
July 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:29 pm

Pick up your sense of time and place.

We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.

It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.

In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.

In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.

Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.

We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?

We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.

Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?

To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.

A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.

His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.

Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”

A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.

In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.

Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.

A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.

Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.

A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.

I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.

One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.

The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.

By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.

President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.

Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.

The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.

The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.

To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.

Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.

Harvard, God is not dead!

We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.

Harvard, God is not dead!

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.

E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?

Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.

Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.

What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.

The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.

Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.

It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.

Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.

By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.

Harvard, God is not dead!

Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.

Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.

Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.

Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.

A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.

As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.

Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.

Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!

Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.

Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.

I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.

My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.

Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.

There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.

Harvard, God is not dead!

And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Now, especially, serial students:

A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.

Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.

I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.

Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.

Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?

We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!

The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!

And, of to score in present time:

The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?

By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?

And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?

What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?

Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!

Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?

Harvard? God is not dead?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

Can you handle the truth?

If you think you can handle the truth where now do you think you have to read it to get it?

Many have walked a line - posed a colorful utterance, more for (Gray) impression than science.

Whether of ankle deep or knee high worries with roaring twenties yelping on agreeing on a bar - metric - histories do befit scrutiny.

Where can uniform standards, even, be ethical?

Twenty somethings’ fight may have to move from any sitting on the fence - twenty somethings may have to rave and march for pushing a broad conscience to resolve that our world has witnessed “Baby Boomers” rendered own a worst gen - a worst generation.

It seems safer to posit there has too long been no ethical fashion in mainstreamed said “ethical fashion” than to reboot thought examples.

Can you name the antagonists?

How can we scientifically measure whom protagonists - worthy and fitting an honorable tag?

To graphically Madden-ize these problem events of have been in a bad way -wrong direction for over thirty years:

Perhaps tweedy proffering is needed using historical methods on the Civil War - even Gettysburg - with maps of force locations, movements, failed charges, and real outcomes.

What is the where today of a field of battle - of this not just theater of war?

Though prudent and necessary to lay out a cast of characters of whom failed science - were bad actors emoting frauds while uttering to “trust the science” dramatically?

If we Madden-ize and repurpose Gettysburg perhaps we can show the raw gore of bad actors as of a “worst gen”.

Now: Imagine you are now reading on the mistakes long of the “Green” climate movement of battles over the past three decades. How it caused inflation will be everywhere.
Let us cast Barack Obama as if General Robert Lee, Bill Clinton as if General George Pickett, and Al Gore as if was President Jefferson Davis.

Imagine the troop positions, not just of these together in a yet common threat to the Union, and work to be of Speaker Kevin McCarthy as if atop Little Round Top as if was General Earl Warren.

This won’t be BGV George Custer’s last stand.

We suppose Barack Obama sought to get control of Cemetery Ridge - metaphorically high ground of defenders of the Union.

We suppose Bill Clinton is known of 1990s of too much moral bankruptcy across his leadership - particularly his worked up two trillions in cuts with a trillion for unneeded surplus affected in lieu of actually caring - in lieu of good leadership - and yet present trying to seem relevant.

It seems Al Gore twas most new Jefferson Davis, President of a confederacy, dictating marching authoritarian solutions tyranny.

To fashion for an ethical on climate we must too work figures on issuances hemmed for reparations.

It seems logical that Speaker Kevin McCarthy should triumph - win the battle.

A full cast of bad actors have long been knowingly or unwittingly dressing the parts needed to party on with such new old South ranks - old Southern attitudes.

Do please recall that “Black Lives Matter” began more as a protest against Barack Obama and on real vibe - essence of issues - that he was at least governing too white. And fathom it got altered serious sadly into firstly a mobile force used to protect a global millions to billions brand of “Obama”.

Why did Barack Obama want control of Cemetery Ridge? Weren’t many of recent historical failures due actually to substandard bad leading of Bill Clinton? - of 90’s and beyond? Clintons are recalled of punk’d Barack Obama all eight years, as from since he had to visit Harlem office of Bill Clinton and accept his would be a divided house of he to have the Clintons admittedly as rivals - to his a “Team of Rivals” by near blackmailed to Hillary as Secretary would be insubordinate & still a Clinton first?

In these trying times re-enacting women were involved - quite badly associated. During the battles of “Green” climate ushering women were also bad actors not merely dolled up to picnic at war overlooks. Some yet were still present and honorable towards doing as much as could for troops trying to save the Union.

Al Gore fits the suits of President Jefferson Davis? And, to find an ethical for contemporary fashion mustn’t we rehash the walk and talk twas his?

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

Historically the 90s moral bankruptcy of Clintons did set up the banking crisis that $4 gas price fixing by Al Gore, somehow needing collusion, then triggered. This was one of ways much said “done for blacks” by such Democrats was yet set up backdoored to fail. Worse may be if it was mere negligent leadership of such Dems avoided any consideration to how it all would set asunder blacks’ economics especially. It seems twas premeditated oppression while some it may have been incidental and more passive aggressive.

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

On a presidential level we have problems that relate too of “One China” now versus “One Humanity”! This is where we are and need be as corrective otherwise on other mistakes by Democrats back to 1993.

The Clinton library is skinned in Confederate Gray - as after Clinton cut and extra trillion in lieu of actually caring about “Green” or “Blacks” - in lieu of caring about climate change, even levees, black schools, and even new schoolbooks. His charges luckily mostly failed - and while sadly of great costs.

Where are they in our Madden-ized? What are their darkest aims?

To Madden-ize positions of Al Gore’s authoritarian tyrannical each needs see colors as classed.

Reparations are owed by old Southern plantations patriarchs, and heirs like Al Gore, principally, however the crops were like Gore Plantations long for addicting people to “cancer sticks” or labor intensive elsewhere of cotton for practical and fashionable. Our Constitution expects a case-by-case resolution - not a spreading of guilt nationally to guilty pass the buck to many much innocents.

Gore is heir of family’s business twas for gross profiting from peoples addicted to “cancer sticks” - tobacco nicotine addictive properties. Perhaps graphically it as if you could take Al Gore out of the old South but you can’t get the old Southern out of Gores?

Al Gore as a newly fashioned President Jefferson Davis has been more to strong arming, some jackbooted, for otherwise addicting new masses to his marketed fixes - “Green” solutions tyranny marketed.

By 2006 Al Gore strategies said on climate change - with tyrannical for a “Green” agenda were quite, especially in hindsight, to twas forcing a whitening across employment and newly grand class dividing mastered towards blacks of economics broadly newly set asunder.
Joe Biden - President Joe Biden, presently - was right as new administrator to remark U.S. near in a new civil war while he yet was politically horribly terribly wrong not coloring the new gray as it is Democrats whom are the “REBELS” - them working to set asunder “Liberty for all” values.

However cobbled together these new Southern forces - and coyly of Barack Obama messianic vibe more of a secular essence - and marshalled for Cemetery Ridge as an advantaged higher ground wanted the technical failures of Bill Clinton were decisive.

Females Democrats did more than pick out curtains and fuss over what to wear to picnic at the battles. Women too were bad actors also of blood on their hands working up these rebellions insurgent to constituted order for Liberty for all.

Beware how if Democrats Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Joe Biden may loudly posture walking a talk of reparations such seems defensive for past Southern offenses to akin attempts to spread the costs of South’s patriarchs’ guilt towards others across our nation more left to whom assuaged to what yet Southern liabilities to blacks.

Beware: Due the worked “Green” tyranny of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton around 2006 our regular gas prices skyrocketed from available near 95 cents per gallon - to somehow fixed through foreign collusion as inflated to near $4.00 per gallon - far more if per liter.

GBV George Custer did thwart Gen. J.E.B. Stuart at Gettysburg.

Today in hindsight, after Madden-izing, it seems most evident we only had bad climate models - Democrats were bad actors lacking any real ethical fashion - Dems were bad role-models.

Barack Obama model - in terms of he wanted a “personality presidency” - seems firstly labeled as was too of a narcissistic Stalinism. His economics was to nothing could be peoples doing Lord’s work as any project was to only fronted as done in his own name.

Over five thousand soldiers were killed in just one day of the battle at Gettysburg of the waring to save our more perfect Union - our constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” where none to be “titled” and there no divine rights of a monarch/authoritarian.

Bill Clinton model - in terms of Clintons postured a “post Constitution” for authoritarian powers - seems firstly twas long of moral bankruptcy. His politics was to there was no accepting blacks as evolved without political factoring to though yet white men of South also pronounced as evolved more simultaneously.

Again: The Clintons cut $2 Trillion with $1 Trillion really really cut in lieu of actually caring. And, thousands died from they, at least in 90s, reportedly waged war against God.

Whom fashionable as a new GBV G. A. Custer - of a cavalry did protect the good of North - good Northern - from being flanked?

Perhaps the good lore of Gen. Earl Warren is good essence of Speaker Kevin McCarthy - is a new vibe for threads on holding “more perfect Union” high ground to at least protect from ranks getting enfiladed.

Al Gore model - in terms of if he wanted masses to be less citizens and more subjects, as mobs, newly addicted to “Gore” retailing - wholesaling addictive fixes too - is of he led movements of the Left for authoritarian power, anti-Constitution like of President Jefferson Davis, and that by definitions today the revised “FASCISM” meaning accurately is as of Left Democrats Progressives are those who are clinically FASCISTS.

The cast of climate models have in common each were of AUTHORITARIAN wants with movements to such theirs as a new FASCISM.

Al Gore is whom is most globally FASCIST? - AUTHORITARIAN of his is only face of correct (trust his “science”) authority?

Bill Clinton is whom is most institutionally FASCIST? - As Clinton foundation is structured collusion and emoluments for reaping AUTHORITARIAN by it a soapbox for as if that his face is the only real AUTHORITY?

Barack Obama is whom offered a third FASCISM - to Democrats more tri-polar than bi-polar, and while “personality” proofed out as more narcissistic Stalinism. Obama, with his imperialism also a new FASCISM, did war against the Constitution to be more an AUTHORITARIAN - seen even as if SOCIALISM had failed in passed because it wasn’t of his “personality” as its guiding AUTHORITY?

Having some Madden-ized the politics this modeling shows across the ranks a lack of ethical fashion with them Democrats with “Tri-Polar Fascism” materials in gross supply.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Joe Biden, presently a President more a “REBEL” to “more perfect Union” as a Peoples’ “Order” … “done” in “Year of our Lord” essence, seems incapable of his own FASCISM and yet must choose a FAVORITE FASCIST, and either Gore, Obama, or Clinton as his ONE TRUE AUTHORITARIAN?

Joe Biden presently seems too contrary as Catholic of Catholics to yet be boxed in - labeled - tagged - decreed fashionable as a tool of THE HOLY SEE - and agent of Roman Catholic orders?

The Democrats are the REBELS!

Though term-limited Clinton still tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet rival to under President Obama - Obama/Biden - still presently under President Joe Biden. In many ways the whole lot of these REBELS have been trapped by 90s moral bankruptcy real histories of Clintons. More Madden-izing though to be needed to dissect and dramatize how we have been saved yet by 80% of their bad was much defeated without being generally known of - saved yet by we are only trying to reconstruct from all the bad in what may have only been near of 20% of charges attempted.

We are necessarily now in a era that must be CORRECTIVE to the 90s and much the Clintons did actually get wrong - especially as per they much globally got the end of the Cold War wrong as yet of how and now we are of a new “Civil War” event.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Who, we need ask, is President Joe Biden’s favorite FASCIST.

Again: The Democrats are the “REBELS”!

Though term limited Clinton tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet under Obama - like Pickett under Lee?

An Al Gore model can have no ethical fashion. Solutions tyranny by and AUTHORITARIAN is real FASCISM, - too a “Mao Chic”!

General Earl Warren held a little round top - a strategic high ground.

BGV George Custer held off flanking cavalry with volunteers for Liberty for all.

The North under command of General George Meade managed the unity and focus to save the “more perfect Union” for Liberty for all.

In hindsight the all Southern, all white, all male, Clinton-Gore ticket became apparently a greatest threat to the Union - the constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) … “to form” a “more perfect Union” as not AUTHORITARIAN - as without a divine right of monarch.

Clinton-Gore became a “greatest threat” in the history of our Union - Clinton & Gore rival now as who was greatest threat to our republic. And now too Obama & Biden.

There is no shortage of material though now available to also rank Nancy Pelosi.

Is McCarthy - isn’t Kevin McCarthy - a new model of HOPE?

In hindsight Barack Obama seems twas always punk’d by Al Gore, and the Clintons, and in ways Vice President Joe Biden didn’t muster a viable defense.

Graphically the truth is there is a “Tri-Polar Fascism” - three distinctive FASCISTS camps across the Democrats ranks, and existentially. Many of each’s inflection points provide evidence - reveal each pole as unworkable anti-Constitution campy fashioned, and now needing real efforts corrective across most domestic and foreign lines.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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BRIBERY - 2023?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:27 am
On January 1, 2024, when you look back on this now the new year 2023, will you be able to define or understand the standards - legal standards - for politicians on bribery - of the Emoluments Clause - of originalism?
2022 closes out now with standards more the issues of the 118th Congress Judiciary Committee than what investigations otherwise should be specifically targeted individual Democrat by individual Democrat.
We as a People can only see bipartisanship return if we can unify on what are at least the original standards as now corporate lawyers much to be near malpractice wherever they might forget to advice employees that the Constitution originalism is the actual law of the land our politicians and civil servants are to be dedicated to in their work.
Corporate lawyers’ guidance must forward advise company that the Supreme Court 6-3 majority establishes that originalism is what the “law” in the constituted of, and that which company policies should be compliant to. 
Our Peoples “Order” “to form” our “Union” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” lives as the structured established and ordained for limited government with many protections from tyranny.
Bipartisanship can only be effected where standards can be understood and agreed upon.  The Supreme Court docket for 2023 is expected to include ruling on defining bribery.  Our new 118th Congress should get ahead of such case load to do duty to legislate from Congress - to avert legislating from the bench.  2023 must be organized to be effectively to defining what are emoluments and what constitutes bribery.
Under the reign of Speaker Pelosi a convenient ceiling was set of a suspension of the constituted protections and prudence to allow a vast and deep bias for Democrats.  Democrats suspended the Constitution to at least protect with cover-ups the Clintons, and with regards to their ploys and chicanery of anti-Constitution “post-Constitution” machinations.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
The Clintons since taking office in 1993 have made themselves the example of how not to set the example.
There is nowhere now to go but public & thoroughly upon, for starters, the bent of prudent was of the Clintons’ deeply also always selfishly of the old, since law schooled coeds in New Haven, collaborations to become a first husband and wife to get their owned named presidencies.  There is deep and broad work to be done across decades of how for starters the Clintons put selfish gains ahead of governing to be of the people and right for the times.  The model the Clintons’ example endures as is of they firstly tried to make the times fit their selfish ambitions.
The world has suffered as Nancy Pelosi persisted in being derelict of the duties of Congress per the Emoluments Clause and for a partisan bias that allowed the Clintons to bend and bend and break the protections from tyranny that are of vast importance of regulating on emoluments, and collusion “whatever” the benefit.
Fellow Americans, please encourage and enable the new 118th Congress to thoroughly do the work needed to reassert & reaffirm where our protections from tyranny break down as bribery and collusion may trump policing emoluments and idea of the Union as “more perfect” due sans autocracy - is as of there to be “no titles” and each penny to be audited where foreign entanglements can amount to collusion.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
What may or may not now appear as interesting with the release of tax documents of Donald J. Trump, Sr related affairs must soon pale in comparison to the vast shenanigans our Congress near had partisan sanctioning of - allowance in spirit - wrongly to allow the chicanery of the Clintons - at least particular to matters of the global initiatives of a term limited former President posturing as if an autocrat and of holding court where emoluments expected but for then were hushed up as if just now “charity” while empowerment in gratuities from foreign agents.
Consider after President Obama had the Benghazi disaster in Libya of determined, in essence, that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to have any hot spot US Embassy backed up for a 9/11 anniversary September 11th.  In consideration now also think about how investigations got slow walked the vibe from Secretary Hillary too near to concern that Bill couldn’t be cleared due “emoluments” however called “charity” as maybe indirectly yet being of material support of terrorism.  As Obama’s Secretary of State the “Hillary” State Department was corrupted by at least Mrs. Clinton held the oversight responsibility upon if Bill Clinton’s global meddling, called “initiative” generally, were yet even negligently incidentally to material support of terrorism.
Are you one already aware of the history of the “Clinton Global Initiatives” founding of Bill Clinton, while seeking to be in Carnegie Hall Tower, with rent near a $1 Million/year paid by taxpayers, of also he had to promise the foundation wouldn’t be partisan or used for politics like towards making a rise for Mrs. Clinton to get her own presidency?  Do you also know that when the Government agency said no to such free rent Bill Clinton did ask Big Bank Bankers to pay his foundation rent as thanks for all the money he made them by pushed them into derivatives?  
Do you now get the bad example of the Clintons’ example?  Our country had New York state elect Mrs. Clinton for their business while Bill Clinton was compromising her asking for “charity” much on its face more bribery?
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
By originalism the Emoluments Clause specifies that Congress is to know about every emolument like such and is responsible for approving all “whatever” the miniscule pecuniary value or benefit essence.  Corporate counsel should be avoiding malpractice and offering guidance that it is originalism that is the law of the land - even to making examples of the Clintons for they publicly so confessed were of “post-Constitution” as anti-Constitution that they quite confessed to textbook treason - on how used bias to be allowed more autocratic and tyrannical power - even after President and playing global power broker under guise of “charity” with it some conspiratorial malfeasance with House Democrats.
The Clintons much apparently blackmailed Barack Obama into a “Team of Rivals” of his house divided by after election, and as with his visit to Harlem to the Clinton foundation fallback office location, to that he seemed folded before Clinton wishes to let Bill Clinton of the world as like first President of the World - with Mrs. Clinton set up in State Department to merely more be akin he of still a travel office.  Farfetched?  President Obama started in office with the Clintons fully meaning to rival him internationally and by cloaking illegal emoluments as if just “charity” despite personalities of Clintons more of they had an unnecessary $1 Trillion surplus in lieu of actually caring while in office.
Please, my fellow Americans, do now deeply read the Constitution for the originalism of how we are supposed to be protected from tyranny, and autocracy, and especially by the Emoluments Clause.
The new Congress - the 118th Congrees - should be in a race to clearly and broadly reestablish bars and standards on emolument, collusion, and incidentally bribery, before the Justices of the Supreme Court get to working through 2023 decisions upon even just bribery.  The 2023 jurisprudence schedule needs a deep and quantitative, and investigative, effort to correct the perversions across our protections that have been of the real legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as historically derelict of her duties of office as per sworn oaths.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
And quantitative now however upon former President Donald J. Trump, Sr. related taxes, and such, now must be paralleled with a standards metric that at least questions how it was #WhitePride of Clintons also as per first black President Barack H. Obama of Bill Clinton set his “charity” fees to foreigners especially as near worth more per day than the first black President was paid per year.  And to how this is complicated and much affirmed of the Clinton server “Hillary Email” scandal of by that Bill Clinton in possession of servers had admin privileges to President Obama’s State Department official materials - even more in real time that Mrs. Clinton as yet Obama’s Secretary abided him.
The Constitution never stopped being the Law of the land.
To prove the Clintons, for starters, are guilty any prosecutor near needs just that in the public record, then presented as of arguments with an assertion to such extent of that while they proudly were anti-Constitution such was quite textbook treason, and of for frauds with personal gain, with their “post-Constitution” ploys, to then conclude it is that such was never legal - that the originalism remained the Law.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill. We should hope!  We should help!
                                  *     *     *      *      *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:33 pm
     As the existential threat seems of the essence & vibe of Speaker Pelosi much affecting like a big bee loose in a car of any driving while white or black: Happy New Year 2022: Let us nail down some of the historical problems of President Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong, & President Joe Biden bumbling on & on misunderstanding our new Civil War.
     It has been said that Joe Biden is scientifically incapable of any moral high ground.
     The Clintons have many problems & now how Joe Biden can’t even rank 42, 43, 44 to any scientific standard without himself being to self-incrimination to party to illegal cover-ups on far worse than Watergate - far worse than President Richard Nixon is just also a stinger likely ready.
     The coming elections for  2022 & 2024 must set out a field of battle of battle lines of troops - politicians positions - mapped out like John Madden long gave play analysis. A “TRUST THE SCIENCE” scope is due for many sciences from economics to behavioral sciences. These forward days are dangerous if any not behooved to study any party horsepower, and righteousness per candidate where ever seated. A ranking of 42, 43, 44, 45 in deep data with secured processes is extremely now necessary to frame in any understanding for concurrent o 46.
     President Joe Biden is predisposed to get it all wrong by he is of an intra-party civil warring for legacies between Clintons & Obamas where for which ever existential threat flying around there is historically to many contradictions to much the real problem is either Clinton or Obama can have been right but not both Clinton & Obama.
     While sadly the first self-proclaimed “First Black President” later did much punk all 8 years the first “Half Black President” also a self-proclaimed “First Black President” old white President Joe Biden has problems apparently operative in a history of “Black Lives Matter” as near known for seemed to have sold out to DNC from started as a protest against President Barack Obama as was failing blacks to activism martialed to riotous yet firstly to attempt to protect a billion dollar global brand potential for the Obamas.
     A worst education curriculum to be seen would be if especially black youths are not allowed to and encouraged to study the many mistakes of President Barack Obama. Scientifically First Lady Dr. Biden has a professional obligation - to all sciences & analysis logical from on real data - to be inconvenient to President Joe Biden attempts to claim the USA is more in a state of Civil War than even intra-party to Democrats Party.
     Otherwise beyond any new “Civil War” claimant must deeply probe & resolve around facts & collateral issues of President Bill Clinton much got the end of the Cold War wrong there simple stings to escape of firstly seeing a civil war means there two sides and language & terms disagreed upon dividing & amounting to one side must be more “REBELS” than the other. In these times it is complicated by simply in air of that Democrats are the party of anti-Constitution rebellions.
      To drive the issues, however white or black, there is while driving black each even more relevant in 2022 & to 2024 as there the divide in perversion of “democracy” where President Joe Biden party is at least of common cause to claims for “democracy” while more firstly of movements of the Left for authoritarian powers & while duplicitous & bifurcating to likewise be more for herding subjects to be counted as voted for a ruling class, than of real democracy as for the people as of the people. Democrats misuse “democracy” to be of their oppression & as citizens left more just subjects trapped under a tyranny of elites wanting authority to be only can discern what is “for” the people.
     Republicans have been offering fresh air and freedoms of old where individual liberty of rights from one’s Creator is the essence & vibe of 2nd Amendment “a free state” lingua franca. Likewise consider E PLURIBUS UNUM civilly is also erudite & common sense to we by how united pluribus are each to each of other an individual an unum of rights from their Creator.  There is a war inter-party a war on many other words too that amounts to a more networked CIVIL WAR with only the Republicans accurately reading the plain language that is the actual Laws of our Land.
     First though let us be prepared:
     President Joe Biden is incapable of ranking even just 42, 43, 44 without self-incrimination to he was as 2020 candidate Joe Biden yet unfit for office before election day. I will leave now for later that as President he effectively is impeachable for unbecoming conduct within his political predicaments of can’t honestly posture due there is a civil war intra-party to his Democrats web. The Clintons did punk Obama all 8 years and when real probative occurs it should much indict the Clintons - as selfish intimate collaborators - of pertinent variables in data rich histories of got the end of the Cold War wrong - thus the USA transition to being a sole superpower - thus too with veins of their self-evident white pride more broadcast finally as beyond the pale for these times and monumental due deconstruction.
    President Joe Biden is beyond it a “Biden Gaffe” that his official utterances tagged nation as in a NEW CIVIL WAR for it is his own party rebellious and the side of two which is ant-Constitution. The Clintons’ “post-Constitution” schemes were always anti-Constitution ploys and sadly still networked devoid a real networked & broadcast dissection of how stung many with their machinations in a white pride with how so much fronted as if for blacks was yet by them back doored set up to fail in classic & hybrid structural racism even self-evident in the color of their library as for Posterity in phallic/gun shape & in “Confederate Gray” structural building skin.
     There can be no “trust the science” level playing field for the contested on inter-party war of words until real play by play detailed on Democrats driving politics while white & too while driving black.
     Americans now are of a new frontier - especially for blacks patriotic consumption - of we now have the black existentialism of we have now all much also been betrayed, as unum & in plural by a black president.
     President Joe Biden can’t heal the stings of too many now driving about with like a big bee flying around in their car, and as defensively rebellious to the very protections against tyranny secured in Constitution plain language the Democrats are at war with, & while the Republicans still amass to counter Government upon.
     We need start, perchance, with confessions in how the Clintons so long publicly uttered upon “post-Constitution” schemes that were admittedly anti-Constitution that they self-identified as of textbook treason.
     We need end this war by firstly expecting President Joe Biden to fight the war of words intra & inter party.
     We must parse the language deeply to the roots of discord are of Democrats even more than bi-polar to tri-polar defying any simple bifurcation scientific.
     Since President Joe Biden has offered there must be two sides & one side more REBELS as more anti-Constitution there also prima facia evidence in how both Bill & Hillary by choice took Bill’s middle name “Jefferson” in pride of the old South Jefferson Davis, he by name change & she by marriage to he yet born William Blythe III.  The Clintons also diabolically moved into private residence in Washington DC after self-proclaimed a “First Black President” to their address on Whitehaven Place, Road, or Street.  The Clinton Foundation graphic in logo & flag is imperial art like Hitler Nazi Swastika flag; The CGI circle of stars is homage to old flag of the South while imperial like Nazi banner as of a circle like a globe to be dominant - not humble.
     Are you with President Joe Biden with the Obamas as with the Clintons while the white pride figures of them as it long - however passive aggressive racism - okay to politic with blacks as okay to respect black populace as evolved as long as whites allowed in same years & eras to be of pronounced also more evolved & even evolved enough to still be firstly a master class type?
     Might we hope whatever the January 6th 2021 patriots motives were as per a stolen election it hold ups that they were patriotic and engaged in a great battle to fight the dark side of the Democrats - the real REBELS of our time’s worst racism, & structural racism methodologies?  Might we hope that people accept President Joe Biden pronouncements of that our worst problems are in Democrats run metropolitan areas as more firstly of failures of Democrats on Democrats than that troubling also of “Black on Black” problems?
                                      *     *     *     *     *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:26 am

Welcome aboard! - the new year 2020.

We have much to discuss to achieve a potential for parity - comity in polity - just among Democrats.

The Democrats general liberal progressive definition of success is part of how President Trump is succeeding where otherwise President Obama at least failed blacks.

We can progress hardly further with it a primary general consideration for Democrats’ qualities debates if we do not all - a bipartisan “all” - face facts and realize it is high time to discuss how many crimes the Clintons committed against the Obama threat.

A basic truth of President Obama, his definition of success, to the dynamics of his legacy becomes daily more apparently of a valuation to it easily said “he failed blacks”.  The real crime in this - American crime - is maybe more of that of the stories of the Clintons rivalry as phat with crimes against Barack H. Obama.

The Clintons & Obama have both at least failed blacks with their American crimes of a definition of success as shared some of so much as if life is about TRY TO GET TO HARVARD & then accept your station for life as failed if didn’t go to Harvard.

As Michelle Obama is of Princeton & Harvard, & Barack Obama of a starter college then Columbian & Harvard it is they were supposed to be safe from crimes by Clintons of Hillary Clinton of just Wellesley & Yale, & Bill Clinton of Georgetown & Yale. But alas the Clintons essentially punk’d President Obama all 8 years.

To get “Trump” one must ponder the conundrum of his degree is more of Hard Knocks U. of learned Hospitality from the ground up and quite to of leaned on Apostle Paul of Bible said of capitalism - win win economics of parties to each deal later should be able to tip hats to each other in passings - as near ‘to have growth (economics) people must be able to sing together’.

President Donald J. Trump victory over #CrookedHillary was firstly much as was of unknown Senator Barack H. Obama vs #InevitableHillary of there just was enough support for one a THE UN-CLINTON.

It is now for all those emotional intelligence mid day television shows to bring up the battles between that for a legacy for the Clintons as versus what then left to be a legacy for the Obamas. There is more than the criminal essence of vibe of blackmail truly in the deep story of Clintons somehow made the first black American President accept their insubordination and real rivalry to he had to share his was so, because of Clintons, a house divided and he stuck of a team of rivals.

It so seems since Obamas have Harvard degrees & Clintons merely Yale degrees that something of a subterfuge was active to that of it still seems criminal how Clintons were able to have “rivals” status by it seems blackmailing a first black President yet before of hardly but one speech, and, a one speech most still don’t know he was to plagiarizing in its oration.

2020 is the year to see clearly this opposition to Republican Donald J. Trump, as he tries to be enlightened as also a #ModernRepublican, is yet of his is more #MoralsTrumpHate than #LoveTrumpsHate by the regularity of historical significance of LOVE is a concept of MORALS and we must get past the Clintons crimes of long worked anti-Constitution to too much success at having moved nation too far towards a Natural State & more a government by man - from better secured & just for all of government by laws.

The mid day television shows especially for female audiences with triggers for emotional intelligence engagement must now field the contested between especially Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama on just the FEMINISM roots.

This must be some how to at least be beyond blue areas as zones of ignorance, still, and to how this must also be proffered through to an erudite rendition for institutional copacetic of that Michelle Obama of Harvard is supposed to have been thus established as higher & better than Hillary Clinton of Yale - despite it seems her victim - their victim.

This is no time to talk about the HOPE of #RepublicanMovement as brought back government by laws with Donald J. Trump a joined & accepted leader so more of #MoralsTrumpHate.

To be brief, and forward more brief in 2020, we must first look at the apparent true crimes by Clintons against Obamas, and nation, as American crimes as contrary in essence to constituted protections.

The Clintons seems to have so grossly violated spirit & law of the Emoluments Clause - Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - such to that there is logically real legal jeopardy - far beyond their uttered long much confessions of textbook treason of utterances of “post Constitution” - in that of emoluments laundering by ploy coy of chicanery of play their cards devilishly as if emolument to Clintons could just be called “charity” instead.

It figures since of a Constitution clause that the violation of such triggers that then therefore the Clintons did forfeit and nullify any immunity from prosecution due of emoluments violations - and even any diplomatic immunity.

Blacks still have to fit into Democrats view of success of for most of them they have to accept they failed to get to Harvard & thru Harvard or a lesser still top school and have such lock them to a status their fate for life?

But firstly this new year of 2020 we must see to that it is raised and worked through how Hillary Clinton rivalry of Obamas too was of crimes against Michelle Obama - at least to women and FEMINIST causes shared sister to sister?

Right!  Let us see economy is working from one more of a Hospitality Degree from Hard Knocks U. by he sees American polity in common sense parity from comity with #MoralsTrumpHate - with reset to government by laws?

 *     *     DARE WE ASK THE NEEDED QUESTIONS?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:56 am


Beware the charm offensive of Joe Biden!

To Bernie Sanders old “Joe” can principally only be the establishment Democrat cast for “Bernie Got Robbed II”!

To Democrats generally a Joe Biden #Biden2020 must be embraced to as Donald Trump considered the underdog candidate!

Like expected soon so from Speaker “Nancy” these establishment Democrats must soon patronizingly to #AOC… - and with a martialing - be near “GET IN LINE!” - you all are so young and inexperienced of our grandchildrens age group.

Can Senator “#TheHands2020″ Delaware beaches beach hound “Joe” rev back his Corvettes pin-up core dominant behavioral?

Vice President Joe Biden can now forward only be “THE ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE”.

Like Speaker “Nancy” candidate “Joe” has “Hillary” problems likewise but otherwise: They have to posture as the authoritarians the keepers of the establishment and so posture as if “FRONT RUNNER” - even to that also patronizingly treat Donald Trump as if an underdog Republican candidate.

Election 2020 is really much ado about President Barack Obama and the most pertinent of guidance in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech erudite orated performance.

So now we know despot “Nancy” and establishment “Joe” at least have a conundrum a historical and political pickle.

The mantra must be still dogmatic for these authoritarians the establishment elders of their party - regardless of truthfulness they must martial anew at “we are right - they are wrong”.

Speaker “Nancy” must not embrace President Trump but must continue still to embrace Vice President Joe Biden.

President Barack Obama’s erudite guidance so whence was wisely of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance”.

We can’t now expect candidate “Joe” to apologize for where “Hillary” still won’t come clean.

We can’t now expect Speaker “Nancy” to surrender establishment elder duty to posture still nationally as if still a Bolshevik and of the authoritarians.

President Obama recently opined of his party organizing as of in a “circular firing squad.”

President Obama erudite raised was non-partisan shade cast upon 1993 to 2001 at least of decidings by the Clinton power couple.

But alas we must see how they play it - play along.

Speaker “Nancy” is of a madness still of Democrats years at solutions tyranny while now needing to posture as if the establishment - an of “we are right - they are wrong” and still to while sans even a slight - say even 1% - admission of past fault - wrongfulness.

Consider - that is - and of a for example - their “Green New Deal” puzzler as a mine field for Democrats partisans.

President Obama GREEN AGENDA is known as of he was much forced into it by elders Al Gore and Clintons even though such at such time had become a near 10 years old plan really made out-dated when of Yale finished global counting of number of trees world wide and realized there are near 8 times the number than assumed/expected - scientifically allowed for.

Quiet be the authoritarians - can they actually still be Bolsheviks - and President Trump thus a minority candidate and the underdog?

If yet these Democrats do not nationally represent a majority of communities mustn’t it be they now are in the minority - them not Bolsheviks? - by definition?

“Joe” now must too be an authoritarian of his party did no wrong - isn’t even 1% at fault!

We’ve seen this specific type of madness now years past in Speaker “Nancy” while needing likewise to be despotic.

Old Bernie Sanders yet has a comfort zone as an independent voice a Democrat yet otherwise independently looking to be a voice for victims.

To Bernie Sanders Donald Trump as President must not be seen as an underdog but rather truthfully dramatized as if truth can be that “Trump” and Republicans are great and powerful bad oppressors.

President Trump is still of Tea Party originalism reset and Republican Movement progressed as of the party of liberators busily trying to re-secure the national to a pathology of freedom.

President Obama with his Nobel remarked prudence and more recent admission his party as organized is much already commenced as a working “circular firing squad” even with live practice rounds heaved with not a soul in between - in the middle.

President Trump has modern Republicans re-established on his side due in history he and his times have him most like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson with construction of our great constitution and their secured People’d method for ratification as the Peoples’ “Order” an order a constitution ordained and established by conventions of the peoples - not by signed off on by state legislatures.

The madness of despotic “Nancy” is similar but too quite different from similar psychopathy of Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” as “Hillary” though too had left she had to be despotic it for her that as intimate to mistakes of 1993 to 2001 she had for President Obama  - and nation - that truth was not an option for her State Department and policy due as a spouse she is not to incriminate her spouse and so had to work away from truths relating to how much was and is the fault of Bill Clinton and his 90s American abandonment of Iraqi and Afghani previously enough engaged with by Americans to that there were expectations for further engagements not being met - truth not an option for the Clintons’ eight years - those shaded by President Obama erudite - of inaction and avoidance - and to dangerous raised.

Establishment “Joe” must not convict his own party en masse?

Establishment “Joe” must to be to being a despot - ruling as if not representative of any souls - but to as being offensive as legally defensive and to protecting Clintons firstly by carrying the old postured still of cover-ups as if of Democrat establishment did not even a 1% of problems’ wrong - that too of “Hillary” as posture of if Bill Clinton was so innocent he was perfect.

This is all of the madness of despotic of “Nancy”!

But Democrats of her madness, soon - if reports true - is madness also to be necessary and inescapable of candidate ”Joe” there are already serious cracks in “Barack’s” old “new foundation.” - Establishment “Joe” must ignore what candidate “Joe” naturally cannot:

President Obama has already turned on his sworn rivals now past his “team of rivals” and is - maybe in self-preservation modal - to having outed Clintons at least so far as NOT as perfect as long postured, and, as also from protected with 2016 machinations of “Bernie Got Robbed I.”

It is a non-partisan conundrum that forward in election 2020 needs resolution in feminism of the political and historical reality of that Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” has truth as not an option due she’ld incriminate the years 1993 to 2001 - for starters - and specifically at least the inner circle - of FOB - of Bill Clinton admin days.

Candidate “Joe” must at least inherit this madness some for even if to now “Honest Joe” as also turning truths out of real Clintons his loyalty to President Obama will catch him like a real “Catch 22″ - of madness real.

You must engage - for sanity in election 2020 - to realize this - however free assorted via link http://UNBECOMING.US may help - for still once party admits beyond Obama’s “circular” opine a that Democrats - some - at least 1% at fault there is real legal jeopardy in thinking still Bolsheviks while actually minority by status and practically at risk of confessed to even textbook treason and gross negligence.

Dear old “Joe”:  DON’T DO IT!  ???

Old “Joe” please don’t voluntarily agree to assume the madness of Speaker “Nancy” of being so authoritarian to be a despot and madly at governing only to protect lies for benefit of a liberal elite too crooked to even be able to begin a bipartisanship restoration with a tabling of with a necessary practicable humility of actually able to admit they at least just of 1% fault.

Old “Joe” you should firstly be loyal to “Barack” due he liberated you from subjugated under his sworn rivals the Clintons?

Old “Joe” these rivals cannot survive Democrats already circular in how firing attacks at each other as once intelligent answers to how Clinton Dems differ from Obama Dems the party will in essence be to itself to publicly convicting Clintons at least of textbook treason and gross negligence.

Old “Joe” can you even resolve the as a feminism pickle how “Hillary” still has truth as not an option for it would incriminate at least her spouse of the 1990s - the Clintons’ administration?

Old “Joe” can you even fairly now even openly discuss the Clintons of their established “white pride” of also materially evident with their Emoluments Clause violations - enough emoluments abuse to have voided any immunity from prosecution - of how that Southern Bill Clinton needed to bill out with charity racket - even seems extortion - to be able to be globally measured as if actually worth/valued more per hour than our first black President as valued “per year”?

How the Clintons do value themselves is beyond inflated - it is purely more criminal - contrary to spirit of Constitution and Emoluments Clause - “no titles” especially - as by that of their “post Constitution” ploys it intelligently adds up to essentially the Peoples’ protections from tyranny are nullified and them clearly to unconstitutional powers more akin autocrats - totalitarians - new monarchists.

Old “Joe” is it of “Nancy” so a despot or does “Barack” have people? - or does “Barack” even have a sense of representation? - is it he too persists like of a despotic as more a despot due denies there is a real constitution?

President Donald Trump cannot truthfully be the underdog of election 2020 - he is established with a majority of communities as like of modern Republicans as new like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson of it is the Peoples’ “Order” as still ordained and established as our constitution and for it stands by principally ratified by conventions of peoples - not the then establishment legislatures leaning already towards despotic wants?

Remember the madness too now of seems all along that “Barack” and “Joe” green agenda science was used Gore’s over 10 years old strategies and of solutions tyranny while now known earth - our globe - has near 8 times the number of carbon filtering trees as thought/known/accounted for.

Can you - “Joe” - answer engagingly on architecture - even for #AOC #GreenNewDeal peeps - against #NYCMayor Bill de Blasio - he who ran #SenClinton campaign - of skyscrapers - to #AOC young set - is precursor architecture for near future facility for flying cars cosmopolitan main lined? And of madness of Clintons’ library as inartfully gray to like a Confederate d^*k by design?


Old “Joe”?

What you - we - read next will only confirm Democrats are now already organized as in a circular firing dynamic President Obama confessed to!

The madness of “Nancy” (Speaker Pelosi) is likewise politically terminal to her reputation and career and better quarantined by ”Barack” and “Joe” with them of best politics fall back position now as to continue to offer testimonies against the Clintons - those Clinton Dems short of being honestly Obama Dems?

          *     *     *     #realJoeBiden?     *     *     *

NOTE: My experience and witnessed have me knowing long Hillary Clinton represented a threat to national security by became to those in the know - even intelligent enemies -as too predictable by truth was not an option and her only options needed Bill Clinton postured as if perfect - 100% innocent - not even 1% wrong!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:27 pm

The risky business ahead for an intellectual honesty in the new year 2019 is of battles looming against zones of ignorance.

This has been an endearing and enduring work of modern Republicans and a Republican movement since days New Yorker Donald Trump was a Clinton Democrat.

Though there are likely pockets of intellectualism in these zones of ignorance - of most political maps of 2018 as recorded blue - it is alarming the Antonin Scalia chair at Harvard isn’t bronze and worn bright.

The battles ahead go further and deeper than yet the second Tea Party tabled - of prudent stand for common sense and it a core in originalism.

The risky business may not be so much an if or when Puritanism as a Liberal renaissance.  A basic discourse is more primarily calling out these times forward firstly to eyes open anew and free minds conscious of at founding the constitution didn’t need to be a “living document” because scripture was still and now then of it with a first English copy/translation.

No, the risky business is the convergence of the Republican movement with Donald Trump as seems now established of he an also a modern Republican and cleared of still too much a “Clinton Democrat.”

The Liberal nightmare is not least of both are risking trouble by actually offering freedom - constituted freedoms basically cored of ‘rights from Creator’.

Apparently uniformly across the nation and as common to blue areas as zones of ignorance of our constitution freedom isn’t the risked - but is the feared and opposed.  And education of that each’s rights firstly basically figure before the redundancy of the “Bill of Rights” as of each soul has the right to defend against any violate of the “Ten Commandments” against them is to Liberals like blaspheme to Liberalism, and especially as amendments secure such “American” as rights also particularly applies against any governing/government that violates the “Ten Commandments” tenets of Lord’s Law each of freedom with.

There is already a lot of “blue noise” controposing to risked for original freedoms.

Of King James as establishment of an English edition “NEW” still of revolutionary days there is the constitution needn’t be a “living document” for it needeth principally be for fixed due process and civil procedures for when Lord’s Law broke down - where/when breaking down.

The Bible “nonsense” equals old “liberalism” - not immoral lies - especially not lies for political profits.  Practice Christianity comports with a suffice to “nonsense”.

The convergence of Donald Trump and enduring Republican movement is in history much akin to 1800 and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison worked efforts to keep the Union as ordered by the Peoples’ “Order” and as ratified by state conventions of their peoples - as not as ratified by legislators.  Freedom is the first order of Republicans.

That now the work of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren is risky for pockets in most of the blue areas zones of ignorance due they are incidentally being circular and to yet laser tag’n their own with crossfire.

Elizabeth Warren is the leading source of “blue noise”!

Democrats generally should be embarrassed for Elizabeth Warren due her Harvard tenure.

Her “blue noise” may be the politically tanged “death” tone of her incidentally tag’n Clintons and Obama with her proffered expertise academic record.

We will return to Professor Warren as like was Harvard’s expert of that “Clintonomics” and Clintons did more - much more - to cause housing collapse than George Bush.

President Trump doesn’t need to change to counter candidate Warren ideology or any Democrat still standing after natural course of her “blue noise” diatribes register.

President Trump is businessman “Trump” in so much as working politics for economic growth forward remains cornerstoned in art of management style of like locals should think locally - not try to do Trump’s global thinking for him - and so operate in self interest they do their managing as if even were a Trump franchise of best to do jobs so well that say New York needn’t ”manage”  - micromanage as if a distant lording yet needed as a babysitter/nanny.

Senator Warren’s “blue noise” is otherwise for a “Nanny State” and in keeping with Nancy Pelosi disregard for her oaths of office of her style as to try to operate the House as firstly a “Tear Factory” with parades of appeals to emotions in the idea of 70% taxation can thus be justified by rendered unto here before innocent citizens  as yet a prejudiced forward to presumed guilty mere subjects who need lording over “Nanny State”.

We may not have time here to brave broaching Nancy Pelosi as conclusively historically, but not yet litigated, bad political actor long derelict in past duties - at least of “Emoluments Clause” - per laws of Robert Mueller’s focus and yet as per so ignored regards Clintons’ violations it seems there now no “equal justice” and an air of that such laws only apply to Republican.

For now Mitt Romney, junior Senator for Utah, is an outlier and unknown per 2019 convergence.  Senator Romney still should be embarrassed of how lost to President Obama by his saying near “I will repeal and replace Obamacare with Romneycare” simply checked/countered in last month of race with Democrats retort near “Obamacare is a Romneycare!”.

But the risky business of 2019 as a year of convergence rests more in it as anti-Democratic Party working yet rooting of a President Trump working the Republican movement tilled for the budding seeded collaborative think to America deserves to feel and breath again the robust pathology of freedom of it has been the living in our freedoms behind our history established as a nation of peoples’ willing to voluntarily cosign to fighting and winning others’ wars.

Personally the Mitt Romney race wrap up was said embarrassing and so of that I so thought he had to see it such that my position taken was confident and/or prudent - to let it run of thinking if he didn’t see it he wasn’t ready or qualified to be President Romney. Today’s work is not on this an outlier to the risky business of the 2019 convergence looming.

Republicans trump Democrats with most issues tabled for 2019 politics.

For example:  For Republicans to further improve relations with Muslim peoples there must be a docketed and tabled full discussion on the “911 Report” as some a sham.  Democrats can be as beaten by this as by candidate Warren candidacy to ask for a judgement on her expertise as inconvenient to Clintons and Obama with truths on how Democrats more than Republicans actually caused the yuge problems Democrats worked lies on towards only Republicans got blamed.

The “911 Commission” “911 Report” as some a sham shall maybe be more damming to Nancy Pelosi as Republicans must work to expose sham of not looking back more than ten years and avoiding probative to 1993 to 2001 of Clintons’ feminism crusades and “American Abandonment” of at least two relevant historicals fodder to intellectually honest study of Clintons’ admin precipitated and incited attacks/response.

In the blue areas zones of ignorance it likely will b risky business to ask to participate in nation renewal to original pathology of freedom - to even hope to also. - Feel so free as to be willing to fight voluntarily for others to also win freedom.

E. Warren diatribes, however self defeating Democratic blue noise, are due retorts but sans engagement.

E. Warren is maybe, second only to if there “Speaker Pelosi” again, the greatest threat to Democratic enduring - any freedom on any campus.

The E. Warren communal blue noise is married to Nancy Pelosi political operations to justify a “Nanny State” of the House to be her “Tear Factory” to 70% taxation secured and citizens suppressed by taxation a prejudiced of subjects firstly presumed guilty. - Need’n “Nanny”!

Again, the convergence is risky business with attempts to counter Democratic as if only for tyrannical rule by distant entrenched elites - a Leftist ruling class.

Modern Republicans now know, it seems, that President Trump is tru’ to Republican movement and grown reformed from days a Clinton Democrat.

President Trump is taking the lead of 2019 a convergence year and to that ad hominem retorts energy against candidate E. Warren can be spared - of time not wasted?

President Trump is a natural leader to second Tea Party sentimental common sense prudence in that he is an old salt stuck in management ways of expecting even distant “TRUMP” destinations to be operated as independently and locally as possible (autonomously?) to that rule from afar to micromanagement disassociated by physical distance is yet minimized - not maximized as otherwise to justify a “Nanny State”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi was long derelict per laws Special Prosecutor Mueller pressing versus Republicans in all her years of duty yet per such regards the Clintons’ violations of the “Emoluments Clause” and especially the spirit of “none shall be titled”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi is antagonist #1, it seems, against Republicans to further improving relations with Muslim peoples with intellectual honesty freshly put to tabling how (her?) “911 Report” was some sham.

Oy!  Candidate E. Warren really!  Though Clintons have long - with each utterance of “post Constitution” posit - been publicly confessing to textbook treason it is likely risky business in blue areas to challenge “blue noise” of zones of ignorance.

Oy!  Candidate El Warren really!  Though it public knowledge Clintons tried to open Clintons’ global initiatives in suites nearest then Penthouse still available high above the “THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM” in Carnegie Hall Tower it is simply elementary academics that besides Bill Clinton asked big banks to comp he rent near $1 Million per year as THANKS for derivatives gambling push we have that Professor Elizabeth Warren Harvard tenure was as an expert more fully broadened on how it wasn’t George Bush’s or Republicans’ fault for it mostly concludes as naturally of slick violations of constitution for personal gain by Clintons - fundamentally - fit’n “Slick Willy” reputation - particularly causal.

It now may be too risky to be of intellectual honesty and to politically mature on campuses now more communes.

Please though try to be brave however such risky business to also able to feel the pathology of freedom.

My ask is complicated and maybe still yet leading.

The Clintons won in 1992 after unscheduled late entry much by learned to sound like me and my worked to an urban agenda focused of New Haven as way to put meat on the bones of “New World Order” - of my philosophizing long regards how America to adjust if became a sole superpower.

The Clintons disappointed by 1994 and as well before Monica Lewinski affair broken news by those also involved in the 1992 making of Clintons electable despite 1988 “never ending speech” convention moment of that which more truly the real Bill “Slick Willy” Clinton.  Study, please, coincident of people pressed them electable turned in disappointment whence with “MONICA” story from feeling President Clinton wasn’t attending to work elected for as regards Iraq and Al Qaeda and so then yet found in lieu of elected responsibility to been doing intern(s)!

To not ignore the inconvenient scandal per regards “Mr. Science” Al Gore let us post & promote questions not as deniers while anchored for pathology of freedom and representative “by the people” “for the people” renaissance with minds open to that cuts in solutions tyranny can be said “man made problems” by that European Union and also rushed United States of Americas “Green Agenda” cuts did flip greenhouse effect to Asian centric from decades as Atlantic centric and to that laws forward should be pressed of personal liability jeopardy just upon at least Al Gore for conduct unbecoming a former Vice President as engaged in a solutions tyranny that didn’t account for that cuts could and did some cause enough shift in Atlantic thermals to that he and others may have cause New York devastation by Super Storm Sandy.  Republicans trump Democrats on solutions side and if take evolving laws to practice on issues of dangers and liability of Democrats wrongful at trying to play GOD with weather.

To wrap this warning of risky business to also try to participate in 2019 looming convergence:

Yes, I too am philosopher basis for “Harry Potter” “Hogwarts” “The Philosopher’s Stone” (long story) and of that such mused and long supported with new energies found and developed for next books yuge success is particularly yet of my motive as towards protecting a next generation from those I already knew as crooked Clintons.  So much of thought good stuff from Democrats actually only extant from that I worked out a counter culture dominant parallel.

Yes I want to engage readers in the philosophical versus “blue noise” with intellectual honesty and broad scope.  “The Philosopher’s Stone” roots are in I/we could cloak my involvement and motives by shifting thoughts of my vehicle used to back to FORD F250 4X4 an as if I a Philosopher a driver of truck from Stoneham Motors in Massachusetts.  The cloak worked so well my family didn’t know it was so much from me - even as was for them - until after the last book and then later for they resisted believing it could have been of I fooled them and hid such much with such cloak and a legal professionalism of kept thoughts with JK Rowling of as if I was just a contractor and she a door supplier I connected with if client prospective for new doors or door rehabs.

While motive wasn’t material content it yet was philosophical towards stories to get readers to expect better than Clintons and to out think how underestimated and patronized by the Clintons’ premeditated machinations and selfish ambitions for Power more than purpose.

It is also true, but maybe less necessary work with convergence concurrent to Democratic self destruction, to diss of with Nancy Pelosi on trial for if just to be back to high office “Speaker Pelosi” while she long a derelict from duty to probe Clintons on emoluments, and, with of Candidate Elizabeth Warren whose scholarly expertise must now be questioned to value her even while it is textbook such to convict President Obama as of illegal cover ups of that Clintons and “Clintonomics” ruined banks and housing and of the “911 Report” a sham still protecting at least Clintons from tag’d of GROSS NEGLIGENCE!

This risky business is everyone’s forward - however more now in a commune in a “zone of ignorance”!

Democrats are piling on to unstable from Clintons and Obama worked long publicly & publicly confessed to textbook treason.  Now it is a wonder how party to violations Nancy Pelosi yet recently postured her Democrats will obey their oaths of offices to obey and defend the actual Constitution.

It simply actually fits simple surface and deeper intelligent pursuits for knowing realities that I am of such shared also did now long ago ask CNBC to have one of their broadcast near a stating “a new Tea Party may be needed” and did offer guidance to Washington Republicans to become a PARTY OF NO so clear lines would present of GOP originalism versus Dems wing’n it.

         *       *       *       FREEDOM’S SONG?       *       *       *

PS: Of course this also relates to how President Trump can honestly answer when asked about “THE APPRENTICE” of that such idea stemmed also from my connection and querious of if I would ask for a deal with a side to deal of also then to apprentice his builder side.  Such is also synchronistic to “Harry Potter” as my media ambitions and lead was idea was fit’n to concerns on how and where to offer guidance for readers through the books and to that I wouldn’t as it muse become party to them of an expectation that a job was owed them by their government.  My side is I was too busy then voluntarily helping President George W. Bush from across town in DC with post 9/11 attacks politics to handle how Donald Trump liked idea more than I could be party to as priorities had to govern.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 am

This is a dear Kanye West, JK Rowling, President Trump … letter.

Some sensibilities need to be developed to educate hoards further to be immune to Stockholm Syndrome anew of at least prone to cons by not awares the con’ers have themselves endeared by con’d.

There is phat to ‘new Watergate of Obama as Obama worse than Nixon’ of Obama’s as worse than Watergate.

I have standing to dramatize such for I’ve long known “Deep Throat” was kept secret for real “Deep Throat” was a nick name for a still one I think a minor as a budding Democratic intimidator who sparked concern that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into.  Mark Felt was only the “Deep Throat” protector of once a justified investigation was botched Felt took lead in protecting original case subjects from collateral damage from how a yet justified probe was botched to a national scandal.

Jo, as Kanye reaches with BLEXIT there is Donald Trump is associated to Harry Potter with his rise as THE APPRENTICE helped guide Hogwarts fans to a safe place of not expecting a job to be just handed to them.

But as per Nixon and Modern Republicans a sensibility is already established across ranks of maybe only possible for how I expected my challenge of 7 books on a magic school to work intellectually prophylactically does explain Trump rise of globally a next gen took to thinking more and more objectively and morally than the cons of the Clintons and their machinations had ever set up defenses to - had ever been planned to estimate as possible while methodology was to underestimate peoples and mire them in lies so Clintons could have Power by being only who knew truths.

BLEXIT too can raise sensibilities against such as akin to Clintons successfully imbued masses to a new Stockholm Syndrome of being endeared to them even though they were the ones most undermining so much Donald Trump has now established again works by having undone much that they undid.

Kanye, Jo & POTUS may already be read into my bio to sensibilities stirred of accounting of that I’ve known Bill & Hillary since the early 70s of they then just dating Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk in my neighborhood while I was near a first grader after school playing in school yard across the street from my home.  And that I knew of B.O. of Hawaii as interested in Presidential oratory contests as four years older than myself as far back as the 70s and to when I in 7th grade.  And that I met and we kept a connection for months and years in winter of 1987-88 the now famous black woman Michelle Obama while she a 3rd year Harvard Law School student out in Harvard Square at Grendel’s on an evening her brother was visiting from Chicago - right of that I knew Barack’s wife years before he did and yet years after already knowing of him and some of that I at Grendel’s too told her she could be President some day.

But this is of the ghosts of NIXON and as per Modern Republicans and the Republican Movement versus old establishment Republicans while supportive to “Obama’s was worse than Nixon’s Watergate.”

President Trump as the philosopher of Jo’s “The Philosopher’s Stone” this all is relevant for all of it fits to that I was long strategic and to maximize positive change - especially when USA would become a sole superpower - of taking into account a fuller known history of Watergate and of that “Deep Throat” actually started as the offered requested to a “come up with a nickname” for a minor, if I recall correctly, a budding intimidator thinking he was authorized yet with his uncle a Democratic Party power as a head of major metropolitan urban redevelopment efforts at least of New York City Roosevelt Island, and Boston Faneuil Hall Market Place.

BLEXIT is wise to wise to that a top of MADMEN era Madison Avenue profession was Arthur M. Menadier of near retired at age 65 from Young and Rubicam after 25 years of consolidating and then managing wholly the Johnson & Johnson marketing and advertising business.  Arthur M. Menadier is little known as also the historical figure who told Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into after he became aware of a budding intimidator thinking he had authority to play with due his uncle’s Power with Kennedy Democrats - the top echelons of HQ.

So though I’ve know of Barack and Michelle for decades and of Presidential coincidence of my own ambitions to maximize positive change by at least being like my paternal & maternal grandfathers as of my dad’s dad’s name much and quite the interests in being able to be a top “Mad Man” - Madison Avenue success like my mom’s dad.

When you take into account “Deep Throat” was the case file opening “nickname” for a minor then not due collateral damage after intimidation budding was being checked by being exposed due a justified investigation was botched Woodward and Bernstein more were journalists of exercised more of like witness protection.

The how and why Watergate became is scandalous and to that it was considered then that maybe Democratic HQ might shall we say be more then of cover-ups worse than Catholic Church was associated to of Kennedy Democrats.

To process a scope of relativity and monetize a balance of value it behoove me to offer that of all the political capital I built up with the Clintons from of that they won in 1992 by learned to sound like me it is that I’ve never collected on maybe even 95% of such political capital and to that in today’s dollars the Clintons maybe owe me near their whole personal net worth.  I did the politics of keeping those I used to help the Clintons yet respected and linked per their value but yet this accounted for I’ve still not drawn down on that of near 95% of political capital earned against the Clintons.

But worse as per “worse than Nixon” is that of I believe John Kerry as per that Barack Obama plagiarized in his 2004 Democratic Party Convention break out speech and by stealing as directed from that mine that made Clintons electable in 1992 also of them to unauthorized regular and repeating misuse after winning on me and mine.  I mean the more serious stuff to of uniting language for bipartisanship as possible more than that Bill Clinton did steal “I tried it once - but didn’t inhale” from me after I thought to how he should answer the pot questions by thinking how I honestly did. His use was never an authorized use by me as I was not trying to con people and not offering to let Clintons actually steal my identity while my process yet of asking myself how I’ld answer myself while yet thinking to how he could morally yet answer forward.

I was viscerally irate while watching the 2004 Democratic Convention of speech by Barack Obama as if put the face to the haunting of knew someone was told to “make the lines yours - put a black face on it” and knew such was to violate my rights in intellectual property of written art and to be plagiarism directed as then appeared live effected.

Of the “worse than Watergate” I have standing to break there is as well of the cover ups much a for general consumption to sensibilities established sad truth to raise of that of such her incidental but not actually coincidence of that much of Clintons successes were of with my material and intellectual property and unauthorized use and that how they later were regularly unable to repeat success attests of that they stole past successes and credits and never even enough understood how such worked to yet manage to repeat successes they yet postured for votes and support by like promised they could and would.

The real Watergate scandal started so of a Democrats scandal enough of budding intimidation to have had a to Madison Avenue marketing and advertising executive tell the FBI Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into.

But alas Richard M. Nixon freelanced a justified investigation and botched it.

How this is scandalous does become less scandalous while yet makes current of Barack H. Obama as even more “worse than Watergate” due President Nixon had J. Edgar Hoover, reportedly, as afraid to officially investigate such entrenched Kennedy Democrat realms and out of personal fear did refuse to open an official investigation into such of intimidation being sponsored by HQ.

What is missing from Woodward and Bernstein still is the covering of how they were played more to protect original case persons from collateral damage maybe resultant due J. Edgar Hoover fears of investigating Democratic Powers but also from it may have been Nixonian and to scandalous due original protected real “Deep Throat” last name coincidentally was the same as the classmate at Whittier High School whom defeated Nixon in his first election - his campaign to be class President.

As so many do dress up at Halloween sans knowing thanks can accrue to me for having mused and challenged many artists to characters made world famous there is these are incidental to that I was ambitious, responsible, and self motivated to try to maximize positive change and as like a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.

That I’ve always known Arthur M. Menadier is whom told FBI Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into - but not how - is also of after it was botched of knowing he did strongly assert that he advised an official investigation was called for and that Washington had to own up to consequential from having yet botched however an otherwise justified investigation into political intimidation at least exposed by a minor a budding intimidator at toying with how he might be able to abuse power while a nephew and son to Power.

The success of Jo - JK Rowling - was as of that my challenge came with my support, though cloaked much due this complicated history, as yet of I wired her to 7 books on a magic school within the truth and networks I built to improve America at least from these past scandals and with vast networks I developed to be supportive and policing - of civilians sense of morals - and of this also syncs to how I did muse and generate ideas for new media also around Chief Bill Bratton rise with “community policing” to broaden scope and range for tolerance to that I a private citizen was yet able to increase the potential for peace and peace keeping by how networked and developed new entertainment.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:52 am

Our first order of civic business these days before Halloween is to lately fully account proper number of filled body bags as should be shouldered by the Clintons wherever they go as the number of souls to try to rest as died due Clinton errs as didn’t die in vain.

Tragedies should be exclamated these days near all souls day with political expression in peaceful demonstrative to whenever and wherever Bill Clinton and/or Hillary Clinton appear piles of body bags as TRUTH art should amass towards souls lost in their errs can have peace forward.

Such established let us now move to sad dynamic of Al Gore and his master plan as relates to “black face” politics, and, as Barack Obama as indictable for cover ups worse than Watergate causal to Halloween costumes of BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks.

These days to respect the dead - lost souls - must speak artfully to their mettle and the miraculous.

Body bags as permitted TRUTH art should haunt Clintons as these indictable cover ups amount to Barack Obama as worse than Richard Nixon of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton too set secular and radical coldly of Alinski to as if methodology was shared as ordered to rule by getting control of healthcare and killing the free peoples’ God.

We cannot rightly ignore Al Gore and his master plan.

A primary mood - essence - vibe - of this essay is to generally stand up support forward for Kanye West new black beatings - beats - to bring/rise blacks outta this darkness.

Because of Al Gore at tricks to EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery Power to globally postured as an authoritarian America’s first black President’s legacy is left as Quixotic - Barack Obama for Posterity of legend now as a black Don Quixote, - some just for jousting of windmills.

Whites in “black face” this Halloween mostly would be to disrespecting the dead as politics involved of respectful to understand times in satire of living raising expression by BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks and as a black Don Quixote as justified.

We are not here with these artful to dodge the dark issues of Democrats established dark record nor to no say ’test their mettle’; these Democrats are bad actors with records to account down to each lost soul.

Our civic business in being guardians of our  galaxy forward asks us to now break apart the cons and coy of Democrats darkly at solutions tyranny.

We can NOT, at this moment, know the next Kanye West black beatings but the The Doors old beats of a last whiskey bar may have foretold with dub’s as if of singing of an Obama.

As we build the case for the legend of the first black President, much thanks to Al Gore’s master plan, as our first black Don Quixote we too should see and relate his own side kick Joe Biden on a donkey.

We must be artful to raise and respect all souls while to still working to battle outta past dark days/ages.

He becameth Quixotic also by his cover ups for the Clintons as with trapping absolute to as if Bill Clinton was 100% innocent.

It is Quixotic for of his permanent legacy as to like jousting of windmills his general tag/rap for such cover ups behoove most to little respect for that he just postured as if honorable.

Most lawyers and originalist judges can see the obvious legal trap of he indictable still for his Presidency of cover ups worse than Nixon and Watergate.

It is elementary - simply logical - of the reason chain of his story arrests him in its simple contradictions of that Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can claim 44 better than 42.

SCOTUS, as per such POTUS, has their records as two of short of miraculous mettle attesting their cover ups reset the bar on why cover ups are and should remain impeachable crimes and as treasonous treacheries.

It is elementary and dark for it raises if so many lost souls from Clinton errs did sadly die in vain.

Simply logical elementary political historical accounting exposes their trapped of neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can legally posture 44 was better than 42.

Mrs. Clinton trapped is of as spouse to Bill Clinton they are not to incriminate the other and so cannot, however an arguable truth, cast a posit to that the American first black President was a better Executive than her husband.

Barack H. Obama is likewise trapped from any real honor as if better than born William Blythe III William J. Clinton as his legal official position of indictable cover ups of an absolute of “all just Bush’s fault” to that any claim to as if Bill Clinton wasn’t 100% innocent effectively legally equates to 44 confessing to he indictable for impeachable cover ups.

As Al Gore the Clintons’ earlier side kick Joe Biden we must get to how Al Gore most settles Barack Obama legacy as a black Don Quixote.

President Donald J. Trump, Sr. with his pledged intent to bring back “Merry Christmas” is set against the old dark days/ages.

The darkest darkness of these dark politics raises with the lies;  it is diabolically dark that Democrats by cover ups of errs of Clintons nearly did greatly set asunder our Constitution to that they did have Power and could stay of Power by that they near first American autocrats by only who enough knew TRUTHS while masses subdued as kept mired from powers by their rule by lies as if real history.

So though People are justly to tricks of treats this Halloween of mired politics to fair to don BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks it behoove our humanity to speak to the deplorable addictive methodology Al Gore punk’d the first black President into as of solutions tyranny of master plan to restore Al Gore to old plantation legacy of masses addicted to Gore fixes sold whence of nicotine.

Side kick Joe Biden is hardly, as of Delaware, the Southern white male more of below the Mason Dixon Line also of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

Kanye West, hopefully, will not be a left alone black as tries to trumpet rising beats to raise brethren from such darkness.

Barack “Don Quixote” Obama is too, in legacy, of (secular?) in the The Doors last whiskey bar and President Donald Trump as successor is trying to raise “Merry Christmas” from Clintons’ and Obama secular radical as efforts to reset and reestablish room in the Federal Government for respect for miraculous - for Peoples and masses to mettle testing with scope of miracles of faith normal and regular civic.

As to the body count of souls lost due Clinton errs and new “worse than Watergate” accounting wisely to numerically and arithmetically face history of all dead from September 11 attacks on accounting tables our midterms post Halloween of election 2018 with politics best accepted of history suggests that as attacks were planned the world largely expected Al Gore to be President on the day of attacks.

It may be too cynical to ask history to show such and as a former war photojournalist had such been otherwise President Al Gore had Afghanistan set up as a manageable conflict a ‘you provide the pictures and I’ll provide the warring’ made for photojournalism (war?) staged.

But as we are in these days to respecting all souls we must be of moral and civic duty of at least asking whom died maybe in vain and firstly due Democrats dark machinations for Power.

Please rise in assisting to settling, as now allowed again, whom of the fallen died as of miraculous mettle yet otherwise, until now of a just cause corrective, thought to have died in vain.

Our black Don Quixote recent blurb’d of “none in my administration were indicted” comparative is below “Don Quixote” as his whole administration was indicted with the fall of Clinton and his policies as defeated regularly since.  His jousting at his own still indictable is no faux windmill.

Otherwise Al Gore is much, with his master plan (to remain a Southern Authoritarian while white?) of EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery of solutions tyranny greatly responsible to the legacy for America’s first black President as not much more significant than “QUIXOTIC”!

However Barack “Barry” Obama endears as rose of The Doors last whiskey bar Kanye West can dub worse tracks justly on selfish narcissistic secular radical President Obama as President Trump is now not alone at with efforts worked to reestablish respect for miraculous mettle.

Of these days annual with the living with the dead “black face” on any but Don Quixote should rile with disrespect as for now due deplorable cover ups so party broached there are many lost souls whose cause not carried yet as justice for their mettle and sacrifice likely to be damming to souls of more than a few living Democrats said “leaders”!

I do not know specifics on how President Trump is working a civic business to reestablish respect for miraculous - realm of miracles of faith - by these midterms and coming holidays but peaceful assistance can be yet with body bags yet art - traveling TRUTH art.

GLOBAL WARMING ALARMIST Southern Al Gore seems to have historical psychological cats to tag as it seems evident the SOLUTIONS TYRANNY politics in CLIMATE CHANGE that set President Obama as a black Don Quixote of roots in Gore past of tobacco plantations in his worked methodology as a tyranny towards newly addicting masses in nick of time vulnerability to Gore fix.

Whom else but Cervantes? - on drama and dilemma to our first black President legacy as left to be “Quixotic” at best by machinations of Southern white males Bill Clinton and Al Gore of master plans to be globally white authoritarians despite our ratified constituted protections from such of originalism of Peoples’ “Order”?

President Barack H. Obama is at least quixotic by that he inherited his lesser role to firstly servant to Democratic Party Powers deep stated - by that GREEN AGENDA was then an outdated plan over ten years old he, say, was handed - or inherited of hands forced to be so much much ado about windmills.

Forward we must yet be to questioning so other souls can rest how President Obama as so set against miraculous mettle did establish himself as less honorable than Cervantes “Don Quixote”!

SCARY are these days of so many lost souls not allowed by Democrats’ cover ups to rise from the indictable deplorable trapped as not to be understood or freed unless masses do account at least, for now, that diabolical and high number of who died due Clintons’ errs.

Of Al Gore as a DEPLORABLE there is at least his methods to ADDICTING masses and in his SOLUTIONS TYRANNY President Obama was more just a domestic servant to forward established “QUIXOTIC” of he didn’t build a real windmills legacy - of his RECORD attests a lack of mettle to protecting for miraculous - realm of holidays. And, his complicit in new worse WATERGATE?

         *       *       *       #MoralsTrumpHate?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:24 am

Hillary Clinton has done it - Hillary has so broken the Faberge egg there is now nothing beautiful left in Russian made?

As spring turns to summer in these associated united states of the Americas we may be passed the primacy of “women and children first.”  The price of her lies is the unsettled - the set asunder.

Between God and HR there is a commutable factoid of she, Mrs. Clinton, insisted on a subordinate roll on President Clinton’s staff.

What now is not a consumable aspect of American history of a negative story is of HR a “star” a “leading lady” yet as the revealed core a responsible antagonist?

Fertile fields for republic lay to juxtapose the HR - Hillary Rodham - (accidental?) gross destructive - even as while subordinate staff to WJC she can be tag’d an intimate to primal to how much her man’s reign set asunder/ruined.

While “candidate Hillary” HR closeted her regular near uniform fashion that, quite to fashionistas, is appropriately label’d “Mao Chic” before “pants suit.”

What that HR set asunder is not now of short enough political half life to be restored/regrown from in relatively concurrent space-time?

We progress now of our fate is turned from coy ploy chicanery of Liberals synonymous to “textbook treason” and to now less under their perverted to for government of laws turned to government by men to of then “movement” passions of “Republican Movement.”

The Democrats too with HR’s constitutional perversions did bring these united states of the Americas nearest to the brink of nuclear war than Fidel Castro and John Kennedy managed.

May we now keep happy gardens - each to their desire and time - to reflect we survived a worst generation rabble rebels of 60’s & 70’s becometh the experienced/witnessed leaders - the destructive and core malcontents.

As Donald Trump, President, and Mike Pence, Vice President, further the massive undertaken to turn us back from such brink gardens and manicured golf courses can be appreciated hallmarks of republic’s constitutional values proofed of deep enough roots.

Yes!  HR - “Hillary Rodham” prime - can be said to have been key and behind a great deal of the unsettled and set ruined, - and while as a woman coldly ambitious of enabled by offices.

Yes, HR’s personal old fashion was foretelling - but yet while “pants suits” was too overlooked as styled fashion firstly of Mao - “Mao Chic” postured.

As our republic recovers with Trump/Pence firstly movement figures leaders liberating citizens from over 25 years of coerced and manipulated to more existentially merely suppressed to just “subjects” we yet only recently walk a majority sufficiently enlightened cursorily to streaming threads real news of that HR - as declared “rival” - did much PUNK the first black President elected by republic.

If you are now in your rights a citizen and you know you are a citizen it becometh for Posterity that you join yourself to the from turned “subject” fully back to your home is your castle and our work is of reconstituting our gardens (as of #USC198 Emoluments Clause of “none shall be titled”).

As Thomas Jefferson opined - in continuity with his sworn upon the alter of our Lord his eternal hostility to all tyranny over the minds of men - we have HR and her associated partisan long of the intended perversions to our constituted Peoples’ “Order” to have that a “constitutional revolution” ”may be needed every 20 years” still of that - to founding - of that any those self serving too towards such behoove conscious any failure at such (anarchy?) is - to Jefferson too - still of textbook treason theoretically, and legally.

First Lady Barbara Bush has died - Mrs. Clinton is no Barbara Bush.

First Lady Barbara Bush has died - her #2 Jeb Bush took up the cause of defeating this HR - the Bushes might have rightly justly excommunicated this HR - rooted her outta from generosity betrayed long while as if “Hillary Rodham Clinton Bush” - a contrary yet as if family?

As Donald Trump traverses the weeds of if can be enduring and endearing despite historical status as seemingly  a “reformed Clinton Democrat” his movement progress with “MAGA” greatest hurdle is tat of over coming the republic as perverted particularly especially during the reign of intimacy as “First Lady Hillary” and to with Trump/Pence of our original work again to be as keepers of gardeners of our lands to states as Edens?

As tag “LIAR” tossed at President Donald J. Trump, Sr. our republic stands forward to that 5th graders in a mere few years generally conscious to it elementary and self evident at least of that the Clintons did PUNK the first black President (with their white pride coy ploys), and that their contrary machinations against the Constitution stand exposed as perversions of “post-Constitution” posit to plainly simply “textbook treason” and as of premeditated in-American self-serving partisan political deeds done.

HR’s fields are mined fields and at this time it is yet unclear if President can traverse while former Clinton Democrat.

That we now seem secured from turned back to the brink of nuclear war it may be inadequate to our necessity to be a garden of states of Eden keyed to sustain facility for “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” it is imperative we don’t short/skip the work of turn over - even turning out” - the roots and stemmed of that - the that - the perversions for “post-Constitution.”

While born as seed of a salt & pepper - ivory & ebony - of Soviet Studies conjoined - a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD - Barack Obama, President, did do more to bring our 57 Edens more to Communism than any war yet - and, even Clintons did dream.

How Clintons monetized our foreign policies was unconstitutional and perversion of/to our laws!

At the good news - a JOY a NEW HOPE - of the French associated for broader celebrations of republics for freedoms President Trump is set upon to have to educate the masses beyond the confusable of President Obama’s raw true historicals and how they mash with psychopathy of that he was born an American bastard conceived as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD and yet second to primacy of that the Clintons RESET for wars and profiteered while punk’d BHO.

This is a nuclear to the Bush family fusion - core to new clear press’d the forward froward from this day’s PEACE must be a study of if JB - Right: #2 Jeb Bush - had been he whom marched of republic an essence corrective the new taken to vibe of WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE (THE CLINTONS) ARE WRONG!

The RESET and the PUNKED - as generally before - is of the Clintons together, and each in their own ways, did stand and posit against the FREEDOM AGENDA! 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

In a space-time not suffered as if in a Hawking black hole students marching must be prudent & of resolve.

As the hyper-networked of our universe & beyond is wired to its originalism as connected as synaptical of the brains of our Creator’s crediting the future of our work must consider manners and personal hygiene; as it is as it has always been to created humans:

What the world needs now is TRUMP SOAP - TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE?

Our American stateliness endures by blood, sweat, tears, consummated irregularly.

Our American leading must be of ORIGINALISM reset due jeopardy of #FOB52 reigning of DEMOCRATS have done it to themselves to NO WAY OUT left as IGNORANCE of the LAW - our CONSTITUTION - is NOT a defense.

You can THINK and presume to be but will you have been duly considerate & to actually reasoned beyond doubt to a solid believing to how chartable the scandals are even in a numerology of a Cartesian coordinated graphically amassed?

As the hope of our shared future amass to sweat gun control and their rights as if still individual rights indivisible, as like of 14th Amendment such is of our separation as vertical and our Federal governance, as equally set “under” “our Lord”, it is forward essential of structural objectivism ensconced in our regularity by due process of civil procedures that each is resolved as constituted to that we of the Washington Capitol Hill creatures are of meaning from government of laws.

Vice President Joseph Biden enticing President Donald Trump to social media TWITTER engagement is now as per SOAP as if clumsy & incarcerated of having DROPPED THE SOAP while a larger of #LawAndOrder standing up to railroad - drill - newly even President Barack Obama administration problematic back from government of man/whimsy/executive decrees.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for anything goes as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

For the purposes of TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE metaphorical let us forward not assuage “ECUMENICAL” as a term uniquely CHRISTIAN or own by and CHRISTIANS - crusading Catholics nor Evangelicals - and let it assert a spirit of togetherness by #MoralsTrumpHate of being akin to that prayer beads can connect as well as FACEBOOK.

I have postured that President Trump first year big question of IF HE DESERVED TO CARRY ON ON THE SUCCESS OF REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT OF TEA PARTY & A NEW GOP and to that this year as a second year should amount in our journal of IF HIS MOTHER RAISED HIM RIGHT - IF HE WAS/IS RAISED TO BE A GENTLE GIANT.

Again: Vice President Biden is quite self-exposed as regular order by Peoples’ Order our how constituted a Union is of jeopardy for any poser of as if IGNORANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION could yet be a DEFENSE to TREASON - even GROSS NEGLIGENCE by an administration in duty to LAW AND ORDER.

Favoring #NewGOP #TeaParty risen #TRUMP is the science of grammar & literateness as our Peoples’ “Order” is far less the living document of the work of the Founding Fathers is/was not #BLASPHEME as the founding consent was of “Order” in preamble to the constituting ordained & established body as usage as a #YUGE NOUN:

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you should be guided and have been so far reared institutionally actually from the wrongful “interpretation” of the CONSTITUTION as common across the Democratic Party entrenched Capitol Hill (Jenkin’s Hill per history) and of purity of originalism of respecting the spectacles of faith and to our Federal Government no less “under God” than yourself.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for ANYTHING GOES - ANYTHING WE CLAIM “MORE PERFECT” GOES - as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you must arrive & march clearer of mind and body than how Vice President Biden must clean up his “mis-interpretation” akin that President Obama actually oddly left the White House - even as a first former #ConLawProf - of still mis-reads CONSTITUTION.

Students it is that there is real JEOPARDY surrounding even especially Vice President Biden due specifically it its most errant and wrongful per science of grammar and literateness to ever, like he/his, proposed the work of the Founding Fathers can be of them of work at BLASPHEMY./

Students to be regular of these united states of the Americas one must read - read “Order” of preamble particularly - of constituting document less a living document than scriptures - of then still new was King James Bible “new edition” - and to that the science of the preamble as legend and key to the proper reading of the body is of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/… do ordain/&/establish/… done/… subscribed/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Again:  Back to basics:  As simple to be as TRUMP SOAP:

Of the BIBLE: Can/do you fathom “the meek shall inherit” of meek can be too “GENTLE GIANTS” as it imports to believers for believer that GRACE - of GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY at least for - subscribed as ordained and established done with separation vertical of government also equally under Lord’s Laws is to be regular as postured for civility of JOY, HOPE, GOOD NEWS, becometh from being of humility and humble (meek) before the Lord - of vulnerable (meek) by being resolved to wait upon the Lord - to wait for the sense of RIGHT - as to be steeled from WRONG/EVIL?

NOTE: #SPORTSMANSHIP > > Catholic former Vice President Joseph Biden does have of his BIBLICAL feminism guidance of BIBLE at UNMARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THE LORD, &, MARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THEIR WIVES of his better HALF doth have a degree from VILLANOVA.

NOTE: #SPORT > > It can be a still to be developed and understood BIDENISM of how ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is generic yet of Founding Fathers FEMINISTS OF THE FIRST ORDER of thinking & practicing of women are morally superior TO it may figure that MEN as ROMANTICS religious are supposed yet to believe their WIVES are born superior to other WOMEN.

NOTE:  #PHILOSOPHY > > I can posture one good thought for on Rene Descartes - “I THINK THEREFORE I AM” philosopher - Catholic Philosopher who wrote from where our Pilgrims departed as also of the times near upon that the governance deeds of Oliver Cromwell - by I am willing to respect CARTESIAN COORDINATES - CARTESIAN gestalt - due graphically it amassed in his mind then of a space-time relativity of that a four posted bed embodies the cubical of the universalism of that there can be discussed a civility in the X,Y,Z, each represented logically even of the existential & metaphysical meted through by the late Stephen Hawking.

            *       *       *        #ORIGINALISM       *        *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

When any people - democratic - cease or desist from doing the work of being a moral people - neighborly - no government can be affordable.

However you consider Donald J. Trump as high fallutin’ of Queens and extreme of New York values we have before us the most troubled as of so many tread upon to make ways for the litter messianic for Barack H. Obama and the akin a queen’s litter jackbooted martialed for Hillary R. Clinton.

Rudyard Kipling and “Star Wars” homage doth carries a relative moral in that of “Gunga Din” & ”Jar Jar Binks” to be as of, to paraphrase, so of ”municipal” prudent of “Mr. Binks” toil, and duty, of characters to keep the murder rates low by keeping the sewers clear.

Our best froward snares many as short from duty!

Our prescribed froward is for forwards expectant to commitments to the work of neighbors’ is “neighborly”!

Our blessed froward still asks all to see these summed as self-evident to that by that our rights are from our Creator the Liberals’ - Democrats’ - interpretation of the Peoples’ Order that formed/constituted our Union  does not hold water - does not stand.

As one accepts the prudence is liberating still of that our separation of Church and State doth secures rights to each by of rights from their Creator it reasons out to like enlightening that therefore Americans aren’t to worship their government but are still prescribed to sans any right to be separated from supposed to care for all and so constituted by Peoples’ Order to live for Posterity for Tranquility of general Welfare from worshiping our Lord - the inescapable vibe of our Creator’s essence.

As Donald J. Trump successfully joined to the restoration work of the established and revolutionary “Republican Movement” we have the wave for restoration as a new renaissance to further amass to escape carriages improper intellectually to similar to befit “Dark Ages”!  The Donald J. Trump of this discoursing is the “LIBERATOR” who has successfully joined to the well beat and marched soul of the restoration of “ORIGINALISM” and who is keeping his promises to “GIVE AMERICA BACK” to the people.

The self-evident summed is of that while of our rights from our Creator the Democrats’ interpretation of the Constitution of these united states of the Americas does not have standing in plain meaning and common sense!

The summed is to it should be self-evident if one’s rights are from their Creator it is counter productive to worship government - especially an administration of billionaire Donald J. Trump, Sr.!

Froward, still, we have it constituted of a written at least in the letters of Apostle Paul of that each is under our Lord before under any government we have our rights and yet are established to sans any separation right from supposed to care for all!

As truth and truths become liberated from the politics of suppression by the Left/Democrats it should be self-evident of a restoration vibe to how Donald J. Trump is joined still to the Republicans’ moral work of working through critical masses to see that the garbage is garbage and “sewers” are cleared and kept clear.  There is no escape from the plain truth of the CONSTITUTION that it could be so small and brief for it had at least the Christians and their New Testament as self-governance guidance to such as the Peoples’ “Order” done and subscribed in “Year of our Lord” henceforward need the government to be constituted for due process and civil procedures for when the matters the sum of the books of the Lord break down - broke down.

Plainly the legend of Donald J. Trump is indivisible from the successful progress renaissance of the “Republican Movement” of “ORIGINALISM” of his a pedestrian New York common sense now still to embattled against the litters of Bill & Hillary Clinton, & Barack Obama.

The litters of the messianic and too queenly martialed is of now we have Republicans for republican/republic as it stands still actually constituted still adjusting and organizing to peddle freedom - to walk the talk of the pathology of liberty to restored for max’d potential.

The litters of ”Messiah Obama” & “Queen Hillary” yet now are of however many segments a state a snake can be divided into theirs’ still is to trample and tread on and over any “segment” - “segments” - not assimilated and cowed to compliant/compliance.

Please do garner the scope of Donald J. Trump engagement isn’t “high fallutin’” but old school New York values in common sense, due separation of Church and State, of that government and corporations, therefore, are under Lord’s Laws before under Government and likewise of supposed to be abstaining from violations of the commandments - especially preset as prescribe to shall not covet, steal, bear false witness.

Please do garner the scope of reformed this Clinton Democrat - our President Donald J. Trump - is as secured to his “MAGA” “Make America Great Again” promised as to be “LIBERATOR” - not a false idol - a worshipped posed idol.

Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” in cats (categories) of queued for “#POTUS45″.

Please to assist to the full scope of a broad stroke and narrow finesse’d governance liberation by restorative to common sense and inescapably sworn to plain meaning and neighborly vigilance for “clean” ways.

Please do join to the “LIBERATION” forward with the froward here organized thoughts of “LIBERATION ECONOMICS” as recognizing whom is the problem and how their what remains problematic and contrarian;  The successful liberation to America returned to the people is dependent on the conscience raising broadly to amassed segments of our Union as together united morally locally and to suspicious of all things federal.

Donald J. Trump, President, is not and shall not be considered to be as ridiculous and high fallutin’ while supposition proffered to preposition for a pathology of Liberty as positioned in priors - established as ordained especially for economics of growth to morality of business is still expected to be moral like governments of subscribed to be sans violations of Lord’s Laws and to dedicated to the proposition of that all people have an expectation from their rights from their Creator of that the work of government and businesses are to be without violations of morality by being of covetous, stealing, bearing of false witness.

It is not “high fallutin’” that our governance is prescribed established to that Laws under of “shall not bear false witness” as per governance is of since politics is the business of treating all people as if neighbors of that government therefore is supposed by “shall not bear false witness” as to not proper or prudence or blessed to be of bearing false witness as to what especially is the property of a poet - even a “philosopher king” like - and to otherwise as if what belongs to the poet can be said and exercised as if it yet doth firstest belongeth to the Government!

There is no litter of Donald J. Trump if as President he keeps to the common core of the “Republican Movement” that restored “ORIGINALISM” and to such then forward of it yet still much just the litters of messianic Barack H. Obama and too queenish Hillary R. Clinton to be arrested from treading upon the people of the us.

The Republicans have good standing and are comprehendable with common sense and simple reading of the constituting founding established and ordained done by the founders sans blasphemy back whence in that Year of our Lord.

The GOP is blessed by their scope as postured within the lines of the ordained common sense structural essentials.

To be, all & each, still to keeping of the work of being a moral people we now must see it as reasonable and necessary that we accept the genius of Donald J. Trump as not being specious when tact martialed of tacking towards that our PEACE and HAPPINESS is dependent on that business, especially corporations, are like Government, federal especially, as only constituted to be as prescribed to be abstinent from covetous, stealing, lying.. - morals as litter!

As “HOGAN” (me, myself, my own press’d) has postured artful of “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” long regards our froward of forward believing:

Fellow Americans “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED!”

              *       *        *       JUST BEGUN?       *       *       *

[This here now progress is just a work commenced.  Do please return & revisit as many times as necessary to be sure you are fully read in to be part of the solutions and desisted from joined as of the problem/problems.  This leading satire is a work begun expectant to much more to follow and amass from this time commenced for squib.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

The dark con of Hillary Rodham Clinton is truly taxing.

Dr. Benjamin Carson, on the other hand, as Secretary Carson, is still of a purity and cleanness beyond “clean hands”.

As Barabbas epic unleashes parallels of what to taxes lines up to our crossroads to an intersection as if HRC is incontrovertibly tracking for a crucifixion as a base criminal not pardoned.

The inexperience issue of Secretary Carson relates to a storying of Governor Andrew Cuomo of how he to become New York’s Governor so had to much unlearn his William Jefferson Clinton Housing & Urban Development ways - their ways - as such to the core was much behind how and why much became the problematic of New York.  Secretary Cuomo, to become Governor, had to much shed the failed Clinton ways and learn then to become more like Governor Christopher James Christie of New Jersey & Governor Robert Frances McDonnell of Virginia

Secretary Carson with HUD now too must be to recognizing all of the Clinton past errant ways and to finding a better way forward.  An also so taxing of HRC is the dynamic of the dark con of that since a while ago truth has not been an option to HRC.

The building of the Republican Movement team as it now coincident of Donald J. Trump, President, and his building his divisions partial to such grander scheme of teams, articulates, already some, the vast epic personal battles of HRC of that to her truth is not an option.

As coincident we have the Republicans near of a finest hour with the processes of a Supreme Court nomination to Associate Justice as commenced around a character such as Judge Neil Gorsuch.  That truth is not an option to HRC is of a bar that would be now if true of Judge Neil Gorsuch as inhibiting to arresting for froward honors.  President Barack Hussein Obama was disabled by “TEAM OF RIVALS” in that as Secretary HRC was already of truth as not an option - at least specifically for how many problems were as from WJC she had here hands tied and tongue barred from incriminating her spouse.

Donald John Trump, President, is now froward in his duty of standing up a politics where God’s truth can be again in our Justice and our Politics.  HRC, again, had since at least 2001 of that truth was not an option to her.  Secretary Carson & Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch are two of a better dynamic and for truth is not just an option to them but also not a personal burden nor obstacle to jobs now their called to.

President Barack Hussein Obama was as party to the HRC limited dynamic much impeachable since the first hour or two of his administration and while still of the inauguration ceremonies for he commenced official speak of the lies of cover-ups for the Clintons of which is partial to the gestalt of that to HRC the truth is not an option. 

Cover-ups are still illegal and now forward the DJT POTUS45 froward shall be expected to be to teaching anew why and how cover-ups are wrong and illegal to treasonous.  DJT shall be expected - with his team of teams of teams - to proceed above the errant & limited of BHO & HRC and with pressers past “NONSENSE SQUAD” uniqueness to espoused that cover-ups, like specifically of BHO for WJC & HRC are illegal to treasonous much for lies allowed so to then help establish a ruling class for only the rulers are then them who can know enough of the truth & lies to have a chance at rendering good work - good works.

Now before we proceed to the abomination called “OBAMACARE” as the Affordable Care Act as “double taxation” let us immediately begin a necessary processing of HRC as taxing too.

Now also before we proceed to the abominable HRC as too taxing let us presently be open to the grand dark con dilemma of how President Trump can not prudently or loosely build on predecessor’s foreign policies as the Clintons’ “EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE” violate do corrupt globally to it seems every crevice of past diplomacy and as of emoluments meant barred to yet of the WJC & HRC CGI SOP as of modus operandi of having grossly monetized diplomacy.  Our President must disavow predecessors’ reigns to be of and for truth and at least against Clintons of so like taxing the systems by like DOUBLE DIPPING.

Froward to the judgement day(s) there still is an outta touch beat to HRC as like a MA reincarnate - Marie Antoinette anew yet presently our accounting must be liberated to that the truth can and shall reign over the cover-ups known and of unknown lies necessarily a dramatic element of these days of lately probing a scope of HRC as disabled due truth is not an option to her.

The abomination of The Affordable Care Act as “DOUBLE TAXATION” doth relate for it paries a polity to comity much ado about the seating of a Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia replacement to the Supreme Court of these united states of the Americas.

What is of that which is of the realm of the which is said and kept to be of “belongs” to our Lord and what is that, now related to “FEDERALISM” of that which is proper to “belongs” to Caesar and/or states & Governors?

The HOBBY LOBBY rendition rectified just some of the prudence to that a juri straight can be bedazzled as to ACA as violate of the FIRST AMENDMENT and to as by due such it must then be of a real double taxation and while ignorant of the right to healthcare as established precedent as “under” “our Lord” prescribed none of a separation right to from caring for all.  Corporations have speech & assembly - productive assembly rights!

Healthcare, honestly, is an oldest establishment of religion!

Religion is historically significant as firstly much just of prescribed tools & disciplines for practices as tools for community and for self-governance.

It is double taxation violate of Religious Liberty to have a federal national program as a tax for healthcare as firstly there is the self-governance expectant of all shall be under “our Lord” as of voluntarily in freedom of religion of a voluntary extra-nation organized morality and what tithing taxing as morally possible. It is your “in network” for crisis is your faith community?


Of the fated as for Justice of the talk of the crimes and criminal potential there is vast condemnable as “politics” of BHO & HRC that must be rectified post a full probative of true scope.

Our Posterity depends on more than just being open to discussing the “CROOKED” in “Crooked Hillary” for our bank cannot remain stress’d by the coin of the realms as gone to hell in the handbag(s) of HRC - Hillary Rodham Clinton, - Mrs. Bill Clinton.

HRC is likewise of dirty hands and not alone of digits stuck in the till by a scheme of an international imperial authoritarian shadow government operated as a charity as cloaked as philanthropy while to monetized diplomacy as seems every thing Clinton was a selfish at least partisan global initiative a patronage scheme to trump even old Tammany.

It is not my place to explain how any of a faith in community is to of that how taxed to “in network” for prescriptive discipline and practices for maintenance of a health - a clean soul - a manageable existential.

I must though here forthwith warn of that which is of the Clintons’ duplicity as grossly problematic for the net is confused as a web of deceit in trichotomy often at best garnered as of a dichotomy. 

What seems even as duplicitous of just HRC and known cold calculating and ambition is forthwith warned of as maybe more dynamically bad as yet of a tripled threat of a trichotomy schemed.

Your healthcare is as much threatened by HRC politics - yes as further upon ill conceived worked of “OBAMACARE” - due by reigning in cover-ups and lies a Liberals’ ruling class elite can handicap subjects and work to disable opposition by immorally using Power for Power of by using a controlled political healthcare system to diss’n ease of inconvenient subscribed as under Government before under our Lord.

Philosophically raising such is more than pointing out a conundrum for the paradigm of “HILLARYCARE” & “OBAMACARE” is diabolical as not in the spirit of healthcare and of care of souls of a keep where the truth shall set you free!

Philosophically it just isn’t caring that was structured to so bureaucratic and controllable by a ruling class structured to have authoritarian and imperial Power despite constituted by Peoples’ Order to be guarded against!

Philosophically the THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is at least double taxation and Alinskiesque to Machiavellian!

Philosophically your faith and freedom is abridged and set asunder by the ACA as OBAMACARE for the essence & vibe is predominantly for political powers to have their Governance as set above our Lord and Truth, - to stuck under false narratives, lies, politically worked dichotomous & trichotomous duplicity as once noble citizens to subscribed mere subjects?

Froward we can be assured in that the Donald J. Trump nominations of Dr. Carson & Judge Gorsuch, at least, provide evidentiary support to the proposition that DJT is assembling a posse of persons who practice the truth shall reign freely, and firstly.  Just a comparison between these two to HRC is of a prima facia damming upon HRC core.

Street to the raps of the duplicitous diabolical so also of a rotten double taxation of HRC taxing too is veined through the Clinton phat as of false constructs of dichotomy to trichotomy to trichotomies of dichotomies tripartite.

Street to the rap and waxed philosophical within confines of satire yet is the abominable truth of to Hillary Rodham Clinton truth is not an option;  Mrs. Clinton is complicated long for not supposed to incriminate her spouse and less long for then being party to lies for cover-ups related as worked by Barack Hussein Obama to that as HRC had to lie about the errant of WJC  and avoid incriminations by exposing faults in their spousal husbandry there is that HRC too now cannot bear true witness against BHO for to incriminate him even just for the cover-up for the Clintons as commenced in first hours of office in 2009 Mrs. Clinton then would be to self-incrimination of felonious and impeachable relative to high crimes and misdemeanor laws.

HRC is of rap street as at least too taxing (even for philosophical realm & practiced) for there is that Mrs. Clinton cannot but spew the false narrative smear of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for a spouse is not to incriminate to the truth of “it” of more near half WJC fault. 

Likewise to wrap:  HRC cannot even dictate BHO is a better President than WJC, and as likewise she had to blame GWB so as to not incriminate the Clinton spousal husbandry - any even short of their duplicitous of a dichotomy to trichotomy scope.  The truths are the enemies of HRC for parallels must be avoided to from cascading a domino effect of blame by ranking as if BHO was better for such does then entertain that it must not have been all GWB’s fault and for the records must be of WJC at least grossly incriminated to of felonious to impeachable tru’d history.

We shall hope Donald J. Trump is assembling a truth to reign freely, and firstly, posse, in comparison to the Clintons, at least.  Concurrently this seems remarkably already effected and true.

We are not to have dictated or mandated how we keep faith in community - or to be subjects to any double taxation as if our Government is of our Lord as set asunder as set under our Politics!

We have at least a preponderance of Politics suggesting a deep deep dark con of the Clintons exists beyond this simple pary to posture the concerns some evident in a scheme much wrongful & in-American as of double taxation as this study in comparative issuances trespasses to as commenced.

          *       *       *        HRC FATE NAILED?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:09 pm

As Missouri celebrates, hopefully, that it has its first ever elected Jewish Governor the rest of the world is yet in a Trumpian fog demanding a material visceral threshold of a show me state to be crossed.  Americans are being led astray and from beaten paths of the erudite, in the orated by President Trump, if one already considerately learned from read of George Washington’s letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island.

Nixon is gone!  Long live Richard M. Nixon!  Now too this must be broken down, to the building blocks, of the kinder world, Donald J. Trump is strongly standing up anew.  The Nixon of the Ferguson fiascos is gone!  The Nixonian not spoken of with the storying of Hillary Clinton is bust’n through to the general consciences of politicos and exposed to politics; - Secretary Clinton few successes can simply be registered of having been of when she like copycatted Bush & Nixon without credits, and quite coyly as of preset to such proven methods she was by firstly blanketing markets with a pushed idea of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” and as if “REPUBLICANS” generally only made mistakes.  Yes Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton did have many failures and did fail generally but it is still significant to that where successes occurred it can be pathologically & forensically pointed out that she was at least stealing from Richard M. Nixon.

Do how many blocks and neighborhoods Donald J. Trump some gentrified or just improved over his consistent career it is much impossible that he can be whom pressers are smearing his as - or as pressed are misunderstanding him.  Trump cannot be whom he is being plastered as for by being such a person he never could have had the business successes he did by being himself.

The building blocks are kinder now than under the 8 years of Left FASCISM at authoritarian tyrannies for solutions tyranny for healthcare & climate change politics.  Donald J. Trump core, to be whom is was as what he was to be successful to date, is more, relative, to Democrats of reigns recent, as akin kindergarten sharing & pluralism.

Donald J. Trump has spent his career as of building blocks for kinder blocks, - of kindergarten Golden Rule steady ways.

Donald J. Trump is being more egalitarian to a reset to “all politics is local” of not bringing any unless bringing enough for everyone so shepherded for advancement by sharing learning experiences.

Donald J. Trump is no Bill Clinton nor Hillary Clinton; - Trump doesn’t define success as Clintons have long embued of their shared ambition since law studies as to become above everyone else and as toward becoming the two most powerful lawyers to ever have graduated from Yale Law School.* 

With Trump at the helm of the decades long advancing “Republican Movement” the true news is for real stories of that Donald J. Trump election is to as orated in inaugural of that the country belongs to the People again, - of the idea that the state of mind is a state of reality of that we are now across the threshold and to “YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED”!

To fathom what a wreck Madam President Clinton to have been do now take moments to ponder what her definition of success personally has only always been, - PLEASE!!!  She is like of no acumen or agility even with basic building blocks for egalitarian politics; - she must reign conflated a superior as Prima Donna of platitudes as authoritarian castes only tolerate.

The lay of the land of that which President Trump is commenced to with for kinder blocks has troubling vibe for essence of that “mess” he has inherited is, until/unless the Clintons are judged more culpable/guilty, properly concurrently tag’d to near or specifically akin to “IT IS ALL THE BLACK PRESIDENT’S FAULT!”.

Or:  As if metaphorical to as when is it firstly a turf war?  When does any have a right to think what is beyond what of their ‘hood - neighborhood - and neighbors can be rightly theirs or even much on their minds, by morals, if not of an occupying or trespassing oppression?  The big picture is back, nearly, to be “all politics is local!”?  Semantics is like politics and inseparable from a discussion on limits of Ten Commandments and Jihad of both seem to say you cannot lie to a neighbor or covet a neighbor’s only?  As if - if politics not the “bigger picture” of a profession at treating all as if “neighbors” - any beyond ‘local’ can be raped and pillaged?

Kinder blocks is more complicated since originalism has been reset by new Tea Party as Liberal worked of as if GOD not in CONSTITUTION is defeated by simple reading and to as preamble “Order” is a noun due capitalized to as not “in order to” but as “in/Order/to form…/done…/subscribed…/in/Year/of/our/Lord”.  Separation is back to being vertical of our nation is under our Lord & Lord’s Law and Congress shall make no law to change the tenets of religion.

A crucial get to the Trumpian scope is as well while appreciating kinder blocks acumen of “Kindergarten Golden Rule”** and legacy it is that it may be scary to some or many now to be liberated so and to the “AMERICAN” back as Americans to govern first in the “GOLDEN RULE”!

Concurrently Fascism in 2017 is defined best as a movement of the Left of Liberals for an elite ruling class entrenched to block old “liberal democracy” originalism and to be able to protect own class ranks by an authoritarian tyranny akin long now witnessed of said “experts” used to march a solutions tyranny in climate change & healthcare.  People have been liberated and now should be less scared.

Sadly the coverage of Donald J.Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, as been of old Clinton projection & transference machinations: >>> He is being reported as what the Clintons have been coyly always firstly about as to have Power and to become the two most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School.

And, yet now, a crucial get is also to see the obstacles to progress, for the egalitarian Trumpism, of constructs with kinder blocks, to kinder communities, and, see the first prime political obstacle is of vast moral scope, as progress to be considerate, to parity, is now stuck of a conundrum to the current paradigm, of that we all must be vigilant, and fully discriminating on social progress, by exposed to the particular impedance possible if it is in fact measurably true of as if successful blacks are, for some reason, not giving back - not giving back enough to their own communities.

However the “real Donald Trump” legacy is of acumen and great agility in politics to permits to approvals to turn key turn-overs akin the “Kindergarten Golden Rule” played out local of “kinder blocks” scope forward our froward plans must be developed and considerate especially as the “mess” he is dealing with as “inherited” for now remains, unless a greater guilt proofed upon the Clintons, as of that it trues up near:


               *       *       *       KINDER?       *       *       *


*  [This is of my personal knowledge of having known due they shared their ambitions for years after having asked me, in early 1970s, if they could both become President some day.]

** [Hoganism of “Kindergarten Golden Rule” is of that “Don’t bring any unless you bring enough for the entire class!”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:32 am

To understand a statesmen in Hamilton, one, today, must consider what has happened to churches in Moscow since the 1990s.

Neither a Queens Presbyterian nor a Congregationalist Christian can deny the “HOLY” anew Russian aspect as if Vladimir Putin has been a dedicant to be a “Merry Templar” Moscow garbed.

We can and must consider Alexander Hamilton and of if Rex Tillerson is already ready to fend off Barbarians - akin to Barbary Piracy of the terms of Thomas Jefferson associated.

The Donald J. Trump nominee to be our top Diplomat seems of the crown of thorns and as ready at thorns in one’s side strong lines and if even a need to brine dried beans over-night a necessary remedial prescription.  To say brines for thorns a tool in his bag of tricks may be basic it though remains of that he is to inherit vast problems from eight years rebellious from common sense.

The Donald J. Trump nominee to be Secretary of State of these united states of the Americas presents of that a Congregationalist Christian is a easier fit under a Queens Presbyterian than a Mormon or a Catholic.

The Donald J. Trump cabinet is coming together as matured beyond the ocularity suffered lots of born witness to President Barack H. Obama so much of but “sandbox” diplomatic play sans effect as sans morality plays dynamics.

Russia is not of the paradigm President Obama wanted it to be as he commenced to be to his “Personality Presidency” his suggested guidance as if of his “personality” of a suffice for all moderation of world’s affairs.

President Vladimir Putin and Party Leader of China Xi Jinping predecessor Hu Jintao are to be commended for their early rebukes of new President Obama and of their attempts to turn him from his wrong direction - to turn him to capitalism and as from his Socialist megalomaniacal aspiration to bring Americans outta their constituted and into his like a “New Stalinist” dictum and Climate Change Tyranny.

It more falls now on President-Elect Donald J. Trump to set the table of Diplomacy for Secretary Rex Tillerson by serving up criticism historical of such President Obama whence chided to turn from doing as their countries had done and to being more capitalistic of how they now forward were to trying to be to evolve their own systems of government and economics.

A making of America “GREAT AGAIN” is a Hamilton conundrum; - To be “GREAT AGAIN” we all must accept that President Obama many errant effected in officialdom were exercised in anti-Hamilton and un-Hamilton methodisms. President Obama’s greatest flaw may endure as a criticism of that he erred by governing near opposite to how Alexander Hamilton prescribed and affected.

Yes!!!  We must consider the unexpected as possible and that the new Russian paradigm is of President Putin effecting as if to be eventually a “Merry Templar” and a new evangelizer of the rebirth of Christianity in Moscow and its parishes.  We must also respect what Moscow has done to churches - even for churches - since the 1990s.  Even if shy of being an Orthodoxy evangelizer President Putin is back to basics in embrace of Crimea and Ukraine portions that are historically of majorities as consecrated from the Moscow Christian Orthodox See - of Saint Basil* and even the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Yes, it wasn’t only President Putin who tried to warn President Obama off from heading in the wrong direction - from not learning from past mistakes of Russians.  President Putin wasn’t wrong, now even in hindsight amassed ocularity, of that America would divide under President Obama if he did persist to be so old Russian.  Yes, it is recalled that even the President of the Peoples Republic of China was also expressant sans a suffice with admonishment upon President Obama of attitude that he was commencing on a path of turning America and Americans to too Socialist.

On Alexander Hamilton opportunities to be a good example and catalyst for learning of vast erring by President Obama let us consider a querious of if Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is naturally strong, otherwise, and of respecting that the “banking” and “Constitutional” designs of Federalist Hamilton as to us of a confederate republic a liberal democracy was design not to firstly have POWER but primarily to be of a Federal to agility with a system of banking for liquidity & readiness.

President-Elect Donald J. Trump must now, as necessary, say to brine of the thorns to be inherited can be a remedial prescribed still yet in time of the pork, turkey, fibrous legumes passed, and, table a prudence for inheritance of crown of thorns morality plays to arts of diplomacy restorative from backwards and inadequate of pea brained spillage of vast collateral rendered mashable passed.

We can toast to a HOPE in a new Secretary of State as from the lot as risen to be duty charged for Diplomacy Rex Tillerson.  Rex Tillerson may not, like myself, need still try to live up to having played some squash - club squash - in youth and to having bought a Slazenger Diplomat as my racket of choice, nor may Secretary Tillerson have to personally try to live up to an old college Philosophy paper I have shared as “CAPITALISM: THE PATH TO WORLD PEACE” as a long essayed some upon the “THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH” by Frantz Fanon.  I in past year did opine to my godson a current college studying of that I set out to counter of such paper grading of noted proffered near “IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE” (paraphrased of by Villanova Univerity Professor Ed Goff) to not have to edit such paper’s import by setting out more dedicated to proof it as possible and well reasoned.

The portion of the Ukraine “reclaimed” by President Putin is statistically historically of that figured of the the Eastern third of Ukraine is Moscow Orthodox Christian while the Western third is Greek Orthodox and with the middle third like the problem leading area as too “irreligious” and of to that like Iraq and Syria it can be calculated and summed of that Ukraine became also too “irreligious” and became of these as a third a then to an also failed secular Socialist state.

President Putin does appear more “HOLY” at least when rationally measured against President Obama and his Secretaries Secretary Clinton and Secretary Kerry; - President Putin embrace of old Soviet regions of Ukraine as of which are historically See’d of the Moscow Orthodox Christian Church was not an offensive effected for it became a responsive defensive counter to the NATO & European Union meddling President Obama and his hench people were party to as a trigger.

America was GREAT in the time of Alexander Hamilton of the how “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is showing a constituted suffice to be restorative to forward.  President Obama failed to learn the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Union and became vastly errant while so also be an Un-Hamilton.  President Trump is consummating a new consecration of the “HOLY” in Federalism as originally of a confederate republic for a liberal democracy, and as his selection of the many called to Rex Tillerson the chosen one abiding the truth of a resurgence in Christianity within at least Moscow, - of Russia, Russians. 

Alexander Hamilton must be dissected, primarily it seems for an understanding favorable to Capitalism, as being saintly to the structured for National of that banking systems were designed not by firstly working an architecture for POWER as it seems the enduring prudence endears of that such worked to must have come from designing firstly for agility in liquidity for readiness.

Though as a Washington DC general contractor, and as a carpenter, I did before the attacks of September 11, 2001 - months before - install new closet doors in the Watergate condominiums for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice it can be proffered of that President Trump and his cabinet with Secretary Tillerson are to inherit problems from how the Left since 1993 has been of Democratic Party leaders as missing the whole “irreligious” paradigm problem.

President Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump will be arrested from progress if Secretary of State Tillerson doth not side to BREXIT as due for triggered by naive and backwards leading by President Obama con NATO & con the European Union as per moves on/with Ukraine.

Even Crimean can be said to be of valleys of liberation in spirit of a “HOLY” in the “Putin Complex” Rx**.  Russian can be said to have created safe spaces in old Ukraine in the basic truth of Moscow Orthodoxy as rooted in the social construct and concept of that “religion” is firstly self-governance.

