
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:53 pm

Whom are our real enemies?

Internal domestic dynamics can now finally be fodder for our individualistic digestion - again of free expression.

Aren’t New York Presbyterian “crackers” now accepted universally as safer than Gorish addicted nicotines? And, shiek may be Catholic sensibilities for the olfactory essence more than chic to vape or regress to toke gorish smokeables?

To bind to hemp forward is considerable to even woven/spun patriotic - historically accurate. To lash to the mast, captains, to avoid Sirens’ calls wafted to set you to stuck on the rocks may be most prudent lashing. To be incensed to meditative on the worldly is to set one’s course from firstly Gorish.

A first postulate a fair historical political premise is that 9/11 hindsight is sans “intelligent” if skips the old adage “follow the money” and from to wrought wreckage from pathology of Clintons’ as was to stem the flow - obviously shut off the spigot of necessary funding especially of defense & intelligence.

Clintons’ miserly for surplus short-term “popularity” “political capital” led directly to latterly more than protestant vast yuge gorish worked outcomes.

Where there was a will there their’s was a selfish way premeditated (even Manchurian) calculated causal as set cast for a HIS’ and a HER’S by role playing “DOVE” for “HIS” to set up differential as to gorish “HAWKISH” “HAWK” HER’S.

Gorish followed!!!

Al Gore reposed to silent inaction all the while those now the greatest crimes against our confederate republic weren’t arrested by a non-co-conspirator - a Vice President but a lacky - from Gorish by VP Gore yet of his duty sworn by his oaths.

To stimulate your disciplines by regular New York Presbyterian “cookies” (”crackers”?) or more worldly incensed of your olfactory is the indivisible of our Union as free under “our Lord” before subjects of our government. - To swear oaths - as particularly sworn hand on scriptures edition - is to subject servitude to the righteous - universal truths?

Follow the money!!!

That since Yale coeds “Bill” and “Hillary” found polity around a greased watermelon is of the white pride as his new “legal” racism - intimated consecrated co-opted.

Oy! If I were Jewish and knew of their there for at the money and not as I am of yet knowing such as a since a young Catholic school boy (Public schools of New Haven) as encountered whence and to becometh forward in the loop as informed by them as if a naïve yet asked of “let’s ask the charming boy from the school yard” (talisman?). Oy, I know what I satire due more than that “Bill and Hillary” “checked-in through the years quite informative - of intent.


Much yuge Gorish was begot by that lacky Vice President Al Gore while sworn of oaths, shirked his oaths.

Like Samuel Jackson, post a conclave of sorts with nuns towards the Amsterdam ferry, digress in “THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD” we have the gorish conundrum diabolical of like:


Right!  Al Gore had due process a suffice of procedures to exercise to arrest the coy ploy chicanery of the unconstitutional “Bill and Hillary” so he seems more diabolical to infinity for secured protection despite his sworn oaths to People.

Tis a good day to be erudite upon a plethora of the substandard diabolical specific alliance Gore of the old tobacco South kept close with Southern William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and his intimate of the white pride evidenced with elementary “follow the money” journalism - even now still.

We can readily dispense with the coy ploy chicanery of “Bill and Hillary” as certainly of high crimes and misdemeanors but to arrest the Gorish and explain the Peace breaking out we have to brace ourselves for rougher rivers and dissecting the complicitry of Vice President to the Clintons Al Gore due the pathology of white pride tokes signal strength wafts - the very outputs of Gore family plantation lifestyle as to Power and Pride by knowingly addicting masses and masses to addictive qualities and dependence on the marketed fix/fixes.

A metaphor we have of that Green Agenda was facilitated it seems with old Tobacco standard operating procedures to create addictions - to amass addicted to a branded profitable fix incorporated.

To arrest and indict on Clintons’ coy ploy chicanery is simple stuff for prosecutors and engaged citizens of follow the shut-offs of monies to as high crimes and misdemeanors long regularly confessed to with each utterance of “post-Constitution” by “Bill” and/or “Hillary” - by Clintons.

To rap (wrap) them a reasonable judge must just assert that there is a simple truth that the Constitution is still the law of the land, and, that we as a People did not have our republic yet devolve its federalism to their (the Clintons’) extra-Constitution new Powers as yet but premeditated confessed to treason - treachery to set asunder the Peoples’ Order.

And so it is the Gorish from that Vice President Al Gore, lacky, shirked his oaths we have to figure a what can be worse than treason for such whom arguably is more diabolical by protected them in lieu of duty to People.

A great sin upon us the People of these united states of the Americas and conscious free souls beyond is that it was also conduct unbecoming a former Vice President with how Gore exercised authoritarian tyranny to like modern new fascism redefined to as “a movement of the Left…” by how alarmism “Global Warming” stratagems were akin old Southern plantation Pride of “business” to blindly addict masses to Gore family industry by nicotine dependence.

“Climate Change” to Donald J. Trump, Sr. seems need be like opioid crisis on setting peoples towards at least twelve steps programs to see was addicted to new Gore “fixes” and to forward beat how was so addicted to that sold yet at best half measures, and purposefully dictated by “authority” despite numerous other solutions were otherwise actually available and as for better policies with better ingenuity.

Such Vice President may go down in history as a most vile and diabolical  role-player politician who didn’t heed the sirens and unleashed masses of Gorish at least by complicitry to Clintons as devoid oath, - as thought to “follow the money.”

No “intelligence” still can now come outta of the top of the Central Intelligence Agency post 9/11 if sans hindsight figured of that there is a direct causal link to that Clintons cut a lot - cut too much - cut too much too quickly, and, diabolically as for self serving role-playing as needed to cast “Bill” as “DOVE” for a differentiation for “Hillary” thought necessary to be “President Hillary” - to become President by ignoring HAWKISH until “Hillary” could play the “HAWK”!

It lacks parity to prejudge President Barack H. Obama for like “smoked” too much with “Communists” Leftists of his “Higher Education” learning ecosystems all the while yuge vastly more diabolical gorish can be traced to that of Vice President Al Gore was complicit with the horrible outcomes that progressed causal by “the money” as self-evident (nearly) when any looks at how much spending the Clintons cut-off and how dastardly such cuts seem to fit their self-serving (script?) to that t have “President Hillary R. Clinton” “Bill” had to over-play “DOVE” and leave (to too late) HAWKISH for Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

     *       *       *       FAILED FIX? FIXES?       *       *       *



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:27 am

Let me be clear:  As Donald J. Trump, President, brings back “Merry Christmas” for Mormons we have the paradigm of our time’s politics of Hillary Clinton as “Butch” and Barack Obama as “Cassidy” a metaphor.

We have alarms to raise against careers of evil of complicitry to set asunder the pathology of freedom enshrined also of Apostle Paul successes at furthering the work of our Lord.  We must raise enough alarm to ensure their crimes against humanity have a suffice of respondents to encircle and attest with testimonies of motivation of appeared to ensnare and arrest.

Some baby steps around the elementary of the birth of Christ is to sock it to “BUTCH” & “CASSIDY” for wrongful ways to just ways for a short term sun dancing devoid of morals and a core value.

Catholics must be alarmed of New York Presbyterian likewise emboldening of Book of Mormons for reasoning through how worthy a Queens’ Protestant amounts before Truth is the work of everyday - the work of humanity - the work of living moral - the short game of if any can make it a week sans due public shaming in a weekly service accountancy.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” have had careers of evil by being of and for being oh so contrary to the prudence & philosophically reasoned of at least John Jay & Alexander Hamilton;  “Hillary” & “Barack” are two individual souls likewise violate of the humanity of faith by long dedicated to set asunder the pathology of freedom as said of Apostle Paul in furtherance of the education in the way & laws of our Lord.

As a metaphor of ensnared but for the comity of polity for parity we have their too just sun dancing now as crimes against our constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” our Constitution to account them assuaged of careers in evil effectively.

It behoove us, however catholic (worldly), to consider if a New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant a President of these united states of the Americas is yet a topper to Catholics - to even American Catholics - to especially Kennedy Catholics.

I’ve nothing against Donald J. Trump martialing a “Merry Christmas” reset for Mormons.

Forward we must stir our alarms of our consciences & connective metaphysical of that the American founding fathers were not as seems presumed by Democrats of stray from apostolic spectacle and to basely earlier of a blasphemy of being generic of a sun dance primal regression politics.

The metaphor fitting “careers of evil” tag is of “Hillary” as “Butch” & “Barack” as “Cassidy”!

For polity and comity we can affix a parity though seasonal polite now as if we are yet see them as surrounded by peaceful protestors now muscling in on against how they have long wrongly worked to set asunder the mystery of faiths of the pathology of freedom of at least the basics of Apostle Paul furtherance in educating on the ways universal of caring of our Lord. 

In tatters is the Law the Justice of Obama’s reign as related to the endemic of the duration of James Comey for to respect the rule of law each must cotton to the American prudence of innocence held high of protections in the presumption of innocence and at least how so long contrary and evil it has been by careers of leaders of Democrat Party of missing the prejudice & discrimination in their own common core. 

In tatters is the politics of ”tax the rich” Liberalism for the Left elite ruling class is now encircled and to be clowned over until alarms can be quieted by a suffice of worldly arisen to knowledge in their wrongful setting asunder of the essential metaphysics of the pathology of freedom as tied to truth and honesty. 

We must leave Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant, to explain himself on “Merry Christmas” to evidence if actually worldly with his attempts at parochial politics reset. 

In tatters they unite and yet evidence their crooked and as of careers of evil and fraying to frayed of their high fashion long hemmed irreligious.

Let us all ensnare to even clown around with metaphors for crookedness arresting.

At least the basic question of if and how devoid of a philosophy of governance was/is the likes of “Butch” & “Cassidy” for too of just pimp’n out sun dancing of a devolution to a natural state contrary to the ten of seen of the ark of old saws religious & moral written.

This metaphorical isn’t set to be commentary on how to be of a copacetic by self-governance in a shared established morality particular to coexistence of a metaphysical existentialism of particularly the Catholic YUGE family; this is merely an essay on brotherhood & sisterhood as universally governed for a pathology of freedom. 

To maintain order of old saw an adage of old times of “give to Caesar” & of differentiations between that of government from that of Lord’s - that of morals indivisible from of universal humanity and moral of all let us consider taxation of our times and the American creed as constituted of founding fathers not at blaspheme but as yet anew of an apostolic spectacle respecting separations vertical between of under our Lord and of equal in rights to our government.

American civil liberties are of our Union of own indivisible from the universal union however yet keepers of it within a smaller family either the Catholic mass or that Mormon amassed, and or Trump’s of Queens’ Protestants as New York Presbyterian.

The Liberals’ sun dances for taxing the rich & redistribution by claiming power to be redistributors doth as spaketh and martialed betray our common core in the pathology of freedom and by crookery of complicitry forwarded of wrongful by having asked to be entrenched to Power as if just to be prejudice and discriminating against the HAVES - any rich enough to be TAXED - by attacking their civil liberties by assuaging GUILT not INNOCENCE as pre-judged.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” likewise are tag’d for of a BIGOTRY a PREJUDICED an inconsiderate politics un-American and contrary to faiths by working a base endemic for their own sun dance pimp’d for popularity over morality.

And now:  How threatening is “Merry Christmas” to your comfort level American?

How cotton ye to how established the founders’ effected as the Peoples’ Order as the American long game, and, now how doth ye in testimonies sayeth ye selves of how Trump short game arrests the politics of the Left Leftists much fully ensnared and encircled by own so to circular reasoned devoid a philosophical?

“Merry Christmas” is pronounced how?  Mustn’t we face the evil amongst us if to articulate it particularly morally?

Arrest them with the “SHORT GAME” and shed your partisanship to their BIGOTRY & PREJUDICED against the HAVES for HAVE NOTS & HAVES in America must toe to the same morality of it wrong to entrench a structural discrimination against any (class or persons) and so it is in-Constitutional & un-American to posture & govern for any REDISTRIBUTION by TAX THE RICH dictum?

Our “SHORT GAME” is President Trump’s, however personally religious, “LONG GAME” and the over due reset an example American modal now pressing and welcome?

We the People by our Peoples’ “Order” do coexist to govern of religions as first tools for self-governance and now must attest with encircling alarm by testimonials of that we are constituted under our Lord’s Law not a sun dancing blasphemy to that it improper and irregular to entrench a structural bigotry against the taxable for the separations of of Caesar’s from of Lord’s is our separations vertical constituted our more perfect Union “done” “subscribed” in past “Year of our Lord” whence.

The HAVES are established and ordained to equal rights of the HAVE NOTS and to then our “SHORT GAME” the “LONG GAME” constituted American for these united states of the Americas to that “MORALITY” of “INEQUALITY” & “EQUALITY” is not the work of Caesar but that the work of ALL and set dogmatically prudently to be forward of the humanity froward of doth behoove all to redistribution is as of (John Jay and?) Alexander Hamilton as espoused by “PUBLIUS” of constituted for “INDUCEMENTS OF PHILANTHROPY” reasoned as constituted also for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY” so that HAVES shall not be prejudged and discriminated against with any structural bigotry by any TAX THE RICH politics.

For it only is calculable that the presumption of innocence governs and so redistribution is only constitutional where voluntary or of peer pressure by “SHORT GAME” prudence exercised of to now of any separation from of supposed to care for all and of existential community in believing buttress by a weekly test to if any can make it a week (even days) without being due PUBLIC SHAME & SHADE of being singled out for public shaming by participatory democracy in keeping faith in maintaining the PATHOLOGY OF FREEDOM of “each is under our Lord before under any government?” (Your source?  Also of Apostle Paul for any “Merry Christmas” however secular to a faith family particulars.)

No HAVE shall be of HAVES structurally prejudged as if GUILTY due a BIGOTRY of PREJUDICED/PRE-JUDGED!!!

None said a ”HAVE NOT” shall be PRE-JUDGED and PREJUDICED in a STRUCTURAL BIGOTRY to as if presumed to be of “HAVE NOTS” as dictated as if NOT of a “GREEN MINIMALISM” an otherwise living plainly and “CLOSER TO OUR LORD”?

            *       *       *       NOT GUILTY?       *        *        *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:40 pm

How do you know you are smarter than any Democrat, - and yet a Catholic American?

Simply doing some comparative thinking may suffice if one already knows healthcare to the founding fathers was still an oldest of the establishments of religion.

In this Year of our Lord two thousand ten & Seven we have that Democrats, recently, have done most of the work for you!

Maybe a cursory review of Liberal 9th Circuit opinions to block a President Donald J. Trump “travel ban” can build your confidence most immediately now that we can discern due his humanitarian engagement of enough already on Bashar al Assad in failed Syria illuminates militarily it would have been prudent for a republic to have set up tighter screening and even limited travel bans before engagements that reset old inhumane Democrat’s status quo?

Let us broach the moral depravity experienced as particular to Hillary R. Clinton past “diplomacy” & politics:

To color the range and pallet from suited to bold colors but covered as if by pastels could suffice the imports:

The lot of Democrats seemed tightly knit to how HRC hemmed and hawed as raised Cain like a pom pom prop, and, HRC should be now first to answer for social issues and equality and how and why Democrats - the lot - seemed to have postured politics and Supreme Court briefs in an ignorance of the Bible and at least Apostle Paul’s quite old still workable solutions & prescriptions.

I don’t know how to explain away the core ignorance and related catholic priorities assumed to mere nationalism for a populism for making faith and community local issues the federal issuances prioritized before their time.

The Democrats on gaieties were but of a leaky raft compared to the prior work of Noah as of constructs likewise sufficed for a flood.  What didn’t Apostle Paul solve and prescribe as per that today as tag’d LGBT and to that rights were mistakenly postured for by Democrats as conflicted and contrary to how vicissitudes incident to humanity are covered to of like “rights” by how he structured parables in that he only baptised Gaius & Crispus.

The Church of Peter of Paul is built on how “gay” cannot be a noun nor a permanent condition as by that lesson of letters prescribes that gay is of “gaiety” and therefore of temporary & fleeting experiences.  The Church is build to be of sanctuary & sanctuaries ready by that any so then if ’stuck in a gaiety’ is yet precisely more akin a condition of ‘in a paul’!

The Supreme Court work isn’t done and past work isn’t yet clarified and rectified from opinions contrary & contradicting despite their mission is to be sans such lax juriprudence and prudently of being more juri thorough. 

We can hardly declare that consenting adults still now of easily 75 more years to live in a community and contribute is fairly of any polity of comity if of no parity in contracts privileges?

But on the matters related to politics of Democrats as if “Gay” can be contrary to Paul and as if a noun or a permanent state there is much that is being set asunder that also sets asunder the foundation of Christianity of as of and for sanctuaries.

Please confirm amongst yourself/yourselves that you too are not compromised and less intelligent than the foundations of the Christian religion!  “Gay” cannot be other than in the scripture and to as if not a temporary experience covered well by Apostle Paul with his prescriptions to teaching that gaiety is inescapable and energizes touched spiritually in a sharing blind to sex.

The Democrats have shown a great ignorance and unconscionable politics at fighting for rights that are already established by that the Union is more perfect as ordained & established done as by the Peoples’ “Order” constituted the federal government is also under our Lord & not above the People as regards to establishments of religion.

Your shared corruption, if did occur in any association with “Democrats” of our days, now may be to a curative affected if discern the old enlightenments still illuminate best as of that “gay” must not be permanent by definition for the crisp dictum of Us as People of under our Lord before under any government has the potential for sanctuary by that “gaiety” is accepted for energizes “touched” blind to sex.

Depending on if your disillusionment if from blind faith in Democrats most any version an edition of the Bible if uses “homosexual perversion” is to grammar likewise respecting Apostle Paul’s foundation prescripted as use of “homosexual perversion” begs the minds of spiritual to that such use than implies there then also must be “Holy homosexual” & just “homosexual”!  (This satire on the sad state of these united states of the Americas in the days of the first American Pope is not on “perversion” but as that the Constitution has been being perverted by Democrats - knowingly or ignorantly.)

Right!! Good for you!!  On many of the issues Democrats worked a national popularity on were wrongful and immoral for of making local issues federal issues and to (ignorantly?) disrespecting the Lord’s Law and establishment of religion of that healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion, and so as “gaiety” is inescapable so “gay” must be kept temporary so that Christian sanctuaries should be able to suffice upon how it can energize any “touched” blind to their sex.  Good for you!!

Oh YEH!!!  President Donald J. Trump should have been allowed to have a travel ban in effect before this Union did so now lately respond to old “RED LINE” & associated inhumanity!!!  But let us repair to the primary concern of Democrats & at best ignorance before the Laws.

Ok?  Do you get it like the Democrats still don’t?  Do you fathom that dispatches of “GOD SQUADS” may have been the right political solution to most of the raised politics before the Supreme Court on gaiety precedence but of politics of LGBT & SSM & #LGBTQ?  Do you get that Democrats fought an already established and to we can undermining established rights?

As our Union is “more perfect” for of “do ordain & establish” as “done” under our Lord as “subscribed” “done” in “Year of our Lord” as with the key’d meaning dependent on “Order” in preamble as yet a NOUN and capitalized to not mean like a mere loophole to the entirety as “in order to” we are “more perfect Union” of the Peoples’ “Order” constitutes such as of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union… done/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Our Union is still of also the Democrats displays of ignorance of ACA & Obamacare as violative of the First Amendment of “establishment” not “Establishment” and “respecting” of grammar for an amendment of should be sans “re-” word unless the implied import is important and essential to affirm that an actual Establishment is precedent. 

Please accept the conundrum of the First Amendment as maybe easiest to figure and measure if seen as protest language/grammar by one who believeth’d that the Bill of Rights was unnecessary as such redundant to that the Constitution the Peoples’ “Order” set us under our Lord to that already our rights from our Creator as of the empowerment kept to be towards rights to defend against any violate of the Ten Commandments (a recipe for heaven on earth shared by at least 3 great religions) against em and as especially by Paul of such also means any government.

For now as you measure yourself hopefully well against Democrats let us all hope you can bring forth an energizing for the future work of our Federal Government and courts - especially the Supreme Court - to be of open hearts and minds cleared from the muddled of Democrats as so key and crucial that We the People of general Welfare constituted for leaves yet particular & specific healthcare not but that as still subscribed as prescribed of healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion.

There is much you can be a Samaritan to Democrats so errant with/upon by firstly just getting the parable/lesson of that Apostle Paul only baptized Gaius & Crispus.  Your attempts to reach out and teach a Democrat should likewise be crisp on US and as too that gaiety is still preserved medically speaking as an at times inescapable feeling that sanctuary is kept for so any stuck in a paul can be of exposure rectified to known & understood, and associated if prudent of lessons in perversions & sins.

For now at least the Supreme Court has held back the contagion of ignorance by that their contrary decision to date yet now have left even of LGBTQ politics that such is still of sin as much as premarital sex is still sinning.

It is most alarming witnessed, some, of this we pine of the decline and devolution of the Democrats from however once semi professional of marshaled moral passions.

It is what it is!

We cannot rightly be sans tag’n Barack H. Obama, with mercy, as not ignorant nor malicious for firstly we of of his rights to be prejudged as misguided and coopted/duped from moral.

A still operable terminology can be lifted and reused as “there is no fate but what you make!” - I think.

Of the devolution of Democrats from however once marshaled of moral passions there is a New York story contrary and yet demonstrable of a biblical hope still present in modern day; - New Yorkers have the pride and personal example of Mayor Bill de Blasio to discern of how there is one Democrat - hopefully not an only Democrat - who knows by their own ways that gay can be turned straight - that a lesbian, at least, can be made safe and secure of man, - of that at least one Democrat male is an example of a gentleman, despite their politics of confusion.

I leave you to find your own testimony to the skill and passion of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

To marshal all souls for that which must be of a realm for discerned as for the keep of sanctuary potential the beatings must be measured and regular but timely and specifically administered appropriate of either staccato, allegro, or sotto voce?

It is what it can be!  In faith we must be conscious, intelligent and measured of apropos needing marshaled.

The tonage of the harmony to be rectified for a melody copacetic effected demands wise notations key’d for affected import while regular adherence can be of a usual predictable disciplined to a reflexology prescribed to secured ready.

As we face the reality of the decline and devolution of Democrats - from however once of moral passions - we have on our tables much to be altered from inconvenient lies yet of parties amassed as by misguided and duped.

The duty of citizens is of religion, however, as yet firstly primarily generally tools for community and tools for self-governance.

The duty of citizens is to be disciplined to discern by a capacity and reflexology to be FULLY DISCRIMINATING but not prejudiced, - of discriminating fully but of maintenance of mercy and intelligence of keep for innocent until proven guilty.

Any of religious is set asunder if by tyranny or authoritarian bullying they are pressed to suppressed to be from moral duty in the prescribed for structural sanctuary potential as to inhibited from being of a skill at being FULLY DISCRIMINATING.

These are still the days of bold colors and seasonal celebrations about the promise of Spring and Hope as rich in pastels.

How now are any of times befitting an allegro “go forth and…” while times depressing due the apparent devolution of Democrats to that mercy demands some sotto voce polity and as well a crisp to reset gaiety parameters of importing by staccato?

             *       *       *       TRUST SUCCESS?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

This issuance is intended to be a global guilting, - none free from anywhere, - not an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett nor #WomanJaneDoe.

Women are having trouble with their messaging of the good news - their message, proper. Utterances, so past POTUS of eve, uttered of confusions.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Faith, not state, nor “citizen”, is all’s “global citizen” - - - religion is the state of the universal spirit - there no global citizen sans religious - ’tis a defined.

Women have trouble with Donald J. Trump that now must be explained - however troubling to easy.  As seems the ‘protests’ measure out coincidentally enduring as if endear as like a “FLOTUS” “Slovene Slumbered Parties’d” as it doth not register true that women of the world can actually be anti-Trump as anti-Freedom & anti-Liberation.

Women have trouble with “Women’s March” as is seems em doth hath protested “FREE AT LAST” and been gathered in a “solidarity” in protestation, to at least to Americans, of “America is yours again” in the attitude of ‘YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED’! Perhaps #FreeWithMilania!

An utterly comical precedent to the yin and yang of “Republican Movement” karma & balance is illuminated by listing Donald J. Trump business acumen of a daily regimen of timely accordance & attention to that fish and eggs - even Champagne - was, where ever of his properties scopes of arriving and time in the development for “grace” in service.

But utterly comical precedent in a historical is more of that Donald J. Trump is less a charming Benjamin Franklin than stout & steeled akin President George Washington & his general humor in his first inaugural.  Do you have any idea how prescient and froward our first President was with such erudite & common oration?  Do you accept even a President can have general humor akin a former General still besot to speak prophylactically to the moral of his troops?

So utterly literate and literary and more humorous that what is sold as comedy these Saturday nights live is that as imbued & imported by George and as of a prudence to recall to “wash & re-use” practiced while of a mores affirmed of that his spouse his bride his wife his Martha was the essence of all the pecuniary emoluments he hath need and want of froward.

Do yourselves all a favor and make time for citation studious of such Washington humor and now as laid out convenient with a bitly shortcut here: http://bit.ly/1stInaugural.  You cannot ignore our start as of “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…”! Nor word for “ups & downs”!

We together can celebrate the preparatory prudence in “wash & re-use” preface of that “impregnable fortitude” is like what “George” had to be “repaired from retired” as not then like what George’s & Martha’s biggest worry as homebodies froward was to be. 

George & Martha are biographied of having inherited from Martha’s parents their library of books on sex and sexuality. 

“George” as General Washington consummating the birth of the nation as the first President most certainly set condom precedence by implying worrying of skins prophylactics of such day were a common vein each beseeched to attend to diligently for maintenance of “impregnable fortitude” facility.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of ribbing:

Material of my unique kinship to your sisterhood, - bear with me I am no cum laude - is a coming clean on how J.K. Rowling has since our moments over the famous napkins somehow got to her literal spite due the platonic core of holding a double edge sword to me as a safety net.

At times she protesteth that I pushed her too hard - of that I hath over charged her to be to committing to perform to seven books - in that she had her heated moments at beseeched to if five books could suffice, - and yet after complaints heard of “you haven’t even given me enough for five books yet!”

Ladies and gentlemen the start of “HARRY POTTER” of coverage in “HOGWARTS” is her literal double edged sword a sharp safety net for though mission was to write so that core youths didn’t grow up from like wards to be yet like dirt under the skin and Hogan warts.

J.K. Rowling in performance on charge to seven books yet developed appropriate of task to write as like of a mother’s perspective for a character basis in my end as set of as a “Pete Rowe-ling”.  J.K. Rowling had her safety net for a chance I wasn’t right about such if to seven as charged would “make her very rich, - if she stuck to how outlined” as covered for if such by how “HOGWARTS” failed/bombed she had it bound as ready to import of like “OH IT FAILED NOT BECAUSE OF ME BUT FOR IT SO HOGAN’S WARTS!”.

Ladies and gentlemen readers of the known & unknown world let me share I have since barring further “HARRY POTTER” books and allowing my muse energy to yet still flow but around STRIKE and economics sadly less of John Kenneth Galbraith as times needing guarding from Bill & Hillary Clinton crooked were known more to as if of ROBBING ECONOMICS fit’n her cloaked productions and performance on Rob “Galbraith” release dictum from stitching together more bounded voluminous of “HOGWARTS” and specifically as pressed and sent of yet an idea for a trilogy to be also furthered of patron o’ US conscience but as to years apart as different school years era particularly then of 7 girl wonders and of one of each of each a top study from each of the seven continents, and, as these 7 girl wonders were also particularly studied to the specific important of Dante’s INFERNO.

J.K. Rowling such has seemed covered and worked to if not even near as specifically this time around as outlined.

Readers of the vast world of unknown fans it is from “but you have not even given me enough for five books” protest that “Harry Potter” became of a godfather figure a “SERIOUS BLACK” and of volts dangers prudence due national electrical standard yugely vary, and as of PATRONUS another play on spelling, - though righteous as “patron US” - in that my circle of friends and local athletic compatriots in ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues were of the architecture firms of the design, and construction management of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and, yes my own godfather, the late “Uncle Charlie” Hogan was serious about black wires as his career was as a union electrician knowingly prepared for volts of more dangers, and racially sensitive in diversity quite as a serious fan of serious black pugilist “Smokin’ Joe” Joe Frazier.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Of the old adage “knowledge is power” I grant thee access to http://bit.ly/BEAVERWARShttp://bit.ly/PetersRabbits for since “TITANIC” I was not an idle muse otherwise to Potterdom commitments and as Leonardo Di Caprio of REVENANT was a performance on suggestion he could help preface a HOGAN new “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” tv series as on “BEATRICE BOXER & THE BEAVER WARS” by developing silver screen prologue on the epic era of the THE BEAVER WARS. I regret the inconvenience of such series also a ready to go Poet JP Hogan children series for popular books mass appeal of that any now considerate enough to be curious will yet find these links are to what was written chronological to regular readers of “Citizen Rosebud” in series and so present as linked now but in reverse chronological order. {As is problematic with old series thou ripe & popular links to such may present now with this current squip as the leading in otherwise old scroll/thread, and, but #BeaverWars link takes many back to earlier days of http://myblog.jphogan.org art of archived of the month of November in the year 2010.}

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of scribed for TV & books, at least:

For the proper respect to divinity and coincidence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson of dying on the same Fourth of July there now is a “Potter World” likewise for my basis for “Harry Potter” godfather in my own of the Brotherhood of Electricians is of that the date November 7, 2011 likewise shall live in infamy as such is the day the New York Times published David Brooks hit piece op-ed “THE SERIOUS ONE” and too somehow the same day that Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier died and my own godfather “Uncle Charlie” Hogan of the brotherhood died suddenly about yard work in retirement though his union brethren were all call to duty as such day is of record as a “Greatest BlackOut in Connecticut History”.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of new media social media facebook media shares:

I.E.: E.G.: Yesterday’s of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan “PUBLIC” share comment:

JKRowling @JK_Rowling J.K. Rowling ~ I am not studied nor read in on specifics — an American take thou from long known me for our collaborative successes is yet to read #Hamilton as #Publius in #FederalistPapers #Federalist #1 for #AlexanderHamilton spells out that the #Constitution is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” & “PRESERVATION OF… PROPERTY” so it wrong for USG to be so monied while yet USA is expected to be of COMPASSION and engagement via #CHARITY & #PHILANTHROPY - even as by #ReligiousLiberty of the religions the institutions & bureaucracies expectant to such adherence.  #PoetJPHogan

Yes!  Quid ditch did stem from J.K. Rowling prudence to ask if our books on magic should have a flying broom, and to that my answered was “Yes! Go big! Make it a team sport!” and to that I put about her the energy then of my recreation & sport in area ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of old school broadcast sharing methods in of reading with openness to Lord & peeps (as “meek shall inherit” meaning those strong in the Lord who “wait upon the Lord” by being open and patient for the guidance by the Holy Spirit) by at least being cotton’d to Old Testament of the Bible of that to the “chief Musician” akin the connectivity & interconnected eco-system of religions of the PSLAMS.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay, or a good ribbing?

A Psalms conundrum is “meek” in Psalm 37 as meaneth not weak or feeble but those strong in the Lord as open to a “meek” as open & patient to receive the Holy Spirit hook-up?  (Divined import by reading of Barnes & Noble collectors classic printing bound of King James edition.)

                   *       *       *       GRACE?       *       *       *

[This squib/essay is currently a work in progress - what you see may be just today’s beginning - do come again until satisfied it is all done.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:05 pm

What would Christmas be sans political sincerity as the concerns of the resultant accounted of the New York metropolitan area abide a due note to chime that maybe such realm has been devolving. 

What can Christians amount to if devoid of the higher realms relativity now to be appreciated post denial as regards the fall of Hillary R. Clinton. 

What questions must be asked.

If we are to ask and then attempt to answer some querious ticklish present but not clearly enough seen as of dangers as per the constituents amassed rabble as accounted for as for Hillary R. Clinton as first tool may be necessarily a mirror held outward for those queried to alight in as asked if their activities of 2016 doth not confirm an appreciable devolution.

There is heft, mass, and gravity in the propositioned of 2016 of that Hillary R. Clinton, for Posterity and History, was the “most corrupt candidate” ever entered upon such field of democracy meant for a process akin to a draining of a swamp to flush out the monstrous lurking dangers.

As the less than obvious becomes flushed out it is seemingly becoming apparent that what mass of constituents just accounted of the major metropolitan areas is presenting to needing a lifting spirit and committed souls willing to show compassion and a willingness to help raise the “Clinton wool” from over their eyes - to lend a hand to counter and possibly reverse what devolutions had been effected towards corralling subjects to as delivered (zombies?) to votage.

We needn’t name Donald J. Trump to associate a great and worrisome concern endemic at least to the major metropolitan areas as associable to as if the Christmas spirit was corrupted and such best explains the corralled subjects counted as for “Crooked Clintons”. 

We needn’t name Donald J. Trump to raise the alarm bells with the Christmas tolled and chimed;  Donald J. Trump is firstly just one of many that was of 2016 of many called whom might have still been a chosen one more innocent and of honest potential than she of the vast machinations to put “crooked” ahead of sincerity.

Isn’t it now with Christian charity that we address these concerns of as if the votage amassed as corralled for “Crooked Clintons” was due a top down worked “devolution” and not of presently of a sincerity to notation as “crooked voters”?

If we are to answer these just some of the biggest questions of our times and as quite specifically local to major metropolitan areas what is to suffice to liberate and educate so so so many somehow delivered in a “popular” vote for one to endure of a reputation as a “most corrupt candidate” ever?

Can Christmas in 2016 rise to the expectant levels of grace if those corralled subjects amassed as counted as “popular” votage to the party of Clintons cannot now look in the mirrors beggard of a concern to query if it isn’t that they have devolved?

President Bill Clinton near always had apparent trouble expressing “God Bless America”!

Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton presidential aspirations were also base and compromised to such endemic to her “crooked” core;  Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton persisted by machinations to sell a devolved state to city’s masses as if sincerity should not be considered;  Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton skulduggery remained of her old threatened sans a pleading of innocence to that near “if you take me down I won’t go down alone.”

The Christmas spirit now as so many have been essentially saved from further “crooked” machinations and affronts to sincerity from “leadership” of the Clintons isn’t yet that we must be thankful and grateful that we have now Donald J. Trump our President-Elect as ’tis the season to consider how many were called to stand sincerely against Hillary R. Clinton and how now many of these still endure as of others whom could have yet been our chosen one!

If we even begin to ask some of the questions, of the vibe and essence around that those amassed as “popular” for Hillary R. Clinton can be accounted for as by lots of whoms, it is considerable that a reduction in spirit so equates to an effected devolution!

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

It wasn’t the Christmas spirit as for a heaven on earth by a rule in truth and sincerity and potential from honesty; - Votage corralled and amass for Hillary R. Clinton was more akin to a devilish of a the “The Crooked Show Must Go On” headlined kept off/out of the news pressed.

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

Deplorable votes were counted somehow raised ignorantly as if a votes against others as the deplorables!

She is a deplorable she of a deplorable crooked lot at least as broad as “Crooked Clintons” is vast!

For Christmas to endure and still endear we must ask if we haven’t devolved the realm of HOPE too low to be still of potential for shared humanity as by togetherness in an embrace for truth and sincerity to trump and rule?

If we now do ask the hard questions, and if we especially posture to those somehow at least seeming devolved or brainwashed as counted as “popular” yet in the states majorities trumpeting to toll grander and truer, and as citizens reacquainted from suppressed, by recent years too tyrannical and contrary to the actually constituted, to more like just subjects, we must probe at her “deplorable” and “deplorables” for the machinations, theirs, did, years on, attempt to bury prudence of sagacity.

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

Many were called and now we have it accredited to that Donald J. Trump was/is the chosen one;  Our plights challenges may be mediated from the worser case of stuck under a “DEPLORABLE SHE” as yet to devolve from grace even further;  Ours now is that which is ahead and for morals restored to anew in prudence of sagacious transparency!

God bless America and may Christians not be alone to restorative business at resecuring our realms for truth and transparency!

We have been saved!  - Yes that seems like an understatement considering how threatening the real Hillary R. Clinton was!

We have been saved!  - Yes we must still seek the grace and defend the sanctity of sagacity the trump to machinations!

We have been saved!  - We are not alone!  There are some to many somehow now seeming needy as devolved and counted!

God bless America!  Merry Christmas to ye committed to grace and sincerity!  Let us not be blind to “crooked” extant!

      *       *       *       LET TRUTH YET REIGN?       *       *       *

[The story of the Clintons is much rendered and scrollable here as of http://CitizenRosebud.com and my perspective is phat and rich with rigor for truth and sincerity and datable to that I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s when they were Yale Law School co-eds just out for a walk through my New Haven, CT neighborhood.  The kicker for those who care to ask it that the “Crooked Hillary” shouldn’t have endured for Bill and Hillary should have had to at least answer to whom I am and how I am of so much now shared as “Citizen Rosebud”.  It is deplorable to me that election day in 2016 occurred sans the querious as to how I as “Poet JP Hogan” was of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 and the fall in 2008 and 2016.  The Clintons’ machinations have been of running for cover to continue burying their culpability and of such as from since 1993 of putting lining up a Presidency for Hillary R. Clinton as a selfish sold “good” to trump the “greater good” morality expected of offices of Trust.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:32 am

To understand a statesmen in Hamilton, one, today, must consider what has happened to churches in Moscow since the 1990s.

Neither a Queens Presbyterian nor a Congregationalist Christian can deny the “HOLY” anew Russian aspect as if Vladimir Putin has been a dedicant to be a “Merry Templar” Moscow garbed.

We can and must consider Alexander Hamilton and of if Rex Tillerson is already ready to fend off Barbarians - akin to Barbary Piracy of the terms of Thomas Jefferson associated.

The Donald J. Trump nominee to be our top Diplomat seems of the crown of thorns and as ready at thorns in one’s side strong lines and if even a need to brine dried beans over-night a necessary remedial prescription.  To say brines for thorns a tool in his bag of tricks may be basic it though remains of that he is to inherit vast problems from eight years rebellious from common sense.

The Donald J. Trump nominee to be Secretary of State of these united states of the Americas presents of that a Congregationalist Christian is a easier fit under a Queens Presbyterian than a Mormon or a Catholic.

The Donald J. Trump cabinet is coming together as matured beyond the ocularity suffered lots of born witness to President Barack H. Obama so much of but “sandbox” diplomatic play sans effect as sans morality plays dynamics.

Russia is not of the paradigm President Obama wanted it to be as he commenced to be to his “Personality Presidency” his suggested guidance as if of his “personality” of a suffice for all moderation of world’s affairs.

President Vladimir Putin and Party Leader of China Xi Jinping predecessor Hu Jintao are to be commended for their early rebukes of new President Obama and of their attempts to turn him from his wrong direction - to turn him to capitalism and as from his Socialist megalomaniacal aspiration to bring Americans outta their constituted and into his like a “New Stalinist” dictum and Climate Change Tyranny.

It more falls now on President-Elect Donald J. Trump to set the table of Diplomacy for Secretary Rex Tillerson by serving up criticism historical of such President Obama whence chided to turn from doing as their countries had done and to being more capitalistic of how they now forward were to trying to be to evolve their own systems of government and economics.

A making of America “GREAT AGAIN” is a Hamilton conundrum; - To be “GREAT AGAIN” we all must accept that President Obama many errant effected in officialdom were exercised in anti-Hamilton and un-Hamilton methodisms. President Obama’s greatest flaw may endure as a criticism of that he erred by governing near opposite to how Alexander Hamilton prescribed and affected.

Yes!!!  We must consider the unexpected as possible and that the new Russian paradigm is of President Putin effecting as if to be eventually a “Merry Templar” and a new evangelizer of the rebirth of Christianity in Moscow and its parishes.  We must also respect what Moscow has done to churches - even for churches - since the 1990s.  Even if shy of being an Orthodoxy evangelizer President Putin is back to basics in embrace of Crimea and Ukraine portions that are historically of majorities as consecrated from the Moscow Christian Orthodox See - of Saint Basil* and even the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Yes, it wasn’t only President Putin who tried to warn President Obama off from heading in the wrong direction - from not learning from past mistakes of Russians.  President Putin wasn’t wrong, now even in hindsight amassed ocularity, of that America would divide under President Obama if he did persist to be so old Russian.  Yes, it is recalled that even the President of the Peoples Republic of China was also expressant sans a suffice with admonishment upon President Obama of attitude that he was commencing on a path of turning America and Americans to too Socialist.

On Alexander Hamilton opportunities to be a good example and catalyst for learning of vast erring by President Obama let us consider a querious of if Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is naturally strong, otherwise, and of respecting that the “banking” and “Constitutional” designs of Federalist Hamilton as to us of a confederate republic a liberal democracy was design not to firstly have POWER but primarily to be of a Federal to agility with a system of banking for liquidity & readiness.

President-Elect Donald J. Trump must now, as necessary, say to brine of the thorns to be inherited can be a remedial prescribed still yet in time of the pork, turkey, fibrous legumes passed, and, table a prudence for inheritance of crown of thorns morality plays to arts of diplomacy restorative from backwards and inadequate of pea brained spillage of vast collateral rendered mashable passed.

We can toast to a HOPE in a new Secretary of State as from the lot as risen to be duty charged for Diplomacy Rex Tillerson.  Rex Tillerson may not, like myself, need still try to live up to having played some squash - club squash - in youth and to having bought a Slazenger Diplomat as my racket of choice, nor may Secretary Tillerson have to personally try to live up to an old college Philosophy paper I have shared as “CAPITALISM: THE PATH TO WORLD PEACE” as a long essayed some upon the “THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH” by Frantz Fanon.  I in past year did opine to my godson a current college studying of that I set out to counter of such paper grading of noted proffered near “IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE” (paraphrased of by Villanova Univerity Professor Ed Goff) to not have to edit such paper’s import by setting out more dedicated to proof it as possible and well reasoned.

The portion of the Ukraine “reclaimed” by President Putin is statistically historically of that figured of the the Eastern third of Ukraine is Moscow Orthodox Christian while the Western third is Greek Orthodox and with the middle third like the problem leading area as too “irreligious” and of to that like Iraq and Syria it can be calculated and summed of that Ukraine became also too “irreligious” and became of these as a third a then to an also failed secular Socialist state.

President Putin does appear more “HOLY” at least when rationally measured against President Obama and his Secretaries Secretary Clinton and Secretary Kerry; - President Putin embrace of old Soviet regions of Ukraine as of which are historically See’d of the Moscow Orthodox Christian Church was not an offensive effected for it became a responsive defensive counter to the NATO & European Union meddling President Obama and his hench people were party to as a trigger.

America was GREAT in the time of Alexander Hamilton of the how “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is showing a constituted suffice to be restorative to forward.  President Obama failed to learn the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Union and became vastly errant while so also be an Un-Hamilton.  President Trump is consummating a new consecration of the “HOLY” in Federalism as originally of a confederate republic for a liberal democracy, and as his selection of the many called to Rex Tillerson the chosen one abiding the truth of a resurgence in Christianity within at least Moscow, - of Russia, Russians. 

Alexander Hamilton must be dissected, primarily it seems for an understanding favorable to Capitalism, as being saintly to the structured for National of that banking systems were designed not by firstly working an architecture for POWER as it seems the enduring prudence endears of that such worked to must have come from designing firstly for agility in liquidity for readiness.

Though as a Washington DC general contractor, and as a carpenter, I did before the attacks of September 11, 2001 - months before - install new closet doors in the Watergate condominiums for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice it can be proffered of that President Trump and his cabinet with Secretary Tillerson are to inherit problems from how the Left since 1993 has been of Democratic Party leaders as missing the whole “irreligious” paradigm problem.

President Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump will be arrested from progress if Secretary of State Tillerson doth not side to BREXIT as due for triggered by naive and backwards leading by President Obama con NATO & con the European Union as per moves on/with Ukraine.

Even Crimean can be said to be of valleys of liberation in spirit of a “HOLY” in the “Putin Complex” Rx**.  Russian can be said to have created safe spaces in old Ukraine in the basic truth of Moscow Orthodoxy as rooted in the social construct and concept of that “religion” is firstly self-governance.

The light of the Russian battalions and their charges can be deemed LIBERATING as President Obama lead triggered the BREXIT as party to the problem of like Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine old secular Socialist (Ba’athist perverted) three are historically measurable as considerably just three more failed Socialist states somehow of becometh too irreligious - too blinding subscribed to failed secular Socialist dependency ideology.

To understand Rex Tillerson we must cotton to “Mr. BREXIT” into the Presidency of Donald J. Trump!  Yes, of a “HAMILTON II” redux’d!

There is prudence and common sense if this “LIBERATION” mashable on Crimea & Ukraine’s Eastern third as Moscow See’d! Honestly!!!

The rap of President Barack H. Obama as I work it out as hashable as #TheBadPresident to http://TheBadPresident now holding for a book so titled, as a compilation of the necessary mass of http://jphogan.org collections related, will be profferable and deep into his greatest failures to having near been always wrong on at least ISIS and Ukraine by missing the “irreligious” inherent fundamental causal rooted.

The American participation to as if Ukraine should move West to NATO and the European Union was a just trigger as an offensive ill considered first strike to which President Putin had a response that relates to a new Russian evangelism!  Possibly!  Donald J. Trump has been more right than who he inherits a vast mess from in the new Year!  Democrats have been WRONG!

President Barack H. Obama legacy seems ready to endure and persist to concluded of that he was always wrong not to have heeded Russian and Chinese admonishment of his professed direction at to be away from moral capitalism and backwards to ways of their learned from failed in Socialism governance.  Trump rise is on that President Obama failed to heed President Putin, at least, as to hand of opining postured to advise a turning away too from secular Socialism.

