
September 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:51 am

You have lived long enough to bear witness to one a new 2nd fiddle to Nero ascend a party soap box.

Your conscience should be shaken and stirred to the dark depths of President Joseph R. Biden was Holy tag’d a “Cafeteria Catholic”!

Our fate is our’s to make.

As our semi-quintennial approaches we should work for a rational textualism of the plain language that did form our Union – of independence in each, towards each, is set to be for each other’s rights come from their Creator.

And, our Independence 250th should include at least elementary math.

And, as Biden/Harris ticket was beat for a “BUILD BACK BETTER” an objectivism is due for a deconstruction perspective to see any building blocks of their partisan political constructs.

And, with now a Harris/Walz kick-off too we must referee upon what “a reasonable prosecutor” standard need minimally be.

Our fate is our’s to make.

President Donald J. Trump has owned and operated beauty pageants and casinos.

The psyche-profile, for one of a personality and professionalism to have had business successes with such industriousness heavy in the service sectors, if official, should prove quite contrary to the were Biden/Harris more constructs for partisan consumption of a “fake Donald”.

On math scores President Trump has a career long established record of having financial discipline – like especially as regards depreciation schedules.

“Prosecutor” Kamala Harris acumen seems isolated and limited more to mere case by case constraints, and personally devoid a math disciplined for from creation to completion as builders are supposed to account – be fully accountable.

Our fate is our’s to make.

We are above $34 TRILLIONS and growing.

President Barack H. Obama broke many records as bullied a new SPEND, SPEND, SPEND dogma partisan as towards, defeated tryingly, yet his attempted to get 70% taxes, and as if a patriotic duty.

Have we bore witness enough already to know for certain that VP Kamala Harris besides a co-conspirator in Bidenflation - of Bidenomics is Bidenflation in reasonable math sciences - scientifically is an Obama SPEND, SPEND, SPEND DEMOCRAT?

Mustn’t Harris/Walz ticket be to we find out, hopefully not too late, that they too are for 70% taxation – and even higher taxing?

If William Shakespeare had to have done this math could he have been Shakespeare – “The Bard”?

We must do the math! – Or else!

Kamala Harris has been 2nd fiddle to President Biden as vast sums amassed to new heights as their Bidenomics is Bidenflation and due everything just costs more with their half-baked policies.

What amounts to “high crimes and misdemeanors” – for 25th Amendment and impeachment?

Can there be no trump in a Harris/Walz run casino? – Are all their decks just stacked to protect government’s odds?

Is it just a buzz show?

$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY! – Harris/Walz?

We must do the math! – Or else!

In a time not too long ago, the message was different from these (radicals?) Democrats: Bill and Hillary whence were of their tune was “The era of big government is over!” – to budgeting priority for party seemed reasonable as near “It just takes a village!” – even as partisan politics deplorable with they cut an unnecessary extra Trillion for short term SURPLUS popularity – with protecting a rise for “Hillary for President” deep state scheming.

We don’t believe Nero did fiddle alone as Rome burned?

Larry Summers, of Harvard University, old proffered could be the needed new dramatic – that a due drama a new Shakespearean.

What fate has their contrary set up?

How long is your list of those rose as Democrats “First Female” “First Woman” who now needs to be objectively judged – even akin a “CRIMINAL MINDS” made for TV drama forensics of professional compliance – and to scored as now apparently proof of Harvard’s Larry Summers’ old uttered upon the female sex facility with (budgets?) mathematics?

What amounts to “high crimes?

The self-rapped tag on the House of Obama, the House of Bidens, the House of Harris is of admitted toking smoking – getting high – of “home” lifestyle - right?

“Impeachable Crimes” finding by House indicts Joseph R. Biden as a homeowner, at least, as owner of property where illegal drug use seems was regular?

Prudent barriers abide where?

Are the drama’s historical dynamics now inter-generational?

Did we fail to protect and preserve a better fate?

Is the jury in to that the “Baby Boomers” should be judged a “worst generation”?

President Trump also spent much of his career disciplined as sober-minded as firstly in proprietorship of residences – apartment and condominiums – and hotels – for a superior service standard for the brand “TRUMP” to endure.

“High crimes” is an albatross about the necks of Democrats – particularly “D” “Baby Boomers”!

While the 2020 Election was of Biden/Harris apparently perpetuated frauds by built a fake psyche profile and ran firstly against such a “fake Donald” their politics since sworn in also suggest “high crimes” – clouded judgement.

A Shakespearean on Larry Summers’ conclusion on female sex and math is overdue. We await the real story of it seems Nancy Pelosi is somehow uniquely whom is most politically culpable – 80% responsible? – for us of our Union as now of over $34 TRILLIONZ in debts.

The fall of the House of Biden didn’t need arsenic – as a plight to flight from power can be simply that his VP – in selfish ambitiousness – did dope him to too sleepy with pot brownies – and to performance to cloudy – apparently of clouded judgment?

Our Congress has sworn duty to look deeply into so much before Harris/Walz to prudently deemed even of standing to wax on was a “prosecutor” as even that standard triggers with “… for President”.

We should, to protect our fate, express deep concerns to rally our Congress to that suffice of probative expected for even serial bad actors of criminal minds.

There are jurisprudence tipping points – thresholds? – on now how “high crimes” involved more than a few admitted drug users in “leadership”.

What did the Veep – Vice President – know?

When, by James, should Kamala Harris have already loudly acted on such known? Perhaps now: KAMALA “ALSO CROOKS” HARRIS is as fit a tag as “Cafeteria Catholic”?

What should she have concluded as Cabinet members had duty to have followed the money directed by foreign agents towards into the hands of “Hunter”?

What is, for equal justice, a “REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard?