The light of the Russian battalions and their charges can be deemed LIBERATING as President Obama lead triggered the BREXIT as party to the problem of like Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine old secular Socialist (Ba’athist perverted) three are historically measurable as considerably just three more failed Socialist states somehow of becometh too irreligious - too blinding subscribed to failed secular Socialist dependency ideology.

To understand Rex Tillerson we must cotton to “Mr. BREXIT” into the Presidency of Donald J. Trump!  Yes, of a “HAMILTON II” redux’d!

There is prudence and common sense if this “LIBERATION” mashable on Crimea & Ukraine’s Eastern third as Moscow See’d! Honestly!!!

The rap of President Barack H. Obama as I work it out as hashable as #TheBadPresident to http://TheBadPresident now holding for a book so titled, as a compilation of the necessary mass of http://jphogan.org collections related, will be profferable and deep into his greatest failures to having near been always wrong on at least ISIS and Ukraine by missing the “irreligious” inherent fundamental causal rooted.

The American participation to as if Ukraine should move West to NATO and the European Union was a just trigger as an offensive ill considered first strike to which President Putin had a response that relates to a new Russian evangelism!  Possibly!  Donald J. Trump has been more right than who he inherits a vast mess from in the new Year!  Democrats have been WRONG!

President Barack H. Obama legacy seems ready to endure and persist to concluded of that he was always wrong not to have heeded Russian and Chinese admonishment of his professed direction at to be away from moral capitalism and backwards to ways of their learned from failed in Socialism governance.  Trump rise is on that President Obama failed to heed President Putin, at least, as to hand of opining postured to advise a turning away too from secular Socialism.

President Trump and Secretary Tillerson will principally need to guide from the errant and excesses of President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry of to like being restorative as curative in a premeditated of prescribing fixes to how besotted President Obama cabal was to trying to defeat the American lead defeat of Socialism. - of secular Socialism!!!

Yes we need to get back to Alexander Hamilton!  Yes we need a new popularity and plurality with the pop of Alexander Hamilton!  Yes!  After President Barack H. Obama not just the People of these united states of the Americas are prudent towards fathoming much went wrong just because, simply, the Left tried to govern opposite to Hamilton’s prescribed.

To be support crew the Trump Cabinet need be joined to the experience and acumen of Rex Tillerson and just so the President can forward be Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump, President of these United States of America - as actually constituted - a leader wise to “irreligious” widely problematic!!!

To this teased as though improbable to impossible as yet a consideration necessary to fathom President Vladimir Putin we must endear a full consideration for Russia, like Syria, has no choice but to find ways forward from problems developed from somehow crossing a fine line in secular Socialism as to having a nation become of a people amassed to too irreligious.

America, itself, can not possibly be restored to “GREAT AGAIN” if the basics are not reconstituted also to that religion is respected as firstly self-governance and a keystone to that governments can actually be of the People free by religiosity, by the People voluntarily dedicants to organized extra-nation organized morality, and for the Peoples to general Welfare and Posterity!!!  Our pledged allegiance to flag is for due process and Justice.

God Bless America - our Lord is the same of Jews, Christians, Muslims.

                   *       *       *       BELIEVE?       *       *       *


* [I confess I am still ignorant of whom Saint Basil is, even as since I spotted his bust in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, NYC, NY, USA.]

** [See at http://CitizenRosebud.com - here - the categories left justified for the collections of “#SOCIALIST SQUIBS” “#PUTIN ESSAYS” & “#ISLAM SQUIBS”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:00 am

A first supposition to consume is that Hillary R. Clinton just rubbed too many people the wrong way!!!

The cake is baked!  Hillary R. Clinton just didn’t see enough coming - didn’t see the horror shows premonitions though such was her job to get done!

New York City, you of Democrats solicitations are not alone! - You’ve been liberated! - You’re saved from a looming descent to “GOTHAM” - devolutions!

The problems forward for Republicans to shine and glow of a “shining city on a hill” brilliance now are concurrent to the issuance of Donald J. Trump; - Does the future of these united states of the Americas now depend on if Donald J. Trump can stay in the lines of as if out of a time machine and for Liberty as stepping out as either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or as either Alexander Hamilton or James Madison.

To shine - to renew and brighten from how Hillary R. Clinton abraded and dulled by rubbing too many the wrong way - mustn’t we collectively consider civility concordance consistent to the consecrated as constituted now is asking Donald J. Trump to be of the bodies electric secured of that to be to “shining” an electric brilliance must be of from bodies to honesty & electric in truth?

To shine - forthwith forward furtively, and foundationally, frankly - Aren’t we at “father” Trump must present daily as if stepping out as a founding father revisiting their ordained and established created Order “done” in humble under God dedication in such past “Year of our Lord”?

To shine - restoratively reset regarding revolutionary reposits, remedially - respectfully it is significant that Donald J. Trump also forward does present as if so “modern” is like in the THE JETSONS, and accustomed to at least the now available flying cars!

It is what it is!  Scary is what we have been brought back from the edge of! - Scary is what coulda/whoulda been if Hillary R. Clinton had amassed enough collaboration to a post election lede: ENUF CROOKED! - CROOKED HILLARY TRUMPS!

We have been turned back from, and saved from the abyss!  Some may now sadly do an about face and blindly turn back to a fateful short plank conundrum diabolical.  Some should be vigilant to try to save even these near lost souls of having believed too much that which was so “crooked” it was never safe to ever have believed!  Some must teach and shepherd to a learned to a suffice from that which was at best just RIDICULOUS as posited for machinations for CLINTON-KAINE.

Doesn’t Donald J. Trump now just need be the kindly gentle giant surrogate father to the new Tea Party & Constitutional restoration dedicants?  Needn’t Donald J. Trump essentially, to shine, now just be as if George Washington or Thomas Jefferson as a reincarnate or revisiting?

It is baked in Hillary R. Clinton’s pudding that baked in her cake is that hauntings will persist as from her resume to rise and gather darkly dark spirits as if here to stay of her while in Purgatory and likely fated to maybe a new 8th level of Hell’s inferno!

The basics for any “THE SHINING CITY ON A HILL” is of bodies electric even as Walt Whitman strung a poetic around embattled “Captain” President Abraham Lincoln, and the Civil War.  It is from humanoids gathered in morality of Lord’s Law of a unity in honesty from such as an electric brilliance can endure to emanate as if of actual structuralism.

It seems Donald J. Trump need not posture as if Moses to Barack H. Obama as a self proclaimed Messiah; - Important - most important - forward to a restoration for the brilliance of original constitutionalism is how key it is President Trump be firstly scholarly as if akin to founding fathers and their prudence and exercised as an apostolic spectacle affected.

I do not know if President Trump is better now as if it is 1800 all over again as per prudence & jurisprudence, nor if being of George Washington by his prefacing by his first inaugural begun “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” is to a better polite to a more workable civil, nor if President Trump can be either as on Moses & the Ten Commandments without much being to like snatching an embodiment specifically of Alexander Hamilton or the John Jay of such critical essays as of the opening salvos by the THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!

Flying cars are here and an inevitable ingredient to any and all for the republic infrastructure allotments debates and votage.

The issuance from Hillary R. Clinton “resume” will haunt as dark spirits rise and amass of so much of an on Earth and yet in Purgatory political reality of the fall of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON.

Infernal is that there ever was a 2016 “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT”! - The apparatus and machinations for “CLINTON-KAINE” have not, nor ever can, amount to as if by running (for cover) (of strategery by campaigning depended on like the criminal defense playbooks) the legacy of Mrs. William J. Clinton become scrubbed to as if now and forward of all the darkness bleached out to that Mrs. Clinton could be postured as if a clean white & girded as if all haunting dark spirits of Hillary R. Clinton resume were not co-existent and incontrovertible from “crooked” and guilty!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be me! - President Trump mandate is to be maybe a founding father reincarnate, and a gentle giant, of dedication to the simple truth of that our originalism constructs of the Constitution as the People’s “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” maintains, -again self-preserves - such that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, & even Jay can be of guidance and to a lightness in being in opposition to Clintons’ dark extant of pregnant or bloated of souls dark of Purgatory & Inferno - of comedy of that essence of the realm of the energies electric of divination - the divine - the divined!

It likely won’t be wise for Donald J. Trump to try to be a like rapper to endure as a “Biggie Hogan” as a rival to #HAMILTON by across the space time continuum! - So much now are triggers to me as of that akin maybe to a poet’s conditioned of from real world exposure to of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - #PTSD - if I were to even try to be me - the me President Trump could be if it weren’t also available to him to be reincarnate of the great minds and soul’d of these united states of the Americas original consecrators extradinaire! - Much as we are now here abouts in real time equates to a deja vue possible traumatic to myself if to re-engaged to the officialdom of governance devoid the flexibility and agility of the arts realms! - Much as President-Elect Donald J. Trump now is tasked to render and serve forward is of that to me of my real work to such was done before 1992 - to set up to working, as Clinton 1992 win attests, and then as I viscerally sadly bore witness to of such HOPE and OPPORTUNITY now as concurrent to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is yet to that of which I succeeded to USA as again too whence and of then it that William J. Clinton & the machinations of the “Clinton Machine” did by their devilish hands for years decisively set asunder.

Simply the HOPE & OPPORTUNITY to cakes of the future when empowered of the President Donald J. Trump sworn and rededicated are of the darkness of Hillary R. Clinton must be thoroughly sifted and to the dark energies obstructive to a new “shining” must get sifted out! - President Donald J. Trump must reset to the 1992 election and be of win as if how won unexpectedly by the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON and then to proceed, yes, - not as if me - as but to being again to of the original recipe as by a sole d.o.d. or a smorgasbord, or a worked ratatouille of a harvest’s bounty.

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to be me! and, it yet remains a conundrum of if he and these united states of the Americas do now forward have a parallel need for me, an also now LIBERATED, to yet shine again as me being firstly me, and of saved from a daily fight of decades, - an at times traumatic struggle - of defenses needed daily to stand against the Clintons and their machinations to of effecting successful and failed attempts to succeed by absconding to popularity by thefts and misappropriation and misuse of that originally and still my own intellectual property!!!

You are now asked to become learned to a suffice to be so then educated enough to be able to reason a position - reason to a position on how President Donald J. Trump though throughout the campaigns was of likewise to the public “Strong For Truth” me is yet now pre-positioned to be more as if a founding father on Moses than as if Moses to the Obama black Messiah!!!

By Dante Alighieri’s divine humor it seems Hillary R. Clinton is not an alone of the THE HOUSE OF CLINTON to be like cast incontrovertibly to be forward cast as reserved to the domain of Lucifer and to that we should now all reason if due the vast dark spirits that rise of Mrs. Clinton resume if we are not now of a times of so much so contrary & diabolical as having been politically exercised conversely to Constitutionalism such as that there are reservations for the Clintons as fated to shine not - and walk a fated of Purgatory to as if not in Hell yet for an fitting “EIGHTH” level is still just under construction!!!

Are we now though at that it is best that President Donald J. Trump effect governance as if it is 1800 all over again? - Aren’t these times of hankering for Jeffersonian Republicans and for how he stood tall the compliance for the TEN COMMANDMENTS even as his work to such was of a special “Jefferson Bible”?

It seems incontrovertible that we’ve been LIBERATED and turned from fated to join a condemned thee as THE HOUSE OF CLINTON! - Forward let’s use respect (as Thomas Jefferson worked it?) that religion is firstly self-governance of that of the apostolic spectacle that the founding affected was of that the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the codes for the bodies electric and the recipe for HEAVEN ON EARTH, and as so for at least 3 religions - as at least of Jews, Christians, & Muslims!!!

Forward rub: - Of that our fine and glorious originalism is of our “code” as it such “code” is essential and of written as still the Law which enables there to be such of that of bodies electric as not condemned certain and of structuralism possible to even a nation’s capitol as able to be facilitated to be of good shining?  Of that we’ve been LIBERATED from rubbed errantly?

Forward rub: - It is what it is!  Our “code” is of we share across religions & religiosity that Lord’s Law is our Moral Law our Nation is also humbled as set under!  “Bible “nonsense” equals liberalism - not immoral lies!” & as “PRACTICE CHRISTIANITY IN SUFFICE TO NONSENSE!”  The BIBLE is among the “living documents” that our Constitution was set as harder to amend or nullify than, and, now forward our “Politics” are to stand against government over-reach and of the beat to notes to that the People are to now consider if “King James” edition of the BIBLE isn’t too out of date, at least!

Forward rub: - The Supreme Court “decided” on equality of marriage rests as so on point to that the scriptures are to be the “living document” the the Constitution the People’s “Order” of for that which is not of establishments (tenets) of religions; - The Justice is rededicated even by same sex marriage ruling to that the “living” work isn’t finished for at least the #KingJames edition hasn’t been rectified to concurrent vicissitudes to be adjusted to rule on that many people now are to live even 75 years longer past the trials of discovery of youth become settled, and individuals to having “discovered” a immutable “self” to endure and endear as their’s (fated?)?

                          *       *       *       *       *       *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:05 pm

Sweat it!  There is no where to hide! - there is no where to run to!  Sweating it is what we all must now honestly facilitate!

We have reached a crossroads in the American story! - We are at the crossroads still of options to turn from “GOING TO HELL”!

These are no times to sit back and avoid the Musk as maybe to an unchallenged facilitation by ComSats for a “Big Brother” new paradigm akin to Hillary Clinton of long doing as her good book says (Alinski’s) - long doing the leg work of: GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE & KILL THEIR GOD! 

I.E.:  Not that “SPACE X” isn’t copacetic to also under our “Lord” - But that the loose lingua enables too much “mush brains” devoid of disciplines to still be able to discern moral nuance/nuances between sectarian Christian dictums - at least!

E.G.:  As that Donald Trump proposals are for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” as a Protestant a Presbyterian Catholics too must be readying their moral game for us if to “Liberation Economics” and to stirring ghosts around of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as ghosts’ stories of succeeding President Lyndon Baines Johnson may have specifically gotten such anti-religious freedom amendment passed as a check on “Kennedy Catholics” - against “American Catholics” - against “Catholic” heat!

And, in conclusion…! - - - Oh Right! - As if it can now be that easy to come up with “GOOD” or “RIGHT” answers!

Donald Trump on immigration, for starters, has so abraded the Hillary Clinton control lines we have that em have been flushed out as new “Manchurian” puppeteers now also need be on stage to re-tie Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s knot.

Forthwith let us pare the “MUGGLE” for a shame of “Democrat men” with such to showcase the “White Bill Clinton” as in opposition to any superior legacy for the “Black Barack Obama”!  Let us play the cards their shame has on the table as it seems Donald Trump immigration plan has exposed two Democrat men as necessarily firstly “MUGGLES” complicating Mrs. Clinton’s “performances” by being historically two whom can be said to have never had a real “IMMIGRATION PLAN”!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward now needs be all the necessary pairing to separate the “White man Bill Clinton” from the “Black man Barack Obama” for any parity essential to comity!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward is a critically important pressing need to face the failures of BLACK Barack Obama! - to assuage the politics of her “captain” must go down with her ship, - like!

President Barack Obama’s face does not fit on President Bill Clinton’s!  That is what all this now is firstly primarily generally much about!  Forward this is much ado about how Mrs. Clinton was torn between her “White Bill” & “Black Obama” her “Boss” and dramatically to show how her performance was of the low “Hillary Standard” but too much of her new “Manchurian” puppet strings of being over worked and to abrading all the way through!

Vice President Joseph “Joe” Biden is a walking conundrum of a complicated “politics” between the “WorkingJoe” and the “CatholicJoe”!  VP Biden today as with Union organized in Ohio was firstly the political partisan lesser “WorkingJoe”!  It isn’t convenient for VP Biden to have to speak on the auto industry as the unraveling truth is becoming most worn and visibly to that the “Auto Bailout” wouldn’t have been needed if Left Democrats with Al Gore “ALARMISM” hadn’t had the $4 gas long since the 1990s as though essentially necessary to effect the Green Agenda Authoritarian social engineering.

Donald J. Trump is no George W. Bush! - The Clinton Machine is not able to stage “Hillary Clinton” as against the “Old Republicans” - The Democrats forward must pare too the battle extant already but still a developing greater scandal now toed in here as between the “White Bill Clinton” versus the “Black Barack Obama”!  And, as it is becoming certainly known of that President Barack H. Obama wouldn’t have needed the “Auto Bailout” if Republicans had yet gotten the lower gas prices by 2008 that they were fighting for!

As to that President Obama’s face cannot fit on President Clinton’s there is we are much gathered now to discern what ranks between these two Democrat “MUGGLES” and necessarily along “BLACK & WHITE” lines!  This is much because Mrs. Clinton candidacy begs to demands we all now take a fresh look at 1993 to 2001 years!

What must at least separate these two very different politicians goes beyond that one is supposedly GREAT for having cut $2 Trillion dollars - and much arguable actually from “necessary spending” already budgeted even for 4 to 8 years forward - while the other the “BLACK” must be faced as contrary to “WHITE” greatness specifically because the contrariness of Democrats is that the “Black Barack H. Obama” is supposedly now also GREAT but yet for having vastly increased spending by TRILLIONS!

Firstly primarily we should generally accept that since Mrs. Clinton was President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State she must rank as a/the top expert in all the particulars of how the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2001 did err and grossly set asunder so much by imprudence to infidelity - infidelity at least to the Constitution and expressly the First Amendment!

Donald Trump is running on much that cores to President Barack H. Obama was a failure - is a failed President!

Hillary Clinton isn’t yet being forced to run responsibly on facts indisputable of now established history of that President William J. Clinton really erred a lot and vastly set asunder so much of the foreign, and the domestic realms!

“WorkingJoe” will still persist to have the “ClassicJoe” problem with “CatholicJoe” as long as the said “Crooked Media” is compliant to the new “Manchurian” of co-producing only the “show” times of “The Hillary Show” and not the prop-isms and malfunctions regularly seeming not news!  The real story must fit the history that the “Auto Bailout” was only needed due “Clintonomics” for “hyper-consummerism” - the Clinton “Housing Bubble” - the Clinton too much cut by $2 Trillion cut too quickly and carelessly, and the later - for 2008 politics - contrary to global conditions spiking of oil & gas prices!

The guilt, it seems, must rest now forward more on “White Bill Clinton” and now the face of “White Hillary Clinton”!  It just seems unfair to let any Clinton Machine machinations succeed (further) to tagging the mashable as if “IT WAS THE BLACK MAN THAT DID IT!” - “IT IS ALL BLACK OBAMA’S FAULT!”!

Though this gets to very complicated past history we can suffice for now with some commuting pro-actively for Barack H. Obama as it the simple economics once enough “Do the math! - - Follow the history!” the greater culpability should rest more lightly on the face of President Obama than on the shoulders of either Clinton due what we now must face to “faced”!

President Barack H. Obama was still too young in his britches to be nearly enough culpable for us to allow the Clinton machinations to stereotype President Barack H. Obama - also!  It now is more true to say:


“RED FACED” is the problem now for the Clintons generally!  How “red faced” to “RED FACED” is of the evidence being still developed at least by vigilant for freedom - data miners vigilantes!

As we sweat now the perils of at such crossroads and it evident the “HILLARY CLINTON” is so abraded and not wearing well we must press ourselves to become disciplined to seeking and finding deeper greater truths!

As we sweat a “PERILOUS” in an if ever there were a “President Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton” we abide that the current issuance begs us to ponder deep and thorough a vast divide between Republicans and Democrats dating at least to the days of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as relevant to of the end of the Cold War and to how lines of separation can be detailed that of an ever since there has been Democrat Party unity to like try to defeat the defeat of expansionist Socialism by that worked strategically by President Ronald “Ronnie” Reagan with Capitalism the winning tool/way!

It seems though, to be brief, however wrong Mrs. Clinton is about “BLACK FACED” we must accept we are on a path a road to seeing that we must face to “faced” that President Barack H. Obama legacy amounts to he too should be “RED FACED”!

Keeping sweating it!!!  The legacy of Barack H. Obama has been already must set asunder by Clinton machinations to protect a legacy for William J. Clinton!  We may shortly be all more united by an understanding of just how much all three of these have been wrong for being more for foreign’s than citizen’s and as for years of some attempting to defeat the defeat of Socialism (by Capitalism) (and Constitutional regularity in originalism)!

Keep sweating it !!!  After all as long as Donald J. Trump stands up for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” he is some to “Liberation Politics” - and like to “Liberation Economics” of that he himself must be wondering if he too can take CATHOLIC heat - renditions of judgement of American pulpits!

Straight up it seems this crossroads, to be brief, is as said as too of a “Road to Hell” & of “Crooked Hillary” ’street’ “white pride”! Yet? Faced yet “Crooked Obama”? Yet? Faced, to be brief, a “Crooked Bill Clinton” tops?

               *       *       *       OH MY GOD!      *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

There can be no intelligent species to matriculate as long as institutions of higher learning do so keep people on the “The Clinton Stupid Train”!

What is desperately needed now is an objectivism - an objectivist - a new generation of objectivists - objectivity!

I.E.:  Hillary Clinton has a Bill Clinton problem - it is not her only problem - it may be her biggest problem - like shouldn’t we do the math and follow the history - should we at least talk about them? - shouldn’t we go “textbook” on em finally and pare em down to statistics - cold hard numbers - at least to a body count of how many can be said became lost souls due Bill’s negligence, as versus due Hillary’s crusades, lies, and also specifically due negligence or incompetence?

“The Clinton Stupid Train” must not leave the station yet now another year!  Boys and girls must do their math for objective standards are their magic wand.  Boys and girls must do their math and as history is now the quick sand of 2016 politics that should be twained by longitude and latitude location and marked posted for perilous if attitudes sans logic and enumeration from Clintons floating false HOPE while each has a record to be developed that, for feminism angle, now demands accounting to how specifically more dead are on Bill’s hands or if more dead are on Mrs. Clinton’s hands.

It has been political madness that has mushed the brains of new generations attempting intelligent matriculation these long years a faux “CLINTON” has been floated while the dark truth rest in at least Bill Clinton deserves “SLICK” tag and every bit of wit in satire sorted via http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY - http://CitizenRosebud.com #SLICKWILLY #Cat - which now of this as 1st work - the lead satire in “SLICK WILLY” series.

The battle line of feminism in 2016 are definining but hardly drawn as too drawn out is a faux “CLINTON” that yet much is keeping “STUPID” training of young minds kept mush by political railroading away from looking for discernible truth - accountable and vast differentiation by objective enumeration.

It has been political madness! - Ours’ as if of legacy educations by said esteemed bastions of mental activity of a said highest order has been set asunder and corrupted by like old smokey back room deals to teach a convenient story however a false narrative whose math - objective enumeration - if ever endeavored committedly to check would suffice to bare as fictional.

Poor Hillary Clinton with Anthony Weiner story much akin to Bill Clinton sees potential in box of office cigars like Antony Weiner sees Twitter.

Perhaps now any need go to a Catholic University to still be asked to seek and find truth! That though is not what this new satire squib is digging at - digging to hopefully in time; - surely there is at least one building at Harvard University still somehow also dedicated.

We must pare the visuals from drama and staged with costuming down to the core Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton figures - we must dedicate ourselves newly to measuring and remeasuring to see that we get Mrs. Clinton’s numbers down & correctly.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must break the bubble from the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and like find for erudity what seems for “learning” as like “the missing years” of like for “learning” 1993 to 2001 are still like missing years!  BILL CLINTON WAS NOT AND IS NOT PERFECT!  There! I said it!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of “HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 TO 2001 YET?”!!!

No proper measure of Mrs. Clinton can yet fit the real Mrs. Clinton if we remain sans a discerning of their particular devilishness from 1992 to 2001 and beyond!!!  To get to the “LUCIFER CLINTON” for the Mrs. we must look more now to proffering of ‘THEY WERE RIGHT -WE WERE WRONG’ and to “WE’RE RIGHT -THEY’RE WRONG” put out everywhere for public shaming for essentially setting up a faux smartness devoid of morals of truths - truth actually.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask if we are to learn of the late night pillow talks of President Clinton & First Lady Clinton as to how irreconcilable our history remains due their legacy now is so much floating by lies of long worked false narratives.  Likewise it behoove all to understand that Al Qaeda and the September 11, 2001 attacks didn’t come “outta nowhere” as like as been the institutional taught!  Likewise it behoove all to fathom Al Qaeda of 2001 did much come from and out of the Clintons’ years of ‘AMERICAN ABANDONMENT’ & as President Barack Obama orated eruditely as from of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”. (See:  Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech!)

So again:  Surely there must still be one building at HARVARD UNIVERSITY still engaged in seeking and finding truth! Right?

Simply we must get people off the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and to masses - lots - whole schools of people still “intelligent” - the very person next to each right now - brought to acceptance at least of an extant to “THE MADNESS OF KING BILL”! - and as real feminism is begging around the candidacy of MRS. CLINTON to know now if it can be true that the CLINTON FOUNDATION was yet established so that BILL CLINTON had the facilitation to be a “puppet master” and to that his spouse was yet never more than “organized” and “operated” as a “CLINTON PUPPET”!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must now, however so very very lately, ask, and yet also answer, to discern the accurate body count for BILL CLINTON and for MRS. CLINTON and to back to January of 1993 - and - - - WARNING - - - and to so encompass all that died on September 11, 2001 and later due injuries on September 11, 2001 and too all that perished later due on September 10, 2001 all President George W. Bush had was still much that which he had inherited from the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION, - and quite to that maybe as never before a new President was saddled for a tough ride a rough ride due the previous President had worked from having numerous options and opportunities to settle more peace to having left the next President maybe fewer than a single option for timely resolutions!!!

As we commence to if intelligent and matriculated yet ponderances forward this times beg us to ask and answer to that reason can triumph as to a suffice of truth even if it means the faux “THE PERFECT CLINTON” falls and enough now “learn” it was ridiculous to ever teach or believe you learned “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for when you get to the devilish - the Devil in the details - the REAL HILLARY CLINTON - you must accept the evidentiary to that both Clintons now like have a reservation with HELL and to the lowest rings of the INFERNO - to as DANTE stars of the worst magnitude and lowest rank; - you must accept that forward the truth lieth nearer “IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” and - - - WARNING - - - such encompasses and specifically means also a fault of and for the Al Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of:



                 *       *       *       BEWARE !!!      *       *       *

[Considerable yet still a diagnosis in progress - do check regularly for further development of accountability for pathology - the work of persuading that masses are due to be to gettin’ past the smoke and to the math - an objectivity - doth endure - a ‘rap due within hours - stay tuned in.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:39 am

BLACKS of these still united states of the Americas what follows is much ado about your class and especially of how Clinton Democrats, at least, don’t want “low information voters” to learn it is much ado about them.

The first hook to rap the #IAmHillary #RealClintons can be to thrown down the “TEAM OF RIVALS” the Clintons forced Obama, as the President-Elect to accept!  Hook:  Clintons forced Obama to concurrent to his administration accept them as RIVAL/RIVALS in the house - in the building - and to as if they divided the world up to that they go “global initiatives” and he but “domestic” peddling.

Blacks of these still united states of the Americas your engagement and intelligence is now most fully needed if our Country as Constituted can now still endure.

A chorus forward of “Cha Ching Hillary” needs be mashed and pump’d out to masses - even hashed up #ChaChingHillary!

Perchance now a universal exclamation fit’n a deep dive to tru “ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS” rap!

Together we are smarter when we exclamate:


Hillary Clinton now should be sleepless and restless as “WHAT YA GONNA DO WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU” has verb! - heart! - core of established culpability, - got a tru & deep core common of both Clintons!

How is the being exposed as like rotten core of the Clintons’ global initiatives as of co-operators of co-mingled systems, at least, now beggard for Justice to a so late ask as to:  WELL? WHAT ABOUT IN THE BEGINNING?  YA KNOW - LIKE WHAT ABOUT WHEN MRS. CLINTON JUST A NEW NEW YORK SENATOR AND PRESIDENT CLINTON ‘INITIATIVE’ OF LIKE RAKING IN DOUGH FROM THOSE (OBVIOUSLY) WITH BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE?

Surely we cannot forget Harlem, and the first days such contrivances for Power by machinations as if for “charity” were commenced not as so desired by President Clinton as yet on 57th and high above the THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM as ensconced in nearly the penthouse suites with so desired but not afforded location as in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWER?

#OMG ~ Oy the “CHA CHING!!!” to rap more easily if Harlem hadn’t been the saver of the Clinton Foundation!

#OMG ~ Oy the self evident “GUILT” to be already have arrested Mrs. Clinton if now the Clinton Foundation were yet in CARNEGIE HALL TOWER and not HARLEM and due Bill Clinton tried to, as recalled reported, get the BIG BANKS to like pay the rent he (they) couldn’t get GAO (Government Accounting Office?) to allocate on tax payers earnings and to that concurrent to the HOUSING and ECONOMIC crashes the whole world could have seen (as reminded) that Clintons were of Bill Clinton of asking banking friends to like pay his foundation’s near $1 Million/year rent in gratuity for like recalled “ALL THE MONEY HE MADE THEM WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”!



Donald Trump isn’t just a #LawAndOrder alternative to #CrookedHillary:


We can be harmonizers with Trump-Pence! 

We can be entrusted of our Bill of Rights and of the 2nd Amendment and accept Donald Trump incidentally spoke the words as 2nd-A is signed and ratified and incidentally as alarming for Clinton camp to that enough defensive sentiment already in the air as awares Hillary Clinton may definitely be to trying to carry Barack Obama torch forward as for further warring against the people to steal their Union/Country/Freedom from them to yet have a voided CONSTITUTION so that there can be yet an AUTHORITARIAN RULING CLASS of AUTOCRATIC power by negating by war against the constituted most to all clauses that are to protect the People “citizens” from TYRANNY. 

We can bolster and reinforce #TP2016 as random roll outs seem now of the leaders of incidentally orating, while of “the pen is mightier” postured, the warning in the Bill Of Rights by the Second Amendment as written to be a warning to any (political) leader intent on disrespecting the ‘We the People’ constituted essential common core!


Remember Harlem!  Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton, to date back to when “Cha Ching Clintons” seems to commence with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton sworn to the oath of the Senate of Senator’s pledge for integrity and honor, have “Cha Ching” in their earliest of foundation days yet cloaked as if “HARLEM SAVED BILL CLINTON - SAVED THE CLINTONS!”!

This rap of self evident guilt would be moot if #CGI was of #FOB - even #FOB52 - of yet that the Clintons had gotten “friends of Bill” bankers to gratuitously pay his most desired near Penthouse lease rent as recalled asked for as in “THANKS FOR ALL THE MONEY MADE WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”! Keys to WJC #HOUSINGBUBBLE!


To key a fit’n curb’n for TRUTH rap’n of Mrs. C. so “CROOKED” is seems we are best measured for words to pique by G - to key measures for GOVERNMENT - of “Of The People” as still actually constituted!

While it seeps out that Donald Trump has passions - is passionate - is trying to RESET civil heart beats for chevrons for HEART - and has an apparent deep HATE for bad management - especially DEMOCRATS BAD MANAGEMENT:

Let us firstly consider how “Cha Ching Hillary” cannot be now ENDS that justified such vastness of so many years of MEANS for “CHA CHING CLINTONS” initiatives (to never surrender the Power of the Presidency even though term limited by 2000)!  Seems we’re rap’n TREASON &/or MUTINY !!!

Sadly their have been victims - many victims! Today brightest must attest:


So let us progress now to ART for all this sadly so many must deal with!  Let us harmonize and synchronize to the beat’n of Hillary Clinton as indivisible from the THE CLINTON and Bill Clinton!  Let us be measured and civilly tru’d!  Let us be of measures civil and effective to arrest the “Cha Ching” at least now civilly with support for standing for the families of fallen of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton house as they proceed to sue private citizen HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON! PLEASE !!!

A monetary sum cannot suffice to repair from losses due her admitted known, and unknown yet culpable negligence of GUILTY by the jurors by monetary valuation even as to “EXTREMELY CARELESS” now equates to GROSS NEGLIGENCE amounts.

There seems a suffice for case to have standing!

The story of how HARLEM and its BLACKS saved Bill Clinton from himself should be just a citation cite to footnote!  The story of HARLEM and the ‘THE CLINTON’ is much proof enough for standing for #CHA_CHING_CLINTONS suing !!! PLEASE! NEVER FORGET !!!

                               *       *       *       *       *

BLACKS - ET ALL:  For more “core’d” please follow #HOGAN link http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=RIVAL and be forewarned it due this column now keyword associated you will experience a deja vous while this “CHA CHING !!! :-( (MUY SAD!)” will queue newly to as first yet in a deep and vast collection collation sadly rich in detail assortment of the Clintons as #RIVALS of Obamas and for “Cha Ching” facilitation for initiatives global from like the first day of the administration of President George W. Bush.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:10 am

A question for Democrats this 2016 election cycle, though not a first question, must yet be to if they can have an ego in 2016, and beyond, or if fated under a “Clinton-Kaine” to just of id(s), and dogged compliance.

A first question for Republicans will be more specifically economical and pragmatic to how if Donald Trump’s economic plan resets American & international economics to growth economics of a necessary core of “freedom of ego(s)” but in capitalism! - “moral capitalism” is supposed to be redundant, - always!

As “Clinton-Kaine” seems not to be even offering a believable plan for a back in black with economic and political unity a first question of all is like of the conundrum becoming primarily generally present of that by November there should be none surprised by October of most becoming learned more to the economic history as gone from incorrect of “all Bush’s fault” to then firstly as broadly known as truer as “half Clintons’ fault”!

A broad concern latent in the Hillary Clinton “campaigning” seems most assuredly of that Mrs. Clinton does not want Democrats egos apparently engaged! - Mrs. Clinton seems most depended on only id(s) accessed and to Democrats more as yet shepherded blind mice, to the lot!

What liberates Trump-Pence “New GOP” Republicans forward is much that which primarily and generally should dog dog dog Democrats forward, still forward, - likewise now as has since 2009 inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.

The overarching question for all - local to global ALL - is of the asking towards understanding around that generally it is the Democrats that have grossly failed at economics - not merely the “First Black President” alone!

We are on a “Clinton Trainwreck” as tracking unavoidably from “all Bush’s fault” becoming truly reset to “half Clintons’ fault”!

To dress down Mrs. Clinton until such pares out as a self-evident truth it is easier to firstly freshen up the “Bill Clinton” facts!

What may dog Mrs. Clinton the most is what now can be pressed and bound of at least President Clinton & Speaker Pelosi to that Representative Nancy Pelosi as some to much dramatically historically of economically of an “Axis Of Evil”!

Any vote for “Clinton-Kaine” logically must firstly to the knowing conscious be another Democrat Party compliant vote for more “New Deal Austerity” as otherwise Mrs. Clinton is abandoning the “Green Agenda” “Climate Change” ship of state to being so for a new industrialization that she primarily firstly is hard wired for work more akin to “Climate Deniers”!

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

A fair dramatization of errant President Obama said efforts at “compromise” is to ask all to try to visualize the politics worked and to see clearly how unlikely it is that how they postured as if for “bipartisanship” was so flawed their “ship” never floated when launched.  President Obama essentially locked up the Republicans as “others” again of a Democrats “We’re Right, They’re Wrong” divisiveness and as to then as like actually chained lead detestable efforts said for a “compromise” by like only offering Republicans the fixed singular option to like sign a false confession and to that such while a false confession also was forward of a contracted commitment to forward be to shouldering 100% of the blame for what ever had been 1% to 50% or more the errant under at least President Clinton and of the political blocking by Speaker Pelosi.

Contrary, much, there is that what ever the TRUMP-PENCE ECONOMIC PLAN is to be specifically it in keeping true to apparent lifetime standard operating procedures of the “TRUMP” operations must be firstly to a core for core strength as keyed around a “freedom of the ego(s)” and even before still respectful of “Religious Liberty” and “Religious Freedom”!

Mrs. Clinton seems not “short circuited” on this point but hard wired and truly for all more just dogged, and compliant!!!

Any though wanting to share in the fruits of the methodology of success likely to be shared by how an economic plan is structured and disciplined as for the “New GOP” under the colors and standard of “Trump-Pence” will have to believe firstly, and generally secondly be to probative to what and where key false histories and false narratives are yet obstacles as past Democrats lies yet forward as likely to surely, for thought historical - but not, be still obstacles to progress.

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

Are we yet stuck now even if a believing in “Trump-Pence” is well developing and due like because Democrats have some how rigged it - locked it up - stuck us to too like “Commies” at a “ONCE YOU GO RED YOU CAN’T GO BACK!”?

So firstly a question for Democrats is to what their actual guilt and culpability is more truly historically pathologically forensically to be now corrected from to that by November an “October Surprise” should be over and enough of the free People of these united states of the Americas then as still citizens exercised with knowing we have moved from “all Bush’s fault” to “half Clintons’ fault”!

There must be a cat fight for corrective historicals between a culpability generally for “Nancy Pelosi” and if and when firstly primarily for “Mrs. Clinton”!

A Republican prophylactic to what “Clinton-Kaine” seeded with #DemsInPhilly at #DemConvention of #Philadelphia is this here now by simple notation - noting - of that “HILLARY CLINTON” poll numbers should have tanked since Mrs. Clinton announced the new #Democrat #EconomicPlan - aka #100DaysJobs!

Mrs. Clinton is no “Teflon Democrat” as she has worn thin her scripted convention faux “Perfect Clinton” in just one week!

A general analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s #100DaysJobs must be of it so so so very very very contrary - radically divergent!

A simple cursory postured is that “Mrs.Clinton, of Clinton-Kaine, has tried to preempt Trump-Pence Republican economic solutions by trying to just steal what she fears the “NewGOP” is promising to present - stand up - soon and to long stand behind!

A cored to the historical rendition must though be for those more than “blind mice” merely of id(s) stirred, and em prone also to “short circuiting” of their exercised rights to have ego(s) and practiced to freedom with shouldering citizen’s responsibilities, and engaged upon forthwith to fathoming deeply that of which Mrs. Clinton has fronted as to “more jobs created than since WWII” there is the conflicted individual guilts of the actual historical politics of that essentially Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like firstly a stealing from “Builder Trump” is yet contradictory to the long partisan of that Bill Clinton, as President, cut $2 Trillion dollars in lieu of spending (for blacks especially?) on books, schools, road, bridges, tunnels, levies, or reparations, and, to complicate the truth fairly to more honestly set, there is too that Mrs. Clinton proposed also sets asunder how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did keep President George W. Bush from fixing the economy with similar measures by how partisan she was to standing up that no one would be allowed to undo that Bill Clinton cut $2 Trillion - and of just $1 Trillion as unnecessarily cut as cut just to have the popularity from having a YUGE surplus.

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!

To be brief now on this becoming most apparent contradicting conundrum let me simply broadly add to problems of Mrs. Clinton as admitting she “short circuits” by pressing out these simple political truths yet wearing clear as the convention efforts for a “Teflon Hillary” wear to frayed to the core at least too near true as “Crooked Hillary” so tag’d!

To be of a polite brevity for polity and comity to an economic plan parity near impossible let me here now close by posting the DANGERS of Mrs. Clinton if allowed at our economics of being that Mrs. Clinton has no road/path/passage forward to a bipartisanship to cooperation or compromise on matters of the economy/economies!  Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like stolen from what feared Trump to win with is diabolical as like an abandonment of President Obama’s “New Deal” while also diabolical for it proposes Mrs. Clinton can do (together) what Democrats Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have since like November 2000 - post election - been specifically to keeping Republicans from doing - of long since 2000 of specific partisan politics particularly worked to keep such “solutions” from being exercised by Republicans!!!

The most cynical but maybe also a most true “politics” is that such now seems as if Democrats have worked to keep the economy suppressed since Bill Clinton was President and until, as may still surprise President Obama, now yet until like Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be like the hero a hero as not since President Clinton was a last hero to be a President Clinton now the only hero since then to now also be an economic hero!!!

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!  And while specifically her proposal is much simply that which Republicans have tried and failed to get passed, thanks to Democrats’ obstructions, and like since before the Clintons unnecessarily cut a second trillion to $2 Trillion then cut after $1 Trillion of Republican cuts was sufficient to balance the federal budget.

Forward there is maybe no “back to black” unless we shake off or more effectively mechanically remove the shackles as if chained to a “ONCE YOU GO RED - YOU CAN’T GO BACK”!!!

#TP2016 roll out of #TrumpPence #TrumpJobsPlan may seem all “HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” but yet this now as “Clinton-Kaine” plan is out there can maybe be actually believed as of a new POSSIBLE. 

#TP2016 roll out now should seem so similar to “Clinton-Kaine” and as also maybe more honest on #ClimateChange such that the Congress convened of these United States should expedite much of the common cores and to forcing President Barack Hussein Obama to have to, if he dare, be then to VETO - to vetoing Mrs. Clinton’s abandonment of “Green Agenda”!

#TP2016 roll out now is prefaced!  Essentially soon most should understand the truth is more “half Clintons’ fault” and President George W. Bush, though not “liberated” can forward at least feel lighted from “all Bush’s fault”!

#TP2016 roll out now promises to be refreshing and softening however if a “freedom of the ego(s)” yet to a contrary to #ClintonKaine as for merely politics for a ruling class over blind mice but corralled to id(s), and dogged compliance!!!

#TP2016 roll out promises to right how the self-proclaimed “First Black President” is more guilty for more culpable and errant and to how the more “First Black President” now has to face a “First Woman President” maybe as if a scheme to be a first “Back In Black” Democrat by means maybe of a scheme with he just a self proclaimed white a said “First Black President” - right?

#TP2016 roll out seems entirely packaged of that Trump and Pence are of stock and traded - of truth in advertising - of a common core as Republicans - as an em them now clean and fresh and ready for ALL and on a reseating of the politics and economics to permit good times to now rock on newly again - to see us all ship shape back to back in the black!!!  Right?

#TP2016 roll out is more than just an “UN-HILLARY” a the “UN_CLINTON” for it more as if “OBAMA” has been the “NEW COKE” and now “TRUMP” is on the job to bring back “OLD COKE” - THE ORIGINAL RECIPE!!!

#TP2016 roll out is at least not the contradictory of #100DaysJobs of #ClintonKaine for it isn’t of them party to blocking such methods and strategies for a real recovery now such as the Democrats are guilty to “DARK” “EVIL” - even of an “AXIS OF EVIL” - for having firstly been to divisive most dividing partisan politics for social engineering and selfish intra-party soapy drama now as like dead set against such “economic policies” since 1999 when the Clintons’ administration became term limited, - kept away until maybe Bill Clinton could be a “Russian Bear” like Vladimir Putin and to back in the White House though thought technically legally barred from more time in the EXECUTIVE suite!!!

#TP2016 roll out however smooth and believable of being of a team for economic recovery - REALLY - is yet to be shadowed by these dark facts that must be probed and placed in textbooks forward to how much President Obama as such a more “First Black President” can yet rightly more blame he self proclaimed a “First Black President” at least for how the Obama Administration too may have been chained from such economic solutions no somehow as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s! Right?

#TP2016 roll out must abide We the People now to again more fully engaged past corralled id(s) of dogged to compliance!

#TP2016 roll out now will seem comparable to rolled out of #ClintonKaine but for the contrariness for Democrats as to how and why new industrialization can be good or copacetic and not anti-CLIMATE and a betrayal of President Obama! What DANGERS for back to BLACK?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:29 am

From the parlours to the sandbox; - let us all gather round now around what can be styled important for culture.

Come as you are, - yet with enough covers a prudent for the elements to be best braced for concurrent for the due lapsing of time.

This American girl is to be prepared all the same though for setting up to be out for a trip - off on a trip!

This American girl, is for our purposes, now to be preparing for a global trip to encompass a visit to the Moscow Russian Orthodox Cathedral - Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, to Barcelona, Spain, to the Gaudi Catholic Cathedral - Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia, to Saudi Arabia - for the mosques at Mecca, and Medina, to Agra, India - to the Taj Mahal, to Paris, France - to the Eiffel Tower, to New York City, America - to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and too off course such dolled to be off to London, England - to Saint Paul’s Cathedral.

There is a time limit upon us all - so much is to be done, and in so little time.  This sandbox is a fitting metaphor for how much structure we yet now have to deal with - presently.

There is an evil web trapping too much true from just getting ‘out there’ enough.  There are entangled in this web many caught by lines strung about by falsity and duplicity yet being just held together enough by the truer lines being bent to supporting many lies.

Americans are much caught, and quite a many unawares yet of how many are ‘caught’ or ‘affected’ by whom trapped.

Americans are presently impeded from full efficiency and from any “shining city” or the “Shining City on a Hill” for so much evil is about so many lies still holding fast that darkness and grime doth block what brilliance is possible - of real potential.  As truth is not being allowed to reign in American politics there can be no “Shining City” realized - to shine requires honesty for a brilliance of truth to be what emanate.  Only where truth can endear and endure can there be a brilliance even for white limestone amassed.

Americans now are akin to the British Independence Day as forward now as if June 23rd forthwith from 2016.  The American Independence was to that truth could reign and have structures to secure that it should reign. The American Dream is now much “stuck in the mud” as if merely of a potential of a compromised sand box.  Americans now are also of times of ‘movement’ as the conventional for republic now is much of Americans reorganized as Republicans as of a movement to the WHAT is more important than its WHOM.

Globally Americans must be guarded from attempts by even the compromised Mrs. Clinton, or any of the ‘Clinton Machine’ political henchmen, to mark the face of Donald Trump as if the ‘Republican Movement’ is yet but of one face and such just such as its only face.  Globally Americans must see that these times are of a ‘movement’ that really has no face!

How must any prepare their American girl to be a prepared ‘dolled’ for such a broad travels scope of exposure to cultures?

Likewise, in this year two thousand ten and Six, to Christians so calendar’d, mustn’t we guard ourselves to a latent evil emanating from Mrs. Clinton to that she, while able to be re-packaged, as a plus sized ‘Barbie’ if dollable, and establish for the record, post the United Kingdom 2016 Referendum for Independence, that such even if dollable as an ‘Evil Barbie’ we must consider her sidekick said her “economics expert” should be locked away in a dungeon, - already?

Mustn’t our general perception be that while we equate to queue the record of collateral damage these times of “Evil Barbie” we must now at least accept she missed at least the movement of British for Independence, and, too that her ‘expert’ of their spousal husbandry now must have so failed her too that really there is no place in this world for him but a dungeon?

How must we prepare any American girl for able to travel and be global where just a guest to others in such others’ established civilized habitats?  Can any American girl travel safely now if not recognizing an of the for the republic ‘Republican Movement’ that to have “freedom” you must have “religion” for “freedom of religion” is necessarily a conundrum of likewise akin by disciplines to that it is “freedom of” religion - freedom from just being barbaric - a roughian - a barabarian?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers to the “American” that the “under God” is to that truth can reign and to that the “living document” is not the Constitution but the holy scriptures then ascribed to by “Americans” in their disciplines for voluntary morality for affecting self governance?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers still to any an American girl wanting to travel of that prudence must lead - must be her leading?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers that all people are created equal, where civilizations rationality can endear and endure?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers quite contrary to what must have been a lacking of discipline by President Clinton, and Mrs. Clinton as explanatory to how they have been missing “movements” - not just a for republic reset of the “Republican Movement”?

It seems per Britain and a new ‘Independence Day’ that we have the French to look at upon this dollable politicks; - it so seems to her even as a re-packaged necessarily plus sized as if an “Evil Barbie” that she is so old French, and her sidekick to their spousal husbandry, as if now the only appropriate covers for em to as if em are but a Marie Antoinette doll with her significant other appropriately attired in the period’s costume!

As we now are all sufficiently gathered at our “sand box” as yet not a “safe” or “play” zone let us ourselves be sure to stay postured and of the protection premeditated for such exposure as hopefully to each now each sufficiently prepared, allowing for what safety in numbers now may be extant for their broaching of so much so scandalous, but the business forward!

Our American girl, so dolled, now should relate to every good doll of the civilized world as if off to experience the brilliance and “shining amassed” of such a broad travels and scope of an itinerary any so ambitious must think themselves at least learned enough in the ways of global citizens to be able to travel with their Lord and secured to the appropriate level of preparedness for such a disciplined consciousness in faith - and secure, that is, to a suffice in an agreeable voluntary extra-nation organized morality.

Our “sand box” today is apropos to that “LOVE IS LOVE” is “COMPLICATED” and that one’s pride must be in one’s moral discipline if one is to shine, and to shine of any established sanctuary - any a “shining amassed” for a “shining city” HOPE!

It is only for mature adults to be chorus or accompaniment to “all we need is love…” as before any can grow to know LOVE there is much in the way of learning and rearing to appreciate where pitfalls lay to wants more kindred to BARBARIANS!

It is only for mature adults to be chorus and accompaniment to “all we need is love…” as the children are more than just bits for songs of lyrics for “the children are our future” - they are the lot for the masses as inferior and immature - the em not conscious enough of the passions to know until mature enough what is LOVE and what isn’t sans civilized and merely more JUST lust and/or a falling to perversions!

Upon entering the breach now of London of a “British Independence” even the American girl - however dolled - must now be prepared morally and guarded intellectually for the passions to be (incidentally or accidentally) encountered; - there is for our “sand box” how in America Sharia Law cannot be legal due the Constituted pledged to is for due process and regular order for that “Liberty and Justice” is as for ALL. 

The general breach to what though established for European “civilized” is now being set asunder like a structure as if built in shifting sand.  The sands of our times are that of the paradigm to how Sharia Law cannot be legal as an excusing for prejudice or vigilantism because each citizen is to as pledged of allegiance for due process! 

The general breach to what though is now “established” for “European” or of the “United Kingdom” is yet beset likewise by that as long as any state (however yet a “nation”) of the European Union is to that there is “GOVERNMENT” held up as above or equal to the realm of the CREATOR and TRUTH - the realm of religiosity - the realm of religion, there will be that per what may be of the LEVANT as an ISLAMIC STATE that such is like a ‘Peoples Movement for Religious Liberty’ or like a “Muslim Tea Party” firstly.

The proud people of the United Kingdom it is behooving of me to share my American opinion, hopefully global and cosmopolitan as international in think, that you now have started improving the “European Paradigm” by divorcing by the 2016 REFERENDUM for INDEPENDENCE.

The proud people of “EUROPEAN” now yet have themselves left to the problem of this “sand box” concurrent to the British Independence as to be considerate to how much needs to be pared down and broadly established to yet not have such state/nation be structured to being a natural enemy to peoples of ISLAM for how structural to a government as structured to be superior to the LORD!

Any American girl, now however dolled, - as long as not an “Evil Barbie”, now is prudently best beset to being disciplined to understanding and at least trying to also try to fathom that of the “EUROPEAN UNION” are, however a “state” or a “nation”, are like natural enemies to ISLAMIC PEOPLE OF THE LEVANT - of ISIL - of ISIS - of DAESH.

A first less of INDEPENDENCE now for any is that the “BRITISH INDEPENDENCE” may do more to save all peoples of the THE UNITED KINGDOM more than a Union to as if there could be a “EUROPEAN NATIONALIST” core common that now still would not be like a natural enemy for how structured to the very essence of ISLAM of that like of BIBLE and PAUL’S letters it is for all global citizens that they are always to accept and be disciplined to the great TRUTH that each is, unless too corrupt to be fitting arresting - like to justly enslaved, as always under the LORD before yet “under” any GOVERNMENT!

Now the witnessed “news” from American “talking heads” has been corrupted to like being premeditated and as to an attempt to protect said here like an “Evil Barbie” now most fitting a dramatizing as if a MARIE ANTOINETTE REINCARNATE, - with a sidekick; - Its has been erring for any “talking head” to be discussing the movement or the affected of “BRITISH INDEPENDENCE” as if now for “NATIONALISM” for it complicates the ‘for republic’ American “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” as being more in sympathy for being for these united states of the Americas as winning while being years at it - at fighting the “evil” efforts to a “NEW NATIONALISM” of the “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” that President Obama has busied himself at just to keep all the 2008 promises that he and Madam Senator “Evil Barbie” Clinton made.

Any now trying to embrace the pride of the people of the THE UNITED KINGDOM seem best if to avoid letting “NATIONALISM” be broadcast as but what they are of the em of them that sufficed for LEAVE trump’n as so for the record as if the BREXIT was to escape a “EURO-NATIONALISM” that was failing em left to be more just “states” of diminished democratic representation.

The pride of the people of the UNITED KINGDOM have in common with the “for republic” “movement” which Donald Trump is now not even the leader of, nor a solo’d face of, for the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” is older maybe than that D. Trump was yet even sided to it as a “registered” for “republic” as a “Republican.”

These are “MOVEMENTS” akin to each as of peoples united in a fight against “NATIONALISM”!!!

Likewise we are brethren to all the peoples of the THE UNITED KINGDOM now as we must be civilized to that to be defended against prejudice we must avoid any “bigotry of tolerance” but while being sure to be enough to a communal suffice as of disciplined for morality and so from too close to generally “irreligious.”

Not even the entirety of that BRITISH can now endure, as so what American of these united states, if it be that any government is seated or practicing as if it can TRUMP religion - can be superior to “all created Equal” - can be superior as secular!!!

We must be more than to hoping that any American girl, however dolled, if to be abroad and traveling as a “guest” is more than prepared for what is still needed for all “global citizens” is that they have “freedom of” religion and are to a suffice disciplined in some workable voluntary extra-nation organized morality!!!

Right Brits - Free of the “European Nationalism” long to forced and secular:  We have in common now that President Clinton and Mrs. “Evil Barbie” Clinton are best now to covered apropos their inability to be brilliant of TRUTH - and its need to be REIGNING for any “shining city on a hill” and maybe it seems as dramatized as if a “Marie Antoinette Reincarnate” and a side kick “Bill” now most destined at best for a dungeon due missing these “movements” seems near enough proof of corruption to that by scriptures he is at least a one now justly allowed to be “slaved” to the “mainstream” - enslaved - left to imprisoned - left to prison enslavement and prison labor!!!

As we all now reconsider how to regain a reign for TRUTH and any potential for a BRILLIANCE among us it behoove us to see that all youths get reared long enough as protected and guarded to be to not having to make adult decisions as to what “LOVE IS LOVE” means until one has been reared and disciplined long enough, and by whatever rituals prudent, to be civilized from beyond just BARBARIAN and to individually established and ordained to having a constitution in morals - in knowing LOVE from LUST, and LOVING from PERVERSION!!!

Let us now break from our work at the sand box and with it agreed to that we all must forthwith be dedicated, as a best defense against soldiers of religions, from so much NATIONALISM to be to a natural target as by SECULAR GOVERNANCE!!! 

Let us jointly accept a DUTY for all broadly “TRAVELERS” and recognize that TRUTH must have its rank to REIGN - that NATIONALISM is a great ENEMY where it is structured to for SECULAR above RELIGIOUS!!!

Let us jointly accept a DUTY for a guarding from all threats foreign and/or domestic to our constituted as under our LORD before under any GOVERNMENT!!! - Let us be of “LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL”!!!

And please don’t even let the peoples’ pride of a FREE UNITED KINGDOM escape a rational appreciation, however dolled, of how we are much really now of many firstly prudent to figure a copacetic all the way down to “sand box” Law - to what are “Laws of our Lord” as “Natural Laws” that no “Secular Government” can trump.  These are the days that can spoil any republic, and especially if a people can be tricked or fooled by any trying to be “evil geniuses” to like “doll house” distractions to turn eyes and minds away from how they are collaborating for AUTHORITARIAN power for a ruling class elite, like!!

And, yes, let our MUSIC unite us and protect us! - but let us not forget “all we need is love” does come with a lot of legacy and strings attached to what is a DUTY of the mature to rear and protect innocence of youth - youths.


However, now, firstly let us be prepared from how “HILLARY CLINTON” will try to dress up “DONALD TRUMP” as if the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” he joined, and joined late, isn’t a movement where the “MOVEMENT” is of the “WHAT” more important than the “WHOM”, a just a flash in flat waters of “THE DONALD” more just a face, and not a “LEADER” now rising to help lead a WINNING movement against “NATIONALISM” and its choking SECULAR “economics”!

At home and abroad all should see DONALD TRUMP as one rising with a MOVEMENT and now so not a FACE of a PARTY for there are at least 15 others of rising with such “MOVEMENT” now whom can claim that they too, as of today, could very well most likely also defeat such apparently crooked CLINTONS!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:12 am

President Barack Obama can now be judged, in hindsight, of having been of a pathetic response post the PULSE tragedy in Orlando, Florida.  There is no two ways about the partisan political played out by Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton.  There is now no better way to preface this in hindsight journalism than to liken it to of a soccer field and the game of football as if of morals - of players agreed engaged in sport with moral commitment; - on a field a thought “level playing field” we shoulda have witnessed yellow cards on “OBAMA” and “CLINTON” and in sport of them to firstly of putting their hands up and to each of each to voicing a “MY BAD!”.

In life you, none, are born to a level playing field for any “individual” over the greater wholeness! - most are conceived as seeded, to carried and born, to as named (say Christian named) to that then the story of their lives is begun written upon them, long befores any then can mount a solo effort to try to shape or define an independent or free soul.

In life most are predestined at least by how they become named (, say Christian named) and to how not even then may their own parents of such designation to as named as yet strong enough to guide any to safety for how so named, - not even parents after naming a child may yet be able to control the developing soul of their own due how thought named by others of encounters to such named, or even of kin to puzzlements as to wonderment of “what were they thinking naming their child (so ambitiously)?”.

We live now in a world of more e-clarity for how we have always been connected, or connectable, or able to be enlightened!

We live now in a NEW MEDIA world still the old world of how one is named is much just some to how predestined, - fated!

We live in the #NewMedia same old world essentially, but as fewer need rely masses for “speaking in voices” to try to find clarity of say apparent wafts of imports - even apparitions of good souls maybe of from whom a timely increases clarity is prudent to be to works at appreciating, somehow.

Likewise here is a morning http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan set as “PUBLIC” wall share:

“#‎TRUMP‬ v ‪#‎CLINTON‬ polls relate ‪#‎BlameTheVictim‬ > ‪#‎HillaryClinton‬ (lawyers) like prep school boys all ganged up - and to ‪#‎BULLYING‬ on ‪#‎TheDonald‬ last couple of weeks - and now to #Clinton of lead in ‪#‎POLLS‬ as by like ‪#‎Criminal‬ ‪#‎Defense‬ #‎PLAYBOOK‬ of using “BLAME THE VICTIM” methodism to try to defend ‪#‎HILLARY2016‬.”

We live in a world where hopefully it is now not too late to yet “CRACK THE NUT” of the real “BILL CLINTON” - before @ “nut” Mrs. Clinton!

I have a pseudonym ready - a pen name I some wasn’t surprised was whence created as one yet available.

To illuminate problems of predestined as fated by one’s name to a pre-destined destiny I can use “PETER W. TOWER” maybe enough, - and uniquely especially for when I tried to better create my own fate by a construct of a pseudonym I was able with “PETER W. TOWER” to both secure @peterwtower http://twitter.com/peterwtower and as well http://peterwtower.com.

Now as we each play ‘THE NUT CRACKER” let me spell out that though J.P. Hogan is primarily of Irish descendants it is a puzzle unsolved, as to of nature vs. nurture, if I am not of my French & German genes as of such my dominant.  Let us forward though in (wisdom) an apriori embrace a pedigree for of “Peter W. Tower” as if “de Portugal” - Portuguese - say to like me llamo es “Peter W. Tower de Protugal” - or at least the “W.” to named of a proud heritage rooted in a pride of a Portuguese parish. Or if you insist: ‘Chamo-me Peter W. Tower de ______ de Portugal.’

How many times should we have yet heard “MY BAD!” from President William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton - he born of Christian name “William Blythe III” - and yet to this day are to falsely blaming others because he showed a lack of honor many times by not yet being of mea culpas by loud “MY BAD!” on so much we have long considered for penal treatments?

Now as we each play “THE NUT CRACKER” upon “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” let us toe in to tip toeing prudence of it wise to try to tip-toe into any trespass - any even tooling to prepare to ask even a question one doesn’t already know the answer to.  We do not know the answers of the “NUT” Clinton/BlytheIII we already long shoulda been of knowing and to calculating understanding forthwith of a duty to try to be informed citizens.

Our Power of Freedom has like been stolen - robbed/mugged/muggled - from us by a cloaking by a “shell” still extant around a truer “real Bill Clinton.” - Like left play’n on crooked tables like too of half a deck dealt.

Let us wax blithely - to Shakespearean - on this pickle of “THE NUT” A “NUT” “BILL CLINTON” for our “THE NUT CRACKER” forward:

Coulda it ever be in our times Mrs. Clinton could be so now held up of Chicago, so gangsta Democrat piped, if she now were Mrs. of their spousal husbandry, the already known - leastly - for now, if she were like her “Bill” as self fated by having chosen the name “CLINTON” and to years hiding em both of born Christian names, - and sucha predestined, but cloaked from “inevitable” to otherwise then more “impossible” if Mrs. Clinton were yet now but “HILLARY RODHAM BLYTHE III”?

Where is the “THE CLINTON” really “STRAIGHT OUTTA” if not a cloak and dagger shop for covert and dramatic deception from an how born to be inescapably CHRISTIAN?

Madness?  Sheer MADNESS?  REALLY?

I mean: Let me be clear:  Can you believe and endure any endearing to that “HILLARY RODHAM” if to just a story as a “DEMOCRAT PARTY NOMINEE A FIRST WOMAN” sucha now playing out were yet to Mrs. Clinton living it straight as to running as “HILLARY BLYTHE III”?


Of the storied as biographical leastly of the “HILLARY RODHAM” there has been told tales of how “Miss Rodham” say was raised a Chicago urban ruffian raised not to just hit others but to hit first, to “hit boys first”!  I am not sure the source matters concurrent to this essaying, - at least as @HillaryRodham avatar for @Twitter bio’d tag line profiling states she is an “advocate for women & children” to  it at least self proclaimed she is NOT an “advocate” for men.

For the record:  Let me be clear:  The @Twitter http://twitter.com/hillaryclinton @HillaryClinton bio’d is near a worse peace of “new media” grammar and autobiographical that can maybe ever witnessed.  There is no structure to Mrs. Clinton “I AM” set forth and no prioritizing of if one part is more important than another part, - I mean hopefully the order in which she lists her “I AM” is not how she doth rank a reality outta twitteratti shallowdom.

Right:  From the very beginning Mrs. Blythe III, with license in how Christian fated by spouse predestined, as Mrs. Clinton on TWITTER was so of “dog owner” as so cold and distant, and not normal to social media where most or all others to then rather more passionate and approachable as “dog lover”.

Right:  But back to our task as to be each of a duty in “THE NUT CRACKER” forward and to how BILL CLINTON “NUT” is needing to be cracked as he shoulda long been now as firstly always otherwise as straight outta CHRISTIAN truth and fated by how born “WILLIAM BLYTHE III” and not so now so still escaping a proper legacy as now sans his shell created and postured with long as facilitated in the art of self destiny by fating some of one’s “biography” to be as if self written.

Still though:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: 


As we now trespass with a toe-in to tip-toed across the threshold as cast of “THE NUT CRACKER” it is predetermined that the of the VILLAINOUS is now at least “WILLIAM JEFFERSON (DAVIS?) CLINTON”!

Now as it must be SHAKESPEAREAN forward, and backwards, for that thought he BILL” chose - proceeded in a premeditated self determining to have name as - “JEFFERSON (DAVIS)” - and as of record so did “HILLARY RODHAM”, - however seduced and/or corrupted/co-opted - and while scraping own CHRISTIAN name, as if so bad “BILL” thought but  like born “cursed child”, let us not forget, now “BILL” still of  predestined as conceived and born to “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”, and even if such due a rap of one from outta “BLYTHE” cursed to be from straight, - from honest, leastly. Long live the legend of “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”!!!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is so corrupt it is known as so compromised to be needing investigations by our FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and at least for now the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for cover-ups are dastardly deeds and “HILLARY BLYTHE III” so soul’d was found to at least been a primary party to a most diabolical of cover-ups, - a cover-up deadly - as one worse than of RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON due it was of Clinton hanky panky of lies and cloaking of matters relating to deaths of brave Americans in Mrs. Clinton’s service, - of in service to “THE SECRETARY”!

To now “CRACK THAT NUT” even the meek are enabled as such is much ado about paper work or reviewing of the public domain of an obvious, when one knows how to decipher the in the footage, as that there is a “paper trail” a “smoking gun” however now seeming yet as innocent as if a “gingerbread trail” - - -  essentially the “STRAIGHT OUTTA” of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is that the have hidden their rap in plain sight, by usual method of operations, of by sticking a confessing as if a news story, as yet otherwise than that it was only news as they shoulda been of another “MY BAD” and direct CONFESSION(S), - of MEA CULPAS!

So why is it that maybe no parent had yet named their pride to be of a challenge to live as if fated and of a predetermined challenging destiny as if named “PETER W. TOWER”?  I can and will surmise, forward, guardedly!!!

For now let us work a hip beat’n for all to that each are named, if not actually seeded to conceived, as predestined, and some maybe to ambitions or Hope beyond an ability of parents’ gifts for being global citizens, to guardians of the galactical.

Right!!!  Fit’n:  “WHO AM I TO JUDGE?”

Right!!!  Fit’n:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: 


Right!!!  It seems obvious that neither my “I AM” J.P. Hogan, nor maybe if so fated as of by a predestined in a Christian for called “Peter W. Tower” am I firstly ever to be one so personally challenged but in the lay, - the lay attitudes.

Right!!!  Fit’n:  WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE?

To now “CRACK THAT NUT” of “NUT” “MR. & MRS. WILLIAM BLYTHE III” we must probe and probe, and dig so deeply to be as if to a post-mortem - to nearly be to a live dissection.  Troubling are these times, - let us get to our work!

To always be prepared to crack any “NUT” so maybe mechanically facilitated to deceptively natural, but structurally rotten to its core, - even if of a core a “common core” to two bad halves - we should consider it prudent that humanoids, where ever of the galactical, or just as “global citizens” as our shared humanity is inescapable, and for preparedness that enough humans remain of acumen to an ecumenical for justly speaking in voices, to religious - to high enough standards, for even still an ability to “speak in voices” may be necessary to determining in time what then could be like just searched via BING, YAHOO, or maybe enough by just GOOGLING.

The “NUT” of which you are asked to be of “THE NUT CRACKER” as to a like “CLINTON MUSICAL” is a dark ask and for the answers cannot be as simple as in the pop of the “HAMILTON MUSICAL” for the CLINTONS as chosen from apparently “BLYTHE” thirdly are yet of a third way from “HAMILTON FEDERALISTS” and “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS” to as but cloaked from obviously seen as firstly “ANTI-CONSTITUTION” in long attempts to re fashion nation as if “POST CONSTITUTION”!!!

There is nothing “STRAIGHT” - “STRAIGHT OUTTA THE CONSTITUTION” - in their “core” - COMMON CORE - to ’tis the “THE NUT” - even as if the is is their “NUT” - is the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” and always inescapably “CHRISTIAN” as also the “THE HOUSE OF BLYTHE III”, - - - however blithely teased as if compliant, and for “liberal democracy” constituted!

For now:  Due how most so predestined it must be rude if any an atheist, considering - considering how much fated and predetermined, or present as a “global citizen” “CHRISTIAN” to too complicated, - say like by the example of that some are named to be HOLY firstly and to their parents’ promised that them for blessed created are so sworn to be destined to fulfill a contract with LORD’S servicing to be when of proper age to being more ANGELIC and sans lustful or even of the perversions of LAW as of blithely historical of the “BILL CLINTON” perversions of how CONSTITUTED!

Any “CLINTON MUSICAL” should firstly be TRAGIC and however then TRAGICALLY “SHAKESPEAREAN” while firstly “AMERICAN”!  “THE NUT CRACKER” may be enough by “SUGGESTION” to haunt “THE NUT” “ROTTEN” - @ “I AM HILLARY BLYTHE III” #4REAL!!!



Firstly we seem we must respect the Establishment of the Peoples’ Order subscribed by the “FOUNDING FATHERS” as having been to them as if a “spectacle” in FAITH not for CONGRESS to diss or “re-spect…” by any Law making not at least as of “We the People” as the processes were then ordained and established to a most difficult to nullify.

Firstly we should respect the CONSTITUTION as primarily a APOSTOLIC SPECTACLE that CONGRESS is not allowed to diss or “re-spectacle” as if able to trump the constituted of one nation under our LORD!

Generally we must be “UN-CLINTON” - right - like again as a nation - and to being so established and ordained for due process and so that there can be LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

Generally we must be primarily prepared to defend that as being an APOSTOLIC SPECTACLE of the “more perfect Union” formed “done” and humbly subscribed so in the “Year of our Lord” and be thankful that our’s is a UNION that puts a table, with a book on it, between ALL individuals to that there can be SANCTUARIES for HOPE, at least as by CHRISTIAN committed flocks - SOME - of and for ALL!

Generally we are behooved to be prudent and also firstly in a self-governance by participation, with engaged conscience, in the arts of faith - as of ready postured to be for PEACE by being prescribed of a voluntary extra-nation organized morality, - of MORALS, - dedication to MORAL!





Sadly our work is but now just begun!!! - - - We must be to the work, however lately, - now so lately, to trying to crack that which still promises to be a tough nut to crack - a long structured and restructured to a facility to guard from a release of core’s truths.  We must now recommit ourselves of our United duty to probe, and probe, until this “NUT” gives up its still quite cloaked nut meat!!!  - - - SADLY!!!

TOOLING:  APPARENT CLUE:  By choosing name as “WILLIAM JEFFERSON (for J. DAVIS) CLINTON” this “NUT” seems to have firstly chosen a name to mean - to translate - primarily always “SON OF THE SOUTH”! - - SADLY!!! OMG! SO SHAKESPEAREAN!!!

                                      *          *          *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:18 pm

Her “I am not a crook” train should not be allowed to leave the station. 

You could look at just how she is being packaged but how stupid would that be considering how she a walking disaster when looked at on paper chronologically, by dates - even dates picked at random.

There is like no good news for blacks in America, maybe anywhere in the world, if it is that the real Hillary Clinton somehow gets elected, and past legal barriers of allowed challenges, to actually lawfully seeming sworn in.  There may yet be comfort in it tell tale now to that any Democrat now a Democrats nominee should be only running on a ticket of as of Joe Biden still to be Vice President, - and so not to be evicted at his age unnecessarily from his current, however comforting, only Washington DC option for public housing.

She has no natural story now to benefit blacks forward even as a Democrat Party nominee; Hillary Clinton is only now presented as if a prima Donna of platitudes as if each day a new day with a clean slate like a lawyer, as like a lawyer always but each day with a new case; Donald Trump may need a wall of women against such as if Mrs. Clinton gets free kicks on goal, just because she is a woman.

Blacks what ever “dancing days” there has been your dancing days are maybe now nearly over; to Mrs. Clinton you can have no soul and President Obama must go from never being even 4/5ths as good as Bill Clinton to soon never even 3/5th as good as President Clinton was.  Forward, if it the Clintons the masters of the Executive plantation, it is beyond that blacks will en masse be set about to but minor roles, relatively; - No dancing for blacks may be the new normal and as likely Mrs. Clinton never firstly will give, generally, blacks much to still dance about.

If a Trump “WALL OF WOMEN” is not enough to level the playing field, generally, there is yet before to seal the deal on #CrookedHillary there is still of Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee, said to that Secretary Clinton was near a worst Secretary of State of the history of these united states of the Americas; - there is that “The Donald” is near to rapping that Secretary Clinton was so bad a Diplomat that a chimp, - a chimpanzee - coulda done as well or better a job at finding alternatives to war - to finding opportunities for peace.

It is ridiculous that Mrs. Clinton is on the field so unharassed an to like expected of a polity to parity for feminist comity that she is like to be able to take free shots on goal, as befitting getting away with fronting as a “Prima Donna Of Platitudes”!

Besides that blacks may need Donald Trump to have a “WALL OF WOMEN” there is much that a prop-ism is due on the trail as if “The Donald” has a chimpanzee in a pastel pantsuit to battle with - and with him like always, as fitting as a political prophylactic drama device.

Blacks I am sorry to report, but that now may be in time to be not too late, that Mrs. Clinton must always put her spouse and their spousal husbandry as above the Obamas’ and superior, to satisfy her own spouse wants for legacy.

Blacks I am sorry the obvious is what should be trusted and not the slick props and attitudes of controlling drama/narrative that is of how Mrs. Clinton is now being doctored up and repackaged. 

Blacks President Obama for history can be shown to never have amounted to being any more than just a tool of the Clintons’ global schemes for Clinton Machine husbandry for intra-party rivalry and to effecting to as of superior international Power.

If you, blacks, feel this is something you can dance to, I am further worried and saddened.  If you are down with such I must concur you are like of without any soul.

The Clintons boxed the “first black President” in and to having forced - maybe blackmailed - him into accepting them as rivals and to then that his administration was of rivals, Clintons sworn, on his team as then set asunder from within to but a “TEAM OF RIVALS” - - - Right! Abraham Lincoln “team of rivals” wasn’t of staffed by them that forced him to fold to them as rivals, his was forward thinking, as I understand, of himself confident he hadn’t seated any with more global power than himself.

Harlem, sadly is what has saved the Clintons, to date, from themselves, to now able to be yet still standing up some kinda doctored repackaged Mrs. Clinton.  If Bill Clinton had had his way,after the government said taxpayers do not owe him a mid town New York City near penthouse in the new Carnegie Hall Towers rent, and to just if the Big Banks of ranks staffed with Clinton FOB (FRIENDS OF BILL) then had agreed to his request for gratuities in thanks for all the money the Clintons had made them (due friendly deregulation and asked for “gambling” on housing as to the derivatives mess) he then when the George W. Bush late in administration crashing occured been high up and obviously caught up in the scandal as to then so guilty he was of banks, had they agreed to his request for covering a million dollar a year lease, if Harlem hadn’t saved him from himself as to being then caught of being so tied to the corrupt banking that it was the banks were, as once then asked, to but paying his rent, gratuitously for the very problematic as backed and or initiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Oy!!! Oy!!! Right! - - - And that is of this woulda been as outta the obvious and too scandalous as but then of that a New York Senator had her spouse not to just asking constituent Big Banks for gratuities, but of maybe them of caught as to having asked for them as so in thanks for like making it legal for banks to operated without any consideration for business ethics or morality.

Blacks, we all got played, - but maybe none more than African Americans.  The Clintons encouraged the risky loaning and hyper-consumerism and while undermining the economy from being budgeted still to create or save enough jobs to give any lasting success any real possibility.  Too the Clintons beside such undermining of what was seeming a helping hand so then it is that later as #Hillary2008 geared up Al Gore and Mrs. Clinton were to like setting up the impossible economics that triggered the crashes more than President Bush ever coulda or woulda.  See http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net - - - such is to a #HillaryInTheFlesh a #LUCIFER dramatically like in “COVERT CYPHER” as like a “Louise Cypher” of a feminist #AngelHeart.

Blacks your dancing days are near over and as either way it seems set up that President Barack Hussein Obama will be forward like stuck to singing the Blues and much as if back in Langston Hughes poetic record.

Sad it is - for all of America, the legacy of President Obama, as necessarily constructed for an electable Mrs. Clinton must get past #ClimateChange problem of loyalty to Mrs. Clinton needing to sell austerity to keep moving the masses to saving the planet as loyal to yet “rival” and the “Obama Green Agenda” quite as: TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY FOR NEW CONSERVATIONISM IN A GREEN MINIMALISM.

The legacy of President Obama is so easy to spell out as if he was never above being just a tool to the Clintons and an inferior dependent on the global initiatives of President Clinton as if a needed international “power broker”. 

Heck, President Clinton, while secured in rights to act as a sworn rival to the President, was worth so much he was billing more per hour than President Barack H. Obama took home as a year’s salary.

The obvious “history” for the “first black President” seems to that he was always dependent on two old white Southern men to be global power brokers of over lording the world, - Al Gore and Bill Clinton seemed two Southern white men that black/mulatto President Obama never could get out from under, nor afford to.

It is arguable due the vast sums involved and to that Mrs. Clinton is running on that her husband it seems musta been always of President Obama never more than 3/5ths her man - at least as President, that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were so in over their heads as of inadequacies in leadership that Southern white Christian born William Blythe III just had to compensate globally for both of them, and conveniently of that such seems to have paid very well, considering he like was profiteering on public service while still trafficking as like of an “office of trust.”

Too much money has moved through the Clintons’ and Al Gore’s global initiatives for any history of President Barack Hussein Obama to be anything for blacks to like dance about, to find soul in. 

It seems at least the Clintons have beaten Obama badly to legacy and to that due how much Bill Clinton has been billed as worth it must firstly be, as he was accepted as a sworn rival, that such was only politically possible because President Obama himself like thought himself not even 4/5ths as good as William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:51 pm

I dread now reporting from these united states of America that the state of “American” politics is horrid - horrible.

It is dreadful that I must report that the state of the “American” media, at least, is as bad, - or worse.

Any Brown University Literature Department graduate should be able to know this without needing to read between the lines.

It is now established beyond any reasonable doubt! - such is beyond “self evident” and more like “uber evident”!

Allow me some exclamatory remarks, ye who hath carried “Hermione” now so far - a written (fictional) creation to the idea that one was better than two!

It is as if the merry populaces of the Democrat encampments and media tag-alongs are much sans magic, - perchance “muggles”!

Your fans may appreciate how I do very much like your recent twitpic of a book seeming otherwise about merry populaces, and as that to date I still haven’t seen most of your pictures. - Em likley to be surprised to learn that “Quid ditch” (sp?) developed from J.K. Rowling asking her muse doth challenged her to pen 7 books on magic “should we have a flying broom in the stories?” and to which upon quick consideration and a glance at my parents fireplace broom nearby I repliethed “YES, BUT GO BIG - MAKE IT OF A SPORT OF SORTS” (paraphrased near enough) and then processed further to its potential by wiringing JKR into my then athletic activities of my various ULTIMATE FRISBEE LEAGUES and covertly the sport energy even of my friends so about to while as architects and construction managers of the Kuala Lumpur Petronas Towers. (I appreciate “PATRONUS” spelled like “patron US” while picking up on basis.)

Yes Emma, I still refuse to read any of the HARRY POTTER books and too haven’t seen most of your pictures.  I didn’t asked for the books to be written to be to entertaining me, and I don’t still want to effect a creative feed back loop by interpreting the pictures past that I know I’ve seen the first two or two and a half.

Yes Emma, I must report on the ridiculous state of these politics and media of which I press opines eruditely; - there can be no Hillary Clinton as a candidate in any honesty if my own vastly more complicated personal historicals are not shared to be pared against her/their false claims.  As long as the politics and the media do not tell of my biographical relatedness at least as to the rise of the Clintons in 1992, and further staying power, then there is only dishonesty and immorality in our politics by lies, at least as lies by omissions.  And, this is complicated since due the depth and breadth of such known autobiographical to myself I know I shouldn’t ask to have any tell of such, I shouldn’t first ask to be more “published” even for then by the nature of these horrid states I yet would be aiding a sustenance to the machinations for lies to reign for bad actors, over core truths necessary to getting finally to rebuilding.

Oh Emma, some of this doth have a funny bone humorous tingle to it incidentally occasionally; - while I know I shouldn’t ask to have my story told to the depths needed to straighten many out from the lies at least keeping the Clintons’ machinations viable I do realize and accept that I have spelled out many times in writings publicly posted as to how to defeat them, and as can work by the bright light of Bernie Sanders and even the standards of Donald Trump; - before I ever got to challenging JKR to such now galactically famous seven books there is of this story that of a sibling rivalry with my older sister like of her facing the “Peter Principle” in 1994 politics when Senator Chris Dodd’s State Director yet on the losing side of the Republican sweep of 1994.

Emma, and JK Rowling, and Neil Blair…, it is an #ItsComplicated now as regards #HOLLYWOOD and some due even in 1994, or especially in 1994, I was of sufficient Power, or driving Influence, with HOLLYWOOD that I was able to pressure my older sister’s employer a Senator to that he need let my sister go from his employment, just to be able of a potential that my media magic could still work a bipartisan art for him, - for he now Chairman and CEO of the MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America.  I wasn’t being vindictive in a sibling rivalry, and as I did help sister transition to upward mobility outside of politics - restored, and, as it was just fundamentals to my art of entertainment magic, also freely mused, but with expectations of source to be noted and kept annotated for later credits, - to “honor among artists” - as it is that I had to pressure Senator Dodd to move my sister outta the way for due my dad’s and my sister’s “contributions” the “work” I was doing that such Senator was benefiting from was incidentally accidentally getting undone by family most unawares of my cloaked facilities and influence.

Y’all cool cats, yeh you all, especially one who has carried “Hermione” so far:  Fans should learn, eventually maybe, to appreicate two things about women at the core (of the success) of HOGWARTS storied basis.  Fans should consider that incidentally when I asked for a young female lead character as like a “HER MY ONE” it was as I considered though the real life basis was of two young girls in a small close knit “posse” one as that each had to choose one over two would work better fictionally.  Fans considering such might yet be old enough to ponder J.K. Rowling guarded herself by naming the school “HOGWARTS” as if my challenged setting didn’t pan out she was ready for the quick draw to that it was always firstly just “HOGAN - WARTS” of “J.P. Hogan basis in hopes like “wards” wouldn’t grow up to be like “warts” as dirt under his skin.”

Right, y’all cool cats, yeh, you all:  Fans I was shocked when I first saw a copy of the first book for by then so much time had elapsed since we crossed from trying to hide muse even from publishers to that JKR to get published was then of my agreeing to inform such who did publish her that she was acting under my direction that I was to be keep an unknown, for the book rights, and to then though a stipulated that if it ever got to movie rights we would have to cross that bridge later and to that I was giving away no rights to movies or even a theme park when directing consent to book rights.

Ok, now y’all cool cats, be cool:  Emma, it seems inescapable now that while I avoid reading these works of immense success in fiction it is becoming clear that J.K. Rowling despite the platonic nature of my challenge, due I disappointed, as I recall while to standing up that I didn’t have time to “date” as part of such, yet in the rearing and development of “HER MY ONE” musta written from my years of dedicated “platonic” musing of always finding new energies for next books to such as though for any one but “HARRY POTTER” as a female lead a leading lady akin to what my ideal woman seemed like - akin to what I would want in a wife, even.  (Yes “HERMIONE” was not to marry “HARRY POTTER” from the beginning for their basis is from a real young group whence then as young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete” of round black glasses and to then of commenced studies in magic, and with one of the two of such to a one in “HERMIONE” as yet his sister.) (The link up to J.K. Rowling did occur much because one evening I poured a Scotch and wafted a spiritual pre-Google search for an “unknown writer” willing to commit to “7 books on magic of each book of a next year of magic school”  and as around real youths I was renaming around to being of asking for “an unknown author willing to write about a Pete Rowe-ling, & posse” - to asking for someone willing to right about someone of a name like JK’s late father Peter Rowling, as incidentally it occurred - was created from thin air and blank napkins, to blank paper, to many rejections.

Emma, real woman of duties as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrid the state of such I press on about here as to it immoral to amoral that there can be a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” reported upon without a media and especially political leadership being insistent to that my story, my biography, my historicals be publicly related at least to 1990-ish.

Emma, real woman of honors as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrible that I can report such disregard for truth and honor across the ranks of em thought leaders in these united states of the Americas. There can be no learn’d honor among women if “with” this partially disrobed HILLARY CLINTON.  There can be no learn’d honor among women too now as President Barack Obama’s story is also crossed with my past decades of leadership to of such bipartisan advantage for Democrats that I was able to pressure a Senator to move my older sister along more due the “Peter Principle” than her younger brother “Peter” due he feared losing my entertainment magic she and my father were incidentally accidentally naturally beset to undermining, while yet needed as not errantly complicated to undermined.  There is no reporting morally or honestly on the storied of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, nor Bill Clinton, where such is commenced and carried as if I can be omitted from the story - their storied, even especially as such is still only still standing due lies have not been checked due em of omitting historicals that are of my motivation to such vast efforts for positive change that root at least to a decade before 1990 shares and strategizing for problem solving, and crisis management in extremely trying times.

Emma, real woman of global exposure as a United Nations leading woman as Ambassador for Women, dearly, again it was shocking when I first laid eyes on a first copy of the first book of the challenge for seven JKR did nearly beg could be yet just five books, at a moment, maybe just a phase, and nearly disastrous for such was cloaked by me by use of “doors” and “contracting” business from my father and my sister, especially, as hoped, personally in a cloaked, to be of a facility in my poetic to be yet a muse able to be like a “shrink” for my dad and my sister as a greater facilitator for FEMINISM advancement, a yet shared goal of all of ours. 

Emma, ye doth carried “HERMIONE” so far, - ye embodied/embodies what seems becometh clear without even reading the books by their covers, - ye so somehow written in the spirit of what I must have implied by mused energy and creative directives as to be an “ideal woman” to me: 

Right!  I did not ask for a cover a basis in the stories for my godmother who is married lastingly into the CROMWELL clan that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, though GILMORE GIRLS is that she was the basis for “GRANDMOTHER” as akin to YALE UNIVERSITY and a female cousin a YALE alum as an asked for mused for to entertainment as from so many brothers graduates of BALTIMORE GILMAN SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

Right!  I did instruct JKR post her complaint near “but you haven’t given me enough material even for five books” to add a “godfather” character for lead character and write it in as around dangers of watts, amps, volts, voltage, higher voltage, high voltage like to “volts d’ more” alarmism and to there dangers in not knowing European electrical standards use 220v normatively while American Electrical household use is yet but of a less amped for wattage of 110 volts.  The basis was to be around my own godfather a life long union electrician but fictionally developed also around “GO BIG - MAKE IT A SPORT - A TEAM SPORT OF FLYING BROOMS” as around my posse of ULTIMATE FRISBEE associations to of those of having been of the design and then construction management of the PETRONAS TOWERS and to them as serious about black live wires nearly as my uncle my godfather, the now late C. Hogan, was always.

OMG Emma!  Time flies.  I am saddened today by the passing of Edward “Tad” Sanchez III yesterday and Muhammad Ali today.  “Tad” Sanchez is a pal from my 1980s abouts on Block Island, and nail banging summers during Villanova University studies.  He passed due an illness he had fought for a while, he is for immortality besides his hobby as having been in the Screen Actors Guild and bit parts, the he from a reunion after years the core in old circle of friends basis that was to my asking for the “MADMEN” show as by asking to energies of my old Block Island circle of friends to be kept alive by art about the era I was predisposed then to in my art for positive change as that era when my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was a top Ad Man - a top Madison Avenue marketing executive of the serious accounts - as managed after consolidating their accounts all that was the Johnson & Johnson advertising business.  He is responsible for the ‘NO MORE TEARS’ product launch and too that the bottle has a tear drop in its form.  Of the “MadMen” creation it was fitting for AMC channel for “Tad’s” story was happy in marital union into the Dolan family - the family that owns Madison Square Garden, for starters.

OMG Emma!  Time flies, and this isn’t near as brief as I postured myself to a readiness to share.  It is a sad day for much of the above and coincidental to a puzzlement of how Muhammad Ali has now passed.  My godfather who is the basis for “Serious Black” did pass away a few years ago and yet on the same day a serious black I knew to be a hero of his did also pass - a few years ago my godfather electrician, retired, passed on the day his boxing hero “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed, and yet suddenly while amidst fall yard work on a day most of his brotherhood of electricians not retired were busy across Connecticut trying to restore power after a state’s maybe record blackout. And also sad note on politics and media is that such day David Brooks New York Times column was a political hit piece titled “THE SERIOUS ONE”.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real and make believe of the world of HOGWARTS it is real and relative to the American political scene that I have only given rights to the books and never gave away rights to the movies, or any theme park.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real magic of J.P. Hogan “poet” “squib” “pundit” “most successful muse” and also the basis for “Robert Galbraith” “STRIKE” as was to instructions to then there to be no more “HARRY POTTER” books but kindly to JKR of that her muse wouldn’t leave her hung out to blow in the wind for her muse then adjusted to allowing her to write from his energies but more biographically to a fictional work out.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the EMMA conundrum that though “HOGWARTS” was defensively penned as a double edged fictional for J.K. and maybe predefensive as if to of the “platonic” as if felt “jilted” there seems now that my ideals as to what a leading lady as to an ideal woman is (to me) that such may have been written to and dramatically carried off.  Puzzling, quite puzzling - but can any man really understand “woman”?


Ye cool cats, as more relative J.P. Hogan historical or trivial it is incidental to much that my first year at Villanova University was the first year my college had a MIDDLE EAST STUDIES department and to offering MODERN STANDARD ARABIC LANGUAGE among its language courses.  I mention such today for it is that my professor in such that I helped inaugurate by taking my language requirements by 12 credits of ARABIC was to a given name upon me for class purposes as “ALI” and not, for sure, due any boxing acumen, or facility.  I majored in Economics to a Bachelor of Arts, and to enough credits for a minor in Philosophy but cloaked from a “minor” but as an “undeclared minor” so as to keep the Philosophy Department less involved in my love of thinking of philosophizing.  I am that I also in 1984 was early of computers for I took for a mathematics requirement a course in Pascal programming, programming on mainframes.

Emma, J.K., Neil, et cool cats yet of the unknowing sorts now some to uncloaked eyes upon truths, let us proceed against the failings of the horrid media and leadership failures ghastly due the stories of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama quite can not be honestly said historical where there is omission of the very vastly related story of myself,  and at least to that my motivations in around 1990-1991 are vastly more complicated and engaging to what transpired than yet pared against Clintons even to a #RealBillClinton by reduction by honest comparisons.

Yes, Emma, it is true my godmother, and to many of my cousins so tru’d, is of my kin are married to descendant from, and begot by the Cromwell line that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, so I have lived their story as somehow true.

To be brief:  Yes the machinations of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT are horrid to horrible as rotten of lies, and especially to the core as to the #RealHillaryClinton is not storied if and when my biographical is not imparted, and as it remains due how vast my facility was I will not ask to be told of, - asked to be more “published” - asked to reveal more than my #squibs long at establishing current and past expertise and forethought none of such has ever earned a respect akin to - to full of.

Conclusion:  The state of these united states of the Americas media and political leadership is ridiculous, at least! - there can be no honesty nor duties done as per #Election2016 of these parties involved where there is any omission of the true story and contributions uniquely mine, and unique due what my motivation was/is.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:06 pm

Holy negations are not blessed good things - em more dark magic and trickery by bad lawyers.

There is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton should be declared enemies of the state - ROME - Enemies Of The Church.  I welcome the The Church of England to take a lead likewise.

This is a little beyond “NOAH 101″ - as but more about em as at Holy negations more as at bridges demolishments than builders.

“What is their chicanery?” is a good opener - a timely sighting to how their berg is far bigger than the tip of such iceberg we now maybe are sighting in to mark and twain in time suffice.

What is their chicanery?  Obvious enough now to some, not “NATURAL STATE FASCISTS, - not Democrats, maybe, is em “Holy negations”!

We will need get to “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” and to the “Adam” and “Eve” of Barack Obama natural born conceived a bastard spawned into the Kenya Muslim “House of Obama” to his father by wife number 2.  We will need pare down such as conceived bastard spawned as a love child of a pepper and salt - ebony and ivory - chocolate and white milky white - as like a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.  Son of Obama, so conceived a bastard “love child” of two studious to be experts in Soviet ways as if naturally Soviet, is a conundrum, - and to that the pair to such book should have been “THE WORK OF MY MOTHER - HOW I GOT EVEN THIS FAR!”.

Her chicanery, - right, - the chicanery of Hillary Clinton is quite problematic. Less NOAH - more like #VooDoo & Louise Cypher, - #HillaryInTheFlesh #Lucifer. Dark magic - it is - is she playing past innocent at unholy chicanery.

I do not know so cannot proffer to if Barack Obama was by Kenya tribal and Muslim traditions so conceived as “natural born” as the property of the father, and if only more so due the polygamy of his seeded a conceived bastard but as to a wife number 2, by how consenting - consented to conception as yet but a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.

I do not know so cannot proffer to how Barack Obama as so “natural born” was not first an American Citizen by birth due the polygamy or bigamy issues of law as to supposedly his mother’s “marriage” - so a “shotgun marriage” wasn’t necessarily kosher by laws of these united states of the Americas due her mated with as already being one married and to at least one of his allowed quantity of wifies.  So we are past NOAH to it yet Hillary Clinton is broached by the political waves of that Donald Trump old legal queries raised have yet to be fully answered - at least by our highest courts, - and as to the religiousness of if Father Obama by his laws and expectations at conception did properly own his son more than America had a right to try to claim for wifie number 2, as how consented to “natural born” as “under God”.

Oy, right!  Is it that Donald Trump has Holier ground now to stand on than Mrs. Clinton?  Mrs. Clinton hasn’t even tried to prove it otherwise - at least to any jurisprudence suffice. 

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of further attempts at Holy negations her recent “bridging” “demolishments” less an iceberg than just as if she were the riveter of her ship and her riveted popping due her riveting mostly faulty.

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of furthered anti-literature political for convenient whimsy to trump it is becoming evident their ruses can amount to it due that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton doth become declared as Enemies Of The Church, - Enemies of the State - still to it welcome if the The Church of England would take a lead for Kingdom, so.

Hillary Clinton has long been known to myself as considered arrogant enough to think herself and her husband, as since em of Yale Law School coed days, as to a “we must be smarter than the Founding Fathers were, - and the 80th Congress”.  It is a new consideration of the Clintons’ long exposed arrogance to that NOAH must be also thought trumped, - set asunder, - of it that Jewish Law must just be, to them, ridiculous.

The anti-Constitution Clintons are enemies of these united states of the Americas quite as whence in earlier days it would have been from the start as considered akin to insurgents and of engagements willful to treasonous, to em at treason by negations coy ploys.  The established “The Clinton” is of them of decades of fronting coyly a proposition that these united states of America are now become to a state of “Post Constitution” reality.  The American Laws of governance by law have been negated but not yet noticed as negated - due too many near wholly ignorant of Constitution negations.

The anti-Constitution chicanery, hers, and his, has been bedded to a super worm viral capacity, to so set asunder regular order inconvenient to their selfish ambitions, from near day one in 1993 whence then sworn otherwise to it the duty of the office to be dedicated otherwise - actually dedicated to upholding what they were line by buried line building a super virus to undo, - they were recoding stealthily to negate the inconvenient, and especially the Holy basis in such most inconvenient.

Her chicanery, - right: the chicanery of Mrs. Clinton, is of Hillary Clinton advanced enough through the ages so conspiring at cloaked Holy negations to joined efforts to set asunder government by laws by recoding to “Extra-Constittution” Powers by viral undermining, to crashes to em of “Post Constitution” Power to that she has amassed through spousal husbandry enough acquired wrongness to be arguably now due to be cast, at least, as an ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, - ENEMY OF THE STATE, - ENEMY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, - AND ALL OF NOAH, TO MOSES  - OF JEWISH LAW.

By her Holy negations I declare it common sense that she is flawed, and never as though in their arrogance as ever smarter than Noah, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay, Madison, even most of the Founding Fathers, - and not even smarter than Richard M. Nixon when just a member of the 80th Congress. 

Case in point to proof em been ridiculous:  If we go along with “Post Constitution” the natural outcome is then not that they get all these “Extra-Constitution” Powers and allowances for graft akin “Public Corruption” but that they then by their own coding for “Post-C” are an em to need face the common sense of the Constitution to that the default - THE DEFAULT TO LAST KNOWN WORKING CONDITION - is to that Power if the Constitution is so VOIDED defaults not to Powers to the most ready at hand willy to be AUTOCRATS of and for AUTHORITARIAN to (Natural State Fascism) rule - for it is deeply coded to be like Holy established and incontrovertible that Powers under such a conundrum do default to the People to their state’s constitutions and to that then the office of President Mrs. Clinton coyly seeking then has no legal basis for existence, - is illegitimate, - in whole there then by Clintons’ “reasoned” no basis for the courts or the federal government.

Case in point to further proof em been ridiculous:  Her/their work at Holy negations of roots to NOAH and MOSES - Jewish Law - as points to proof against them.  We have the said TOLERANCE recoding to decree and end to intolerance now also to POLYGAMY OR BIGAMY.  If not already then twil be by whence any trumpets waft waves of agreement suffice to a seating of Hillary Clinton, by all the irregular means necessary for such to be effected, the twas done to a suffice that TOLERANCE of POLYGAMY should be of no bigotry of tolerance, - POLYGAMY must forward be accepted without any prejudice.

President Barack Hussein Obama legacy cannot be respected if there is prejudice, also forward, to how he is as conceived as the son of his father to the House of Obama of Muslim & Kenyan tribal patriarchal law traditions and as “natural born” to (rightful) of bigamy with rights extant for polygamy.  Mrs. Clinton cannot escape that an election of Mrs. Clinton would also de-establish by Holy negations the nation from monogamy, and from against adultery.

Hillary Clinton’s character is to be questioned, and biblically, at least, at least to biblical establishments of “Adam” and “Eve”.

Hillary Clinton’s character should be under full frontal assault - evermore, - forever more. 

Hillary Clinton’s character as her casting stones - throwing stones - at Donald Trump on issues she has not innocence suffice to be to Christian while picking up and throwing stones. 

The core matters common to these displayed moments of Hillary Clinton of casting stones as if a Christian innocent enough to judge another are yet of the “The Clinton” as of compromised and unworthy by either to such acts of judging another for sins one is arguably more heinously compromised of guilt for as for many past deeds of past decades.  Hillary Clinton has been un-Christian while trying still to be Un-American by being for a “Post Constitution” Powers as if Clintons can be crowned of “Extra-Constitution” Power yet by decades at cloaked recoding efforts for Holy negations.

Hillary Clinton’s character is fitting #CrookedHillary and #HeinousHillary.  And, and especially, now still #ItsTheClintons_STUPID.

The “The Clinton” as for the “House of Clintons” is to that bigamy and polygamy cannot be now postured by Democrats as not also undone.  Any Democrat, if possibly electable, now to follow on the Obama story as a story of a first born bastard conceived yet to a Kenyan and Muslim man of rights to have such as a second wife/mother must not parse from the tolerance politics already forwarded to that polygamy must be legal and the law of the land by the extant recent of rulings by the Supreme Court on matters relating to what once was always firstly the jurisdiction of religiousness, not U.S. Congress or the Courts.

It has been torn asunder!  Most of the coy ploys to set asunder the governance by laws inconvenient to the Clintons’ ambitions have been mostly, albeit temporarily, set asunder.  Too many are now too accepting of the words of the Clintons as if righteous, holy, or even safe.

It has been set asunder!  Bigamy and Polygamy are proofs to it proofing proofed the Holy negations have been popularly, by simple majority, - writ not to be seriously trusted, propped up and are standing as if can actually be workable as law.

In his letter to the Jews of Newport, - George Washington’s letter to Rhode Island Jews - tolerance was parlayed - or pared - to that by the Constitution as under God as “ordained” “done” subscribed” People’s “Order” in the “Year of our Lord” there yet is the separation of Church and State as a vertical separation by that Congress was denied superiority and a right to interpret scripture as a greater right to be supremely held over the People.  There is the letter to the Jews to that there would be no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” is where there is the humble religious freedom for the separation set vertical to that Congress and the Government is under “our Lord” of the Christian Calendar but not above the People or the states in matters of religion - in matters of establishments of religion - in matters of the tenets of religion.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be even politically casting stones at Donald Trump for the records of the past decades are phat with circumstances of the Clinton spousal husbandry of planting and fertilizing arguably worse “business” practices.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be but to that POLYGAMY, if there ever enough majority for all the barriers prudently set to halt peoples of resumes of such deficient and unsettling “character” to be crossed, now for Mrs. Clinton must be President William Jefferson Clinton’s own right. Her “Hun The Enabler” rap is also to suffice to carry this as broached upon the vessel “HILLARY”. 

The issue for the soaps now, as if a Constitution set asunder as if times to “POST CONSTITUTION” and as not to the default as writ to then of the People to their rights and state’s constitutions, is of layers and layers of coy ploys at Holy negations, - her/their chicanery - dark magic - unholy machinations.

Case in point to her/their chicanery as “Holy negations” as of acts over decades of by lawyers at thought cloaked how em to trying to set asunder the Constitution to yet have a “POST CONSTITUTION” popularism for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers more akin to TOTALITARIANISM:  Besides the Constitution default is if VOID so to that People have their state’s constitutions and their religions there is that by the Clintons’ postured “reasoned” there is the fault to that if the Constitution is VOID there then is no legitimacy for the office she now if of em running to try to hold together again.

So whether to be a next Democrat to then honor a past Democrat(s) it is unwise to even nominate Mrs. Clinton for she would then, if ever elected and past the obstacles to bar inadequacy, be to the soapy next chapter great expectations, however a FEMINIST, to being expected to sooned, not later, be to a ceremony in the WHITE HOUSE and to give a share of her’s away by giving WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON some away to have his rightful and legal BIGAMY, - an actual wife number 2 then whom he could share their home with, - in perpetuity, - til death do em part.

The big issue of today, this political week, is quite though that Hillary Clinton has no Christian right to be casting all these stones at Donald Trump.  This is akin her other big problem that won’t go away as to that due a spouse of WJC she is not to incriminate President Clinton, like not allowed to even use TRUTH as stones against her spouse.  Though she isn’t clean enough to cast stones on these “business practices” questionable of Donald Trump she is still too dirty and sworn from truth as an option for any service as President for she where the truth is that is was/is President Bill Clinton’s fault she as dirty or clean as his spouse is not by law allowed to reveal the actual or dominant historical facts.

Generally it must be accepted that THE TRUTH IS NOT AN OPTION TO HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.

Dark magic they have been decades at to have an Un-Constitution popularism to suffice to be to a #NaturalStateFascism as the #ClintonFascism the #HillaryFascism for they cannot abide any questioning their authoritarianism - there necessary setting asunder of “liberal democracy” prudence in open and full debate, for starters.  They must only be further to Holy negations.

This is more mature than for just “HOGWARTS” or “HARRY POTTER” elementary magic studies, - this is long worked already much past “NOAH 101″ and also against “MOSES” and the “JEWISH LAW” in the “TEN COMMANDMENTS”!

We still have the prudence of George Washington as literate and illuminating on vicissitudes incident to life as to that the Constitution even for Newport, Rhode Island Jews is for no “bigotry of tolerance”! 

We still have the prudence of George Washington and to that the Clintons must never have been as recalled em thought as like to “we must be smarter than the founding fathers were” and …!

We still have the prudence of George Washington to save us from any fallen or already to bent to the Clintons’ coy ploys for a AUTHORITARIAN powers by Holy negations especially as to for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers by cloaked recoding to attempt to assuage enough popular blind faith for “POST CONSTITUTION” postured for more convenient power grabbing.

The American literature of George Washington must endure!  We must endear a commitment forward anew to that there shall be no bigotry of tolerance, - to that Jewish in these united states of the Americas doth too have religious freedom for the Constitution ordained the separation of church and state as veritical, though in the Christian Calendar.

Where Democrats may further abide the Clintons decades against the originalism for “liberal democracy” basis and to so be to FASCISM better in these times as defined as a “movement of the Left” there is much danger beyond any expectation that bigamy and polygamy should be legal forever more to honor the stories of President Clinton and the bastard conception consent to bigamy seeming his all so very personal story as a conceived “Soviet Studies Love Child”.

Where there are even just Democrats for Hillary Rodham Clinton there is DANGER, and beyond what hopes lives in that these united states of the Americas had yet seemed improved to it recently near only Hillary Clinton voters seeming em still believing the Clintons’ lies.

Democrats forward must embrace that any President Clinton forward means Hillary Clinton to be expected, due Bill Clinton’s nature, to be having to ceremonially in the White House to giving her husband away some to a legal marriage to an actual wife number 2. 

Democrats are in perilous times for such as much this all entails is of vast Holy negations that likely may set asunder what though a union of their own.

We still have the prudence of George Washington for now.  The Clintons due not abide his literate use of “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as if what “George” got from “Martha” could ever be enough compensation.  Hillary Clinton is unholy and un-Christian while casting stones at Donald Trump for the Clintons’ “business” “practices” have always too much put monetary values on like everything.  The “Public Corruption” tag on the Clintons “official” practiced is much to pivot on that “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as to foreign agents or foreign dollars is and never was definable as “of that just means money”!

There is we still should have the prudence of George Washington, and at least Alexander Hamilton, as guidance to how separations must be vertical, - not horizontal, - not of the federal Government as able to trump God.  Congress is to make no law respecting an establishment of religion for the tenets of religions are of the jurisdiction of the People as a trump card to their Federal Government. 

The First Amendment speaks to that Congress can make no law to have a superiority over tenets of faith - of over tenets of religion.

Jews also have religious freedom by our Constitution because the Constitution is humbly “subscribed” “People” “Order” “done” under God as set done by humble men in the “Year of our Lord”!

There shall be no “bigotry of tolerance” so scribed by George Washington as early American Literature for the Holy cannot be negated, even for popularism like of the Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry (cloaked) coy ploys and chicanery of ambition.

No first marriage is safe under the political practiced of the Clinton “two-fer”!

And, Donald Trump may find few are even clean enough to be even a Christian allowed to be righteous as if casting stones upon him, - even over how Barack Hussein Obama may be “natural born” as “under God” as firstly and dominantly the property of his Kenyan father, - even as “natural born citizen” may need firstly be to the Holy that was of the Creator about creation to a bastard conceived a “Soviet Studies Love Child” of an American women seemingly consenting to be at least by Kenyan and Muslim Law as but wife number 2.

To fight the bad dark magic, many should reconsider if Hillary Clinton isn’t as has been too beset to Holy negations as to now at least be declared AN ENEMY OF THE STATE, - EVEN AN ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, OF ROME AND THE UNITED KINGDOM.

Let us commit ourselves to not allowing this nonsense to get to President Clinton (D)(F) to giving away a share of her spouse President (D)(M) Clinton to a wife number 2 then of rights to also abide in marriage at the White House.  REALLY!!!

The tolerance for fellow man is best kept within the bounds of George Washington at American Literature to their is to be by the Constitution no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” and to how such has been as writ to that matters of such are not for Congress, not for the Federal Government, for such is to that Holy scriptures are like writ “living documents” so that the People’s Order that constitutes the more perfect Union needn’t be.

Peoples dirty laundry and individual community grievances are not to be considered the duty of the Congress, - such is for “community organizations” and firstly as to that such of “religion” is the attempt to be of the all for the all to that “neighborly” is possible and written to how disciplined can be forward to comity for community as “neighbors” yet e-together always e-gathered from divisible.

For now as a #Hillary2016 endures there is that we are becometh of a times already beset to a popularism to unsettled as if new law.  These times are already like ripe of the above as if a new “normal”! 

An only way left to defeat such dark magic at efforts decades cloaked of coy ploys for chicanery to as written to un-written by Holy negations maybe be for at least the CHURCH OF ROME to declare “HILLARY CLINTON IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE OF ROME!”

The Constitution as Order ordained and established done in “Year of our Lord” gives no power to Congress to be superior to the People in matters of religious establishment - in any interpretation of tenets of individual’s religiousity.  Much that the Clintons’ want for political convenience for popularism to AUTHORITARIAN Powers allowed for them are so forbidden.

In 2016 the definition of “FASCISM” must be better set out in these times as a movement of the Left, as against “liberal democracy” as the original intent, and as using a bigotry of tolerance to coy ploys on “tolerance” while using vast machinations to work an intolerance to any not swallowing whole their them to as if the only authority - of them the AUTHORITARIANS.

Oh, you can believe me to that Hillary Clinton is un_Christian casting stones at Donald Trump “business practices”!

Oh, you can believe my humbly pressed reveals to that the Clintons past “official” “practices” of at least that they cut $2 Trillion from 1993 to 2001 are arguable far more criminal to consciences than such Mrs. Clinton now a first casting stones upon.

Oh, you can believe me beyond all the revealed that substantiates in the #Cats (categories) here like of #QUEEN, #CGI, #SUSPECT, #CRUSADES, #QUIDPROQUO, #WARONWOMEN, #WHITEPRIDE, AND #TREASON, for starters, and, too because well I am he that challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 books on magic as to be to teach one year per book for seven years as too for morals of real life, and, too because #HarryPotter and #Hogwarts are still to my #HOGAN heart to that ward don’t grow up to be like warts under even HOGAN’S skin, and, too because, well, I have known these Clintons since the early 1970s and they personally kept me in the loop (accidentally to their purposes) over their decades plotting.