President Trump and Secretary Tillerson will principally need to guide from the errant and excesses of President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry of to like being restorative as curative in a premeditated of prescribing fixes to how besotted President Obama cabal was to trying to defeat the American lead defeat of Socialism. - of secular Socialism!!!

Yes we need to get back to Alexander Hamilton!  Yes we need a new popularity and plurality with the pop of Alexander Hamilton!  Yes!  After President Barack H. Obama not just the People of these united states of the Americas are prudent towards fathoming much went wrong just because, simply, the Left tried to govern opposite to Hamilton’s prescribed.

To be support crew the Trump Cabinet need be joined to the experience and acumen of Rex Tillerson and just so the President can forward be Donald J. “Mr. Brexit” Trump, President of these United States of America - as actually constituted - a leader wise to “irreligious” widely problematic!!!

To this teased as though improbable to impossible as yet a consideration necessary to fathom President Vladimir Putin we must endear a full consideration for Russia, like Syria, has no choice but to find ways forward from problems developed from somehow crossing a fine line in secular Socialism as to having a nation become of a people amassed to too irreligious.

America, itself, can not possibly be restored to “GREAT AGAIN” if the basics are not reconstituted also to that religion is respected as firstly self-governance and a keystone to that governments can actually be of the People free by religiosity, by the People voluntarily dedicants to organized extra-nation organized morality, and for the Peoples to general Welfare and Posterity!!!  Our pledged allegiance to flag is for due process and Justice.

God Bless America - our Lord is the same of Jews, Christians, Muslims.

                   *       *       *       BELIEVE?       *       *       *


* [I confess I am still ignorant of whom Saint Basil is, even as since I spotted his bust in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, NYC, NY, USA.]

** [See at http://CitizenRosebud.com - here - the categories left justified for the collections of “#SOCIALIST SQUIBS” “#PUTIN ESSAYS” & “#ISLAM SQUIBS”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:12 pm

‘WRONG DIRECTION JOE’ needs some “HOLIDAY’S” tough love!

A primary vice of the Vice is of “Joe” has been naughty - and long too naughty - as party to the training to “divided states” of how conducted in collaborations to the People railroaded in the wrong ties.

However “Joe” is like family there is that prudence must be a kept keep of the keeping for pillars of Justice, and that the vice of the Vice, however as akin to like within “family” is substantial and considerable to being beyond coal to to endure sans gift(s).

We of these “divided states of America” have many problems to “class” and “rude” of Republicans & Democrats that “family” now must field and table however now in 2016 family should abstain from tabling with family of the “Holiday” of “Christmas”!

We of these “divided states of America” have “Joe” & his vice as Vice now as fermented plums at best in the larder and gasing out “rotten” overtures of odious yet kept.

We of these “divided states of America” have vice of the Vice akin to “Joe” as #CROOKED to tru’d rap “CROOKED HILLARY” - - It is not of “Joe” as like “family” of if he supported “Hillary2016″ but that if now so “naughty” to rating sans gift(s) due was so inconsiderate in position to be unable and unwilling to be open to reason and discussion of the “BAD” in “CROOKED”!

United of America of these united states of the Americas - our 50 - it behoove this “HOLIDAY” be most considerate and respecting the Santa Claus as the accountant of the naughty list and to that any “family” to too of “Joe” has rendered their status as befitting no gift(s) due they while corrupt as for “CROOKED HILLARY” were shut down from reason and discussion of the implication and vast issues to haunt and destruct if ever from 2016 there was Unity suffice to a “President Hillary R. Clinton”!

Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” must stay of the accountancy of the “NAUGHTY LIST” to keep the keep of prudence and a copacetic for United civility;  If you have real family akin “Joe” as like “family” you may be one who must steel themselves for thru advent and into the new Year as a keeper of standards and to not also slacking and acquiescing to undermining foundations for HOPE;  If you have been invited or considering inviting politically “RUDE” family do steel yourself to it akin knowing now ‘TOUGH LOVE’ is necessary and as if you had to say “NO” or maybe even un-invite “Joe” - the Vice of vice!

Christmas as a “HOLIDAY” can hardly be of unity to Joy & Joyous if of a gathering there are in it of such vice of an election year “RUDE” to having not just supported and so colluded to “CROOKED HILLARY” but whom can be listed and tag’d as having been closed to reason and impolite as disposed to shut down discussion of facts of history!

The HOPE of President-Elect Donald J. Trump to be the President of these united states of the Americas now rests in a necessary prescribing to days and as many months of “TOUGH LOVE” upon the “divided states of America” as the losers are the most ignorant and too railroaded to past just sidings to being in a bad way as in a wrong direction for “ELECTION 2016″ is for the history books to endure as a “THE CORRUPTION ELECTION”!

Liberal policies forward will need be switched a turned from by education and debate, as away from the years of diabolical “leading” by once “Speaker Nancy Pelosi” of standing up “Grubers” for Gruber arrogance to trump democracy - liberal democracy originalism - and “advise & consent” of engaged of “demos” - The People!

The YUGE of mashable “divided states” amounts to a moral challenge and education conundrum for President-Elect Donald J. Trump forward;  The YUGE is not of a divide to “bridge” but to administer psychology and even psychiatry upon for behavioral sciences must be used to mediate a enlightenment of “Grubers” as akin “Hillary Voters” vastly remedially and fundamentally upon.

It is YUGE and before the class of TRUMP VOTERS that we must consider “it” DESPICABLE - not them, however rude and wrong!  The vice of Vice in the “CROOKED JOE” relates to the “American” errant of Representative Keith Ellison more than his bias as Muslim for Islamic over-riding of Constitution originalism - still. 

Likewise a YUGE primary concern in: Minnesota Representative hankering for post at DNC - Democratic National Committee - if you cannot explain the grand errant in President Bill Clinton’s first steps in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the Gulf Countries Council how can you be qualified to unite and lead the losing Party?

Donald J. Trump, President-Elect, cannot now run away from the “NAUGHTY LIST” nor “CROOKED JOE” for to bring back an enlightened state for these united states of the Americas President Trump will need to table and serve renderings pared for comity as educated and intelligent and as of “lessons” from away from moronic years of ignoring how much went wrong just because President Clinton did do bad while doing wrongly and errantly his duty as charged.

I, “Citizen Rosebud” blogger, of having said “NO” to TIME in 2006 as regards ‘em so querious for a photo of me for 2006 POY - Person of the Year - cover, as noticed for blogging publicly, from DC, as “uc”, with threads of the newsbusters.org site hosted by the brother-in-law to William F. Buckley, as to arguing that President Bush had to consider an Operation Iraqi Freedom Iraq War SURGE and as of reasoning it through, and then to supporting its initiating and to then supporting it with further reasoning worked and shared up at least to time of picture request I said “NO” to as thinking was expressed as near “I am not half done, and you don’t have the space for my whole story!”

Oh right!!! … I, blogger who offered to work with Time Magazine apparent story intent for 2006, but of “NO” to “photo of me” as “uc” blogger, was he who suggested they should put a “MIRROR” on the cover if they could.

TIME POY President-Elect Donald J. Trump is one still some on my “NAUGHTY LIST” and not only for being as I know it to be of he as one now elected President while yet of being wrong on “IRAQ WAR”!  His situation as on the “NAUGHTY LIST” is less certain and secured than “Joe” for the vice as the Vice President, and any family who while supporting “CROOKED HILLARY” were to as such yet “RUDE” and “GRUBERS” for having no willingness (or ability) to reason and intellectualize!

I, “Citizen Rosebud” experienced blogger, now as much #NeverPelosi as was #NeverHillary, am now tracking help heal the vast of the divided states of America by educating, - not “bridging”!  As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California did vast harm to the mental health and clarity for intelligence of way too many Americans!

Nancy Pelosi is more on my “FALLEN SOULS” list as never off a seasonal “NAUGHTY LIST” and this is much of the “TOUGH LOVE” President Donald J. Trump will likely necessarily render upon any now predisposed to be joiners in support of a DNC headed by Keith Ellison or a Party apparatus of if being moved by “CROOKED JOE” has any potential!

Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump as inheritor of the winning “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” is that its reset as for “FOR THE REPUBLIC” will endure and amass conversions via enlightenment - and not of sad self-defeating efforts of like of trying to beat dead horses for a ride.

Our HOPE in Donald J. Trump is much that there is a “FOR THE REPUBLIC” measurable mass of “ROGUES” now willing to learn of finally and diligently learn thoroughly of the perils old and new in still heading anywhere unawares of the HUGE mistakes President William J. Clinton made starting with his first policy moves in 1993 as per Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and the GCC - Gulf Countries Council.

Our HOPE now in a NEW HOPE is of Donald J. Trump story to persist and yet endure as to winning as a ROGUE ONE?

We, firstly must respect the Santa Claus as the keeper of the “NAUGHTY LIST” and abide it now may be constituted for the Vice of vice, and even “family” as “listed” in such a way of “NEEDS IMPROVEMENT” and so due “HOLIDAY” sans gift(s)!

We, primarily, have our keep for MORALS as pressing and prescient in there is a “ROGUE ONE” of a NEW HOPE such as “JOE” - “CROOKED JOE” - Vice President Joe Biden - forward does not alight likewise of possibilities, and as Keith Ellison is not, it seems, a fared to parable for heading the DNC as the “BAD” and “CROOKED” of DEMOCRATS has been of President Clinton’s 1993 errant politics still and of multiplying the collateral damage as from evolving intelligent reasoned to errant as seeming blind mice for having ever supported SHARIAH, as they have, while being to domestic politics for centralized secular Socialist Authoritarian Powers by effecting a nullification of the Constitution and by subjugating Christians and Christian moral law to yet stuck submissive as “under Government”!

In 2016 we still have time to face what President Donald J. Trump must face to enlighten the nation from “divided states of America” of that we’ve been wrong and they’ve been wrong all these years we’ve let ourselves be tracking and heading in the direction as if our nation is not as constituted by People’s Order as established and ordained as under Lord’s Law - as indivisible as one republic under God. 

Simply “JOE” - Joe’s bad “NAUGHTY” - fits Keith Ellison’s all these years of these united states of America, as since 1993, been to postured and secured as if world can accept a spreading of SHARIAH while in these united states of the Americas, and elsewhere, Judeo-Christian “MORALS” - “MORAL LAW” - “TEN COMMANDMENTS” are suppressed and the created subjugated from “free” and “citizens” to just subjects “Grubers”!!!

                *       *       *       NAUGHTY?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:20 am

Municipal Golf?  Parks & Recreation vs Buddha?  Franciscan vs gilded?

A Presbyterian stands at the threshold of one & two Corinthians, and, such protestant core’d resets our sense of common.

The ask of the back to white is public and international of Donald J. Trump sans an Barack H. Obama arrogance; the black to white ask is to embrace a simpler times, - to not try to be just like your representative as ask is that each are liberated to be, if moral, to however to gilded if sought, or otherwise robed and of sandals to a new Franciscan.

The Republican Movement is about that you decide to play the game, - not to blocking and rich attitude of arrogance as to where you play the game is more important than if you travel well and can play any holes where ever.

The Republican Movement is as much about historical districts and old commons, basics, and to of back to basics as well to aspired to gilded trappings if such be your calling/ambition, reasonably.

The Republican Movement is such ado about something economical as yet for the economy of phat as borderless, - as yet of the ask of parity to work musical of Unity can be of some aspire to be Franciscan and ready to be at least core’d to travel light.

The ask of President Donald J. Trump, for to accomplish a restored capacity for growth economics, is not of asking or demanding that all souls walk a uniformity to an assimilation to each all assume to presume that being gilded and saddled plush is the only right tao/being to work out for normal/common/happy.

The fail of President Barack H. Obama is to be tee’d up eternal for the bagged masses were ordered by dictates to green compliance, - they were not addressed and educated and engaged for balance and precision, - the People were violated by being talked to as if subjects of his czars and from having been citizens as established by Paul of old Corinth scope as so ordained of Creator by founding “Fathers” “done” Peoples’ Order. “We/…in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…done/…Year/of/our/Lord”!

If President Donald J. Trump does bail on “Law & Order” such will be divergent from his models to date, even now as it seems perilous that he even teased Hillary R. Clinton may be sans Justice - sans/devoid a rendering of full “naughty list” scoring.

The scores of Hillary R. Clinton should as well be of clearly posted honestly as far at least back to her resume building commenced of 1993 first heeling as to making over First Lady exposure to rating herself as if evolved and better than all that came before the Clintons.

President Donald J. Trump should abide nothing less than an honest curated of what are the games played by Hillary R. Clinton and what was her shot counts, and was such doctored from truth and parity even though signed cards were the expectant as of for fairness of the Golden Rule?

The Democratic Party Convention staged a ridiculous but tragic and trying performance to be still scored - to have score adjusted to be par to clarity and mission.  As we morn the Gold Star Families lost - with them of our brave fallen - we yet have the Hillary R. Clinton convention to re-score as regards the present in Philadelphia as present as upon the Constitution while of tragic sacrifice for present in morning and while as well to partisan and political confused.

Mr. & Mrs. Khan present much for consumption of that which is core to the ask, now, of us in Union, to forward, for an entrance point to the black to white alternatives now being processed as of Hillary R. Clinton (white) was beat by Donald J. Trump (white).

Mr. Khizr Khan gestalt will for a long time tee up where fair play was, wasn’t, and now maybe should be safely to as now secure from she he so partied with in Philly in 2016.

Mr. Khizr Khan brought constitutional confusion and partisan politics to his son’s memorialization & it so of political opportunism that due the circumstances did deserve a matching - a match played to yet get fully played out. The background to such player Khan is too of that his professional is as one of business before the State Department on immigration and one more freely, even to agitating, as expressant by lobbying for broadening Shariah to more sans bordered.

Mr. Khizr Khan teased was of complicated constitutional relevance as if such could ignore trumps whence ordered against & now in times while others were newly at coy ploy chicanery to dissolve to setting asunder how these united states of America were so whence established and ordained protectant against the very devilish insurgent machinations of/for Hillary R. Clinton.

Mr. Khizr Khan in memory of his fallen son did confuse the politics of at least 2016 as soon as he raised a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America at a convention for anti-Constitution set Hillary R. Clinton.  It is not possible for one/any to be for the Constitution and also for Hillary R. Clinton for the Clintons’ machinations have so long been of ploy of “Post Constitution” that it is established of her scores that they are crooked for “extra-Constitution” and so anti-Constitution such that near 20% of it is like out of bounds and considered as if null & void.

The loss of Khan in Iraq as of mission under George W. Bush of missions of Operation Iraqi Freedom is tragic and to be respectfully mourned and now politically and constitutionally for the father has tee’d up the conundrum un-scored still of that President George W. Bush was of standing in standing for the wholeness of the Constitution - 100% of the Peoples’ Order.

The loss of Khan in Iraq War was of the son in service of defending the Constitution as written and now there is the conundrum un-scored of that the father, due Philadelphia performance in a partisan political gamesmanship, crossed the neutral threshold to that Donald J. Trump was called out to respond to the duality developing to be otherwise a fog of war; - the father by introducing the constitution did stand contrary to the missions of service of the fallen son; - the father with his copy of the constitution turned up the fogs for the war was fought to the where withal of the full Constitution and yet the #BernieGotRobbed #CrookedHillary convened was due their particulars contrary of a gathered of anti-Constitution Democrats.

Donald J. Trump is now not alone at the gate of so much of Khizr Khan begun but not concluded or even fully scored play.

The Republican Movement has been restorative against the insurgency by Clinton machinations & winning for Constitution.

Our We - now tru’d anew to “We the People…” has us all gathered now at such gate for the how and where an understanding of Khan  and fair play - playing by the rules - is where we are now still with the living and the fallen.

Our We - now in keeping tru to “We the People…” if of constituted for Presidents not Kings, Kaisers, Khans, Supreme Leaders, titular heads of Holy See!  We are a people now to be in the game but not expectant to choose for ourselves to be complicated and gilded, for to be plain Jane, or simple Joe, is also of our right and freedoms to be even Franciscan.

The Republican Movement is matched to play against the Khan gestalt - of dynamic of “kisser Khan” or “Kaiser con” - even as named for lost in translation potential of like named as father as “leader leader”!

The Trump vs Khan of 2016 is the Republican versus Democrats match play forward, and of situated at the gate of if such can commence any how before We pare down the rules freshly and scored how Hillary R. Clinton (white) now was to have followed supposedly Barack H. Obama (black) who once was a Constitutional Law Professor and yet as to having hoped to be a President able to ascribe and be bound by at best only 80% of the Constitution - the Peoples’ Order constituted and of standing still.

However religious, personally, our “We the People…” is of the trump of Paul as structured through his letters and assignation to duty for Corinth to that of for Corinthians as yet diversified from that prescribed to be of especiality for copacetic of Gaeus or Galatians; - we are of our “We the People…” as constituted as of rights from the Lord Creator and of to that we, each, are to consider ourselves (sportingly?) as firstly under our Lord and as always before even ever under our Government. 

Khan may be “leader” to some where Kaiser is “leader” to others and yet now Donald J. Trump is President-Elect to of these united states of the Americas and to proofing his “leader” qualities are for level playing pairing and as for freedom still akin his model of that each needn’t try to be just like him, - each need just commit to being a “player”, - each need find their own “got game” however for such if as as a “Tiger” of “Buddha” or more modestly as of municipal and Franciscan catholic.

“Fore” scored is how Donald J. Trump fairly stood from ducking the emoted gestalt of Democratic Party father Khizr Khan?  We the players must now become learned to the variant still between how the Constitution is written and how Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, & Khizr Khan have postured it can be said to mean what it apparently isn’t written to score?

The Donald J. Trump play is opening soon!  We have his economics threshold to broach of that he calls each and all to be a player, to dream, to commit, to personal their uniqueness, as his is of Corinthians of standing for Unity as to teeing up for growth of that to be to an expanding economy we must be able to yet sing together.  Our divides must be addressed and challenged by regular engagements to be of togetherness and attempts at harmony in song.

The Republican Movement has street cred of MUNICIPAL prudence and establishment to hosting all! Believe in “Law & Order”?  Believe however?

                                   *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:32 am

We are now taken aback to the days of “THE WORLD IS FLAT” and back, again, to the present, of as if the first to be pancaked are Bill & Hillary Clinton, - for Posterity.

The scope of these trials will school many to the real monkey business still much cloaked within the dimensions of the extant of scandal pernicious of the Clintons as like a cancer on society American civilized have now been much saved from.

Boards of Education forthwith must become rededicated to the truth - over political drama by false narratives - to the truths where ever they may lead - to a historical record of amended textbooks to forward fairly and equally school masses, - to the story of the world as now much, as will become known generally, as now saved from the Clintons.

The streets of the New York City metropolitan area are now competitive again for truth to persist as greater than convenient political fiction - than attempts to work false narratives to trump inconvenient truths.

There are the stages of denial to work through!  There are machinations and multitudes of already postured false narratives to sweep the streets free from!  There are times such as these that defeated will yet look back on and learn to be grateful for.

The streets of the New York City metropolitan area are now embattled in denials and depression but now seeded for future harvests and bountious, albeit now of that seeds are generally stowed/stored but amassed for a reset general Welfare.

As our lands turn to a season of fallowed let us rededicate ourselves to basic disciplines and a new embrace for truth!

America has done well by itself at (knowingly?) having chosen the next President to be one who is less of a record of and for structural racism!  The Clintons’ Fulbright legacy machinations is complicated and ugly; The Clintons’ can be outed as greatly of structural racism now that their party is crashed and fundamental curbing can be awashed and exposed to that generally it becometh obvious that they played many as the fools fooled; The Clintons’ transgressions are vast and diabolical and very much still too much structurally intact; The Clintons’ transgressions worked an ugly structural racism through economics and politics of selling hyper-consumerism; The Clintons’ trangressions are of an ugly betrayal of most economic of black Americans not secured to middle class or above as they for every supposed good deed done for blacks were to the politics of setting up the very failure of such hands down hands out, and to a most ugliest way of by yet falsely blaming others for what by design got set up by them to fail!

We are ready for depressing marching!  We are ready for depressing marches!  We are ready to march good riddance to em Clintons and their FOB!

It is most inconvenient to the Clintons that they ended up running against one long a properties operator of public spaces and free for all of facilities for chance and entertainment - that they ended up running against one who to succeed with casinos had to be structurally devoid of structural racism.

There are the stages of denial to work through!  There are machinations and multitudes of already postured false narratives to sweep the streets free from!  There are times such as these that defeated will yet look back on and learn to be grateful for.

We are ready for depressing marching!  We are ready for depressing marches!  We are ready to march good riddance to ‘em Clintons and their FOB!

As we now prepare to march the truth out of the Clintons’ cloaked selfish machinations and build newly for a public good by adherence to the proven superior original recipe we must breath, and prostrate of our rights refreshed of stretching for readiness, for the sheer vast dimension as un-cloaked will question many a conscience to states of disbelief of that such structural ugliness could have been extant of such scandal and for so long and so vastly even as cloaked!

There is a cornucopia of ugliness in the pregnant vessel as the scope of the dimensions of the becoming un-cloaked machinations of the Clintons, and some a liberation of for the legacy of President Barack H. Obama but for the to endure angel of that he for history did so get “PUNK’D” by Bill & Hillary Clinton.

Better angels have now arrived!  Believe me! Believe! Better angels have arrived however now you may think you know the essence of Donald Trump - or any likelihood of the Presidency of Donald J. Trump!  Ugly is becoming sans cloaked!

There are the stages of denial to work through!  There are machinations and multitudes of already postured false narratives to sweep the streets free from!  There are times such as these that defeated will yet look back on and learn to be grateful for.

We are ready for depressing marching!  We are ready for depressing marches!  We are ready to march good riddance to ‘em Clintons and their FOB!

An edification on the wave that Donald J. Trump detected and rode to the present will be to a vessel keeled to heel for truth and to (by chance) of a captain of a steady hand and experiences diametrically opposed to being for structural racism!

To suffice to the issuance of the burdens the loads of these times will be the challenge, - our challenge, - not just alone a duty of the leadership amassed to the “Republican Movement”!

The Clintons have fallen!!!  The Clintons have fallen!!!  The Clintons have fallen!!!

The scope of their monkey business will, yes, rile many of Boards of Education forward, as textbooks to join the marches for truth to again reign over machinations for political convenience by false narrative attempted and yet insufficient to trump truth.

The scope of these trials will school many to the real monkey business still much cloaked within the dimensions of the extant of scandal pernicious of the Clintons as like a cancer on society American civilized have now been much saved from.

The Clintons have fallen!!!  The Clintons have fallen!!!  The Clintons have fallen!!!

Crooked together, such so, as rendering out, presides concurrent to the drama from President Barack H. Obama as of his hands forced by Bill & Hilllary to accept them as RIVALS from day one and to that his team would be set asunder from day one as reduced to a house divided and of the “TEAM OF RIVALS” their new Shakespearean cast.

The dark and haunting essence of the Clintons betrayal of “offices of Trust” and generally the People’s Trust is to be organized against until the last of their cloaks are bared to nonexistent and useless!

The dark and haunting essence of the Clintons betrayal as to conduct unbecoming a duo a former first couple is to be organized against and not just by official government watch dogs dogged to pack the response so that truth can reign newly.

The dark and haunting essence of the Clintons betrayal of regular order and Constituted due process has now been publicized some while enough waits upon the public and private demonstratives to effect the full baring of all cloaked and hidden in plain sight of that full diabolical common core of that exposed to that they have been arrested from any longer as entrenched to be able to rule by fiat as to effect ruling by being ensconced, violate to Article 1 Section 9 clause 8, as above the law!

We are now taken aback to the days of “THE WORLD IS FLAT” and back, again, to the present, of as if the first to be pancaked are Bill & Hillary Clinton, - for Posterity.

Tranquility* is landing! - For Posterity and the general Welfare choruses of angel must tune up the truth and be ready to join the marching especially as DIRGES in order despite the extant of cloaking still, and the effects of the stages of denial!

Tranquility* is landing! - For how ordained and established the Peoples’ “Order” is re-secured to as considerate as of an apostolic spectacle commenced and consecrated by the founding fathers, - as now of this progressed to Year of our Lord two thousand ten and Six, reset!

Tranquility* is landing! - For possible whence/if the repeal of the Johnson Amendment is effected and celebrated!

Tranquility* is landing! - For “Union” is more perfect as from the Clintons tooled cloaked machinations and as returned as to for the realm of a Continuity in processes and practices to consummate vicissitudes incident to life - to Politics of sagacity!

                        *       *       *       *       *       *       *

[*  Tranquility is:  The Public the People could use the Justice and the renditions to indict Bill & Hillary Clinton, and what FOB extant of their keeled to for anti-Constitution coy ploy chicanery, and yet a public record may suffice to march and march for the exposing of their dark and haunting for when (reasonable?) prosecutors are liberated there is that the Clintons have very much so long publicly confessed to such evil machinations - they have a record of attempting to cloak and bury culpability by at times forwarding efforts to abscond by methodology of “hiding in plain sight” collaborated, - over-shadowing like as maybe a “Muggle” “Muggles” only capable.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:01 am

We need to see the dead people!

As case can be made to that Donald J. Trump is attempting to finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Luther - but as a Presbyterian: - It seems we must key seeing two that died on July 4th in 1826.

We need to see beyond just seeing Alexander Hamilton as hip!

Though the metropolis heeled/curbed set are 2016 cosmopolitan of class struggles we have to accept these may be among the last to step out and rock the politics of that we have been heading in the wrong direction for too long.

Akin to the metropolis cosmopolitan 2016 conundrum would be that essentially we must now change the music!

To right ourselves from too long off course and at least near broached it is imperative that we tag the drum beats of Barack H. Obama of too majored in steering us off course!  To parlay the politics of music perchance we accept such has been too long cliche and cliche Socialist - too “Old Stalinistic” marched! - too sans the hip of at least Alexander Hamilton as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #1 as keyed that the People’s Order a constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP” is the life long business struggle dynamic still core to TRUMP now as a candidate.

A “LIBERATION” is cored to such dynamism even indivisible from the “PRESIDENT TRUMP” promise.

The “LIBERATION” is in that the life long human story now can only bear fruit if the new “music” rises bottom up - and ’street’ cool/hip.

I posture that all should prepare themselves for TRUMP delays akin to working an engagement and sagacity SOP of disciplined patience to wait for the new good music to rise bottom up.

What may be the chord or beat apropos a restoration to righteousness and practiced common morality?

What can be the hook - how for beat tragic and dire Barack H. Obama rap - to cover the wrecked havoc of so many years wasted with cacophonies discordant as forced measures clamors stacked for “Obama Comrades” of beatings to a crony elite ruling class solidarity effected tonage?

I posture newly we need to see the dead people!

The trump in the “THE TRUMP” is as restorative of “again” for “America” as constituted by the People’s Order done in the “Year of our Lord” whence so soundly and definitively as a formed “more perfect Union”!

For your liberation which beat is your own best tool? which dead person’s harmony can fit your melodic patriotism?

Pitty the fool who knoweth not their “A” game now best to also reconnoiter the triptick souls’d of our Pilgrims & Mayflower, to the Plymouth Plantation, but of score’d to a commonality as also of the times but different conditions to the risen works of Oliver Cromwell, and also Rene Descartes.  Yes! a “Cartesian” gestalt might help any calculable scoring.

There yet is the one soul common to “Dana” and “Kimberly” to synchronize forward with progressing beats of the Republican Movement; - Dana Plato as “Kimberly Drummond” - may she rest in peace - fits to if to doubt Donald J. Trump Republicans as the success of Donald J. Trump up from like a Queens’ Presbyterian orchestration now is yet for cites of precedence set but that Donald J. Trump here to fore has been “succeeded” near only a the scale and scope of Plato’s “REPUBLIC”; - Donald J. Trump has been a builder of buildings and communities - even neighborhoods - but yet is he proven as a keeper of a nation.  Donald J. Trump will need a “Willis” and an “Arnold” for his winded, beaten, & stroke’d new improved “different” for these ways to have the will’d.

For Donald J. Trump to amount to more than the limited of Plato’s worked he must be keenly seen as for “movin’ on up” for any who think they can survive the itches of responsibility in trying to find if able to take the heat of riches.  The “New GOP” may hoot and holler also with “TRADING PLACES” while not em must prove themselves for “LIBERATION ECONOMICS”.

Actually most voters, if they have heard of Jack Johnson or read enough of F. Scott Fitzgerald, should be sympathetic for TRUMP business dynamic of that every morning as a properties operator as souls stir newly of “bottoms up” there may yet be alarms and sirens harkening at least of a too demonstrable “Eloise” roaming the halls mischieviously or a “Dennis The Menace” too proudly loudly apparently in violation of the Mann Act.

America, to be great again, now essentially must learn to come to terms with a great embarrassment for Harvard & Harvard Law School as it seems self evident now that the “first black President of Harvard Law Review” to this very day is still somehow, by nature or corrupted nurture/guidance/teaching, of having, it seems, NEVER read the Constitution correctly.

“O” Barack H. Obama will be haunted by #Its_O_not_o for the rest of his life!  The Constitution only makes sense as with preamble “Order” a noun and for that reason as capitalized.  The proper reading of the Constitution is akin to how the Republicans have protested for decades as to that it cannot be the “living document” as Democrats protestant for as because “Order” is of “O” and not “o” it reads as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…/done/…/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Essentially it has been necessary, while technically treasonous, for the Clintons to posture as if in a “post Constitution” new “order” and for President Obama to proclaim, even during his 2nd inaugural, that he “wouldn’t feel beholden to the oath of office” he just swore to be!  The Democrats have failed for by not knowing the proper reading of the Constitution they have thought it necessary to try to reinvent the wheel and now obviously have greatly failed!

The Constitution cannot be read for a “living document” as attempted, and yet progressed to ill effect now so long, in part because to the founders the work for the People’s Order to constitute the new better Union was like a apostolic spectacle - and so of humbly respecting that the scripture of “our Lord” set was at least by the King James Bible the “living word”!  It seems critical that to join in “Make America Great Again” we too must be so respectful and to that the People’s Order was constituted to be harder to amend or void than it was/is to edit and revise an edition of the Bible.

Sadly so much has gone so wrong by that the Democrats Left Liberals seems to have read to read what they wanted to read and missed reading truly to the only way the entire document can make sense.  It was/is lazy reading and “interpretation” to posture as if the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows must be measured is ever as if just as “in order to…” and weak as like a loophole for Executive tyranny by Executive Orders as if “legal” if something just seems “more perfect”!

E.G.:  Take healthcare - for example:  Democrats if read the Constitution correctly would have avoided all these years of trying to create a “right to healthcare” for such is in the Republic already as constituted “under God” and to that what Democrats have come up with actually violates the First Amendment.  By the accurate Republican traditional reading of original intent everyone already with religion then already has a right to healthcare as health of souls is one of the oldest establishments of religion. Hence Republicans have been logical and faithful to the genius of the founders by working contrary to Liberals’ efforts for centralized secular Socialism by insisting that faith based solutions are affordable for existing structures, if now too dust covered, are yet already available. It is at least Christian and for crisis redistribution among communities how every religious American already is constituted of a equal right to that of healthcare of that of yet society together at discerning understanding of how God or the Devil is yet in the relative details.

I.E.: Consider the Obamacare irony:  By the powers vested in “ACA” the confederate republic of these unites states of the Americas has mere laws boldly contrary to Constituted prudence with Religious Freedom & separation of church & state.  By the powers vested in “ACA” if the Federal Government goals was actually “affordable care” it would/must mandate all citizen subjects voluntarily commune weekly, at least, for lite calisthenics of sit, stand, kneel, prostrate, sit, kneel, prostrate… and with aerobic work out of song with community harmony, however that day able to achieve heavenly harmony, by singing mixed in with meditations by readings and tough “medicine” with guilting & public shaming.  For healthcare to be ever affordable it must be likewise of all spokes in helm’s wheel of state of each part of community in services together as equals - as of rights to their work as individually as critical a spoke to keeping the wheel of community true - trued.  Essentially “Obamacare” must be UnConstitutional for that it gives the Federal Government the Power to mandate that subjects must (voluntarily) commune as to believe in each other that together in faiths they can yet be upstanding and moral (compliant assimilated subjects) citizens.

A simple Constitution teachable note:  It is easier to find GOD in the Constitution than that the Clintons, nor any other, have a right to be of an imperial authoritarian shadow government (such as Clinton Global Initiatives apparently has proceeded since organized)! It is ridiculous pure fiction any interpretation likewise effecting for there in Article 1 is the prohibition from titles of nobility and as well by Section 9 Paragraph 8 powers vested in Congress to highest standard low bar of “whatever” to audit and approve even the least seeming just personal emoluments for any banking on offices of trust.  To see the prima facia of “Clinton Shadow Government” think of Clinton Foundation annual meetings as synchronized to United Nations gatherings and to that it like mandatory to also attend presiding by “King Clinton” of “CGI” holding court even if just firstly primarily generally posturing as if President of the World promoted from having earlier been just President of the United States.

Sadly Mrs. Clinton’s foible related can be summed out as like Mrs. Clinton did as her good book said (Alinski’s) and with false “messiah” Obama did effectively get control of healthcare, and killed off their God.

Donald J. Trump may not have a past as one who has created rising tides yet he does relate as one who has like built sound vessels to be party to “rising tides” and has shared methods via books to others keen to building “boats”.

Even concurrently Donald J. Trump is more building a vessel for a ship of state on the “rising tide” now building long of that real and concrete as the “Republican Movement” as encompassing restorative by Tea Party sweated!

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to know how to create an economics rising tide for how America is constituted sets up a natural dynamic for such to occur! - - - if not actively impeded!

As we individually should ponder which dead people we need see and respect newly the core common to all is “freedom” is “of” religion for religiosity is what amounts an any as above barbarian or animalistic barely.

Every core to the great American is of that of sans borders (spirit) is of religion while that which is of property rights and of borders then is that which is of government!

As we pick through the dead people and decide which has kept best we are all together wise to respect a conundrum of the founders at an apostolic spectacle by constructing the People’s Order as respectful of that economics of Adam Smith amount to a reinterpretation of two Corinthians - 1 & 2 Corinthians, and the jist of all of Paul’s letters!

Donald J. Trump is shouldering the cross of responsibility all free people must!

Corinthians, however “re-interpreted” economics of “Invisible Hand” economic theory, speaks as the founders established and ordained of that to be for growth economics a underlying foundation of community must exist of people able to sing together!

Simply Donald J. Trump needn’t try to reinvent the economics wheel!

He can helm a steadying of the ship of state if America can be America again!

That what is of sans borders (of spirit) is then of “religion” is yet the common core of Paul’s letters and also the economic theory as a “re-interpretation” of such - that by Adam Smith.  Liberation is still possible as naturally constituted if we can sing together at a sustaining community level and practice of that the first ruling “self interest” of a humanoid in economical moral capitalism (redundant! - Capitalism in theory is moral!) is to firstly choose “community” (safety in numbers) a secondly choose to be moral within “network” (not to shooting oneself in one’s own foot or wallet)!

                 *       *       *        BELIEVE!       *       *       *

[This is a work in progress I feel no pressure to finish before Friday evening.  I hope to get enough down now to establish the core spine for the economics politics dynamic - and yet as now the weather presents as a rare last day to get out on my 1982 road bike and spin the shoreline of Milford for a few hours of sweating out last nights like carbo loading.  Please check back regularly, and opine via social media if you think you can help the revolution - the Republican Movement even.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

There can be no intelligent species to matriculate as long as institutions of higher learning do so keep people on the “The Clinton Stupid Train”!

What is desperately needed now is an objectivism - an objectivist - a new generation of objectivists - objectivity!

I.E.:  Hillary Clinton has a Bill Clinton problem - it is not her only problem - it may be her biggest problem - like shouldn’t we do the math and follow the history - should we at least talk about them? - shouldn’t we go “textbook” on em finally and pare em down to statistics - cold hard numbers - at least to a body count of how many can be said became lost souls due Bill’s negligence, as versus due Hillary’s crusades, lies, and also specifically due negligence or incompetence?

“The Clinton Stupid Train” must not leave the station yet now another year!  Boys and girls must do their math for objective standards are their magic wand.  Boys and girls must do their math and as history is now the quick sand of 2016 politics that should be twained by longitude and latitude location and marked posted for perilous if attitudes sans logic and enumeration from Clintons floating false HOPE while each has a record to be developed that, for feminism angle, now demands accounting to how specifically more dead are on Bill’s hands or if more dead are on Mrs. Clinton’s hands.

It has been political madness that has mushed the brains of new generations attempting intelligent matriculation these long years a faux “CLINTON” has been floated while the dark truth rest in at least Bill Clinton deserves “SLICK” tag and every bit of wit in satire sorted via http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY - http://CitizenRosebud.com #SLICKWILLY #Cat - which now of this as 1st work - the lead satire in “SLICK WILLY” series.

The battle line of feminism in 2016 are definining but hardly drawn as too drawn out is a faux “CLINTON” that yet much is keeping “STUPID” training of young minds kept mush by political railroading away from looking for discernible truth - accountable and vast differentiation by objective enumeration.

It has been political madness! - Ours’ as if of legacy educations by said esteemed bastions of mental activity of a said highest order has been set asunder and corrupted by like old smokey back room deals to teach a convenient story however a false narrative whose math - objective enumeration - if ever endeavored committedly to check would suffice to bare as fictional.

Poor Hillary Clinton with Anthony Weiner story much akin to Bill Clinton sees potential in box of office cigars like Antony Weiner sees Twitter.

Perhaps now any need go to a Catholic University to still be asked to seek and find truth! That though is not what this new satire squib is digging at - digging to hopefully in time; - surely there is at least one building at Harvard University still somehow also dedicated.

We must pare the visuals from drama and staged with costuming down to the core Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton figures - we must dedicate ourselves newly to measuring and remeasuring to see that we get Mrs. Clinton’s numbers down & correctly.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must break the bubble from the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and like find for erudity what seems for “learning” as like “the missing years” of like for “learning” 1993 to 2001 are still like missing years!  BILL CLINTON WAS NOT AND IS NOT PERFECT!  There! I said it!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of “HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 TO 2001 YET?”!!!

No proper measure of Mrs. Clinton can yet fit the real Mrs. Clinton if we remain sans a discerning of their particular devilishness from 1992 to 2001 and beyond!!!  To get to the “LUCIFER CLINTON” for the Mrs. we must look more now to proffering of ‘THEY WERE RIGHT -WE WERE WRONG’ and to “WE’RE RIGHT -THEY’RE WRONG” put out everywhere for public shaming for essentially setting up a faux smartness devoid of morals of truths - truth actually.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask if we are to learn of the late night pillow talks of President Clinton & First Lady Clinton as to how irreconcilable our history remains due their legacy now is so much floating by lies of long worked false narratives.  Likewise it behoove all to understand that Al Qaeda and the September 11, 2001 attacks didn’t come “outta nowhere” as like as been the institutional taught!  Likewise it behoove all to fathom Al Qaeda of 2001 did much come from and out of the Clintons’ years of ‘AMERICAN ABANDONMENT’ & as President Barack Obama orated eruditely as from of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”. (See:  Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech!)

So again:  Surely there must still be one building at HARVARD UNIVERSITY still engaged in seeking and finding truth! Right?

Simply we must get people off the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and to masses - lots - whole schools of people still “intelligent” - the very person next to each right now - brought to acceptance at least of an extant to “THE MADNESS OF KING BILL”! - and as real feminism is begging around the candidacy of MRS. CLINTON to know now if it can be true that the CLINTON FOUNDATION was yet established so that BILL CLINTON had the facilitation to be a “puppet master” and to that his spouse was yet never more than “organized” and “operated” as a “CLINTON PUPPET”!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must now, however so very very lately, ask, and yet also answer, to discern the accurate body count for BILL CLINTON and for MRS. CLINTON and to back to January of 1993 - and - - - WARNING - - - and to so encompass all that died on September 11, 2001 and later due injuries on September 11, 2001 and too all that perished later due on September 10, 2001 all President George W. Bush had was still much that which he had inherited from the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION, - and quite to that maybe as never before a new President was saddled for a tough ride a rough ride due the previous President had worked from having numerous options and opportunities to settle more peace to having left the next President maybe fewer than a single option for timely resolutions!!!

As we commence to if intelligent and matriculated yet ponderances forward this times beg us to ask and answer to that reason can triumph as to a suffice of truth even if it means the faux “THE PERFECT CLINTON” falls and enough now “learn” it was ridiculous to ever teach or believe you learned “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for when you get to the devilish - the Devil in the details - the REAL HILLARY CLINTON - you must accept the evidentiary to that both Clintons now like have a reservation with HELL and to the lowest rings of the INFERNO - to as DANTE stars of the worst magnitude and lowest rank; - you must accept that forward the truth lieth nearer “IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” and - - - WARNING - - - such encompasses and specifically means also a fault of and for the Al Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of:



                 *       *       *       BEWARE !!!      *       *       *

[Considerable yet still a diagnosis in progress - do check regularly for further development of accountability for pathology - the work of persuading that masses are due to be to gettin’ past the smoke and to the math - an objectivity - doth endure - a ‘rap due within hours - stay tuned in.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

The core dynamic setting up for November deciding of election 2016 is essentially that for all the books in say Princeton and Harvard the Donald Trump clear eyed common sense main stream American voters will get to the pivot - pivoting - for the change of direction, and as to back to basics - of American back towards plain truths & logic.

To expedite such civil process let us be of open eyes and ears, and clear minds while to dissecting the “Crooked Media” primary delusion akin to a bureaucratic sub-standard intelligence of a now infamous, some enough, “50 GOP former staffers”:

Generally Donald Trump is right - at least more right, simply - than a prima facia historical of most, to all, of tag’d of a “50 GOP”!

The “Crooked Media” is a complex conundrum needing to be pared and dissected from a dichotomy & duality also of “50 GOP”!

As we get to a simpler truer history may be a IS IS tag upon a “Bill’s domino effect” of culpability for “ISIS” and to “Al Qaeda” for inaction and avoidance of a general American abandonment in 1993 to 2001 of the peoples of Iraq & Afghanistan, - and as such guilt spoken to by President Barack H. Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance erudite oratory as the President specifically like anchored his beginning around “DANGERS from INACTION and AVOIDANCE” as could not be a rap on President George W. Bush - let us begin by exercising our openness by floating a:


President George W. Bush seems to have been vastly failed by these “50 GOP” former staffers, and especially in the years post 2001 to 2009 of ranked administering decidings.

Not now nor then should any of these leastly been to allowing even bureaucratically a dichotomy to be extant and all scandals not worked past a “house of cards” to reveal and expose the duality that intelligent shouldn’t abide of a co-existence of non-complementary rival “histories”! 

The tag’d “Crooked Media” only now survives and gets by as “Anti-Trump” by that a contrary “history” of “two histories” some how still suffices as if the whole truth and nothing but truth (all the news fit to print?) was quotable as if effected to reality news.


Firstly to the improper and quite ridiculous dualities as of “Crooked Media” rampant dichotomy as unprofessional aloofness:

The proper reading of the Constitution does not support the rival said “comprehension” of plain language to what is Law as “Constitutional” as writ large; - Simply hash it “#Its_O_not_o !!!

The proper reading of the People’s “Order” is that the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows harmonizes is to be pronounced and exclamated to capitalized for a noun!  The original plain complex text reads not as liberals wish for an alternate reality as if “in order to” but as STRONG and DEFINITIVE of such that follows is as ORDAINED and ESTABLISHED as “done”!  The People’s Order preamble is to be comprehended of “O” not “o” to “Order” as a strong NOUN to it written as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union”!

It is a “Crooked Media” that reads this contrarily for a standing for a “Democrats Constitution” versus a “Republican Constitution”!  We have one “People’s Order” and by “Order” as a strong NOUN it is not a “living document” (say like scripture - say like the Bible - say like just Puritan’s or King James’ preferred “Word of…” be ‘living’!)!

Secondly forward “TrumpPence16″ must somehow engage enough sarcasm and satire as “sharpest tools in the shed”!

To effect the paradigm shift from too too too many of the “Crooked Hillary” IS IS IS as if IS IS of what personal or classified as from now fixed to like of a granite state not living enough for a necessary and timely about face - a most direly necessary reset by a full stop and 180 degree pivot - the “Crooked Media” must be corrected from two halves of the story as non-complementary as if due “two halves” are being “reported” a ‘whole story’ is being told!

Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth” - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:




What we must stop and pivot away from if a common sense main stream politics can yet be restored is these very dualities extant of how “Crooked Hillary” is bloated by a half truth press’d as if a whole truth, and, these very dualities of a “Crooked Media” sans coverage of all that fits as historical facts and supporting evidence for that of a “Bill’s domino effect” continuum still effecting mostly for still yet too cloaked - un-covered - not covered!

There are not enough books in Princeton, Harvard, and Yale, now to stop the common sense patriotic freedom loving main stream learned compassionate supporters of #TrumpPence16 #NewGOP from getting US to the needed #StopAndPivot!

It is “DOOMSDAY” lurking upon #ClintonKaine of like soon the media will be turned on and tuned in to that the “dominoes” of the Clintons are not separate and isolated from history and that the fallen much covered as if of a politics gestalt have yet not explained a much covered of “dominoes” of Republicans - of George W. Bush - did fall and with vast tragedy and undermined economic standing as but having fallen in reaction to what Bill Clinton unsettled as to setting of such a cascade yet still press’d as but a “half truth”!