Also, legal jeopardy abounds around Biden/Harris for, at least per fentanyl deaths, as since the “New” at 2021 is they were the 1st administration that could have secured the border – yet are whom worked contrary and now can face at least their negligence.

A dramatic truth that seems also Shakespearean is as I have long posted as:

Biden’s “Catholic Guilt” seem to spur Biden’s gaffes!

Oh my! Presidential immunity?

Oh my! Not math? No Logic? No Venn diagrams?

On pot? The culpability for politicians is not on that they wrongly did it – partook in illegal substances – but on that they wrongly believed the ideas they had while influenced – under the influence – of altered chemical state(s) – with their used drugs could even exist – let alone be “more perfect” – in a sober state?

Perhaps VP Kamala Harris as Democrat Party nominee can craft a Venn Diagram for where real danger zones of as doped is to shows as covers all thoughts?

As 2nd fiddle to President Biden as Bidenomics was existentially and objectively always Bidenflation:

Where is there any rational party unity after Clinton administration “The era of big government is over!” and of twas Obama was not enough balanced and checked for SPEND, SPEND, SPEND – and then try to fix in a rigging a mortgaging of citizens’ future each more merely a subject to owe near 70% tributes to its government? – aka TAXES?

Otherwise it seems a “high crimes” that Biden/Harris are of seems akin negligent homicide for not having stemmed fentanyl when they were, reasonably quite firstly, who could have been the first to curb it substantially.

Besides Shakespeare:


CAUTION: Former Clinton NSC expert Philip Bobbitt in his book TERROR AND CONSENT did espouse near “When a White House and Hollywood work too closely together it begets terrorism.”

Sir Ridley Scott, and Larry Summers – are for perhaps that we learn from their histories?

Is Kamala “Louise”?

If Kamala Harris doesn’t know who drove “Thelma and Louise” car off the cliff is she out of touch?

If Kamala Harris denies knowing is she really a FEMINIST?

If Kamala Harris doesn’t see her economics as too “$34 TRILLIONS to INFINITY!” reckless is this due “altered states” ruled her rise? – is her math unreasonable?

Is it about the math? Is it now firstly a to be staged drama about Summers’ “females”?

It is about the math!

It is inter-generational, too, of seems the “Baby Boomers” have made their legacy – their fate – due a scored as a “THE WORST GENERATION”!

Our fate is our’s to make!

It is also about the words:

As our 2nd Amendment is a clause to the 1st Amendment ends with “Government” and “grievances” with “a free state” as moral high standard of human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a real ‘it takes the village’ community-based humility:

We the People have right to free speech, assembly and revolts with militia(s) against our own government if it has become, reasonably evidently, too tyrannical.

Our constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “done” in “Year of our Lord” – this is reasonable word proof of rational textualism in plain language reading comprehension – as “ordained” “subscribed” humbly a constitution thus under God – not in blasphemy.

On our modern scales of Justice and the Posterity of the classical foundations bolster EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAWS terminated candidate President Biden, of home(s) of ill repute – of “IMPEACHABLE CRIMES”, can be scored a “NERO” – or worse. He may have more just fiddled on the beach – but, by James – my God – Harris should have and could have acted morally – not just played along a (negligent?) 2nd.

What must our “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR” standard minimally be?

A “SLEEPY BIDEN” coup only needed pot brownies? Even for Shakespeare?

Kamala Harris, Vice President, toppling of Joseph R. Biden, President didn’t need arsenic?

The 250th anniversary of our revolutionary declaration of independence is nearing. At 250 years old our Union true blessing can be that TRUTH can reign – that with community-based tolerance and forgiveness fully our greatest protection from tyrannies we can be a People can abide TRUTH with each under our Creator before under Government – we can walk the written ratified words for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – freedom to worship secured to firstly of neighbors with neighbors.

What happened to the SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING on say President Biden not himself of immunity?

Is it just a buzz show?


How bad are the Democrats really?

What now is “A REASONABLE PROSECUTOR”? – Even a correct “psyche profile”?

Nominee Kamala Harris is inconvenienced by “unfit” Joseph R. Biden recent attacks on the Supreme Court.

A rational deconstruction of such partisan formed priorities seems to associate the Office of the Vice President as also complicit in unsound politics as reasonably a willing “2nd fiddle”?

The math and the original words plain meanings now guide best.

How do we try to hold them to these words on immunity?

To sober legal minds is the strategic crossed – cloudy? Did Biden “Catholic Guilt” generate a new “Biden Defeats Biden” Biden gaffe?

To assuage cause to issues on justices seems firstly to raise the politics for reasonable prosecutors to that (accidentally?) incidentally these actions as their priorities of President Biden do self-incriminate – self-indict – even the whole Biden administration.

A simple “INTENT” test seems to scored as proposals with Biden fated(?) Harris to now the amending 2/3rds process is USC bar – and 2024 election NOT to suffice with merely a 51% plurality.

It seems crooked also that “REFORM” called for as a prima facia seems it was politically advanced as last defense possible as yet to confess to such imparts admissions to that their reign has been to date of actions still factually illegal.

Is it “high crimes” from duped, and doped? – incompetence – incompetencies?

Prosecutor Harris’ cards are now like:

We confess an amendment is needed for how we’ve governed to be actually not illegal!

Kamala Harris at least self-selected a full association as one of “Baby Boomers” generation!

William “The Bard” Shakespeare or Neil Simon could render horror or comedy on a prosecutor’s “reasonable”?  

The 6 to 3 Supreme Court bench, as with, by my 2 cents, a rational textualism in plain language comprehension, bolsters it reasonable to ourselves as see the Biden administration & Harris/Walz need 2/3rds amending even for what seems in the rear view mirror.                                                                                                                                              
Many sense a farce - and with James 4:17 still being reasonable?
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