Yes ye of Emma,  I really did challenge J.K. Rowling to write seven books as around a character idea of a basis on young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete Rowe-ling” … “& posse”.  I did so without spelling out to J.K. Rowling that such as flowing from my musing was to then work good magic hopefully to protect a new generation, at least, from the Clintons, these Clintons, these efforts of the Clintons I now am of pressing in hindsight about, without contradiction to by foresight alarms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:47 am

In some ways this must be mostly about a token white female, - a femme reared more a Chicagoan urban ruffian than a Southern belle, and, juxtaposed to Brian Cranston “ALL THE WAY” rendition of Lyndon B. Johnson, sworn to President due the assassination of “JFK”!

The question is if there is a deep core of potential for phenomena, common of Donald Trump, to relate an Abraham Lincoln reset.

There is much bad to break still of such a token white female.  The drama of “ALL THE WAY” is unsettling.

The art of the bad must be synchronized: - - - People must place history in space-time of that the Washington DC performing arts center on the Potomac just up river from the Lincoln Memorial was designed to be a modern interpretation of the Lincoln Memorial before it ever became the THE KENNEDY CENTER.  Born of the South William Blythe III, of Jefferson his middle name as for, it seems certainly, JEFFERSON DAVIS, there is unshackled bad of “ALL THE WAY” that such was deep of Senator J. William Fulbright hard set ARKANSAS sided.  William Blythe III was at least reared to be a hard sell as per the KENNEDY CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, so seems - politically & historically.

What are Donald Trumps angelic qualities as a Northern Yankee?  Can Donald Trump reset common sense as dominant? - in time?  It is Sunday - the week of the release of 11 Supreme Justices to be as suspected future nominees to the highest bench.  It is odd it is midday now on such a Sunday and that the political news shows didn’t make such on Justice the weekend leader;  It is most odd now midday on such Sunday that we haven’t already had hours of news leaders discussing the extant to scandal concurrent of that there is like the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the postured “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!

Brian Cranston L.B.J. seems to absolve TEXAS Democrat Johnson from being suspect still (ever rightly?) as to a HE WHO KILLED JFK!  Brian Cranston so to “ALL THE WAY” did soberly (literary license) break bad to haunt the politics of 2016 and beyond, forward.  Brian Cranston L.B.J. dragged Southern White Democrats through their muddy waters and seated different apparent levels of enlightenment.

The art of the THE KENNEDY CENTER is apropos a martyred PRESIDENT KENNEDY yet while it is that the stylized LINCOLNESQUE architecture was pre-determined as to pair, in a modern, to the like entombed down river, just down river, of the memorialized ABRAHAM LINCOLN.  Brian Cranston L.B.J. busted out a haunting to that maybe a truth is KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY?

Could this token white female akin to as if married to a Southern White Male of the J. William Fulbright camps have ever become so know for public failures if yet she were of such attempts by his Christian name to Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III?  THE PLOTS THICKEN!  OY, THE RHODES LIKE PLOT TWISTS - EM FLUSHING OUT AS FALSE NARRATIVES!

How, in reflection, against such Chicago reared urban ruffian, is there the angelic moral, like a heaven on earth gold standard, seeming gilded for all of Donald Trump’s TRUMP brand establishments, of yet a chance for good to triumph over evil?

Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Blythe III is a revealing, honest to the Christian born, tag for such a token white female.

Cover-ups are bad! - - - COVER-UPS ARE ENEMIES OF DEMOCRACY - DEMOCRACIES!!! - - - Mrs. Blythe’s BENGHAZI story is of one of the most diabolical kinds of cover-ups let determined to have occurred.  Either she or President Obama is to be ruled as more to most responsible/culpable for this heinous and diabolical cover-up that the People’s House is still trying to investigate sufficiently.  Mrs. Blythe, she so, is party, to dominant suspect, in a worst kind of cover-up in that the seeming purpose of the Rhodian false narratives was to render American voters ignorant, - most ignorant, as an election was near, nearing fast.  The seeming sole guiding purpose of this “OBAMA COVER-UP” or “OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT COVER-UP” seems to have been to undermine the election by working a vast ignorance upon and over the electorate!

And, back to what good can come from one now so mostly just a token white female of too much affirmative action it seems more to have been to a #4Real #CrookedHillary as too much like of political nepotism - of buying of offices - and quite irregular seeming crooked most corrupt “CHARITY” covers of what seems always CLINTON BRANDING as merely newly broadly global campaigning for the “THE CLINTON” name recognition but by calling it something it wasn’t to its core.

How can Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Blythe III fair the at all well now thanks to Brian Cranston to at the good JOHNSON, PRESIDENT LYNDON B., and as it seems of bad broken out, some to a soberly, that maybe the truth is not so LINCOLNESQUE while yet of a MARTYR - MARTYRDOM twist - political for historicals to a that KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY!?

This Chicago reared urban ruffian later married into the Blythe Southern legacy, and to also by choice to a taken new name as “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” - this a said token white female - this as if a great white hope - this of such much broken bad about since she was charged to the POPPY duty as charged for the OPIUM diplomacy since AFGHANISTAN was her baby and any OPIATES then to still of it AFGHANI OPIUM production was before her tasking of at said supplying near 80% of the global demand for legal and illegal OPIATES.  Can it be President Obama legacy is that his first Secretary of State, while charged to handle OPIUM DIPLOMATIC ISSUES was negligent if global commerce continued of AFGHANI AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS heavily focused on flowers wasn’t arrested from too much OPIUM based product crossing AFGHANISTAN borders?

So again we are at a juxtaposed of if Donald Trump is of core angelic as for a heaven on earth moral gold standard where security is drilled to be firstly to keep a trumped to GOD IS IN THE DETAILS, and, sadly again necessary to discussant of one though become of SOUTHERN aires is yet compromised even while being pimp’d as a Southern token white female.

Though the building THE KENNEDY CENTER is architecturally in a LINCOLNESQUE we must fashion a comity for modern polity now, thanks to Brian Cranston, to if KENNEDY KILLED KENNEDY - FOR MARTYRDOM WIN.

If it wasn’t to just another President Johnson risen after an death (convenient) of their President coincidence, and that the real LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON is innocent in the matters of the assassination of his President, JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, then the broken out haunting to waft over 2016, while lingering long, must be of the query to if THE KENNEDY CIVIL RIGHTS BILL could only have been passed by a SOUTHERNER?  And, to if it was simply known to PRESIDENT KENNEDY that a Northerner Yankee could never himself, while male even, see enough of the South come around to the sold JOHNSON righteousness as sold as if of having “JESUS IN YOUR HEART” - like of being “ENLIGHTENED”?

How can the good of Donald Trump now prevail?  How can an angelic of a serious business plan for “EDENS” of “HEAVEN ON EARTH” mission statements survive against so much evil to be deeply probed?  How can the good, the good standing, still, of TRUMP yet endure against the so political machinations of them known to our Lord as #BigLiars now broken as bad as due the tag, and all yet mashable, still, of #CrookedHillary?

We have long accepted that PRESIDENT KENNEDY died for his country some like PRESIDENT LINCOLN did, and yet now an unthinkable in the air thanks to said Mrs. Blythe III and Brian Cranston. 

Forward as Mrs. Blythe III, so by originalism to PRESIDENT CLINTON Christian name, is beggard for presumptions of innocence, despite the self evident facts and admissions, there is we will be burdened to reconsider her SOUTHERN as she tries to posture she has been, at least while #FLOAR, quite the SOUTHERN BELLE from the J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT sided SOUTHERN politics.

An art of politics juxtaposing is fitting here due the CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY by architect POLSHEK was commissioned and Christened as designed in it clad quite in CONFEDERATE GRAY and while phallic - or just a “gun shape” quite genres away from any “HEAVEN ON EARTH” gold standard.  A treatment of this is (satire?) at http://JPHogan.org or via shortcut CitRB.org in the essay/column titled “PUSSY RIOT?” see: http://bit.ly/186aq6O

One, while pondering THE KENNEDY CENTER as of LINCOLNESQUE, should ask, since BILL & HILLARY since YALE LAW SCHOOL have been working to each have a named Presidency and to a definition of SUCCESS for them to be then likely SUCCESSFUL as for having like become the two most POWERFUL lawyers to ever graduate from #YLS.

Could book depositories ever have been filled to stories of KENNEDY’S CIVIL RIGHTS ACT if not for as passed by a SOUTHERN WHITE MALE?  THIS BROKEN BAD OF CRANSTON’S “ALL THE WAY”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:26 am

Don’t BUY - SELL! SELL! SELL!  We are long past the days it safe or prudent to buy the Clintons’ crap!!!  We have standards to keep!!!

A guidance on taking tru’d stock of the Clintons’ valuation is to embrace it is known, not contested, that they are #BigLiars, and, it should be self evident to that America has been improving this past year as it appears to be that we are reduced down to that near only #HillaryClinton voters are them showing signs of still believing #ClintonsLies!  We have standards to keep!!!

A guidance on seeing how #MORALS trump #HillaryClinton:  The #NewGOP is risen in the old, very old, adage of #Paul, as our founding fathers so constituted the Union, of that:  PEOPLE ARE UNDER GOD BEFORE UNDER GOVERNMENT

A guidance on seeing how #MORALS trump #HillaryClinton:  Learn it! Understand it! - There is like a #RepublicanConstitution and a #DemocratsConstitution!  The #TRUMP is that #Republicans are under God before under either #CONSTITUTION, too!

The Clinton crap is being shovel ready & spread broadly about as if #BillClinton is and was #PERFECT and that #MrsC is an #IDEAL #CANDIDATE for #MrsClinton has the #OLIGARCHIES behind her, - covering her “SIX” - so that she can seem believable while struttin’ and posturing so as a PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES - of her still like “WE’RE RIGHT - YOU’RE WRONG” arrogance, but pancaked and built over to a PRETTY CON seeming sold as a GOOD BUY!!!

It is not a dressing down of Hillary Rodham Clinton to pop the broaching, to bare, - to bare her bearing - that underneath all her built up over her base is sheer cover - a protective faux esprit d’ corps!  O’? Bare to the #TRUTH?

It is not a dressing down of Hillary Rodham Clinton to pop the broaching, to peel off the layer of covers - it is a #REVEALING!!! a #PROBATIVE!!!

If #ELECTION2016 were a remake of movie “ANGEL HEART” the villainous would be a femme as a “Louise Cipher” - a #HillaryInTheFlesh like a #LUCIFER! - mustn’t it be so? - so sold, as now so much revealed?

So it is accepted as known! And: Quite important to the historical of the #HILLARY2008 loss: Due #CLINTONS tagged #BIGLIARS was the mantra that lead them to lose: Loss: Near half of their dramatic support, - half of their dramatic friends, - half of #HOLLYWOOD!!! #EMOTE IT!!!

A guidance on feeling the #4RealHillary forward: Do not stop thinking about yesterdays!!!  Do not buy into their only look forward so you don’t look back at naked truths so mashable as still freshly taggable of errant behaviors, political, to negligence, and even gross negligence so more like crap on the soles of their shoes, - not diamonds! BEWARE THE “PRIMA DONNA”!!!


Evident in the PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES these bared enough to naked truths?

Evidence in the GRAPHIC #HILLARY2016 a legacy of #POLITICAL by ways of “CONVENIENT CRISISES”?

Self evident of the GRAPHIC YET A PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES A LOUISE CIPHER is the “H” hellish of like WORLD TRADE CENTER TWIN TOWERS with something(s) POWERFUL to a blooded RED jet streak struck thru?

Late - very late - #PLOTTWIST:  Late to a #SELFEVIDENT of a #HillaryInTheFlesh it so like of a #LUCIFERINTHEFLESH how #MRSCLINTON can so clearly be postured of a galactic existentialism to be, and always have been, the woman in the known world who has the most FAULT for attacks of SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 (YES, AND NOW ALSO 9/11 II OF 2012) !!! - AND, as she is, while a #FEMME #FEMALE #WOMAN of #WOMANCARD, is most notable still as a fair accounting of the historical of the political renders a clarity to that starting with as SENATOR CLINTON it traces forensically and an easy pathological to that #MRSCLINTON is the AMERICAN POLITICIAN whom most politically benefited from the CRISISES of the AL QAEDA ATTACKS.

#NAKEDTRUTH #DOMINANT:  The attacks of 9/11 I (the first 911 ATTACKS in 2001) did give a former First Lady a jumping off point to break the #SENATE seniority system by being a newly cooked INTERNATIONAL SYMPATHETIC UNTOUCHABLE POLITICIAN as the FEMALE GROUND ZERO SENATOR then to like the senior NEW YORK SENATOR for as made over - as of such to an EXTREME MAKEOVER - as for as a FORMER FIRST LADY her cache was already global so for her to be a DOMINATRIX even over SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER.

It is down right #DEVILISH and #HELLISH how graphic PRIMA DONNA OF PLATITUDES “LOUISE CIPHER” reveals when bared broached as the #H looks intentionally, not accidentally, or even negligently, like the struck towers of #NYC #WTC & #NJ #PATH!!! 


LIKE FROM:  #HillaryInTheFlesh as “Louise Cipher” a #LuciferInTheFlesh a not an #ANGEL for #DEVILISH pol?  #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?





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[This new column, to be pressed throughout the day (NOW DONE)! - please check back regularly for guidance! And, site search by FEMINISM in mean time! Also search by FIDELITY!!!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

What is in a name?  Is Trump the milk in your cereal? - the butter on your artisan breads? - the aged in your Kentucky staved stayed oaken barrels banded spiriting? - the “UN-CLINTON”?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - are revenant - are of an American Renaissance passing to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA.

The waddles of the “THE BEAVER STATE” to the “THE BLUEGRASS STATE” are strummin’ “DIXIE”? - “YANKEE DOODLE”? - HALLEJULAH? - SHAKE IT OFF?

The legends of the beaver’d states of Kentuckians and Oregonians are embattled to if any American standards remain “under God”!  Hillary Clinton is pimpin’ Bill Clinton as an “AMERICAN PUTIN” - a thought kept from more presidencies yet restored to Powers.  Hillary Clinton is setting asunder regular order and common sense, with (accomplices) like of Chris Wallace of FOX, as any whom posture that Mrs. Clinton, as per 2016, is “HAS BEEN VETTED” is abridging due process and prudence.

For history by legends of/about the “THE CLINTON” isn’t it like Governor Daniel Malloy (D) (CT) is akin like a “CLINTON LOYALIST” - -Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) (NY) as profferable as like a “REFORMED CLINTONITE” - - Governor Jerry Brown (D) (CA) as a counter as still like a died in the cotton JESUIT anchored?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - Kentucky & Oregon are beset of HILLARY CLINTON seeming in a “DELUDED STATE”!  I.E.:  The Clintons inherited the 1990s recovery and it of set up for a new urban agenda to develop a unity forward from the Reagan Revolution, and the Rehnquist Revolution, of my HOGAN restoration scribing of like the little known “HOGAN REVOLUTION” of setting up the postured “NEW WORLD ORDER” around my “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” and as it was to creating a focus on NEW HAVEN and for URBAN AGENDAS for whomever was President - a re-elected or elected.

Mrs. Clinton has a problem pimpin’ “Bill” so as if a GREAT WHITE HOPE for he didn’t build what she is bustin’ moves to posture they did.  A THINK to such solutions doesn’t seem to have a historical forensics to that a pathology to such can come from lifestyles so political as is the core common to the psychological profiles seeming rooted in the “THE CLINTON” as as Clintons of the SOUTH.  The THINK to what worked in the 1990s to have been of a synchronicity of national harmony, at least, was only possible from years to a decade of preparations - of years more in self sacrifice than flamboyant self/selfish aggrandizement - spoiled lots.

In sports terms it is more less like a JESUIT discipline won the days for more august of a “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS” methodology of AUGUSTINIAN BROTHERHOOD of HIPPO THINK of “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” secured the neural pathways for a shared humanity - A VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY roots tolled the bugles, bells, and drumbeats.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me, and especially since the three of us have a history of knowing each other since the early 1970s and to when they were still just Yale Law School co-eds dating, and on a walk about through my neighborhood - as when I was near a first grader.  Their first impression wasn’t good - but was concerning for it included them asking me if they both could become a President some day.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me even more so for my political strategizing since 2008 was to advising the “Grand Old Party” they should, to defend the Constitution, work forward as a “PARTY OF NO” so that a clear line of demarcation would become self evident between say the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” held views.  And, because I asked CNBC, while considering if I were to join their ranks, to have one of theirs pronounce to the world like a “AMERICA COULD USE A NEW TEA PARTY”!

DEMOCRATS your leaders would have you believe this means that I must be a RACIST for opposing the first black President - for setting up a workable opposition lines of separation between ORIGINALISM and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S quasi “constitutionalism”!  I AM NOT A RACIST!!! - - - CASE IN POINT:  E.G.:  THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS THAT WON THE DAYS OF 1992 AND BEYOND FOR THE CLINTONS WAS MY “BACK TO BASICS” EMPATHY RENDERED GLOBALISM OF MY RENDITIONS IN THE CORE OF MY #TCONF.


Kentuckians and Oregonians:  Back to basics of 2016:  It is improper and sloppy for any, especially a Wallace, to posture that Hillary Clinton has already been “VETTED”!!!  Mrs. Clinton as of May 2016 is in the throws as unvetted and being investigated for the years as Secretary of State and then as like just “First Mate” of the CLINTON FOUNDATION.  Mrs. Clinton can NOT be said as “VETTED” for her last two jobs at least until the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE report is finalized, and at least as well until the investigation(s) into the #CGI “CGI” “CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES” and their email practices have been rendered judged and meted to the “JURY OF YOUR PEERS” prudence of established jurisprudence processes.

Kentucky and Oregon:  Please let they world know you are now induced to a #Vote4Hillary due a suppression by the imitation sweetness pimp’d of “CLINTON COOL-AID”!!!

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats:  Mitch McConnell as a Republican Leader of the Senate did well by CONSTITUTIONALISM - not by a #IAMRACIST - as while standing up a dichotomy by a “PARTY OF NO” to a separation to be self evident between the legal school of say a “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the quasi legal “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!

I am the soul to be first tried as NOT #RACIST for dedication upon the politics of opposition against the first black President!!!

I am for the #BEAVERWARS so for it is too a long story that after Leonardo DiCaprio as “GATSBY” I did again push him, and this time towards bringing back the AMERICA era of the “BEAVER WARS”!  In the http://myblog.jphogan.org blog archived for NOVEMBER 2010 there is chronologically that which scrolls in the mix of the months essays in reverse order my series of “BEATRICE BOXER AND THE BEAVER WARS” set some around Kentucky for McConnell, and Ohio, for Boehner. 

Such is in a holding pattern to be maybe a TV series akin to the genre of “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” as wholly around beavers. 

Such is in my holding pattern yet while of a “NANCY POTTER” of topiary bushes and a “bad teacher” “HILLARY”!

If you think that the new “TEA PARTY” was “RACIST” as CLINTON DEMOCRATS are still abiding an ignorance to shallow over a deep probative you should think guardedly to like Bill Clinton like “PUT THE BANANA IN YOUR TAILPIPE”!!!

The lure of “DONALD TRUMP & THE NEW GOP” is like a grand old party for afternoon teas about the republican tea leaves formed for daily analysis to be girded and guarded from more HILLARY “tempests”!  There is a growing dynamic of “NEW REPUBLICANS” for afternoon teas about the believable of one of QUEENS’ PRESBYTARIANS!!!

Of HIPPO of brotherhood of AUGUSTINIANS there is a modern hip hop beat more to a rap HAMILTONIAN of SAINT AUGUSTINE from “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” to street and beat poetry more as outta breakfasts of as if “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS”!!!  Jesuit Governor Jerry Brown of California may have already helped Governor Mary Brown of Oregon to a Christian regional sufficed.

How one now practices their shared humanity in “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is reset to that there can be no “FREEDOM FROM RELIGION” as “religion” is that of the all of interpreted for all (neighborly)!  2016 and beyond may be reset to a “hellish” trepidation of thresholds of levels of “devilish” and taggin’ of “LUCIFERS” and in a good way as for the global economics to sing like of 2 Corinthians of the capitalism of Paul’s letters at least of the KING JAMES BIBLE and recover to harmonics for growth in how said economics are of that peoples must be like of singing together.

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HAMILTON nailed the beat for 2016 when he scribed his FEDERALIST squib as FEDERALIST PAPER #1 to that the CONSTITUTION is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!!!















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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:54 am

Women, you need to read this!!!  I am one maybe uniquely qualified to “talk” about all this!

You cannot have it!!!  You cannot have your “Hillary” and your “Obama” “Michelle” - forward!

You must choose now!!!  You can have either Clintons were best or Obamas were best!

This is about the betrayal - the dynamic setting up in 2016 with how cast a Clinton vs. Obama!


Warm up your likes on Michelle Obama!  Embrace your #4College loyalty share of #FLOTUS!


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Imagine your way through this; - try to see yourselves in Bill Clinton’s shoes, and, in Barack Obama’s.  This is not a “Michelle” vs “Bill” / “1st Gent”!!!

Any support of Hillary Clinton to as President is contaminated with latent vibes to fester to many at “Michelle” betrayal, too - “Barack” not immune!

The game of being a “first female President” is a mine field daring much ado about Mrs. Clinton specifically; - “Hillary” game seems that the standard when elected for the #womancard is that a first female need just be as good as the worst past male leader to have held office, and to not, at least, have been impeached.  Mrs. HRC game is quite unfashionable, and while it seems so the “got game” of “Bill” he as “1st Gent” loves that she can be a HAWK to his DOVE played and as if none of his past is admissible due like that wouldn’t be fair to a first female President.

You’ve been set up to like long for new episodes of a White House Soaps of living for a new fix on a “Michelle” vs “Bill” dramatization soapy(- detached from reality).

Hillary Clinton, as “First Lady Clinton”, doesn’t hold water to Michelle Obama, as “First Lady Obama”!!!

Any pretty in pink is quite “dark” - darker than fit’n a midday soapy drama, fictional.  For now it is important we do broach the getting a full measure of each Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama and to being to the business of fully discriminating thru any shallowness to the depths where TRUTHS set up for the BETRAYAL are the MINE FIELD of at least FEMINISM forward.

Mrs. Clinton’s numbers, in a fully discriminating prudent discovery process, like, are not flattering!  Mrs. Clinton’s resume is beset with excess covers to hide as prophylactics to Constitutional articles of bodies robust baring how unflattering in a corrupted engirthed loose crooked reading of at least Article 1 protections from totalitarian monarchical extra-constitutional trespass and setting asunder of the constituted body of the People’s Order Union subscribed as formed by - born with. Mrs. Clinton numbers do not lie.

First Lady Michelle Obama has been building a wonderful legacy for the first black First Lady of these united states of the Americas.  Mrs. Clinton legacy pales in comparison, and to those in the know as ripe to peak-ed as beset flushed by the burden of the inescapable true measure of the body of “Hillary” engagements, official, - by the burden of her engirthing, - resume!!!

Hillary Clinton, as “First Lady Clinton”, doesn’t hold water to Michelle Obama, as “First Lady Obama”!!!

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To wear, like the shoes of Bill Clinton, must seem oh so contrary and foreign - too foreign - so foreign quite these todays!!! Read you Article 1 - yet?

The folds and naps of the decades of Clintons hemming and hawings are not flattering - maybe for how worn too as covers!!! How discriminate - now?

Now even as with a GLOBAL BRAND “CLINTON” it is is now that how engirthed “HILLARY” TRUTH so it is is Mrs. Clinton deficient from able to be sized up against #4Real “Michelle” - to hold up long for a walk of the talked - to endure to endear - to survive a fully discriminating fully measured accounting of the body of “HILLARY” beaten - from able to be a BETTER or a BEST in class against the class long carried smartly by Princeton University, and Harvard Law School, accomplished FIRST LADY “MICHELLE”!


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There is a real conundrum much present in all this now cast and set up as regards 2016 decidings and beyond!!! Can the “GOOD” “Michelle” survive #VOTE4HILLARY? 

Mustn’t Mrs. Clinton keep struttin’ her politics at beatin’ her “drums” to a: BILL CLINTON IS PERFECT?  “BILL” BETTER THAN OBAMA(S)?

So:  As by now you should have warmed up your “like” on “MICHELLE”:  Can you be full discriminating to a full measure of how “HILLARY” pales in comparison to “FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA” - how Mrs. Clinton doesn’t measure up while yet playing the game as if a first female President must only be firstly held up against the historical standard of secured of whom’s what was of “THE WORST” of the “WORST WHITE MAN EVER PRESIDENT” accounting?

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> > >  In Bill Clinton & Mrs. Clinton shoes there is that they presided over these united states of the Americas with an unhealthy example and politics to that the national average personal obesity girth grew and grew to new record of more then to  OBESE in that measurable, and now long countered by the Obamas, of statistics on NATIONAL OBESITY!!!

> > >  Women, of the #WOMANCARD 2016 politics:  NEED I SAY MORE?  You got yourselves checked from also BETRAYING “MICHELLE”?


> > >  Women, NEED I SAY MORE?  You got this?  You are ready and planning to share to a sufficed?



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YUGE “O” & …000s!
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:06 pm

Ok! - Here we go:  Donald Trump owns the property and is ready for the design phase!

Bernie Sanders doesn’t have the Clintons’ haunted basements, & attics, of “THE WORLD IS FLAT” & “NAFTA” erring, and/or just plain short sightedness.

Bernie Sanders isn’t as contrary a figure of the Democratic Party as Hillary Clinton need be to clinging to said “living constitution” - the socialism of 2016 is much ado about Alexander Hamilton on the Constitution in Federalist Paper #1 of establishing the People Order is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and while for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!

As the Republican unity develops as much the drama of Donald Trump from like having bought a new property, to now like in the design phase, it remains for the dramatic for prudence that the Republican leaders already established of these years of a new “movement” “New GOP” must still process these developments as if also of a permitting and approvals methodologies!

As the republican Bernie Sanders develops there is that he needn’t betray the Constitution, or originalism, thanks to Alexander Hamilton, and the founders.  Hillary Clinton most definitely has to continue betraying and undermining the Peoples’ Order that constitutes the Union; - Hillary Clinton cannot change her colors now as to do so would be akin to a confession of willful acts and conspiring of treasonous machinations against the Country constituted!

President Barack Obama has the very same problem Mrs. Hillary Clinton - of THE CLINTON FOUNDATION - has, and worse so as for it may be more embarrassing for one a former Con Law Prof.  Right as we discuss the dynamics of Trump & the “Republican Unity” we can and should discuss Sanders and the republican common core - the Union constituted!

Donald Trump as for the Republicans may help further the republican regular order reset, he has like asked to be a new leader forthwith of the mantel to so shoulder.  Donald Trump has decades of experience with bureaucracies of moving from buying - to design - to permitting - to building - to approvals - to certificates of occupancies - to “turn key” wrapped closed! - Donald Trump should be able to get to the end of the Republican Convention as being a closer!

Bernie Sanders, if not trapped by Clinton, Obama, or Clinton to a biased undermining of the constituted, can yet endure and endear as if a HAMILTONIAN upstart - to again carry the hearts and minds for constitution and a made country’s Union!

For Bernie Sanders “socialism” to be copacetic as Constitutional it must adhere to the big “O” in the preamble, and to that there is not now, and is no longer, a “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and a “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!  The preamble big “O” must endure as scribed to “done” & “subscribed” as a NOUN!  Dead must be the Clintons’ “living constitution” and “post Constitution” politics of willful attempts to undermine, betray, set asunder, & void the People’s “Order”!

Bernie Sanders must show power and grit!  Bernie Sanders must stand for office some by standing against the long wrongful interpretation of the Constitution seemingly always that stood up by Barack Obama, now President!  Bernie Sanders must embrace that big “O” of “Order” in “in Order to…” as a noun to that it is ordained and established by a constitution an order (N) so whence subscribed as set out clearly and prudently as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” and diss the “o” of “Obama” as if “order” of only a small “o” reading comprehension as if it then for “We the People…” as but a loophole to that any executive who thinks an idea is a “more perfect” idea then has “in order to” to permit a building on an Un-Constitution “living constitution” political construct!

Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton, should start running - running away - and not look back - not stop!  The Clintons are like as stuck running as they have been so contrary for so long running now is like their only defense - an only available cover!

Donald Trump can demolish the Clinton machinations and extra-Constitutional constructs said permitted for of a “post Constitution” convenient voiding of inconvenient articles, and amendments!  Donald Trump can take the constructs of the Clintons apart piece by piece - year by year - month by month - day by day - and maybe best as begun by aiming firstly at Bill Clinton as NOT an economic genius because of his commitment to “NAFTA”!

Together we are quite of days anew for an ALEXANDER HAMILTON revival, at least!  Separately we are yet wise to at least bristle at smack - to bristle at Clintons’ machinations contrary to originalism as for constructs for extra-Constitutional Powers!

As we bear witness to how Donald Trump can move adroitly through the permitting processes for “Republican Unity” there are all the “000s” for Donald Trump to lay bare of the real Clintons’ story of effecting most/much of the economic ruin they yet still abide escaping blame for by politics so partisan of lyin’ to a false narrative stick some sticking as if it could ever have been none of their fault - could have been, and be now - as if Bill Clinton was PERFECT - as if only President Bush could be blamed for all that was done wrong between 1993 and 2001 as well as 2001 to 2009!

Donald Trump can just swing a wrecking ball at all the “000s” of Clintons’ “legacy” to much effect a complete demolition of the CLINTONS’ MACHINE POLITICS & MACHINATIONS FOR SMALL “O” ONLY FOR THEIR “LIVING CONSTITUTION” AS THE “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”! Really!!!

Donald Trump just need swing like a wrecking ball!!!

Bernie Sanders must work with the big “O” however President Obama to have his legacy be firstly that it will endure the he just completely misread the People Order the Constitution by misreading a big “O” as small “o”!

And, well, these are YUGE!!!  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders together have us already of a movement succeeding long for a (full) restoration of regular order that should apply to the already constructed and what may yet be newly developed!

And, well, these are YUGE!!!  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are like both needing to be of the big “O” and the “New GOP” of the Congress as already progressing with Democrats of committees tasked as “CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY”!

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders will each have flexibility if elected that Hillary Clinton, due legal entanglements to conflicts of interests of years of past commitments/engagements, can never be graced to ever herself be clean to!

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, in these times are yet two of all the “000s” to settle and work through that relate to bad economic decisions of Bill Clinton that are worse than “NAFTA” and much of an untold story relating to “THE WORLD IS FLAT” dramatized era of global politics; - America as a republic can now have Republican or a Democrat, not a Clinton, potentially prove Donald Trump is HUGE to YUGE on economics of that jobs can be brought back to these united states of the Americas!

The flattening of the world had “social engineering” forsight to some of what Bill Clinton was party to while erring much in how he dealt US losing hands! - 2016 is about that “social engineering” as having balanced the global economics enough by spreading the new technology enough to that peoples of the world are not too some too much relatively, or actually, like living in a DARK AGES!

FORWARD: In the spirit of the CONGRESS as already engaged in the responsible economics processing by gathered together to design progress and see it permitted, where permitting needed, as of and by the domains of the LEGISLATURE at CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY!

Donald Trump can be more believable than Hillary Clinton accomplices would ever want to admit! - Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders can guide, with Congress, a new economics for America, now that the technology balance has been permeated across the globe and to that now with technology employment globally dynamic these times are now ripe to be times for these united states of the Americas to move to reconstituted vast levels of employment - forthwith!

We must be unified, as a country, to the big “O” and now a careful and thorough deconstruction of all the “000s” the Clintons still effect machinations about as if for them of a legacy of GOOD, while as we are seeing the TRUTH is, by like a wrecking ball, becoming laid out - laid low - exposed to a that what the Clintons constructs actually politically affected was mostly BAD!

The TRUTH is, by like a wrecking ball, becoming laid out - laid low - exposed to a that what the Clintons constructs actually politically affected was mostly BAD!!! 

It is YUGE how Clintons’ common core, of spousal husbandry, to 1993, at least, should not be permitted nor tolerated any longer!  We must reset the paradigm of regular order to fix all the “000s” and by recommitting to the HUGE big “O”!!! - “O” YUGE!!! - “000s” HUGE!!!

Oy! It is YUGE how the Clintons’ legacy is near threadbare/shabby!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:47 am

I am a most qualified to speak to this paradigm and if a modern catastrophe akin a devolution of federalism, and, akin DOOM!

The good news of this year 2016 is that we seem improved as a nation to that near only Hillary Clinton voters, as the world spins, actually, are those, of these days of our lives, of still believing the Clintons’ lies.  We have much to celebrate, - but not nearly enough. May there be enough “political soap” to yet scrub & wash away these “sticky” layers of encumbering lies.

Settle in to this general bath discussant and accept the waters of the Clintons are to this Shakespearean of a #DramaQueen with it established these “waters” at least gray and with a dirt ring fully rounding the tub of politics so concurrent.

How Shakespearean is this querious to the campaign quarrelous of 2016 of now I must beg you to ask “HOW STUPID R U?” now - now I must, it seems, ask you to ask yourself?

You may be too much on your own for it seems the first conclusion to be drawn from that Hillary Clinton seems now even a viable nominee for the Democrat Party nomination is that the media, most generally speaking to near a condemnation of it wholly, has failed and is incapable of doing what was thought to still be its job, - its duty, - its purpose for civilization.


Let us now, necessarily, ourselves, work independently to play like the missing #MANCARD as the #BILLCARD!

There are many things that can now seem self evident to how much Bill Clinton will and must drag Mrs. Clinton down; - forward Mrs. Clinton cannot, I hope - oh do I hope, escape the self evident, if one looks, actual legacy of “man” Clinton for 1993 to 2001, at least; - still to not stop thinking about tomorrow mustn’t we see the politics scrubbed deep and rinsed thoroughly to see if a said faux innocence just washes away to general knowing then of a self evident “bad” “man” Clinton?

I will presume you want to start now with #ClimateChange:  Let us start therefore with “Climate Change & ‘Man’ Clinton 90s”:  Let us not be fooled by a over emphasized “history” of that “Man” Clinton played with being for “Climate Change” by played with Kyoto Accords!  Let us not be so stupid as to not consider that the economics of the Clintons’ politics of the 1990s is that of reckless hyper-consumerism much for an economics of waste and disposable few uses materialism “goods”!  The “Clintonomics” took us on a magical mysterious delusional tripping that wasn’t climate friendly, wise economics, or magical, actually!

Any now to offer a vote for Hillary Clinton mustn’t know how stupid such is if one believes in “Climate Change Science”!

Mrs. Clinton is already setting asunder the Obama Administration’s few actual good deeds for shared humanity by suggesting American should vote for her to bring us back to “Man” Clinton 1990s economics, as if there was any stewardship of responsible and moral capitalism in the partisan political affecting for the “THE CLINTON”!

#WomanCard “Woman” Clinton is compromised due “Man” Clinton and now for #FEMINISM & #FEMINISTS all, regardless of their sex, and politics, should be seeing to a paring through the layers of Clintons’ grimy legacy to hopefully let them and “THE CLINTON” be out with the bath water.  Clintonomics was faux economics of lies to establish short-term political popularity for holding of political Power by “Man” Clinton, at least while seeming it intimated “Woman” Clinton was intimately colluding.  The Clintons’ presiding from 1993 to 2001 saw vast rising in carbon wasting by their work for popularity by encouragement to hyper-consumerism and the more is more, - not less is more.

Too: “THE CLINTON” presided over a sad and vast increase across our lands of  the unhealthy increase in personal obesity - in a vast increase of the national obesity average.


I.E.:  Right!  “Woman” Clinton is campaigning away from liberal “Man” “Messiah” Obama by exercising a selfish defensive politics to suggest her “Man” Clinton must be thought still to be whom is the better President between half white Barack Obama or “First Black President” Bill Clinton.  “WomanCard” “Woman” Clinton is already too exercised to a selfish partisan divisive politics by her many positions to tease that you should be for her “moves” for such with bring back “Man” Clinton “reckless economics” drivers/driving.

As it now must be conclude that the media has near wholly failed modern civilization by getting the story - the real story - of the “THE CLINTONS” so wrong it is seeming I may have to further diss the said “press” to much operating as if bath attendants of the “Man” & “Woman” Clinton massaging and likely join forces with #TheDonald in hope the #TRUMP is that the #Constitution still stands and original recipes will yet again still endure, and as it that since the #Bible was in 1780s a known “living document” it seems the smart people get that People Order that constitutes the Union is not a “living document” for it doesn’t need to be a “living document” while “under God” as “done” “subscribed” of it in hierarchical association as under the #Bible as the “living document” easy enough to amend and revise for modern comity for community.

For now the “HOW STUPID” seems for at least fewer as yet for these a mass enough needing saving of maybe a twelve step program of which this squib can but be part of a first step toe in - toe’d in.

The intimate to the “Man” Clinton bad for the environment economics of #Clintonomics now seeming “Woman” Clinton - viable candidate for Hillary Clinton as if viable as a steward of the environment to Democrat Party nominee - is the Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, long of the “BOGO” “two-fer” embedded linked such that “Woman Card” is marked for bouncing, - right, metaphorically like to be “out with the bath water”!

You really are too stupid if you vote for Hillary Clinton and think that the Clintons legacy is that they were ever in the Clinton administration of being more good for the environment, and personal health individually speaking, than they were effectively as of the “THE CLINTON” “LEGACY” clear enough to see as dirty (CROOKED/CORRUPT) enough always, and as mostly BAD for the environment, and, again, for People’s obesity.

Thank you for at least trying to take a first step towards saving these united states of the Americas from #Too_STUPID!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:13 pm

This is much ado about 28 pages - please keep reading!  This is of Hillary Clinton and a Shakespearean fail - a Clinton failed!

[Do not let this get you down on Bernie Sanders, while his free college idea to Mrs. Clinton would likely amount to dictates immediately issued for public school systems to ad 13th & 14th grades to high school mandated to be of 6 years - to accomplished enough to pass outta the 14th grade.  Do not let that this will develop upon that Bernie Sanders has some also been wrong with his Gulf Countries positions, - as you should see from further reading how he may yet be more right than Bill Clinton was, and Barack Obama was (with Mrs. Clinton’s leadership), and more to than Donald Trump has yet worked to an “expertise”.]

If it helps you to advance your reading:  Understand this will work prose to appeal to your emotional intelligence firstly.

At this day in 2016 the question can be:  Whom among the Democrats has not already betrayed President Obama?

At this moment in these times so mustn’t we query:  Can President Obama even the score by a release of just 28 pages?

Are these missing pages of the 911 Commission 911 reporting enough like a Godfather with a baseball bat for President Obama to remedy Clintons’ decades of errors and recent years of actually having been artful in betrayals?  Emoted!

President Obama has been betrayed!  Mustn’t you agree?  Is it that the scene has been set, - with the cast obvious?

Dear me, OMG!  Dear oh dear Mrs. Clinton!  It only shows that you tried to be an “artful dodger” now - doesn’t it?




The emotions should naturally fall with the “chips” of older Clinton “initiatives” to that when informed Americans may come to want to blame Bill & Hillary Clinton even more than they may the country of Saudi Arabia after it if to asked to explain the 911 Attacks not as “acts of war” to Muslims, but as “acts of justice” of their people’s religious liberty.

As the European Union, which I thought was too much for its times since it was first organized, and still, is of serious meetings, to how wise it likely may be for PM David Cameron to lead the British people outta the EU to a freer United Kingdom, again, it riles me this Sunday afternoon of how much major news wasn’t news on the Sunday cycle of politics show, - and especially as I hope such isn’t because such would have been as ruinous to Hillary 2016, and a future for the Clinton Foundation, as if President Obama emoted as ‘Don Barack’ with betrayers amongst/betwixt his seated officers.

When Al Qaeda is studied instead of just 10 years back from the attacks of 911 - it is more than that the Clinton administration becomes exposed as if of it self evident they were of at least a (criminal?) negligence.

When Al Qaeda is accepted for its story of its origins at least to months and years farther back than September 11, 1991 it becomes a question of our times to that it seems President Clinton Iraq policies violated the First Amendment, and surprisingly with such a unearthing of late thinking to that then President George W. Bush was of a constitutional engagement with “Operation Iraqi Freedom” - however for decades he will be burdened for poor executions of a constitutional operation.

When Al Qaeda is known for the story of how and why Osama Bin Laden, after the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein, was emotional to motivated to acting on requesting of Saudi Arabia officialdom an honor of the honor to be tasked to bring Justice to Saddam Hussein for his invasion of Kuwait.  And, to then the door is opened without the 28 pages to an understanding of that the 911 Attacks were related specifically to Iraq and Saddam Hussein, historically.

Maybe Hillary Clinton so fears these 28 pages that such explains her odd absence from most of the Sunday politics shows this morning.  It is that she will necessarily become emotional yet when such has to be look at intelligently, finally, even especially when if now so lately.  There is no “artful dodge” left for Clinton appeals to emotional intelligence to then project to just reworked to ignorance by playing on citizens emotions, instead of informed and stirred minds/intelligence.

The 28 pages relate to if NATO and/or the European Union have more to apologize forward now about than to if more back slaps self reinforcing praises upon can tolerate - be tolerated in the public eye and global public conscience.

If the 28 pages tag Saudi Arabia as more than of outraged people of moral support for “acts of justice” when diplomacy and intelligent engagement for resolution of issues was blocked to them by the Clinton administration - as is what the 1993 err is to its core rotten of) then the Clintons have more to fear from an finally informed American electorate than Saudi officialdom due its duality of being of the caliphate extant - the Sunni establishment - the home of Islam.

If the 28 pages tag Saudi Arabia we have first to emote and grow ire against the Clintons and the 911 Commission firstly.

It is intelligent to see that the Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001 have the explanation of how Iraq & Saddam Hussein were involved, and yet only if you were to looking farther back than just 10 years.  A lay recitation of a logic of such that has been worked through the Bush administration, and to how it was some apart of it being thought too ready to respond to a though surprise attack, is in my understandings so of the Clinton administration errs & diabolical political relationship with the Gulf Countries Council.  To understand the 28 pages you too much most likely need to fathom that we were attacked on our homeland because Saddam Hussein was the father of Al Qaeda as like a father of bastard children by how his violation of Kuwait impregnated outrage among at least leading Saudi Arabian families (like some in OBL clan).  Bill Clinton legacy with the 28 pages considered should simply be that because he decided he didn’t want to deal with Saddam Hussein it is that Al Qaeda decided “justice” if such played out would insist on a bring of justice on Clinton’s America because he had shirked the American duty to have brought the JUSTICE to Saddam Hussein that was the rallying cry for the organizing of Al Qaeda.

CONCLUSION:  CLINTON SHAKESPEAREAN FAILED:  PART 1:  It is Bill Clinton’s fault first that America got attacked as like Al Qaeda called #911 & #77 upon him on September 11, 2001, and, as it some foretold to be of President Obama revealing such when in his Nobel Peace Prize accpetance speech he tagged the Clintons with his proffer of erudite oration about “DANGERS” from “INACTION” & “AVOIDANCE”!  Operation Iraqi Freedom was at least more Constitutional than President Clinton’s foreign policy and relations with the #GCC - #GulfCountriesCouncil.  Operation Iraqi Freedom was more a just war than Hillary Clinton’s war of choice for WAR ON TERROR mission creep in AFGHANISTAN to so that she could like have her war of choice on the TALIBAN as like a WAR ON WOMEN - emoted for since First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Al Qaeda, by any assuaging of cause of understanding mysterious 28 pages, is to become more of “acts of justice” at least globally than has Clintons’ false narratives have only allowed - than as if only “acts of war”!  As if Al Qaeda called the #911 on America because Bill Clinton shirked the mantel of duty the Saudi Arabian government has tasked it to when the region asked that America lead a coalition, then Al Qaeda is as it was born as to then older than 10 years old and to being committed somehow to seeing Saddam Hussein was brought to Justice for his violation of Kuwait, - Al Qaeda was committed then to bring Justice to America because since it was on point such was then seemingly the only way left to get American to do their accepted leadership role of to seeing that Saddam Hussein was brought to justice.

[NOTE:  To this as “THE ART OF BETRAYAL” please accept this is but a start to a full exposing of the Clintons, and of the Clintons of at least having long been getting away with artful betrayals of especially the Obama Administration.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:31 am

The Jeb Bush problem is his brother let the Clintons drag the Bushes into the gutters where Bill & Hillary have the home court advantage. As this becomes more apparent it becomes extant of 2016 such too a scandal keeping Hillary2016 from say a “clean sweep”!  Are we possibly at that Bernie Sanders may be the best janitor King?

Though Star Wars Ja Ja Binks was quite a Gunga Din 2016, and the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, are so very much ado about Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘MUNICIPAL” to how important it is that the sewers be kept unclogged.  As we awaken forward mustn’t we question a fidelity of Constitutionalism and any fidelity, if any, of Bill & Hillary, to the established and ordained?

Which is the real William Jefferson Clinton?  Mustn’t he endure as more a gutter snipe than Binks to the Gunga Din?

What is the real Mrs. William J. “Hillary” Clinton?  From Rodham to Clinton there is critiques of her fashion that lay contrary to her worked as if homespun. Let us consider the Clintons, how fashioned, on the day the George Walker Bush Presidential Library was officially and of ceremony opened.

To preface this scandalous of the fashion of Mrs. Clinton, it behoove us to be joined to clarity in recalling how after brought low by impeachment proceedings President Clinton worked to clean up his image, - worked penance - worked across Africa as if a “Condom King”!

Enter President Jimmy Carter, and his most public remarks in celebration of President George W. Bush in the ceremonial of opening the Bush Library.  Enter the remarked of Democrat President Carter as they juxtaposed a “Bad Clintons” vs a much better “Good Bush”!  President Carter cannot be taken lightly - there should be a global fidelity to the honesty and import of his remarked to like “BUSH WAS WILLING TO DO MORE FOR AFRICA IN HIS FIRST DAYS AS PRESIDENT (THAN THE CLINTONS HAD BEEN WILLING TO DO IN ALL THEIR EIGHT YEARS)”!

Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has a greater credibility as to promised to committed to clean up a gross lack of parity across banking practices, as like a soldier on the front lines willing to charge at the years of the Clintons too of a “CLASS FASCISM”?  Whom Bernie Sanders is is what this is all about, - what 2016 is for you - for us - to decide.

“President Sanders” can be of a rings of truth to a committed forward politics as against the banking status quo.  He may not be able (as a Democrat candidate) to sell enough the truths around what gutter-all is endemic of Mrs. Clinton is compromised to of plain and simple conflicts of interest though of promising she could yet be strong against banks corruptions.  “President Sanders” can have rings of truth that Clintons reaches for “rings of Power” cannot cleanly abide. 

Candidate Sanders has latitude for his attitude that banks need a reformation for equal justice for all to endure.  To endear the country to his revolution against corruption there is that “criminal” tags may be harder to see rendered while “rehab” and court ordered “rehab” - “rehabilitation” - may be perfectly workable, like in the model of repentant fallen President William J. Clinton as to across Africa as if a “Condom King” to “community service” for “rehabilitation” by showing a commitment to moral messaging much ado about dangers at least from extracurricular say extramarital coital physical engagements.

How Mrs. William J. Clinton was fashioned on this day that Democrat President Jimmy Carter raked praise highly upon Republican President George W. Bush is for wax museums to curate on/for feminism, - on infidelity of women to other women.

Plainly speaking to press how Mrs. Clinton was styled/fashioned for the Bush Presidential Library inaugurating ceremonial there is little latitude for forgiveness or excuses.  Mrs. Clinton dressed as if President Clinton’s “China Doll” and carried herself demure to almost submissive yet geisha in how like postured the chic as a subordinate spouse with shuffling befitting a styled obedient.

Bernie Sanders is no Hillary Clinton.  He doesn’t have spousal baggage of a husband as remade by penance as if though yet still “Bill” as yet a “Condom King” across Africa - the continent Democrat President Carter so clearly remarked praise upon Republican President Bush as for having in just his first few days of actions that proof he was willing to do more for Africans than the Clintons had been in their eight years of 1993 to 2001.

Hillary Clinton can hardly offer a fidelity to her own promises to like “rein in the banks” for the historical forensics is complicated beyond if as while Senator there were peer ethics of an institution to have been address as to if how the opening of the Clintons’ foundations as to “Clinton Global Initiatives” as for Bill Clinton to play at being “President of the World” is conflicted as it is recalled that the Banks who made so much during the Clintons’ reigning were some approached specifically in requests to in gratuity yet cover the near million dollars a year rent WJC wanted to afford as for the near penthouse suites of the Carnegie Hall Tower on 57th Street (just blocks from TRUMP TOWER).

Can it have ever been that their foundation opened or operated morally or ethically as it is so of the recalled that “Bill” wanted banks to thank him by gratuitously paying his rent as to publicly thanking the Clintons for their pushes of bankers into the very “gambling” practices of derivatives?

However much President Carter did praise President Bush there is it may take 30 years still to separate the Clintons errs and infidelity to regular order and original intent as from how the Bushes did long embrace a cozy upon Bill & Hillary as like so close and clean enough that they were held out as like “family” too.

Bernie Sanders can go where Hillary Clinton cannot!  Bernie Sanders, like some still in the Republican field, can go at the banks at also at the Clintons and to that at least bad bankers can be assign to “rehab” to “rehabilitate” with community service in third world regions and or at least with the indigent across these united states of the Americas.

Bernie Sanders, is no Jeb Bush, and like for the other Republican candidates that is a good thing, even a lucky thing we are like blessed to be allowed to be free of and party to.  “Slick Willy” beset Bill & Hillary are those who should be expected to turn on President Barack H. Obama much so very much as they did like stab the Bush family in the backs as soon as was seeming (to them) as if there was short-term political gain to be had in being back stabbers of those who very much (until now) did surround them with caring and protection as from their selves and a still very pressing rap of negligence theirs for at least the attacks of September 11, 2001.

What ever model can be made of “Slick Willy” President Clinton as reformed from impeachment by years at (penitent?) public (good) deeds across the African continent as like a “Condom King” it is yet to be cleaned up from how the Clintons’ rap is mashable of them “too in the gutter”!  Any candidate now but Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush seems enough of clean hands to move a revolution forward against the still status quo of bankers as not allowed to be tagged officially as “crooks” by at least some building on a model for reformation by rehabilitation by court assignments to that “rehab” is prudent.

As we awaken forward, let our forces be united and cleaned up from a too “vote for Hillary” as if lured of bling from the ravenous prophetic of Poe, and think more of Finn as to how it actually progressive to be equals on a raft of state with African Americans, however “enlightened” when enslaved as if having been outta Africa without a book or a faith?

Oh San Louis Rey, what bridge of blues - blue notes - can you raise to a new HOPE?  Are we anew of THE BRIDGE OF SAN LOUIS REY?  And, yet still cosmopolitan to metrosexual of Nubia - Nubians and Indian - Indians so loyal of service as like of Ja Ja Binks as like a Gunga Din while best to how murder rates can be kept low if the sewers are kept clean?

President Bill Clinton is of a fidelity to Mrs. Clinton, as long known and recalled, as to keeping like it as a pre-nuptial promised that he would assure her her own Presidency if she helped him have his own, and did let him work to being a President first. “Slick Willy” is akin to this as his legacy is too complicated now for Mrs. Clinton herself to be sold as “clean enough”!

President Bill Clinton is of infidelity to the Constitution that is the what that made Justice Antonin Scalia timely of a greatness;  “Slick Willy” essence as been so of an infidelity to the Peoples “Order” that it can by that the 22nd Amendment is undecided Law as freely to pronounced to have been willful treason;  “Slick Willy” is seemingly now copacetic to “saved” for having been a “Condom King” and as if that suffice as penitence!

“Slick Willy” was so to work regular to set asunder not just Justice Scalia’s defense of the work of the “Founding Fathers” that none now should be enough ignorant of that “treason” may stick to properly label and file the years the Clintons joined to work to a claim for “extra-Constitutional” Power by politics partisan to projecting an attempt to as if strong enough to affect to that the Constitution wasn’t and “living document” but that it was is so dead that “King Clinton” could be heralded by postured politics with foreign influences to a convenient “POST CONSTITUTIONAL”!

“Hillary2016″ is permanently undermined by past regular fashioned styled of Mrs. Clinton, - not just for so as like a “China Doll” in a demure obedient of a shuffles (like a geisha) as the accompaniment to President William J. Clinton at the opening ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Library.  “Hillary” Clinton is forever controversial (especially to feminists (patriots)) for so regularly of be dress as if owned by Chinese as to when pantsuits were yet so hemmed and cut to fashion her of “Mao Chic” foreign spun. 

As to her “Slick Willy” our “Condom King” (penitent) across Africa there yet is that question to of the impeachable lie to how it seems the big lie was such as only Mrs. Clinton herself could have proposed/counseled. 

As, however “Slick Willy”, her spouse fidelity remained most to his promise recalled a pre-nuptial witness in early 1970s there is the sticky wicket of politics for #Election2016 of how there could not have been even a “Hillary2008″ if “Bill” had called what he inappropriately dallianced intimated was yet to his spouse his “First Lady” had been tagged in the cliche of “sex” of “see X” as exercised of her of such acts as to the nation as the “X” and more inadequate than “enabler”!

To that Justice Antonin Scalia was of embattled terms it is apropos his interpretations were legitimate to it that the Liberals agenda has been postured as if God is not in the Constitution.  There is that the Tea Party progressed enough to that it is reconsecrated that the Constitution is originally the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “in the Year of our Lord”! 

As such every free man is free to rap that the Clintons have been long so willfully working to set asunder and undermine regular order that #TREASON may endure, and to that Justice Antonin Scalia may long endear, forward.

                                          *       *       *

Note: See also sorted set of http://bit.ly/WHITEPRIDE

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:30 pm

Reflections on #FITN:

Ms. Hillary Clinton may need her own #TrampStamp if to struttin’ a winning of Sin City Las Vegas!

The Strip may bare #GrampStamps, in high fashion, as Senator Bernie Sanders stands tall for Nevada, independently.

The dust-up is of Clintons, quite deserted, as now, satirically, as if “LOSER” chalky on their foreheads.

Senator Bernie Sanders can be an Iowa Phoenix risen from the ashes to new caucuses lively risen, of Clintons beaten.

Ms. Hillary Clinton can only arrive under clouds of controversies with really, really, a lot of baggage racked & stacked.

Ms. Hillary Clinton is so ESTABLISHMENT she is taggable as INSTITUTIONALIZED! e.g.: “Institution of First Ladies”!

Reflections on #WTF (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot):

How many “shining” cities on hills are there in Ohio?  Wasn’t Ohioans to establishments “Paulist” as if Bible metaphors for governance of government of places of purpose akin to the phonetic of their named? Is Governor John Kasich a “Holy Roller” to Nevada as O-high-o for high rollers as if say Cincinnati is a new Galatia, and Dayton a new Corinth, and Warren maybe a new Rome, at least as for Romans?

Sin City is calling!  There a high noon throw down for the deserted from Clintons of “Feel The Bern” where it seems Governor John Kasich may have the advantage of the sun at his back, and low enough to bring a “bright lights” to the spectacle of #Bernie and the big city.  A biblical showdown is booked.  Not a #TrampStamp for #MrsC can likely be of a revenant due the odds against the Clintons’ machine as Nevada slots up of them like a #Sanders fresh kill of a new Beaver Wars.

Oy!  Can Senator Bernie Sanders take the stage on the strip without Democrats generally losing as out will be that the Clintons’ “balanced the budget” is for all times more accurately accounted by “Kasich balanced the budget”?  Is Sin City yet of weak hands seemingly the foretold odds for Donald Trump as if to headline against Governor John Kasich and his budgeting legacy? Governor John Kasich can say across Nevada, quite honestly, like BEEN THERE! DONE THAT! The high ground #TRUTH attests twas more #Kasich than #Clintons.

Reflections on Ash Wednesday 2016:

The house of Clintons has fallen! “…”! - - - Ms. Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the legs for a Sin City Phoenix. #FallOfClintons!

Her chips are down!  Her hands seem bad!  Her lady luck a politics barren, and with the dust-up humbling!  #HellishClinton?

ESTABLISHMENT ~ No hiding she arrives in trappings afforded the “Institution of First Ladies” - guns holstered, #READY!

Ohio established how? why?  Are the bombastic of Donald Trump excessive while a prudence and experience of Governor John Kasich a, #Election2016 tested and offered?  If a Republican President can only be so if born of an Ohio victorious to triumphant how keen must the lot be to seeing if #Kasich has better hands than #Trump?  Nevada, due Ohio, must be to that 2 of Galatians will transgress how Cincinnati may be ordered to be foundational like Galatia was to Paul’s letters on governance?

Too Corinthians’ and as if each state, say like Ohio, has a Dayton, as a new Corinth, if not a ready Springfield?

It is just that a great exodus has begun - that many are already running from Ms. Hillary Clinton! #Bernie of #DemsDitchinHillary!

The bite of Sin City will likely leave a greater mark on the struttin’ of Ms. Hillary Clinton, - - - Nevada suffered when President Obama offered a dictum like “People should not go to Las Vegas!”! The bark, barking of Ms. Hillary Clinton is contrary and confused to what the legacy of President Obama can be as to successful at new establishments, while Clintons’ machinations beat forked tongues to foggy renditions to try to stand up an innocence for themselves by an assuaging of culpability upon only the desk of the President in of the Obama Administration.  The tail wags the President and in keeping with how (racist?) it was that the Clintons insisted they be treated not as subordinates to the new Democrat Party administration, but to Powers in a “Team Of Rivals” where they could be of regular acts in insubordination by flexing their initiatives as the business of “RIVALS”!

Many are now reading as if Ms. Hillary Clinton isn’t alone in having like a guaranteed reservation in Hell.  It has been Hellish where should have been Hellenic, - - - the legacy of the Clintons must firstly be as like insurgents as rivals to administrations, all, since they were pressed and packed outta the White House.  The assortment at http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=PROUD+NAIL barely suffices to broach the heeled machinations of the Clintons’ machine politics of at an unprecedented (to Public Corruption?) swindling of the People of these united states of the Americas.  The Clintons have been self proclaimed “rivals”!

As rivals - THE CLINTONS AS RIVALS - is the HEADLINING for SIN CITY that Senator Bernie Sanders must caucus to defeat. Presidents Bush & Obama have not themselves fared well against the propped up faux postured innocence by machinations long that have kept Ms. Hillary Clinton standing long past her due - long past a due for pressed probatives.

As rivals - THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS may be fallen and falling, as so many deserting her struttin’ it is like Nevada too is to experience an EXODUS - a FLIGHT TO SANDERS.  Mrs. Clinton cannot be NOT “establishment” and also creditable for a resume of experience - if her times in “office” of “duty” are not of that “work” as to “established meants” by actual talent or skills in her tilled then the odds are more will plainly see #HRC isn’t of “HARD CHOICES” of “good choices” rendered but as if just an act and really much of just holding jokers.

Reflections on prudence:

The winning hands have seen to a fallen lot of the particular of #Hillary2016 souls, and to yet that Ms. Hillary Clinton did much take down #Jeb2016 in first in the nation primary (#FITN) of Granite State voted to the cast of New Hampshire.  It is inescapable that #Jeb has been defeated if #HillaryClinton has been defeated! - The roots of a Clintons routed bind the Bush in the #Jeb too, - too to the core like of songs of Corinth as of two Corinthians like so close they are brother & sister, indivisible.

Nevada must face the odds?  A #OhioStamp may trump a #TrampStamp and too a #GrampStamp if #TRUMP hand must endure of that Governor John Kasich did the good the Clintons long have falsely claimed - cashed in on - as if their deeds done?

Nevada must face the odds?  The Ohio of #Kasich is a barrier to #DonaldTrump even as #SinCity #LasVegas calls #Republicans in mass to ante up and put their cards on the tables of democracy’s judgement days.  Mustn’t Nevada respect that Govern John Kasich to fix’n the embattled economies is he that better knows like “where the bodies are buried”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:30 am

Two Corinthians walk into a South Carolina Democrats Town Hall set for the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton battle, - one man wins!  Who is _______________?

Too Galatians is most set relevant for there to be Christian sanctuaries of/from gaiety, - where there is “homosexual perversion” as in the Bible there then is the derivative logic of grammar there then must also be “homosexual” and “holy homosexual”!  Why is alarmist Al Gore alarmism bad for Global Warming politics?

To Paul, there is credit due for letters, - words to word play to allow for liberal democracies, there is credit due Paulists for keeping the metaphors of place as metaphors of faith!  Why shouldn’t you go/trip to Galatia for what Corinth is governed for in their “local”?

Why did so much go so wrong?  How did the hope of the 1992 solutions to President George H. W. Bush get past said “NEW WORLD ORDER” as yet without a “new” “order” parsed/defined?  How does the real story of the Clintons’ Presidency now still not truthfully or accurately explain that the answer cannot be good for their Posterity, - a their legacy?  How is it the spun woven tales of the “THE CLINTON” is only Holy like Swiss Cheese wholly?

Are Bill and Hillary Clinton like two on the road to Corinthians, but yet politically after having laid low, - laid siege upon it, it the lay of land the lay of souls of Galatians, after two wrecked a practical deconstruction to devastation of how Christians’ liberalism is for how governed under God?

In the book of Bill Clinton there is that he cannot have wrecked all this havoc all alone, - the Clintons alone could not have set so much asunder by their lonesome “two-fer” as their united souls to one shared soul is historically of a cohorting of collaborations!  This is far more dire than now just asking:  Who is Al _____?

Generally the Clintons, necessarily with their sidekick, - their Sancho Panza, - their accomplice in their Quixotic, are contrary to democratic liberalism as Paulist for their work has been too secular as if purely for Power grabbing by undermining the constitutions of those of these united states of the Americas by spin to numb to even wreck a devolutionary for a convenient “Too Stupid”!  Who is Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gruber?  Why is “GruberGate” so not a political matter for laughs?

The general “THE CLINTON” is forward to be known for bad strategies, and even maybe soon enough a tag mashable on their Quixotic of former President William J. Clinton and former Vice President Albert A. Gore as worldly pressed of a fit’n rap of charges akin to CONDUCT UNBECOMING FORMER EXECUTIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. 

Generally, they did, & do, hoof it with dramatic covers, much ado about windmills, while such cloaks how much they ride to set asunder the constitutions of the union of Americans as Constituted under God as Paulists as not allowed to be to secular socialism by that the Order that formed the “more perfect Union” did secure to the citizens that they are always to be under their Creator before ever under a Government of man, - they are to be of government by laws that are ordained as inviolate to God’s Law, - by though a structural and pledged to allegiance to and for due process for religious liberty to be workable of civility.  Why is “Order” only readable as a word a noun in the preamble?

Specifically we must yet work to evolve the law, - we must work to be evolutionary, even progressive, to amending our laws forward to keep up with progress, and especially a innovative for the contrary to criminal!  As this bad “Quixotic” has done more bad than harm by a tyranny in alarmist parlance to lingua divisive to comity and civility we must consider the “international” to the “global” now and to that both President Clinton, and Vice President Gore have exposed themselves to the International Criminal Courts jurisdictionally speaking and too while their activities raise if their post-office politics have to put them in real jeopardy!  Can you even claim Al Gore didn’t commit fraud globally by a Climate Change solutions tyranny, - a politics unbecoming to former holders of U.S. high office?

Forward as any steps out, -emerges for a walk, - steps ahead for a daily constitutional, there is we all must look back to see how “THE CLINTON” set out to set asunder the Constitution, - our Constitutionals!  With “Order” a noun and subscribed founding fathers as under God, so “done” in the “Year of our Lord”, and then President Washington’s letter to Newport, Rhode Island Jews, it is critical to antidote-ish that we shoulder the methodology (yes of the Clintons less “progressive” than revolutionary for monarchical powers to a new American way by a Autocracy of Clintons) and walk the talk of the word “establishment” in our first rights in our Bill Of Rights! Who is William Blythe III to such willful storied insurrections?

Why is “establishment” to mean “tenets of religion” & not “Establishment” as if of an organized in interpreted?

Why does “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” set asunder the “THE CLINTON” attempts to set asunder to a “post-Constitution” “extra-Constitution” new way of new Powers for an autocratic of them? 

How by “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” are the Clintons beaten by it written that Congress shall make no Law respecting the tenets of religion for that is juri-loco prudently left for regionalism not a centralized Socialist Nationalism?

And, how is it the “THE CLINTON” and alarmist Al Gore, were of conduct unbecoming prosecutable, maybe as of fraud, by the I.C.C. by how they structured their “business” - technically speaking to the legal ifs?

And lastly: HOW?:  Whom are the the worst of the lot of Democrats akin to such efforts to set asunder the Constitutional for extra-Constitution new Powers for a ruling class as set up by a jousting to “we are in a post-Constitutional world”?

And lastly newly:  WHY?  Whom to blame that you can’t get past the Constitution Article 1 without finding Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8, as seemingly written to yet have worked prophylactically to have protected an impregnable fortitude from perversions to our Constituted by giving to Congress a DUTY to treat any “work” like of the Clintons’ global initiatives as so the work of the People’s Legislature that the Government is set upon to basically do any such if such extant a second time thoroughly just to then perform its due diligence to “whatever” high standard of by auditing and maybe approving essentially any “global initiatives” of even a former executive?

Has Bernie Sanders, and coincidentally the leading of a #NewGOP been to casting rightly the first stones at Clintons, and Gore?  Are enough past Gruber’s reveal of slight on Democrat voters as if specifically “Hillary Clinton voters are too stupid to be consulted with per…”?

Can we get yet past how Hillary Clinton is only present in these races today by machinations like from the Socialist playbook, as like of it written to have Machiavellian Power a little princess too must first get hold of healthcare, and too much set asunder religion, - a faith in shared humanity Unity?

Can you at least trip up Hillary Clinton by asking her to explain the First Amendment as of “establishment” as for “tenets of religion” so, and so that then Congress is prohibited from making laws to take over an oldest establishment of religion, that which is the healthcare of the people and their souls? 

Can Hillary Clinton ever, due her resume and known espoused condemnations for extra-Constitutional Power, yet ever herself dare to explain how the First Amendment is intended to sync to the body of the Constitution as of an Establishment under God’s Law by it “done” “subscribed” humbly under God so in the “Year of our Lord”?

Can candidate Clinton explain her part is these dramatizations “Quixotic”?  If you dare explain “establishment” as for the “tenets of religion” she will self incriminate, and incriminate likely both President Clinton, and too Vice President Al Gore!!!

Whom can cast (a stone?) a second?  Whom can believe the Clinton methodologies so machinations can abide the for sagacious of that the states are left the law making as pertains to at least the matters of the Ten Commandments?


                                         *       *       *

Political Constitutional conundrum:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:59 am



Their ideology is the key! Their idealism is the legend for if to intellectual honesty, or even if in “intelligent”!

Hillary Clinton 2008 primary as run for towards the only economics that could deal with all her promised is present and loud to that Barack Obama Utopian Socialist lead from behind method of Governing is itself Mrs. Clinton’s common core “science”! Obama in 2008 ran matching near all Clintons’ promised Socialist goodies and then essentially after elected as a Socialist did use those “experts” available for Mrs. Clinton Utopian top down over-lording.  President Obama did basically essentially staff up for his leading from behind as to leading to a Utopian Socialism yet with those the “experts” President Clinton was then most likely to have herself have colluded.

That there is a road map now a retrospective of such as say the Democrat Party core way is most important due we are all pressed to consider #4College #FLOTUS #MO with #ChanceTheRapper, forward, for solidarity that #4College Democrats must yet be now to encouraging critical thinking and intellectual honesty by seeing it practiced by more that an intellectualizing does occur for un-schooled youths must be brought to considering the PROS & CONS, THE UPS & DOWNS, THE RIGHT & WRONG!  We must because we have been asked to, however while in an apparent contrariness as beset to Utopian Socialism. 

What may have befallen the economics is for intellectualizing forward and backwards.  As Utopian Socialist President Obama as on #GunControl spoke in character to ‘mental illness’ in stead of “spiritual health” there is beyond his “Lead From Behind” a to be reported from behind his leading from behind to how a problem of “mental health” is that Socialism, however Utopian, has created problems by assuaging compliance to assimilation to every “thing” must have a “sick code” in for a top down over-lording of “subjects” - - - has created problems of “spiritual health” by marching and dictum towards National compliant standards to too much an establishment for secular Socialism too much to a dire and excessive irreligiousness.

While irreligiousness persists to be a core problem common across the sameness, and what may be slightly different, about methodologies of Mrs. Clinton or President Obama we have the economics as “science” to discern:  Seems:  Utopian Socialist Lead From Behind President Obama is a tag that sticks and for forward it seems a dire harbinger extant to that Mrs. Clinton should not inherit such as an opportunity to further her own Utopian Socialist Lead From Behind Democrat Party Top Down Over-lording.  That is:  We have it, by PROS & CONS, that President Obama legacy seems so for work for women, and as devoid of actions to that he has effected politics for 50%+ leisure time for black males.  That is:  Mrs. Clinton would likely continue a politics for work for women, and too for 50%+ leisure time for black males, and yet to it then for the general Welfare as to Posterity for Tranquility that all men then should consider 50%+ leisure time is their new lot.

For example: e.g.: “My name is J. P. Hogan, - as a recovering former workaholic I can embrace Mrs. Clinton Utopian Socialism Lead From Behind governance if too for work for women, and 50%+ leisure time for all men.”


NOTE: From http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan:  “As structuring “COMMON CORE 101 - CLINTON MARRIAGE EXPLAINED” fig ‪#‎KenBurns‬ ‪#‎Roosevelts‬ sets up ‪#‎HillaryClinton‬ as still like a good ‪#‎Eleanor‬ even if like estranged from her husband and as like due too much inbred white cousins? ‪#‎Burns‬ vs ‪#‎HOGAN‬ on ‪#‎Clintons‬? ‪#‎BillClinton‬‪#‎FDR‬ example fair for ‪#‎women‬ ‪#‎women4Hillary‬ as infidelities precedence sets up a “different enough” for ‪#‎MrsC‬ as like too an inbred intermarried Roosevelt cousin?”

Though irreligiousness of secular Socialism as too statistically true at too high a ratio to unity in truth of religiosity is a core common to most of the unsettled, these todays hotspots, men, - all men, should consider work for women means more leisure time without stigmas for men, for real men especially.  President Obama erred on “Gun Control” as to for “mental health” - but since due his Utopian Socialism, and his leading from behind, the better and more traditionally “American” lingua and “science” for establishments of healthy communities solutions were/are not available! As President Obama needs an Obamacare “sick code” for everything under the sun he must sell “mental illness” as “spiritual health” is undermined and set asunder by dictum for their must be secular irreligious diagnosis and treatment for everything.

It seems the trouble Mrs. Clinton and President Obama have with the First Amendment is that it so stands established and ordained as in their ways to an un-American new frontier forward where it like:

“If a subject (antiquated “citizen”) can’t just take a pill for it, what ever it is, then their freedom of religion is violated.”

Yes Men!  All men in behoove us not to skirt from a discerning of how Mrs. Clinton is floated!  As though seeming ridiculous how “NEW & IMPROVED” the forensic pathology of Mrs. Clinton, Politician, suggests DANGER!!! as so NEW!!! she rates a comparative listed alarming yet of a STRANGER!!! DANGER!!!

And yes Men - - - We must consider President Clinton as so very very quite contrary!  There maybe is no “common core” in the “Union” the “Marriage” the “Clinton Two-fer”!  There may be no intelligent answering by President Clinton to how it can ever have been ideologically or Politically a GOOD as seems EVIL now juxtaposed to Democrats Utopian Socialism and Lead From Behind - - - it now seems all like 100% EVIL - EVIL to by the spouse of Mrs. Clinton that 1993 to 2001, comparatively, was of cutting $ 2 Trillion from budgeted and already afforded “social” “programs”!

Yes Men, as it seems Bill Clinton failed everyone, we must be on guard to our best self interests forward, and alert and awares to it seems so contrary and diabolical that President Clinton did cut $ 2 Trillion too much, or at least $ 1 Trillion too much as for was cut too quickly for irresponsible most secular Political POPULARITY.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

Philadelphia is lost!  The foundations of freedom have been forsaken!  Conventions lots now as cracked from prudence as the Liberty Bell from original tolls concordance!

In this new year so the Year of our Lord, so calendar proper, as established by the “Order” as a new more perfect Constitution, and now advanced to two thousand ten and six, the imports of “American” are set asunder by posturing as if Mrs. Clinton endears and to enough of clean hands to wear white to a Philadelphia Convention, and its Balls.

No American’s six is covered if em not participant in doubting, and intellectualizing of a conundrum too enduring of it that: Republicans and Democrats approved new President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State when it was Senator Mrs. Clinton up for review.  That inadequate intellectualizing of the “its complicateds” was a new much lower standard than was the practice when the founding fathers worked through philosophies of governance for freedom to endure.

No American’s six is covered if em has not worked it through that there is a position of prudence unresolved of that Senator Mrs. Clinton was not constitutionally allowed to be Secretary of State. That there was a bipartisanship to voting Mrs. Clinton out of the Senate like at the first opportunity is yet alarming not comforting.  Such a “collective” was wrong and greatly erring in governance, not just politics, by signing on favorably to that Mrs. Clinton could be, by their agreement, a Cabinet Secretary.

Candidate Donald Trump as broached that there must be particulars to reign forever forward as examples after the fact to why this must have been wrongly agreed to, - the examples set by Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State do rate near enough to “WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” and yet Donald Trump is being as much still just a tease upon the culpas of Clinton, and as weak, or light, (on political facts) as say candidate Governor Jeb Bush while posturing that Mrs. Clinton would “squash” candidate Trump.  Yet, it is most appalling, and to that I, personally, am tired of Chris Wallace as on Mrs. Clinton so regularly as to that he postures Mrs. C. as if so clean enough to wear that white gown to Philadelphia for a crowning at the 2016 Democrat Party Convention.

We all are still suffering from the collective stupid, that is most haunting still, as it is by Congress by the Senate by 98 to 2 that Mrs. Clinton was approved to be a Cabinet Secretary, while the prudence of the foundations of freedom, and too the nation wide work of the eightieth Congress to the 22 Amendment ratification, for it now riles, especially on the issues of feminism, and where equal rights must have limits, for it now riles that besides her troubling “legacy” there is yet that there is a clear logic to the meaning and intent of freedoms protection by constituted greatest Law that Mrs. Clinton was never Constitutionally allowed to be a Cabinet Secretary.  This we must intellectualize and discuss through just to now have a chance to protect our sixes.

There is no intelligent rationale for support of Mrs. Clinton!

e.g.:  Besides President Obama Nobel Peace Prize orated of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance” as a slap on President Clinton there is the most ironic, so irony too of politicals extant, that it isn’t already just scandal that there is a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

e.g.:  President Clinton somehow is so cleaned up he isn’t cause for Mrs. Clinton, at least to FOX Chris Wallace “news” floating, to not be tarred as improper to be broadcast in white. 

e.g.:  President Clinton is oddly fronted by too many, by too many as even of both parties still, in a ridiculous 2016 politics for HILLARY2016 as if he was and is PERFECT.

e.g.:  It is politically and historically ridiculous that a white gown for Mrs. Clinton is plausible fashion especially because though the Obama foreign and domestic policies were based on a new foundation of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” Mrs. C. herself as if Diplomatic is now evidently of the story that President Obama did govern more like George W. Bush and Richard M. Nixon for his (few?) successes than any where as if like William J. Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton, like President Obama, is ridiculous now in new year at politics forward as if President Clinton can be a good front man for either global diplomacy or growth economics.  Mrs. Obama, as First Lady Michelle, must be riled to steaming that all her work to lower youth obesity could be set back by letting the Clintons’ together reset irresponsible dietary behavior, by their example.  Mrs. Obama seems to be stuck in a pickle to that at least President Clinton is a barrel of lies before the collective conscience, however too many not yet conscious to such scandalous so extant.  Mrs. Obama should be the last fashionista to ever, if ever, support the propping up of Mrs. Clinton as if now forward as of any Propriety for a white gown for Philly conventions.

Mrs. Obama is maybe the person in the whole world to most lose by a repackaging of Mrs. Clinton! - the repackaging so, personally, reprehensible as also witnessed present too unprofessionally by FOX in regularity by Chris Wallace!  Mrs. Obama has more than her own six to worry about as the floating for Mrs. Clinton is of so many institutionally compromised!

It must have been wrong, but more symptomatic of a disease in the body politics of these united states of the Americas, than endemic as a one off when the Senate by 98 to 2 did wrongly approve Senator Clinton into a Cabinet Secretary spot in the line of succession to the Presidency.  It was of a collective stupid already then advanced to the onset of the foundations of freedom as set asunder by popular unsettling of prudence in jurisprudence, especially as to the great Law as Constitutional Law.

All must now deeply dig into their own intellects to discern that feminism populars and to how popular spin was broadcast to brainwash even them from seeing the right and from stopping the wrong. 

Remember it is as it was written that President Clinton is whom President Obama berated with his Nobel Peace Prize oration and as it is historical that Mrs. Clinton would be wrong, and ironic, if to selling Mrs. C. to a third term, like, like as a William J. Clinton third term as her’s, most particularly because though she survived by the blame and go politics, as materially political as a Secretary that wasn’t supposed to be political in “office” while her/their dictum was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as it mostly so that the successes of President Obama have been, even while of the Clinton State Department, as while politically secured for “politics” at State by the “TEAM OF RIVALS” acquiesced to by a weak new President Obama!

It was all along that mostly to succeed they had to govern as more like George W. Bush that William J. Clinton, that they/she did have to avoid the truth as the truth wasn’t an option to Mrs. Clinton, and while ironically also needing to be more like the good Richard M. Nixon, for as like it was collective stupidity that she even just had any Republicans affirm her to State, it yet is reigning in still a general collective stupid for as a spouse (regardless of sex) she wasn’t allowed to “work” the angles of her duty where such was properly to the intelligence at how it was more ALL CLINTON’S FAULT for she like Bill Cosby’s wife, as of personal and work relationships blurred, was set by marriage laws to that a spouse (regardless of sex) is not supposed to incriminate the other spouse.

As we wait to see if Donald Trump is also as ineffective at defeating his proclaimed as “THE WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” as Governor Jeb Bush has been at defeating the HILLARY2016, and as it ridiculous that Jeb Bush hasn’t been able to defend his brother or his father while the Clinton Machine yet floats William J. Clinton as “BILL CLINTON WAS/IS PERFECT”!

It was madness that the Senate ever approved the Obama nomination of Senator Clinton to head the State Department at a Cabinet Secretary level duty.   It is clearly logical and simply arguable that it was never even constitutional that President Obama did nominate Mrs. Clinton to a post of duty in the line of succession, and particularly specifically  because by marriage laws she was then a spouse whom had truth not as an option for she was by laws one not supposed to incriminate William J. Clinton!

It has been ridiculous to watch Governor Jeb Bush inadequacy at defeating the Clinton machine! It has been sad to see FOX Chris Wallace of a regularity to also treat Mrs. Clinton too as if a dear sister, yet somehow floatable as if she could be ever proper in a white gown say for Philadelphia, of old, and especially as near tolling a commencing for the 2016 Democrat Party Convention. 

Now, it forward in this year, seems Donald Trump may just be a weak lightweight just too a tease when of bloviating to “HILLARY CLINTON WAS A WORST SECRETARY OF STATE!”

Now, it forward in this year, is that the politics are dire and compromised from especially that Mrs. William J. Clinton did when Senator receive that 98 to 2 affirmation to President Barack H. Obama nomination.  We cannot fix what threatens our sixes if we do not break away from the popular and re-establish a prudence even around the floated feminisms as fashioned for extra-Constitutional exceptions.

i.e.:  Right!  That is!  This is spot on to how Mrs. Clinton is more fitting a blood stained shawl, with gauche as broached, for as by law truth was not an option to her while tasked to the duty and service and trust of the State Department, as to Diplomacy without the politics, she was then never not Political, and always firstly a rival to the President, beyond he acquiesced to a “TEAM OF RIVALS” empowerment of the Clintons as ‘working’ “rivals” as to working it as their rivaling globally regularly, for Mrs. William J. Clinton needed to avoid the truth that much wasn’t ever BUSH’S FAULT and as she intimately must have always known such was a necessary political cover-up cover-story to protect her from having to officially incriminate her spouse, and herself for her days as that engaged First Lady Hillary.

RESOLVED?:  Mrs. Clinton was Constitutionally never allowed to be elected President after the 22nd Amendment limited the Clinton Administration from more Executive Power sharing!  Mrs. Clinton also therefore was never Constitutionally allowed to be nominated nor approved to be in the line of succession to the Presidency, and so to further Executive Power spousal sharing.  Mrs. Clinton in service as Secretary of State has set the example that proofs such the Rule, and in it particularly specifically that while head of the State Department truth was not an option, and every decision had to be political, spousally firstly.

RESOLVED?:  We now, though witness to it ridiculous Governor Jeb Bush has flailed at defeating, one so like a sister, are also now bearing witness to it ridiculous Donald Trump is showing still as like a lightweight tease to weak in politics to have himself yet have defeated so easy to defeat yet of the machinations of a said great political “Clinton Machine” (like a new and now global Tammany scheme for patronage to partisan biasing internationally).

Key too: http://bit.ly/TwoHistories
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

The cracker Clinton is the most troubling Hillary Clinton, either of her of South or of Chicago, while white!

To talk New Year 2016 politics turkey it is critical we discuss the bad of “black” before any her good while “white.”

2016 can hardly be a new year to a happy year for blacks - but by progress of those of Black Lives Matter beats.

2016 is the year before us of the politics before us of a judgement year to how bad black leaders have been while firsts.

The beats of #BLM must now harness the vibrancy of and for next gen blacks while intellectually it behoove em to stand tall and strong against those “first blacks” so tagable as failed bad leaders at the top - Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch.

The first black leaders have failed blacks more than any other peoples of the world!  2016 must be now forward, however uncomfortably to some, in the parading of these failed and not for just having so failed blacks, - generally.  This is to be prefaced by the apparent disappointing aloofness of President Obama’s Justice Department as from a prudent marshaling by the Attorney General for rendering of jurisdiction for jurisprudence upon the unconscionable “extra-Constitutionals” akin to the Clintons’ spousal husbandry over-lording global patronage schemes.  If there is any up side for blacks of the world by an election of Mrs. Clinton, I am one, these years in considering, whom has yet to discern or believe such can actually exist.

If 2016 progresses with President Obama’s Justice as devoid an indicting of Mrs. Clinton, at least, then it is quite that three black “first blacks” “leaders” are to “Black Lives Matter” causal to protestations, and for being so self evidently of firstly being to so failing blacks most.  The philosophy of an associated guilt is to that Socialists so in such reigning must be the owners of what has been wrong by their local police officers, as like their national storm troopers, as political police officers whom due the “Socialism” dictum then must also preside to it the people whom err as their leader should not be postured as fallible.

This really brings out the nasty of the Clintons, too, - this is so revealing to the “cracker Clinton” essence somehow too as also too bad in the “intellectualized” “rationalized” to that the “first blacks” must be tokens but to the Liberal systematic to that for an obedience paradigm for bookish to reign in the “white” old model to that any can be oppressed in the spirit of like: If you didn’t get to a top institute of higher liberal education, or try to succeed in such as the defined establishment “success” model then you can be over-lorded by those who did, - and systematically (however in racism apparently.).

It is inescapable that those America’s “first blacks” now in 2016 are em to be tagged due em of a bad rap, - a “governance” so bad even “cracker Clinton” can seem now a better alternative.  If these tagged as #Obama #Holder #Lynch do not re-synchronize to a prosecution of the Clintons they will be failing not just blacks by avoiding protecting Americans, not least, from anti-Constitutionalists as threats domestic, and also organized of “foreign”, of politicians who have been long busy to trying to defeat the defeat of Socialism much to be credited as the success of the Reagan & Rehnquist revolutions.

The Clintons firstly, to the first blacks, are em more diabolical and profiting from anti-Constitutional exercised global schemes, - - - The Clintons, while enough “crackers” to be “crackers” for pundits, are yet em who did work hardest to postpone a rising of these blacks, however failures, and of failing blacks, - - - The Clintons can play with these 3 “first blacks” too as tokens whom attest to the old white model that any can be oppressed if they did not succeed enough at least in trying to get into the Liberal institutes of “higher education.”  Secondly these “first blacks” have a culpability as accomplices at least for 2016 and it seems sadly for failing blacks even more by avoiding a timely and necessary prosecution of the Clintons’ anti-Constitution global patronage schemes.  Secondly it seems these are bad “first blacks” for showing a willful subjugation in a voluntary subjugated as em firstly to bowing to a loyalty to the Clintons’ “standard” - the “flag” of a “flagship” of the “cracker Clintons”!

It may now be premature and prejudiced against President Obama and his Justice under Attorney General Loretta Lynch, but really it seems now that like “first black” Attorney General Eric Holder the die is cast to that these 3 will defend an associated with the Clintons before defending the systems for protecting blacks, and People’s freedoms, generally.

2016 is now the new year upon us.  The blacks seem to be planned to be left behind and left under by these “first blacks” at their legacies as yet too compromised by associated “Democrat Party” partisan politics for them to break free to a better tracking newly reset to consistent with the original protections for all (eventually) of the Constitution.

2016 is not a dire period upon civilizations of the world, while especially precarious to Americans now too long maybe along the road to serfdom by Liberal National Socialism.  The Blacks are right to protest as drum majors of beats for parading for Equal Justice by #BlackLivesMatter and especially as it seems “first black” President Obama is proofed fallible and to the philosophical to an intellectual honesty (of Socialism dogmatic) that the police as American forces are his “storm troopers” firstly to obedience to his calls for assimilation, or justly to oppression (under the white model (also of “cracker Clintons”)).

2016 is certainly foreshadowed in the bad “first blacks” compromised associated, - their too associated with the Clnitons!

May God bless America and help all peoples so People’d break free to the established protections of the Constitution as not biased from common sense by bad “Democrats” to that essence of civilized now long enduring that endears before the world as “American” by it as a French official decried recently smartly in his differentiating the French Socialism from the United States of America “LIBERTY” as by his retort that the government of France was set up to protect the Government from Religion while the People’s Republic of these united states of the Americas is of a government established to ordain a protection of Religion(s) from Government!

God is yet alive for all in America, while 2016 is for judgements upon not just “first blacks” for failing so many more than just the many blacks the failed as more as if just subjects, - right! not as if as “equals” “citizens”! It does seem too much as if carved in marble that Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not disposed to prosecuting the Clintons!  It is uncertain if such is now being avoided, though seeming justified, by a street, for politics, as self evident of there extant scandal of too much #ClintonHankyPanky.

Blacks, forward, as Republicans ride as for the republic as to God alive for all, even (or especially all Americans) the whips must be out to coral the Constitutional “hanky panky” of not just the Clintons.

Blacks, forward, to yet reset as still secured to equal rights by the letter of the Law as actually of the United States of America “Order” “done” … “Year of our Lord” as the Constitution, and to finally safe from the Liberal attempts to a Socialism more akin to a ruling class able to render Powers more of “governance by man/woman” as not by written agreed to predetermined Laws, it may help to understand, as a year of rough riding seems ahead, the conundrum of a ‘Republicans Rough Ride Teddy Roosevelt” as different from the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt”.

To “cracker Clintons” (and “first blacks”) is seems intellectually honest to parlay the politics, for all, to there like a real “edge of the world” DANGER in the “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” sell!  Sold by these Democrats is the “Teddy” who wanted a third term as President and whom by 1910 had been welcomed across Europe into the halls and dens of the new Fascism, - the Pre-Nazi Fascism.

The “Democrats Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt” is not the “Teddy” dear of the “Republicans Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt” as the 1910 “New Teddy” essentially was one willing to be a sell out to the new “Fascism” (if it would get him a third term as President)!

The “Teddy” sold by Democrats, too long has been too like a “Smeagol” just craven for a holding of the “ring” of Power (like Hillary Clinton seems now enough already self evidentially).

These “first blacks” cannot well serve blacks in 2016 if not to only the good “Teddy” as before 1910 and while still lore-able as a “Rough Rider”! Whom can blacks generally now trust as it seems Democrats are too like the (willing to be) “Fascist” “Bull Moose” Roosevelt? 

The First Amendment is all of ours, and best secured when all fig that the particular protections from a National Government to secular Socialism (as attempted by some “first blacks”) is in that low “e” for “establishment” as to be discerned to be grammatically as for “tenets” not the “Organized” that consistency in grammar of the body of the Constitution would need yet otherwise as if of a capital “E” as if yet “respecting an Establishment of religion.”

As 2016 seems set to be a year of rough rides for many:  God Bless America!  God Bless the “Order” to for equal Justice for All!

God help us turn back from Democrats domestic and foreign works to setting asunder civilizations not secular Socialist of ruling class elitism!

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Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @ http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here: http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=BLACKPROBLEM

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

{At any time this may seem too much for you - to honest yet contrary to your believed - please use site search pane to take a break with warren’s spun, however they present in backwards order, - please take a break from #PoetJPHogan “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” to read of fare to be sorted by a search here by just:  RABBITS.}

[NOTE: Please cover the childrens’ ears! - send them out to play! - or send them to their rooms!  This is for mature readers, - responsible audiences!  It is best for these todays that we keep from the children how important they are, and how true such has been sung especially with “THE CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” of “THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL”.]

How can the Islamic State be yet a recognized organized like a Muslim Tea Party as justly to a Muslim Trinity by an effecting successful to sovereignty contrary to Levant boundaries extant as mapped for seriousness?

We must be to the incorruptible in “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” but to open minds beyond a partisan “political correctness” so to hashing out all the smoking “guns” of the Clintons’ corruptions, foreign and domestic, - global, - galactic.

“IT TAKES A VILLAGE” is a horrendous title as it is like a cancer as a bad corrupted metaphor!  “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” is no “IT TAKES A VILLAGE”! - For the children we must maturely press out PROS and CONS!

NOW!  We must press forward (for the children) a better pressing of GOOD vs EVIL, - noted, - sourced, - posted, - shared “PUBLIC”!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” isn’t fit to be the needed good carbons for composting kitchen waste, - isn’t fit to be of the 2/3rds said of good carbons needed for the table and counter scraps to metamorph with a catalyst to compost, - to black gold, - to then be fertilizer, for real!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” should be broadcast globally, even galactically, as dangerous propaganda, as a tool to brainwash masses by a lot sized preyed upon to become, as unawares unknowing, to then like mental half mindeds goosed, somehow, to railroaded for Posterity beset to for the “THE CLINTONS” and to em owed tributes, and heralding by name, yes galactically, with loyalty supposed to a fidelity to their imperial standard, - their own “flag” for partisanship in the “CLINTON” name!

Don’t stop the presses!  Run for the PROS and CONS - a fresh POINT - COUNTER POINT, - detailed GOOD vs EVIL!  An Islamic State, if ever to be successful to an Muslim Trinity of a third way to a sovereignty pillared and bosomed in an Orthodox Islamic, must first proof it is as of Muslims, from the beginning, as for the children, too.  Right?

We should press on:  Discuss:  The Clintons’ surpluses were of a moral depravity! The Clintons cut too much too quickly!  The Clintons’ politics put unfunding/defunding ahead of helping others (in good times) (in times of plenty)! The Clintons’ politics is EVIL!

We must press on:  Discuss:  Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is personally responsible for more dead, - more killed, than any organized responsibles of either Al Qaeda or for an Islamic State can yet today claim excesses for, or confess to!  H.R. Clinton is culpable for the years as sold as W.J. Clinton’s “better half” as FLOTUS during the years 1993 to 2001; Mrs. W.J. Clinton must be pressed beyond cartooned to being of shoulders & hips forever evermore of carrying such a load of culpas, however she postures the “THE CLINTONS’” “greater GOOD”, - and as yet ever ever for Posterity as of any “lesser EVIL” than say Da’esh!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:





To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

The first Secretary of State to “serve” “under” President B.H. Obama inherited a warming with Middle East peoples, she did not herself figure nor affect a better relationship (potential) with the Government of Iran, nor its general population!  The President grossly erred in trying to govern with a “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” so highly placed!  President B.H. Obama is culpable but to understand how a lesser “EVIL” we should first press thoroughly at how “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” have not actually been in their machinations as for a greater “GOOD”!  President B.H. Obama inherited, like Secretary Mrs. H.R. Clinton a warming potential for with Iran from the hard choices and the sacrifices of the leadership by preceding administration of a FREEDOM AGENDA!  President B.H. Obama cannot not, it seems, ever consciously or righteously assuage an inherited ‘SUCCESS’ as to Mrs. W.J. Clinton as per Iran, as logically born from the avoidance and inaction of President W.J. Clinton and all associated as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  There is no TRUTH in a supposition, for preposterous, if such supposed is of posturing Mrs. W.J. Clinton, as Secretary of State, could have been successful “against” Iran with sanctions if President G.W. Bush had not rendered “TEETH” for sanctions after near a decade of President W.J. Clinton as toothless, - all gums, - soft!, - naive (at best)!

The first strategery to consider for any deciding about todays of for an Islamic State is how to those Constitutional of these united states of the Americas they are some a natural ally, - a group a mass not to be prejudiced as of an axis of “EVIL” (devoid of concern for the “small” - devoid a concern for the children forward!  President B.H. Obama should give “Joe” his chance now to prove he too isn’t too associated with the greater “EVIL” of H.R. Clinton and to giving the Vice President now a chance to be President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden!  President B.H. Obama should be too embarrassed now for how proofed so wrong and as so long so wrong to have been proven wrong longer that even his endured days as President so as to be noble and RESIGN!  There is arguably now CAMELOT chivalry to save the day from the TRUTHS dire of the “governance” by B.H. Obama, and so specifically for flawed by the too associated hands of CLINTON DEMOCRATS!  It is now small fig to date these todays how the numbers are against B.H. Obama and H.R. Clinton and because it is mashable, with logic, and statistics to that Mrs. W.J. Clinton is yet still of a guilt of culpas greater (still) than of for an Islamic State by a metric of paring the responsibility to “leadership” of the full quantification of how many are dead, due to Mrs. W.J. Clinton husbandry!

Before you profess you are all about a base as politically set as against a Muslim Tea Party for a new nation in the Levant, as against for a Muslim Trinity by against Socialism and Monarchies extant of these todays, it may be considerate that the past Pope was expressant to that American Catholics were to believe they as of the galactic Catholic familial were not “called” to go into a Muslim lands to save Muslims from Muslims, and especially, it seemed, as Catholics improper to be called in, or to, as to be in the middle of a rift between of Islam, however now of a new Muslim Trinity, or to be between uncivilly the battles historic for if Shia truth was superior to Sunni truth!  We all must walk and talk a core to no child to be presumed to be left behind, or down, as it is galactically civil when all live and breath for “SMALL” is “BEAUTIFUL”!  It is that these todays are of it dastardly how now pressed sufficiently that “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” fig dated to 1993 as yet an enemy of Al Qaeda and now of for an Islamic State even by Christian rules for Justice!  The railed against abandonment in the years 1993 to 2001 by NOBEL PRIZE recipient B.H. Obama is the mantle of the woman H.R. Clinton, but not as divisible from W.J. Clinton and a sad legacy for all still siding (naively) as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  President B.H. Obama was actually right with his public shaming of the Clintons with his acceptance speech as structured for a moral to a morality (only possible) in mashing from “dangers” of “inaction” and “avoidance” if to be of “leadership”!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

President Barack Hussein Obama, and since his day one, could not have proceeded, it seems, yet as more wrongly as he did and now still defensively does!  America is at risk, - a greater risk - now, because H.R. Clinton at least was a lone “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” to times served again in high office.  H.R. Clinton must be an “enemy” of an of for an Islamic State, even maybe of beyond the Levant to a global massed as “all MUSLIMS”!

Again:  The President should now RESIGN, - B.H. Obama should now give J.R. Biden his (last) chance to prove he can be a better President than at least his boss!  President “Joe” Biden! - - - I presume!

Again:  Those organized as if a “NEW HOPE” for SUNNI governance inspired and as if of an Orthodox Islamic, as now organized as if a MUSLIM TEA PARTY can, due how militantly against SOCIALISM, and monarchies extant of these todays as yet “just” as “justified” by earlier CALIPHATE(s?), now can present as a natural ally to those of allegiance to the Constituted of these united states of the Americas.

Again:  These United States of America have been going the wrong way with “OBAMA DEMOCRATS” and “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  No children are not, it seems, actually safer as “THANKS” to the “THE CLINTONS”!  The U.S.A. should not have gone down this path of the Democrat Party as long to decidings towards trying to defeat the defeat of SOCIALISM that was not alone the VICTORY of Americans.

UNRESOLVED:  If those organized to overlook the man made boundaries in the Levant, of the areas of failed Ba’athism, as of perversions of Socialism by Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad, as too long too secular SOCIALIST, as if in SOCIALISM there is a greater “GOOD”, and as was to be as towards the IDEAL “BA’ATHIST” as for an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE, it extant now em prove they can civilly govern those believers willing to associate as a general populace, as for the children, as for the “small”, it is remarkable how a new mass of SUNNI might succeed like AMERICAN PILGRIMS years before and but as if to an ORTHODOX ISLAMIC like a PURITANS MUSLIMS, - to a MUSLIM TRINITY?

UNRESOLVED:  As set against SOCIALISM and MONARCHIES of earlier CALIPHATES, it yet remains to be seen if these for a new sovereignty, while these todays may justify new “national” boundaries, these “BELIEVERS” still need to proof as for HUMAN RIGHTS as capable of management of at least a sizable metropolis like Raqqa - as for all?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

Simon says? Doth it behoove ye/we to ponder and discern the moral depravity of Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton?  Yes?

Victorious in honesty can only now be hemmed in with a the strapping too the secrets kept phat to how Mrs. Clinton, due her legacy, does represent as a greater Islamic State recruitment tool than that fashioned as “GITMO” - basically, - basely.  Mrs. Clinton is no Queen Victoria in any sense of history, - due her secrets and the truths.  Mrs. Cliinton is not revealing well.

These days of JOY for a JOYOUS copacetic to the global, and galactic, have Donald J. Trump quiet controversial in ways he or H.R. Clinton are best to first try to sketch out and then color in - color between the lines.  As H.R. Clinton is long tagged irregular as a “worst Secretary of State” in the history of the United States of America there is that D.J. Trump is heeled to now walk a fuller phattening of his critique, and, there still is oddly that H.R. Clinton still hasn’t stepped out, at least publicly, to that her model - her legacy - is at least better than one other a Secretary of State.  It seems now a “Mudville” of H.R. Clinton has “struck out” as her case is yet of no defense of an “I was at least better than (blank)!”!

This dressing down of H.R. Clinton is yet so sadly fitting for it is but fashioned to her a recruitment tool for ISIL, as Da’esh too must be still of them they riled long by W.J. Clinton and the Clintons’ Presidency. 

W.J. Clinton is also most irregularly tagged by D.J. Trump as inspected as bad actors, for long of poorly fashioned, ill considered foreign policies, particular to their walks and talks at selling of the Middle East. A redeeming aspect of D.J. Trump, while now so controversial as to broadly prejudiced against those most traditionally of belly dancers, is yet in but, - but that he has jeweled the crowned of the Clintons as due a cross bearing bearing of burdens of their heaviness, - of their near self evident guilts.

H.R. Clinton, as a name, has unfortunate coincidence with Nixonian scandals of H.R. Halderman, and as if neither Clinton did learn the R.M. Nixon lessons pertinent to cover-ups, - false covers that can too easily fall and expose scandalous to pare.

What of the “MORAL DEPRAVITY” branding of, for starters, she, H.R. Clinton, said by D.J. Trump to be the “WORST” ever top diplomat of these united states of the Americas?  Does D.J. Trump have a comment on Pope Francis styled commenced “YEAR OF MERCY” too?

As we yet are to gather hopeful for Christian traditions of a “clause” “in time” we are stirred these days to ponder and discern that it would be injudicial, and not prejudiced, to side with D.J. Trump at least on H.R. Clinton, and Bill Clinton, as per the issues long simmering in the Middle East, as two definitively not stellar, - above even an average throughout history.

It is too late for “mercy” for the “THE CLINTONS” as it fairly is too late to not brand them, H.R. Clinton and W.J. Clinton, of a clear and diabolical “MORAL DEPRAVITY.”  One may have to wait on D.J. Trump still if one to wanting he to concur with facts and ranking of the “qualities” of the fashioned of H.R. Clinton, and associated.

As this isn’t all about belly dancing, - even mostly just about culturals in for entertainment valuations, there really are dangers now in offering the “THE CLINTONS” any mercy.  If you didn’t live the years 1993-2001 with honesty and truth of a greater knowing and understanding than the Clintons desired you too, - it behoove ye, for the we, ours, that you like find the missing years as they are phat of roots to these scandals however to you some like missing chapters of a book for those years of at least 1993 to 2001. H.R. Clinton can not have been this bad all on her own, she cannot possibly have been a sole lone bad actor, she is like “married” to the roots of many scandals as if indivisible from them by a contract of union with that hemmed so.

“MORAL DEPRAVITY” - - - now devoid mercy?  e.g.: H.R. Clinton after Benghazi subpoenaed to the Select Committee did reprehensibly try to sell her innocent enough because she “survived 11 hours” against Republican inquisitions. It is depraved, however such was more only 3 to 7 hours as in “enemy” “territory”, that even if it was that she “survived” “11 hours” such is morally depraved to have been uttered (not just by a Secretary of State) by any like her a politician, or human being, due the case of the inquiries is of 4 lost brave dedicated souls of her “house” and “care” whom for 13 hours were left too alone with real “enemies”!  Also: e.g.: There was depravity in her “self defense” in these hours, yet seeming inadequate for Justice, due she postured she was innocent enough because like everyone was mediocre so that as their “leader” she shouldn’t be held above a mediocre “standard” but as then of it forward too of a “good enough for government work”!

The “MORAL DEPRAVITY” so to be spared a watering down with undeserved mercy for H.R. Clinton, and associated, only got worse of the “good enough for government work” self defense the very day after the subpoenaed to inquisitions as a largest of government employee unions then endorsed as AFSCME in Union the forward for HILLARY 2016.


But the roots of the most diabolical causals that support no mercy from D.J. Trump for the “THE CLINTONS” are more of the apparent of W.J. Clinton in the year 1993, as per the Middle East and so historically some first and bad ill considered big errs.

As recalled:  W.J. Clinton, as like to the 1993 version of Gulf Countries Council of the leaders of the Middle Eastern sovereign states, was to a trickery diabolical, even just for commenced, as too like a used car salesman trickery to selling a known lemon.  W.J. Clinton set asunder a better politics with the Middle East and so from a better copacetic generally with all Muslims as he secured promises he never should have tried to band together and secure from Middle East Leaders to like a specific promise to lie forward as to report falsely to “it” then an “is” for “history” and “decidings” - though false, and known false - as by such the recalled secured promised to like “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS” for all anti-American sentiments old and new in their lands. 

It is recalled to so that this is a worse “MORAL DEPRAVITY” by W.J. Clinton, than any yet explained through of H.R. Clinton by D.J. Trump.  It is recalled that W.J. Clinton so compromised global and domestic relations with Middle Eastern Muslims at least by having gotten a commitment from sovereign leaders to falsely generalize to like “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS.”  It is recalled that such was misused to these sovereign leaders trust and character abused throughout the reign of the “THE CLINTONS” of from 1993 to 2001 and to that W.J. Clinton did hold these honorable men of leadership of mostly Islamic lands and traditions to the end, - to conveniently no longer in office, - to until he was then for all his years able to abandon Iraqi and Afghani poeples for his eight years, while their cries were known for an “abandonment” too then of the “THE CLINTONS’” own inaction and avoidance. 

It was diabolical, as recalled, and of a shared “MORAL DEPRAVITY” theirs’ - that speaks worse today of the Clintons; irregular banding and hemming on how these scandals are walked in ignorance as fashioned still in false and ill considered covers - still today, - still too recently.  D.J. Trump can not be alone, however bombastic in if an attempt to not be too late to finally seeing the United States of America ruined by the still threatening, at best mediocre, of the machinations of the spousal husbandry of “politics” of and for the “THE CLINTONS”!

As H.R. Clinton seems now a new and worse H.R. Halderman it is complicated to say she is as if of a “The President’s Men” due it is an open wound seeming of years a declared “rivals” that she while President B.H. Obama’s first Secretary of State she carried on more as if firstly married to the work of W.J. Clinton, and as if it was proper yet to be essentially but a Travel Office for Clintons’ global initiatives.

It is now scandalous too for President B.H. Obama that his H.R. Clinton, when near or of a policy success was yet coincidently and very ironically as by succeeding as by being more like R.M. Nixon and G.W. Bush than like original of B.H. Obama, or consistent as if of walking a talk actually of the W.J. Clinton fashioned brand.  And, it is scandalous for both the “THE CLINTONS” and the “OBAMA” still forward that even such successes yet were coy as the ploy of controversial, at best, of H.R. Clinton, as top diplomat but a worst, was to say even “ALL BUSH FAULT” in a #BlameAndGo and then use the tao of G.W. Bush yet as if by plagiarism as but her own hemmed and hawed fashioned to be paraded of the “THE CLINTONS”!

The less than victorious secrets of H.R. Clinton, are of irreconcilable intimated of a spousal husbandry most irregular but still paraded as if a hot new fashion as if of sufficient bling to hide her “Mudville” and how her case(s) is of they “struck out”!

Forward as we respect Christians we have to wonder on Pope Francis as commenced a year of a “YEAR OF MERCY” at least for now, for the purposes of if D.J. Trump can wisely offer the “THE CLINTONS” mercy or forgiveness, and at least if D.J. Trump should even at least before their full irregularity is public as known and as not prejudiced still for an unearned innocence.

Forward we can wait and see if any protestant to “MERCY” will yet rank as “competitiion” to Pope Francis.

Forward there is little H.R. Clinton can do to hide still how Benghazi failure is her failure for its failing is in her of having repeated the same errs as W.J. Clinton fashioned as so said long ago as of his first moves for the Clintons’ Presidency, - as in 1993.

The brand, how now discussed, of H.R. Clinton is most irregular, and legendary to the “THE CLINTONS” foibles and impropriety while “leaders”!  H.R. Clinton, to more than just D.J. Trump, is OUT - is PUBLIC - is PHAT to as if now still wearing a new suit sold an Empress that isn’t a suit at all, new or old.  H.R. Clinton is without covers, and worse so now that H.R. Halderman was however likewise thought scandalous whence.

Christians, have MERCY to consider, and if Protestant D.J. Trump, the builder candidate, can but toss out the “THE CLINTONS” individually or better as one lot of refuse as too irregular and lacking accredited material to “build with”!

As H.R. Clinton hogties the party Democrats to a loyalty to W.J. Clinton as if she is the rosy cheeked best “dressed” it yet haunts to the knowing she is but to be long haunted by sad truths.  H.R. Clinton however “sold” of the rosy for Christians and others, as if a best for all, is yet too much too clearly of a phat like the Emperor storied of a new suit, - H.R. Clinton is now quite the compromised “empress” D.J. Trump as beat some drums well enough on as not too protestant, - not too a blind mouse of errs of a simpleton.

The “blush” of H.R. Clinton, - a first blush, - say prima facia, of the otherwise irregularly tagged “rosy” of the “THE CLINTONS” now as repackaged as if “NEW” is yet compromised in its postured for to believe, - to BELIEVE the Clintons have new GOODS to offer is quite controversial as it begets a necessary to ponder now to if they can have “solutions” how must we then not believe they have had such up their “sleeves” since 2001 and yet held them back from the country as by also holding them back from the People when by election so yet “under” G.W. Bush, and B.H. Obama?

It seems now foolish to believe - to BELIEVE in the “THE CLINTONS” - - - D.J. Trump may not be totally improper and out of order in the TRUMP BOMBASTIC.  Recall, PLEASE, Benghazi seems since prima facia first reveals as of the politics of scandal for the “THE CLINTONS” - but not them alone - as it was where and when the false covers said recalled of 1993 of the diabolical W.J. Clinton as too coy as to like a worst of the lots of used car salesmen by his trickery of the Middle East leaders to them then on their honor to be held to W.J. Clinton convenient lies to a “JUST BLAME THE REPUBLICANS’!

Benghazi is worst than a fashion faux pas by H.R. Clinton as a like worse H.R. Halderman while a President’s woman to B.H. Obama!  Benghazi if firstly when H.R. Clinton became dangerously uncovered by a falling of false covers then of the lies for the cover-ups of the Clintons errs to 1993 (and earlier?) were then of she of them a they most immediately of needing new covers, some how, any how, and even as thought learned from R.M. Nixon, yet that “cover-ups” were so bad and so dangerous they really can only be a political option as the option of last resort.