All votes matter!!! But may the smarter votes win!!! May the duality sustaining “Crooked” be now educated from!!!


As we must get to the gestalt and to from away from concurrent contradictory conflated “news” to back enough to a “reality news” we have two core premises to reset for needed #StopAndPivot as to enough forward wise to proper reading of #Its_O_not_o of the Constitution of the United States of America of “Order” capitalized because it is a strong NOUN, and, essentially required that the faux paradigm for “Crooked” be busted to enough arrested from accepting “half truths” as if “whole truths”!

All votes matter!!! And yet “50 GOP former staffers” to 75 disaffected and defecting amounts to a lot a small affected cadre of whom maybe more to blame than President Bush - yet still to wonder if say more to blame than either “Crooked Bill Clinton”, “Crooked Hillary Clinton”, and/or the tag’d fairly “Crooked Media”!  It has not been dutiful for their duty that they did abide near 16 years of them years of rationalizing an acceptance of “two halves” non complementary as if story wasn’t of “two wholes” further non complementary and as from performance of defense and intelligence core mission thought to be (of common sense) to finding “all the news fit to print” yet to a “reality news” for “reality politics” of governance in “truth” by dedicated dedicants in service to find the “gestalt” of each matter - to find more that which is to be each story’s “WHOLE TRUTH”!


GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!


Today, if of earlier times of “JFK” or “Reagan” there would only be the “whole truth”? - not “two whole truths” contradictory and irreconcilable? - and quite like an already asked and answered of near:





GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!  OUR #StopAndPivot POINT FOR #BackToBasics AT #Its_O_not_o & AS OVERLAPS WITH #TwoHistories!!!



                                 *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:10 am

A question for Democrats this 2016 election cycle, though not a first question, must yet be to if they can have an ego in 2016, and beyond, or if fated under a “Clinton-Kaine” to just of id(s), and dogged compliance.

A first question for Republicans will be more specifically economical and pragmatic to how if Donald Trump’s economic plan resets American & international economics to growth economics of a necessary core of “freedom of ego(s)” but in capitalism! - “moral capitalism” is supposed to be redundant, - always!

As “Clinton-Kaine” seems not to be even offering a believable plan for a back in black with economic and political unity a first question of all is like of the conundrum becoming primarily generally present of that by November there should be none surprised by October of most becoming learned more to the economic history as gone from incorrect of “all Bush’s fault” to then firstly as broadly known as truer as “half Clintons’ fault”!

A broad concern latent in the Hillary Clinton “campaigning” seems most assuredly of that Mrs. Clinton does not want Democrats egos apparently engaged! - Mrs. Clinton seems most depended on only id(s) accessed and to Democrats more as yet shepherded blind mice, to the lot!

What liberates Trump-Pence “New GOP” Republicans forward is much that which primarily and generally should dog dog dog Democrats forward, still forward, - likewise now as has since 2009 inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.

The overarching question for all - local to global ALL - is of the asking towards understanding around that generally it is the Democrats that have grossly failed at economics - not merely the “First Black President” alone!

We are on a “Clinton Trainwreck” as tracking unavoidably from “all Bush’s fault” becoming truly reset to “half Clintons’ fault”!

To dress down Mrs. Clinton until such pares out as a self-evident truth it is easier to firstly freshen up the “Bill Clinton” facts!

What may dog Mrs. Clinton the most is what now can be pressed and bound of at least President Clinton & Speaker Pelosi to that Representative Nancy Pelosi as some to much dramatically historically of economically of an “Axis Of Evil”!

Any vote for “Clinton-Kaine” logically must firstly to the knowing conscious be another Democrat Party compliant vote for more “New Deal Austerity” as otherwise Mrs. Clinton is abandoning the “Green Agenda” “Climate Change” ship of state to being so for a new industrialization that she primarily firstly is hard wired for work more akin to “Climate Deniers”!

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

A fair dramatization of errant President Obama said efforts at “compromise” is to ask all to try to visualize the politics worked and to see clearly how unlikely it is that how they postured as if for “bipartisanship” was so flawed their “ship” never floated when launched.  President Obama essentially locked up the Republicans as “others” again of a Democrats “We’re Right, They’re Wrong” divisiveness and as to then as like actually chained lead detestable efforts said for a “compromise” by like only offering Republicans the fixed singular option to like sign a false confession and to that such while a false confession also was forward of a contracted commitment to forward be to shouldering 100% of the blame for what ever had been 1% to 50% or more the errant under at least President Clinton and of the political blocking by Speaker Pelosi.

Contrary, much, there is that what ever the TRUMP-PENCE ECONOMIC PLAN is to be specifically it in keeping true to apparent lifetime standard operating procedures of the “TRUMP” operations must be firstly to a core for core strength as keyed around a “freedom of the ego(s)” and even before still respectful of “Religious Liberty” and “Religious Freedom”!

Mrs. Clinton seems not “short circuited” on this point but hard wired and truly for all more just dogged, and compliant!!!

Any though wanting to share in the fruits of the methodology of success likely to be shared by how an economic plan is structured and disciplined as for the “New GOP” under the colors and standard of “Trump-Pence” will have to believe firstly, and generally secondly be to probative to what and where key false histories and false narratives are yet obstacles as past Democrats lies yet forward as likely to surely, for thought historical - but not, be still obstacles to progress.

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

Are we yet stuck now even if a believing in “Trump-Pence” is well developing and due like because Democrats have some how rigged it - locked it up - stuck us to too like “Commies” at a “ONCE YOU GO RED YOU CAN’T GO BACK!”?

So firstly a question for Democrats is to what their actual guilt and culpability is more truly historically pathologically forensically to be now corrected from to that by November an “October Surprise” should be over and enough of the free People of these united states of the Americas then as still citizens exercised with knowing we have moved from “all Bush’s fault” to “half Clintons’ fault”!

There must be a cat fight for corrective historicals between a culpability generally for “Nancy Pelosi” and if and when firstly primarily for “Mrs. Clinton”!

A Republican prophylactic to what “Clinton-Kaine” seeded with #DemsInPhilly at #DemConvention of #Philadelphia is this here now by simple notation - noting - of that “HILLARY CLINTON” poll numbers should have tanked since Mrs. Clinton announced the new #Democrat #EconomicPlan - aka #100DaysJobs!

Mrs. Clinton is no “Teflon Democrat” as she has worn thin her scripted convention faux “Perfect Clinton” in just one week!

A general analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s #100DaysJobs must be of it so so so very very very contrary - radically divergent!

A simple cursory postured is that “Mrs.Clinton, of Clinton-Kaine, has tried to preempt Trump-Pence Republican economic solutions by trying to just steal what she fears the “NewGOP” is promising to present - stand up - soon and to long stand behind!

A cored to the historical rendition must though be for those more than “blind mice” merely of id(s) stirred, and em prone also to “short circuiting” of their exercised rights to have ego(s) and practiced to freedom with shouldering citizen’s responsibilities, and engaged upon forthwith to fathoming deeply that of which Mrs. Clinton has fronted as to “more jobs created than since WWII” there is the conflicted individual guilts of the actual historical politics of that essentially Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like firstly a stealing from “Builder Trump” is yet contradictory to the long partisan of that Bill Clinton, as President, cut $2 Trillion dollars in lieu of spending (for blacks especially?) on books, schools, road, bridges, tunnels, levies, or reparations, and, to complicate the truth fairly to more honestly set, there is too that Mrs. Clinton proposed also sets asunder how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did keep President George W. Bush from fixing the economy with similar measures by how partisan she was to standing up that no one would be allowed to undo that Bill Clinton cut $2 Trillion - and of just $1 Trillion as unnecessarily cut as cut just to have the popularity from having a YUGE surplus.

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!

To be brief now on this becoming most apparent contradicting conundrum let me simply broadly add to problems of Mrs. Clinton as admitting she “short circuits” by pressing out these simple political truths yet wearing clear as the convention efforts for a “Teflon Hillary” wear to frayed to the core at least too near true as “Crooked Hillary” so tag’d!

To be of a polite brevity for polity and comity to an economic plan parity near impossible let me here now close by posting the DANGERS of Mrs. Clinton if allowed at our economics of being that Mrs. Clinton has no road/path/passage forward to a bipartisanship to cooperation or compromise on matters of the economy/economies!  Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like stolen from what feared Trump to win with is diabolical as like an abandonment of President Obama’s “New Deal” while also diabolical for it proposes Mrs. Clinton can do (together) what Democrats Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have since like November 2000 - post election - been specifically to keeping Republicans from doing - of long since 2000 of specific partisan politics particularly worked to keep such “solutions” from being exercised by Republicans!!!

The most cynical but maybe also a most true “politics” is that such now seems as if Democrats have worked to keep the economy suppressed since Bill Clinton was President and until, as may still surprise President Obama, now yet until like Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be like the hero a hero as not since President Clinton was a last hero to be a President Clinton now the only hero since then to now also be an economic hero!!!

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!  And while specifically her proposal is much simply that which Republicans have tried and failed to get passed, thanks to Democrats’ obstructions, and like since before the Clintons unnecessarily cut a second trillion to $2 Trillion then cut after $1 Trillion of Republican cuts was sufficient to balance the federal budget.

Forward there is maybe no “back to black” unless we shake off or more effectively mechanically remove the shackles as if chained to a “ONCE YOU GO RED - YOU CAN’T GO BACK”!!!

#TP2016 roll out of #TrumpPence #TrumpJobsPlan may seem all “HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” but yet this now as “Clinton-Kaine” plan is out there can maybe be actually believed as of a new POSSIBLE. 

#TP2016 roll out now should seem so similar to “Clinton-Kaine” and as also maybe more honest on #ClimateChange such that the Congress convened of these United States should expedite much of the common cores and to forcing President Barack Hussein Obama to have to, if he dare, be then to VETO - to vetoing Mrs. Clinton’s abandonment of “Green Agenda”!

#TP2016 roll out now is prefaced!  Essentially soon most should understand the truth is more “half Clintons’ fault” and President George W. Bush, though not “liberated” can forward at least feel lighted from “all Bush’s fault”!

#TP2016 roll out now promises to be refreshing and softening however if a “freedom of the ego(s)” yet to a contrary to #ClintonKaine as for merely politics for a ruling class over blind mice but corralled to id(s), and dogged compliance!!!

#TP2016 roll out promises to right how the self-proclaimed “First Black President” is more guilty for more culpable and errant and to how the more “First Black President” now has to face a “First Woman President” maybe as if a scheme to be a first “Back In Black” Democrat by means maybe of a scheme with he just a self proclaimed white a said “First Black President” - right?

#TP2016 roll out seems entirely packaged of that Trump and Pence are of stock and traded - of truth in advertising - of a common core as Republicans - as an em them now clean and fresh and ready for ALL and on a reseating of the politics and economics to permit good times to now rock on newly again - to see us all ship shape back to back in the black!!!  Right?

#TP2016 roll out is more than just an “UN-HILLARY” a the “UN_CLINTON” for it more as if “OBAMA” has been the “NEW COKE” and now “TRUMP” is on the job to bring back “OLD COKE” - THE ORIGINAL RECIPE!!!

#TP2016 roll out is at least not the contradictory of #100DaysJobs of #ClintonKaine for it isn’t of them party to blocking such methods and strategies for a real recovery now such as the Democrats are guilty to “DARK” “EVIL” - even of an “AXIS OF EVIL” - for having firstly been to divisive most dividing partisan politics for social engineering and selfish intra-party soapy drama now as like dead set against such “economic policies” since 1999 when the Clintons’ administration became term limited, - kept away until maybe Bill Clinton could be a “Russian Bear” like Vladimir Putin and to back in the White House though thought technically legally barred from more time in the EXECUTIVE suite!!!

#TP2016 roll out however smooth and believable of being of a team for economic recovery - REALLY - is yet to be shadowed by these dark facts that must be probed and placed in textbooks forward to how much President Obama as such a more “First Black President” can yet rightly more blame he self proclaimed a “First Black President” at least for how the Obama Administration too may have been chained from such economic solutions no somehow as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s! Right?

#TP2016 roll out must abide We the People now to again more fully engaged past corralled id(s) of dogged to compliance!

#TP2016 roll out now will seem comparable to rolled out of #ClintonKaine but for the contrariness for Democrats as to how and why new industrialization can be good or copacetic and not anti-CLIMATE and a betrayal of President Obama! What DANGERS for back to BLACK?

 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

A first beat for a cementitious pedestrian cracking of the subject of civil rights and how hip if curb’d enthusiastically of Trump now may be sotto voce of better how from G - government to A - autonomous.

An attitude for a striking chord to harmonize a soul of the politics, national and local, might need be to be all about the base.

A first crack at the Dallas Police ambush, as of civil rights writing, should set up, tuned hopefully, to encompass eventually a gestalt devoid of a forced nationalism.

How has the first black President of these united states of the Americas, to his historical core, failed blacks, definitively?

Can we tune up our bands newly to beat a new direction - a change of music - a change of direction - near a one hundred and eighty degree about face sharp reset - to a hope of happy bottoms up with Donald Trump in front of a winning Republican movement?

How hasn’t Barack Obama failed blacks?  How isn’t it that he failed blacks just as Senator Hillary Clinton’s promises,  if likewise those the Democrats as “leaders” otherwise, promised to be to the structural same to the effected same institutionalized nationalized failing?

Blacks are not the only victims but how the Democrats as nationalist leaders moved in 2009 to keep those promises near identically promised of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton does account historically as that there was no plan to help blacks - from the bottom up.

A vote for Hillary Clinton now must be a vote for austerity!  Keeping an Obama or Clinton Democrat to the reigns of administering the ship of state means that “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” must endure to save the planet and to keep up a loyalty to the “GREEN AGENDA” party solutions for said extent of “CLIMATE CHANGE” as of dire “GLOBAL WARMING”!

A vote, even a local endorsement of an Obama or Clinton Liberal, likely must be for “GREEN MINIMALISM” as if the “EARTH FIRST” nationalism only economic option if a MORALITY to be considered and to that the Progressives politics are to have a soul - to have a common good structured morally!

A prejudice against police officers now as we morn the tragic loss of lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the honor call of fallen in public service for Dallas, is most inappropriate given how blues should still beat for Liberty and Justice as of an innocent until proven guilty!

As we progress to the plight of blacks due how President Obama politics set up failing blacks premeditatively and predictably structurally from day one we must see the “GREEN” as the problem forward, primarily, and as we can float a reasonable “just cause” of “extenuating circumstances” of Baton Rouge shooting a grand psychic SNAFU of Sterling at a convenience store of a reported threatening weapon and while it seemed gibberish or a nonresponse with his mother’s name like “win yetta McMillions” seeming insane nonsense of the scene’s spirit.  In Minnesota an officer was committed to a traffic stop for a broken taillight and soon found driver and passenger seeming not complying to produce license and registration while firstly being to saying, each, “he/I has/have a gun” and to instead of the driver moving to produce documents the passenger being said to have a weapon yet then, as one not asked for documents, was to reaching behind his back.  These incidents were escalated from reasonable coverage to that President Obama may have incited by inflaming the police involved shooting incidents to that President Obama must be said/considered to have begot the terror of the “DALLAS AMBUSH”!

The Democrat’s “GREEN AGENDA” was always firstly to secure anew an economic dominance for college graduates and to job security then firstly only for those able to get college degrees.  The rapid fire radical Left agenda, while for a new nationalism for a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” was from the start an elite ruling class program to move the economy to more college education dependent.  The hysteria worked to effect compliance and assimilation to the “GREEN AGENDA” was always sans benefits for a majority of blacks.

So firstly, let us accept that President Obama is black only helped sell the marching of this radical Progressive program that otherwise is what a President Clinton necessarily was always firstly to beating all into obedience with generally.

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” has enough soul to now echo of truth - forward!

“UP WITH RODHAM” would necessarily be yet of more forced compliance and assimilation sans benefits for a majority of blacks, - Hillary Clinton must continue structurally in methods of how and why Barack Obama failed blacks.

It is so wrong to blame George W. Bush that now to all he can be a cultural hero akin James Brown as his soul has never been as dark as President Obama has immorally mislead peoples of the world to believe.  It is wrong to rap “ALL BUSH FAULT” even though George W. Bush may still be yet of much fit’n a tag of “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT”!

There is enough truth and soul in how historically “IT WAS/IS HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” sucht that your vehicle too maybe should have a bumpers sticker to the left and another to the right to read like:

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

Born of the Southern plantation traditions Al Gore, raised of the tobacco plantation “Master Gore” pedigree, is now one even less to be considered an innocent.  There is too much in how he force marched obedient assimilation to American compliance as with a tyranny of limited solutions for Al Gore not to be a first named to have been to pulling one over on the majority of blacks.

The “Republican Movement” has been now years at advancing to winning battles after battles because it is true there were and are better “climate change” solutions available, - and were and are Republican solutions the radical Progressives as Left Liberals would not cotton to seeing free upon the tables of politics - of any opportunity for regular in order in advice and consent basis for open and free discussions, and debate.

What ever the mistakes President George W. Bush made - as if now he is fit’n tag of rap at least “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT” - there is yet that the radical agenda of President Obama was always premeditated to structurally disadvantaging the majority of blacks the most. 

As President Obama more innocent economics were more like copying President Bush there is then the conclusion that President Bush must be more innocent than President Clinton by developing the logic to that if Obama copied Bush it must be wrong to copy Clinton.

Here Mrs. Clinton has a contracted problem for she as a spouse is not supposed to incriminate her spouse, regardless of sex!

Here Mrs. Clinton has a big problem for if it was even a little bit contrary historically to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” however to at least the “IT WAS/IS HALF CLINTON’S FAULT” the truth is not an option and any political decision then, if made by her, must be to avoiding the facts and relevant history, as she would either be of “TREASON” or of contractually violating her marrital promise to not incriminate her spouse. 

Essentially Madam Secretary Clinton was never able to honestly and dutifully serve President Obama for so much in foreign policy was actually of a basis yet in what is/was due errors of President William J. Clinton.  No REALLY!!! We are looking at clear and present “SIMPLE” & “STUPID” developed with evidence!!!

So simply, primarily, the case of the black condition in 2016 for politics is that historically it is very accurate to tag that the first two “FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT” persons are of a record, each, that to its core if that they did fail the majority of blacks more than most Republicans can be asked to properly shoulder any guilt respectively.

Blacks now must think about the “GREEN” as the economics forward must now be that Democrats embrace a forced message to that President Barack H. Obama should be memorialized and immortal as if he a one fit’n “HE SAVED HIS ENTIRE PLANET SINGLE HANDEDLY!”!!!

The only real hope for the majority of blacks now is to see that the “SUPER HERO” theme is stripped from “BARACK OBAMA”!!!


Embrace “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” with new conservationism to sole’d for “MINIMALISM” soul!!!

President Barack Obama may not have been able to ruin so many - at least so completely and quickly - if not at least for the “leadership” of radical Progressive Al Gore!  We should consider if the former Vice President was so radical of Left and a Liberal that now his personal behavior of so much so forced it was of a “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” is fit’n tag to rap “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A FORMER VP”!!!

The Democrats after the rise of Illinois, of Chicago, Senator Barack H. Obama, to rising barely above the Clintons’ machine, did much force too many, not just the majority of blacks, to sing the blues, - to cry and cry much too.

The only theoretical possible explanation for the “GREEN AGENDA” as so forced and with its “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” seem now primarily to it only reasonable while prosecuting this issue to conclude that the program of these Progressives was always sans benefits for the majority of blacks.  All People without an elite degree from an ranked institute of higher education was to be more brainwashed away from seeing the foibles and nonsense while compliance and assimilation beat for all.

The Democrats’ economics was never truly “economics” for such was “social engineering” to forcing planned top down centralized prearranged “SOLUTIONS” down on the masses.  The was not “e-co” for “shared humanity” as it was always to a “trickle down” new austerity for a new conservationism to a smaller economy for “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” may now be a liberating soulful tune of believable chords and notation, with room to breath again structured in where discussion and debate is supposed to be a supported right for freedoms to endure, and endear.

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

The radical ’second black’ President never had helping the majority of blacks as part of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!!!

It seems impossible to see it otherwise, now as masses seem of eyes opened wide enough on “BLACK PROBLEM”!!!

The Democrats radical Progressive movement of Left Liberals is the new “FASCISM” as in 2016 “FASCISM” is best defined as a “movement of the left against the original founding principles for a constituted as a “liberal democracy” as for regular order in a structured of due process with advise and consent with honest and open debate.

I attest it should be easier to accept Al Gore as a “FASCIST” before such as the tru’d rap for Barack Obama, though by now not likely, or fairly should the same be said of/for Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

There goal must have been to force a “GREEN” - “GREEN MINIMALISM” - while their methods since Madam Senator Clinton threatened to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS” has been to their common core of AUTHORITARIAN beats for radical DEMOCRATS’ programs.

If now any try to walk a talk of “UP WITH RODHAM” please do consider that redistribution must be still not on her tables of politics as “social engineering” was to a a new “trickle down” faux economics as “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” for “GREEN AGENDA” always primarily sold “GREEN MINIMALISM” in a gestalt, and like never any thing of the radical Progressives as being to turning the economic spigot to a trickle until assimilation to obedience and compliance effected for a new conservationism to save the planet - from said “GLOBAL WARMING” said “CLIMATE CHANGE” dire straits stuck of heading to as if an about face one hundred and eighty degree change of course wasn’t actually possible.

President Barack H. Obama should own, as Madam Democrat Party Presumptive Nominee tag’d Mrs. Clinton also should, that their “GREEN MINIMALISM” must be complied to and even as it was always firstly primarily a program marched for brainwashing less educated so that the future economy was more dependent on “higher” education and “college degrees” and so that “WTF” (Winning The Future) was biased against the majority of blacks by how radical Progressives as Left Liberals did only effect a “GREEN AGENDA” that was structurally for an economic security for those who get a top liberal education by buying into the solidarity of elitism of ranking by top liberal institutions of (higher) learning.

A problem we all have now as regards real issues of #BlackLivesMatter is yet on that each waking by a President Donald Trump will need assuage for “HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” to be structurally re-established as possible by changing the direction and the music essentially to a full about face from Obama Democrats, and Clinton Democrats!!!

The “GREEN AGENDA” has simple ruined too many while sadly the majority of blacks were never given a chance!

The “OBAMA GREEN AGENDA” is your/our enemy!  Yet parity for equality now is of the “Republican Movement” winning on reseting the autonomy for all secured in the Constittution while yet forward any winning solutions for comity must pare to the core on the issue to be queried generally as to if “ARE SUCCESSFUL BLACKS NOT GIVEN BACK ENOUGH?”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, forward, one must be to thinking “GREEN” and to owning that the DEMOCRATS GREEN AGENDA was never set up for equality - or quality of think at “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, now, seems ridiculous for any for “EQUAL RIGHTS”!

To think “GREEN” now for compliance means one buys into “GREEN MINIMALISM” forward!!!

And, sadly, in a seeming informed historical perspective, as mine, as fit’n a tag as a “civil rights” “writer” still, and as since, for politics, as since at least 1990, - and as since of leading thinking and writing that predates the Clintons 1992 race late entrance, let me attest that another serious flaw with the radical Progressives, as Left Liberals against “liberal democracy” our common core by original intent, is much of that which I attest of their “GREEN” of that it was at least a ten year old plan they commenced with in 2009 despite fresher and better plans were than possible and plausible, - and those we can say yet not considered.

#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?

It may smart now how beyond “GROSS NEGLIGENT” as if too archaic to rap upon #HillaryClinton there yet is that #TREASON is being seemed as even more archaic to the #FBI to that #Congress may have to specifically ask #DirectorComey to proceed to develop charges now based on readily available evidence, - based at least on the developed evidence in the PUBLIC RECORD!!!

#WTF #FORWARD maybe smarted at not beating “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS” as the damage done is more premeditated and purposeful to be of “FAILED” as implying destruction by “NEGLIGENCE” and not as seems established of CRUSHING by DESIGN to for an assimilation to “GREEN” by a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” even for “BLACKS” as to needing to obey and comply to a LESS IS MORE essentially inescapable as for a “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!



#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:09 pm

There comes a time in a young man’s life when it is prudent to stand tall to try to save his planet. For myself that time may still be the here and now - a continuum of squibs in our space-time - and forward. For our planet let us all read thoroughly through the attitudes and political atmosphere as regards to what lurks as GOOD and EVIL relative to GLOBAL WARMING.

For now in continuum of our space-time let us commit to being thoroughly dedicated.  For now let us open our minds wider and begin to query to what lurks as of the GOOD and EVIL of GLOBAL WARMING.

These times are all relatively basically associated - to already cross pollinated - to full born - to blossoming - to too in the winds and some critically DANGEROUS.

We are all in this mess together!

We yet are of GOOD vs EVIL in CLIMATE CHANGE paradigm.

These times are beggard for a better politics; though said “the world as we know it is going to end” we all, brothers and sisters humanoids - so engaged in living - do seem to have more time than DOOM alarmists tolled.

Religions are the original global citizen construct - social contract - rising from barbarian natural law to civilization in common tracks of law.

The smart people of postured as GLOBAL WARMING EXPERTS may not be the most intelligent people on CLIMATE CHANGE politics.

Em heralded as if our new greatest minds may now be them, to a lot, whom have been most WRONG - MISINFORMED.

Ya’ll we by religions are supposed to be wired and coded to of open minds as global citizens.

The birds and the bees are but parochial to the worldly - say catholic - cat and mouse politics around standing now, as brothers and sisters, with individual commitment to try to save our planet.

We shouldn’t let ourselves get boxed  in parochially - to brainwashed to merely of a hive mentality.

A free exercise of our worldly, say catholic - shared conscientious - shared humanity - is prudent, and for all stands to be heard and seen - at least to ‘PRESENT’ and so “ACCOUNTED”!

Imagine, now, you are standing inside a greenhouse in summer and the windows are all steamy.

Understand, some primarily, basics in how temperate minded each must be to how and when of the bedding and seeding and to how bugs are (discordant) fertilizers for where planned, and wild,  his and her species are of habitats common enough.

A first presser to creationism versus and BIG BANG now can be staged with context:  Let us work the greenhouse metaphor for all space-time relativity.

A first presser now upon CREATION - or just BIG BANGS - however dependent on free neutrons - “neutron bombs” for a probative facilitation of understand protons and electrons - can gain perspective by visualizing yourselves as behind the steamy windows, and too somehow as outside the greenhouse.

Where your subset speciousness in our shared humanity is of your greenhouse is now vitally as important as when so about its tracks for bedding and seeding to bear fruit - or maybe just flowers.

Sadly we have a problem too much extant of GLOBAL WARMING in that our continuum is contaminated by less intelligent or less than ethical “EXPERTS” mislabeled as “EXPERTS” - as if “SMARTEST” - as if “INTELLIGENT”!

We must now stand tall against many now long held out as if the great front lines of intelligent beings - however “EARTH FIRSTERS” queued doubt - and designate em at best for compost - composting!

Our’s too long held out as wise or intelligent leaders “EXPERTS” are now, to the lot, much due trashing - relegated to our composting!

It helps, with hindsight, to have an INSIDE and OUTSIDE perspective; - it is even prudent to consider steamy windows from inside your greenhouse, and from outside your greenhouse!

Relative in the continuum of each’s parochial space-time thermal activities there is some basic science - some unimpeachable natural laws engaged with each trigger of thermal dynamics.

So now to protect intelligent life - our species - let us duly make an example of Al Gore, and his, at best, “MISLEADING” postured as LEADERSHIP.

So now, really, let us make due haste of dissecting Al Gore to forensically trash his SOLUTIONS.

Brothers and sisters it is imperative that we get with a new and better understanding and to haste is yet prudent now if to trashing Al Gore.

This, let me be clear, is not ad hominem - nor to a KING OF THE HILL politics; - we have been now for nearly twenty five years of too many being so led in a BAD way it is that they have been going too with a flow in the WRONG direction.

Let us make an example of Al Gore by using the conundrum of greenhouses!

To be brief to how for bedding so much needs some to be boxed  apropos to essence of hydration and thermal dynamics necessary for incubation - apropos designs to accomodate natural laws of thermal dynamics.

It has been CRIMINAL on a GLOBAL SCALE what is, at best, FRAUD of the fronted and carried on about by Al Gore on “GLOBAL WARMING”!

The metaphor of steamy windows can educate with the constructs of greenhouses to just how BAD - to EVIL - Al Gore has been!

We are at environmentalism at CLIMATE TRUTHS - as great DEFENDERS against “EARTH FIRST” Liberal RADICALS - like of NATURAL STATE FASCISM - - - as like of in 2016 FASCISM is a movement of the LEFT against LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES and for to have a RULING CLASS ELITE of AUTHORITARIAN Power more conveniently buttressed.

You/we should be all HOT - to STEAMED - to STEAMY under the collars - due how truly we have been for years MISLEAD and of heading in the WRONG direction.

We do not have Al Gore alone to blame!  We have, for MORAL lessons sake, that a making an example of Al Gore is primarily our BEST first step to a BETTER - more INTELLIGENT course - to our COURSE CORRECTION.

Let us break from how any set or pair is wrongly boxed with steam windows of GLOBAL WARMING greenhouse CLIMATE CHANGE politics metaphor to allowing an attitude to empower most now annotated some:





Basic science:  In conclusion:  Let us be clear:  PRIMARILY we must think of our “STEAMY” for WHERE and WHEN our greenhouses can be “STEAMED” is as much what we need be stoked and steamed about.  Forward we must BLAME the (FASCIST ELITE AUTHORITARIAN TYRANNY) of the LEFT for so much unchecked of METHOD in ONE DIRECTION to vastly ignoring principles of thermal dynamics while marching assimilated masses for reducing the “GREENHOUSE EFFECT” across the European Union and North America.  Before embracing CARBON CUTS as GOOD - or even NECESSARY - some now must face how the MAN MADE CUTS may be triggering, PRIMARILY, the POLAR VORTEX regularity and as now the GLASS CEILINGS for “STEAMY WINDOWS” are of higher altitudes to that warm air is more rising  - and before days warm air can be cooled by nights’ cooler air - and rising to displacing NORTH POLE habitats climate for colder air to stay in place for all that are legendary of POLE’D species inhabitants.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:29 am

From the parlours to the sandbox; - let us all gather round now around what can be styled important for culture.

Come as you are, - yet with enough covers a prudent for the elements to be best braced for concurrent for the due lapsing of time.

This American girl is to be prepared all the same though for setting up to be out for a trip - off on a trip!

This American girl, is for our purposes, now to be preparing for a global trip to encompass a visit to the Moscow Russian Orthodox Cathedral - Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, to Barcelona, Spain, to the Gaudi Catholic Cathedral - Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia, to Saudi Arabia - for the mosques at Mecca, and Medina, to Agra, India - to the Taj Mahal, to Paris, France - to the Eiffel Tower, to New York City, America - to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and too off course such dolled to be off to London, England - to Saint Paul’s Cathedral.

There is a time limit upon us all - so much is to be done, and in so little time.  This sandbox is a fitting metaphor for how much structure we yet now have to deal with - presently.

There is an evil web trapping too much true from just getting ‘out there’ enough.  There are entangled in this web many caught by lines strung about by falsity and duplicity yet being just held together enough by the truer lines being bent to supporting many lies.

Americans are much caught, and quite a many unawares yet of how many are ‘caught’ or ‘affected’ by whom trapped.

Americans are presently impeded from full efficiency and from any “shining city” or the “Shining City on a Hill” for so much evil is about so many lies still holding fast that darkness and grime doth block what brilliance is possible - of real potential.  As truth is not being allowed to reign in American politics there can be no “Shining City” realized - to shine requires honesty for a brilliance of truth to be what emanate.  Only where truth can endear and endure can there be a brilliance even for white limestone amassed.

Americans now are akin to the British Independence Day as forward now as if June 23rd forthwith from 2016.  The American Independence was to that truth could reign and have structures to secure that it should reign. The American Dream is now much “stuck in the mud” as if merely of a potential of a compromised sand box.  Americans now are also of times of ‘movement’ as the conventional for republic now is much of Americans reorganized as Republicans as of a movement to the WHAT is more important than its WHOM.

Globally Americans must be guarded from attempts by even the compromised Mrs. Clinton, or any of the ‘Clinton Machine’ political henchmen, to mark the face of Donald Trump as if the ‘Republican Movement’ is yet but of one face and such just such as its only face.  Globally Americans must see that these times are of a ‘movement’ that really has no face!

How must any prepare their American girl to be a prepared ‘dolled’ for such a broad travels scope of exposure to cultures?

Likewise, in this year two thousand ten and Six, to Christians so calendar’d, mustn’t we guard ourselves to a latent evil emanating from Mrs. Clinton to that she, while able to be re-packaged, as a plus sized ‘Barbie’ if dollable, and establish for the record, post the United Kingdom 2016 Referendum for Independence, that such even if dollable as an ‘Evil Barbie’ we must consider her sidekick said her “economics expert” should be locked away in a dungeon, - already?

Mustn’t our general perception be that while we equate to queue the record of collateral damage these times of “Evil Barbie” we must now at least accept she missed at least the movement of British for Independence, and, too that her ‘expert’ of their spousal husbandry now must have so failed her too that really there is no place in this world for him but a dungeon?

How must we prepare any American girl for able to travel and be global where just a guest to others in such others’ established civilized habitats?  Can any American girl travel safely now if not recognizing an of the for the republic ‘Republican Movement’ that to have “freedom” you must have “religion” for “freedom of religion” is necessarily a conundrum of likewise akin by disciplines to that it is “freedom of” religion - freedom from just being barbaric - a roughian - a barabarian?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers to the “American” that the “under God” is to that truth can reign and to that the “living document” is not the Constitution but the holy scriptures then ascribed to by “Americans” in their disciplines for voluntary morality for affecting self governance?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers still to any an American girl wanting to travel of that prudence must lead - must be her leading?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers that all people are created equal, where civilizations rationality can endear and endure?

Isn’t the rap of the founding fathers quite contrary to what must have been a lacking of discipline by President Clinton, and Mrs. Clinton as explanatory to how they have been missing “movements” - not just a for republic reset of the “Republican Movement”?

It seems per Britain and a new ‘Independence Day’ that we have the French to look at upon this dollable politicks; - it so seems to her even as a re-packaged necessarily plus sized as if an “Evil Barbie” that she is so old French, and her sidekick to their spousal husbandry, as if now the only appropriate covers for em to as if em are but a Marie Antoinette doll with her significant other appropriately attired in the period’s costume!

As we now are all sufficiently gathered at our “sand box” as yet not a “safe” or “play” zone let us ourselves be sure to stay postured and of the protection premeditated for such exposure as hopefully to each now each sufficiently prepared, allowing for what safety in numbers now may be extant for their broaching of so much so scandalous, but the business forward!

Our American girl, so dolled, now should relate to every good doll of the civilized world as if off to experience the brilliance and “shining amassed” of such a broad travels and scope of an itinerary any so ambitious must think themselves at least learned enough in the ways of global citizens to be able to travel with their Lord and secured to the appropriate level of preparedness for such a disciplined consciousness in faith - and secure, that is, to a suffice in an agreeable voluntary extra-nation organized morality.

Our “sand box” today is apropos to that “LOVE IS LOVE” is “COMPLICATED” and that one’s pride must be in one’s moral discipline if one is to shine, and to shine of any established sanctuary - any a “shining amassed” for a “shining city” HOPE!

It is only for mature adults to be chorus or accompaniment to “all we need is love…” as before any can grow to know LOVE there is much in the way of learning and rearing to appreciate where pitfalls lay to wants more kindred to BARBARIANS!

It is only for mature adults to be chorus and accompaniment to “all we need is love…” as the children are more than just bits for songs of lyrics for “the children are our future” - they are the lot for the masses as inferior and immature - the em not conscious enough of the passions to know until mature enough what is LOVE and what isn’t sans civilized and merely more JUST lust and/or a falling to perversions!

Upon entering the breach now of London of a “British Independence” even the American girl - however dolled - must now be prepared morally and guarded intellectually for the passions to be (incidentally or accidentally) encountered; - there is for our “sand box” how in America Sharia Law cannot be legal due the Constituted pledged to is for due process and regular order for that “Liberty and Justice” is as for ALL. 

The general breach to what though established for European “civilized” is now being set asunder like a structure as if built in shifting sand.  The sands of our times are that of the paradigm to how Sharia Law cannot be legal as an excusing for prejudice or vigilantism because each citizen is to as pledged of allegiance for due process! 

The general breach to what though is now “established” for “European” or of the “United Kingdom” is yet beset likewise by that as long as any state (however yet a “nation”) of the European Union is to that there is “GOVERNMENT” held up as above or equal to the realm of the CREATOR and TRUTH - the realm of religiosity - the realm of religion, there will be that per what may be of the LEVANT as an ISLAMIC STATE that such is like a ‘Peoples Movement for Religious Liberty’ or like a “Muslim Tea Party” firstly.

The proud people of the United Kingdom it is behooving of me to share my American opinion, hopefully global and cosmopolitan as international in think, that you now have started improving the “European Paradigm” by divorcing by the 2016 REFERENDUM for INDEPENDENCE.

The proud people of “EUROPEAN” now yet have themselves left to the problem of this “sand box” concurrent to the British Independence as to be considerate to how much needs to be pared down and broadly established to yet not have such state/nation be structured to being a natural enemy to peoples of ISLAM for how structural to a government as structured to be superior to the LORD!

Any American girl, now however dolled, - as long as not an “Evil Barbie”, now is prudently best beset to being disciplined to understanding and at least trying to also try to fathom that of the “EUROPEAN UNION” are, however a “state” or a “nation”, are like natural enemies to ISLAMIC PEOPLE OF THE LEVANT - of ISIL - of ISIS - of DAESH.

A first less of INDEPENDENCE now for any is that the “BRITISH INDEPENDENCE” may do more to save all peoples of the THE UNITED KINGDOM more than a Union to as if there could be a “EUROPEAN NATIONALIST” core common that now still would not be like a natural enemy for how structured to the very essence of ISLAM of that like of BIBLE and PAUL’S letters it is for all global citizens that they are always to accept and be disciplined to the great TRUTH that each is, unless too corrupt to be fitting arresting - like to justly enslaved, as always under the LORD before yet “under” any GOVERNMENT!

Now the witnessed “news” from American “talking heads” has been corrupted to like being premeditated and as to an attempt to protect said here like an “Evil Barbie” now most fitting a dramatizing as if a MARIE ANTOINETTE REINCARNATE, - with a sidekick; - Its has been erring for any “talking head” to be discussing the movement or the affected of “BRITISH INDEPENDENCE” as if now for “NATIONALISM” for it complicates the ‘for republic’ American “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” as being more in sympathy for being for these united states of the Americas as winning while being years at it - at fighting the “evil” efforts to a “NEW NATIONALISM” of the “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” that President Obama has busied himself at just to keep all the 2008 promises that he and Madam Senator “Evil Barbie” Clinton made.

Any now trying to embrace the pride of the people of the THE UNITED KINGDOM seem best if to avoid letting “NATIONALISM” be broadcast as but what they are of the em of them that sufficed for LEAVE trump’n as so for the record as if the BREXIT was to escape a “EURO-NATIONALISM” that was failing em left to be more just “states” of diminished democratic representation.

The pride of the people of the UNITED KINGDOM have in common with the “for republic” “movement” which Donald Trump is now not even the leader of, nor a solo’d face of, for the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” is older maybe than that D. Trump was yet even sided to it as a “registered” for “republic” as a “Republican.”

These are “MOVEMENTS” akin to each as of peoples united in a fight against “NATIONALISM”!!!

Likewise we are brethren to all the peoples of the THE UNITED KINGDOM now as we must be civilized to that to be defended against prejudice we must avoid any “bigotry of tolerance” but while being sure to be enough to a communal suffice as of disciplined for morality and so from too close to generally “irreligious.”

Not even the entirety of that BRITISH can now endure, as so what American of these united states, if it be that any government is seated or practicing as if it can TRUMP religion - can be superior to “all created Equal” - can be superior as secular!!!

We must be more than to hoping that any American girl, however dolled, if to be abroad and traveling as a “guest” is more than prepared for what is still needed for all “global citizens” is that they have “freedom of” religion and are to a suffice disciplined in some workable voluntary extra-nation organized morality!!!

Right Brits - Free of the “European Nationalism” long to forced and secular:  We have in common now that President Clinton and Mrs. “Evil Barbie” Clinton are best now to covered apropos their inability to be brilliant of TRUTH - and its need to be REIGNING for any “shining city on a hill” and maybe it seems as dramatized as if a “Marie Antoinette Reincarnate” and a side kick “Bill” now most destined at best for a dungeon due missing these “movements” seems near enough proof of corruption to that by scriptures he is at least a one now justly allowed to be “slaved” to the “mainstream” - enslaved - left to imprisoned - left to prison enslavement and prison labor!!!

As we all now reconsider how to regain a reign for TRUTH and any potential for a BRILLIANCE among us it behoove us to see that all youths get reared long enough as protected and guarded to be to not having to make adult decisions as to what “LOVE IS LOVE” means until one has been reared and disciplined long enough, and by whatever rituals prudent, to be civilized from beyond just BARBARIAN and to individually established and ordained to having a constitution in morals - in knowing LOVE from LUST, and LOVING from PERVERSION!!!

Let us now break from our work at the sand box and with it agreed to that we all must forthwith be dedicated, as a best defense against soldiers of religions, from so much NATIONALISM to be to a natural target as by SECULAR GOVERNANCE!!! 

Let us jointly accept a DUTY for all broadly “TRAVELERS” and recognize that TRUTH must have its rank to REIGN - that NATIONALISM is a great ENEMY where it is structured to for SECULAR above RELIGIOUS!!!

Let us jointly accept a DUTY for a guarding from all threats foreign and/or domestic to our constituted as under our LORD before under any GOVERNMENT!!! - Let us be of “LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL”!!!

And please don’t even let the peoples’ pride of a FREE UNITED KINGDOM escape a rational appreciation, however dolled, of how we are much really now of many firstly prudent to figure a copacetic all the way down to “sand box” Law - to what are “Laws of our Lord” as “Natural Laws” that no “Secular Government” can trump.  These are the days that can spoil any republic, and especially if a people can be tricked or fooled by any trying to be “evil geniuses” to like “doll house” distractions to turn eyes and minds away from how they are collaborating for AUTHORITARIAN power for a ruling class elite, like!!

And, yes, let our MUSIC unite us and protect us! - but let us not forget “all we need is love” does come with a lot of legacy and strings attached to what is a DUTY of the mature to rear and protect innocence of youth - youths.


However, now, firstly let us be prepared from how “HILLARY CLINTON” will try to dress up “DONALD TRUMP” as if the “REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT” he joined, and joined late, isn’t a movement where the “MOVEMENT” is of the “WHAT” more important than the “WHOM”, a just a flash in flat waters of “THE DONALD” more just a face, and not a “LEADER” now rising to help lead a WINNING movement against “NATIONALISM” and its choking SECULAR “economics”!

At home and abroad all should see DONALD TRUMP as one rising with a MOVEMENT and now so not a FACE of a PARTY for there are at least 15 others of rising with such “MOVEMENT” now whom can claim that they too, as of today, could very well most likely also defeat such apparently crooked CLINTONS!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:44 am

Rubbers?  Perhaps there is commonality to BREXIT & American contested of between Donald Trump and presently seeming inevitable Hillary Clinton.  We are all outta the parlours and to needing be prepared for months at the slogs through campaign mud.

Queue the music!  A “TOTTENHAM SOUND” may now be better fitting, and to date THE DAVE CLARK FIVE to how heeled concurrent of the calls for LOVE.  If you do not know their music ye may be left to repeat their ignorance worked - and mistakes.

To go DARWINIST on these topical akin to if of a school of culture, or schools of ranks of pack cohesion, let us relate BREXIT to that we can posture that Donald Trump is say a specimen of the humanoid race apparently one more evolved and advanced than Hillary Clinton.  The problem of BREXIT is also so then, for this espousal, as simplified to if the EUROPEAN UNION was ill advised when to suffice to cohesion due the forced PACK MENTALITY then was counter productive to evolution.

We can posture a second step forward with Donald Trump now of a first salvo as the REPUBLICAN NOMINEE by also toeing in to that for all the CLINTON SCANDALS there seems a common notable characteristic that can be also assuaged to as if either LESS EVOLVED or to some how now DEVOLVED. 

For now this is attested to by Clinton herself for swinging at another with claims quite sub-categorical in cause and effect science to the grander evidence of greater controlling relativity so better tagged of such space-times to what was of the visible and invisible hands of the Clintons - at least some as labeled “CLINTONOMICS”!

I.E.:  Like that which Mrs. Clinton has tried to smear Mr. Trump with is actually seeming able scientifically to be processed more macro-tagged as to that Mr. Trump was arrested from possible success due the guidance as political leadership by President Clinton, at least.

If not to dominate this discussion as to just of a “TOTTENHAM SOUND” as hip, of beats to kicking off the indicative to subjective, as both sides line up for what promises to be a most muddy of contestings here to for witnessed in a long while, it now could be prudent to be prepared - prepared to rap for hip-hop harmonies to with a HAMILTON MUSICAL there should also be soundtracks for JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS, - as the UNION of the BREXIT passions are heated to chorded much likewise along the HAMILTON FEDERALISTS vs. JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS scored, and composed.

