of property rights and of borders then is that which is of government!
As we pick through the dead people and decide which has kept best we are all together wise to respect a conundrum of the founders at an apostolic spectacle by constructing the People’s Order as respectful of that economics of Adam Smith amount to a reinterpretation of two Corinthians - 1 & 2 Corinthians, and the jist of all of Paul’s letters!
Donald J. Trump is shouldering the cross of responsibility all free people must!
Corinthians, however “re-interpreted” economics of “Invisible Hand” economic theory, speaks as the founders established and ordained of that to be for growth economics a underlying foundation of community must exist of people able to sing together!
Simply Donald J. Trump needn’t try to reinvent the economics wheel!
He can helm a steadying of the ship of state if America can be America again!
That what is of sans borders (of spirit) is then of “religion” is yet the common core of Paul’s letters and also the economic theory as a “re-interpretation” of such - that by Adam Smith. Liberation is still possible as naturally constituted if we can sing together at a sustaining community level and practice of that the first ruling “self interest” of a humanoid in economical moral capitalism (redundant! - Capitalism in theory is moral!) is to firstly choose “community” (safety in numbers) a secondly choose to be moral within “network” (not to shooting oneself in one’s own foot or wallet)!
* * * BELIEVE! * * *
[This is a work in progress I feel no pressure to finish before Friday evening. I hope to get enough down now to establish the core spine for the economics politics dynamic - and yet as now the weather presents as a rare last day to get out on my 1982 road bike and spin the shoreline of Milford for a few hours of sweating out last nights like carbo loading. Please check back regularly, and opine via social media if you think you can help the revolution - the Republican Movement even.]
And, in continuation: There is still that there is a vast Left villainous conspiracy to impede, counter, sink!
It is diabolical such a vast threat has endured under estimated and under recognized so incredibly long!
Starkly: Such a vast villainous conspiracy needs superheroes - SUPERHEROES - to reign righteous against the lot - the lots of akin “superdelegates”!
Starkly: Whom are those among us that can now rise against such a villainous machine? What kinda “SUPERHERO” is it these times need all most pray for - and to be worthy of?
The Delaware hasn’t been of such dire times since people of the olden days were of the times of Rene Descartes and Oliver Cromwell - the times of the Mayflower sailing with the lot of “Pilgrims” to be. Oh my the vessel Clinton is threatening the waters dire about Moshulu - and for ghastly rigged - for such a ghastly vessel captained as for “rigged”.
The Delaware must be defended anew! These times now as if such Left vast villainous is yet akin to old Britain angst that brought the War of 1812 so fundamentally up our rivers, and upon our shores, where not held back until their clocks ran outta of times of sufficient stowed.
Are not this times so akin! Are not these times so dire newly as if the vessel CLINTON is upon that of Philadelphia constituted as if yet against Baltimore whence and to yet if we know if our flag may still be steady and proud?
The vessel CLINTON seems steadfast as “rigged” as against the Pilgrims - and especially the economic history of the lessons learned for “sociology” - for social sciences.
Mightn’t we fear we may only get what we deserve and not a SUPERHERO we fear we need and hopefully pray for?
It seems New York had to fall first before the vessel CLINTON could now be so firstly generally threatening Philadelphia, and likewise too that of Maryland, and likely especially Baltimore. Ahh? - But has New York actually been set asunder? - is New York already lost as