Because H.R. Clinton affected a cover-up during and after the attacks on officials of the United States of America we are firstly to not offer her “MERCY” or “FORGIVENESS” because it was partisan in her politics and with it that the Politics is still that a “cover-up” is a worst case scenario, and to then it conclusive that her exposed on a second 9/11 must have been worse than yet known, and so not yet known enough to even yet consider if any Christian MERCY or FORGIVENESS can be warranted, ever.

To D.J. Trump on protestant of Islam as if all Muslims can be legally of a class prejudiced against globally, there is yet the conundrum to be yet explained, - maybe firstly if she can, by H.R. Clinton as to how those known of the organizing for an Islamic State are politically less protestant to even the Catholic Pope on MERCY, and some of an allegiance even with Christians, however protestants too, where there is yet the prudence in opposition likewise to the of the Levant now as anti-Socialists, and anti-Socialism. 

To be fair to D.J. Trump, but not too Christian, or naive of wants for a rosy season of JOY, it is like of a “BLACK PROBLEM” - here sited as tagged of categories, of H.R. Clinton as before no MERCY or FORGIVENESS is to be postured for President B.H. Obama it is so then fair to first discern and judge a fair measure of the guilt in the “THE CLINTONS” - - - Before D.J. Trump can be fairly condemned as too prejudiced we are behooved to be awakened to full reveal of the dark sides historic but still to camouflaged of at least Mrs. W.J. Clinton.

Tis the season now for all, if concerned citizens domestic, and cliche, at least as “global citizens” to bear from a sold as “ROSY” of Mrs. W.J. Clinton, - to check to remove any rose colored spectacles, to see the ‘THE CLINTONS” legacy as rotten of spectacles too of a lot of “MORAL DEPRAVITY”!

D.J. Trump, however rash and of a bombastic, may yet have done the world a favor for his utterance is exposing how to our supposed “enemies” the “THE CLINTONS” are, it seems, better for recruiting by “ANTI-AMERICAN” opines more so even than “GITMO”! 

It is a troubled gift that D.J. Trump may have tried to package, as “in time” but don’t be the fool who doesn’t consider we do have enemies across the world who are not distracted from these recalled sad and diabolical lies of the legacy worked to by H.R. Clinton and W.J. Clinton, together, - together intimately.

RESOLVED:  It doth behoove ye/we to ponder and discern the “MORAL DEPRAVITY”!  Yes!!! Rightly!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:13 am

It’s The Clintons - STUPID !!!

This republic, of which it stands in People’s Order done established, is to this day as articulated by President Washington letter to the Jews of Newport as to that there is to be no “bigotry of tolerance” in American.

The most important years to understanding when these united states of the Americas may have been most of leaders, and leader wanna bees, short to George Washington enumerated standards for republican civility are the days from Saddam Hussein to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait (as the start of WWIII) to the first term of President Clinton, - yet mostly 1993.

There can now hardly be any fair comprehension of our days, of tragic conflicts, due to so much feigned by machinations of the “THE CLINTONS” since to hide how devoid they are of prudence in sagacity.  The “THE CLINTON” has since 1993 been firstly to an ends justifying the means as for overwriting inconvenient honest and truth to that a political tyranny to totalitarianism as justified means for the ends sold as ends worthy, however compromising sagacity, as the end being to a President Mrs. Clinton.

Of the truth “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” is yet the still seeming worse case scenario for 1992 I much considered while working to make a Democrat enough electable so that President Bush would have a real “challenger” in that a too proud and blinded by pride Republican Christian right was to rising for a Republican President, however a Bush, to yet sway from giving rise to greater global danger do them too proud, and to national Christian in their excesses misplaced for Christian pride.

Of the truths in “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” there is that how the Clintons’ administration governed has proven to be what seems more wrongful on matters of inter-faith balance and understanding than that then the worst feared in the seeming likelihood if to a second Bush term.  How the spousal husbandry of the “THE CLINTONS” did put means justified contrary to writs ordered for prudence as superior to honest and truth of religiosity and so to the proposition that a President Mrs Clinton were ends justifying  is much now today a splintered variable of the whole, not a tangential less then critical as fractional.

Of the republic in the “Republic” we as Americans are of allegiance sworn daily there is that the “THE CLINTONS” ends are not justified by their means.  We need see back above the feigned innocence worked by machinations in make-overs and cover-ups for Mrs. Clinton to how they have a history of bigotry that relates as well to how they by their secular selfish partisan machinations how created room for guilty before innocent affecting within this Republic - of the homeland of these united states of the Americas.

San Bernardino is seeming to categorically fall into that category of 9/11/2001 attacks as though terrorizing and premeditated they yet fail to a “JIHAD” standard.  The French may have a different problem than with Charlie Hebdo as the Paris Attacks may fall into “ACTS OF WAR” if it is that the France posture in the Middle East is firstly to of the Socialism so as then to be distasteful to the Islamic State as an organized seemingly against secularism,and especially secular socialism.

San Bernardino though seems of a FAILED if of a JIHAD attempt, it too seems yet failed as the Paris Attacks seemed failed as there seems no up side for any Muslims due actions diabolical where words as the better weapons were still to be preferred as better tools of righteousness.  San Bernardino seems preposterous if thought just JIHAD for any “HOLY WAR” as for the “target” for “justice” such as it was so charitable to all, so constituted for republican of Ordered for due process.

The attacks of 9/11/2001 failed in “JIHAD” as it seems San Bernardino terror to fail from “HOLY WAR” though fitting “terrorism”!  On September 11, 2001 the Al Qaeda (soldiers? guerrillas?) in terrorism by suicide acts horrific yet were of premature mobilization to action while words were still the better weapon, and for civil engagement was still an available path to a resolution of the seeming thought injustices supposed to be of justifying action, not wordplay for remedial consummations.

For San Bernardino tragic shootings to not also be said a FAILURE as like September 11, 2001 as a failed “JIHAD” there is that it may have been half brained only, at least as if wanting of that held as so whole brained of Muhammad.  What ever thought “WRONGS” so were so of a California feeling sensed to a global insult to Islam yet, in this republic so as civilly set for due process in an innocent until proven guilty, do settle forward as so repairable still by words and even in-office procedures.

Of the vast errs in “It’s The Clintons - STUPIDS!” is a culpability for San Bernardino yet for the shouldering of guilt on each Clinton in the “THE CLINTONS”!  By their politics to their selfish secular spousal husbandry to their ends of to a President Mrs. Clinton,  they have set asunder by their compromised means, so very much, a faith though in due process and civil procedures for even office place religiosity paring.  The Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001 have seemingly settled as FAILED at “JIHAD” for though it seemed the Clinton Administration legacy forward was that civil repairs to injusticed were a bygone option, forever, forever for Muslims with the Republican of pledged allegiance, such was not on September 11, 2001 a general, global, or local American reality.

As San Bernardino shootings show a premeditation to that they were also of a HE & SHE compromised, somehow, there is yet a hint to what injusticed they may have thought too general or global, as let loose to waft insults and retarding of Islam.  Words and procedures were/are enough extant for even an office place scandalous on religiosity where a bigotry of tolerance counter to prudence for Republic as enumerated by President George Washington did somehow, - some ways maybe rise to an insulting.

Of the #TRUTH in “ItsTheClintons_STUPIDS now for a resolution of the tragic of terrorizing in San Bernardino there  is that Al Qaeda too erred at “JIHAD” as to of acting while words were still the better weapons for corrective civility and repairing from injusticed.  Due to what the affected so as if for “HOLY WAR” did “target” it seems abominable that such a site wasn’t too charitable for all to have ever justified a work place attack as if fitting terrorizing as a tool for civility.

However the self proclaimed organized for an Islamic State of the Levant, as ISIS or ISIL or Da’esh, constitute themselves for justice it seems if to ever proof they can govern or manage a sizable metropolitan area it seems that for procedures and processes were still available both on September 11, 2001 and most recently on the day of the San Bernardino shootings it seems befallen upon their consciousness to now avail themselves of explanatory Islamic words to establishments for “society”!

However the global reaction to these, whom any rightfully associated as if, of an Islamic State is now to a declarative of many now embattled of a World War III  there is that for today’s struggles to be of WWIII and not WWIV is in that this all basically started (as a dedication to justice by war if necessary) by those of Islam themselves then aghast at Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.  There is cause to rate today’s as a WWIII and as better politics as more clear than if otherwise said a WWIV!

To the specifics of (”FAILED”?) for “coverage” of San Bernardino shootings there is besides the attacks more than against a still defensible as of innocents it seems unconscionable for any claims to justiced as rightful to terrorize in “JIHAD” due to the vast charitable for all nature of the offices and staffed victimized, - victimized by actions where and while words remained the better weapons for an affecting for justice.

Can it be “HOLY WAR” by “terror” however shootings were premeditated terrorism if a sensed justiced spiritual (but maybe half brained to the wholly of Muhammad’s) as of a insult to Islam by a dining a party in celebration of Christ Jesus, as yet a dining still fresh in Pilgrims pride of a Thanksgiving to the Christian God of the landed of the Mayflower of Plymouth?

Can it ever be that for Californians to have been celebrating Christianity to recognizing a birth of a great one Christ Jesus specifically that they could have been insulting enough to another great one long ago born, - he Muhammad?  Americans of this Republic do pledge allegiance to it Constituted for religious liberty that it is of the People’s Order that the Union is established and ordained in “the Year of our Lord” but so as amended to clearly articulate the writ of words to that Theocracy is barred from National governing. 

A work place perception of a religious’d insulted seems to be the news of the day, and yet as where the American is that there are and were processes to become global with words as the best weapons so very much still available.

The San Bernardino shooting pair seem to have failed at “HOLY WAR” quite as Al Qaeda did on September 11, 2001 as by acting as if civil apparatus were not still available as the better for justiced as a calling - as still available it is that words and established civil procedures were very much still available even to though of the shared humanity extant in the global.

For San Bernardino to be acceptable as “JIHAD” mustn’t there have been an insult to Muhammad far greater than the allowed celebration of the Christ Child and that Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were all born to be great ones, and of the same one God?  Isn’t it most true that Jesus nor Muhammad are above the other, - that their God is equally above them, - that Jesus was not an infidel, - and yet that Islam is of the wholly of Muhammad to the “HOLY” for Muslims of a whole brained brilliance so to establishment of how Christianity is explainable as having been and still as is a religiosity inadequate for God’s deserts and His most severely tested of His deserts’ severe?

It seems, for now, that San Bernardino shooting pair of “FAILED” - their weapons for terror as if to justice were inadequate, and as WORDS and processes were vastly very of variable for variations for justiced victory, as to repaired from insulted!

Of the tragedies in “It’s The Clintons, STUPIDS!” there still is a too vast problem in we are still to much of the 1993 errs of their shared ambition as a pair to how too many are still trapped in it too real that the “THE CLINTONS” have as leaders too much, and too grandly, set asunder a faith in due process as to be of a politics more for their selfish secular spousal husbandry in a divisive partisan more to ends justifying the means, and as to that their ends can trump to a superiority over honesty and truth.

We seems asked to presume that San Bernardino shooting pair affected “HOLY WAR” as for having been too insulted by a celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus.  It seems so soon upon after Thanksgiving too that the insult may have seemed a running work place insulting, and yet as still it generally that words were still the still available as better weapons to repair to justice for all.

As long taught that Jesus nor Muhammad were above the other there is yet the complicated for Christians, especially in these called trying times, if to thinking Christianity is adequate for God’s severely tested of His deserts’ severe.

Christians are not to be “forgiven” for seeming “insults” as if as “infidels” to Islam by Muslims, they are better to be educated and taught, where not in a dire of any moment of a carpe diem justiced writ to allowed in deserts to save oneself before any other more primarily and generally than eitherwise in lands of bounty and working civility in processes allowable for climates offer procedures civil of civility by WORDS as a luxury, seemingly - seemingly as compared to of Muhammad’s days of the wholly to be Godly as to an establishment to how prudence must be real, and really speaking to those whom try to find way to Allah in deserts where such may disappear as like Mark Twain posited like of New England weather, as like by “just wait five minutes”!

There was, as on September 11, 2001 still time for Muslims of Islam to teaching with words as the better weapons.

There is as now due San Bernardino that this pair however of feeling maybe that Muhammad was too “insulted” still that such if present in a “Christmas Party” so soon after the dinings of “Thanksgiving” of they missing the “Pilgrims” and that enumerated of President George Washington, - - - Mustn’t it be however thought “insulted” those of this charitable work place were then more of a repairable ignorance not of a exercised hatred akin to being infidels to the daily struggles of those like orthodox Islamic to protecting the heavens for those living in the deserts’ more severe?

Due to Paris Attacks as premeditated and yet devoid of just words, I am likely not alone to assuaging such FAILED if “JIHAD”!  French have no business to bending the USA to Article V associated mission if it is yet that these attacks can be said as “acts of war” as retaliatory strikes against a French tyrannical to a Levant official politics to a disposition to bring secular socialism to Arabs of any self proclaimed Islamic State realm.  Paris seems unjustly terrorized, at least for the actions spoke to fewer words of understanding than words otherwise might have.  I cannot say, and do not know, as can hardly fairly consider enough to as informed, how if the “Paris Attacks” can be claimed to have been a success.

Let me be clear: In a premeditated enumeration pronouncement: Hopefully in time: It’s the Clintons, STUPIDS! - ye Americans must appreciate, if caring of a HOGAN metric, that I cannot respect any, even titled as accomplished women, if the now of an any endorsement of HILLARY2016 for so then of an endorsing of a Hillary Clinton of a flawed the ‘THE CLINTONS” I long have known too well to myself ever be one to selling forward any on any embrace of high office for any of the political pair CLINTON. 

>> To any new here to #HOGAN so published: It is that these Clintons so long known as these Clintons are of my knowing them true as so erred and flawed, and as in of my having known them since the early 1970s when they were yet engaged coeds of Yale Law School, as out and about in my neighborhood, together on a walk.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:38 pm

The fatal flaw in the American liberal (progressive?) agenda is apparent in Secretary of State John Kerry struggles with legitimacy.

There is much guilt for any American Democrat in the unprincipled disengagement of the policies of Clinton Administration, and very much for arrogance at climate change, with a solutions tyranny, of a partisan politics, of that chided by Pope Francis with the Catholic “Climate Redirect”, of any agenda prescribed in a “WE’RE 100% RIGHT” and will claim you of an absolute to and “ALL YOUR FAULT.” Democrats have guilt to bare!

Many moons have passed to also attest long shadows of Democrats, in their affected while flawed, to a darkness to haunt.

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly so dark due to climate change tyrannical of social engineering.

Yes, children of the world, yes! It is true as Paris young father said: “There are bad people everywhere…”

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly economical in that statistics of jobs killed for GREEN AGENDA.

Senator Bernie Sanders may enough be not a true Democrat. He speaks of Islamic State of rising of climate change realities.

Senator Bernie Sanders may be less a Democratic Socialist than a Brooklyn Jew seeking a moral Judaic to exercised in like a Christian to Catholic social ethos. When Mayor Sanders, of Burlington, Vermont, he was not, it seems, of an errant attitude that his residents needed DC as a distant, too taxing, big brother / big sister depended upon to run their own town.

There is a legitimacy however now a twisted politics in candidate Sanders equating Islamic State issues tie to climate change (politics?).

Catholic Secretary Kerry struggles with a general to global to existential legitimacy is some rooted in how seeded in President Barack H. Obama known (& unknown) lies affected as lying to cover-up for Clintons transgressions from Constitutionals, - especially from due process.

Without the Iraq War, however the politics of how commenced & operated are complicated and erred, Saddam Hussein would be as if still in bed with the Clintons and as if of daily flowers, and forgiveness, and yet because he wasn’t yet prosecuted Iran would be justified to a legitimacy for a nuclear arms race against Iraq. Without the so late it was nearly too late prosecution of Saddam Hussein the logic to a pathological, some to a ready evident, seems that an allowance for forcing a still in bed with Saddam Hussein to be to forcing a geo-topo-theo-politics progression from the end of the Cold War to Iraq then allowed, due necessity to be then in an arms race with Iran. By the Democrats errs there would be no Justice for all exported.

The Democrats shadow is of the solutions tyranny in their GREEN AGENDA said due due climate change ALARMISM to being a major jobs and economies killer across the Middle East, so for now their is enough truth in candidate Sanders postt to move on back to the issues in Secretary Kerry’s own “legitimacy”! We cannot turn the clock back on the economic decimation affected as seeded by the Clinton Administration (in unprincipled disengagement) and then so decimated with the GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM tyranny of arrogance, - that we very much do need a prudence in a CLIMATE REDIRECT from.

Secretary Kerry, I presume, is of a plausible deniability (, like Mrs. Clinton before him,) for firstly just a tool of President Obama, however himself exercised for an actual National Socialism where the leader is to be thought not fallible. Issues of Secretary of State “legitimacy” are of the President’s.

There is issues of “legitimacy” for these horrendous acts said of affectedness in an obedience stately of the Islamic State, that do also test this pared of Secretary Kerry’s struggles as President Obama’s due Democrats fatal flaws, - for legitimacy.

America shares the French “we have flowers” - it is the common core less taught of a civics potential in a Republic for civility established as Ordered by the People of and for due process.  Any “free exercise of religion” within the domains of the Republic of these united states of the Americas is firstly secured contrary to the Democrats fatal errs, as secured it is even for, and especially of matters of refugees, especially if of Islam, in there duty for all to commit to the Pledge Of Allegiance to that of innocence until guilt can be proven, - of a constituted for a practiced even for religious in a specified republican due process, of enumerated civil procedures and processes.

Muslims have received many amazing gifts from Allah since the days of the vibrancy of Muhammad’s dedications to Islam. The acts said of “terror” in Paris beg for intelligence in the affected, - there is a clarity of “holy message” like missing in the tragic affected. There is plausible concern as to actual legitimacy that begs if any actors to such barbarism could have half a brain among them to the fullness of laid forward by Muhammad’s own.

There is that Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, - that their God is equally above them, - that Muhammad of Arabia was of deserts so severe he was fully aware to the difficulties of finding the Holy in the deserts and hills of lava rocks, even daily.

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad seems at least halved by the attacks of Paris so that their is that “legitimacy” issue Secretary Kerry’s own legitimacy is hampered by?

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad was before the days after gifts from Allah should have generally changed the civil landscapes everywhere, whatever a places religiosity or particular struggles locate of to practiced Holiness, - before the invention at least of air conditioning, and personal portable gps mapping and locating guidance equipment affordable as common accessories for most?

There is that Jesus and Muhammad as one not above the other yet have a geo-topo-theo-politics as of their sufficed, if, for practiced, to affecting religiosity.

Muhammad whole brain affected has a legitimacy that the Paris Attacks, said by ISIS seems less than half respecting.

Muhammad, with his God equally above him, did attest to a inadequacy of Christianity for God’s deserts so of a severity.

Muhammad, now after so many gifts from God, too gifts from Allah, seems more wholly reasoned and accountable than if ISIS is of legitimacy of a justification for Islamic action affected as if Jihad by Paris fatal blows, and mass affected vast injurious.

To Secretary Kerry and the pickle he is in of “legitimacy” there is the problem that the air of affectedness seems as easily more likely to if such was an duped to for a convenient crisis by a criminal mastermind of motives that now seem to affect an unreasonable amount of angst and counter action against any however seekers of actual justice joined of an Islamic State peoples movement yet for religious liberty, where Islam is yet adequate for Arabian deserts finding of paths to Allah as seems Muhammad realized and exercised to Christianity was inadequate even while Christ Jesus himself not an infidel. Before the inventions at least of air conditioning and affordable portable gps the practiced for core Islamic desert existential yet stayed true of a first prudence for a unity of brethren to be practiced to desert survival, and of cutting free weak links when too weak to so known weak to be a threat to any other, or a camel train of many.

It boggles a learned conscience on legitimacy even as Democrats fatal flaws of darkness in their long dark shadows of guilt.

It boggles how civil procedures were not exercised by any if actually true to an Islamic State as a peoples movement for religious liberty.

It boggles juxtaposed to the due process committed to by Pledge Of Allegiance of the Republic the French helped seed & grow.

It boggles to Secretary of State John Kerry’s opined confused on legitimacy, also, as it seems the outcomes from these Paris Attacks leave one thing self evident:


Besides all the gifts from Allah, as from God, this One equally above the flowers and deserts of Christ Jesus and Muhammad, it is yet that there is confusion in America for for too long the Democrats have undermined the Constitution as actually the People by Order to it Established in Christianity but disallowed from theocracy and to that Congress is to make now law respecting an “establishment” of religion. Any and all refugees must at least ask themselves if they can live in this Republic dedicated, in committed pledge to, of any free exercise of religion yet to be constituted in civil procedures for democratic civility established and ordained for due process, for of an innocence until proven guilty - by prescribed practiced ways kept.

The flowers are also everywhere, children of the world! Any practiced of Islam for desert survival too of paths to Allah is yet reasoned as reasoned wholly as for when in deserts do as Muhammad affected as allowable for survival of a holiest.

The “bad guys of everywhere” that boggles to confuses the legitimacy of the Democrats (of Obama administrations) is confused for it plausible to intelligent that the outcomes of these horrendous acts seem more to benefit entrenched leaders, not checked by democratic processes, firstly and mostly as if a convenient crisis to allow them more unthinkable acts as if justifiable.

The Islamic of Muhammad seems set forward for all Muslims to amended civil procedures themselves if gifts from Allah facilitate or enable respectfully.

The Islamic of Muhammad is so pared of Christianity as but inadequate for deserts severe of His severely tested for survival as with paths to Holy available and equitably, considering the complicated vicissitudes more incident to all from heat stroke, and suddenly upon sand storms, paired regularly to facts of life that alcohol under such temperate tested conditions is most recognizable as a threat to life to most, or all, - at least before the gifts from Allah of air conditioning, affordable portable gps, and at least satellite phones.

There is the legitimacy that there seems to be no apparent “flowers” for the Islamic State in if this was a reasoned and affected truly by ISIS committed souls. Unless depopulation of Muslims was the end game as the practiced and affected of believed.

There seems just to much plausible deniability for any of Islam even as if of a peoples movement for religious freedom as of the Levant as in an Islamic State.  The legitimacy if Islamic seems a message to Muslims refugees that they can be thinned out even if they leave the Levant.

The Obama struggles with legitimacy is of the fatal flaws of Democrats to an attempt to a post-Constitutional Union as if GOD was dead and any Pledge Of Allegiance could disrespect the common sense that “religion” is that which is of all things together as indivisible of a force conjoined as even the human species is like electric eels as themselves of a force that awakens in the bodies of religious as of embodied as bodies electric.

Secretary of State John Kerry, however errant or a rogue to President Obama, on legitimacy, yet is more, himself, than seeming half brained at best, for its seems contrary to Muhammad wholly exercised for prudence in desert survival of a keeping of paths to Allah. It just seems misdirected angst as it seems too likely “bad guys” may have been duped for (an)others’ machinations for (re)securing of their Power.

It seems seeded by “bad guys” that the sowing in Paris Attacks are yet no flowers for Muslims reaped! This is a legitimacy issue to concern all.

As Muslims seem free to celebrate Santa Claus as Christ Jesus nor Muhammad were neither above the other, while Christianity if practiced in deserts severe had inadequacies, as Christ Jesus was not an infidel while Christianity had geo-topo-theo-politics regional limitations that Islam has survived without, it begs, while refugees to too be to commitment by Pledge Of Allegiance to Republican civil procedures for due process, even as the Democrats of years against such to a post-Constitutional as a fatal flaw, - now hopefully fully repaired from forward, what legitimacy can there be of Muhammad laid for Holiness in such acts affected by seemingly likely duped “bad guys”?

There now can seemingly become a legitimacy legacy for these attacks of “Jihad” if by civil practiced by written or spoken articulations to a pathology to “flowers” also for any of Islam by seeming senseless acts of indiscriminate violence.

It now just seems that the Islamic State if truly guilty yet as justifiable now must at least affect poetry or rap to attest a Justice! It seems the violence wasn’t mighty to any clarity for legitimacy and now they if of affectedness must resort to the Power of words.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:06 pm

What was Quentin Tarantino thinking?

How did he get from “RESERVOIR DOGS” to “KILL BILL”?

How is it that the person the basis for “SERIOUS BLACK” (the “Sirius Black”of ”Harry Potter”) is like captured as channeled for scenes of David Carradine with Uma Thurman?

The GODFATHER figure that was the basis for “SERIOUS BLACK” (like “Dumbledore” start from ’double door’ & “Gryffindor” from ’Griffin Hospital’ doors “Sirius” for ’serious’) as a godfather figure is dead, - my godfather Charles “Charlie” did pass in recent years on the day that David Brooks released “THE SERIOUS ONE” opinion hit piece. My godfather Charlie died later in the day suddenly as of the day that Joe Frazier died, his boxing hero “SMOKIN’ JOE” passed.

On November 15, 2003 Army CWO Erik C. Kesterson was killed in the #IraqWar when as a Blackhawk pilot his helicopter collided fatally with another helicopter to so many killed in one day as to be the new record for deaths in one day in Iraq. Erik was a Marine in the Army for having re-uped after the attacks of 9/11/2001. To my godfather, my uncle, Erik was nearly a son, and to his loss in 2003 akin to a loss of a dear son.

My godfather became the basis for “SERIOUS BLACK” when after J.K. Rowling accepted my mused challenge to write 7 books on magic of a magic school with each book then for a next year and around a maturing curriculum.  My uncle Charles, never to be a king but of his own home a “castle” his, was then as mused to honor after JKR complained of a near: YOU HAVEN’T GIVEN ME ENOUGH EVEN FOR FIVE BOOKS YET!  To such a godfather for the lead was born and to as it of the of dangers of electricity like of volts & more for watts sons & daughters the world around, - my uncle my godfather was  a career union electrician always most serious about black wires for always firstly the live load carrier.  Though PATRONUS more like “patron US” it is so to fill out for the challenge I also wired JKR to my associated Ultimate Frisbee league circle phat of architects of world famous firms responsible for the design of the Petronas Towers, and the management of their construction.

It was clear in various scenes that for one reason or another, if only for their own Tarantino fandom, my uncle and his oldest daughter, a cousin not my cousin whom is who lost her significant other in Iraq on November 15, 2003, how present in the moments of film that Uma Thurman was looking to be channeling in peaceful scenes such cousin, and as well in other peaceful yet dramatic moments as if of with David Carradine (maybe yet as a father figure).

November 2003 was a tough month across my family as in days before Erik C. Kesterson died in duty and service to his country my brother on his way through Maryland to work in Pennsylvania had an unfortunate collision to a “Traumatic Brain Injury” (TBI) affected most seriously. My younger brother, my only blood brother, was a huge fan of QUENTIN TARANTINO’S “RESEVOIR DOGS” cinematic accomplishment. My brother an early 1990’s Tufts University graduate is now near back to 100% and the proud father of three splendid and still young boys, a 3 G’s - by names abreviated.

“KILL BILL VOL I&II” do stand as artful public shaming for a concert of conscience in 2003 to pressuring any to ponder if President Bill Clinton is essentially condemnable for all times as a seriously flawed person.  I say this as one whom President George W. Bush is recalled proud enough of to have, it seems, offered a referral to Victor Ganzi when head of HEARST CORP, as of myself rating “He did more for me than any on my staff.” 

Like of “chapter & verse” sound: I believe I got this quoted near enough to most accurately to speak to, some, how though NSA Condoleezza Rice had been a client by subcontract before September 2001, as for new closet doors installed by my hands into her WATERGATE condominium, it is that after 9/11/01 I was to still faxing the National Security Council fax number of concerns we/they were missing an attack likely coming, as feared coming since at least 1994-1993.  I have a record, - a paper trail of I think over 700 faxes sent to provide advice or direction by sentiment to the Bush administration, and as most of these then were after the attacks as useful for having found I tragically was proven right as to that attacks were coming and as to why, it seemed, seems.

I do not know at which point I may have dealt with Quentin Tatantino as for my younger brother’s enthusiasm and how then to maybe I might like him if he worked to a film with David Carradine, as to of the “KUNG FU” pathology his.  I know I had a thought like this at some point as a pointed yet before “KILL BILL” released.

My own story is of a pathology trued to forensically of record, enough, to that my helping of the Bush administration after the attacks of 9/11, however so unsolicited and voluminous, as via the NSC fax number, and as after I had had NSA Rice as a client while making an honest living living in DC working as a general contractor, as a very sole proprietor. 

My own story is of many chapters that sometimes play out better for comprehension if mixed up as if shuffled too.

My own story is that I was specifically useful to President Bush by having a rooted understanding that Al Qaeda attacks had roots in President Clinton 1993 bad first steps and his commitment essentially since 1993 to just try to ignore the messy Iraq issues that gave birth to Al Qaeda essentially as a bastard child of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

That I knew, and know well confidently, and still, that 9/11/2001 is a date that should live even more in infamy in coming years as a tragedy particularly taggable and mashable as much specifically mostly and uniquely of numerable faults of Bill Clinton, at least of his 1993 first steps on a Middle East posturing.

Which ever chapter we now of it is that essentially the GREAT TRUTH of the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is that he has been wrong, so very wrong, and so very wrong since his very first hour on his first day as a sworn President in 2009, and much for I know what you should already know, but likely don’t, that President Barack Hussein Obama lied in his First Inaugural and to such an extent that if the Congress had been Republican enough, it could have been yet news - newsworthy - of a First Black President as IMPEACHABLE from his very first hour as PRESIDENT, for lies so BIG they were otherwise yet actionable against as they were lies to affect a cover-up - a cover-up of the CLINTONS beyond a favor of hiding simple political negligence.

I didn’t not try to or even accidentally view any of “KILL BILL VOL I OR II” until years after the releases to theaters, - my brother was much in recovery and I, to being nearby support while living in the District of Columbia, and it just was an unknown seeming too coincidentally as if of somehow of my conscience stirred to art to me at least seeming a called for PUBLIC SHAMING, however coy.

I will now, when it feels right, be to adding an #IRAQ tag and likely an #AlQaeda tag to this essay on “KILL BILL” as biting satire on the faults, too little still known of, as still too little known of as very clearly of PRESIDENT CLINTON errs. There is much already filling out the #Cats (categories) of this blog satellite to http://JPHogan.org that this will smartly attest with to the guilts to long haunt the brand “CLINTON”!

To get your most cynical on, to find a frame of mind to best fig true the CLINTONS bads it may help to consider their selfish spousal husbandry to partisan politics is veined deep in their fidelity to each other to a pre-nuptual witnessed to a promised between them when they were still co-eds of New Haven as Yale Law School enrolled that if Hillary Rodham agreed to marry William Jefferson Clinton and helped him get a Presidency he would be held from infidelity to her to keep at least a promised witnessed to that he then would work to make sure she then, for letting him ‘go first’, would get her own Presidency.

To get your most cynicial on, to find the most dimensional “CLINTON” it helps to probe them each for every moment through their lives when to thinking and plotting, to planning, to affect such “agreed” it was of them measured and calculating to that to have such be at all possible they likely to need to “construct” an appearance of differences between their thems, - they were of moments, it seems recalled, of deciding “Bill” in going first would have to be a “DOVE” administratively and to that any truly “HAWKISH” had to be postponed for “Hillary” - whatever the cries for action were whenever, for if “Hillary” to have any chance “Bill” would have to avoid being a “HAWK” and they would have to write constructs and spin them, somehow, to until PRESIDENT HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON could then be “HAWKISH” as an action hero as different as a “HAWK”!

In the moment, these present times so concurrent to essaying on “KILL BILL” as “ART” in a metaphor for Clintons guilts, it helps to posture for better politics, for a potential to better politics as returned, that Donald Trump is wrong in his opined about the Iraq War.  You must for yourselves figure how this is not of TRUMP as wrong to a ‘BUSH WAS WRONG’ and as different than my imported to that:











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>>> On a happier note:  I think it was before JKR complained I hadn’t yet given her enough for even five books that she wisely asked as to be books on magic if there should be a flying broom in stories.  See: As she performed on a challenge to seven books roughly “outlined” and of years, and years, and years, of mused energies of support, it is that she created a sport of flying brooms, - but after my answer sync’d her to my Ultimate Frisbee leagues and the straw broom at my parents fireplace as with a “YES” to a flying broom but with the caveat to:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:26 pm

Please be seated!  If you would not order Budweiser, clearly labeled, in public this may be too above you.

Donald Trump and Jeb Bush have an advantage tonight that John McCain and Mitt Romney didn’t have; tonight all Republicans are of our politics partly cleaned up by it that it is now generally accepted that the Clinton machinations cannot defeat their sagaciousness as before for now the Clintons’ machine is known to be being probed for CRIMINALITY.

Though now as a sagacious can stand of a chance against the Clintons’ machinations it though seems that DT & JB are not those to benefit prima facia in a non-mechanical sagaciousness.  DT & JB are now likely those of the 17 whom can benefit least from the Clintons as now really facing multiple chargeables as to likely CRIMINALITY.

DT & JB are politically fastened to the upturned Clintons of a set asunder developing from so many open unknowns.

DT, alone, seems out of place to it reset we are now as if of at 1800 all over again; DT’s “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is discordant to the already well beaten of Republicans flouting for Jeffersonian Republicans while Lincoln Republicans. DT, alone, is discordant to the field’s improvements already of the charge of New Federalism leg work and bulwarks to us girded and set about already by most of the others’ years of engagements to the construct, — to it already under construction how America being restored to greatness as American as generally celebrated before across the united states.

Chris Christie, for a Governor long likewise, offers a case in point if not a most welcomed suitor.  CC so became a better Governor for New Jersey, than the Democrat of the Clintons’ machinations & beddedness before, whence that when New York voted Andrew Cuomo its new Governor he was beset of a need to unlearn his “expertise” of and under Bill Clinton such so that he did try to learn to be like CC so as not to again make the mistakes of BC so that were at the forensic roots to why New York had been so much to failing.

How suitable you may see DT as your suitor there is that it has been being already built by the others, and for years and years, a necessary breastworks to a restored America.  As if your suitor and tonight to yet speed dating alternatives you’ve got a TRUMP usurper to morally query.  As if your suitor DT from the start may feel flushed as one to most benefit from American Restoration now years forward progressing and yet to fated to his still lesser roll as to the business side of the USA at structurally along to made better again.

If we hear anew “I know all the smartest (buisness) people” we/you should as if though does he too yet know the smartest “political” Republicans!  If he “knows” the “smartest” isn’t he admitting complicity for past years of being so among such a said “class” and yet to it that while so ensconced he yet isn’t of a brag, bragging, braggadocio for having with them seen the fixes when the problems were effected by BC originally and to having prevented the now called for construct to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”?  If we hear it shouldn’t we/you protesteth to query to how DT can now “fix” what he didn’t at least know how to prevent earlier, - to prevent while say: TOO ACCEPTING OF CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS?

You may be new to my suitability to this discourse as better than teasing or throwing darts merely at news. So be it advice you could start with 33 #economics sorted for convenience at http://CitRB.net and then be sure to visit http://CitRB.org to atleast read through THE AWAKENING, THE O ZONE, THE SUPPRESSION, OBAMA’S RETREAT, MASHABLE POWERS, &, GOD IS DEAD: AN AMERICA OF LIARS, CHEATS, AND FRAUDS.  You can be teased to a tipped off to my suitability too with brevity in:  I penned THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that much made the 1992 Clinton ascendency, I reworked after 9/11/01 with faxes & symbiosis with President Bush fixes to where BC had misused and err’d on which yet best explains his unexpected 92 win, and, now #TCONF still works to the Kuwait invasion as a think that holds up even as people think ISIS is yet something new.

And, as DT has admitted of my entertaining side, that cushioned the seriousness of these decades of concerns of like 3 wars being fought quite few even ever, and still ever, do talk about, he has been a beneficiary for the idea of an APPRENTICE show did originate from me, while wondering how to move economies forward still in an integration of marketing and then to thinking I would add to mix an asking of DT for an apprenticeship albeit with a deal about some other proprietary JP Hogan business ideas.

Right, it is hard to be brief now while to explaining DT’s “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is a dating tag line of one whom to my decades at THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM success, albeit with set backs due BC’s vast misuses, where a bit player is stepping out as if the grand coordinator of something as new while the others of the dating alternatives very much so have been years and years already themselves at efforts all uniquely their own.

Right, we have been sufficiently but not perfectly gathered around a charge of new federalism since 1992 and yet such as a reset to federalism from the then trends to be more as if of RECONSTRUCTION post Civil War spun spinning!

Right, we have been barely yet sufficiently progressing in a charge of new federalism where it has now proofed to be our best defense and offense for homeland posturing as a new sole superpower as to even and especially now the warming with Iran, and quite the ideologicals of the “fight” against ISIS.

Yes, to make America great again as a charge of new federalism is still working globally while humbly for these United States we are yet like newly at the 1800 mile marker of the start of 40 years for Jeffersonian Republicans.

Yes, JB is as betwixt and between as the real DT as to it for so partial to the old (and new) Clintons’ machinations however they may have a winning sagacious it is too familial to just familiar to the THE CLINTON.  JB needn’t (maybe) explain his silence on bad economics of BC at hyper consumerism with risky loaning and reckless surplus cutting, of the already budgeted needed to otherwise “save” or “create” the future jobs, as DT now of machinations to unwed from.

But, JB & DT have years of sufficient access, and “smarts”, said of “influence”, to real “Power”, to explain, to how each themselves can be a best suitor, forward, to fix what we should be querious regarding, for the common sense said head on them, as now such of “their’s” so begs voters doubting Thomases be to:


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{NOTE:  Iran deal conundrum in President Barack Obama IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT American University oration for he spoke room between he and the Clintons, by so cleverly of just alluding to their problem in how the warming with Iran is now only possible for the FREEDOM AGENDA fixes to the years 1993-2001 all their’s, and enough, in his own “cold shoulder” ways to it out there that the Iraq war he opposed is yet to OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM to proofing such was necessary as a basis for the warming of relations with Irani, and to a potential now, no thanks to the Clintons, either, for rational and actually diplomatic engagements.  PBO hasn’t let go of if PGB did though run a good and necessary war ALL WRONG though, but he has driven a punctuation between the Clintons machinations and a legacy hopefully to he as “sagacious” more.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:43 am

Pencils down!!!  How say you Hillary Rodham Clinton?

As we seem past a politik of “lipstick on a pig” we yet are not “out of the mud”! What we have here concurrent to our seeming early deciding is a pressing problema for timely meditations for prudence in a “stitch in time saves nine” cautionary.  How we are all gathered as so around Mrs. C. is pre-set in a near self evident that our perspectives seem of looking down on #Hillary2016 without a need for stools.  How do you speak - say, as say - of Hillary Rodham Clinton? How is your own prosaic already pressed to hash out the throw-down to #HILARYworstSecStateEVER?

This has already reached SERIOUS - these times are already CRITICAL!

A cementitious walk of HRC talk disturbs to recollections of the days before cell phones of people in public alone talking knowing without wireless earbuds.  A seventh floor perspective can too seem ridiculous - to a worst case, and easily evident.

Please play along, now.  Please imagine you are standing at a pre-podium with too a pencil at the ready.

First to a most serious, and old:  There was a made for TV event with living current and past Secretaries of State paired for two by two projections where Secretary HRC was balanced by Secretary Henry Alfred Kissinger.  There was this of a ridiculous as from any ever a Secretary of State whence then as like the HRC opening tease.  Secretary HRC espoused/blurted (defensively?) a proposition that America has like “passed power peacefully Secretary to Secretary” over the recent years.  No, that/this was/is BAD!  It is in the archived where ever of Secretary HAK of his jaw like dropping to his toes.  As a defensive in a necessary, though to a ridiculous, it may have been necessary fictionalizing in rationalizing from the truths of what the Clintons’ Secretary Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright so like passed to the 9/11 Secretary Colin Luther Powell.

To bookend to a closing auto-bio’d from the Stately seventh floor there too is the problematic of Secretary HRC to self incrimination in her first official statement on Benghazi consulate tragedy, as witnessed of her office area.  Secretary HRC, before to a clean up for the Rose Garden ceremonial with President Barack Hussein Obama, was self damnably to espousing/blurting near “I did not believe this could happen in a country I had liberated.”  #OMG - That was/is BAD!

Candidate Donald John Trump, Sr. is not alone in propositions discriminate to whom a WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER tag best to be pinned upon. Candidate DJT, Sr., in spirit of full disclosure, did get the APPRENTICE idea from me, freely, but as so with reservations, mine, due his excessive enthusiasm, such that I let go so that I didn’t undermine my ongoing THINK still to national security, and/or presidential voluntary dedications to writable, and written (, and faxed to The White House via a NSC dedicated line.). (I do not remember the exact year I was on the road and to TRUMP APPRENTICE thoughts - I recall it timed to my driving north back towards Connecticut from relocated to the District of Columbia as to my apartment on Capitol Hill across from Eastern Market - on 7th St SE @ Independence Ave.)  I have written over these past years to such a pronouncement upon the float of the reputations of for Secretary HRC, and too at least nearly wrote specifically so critically of her in her own times, so.

There is a madness in the methodologies of Secretary HRC “work” that beg conscience of if dereliction of duty while yet of burning energy as on the clock “busy”!  The diplomatic was set asunder by Secretary HRC supposing a modernization reset to a JOBS DIPLOMACY.  To just basically tag a long conditional fitting a full dialectic dissection discoursing debate let us set up the contrary in her suppositions:  Secretary of State HRC seems to have spent too much time trying to usurp Power from the Treasury and Commerce Departments legacy global charges in a reflexive denial more of wanting her Secretariat to seem more like a Her  Presidency.  Secretary HRC at a JOBS DIPLOMACY showed a lack of sympathy for “diplomacy” and a corrupted view upon what is “economics” (not of a Socialist State planned economy)!  Secretary HRC may be evidently derelict as regards Benghazi negligence for she was at a personal angst busy work of trying, wrongly, to USURP the realms of global legacy charges the duties set long as for TREASURY and COMMERCE Departments.

(Note: For later: Too:  As titled by me as to a compilation maybe soon as “ART OF RIVAL” there too is subterfuge to consider in the working THE CLINTON to the affected extant as President PBO “Rivals” in his/their TEAM OF RIVALS.)

There are to be considered as if Secretary HRC, now more running as Candidate Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to be introduced by title of her last job, and for it too her highest “paying” charge, — now running as like “Mrs. C. First Mate of the THE CLINTON FOUNDATION, is of shades of gray, — of degrees of denial — forensically of having not been able to have TRUTH as an option so in it necessary but not proper that lies and denial were her only yeast.  Mrs. Clinton, especially while Secretary HRC, was bound up - locked up - beholden spousally firstly - to as away from TRUTH in service to the President for her “politics” were of her “personal” (”mail”) her primary contracted charge to Union, — forensically Mrs. C. had to be the janitor/maintenance professional to keeping and cleaning up the THE CLINTON structural “alternatives” to historicals. Mrs. C. especially while “Secretary” to “The President” was firstly beholden to “Former President” charge as spouse in marriage duty supposed long to it that a spouse, regardless of sex, is not to be “public” of airing “dirty laundry” of their Union, — a spouse is not, officially expectant, to rat - to incriminate the other spouse. 

ALL BUSH FAULT is so such an impossible truth that it is for the grandness of it a lie for cover-up that it works, yes forensically, to suggest, due its vast left gen’d scope, a grandness of great crimes to need be covered up, - an IT MUST BE ACTUALLY REALLY BAD OF THE CLINTON for their only defense was propositioning themselves as having been PERFECT.  This was at least one BIG lie that attests to TRUTH WAS NOT AN OPTION.

This has already reached CRITICAL - These times now @: CRIMINAL?

Occasionally some have read of a SHUTTER ISLAND escaped “patient” #RedCoatHRC aka #Patient86.  To this let us just amass regarding the tags being pinned upon Secretary HRC that she does present as of delusions of innocence and of future usefulness.  These times are of such as a real and present danger however such writ conditional.

Of the rest of them, many of them as to trump Trump attitudes, again to full disclosure: There is that the need to stay to my seriousness whence of my generation of the APPRENTICE idea sharing was later to may post 2008 advising to DC conservatives that they should position themselves as a PARTY OF NO, and to as I was considering if to like “repair” to “retired”, from solo constitution to Constitutionals, to teamwork at CNBC, as was, let me be clear, I should disclose I did too ask CNBC, in such attitude, to please have one of theirs already staff to broadcast like AMERICA COULD USE A NEW TEA PARTY.  So about the madness of “Patient 86″ specific to the throw-down as to Secretary HRC fig’s #HILLARYworstSecStateEVER is yet my separations from that of so many also running these are those I worked my “stay serious” with to clean up “Washington” and by setting up a clear differentiation between the two parties so that the seeming present discussed ‘criminality” would not be of so much collusion that there wasn’t a clean hands Party able to carry its charges to duty to at least fully dissect and investigate a CRIMINALITY of parties to the other Party.

The prognosis of our current prolegomena et femme of le’ THE CLINTON is beggard to there a bastardization of the Constitutional in the known “work” of Secretary HRC and too as seems readily evident, and even confessed to, of times when so cornered, they doth espoused proudful ownership, in defensives too clever attempts to ride out the impropriety, by hiding in plain sight their improper, as badges of honor, by like confessing, in a braggadocio, that they stole, and but it was right to steal.

How say you HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON? Do you say, with pencils ready your opinion of Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton is alarming even for a patient of SHUTTER ISLAND, - as #Patient86 aka #RedCoatHRC?

How dangerous do you consider a freed THE CLINTON while so many charged in duty to charge her/them (in conspiracy to…) officially as if only so far evident for DELUSIONS OF INNOCENCE, & FUTURE USEFULNESS?

Of my disclosures there is to the contrary to the THE CLINTON defense as if NO ONE SAW … COMING for my story is enough written and shared, to shared publicly so that that lie doesn’t work if and when generally press’d.  Forward it is that these of the 2016 contestations may yet be so efficient in their charge to duty as just fellow citizens to it that they will be rendering US all to our next President as from Ohio, but as to 2016 for ELECT APPOINTED BY SUCCESSION PRESIDENT JOHN BOEHNER PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  The down and dirty is out and public with experts across fields of bellows at “TREASON” & “CRIMINAL” so that a resignation if forced of President PBO now is only reasonable to be too of a fall of the THE BIDEN, likewise.

The Republicans and Independents should, maybe, be feeling good about the GOP forward for this above is so demonstrably true to it that those running against the THE DONALD are creditable for having already worked and worked and worked to our solutions present and ready, once we yet nail up/down the “others” that enough political separation has been constructed between to a them bad vs an us good, — a republican we’ve been right, and, yes, they have been wrong even and especially when saying they were right, — generally, but not exclusively to every issue particulars.

Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton (Of her chosen name her spouse’s born as William Blythe III later taken chose’d name) did confess from the seventh floor in first statements official regarding the fall of the Libyan Benghazi Consulate an unrecoverable from ignorance so when to closing postured “I DID NOT THINK IT COULD…”!

The conditions upon which any are to review “Patient 86″ are of bit.ly/TwoHistories least to it REAL that of course she should have considered, after Iraq precedent, that such was at least possible, however yet to if probable whence as an epilogue to the THE CLINTON of yet too a: “9/11 II” tag’d.

Though Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Patient 86″, is now so isolated, do FOLLOW THE HONEY!!! It is critical that her spouse is too isolated “follows to”, — separated for Justice!

I now leave the greater duty to that of charges upon the elected officials and any a candidate for high office to that which has legs as to an apparent CRIMINALITY extant in the THE CLINTON !!! And, to lawyers, and judges, everywhere!

New to #Patient86, and already learned well read of #BlackLivesMatter, there are particulars already particularly press’d of “Patient 86″ as of a BLACK PROBLEM, however sufficiently corralled via bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM #HOGAN mashable!!

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[New column in an art of politics punditry commenced - Check back hourly as it progresses - Deadline only a should be done before each 16 Republicans now candidates for President pen there own essay as to #HILLARYworstSecStateEVER throw down by Donald Trump - In the spirit of Fox News could be better to paring down to ten if by an essay contest as to be effected actually in the hands of the candidates.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:05 am

This is not about Donald Trump.

These days try conscience as much as souls; — These morns beset of her delusions of innocence & future usefulness.

If the world were her of #ShutterIsland she to “reign” as #Patient86 aka #RedCoatHRC; — … Truth is marching on.

Ms. Rodham to Master Dunham ~ ~ ~ What does Kennedy’s medical bag say to District legal for marijuana/pot/weed?

The “beef” is in the sandwich most - betwixt her the buns? The “beef” is so between the buns - #HillaryClinton?  The “hams” are behooved political for their pork too of the “…stans” as their convenient “wars of choice”?  The “hams” are befallen from united, — it must be forward that there is no real “union” in Clinton - Obama staged “unity”; — there is a lot of “beef” between these born “hams.”

On this Day 20, July, in this Year of our Lord, as still of our Nation, as the more perfect formed Union, by the Constitution as the People’s “Order” under God so whence then as subscribed “done” in that “Year of our Lord” we have “hams” so contrary! — Our National soap opera is now again pertinent to the philosophical of the days of our founders’ lives.  As the world turns we have to be hospitable to the general Hospitality staged, and, yet, — we must not trust, — we must gird to verify! verify! verify!

By this morning our President Obama should have been of intra-party strife and more foaming at the mouth over #MrsC due her staged Clinton superior bias in Dover.  It was just our few days ago when there seemed a repaired harmony between the House of Obama and the House of Clinton with Mrs. W. J. Clinton of pronouncements from thought as to running to proof she will be the better Executive than he that the Clinton “two-fer” long interjected to yet being pared to fared from to her said only to supposed suppositions forward as #Hillary2016 as if to be for Master Dunham to President Obama’s glory as if to be lived firstly to carry his legacy.

This is not about Donald Trump, but, yet; — Some to see now if - FORWARD.

By now to that President George W. Bush brother #Jeb is yet not of having decidedly defeated the Clinton “machine” there is that #JebBush is wounded and #TheDonald #Trump is in the fray for having smelled Bush blood, - seems.  Donald Trump seems to be serving appetizers to the cards being dealt #Hillary2016 & #Bush2016 as not possibly fortuitous forward, — at least to the learned of card counting acumen.  Can there now be a viable Trump if not if #Clinton & #Bush of stuck to losing hands?

You may have heard richie richie Donald Trump is very very smart, — that he went to Wharton for business rearing/schooling.  So be it that he must know it better not to start a battle you don’t think is winnable at least for your mission, cause, self defined “success”!  How beat must the hands of the House of Clinton and the House of Bush be for one so smart to have actually entered such a contestation of Power and for protestants to proof if not superior to at least “cleaner”?

This is not about Donald Trump, but, yet, — Some to see now how associated - concurrently, - yet!

Bill Clinton?  William Jefferson Clinton?  President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton? Mr. Hillary Rodham-Clinton?

Right!  Here is the “beef” beset of the behooved “Houses” as per the “hams” of Democrats’ intra-party civil war begun:  Mrs. ____ did go back to New Hampshire after her showing of just rope in their Fourth of July celebration, by parade, where a banner at least of “Vote For Hillary” should have been (if it the Clinton machine were not so too cheap)!  Mrs. ____, to the Dover staged, yet did doth forthwith betray, O from whence Master Dunham, to now President Obama, as if FORWARD she would be a dedicant, as quite a disciple to the House of Obama, if embraced to succeed to a House of Clinton recapture of the White House.  Mrs. ____ did affect a Clintons are superior extant in a politick at least for Dover based, — the of New Hampshire.  Mrs. ____ did “ham” it though agreed yet to just be to “bettering” the Obama “better” “if” - like; she broke out yet to crowd arousal in her spousal husbandry pride to it to toll through eve to dawn of the echoes of her Mr. a superior President and as if one we need now again because President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t been at least as good as her man.

Uh Ohh! Uh Ohh?  There must go House of Obama support for the House of Clinton / House of Rodham-Clinton?

Uh Ohh! Uh Ohh?  Here must be set up the how “The Donald” associated with the Clintons’ of years 1993-2001?

Uh Ohh! Uh Ohh?  Ever here now a “HOW IF” to if #Trump can become business related unwed yet from “THE CLINTON”!

The “beef” is of a divide now so an intra-party wedge between factions Democratic Party card carrying beset.  Mrs. ____ has, by Dover all about the base “THE CLINTON” staged, worked an indivisible husbandry to the Democrats’ “house” as divided.  It must be clear, — let us be clear:  Mrs. ____ did posture her spouse as superior to President Obama and to it that her hide seems up for repurposing by new allegiances to alliances intra-party to Clintons fairly to be locked out to preserve and protect an actually better party legacy than that whence walked to by the “THE CLINTON” of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS”!

To the “The Donald” of the Trump of 1990s pre “#Trump” eco-systems of HOUSE OF CLINTON politick it seems yet Donald Trump didn’t make the economy - didn’t make the economy grow while yet as if of civil battalions in success whence at growing a private business on the waves of the growth President Obama now would be behooved to differentiate in a clear politick to how, as http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT trick’d out, the Clintons themselves so to be rapped “THEY DIDN’T BUILD IT”!

The “beef” is so between the buns; — The “beef” is in the sandwich “TheClinton” ~~~ “THE CLINTON” of the falling the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS”!  Between these once born “…hams” there is the “…stans” too of the said of Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Hussein Obama as to the American abandonment of the years 1993-2001 of the selfish “slick” avoidance and inaction as per the majorities hopes in Afghanistan, — and yes: IN IRAQ - OF THE SHIA MAJORITY.  There now is the Iran Deal fitting as an #IranDealGate for it cannot be #4Real concurrent least we firstly primarily accept it couldn’t be without their having been OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of the FREEDOM AGENDA.  There now is it is inconceivable that there could be sandwiched to such deal a way for the years of 1993-2001, of Clintons’ bias against Shia, of Clintons’ bias for Sunni, to us not now of trumped for the Bush administration that the buns/breads of these “…hams” to “HOUSES” Democratic Party card carrying do proof the long said “beef” mustn’t be the “Bush” between the “Clinton” and the “Obama” reigns.

This is not about Donald Trump;  This yet begs if such a smartie so richie richie would have trespassed to Politick’d but if it wasn’t pre-certain as if pre-set to - predetermined - that yet there is a tri’ tru’s to tru’d that now forward the legends of Clintons, Bush, Obama have it self evident, at least, that his battle was won per these dynastic before it began.

This is not about Donald Trump;  The Republican field may not fit in any “clown car” but still it is laughable how “The Donald” may be yet too bedded if not wedded to the “economics” so “slick” and condemnable of disq’d at http://JPHogan.org for Posterity in at least “THE AWAKENING” / “THE O ZONE” / “OBAMA’S RETREAT” / “THE SUPRESSION?” / “HER FAIR SHARE” / “FAIR FALL” / “SWADDLED TOGAS” / “GUNS OF RODHAM.”

This is not about Donald Trump!  It though should, for the general Welfare, suppose to propose that the Tea Party should only be in this battle for he seems already too needing to apprentice at least Senator John McCain (R), Arizona, and Senator Lindsey Graham (R), South Carolina.

Mrs. ____ has ruled herself too of for a CLINTON LEGACY at the expense of TRUTH as to a better legacy in a the THE OBAMA LEGACY, - seems?

Mrs. ____ seems at least trumped, like Governor Jeb Bush.

Where is William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton, past President?

#Hillary2016 now to all this of Mrs. ____ “ham’d” to “beef” #4Real #TRUTH and marching on, however still seemingly too cheap: You of your’s of New Hampshire rope line where a banner least should have been? ~

… you too cheap? you too “slick” too?  you forever of “Union” contrary ham’d always HOUSE OF CLINTON primarily? Generally beat?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:14 am

It is my goal today to press out a timely corralling of President William Jefferson Clinton as probed, speared, and finally slowed.

Today, as high noon an eve of destruction looming in an EMPEROR OBAMA OF IMMIGRATION PARK, at least for new wordage by the hour in tonnage, it is iffy how metaphorical apropos the moment while the concurrent of such a dire. It may be iffy to risk at metaphors to assuage a sufficient discernation from a pack mentality by use of literary echoes of the TEAM OF RIVALS of TEAM CLINTON persisting as declaratory as living “rivals.”

To speak to species and genius differential, as necessary, in a pre-meditory pre-coverage of a too stepping out “Emperor” President Barack Hussein Obama:  Let us stick to WJC as a “BULL” and moderate the risks with a showing of BHO now preen and puffed but as a coiffed poodle.  To just I presume you share an opinion in the on point EXCLAMATORY that was Election 2014 of the We the People spoke with votes protestant of our politics as too gone to the dogs.

As the poodle at PRESIDENTIAL is the issue the query of the metaphor the obvious is the history in his wordage by the hour in tonnage, and too specifically the Second Inaugural Speech of President BHO for it of a proclaiming that he just after having sworn the oath of office was of posture and teeth forward but of an intent to not see himself as “beholden” to the oath he had just put his paw/hand to.  Yes, to this it is apropos to speak to the bigger problem of a sad state of America in that a former President has too much been free and about as if a “BULL” globally.

As I work out this new for CitRB.com: FYI:  For I want 88, 89, 90 in The Freedom Tower - One WTC:  Clintons obvious 9/11 negligence at least has to be pressed and pressed until lies cloaking TRUTH arrested, at least to Clinton years of negligence in justifying training years for I won’t act towards such desire until politics & press natural tone is clearly suspicious of the Clintons at least for their obvious culpable HISTORIES.

Granted….Let me be clear:  Though it seems maybe unfair to ascribed PBHO as to be tonight a puffed coiffed poodle the point is perspective to WJC so of “BULL” - - -  If not EMPEROR OBAMA OF IMMIGRATION PARK a poodle to HOMELAND then for fair perspective and a measured metaphor mustn’t PBHO then be more a STUART LITTLE, merely? 


So he is shown to be today of a BULL & POODLE show?  Fair enough due the obvious in the on point EXCLAMATORY across these lands in the recent secured INVITATION BY ELECTIONS TO EXPRESSION BY VOTING just days ago this same November in the Year of the founders’ “our Lord” writ & signed ordained, established, done that early year in this Christian Calendar Ordered?

Righteo, as a poodle, however to be puffed and coiffed, such here is minor to the major - minimal to the grandiosity - tree to the forest - bit to the whole of it more to most concerning that we have a former President, however now slowed and if to also soon fall, whom has been to much of “BULL” as Un-Constutionally a former President term limited who yet won’t fade away or step from attempts at still exercising a Presidential “BULLY PULPIT” dominance.

Of the “BULL” too and issue: As “shared” and “tweeted”:  As seems #‎BillClinton‬ races #‎HillaryClinton‬ out of bed to puff chest as if Presidential still, & HRC again to failing:  Race from same or separate beds?

Of the spousal and Clinton husbandry:  Let me be clear:  I leave it to you to now or later to associate Hillary Rodham Clinton of an apropos metaphorical about this “BULL & POODLE” treatment.  It seems as recently just colloquially a “bitch” of the President of submission, however ever a “rival” of “BULL” “Bill”, and now again as if just a ordered first “mate” of global initiatives she must somehow be both maybe a female poodle and yet a mate to “BULL” of consummated spousal (equality) maybe as a heifer, just.

I leave it - a metaphorical “it” and “is” and “is” to fit Mrs. WJC to you, and much as it seems at least Democrat Clinton Feminists have also stopped here without dealing, and too as it complicated per impeachment Justice that President Clinton seemed spousally advised not to alight on his spouse as if an “X” to Miss Monica as ever by them of “see X” “SEX” definitionally basically.

An inconvenient truth of such “BULL” how per perspective to “POODLE PRESIDENT” at IMMIGRATION WJC more, and with Mrs. Clinton, an elephant in the building.  It is so bad a truth the Clinton an “elephant” the building so must be quite a China Shop with narrow isles.  How the Clintons are an “elephant” so an ELEPHANT IN A CHINA SHOP to the “POODLE PRESIDENT” on IMMIGRATION is by the full measure of the Clinton administration of $2 Trillion in cuts in lieu of an immigration fix, in lieu of newer school books for public schools, in lieu of schools repairing or rebuilding, in lieu of infrastructure funds, however just for jobs, for list of known condemned and nearly condemned roads and bridges, …, in lieu to per a culpability for KATRINA also as in lieu too of funds to rebuild MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet) known since 1983, if I recall finding of GROSS NEGLIGENCE, to be substandard.

*** Oh MY! MR GO is on the Clintons most in the courts finding of the Federal Government of a gross negligence back as I recall to 1983 - - - The Clinton have the greatest guilt for KATRINA for they cut $2 Trillion in lieu of doing the right thing by the needed levy dependent people of New Orleans.  The Clintons are the most taggable of GROSS NEGLIGENCE an also beyond them of $2 Trillion cut in lieu of doing the right thing(s) while money was available - very available, and with such of $1 Trillion of $2 Trillion cut just also so in lieu of doing the right thing by “bullying” Congress into an unnecessary surplus by cutting $2 Trillion instead of just the $1 Trillion the Republicans found to cut to merely “balance” the budget.


Back to being clear of the “BULL” less the “elephant” to immigration, now, it behoove all to refresh themselves to a reset to the obvious - to TRUST THE OBVIOUS - to see it as too obvious that the Clintons have a pathology forensically political that rents a culpability to at least a “legal” “negligence” - seems - for the obvious at least of the 9/11 attacks justifying and training years were their years of doing the deciding and bullying globally.

Let me be clear:  It may behoove all to corral the “THE CLINTON” of the “BULL” forevermore, presently ASAP!

Let me be clear:  It may behoove all to corral the “THE CLINTON” of the “BULL” forevermore, presently and as comparisons beget PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA as now, however personally responsible, yet incidentally a “POODLE” to such “BULL” of all such an inconvenient truth at least mostly to TEAM CLINTON of the (OBAMA) TEAM OF RIVALS.

Let me be clear:  It may behoove all to corral the “THE CLINTON” of the “BULL” forevermore, presently and righteously, if I can, as also fallen - as also fallen now like Mrs. Clinton - as also fallen like former Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama has problems and now may becoming a late living martyr for his causes by forcing the Republican Congress to check and balance his un-Constitutional with Constitutional hearing to slowly and thoroughly proceed towards impeachment even if insufficient time now is extant for such to conclude before the 2016 elections or a Constitutional swearing in of a new President in 2017.

But let me be clear:  A greatest DANGER to America, however more “welcoming” “sold” persists as of “BULL” of Clinton while though some probed and speared and slowed, and likely definitively also fallen, where such “BULL” seems too prized and with an ignorance or avoidance of so much of the “THE CLINTON” so present and obvious to them of a negligence, at least, for the justifying and training years of the Al Qaeda 9/11 attacks were their years of “BULLYING” “GLOBALLY” firstly.

I mean, really, isn’t it clear William Jefferson Clinton and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton must now be both too obviously too culpable for too much that has gone bad to very bad and while just wrong and so obviously just of their obvious initiatives?

Doth a bell toll too far beyond a war nurse copacetic of a “BULL” Clinton too a “BULLGRUBER” regular order politics “legacy” now to it only needed to believe the worse to know that WJC has priors as a CHEATER?

Who isn’t like a Clinton “gruber” as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Gruber proffers so STUPID AMERICAN?  How isn’t the story of Professor Gruber also of “BULL” a BULL GRUBER?  How isn’t America as stupid as Jonathan Gruber, teacher, professes so STUPID?

To this however metaphorical in an apropos remains:  Is there just one “BULL” or a party at least a gaggle as a warren of “BULLS” of a herd mentality as a BULL GRUBER PARTY?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

Women - yes, women most specifically - these times are different;  these are times now of #EqualPay with a new conundrum;  these are times of a paradigm for equal justice for all newly due an algorithm for feminism forward;  these are times for women to look at women as hard and long as any man should now judgementally;  these are times for all to look at women, however themselves a feminist or female lawyer of “professional” service, and frankly to discern that some women now should be so “accomplished” that it is fair for Posterity to decide them equal the worst men in history - due paying equally for being practicable as due the most severe penal!  Women, most specifically women, these times are different.

To preface the dire to follow, of straits most trespassed, and as to pay equal now as equal a worst man, let me suggest this link for a quick view of a YouTube entombed to help tune all to a solemn mood.  Here is a link to an old SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE #SNL skit;  http://bit.ly/PAXIL_SNL!

To be “in a Christian mood” let us see the beginning of life outside of Chelsea’s womb of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky as blessed in being of a good Christian name and the responsibility of communities and even villages therefore expectant;  To be “Christian” now, and yet judicial and prudent of a fair feminism forward, let us consider she a newest female of “Clinton” is named with premeditated Christian intent of a good Christian name - not just of a (secular) Power moniker;  To be “Christian” forward let us welcome #CCM “Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky” but recognize a Duty therefore may be to be to many, many, many prayers for her grandparents that they can yet be redeemed - let us, for Charlotte, accept a need, forward, of her grandparents of redemption beyond mere “political redemption”!

To be judicial this too is now prescribed by concurrence of women now so progressed in feminism gains that Attorney General Eric Holder as a first black of such high office may find it unwise to leave office without preceding legally against top women.

Not to do the work of Eric Holder, as the Attorney General of the Obama Justice Department, and however firstly black and so also of concerns like around Mrs. Clinton, of pitfalls in practice from racing to the top in affirmative action plus plus banding, it is that this is to be structural for Justice but more in a #TopTen or #DirtiestDozen befitting a comedic satirical of late night television, but not only for paid cable channel standards.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, as #FLOTUS - First Lady of The United States - is more now as if in a pickle barrel than merely “in a pickle” judicially.  Mrs. William J. Clinton, as #FLOTUS, did incite across the Middle East, at least, and as chided by President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech targeting of a foreign policy adage of there dangers from avoidance and inaction.  Mrs. Clinton, however, is now no longer of a staff position in an administration nor a seat in Congress;  Mrs. Clinton is now herself also removed from National Security buffers for personal liability in culpability;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite rather than act during her reigning with WJC in their Power intimacy;  Mrs. Clinton did really incite across the Middle East, at least, and when it was more dangerous even than the real dangers palpable from their (joined) decision to be more of avoidance and inaction and of the tag of “American abandonment”!

See, now, why it may help to have viewed the Paxil_SNL video?  See, now, how it may behoove all to review too President Barack H.Obama oratory as archived as his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech?  Or as conveniently bitly here with http://bit.ly/Nobel_Obama?

Though President BHO did admonish and chide the Clintons’ eight years he didn’t specify how his Secretary of State choice was too compromised for having a legacy already too much of marshaling greater dangers and more dangerous times by at least a collusion in intimate avoidance and inaction - of being of eight years of abandonment of just the women of Afghanistan and Iraq while it was simple “diplomacy” that the The United States of America for recent past of in country involvements was thus of a right to return and show timely care - timely caring!

We are now progressed with feminism so far that we must also look at there being problems in any Mrs. Clinton, candidate, of at least ten realities also necessary of a due querious too in lingua franca concurrence that are irreconcilable from all discussions of perils of too much affirmative action for any.  I do not, in my lay, see how the “First Black Attorney General” can leave his office with chin up and of pride if he isn’t to looking at Mrs. WJC, at least, as a woman now equal some of the worlds worst ever men and due to pay equally for being equally of guilt;  I do not, in my lay think, fathom any twaining for the last stretch of AG Eric Holder if it without marking off a comparable while others have jurisdictions to compete per rending justice upon Mrs. WJC, at least.

A child has been born - a new Clinton has begun its life/living outside of her womb - a child may now to be of the Hope in Christianity of people of the known world, where ever, of praying and prayers that her grandparents despite these #TopTen tags of culpability are yet enough of a potential for redemption however such beset in the reality of politics and Justice that Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC are soiled in a stink of their own historical at least as for being of a clear pathology of PBHO’s “dangers” from “avoidance” and “inaction” as if the parents of the terror attacks of 9/11 I & II.  It is inescapable, for any redeeming for Charlotte of her grandparents, how the logic Nobel of PBHO is that their historical avoidance and inaction was at least causal to catastrophes of them at least of negligence to gross negligence each in their own ways, however, manly or feminine.

RELIGION:  For Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky to have the potential of a great Christian life now and forever forward many many many prayers will be needed for redemption to be of Mr. WJC & Mrs. WJC if and when they too join in a penitence practicable to being redeemed, however. 

FEDERAL ELECTIONS:  For parity and Justice there can be no candidate Clinton for a new HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, and as it is that there never was any for the first of 2008.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is undecided Constitutional writ it remains that a wife is a spouse and equal under the Constitution inseparable as a half an equal and so that until the Supreme Court renders some specifics to decide initially its import to elections it is fair and a People’s Duty to tag any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL, even TREASON.

AFGHANISTAN:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the women, of Afghanistan.

IRAQ:  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mrs. WJC) did wrong as a President’s equal under the marriage laws and traditions, of one for all and all for one, by not speaking up against PWJC official practices of abandonment of the people, and especially the Shia women of Iraq.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT:  Mrs. WJC did by insisting on having a West Wing staffer job while the #FLOTUS did undermine feminism and workplace standards for equality.  It was a big mistake that Mrs. WJC was of a “staffer” position while the spouse to the Presidency indivisible.  It is a big mistake to not look at her so as of a bad “feminist” model for workplaces anywhere, however, for having asked to be officially subjugated under her husband while “officially” indivisible as an equal by the marriage laws of their union. As First Lady the President as a male spouse was yet of the Law of the lands that his practices political, however “executive” precisely, were so that marriage equality wasn’t allowed to be set asunder even as so in tasking his spouse as an “official” underling subjugated in Duty in an office hierarchy of the West Wing structures.

SECURITIES/SHARED WEALTH:  Whether for the FBI, SEC, FEC, or just Justice we have it now that all the finances of the “The Clinton” are fair game and of a Duty too of Congress in oversight in rights to preserve and protect the Union under Article One prescriptions.  These days post a QUID PRO QUO rendered upon one Virginian Governor now alights it too of the Clintons that another Virginia Governor has too long also been like too much of political QUID PRO QUO, however it more the Clintons in his pocket then him firstly in their pockets.  It is that was have the Clintons move to New York and as if the New York Senate seat of Senator Patrick Moynihan had been arranged to be next for Mrs. WJC - by political partisan dealing done, it seems, from within the Clintons’ White House.  It is that there is said a “DEAD BROKE” motivation behind all the potential servable as improper QUID PRO QUO how the Clintons to be in New York City, however as carpetbaggers charm, were to asking Big Bank friends (political associates merely?) to be to like gifting PWJC for Carnegie Hall Tower near penthouse rents as gratuities for the Clintons have like made them all so much money with their derivatives politics.  Mrs. WJC is inseparable for a bad feminism for being so to being Senator at least for having been too nearly so clearly and like permanently of an obvious QUID PRO QUO just of being party to the asking of banks to be to paying, again gratuitously, as much of the rent for a Time Square near penthouse suite for her spouse.

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS:  #ICC is now likely of a jurisdiction around and ready to be over Mr. & Mrs. Clinton as corporate global people of their meddling international “initiatives” of their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES.  It seems the ICC can rival even Attorney General Eric Holder now for prudence more judicial of the “The Clinton” as arrestable at least some for fraud, and more maybe for negligence of conduct(s) unbecoming a former First Couple of The United States of America.  It seems even if the Clintons do not step across newly the threshold of candidacy for President they are of such a fog of culpability that the ICC should at least be to considering an officially worked airing through “audits” to discern in a spirit of trust busting some being allowed to much trust internationally.

CONGRESS:  Per the Duty of the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE there is that beyond a cover-up having been enough found to proceed towards a “HOW CRIMINAL” such as a new criminal cover-up it is that the “feminist” in Mrs. WJC is long inconveniently proud of a hard line against President Richard Milhaus Nixon of it that people need go to jail when a President is determined even of such as a lesser and less tragic cover-up practices.  Mrs. WJC has much floated the boat that now is rightly of her to be beset upon as a prison ship however;  Mrs. WJC had vast motives to be so necessarily of a cover-up after the Benghazi attacks and so that the President now may be more protected than President Richard M. Nixon was whence priorly.  Though a cover-up was seemingly necessary, even though a worst case scenario always, especially, it is that it wouldn’t be fair to prosecute the President until his Secretary of State firstly is fully implicated beyond an already admitted sad culpability.  It may not be fair considering the fog of marriage of a joined culpability for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, due their political ambitions and on going selfish global machinations for Powers, to even ever maybe specifically dissect PBHO as much as PRMN was for it would be too complicated and unfair of all affirmative action standards to separate an clear Obama guilt from the already broached and confessed iceberg of Clinton culpability, at least also of an executive negligence.  It seems prescribed by the Clintons own history and campaigned on pride that the House is well within its rights and of a Duty to actually move that Mrs. WJC at least is due prison time;  Mrs. WJC had the mean, motives, and opportunity so of the already enough admitted improper (illegal) cover-up.  Mrs. WJC essentially had to lie from the start to hide how the Clintons had (trapped?) PBHO into lying for them from hour one of day one and so by a cover-up effected as initialized within his First Inaugural oratory.  She played, however if “feminist” as in feminine, yet with absolutes that makes Congress’ work at imprisoning simple and easy;  Mrs. WJC dangerous set up the “The Clinton” in an absolute as if “IT COULD BE NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” by being party to it as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as taggable as an illegal and imprudent actual “cover-up” where only a simple lie like now being investigated around any lies just of the Benghazi Cover-Up as a lie big enough in a contrary that was needed to repair and maintain newly the bigger cover-up of the Clintons then to fall apart if a new cover-up not affected.

BREAK:  So where were we?  So where are we?  Need I spell out a ten of a #TopTen or even be to a dozen of a #DirtiestDozen?

RACISM - EQUALITY:  Can we yet imagine that Attorney General Eric Holder, however or especially for being a “first black”, is possibly to leave his high office as said in December without moving ranks towards a servicing on the Clintons even maybe justly for charges of TREASON?  AGEH has competition and a clock running for legacy;  AGEH may not want to let even the Congress or the ICC steal the show now seeming staged and quite ready for a rending of justice, however lately, upon the “The Clinton” at least as on Mrs. WJC but as is seems inconscionable that Mr. & Mrs. Clinton aren’t enough from sharing, however - however a parity to be figured beyond comity in comedy of what would be equal paying for the man or woman?

ME / MINE:  And this now, all in the light concurrent that both Clintons are not of “official” executives, or of Congressional Duty, or offices but of the offices of Trust and Profit they are maintained in, with vast taxpayer allowances, there is that I must consider I have been two decades plus at defending my intellectual property from seemingly provable felonious premeditated property “theft” by the BOGO “two-fer” First Couple and since Clintons, and so that I may be now well in my rights to move to sue them and maybe for damages in lossed profits that could be fairly measurable as just even if over $100 Millions.  See Attorney General Eric Holder did support my rights so to such while initially with PBHO of a dictate to him that I was in my rights to stop him from use of my intellectual property.  This is a story now of the Clintons also more easily in my reach as the Government of the The United States of America is Constituted to be likely soon to rivaling what we could too be seeing to ragging on any righteous “feminism” of Mrs. WJC, as if such should trump - trump especially as due her in affirmative action.  This is now a story of 2008 of the struggles mine to protect me/mine from further uses and reuses, improper and unauthorized by the Clintons, specifically yet as it is that the Bush Administration, towards Justice Posterity, and too Attorney General Eric Holder, have stood up my rights such that the Clintons old uses and attempts, however successful, in reuses were of them now seemingly affirmed as necessarily then, however, of such that I can now pursue maybe too as if felonious premeditated thieving.

NOTE:  For now as it though seems I could seek #DAMAGES of $100 Million plus from any assets “CLINTON” it may too I have many other agencies who could get in line first and firstly lay claim to that much or actually all of the personal wealth of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  For how many can now maybe compete and to fines or compensation from the assets of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton it may not be rational for me myself to yet pursue for a mine in Justice due to how many official NEGLIGENCES may also need be proofed towards such to maximizing damages from exposing all aspects of cover-ups and negligence - at least all motives for a Benghazi cover-up to further hide too many lies also maybe righteously of fraud that SIMON & SCHUSTER could join against “HILLARY” just for false representations in her HARD CHOICES.

GUIDANCE:  PLEASE RESPECT - BE REPSECTFUL - RE: http://JPHogan.org!!!  Many also conveniently sourced by http://bit.ly/TheElephants could be just as easily ordered as a DIRTIEST DOZEN in object and satired yet - especially links of http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY; http://bit.ly/PettyTreason; http://bit.ly/TheEnabler; http://bit.ly/ReadyForHillary; http://bit.ly/LongestWarhttp://bit.ly/RUNFORCOVER; and, http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary all can yet be ranked at least for a fuller #TopTen causal to any praying now for any possible redemption metrics if right to be however meted for Mr. & Mrs. Clinton.  Note: It is now for these so linked that this new column presents on many of these links yet as the newest now sorted among such collections, however some are quite more damming and voluminous than others.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:11 am

Teach a child, a boy, how to be in service as a gilly and you’ve taught a boy how, also, to teach others to fish.

There are politics in it that Chris Christie is the Governor of the PORCELAIN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

There are scandalous in the Posterity Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, permitted in a clear phallic, as long as it may endure, for the Clintons’ legacy of Presidential so inartfully established, as figured by Polshek, to satisfy William Jefferson Clinton, and as so Southern clad in a Confederate Grey, as their “library.”  Mrs. Clinton, however, is culpable, in it established, in architecture, in the The Natural State, that there is a gross fulness for studying “Bill” forward, and as proudly of infidelity and as a ‘THE BLOW JOB PRESIDENT”!  It is hard to see Hillary Rodham Clinton, now however, if in politics, as in politics however merely intra-party and polarized, yet as being to asking Democrat women to think - to think freely - to think independent of a hierarchy of and for William Jefferson Clinton - to think freely from her Posterity legacy, however structural.

There is morals to speak to, and think about, before any to a blind faith forward in compliant Clinton partisanship.  There is a less civil “popular” to be restored to Posterity for Tranquility in general Welfare ordained and Ordered in popular governance in republican establishments.  There are amorals to tag - to reduce to outlet after-market branding as if of cut retail branding - to cut the tags of for more honest retail politics marketing.  The Clinton brand must be discernible not to enough as being DAMAGED - of too many damaged “goods”!

Teach a young adult, enough yet educated, and female, to be of consideration of service and now aware there is a warring commenced that must broach what civil is, and what civil was, and such young women may be able to be reason as now more free if able to use learning - to use learning for politics that one can be freer if now in “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” assimilation to Mrs. Clinton and her “politics” selfish for sustainable “legacy.”

I do not know whom now may be a modern Mark Felt to Director James Comey.

I do get that the legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi still rivals, in devotion to the “politics” of President William Jefferson Clinton, greatly all “loyalty” and “devotion” thought otherwise as rivaling the Power(s) by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

It seems that to President Clinton at least a drama persists that for though Hillary Rodham was of impeaching President Nixon for less deadly cover-ups the legacy of Deep Throat politics plays out with all expected to ask if George Stephanopoulus more a “Deep Throat” than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and if so how David Gergen may be more of a “Girl Friday” to Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton, even as she may yet have been for Posterity in legacy yet the most a “Deep Throat” to “Bill”!

It is true that I knew Mark Felt’s secret since before the Watergate break-in was a bungled Federally justified probe.  It is true that I was motivated to protecting a new next gen from the Clintons when I challenged JK. Rowling to write seven books for magic study with each book a next school year with more advanced evolved curriculum.  It is also true the THE GILMORE GIRLS show evolved as from creationism mine, for some my female cousins of Baltimore, Maryland, from that day I drove through and by the Gilman School for Boys and wondered what type of show could be sustained too of my guidance, some, to be yet entertaining specifically firstly for my female cousins, however one a Yale graduate, while of siblings who were of the Gilman School, and as it known of a legacy as an Ivy League feeder/preparatory school.  My oldest sister grew up, however otherwise partisan, to be now married as a Gillman and in cable media sales as a top female executive.

It seems though maybe sad to Democrat women, yet free to think “politically” that Governor Sarah Palin is, though of LIPSTICK ON A PIG adage, yet now a woman liberated politically and doing more to ask all women to think - and to think more.  It seems Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is an island among Democrat Women and actually to asking Democrat women to think more than Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton ever will ask men or women.

Senator Warren is nearly to be more insurgent against the “THE CLINTON” than blind partisan as now of fidelity to the idea that BANKERS SHOULD GO TO JAIL.  It seems better to think of Governor Palin and Senator Warren forward of an cause crossed for liberation;  It seems carroling Patriotism is yet joined La Femme Feminist at least for forward progress of among certain to life vicissitudes incident to daily local and global politics; it seems two women are asking at least all women to look beyond lipstick or however caked on merry Kay Clinton base pancake - and as if now pancake cover on donkies; it seems there are liberated women at least of Governor Palin and Senator Warren whom are asking women to think and to AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL yet of banking scandals for Democrats too of North Carolina - to till’d cleaning up for more, forward, bountiful more natural harvest seeded by better tilling forward of seeds, however for waves of grain, yet to endear and endure for purple mountains majestics.

Senator Kay Hagan, and Mrs. Clinton, however of politics so long, of politics so long it as if she is so for legacy, and Posterity, of HRC of oldest profession.  Where there now may be feminism as liberated and so that the old boys club of back rooms, and coed gyms, are now to “civility” at if and when Senator Kirten Gillibrand said pressured as if now “too porky” there yet still has to be the old boys on old boys humor whence “peer pressure” expected “peer pressure” if any of politics however partisan to any concern of a brethren yet become too much - become to engirthed as of pork as “porky”!  Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, like Senator Kay Hagan for both being of BIG BANKS banking states seem irreconcilable from the Clintons and of H. Rodham Clinton when Senator H. Rodham Clinton, herself, as now of a war between Democrat women where Massachusetts’ junior Senator, also Democrat woman Elizabeth Warren, is blazing a herding even as it may clearly brand at least Gillibrand, Hagan, & Clinton as too close to any BIG BAD BANK - any BIG BAD BANKERS.

Beyond how compromised Mrs. Clinton is, however of all the “CLINTON BOGO ‘TWO-FER’” irreconcilable culpabilities, it firstly is a concern that the Posterity for the “THE CLINTON” is yet supposed to endure as if even right that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library was worked and erected so phallic and gray and to endear and/or just endure for a popularity for Democrats, at least, of “Bill” a BLOW JOB PRESIDENT.

How are we to discuss or discern Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton of an ability to catch fish, fish, or guide and teach fishing?

It seems she a woman a Democrat now too close to BIG BAD BANKS and already hooked quite by Senator Warren and her terra firma for a new Eden (even for North Carolina)!

Maybe by investigating the partisan tills to catching any too much of such till’d to better seeding and harvests forwards with more honest “farming” and “fishing” cornucopias cultivated in better popular governance in republican banking?

Yet to till is IS - is establishments of the apples of Eden are ripe - ripe for a more civil popularity - carefully reset now firstly about Democrat women at least seeming too loyal to “Bill” to be forever forward as loyal as Mark Felt was thought in partisan attack politics as a man so of President Richard Milhaus Nixon he now is like a model for understanding the more “boy” George, George Stephanopoulus for Posterity for President William Jefferson Clinton.

As Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is at least now seemingly enough a peer to Governor Sarah Heath Palin for being a leader, an example for girls and women, engaged to seeding future harvests for AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL cornucopias stockable with banks cleaned out from politics of too many to much on Democrat fields not tilled to new and less caked prima facia governance:



Are things ever again to be possibly to “going swimmingly” if Democrats school as if schooled only for swimming together under a branding to branded yet first devotional to the Posterity of William Jefferson Clinton?

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MUY MAL? - - - RATS???
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:57 am

However the Democrats now proceed as desperados, of red lines a new fence line, we have it united in Clinton as gringos as improper messengers. We are joined today of a common struggle, yet so of a “We” of North America, of the totem of Obama as three headed and so of confused my-antics.  So “capped” as basic as if in totemed Mrs. Clinton too is the beast of burden a burrow a donkey at the gate and neither a Clinton nor an Obama atop of deliverance in prophecies.

William Howard Taft would likely see it as self-evident that such a troika of an Obama totem is of a body to be trust busted. Taft, as President, would have seen desperados as rats and too as gringos even if of a black sheep prima facia totem politics.

As we are now long - too long - of a President, however singular or unique, of his leading from behind it is of an essence of journalism that I too now should follow from behind. It is confused enough that the “THE OBAMA” is so three headed and contrary of irreconcilable differences in any legacy of William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, and Barack Hussein Obama.  There is a blooded in the supposed joined fences where there must yet be corralled a differentiation for each now a desperado however “gringo” or “black sheep” as rats each with their own tales.

It behoove us to transit prudent and open eyed to the humanity in the forces so united as if an American troika of one body Democrat;  Prudent it be to see the wolves as wolves - coyotes as coyotes - donkeys as donkeys - rats as rats!  However pedestrian and catholic, any discussion of trespassing must now be at what is of a “GOOD” in the Americas.

The worst nightmare for and Democrat of such systemic contrary ways is that there is now set up, however accidentally, a stage global where contrast and differentiation is otherwise conveniently scripted as of a threshold seen but maybe as of a point of no return not to be trespassed.  These are trying times where the worse possible “totem” for the The United States of America is to be confused as of a troika yet of one body where there can be a rival, a rival, and another rival all yet as rats;  There are great dangers in any “American” face as if prima facia of three heads concurrent to “National” initiative deciding, and especially with three so as differentiable as Mr. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, and President Obama.

We as of the “We” of “American” yet colloquial of the USA continental biased pride are called out to each a People’d to rationalized through an irrational even as it presents that it may be reasonable to think it now doesn’t matter how bad the Republicans in mass, or specifically, are for it is borrowed and trespassed of Democrats as desperados now too established as the worser - more the worst.  The Democrats, as establishment, are now too much cooked up of rats.  However Catholic the Democrats, so, have much transited a new-coding to over-write or supplicate the old codes - the original coded for shared humanity.


We as of the “We” of the Americas, however sympathetic to the “THE ITALIAN” of the HOLY SEE OF ROME, must maybe now settle back as more Randian yet not as “isolationists” technically.  Where the USC of the USA may prohibit a specific declaration of war as for such would be maybe a declaration of to “HOLY WAR” as set up by an adversarial of Sunni sectarian faith in Islamic writs it may be that the Constitution is better than any Democrat totem, however.  We are near, but not yet it seems, at Saudi Arabia of declaring war or open hostility for enforcement upon/against ISIS;  We are near at it that we must be cautious and to a belief that Saudi Sunni and ISIS are to brethren and uniformly “nationalistic.”

Rats!!!  As the President, however a desperado a rat of a totem of an improper and confused apparent troika, persists of a “leading from behind” it for journalism much that parsing particulars have to be some constructed to a following from behind.  Rats!!!  This could be very bad for many!!!

Already breached seems to be a fact that President Obama, however the “leader” of a rat pack, of desperados, gringos but as of a black sheep, is that the politics of the The United States of America are without yet a strategy for countering the faith based “Justice” uniformed marching that for now seems maybe to be actually too nearly of Saudi Sunni “nationalism” to be maybe not “terrorism” but warring by “uniformed armed forces of a nation.”

To cover from behind we now are left to talk about the vacuous - the absence of leadership - the failures from avoidance and inaction.  For starters we are prudent to rap this so of rats as of a pack of desperados now to desperate to police their partisan fence lines than to perform on Constitutional coded prescribed duties.  As a pack of rats so too much at CYA generally, and specifically, much always globally, it is yet modern that “MS” is abreviated in “MSNBC” and that we have already too long experienced, if not consciously witnessed, that Democrats have been at an attempts to be nearly of conquests of “Un-American” as if new and more coded and newly otherwise nationally programmed (in a secular) as acceptable as new of extra-Constitutionals in a Post-Constitutional as NEW “AMERICAN”!

Are the Sunni of ISIS (and Saudi Arabia) now ready to speak Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish (of Argentina) firstly?  If we now are behind the President as behind in leading aren’t we yet of a concern about Saudi Arabian “official” speak of a warning to Europe and the USA of threats from ISIS without themselves firstly at a clear differentiation to establish that ISIS is not actually merely as more a unified uniformed force yet of the “national” bulwarks theirs?  Have the Saudis now put to the perceptiveness of President Obama an apparent extant that their horses are ahead of any ISIS carts?

The “Greatest Generation” had their “Rat Patrols” - now like so much else of USA so far progressed as if the originality and original pragmatic so coded as the “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” “American” were passe we have it a conundrum that Democrats have us embroiled and in dire straits from too many cookies or wrenches like now in the gears of our original coding of it now more self-evident that there has been an attempt too generally (and of a conspiring) to be effectual to a re-coding re-programing from the prudent balanced think still writ workable of the USA USC so “done” as established and ordained “code.”

It is the Democrats worst nightmare that there is now globally and locally set up a staged demonstrable in contrariness to air out and discern the differences at least of the “BLOOD FEUD” where it desperate for each at least as Mr. Clinton, and Mr. President Obama, that they become remember of a different legacy and one superior somehow to the others.  It is so great a problem that this week commenced as if Mr. Clinton had Mrs. Clinton held by a tail and so safely yet guarded from an onslaught of intra-party assaults by President Obama - or his henchpeople squad/pack.

Further yet in following from behind the behind leading of the Democrats, so of a dangerous extant as if us of the US as a three headed troika, we may be freer now to be a nation like in isolation but globally to Republicans offering a best peace in international leadership to saving the planet, otherwise more reasoned to better climate change solutions, and quite while we as “American” of the our “We” are if to be targeted yet likely to be targeted less or even lastly per the “faith” or “Holy” of ISIS even if not now more to be assumed to be yet armed and uniformed forces of Saudi Arabia.

There is a serious lack of leadership from this troika a dangerous three headed “national” in the leading from behind of President Barack Hussein Obama.  There is that now I am trying to figure myself how to follow from behind of journalistic standards and to not be too much to a Corp Speak like too many of the Democrat CYA propaganda however of a failing attempt long at reprogramming the “American” by new pop media “governance” too much of an infidelity to the Constitution and as of re-coding from a still workable and superior original “recipe” coded.  To “report” but not be of too much Corp Speak devoid of defense of a “FORCE” and of Corporate forces (too partisan) aren’t we now left to follow by branding too much of the Democrats as “very bad” and of a troika a rat pack yet otherwise as of irreconcilable feuding for differentiated “legacies”?

From behind, and as it may be that Russia should be more firstly a targeted by ISIS as idyllic of a shared Sunni mission to yet be “officially” differentiated from “Saudi” and “Uniformed” as “National” and that Europe as been warned seemingly by Saudi Arabian “posts” we of the USA USC have it that it gets Constitutionally concerning that we may have to sit any “Holy War” so out for our Congress though of the Power of declaring War is yet barred firstly by the First Amendment from any Law making however “respecting” and “establishment” of “religion.”

We may as a Nation be best now to accept we are less and enemy of ISIS and Saudi Arabia and to it better for us all now to busy ourselves as earth firsters to trying to save the planet while humanity is yet struggling as if devolving or evolving “religions” elsewhere.

We may, however ISIS now seeming too much as if “uniformly” of a brethren of “National” of that of Saudi Arabia, now be safely too remotely a reasonable “enemy” and to be busy at our own “nationalism” where it seems only by a Presidential decree could USA armed forces get deployed in disrespect to the “religious” protections Constituted in the First Amendment prudence.

So:  RIGHT!!!  Are the Sunni however of ISIS and Saudi Arabia now willing to risk less certainty as of a “HOLY WAR” more pedestrian and catholic of spurring Catholics to a defense of Europe - of Catholics where ever to a co-defense of Italy - of Spanish speaking at least of Argentina to be mobilized with the Italians in a defense of the American Pope?

To November, however we now are to get there safely, it seems despite the suggestion of sweetness the Democrat Party is to evidenced of most biased towards harvests of too empty cornucopias.  To November and beyond it seems irreversible that Democrats however totemed of ranks are now dangerously a threat to national security as of a confused prima facia in a conundrum as a three headed but of one National “body.”

To November it is precious that a ghost of William Howard Taft is pre-staged and ready with a big stick to trust bust the “Corporate” of any to all reprogramming initiatives of at least the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES corporate and too now necessarily at least a complicity in “Corporate Speak” “Corporate Power” of at least the brand “MSNBC” as not “Media” but “Public Relations” and too much collaborative in propaganda differentiable from “free speech.”

RATS???  And, now ironic that if CITIZENS UNITED is to overturned it may be for exercised “speech” too contrary to “American” and by the “corporate” however most clearly or specifically of a CLINTONS’ “MACHINE”?  And, now as Governor Terry McAuliffe seems by any QUID PRO QUO standards to be profiting politically in office now since having like having bailed out the “dead broke” Clintons by at least guaranteeing them one or two houses - or more lay as if of “buying” them such as “improper gifts”?

                                           *     *     *

Note:  This seems all that may be appropriate now to yet “report” rightly from behind the leading from behind of these so confused and yet packed “DEMOCRATIC” also remarkable as a troika in totemed intra-party feuding as rats as desperados too busy at attempts to a new sweetness by brainwashing hoards reprogrammed to a Post-Constitutional new Democrat Corporate Speak Power, and yet as it seems the original recipe is already proofed better and ready to be rebooted (reset) by Republicans or at least a “New Democrat”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:45 am

Is Ferguson, Missouri a God forsaken oasis in middle America where too many live as if on a reservation limited also in a fear of the Law for having to too many a body been to abstention from lawful behavior?

The national politics of such isn’t for a comparison of an unknown Mrs. Clinton and a known President Obama on race - the only comparison justified to if a Democrat has the backs of the blacks of Ferguson is yet of the rivalry of the knowable of white President Clinton and a knowable of black President Obama.

President Vladimir Putin may be spoken of instructionally if not without actual praise though too comparatively at least on marches in nationalism.  It seems that President Putin can be discussed as capable of eclipsing President Clinton and President Obama.  There is that President Putin has Socialism to recover from and the perils from such as per Ukraine at least of a reported 60% + of irreligious where in the western there is yet Greek Orthodoxy and the eastern there is Moscow Russian Orthodoxy.

Though I write as a white male of Connecticut of New England of the New York City general Metropolitanism of the The United States of America I write as one who share “sugar” if not “honey” in friendship knowing of Michelle Obama, First Lady, since she was in her third year at Harvard Law School.  But for the hopes and dreams shared it was only in my dreams that I went back - that we went back - after she learned I didn’t discriminate because she was black.

Though I write now to suggest we must ask per Ferguson misery and tragedy if it that President Obama has his subjects backs there or otherwise if President Clinton can be said to now or ever have had such peoples backs. I know near nothing of the said new Black Panthers but when Michelle and I smiled at each other in Grendel’s of Harvard Square I was of standing in knowing Augustus A. White M.D. since I was about five years old and he of “Dr. White at your service” in a public social setting as a friend of my father’s while yet the tallest person and tallest black person I had yet or ever made such a connection.

Right!  Though I know nothing of the said new Black Panthers I am one who since about age five had a friendship with he whom was of record as the original Black Panther’s physician.  What I found scary about Dr. White wasn’t that he was so tall or black but that he was both a doctor and a Dr. White though black.  The only other Dr. White I have known was a neighbor who cared for Veterans who let me use his Parks Bike Truing Stand, and as later learned had been a pal of George W. Bush while a Yale classmate.

For the blacks of Ferguson the politics are now that it is either President Clintons has and had their backs or that President Obama has their backs - it cannot be that they both have their backs as these two are known of a rivalry since day one that to others is so serious it is a “BLOOD FEUD.”  If the incident had been of a say near 100 Lbs black female officer also called to enforce in the spirit of to serve and to protect fidelity - a near 100 Lbs black female of smaller stature of such weight so without her belt and tools of the enforcement duty - we may have cause to compare Mrs. Clinton to President Obama and President Clinton - to also compare her.

Whom among us can in a scholarly expose a proffering to it that Ferguson is like Ukraine and of problems from years of too much socialism to too much irreligiousness among its subjects?  Is it that a Putinesque intervention is what Ferguson now needs?  How is it that President Clinton’s trillion in cuts for surpluses maybe better explain an economic plight of Missouri blacks for of years of a leader too much in cold blooded imperial totalitarian wanton governance?  How is it that President Obama can blame President Clinton for economic gross negligence and yet isn’t yet, and, now as it may be per Ferguson that such is such an economic outlier that for all the economic ruinous the Clintons’ surpluses wrought such of Missouri eitherwise yet would be just as stricken and down?

Is Ferguson a too irreligious hell hole like the now also economically depressed Ukraine, and also due to the economics of President Clinton too much at cold totalitarian selfish political decidings?  Is Ferguson at all an irreligious hell hole to its own People’d peoples or has it been too long just left out and necessarily so much because the national leadership from a “top” was of the Clintons at their cutting of an extra trillion from budgeted and affordable programs to generally fating Ferguson to a new greater depressing “economics”?  As I like only so far pressed concerning the tragedy of fallen Michael Brown:  I queried:  Was this a case of a college bound teen Michael Brown of copping an attitude for his last days in the say “‘hood” of a getting out before having gotten out and of a general like F&^@ YOU at least to those of local governance and enforcement?

President Obama in recent speaking to the issues of race and unrest seems to be borrowing the very words and import of such in “shared humanity” as I have been myself publicly of usage generally for a while.  I am not offering that I have any answers and suggest President Obama if just borrowing such from me so also isn’t with answers but now maybe closer for being near possibly to better language that may bring us closer to better - or the right - questions.

The Clintons have since day one positioned themselves to be “political rivals” and only in Obama’s house as rivals of he thinking he needed them and needed a TEAM OF RIVALS.  The race and economic issues of Ferguson are now essentially peculiar to either a story of rivalry of it either that President Clinton or President Obama has such subjects backs.

For both the Clinton and Obama administrations it is arguable that any of Ferguson were considered more “subjects” than “citizens.”  It is unreasonable to proffer that both President Clinton and President Obama have had or do have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson - they have firstly and continuously been of standing as “RIVALS” so any discussion must flush out the known and unknown of all knowable yet that is historical to how they have been different - to also how while different they have been more to betrayal and abandonment of such Americans even if not of a perils like Ukraine of too many too long of socialism and a nationalism to assimilation in obedience of irreligiosity in lieu of faith and community.

As President Clinton now due to be in the Ferguson HOT SEAT we have that Mrs. Clinton is an unknown as per racial oppression in Missouri while yet also of HOT SPOTS of a comparable culpability as per Russia and Ukraine, at least.  It would be wrong to discuss Mrs. Clinton now as per domestic issues where President Mr. Clinton has knowns and posited in rivalry that should dominate any discussion of culpability or innocence yet for black President Obama.  President Obama should too, as per Mrs. Clinton, be allowed an innocent until proven more guilty than a Clinton in regards to Ukraine, at least.

I don’t know why black President-Elect Senator Barack Hussein Obama was to coddling the Clintons or allowing an dominatrix of offer coddling by Mrs. Clinton — I don’t know why PBO both proceeded forward from the start with the economic team of Clintons’ economic experts as his “team” and while of “politics” and “office politics” of standing for the Clintons as rivals and he dependent on them so much that he so seemingly necessarily to an attempt at a legacy in administering a “THE OBAMA” yet while very publicly yet of floating the “THE CLINTON” as at least equal, or superior, and extant in a TEAM OF RIVALS.

The Clintons’ surpluses as from an extra trillion found and cut from the budgeted and then affordable may be that which best explains how Ferguson and Ukraine are now suffering so much and so vulnerable.  President Obama yet embraced those of the evils of the surpluses at least as necessary evils in his TEAM OF RIVALS so that he maybe firstly should attempt to explain himself as more innocent yet and less culpable to any Executive gross negligence than at least President Clinton.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry in totalitarian Power Clintons’ are yet beset by the possible perils of a people too yet too far in socialism to be also of a perils from irreligiosity at seemingly at least the eastern third of Ukraine.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry have it only reasonable, for starters, that it is either that President did and does have Ferguson’s six or that President Obama did ever or does now finally.

Again:  The politics are that it is not possible that both President Clinton and President Obama have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson in Missouri of the The United States of America.

Again:  The DOMINANT politics is that the “THE CLINTON” and the “THE OBAMA” are as “RIVALS” of a “DEMOCRAT” HOUSE divided.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:53 am

You’ve been monetized!

On McDonnell’s farm there is a greater beast - greater beasts:  “THE CLINTON” / the Clintons.  Let us differentiate the monetary!  Let us now, all together, litigate what should never be decided at the ballot boxes!  Let us look fairly and clear eyed at the raised issues of QUID PRO QUO but as also in a historical peculiar to the bones of the Clintons.  Peculiar to the Clintons is much that the issue of “THE CLINTON” isn’t yet perceived as greater of the predicament of the “THE McDONNELL”!

William Jefferson Clinton may have taken further than any President yet a wanton wayward beset firmly in a wanting more to be “KING”!  On McDonnell’s farm the McDonnells are small potatoes to the strategery and practiced of the Clintons to powers to rival globally affixed as structurally quite autocratic.  The “corporate” of the Clintons is quite a brand of a totalitarianism.

For Posterity we still should be asking for President Barack Obama’s college and Harvard Law School papers, and we should really be to probing the Clinton Rhodes scholarship as time spent in England towards learning how, though American, to work the think towards the possibility that an American white of the South could yet bring back a more monarchical “governance” to the otherwise yet united republic.

William Jefferson Clinton is more than and “Hillary Clinton” - William Jefferson Clinton, born William Blythe III, seems to have studied and studied towards effecting a post-Constitutional dismembering of the prudence of original Federalism of the confederated republic The United States of America. WJC seems to have a pedigree, and of his Rhodes scholarship, that was forward for establishments of anti-Constitutional new anti-Federalist root programming so that he could seem more like Thomas Jefferson but effect as if Governor George Clinton of New York, of the founding days, yet got his way.

I am not sure it matters for any “scholarship” of these issues if “Bill” is more “Larry” “Hillary” more “Mo’” and if so such then than President Barack Obama is best then “Curly.”  For these purposes either quite can be any or any either other of a threesome in Curly, Larry, & Mo’.  Right — we’ve all become monetized!  We’ve all become at least monetized by the “THE CLINTON”!

With such a monarchical want scholarship in the pedigree of the “THE CLINTON” it may be dangerous to over-simplify any running con by a presumption that such now entertain as if slap-stick appropriate can be other than set up root to character shifting politics. It may not be what WJC was taught at Oxford but much what he learned - learned from studying under the legacy of monarchical governance for empire building.

It may be wisest to let is be “open” as if any WJC, HRC, PBO is either a Curly, Larry, Mo’ or a Larry, Curly, Mo’ or a Mo’, Larry, Curly or a Larry, Mo’, Curly.  PBO though is a complication unplanned or fig’d, it seems, in the plotting and practices to Americans in totalitarianisms newly beset globally in an autocracy affected “CLINTON”!

It still seems inconvenient to the Clintons that any plan theirs however as original to scholarship by initiative of Rhodes was yet never calculated enough to plan for or prepare for a possibility that any black like PBO could become elected in between the workings for a Presidency in proper name of Mrs. Clinton through a planned succession in an ASAP from the Presidency as named proper in Mr. Clinton.

To keep this simple and yet guarded enough from the post-Constitutionals however yet covered by political slap-stick entertainment we should return to the McDonnell’s “farm” basis of the “THE CLINTON” the greater beast!

Again, the issues around being monetized are of QUID PRO QUO but more greatly of the bumbling of the Clintons!

Again, these issues are pressing and fresh at least for now balance for scales of Justice seems possible if we aren’t to litigate the Clintons and towards the prudence that such of their searchable forensic pathology is some to much quantifiable as totalitarian, at least in wants, and seemingly of a QUID PRO QUO so grand it is hard to see for its breadth and scope!

For starters there is comparison necessary and prudent with the prosecution of Governor McDonnell in Virginia as it seems reported and spoken of by Mrs.Clinton that the current Governor of Virginia, a Democrat, did so help them financially (and Politically) when said “Dead Broke” that it is hard not to tag Governor McAuliffe and the Clintons for its seems too much that he now a Democrat Governor, somehow, in comparison was like to buying the Clintons a house or two.

Right!  Where does President Barack Hussein Obama fit in here as to a “Curly, Larry, & Mo’” too Political while yet seeming so specifically and peculiar more just to the Clintons?  Simply PBO is aiding and maybe abetting the seeming wanton of the Clintons by offering distractions when he and his Justice Department should be practicing enforcement upon the “THE CLINTON”!

It is too late to now leave Governor Rich Perry out of this.  I agree that some matters are to be left to the ballot boxes and eschewed from litigation.  But, this however is quite peculiar in it of a Clintons peculiarity such that a litigation (and Congressional probe?) is necessary and proper as fitting issues apparently disqualifying for ballot box decidings.

The vast emoluments so pecuniary in a pre-specified monetary in valuation for Clintons speaking are numerous in stand alone examples of the “THE CLINTON” of practicing a “Politics” of everyone now being monetized to them!

Not in a defense of Governor McDonnell, so offered, these are yet points of order for balance in Justice here so checked and pressed.  It seems that a “speaking” by an of the “THE CLINTON” now is priced to be of them of greater importance and Powers now than when the “First Couple” of a People’d peoples allowance per year as less than now what they demand for nearly a single hour.

President Barack Hussein Obama has too much and for too long participated in this so entertained yet as a charade not an actual improper “cover-up” so that now and forward he must be either Curly, Larry, or Mo’ to “Bill” and “Hillary” however!

More history to the imbalance now beset in the defense of Governor McDonnell is at least the story to how it seemed arranged in the Clinton White House that a New York Senate seat would be bought for Mrs. Clinton.

Too:  It is a matter of record, for these improprieties posited, that President Clinton, while not content with a post-office taxpayer payed rental allowance, when yet he asked for more per year that that as a total for all past Presidents’ annuals combined, was yet to compromising the “Senator” for Mrs. Clinton, by asking his BIG BANK associated for gratuities in thanks for his having made them so much money in the story of his having pushed them into derivatives “gambling” as towards quantifiable emoluments towards a reported near one million per year “rent” necessary if he was to get the near regal spacious quite like penthouse leasehold in the Carnegie Hall Tower high above the RUSSIAN TEA ROOM.

Too:  It is much searchable for a forensic pathology of the Clintons as too clever, still, it seems with “HUG IT OUT” and other slap-stick distractive politics that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES offer a $1-2 Trillion spectrum of “corruption” that at least offers 1 Trillion unit points per dollar to counter any “claim” of “charitable” now or ever of the “THE CLINTON”! 

Right!  How can the Clintons speaking funds if funnelled through the Clintons’ Global Initiatives as for “charity” be for “charity” if their personality and past record, however publicly yet clear, speaks loudly in a contrary?  It may be a stretched to posit that the record speaks loudly to it that the Clintons have always seen people as to be monetized and that any money “politically” through them is always firstly as “patronage” and lastly at all “charity”! 

Right!  It so may not be a stretch at all.  After all a learned perspective on the 1 Trillion in unit points per dollar of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES barks out - even roars - of impropriety towards QUID PRO QUO recklessness!

Right!  It so may not be a stretch at all.  After all a learned perspective on the 1 Trillion in unit points per dollar rest as of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of a time when the politics generally and the economics globally and locally had no peculiar need for surpluses by cutting an extra trillion but that peculiarly of the selfish spousal politics of the “THE CLINTON” of needing to prove they could find as much as the Republicans had yet found to balance the budget.

Right!  It is hardly a stretch which so much now far more public and out about a “real” Clintons!  It seems that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were only needed by the “politics” spousal and selfish of the Clintons, and even despite their “totalitarian” wants to global autocratic Powers in a worked “Post-Constitutional” “working” “philosophy” of “governance”!  Without finding an extra trillion to cut after the Republicans has worked responsibly to find a first trillion to cut to balance the budget it is essentially an inconvenient fact for the Clintons that their seeming “need” for the vast irresponsible cuts of an extra trillion was to protect the “THE CLINTON” to protect any planning and plotting in said “his” Presidency to protect yet a set up for “her” Presidency.


Too:  Right!  This is yet too much accepted as unequal or yet greater assaults on proper governance. Right!  PBO is under the arm of contempt for the Peoples House by litigation by suits and such is only the tip of the bulge of the breached Constitutionals of the “THE CLINTON” of which an inappropriate “COVER-UP” has been uncovered and moved “officially” towards prosecution from that yet kept too much as acceptable politics in slap-stick.

Right!  To keep it simple for starters as balance becomes the issue of a prosecution of any McDonnell’s “farm” the Clintons expected, it seems, to be safely now in a “post-Constitutional” United States of America that was to have been entertained and laughed away from considering them of impropriety and willful undermining of prudent Constitutional “politics”!