Today it seems more pressing to have prophylactics from becoming somehow relatively also devolved or party to still less evolved by either drinking too much CLINTON KOOL AID - or worse to be consummated as if to assimilated and to but bit actors as subjects jerked about in blind faith.  Today we seem safer to tease to an ice cream with Donald Trump than a beer with Mrs. Clinton. 

E.G.:  Mrs. Clintons seems of diminished capacity related to the expected prowess long trumpeted as for a minimum level of showing proof of evolution now as her swinging at her opponent is firstly to backlash upon her own spousal husbandry and to a macro-guilt to what ever is taggable or mashable as mud of Trump as yet relatively micro-guilt.

I.E.:  Mrs. Clinton’s supposed strategery can be dramatized as if having mistaken cow manure for common mud while stepping freely into it of her own “accord”; - Mrs. Clinton is dramatically past a new WAG THE DOG to yet a story, if to be believed, of as if the TAIL BITES THE DOG.

And, so now to what DARWIN has to do with why it may have been better if the THE UNITED KINGDOM never mated to the EUROPEAN UNION while now it may do so much now co-birthed it may be yet 50/50 at best if to divorce and try to annul so much long co-consummated at a common table that was never set quite right for the times.

For now let us just report for journalism that Mrs. Clinton is no hunt dog for it seems self evident that she is predisposed to chasing her own tale, to like spewing diatribes on a smelt something fishy as if it of another hind she chasing and not her own.

Can we agree that Donald Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton were least both exposed in real time to their space-time was shared with the THE DAVE CLARK FIVE - a the “TOTTENHAM SOUND” pop rock’n beat of an old BRITISH INVASION?

I posture that the species seeming of genius of Donald Trump is more JEFFERSON REPUBLICAN and so one likely an easier to side out to as for of the colors to that the beat for the EUROPEAN UNION is one the BRITS shoulda passed on dance’n to.

I posture that the speciousness seeming of an apparent LESS EVOLVED of DEVOLVED of Mrs. Clinton is some how indivisible from the marched tune to it a too forced beat that was to that the EUROPEAN UNION was too much of a “BORG MENTALITY” and for forced assimilation.

I offer support to this as if can be POLITICAL SCIENCE but proffered in a lay - by lays of a seeming dominating consummate common sense - that here at “HOGAN” site you can dig through archeologically the archives or expedite discovery by use of the search pane with a query by just word FRANCO to unearthing “SADDAM’S FRANCO-GERMAN” from the stacks - of scrolls - nearly 400 works squibs, or just essays.

I propose that Donald Trump can be said to be wrong historically about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM while politically right now in posturing for campaigning that it was blanketly wrong.  There is that for why IRAQ WAR was right there is in such the how and circumstantial to track to that it seems it wasn’t proper for ECONOMICS for ECONOMIC GROWTH that the UK did even conjoin to the EU.

People of the UNITED KINGDOM I must attest I do not now know the details of if it would be immoral for you to separate from the EUROPEAN UNION now for like due that together you all gave birth to so much while conjoined, and so consummating as if one, that you have given birth to too many for a divorce to be acceptable or such UNION’S collateral annulled to a suffice.

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton represents much an forensic pathology that scientifically can be publicized for having been at least worked to be DEVOLUTIONARY - even while proving to that such is proof of LESS EVOLVED may be more difficult.

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been lifted by popular art and beats that like floated her above the mud - her own MUDDY dominant behaviorism long extant of her PUBLIC record.  We cannot now ignore what was birthed by the forced beats more akin to the CORE POLITICS when bared from the pop covers.  We must not forget to strip away the pop covers that distract too many from looking forensically at the DEEPER and TRUER of tagged as “CORRUPT” CLINTONS.

I do not quite know, to a Posterity, if forward their can be a DIVIDED to Tranquility yet all in keeping with that a hip beat of what rap to THOMAS JEFFERSON is that todays’ covered are as worked shared to that all the world needs now is harmony more assuaged to the symphonic economic prudence of JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS.

BREXIT or sans DIVORCE from this ill advised UNION there is forward that we are best to be prepared, and guarded, while impregnable fortitude now generally less of a pressing shared problem. 

Our economic bulwarks are yet cored to that SOCIALISTS should eventually figure out that more jobs are created when PEOPLE are left to self-govern. 

Our current conundrum is of a commonality that fits with PAUL’S LETTERS as economic guidance in the BIBLE, to such as of a common core worked to by SCOT - SCOTTISH - OF SCOTLAND - Adam Smith, and to that now ROBERT GALBRAITH is likewise synchronized via my own story of a RANDIAN - AYN RAND like “STRIKE” by the “LEADING” - to cover too JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH old bits by like dramatizing to economics of CLINTONS as so too corrupt the times were ripe for like novel economics of covering bad times of too much structural corruption a “GALBRAITH” needed to pen papers to “robbing economics” “corrupt times economics” “corruptions and perversions of from PAUL, SMITH, and even JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH.

To wrap now this tuning up to that the mistakes of the EUROPEAN UNION are common to the core errors of MRS. CLINTON let us boot up forward for all possible treachery, or at least a predictable amount of mud to be to slogging through:

I attest to the lay that BRITS should never have consummated their UNION with “EUROPEAN” and that now yet I must halt/stop from injecting myself into the historical of what has been created while together.  I attest that hip and pop, to sexy and sound, of BRITISH was enough established for a stand alone Kingdom, however democratic, and that yet now a separation may be at best 50/50 prudent.

The lay line was crossed long ago!  It was a mistake to dance to the force POPULAR worked for CLINTONS and then abouts as also to a call to a EUROPEAN UNION!  The basic postured core to the erring is that even PAUL’S GUIDANCE to that growth economics was of the essential truth that for such to be realized PEOPLE had to be able to sing together.

ABORT!!! Now seems the only option both for any BREXIT and for stopping a further infection by “HILLARY CLINTON”!

This can be danced to!!!  This can be popularized!!!  This can be sold also as a top rap as JEFFERSON’S MUSICAL for REPUBLICS!!!



ABORT NOW?  There seems to be suffice to at least prophylactically guard for weather even for ENGLISH at least to boots sufficient for the MUD now that is so forecasted to be always accompanying “HILLARY 2016″!!!







If it isn’t too folksy let us endear to find a sufficient “all we need is love” but away from the covers for assimilation that have proofed devolutionary as now postured to for a forensics of what should be avoided as too of “MRS. CLINTON” - as “OF HILLARY’S” akin to fruits of a poisoned tree!!! 

If it isn’t too folksy let us yet endure for republic(s) with reason and debate to what is then to be for a chorus for economics of people like as in PAUL’S guidance, as like of ADAM SMITH, to be to best always remembering to act in that their SELF INTEREST as humanoid, to ECONOMICS, must be secured as cored to always thought first to be to first choose COMMUNITY, and second to choose to be MORAL within chosen COMMUNITY - of HANDS AT less visible - even INVISIBLE!!!

If it isn’t too folksy let us commit to maybe never trusting a SOCIALIST not a MORAL CAPITALIST like how BERNIE SANDERS is self tagging as yet a “DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST”; - - - Again:  A socialist should eventually realize the “economics” are that more jobs are created when people are more left to SELF GOVERN - have own MUSIC!!!


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:12 am

President Barack Obama can now be judged, in hindsight, of having been of a pathetic response post the PULSE tragedy in Orlando, Florida.  There is no two ways about the partisan political played out by Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton.  There is now no better way to preface this in hindsight journalism than to liken it to of a soccer field and the game of football as if of morals - of players agreed engaged in sport with moral commitment; - on a field a thought “level playing field” we shoulda have witnessed yellow cards on “OBAMA” and “CLINTON” and in sport of them to firstly of putting their hands up and to each of each to voicing a “MY BAD!”.

In life you, none, are born to a level playing field for any “individual” over the greater wholeness! - most are conceived as seeded, to carried and born, to as named (say Christian named) to that then the story of their lives is begun written upon them, long befores any then can mount a solo effort to try to shape or define an independent or free soul.

In life most are predestined at least by how they become named (, say Christian named) and to how not even then may their own parents of such designation to as named as yet strong enough to guide any to safety for how so named, - not even parents after naming a child may yet be able to control the developing soul of their own due how thought named by others of encounters to such named, or even of kin to puzzlements as to wonderment of “what were they thinking naming their child (so ambitiously)?”.

We live now in a world of more e-clarity for how we have always been connected, or connectable, or able to be enlightened!

We live now in a NEW MEDIA world still the old world of how one is named is much just some to how predestined, - fated!

We live in the #NewMedia same old world essentially, but as fewer need rely masses for “speaking in voices” to try to find clarity of say apparent wafts of imports - even apparitions of good souls maybe of from whom a timely increases clarity is prudent to be to works at appreciating, somehow.

Likewise here is a morning http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan set as “PUBLIC” wall share:

“#‎TRUMP‬ v ‪#‎CLINTON‬ polls relate ‪#‎BlameTheVictim‬ > ‪#‎HillaryClinton‬ (lawyers) like prep school boys all ganged up - and to ‪#‎BULLYING‬ on ‪#‎TheDonald‬ last couple of weeks - and now to #Clinton of lead in ‪#‎POLLS‬ as by like ‪#‎Criminal‬ ‪#‎Defense‬ #‎PLAYBOOK‬ of using “BLAME THE VICTIM” methodism to try to defend ‪#‎HILLARY2016‬.”

We live in a world where hopefully it is now not too late to yet “CRACK THE NUT” of the real “BILL CLINTON” - before @ “nut” Mrs. Clinton!

I have a pseudonym ready - a pen name I some wasn’t surprised was whence created as one yet available.

To illuminate problems of predestined as fated by one’s name to a pre-destined destiny I can use “PETER W. TOWER” maybe enough, - and uniquely especially for when I tried to better create my own fate by a construct of a pseudonym I was able with “PETER W. TOWER” to both secure @peterwtower http://twitter.com/peterwtower and as well http://peterwtower.com.

Now as we each play ‘THE NUT CRACKER” let me spell out that though J.P. Hogan is primarily of Irish descendants it is a puzzle unsolved, as to of nature vs. nurture, if I am not of my French & German genes as of such my dominant.  Let us forward though in (wisdom) an apriori embrace a pedigree for of “Peter W. Tower” as if “de Portugal” - Portuguese - say to like me llamo es “Peter W. Tower de Protugal” - or at least the “W.” to named of a proud heritage rooted in a pride of a Portuguese parish. Or if you insist: ‘Chamo-me Peter W. Tower de ______ de Portugal.’

How many times should we have yet heard “MY BAD!” from President William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton - he born of Christian name “William Blythe III” - and yet to this day are to falsely blaming others because he showed a lack of honor many times by not yet being of mea culpas by loud “MY BAD!” on so much we have long considered for penal treatments?

Now as we each play “THE NUT CRACKER” upon “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” let us toe in to tip toeing prudence of it wise to try to tip-toe into any trespass - any even tooling to prepare to ask even a question one doesn’t already know the answer to.  We do not know the answers of the “NUT” Clinton/BlytheIII we already long shoulda been of knowing and to calculating understanding forthwith of a duty to try to be informed citizens.

Our Power of Freedom has like been stolen - robbed/mugged/muggled - from us by a cloaking by a “shell” still extant around a truer “real Bill Clinton.” - Like left play’n on crooked tables like too of half a deck dealt.

Let us wax blithely - to Shakespearean - on this pickle of “THE NUT” A “NUT” “BILL CLINTON” for our “THE NUT CRACKER” forward:

Coulda it ever be in our times Mrs. Clinton could be so now held up of Chicago, so gangsta Democrat piped, if she now were Mrs. of their spousal husbandry, the already known - leastly - for now, if she were like her “Bill” as self fated by having chosen the name “CLINTON” and to years hiding em both of born Christian names, - and sucha predestined, but cloaked from “inevitable” to otherwise then more “impossible” if Mrs. Clinton were yet now but “HILLARY RODHAM BLYTHE III”?

Where is the “THE CLINTON” really “STRAIGHT OUTTA” if not a cloak and dagger shop for covert and dramatic deception from an how born to be inescapably CHRISTIAN?

Madness?  Sheer MADNESS?  REALLY?

I mean: Let me be clear:  Can you believe and endure any endearing to that “HILLARY RODHAM” if to just a story as a “DEMOCRAT PARTY NOMINEE A FIRST WOMAN” sucha now playing out were yet to Mrs. Clinton living it straight as to running as “HILLARY BLYTHE III”?


Of the storied as biographical leastly of the “HILLARY RODHAM” there has been told tales of how “Miss Rodham” say was raised a Chicago urban ruffian raised not to just hit others but to hit first, to “hit boys first”!  I am not sure the source matters concurrent to this essaying, - at least as @HillaryRodham avatar for @Twitter bio’d tag line profiling states she is an “advocate for women & children” to  it at least self proclaimed she is NOT an “advocate” for men.

For the record:  Let me be clear:  The @Twitter http://twitter.com/hillaryclinton @HillaryClinton bio’d is near a worse peace of “new media” grammar and autobiographical that can maybe ever witnessed.  There is no structure to Mrs. Clinton “I AM” set forth and no prioritizing of if one part is more important than another part, - I mean hopefully the order in which she lists her “I AM” is not how she doth rank a reality outta twitteratti shallowdom.

Right:  From the very beginning Mrs. Blythe III, with license in how Christian fated by spouse predestined, as Mrs. Clinton on TWITTER was so of “dog owner” as so cold and distant, and not normal to social media where most or all others to then rather more passionate and approachable as “dog lover”.

Right:  But back to our task as to be each of a duty in “THE NUT CRACKER” forward and to how BILL CLINTON “NUT” is needing to be cracked as he shoulda long been now as firstly always otherwise as straight outta CHRISTIAN truth and fated by how born “WILLIAM BLYTHE III” and not so now so still escaping a proper legacy as now sans his shell created and postured with long as facilitated in the art of self destiny by fating some of one’s “biography” to be as if self written.

Still though:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: 


As we now trespass with a toe-in to tip-toed across the threshold as cast of “THE NUT CRACKER” it is predetermined that the of the VILLAINOUS is now at least “WILLIAM JEFFERSON (DAVIS?) CLINTON”!

Now as it must be SHAKESPEAREAN forward, and backwards, for that thought he BILL” chose - proceeded in a premeditated self determining to have name as - “JEFFERSON (DAVIS)” - and as of record so did “HILLARY RODHAM”, - however seduced and/or corrupted/co-opted - and while scraping own CHRISTIAN name, as if so bad “BILL” thought but  like born “cursed child”, let us not forget, now “BILL” still of  predestined as conceived and born to “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”, and even if such due a rap of one from outta “BLYTHE” cursed to be from straight, - from honest, leastly. Long live the legend of “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”!!!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is so corrupt it is known as so compromised to be needing investigations by our FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and at least for now the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for cover-ups are dastardly deeds and “HILLARY BLYTHE III” so soul’d was found to at least been a primary party to a most diabolical of cover-ups, - a cover-up deadly - as one worse than of RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON due it was of Clinton hanky panky of lies and cloaking of matters relating to deaths of brave Americans in Mrs. Clinton’s service, - of in service to “THE SECRETARY”!

To now “CRACK THAT NUT” even the meek are enabled as such is much ado about paper work or reviewing of the public domain of an obvious, when one knows how to decipher the in the footage, as that there is a “paper trail” a “smoking gun” however now seeming yet as innocent as if a “gingerbread trail” - - -  essentially the “STRAIGHT OUTTA” of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is that the have hidden their rap in plain sight, by usual method of operations, of by sticking a confessing as if a news story, as yet otherwise than that it was only news as they shoulda been of another “MY BAD” and direct CONFESSION(S), - of MEA CULPAS!

So why is it that maybe no parent had yet named their pride to be of a challenge to live as if fated and of a predetermined challenging destiny as if named “PETER W. TOWER”?  I can and will surmise, forward, guardedly!!!

For now let us work a hip beat’n for all to that each are named, if not actually seeded to conceived, as predestined, and some maybe to ambitions or Hope beyond an ability of parents’ gifts for being global citizens, to guardians of the galactical.

Right!!!  Fit’n:  “WHO AM I TO JUDGE?”

Right!!!  Fit’n:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: 


Right!!!  It seems obvious that neither my “I AM” J.P. Hogan, nor maybe if so fated as of by a predestined in a Christian for called “Peter W. Tower” am I firstly ever to be one so personally challenged but in the lay, - the lay attitudes.

Right!!!  Fit’n:  WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE?

To now “CRACK THAT NUT” of “NUT” “MR. & MRS. WILLIAM BLYTHE III” we must probe and probe, and dig so deeply to be as if to a post-mortem - to nearly be to a live dissection.  Troubling are these times, - let us get to our work!

To always be prepared to crack any “NUT” so maybe mechanically facilitated to deceptively natural, but structurally rotten to its core, - even if of a core a “common core” to two bad halves - we should consider it prudent that humanoids, where ever of the galactical, or just as “global citizens” as our shared humanity is inescapable, and for preparedness that enough humans remain of acumen to an ecumenical for justly speaking in voices, to religious - to high enough standards, for even still an ability to “speak in voices” may be necessary to determining in time what then could be like just searched via BING, YAHOO, or maybe enough by just GOOGLING.

The “NUT” of which you are asked to be of “THE NUT CRACKER” as to a like “CLINTON MUSICAL” is a dark ask and for the answers cannot be as simple as in the pop of the “HAMILTON MUSICAL” for the CLINTONS as chosen from apparently “BLYTHE” thirdly are yet of a third way from “HAMILTON FEDERALISTS” and “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS” to as but cloaked from obviously seen as firstly “ANTI-CONSTITUTION” in long attempts to re fashion nation as if “POST CONSTITUTION”!!!

There is nothing “STRAIGHT” - “STRAIGHT OUTTA THE CONSTITUTION” - in their “core” - COMMON CORE - to ’tis the “THE NUT” - even as if the is is their “NUT” - is the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” and always inescapably “CHRISTIAN” as also the “THE HOUSE OF BLYTHE III”, - - - however blithely teased as if compliant, and for “liberal democracy” constituted!

For now:  Due how most so predestined it must be rude if any an atheist, considering - considering how much fated and predetermined, or present as a “global citizen” “CHRISTIAN” to too complicated, - say like by the example of that some are named to be HOLY firstly and to their parents’ promised that them for blessed created are so sworn to be destined to fulfill a contract with LORD’S servicing to be when of proper age to being more ANGELIC and sans lustful or even of the perversions of LAW as of blithely historical of the “BILL CLINTON” perversions of how CONSTITUTED!

Any “CLINTON MUSICAL” should firstly be TRAGIC and however then TRAGICALLY “SHAKESPEAREAN” while firstly “AMERICAN”!  “THE NUT CRACKER” may be enough by “SUGGESTION” to haunt “THE NUT” “ROTTEN” - @ “I AM HILLARY BLYTHE III” #4REAL!!!



Firstly we seem we must respect the Establishment of the Peoples’ Order subscribed by the “FOUNDING FATHERS” as having been to them as if a “spectacle” in FAITH not for CONGRESS to diss or “re-spect…” by any Law making not at least as of “We the People” as the processes were then ordained and established to a most difficult to nullify.

Firstly we should respect the CONSTITUTION as primarily a APOSTOLIC SPECTACLE that CONGRESS is not allowed to diss or “re-spectacle” as if able to trump the constituted of one nation under our LORD!

Generally we must be “UN-CLINTON” - right - like again as a nation - and to being so established and ordained for due process and so that there can be LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

Generally we must be primarily prepared to defend that as being an APOSTOLIC SPECTACLE of the “more perfect Union” formed “done” and humbly subscribed so in the “Year of our Lord” and be thankful that our’s is a UNION that puts a table, with a book on it, between ALL individuals to that there can be SANCTUARIES for HOPE, at least as by CHRISTIAN committed flocks - SOME - of and for ALL!

Generally we are behooved to be prudent and also firstly in a self-governance by participation, with engaged conscience, in the arts of faith - as of ready postured to be for PEACE by being prescribed of a voluntary extra-nation organized morality, - of MORALS, - dedication to MORAL!





Sadly our work is but now just begun!!! - - - We must be to the work, however lately, - now so lately, to trying to crack that which still promises to be a tough nut to crack - a long structured and restructured to a facility to guard from a release of core’s truths.  We must now recommit ourselves of our United duty to probe, and probe, until this “NUT” gives up its still quite cloaked nut meat!!!  - - - SADLY!!!

TOOLING:  APPARENT CLUE:  By choosing name as “WILLIAM JEFFERSON (for J. DAVIS) CLINTON” this “NUT” seems to have firstly chosen a name to mean - to translate - primarily always “SON OF THE SOUTH”! - - SADLY!!! OMG! SO SHAKESPEAREAN!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:14 pm

A Buddhist and a Presbyterian walk along an Orlando Boulevard.

For civilizations to endure perversions of governance from morality and from regular order cannot. There must be an ecumenical practiced to a suffice always more of “all Politics is local.”

As we bow our heads for to be disciplined of souls, not base as barbarians to wits sans community, there is that the agreed as of laws of our Lord must not be perverted in the times such is agreed to, - but for then it the business of the community in worship effected.  Cross-pollination is as natural as that of Paul structured for sanctuaries establishments for Hope & methodisms; cross-pollination is as much a matter of civilizations as wafts of gaiety and engirthments of winds of gaiety.

As “pre bus” to “Pre-bits-tear-I-ams” re: in sees of “pre-bus” of that of republican of Republicans of Reince Priebus to the if sufficient disciplined of Presbyterian Donald Trump.  Can such be as natural as for Buddhists, and yet of tolerance by Christians?

Methodist, so her resume states, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is a contradiction to prudence, of a chaos stepp’n as against regular order, of as contrary to Constitutional so vastly and historically as to be as anti-Constitution as Governor DeWitt Clinton and/or Vice President George Clinton, whence as if also “Tony” like Alexander Hamilton.  The Clintons are not Hamilton Federalists nor Jefferson and Madison Republicans; - in essence the Clintons are perverts of a third way perversion to the two Constitutional options for national governance, - to lawful Posterity in governance by how constituted.

The Clintons are as of perversions to Constitutional it seems as much as Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are historically problematic for to power via Ba’athism ideals and original intent as a way to a UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE (my source is Alan Hart book: ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER).  Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are two who are said to have perverted Ba’athism towards getting power and then holding it by secular Socialist tyrannical Powers.

The Clintons’ perversions of prudence and of a nation in regular order as constituted seems as much to blame for so much of falling to pieces in America as like as much Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq are taggable as but 3 more failed secular Socialist states.

In America a Buddhist and Presbyterian can be to strutt’n down boulevards of Orlando, Florida, even especially amidst the real world and “local” daily dynamic, and to tolerance of polity - politeness of bowing ones head in humility - humble ducking for comity to a copacetic for an extant of sanctuaries establishments for maintenance of Hope, and humanity promises.

Strutt’n in America is as to be pledged by Pledge of Allegiance for civility by innocence first and rights to privacy ordained for that an presumption of innocence is to be respected but where an immediacy is calling of a self-evident obviousness to imperils beckoning an immediacy.

Strutt’n in America - these united states of the Americas so Constituted by People’s Order done in Year of our Lord - is yet for Prudence in community needing disciplined of a suffice - a sufficient number of people “locals” must always be disciplined to that there is not a dynamic of “too much irreligiosity” - too many “irreligious” - to few of thinking and debating to what is workable as an agreed to and set out “laws of our Lord” & since our federal Government is set as minor to GOD and under our Lord, under that of the “global citizen” cosmopolitan internationalism - bodies electric sans borders.

As the Clintons’ perversions have American Democrat Party affected usually just emotionally by like “dog whistles” there is that the Clintons are not alone in whom has been to perverted regular order. 

President Barack H. Obama has also been vastly of perversions from Constitutional structures for due process and adequate maintenance of “under God” polity by being firstly for demagoguery for a NATIONALISM for a selfish grandness and exaggerated self importance by methodism for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM, even as also sold for a tyranny by GREEN AGENDA of deciding for “subjects” that obedience must be foremost practiced to GREEN MINIMALISM of a new CONSERVATIONISM of decrees for EARTH FIRST dogmatic.

There again, under the perversion of the Clintons and Barack H. Obama, a tragic scandalous to test that “all Politics is local” is the keystone of these united states of the Americas, as actually workable - as workable only quite when as Constituted for “tolerance” and no “bigotry of tolerance” - as like any of religiosity to a suffice to humble under our Lord is then not Holy if of any bigotry, or perversion say like for Power as can be storied of Clitnons - especially Hillary Clinton - and as akin to how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are too long said to have perverted Ba’athism ideals to have Power by secular Socialism albeit as by perversions.

These days that prejudge souls, too frequently, - and as of “FAILURE!!! - OF WORDS!!!” as I’ve authored before - are beset by Democrat Party guidance too haunted by elites wanting to have and to hold Power and to now again em are like firstly to tooting a “dog whistle” for compliance and obedience perfectly contrary to “all Politics is local” grand prophylactic for impregnable fortitude for FREEDOM and LIBERTY set still in our “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” pledged to, - our calls to REGULAR ORDER and ORIGINALISM

As a Buddhist and a Presbyterian may be disciplined to be more “pre-bus” for “tolerance” and to less prejudiced even as if wanting to be cold or of a cold shoulder to a reflexology to be to ducking for Posterity, there is that strutt’n cannot be of a suffice for “community” where any “local” has fallen to “too irreligious” as like Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria are like three more states of having failed due to a endemic reality to that too many did become too irreligious, - too many stopped THINKING and DEBATING amongst themselves as to what needed to be that of “local” but “global citizens” as to what was a minimum agreed to as to what were needed to be the agreed to as set out “Laws of our Lord.”

We are asked to know how to “duck” - know how to bow our heads even as post coital and in public as Paul in his letters doth prescribe around Corinth in Corinthians 1 or 2 as to that after being in private and to loving when in public parties to such should be of a polity of comity of like “blowing kisses” to their apparent “neighbors.”

HAMILTON THE MUSICAL may get to be “TONY” on the Constitution but it can mislead and misdirect as the perversion at least of Hillary Clinton, as to her core of her defining success as to that of what a “LAWYER” must be to of “Power” to be “most successful” as to peers also Yale Law School alums. 

HAMILTON is today firstly important as “Publius” of “Federalist Papers” “Federalist #1″ as for he sells a hip Constitution by exclamating the Peoples Order is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and as to closing emphatically as yet to a conundrum in also writ the Order is for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY.”

As Buddhist as disciplined however also to respect ducks and budding love for community and polity we have a Presbyterian strutt’n it seems less perversions from “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” than what is extant in the perversion tendency for prejudgement to beckoning firstly like by “dog whistles” to a nationalism to an exaggerated self importance for one demagogue’n as a “leader” as if such is/was “PRESIDENTIAL.”

A first perversion akin both the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” and the “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” is to the ridiculous for how postured for nationalism while loose and undisciplined as to national borders.  It is a ridiculous and ungovernable perversion of the constituted by Peoples Order that there can be calls and passages for SOCIALISM and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE where national borders are not firstly secured, and of processes to process any and all for a LEGAL IDENTITY of each and all.

The Clintons are not HAMILTON “FEDERALISTS” nor “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS” and so we must stop - must arrest - the Clinton perversion of constituted Order by it done established contrary to their third way a perversion of the CONSTITUTION - the constitutional as neither “FEDERALIST” nor “REPUBLICAN”!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” constitutional perversion, before being to the ridiculous of selling a nationalist agenda while not securing a perimeter and process to isolate a “national”, is firstly to that they are mostly UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ANTI-CONSTITUTION for their “POLITICS” is more of that of Vice President George Clinton and/or New York Governor DeWitt Clinton firstly; - the Clintons “POLITICS” is still to much akin to be at least as if also related to General Clinton of the United Kingdom, as a last fighting for the CROWN of BRITAIN against the COLONIES, and to if I recall to of having had plans to attempt at least to assassinate THOMAS JEFFERSON.

The Clintons’ perversions, today, are at least as problematic as how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad got to power by perverting BA’ATHISM and how it was of an ideology firstly of an idea that an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE could unite all Muslim nations/states of at least its vast region.

The Clintons’ perversions are against regular order for impregnable fortitude to vicissitudes incident to life as George Washington set forth in our first inaugural address.  The Clintons are for compliance and obedience more to an AUTOCRACY OF CLINTONS to the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” as of at least national AUTHORITARIAN Power.

Again, under these perversions of regular order by leaders of the Democrat Party there has been a tragedy that is firstly again of terrorism that people of these united states of the Americas should first THINK and DEBATE respectfully as again of exercised opinionated of prejudice and intolerance, as sans duck’n discipline of heads bowed for ecumenical comity, and, as now again, first, there is a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” - - - and as improper under the Constituted Union due all PEOPLE are of pledges to allegiance for due process and regular order, and to “all Politics is local” is the common core and for FREEDOM in RELIGIOUS LIBERTY necessarily needs a sufficient percentage of populace to maintaining as bulwark for HOPE and SANCTUARIES always as by being guarded against any community to becometh too “IRRELIGIOUS”!

However, now the grieving is complicated as due “TERRORISM” and if of ISIL - ISIS - DAESH - ISLAMIC STATE - as sponsored or endorsed we are yet of it as globally to for how Americans are pledged as a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” for other peaceful means were necessary and while prejudice and prejudgement is not AMERICAN even while governance becometh too secular and SOCIALIST for DEMOCRAT PARTY elites to have Powers too AUTHORITARIAN for an exaggerated self-importance not humble in as set under our Lord their CREATOR.

As we bow our heads, and too daily for comity akin to as set out by Paul, for the Constitution is of a apostolic by the Founding Fathers dependent upon civilization of Union as firstly being so “Paulist” as to the People are established as under our Lord before under our Federal Government, - the free people of these united states of the Americas are ordained as “Paulist” as under God before under any government and so there must always be a suffice - a sufficient engagement of voluntary extra-Nation organized morality to that the UNION never becometh even locally too IRRELIGIOUS.

As we bow our heads and to now more to THINK and DEBATE amongst our “communities” we have that we must shake off - to arrest - the idea to as if there is a DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION where there a “living document” status as if a loophole to the REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION of our CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC as the truth seems that since to the apostolic of the Founding Fathers for endurance in practices for ECUMENICAL prophylactics there is that the impregnable fortitude for “vicissitudes incident to life” is rooted in that HOLY SCRIPTURE is a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and so then that the CONSTITUTION need not be a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and to that then the ECUMENICAL must govern the ducks and comity firstly as the calls of Posterity for Tranquility in Union have been constituted to that the PEOPLES ORDER THAT FORMS THE MORE PERFECT UNION is established to be more difficult to amend and void than it is for the KING JAMES BIBLE, at least, to yet be to new editions by revisions.

There is no constitutional call to the nationalism and new progressive attempts to set asunder the People’s ORDER; - The call even as for “ducks” to a NATIONALISM for self-importance for HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is contrary to the CONSTITUTED as as under God of vertical separation of Government to that all are to be firstly of self governance by disciplines to an extra-nation organized morality. 

There is no enduring structure for ECUMENICAL methodism where the “dog whistle” tyranny of the Clintons for AUTHORTARIAN demagogue STATUS endures.  So THINK & DEBATE upon what PERVERSIONS!

I do not know if a PRESBYTERIAN is now otherwise of sufficiency for the impregnable fortitude George Washington inaugurated our People for tolerance of ;- I know not if Donald Trump shares the apostolic for ecumenical ordered ours - Our CONSTITUTED.

I do feel that as ducking of a bowing of heads for respect and a comity of polity for community parity must endure we must not be beckoned, however by a CLINTONS’ NATIONALISM, by “dog whistles” when work is again to be done to again ensure that none of the “local” of “AMERICAN” is in danger from having become (like Iraq, Ukraine, Syria) too IRRELIGIOUS, - - - or just too SECULAR SOCIALIST!

Our “We the People..” is in “more perfect Union” done and of an ecumenical conundrum, it seems, to endure by the apostolic dedication of the “FOUNDING FATHERS” in that “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is a puzzler for to have “FREEDOM” “OF” RELIGION it is that one must be an individual to learn’d “OF” “RELIGION” in order to be above barbarian or suspect to reflexive obedience to whistles - to be a FREE PERSON! - - - Like to be AMERICAN is to know what must be RELIGIOUS in order to be FREE - of CONSTITUTED “FREEDOM”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:51 pm

I dread now reporting from these united states of America that the state of “American” politics is horrid - horrible.

It is dreadful that I must report that the state of the “American” media, at least, is as bad, - or worse.

Any Brown University Literature Department graduate should be able to know this without needing to read between the lines.

It is now established beyond any reasonable doubt! - such is beyond “self evident” and more like “uber evident”!

Allow me some exclamatory remarks, ye who hath carried “Hermione” now so far - a written (fictional) creation to the idea that one was better than two!

It is as if the merry populaces of the Democrat encampments and media tag-alongs are much sans magic, - perchance “muggles”!

Your fans may appreciate how I do very much like your recent twitpic of a book seeming otherwise about merry populaces, and as that to date I still haven’t seen most of your pictures. - Em likley to be surprised to learn that “Quid ditch” (sp?) developed from J.K. Rowling asking her muse doth challenged her to pen 7 books on magic “should we have a flying broom in the stories?” and to which upon quick consideration and a glance at my parents fireplace broom nearby I repliethed “YES, BUT GO BIG - MAKE IT OF A SPORT OF SORTS” (paraphrased near enough) and then processed further to its potential by wiringing JKR into my then athletic activities of my various ULTIMATE FRISBEE LEAGUES and covertly the sport energy even of my friends so about to while as architects and construction managers of the Kuala Lumpur Petronas Towers. (I appreciate “PATRONUS” spelled like “patron US” while picking up on basis.)

Yes Emma, I still refuse to read any of the HARRY POTTER books and too haven’t seen most of your pictures.  I didn’t asked for the books to be written to be to entertaining me, and I don’t still want to effect a creative feed back loop by interpreting the pictures past that I know I’ve seen the first two or two and a half.

Yes Emma, I must report on the ridiculous state of these politics and media of which I press opines eruditely; - there can be no Hillary Clinton as a candidate in any honesty if my own vastly more complicated personal historicals are not shared to be pared against her/their false claims.  As long as the politics and the media do not tell of my biographical relatedness at least as to the rise of the Clintons in 1992, and further staying power, then there is only dishonesty and immorality in our politics by lies, at least as lies by omissions.  And, this is complicated since due the depth and breadth of such known autobiographical to myself I know I shouldn’t ask to have any tell of such, I shouldn’t first ask to be more “published” even for then by the nature of these horrid states I yet would be aiding a sustenance to the machinations for lies to reign for bad actors, over core truths necessary to getting finally to rebuilding.

Oh Emma, some of this doth have a funny bone humorous tingle to it incidentally occasionally; - while I know I shouldn’t ask to have my story told to the depths needed to straighten many out from the lies at least keeping the Clintons’ machinations viable I do realize and accept that I have spelled out many times in writings publicly posted as to how to defeat them, and as can work by the bright light of Bernie Sanders and even the standards of Donald Trump; - before I ever got to challenging JKR to such now galactically famous seven books there is of this story that of a sibling rivalry with my older sister like of her facing the “Peter Principle” in 1994 politics when Senator Chris Dodd’s State Director yet on the losing side of the Republican sweep of 1994.

Emma, and JK Rowling, and Neil Blair…, it is an #ItsComplicated now as regards #HOLLYWOOD and some due even in 1994, or especially in 1994, I was of sufficient Power, or driving Influence, with HOLLYWOOD that I was able to pressure my older sister’s employer a Senator to that he need let my sister go from his employment, just to be able of a potential that my media magic could still work a bipartisan art for him, - for he now Chairman and CEO of the MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America.  I wasn’t being vindictive in a sibling rivalry, and as I did help sister transition to upward mobility outside of politics - restored, and, as it was just fundamentals to my art of entertainment magic, also freely mused, but with expectations of source to be noted and kept annotated for later credits, - to “honor among artists” - as it is that I had to pressure Senator Dodd to move my sister outta the way for due my dad’s and my sister’s “contributions” the “work” I was doing that such Senator was benefiting from was incidentally accidentally getting undone by family most unawares of my cloaked facilities and influence.

Y’all cool cats, yeh you all, especially one who has carried “Hermione” so far:  Fans should learn, eventually maybe, to appreicate two things about women at the core (of the success) of HOGWARTS storied basis.  Fans should consider that incidentally when I asked for a young female lead character as like a “HER MY ONE” it was as I considered though the real life basis was of two young girls in a small close knit “posse” one as that each had to choose one over two would work better fictionally.  Fans considering such might yet be old enough to ponder J.K. Rowling guarded herself by naming the school “HOGWARTS” as if my challenged setting didn’t pan out she was ready for the quick draw to that it was always firstly just “HOGAN - WARTS” of “J.P. Hogan basis in hopes like “wards” wouldn’t grow up to be like “warts” as dirt under his skin.”

Right, y’all cool cats, yeh, you all:  Fans I was shocked when I first saw a copy of the first book for by then so much time had elapsed since we crossed from trying to hide muse even from publishers to that JKR to get published was then of my agreeing to inform such who did publish her that she was acting under my direction that I was to be keep an unknown, for the book rights, and to then though a stipulated that if it ever got to movie rights we would have to cross that bridge later and to that I was giving away no rights to movies or even a theme park when directing consent to book rights.

Ok, now y’all cool cats, be cool:  Emma, it seems inescapable now that while I avoid reading these works of immense success in fiction it is becoming clear that J.K. Rowling despite the platonic nature of my challenge, due I disappointed, as I recall while to standing up that I didn’t have time to “date” as part of such, yet in the rearing and development of “HER MY ONE” musta written from my years of dedicated “platonic” musing of always finding new energies for next books to such as though for any one but “HARRY POTTER” as a female lead a leading lady akin to what my ideal woman seemed like - akin to what I would want in a wife, even.  (Yes “HERMIONE” was not to marry “HARRY POTTER” from the beginning for their basis is from a real young group whence then as young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete” of round black glasses and to then of commenced studies in magic, and with one of the two of such to a one in “HERMIONE” as yet his sister.) (The link up to J.K. Rowling did occur much because one evening I poured a Scotch and wafted a spiritual pre-Google search for an “unknown writer” willing to commit to “7 books on magic of each book of a next year of magic school”  and as around real youths I was renaming around to being of asking for “an unknown author willing to write about a Pete Rowe-ling, & posse” - to asking for someone willing to right about someone of a name like JK’s late father Peter Rowling, as incidentally it occurred - was created from thin air and blank napkins, to blank paper, to many rejections.

Emma, real woman of duties as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrid the state of such I press on about here as to it immoral to amoral that there can be a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” reported upon without a media and especially political leadership being insistent to that my story, my biography, my historicals be publicly related at least to 1990-ish.

Emma, real woman of honors as United Nations Ambassador for Woman, dearly, it is horrible that I can report such disregard for truth and honor across the ranks of em thought leaders in these united states of the Americas. There can be no learn’d honor among women if “with” this partially disrobed HILLARY CLINTON.  There can be no learn’d honor among women too now as President Barack Obama’s story is also crossed with my past decades of leadership to of such bipartisan advantage for Democrats that I was able to pressure a Senator to move my older sister along more due the “Peter Principle” than her younger brother “Peter” due he feared losing my entertainment magic she and my father were incidentally accidentally naturally beset to undermining, while yet needed as not errantly complicated to undermined.  There is no reporting morally or honestly on the storied of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, nor Bill Clinton, where such is commenced and carried as if I can be omitted from the story - their storied, even especially as such is still only still standing due lies have not been checked due em of omitting historicals that are of my motivation to such vast efforts for positive change that root at least to a decade before 1990 shares and strategizing for problem solving, and crisis management in extremely trying times.

Emma, real woman of global exposure as a United Nations leading woman as Ambassador for Women, dearly, again it was shocking when I first laid eyes on a first copy of the first book of the challenge for seven JKR did nearly beg could be yet just five books, at a moment, maybe just a phase, and nearly disastrous for such was cloaked by me by use of “doors” and “contracting” business from my father and my sister, especially, as hoped, personally in a cloaked, to be of a facility in my poetic to be yet a muse able to be like a “shrink” for my dad and my sister as a greater facilitator for FEMINISM advancement, a yet shared goal of all of ours. 

Emma, ye doth carried “HERMIONE” so far, - ye embodied/embodies what seems becometh clear without even reading the books by their covers, - ye so somehow written in the spirit of what I must have implied by mused energy and creative directives as to be an “ideal woman” to me: 

Right!  I did not ask for a cover a basis in the stories for my godmother who is married lastingly into the CROMWELL clan that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, though GILMORE GIRLS is that she was the basis for “GRANDMOTHER” as akin to YALE UNIVERSITY and a female cousin a YALE alum as an asked for mused for to entertainment as from so many brothers graduates of BALTIMORE GILMAN SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

Right!  I did instruct JKR post her complaint near “but you haven’t given me enough material even for five books” to add a “godfather” character for lead character and write it in as around dangers of watts, amps, volts, voltage, higher voltage, high voltage like to “volts d’ more” alarmism and to there dangers in not knowing European electrical standards use 220v normatively while American Electrical household use is yet but of a less amped for wattage of 110 volts.  The basis was to be around my own godfather a life long union electrician but fictionally developed also around “GO BIG - MAKE IT A SPORT - A TEAM SPORT OF FLYING BROOMS” as around my posse of ULTIMATE FRISBEE associations to of those of having been of the design and then construction management of the PETRONAS TOWERS and to them as serious about black live wires nearly as my uncle my godfather, the now late C. Hogan, was always.

OMG Emma!  Time flies.  I am saddened today by the passing of Edward “Tad” Sanchez III yesterday and Muhammad Ali today.  “Tad” Sanchez is a pal from my 1980s abouts on Block Island, and nail banging summers during Villanova University studies.  He passed due an illness he had fought for a while, he is for immortality besides his hobby as having been in the Screen Actors Guild and bit parts, the he from a reunion after years the core in old circle of friends basis that was to my asking for the “MADMEN” show as by asking to energies of my old Block Island circle of friends to be kept alive by art about the era I was predisposed then to in my art for positive change as that era when my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was a top Ad Man - a top Madison Avenue marketing executive of the serious accounts - as managed after consolidating their accounts all that was the Johnson & Johnson advertising business.  He is responsible for the ‘NO MORE TEARS’ product launch and too that the bottle has a tear drop in its form.  Of the “MadMen” creation it was fitting for AMC channel for “Tad’s” story was happy in marital union into the Dolan family - the family that owns Madison Square Garden, for starters.

OMG Emma!  Time flies, and this isn’t near as brief as I postured myself to a readiness to share.  It is a sad day for much of the above and coincidental to a puzzlement of how Muhammad Ali has now passed.  My godfather who is the basis for “Serious Black” did pass away a few years ago and yet on the same day a serious black I knew to be a hero of his did also pass - a few years ago my godfather electrician, retired, passed on the day his boxing hero “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed, and yet suddenly while amidst fall yard work on a day most of his brotherhood of electricians not retired were busy across Connecticut trying to restore power after a state’s maybe record blackout. And also sad note on politics and media is that such day David Brooks New York Times column was a political hit piece titled “THE SERIOUS ONE”.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real and make believe of the world of HOGWARTS it is real and relative to the American political scene that I have only given rights to the books and never gave away rights to the movies, or any theme park.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the real magic of J.P. Hogan “poet” “squib” “pundit” “most successful muse” and also the basis for “Robert Galbraith” “STRIKE” as was to instructions to then there to be no more “HARRY POTTER” books but kindly to JKR of that her muse wouldn’t leave her hung out to blow in the wind for her muse then adjusted to allowing her to write from his energies but more biographically to a fictional work out.

Ye cool cats, y’all of the EMMA conundrum that though “HOGWARTS” was defensively penned as a double edged fictional for J.K. and maybe predefensive as if to of the “platonic” as if felt “jilted” there seems now that my ideals as to what a leading lady as to an ideal woman is (to me) that such may have been written to and dramatically carried off.  Puzzling, quite puzzling - but can any man really understand “woman”?


Ye cool cats, as more relative J.P. Hogan historical or trivial it is incidental to much that my first year at Villanova University was the first year my college had a MIDDLE EAST STUDIES department and to offering MODERN STANDARD ARABIC LANGUAGE among its language courses.  I mention such today for it is that my professor in such that I helped inaugurate by taking my language requirements by 12 credits of ARABIC was to a given name upon me for class purposes as “ALI” and not, for sure, due any boxing acumen, or facility.  I majored in Economics to a Bachelor of Arts, and to enough credits for a minor in Philosophy but cloaked from a “minor” but as an “undeclared minor” so as to keep the Philosophy Department less involved in my love of thinking of philosophizing.  I am that I also in 1984 was early of computers for I took for a mathematics requirement a course in Pascal programming, programming on mainframes.

Emma, J.K., Neil, et cool cats yet of the unknowing sorts now some to uncloaked eyes upon truths, let us proceed against the failings of the horrid media and leadership failures ghastly due the stories of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama quite can not be honestly said historical where there is omission of the very vastly related story of myself,  and at least to that my motivations in around 1990-1991 are vastly more complicated and engaging to what transpired than yet pared against Clintons even to a #RealBillClinton by reduction by honest comparisons.

Yes, Emma, it is true my godmother, and to many of my cousins so tru’d, is of my kin are married to descendant from, and begot by the Cromwell line that begot OLIVER CROMWELL, so I have lived their story as somehow true.

To be brief:  Yes the machinations of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT are horrid to horrible as rotten of lies, and especially to the core as to the #RealHillaryClinton is not storied if and when my biographical is not imparted, and as it remains due how vast my facility was I will not ask to be told of, - asked to be more “published” - asked to reveal more than my #squibs long at establishing current and past expertise and forethought none of such has ever earned a respect akin to - to full of.

Conclusion:  The state of these united states of the Americas media and political leadership is ridiculous, at least! - there can be no honesty nor duties done as per #Election2016 of these parties involved where there is any omission of the true story and contributions uniquely mine, and unique due what my motivation was/is.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:06 pm

Holy negations are not blessed good things - em more dark magic and trickery by bad lawyers.

There is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton should be declared enemies of the state - ROME - Enemies Of The Church.  I welcome the The Church of England to take a lead likewise.

This is a little beyond “NOAH 101″ - as but more about em as at Holy negations more as at bridges demolishments than builders.

“What is their chicanery?” is a good opener - a timely sighting to how their berg is far bigger than the tip of such iceberg we now maybe are sighting in to mark and twain in time suffice.

What is their chicanery?  Obvious enough now to some, not “NATURAL STATE FASCISTS, - not Democrats, maybe, is em “Holy negations”!

We will need get to “DREAMS FROM MY FATHER” and to the “Adam” and “Eve” of Barack Obama natural born conceived a bastard spawned into the Kenya Muslim “House of Obama” to his father by wife number 2.  We will need pare down such as conceived bastard spawned as a love child of a pepper and salt - ebony and ivory - chocolate and white milky white - as like a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.  Son of Obama, so conceived a bastard “love child” of two studious to be experts in Soviet ways as if naturally Soviet, is a conundrum, - and to that the pair to such book should have been “THE WORK OF MY MOTHER - HOW I GOT EVEN THIS FAR!”.

Her chicanery, - right, - the chicanery of Hillary Clinton is quite problematic. Less NOAH - more like #VooDoo & Louise Cypher, - #HillaryInTheFlesh #Lucifer. Dark magic - it is - is she playing past innocent at unholy chicanery.

I do not know so cannot proffer to if Barack Obama was by Kenya tribal and Muslim traditions so conceived as “natural born” as the property of the father, and if only more so due the polygamy of his seeded a conceived bastard but as to a wife number 2, by how consenting - consented to conception as yet but a “The Soviet Studies Love Child Barack, Jr.”.

I do not know so cannot proffer to how Barack Obama as so “natural born” was not first an American Citizen by birth due the polygamy or bigamy issues of law as to supposedly his mother’s “marriage” - so a “shotgun marriage” wasn’t necessarily kosher by laws of these united states of the Americas due her mated with as already being one married and to at least one of his allowed quantity of wifies.  So we are past NOAH to it yet Hillary Clinton is broached by the political waves of that Donald Trump old legal queries raised have yet to be fully answered - at least by our highest courts, - and as to the religiousness of if Father Obama by his laws and expectations at conception did properly own his son more than America had a right to try to claim for wifie number 2, as how consented to “natural born” as “under God”.

Oy, right!  Is it that Donald Trump has Holier ground now to stand on than Mrs. Clinton?  Mrs. Clinton hasn’t even tried to prove it otherwise - at least to any jurisprudence suffice. 

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of further attempts at Holy negations her recent “bridging” “demolishments” less an iceberg than just as if she were the riveter of her ship and her riveted popping due her riveting mostly faulty.

Hillary Clinton chicanery now is so of furthered anti-literature political for convenient whimsy to trump it is becoming evident their ruses can amount to it due that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton doth become declared as Enemies Of The Church, - Enemies of the State - still to it welcome if the The Church of England would take a lead for Kingdom, so.

Hillary Clinton has long been known to myself as considered arrogant enough to think herself and her husband, as since em of Yale Law School coed days, as to a “we must be smarter than the Founding Fathers were, - and the 80th Congress”.  It is a new consideration of the Clintons’ long exposed arrogance to that NOAH must be also thought trumped, - set asunder, - of it that Jewish Law must just be, to them, ridiculous.

The anti-Constitution Clintons are enemies of these united states of the Americas quite as whence in earlier days it would have been from the start as considered akin to insurgents and of engagements willful to treasonous, to em at treason by negations coy ploys.  The established “The Clinton” is of them of decades of fronting coyly a proposition that these united states of America are now become to a state of “Post Constitution” reality.  The American Laws of governance by law have been negated but not yet noticed as negated - due too many near wholly ignorant of Constitution negations.

The anti-Constitution chicanery, hers, and his, has been bedded to a super worm viral capacity, to so set asunder regular order inconvenient to their selfish ambitions, from near day one in 1993 whence then sworn otherwise to it the duty of the office to be dedicated otherwise - actually dedicated to upholding what they were line by buried line building a super virus to undo, - they were recoding stealthily to negate the inconvenient, and especially the Holy basis in such most inconvenient.

Her chicanery, - right: the chicanery of Mrs. Clinton, is of Hillary Clinton advanced enough through the ages so conspiring at cloaked Holy negations to joined efforts to set asunder government by laws by recoding to “Extra-Constittution” Powers by viral undermining, to crashes to em of “Post Constitution” Power to that she has amassed through spousal husbandry enough acquired wrongness to be arguably now due to be cast, at least, as an ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, - ENEMY OF THE STATE, - ENEMY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, - AND ALL OF NOAH, TO MOSES  - OF JEWISH LAW.

By her Holy negations I declare it common sense that she is flawed, and never as though in their arrogance as ever smarter than Noah, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay, Madison, even most of the Founding Fathers, - and not even smarter than Richard M. Nixon when just a member of the 80th Congress. 

Case in point to proof em been ridiculous:  If we go along with “Post Constitution” the natural outcome is then not that they get all these “Extra-Constitution” Powers and allowances for graft akin “Public Corruption” but that they then by their own coding for “Post-C” are an em to need face the common sense of the Constitution to that the default - THE DEFAULT TO LAST KNOWN WORKING CONDITION - is to that Power if the Constitution is so VOIDED defaults not to Powers to the most ready at hand willy to be AUTOCRATS of and for AUTHORITARIAN to (Natural State Fascism) rule - for it is deeply coded to be like Holy established and incontrovertible that Powers under such a conundrum do default to the People to their state’s constitutions and to that then the office of President Mrs. Clinton coyly seeking then has no legal basis for existence, - is illegitimate, - in whole there then by Clintons’ “reasoned” no basis for the courts or the federal government.

Case in point to further proof em been ridiculous:  Her/their work at Holy negations of roots to NOAH and MOSES - Jewish Law - as points to proof against them.  We have the said TOLERANCE recoding to decree and end to intolerance now also to POLYGAMY OR BIGAMY.  If not already then twil be by whence any trumpets waft waves of agreement suffice to a seating of Hillary Clinton, by all the irregular means necessary for such to be effected, the twas done to a suffice that TOLERANCE of POLYGAMY should be of no bigotry of tolerance, - POLYGAMY must forward be accepted without any prejudice.

President Barack Hussein Obama legacy cannot be respected if there is prejudice, also forward, to how he is as conceived as the son of his father to the House of Obama of Muslim & Kenyan tribal patriarchal law traditions and as “natural born” to (rightful) of bigamy with rights extant for polygamy.  Mrs. Clinton cannot escape that an election of Mrs. Clinton would also de-establish by Holy negations the nation from monogamy, and from against adultery.

Hillary Clinton’s character is to be questioned, and biblically, at least, at least to biblical establishments of “Adam” and “Eve”.

Hillary Clinton’s character should be under full frontal assault - evermore, - forever more. 

Hillary Clinton’s character as her casting stones - throwing stones - at Donald Trump on issues she has not innocence suffice to be to Christian while picking up and throwing stones. 

The core matters common to these displayed moments of Hillary Clinton of casting stones as if a Christian innocent enough to judge another are yet of the “The Clinton” as of compromised and unworthy by either to such acts of judging another for sins one is arguably more heinously compromised of guilt for as for many past deeds of past decades.  Hillary Clinton has been un-Christian while trying still to be Un-American by being for a “Post Constitution” Powers as if Clintons can be crowned of “Extra-Constitution” Power yet by decades at cloaked recoding efforts for Holy negations.

Hillary Clinton’s character is fitting #CrookedHillary and #HeinousHillary.  And, and especially, now still #ItsTheClintons_STUPID.

The “The Clinton” as for the “House of Clintons” is to that bigamy and polygamy cannot be now postured by Democrats as not also undone.  Any Democrat, if possibly electable, now to follow on the Obama story as a story of a first born bastard conceived yet to a Kenyan and Muslim man of rights to have such as a second wife/mother must not parse from the tolerance politics already forwarded to that polygamy must be legal and the law of the land by the extant recent of rulings by the Supreme Court on matters relating to what once was always firstly the jurisdiction of religiousness, not U.S. Congress or the Courts.

It has been torn asunder!  Most of the coy ploys to set asunder the governance by laws inconvenient to the Clintons’ ambitions have been mostly, albeit temporarily, set asunder.  Too many are now too accepting of the words of the Clintons as if righteous, holy, or even safe.

It has been set asunder!  Bigamy and Polygamy are proofs to it proofing proofed the Holy negations have been popularly, by simple majority, - writ not to be seriously trusted, propped up and are standing as if can actually be workable as law.

In his letter to the Jews of Newport, - George Washington’s letter to Rhode Island Jews - tolerance was parlayed - or pared - to that by the Constitution as under God as “ordained” “done” subscribed” People’s “Order” in the “Year of our Lord” there yet is the separation of Church and State as a vertical separation by that Congress was denied superiority and a right to interpret scripture as a greater right to be supremely held over the People.  There is the letter to the Jews to that there would be no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” is where there is the humble religious freedom for the separation set vertical to that Congress and the Government is under “our Lord” of the Christian Calendar but not above the People or the states in matters of religion - in matters of establishments of religion - in matters of the tenets of religion.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be even politically casting stones at Donald Trump for the records of the past decades are phat with circumstances of the Clinton spousal husbandry of planting and fertilizing arguably worse “business” practices.

Hillary Clinton has no Christian standing to be but to that POLYGAMY, if there ever enough majority for all the barriers prudently set to halt peoples of resumes of such deficient and unsettling “character” to be crossed, now for Mrs. Clinton must be President William Jefferson Clinton’s own right. Her “Hun The Enabler” rap is also to suffice to carry this as broached upon the vessel “HILLARY”. 

The issue for the soaps now, as if a Constitution set asunder as if times to “POST CONSTITUTION” and as not to the default as writ to then of the People to their rights and state’s constitutions, is of layers and layers of coy ploys at Holy negations, - her/their chicanery - dark magic - unholy machinations.

Case in point to her/their chicanery as “Holy negations” as of acts over decades of by lawyers at thought cloaked how em to trying to set asunder the Constitution to yet have a “POST CONSTITUTION” popularism for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers more akin to TOTALITARIANISM:  Besides the Constitution default is if VOID so to that People have their state’s constitutions and their religions there is that by the Clintons’ postured “reasoned” there is the fault to that if the Constitution is VOID there then is no legitimacy for the office she now if of em running to try to hold together again.

So whether to be a next Democrat to then honor a past Democrat(s) it is unwise to even nominate Mrs. Clinton for she would then, if ever elected and past the obstacles to bar inadequacy, be to the soapy next chapter great expectations, however a FEMINIST, to being expected to sooned, not later, be to a ceremony in the WHITE HOUSE and to give a share of her’s away by giving WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON some away to have his rightful and legal BIGAMY, - an actual wife number 2 then whom he could share their home with, - in perpetuity, - til death do em part.

The big issue of today, this political week, is quite though that Hillary Clinton has no Christian right to be casting all these stones at Donald Trump.  This is akin her other big problem that won’t go away as to that due a spouse of WJC she is not to incriminate President Clinton, like not allowed to even use TRUTH as stones against her spouse.  Though she isn’t clean enough to cast stones on these “business practices” questionable of Donald Trump she is still too dirty and sworn from truth as an option for any service as President for she where the truth is that is was/is President Bill Clinton’s fault she as dirty or clean as his spouse is not by law allowed to reveal the actual or dominant historical facts.

Generally it must be accepted that THE TRUTH IS NOT AN OPTION TO HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.

Dark magic they have been decades at to have an Un-Constitution popularism to suffice to be to a #NaturalStateFascism as the #ClintonFascism the #HillaryFascism for they cannot abide any questioning their authoritarianism - there necessary setting asunder of “liberal democracy” prudence in open and full debate, for starters.  They must only be further to Holy negations.

This is more mature than for just “HOGWARTS” or “HARRY POTTER” elementary magic studies, - this is long worked already much past “NOAH 101″ and also against “MOSES” and the “JEWISH LAW” in the “TEN COMMANDMENTS”!

We still have the prudence of George Washington as literate and illuminating on vicissitudes incident to life as to that the Constitution even for Newport, Rhode Island Jews is for no “bigotry of tolerance”! 

We still have the prudence of George Washington and to that the Clintons must never have been as recalled em thought as like to “we must be smarter than the founding fathers were” and …!

We still have the prudence of George Washington to save us from any fallen or already to bent to the Clintons’ coy ploys for a AUTHORITARIAN powers by Holy negations especially as to for “EXTRA-CONSTITUTION” Powers by cloaked recoding to attempt to assuage enough popular blind faith for “POST CONSTITUTION” postured for more convenient power grabbing.

The American literature of George Washington must endure!  We must endear a commitment forward anew to that there shall be no bigotry of tolerance, - to that Jewish in these united states of the Americas doth too have religious freedom for the Constitution ordained the separation of church and state as veritical, though in the Christian Calendar.

Where Democrats may further abide the Clintons decades against the originalism for “liberal democracy” basis and to so be to FASCISM better in these times as defined as a “movement of the Left” there is much danger beyond any expectation that bigamy and polygamy should be legal forever more to honor the stories of President Clinton and the bastard conception consent to bigamy seeming his all so very personal story as a conceived “Soviet Studies Love Child”.

Where there are even just Democrats for Hillary Rodham Clinton there is DANGER, and beyond what hopes lives in that these united states of the Americas had yet seemed improved to it recently near only Hillary Clinton voters seeming em still believing the Clintons’ lies.

Democrats forward must embrace that any President Clinton forward means Hillary Clinton to be expected, due Bill Clinton’s nature, to be having to ceremonially in the White House to giving her husband away some to a legal marriage to an actual wife number 2. 

Democrats are in perilous times for such as much this all entails is of vast Holy negations that likely may set asunder what though a union of their own.

We still have the prudence of George Washington for now.  The Clintons due not abide his literate use of “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as if what “George” got from “Martha” could ever be enough compensation.  Hillary Clinton is unholy and un-Christian while casting stones at Donald Trump for the Clintons’ “business” “practices” have always too much put monetary values on like everything.  The “Public Corruption” tag on the Clintons “official” practiced is much to pivot on that “pecuniary” and “emoluments” as to foreign agents or foreign dollars is and never was definable as “of that just means money”!

There is we still should have the prudence of George Washington, and at least Alexander Hamilton, as guidance to how separations must be vertical, - not horizontal, - not of the federal Government as able to trump God.  Congress is to make no law respecting an establishment of religion for the tenets of religions are of the jurisdiction of the People as a trump card to their Federal Government. 

The First Amendment speaks to that Congress can make no law to have a superiority over tenets of faith - of over tenets of religion.

Jews also have religious freedom by our Constitution because the Constitution is humbly “subscribed” “People” “Order” “done” under God as set done by humble men in the “Year of our Lord”!

There shall be no “bigotry of tolerance” so scribed by George Washington as early American Literature for the Holy cannot be negated, even for popularism like of the Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry (cloaked) coy ploys and chicanery of ambition.

No first marriage is safe under the political practiced of the Clinton “two-fer”!

And, Donald Trump may find few are even clean enough to be even a Christian allowed to be righteous as if casting stones upon him, - even over how Barack Hussein Obama may be “natural born” as “under God” as firstly and dominantly the property of his Kenyan father, - even as “natural born citizen” may need firstly be to the Holy that was of the Creator about creation to a bastard conceived a “Soviet Studies Love Child” of an American women seemingly consenting to be at least by Kenyan and Muslim Law as but wife number 2.

To fight the bad dark magic, many should reconsider if Hillary Clinton isn’t as has been too beset to Holy negations as to now at least be declared AN ENEMY OF THE STATE, - EVEN AN ENEMY OF THE CHURCH, OF ROME AND THE UNITED KINGDOM.

Let us commit ourselves to not allowing this nonsense to get to President Clinton (D)(F) to giving away a share of her spouse President (D)(M) Clinton to a wife number 2 then of rights to also abide in marriage at the White House.  REALLY!!!

The tolerance for fellow man is best kept within the bounds of George Washington at American Literature to their is to be by the Constitution no “BIGOTRY OF TOLERANCE” and to how such has been as writ to that matters of such are not for Congress, not for the Federal Government, for such is to that Holy scriptures are like writ “living documents” so that the People’s Order that constitutes the more perfect Union needn’t be.

Peoples dirty laundry and individual community grievances are not to be considered the duty of the Congress, - such is for “community organizations” and firstly as to that such of “religion” is the attempt to be of the all for the all to that “neighborly” is possible and written to how disciplined can be forward to comity for community as “neighbors” yet e-together always e-gathered from divisible.

For now as a #Hillary2016 endures there is that we are becometh of a times already beset to a popularism to unsettled as if new law.  These times are already like ripe of the above as if a new “normal”! 

An only way left to defeat such dark magic at efforts decades cloaked of coy ploys for chicanery to as written to un-written by Holy negations maybe be for at least the CHURCH OF ROME to declare “HILLARY CLINTON IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE OF ROME!”

The Constitution as Order ordained and established done in “Year of our Lord” gives no power to Congress to be superior to the People in matters of religious establishment - in any interpretation of tenets of individual’s religiousity.  Much that the Clintons’ want for political convenience for popularism to AUTHORITARIAN Powers allowed for them are so forbidden.

In 2016 the definition of “FASCISM” must be better set out in these times as a movement of the Left, as against “liberal democracy” as the original intent, and as using a bigotry of tolerance to coy ploys on “tolerance” while using vast machinations to work an intolerance to any not swallowing whole their them to as if the only authority - of them the AUTHORITARIANS.

Oh, you can believe me to that Hillary Clinton is un_Christian casting stones at Donald Trump “business practices”!

Oh, you can believe my humbly pressed reveals to that the Clintons past “official” “practices” of at least that they cut $2 Trillion from 1993 to 2001 are arguable far more criminal to consciences than such Mrs. Clinton now a first casting stones upon.

Oh, you can believe me beyond all the revealed that substantiates in the #Cats (categories) here like of #QUEEN, #CGI, #SUSPECT, #CRUSADES, #QUIDPROQUO, #WARONWOMEN, #WHITEPRIDE, AND #TREASON, for starters, and, too because well I am he that challenged J.K. Rowling to write 7 books on magic as to be to teach one year per book for seven years as too for morals of real life, and, too because #HarryPotter and #Hogwarts are still to my #HOGAN heart to that ward don’t grow up to be like warts under even HOGAN’S skin, and, too because, well, I have known these Clintons since the early 1970s and they personally kept me in the loop (accidentally to their purposes) over their decades plotting.

Yes ye of Emma,  I really did challenge J.K. Rowling to write seven books as around a character idea of a basis on young neighbors like “wards” of a “Pete Rowe-ling” … “& posse”.  I did so without spelling out to J.K. Rowling that such as flowing from my musing was to then work good magic hopefully to protect a new generation, at least, from the Clintons, these Clintons, these efforts of the Clintons I now am of pressing in hindsight about, without contradiction to by foresight alarms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:21 am

Pilgrim, this is about you. What follows is inescapably about you, pilgrim. 

Pilgrim, there is no where right to run to, it is time to stand and defend with social media your nonviolence weapon.

Whether you take a cotton to Mr. Trump these times are bigger than all of us, - so big there is no where right to run to. THINK, and STAND.

Personally I, myself, I, he whom Donald Trump got the APPRENTICE show idea from, - I J. P. Hogan - accept that I mustn’t be a first Catholic to get along with a Queens’ Presbyterian.  It is that I was too seriously engaged in unsolicited national ‘work’ of helping America be great, or still survive, when I shared such idea, - it is that Mr. Trump liked the idea too much for me to be part of it due I was then too seriously at the ‘work’ of political writing, and in a tight loop.  I, at most, saw 1 1/2 episodes, only.  The Protestantism of Mr. Trump seems to secure him from being a fascist.  More and more each day it feels as if I will soon yet be working closely with “Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump” - and not as an apprentice.

I accept that I mustn’t be a first Catholic (as like of regular respect as a not an attendee) (of Irish American Catholic tags) to get along with the ilk of Mr. Trump - with the ilk of Queens’ Presbyterians.

Pilgrim, you are secured by your bible and your 2nd Amendment rights, - your Bill of Rights is like 10 for 10 as an enumeration that all of People are secured as of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 Commandments, and especially, by the 2nd Amendment, if it is a government violating the 10 Commandments against your rights from your Creator.

FACEBOOK may not be the best media, a best social media platform for what you stand for, and need stand and defend against, but it, as a weapon of nonviolence in the hands of conservatives, is and is locked and loaded for your efforts to great civil obedience, and any civil disobedience intra-party to the Democrat Establishment that candidate Bernie Sanders supporters will hopefully need, - the likes of FACEBOOK, - not the exclusivity of just one of a kind of populated interactive social media platforms, and the linked web of them of ecosystems.

Pilgrim, it is a reset supreme for high intelligence that the say “Democrats Constitution” has been shown as no constitution actually established, - actually ordained.  Your constituted People’s Order endures!  Your protections writ so that you have rights to defend against any violate of the 10 Commandments against you, are to endear, - as secured.

Donald Trump, pilgrim, still has problems with his think on the Middle East, these are being worked through and worked to a higher workable intelligence, as time allows. 

A quickie with Mr. Trump, for each pilgrim, who still believes in their freedoms as of “GREAT” of America, is yet to consider Iraq, Syria, & Ukraine synchronize of a commonality as like three more secular socialist states that effectively crossed lines to being too irreligious, - as a toe in to that leaving Saddam Hussein in power as President Clinton like left as the only option, was not ever an actual workable option.

Deeper to the general paradigm complexities, of Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump progressing through the “It’s complicated!”, remains a great embarrassing failure of the left, of Obama, of what would too to have been President Hillary Clinton’s grand failures inescapable imports. The Democrats attempt at intellectualizing on the Middle East by yet trying to bend truths to fit with their partisan agendas has failed and stays failing much for they have yet to confess to that their big miss, - their BIG OMISSION - remains that it seems they just never saw to blame themselves, and for their tech agenda strong armed partisan dictum, while they progressed as if the unrest in the Middle East couldn’t be due people having more internet access, and such to youths across the Gulf Countries feeling inklings for greater freedom(s).

Donald Trump seems immune enough to the past ridiculousness of the dictums so strong armed of the LEFT - and recovering daily from how such was carried by too many biased media, old and new, and to them now like taking defensives stands by ad hominems quite substandard as like “yellow journalism” without cause, - justification but as a needed defense.

Deeper, again, to the general paradigm complexities, of Gulf Countries and the #NewGOP of #TRUMP, is it has always been quite an ignorant policy to just blame President George W. Bush as the ignoramuses have shown themselves wrong at “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” unless the DOT COM BOOM and new e-stirrings to that the INTERNET of things also reached the Middle East are so to have only happened thanks to President George W. Bush.

Cursory for a easier copacetic to how the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, has been more jack booted of a politics of to partisanship more dangerously close to #FASCISM please jog your neural pathways, - THINK - intellectualize to if battles concurrent across the Levant are as can be historical as like a MUSLIM TEA PARTY, or, as like a PEOPLES MOVEMENT FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY - RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.  Wonder with the INTERNET OF THINGS to having also reached so many youths and agile of ISLAM how AMERICA DEMOCRATS didn’t report on having considered like how PRESIDENT BUSH was more an innocent for such of these troubles can figure as naturally having occurred due the liberating effects of so much power in every individual’s own palms.

A conundrum to pare:  Are there now more QURANS being carried about around the world daily - as like a most popular and relied upon “pocket book” “paperback” - than BIBLES or just NEW TESTAMENT books?  Are there more QURAN apps in daily use than BIBLE apps?

I am comfortable that Queens’ Presbyterian Donald Trump, the Republican Presumptive Nominee, is enough a friend to Catholics and of all of the Americas, and too the not too stoked of Islamic - to of princes of peace, however booked, as yet not stoked to inflamed to as if called to be vigilantes.

The Republicans also some still have Donald Trump’s Middle East rendition as a problem across their ranks, - Saddam Hussein would also have been powerless, while more a powder keg, to the liberation by the invasion of the internet - “internet of things”!

There is much here more deeply, and as archived, or sorted by #Cats (categories) by subject or keyword, to sustain these shares; there is much in “IRAQ WAR WAS WRONG” that can be pared and corrected; there is much to that Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine have been firstly as like having happened, due the “internet of things” liberation, as to it now three more secular socialist states have also failed and for having some time been to some how like across the Rubicon of having become too irreligious.

It should be so embarrassing how to more they were ignoramuses and not intelligentizers of intelligent politics, now, - now as they have droned warfare near eight years on false premises and erred narratives while like not even considering bible editions while wielding their guns - their Powers as of office of Commander in Chief. 

Perchance you know, pilgrim, if their “Rhodes” standard was so substandard to be below the Rhodes Scholarship’s.

Perchance you should now, really by now, if Bill Clinton used his FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP and time in the United Kingdom as but to be contrary to the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” as by being studious, and thought prepared, to like set it asunder so that the CIVIL WAR could have a new ending and to that at least SOUTHERN WHITES could have the CLINTONS as like KING & QUEEN, - as like as under AUTOCRACY and TOTALITARIANISM due subversive willful acts to subvert country to more just of subjects under a POWER as if an actuable “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”?

Pilgrim, please shake off any old thoughts and inclinations to be with the LEFT as against clinging to “BIBLES AND GUNS”!

Pilgrim, please, intellectual, however now needed to suffice, from the ignorant ignoramuses politics that ignored that the ‘INTERNET OF THINGS’ is more rightly to blame than PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH.

Pilgrim, please, flex your neuronic muscles - your mental mass - your high intellectualism - your faith in humanity - for to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN we must have critical masses, ecosystems of at least e-gathered together, respectful to that a SIMPLE TAG also upon such which must be most embarrassing to the LEFT is now as well:


Note:  Peoples of the Levant are maybe a least likely to have missed BIBLE originalism of imports of “neighbors” or ”neighbor’s” of TEN COMMANDMENTS to that princes of peace brethren are of brotherhood and sisterhood but where and when bearing false witness and covetousness are legally limited to like only BAD when effected against or upon “neighbors”! - and as kindred to QURAN! ???

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:24 pm

Donald Trump may currently be the most dangerous viable candidate in the 2016 Presidential Race. Donald Trump is wrong on the Iraq War!

As Governor Bush, and Mrs. Clinton, most recently as number 2 at Bill Clinton’s foundation, are so set asunder as too “establishment” we are left with Businessman candidate Trump as likely the most dangerous viable now.

The establishment has fallen much ado about this conundrum: 


Though Senator Bernie Sanders seems a viable candidate he reasons to be not as dangerous as related to Arabian Peninsula factors.  Marc Morial of the Urban League may have a flawed view of the federal government roll in the economics of the People, but this may be of what “Berners” will at least incidentally pull “Bernie” to a fix for or better parity to.  To understand Marc Morial’s flaw is to also become akin to the errs that can justify Donald Trump’s war “mistakes” and as Bernie Sanders rallies against the “establishment” decades of worked confusions.

Neither Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio, nor Senator Ted Cruz seem possibly as dangerous as Businessman Donald Trump, at least as per variables factors of particularly the Arabian Peninsula.

It behoove (camels or horses usage) forward we discern a righteousness for #TRUTH and especially now as New York City is falling victim to top down political cuts of vast tens of millions of funds for the preparedness to prevent or respond to terrorism.

Urban League Marc Morial’s seeming flaw on the federal government roll in economics pairs to how now we must pare to the core the responsibilities of peoples to their communities, and, as such it part of the Donald Trump errors of consideration of a right or wrong per the Iraq War.  Bernie Sanders, yes as seems a viable candidate, is awakening masses to a synchronicity such that he seems far less dangerous than Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.

An unknown of how that Donald Trump can be said so wrong on the Iraq War is yet how for now it is the best political strategy to unleash the truths of the establishment of Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as that they are yet more wrong than he concurrently.  Political strategy may justify not justifying the years 1993 to 2001 and/or 2001 to 2009 for his opponents; if Bush or Clinton can defend themselves while seemingly more wrong than Trump it is cost effective and prudent that a claim is put upon them that what they were of parties to was WRONG, though maybe while such claim is also wrong, - for Posterity.

A known is to be unearthed better for those dedicated enough to try to forensically determine a pathology of if Bush or Clinton is more wrong than the other;  for the committed to knowing how Operation Iraqi Freedom was a necessary and proper prosecution of Saddam Hussein there are the vast volumes of old columns here sort in the categories, and more by keyword searches of site locally by at least: ISIS.  That it is posited that it was right to “prosecute” Saddam Hussein leaves open the realm of how Trump can be more right than Bush and Clinton; - That the posit is so yet begs that the decidings of how/when/why were flawed enough to almost affirm the position contrary of Trump2016 (and maybe any “old Trump” in archives too!).

An essence of a black and white clarity can be to sharpness better when tuned to the Iraq Surge story, and as the story of it odd that only then was President George W. Bush (brought) to considering that the best strategy for winning in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was much that which was the COMMUNITY POLICING outta a central bunker mentality and back to beats and “local” precincts.

What won the IRAQ SURGE was the attitude of clearing AND holding that was core to how New York City Transit under Chief William Bratton, and then too TIMES SQUARE, and other metropolitan jurisdictions, then as yet a morphed to public - private continuation that how LAS VEGAS was “cleaned up”!  (Yes, I write as one who specifically like blogged to teach this (surprisingly so late into war) to DC media markets publicly before it was agreed that such as the IRAQ SURGE could be attempted, - tried in lieu of cutting and running while other options still were strategically available, and untried.)

Armed Forces of these united states of the Americas, and your families, and friends, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary and proper, though terribly late, giving of teeth to the UNITED NATIONS sanctions.  Only the leaders so today’s “establishment” being run outta Power are really to be blamed for that though right to have done (and done much sooner as best to have been done more in synchronicity to COMMUNITY POLICING gains, - as like best by 1996 - by before a second Clintons’ term) and done so lately, it remains that it can be said never to have been done well, or right, at the top.

How Marc Morial errs on the federal government roll in economics is common core to the Trump flaws on “IRAQ WAR WAS WRONG” lacking pronouncements.  Think it through!!! REALLY THINK IT THROUGH!!!

Sanders, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz all may be safer as smarter in a more universal enlightened composed.

All are like the “UN-CLINTON” these times need as much, - really more even than “UN-BUSH”!  The “establishment” being befallen are rotten nearly of political incestuous to the necessary realms for bipartisanship are outta bounds due irreconcilable differences all parties “establishment” have been exercised politically too much as if to affect gag orders from #TRUTHS the People must become sufficiently aware of in order now for New York City to maintain sufficient public safety as “establishment” President Barack H. Obama slashes muscularly through their/own defense budgets.

Marc Morial’s flaw is akin a common core to Donald Trump’s errs - - - It like misses why COMMUNITY POLICING worked and to how it also worked as adjusted to THE IRAQ SURGE - - - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM did less to destabilize the Middle East than that IRAQ invade KUWAIT, and with SADDAM HUSSEIN of thinking he would be able to keep it.

The Government is to protect the field(s) and to have mediation methods available for Justice, - not to plan an predetermined outcome against vicissitudes incident to romance / romantic / human behavior / freedom “economics”!  Bill Clinton did not offer Iraqi majority equal Justice.

President Bill Clinton is the most guilty decider as the destabilization was cast to happen and nearly nothing he postured was more than but a delaying tactic, - Clinton did not try to fix Iraq, and so did not try to fix the PERSIAN GULF region! #STICKER_IT #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

Philadelphia is lost!  The foundations of freedom have been forsaken!  Conventions lots now as cracked from prudence as the Liberty Bell from original tolls concordance!

In this new year so the Year of our Lord, so calendar proper, as established by the “Order” as a new more perfect Constitution, and now advanced to two thousand ten and six, the imports of “American” are set asunder by posturing as if Mrs. Clinton endears and to enough of clean hands to wear white to a Philadelphia Convention, and its Balls.

No American’s six is covered if em not participant in doubting, and intellectualizing of a conundrum too enduring of it that: Republicans and Democrats approved new President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State when it was Senator Mrs. Clinton up for review.  That inadequate intellectualizing of the “its complicateds” was a new much lower standard than was the practice when the founding fathers worked through philosophies of governance for freedom to endure.

No American’s six is covered if em has not worked it through that there is a position of prudence unresolved of that Senator Mrs. Clinton was not constitutionally allowed to be Secretary of State. That there was a bipartisanship to voting Mrs. Clinton out of the Senate like at the first opportunity is yet alarming not comforting.  Such a “collective” was wrong and greatly erring in governance, not just politics, by signing on favorably to that Mrs. Clinton could be, by their agreement, a Cabinet Secretary.

Candidate Donald Trump as broached that there must be particulars to reign forever forward as examples after the fact to why this must have been wrongly agreed to, - the examples set by Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State do rate near enough to “WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” and yet Donald Trump is being as much still just a tease upon the culpas of Clinton, and as weak, or light, (on political facts) as say candidate Governor Jeb Bush while posturing that Mrs. Clinton would “squash” candidate Trump.  Yet, it is most appalling, and to that I, personally, am tired of Chris Wallace as on Mrs. Clinton so regularly as to that he postures Mrs. C. as if so clean enough to wear that white gown to Philadelphia for a crowning at the 2016 Democrat Party Convention.

We all are still suffering from the collective stupid, that is most haunting still, as it is by Congress by the Senate by 98 to 2 that Mrs. Clinton was approved to be a Cabinet Secretary, while the prudence of the foundations of freedom, and too the nation wide work of the eightieth Congress to the 22 Amendment ratification, for it now riles, especially on the issues of feminism, and where equal rights must have limits, for it now riles that besides her troubling “legacy” there is yet that there is a clear logic to the meaning and intent of freedoms protection by constituted greatest Law that Mrs. Clinton was never Constitutionally allowed to be a Cabinet Secretary.  This we must intellectualize and discuss through just to now have a chance to protect our sixes.

There is no intelligent rationale for support of Mrs. Clinton!

e.g.:  Besides President Obama Nobel Peace Prize orated of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance” as a slap on President Clinton there is the most ironic, so irony too of politicals extant, that it isn’t already just scandal that there is a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

e.g.:  President Clinton somehow is so cleaned up he isn’t cause for Mrs. Clinton, at least to FOX Chris Wallace “news” floating, to not be tarred as improper to be broadcast in white. 

e.g.:  President Clinton is oddly fronted by too many, by too many as even of both parties still, in a ridiculous 2016 politics for HILLARY2016 as if he was and is PERFECT.

e.g.:  It is politically and historically ridiculous that a white gown for Mrs. Clinton is plausible fashion especially because though the Obama foreign and domestic policies were based on a new foundation of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” Mrs. C. herself as if Diplomatic is now evidently of the story that President Obama did govern more like George W. Bush and Richard M. Nixon for his (few?) successes than any where as if like William J. Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton, like President Obama, is ridiculous now in new year at politics forward as if President Clinton can be a good front man for either global diplomacy or growth economics.  Mrs. Obama, as First Lady Michelle, must be riled to steaming that all her work to lower youth obesity could be set back by letting the Clintons’ together reset irresponsible dietary behavior, by their example.  Mrs. Obama seems to be stuck in a pickle to that at least President Clinton is a barrel of lies before the collective conscience, however too many not yet conscious to such scandalous so extant.  Mrs. Obama should be the last fashionista to ever, if ever, support the propping up of Mrs. Clinton as if now forward as of any Propriety for a white gown for Philly conventions.

Mrs. Obama is maybe the person in the whole world to most lose by a repackaging of Mrs. Clinton! - the repackaging so, personally, reprehensible as also witnessed present too unprofessionally by FOX in regularity by Chris Wallace!  Mrs. Obama has more than her own six to worry about as the floating for Mrs. Clinton is of so many institutionally compromised!

It must have been wrong, but more symptomatic of a disease in the body politics of these united states of the Americas, than endemic as a one off when the Senate by 98 to 2 did wrongly approve Senator Clinton into a Cabinet Secretary spot in the line of succession to the Presidency.  It was of a collective stupid already then advanced to the onset of the foundations of freedom as set asunder by popular unsettling of prudence in jurisprudence, especially as to the great Law as Constitutional Law.

All must now deeply dig into their own intellects to discern that feminism populars and to how popular spin was broadcast to brainwash even them from seeing the right and from stopping the wrong. 

Remember it is as it was written that President Clinton is whom President Obama berated with his Nobel Peace Prize oration and as it is historical that Mrs. Clinton would be wrong, and ironic, if to selling Mrs. C. to a third term, like, like as a William J. Clinton third term as her’s, most particularly because though she survived by the blame and go politics, as materially political as a Secretary that wasn’t supposed to be political in “office” while her/their dictum was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” as it mostly so that the successes of President Obama have been, even while of the Clinton State Department, as while politically secured for “politics” at State by the “TEAM OF RIVALS” acquiesced to by a weak new President Obama!

It was all along that mostly to succeed they had to govern as more like George W. Bush that William J. Clinton, that they/she did have to avoid the truth as the truth wasn’t an option to Mrs. Clinton, and while ironically also needing to be more like the good Richard M. Nixon, for as like it was collective stupidity that she even just had any Republicans affirm her to State, it yet is reigning in still a general collective stupid for as a spouse (regardless of sex) she wasn’t allowed to “work” the angles of her duty where such was properly to the intelligence at how it was more ALL CLINTON’S FAULT for she like Bill Cosby’s wife, as of personal and work relationships blurred, was set by marriage laws to that a spouse (regardless of sex) is not supposed to incriminate the other spouse.

As we wait to see if Donald Trump is also as ineffective at defeating his proclaimed as “THE WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER” as Governor Jeb Bush has been at defeating the HILLARY2016, and as it ridiculous that Jeb Bush hasn’t been able to defend his brother or his father while the Clinton Machine yet floats William J. Clinton as “BILL CLINTON WAS/IS PERFECT”!

It was madness that the Senate ever approved the Obama nomination of Senator Clinton to head the State Department at a Cabinet Secretary level duty.   It is clearly logical and simply arguable that it was never even constitutional that President Obama did nominate Mrs. Clinton to a post of duty in the line of succession, and particularly specifically  because by marriage laws she was then a spouse whom had truth not as an option for she was by laws one not supposed to incriminate William J. Clinton!

It has been ridiculous to watch Governor Jeb Bush inadequacy at defeating the Clinton machine! It has been sad to see FOX Chris Wallace of a regularity to also treat Mrs. Clinton too as if a dear sister, yet somehow floatable as if she could be ever proper in a white gown say for Philadelphia, of old, and especially as near tolling a commencing for the 2016 Democrat Party Convention. 

Now, it forward in this year, seems Donald Trump may just be a weak lightweight just too a tease when of bloviating to “HILLARY CLINTON WAS A WORST SECRETARY OF STATE!”

Now, it forward in this year, is that the politics are dire and compromised from especially that Mrs. William J. Clinton did when Senator receive that 98 to 2 affirmation to President Barack H. Obama nomination.  We cannot fix what threatens our sixes if we do not break away from the popular and re-establish a prudence even around the floated feminisms as fashioned for extra-Constitutional exceptions.

i.e.:  Right!  That is!  This is spot on to how Mrs. Clinton is more fitting a blood stained shawl, with gauche as broached, for as by law truth was not an option to her while tasked to the duty and service and trust of the State Department, as to Diplomacy without the politics, she was then never not Political, and always firstly a rival to the President, beyond he acquiesced to a “TEAM OF RIVALS” empowerment of the Clintons as ‘working’ “rivals” as to working it as their rivaling globally regularly, for Mrs. William J. Clinton needed to avoid the truth that much wasn’t ever BUSH’S FAULT and as she intimately must have always known such was a necessary political cover-up cover-story to protect her from having to officially incriminate her spouse, and herself for her days as that engaged First Lady Hillary.

RESOLVED?:  Mrs. Clinton was Constitutionally never allowed to be elected President after the 22nd Amendment limited the Clinton Administration from more Executive Power sharing!  Mrs. Clinton also therefore was never Constitutionally allowed to be nominated nor approved to be in the line of succession to the Presidency, and so to further Executive Power spousal sharing.  Mrs. Clinton in service as Secretary of State has set the example that proofs such the Rule, and in it particularly specifically that while head of the State Department truth was not an option, and every decision had to be political, spousally firstly.

RESOLVED?:  We now, though witness to it ridiculous Governor Jeb Bush has flailed at defeating, one so like a sister, are also now bearing witness to it ridiculous Donald Trump is showing still as like a lightweight tease to weak in politics to have himself yet have defeated so easy to defeat yet of the machinations of a said great political “Clinton Machine” (like a new and now global Tammany scheme for patronage to partisan biasing internationally).

Key too: http://bit.ly/TwoHistories
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

{At any time this may seem too much for you - to honest yet contrary to your believed - please use site search pane to take a break with warren’s spun, however they present in backwards order, - please take a break from #PoetJPHogan “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” to read of fare to be sorted by a search here by just:  RABBITS.}

[NOTE: Please cover the childrens’ ears! - send them out to play! - or send them to their rooms!  This is for mature readers, - responsible audiences!  It is best for these todays that we keep from the children how important they are, and how true such has been sung especially with “THE CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” of “THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL”.]

How can the Islamic State be yet a recognized organized like a Muslim Tea Party as justly to a Muslim Trinity by an effecting successful to sovereignty contrary to Levant boundaries extant as mapped for seriousness?

We must be to the incorruptible in “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” but to open minds beyond a partisan “political correctness” so to hashing out all the smoking “guns” of the Clintons’ corruptions, foreign and domestic, - global, - galactic.

“IT TAKES A VILLAGE” is a horrendous title as it is like a cancer as a bad corrupted metaphor!  “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” is no “IT TAKES A VILLAGE”! - For the children we must maturely press out PROS and CONS!

NOW!  We must press forward (for the children) a better pressing of GOOD vs EVIL, - noted, - sourced, - posted, - shared “PUBLIC”!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” isn’t fit to be the needed good carbons for composting kitchen waste, - isn’t fit to be of the 2/3rds said of good carbons needed for the table and counter scraps to metamorph with a catalyst to compost, - to black gold, - to then be fertilizer, for real!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” should be broadcast globally, even galactically, as dangerous propaganda, as a tool to brainwash masses by a lot sized preyed upon to become, as unawares unknowing, to then like mental half mindeds goosed, somehow, to railroaded for Posterity beset to for the “THE CLINTONS” and to em owed tributes, and heralding by name, yes galactically, with loyalty supposed to a fidelity to their imperial standard, - their own “flag” for partisanship in the “CLINTON” name!

Don’t stop the presses!  Run for the PROS and CONS - a fresh POINT - COUNTER POINT, - detailed GOOD vs EVIL!  An Islamic State, if ever to be successful to an Muslim Trinity of a third way to a sovereignty pillared and bosomed in an Orthodox Islamic, must first proof it is as of Muslims, from the beginning, as for the children, too.  Right?

We should press on:  Discuss:  The Clintons’ surpluses were of a moral depravity! The Clintons cut too much too quickly!  The Clintons’ politics put unfunding/defunding ahead of helping others (in good times) (in times of plenty)! The Clintons’ politics is EVIL!

We must press on:  Discuss:  Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is personally responsible for more dead, - more killed, than any organized responsibles of either Al Qaeda or for an Islamic State can yet today claim excesses for, or confess to!  H.R. Clinton is culpable for the years as sold as W.J. Clinton’s “better half” as FLOTUS during the years 1993 to 2001; Mrs. W.J. Clinton must be pressed beyond cartooned to being of shoulders & hips forever evermore of carrying such a load of culpas, however she postures the “THE CLINTONS’” “greater GOOD”, - and as yet ever ever for Posterity as of any “lesser EVIL” than say Da’esh!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:





To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

The first Secretary of State to “serve” “under” President B.H. Obama inherited a warming with Middle East peoples, she did not herself figure nor affect a better relationship (potential) with the Government of Iran, nor its general population!  The President grossly erred in trying to govern with a “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” so highly placed!  President B.H. Obama is culpable but to understand how a lesser “EVIL” we should first press thoroughly at how “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” have not actually been in their machinations as for a greater “GOOD”!  President B.H. Obama inherited, like Secretary Mrs. H.R. Clinton a warming potential for with Iran from the hard choices and the sacrifices of the leadership by preceding administration of a FREEDOM AGENDA!  President B.H. Obama cannot not, it seems, ever consciously or righteously assuage an inherited ‘SUCCESS’ as to Mrs. W.J. Clinton as per Iran, as logically born from the avoidance and inaction of President W.J. Clinton and all associated as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  There is no TRUTH in a supposition, for preposterous, if such supposed is of posturing Mrs. W.J. Clinton, as Secretary of State, could have been successful “against” Iran with sanctions if President G.W. Bush had not rendered “TEETH” for sanctions after near a decade of President W.J. Clinton as toothless, - all gums, - soft!, - naive (at best)!