Right!  To keep it simple:  Yes look at what William Jefferson Clinton tried to learn at Oxford as a Rhode Scholar and specifically if different and more towards a totalitarian practicable than what was curricular as of a lesson plan.  Yes look now beyond these three bold examples of the “THE CLINTON” as at a think that every person must be monetized by their self valuation for political influence and global patronage.

Right!  Beyond all the seeming ready examples of the Clintons at “money” in improprieties far worse than any Republican Governor Bob McDonnell yet seems accused we still should be first most worried as to them globally of patronage, however naively forgetting “no such thing as permanent friends or enemies - just permanent interests” (like) when Mrs. Clinton, however now, presents herself as if prime for Presidential politics because of the number of foreign leaders she, at least, is already now in bed with.  See it is still to be mostly or generally reported how any so name dropped by Mrs. Clinton is yet a friend much just because of emoluments flowing as “patronage” covered however at times as “charity” to the people or the causes of the people whose names she is dropping for benefit at home for of foreign influence Power.

Right!  It is that a cover-up has been found to have occurred and such is now near ready for a prosecution more litigation such as is proper to prevent inappropriate candidates from corrupt advantage in the ballot boxes.  For now it is too much a “CURLY, LARRY, & MO’” where WJC is called up as HRC’s character reference and while HRC yet is slamming into PBO and then as if comedic to a “HUG IT OUT” acceptable or believable comity.




Right!  As per “balance” to the charges at least against Governor Bob McDonnell (R) mustn’t we consider how implausible that $250,000.00 for an hour of speaking can be for “charity” and not more “patronage” just because the 1 Trillion unit points per dollar in the Clintons’ cutting unnecessarily of an extra trillion for surpluses was not at all “charitable”?

And, again isn’t it that WJC essentially arranged from the The White House while President “Bill” Clinton the buying of a New York Senate seat as a improper “gift” to Mrs. Clinton?  And again as PBO plays along too much in a comedy too slap-stick how do any fairly explain any “proper” in President Clintons’ asking the BIG BANK “FOB” for rent gratuities as emoluments freely towards an annual near penthouse rent as not also improper at least for “MONEY” in a marriage as for seeming “influence” at least of/for a New York Senator?

Right!  It seems now that President Barack Hussein Obama is trapped in an inconvenient trio of a politics befitting prosecution for such if of concerns that experts are supposed to investigate before lay can rightly trust a candidate or ballot boxes!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:55 am

What are the attributes pertinent?  What is the full range, and diversity, of so much this attributions valuation for corporate responsibility must be towards navigating?  Has Time Warner persisted in undermining the value of some great assets by the too regular airing of CNN yet as if a “Clintons’ Nonsense Network”?  This is serious business for this fall it isn’t just Dinesh D’Souza after his book “AMERICA” touring highs to be an author set low and to some time of arrested imprisonment.

So Jon Stewart is entertaining (with) thoughts of CNN worth buying as worth near $10 Billion smackers.

Indian born Dinesh D’ Souza is said to be staring down a possible two years in the “BIG HOUSE.”

For now not even CNN is known to have attributed enough seriousness to the Clintons’ cover-ups and the Benghazi Select Committee looming now ahead of Mrs. Clinton, author, for a fall of a very public fall too.

For now not even CNN is known to have asserted that Mrs. Clinton while “HARD CHOICES” bombing compared to the expectations as inevitable to success such that a $14 Million reported advanced (not as political - quid pro quo - patronage - campaign covert funding through CGI).  So much is attributable to Mrs. Clinton that as Dinesh D’ Souza book, with accompanying movie, top her book he may take solace in how she, of the uncovered cover-up, and for her career of helping set and keep a Democrat standard for imprisonment of any of an admin found to be of a “cover-up” without murder.

This fall however of a fall for author D’Souza is justly now set up to be a fall too for a fall of author Mrs. Clinton.  Mrs. Clinton is at risk of judgements rendered of the “WATERGATE” political standard seriousness and for the yet already partially uncovered cover-up that involves murdered far more significant that the possible two years for “AMERICA” author.  Mrs. Clinton has already (inadvertently) admitted incompetence and too before Congress, while of her outbursts seeming of a contempt for Congress, of admitting culpability for the events of a prosecution due for illegal cover-up of the jurisdiction of the Benghazi Select Committee.

How and why is any attribution for considerations of the HARRY POTTER licensing now pertinent to CNN valuation? Who’s his daddy?

Is it that Mrs. Clinton, at least, has been uncovered to be a mortal more just a “muggle”?  Is it also inconvenient that Mrs. & Mr. Clinton have too long been cloaked in attributions, generally, that cannot now be established as honestly fitting them, and so exposed uncovered from being able of use to mitigate comparative guilt in a spectacle to any “good character” - really?

To protect its licensing and grand asset associations with the standards and honor of “HOGWARTS” & the “HARRY POTTER” casts mustn’t CNN, at least of Time Warner, to be now ceasing and desisting from being too “CLINTONS’ NONSENSE NETWORK” forward and specifically away from attributions presumptions cloaking still?  Right!  It is that the idea of “HOGWARTS” was to fill a void in my neighborhood for a likewise small group of children when about 7 years from college and to opines of “don’t move away Peter - we have fun when you are around”?

The facts are that the legend of HARRY POTTER was fig’d and to the challenge to JK Rowling so to, for my benefit some, be yet (covertly) to proving I could repeat the breadth of musing I did before 1993 to make the Clintons seem electable enough, and, too to be to, while so knowing of the Clintons, to working a way to protect a new generation of the world’s youth from the Clintons.  I have, as many of CNN must have born witness, however whence as my Facebook friends, or otherwise social media associated, yet established the point that where the Clintons have again and again proven themselves incapable of a repeat I have yet repeated and repeated but not towards maintaining still a cloaking of their errs.

It is too much so that CNN can be said to have long been too much to cloaking the Clintons and with attributions not pathologically honestly theirs or any theirs deservingly.  It is too reasonable to posit that CNN has too long, to the detriment of many, been too much as if more a CLINTONS’ NONSENSE NETWORK than of agents for the real attributes of many of the stories yet worked and produced to much to cloaking them, & undermining my rightful too.

It is historical that “HOGWARTS” were so mused from me to me as the father of “HARRY POTTER” as he of the prophecy in marketing with confidence in vast and great reaping of sown to profits.  To be what it was as both a filler of the void I was to leave such youths of my neighborhood, to be defensive against the Clintons as proof of my ability to repeat at such a global level, to also be a bulwark for a new generation as protection from the Clintons I know with any “cloaked”, and to protect how much else I was still doing politically for positive change, it is and was that JK Rowling was under directions to not attribute me at all as the muse and supporting source of so much about the challenge to 7 books to so replace me and have her as a distant mother yet towards my aim that such be to helping my young neighbors survive my absence and be yet to growing up less as dirt under my skin as if a wart and to being good wards, hopefully.  And yet as JKR was under instructions to not attribute or expose me such was, as recalled, only contractually address for the publishing rights for the seven books, with any movie or theme park rights, and any merchandizing rights, too yet then of first book contract yet of such to be a bridge to maybe cross later.

I have no idea yet how or what I mean to do about all this.  I have been also a musing of STRIKE known to JKR and so since Clintons first initiated HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.  I haven’t felt my rights at risk while yet it has been quite complicated for me to move to expose my attributes per such as to do so I much have to expose the Clintons firstly more as frauds of having been cloaked much.  Yes, it was my hope that the seven book challenge as originally outlined would yet work without such a focus by JKR to yet be to my benefit - to be of my hopes to protect a new generation from the Clintons I have known since before “WATERGATE.”

It is still complicated news for my story to be told broadly without it of my history of more credibility to so much still too attributed to the Clintons.  Right - HOGWARTS, however if from “HOGAN & WARTS” and of the new unknown author JKR of guarding herself if it were to fail by it so conveniently named yet to tag the muser of the 7 book challenge, is from my looking for an unknown foreign author willing to right about a “Peter Rowe-ling” and posse, as I started it, and around he then of starting magic study and while of round black glasses and black hair.  “DUMBLEDORE” was animated for such basis for “HARRY” as for his home’s front door a double “Dutch” door to be also magical as of it a double door, and purple, where the top could open separate from the bottom.

So really Jon Stewart how can Time Warner or its CNN be worth clearly now any certain amount?  Did you know “EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND” is also from a basis around a old New Haven, Connecticut friend as how GRIFFEN HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM DOORS became those animated for GRYFFINDOR and so to also balance how so many of the root character were so “medical” of Yale University Hospitals?  This friend was in PR and yet because of having offered me a half a egg salad sandwich while concerned that I as Director of Support Services for the then commenced New Haven Area Special Olympic Games may have been forgetting to eat to my later cross-seeding for JKR and too the EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND as also around a real Officer Barone then also of games volunteering.  Raymond was a fitting character name for such to be supportive of my media career while one of 28 grandchildren of Arthur M. Menadier who started his career as a Boston sports writer.  Some of my cousins, much more of the global music scene then resided on a Raymond Place.

As I can and should uncloak the Clintons and for a full rendering of an arresting justice for at least Mrs. Clinton via the jurisdictions at least of the House Benghazi Select Committee it remains a conundrum for attributions as per CNN at least to how to now tell the truth without at least myself being to any inadvertent revaluation of the good of “HOGWARTS” and all about “HARRY POTTER.”  It is some simplified as “CORMORAN STRIKE” now is alive to live a related characterization more as if the founder of “HOGWARTS” than as if a new “HARRY POTTER.”  It is interesting too that my friend who used to be a chief accountant for ESPN is whom my friend who incidentally sparked me to concerns to concerns pushed for the creation of “EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND” - He now I believe is the top accountant for Ann Taylor.

Though I first crossed ambitious wiring with Commissioner Bill Bratton in 1987-1988 in Boston when news was that he was to be heading up Massachusetts state wide municipal force that was the most neglected and maybe ignored in the state - though I first crossed and worked ambitions collaboration with a wiring with him whence it is interesting and related that though his first thought was to me “don’t laugh at my fleet of green cruisers” (like) it is later when I emailed him while he was Commissioner in Los Angeles with my advice that he retire or resign so not to be caught as the Obama administrations top scapegoat for what I then was expecting to be statistically true for increases in crime - though, that is, while he first said not to laugh so to me it is while he was considering my later advice that he seemed to burst into a laugh realizing my “politics” was of taking on the “The Kennedy” - as if taking on the legacy of the late Kennedy brothers.

So, at least to me what can a value be for CNN?  I mean it seems that there are historic corporate responsibility issues that may be justifying a “official” courtly to remediate if an amicable way not forthcoming as much of a prosecution for the fall of Mrs. Clinton should necessitate a revaluation of all said as if “news” as if properly attributable to either Mrs. or Mr. Clinton.

My “Mad Man” grandfather was an “Arthur” whose standards, however liberal American as Washington’s, yet seemed to be for me to be if likewise to his success as needing a courtly and general corporate standard even greater than the Kennedy brothers lost, and so really much higher that especially those said as of the “The Clintons” that they oddly are not generally known in “news” as long unable yet to repeat.  What can any valuation of CNN be without a more honest one of Mrs. & Mr. Clinton and for not themselves enough at least of the higher standard of the “The Kennedys”?  I was born to choose to be as much of any legend of my grandfather “Arthur” as I might yet attempt and maybe succeed to as of a wizardry in marketing prophecying.

Chances are there are very amicable ways for me, when clear of the inappropriate cloaking of the “The Clintons” “politics” not enough “news” and “history” to yet be known for that which was of my broadly and globally repeating with my 7bk challenge to JKR yet of my first go at it of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that now still best explains the successes and unexpected rise of the Clintons - yes, the Clintons I have known since about a first grader and they Yale Law co-eds not married and just Bill and Hillary.

It seems CNN isn’t alone now in a duty at “news” to separate the “The Clinton” from at least all this just shared of the “The Hogan” more pathologically honest and truly to the genesis or origins related.  But, again, CNN isn’t supposed to undermine the valuation of the necessary and proper attributes of Time Warner vast licensing of assets, however, in the “HARRY POTTER.”

                                         *     *     *

And, yet otherwise, to news of plagiarisms, by Democrats, but as for these imports, of Clintons’ inappropriate uses, and outright misuses, we have that Democrat Senator John Walsh story has refreshed my visceral experienced smarting of the 2004 Convention speechifying of “Barack Obama” as some of his breakout speech had me stirred in objection as the original thinker and writer of the rhyme and reasoned verse I was of hearing from afar a someone (maybe then Senator John Kerry) be to saying nearly “use these lines” “make them your own” and “put a black face on them.”  I at least have learned since reading “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” very early “memoir” that the “Barack Obama” if that his authentic personal style was so remarkably away from his own style when to that I so experienced with visceral smarting about he of his break out at the Democrat Party Convention of 2004.  Such is of the essence of the above mentioned so yet of the actual written words in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM which so later also had me needing to flex a polite cease and desist to Howard Dean when he wasn’t just misappropriating from such but so was to me, knowing my original compositions, was yet using my improved race relations new media writing yet by unauthorized use in speeches to inner city black youths with his message yet DON’T STEAL.”  Again, I have known “Barack Obama” at least as “B.O.” of Hawaii to be four years older than me and of an interest in Presidential oratory since the late 1970s.  He in now way, and still nor did the Clintons after the 1992 election, have any authorized use to present as if their own material so significantly or vastly similar in tone, timing, and message mine.

For now I too have yet to decide what to do about the specifics of President Barack Hussein Obama’s breakout speech of the Democrat Convention of 2004 and to the specifics of how with it experienced as an attempt to present mine as his and with it then forward as Democrat and black it is yet of them thinking lawyerly defensible as if similar and flattery and not identical - while yet so that such was visceral and smarting to me knowing the origins and political workability and practicable benefit in being enough just like to identical.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:28 am

It is seemingly - seemingly rapidly becoming - seemingly rapidly becoming known - seemingly rapidly becoming known and self evident that Hillary Clinton is here to for becoming an out-cast untouchable.  The “The Clinton” is now more a rock in the path of blockage, as if by political avalanche, than a common vine to any fruit from diplomacy now otherwise by the essence of Secretary John Kerry.

Any vitality of any diplomatic essence of Mrs. Clinton, from FLOTUS to First Mate of CGI, is now worlds apart from that being witness of her successor from Boston’s top echelon/caste.  There may now be now clear and easy way towards understanding the taller standing of Secretary Kerry from Secretary Clinton due to the elephant of religion in their pathologies diplomatic; Secretary John Kerry isn’t a Methodist, isn’t from Chicago;  Secretary Kerry is Catholic and from Boston.  It is in more than one or simple ways that Secretary Kerry is now standing so much taller than Mrs. Clinton ever managed.

A cover ‘o cover reading for “HARD CHOICES” can be from it suggestive that she is only allowed publication much at talking and talking of process;  HRC is quite arrested from truth being an option that being heavy on process is her only safe harbor.  To a cover, of “HARD CHOICES”, each is initially, civilly, beset to ponder:  IF “HARD” WHY “HARD”?  HRC is not a Catholic;  HRC is a Methodist.  HRC iss the longest serving top Diplomat charged for diplomatic solutions by President Obama during the “longest war.”  The “The Longest War” now is HRC’s “war” for it she who most failed to find a diplomatic solution the longest.

HRC is now so becoming an out-cast untouchable it is critical that we separate her as not of any American caste or nobility.  Secretary Kerry, for being Catholic of Boston, may yet not be justifiably, however of Boston 1%, “Boston Brahmin.”  Secretary Kerry has inherited from HRC’s predecessors much in opportunities for greater “Tranquility” that is not of or from the “diplomacy” or “skirting” of his predecessor.  Secretary Kerry now with HOPE for CHANGE with IRAN, now so young a nation again, of standing more on the settled well foundations from the Bush Administration FREEDOM AGENDA ways than any “new foundation” of President Obama or his first top diplomat.  We all may be behooved to look at the paths forward available and to work away from any beaten of the Clintons - HRC & the CGI corporate and to each person.  The Clintons eitherwise of one or two paths distinguishable are yet present as obstructionists as if fallen to inconvenient barriers to any apropos “forward.”

Who is Secretary John Kerry now to us - to the President - to the U.S. - to Iran - to the world?  Can he be now so much taller than his predecessor HRC just because he is Catholic and/or of Boston, however 1% or Brahmin caste?  Do new words from his boss the President now, too much yet still of a daily emoting, yet work to undermine any path or way but for any stable now as yet built upon a well settled foundation much of, or from, the Bush Administration day about a FREEDOM AGENDA?  As a Catholic working for the “Messiah” what is religion and what is politics?  As a Catholic what is post-Clinton post-imperial socialism bias and returned to a basis in property rights and federalism parlance and nuance?  As a Catholic, like Vice President Joseph Biden, yes of Delaware - The First State - how is Secretary Kerry maybe evangelizing “Messiah” President Obama globally?

Iran isn’t as complicated as HRC seems to have long implied.  But as she never seemed to fathom the grand potential and opportunities so globally progressing that explains the Clintons most unexpected and late rise of the 1992 Presidential contest perhaps we should show mercy for her too much of an ignorance.  To this there is flow as if a vine not from merely the Bush Administration while of a FREEDOM AGENDA but to President Reagan and how the expansionist socialism was stopped in its tracks in Afghanistan and then beyond, and how the expansionist socialism fell to a new world order rising to a reboot I’ve long tagged as a “CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.”  Coincidentally what best explains the Clinton unlikely old story yet of their 1992 rising is what HRC and WJC have long not proffered or posited as best for the way forward and yet it is that which is now of the foundations that Secretary Kerry now can best build upon.

Iran isn’t as complicated as HRC seems to have long implied - Iran is far simpler to understand if one learns to fathom how the Clintons and President Obama have been so wrong about Iraq and for so long that they can yet, if ever, be, for the records and Posterity, as “correct” about much at least across the Middle East, and, at least especially regarding or respecting Iran.

From where I sit informed to “expert” at least of my own perspective regarding such, as of a cover for retrospectives, for others, I must parse, for a greater parity, if not Tranquility too, how we must yet separate the “Bush” from the “Hogan” - the decidings rendered by the necessarily at “politics” of the Bush Administration from that as lay and unsolicited, however respecting “politics”, for that which I share is much of my opined and faxed to the Bush Administration via their NSC # as of my perspectives, private, and volunteered, yet more of the business or marketing perspective in a pre-politics rendition that then the office of the President would have to, if needed, modify for the charge “political” of his duty of the Presidency.  I so put forth such qualifier for this of which I write now dates to it as common to the very advise to Middle East and Iran postures whence the hard choices had to be made by President Bush.  Again, “HARD CHOICES” of HRC to each cover is yet tragically of her “politics” to easier choices less possible for decidings more of truths were not an option to Mrs. Clinton.

Secretary John Kerry is more than just now obviously to a self evident truth of standing far taller than his predecessor on the global and Middle East soap boxes of the duty a charge for diplomacy, President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State secondly is standing tall on merits that do yet run contrary still to the process and speak of the “The Obama” doctrinally yet.  For more to how HRC didn’t affect a “new foundation” & nor so President Obama, himself, at least until newly to also building on the Reagan legacy yet as the Bush Administrations did, it may behoove a visit to http://JPHogan.org for the essay regarding Iraq set as “OBAMA’S RETREAT” as specifically at http://bit.ly/ObamasRetreat!

We hardly yet know if HRC failed the nation both as per the compensations for liberations as per OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and too her “baby” ODYSSEY DAWN.  It seems HRC is most culpable at least in association with the partisan leadership by Nancy Pelosi to how how both the liberation of Iraq (and Libya) were prudently commenced with plans that a country’s vast oil profits could be readily credited out in compensation to any of the liberating coalesced nations.

I have problems with the seeming progress of Secretary of State John Kerry as per Iran and the nuclear path(s) of the young again sovereign country.  For the years of the COLD WAR they like Iraq were as if pawns (too much) in a geopolitics of the United States of America, with oil economics interests, to thwarting globally the expansionist socialism of the U.S.S.R.!  Iran now is among the youngest of sovereign nations in the known world.

I do not know the sociological or demographic specifics to the root of the how or why such nation regirthed itself with its own baby boom.  Iran so situated near the U.S.S.R. and yet while however once more aligned with Moscow seems now positioned and structured to see Russia as an enemy long before assuaging the The United States of America as a greater enemy.  The USA is of the “lucky” for Secretary Kerry, however “Boston Brahmin” as per the Middle East and especially Iran in how Iran now is of less moral need for nuclear weapons because the Bush Administration (of #43) did remove the neighboring nuclear threat persisting of Saddam Hussein - of that which persisted and nearly became reborn while of the years mostly of avoidance and inaction of the Administration of the Clintons.

There is more differentiating HRC from her successor than how he morally, even, is of a most obvious standing taller than at least as per the Middle East and Iran.  HRC was an inappropriate messenger for any diplomacy for her close and intimate association with the abandonment of Afghanistan and Iraq by the The United States of America as of the Administration of the Clintons as so of, and from, the avoidance and inaction root in the Clinton “political.”  President Obama’s worst decision of his legacy maybe forever will be that of having rival HRC of the “House of Clinton” as ever a Secretary of State, and/or at all of his administration. 

Secretary Clinton was compromised from the start.  She was a compromised officer to any Tranquility abroad where history and truth could yet conquer.  She was a compromised officer to any Tranquility much at least for how she didn’t confess while trying to bring bite to nuclear sanctions, and sanction at least specifically on Iran, of how there is the “BUT FOR OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM…” with no thanks to the “ABANDONMENT, AVOIDANCE, INACTION OF THE CLINTONS…” prescient to any progress in enforcement for she herself represented an expectation that escape from Justice was possible - too possible.  It stands tall with the progress of HRC’s successor and any of his background reasoning that he is now more standing “lucky” on the foundation more of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA than any “new foundation” of President Barack H. Obama and his first Top Diplomat of the “House of Clinton.”

To be brief while any “lucky” of Irish Catholic, of Boston, however of a “Boston Brahmin” 1% or caste, we yet must affect intellectual bulwarks to a slide to the old abandonment classically now “CLINTONESQUE” in a tragic historical/historicals;  to be brief, while Secretary Kerry now stands more than just morally taller than his predecessor HRC, here we are yet of it more complicated that Mrs. Clinton is allowed to, or capable to, explain at least for every decision was always harder than it otherwise would have been for any other for she had it much that truth(s) not an option for long about she and her spouse have been liberal at politics at lies in cover-ups of their own culpability at least to negligence prior to the Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I.  HRC’s decisions all had to be harder for she as a spouse of a former President is expected to be lawful firstly to the standard of marriage contracts and traditions of a spouse not allowed to or supposed to be to incriminating the other spouse.

Secretary of State John Kerry stands taller than any of the “House of Clintons” and still however as they persist in defensive global initiatives at global partisan and political meddling by ways corporal of CGI - of CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES!  Secretary Kerry though is yet to be understood of his progress so superior to his predecessor Clinton at least for it matters if and how his “taller” taller for he different as Catholic and/or of a global 1%.  It isn’t yet convenient for HRC’s successor that he should be more honest and “taller” by confessing he is so more standing on Reagan’s “foundations” than any however yet of the Presidency of Barack H. Obama.  Secretary Kerry is yet differentiable for intelligence and balance from of Maine, of New England and an elder, Senator George J. Mitchell now yet if Northern Ireland struggles have parallels currently to a “spring” or maybe “renaissance” in the Middle East.

The internet and social media was also arriving to the peoples of the Middle East however free or differently free and organized while it was arriving across the Americas.

It is foolish to not consider, at least that due to the necessary new world ordering to recover from the COLD WAR geopolitics and to the rise of interactive global machinery that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was necessary and remains as rightfully commenced.  It will be for a long time that OIF is seriously debatable more for how it wasn’t operated well even as now we should be nearer to a consensus that it due to the rise of interactive global machinery it was absolutely of a necessary so that the The United States of America didn’t get caught on the wrong side of “progress” in the eyes of at least the young in the Middle East.  I will not go into such here but will offer that it as a subject is at least more broached in the collection in the category of “IRAQ” as at http://CitRB.com here linked specifically more conveniently with http://bit.ly/IRAQbyJPHogan.

As the above established sharer of diplomatic perspectives as always just a private citizen of no “official” solicitation for help from the Bush Administration I persist still of the core of such as foundationally still standing true and level of my thinking and writing of the pre-Clinton days as organized of my privately shared THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.  I cannot, nor do I plan to attempt to, explain that which was either all “political” or any “partisan” of the relative decidings during the Bush Administration years of decidings.  What I offered, and especially so of when I offered how not to go too far with Iran on nuclear power and weapons standing, necessarily left the “American” “political” to the filtering and prudence of President George W. Bush.  I did though strongly suggest, at least via a material fax, when or how to stop as per Iran for the progress of the FREEDOM AGENDA in Iraq was setting up better possibilities for a greater moral parity nuclear within Iran so that one effort could undermine the other if too strongly individually pushed otherwise.

The Ukraine vs. Russian problems are different quite than any of the nuclear standing of Iran.  It is considerable though that Russian with such as if new Soviet expansionism is yet now more “Christian” and “missionary” than “communistic” and to it that Iran now is being given an (unnecessary) justification for nuclear weapons (if not more allied with the USA) by Russia as a new threat.  As to any “HOMELAND” associations there is yet that there may be an inherent path forward to better relations with the now newly young Iran, actually.  Any opportunities for improved parity of morality with Iran now is yet of a path not obstructed like that of all paths walked historically of the “politics” of the Clintons.  President Obama can still be said to have been so wrong (also) as per Iraq that he has hardly since been able to be right about anything in the Middle East, and too that the unrest between Ukraine & Russia is some to much of global instabilities risen from his failing economics, and the associated “politics” of the Clintons.

There was a Holocaust.  Iran is of the Persian Gulf of Persians and so too as Aryans.  I do not know the sociological or demographics, however related historically, to any necessary consideration of concern for the Irani people for they are blooded as Aryans as Germans of Hitler’s rise were blooded proudly as Aryans.  There is the “moral” yet a conundrum of the Iran nuclear parity diplomatic concerns where though of years under the COLD WAR stuck as if too much pawns among a global human contesting they yet now are humans too to be considered as born equal.  There is a morality as I expressed in an old material fax to the NSC # during the Bush Administration that I posited in my lay, however learned, to it that as a sovereign nation Iran of its people could be to a moral right to also have the technology and know how to nuclear power and a pride of knowing themselves also capable of the highest sciences of shared humanity, and yet while it though likely wouldn’t be “moral” to presume there was a prudence in also or ever also having nuclear weapons.

I only saw some of the last episodes of the last season of HOMELAND.  I may now be looking forward to catching a new season that builds on there being actual possibilities for improved relations with such a newly young nation.  I yet have always been only a lay private citizen despite my years of sharing timely and at times quite pro-active proven useful opines.  I yet have always been so engaged with it all of a common core a consistent vine rooted to my pre-Clinton THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and writing.

As per HOMELAND and me I did though also fax the Administration of George W. Bush after seeing a WELCOME TO PENNSYLVANIA sign while state of the Governor Thomas Ridge a quick note whence then in the days when the idea of a Department of Homeland Defense was so initialized it wasn’t yet to a list (public to me) for any to be its first Director.  I did fax a suggestion that Governor Thomas Ridge was at least well named to be a first ever top first director - the first head of such developing Department of Homeland Security.

It seems we are now here gathered of it as per Iran that what may be unlucky for us and Secretary of State John Kerry, however of he Catholic and/or of Boston as of a “Boston Brahmin” or 1%, is that he may be too inconveniently a compromised messenger for such possibilities if he cannot yet find a more historical and truthful “foundation” for his, at least public, sharing.  It is for the historians, necessarily to differentiate any new Tranquility from the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry and to how much he yet stood taller than Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least, rightly and morally, and, to how he could stand taller however while Catholic just because unlike HRC truth was not an option not an option in his choices.

However now we can together stand of new HOPE and CHANGE we cannot abide at least an attempt at greater intellectual standing ourselves by a clear eyed civility commenced with an appreciation that at least as per Ukraine such unrest is from the unsettled global economics that can be tagged as from the Administration of President Obama failed economics.  It though is such to Democrats yet is sadly of them claiming successes in what seems failure, to others, for it seems incontrovertible that their pride was so of a GREEN AGENDA that much of this is to a person Democrat as if acceptable in an economic collateral damage rationalization - #FORWARD.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

Despite be of Chicago and up from Chicago politics the histories must show, likely, how Bill & Hillary were too much yet for President Obama to handle, at least politically.  By now you should have heard, - heard of, or been asked if yet read of, a rivalry so great it can be packed and shipped as “BLOOD FEUD.”  This isn’t about such - such book - for I haven’t myself yet read such book;  this though is to be extant at least as pregnant with the same subject and similar tags.  Bill & Hillary have been quite villainous - I don’t need, myself, to read another’s reporting to share anew how villainous they were/are.

As President Obama seems now to be as “conveniently” towards finding a way to be about his refugees, but not, and as yet while they are long truly of his job - of his duty of the charges of the Office of the President pertaining to immigration, and as “conveniently” as like his Chicago political palling to a side yard “bought” from the Rezco holding as if 3/5, or a 1/6, could yet be equal to the whole - or at least the apparent whole benefit, we should be now to looking for more meat on the bone of the intra-party “blood feud” to see if yet there may be a way out - a Democrat Party way forward.  Perspectives on President’s history with borders pertaining to Chicago are some at http://jphogan.org where “Rezco” is in title, at least.

Despite it a shared history of President Obama and she known once as First Lady Hillary Clinton that they are both somehow from Chicago it seems that Chicago must be more full blood blooded or just nurtured into Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  We must be ready, though, to whip our horses yet to the industrious whence for southern tobacco and for an exposing more of what was smoked as of the Clintons yet than than of the old Gore tobacco plantations; we are saddled with HOPE while yet jostled by Chicago in at least half of the Clinton or all of the Obama.  As the sixties have passed so to has the MARLBORO MAN toking; we are yet of days to query and stoke if it not that even less good has come from of those of the sixties than rapped.

Despite the dangers now more pervasive since Chicagoan President Obama embraced (the too Chicago) of the Clintons as thought more of THE NATURAL STATE it to behoove any general Person that we should look more to where they have come from than yet with them - forward - to where they are tethered as if heading towards.  The reins of their reigns have rained long too plain as if what they drove messaging towards in defensive revisionist histories while the plane of their extant too low and rather diabolical.  That Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be his or our’s as a MY FAIR LADY is left to be only maybe articulable.  “HARD CHOICES” seems a bad title and especially for a wanna be female so undiplomatic to a first female Presidency, and while inseparable yet from a male a former President, and, especially while it inartful how the CLINTON legacy isn’t enshrined but is risen, by their library, in a skinned gray of the South, and base in a shape phallic as at least a “gun” in three dimensions - however “art” of a James Polshek.

Our MY FAIR LADY remixed & popularized beyond a First Lady’s potential and reality?  A she a she female of twitter yet of her avatar and its “organized” disorganized bio of a pride as a lawyer an esquire yet only of advocating for women and children?  Is Mrs. William Jefferson “@HillaryClinton” a man hater but of he her only man - of he President William Jefferson Clinton?  It is substantially pronounced and articulated specifically, albeit in her negatives, that she is to the twitterverse to be assumed and presumed to not be also a advocate for men.  Do you have any idea how, for a feminist, supposedly as Mrs. Clinton said, however said was/is packaged and distributed as if, yet does abide “HARD CHOICES” as if not too titled of her life but long dedicated and consecrated and consummated but of always seeing her man as her God given to be always on top of all things political and also hers?

It seems a rough stretch of she too muddied and trenchant of exclamations irregular and entrenched in the privacy and protections of the institution of marriage and especially as a loop-hole for so much too long, and of longest wars, of like getting away with murder, at least.  Bill and Hillary did have their public seduction (and vast corrupting to collusion) of the media of those “presidential” days and we now are suffering due a contrary prevalent also of problems as of less good having come from the sixties than yet rapped. We must get beyond the years too long of just selling her “Bill” her “husband” her “significant other” her “partner” as the GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN - AS HE TO BE LONG ADORED FOR HAVING BEEN THE MALE PRESIDENT WILLING TO USE HIS PRESIDENCY TO LIKE BUY A FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENCY FOR HIS LADY (HOWEVER FAIR) SO THAT HIS SPOUSE COULD THEN RETURN THE REINS OF REIGNING TO HIM FOR ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL TOP DOG (WHIPPING WAYS).

If the Congress has the power now to arrest Lois Lerner - really has the simple Power to arrest any so in contempt of Congress - we the People’d people of the The United States of America should applaud any Congress willing to be so effecting for Justice.  Right!  This is about Bill and Hillary - this is about us beyond their THE NATURAL STATE covers as if sheeps clothing for a Chicago wolf, and of times to wonder how much of the sixties isn’t yet fairly rapped out enough as badly as its due.  If Congress has such right to be so arresting for Justice in basic (common sense) established Powers we should be loud and accountable in applaud if such exercised firstly now upon the citizen servant Lois Lerner.

It is to be to an evening - a leveling of/for the extant, of the trail to a well trodden forward to prepare the People’d people together, for days approaching when Mrs. Clinton, however, is to be of us some chained to our (new & improved media) news feeds and stocks with the “Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton” likely herself as needing to be defensive and against hostile to Congress and to also taking the allowance from self incrimination of the Fifth Amendment rights.  If Congress has the Power to basically arrest Lois Lerner than it soon should too be to the crossroads with Mrs. Clinton, however, as also a prime suspect necessarily boxed in to needing to be in contempt, and finally accepting that a Presidency will never be theirs again.

What started as of intimidations to take Mrs. Clinton into the HOUSE OF OBAMA primarily whence, and publicly as tagged a qualified “rival” has unsurprisingly become - really become - REALLY BECOME - of so many bound up as binded otherwise to history of a blood feud intra-party of Mrs. Clinton yet of a guilt lately becoming long assuaged now so lately and quantified so that Congress is forward and fast approaching days when they too will have a seeming right and base Power to also arrest her as soon as she shows her now historic levels of contempt.  Her KATRINA is BUSH’S KATRINA and her IMMIGRATION is OBAMA’S REFUGEES AND ABSENT IMMIGRATION - - - Bill & Hillary by a trillion (or two trillion dollars) - by $1 TRILLION IN SURPLUSES AT LEAST - are of a trillion unit points per dollar of culpability and at least guilt in negligence re such, and more.

The days of Bill & Hillary of selling them as like a gift to the world of Bill forgivable for so much because he was/is willing to help his spouse help him get back the Powers of the Executive, even without Obama’s vast over-reaching also too imperialistic, are passed - passed like the to foggy of the sixties.  We seem already arrived at the prescient of it born and too of President Obama of times cover-up from being obviously of the Nation as too as if Chicago;  we seem arrived at it prescient that the Clintons are also in risk of going to jail and like Lois Lerner simply for contempt if so of a restored basic common sense exercising of Justice by Congress.  They have been too long in deep and in their “hard choices” together for Congress to be of any ability to separate the Mrs. from the Mr. however they have suggested they can be separated for Power and yet while irreconcilably for history of having intimately shared the Administration of the Clintons.

If you are not now saddled to such not yet stoked enough as from the days of the MARLBORO MAN and the SIXTIES as of the Clintons more smoked to an alternate chemically induced “architecture” grab your spurs and reins.  It isn’t if their are known rivals of a blood feud just - it is now not if the “Bill & Hillary” are a modern and global “Clyde & Bonnie” - it is yet not if they are of guilt and a guilt of $1 TRILLION to $2TRILLION unit points measurable at least to of GROSS NEGLIGENCE it is that they too may already be arrestable at least by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - right? 

Whether for their lacking Power to repeat is more for them of the sixties altered states think short of philosophical or because the “great lady” behind the supposed “great man” was too either naturally or nurtured of Chicago it is that at least as per IMMIGRATION as a KATRINA it is theirs, and mostly theirs as they didn’t just not fix it they negligently were grossly netting selfish politics to cutting $2 TRILLION in lieu of at least approving the budgeting for known needed repairs to N.O.’s M.R. G.O.!  Mrs. Clinton, however - however of “HARD CHOICES” - seems now self exposed of the HOUSE OF THE CLINTONS of houses yet so richly in her hemming that many are to “HOW RICH!” sarcasm.  It seems by the talk and walk of Mrs. Clinton isn’t booked in the right “booked” parlance yet;  it seems now she has incriminated herself, and, it seems her “Bill” has also at least incriminated her, and, it seems she has been short of fraud at least when championing how “ME ME ME” she has long been - politically, and privately (covertly?).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:28 am

The truth is that President Barack Hussein Obama these years self tagged as to a “New Foundation” is he most physically in a political responsibility he most culpable for how he has destroyed the better foundations that better structured a ‘global’ America.

We can not and should not forget what it can be said he too inherited from the years 1993-2001 of the Administrations of the Clintons.  President Obama is he whom started afoot in the foreign and domestic of professing he desired so to have a personality based presidency.  President Obama firstly should be now, as to “personality”, at blaming himself.

In the news and off the grid, so of the grapevines of blogs, there are discussions to religiosity more Constitutionally restored and vitally in a refreshed People’d peoples civic engagements.  It may help President Obama now more than Mrs. Clinton, however, that too by Susan B. Anthony List standing at The Supreme Court of The United States of America there is now with such originality refreshed of the logic and faith of the Founding Fathers that the Bill of Rights is an accompaniment to the New Testament at least and so that lying is cover-ed by the Ten Commandments, however, written by a man.  Something about ‘bearing false witness’ seems akin to the ‘legacy’ of the House of Clintons.

There may be much President Obama can blame on Secretary Clinton and as well on the years of the terms of the Administration of the Clintons.  Yet though, for now President Obama has himself most to blame.  Yet though, for now President Obama is a he more responsible than she, yes too as a she, as Secretary Clinton and Mrs. Clinton, however.  President Obama, however he proffered an “I inherited this…” has it that regardless of which history he said he “inherited” he chose between available options and much it seems without considering many of his options.

This is not about Mr. Obama - Father Obama - Dad biological to the President.  It however cannot escape the prima facia dramatic that Mrs. Clinton to President Clinton offered a resolution for an Oedipal as if a surrogate white mother figure.  President Clinton is more a ‘father’ for the sake of necessary and timely governance purview discourse - and too still the earlier ‘fathers’ back to the founding fathers - the ‘Founding Fathers.”

The foundations to the problems President Obama is facing about obvious failures at his “New Foundation” have his roots of he a sprouting Harvard Law Student near about the time Al Qaeda was so born - born to become ISIS as is an is like of Osama Bin Laden, however a ‘father’ to it, as an is an is like of a JIHAD against American Infidels too much of “is”s not as “is”s.  The 9/11 Commission Report is hopefully not relied upon by President Obama;  President Obama may be better served to ignore it an yet consider the tome of TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt as a Clinton NSC adviser whom tagged it dangerous as to a begetting terrorism of an if and when the The White House is of an administration working too closely with Hollywood.  Al Qaeda wasn’t covered enough or far enough back by the 9/11 Commission to now have enough in a know as to how the ISIS of today is like of proud sons of OBL living out the purpose that Al Qaeda was formed and originally of asking Saudi Arabian leaders for their blessings to become - to grow into.

To the religiosity yet of the unexpected ‘domestic’ elements of the quandary and conundrums particular to the insufficeincies in his “New Foundation” politics of his sought “personality based presidency” we can consider that it is helpful that the People’d people of the The United States of America are refreshed to how the Bill of Rights is a ten like the Ten Commandments and how the First Amendment affirms that the separation of church and state is so of them as presumed of an equal or greater right at interpretation of God’s will and establishments than the Congress.  The First Amendment affirms that the body of the Constitution by the preamble is the Peoples’ “Order” [with order here as a noun] “done” as a “more perfect Union” than the United Kingdom’s, at least, and so as “subscribed” unanimously while “agreed” or “so agreed” could have otherwise sustained the liberal wants of it set secular.

It should help the People’d people that it has become refreshed that the founding ‘fathers’ secured the ordained and established more perfect “Order” under God by their specified subscribing so in that year of the Christian calendar so of the New Testament as “done” “in the Year of our Lord…”!  So established the separation of church and state and free speech protections of the Bill of Rights by its First has it that “lying” is not to be “legal” (maybe at least in politics of campaigns - campaign advertising) as the Constitution is of the accompaniment writ so to the New Testament, at least.

It should help President Obama and yet not likely his ‘mother’ Clinton nor his ‘father’ Clinton as so refreshed of the original American Dream so conceived and long consecrated the The United States of America is not writ large to an infidelity to Holy words and guidance;  It should help President Obama for such “America” has standing in the Middle East with any “justice” core common of ISIS so that we can stand comparatively to be at the borders edges to Syria and Iraq of an alternative and example that their ‘foundations’ and any success at ‘governance’ can be then related and digressed over, firstly - firstly before there yet could be a more ‘global’ campaign as rationally reasoned in a ‘justice’ against the idea that is “The United States of America.”

President Clinton has been a bad ‘father’ to President Obama.  It seems President Obama has been falling and failing where he may have like accepted advice or “dreams” from President William Jefferson Clinton - he born as conflicted as William Jefferson (Davis) Blythe III — so it seems.

The milk and any cream of the days of Secretary Clinton as of “hard choices” have spoiled on poor President Barack Hussein Obama, however she a ‘mother’ and even too much to an Oedipal as he of any sought of seeking a surrogate elderly white mother figure.  She and he the ‘father’ to her a ‘mother’ of the House of Clintons is embroiled forever forward and backwards of a compromised legacy and of basic wants that will not be favored judiciously or by many People’d peoples while she and he are of the BIG establishments as both known to be revealed and tagged as “Big Liars.”

President Thomas Jefferson did lead a politics for 40 years after 1800 as if its ‘father’ - is it as a ‘father’ of Jeffersonian Republicans?  But while the “Founding Fathers” were dedicated and joined to their historic establishment and ordaining of a People’d Order [again with “Order” as a noun] Thomas Jefferson was over seas and out of their hair/wigs.  The “Founding Fathers” found Thomas Jefferson on his return and Constitutional perusals has issues with their writ;  The writing as the first moderation of the body as the People’s Order of the First Amendment is cleverly penned in unusual first language so to seem to appease the “issues” of Jefferson’s complaints - and yet not to at all.

By Jefferson’s practice and the devotions like apostolic by Jeffersonian Republicans of 1800-1840 quite we have an elephant in the room about how to interpret maybe otherwise than the original intent the specific words of the body and the first amending.  We have that though the Constitution reads as set under God as to an meant accompaniment with the New Testament and as the context of the times affirm such is a natural development of the idea of the colonies independent it is still that how Jefferson governed and his ’sons’ like later may have been only of success for being of a parsed and nuanced otherness.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

CAPITALISM is better than the too existent (Clinton / Democrats) POLITICS by THEFT and LIES!

This is so about “capitalism” as it is of what paternity tests around supposed Clinton “off-spring” would reveal as not actually their’s.

We are of trying economic days from tragedies of error by Democrats at attempts in governance while pretenders.  It will start to seem especially politically tragic when I expose how the Clintons as such “pretenders” created a realm of “over-confidence” that then had Barack Hussein Obama too presumptuous as to what wasn’t that of “capitalists” and as if that of “government.”

This is not now being exposed as an official report of a still covert or mysterious actual paternity of so much long in creation of great goods through maximizing positive change and its potential as a most evolutionary way for the The United State of America to progress after becoming the sole super-power in the known world.  This is written in a sharing so that people can make better decisions by knowing truths about “parenting” falsely prided too long by politicians.  This is written today as Father’s Day is approaching for it relates to “politics” without being “partisan” to how some Democrats do belong under serious investigation and towards real jail time in an incarcerated imprisonment some respective of fraud and truth in advertising “standards” at least.

Yes CAPITALISM, at least as per my interpretation and ambition to my own story of “business plans”, is better than how the Clintons alone did render me no longer able to afford to be in business to fix my legacy so that it was still available for them to pilfer to still look as good as it used to make them “officially” appear.  Because the Clintons were of priding and preening themselves from misuse and misappropriation of a capitalism of one trying to set a new and improved evolved and progressive standard for “media moguls” there are some like George Stephanopoulus whom likely is now still too “associated.”

My work at making the Clintons electable in 1992 was serious work of my CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalist ambitions and by then already tested business plan.  My story of “parenting” evolved positive change is of a greater to the lesser of that which the Clintons were of a lesser of the whole of what it was I was at in a “capitalism” patriotic.  The Benghazi Select Committee seems sufficiently endowed and purposed to Duty such to discern whom is also wrongly of a pride (or gaggle) of the Clintons.

There is - there are many paper trails to reveal this pathology of falsity in the pride(s) of the Clintons / Democrats.  There are interesting political twists involving Governor Sarah Heath Palin as for so much of my decades to such in my “capitalism” was of “controls” and/or “checks” such as how I was covertly being like a grandfather to my sister while being a covert and pro-active (like) father to my father I was to giving away the same idea(s) many times otherwise to others on more Republican or “conservative” tracks like Sarah Palin known to me since the winter of 1982-83.

The sad but eventually laughable is how Barack Hussein Obama got trapped and fell to associations like with Secretary Chuck Hagel and Director Brennan after I had shut down my “capitalism” for I couldn’t afford then to be in business once the Clintons announced their intent to retake the The White House in 2007.  There is a name association that relates to President Obama as like Sarah Palin but with he one whom benefited from my knowing him of Presidential oratory challenge interests since he was in High School and I in 7th grade.  Of my “capitalism” was the business smarts to never forget a classmate named Steven Brennen the wise aleck who like play pre-Google “operator” to all “orator” “competitors” in Hawaii from our classroom in New Haven, and as it was to be wise in New Haven while so ambitious in “media mogul” ambitions in capitalism to not ignore the proud Richard Hegel, New Haven Historian, whose Christmas parties my family had long attended.

When I had to shut down due to the Clintons I then was no longer in business and the covert hobby of being so a grand parent to my sister and her “work” and “politics” and nor then as well as it long was the father to my father in creative and mostly pro-active covert wizardry in networked web weaving.  Senator Obama got caught for when I stopped the “magic” stopped flowing as already “fixed” through my father and my sister to him.  I hadn’t, while fighting the Clintons further attempts to render my “capitalism” as their personal but “government property”, so by needing to shut down in like what I otherwise call my RANDIAN STRIKE from the day “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” was born just of them, been wise to need to fight the old know B.O. four years older from Hawaii so.  It was between his entry into the Presidential race and then after my incidentally helping him by working myself to defeat the Clintons to protect my intellectual property rights that I finally realized too late that he was getting free help from me through my sister because I hadn’t yet associated Barack Obama with the B.O. known so since the late 1970s.

I have known the Clintons longer yet than Sarah Heath Palin and Barack Hussein Obama for I have known them and been alarmed with them since I met them while I was a first grader in New Haven about a year, maybe before Watergate.  I can hardly blame my father or my sister so for what I was at was developmental and in a covert that had much that was to lift their “boats” up as I worked and worked to my greater ambitions of my networking at CITIZEN ROSEBUD capitalism as cleaner than politics for wanting “success” from people choosing to buy what I thought I should try to sell.  But for President Obama when I asserted with AG Holder my rights in intellectual property and “capitalism” so to it that President Obama was told I had a right to keep him from a free use of my “capitalism” “off-spring” it was he got kind of stuck.

President Obama was not barred from arranging a contractual and agreed to use at full market value.  As it was I would have stipulated I needed to be made whole from the decade plus of the Clintons’ misappropriations and reuses and attempts yet to further unauthorized reuses.  As it was President Obama couldn’t very well be of his “First Black” “personality presidency” if he had to acknowledge me and contract a fair and severely limited use “arrangement” in “capitalism.”

For the purposes of today and the approaching Father’s Day it behoove you to test yourselves, however, to discover how President William Jefferson Clinton is really not the “father” you have believed him to be and nor he that his Mrs. has continued to persist in purporting him as.  Just my 7 book challenge to JK Rowling for progressing books as if school years was of such entire “covert” realm and my wizardry and yet also moderated in its unspoken of purposes to be yet one way I could assert in a repeat a capability in such as the above jurisdictions.  To be brief that I am the father of the HARRY POTTER books and magic “realm” it behoove all to see that it was figured too in an attempt to yet protect a new generation from the Clintons I so knew - knew too well.

There are complications in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM when I was so afoot stealthily in my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions with my fall back to be just a top Madison Avenue Ad Man - “Mad Man”.  I pretty much cut off my fall back within my fall back after 1994 sweep for my sister so to have some place to go after abruptly leaving Senator Dodd’s State Office as his State Director like as due a “political” “Peter Principle.”  I was shifting to “political writing” and further overt and covert efforts at such post New World Order birthing of the The United States of America yet reborn as a sole super-power and knew by then I wouldn’t need my fall back to my fall back, and even as it were the Clintons “governance” too much of inappropriate misappropriation and misuse and sub-optimal use of my “capitalism.”

There are complications that go to also past relationships as too “personal” and “private” and “complicated” for one alone became of my agreeing to help the daughter then of the CFO of IBM with her father while it was that I saw a way to help him with my “capitalism” and tested business plan to performing in such agreement by helping him fix IBM from afar and at times still too covertly in “marketing” “wizardry” “magic” unsolicited “guidance.”  James Burke who later led the search for Akers & Metz - CEO & CFO replacements at IBM was the last top Johnson & Johnson executive I think my maternal grandfather as a top New York City Madison Avenue Marketing and Advertising executive with Young & Rubicam had last professionally associated.

For now there is that I can never in one day recall all that I “parented” in a “paternity” pathology of my “capitalism” of and to my CITIZEN ROSEBUD media mogul ambitions and how so much I gave away and gave away to others not the Clintons for I was expecting to be able to keep what the Clintons mistook for myself.  President Obama still is facing that he wanted a “personality presidency” and any public use of my vast creative successes wound necessarily be needing a stipulation contractual that I in some way become made whole from the Clintons and their pride’s misappropriate or kidnapped uses.

Just in the category of what I gave to NBC and about GE CEO Jack Welch is a category of mused to great successes I too cannot fully recall yet in any singular day.  And, with that is too how American Corporate “leaders” needed to be saved from themselves as we were like in a war none of them had seen coming.  This though is a part of the story that precedes the Clintons but then explains as foundational to their unexpected rise how it is that they of Governor Clinton true self like of his 1988 Democratic Party Convention speech did actually SURPRISE in 1992.

There is, to be still brief, besides many most successful sitcoms also my godfathering the modern snowboard design and the half-pipe, the Stanley Tools reinvention of the hand saw, and mass market broadcast to tell my “capitalist” network I liked the start-up “LIFE IS GOOD” brand that my old but not known until 5th reunion Villanova University classmate was of three years trying to launch with his brother but yet unsuccessfully.  There is more and more and more and more somewhere at least partly at http://CitizenRosebud.info of category 4 as my AUTO BIO’D marginalized “category.”

WARNING!!!  Many of my “birthed” successes were cross pollinated - like - like as that some that I mused around for one of such was also otherwise a basis and commonality for other(s).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:47 am

You’ld think you should call ‘em “charitable”?  You’ld suppose if it is called “philanthropy” it should net out some greater good advantaged.  These are rough days for philanthropy much due it “philanthropy” the Clintons proposition themselves as at.

There should be a jeopardy - a danger - in associating with the Clintons purported “charity”! It is confused and quite confusing how that what the primary purpose of the Clintons’ politics it that any of their Clintons’ Global Initiatives aren’t firstly by the IRS as if a PAC or a 501c(4) - or another.  To host a Clinton under a guise of “charity” and “philanthropy” seems risky legally and to a dawning new appreciation that quid pro quo at least in creative arts is due a new accounting.

Any familiar with that supposed of a “good” of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, however charitable, is oddly firstly as of two so so so “Political” and “Partisan” of standing up in public relations of damage control and spin doctoring too seemingly of a need to appear to be doing “good” to cover - cover-up - a legacy of failing to net out in greater good accountancy.

It seems of a poisoned tree that any associate “philanthropically” around the so so so political and partisan Clintons. Such as any “charitable” association with the “The Clintons” seems too much “political” and “campaign” activities to be actually fit for charity registering.

The history of this supposed “charitable” of a foundation in Clintons began with a promise that such was not to be operated by William Jefferson Clinton in a political or partisan manner.  The history has been that it is ridiculous, especially lately, to posit that the Clintons haven’t been specifically using these appearances of doing good for political and partisan personal gain.

There is a danger in the global philanthropic of a pair a power couple playing at “philanthropy” and “charity” in ways that allow them to act contrary to the Constitutional prudence as if a Congress bypass as an organized too autocratic totalitarianistic.

There is a danger in the message in their standard - their banner/flag - as the “C” so violated as if of a bosoming in Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton smarts artlessly as too like of “imperialism” and as an affront to the European Union yet with a circle of stars as grounded away from “imperialism.”  By the masthead of the Clintons it seems inappropriate to conclude their CGI is for “philanthropy” or “charity” firstly and to any net profit in a “greater good” mission.

By the very existence of the so false flag organizing of the Clintons as seemingly of an attempt to actually be like the first American global autocrats in an Autocracy of Clintons the process and prudence of the Washington based democratic lives as set asunder and undermined.  The Clintons even as when so of “believable” in “charity” still are those so publicly know to be “Big Liars” that they lost near half of their old “Hollywood” “friends” and friends’ money to the Democrat Party alternative so junior and inexperienced - they lost half their thought “friends” to candidate Barack Hussein Obama.

We are to be behooved to a more prudent safe “philanthropy” if and when we become more saddled of the old Constitutional prudence which the “politics” and “partisan” of the Clintons so daily undermines.  It seems so wrong if it called “philanthropy” as the Clintons are suspected of cover-ups and known of lies that undermine a reset in consumer confidence and confidence in politics all over the world.

The Clinton Global Initiative was inaugurated with a promise that it would not be operated of “politics” and “partisan politics” and yet that is largely all it has ever been convenient for William Jefferson Clinton, and so now too so Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems impossible to now suggest there is any real legal separation between “political” and “campaign” and the appearance of the Clintons as in “charity” and “philanthropy” while the real politics are of it that they need good public relations like of appearing to be so actually engaged to balance a now fairly growing understanding of how much they already should have been doing political penance for - each, and personally.

It seems as good as philanthropy can be and should be we are of days where it generally is undermined by the existence of the Clinton of an extant as of doing more good then harm while them so at such defensive work to appear at doing good is poisoning the boughs of the trees of giving.  There too is that a global economy with too much “philanthropic” can be to depressing much opportunity for economic growth — As by first post in thread at http://CitizenRosebud.net as WHITE COLLARED POSSE there is an economic dynamic expressed originally as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECNOMICS.

There is that any associating now with any familiar to the Clintons Global Initiatives, however “charitable” or “philanthropic” are themselves too much to enabling the “politics” of such an dangerous alliance for it does by how it is extant undermine the regular process and practices of the Constitutional Congress.  The low public opinion now held of the Congress is interestingly related, it seems, to how the Clintons have by their appearance as “do gooders” been short of due accounting and as they persist and persist and with annual (mandatory) meetings so crossed in “import” as if of a right of King yet timed to the United Nations annual gaggle.

It seems by supporting the Clintons as if of “philanthropy” any so at least familiar to such is also working for personal gain towards a constituted Power extra-Constitutional and so actually quite so in a rivalry with the Congress and accountable mostly as if consecrated to be firstly for “Power” and as too like the early Clintons of the American unifying as more for empire than freedom in independence, and as too like it as of Clintons yet now having a power too nearly real though set in The United States while operating as if a Autocracy of Clintons & too much as if above the Laws.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:01 am

There is a grimy - a real grimy - in the slow walk political of the Clintons.  We are beyond, with the Clintons, any “greased pigs” mud as of an innocence, even an innocence lost; we are still at the greased water melons of the Clintons’ courting; we are now of the grime - the dirt - the mud - the controversy - the scandals under Mrs. Clinton’s nails, at least.

Mrs. Clinton has become the newest “Baghdad Bob” for the cliche politics of her’s and our’s defenses.  She has now, as of this Monday morning, post the week of ‘Hillary Clinton has/had brain damage’ flushing, availed herself of her greatest defense forward while we all patiently await hearing whom of the Democrats will be joining the Benghazi Select Committee to investigate especially Mrs. Clinton quite towards concerns regarding a new low in political grime akin to Nixon’s tags.  Mrs. Clinton has now availed herself of a medical excuse for her Benghazi defense in coming bipartisan criminal probatives.

Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with her first remarks after the second 9/11 was to admitting she lacked intelligence and so of an admission apparently of incompetence.  As recalled she closed out her first remarks as from outside her office, at State on the seventh floor, so then hours before joining the President in the Rose Garden, with words surprisingly, considering just recent history, of near ‘I did not believe this could happen in a country I liberated.’

Mrs. Clinton cannot position herself as a “Great White Hope” to succeed the first black President. If she really didn’t believe “this” as “Benghazi” could happen in a country she had liberated President Obama still has her ignorance as a crutch to lean on to yet stand up a legacy for himself independent of any the Clintons may be losing.  In the cases pertaining now to the culpability of Mrs. Clinton there, as evident this weekend, now is a new grimy in our politics more as if Mr. & Mrs. Clinton are as if a two headed “Baghdad Bob.”

The Clintons are so muddy and muddied by their own sloth and trophs and how they rolled and rolled that being each others character reference is now, however grimy in their old cliche, that they have to scamper around and around Senator Harry Reid and his penned up also dirtied by the Clintons that they cannot take the “medical excuse” path nor not enter 2016 without such either and however “exit” seeming too much a pleading of guilty to criminal cover-ups of the purview at least of the still forming bipartisan & maybe bicameral Benghazi Select Committee.

Though the timing of the supposed brain damage that afflicted Mrs. Clinton did time to the post 9/11 II pressures as conveniently of an incident that kept her away from personal scrutiny when the heat was on most heavily weighing on her to struggles at standing up an explanation at least how it was that when there was a second 9/11 she was so (necessarily) it seemed to denying and denying that it could be Al Qaeda again responsible.

It is remarkable for the Clintons that they have a “black problem” like no body would want as also their ‘business’!  This goes beyond the rehashed of the dalliances in infidelity of her spouse in the offices of the highest office in our land as specifically of Monica Lewinsky;  forward this also goes to now a dirtier tucking concern of the “The Clinton” of grimy infidelity yet to date not celebrated among the “Comeback Clinton” mud when trying to clean ‘em up for 2016 and yet now when black is in how it seems historical that President William J. Clinton has not yet had an affair with a black woman.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s greatest infidelity may have been to the first black President - to her duty to serve fully and wholly he and the People’d.  She can not now be a “Great White Hope” unless she has been holding back all these years since the Clintons’ presidency ended and was especially holding back and holding out on President Barack Hussein Obama.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton should not have anything to offer now that is new and possibly better than that of he whom she supposed served (though a “rival”) wholly and without reservations.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton would have us believe, as now it is that she isn’t admitting herself a ‘medical excuse’, that she can run, though white, in 2016 with a tagging as if she is expected to be told of near and broadly as if of a potential and a legacy where she can be better that the first black president, and was a better Secretary of State than the first female black Secretary of State and to as if at least she should be politically considered to have been a better First Lady than the first black First Lady Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama.

We are of days of a new grimy and too cliche Clinton politics where a criminality is likely to be proffered as a due tag on at least Mrs. Clinton for her days, however of health and full capacity, regarding cover-ups that go to a not seen criminal basis like since she helped impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon. Mrs. Clinton has her own legacy as of a partisan politics at setting the very standards that now apply to herself as the Benghazi Select Committee, however yet not clearly bipartisan or bicameral, and to be publicly discerned in all the grime of the post 9/11 II Benghazi cover-ups.  In the case of Mrs. Clinton as per real culpability she is now hardly expected to be as hard to grasp as a muddy and grimy greased pig.

Essentially Mrs. Clinton has availed herself of her best defense as a defense in limited mental capacity.  Now as it seems we are of a politics, where she too must avail herself of any “not running” so to avoid seemingly to preface the due full probative, of the Select Committee to investigate her, at least for criminal cover-ups, she is shadowed with a prima facia like a pleading in GUILTY, however of “NOT.”  It is now that the Clintons are persisting as if a two headed new “Baghdad Bob” extant in a new grime and muddy that the “BLACK” in the house is also that her spouse supposedly hasn’t (yet) had any of his celebrated infidelities with a black woman.

Her biggest “Black Problem” must though be Benghazi as at least since her own first remarks spoken were of such ignorance and incompetence when of closing with quips of her speaking to she couldn’t believe such could happen in a country she had liberated — She made the first black President look innocent at least in comparison to her.

President Barack Hussein Obama may now be saved the worst fate from any Benghazi Select Committee because Mrs. Clinton helped set the very standards for “criminality” and “jail time” for politicians of any cover-up at least as bad as that figured as Nixon’s.  It will likely be years before the fully established Benghazi Select Committee, whence established as bipartisan and bicameral, can yet proceed to any case or issues of grime and mud specifically fitting President Barack Hussein Obama — Mr. & Mrs. Clinton have themselves kinda penned in and center ring for this committee’s duty and so that it could be years of just looking at them and even the CGI as Clintons’ Global Initiatives for dirty prints in a criminality of what now seems confirmed to have been at least an improper political cover-up.

By the standards for “criminality” long of the legacy celebrated of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton due her professional work at impeaching President Richard Milhous Nixon over a “cover-up” just relating to botching a Federal Investigation into the Democrat Party as botched while probing their Watergate Headquarters it is that she a lady will go first and that her man too will need be looked at long before the first black President becomes personally also so penned and processed.

As any Benghazi probe of Mrs. Clinton, however as the first black President’s “rival” is of her duty such is grimy in a new muddy for she had a spouse globally of initiatives that seem still to have inhibited her professionalism as Secretary of State.  As Secretary of State, I seem to understand, she was the Obama cabinet officer whom had the People’s duty to oversee all the activities of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives and even as it seemed their CGI was being run as a rival executive branch by a rival like still First Couple and as if President William Jefferson Clinton was to be heralded as the first President of the World.

It seems as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is of her legacy of celebrating that President Richard Milhous Nixon deserved to be impeached for a cover-up of an event that was less political than her Benghazi cover-up and too was without the loss of life of her Benghazi cover-up we must consider that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is a criminal suspect - the primary suspect - suspect of offenses that can lead to imprisonment.  It seems that President William Jefferson Clinton has to also be long ahead of President Barack Hussein Obama on any march to being orange suited too;  President Clinton seemed to have so meddled in foreign affairs since leaving office in 2001 that he is of “initiatives” his spouse should have investigated while the People’s Secretary as President Obama’s Secretary of official duty to “oversee” such of her spouse, now even more concerning as newly her repose as also of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.

The Benghazi Select Committee has the white people to look at first - such is a real problem for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least.  Unlike Watergate people died!  Like Watergate politicians are known to have been of a cover-up!  Unlike Watergate it is that there seems to have also have been official obstruction of justice as part of the cover-up and so sadly of a new grime and muddy politics worse than any of Nixon’s supposed as of it now that Obama’s white Secretary of State has to face her own lower standards now when her cover-up impeded the due Federal investigation of murdered/killed of her “house” of State.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:09 am

Some days you are asked to think - Yes, some days one is asked to think more than even the day before - even in days before.

As it has become re-established as a spectacle of faith like of the founders as new apostles as by 1Corinthians4, 9 of the body of the Constitution as beset to beget a morality in accompaniment with the New Testament we newly need be wary of thresholds however concordant and extant to dangers in generalized pontifications, however set “political.”  And, still, as of older whence, it best we be thorough of such concords with a pre-set and reset wariness in harvested of bearing of false witness, however set “political.”

Maybe we should start with Noah.  As “Ila” now the newest Biblical character, of it at least a morality play, we have that in play is the “fornication” of 1Corinthians5, yet moderated from a forced Oedipal. Seems!  (I have a new Bible app - I am not a theologian nor a Bible scholar.)  For Emzara not to be violate herself of such “fornication” “Ila” needed to be born?  Of Noah of three sons originally Emzara could hardly be a Susan B. without “Ila” in modernity so evolved, supposedly?  Let us be wary enough prophylactically in meditations to not generalize to a tri-poli - a three briefed - when a singularity enough to broach any “false witness” impropriety — let us not rush.

There are gray areas of concern, to be brief, that syllogisms of metaphoricals in visual graphic renditions can forewarn and inoculate as if by use of drawing out the Clintons by their “design” and “examples.”  For the purposes of morality it may now to proceed as if at lessons by way of making an example - making examples - of the Clintons.  Whether firstly to thinking of Susan B. Anthony or the Clintons’ protege Anthony Weiner it is most concerning that the Clintons’ permanence is set so in Polshek parlance so suggestive to be Rorschach-esque so of the racks of their library Freudian in a phallic too as ready “gun” shape too publicly banded as a public visage in a gray, a gray said too suggestive as if a Confederate Gray.

The apple of immorality seems to have been handed from mentor to protege - from “Bill” to “Anthony.”  To be brief, yet still to adequately cover, the chief courting of this treatment is to be to a rendition to concordance by making an example of the examples of the Clintons, courtly — Have you yet heard of Ohioan Steven Driehaus?  It’ld be prudent to not generalize, and precious to check the too generalized.  To cover yet the “feminine” & “morality” of Susan B. Anthony, perchance with/to success, by comparative scoping of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however, citizens may need not just an entire book but a movie - but movies.  There should be trepidation in presumptions at ‘”Hillary” a “Susan”‘ for “fornication” besets a uncovering of improper nepotism in her example — Wasn’t it wrong in a “feminist” & “human resource” propriety that Mrs. Clinton was so subjugated as a subordinate of the Clintons’ West Wing at least as per nepotism in a work place?

It is already established, and long self-evident by the tombs of history extant as of historical public documents, at least, that the Clintons are of the lies - are known to lie - are said to be even “Big Liars.”  We can move from the brevity of them of their lays of lies to snare their lairs like as monsters of complex duplicity in clever triangulated transference as well of trichotomy’s grays.  As it is largely a matter of established public record that the Clintons are known liars they are the tools best now to ply a morality discerning by ways of making an example by way of making an example of them. 

How wrong is it to bear false witness?  How wrong is it to be violate of civil truth firstly as if of “campaign rhetoric” and secondly when to lies yet spoken as if “official speech”?  Do you know how The Supreme Court of The United States of America should now rule upon the soon to be heard standing in relevance as by Susan B. Anthony list v Driehaus?  Aren’t lawyers trained supposedly to be forewarned and disciplined away from the dangers in generalizing, at least rhetorically?  What are the minimum standards even albeit as “double standards” like now a false flag bearing by the Clintons pols?

How wrong is it to bear false witness?  Minimally:  What is a lie?  How important be the lay of any lie?  How important be the general concern of a public lie if a “campaign” falsehood?  How important be the laid lies if whence from any “allowed” campaign falsehood to altered historical extant context as if a lie no longer a lie for it spoken as “official” speech?  Due the purview of S.C.O.T.U.S. as their duality conflict rises in standing soon with such pertinence of such so laid about Anthony it is like now impossible to separate President Barack Hussein Obama example from this ‘making example’ of his “rivals” President William Jefferson Clinton and his Mrs., however whence “officially” appropriated.

How wrong is it to have born false witness - how wrong is it if/when a known politician is known/unknown of a laid lie?

It is already established that the Clintons, however indivisible or divisible as a B.O.G.O. “two-fer” political power couple, are of the public record, at least, as known to be long of laid lies, and too as “Big Liars!!!” from ‘em thought to have been their friend(s).  So to be brief and prudently at the immorality embedded in the Anthony v Driehaus:  How and when is a generalization a premeditated with malice intentional itself a born false witness and improper lie?  When if to three when only two be moral is the spreading to an embedding in a tri-political not but a triangulated transference as if of smoke and mirrors allowances/arrangements?

The Clinton “Presidential” Library begets an interesting prima facia read - enough to make many really blush if caught unprepared for its net gross bottom line contextual.  Steven Polshek must be the go to expert in his rendered permanence of the Clinton public visage parlance - needn’t he be?  If at first blush one is exposed the a Rorschach of a gun shape phallic & Freudian, and secondly to a visceral disgust that it also be in gray - and especially in Confederate Gray - the remaining concern must be that it is laid already foundationally that the pac’ runneth with Mrs. Clinton, however, so that it behoove us to be already saddled up of a queried to if such is how we are supposed to see the “permanent” Bill Clinton, President how is the vessel of a Hillary Clinton, President, already figured to be a yet architecturally & yet paired also public visage and yet in a feminine?

To be respecting of Susan B. Anthony we need contrast with the nepotic example of, at least, the Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and her public examples.  To be respecting of the progress of women we should consider that the “example” of Mrs. Clinton has been devolutionary to Ms. Anthony.  How can women reason - how can any woman reason a appropriate “officially” for Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs, William Jefferson Clinton, however previously appropriated - for her submission as if apropos feminism and work place parity and reported insistence that she as a FLOTUS need be formally subjugated as a West Wing subordinate to her spouse and so of her example that staffers should be tolerated however they are sleeping with their “boss.”  To any Anthony legacy mustn’t women, at least, be to reason - be somehow to discerning for themselves that Hillary got her healthcare West Wing job at least through improper nepotism?

Bear with me, please, this is supposed to be simply reasoned for the standing of Anthony now set up for the orals duality soon upon the honorable Justices and across their thresholds, and too their tolerance(s) at least of the logic and syllogisms allowable of laid lies in “politics.”

Surely there is much to be relatively concerned hidden behind such effrontery by just the Clintons and in their not yet public enough permanent records of the stowage of the embedded that can wait, for now.  We have that Anthony v Driehaus ushers us past so much that may yet spill out from later of due course as per politics versus lying - we have simply, to be brief, that we can reach easily a concordance thoroughly of civil disobedience by examples of dangers from generalized rhetoricals.  Literally speaking we can be plain and simply at a conclusive dispositive however a lie is supposed by making an example of Presidents Obama & Clinton.

To keep a fidelity of and to Susan B. Anthony we can yet avoid too much, for now, the transgressions of Mrs. Clinton - women themselves can especially be so set and fashioned.  We - the all of us, of man & woman electric shared humanity extant, need not only the men to reason it — but too we needn’t reason Mrs. Clinton’s reasons as we can considered the core of even Corinthians as the common core of the founders as of bearing false witness enough to expose a bad of President Obama and as at a cover-up of the bad just of the lies of President Clinton.  It behoove us though to not fail to ask:  What is Mrs. Clinton’s figured inevitable presidential library supposed to be in a public visage & yet apropos supposedly as a Freudian “vessel” a vessel Clinton too graphically suggestive too as?

So to do justice to Susan B. Anthony and as well so if by a prudence (re-established) of Steven Driehaus as of the founders’ of bearing false witness establishments ordained to in their People’s Order as a more perfect Union “done” under God in the Christian calendar unanimously:  We can expect it simplest to make an example of dangers from civil disobedience in laid lies at least as per the example of President Obama by ways of cover-up perils from imprudent generalizations as falsehoods premeditated.

As a matter of soon newly courtly it is considerable the literal traditions of fallen from transgressions of disobedience.  President Barack Hussein Obama is necessarily also on trial for lies of campaigns as of exercised premeditated falsehoods and yet as one a Harvard Law trained disciplined to be forewarned from dangers in generalizing and too in cover-ups.  We can for now leave any reasoning of Mrs. Clinton out of this example that seems more fittingly of President Clinton and President Obama, and still be thorough enough for Justice.  We need be wary of generalizing and smoke and mirrors of fogs of triangulated transference political gray areas so it seems prudent to separate out any “false witness” of/by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for a clarity and parity in process - in civil and due process.  We need be wary of thresholds though between civil disobedience simply housed and such as would yet be mounted as of saddled whence sufficiently to be across the tolerable to criminal politics.

For process and a fidelity to prudent procedures we have that it for now behoove us to separate the men from the women and Ms. Anthony from Ms. Clinton.  Susan B. Anthony list v Driehaus standing for orals assuaging judiciously seems to rest on whether a morality can be a morality if not yet perceived as extant in a the moral forest — it seems the courtly of supposedly just “Bill Clinton” is pertinent as it seems as per a politics of laid lies besides a premeditation there is the existential that firstly need be discerned as to whether a “morality” is amorality if “morality” isn’t yet publicly contested as if not a “morality.”

There is an apparent jeopardy beset to be begot by the Justices though that should give real fright to President Clinton and President Obama.  They both, and their spouses, were supposedly judiciously disciplined away from bearing false witness - perjury, at least — and to the dangers in generalizing.  Simply to keep this as contextual as grossly briefed as for recourse by making just an example of the Clinton(s):  However corrupted by President Clinton President Obama was as the yet unsworn newly elected President so that he was willing to transgress from “campaign” rhetorical of convenient yet ridiculous generalization at his ‘IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT’ as if dictates truthful it is that such as a generalization is also a laid lie simply proven, however, the honorable Justices might find tolerable political falsehoods.

There is an apparent jeopardy beset to be begot by the Justices though that should give real fright to President Clinton and President Obama.  We for now are best to limit our process to procedures about the jeopardy of laid lies and the duplicity, however, yet of triangulated transference by grays of trichotomy’s doorways.  It is that how Senator Barack Hussein Obama may have thought it allowable to so ridiculously bear false witness upon the People with “campaign” assertions that an so involved “it” could be an “it” so as an “it” of their “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” he crossed what seems the clear and still present criminal trespass point of no return when he said like proffered the same as if then newly rendered “truthful” with it so orated and posited with his posturing in his first moments so sworn of the Constitution as the new President and so of his First Inaugural of he of carrying a “campaign” laid lie into the “official” realm jeopardy for impeachables whence he seemingly voluntarily spoke the impossible truth - the unreasonable proposition - the ridiculous assertion - the simply dumb syllogistic not ever capably beyond a hypothetical.

Right to be brief and yet of a fidelity to Anthony as of these mis-stressed ‘politics’ as to what can and will be of the forest of “morality” we can for now skip the contrasts between Susan B. Anthony and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Right to be brief:  But we cannot abide still not being beset to the begot amorality known of Clinton of the public records and generally already known.  President Barack Hussein Obama has gone farther than “campaign” falsehoods and seemingly imprudently as to attempt a historical rewrite to specifically benefit President William Jefferson Clinton  and Mrs. Clinton, however still appropriated.  As he generalized to the ridiculous President Obama is of a jeopardy from the Justice possibly expressly refreshed by the Justices as per any campaign falsehoods however yet they are standing alone and yet uncontested, otherwise.

If it criminal for a politics to be of premeditated laid lies in campaigns it must be criminal that once President President Barack Hussein Obama transgressed the People by his orations in inaugural literations with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as still an impossible truth — mustn’t it be of an amorality that at least just President Clintons asked President Obama to be of, and as if smartly to a needed cover-up?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:15 am

What, perchance, is the recipe for disaster?  How is it we are now cast so adrift newly as if in the old times of NOAH of bodies electric signing safely to discern if forsaken?  If it is that we are of forces of good and even in our domestic politics mustn’t it be that we yet are of fields of danger from excess catalytics?

For now it seems safe to particulate that Russell Crowe seems to have chosen wisely, and yet that George Clooney, for his own deciding, erred for going out too much as if all entertainment and all for one only with the Clintons.

We are not just in Kansas when risking the forces of the People in politics and campaigns.  But May of 2007 should be remembered with prudence trepidations of Greensburgs and Greenbergs, seems.  As Walt Whitman penned of the Civil War era: “We sing the body electric…”  As Alfred Lord Tennyson scribed for all to fret of fate and powers of ‘God’ when sons so seem to be so humbled to be so tinny and of the Crimean War:  Some things are past reasoning - Some things are of ‘charges’ of ‘Light’ too of wars.

Can any storm be a Perfect Storm?  How poorly did George Clooney choose for himself when siding with the loose wires and fields of the Clintons?  The Charge Of New Federalism is actually historically about such storm and its foreign and domestic energies - George Clooney may have been fated to a metaphor as a captain of such storm but doomed only for having chosen a siding to the negative grounding of the Clintons.  The Perfect Storm was cheered in the Middle East by some nearly as much as 9/11 - The Perfect Storm took like dead aim at Kennebunkport as by a polarity serious upon the Bush dynastic shored.

In The Charge Of New Federalism as per the reasoning it too harkens to the Crimean valleys of death however covered as by Balaclava yet to a greater freedom potential resolute energy as with OUR’S IS TO REASON WHY, NOT, TO DO AND DIE, LEAST, BEFORE OUR TIMES.  (Pardon the absence of quotes — these are my own words, however poetic.)

From a quicky search via Wikipedia to confirm the year of energy and trepidations of The Perfect Storm I offer you, however eruditely, that such was also appropriately, it seems, tagged as THE HALLOWEEN NOR’EASTER OF 1991.  What complicates the The Charge Of New Federalism more currently than the Crimean War of those made “tenny sons” of the “valley” of “death” is that it is also more towards a lay Freudian as its “charge” to is a concern for the capacitors and capacity of the neurons and electrons of the mind of President George H. W. Bush as vesseled in his body of Kennebunkport seriousness.

Global Warming as fronted in the CRISIS DOOM ALARMISM by Al Gore is yet but more as if a lark - a worked fraud to addict people newly to a Gore “product” of nick of time tricks quite like the legend of the Gore Plantation & its capitalism in Tabacco.  It seems his “END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT)” alarmism should have him now personally liable for storms and damages from a gross negligence and leadership unbecoming a former Vice President as lacking in a proper grounding in democratic debate.  It seems man made carbon reductions too cause climate change - shouldn’t be carelessly rushed.

The Charge Of New Federalism has moderated, and however when of forecasting much of the global political change since the stirrings of those three storms, that infamously joined to be such a dire and focused THE PERFECT STORM, quite accurately though Democrats and persons of the Clintons’ junctions have remained hell bent to positing that like “no one saw such coming” and while what explains their 1992 “coming” is that such still well explains both, however if in a “moral” context.  As you can read of a “Bush on fire” in LOS ANGELES poem of The Charge Of New Federalism it is otherwise than homage to Moses or Noah as of attempt cerebral to be considerate of the angels gathered about the mind of man of President Bush to be forewarned and temperant to the possibly excesses of the day and how such could quickly become of energy too excessive for the electrical fields as the battle fields of the wiring he only has of his one mind, under God.

However, now The Charge Of New Federalism may be presenting as a trap for the Clintons it can only be by them of deceit and envious coveting of goods not their own, and politically, and as a running con of cover-ups of their years of impropriety.  The Clintons seem to sense themselves now as if of walking into a trap, politically, and now as set almost with sufficient field strength and wattage and voltage however years covertly more on low voltage systematics.  The Clintons now are likely in a real jeopardy but of a civility in a “managed storm” of People’s Governance of prudence of jurisprudence kept Constitutional and honest.  The Clintons if now “trapped” (as they seem to fear) can only be trapped from years of misappropriations and of a political whimsy truly at only thinking “bush on fire” could only be about sex - sexual energy, and at times about a ‘the wrong woman.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe.  He may have been fated to be a captain in THE PERFECT STORM but how he let himself get played as if cast in a partisan to be firstly polar for the junction boxes of entertainment of the Clintons has to be on him as Noah now is on Crowe.  Write my old neighbors, yes, of the times I attempted an in time energy management by grounding serious series in poetry by The Charge Of New Federalism, in the early 1990s, are the Greenbergs of the front lines too for of the Clintons newly in 2007.  I was of the Mad Man attitude since the early 1970s as for having asking a great one to be my guide and mentor as my soon to retire grandfather.  The coincidental is that from about that same day I also became knowing of Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham though quite still a First Grader of Hooker School.  Stanley Greenberg’s daughters were behind me in school but friends and also of my Wilbur Cross Governors High School swim team when I was one of three of the Co-Tri-Captains of the 1982-1983 season.

My grandfather who kept his promise to teach me how to become a “Mad Man” (colloquially) like himself actually grew up in or near Gloucester. Some one of my heritage did die early by slipping on the ice near his boat an to have a watery winter fate/end.  My grandfather wired me into the standards and standard bearers of his legacy and so to higher standards than I yet have witness the Clintons ever consistently of - of an extant.

That I did set up the FRIENDS show request as around the friendship of the other two of my Governor’s HS swim team - a female Geller, and another swimmer, David - was of the respect for the standards and authority of Madison Avenue as I still managed to walk among while outside gracefully as guided from lessons from my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier.  By setting up shows that would succeed around my (moral?) anchoring of feeding plot lines for known casts I was able to maintain good energy around me and my associations as though neutrally as about a great good, like.

I know the Clintons to be beneath their skin “bad apples” at least as of a compromised Constitutional common core.  I have known them to be presidential in a bad way since we first met in the early 70s when I was but a First Grader as they asked me point on seriousness if they could each become President someday.  I know them of being so more goal driven ambitious than naturally set to surf their times and ride their times as their times dictated most - I know Bill Clinton as of a willingness and core rotten of a easy baugh broken from morality - I know Bill Clinton was willing to ask a First Grader like myself to lie and to lie about what his revised “God’s honest answer” had actually been rendered truthfully as.

Religion is inescapable.  The THE PERFECT STORM maybe was more “biblical” to those who walk in Islam and cheered on as much by some as the later storms of the 9/11 I & 9/11 II - as yet still to be discerned and timed of the Clintons too of a gross negligence and a more civil jeopardy than that which lifted all those, however, of the flood but not of the ark.

Right, the The Charge Of New Federalism is poetic of the valley of death akin to the neurons and electrons of the field of the mind of man, and specifically one President Bush pushing and pushing the grounding of a greater morality - in war’s time.

“We sing the body electric” and we now are like in a new civil war energetic domestically in the bushels of Mrs. Clinton, however, and her American pie(s).  The Clintons may be justly trapped and for them of walking themselves into their own jeopardy.  The Clintons deserve (each, and together) their days in court.  We should be more prudent than them or ourselves lately when of thinking them of good fruit while quite dangerous more of poison fruit of hedges and bush rows.

Does Hillary Clinton - Mrs. Clinton, however - yet know of any ‘recipe’ not a recipe for disaster?  Isn’t the “storm” of the Clintons already experienced by too many, and disastrously?  It wasn’t only for those of May 2007 of Greensburg of the Clintons of the Greenberg familiarity of wrought political endangermeants about the imprudent resurrection of their global initiatives of wants to being more like a “First American Autocratic Clan” rooted too much in (morals) hedging.

It seems the story of the Clintons and storms has already by experienced yet not yet told, however, lesser than Biblical.  It seems, as I recall, that the seasons of the insurrections, political, to the process, and prudence, of the common righteous more perfect core of the Constitution, such as that of their “social welfare” socialism chargings, were to a popular power, albeit, yet, a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional ‘electric’ ‘power’, and of the Clintons, as of Mrs. Clinton more than 3/5th as person, though just half of President Clinton - and it seems not the better half - as I recall - it seems:  There was devastation and destruction of The Natural State of the Clintons as if they were of forces of an axis polar to them of evil as “God” it seems to at least rain heavily down in tormentuousness upon each of the many places they did rise from and abide in. 

It seems as I recall, as per “biblical” storms that the Clintons as like of a complicity for a doom upon Greensburg, if the charges of the Bible, Tennyson & at least Whitman are factual, was of a too polarized excess of the energy electric but not (morally) grounded of the ambitions and wants to more “pie” of the Clintons.  Little of this is new to me for much of the above history here shared is that once I crossed the threshold of from “marketing ambition” to “poetry” and “poet” I was at least knowing of the fields of politics if but as like a non contact volt meter potential.

The poem of the The Charge Of New Federalism as timed and regulated as LOS ANGELES has a happier ending than that of Tennyson’s THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE.  As it closes as a ponderance in morality of a realm of earthly angels with WITH A BUSH - ON FIRE - WHAT DID WE SEE?  It closes with President George H. W. Bush still alive though of times like a new more global civil war of Walt Whitman’s Captain Lincoln carpe diem bodies so “electric” and to live on to tell the tale contrary to the Clintons and President Barack Hussein Obama of old storms at least ‘biblical’ like to people of Islam more about the real risks that Saddam Hussein presented and as like the father of a bastards brotherhood of Al Qaeda.

It seems the Clintons were those who, however dimly, yet alighted to the coincidences like of Greensburg storms such as it was of their historicals like laid low all across their old “arks” as “homes” of Arkansas.  It seems it was either the better half as Bill Clinton or the better half as Hillary Rodham Clinton that opined a ’storm’ reflective, short of an admission of guilt, to how it seemed that like every place they had earlier lived had been “targeted” by “God.”

For now there may be a recipe to avoid disaster - there may be more than a few long set and kept long in a “HOLY” however particular and specifically somewhat “regional” or of “regional” “success” to be metered still and when sifting through in an a priori.  It seems inescapable that the Clintons seem in a real political and civil jeopardy and for how they ‘chose’ to walk and talk.  It seems that there have been many storms about the Clintons as “bad apples” in just American politics of the northern continent of The United States so still Constituted in ‘prudence’ a portioned.  All that may now be missing is like the guillotine of Marie Antoinette and/or the hangmen of a new ‘apocalypse’ and as for a common core of trees of civilly rendered jurisprudence.

LOS ANGELES, poem, however, is otherwise also poetic and news as it parallels its self in multiple interpretive threads as firstly structured to ‘journalism’ of covering the beats of Rodney King and so of also the streets of the angels “on fire.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe - they both may have been fated to ‘valleys’ of ’storms.’  The Clintons have paths of past destructiveness still to bear witness to them too much in some fields as of forces electric too ungrounded - it seems hands of fate have leveled them by a lighting their auras as if as them as “bad apples” of having reigned ruinousness in rains, at least, in the temperments of shared morality by recipes about pies, some, of bodily charges, however neuronic.

The Clintons seem to have been those most at fault of a said foulness by ruining bushels of so many now so long.  It seems Mrs. Clinton, herself, knows but recipes for disaster and still just can’t bring herself to judiciously being grounded in the common core of the Constitutional constitution.  To all of The United States we are set “ordained and established” by the “People” “Order” as one nation under God, and so then however industrious or hobbied/crafty, as formed with all corporations under the “Union” but so by the First Amendment that all corporations must therefore be “religious” as under the nation under God and yet with the Congress of the “Union” barred from any Law to discern how a corporation is respecting an establishment of religion.

Personally, it seems, still too “biblical” how the energy of truths worked also poetic of the THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM beget an understanding of the times that otherwise show to strongly as misbegotten and misunderstood by President Barack Hussein Obama  — it still reads, to me, that President Obama has been so wrong about Iraq he has hardly had even a chance to be right about anything ‘political’ and ‘historical’ across the Middle East.

Personally, it seems served that Mrs. Clinton, however Bill Clinton maybe the better half of their “apple” BOGO, and as Secretary Clinton, however imprudently and Constitutionally improperly ((long story for later too)), did electrify the People and debates by her exposure on Benghazi while Libya was her baby expected to be carried more prudently to term.  It seems undeniable that her Benghazi has rendered her of no “recipe” but for disaster as it seems her “baking” “diplomatic” can only fall and collapse upon itself.  It seems by her “fruit” President Obama “politics” became poisoned and it like “biblical” how her baby Libya by the abortive about Benghazi stands extant and evidential that she before, during, and after was deficient, unknowing, and, yes, even grossly negligent - by the bushels.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:36 am

As a (political) platypus we should be looking for her stinger.  As a (political) Draculette we should be carrying wooden stakes and not surprised she is not apprised of her self as she wouldn’t be seen near mirrors.  As a new Marie Antoinette it would behoove all to consider her and that which is her’s in historical collateral damage.

Got spit?  She might be splashy and a whale at the tables of the gambles of politics, and, she may most fear the Constitution of the Founders’ original bite, for it seems, though unexpected, to still have its original teeth.

Got spit?  She, however a mammal, and evolved however, has gummed up the body politic about vicissitudes neglected as like of viscosities degraded of essential lubricants of critical mechanisms in the push and pull of governance engineered.

Got spit?  She, regardless, however a woman, has mileage on her, as trumpeted - much heavy baggage and a cacophony in discord, strongly drummed, too - She has eight years on her of consummated parity in Presidency still too lacking a fitting right sized comity homespun.

For scores and for her eight years not too long ago there is that many have been buried and wounded as her consummated powers so intimate and intimated were consecrated and metered.  Her’s is and is a union the Union cannot divide — she is set as protected as an equal partner of indivisible stature due marriage unions, however, this Union is not allowed to set asunder, by Laws.  What feminist angst and envy is tolerable by Law after first so expressed as intimated as Executive heft by a kept equal in marriage First Spouse?  Mustn’t the plates so served upon as of politics of the Executive stay in the Executive - stay to the proper side of the thresholds of democracy as preserved in the Executive’s walls?  Where a team of rivals worked for President Lincoln it now already endures that for President Obama his gamble with an embrace of the Clintons as rivals has been much to the frays causal to his unraveling.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is the proper politician to tag about the past hashable as a said “Messiah” it is that he, not she, has played out more as if a SON OF GOD, and too with an EXODUS - an exodus in Hollywood of at least half of those thought to have been loyal to the Clinton marital union accordance as a set so poised as those their most dramatic friends.  It must rank with President Obama that however possibly as a female gladiator the people of the known world is behooved too to consider that she is more as if a Joaquin Phoenix - a Commodus. She seems to already have failed with, and in, too many “fight scenes.”

Her envy - oh her envy?  But for being like born and bread of Chicago, Illinois, true so through, she otherwise claimed The Natural State as hers.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But as for having been reared and trained to a juris doctorate she as a J.D. seems still too dramatic and lacking in a believable as it is she too seems to want “ORDER” pre ambled to be a verb and not the noun of its writ large People Order original intent.

Her envy - oh her envy?  But how to accommodate - how to moderate - how to justify - how to arrest her insensibilities and properly grid her out graphically and chronologically to meter in digits her past footing, of her beaten, to within inches so more American?  How are any now to properly weigh the existent legacy of she as the equal to her he and of shared intimate and intimated Executive Power - how she a Commodus or a modern day Marie Antoinette?

Among the vicissitudes very publicly incident to her reign is much of personal emoluments and marital entanglements.  The faux she is to be the is she soon of the record for curation for all those fallen and of risings indivisible from the real she of the his her of the Clintons’ Presidency “two-fer” Union - when the Ground Zero Museum opens it will have a curatorial duty to the realm of truth and probative curiousity which she should have trouble long enduring.  When the Ground Zero Museum opens the Ground Zero Memorial will become more a living tribute to truth and towards honoring the memorial as a memorial, however constructed, as a construct to display the real she and he Clinton as the ticker ticks that the priors are for President Bush but eight plus months, and for the Clintons’ Presidency eight years plus eight months plus.

Our Constitution has been shaken.  Her constitution is set to be permanently shaken and likely exposed as truly culpable at least in a shared executive negligence, at least.  The Ground Zero Museum may not be prudent or charged to exposing a “The Real Hillary Rodham Clinton” or at all the she of her of feminine “envy” but it will at least have the justification to undermine a too dramatized she with a timeline chronology showing the attacks of the first 9/11 had plans commenced while she reigned as (a too imperialist) First Spouse.  It should shake her to the ashes, at least to the bones of her “legacy” - it should be an open and shut to a irreconcilable coincidental to shake her truly about a due consideration of a museum curative charge for the people - all people - that there are at least a couple per the Clintons’ administering of a public record that can and can more still incriminate them, and much for the dangers of inaction and avoidance specific to the Middle East and more so Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our truths?  God is in the Constitution as ordained and established as the People’s Order in their forming the more perfect Union so as “done” that Year of the founders’ Lord whence.  God isn’t just established by the Constitution as the God of the New Testament — the founders established the government of the People as so humbly under God and their order to it so as a more perfect Union as “done” so before subscriptions unanimous so effectingly.

Our truths?  God has been bearing witness to the bare she as honestly politically of the indivisible union in marriage with her he the Platypus stinger of her of her consummated and consecrated intimate intimations of the Clintons’ Executive and to as the said rival of a team about President Obama that is of a legacy now of dividing a nation more than unifying one.

Our truths?  God is not alone - God so Constituted is empowering freedoms and too soon by a curated memorialized to it a inconvenient truth that the Ground Zero Museum will have its charges to a duty to float the whale of she - the whale of her issues - as it that such is consecrated as hallowed ground to be forever considerate and a sanctuary for honesty about how such is of an ashes of sacrifice not to be seen at all as acceptable collateral damage for the politics and policies of the Administration by the Clintons will long cascade visuals to truths about them of a culpability.

However madly hatted in a public spectacle, it is sad - not spectacular - that Hillary Clinton has been, and is, a person of interest for so much that has gone wrong.  However madly hatted the Ground Zero Museum will make the sanctuary of the Ground Zero Memorial a living testament to a due queriousness near to and regular as:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG (IN THE MIDDLE EAST)?

However:  Now of a refreshing of the scares of SON OF GOD and the Biblical EXODUS we have to too consider anew the civility and prudence, at least of economics, if to a returned growth paradigm, in how it can still be said that the Republicans are naturally better for a JOB for you for they sell sin, sex, sanctuaries, and justice and/or forgiveness, and, in a simplicity for Democrats they apparently have been too much too slick in just a pedestrian selling of sin and escapism.  The original he and she we are asked to be to seeing is an Adam and Eve as Bill and Hillary of their inescapable intimately consummated soon to be more lively consecrated by their intimations and political intimidations by the duties curatorial expected with all those of charges about the soon to be open Ground Zero Museum.

Perhaps, we can reduce for reader digesting the whale of Platypus, Draculette, Antoinette and Commodus Clinton by using a quote by paraphrasing one whom was of the Clintons’ National Security Council.  Perhaps this thought too should be boldly set and illuminated sharply at least in the new museum when it is open:  Perhaps so:  As written in TERROR AND CONSENT by Philip Bobbitt nearly:  WHEN THE WHITE HOUSE SETS ABOUT WORKING TOO CLOSELY WITH HOLLYWOOD SUCH BEGETS TERRORISM.

Perhaps, we just need to question her wardrobe as if it was ever even magical?  Perhaps the threshold of a “honest” “Hillary” is at just remembering how President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did tag the Administration of the Clintons’ smartly for having begotten problems by ignoring too much that dangers arise from avoidance and inaction?  It is that President Obama should maybe too be memorialized at such museum and for the wisdom and prudence however 20/20 of hindsight about even 9/11 I of the attacks on 9/11 of the Year of our Lord two thousand and One — Perhaps an @BarackObama quote should too endure by public displays of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance heedence of credence in proffered his as there are DANGERS from AVOIDANCE and INACTION?

                                        *     *     *

[If Hillary Rodham had married William Jefferson Clinton by his Christian name firstly given she’ld, however becoming she may have become, would have been so too as more just Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:02 am

A first metric to a state of the current politics should be from an asking and measuring regarding how and if President Obama has been successful in his attempts to broadly cover-up for the presidency of the Clintons.

How long has it been since you wondered about the bank bailouts and T.A.R.P. and honestly queried if President Obama didn’t render an unfair politics about the housing crisis and economics of so many in mortgages to seeing near about a 40% drop in wealth valuation?  How long has it been since you honestly queried if the Government didn’t get the recovery all wrong?

To speak to economics today is complicated - is complicated for much irony in its recent mash ups.

To speak to economics these days,intelligently, near all need be fully considerate of corrupted politics deeply rooted, and dichotomies and trichotomies in cover-ups tangentially, at least, about every twisted official logic.

To speak to economics just now of New York City and proclaimed progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio one need first to think about the minimum wage, maybe, and how an increase now is justified ironically even for Republicans but because of truths about how the Democrats with their convenient uber-high green energy political pricing for energy have been both much to having caused the housing collapse, and having necessitated a higher minimum wage to balance so much of new costs of living. 

To simplify all economic discussions:  It likely would be simpler and better to undo the economics mess caused by the Democrat Party tunnel vision affectingness justifying a new and much higher minimum wage - it would be simpler to fix the too political economy than now to add “fixing” the minimum wage upon such mess.

For this, likely to most, to make any sense we should broach the concept that the Government also got the housing collapse “fixing” very wrong.  As we do such we are likely to have to consider it so advanced was more a needed partisan political CYA fix than a best and most intelligently considered “economic” fix.  As we do such we should be necessarily to having to consider that the way the “fix” was “in” was considerably of a politics at effecting at least a cover-up for economic culpability of the presidency of the Clintons.

President Obama is now five long years into such much still too much a JOBLESS RECOVERY, at best.  Isn’t it that the politics of covering up for the Clintons now best explain how and why so much is at best daily collapsing on itself anew?

President Clinton is hardly as good a politician as his political legacy public relations machinations maintain him as;  President Clinton now, as if firstly about Mrs. Clinton, is seemingly of a hope that he can offer an energy superior to President Obama. 

There are problems in believing, at least firstly, that President William Jefferson Clinton is at telling the truth - a even telling a whole truth.  There are serious political problems now about President Clinton seeming of puffery about remaking his shadow(s) every day.  There are serious political problems now in the air as the Clintons to “position” Mrs. Clinton seem to be presenting themselves as able to offer a new and better energy as a Democrat Party energy and leadership different from President Obama.  The biggest problem with such now in the air is that for it true be truthful and believable it then is able to be simply concluded that they must have for these past five years have been at holding out on or even sabotaging the presidency of Obama.

If it is possible now that the Clintons can offer a new and better way Democratic, already, firstly we should consider such can only be possible because President Obama has been successful enough in his, since day one, cover-up attempts for the Clintons.  Secondly we have to doubt - doubt - DOUBT! — Secondly we now necessarily have to consider that the Clintons can only, it seems, be of a different “hope” energy now if they for these past years have been at holding back and/or willful undermining of the presidency of Obama.

There may be too much at first to digest if at the entirety of the bull as one broaches that the housing crisis & bank bailouts were seriously flawed as effected too much with a CYA for the Clintons as a too affecting political a partisan bias.  It is that the energy in the air now as supposedly to launch Mrs. Clinton this time as actually inevitably the next President can only be of their “hope” if the Clintons did put themselves first and towards such for at east these past five years as if a keeping of their powder dry as said real rivals of this administration.  This can only now be a workable Clinton “energy” if the Clintons were these years to having held back economic solutions just so that they after President Obama could get the credit for any “fix” themselves.

As to the irony of the proposed increases in minimum wages as due now as if needed cost of living increases to adjust for the vast reductions in spending power since the first successes of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as of the Democrat Party intent to be to green energy politics:  IT IS MORE SADLY IRONIC THAT MAYOR DE BLASIO IS, TO ME, JUSTIFIED TO HIGHER TAXES ON THE CITY’S WELL TO DO BECAUSE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WORKED AN INEQUALITY QUITE UNFAIR WITH THE OBAMA LEAD “RECOVERY.”

Essentially a great truth rests in still measurable and considerable worked through economic and statistical metrics as to how the Democrats, more than the presidency of George W. Bush, did set up and then trigger the housing collapse.  It has been unfair how there has been a gross inequality as by saving the banks and while all eight GOP candidates for the Presidency had been of a personal innocence while of proclaiming that the People’s Government had caused the economic crashes so newly like a new DEPRESSION.

I have already pressed out treatments on economics to the effect that a minimum wage should in one hour in the USA economy be to being sufficient to like purchase three gallons of gas.  I am only getting started to a now needed series to how it isn’t just that so much is necessary and justified, and even tax increases in New York City — I am only getting started at a seemed necessary public stirring to new mash-ups to how such now is almost only necessary due to so many problems caused mostly justly (though not justly) by Democrat Party politics.

If you are new to finding my blogging and economic treatments perhaps you should firstly find the sampler at http://CitRB.net convenient.  It is our current conundrum that somehow a TEAM OF RIVALS worked for President Lincoln and the People and yet now has arguably been to not having actually worked for President Obama.

The Republicans, at least as by eight of GOP of the last race at the Presidency, have been to posturing the truth that the Government caused the housing collapse.  To understand such it helps to remember and consider their innocence in such tagging  and that such is a due condemnation on the Democrats and their tunnel vision too long about their green energy political economic ambitions.  In New York City now with its new mayor Mayor Bill de Blasio there is an politically rendered deep inequality from how President Obama effected such about troubled asset recovering.  Mayor de Blasio is, by my thinking, justified in raising taxes because there was so much inequality about the Democrats caused crash and recovery almost exclusively secured for valuations within the banks.

To understand how culpable the presidency of the Clintons should still be considered, perhaps you should start with SURPLUS’D QUEEN at http://JPHogan.org.

It should now be better economically to rather be at fixing the economy by wisely reversing so much so too much newly at a political and federally politically economics than to have to raise the minimum wage and to support higher taxes in New York City.  It is sadly ironic that what now seems necessary and justified is yet not known intelligently as only justifiable because so much that the Democrats have effected hasn’t been working - working as promised or proffered of “HOPE.”

I do not recall, at the moment, nor have I yet checked, if it is my LEGALLY BLACK - FREE BLACK? also of JPHogan.org that speaks more specifically to how President Clinton can be seen to have set up blacks more than most for failures economic and of the housing bubble hyper consumerism he pimp’d out dangerous while unfunding jobs creating and saving with the presidency of the Clintons reckless trillion in extra cuts for surplus.  Somewhere among my easily available already written is such a piece - I hope you can find it promptly.

The People of The United States of American near universally experienced a 40% drop of a crisis of valuation that has been sadly ironically too convenient to these years too much newly at a political economics.  To see much of this and the Clintons in a greater nakedness one will have to look and some because what I press about is itself less visible due to successes, some, I have now long had at defeating what may have been a worst of it.

The Democrats and especially the Clintons are worse than they appear.  I do believe that the T.A.R.P. was a wrong way to fix the housing collapse and of a great and vastly lingering inequality on the People generally.  Because, as Republicans have proffered, the Government caused the collapses the better and more fair way at recovery would have been at cost of living cash stipends, some, as like a rise in a minimum wage now posited but then when it should have been a more prudent and equitable mashable economic recovery strategy.  The convenient high price of gas to Democrats towards 2008 and beyond did trigger the housing collapse, and mostly only because President Clinton had undermined sound economics at least with the trillion in cuts of his unnecessary surpluses.

It seems now in the air that the Clintons are suggesting they can be better than the presidency of Obama and only now as possible likely if they were really rivals day and night and to being quite like of sabotaging the economy so that it wouldn’t recover until it could recover as by them.

There is too much to how the People of the housing devaluations should have been directly revalued as part of the “recovery” and how the Clintons, however, much are most to blame, and far more than however much blame so far due upon President Bush, to also now fit in here.  I have said some of it for the record already within my voluminous and available archived collections of artful at times blogs - I will consider now, and for a while, how much needs to said newly now and how much such now needs to be said with more clarity and specific metrics.

Again, I write about such as one who advised President Bush to step back from thoughts to “fixing” the housing/economic problems whence Iraq seemed to have stabilized and with a warning to him to do no more than work to postpone a general collapse for, to me, it seemed the economy would crash as soon as he attempted a “fix.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:17 am

That is them - they are the ones - stop them - it is them, stop them - it is they that did it.

Al Gore cannot be your hero.  Before he was Vice President he was a cut and run runner of initiating a dangerous vacuous breach in the sustainable Constitutional.  Before he was the loser of the Constitutional challenge of the 2000 Presidential race he was, though the VP to the Clintons, less than a sponsored favorite “son” of them;  VP Gore did create the Constitutional crisis that best explains his inferior case at the Supreme Court by his cutting and running catalyzed vacuous that predates the Clintons entrance into the 1992 Presidential contest. Al Gore is Al Gore’s biggest problem second only maybe to the Clintons.

To listen to an authority on the 1992 rise of the Clintons - to read of truths of such - can be to cacophony of surprises in literate and confounding explainings of oddly yet little known or even little considered truths.  The full dynamic of those times and such as per the rise of the Clintons is generally still unknown.  When on election day in November 2000 I while in James Carville and Mary Matalin’s WEST 23RD Washington DC Foggy Bottom eatery from lunch to near closing I was to telling James that I wasn’t sure Governor Bush was ready, and, too, that if VP Al Gore was elected I very well might move out of the USA and even surrender my citizenship.  The real story of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 is known to me and not hardly flattering to Al Gore.

There is a story that still needs to be told to how the Democrats needed to be saved from themselves in the early 1990s and how the nation of The United States of America too needed to be saved and saved from a greatest threat to its national security by a dangerous from the Democrats being so too predictable (and bitter).  There have been Democrats that have been defeated - needed to be defeated - not for having a partisan ideology but because they were so predictable in a methodology trenchant that they presented a great threat to the national security of The United States of America.

Enter Stanley Greenberg and too the then Op-Ed columnists of The New York Times, and the imparted wisdom from the late Arthur M. Menadier and too the late Joseph V. Connolly Jr. - an imparted hooked-up “Mad Men” like New York City multi-national corporate marketing sense/prudence.  Per the rise of the Clintons in 1992 Stanley Greenberg is more the cart and a passenger on it than a horse at being in the lead — per an authority on the hardly well explained rise of the Clintons in 1992 and success up against President Bush while near of an earned 87% popularity it is that Stanley Greenberg should have been able to help the Clintons by seeing what was stirred in the spirit of old top Madison Ave “Mad Men” for him to see and see without knowing its origins and genius as set up for him yet to be able to see and measure.  The rise of the Clintons in 1992 is some of that hardly yet known generally of initiatives for positive and necessary change in a nick of time that was at times a good six months ahead of any polls by Stanley Greenberg my old, and then still, neighbor.

Hillary Clinton would be a fool to enter the 2016 Presidential race.  President Bill Clinton would not be wise to push his wife into entering even as great as his need to be seen as globally back on top may be.  The story to be still told in an authority of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 and as a more deep explanation of the politics and new world order of those days will only diminish the Clintons and their legacy further.  It is sad for President Obama that the fuller and deeper telling of these years before the Clintons succeeded surprisingly in 1992 will quit clearly explain that he has been wrong with the foreign policy and even statements much of his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton massively since day one and so of a faulty think rooted in an ignorance of the early 1990s and real but still too little known considerable threats to The United States of America.

President Barack Hussein Obama now has a quid pro quo problem that too belongs to the Clintons and such as should be to dwarfing yet the accusations of a Virginia based quid pro quo if so by Governor Bob McDonnell.  With quid pro quo the new Monica we are asked to consider what is or is not quid pro quo and or craftsmanship or art versus what might be free speech or clean enough politics.  It seems per the Grammys that artists of the musical have reached beyond the Democrats marches to a new nationalism (musical) mash and themselves quite liberatingly to a new bi-partisan or non-partisan or cross-partisan.  Them Democrats too much too long to a convenient crisis beats to a Machiavellian “how to stay the one in power” conductive are those that did it - are they that decimated so many to new notations more humbled and too assimilated under them.

Can it be illegal for a Governor Bob McDonnell to appreciate the artisan craftsmanship of a Rolex or a Ferrari and not illegal as grossly more generous in an improper gifting too much as of a Hollywood or musical propaganda as a quid pro quo of Democrats?  How can a creative artist be not of a quid pro quo if of a political art beat out too much as propaganda and a material artist say of craftsmanship of a watch or luxury car not equally be celebrated and appreciated as yet a form of free speech?

It is alarming that they did it - that they are the ones - the ones that should be stopped - those that did it ten fold to a hundred fold more of a quid pro quo, at least.  It is already quit damning for the Clintons how they did operate and administration (too) close to Hollywood (at least) and be to having Philip Bobbitt as one of their of their National Security Council report and support in his TERROR AND CONSENT how they can be said by their lies to have begotten terrorism by being too closely politically operating with the creative artists of Hollywood — Right!  A Clintons’ own NSC member by his book has told the world that there are real dangers from a White House working politically too close with Hollywood and that such dangers as from his experience at least under the Clintons is the danger from such “work” begetting real terrorism.

Philip Bobbitt is not as uniformed as per the rise of the Clintons as most - he had drinks with this “authority” of the such era in US History when it was that it was wise to consider that some to too many Democrats constituted the greatest threat to national security by their predicability.  Yes, I did try to lead the polls taken and reported whence by at least Stanley Greenberg and some with a choreography more complex and out of time with time warp complexity beyond a fathoming (yet) at least by President Barack Obama and nor it seems by either of the Clinton “two-fer.”  It is that I did have drinks with Philip Bobbitt in New Haven after he spoke in an open to the public regular class turned lecture of Ruth Wedgewood’s Yale Law class and was then to some explaining that there was a time warp (of a private sector “Mad Men” like marketing initiative) that he too may not be yet considering and as critically important to knowing if to build on the early 1990s more to how if at all it could be to safely building so upon.  In such class that I visited as of the “public” invited at Yale Law School during the Clintons’ administration my question to Philip Bobbitt was near: 


(This was a query from a gut feeling but not a seeing that haunted until 9/10/2001 as the evening of 9/11 that I was of to feeling an attack was coming that the Clintons were not even seriously considering. As it is I was on 9/10/2001 in the evening considering that while still concerned I was near to going personally bankrupt from keeping so much time towards such concern as if it were still a real concern that developed from the early first moves of the Clintons per the Middle East and Iraq.  As it is I decided to have a reality check with myself as per such suspicion of an unseen but sense threat from the politics and foreign policy of decisions by President Clinton in his first days and that I should decide going forward starting on the morning of 9/11/2001 that I must have been wrong about such a threat of being of any real likelihood or potential.)

Right, I woke on 9/11/2001 and decided to travel across town in DC from my apartment near Eastern Market on Capitol Hill to the home the job site for that day in the Georgetown area by ways of the Mall and then up 17th Street NW along side the Old Executive Office Building and so as near to The White House.  As it is Condoleezza Rice had already been a construction client through a subcontracting of me for new closet doors in The Watergate and since my current client used to be a dosen (tour guide) in The Old Executive Office Building I was to thinking of Bush’s NSA Rice as it seems as her last thought prior to her assistant notifying her of a plane striking one of the World Trade towers.  I only later learned of such timing as I didn’t know of the terrorist attacks until later in the morning and after I had seriously and completely removed permanently the front door at such site.  I did recall the time I passed by The White House on 17th Street NW and for a thought to a professional referral spiriting from my former client Bush’s NSA Rice - but right, I didn’t know until later and after I had to stay and work through the events while being at installing a new front door in the Georgetown area.

I am an authority on the 1992 unexpected rise and surprising success by the Clintons.  It is what my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM was written to make possible.  That said:  President Obama is still politically in jeopardy from an ignorance of a greater truth about such years, and has been by such history actually transpired now been too long too wrong and originally wrong quite on much if not all of that as foreign policy and diplomacy with his first Secretary of State.  I know what I tried to do - I know what I meant to accomplish - I fairly well know how and when I succeeded - and, yes I know that a greatest threat to the national security of The United States of America did much to motivate me to such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM crisis management volunteered political corrective writing to max positive change upon the waves of the new world order and while so of a concern that too many Democrats were a great danger from being themselves too predictable.

This is them - this is of a real them - it is they whom did it more than most - it is they whom most did it - did it poorly.

We have that the Presidency of the Clintons took to much as able to be teased and ignored, and that it is that they did and still do work at falsely blaming others and too many of the Republican Party for what was malicious as from them at begetting terrorism however by a now to be generally discussed defining of what is or is not illegal quid pro quo.

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Note:  Best that I recall the decision by new President William Jefferson Clinton that I air here was pertaining to the Middle East and specifically Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  Best that I recall this decision was of he deciding not a should or shouldn’t become engaged but of a deciding that he didn’t want to personally and so wouldn’t.  Best that I recall this very decision did diverge from my otherwise considerate think and strategizing of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that does itself help explain the times and the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.  Best that I recall it was that I became aware of such decision and a to a sense of doom from it of a visceral resonance akin to the thought IF HE GOES THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED.  Best that I recall, and to now as time has elapsed to confirm by other efforts that my advice otherwise would have held up/worked out, President Clinton did decide to diverge from the road of my political writing and poetry much as it though does still best explain his 1992 success and that when he did so decide to not be as serious as it was he left me so with a sense of doom that for his selfish deciding America was to then be even maybe justified by his avoidance as a target for an attack and one on its homelands.  Really, this is how the original thought haunted me from such day President Clinton seemed to decisively diverge from the more serious reasoning of his getting elected to the eve of 9/11.

As I live it still it is that though I considered and penned my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM to mediate and prevent through a curative positive change new world order politics and political correctness and as of an offered new way for the media to write more simple as of by race in a black and white simplicity due to the selfish political early decision of President Clinton it became from such original purpose otherwise to be guarded then forward for it and me to be prepared as best as possible for its use for a recovery if perchance my haunting gut visceral doom sense did turn out to be right. As I live it still such did then get used after 9/11 towards a knowing considerate expedited recovery even though the thinking had been in the 1992 era as originally meant to be prophylactic.  As I live I know the Clintons too well to ever advise anyone to vote again for them.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

*As I start today’s satire/punditry on heavy issues about a/the real Hillary Clinton, and so live, here is a link to SUMMER FARE oldie as of SAMPLER of JPHogan.org @ http://jphogan.org/113201.html.


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There are times for comparative political literature and then there are TIMES for critical political literature.  If and/or how what now may transpire can be said (at all) to be literature is for you and others - not me - to wax upon, figuratively.

We all have our temptations.  Fewer of us of a global we though have equal freedoms.  Discretion and prudence may be a better part of democratic politics than Democrats like Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may care to admit.

Well WORLD today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s 50th Birthday, and today is the first day I have considered the it isn’t too timely a stretch to assuage a shared historical as now:  Michelle Obama and I spent near a year in Cambridge together. For now this is here as a memory trick — I had been lax in thinking President Obama had a thing for an earlier graduate of Harvard Law School as a thing for an older woman - I have now realized that like myself she was in the Boston and Cambridge area before her husband, as was I.  It may be that we were actually together even in Grendel’s Den a time or two and maybe even socially flirtive.

But more seriously, today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

It is more biographical if I can be objective or accurate in an auto’d bio’d to offer that the me/I of 1987-1988 year of Suffolk University Law School was like most of my years of a white guy just under 5′ 9″ whom though athletic still was generally not of a fear of black women (any more than women of other colors) while to a trepidation though (maybe of insecurity) albeit about tall/taller women.  Though First Lady Mrs. Obama and I can nearly be said to have spent a year in Cambridge together I cannot profess to know her politics, and nor will I presume to.  I did leave law school the spring before her husband started at Harvard and so the same spring she did graduate.  I did leave law school after confirming with one year that I was correct that I wanted to stay more creative and not barred at lawyering.  I did leave law school to creatively and originally be to setting myself up with experiences to be the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution that I could manage.

My story that supports my critical writing about even just Hillary Clinton is especially of such year and my reasons for leaving law school to be a marketing and politics caboose to Reagan’s Revolution freedom train.  I have know NYPD Commissioner/Chief William Bratton since such year in the Boston area.  Again, I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s, Sarah Palin since about 1982, and the Clintons since the early 70s.  I have not been able to support the politics of President Obama because of his choice of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for any spot in his cabinet, and especially for her selection to be his top diplomat.

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So more seriously:  Today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

I welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department per Secretary Hillary Clinton, her admitted culpability, and a general diligence due for the tragedy of Benghazi.  I welcome the new politics from such by the Senate that now should work as a better political check on President Obama as a Senate willing to rebuke the Clinton State Department is a Senate not to be presumed still as if unwilling to consider a possibility that an impeachment might be prudent.

For now while all of so much tragic is yet so fresh anew it behoove us to consider that at least First Lady Michelle Obama knows that her husband’s first Secretary of State can be blamed for most of his global failings.  You can say there is beauty - political beauty in this concept.  A historical Hillary Clinton is a dangerous political Clinton.  She doesn’t really come in many colors - her legacy is black with tragedies, and darkness.

All Americans of the northern continent Constituted in united states of a measured federalism prudence as a confederate republic have still (if Democrats) the Clintons firstly and mostly to blame for Vice President Al Gore 2000 loss.  A lesson for today is that the Clintons cannot likewise be trusted to not turn on the Obamas at least towards 2016.

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First Lady Michelle, it seems I still recall a flirtatious glance to a pretty black coed whence thence of a rendezvous at Grendel’s with other law school singles and yet until today had consider it as impossible that it could have been timely as of with you.  In any smile from me then at or near Harvard would have been that I was of inner city public schooling of New Haven, CT; that William Stringfellow whom recently likely had passed had been a client of mine; that when I was about five I shook hands with one whom still is likely both the tallest person I have shaken hands with and as well the tallest black person —and as Augustus A. White M.D. is most certainly the tallest doctor, however then when met quite still the renowned physician of the Black Panthers; and that I was thinking to be a great caboose to all and a outside facilitator for improvements in civility for law enforcement.  As it is I have known Dr. White since about age five and as socially introduced on the New Haven green in a happenstance reunion of he and my dad as “friends.”  Of my year so nearly spent about Cambridge with Michelle Obama of 1987-1988 it has been that I have recalled a casual flirtatious smile at Grendel’s thence whence with a black coed however of a different law school maybe that was abridged when such rose from seated to standing, and yet have until today never really considered that such could or might have been she.

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Dear readers this is becoming bulleted about Hillary Clinton even though originally meant to be more bulleted about Hillary Clinton critically — this is not supposed to be a beating about a bush of Mrs. Clinton but a beating at a/the real Mrs. Clinton.

Again:  I will not even now after five years of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama yet presume to know the politics of First Lady Michelle Obama.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama as per a rivaling First Lady Mrs. Clinton nor soon forget how the Clintons in politics even turned on the quite familial postured real friendship bosomed by the Bush clan and with dark back stabbing when politically convenient for the First Couple’d Clintons.  I don’t see how any Democrat can expect anything if a support of the Clintons towards 2016 as anything but severely guarded and restrained if by the First Couple’d Obamas.

To Mrs. Clinton, despite her spun propaganda for feminism, President Clinton is still too much her “Russian Bear” too over-coddled as if too meant to be like an American Putin of a return to the Power of the Presidency even as a Constitution seemed dead set writ against such.  It just seems a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is still of her personal and professional story of like always of having been to a predilection at wanting her “Bill” on top.

It is dark politics to delve into a depth of a/the real Hillary Clinton as one whom it seems has worked to undermine a Presidency for Al Gore and as well did work to undermine the Presidency of George Bush.  It seems simply clear that Secretary Hillary is supposed to reign as being a rival to the Presidency of Barack Obama and as yet still one whom politically can try to claim that those successes he did have were really of a pathology of her skill and not any really of his.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama or her ability to check an expected smack from Mrs. Clinton if she enters 2016 officially.

Giving such a confidence in a political and legal acumen for First Lady Michelle Obama I will now try to wrap this up albeit with less brevity than the brevity I did firstly intend.

Looking back to 1993 it is arguable that there hasn’t been a disaster or a tragedy that doesn’t have Hillary Clinton some at the heart of it.  There are too many political and historical layers caked upon Mrs. Clinton, however, for her to be to 2016 as a natural beauty.  A/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is to be discerned best maybe by understanding Vice President Al Gore’s failed 2000 campaign as principally due to the betrayal by the Clintons towards a selfish husbandry to protecting themselves over their own Party towards a securing of more terms as Hillary’s terms.  It is that only if you like tragedy can you possible see a visible historical darkness of a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton anyhow as beautious.

There is a beauty in the rivalry between the Clintons and the Obamas - but then you know by now today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s anniversary of her 29th birthday.  She shines bright today and as a darkness and doom lingers over Mrs. Clinton, however.  I do welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department, REALLY!  It helps it be crystal clear that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was no gem.  It seems she didn’t even master being a master of part of the house of Obama.  There seems an unflattering dirt and blood of many beneath the political nails of Obama’s first Secretary of State, and, yes, it seems some of it of stains she hasn’t been able to wash away from the first term hers of 1993-1997.

It seems Congress can do itself one better by First Lady Michelle Obama and now be of its Constitutional right and duty at checking more than just 2016 political smack by the Clintons - it seems Congress now by two houses bicameral can be to a very public investigating intrusion into the Clintons and their political machinations by ways of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives CGI, both by foreign and domestic jurisdiction.  The Clintons are in jeopardy by the Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the Constitution or by the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Courts — they are either now of the jurisdiction of one or both, and especially for a consideration of what could or can not be “legal” as per the months between their departure from the Executive plantation and that of September of 2001 of 9/11 I.  It is that the Clintons are likely still “legally” in reach of Congress, however bicameral, as by the Constitution bar of titling and checks on all whom can be said to be “agents” of The United States of America.

But to be brief it is a beauty how simply the Clintons can and should be now publicly dissected LIVE.

You do not need to be a lawyer to fathom that by the 22nd Amendment all People have a right and a duty to assert that the Clintons if to a Presidential campaign are in violation of the yet undecided Law of the term limits amendment and so taggable as criminal/un-Constitutional/treasonous.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is still undecided Law it is open to an original interpretation that its language of heralding in holding of office as if inseparable from a holding of a spouse is meant to be of an accounting prudence akin to petty cash safeties as also barred from an electing to the Presidency.  As a spouse has a right in marriage to hold their spouse the 22nd Amendment by the 80th Congress set with Richard Nixon an election of a spouse after a term limiting would simply in a logical be of a barred returning by election of the other to the barred holding.

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Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama.  It seems a simple truth quite beautiful that you have it in your power to easily check the threat of the Clintons to all the People and to defend your legacy - you and your husband’s yet still possibly net positive Presidential legacy.

People it is that the President and First Lady can still blame Iraq and Afghanistan failures most recently on a failure to measure up by First Lady Senator Secretary Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems as per our longest war that President Obama just had a top diplomat not capable of a diplomatic solution alternative to war, and likewise it is that it seems the President Obama’s early departure as a retreat from Iraq is likely historical as of a Secretary of State of having over estimated and under delivered on any promise that she with her “personality” could handle it all.

And simply there seems hope again as the Senate has proudly stood up dutifully and rendered a rebuke on the Clinton State Department - I mean at least for now the Clinton State Department of the Obama administration.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

It seems an impossible mission. President Barack Obama, can you be brought back from a political deadness - can you be resuscitated from BIGGEST LIAR?  For those more of HARRY POTTER first gen now matured and politically conscious this can be a quite worrisome troublesome.  Many have wanted “Barack Obama” to be a half blood’d prince and yet now as the play of his “legacy” solidifies he seems not alone in being not a squib even and yet merely one among many of muggles. Robin Hood likely had to be, though of basic thievery and mugging, at least a squib as he had dramatics and an artful ability to dodge and as well split an arrow.  It seems the only way now for President Obama to clean up his presidency is to clean up his own party - it seems he has failed to prove that the “dirt” under the body politic and body economic is Republican and well simply that means that the “dirt” must be Democratic and embedded as truly of his own party.

That there is no magic in President Land begets a ponderance of if there really ever was - if there ever was any real “magic” in Obamaland. To be brief - to be clear:  Let me be clear:  Their lies were not artful - they kicked the can down the road — they lied, and, it is that there lies were not artful dodging - there is a selfishness too institutionalized that should not be confused with “magical” in how their “dodging” was political as if only of a capacity of muggles.  Is it too late though for at least President Obama to learn of himself as of a capacity for “magic” as at least a squib - as one though late to learning of learning that he is some at least a half blood’d for good?  For a spell for President Obama mustn’t we be able to establish that he has been crudely but effectively burdened and or shackled by others say like the Clintons and so burdened as to be impossibly arrested from any use of any mere “magical” potential he may have as latent qualities?  Have the Clintons - has just Hillary Rodham Clinton - been of such a overwhelming muggleness that President Obama was forlorn to failures so common and commonplace in political orbits?

President Barack Hussein Obama has real problems!  President Barack Hussein Obama has real political and character problems yet are his five + years of him willfully and knowingly of having not been squared away himself and not on the level by his own affectings or has he been yet trapped by those of his own party?  It seems the logical dodge left as the only one feasibly remaining is to show that his own party should and can be cleaned up — it seems that he has spent his free chits of credibility as of the traditions of his office “cloaking” by having been party to what now has failed even as common artful (lawyered partisan political) dodging.  The real world isn’t about RACE TO THE TOP as for a common core to ignore your neighbors and their plights firstly - the real world has to be about community and civility at home and near home primarily.  There can hardly be any “magic” or traditional “faith” in the COMMON CORE of the curriculum of the Democrats.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with no cloak of invisibility nor any due prefacing as to invincibility.

The point of a HOGWARTS education is to learn and develop at least an ability in dramatics and artful dodging that too can wield an affecting as if that of precision in archery as for splitting an arrow.  The point of HOGWARTS is some in the name albeit rife with with a keen and sharp double edge as HOG-WARTS and not HOG-WARDS — yee of such curriculum however yet matured and matriculated are to be of the hope for a potential to grow not as dirt under the skin of others as if a wart on them or a more general body politic. Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to as originally set for the tradition and legacy to be above such commonality and away from sweeping dirt under a carpet or lawyering to keep it from a general airing for a prudent (civic) cleaning.  Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to be schooled and read to a capacity and discipline to shine locally and globally as of a “magical” civility learned to ways in being good wards of good wards.

Hillary Rodham Clinton may be more “CHICAGO” than yet the ward heeled late comer now President - Mrs. Clinton of the CGI is more “CHICAGO” than President Barack Hussein Obama.  It is recorded that she was raised to embrace violence and to not just hit first but to hit the boys there about her ward and to hit them first.  She was raised tough but seemingly without a civil ward “magical” and to be a FIRST STRIKER.  As President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State she may now be due a timely exposure as one a muggle and a wart. His Madam Secretary has been out from officially of his “skin” now about a year and it seems that some “magic” has returned to what is foreign policy of The United States of America.  It is for history and others to conclude if such is more for a released and cleaned up President Obama as maybe one capable himself at least of some half blood’d magic or if it is that he has a glow about him from having Catholics more now at his affectings.  Mrs. Clinton should be seen and read as one whose story is too polarizing and partisan and still a troublesome “wart” to President Barack Obama and of a legacy quite so lacking in “magic” that all should easily conclude she must be a muggle.  Mrs. Clinton, of her own Twitter Avatar, shows her linguistic capacity to be common and dirtied and cold for she not only lately tags herself as a “dog owner” she only tags herself as a “dog owner” and not in a little part a “dog lover.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton shows much so common as to be expected to be only of a capability of muggles with her Twitter @HillaryClinton and so that @BarackObama can make an example newly for himself as liberated and no longer occupied by the Clintons and now offer a civil and thorough promise to clean up his own party.  It is that he is tagged now like the Clintons as a BIG LIAR and yet for now it seems he has time to learn of a latent quality in himself to be actually of some political “magic.”  It may not be too late for President Barack Hussein Obama to show himself liberated and freely at finding (surprisingly) (himself) a capacity even half blood’d for a “magic” in politics.  It seems if he is more than a muggle and not so just a muggle like Mrs. Clinton of CGI than he now has a duty and honor calling him as it is exposed that the Republicans were not as tagged of exclusive culpability or guilt per the “it” as the “BIG IT” — it seems President @BarackObama can at least move the Twitterverse now to a public and effective “wart” cleaning and removing - It seems we all have Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART” to work a still possible mission about as a general and thorough liberating political deep cleaning.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with a political broom to wield even if himself actually just a muggle too and at least now to a mea culpa in poor judgement in associations so long with the Clintons and their too institutional lawyered political muggleness.  He can show himself with a broom at least now of a willingness to cease and desist from further sweeping under his “rugs” of a not squared away or on the level corner cutting partisan polarizing politics. He has himself now evidently of regular traffic about his past five years now with his embedded dirt now as visible as if a wart on his “rugs” as everywhere he goes it seems his “rugs” have hills and valleys.

President Barack Hussein Obama, as impossible as it may now seem, is apparently yet of an ability to tag at least “Hillary” of the Clinton clan core body politics as if an embedded and too long occupying “dirty” he yet can magically or by due diligence yet remove forever from under the skin of the nation.

President Barack Hussein Obama now without a cloaking left but yet still with at least a affecting broom of a muggle.

Harry Potter of his story as with a godfather Serious Black is one at least above such “common” and “core” as of a lacking in “magic.”  As human beings however are fated to sing of at least their habitats “electric” it is more of “magic” to understand the dangers of being of bodies electric and of different electrical standards of some of volts de more highly powered and more seriously dangerous.  It is that for any or all of the magic of even political “electricity” Voldemort is a DANGER daily for all those of a brotherhood of electricians — as of a brotherhood for the magic in the dangers of POWER it is keen that Harry Potter also has a godfather like a union electrician firstly reered to a seriousnous most especially for the black wires as those primarily structured as the HOT WIRE.  Yes Harry Potter (matured first gen) readers I speak in words now as one whom first had the magic of a brotherhood about him as faith allowed by a godfather a union electrician.  Yes readers and aficionados of HOGWARTS I can attempt to educate you about a core of the Clintons “politics” as lacking in “magic” and alert you to how the curriculum was originally set to be a political prophylactic to endear and endure as protection from the Clintons (as muggles).

There is little HOPE left for the once HOPE & CHANGE candidate to now offer as a second term President.  It seems he is left to tagging the Clinton “two-fer” as having been dirt under his and our skin that he couldn’t clean away for these five years so.  It seems he is left to offering that he was shackled to their past (unmagically) and so that he was occupied more than liberated by his close and embedded associations with at least Mrs. Clinton of CGI while former Senator and Former First Lady and Former First Lady of Arkansas as his Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

I do not know if President Barack Hussein Obama can now rise as if of a yet unknown latent quality blood’d however for “magic.”  I can though explain that yee and all however of a knowing of the curriculum of HOGWARTS are supposed to be inoculated from the Clinton “two-fer” and as by the original intent and mission set for J.K. Rowling when whence firstly of her famous napkins usage due to mused stirrings.  The Clintons - for these purposes Hillary Rodham Clinton CODE NAME:  “THE WART” - are inseparable and now as President Barack Hussein Obama’s last chance to clean up the body politic by offering to clean up his own party.

It is complicated.  IT’S COMPLICATED!!! Right! President Obama to save his political skin now must be able to show demonstrably that he forever since whence in post primary reckoning when he so was to the ill fated embrace of the Clinton machine and however to that “work-out” that the Clintons would then like get to keep the world when he became visibly the first black president was a fool for letting the Clintons bury themselves under his/our skin so while so politically compromised and “dirty.”  Right!  The first black President now must be able to show demonstrably that he effectively has been enslaved and occupied by the Clintons and not in any way or especially in any magical way of a liberation of or by the Clintons.  Right!  President Obama did lie, and his lies exposed now expose the longer bigger lies that were set from day one necessarily to attempt to cloak the Clintons. It is by one lie his other bigger lies have been called out and are still much to be aired duly.  It is that President Obama failed to “cloak” the Clintons (and associated Democrat Party) guilt by false flagging the history and complicated as if of Republican fault and guilt. 

President Barack Hussein Obama now must be to a cleansing mea culpa as little as possible of self immolation and as much as possible to a “magic” in a fresh and artful confessional at least to a new muggled posturing of he as having been stuck as too enslaved or occupied by a still too powerful and dirty “politics” of at least Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART.”

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[NOTE:  Yes readers akin to the magic of Harry Potter and even the volts concerns magical of Serious Black,  you were supposed to have been protected and even cleverly inoculated from the Clintons’ political machinations and from the very seed of the conception of HOGWARTS as to a curriculum set for rearing next gen’rs to be wards not warts about their community - that it could be and should be “magical” to grow up clean and bright so as not to just be dirt under your family and/or community’s “skin.”  I know of what I speak in visible written spoken words as it is I that can tell of a Patron US of musings fo’ napkins whence thence for J.K. Rowling, and, I know that as per the above as to a too present but still embedded “dirt” of the Clintons it is that I suggested that if the seven books did stay true to the challenge as for seven years of magic curriculum then she as the “mother” author would become rich - would become very rich.  It is that by staying true to the original outline it was that such was originally intended and balanced to be effectively though effectively foreign born yet an American made inoculation to the Clintons, as best as was possible due to the entrenched complexity of their “dirt” and as such not quite the best tool for such a mission even maybe impossible for one like President Barack Hussein Obama.]]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:31 pm

There is a future for Detroit.  Beyond the pauled of the collapse and exodus of just the urban flight it is that all should be thankful that the Clintons did not get their way in their first term. 

President Ronald Reagan and President George H. W. Bush had a process and structure even as per Apartheid and Nelson Mandela that was prudent to global harmonic composition of what needed sectionally to be build or rebuilt firstly.  Detroit, any recovery, or renaissance, need, its seems, must recognize that urban revitalization and success is as dependent as satire and music on process and structure.

It is terrible what has happened to Detroit.  Detroit has a future as from a THE MOTOR CITY to a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  Yet first there is what is in the air too political and yet lacking in sufficient historical that has to be cleaned up.  If you wonder on me and if of a street cred due respect to any Detroit please consider that I after I had helped the Clintons become more electable towards 1992 voting than I had fully meant to it was I, not them, who answered the motor industry with an offering of direction that could mesh and harmonize — it was I that offered something President Clinton wouldn’t have and that of smaller back seated cars yet styled to look like scaled down 50’s & 60’s automobiles.  With such volunteered guidance I accepted airs of appreciation only from even Detroit and stayed of a responsibility in a synchronistic integration then forward in a marketing solidarity.  To look back at Detroit it is easier to see that the world could be better off now if the Clintons had not been of their co-Presidency whence.

It is terrible what did happen to Detroit.  What happened can be rolled out as only having been possible if years of avoidance and inaction was the rule; President Obama would better to have been to fixing the mess that largely arose from the Clintons’ years and the Clintonomics of cake eating while still cake selling.  President Obama would better to have been to fixing the collapse irregardless of all the politics of how and why it happened by approaching it more fairly and equitably and with a recognition that the fastest way to have stopped the housing collapse and the collateral damage to the US auto industry was to have worked to lower the price of gas and/or moved to distributions in a #MoralCapitalism of cash stipends to the People as the Government then was so busy increasing the costs of energy and living.  President Obama if as of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech had been more local than global his admonition and slaps at the Clintons about the dangers real that arose from their years of inaction and avoidance would have it as that he too could have tagged the Clintons for eight years causal by negligence to the plight of Detroit.

Right!  It is musical that during the Clintons’ 8 years, in an ironic, that success was wheeled out to help sell smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles, as I had considered, by suggesting a modeling type with smaller back seats, at least, that the attitude of William Jefferson Clinton likely himself couldn’t abide.  Detroit we all would have been worse off if the Clintons had gotten their way earlier than the first term of the Obama administration for so much of this mess - this economic mess - would then have happened earlier and when far more dire consequences then likely secured as real and present (dangers).  It was you could say an idea beyond a paul that compact cars could be other than humble and small and be ever ripe and musical.

The structure of the musical satire of Peter, Paul and Mary seems to have worked like a production line and also with sufficient originality and harmony;  it seems that their process had three parts - a interest at the beginning - a troubled or concerning in the middle - and a happy or just copacetic in the third place as the wrap.  On this here site you can locally search just by DETROIT and find I have earlier explained a workable future for THE MOTOR CITY as of it as able to be reborn poetically and justly instead as now and forward as a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  It seems Detroit has a place in history to fill out for its legacy of making so many mobile and freed;  it seems DESTINATION is in your future now as unlike most other metropolitan areas you have the area and mass available to create a realm of distant realms of #ClimateChange #MODERN #URBAN by way of earth domes of DESTINATION domes of interiors as theme parks and recreation DESTINATIONS.

If you only already knew that what Senator Rand Paul is now saying is what you likely could already have been living if at least but for the Clintons and so many dangers that did arise from their inaction and avoidances globally and locally.  You can diss on Reagan and Bushes for some of the humanities afforded the Clinton street cred for of a time and space shared with the story of Nelson Mandela as he then a President during the co-Presidency of the Clintons.  But to look at structure and process for any good musical or industrious roll out and not just hype and propaganda it is that many got stuck by the politics of the Clintons of deciding not to do stuff because, well, it seemed their “two-fer” had decided it could wait for a President Hillary Clinton, whenever.  There is a big difference in the history and politics that has to be considered as part of the Detroit story in how what Reagan and Bushes may not have done was done as part of a prudent process and structure as if assembling a workable betterment universally.  For the Clintons it is too considerable that their inaction and avoidances can be yet otherwise too parked as excusable supposedly because the Clintons seemed to think it would be more fun and for their own legacy if it were instead President Hillary not President Bill whom was at such disembarking politically.

Yes DETROIT you can become a DESTINATION — you can become a renaissanced international DESTINATION!!!  We of The United States of America if and when we can get past the many poor economic choices and establishments of the too nationalistic Democrats however Obamanaughts or Clintonites can be celebratory to a THE MOTOR CITY re-tuned and spun timed well as a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  Detroit is like custom made and yet ripe to become an American DESTINATION for climate controlled custom designed modeled on global hot spots environs as a city as a theme park as a city of EARTH DOMES of distant lands.  Detroit can be and should be a tropical destination as well as a place for year round albeit indoor down hill skiing.  Too by way of celebrating humanity and a shared environs mustn’t there be at least a couple places on each continent at least that could be of a reconstituted variety place of well structured and appropriate “local” customs now and forward in Detroit even if an a distant hot spring or a desert oasis with camels?

It is actually scary to look back and think back at how much more damage would have resulted if these too nationalistic ways about that of the Obama administration had been effectable then as the ways of the wants of the Clintons whence.  There was far more potential for just economic damage and dire straights not so humble or small.  Rand Paul seems tuned to helping Detroit rise anew from a humble and small - from say a paul that really wasn’t as necessary yet so of the Obama Administration and its CRISIS bailout ways “success” as too many still are thinking.

A big problem for Detroit has been also the excessive and untimely NEW NATIONALISM of the wants of Roosevelt liberal Democrats for a NEW DEAL however it parked austerity and severely as rolled out with an economic suppression from a related necessary green minimalism mantra.

A future for Detroit and other major metropolitan economies is complicated - too complicated - as long as local fixes are supposed to bow to a nationalism in Federal superiority.  It is better to think that President Obama has bankrupted the Federal Government and that cities like Detroit at least need pull together even to a celebration of SANCTUARY NODES @ http://bit.ly/1a0BAKo moral capitalism basis in community and competition.  There is more economic and political history sorted in a e-sampler at http://JPHogan.org and as well four renditions in original rap of: BOY WONDER - STATE O STATE - FUZZY MATH - O FOOTNOTES ODE.

A future for Detroit may now depend on its residents being in the present and of a beat that President Obama has been driving too hard and too long in the wrong direction - too much in a direction away from “community” and “competition” - too much in a socialist direction to a nationalized big government centralizing around and of his “personality.”

President Obama and the too Rooseveltean New Deal GREEN MINIMALISM attempts to a post-Constitution revolutionary politics have been more causal of “the problem” than helpful of “the solution.”  In Senator Rand Paul’s defense it is that even as per unemployment benefits it is better to hunker down and think the economics of the too nationalist Democrats have been and remain a clunker;  in defense of the GOP posits for Detroit I reckon that it is now necessary to find local and community based unemployment solidarity and be together as long as such Democrats still reign in DC to an even greater austerity and compliant green minimalism.  The first to accept that the United States of America is now more bankrupt than not may be those whom can be fleetest to rolling out new and improved rock’n urban beats.

Detroit, at least, please do realize that the “music” that has been missing while you, it seems, played along with Democrats entitlement discordance, has been the Republican beats and structures.  Detroit, isn’t it reasonable that you need now to find a way to help GOP bring back the “music” of growth and success that actually did, from the middle, do most to build a middle class?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:55 am

President William Jefferson Clinton is now, for Posterity, due a polity of comity, and, he is for a general Welfare now but a dog that does not hunt.  It is of our modern interpretive of Tranquility that we of People of the subscriptions in more perfect Union under the God of the Founders by their ordaining and establishing whence thence in such Year of their Lord are faced with it a difficult prolegomena as President Clinton now for Justice is much a turkey still to be plucked.  To now anew secure the Blessings of Liberty of the promise and consecrated of the Constitution for the United States of America in Order and about the modern conundrums we need to preserve and protect a free press.

It seems as we all are sandaled by Saint Francis Assisi some by callings to joint missionary by way of Peter and the new Pope Francis we should be thankful for so much of President Ronald Reagan that has long been mislabeled as of a Clintonian while so as that of late Reagan Revolution evolutions more realistically and of the real Reagan who couldn’t have been Reagan without Pope John Paul II.  There is a large Catholic global family at play and a greater Christianity of the establishment by the Founders of the body of the Constitution so of the New Testament and by their unanimity so signers under God so metered by the Christian calendar.

To beat the New Nationalism New Deal Austerity socializing centralizing over-riding of community and parish this started Christmas season we can just by Wikipedia learn of whom it was that arranged a first Christmas nativity scene, and be to a preponderance for Christianity and faith by ways of philosophizing if of the garbled so robed long marbled of Saint Augustine.  By the establishment of Christianity secured by the Founding Fathers of the still enduring United States of America in the body of the Constitution and as well by the First Amendment as so set in affirmation that Congress by law making alone was prohibited from messing with their “establishment” “respecting” “religion” so constituted by the Articles - by the body of that writ large and most permanent.

We may be perchance to dream it a kept American Dream ours since our founding at least now until the Supreme Court of The United States springs however eternal so as now the clocks and calendars are counting anew to days of renewal and even renaissance of rituals and community at least around cherry blossoms.  Our SCOTUS has complied with a will of the People sufficient so far for a recognition of concerns of “under God.”  Our SCOTUS is though by spring of 2014 is put upon by their own recorded jurisprudence and towards a parsing of “GOD” and “religion” as per “Obamacare” and so it seems if citizens are now more just “subjects.”

It is that our SCOTUS has undermined already the decisions of its nine of the “It’s a TAX” escape from “penalty” by assertions quite of a keeping of war powers executive logic — By the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings and the expressions of Constitutionality as of the states not the Federal Government on matters of religion and religious freedom the Court did undermine its specific ruling of the original challenges to the Affordable Care Act.  We should be wondering about these turkeys still to be plucked and cleaned sufficiently for the eyes and weighs of Justice — We should be wondering if what will be before the Supreme Court by spring isn’t quite a different turkey or dog in a practiced reality as regulatory maturation renders and renders more and more the “Obamacare” body legal as yet consecrated other than as judged whence as if conceived.

This is about the blah here to fore and the blah yet to be as still a blah for polity and comity of our future - even our Christmases o’ future.  If New York City of its five boroughs cannot afford to cover its own fully at least as of the “adequate” “minimums” set by “Obamacare” by “Romneycare” than it figures that an “affordable” nationalized healthcare system is really just a utopian dream of a cave of ignorance beset by Plato as of an earlier Republic.

We are approaching the first days of a possible hurrah mashable for a New York City of this some yet preserved of the spirit of Jeffersonian democratic republican age of reason settings.  Whence Mayor Bill de Blasio it may be that his first days will be all hurrah and yet set as a first hurrah written in time as well as his last hurrah.  The personality presidency of the too socialistic President Barack Hussein Obama is likely to start dogging the mayordom from day one and as well as the turkey or dog of President William Jefferson Clinton haunts still as unkempt in a hashable wildcard polity of about as much comity as an elephant loose in a china shop.

For a hurrah of his first days to be not his last Mayoral HURRAH it may be that Mayor Bill de Blasio should walk his gumshoes away from a corraling for a synchronicity in protecting and serving such as it may be if to be of a sheparding by William Bratton.  Brat based policing may be the way away from the ways of “stop and frisk” by racial profiling yet the moment and era of Bratton as for brat based policing may already be too rigid of a rigor to already chiseled in stone - to marbled as chipped and etched.

I have known William Bratton since at least 1988 - I am not writing here not to disparage or diminish his past or future potential.  The promise of the “bills” “blah” sharing of a “de Blasio” or otherwise “Blasio” for whichever to be the new Mayor’s political comity base note civic harmonics seems yet at this early consideration to be a complication poetic to a discordance to what has been of the Tranquility proffered long by Bratton lead more brat based policing - where ever.

I write as one, who since I started writing to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution, and with the ambition for protecting and serving of William Bratton in mind, in the early 90s, is no longer of a place, or in a place, to be writing proactively or retroactively in a restorative to have a renaissance for the old dramatic predictive synchronicity that I long volunteered in unsolicited routings of musing forward to developmental for a brat based policing evolution.  I write as one who know the turkey of the dog of President William Jefferson Clinton as I still am writing as he that wrote as a Rosebud motivated architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90’s recovery.

Locally speaking and irregardless of any complication from the “global” of the Obama presidency it seems that Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio, if able to be other than just a lowly soldier of Democrat Party ranks, is postulating a polity of tag lines to moderate his unions in community of a spirit of “blah” in “bills” and an economic lack of parity.  These have been years of trying times for many and such that fresh popular stirrings are rightly set afoot in urban & county wide realms — these have been years of down depressed and suppressed economic times much if not exclusively of a causal that was avoidable as of and by the hands or just minds of those of the tag “leaders.”

When Mayor Bill de Blasio will be in an odd and likely tough philosophical spot of an inherited from the “top” polity that should render any establishment his own to a local Franciscan missionary post crusading comity both insurgent and rogue, and, as Mayor Bill de Blasio thence likely writ as a poetic paradigm of an impossible.  De Blasio should find it difficult to govern for growth as a champion of the blahs of bills and what ever lack of economic parity as the “popular” is checked to check mated by the reality that Democrats caused much of the economic woes to such years of “blah” and so that the conditions he is to inherit are corrupted from the distant “top” of the broad reaching new nationalism of the new deal austerity of the administering by President Barack H. Obama.

The conundrums of the post crusading feminist imperialistic FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton may resemble out of time and place the era of Saint Francis of Assisi and so that it may be prudent and safe to consider that Pope Francis is a man of his times, locally and globally, as anew of us in times due a closing of crusades.  There should be no argument that many of our suffraged sufferings long shared have been as up and from the crusading by Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, but rather however as secured in her inciting and quite incendiary global trotting as a Crusader of her own “religiousity” in “femininity” and imperialism firstly as Mrs. Clinton - the First Lady of The United States of America.  She has a legacy about her enough to derail prudence in politic and comity where ever and however of a local polity to politics.

It seems in some ways that we should be preserving the secured intents of the Founding Fathers of their establishment of the body US in Christianity by their unanimity under God subscribed whence in the calendar of the New Testament as an ordaining respecting religion.  It seems in some ways that a Pope Francis now is a promise that the Crusading of and by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however tagged, is to be historical of and for her complicated and compromised history as a crusading imperialistic First Lady Clinton.

What can possibly now be a beat for the Big Apple - how can a growth beat yet be restored now if so of so many still quite stuck under the economic suppressions so long so greatly depressing of that which will be the inheritance of its new Mayor so as from the visible hands of those most at fault as of Washington and the tag “leaders”?  The blahs of the bills for those New Yorkers now stirred of and for the rising together around a circling of wagons of “de Blasio” is so much now of a difficult till akin to being past a first hurrah and a first freeze.

The spring thawing seems set to years more of many globally and locally stuck under the political economic suppressions of the remarkably distant “leaders” of the administering by ways of ranks under the “top” as “leader” President Barack Hussein Obama.  It may be that the Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative purview are now equally beside each other both as political dogs that do not hunt and quite as the turkeys left for a popular gutting when whence we all are so lately to plucking them firstly clean.

These may be times akin for Saint Augustine more than Jesuits yet considerable as a Jesuit new Pope set so as a Jesuit no longer is sandaled more it seems to be at least a post-Clinton Crusaders fixer as one more a new Saint Francis of Assisi. As Jefferson had his age of reason holy trinity in Bacon, Locke & Sir Isaac Newton (As Meacham by ART OF POWER illuminates) now whence Mayor he as Mayor Bill de Blasio may have Pope Francis quite a partner as President Ronald Reagan had Pope John Paul II.

It does seem possible if not probable in an apriori predictive that Mayor Bill de Blasio too must be a post-Clinton Crusades political “leader” and somehow however yet rogue to his party and more as if of a secure bastion of insurgents.  Before it becomes that the new Mayor has his HURRAH as his first and his last together it is essential that all become wiser in an intellectual honest if yet possible forward to the historical and political of the numbers and science still quite insufficient by approachable that affirm it isn’t a mystery or mystical that the existentialisms now long of the suffraged suffering are discernible yet as by visible hands - and too for all to see however POTUS’D & FLOTUS’D as the wrought of Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton dangerously yet of continuing at politics by ways of their “two-fer”‘d global initiatives.

How shackled is the Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio now — Will Mayor de Blasio be evermore yet more shackled and arrested by corruptions political and economic by those of the “top” of the ranks and ordered under the politics of President Obama and the still rivaling Clintons?  How can a Democrat however a Mayor be free to do the right thing now when all now seem served the blahs by the politics of the too distant “leaders” now long too much too much so of a grand centralizing?  If he cannot be one who actually makes it (work) whom yet can be one whom can be said to have made anything of it much as it be a first and/or last HURRAH?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:46 pm

Sometimes a picture can be worth a thousand words.  This is a #SELFIE the world over should already know.

A funny thing nearly happened after I took this selfie in my neighborhood while walking my dirty laundry over to my parents house about a mile away for free washer & dryer use.  I have owned one van and two pick-up trucks during my years self employed in construction - the one in background was conveniently off sidewalk as neighbors.  I have never owned a red truck. My parents had asked me to come over and shut off their sillcocks for the winter and stow the remaining garden hose still out in the elements.  In my self employed years as a general contractor I did everything much of in most of the trades and quite well - yes I did plumbing and some bathrooms and their plumbing too.  I got out near about the very day the Clintons announced HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT towards 2008.

You could say that the Fourth Estate hasn’t been itself much at all since the years of the Clintons Administration and the under-reporting as reporting of the infamy of the Clintons’ seduced media.  It has been, it seems long, that the Fourth Estate has at least been a fallen profession.  It is as much on all in the Fourth Estate as on the Clintons that I am not already known as well as they are the world over, and, It is much that Hillary Clinton need just be coerced by the media however of the 4th to admit that I and my story exist for her campaign to be finished.  I defeated the Clintons in 2008 inexpensively but for all the stress primarily just with the truth - the truth of that my story can finish the Clintons’ campaign.

I do not know why the Republicans didn’t wise up to such a simple truth in 2008 and 2012.  Before I got out when Clintons got in and to primarily be dedicated to blogging writing instead to a thought simple defeat of them I had been of over 700 pre social media media faxes to the Bush Administration to help as much as I could after 9/11 and specifically at times of a knowing of when and where the Clintons had erred relatedly and how to correct such in a bi-partisan healing.  I had before 9/11 as a carpenter not as the some know political poet/writer/strategist been of a subcontract as a carpenter in the Watergate to install for President George W. Bush’s National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice two new closet doors where four half doors had been, and, I had before I got out and before Iraq started going better been to building a custom doll shelf for Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff Lawrence Di Rita family while also building in a second bathroom door for their home underneath said shelf - plus some cabinet doors I personally custom fabricated as raised panel doors.

Yes this timely selfie is of one the world now should already know the world over and as he that did actually much of what the Clintons still have taken credit for.  I won’t be able to have any chance when the Democrats are out of such DC power as now to try to rebuild so much of a ready to boom economy they basically destroyed until and unless the world knows me for so much of the “This is a #SELFIE the world over should already know.”  But due to politics I may never be in a position to recover for all those whom would have benefited so much that the Democrats did take apart.  If Hillary Clinton has to avoid admitting I and my story exist for her campaign to have a chance it figures the Clintons will do their best to keep the world from knowing how much I did and so that there is never enough knowing for me to reboot what was ready to take off and likely would have quickly if Senator John McCain had won and wasn’t also of needing to defeat my truth.

This selfie is a picture worth whatever to you my reader for it of my face as a face of one that lived in Washington DC for nearly a full 10 years and for all such was of making an honest living mostly entirely just with my hands.  I even for some years got a third of my work as a approved authorized installed for one Virginia Home Depot store windows and doors department.  As it turned out those years I got another third largely through my DC area sailing community and sometimes of a plug “he can rebuild boats - you job should be a piece of cake for him” - like.

Oh right!  I started earlier with  “A funny thing nearly happened after I took this selfie in my neighborhood while walking…” and yet didn’t get to the funny part luckily not too funny - and funnier if video captured for eternity.  See I put my head down and started sending pix to my social media & pals and almost forgot where I was and where I was heading and that I was supposed to remember I had seen there was fresh wet cement for a new sidewalk section just yards ahead.  Right! It only very nearly was very funny and for me of so many years in construction and at times in masonry itself.

But really this is all about 2013 as again so much of a selfie that the world should already know, and know professionally otherwise for the same identity.

Well to be brief and let my selfie do today’s talking mostly let me just reiterate that I have to consider the 4th fallen and many of esquired barred “jurisprudence” for not only did I defeat the Clintons in 2008 attempts just with the truth, and quite inexpensively it is that this is an issue of notoriety hidden of my business and political contributions of original and properly much just mine intellectual content dating back to before the Clintons even braved their late entry into the 1992 race as it was only after the famed Carville and Begala first tested the waters of my suggested tone & direction with Harris Wofford in Pennsylvania race. 

t is that there is next to nothing I can do it seems until President Obama is no longer President to even attempt to reset and recover the economy I was once so integrally synthesized with.

Right!  For it seems the onus is on either an integrity of the Clintons, any politician, any economic writer, entertainment historians & many other historians and especially the 4th & lawyers then the onus isn’t even on me now to explain to you the voluminous details that amass to substantiate the above very selfie and it as a said face that should already be known the world over for at least part of what was much of the Clintons’ story.  It is at least on the Clintons and the 4th to tell you all whom I am sufficiently before there ever can be a me clearly in the know enough to again be so successful for so many of a “golden touch” or “finger on the pulse of the world.”

This is the face of I that now must wait it out with the rest of you - and really sadly I must say it seems mostly for the middle class that has been hurt most by the Democrats governing at the level they had thought was all it took of the earlier years when it really was taking a whole lot more and much more engaged strategizing and integrations for it to have looked like they were the ones successful while oddly of enough even knowledge it seems of what it really was taking.

Right!  To be brief:  We all should consider that the Democrats have not at all been able to effect a repeat performance of good or great economic stewardship and that now that it is reasonable to look at such as evidence that they have failed to repeat a success from never having known how their earlier successes had actually matured.

As to Prince Harry & Harry Potter this too is the face of a Connecticut Yankee allowed around Princess Di “court” from afar who still likes to believe he is growing younger every day. 

But for now of the still most serious:  A President said to have been a “great politician” “the best politician” may not have been really of “politics” but as of being more precisely as just a too good “SUAVE CON ARTIST.”  There are better and more prudent lights to look at the Clintons’ presidency with.

Please feel sorry for President George W. Bush for what he inherited from the Clintons was all of a new ridiculous.  There was never enough PEACE for their PEACE DIVIDENDS and was never a sound economics, as Clinton seemed aware, for any of the trillion in their surpluses.  Of Clinton as just a suave con artist and not a good politician a good politician wouldn’t have had the cons falling apart so soon after and especially wouldn’t have had it that the People believed President Bush should have, like of Clintons’ entertainment contribution, been able to fix any great problem anywhere in the world in just one hour or one day - however of “mission impossible” or “alias.”

There is as well at least as a long thought and almost already acted upon particular in my professionalism that of my long successful work to be a good caboose to Reagan and his revolution I now could or should already be actually in Hollywood myself.

                                                 *    *    *

Background @ http://bit.ly/1f96R3H (Pardon the initial link confusion as this column now sorts too for the background collection before it)> And presented in a John F. Kennedy presidential legacy conundrum of beats that I at least have worked to see that at least Catholics can think in America that we can be better than William Jefferson Clinton & Barack Hussein Obama if Democrats and even be more like Ronald Reagan as Reagan Democrats in a spirit of keeping open the ideal and “liberalism” that we can yet be better than the Kennedy brand.  It seems we even if such is not so have to seek to be better just to consider enough however a pursuit of perfection or general goodness.  I say such as one who has known Kennedy family members and much mostly from my years of volunteering in Connecticut to help run Special Olympic games or in coaching a couple male Olympians in speed skating.  I was also a member of the Jaycees about those years and a second generation Hogan of New Haven of involvements in both simultaneously.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:12 am

This is not personal.

It is no longer about Mrs. Clinton showing a little leg for 2016 - it is as real as a fallen angel.  We all have to look at her though either as “the next Clooney girl” or “not a Clooney girl now or ever.”  We have to look at her through the prism of the Presidency of the Clintons and quite of all the colors and grays of the “politics” of William Jefferson Clinton.  We all have to now finally come to terms with it that it hasn’t proven to have been fair to President Barack H. Obama that the 1990s, not the Clintons actually, made it appear too easy to actually be a President.

This is not personal — The Presidency of the Clintons was a bad administration - President William Jefferson Clinton really was a bad President.  Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton were corrupt in their Presidency since day one — this piece can and should be a fair but too brief treatment to such effect - to such as too late breaking news.  SLEAZEBALL tag fits not because of a personal infidelity a light flaw to be overlooked forever but because the known personal infidelity is better looked at through the lens of it a symptom of a sleazy “politics.”

President Barack Hussein Obama should never had had his HOPE hands so forced into a Secretarial job for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.  He never should have been trapped as by Benghazi attacks with such an inferior “diplomat” at the helm of his stewardship abroad — Whenever she stepped out of her Stately office after the tragedy and debacle of the Benghazi, Libya attacks and volunteered as she did to the Press nearly this diabolical “I couldn’t believe this could happen in a country I liberated” was the tolling of the hour near for President Barack Obama to ring her bell and fire her, and easily for she had just publicly admitted gross incompetence.  It is the “sleaze” and “sleazy” of the Clintons’ “politics” only that have her still so highly maintained otherwise than honestly.

Right, in keeping this from being personal and still as it is intended to be an expose primarily on the “business” and “politics” of the public William Jefferson Clinton and his “legacy” I should get back now to speaking more of the inherent and explanatory of the “sleaze” of Clinton that explains these troubled days much as of still and from still the “politics” of President Clinton and of the truth that he is better to be thought of for having actually having been a bad President.  Right,  I write here objectively and bolster such truth now by offering that later I will go into another treatment that may explain that despite the “sleaze” we had it may have been the lesser of the dangers of the limited choice the American people had in 1992.  I just have to save for later the explanatory to how that if Republicans had won in 1992 things actually could have ended up much worse than what I will essentially brush out now objectively and historically of it due and overdue that we all open our minds and get real with an acceptance that these bad times are explained by the proof to the hypothesis that Bill Clinton was in fact a bad President and for being generally of sleazy “politics.”

Readers the history is that it may be doubly condemning and doubly sleazy that the “politics” of Clintons followed on from the late entry and still to be rightly explained 1992 victory as the times were that President George Bush was near at 87% popularity but of a political conundrum in that the new world order seemed to be inhabited with Republicans whom if he was re-elected were idealistically too greatly of a “politics” just for his own party that he had he been the 1992 victor was likely then to be no longer capable of moderating a/the Prudence he was known for even in his own ranks.

To also trip the “doubly” bad you need to get with the breaking objectivity that Governor Bill Clinton knew he won in 1992 as a sleazeball of known infidelity at least in his personal political habits and that he won only with a minority vote.  It is doubly bad that he as a knowing sleazeball won of sorts classically as if the lesser of the two (three) evils toed in and then governed and “politiked” still then as if since sleaze won as the lesser of evils long live sleaze - his flaws however and where ever they may have been born.

It is no where more concerning that the Clintons’ Global Initiative persists now with Mrs. Clinton now back primarily as it seems as Bill Clinton’s first mate than of the global politics of it very sleazy that the CGI overlaps its meeting as a vessel Clinton of the “woman” “Hillary” with the otherwise more LADY LIBERTY meeting of the thought independent United Nations.

It is impossible, it seems, that the politics of the CGI of the Clintons can actually be legally copacetic globally or locally - it seems impossible to account for it and its practices as other than a PAC for the “WOMAN HILLARY” as a sleazy Clinton vessel first and last.  I can only imagine how furious President Barack Hussein Obama must be in the Republicans for their arresting of his abuse of the IRS taxing authority to look into political rivals — President Obama must be quite beside himself that he can now hardly use the IRS covertly to peel back the truths and plots of the Clintons and their intimacy in CGI global meddling and monies moving.

Right!  How now to arrest the truths inherent in the Clintons “politics” and as them of essentially a jeopardy of a running, not a one time on then off, con?  The Clintons’ administration became corrupt on day one because the Clintons had been of corrupt thoughts ever since their law school days — on day one they had to initiate their plots so schemed over and about since the 70s, at least, or give up their “dream.”  It is beyond the “sleazy” that ever day of their administration and action or chosed inaction needs to be looked at as corrupted by them putting their plot into motion from day one and then for everyday since of keeping it running of their scheme of Bill’s promise to Hillary to put a Presidency for her firstly ahead, it still seems, of every decision even of their Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton.

It seems improbable and impossible, again, that the Clintons’ Global Initiatives as CGI can be accounted for as lawful and legal at least if the IRS standards per the Tea Party and others targeted is the threshold of President Obama’s Prudence.

Actually it is more cute and romantic that Bill Clinton is still trying to keep his promise to his wife that if she let him be President first he would be committed to keeping his promise and commitment somehow to making sure she would then get her own Presidency.  This has led to his “sleazy” politics likely but in itself is quite cute and romantic albeit highly compromising and maybe itself to near or of a legal jeopardy even internationally now.

This is not meant to be personal - but I do have a tired and telling personal history with the Clintons.

I write today as Thucydides is said to have written about political philosophy as by presenting it objectively without attempt to bias it, and but for my use of the word “history” and even words “political philosophy” about SLEAZEBALL.  I have since election day been considering a political pickle that Mayor elect of New York City is partisanly in and due to such did pull out my Strauss & Cropsey HISTORY OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY published by the University of Chicago Press in a third edition.  Seems to be the mayor of the candidate de Blasio promise he needs to get out from being a partisan stooge and tool of his party’s leader President Obama;  It seems Mayor elect Bill de Blasio should consider asking all his voters to move with him to a re-affiliation as a different party or as independents.

But this is about the troubles we are all still in much because of the Clintons and their “politics.”

As Thucydides is so said to have written so I leave this as written for you to reach your own conclusions and not expect that I have concluded anything with this historical espousal.  Right!  I have personally known the Clintons since I was near a first grader in New Haven and of having been out after school hours a play in the school yard of my Hooker School as it was then conveniently just across my street, and as it was they were then still in New Haven as Yale Law Students who broached a political queriousness directly to me.  Right!  My first impression of Bill Clinton was that he was a sleazeball.  Right! He and Hillary have only these many years confirmed that of my first impression of Clinton.

To broach yourself into a more real realm of the “politics” of the Clinton vessel now as more it seems a WOMAN HILLARY PAC by CGI conscripts scheming please trim your own imaginary lines effectively so to see them in a historical light as having been oddly perfectly “politically” positioned when the first 9/11 happened and oddly ready and prepared and yet as the winds still blow hard that it seems they are in jeopardy for never having really planned enough for a Bush to have risen in 2000 instead of just Gore, and, that you too may wonder and wonder if tacked yet to a helmsmanship cautionary of consideration that the Clintons are now trapped in a passed broach too much of their “politics” for never at having prepared for or considered that a “Barack Obama” could possibly upset their long fig’d and set plot.

There is meat on the Clintons’ bones to be served up more publicly now and forever forward much showing for political and judicious consumption that there are tell tales as ginger bread crumbs about their “legacy” that have them very exposed at times certain when they had to alter their plans of their though maybe cute and romantic commitments to right their ship of WOMAN HILLARY after winds like Obama blew, at least, as they never did plan for.  It is that there are in jeopardy, it seems, because their trails can be seen in retrospection and historical consideration of them of, it seems, having gone too far to “correcting” course when they found out that they had scenarios that they had never planned for and yet couldn’t quite well enough compensate about in their “political” reality.

Again, as Thucydides attempted this is attempted - please this is written to ask you to fig and conclude by yourselves and not be conclusive itself while honestly of a presentation attempt in historical and political honesty and truth.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down?  It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right?  To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.

What are journalists now to do?  To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama.  The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty.  He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.

What are journalists now to do?  To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration?  Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama?  Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary?  The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home.  Right!  We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).

A Hillary Clinton expectant line:  “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”

Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama?  Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America?  Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?

A Hillary Clinton political ad starter:  You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …

The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader.  It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama.  Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?

The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you?  Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama?  Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking?   Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?

There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton.  It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton.  It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President.  There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.

Right!  That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him.  President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily.  Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling.  Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.

What is she thinking?  Really you all:  What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.

It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. 

Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush.  Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye;  Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest.  It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.”  It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.  It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.

There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.

President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems;  President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”

What are journalists now to do?  It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11.  It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts.  Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America.  Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics.  President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.

What are journalists now to do?  Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?

What are journalists now to do?  Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior? 

What are journalists now to do?  What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads?  I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?

It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.”  She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix;  She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World.  It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics.  It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths.  It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance. 

It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated.  Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom?  Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?

It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001. 

It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush. 

Really, this is crazy.  Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:03 am

Some how Speaker John Boehner has made the Virginia Governors race much ado about Elizabeth Taylor.  It seems he has established that in 2013 the Republicans are a Party less sexually uptight - less frustrated.  Speaker Boehner is standing tall as if the nation’s stout barkeep of a DC based BULL & FINCH tweaking, stirring and/or shaking.

It seems reported as of November 1st, 2013 that candidate Terry McAuliffe is paying near 25x the price for Virginia Lover voters than what seems yet liberating and “market” fair with teh offering of candidate Ken Cuccinelli.  But this is more about today as All Saints Day and to be of a feminist ideal comparative.

We can set the stage today recognizing that Speaker John Boehner has pinned up Elizabeth Taylor in good CHEER and as of these days where it seems the Republicans are a party of people less sexually frustrated and likewise its seems more “liberated” sexually.  Viewers of Fox News Channel five o’clock hour The FIVE are likely those already most hip to these days so politically stirred and with it more Republicans liberated in loose but socially acceptable speech.  It seems the Republicans are more “loose” as in relaxed and wholesome in a sexual “liberated” and considerate that in comparison the Democrats seem quite uptight and frustrated.

It isn’t I to prove the hypothesis about a feminist ideal as per Democrat Party politics and example.  For a theory to come from a hypothesis likewise Democrats will have to answer to an “objective” and “scientific” how say former Speaker Nancy Pelosi is better or worse than Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Again, viewers of the Fox News Channel five o’clock show The FIVE are already likely hip to a eased lexicon in Republican social dialogue and Party political discourse.  It seems confirming that a new romantic era has begun at least within those ranks more Republican.  It seems there is a more relaxed and socially stimulating and rewarding language now in apparent in a more easily speaking right of center politics. 

To get to the bottom of this to a proving of a comparative hypothesis it may behoove any to start with a consideration quite dramatic (in an anticlimactic?) that such if so likely means as well conclusively that Democrat women are now at least during 2013 of having faked more climax moments and while as of summations been possibly of fewer however heated engagements.  I don’t know how or why this may be a faith and community based problema in a hypothetical or yet theoretical proofed.

Former Speaker of The House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, this All Saints Day, is to be a politically sensitive but necessary person to opening discern and discuss in both a pro and con considerate.  There is a time sensitive nature to this headlining or spotlighting for her as today is a day that still has Obamacare debatable — in just a few days it may be preposterous to discuss a NANCY vs. HILLARY 2016 engagement political — in just a few days it may be quite preposterous to suggest Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as having President Barack H. Obama & Obamacare coattails to shuffle a waggle about to a President Nancy Pelosi - to “America’s First Female President Nancy Pelosi” - to “America’s First Female & Catholic Female President Nancy Pelosi.”

There is an easy and entertaining socially acceptable like new romantic era Republican guttural liberated speak now to be considered and acknowledged.  It may be some how down to earth Speaker John Boehner of Ohio is and as from such a large family and the old familiar bar keeping business;  it may otherwise be as exposed by Fox News Channel in the five o’clock spot with the personalities and characters of such Republicans that such a renaissance in easy speech as if Republicans more of a new romantic era and so more relaxed and satisfied in a new guttural suggesting them more “liberated” for now.

Yes, it seemed reported this morning by a MSNBC show that Terry McAuliffe is now at spending near twenty five times as much for Virginia lovers/voters.  But today we still have reason to discuss how it seems Minority Leader Pelosi must have something to hide or for some reason, this All Saints Day, too much Catholic guilt if she is not herself to entering the 2016 Presidential race and to so be of offering a vigorous primary challenge to the Clintons’ Political Machinery.  It is a question of feminist ideals - for feminists and feminism;  it is a serious political concern that a former Speaker with Obamacare as yet said a success and a Party’s President’s coattails expectantly her’s to grab if not now to being herself to a run at the Presidency likely must be uptight and frustrated about something very concerning and so that it should figure that she shouldn’t be trusted if she doesn’t think she should run for higher office.

I have to leave it to women regardless of their party and politics now to spread out the issues that should be at least discussed to a full “objective” and “scientific” settling of pros and cons ranking now as if a NANCY vs. HILLARY was real and to be a most expected evolution for the Democrat Party.

If you missed how Speaker John Boehner recently alighted upon his own romantic reset by pinning up Elizabeth Taylor in a “liberation” guttural maybe uniquely of his capacity then her I can paraphrase he of likening his brevity among the honoring in the tradition of Jack Kemp smartly by way of an reported Elizabeth Taylor (easing) remark to her third husband of like:  “Don’t worry dear you won’t be here long.”

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for today however All Saints Day, yet presents a most interesting and yet stressing and embattled political conundrum to beat out as she likely should be more an heir apparent to President Barack Hussein Obama for her Party of 2016 legacy considerations.  It is that she is even more interesting and accomplished it seems than Mrs. Clinton now as a ranking member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and, especially for such necessitates a Christian sectarian probative as to whom to be a better first female President a Catholic or a Methodist.

It is worrisome that Terry McAuliffe may need the Clintons to be the heir apparent for Democrats despite it for now that Obamacare coattails are mostly hemmed and stitched mostly by the political machinations and laboring of she whom should firstly be Mrs. Clinton’s greatest 2016 rival.  It is worrisome that one supposedly of Clinton and Obama coattails like Terry McAuliffe now though is seeming entrapped in a Virginia politics and exposed himself as too much it seems just in the gutter of politics for having to or being at twenty five times a “market” price for Virginia “Lovers.”

Maureen Down has already been quite pressing and leading in a forward discussion of how today rolls seem reversed and historically upside down.  I may have to defer to her lot as more integrally feminist to play out these issue of what at least can or should be reasonable now of a Democrat “Feminist Ideal.”  Seems!

Speaker John Boehner did seem quite comfortable with Elizabeth Taylor and his party the seeming more liberated and less frustrated and to a new romantic era, and even so as it now developing much with the The FIVE as its most public ambassadors of a new lexicon and Party guttural.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:44 pm

White picket fences abound in the modern American icon - still.  Never before may have they been so iconic and ironic.  Though you may think of them by ways of Tom Sawyer or WINESBURG, OHIO the irony comes in at the gates of today’s worldly crossways with Mrs. Hillary Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives of a political charm likewise yet somehow from her seemingly as successful while being a good Nixon, a good Reagan, and good Bushes - especially a goof 43.


It may be times for a Republican to pull a JOSEPH WELCH - to even push Mrs. Clinton as a successful Republican copy-cat.  Whom is it now endowed best to ask Democrats in a JOSEPH WELCH either:  HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?; HAVE YOU NO SENSE OFDECENCY?; or: “HAVE YOU LEFT NO SENSE OF DECENCY?

These are some most puzzling and riddled times.  It seems with President Obama of his declarations that his Obamacare is a Romneycare we have to wonder how much is the “messenger” and how much the “message.”  It seems with Mrs. Clinton of her most odd twitter avatar bio of @HillaryClinton her message is that she is a “cracker” and with her priorities amiss in the most peculiar order of her self assessment.  How is it “lawyer” is so important, and, how is it she is self assessed as only a women and kids advocate?  Why does she even have “dog owner” listed while most if to such would self congratulate more as if a passionate “dog lover”?  Why and how is she so out of order and so out of sorts as her own messenger of her “message”?

“I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to victory on the FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”  Is a comparative line spoken guardedly by Margaret Chase Smith of Maine - by the first female Senator of the Senate of the United States of America - by the first Republican female Senator.  (Her quote is found in AGE OF ANXIETY, author Haynes Johnson, page 81)

If you wonder how much we should be asking if it isn’t the Democrat “messengers” that need be poked & politically splayed aren’t you of seeing an obvious at least for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives in her odd prioritizing of a Political message by her Twitter avatar with it of her near declaratory that she does not consider herself to be an advocate for men, of any race or color?  She is self assessed as if it is a good that while a lawyer first she is only a women and kids advocate.

It seems conclusive in a comparative for two female Senators - for a Republican a first and that of the Mrs. Clinton cloudy message as a Democrat  - that Mrs. Clinton is no Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine.

But how is it that Obamacare as a Romneycare worked when its messenger was Governor Mitt Romney yet now as a Republican success story of a Republican success of Romneycare it as Obamacare with President Barack H. Obama as its messenger and steward is now so riddled and troublesome with it of his self made problems.  How is it that there is such a fog about something that had already been proven able to work - yet proven at a more reasoned more “local” level?  Is it that it is too much Politics and a politicizing of healthcare and that the adage made famous by a Democrat of Boston should apply too for this Obamacare message — that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”?

Politically we have to look at the message of the “messenger” President Obama as if he is saying he can and should catch fish with a net - as a metaphor for a nation wide scoop in conveniently riddled message as if humans are just his fish - his pawns - his subjects to be snared however he can yet manage.

There is Politics globally to diagnose for any possible philosophy of governance or any standard - standard operating methodology for Diplomacy.  It seems that as messaged of his Obamacare it is what Romneycare cannot be - it is precedent setting in a presumption of federal obligation such that any future (and past?) international obligation seems to have an unchecked “morality” triggering that if and when the Executive acts independently, at least, to “Big Brother” in a sovereign nation it is then exposed to the medical needs of all the people there abouts under the foreign control so and so also to be expectant in a full coverage however as if insurance or entitlement.  Seems!

It seems a national embarrassment that The Congress is allowed to and is so full of parading persons personal medical stories for Politics.  Healthcare still is more of the adage above drawn out to encompass the failing web launch of Obamacare as so more still just of neighbors helping neighbors mostly primarily exclusively in that which is still their own neighborhood/community.  It seems diabolical that a nation’s Congress and it politics can make, irregardless of the Establishment by way of the First Amendment, a communities business so their business and as if there can be no “local” politics anymore for every breath one takes and step they advance, even if in a retreat, is now firstly of a new Nationalist jurisdiction.  Now by these byways so National Socialist federalized that headache you got of a guilt for blowing your leaves carelessly onto your neighbors lawn is now of you a national subject of the State.  How has this new bread of Democrat “messenger” so killed GOD and “community”?

In the history of these united states, however Constituted, it had been long as “Tip” proffered that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL.”  In the history of these united states it has been the neighbors helping neighbor in their own communities and them to needing but to look for Jesus - for a place of Christian community and service as part of their holistic community based Capitalism.  Secure so in the old ways of community and peer guilty for a better and more whole conscience it was not a State by the numbers interlude but a tythed and maintained “local” community organizing. 

It still figures in the old “fisher of men” legacy that as by former Speaker Tip O’Neil, again, that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” — that healthcare of a neighbor was of the “work” and “community” of faith and Jesus, at least.  That a moral health was to be considerate in any otherwise to physical and by the objective science of health care concerns — that a community had the jurisdiction to be of the “community” healing of moral pressure to the good and right that could by ways of establishment of the seven deadly sins domain/web.

It still seems to figure that healthcare can only become more affordable if it is returned more to an engaged community basis, but how the smallest set in “community” to a still neighborly as by ways a COUNTY WIDE BASED CARE SYSTEM.  Most healthcare related costs are accurately accounted, it seems, as if it still has to be moral for a neighbor in need to be cared for by another neighbor at the ready in healthcare providing in a still quite local and neighborly care establishment. 

Almost all care beyond such as of doing unto one’s neighbor as… familiarity is more of a science of medicine due a national effort than a practice of medicine.  As for a practice of medicine and any caring web it is improper to believe in the State firstly as if mandated to a Nationalism as more a subject (snared).  It seems if to be affordable the legacy of the old faith based and community based has to be reset — it seems healthcare can never again be affordable if only so as now of adding out of area layers and layers of interloping bureaucracies to what ever local costs there are to be conscientiously approved or objected between a hopefully secured and some holistic county of “neighbors” relating copacetically with those as peers as “neighbors” too.

Even in the web of the messiah Jesus the “messiah” Barack Obama is snared as too objective and as an interloper.  It is fishy business that the State is about such national parading of county and community degradations as if a permanent new State order - an irreversible slide to the depths more of a Hell.  Unless the price of caring is kept to the conscience and practice of neighbors in community neighbors won’t be established to be unto their neighbors rightly as they would have it be if they were locally still yet accountable.  Seems.

It looks by the “message” of Obamacare as a Romneycare that President Obama is being “caring” and “compassionate” in keeping with his demagoguery when more of his proclamations as if speaking as one a messiah and endowed with a personality that would allow him to bridge all religiousness about the known world as no one before ever had.

It though seems that there is a clear Power aspect due a global guilting and appropriate with moral peer pressure however those so engaged may become ill at ease for their compromising of that realm of the legacy of neighborliness, at least.  It seems that the new State Health “web” isn’t holding a candle to the old legacy of community and faith Posterity and Tranquility however whence of a web more truly as about Jesus fish - fishing web.

In these matters of State politics as they are, and too National Socialist quite as Senator Joseph McCarthy at least feared, it does now seem more as if Democrats upon THE FOURHORSEMEN OF CALUMNY than has the first female Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine implied whence upon Republicans.  It doth seem Republicans secured in the Constitution and Democrats upon her FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — “Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”

As such seems conclusive in a dramatic conclusion afoot for them of hoofing long a contrary to adage “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” that keeps about it what seems a lost Establishment in common sense of doubting Thomas of colonial ways and its regular vicissitudes so incident also about the first inaugural by President George Washington.  Thomas Paine nailed a basis for common sense around a fig’n of prudence if around doubting any pain.

As such it remains yet established that it reasons that if a “community” anywhere within the purview of sovereignty under Constitution is yet as by a county wide basis unable to afford or maintain a caring in health services of all those resident of then the problem isn’t the urban and suburban county wide healthcare system but by such as a barometer of “community” then indicative to a different problem of the commerce and “community” capitalism its.  Agan, if a county in the USA is seeming unable to afford or maintain a health care system for all of its resident people the problem likely then need be diagnosed as first a problem of community and not the system of its healthcare providing.  Until now this hypothesis has yet ever been fully tested and established as a true or impossible theory.  We as a People have not yet been of these days of technological and scientific advances such that for these times such statement could well or properly relate - properly met all the meta about it as also a firstly of a “community” design diagnosis - non medical.

Again by ways of the legacy of once the keep of the Jesus venues of neighborliness and sanctuary it yet endears that it figs that if a county cannot afford a county wide full covering of its people its first problem is less its healthcare system and more primarily a general welfare of a Posterity in “community” - it figs firstly that there is lacking anywhere so a lacking in sufficient morality of its regions necessary Capitalism.  Some it must be are not being neighborly on their part as to their worth or true value as intra-established of an integrated part of a “whole” body in “community.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:34 am

If you are to see Hillary Clinton, however, as if a Devilish this Halloween it is safer to step back and focus that such is of a real legacy not as a costume but more fashionable as her in an absence of costume.  She has long been proud of her work as a “Devil’s advocate” - she has long either played a Devil’s advocate to Bill Clinton’s political briefery or she has been to depending on him for being one for hers.  Their truths are more dangerous than their fictions - and even their posited purposefulness to be a “two-fer” of regularity of fictions to keep their seduced media all grease up and phat.

It is essential Clinton that the actual history of Bill and Hillary, since their Yale Law School Days, has been that one or the other was near always being the Devil’s advocate.  It seemed certainly Devilish and a seditious act in denial of insubordination when Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a barely Christened new “Diplomat” was to her personal remarks near:  I WILL TAKE MY INSPIRATION FROM THE SAME PLACE DANTE FOUND HIS.  This it seemed and seems still as if she was saying she wasn’t yet ready or ever planning to take “guidance” from he that was just recently the Clintons’ too successful opponent.

It did seem President Obama was a sympathetic figure when in his early stepping out with the Clintons on the Global stage of State was somehow behind his Secretary of “TOP DIPLOMACY” when she of her pronouncements near:  WE WILL NOT BE MAKING HUMAN RIGHTS A PRIORITY.

Have you found #DemsAgainstHillary hash tag on the Twitter yet?  And too have you found #NoJuiceObama and/or #RedFlagClintons?

I do not know how Hillary Clinton, however, can be thought of as a good lawyer now if she “officially” enters the 2016 Presidential race.  It is impossible if her so beyond mere trespass on such politics to be considerable as a good lawyer for it will be that such introduces into evidence their past that until know they have kept mostly camouflaged or costumed.  On official entry can only be bad lawyering that maybe for which she most will have her Devil’s advocate to blame.  Congress now already has sufficient right and Power to probe deeply what has been politely brushed over for too many years of the real Clintons to match the failed Clintons.  These days going forward are days to discern and deduce the how and why of the now more admitted negligence of both of the Clintons as now too inseparable in their confessed culpability.

Too we have that (but for recent developments per Saudi Arabia) President Barack Hussein Obama has benefited from a noticeable improvement in Foreign Affairs and “Diplomacy” since Catholic Democrat Former Senator John Kerry surpassed the previous “diplomacy” however of - as of - the embattled and entangled Clintons.  It may be that the improvements in Obama’s Diplomacy since the Clintons were of his cleaning house have something to do with Vice President Joe Biden being freer to be of his Catholic morals globally and that he finally had another of such who wouldn’t be able to avoid casting “Catholic Guilt” upon the Clintons, some, despite their secularity - specific sects of Christianity walked of/by Bill and Hillary.

It is only a hypothesis I am not trained at proving that the said “New John Fitzgerald Kennedy” Barack Hussein Obama is as if he has become a better President at least around the Globe as more Catholics amassed around him and his “Diplomacy.”

What any Devil’s advocate knows about success and its discipline is that said as:  THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS.

BUT?   BUT?   BUT?  

It truly would be PANDORA’S box about any new attempt at a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT now that Mrs. Clinton has been a TOP DIPLOMAT beyond the treasured and traditions of protections and honors for a First Lady.  The rules to what is admissible as evidence against her of her own making and confessions of culpability are no long that of the soft handed - gloved hands the legacy of propriety about our institution as it is of the Presidency.

Neither President William Jefferson Clinton nor Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can going forward quite be thought of as good lawyers or even smart Devil’s advocates if they trespass beyond their protections now as it would be if to a new HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as protections then become improper in any American politics if yet permitted still to be covered as if costumed in the protectorate nature of the traditions of honors for former First Couples, and especially those long for former First Ladies.

Congress though has the Devil in their details rightly of a just purview as to jurisdiction and venue.  Any subpoena that is likely or not still to be served is only a detail in process for a public case that will be heavily contested now probably even if the Clintons are not officially again to attempts to re-secure the Plantation of the White House as their’s again.  The Clintons are publicly inseparable as entangled in global meddling of and by their Clintons’ Global Iniatives and as it is with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of her “JACK” Congressional outburst akin to her “culpability” shouldering. 

It seems more the work as if of governance by man in lieu of laws that such a Clinton culpability can be of such personal entaglements where President Obama’s first TOP “Diplomat” seems wisely, however, lawyered up even as to explaining how it seems she cannot honestly answer Benghazi queries without at least incriminating the Clinton Presidency, and the more Devilish as if of autocratic global “governance” of man as in the international meddling and monies distributing by that of the CGI.

BUT!    BUT!    BUT?

Benghazi is a terrible tragedy that can hardly be explained by the Obama Administration.  Libya was Mrs. Clinton’s ODYSSEY DAWY Arab Spring baby - Libya was “Hillary Clinton’s” chance to do as right for decapitating a sovereign state as a good credit taking as though still about her President Boss of saying such was wrong in practice for the Republican sandwiched between their Powers holding.

Benghazi can best be detailed as if “Hillary Clinton” was of having ignored her baby.  And, as it was on a 9/11 Anniversary so booted it is that her past flip flopping as Senator Clinton as well as her crusading and inciting imperial First Lady agenda are all to be deeply probed and considered (finally).  And, as it was on a 9/11 Anniversary it was Devilish and Dante-esque that her inferno was of a pathology as if it was her baby Libya and that she had been forgetting her baby’s birthday.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It was Obama times, it was Clinton times, it is of tales of two - two #pity.  It isn’t the nation as seated in Washington DC that is now divided smartly, just - justly — there is the new “global citizen” game afoot — these are the trying times of international partisan “vote” buying to a voluminous politik of souls bent to Clinton propaganda

Was Hillary for Senate, as NY carpetbagger, as transported in pomp & ceremony of Bill’s Secret Service detail, outright political nepotism & affirmative action?


As unified as the Democrat Party machinations just of Washington DC are said to now be it is tortuous how shallow the cohesion of their romanced troika embeds.  There is a #WAR inherent in the richness of the stressed party drama as if the Clintons and President Obama can be merry bedfellows, actually — there is the #WAR for legacy that can have only one clan the victor.  The dirty laundry of the Democrats isn’t ready for airing - isn’t ready to be publicly hung to drip dry and be puffed & fluffed dry and ready for use.  There can only be “The Clintons Won” or “The First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama Ruled Successfully” - it is tortuous and scary that the public arena hasn’t yet suffered them fools as of the proffered possible quite the ridiculous that it can be that the Clintons and their vast cuts for their trillion in surplus can be just and right, and, have it be true to that the Obamas can be to a legacy that their out of control spending so contrary can also be right.

The greatest risk to First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama, and the nation (and world), is a resurgent Clintons.  The Clintons do have insurgents - the Clintons’ insurgents are not say, walled in to be restrained, and checked, as solely of the lands sovereign of The United States of America.

There is trouble in their “troika” as well as there is the dichotomy of the Clintons near of an obvious and forced structure in their demonstrative prosaic tales that have a plot dependent on “followers” blindly accepting it reasonable for President Clinton to be a “Clinton Dove” and “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker” @HillaryClinton to get to be the “Clinton Hawk.”


To wax Constitutional:  Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8:  “No title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States.  And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” 

Hmmm?  There wasn’t a United Nations at such time!  Hmmm?  Is the Clintons #CGI, though seeming improper as too much too, and of, attempts to be effectively global autocrats, as chartered quite as THE CLINTONS’ GLOBAL AUTOCRACY INITIATIVES engaged improperly and un-Constitutionally as they as a former First Couple are of honoraries and serious stipends to afford them livable wages while carrying the burden of evermore and forever being technically persons of holding of at least Trust under the Constitution of the United States?  It is as if the entire concept and chartering of and for the Clintons’ Global Initiatives are violate of the intent and secured protection of Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8.  It has to be it seems that the truth - a necessary “naked truth” - is that former Presidents and their First Partners are forevermore @ ‘Person holding Office of Profit & Trust under the Law of the Land’ of the Constitution of The United States of America.

It seems President Obama and the Kennedy clan did work @Hope for @Change that Senator Barack Hussein Obama could be a new John F. Kennedy and restorative of Camelot.  There is the rub.  The Clintons until their honorariums are humbled by Congress at least by its rights @Consent of all “gifted” monies at least of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives have a lock on the regal and royal American affectations to proffer that Nobility is not extra-Constitutional and barred from them.

President Obama is not alone in having a royal problem with resurgent and insurgent Clintons.  The entire world has been compromised and at these trying times where so many are trying to prove that they and their sovereign peoples are like Iraqi People able to affirm a new Constitution theirs as also better than the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Clintons are still benefiting as saved by the camouflage that Harlem has unexpectedly secure them covertly in.  The Clintons were have a prima facia #guilt as a #SHADOW long about them as too causal of too much but for.  The Politics of the Clintons so oddly for now still safely secured in Harlem is that they owed Harlem People after their Presidency more than all the people of such streets and curbs owed them.  It is that it would seem a condemning “NAKED TRUTH” the it - that much - was undeniably mostly all the fault of the Clintons.  There were always dangers in them while as if setting themselves each up for a Presidency with it so of considerations that they, even if to a forced structure of their too prosaic plotting, should divide themselves publicly as if possibly endearing in a contrary to have first blush be that Bill Clinton was the “lover boy” “Clinton Dove” and Hillary Clinton “charming” yet stern radical feminist inciter forever as the “The Clinton Hawk.”

Harlem is still covering up for the Clintons of them otherwise of efforts that should have raised eternal red flags of heated protests as while about securing Mrs. Clinton as a New York “carpetbagger” for Senate they were trenchant and desperate to begging their Big Bank pals for Emoluments so grand and thankful.  It is still much behind the curtains of their faux OZ and not to being a “naked truth” that President Clinton did ask the Big Banks to find their way to the derivative mess while asking them to find a way to gamble in their banks so that he could pursue his reckless surplus of cuts to a matching trillion and knowingly to such being to undermining the risky loaning his wanted to pimp while sustaining his Clintonomics as careless hyper-consumerism.  Right!  President Clinton wanted to cut a trillion that was not needed to be cut so that he & his spouse could save their plans to days where she could still get to appear to be the “The Clinton Hawk” President.

The real NAKED TRUTH is that of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution for The United States of America was ordained and subscribed under God in such Year of their Lord, specifically, and by design to protect all peoples so about from the very types of effort to “change” as a troika of Democrat souls have been entrenched and foolishly engaged during the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, their years of extra-Constitutional “Executive” meddling betwixted and between, and now during their odd years as all merry bedfellows during the Obamas’ Presidency.

The Clintons were, while supposedly to integrity for Senator Hillary Clinton, to asking the Big Bank pals for gratuitous rent payments to allow their Clintons’ Global Initiative to eventually become of Home high above the Russian Tea Room in that near Penthouse suite of the Carnegie Hall Office Tower.  When the economies around housing all started collapsing as “Hillary” too “hawkish” at GREEN ENERGY gas price spiking the Clintons should have been #Truth obvious as compromised better if their Big Bank pals had agreed to gratuitously pay the eventual CGI suite rents - as thanks for having made them all so much money with Bill’s request that they find a way to gamble away the risks they knew to be in his Clintonomics - as thanks for his pushing them into derivatives so recklessly.

The Southern White President born William Blythe III did end up in Harlem against his much royal designs.  He/they ended up in Harlem and so of a political camouflage protecting them from #Truth of their covert and overt affairs and plots much because some more representative of the Tax Payers as their guardians about such nixed that the Clintons asked the Government to so treat them as if still of Office holding for Profit and Trust by granting them just such a regal rent as asked for in the Carnegie Hall Office Tower that was a sum reported as in one year - in just the first year to be a sum greater than that from adding all the rents of all past Presidents together.

The danger is global and real.  We of America so Constituted actually are now arguably not safer than we were before the Clintons and Obamas tried to resuscitate a Nobility of Camelot.  There is a #WAR for legacy and real Power between the clans Clinton and Obama.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:47 am

It may take the sensitivities of a French resistance to be at artfully romancing the too political in the “suggestive” “Clinton” “art.”

There are stories to be illuminated from the Secret Service detailing of a lasting impression correction for the legacy of the First Couple Clinton.  They did involve themselves in the Natural State of Clinton permanence and per how too Hillary Rodham Clinton’s river(s) flowed.  In the case of the “artistry” for an over-hanging architectural “suggestive” we have the color of their skin to judge as now spousally erected in a true Southern gray.  In the case of the Clintons’ Presidential Library as of lines set to their natural instincts it can be confirmed as meant as “art” in a phallic by their choice of architect James Polshek.

The detail about the permanence for the spousal Clinton as entangled by Secret Service duty did in the case of the lay of the plot of the First Couple Clinton seem to begrudge the President and save the People (firstly) with their push back away from a “suggestive” phallic for Bill Clinton as hung over the river feminine in a more natural international ever flowing feminine pride.  The First Couple Clinton are now set upon a more monogamous ledge of their former Natural State thanks largely to the Secret Service.  The First Couple Clinton still got their “gun” shaped phallic permanence and so of a Confederate Gray skin color as for their historic permanence in the Natural State of Arkansas.  But now thanks mostly to a general Welfare concern of the Secret Service it is that Bill is not hung more out unspecifically over the feminine waters of such river feminine.

The Clintons are leaving more than bread crumbs while about their spousal unity in power couple two-fering.  They have, like President Barack Hussein Obama, an apparent standard too of a megalomania in their emblems too emblematic anew of old standards stood up also too much for a globalism in totalitarianisms or autocracy.  The prima facia of a first sighting of symbolic artistry of the spousal Clintons shouldn’t be a blush but a pulsing outrage.  It is inappropriate, in all Constitutional ways of the United States of America, that the standard of the (re-joined) Clinton “two-fer,” as confederated or just established, flies at all as of a sedition at the European Union (jurisdictional).  The flag of the union of European Sovereign countries is attacked by the standard of the Clintons by their emblems as if a broach of the union of such and assertively in a “suggestive” that they are of polling that can be inviolate as if right through the heart of such democratic union.

The good news for Republicans isn’t how clearly the Clintons have gone bad - gone wrong by “artistry” self selected for a personal permanence.  The Good news for Republicans is more that still to reverse the persistent economic slippage by President Obama, and his band of Democrats of split loyalties between the Clintons and himself, will be the “news” that the best way forward to a new era of growth and prosperity still seems to be naturally Constitutionally reset around the morals of the Founders but now yet to a renaissance more a NEW ROMANTIC ERA.

The good news for Republicans is that a New Romantic Era may sell itself.  The Clintons have set themselves up for serious artful probing of their idea of how it is right to be so “suggestive” in “art” in their permanence.  That the Clinton emblem and the Obama emblem have been both flown without appropriate “artistic” criticism for a similarity to the World War II flags of the axis shared by Germany & Japan is very troublesome.  How can four flags/standards be so similar - REALLY?

You don’t need to be a master of French impressionism to understand how the Secret Service saved the People from a more permanent “Bill Clinton” as if hung over a universal river feminine of a “suggestive” more fickle set firmly of a river flows through me.  As established the Clinton Presidential Library is canted in phallic leverage, yes, but so that it though has The First Couple Clintons as if enshrined in shared intimate power projecting, naturally.

You don’t need to be a master of French impressionism to understand the effrontery to the states of the European Union by the emblematic Clinton standard as affirmed to suggest a more inviolate global authority of at least just William Jefferson Clinton.  These are days where a NEW ROMANTIC ERA seems the Peoples of the Worlds best still available alternative to the depression New Deal global suppressions of the Clintons & President Obama.  I don’t know how the People of just the citizenry of the United States of America can affect a more appropriate artistry now about such and yet as to an era refreshingly in an American Impressionism - to an American Impressionism.

You could say that though “Bill Clinton” hired James Polshek to set him more naturally in his Natural State and stereotypically of the universal female “waters” “art” but how or where can or does “Hillary R. Clinton” then fit?  They are together now under their un-American standard emblematic of past dangers of former global megalomaniacs - it seems.  It is clearly un-American for the Clintons’ Global Autocracy initiatives to be so clearly and naturally interpretable beyond an impressionism as erected around a circle of stars with proud Clinton sweeping lines violate in a broaching.

You can say that the Secret Service, as reported, did save the People some from a permanence for the Clintons beyond that anchoring of their long to be questioned and dissected pasts as it is so of their joined leverage monogamous power projecting oddly in the South and so to be judged for it skin color in a Confederate Gray.

Really it seems the Republicans are well positioned again to lead from the front proudly to a new and lasting era for economic growth if us soon enough to a course change to a new democratic artistry suggestive not of the too emblematic standards of the Clintons “flag” or that of President Obama & his too global “O” flag but to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA somehow now to more subtle “art” maybe as an era in AMERICAN IMPRESSIONISM.

The French may be the Republicans best new friends for a economic boom in a revolutionary NEW ROMANTIC.  It seems the whining of the Clintons and President Barack Hussein Obama have us all globally too much set to grapes of their wraths.  Bare canvas can hardly be more threatened by the “suggestive” over-hanging permanence of the too global Democrats as now lead from behind by ways of the lines and propaganda of its current and former leadership.  It is the Democrats of Machiavellian “leadership” clearly of “art” as if of them of “art” of war that hoist themselves as if more global and above the Constitutionally set more democratic.

Germanic to this discourse, however a meditation philosophical, or not, is yet how each state of the United States of America could better be to tapping Constitutionals out in the loose federated confederated republic sense to a right to home brew & micro brew a fresh “community” at least throughout October in a state festiveness.  President Obama has even been less democratic in his “artistry” as a beer brewmeister. 

Less of a grapes of wrath by the Democrats would go a long ways and maybe nearly as far as a more metered federalism of states encouraged to independently being more their own brewmeisters.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:41 am

Uncle Sam recruitment:
- - - VOLUNTEER NOW! - - -

The Armed Forces of the United States of America are battle worn, tired and depleted.  President Barack Hussein Obama has a case for flexing of moral authority at least now as per Syria as by its current leader Bashar al-Assad.  It wouldn’t be prudent for our Congress to authorize action along the lines of the moral persuasion of a President without seriously being to midnight oil burning at considerations about refreshing its forces.

A few good men and women are needed.  Those most ready but on the sidelines yet enlisted are much those as of the BOYZ N THE HOOD.  President Obama, just in his Chicago, has neighborhoods and neighborhoods full of those already conditioned to a home life - daily life - that would otherwise have to be drilled or trained into others.  Is Obama’s moral stand and red line on Chemical Weapons prosecutions their CALL TO GLORY?

There are “moral” and “legal” obstacles to “recruiting” based on such - of a ready and able set of already sensitized to turf sensitivities and of a gun culture while it also a selection based too much also on racial superiorities.

President Obama is at the threshold of a new frontier for American engagements in global policing.  He is at the doorstep of a need for a new type of Army - a new readiness for a urban attrition warfare secured by need in a morality his - to be justified by him, now, and forever. 

These are not the days to hear of a propaganda like as “O’S DIRTY 300″ but as of honor and a call to duty.

In America the already most ready for this new type of warfare by its President’s spoken to morality just happen to be conjested mostly already in urban areas of America’s largest cities as areas sometimes to often left to be stereotyped as “hoods.”  If the President cannot now refresh the Army and infantry of the United States with those of the already developed most needed skill sets by volunteerism it seems a new draft will be necessary in a cautious preparedness.

If the President moves on Assad for his violations of international norms he and we citizens won’t be able to skirt his red line and its (presumptive) standing of the United States as of a higher and greater morality.

The honor and calling of military service has long been a way up in ones community and nation’s eyes.  It would be better if the United States of American can continue and persist still now forward with an all volunteer armed forces. 

Chicagoan Barack Obama, as President, is a foot in a new march to establish a great moral authority and legacy for himself.

What our Armed Forces are now lacking or tired of is likely mostly that which exists habitually and homogeneously in at least the largest of the urban concentrations of loyal Democrat Party “hood” black neighborhoods.

To now be to grand headlines of great urban (attrition) warfare victories of a new BOYZ OF THE HOOD rendition is much where it seems President Obama is leading us.  A header of “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be prejudged henceforth not as if he emptied the prisons to fight his wars - to stand up his morals globally — it as well shouldn’t be a slight for the color of their skin.  A “OBAMA’S DIRTY 300″ should be of a glory and praise for volunteers of the Obama morality now forward for of a courage and endurance of a readiness and willingness to do the hard (dirty) work of peace making.

It may or may not help that today in these journeys of man it is truer that Jesus was a black man up from Africa too and as well of the original “Adam” of our stories of humanity of an “Eden” firstly of the African continent.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

It may be commendable that a former President is to be helping commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March On Washington this Wednesday.  President William Jefferson Clinton is scheduled to have his “Got MLK!” soapbox moment.

There were earlier times in the history of the United States of America where a draft was thought a useful tool for what ailed urban areas.  President Barack Hussein Obama, so a born son of Islam, if now to the visceral drum beat of his new Secretary of State likely should and will be to a new draft and one naturally of his “governance” as with a real college exemption.

Many things complicate the United States of America to any involvement now in Syria. 

It may be all over again a “do your homework or you’ll end up in…” Democratic Party politics.  Seems eerily familiar.

We have that Secretary John Kerry, though a Catholic Diplomat head and shoulders above Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, is breathing the same petrified heinous Democratic leadership exhaustings as that which riled the guts of normal Americans in earlier days.  These times do have a beat now of and by a drummer President Obama that are dangerous for he as of his personal story as an apostate.  These times though by the wrenching words of his new Secretary of State do rattle the bones - do rattle the old bones of the transgressions on the souls whence by then new President Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t though as a self professed “Messiah” political figure yet been to explaining how his personal choice of Christianity over Islam has been formational to at least his governance views on theocracies or Islamic Dictatorships.  Such seems more a cup half empty of the work of Martin Luther King even than how President Clinton when a new President wrenched the souls and troubled the guts of Americans and especially Iraqi people of the majority was to deciding he didn’t want to have to deal with Saddam Hussein’s heinous past, and not be even to an in absentia new Nuremberg like war crimes prosecution. 

Secretary John Kerry has worked out the words and sentiment such as was once in the air in 1993 and so of a partisan political preference by the Clintons’ administration thence as America was told in a contrariness that they shouldn’t need to be bothered with such however heinous or gut wrenching.  It was PEACE Bill Clinton wanted to sell and a dovish Presidency he most wanted to proceed with — I was to PEACE DIVIDENDS - full steam ahead but for the inconvenient crisis left the world about Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is an inconvenient lesson plan now for any college now to be current and of an intellectual honesty about Syria without being to spilling so much milk about the still too propped up legacy of the Clintons.  It is to President Obama though to now necessarily be to a believable proffering as to how and why his choice to abandon his faith from birth for Christianity now guides his senses as to a right and wrong at least per Syria.

I do not doubt Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State for his gut reaction and tagging of Syria for chemical weapons use as a truly heinous act.  For me and I imagine many others it is like a deja vu all over again as it feels like that very irregularity that was Saddam Hussein when President William Jefferson Clinton came to town and like chose to prefer intelligence of a PEACE for his dovish wants of PEACE DIVIDENDS full glasses.  The outrage of these “heinous” and “gut wrenching” events as per Syria are due but if a US politician is asked to be or expected to be of a consistency in “governance.”

President Barack Hussein Obama made a horrible choice in Secretary of State.  When he set off on his “First Black” march with the unexpected drum of the Presidency the Clintons should have been relegated to the back rows for their actual history of global abandonment about moral causes - their history of unconscionable inaction and avoidance.  It may have been better yet if President Obama hadn’t even let them in the building - or on his bus.

President Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken well as to the unconscionable “governance” by Syria’s Assad.  The problem quite though is — scratch that — The problems are quite that his words may move the US to a draft as well as how an election of Mrs. Clinton too would - and yet it is that these erudite expressions otherwise are contrary even to the older words of that “anti-war” Senator John Kerry when of his railing against Republicans for action - not inaction.

I don’t know if you have yet any idea how much all of this is essentially of milk spilled by Hillary Rodham Clinton - a Methodist, if I recall — one not an apostate as her former black boss is of his storied march to Christianity. 

What does the religiousity of the Obama administrations have to do with current and past events?  How is it Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State has braved a stand with strong moral language in ways former Methodist Secretary of State didn’t or couldn’t?  How is it though the language seems appropriate to these events it oddly is contrary to past “views” on morality of John Kerry while Senator or Candidate for the Presidency?

It seems President Barack Hussein Obama is positioning himself as towards as great a new need for a Armed Forces draft as long feared that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was while beating her way, however Methodist, to a power grab like no other - to a power grab quite extra-Constitutional as if a seat for two BOGO “Two-fer” not a two but a united in marriage religiousness as a union of one.

I would mention that President William Jefferson Clinton may be a Southern Baptist but with the clamor or moral outrage now in the air it seems we first should look at him as a husband and lawyer who just didn’t want to do the moral work now said anew to be expected of our leaders in government.  We know he loves to be loved as a politician who sold good and happy FAT (PHAT) times even though such was trumped by hard knocks learning - of real actual history — We know as a lawyer he was disbarred easily and yet forget to consider enough that Mrs. Clinton quite nearly as well was brought up so publicly too for at least a matching dishonesty while a lawyer.

The good news about Syria for citizens of the United States of America is that Hillary Clinton is no longer the Secretary of State.  The goods news now be that if a draft is necessary it will have Obama’s name all over it likely, and as well Secretary Kerry’s, of having an incentive to “do your homework” — a draft now in the second term of President Obama just seems to have to exist if and only it can exist if it is to have a full blown college exemption.

These may be trying days to think learning about capitalism is “getting an education” but it must be harder now for everyone with such “heinous” and “gut wrenching” news being a calling for President Barack Hussein Obama to explain verse for verse even how his choice to be an apostate to Islam was and is right - and acceptable if he is to intervene at all in the sovereign matters of Syria.

It is like “IT IS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” clear as day with the new beat the drum beat their’s of old.  The Clinton, for your education or refreshment, did choose to play Saddam Hussein as if for all their eight years his past of such war crimes was able to be overlooked.  When President Bush came to town it seemed the Clintons left now war drums anywhere with an alternative for Saddam Hussein and to a prosecution or “justice” as history has long suggested that the Clintons’ did leave office without any entrance or exit plans for Iraq to be dusted off by President George W. Bush.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:00 pm

It is that she is more a hack imposter of paint thrown about a floor as art.  For her and the strands of any “web” her’s is less as if an imitation Jackson Pollock and more as if spaghetti thrown on the floor.

She has been about a lot of flash but little lasting energy of success - as a Diplomat - seems.  She has been it seems of only porridge too hot or too cold - as if all she has served has never been served “just right”!

Her yarns can’t be silk as she has run too rough shod as a herded donkey more akin to burlap “home spun” of her “villages” - the glory of South Carolina mulberry trees of their fruitless harvests seem far from a bolstered “engineered” weave of her ragged husbandry.

Her “It’s Takes A Village” at first blush of a new “inevitable” towards 2016 seems tabled and secured away.  Her infamous book seems of the years still too missing of our current political historical dialogues and now too barred for any “approved” Hillary celebration such as rumored for political timing by NBC and CNN.

She is now as if an earlier contestant of a “Who am I?  Why am I here?” as if of a WAITING FOR GODOT more than a NEW Perot yet out again too similarly of non-answers akin to “To know me is to love me!” and that other of his answers near:  It is in the book - read the book. 

Can Hillary Clinton for 2016 even be a NEW Admiral James Stockdale - at least?  She may be cozy with a Vladimir of Godot and ready to cook up faux art for arrivals of performance on promises that likely can and never will be.  She has history of being to her “village” quite as if a socialist propaganda while maybe more of estrogen than Estragon - and with much posing.

How far are you willing to go with Hillary Clinton to her of her “village” oddly more then too as if a global village fundamentally contrary to the shining city on a hill known of the Reagan yarns?  She has hot flashes to doctor for her prescribed propaganda of the teasing by NBC and CNN but what she is already of all her years is more as if a Humpty Dumpty so broken and scattered that there is no putting her back together even if she were to allow the more controversial years of her saga to also be fairly dramatized.

She can be said to have had her “hot flashes” while of “official” duties but time has shown she failed to spin a web of lasting networked energy of “success.”  Little is being caught by her woven “home spun” as “artful” but inconvenient flies as if to thrown spaghetti - left - and left.

There is much in the years from 1990 - 1998 to cause a reduction to authority of the Clintons as still floated and packaged.  She is the spouse of the member of the most elite of “clubs” in The United States of America - she is a member by marriage in the club of former Presidents.  At the last main gathering of such “club” as it was, as I recall it, for the GRAND OPENING of the stately George W. Bush Presidential Library ,  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was controversial and concerning so adorned as if of a state uniform garb - as if owned by the Chinese.

Have you at least found the missing years 1993 -2001 yet? 

Have you become awakened to a Hillary that is not capable of an artful engineered weave of a catchy web and how 2016 now will hopefully not be a sad repeat of 2008 or 2012 with the Bushes as members of such elite club again too much as if Clinton Republicans?  2016 now sits out there as a horizon of a promise of an American Spring — 2016 is not now set for the Bushes to be again abused by the Clintons with their calling on loyalty in “membership” to have it that the Clintons are again able to use the Bushes generous loyalty to serve up dramatizations cooked up from lies.

The best way to defeat the Clintons now is yet again a way that has been too avoided - it is critical to a successful defeat of the Clintons that a RESET be affected to a nationwide to global general and public discourse on the years just between 1989 - 1993 - the years that oddly historically have trouble explaining the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.

The Clintons have kept Hillary’s hopes alive - have kept the hope’s of the Charlotte Charlatan Bill Clinton of the recent Democratic Party Convention “brassy” stoked - with a network of deception and a sad but effective betrayal of the Bushes while of a dependence on the honor of the Bushes as if a secret recipe of their home spun polarizing partisan political fabrications.

The Clintons are now only politically serviceable because the Bushes have been generous while being betrayed - and of enough honor such that their “friendship” for the Clintons was effective to selling the faux yarns of the Clintons’ spaghetti logic.

There was energy in Jackson Pollocks threads of paint and there is that the Clintons cooking setting them now up too much as if of a Politics of THE LORD OF THE FLIES.  Again: it seems telling that a board game can not quite be made to play a “game” as the Clintons play “politics” as though you may agree on what a board should look like there can be no rules as they persist in having every piece theirs set selectively as Clinton Wild Cards/Pieces.

It has been for too long that the Bushes have been saving the Clintons and because the Clintons asked them to indirectly as if one member of their elite “club” deserved protection from the others.  The Clintons have already been diabolical as members of such once more honorable “club” for of being to stewing of political consumables with hidden ingredients set to leave game changing after tastes or permanent stains from a general spillage.

The Clintons have persisted in lingering too long and now necessarily will be due a complete and serious audit of all the financials of all their private and public (however) engagements.  It was that it was too cursory how President Obama was to his “review” of the books of the Clintons and threateningly near a white washing as inappropriate in a time where global and foreign entanglements should have been more scrutinized.  It was a great disappointment how cursory President Obama was with his “review” of the financial engagements of the Clintons while about the seating of Mrs. Clinton as his Secretary of State.

Republicans and Democrats as these days are afoot as if the recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be of her “village” and yet be of our “shining city on a hill” if so to being proffered a cozy capitalistic support of a favorable rendition of years selected or block by her for the now teased Hillary Clinton miniseries (propaganda).

As the Governors of the states of the United States can be of the “government” alternative to Obamacare our Congress in light of necessary Sequestration should be able to defund or suspend the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare has be to an established network to a nationalized socialized alternative option for something that has many other options already available including Romneycare.  If it doesn’t have the votes to be veto proof for a defunding our Congress still is firstly more responsible for our National Defense and therefore must have some way to suspend optional alternative programs in times that an economy is forcing defense and intelligence spending cuts that can and might be threatening to the National Defense.

If there is a “web” of the Hillary Clinton now being remade and repackaged it is of her and Bill of cooking up ugly past “porridge” about the tables of the Bushes.  The Obamas should learn from the betrayal of the generous friendship publicly maintained for the Clintons by the Bushes that was on parade by the Clintons.  All should be now savy to how the Clintons have succeeded with flashes of hot spots from lies they only were able to concoct on the strength and honor of the Bushes and while depending, it seems, as figured, on the Bushes staying stately and silent per such. 

The Bushes were not caught in a web of the Clintons - mostly at least - but they have been smeared by the Clintons by their own silence as a family while members also of a most elite club abused its honor.  The Clintons when seen of all their years - at least of the years from 1989 to the present day - are in jeopardy — They reek of a desire to use the elite membership in the “club” of past Presidents to cover them for global meddling for selfish partisan and polarizing politics too much of “executive Power” while not officially any longer the “Executives.”

The Republicans have now lost more elections than they should have because the Bush family stayed silent while the Clintons were basically stabbing them in the back.  We can gather from this that the Obamas should have no expectation of loyalty from the Clintons or any trustworthiness.  It may be that if Hillary Clinton is hoping she can bend the Constitution even far enough to turn Obamacare into a single payer system - into an improved Obamacare then to be named Hillarycare.

If she does have a web and not just faux artistry of hot spots too Lordish - such a web should be glimmering and most visible in the lights and environment of the Clintons as too much of the “danger” of “avoidance” and “inaction” of all their years and all their foreign monetary entanglements however either white washed once by President Obama or of his oratory of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech.  He did rightly slap at the Clintons with his Nobel speech so as he was to speaking of dangers of inaction and avoidance as if his “inaction” and “avoidance” was a tag on the Clintons as a due sad rap on their years 1993 - 2001.

For now whatever the Clintons are now trying to cook up or spin anew is dangerously too much like former Speaker Nancy Pelosi of her healthcare bill comments to the effect that you don’t need to know what is in it until after it is made law.  It seems too dangerous now to accept that Hillary Clinton is being to a RESET and make-over such that no one will know what to expect as a NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton until it is too late.

There is only a spaghetti logic at best to that which must be the real “legacy” of the Clintons.  We waited and waited for her to appear as electable in 2008 and now it seems such is even less likely now to be but as a promised “inevitable” that can never actually arrive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:22 pm

The news of the day is …


For starters this may be good new for First Lady Michelle Obama - even great news.  The brew ha ha of this summation is of the bosom of truth about how Hillary Clinton can not run as a former First Lady and former Secretary of State without every talking point needing a fem on fem dissection.  Hillary Clinton cannot run now without Michelle Obama being put on the defensive and called out to tell the world that Hillary as First Lady was inferior to herself as such and that her “successes” as her husband’s Secretary of State were only possible as a tool blessed by the Glory of the personable and charismatic First Lady Michelle Obama.


This started a long time ago when a wiser President started the United States of America off as its First President not with a Declaration of Codependency but so as a chesty new frontier of Independence and a government of and for a People of their necessary to life vicissitudes incident to life.  President Obama is no George Washington.  Michelle Obama is more a Martha Washington than Hillary Clinton.  It was economic nonsense in the gestalt of the recent exhibitionism of President Obama however confusing with himself already quite tarred as a Socialist.  It is quite confusing for sure!  Among the Washington embrace of inescapable rights of and for the vicissitudes incident to American (colonial) life is a better understanding of economics than that yet walked or talked by President Obama.  America as Constituted can not be programmed politically for a even keeled economy - for his socialistic dreams of an economy without ups and downs.  And by the way it was the ups of the Clintons irresponsible extra trillion cut for unnecessary surplus popularity that set up the unstable bubble and then was to the down times so triggered by the Democrats while just of the campaign politics leading into the 2008 race — the Democrats caused both the excessive up time and the deep and depressing fall to such long since seen lows.  Having an economy with ups and downs isn’t the problem - the politics of the Democrats as socialistic or selfish elitism if allowed is the problem.


BREAKING ECONOMIC NEWS >>> A fresh start is possible if we just accept that we are best to not listen to the economics of the White House of Obama.  Being against Fannie or Freddie is poetic fright much of the timid story of Barack Hussein Obama so a caricature in name as if a metaphor to one that if afraid of being hit (bammed - O bam’d) too hard.  He may be not doing unto others has he would like done not done to himself  - but such is from a latent timidity not a bravery or bold embrace of economic freedom.  I don’t know how he can be for national insuring of health concerns and yet now be against keeping up with an insuring of mortgage fears.  It is of the record of at least the Republicans that this recent collapse was made by the Government and not a bad market economics Capitalism.  It was the political partisan dreamy crony economics of the Democrats of effectings from whence Hillary for President commenced that triggered the impossible personal financials that led to the housing crash after if first over inflated gas prices and after such then over inflated most household prices with new energy and transportation costs added to the old lower retail prices.  President Bush did not cause the economic collapse - not even did his Bush Tax Cuts — The Clinton Surpluses justified the Bush Tax Cuts as they were pre-9/11 figured.  The Democrats caused the economic collapse and by that we have much that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quite herself specifically causal as she wouldn’t let President Bush spend the necessary apportionments to save the economy as the areas he would have needed to spend money if available were off the table as sacred successful cuts of the Clintons and their surpluses.  Right - even without the Bush Tax Cuts the Pelosi Congress would have still blocked the Republicans from the necessary spending to save the economy before election day 2008.


Hillary Clinton is now mostly self-reduced to being a sad footnote in American History.  She is forever caught now in an eternal struggle for legacy between the Presidency of the First Black President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton and the First Black President Barack Hussein Obama.  As a women she has a lot to answer for in this era of successful feminism by others - As a women she much has herself to blame for how she got trapped to being quite just a footnote to two said “black” Presidents. There has been this civil war ongoing among these rivals since at least the moment that Barack Obama too became a sworn in President.  There can be no near end to this civil war between these two Presidents as long engaged over a struggle for lasting legacy.  As Hillary has reduced herself to being more just a footnote it is remarkable how she complicates and confuses the legacies of both Clinton & Obama.  Because of Hillary these Presidents have to long suffer beyond the old more traditional controversies from comparing First Ladies - Because of Hillary only Clinton or Obama can be right - They cannot both be right. President Obama cannot now say it was Hillary that was responsible for his successes without saying then that it was Bill Clintons First Lady that was better than his First Lady.