The first strategery to consider for any deciding about todays of for an Islamic State is how to those Constitutional of these united states of the Americas they are some a natural ally, - a group a mass not to be prejudiced as of an axis of “EVIL” (devoid of concern for the “small” - devoid a concern for the children forward!  President B.H. Obama should give “Joe” his chance now to prove he too isn’t too associated with the greater “EVIL” of H.R. Clinton and to giving the Vice President now a chance to be President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden!  President B.H. Obama should be too embarrassed now for how proofed so wrong and as so long so wrong to have been proven wrong longer that even his endured days as President so as to be noble and RESIGN!  There is arguably now CAMELOT chivalry to save the day from the TRUTHS dire of the “governance” by B.H. Obama, and so specifically for flawed by the too associated hands of CLINTON DEMOCRATS!  It is now small fig to date these todays how the numbers are against B.H. Obama and H.R. Clinton and because it is mashable, with logic, and statistics to that Mrs. W.J. Clinton is yet still of a guilt of culpas greater (still) than of for an Islamic State by a metric of paring the responsibility to “leadership” of the full quantification of how many are dead, due to Mrs. W.J. Clinton husbandry!

Before you profess you are all about a base as politically set as against a Muslim Tea Party for a new nation in the Levant, as against for a Muslim Trinity by against Socialism and Monarchies extant of these todays, it may be considerate that the past Pope was expressant to that American Catholics were to believe they as of the galactic Catholic familial were not “called” to go into a Muslim lands to save Muslims from Muslims, and especially, it seemed, as Catholics improper to be called in, or to, as to be in the middle of a rift between of Islam, however now of a new Muslim Trinity, or to be between uncivilly the battles historic for if Shia truth was superior to Sunni truth!  We all must walk and talk a core to no child to be presumed to be left behind, or down, as it is galactically civil when all live and breath for “SMALL” is “BEAUTIFUL”!  It is that these todays are of it dastardly how now pressed sufficiently that “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” fig dated to 1993 as yet an enemy of Al Qaeda and now of for an Islamic State even by Christian rules for Justice!  The railed against abandonment in the years 1993 to 2001 by NOBEL PRIZE recipient B.H. Obama is the mantle of the woman H.R. Clinton, but not as divisible from W.J. Clinton and a sad legacy for all still siding (naively) as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  President B.H. Obama was actually right with his public shaming of the Clintons with his acceptance speech as structured for a moral to a morality (only possible) in mashing from “dangers” of “inaction” and “avoidance” if to be of “leadership”!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

President Barack Hussein Obama, and since his day one, could not have proceeded, it seems, yet as more wrongly as he did and now still defensively does!  America is at risk, - a greater risk - now, because H.R. Clinton at least was a lone “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” to times served again in high office.  H.R. Clinton must be an “enemy” of an of for an Islamic State, even maybe of beyond the Levant to a global massed as “all MUSLIMS”!

Again:  The President should now RESIGN, - B.H. Obama should now give J.R. Biden his (last) chance to prove he can be a better President than at least his boss!  President “Joe” Biden! - - - I presume!

Again:  Those organized as if a “NEW HOPE” for SUNNI governance inspired and as if of an Orthodox Islamic, as now organized as if a MUSLIM TEA PARTY can, due how militantly against SOCIALISM, and monarchies extant of these todays as yet “just” as “justified” by earlier CALIPHATE(s?), now can present as a natural ally to those of allegiance to the Constituted of these united states of the Americas.

Again:  These United States of America have been going the wrong way with “OBAMA DEMOCRATS” and “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  No children are not, it seems, actually safer as “THANKS” to the “THE CLINTONS”!  The U.S.A. should not have gone down this path of the Democrat Party as long to decidings towards trying to defeat the defeat of SOCIALISM that was not alone the VICTORY of Americans.

UNRESOLVED:  If those organized to overlook the man made boundaries in the Levant, of the areas of failed Ba’athism, as of perversions of Socialism by Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad, as too long too secular SOCIALIST, as if in SOCIALISM there is a greater “GOOD”, and as was to be as towards the IDEAL “BA’ATHIST” as for an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE, it extant now em prove they can civilly govern those believers willing to associate as a general populace, as for the children, as for the “small”, it is remarkable how a new mass of SUNNI might succeed like AMERICAN PILGRIMS years before and but as if to an ORTHODOX ISLAMIC like a PURITANS MUSLIMS, - to a MUSLIM TRINITY?

UNRESOLVED:  As set against SOCIALISM and MONARCHIES of earlier CALIPHATES, it yet remains to be seen if these for a new sovereignty, while these todays may justify new “national” boundaries, these “BELIEVERS” still need to proof as for HUMAN RIGHTS as capable of management of at least a sizable metropolis like Raqqa - as for all?


                              *       *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:59 am

Let us consider how wrong we were, - - - and how OCCUPY should have occupied CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES - as much as any where else!

Let us consider that Michael Moore may have confused 911 accidentally, - - - Michael Moore may have grossly erred thinking President Bush seemed of some one able to advise his as too prepared with a supposition that since “W” seemed so prepared he must then have been behind the attacks by Al Qaeda.

Let us consider why after 911 I the Clintons blamed Americans, - - - how journalists seems devoid of sufficient pressed queriousness as to why it was Bill & Hillary, elected as the smartest in America, bounced bucks down with near “blue states said do this, and, red states said do that”?

Now!  How much truth is needed in a nations daily business for there to be a “shining city”?  How much lying and basis in lies is too little truth to too much dark energy gigs?

The dark days after the attacks of 911 I are not remember enough in a politically correct historical;  - - - Too many know only the lies and the spin and have been amiss devoid of deeds at digging for greater understanding of American players.

I do not offer a metric for how much slack President George W. Bush, and his cadre as GOP Establishment, deserve; - - - To you it is vital - vitally important - presently critical that you do consider THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON; - - - To you there is the we - the global we - presently collective us betwixt a REAL CLINTON, &, THE YARN, CLINTONS’!

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is like of the movie THE DOUBLE; - - - The real Hillary Clinton is like in all the pictures of all the big disasters, and yet no one is asking the right questions as to such coincidences!  Mrs. Clinton as New York United States Senator is quite simply tag’d as THE WOMAN IN WORLD OF MOST 911 FAULT, AND, THE AMERICAN POLITICIAN WHOSE CAREER MOST BENEFITED FROM THE CRISIS.

President George W. Bush will have to defend himself !!!  President Bush was of elected of a ambition to prepare for prosecuting Saddam Hussein, and to bluffing him to full compliance, but, the attacks of 911 made this more difficult, not less! The Clintons benefited from the attacks politically most; - - -  Bush wasn’t ready for Afghanistan, even if he is thought to have been ready for Al Qaeda “justice.”  President Bush had 911 attacks complicate his ambition to see Saddam Hussein fully prosecuted.

Behoove ye forevermore to always now firstly forward be keyed to a consideration of Clintons’ culpability, & too motives!

Perk up global citizens!  Become more intelligent (than the Clintons want you)! Become questioners of the obvious!

Perk up America - citizens of these united states! Bush didn’t need 911 attacks to fulfill ambition to prosecute Saddam H.!

It can be quite depressing tag’g the Clintons in a fuller more apropos historical; - - - Did the Clintons need Al Qaeda attacks so Mrs. Clinton could have an extreme makeover to overcome the Senate seniority traditions, by as an untouchable as GROUND ZERO SENATOR, and, as to gravitas beyond First Lady pomp & ceremony?

What questions should CNN have ready when Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton presented for Democrats Debate in Vegas?

How sad is it that the Clintons since 1992 campaigns were of running together as if they were the smartest two people in at least the United States of America proper?  How sad is it that two so proud and narcissistic did after the Al Qaeda attacks in “holy war” so as “jihad” were so not to be firstly to terror for terror sake but were to acts for JUSTICE even if in terrorizing?  How sad is it still that, though elected as promised to be leaders smart enough to make best most intelligent decisions, Bill & Hillary, and their teams of minions, were to blaming United States citizens firstly?  how sad the Clintons, thanks to Michael Moore?, have been getting by on ridiculous lies so ridiculous their lies suggest an impossible truth of a “PERFECT CLINTON”?

The simplest explanation, that also rings true, of the Al Qaeda attacks as most benefiting the Clintons, is in the lay of “Jihad” as “HOLY WAR” for “JUSTICE” and so enough to support a tag THE GREAT SATAN HILLARY CLINTON, - but not exclusively. Al Qaeda to suicide attacks in “Jihad” were then on a mission for JUSTICE, - RIGHT?  Al Qaeda so as for “JUSTICE” have their simplest explanation that which times to 1993 and to a deciding that the USA homeland deserved to be attacked because President William J. Clinton had decided that he would NOT prosecute Saddam Hussein, or reconstruct Iraq like Japan & Germany after an earlier world warring as akin to the coalition for the Persian Gulf War.

Right it is very sad and very complicated, as per The Clintons, or just Mrs. Clinton as Richard Gere in THE DOUBLE.  Right!  President Clinton in 1993 decided since he had Bosnia war left to him he much was like not wanting to have to bother with Iraq and another war, - and for all of his years, - and as he and his wife were so like self casting to be BILL THE DOVE, and to later a CLINTON HAWK in the being planned for HILLARY THE HAWK. (Again: I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s and specifically because they each then as Yale Law coeds wanted to know if they both could have their own presidency some day. This is how I know such as Bill & Hillary.)

In a limited President Bush defense:  He ended up bluffing Saddam Hussein into the need for war, yes, but it is more on the Clintons’ surpluses as of $2 Trillion cut, at least far to vastly and quickly, and on the Clintons at least for defense cuts that to prosecute the United Nations sanctions fully when so it was the Military he went to war with was that which the Clintons’ administering had rendered to unprepared for modern times as of lacking in sufficient body armor, and too vehicle armoring. (How much the problems of Bush’s Wars is rooted in Clintons 1993-2001 and to a gross negligence is really too much to detail in this cursory expose as a pre-debate exclamation for a restoration of common sense.)

If I yet am acknowledged for how long I have known such perspective and to how much guidance to making the Clintons electable in 1992 then syncs to how much I did help advise President Bush after Al Qaeda attacks, and shortly, there is a new way to an American President I hadn’t known of.  The Speaker of the House surprises have been surprising, - - -  I was unaware the House could elect a non-member, even a one like myself a privately sharing poet, +++. It seems I have had waking thoughts in teasing the House should elect me to how if they did the Clintons would have to be indicted, as finally exposed, and too that President Barack H. Obama (, & VP Joseph Biden,) would be due impeachment.

Michael Moore may appreciate how Bush some seemed too ready after Al Qaeda attacks because I had since 1993 been wondering what I heard when I heard of Bill Clinton decision to not prosecute Saddam Hussein, and to the viscerally experienced thought of: IF WE GO THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED AT HOME.

Michael Moore may, though, be needed now to straighten out a Clinton culpability washed over by FAHRENHEIT 911, and while it is that on September 10, 2001 I was not unprepared but thinking I had to accept that I had been wrong to believe that I was right in preparing.  Seems, due the Speaker rules, the HOUSE could elect me to SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE even as such acknowledgement should necessitate an impeachment of President Obama (,& VP Biden) to that then it would be Constitutional, if so honored, that JP Hogan could become SPEAKER and then shortly there after PRESIDENT, and all before November 2016 general elections. I would have to insist for my potential for bipartisanship restoration that if so how so as me as currently as, I believe, a registered Connecticut (I) “independent” though maybe as “unaffiliated” by registration.

There is for the CNN Debate of the field of Democrats, small and limited, by comparison, that Bill and Hillary have earned the doubt and queriousness to forevermore tag’d as per Al Qaeda and Terrorism, generally, of this titled as “BILL’S & HILLARY’S 911S”!

There is far more to this in the categories & searchable archives of http://CitRB.com - - - far more in #Cats of #BENGHAZI #SYRIA #KERRY #QUEEN #CGI #SUSPECT #IRAN #IRAQ #LONGESTWAR #TREASON #AFGHANISTAN #QUIDPROQUO #CRUSADES #22NDAMENDMENT #ALQAEDA #AUTOBIOD. +++

The Clintons prevent any “SHINING CITY ON A HILL” potential for, as Pope Francis seems of tag’d, Bill Clinton is too a Aaron of golden calf (original [sic] as typed Barabas), - his hyper-consumerism and risky loan “economics” were also of the Clintons having so fattened up the children of these united states that it wasn’t just as in http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT that the Clintons together fosters a diabetic problema, and later attacks, of them of a mea culpas!

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe enough, - - - But! But then how can he be enough removed from dark energy of the Clintons’ machinations in decades of lies, and also not to in bed with the Obama Administration, of a Clinton #FOB52 at least, for having since inauguration in 2009 having been thence since President Obama hour one as impeachable for lies effected to effecting a greater cover-up of the Clintons, and as 911 II was of such failing and falling to new cover-up(s) efforts so needed?

Vice President Joseph Biden may be safe now even if Michael Moore historically corrects bias of FAHRENHEIT 911!

Vice President Joseph Biden seems not for a moment to have benefited like the Clintons since 911 I to what now is fodder for true journalists freed from the Bill & Hillary seductions?  The Clintons did blame Americans, not Senator Biden, after 911 I, - - - Vice President Biden may yet get to be President if only for months leading up to the November 2016 general election?

Bill’s & Hillary’s 911 I&II are of an already admitted culpabIlity and the ridiculous still postured proposition of a “PERFECT CLINTON.”  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate seems being corrected from “PERFECT” to “INDICTED” and as it is becoming more preposterous that there could ever have been a Bill Clinton but as too a Barbaras, - not “PERFECT” or suited to any SHINING CITY ON A HILL (metaphor)!  Bill’s & Hillary’s fate is that already it is extant that the scandal is of a house of cards of the Clintons as if allowed to be autocratic in a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional game of thrones Power.

Michael Moore, you at least did not figure the how, and why, to the who, when & betwixt of JP Hogan story when biasing 911 I as to all President George W. Bush’s fault.  The Clintons post attack behavior does still suggest greater a priori awareness, - premeditated low/base politics in a personal mantra/tao as if their law JDs were licenses to lie.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:00 am

So it really happened!  So across the nation states, not Connecticut, amassed a new balanced political to these days forward differently.  Why is/was Connecticut different - why didn’t the Nutmeg State the Constitution State also seemingly adjust to a “more mature”?  What explains my Connecticut - what explains a state that should be now much aligned with the Republican Congress for the economics of the state?

This is not personal nor judgemental of senior Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal nor junior Senator Christopher Murphy;  This is hardly even to be specifically associated with Governor Daniel Malloy governance;  what follows in the brevity here is more to how embarrassing, for starters, that Connecticut hasn’t/didn’t have a ROMNEYCARE as long as Massachusetts, and too for Hartford the “INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD” wasn’t as the capitol of the state also yet the leader more than Massachusetts and Governor Mitt Romney in seeing all its citizen residents covered somehow.

The problems concurrent of Connecticut are bigger and more historical than those its top politicians currently.

My state should expect these though to be to voting less to defend or support any #VANITY of President Obama.

My state should expect these though to be considerate that it is also embarrassing for #LABOR that President Obama’s JOB CZAR whom found “shovel ready” not as easy as expected is that CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt an executive of a Connecticut headquartered corporation.

My state should expect these though to consider, even if unavoidable, that had they been up for re-election they likely would have lost to Republicans and some for more Independents and Republicans likely would have voted so that the state could be better positioned for copacetic votes to support its defense contractors, insurance industry, and yet still somehow its institutions of liberal education.


It too must be of people watching in my state that any seeing some likely of OBAMACARE are to feeling guilty and to pondering politics for the querious should be shamed to asking:  WHY DID THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAVE TO INTRUDE SO THAT MY NEIGHBOR COULD GET HELP FROM THEIR NEIGHBORS IN THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNITY?

For now I do hope my Senators are the first to reboot bipartisanship in Washington in the Republican Congress and without being asked by representatives of competing states firstly to do what is best or just right for their own constituents.

I do not know how this state, I did help much in the early 1990s, and coincidentally by also helping Democrats be protected from themselves, by pulling or pushing them to get Governor Clinton to enter 1992 races, as a talking head political to express a popular logic for victory, as I had pressed, for a anchoring of the NEW WORLD ORDER, as set with sufficient rode, in the “local” of NEW HAVEN, fell so far from mark.  This is what my fellow Connecticut peeps little know of as of the Clintons so of me as of New Haven and as yet so some only learned to the imports useful of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM postures.  Yeh, run-on wordy!  I must feel some betrayed by my state in how 2014 races could be of CLINTON showboating and yet without the state generally learning more of one of its own, me - of learning of me from those its “leaders”.

The real problem with WASHINGTON and OBAMACARE is that it is affected as if it is/was necessary because all the local and state “leaders” across the nation were and are incompetents and failures - that communities are incapable of community organizing like of old parish basis of tithing the “insurance” for such catastrophes.  Connecticut based General Electric Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey R. Immelt hasn’t provided a civil leadership to much of the imports of economics essays at http://CitizenRosebud.net, and to it that corporations likely are better if back to promoting only those whom somehow are still of giving back near 10% voluntarily to their communities, however in religious freedoms for diversity in pluralism rights.

It is embarrassing that it was a Connecticut CEO who so failed as a JOBS CZAR and too as reported while such Connecticut headquartered company supposedly nearly paid zero taxes.  I don’t know the story to how GE paid so few taxes - - - I get General Electric showed a lack of imagination while its CEO was JOB CZAR and as it is I have explained how it was a company that should have been lobbying for growth industries with its expertise in “cooling” & “energy” product lines to these years of the Obama Administration as better if to other directions for CLIMATE CHANGE solutions.

Right - Immelt should have been able to find like a ton of GREEN & SHOVEL READY jobs just for AMERICANS with his own company’s selfish corporate interests.  But how did CONNECTICUT let it get to OBAMACARE while it of its capitol as THE INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD?  More to these embarrassments try trusting bitly links http://bit.ly/PeoplesClimate & http://bit.ly/CapToPeace of assorted available on and off of http://JPHogan.org!

Right - Clinton caught a wave for 1992 after entering the races late, after first testing of my messaging firstly with Pennsylvania race of Harris Wofford as with James Carville and Paul Begala.  George Stephanopoulus was too party to such #HOGAN strategizing for New Haven to anchor a urban agenda in NEW WORLD ORDER balanced politics as set up in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM figuring of local & global - while seemingly more/only “local”.  Stephanopoulus was in Representative Richard Gephardt’s office with Charles Koch’s son as a peer equal when I first wrote to such to prode Democrats to get someone to enter races that Democrats otherwise were like of Senator Al Gore from running away from.




Right - I do expect the Connecticut Senators Blumenthal and Murphy must be figuring for Pratt & Whitney, GE, Sikorsky, Groton Electric Boat, … Hartford Insurance companies … that they should be like the first to be crossing the lines to a new bipartisanship in the Republican Congress.

Seems it is in Connecticut best interests to vote less for the #VANITY of President Obama and too to be joined forward to a prosecution of the Clintons as seeming of a fraud long in not being able to repeat past successes long sold to the nation as if of their genius and made by them.

If Connecticut had Senators also up for election in 2014 wouldn’t this state have been again to expressive politics of a better balance of interests in its home economics and to also having found a clear vote for Republicans - one to at least caucus with Republicans even if newly another a Connecticut Independent?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:56 am

Candidate Senator Barack Hussein Obama by choosing to embrace the primarily defeated Clinton “two-fer” forward and too as after they reportedly lost half their Hollywood friends for a rap as BIG LIARS did essentially choose to be the Captain of the Titanic but after it had already struck the iceberg

Concurrently: As posted as a share on Facebook as update this morning:  #‎Politics‬ of 2014 much in thought:  CLINTONS BROUGHT DOWN OBAMA!  ‪#‎Democrats‬ should consider Obama with Clintons to Obama w/o Republicans - w/o bipartisanship.  Obama with ALL BUSH FAULT too with Clintons as if NONE CLINTONS FAULT.  Obama chose not to clean up his own party of excessive lies, at least, and so isolated himself in a divided DC.  Obama so with Clintons then to being too w/o ‪#‎CitRB‬ ‪#‎CitizenRosebud‬ and yet while ‪#‎Hogan‬ a singular one historical of knowing Barack & Michelle each since before each knew each other, and first of any so - seems.  PBO since late 70s; ‪#‎FLOTUS‬ since 1987-1988 winter.

Republicans will have a problem if they do not now, and especially loudly before elections, stand up exclamations to the above as #TRUTH #TRUTHS important to any informed deciding as to whom can now be trusted and maybe should be trusted with any voted affirmation.  I do not know if it helps to ask:  CLINTONS?  TERRORISTS OR PEACEMAKERS?

As also a poet perhaps I should restrain myself from such arresting commentary of the Clintons as of a TITANIC for too “romantic”!  As a poet perchance I should alight upon a diabolical “THE CLINTONS” more to it that as if of BATTLESHIP and President elect Obama yellow to green in intra-party keeled for it more that he chose to board with the Clintons like after I had sunk their BATTLESHIP - sunk it more than he himself had while also contesting their contemptible primarily.

There is my history as a muse and my emails to Hollywood with instructions per my vast centrist mused manied successes begot there with as for being prior to the exodus from the Clintons of what seems reported of a thought half of their total number of thought “friends” in entertainment.  It may be that for such I did more to defeat the Clintons than Senator Obama with all his vast campaign dollars and e-tech organizationals.  See before the thought “inevitable” of Mrs. Clinton split in half with such artful exodus it is that I was to emailing with instructions that only but a few of the shows and characters I had seeded with my musing and anchoring forward as with a basis in my reality could be ever to be permitted any presumption not of denial of any usage by the Clintons.

It is that Senator Obama had an easy/easier road to 2008 after I put out cease and desist to Hollywood generally of notice that none should consider anything that had come from me to be assumed or presumed to be for any affirming or supporting of the Clintons. {For a taste of relevance try putting in “Serbia” or “Serbian Ambassador” or “Vujacic” into local site search pane for a sorting otherwise informed of such knowing. Or click on http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary}


And to otherwise see a tragic in WHITE HOUSE DOWN flag twirling metaphorically:


Pretty much it is SHOCKING!!! that even just the Clintons are so graphically IMPERIAL and politically perilously for their as seen to be kept superior also imparts an affirmation of an “up yours” to the European Union otherwise celestial and humble full circle of stars.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:11 am

Teach a child, a boy, how to be in service as a gilly and you’ve taught a boy how, also, to teach others to fish.

There are politics in it that Chris Christie is the Governor of the PORCELAIN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

There are scandalous in the Posterity Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, permitted in a clear phallic, as long as it may endure, for the Clintons’ legacy of Presidential so inartfully established, as figured by Polshek, to satisfy William Jefferson Clinton, and as so Southern clad in a Confederate Grey, as their “library.”  Mrs. Clinton, however, is culpable, in it established, in architecture, in the The Natural State, that there is a gross fulness for studying “Bill” forward, and as proudly of infidelity and as a ‘THE BLOW JOB PRESIDENT”!  It is hard to see Hillary Rodham Clinton, now however, if in politics, as in politics however merely intra-party and polarized, yet as being to asking Democrat women to think - to think freely - to think independent of a hierarchy of and for William Jefferson Clinton - to think freely from her Posterity legacy, however structural.

There is morals to speak to, and think about, before any to a blind faith forward in compliant Clinton partisanship.  There is a less civil “popular” to be restored to Posterity for Tranquility in general Welfare ordained and Ordered in popular governance in republican establishments.  There are amorals to tag - to reduce to outlet after-market branding as if of cut retail branding - to cut the tags of for more honest retail politics marketing.  The Clinton brand must be discernible not to enough as being DAMAGED - of too many damaged “goods”!

Teach a young adult, enough yet educated, and female, to be of consideration of service and now aware there is a warring commenced that must broach what civil is, and what civil was, and such young women may be able to be reason as now more free if able to use learning - to use learning for politics that one can be freer if now in “blind approbation” or “blind reprobation” assimilation to Mrs. Clinton and her “politics” selfish for sustainable “legacy.”

I do not know whom now may be a modern Mark Felt to Director James Comey.

I do get that the legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi still rivals, in devotion to the “politics” of President William Jefferson Clinton, greatly all “loyalty” and “devotion” thought otherwise as rivaling the Power(s) by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

It seems that to President Clinton at least a drama persists that for though Hillary Rodham was of impeaching President Nixon for less deadly cover-ups the legacy of Deep Throat politics plays out with all expected to ask if George Stephanopoulus more a “Deep Throat” than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and if so how David Gergen may be more of a “Girl Friday” to Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton, even as she may yet have been for Posterity in legacy yet the most a “Deep Throat” to “Bill”!

It is true that I knew Mark Felt’s secret since before the Watergate break-in was a bungled Federally justified probe.  It is true that I was motivated to protecting a new next gen from the Clintons when I challenged JK. Rowling to write seven books for magic study with each book a next school year with more advanced evolved curriculum.  It is also true the THE GILMORE GIRLS show evolved as from creationism mine, for some my female cousins of Baltimore, Maryland, from that day I drove through and by the Gilman School for Boys and wondered what type of show could be sustained too of my guidance, some, to be yet entertaining specifically firstly for my female cousins, however one a Yale graduate, while of siblings who were of the Gilman School, and as it known of a legacy as an Ivy League feeder/preparatory school.  My oldest sister grew up, however otherwise partisan, to be now married as a Gillman and in cable media sales as a top female executive.

It seems though maybe sad to Democrat women, yet free to think “politically” that Governor Sarah Palin is, though of LIPSTICK ON A PIG adage, yet now a woman liberated politically and doing more to ask all women to think - and to think more.  It seems Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is an island among Democrat Women and actually to asking Democrat women to think more than Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton ever will ask men or women.

Senator Warren is nearly to be more insurgent against the “THE CLINTON” than blind partisan as now of fidelity to the idea that BANKERS SHOULD GO TO JAIL.  It seems better to think of Governor Palin and Senator Warren forward of an cause crossed for liberation;  It seems carroling Patriotism is yet joined La Femme Feminist at least for forward progress of among certain to life vicissitudes incident to daily local and global politics; it seems two women are asking at least all women to look beyond lipstick or however caked on merry Kay Clinton base pancake - and as if now pancake cover on donkies; it seems there are liberated women at least of Governor Palin and Senator Warren whom are asking women to think and to AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL yet of banking scandals for Democrats too of North Carolina - to till’d cleaning up for more, forward, bountiful more natural harvest seeded by better tilling forward of seeds, however for waves of grain, yet to endear and endure for purple mountains majestics.

Senator Kay Hagan, and Mrs. Clinton, however of politics so long, of politics so long it as if she is so for legacy, and Posterity, of HRC of oldest profession.  Where there now may be feminism as liberated and so that the old boys club of back rooms, and coed gyms, are now to “civility” at if and when Senator Kirten Gillibrand said pressured as if now “too porky” there yet still has to be the old boys on old boys humor whence “peer pressure” expected “peer pressure” if any of politics however partisan to any concern of a brethren yet become too much - become to engirthed as of pork as “porky”!  Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, like Senator Kay Hagan for both being of BIG BANKS banking states seem irreconcilable from the Clintons and of H. Rodham Clinton when Senator H. Rodham Clinton, herself, as now of a war between Democrat women where Massachusetts’ junior Senator, also Democrat woman Elizabeth Warren, is blazing a herding even as it may clearly brand at least Gillibrand, Hagan, & Clinton as too close to any BIG BAD BANK - any BIG BAD BANKERS.

Beyond how compromised Mrs. Clinton is, however of all the “CLINTON BOGO ‘TWO-FER’” irreconcilable culpabilities, it firstly is a concern that the Posterity for the “THE CLINTON” is yet supposed to endure as if even right that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library was worked and erected so phallic and gray and to endear and/or just endure for a popularity for Democrats, at least, of “Bill” a BLOW JOB PRESIDENT.

How are we to discuss or discern Mrs. H. Rodham Clinton of an ability to catch fish, fish, or guide and teach fishing?

It seems she a woman a Democrat now too close to BIG BAD BANKS and already hooked quite by Senator Warren and her terra firma for a new Eden (even for North Carolina)!

Maybe by investigating the partisan tills to catching any too much of such till’d to better seeding and harvests forwards with more honest “farming” and “fishing” cornucopias cultivated in better popular governance in republican banking?

Yet to till is IS - is establishments of the apples of Eden are ripe - ripe for a more civil popularity - carefully reset now firstly about Democrat women at least seeming too loyal to “Bill” to be forever forward as loyal as Mark Felt was thought in partisan attack politics as a man so of President Richard Milhaus Nixon he now is like a model for understanding the more “boy” George, George Stephanopoulus for Posterity for President William Jefferson Clinton.

As Democrat woman Senator Elizabeth Warren is at least now seemingly enough a peer to Governor Sarah Heath Palin for being a leader, an example for girls and women, engaged to seeding future harvests for AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL cornucopias stockable with banks cleaned out from politics of too many to much on Democrat fields not tilled to new and less caked prima facia governance:



Are things ever again to be possibly to “going swimmingly” if Democrats school as if schooled only for swimming together under a branding to branded yet first devotional to the Posterity of William Jefferson Clinton?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:13 pm

Please don’t be so vain to think, by the end too, that this isn’t in some way also about you.  We’re of a days an epoch fit for hecklings to help assuage and discern gradients of culpability, and for years all the way back at least to 1993. I have no intention of insulting my great readers, unless of course they are thee meant to be critically reviewed.

To set the stage to how the sets can be staged for a greatest modernity in modern media interactivity for the ecosystems of representative democracy and freedom of expression and participation rights in free assembly let me strongly recommend a new bipartisanship can be possible if a united goal can be tabled and agreed to.  A most illuminating potential for a new bipartisanship likely needs an agreed about “common enemy” or “common cause” - we seem to have that available in Bill & Hillary Clinton. 

With the stage so now set for a real potential in the possibility of a public dissection of all things “post-Presidency” and at least as “global,” it is our initiative, not to be lost now, to restore the republic with forensic lay pathology, at least, while any ambitious Democrat too can benefit from a rendering of the Clintons as corporate, and evil money grubbing globalists.

There is a party to divide by their personal and state ambitions and the Clintons as a “common enemy” or “common cause” is already primed and topped off of greased by as if by a real McCoy.  Really the post-Presidency of the Clintons is representative quite also of executive over-reaching and too to imperial wants in autocratic powers.  It isn’t a question of the Congress lacking Constitutional power to roll the Clintons out as if committed to public shame by stocks fit for old chicken thieves;  The Congress is sufficiently endowed to arrest and account for all things foreign of the Clintons’ global initiatives at least by their Constitutional specific duty and charged by Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph eight for any so exercised of offices of profit.

How to parry a comity for a “FORWARD” with a “common enemy” Duty as with the Clintons together rolled in and tabled?

We must have it convenient as if they are rolled in with their fate already known now as if ducks in a barrel in duck hunting season.

We must have it convenient and focused as so not to be of so so many like caught also in a net indiscernibly from justice due to be a mob a blob indiscriminatable from itself.  President Obama is seemingly such an “ambitious Democrat” and maybe a whom singularly most to be politically to some benefit from a Congressional Constitutional Duty to a public dissection of at least the top executives of the Clintons’ Global Initiative.  It is hard to imagine President Obama could yet be a fence sitter to such of an opportunity knocking that could clean up his own post-Presidency ambitions.

There is real political science to consider at how the failings of President Obama have been because neither he nor the represented as the People’d people knew enough about many mistakes of the Administration of the Clintons.  We can be gathered at least in an interactive ecosystem for a new bipartisanship as suggested - as it seems such of a Constitutional Duty that the Congress but for same party controls should have been at by 2009.  President Obama is of his idealism and as reckless and disastrous as such has been with its effecting executive direction yet still he has made mistakes while of his ideologicals, however mismatched to real conditions, solely for he made mistakes of repeating history for not knowing enough the real history of substantial culpability and excessive grandstanding in false credits of the Clintons.  It is for the scientists and historians to eventually get it all righted yet we must act and soon somehow to return to a politics more of truths and a workable bipartisanship.  It is hardly yet considered that some of how the Dems ideological “governance” failed was for it was exercised as timely while at least 20 years too early for the real conditions, and, otherwise discerned it was yet about ten to fifteen years too soon after something so similar was set about at least for the republic to it mostly of an extant established before the Clintons yet caught it as the train that best explains their unexpected upstart election in 1992.

Right, I am one to raise the issue of culpability for President Obama and the “Bill and Hillary” and maybe too any an of an executive level also culpable association due to sharing the Clintons’ offices of profit of their global initiatives.  It is that maybe President Obama must be discernible from a mob a blob also caught in a net deployed at the Clintons and also too associated and due at least a common suing by the same Congress.  It is though considerable that both these Presidencies somehow have been together wrong to many errs in errors from repeating a history we all should have learned of and from;  it is considerable that the Obama “revolution” was so too soon upon the revolution more a renaissance and figured in national security prudence related to transitioning from the Persian Gulf War, and so as suggested for science as at least twenty years too soon upon an earlier proven effective one.  Right, I am speaking to new ideas seeming cheap for seeming more as if borrowed and used than new and revolutionary - it was just dumb that the Democrats proceeded as if smartly to such so too soon after that which yet can be explained to explaining the Clintons unexpected election was far less of their doing than yet published and known.

We must look to Congress and maybe nudge them to a like very convenient and bipartisan tabling of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as a common enemy however lately to such Constitutional defense.  It can get interesting if to how President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s CAMELOT may have been legal as a spun metaphor for a new chivalry and yet now is to be defeated for being as practiced in a CLINTONS’ CAMELOT in a post-Presidency it yet is unconstitutional as violate at least of the anti-titling anti-nobility protections of mentioned Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 of the USA USC.  President Obama may not be as free to benefit from the Clintons as, however lately, to being like litigated and relitigated at least for improprieties in a corporate imperialism by global initiatives set up as if chartered to be an AMERICAN CAMELOT - or just a CLINTONS’ GLOBAL CAMELOT.  To look at the plight of President Obama in his post-Presidency years it behoove all to just try to understand how the Constitutional dilemmas to be real if the Clintons are not first publicly dissected and for much of every day of every week of every month of each year at least back to when President George H. W. Bush worked his transitioning to closing down the Persian Gulf War.

There is no place to go for President Barack Hussein Obama to a post-Presidency even if he can’t go home to Chicago.  President Clinton as the market locked up still from it reasonable for there to be an equal a peer in a post-Presidency, and likely especially his rival of said “BLOOD FEUD” concurrently President.  If the Clintons and their meddling global initiatives are not at least arrested by the end of the Obama Administration really the Obamas’ best option may be to accept Executive Vice President positions at the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES offices of profit and however humiliatingly if it so with Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton their incorporated and fixed superior officer.  It really was a problem that the Obama “revolution” was ignorant of problems from being so only too few years after a most effective renaissance rebirthing and so as well of a dumb (party wide) for yet being nearly twenty years too soon.  It may have been of dangers from pride in an over-confidence in “personality” and yet of new technological potential to firstly be of a real possibility to fool nearly every and fool them all at once.

Please write your favorite media and interact likewise with your national representation.  There is much to learn of what we already should have learned of and learn about so not to dumbly make mistakes at least from ignorance.

The words escape me to how to best title the predicament President Obama must at least sense himself as towards while he at least is considering if he too shouldn’t go home and must otherwise try to make it to New York City.  It must be dumb or yet will be dumb for him to consider he can rival the Clintons and their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES at least while he is supposed to be a competent defender of the Constitution and of the office as of tens years whence his as a Constitutional Law Professor.  It seems he must be thinking he too shouldn’t or can’t go home - but yet how can New York City offer him hope if the Clintons are not soon yet seen as a “common enemy”?  The Country cannot survive two past-Presidents as corporate giants battling each other for dominance on the world stage as if allowed by the People to be both imperial as titled and quite as if first American autocrats.

The KENNEDY CAMELOT yet may have been of Constitutional chivalry whence while now at least for the Clintons such is too akin as if un-American.  The Congress has already been suffering for the meddling so global of the post-Presidency of the Clintons - it and WE THE PEOPLE cannot abide an OBAMA GLOBAL INITIATIVES now seeming the train wreck ahead as the only manly option maybe available for President Barack Hussein Obama, however also quite too titled and un-Constitutional.

The founders were no dummies - by the wrap of article one they had set the USA to be essentially protected yet from such.  Really any ambitious Democrat must by now see opportunity for themselves in a new “common enemy” of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as too corporate and evil examples of dangers in greed.  Our best hope now, as a republic, seems to be in yet discerning and assuaging all the culpability of all the days of the Clintons on the national stage since they caught the train and got “blessed” unduly to the Presidency they still may yet not be of any readiness.

There is history to be learned yet that can explain how such much went wrong and how it is sadly ironic to dastardly that such is a truer history to explain the unexpected election so of the Clintons in 1992.  There seems no way out now for President Obama and especially in any post-Presidency unless the Clintons reign is now finally, however so lately, checked and balanced. Irregardless of if it all was twenty years too early:  It was all at least near ten years too early! It is harder now to remember such with enough specifics to yet maybe fix all their known mistakes.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

We’ld be fools and unfairly so (and racist) if we are to ignore all the flip flops of Mrs. Clinton, however, and if to an affirming posit that it she be presumed that she was a better Secretary of State than the two most previously.  Right?

We’ld be fools and unfairly to discerning differences in old white political elites and new white political elitism if to an avoidance to pare the pair of Secretaries of State of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama.  Both Clinton and Kerry brought hypocracy and baggage to the office for diplomacy - both Clinton and Kerry were inappropriate or devolutionary choices for such high office due to their personal conflicts - conflicts of interests - past positions as of entanglements.

We to start any due probative of Mrs. Clinton as a worst, at least of three, by remembering all her flip flops and too her executive decidings while crusading with the Powers of her office as First Lady.  We should be aware of whom are Bedouins or Nubians and how Ja Ja Binks seems to have been cast as a new good Gunga Din.  If I recall the setting correctly then it was when Lara Logan interviewed General Petraeus in Afghanistan when he spoke of then in his readings of reading Rudyard Kipling.  It seems to be accounted of an if true how true that Mr. Binks was right when of parrying that if a people keep theirs sewers clear from clogging their murder rate should be lower.  President Barack Hussein Obama in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech tagged the Clintons while parsing in oratory how there are dangers from inaction and avoidance (as like evident now from the Clintons’ own years of avoidance and inaction).

The Congress so far has the House nearly ready for the rendering of justice per the discovered and confirmed cover-up post Benghazi.  I do not know when the Senate will also be ready.  I expect due to the seriousness of any “cover-up” our Congress must soon be bicameral and in too a bipartisanship in the Senate, so charged, to also looking to how guilty Mrs. Clinton, however, and to how diabolical it is that a “cover-up” was thought her best strategy.  Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton is the prime suspect in a commencing investigation to the extents in criminality and so that it must be now presumed that she was a worse Secretary of State than at least Condoleezza Rice.

To preserve some “innocent until proven guilty” for Mrs. Clinton, however, we should look firstly at the life and politics - war/anti-war politics of her successor Secretary of State John Kerry.  We should look first at a comparative for prudence secured in “jurisprudence” to his positions re: “BOOTS ON THE GROUND” and her’s, however.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we can make this more about the life and story of John Kerry as of a query:  TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER?  But we should behooved of another believed remembered Lara Logan interview that was with a supposed top Taliban leader - yes! before 9/11 II in Benghazi - as contradicting President Obama and Secretary Clinton with his pronouncements to it that the Taliban and Al Qaeda were now much as if one, and, yes, newly.  For a sake of tonality and the horse race of this to a due fair measurement of the saddled guilt just of Mrs. Clinton let us just acknowledge that part of the cover-up relates to it that Benghazi could have been and may be a widening of the theater of war and a “counter-attack” in the Obama/Clinton war of choice in Afghanistan against primarily the (said) Taliban.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we should be organized as a posse for truths, and too bicamerally in a new bipartisan, yet recognize the evidence that she has set her self (themselves in Clinton) up as if the bad guys in a season of SOPRANOS.  We can’t just jump on her successor if to keeping prudence in jurisprudence for she however measured for her guilt is still of her years as FLOTUS where she did go into rivals turf and incite with incendiary imperialist rhetoric the locals, however tribal, and to such inflaming that those radical already were more radicalized and pushed into corners as if called out by Mrs. Clinton, so, in a pride to a need to “respond.”

So about how bad a Secretary of State John Kerry is, and, too to how he was a most inappropriate selection for any high office in foreign affairs regarding the Middle East, and due to his past pulling of the rug out from under any real potential for success in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and so from near the very day and hours the country, with President George W. Bush, had become “committed” with boots on the ground - committed beyond the point of quiet return:

Secretary of State John Kerry while the primary ANTI-WAR SENATOR did do more than any other in the known world to undermine the potential and any ready success for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  Mrs. Clinton can hardly have to shoulder all the blame for so much that went wrong much do to the betrayal in a late response as a revival in ANTI-WAR demonstrative tonality, but for her own flipping and flopping fickleness to prudence and loyalty to a committed administration too.  Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha were a tag team that did by their politics so partisan (interpartisan too) were to being those, even more than the Clintons, that did put the lives of all with boots on the ground in Iraq into their unexpected greater peril.  At the time Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha started their ANTI-WAR REVIVAL it was no longer appropriate to take issue with the matter Congress had already voted with, and however Senator Clinton is remembered for admitting that she herself didn’t read the intelligence reports regarding such before her vote.

Mrs. Clinton yet cannot escape that the cover-up seems still to have been necessary to save the cover-up of the culpability and negligence of the Administration of the Clintons.  As it is the known “Benghazi Lies” seem of the worst case scenario need for the dangerous strategy of cover-up, and by Mrs. Clinton who had worked on the committees to impeach Nixon and as of the Clintons’ own Lewinski cover-up, arguably and in an seeming evidence based deciding for if not, as the lies of the Clintons’ cover-up were failing, only lies about their lack of intelligence and understanding about Al Qaeda, at least, needed more lies to preserve any chance of future electability of the Clintons for a retaking of the The White House.

Right!  This is supposed to be an attempt to transfer Clinton guilt, presumed, unto her successor Secretary of State John Kerry, and however as necessary by a looking deeply back at least at his “politics” of his ANTI-WAR REVIVAL as causal to such that maybe can be said to be more, at least, of a Kerry negligence than a Clintons’ gross negligence.

We, if of the lay, should behooved to let the Federal Bureau of Investigation profilers and Defense Department Armed Forces Psychological operations experts take the lead to explaining how devastating Senator John Kerry’s ANTI-WAR REVIVAL, from hour one, was to moral and cooperation of the Iraqi people.  We should expect that experts will be called to parse the level of negligence, at least, to the full measure of at least the guilt of Mrs. Clinton, however, and even towards passing the buck if passable to her successor for his past own culpability for lighting the fire of a belief that the U.S.A. was, due to his lead, ready to CUT AND RUN - REALLY!!!

RIGHT!!! Still, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, just for the impeachment and disbarrment of the half she supposedly is the better half too, and however of a “great man” she supposedly the “great woman” behind, is even without her experience as Hillary Rodham Clinton of the committees to impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon like the political figure of the modern United States of America whom best should know cover-ups are to be avoided but in worse case political scenarios - She is whom seems best knows how bad things must really should be thought as bad if and when a cover-up is the uncovered strategy.  That Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton herself chose to front with a cover-up does itself suggest so much guilt and a necessity that it may not matter how much blame we can yet transfer to her successor or continue to project upon the Bush Administration. SEEMS!!!

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

The sheer tonality of the remarks from Secretary of State Clinton since the Benghazi lies started did, despite her strategy to run out the clock with Congress, yet have her of self-incrimination and even much that was admitting of ignorance and incompetence at least as to her (like the Administration of the Clintons’ too) as lacking in intelligence.  It seems Congress has her already fit for orange and is now only ready for the House to assess its duty to a determination as to how long she should be fit to only wear orange - however a pants suit or jumpsuit.

NOTE:  There is much to a much longer list if and when to looking only at Mrs. Clinton, however, and of the when-evers, to how that she risked a cover-up over her culpability for the keep of State per the Benghazi consulate, and personnel, that to must reach with the long arms of justice, by the charge and reach Constitutional of the Congress, straight to and also through Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, and any and all of his “foundations” and “initiatives.”  It must be presumed due to a cover-up strategy that Mrs. Clinton while responsible for State & USA oversight of CGI likely was as a spouse afraid to incriminate herself for such seems naturally to also implicate her spouse for his “HOWEVERS” and “WHEN-EVERS” — and for just as long.

However, a STAR WARS defense a greater defense now for the Bushes and Reagan, it seems fair to illicit an imagery for the Clintons as now it seems of them of: A HOUSE OF CLINTONS WITH THEIR SEWERS CLOGGED!

RIGHT!!!  It to Secretary of State John Kerry’s benefit that Mrs. Clinton is taggable, and mashable, and hashable as too much of:  MRS. CLINTON LIED AND SOLDIERS AND DIPLOMATS, AT LEAST, DIED — SHE WAS MOST INDISCRIMINATE IN DRONING WARRING AND AS IN LIEU OF BOOTS ON THE GROUND PARITY OF MISSION.

NOTE:  FOR MORE HISTORY & “BACKGROUND” SEE SORTED BY “CARNEGIE HALL” @ http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubby.  Please get past confusion of voluminous thread opening yet with this same column as its lede or leading piece.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down?  It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right?  To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.

What are journalists now to do?  To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama.  The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty.  He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.

What are journalists now to do?  To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration?  Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama?  Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary?  The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home.  Right!  We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).

A Hillary Clinton expectant line:  “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”

Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama?  Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America?  Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?

A Hillary Clinton political ad starter:  You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …

The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader.  It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama.  Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?

The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you?  Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama?  Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking?   Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?

There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton.  It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton.  It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President.  There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.

Right!  That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him.  President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily.  Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling.  Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.

What is she thinking?  Really you all:  What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.

It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. 

Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush.  Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye;  Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest.  It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.”  It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.  It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.

There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.

President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems;  President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”

What are journalists now to do?  It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11.  It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts.  Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America.  Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics.  President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.

What are journalists now to do?  Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?

What are journalists now to do?  Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior? 

What are journalists now to do?  What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads?  I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?

It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.”  She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix;  She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World.  It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics.  It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths.  It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance. 

It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated.  Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom?  Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?

It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001. 

It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush. 

Really, this is crazy.  Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:59 pm

Sometimes politics can and does offer up an indefensible.

Is it of adage “LOCATION - LOCATION - LOCATION”  that now past election day 2013 has us wise to consider if term “progressive” is a dirty word locally and globally - just nationally - or otherwise if just poignant in a locally or globally?

In modern day America the political set up seems with all education of “RACE TO THE TOP” at the presidency of the “TOP” and say a mayorship, even of New York City, as more a “rock bottom.”  There yet is the most odd outlier of the Clintons for they seem more nationless and of posturing as if the first First Couple in a “GLOBAL” as if there is a Presidency of the World.

Besides it  seeming that the Clintons are of a nowhere land in the established and writ governings - they are less than an old “RED SCARE.”  They may be now indefensible and yet not even of a modern “RED SCARE.”  So much has been leaked about the secrets of the USA, at least since they were in offices, however, that they likely now could defect to the Russian Federation and by so doing actually leave us and render US technically safer.  The Clintons’ departures as they were of such controversies should have been matched with a closing of ranks and whatever open programs they could have had any privileged knowledge, however of a working intelligence - yet of still.  If the Government of The United States of America has been working then the Clintons should now not be eitherwise in “Bill” or “Hillary” of any special Government Powers.

Mayor elect Bill de Blasio of the five boroughs of New York City is a most intriguing break out modern politician.  He may now be set so in a political location more “rock bottom” and opposite the President Obama’s “TOP.”  The promise, it seems,  of a new urban “progressive” politics for NYC also theoretically  seems in conflict with “TOP” of President Obama while set so of and in his new nationalism.  It seems that when Mayor officially sworn Bill de Blasio must be to at least opposing opposite ends with the President.

Politics is tricky business near everywhere - it is considerable that either or both of Clintons could also defect to the Russian Federation and have us not any more yet at a greater risk.  A case in point specific to them of any lasting relevance is that of the story of Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York State.   Governor Cuomo was a top expert of the Clintons’ administration and yet when he ran for governor and had to find a way to govern he had to change.  The case of New York State is much that Governor Cuomo had to unlearn/throw out near all his “Clintons’” expertise, basically, to find a new way forward while of duties at fixing much that became problematic by ways of the Clintons’ governance.

I do hope that when sworn in that the new Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio will put out a recommended reading list of 3-7 books.  I do hope for at least 3 book recommendations to be said of an informative to/for his “progressive” and how it is or is not in rivalry to the top heavy new nationalism New Deal austerity of the now Clintons free Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Clintons now may be quite politically indefensible where ever they may be actually located.  Not even the best trial lawyers should be able to fix the failed and still failing generous cover-up attempts for them by President Obama, and how since so of affectings as early as he was first sworn and to words so engaged in his first inaugural. For 3-4 lawyers between them it is remarkable these present and coming debacles set and triggered so it seems by an abstinence from long common legal adages.

Most lawyers are just supposed to be trained away from making generalizations, and from asking any question for which they have not already fig’d, somehow, the answers.  Essentially and as simply as possible these 3-4 lawyers were trained in law to not state any generalization at all like their “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!”  This is an impossible truth and so ridiculous that it acts on its face as if a confession of great guilt instead of yet being a true tag on President George W. Bush of/for an actual assessment of guilt.

Mayor elect Bill de Blasio is a mostly unknown yet quite intriguing break out political figure;  I don’t know how he can be of a local “progressive” promise without therefore being set up as insurgent and of rivalry to President Obama, and, be set up much at odds and theoretically opposite ended, at least at start.

The Clintons have simply it seems moved themselves into the politically checkmated position by the shared moves with Governor elect Terry McAuliffe;  For Governor McAuliffe  to be sworn and true now to his promise for a bi-partisan governing he must answer to the Clintons presented conundrums.  It has been proven that it couldn’t have been that as generalized as “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT”  It has been proven that it couldn’t have been just all the fault of President Bush.  Governor McAuliffe cant’ be to any real bi-partisanship without explaining how as it is left now true that he will have to be explaining what truth is left - he will have to be thence under oath and stuck to having to explain that reality is it must have a BIG “IT” of more ends and means of numerous its and as more of “IT” it as honestly left simply as of more of it pared down to a “IT IS ALL MUCH THE FAULT OF THE CLINTONS.”

Sometimes politics can and does offer up indefensibles.

A sworn Governor McAuliffe, if to his bi-partisanship promised, will be stuck at sticking it too to President Barack H. Obama for at least his “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” now proven a lie, at least, and as a generalization no trained lawyer should have ever uttered - uttered unless at a last straw and such inconveniently was the only nonsense available for a dire and much needed cover-up.

And, yet since the Presidency of Richard Milhous Nixon and Hillary Rodham Clinton days with the Watergate Congress matters it has been common and standard - it has too been an adage that lawyers and especially Mrs. Clinton herself was to know better of it best to never forget it is as warned that it is like the cover-up that’ll get you.

Sometimes politics can and does offer up an indefensible couple too.

It seems with so many opposite and opposing ends now set even if to promises made for a new bi-partisanship that the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” is off the political selves, and stuck forevermore in an evermore of a checkmating move there own yet too much as well of their location in a governance neverland.

                                                 *   *   *

Good luck to the lot of you all the newest whatevers “elect”.  “Progressive” to some has to be a dirty word and yet for some of the newest less so — it may be that for the next forty years it will be as if of Jeffersonians of holds by ways as democratic republicans — it may be that Obama has been more an Adams too to Federalist at least and now…

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:51 am

The work of Obamacare is not a moral work.  It is near as if all showy leg and not of true heart.  In the play of life there is a real lack of moral leadership in at least the governance by national Democrats.

There is too much a temptatious and Power Devilishness in the walk of President Barack H. Obama that of which time cannot carry the lay and lie.  A real eye candy historical to such degradation of the American Politik isn’t as much Hillarycare as it is that together the Clinton Power “two-fer” walked and seduced through their years that it was sexy and responsible to cut and cut and raise the once more prudent hemmed budget lines with their to tight fashionings as by a risque extra trillion skirted away.  It is not a no nonsense historical now that the skirting by the Clintons step by step to their waggle and waisted extra trillion was too much - too much as a horny as a “Rataxes” as a National Socialist French Rhinoseros King - however bah barred.

There are a hundred and one in the Senate of the United States that have a right to vote.  There is a real lack of moral leadership at least in the Senate of the bicameral Congress of The United States of America.  We have long been of the American Play of life of a talk and walk as if one hundred and one in the Senate today are expected to want to now be President at least more than they would be to, however teased, a return of its Power and Authority upon what soul there may be otherwise in either of the Clintons.

Our Senators have among them at least one peer whom to win an office by election in Connecticut was to public recorded lies about his Vietnam era military service.  This is a problem of the morality to the above more limiting as if already then to a Senate of only one hundred whom should be of wants and stepping out against the Clintons for a Presidency more their own.

We have that since the Second Inaugural of President Barack Hussein Obama his Vice President has to be due a probative questioning as to why he hasn’t exercised his Powers and among those of the one hundred of his one extra to one hundred and one of the Vote in the Senate.  President Obama set himself up for a just coup with his pronouncements in his inaugural remarks near to: THOUGH I DID JUST SWEAR THE OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION AND TO DEFEND IT EVEN FROM DOMESTIC THREATS - I WILL NOT FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE CONSTITUTION AND NOR TO THE OATH I DID JUST SEEMING SWEAR A FIDELITY TO.  It seems Vice President Joseph Biden, though, may now yet have less standing between himself and his spouse of a Presidency their own but than he - he Vice President Joseph Biden & in lieu of a President Pro Tempore impeachment “voter” substitute.

Our Senators could hardly, Democrat to Democrat, be accused of racism if to being moved to walk a great temptation beyond a #Biden teasing;  It seems the Presidency can now be Vice President Joseph Biden’s if he were just to ask the other of his one hundred and one in the Senate for a new spirit of bipartisanship as a call for a moral reset by an impeachment voting for succession by him for cause - for a President too dark and established as away from the light and brightness of the endearing Constitution of The United States of America.  Our Senate is supposedly home site for the ONE HUNDRED MOST AMBITIOUS in America - One hundred and one if you respectfully include the Vice President.

There is a couple new giants, one can say in the too real lands of “Babar” and “Rataxes” as is the threatened realm of Washington, DC for its current state as of an excess of National Socialist Politics.  Between Jeh Johnson and James Comey risings time must have ticked eternal in the knees of President Barack H. Obama;  It seems President Barack H. Obama has done a moral thing now twice in his duty to find the greatest giants around for the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.  Besides the to be expected threat from Vice President Joseph Biden in the sworn duty his to be moral and too as his oath had it to like “not bare false witness” - to specifically NOT LIE - there has been an air about the Constitutional in the assumption of mantles by J. Johnson and J. Comey that seems to have made President Barack H. Obama weak in the knees, visibly. 

There are a couple giants now sworn to uphold the Constitution of The United States of America and now with it at least teased that Director James Comey had not yet been the official head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation because his first oath taking had to be voided as improper and deficient in a Constitutional for his hand wasn’t on a Bible - on a Bible being held by his spouse - being held in his case by his spouse as a wife.

Really, all Vice President Joseph Biden may have to walk and talk among his special and unique club of peers of their one hundred and one of Vote Power is to tease them with even just a little leg of a temptation that the current President is like derelict in his sworn duties and not sufficient to the mantle bestowed upon him.  It seems, really, that the only thing now standing between the Bidens and the Presidency is Joe Biden.  Like all he has to do is walk his very white legs into their chambers and ask in what cannot be a racial way that the first black President of The United States of America is a failed and still failing President.

President Barack Hussein Obama was greeted at the Washington DC headquarters building of the Department of Justice branch endowed and subscribed, however, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a Deputy Director’s diplomatic words.  It is though that though he walked in tall of his affectable strutting he seemed visibly shaken about his Liberal knees while and after it became officially the FBI of Director James Comey by his standing tall in its tradition of FIDELITY BRAVERY AND INTEGRITY and very strongly of his recitation of the Oath of such office as if he meant to himself be even to protecting and defending the Constitution and the People from domestic threats - domestic threats however Political they may be so.

President Barack Hussein Obama walked in say as tall and horny as “Rataxes” might have in a real Constitutional realm of a National Socialist see his and fit his crowning.  But the Constitution seemed to have the bull, however of President Barack Hussein Obama, as a dramatized Rhinoceros of BABAR, caught by more elephantine Republican ways by ways of a oddly familiar Oath and as if he really appeared as if a proud mouse to a set and baited trap.

It is that the walk of the too National Socialist Democrats of America, however of a Rhinoceros King “Rataxes” of a possibly also too National Socialist France, have the Clintons and President Obama in seeming legal jeopardy.  The Oath of office of the Presidency wasn’t the only risque showing in the temptatious talk of his teased easy times — he did certainly declare that he would not feel beholden to the Oath he had though just sworn a seeming brave fidelity too, but, interestingly for Posterity as it was for the cameras, President Barack Hussein Obama had moral problems while asked to be enthusiastic or just of a carefree and comforting believe as the chorus set so on high waffed intoned their witness and renderings of the endearing truth in strong notes about HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON.

We all had the chance thanks to C-SPAN to bare witness ourselves, however far or near, to those precious moments of the embattled failing Obamacare rollout so fresh yet so fresh and alarming inescapable for President Barack Hussein Obama as they were timed and walked so for the “official” swearing to the Oath of the office of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - of its ranks now mostly all reared through the Quantico based HOGAN’S ALLEY.  We all could see it if we could discern its apparent physical truth — We can still in repeats take stock in how the Oaths are stalking the Presidency and teasing a one hundred and one of the what is supposed to be America’s MOST AMBITIOUS. 

The stock - the stocking truths about these days of The United States of American seeming of a real lack of moral leadership, and but for the above aforesaid new GIANTS for JUSTICE, is much that President Barack H. Obama was greeted greatly as in a due and procedural pomp in a diplomatic presumption of innocence of a tall walk even if as a proud mouse more than a Rhinoceros too taxing King.  But, it seems he did grow appropriately weak in his knees and have to yet walk out so impressed by the newly sworn to FIDELITY BRAVERY INTEGRITY promise mission duty of the mantle of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as so lightly assumed in spirit despite how heavy the calling then officially set upon Director James Comey.  It seems as proud a mouse that President Barack H. Obama entered so it is that he left as if at least seeing the cheese and wanting the cheese and knowing the trap was like now set for a real snaring.

We all must now be vigilant and while Vice President Joseph Biden may only have but a real walk to a real talk with his Senate peers for a ushering to a needed new era of bipartisanship.  We should be vigilant even if a simple path to a moral reset is now available an in a non-racist procedural.  We should be vigilant and expectant that the full one hundred and one of the Vote Power of the Senate can do more than tease that solutions are possible, however be it in no-nonsense political skirting regularity. 

We need be vigilant for we should have at least one hundred expectant and seated options to these days of a moral fog.  Too much too easy is being offered up by too National Socialist “Rataxes” like Democrat Rhinos.  And it is that we should be vigilant for however it is that the temptatious of the walk and taking stock of President Barack H. Obama’s netting are seen as his there is that such has the legs of Hillary Clinton too most camouflaged and costumed, and, quite alarmingly as if of a walk for President William Jefferson Clinton as if he might be the first King of The United States of America - as allowed if their risque “post-Constitutional” treatments are embraced without taking stock enough of the endowments of peace stockings hemmed and secured by the living elasticity of the work and bravery of the integral integrity of the Founding Fathers.

To take prudent stock in the walk and talk of the 2013-2016 body politics across the United States isn’t one needing to hope still that the Senate has at least one hundred moral leaders ready to now stand tall in a reset of what has long been secured and sustained as right? 

Can the Presidency now actually easily be Vice President Joseph Biden’s and his spouse as a wife Dr. J. Biden’s if he just asks one hundred others much like him to help him stop leading so many into these excessive temptations as now too long walked and strutted by the Obamas’ and Clintons’ administrations and selfish political machinations however foundational?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:41 pm

The high drama of the SEQUESTER has its roots in the first round - the FOOL ME ONCE round - of the politics of the Clintons in the second term of the co-Administration of the Clintons.  This is the shame on us round now - the round two - of at least the Republicans no longer able to say “shame on you” as round one tolerates - or expects.

Hillary Clinton was not an alternative to this.  A President Clinton, as irregular and ill advised as it was, would have been of these same polarizing partisan politics but more clearly as a round two now longer a shame upon the foolery of the Clintons on the Clintons.  She wasn’t born to this polarizing harkening to Soviet styled socialism as President Barack H. Obama was as born so salt and peppered beautifully as a Soviet Studies LOVE child.  Hillary Clinton made nearly all the same impossible spending promises that “socialist” @BarackObama did - Hillary Clinton started off maybe more “socialist” than he has actually has been with her first parlay her promise to seize all oil company profits if she is elected.

Yes this is an era of political high drama.  And, yes, this time around for the Republicans to play “bi-partisanly” well with these Dems they would now be the party of the shame of round twos as of “FOOL ME ONCE - SHAME ON YOU — FOOL ME TWICE - SHAME ON ME!”

I really don’t know how much of this I have to explain to new or old and loyal readers of my blogging, now.  The era of an administration of the Clintons as “bi-partisan” would have been over as soon as if it were actually she that got elected.  There are serious concerns as too how much the spousal husbandry of the Clintons’ political strategizing to have successfully lined both of them up each for their own Presidency did get in the way of regular and prudent governance and did undermine our general stability - economically, at least.

Some perspective to how similar, not dissimilar this all might have been, if yet otherwise and successfully of the spousal “two-fer” power grabbing political machinations, so also of global plotting, of/by the Clintons, is achievable with a consideration of 2008 all over again.  Simply the Democrats and especially the Clintons wanted and needed gas prices to be high - much higher heading into November elections.  Simply President Bush, and the Republicans, if “stupid” and “unelectable” as “liars” for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM cannot be thought to have been so dumb that they are considered have wanted higher gas prices in 2008 or that they would have worked to effect such without knowing they were effectively making Republicans unelectable in November.

It is hard to decide which aspect of the roots of this high drama about the sequester to now broach next.  There could not have been a repeat of the Clintons’ “bi-partisanship” of their second term had she been elected and promised to as much irresponsible nationalizing of so much “governance” as well without a workable philosophy.  She campaigned to polarized Washington along the very same idealistic “spending” lines as President Barack H. Obama. 

The Clintons are remembered for seeming to think at least by their second term that they now had the technology to fool all of the people all of the time and had the advantage of incumbency and newness of such to the order of thinking that the Republicans had to get on board or get left behind forever.  There are enough public statements by the Clintons and especially from the years afterwards that are yet before much of this mess, but about it all, and of those days they said stuff more defensively as their plans for reigning seemed most to be falling apart.  What is less considered is how much fell apart because it was considered and affected of a plot by spouses to line one up to be intentionally different than the other publicly while of the Powers of incumbency.

But how to be brief now about so much that isn’t now an alternative to this gridlock of prideful and defensive NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - how to talk about any “alternative” while realizing the Clintons are not and were not actually an “alternative.”  It is some that he was born “Barry” Obama as a Soviet Studies LOVE child who then had to twist and turn thorough at least his developmental years about what went wrong between his ‘ebony’ and ‘ivory’ parental Soviet specialiality melodies.

There is the objective lesson of LOCATION & LOCATION of the Clntons and yet hardly with enough curiousity even as to how Senator Clinton become such as if by political nepotism and patronage as a carpetbagger to New York.  Of the “LOCATION” con, shall we say, we have that one can discourse on how Harlem did save at least Bill Clinton from himself.  He did not choose to locate in Harlem - I seem to recall he was dragged up there crying or whining - and after having gone to his banking friends he made so rich with his derivatives “guidance” as a back up plan to such bastion of Power basis he sought originally high above the Russian Tea Room in the then new Carnegie Hall Towers near Time Square. 

I don’t know why or how Arkansas couldn’t have still been good enough for Bill or Hillary.  But oddly there is LOCATION and ‘architecture’ now more to be discussed as the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of President George W. Bush readies to finally open.  It seems by his first choice and his remembered (reported) fights with our government for massive annual sums for his post-office holding convenience in excess originally of the sum of all past President’s ‘allowances’ combined for first year expenses that there must be a lot he wanted from the sought most regal location still available in CHT and that it to him may have been one of the last bastions of white male power holding that was domestically available to him.  It seems too coincidental that by his words and designs he has raised a due queriousness as to his own true “evolution” and reputation.

Again, President Clinton did not want to end up in Harlem.  Harlem was the nearest we would afford him when after our Government accountants realized we couldn’t or shouldn’t afford him that million dollar a year rent for life depression was setting in after he sought and then fought publicly and privately to be high above Time Square and able to dominate our Forth Estate however it then may have been still a last great bastion of white male power.

I do hope you will soon participate in a due intellectual and patriotic exercise about comparing and contrasting the LOCATION and ARCHITECTURES of the libraries of the Clintons’ Administration and the soon to be open library of the Presidency of George W. Bush.  I do not, again, understand how even his Mrs. would have signed off on the Clintons’ legacy so for it phalicly like a gun, at least, and seemingly forever clad/skinned in colors of Confederate Grey.

With the banking and housing crisis what it has been and now this sticking NEW DEAL AUSTERITY we all can consider how lucky both Clintons have been that Bill Clinton did basically get dragged kicking and screaming/crying up to Harlem.  Had he been situated as hoped and long fought to be in CHT the story really should maybe be now that the BIG Bank FOB (Friends of Bill) are paying his rent for life at near a million per year in thanks for all the money he made them with his original guidance to and of derivatives cons. 

I see that President Obama is not a Hillary Clinton and that she as of ODYSSEY DAWN broaching of America’s legacy to be not the “offensive” “first striker” may have been more just a tool of a died in the wool Clinton Democrat, however otherwise.  It is the Obama administration not the Bush administration that set out to a new frontier of global “politics” of “first strike” “offense” as to be to a willful hunting of “monsters” without regard for regular American due process.

The Republicans and George W. Bush cannot be as stupid/dumb or corrupt as Dems have suggested.  A point to such case is that it is ridiculous it seems to think that they would not have lowered gas prices in 2007 & 2008 if they could have to so save or prevent the economic slide from subjective & political market affectings of a “GREEN” and “PARTISAN” idealism.

The fastest or only way to have stopped the housing crisis as it broke was to get the global price of gas back to normal and more objective rational basis and as the successes of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA was then of having made possible and reasonable.  It was from the higher prices, and how they kept climbing, that those who had bought into CLINTONOMICS, and their (political) hedging, and its a “patriotism” of spending far more than every penny they had, and while on fixed incomes, that the domino effect started to the full blown housing crisis and then the related CRISIS OF VALUATION. 

These are days where the Republicans can still say “Shame on the Clintons!” and/or “Shame on the Clinton Democrats!” for round one as it of those days too much of them thinking they now had the tools and technology, so it seemed/seems to fool all of the people all of the time. 

There is no alternative now in the Clintons - this is much an economic mess of CLINTONOMICS II as not at all likely to have been less “polarizing” and “socialistic” in a unnecessary “New Nationalism” than OBAMANOMICS.  The Clintons have enough water under the still too condemned bridges of America for most now to not see that CLINTONOMICS II if Hillary had been elected would have too been devoid of “partisan” balancing of CLINTONOMICS I.

Yes, we are kinda of stuck now with too few ‘alternatives’ and some not because the Bush administration could have lowered the gas prices from the spiking of the market supply and demand subjectivity from GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM in time to have prevented the housing crisis above scratched at that then did cause too great a loss of consumer confidence in banks and Washington based Politics. 

We are still of the CRISIS OF VALUATION and in ways that our Republicans cannot step back from with having let themselves all be played out as fools.  Please remember it would have been dumb for Republicans to support higher gas prices even privately with investments then for Hillary was the “inevitable” next President of very strongly of promises to seize any or all oil company profits - especially those then conveniently of unnecessarily inflated market pricing.

And, Please remember to consider how you would now be thinking of the Clintons if his back up plan to have had those BIG BANKS “friends” cover his million dollar a year lease had worked.  It is remarkable that in a consideration of his “architecture” of his own library he sets us up now to a discussion of his life of having until Harlem been able to stay “white” and “chauvinistic” as a master above most of it personally while able to stay a white southern male above such movements. 

Yes there are different ways to look at the obvious and historical trails of Bill Clinton.  By marrying Hillary and with her legacy as a feminist and her willingness to subjugate herself with a putting of his career first he never really had to become a feminist in practice himself.  As well it is quite remarkable still that such can be said of “race” politics too as now later in his career he has left enough record to bring questions out at least as per his library “design” and their choice of Washington residence on Whitehaven Rd that he talked so much as he did about race (until in Harlem) as a southern white male who in his day had stayed ahead of being less than an accepted “master” - right?

How much is in William Jefferson Clinton’s public displays and those reports about him like as if he had been dragged kicking and screaming/crying all the way to Harlem, and, now how that has actually saved his and his wife’s political street cred at least until this #sequester started? 

#Obama #FORWARD has to be out the door - thrown from the train - whipped to death!  We/he now are engaged in a new conflict much of old days now to be reconsidered and finally judged in a due litigation or a re-litigation.

For the record here it seems still that so much of new President Obama’s early pleading to be of us not “re-litigating” the past was actually politically and judicially of injustices that had hardly yet even been litigated once.

If this were Nixon’s era and that Congress we likely already would have impeached Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton and be still about or done as well with one for President Barack H. Obama.  So it seems.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:44 pm

Bob Woodward’s complaints of censorship suggestion of the Obama Administration seems petty while I remember feeling the wrath of Bill Clinton from during my days of defeating HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT with my public blogging.  I know what it is like to be grateful for having enough friends in law enforcement from moments like two I can not yet forget of the visceral blasts quite destabilizing of hearing President Clinton say like “I want him dead with every bone in my body.” 

“An enemy of my enemy, is my friend” comes to mind now as President Barack H. Obama seems now the one person who most benefited from those days of my defeating the Clintons during the primary between Senator Obama and Senator Clinton.  For the record I was able to keep the Clintons from sounding much like they were remembered for sounding well and together about their unexpected rise in the early 90s by having the officers of the Bush Administration appropriate to the protection of intellectual property keep the Clintons from further inappropriate and unauthorized use of my own intellectual property.

But this isn’t about the wrath of Bill Clinton and how it was of the unexpected rise to such heights of Hillary’s novice challenger Senator Obama.  This is more as if President Barack H. Obama should be wearing a Superhero costume like from THE METEOR MAN.  I cannot forget the first time I felt such wrath of Bill Clinton and how I decided I better get up from my seat on Capitol Hill in my apartment near Eastern Market and walk as best I can with the visceral fearful blast and out over to the eatery with take out oriental buffet a few blocks away on Pennsylvania Ave. 

This is about whether President Obama has earned any street creds as a member of an “Intelligentsia” or if he is still stumbling and recovering while moving forward without a workable plan.  There are problems now about this SEQUESTER that suggest there is no philosophy of governance but just a lot of stubbornness proving to be counterproductive.

I will try to be objective about so much so contradictory in the “governance” of the Administration of Barack Obama.  He did embrace the Clinton “two-fer” after I had stoicly stood up to them to keep them from misappropriate further use of my intellectual property of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM rhyme and reasoning that was leading when penned in days before the Clintons entered 1992 race and then critically again after 9/11 I as I offered it as having been refreshed for another go around to President George W. Bush and his administration.

I have problems with ACA - Obamacare though I accept that our Supreme Court saw a way to pass it as bad Constitutional law as still of a realm of war powers and taxation about general Health concerns.  We have that our Governors are all capable of finding alternatives to Obamacare at local or county wide levels and that ACA is an alternative not a necessary system change.  As long as we let Obamacare stand we have that we should be wondering how bad our own towns and counties must be such that our Federal Government had to step in and help our neighbors.

As I recall it seems that Senator Obama had some of his greatest break out primary moments against the vast Clinton political machine about the same times I was standing strongest to keep them from using again and misusing again that which was originally mine - originally my most marketable “change” to a new “PC” as of a better balanced political language with unique rhyme and reasoning.

President Barack H. Obama of Columbia and Harvard degrees is maybe in need of a SUPERHERO costume/armor and an actual philosophy of governance that isn’t contrary to our Constitution.  His RACE TO THE TOP education messaging is troublesome for he hasn’t yet established a base line like of a “GREEN MINIMALISM” from which a philosophy can be grounded for practicable political effecting.  “GREEN MINIMALISM” with a “RACE TO THE TOP” would be the new “PC” to replace “POVERTY” & “POOR” at least  — he has suggested that his “TOP” has to be our Presidency, it seems.  A green costume could work for President Obama as well, maybe.

President Barack H. Obama seems to have missed a necessary consideration for any fiscal responsibility about his ACA - Obamacare for a philosophy of governance to be workable since it figures simply with mathematical logic that he should not have pushed for such vast left wing healthcare alternative system while a working local caring still available and without first having pushed through the massive immigration reforms and border securing needed.  It is figurable that President Obama should not have pushed through ACA until first having succeeded with immigration reforms and as well with jobs & economy reforms to reboot a reformed growth period.

I have intellectual problems with his seeming lack of a workable philosophy of governance, and, how his machinations seem too much to be revolutionary in too contrary to our Constitution ways.  But it is as well that as an admitted illegal drug user that he even dare offer his RACE TO THE TOP as a guidance for all children within the United States of America while his days of admitted criminal usage was of tuning out instead of in during his academic years.

I have many many problems with his RACE TO THE TOP messaging as if it is fitting for education motivation while so much of his “governance” machinations have been so much about it being bad to be above any middle.  His admitted criminal use of such illegal drugs as he used is most troublesome as of those years of his school days.  And, today we have that such as his troubles with “governance” may have roots in his having tuned out when he should have tuned in - tuned in more.

It was HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT troublesome early messaging about using BIG Government Powers to seize all the profits of all the oil companies if and when elected.  This would have been to the Clintons being even more polarizing than they stumbled as partly being when of their first term in the early 90s.  Clintonomics would have been dead with bi-partisanship by the hands of the Clintons as well or more definitively than they have been otherwise by the governance of President Obama.

To be brief:  President Obama needs a philosophy of governance with an established and defined bottom and a top for there to be his #sequester Intelligentsia movement and for there to be an effective RACE TO THE TOP.  He is arguing that redistribution is necessary and a new GOOD and that our Federal Government is better to be running all education, it seems.  President Obama is now at risk of angering his Intelligentsia base by disarming them with powers too like those a President Clintons was promising to flex if returned for a third term.  President Obama now should explain how it could be right to seize profits of all oil companies and yet not seize all the private endowments of his Intelligentsia base and their private institutions of higher education. 

To be brief:  For the #SEQUESTER to be fair it seems necessary to explain how it wouldn’t be fair to amass all education dollars even if it means seizing those private endowments of the Obama Intelligentsia Base and to the fair and equalizing redistribution of “education” dollars by his national Department of Education.

To be brief and before we decide if it is wise or safe to root for President Obama now:  President Obama should need to have a fully thought through and worked out philosophy of governance with established base lines and “top(s)” as if a SUPERHERO garb earned not just adorned for hoots.

President Obama cannot be an island of idealism now with this #SEQUESTER - Right? 

President Obama must have details ready for us all and even about a fairness for his base and their private education endowments while he stands up there supposedly truthfully of honesty in advertising as if the general thinking is workable and smart/wise.

To be brief:  There really is too much to talk about here about all this just already broached.  It is President Obama that is asking us to believe his is #REALINTELLIGENTSIA?  Mr. President how can you be right and your base not wrong for so many years before you?  Mr. President how can it be fair not to equalize our education institutions if you are to not closing down our national Department of Education, as it could actually be now done as part of a cost savings and stream lining necessary due to your sequester?  

Mr. President it does seem you have opened a can of worms that might better have been addressed by closing down at least our/your Department of Education - and at least since you of such a contradictory “above the middle is bad” general guidance and other philosophical and sociological problems with your RACE TO THE TOP spin and messaging.

Mr. President are you at risk while trying to sound as if a #REALINTELLIGENTSIA really quite at risk now of alienating your base?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:10 am

As we rise with the end of BLACK HISTORY MONTH upon us we have to consider now that it is not racist to be about casual banter about how and why Americans were, however, to have been having had better sex during the Bush/GOP administering.

We have to today deal with real currents of events and ebbs and flows of societal proprieties and maybe not too economically.

There seems to be no little blue pill for President Barack H. Obama in his second term to straighten out his government over-reaching and subjectivized “economic” rendings.  A serving of vitual comity not now so comedic with President Obama’s renderings so contrary and rended/set asunder per our p’s and q’s.  A time warp to election day 2000 and the air of an old battling between two southern white men can be moderated with a literal consumption of an economic factoid that DC bartenders prefer Republican reigns in our Washington for Republicans are better tippers than Democrats. 

But this is more about our here and now and less about the election day of 2000 and how then it was a choice between two southern white men.  It is from as reliable a bartender source as one can probably find anywhere that I learned then on such momentous yet “undecided” day of Republicans historically as better tippers.  I believe Restauranter James Carville’s chief bartender’s name was Norm - James and Mary co-operated WEST 23RD establishment whence - Norm is he whom is recalled for this “tipping” factoid.

Bill Clinton is also a southern white male.  If he wanted you to remember him as otherwise he likely would not have had his Arkansas based Presidential Library design too Freudian as if a BIG GUN as so most half bridges naturally appear and covered it in architectural “skin” in Confederate Gray tones.  For the sake of a discussion now about how Americans had better sex during the Bush administration than for the past four years under President Obama it is best to remember the 8 years of the Clintons, and, to remember that you can have it both ways since then it was that rare era of bi-partisanship.

We do need to look at all of President Clinton’s political and economic postures though since you may have picked up bad ways from him while so many were distracted by the unnatural highs of a careless bi-partisanship.

President Clinton is like a third wheel these days and as an ineligible player that just won’t leave the “bedrooms” of politics, and, especially won’t leave the politics of our economy.  There is a concern about “Bill” being allowed to hang around and in a patronizing air of improper historicals;  Bill Clinton still likes to think he was promoted out of the Office of the President and so that he doesn’t have to think he was at all “defeated.”  This is troublesome for Hillary as his Mrs., however, - however engaged improperly in an administration of another man; Hillary Clinton is still by “Bill” as if not as honorable as he as it was he that was forever promoted above her when they were forced to leave the White House by our 22nd Amendment.

The mentioned era of “unnatural highs of a careless bi-partisanship” of at least the second term of the Administration of the Clintons is a troublesome political black hole for economics and social justice streaming now, historically.  For the sake of this airing of a topical perusal comparative between the GOP and the Obama Dems it is better we keep the Clintons out of today’s bedroom banter — too many are likely to just lose sleep if we bring the Clintons back, now - ever.

Bill Clinton is not now, however, our Patronizer in Chief — Nor is his Mrs. our former Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so consecrated and of a consummated holding such that she while married seems never to be out from under “Bill” her “Mr.” at least as long as he continues to interject himself as if he reigns above after having been permanently promoted out of and above America’s office of the President “holding.”  It is arguable that President Obama had an illegal Secretary of State and that “Hillary for President” was an Un-Constitutional endeavor undermining to the logic of the 80th Congress and its carrying of our 22 Amendment through to its ratification. 

(Nixon was a member of the Eightieth Congress - women and wives by those “standards” were even more subjects of a “set asunder” “holding” trigger writ to render spouses of either sex as an indivisible “two-fer” with our term limit amending to be not just a loophole as with a spousal exception.)

To keep Bill and Hillary now out of our bedrooms of such currents of discourse to proprieties proper and civilly considerated is wise and necessary, much.  She as a spouse of a term limited First Couple rightly is arguably of having been barred by the undecided law of our 22nd amendment and even from any posting however an intimate engagement in another man’s administration if such so bedded down into our constituted line of succession. 

The eightieth Congress waxed sexual and without being of Posterity for perpetuity in a sex descrimination;  the eightieth Congress scribed so such writ and carried it through its ratification to be an enduring bar and not a weak regulatory arbitrary maleable bit piece of lower law;  the eightieth Congress construction of our 22nd Amendment as a Term Limit Constitutional bar is remarkably poetic though of undecided license yet as intimately varied to be sensitive to engagements of unions indivisible and vow not to be set asunder in marriage - of marriage vows standard writs.  To be otherwise is to have our marriage laws set asunder by other laws and specifically primarily superiorly by the Constituted 22nd Amendment.

Bill Clinton was not promoted out of our office of the President — Mrs. Hillary Clinton is not now nor will she ever be First Lady of the World to an unelected superior, and yet by self-decreeing, President of the World Bill Clinton.  There are prudent reflections to peruse about the inseparability of the Clintons and all First Couples, regardless of their sex.  Today we are set about to consider at least that most Americans did have better sex before even the first inaugural of President Barack H. Obama — along Partisan lines - not personal particulars.

Bill Clinton is trying to be in the room again and as superior still to his Mrs.  Bill Clinton with the arguable economic failures of President Obama, though all the while of his own former “experts” and with his wife quite too complicit, is yet still trying to climb to a workable high ground of an air of superiority that can only mostly now be “patronizing” at least much to President Obama, and, even on this last day of BLACK HISTORY MONTH.

If you have not yet even considered the improper design of the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON can you even be prudently considerate enough to broach naval matters more now of a union divided along partisan lines and with it not too patronizing if Republicans were to buy full pages and see published a simple progression that explains how the Democrats while oddly united were to the cause and effects that have brought us so about a new Depression like era of a worked Government biased economic suppression long of this most long recession.

It is a misplaced patronizing by the wants seemingly of President William Jefferson Clinton to ask you to bed now still with a ridiculous belief in him (and Hillary - his Mrs.) that all you/we need now is just to have “Bill” back.  As we slide to sequestration it is with President Barack H. Obama conflicted and compromised by both spouses of the Clintons’ “two-fer” - it is that he has been stuck and uninspiring for having dragged out the Clintons as if innocent and free to partronize, however, though these economics as well attest that “IT” can not have been none of the Clintons’ fault.

Is it patronizing at least to President Obama that with a “not sexy” sequestration set upon our otherwise privately workable economics that President Clinton still wants you to believe that you/we just need him back?  Is it at least sexist that such seems in the air now and even patronizing to Mrs. Clinton whom is not now nor ever to be an unelected First Lady of the World to self proclaimed President of the World Bill Clinton - that you/we need “Bill” back so much we should see an entire Constitutional Amendment as just a loophole to use “Hillary” (his Mrs.) now to get him back?

And, yes it seems that from that day in 2000 when two southern white men were battling our electoral rhetoricals and historicals LIVE in the present that at least by James’ and Mary’s Norm as chief bartender it became establish factoid that Republicans are preferred in DC by restaurant staffs as better for their personal economics as said thence as “better tippers.”

While handling your new serving of Bob Woodward of “if a President says it is legal” Constitutional echoes it does complement the Confederate Grey “personalized” “architecture of the William Jefferson Clinton southern phalic “BIG GUN” allegoricals historical for not just the Clintons such that his Arkansas based Presidential Library is, quite, that the Clintons are host and hostesses about DC as residers former in Chief at their personally selected private residence for nesting and Posterity on Whitehaven Road.

It does seem that regardless of how effective Bill Clinton may still think his patronizing is we are of a new day dawning tomorrow all #sequestration irregular.  It does seem that tomorrow dawns a day for a simple global strategy by Republicans and Bob Woodward types even so if kept to historically basic media of full page buys to publish globally a time line of the cause and effect who, what, where, when, why and how that can explain elementarily that the Democrats did cause these long years of an economic new Depression like long recession by Goverment over-reaching effectively of economic suppression.

Cheers!  Happy #sequestration so much as you have a right to manage - have earned a right to have.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:03 pm

We have that “capitalism” and “socialism” were top keywords for 2012, and, now with 2013 due a grand diligence about “cost consciousness” at least.

We can conclude later that President Obama has corned himself politically with a gridlock of and from his own absolutes.

To be brief, and yet poignant, while a hashable audience is e-assembled, for social media networking, and physically organized gathered as a #smw ecosystem:

We have that these days of President Obama as re-elected with a mandate for austerity and gridlock have us stuck much because of some of these works of the Administration of the Clintons:

If he were to trying to actually sell and effect a new growth economy wouldn’t he necessarily be about a different politics?

It figures that President Obama now owns the down economy and that enough may now be realizing that the Democrats actually did far more to cause the economic downturn than even President Bush’s tax cuts.

Many can easily fathom how to twain a marking of blame upon the Clintons for their eight years after they get over the first condemned bridge about the Clintons’ SURPLUSES as of a trillion in cuts that neither our Government nor our economy needed.

It is hard to avoid speaking of dangers from political ABSOLUTES now for there is so much that relates almost solely economically and politically just to the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.  Obama has cornered himself with his ABSOLUTE “It is all Bush’s fault!”  Or, the Clintons trapped newly elected President Obama with an insistance that he should go again with “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” absolutism.

President William Jefferson Clinton knew enough to be aware that he shouldn’t have proceeded with a SURPLUS while he pursued his risky loan housing bubble economic plans as an unfunded Federal social program.  Those two political items should not ever be able to work together or well co-exist.

The Clintons messed up our economics by rigging succession schemes for Hillary to be set up to be asap elected to return them to our Executive seat of “holding of office” of our Office of the President.  There are historical moments to consider as our economy is stuck with a jobless recovery much still that precisely rest about the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES could go down as the greatest economic and/or political blunder of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of at least the past century.  We had no economic or governmental need for that cutting of an additional trillion in cuts past the trillion the GOP found to cut (too quickly) to balance our Federal budget.

The SURPLUSES linger in these down economic times of us much still in the “ditch” yet hardly as critically as they should.  To understand the SURPLUSES it helps to consider the scheming to successionary Power by the Clintons to as much as possible set Hillary up to asap return them to such seat of Powers for the both of them again.  It is critical that you do not accept or believe the innocent portrayal of Hillary Clinton as in the book or movie GAME CHANGE for she and Bill were of dating compatibility while at Yale Law School because they both wanted to be elected President.  She did not only after becoming “Senator Hillary Clinton” get to thinking she might want to be President herself and as from people having suggested the idea firstly to her.
The Clintons’s SURPLUSES now sit in a lacking safety about a media and politics too hesitant to consider them as contrary and conflicting to the very New Deal spending ideology of President Obama.  It seems as if there are two absolutes that do not and cannot fit together now still to propped up and marketed as if somehow they are actually compatible.  The Clintons stood up an unnecessary cutting of an additional trillion while there was no economic need for a surplus, &, President Obama stands up suggesting so much they said we didn’t need to spend even a trillion on is now actually necessary spending.

There are many condemned levies and roads and bridges and even schools that the Clintons took away available Federal dollars from.  In the case of Katrina and the failure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MR GO) their surpluses fit with the courts finding of “gross negligence” upon our Federal Government to a date back to 1983 most negligently morally speaking on the legacy of the Administration of the Clintons for them of cutting money by a trillion for a political popularity from a SURPLUS thought most impossible and while it was not necessary economically nor for governance purposes.

We have it nearly as a truth self evident after past the first condemned bridge left to collapse by the Clintons’ SURPLUSES that it cannot have been as ABSOLUTE as President Obama decried with “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!”

The greatest economic threat if not just the most dangerous moral threat is that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were only “necessary” politically to save a queen like plotted and schemed succession workings towards a President Hillary Clinton.  The Clintons needed to politically save themselves and their vast plotting too near to a reach at global autocratic power after the GOP proved that they could find a trillion in cuts to safely balance our Federal budget.  The Clintons would not have been able to sell anyone on more years for either of them then for their second term if they couldn’t prove that they too could find a thought impossible trillion to also cut.

Hillary Clinton much deserves the rapped tag as the “TRILLION DOLLA’ SURPLUS’D QUEEN” in poem FUZZY MATH available at http://jphogan.org and where originally streamed and published via http://citizenrosebud.us.

President Clinton and Senate Banking chieftain Dodd are oddly remembered for having asked a small gaggle of banking heads to find a way to “gamble away” the known and/or expected risks inherent in Bill Clinton’s desire to be most popular by coyly burning our economic candle from both ends at once.  You can call it “a ditch” or that “it burned out” as expected - seemingly.

It is absolutely not now funny that President Obama’s Obamacare ACA was fronted as not meant to cover illegal immigrants while now of he of an immigration proposal that would have them all by their conservative estimate of 12 million to be fully covered it seems as citizens by about the time his Obamacare however costs otherwise is to then be in effect on the promises and predictions about it as affordable without these 12 million covered as well.

Only the Clintons needed the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of them also to a finding of a thought impossible trillion in cuts.  Without matching the GOP efforts of the balancing of our budget their scheming and effecting to line Hillary up would have been bust.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES did take away the pipeline of Federal Government spending that needed the 4-7 year headstart to have kept enough employment in our economy for the risky lending housing bubble as run yet as their unfunded Federal social program.  The timing of such is nearly enough self evident now though hardly the political absolute it should rank with while incidentally chronological to a set up for economic collapse about 2006 or 2007.  It is that to have seen the housing not collapse the “shovel ready” jobs had to not have been cut by the Clintons’s SURPLUSES during their second term so that they would have been already processed and in the works with all necessary permitting for the “economics” then needed after the Clintonomics of stirring a hyper-consumerism ran the length of its short wick.

It is that President Obama is the President now maybe most trapped by ABSOLUTES of his own orations.  But that said it is absolutely a real concern that the Clintons were offered political protection like of a “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” polarizing political partisanship then quite only able to lead to gridlock.  But with these shared it is important to really consider how absolutely correct I am in sharing that the Clintons were the only ones that needed the SURPLUSES and politically to save a succession scheming to line Hillary up for an inevitable anointing more as if a “queen.”

We have all long been paying too high a price for the SUPLUSES of the Clintons.  And it is absolutely contradictory that the Clintons can be economically right for so much cutting, and that President Obama can be so right for wanting to spend so much once cut as unnecessary as if it is still necessary.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES do deserve to go down in history as one of our greatest national economic blunders of the past century.  President Clinton did know enough to know he shouldn’t have pursued surpluses and his risky lending programs with his Clintonomics of a pimped out hyper-consumerism — but resisting temptations (political) is historically of record a characteristic not as of a “strong suit.”

A while ago while being a partisan political operator against his promises to operate his CGI as non-partisan and non-political he in an interview with Maria Bartiromo proffered an “expertise” about economies needing time to recover science that by his own words and phraseology if actually an “expert” and if such affirms he was an expert while President did condemn himself as knowingly have been of doing what he knew he economically shouldn’t have done while President.

Beyond this we are of a 2013 as much needing a pop trending for key word relevance about “capitalism” and “socialism” still.  We though need to find a way to break down the ABSOLUTES of and by President Obama to get to the realistic realm of “cost consciousness” needed as we also need to really discuss tax reforms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:21 am

These are the days that too many have a blank slate now to redraw a life upon.  We are of a time to consider austerity and our environment as well as our politics in 2012 that may not be ever so again in our life times.  We can hope as Americans that our fellow Americans so severely effected by at least the recent category 1 Hurricane named Sandy are free to sketch themselves for themselves a new way forward as free as the one before, but when.