The Commmander in Chief President Barack Hussein Obama went beyond the pale with his war nonsensicals orated too grandly from Camp Pendleton in California.  He is still stuck for being wrong about Iraq always - and confused by his former Secretary of State and her personal legacy of having been for OIF then against OIF then for OIF and then again against OIF… and with her as Obama’s “rival’ Secretary who by his control or not was to being more as if a Secretary of War than a secretary of diplomacy.  It was shameful what I saw and heard while watching the speechifying of the President in his colors as Commander in Chief while about the gathered pride of proud Marines of The United States of America. For more on this subject please find and consider OBAMA’S RETREAT at least as it is covered at http://www.jphogan.org.


*In the years of the biography of Hillary Clinton she is said to be allowing NBC to glorify in a four part miniseries we have the late exclamation of her twid bio of @HillaryClinton of her best as self tagged as “women & kids advocate” and as a “cracker” while The First Black President’s white Secretary of State her “glass ceiling.”  She so is self describes as not being or planning to be an advocate for men - she could have said more with less and room for a word other than “cracker” if she had been willing to profess with her twid (Twitter ID) to be otherwise promised as “an advocate for all.” 

*But to 2016 with any and all possible miniseries we have that it would be improper for NBC to celebrate First Lady Hillary Clinton in four parts without also grandly be at least so to at least a four part celebration of First Lady Michelle Obama. 

*For regular folk maybe more of entertaining options to NBC it is still to be considered that Vice President Joseph Biden as well should rank a four part miniseries before 2016. 

*For now though we can tease what it could all look like in a field of three to 2016 as if Hillary Clinton unwisely enters all should cry out for a re-election of Barack Hussein Obama by the accolades that can allow such with a celebration of their special example as a married black power couple as by a campaigning this time under Michelle for President 2016. 

*Most towns across America likely would hardly be able to handle just the traffic if candidates Michelle Obama, Joseph Biden & Mrs. Clinton were to arrive simultaneously — Poor “Joe” would have his large but thought much still too beat up motorcade while First Lady Michelle Obama would have the best and newest of the current full details that the Secret Service provides a President and Mrs. Secretary Senator FLOTUS Clinton would have what is left of the detail hers by marriage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:37 pm

For some this may be put aside as political reading as of the Congress of August 2013, and, for reading during their five week summer break

For all though it is puzzling this supposed Hillary the Superwoman myth in the air that suggests that the Democrat Party is already all together as the lorded class of an agreement that the future representative of the “demos” ( the People) has already been picked and arranged for the 2016 change of crown - like.  It is quite puzzling that the party that is supposedly defined as “Democratic” as defined by “democratic” is as if so set with a new leader already hand picked and pre-selected by a elite set of Lord-ish Party leaders.

On the race angle though it is a problem as after the defeat of the vast “Clintons’ Political Machine” by an inexperience novice political junior peer of the Senate of First Lady Senator Clinton as well quite puzzling as if wondering if chum in the waters can attract sharks.  Whom that is black and an established politician actually of executive experience won’t or shouldn’t be in 2016 Presidential race at least if it seems it only Hillary Clinton that needs to be defeated again?

On reparations there is problematic politics too as per the suggestion that Hillary Clinton is an inevitable next President already picked by a few to be the new People’s leader not to actually need picking by the People - the “demos” of “democratic” and “Democratic.”  It seems suggested that Hillary Clinton deserves the office and should be an inevitable next President this time actually but so as if as a white woman deserving of reparations for time served as just the enslaved spouse of an earlier male President. 

On reparations too there is other race problems more black on black for it seems that President Obama did account to himself so much that as an executive he otherwise could have spread out to others more of slave descent than he — It is considerable how far to reparations for passed African American enslavement the vast millions President Obama didn’t have to have spent on himself as “perks” could have otherwise blessed others more of an American Slave legend. 

The Presidency if for a Democrat Party candidate again is towards 2016 now like cotton for the picking if just to prove a black again can out pick Hillary Clinton if she again enters such laboring - said laboring - refreshments of the “demos” Americana.

On reparations with myself as some of Irish descent I have to oppose reparations angle for the former First Lady Clinton and stick to summation above that Obama’s personal “perks” could have been sufficient for a blessing on most as a justified reparations for the Irish like labor abuses — I have to stick to summation so as if reparations by a refund of the last purchase price of a former slave relation was/is the only passable level of rendering late of old injustices.

Hillary Clinton has done much to demean former First Ladies and women in general with her of this similar false sense of personal entitlement.  It is diabolical to suggest she deserves to be President because as a woman while First Lady she was entitled to more that a spousal co-holding unabridged embrace of real power though of a third of every day with her husband privately much left alone to her mercy or lack of it.

Hillary Clinton set a ridiculous example that still diminishes all First Ladies of The United State of America - even our current FLOTUS Michelle Obama.  It was ridiculous that Hillary Clinton saw the office of First Lady - the Spousal Preserve of shared Power otherwise than all others have.  It was ridiculous that she insisted in a bureaucratic personal submission within the West Wing flow chart of obedience to her husband that undermined the historic traditions of real Power through intimacy.  She asked to be removed from the full protections and celebration of spousal rights as joined and united souls of our legacies and legends made by the women First Ladies.

More successful, than Hillary Clinton, even on healthcare for all is the black Democratic Party winner Governor Deval Patrick.  With President Obama’s ACA - Obamacare a general train wreck it just seems that the United States of America have a successful black executive to lean on towards 2016; it just seems that with Obamacare said of being so doomed 2016 has to be like a religious political calling for Governor Patrick of Massachusetts towards carrying the Democrat Party torch as no other could - towards carrying the torch of a promise that he could, if elected, help states learn how to make a Romneycare work for them.

This can only be some as a set up for Diane Lane and much because others more than Snipes have become snipy about the IRS and taxation.  This is about Joes more than - well this really could and should be more about Joes now than it is. Vice President of the United States is a First Stater and likely of cross party loyalties maintained across the isles of the Congress - across especially the isles of his old and familiar Senate haunts.  This is more about discounts at 1600 - and as “murder at 1600″ still a consideration of Congress as to a likely possible permanent tag on at least Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for gross negligence per Benghazi or even something near a “negligent homicide” rap.

Where is the buck to stop - the bucks to stop about all this that is supposed to not be at all of a “phony” until it has been established that something didn’t stop at rival Clinton’s State desk that was supposed to have gotten to the President’s desk yet didn’t.

There are interesting alternative political plot lines that could have been and still could be soon — there are interesting plot lines to at least entertain now as August break dramatic distractions/escapes.  We have that President Obama likely has shown that his Irishness is not dominant - not to obvious stereotypical dominant traits as his.

If President Barack Hussein Obama were more Irish in his salt and pepper - ebony and ivory - gene strings he likely would have as a visibly black Irish President have worked out a resolution for reparations at least to the last price paid for slaves of African descent of blood relations now settled as citizens of The United States of America.

How has Joe - How has Joe Biden, Vice President, not discounted black President Obama already enough so that he could himself be President now by some simple loyal reviews by his loyal peers in Congress?  How are we not now already with President Obama impeached or removed as by Political duty entrusted in our Vice Presidency?  How has Joe not moved on competence at least as it was possible (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to have move Congress and Country to a change on cause with a hope then in maybe two Joes? 

How are we not now already (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to a change from within and to a President Joe Biden and maybe so set anew with a Vice President Joe Lieberman?  Why hasn’t experience and seniority reset and saved our body politics from all this division that has been arising from novice and amateur “leadership”?

These are trying days with a President that still seems to be in office quite over his head at least per economics.  Vice President Joe Biden (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) could even have moved Congress in the first term of such upside down and divisive political condition and as a champion for reparations to cure a stinging lack of whipping by First Black President - by President Obama.  We could now have President Joe Biden and with he of success in an earlier removal of a rival politician of little or no real experience and as otherwise an actual and real champion for reparations if only as to a summation tilled justly around the last price paid for each slave of African descent identifiable as of the history of U.S.A. slavery Big Business.

I don’t know how President Obama didn’t make reparations a priority for his first term as the First Black President; it now seems too late for him, and so any or all others.  It seems reasonable that had he been more typically Irish while a politician he would have been, however also white, to having braved the reparations politics when prescient of his first term.

Hillary Clinton did not live up to the Diplomatic challenge it seems that President Obama had hoped to gain from with her as a politically picked rival for his cabinet.  It seems much either stopped at her desk that could have or should have been resolved/attended to there or that stuff got too discounted by her there and so that she was to political selfish reasoning of a practice of keeping it from getting to the President’s desk (in time).  Besides all the improvements that could have or should have been made to the President’s foreign policy speeches and how such should have been caught by the dutiful supporting teamwork expected of a State Department cabinet appointee - there is still Benghazi as of his political rival not having been able to do the lesser job well enough - without apparent tragic negligence.

Whom hasn’t been too discounted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.E. in Washington, D.C. since the First Black President firstly became so sworn in for his first term?  How has he not already been discounted enough from within so that we had an reset via Vice President Joe Biden and his loyal old Congressional peers, however of their seniority, and so that we otherwise could now be cruising back to American ways with two Joes - with President Joe & Vice President Joe?

It is historic that a first term of The First Black President passed with slaves of African descent seeming discounted more and as if he thought it was righteous for he to expend upon himself such vast sums as Presidential “perks” that symbolically at least could better have gone for reparations.

It may be too early to call him THE GREAT DIVIDER as it is still political that it looks like that we if Hillary Clinton had been elected would have been to having tagged her so THE GREAT DIVIDER more so.  He may be for history THE GREAT DIVIDER of the short history of legacies of past Presidents and irreversibly as The First Black President who avoided some great race based political issues at least during his first term, but, it is so that it was that Hillary Clinton made almost all the same Political partisan campaign promises and so that she as his rival may be a problem within that discounts his rap as a “divider” though without removing the sting from all their lack of whipping on issues that should have been of their first term.

It does seem with Obamacare such a said trainwreck that black Governor Deval Patrick is a nature and evolutionary next Democrat Party nominee for the office of the President.  He actually has political and executive experience and on a workable healthcare for all governance.  Deval Patrick could ask Mayor Cory Booker, if the Newark leader is actually to be old enough to be President by 2017 inauguration day, to join him for a 2016 ticket to take the Democrats away from the DANGER like warned of by a Doug Sosnik recent public comment to how his party is set to have big problems when President Obama is no longer its leader.

For now I can just hope that The First Black President has already read THE EMPEROR OF OCEAN PARK, and most at least of the SAMPLER set out of order at http://jphogan.org.  I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s when I was in the seventh grade at East Rock Community School in New Haven, Connecticut and was readying for my oratory competition with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY declaration of war against Japan speech.  I though didn’t know until the 2008 races that he and I share the same August day as our birth date each year - with he old so by four years to the date.

It seems too discounted so that it has been so discounted as to not even much considered that really the politics of these years of The United States of America with its First Black President likely could have been more interesting if President Obama were white or just more white - white enough such that Vice President Joe Biden could have moved Congress to removal of the President for “competency” or “lying under oath” if not worse and so that he could have proven to be a really smart and ambitious rival.

What have we now missed these few years that could have been otherwise if Obama had been white to us of an impeachment or removal, however, so that now we didn’t have Joe so discounted - so that now we had two “Joes” - so that now we of the United States of America had a President Joe Biden and a new Vice President Joe Lieberman?

This is the Barack Obama, President, that said before his 1st Inaugural that the United States could use a new and different Declaration of Independence as if he meant as from the start and so before there was Delaware as a First State.  This is of he that spoke campaign rhetoric in his 1st inaugural as if his win had rewritten history and made his spin the new FACTS of the nation - of he that lied in his 1st inaugural.  This is of he that in his 2nd inaugural breathed a whipping of progressive anti-Constitutionalisms with he so then of his expressiveness smarted but with a legal ignorance while he too of a discounting of the relevance of the founding writs with he then of his like;  THOUGH I JUST SWORE THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I WILL NOT NOW FEEL BEHOLDEN TO SUCH OATH - TO MY SWEARING JUST MOMENTS AGO AS AN OATH OF THE OFFICE.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

To wake in Gracie Mansion with the City on your shoulders - perchance as not judged “lesbian” by the Pope as dawn breaks after dawns - Christie Quinn may have a yoga mat for that - a set of rosary beads - actual candles to light each morn pro-procreation.

The Big Apple has big hopes and wakes each day strongly of a pro-procreation metrosexual - at least.

You likely at this moment are more afraid with where I might be going with this new column so titled than where I am as set of considerations about how much political capital I still have banked and unspent as a feminist.

There is good news quite in that a Mayor Quinn can be no Hillary Clinton, nor a reborn Governor Clinton, or General Clinton.

Poor Diane Lane - oh the thumping she will have to take just to get into character.  Oh, My!  It is almost as bad as A. Weiner leaving nothing left to one’s imagination.  The Clintons’ apples haven’t fallen far from their tree.

A four part miniseries of the “vessel” Clinton that is Hillary must embrace farce to be realistic.  Hillary has long willingly been subservient to Bill Clinton’s ambitions and as I have known since I was of, to her, in the early 70s of an answer:  “If you want to be President be careful who goes first.”  I have known since the Clintons were law students that Hillary Rodham Clinton wanted to be President and am among a few I figure that told her to run first if she wanted to ever actually realized such.

Yes, I am banking on having most if not all of the political capital from my decade(s) as a feminist now to work with especially now as per THE BUSTED VESSEL here.  It is a long story as to how I can and should have so much feminist political capital such that even NBC is quite on a list of debtors fittingly, if of an artists’ code, to me due eventually much credit as a most successful and entertaining muse/wizard.  A miniseries of Hillary Clinton should tell of me at least as per my extensive strategizing that can be reprinted/rebroadcast to show how effectively I was strategic in the 2008 defeat of the Clintons.

I expect that a Mayor Quinn can great each dawn as well as any straight mayor with a lighting of candles of a grand energy in celebration of a pro-procreation civility.  She can say she has a yoga mat for it without having a personal natural penchance of it, and yes guys (& A. Weiner) she can light actual candles, as well.  I do not know how a Mayor Quinn has designs on dusk and dawn Gracie celebratory ops - I do wonder how she would too great each day so pro-living and pro-life in a survival of the species natural pro-procreation (lobby) posture - and if by rosaries or candles or even if by community calisthenics or yoga.

As to the thumping Diane Lane now is teased to professionally having to be to:  As the Weiner couple are apples fallen from the Clintons’ tree we have to consider that Hillary Clinton is already outed as a busted political vessel.  It is farcical how she has been a Bill’s is not an is herself and such that it is her legacy that she has been submissive as his Mrs. quite of a husbandry, however, of a readiness to be whomever her husband wanted or needed her to be.

There are foreign and domestic problems with Hillary and Diane as vessels of Bill Clinton - as either Ambassador to the World Bill Clinton or President of the World Bill Clinton.  It seems Hillary already has been a vessel as to be beyond domestic and to being an international “boat” partner to President Clinton as a globalist firstly.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton and Diane Lane can only use farce now to sell the Clintons as a suspended historical - a suspended reality - is necessary for an acceptable Posterity.

Little known of the Clintons humiliating defeat in 2008 whence thence commenced so publicly with Mrs. Clinton as “inevitable” is how I was able with my bankable political capital to prevent them from sounding like themselves as they were thought to be of their eight years as first couple.  I was able to protect what was originally mine and while motivated then (and still) to avoid at all costs any knowing effort that would be to me helping them succeed in stealing from me.  2008 was a year of a defeat of the Clintons that I predicted many times while otherwise mostly of having been to explaining why they shouldn’t win.  I am not sure I explained it better to any one person than when that day in 2007, if I recall, that the Serbian Ambassador to the United States sat down next to me at an American Enterprise Institute public event.  When Ivan Vujacic and I got talking over the lunch break we got talking about Hillary and the 2008 race.  I did take issue with his remark that top Republicans were telling him he should expect that Hillary Clinton would be the next President and did work through my opinions with adaptations so to fit his State interests as per Serbia.

With the Clintons - I am to wondering how many times must I so defeat them.  I have succeeded many times since having worked to make them the promised “electable” for 1992 I teased to Democrats like Representative Gephardt, Representative Rosa DeLauro, and some too when then as well of a meeting with Doug Sosnik in Senator Dodd’s office in months prior to the Clintons very late entry into the 1992 race.  Right!  George Stephanopoulus was then with a Koch as peers running Representative Gephardt’s office - Representative Rosa DeLauro was a long time neighbor and my rep - Doug Sosnik was Senator Christopher Dodd’s AA and my sister Joan’s boss.  (Yes, my political capital as a past feminist is still largely unspent - and there is much that relates to my sister and her professional story)  The Greenberg - DeLauro family is that of such as my old neighbors with their wards/children my peers and friends.

But back to THE BUSTED VESSEL as a problem for Diane Lane and the world:  Hillary Clinton has now too long been borderless with Bill Clinton’s post presidency global internationalism such that she has been his boat sailed too long tackless and much adrift as to Constitutional propriety of important lines and visceral dimensions between foreign and domestic.  The Clintons have together busted out beyond “American” as per Hillary as a political “vessel.”  It seems evident already that Hillary can no longer discern the difference between American and Global as per politics - that she is a “boat” too long sailed with the international thumping of Bill Clinton either as Ambassador to the World or President of the World.

Diane Lane may be able to sell that Hillary Clinton need only too have a candle to light or a yoga mat specially designated - but Hillary to be real is herself quite already sailed past a point of safe return.  Her Benghazi and her A. Weiner scandals show that the Clintons quite are already too much a vessel hard on the rocks.

As per Hollywood and a miniseries somehow created to try to pimp Hillary Clinton as fresh and usable - I have beaten her before - I have beaten her badly - she broke bad so long ago it was easy to break them publicly down enough for Senator Obama to have had such and unexpected opportunity.  It was that I was able to defeat them with Hollywood without spending my political capital that should be bankable as long as there is an artists’ code - In essence I needed the legal authority of the Bush Administration to protect my rights to my original works and such as my intellectual property - I did need for Bush to be pro Law and Order in order for me to keep the Clintons from hiding their bad again by taking credit for so much that was originally of me and as my good.

As per Hollywood I still mean to work to historical documentaries of a more honest portrayal of the Clintons’ 90s as years fit a title that should surprise yet inform as:  THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.

As per Hollywood and my said defeat of the Clintons it is that before they so publicly lost half their Hollywood friends and such have of their expected silver screen booty I had put out to such artist realm a personal dictate than none of the many who benefited from my years of entertaining musing were authorized to interpret any of it then or forward anyhow as in a support of the Clintons.  I heard the cries that thousands would lose their jobs there - I was insistent quite and because I have no intention of ever knowingly being to helping the Clintons succeed in stealing from me.

Yes, Diane Lane and others - I know GAME CHANGE movie is a big lie about and for Hillary and Bill Clinton, and, I hope there is still a working artists’ code.  I did before Hollywood turned half against the Clintons so instruct that those especially to millionaire celebrity status via NBC sitcom successes be respectful of my personal dictate that nothing that had come from me was to be interpreted anyhow or used to help the Clintons.

When I was to telling many that they shouldn’t expect Hillary Clinton to win in 2008, and as it was at times while such seemed a politically insane posturing I was of special and unique knowledge of how much I should be able to keep the Clintons from sounding like the Clintons of old - I was confident I would be able to keep them from sounding again like me.

Yes, I was amazed after the Clintons did succeed as I had said a Democrat could in 1992 when then as well of speaking against what seemed the pollable obviousness — I was though really amazed that they proceeded to govern then too much on what had come from me without approaching me to acquire any or all rights to such.  But really I was more amazed and scared that they then would proceed to pervert such that had worked as promised as from me without consulting with its originator as to whether it had pitfalls or dangers set to unfold if it were used otherwise or used past “campaign” worked posturing.

The Clintons have been of Hillary a loyal spouse a vessel too long thumped, however, however political, however international, such that a Hillary For President 2016 is a busted vessel too dangerous to actually float.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

Imagine sitting knees over with orchestra seats - peace is possible for the moment - it is cast and set.

It is like what could have been - it is like happier times could already be here - and good intelligence and logic - political.  We have Richard Haas and federalism to talk about with the antagonist of Hillary Clinton first acts so contrary with JOBS DIPLOMACY.

I may be to sliding too near to Neil Simon farce - but these are slippery notes too embedded with false iconic hollow Clinton notes — it is that it is safer to believe the stories depend on an understanding that what has been missing from economies of the past growth resonance and harmonics is what was and remains mostly a Republican base strumming.  It is for the sake of the integrity of these philosophicals on the badness of JOBS DIPLOMACY best to anchor the keying on it as of the legend of economic growth how it was more of Republican music.

So as you at least imagine being seated and knees over — Who really killed the music?

Can we get this to a simple refrain of how the chorus of our problems tis now too spare as an empty new solar factory and yet have the message be heard?  There is a lot of upstairs and downstairs is as not is is to parse logically and intelligently.

Oil and water go better together than electrical fires and water - than Hillary Clinton’s Power obsessions to usurp global legacy powers of rival branches of The Treasury Department and The Commerce Department.  It may be more Stephen King - our Hillary Clinton, Madam Secretary, for it has been a nightmare for too many while she as if too of a Constitution not a Constitution — It was though President Barack Obama who said crackingly from the rails of Philadelphia byways on that fateful day he became first sworn in that the US needed a new Declaration of Independence.

That his Secretary of State may have been too preoccupied with attempts to usurp the rival powers @ Treasury & @ Commerce is more on her lap and to be noted as possibly a misdirected time management that had her then without enough time to do her “original” job as per the care and keep of her consulates and their personnel, where ever.

For Richard Haas, and his sympathetic federalism, I have long spoke to as necessary, otherwise, to have saved and rebooted the old notated Republican music of basic fundamental free economics it is maybe best trespassed first while the antagonistic of Hillary haunts to speak to a 100 piece National Traveling Orchestra of only 51 moving parts.

There is beauty in the musical political and economic philosophicals so even as you just get seated expecting a 100 moving piece National Orchestra from your home concert hall and it’s orchestra seats.  It is as if the Republican music is back already - at least the federalist promise of loud and free notations seems already maybe back.

Have you found your seat yet?  Do you recognize any of the 49 missing pieces in a 100 piece National Traveling Orchestra that travels only with 51 moving pieces?   Are you wondering if those of your special and conjoined local 49 will have and make your state proud for days to come?  Are you afraid that the 51 moving pieces of the National 100 piece Traveling Orchestra of 51 moving pieces will, for the record, make better music in your more rivalrous neighboring state’s concert all with their 49 special and conjoined whence?

Hillary Clinton, Madam Secretary, and her JOBS DIPLOMACY were together of hatched socialist State anti-free market economic plotting.  It was and is wrong to blur the lines between the philosophies and necessities of “diplomacy” and “economics.”  It was as if she want central planning for State run economics globally as if “imperialism” wasn’t in retreat.

By now you should be at least imagining being seated with knees over and to understanding the “antagonist” Hillary Clinton if not the already gathered storm of her Socialism and as diabolical enough to fit the storms.

Essentially you are to ask yourselves if she wasn’t to Power hungry and Socialist to an Un-American trespass on our Constituted ways and fear that at least your more rival neighbor state may, for the record, produce better tracks with the 51 moving pieces of the 100 piece National Traveling Orchestra.  The job of the diplomats is Diplomacy — the job of Diplomacy is largely to be able to have distance and deniability from the provinces of The Treasury Department and The Commerce Department - at least.

The State Department as it has historically been seems mostly to have kept it peace and place until the antagonistic of Hillary Clinton had her wanting more Power as Secretary as to it being Power more like as if she had been elected President.  For our State Department of the United States of America to attempt to set itself apart from the priorities of consulates and their personnel firstly as of “diplomatic” missions is to step into the haunted dangers of imperialistic notables too socialistic.

So as you at least imagine being seated and knees over — Who really killed the music?  How is it that what is missing now from the economies of the world and with the growth and potential is the contrary to heralded - is the Republican music missing and not the falsely set blame on others not the Democrats?

You cannot have Diplomacy so mixed and cast - set with Economies without one or both no longer quite by definition still being what it is supposed to be - Constituted with separations and checks and balances long from being.

There is much to still be set and witnessed of the story of the Fall of Hillary —- it can be said to be Shakespearean how she wasn’t happy with the limited power she did get and that her blood thirst for power did distract her from the normal and proper thorough execution of her sworn duties - at least as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR.   Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is to be haunted for having maybe so spent actually too much time in attempts to power grab by usurpation the global legacy powers of two rival cabinet seats, and, as well that fate dictates we look for omens and understanding as to how as well she may have stayed more loyal to her husband and his global initiatives (as if his personal travel office - again) more so than her also socialistic comrade (Boss) President.

Can you hear the music?  Can you believe the story of hope can return and the local in artistries and orchestrations federalistic too?  Can you gather that too long all - even globally so - have tolerated the floated by Clintons of is not is and as per too a Constitutional not necessarily still and important Constitutional?

Hillary Clinton for this episode is the primary antagonist and she of the most haunting concerns.  It is that our Executive Branch and Constitution is philosophically and logically set up with separations and checks and balances much just to protect us from the type of politicians that the Clintons’ and their “two-fer” have long been embodiments unwashable as.

If it is as set and cast and best to be told less farcical as that it is actually Republican compassionate free market economic notation and instrumentation that is missing will you insist on leaving still believing the too long floated contrary that it is Republicans to blame?

And really isn’t it a wonderful thought matching the new bookishness of Richard Haas that a National Traveling 100 piece Orchestra could be of only 51 moving pieces and that the rest would be competitively, however, up to more federalism “local” with tracks never quite the same and of at least 50 different Orchestral conjoinings?

With JOBS DIPLOMACY there can be no “diplomacy” - no PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

And you thought you were off the hook. 

2016 IS COMING!!!  

We are set now in too untried times and yet to a political dimension of depth and probity never yet before so for our frontiers;  these are the waking dawns of a race of tickets in lieu of a battle of individuals rising us towards betterment from democracy of engagements alarmingly set for November 2016.

2016 as the judgement year with so much dirty laundry like blowing in the winds, political, seems rolled up and ready to unfurl for people’s struggles regardless of their stripes.  The patterns suggestive for a political Constitutional RESET have to stay local like Catholic parishes;  President Obama will be out and hopefully also gone will be his too singular too new theocratic JUMBO TRON centralization so contrary to all religions that don’t even have just one global mass on their sabbath with just one teacher for such a “class” size.

I.E.:  2016 is of such a dynamic at least for citizens of the United States that teamwork may be the golden child towards 2016. 

E.G.:  2016 should maybe start with four tickets as a race from the start of say Paul and West, Rubio and Cruz, Patrick and Booker, and, Biden and Clinton.

Historically it seems the world is due a RESET to PRE-CLINTON politics.  There is much to be learned in what the Clintons didn’t know, and as well what they worked to keep you from knowing specifically about what they knew too little about.  It may help to key an early broaching of such by reminding all that though the Clintons were from Arkansas and so late to the 1992 contestations it oddly was that they were running as if from New Haven, Connecticut.

Bill Clinton has basically ruined it for Hillary Clinton - a sequel though now most unlikely still has to be aired out as if Mrs. Clinton can offer nothing now but more sloppy seconds;  she has a record of psycho “baggage” that is inappropriate to the legacy and example of George and Martha, even however with the First Inaugural of “vicissitudes incident to life” and poetic suggestions of Washington of a general use of prophylactic “skins” of their day that can be washed and reused and even spoken of in Presidential speeches.

I am not sure that the Clintons didn’t too sex up the intercoursing of political parlay too much such that Republicans towards 2016 will have to publish an American rival to Kama Sutra, or at least be better to selling “Presidential knee-pads” than even just Roll Call classified ads.  America will rock on — America does need a RESET to PRE-CLINTON for diplomatic, economic and political reasons separate from their pop idolatry/propaganda.

I, as I harken all to consider the Clintons in 1992 and then with their administering (so questionable), am of an understanding about the unanswered dimension that is of the open files per the Clintons from Arkansas of running as if of and from New Haven more so.  It is that as per such I know so much that I may still be (sadly) the only expert in such field.

President Barack Obama did with his oddly early life story personal memoir of DREAMS FROM MY FATHER (if I recall source correctly) was confessional uniquely to a personal dislike for “community organizing.”  We have that teams in lieu of heavy hands marching a beat in a hope for individuals towards 2016 may now be our most practicable and prudent future political.  It was telling that “Barry” of his most early memoir spoke of a quest for Power and a specific dislike for community organizing.  It was telling even more so that his second Berlin speech naively proffered that the American concept/experiment was for “the Power of the Individual.”

It seems “Barry” the “community organizer” told his autobiographical tales as of a dislike for being embedded in communities as nearly like:  I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE - I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE — IF I ONLY HAD REAL POWER…  I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE.

It most seems his and the Clintons’ “dirty laundry” have too much uncovered such that prudence needn’t be of US citizens to being Republican prudes but is smartly of a psycho F.U.B.A.R. that a RESET to PRE-CLINTON is pragmatically alluring.

Yes, I do (at times) think it is sad that I may as regards so much now still of vast import to the American tales be still nearly or just too much the only expert in my field.  I may be, but for the Clintons, though white, quite of a minority as per the breaking of racial divides in the early 1990s knowledge and specifically as per an original understanding of how and why it was set so about New Haven and that the Clintons needed to learn it some in order to become electable in 1992.

There was, shall I say, a too little known contestation to push and tease a new political correctness that I based in and on New Haven as a poetic example for global lessons of practicable new federalism charges with specific defining and balancing of loose talk of a NEW WORLD ORDER.  New Haven became ground zero for a political thought as to what a NEW WORLD ORDER should mean for free peoples at least of the United States of America as it by accident more than design did become a sole superpower.

It is fit to consider that the Clintons have too much to lose by telling you enough truths.  It is still that President Obama can be said to have been failing as the Executive of the USA because the lack of Power in his community organizing wasn’t of a Power he would or could have even if and when elected President.

President Obama can be said to have been trapped wanting and seeking a type of Power that doesn’t fairly exist for any man or woman in the United States of America and that it has been that he has disliked the work of the Presidency likely as much as he seemed to have dreaded community organizing.   The Clintons are though more of wanting the times to have to fit their spousal husbandry to Power grabbing when of the times that needed them otherwise to have been right for the times.

It was a lot of work helping President George W. Bush after 9/11 try to fix so much that the Clintons with their selfish political spousal plotting had set asunder.  This again is a broaching of an area of US history at least some again of me at times of feeling that I am too much a lone expert about such field.  I do like how McCain/Palin ticket promised to strengthen subset of governors the Governors, and, I like now how it seems the Council on Foreign Relations with Richard Haas is to speaking of a need to broaden our range more locally (as if training a larger orchestra for democracy).

There are problems in the type of theocracy that President Barack Hussein Obama tried to usher in.  It is that with such as quite of a prima facie tone from the White House as “Pulpit” more than “Bully Pulpit” Big Brother Governance was broken out — President Obama should have while set so more as if to work a secular socialism of global apologisms at least have ordered that that seventh day for rest had to be given up too as he asked for people to essentially give up their God(s) to follow his daily evangelisms.  There is no escaping that new President Obama did break into regular broadcasts and so that he could give hour long mind numbing evangelizing renditions fit to the type of Power he thought he could have as President that he couldn’t as one not willing to do the actual parochial hard work of compassionate community organizing.

Yes we do need, it seems, to have teams of tickets from the earliest of a start for 2016 contestations.  Yes, we do need, it seems, to really have a RESET to PRE-CLINTON governance.  Yes, we do need, it seems to learn that President George W. Bush did largely have to fix most of the problems of the inheritances from the governance of the co-Presidency of the Clintons and while giving them a like GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD in the interests of keeping the nation together after 9/11 and to speeding a vibrant and robust recovery.

These are issues tarred to the Clintons that histories past would not now be considering as lightly. 

President Obama is basically to being President as if again of his days of disliking how much work was needed in community organizing and of too lately discovering his own dirty laundry much of it for not getting cleaned by itself without some one actually to doing the hard work about such.

There likely will be Catholics in the 2016 and as more than engaged as a team of one.  President Obama has shown himself to be less of a teacher and contrary to his own “education” messaging of the importance of smaller class sizes — if smaller class sizes are right for his education politics than his politics, however to an evangelizing to a new theocratic Big Brother justification, should have been more Catholic and less JUMBO TRON in a singularity as if he unlike a Pope should be globally followed for one one hour mass each day and maybe two on the sabbath — it seems that Catholics are kept to a peace by a local stirring of community voices and that President Obama wanted only his sermons to be heard as the Word and only in his voice.

There likely will be Catholics in the 2016 marches for a washing of past wrongs and of a hope for a future more alluring and workable.  To get back to NORMAL the whole world really likely needs a RESET to PRE-CLINTON and not an offering of just Hillary Clinton as only now presentable as like SLOPPY SECONDS - OR THIRDS.

Let me be clear:  President Barack Hussein Obama’s second Berlin speech and his history of irregularity as per The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution is quite visible as a stain on the American concept — American is for the “power of individuals” firstly and not as he offered as “for the Power of the Individual”. 

Let me be clear:  These are times where such is quite concerning that he was to speaking in Berlin and to that the United States is consecrated for Power to whichever (mad) individual might then be able to seize and hold power as of a megalomania.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Forensic historians have a disarmed mine field of political content to safely now work in to unearth new more realistic understandings of Bill and Hillary Clinton - without needing to be whistle blowers.

From Bunker Hill and our Constitution - USS “OLD IRONSIDES” - to Manassas the bull that has run - run long of the Clintons - can now be more civilly chocked.

As Massachusetts goes so the nation may not go - today.  In the eyes of the voters a justice for a Beer Federalism is brewing — If the President can have a nationalist brew - can’t and shouldn’t Governor Patrick at least have a hard cider state federalism spirit on tap?  The Clintons may both have gone all egg whites only after having had to check their ambitions to four co-presidencies of the old sold saw too British with its twine so tuned too totalitarian by plots strung to be of a reign too autocratic by political arrangement to bypass a more American standard general electoral refreshment/refreshing.

From the Pilgrims to the shores of Syria the Constitution as written stands of its ordaining and establishment in religion of the founders as so unanimously subscribed by all under God so then as “in the Year of our Lord…” clearly.

It is best to try to imagine a new board game of the Clintons if to success in seeing through them of a Bunker mentality and a bunker mentality clever coyness quite selfishly political.  It can be begun to be imagined but since recent Benghazi and IRS scandals have blown up on paper and tablets most can find from the first blush - first sighting - their board(s) are like TILTED as it seems impossible that all their operations and foundations and numerous “legal” or “tax” status can be LEGAL as besides being too Political their marching beats seems too irregular as if all of WILD CARD rules not rules.

It may not help to try to paint a picture of the Clintons up close as a portrait clearly showing the whites of their eyes - perspective may be better if from a distance to see all the trees (pieces) as of the forest (plots/strategies) theirs.

From up close the former enabler FLOTUS, of at least a fat food fad political fashion for POTUS, she, Hillary, served up rations as if it wouldn’t kill you to live as of her kitchen not a kitchen with a husband said of a preference for like two Big Mac Super-sized Value Meals per day cooking of others.  Surely there is more to look at than the eyes of the Clintons that should be considered and safely civilly revealed as it seems we have to still pound at Benghazi as of a cover-up some or much necessary to maintain old lies of at least the Administration of the Clintons.

It is haunting, maybe just for all the body bags that piled up as tributable to Madam Secretary of State Mrs William Jefferson Clinton, how she of the intimate bunkering as FLOTUS, with POTUS, whence of those midnight hours and such as so thence with a third of each day theirs together for spousal husbandry plotting, how she as Obama’s chief Diplomat left a legacy as if more a Secretary of War than a Stately Diplomat.

However you begin to bridge more safely the historical marching beats of the Clintons, and forensically, back to what they inherited as fundamentally already set to much peace while still less peace than they hoofed, her cooking may have been worse for Bill and us, and a mine field still best avoided at least per bad cholesterol.

It is that Massachusetts itself has a new contest about like a new Bunker Hill but for too little ammunition to guard against Clintons and their ilk now again.  Their pens should be mighty enough, and more set to scholarly unearthing safely of what is quite a once more dangerous mine field of the Clintons and their careful spousal selfish political plotting — Truths are marching on like whence of the first Tea Party to the revelations that the new Clintons are as bad as the old Clintons and as much against John Adams as that early New York Governor Clinton, must have been.

A lay of the embedded fielding of bull did depend on like flying buttresses of media support to their propositions (of the Clintons’ seduction of the main stream media) that they were of an opinion of race and affirmative action per all voting rights that Americans should be sold that a white women deserved to be President at least before a black man.

The Clintons did boldly seem to go about a mine field in our politics too much as if knowing of its bulwarks specific grid lay and even hardly civilly as if with at least New York City Democrat Party deep pockets as of a retailing of the BOGO Clinton “two-fer” as the best way to arrange a postponement in America of Black rule in Washington.  Just seems too hauntingly real that such bull of the Clintons did fly in the early 90s as if of a collusion and conspiracy to somehow arrange an un-American reign for them as if American NEW Camelot royalty able to be prescribed to contiguous supremacy in lieu of Constitutional standards more Jeffersonian for regular resets by refreshing democratically by Republican People.

As of Hillary hardly disciplined as if from the halls of or near Montezuma to the shore lines Google-able remotely of Tripoli yet we got images of Marines too - yet hardly enough as to whence Benghazi.  And, all the while non Marine rapid response teams hers to conjure timely duty forthwith in times of crisis of imminent need.

It was in the primary in Massachusetts in the year of the great defeat of THE INEVITABLE HILLARY 2008 that those Boston Brahmin to Berkshire’d Pillow’d and Tangled’ did but divide themselves state wide as the more socialist of the Commonwealth to that spread where as many divided on white women vs. black man as that was near the total number of US brave deployed to liberate but not occupy Iraq.  There is a wonder in the details that a forensics too can civilly record for Posterity about how magic a number 150,000 can be or might not be — it was only about 150,000 of the more socialist of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that haunt John Adams (still) since 2008 that divided the lot for “Hillary” and that for “Barack” and while it to was just that number tasked to stand with all Iraqi people in an overdue liberation so successful.  It is quite odd though that such a number then was what President Obama and Secretary Clinton thought wasn’t excessive to chase about 50 Al Qaeda though to be otherwise quietly camping in Afghanistan.

Amateur forensic historians hopefully won’t now beat the Boston forces too long bent to a cover-up bunker mentality for the not too long past administering of the Clinton “two-fer” - won’t be now to going more civilly into the past of the Clintons and their embedded seduced media fields of camouflaged intent and able to be to embarrassment for said more learned of said of a supremacy of and from a more elite degree benefactor cadre. 

Right?  We are to hope that those said to be our smartest are our smartest and most learned and that they won’t be late to the coverage now more safely and civilly possible and necessary (and proper) for such a still campaigning conundrum of “Bill and Hillary”?

{NOTE:  Seems I need, while having so much fun - too much fun - civilly writing this broadside, to take a break and revisit the Bunker and bunker histories fit for close and thorough historical forensic grid metric analysis at a later time today.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:28 pm

Today may become the last day in your life that you even think it is wise to say anything nice about either Bill or Hillary Clinton.

You may like them for pork and their eight years of letting you think President Clinton ate two super sized Big Mac value meals a day and that you could and should - as if it were not unhealthy.  There is a surly beef to be thrown on your fires of concern this summer that root much of our problems in the political cooking of the Clinton “two-fer” - there are their roots date with Bosnia and Herzegovina as considerations fit a psycho-babble renaissance.

By now you should know that President Barack H. Obama did jig a Belfast stage performance as per a G8 Summit before his showing in Berlin at near 95% loss of captive audience, his, of mere years ago.  You should be reading like that while him home Rome was burning he was off so globally about - and out of touch.  As he was in just Ireland the Clintons were with #CGI up, and in his grill, politically, on his home turf - arguably as in a sedition.  It has been fit to print for a while that there is a war commenced between the Clintons and Obama for political legacy.  Yes, while President Obama was off in Ireland in Belfast making the Clintons wrongly look better for peace there - they were on his turf as if burning his Rome as Chicago more in keeping with their psycho-normatives as politically so ambitious.

This is likely going down for many - for many this summer is likely going down as a summer of democratic dis-content.

There has to now be a race angle to the battles already commenced between the Clinton clan and Obama - for legacy and world wide global domination with some how a partisan polarization to Democrat parties.  For now we have that the Clintons got up in the grill of the actually first black President of the United States and near on Father’s Day and as if the real Global authority, American, while he was being all jiggy in Ireland and Berlin.

2013 as a summer of democratic dis-content might yet break out a new gen of African America rappish lit - politically wise and strikingly clever beat downs & celebrating stomp’n, and, before normally white political writers hog the stages of wittingly racial diatribes about what is comparative and/or contradictory and confounding of a first Black President while of a seeming political turf war intra-Party with white Clintons and their seeming seditiousness.

I would say more now from my crib here as I blog out some injustice rants - more stylistically - yet I don’t want to myself oppress or suppress a Black expression/expressionism.  I will try more now to not compete as if in a black voice but to egg on more as if with carrots of factoids than by stick or political partisan strong arms.

It seems a factoid that the Clintons for Posterity and legacy chose both to replant themselves in Washington DC on Whitehaven Street (or Road) and so as really personally as architectural American figures for infinity with their Presidential Library designed and build as if a gun shape and so skinned in a Confederate Gray.

But let us talk about the Irish - the Catholics and the Protestants - most briefly.

Firstly though it may be unfair to President Obama to speak more on his sub-Clinton Presidential performances without harkening a stepp’n philosophical per how it may have been unfair to him that so many not the Clintons had made it look too easy in the 90s to be President - too easy for the Clintons to seem good at a co-Presidency.  We likely wouldn’t have all these years of President Obama of such a sub-Clinton Presidency if the he hadn’t been of witnessing the Clintons and thinking if it were that easy to be President then I am like probably already ready.

As President Obama appeared in Belfast and basically did no more than vote PRESENT the fires were lit on his home turf as seditiously by the Clinton “two-fer” - seems.  It seems a factoid that we should consider/reconsider if the Clintons could have even been much “responsible” for the peace that broke out finally in Northern Ireland.  It may have President Obama like as if chained by the Clintons to be short of a wise and fuller understanding per Northern Ireland — Factoid may be that since the Clintons haven’t shown a comparable wisdom anywhere else in the world while many situations presented it must be more of an establishment that they just got like lucky - it seems if they knew how peace broke out as if by them as a Clinton co-Presidency then they at least would have been able to repeat such an effort somewhere else. 

President Obama has been “governing” too trusting in the reported “history” of the Clintons and seems to have been having had his most problems when such must not have been true enough for his foundations of attempts to build as if on something that really wasn’t.

As per Northern Ireland and the Clintons - the Clintons seem rappable as no Kennedy - and maybe more of politiical troubles for having tried to get away with driving while white as if Kennedy while not at least also being Catholic.

President Barack Hussein Obama’s new Berlin Speech hardly pushed back against the home fires set in Chicago as if a new Rome burning with them (inappropriately) with their Clintons’ Global Initiative too “#Political” for CGI’s likely very own tax status.  It may be the Clintons are more of the trouble roots of Bosnia and Herzegovina, personally, and with it politically relevant that Mrs. Clinton is taggable for not having been able to lessen or moderate President Clinton’s penchant for political paranoia at least as per B&H wars.

Yes it may be that President Obama deserves some pity for having so long having had to suffer the slung and coy’d intra-party politics of the Clintons, and how it seems a factoid that they were never as good as they have been long reported to be.

Really, while President Obama was with the G8 Summit the Clintons were up in his grill, like, in Chicago as if of a new Rome is burning modern race baiting.  It seems it may be wiser to think of CGI as if of a war - an intra-party civil war - as if it is Gettysburg set and more of Clinton having gotten Little Round Top as if of the South, first.  It may be that by being in Harlem the Clintons have a high ground position to enfilade and flank at least a further gaining of ground by competitive black politicians.

Chicago was set by the Clintons as quite nearly actually seditious to President Barack H. Obama at least as per it near the G8 Summit the Clintons’ suffer a missing limb syndrome like with, and as so near to Father’s Day for Chicagoan Obama while on a global stage yet with the Clintons of attempts again to upstage with their own global initiatives.  There really is an intra-party civil war commenced between the Clinton clan and the First Black President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama.

It is unfair to more than President Obama that too many did let the Clintons appear to be better Presidents than they were and that it was that times and really critical issues allowed them to make it look so easy that even a junior senator like say Hillary Clinton or Barack H. Obama could think they just could put a pretty face on it all and be to success as well without really being of the work or mind to have figured it.

The Bosnia and Herzegovina warring is more in keeping with the lot of the Clintons as likely not original nor critical to the peace that broke out in Northern Ireland.  It may be a little late to save President Obama from having staged himself with Clintons’ jigginess that made them look globally better, and as it was while they were at home on and in his home turf much politically in his grill to a new Rome is burning seditiousness.

So how do we now cover a rise of the Clintons but racially if they dare step further out of their political PR bubble?

Surely the beef is sear’d and so surly that it wouldn’t be prudent for them to suggest that all will be better if they are elected after President Obama’s failures because they as Southern White politicians will be able to do what he couldn’t?

Is the CGI set as if a Little Round Top in Harlem as if of a Gettysburg civil war anew but where the South got the high ground first?

If the Clintons do unwisely step out further from their political PR bubbles won’t all be fit to print how they were made to look better than they were and for nearly all of their eight years in their co-Presidency, and, otherwise only maybe as if really if they do have a way now to be better than President Obama and while white and of the south that they have already for five years had ways to help him help us and the world - yet haven’t - yet wouldn’t?

Today has become the last day in your life that you even think it is wise to say anything nice about either Bill or Hillary Clinton - seems - Right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:06 am

By now you should have heard of Obamacare.  The Affordable Care Act has been said to be Obamacare, Romneycare and Hillarycare.  President Obama is in a pickle with Obamacare with the recent Senate passage of legislation for Immigration Reform.

The politics of the moment are to be imagined quite as if President Clinton has President Obama over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.  With that said, however seemingly unfair, it may be a pickle barrel of politics which at any moment could have it more justly as President Obama with President Clinton over a barrel and pants down ready for a spanking.

These days of the politics of Obamacare, Immigration. the know scandals, and the seeming dammed and ready to burst new scandals have us waking this Wednesday with the House having the con now to call Immigration as it sees it.  President Obama yesterday was petty with his politicking on Immigration so when of asking that procedural battles don’t now scar the bold moves by the Senate per such.

There is race involved in today’s politics besides however with Obamacare, redistribution as reparations, immigration and executive branch power and corruption;  Attorney General Eric Holder is black and of talk as to whether he should resign.

We may have to go back and forth on the imagery of whom (which President) now figuratively has the other President like over a barrel;  It is race related as it seems simply that AG Attorney Eric Holder has been loyal to this point to the impossible politics of the Obama administration as it stayed of a trichotomy of Power between Barack, Bill, and Hillary.  It is that I am not yet to suggesting that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign just mostly because it seems it would be both unfair and racist to have him so like drawn and quartered before or in lieu of at least Hillary Clinton.

There is much in today’s politics so that we all might miss some important elements, however Shakespearean, tragically while what is more visible and on the table stirs us too comically.  We cannot forget the Supreme arguments for Obamacare as essential to ACA (Affordable Care Act) as per SPILL OVER;  Obama is over a barrel at least as per Immigration due to his lawyers of having argued in defense of his Romneycare as per interstate SPILL OVER.

The political enslavement now about our black President is of a roots in the whoopie of Bill and Hillary at least of their second term.  Though Vint Cerf actually is the father of the internet it may be Al Gore that “invented” the political misuse we are now to discussing, hopefully not too late and after the fact.  It may be that President Bush and the Patriot Act gave political cover to such machinations short of artificial intelligence of an NSA of machines theirs doing it but not them, however. If it is just the machines doing it and they so far as not yet capable as of an artificial intelligence then it figures accurately in still acceptable political jargon that the NSA is not “wittingly” of its human elements to such as per citizens of the United States of America.

It is a complicated day for politics as many of President Obama’s roots as per this political enslavement do till of days of the executive whoopie of Bill and Hillary.  He is trapped with his ACA and it as argued for as per the interstate SPILL OVER costs dilemma.  His Obamacare however a Romneycare, or worser yet as a Hillarycare II, is still fit for Constitutional challenges at least as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.  The lawyers for Obama with their briefing supreme per ACA introduced fallacious rendering of an appropriate right or wrong at least as per SPILL OVER;  Obamacare is in jeopardy as long as immigration isn’t also reformed.

We are of an era of a corruption in our national politics much set so and consummated and consecrated about the times of the Clintons and such of a “two-fer” Bonnie and Clyde intimacy, however of spousal whoopie.  It would be largely unfair to ask that Attorney General Eric Holder be now drawn and quartered or tarred and feathered before Hillary and/or Bill, or in lieu of President Obama, President Clinton and now former but yet recently NSA entwined Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

Again:  President Bush may have given political cover to such as we are discussing as a Big Brother over-reaching of Federal Authority - as by the Patriot Act.  But the roots of the political enslavement of President Obama and some now as well his black Attorney General are of the establishment of such e-potential from the days of Clinton and Gore.

Right!  SPILL OVER!  Right!  Obamacare without immigration reform is subject to a Supreme review anew as with the arguments for it used to argue just so against it;  Without Immigration reform there is and will be “INTERNATIONAL” SPILL OVER to be as fiercely posited against ACA as the “interstate” SPILL OVER was to posture for it.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I may have a race problem or two with the still being written “legacy” of/for the Clintons.  Again, as per much of the issues towards any proffering that Attorney General Eric Holder should resign there is a reasonable consideration that he as per such has shown himself to have tried to work with the impossible politics of a justice that was supposed to be judiciously able to mash a workable intelligence while loyal to both President Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” - still stomping.

It is not a race problem I have with President Obama.  I have been arguing against Obamacare a long time and so long if it too a Hillarycare II as I did argue against Hillarycare since before there was the Clintons in the 1992 race and to then such so.  I am not against Romneycare quite so accept though as Romney posited that a Federal repeal of Obamacare was possible as if replaced by Romneycare.  Yes I am only in support of Romneycare as it stays a state based solution and with other states of a morality and economic condition to be set themselves likewise, however, in a competition with Massachusetts’ methods of covering all - and as with a justice possible around interstate SPILL OVER problems.

Obamacare should be Un-Constitutional by the lawyers’ for its arguments as until there is an immigration reform there remains a bigger SPILL OVER cost problem for affordable care than that of the “interstate” SPILL OVER posits postured and proffered to defend a “necessary” federal socializing centralized new Big-Government authority.

It is that our national politics are now still too corrupted by the potential to corruption of the then much newer e-watching capability that the Administration of the Clintons ushered into our national systems.  It may have been President Bush who gave a new political cover to such as the capacity that the Clintons like drooled over with considerations of new Political Power grabbing and holding potential, but, it is still that we have roots of this political enslavement of President Obama as of the days of Clinton whoopie, and, machinations political of bending too many Republicans to a colluded corruption along the power lines of like:  “We the Clintons now have the technology to fool all of the People all of the time (or nearly) so get on board or get left behind!”

Economically speaking the United States of America should have first reformed immigration then worked to restart an grand new era for economic growth and then and only then proceeded at the national level with healthcare reform if and where states were themselves refusing to see a morality about competing, however, with Massachusetts efforts about their Romneycare.

“It’s a Tax!” speaks not to the SPILL OVER international or interstate but to a common sense practicality that a President and Executive Branch must have as well a right to wage war on health and to tax however necessary if a war so is just.  It may be that as a Tax it is not Constitutional if it is to be permanent and to a new Federal bureaucracy at least until an amendment to establish a national right to healthcare is successfully through all proper procedures for such.

The House now too seems to have President Obama over a barrel.  It is quite a pickle that there may at least be three barrels and that the House now also has former President Clinton also prostrate over a figurative political barrel.

As per Attorney General Eric Holder it still seems to impolite or racist to suggest he should resign before at least Hillary Clinton as for her days so entwined with the NSA knowingly as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is at least also to a more civil public and political tarring and feathering, likewise.  It also figures that AG Holder might also be said to be rightly and justly to withholding a resignation at least as long as President Obama refuses, likewise, to bend with an offering of one himself.

Obamacare can not possibly be “affordable” while the INTERNATIONAL SPILL OVER costs dilemma reigns supreme and superior as a threat to affordability likewise as the interstate spill over problema was postured as proffered and erudite posits.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:50 am

With a corn cob pipe*, and a good community not too bent to a new nationalism unnecessary for these days, many churn as much philosophically and/or theologically as those whence thence as of trying days that shackled many while however of colonial English of the Mayflower, Oliver Cromwell and yes, Rene Descartes.

This should be a hard, very hard, summer for nationalist Democrats however Clinton loyalists or Obama loyalists.  These are days of intra-party battles like of a war for legacy now necessary between the clan of Bill and Hillary and that of @BarackObama.  They cannot both be right - it doesn’t figure and/or fit intelligently with histories of the past couple decades.

I don’t know what you would think of a member of your own working community if they needed a philosophy of governance for their job and yet proceeded to till only as if their personality and all its emotional whimsy should be sufficient for prudent organizing.

Rene Descartes either made the warped keel’d ship of states of the Clintons or the made it plain that their “separations” have many now born witness of a time attitudinal for a new separatist philosopher of philosophical reckoning nearer to Descartes than justified since at least the first Tea Party by freedom loving people of American shores.

These sands of time so set whence, how then thence so newly by the Founding Fathers of the Constitution of the United States, as their ramblings set by preamble “do ordain and establish” so under God as by their God of the New Testament are coincidentally again of times of concern for excess taxation from sees too distant to be proper and prudent for their reworked sense of community, secured and long protected as set constituted in the “Year of our Lord” of the unanimously scribed set specially officially.

Politically speaking it may be strategically simpler to dissect and deconstruct the co-Presidency of the Clinton “two-fer” philosophically than to find philosophy and logic a reasonable tool to unshackle President Obama now from a time of arresting politics his.  President Obama is too much as if subjective than objective while holding so loosely to a governance styled more as if of man than laws while stubbornly trenchant of his will to be a PERSONALITY BASED PRESIDENT.  The Clitntons at least have an elaborate political con of decades of selfish spousal ambition to thrash here and there to unearth as many buried stores they spirit where ever however.  The Clintons and their institutional “two-fer” is set to be objective and separate from subjective;  The Clintons are ripe for a long overdue harvest of critical pickings and mashing.

Politically speaking it is remarkable that President Barack Hussein Obama, with his Harvard Law Degree, is due to be stripped down bare to the bones, politically, and sold newly in these times newly fit for community based raising for concerns for excess taxation and with the distance to sees of power again a intellectual condition.  It is remarkable too that President Obama while only able to carry himself so in these times while so exposed is of his hootin’ and hollerin’ better to have been prepared for with a Harvard Divinity School degree than his taken law degree.

A walking talking dandy of a socialist interpretation of the US Constitution he has turned out to be.  And a conundrum about our First Amendment more emotional and subjective than logically or philosophically - he is.  It is this summer we are to pull ourselves up by the proverbial bootstraps of a necessary intellectualism and political criticism of Rene Descartes and the Clintons, and President Obama and a subjective governance evidently lacking a philosophy of governance - seems.

It may be that it is easier to judge President B. O. as like a book by its cover than to reckon President Clinton and the co-Presidency of the Clinton “two-fer’ for a popularity that can be dissected live and slowly, now, now because of so much Clinton propaganda too viewed already.  It does seem President B. H. Obama was of a personality that needed he to have the highest of possible theological disciplinary training say from Harvard Divinity School and that his law degree has just been causing him perspective problems.  It was odd to see a President regardless of our said separations for Church and State as a conundrum about religiousity as a lawyer so long in those first broadcast interruptions for hour long evangelizing so.  It may have been more odd for him to have been a minister and to such attempts to evangelize as still as if a new messiah - but he likely would have had the training prerequisite for a selling of himself and his worth thence - and maybe still.

If he were a Pilgrim, or just of those days and times, however kept in time by sands - Hmmm?

Would he have refused to plant and harvest - would he have avoided labors even of collecting fuel/firewood?

President Barack Hussein Obama - if you were of the days of those that were of the Mayflower and the Pilgrims would you have been too much an outsider to be yourself Oliver Cromwell?  Mr. President, as it is easier to dissect either and both Clintons most critically logically, and philosophically, it remains that you may be too much a subjective conundrum consideration as if you would have yourself if of day whence thence to have been more a recluse separatist elite like Rene Descartes. 

We are Americans of the Northern continent, to be frank, we are, and the President, so asserted, are together citizens of the Constitution of the United States as respective of Pilgrims here and forever as a home for freedoms prudently set to stay for Posterity.  What the Founders harvested from that sown by the Pilgrims is still the Law of the Presidency however its distant holder now may be bent of labors to reconstruct so much as if always meant to be otherwise nearer quite Marxist or nationalist socialist. 

What is philosophy, and how can President Obama have been better served to have been of a keep of Pilgrim and Puritan harvests spiritually had he taken a divinity degree and not his law degree?  Is it because he could have been a black Rene Descartes newly or whence thence if so that I stoke these colonial sparks around issues of he as seems sold without being of a philosophy of governance?

One who professes to be to a PERSONALITY BASED PRESIDENCY as whether up worthingly as a new messianic should have had a Pilgrim sense at least a priori that such would be likely to him as of a governance too subjective and threateningly too near a government of man while a Constituted Government of Laws still of these Pilgrims’ seeds and lands.

These are days for a hard summer for Democrats.  A live dissection of the Clintons has some already commenced, and, so at a pace to be most thorough and slow.  Did you know that the Pilgrims are of a time like these and that such a time did thence produce Oliver Cromwell legacy and the limited separatist philosophical and/or theological writings of Rene Descartes?

Mr. President wasn’t our Constitution unanimously subsribed under God in the Year of the Founders’ Lord so as a protection for existent and future Pilgrims however within a sovereignty of the United States of North America?

*{corn cob pipe mention is as prop/propism - it is not meant to be or not be an endorsement for/of tobacco}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

As a political writer I am sitting here with Memorial Day Weekend near wondering how to cover Democrat Leaders fresh and stale as of their Obamacare of Darwinian concerns.

Are we of days of lesser weevils like rotten apples about a Bernoulli greater evils of like rotten apples in your bushels?

Oh my!  Are these days of lifts or down drafts - more days of political dark clouds nearer than the horizon?  Can I even remember how or why a old college Economics Professor did once call the Bernoulli Principle a “bad apple theorem”?  May be easier now to just wonder how a new municipal politics is afoot for a Big Apple - and due some damming.  Whom may crowe about lesser or greater weevils may be ravenous too much of old evils said of an Axis of Evil.

How Manhattan may all memorialize a loose Union anew in 2013 seems now for the picking as about East Egg & West Egg escapism of old fashioned Leonardoesque capping.  What is the weevil in the barrels truly of the Clintons’ evil of old avoidance and inaction than cannot long support still their old “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS”?

Has it been seventeen years already since when Bill and Hillary Clinton should have measure Saddam Hussein as a serpent in their garden and but how Biblical moved so judiciously and civilly prudently for a prosecution in full of all sanctions and crimes held up against Iraq’s tyrannical leader?

Do New Yorkers have among them already a perfect Super Bowl Mayor candidate for 2013 political harvesting?

Among the ebb and flow and thermodynamics of our current political pickings there may be a need to dam some old currents to stem a re-streaming of conditions from the conscious politics of the Clintons still to causing turbulence of/from unstable “hot-air.”

It may this weekend be more difficult to pick through the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama for “good fruit” even if of like Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s MUNICIPAL sewers keeping.  Yes Ja Ja Binks seems to be still quite a Gunga Din.  Yes, President Barack H. Obama did receive a Nobel Peace Prize.  Yes, the President of the United States, currently, when of his acceptance speech for his Peace Prize was early to a damming of old lingering dangerous fruits of Clintons’ evils in their avoidance and inaction, globally.

Do you - all New Yorkers - take Bill and Hillary to be yours - yours as embraced New Yorkers?  Do you take carpetbagger Hillary Clinton of a bought nepotic Senate acquisition by Executive arrangements of and by her spouse while then a seated President of the United States of America?  How whether you take them as your own is it that it was fair that she Hillary was allowed to campaign for Senate and the Presidency legally at least while of the full protection and its pomp and circumstancing luxury of the details for a term limited President?  What is “not fair” - what is “NOT FAIR!!!”?

Do you yet get the import of the apple of the eyes of the Eightieth Congress as entrenched for now still by the existent 22nd Amendment of a careful “holding” poetic legalese to keep our term limits Amendment supposedly from being just a loop hole say for FDR to have just run again after two terms on his wife’s name Eleanor Roosevelt?  Our Constitutional Amendment for term limits upon our President was a reaction to Franklin and Eleanor.  Our Constitutional Amendment so written by the Eightieth Congress and ratified by the nation does respect that marriage laws and “holding” of united souls in marriage unions can not be set asunder for an interpretation of their limiting writ as if an election of one spouse to a holding isn’t actually also an indivisible by election working to a “some” or maybe “much” “holding” of such office by the other spouse.

There is a serpent of knowledge awaiting our Constitution as our 22nd Amendment is still on the books yet as undecided law.

By it being now undecided law so much can be said as if its original or derived intent to tag current politicians with labeling as if Criminal - Un-Constitutional - Treasonous.  But for now it is a knowledge of a united two in marriage union that can not be set asunder by its legal “holding” so that the “holding” of the 22nd Amendment can reasonably be to allowing legally for Hillary Clinton to run for President as an election of her would then effect a by election “holding” some or much of office again by her spouse.  Bill Clinton is not allowed to be returned to any holding of the office of the President by election and as he is indivisible from his marriage holding and union Hillary Clinton is not a legal eligible candidate for an election of her would return Bill Clinton by election to at least some “holding” Constitutionally barred.

But New Yorkers this is more about the Big Apple and so much long fought for since THE FEDERALIST PAPERS were written as if by Publius to defend the hopes of a more perfect Union of the Founding Fathers, and, as written to defend such from an earlier Clinton of New York politics who had more empirical and/or imperialistic designs too like these still in our faces newer Clintons.  We have that these days are much like the days of the Founding Fathers of the United States and yet now with it just a new Clintons about a similar resistance but now as per more global opportunities to less than Constitutional designs.

Enter again our concerns about President Barack H. Obama even as he seemed smarter (smart enough) earlier at least when to tagging the Clintons with a global guilt from their years of administering with so much international inaction and avoidance.  Enter again the current President who early did so speak seemingly erudite about DANGERS!!! from politics like that of the real legacy of Bill and Hillary and their Presidency.

It may be necessary to go all Darwinian “survival of the species” political in 2013 at least while discussing how important it may be to over-turn Obamacare.  It may be about what has to be dammed that is of old unstable turbulence from “hot-air” of the Clintons’ administering - Quite!  It may now be seriously that we have to dam both the Clintons and their protege(s) and as well Obamacare - REALLY!  We have that we aren’t getting economic lift maybe because the Apple of the Clintons is spoiling the whole lots of bushels.

There was no real “PEACE” in their days as “two-fer” intimates engaged however properly or devilishly in a holding of the office of the President of the United States of America.  Their “PEACE DIVIDENDS” were more conjured as of evil spirits then and of a poisonous fruit of “PEACE” then as a BIG LIE.  The already recorded “legacy” of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is coincidentally also able to be of a tag on Clintons as of too much hedging and too little fruit baring economics.  New Yorkers may better than most recall that in 1993 when sworn in the “two-fer” Clintons were to inheriting a almost already recovered from recession economy.  What happened after 1993 was that they worked an evil devilish selfish politics of a fattening of a recovered economy so that they could have headlines to make people around the world believe that they had made the economy better. 

By now it may be that New Yorkers are the ones behind the bad air and drafts of the Clintons and some how of political blinders to an ignorance that the Clintons did actually cause most of the economic conditions that made the collapse possible.

They while wanting to be loved as like PEACENIKS are actually of such as of theirs as of “PEACE” then actually of the rot with the collapse much of from their pickings to PEACE DIVIDEND popularity from now more obviously questionable (lies) about “peace.”

Afghanistan and Iraq are the two greatest failures about such BIG LIES by the administration of the Clinton “two-fer” and specifically what our current President was admonishing when with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech was to careful tagging of DANGERS from “inaction” and “avoidance.”  Yes these are the same Clintons that after eight years didn’t even leave a succeeding President a single option on the table as per even just Saddam Hussein and a full prosecution or enforcement of him by rights established with United Nations agreements.

The politics of both the Clintons and Obama as per ACA - Obamacare is such that a devolution may now result from an over coddling new nationalism with their centralized near BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER “caring” governance.  The more they get citizens (subjects) to let the Government do for them the less capable such as a species of Americans should then develop and evolve in years with as still of a natural selection “survivor” trait(s).  The old “AMERICAN” may be a dying bread - Quite!

The Clintons’ “PEACE” for their desired devilish wants for a rare popularity for/from “PEACE DIVIDENDS” can be said to be a bigger and proven more dangerous lie than that of President Bush when after the Presidency of the Clintons seemed to be with Americans down to near only one way left to proceed with a due prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and to tagging as “Bush lied - soldiers died.”

As the Clintons’ “PEACE” was maybe the biggest and most dangerous lie by an American leader in the past twenty years, and seemingly because “Bill” just wanted to be lovable as like a Dove, it is still dangerous that the Clintons seem too institutionalized in their marriage and of a plot to allow “Bill” to be the “Dove” and then to shock and awe with “Hillary” later allowed to be the “Hawk.”

But will the over-coddling socialism reaching centralizing attempts by the lot of Democrat leaders lead to a devolution of the American species?  With the Government trying to have power to do more for Americans of that which Americans were long strong and proud for being of a self sufficiency won’t it be more of a survival of the species Darwinism to Americans to devolving not evolving as a class or species?

This Memorial Day Weekend it would behoove New Yorkers of Mayoral Race of 2013 much also to consider that the world has not become a better place with the new Clintons trying to effect globally quite what an earlier New York politician Clinton did once unsuccessfully after being confronted by Publius and his THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.

The bad apples now possibly about the Big Apple municipal political reset are of turbulence that needs to be dammed or damned still of an inferno of Hillary and her crusading while FLOTUS.  She was having trouble being right recently on foreign affairs and the Middle East not just because of limits of her “experts” - she is quite able to be tagged as blinded as well by the hot-air streaming nonsense of the “PEACE” they pimp’d that never actually existed.

New Yorkers if you do still take the Clintons as yours will you if and when the Congress deems it wise to subpoena maybe both Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and dig deep into as well all matters and monies movements via the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES?  Benghazi is a scandal that for its cover-up opens up a concern that the cover-up was politically needed because they had been wrong about intelligence and history and at risk each or all as possibly of being to naively funding like a by material support the very terrorism they were supposedly fighting.

Please do consider either whether right to choose the less of the two weevils and how to now choice something better than a consideration just politically as a “lesser of the two evils.”

[note:  I am still of the strategic opinion I figured since before the Clintons did enter 1992 race and so of from before I helped make them electable in part because of such concerns in my philosophical strategizing about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that the Clintons or a re-elected President Bush was best to move to prosecute Saddam Hussein within that new term.  What was needed after the Persian Gulf War to be done before it was likely safe to move finally against Saddam Hussein was that at least New York City and its Time Square and Las Vegas had to first have started a real revival and urban renewal with Community Policing.  It still seems plausible that Saddam Hussein had a way to defeat the new sole superpower USA in a global PR war if we didn’t show the world that Americans could fix their own cities before asserting that they could run Baghdad better than he.  It still hasn’t made sense to me for USA to have not moved for a full enforcement of the United Nations sanction on Saddam Hussein and his Iraq within what was the first term of the Clintons’ “two-fer.”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

HONEST JOHN, of the Beaver Wars pride, stands tall of the felted beaver pelted topping of Abraham Lincoln as a bundle of flesh and bones quite more an embodiment of personality as to the HEDGER TYRANNICAL HILLARY now being processed as too institutionalized.

The hide of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is being metaphorically, at least, justly processed/peeled back not as if a quite dry autopsy of the Republican Party but as if of long due deep cutting for a not too political live dissection of so much of/from the Clintons inhibiting much as if a cancer on our politics and economy.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is Hillary Clinton more of a hedge fruitless global Diplomacy such that it has hardly been “Diplomacy” baring?

Is President Bill Clinton nearer to admitting it was more all his fault?  What of their foggy bottoms of Clinton two-fer?

{Enter President Barack Hussein Obama - as if newly present at Ohio State as if erudite about tyranny:   Puffed up.}

It is like a new kind of Beaver War that young Ohioans have been pulled into with their President of no tyranny claims while a tyranny of the Clintons reigns within his own Democrat Party for Party control and for rants of keeping whom they mean to as lower Democrats barred from higher Party status or institutional acclamation and rank.  It seems it is quite tyrannical how the Clinton have been trying to hold onto inappropriate executive power since leaving office in 2001.  It seems President Obama has a tyranny of his “team of rivals” and that this is some revealed in the live dissection of the Democrat’s cover-up pertaining to Benghazi.

If Americans are to find justice from the commenced live dissection of some rants of Mrs. Clinton and her keeps - of others less politically favored or protected while also her keeps - and a Shakespearean JUSTICE of a pound of flesh from around her heart it must now be set before that her blood may spill however while accruing the just full pound of flesh and no more — that her blood may now spill too if and when it a pound of flesh, a half pound or pounds of flesh judged fair.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  House Speaker John Boehner is both of these new Beaver Wars and of Ohio and the old Beaver Wars pride and tall honor much of Abraham Lincoln standing long so tall as a Republican in beaver felted pelted topping.  I do not know if Ohio can claim to have been the home of Lincoln’s own beavered tall standing.

Are the Benghazi hearing now as a live dissection of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton also about how the Clinton two-fer is now long as a tyrannical political power of a reigning about just Democrats as the keepers of the party gates for passage of young to Party places and classier ranks?  In Ohio President Barack Hussein Obama spoke as if there was no tryanny to worry about and not even that long now of the proximity of his “team of rivals” Clintons.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  There is a tyranny over at least the minds of Democrat Party women now just of and by the concerned “Diplomacy” of Hillary Clinton as fruitless in hedging it has been.  There is a more political and partisan tyranny as well over at least Democrat Party women of and by the reigning of the Clinton two-fer however concerning as of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “team of rivals.”

With Benghazi the first real surgical cutting of the now much late live dissection of the political and “Diplomacy” of just Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton we have peeled back the ribbing and spine of a Party tyranny, much - already.

I dug out this of 9/18/2012 called TREASON SELLS while looking for a specific different piece more about #Benghazi > http://bit.ly/10jc6kk
.  I still recommend stretching your mental muscles against tyrannies over minds of men, and women too, with a visit to http://CitRB.com and a reading of all that queues after a local site search by BENGHAZI.

“Of #Hillary #Benghazi “WHAT DIFF …” IF THIS OR THAT clever defense - Really if that or that not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR BIG DIFF.“*

#Hillary LIKE REALLY? BEST YOU HAD FOR #CONGRESS #BENGHAZI WAS LIKE “or maybe just some guy walking down the street” possibility?”*

#Benghazi is about same Clintons that had their Prez Library designed in a gun shape & skinned in Confederate Gray & who planted on Whitehaven?”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This in not just a literary technique!  There is a diabolical dichotomy nearer a trichotomy of the Clintons and their triangulations.

Re: #Benghazi much that GAME CHANGE book a vast lie about Hillary as she & Bill consummated their marriage towards both becoming President.”*

Re: #Benghazi “it’s for the video” - but isn’t it more insulting to Muslims to say brutality of video motives so more than insult video actually was?”*

[note: an “*” here denotes a quoting reposting of a recent #Benghazi related tweet of me with my twid (Twitter ID) @jphoganorg and as readable in bulleted of http://citizenrosebud.mobi]

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has been a hedger and arguably of a Diplomacy that hasn’t been baring fruits - at least as promised or as her rants and tying of rants bosoms yet of cold suggestions too institutionalized.

It is not fair to even just the young of Ohio State to let Hillary Clinton be as if of a new pride in a new Beaver Wars - it is safer and politically more prudent to still talk more of her as tyrannical in an imperialistic socialism as a Crusader with a history as FLOTUS as having been globally to much too inciting and too polarizing.


Seems an important day to remember Operation Iraqi Freedom as figured originally to be a new bold step for global relations with the liberation not to be an occupation and it to be of compensation after the fact by a freed Iraqi People with their profits from their oil output.  Odd how Dems say Iraq wasn’t paid for while it was Pelosi Congress that mostly killed how it was to be paid for by those liberated.  Even odder that we were supposed to believe that Hillary’s bold State move on Libya of her Odyssey Dawn was then set up and sold as if it were a brand new idea and a Democrat idea to have a liberation of a sovereign people and to have it set up supposedly to be as if a liberation compensated for by oil outputs of such country and its people. Hmmm?  Something not quite politically right about this as it seems at least Hillary can not hide she was playing politics with Libya & Benghazi.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

[Note: a “*” could as well be for a posted sharing longer than 140 characters and yet also a tweeted by me as with twid @jphoganorg as originally a Facebook status update that re-posted to Twitter.]

House Speaker John Boehner is an honorable man and maybe due a tag too as of “honest” like say HONEST JOHN.  We have that the known history and legacy of the Clintons’ two-fer is now of the commenced late live dissection inseparable from their personal reputations as known liars and “Big Liars.”

#SecClinton per #Benghazi may have been too busy trying to usurp legacy global powers of Treasury & Commerce to do Diplomatic Mission well!”*

Oh #SecClinton per #Benghazi I guess it just used to be AMERICAN to think that our SoS would take daily threat ass. in countries they invaded?”*

I think that like Economic Statecraft idea of Hillary’s Diplomatic nonsense & dangerous as necessarily a restructuring of Exec Branch.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is President Bill Clinton now nearer to admitting it is much really all his fault?  Would that be fair or accurate analysis of the diabolical dichotomy of the Clintons’ two-fer triangulating trichotomies?

President Barack Hussein Obama as now still as if of Ohio seems to have missed the very dangers of his own “team of rivals” as of an actual and affecting modern tyranny of and by the Clintons at least still within his own Democrat Party.

“It was a cover-up method of & tall tales > but so they could avoid an appropriate necessary measured RESPONSE?”*

“The hardest hitting tweets - tweets with background to stand on links - on now threaded at - “*

“Of lies that if TERROR or ACT OF WAR then they might have had to bomb Meca or all the Afghan opium stores/crops.”*

“1/2 million may have already read my THE BIG TENT here linked > REALLY speaks to & Clintons as haphazards > “*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

& foggy bottoms of two-fer intel > so wrong about it still hard for him to be right bout anything in region”*

“Per & best we’d prosecuted Saddam in Clintons’ 1st term with a bring of Community Policing then & not just when SURGED”*

“Of “WHAT DIFF” If THIS or THAT clever defense - Really if THAT or THAT not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR -BIG DIFF”*

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really it seems a tyranny over minds and bodies of Democrat women at least that we are of a President Obama embraced by a tyrannical rivalry he may not even recognized as such.  Really it seems a tyranny over at least minds and bodies of Democrat women how the rants of Clintons’ two-fer are of their attempts to keep a party keep by rants tying and lashing down to hopes of so many they institutionally need to keep as a keep beneath them

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of Benghazi we see cracks in the cover-up of the Clintons by President Obama as well as an actual “played politics” tyranny of a political election count-down fields of conflicts and competition.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of the modern sit rep of just Democrat Party politics, however of a tyranny while our President says to not worry yourselves about tyranny, it is ridiculous that with #Benghazi streaming, however now commenced as a late but due “pound of flesh” live dissection, of at least an arguable fruitless hedged “diplomacy” by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, that you are not alone in a time of tyrannies.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really!!!  And how can it not be so while Hillary Clinton is so INSTITUTIONALIZED!?  How now as maybe we have that President William Jefferson Clinton may be nearer to admitting it was much all his own fault?  And, how, now as we have a state of Democrat Party Politics such that a tyranny likely explains best how it seems there are no other women than Hillary Clinton now allowed to be see as capable of becoming President.  And, how, as it is prudent and important to ask if there is even another women that hasn’t slept with Bill Clinton whom can be said now to be at least as capable as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

For the sake of controversy and selling of truths it is that we are now here to read and discuss white chocolate politically, maybe.

As Mother’s Day is fast approaching and a big hat day of the year too we have that for Mrs. Clinton to run again she will have to hoof it all as either her racing against her own mothering or against First Lady Michelle Obama’s mothering.  It is not appropriate to be to stereotypically shoeing Mrs. Clinton as a “white chocolate” and our current wife of an also “the first black President” so as First Lady Michelle is as if she a “dark chocolate.”  It may be insensitive too, and while still it may be too confusing to compare them as equally of a milk chocolate.

Mrs. Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama do seem as different as night and day - as different as black and white - as per playing the woman cards in our politics.  With our current FLOTUS we have culinary greatness of grown at home healthiness and wholesomeness to consummate while Mrs. Clinton is still so served as our Fast Food Queen to super-sized McDonald’s Big Mac meals for her like “Mac Daddy” spouse.

It has been reported that if only we like could get back as a nation to before the influences of dietary corruption of once First Lady Mrs. Clinton our nation could be to saving a trillion dollars in healthcare costs by having been without the vast increase in obesity of the incredible national increase in personal body weight average of her mothering.

We will somehow have to discuss President Clinton as having been the “First Black President” and comparatively and contrastingly while it seems on its face that honestly President Obama has been the United States of America’s first black President, still going forward.

But really while it may be a confounding conundrum of politics to broach how Mrs. Clinton will have to either race against her own reputation or race against First Lady Michelle Obama’s example and mothering we have that there are economic consideration that are of President Obama’s governance and governing these years fundamentally so as absent a philosophy of governance.  It may be the fault of “Hillary” or “Michelle” somehow - somehow as we have to consider that Mrs. Clinton did make as many impossible campaign promises as “Obama” and was set to have had nearly the same Clintons’ alumni as her own economic advisers.

As you should decide whose mothering you think is better and how, however, you may prefer one personally more than the other there is a problem with the economics now that likely would have arrived by either the mothering of “Hillary” or as it has with the “fathering” of “Obama.”  We may now be necessarily to a second wave of economic shrinkage.

It is remarkable that a suggestion is about a candidacy for “Hillary” that there are no other Democrat women capable of such challenge - that there are none able to competently stand up to Mrs. Clinton.  I don’t know how yet to write sufficiently politically about the Democrat Party of such a paradigm where it seems that President Clinton with his recent politics is standing too much with powers he was supposed to have been limited from as of executive domains generally and so that it seems he is flexing muscle that it must be “Hillary” for she can be thought to have slept with him the most.

There is an intra-party war for political legacy between the Clintons and Obamas already commenced and with it now that President Obama is maybe trapped with the Clintons seeming possibly re-ascendant and so that he and his family will be then forward politically back under Democrat Party Leadership dominance of at least President Bill Clinton.

But speaking to the economy and the resultant down economy that started much with the announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT and she then with a promise to violate capitalism with a seizing of all oil company profits >> President Obama still seems to have until the end of a second term as at the helm of our economy as so that a President is such juiced.  And, oddly he has set up a new economic situation where if the Republicans do not decide to keep offering a rivaling economic method in capitalism personally then Obama’s socialism will bankrupt the United States of America.

See this isn’t about “Hillary” as white chocolate or “Michelle” as dark chocolate. 

This is black and white along the lines of economics and common sense.  President Obama (or President Clinton) now needs the Republicans and Independents to not do as he says but to do stupidly as they would if capitalism rules were still our economic rules.  For the Democrats socialism to work they need even just the Republicans to blindly still live their profitable capitalism American Dreams.

A candidacy for Mrs. Clinton cannot offer us a respite from this new economic way from the united Democrat Party game changing.  Simply from now until 2016 it makes more sense for at least Republicans to do as the President has said and to not do as he needs them to as of a idiotic staying the course in profitable capitalism.   To also help save the planet and gird us all for these years of climate change there is a moral and patriotic duty now much for at least the Republicans too to do as the President has said, however so with alarmism.

You may want to use this time of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY of these in governance with the current Democrat Party unity to yourself figure how much less you need others to do for you and how much less raw resources you really will quite need as these times of Democrat Eco Alarmism stay politically justified.  It may though be maddening to try to understand how Mrs. Clinton really will either have to race against her own reputation or specifically race against the mothering of/by First Lady Michelle Obama.  (I still assert all have the right as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law to protest that any campaign by Clintons whenever to returning to a co-holding of the Presidency can and should be called criminal, un-Constitutional, and/or treasonous.)

Our Federal Government’s revenue streams come mostly from income and profits - not wealth or property taxation. 

The worst economic reality for President Obama as he attempts to prove he can afford such “idealism” is that the Republicans, at least, will do as he says to a new flatter economy with a new greenness in conservationism their way too.  We as a nation cannot and likely will not be able to afford these new entitlements of the recent rush to a NEW NATIONALISM of socialism if at least Republican don’t idiotically keep to blindly being capitalists. 

We have to consider that First Lady Michelle Obama is a dominant women in the Obama marriage and maybe as responsible as her husband for this confounding new economics - as responsible as Mrs. Clinton for her mothering as if two super-sized Big Mac meals a day was good politics - even before it seems to have increased national medical costs with an increase in obesity to us of now having been able to save a trillion dollars if she hadn’t been such a ham for President Clinton’s dietary excesses.

I have to believe, whomever your political “Mother” preference is, and however you have been weened and reared by a real mother, you are ready to politically consider at least that Mrs. Clinton likely has to run against First Lady Michelle Obama’s legacy as it would be quite ridiculous for her to run against herself as if she is politically not defensible.

It may now be that Democrats have done more to bring “family values” back at least to realm of family and home economics.  It is that at least Republicans have been also asked to assimilate patriotically in a new austerity and conservationism and that now are times when they have less need to stand in defense of capitalism themselves.  It figures though quite confoundingly that President Obama and Democrats forward are stuck unable to see our nation afford their idealism if at least Republicans don’t blindly still pursue profits and income from capitalism.  It is that Republicans seem the more important class of economic taggables to be firstly and mostly to a full Obama conservationism, however it may also now be seen as socialism.

Mother’s Day is near - Please don’t ask me to decide for you whom you should respect more - whether your mother or First Lady Michelle Obama or even possibly Mrs. Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:16 am

Frankly it is diabolical how much we have now to cut through as a fog/smoke of the histories of the past twenty plus years.

To preface a late treatment of such dangers here are a few of my recent Facebook status posts:

“#Obama let me be clear (of) #BushLibrary > US Constitution has God in it & is a Christian establishment > Founders did ordain & establish it all in the Year of their Lord with that “Year of our Lord” for Posterity and Tranquility of “We the People…” with it People not people and “Year of our Lord…” not “Year of Our Lord…” Don’t know how to interpret now that it seems re-established that the USA is of a Christian Constitution of a 1st Amendment barring of Congress such that it is barred from making any laws to set itself above the equal right of the people though in “interpretation” of God and God’s will.

“What is written of/for Islam as to facing East 5 times a day in shared prayer as at least as important as a sextant to a sailor of at least two dedicated uses per day and with one always early enough in each morning so of/for Islam about observations so as to keep faithful from losing their ways with God as a dedicated sextant use is necessary to a sailor to avoid becoming lost at sea?”

“Was #SecClinton #Hillary too busy trying to usurp legacy global powers of Treas & Commerce Dptmnts to do Diplomatic Mission right?

“Is it of Islam that the paths to God disappear most days though still there while for most Christians their paths just become more worn and beaten and especially if just temporarily covered/hidden by some fresh snow? And that for Irish there of Ireland maybe their drinking paths are also same paths to Church? Where for Islam and the sands of times theirs there as paths to God’s places do most days seem to have disappeared?

I figure it may be far safer to be a stoner in the regions dominantly and historically of Islam and desserts than to be of such regions with heat stroke risks and regular dangers from disorientation particular to wide open desserts and sand storms.  I figure it may be safer to be stoner and even one lightly stoned than to be there and inebriated as of intoxication with alcohol.

President George W. Bush’s recently rebroadcast remarks as to how suicide bombers must have been “hopeless” speak to an alarmism due about the actual already passed years of Clintons’ administering - as still quite haunting.

President Barack Hussein Obama recently with his incriminating #BUZZFEED two am #WHCD stoking did give rise to the questioning now as to whether his illegal drug use that had him with early morning munchies was of usage criminal to break GOOD or break BAD haunting establishments or if it was just recreational mind numbing chemical doping of no points or counterpoints specificities.

President William Jefferson Clinton has left Jihadists and the established moral leaders of their religion less hope than they likely ever imagined possible as from one of the highest office of the United States of America.

It is as per Jihad it seems to rest that hope must have been dashed for a path to civil and peaceful Justice for their to be a Holy War causal.  Even as per 9/11 I & II if “Jihad” mustn’t there have been, however, no civil or peaceful path for Justice left available as per the issues of an associated guilt?

I don’t know if President Obama would have to get half baked or fully cooked to be of a mental capacity to fathom the full diabolical of the Clintons’ legacy that left radicals of Islam of no hope for Justice but as by Jihad.

Attorney General Eric Holder has his hands full if he is to rend Justice back into Democrat Party executive execution exactly as per reducing a sense of Justice by Jihad only for those of Islam where ever.  He may have to offer those remaining “Middle East Leaders” once of an 1993 era Clinton political con a specific amnesty and exactly as associated with moral justifications left to realm of suicide bombers at least as concerns 9/11 I.

If the 9/11 highjacker “terrorists” are so “Jihadists” and so of having seen no hope for Justice but as then through a Holy Warring sacrificial Jihad then such is of the moral realm of the faith and faithful of Islam and of a knowing about the right and wrong in the charges of the supreme leaders of the establishments moral of such faith.  For us to be to finally litigating a guilt of the Clintons at least to a GROSS NEGLIGENCE for their eight years as our highest office holders our Attorney General Eric Holder may have to offer said of “Middle East Leaders” circa 1993 corruption of President Clinton amnesty from prosecution so that we can morally discuss how the Clintons had left Justice as not possible by any other means more civil or peaceful.

It was half baked that President Barack Hussein Obama did pressure all to not “re-litigate” a past that hardly had been yet litigated specifically once at least to a necessary moral understanding.  The Clintons have not yet been effectively litigated for so much that can have been causal to faithful of Islam thinking there was no civil or peaceful path for a Justice as per the issues that are discussed as the motivation of the 9/11 I suicide bombers.

There is a political trap still effectively set for said “Middle East Leaders” however associated honorably with a corruption of the Clintons dated back as far as 1993.  Without an offer of specific and full amnesty for such high class of people where ever they may be now as survivors of the Arab Spring they cannot share their perspective on the Clintons however “corrupting” it might be honorably.  It is as if the Clintons are still surviving politically as if Redford in the STING and them of the conning globally.

We are stuck all sort of in a half baked no-mans land that now will beget more terrorism as of a Jihad just because said “Middle East Leaders” cannot speak morally and free about the cons and crash politics of the Clintons without damning themselves in a too on its face to people of the United States self incriminating telling.

It remains that President Barack Hussein Obama may be more dangerous as one of our highest office as not still a faithful of Islam.  It is that to some of such faith he may be an apostate and to us of greater dangers as he governs as an adult who shed his religion of birth as if by choosing Christianity as a better religion.  We have that for such to be resolved we may need a more serious BOOK OF BARACK than my column @ jphogan.org to detail how he lives not as if Christianity is a better religion than Islam is but just that it is a better religion for him.

It is the Congress of the United States that is barred by the First Amendment from making any law respecting an establishment of religion and religious tenets as if it has a superior right in moral interpretation than the people of the People.   Our President is allowed like our Courts to be though of wearing their morality and faithfulness on their sleeves and in their talk and walk.

Our Clintons are not loveable for how diabolical their conning was and still is.  They do seem to be fooling too many still too long as if of a STING set up for personal and political profits for their spousal husbandry however of private and public domains.  It does figure that the supreme moral leaders of Islam and likely leaders of sovereign Muslim countries had to have an awareness of some “knowing” as predictive to 9/11 I & II.  It figures that this may be a matter of our Clintons of having left no sense that a civil and peaceful path for a Justice on such issues was possible, and, that said “Middle East Leaders” could bare witness against the Clintons still if only maybe our Attorney General Eric Holder could secure them a just amnesty from prosecution.

It is that I oddly remember new President William Jefferson Clinton as to haunting me while about such in its earliest days in the White House.  I was haunted then by such as inappropriate and corrupt and then for those years long until 9/11/01 - as it happened to have turned out. 

Can we get the Clintons’ recipe for Jihad disasters revealed yet and as if of a first litigation?

Is President Barack Hussein Obama more dangerous as an apostate to his religion of birth than if he actually were a faithful of Islam? 

Is this really not about religion but of a GROSS NEGLIGENCE at least of the Clintons’ 8 as at least politically half baked?

It seems it can only have been the administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” that left no hope for Justice by any means more civil and peaceful than that of the said Jihad of “terrorism” of 9/11 I.  It seems we are all at least have cooked still as long as the Clintons’ con is allowed to keep running. It seems we should find a way to peacefully invite said supposed “Middle East Leaders” long ago of the Clinton request hauntingly and oddly remembered of he of asking them to “just blame Republicans” and as well like “to not attack the USA until after he was no longer President.”

TILT!!! ???

Have the Clintons rigged the global politics such as if they are successfully like a Robert Redford with a STING for personal political gain?  How can we free the honorable faithful however of a predictive knowing that preceded events to a thought Justice on 9/11/01 - how can we loosen the tongues honorably of those as “Middle East Leaders” that the Clintons did seemingly trap and keep since 1993 “blaming” ploys?

We are now still unjustly suffering because so much of the politics of the Clintons was half baked.

Ours and those faithful of Islam may only have a better hope for peace and Justice now if we can clear whomever were knowing faithful as leaders whence to feel safe to bare witness against the Clintons - or just Bill Clinton.

As long as it seems at home or abroad that Bill Clinton is rising again to such highness however so corrupted and diabolical we all will be such that Jihad will have justifications still as per issues at least dated back as far as the Clintons’ first term.  As long as Bill Clinton continues to think he can get away with this there will be no hope possible for an effective Justice as per what might have been until his first term actually much just the fault of Republicans.

Please Attorney General Eric Holder do offer any appropriate said as “Middle East Leaders” a proper amnesty from prosecution so that we can get those that actually know this to come forward to pave a better way to Justice anew away from a sense that no Justice is possible by more civil and peaceful means than Jihad.

It actually figures that unless we embrace those of “Middle East Leaders” and in a sharing of how the USA may have asked for it we cannot restore our Constitution and Government to working and respectable order free from what is diabolical as of a con half baked of and by the Clintons - such as I can tell.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:43 pm

You do not know the Clintons nor President Obama the way that I do.  I have known the Clintons since the early 70s and known of such B.O. from Hawaii four years ahead of me since the late seventies.

There is much to my regularly refreshed ‘he is so wrong on Iraq he can hardly be right about anything’ thought that needed be specifically about tragedies of this week and my history with Barack Obama. 

There is much I can not ever ignore of and from the Clintons of from their plotting years between the early 70s and as predating their assumption of the White House as of them of sharing with me that they had thoughts and plotting to undermining our Constitution as if of plotting to break it but as if appearing to be bending it greatly.  I know the Clintons for having shared that they wanted to disregard our Constitution in order to attempt their ambitions like now long visible towards being the most powerful two people in the world.  I can not ignore that I bore witness in spirit to their plotting and sharing nor that I was surprised that after their assumption of the White House they turned out to be so bold to actually think it wise or practicable to attempt to effect such of their decades of spousal scheming. 

But today of this tragic week it is more to how sad it was for me after having helped the Clintons become more electable than I had meant to towards 1992 that further down the road my original assistance was being misappropriated by them and others in the Democrat Party though original to me and my ambitions and figurings to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution. 

My story of having helped the Clintons in 1992 is too long a story now some told to go into greatly here now, but as it of me of thinking Democrats were desperate as a party and dangerous in a desperation and of a need to be much saved from themselves. 

But I cannot abide President Barack Hussein Obama much for having embraced the Clintons after my efforts to have defeated their 2008 attempts much to his unintended benefit.  I was of a generous thought for him that I should give him a year to show a willingness to clean up his own party before trusting my distrust primarily in a fuller stand against any Democrat too affiliated with the Clintons.  I can be remembered for having encouraged the Republicans to try to position themselves as a party of noes from the earliest moments of such a general GOP response, and, I can be remembered for having asked CNBC to ask one of theirs to broadcast my thought that America could use a new Tea Party.

But for now and for this tragic week it is as much for the problems I have historically much with once just state Senator Barack Obama for his break-out Democrat Party Convention speech.  Many since have read his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and to a possible realization that stylistically the two are quite different.  For me who didn’t intent to watch that convention at that moment and yet turned it on it was a woeful and most annoying moment of thoughts visceral of “he is stealing my lines” and with it of echoes of powers that be of guidance to him to “try to own it - make it your own” and with “put a black face on it”.

If only you knew how such lines were originally meant and intended to work for a greater good as new more civil language much needed when first figured back before the Clintons had yet braved their unexpected late entrance into the 1992 race.

Yes I know that State Senator Barack Obama’s break-out convention speech had him more of my style than his of his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and that the echoes about his oration of lines too much mine were quite viscerally quite annoying as if a theft of intellectual property.  I was years into annoyance along these lines for the Clintons were not authorized after the election for their misappropriate and incomplete usage of such that I had figured to be both to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and then some retweeked in a generosity to be to some saving of the Democrats from themselves.

The Clintons made me witness their spirited considerations to how they could benefit from a weaker interpretation of our Constitution that could come from them bending it so much on its face that it could only maybe be seen as a breaking and intent to undermine such.  Again,  I couldn’t believe they were thinking those things when they those years shared such thoughts and I could even less quite believe that after their assumption to the White House however then quite unearned and lucky that they then were so bold or stupid to actually try to move along with such effectings as they had long dreamed up.

I know that it was most annoying years into so much of this misappropriating and incorrect usage of what was my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM figurings to be as if a caboose to the Reagan Revolution when Howard Dean needed to be told as well to stop stealing my lines and especially while of his misuse of such in speeches to inner city youths supposedly as a message to not steal.

At the time of State Senator Obama’s break-out convention speech I had yet to connect that he from Chicago was that B.O. from Hawaii I had been aware of since I was in the seventh grade and reading to compete in school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration of War Day of Infamy speech.

He is so wrong about Iraq that he really can hardly be right about so much more.  I did feel it was generous to give him a year to show he was willing to clean up his own party to naught.  I do feel it was ridiculous that he so boldly offered a cover-up of the Clintons with “all Bush’s fault” impossible nonsense as such on its face was so preposterous an impossibility that the size of it as a cover-up suggested the size of a guilt really due considered as mostly the Clintons.

It was ridiculous that I had to tell Howard Dean to stop stealing my original lines and as it was that I had to when he was stealing them to give speeches against stealing.  As per the unexpected defeat of the Clintons in the 2008 race you may have the Bush administration and its honoring of my request to officially keep the Clintons from misappropriating anew more inappropriate use of my original works and figurings originally most figured to be for a strong economic recovery then as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.  I was able with the honor and officialdom of the Bush administration keep the Clintons from sounding like their earlier more popular selves as when mostly of having learned to have sounded like me and my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.

The Clintons are not running to be a new hope for America if they unwisely risk an entrance into the 2016 races.  The Clintons are running to continue with their extra-Constitutional plotting to undermine our Constitution to have more essentially global autocratic powers as still the most powerful two people in the world since like 1993.  They are at running to be the most powerful people in the world regardless of our Constitution as if not an inconvenient relic of outdated unpopular useless Law.

I have said most of this in different ways in various pieces on and off of my blog sites for years - this week bring new concerns as we have it seeming commenced that the Clintons are already at least started down the roads of the intra-party warfare towards destabilizing the Obama legacy even while he is still trying to write one to supplant the Clintons’ legacy whatever and however it is yet.

I know more than most or any other how much both sides of such started intra-party warfare has roots but otherwise than would have been if not for me and my old figurings of decades of individual thought to my then afterwards titled so as my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. 

I really would like to know whom it was who boldly was of the echoes of the State Senator Barack Hussein Obama break-out convention speech that annoyed me as theft of intellectual property and to such misuse so that now is more publicly notable as of #Obama as then of a different style remarkably from his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and yet quite of the rhyme and reasoning of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. 

And, yes it is of a woe to me that one who could have been to such a visceral annoyance so so was then later to be so wrong about Iraq as to be so wrong about everything else while oddly of some of an unauthorized use of words mine of a peace that historically better explains how and why both Clintons and this Obama have been quite wrong.

And this week of its tragedies we still have to wonder about the Time Square bomber as one of such family abroad that was of reports of being of dollars from the USA to fight terrorism at home and he supposedly so of reports of having set out to bomb in Time Square to restore his loss of honor to his family by bombing to offer further justification for more USA dollars to keep flowing to his country and his family to prevent terrorism.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 pm

No really we have to now sweat detail about Mrs. Hillary Clinton - private citizen.  Good stories about her or for her just don’t write themselves well or naturally - you can say - you could say - anymore.

This whole North Korea sit rep so soon after her Congressional “JACK” outburst is most concerning.  As you may recall she was like “you can’t handle the truth” but as more a ‘I can’t handle the truth’ in her “what’s the difference now?”  And, quite so especially if she really is all the rival she and President Clinton rode an independent world wide popularity for. 

What to make of Hillary Clinton now as private citizen with DPRK maybe an “official” reaction to her time as Secretary of State and with too imperialistic a Diplomacy?  Surely we now as stories aren’t writing themselves (well) about her have to look at real details about her reign as President Obama’s Secretary of State.  It is too much a “rival” story that wants to be written now as if she of a pride that she and Bill were able to keep or make peace with North Korea and yet her “rivals” of President Obama, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry seem otherwise less capable.

On the heels of her “culpability” and questions quite to wondering if she saw an Ambassador as a martyr for her cause and expendable by her own thinking, about herself of a self importance greater, it seems the DPRK raises more issues that go to competence about her service while of duties as President Obama’s Secretary.

It is very confusing thinking about how we now should be covering Hillary Clinton as a private citizen still as a public figure and out as if of her USA should go gay decree too much as if speaking as a First Lady of the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE while it still of offering of political cover as if President Clinton is an unelected President of the World.

It seems a good story now for Hillary Clinton just doen’t want to write itself.  It is confusing how many ways it seems details matter that are being willingly overlooked.  It is confusing especially now as well with DPRK nuclear posturing that we have to wonder rightly if it can be in part due to Secretary Clinton time of a too imperialistic Diplomacy now then moderated globally with her of her decree like that the USA should go gay.  Aren’t we at wondering if she either was dictating a strong suggestion at least to all foreign nationals she had relations with that they now were to presume she was also talking to them and about them?  And about DPRK people too?

What we have for starters as “details” about Hillary is that she seems not to have a single hobby other than a once mentioned and infrequent use of a said home kept elliptical stationary “exercise” machine.  She isn’t a concert pianist or musician of any said capability or interest and nor is she a real golfer or even a bad golfer.  She by her New Hampshire tears was revealing of real electoral pressures then put to her to answer for some details - I remember such as stirred by queries as to whether she was at all well rounded and with a hobby or two or any extracurricular personal interests.  It seemed she had to cry for political cover as now she has to run for new political cover.  It seems she really isn’t well rounded or even nearly as personally engaged in non work activities as we long have expected from male “candidates” at least.

As per her being out as public figure still and with a globally stirring decree that at least the USA should go gay we have as well that it seems as if she is lobbying for CGI and as if now a First Lady again to President Clinton as he rides high still too much as if an unelected and unchecked President of the World.

We have to remember that President Clinton got the high drama like of a new BAY OF PIGS stand off as it was awhile ago with an earlier DPRK CRISIS that seemed fit to be called a BAY OF BABES for Bill Clinton as called into a public relevance to be of a grand escort service to collect and babysit Al Gore’s private spies after they had been caught without enough training illegally in the DPRK.  We have now that President Obama may have no choice but to call in Bill Clinton as a private citizen to negotiate a peace and as if it is needed for details that tell of more than Benghazi failures for Mrs. Clinton.

It seems Hillary Clinton was supposed to be an inevitable first female President much of a thought that stories would just write themselves well.  It seems now that she has to run just to have cover and that it is hard to find a way around so many concerning “details” to cover competently.

It seems we have to consider that her recent decree as though acceptable as a rival while in a no woman’s land as a public private citizen still seems out of order so soon as of a meddling in foreign policy while a new successor still so new.  As Hillary Clinton however now a lobbyist at all or too soon by our standards with efforts of or the mission of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE we have her as Hillary of any domestic comment as a decree as well meant to be a foreign dictate or STRONG SUGGESTION.

I don’t know how yet to write about the tough spots she has her former boss now in.  I don’t yet know how to cover President Obama so soon after losing Mrs. Clinton as of whatever allegiance she as a rival so whence.  I don’t yet know how to cover much of this but to try to think about all the details of Hillary’s story so far and as of her as if a typical wife of a cheating spouse who coped by busying herself with work - only with work.  It seems we have to explain away that she doesn’t seem to have a single hobby of record and is yet celebrated as being a workaholic.

Right, at least we know, it seems, that she doesn’t hit the players or throw balls at them with a foul mouth.  Right we know, it seems, that she isn’t a concert pianist or musician of any note and nor an athlete even in golf sport.

What we seem to have as a concerning detail is that she may need to run as if running for cover.  And, that now like after 9/11 we may have our Democrats saying they just did what the people asked them to do, and, even while it seemed that they had asked to be elected as if smarter and smart enough to know not to do just what the people were asking them to do.  After 9/11 the Democrats did meddle in foreign affairs while such the matters of State of a new administration of a different party - they even did shed any claims of blame upon them by casting it carelessly on Americans quite innocent in comparison.

I am confused - I don’t know how we as Americans have gotten so to a time like now with it so complicated as per a now public private citizen such specifically as Hillary Rodham Clinton.  It seems she is running much just to run for cover and yet that seems the story that writes itself and yet oddly the story that isn’t being told.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:31 am

Speaking first in a secular analytical erudition there is that without the vast bureaucracy of the Church President Ronald Reagan wouldn’t have been free to be so successful as himself as he was in winning the Cold War, at least.

With that said:  We have secondly a problem with Secretary John Kerry and as a Catholic of a good and a bad as per Operation Iraqi Freedom.  It can be said that he singularly with his single note Johnny come late to an opposition did with his anti-war revival efforts do more than any individual in the world to undermine the success that was thought to be possible from near day one.  It is that Senator John Kerry, was, near day one, of us with President Bush, and those of the new coalition more then of Countries with volunteer defenses than of larger earlier world wide aligned defensively for the Persian Gulf War, to an dumbed down one beat new anti-war movement nearly from the moment we all became committed in OIF as “boots down”!

President William Jefferson Clinton may have gone to Georgetown for some Catholic education, or not.  He did study abroad where a tradition for totalitarianism may have been more the standard and legacy.  His trillion dollar surplus may have greatly undermined our intelligence and defenses as well as possible enforcement when also of his “walls of separation” efforts to separate FBI Intelligence branch from the FBI Enforcement branch.  Without his trillion dollar surplus 9/11 terrorist likely would have had maybe a fifty percent lesser chance of success.  There is the “morality” to have someone learned to discuss about President Clinton for having worked a trillion dollar surplus too soon and knowingly after a nearly too quick cutting by Republicans of a trillion to that thought impossible feat of balancing of our Federal Budget whence.

Senator John Kerry wasn’t alone as a Catholic - he had Representative from Pennsylvania John Murtha with him radicalizing Americans to a disloyalty to our Operation Iraqi Freedom as well nearly from day one - as from like the first day that we all were committed in Iraq with coalition boots on the ground.  It isn’t that the Pope was fallible for his dictates to American Catholics to the ordering so religiously familial that as so blessed and together they did not have a responsibility to support Operation Iraqi Freedom.  The Pope seem to speak only to American Catholics as of the worldly family of Catholicism as not of a moral calling to go to a Muslim country to help some Muslims get justice from other Muslims.  As I recall the Pope didn’t address that Senator John Kerry and Representative John Murtha may have been of immoral American efforts while close minded to that American Catholics otherwise organized as Americans with historical precedence were so called by reconstruction and judicial precedence to as Americans to a prosecution for Saddam Hussein, assistance, at least.

I don’t know if it can be said to have been like Franciscan to have committed so many brave souls of foreign and domestic honors and colors to Operation Iraqi Freedom as of a “standing with” of “boots on the ground” war morality.  It at least seems less of a new Cold War bunker mentality of however too much a distant comfort for less that fully just remote droning.

We may now be in all this economic mess for many reasons — many different reasons - for reasons of too many reasons existing at the same time for the same thing and while not yet understood as if so for just such.  We have that it has likely cost us besides the costs from us not having been prepared for the 9/11 I & II by Democrat budgeting much by multiples of what it would have if we hadn’t let the Clintons chase rare SURPLUS political popularity so then as they mostly did for personal political gains.  I have to doubt that President Clinton’s Georgetown domestic education taught him that such could be “moral” or that as well his foreign rearing more of a legacy of autocracy and totalitarianism would have strategically advised such even on secular political lines.

It is hard to consider the spin that Operation Iraqi Freedom has been to costing between 4-6 Trillion US dollars unless you add yourself all that should be subtracted and/or credited to costs of war from Clintons’ spending cuts and as well those from how Catholics Kerry and Murtha destabilized OIF from the first day we all were past the point of no return about such.

As a Catholic though Senator John Kerry and Representative John Murtha did have a maybe just calling that a learned few can explain to have taken up a protestation against “Bush’s War” as of having been too much started on lies.  If we can find a few learned moralists we can move to a very late but public scrutiny and litigation of the seeming missing years 1993 - 2001, and, how but for it of a Johnny one beat dumbing down the Kerry ANTI-WAR REVIVAL had a Catholic morality thence because President Bush had taken the easy way to such liberation and late prosecution of Saddam Hussein.  President Bush let some glee slip, it seems, as of a happiness that lying to get the agreeable votes had worked before Senator Kerry’s maybe Catholic morality (guilt?) had him rightly, but for it so much of a dumbing down, to standing up against OIF as a war commenced by lies by a President.

What we have now is a general populace aware that the Clintons’ “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS” was a lark and a fraud.  We have that Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha did Americans a service and great disservice with their most Catholic but to parochial interpretations of right and wrong as per Operation Iraqi Freedom, so it seems.  They seem to have forgotten to remember Nuremberg and war reconstructions of Germany and Japan, and, Thomas Jefferson, at least.

There seems, if we can find some learned moralists, a morality near Franciscan in Bush’s boots on the ground “standing with”!

There seems, for all the lay and learned a simple and un-American like immorality to the maybe too random remote droning and kill lists of President Obama of his BEER SUMMIT history as one necessarily to earlier retractions and apologies for too publicly having shown himself to be of wants to be judge, jury and executioner of judgements.

It seems establish history that President Bush did take the agreeable to Congress shortcut to Operation Iraqi Freedom of such by convenient lies also arguably a bolstering pre-war to a readiness for what could be the worst case scenario all should be guarding themselves for.  And yet we have that when you accept that Bush lied us into such war it is the Clintons that start to look worse.  And yet though Bush “lied” the Clintons had to be less moral in an American way for they needed to lie with him for such shortcut to such late prosecution to be effectual.  And yet there is the politics of this that if President Bush didn’t take the path of such a dramatic causal means basis preparatory for a possible worst case scenario the only other means to such end would have required many learned moralists to work the public establishment about the Clintons and their now too missing still years 1993 - 2001 as of executive gross negligence, at least.

With the plentiful “analysis” now about Operation Iraqi Freedom ten years later we still are missing the brassy mathematics to explain how if it does go down as of a 4-6 Trillion Dollar War much of that has to be figured as Bush of mulitiples of costs for “defense” and “intelligence” than if Clintons had not willy nilly cut an extra trillion for a popularity chasing surplus politics. 

Of any and all costs of “Bush’s War” is that he had to refund so much cut by the Clintons as said “unnecessary” defense and intelligence spending as it was found too late to have been too much “necessary” security spending costs.  It seems it fair to say of any cost analysis for OIF that some parts did cost 3-4 x as much because such had to be put back into our budgets after having been cut and after such cutting had left America after the Clintons too much like with its pants down.

And again, there is that Secretary John Kerry may more than any other in the world have caused such a loud Johnny one beat ruckus with his Anti-War Revival (however justified in a Catholic morality once Bush let glee slip that he was happy his lying had worked) so that in Iraq a real and palpable fear set in unexpectedly from like day one that the USA was going to just Cut&Run again and again abandon justice and freedom seeking Iraqi majorities like again to eight years of avoidance and inaction like of the Clintons’ eight years.  It seems all costs about OIF now have to have a Kerry factor for all the variables effected by his stoking of a dumbed up or down new Cut&Run lobby with his Anti-War Revival, however justified in a Catholic morality.

Have you heard the one about how we now as per our much better and fuller understanding of how President Clinton though educated by Catholics of Georgetown was of more lies with “PEACE DIVIDENDS” while chasing popularity with lies so easy for such so of falsities that “war” wasn’t necessary while it actually was, at least as a liberation for proesecutions in our Nuremberg tradition and reconstruction precedence?

Have you heard the one about how, now with so many refreshed to our Constitution, and, with a more generally learned understanding of the real situation of the still too missing years 1993 - 2001 complexity, that citizens of the United States of America can push back from efforts about to all to work most as if more just State subjects, and rightly now as while of a best national security posture as of a renaissance in states’ rights and maybe as well a Holy Americas Doctrine some with an Axis of Catholics (reset)?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:28 am

There are lessons in architecture - there are whole schools of how good architecture is related to human form and function.

Soon we all should be stirred to palpitations and warm pulsations as the new Bush library opens and so most sternly.  It will be hard to avoid a judgmental attitude and strong bias about Bush’s contrasting of Clintons’ library architecture in Arkansas.

I don’t know how much you know of Kentucky’s and Ohio’s standards of a keying and securing past the Beaver Wars.  We have that top hats like President Lincoln’s were of beaver pelt constructions.

These are days when our architecture has to be considered anew as per jurisprudence and jurisdictions (even of prudence if/when droning) as of International Law and the reach of International Courts.  How Sam Powers (Samantha Powers) was an “architect” of President Obama’s attempt for a rushed RESET to copacetic collusion with Russian powers is as well much of this consideration.  We cannot un-consecrate the old Georgian structures/borders post the rushed juxtaposing of bordering sovereignties and how so said of a South Assetia (Ossetia?).  There is a Bardish Shakespearean casting about such so dramatically and geographically set as with a President Medvedev and a President V. Putin.

Our set and cast about Obama’s war of choice in Afghanistan as of their mission creep from Bush’s War on Terrorism to be a warring on feminism and illiteracy in Afghanistan and Pakistan has Bardish constructs too, and as well so a “New Vietnam” plot, it seems.  Geographically Afghanistan news of war has been as “architectural” or “Freudian” as of Helmand Province and as it like the discarded Soviet State of Georgia for looking in shape like a prophylactic.

You should ask Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, how to interpret the physical architecture of their library in Arkansas (The Natural State) now publicly due a critical review and contrasting as the new Bush library readies in all its sterness to open.  It seems more prudent to ask her how “Bill’s” library got to looking phallic and Freudian and too suggestive in a skin of Confederate Gray - right?

President Karzai’s Helmand Province of Afghanistan seems to have a sovereign and proud history as if of a meant structural difference as between South Carolina and North Carolina.  The province to the South East of Helmand Province seems more like our West Virginia and of a destiny or fate to be more of a protectorate about shrinkage. 

I do not know how the Clintons’ library got its shape, nor do I know how Helmand Province or South Carolina got theirs.  I do get that President Medvedev and President V. Putin did nearly return discarded Georgian State to the drawing board to be more otherwise a checked South Assetia (Ossetia?) reshaped from being more like Helmand and at least Trojan brands to being more like a new seat of a new ham shire and as of pipe line concerns, at least.  It seems Georgian styling got made nearly more symetrical by Presidents Medvedev and Putin as if so publicly made a butt of an separatist joke (governance?).

I don’t know how to Constitute specifically for each of these regions the differences about sam powers and Samantha Powers of Obama’s casting and setting even with it of a legacy reach to be more Soviet like with a friendly apologetic RESET.

Church steeples are also considerable architecture and how other places of worship and sanctuary are structurally welcoming as if a great big bosom of offerings of compassion.  It is clear that our Ground Zero Memorial sits as if our World Trade Center has had a double sex change.

I did nearly submit a design concept for the Ground Zero site myself to having two towers rebuilt in there original footings and as tall but taller by some and as pentagonal obelisk twin towers with memorial glass topping where more a obelisk’d pyramid high above and open to heaven’s lights.  I didn’t.  I did think about the concept some and share thoughts with at least one friend then an architect with Cesar Pelli as I considered that if I did offer a submission I might have wanted to pair up with George Knight of Cesar Pelli firm. 

I had many friends from the mid 90s associated professionally with the design and construction management of the Petronas Towers - and such is part of the story of the birth of Quid Ditch, Voldemort and Patronus Spells.  (How cool > I hadn’t seen Patron US in Patronus Spell before now.)

I would have had to answer George Knight’s first (only) profession design query about my idea for rebuilding two towers at least as tall and as twin pentagonal obelisks.  I would have had to (with him?) figure out how to skin the new towers for such a shape to either be all in glass or somehow much as if skinned like the original twin towers.

If Hillary Clinton had become President after having been that carpet bagger Senator it is probable and too possible that she would have insisted that the nearly winning idea of a LADY LIBERTY glass and steel tower replacement be named forever as the HILLARY CLINTON LADY LIBERTY TOWER.  Yes the 9/11 Memorial now is architecturally as if our World Trade Center site (our’s as of all global citizens) has had a double sex change from phallic in the male twinness to feminine in twin wet ports as “memorials.”

Yes there was too much too graphically and Bardish dramatized for TV teasing about the mission creep to Obama’s warring of choice in Afghanistan on feminism and literacy.  There were days were it was there was either a story of shrinkage and reservation of one province or a strong or too strong (too proud) story as from Helmand Province.  What does Kandahar sound like when said once?  What does Kandahar sound like when said ten times quickly?

If the Clintons were behind 9/11 by willful plotting and clever inciting of radicals and then with their new walls of separation between FBI intelligence and FBI enforcement branches there is some incredible and dangerous or diabolical genius about such.  For them to have been behind it knowingly it may have been as a team of taunting inciting provocation to have pushed a known enemy enough to have forced them into a corner for a predicable acting out and not by a buying of “terror” or “terrorism” or a specific machination for a specific outburst.  For if the Clintons were behind it they figured a way to get US attacked by an enemy so that such enemy would be justifying the very type of convenient crisis that they of a “justice” seeking Jihad would not have wanted;  If the Clintons were behind 9/11 it might only have been by inciting a set of radicals to a predicable outburst to then justify the war on feminism and literacy that was needed for “Hillary’s” fem imperialist crusade needed for her to be more than just full of hot air talk.

I don’t know how President Obama will orate or proffer an attempt at erudite architectural review at least of the Clintons’ library in The Natural State down south.  I don’t know if he will care to join the due comparing and contrasting and judging of the two newest of our Presidential Libraries when the new most stern Bush library does soon open to the public.

Presidents Medvedev and V. Putin did hold court for a while internationally about whether Georgia needed to be reshaped from being like a separated and discarded used prophylactic to a visibly exposed butt of a new regional inclusiveness.  Again, it was somehow also about pipe lines and some acting up too much without enough respect for a sanctuary in morality whether secular or religious.

President Obama may be more willing to broach his war of choice in Afghanistan as a new Vietnam than to be orally committing to discussing the architecture of the library for the legacy of the Clintons, and it so skinned in Confederate Gray.  He did wax a strapping erudite philosophical oration with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech while whipping up a frenzy of youths the world over with his slights directed at the Clintons’ and their eight years of “avoidance” and “inaction.”

President Obama was a wise man while of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech to speak so barbed and pointedly about “dangers of inaction and avoidance.” 

Yes Petronas and Patronus belong together like Dorothy and Ultimate Frisbee and my parents fireplace broom whence.  Those were the early days long before JK Rowling had her struggles finding a publisher — those were the days so early she was of asking for more as of “you didn’t give me enough for five books” and as well so early she was of asking “should we have flying brooms?” and me to a pondering and then answer of “yes, but go big make it a team sport.”  George Knight was one of my many architect Ultimate Frisbee Leagues friends when I put an attitude of frisbee flying disk sport to an echo for creativity for JK in Scotland.

Dumbledore like Gryffindor come from the earlier days than these and as from “double door” a couple doors away and from Griffin doors as of a balance to so many of Yale Hospitals and Yale about such with a working about Derby’s Griffin Hospital Emergency Room Doors.  JK Rowling is about 5-6 days older than me.  Her late father Peter Rowling was a critical part of she being the one to answer a like Googling pre-Google for an unknown writer willing to write about a character “Peter Rowe-ling” and about magic learning with seven books for seven separate years of curriculum.

You may want to visit the Borough of Jeffersonville as of Ohio and the Beaver Wars.  There is a short initial series still to be developed when I have the time and professional inclination in the archives of my blogs that covers November of 2010.  As since November 2012 elections I changed styles and moved to a poetry working with Citizenrosebud.us link I had in 2010 as well post the election results changed my writing to be long prose as if a new LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE some with my BEATRICE BOXER AND THE GREAT BEAVER WARS series so archived off of jphogan.org.

I did protest but without working to distroy public state or religious property when it seemed that the “LADY LIBERTY” towers replacement design had been picked.  I do appreciate and celebrate the whole hearted and compassionate architecture of the new towers and the 9/11 Memorial about Ground Zero - yet will have to wonder on how the sight seems to have had a sex change.

It is hard to believe that the Clintons are smart enough to have been actually behind 9/11 so that they incited the known radicals to an outburst that they could use to overwhelm and then defeat them and with a response an actual ushering in of an imperialism in a new global feminism as per FLOTUS Clinton’s heated and stirring walking and talking, whence.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Her footprints are huge…

It seems a great naivete to believe Secretary Clinton was just a tool of President Obama.

It seems dangerous to risk an escapism for the rule of Clintons now as if not of the rule of Obama, however confusing and confounding her first steps about such are dramatized.

I do not want to tire my readers here by ruining a great title as if Hillary Clinton deserves it all to herself.  Others may be deserving of any higher orderings about any new Manifest Destiny as set as a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” as a discussion of whom women have a right to conquer as if to “liberate” them.  Hillary Clinton has a history to suggest she is a fem like the three me most of Evan Thomas’ THE WAR LOVERS - as a “war lover” herself.

Many body bags have been piled, however, up full from failures and sacrifices about a crusading of and by Hillary Clinton though more as if by remote control coddled distant safety.  In her huge footprints are many lost souls - and as these some of her still as if walking in Bill Clinton’s shoes, spousally.

She seems not to have even “ducked and ran for cover” let alone had a charge up a San Juan Hill all her own.

Yesterday on the Thirteenth day of the Third month of the Year of our Lord two thousand Ten and three our Constitution stood ratified and witness to a first Jesuit become Pope.  America of the North of The United States of America did become subscribed unanimously as preambled to be ‘ordained’ and ‘established’ as of “…the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”  The U.S.A. was so Constituted by its ratification so as a Union under one Lord as a Christian Lord of a Christian calender.  These American states, though, were not Constituted to be allowed to be by laws of Congress established along sectarian lines even to being a Catholic State by establishments of religion.

The Church so now of Peter of Francis has its pastoral charities loopholes for acceptance of a contrariness.  The United States of America though may actually be written such that our First Amendment is meant to follow the stoicism of George Washington’s First Inaugural orations and such that ACA - Obamacare - is not allowed as by our Bill of Rights for it imbues an “establishment of religion” barred even for Christian Charity from acts of The Congress.  Obamacare can be Un-Constitutional if it exists to be an establishment by Law that there, like, is no God and so a secular socialist Government program is needed.  The Congress by our First Amendment seems to be not allowed to pass any Law as if an establishment that there is no God.

Again, it is naive to believe Hillary Clinton.  Again, it is dangerous to accept blindly on a faith in the speak of President Obama that Hillary was just his tool about His foreign policies.  His as her’s of his is exceptional as a conundrum confounding of these times - and maybe as of a comparative ranking for all times.  Her of his (thought His of Obama’s) is a she of fem past of like a missing 8 years - a missing 1993 - 2001.  Her years of those year more of the big footprints, literally, comparatively, of Bill Clinton of His about such foreign realms do exist actually as in a real contrariness to a proposition that President Obama’s claims can be truthful.

The House of Obama has the House of the Clintons to rival it and battle it now for “LEGACY” and more or their regular lots of transference and projection strategics.  Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by letting it be used here as if forever only about Hillary Clinton.

It is hard not to tag Hillary Clinton as a “lover of war” and one as if of a “lover of war bar none.”  We have that it gets complicated with Bill Clinton’s footprints so huge and causal to the vast numbers of filled and piled, however, body bags with Hillary Clinton’s name due on them, officially for Posterity of Records — it is complicated that Hillary’s love of war may too much be of the “school” of “politics” of the “Wag the Dog” “convenient” “crisis” “escapists” set.

As First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton FLOTUS Hillary did crusade as a fem imperialist - not as an anti-imperialist.

It is naive, again, to accept blindly or on the word of President Obama that Hillary Clinton was just his tool in a Foreign Policies all His (his as Obama, President).  By offering in his first hours and by his orations of his inaugural that “it” could be of a ‘none of the fault of the Clintons’ as with his then official Presidential speak as of “it is all Bush’s fault” he trapped himself and us all into a realm for foreign policies for whomever might be his Top Diplomat then limited by half a potential hope or possible range of diplomatic flexibility/nuance.

Hillary Clinton cannot have been just a tool of a superior President and his orderings by his figurings, logically, for it follows that he was a prisoner to the Clintons since his inauguration so of such a ridiculous posturing as if “it” could be of a “none of the fault of the Clintons.”  Hillary cannot have been a bit player and just a tool as President Obama was trapped and so as if a tool of the Clintons for having proceeded from day one with a cover-up for the Clintons as a Governance PRIORITY.

Again, I do not want to ruin a good title by making it all about Hillary, just yet, just now before the whole story can be told.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:41 pm

The high drama of the SEQUESTER has its roots in the first round - the FOOL ME ONCE round - of the politics of the Clintons in the second term of the co-Administration of the Clintons.  This is the shame on us round now - the round two - of at least the Republicans no longer able to say “shame on you” as round one tolerates - or expects.

Hillary Clinton was not an alternative to this.  A President Clinton, as irregular and ill advised as it was, would have been of these same polarizing partisan politics but more clearly as a round two now longer a shame upon the foolery of the Clintons on the Clintons.  She wasn’t born to this polarizing harkening to Soviet styled socialism as President Barack H. Obama was as born so salt and peppered beautifully as a Soviet Studies LOVE child.  Hillary Clinton made nearly all the same impossible spending promises that “socialist” @BarackObama did - Hillary Clinton started off maybe more “socialist” than he has actually has been with her first parlay her promise to seize all oil company profits if she is elected.

Yes this is an era of political high drama.  And, yes, this time around for the Republicans to play “bi-partisanly” well with these Dems they would now be the party of the shame of round twos as of “FOOL ME ONCE - SHAME ON YOU — FOOL ME TWICE - SHAME ON ME!”

I really don’t know how much of this I have to explain to new or old and loyal readers of my blogging, now.  The era of an administration of the Clintons as “bi-partisan” would have been over as soon as if it were actually she that got elected.  There are serious concerns as too how much the spousal husbandry of the Clintons’ political strategizing to have successfully lined both of them up each for their own Presidency did get in the way of regular and prudent governance and did undermine our general stability - economically, at least.

Some perspective to how similar, not dissimilar this all might have been, if yet otherwise and successfully of the spousal “two-fer” power grabbing political machinations, so also of global plotting, of/by the Clintons, is achievable with a consideration of 2008 all over again.  Simply the Democrats and especially the Clintons wanted and needed gas prices to be high - much higher heading into November elections.  Simply President Bush, and the Republicans, if “stupid” and “unelectable” as “liars” for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM cannot be thought to have been so dumb that they are considered have wanted higher gas prices in 2008 or that they would have worked to effect such without knowing they were effectively making Republicans unelectable in November.

It is hard to decide which aspect of the roots of this high drama about the sequester to now broach next.  There could not have been a repeat of the Clintons’ “bi-partisanship” of their second term had she been elected and promised to as much irresponsible nationalizing of so much “governance” as well without a workable philosophy.  She campaigned to polarized Washington along the very same idealistic “spending” lines as President Barack H. Obama. 

The Clintons are remembered for seeming to think at least by their second term that they now had the technology to fool all of the people all of the time and had the advantage of incumbency and newness of such to the order of thinking that the Republicans had to get on board or get left behind forever.  There are enough public statements by the Clintons and especially from the years afterwards that are yet before much of this mess, but about it all, and of those days they said stuff more defensively as their plans for reigning seemed most to be falling apart.  What is less considered is how much fell apart because it was considered and affected of a plot by spouses to line one up to be intentionally different than the other publicly while of the Powers of incumbency.

But how to be brief now about so much that isn’t now an alternative to this gridlock of prideful and defensive NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - how to talk about any “alternative” while realizing the Clintons are not and were not actually an “alternative.”  It is some that he was born “Barry” Obama as a Soviet Studies LOVE child who then had to twist and turn thorough at least his developmental years about what went wrong between his ‘ebony’ and ‘ivory’ parental Soviet specialiality melodies.

There is the objective lesson of LOCATION & LOCATION of the Clntons and yet hardly with enough curiousity even as to how Senator Clinton become such as if by political nepotism and patronage as a carpetbagger to New York.  Of the “LOCATION” con, shall we say, we have that one can discourse on how Harlem did save at least Bill Clinton from himself.  He did not choose to locate in Harlem - I seem to recall he was dragged up there crying or whining - and after having gone to his banking friends he made so rich with his derivatives “guidance” as a back up plan to such bastion of Power basis he sought originally high above the Russian Tea Room in the then new Carnegie Hall Towers near Time Square. 

I don’t know why or how Arkansas couldn’t have still been good enough for Bill or Hillary.  But oddly there is LOCATION and ‘architecture’ now more to be discussed as the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of President George W. Bush readies to finally open.  It seems by his first choice and his remembered (reported) fights with our government for massive annual sums for his post-office holding convenience in excess originally of the sum of all past President’s ‘allowances’ combined for first year expenses that there must be a lot he wanted from the sought most regal location still available in CHT and that it to him may have been one of the last bastions of white male power holding that was domestically available to him.  It seems too coincidental that by his words and designs he has raised a due queriousness as to his own true “evolution” and reputation.

Again, President Clinton did not want to end up in Harlem.  Harlem was the nearest we would afford him when after our Government accountants realized we couldn’t or shouldn’t afford him that million dollar a year rent for life depression was setting in after he sought and then fought publicly and privately to be high above Time Square and able to dominate our Forth Estate however it then may have been still a last great bastion of white male power.

I do hope you will soon participate in a due intellectual and patriotic exercise about comparing and contrasting the LOCATION and ARCHITECTURES of the libraries of the Clintons’ Administration and the soon to be open library of the Presidency of George W. Bush.  I do not, again, understand how even his Mrs. would have signed off on the Clintons’ legacy so for it phalicly like a gun, at least, and seemingly forever clad/skinned in colors of Confederate Grey.

With the banking and housing crisis what it has been and now this sticking NEW DEAL AUSTERITY we all can consider how lucky both Clintons have been that Bill Clinton did basically get dragged kicking and screaming/crying up to Harlem.  Had he been situated as hoped and long fought to be in CHT the story really should maybe be now that the BIG Bank FOB (Friends of Bill) are paying his rent for life at near a million per year in thanks for all the money he made them with his original guidance to and of derivatives cons. 

I see that President Obama is not a Hillary Clinton and that she as of ODYSSEY DAWN broaching of America’s legacy to be not the “offensive” “first striker” may have been more just a tool of a died in the wool Clinton Democrat, however otherwise.  It is the Obama administration not the Bush administration that set out to a new frontier of global “politics” of “first strike” “offense” as to be to a willful hunting of “monsters” without regard for regular American due process.

The Republicans and George W. Bush cannot be as stupid/dumb or corrupt as Dems have suggested.  A point to such case is that it is ridiculous it seems to think that they would not have lowered gas prices in 2007 & 2008 if they could have to so save or prevent the economic slide from subjective & political market affectings of a “GREEN” and “PARTISAN” idealism.

The fastest or only way to have stopped the housing crisis as it broke was to get the global price of gas back to normal and more objective rational basis and as the successes of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA was then of having made possible and reasonable.  It was from the higher prices, and how they kept climbing, that those who had bought into CLINTONOMICS, and their (political) hedging, and its a “patriotism” of spending far more than every penny they had, and while on fixed incomes, that the domino effect started to the full blown housing crisis and then the related CRISIS OF VALUATION. 

These are days where the Republicans can still say “Shame on the Clintons!” and/or “Shame on the Clinton Democrats!” for round one as it of those days too much of them thinking they now had the tools and technology, so it seemed/seems to fool all of the people all of the time. 

There is no alternative now in the Clintons - this is much an economic mess of CLINTONOMICS II as not at all likely to have been less “polarizing” and “socialistic” in a unnecessary “New Nationalism” than OBAMANOMICS.  The Clintons have enough water under the still too condemned bridges of America for most now to not see that CLINTONOMICS II if Hillary had been elected would have too been devoid of “partisan” balancing of CLINTONOMICS I.

Yes, we are kinda of stuck now with too few ‘alternatives’ and some not because the Bush administration could have lowered the gas prices from the spiking of the market supply and demand subjectivity from GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM in time to have prevented the housing crisis above scratched at that then did cause too great a loss of consumer confidence in banks and Washington based Politics. 

We are still of the CRISIS OF VALUATION and in ways that our Republicans cannot step back from with having let themselves all be played out as fools.  Please remember it would have been dumb for Republicans to support higher gas prices even privately with investments then for Hillary was the “inevitable” next President of very strongly of promises to seize any or all oil company profits - especially those then conveniently of unnecessarily inflated market pricing.

And, Please remember to consider how you would now be thinking of the Clintons if his back up plan to have had those BIG BANKS “friends” cover his million dollar a year lease had worked.  It is remarkable that in a consideration of his “architecture” of his own library he sets us up now to a discussion of his life of having until Harlem been able to stay “white” and “chauvinistic” as a master above most of it personally while able to stay a white southern male above such movements. 

Yes there are different ways to look at the obvious and historical trails of Bill Clinton.  By marrying Hillary and with her legacy as a feminist and her willingness to subjugate herself with a putting of his career first he never really had to become a feminist in practice himself.  As well it is quite remarkable still that such can be said of “race” politics too as now later in his career he has left enough record to bring questions out at least as per his library “design” and their choice of Washington residence on Whitehaven Rd that he talked so much as he did about race (until in Harlem) as a southern white male who in his day had stayed ahead of being less than an accepted “master” - right?

How much is in William Jefferson Clinton’s public displays and those reports about him like as if he had been dragged kicking and screaming/crying all the way to Harlem, and, now how that has actually saved his and his wife’s political street cred at least until this #sequester started? 

#Obama #FORWARD has to be out the door - thrown from the train - whipped to death!  We/he now are engaged in a new conflict much of old days now to be reconsidered and finally judged in a due litigation or a re-litigation.

For the record here it seems still that so much of new President Obama’s early pleading to be of us not “re-litigating” the past was actually politically and judicially of injustices that had hardly yet even been litigated once.

If this were Nixon’s era and that Congress we likely already would have impeached Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton and be still about or done as well with one for President Barack H. Obama.  So it seems.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:15 am

The Governors are my mascot.  I was publicly educated through the twelfth grade to my graduation from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross High School.  We were/are THE GOVERNORS.


What is too low a standard morally or ethically speaking for a former US Executive to be at without it “charming” while lower than we should expect?  When is a former Executive of our United States exposed to personal suits for having been of conduct unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

What is a TERRORIST?

Whom are our referees for all this that is of an air of our protections secured for JUSTICE more than a willy nilly of our POLITICS?  Where are the flags from our referees however where ever they are for LIES unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

Before I graduated as a GOVERNOR from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross Public High School I already knew of “B.O.” of Hawaii of interests in presidential oratory and as well already knew there was a Sarah Heath of a Bush, Conn & Heath title IX basketball passion in Alaska.  I have cousins related to Connecticut’s second Governor after the Great Independence & Revolution & original Constituting.  While a high schooler if I was to asking someone to pick up my down winter coat I had to ask them to like grab the “Jerry Brown” coat - for it is I had/have a Gerry brown down winter coat.

By 1971 I had picked a good career path for myself that was much in my mind in 1983 while near to HS graduation.  My grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was to mandatory retirement as a top “Mad Man” of his day (show’s era) as the primary account chieftain for the consolidated work for Johnson & Johnson then at Young & Rubicam.  In 1971 I asked him to take me under his wing and teach me to become like him - with an agreement of “but without your vice of smoking.”

I am John Peter Hogan as named “John” of the oldest son of my paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. and oldest son of his oldest son - my dad named more for his father as John W. Hogan Jr. Esq.  I wanted by 1983 to grow up to be like both of my grandfathers as a merger of their uniquenesses as responsible contributing honorable citizens.

Today is also my dad’s 74th birthday.  The “B.O.” of Hawaii I have known since the late seventies of when I was to the middle school school wide East Rock Community School New Haven Public School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY Declaration of War Speech did become known only more recently for having my same birthday of August 4 though I have all along known him to be four years ahead of me.

I did grow up wanting or needing to be ambitious at least because of my family and our neighborhood and its neighbors and legacy.  While growing up Richard Hegel was of hosting of Holiday Parties we were invited to and while he was New Haven’s official Historian.  It was my old classmate Steve who started dating another old friend who lived across the street from another of BO a “Bo” — Steve Brennen is still a professional artist and now as well a Hamden Fireman, last I knew.  Steve Brennen is the old seventh grade pal whom is responsible for he of “Are you ready for the Oratory Contest? and Are you ready as well to compete in any school wide competition with it also in Hawaii?” queriousness with a like Operator for Hawaii broadcast to all whom might want to compete in presidential oratory against me.

I get it is funny that I have known so many characters for so long and while of interests to a career like both of my grandfathers somehow to a touch as an international marketer of the highest ordering.  I am not sure though it is funny that if you change two “e”s to two “a”s you get “Hagel” from “Hegel” and “Brennan” from “Brennen.”

It is still relevant that I have know Bill and Hillary since 1971 or 1972 and for them of days as students not yet engaged to each other and both to walking my neighborhood with wondering and querying about whether they both might be able to become President someday.  They asked me about such and effectively, to make a long story short and while this is more about Governors today, I like said “NO - if you marry each other be careful who goes first in attempt as the 22nd Amendment should keep you if married to each other from both becoming elected.”  I still don’t know how as a near 1st Grader I was to such a comment - but do get that I was wised up enough to realize I should never let myself forget two people who would ask such a question of anyone.

Is Al Gore a WEATHER TERRORIST?  Was Hillary Clinton with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, from near day one, also effectively acting as if a WEATHER TERRORIST?

As our Diplomacy standing rule is like - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERMANENT ENEMIES OR PERMANENT FRIENDS - JUST PERMANENT INTERESTS - Secretary Kerry with “we have now permanent enemies” is maybe more of the “rule” than a practicable reality.

The Clintons were wrong not to proceed against Saddam Hussein in their first term to a full compliance with all United Nations sanctions.  We have that President Bush was wise not to proceed immediately into Baghdad with THE PERSIAN GULF WAR as until the United States of America started saving its own cities like New York City and its Time Square and as well Las Vegas Saddam Hussein had a way to win.  Saddam Hussein had enough cards up his sleeve to turn the world to his side if we had proceeded immediately at him and Baghdad and with sympathetic marketing to ask peoples of his region and the broader world about whether he wasn’t able to better manage Baghdad than Americans were able to manage their own big cities.

Within the first term of the Clintons we were ready to stand up our cities as at least as well run as his and able to defeat his PR advantage and then move at him for a WWII like post world war RECONSTRUCTION with trials like Nuremberg’s but then for him.  In hindsight we can see many troublesome “official” acts by the Clintons different from this and contributive to so many problems that we have had since that were otherwise able to have been checked and addressed better sooner.

John Kerry, Secretary of State, was smart to remark about how well Japan and Germany are after we defeated their earlier constitutednesses and then worked post world war RECONSTRUCTIONS about.  It is remarkable though that his location was a slap at the Clintons of them more like William Blygh or Bov. George Clinton as well as his mention of RECONSTRUCTION good will of at least the Japanese and Germans as proven to not be “permanent enemies.”  Such begets the late query as to how or why the Clintons didn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein for war crimes in a timely manor nor proceed ASAP to a POST WWWIII RECONSTRUCTION for Iraq once we had started our COMMUNITY POLICING & LIVEABLE CITIES INITIATIVES. 

We have our Governors may now want and get their own drones.  We have that President Obama’s foreign policies with Secretary Clinton are suspect and with Mrs. Clinton of acceptance of a “culpability” for her intelligence and leadership failures as per the BENGHAZI FOUR and our 9/11 II. 

If they cannot explain whom is a terrorist as per BENGHAZI acts of war on like a Holy Day for Al Qaeda how can they or we be sure they know a “terrorist” when tasking a “kill” off their “Kill List” by drone(s)?

If we cannot be clear yet about what a “TERRORIST” is or isn’t still - is it because a defiinition of such will tag both Al  Gore and former candidate for President Hillary Clinton of then HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT while Senator Clinton as well as ‘TERRORIST” - but more as WEATHER TERRORISTS?

What is a TERRORIST?


What is “MATERIAL SUPPORT OF TERRORISTS” and how isn’t Bill Clinton’s CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE while so modeled for “support” like Al Qaeda’s purported “banking system” maybe incidentally or accidentally to casual or real “material support of terrorists”?

Who are our referees?  Where are our referees?  Where are the flags for conduct unbecoming a former Executive Branch Officer of The United States of America?  Where are the penalty flags for all the LIES?

Did I tell you already that today is also my dad’s birthday?

Brennen is a friend - he married the Geller friend once a co-tri Governors swim-team captain with myself and another swimmer David.  This female Geller and other swimmer David were the basis for my musing FRIENDS show into existence as bulwark for friends and a guards against foes.  Bo was and is likely still big into pick-up urban B-ball games though a Professor of Marketing now - as I recall. 

Yes we needed to start fixing New York City, Time Square and some Las Vegas before we proceeded to a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and an attempt to run his Baghdad.  Yes we could have and should have moved to a full enforcement of all United Nations sanctions on Iraq within the Administration of the Clintons’ first term and to a RECONSTRUCTION like that for Japan and Germany after the earlier last world war. 

Secretary Kerry as opened up a can of political worms now with such as in his inaugural speech and with it from the University of Virginia.

What is “material support of terrorists”? 


What is a TERRORIST?

How much has it cost us since the Clintons acted official with an infidelity to our own Justice standards abroad for their eight years as regards Iraq and Saddam Hussein?  How can it be right to have these years be to helping Afghani women and girls and not right for President Bush to have tried to help Iraqi women and girls?  How wrong was it for the Clintons’s official “State” speak to have been religiously bases with a bias against Shia peoples and especially the Shia majority of Iraq oppressed and suppressed by Saddam Hussein and as official speech of “Iraqi Shia are not capable of governing themselves”?


Their foreign policy now also in hindsight is horrendous for a religious basis with sectarian bias contrary to our own established Justice and rights.  It is scary that we let them sell PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS while such morally questionable with Middle East region realities quite different. 

It seems we have that Bill Clinton was at least an AMERICAN INFIDEL to our own Justice standards - and that too many are at risk of a guilt by association now as he thinks we and others have permanently forgotten.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:06 pm

Call me J.P. Hogan!

I did not just give my first inaugural address as a new Secretary of State today.  I do not think that I am an Imperialist.

We can all be empirical forwards and backwards now comparatively on some whales of issues paddled by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton versus those now postured for a new rowing by John Kerry - Secretary of State.

We have an obligation as Americans and/or global citizens to figure out what are the important questions that need to be asked if we are to try to get the answers that are not just random talking points.

If you are not yet away of how a new journey has already started today and how from the inland historical helm of considerations of and by Thomas Jefferson - you can accept as a known fact that John Kerry gave his first speech as President Barack H. Obama’s new Secretary of State from the University of Virginia today. 

He as an inheritor of the questionable years of his predecessor’s over-reaching is now of an inaugural addressing of a Jeffersonian quality not measured just by a sextant’s metrics — President Obama’s new Secretary of State (#SecKerry) broached issues quite modern and old and foggy still while Obama’s.

I do not take him to be a maddening Captain William Blygh of a Bounty helmsmanship nor a mad whale hunter for a great white ways.  Sec Clinton could have been as by William Jefferson Clinton otherwise still much the same but how as Mrs. Hillary Rodham Blythe III - as William Blythe III is President Clinton’s original Christian name.  The HMS Bounty however fated to a mutiny as it was did set sail historically so before the embers of our Tea Party styled independence started struggle burned out to an effected Independence of once mere colonies.

I like Thomas Jefferson for many reasons - I as J.P. Hogan one not an imperialist to the best of his knowledge.  He was inventive besides being an erudite and practical scribe of writs that could endure in a Posterity.  He did as I recall invent a coat hanger and as well a way for French double doors to simultaneously open with a push on just one of them for his Monticello manse.  Thomas Jefferson as well that I remember is credited for the architectural credit about having brought sky lights to America.

But did Secretary of State John Kerry with his inaugural address bury Caesar or praise him with “Hillary” a “Caesar” put to fade away?  What are the whales of the issues in his inheritance from her that will most unsettle his own crews, and, while however once hers?

I am on board some with #SecKerry as I couldn’t be with President Obama’s 1st Secretary of State for she arguably too imperialist at least while of her crusading days as FLOTUS Clinton of her global dictates and trespassing on women’s rights.  Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as she could have been Senator Hillary Rodham Blythe III otherwise, maybe, did bring too much baggage with her to our ship of State.

Call me maybe “the narrator”?

There is a whale of an elephant still about the china shop of Diplomacy of State as long as the Clintons’ Global Initiative is still operational as if a shadow government or at least a shadow Department of State.  I am not sure if Mrs. Clinton is yet allowed to start lobbying for their CGI for at least a year or if she will immediately put on airs as if the First Lady of the Clintons’ Global Initiative.

I may not be ready to narrate on all of this empirically enough yet - call be a “blogger” for now, maybe?

Did you hear about #SecClintons “JOBS DIPLOMACY” yet?  Mustn’t #SecKerry disband this merry mutinous over-reaching immediately if his helmsmanship didn’t first commence effectively already so?

John Kerry, Secretary of State, the newly “foggy” as of Tea Party common sense sympathies old and now new, has inherited a bunch of new blubber energy snags and turbulence.  I as a “narrator” or just a “blogger” appreciate his freshness as believable, unlike his predecessor, with his ordering and posits of his State of he as no longer “political.”  Legends will be made on all the  ways that the Clintons fogged up our State and Diplomacy spousally in ways that “not in politics” effectively sounded no more believable that “it depends what the definition of is is.” 

I cannot myself abide that there was not a running conflict of interest with Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State while her Husband as if “President of the World” and reigning still “executively” with their CGI.

Today’s inaugural address from the University of Virginia by John Kerry, Secretary of State wafts over those already exposed as a breath of fresh air yet not explainable as part of a continuous philosophy of governance by President Barack H. Obama.  There is a whale of an elephant in the china shop of our State — Has President Obama been liberated by John Kerry and from a tyranny of and by the Clintons and such that now he is free to be his better self?

Did the Clintons have President Barack H. Obama essentially chained to them and their global plots set too much in motion too imperialistically too long ago?

How can President Obama’s NEW #State Top Diplomat now seem so different and already so much more intelligent?

It is now that you can nearly call President Obama’s new Top Diplomat a Tea Partier or a great Jeffersonian sympathizer, and, while the Clintons together seems set adrift to fade away as too autocratic and of too great over-reaching extra-Constitutional plotting and scheming as if they were HMS keeled and “majesties” in their own minds.  So much of the era of William Blygh and his HMS Bounty with sympathies more akin to George Clinton then about as in opposition to the ideas of America as the Governor of New York.

But of the whale of the elephant as if in a china shop about our foreign services left over of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons bureaucratic and imperialistic over-reaching such as her JOBS DIPLOMACY empirically heels:

Was #SecClinton mutinous for all of her four years as President Barack H. Obama’s Top Diplomat?  Was her JOBS DIPLOMACY bad economics and not of the spirit of our Constitution - at least as figured by Thomas Jefferson?

You can call me stirred and shaken by her and her JOBS DIPLOMACY and yet consider me less informed than I do desire as we all seem too much of random talking points while back room plots were being hatched and maybe after a special spousal setting keeled by and of the “two-fer” of Clintons as whence thence our reigning First Couple.

I do answer to “J. P. Hogan” and am most easily Googleable so.  But now what of the over-reaching of “Hillary’s” JOBS DIPLOMACY of it empirically it seems of an attempt to usurp legacy global powers of two other cabinet level departments? 

Secretary Kerry can you assure me that you will not continue the imperialistic scheming to bring Commerce and Treasury legacy global yet separated Powers under the “Diplomatic” seat of duty and obedience as however you now find it with as the inheritor of dangerous over-reaching ambitions long of the Clintons’ politics to a new dawn of Powers for them if they could just effect a “Post-Constitutional Era” acceptance as a “new necessary” way?

I will have to bed down tonight believing that John Kerry has liberated President Obama from the shackles of the Clintons politics and decades of plotting as a “two-fer” never not “Political.”  I know not what else there is to believe tonight after Secretary John Kerry spoke intelligently and eruditely as if of Tea Party sympathies old and new.

As a blogger I gander empirically a sense about much of this as if a sea change about President Obama. 

I am more an observer seeing them prepare anew to cast off to foreign ports of call Diplomatically, however.  But as per “Hillary’s” JOBS DIPLOMACY danger lurks deep beneath our keel of State — while it of a too imperialistic heeling and not yet already or soon righted or arrested.

We know “Hillary” wanted the BIG job in the BIG house — and that it figures it would be as logical to close down our Department of Education as to let a Secretary of State be about usurping however enumerated Powers of Commerce and Treasury while of wants hungover to the REAL power of the BIG house.

He is now at the helm of State - he is now the captain of our Diplomacy - he is John Kerry, Secretary of State.

A new day has dawned! - but? - and, yet:  Does President Barack H. Obama have a philosophy of governance?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:03 pm

We have that “capitalism” and “socialism” were top keywords for 2012, and, now with 2013 due a grand diligence about “cost consciousness” at least.

We can conclude later that President Obama has corned himself politically with a gridlock of and from his own absolutes.

To be brief, and yet poignant, while a hashable audience is e-assembled, for social media networking, and physically organized gathered as a #smw ecosystem:

We have that these days of President Obama as re-elected with a mandate for austerity and gridlock have us stuck much because of some of these works of the Administration of the Clintons:

If he were to trying to actually sell and effect a new growth economy wouldn’t he necessarily be about a different politics?

It figures that President Obama now owns the down economy and that enough may now be realizing that the Democrats actually did far more to cause the economic downturn than even President Bush’s tax cuts.

Many can easily fathom how to twain a marking of blame upon the Clintons for their eight years after they get over the first condemned bridge about the Clintons’ SURPLUSES as of a trillion in cuts that neither our Government nor our economy needed.

It is hard to avoid speaking of dangers from political ABSOLUTES now for there is so much that relates almost solely economically and politically just to the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.  Obama has cornered himself with his ABSOLUTE “It is all Bush’s fault!”  Or, the Clintons trapped newly elected President Obama with an insistance that he should go again with “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” absolutism.

President William Jefferson Clinton knew enough to be aware that he shouldn’t have proceeded with a SURPLUS while he pursued his risky loan housing bubble economic plans as an unfunded Federal social program.  Those two political items should not ever be able to work together or well co-exist.

The Clintons messed up our economics by rigging succession schemes for Hillary to be set up to be asap elected to return them to our Executive seat of “holding of office” of our Office of the President.  There are historical moments to consider as our economy is stuck with a jobless recovery much still that precisely rest about the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES could go down as the greatest economic and/or political blunder of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of at least the past century.  We had no economic or governmental need for that cutting of an additional trillion in cuts past the trillion the GOP found to cut (too quickly) to balance our Federal budget.

The SURPLUSES linger in these down economic times of us much still in the “ditch” yet hardly as critically as they should.  To understand the SURPLUSES it helps to consider the scheming to successionary Power by the Clintons to as much as possible set Hillary up to asap return them to such seat of Powers for the both of them again.  It is critical that you do not accept or believe the innocent portrayal of Hillary Clinton as in the book or movie GAME CHANGE for she and Bill were of dating compatibility while at Yale Law School because they both wanted to be elected President.  She did not only after becoming “Senator Hillary Clinton” get to thinking she might want to be President herself and as from people having suggested the idea firstly to her.
The Clintons’s SURPLUSES now sit in a lacking safety about a media and politics too hesitant to consider them as contrary and conflicting to the very New Deal spending ideology of President Obama.  It seems as if there are two absolutes that do not and cannot fit together now still to propped up and marketed as if somehow they are actually compatible.  The Clintons stood up an unnecessary cutting of an additional trillion while there was no economic need for a surplus, &, President Obama stands up suggesting so much they said we didn’t need to spend even a trillion on is now actually necessary spending.

There are many condemned levies and roads and bridges and even schools that the Clintons took away available Federal dollars from.  In the case of Katrina and the failure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MR GO) their surpluses fit with the courts finding of “gross negligence” upon our Federal Government to a date back to 1983 most negligently morally speaking on the legacy of the Administration of the Clintons for them of cutting money by a trillion for a political popularity from a SURPLUS thought most impossible and while it was not necessary economically nor for governance purposes.

We have it nearly as a truth self evident after past the first condemned bridge left to collapse by the Clintons’ SURPLUSES that it cannot have been as ABSOLUTE as President Obama decried with “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!”

The greatest economic threat if not just the most dangerous moral threat is that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were only “necessary” politically to save a queen like plotted and schemed succession workings towards a President Hillary Clinton.  The Clintons needed to politically save themselves and their vast plotting too near to a reach at global autocratic power after the GOP proved that they could find a trillion in cuts to safely balance our Federal budget.  The Clintons would not have been able to sell anyone on more years for either of them then for their second term if they couldn’t prove that they too could find a thought impossible trillion to also cut.

Hillary Clinton much deserves the rapped tag as the “TRILLION DOLLA’ SURPLUS’D QUEEN” in poem FUZZY MATH available at http://jphogan.org and where originally streamed and published via http://citizenrosebud.us.

President Clinton and Senate Banking chieftain Dodd are oddly remembered for having asked a small gaggle of banking heads to find a way to “gamble away” the known and/or expected risks inherent in Bill Clinton’s desire to be most popular by coyly burning our economic candle from both ends at once.  You can call it “a ditch” or that “it burned out” as expected - seemingly.

It is absolutely not now funny that President Obama’s Obamacare ACA was fronted as not meant to cover illegal immigrants while now of he of an immigration proposal that would have them all by their conservative estimate of 12 million to be fully covered it seems as citizens by about the time his Obamacare however costs otherwise is to then be in effect on the promises and predictions about it as affordable without these 12 million covered as well.

Only the Clintons needed the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of them also to a finding of a thought impossible trillion in cuts.  Without matching the GOP efforts of the balancing of our budget their scheming and effecting to line Hillary up would have been bust.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES did take away the pipeline of Federal Government spending that needed the 4-7 year headstart to have kept enough employment in our economy for the risky lending housing bubble as run yet as their unfunded Federal social program.  The timing of such is nearly enough self evident now though hardly the political absolute it should rank with while incidentally chronological to a set up for economic collapse about 2006 or 2007.  It is that to have seen the housing not collapse the “shovel ready” jobs had to not have been cut by the Clintons’s SURPLUSES during their second term so that they would have been already processed and in the works with all necessary permitting for the “economics” then needed after the Clintonomics of stirring a hyper-consumerism ran the length of its short wick.

It is that President Obama is the President now maybe most trapped by ABSOLUTES of his own orations.  But that said it is absolutely a real concern that the Clintons were offered political protection like of a “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” polarizing political partisanship then quite only able to lead to gridlock.  But with these shared it is important to really consider how absolutely correct I am in sharing that the Clintons were the only ones that needed the SURPLUSES and politically to save a succession scheming to line Hillary up for an inevitable anointing more as if a “queen.”

We have all long been paying too high a price for the SUPLUSES of the Clintons.  And it is absolutely contradictory that the Clintons can be economically right for so much cutting, and that President Obama can be so right for wanting to spend so much once cut as unnecessary as if it is still necessary.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES do deserve to go down in history as one of our greatest national economic blunders of the past century.  President Clinton did know enough to know he shouldn’t have pursued surpluses and his risky lending programs with his Clintonomics of a pimped out hyper-consumerism — but resisting temptations (political) is historically of record a characteristic not as of a “strong suit.”

A while ago while being a partisan political operator against his promises to operate his CGI as non-partisan and non-political he in an interview with Maria Bartiromo proffered an “expertise” about economies needing time to recover science that by his own words and phraseology if actually an “expert” and if such affirms he was an expert while President did condemn himself as knowingly have been of doing what he knew he economically shouldn’t have done while President.

Beyond this we are of a 2013 as much needing a pop trending for key word relevance about “capitalism” and “socialism” still.  We though need to find a way to break down the ABSOLUTES of and by President Obama to get to the realistic realm of “cost consciousness” needed as we also need to really discuss tax reforms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:42 am

Perhaps you have heard of the long day ride of the nominee of President Obama Chuck Hagel!  Two lanterns may be needed, or just one, for that guardian charge many are being asked to allow as a trusted duty his.

How many candles can he light - need he of Nebraska light at least metaphorically - how wicked or enlightened be he in old lights for Posterity as a candle otherwise maybe lit as our beacon of defense?  William Golding of Brasenose College - a perhaps idyllic or iconic in life and death for Chuck Hagel and his comraderies?

We were nearly all the boobs of the threat considerations of the 2006 SURGE dates — Senator Chuck Hagel, whence pressed, and probed, those moments lingering on, still as “complicated” relationships hung over much, with fogs of ignorance and naivete horned yet not seen, was figuratively a Paul Revere of Nebraska biased to measures scaled to relations foremost considerate of natural law erudity flames or sparks.

“Among the vicissitudes incident to life”* start stands as a prophylactic of earlier days governance commencements quite so whence Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska was charged of considerations of personal emoluments of official duties and which ever pecuniary costs for skins or pounds of flesh, however Solomesque, the peace of the dates or the spark of threats had embedded particularly.

It is considerate to not relate or report yesterday’s pounding of President Barack H. Obama’s first choice to succeed Sec Def Panetta as Republican on Republican hate.  He may have been a silversmith to only a second place though for himself, now.

When Senator, he, Chuck Hagel,  may have wanted to see a Clinton PEACE as not a “PEACE!” before its time and been too much to a bosomed embrace of our Houses as united while still divided by actual wars and their political costs and histories.

There were ways to buffet such dates of so much warring thought not to have been to becoming our fate or destiny but not to run from the light of the actual candles/beacons of truths of the ages in which all was bedded.

The pounding and pressing of President Barack H. Obama’s first choice even if it leaves nominee Hagel now of a silver of his own wraught - is good for the President and for us since it was an airing of shared SURGE naivete still long over-coddled by the Administration of Obama.  What was lit yesterday for all to be forewarned from is that his shared pinings and sympatheties on review as also those long fronted by our current President are now no longer “historical” or defensible - that they are not now “reasoned” nor “reasonable” as most now shed their innocence and naivete of the “it’s complicated” old dated relationships as per threats not as simple as such that a warm embrace could fix or settle.

Among the vicissitudes incident to the SURGE Senator John McCain and myself and maybe all that I wrote publicly in 2006 as “uc” has been much confirmed and affirmed as our actual histories for and about the SURGE for Posterity now as a candle/beacon of and for fact based governance (and defense budgeting).

Strategically speaking so much of such past dates were really always political then of “it’s complicated” near to a maximus, and, still of a more reasoned understanding for motivations as justifications by the seats of Al Qaeda to 9/11 I quite that more should be considerate that our Senators at least had their judgement compromised by our 9/11 Commission Report as it was/is a flawed bedded and binded mess for having only looked back ten years all the while Al Qaeda was known to have been born nearer twelve years thence earlier.

Of nominee for Secretary of Defense beaconship we can be considerate that Senator Chuck Hagel when given the right histories or facts is likely of a capacity and accomplishment in governance to make a good or right decision.  It is arguable that his hot seat flaming is lit by embers of ignorance and naivete official bound by our 9/11 Commission findings.

The incident vicissitudes particular to the erring by nominee Hagel now so historical as lacking in “historical” correctness are of days and threats against America that had long passed Nebraska thresholds as of a bosom and soothing or settling by coddling, it seems.

We have too long been blinded by the worked ignorance upon the minds of just Americans by politicking with our histories such as two Clintons have too long done.  It is considerate not to report yesterday’s ups and downs so incident as Republican on Republican HATE.  The bound bedding now long pertinent to the bad dates so rehashed with discussions of earlier Republican possible partisan betrayal is buttress’d covertly too much in a false narrative not a rap enough of the false yet convenient rap of two of the Clintons. 

As per such as the important and incident actual histories of the relative past twenty plus years of ups and downs foreign and domestic it behoove all to remember the Clintons’ are by their “friends” still fresh of taggings as “BIG LIARS”! 

By the lies of the Clintons - the known and the unknown lies of the Clintons many leaders have fallen or slipped as BOOBS!

William Golding was of erudition by way of Brasenose College and Senator Chuck Hagel to politics of vicissitudes of incidents domestic and foreign by way of Nebraska. 

His hesitancy whence to be of Republican Party loyalty as to the proven sound reasoning of and for a SURGE is not quite as bad a faux pas as that which have made Clinton loyalists and the Clintons themselves now nearer to a record as of a actual historical global naivete - of an embrace to much of “PEACE” before its time.

But of his Congressional Senatorial review - it is good news that the President’s seemingly intimately shared naivete about histories now better understood than whence thence to political hesitancy and dangerous inaction and avoidance posturing have been aired by his first choice for Secretary of Defense charge.  We now may all be able to GET SMART and start moving forward with intellectual honesty and a reset to US Governance along fact based actual histories.

We may all be at risk if we don’t check nominee Chuck Hagel’s rendition of SURGE political bedding/binding.  Whether by across the seas or by lands American of the United States all are now still too at risk of also becoming BOOBS of the Clintons at least if failing to consider that Saddam Hussein gave birth incidentally to Al Qaeda by his invasion of our Ally Kuwait, and, that Al Qaeda likely attacked us on both 9/11 as a political or thought just act of “Jihad” against first the failures of President Clinton to sufficiently have prosecuted Saddam Hussein, by their radically so sense of justice, and, then with the second 9/11 maybe so for the same reasoning then of an abhorance visceral to their ideological theocratic group think as President Clinton of Charlotte charlatan posturing like a pouring of salts into their wounds, the wounds by their conception kept open and sore and misunderstood at least by those that trust our 9/11 Commission findings.

It may be that Nebraskan nominee Chuck Hagel came across as a BOOB of Obama’s preference from a trust in the history as bound by his old Congress’ consdiration of Al Qaeda by way of their 9/11 Commission and its ______________ for having only looked back ten years when the group know to have actually attacked of their own wills and sense of justice was yet then nearer twelve years old.

A better embrace of history is now available for many - for many more than whence thence now of old wounds reopened:

Al Qaeda was formed to be a Muslim answer to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of neighbor Nation State of Kuwait and was so chided and long abraded by the USA and coalition states having been otherwise chosen to be the just warriors.  It can be said that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 but likely only by way of having incidentally having been the father of Al Qaeda by way of his inappropriate violation of Kuwait. 

There is real and historical “cause and effect” now more publicly consumable such that fewer need be BOOBS still about our own trying times that followed on so much of the Clintons’ “PEACE DIVIDENDS” of ups and downs like of lies of a “PEACE” “officially” before its times.

Nominee Chuck Hagel might be a candle of naivete too much - I hope our Senators figure out such in time.  As more than a time of natural law biased “PEACE” where coddling too long thought a way to bedding for Posterity Nominee Hagel is still at risk of not being embraced if he rests with President Obama like of a innocence from ignorance and naivete disrespective of incidental histories that relate to Saddam Hussein legacy and motivations seemingly of a confidence that he thought he had a way to defeat the United States of America - globally, and, specifically with traps set about an assault figurable against Americans of the United States by way of cyber or global public relations warring spin.

These hearings now are for Posterity with us now to trust that our charged Congress will be to greater good discourse to be a prophylactic for endemic naivete imprudence.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:19 pm

This is not about Sarah Palin!

Senator John McCain vis a vis so with the introduction of Senator John Kerry as President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State nominee begets that this is instead cleanly about a wrap of a first term for President John McCain if he had been elected - and figured since he looks stronger not weaker while so old four years later.

There was another way. 

As responsible global citizens we have a responsibility to consider now, now that we see McCain was fit, and enduring, how had if he been elected in 2008, to what, and where otherwise, we could or would be now.

The tao of Barack Hussein Obama as questioned leader of his own party though publicly set officially as our President has been of the party group think of an elite few that radical change had to happen and very quickly - had to happen like in only two years.

There was another way - not as tortured - as tortured as Senator John McCain’s own proud and patriotic past of sacrifice in the service of truth.

There was another way.

President Obama as our new executive did attempt to evangelize all global citizens while hoping to captivate Americans with his near daily one hour interruptions of regularly scheduled broadcasts.  There is that had he had a state run media for all of America contrary officially to our preserved rightly by our First Amendment he would have had a better chance at success.

President John McCain, if so, was of a way for Americans to zen and organize as proud and American Free. 

This is not about President George W. Bush nor specifically of his Administration.

We do have that because Democrat elite were able to railroad our new President Barack H. Obama as if he were not the head of his own party and so to the GREEN AGENDA etcetera we are now as global citizens best postured if fully to a consideration that effectively the Administration of George Bush must have been “GREEN” itself much somehow.  It is inescapable that all the rushed idealistic change of just the first two years of the Democrats back in power in DC couldn’t have been mechanically or physically possible if President Bush hadn’t been to institutional support of so much suddenly “new technology.”

There was another way.

Senator McCain had been selling a renaissance in state’s rights and a economic way forward that could have turned our economy around in just two years.  We shouldn’t take President Bill Clinton’s word that such was not possible — there is that a quick and “GREEN” economic recovery was possible with the direction a President McCain was towards as an new “executive” directing.  The caveat though as per such is that a faster recovery would have needed an official reforming of our banks more publicly otherwise than that which happened and with a real tagging of our banking problems having actually much having been of and by Clintons’ and their “CLINTONOMICS.”

By the heavy hand of elite Democrats as they seemingly were to railroading new and hopeful President Barack Hussein Obama we got a rush to political and partisan economics that could only lead to a slow recovery like our “JOBLESS RECOVERY.” 

These hands called us to their tao as if President’s change all along - like.  Yet we ignore still at our expense and at pains to the global economy a perspective ignorant for all global citizens if so without recollection that such was marched as our marching orders even though in Spain such was earlier proven to have cost two jobs for every new one that it could produce.

I don’t know why we went the way of Spain and so blindly quickly - so politically and in a polarizing partisan forced march.

A once tortured President John McCain was reared years as a U.S. military brat, arguably.  Our military was our new frontier for most of our best integration as a nation as a melting pot.  A President John McCain could only have been at least as much a President of all our people as President Barack Hussein Obama has been, it seems.  Senator McCain was reared institutionally to be none other than such, it seems.

There were and are other and better ways to have changed our economy around real and imagined concerns about GLOBAL WARMING.  Senator John McCain as a candidate for President was standing receptive and leaning it seems as if responsibly to a more open minded approach as well on the possible uses of so much investment in GREEN technology as that which must have been long of the Administration of President George W. Bush and the Congresses convened those years.

There was another way.

It can be said that our economies haven’t been able to recover yet because the Democrats of the United States of America rushed too quickly ahead with too much unfigured and yet properly considered change.

As I tweeted recently: 

>”What of 150,000 troops? For enough to liberate an oldest of sovereign nations & for enough to chase 50 Al Qaeda.”

>Time rprtd a 9% drop in USA carbon emissions since 2007 & others a USA warming as gas levels dropped. What up w/ that?

There was another way.

More condemning of Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton than her outburst like “JACK” of A FEW GOOD MEN with her’s nearer to an “I cannot handle the truth!” is that which you can find by visiting citizenrosebud.com and with use of search pane to gathering from keyword prompting with “9/11 II”.  See:   http://bit.ly/Tyzzlk  (& scroll past this column also in results for 9/11 II)  It seems it still makes more sense and is more condemning of her that Al Qaeda attacked on another 9/11 for reasons similar to the first 9/11 - Right?

As I posted on Facebook the other day:

>“Tease: There would have been a “new nationalism” w/ Prez McCain - with THNX to troops rotated home reasonably & to nation’s thnx with: This is why OIF right and necessary uniting! late but not too late, and with McCain Admin of promises to keep to have at home as well stirred the spirit of federalism with what seemed his paths then to a renaissance in state’s rights.  We wouldn’t have needed Obama’s Liberal ideas of New Nationalism as then we were a better informed general populace capable finally of learning of real complexities that necessitated OIF at least so that the United States of America didn’t get trapped on the wrong side of all this change happening across the general Middle East.

>”Prez McCain would have been a healthcare for all President too - but with Americans and returned troops encouraged to show proudly what it means to be American Free and of states as incubators to better government of and by the People.  See we already had Romneycare in Massachusetts, and, Utah is much of a Mormon tything and we were just missing other states stepping up competitively with inventive new healthcare coverage for all models of their own.”

There was another way.

This Saturday January 26, 2013 in the wee hours near 3am I posted this on #davos2013 venue for the World Economic Forum on a couple of their Facebook updates:

>”That is a tough one to answer as the US internal politics still in disarray with people not considering or having realized that WMD argument by President Bush needed Senator Hillary Clinton’s vote as affirmation that the intelligence of the Administration of the Clintons did not contradict his basis for Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Senator Clinton’s vote for Operation Iraqi Freedom is more condemning of her and her husband than President Bush if WMD basis was a lie.  She voted as reported without reading any newer intelligence reports than she would have been at least intimately privy to via Clintons’ administration.  Cooperation is a tricky issue now since USA is waking up to it not possible that “it was all Bush’s fault” and to that it likely was more than half the fault of the Clintons.  There was never an argument that Saddam got WMD in only the few months since the Clintons left office so Senator Clinton’s vote was affirmation that the Clintons agreed with the Bush intelligence about WMD.  @jphoganorg . of http://jphogan.org etc…”

There was another way — I was ready to work with a President John McCain along all of these lines whence.

Earlier I shared probably via Facebook the historical perspective that the housing crisis and down economy started with Hillary and Al spiking the price of gas with their global campaigns.  Clintons and CLINTONOMICS had encouraged Americans to spend more than every penny they had and recklessly such that there was no room for higher fuel prices in their fixed incomes when the price of gas did spike and keep spiking due to so much subjectivity and politics slammed into our markets with Hillary’s and Al’s global campaigning.  When the price of gas went up the hyper consumerism at the core of CLINTONOMICS had to stop and while the fuel prices had yet to cause so much more to cost so much more due to higher energy and transportation costs then added to once otherwise budgeted basics.

When you figure finally how it all started it becomes rational to consider that Bush could basically do nothing once it started as related to the spike in gas prices caused by the politics and subjectivity of Hillary and Al and their global campaigning against carbon based fuels.  The last thing Republicans were to wanting then before an election in 2008 were higher gas prices as then they could get re-elected simply due to economics.  And, as long as the price of gas was part of the ideology for rushed change by the Democrats there was no way really to turn back the prices in time to prevent the housing collapsing first around those that had bought into spending more than every penny as urged by CLINTONOMICS then on fixed incomes.

There is as well, to help McCain’s case and incidentally President Bush and his legacy, that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was wrongly a devotee of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of that extra trillion cut that never should have been touched for cuts.  Speaker Pelosi as a devotee was also a wall up against President Bush having political room to attempt to prevent the housing collapse being as great with some quick spending — he was not allowed by her to call for spending like on anything the Clintons had said could be cut for their SURPLUSES.


*[I will stop now and consider style and content and possible edits though space and word count not here limited to me.  This is supposed to be a column ready for Sunday - the first Sunday of the Second Term of President Obama yet maybe as if it were otherwise to being now a second term for still strong still Senator John McCain.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:11 pm

These are momentous days of truths rolling on beyond the control and wishful messaging of President Barack Hussein Obama The Re-Elected.  Firstly we should primarily concern ourselves much already to 2016 to the preservation of U.S. of at least two parties.  Secondly we should firstly also be to a present queriousness as to whether these past four years have been of the United States of America of a governance and politics actually more polarizing politically than was thought beyond “expected” to of an “inevitable” new partisan dividing quite on the way and yet of a President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

There are greater truths rolling on above this now ancillary historical still concerning problem more pressing now judicially as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is set to be paraded for problems inescapably hers and some much more than of others about her as failures at least in “leadership” messaging and tone hers.

Whether President Clinton would have been more polarizing if the resultant victor of the 2008 challenges - more polarizing than he that has now been sworn in again for having hung himself higher successfully than she in our public eyes/galleries is somewhat a something that both our House and our Senate by tomorrow should also consider at least as per “motive” and “means” while working to see if she can or will incriminate her boss without delay.

If it is to a real concern that a capital punishment is deserved at least for Madam Secretary Clinton it shouldn’t be a high hanging of a well worked rendition in oil on canvas for her but harkenings chorused on high as if the United States of America had French guillotines.  These are moments like past lore’d histories where at least a threat of “off to the guillotine” or water-boarding would be in the pressing and generally in the civil airs.

Whom to hang higher tomorrow?  To at least consider hanging higher tomorrow and now on the eve with political palpitations in flux anticipatory to a high drama possible if “rival” Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may or may not be prone to an outburst or worked plotting to effectively throw her boss under a bus — Whom to hang higher or lower soon?

The state of our nation is at stake and our last vestiges of HOPE maybe in our institution of Congress.  His team of “rivals” has truths their own rolling on contrary and maybe superior to a better and higher legacy than he may yet be able to lift or peg as his own.  There has been much change but now with scholarly called hopefully to an intellectual honesty professionally rended towards future editions reared to consider his successes may actually already now be more her “successes” and not much at all anything he actually built.

How much is at stake?  Is the entire reputation of our state of a nation at stake and threatened by what should be heard and discoursed fully through with his “Hillary” to hot seats with a “the buck stops here” out of passing the buck up to her boss to help set her up, however, towards 2016?

How threatened is the state of our nation vis a vis our view of our representatives and our institutions of Congress as our House and Senate now with a “Hillary” disposition maximus or again too minimus due news of this week?  Can she be hung high now despite whether or not politically an “how high” or if “higher than” her boss without our Congress being again too complicit in a vast lowering of standards of our State?

This is more for echoes of our Statuary Hall and galleries, where ever, though in centuries earlier more dramatic events would likely have already unfolded for at least our Madam Secretary of State for having doned pompous capping in preposterous hats as figuratively as if too much a modern day Marie Antoinette - nearer to “off to the guillotine with her” or for her boss.

No, we can wait to see if President Barack Hussein Obama can stand the never ending campaign of the Clintons in battles for legacies greater for themselves than they have earned, and now with he too set to have a institutionalized never ending campaign for himself.  For our Statuary Halls and galleries, where ever, it may be that the Clintons will succeed in still out foxing President Obama and maybe by some clever transference or projection again in coming days of State disposing hearings into renditions of Hillary’s questionable understanding of history.

Today on the eve of a scheduled challenge to seated power such as times before celebrated eons and eons prior like with a sharpening of guillotines or a building of a hanging stand we behold a great institutional threat to our House and our Senate and so our Tranquility and Posterity. 

Must our Congress find that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to be effectively somehow and very publicly set out tomorrow and in coming days for perpetuity as if always now to be hung lower than President Barack Hussein Obama?  Can his “Hillary” effect a coup as a still too celebrated “rival” and yet not be so to a corrupting of our institution of Congress of the People quite sworn? 

Can they go light - can they as our Congress’s sworn go as light on her as she and our now re-sworn President have in mind as of a “fairness”?

Our we at a weakness for firsts primarily now too much like of a too high affirmative action for those held out as of our highest or presumed finest?  Are we of these as “her” and “she” of “Hillary” as our to be most scrutinized highest yet for all the State failures at least in Presidential messaging and “leadership” “tone” such to as of a “he” and “his” of “Obama” as our still unreached maybe too to be faulted as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and so that they are hoping that our institution of Congress can only be to a review of them as nearly our First Female President and he as historied already as a First Black Man so by reasoning as of a low standard for each of them firstly to be primarily no higher than the worst of the white men that have preceded either of them?

Our Congress has before it the ability to destroy itself if it proceeds towards a hanging of a prettier portrait of our Secretary of State than she has earned or merited.  There is that maybe she can make a deal to throw her boss under the bus to get herself hung higher for perpetuity but still with that we have the risk that our Congress could be to being of acts too low and basic to be only to devastating affectings upon themselves.

Can our Congress now proceed at all “lightly” against our currently seated Secretary of State without incriminating themselves to publicly of a set and cast to standards now too low for our people of our We the People…?

It may be too dramatic a judicial pondering to be believing that either our Secretary of State Clinton as an almost First Female President Clinton or our re-elected and re-sworn President Obama are self-possessed to an escapist rendition of justice such that they and their failures as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and the related contrary suggestive that their Al Qaeda intelligence must all or nearly all be fundamentally flawed intelligence at our highest of political review levels are now or ever can be judged by our institution of Congress now only by comparison to the worst white men that have preceded them in their current offices.

Some truths are rolling on now greater in an honesty and breadth of permanent details now such that President Obama seems to think it necessary to now also be of running a permanent campaign at least to defend himself defensively from machinations by the most political and proven polarizing Clintons and their never ending campaigning.

And, some truths are now more self evident and still rolling on that stand up Republicans as more correct and of having been of a more honest telling than yet broadly known specifically as pertains to renditions of Dems histories as preached or posited by “Hillary’s” boss.

We have that just though for all the State failures in crisis prioritizing and “leadership” tone it looks like we are set now to just see our institution of Congress seize these moments to RESET their “standards” be to effecting that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has now done too much too poorly to ever be hung as high as now re-elected and re-sworn President Barack Hussein Obama.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

A longer title could or should be NEW WORLD ORDER TABLETS.  Our world has changed and we have by one party more than another been encouraged to change with them in ways contrary to our long established systems of checks and balances.

Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

A retrospective on President Obama should now at least dig up how his famed “SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” CAIRO SPEECH oddly proffered like:  American slaves got out of their bondage peacefully and without violence.

The complexity of this recently re-elected President who wanted to have a “personality” based Presidency has another grand oratory moment of international concern for any world order.   Some how Senator Barack H. Obama spoke to a large crowd in Berlin, Germany and with linguistic oratorical looseness such that he closed out his rendition of history as if his father as a army cook was critical to the success of the Berlin Air Lift and so that he the son now can stand and inherit from his father and all listening a personal empowerment of having saved the World - or just Berlin, himself.

We are of days of wonderful new communication tools that don’t just have to be wired by Government as tools for mass partisan assimilations.  As tablets are of our past carried morality now new tablets are there yet to be used for a better modern morality.

President Obama now has a problema much like that visceral for his predecessor while himself no long re-electable — The Clintons as like “family” - adopted and embraced step children/brethren - by the Bush clan did turn out knives as if back stabbing political opportunists even though Bush was no longer “electable.”   President Obama now himself no longer re-electable has the Clintons as his greatest threat and as an internecine Democrat divided house — as the Clintons were willing to back stab the Bush as “family” as “rivals” of Administration of President Obama what won’t they be willing to try to do, politically just within their own party?

President Obama may have the greatest friend as of the adage “an enemy of my enemy is my friend” with Senator John Kerry if approved to be Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s successor.  He should after Benghazi failures now of problems and unpreparedness within some of her own “pet” issues be called to a cleaning of her houses of State.  A Secretary of State John Kerry is a perfect political ally for President Obama against an expected internecine power struggle (for legacies - over legacies).

Most concerning, despite how dangerously framed, in these complicated times, by the real international and geo-regional politics more real than some of the above oratorical confounding profferings, and as if we are working on a tower of policies on shifting sands and without an adequate foundation, remains, though little pressed, to be how we have been of Mrs. Clintons our “oversight” head for Mr. Clinton while of all his CGI and Library and/or Foundations’ global machinations.

I don’t know that our system with checks and balances and its three equal branches of Government ever failed to consider that a wife is not supposed to be our “policing” agent for a “hen house” of global egg laying of her husband.  I do think that is like having put an known egg thief in charge of securing our eggs.

We can recall how I and others did give the orator of at least the above mentioned past Obama speeches very low grades or failiing grades for one or the other - and how others gave him glowing like A++ s even though he spoke as if orating a denial that our Civil War had actually been at all about slavery. 

We can though still look at how our Executive Department has historically worked with more checks and balances and too more transparency over our history — We can look at how almost all of President Obama’s weak or faulted international moments and especially of his speaking with prepared remarks has his top Diplomat as Secretary of State as a Cabinet level “officer” at least primarily a suspect for each as each fault had her of a job to see it and say something about each before each and even maybe to have been an “expert” with “edits” proffered.

Politically speaking just about the very concerning above problema intertwined in much of what isn’t working now while of “national” or “federal” hands we have that a Secretary of State John Kerry can come in and blame his predecessor for most if not all of his new boss’s past international foibles - and domestic messaging as per them all.

I was disappointed recently when I quickly Googled “modern moralists” and didn’t see any “modern” moralists then in the first page of results.  Again, it may be “leaders” of your party that are using new “tablets” to attempt to work a mass hysteria to an acceptance of methodologies contrary to our system and still writ regulatory ways. 

But about President Obama — has he been an imperialistic neo-colonialist?  Was he trapped by internecine Democrat Party machinations hung-over from the Clintons’ spousal plotting to a having of his “governance” hands greatly tied up by the Clintons?  Is President Obama though of a desire to be of a “personality” based Presidency and despite how a “cabinet of rivals” rivaled such as a contradicting paradigm/conundrum but now of a legacy near exactly as that which we would have had if of an extention of the Administration of the Clintons as attempted?

With former President William Jefferson Clinton, here to fore protected by his spouse, while she the cabinet level officer charged with oversight of organizations like his creatively established CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE, still of his CGI as if a privately operated “State Department” can Senator Kerry start at State as the successor of such charge now without calling rightly for a full and complete audit of all the overseas activities of our former President William Jefferson Clinton?

Even though like President Bush in years past we have that President Obama is no longer also re-electable can that the Clintons are of his own party keep them from behaving just as disloyal or even more of a lack of loyalty?

Though our new tablets are now of us still of a lasting legacy of foundations in earlier tablets we have problems now in part for international “relations” are so borderless that we are of a new world more of “international politics” than as before of and for “global diplomacy” for relationships between peoples.

Again we have had administration by Democrats where they have worked less than possible and/or prudent towards an national awareness raising to better “informed” “citizens” as all of a “towards such” reality.  These Democrats new and or compromised so, as of a before when a “before” wasn’t too early, have been contrary to our basic methodologies secured by our Constitution by policies and practices more towards a shift at home and abroad to as many as possible more to as if just “subjects.”

These are days of us of new world order with tablets old and new — and of people in a world more already of an “international politics” than the “Diplomacy” so far of the Obama administration’s State Department has pressed, itself. 

We have that we are of dangers just from a lack of sharable understanding of the attacks to the loss of THE BENGHAZI FOUR as such is going down rightly, it seems, as an “ACT OF WAR” in a known ongoing war and not as a random act by unknown unaffiliated “terrorists” as spewed in amateur fashions by those we accepted (wrongly) as experts.

The new order possible for President Obama in his second term with Senator John Kerry if confirmed to be our next Secretary of State remains of opportunities for the both of them to blame Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for most of the past “shortcomings” or “failures” - yet to allow President Obama an escape for near un-American “management” methods of his having let Mrs. Clinton be the policing “officer” of his cabinet for all “foreign” activities of her husband has to rest on his shoulders as of his naivete and bad managerial and legal judgement.

We are so of new tablets and a new world order our Democrat Party leaders are trying to subdue but when to mass assimilations to dictatorial obedience as if of more “subjects” than “citizens” below them, and while of an opportunity to govern more as if a media corporation of “pop” artistry in lieu of due process by governance still of and by laws, not man or woman.

It is if, some at least, that President Obama thought he of a “personality” based Presidency wouldn’t have to make consideration for “management” or “cost consciousness” that actually recognized “temptations” as a human problema necessitating a governance by laws not by will or tyranny of a man or woman - or an elite troika.

Again:  Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:26 pm


These are days, again, it seems, difficult to be kind to Hillary Clinton.  These are not days of a happy “swan song” of Mrs. Clinton nor her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  Much is afoot and now exposed though long presented as if a good gift of gentile art.

These are not days (again) for hailing her a good “chief” or “teacher.”   She “Hillary”  - daughter of “Rodhams” - the daughter of a “Hugh” and a “Dorothy” and raised a first striker - raised to strike first.  It is an odd immunity she as “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton” is being afforded with so much costs and so much blood upon her hands as if more long a “Secretary of War” than of “Diplomacy.”

A dichotomy of our “Hillary” that has legs so long that these days her stride steps all of “All Bush’s Fault” false titling and clearly back to walks and talks of her crusading 90s’s as “FLOTUS.”

With Ambassadors like her “children” she is now suffering us all too much as freshly wounded of her as a bad “mother.”  Where wasn’t she?  How long wasn’t she there?  How did she miss all the cries of her Ambassadors as she had as First Lady “Mother” Clinton once those eight years deaf to or avoiding the cries of the women of Afghanistan and Iraq, at least?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP of her Boss and his other department(s) we seem at least safe from also having been hers, as once feared as sold and as “inevitable” yet however taint her too as of a removal of GOD from classrooms?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality with a like “catch of day” Politics with fidelity to our President as never written or intended? 

Does the RACE TO THE TOP as of its dictates these four years have a dangerous dichotomy quite diabolical too — Does it  oddly preach a greed and competitiveness for a TOP while though also oddly dictating that any where above the “middle” is evil?

Does the RACE TO THE TOP replace GOD and morality more though with peer pressure “corporate ladder” like daily status boxing based just on video game aggressive cultures?

It seems that Hillary has been exposed at least for lying for over four years and as a bearing of false witness knowingly and politically in a partisan and very polarizing methodology.  We should consider that since she was once packaged as “inevitable” as a new first “Mother” of our federal provinces now are the days to ask if we weren’t saved from her much - if she wouldn’t have been a worse President than Barack Hussein Obama.

Valerie Plame had her husband as an outer quite like Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton had her “husband” trap her by boldly stepping into Charlotte as the charlatan with economic voo doo and/or snake oil as he did.  And, Hillary Clinton has been so bold to as well have been being as if a Joe(sephine) Wilson of national warring of a personal agenda.

Our “Hillary” - however - is a reigning Constitutional conundrum of management and/or accounting best practices.  She is as not taught to be for safeguards even for petty cash in corporate endeavors.  She reigns as if a CEO were allowed to have a private residence off his Corporate Offices and with their spouse free to come and go with shared power and an expectancy to succeed just because they were able to mix business and pleasure with a office based home.

It seems to confusing to try to explain Mrs. Clinton as other than a faux feminist - for with her husband she put the glass ceiling over herself for most of her adult life, and, while her husband by marrying her was able to avoid becoming an actual feminist.

We are gathered about these issues now as a year end and term ending consideration and much of a Madam Secretary of State that could have been worse and worse with much more of our “governance.”   She was not born “Adam” son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and then to schools where the story of your self is declared regularly, by a Government, to be nonsense.

“Hillary” was only promised a Rose Garden by her husband and yet conditional upon her being diminutive as if of a self elected “glass ceiling” of a necessary faux feminism for her until such time as he were to Constitutionally not being able to have it as his firstly.  That she tolerated a reigning of her “Bill” with his CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE and while it made her look smaller as if just a bureaucrat of a travel office secretarial “job” is a puzzle not too dangerous as if a TROJAN HORSE before the first TROJAN HORSE.

We have that as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR, whom we also should never forget, we also have that we have a 22nd Amendment and the legacy of prudence of “George” and “Martha” of a togetherness where eight years set to be enough.  We have that by trying to have more than eight years between them “Bill” and “Hillary” may have quite seriously, and to great costs to us all, have hidden for a long time how much was “all their fault”. 

For “Adam” - son of “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” - it may be that when God was taken from our classrooms his life went to Hell.  For “Hillary” - Secretary of State - she now only has to answer for THE BENGHAZI FOUR and how that she by so wrong about such now is of an exposing of her years of having beared false witness at our expense. 

The whole Truth of our “Hillary” now seems that THE BENGHAZI FOUR exposes her and her “Bill” (and President Obama) as having been very wrong about Al Qaeda since back to the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.

Our classrooms now with or without God have to consider a revisionist “history” of the Administration of the Clintons and our entire era of “the 90s” - it seems.  Poor “Adam” son of a “Peter” and a blessed “Nancy” and all joined to his Hellishness.  May he not have been long of a tag of the slang for “Nancy” as well as rapped upon by Government busy at taking “Adam” out of classrooms.  Our classrooms are fraught with troubles to last a while for the ill considered race of RACE TO THE TOP.

And, though where can our “Hillary” now sit in our classrooms with our without God? 

She has long beared false witness against many of the Administrations of the Bushes and while her husband kept up a like “ceiling” above her of a reign extra-Constitutional in many ways much as if he alone had been “promoted” out of our Office of the President and to where he is globally as if an unchecked and unelected President of the World.

At least if RACE TO THE TOP has any redeeming qualities all our schools should now be mandated to ask and discuss how if “Hillary” as per THE BENGHAZI FOUR could be so wrong now then mustn’t she also have been so wrong about Al Qaeda while First Lady “Mother” Hillary Clinton too?  And, to a scholarly crediting if as well of asking if she mustn’t have been so causally wrong as a crusading FLOTUS to have been more wrong then than presently?


President Bill Clinton should not have participated in the Dem Convention in Charlotte both because of his conflict of interest with his wife sworn to “not be in politics” while Secretary and he of his Clintons’ Global Initiative of a promised mission to not be partisan nor political with such.  His presence and proffering much worse for of new fuzzy math and economic constructs quite farcical as bold brassy lies. 

Bill Clinton did maybe lie President Obama to a victory. And, he as well to assuring a new and more polarized grid lock as their cover-up of themselves as if just a beautiful and innocent wooden horse of a “none of the Clintons’ fault” now becomes exposed as now a danger and for long having been a danger we should have seen from the start.

With or without God in our classrooms may we at least now to having the lies of the Clintons in there as “lies.”

And, again:  Bill Clinton should not have even without his being a Charlotte charlatan have spoken at the Democrat Convention for to speak was inappropriate while his spouse was/is our sworn Secretary of State, and, because he stood up and told more economic lies. 

That it was proffered as “All Bush’s fault” stands logically as such a preposterous impossibility that on its face it has been confessional by Dems - and yet supposed to work as a “cover-up.” 

Oddly when you accept that Bush did it seems take the easy way to Operation Iraqi Freedom with “lies” offered to a willing Congress and enough to get the desired vote we have that it is the Clintons that both end up looking worse that President Bush.

It is teachable that President Bush chose the easy path of lying for a vote from Congress for a necessary and quite complicated “operation” for a very late prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and, that such was while he could have sold it more honestly and necessary if he needed to. 

But by “lying” President Bush didn’t otherwise have to mess with the politics of calling out the Clintons for their failures as earlier “Father” and “Mother” of our Country - nor for them of a TROJAN HORSE dimensional as like a bearing of false witness.

                                                *       *

*[This prefaced piece while a public work in progress Sunday before Christmas.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:37 pm

The Greeks may want to all get on board with this.

We have a psychopathy of at least one individual to render separated and parsed thoroughly towards an understanding of this.

The Greeks may not be alone in wanting to look at one American meddler and his psychopathy for real culpability in an extra-treasonous way.

How now to be real and down and dirty truthful about such that for some is treasonous and for others more as if overseas foreign transgressions enough that a foreigner might be due more blame than a countryman?

Well the new season of TV shows is near about started for Americans, at least.  And, we have to be sensitive and forgiving with allowances that though a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY is still our President’s strongest message.  And while to some it ad buys may seem allowed strictly to others it might seem treasonous if they sell or push anything other than austerity.

Here we are of a day long overdue for considerations to parse “disloyalty” from “treason” and “citizen” from “subject.”

If there is one foreigner - foreign meddler - that the people of Greece might be able to blame their economic problems with more than any other isn’t that person William Jefferson Clinton?   And, I mean to a level related to the severity of effects economic wrought so such that a general desire may exist and be due of feelings that one if so should have to ‘face the music’ like - have to face some type of prosecution.  And, yes this would hardly be of a “loyalty” or “treason” to them.

What is a popularity for a “post-Constitutional” era pushed in lieu of proper procedures with amending process but dare say a push for a popularity for “treason.”  Justice John Roberts could have had a field day with the subject - he quite nearly did decide it seems that the reported “Pelosi Congress” had willfully acted to violate and betray our system of government with ACA.

As we now consider there may be some new shows worth watching we should be wise to how little they should be being allowed to sell - what with NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and a new nationalism in conservationism the strongest Government messaging.

Well “Bill” is back and yet he shouldn’t be.

Well “Hillary” is still clinging around though now of fresh wounds fatal for some giving rise again to “gross negligence” of a Clinton.

“Bill” is back with his old sticht still hardly comical of rallying all as much as he can to a convenient “post-Constiutionalism”!

Hmmm?  Where did you just hear that phrase “post-Constitutionalism”?  Hmmm?  Were you asked to compare and contrast how “post-Constiutionalism” is or can be other than “treason”?

Should we only expect a dangerous and broad reaching treacherous economic times if a GREAT BETRAYER is about pushing BETRAYAL as a new better norm?

Could William Jefferson Clinton actually be primarily a foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the Greek economy?

So maybe WJC is just a serial person of a psychopathy to disloyalty.  But, really his “economics” and BHO’s “economics” do not and cannot mix.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be realizing this all himself now, finally.   He now cannot likely escape it nor how long he asked and dictated that none should be looking back and trying to “re-litigate the past” a past not hardly even litigated yet.

It is hard to say where such a word of such a heavy sentence fits in our times other than that is cannot abide any now as if it depends if treason is treason.  How little adherence to rules and procedures would offer a “disloyalty to our Constitution” in lieu of heavy sentences with “betrayal of our system of government and our Constitution”?

Well we have that treason must sell for it seems that WJC is still able to be popular with public performances now as a charlatan from Charlotte with his old jive to popularity of a “post-Constitutional” era.   I mean it is that WJC is selling treason as if it isn’t treason that makes him still so adorable in an ignorant way - right?

So what about at least the Greeks?   Would they or do they have a hankering for all this with their own concerns now so real that may actually have the reckless popularity and politics of Clintons’ “post-Constitutionalism” to blame for our economy now so quite undermined?   Where can “long arms of the law” actually reach these days - like REALLY?

If a politician say like WJC were to campaign as if too a “Post-Constitutional” era but then when elected let one or two years pass without moving to make any of such affecting legal and within proper procedures where would the line between “disloyal” and “betrayal” be?   We can be of campaigns to amend and change to a new Constitution - right!  But if a “Post-Constitutionalism” is attempted only in convenient extra-Constitutional ways when is such so much a disloyalty to our systems and Constitution to be a treacherous and treasonous betrayal - and willfully?

We are a young country - so young a country that we cannot have already buried the crime of “treason” from our systems - right?   I suggest we could ask the Greeks if “treason” as a crime is out dated or at least if the sentence of “death” is antiquated.

This psychopathy though is of WJC popular for selling “treason” as if not “treason” and now we have nearly twenty years of proof that rules and procedures and that of our due processes were meant all along to have been mostly ignored as he chased popularity over merit based standard government accolades more humble and of harder work, usually.

But really Justice John Roberts came very near to ruling as per ACA - Obamacare that the whole lot of Democrats signees upon such attempt at a new “Right” were willfully acting treasonously as per the content and the method of theirs all in its movement publicly contrary to expressed and measured representative will.  I mean can we really not say this is so?

This is America - to avoid a betrayal of our system of government a wanted new “Right” must have an amending process pursued.  To move to effect a new “Right” by trickery, covert and overt, as if a law equal to an Amendment is not a legal way ours.  To move as so many did as a partisan lot is highly questionable as if actually more serious than a convenient disloyalty and too near a betrayal that a President’s (mature) veto pen could still absolve them of guilt about.

I mean how can you consider it treachery to “treasonous” if a President can just issue waivers like with a pardon for the whole lot? 

So how is it that William Jefferson Clinton might be said to be the foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the global economy and that of Greece specifically?  I mean besides the psychopathy on parade again as if the rules are not suppose to apply to him? 

And:  Now:   A:  That he shouldn’t have had any of a Clintons’ Economics so as it was to chasing popularity by burning the ECONOMIC CANDLE from both ends at once.

Is “treason” not prosecuted today just because it is too heavy with an expectation of punishment by death - so writ?

But where does the “disloyalty” of WJC stop?   Where hasn’t it already and for too long been actually effected near “betrayal” willful and purposeful, selfishly?

And:  Well,  WHAT DID SHE KNOW - WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?   It might figure if truly diabolical as it may seem that WJC might have acted alone and so that HRC could effectively have plausible deniability but dangerously so for if any were to exist it would truly undermine her ability to function intelligently in any high office without being of too much ignorance.

I mean if TREASON SELLS - how can all media and entertainment not now be blushing with potential about “treason”?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:46 am

Original to http://2012us.jphogan.org  01/31/12

     BOB & I RAN

To be standing today with a political future you likely had to know how to bob and weave through the nineties.

My term for myself during such trying decade is often as “cross partisan” - it may be best that I avoid saying I was “bi-partisan” or “partisan” as such could be as confusing as it was when I heard Senator Biden in New Haven of the nineties say that Federalism was “devolving.”

President Biden may actually have said “Federalism was evolving” while participating in symposium on the evolution or devolution of Federalism - it is still hard figuring - hard figuring a combination of “evolution” or “devolution” with “Federalism” especially as legal talk.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has years post her new “travel office” duties quite secretarial to judge herself and near as poorly and honestly as many of us will - especially for effrontery to Federalism.

It may all come down - come down soon to that they didn’t collaborate - not really as rivals and really not as politicians to a bi-partisan or “cross partisan.”

I still will have the Clintons four years from 1993 to 1996 to hold in a most critical contempt and with criticism - I have said we all would be better off today if the Clintons had not been re-elected.  There first steps of just first new year and first year set us up and to such “devolution” or “evolution” - dependent on your perspective of our Federalism.

President Biden may actually have said this is all mostly the fault of the Clintons - he didn’t have to weave such a partisan “evolution” defense while of his “devolution” perspective.  He, again, is of and from our First State.  I am of and from our Constitution State.  The first year of the Clinton administration is enough for most if looking for political moves to be critical of as of an early and root causation for these times.

Not even half of her remaining friends in Hollywood were able to help her with her “I ducked and ran for cover” her early and wrongness about her of an “I … ran”

Nominee Mitt Romney seems to have the footwork still to not just spar with Majority Leader Senator Reid but to bob and weave and knock him out.  I forget if it was in the Clintons first year or the year before where I was party to the think for positive change I was walking and talking so that IBM was asked to participate while of a partial usage and towards helping remodel Time Square and Las Vegas.

There is a lot Hillary Clinton hasn’t done - this alone can keep many busy for years for in a negative it is positively a negative - there is much to do about her “nothing” moments.  There are as well many collaborations between spouses of Clinton “two-fer” that too limited “collaboration” to selfish politics and running, as now fodder for them of a fading - a political public polite perishing — polite = kept civil exiting.

Speaking with some self awareness - I realize as per me as of a “Constitutional” I as per lacking erudity am one now maybe of having from decades of trying “cross partisan” participation may be as per memory as one whom has forgotten more than he might ever remember he forgot - quite possibly - Please don’t ask me to explain the Constitution - it is easier to make an example, practical of the Clintons.

President Biden and Scottish existentialist Newt Gingrich could start a morning call in show soon.

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton has decades to defend her ravaging now a couple decades so.

Not necessarily in defense of Nominee Mitt Romney - we have that he has bobbed and weaved better than Hillary has actually run.  To be standing today a midst these issues as a politician that survived the most trying and difficult nineties a Massachusetts “Governor” may most have needed how to bob.  It is kinda unfair to Evangelist Barack H. Obama that he believe it was as easy to be President as some made it look for Sopranos star William Jefferson Clinton and made it seem for him as well.  That isn’t quite our reality though showing still much for our nineties.

Have you ever gotten a laugh out of a Boston cop?  Have you ever had a Massachusetts Municipal chieftain tell you not to laugh?  Did you like his name - as for his cop work - his “Bill” and his “Bratton” and decide to quietly collaborate - even proactively for positive change?  You can consider that IBM committing to help remodel Time Square did coincide with William Brattons careful and politically difficult New York City collaborations of old - It may be best that the two are never separated, scholastically speaking to future erudities.

Some where there are records that President Biden could easily find - I did hear him and meet him near 1996 or 97 while still staying of a consideration for the well namedness of Chief Bratton - it was in New Haven then at the Joseph Slifka Center at Yale for a symposium open to public hosted by his son’s class then of Yale Law School.  I was still an enrolled student at Suffolk Law School when Chief Bratton newly to Massachusetts’ most dilapidated state wide police force suggested I not laugh at his new very old fleet.

Former Chief William Bratton’s old mentor Dean Esserman became a New Haven neighbor before he became a beat cop - a trained and passable cadet to be both an esquire deputy and a trained regular.  I here he is now back in New Haven - that Dean Esserman may already now be New Haven’s newest sworn Chief.

Oh, did she run!  Oh, boy did she run!  Oh my - she really should not have been of “I ran” even as just of her run.

By even just the end of the first year of the Clintons’ Presidency they were working to a collaboration to make others collaborations for positive change and a more global and level “Federalism” really an “Anti-Federalism” work for fewer - and more selfishly and politically for them and their (autocrat) dreamin’.

I still have no clue or conclusiveness on the intent of “Federalism is devolving” for alone it sounds too good to be true though otherwise maybe orated.  Does “Federalism is devolving” in an evolutionary sense mean it as an intellectual accomplishment and governance body politic returning to its fine roots?  Anyone?  I mean like our Bill of Rights as “TEN” is a harkening to the TEN COMMANDMENTS and furtherance upon and afterwards from the Articles preamble with it of an “ordaining” usage then concluded with “subscribing” … “in the Year of our Lord…” — it seems that we have our first “TEN” as if meant to be a parlay of commandments as RIGHTS and Power of the People to ways just to protect self and property from all violating TEN COMMANDMENTS.

I don’t know what to say now about President Biden — Nominee Mitt Romney may have been less of “flip-flopping” than a near impossible bob and weave existence throughout our terrible and trying nineties, and as if a survivor and better boxing champion than Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid.

{If you are to or were to asking Retired Chief William Bratton about me - he may tell you of emails I sent him while he was chieftain in Los Angeles and how he laughed, it seemed when the Bostonian he is realized reading me that I had been “taking on the Kennedys” and maybe even in keeping with my long spirit of collaboration to all the positive change I attempted to encourage as if of an “invisible hand” that as well stirs a memory near college graduation about the time the FBI named its new training town “Hogan’s Alley” if I might be looking to join their esprit de corps.  I am not nor have I ever been a government employee - I was of such opinion and expression purposeful to an otherwise yet as good to work also to better if and when possible thence.  Hmmm!  That ran on a little — If you speak to Retired Chief William Bratton he likely remembers as well that I emailed consideration that with election of Democrat to White House he should protect his life’s work and legacy and look to retire from public duty and maybe shift to private enterprise.  I was of opinion now quite proven correct that Democrats were going to do great damage to the economy - I did not think it would be fair that any increase in crime from such would then be able to be scapegoated on to likes of Chief Bratton - as if it were a policing not a national political problem.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

No this is not a reenactment.  It is here - it has started - no “battles” may lead to bloodshed - it has started and hopefully will be a civil civil war.  It has started - stop back later for more reports.

We have that these are passing civil moments as much like our founding and confusingly with the Lincoln Republicans now much like the Jefferson Republicans you would have thought Democrats would be trying to be and yet with Democrats seeming not the worst of our original Federalists but the worst of what was feared of Federalists then.   It is too early to predict when Americans of color and legacy of our Buffalo Soldiers are likely to again side with the Party of Lincoln.

There is a catch about this not quite Yossarians of other wars.  From where I sit I seem to share a victim hood with President Bush as much related to how truths have been held hostage for years.  From where I sit I can be sympathetic with President Bush’s victim hood but only so far as where it becomes heavy with his not being understood because I have not been understood.

From the MONICA - MONICA - MONICA composition still too near a telling has been partial of efforts to philosophical modernization in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM having been worked three times for three different municipalities.  That said this piece is picking up with a victim hood suffered as truths have been held hostage and to address how since MONICA - MONICA - MONICA an honesty has been stirred in me to figure out if 2006 blogging as “uc” mostly on http://newsbusters.org to argue for the Iraq SURGE and then still strongly in defense of it was either a fourth or fifth customized reworking of such philosophical modernization. 

I could be quite the MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR somehow quite if this and so much of an actually fundamental truth some of our past two decades and much related to years of economic growth were publicly known.  Especially now in the Obama era of oddly worked NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  And, President Bush could as well escape the catch as well that some is related to similar truths long having been held hostage.

That I have written enough columns in the past five years to qualify maybe as an “asset” this has all been worked as part of my principled striking as truths have been held hostage at the expense of many so that the Clintons could spread the lies they are only some known for and what to them has been no long convenient lies.  I have enough written since 2006 to fill dozens of normal sized political works published as books, quite it seems.  And maybe enough written to be organized with different Governors each with a “selection of a top 50 or 100 articles” so that I could have a book or e-book for each state and its then modern individuality and working spirit.

I might say this is all more like MILA 18 novel but at this moment I forget what I found in that book when I read it - And, did you know CATCH 22 started so I read somewhere as CATCH 18 but so close to the publishing of MILA 18 that publishers or literary agents insisted on a new title?

I am not knowingly labeling myself an eligible “bachelor” so to be paraded about to max out a catch of a different type.  I am speaking of being of a victim hood and partly trapped wondering how I may feel and be if finally set free after all these years of so many truths being held hostage and at the expense of so many.

How do we not now proceed as independent bloggers to cover 2012 but as a “CIVIL WAR” - REALLY,  HOW?

I can report that whether an actual fifth rethinking of a philosophy of governance and or economical modernization the year of 2006 remembered much for a mirror on TIME cover remains a year in which I did again work a customization of such original broad considerations of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM and then yet newly as then of the first time I worked it after waiting to see if any others had been of such thinking and were now then employed and proficient enough.

The best way to move forward now may be to help President Bush with his victim hood by helping him help me past mine.  These are times that likely will remain civil in a civil war to be quite heated and contested.  These though are days anew of many of these and others truths still too long held hostage.  

I cannot end my strike by asking a media house for a job - no I don’t see how I could possibly do that.  I do have that material of amassed compositions in blogged independent punditry can amount to an “asset” if I ever have them appraised at least as “art.”  I cannot at least consider asking any of the established media houses (of corporate people maybe unionized as socialists) as long as there still remains such a hostage keeping of truths to much for convenient lies of and by the Clintons, at least.

I could as well be quite civil about all this even more so myself with a quick book even with recipes for like a new WALDEN on MILFORD - for who knows how popular to Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY babes I might be if it were found out how green and efficient I have been and since before President Obama was ever just candidate Senator Obama with a chance to defeat the “INEVITABLE” CLINTON fountainhead of Hillary of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.

In the coming days of our more civil CIVIL WAR such as it is pre-staged it seems  we will have to contest the Clintons and for their convenient lies now much at what has been so expensive for so many.  We are to days soon so contested that the new Democrat Convention Platform maybe be preserved as a “good work” but for 2016 and a:  MAYOR CORY BOOKER FOR PRESIDENT - Help Rebuild Our Failed Party - PLEASE - HONESTLY.

As we move to clearly defined battles ahead of the Americans versus The American Socialists and those other less teased contrasts economic and governance related we will be towards the seeds of the problems much of a planting by the Clintons affectingly within their first days and when then to presumptions of rights to use the work of others as if their own, as if them both of a right to use it because they then were THE GOVERNMENT and lawyers who thought they could get away with having their “success” actually be otherwise and different as building of others with different morals and designs.

And the war is off!!!  How can President Obama now explain his long held false belief that a money tree existed, and so how his Clintons’ economic expert team chosen by him - not inherited - actually never had a reasoned rational economic strategy that could actually work?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 9:15 am

It goes to motivation. 

With all working to let Hillary get away with so much why should any or many want to play fair - want to be informed?

Your inheritance may be safe as a “jobless recovery” likely not too relevant to such.

It was completely unfair and inappropriate that any Clinton got a rise with Obama & his Bush’s inheritance faulting.

Rightie Oh!  That is a recollection of what was left President Obama as an “inheritance” from Bush.

Rightie Oh!  That was not a commentary on any of the “inheritance” left President Bush by Clintons’ “two-fer”.

Hillary Clinton does not deserve her current job - she may have been the most dangerous possible appointee.

If she hadn’t been a Senator - hadn’t been a Senator from New York - on 9/11 things would have been different.

She doesn’t deserve her current job - and without Senate seat - may have faded away in Senate mess since 9/11.

9/11 was an “inheritance” left the Bush administration by both Clintons and the Clintons administration “two-fering”.

Most of the media went along for the ride with the Clintons - most don’t want to have to discuss this.

Most of the media went along for the ride with the Clintons - most don’t want to implicate themselves as per Hillary.

If Hillary hadn’t been a Senator from New York and so the “GROUND ZERO SENATOR” she would have faded away.

Don’t know why the general media doesn’t want to cover Hillary well - but for that professional incrimination embedded.

It goes to motivation - as long as Hillary gets away with it they get away with it,

And our Congress suffers - and our Congress reaches lowest level of public respect.

And yet if now tagged of “Clintons’ inheritance” left President Bush our media could help our Congress & country.

If you have been involved as long as I have been then you too could maybe say:

If you have been involved as long you too might be able to say you thought if they went that way we would get attacked.

Hillary does not deserve her current job and did not deserve the Presidency.

Hillary claims her Clintons’ 8 qualified her for such - yet that it a Clintons’ inheritance incriminating not admitted.

The general media went along for the ride with the Clintons - and still - and still way too much.

If you like me involved so long you too might have said early:  If the Clintons go that way America will get attacked.

If you like me involved so long you too might have said finally on 9/10/2001:  It time to admit you must have been wrong.

If you like me involved so long you might on 9/10 have decided to finally move on accepting you must have been wrong.

Hillary is about the most ridiculous occurrence political in American history - all of our short history.  RIDICULOUS!

Hillary is about the most insane survival story and inappropriate appointee ever - it was a Clintons’ inheritance.

It was a Clintons’ “inheritance” and Hillary claims those years as “qualifying” and yet inadmissible for incriminating.

Hillary was no ordinary First Lady - she besides being a globally inciting crusader was of a Clintons’ “two-fer”.

Hillary was no ordinary First Lady - she insisted as being officially involved and publicly credited - BUT!

is politically insane that Hillary is in another administration -
especially insane to be of one of “Bush’s inheritance” lies.

It is illogical that so much of “Bush’s inheritance” of just a Bush’s inheritance - and not as much a Clintons’ inheritance.

It is insane that Hillary is a Secretary of State and that the “Clintons’ inheritance” coddled away by general media, still.

We have that the media cannot quite incriminate “Hillary” without also incriminating themselves.

We have that Congress now looks ridiculous as so un-popular and yet it may be “institutional” for Hillary - for Clintons.

It goes to motivation - I did say early in Clintons’ “two-fer” days that if they went that way America would get attacked.

It goes to motivation - I did admit, necessarily on 9/10/2001 that I must have been wrong and wrong for a long time.

It goes to motivation - The Clintons’ “two-fer” went a different way early - and so that I thought we would get attacked.

It goes to motivation - The Clintons’ (since Hillary claims experience qualifies her) have 9/11 their “inheritance.”

A nation that embraces a return for one or both of such a legacy and “inheritance” deserve a diminished motivation.

A nation that embraces a return for Hillary is also insane, some — 9/11 was her “inheritance.”

A nation that embraces a  return for Hillary while media trying to avoid incriminating its self - is a lesser nation.

Hillary and Bill did go a different way early and so that such as it was a diversion from my assistance - set me free.

Hillary and Bill did go a different way early - they did so and left me to conclusions that they were going to get us attacked.

Hillary and Bill don’t deserve a “return” - on 9/11 I was proved wrong for thought of 9/10 but not about Clintons’ “two-fer.”

It is ridiculous and dangerous that Hillary survived just because she was conveniently a New York Senator.

It is ridiculous and dangerous that Hillary didn’t become buried in our Senate and its seniority ways, of committees.

It is ridiculous and dangerous and quite insane that one of such a history and “experience” now back at Exec. tables.

Look at Hillary - besides that the general media concerned with incriminating themselves - look at Hillary.

I so thought on 9/10 that I must have been wrong and imagining too much for so long I drove by White House on 9/11.

I so decided I must have been wrong that if first plane on 9/11 hit White House and at that time it might have hit me.

I had thoughts of Condoleezza Rice that morning and minutes before attacks about closet doors I had installed for her.

Look at Hillary - on 9/11 I was proved right - right so that it now is better all as “Clintons’ inheritance.”

Look at Hillary - on 9/11 I was on 17th Street by White House on way to install new doors for another.

Look at Hillary - on 9/11 just moments before first plane struck NSA Rice was in my thoughts while on 17th Street NW.

is insane that Hillary is in another administration.  It is still quite
insane that 9/11 Commission only looked back 10 years.

I’ld wish you a simple “Happy New Year” now that it is 2012 - but our government has gone to “insane” much.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:12 am


Waiting for President Barack to work his messianic further now may be as fruitful as if our waiting for him to release his college papers were as if we were still waiting for books of John or Matthew or Luke.

We should expect nothing less now than an Obama “Bible” as a Book of Barack, or just a book of a “Book of Barack.”

He has waded rudely into bridging long historical for community and global morals, he has fired off crass remarks suggestive that early Declarations not at all as he would have then or would now have written them, if he could have written them.  We have still to wait, and wait, and specifically especially for his early works when more a disciple of Harvard and Columbia.

President Nixon is proving to have been more prudent and diligent when of dramatized “If a President says it is legal then it is legal” far more than President Obama could rightly suggest or publish truthfully if to parables of a ‘Book of Barack’ necessarily of these recent years of 1st Amendment over-speak still not supported with his or our written texts.  He, President Obama, has been recorded saying near:  “I didn’t know that I wouldn’t be able to dictate on these matters once President.”  Hmmm?  He has been long as President, tortuously long, economically speaking, for of “supply” social spending hardly related to “economic science.”  He has walked and talked as if people should fall before him as disciples even in economics though he more than Nixon of the negative side of “If a President says it is legal then it is legal” supposing.

If President Barack Hussein Obama who wanted to be of a “Personality Based Presidency” where his “story” was not his “training” was not necessarily his study or actual work experience - then surely as our Supreme Court readies to hear the Un-Constitutional push back from many non-Obama Statists statists more themselves, the and we will expect some actual “principles” from President Barack Hussein Obama.  It does seem impossible that Obamacare can actually lower costs as it claims - yet there are the “principles” that should be of Obama’s new foundation for healthcare that are to be expected and as legal and admissible.

I have already pondered that like our Declaration of Independence President Obama has been disregarding at least the Bible and institutions so otherwise based.  I have already suggested “Bible” was taken so a book by President could be “Trible” or “Ible” but really we have that he is suppressing faith and offering pill based morals.  So, it seems a book, a “Book of Barack” could be titled “Drible” for “Dr Ible” a way of Obama (Barack) by chemically altered states, legal and illegal.

The other day while at a Social Media Week event with Jermaine Dupri I did realize I am taller than he is, physically.  He may be taller than the President spiritually - he announced something about a “G-BOX” for his Global14 web/communities.  The President is taller than I am - by inches, and yet has my same birthday but from four years earlier.  Did you know Jermaine Dupri likes “Blondie”?  I saw him get all posie near a strip.

A “DRIBLE” by and of “BOOK OF BARACK” to explain his past anti-Independence statements and his efforts of dictates to Congress suggesting they should make laws establishing his sense of “religions” should also really deal with “drugs” and dependence on “entitlements” and/or “chemicals - recreational or self medicatory.  Such now would need hymns and chapters on his capology of seamless rubbers and any “principles” he might have to explain why and/or how such can be “free” - economically speaking to his belief system(s).

I did meet Jermaine Dupri enough while at Hearst Tower on 8th near Columbus Circle - I do wonder if he appreciates it as well for maybe being the most socially conscious and phallic architecture in building for anywhere currently in New York City.  Around its base is its history and legacy with eggs cradled with care for the ages above its original six, from within such rises straight up and proud a spire wrapped and structured most obviously in diamonds but as well of a consciousness in triangles.  It looks well ribbed and uniformly covered, and with Monks or maybe Jesuits or other Brothers less than gargoyles standing pensive near or next to feminine concerns similarly there drafted and carved for New York minutes and daily blank pages of all ages.  I have not studied architecture - I have read some but not studied any where near a majority of even a minority of Manhattan’s architecture. Hearst Tower may be so new that it is still “green” and “greenest” new building - its ribbing is deserved and appropriate for all “green” concerns and global or local consciousness using acceptable natural inspiration and yet about 25% less carbon based steel.

It does look like if it were stepped on by a giant it would pop right back up - Hearst Tower, that is.  I may prefer to work in new Tower One at Ground Zero some day and so that I could daily be reminded of what a mess our 90s actually were. A re-election of Barack Hussein Obama without a “BOOK OF BARACK” or a sufficient basis for his “DRIBLE” has me now already on issue so with such if not just from an apparent lesser of two evils erudite and measured and check democratic foundation and as so about such as an issue of our today with concerns for what it might say bad about too many Americans.

It is still a ridiculous American condition that the pre-existing legacy of the Clintons and their “two-fer” First Coupling hasn’t had citizen people of these United States of America and global spectators being wise, prudent, and/or consciously cautious in our Post Clinton Presidency - Post 9/11 years of learned lessons and a guarded deciding.  It is ridiculous already that a Clinton can be any how now a part of any post 9/11 administration, conservatively speaking to basic street sense and “live and learn” pragmatism.  A re-election of President Obama is nearing as bad a “ridiculous” and “dangerous” that would speak poorly of “American” common sense and so as if it has all been lost - that American “common sense” has been lost. 

We have “innocent until proven guilty” (now less globally and locally thanks to both Clintons?) and we have our 90s to look back on daily with guarded concern.  We have these truths already self evident in public realms and yet not accepted as politically relevant.  We have indivisible that the Clintons acted politically as a “two-fer” Washington power couple and shared, and shared, and shared.  We have the Church taking issues with them while taking issue now with dictates from President Obama & Book of Barack (or “DRIBLE”) still unpublished. 

The three seem inseparable. 

Without DRIBLE or at least a BOOK OF BARACK we will be left to be of a blind faith in President Obama and still the Clintons by association - a re-election of President Obama may be more concerning for what it would or might say about those that voted for him/for them. 

We have still that by November 2012 we may have to take sides and yet still below our best standards and high holy hopes for America as conceived and subscribed whence - we have President Obama has positioned himself as anti-Independence and, now at least it looks like Republicans are of establishments historically hopeful and honestly already superior than a fate for US anew of “lesser of the two evils” as if already in shades of “evil” more than hopeful shades of “good”.

We have it as a possibility and existent that “OBAMACARE” may find its “Un-Constitutional” basis soon measured and judged by nine to a no by
nine as citizen people and their experts are stomping it daily with a rap and beat down for failing publicly already on 1st Amendment turf.  We have it now exposed of dribble for a DRIBLE of at least a BOOK OF BARACK necessary to an explainin’ as it seems to be becoming common sense and measured to side with parties of and for steppin’ tuned to an appreciation that OBAMACARE just doesn’t look like it can or will reduce healthcare costs.

Somehow this is kept from being racist.  I don’t know that President Obama can do the same with a due “DRIBLE” at least.  He isn’t the “New York Minutes” he hoped to be - hoped to be while contrary in his ways.  We could use a BOOK OF BARACK now, it seems necessary at least for his defense against the “Un-Constitutional” review soon of SCOTUS bar.
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