President Obama is a danger zone himself!  President Barack Hussein Obama spoke big and tried to evangelize but over charged from his very first moments with our national check book and credit accounts.

President Obama did not offer us a real RESET!  President Barack Hussein Obama seemed willing to have over coddled an extremely like a one percenter Saddam Hussein.  It was with one as if a supporter of Ba’athists and maybe for them of an ideological origin to be a way forward to a United Arab Socialist State. (Alan Hart — Arafat - Terrorist or Peacemaker)

President Obama has been a bad socialist - a not to scale drafter - of sketchy sketches too top heavy.

President William Jefferson Clinton was a danger zone early on!  We are now suffering for what was wrought poorly and with insufficient forethought by the administration of the Clintons.  President Clinton did have to demote George Stephanopoulus early on and find a stalwart former Republican Presidential adviser such as David Gergen to boldly step quietly into a slipping Clinton White House and for a rescue of such Democrats.

David Gergen did step boldly and quietly into the Administration of the Clintons as part of a necessary demotion of George Stephanopoulus early on and as a successful former Republican adviser willing to be that special adviser to show President Clinton a way to make his White House start working.  President Clinton desperately then needed a Republican adviser like David Gergen to cross party lines and to show him how a White House could work.

President Obama has been a bad socialist in a variety of ways!  Foremost for starters should be how he showed his socialist centralizing cards too early and too strongly.  President Obama was obvious and simple so when of hopes to have a second stimulus as if it would then be so much government spending that it would be a CRISIS to justify it seemed near 70% taxation.

I don’t know if David Gergen survived the administration of the Clintons enough to now explain such today. 

As so many now because of Category 1 Hurricane Sandy are unexpected new faces like of those long now of Obama’s unemployed or effected we have that socialism issues have to be a consideration of state’s rights and local recoveries of these days so sketchy for so many.  It seems if President Obama wants to be of a “success” for GLOBAL WARMING and these austere days of a new conservationism he is then wanting to be re-elected for having worked to stop or just greatly slow down our economy.  If President Obama wants to be elected with his first time of “success” then really we should revisit any and all opinions of the economics of President Bush for such does seem to suggest that then he must be a heroic political figure.

I do know that President George W. Bush did appose the earlier efforts of the Dems with the Kyoto Accords and as documented by David Frum because he was too concerned that if he did embrace them as constructed he then would be tanking the global economy.  Yes, we can say:  Like it did when around 2007 the Dems started a too ideological march anew with a simple partisanship also inadequately considered.

We have sketched out now that Governor Mitt Romney is a viable alternative to President Barack H. Obama.

May you be free - be free still to sketch etchy now as before - as before there was a President Obama as a bad socialist.

President Obama has been a bad socialist in large part for he didn’t offer a state based socialist model while of a rush to a new nationalism in socialized centralization.  We have that ideologically speaking, and especially in time of shared CRISIS that we are of days when wealth and income inequality can naturally best be resettled with state and local taxation reformulations.  A bad socialist he has been for not having differentiated a wealth inequality about differences in income taxation realm and wealth and property taxation realms.

President Barack Hussein Obama and his attempts at evangelizing the USA and whomever abroad he might have been corrupted ideologically as per any and all 1% vs. 99%!  So much that he rushed a march forward with just doesn’t work at a national level with revenues based on a variable such as income taxation and capital gains.  Essentially our federal system is set up like a circuit breaker for the freedom of the People such that revenues can shrink at the national level if a socialism is attempted. 

Our states though have greater powers to be more fairly socialistic or to a renaissance in a community balancing!

I am not sure, really, that David Gergen did survive the Administration of the Clintons!  It seems clear now - let me be clear — that the Clintons and their personal bests were not then and are not now sufficient or as sufficient as at least that of Governor Mitt Romney.  President Bill Clinton may have needed David Gergen just to counter his personal character to politicking like one of the told of likes of bad used car salesmen.

It did seem that the problem with our economy early on in the Administration of Obama was some that he had brought in and embraced essentially all those that the Clintons would have if re-elected.  And, that those were obvious in a desire to have a second stimulus more to such as being an excuse to hike taxes as high as 70% if they could.

And with a revenue stream from individual efforts to income, profits, and gains this was BOLDLY drawn to demotivate too many. 

And, with it then also of a Government GUILTING a anvil was like dropped as well upon all the motivations of Americans to income, profits, and gains as well because the psychology of such was loudly sketched as a BAD that even they shouldn’t be towards or of.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:05 am



Some times it is as simple as finding the right type of shoes for your day.  Today if you aren’t wondering about all the manufacturers and specific brands for work boots are you considering if you started your day on the wrong side of the bed?

Sands of times such as like of these days metrics may be of time kept accurate enough and finally more locally and celestial.  An hour glass shape is more beautiful than a Sandy cyclonic nimbustic mass, however.

With some now to tea parties by candles light necessarily an election day approaches with Sandy having sunken the HMS BOUNTY.  A quick game of Go Fish or Cribbage maybe with your tea - or yet some Bridge, maybe?  A quick flight of nimbus 2012 might still harken on sight too many too near to concerns about weather as beautiful - a puffy cumulus sky set 2012 may yet not.

Many either will be shopping for new boots for November and with some buying the nearest brand available even if not as steel toed as they should eventually have.  Some will have time to shop for a more lasting fit and more specific use specific branding considerate so.  Others may be shopping for waders more than they had ever thought.

Waterproofing and breathability to be considered as for toe and ankle protection and support.

Tread patterns and arch support and a good fit may not be of the first available options for those most in need of new boots due to Sandy and her nimbustic cyclonic.

The captain of the original HMS Bounty did become a matter of dispute though it did set off as the United Kingdom started to find hope and change for themselves after having lost the American colonies to struggles and independence assertions risen from earlier American Tea Party taxation issues.  Captain William Blygh was the Captain of Commissioning for the mission of THE BOUNTY and William Jefferson Blythe III is the Christian name Bill Clinton was born to.

There is much afoot politically now arguably because the Democrats of the 2008 sweep to so much power that they decided to try to go it alone without working at much of any bi-partisanship.  There is much afoot that they ideologically rushed too many towards that now can be said to have helped Sandy more than hurt her chances — they may have completely marched ideologically with exactly all the “solutions” for any climate change the wrong and most dangerous directions.

Atlantic City may turn out the better for this visit from Sandy that may have been advanced by Dems ideological blind rush to what seems a crony capitalism to a one sided and inadequately considered messing with mother nature.  It is still historically a wonder that we had the eight years of the Clintons with an alarmism about bigger storms and yet no help for New Orleans or its outdated and in disrepair levies and the MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet).

There were many ways for America to have lead a real economic recovery otherwise than how the Dems did while liking a politics of avoiding work for bi-partisanship.  There were ways for America if it could have avoided the Dems’ ideological GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM political agenda even if a science of a condition was unavoidable.  There were better ways to have addressed the weather threats from any actual global warming - by far.  There were ways to have celebrated not a CRISIS to justify a nationalism or new nationalism that would have helped other options work with other economic growth possibilities to have likely allowed a real economic recovery already, and, even maybe within just a couple years.

The only obstacle, for the other options that could have been with a bi-partisan patience about real issues of our time, and less of just the ideological rush of a Dem Agenda march, is that still we have that the Clintons’ years, of burning our economic candle from both ends at once, with that “captain” born William Blythe III, of having asked the banks to be to a mass gambling with derivatives, that would have made a real recovery possible already is that we still have that the Clintons’ economics did embed too much corruption into our big banks banking systems.

We have that the Clintons set up the economic down turn both with President Clinton’s desire to push a risky loaning to a housing bubble as an unfunded federal social program and with his stirring of Americans to a hyper consumerism that couldn’t hold when gas prices spiked with announcement of Hillary for President and Al Gore’s INCONVENIENT TRUTHS.  The Clintons needed to be removed from a sense of good captaining for the economy to have recovered already - and as it had possibilities whence to have recovered even within a couple of years.

Atlantic City now for post Sandy cyclonic nimbostratus darkness days and recovering may consider an old job growth economic idea of mine to remake all of Atlantic City into an American Venice with many canals and with boats in canals instead of cars on roads.

Detroit was of old days of job creation ideas fitting with our economic options for actually possible more speedy recovering.  For Detroit - for the Motor City - I though I had a turning of the tables of its own story for it to become less a facilitator of travel and more a destination to celebrate travel — For Detroit still I can imagine theme parks of GEO DOMES with year round down hill skiing in one with restaurants and spas and a desert oasis in another with camels and cultural specialities, and as well even great and large out of place tropical forests with sunny and warm indoor beach and swimming transporting experiences.

Atlantic City could become a wonderful new destination more of an international cultural experience maybe some ways other than becoming a working and large NEW Venice.

Detroit still seems a great Heart Land are aready to have some tables set better for them and even so maybe as I suggested years ago they could have us help them turn our tables for them to a destination economy.

Sandy at least you only visited as a lady booting a Category 1 responding.  I don’t know where you are now and how you may have many looking more for snow boots than work boots.

Oh Sandy - you could just as well be of party politics too much of a party having played politics too much near four years ago.  Oh, Sandy - there may be climate change and global warming and yet you may have been born of too much meddling effected too quickly and not itself be conceived from an actual as sold global warming.  Oh, Sandy - There were better ways to have addressed concerns about Global Warming however specious and ways that could have otherwise likely have turned the global economy around within two years years ago.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:44 pm

It is the word most on the tips of tongues these days around the world — TREASON? - or: It is TREASON?

For Americans now oddly more “subjects” than “citizens” we are still necessarily to a concern about details - details like:  If treason and judged so must it be punishable by death?  and,  If treason is there a statute of limitations that might offer a former President protection or eventual immunity?

“Treachery” and “treason” or “treasonous” has been in the political air of the United States of America current contestations.

With the Arab Spring as it is a post Operation Iraqi Freedom movement, and, with the new TEA PARTY activity in the USA these are the times at least trying souls over what can or cannot be said as “treason” or “treasonous” - and Constitutionally speaking or of speaking to or for a new or amended Constitution.

For the sake of simplicity for such a dire and complicated consideration we may move to strike up conversation and dialogue most civilly and peaceably by organizing an enlightened and full diatribe at least on an earlier time and an earlier Presidency even.  It is likely to close to the Presidency of the Bush administration for such years to offer enough distance and objectivity.  It is not seemingly too early or too late to decide we all could focus an in depth full consideration of what is or is not “treason” upon President William Jefferson Clinton and at least all of the eight years of the Presidency of the Clintons.

If we set up a month long public discussion now to look at TREASON from all angles and all sides at home and abroad and to even hypothetical discussions of some or all possible real or imagined assaults or consequences and do so just with a focus on WJC and the Presidency of the Clintons it seems we can look ahead without fear of finding a shortage of material for discussion.

It does seem unfair that there could have been a “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” campaign legally without the thirty years of protection of an administration’s records being first waived for the Presidency of the Clintons.  That said - we may now have to consider more hypotheticals as per the Presidency of the Clintons just to be fair to other administrations before and after the Presidency of the Clintons.   It would be logically and morally wrong to start here and if for a month with a ridiculous and preposterous hypothesis that a following administration could be “all at fault” if the previous administration isn’t even look at.

What is TREASON?   What is TREASONOUS?   And, in America where the head of our Executive Branch is, it seems, not immune from charge(s) themselves of treason while in office or afterwards there after but for a how long so, maybe.

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

Should we softly step forward by going just as far back as the inaugural speech of President Barack Hussein Obama and so to a motivating query possible since PRESIDENT HOPE AND CHANGE shouldn’t have needed to commence officially more a divider than a uniter and so on the defensive for the Democrat Party?

How did PRESIDENT HOPE AND CHANGE so make his first steps so defensively that he became a partisan divider from day one though of having run as a uniter?   How did PHAC specifically try to offer defensive politics like as if a necessary cover-up for the Presidency of the Clintons so from his first moments?

Did President Barack Hussein Obama have any choice but to go officially on the defensive from day one to an extreme partisanship because moving forward with a freedom of innocence wasn’t possible or reasonable for an admin or a party then still embracing or defending the Presidency of the Clintons?

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a  concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

What is TREASONOUS to citizens of the USA now too considerable as “subjects” of a “Post-Constitutional” era than necessary?

What is TREASONOUS to freer peoples of the Middle East now of or near an Arab Spring, and/or competition with Iraqi people to see if they in their own country might as well be capable of writing a new Constitution their own also better than the Constitution of the United States of America?

What is TREASONOUS just if of actions or inaction by a seated Executive of the office of the President of the United States, or by such as they, as Clinton may have, while he after being thought term limited, are/is of efforts to bend to near breaking the wisdoms writ large as Amendments to check post office Powers?

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a  concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

If one is of saying we are necessarily of and to a “Post-Constitutional” new normal should we ask:  Why - and if so how so?

If one is of saying we are necessarily of and to a “Post-Constitutional” new normal should we ask:  What is in it just for them?

If one if of saying we are necessarily of and to a “Post-Constitutional” new normal should we ask:  But if you don’t proceed to alter our existing Constitution for new times by prescribed processes aren’t you essentially acting to be disloyal and of an actual betrayal to our Constituted ways and so arguably of a “TREASONOUS” corruption?

Where though should we start such a month long full study of such a concern so dire it comes it seems only with a death sentence, and, so about WJC and his Presidency of the Clintons?

It would be fairer and easier to discuss all the possible “treason” of the Presidency of the Clintons if we had required upon HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT itself a Constitutional conservatism for best practices with checks and balances that they do release all the protected and secured records of the Presidency of the Clintons.

It does seem it would be unfair and illogical to start with a discussion about the Presidency of Bush 43 without first looking thoroughly at the Presidency of the Clintons and all that might best explain the problems that have arisen it seems from it.

And, again:  Why did PRESIDENT HOPE AND CHANGE start off so defensively though he had campaigned selling he could be more of the freedom of innocence and as a uniter not a divider?   What is it - was it - that he had to sacrifice his own administration with to attempt to cover-up?  I mean it must have been HUGE - right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:33 am

Original to http://2012us.jphogan.org  01/28/12


Good Morning underwater America!

As we rise this Saturday morning, all, we have the “most distinguished gathering” that is World Economic Forum at Davos over and under considering.  Our “cup of Joe” to pour out as may be available less than needed and/or desired might best be liberal art.

To pour yourself the right fix this morning to re-tune your American “global we” as still your portion from our melted pot and not to over-flowing you might be best to shake and stir yourselves and maybe with a Constitutional stretch first.

Some mental stretching before you drink from republican trough or challis this morning is best to liberal right.  Please don’t over stir this as if I have written “leftist rights”.  Our Republic and Republicans do also support the arts and our liberal arts defend a space and time continuum where a queuing air kept to our presumption of innocence.

I have been, myself to using the new frontier of new media to view in my own time the erudition and/or rants philosophical or hopeful of the analysis streamable from Davos “most distinguished gathering.”

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  It is now necessary to artfully consider that if “Hillary” can be called a “global rock star” this may be inseparable and metaphorical as if similar to her being a global black hole of anti-Constitutional matter and near treasonous in a global we to her self and our American we.

With your cup of republican Joe this morning you should try to be also a defender of our bulwarks in attitude and latitude of our threatened air of presumption of innocence so long dependent on our liberal art - and artistry.  Our Republican field in the anti-Clinton is our great new American HOPE — there is liberal artistry about all four of such current field to their continuum and dedication to continuation of our dependence on our “innocent until proven guilty.”

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  You might have heard about small or community banks failing as again and argument to a reset for huge and global big (POTTER) banks - and yet how now so and so read as red about the world and local communities it likely has to be still defensible (thanks to liberal art defense of presumption for all to an innocent until proven otherwise) as the special banking condition as of a collateral damage instigated and fronted by big banks - and specifically one or more Clintons and their global dreaming with big banking “friends.”

With your pouring of this morning to a reset in liberal arts we should consider that America still has a strong future ahead of it but one that is best to see and expose the line between Clintons as Americans and Clintons of grand global wanting.  To defend our presumption of innocence kept by the broad and welcoming (when working) liberal arts we may be best to consider that one or both Clintons in their globalness are being near treasonous to our Constitutionals.  They may be to something as a new global way in their we but as yet such is not supported or consecrated by our American ways, set and signed.

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  Sure this means that the three that do not win current attempt to save Republic as Republicans may some end up in episodes soon of PAN AM or DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES or MAD MAN - they may as well show up general still dedicated to Welfare of our preamble with TOUCH.  We have that leftist art has been inadequate of too global and that the Obama administration has used it at times hopeful to a protection from an admitted guilt (at least for the Clintons) to start with since inauguration and with a moral wrongness to use or abuse of our liberal art bulwarks to a presumption of guilt upon Republicans and specifically President George W. Bush so to try to create the necessary false sense of innocence for one or both Clintons and those accomplices to their negligence or willful lapses.

What I haven’t heard yet from DAVOS is the needed and overdue deeper debate and probing of the Clintons globalness and now complicity of Obama as accomplice as it pertains to violations of due process.  I have yet to hear the critical and artistic debate that could restore a continuum for a liberal right - as restored American rite - from DAVOS broadcasts that we are now on a good path back to with the depth and character of all four of Republican right still standing.

How’s that cup of Joe?  Tough to swallow with all the faulting of the left now poured out in its extra to anti Constitutionality?

Good morning all Americans still fighting these wars - these battles of our right to defend our Constitutional liberal artistic rites!

That said:  WAKE UP!  —  Hillary Clinton as a global “rock star” even with her so long already being to compromises in our most dear and necessary bulwark of attitude and latitude air and structures to presumption of innocence is dangerously too global and wanting so to still be “Constitutional” in our American.

To drink from my pot o thoughts this morning is to be extra-vigilant to our due process and defense of our uber-important presumption of innocence and respectful that Republicans are still of a willful participation and co-dependence with our liberal right.  Those Republicans that do not win this primary contest are deserved and well served towards breaking new frontiers for each of them with steps and footage for all cast and fed in party with liberal art and artisans of quite a few TV sets.

As we are really to consideration that Hillary Clinton in her global we is a global anti-Constitutional black hole with the “art” of past years of Obama’s renderings being to an unearned and undeserved still disruption of our presumptions with the worked bias of unreasonable absolutes to suggest a full innocence for Clintons that is impossible and to a falsely established guilt for President Bush.  We do have their artistry - those of left liberalisms now too global and unconsecrated by our secured rights and in their global we to a near treasonous propositioning in CRISIS!!! - excusing.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:13 pm

Alive still at eight three Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is likely rolling over in his grave - tossing and turning with news of today maybe his second or third worst nightmare scenario.

We can imagine that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been an early and proud supporter of this our still “present” and voting “Congress of NO!” as tagged.  There is a moral clarity offered by such.  We have those not of the “party of NO!” more to a “fog of war” and reach for eternal grayness.

Welcome to this new century - ALL!  As Martin Luther wasn’t born Michael nor as a “King” he did rise above his lot himself and to a construct of civility about forgiveness, and even such to a bought moral new clarity, it seems.  Martin Luther King Jr. and Martin Luther must be now if of today, physically and metaphysically, of wondering about Jobs and jobs - JOBS AND JOBS.

The half breed President now with a job too Jobian for some more than others may be one of the worst overdramatizations Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. might have ever imagined.  A black American, yes, but still too black but not enough a “black Irish” specifically — A son of a father and his dreams yet raised by the hard toil and work of a single mother, white.

The “Party of NO!” stands still with a real moral clarity quite inconvenient for President Obama and his JOB.  President Barack Hussein Obama can now only run towards 2012 elections to ask for a repeat - for a “new and improved” just not reasonable - just not “re-elect” “mandate” quality.  This Party of spend, spend, spend — spend, spend, spend again that is our modern Democrat Party has President BO stinking up faith and community and most race religions with its divisiveness and grayness.

We have a morality more fitting to even just Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney for the championing and passage of much of the core of our current civil rights legislation. (You have all read their memoirs, yes?)  We have the storification of years of civil rights struggles with many Republicans of a Lincolnesque and of long Jobian struggles excessive to their jobs just for the obstructive behavior and politics of many Democrats of those days.  We have that President BO to stink up 2012 elections with his grayness up against contrast of “Party of NO!” moral clarity so that we are at a rare time where truth is to be flushed out for all and more of an equality with a “re-election” only to offering an option to “repeat” not to “new and improved.”

It is simple that half breed President Barack Hussein Obama could be today the worst possible truth for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his life’s work - his ministry.  We have him Jobian, yes, and a hallmark figure for a Jobian life for all black men - but was massive unemployment and so more Jobianism as promise of “JOB” really what Dr. King was preaching?

President Obama with his ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION (not “recession” nor “depression” but design over-government “suppression” of economies.) has been an equal opportunity unemployer.  He has not been bigoted while to his Jobian for all.  He is hardly separable from the “mother figure” “Hillary” he keeps close - he keeps so close that it demeans his Lady Michelle, and looks like necessary compensation/compensating.

Critical to Democrat Party “grand” strategy was that there be some “bipartisan” history in any first term about so much top down torrent or trickles to so much forced “Jobian” for so many.  To be “re-electable” to a better future and not just a threat of a dangerous “repeat” they needed a corruption and complicity that a “Party of NO!” moral clarity does prevent.  It is a “dandy” - he has been quite a “Political Dandy.”

To be a man “Jobian” is to have a “job” even though you may not know it - right?  President Barack Hussein Obama with his “green” energy incivility and sans bipartisan has done more than Dr. King may have imagined to give every black man a “JOB.”

We have a half breed black man with a job - a holding of office of our President but with a keeping of a white mother figure a former master of such house close - too close - REALLY.

Really, you should have read KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, &, IN MY TIME by now - and not need a remedial educating now about how Rumsfeld and Cheney did as Republicans historically champion so much of our new civility.

Richard Milhous Nixon would have made a better Secretary of State than “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton ever might, even in her own dreams - her dreaming of getting away with being “Nixonian” without any calling her out on such presentations inadequately dramatic or timely considered.

We could make the case that “Hillary” is more “Jobian” as of a job and struggle she doesn’t understand - a real job challenge - too challenging.

Maybe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would today be having his first laugh, and a real belly laugh — at all these now “Jobian”.

It can be said that President Barack Hussein Obama is “BLACK IRISH” and his Irishness his secret - but I don’t think he is at all Spanish - so the Irish may be safe.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today would either being crying or laughing - really hard to nail up today, you could say.

And so we have Democrat Party and their long worked ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION they prefer to dress up as a new GREAT DEPRESSION though really much worked less of a “Jobian” unawareness than a purposeful and dedicated socialism, as spoken indirectly and at time directly to.  We have that the SUPPRESSION got its first real political legs with “Hillary for President” announcement and that which soon followed as a partisan and very political polarizing declaration against capitalism and market principles as it was near:  “I will seize all oil company profits.”

It is hard to say how aware President Obama is about his existence in a world “Jobian” much the specific handiwork and plotting of the Clinton “two-fer.”  He may be too “Jobian” in his job - due to an unawareness of his politics.

I myself may be of a “Jobian” with wishful thinking that it isn’t actually all the Irish black half of President Obama.

We have that the old lower fuel economies was a job hog - a massive somewhat hidden private - public socialism.  We have that the Democrat Party acted without balance or bias condemning what had been one of Industrial Era greatest job saver and creator.  We have that President Obama was quite “Spanish” in his “greenness” with all his marches to whiter energy (cleaner?)  done with prior and full knowledge that such by Spanish did kill two jobs, about, for every new politically correct job it created.  We have that President Obama whether “Jobian” in such as his petty handiwork did overcome “Spanish” with such a rare dedication to partisan and polarizing politics was to, it seems, a march that killed three jobs for each of his ideological existentialism.


I am being “Jobian” writing about JOB - I am not the person best to discuss with scholarship Dr. King’s “JOB” or “JOB”.  I have no idea how he meant thought:   A JOB FOR EVERY BLACK MAN.  I don’t know if it was as “white” a condition consideration where a finding of a Holy purpose above savagery and isolation his specific ideological existentialism, and or metaphysical consideration.

It seems irrefutable that Clinton “two-fer” enough in the know to have known they would kill two jobs with every one of these new partisan and polarizing politically correct agendas otherwise effected — it may actually be “Jobian” for first black President, the more black “First Black President” than President Clintons “two-fer” was in their “8? and that we may still yet have a “First Black President” with exclamations more American and historically fulfilling with one not a half-breed but directly up and out of savagery they way they once were more democratically considered.

And as now on review for consideration to a “repeat” President Obama knowingly or not, or not yet, approaches the steps anew to such free markets, such less free markets, historically.   President Obama is now up for sale with his labors what they be for our consideration of “p’s & q’s”.   He is set up now to be of lashings better meant or deserved by “Hillary” and yet may consider it his “JOB” to just suffer the fool.

Because Democrat Party “grand” strategy needed a corrupted and cooperative bi-partisanship to effect a new think to cover-up their own decades of malfeasance and misconduct and inadequate laboring - our Republicans are set now to run not “against” President Obama but FOR OUR GOVERNORS & WE THE PEOPLE.  President Obama is so left the scraps of his partisan politics to run against the Republicans running for what he has been long against.

I don’t know whether Dr. King would be laughing finally or crying today.  President Obama can be said to be one of the worst imaginable evolutions of his ministry, though black.

The grayness of the partisan polarizing political agenda of this sect of Democrat Party leadership has the “Party of NO!” set to 2012 elections with a clearer moral clarity.  They can stand for clean energy and proudly as we all bare witness now to miracles of science to new higher mileage economies that can only have been from their decades of careful job saving politics kept long supported as well in research and development so that when JOB’s less significant “new and improved” could be ushered in carefully and scientifically without it being a rash partisan knee jerk political a devastation upon a rather socialized private and public jobs construct in our free markets with lower mileage standards long a JOB saver and creator.

We have it obvious that President Bush must have been a “green” equal opportunity employer and leader as otherwise we couldn’t possibly be now witness to so many fast mileage improvements so quickly - we could be here today after Democrat Party rash political market meddling unless Republicans had long purposefully supported all the research and development that was ready so before it was prudent or necessary - unless purpose was to JOB killing.

Yes President Obama’s suffering may date primarily to “Hillary for President” announcement and effecting that had her of embodiment of a “socialism” with her declaration near exactly of “I WILL SEIZE ALL OIL COMPANY PROFITS.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:01 pm
Originally of March 24, 2010 at commentary/blog page of jphogan.org - Yes, like of a headlines out of control theme.


What will our Supreme Court do? Will they act as designed as a
‘check and balance’? Is no one reporting such as it be best considered?









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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:57 am

A real:  ‘Who is he and why is he here?’ new low for politics in America is still loitering about.

This all may be about MONKEY BUSINESS or MONKEY POLITICS of said new “BANANA REPUBLIC” governance “from behind.”  This though too is of a long overdue fuller consideration of the political pathology of “MACACA” that is likely to show Bill Clinton more of monkey business than George Allen ever was.

There are busts of all types about still of this era not an accidental NEW DEPRESSION.  These are times, it can be said, of an economic suppression by Democrats for CRISIS governance excused by convenient CRISIS - CRISIS - CRISIS busts to excuse and permit a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.

There are busts of all types about still maybe much specifically now more due a consideration of economic and monkey business of Bill Clinton - of his “two-fer” in its first sale, and, now as repackaged and sold as if new while not.

Our Senate starts off every roll call with Mr. Akaka - with “A” - with “A”s but for our political business not purposefully for monkey business.  Nearly every day our Senate convenes it does start with our Senator from Hawaii and sometimes so quickly it sounds as if they are starting off with “M… AKAKA”.

Before we offer up an overdue defense of George Allen and apology that he wasn’t able to be Reagan as much as Reagan could have been Reagan at that “MACACA” moment it seems we should talk about Bill Clinton - President Clinton - and his new and old monkey business and swinging fore and before much of the “now” as well of our new BANANA REPUBLIC.

Though the pathology of that George Allen “MACACA” moment got tagged as “monkey” slurring or demeaning it was quite a story of our Senators and how each roll call is commence with nearly a “M…AKAKA.”  Before George Allen was thought to say “MACACA” like a swear or slur to be as thought demeaning he had asked the opposition researcher to tell everyone his name.  What happened next was George Allen thinking he could be more Reagan than he was capable, it seems — it still seems that what happened next was he proceed to think he could use Senators and the Senate roll call to try to divine the young Hawaiian looking young man’s name if he could figure out whom his Senator was and if his Senator knew his name.

That President William Jefferson Clinton who was born William Blythe III and was never to knowing his dad is set to keynote at a political convention is quite democratically and Constitutionally concerning and a mess for all chance of political and diplomatic clarity for our governance all around our known world.

Yes, George Allen though of a thought “MACACA” moment is not of the party of monkey business and a NEW BANANA REPUBLIC with success in creating the necessary CRISIS moments to effect and affect a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as a torrent from the top down far from balanced as a trickle down approach better would have effected.

George Allen wasn’t, it seems, of “MACACA” but of “M…Akaka” starting with “A” and considering his spot-lighted opposition plant there had dark skin enough to maybe be racially Hawaiian.  Reagan probably could have pulled this off, though - pulled off trying to publicly guess a political operatives name by figuring out whom his Senator was - that is if his Senator knew his constituent then so about politically.

But as for William Jefferson Clinton, former and term limited President as well of a promise to operate the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE in a non-partisan and non-political way:  THIS IS MONKEY BUSINESS - MUCH OF THE RECENT TAGGING OF US NOW OF A BANANA REPUBLIC.

That President William Jefferson Clinton just as a former President with a wife now barred from “politics” as per the constraints on our Secretary of State is set to keynote is quite concerning and so much so politically regardless of how bad or good his past administering was or wasn’t — it is so concerning that it opens up a can of MONKEY BUSINESS really as if we should see and be worried of treachery even treachery near treasonous.

It seems there are no “chains” of “commands” in the Democrat Party anymore.  Really, however you consider such - there seems to be a mess about any “chain of command” in the Democrat Party.

The real pathology of our “BANANA REPUBLIC” is really about the monkey business of the Clintons and their “two-fer since their law school days - even more so than the monkeying around by President Barack Hussein Obama.  Their monkey business has already too long been our “MONKEY BUSINESS” as little known is that for them it has since they became engaged, it seems, have been:  BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST.

That the Clintons’ marriage was conceived as I recall from a first impression to a “BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST” may best explain now why so many “busts” are about our economy and failed governance and politics.  That they were conceive and consummated to all those years of plotting to put for them a “both” can be “President” above other more prudent interests may explain only partly how much they put the “infidelity” into “Infidels”.

But this isn’t about that type of “busts” nor about how for them as Christians what has been or thought to have been and for so long was not and is not polygamy but adultery.  That type of political “monkey business” is not what this is about though - except as you may get to considering it may have inhibited their governance, both.  We seem to have more tolerance these days about such - this is more about how their was treachery from their governance maybe mostly for now of a gross “negligence.”

This is how I know the Clintons and so with my knowing of them rooted with a first impression of each of them from when they were both Yale Law Students not yet engaged, legally.  I know they conceived of a political future to put their both becoming President some day ahead of most that others may more prudently have prioritized.

But for more on what to some more than others is them of a ‘treachery’ or ‘treasonousness’ here are some thoughts I shared as with Facebook as http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan morning updates:

BILL AND BUST(S) ??? next column - now under consideration.  Seems Bill Clinton with it as Constitutionally and politically wrong for him to revive himself with Putin dreamin’ by accepting key note speaking is due a fair consideration that if he uses it to finally apologize to the nation and the world some healing and bipartisanship might result.  Yes it seems he wanted as much as a come back as Putin and as more Hillary’s “Russian Bear” Bill but still his speech if allowable can be used to finally apologize for all that is actually mostly his fault.  We have all the soldiers who died because the Clintons didn’t fund body and truck armor in their times of new types of conflicts on the known horizon.  We have that bridge that just fell down and killed people that should have had some of his extra trillion of available funds cut to chase surplus popularity.  We have the failure of MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet) during Katrina much so for he had the money to finally be the first President since 1983 to attend to it as necessary work and especially since he was a climate change guru supposedly already aware of dangers of more and larger storms.  We have as well all the school children with schools falling down and books beyond otherwise national top standards.  Yes, Bill can maybe actually do some good with his speech if he steps up and frees President Obama from these years of trying to cover up for the Clintons and so that he by apologizing for his own gross negligence in governance and maybe as well with a nod of apology for it seems his underfunding to the tune of an extra trillion might be deemed of a causal negligence that stirred or caused 9/11 at least more than Saddam did.  Bill shouldn’t speak but if he does maybe some good can come from it and an apology to the entire Bush family for false accusations and cheap politics for so many years of lies.

> More on the “loveable” Bill
>More maybe for BILL AND BUST(S) >>
Well we have he could apologize for pimping America into the hyper consumerism of maxed out spending that caused the housing crash as once Al Gore started trumpeting inconvenient “truths” with global alarmism and the price of gas spiked those that trusted the Clintonomics found they no longer had enough in their all American fixed middle class incomes and lowe
r class wages to pay both for gas and for the mortgage.  And, that Bill did ask Bankers to “find a way to gamble away the risks” he wanted unwisely for his ‘Housing Bubble’ economics - he asked them to come up with the new grand scheming that grew out from what ever had been before to be too too too big just to try to gamble away the risks of Clintonomics of willful attempts to be popular by burning our economic candle from both ends at once. He didn’t have to run the risky loaning as he did essentially as threatened and doomed from the outset as most it was set up as an unfunded federal social program.  And, then of course there is Iraq >> I guess the Clintons never had “Bite” in sanctions on Saddam > It figures for by all reports to date that I know of there have been no reports that the Clintons’ left Bush any “enter and exit” strategy ready and worked out as should have been expected.  No it seems the Clintons never bothered with a “what if?” as per Saddam Hussein and just kept passing the bucks — it is hard to believe that for all their 8 years they never figured out at least how to enter and liberate Iraqi to enforce the UN sanctions or even better figured out how to enter and then exit so to be prepared to keep America and coalition states drilled as liberators and not occupiers.  That and this is really how the Clintons should be now already in our history books, right?  At least how they now should be in all our news for the next week?

Please do help figure out all the MONKEY BUSINESS about 2012 and our future before it is too late.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:00 am

George Washington was from Virginia, one of America’s - the United States of America’s - first states.  When he married at some point after that his in-laws library some became his - his in-law’s sex books became his/theirs.*

Lower on the river earlier in his youth it is told of “George” and cherries not that he was cheatin’ with eating of cherries that were not his nor a tree he had full rights to but that he somehow was not able to lie about having “cut down” or “not cut down” a cherry tree however possessed.

I am not sure where Mitt Romney is actually from.  There are stories near enough of his origins of acceptance and localities that it seems at time he was born in Mexico.  Do we have to celebrate his machismo like as if a Mexican?

There is construction and dramatic writing of good and better grammatical construction - and deconstruction and abortive writing.

The politics of the moment are now prefaced for the Democrat Party Convention beggarly in reality but for now rank without clear “rank.”  It seems out of order and sans chains that President Clinton can or should key-note for President Obama.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Period!

Since it seems the Party of Obama has surrendered to a Clinton we should be vigilant not to presume or prejudge that he as prostrated himself to both Clintons. 

Though President Clinton as key-noter politically can be carved into history books for a coup and a successful playing to get President Obama essentially at least “on his knees” it seems if so we have the “machismo” and chauvinism of President Clinton most to also celebrate.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Is it “Bill” more than “Barack” - though?

Period!  This is not the old story of George Washington not being able to lie.  Period!

Our 22nd Amendment is not the Women Suffrage Amendment.  Our 22nd is supposed to chain President Clinton.

An akin comment now may be more stressing - even after the fact - even long after the facts.  It can be a matter of kin and a killing of family as soon as one moral moment has passed with a life accepted as a life and so as kin to the kin but how.

The Democrats are heavy booted now even though of imagery of bare footed and in chains.  The Democrats are like all:  IT’S ALL JUST EVOLUTION BABE OR DUDE!  The Democrats seem devoid of lobby or belief that there is still potential at least - at least unexplainable in “miracles of faith.”

I am not saying the Democrats have now prefaced their 2012 convention with a suggestion that they would also have crucified the Virgin Mary.   I have heard there can be droughts and deluges - hot and cold “seasons.”  I figure you can say of “rape” or “rape” grade “assaults” that such may be one of few times one can be completely alone though not really alone.

Period!  The Democrats have a women problem this election year.  Period!

As EVOLUTIONISTS first and “just take a government pill” second we bare witness to the Democrats quite out of sorts at least on chains of commands as per their convention.  Is it President Clinton on his knees beggarly for his wife to be able to keep her job?  Is it a visual aid that Obama has been a victim of a coup by the Clintons and essentially and “legitimately” raped of his “higher” power?

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  Where is Hillary Rodham Clinton - really, politically?

I don’t know how if when - I don’t know why if how so - I don’t understand Democrats embracing just being “subjects” as “#s” either.  But, can they actually legally and legitimately legislate away miracle of faith?  Can they remove the BUDDHIST FROM BUDDHA and the “golden” from “GOLDEN BOY”?  Can they treat us all as if needing union cards as papers to travel and exist?

Akin to all this is still that miracles are not always on time and faith may be better than socialistic obedience to a distant and cold government too nationalistic.  Also a kin to this again is that though a “legitimate” rape may or may not cause pregnancy the power talked of intelligently some though of mysteries of life mostly is still of an Evolutionist and Creationist purview.

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  They more than most seem subjects more than citizens.

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - a physical triangulation can be Government with just a pill.

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - “There is no God” by Congress violates our First Amendment as being clearly if a law or in a law an attempt at “establishment respecting religion.”

Whether a physical triangulation needed or a spiritual one - Women regardless of your parties - this year is for you.

Akin, again to all this is that a “rape” however might just as well increase the chance of pregnancy as it might self abort - so I would think.  And, again as per “rape” or “rape” grade assault one may never be alone but not alone but when.

And still akin to all this timely as 2012 for both parties seems a year made for women or at least their issues:  The power to prevent a fertilization however if only a magical power of higher human development in faith and seeking may also be evolutionary as a concern that women who curse that they can become pregnant and again and again have been evolving to be less able to become pregnant if they actually curse in ways they would better be not too as they may put cold or trying work above a holistic faithful attitude about whatever they may be employed about doing.  If there is a “power” not even “super” or “magical” and like as if a human internal “over-cooking” or “drought” then women have the power to curse themselves to being less fertile - so it figures. 

Period!  The Democrats have a woman problem this election year.  Period!

And akin to all this raised up unexpectedly by Senate candidate Akin, besides the trying decisions about abortion after even just one moment of carriage morally as if kin however, is that some remains that if this “selectivity” exists for women it may be the norm more than a new normal and be a general attitude for some when entwined but not in rape - when with their husbands in the usual course of affairs. 

Period!  2012 is a year at least for women’s issues - Democrats have at least political problems convened for Hillary.  Period!

Was/is George Washington parable about lying or laying - about cheatin’ and cuttin’ and running?

Seems we have at least now to figure is it towards the Democrat Convention that President Obama is on his knees and not term limited President Clinton even as he should be billed for being there on his knees to beg for Hillary to keep her job - like?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:35 pm

It is elementary dear Budget San.  You may be away from your wheel house for a while, actually quite a while.

Before one can set sail anew it may be more about how you budget than why you budget.

There may be something equally historical to the lost decade for Japanese economy and the T BIRDS.

As an avian Bill flew yet as an avian Hill seems to have her wings clipped.

As Bill set sail fronting as a “two-fer” Hill now sinks, and hardly fathoms her problema maxis.

Her T BIRD is fried - it hits the pan and burns.  Avian fluish less her condition than Evian spelled backwards.

We could all start with:  THERE IS NO MONEY FOR BOATS.

We could all start with:  Cars, threats foreign and domestic - in early 90s we didn’t need to assimilate.

MacAurthur, General, had boats but the Navy had ships and vessels - you could say.

Anjin San had a ship, had another, even had another, I think.

In the early 90s we didn’t need to assimilate Americana to JAPANESE MANAGEMENT CULTURE.

IBM may have been ready - yet a story as trying as Anjin Sans there may be to floating IBM from such whence.

Her T BIRD is fried - it hits the pan and burns.  Avian fluish less her condition than Evian spelled backwards.

It is elementary dear Budget San.  You may be away from your wheel house for a while, actually quite a while.

There may be something equally historical to the lost decade for Japanese economy and the T BIRDS.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?  Have you even heard of the bird flu so avian and Asian whence?

IBM may have been ready - yet a story as trying as Anjin Sans there may be to floating IBM from such whence.

America didn’t have to follow its leaders it didn’t also be to such “almost” JAPANESE MANAGEMENT assimilation.

GE may have been on board at first and as well rallied to sail and tack back to more American waters.

Before one can set sail anew it may be more about how you budget than why you budget.

For the Japanese of early 90s nothing suddenly surprising wasn’t quite a gung - ho as they had planned.

For the United States of America today we should deal with an elementary of a Budget San as well as naivete of a Hill.

There may be something equally historical to the lost decade for Japanese economy and the T BIRDS.

As Bill set sail fronting as a “two-fer” Hill now sinks, and hardly fathoms her problema maxis.

Dear Budget San,  how elementary is it that CLINTONS’ SURPLUS & OBAMA’S IN RED STATE are irreconcilable?

These truths we hold self evident — we should.

It is elementary that OBAMA’S RED STATE SPENDING upside down to CLINTONS’ TOO BLACK SURPLUS.

We could all start with:  THERE IS NO MONEY FOR BOATS.

We could all start with:  Cars, threats foreign and domestic - in early 90s we didn’t need to assimilate.

In the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and two years either Clintons are right or Obama is right.

It should be elementary and self evident that these two can not both be right.

As Bill set sail fronting as a “two-fer” Hill now sinks, and hardly fathoms her problema maxis.

For the Japanese of early 90s nothing suddenly surprising wasn’t quite a gung - ho as they had planned.

Are we all clearly now of a tale of SHOBUDGE with trials of a Budget San?

Oh, Captain our Captains - Clintons can not also be right if Obama right about spending.  One dishonorable?

Before one can set sail anew it may be more about how you budget than why you budget.


Call me Budget San?

Call me ghost of 90s past when once more to a T BIRD stand for domestic over expected foreign flop?

We could all start with:  Cars, threats foreign and domestic - in early 90s we didn’t need to assimilate.

MacAurthur, General, had boats but the Navy had ships and vessels - you could say.

Were we just court marshalling MacArthur - a past Robert Moses of Japan - of Japanese?

Was the JAPANESE MANAGEMENT CULTURE we suddenly turned from assimilating to too MacArthur so?

As an avian Bill flew yet as an avian Hill seems to have her wings clipped.

This time a budget - a Budget San wheel house or not our USA still sworn to Constitutionals?

This time a budget - a Budget San with less float needed?

We could all start for CLINTONS’ SURPLUS “bad” if RED STATE SPENDING “good”?

We could all start for RED STATE SPENDING “bad” if CLINTONS’ SURPLUS “good”?

Yet it seems elementary, finally, and consecrated enough that C’s SURPLUS has cost too much to rebuild.

We have that Hill of Bill doth cut near two trillion with cutting “good” and spending to the red “bad”!

As Bill set sail fronting as a “two-fer” Hill now sinks, and hardly fathoms her problema maxis.

Her T BIRD is fried - it hits the pan and burns.  Avian fluish less her condition than Evian spelled backwards.

Anjin San had a ship, had another, even had another, I think.

We could all start with:  Cars, threats foreign and domestic - in early 90s we didn’t need to assimilate.

MacAurthur, General, had boats but the Navy had ships and vessels - you could say.

You could ask Akers or Welch, maybe even Punch or Pinch.

Before one can set sail anew it may be more about how you budget than why you budget.


Call me Budget San?

Call me ghost of 90s past when once more to a T BIRD stand for domestic over expected foreign flop?

Before one can set sail anew it may be more about how you budget than why you budget.

We have that Hill of Bill doth cut near two trillion with cutting “good” and spending to the red “bad”!

Her T BIRD is fried - it hits the pan and burns.  Avian fluish less her condition than Evian spelled backwards.

We could all start with:  THERE IS NO MONEY FOR BOATS.

We could all start with:  Cars, threats foreign and domestic - in early 90s we didn’t need to assimilate.

MacAurthur, General, had boats but the Navy had ships and vessels - you could say.

Anjin San had a ship, had another, even had another, I think.

In the early 90s we didn’t need to assimilate Americana to JAPANESE MANAGEMENT CULTURE.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

It seems self evident there still is a shipped naivete that C’s SURPLUS can be a “good”.

We have little figured yet just how much more it has cost USA to put back so much spending cut by Clintons.

As an avian Bill flew yet as an avian Hill seems to have her wings clipped.

As Bill set sail fronting as a “two-fer” Hill now sinks, and hardly fathoms her problema maxis.

For the Japanese of early 90s nothing suddenly surprising wasn’t quite a gung - ho as they had planned.

For the people of the world - Republicans and patriots all - things aren’t going as Clintons planned or budgeted.

{note:  Yes this is partly autobiographical and as well of those years mine still in my early twenties so to standing against businesses of Business Roundtable and IBM at least when the dared seem to take first step to issuances of a guidance suggestive of an American need to assimilate all to JAPANESE MANAGEMENT CULTURE.}

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